HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-09 - Newport Harbor News Press• • ' . co ........... Pf ................. ...... ....... 0.-... liar, a.. ........... _. ........... ....... at 1111 W.a •A1a Bhd.. Newport .... Odf. MESA WATER DISTRICT SHAREHOLDERS IN ROW 1'1111111 tl~llM .... " ,. 111! ••• .,. L. SATTLER H...,,_ ••• .... .con USY·PAYllSMI' llUIL9MeLOM o..-........ • ..... _ • ...... .. ....... • ,....,,, ............ . .._,_..,.:AauJtll • Ila I Fl ...... ,_ ,....-.... e...'4 .... JRSI rtfr .... • ......... ( ·····~-- -·; ~,., : ;~tcMlllal(-.,..; ; ... ,. :,.:••j> ~ . . : ...... ~ Jlfll1 ~ : : " ........ I II Kff11 : : ltu'-,,_,..,,,,,,~ : , ................ _j SALE Roberts Jewele~s Jewelry * Watches * Sitverwere DJ1/2 M•lae Ave. •••• Annual AFJER INVENTORY SALE Tiie ....... ......., • rlcu MAPLE FURNITURE SAVE NOWI Opell .....,. ... ' HERE'S A • • Bon cl eel LINING 95 FOR YOU! ..,..... ., NO llYITS Unl111 cmcl Labor , COURTNEY & LESTER c ........ U .. 11t7 ATTENTION ALL MIN WALL rs Mam 8BOP "" ...... , 9.1\'d. ooel'A llDA alllOBEI lllDlllSI ..,,., 10llY ClllllS ..... llADll AJllD OOl'l'llLLO ....... ,.. ..,... ••• Cap(' LIDO · CLUBHOUSE IN REMODELING STAGES m!ai.tNUY• oltlcel Wbldl wtll '9 p..-4 ott rt-om t.M l°'*P u• new prden room. l!>ORT:/~ .. ,., NOW SHOWING Jl'OA AN DTltNDED atJN . . . Starts s.-, "Vera .Cnll" aut• .... CM I .......... ....... _.. ... ....................... Ln'S GET ON WITH THE SHO•I MID H" 1•9" . UCLISlflf .. ......... ...... _...,. ,.. ....... ,. ef ftttlfty, ecc•• ... •-ltl•• •II'••'•· s.,.c1.1 '••••• ....................... _...,....., .... , .... ,...., .............. .... UCLISIYll , ............ ~ ...... Oe•lll• Hll'•clty heMlet .. ................. .. ................ •lft ... . ,.,...,,._. ..... c-,..-..... ,.. ............ . ..... ,.. ..... .._ wMt IM•H ••••~el Jake's Appliances Oaly Norse Dealer la tile llubor Ana LOW DOWN PAYllENT e EASY TEIUlll ""You 11.anol' &... ~ llen1ee c.tW" SALES -Llbert7 MM1 -8DVIOI; 1tJ7 tt.taor •cL c ......... • W• Offer Oow:plete lletrlpt"atioll 8ettlbe • • .. PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -FEB. 9, 1955 . Dickens Night Health Affairs Sp .... Sc:111•I• Set At Collete DIATH NOTICE MESA VOTERS TO DECIDE SCHOOL BOND ISSUE FEB. 15 of Interest to District P-TA at Art Gallery IMS 0. aou.t Tr.a meet. pt .-.....Y tor Fwaeral 81"1c. wen Mid 8'\,. A.a wiuaial prorram will be Otange Coast c..ll•r• apln.1t Ill given al the l.afWlt. Beach .Art Camino on the rival oval J'eb. II, urd&y a f 11 a..m. ~ ~ts Col"Oll& "a.au Today to be Healthy," Qallt'ry on ialW"d&y, i'eb. U at Coach H uuton 11.&rper a.nnounc~' del Mu Mortua17 for Jack C. was the liUe ot a pro3ram con· S p.m •• when Profell30r J"rcJerlc tod.,.y. lattlal llome cinder ap· j Rolls, 80, ot 31302 C11Ml P ola\, I E....L at • Clal C ...1-...1 R ctucted through p111el dlscuulon at G. c. Wood and bis cha.n nlnl' wife, penra.ne. rer UM OCO thlnclada ls 1 South Laguna. The Rev. H . Vt'r• uUCOrl m t .roWlllWU OOmS the 4th District meeting of Cali· I Bt"&t.rlce, wtll prcwit a progTa.m, 1lated M lhrch • when the RI\'· I non Hurls of St. Mary's J!:pt11eo· fom la Congrese or ParenlJI and "Word P lcturt"J In Dl .. kt"ftll". with entde runners hit the Mesa. 1 pet Church, La"ana Bt"ach. of· in Request for $875,000 Bond Teachera held at Garden Grove. readings by .Mrs. WooJ. This ls For aJI home meet1: Harper flclated at rUea tor the pioneer County health 6ervlce. were dl.. In honor of Dickens' birthday an· a&t4 field event.a will .ia rt al 3 Ora.nF,e Countl&J\. Dltomlmltnl Vot n 1 In the Coalil Meaa Union School District wlU determine whether their children will have adequa te a<·ho~n& or conllnue to tM educaUonally crowded wh• they go to the poll• In the $875,· 000 1ebool bond elect ion J'eb. lr>, tile M e.a boi.r d of truatee1 an· nounced la.at nlftlt. Dlllt·nct enrollment In k1n~r­ garten through the elghth grade haa swelled 80 per cent alnce 1960, they pointed out. 1Jl March, 1950 there were 1897 pupils. Thia Jan· uary, there were 3UO •tudents. The eatJ1119te for October, UIM, la 4277 puplla or Jln •enrollment In· creaae 11lnce 19:50 of 12:5 per cent. DOUBLE SESSION Now, 772 children In the n nit and aecond g'rades are on double eeulon. The t.rusteea report more wtll have to r o on double or triple meulon unle1111 more buUdlnga are 0011.1tructed.. at the end of so yeara will become cussed by authoritle11. Warren nlversary. p.m.'. trsck evHlla al a :30 p.m. AU wu In Foreal Lawn. 1 a grant to the dlitncl. Mendenb&ll, ualstan l auperln ten· Prot. and Mre. Wood need no meet1 will be tree t o t he publlc. Bo.m m Cha.lham, Ontario, ClUI· P olling placea f ar the 1]>9Clal t1mt of Orange County Schools, tntrnduclion to Lagul)a ua they The h~e ac:hedule : Jilareb '· 1 •da. R~lls came lo Santa Alia ln school bond e>leetlon of the Costa waa moderator. I have been wlnl<'r realdents for Rlv,·r:ilde. March 15, ).fl, San An· 1880. ''hero hl11 tat her w" on" Mesa Union School I>t1trlct P'eb. Attending the meeting were p . ma.ny year!!, corn.Inc t1ral In J :l36 tonio; March 18, Pa•ckne; March ' ot lhe tin t d1"1.1&(llts. The cte· Hi w111 be located at ~a School, TA represent.a lives M.rs. Harv~ and making u visits 11ince that 2U, Sa.ntn An~; Ap\U 27, Ea•tu n 1 <"rasej l!ved I:\ Inyo County for H1milton and Myer Place; Main I Pe&H, Corona del Mar; Mra. Lll· 1 ttme. A qua.rterly meeUng at 7:30 Confertnc• prellmlnariu; AprU many y<"ars, where h• H rve d var· School. 1901 Newport Blvd. and lenlha.I, Mra. Porter Sinclair, Mr. will precede the progn.m. 30, Ea.stern C.m!trence finals. I 1011aly as judz e, postmaater and Monte Vl!!ta School. Monte Vlita arid Mra. Char il'• Hanal'n. Horace Mec~s aw:i,;-· Feb. 2:5, El C\lm· county cor(lner. H e rettrtd 27 and Tustin Aves. Ensign; Mrs. Ha rold Boyvey, first lno; Ma!'ch 1, Harbor JC: Man'h 1 year11 1g-o to South La~na, la I orange c ounty Bay View No. 3 vice prealclent of the •th District: Local Shrine Stag. 11, San Bem 1rdlno; .Aprtl 1, Jl'ul· 1 survifed by five nephew• and I' precinct 11 now In Newport Beach Mrs. J. S. Raub, Harbor Hlch First annual 11laR dinner and I lerton; April 22, Ch~tfey. 1 two nlece9• .Elementary School Dl1trlct and School; ).fr. .and Mrs. WilUam show to be held by t he rec4.'nlly will not vote In the Me1a election, O'Brien, Harper, Coata Mesa; formed Gold Coa.at Shrine Club Superintendent I:. A. Rea announc· Mr11. J. Malcolm Reid, Mrs. J os-1 will be held Thureday night at I ~. eph McShane. nt Everett Rea ; and 7:15 o'clock In Newport Harbor II u t Cl Ab1entee ballots for the election Mu . Norman Carlson tor Ha.rbor Yacht Club, C. R. "J erry" John· p own eaners may be obtained by wrttl.ng to the View. M rs. Dennis Hogland, pre>al-"<in, prt!s1dent, a nnounced Monday. I ' coun ty .upertntenden t of ldloola dent for the Har~r Council or All 8hrlners arnl their Maaonlc 1 tn Santa .Ana. or voter• may p ick P·TA alto attended. rrltnds are Invited to attend. up a form letter at the echool d l•· ---------~ ~~~~ I Now la the Time to have your Clearing House Gains $200,000 Over December . FURS RESTYLED OF LONG BEACH Announce the Openin9 of their new store 1928 West Balboa llvd. To uaure the bonding capacity to f1D&nce Mua achool dlllrtct neede, YOtera J'eb. 15 m'uat approTe two pro"°91Uona by a two-third.I marstn: 1. Sl 78.000 In boftdL 2 . .Acceptanoe Of a H .UIS0,000 max!· January clearblr boU.. f igure• Newport leadl mum IOUl from atate tunda. for Newport Harbor lhO'tlNd P .· • • • Tile~..,..~ for u.. 311,7118.M worth of bualne11, ac- echool ._rict to c:ootribut.e u tt.a cordtn1 t.o Roland wrtpt, ma.nac- aha.re ~ total coet of u.. buil4· er Of th• Bank of Amartca. Wrt(bt Speciolizing lnl' _..,. apan.llea Pl"OCftlll· n. aald th19 la an lncruae ot about VERY SPECIAL state ~ ban .... ftted lrJ '200,000 over the December ftgura. "OU S..C. 1_ L-d -•-a--~ _ tM _,,..,..-ot-Clilltotala w-,.. .fte-toW ........ "'° UM eteiar--Ht--t ___ • ___ "_P_Bl_CES __ _, m ~'!-~n"!I. Gnu overcrwded dlltrtcU lDl• eo.ea tq bouee tor tta thrM moaUaa of B1'941.&lllCJ of ladles' Giid Wini .ftAB AID and Janua&17, la SU0'1,HUl, SANTA ANA COMPANY t•ntle111e111' flH appanl UT Harrison Pontiac Repair Your Car (Outline of H•rrison's Policy l • Repairs comp~et·e when Prom:sed • LOWEST PRICES • Latest MODERN EQUIPMENT •Free ACCURATE Estimates • Factory TRAINED MECHANICS • GENU!NE Factory. Parts • COURT!SY is Our Watchwqrd • Establlshecl since 1940 •REPAIRS, PAINTING, BODY S.. lay FudCJe -Senlce Maaaver Freel Cooper -Asslstallt Ma•aver Roy Johnson -Senlce, Sain Al ,,. •• -lody Shop ........... Orup Coaatr• COMPLETE AtJTOllO'nVE OENTllB Coner hd a a,....,. Keaa. operatloD, NO'Nlllber, December, FUR r· -- 'Ibe bWtea9 repcwte4 ~ Jut Wrtpt l&kl. • x-llalJdlas propam ... n. ------308Nort11...._,. suataAaa ui-om • High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1'1' 11&nced ~~ &bict boDd9 ud Zoll'--AllleRclH•llt iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiilliiiiiiiliilliiilliiiiiiiiiiiRiiilllliilllllllliillliiiliiiliiiiiliiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lt&te aid. 'l~ ID UM dinrtct -._ ..,.. now NtllS tw ·Ula& at tllil ............ Pauecl rat• ot •o Olat. .,.. 1100 ot .. ...-1 ftbaetU.. lDeJudtnc the GNt a..iuuon ot l.ntatlon to un-4 of di.trtct llolMle ud tts. IMt .tale the ~ kw8 pwtalnlnl' to pro. Joan. f...aoul otDeee ·~ puHd Jail. The Jl"PC*d ~ propam, '° b7 Ul• Newport Bw:b Plannlnr Which iDolude9 f.oV MW ecboo1 0Nnm1•0ft. _ litea nw a i_,_.. 8llU ud CWTentJy U.. law st.at. prot_. ~ ot Iota ~ liltM, ..one.i otttcea an perm.lti.d ta C-1 w1ll c.t tJle ~ 11 omta 90DM and In ft-6 -• with a me ~r $100 ft.l\la.Uoa or apprammai.-pennit. It ll Uli9 tntantJon ot UM 17 ae.ao ,_. ,._.. tor t.M &YVa&'• commJaaion to delete 11eet1oa 11oa .• talq>&Jw. TIU t.a tor NUreaMDt '2 p&NCTaph B of the code wtucb et UM SITl.000 lloed a-_ pennJt.a prot...SOOal ottlo. In 1\.-4 ftAD &SPA.DIENT 80n~ 1'llll wouJd relltrtct them to C·l -cm.17. No paJIDtat w1l1 '8 ea.de• aa. ---------propoled P.111.000 etate &ou ua· tU lhe atate Jou Oil the Jut lulld- tnr Prom& I• paid off. AQ a- Planners Grant · HetWJ ,.. Hilt Scllool Jobs Approwecl Approftl wu (tftll TUe9d&y ntpt by Ule !f,wport 8eadl ... mmt&r7 8clMM>l DUtrlct Doud of ~ tor the t:rauter ot )(n • .................. olNok- _,.. &Dd Kn. J....U Wo.lf• to ~ pOliU. ot bulDMI ottloe w. A. Berny Jr. wu puaW MCfttU7. a UM p.nnit Ju. JO by Ule N.-;;,,• -------- port Beaeh Plamllns ·~ AL-1---~ a.w lllb..-...-to conetniet an a.coe.G'7 ~· .,..,........ •r ~ lnr of Mftll sva.... a lfbnry liClt.UOll!ft'O (Ofl) -Mal· &Dd .iorap room on ,...,. ot Iota oolm z. Barrte. ~ •tat. ll· I , t , 10 and 1 1 at Balboa Bl1'd. quor dlnctor, bu dl«ml-.d and J SL charSM that 'ftacDu C&.NOQ, 2111 n. new at.ructun wW be uled JleJ'adden ~ Mewport Bea.ch, in eonnec:Uon with a rutdenee fae· aol4 Uq\lor to • Jlllnor. • LQf the b&y and located on lote ' Tbe heartnc otncer who took alld 6 of block 36. teetJmony In the cAM recommend· moat unp&ld t :l l .. 1.tat.e IO&Zl ecr dJaml-.1 of th• aceuauon. mllH'S llOSI MO•ll IWVATIOI • A Co•ll 11111 llep.....,.......,,... INltNU tlftcl '9N •P'iftt 9'.a ......... • '""'""'· dcMAile ~ """, • ....,. ~ .,.cf "'*" leeed ..... pock wtilcll ...... ~ ..... • Syitaonlzed ~tlon •Ii"'..._' "'°"'"* tvnllftt. • TN Sleepdet has e ,.. ..... ~ ••lrt ~ wllll ,....,_. ............. beddint lleeffy llftcf h'1 .. ploce. A f rtlfr Hew Sleep Volue • • A mericv · 1 morl econotrtkal rlHp .,.;_,,,y. , .... llwh.J '° 04/I.,. '°'.,..,,.. ·~ Ol'llZB IU Tl'&U8 llETS ....--. a llot Sprhts JI.et'. •.at •AAM Oar Pnc. ---.... ~·..: ... ___ .,.,. CARLYLE'S FURNITURE 1990 Harbor llvd. Costa Mesa FREE GIFT WRAPPING on all VALENTINE GIFTS , -AJAX 2 ,_ 1tc. IOOTT TOILET "«··- ~ 25c ---~.. ~~ Tl DE 59c GIA~"T SIZE so 5c Ot. mwu l.llfDWIOB BAQI z:u : 5c 26ito~ ) 8C L'DlfOB uoa zu WilPUD . \\'oodea CLOTHES PINS 15 ft. 21 ' ~.ne t.4lt1' Plutic WALlET Reg. $1.00 69c l.tt ..... -.-~ ..... 79t Plutle 0-W-A-. t'OIOl'I 79; DISH DRAINER Re". tse .... __ ..... Bab1 BoUJ9-WllJ .. a Blacll __. Sl.69 STEllUZIR -.. •U•·-- 2 for 125' ~· i'1uMl&'ld IATI'ERY -.. ~ .. -- SPONGE MOPS 5259 a.. u .ao ...... ·-····· . ;;c=o..A?ol'tJ 89' Jkoir. tk ... -·~--- PortMle, wltll '-'>' canv. baf' $49I LAUNDRY CARTS ae1 . ......__···· £. ~Mud 5167 PAD & COVER n.11 ,,..ue·-·--eu._._. twt1J eonr Mid lll'avy lrntt 1194 I DRUG NEEDS I :::::mTD ':!ai°' 67c -----...:. 5~19c -- Jewelry loxes 1/1 OFF Wllft'MAN Reel LSC H..t ~ .. -,. LIDO DRUGS "ON of UM Lid. lllaopa• Mel Via Udo, NeW'pOI'( a.ob HARBOR DRUGS aao1 z. eout a,., 0oroa del 11&r ' IAUOA DRUGS" VAl.flfTlllS 1atot10 lOC Reel H..tK• 1tc ROSE IEI HEART WHITMAN·'S HEART Dehau Aut. wltb Dou '=~s MARSHMALLOW HEART 29' ~~g HEART 1 LB.200 ~Ifs~ HEART 1 LB.211 CANDY CINNAMONS 19¢ 6~ OUNCES VALENTINE JELLY IEANS and Whit• l l • VALENTINE Paper Plate• 17c Paper Napkins 17c Paper Cups 19c B.U'D PAOISD Ice Cream ttnta JOc Qurte Mc Cones .... Sc DoaW. 10c lulk Stvle o~7'JC THURS, Fii. & SAT. FD. 10 • 11 • 12 Toa.+rv Items ITOPErrz-IPii f DKODOJlAKT J-s... 49..day lllalatan $1.25• bo\Ue ·-··-·· -- ~!I~ ~I=. .49' ..... '2.00-16 01. "'2" t.moll.iat ••voo • rm __ _ .... "' of I J&tr. $1.00 1ia 1>orou.r an, ..... ,... ... r s1 ur LIPITIOU ·--· tei for • a.r. 2.00 Value $1.Js• .&Qu .... ma tonow .... -.... $1.60-Co loalal Dam• ~1.25i .&LL P17RPOI& aa&AJI ···-~ :o~;i:z.... 1.is~2.00, l.so· Lent.herio 1.50_2.50_ e TWISD BOQUBT.___ 1 Whi\e lboulden 2 75 5 oo• COL001'Z ._... . .. • ' • 20 knlopt1 ~r bos • 91c• BUBBL& BA TH ~or Liquor Dept • PJlIDS or lnclana Kn TUCKY Host· Bottled In Bond 100 Proof 3" II yra. old llff.Ut DJLOBKY Yoclla ~Proof 3'7 ~r. 3M PAT Reserve Stralrtit 3" 4 yra. old J"ilth "Proof I_ Reciprocity Tea Held bY Ebell Club · Musical Program and Section Art Show For O• Week Only GALLON PAINT SALE! LOW-LOW-ntCES WAli HtDI ........ h. ,. ___ s4~ ......_.___ .. .a .... .......... _.. H6USE PAINT .......... ___ s5'5 Brktl............ s5•s CEME~IDE ,. ,..~---'-· ™10FiNasH ,. ------~495 F« 11s • tloon-W_,. .. a.. SAVE $2.00 Wida l ,.aloa or mor. ..._. PludlleM ...... ~_,_... $'MS BRUSH~~ ·--·-· 1.-- • New Members Are Welcomed by Mermaids ,..,. 10, 11, 12 ~ ... COffll CAD .... -2r ...... NAm MJUC CHOCOIATI CAD ... ~ .......... .-7" ........... v-......aumi COOK1IS ............. 2" v .......... CUP CAJCIS ....... -5' ( :.-::• .... r• .. , ............ W, Gift Wrapped CHOCOIATIS ... OOllTA llE8A 1700 N_,.,.. ..._ COllOJllA Da. II.&.& .. Olelil ""7· .600&0'8 L&GUlU 111&.&m Ill ......... ., B.u.BOA ISLAND HO llutM A"" NEWPO&T a&.U:8 ao o..a 11w7. an-noanc1n9 ••• new travel bureau service . in Newport Beach ••• Only Aulhwlwl Ag111l1 for all sche•lecl Air Uw ••• Aulhorlled Agents for Stecw1r llllp C.WS.-Toun. ~. NO SERVICE CHARGE PHONI I HARBOR 4100 I FOR ALL YOUR· TRAVEL NEEDS . Harbor Travel Agency JIM HERMAN .~d BETTY Mc:CULLOU&H ... mt ..... St o.. .._ .. 01 11n 8Wioa Newport leach .,... • tl£ • • la th• Ude> ShopplD« c.enw ,. I CHE,RUB Evaporated Homogenized MARGARINI Coldbrook 2 1 ... 2sc Yellow &tna. TOMATO SAUCI JmteT.. ...... 5c Spedal Prim - COFFll IDWA-, ... as· VOGN9 Pocbd ... -··u. , ... aoc TepallllQualtr .... AIRWAY , ... 79c llAM-.1~ .. .... .. ICI MILK IAM> IOX VOflltlo, Stw-'*'Y, Choeolcrt9 ~3S' I II - C D M .OU•N TIAYIL SDYICE 3542'/2 E. Cwt Hlway o.... ... .,. HarMr 1246 Coltne Gibbou • Dorothy McKenna • Musuertte Hugbell Spealal'dnc la ladepedlat ......._ tlMant. mm. ... AD ,._.... of forelp travel wt NICllt YWtlo-. COLINE DOROTHY MARGUERITE .SPARERIBS MmlUM SIZE 3-lb. to 5-lb. average Select Eastern rortr lb. 29' SLICED BACOI ~ ~ 3tc 'FRESH PICllCS e:-~ 2tc • BEEF LIVER = ~ 3tc FIAIKFURTERS ~ ~3tc ' FRESH FRYERS ·c:! ~ 47c COD FILLET C=M FISH STICKS c: FRISH IGGS F•INCH ••llS , Froz. f.-ch fried Pota1oe1 \AIOI sm QIADI A ...... 2::29- AVOCADOS 2 1or ·19c ·-POTATOES= 1oe35c PllEAPPLE '!'! 1::-9- Heinz llTCH9'P:: 19-GRAPEFRUIT =~8 ""2tc YELLOW OllOIS ... 5• ~!:!.!~~~~!: CRI. SP CARROTS ... 5• IURER =~= ~ 5 • · SUGAR ,;,,_Granulated f N. .• ftc To .. •TOES e-si:: ·::-15• s.n,. bo. 45c .... .., 111A . Detergeat8 ·-, __ APPLES CA~ 4 a.. 25c TIDE SUPURI GREEI CABBAGE ... 5• ::.-5 • · :::--4 • - PBD lffB1M .-. ..., •. H a • "· a. • D-~unaTST-..~la--.... s.J ........ _.... ......... ~ ................. ._ ~,,SAFEWAY STOii HOUU ...., .......... .. (rrWa7 •• p. m.) 8mldaJ ... m. '1o • p. .. / 1722 Newport Blwcl., Costa Mesa · .. . - , PLINTY Of ,...._ ON LAl&I PAYID LOT .... ';· \ ....... . I .. " ' t .. FANCY FRESH U.5.D.A. INSP. FRYIN6 / .CHICKEN PARTS· • mans • TlfllS v .. k r OHLY "'9 -•¥ .. , . • ._ ,.. ........ ., tlMM ... e lllMITIOll ._..,. "'u" _._.. ,,,..,.., 1'""•· ••• ........ ">'. HORMEL OR HOFFMAN SHORT SHANK, EASTERN SMOKED PICNICS JIOUll BEEF ~: 33: COT'AGE BUTT ~l,89: PORK CHOPS ~£ti~ 79: TURKEYS ~~~· 37: BACON SOUAllS5j:29:. SLICED BACOtl~~:~A5t S·1 US·1·GE Al-Am.ioe.. 'Tip.Top' 35' R II ~·l~~TJ°"- HALl BUT -~ 39: PiiE u11 19" l OYsiii 55" , COFFEE ~~~ 89' ! .ma --- WINES · l IOUOR~ FROZEN FOODS FRUIT S and VEGETABLES DELICATESSEN Mortoft'1 Apple, PNCh or CMny 'PIE for 2' . 2 '°• IOl/J.OZ. SIZE NEW CHICKEN OF THE SEA TUNA c...a. .. MNfl DllNER ~1~, 4 RSHERMEN nSHSTICKs 10-0Z. 39' PKG. ~AMBUCAN PALI. DIY. APPLES·~_, 10~ FRANKS·~.~~. 45' !!!.~11::7t -~-, CHEESE 2:~27' -~lfK~ ORANGES •aras 5· ARMOUl'SlUSCK)US ~ED s2" · ... 9UA&.rrt -~· _-·CALI--_ ... _,. _ PICNICS ~~· = s339 DATES 19' Artichoke 10' LUER'SSUCED61ANT 45' ~-IMlll BOLOGI~~·-;;531 ' ~sr rnuo.. 49:. ~c·; BANANAS 5 2 LIL 25' ~ --RFTH~ ... COUNTY PAPEBS BONOBED--Flve a"1U"Cb were taJ. lied by three Orange County new1papen1 in the annual competition between the 399 member new.papen ot the California Newspaper Publlahena A880Ciation. The a· "arda were preaented in San Francisco Saturday morn- lngby GovemorGood"!ffi X-nlgb~. Winnen-were the - NEWS-PRESS AWARDED 3 HIGH CNPA HONORS OILERS DRUB TARS 80-63 IN HOOP GAME New~. Anafleim in Second Spot, Huntf".'CJfon Leads Ler-•1e • Fbllerton New.Tribune, the San Clemente Sun, and th• Newport Harbor Neww-Preu. Pictured above with their awarda are from left, Ben Reddlcll:, Newport H.vbor. Newa-Preu; Robert Hancock, San Clemente Sun; Gov. Knight and Ed Elfstrom, hllerton Newt-Tribune. United Prel8 P!IC~to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • • • STATE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST A TE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY . Bruce Martin FOR IJ..L YOUR INSlJRANC!l N!2DS a Auto-Truck . Fire-Life .. By HICKEY BASK.EU.. ux;AJ.. AGE!'l'T Bee•dew Ofaee A 23-polnt outbunt b~ Center Jeddy Young Friday. night ~rty S-5063 Liberty ~ paced league-leading Huntington Beach to a.n 80-63 tJiu.mph 179S New rt Av Costa Ilea · over second pla.ce Newport Harbor, on Huntington's own 1 IC • •ts • 1 • • J:>, • • ,ei, , , c , , , , , , •:• , , s:• •> , , floor. Young'• total bested the highest Tar accumulation by 1even points. The win was Huntington's sixth again.st no Joew.a ln le.,-ue pl&y and ll'Ct them ln undisputed fll'llt plac• a.he.ad ot way u t.bey lengthened thclr lead Newport and Anabdm with ldtnU-with evpry atanu u the Aeore cal record.I. Both te.m.e .eem cJt'·&-read 11t tht' l'nd or totlch C>~-H and tined ror a lower ~rtb u Hunt-8~63. lng'\on MnttnUt'S In thtlr wtnnlng ;::=========== ways. P ARK.t:B RIDLEl:' MORTUAR\' .:-it'wport wa.s really cooking ~ the f1n1t period u lhey hdll th lead by a 13-12 count. But H unt• Formerl7 OkAl'EL CIJAJ>El. ln(ton couldn't'be atop~ ror lonJC N they forced baek Into Ule '""" I IO ll,,_hn1 -Cos&a •- that totn.lt'd •tx p<ilnt.a at the h11lf, Llllt'lrty lf-M~S &net 8-:W~• u the &Core tHd 37-31. Aside froi. the lethargic first I----------;;:.;:. quarter It wu Hur:Ungt-00 all th• Artists Take Game from Garden Grove ~~y It With Party R4-ntaJ Item• U OJ E . COfl •I UJJ •• C-Ort'>l\4 dd Jlor Harbor 5011 OAROEN GROVE (OCNS) The Lllguna Beach A rtist.I whip· ped t.be Gal'l.leo Gt0\'e Argor11~uta M-e2 Friday a t La('UJla 1n a cl\.a.mplon3hlp g.me. . Score by q ua.rten for Oa.roen Orove wu ~=======~=~ 12-21-3~. Score by quarterw for Leguna ... 16-28-•6·62. ., ~ • ._...._•4'.-\4 ""-no Rm A ·s :-~~ rJ(i.'U'l' ~<?lwp _, '.• 1 • l 1l ~l(1H\l'IAV .. , ( ()< ~-· C'•1 ... g • "'•·-· l•AQE\1'k '-i"U STEER MANURE 40• Sack P'llU Dl!UV'r.llT Kl 7-2054 New lAWM IMt~ JOHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers l'eecl Aato Parta ud A~ • 2075 PlacHtia Ave. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL HO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO JOtb St., Newport Beach Barbor MU PAY-LESS °"" fllOHf a DAY I HOUDATI LANDSCAPING ACllOSI Ml<MfWAY rl()jla HOAO HOIPITAl tm .. W .... "°"1·--NIWPOlt aw.~ COSTA MDA • I TWO-YEAR OCC EXPANSION, BUILDING PROGRAM PLANNED SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Oranre Cout Collep hu penni.ulon from the Orange County Planning Commisaion to enlarge and re-arrange building• on the eut aide of Harbor Blvd., a half mile north of Wlllon St., Costa Mesa. Propoeed for immediate expansion ia the li· brary. Within a two-year period the following are planned: Remodeling of a .cience building into an aari· culture building, extenaion of the technology build· ing for additional clau and ahop areu. The master site plan for the college was per- mitted under C-83, approved Dec. 19, 1950. The per· mit application now goea to the board of supervis- ors for action Tuesday. • BE SURE -INSURE w1tll llAVIUVE tlTANLET 1 .. a,.,.,... 0.l• "'on llarllor H'7' 1115 E. ()out ffJPwaJ' Col'OM ... Jlar FEB. 9, 1955 -COASTAL ShlOPPER -PA61 I Every '111ousand Miies You Lubricate Your Car •••• When the 111otor laclu power. you oroer a tune-up, when your bnLku are wom, you have them tt-· lined. Uke your car, your body i. an intricate mech&ni.lm, deelgned t.o tUlllll It.a tuncUona Wider normal condlttona. But could the p&ce of modern life be termed normal? Are your eyH . t.be mo•t Important part of your phy11cal heln~. df'ai&ned to cury the trtghttul load or our modern Uff', or type- writers, ''ehklea apeedlng at 00 miles rt'r hour, of preclalon ln11tn1mf'nl8. arUflclal hght. newapapera. and motion plc'turee .•. treat your f'y,.11 no worM than you •reat your car ... have th.in dleclu1d onoe a year &nd let u. malnt&in them In per'fect nmnlnc order. Dr. Gordon OPTOMETIWIT 315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH l'llone JU J.7111 BUILD OF THI JUST MORTK ,, 'OST OFFIU ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEF=ORE TMli 10th OF THE MONTH EARN· FROM TME FIRST Office Mours: For Your Convenience We ere open every Fri. 9:30 e .m. to 8 p.m. < ': I • . PAM I -COAST'AL: SHOPPER -FEI. 9, IMS 10 BIG DAYS OF VALUES!! . ~ · Thurs. Feb. 10th Thru and Including Sunday, Feb. 20th . o .... _ .................. , ........ , •• , •• --~--HIGH 9UALR'Y MEATS at tow-.epAcKa TO YOU WHOLISAU PRICIS." JM _, llne a sllOlt ..at hr ....-.. -IUT IT'S WORTH ITI SHOP ·THE .FIRST OF THE WEEK FOR FASTER SERVICE · CHUCK ROAST Fully Aged cmcl Trimmed . Full Center Cut . Eviscerated Ready to Cook c Ill • . c Ila. c lb. iiACO.w;:::39~ iALAMiHr39: RO·i·s·T 45•. Fi·ANKs··~~,2 ~ iOLOCiNA~.::1 2 Wholesale and Retail-18581 So. Main ·c::~a::~Santa ADa · .. ' " • • •