HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-02-23 - Newport Harbor News PressYoblllle 1 -Namber U Mesa Scans Upper Bay A·nnexatioi1 Mayor Nelson 'Shocked' by Newport Beach Move Quick Costa Mesa reaction to annexation or Upper New- Indian Skull Unearthed in Corona del Mar Slcull and partial alteleton o! an Indian wu unearthed Saturday by Mr. and Mn. Ben Dourla• of 2930 Seaview Ave. Tbe pair wu dlg- Cl.nr near their home during con· atrucUon of a prace. Frank Dreyer of Laguna Beach. a paleontolortirt wilh an oil com- pany and friend of Douglu, aald be believed the remalna t.o be thoee ot a Chumub or "dtgrer" lndlAn. He aaJd the bo.nea probably dated back to pre-Spanl ah daya and may be up lo 6000 yeara old. The bone• were fou.nd In a crouched pocltion, lndlcaUnr a flt'x burial and facing aoulhweat which Dreyer aald would eatabllah lhe are. He aald ll wu common prac· Uc• to bury the dead ln a ahallow, e-tn. rnv• and plle about two feet of dirt on lop. Tb<'y buried lhelr dead where lhey lived, he said, and migrated on. Dreyer called the tribe lbe flnl fox hole dwtllera. He aald they due bolea and covered lhem wtlb . . . NEW MEDICAL BUILDING DUE NEAR HOSPIT Al Plana for erection ot a new medical office building op- poaile the entrance of the Hoag Memorial Hospital were re- vealed Monday. Arrangement. tor the uae of a parcel of land 200 feet .iquare have been completed with James Cag- ney, according to J . L. Stawicki of the Duncan Hardesty real eatate otnc.. The $300,00 office bulldJnr will be erec:ted by Ralph Hoyle'• Med- ical BuJldlJlc CompanJ of A.merl- ca. The organtu.Uon hU buJlt HI aucb facWUea lo l.119 put t\v. yeiara. '!'¥1 wer. UM bu1JcMra ot the beauutul Newport Harbor Medical Center on Via Oporto In the Udo Shop• area. Accordlnc to Hoyle, hUI new building will conform to the archl· tecture of th• Hoac Memorial Hoa- pllal a.nd It will be of --.ory dealp. Each auJte wtU contain approximately 900 aq. ft.. ot floor apace and tben will be 21 llUCh 111.dte.. De La Torre Sues LUcllle Krull in $16,467 Adlon SANTA ANA (OCNS)-A ue.- UT.90 per.onal Injury &cclde.nt wu on file today In Superior Court here In connec:t1on with a Newport Beach traffic cruh Nov. 1a, 11NJ4. Ftll~ th• action wu Alphonae De La Torre. Lucllle Ann Krull wu named dere.ndant. Book Mesa Man for Burglary, Assault on Cops SANTA ANA, (OCNSl-A 35· year-old Coata Meaa man who M · aertedly loaded hl1 run with U1t wrong calibre bullete will fact' pr11- J1mlnary hearing Feb. 24 on cflarg. t'a of burglary a.nd uaault with • deadly wea pon. CarpPnter Ja<'k F. R lckty, v.·ho gave his a<tdreaa u 12368 Pomona A\·e .. wu arraigned beforf' Santa Ana-Ora.nge Munlclp&J C o u rt Judge Howard Camt'ron. Hie ball wa.a art at J !IOOO. He wu u nablt to make lt. Rickey la charced wllh burglar- lzlnc a furniture and a Jewelry lltore In Santa Ana. The su.spect rt'portt'dly IOl'ldrd hla revolver with .44 lnatead of .4~ calibre bullela. Thia wu lucky tor police rlalmtd 91be 1u1pect at- tempted to fire hi• weapon at r11- trolman CharlNI Smith, but It would not co ott. \ Clrculatlon la.GOO DlltlthaW la Newport llMcll. llalbcNa. ..._ .... 0.-. ... llar, ()OMa ..... lapaa ud 8o. UpM.. lluttor 1118 NEWPORT POLICE DOUBLE FORCE FOR EASTER WEEK Balboa Island Wiii be Blocked: 75 Officen Wiii Enforce Laws There will be twice as many policemen on duly in N"'· port Beach during Easter Week this year and they'll be here for one purpose only, Chief of Police John Upeon aaid tocfay. More than 75 orricen will be ~n patrol at all time., Oty Manager J ohn J. Sailors aaicl Funda have been e.peclally al- locall'd to pollre department bud- fel to ad11quately enforce all lawa of tht municipality dunnc the an- nual aprlng-tlme lnvulon. A mHtlnr wu held In the N11w- port &&eh City Hall Friday lo Inform newamen of plane. Mayor L>ora Kiii prufded. City Manarer saJlora -.Id, "W• wlU have more ortlcera on duty In an endt.'avor to provide more peace and quiet to lhe people of our town who have a rlChl lo u - pecl It." th• care belonr to the ruldellta IMN No plana are belnS ,.._. by the CHy of N-port Bea.cl\ to ,.._tde any entf'rt.alnmenl or ors..u-4 plh•rtnra tor J:uter w..ic ...._ b"11ta. LacJuna'1 Maler Heads OCC Group CM.rlea Kaler, lAc\111& lleeeb. ___ port Bay JLrCa.s to Newport Beach came Monda_y with word Meaa officials will discuss the possibility of Irvine Co. ob- jection• to the projccL Mayor Claire Nelson told the news- papers inasmuch as Irvine Co. owns bulk of the 2100 acrea in- v olved, hie coUJ'lcllmen feel wh•t branchea for &heller. Tbey movt'd u It V1-I 1""'- ln amaU band1. The remafna f ound -ne~, J-9 ....., 'Ille plalntlrt clalma he wu croa1ln1r Coul Hlcbway at lhe JJLUftine Ave. lnteraecllon about a:ao p. m. ,lb a.uerta the Krull v•hlcle wu operated careleaaly on Ila northbound Journey and atruck him. Otrlcera corralled Hickey In the j11welry store. He aurrend•red lo police after rnaklnr an eacape a t- tempt, The au11pecl ~rtedly bor- ~ a hole In the root ot the build- ing over a atorare room at lh• turnltuNl 1tort', aetUnc ofl a bur1- lar alarm. La.at year lhr city oouncll wu delu'" with c::ompla1n1,J and • ,i- UUon cont.a.tnin. 600 .Spaturea 'lt'mandlng an end lo Euter Week ol>Mrvancea ln th11 Harbor ArrL I• Ule newly ~t.a pnllf•t ot tM liawrclub ooaetl u. Orup Cout eou.19, Deu Mute ... Bow- H announced toda,y. by DouglH are believed to be a Traffic St..nal Set halt CTOwn adult or a 1mall wo· ~ man. the firm dec1du will re110lve lhe aga.ln•l the annex•llon lo New- Found w1 th the 11<eleton were ahella aad abalonea which are 1tlU prevalent today on local beacbea. Uaut". port. "We are r ruUy llhocked by an- nexa.Uon In that we conaldt'r N~­ port ls moving Into what Co11lA Mua thlnka h1 part of the <.;osla Meaa communlly," J.tayor Nt'IJ!on declAreJ. lnlUal ~action In Cuala Mell& to annuatlon proceedln&• ln.tllg- ated lut wttk In Up~r Bay by the Newport l:lucb City COuncU 'l"U one or anger that Newport abould be Invading what Coat.a Meaa con1lden1 ··our back yard." But almoat lmmcdJately another portion ot the Meaa, It• back porch, 11 not back yard, Indica ted lnlereal in St'l ling ln on the act. WAST TO AN"N»EX f Two ca.Jla reiardlnJ poHlblllty of Harbor HlJhl&nda' realdenta an- J1l!Xtn1 to Newport a.ch alt.er tM propoeed Upper 8-.y IU'e6 la brou(bl Into the city bave bMll re-lved by lbe city clerk"• office. No lmmed1at. a.cUoll by Co8t.a Mu • f'lty om clala appeared ln the omn~. i.llhou«ih lbr~ -11\ed to be a m1x\urt' of feeling-a about the Upp .. r I~)' lnvulon attempt by Jl:,,wpm 1 Mayor Claire l'elaon a1u•J •0111e of Lhe Meta C'UQl\cthnl'n h11d 1ll1M. u111«<"J the matt .. r. But <.:11y Manai:tr Ororcr l'offey 'WUlh· e1I ~"wrort Cod"J>'e<I 'Coal• )tellll IA 1n no p09itlon to auume auC'b a lla 1>1t11y at Lhl• llmt " Cof· lt>y 0011 .. rved 'Olhf'r thing• a rt mu<'h more lmport&nt t o the city." Th,. C'lly managu t11l lma1Pd ar- p1 nx1matrh· SG mllll11n would b4' ne<'rs•111 ,. t" tlrvrtor th.. lJp1>41r Bay 11'~1011 I' A 'M'Y.R.SO.S CO MME ST •; l.. l'attt-r•on or the C:o•t• )tn a L'lly Planntn" CommfNlon Tt'l>Or\4',I tht" l'Ommf'nl he hrartl from Muan11 wu tu the .. rrK t that N<'ro thldlu wblle Rom., burn.e. Thr plAnnrnl( <"omm1"4!1'1n a. vlla lly 1n1r rutt'd In Lhe wo t aide of Lhl' Bay." Pa1ter110n a&ld .. Nt'wport'11 t'n<'roa.chmt nt lnlo lht' &rt'& •J"'ll~ nn ~ ff'lr Clllltl' i.1 ..... On I he olht'r h1md. Walh r \\ r•· mer, C'h&1rman of the romo1w 1on. MJ•I. '"If N~rt kttpa going up lb11 Bae K B11y, lht'y might u ••t'll &nnf'X US I "'U In hopea Wt'd g11t In cin 1l, but Oley beat WI lo ll ·• W t lmer n •ported w vtral pertonl had pla<'ed blame for Coela Mesa mt11111nc out on the Upper Bay up- on lb,. pl•nnlnc comm1Mlon. "Rul lht' nty hu no mu tl'r plan a nd no u ta bll•h~ a.one or laflul'nct'. .o what ran wt do 7" the romml•· alonrr aAkl'1I. Mua Cham~r ot Oonunu ce ~111d,.nt Don HuddlHton declar- ed. "'Nobody llku It," ~rtrnnc to the Nrwporl ann-..Uon propoAI. How11v1'r. hr added he dldn'l carr to rnmmlt hlm"IC on the malter a t lhle llmf'. lndlcauon• were c:harnl>f'r mvnberw mlirhl llt't'k me- Ulod.I or launchlnJ a COUllle>r·a ttack 1KV1:"JE CO. VIEWS A greal deal of the thunder or any otr-aetung •tepa Coat.a Mesa.'a omctal family mlcht take In oppoalng the annexa.t1on waa n olen by a 1LAtemenl from' an Ir- vine Company spokeaman: "W• will nol protut. the annexation. We ft'el the lltvelopmenl ot the Uppc!r ~y area can be better ad· mlnl1Lered under one manarement.. and are ready lo let lbe annexa- Uon r o through.'' The Irvine Com· pany owrui approxlmately 1200 acru ot the propoHd ann6Atlon Douriu u..ld ,h• would clean the rem&tna, mount them a.nd bane them a bove the mantel ot hi• home. commtntator who wu overti•rd by a New•·PT-reporter: Ml w113 hot under the cotla.r a t ttrtt. be- cauae of Newport'• aecrecy ln the matter. Then I decided, let them have It. We'll rwt th• bementa with none ol the beadach-. It'll lake yeara to develop the .,.. &nd .verythlng lhAl roea into ll wlU han to go t.hf'outh Coela Me&L area. Beeidea Newport. b.u the Harbor Haraber commenta &pin.st lb• Department. Let them u.aa Ill" annexation move -re dellvend by ln rtSard to poulblllty of Har- aome Meaa clll.una. "Any lhouJbl bor HlshJanda annwn1 to New- ot lbe two dUea now co1nc to-port ......_ Clt,y Attoni.y Karl rel.her Into one commlalt;7 la eat Da\"8 pot.Led CIUl 9:1 -.ell pet&· Of the ~." OAe unolftd&1 tJOll at Uilll UIH W'OU.ld be p,..,,_. coaunl!llt ran. "'nl.e cbamMn of lure. Harbor ~ le not --'!Derc:e can t.aM Ole pa.per• ~ to U.. dl.)' ot Newport they p-1d atlJ,000 tor ... t.brow Jet.. Dam aid. Be felt the ~ them Into the Uppu Bay!" H• .,.y to bandJ• ll wu to wall WI· wu refurlng to the rece.nUJ com-tll th• Upper Bay &NltlU.Uoa la pleled report of the chamber• on completed, a l wbicb llm• Hubor poaalble conaolldAUon of Coet.a RiCblanda wou.ld bt' conttguoua. Mesa with ?l>ewport &acb. Actual The Oranre County Boundary co1t or thr conaoUdaUon report Commluion ta upect~ to comld- wu approximately l l200. howt'vrr er the N~rt anMxation or Up- Othn people reac~d llke tbla per Bay Feb. JI. GxamineJ You'I do• better job end f..t better wN.n your vi1ion i1 better. Good eye1i9ht i1 en importent Hset for eny work you do. Opell AU Day &turdaJ Dr. Gordon OPTOMETRIST -315 N. MAIN-AT FOURTH- Santa Ana Phou Kl 3-7133 buy your NEW PONTIAC from ED CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coast llYd. Latuna leach SEE CLANCY TODAY FOR HIGHEST TRADE-IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pontiac Demon9tration ETmlapt Inat&llation of trattlo .t.,w. at the 1nt.eriNJc:Uon ot Newport Bhcl. and Vla Lido WU aut..boriM4 b:t the city council ot Newport BMdl Tbunday wbeA I\ aecapt.ed tba propomal of the State DiYU:lon et Public Work.a to abare halt Ute coet of UM 1111,000 Jc*. Tb• ett1 abar• ot fwld9 wm come fl'om pa tax flmd9 al&ocat- ed to UM cit)' bJ Ule lltatl'. De La To,.,.. allegea be ruffef'ed a.ftr. lnjw1ee which may be pe~ manent. DIYon:e Asked Jam .. W. OUJJarn hu nled ln Or&ns• County Court Hou" re-.-.t for divorce trom Rodne1 M. OUlla..ITI, Costa Mua. Hickey alao la ~ted o.f .U.C· inc an Or&nre burglary. He ai.t made cood on an ucape from an Oran19 County J ail work cnw In 1963, It WU ttported. ~ta came rrom ~t pl'9Ctice! A.JI ad ref\llarly &II um peoer wtU pmduee l'fflllla tor ,_ 'nl• Of'UIP County achoob wUJ nol stve apring vacaUon unW Good l'riday, April 9 after Loe Aqelea and other .,.... bave com- pleted Uldr -Uona. J>tana ..,.. belqJ completed bJ lh• H _.port Beach polJee to once aptn block orr Balboa Wand and i.t no can aero.a U'9 br1dp to lhe h•Ylly populated ..,_ WlleN We Are Pleased to Announce That LIDO CLEANERS 1782 NEWPORT BLVD. COSTA MESA LIBERTY M014 has met our rigorous standards for cleaning Th• lni.rdub ODeMa la _. pOMd °' ta. ,... ...... ., all 11 OUDP'Y dllM. Maler M .. llldanl of the coUec• ams.at a.n.t.laa .uaoctatsoll -d bM ..._ a _. ber of ta. -U.S. ,.. ..., and JUtt., tba ~ --..-.tn. for the Jut two ,..,... Be I.a a Korean nteran ~ aa ll»- tory and plalw to ......... . II.la -.oc:a lion. I • service, plant faci.lities a~d equipment ... has installed Saniton·e method$ and has been accepted as an authorized SANITONE Dry Cleaner, guaranteeing spotless, odorless cleaning, finer pressing, greater care in the handling of all garments and fabrics. EIERY lllDUSTRIES. IMC. : • PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -FEB. 23, 1955 CITY MASTER PLAN DRAFT DELAYED IY P. E •. PROJECT Ded*-to del.&7 dratUns a m...c.r plu tor th• Cl(y of M.wport lleecll 1111Ul t.be Pacific E1l'<ltrlc pla.na are H tUt d ,,.. rucl\ed Tburaday nicbt by the 1\ewport ~ach Plannlnc OClmmlalion. l Mesa Talks of Drainage Districts cov•r1J11 ~ ~roblem.I w1tb Gorcloll Dallgilt•, J '"'• J1rl -· nuhtdl to Santa lh• county. Ana Community Ho.p&tal. &be.rt City pl&.D.a tor th• a.rr"U11emtnt Hmt IR Car T .... 11 W; Gordo!\. u . tath• of Ult Jtrt. have alJ"Mod7 been aabmltted to Perl'Y J ean Gordon, I, 1111 WU operatlnc Ult fthlcl .. Ht told O~• Oowlty'a c1'Jet er1Jinttr. Wutmln•t er L&ne. C:O.la Mta. CalUom la H IP,way patrol bt wu Coffey aid, but In Yitw of recent ,...i.nsay .uttt'rTd major tnjuriH trawl~ north on Huattnr ton dcat.h or the otnd&I. the plana to hMd a.nd ahouldtr• when ahe Beach Blvd.. with thrM cbJldrtn would ha .. to be rewbmltted. tumbled out ot the rur aeat ot a In t.he ~at Hal. He aatd he ..... , car lD which ahe wu rtdln1 on l'Olnl about 40-mllee per hour LOCAL YOUTH BOOKED ON NARCOTICS COUNT -Uve mercnant.a a re t1'oet. wbo BUatlllfton Beach Blvd .. 176 feet I when t.ht rlcbt rear door ""1111 City Attorney Karl Lynn Davia told the eommlMtoa the routblltty of Costa Mtsa'• advi;ttse-patronlze them. aoutll of Bola Aft. opai. ~of~M~~~t~~bt~-~~ Cl~~~~"~~~n~~m~~m~t d~a d~~,o~blem bei~h~I~;~~~=~~~====~~~==================~ JI. of WT Serenade Terrace on le. lQ 1932, u8ed them tor tour new muter plan for the city Ir It 110 wl1hc11. A plan was draft· throur h & numMr of Improvement _,_,,.._ Of .....,...,..100 ot narcot-year1 ud lltopped UIUIC' narcotic-ed by lht ctty council. 'nle plan, Davi• eald In h i• oplnlon, la dlalrlcta was Indicated by -mcm- -r--u --In 1963. He wu removed to Or· no !oncer valid. d lta and a h......,.trmlc needle wu ber1 o! tho Meu. city council an J'tJV"' ange Cawlty Ja11 to await ar-Before a recommendaUon can be adopted by tht plannlnr Illa.de '1"'4&• lllcht bv N•....,.... _,..,.., t. b the cham ber; ot cummcr ce board 1 ' ~..-· cw.i·--•n commtqlon, a public hl&l'lnC' must be held. lt would then e .... .,_ ............ ••u picked up aft.er -----------U of directors at a meetlnC' recently ...,....._ ...,._ -forwarded to the city councU tor conaldera on. hJa .U.std.ly SUl))lcloua acUou y t t s The chamber 1a1ued an lnvlt•· were reported to police. He wu 0 et'S 0 ee Holstein, III. R. N. Lagerlof, and lion lo Ma>'or Clnlre Nel.son anol I apected to be arratptd today or Two Mesa F1·rms H . w. Endicott. other mem~r• or the council lO I tomonow ta Newport JuaUot O!!lctra tor Underhill-Robert., dltteul!.'I thr dr'1nagc problem at Oourt. C did t that lime. It wu agTet'd It would an I a es G I SI k Ok a building mat1rlal1 firm, e re r II c I Ot!lcera 1ald the youth talked e oc a y Floyd A. UndC'rhlll, Marian Hell, be to the a dyanta ge o "t · os ~ Incoherently ot juet vtewlnl' the and Helen Spicer. Mesi\ I! d1al11(lge areas manr P I RoM Parade and -Inc lnvlalble 11olutlon or the probltm by di:'· t T M t SA.CR.um.NTO (CNS) -State t I •-th LI th unity dl11C1 flyln• a round. bouncing ... a own ee s R Th ft r c ... ra er Ian e comm .. CorporaUon Cornmiuloner W. H. hop •ports e hol p ln1t the wal.111 ot the police 1la-u I\ w e. tlon and l'•ttlnr away from him. Steph~n hu laeued permit.a to Theft of & while !fWeater v.l· City M1tna~rr ~rge Coffey HYPODEAMJO OF.All There will be an open meeting at ;:;~c~l:~r:c~! ~~m!e:~c~~ ued a t $2:) waa Tre1porlHed tto po11uce tol1d1 lhet lNh"w11t-P re1111 today hth~ the council chamber In t.ht city W1>dncsday by na ar w~ or po cy o e c y governmE>nl a< t~1!i h~~g:r-::.~:~~u~~.:ld w~I~ hall Thun1day, Feb. 24, 7:30 p.m. :d ~~d:h'!.1;°~1.a~:~:o;; !!~l'a~f:r~::s A;~i:;e a(~~~d r~U: I :~n 11:~e;~<'~~o~: ~·:~:~~n:~~~ l~ Imported brass plaques Beautiful lacquettd bru1 for decorat- ing walls, shelves or t&blts. Size1 from 6 inohea to 17 inches in cliameter . Prices from 85c to $3.98. All handworkcd and imported from England. ~ them in the. . . . MEZZANINE SHOPPE Richard's Udo Mark~t .. tablet& In a vial, a.n eye dropper to which all candidate. for the city alOCJc. • teen·&ge &irla came Into the store I pr,s<'nt, th<' City !11 a ltl'mptlng to ~~-~~~~~l~~~~~~~~~~i~~icit~~ifikiuia~ari•~~irigie~Mi.i~~~~oin~miei~ihi~~di~ie~.~~~·~~i~i~~oiuit~a~miu~tu~ail~a~ri~~n~p~mit~n~t ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~i~i one met.al cau with a rubber cap will act aa moderator under the contalnlnr one hypodermic 11yrlnge au.plce.e ot uie lA•&'Ue of Civic · and one hypodermic needle. The Aasoclatloll.!I. tablet.a are 1u1pected of being mor-The election on March 16 wW be 1>hlne derlvaUve, police eald. ~e !ln1t elecllon under Ul• new O!flcera .-ald Davia' rl&hl arm charter with Ila acven coupcll- bore two ac&r1 on the ln ntr l'lbow. manic d~lrlct.. !be Jett arm alao bore a puncture The mecUnc• of th• Wei t N ew- mark on the lnnt r elbow, lhey port Improvement A.aaoc. and the aald. Davl11 reportedly admitted Corona del Mar Civic Aaaoc:l&Uon belnc on "Junk" two year• aco. both 11Ched11led tor \he aame even- but not lately. lng, h&Yt been cancelled. Ho made the contuainr atate------------ MANY NEWS.PRESS FIRSTS Society Editor Captures Top W~men's Page Honors M,... Wlnlfred Barbre, women'• paper dfvlalon and belt reature 9ditor of the New1-PreN and Nell 1tory In th• daUy 11ew1paper dJ. Murbarger, former editor ot the vl•lon, the latter appearlnC' In the Pnu . a re poue11ora of many Orange D&Uy New• throurh Or- honon1 prf'lented a l 8alurday'1 I.Ill'• County New• Service alter annual award luncheon ot Call-bemC' printed ln th• Newa-Preu. fomta A11aoclauon of P r t •• .Mlaa Murbar1er won ''belt pro· Women. motion and publicity In mar•· Mr1. Barbre received Io u r a:ine," belt Interview. beet feature .. tlnlU." wh.lle M IH Murbargtr ln a magu.lne and aecond ln received three "flr11t.a'• Uld two 1peclal Informa tive a.rtlcle Uld aecooda. Mr11. Barbre won two 11ttoncl In 1pec:lal article calegorlu . t1n1ta for beat women'• dcpu t-She 11 a regular contributor to m ent pagu /or weeklies and bl· new1paper1 and magulnu . She Wt'ekltcm. Her other "flrsta" Wt're 11 k nown u a lrfflance, "RovinC' for best nt'"ll 11tor)', WCf'kly nl'Wll· Reportn ot the Soulhwut." UST 10 DAYS ,J FOR FREE GIFTS v .. wlll ..... ,_.,,. -· .. ..._ t..MI-tlfte till Merch 10tt., whet. y-t~ Y-• -..,_..... ._..._. ecce""' ,. ........... ,.... ___ _ ,_......, '-'-l'""4c .i... ct.c• ..... ,. , ••• , •• , •• , ••• _ ..... ., ••.ooo • -"'' ,,_ -~ ................. ~ .. - ., •• •lite• Y•• ., •• •••' "•• _. ... _,.. e4 &JOO • -.. , .................... .....,, .. _., ...,..., GET YOUR Gin NOW! ANNOUNCING '""""' pold Qvorterly °" Fvll f'ofcf Clf1lfi<ote ~9' Accounfl March 31 , June 30, Septe"'ber 30 ond Dtcemb.r 20 (lft llme fOf Chri1tmat). .,..., ..., ,.. ............ c ........ ,.......? 1. y-........ -_, ,.,,,~ .,., .... .,_ It .... CV,,....l r-. 2, Y-........ -.... I fodl oc-II i-.4 " s 10,000 .. ., .... '"-rol $o'""91 ""4 l-i--. CO<'PO'otioft 3 • .,_ ............ _,,_.,, Yow •oy .... lty l90il "O _, .._. yow lift ., weft """ ,_.... .... -...yt.. 4.Y _ __..,........, .... ....... _ .. _ ........ ._ .. , .. ...... ,... ....... ,.... .. , .. l'..u c--....,....... ........... KLEENEX ~ '{'-:_~~ •/ ~'-· -:;; .=---~ llLJt Toilet Tissue 61·3Sc Vft'I rLm DOCJ Food B 6~35c RUBBING ALCOHOL 70'1, BTBYL PT. 23C -Saccharin Tablets Vi -Ga. 1000 39c ZINC OXIDE Olllna.MT 1-0Z. TUBB 12c -BUBBLE BA TH 20 ENVELOPES 4 ftGe Au\d. Frtcr'&neet bs. 70- TUUY PINI Cleansing Cream Jlef. s100 Reg. $4'00 ii.oo a.60 6. -- --TU88Y DIUL81FU:D Cleansing Cream UC. $2 00 . s100 OO&OTBY GU y DUO LIPSTICK s110 2.00 VALUB 8l1Pll STAY --- TUBSY SKIN LOTION UG. $1.7G s.100 -RKI.gj. llUB:&NBTKIX-- ESTROGENIC Bormoae Cream $3.60 s3so ~o Oil $2.~. Botb .,.. 1'AY LESS_ • ' ' T SUPER ANAHIST 98c OOUOB BY1ll1P ~-------~- -Anapac Cold Tablets For promp\ relief of 36 eolda and t.o relieve \be minor mu.1eular Tablet.a &ad Dftl'alcic aobn 98 ud IMMlaehe. \hat a,o. C eompany oolck. ASPIRIN TABLETS Y0o~ • .. • oL )2c TR. IENZOIN- ooWPOmm l 1.oz. _____ 6c LIDO DRUGS "One of the Udo SholH''' S461 Via Udo, Nf'wport Bf>ach HARBOR DRUGS SSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar BALBOA DRUGS ONE MORE WEEK OF Lucky 7 Specials ·THURS., FRI., SAT. FEB. 24, 25 & 26 Asst. Kinds & 8rancls 1/2 OFF • Valenttne Stoct V<'fl PAY LESS_ ..,, ' ,, ' ' .. ,'. Yi'l'f'AY LESS . . I BAIO Jov · u~a2,·17c -CHEER Jle&'. 29c Gt. 65C New oll·rlch Nutrf-Tonlc WAVES DEEP DOWN, IN LITTLE AS 10 MINUTES PllMANINT ft$0 Wini 2!! ~ UH cPAYUlfH) ~·~·~ ........... _ ...... AHTI_..nAMtNI fAllm PttG Of 10 .. __ 291 lfl Of '°"·-··· .. , ,. 1'AY LESS_ .. Vincent's Ice Cream Hand Pack QT8. Ha.nd Pack PT& ~PAYLESS .. . . ... IILVll aIPPU Gin 80 Proof PIFTB ... I.ti s2•1 Bin1l• sc Con M Con ea o oub1e 10c ~:79c Uquor Department Specials Shady Twin a..,run·a Grove Oaks Seven Blend Bottled lD Bond Crown 100 Proof * .... Proof 80 Proof Blend PDTB 7 yn. Old nrrB l'In'B ll#J ..... "4!«· l.1S --s211 s3s1 ~ s4• ······· - PAYLESS . ' DOW SARAN WRAP 25-Ft. ROLL TOw1Ls I UOUAH 14C ._. w m NAPKINS IO-Oout lOC Cotton Throw Rugs DIPORT!:D 39 t!" x u ·· . . . • . . C Metal Panh Creaser &ut ~f rtai It.el ••• Boan of IroDinc Time. 57c IA-T-HR_OOM_ SCALE ., .. oua a1n WllITE Blf ilO'l.SD S3" -Fashlight la_ff_et--ies aay.o.va.c 2 ,_ 15c ----Rex-Ray HeaffncJ Paci l Yr. Ourant.ee $'H9 3 Bpeed Oo11irol 6. - -~--~~-~-1 RON I NG BOARD s410 IOOK _M_A_TC-HES Oil TO If ~BOOKS CJc KAZ Y_A_P_O_R-IZ-ER- W ltbonl $~ W!lh s2so Cord £ --Cord ---PLAYING CARDS ~c~~!' or 3 Back1 2 rw s100 STERILIZER- $189 · PAYLESS , IOBllE PINS ROBBI:& TIPPED a., 10c 7c TEN CENT COMBS IPICL\L 2 '''' 7c 27-in. SHOE -LACES- Brown, Blnck, White R!O oc 3c 2:-cell FLASHLIGHT RIOULAK BlZE l8o VALU& 29c -100 POKER CHIPS PLABTIO $1.26 VALUE 6'/C 1 OCN8 FOREIGN OORBESPONDENT -Mnl. Richard Treg~.:Ja. accredited by the Department of Defense to Orange County Newa Service-left yeeterday for Fonno- aa.. She will report on activities in the world trouble spot, ex.elusively for OCNS. Mn. TregaakiA wu Miaa South Carolina ln the 1950 Miss America Beauty Pageant. She ia the wife of Author Richard Trega.skis. Lowest Occ..-cy l.acJuna Beach FEB. 23 , 1955-COASTAL SHPPPIR-PAGE J OCNS Correspondent E1 Ro1te to Formosa for News-Press LAGUNA BlicH 10CN8) -• La(Wla 11u Ult )owett occu~y Y oufh lft Army Chi t~a\er·uJtlH, taw.d tM Anny I Reports ToOI Theft ratt ptr ctwelllnc ot any Cl~) In . lut :'\O\'tmlNr and completed ba•· 1 Th.all of an automaUc tenw'- lhe at.ate, City Manacu BanJamln AR~tY CHEMICAL CE~"TER. tc tnunlnc at F ort Dlx. N. J . drlvv and tlectrtc dr1U ~m bt. H. )lead Jr. bu lntormed lhe city 'fO A Pvt S'•"'-J Olli HONOLULU, T. H. -Padt1.c ln 1953. She then took up photo1· falhert · " .-rmy · ,_,.,.y · · Btfore t nlertng tht Army ht PnLC" "''&a n'p<lrted to poUo. lua- neet headquarter• at Pearl Har-raptly-Iona a bobby-and even· He · rMented thJa tnformaUon 2~. aon or Mr. and Mra. Stanlty waa a ruurch uaodate at Cor· I day by R. P. Hemric-ton ct 111 bor reporl.9 lht arrival ot )(ra. tually bee&me Tre(Uk11' photo· In con~ecUon with ducuaalon u H. Gill, 217 Emerald Bay, Lapna ntll Uruvenlty, ltbaca. N. Y. I Via J uC'ar. RJchard Tre'uka. Oran&• County F&pb1c a.uoclate. Sbe pictorially to a prop<>Md 9]>ectal cenaua of Buch. rectntly a rrived at the NrNa Service fort.Im cor~pond· covered Au.tralla and Japan on Uld-cit d d 1 ent, who checked-In hare today OD aepe.rat.e tr1pa for na tional mac-· y. a • Army Chemical Ctnlt'r, lit ., an • t lrln M h f th t.erial 111 Lacuna t.Mre ta u verag~ now a mvnber ot Ul• chemical a.nd the flnt 1•1 ot ber Joumey 0 es. • uc 0 • ma wu ot JUat two ptraona to avery dwtll-. 'l'alpe.h.. Jl'ormoaa. Mra. Treculda. used to Wuatrate her huaband'a Ing, ea.Id Mead. radiological laborator.~!. ,,.,ue of tamed oorrupoodent Ricll· art.Jclea about bi ... far-off place.1. Thia charactertaltc ta aband by Pnvate Gill, a 19~1 CJ'&du&le or ard Trecukla. ot Coet.a M-. wUI XOTED WlllTl:R no other t'lt')' In C'alltornta. he com-Harvard Unlvera1ty and meinber cover Far l!:utem a.ctlvltiea under Trepakia -author ot Guadal· ment.ed. ot Alpha Chi Sigma and s1rma Departmenl of Delenu a.ccredJta· canal Diary and Seven League• ::-;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;~ tlon u OCNS repreaent.aUvo. to Parad18e wUI be In the f'or-rr: A pert blona1, the former Mlaa ma.a area at the aame time, on 8ouU1 Carolina ot 19M ln the l41aa epeclal uaignment ror Collier's America beauty pageant, 1.a known magutn,. tor phot.ocraphlc cov.,..e of Far Mn. Tregulde expectAI to tnter- Eulern actlvtUee for naUona.l View Orange County aervtcemen m.agutnea. Her picture. ~ave ap-ln the araa for OCNS. Her plc- peared In C.Olllare, Nation • Bua!· turea and dap&tchu will appear I neas and Nation.al Geocraph!c. excJualvely tn the Newport Harbor 1 Her most recent aaalgnment wu Newa-Preae newepapera and direct Japan, for nation's bualneu mqa-wtre report.I will be aired by ilne. lu t December and January. Radio KW12l: ' l':DCCATJOX MA.JOB In addition to mtarvtewtng local Now I• the Time to have your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded f ur coat re- atyled to a amart etole or clutch cape. Thia la the ala.ck period and to keep our work· room bwiy we are o.tferlng' ATl'ENTION BOAT OWNERS! SURPLUS BAIGAINS Jua& opea.lq'. A ... ,._ for lfo.to__,.., ~ ek\. Hundred apon llWMtrede mutae lt«m at a '1'ac!tt1111 of -t. Ceme la ud .,,,,_ o,..., 1llarlM ... ..... Pumps s2000 ::-laftder s7so SWfls !:!: s3500 Generator ~ ... , Cables I !! :::~ s22so ., .. ~51750 llartDe ·--· Wheels Dom In South Carolina., Kra. IM!rvioemen, the ~uteolUI corre-~ukla wu prealdent of U\e IJPOlldent wUI tile copy on top I VERY SPECIAL I Delta Delta Delta aororlty a t the bn.aa commandin' the touchy .~. "'---" PRICES --------------------Unlv~ty ot South CaroUn.a.. She aru. of th.e cold war. . vu ~ _ majored In educaUon at U. achoo) -OCNS Photo Generator Haut.or Can Collide loat Gas SiphoninCJ but took up world travel u her -Good prtnttn1 adda to your FUR 1'l tiuun-reported by Report of p<>1alble gas &lphon· A\'O<'a tlcm, She went lo Europe llUGD-prutJp. Th• ~ doeel SANTA ANA COMPANY 0 .-re Inf trom a 36·fL fishing boat R-R 1n 1961 u leader ot a atudent.a' a.t_ d1p.ltted pl"IDUDI at faJr 2541 So. Main St. M.NTA ANA OoR& M.a poUc.e H rNlllt of a waa made to poUce on Feb. 1~ bv tour. Later ahe wu an alrlln• pnc-~ Ha.rbor 1818 and S08 N rth Bro.d Sulta Au IU ~ ~~c~~t ~N~rtm~.~~~~~~~•mh St ~n~~~aboa~~s~~~-~,~~-~~~~~~----~l ~~~o~~~~~~y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===~ 11ortb of Santa laab@I St. re-said the boat ta ownto1 by Bob tn~rnatlonal routu. - et1tUy. IDvolved w~re 1U1tomoblln Ladd of Cost.II Mt11a She merrted ~guk111 In Tokyo driven by Allen Axel La raen, :n, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii---iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiija ot 11566 Sant.a Ana Ave .• c:o.ta M .... and Cecil Gfors" Barldty. 2 .. ot UT aotll St. 2-Uyw Chocolate "CAN CAKI ...... , ...... ,'le .. ... Its .. ) ~~ ....... ~~.~~~COH(!'!M'~ ~ 008TA KEM lTOO S-.ort ID.-4. COKO~A DEL M~ IOI CoeM Rwy. AOO&D'S LAGUNA BEA.CB -Br'Md_, BAUIOA ISL.Um ... Mart .. Ave. ~KT KAOll 110 Coe&• llW)'. I Ol'K)lf llV!llDAT I.I TO I STOP AT THE (dwards SIGN For Fit • Style • Quality in Children's Shoes You'll be delighted with our complete aelec- tion of ~ Shoes designed to ftt and ftotter growing ..... ALSO IN WHITE BUCK Sizes to 9 Ladles emm 225 EAST 17th STREt::-' Mela Center COila Meta Ph. LI 1·2771 IF YOU SEW YOU CAN sav• with S implicity Printed Patterns, our sewi ng a ids and notions NATIO~AL SEW A.'"D SA \'E W!:EK Feb. 19 to Ft'b. 26 ,SA,·•· ~""" ··m.-'°" Open S-clay ~ 10 to 5 . Check Every Item ••• and Save! COFFEE • CHUCK ROAST SHOULDER OF USDA CHOICE BEEF ROUND 39~ S1V1N IONE •• 35c IONE •• or IL.ADE ~ Priced low at Safeway ' ~~·~!~ 77' f!L.§ER!._ 79' !!! mlJ.l!· 12· ~}~! !!. l!· 70° TIDE All Purpoee Defervent ...... ~ 59° PllEAPPLE LALANI CRUSHED 20-oL 21 c CDft • JELL-WELL GELATIN DESSERTS 3-0L · 6' pkg. OltANGE JUICE GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF In New Vi.king Pock Boneless Brisket Mild Cure •· 35c .. 49c SCOTCH TREAT ':,!· 10' CHICKEI THllHS MANOR HOUSE 1.1b. 79c pkg. BOILING BEEF "'°'-Meat fr°"' USOA ChoiC9 ... f lb. 9' SHORT RIBS USDA Choice lfff. To~ 01 8roiJe lb. 15' SLICED BACON MORRELL YORKSHIRE I IClllAI CIRCLE .. IC., Heat s.o1 39c 'ack 1-lb. pk9. DUIUQUE t-•. 4a.r. HAID _... T 1w1n '"'•ru•t-• ..... 5• ft&Tll IL.AH RAWI 7~ BAii Ai AS f'wm Ripe LES Washington APP · _o!:~. PINEAPPLE SPINACH Fl'Mh Cello 10' Crisp pkg. Oeanl Tender; CARROTS ,,. Crisp T op1 cupped 2.bo.2Sc 2.bo.29 1b .• 12c Fresh From Hawaii .AVOCADOS Fuerte Variety Size 2 for 19~ 30 Size 2.(, 90ch 12c PllCD mt.cTM TMU.S .• Fii., SAT., HllUU'f %4, JS. 21. t• AT OIMlll cowm SAFIWAY STOIU (111r1 Sii. II Sttnl .,.. s..J STORE HOURS DUJy 9 L m. to 8 p, m. (Friday ttD • p. m.) 8aada7 • ~ .. to • p. .. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PUNTY OF PARl<INCi ON LARGI PAYED LOT .. .PAGE 4 -COASTAL SHOPPER-FEB. 211 1955 'Thumb Box' Sketch Show At Library HELMAR HOUSE ~ ......... Harbor P-TA 'Honors Four A. "thumb box" allow of 26 1mall ~!!!!!~~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lketchu by Thelma Paddock Hope, ..,.... e ..... ....._ e .....,....._. BJ,.;C!! ... ~ tea.cher ot Orance Cou t Collece Mel lntrrtM 8pec...U. adult art clua, ia now on exhibit ST.AF F 0 RD f& • 0 N •t the Newport Beach Public U-"Nl:l.8 and DOC" brary. IELS(,'TKICAL OONTUOTOU Thie ahow replacu th• clue u -PIMMlil ~ 1-Hll hlblt, which hu been moved to the 110 R.IYerUcle "" __ .... N_,..n ._.. Corona d&l Mar Library. The ltrm =-========================: "thumb box" comu from the emaU r CU.tom Flrap4~ &Cll'HU Inat&lled. ~ Oral-. Wood Baakete. H-.rtb Broom.a, Pokera, candal• a bru Sconoea. Tl1..U, Barbecua Equipment. Four honorary lite membenhipe were premented at the Newport Harbor UnJon High School Parent-Tea.cher Auoci- ation meeting. The award8, the hl&h.t honor given by the P-TA to penoDI who have done meritorious work in Par- ent-Teacher AMociationa, com.munitJ• and echoola, were J1ven to two pa.rente. Mra. Thom-Approximately 1800 etudentl u Jl'roet. hlatorlu and )(rs. Jl&r. .., now enrolled at Harbor, with old Knipp, treuurer and two t~ llD exp.cted lncre... of over 200 ally member•, Mr1. John (Roe-puplll per year. ~ capacity of aille) Feeley of th9 l:n(Uab ~ lb• pre-l plant le around 2000. pe.rtment and KJngery Whlteneck, allh<Ml(b lbortagea already exlet chemlltry lnltruetor. ln a.cademJc, mu.ic, ahop and paint boxu eomeUme' uled for ----------- ouldoor 1ketchinr. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2 "754 I Special! FIREPLACE GRATES SLM ) 0 Called by th• art.lit. "A. Portrait -V Since 1938 22 honorary 1.tt• pb,..&c:&l educa tion faclUUea. Painter'• HolJday", the akelchef are 1J)6rkllnr , catching a fleellng light for larger canvaua to be done later. They Include snow, mountain, harbor, and marine ace,nu. Adult Classes at Santa Ana YWCA ... m~ahlpe have beM dietrlbut.-It wu pointed out that Harbor ad at $i& ~h In thla area. Tbll &Jway1 bu been econom.laally money ('Gel to • !"e'YOIYlng •tu-very well run. Since 1942 It hu dent loan tuad from which uy ranked among the three loweat qWlUflad etudant above bl&'b of the 12 high achool• In the coun· 11ehool leHl may borrow to con-ty In term• of cost per pupil. unue bia aducatlon. In eome cue• Registration opene Wednesday outncbt ac:holarahlp• ar• given. The P·TA voted to &'O o11 record for adult claues aponeored by Al the preeent the tund hu over to back the board of tru11teu In Santa Ana YWCA.. They Include $1.000,000. Mra. Robert 'CaJJla, lit• plannlnc an expanelon program., charm. golf, practice bridge, gym, • memberah\p chairman and MMI Mra. J. P. Sutherland. president. brglnnera and intermediate 1Wim· H . 0. Boyvey, put P-TA prul· prufded a t th• mfftlng. ming. painting, bowling. eewlnc dent. preeented the a ward• to the TO NO:'lllNATt; clime, dupllc•te bridge. knitting, pa.ruitl, ,..hU1 Leona.rd Thompaon A nominating committee, which exerc1ao and volley ball, all on made the :acuity awarda. will preaent a slate of o!tlcera for va rloua day• and morning houri. PA.ST OP'FICER.!1 the coming year, was elected a nd For further Information call Klm· Put prelidente were llltroduc· 111 Mrt. Hogland, Mrs. I''roat, Mr11. berly 2-3577. ed by Mra. Dennie Hocland and Knipp, Mrs. Herbert Coleman and ----------- Included M.mu . Albert Spark•. Robut Magnusson. Mrs. Harvey ~ HJll, Roy Rouah, and H. Pea11e gave 11 rl'port for the rec· O. Boyvey. reellonal committee. Sidney Davldeon, euperintend·, The evrnmg lnclu..!ed mualc by en:, spoke on the topic "Harbor 1 the Chora leers, under Miss .Maril' Hll:"h Dul"lls Ill St lLITll," which Hlebsch and the Mclo<llsli, with wu an Inclusive and comprrhen-Ml"I. P...alph Dl':ivt>r u a1•compan· 1lve dlacuealon of the need for lat. Sophomore 111olher1, ctuu r- and melhoda o! financing a new 01aned by J.lrs. Alvin l'lrm .. ncc. high 11ehooL 111erved refreshml'nla. 31 alen tine Fete -For Fire Auxiliary I Newport Bea ch Firemen'• Auxl· '\tary met Feb. 10 at t he home of I Jira. W1lllarn Clltn, ~· UI Tustin 81-rvkle • ftlonl&I• SDI" Durwood Youngs Home from Ponce Home from Ponce, Puerto 'Rico, where lhc•y have resided for two years are Mr. and Mre. Durwood Young and children. They a re now well t>Jtnbllshed In their own home at 2-;oo Clift Drive. Say It Witb A ve. w llh Valentine the::ie carried 1 Llbe Cl 2228 ou~ In re!rel!~ mrnts I rtf • 1 Party Rental Item• -Thirteen membeni wt re preaent .....__..._,.,._......_,.,._._,....,.._...~ .J,fO.J E. C0tut fl11 .. CoroM IUl llor >n I joined In a worJ game. ror ------~-Harbor 5071 w!:llch .Mre. Don E 1.scoe, preeldert. J 0 B NS T 0 NE ' S .recctved the prtu. Mesa A11to Vlrecken Next mtetlng wlll be• on M•rcb l".M'd Auto Parllt .ll at the home of Mr•. Clyde Dot-o.ntl A.ccC!LMlrlc'" _!On. 2704 Clift Drive. 2075 PIM'entla Ave. Home and Garden Section Meeting Hoin1 and garden ..cllon ot I Ebell Club will maet In EbeU Club llouee, 12:30 p.m. for a N ck 11111ch- eon on Feb. 23. Harry Marahall. Ube~y 8-701S l'ot1ta Mf'M PARKES · KWl..EV MORTUA.RV FIN'lller\Y OKAUEL OflAPEl l 11 Hraadw•1 -Voe .. .._ t.lller1J ......... f-MM ALL MEN f Ht pruldent of th• CaUiomJa ===========! P'ucbala Society, w111 ri•e t.JM When you visit Wally'1 Barber Shop you not only gt'l a C\11· tom HaJrcut. you gel your hair 1ha ped and 11tyled accordlnr to your head a nd fe1lture11. Specl•l- lie In tuU f'Ut. fla& top, butdt. Pr1ae.-tott. dras>"-Aleo ladlu ' hair ehapl?g. ~ Lemen on Trip Mr. and Mre. Robert r.t. Lerner, 123 Vla Lido, have ~· •topplng •t the Hotel Moala Caulno whlle 'YACI Uonln f Ill .W1X:I CO Cl t)', WALLY'S ftAll~ l!IBOP toH Harbor Bl"d. COSTA MllSA FOR MERCHANTS PROTECTIVE SERVICE IN NEWPORT HARBOR AREA CALL tEHIGH 9-1634 MOTOtWt'Ol..E f.:SCOKT • • • STATE MERC ~~-~NTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY -----------·------·-------' P Ulll-BLOOK OOl(PANl' -tllO 8. fllabl 8&... S-ta &.. PUlllVE -UlNDER A.NO OUNOIU:'l'E 11LOOU BEINFOROINO 8TE£1. Aad 8UPPUU Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -IACK BOYER - 2801 w. BaJbea Boulevard • Uaoleum • Robber TUe • Oork • Asphalt Tile • Carpet • Formica • Yacht • ln8tallation Harbor 5389 Newport leach Bruce Martin FOR ALL YOUR lNSURANCIC NEEDS Auto-Truck Fire -Life LU<!Al. AOENT Re.Ide ace orno. Liberty 8-6003 Liberty 8-MM 1793 New rt Ave., Co.ta Heea STOP SUNGLARE Door Roode Window AwnlDp Patio Coven Car Porta CaaoP- ~ta w. 8peclaltse ID Store Awalap Protect Furniture, Carpets. Drapes SA VE -Buy Direct from Factory ALUMl-AWNINGS OF HAmNGS MT W. J'Jt.ll 8 t., Cotta 11-. Calff. For FrH Estimate Call U 1-3351 Pl111i11 JI ~Iii' I ~l•I If y11r 111? It S His Business ... lt ... rtL SATILER H.,,_IUB f'OR A LOW.COST USY·PAYMllNT aUILDt ... LOAN c.... ... ..... • ............ • ....... ,,,....,. • ,......., " ....... ..., .. ,._,_..,..~ awt4 • AA 111ie .... /w ,..,. ... ~--"' ........ "' ..... • ,.. ...... ( n1ft• ,,..,,.., ,._ ..,..,., i'SlatMilul~ ? .. " .......... . : ............ ·= •6 "'9:" ... LA J 1 Ii 'fr• '-......... "1e:' ......... M* ... ' ...... • •••••••• .n •••••••••.• • •*' xEW:S:ciPREss Yes ••• It's hh bnlness to deliver yo. Newport Harbor News-Press to yo. door each Monday and n.nclay. It's •ii btniness to clo a CJood lob too. YOW.piper l'IMllt reach you p~tty, a11d in good c011dltion. His fob depends upon the service he ,.,.den hh customers. If you are not a r941ular 1ub- 1 c r I be r, flll Otlt ... s•bscrlption below and we wm start .. livery at once • ,-----·· ·-· .. --.. --............. -... -----. ---....... . . I ' ' ' Circulation Dept. Newport Harbor News • Press 2211 Balbo9 Ave., Newport 8-cb Attn: ClrculaUoa Dept. I hereby wiah to aut.cribe to the New- port Harbor News-Presa. and agree to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 60c a month) . ! N.une I ' ' l itnet -------- ' 0 i ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • : City ____________ _ I ·------··-··---·--------------------·---2211 lalboa llvcl. Hwbor 1616 ' YOU SAVI ,. r .. PIDCllPTION .. Pring ... • ALL CANDIDA TES Por tile Councllmante eJeetlon Nardi I a wlll be prMeat at tbe TOWN HALL HE£1'1NG Sponeored by the U:AOUE or CIVIO A880CIATION8 OF NEWPORT lll'!ACR U you •re Interested ln meellnl' and hearlnl' the Candldalal, be IUM and be preaent. (Ac:rou trom Van de Kamp'• ud M&ytt.ll') 190'7 8o. llalll, S..ta A.ma IU s.8'7tl CDM FOIEl.N TRAVEL SERYICI 35421/2 E. Coast Hiway eoroaa ... ..., Harbor 1246 Coline Gibbons • Dorothy McKenna -Marguerite Hughes Specl&lbJn~ ln lndepedent ltJneraries, toura. crulaH -•• AU phuea of fore.Ip travel and nieort vacation.a. COLINE DOROTnY MARGUERITE To the Father of our Country we owe • debt of gratitude that can only be paid by our steadfast dedication to the ideal of a free people living proudly in • free country ••• which i1 what America meant to him ••• and must elway1 mean to us. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR ":NOL Y INDEPENDENT BANK" High Quality Printiog-Ph. Har. 1616 Sawe on NORGE Now • IEE JAKE TO SAVE • AUTOMATIC NORGE WASHIR·DRYIR Con1bl ... lon '279'5 '169'5 • Modfll AW-423 Complete, fully automatic home laundry at • 1en1e1tlont1lly lo,,._ ,,.SC• I nme-Lhte Aut~c W .... er Tlme·Lht• AutM..ttc Dryer e IXCWSIVI TIMI UNI CONTltCK.- i n beluulul blaclt and Sold atytins. e PULLY AUTOMATIC WAIMll- from 1111 10 spin dry. Not a manual fill. e ntllt.MOSf ATICAU Y CONTltOLUD -exclusive .5·W11Y rinslna. e WATlll gMHIATUtll llUCTOl- choic:c of'11ot or warm water for WI.Sh period. e f'CMCILAIN WOtttC SU.PACI. PLUS-IASY TUMS • • PULi. Y AUfOMATIC-.aft f« al fabric& •Metal All-Liii HUT-~ blower fan l times lver&I' ran ... No scon:hins. no bekin1! e IUPll • CA'ACITY DITIR ~ -allows free mowment ol clothea ror uniform d.rylna. e IJlftA-l.A.101 IC...._ACTION 9009- for easy loed1ng and unlo6dina. e S·WA'Y YINflNO - no qllcial fhttnp needed. GU • • KING-51%1 TIADl·INI MODELS AVAQ ••Lii Jake's Appliances o.17 Norse o.a.-• ta.. ...,.,_ A.. LOW DOWN PA YllENT e EUY TDUM "YOU llart>or Ana Applluce &Jniee Cell_,. SA• D -L1be11J 1-eMl -IDVICS 1937 ..... JlycL c ...... • "• on. o-:,w. .,,......_ ., ·~ • With J ullior. Ebell Clubs When Orange County Federation of Women's Clubs, Junior Division , meets Feb. 25 in all day aeaaion at Buena Park, a revised alate will be praent.ed at election of officera. Mra. Duane VeDel of Brea, candidate for Orange County president, hu withdrawn and the committee will pretient in her plao• Mra. Lloyd Mallory. pre- •ldenl of P'ullerton Junior ltbell. The ch&111• wa• made by the nomlnatlnc committee. headed by Mt11. Norman Wat110n or Newport Beach. Mn1. M.allory had been cho· Mn tor tint vice prelltdent, IUld ruw nominee for that ottt~e 19 Mr•. G~rc• Reay of Laguna Beach. At a rneet1n1 of lh• executive . bo&rd of Newport Buch Junior E bell, held a t the Corona del Mar home of )Ira. Don Hayton, the prealdent, Mu. Sterlln1 Pula re· ported rna.ny local mem~" had entered r.MrTationa tor the t,.d· eratlon mMllns. fl:ul rtf\llar meetJnr or the Herbor group wlll be on Thurarlay at Harbor J:louae. with a apeaker trom Richneld Oil Co. to .tiow a color film on "California '• Bur· led Treuure". Mrs. Jamee White, waye and meane chairman, pve a report on lb• profTUI of the one-day nm\· ma1e ll&le which will take p lace In Cotta Mua Saturday, March Jt, juat north of Safeway Metkf't. Mr1. Dean Gorton, curator of aec· Uon1. reminded that the bridge NCtlon wlll meet a1aln at I p.m . i.~eb. 21 . at UI• JCl>ell Club, with meeUn11 on lb• tlr1t a nd third Monday• of the month from now on Instead of once a month. Mrs. O.Orge W. Gurr Jr. wu accepted u a recuiar member. Leavu of ab~ence were granted Mn. Eugene Vrf'tl&11d, Mui. Paul Weber, &11d Mra. W UUarn A . Cal'- ntlt Jr. Preeent at the board meeting were Junior board membt"r• Mmu . Sterling Parh1, FrP1>man Fl11hrr, James \\'hill', C. E. ~1ePks, Roger Hannaford, Forrest Allin· dtr, Dean Gorton, A. Burr "'h1le Jr., lhe adv1:10r11, Mrs. C. M. DI'&· kine and Mrs. John Lamar, a nd lhe hoate&11. Mrs. Hayton. Harper School Teachers Entertain at P-TA Meet Harper P·TA membera and guuta at~ndtnr the F eb. 8 J'oundera' Day meetlnc were In for a pleLllllnt eurprtM when they were enter· talned by faculty membenL The l•lter participated In a chnru1 and aanc three.eelertlone undtr the dlfe~on of Mn. Lewb Ktdder, mu· ale coordlnator tor Coet& Mna echoola. After the meeting a djourned, retreahment1 were prepared a.nd aerved by the teacht'NI, Recular board memben had an enjoyable lime u the faculty had alM> deco- rated the teblu a.nd made lovely flower ar1'angtml'nls In the Valen· tine day theme. The teadler1 1'0UAded out the artemoon by dolnl' up the dlthu a• well. The Pltd1e ot Alleslanu wu led by Cub Scout P ack No. 186. ot lhe county aupertntendent of achoot. as moderator. The paneJ conalat~ ot .Mre. Mildred Fl1ber, a.nd Rlcha.rd P. Sinclair repre.eent· 1n1 the faculty, Mrs. WUllam O'B1'1en and Mn. Balley Abbott Of Harper P·TA. A oomtnaUng committee for nut yN.r'• of:flcere wu elected. Worklng with Mnl. Jack Harn.. chaJrman will be K. R. Leathtre, Mn. William Bou. Mni. Thomu Blakely &11d Mra. Lenore T1111Jey. Mn. MUd:red P'laher'a klnder· gu ten and Mra. Pauline Gardner'• fourth 1nda claaa ,,.,on prlsff tor the lar&'etl atttnda.nce at the mHUnf. New Wint Planned for Rivera Hotel LAGUNA BEACH, FEB. 2J (0CN8) -Work ttaa .carted on a 1100.000 addition to the Rivera Hotel to lncluda a two-1tory wlnr. There wlU be nine-apartment unlta a.nd .,f1\t n-pnvate eun dttka. a lt0 • nt• .wtmmlns pool &11d reetaurant. r!ff!i1l ~ ... a.&vda7 TWO BIG 8H0\\'8 WUUam lleld9a ''EXECUTIVE SUITE" eary a .... t "DREAM -w-w-r.;-•- Adult• IO -·• LAST 'nKE SATURDAY TWO BIG BROWS Jamee Stewart "THE FAR 001JNTRY" "THE BOB MATIDAS STORY" ~ ROBERT TAYLOR llEANOR PARKER Put prutdenta honoRd wen Mu. Jack Harn.. MrL Raymond Rapp and Mra. ~ E. Ktlly. Re- cipient of the honorary lite mem· berehlp award wu Mre. Lenore Tlntll'y, Harper tlNlt JHde teach· er. with Mn. ~ E . Kelly making the pre.entaUon. Mn. WUUa.m O'Bt1en, pruldent. -------------------------A film, "B:motlonal Problem• of Chlldrl'n," wae 1hown. Thia wu t ollo-d by a dlacuaalon with Lynn Hutchl.an from the office announced a change tn pJana tor the •Prins taahlon ahow, The date wUI be March 2 rather than Karell 17 ae pn1Y1oualy announced. Local Epicure Addresses Kappa Kappa Gamma An IUumtnallnr dlecu*'lon of patronom y, Ule art or IC.lance ot sood .. uni. wu flnn by Mra. Dick Ora.ke at t.he mHltnl' of lhe l<&ppa Ka.ppa Gamma Alumnae A.aeoclaUon of SOUthem 0ran1e County htld on Thurllday, Feb. 10. Jn hrr amua:tnr 1pttch 1he pve a ehort ,...um• of the blttory ot cooklnc and of tamoue chef• of by1tone daya. On dl1play were a few cook book• from her Sarr• colJe<:tJon, rilled wtlb moulh·w•· t'rlnr; reclpu from m11ny coun· trlf'~. Mra. W. B. Dlck.lneon of 382 Mornlns Canyon Road, Corona del Mar. wu luncheon hoet-. uateted by Mra. R. P. Mon1U. Mi. Matue B. Lacy and Mlll Ruth R. Ma.awell. Al the buat· ne.. meeUnr Mra. WaJwr a. }latch pruldtd. F\na.I plan• were m ade tor the a.nnu&J Kappa rwn· mac• ale to be htld on Much 18, which p~v1du t1uid1 tor ca.mp- erablpe fo r the Orange CounlJ Crlpplf'd Chlld~na· SOclety. Thoae attend~ lnclu<Md Ml.al lAcy and WlM Marwell. M.mea. Mon111. Olckltulon. Jamet B. S toddard. Dick Drake and Rob- ert Lenkl'r of Corona del Mar: Donald Caine, Richard l!lt.-rt and Wa.lter Hatch or Co•ta M-: Burr Bumu, Strolltr While and Robert Bladanu of Ba.Jbo& l• lud: Louiae Oa.llaght'r of 8&1· boa; R. H. 8tr&lllff o1 Newport BMch: J . E. Kelm ot Udo; Wal· tl'r R. Smith. Tllomu 8wanaon, and MarahaU Beach of Lacuna Beach: Tom W. Collltr, Oeorr• Barnett, On1d A. B11r1er and BE SURE • INSURE wtUI llAUIUVlll tfTANU:T 1..,..._. ~' l'tto9e Ra.rbor H7' 1115 E.. ODMc Rl11t-1 Co,_. dtl Mar Jack D. Hiiton of Santa AJ'la: A. s. Kand7 Jr. of Orance; at1d Mi. Ann Ben.Jamin of 8a.o Clemente. Sewer C011tract Let SACRA.liCENTO (CNS) -TM at.ate department Of public worka Ull'IOWICed &W~ ot a f~,eo& <'Olltract t o A. H. l'amularo, 8&nt.a AJI&. tor 1nala.1laUon of a ltorm -er ..,.iem a.t ~ at.ate Hoepllal. ~ORT~~~ .. ·~, . . ... "". .. , -, .... ,,. Now Ulna s.tarday 'Sign of the PCICJCln' -P1u- • STARTS SUNDAY -Aho-....... TlllMIMDOUI ~-STAR MAMA I -8filEDE I LI 0 0 ~,;,'"~·1 LAST TOO: SAT. Eve Show Start• •:44 ~ TncJ, Robert Ryu., Aue F1"&DCU "BAD DA.J' AT BLACK ROOll" Eclmoed O'Briea "SBIEI.D FOB llURDl!a,. STARTS SUN. FOR 2 WEEK RUN C-ta-llaa. Fr<1m l :IO THI Sc.oaaDHlY PnsoNAL 5TolJ OF loYES AND lollGDllS WHlll 1HE B1nu IS Fa A.wlT ••• *·tit¥ ""nNTro n WARNER BROS. 1H CIN•MAScolE WARNERCOLOR•STEREOPHONIC SOUND .. -.. HffllN. RAY. fRffMAN ·OlSON . WHITMORf. MASSf Y TAB OOROTH1 ANNl HUNf ER· MAlON t · f RANLIS hlClM r0~ w. s.sac"'"' .. ' Adult& 11.IO In. 1tci CMld too IUd'a Mat Sat. 1:'6-"SON OF BELLE ITAB" •••.• Annual AFTER INVENTORY SALE Tbe 1'1neet Early &mertean MAPLE FURNITURE SAVE NOWI CENTURIONS ANN OUN CE 1--Fe_a._21_. _19s_s_-_c_o_A_ST_AL_s_H_oPPE_R_-_P_A_GE_5 HOAG HOSPITAL BALL DATE rtNt Ml' 90ClaJ e¥9t an. Euler will be the th1l'd An· 11ua.1 Roac Bcwpttal Ball. tor whlc!l UM! daUi bu bHD at u J'r1d.ay, April 15. lpouorlll.l' lf'OUP Ill The Centw1ona, oompoe· ad of m• lluded topU..r to aid UM hOllptt&l aa4 bMded b7 Mr. Vin JOl'l'd80IL Mr. Mu 8turp llu bMll appolntad ch&lrma.n ot UM bell and will anDOWIC• hla committee latu thf'OUCb the N_... PHU. Jt I.a etr~ U.t thla I.I aot an lnYlt.aUonal affair ud reMrY&UONI are OD a ftrll·come, nr1t-Mrvtd but.a. Becaue • or IJ>&C•, a limit of 700 ruervauo111 bu been Ht. lloW"er. Tb• ball wW be held at a local club at1d enten&Jnment will be prov1ded. THE CAT WAS THERE Girl Scout Duo Writes About Camping Trip home we went to bed. Th• nut morninc we rot up a.Ad cooked acrambled eg-11 tor breakful. Then we played k ickball. EVerybody had a wondtrfUl Ume. Wa et.arted for home at 10:00 S.lurday mdmln&." LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIER SHOP 8 .u..BQA THF.ATHE rn.oa. 1\,\1,BOA Opell ~<l•y thru Saturday HOUSEHOLD CRISIS ? WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura ltlre. Lea Nott and J . Rt1ndall, leader., were ••lated by Senlnr Scout Barbara Nott and Mrs. t:. Ruetenbach. They au look ld a little creen when lhe '1rla 1larted plan-lnr anotht'r camp-out for the near "!St:U \ H:E WITHLl'll llOUKS -\\Ill:~ NEEDED'" future, It waa reported. but ~tns COMPUTE LAUNDt:B.ERS aad CLEAN,_ the good aport.I Ul•J are th'Y gave llAKINER'S 1111..£ NF.WPORT B&AOll a.n 0 .K. lo U1e Idea. 1------------------------·' VISTA BUYS .. BETTER BUYS LMIM RAYON PANTIES 8lue Cl, I, 1 Ptak or Willi. for an oe~ ..... BJ RU8TC1LU'T ero-~ ,.,.,. ZIPPERS Picture Frmnes I''. s l~ to Jh1' ,.... ,,._ 49¢ to 98• la tlle MW ~ .... Pak"' MoDf'J'._.,_,_.._ 30tMd .., _..., MOllde ud mapi. llAllft MOt'!liTAl.~ Parakeet and Lowe llrd Seed !! 35~ Cllttle D Boy. JEANS .... 1-• •111 wtUl .. peoc1e,.,, Dooble froat. ...... nt. aanfortMCL •laat cwtts. ltelnfero.d. oopper rt•· •""'-lt•rd)' ~ ~ OUU'&lltfl&d. "'&ell '1" '. 1• aatJCS BIJW 1315 CAGES _. "P PAJLAKEET •1• OYJISA~O'M Para.lleet 59¢ Gtratfe 81\TNO Thu.-Fri. ·Sat. Feb.24 25. 26 B...Wf'4 Oott.oa CLOTHES UNI ~ 59t Macia-Sii~•" lroalnc &•rd COYER 1 rontac Roard PAD "._..rd 64" ..... ffMYJ U.O~I 91' wnv... oot\olt Im po r1ed 8Wf'dtillt 11 e rclwontt Clotftes Pin kord ,..... .... , 1 roll apf1nc f'flC. Ito lfll9"911~ by Good •1 .. Bmaelulepl.n1 I.AMI' Reflector lowh Op&I 6" 8" OIM• 79• 98' :-:..of 191 "'011:'\i'·r:r:" "-by t..-lntas ~ '"' boJ or rtrt. moa..d In on,. pll'N', t hlp proof a r Id pro•tf • roul'lftf'd 41 d l " II , Ufthrf'•kahlf'\1 1M1Ju11tahl,., AdJn•l•hle aaf,.ty twit -fMllhn Ucht. A111w1rtN1 •~• roloni. Ill. FRt:E ~ .... ts A .. ro ho. tonf' ,,....k. pAk 8bW"-n-h srs .apenwr tnr purM or ,. __ pcw-ket. with bottle of ~ra 100 Kqu!M> ' 49• ttJa ,_. unit n .tt ASPJ:R.IN Wu SpNaclen TV TRAYS Bott.If! 79t Pott.Mt ;;_~ ')Ge E~.::. lt o ... ,. ........ 9SC tra,.., ,...., ..... ,_..tor~....., IK'1AllWa ~, -,.,c. ··rrs FUN TO II NICI TO PIOPLI'' Ill IER PHOTO FINISHING ONE DAY SERVICE , PAIK WITH EASE SHOP WITH EASE ANY DAY-EVERY DAY 821 W., 19th St. ( ~r PIACEN'l'IA) COSTA MESA LllERTY 8-3231 .. . . . .. l ) . . . . FRESH WHITEFISH FILLETS 39~ 'TIP-TOP' PORK SAUSAGE FRESH WESTERN OYSTERS 1Z.OZ. JAi 55'. DURKEE FRESH -FREEZER ilAR ' MAYONNAISE · r-s _ __..... ............. "" NIW AU.-AMlllCAll ICE CREAM! '•c~.4 .. ,_. by -.,,f tM N f40ll'I mo.+ f•"'°"' m••.n of fltoe la"""" J FLAYOIS. FULL j--GAL •• EASTERN SLICED DELICATESSEN FOODS BACON b+.a-F1ncy -w.sh;ngton Mdou1 H:::~~~L~D 3 9' APPLES PACKAGE --- ARMOUR STAR 59· FIN EST QUALITY -I-LB. PKG ••••. Extr•Fa.ncy, Weshington, D'Anjou PEARS S I W LARGE, LIGHT-MEA TED WALNUTS LIS. LIS. AGED, NIPPY WISCONSIN CHEDDAR HORME:l'S ALL.MEAT FRANKS ' 1.U. PKG. ---NO'/A SCOTIA OEllCATElY SMOKEO I TENDa FINNIN HADDIE RA TH PULLMAN PILLSBURY IUTTERMIU( HAMS -BISCUITS 1to10.•.15:. 3 rtc:Gs. 35c Avg. * IEWPORT BEACH * COIOIA del IAR ~.......... J600 COAST HIGHWAY ' __ ~: ~ ~~m~ * SAi CLEIEITE 60Z a CAMINO llAL • . , 63~ 43' 59~ MAPU LEAF ClllDlll BACON ~~ 49« iOiiiEiU fl RH 99' OOiOOiii'sc::~ s1 37 iHTSiEY flRH 5291 ) •• I I .. COURT GIVES s·1 s,275 DAMAGES TO .HUFFMANS SANTA ANA ((>CNS) -Deliberating two and one half houn Thursday afternoon, a Superior Court jury awarded S15,275.88 damages in connection with a Coeta Meea traffic accident. Winning judgments were Mr. and Mn. Richard Huffman and her eix-year-old eon Rickie of Corona del Mar. The jury awarded Mra. Hutrman '2300; Rickie, $10,000 e.nd Richard l Huffma.n, $297~.88. The l1ttter wa11 for medical eitpe11.11e11 for lhe care ot Rickie &nd Mra. HuUman. However, the jury did not find for Mrll. Paul Huftm1rn of Collla Me-. al1ter-ln-law or Mra. Richard Huttman. Di AOCIDENT Mn. Paul Huffm&11 waa operat- lnc one of the care Involved with Mra. Richard Huffman and .90n Rlelde u 'f>Uaenrers.. 'Rickie and hl1 mother aougbt $88,M)O damag- u . Mra. Paul Huffman aeked ltotl.096. Named dt>fendanla were Deliwery Gu•••••d DeUvery of Ule Newport Harbor N-... rru. lt S'&&l'- &nteed. AU attae ol UM Oom· munlty are rapldl,. i. 'tac placed on can'ler de1'"'Y· Carun boy1 wtU deUftr Ule&r papert before I p.m. Oii Koa· day and Thureda7. U your paper la not delivered by that hour pleaM caU Harbor Jtll &lid a •pedal roulA man will Immediately r • 1 po n d w1th your copy of your Newpurt Harbor Newa·Preaa, Mr. e.nd Mrs. AJ Grund8trom of ------------ Uarden Grove. Mra, OrundBtrom wu the oper- a tur of the other cruh car. She had del'l')&nded $00,207 <l•n1agu ag&.lrlllt Mrs. Paul Huttman. Ac- tually, the Jury h eard three OOM!S rolled Into one. Total damage• uked ran about $200.000. SIGN .REMOVED I n each of the 11ult.a, Orllllge County and Cost.A Meaa were nam- ed &lao. The county M d city were bl&med f or the lack of atop 111gna at the lnteraectlon of 17th St. a.nd lrvlne A\le., where the colll11lon oc- curred New. 3, 19~. A halJoween pra nuter a1111erledly removt'd the •llfl13, The plf.lntlffa c latmed the roun- ty lhouJd be held responstble be- cauae the 1lgni were down lor !our or fl\le days. Atty. Steven• Fargo contended the county waa not notified the algn1 were down. Tlie jury ellmlllDted the county and city from the judgn1t'nt It a.190 dt'nled damag·e. to Mra. Paul Huttman, &nd Mrs. AJ Grun- atrom. Mra. Paul Huffman wu travt-1· Ing on 17th St., and Mr•. Grun- 1trom on Irvine wht>n the acd- deont occurred. Free Child Photo KIJhllghUnr the "SpoUlght" ad- vertlllt'menl In t.oday'a lllllu ... The Brat Shop. Co11ta Mt>&a, tot.lily of- fered to gl\l e 1tll lhoae brlnjit\n.: a copy of the advertlaem1>nt to the •tore a fre. photograph of thrlr child. Garbage Disposal Unit Taken Theft of a new garbage c111poaal umt valued at $60 wu reported to Costa Mellll police rttmlly by (;luence Ro1111 of Dike and Col- grove. He 11&ld the dl•po1&l unit waa mlsalng from a garage at 303 Ramona Place, Cosla Meu.. Investigating officer. found en· try had been forced through the l!lde door ot the one story frame and 11tucco garsge. The garage was lO<'ked, ret.>ort11 !!how. The gar- bage dl~posal unit. Ross uld, wae 11tlll In a cardboard box aa 11h1pped from the factory. Now at Yokohama CAMP YOKOHAMA, JAPAN- Sergt>ant Flr11t Cl&a8 Herbert V. Bowrr .Jr., whru•e ra1 her llv!'ll at 2004 Harbor Blvd , Co>11ta Mesa, I~ a!llllgnrd with lhe 8064th Anny Unll at Cami' YokMhl.ma, Japan. Bower. a maintenance 11ergeant with th · un1t·1 H<>adquarter11 De- tachment. entered thr Army In 1945 and Ma bct•n In the Far Ea.st since May. 1952. He completed 1:>111111' t n:Llnlng · Fort Blls!l, Tex., &ml , ll Vtteran or Mrvlc~ In Ko- n Newport J1011oe tod&7 are look· lllS fOI' & bura'lar Wbo WU klm• ua.cs by Ual'M oUlft' -u Ula pereon who t.ooll MtwMa 200 -d 300 Iba. ot c&e&Md and packed abalone Wedneeday nlfh~ from Ellie AbUone a t 211 20th St. Smoki1g H1bits, He1ters C11se I of M11y Fires TbcluPU... WM>lrinr b&blta w1 defecUn beaten ..... more ~ ball Ule 1000 bcml99 tl"9 atau.- Uca re.-.J occur daUJ', acoordlq The baul wu valu41d at $1&0. to Ralpb 1-, o.ta M-. ttn,... The .LbrM men told p6Uce they venUOD oftlcer. ••UM w.pe<:t about 10 p. m. r o "Your bodl• c-lie DMl ualil9e Into lbe co1npany·1 bulkllnr. When you heed th.la advice," 1-aid. "Be aure your amoldnr b&Mta are ch•ll•nc.-d by . the Ulrfl. he u-aare a.nd alwaya keep your he&Un&' ~ly 1cknutl~ him.elf to them 1ystem ln perfect worklnr order." &lid told theom he had 600 lbe. of Jt .you UH a fireplace, Lee aatd, ab&Jone aold and wu de.livering ~ sure to have a •creen In front lh•m. Company official• claim of It. 1111& prevent• aparu from the order would have had to come retllng on: nearby rug1 or tumJ- th~b th• office. lure. "It·a a poor policy to 1 .. ve Entry wu made by opening a your home unattended with a ttre •Id• window which wu apparently bumlnf In the fireplace," Lee re· unlocked, police Kid. mlnded. SMALL INGINE REPAIR and SALES For P-•r Mowera • Boat• e Coatracton eqalpmen& Aff!Dt• for Brtcp. Strattoa Cllaton. Wlaconela. La-Eart- HARMATB ELECTRIC & MFG. 00. U'5 W. Coaat BJ1hway Newpon Beach Ph. U Ml'1 BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CHAPEL Un Supenor Avenue Co.le ...... Calif. Phone Liberty 8-2121 CHAPl!!L BY THll BEA a:l20 &:. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, Ca.I.It. Phone Bubor U RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 2SO SOth St., Newport Beach PAY-LESS To be taken by JJetnle Alden, .,,e photo(T&ph.I wtll be taktn by appointment.a arranred et con· venlence Of tboae r1q~t1Untr them. The Brat 81>op 1pokeaman &aJd. AC•OU HIGHWAY f lOM MOAG ~ITAl JU$T NORTtf ,, PO$T OFF.CE NIWPOR -JOI NIWPOttT II.VD. -COSTA MESA / MAKE ·THIS YOUR OF THE ALL FUNDS R£CEIVEO • ON OR BEFORE THE 10th OF THE MONTH EARN FROM THE FIRST Office Hours: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a .m. to 8 p.m. McDOllalcl at M•• , .. ~ Oalil. <nrrNC>-COUNCIL HOPEFULS FEB. 23, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 7 Al tbe U. L Naftl AJr lllmJe TMt TO ..-T PUIUC o..w ...... for 41111' .. :an J . ......... kt .-maa, UBH, -el Kr. u4 Kn. WUltllm )leJ)onakt of IOll Maple Aft,. 0oM& KNL AD eud14•1• for c&t7 __. cU wUl awe-Mton Ute Newport Bartior K1W9aia aUlt Thlll'ld&7 .... .... .. .. ..,... -tblllr platform. )(Mt.-me wtD M beld at Villa Mar- lM, iMIOCll tt • tD ......... ... -=retar)'. lJ ~!!I Sente. FOR RENT am aa--. ..... DeWa. ~ all t)'p-. ot ........... W1Melbu-,.,.,., ... BOYD'S HDWE. tllO W. OOA.8T BJOllWA 'I' IWore •twtn&' the Nap In J\117 ot ltll, M alt.oded Jfewpcll't llutlor Uldcla mp llebool. --------------------~ w.aa, Newport ltClll.lldo CONTRACT BRWGE GAMES. LeuoM daily. 2025 Anaheim, Co.ta Meea. Llberty 8-1530 16p18 en r1 .. ~ IT U..t * .......... -·-t ............ ....... ,. .... M-ATtr.AP..-'1._.,...,._ .. ~ "~ ,, .......... ...._ . .....,...._,_._. ~---· &Ill •• ,_ ... ~81:: •Allell&...._ ... ._ ....... ....... m.e. u ...... aom- ...,.. I .. .... ... 9 °"" .... ... -~ .. r.e.. M~w ..... l'la-1 ............. • 1-rupertJ ., ... r.e... s--· .. .. ... ........ 111ds' N...,_ y Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Meet. nel')' ~1 I p.m.. '91& OportAt -0-tral Ave. Newport 8-ch Elwood B!Mll. JCaJted l\uJer IJ Ddh18eft' I WEST COAST BUILDERS GENERAL OONTR.ACTOR8 ~~en er and CLEAN UPS Llberty8-1W IOellll PAINTING PalDUas It Paper Haqtq ""Tbe B..t Money c... BuT' SJ;~son & Nollar Bt., M~BMdl PBONJD BARBOR 2'°' Uc l ' r. ...... Sign up at once -0-8oft water softener to be given ABSOLUTELY FREE (inat&Uatlon lnclud- ed) to lucky •tub holder by BALBOA HOWE. 711 IC. B&lboa Blvd .. Balboa ' No Punibue Neceuary) 12cl7b Alcoholica Anonymous Wrtte P. O. Boa Ill Newport a..cb. Ca.I.It. p!M)M Barbor 4196 tie ou don't have to know bow y to read. Come Hear Edna Steam Dayton. Lido Theatre, February 24, 10 :30 a.m. 14cl7 ~bare l'oar Oar ----w AHTl:D-Rlde to Placentia &nd Victoria. worklnr hra. 8·4:30. 30.'ioii 33rd St., Newport Beach. 18p17 l 8 B•n!J~~ Superfluoua Hair ·-........... --..,_, a.p. i:,etnowe IUld bait UM .Uped-No more twedll\1. lll.LllN I.. BftT A.NT R. IC. Udo'• 8alOla ot Beaut7 Bar. 2$71 l3---SlmMI-...... ~PONSIBLE COU.PJe will manap apartment home in return tor rent. Refer- encee tumlabed. Bond lf required.. WRlTI: Bolt P-JS t.bil paper. 4tf Roy's Maintenance " Rome olilu.lal'-J'\oor wulns Wall ~-window cle&nlnl' v ... u. MllMla. ~·ry IMured.. ,..._ matu Ubert1 l-llU. ltt• Yard Maintenance Clean up Job9. ,.,... DUmate Liberty 1-3159. ~ EXPJCRIENC&D typlal, 1teno .• bookxeeoper dl-.treit t\lll or part time office work. Ph. Har. 3M2J after r>. 17l'lt !9-lle12 Wu}ed GOOD SAU!:SMAN •anted, In ee- tabllahed otflce.- Ca.II BOB J ONES, Harbor 2311. net• REAL ESTATE SALESMAN ta well located otflc:e. Prett'r eom .. one with knowlf'd«e of Harbor a rea. Write box I>-40, thl1 paper. net• NICE APPEARfNG, lntelll1enl 1ale1m&11 or aaleewoman with latt' modrl car t o df'mon1trat• in lh4I -l\ewport Harbor aree- one of the t1ut11t&ndln" aut.omo- ttve 1enaauon1 of tht' deoraci.. E1Ulu full or part Ume -no compellUun -aul>atantl&l com· mlMIOn • •pply, 11lv1nr your experience. your ca r make, model anit year-to tK>x C-39, thla p•JJ"r. H e lt JOBS OPEN NOW FOR Bk'kpn., •tf'no·a, ~retarlu. bkkp It poet. mach. opualon. hoUM· k('e~n It c011k11 Bf; S URI!: TO CHECK WITH - June Farrar Agency EMPLOY ME!'-1 402 ·~ 32nd St.. S pt. Bch 11clt WANT exp. lft.dy ror baby 11tt1nr for 3 •mall rhlh1N'n . Som11 "IU· Jar d•y• It va11.ct f'\IU. 76c hr. Harbor 38111-J. 17cll Draftsman (Male) r or work tn beach are.a wU.h I yra. pracitlc.at e•perlence "' mech. dra.tlina an<S 2 yn. col· Ms• or equtveJenL Wnte P. o. 8oJl lOial. Alha.mbra, C&Jlf., •· .............. ., wOl'tl. ""'° ouu.s - Good News Garages, 18 x 20 STUCXX> OR SloING -COMPLETE t.fG Oood Johll - ------------Oood aa.lary -%2-U.t aad Fotmd $695 (including slab) SPJOC:IALISTS ln room addition.a and remodeling for over 8 yra. FHA Terms -No Down Payment Uberty 8-6763 -Klmberly 3-827' 87plH CARPENTER Renair Work 0-. Your -Uome Need Rep&lrine OI' Aemodelina' PAINTING INTl:IUOR -IDCTEIUOR LIC&HSICD -INSURED Glenn Johnston LOST-1 pair contact lena I.Ji am. plullc Jt'Wel bo•. Harbor 201 . 1'1(18 it 8ebool9, l.aKnletioll China Painting Day and Evenln1 o ..... On:lera T a11tn Now Pbone Uberty l-M48 Httc Real Estate School in Santa Ana Call J'rallJt. L.lbertJ MIM AU Worll <:uan1ntttd 74ttc 501 • Ult St. Newport Bea ch ffartlor 1178 lltr~ J.<EN It WOM.CN prep&n ln lp&n 11mf' for unU.m.lted op1)0rtunJLl• Pl'lone LI 8-1872 JCvea. LI 8-U20 "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come to your borne. lllke down General Contracting REPAIRS, remodd lnC and aJtera Uon work. RfJDldenU&l &nd com mercl&l bulldlnp. Quality Work Ouarantffd Har 3rn1 day1, Har. 2480-J rvea. In Rut Eat.ate. New ca-1 wffkly. IJ Tyler tnstrucdq. At- lfl1'1d flnt nen.tns CrM uid 1eut1 about w. rreat new. Ca.I.I or "rll• now for llltormal!Qn. Bual· DeN l.uUtute.. '10~ N. Syca - -Kl J-17r>I. Ht.le 99t.fe ---------------~ your venetian blind•. lake them W tecl \0 our lDundry. l.Aunder thUl&tl, H. H .. HOLBROOK %&-SllatloM ~~--- 1.apu, oord" 11park11nf clean HOME CANNING with our new machine proce11 DEPENDABLE PLUMBING method. Return your blinds and A Prompt I WlLL CAN your t'hldit n me.at re-tn11talJ them In 2t houri ~p&lr Semce Katntaiae4 It t\ah. ALSO .oup• It •lew- Prlce very Taaa<>nable. Th• avu-Phone.! Har11or 4tU KlmbeTly 1-1110. H cl9 age 2 tape re1ldenllaJ blind-UOl Balboa Bl'fd.. Newpurt a.ell · • ~P Experienc'd gardener Only $1.00 --------LANDSCAl>ING HOLLISTER BROS. and CLEAN UPS We a.Leo repair and rebuild v.ne- tion blinds. All wor1t done by ap- pointment. Phone now Liberty 8·S101 or Klmbe.rly 3-1214. ppt!,c COMPLETE PAINTING It Paper Hanging Service l:UGJCNE O. 8Al1NDl:R8 &00 at st Street, N nrport SH ch Rubor 2t7e..J. UeM Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT J NURSERY Liberty 8-1659 N ew lawn, reuonable or DO IT TOUR8ELl'-WE TILL • GRADS TOUR SEED A.ND ROLL UNDER OUR GUID- ANCE. -LI 8-13112. Hpt House Plans LDl:RTT M23l lotl• lfk-29H 'lllre• bDby altler• available for evening• Pbone Liberty 1·27Z2. 20p21h MAN • WOMAN W!U do renertl hO\IMWork. noor·· wlUllng. wtn- doW clM.111.n(. FNt wwkeu. wbtte. UH I:. 20th SL. Coeta M.-. LI I-JIU. pplt PAINTER W A1"'I WORK. U yaan aperi- -Ne. llDklll. Bour1J. with frequrnt Inert..,.• - Opportunity for &d•anceom•t. Some open1n1a now for younr women In Newport S..ch office: T1tl.JtPROHll OPER A T 0 ft a, CLERJCAL WO~ (typ~ requl~dl. A pply au"" N. Main st .. 1Room 2111 8&11l• Ana Monday th ru fl'fil day. 9-4 p m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 7lfo W ANT arOMt to work al horn•. Write P. 0 . Box 28Z, Oran1~. l~IT FIREWOOD FREE Ol':LlVY.R Y Dry wood, HI"' • 24·· len(t.h. Call B. R. STAGG Phone Harbor 1014 E'vt'nlnc• Katbor 6391 ~II RKMJNGTON typewriter. r~ent· ly onrllauled, $3&. Har 6442 11c lt 8 CU. PT. ELEC. REF'RJO .. 136 2 eleclrk heater• ... '3. &nit 16. 1 ... he•tfr 110 2 lawn mowf'r1 13. and I I'> Z -.lee. motnu . AU In gt>Od fOnd. M1111l eelJ at onct . 32!'> An&de, Ind noor, Balboa. l7p•• BE AUTIFUL t'Om•r m&l!Of. clllnt l'&blnf'l. rhrep 1100. mahni liq· uor tahlnet 120 Welltln1hou .. O\l•n It at&nd $20. 304 Amel.lly1t, Balboa bllllld Har. 1181 after 6:30 p.m. 17rll AOOU8TlCON H:EARJNO AID& model A -120, Hand 'lrlbrator. con· vaJeec«nl walker. adjuat.DbS. '-Jill.al l,,,.. Bed • i belhrm. pa bealArs. Pri~ ,_.,nab1e tor ~ eale . IOI s--rd Rd., eor-del Mar. ITclt L,lCSNu:D CONTR.AL'TOR 511 IOUl St.. Newpur1 Beach Har. IUl-W or LI 1""832 lie CARPENTRY Uwt;p a-1112. 30p21Jl CL&Al'f bud erodMt .. round rar nip. Jtoom .... ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM ln1taJJ the abov,. cheapeT tll&n moat. Ai.o Mii Tile It Unoleum Non-union. 2:1 yeare experience Compare and ltoe - BU..L COKER Ll 8-6204 7tfe PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 271 Palmu It.. eo.t& M .. Phone U>le_rty 1-2921. tTtlc CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats o. Komar Harl.fOVt, LI f-6770 1kJlb MINOR REPAJR WORK NO J OB TOO BlULL H. O. Ander.on U 8-~ Coeta M ... lltfo Painting Ir Paperhancinc We do the work ou.rsetv-. SO ,ean uper1ence U-...d • l.Uur~. .. UD9ctJoa ,_,.at.eed. ~ tl'M. C&D Jolmaie, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-6289 81tfc HAULING AMY KIND-TRASH OR ! .u,.uwir. "",...,,. ... Scratch Removing a.nd FumJture &finahinr Pl'lone U'llertJ 1-2166 piw.. LlbenJ J.21U PPTJ' DllPlllCDABLm ..U·Nllnd eoup- Ja. Dl1 ._t--.i nt~ ... are ,.. ··t ,.iuaa u ..,... tallDr'D et ballM or apt.. la uclL tor apt. 6 eai11.r7. Wrtt.e Bas ..... un. faP9· lfJll Yard Maintenance JlXP1CIUllNCI'![) ().UU)l!l'QIR Call LI 1-lML U M _... call LI •rroo. 17p11 R&&PON&IBLll WOKAN wa.nta po91tlOll u ~ fDr .... n-or eldDrtJ coup&I. Un ta w out. llla!ellellt loeaJ ,..,___. Mn. WlWamD. U 1-4478. 17p11 llXPlllU.llPfCSD womaa wuit.I lronlnr In your bom111 or b&by 11tt1nc de)'ll 8,.irt rerereneea. Own tran1port.atJon. lJ 1-3709. 1Tp"8 UI S . 19'11, eoe.& Kea. 11cll CJe00 «ow, .._,. dM&p. Blqcle, rood CllmdlUDn, IU.60. UI lt\le-- .... OU,. l'eed. Ku. 1412-W. 11<'11 ACllTUO PADfT, oe.e of the lat· Mt deftlopnmU tll th• petnt In· dUatl')', la llOW ta 1tock et J'OUr 11.ar'-Pallllt Ont.er. Uaed for .... -..t.erior .... u .. pi-.. « llbleeo. •1112Bd l l. N..,.• port -ftoDe Ru 2111. I k21B JIDflJX.l 8Kl BOOT1!1. JfWW, wont ~. 115. 548 .... wv-d ftoed , OorQl!a drl Mar. Rar1"1r ~w. itcia CHJ\.OME dinette •t. 121). D&J' bed. 13 .. built-In lrontn1 bd .. U . Laundry tF"&)' Am.r. &td., 14" •14. lla.rbor 1111-W. 1 .. U " 1 ,, I . I ,_ \ --~-------. ----. .._. .. -.. -....,,..---.. --... ·-----"" ----• ... ... • "" ;--L-• --...... - -.__., •• ' .... .._, ... Lo ... -- I PAGE 8 -COASTAL SHOPPER-FEB. 21, 1955 ~ll••••ll==eou fol' a.a. You don't have lr know bow t o read. Com;i.iear Edna Stearn Dayton. Lido Theatre, February :U. 10 :30 a.m. H cl7 1000 Buaineu cards $3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W. WHJTI!! LI 1·4011 (EvH. Ll Ml:IOI ppttc SALE FLOOR SAMPLES 10 Piece Set Rattan, Wrought Iron. Modem AIRFOAK cusmONS u ....... ,, .. HERE'S A VALUE ! FREE INSTALLATION on all new CHRYSLER marine-engines purchued from Feb. 21st thru March 7th inclu1ive FROM Industrial Marine Engines Inc. Fresh Hearing Aid ZIPPER <X>VERS BAITERIES · w. c1ve s1rH cmn st.a.mp• 1-Magume.Table -·--$21.50 THIS Includes: Chrysler Aces, Ace Specials, Gunderson Drug Co. 11·~to-~ ---',2612·~ Crowns Crown Specials & Imperials. Main 8t. at Balboa BIYd., Balboa -vi. ..._.. -·----.vv ' Harbor ~1~. 98ttc 1-Coffee Table ---$21.!50 VHOTO ~ulp. ror complete dark 2-End Tablea ···----$~.()() room. 2 1• x s•. enlaraer. elec. 1-Corner Table ___ $29.9:5 dryH, etc. $4~. Hu . 23&4-W. 3-Piece Sectional --··-$169.9~ l~plT llxl:l t"HIXESF: sculptured rur. $65, & comvlete Clrtplace aet. r-ea .. onAbl... 876 W. 18th., Co9ta Mr11a or Llbt'rly 8·~i44. l:M:l7 J.IOVING, mWll eell: l!tOVf, rdrlg., wa11hlng marhlne, m18C:. ehalr11, tru.lt Jara It other Items. Hn rbor 2871-W. l6cl8 001.3 CLUBS, Loul1Vllle Grand Slam. Luther beg. 9 Ir~. 4 wond1, 111•et1 ,.,.v,ral yura but In g<X'd 11h11pt. $69.~0 or msJle of· ttr. L.J 11-697:1. 16cl8 NEW Floor Sample Clearance Everything carries Regular New Guarantee 21 ·· r.F: apl slu ranite. Rf'g. S16900. SPECIAL 111900 CF. t'lr1·t. rlothu dryt'r Rr~ U :l9 :,o, SPl-X'fAL S l69.~ C:E l ronc-r Rl'g. $219 9~. SPECIAL SI.SD )0 1'1111>· M slfl Port. dl11'1wuh•r. 1-:"" $279 9~. SPEClAL $219 11:1 G~; 11 .. u. It. Uprl!:bl frcei.er, Rl'J.'.'.. I 11 9 0:1. SP•;CIAL '299 9:1 Gf: 11ndf'l'tou11ter t1l1hwa11hr1. R~lar Price ·--···-$386.90 ~A VE .... --·---·-· $96.90 SPECIAL ·-·--····-······ $290.00 The Lighthouse 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1607 17cl9 Dales Furniture Two new Arvin aut.omatlc elecL coCfee percolat.ora, (coat new S29,9:11. NOW . . . ..... SlT.~ Apl. 1d1:e Frigidaire rdr1gerator, really n.tce ... _ ... . .. $126. Mallos. b~aktut china cablnrt, looka Cine . . ............•...... ST~. RCA 17" Tele...aJon --·-······ J M. Betldlll 18" CoM<>le TV -····--$7:1. Red ettl. dlYllll rood cond. $39.:10 Sllvertone comb. 3 1petd record player • radio, table m odel S80. 1814 Harbor Blvd .• COila Mt's& LTberty 8·~lt. 17cl8 Mesa Woodcraft This Week'• Specials - 4 drawer atudenl dnk .... $13.81 4 •Ir c-ht11t, let'. A roomy Sl2.88 !'i dr ('hHt smooth. eanded SH '4 EXAMPLE-BRAND NEW Chrysler Ace sells for $1095 (plus sales tax) F .O.B. your boat. This is the total cost to you placed in your boat ready to enjoy. This special offer includes: 1. Preparing engine bed•, 2. Aligning and bolting down engine, 3. Connecting and furnishing &11 parta for wa· ter ayatem. 4. Connecting and furnishing all engine wiring, 5. Connecting throttle and clutch control. Engine and iMtallatio1\ carries 1-yr. guarantee. All work done at our shop I Berth 205A Cerritos Channel Engine abow room and newest. finest, self service marine hardware store in this area. 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington All engine types &: models ln stock. Financing available. All lnstallatlon.a subject lo approval of our marine engineer, A. M. "Gus" Walker G. M. C. I o TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 48' 00001!! ~ T. P. U , '49 CHEVROLET lot T. P. U . '60 DOOOE ~ T. PANEL ')2 OMC 1~ T. PICKUP '44 GMC 1' T . PICK UP '61 OMC ' T. STOCK RACK '411 CHEVROl..E'I' 1 TON '48 OMC 2 T . 2 SPEED. 8:2:1 TJR@:S, 14' BODY. We have eeveral pickup• and l 1ti T. truck• from $:10 t o S300. St!I! our •lock be(ore buylns any Ultd tniclc. W.W. WOODS C MC DEALER 6 19·19 E. 4th Sl. Santa Ana Open Sunday a.m. Truck hPJ1dquartt're tor Oren1re Co. February Clearance !'13 C'HEV. Bel Air COUJW, 18.000 mllL·s. One oy.'lltor Sun Gold !ln- IRh. Whitt ,..ti.JI tires, heater. Ftbruary Sale P rice .... $1699. JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W. COAST IDGHWAY Newport Bea<'h, Liberty 8-:1:14:1 1936 CHl!:V. 2 door, runa good. New home:nade paint. Job. Xlnt. tr&n.tpOrtaUon car ·-······· $4'.44 Rioh Hahn's Garage 29th Ir N~rt _Harbor 4726 Newport Beach February Clearance !H CHEV. 2 door loe&Jly owned A purcha11ed new here (one owner tool. Two tone grten t mlsh, whl. walle. F"l!bruary SaJt' Price $899 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W . COAST HlCHWAY r-:ewriort Be•ch. Liberty I!· • .. 'l~tl v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a IOC&I dulu who will bt ht'N TOMORROW t.o back up what b• ..ii. TODAY! WHAT IS MY CAR WORTH? . Its worth more than you think at Lou Reed & Associates Chrysler • Plymouth Dealer It'• quite natural tor tho •vtrage car owner lo bl! lhor· oucbly conf\laed about the value of hi• automoblJt. He 11ea.n1 t.he uud car ads dally, but tlnde that the adnr· tlttd pricea tor hi• car vary by $300 to $400. H t drlvu from one dealer to another and diacoven their laed car tote jammed with care Cor aale, many ju11l ltke the car he owna, and evtrywhtre he get. thr 11ame aa.d 1tory a bout u.eed can ·not 1tllln1. hla r ar not being worth whel hP bl!llt'vu, In fact • lhou11and and one at orlt'a that pro- poee t o break down hla moralt. Not IO at LOU REED Ir ASSOCIATES. Our Used Car Lot is almost empty! .Al the moment thla ad 11 btln1 written, we have only 10 poet war uMd cara on our lot. Come oul and count them. Coneequenlly -- - WE NEED USED CARS N 0 W NOBODY CAN OFFER .MORE! • • • Be sure lo bring your title! Bring along the family, too! We deal ao we'll 1urpriee you! LOU REED & Associates CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 4323 W. Coast Hwy. -NEW CAR SHOWROOM 1200 W. Coast Hwy. -USED CAR LOT Phone Harbor 4070 BICAUTlF'\'t. Ea1tl'm tNllt ll!>-tt. houee tre1lrr. <'a~ne, with prl•. b1tth Or"''~" l'n1111 Tnoller f'k. 16 4 Whlll1tr. L<•l 8, C, Mt.a 11r 22 SA VE your rt>nt mone)', •'10. a 2;· Pa.n Amt'rlr•n, tine Ct\n1I. See at 14~ >: t 7th St., C'oel a J.tN&. I.I 8-6663. lk 11 B\" ow:-:EK ·:.i An~f'IU ~:1· t11r- nl11hl'd, t" 1n 11<''1•. •hnwrr. t oll • mAny rxlr1111, RrmaJ11 r•rrort, •lore rnom. Tru ~haded. Lol B-26 Ran• ho T rallt'r Perk. P alm SJlrtng,;, rnced tc> IM!ll. 16pll 47-Wa~~-~-a_t __ _ IT'S DIFFICULT BUT WE KF.1-:P TRYING. Want 1 or 2 br. !111 n. house with prlV· 11ry, H1$;h rt'!tr~n<'f'tl u pPr• mllntnt ro 1rl~ No r hlldren or pell. What ha"• you T Write lioa 0 Z!\, thla paper. lt Rentals Wanted We ael!d apta and hou-ln all NCllOn.t for both wlilw and yur' 1 leue •"Urn. or unfWlL U you have a vac&nc)', phont tod~ The Vogel Co. 3201 W Cn. Hwy~ Ne"l>"rl ~ Phone Liberty ~81 208 Manne, Balboa IAl&Ad Phone Harbor H4 1101 Cout Hlway, t.:orona deJ Mu • Phone Harbor ITU 100 Main St .. Balboa Phone Hut•.,. 14) 21tl• A Phone Call WILL CET YOU qulc\I; ruult•. \\'E NEF.D hou""" anl1 •rta. rum. or unturn. F"11r 1111mmn ~ntel or y1•111 ly •~"'"'"· Wt! heve rlltnta w11lt In): l'l.~~Al'\F. l 'HO:-I E, wn u , or u-~ u .. DALllOA UA \" J•Hl.)PERTIES 1:.0:> W. !M l.BOA Bl.VO. T'HO:SP: HARIJOR ~188 13c l8 WANT TO fU::-.:T on" rar ~ar•r:e 11pa•" In virlnlty ot \11a St<n l<f'mo, l.lllo h i" H•rbor t'4i0. J7c-IU H·" 13 10 !):I, srEClAL $210.9~ CF. :Ill" •le luxe ranllt , au1nmeuc 1 l<><'k, dup t'IXlkcr. SF.F. OUR OTHER CHESTS, haed board•. waTdrobt'•, romtr cup- boards. larceat 1tock of u.npalnt· ed furnltUTI! 111 the Kar'bor e.rea. Industrial Marine Engines, Inc. lfl311 [X)D(:f~-?\tw Tl'bUllt motor,----------------------- W AN1' TO ni-:1'\-r 2 bdrm. f\irn nr unfu m. houae or a pt. Nu rh•I· tlren or pet• N.-ed 1arege. l'lt. Llb<•rl)' IS· 1:17 J I i )'\9 Jll'g, S-t:i~ 00, srECJAI. $299 9:1 Hoovtr lloll•lay C'leanrr, Jlr ic $7(1 u~.. BPt-;CI AL S69 O!'> T P.:RMS iiTR.OOTit TeWL-.:KL.E HOWE. 1802 :O-:ew1>0rt Blvd, C.>H a Mua Ubo•rt~· 8·3126 17c18 New a&" RANOltS trom •... Whtrlix•nl a uto wa...her. l'fduc~ ,,, tl90 9!) nu~n Ma~h-C"hf'f H·Brolltr. clork 1 uni t ••I . S•9.j() t ·:n;p \\ • •llni:hou11e LAundromat H 9 tA> ~·SEI'\ rrftl1:11 , rmm 13t.~ Jake's Appliances 1837 Harbor 111vd , Cn•ta Mna 1.l ~•t)" 8~1 1. 17cl8 .A l'r stz•; ran11e It 1<>ocS 1rrr11:. <"m•t STO ta~ \\ 111 l1'k!' SiO rnr .,.,th iSPe 8 11ll11"1IA)' At !\Ill ~er· """"· Cornn• 11..i M11r 17c l8 l 1 ("!"BI<: t 'OOT fol. W. twl) dvor 1r(11,::,.riH•11 10 1((1(1<1 t'fllHlttlon i :>fl 4°12 M• rt•lu~a Tl'rtAl:'I', C11ronQ •lrl Mer H a111 .. r 0361·1t. lipl9 COLJ1!<i 00 'T rl'CrtgN'lltnr nf'w unit. t1tn• f"'l ,,., th', ~ 248 Ro· thr•tf'r Cn•ll Mf'N W 8-711\A lirl8 MJNWAX STAIN and wax, Defl • Sapolln. Everylhlnr n~ll&I')' l.o t lnl•h your tumlture. 2121 Harbor Blvd., eo.ta Mua Llbtrty 8·164"· 17cl8 19!'i6 PBILCO ntrt1 .. titr two-door, automaUc defrost. libelYM ln ...... two ..... ~...,__.. blo lhtlY-. enrytlllnc. Pd. dn. lo 1294.71. No cub cln., Jlllt pe7 t.bc pymt.a. of U !'i. per mo. SH &uchne A A 8 WanhOUM, 2ZO 8 MA.In. Santa Ana Open 9 • 9 Kl 3-7201. DROPL.E.AF U(ht aiahopny d1n• lnr i.ble A ' round wtcliteT dlra. ~ .• Breakfut rttt 110. U bt'ny Mtl07. 11clt SOF'A • CHAIR $65. or beat of · (er. Occ.uional table 17. Fold· lnJ atMI C'Ol. n-Sl.&O. 206 Fairway Plar P, Collta Mel& 17p19 ------------FR. E EZ.E.R. deep ttteae, lt '1 th'; bl( 131, cu. Ct. color Interior, holde 020 lb1, Cood. It'• brand ntw /t 1t'• nia;ny a buy. r d. dn. Lo $248.32 from SHO. C..b or r-Y tht pymta. of 111.31 J)(!r mo g~,. BaufhD9 A It 8 WanohO\llt, llO 8 . Main, Santa Ana Open t ·II KI 3·1201. DAVESPORT Ir chalT, dinette table A 4 cla&Jn. UY. room rur ll'1 xl:I. rfd trl~. AU lt!'lnl &ood cond. Rar. 1Cle'7·J. 17pt8 l9~ HOTl '\1l :ST r<'fr1gt'r11tor. 811t I 12 ru n. 1-... ().d oor. a utomiot1c d,.frt.,itin.i. "'1t'h•t11 tn ,,.,nr It ,. r ,...,.. but pJ dn lo S2AA fmm HIM ' NORGE rf'tnpralor, bl( s· .. MI l 'uh nr Jfol'Y lhr 1) ml" n( 11 ., ru. fl tO·lb. t~ur chHl, s 112~ ~r mn eutomel.ic drJrnet. The very l>fft g.. n rnshn• A • e warl'hOUM' I nnP. SM.lvM In door, roll out 220 S. Main. Santa Ana Opr~ •he.Jvu. two "tJ. crllpe~ lt'e 9 · 9 Kl ;l-7 :'11 b~ MW, bul pd. dn. U> '279 23 -------------1 from orig S42t. No c-aah dn., lt~:. O KEJo;F"E A Mf:R.RllT Jiat pay Sl4.2J ~r mo. ranp . lllJ h hmll"r. \.hrurnt top. Stt llaughna A • 8 WarPboUM. r d dn 111 $11\!I ·.11 No 11n. pymt 220 S Main. S&nta Ana Open Btt Baus hna A • s Werl'Mu&t' 9 • 9 KJ 3· 7201. 220 S. Mllill, Sant" Ana (1~~ 9 ·!I Kl 3·7201. l\'l:STERN·HOl.LY i.;u ranicr 38" wide. 4 bumf'r•. gnl.lt11••, hvr n A broiler. Exl'<'lltn~ t'ondltlon, S:,O. -208·38lh St , Npt Br h PhonP Harbor 31131-t.1 171'\9 , HOUSEFlJLL. 8oltd ma1101. over- 11tufted, tars• minors, aterlln( iulver and chJna. IMO. Ce ll Hy- att 4·1144 for app't. l6cl8 804 East Anaheim St., Wilmington, Calif. 24-hour Phone Service TErminal 4-2567 or NEvada 6-1590 16p2l ss-__ Boe_t._.;....8a~Pf."!!-.;.~---33--Boata. ~Dee COLE'S PORT Sli.:XTANT. Cerman Plalh. 6 x 30 • ,,,_oeW&r. UM •-· '1111. Har 23M-W. -U p11 NEW 2:>' garden hoso .. $1 .29 KOHLER 4 cyl. 32 volt-11• K.W. 12-volt D.C. el<'C'. blli;e pump 311, ,_,.neretor. No llcne atnc. rom· :-;e;w !>l annc ·r o1h't, only . 6:.. plete overhaul. Har. •ueo atte.r II hp. Wille. gu eni:. It dutch 6!\. goo.I work CIH. l,J 8-~111:i 8Clt'f 6 p.m. 17p1(1 l~:'IJ Jo'ORD V·8 Cou.ntry aecl11n Radio. huter. Jl'ordomatk, one owntr, low mtleage, $199!'i. Hausken Motors, Inc. 11132 Harbor Dh•d • Costa M rlll! Mione Ubcrty 8-~l. H clS '53 FORD 8 Ranch Wagon R&dlo. he a111. I.It rt< ltQJl'.•I 11gnale, wtnd11h1r ld v. o4sht>r. apotUght. e J'IY Un-•. hg11l blue color. ~ pm. 210 Vla Orul&na. Udo .. h \Il l 3 t -·• I Isle. 13c:l8 ., p. ac. o l rc-..uf'l on 3:,. '48 PLYMOUTH SpttlJll, delu.u 8-1 2 or 2-t·volt tit'(".-... inch 119 50 4 lub Nl\lpe. Kadln It. h1<altr Sl96 FOR RL"IT -Nineteen Cool noat J.lercury waler lights .. .•. 215 • WW t.&ke boat up to 32· 4002 OirttlJon Finder, n!'w -··· · 112· '38 CHEV. roupe. rune r ood a.:,o River Ave., N..-port Bch. Call _3_1o_a_1...a1 __ •_Y_et_1_e._~_·,_."_'J>O_rt __ n.._ac_h ,,,.., No 6-0879 L. A. 15plT M-11..ae.1. Radio, a_.!!_ 2 ONLY 8plnt!t t ype, uprlr;llt pie· no• ln perfect condition, l maple A 1 bloD~ Tum1 $40 down, SH. pu mo. a~ SNOWBIRD ~c,ll•nt throur;hout. :-:,w Oa~· rtin aall, used t win'. S4:iO liar. 4645-J . 161"18 &0--A utotl and Tnacka --- Cotton Goff Volkswagen-Porsche Dlr. 2116 !'\pt Blvd. l"ewrort S.-arh Phone Harbor 8 l7cl9 February Clearance MOVING DAY SPECIALS NOW -We Moved Our USED CAR LOT To "Our New Building ·Site," 1200 West Coast Highway, • acrou from the Balboa Bay Club 1953 CHRYSLER New Yorker Newport De· luxe. Fully equipped, wire wheel.8. R & H, Torque Drive, power steering, only . $2495 1953 CHRYSLER Wmd80r Club Cp<'. Light green. radio, power steering. Ao excel- lent buy, for .... $1695 1950 DeSOTO Sportsman. Radio, heater, Ugbt beige. WSW tires. only .... ...... . .... $ 995 LOU REED & Associates CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 4323 W. Coaat Hwy. -NEW CAR SHOWROOM 1200 W. Cout Hwy. -USED CAR LOT Phone Harbor 4070 8HA.rll:R'8 Mualc Co. (Slnct 111071 421-4:l3 N. Sycamore. Sant.a .Ana Ph.oft• Klm btrl y 2..()812 Work Car Specials ~2 FORD Vl!'tor1a. 20,000 mlle. A• look• cvrn l"SL \Ve want you to '6--A8toe for Sale ac. lhla one. R&dlo, Plt ater. ____ ;.._....-;...-;~~---- See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. Ull Ooul Bl•d .. Corona de.I Ma1 (Tbadn Interior Bld& ) H.u. 1312 6' Uc 1947 0 1...DSMOBILl!l 98 SC'dan.- 1tood lnKh&nlcally. R a nd H . Hydra. • $19&. 1941 C"HEVROLET delUAe ' dl\Or ~an. C'lr~n 1195 J9:t!I PLYMOIJTH lt!dM. V,.ry llean . . .. $9~. Ha usken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd . Coeta Mesa Phone Llberly 8-~jl 8cl0 n Bt."TCK udanett•. radio a.nd Fordomatk. T\lbelu• w h It' wallL Fr b Sa le Price $U99. JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY l'\ewport Buch, Llberty 8-~) 19'7 FORD Station Wavon, g'ood ttru, good motor. S375. Harbor 494-W. 14cl9 Februarv Clearance '52 Singer Sport Car 53 MERCURY Hardtop. RMllo. ONE OWl\&R. M OO m iles S8\j:i. haetl!r, economical. overtlr1vr p .ooo mUu. on , OW'l"'r a nt1 hill Hausken Motors, Inc. rut t")'e a ppeal. P"tbruery Sale 1932 H•rbor Blvlf . c 01ta Mes• Pr1ce --.. -.. ..... i 1899. Phone Llbt'rty a..:,0:11 11r l6 JOHNSON & SON Lincoln Mercury 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY Newport Btadl. Liberty 8·M45 4J-"uto &notcie _ ......... ____ _ Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * Open ClaJJy 8 to T Btat.e Bondfd NE~ LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. l.A.HTA AJtfA TJ\.Ul..ER, 2 wi-t, 4 11 I . MO ln· dudln• ·aa t.abe. Hu. m.4·W. 16p17 WANT TO RENT A HOUSE UNY\JHN, R .. •JlOn•lblf am. ft0fl1· lly ~,.,)(,. rl'ntAI of ll or 4 bdrm. h,,,,,.., Wiii lf'llH If price a11t- f1t 1 .. nlly allr•<"tlve. Wr11!' 8'lic. A ·:ii I hi/I J'UJlt'r l 7plll YO 'l\:U bu1l.ni·~• woman, Clna.n· C'llt.lly lntltp.n<lenl. a rllildren. 2 yn . • e yr1. lha vr b.MkprJ M · •lrH :l or 3 bdrm. a pt. or houff. yrar around l"um or unlum To SliG mvnl11. "''Ill µ.y more II dr 111r•hlr Mu.tot ha vt' a tmue· t'htre It. J'f'IY&C')' U fuml111lr1t 11111~l hi' llu "IY J<>nt'. l:,t,rrlll'nl •• r.-r.·111 • • l'h11n• •l•Y• t!•n1" J11.,111<a Jo:Xtn <-<•k 4·8!HS. i":\f''I A H11<1na 3 ; t OO. <'Ollttt. .Huhv Mer<h 12fl i PAJNT£1l WIU u t h&ngr work for rent 01 2 bJrnl. untu rn hou~r In Harbor ar~a tt"ttr. J·h 1 h ,. 238!1·R. J6pl~ WAll."T TO R El'-'T. I b<llni. futn. 11 .. uae or •rt. Ptrma nPnt. :.; .... • 1'9rt ~ech nr Coeta Mo11 c·111l 11.a.r, t 828 I !Sp 111 Outstanding YEARLY LEASE CLEAN & MODERN 2 BEDROO~f UUPLEX Fl R1'1~H F.I> 160-ft. to BATHING BEACH BAY \°I EW FROM PORCH 323 ANADE. nALBOA LF.AS~ _ ~. Mn. Newport Harbor Realty Corona del Mar Choice Winter R.entahi on R&lboa lalflnd 1£ Lido h~le 8m•ll Ir en~y or tara• • delu~• S 7~ tu 1:$00 monUI VOGEL CO. 208 M.ar1ne Ave , B&lboa lllan1S Ph. Hatbor 444 or Harbor 21M A4a. Har. 1786·RK or LI a-r.2~T 14tfo 2 BEDROOM n.TRNJllKXD DU· Pt.l':X, ('Qron• ""I Mer, 111'11.llh flf Hlwey. 1110 rnvntll, Incl. 11111. MJUL KAY, Har. ant-I tu• \ I I ' ' ... .. -- . I ,, I I I ~J -- • -._ .. --....__~ -·----·-= .. -~--~---.. --.. . RENTAL v SPECIALISTS C&U Jl:dn& Crat1 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marin• Ave. &aoa la.land, Hu. 1871 '12tfe 61'.cLUDEI> hllla!de vtew hom• - t room lntl 1 bdrm. • a comb. dea. DlllpOll&l, llv. rm. l&X30. nr.p1 .. ap.elou. srouacSa-11'1~. 291t CUft Dr. LJ'berty IM1'8. 1Xl'7 UNJ"U1lt.M. OM bdrm. d~ '82.80 lncludq at.ove • rd'ri1. 220 C.O.t.a Meaa St., Coata MtM. LI S..123• alter ~ p.m. or wMk· endll. llclS BU UTIFUL 2 bdrm. dupla alMl pr. on Bro.dway tn C04lt& Meta ~. Hwd. tln .. , 170, le&le. LI 8·'82'. lklS Balboa Island Cbotce ,...rl)' and summer nntala. now available. DONS QAT, Realtor 211 Ka:tn• >.ve .. Balbo& laiaDd Hutlor 20 D~Lfc TWO o t-three bdrm. duplex un- fumiahed. 1>> blk. from Hip 8claool. Gv .... &. RtdUced rent for Jard can. Lt S·1M3. Stfe M-Bna!Dem ~~~ M-Jla•lneM ~~ • • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES • Boat A tackle rental -a.ix 28' at.eel hull cruilera new l9t52. C09t $36,000 all in good ahape & glua roda, reela 6 boat franchiae • aeaaon start.a now, eteady clientele -eatabliabed 8 yra. Income $26,000 IDl&ll overhead • ground rent $1!50 mo. Full price $25,500 term.. The V 09el Co. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-8481. Eve. LI 8·3.'580 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Beach Conceaaion • $18,200 grou. Short houn. Lease 10'7r. Price ~ terms. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 w. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. LI 8-M81. Eve. LI ~o '8A-Apta •. for Bent M-Bualoeu ~rtunlUee MOTOR .I: small enrtn.• repai~ men attention. A llCe time opp. to obl&ln establiahed buatn.e- toT price ot a sm. inventory. Bea.- son 111 here. location cl: put lu- crative bu3lnue eat.abllabed. CHOICE unturn. front bung,.iow duplex. 1 bdrm.. be.am cell1111 Uvtng rm. 1~ x 20, pletUTe win· dow overlooki.ng yard cl: n ow era. Tile bath 'IV!th 1hower, lge. k1t- -~ ---------------------- EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN See th1a beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bednna., 2 bat.ha, Th.ermador kitchen, diahwuber, garbage dlapoeal. Many other excellent featurea. l yr. old. A real value at $23,9t50. COSTA MESA U you an looking for a good 3 bdrm. f aui.Jly home, we have lt. Situated on Eut 19tL St,., Price $12,950 Call Liberty 8-26&4. (Eves. Liberty 8-70M)) EARL W. STANLEY, Re9ltor at 15th and Irvine Ave., Newport Biach VOGEL VALUE v Check This one ! l . Almost new, 'bedrooma. 2. Bath & % (st&ll ehower) 3. Be.amed oeill.nga •· Beautiful fin1ah work 5. Large natural wood kitchen 6. 6 ft. redwood fence 7. Wonderful location near ecbooll. 8. Price only $U, 7!50 -VERY low down. Thia won't lut ! THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8.S.81 OM BALBOA ISLAND che.n. lot. of uie 4' ('U pt>oerda. ~ Separate pra.ge with l.&Undry Earl Tlbbette at Earl'• ~ ------------------------ ... ua for ~ Uld room at.taclled. Qulrt. nice ... .,...,, iwat.ala. nel1hb0Thood • only 2 blk11 to 2827 W. Cout Btg:bwa.y Lroerty 3-2012, Newport 11cl9 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor bual.neN dlat. in c. M. $&mo. ------------ aoe Kann. Ave. .H&rbOr &()2 tnc.L water to right party. A va.11-Jl!:WELERY STORE Ill excellent BALBOA Isl.AND 7tto __ a_v_1e_M_a1T_h_1_. _u_s_~_ll_73_._1_Ac_18 Harbor area. loe&Uon -Owner anxtoue to Nil t3B-Ho09M for Bent CALL BAR.01':8TY, 2M2 Newport VJJRT NICJ:. eloae tn 2 Mdrm unt\.!.ni. Stove A: retrig. Oak flooni. t ile ~Uan blinds. Gar. $80 mo. Tnrly Ii':'>. U 8-4733. WILL Rl!:?l.'T brand new 3 bedrm. Blvd., Npt. Bch.. Harbor 1•:C\~ 2 bath, unturn.. home ln lRVlNI!: 16cl8 '8"-Apta. for Bent TERRACE a t $ZOO. pe.r moot.A with l yr. lea.se. t.:all HarbOr M--Storea & OffteM tH8 tor turther detalla. 68t!e FURNISHED • bdrm. house f'lr New Luxury Medical Cent.er Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios 1-. uoo ml'\. plu• 11uhtil'11. t o be con11tructed. '122 .Znli 81 . Newpt'rt, Bc.erh l~rlT TWO hdrm. hoUI!• ct; garage. Garh. d11r . n~wty neroretMt \'early rental unlurn. 122 ·29th S t . Newpnrt Be&<'h J l pl 7 Ample pnvaUi parking, l'.entrally located. Layout to tenant.II order. For Information, fl:!:W •.flOO:.t. stre~l 1 .. v,.L ?\'ear 11ehoala. ahopp1111 '1ldtrlct. Quiel. pleuant, nclu~1ve. Garbage d1e- p<>Ml, l.a\.U'ldry. atorage room1', 1ara.ct. '82 ~o up. occupies en· tire •treet Good 11UyierviJl1on. TH REE BDRMS .• I'\ hath ... 11n· LIDO JtEALTY Auocl.a.tea MIT·· 1&01 Havf'n Place tum modnn. l!Ome •iew, "" 3400 Via Lido Har. 444' /\VOCJ!do SL 1n Corona deJ Mar. 1 Block Snuth af R tgh S<honl \·early on JeaM at 412:>. mMlh 15ttc Al.SO YURNJ::HED APTS. C11ll Hsrhnr 1600. litfc ------------ WlNT!:R RA Tlt8 BALBOA $M mo., yrly. unf11rn. 31.fc ,.0~u1e. LIV1ng rm .• dining rm • l<ltl'hl'nette cl Z bdrm Hot Yt"R:-: ·°' Bt'~N. APT · $f>6. 1" &l\ower tn wuhrnorT'. r.111 .t .l•JI}' I~'· ~L~t'\ l\&Chfllor &pl . ,.11 t.,r r'1 :"n r>•I!'. H11r 1!124-M. Vl'8TI\' licl9 ,'HM .Ch<'lnn•t Pl&C'" ?\pt b le.nd ------------ 8.ALBOA JSLAND -Ideal loca.- 11nn n(l Marine An .. office In' Ahop Pl..lJf; 2 bdrm. apL All tor 11~ ml\. Ru. 2Gd. Ut!c NOW L!:ASJ!':G. avaua.t>le buai· nua otrloe gp&ce&. Center ot O> H11rbor 1217-J . 10.-21 NEW 2 bdrm. bn~. un!urn aer-rona del 1'fa.r euttable for CPA.. v1ce porch. Glrage. Fe.nCl'oi yd. ttenun or! c.au at 3-'2• Coe.st l ---PP U 2 bdrm. untum. •Pl . 2 tis t/lf. 1n l11a p .. atove • re/rig ~"'" ,,..,,.h,.r _. drytr evRll . ear •par•. $10<l n1n utll lnrL leu e.. ;\~ F .. t>l B11 lhoa Blvd. lir22 RM9onable, 1~ 1'1tt1n. c. Mraa _H_wy_. ________ 1ett_c Ubert.,y 8-lee&. li cl t l.'NP'L'R N. 2 berm 1tfl1· 11l 1763 UNJrUR.N. 2 bdnn. hom ... $65. mo. 1996 Anaheim, CoMa Mf'M. 1.,Jruorty a-t30i. 17clt An1h•tn1. E\H 0"'-nt r. l 7MI Alla· Jl"URN. 2 bdrm bau&t'. hWd. noore, hl'101 .-... :la ~l~M Ph L.l t>.rtv I watn r11.1d. Nn r-1,, C'hlld Qkay. S· 13i.? !H tc 2H E. ,:Oltti ~· • c-,.1" Ml'M r,r I fl "fl20 ,Y('/I., JAl-1 8 F l J(!\ bt•n•lor •pt., $.$:1 mo. 71!) \\ .. ,l lJ11ll'lva Bl\'C1, F'e>r k"Y' snd I-TR~. 4 bdrm. 111 b-'lt.h.a. ne.-r 1ntormat1on Rr 8 11y A B"•"h ~aJty. 14~ \\" Balb<a Olvll. l'h Har. 1264. tw-arh. I.arr,. hv rO"m. J M'flJ"', r 1rbMa t1111p. Jler O!Mff·\\' 16<'18 -------·----~-u_C' !"E\.V 3-bdrrn unrurn ho-m-;"fn"r al111lt f•mily. Only $8.'I. mon1 h. 'Nnn 1,1 A-!\2117 l'vl'I• 17r l9 Jo·l ,;\G~TONE ArART~tENTS XI\& J b<irm. hom" unt'l•"1. :"' E. C"t.£AN •llract1,·t upslaH'&, latill 'f'<'llon, 1 '7 With". dbl!'. JtlH'lll!.1' 1 M rm AJ'll ~ 11Ar 5l•w" .-nd Ftnc:ed yd •. $100, nionth 1 .. ,,1r . •urll' ovrrl"O'lkmg Ranta Lft>erty &.S.'4& lirl9 "'"" C-oun1ry t 'luh. Adll.lt.o, no ------------: r"'" F n;r' li!I ;\lrM Or. YEAR.LY LEASr.:--Lovely lgf'. 2 r ta M t.11e 17cl9 bdrm. ept . un!um .• '8,"I. month. FTR. · !'Tl'PJ() APTS .. O«an """" •:>o mu ullL pd. Avail r "'t> 27" Llhnty 8-1827. l7C'l9 I B['R:ll : .rn 11pt • llr('pl ('on· v,ni,.nt to Mloppmi;:;.->\ \('H ~ Hello· I rore. <:orono •1t l Ma.r JS!I. yr!y. \A!l ~lurh I•! T,ll,,.rt\· 84834. 17c19 ALSO LARGE 2 Mrm Cum. "l'L ~ .. .,., A newlv tu1 nl11bad. Ca r· peted. 1 blk. tn L1t1o Shop&. $10() .mo, ytarly C'ALL Art Kl11tlrr, WO ! X""'-port Blvt1 , "°"'"l"'r\ B....ith. H11r :\228 lict9 ~~WPORT BEACH . 2 bdm1 r~m. houtl! 4 g-ar .. SiO. y<>arly. S.~'> ~A-Boalneee S..tala STORE BLDG. At 18'70 Newport-Bl'f'd.., ~ Mf'M-Gool1 loeeUon, ptent,r ot rar~. Walk·m retn1erator. Abnut 12M "'I· ft . flooT ~ <"nnts ct R H. DANIEL I~ Ne\Vf>Orl Blvd. or LI 8-2228 16ol7 66-MoD!')' to Loan REAL ~TATE LOANS Interest Rate 5--5 2rJ % Loan. qwc.kly m-.cte ln the 8->' A,._ and C:O.ta MUL Single OJ mulllple unit.a. New or old. lk W1M and eave by r .. anan.al.Jla your pre~l loan. ~finimum a · prnn. No charJ• for pr&ilmt• na.ry appruaa.1. Pbon. la.nt.a Ana Kimberly 8-&933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgage Loan Com.pondent Occ.JdentaJ W • Wun.noe Co. 933 SouUJ Main 8allta Alla Pl> WAl\18 TO BUll.LJ. lKPROVlt B lJY, MUDJ!:RNIZl!l, OR REFIN AN<.;m We Buy Truat Oeeda NEWPUR1 BAL.DUA SAVINGS l'. WA."I ASSUC1AT10 N "" Via Udo. Ph. Hu. U00 · tte w111t .. r ·R"r. 08.':lll·R !lfter i pm, LOANS f H ~lCEl.Y Flifl.~1SH.ED, one bdrm 17cl9 Or OmeS 11pt on bRy front. Liiio h ie. :i?li _ IO yr. ~ v .. u 1v re.ntal only Call Ha.rbOr C L :1()62.w l-:'r22 49-RooDJ.A for Ren.!__ onstruction oans BALBOA mode.rn furn. cpts. SEE BOB SA 'TTLER 251.) li:AST COAST BLVD. ~oruna deJ Mar Harbor iS888 IS THERE A WHEEL CHAIR IN YOUR FAMILY? SPACIOUS S yr. old country homes with dooni, ramps and gripe built especially for wheel ehair owner. 2 bdrm., den, 11A ba.tha, 1.10 acre., fruit · ,t.niee, QOmplet&lY f ~ R.Qom for ho~. chickens, _ garden. Country Club area. $22,t;OO. Can be financed BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport Bea.oh Har. M88 OCEAN BLVD. CORONA DEL MAR TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2* ba.th11, large living room. separate dining room. large knotty pine den with built-in bar, lounge, 2 firepl&cetl, buement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Expenaively carpeted wall to wall thru~t. Garba.&e dispoeal and dish· waaber. Howie 5 yn, old. Large double garage wfth laundry. ndio-oontrolled door. Lot rso x 142'. Well land.leaped. One of the m01t expensively built homea on the front. loca.ted at 3312 Ocean Blvd. <formerly 610.) OWNER wn.L AOCEPI' A.NY REAsoNABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Ha.rbor 3435 BALBOA ISLAND Only $4000 down Two bedroom home, PLUS lltudio 11.pt. ~W!dly eon- st.ructed and very weU located. Full price $16,500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A.-ociatea Park a.t Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 OCEAN FRONT DUPLEX Very choice location, nicely furnished, 2 bdrms. each unit. $23,:i;oo, Tenn.11. ALSO NYCE 2 BDRM. 4't DEN HOME juat two blocks f-rom RJcharda. Completely turniabed. $13.MO. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 2313 14c16 ~ __ 1.noom __ e_Pro_ ..... J>!_rty_,,_ ___ ~lncome Property CHOICE BALBOA INCOME $94.50 Income from 9 unfu.rniahed apta. on yearly leuee -Total price la $76,000 -with only $25.000 down and the balance at 5 ~ interest. The building ls i.e. than 2 yn. old and ia located in the hen ren t&.l dlstrl ct at the be.a ch. · See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coa.at Hwy., Newport Bea.eh Liberty 8-3481 JM, mo. 4' up. UUI. pd, ALSO daily & weekly rate«. SINGLJ!: ROOM with hot It cold wat~r In the room. Good bed Prlvat.e e.nt.nu:10 . $6, week ALSO double l'()()m at $7 week 123·2St.h St., Newport Beach 8(k8Jh Rep PUIR.l.llR M URTGAGJ: CU ------------Near bws .. 11torr11 cl: bay 10. m.et. ~ Av._, Balboa Metro U!e lna. Fun~ KL 1·6186 '8Uc PhoM Harbor 113M 1 itfo ------------ .. n .. o.-... 8 WUlJl..D ti.lie t.o buy tat and lzJd YE.ARLY RE~AL-2 be<trm. UD· .. .,..111-nan __ o_m_•·-----Trust Oeed& C&ll llar. 232e fl.l.rn., 11ewly dfJC'orated. near t.ldo GRADUATE ;>;URSE wtll take Uttc s~. "6. mo. Rvbor 8093 or ont. Lovely private home. Ha r· ------------ Harbor ~3. l 7pl0 bor arra. X-o otbPr gue11Ls, F'ln· LO ANS MOOl:RN one bedrm. apL \Jo1Lb ear port A: prlv, paUo.. Range cl Nll"IC· tnd. AvaJL March 1. Jnq. Apt. C-:lelO A"tln, :"pt. B(h. or ll&J'boT ~0-J. 17tl R.&A8QN ABL '1 pnoed, clMn t • I bedrm. turn. ap~. t.;UL pd. IA•.,-room. Playsround tor ~ 8llM Top Apta. fOI N.wport ~vet.. Newport &uh. Abo-le tU ~ l Otfc I aDRX. .-,..._ apt... turn. ~ or ~ $1(), Wat.er pd. •35'' ut food end care. P hone Har. 4779 or Rsr, 4091, a~ tor H unt· PROMPT Bgi\VIC'PJ er ltlC'IS f>'Jtt first tnm. deeda 20 years 3 OF.Flr E 1p11oe11 t or lease. Ap- Orange Cout Properties l~T Newport Aft.. Coat& w .. 1..1 8-lW, Ll 8-ltOO Eve.. Datte prox. l 7'xJ~' each. 11'1 Llc1o Shop-56-Jlon.e1 Wanted plnr area. 300 Via M.alll&'L Bar. - 33.21. 13tte FOR SA.L.1:--l'lnt Tl"lat Deed. OVFICE apaoe for Lie.,.U,-Medical, locaJ property, '"11 MCUred IU.· Dent.al. Acoountlllg. etc. In btst OOO •t 6w • payable IMO. per mo. 17th St.. Coeta Meea ioc.u on. Llbe.rty 8-2M2. 115t1c Har. 3i97. lStfc IWiOll'Ope, Corona de1 Mar. Bar --------------.11. 1~ 7 OFTICJt spaee Harbor Blvd. Trle-6'7-8-1 ~tat. '!ant.eel PRIVATE PAATY-W&At.t to buy ruide.nc• lo\ for C&lb-Muat be cloee Ln. Newport. 8&.lboa, area. l'fv• JooatJon and partJcul.an.. Write Boit QZ7. t bla paJ>t'r. 7pll An'IU.CTIVZ tum. 1 bdrm. pr. ape.. wmw NG pw mocit.h Ul JUM l&. '1llt batb • lcltcben. ~ pne U'ftng rm. V1ew wfn· dOWL .. " IX&lnoad .&. Te.. Bal• boa bAl!d. Hu. 0701-R &!ter 4 p.m. 18<:18 COSTA MESA. pear r olf Club. comfortable rum 1alled J bdrm. duplu. Only i.">2.811 mo. Phone KlmWlJ ... 9'.U.. l&a.21 phone aen1ce, new bids .. am• pl" pi..rk1nlf. Lt S·~•o. £vu. Rar. H~7.J, l6c18 ausuaisa oma. aoeilent 10- oauon acroN Uie atreet from Corona d'I Mar P~t Office. ldt!'a.1 tor loan npreeataUvt, contractor, aoametrees, art or Jewelry bualne•. L'ttl, pd. Or.I)' S40. month. ' CALL Ben \VhJtmu , Har. 1882. ~. Harbor it•t Nltc I WA.NT TO Btl Y (HOUSE) Veteran wanu 3 or •·bdrm. bee. which 11 G..L nnanced, or equal- ly favorable monthly p1rmenta. ~ter direct deal with pr1nlt O'IFTIU'. -Wnt.e Box A•S'l, Ult• paper. , lTpll FOR LEASE ATTENTION • • Doctors or Dentists Profeuional qua.rt.era now available in Corona de.I Mar 11uitable for one or more Doctora or Dentiat.a. Building bu been continuoualy occupied u med!-· cal offices by a 1uoce86fu.1 and prominent general practitioner who is now leaving tor special research work. The location is definitely one of the be!st known in the Harbor area. For inspection and leaae partfeulara, 1ee or call FRED J. CROSIER & ASSOC. 3530 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 8571 WANT TO BUY V ~t lot. or partJ.al aen, al 1eut TO' front, l~' deep M·l, A Phone Call Agrleul t uraJ or Comme:rclal -.rt-WILL GET TOU quldt r.\11t.e. Ing. Pl-quot• total prfce. tenna and location. Pn""'t.e par. wm HA VE CA.BR BUTICR8 ror ty. Wrtt. 8ox y a& tJ1i. i-r>«r· I hou~ Income pllt>pert:f, apt.a., tf 1 tr1plett, vacant Jot.a or &e1'..-.. w--J.Nf--to-b_'ll)'_dU_p-lu.--T-n_p_lcx __ or PLEASE PHONE, wrHe or eee u~ \D'l.1U for cub from prlvat.4 par--B.A.LDOA BAT PltOPJIZRTD:8 t.y. Harbor u-. Witte Boll vn 1 1608 W , 8*1..BOA BLVD. We ~. 11p17 PBO~ B.AJUIOR ~ l~ll . ----. -... ------~ - .. Newport Heights $10,500 ........... __ Fumhlhed Small down __ $69 Mo SUNNY 2 bedroom modern home, be&uUtully de<:ol'9ted. ln • out. Hu hdwd. f!oora, ux1e bedrm., pleulnl" llvin1 room, etttc:aent kitchen, auto. b•C The .,.ounit. an nicely landacaped and fe.no- ad, the aurroundllll" homH u- ceptionally 100d. Tha la th• but buy Ill th• Hel1ht1. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & ASSOCIATES 3111 Newport Blvd., Newport Beh. Harbor 2M2. COSTA MESA 2 a.c. Ba.ck Bay with rent.els .. -···-····· .......... $H,OOO l ae. chicken ranch, tully equipped ............ ·-····~··••o.ooo BAYSHORES Ru.sue 3 bdrm. 2 bath .... $23,000 Cute 2 bdrm. 4: gueat rm $21.~ Xlnt cor. on Harbe>r i~ x ieo ........ _ .......... s•:s.ooo &<> x 460 on Cat. Hwy ..... $22,000 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2'131 W. Coaat Hwy. LI 1-t27T Beautiful ·Cliff Haven N~g Completion 3 bednns, 2 baths, view. Lighted swim pool in patio Many hufil • .Jna. Choose your.. own colors and finishes. Priced to aell, $34,:'j()() Waldron Realty 308 M&nne Alie , B&lbo& Ial&nd Harbor 0234 Leaving State 8 U:\Tr COURT In Coat.a Mei.ea. Eircellent lnoome. Small down payment tl&lldlea. ALSO OCE.AN FRONT REST AU- RANT ln l'ewport BeaC'h. 8ea.· eon Jullt •t..&rtme. Goort monry maker. CALL LJhf>rt.y &·3U 8, o'''n~r 1lc24b COSTA MESA t BDRM. HOUSE, furn.lahed. Gar .. la.r1e work ehop. l ·AC clll.cke!I houee. $&&00 wtt.b. Tenna The Locator of Calif. 1~ J:larbOr Blvd .. Coet.a Meea l.Jberty 8-l&el. 1 'lc.19 BACK BAY &ANT A AN A HEIGHTS REDUCED (OT qu.Jclt All.le. terma. l acre, fenc@d, 2 home-Room for more Income 1 T va.nellM nt fruit trtt11. Har, 1223-J . or L!bo!r'ly 1·1804. I 7rtll ' FEB. 21, I 9SS -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE 9 n-a-a t:etatAI ~-------_...._.... ________ ~~~--~------------ BAY SHORES (2) TWO (2) Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listin9s • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shon.' Cleverut Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., ~ used brick fireplace, disbwaaber, diapoaal. Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,000, terms. AND . • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. • Choice Fa.rm Style Home 3 bdrma., 2 bath8, wall to wall carpeting. Separate dlning room. Two lovely patioe for outdoor Uving. Full price $29,500, tertru1. For preview ahowtnga, call H&rbor 1600 - (Evee. Liberty 8-Q88)' HARBOR INVESTMENT CO .• REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach A PHONE CALL and we will show you one of the better built and designed homes - ON LIDO lSLE The large living room with its fireplace la very attractive. A Youngstown kitchen will delight th8 lady of the houae. Three lovely bdrms., 2 tile bat.ha, dining area. forced air beating, patio, dbl. garage. $8600 will handle. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1ro5 W. Balbo& Blvd., Newport Beach · Har. 5188 Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 u.nit., new duplex and 5·room house on 2 Iota. Choice rental d.iatrict. Just 100 faet from ooee.n. 2 unita are fu.miahed and rented on yearly bu1a. Own- er's home availa.ble now. Three gara.gee on alley. Pretient income can be sutmantially increued. s.5.000 will handle. P'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 101J EARL W. ST A~LEY REALTOR 3118 Newport Bnd.. Newport Be&oh. HU'.1011 SPECIALS for today -GOOD ONES! 4 bed.room.a, 2 bat.h11. dbl. garage, I~ fenced yard. Choice location, fully tumt.hed. $29,750. Beautiful 2·story Colonial. 3 bedroome, 3 batba. Patio -$28,500. CbokP-Bay Front lot.II on Peninsula.. CORONA DEL MAR DORIS BRAY R It ~ BDRM. HOM!!:. 4 YNrl! old. t ea Or Lovely view oc '11 " t>&y, 111• Phone Harbor 2Q.-Office & Residence Fenced pat.o. dbl. l'•rag e, rrtn· tor ed for 2nd floor. R-% lot Nona Hyer Chet Sa.li8bury ~uced $1000 acc 't alckne111. 216 Marine A.VP. .. Balboa 11dand Owner, 506 Avocado -------- OWJ\Ut aelllnr modem 8 bd:~ OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 t bath home at top of Corona d~ Mar. Mort.jtag-e pAylnc rum. E:~;:~~~n:;~=:; 1201 Cliff Drive, Newport Heights lneludecl. Many buill \1111, lots or room for ktrta. Walkln1 di.tan~ \.cl 11ehool '2~.000. Ha.r 2608·M .. l 7tf(' BY O~'ER Modem beaut. built Lido home. on •O· loL Lu.xunouaty w to w 'rnrpet"d A: drapl'd thru-out 3 bedrm1 .. 2 bath. 2 lovcly patina. 2 yra. old. $32.~00 Hl\r, M92. 17p18 OORO:-J A DEL MAR. Ocean Vie•• 4 uni Lii furn 1-4 B. R .. 2 ti.., l ·2 B. R.. 2-1 B. R. ittni lge. llv. rm. Garb. dlsp. ~ pr. Nloe paUO, llW1 declc. nr. bell. Potentl.al l.nc. ~000. Sl0.000 will ha.lld;e.. con· tact owner, 430 A90cado. Har- bor 0102. 10c22 Bay Front encome I Unit. ~J 6 I l>ed?uona, turn tahed. Pier. noat &Jld pnva~ .. beach 1000 IC. 8&.lboa Blvd 8&.lbu&. Crol\l'\tw 18M6 <.:our te.y to brukn• I 3tt• By Owner- sM.ALL l bdrm. bouae on Sana Ana Ave. cl additional l room bide. on 1i acre, $2950 total price Uberly 8-8688. 17c19 Especially nice Income property In Corona de! M&r Owner w1U accept 2 or 3 bdrm. home u 3 bedroom. 2 bath, home The V 09el Co. 320 1 Yf. Coiu;t Hwy., Newport BE>arh r.1 8·3481 Forget About the Taxes The rent from the 2 bdrm. apt. over gar. wtll more than pay the taxes, ins., cl: upkeep while YOU Uve comfortably in the 2 bdnn. & den house. Hwd. flrB., 2 fireplaces, BBQ. garb. ctisp. & other Extras make thill a reaJ Home. A pleasure to snow, Pleue Phone -Our Excluaive R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 2774 ATTENTION Sub-dividers! Fourteen 60' Lots near Country Club. Tentative Map prepared. Price $1500 per lot. Subordinate $900. Phone Owner, Llberty 8-2657. 16c18 part. Prefer Corona R l&hl&ndll ------------------------ or Shore Cll(!a. 0. R. l.Alh.ra):>, 8838 E. Crt. Bv.ry. C. 0 . ~l Har. IW42 r=vea Rar 3~U.J. lTelt BALBOA INCOME 5 UNtTS--Older prope.rt.J ceatnJ· 17 toe., 1 'it blJta. to hurt ot Bal· bO& tJtll. rm. Ju.st r~uceo to 1n.noo tor qutdr 1&1a. "'°°° dn Owner &arbor UM. TOt.tc. 1.03 ACRES RANCH Near Back Bay 8c Country Club, 2 bdrm. la dim, hwd. floora. furnace heat. dbl. guag., breeaewa.y. Fireplace. Xlnt. location, 1600 sq. ft., 3 yn, old. lncludea drapes & W to W carp. F. P. $22.500. "ART'' ADAIR Realtor , .. - It I • I • • ,AGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER-FEB. 23, 1955 II-Beal FAtale a-Bea.I t.:.taa. ----~---------------- EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN Wonderful home tor children. Beautiful 3 B.R. home with btg rumpua le hobby room. Lovely enclosed ya.rd. At $19.~ uldng price. NOT LEASEHOLD. $SOOO will handle. Shown by appt. only. For Eve. lntormation, LYTLE LI 8-2542. ,COSTA MESA -NEAR GOLF COURSE HOME le INCOME. 2 Houeee on lovely 11:: acre. Ideal for ~lng children in aa!e big yard. 2 B.R. Ii ~n home• 2 B.R. home. Bwi at door. $4800 dn. le $72.50 mo. Muat .ee inside to appreciate. For Eve. Information, LYTLE, LI 8-2542. M·l CENTER OF TOWN BUSINESS It INCOME. Big 3 B.R. home on 11'.! acre. 85 ft. on Superior. Room tor 11hopa &. buildings. This la a choice manul. 11ite Ii will increase in value. $12,· 900 with liberal term11. F or Eve. information, PE'tl'n'E, LI 8-5487. COSTA MESA -WALKJNG DISTANCE DOWNTOWN Neat 2 B.R., bwd. fin .. 11ewer , curbs &. paving on Rochester. Owner aacrif. at S9995, wit h onl y ~1 500 dn., or trade com parable in Glendale. It's nf'W and nice. For Eve. in!or:mation. PETITTE .' LI 8-548'Z. BALBOA ISLAND MONEY MAKER BUSINESS & INCOME on waterfront nc:ir ferry landlng. Large, fully equipped Hambur~cr & Food stand. P addle Board Rentals & 3 furn. Apts. Room Ii plans for additional store & a nt . exnan"ion. Gross- ed over $12,000 in 3 mo's. opera!!on. C::n }>(' 1h11blrd. See this before East er Week & gel a f ull season. $3!5,000 with approx. ''. dn. For Eve. information, SEYMOUR, H ar. 5298-W. GOOD close in com er lot 60xl 37 -East side S225'l cash HOUSTON REAL TY & Associates 509 Cente r St., Costa Mesa. Liberty 8·6911 BE CONVINCED The Best 3 Bdrm. Home in Costa Mesa KNOWELL PLACE Open House at 2073 Maple Street Only a few IC'fj. Plastl 1· Walls Sewer,,, curbs Hardwood rloora ForcC'd Air Heat 'I\vo Bath• T'' o car g~rag( Full size dining room &-autiful kitchen $950 Down Hurr y -Go ln g Fas t Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa ~lesa ( A \:r Ows f'r om Costa ~h ~a Uank I Phone L ll>ertv 8·G761 t:ves. H'\r. 4 :~6~1 1 ~-2103 LOVEL ( 2 bedrm . r.ome I :.I bl' .. (Jl f bllll...08 ..,1\'d., I.HI)/ J :• r.;, I :J . r irepl3C~, garag<'. Outstanding vnlul. ;-.2;)\ 0 ha .. • lies. l•'ull pric·C' ·' 11.950. ----- OPEN HOUSE DAILY 152 1 W. Balboa Blvd. w1tb outalandtng n ew Nearly new 3 bdrm. hom<', ~~()() h andles! A Steal on Alvarado Place! 2 bdrm. home. beautifully furnish ed, only 2 yrs. old. Full price $15,750. ·3750 down. R:-tlAn('(' $100 mont h. RF.n HOT! ARl C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd ., Newport Beach Har." 5226 -------------------- -- Don't Let Your Wit e See This ! Charming, modem BEACON BAY home . . . SHE'LL WANT JT! A s nap to clean, heaps of ward- robes & cl08el.ll & loaded with built·ins! T h('re·s a 11eparate aewing & laundry room ... A dream kit- chen with a PANTRY, Thermador rang(' and oven, Fonnica counteni. A lovely living room with huge flagstone fireplace: a 11unny patio : wonderful mas- ter bedroom suite, a den for you, guest room & powder room. 2 more gay bedroom11 upstrurs ea('h with lta own lavatory and ANOTHER bath. Your clJl)dnm are ul~ ln ~aeon Bay! And you'll aU en- joy the wide. private aandy beach hair-a-block away with a pier to tie your "put-put" to. This 4 bedroom, 3 bath home ia PRICED TO SELL DOCEDIATEL Y at $33.500. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine, Balboa lal&nd Harbor 4781 "SCARCE AS A STRADIVARIUS" Immaculate 3 bedrm. 2 bath -3 stall showers. Cdl- ing high !'U'eplace • large 2 car garage • 1unny patio • c.boke location. Should 9elJ o\•er weekend • only $24,750 VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bclt. Llb<>rtt 8·3<1R1 ..... J --· '"-' GZ-RHJ FA taUI 8%-RMJ ...... tate --.. --------------·-·----- "C" THOMAS ..• "C" THOMA ~ BA YSHORES-CU.tom buUt Ber· mud& Ranch etyle home. 3 111:~ bdmw , I beth•. P RIZE wmntng kitchen. din. rm .. plue bar, rsla· and hearth fireplace, entry ha ll, mlUly eirlT&I. Prlcl'd at '38.2~ LIDO JSLE-Oullt&ndlng Value' 3 bdrm1 .. rump1.1.1 rm. 10x28, 1111 rm 112 Y.i rt , 1t. to 1t. cor. loL P LUS 101137 ~ ft. Anthony b uilt ewlm. pool. Only 2 a.., yra old. ASK1NO PRICE $42.~. LOTS -LOT3 • LOTS • LOTS Klnge Rd., 80 ft., View ·-· $MOO. Klng1 Rd., 70 I t., View ........ $52W. Npl. Hla. 00 ft. -.... ,.......... $3800. Lido Isle, 4!1 ft. .. .......... $13,000, Coron!' dl'I Mar. So. ot Highway, ~xl18, zoned R·2, temu , $6850. "C" THOMAS R EALTOR 221 W. Coaat Hlway. Npt Bch. Liberty 8·0:-i27 "C" THOMAS .. , "C" THOMAS Lido Bay Front 0 BF.DROOM 111pnlor location. Lowest prlcet1 one available Only $42.000. Balboa Isla nd i HF-ORM. HOME, pier. float. Sacrlrlcc now at $33,7~. Cha nnel Front s r·:VF:R AL CHOICE BUYS, II 1lupl1•xP11. 4 homlls. Now 111 lhr lime l)uy bl'fore aprlng ral~ In prlres. Bus iness bldg income C:ORNElt litOre bldi;. la 2 apart- mrnl~. All rent,.11. h\jzh P"rcent- 11s;~ lnC'Oml'. Thi• la k aleepn! N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd .ft =-:ewport Blvd , Npl. Bch. Phone Harbor l •~. ------ Interested in Something Different ll~:tu; IS A TRULY MODERN 2 bJrn1 IHlrnc lhlll 1s most WI· u~1111I 111 1lPJ1l~n. JI t«aturu • t1nilw1I plywoo•I tnaldr &nd out, ha.; 1\ 1 •11 ~e root overhang. 8.Jld " hluc k kllch1·n wHh l1••lh..r up• ho.11tcrl'd brcad~t bot Hae .t1n1ni: ta bl" l>ulll Into waU. Yl11g~lonc 1 1rcple.c~. =-:ice pallo, 1lblc Jrll"•IH'. F'1•nc-cd yard. $11,500 full price M U~TIPLE U STTNO Phil Sullivan & George Everson l &:AS ~twpurt lilvd , eo.ta Mua tacrvsi1 ln1m L"o.ta Mea& Bank! Pl:unc LI lH.1761 t:vt",. Har. f 364 Llb<orl v IJ.2103 MOTEL Q 11tucco units, unencumbered 0 11 H1ghwuy in Culver City. Air cond1Uoncd. Fine park· in;; lot. loadfl of M on signs. Well e.itablished business, 7 yrs. old. Jn tip top s hape. All fum , incl. plent y ltnene lncome well over $8000. Ex- penses $2000 include $540 taxes. S55.000. Owner re· uring. Will trade for clear income property with pier & float. TbJs will bear full invt'Stiga- t ion. Owner. Ernest Zim- merman. 290i So. Cochran Ave., Los Angeles 16. Whitney 5961. Courtesy to brokers. 1Tc3-0H Cliff Haven Home HER!: I~ 01\'li: ot thON ha.rd to get thrl'f' brdroom hom,.s "1th tlrf'pl11l't' 11 nd dlnLng-room fi'r,.11hly rtdrcora l~d throughout Anal Wtlllhrr1<lrlpprd 131'11\lllfUI oa.k floor• 11.nd lovely lawne en. hllnC'I' the value of t hl11 fin• fRmlly h1Jm ... PRICED FOR IMMEDIAT& u.le 111 $13 !l~O B11y1m1 ""n &.111ume S!l600 • ', I nan. Payment.11 of S6i & month 1nrh1d,. 111.XM And 1n11 W. Stuart F oote, Rltr. 2117 W B11lbo& Blvd., Npt.. Bch. llarb<•r 2t rir l..lbforty &·ii490 1 Acre of Ground with l"-'O IArgt housu . now rent· Ing 2 bUu1 from Cal.hollc M'hOOI, 2 bike. rrom barlt bey. ~ blks. ft<im l 7th St.. 1 blk. rmm Nt"-por l Ave. Muat Mil. ~oln1t Eul. Wntt-Boit Z 36, thl1 Jl" pu. J 8c21 What a View ! ! ! p,,.,m Ull• ATI'R.ACTlVE BAY AVE. HOME. Up~tAlre It down Colorful. arunlc w11llpaper d"· <"Or. INTF:RIOR OAR·B.QUE. CHEF'S OEW OHT . S u nn)' brtrl<ed P& llo "'IUl irr<'fl.n"ry 11nd vtnr• Ownrr 't llln,. 111~ \\'. Bay An . s~e anytime. Jlc.2:,h MAKE AN ~FER WE KNOW this bowie can be bought !or u low u $1500 down. 1 WE KNOW the houae U. worth f14.000. WE KNOW t h.ia house la on the ~ •treet in Coet& Mesa. .. ! WE KNOW it has 3 bedroom• and ' 1 bdrm. rental in the rear. WE KNOW the owner hu to move cloffr to his busineas. The only thing WE DON'T KNOW .le how much you will pay. 1702 Orchard, s~nta Ana Heights Free Country Living. Diatre88 Sale, owner muat go ea.at for health treatments. Let us show you this cozy 2 bd nn. home, complete- ly furnished ready to move in. Horse11hoe driveway. Beautiful patio wit h large swimming pool, an fenced for privacy. This property includes 3 extra lotJI, 2 of them on Orchard street and one south of the home used for horse corral, horse included. > I p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast h ighway -liberty R-5573 DON 'T WAIT MUCH LONGER IF YOU PLAN TO BUILD! A be6utiful w ow from this comer lot. A neat 2 bdrm. house stands on the rear with glaM enclosed patio & BBQ and there's room in front to build your dream house with the bay and ocean at your feet. AU thie fCU' $17,500 with reasonable down payment and owner will finance or trade on buaineu prop'ty. This beautiful lot elands high overlooking tlte entire bay. Included in the price are $500 worth of plan. and speca. for 4 unite. There are rew 3uch lot.a left.. Two adjoining lot•, ea.ch 55 x 150, with wiobatruct· ed view of bay. These are a pme and only $7500 ea. A beautiful leasehold on King1 Road at $5000. 75 feet on ocean front ln finest re=.Jdential location. $12,500. Owner wlU take $2000 and carry balance. An R-2 lot in CUit Haven (not leasehold ) where you can build .. duplex or rental unit and home at $6800. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~5 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach P hone H&r. 6 188 or Har. 1083 LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT-Pier & shp. Only 1 YT· old. 3 bednns., 3 baths, elcc. kit., built-In d111hwuher. garbage djs- posal, W to W carpet.a, drapes & new 20' Cent ury motorboat inc. m pnce. Tha is a honey! Price $70,000. BALBOA BAY COVES Waterfront PRTV ATE BEACH -Pier & slJp privileges. 3 yean old. 2 bdrm., 11., bath, lots of Ule. Parquet flra.. dbl. gar., F. A. heat . Now la the time to buy for next summer or yearly occupancy. A real v&lue at thiir price. $26,250 NEWPORT Duplex furnished -good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 The New Vogel Lido Office Three fine Lid~ Values - Delightful 3 bdrm. 13~ t:ath r M'lcb t ype. 2 years old. Panelled llv. rm., large uBed brick firepl.ue. Excellent location, nr. bea.ch . Vacant. Reduced to $24,950 for qUick 11ale. $20.500 FURNlSHED ·A nearly new 2 bednn. home aa attractive aa can be, both inside &nd out. Thia home has had real good care and l1 priced to eell BA YFRONT • On Lido Nord with pier Ii allp • 4 bedrms. - Den ->-fajd'e Rm. Extra large lot. A very nice home with large muter Br. Ii Sitting Room. Facing the Bay -Home l.!I a value at a price that will llurp~)'OU. The Vogel Co. -Lido Offtee 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 CORONA DEL MAR See the oceu view from thla 2 bcL~ home oa ~tt. lot '. Extra gueat room and bath. Dining room, l&rp k itchen, large living' room. South' o( Highway oo 60-tt. lot, 2 bdrm.. home, dlJl gar., truJt t.reK. On rood lltreet. FITZMORRIS REAL TY COMPANY Rea.ltora Bl&&Ln-Broker P E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Ma.r Harbor ~ a.-rc.1 Elllate -... -------------- Holmwood Drive A Street of Beautiful Homes .. '21,t&O buya an a cepUon&lly nlc:e' larse thrM bedroom, two bat.II home )eM than tht'ff yean old l.n Uie cholceet NCtJon of th• Helg'hll. TRICRIC le over IO tnt Cron~ on Holmwood lnturtns maxi- mum priva cy. The &"Ound• are p roteu lon&lly lancS.caped and lhe rear are& 11 complttety f$Jloed. THB: CRITICAL BUYER will ap- prec.late the top s r&de oak tloor- lng, Lhe very bell In forced &Jr heattng and the generoue amount of fine custom cabinet work. OTHER FEATURES are large unoWlll of glau lncludlng alldlng gt.., wall on to the love- ly patio. tiled b&lhB, fireplace and a large chetl'ful k itchen with lovely view of l.he oct&n. There Is also a laundry room IUld an unum1111 <llnlnit room. THIS ROME rcpreee,nta l.he top doUar value In the Harbor an&, eewere are In and paJd for and the property I• located lnefde l.he NPwport City ll mlll. Your ll\.SP('c:tlon 11 lnvltPd. W. Stuart Foot e, Rltr. 2117 W . Balboa Blvd , Office Ha r. 24. Realdcnee LI 8·0490 COSTA MESA NEARLY NF.W 2 bedm1. rlUlt h etyle horne, 11hake root. hdwd, tloon . Fireplace. l.Andacapeo It fenced, Very cloee to •hopping It tran.11p. Submit 12000 down. • • • FUR N. DU PLEX on Broadway. 2 bdrm11. u . unit. Fl~pl. Hdwd. noora. Submit J3000 down. . . . 17~'11300' level IOl. nn eewel"ll, son.cl tor b\utneu, nut to comer of l lllb A Plac4'nti&. . . . $500 DOWN NEARLY N EW J b9drm. home. Lan• • .caped. Good loe&tlon On . . . '1000 down, nea rly nfw • bedrm. 1' bath home on large corMr land.caped loL • • • Sea Breeze Realty C<>r. 19U1 6 r lact-nlla, C. MM& Daye It evtt, Ph. U bcr1y 9.3e133 1'1c l8 Real Values l Bl\. BOMJC on C·2 lot, OO!ll llO. nu. le your opporl1.1111L7 to h•.,. your home •nil b11alnua In -e location lktUr ~ Ulla one to- day! Pnr• onJy SO~ with •m&JI down . . . Furnished 0000 2 CR HOMI l:i:A1l aJde locaUon, a;arai;~. 4 room tor anotht r humt1 on 11 ont of lot Prt~d to 111>1J run11.Ahl'd tnr only n :i:io -Small down . B. A. NERESON R.EAt:roR 11>9.2 Newport B lvd.. t,;4>.11a Mue Phuo. Ll 3·Ul72 Evu. U &-~81 Loo k This Over ! t ruRNIBHED tlNlTS. lncom• can be u~. mo Hffl r•nlal loc:.auon. neN N"wport P ltr. $19,000 -Te rms I BR. F URN. BEACH COTT A OS. n.ar Ulla otnc.. $5750 -Tenns TO GET PROMPT A TT&.,TJON w~ edltng )'Our property, ll•l wtUi U&. Aak for H•rald o. 8plu , OJ\ Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McP'&dden Place "At lhe Newport Pier" Hu. 140 l:vea. Har. 1137·M LAGUNA BEACH CHARMlNO Artl•Uc 2 br. cot1.&1 e ld•al lc>ca Uon on oce&ll, f'lllr• larce lot. private paYPd 1t reel. no atepa, eecludtd ytl cloM to bualnue dl1lrlcl. 2 patio• offtr CQmpletr prin cy, "'"II land- 11eaped It completely runilahed. room lO enlarge. SH Dr. Adam• houae at a1tM Se&clllf on ... ao. LaJWI& Sunday JJ to I -• THE GREAT ORANGE COAST • .. WORTH READING AND HEEDING" A-Commercial lW frontage, Newport Blvd.. dowa town. $9CS foot. terma. B-Manutacturinr. Placentia ju.ft North lOt!L 1JT front. $70. toot-· ~Residential -R-1 N9trict1on. New ltNet, tl1 front. $27'50. 0--M x 300 Harbor Blvd. Bualn ... ...ct. $12,500, ~ cub. E-M x 3SO - 2 bdrm. Rancho. ~ ..,...._ Need.a paint. $78'50, tenna. F-New 3 bdrm., 2 bath. Built-In lltoft It ~ Forced air beat, uaed brick F. P. Lota of tOe A panelling. Hwd. tloortnc, attAhed dbl pr. Full price $14,500, with $3000 down. G-Exciting 2 bdrm., den, dlninc room home on '7a' frontage businesa lot. Jut re-aoned. Raw 10Qr home and bwiineu at one location. $11,eeG. $MOO down. Sellerw W'i1l carry be.lance. H-Excluaive Holmwood Drive. Wonderful home, wonderful view. 3 extra nJoe bdn:IMI., 2 Wed batha, W to W carpeting, custom drapt9. ~ ed view picture windows, tlaptone raiMd hearth fireplace. Thermo gravity beating, built- In breakfast nook . Land9Caped. Jut $28,DOO. Terma. 1-lneome It.ore bldg. 3 unit• near new market Wnf constructed. $32,000 F. P. lnvenment paJ'inl 14 + "~ on qu~ted price. - J-L&rge buaineea locaUon. Boat building, truclrtns whse .. lumber ya rd, manufacturing, la.rce apue for open storage or parking. 2 parcel8 rented, income $250 + & month beeidea above. 2 aeree Harbor Blvd. Arcb t.n188ed bldg. &O' x 108'. Price $G9,500 with $22,~ down. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOA.NS -BUILDERS 1~7 Newport Ave·, Coata Meu Liberty 8;1632 Liberty 8-1400 m... v' Check. these for best values CORONA DEL MAR l . DUPLEX -HOME & INCOME Cute one bdrm. home, newly decorated.. Nice patio, fenced yard. pha Immaculate atudJo a pt., complete· ly furnished. cloee t o marlret.1 6 only $13.~. G. l Lo&a.. 2. $1000. DOWN Buy11 this 2 bdnn. home. dbl. p rage, fenced yard. Total price $11.500. Only $1000 down. Ganlge built for a pt. above. 3. S3000. DOWN Buys thi.a 2 bdrm. home prua dbl. range. Brick patio. fenced. Bwlt on rear of 50' loL Choice Joca- t1on in Corona del Mar. Room to bUJld another home on front of lot. See lhla now for a cood bu,y. EXCLUSIVE WITH US PRICE T. McCUISTION . MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 47 (Office located next door to Corona deJ Mar Bank) ONLY $10,700 4 B. R. 2 Bath Land.caped. w-w carpet. u pb.alt tile A other Jrtru. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. -198~ O>nt!Dmtal. Co.ta MeM -SEE THIS! BALBOA INCOME 3 unita, furniabed, heart of Balboa. g1'0ell inc. $3200. Sch~ net $2900. XlnL cond. Proven money-mak•. ONL Y $18,000 -~.000 WILL HANDLE FISHER and COMPANY 2603 Newport Blvd., Newport Beuh Harbor «29 f OR QUICK RES UL TS! LIST YOUR PROPERTY !or aa.le with a Multiple Li.ting Broker. Did yuu know this immediately put.a 200 -r-u to work on your property! ALSO, for your protection, alway1 buy tbru a ·~tor." Oel lce7 trom Marty Ray, u )'Ume 0 )'1)Sy ~101 d&J9 HT U l&O •"- Hplt SELF SUPPORTING Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Hotn• M d lncome. Top locaUOG. Ootona del Mar. to rt. front. 2 R-2 Iota. Wtll built I Mdroom '*-ID trocit.. 2 uAill • pr. la ..-,r. ft.oocn tor 4th unit. Thia 111 a bot bu'p1lt at Jn.600. wtt.11 $10,000 doWll. Ulllta wtU JMi7 -. It iu.. call rwd Vft'rtn· ... Bar. 4.IQ, ..... ear. 1471. lttl• nB8T 'l'IME OJ'J'EREDI BT OWND CLln llA VSM I lllidr1a. lllom' ft,,,,a.c.. clbl. IV.. l&lya lo\. llt.~,.. 0 . L loUI.. M4.IO Pff mo. •cl. taa • .... aa.ooo .,_ -UW't.1 ..... f. 1Ja.lf 410 • 32nd St .. Newport Bee.eh VOGEL v ALUE WITH A vrew We mean a beautiful ocean vinf. a bedrooma • b&Ua 6 ~·.beamed ceilinp A picture view windowa. ()or. p>WI bricked 6 land.Kaped patio. At '23,Mo tJal9 ta prioed to move real tut • with a new J'HA Loan tobelp. The Vo.gel Co. i I I . I ~ I • 1 -- I I ' ' i ·' ... ,..,..-=~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~------------------... ----... ------~.--llm!' ... 111111-~~--............................................................. ~~--------------------------... ~-~ .. " / .... l"Atate BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MDIBERS 01' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND Neu No, Bay on A.methyat. Cha.rm. 2 bdrm. home, and beaut. modern 1 bdrm. apt. Both unita turn. Then there ia a lovely guest room and beth oft a beautiful patJo, Two-cu prag'e. An unuau&lly good property and the price la right. Tet'ID9. ONE OF 'rHE FINEST Colonial type homea on tbe laland, 220 Coral Ave., la now offered for Ale for $3tS,OOO. Thia home la on a 60' lot with apaclowa room., beautilul patloe and Janet.caped ground.I. There are three bdrma. (muter bdrm. la 20z30 with fireplace) &nd a large dining room. Let WI • ahow you thia today. If you want a real home with LOTS of charm, th.ia is it! CORONA DEL MAR, So. of Highway $2!SOO DOWN. Full price S12,500. Artistic 2 bdrm. home with lovely patio, garage and extra gue.t room, Garage atreaaed for apartment. DON'T MISS THIS. OWNER OUT OF TOWN A: SAYS SELL! We have the key. Thia ia a llttle beauty. BALBOA ISLAND Charming 2 bdrm. home on Little laland with fire- place and unit beat with cute 1 bdrm. cottage on rear. 'J1m property abowa excellent Income, well furniahed. $25,000. Year-round or exc. rental property ia this 3 bdrm. home, 2 baths, fully carpeted and furnished. Room to build on ~ar of lot. BAYSHORES Completely charming 2 bdrm., 2 bath home, all ~auUfully wood panelled and carpeted, delightful patio and you will want to move right in thia. $28,000. Spacious 3 bdrm. 2 bath home -Large patio and i;,rage. Beautifully carpeted and shutters through- out. E verything in a home you will be proud to own. $27,:500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., a&Jboa laland Phone Harbor 502 -E,·es. 2300.-R CHINA COVE Exciting V ie w of Harbor Entrance 50 YARDS FROM BEACH. Attractive mod. home dealgned for week~nd fun or yeaJ"-round comfort. 2 bdrmR., den. unfinished guest room. Sun deck, hobby Bhllp, 1 ' ~ tiled baths, colored fixtures, mir· ror door-8. 2-car garage. DcUghtful kitchen. dlapoaal. dt.hmuter. Colore-d range ha.ti double oven; double broiler. 5(•1'\•el. Cove linoleum, Formica, ventilalinc fan, Ril<'nt aw1tche~. ct'ntral gravity heat with the?'- moatat l'nlqu<' disappearing bar. Completely and nicely f um1aht'fi. Jn th•" SUPERB location, truly an unusual value at $28.500. KEYS at 2647 East Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar . STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND YOGEL 'S ·BEST BUYS So. B11y two unitt, 2 bdnrui. each, a REAL buy at $37,:500, Sl0,000 down. No. B11y front modern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with vie" from eve ry room. Completely furnished. ARktni; $45.750 and ONLY $5000 down. Near 11tw 4 bdrm. home and apartment complettly rumished and in excellent condition. Full price $36.500, ternui. 2 bdrm. furniabed and ln good conrutJon, to be 110ld aa is for only $17,950 and get tbia, Sl~ down. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., lklboa Ialand Harbor 4+i tEvea. LI S.-5297 · Har. 1786-RK) BEST BUY ON KINGS ROAD ONE OF THE FINEST 3 bdrm., H~ bath homet on exclwiive Kings Rd. Channing design and all room• are well arranged, light and spacious. Large &lid· ing doon from dinJng room to outdoor patfo. W to W carpeting, forced alr heating, indoor pt.nter, dbl. prage, attr&ctively landscaped and aprinkler 11ys. tem. Thi• borne will pleue the moat cUscri.minating b~er. Priced at only S.22,7~. with very attractive terna. Better calJ for appointment right now. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Ru•. Wm. G. Schmidt, Aaaociate.9 312 Marine Av~ .. Balboa Jaland Hubor 20t2 CORONA DEL MAR Home with lncomt. th.ia bu character sticking out all over. Color, color. color throughout. lf you want a .....U home with a rental to help, see thia ezclu.iv• $13.~. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Here I.I that bard to find 3 br., in the right price bracket, plua a G.I. loan with everything included ln the paymenta. Plenty of yard space, near .cboola. $18,200. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS FROM THE BANI{} 34"'4 E. Cout Blvd , Corona del Mar Harbor 2288 • FEB. 231 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PASE It ~a~·~·~·~·~:.a~~~-------...!a~~BMJ~~r.~:.a~~~!--------a~~·~·~•~m.e~.~·~------_.J•~-~~-r.tUe-----------~~._.~~£11tae.-------------e-~-a.-e.1 __ r..~tate--------~---J BAY AND BEACH .REALTY - COST A MESA OFFICE with three off ices to serve you "1EWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE Beautiful 3 bdrm. home with hwd flooni, fireplace, Iota of We and cloaet apace, dbl. garage. Excellent neighborhood on Eastside. $12,000 full price with G. I. loan payable $66. per mo., Incl. ta.xea It inll. BALBOA DUPLEX Beat Rental Area-Attractively furn., clCNle to bch .• stores, tranaport.ation. Owner moving to Hawaii. -We have the key! Mu.t aell. aaking price $18,9:SO, tenna. TRADE 3 bdrm., bwd. floof8, fireplace, dbl. gar., fenced. 41h ~ loan. $11,000. Tenn.a. Owner wiahea to trade ~utiful new 3 bdrm. home value $33,000 for income property L. A ., Pasadena or locally. 2 bdrm.I., hwd. floon, lge. kitchen, dbl. gar., beau· tl!uJ patio & BBQ. $9950 full price with xlnt .terma. BALBOA OCEAN FRONT Nearly new 3 bdrm.. home· with wall to wall c&r· peta, 220..volt in kitchen. Landscaped and fenced, lge. lot with view. All ror just $10.500 with only f bdl'JDJI.; 2 living r ooms. Beautiful conservatory patio. Excellent terms to quaUfied buyer. BAY AVE; DUPLEX -EXCLUSIVE $H500 down and it has a 41 :: % FHA loan. $63. per mo., incl. taxes & ins. A ~l buy! Excellent income record. Furn. Price $'.!6,500. 56500 down. 1696 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1161 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. F. Geddes -LI 8·3158 T. Cox -LI 8·7237 N. Martin -LI 8-1774 W. Bradford-Har. 0289-J E. B. Chase · Har. 2762-J A. Tietz -LI 8-3010 B. DeFir -LI 8-7221 Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS Newport Heights View Homes! S BEDROOM, 11'. bath homt'. 1-lr.Q 1q. !ttl In lh11 unu1ual llllJ b••ttu- Uful pro1,rrly, M&hoif&ny-•tucco titCerlor. Sr-•clal l onatrucUon throughout. Hardwood ln•hlt' It ouL l8it23 ll\•1n~ w ... n $1'1,i:io terms Hi:;RE'S the othu v1rw homr on King• !toad. Clllf lh<VNl. A ch11rmln1e. :J b..lnn., l ~ b&lh home. l"lctl,y lan~op<'\I F.A . h"l, !llrpla"" S21.Ml0. term.a. Balboa Duplex ! 1:'><>00 irpent l1Ul )'tllr lo modemlae lhl• property J bC!droo1111 up and ou down. UpJ,.r CUm!)ht'd &nd unted. Sltuattd on n -3 loL room tor one more wilt. Oanuy condition. ue.bOO, good trnn•. Peninsula Homes! Tht 3 beat vaJuu on tht' '"J>OlnL" 2 bt4room 1lucro home. Dultltt .. 'lrl'plA<'", double gl\ra;t and IS:t piatlo 4 yt&n oh!. SH.500. $4000 down. 2 BEDROOM. 2 b&l.JIA. 2 1t.o.ry hCJme. Furn. l"lce p&tln T<'rrtrlc Since 1935 Way back in 1935, p. a. palmer Incorporated was here on Lido Isle. We are the developers. and have spechll.zed in Lido lsle aales and rental.a ever al.net . We have worked for Lido Isle contlnuoualy, and loved every minute of it. Oecause of this unbroken 11peciallzation throughout thl' ycan, we know the property, it.a worth and it.a limitations. We arc thankful that we live here, and know most of the Lido I11le owne.ra feel the aame way. Considering everything, t.he.re isn't a finer place to make your bosne. We have a number ot good buys ln Iota, homee and lncome property. We aJao bave a ff:IW good rentaltl by the year or for the eummer. We do not hnndle Euler Weel< rental•. p. a. palmer, inc. olE! hanson co., sales management S333 vi.a lido harbor 1500 n•f(•tOOI' flrtpllll"r Thh homt' --------------------- 18 "dlffrr,.nl" and only SU ,!)()(), tenn11. 2 BEDROOM and den home. LArll't wa.11,d p11tlo. Vrr; cood con JI· lion aml rt'p11lnll'tl l.owt1t rnc· td homl' on Liie r enlMula ..• SH .000 and only 15600 dow n Balboa Realty Co. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2 B DRM. HOME It DEN PLUS GUEST HOUSE. Very nice patio and b&r-b-q, Ha baths, aerv. pore~ dbl. guage, 1600 eq. tL f?'o loan, $14,9:>0. ~000 dn. LOTS OF ROOM TO BUILD ANOTHER UNIT In the front of this 3 bdrm. older home near the mar.. 4 -.MULTIPLE What Do We Mean BILL'S BEST BUYS? A• WC art membera or MULTIPLE LISTl!llG S ERVlCf: we .-cet all ot the mull lple 111unia from more than 200 Brokt'r1 A11d #Jlt"e mrn. We then 1erttn them M d sele<:t llle or1ra we con11d"r oul- •landlng b11y1 und thn~c that QUlllhfy art' UTl.L'S DKbr B UYS OOES 'l'Hl.:l MAKE Si:;NSt:7 . . . WA~·A1'·01C.,.WEL.I-F'1U .. "'f:~ Buy th111 1·u1" beach houae ud you un h11ve a produclni well In the b11ek ynrd wHh thfl .,qulp- m('nl to h:u1dlf' It. Hu averaged Sll!I month m•t lul 6 monLh• Wiii tak11 11boul $3000 to handl6. $1~0 full pt'lc-A t;ood dl'aJ tor reUnd couple. WIU beat ln11eaU· Jilt.Jon. . . . S~fALl. RANCH NEAR C'OUN· TRY CL.\'H. RAs<·uy 2 lx,1rm. horr.t 1tn I tlt'11 u11 h11lf acre, 75x232. J.11r.:e patio for rrnl C..:Ou.ntry II\ 1ni Hal! of lot 111 r~ncfl!, I Jrel t• r h ur11C'1 aml pt'l11. Wror k11hop !or •torage or .stabll' 18 bearinc rn111 lrl'"• Full prk t $13.9)0 , v.;lh l1'm111 . . . DUPLEX Nt::AR CENTER OF COSTA M l::SA SHOPPJl"C DIS· TRICT. 2 bdrm. n ch AJde~1rtd for elt ctrtc r&nf l'. Only one yr. old. run pnce U!J,1150. 13000 dn. • • • NEAR TRRCJl'TT A1''D ALPHA BrrA. Drive by 1727 Ora.nee, thtn call ua tor appL t.o '"· 3 bdrm~ .• dble. p r..-e. n!ct y4. P'ull price $10,500. • • • REALTORS LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE OPEN HOUSE DAILY 1 -4 P. M. 339 Lido Sou~ Furn. Bayfront with pler & alip. 3ixtnna., 2 batha. Lge. parking area. $49,500. 3 bdrms., 2 baths. F . A. heat, on 2 Strada.a. n-.- etone fireplace, very large panelled living room. We have the key. $3500 down. 2 bdrms. on 35-ft. lot. Dbl. garage. 5 yeare old. Drupes included. All for $19,99S, with good term&. 4 l.Jrlrms., upside down houee. Large pine panelled livin;.: room, excellent t erm.a. $19,950. 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: R. C. Greer -Ha r. 2999 J . Kimble -Ha.r. 1087-R R. Norton -Har. 4035-W P. Terry-Har. •983 LISTING · BROKERS two fine family homes Both on Lido -Both on Via Koron No. 1. Wonderful brand new home with 3· bdrms., 2 n.re full slu and the D\A8ter1 lt1 xtra large. 2 t1k d baths, mutt'r bc>droom carpeted and sliding doors open from it onto a magni!lcent aun- deck. Beauti.ful kitchen with buill·ln oven and • r angt>, disposal and dishwasher. Sepan.t.e ~ area. Used brick fireplace, pa.neUng, fine w&llp&· pers, and special light fixture• throughout. lt'11 U · tra nice and exclusive with us for $29,500 full price with exceUenl. t.enna available. No. 2. JUST STEP INSIDE thi.e cheerful hoaa. and .>'Oll'n want to move rfrllt In. Pronocial interior throughout with panellinrarid a used brick flreplace in both living room and mas- ter bedroom. 4 bdrms. or 3 and den, 2 baths. fl('r· feet tiled kitchen. Stn?i?l to atroct Jot a 11tep from the best beach . $28.500. "CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST'' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Corona del Mar VOGEL VALUES (Oppo1tte B&nk of Am•rlca) MtmMre. Multiple U•ttng ~ Orttley t:.1 Let Juk PinlJha.m Jo11ephlne \\'tbb kets. ~ with $1000 dn. Balance at $70. per mo. 4 BDRM. & DEN. Fireplaoe. dbl g&r&ge. older home in fine shape. $12,:500 with $2500 down. Wonderful borne a.nd neighborhood to raile children. NEWPORT REJoHTa. t--z:ARLT 2 Bedroom Residence & 1 Bedroom Apt. 700 I':. Ba.Ibo& Bl vd • B&lboa Ph on• Harbor 3217. Newport Island 2 BJCDRX. ruldence wlt.h 1 Wdl"m apL onr dbl. ca.~g-e, ll&,GOO BALBOA a UNlTS comer lot. n~I. lnromt record. Halt blk. trnm 8 11y a.n<l puking fac. Clta.n. SlOOOO will h&ndlt. ALSO 8U8U>n;SS bl<lc . PLU!I I apt.I ONLY 14000 DOWN Triplex, furnished ' BE'DRM. hoU8e, PLUS i aptA A !tw t ltp.t fl'<irn t.btt bay. l"U'LL PRJCP: U 0.000. Coast Properties SOI I:. Ba.JOO. Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2658 6 Rar. 4800 Bttc "Let u. Locate for You" r or Harbor prope.rt)', ti.y and beacil. Coeta M-. Obrona del Mar. San la Ana. etc. The LOCATOR ot Cali!. Bn.ndt orr1c .. 1U. Ra.rbor Bl•d. Ooet.a ...... PboM Ll 8-1681. 9it.!c OtJPLIOIC J bdrm., tron t W\Jt • I bdrm., rear unit F'uml•hr1t Newly p&lnted. Tenc.cs y11.rd 111~00 down. IJ3.TMI. 80 AT '1& Heliotrope. Corona del Mar. -call L.lberty 8-537 I f or tntonnaUon. Owner. 18~8 CORON A fUOKl.ANI> LOT'll - O\olo. 81lN An..llabl• C-lJ Harbor U M 2 BDRM. WITH SLEEPING PORCH ZONED Cl. Close in, .ewer in & paJd. $8500 full price. ----- B.ARGAIN OF THE WEEK. Lot 75' x 90' on Orange Ave. near the Alpha Bet.A. FOR. A REAL DEAL SEE A REALTOR G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., LJ 8-1601 LIDO ISLE Very large 2 bdrm., 2 bath a.nd den home, with built-in deep rreeze, cabinet.a and cupboards. This la on a lge !50-fl lot and la a beautiful home. $35,000 Also You should see t.hia 3 bdrm., 1 % bath home that we are offering under the coll of replacement in order to move quickly, $2t, 7:SO with 1ood terms. We al80 have a beautitul 45-lot on Lido Soud where you may have your own pier le alip at lees than $1000 per tt. · DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor '2602 Newport Blvd. LIDO ISLE BAY FRONT SPANlSH hacienda on the water, ~ bednnl., pl• and float privilege.. Need.a aome remodeling. Only $4.2,&00 We have the key. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coaat Hwy., Newport Beach LJ S-34.fl 't\t:W. 4 bdnna., 113.800. 20x.20 .re.race. F'orc.cl air he&l. 2 batha. ft~i.ct, dlA'poNJ, MWt'f'S, Lot MxllO. New atl'ML • • • f:-m<>OR • Oun>ooR LIVING a..uurul 2 bdrm. home and dtn Wllh l 14 bathe. picture w1ndow, gutst h<>u•e, paUo, BBQ. work 11hop. dble. gv.. nood llghta. con<'. blk fence 6 other tea- turea. I H ,950. wtUl k OOO down Nice lauUon, •% loan at U9 21 monthJy. Incl. taxea and ~ You'll 1Jke It. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClAT'U REALTOR "y~t like our tnendl1 ..mc:e .. HJ II. 17th St.. Cotta MeA t.Jbert1 8-lt!t Corona del Mar 2 bednn ru•UC' tYJ)9 home with fireplace-. Double ,araC". R..d· wood ftnced on ~1onla, 1 V, bllu. above Carnation, Low d.n, Ea.y fln&nc:ln1. TRIPLEX w1lh ateady r~ftl&I tncome that w111 make the ~ymenc.. CIOM to tbe beach. Reuon•bly priced. Lovely 3 br. home tn &bore CUffe. Nu rtnr eompt .. Uoa. Chance to llUl pick colo". Wwidertul vWtr. Two ftreplacu. 2 bath .. Reuonably priced. can Mr. PatllMJI\, wiu.- W. E. Fisher, Realtor and AS80C1A TES 10~ EMt Cou\ Rlg1iwa1 Corooa del Mar Pboee 11.ar'-"" BY OWNER Corona ff11111and.i -t Wna.. J b9lh farmhome, rRA commit• m•l I'll. II.arbor Tt-J. "tic Ideally located near ahopplng ln a qu.iet neighbor- hood with the finest surroundings. Fireplace, FA heating, drspea & W to W carpeting, All one atory. Ideal for couple who have rcsponaibiJlty of elderly parent.a or who want income. Ov.'llcr anxlou.a, must 11ell. See this today. AND The Most for the Least 2 bedroom~. aep. dining rm., lge. llvlng room. Jt aeta at the back of the lot with plenty of room ln front for another houae, Range, refrig. & auto. wuher included In total price of $8900 and ONLY $1800 down. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona d~I Mu Hu. 1741-1477 PAPA GOT TIRED When he wa.s partly through remodelling thl• botae and be just quit! Wby can't you flnlah It up and make a little money? Don't wait too long to see tht.. Tht'y're selling fa.st. Yi ACRE ZONED R-4. Good location. Room for plenty more rental uolta. Only $5250. $800 do11V1l'" . CALL Lila B. McFarnn ~ Balboa Bay Properties 09 E. Balboa Blvd., Bafboa Har, 3786 or 2517-Jl $1 ,500 DOWN . CLIFF HAVEN -G. I. RESALE Thla attractive 3 bedrm. home ia loca~ on one of the finest atreet8 ln the Harbor area, on a 60'ilHO' loL You wW be amued at the many fine featw. you'll _.. tn th.ia "llO euy to buy" home. Call now for an appointment to eee. The VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. &h. Uberty Sf'81 • j l - ! ,. .• I I I I J ~~----'tee a A I a It WITH SALLIE Febnarf M, 1165 Oil tile ... cs Md ... d=ekhl of It all! Bat what ~.--u..,-a ••• tbe mm.. ...... ..........,,. ..• WW'"' Gro- ciery St.one mmt go tbn to keep oanelv• the aJe. -place to .... a..t the .... a-tU1ll plMe to be In! 8o after Un09t Nftlll yean we find oar ...- .,.,....., Md Om' fMe .-dJ)' .. lleed o( a llftla& do we sit ....... let ov .,,.... ,... pat .. with oa:r ...,.. ,. +.! Nope ••• a. fw ..-have ~ bet the ....... Oar ,... ..... ftoM la (wateb CMrt for .,.. aew doon ••• 7oa'w beflll pm:da~ OD them tlO loeg, you naight jaat ~ ,_ to fall la by mistake.) Alld th1ak of the fD you'll ~-ftadlD« tbblp ! Twice t.bfl Mlleetloe of meat.. bo- -fooda ud d~ ~ ;roa've had before ••• TM blC wwttch ls on •.• Come oae. come all to the 1emodeh1 ule wttb a hun- dred .pedale t lf XQU read the atory lastct-~~­week about the customer wllo found a 1 pound coffee can tall of water instead of coffee , , • Here'• the correct answer Yiilli~tliil ••• One of her amaD fry_ play. 14 a trick on her and SWltcbed the good pound of coffee in ber grocery Pck for one full of water.... • The Oru~ty Phll- barmolllc ·~ F1fth COMert of the &aaon iA MKt Siada)'. Febnaary %7, I p.111. la the Fullerton IDgb 8ehool Aadttorlam •.. no M•m'om cbar&e ••• IJater- ..U.1 oatoome of the Phll- ILarmoaic'• Ball at the Bay Club two Friday Dlgbt. back wu the pl&u to form a .lmalor Aulliary to the Pbllba.rmoll&c Society ..• IUdA 8hould kaow tbt!lr Nut.cradler 8w*'"' rlJ;ht aloall( wtUa tWr Kr. Siud- ...... • ., • Taldlllg them to tW.. Fifth free Concert • ono way ••• CaWng Frieda Bf.llnfa.nu, conductor, Is .W· other ... Shf''• In th~ phone book •.. A Grocery Store Isn't up-t.o- date theae daya unlet18 it sella 90me &Ort of reference book I ~~~ for 99c ... 1 have complet~ 111 slanclng through the fin1t ~~~ volume of our New Wonder ~~I Book Cyclopedia of World 3 Knowledge ... I muat admit j i11 the firat aubject namely "Ad- nrtieing" roused my curioaity and I found myself reading ! ~~!! oo and on through Alaska Hi1hway, Alphabet.. Ant a, Aqueduct.a, Army and Artiff.1 ~"'a c1a1 Retiplration ... Strictly! ROOW fun reading ... Some mig hty deep subjecl3 are covered in, ,II light, eaay-to-read modern ~ atyle that old and young will I enjoy for reference ... There wtU be twelve of these Won- der Booka ... A new one will come out each Thursday ... Ye., you will be able to get 1 back copiets too. Dromedary hu hit .thf' aaiJ on the hNWl ! Their n"'° ~ cake mix cOIDetl wtth twin t1M'k8 ina.idr ODf' ~e ••• ln t.bl'I way you -. bll.ke one layer at a time ••• or have mixed layen for oee ciake .•. Cake mixes, u f., back .. 191M we,.., ex· pertmaated \\itb, hut a ll weft cuualtln. D~· .. the put Kra.nddaddy nf all cake m.l.ses beln~ the flnt 8UCCeMfuJ Nadona.l OMe Mix oa the markf't ... Their flnt wu Glnl{erbn-ad mix lntnMluced l>M-k In 1916. followed by t hf'l r J)e.. "9'a Food la 1939 ... Tboee \\"tte the day• ~·hea you burned the bos If you dared nae a prepattd cake milt aad aat with a ~ilt ,. eoucl8ce all the while ''°'"" JotueMa wert1 ravioK about your baldnK abllltief. •.. ·ntlHlS ba,·e chaaaed, tf ~·ou 110 bapPf'D to apare a J,._, minutes to heat ~~ Cl'MID Map.I' ud MJCb • • , you att likely to bed'ewa.rd· ..t "·tth ".Ud what kJnd of cak• mix h tble my dear!" Dromedary'• 1M1W mh UMl9 fl"Nh "IP too ud lllMde the bos you'll n.ct a aew tne .,.. 11aer u.& m. ..,. fU. . T1Ua Daer ...S. • no.tag or utra gr c r Pbl& .... t'all be mflCI ....... Th~tt'ti more here at Rieb· ard'a, the Grocery Stott among the Udo Shope at the entrance to Lido I.ale, New· port Beach, Calif. • OOAtn'AL SHOPPER -FEB. !S. 1951 ·' ' FIRST COME-FIRST SERVED -DURING OUR GIGA"TIC REMODELING SALE -·1oo·s OF ITEMS AT COST AND BELOW -WE MUST CLEAR STOCK TO MAKE ROOM FOR WIDER AISLES -ROOMIER DEPARTMENTS ...:.. NEW INNOVATIONS-AND A COMPLETE NEW LOOK •• ~ 1,.. A.rtat.oera&. Ber-.,., 29; RemodelilMJ Is on tile way but before we can won iMlde we ~ust clear uer 300 PEAOHES ... -··-··-No. 2~ feet of shelvillCJ. So, loin tile fwt cNnllCJ ow Gigantic RemodelillCJ Sale. Hun•eds • ~~~:-~No. 2~ 29 t of items priced to clear. Watch, during tile next few weeks, ow aisles grow wider, "-&oclk. ftq'. ~ 32; • tile progress le os all-Mw Delicatessen1 with steam. tabln and rotisseries.. the aJl.. CHDUn' PIE 111X No. 2 HW Meat and Produce Departments plus new sleek frozen food cases bringing you ua.1• 11e.-. !k 23; . CITRUS SALAD No. sos more variety than ever I Watch us grow and marvel at the ultra • modern new ub11>1 .• ""''" 18o 13; Richard's Udo Market • • • {)fl'RUS SALAD -8 OL ~~·~~~-----···No. 1 25; lrla, K4"Jt. IOc 23• FIGS ···-··-·--·--No. 303 lrla, Res· I for 18c1 13' GRAPEFRUIT SEC. 8 OL 111 .. ~I· Mc 39; STRA WHERRIES No. 303 c·-a 8 .... ,. .... a.-c. a ir 25' BOYS'NBERKIES No. 303 8•W Ro,.i Alla. Rf-&'. U.-33; Ce:ER1UES ······-No. SOS l'Uewarta, iw.-. SIC! 25' BLUEBERRIES No. SOO NEW FROZEN-DOLE HAWAIIAN FRUIT 8uak.19t, Rq. lk 14; LEMON BASE --8 OL ltu.alcDt. •~1. 2 tor l&o 14; ORANGE BASE ···-· 8 OL KIOW, Rlllr· ! for U>I' PINEAPPLE J'CE. 12 O'I. ~I Moate. K<"g. ! fur 31r 11; ORANGE .IUICE ·-No. 2 Ori Montt-. ~I· 3'1c 29' ORANGE SUICE ··-48 oa. R elni. IU&'. 3 tur Uc TOMATO .IVICE .... 5 o.. fff'f9f't., .Uir. : fnr 2!k APRIOOT Nr£1' AB 12 oz. H f'IJKf, Rt>c· Mc-29; APRIOOT NECTAR 46 OL h ie of Oolcl, R.-1. lk 11~ PAPAYA NT£l'AR 12 OL <'ontadlna. '"°'«· U c 19; TOMATO .llJICE .. 46 oz. VEGETABLES f'lllW. Mc-di-I IWf. iM 19¢ PEAS ·······---No. 30~ <llOB. "4upu th•toet. R.&c. llr 16¢ PEAS ·-... ··-··· No. W ~ulMI Y .. .-etabln. Reg. !~ 19f SAl..ADETl'FS . No. SOO Monardl. Rf'c. !\fko 29; POTATO SALAD No. SOS ar1.._ ( ut, Rf'I'. Uf' 18¢ GREEN BEANS ··-Pklaic MW, Mf'dlwn, Sn. I. Rq. lie 15¢ pUT. GR. BEANS ...... 8 oa. Monar('b, Rf'J. I i r 13f FRENCH G. BEANS 8 OL ~.tw. Cir. Pt. mix. u. Re(. ~ 35¢ ASPARAGUS __ No. 300 rr1 .. l>Utaf'r ""u· .... llcl 431 ASPARAGUS ...... -·-Tall :moo~~ 16 oa. 39• · Rylmar, ~C· He 15' SPAN'L~H HOMINY No. 2 ~ .............. ,a. .. . CARNATION CANNED MILK :=·-··-·-2.. J3c Drl Moate, Rec· U c 17¢ SAUEBKRAUT .. No.2~ ~~~ICIPEAS No. aos 17; ;"~M~-~:-~~:.~:.~~ 18¢ PICKLES -OLIVES CONDDCENT8 !:&117 ('•lU .• Re11:. ! for !341 11' SUCED OUVES 2~ OL Old Mook, lk&. 43<1 29¢ COWS. OLIVES 8~ oa. ~ontaoaa· ... tt .. 11:. 2lo 16' CIDLE SAUCE ···-···12 OL kra.lt, IU-te. 10<! MUSTARD ·-----6 oa. o.,, ............... .,. 14' CATSUP ---·----14 oa. t1aar. mw1. t:M> 11¢. OUVE OlL -····--· 2 OL t•aoctrood. h1>111M!r, Rec. ~S<' 43¢ BABY DILl.8 -····-16 OL t1ta1. Kee. ~ 19; CUKE Pl<JK.LF.8 ~ ll OL Quallt7 HOWll\ ""I· S6cl 25¢ SWEt.'T PICK.LES 16 OL c,,_ • au.ckwe,U. ftt-c, MC' 69¢ CHOW CHOW -·-··· 17 os. lrt.. ~"~t. RA-c. itc 25; CUKE STICKS -···· 16 os. WIWIJno, K.f'1. !llC' 19¢ SWEET PICKLES .... 8 oz. Foockralt, b"ttl. tter. 171' 29¢ HIDOET PICKU~ 8 oz. """" K~N. ic ..... U t• 35t DILL PICKLE8 .... 24 o.. \'oWll'·• liupttmf', Kee. i19c 29 t CUKE SPEARS ... 16 oa. \\lhllln-. l'>",...I· I<('&. S9r 29; HlDGET PICKLES 12 oz. Wllallir(', llt'f . -l!lr 39¢ SWEET PICKLES 24 oa. QualU7 UOUIO(I K'"'bf!r, Rr1. 6tc 49; DILL PICK.LES .... ~gal. Pflter l"tPf'r, w.o&e. KoP,. Ne 45t DILL PICKLES ··-~ gal. Wllab1n-, IWc-. "a 33' SWEET REUSIJ ...• 24 oz. IHaalll()o',., &e.-. lk 19' COCKTAIL SAUCI'~ 1Z oz. HEATS -HEAU ui.,· .. ft(o1 . ac 53' LUNCH TONGUE 12 oz. \'&cl.or, <lwnbo, Rc-1. 1$41 59¢ CLEAN SHRDIP 4 ~ oz. MllAA«'h. <lwnbo, Rec. etc 55' · WET SHRIMP ........ 5 oz. .._..,. "...,· ft(o,. ac: 53r ROCK WMTER 6~ oa. Padfk f'Nl'I, Rea. ~ 49' CRAii MEAT -·-··· 8~ OL AnnOtlr, li4-f. lfc 16' VIENNA SAUSAGE • oa. Swtft'• R.f-i. U r 28 ' DRIED BEE•~ •..... 2 ~ oz. Do•-·•. Krr. !lk 23' MINCED CLAMS 7 ~ oz.. Annour. "4'1t· l\lc-45; ROAST BEEF .... 12 oa. ~11-Trlt1bw., R"C· S.">c 29• MT RALL &\GRAVY 16 os. Wa.lkf'(•. """'"•• Rc-1. ~ 29< BEEF STEW ·····-··· 16 ot. 0.1v_.·,,, tt..i:-. U e 15( CLAM J VICE --·······8 oz. Bwnblf' Rff.. K•I· Ille 25( CHUNK TUNA .. 6~, oz. -I CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE 7'F h~r Plpu, wlll.Je. Mk. ltf>r. lie 25¢ OD...L PICK.l..F.S .•.. qO&li 81.u, 1...u.n, &ea. l6e 11¢ PEPPEB8 --.--· ' OL RIU.r C'bJlL IWJ. He 23~ RELISH --·-······ 11 oa. R.eUmbeno, Bes· Uo 33; C'KTAIL ONIONS '1 oa. I.A ~n&a. Spleed, a..-. Ne 49' o&EEN ouvm .... 10 oa. Ubby'a, ltf>ir. 6Sc 43; SWEm' PICKLES ft oa. L1~1'a, SU.-.d Sweet, Bf'I · U c 33' Do...L PICK.LES .... 22 OL I.Mr'• SUN'd. Koebel', ~ •. lie J)5¢ DILL PICKLES .... 22 OL I. WllllilM. Koeller, .... S~ 25; WHOLE DILL8 .... U OL =i.:.e~:_au .. 2s~ q.Llty RO'Ulle, Wbolf,, ltf-r. Ho 11• SWD:r PICKLl'.8 ~ pl.. f Blue l'olol, ~,. Sll' MINOED CLAMS TUM Ta\rena. M.e1. IOo 23~ TORTILl.A.S ... _.:.. llio 800 c·--·:.wa,·nt'. Rf'J. 20c-16¢ PORK lo BEANS No. 2 ~ L)'lldM, Kt'&. :?Sc 19( CIDC. BA VIOLAS 15 OL .lu ,. Wine. Rf'J. 6Sf' 43( CHIC. CH. SUEY No. 303 Cap, ftflf. 4.9e 43; OORl'fED BEEF ... 12 oa. AJtrlo, Rf'r. '91· . 43' OORNED BEEF ·-· 12 oa. Yan.. Tomato &--.. Her. Pc 29' SARDINES --·-··· 15 OL Peter PaD. ~-66e 49¢ ftNll SALMON ·-16 -. Moaa.rC-. ~Ir· 86c 69• RED SALMON ·-18 oa. c,--• IMadrweU, ~. Ue 33; HER. la TOM. SCE. 14 oz. BEVERAGF.8 - MISCELLA.N EOUS fff'lll&. 84!1. ltc-13; BABY CERl':ALS .... pk1. n.laa. Rf'i. !$(' 19' BABY MEATS ··-····~cu ,.,. • ...,,.1, IWI"· S for l.\c 18' PF£1'1.N ···-··-····-····-·· pkg. J•.-nna.ol, lkl• !S• 18¢ MA.RSM'W. CREME 6 oa. t:almo,..., .1 .. uH-ct. ""I · 21~ 15¢ CR.AND. SAUCE No. 300 Moy.W, AM•t •• Rt-1. Jl for S I«' 5' lNST. PUDDINGS ·-· pkg. ftoy.W. ~ •• a for !f\c\ 5; LEMON PIE nLL .... pkg. Roo11hay. ~ •. lllk' 29' SPACi. SAUCE .... . 8 oc. MAW, Kef. SIC! 27( PIMIENTOS ···-······· 7 oz.. lrh1, K.t-1. 17r 13¢ DICED BEt:l'S .. No. 303 K,.n ~!'al, K<'I· '7~ 65( DOG MEAL ......... . 5-lb. SUp!'rlur. tt.,.. Jle 25( HONE\" . -·· ··-·· 12 oz. Kf'm'e, r,_n••-. 11#1. ll7r 27¢ COT·PINEAPPLE 20 oz. 11 .. 1n..._. /\u't. lO r n :LUES ··--··-•o oa. o•~F l"&W. Rf'ac. t~ 19' ··Ru lT ~-ur ROLL 9 en. H .. IDL. Rf"c . !l~r 43; MINCE MEAT ....... ZS oz. Pllltbur)'. Kl-a. llh 33¢ SN()..SUEEN ......... 44 oz.. Aun• ol11mtma. ~C· l\lr 39; BK'WJIT. tU>UR 3~ lb. ff.el'· 86c-75¢ SWIFTl~ilNG ---3 lb. KdlU.U.c • .w,. no 14' PEPPER ·-······· .. 1 ~ en. TIN! Tu. Rfl1. !lk> 23( GREEN TEA ........ ~ lb. TrM> T-. R"ll" &~ 45 r GREEN TEA ···-··· Y.i lb. TrN T,.a, lkl" 61k' 49( OREF.N TFA BAGS 48'" Tr .... Tf'&. Rf'a. !OC' 15' GREEN TEA BAGS 16'• HOUSEHOLD , Kim--. IWI". th 49' FURN. WAX ...... 6~ oz.. Ytleo. Rec. U c-19f DETERGENT ·-··-·---lJ:. (),_ 8iu.e, Uq!Ud, ~. Sill 17; SHOE POLISH .......... cu llU. Bl.ck l.&bel. ae.. lie 25' INSF..C'I' SPRAY ........ pint Proo, ReJ. I I.lit 100 B UG CLEANEa ·-.0 os. Ref. 10o BORAXO ··---··· 4 OL ld..i.~ . .,,. TOOTHPICKS ·····-... pkg. BU, Black Labd.. KfJC. G!lr 39' INSECT SPRAY .... quart C•buly, Rt•K· tl.%1 99; CLEANER .. ······-··· quart DRIED FRUITS & NUTS ~m ~ .. ~'.·--~~---·Jb. 19' •• ,..., ~u ~,. "" 29¢ ALMONDS ···-··-··-······ lb. WESSON 911art OIL 8 upr R.lpe ~ ILfic. Ile 11' RAJSINS ____ Jb. bee le............ .., PECANS _ lb. '10 ~ ............. 25• DATES -----··Hos. F&ESB MliT8 ,,_ 8. ~ a~ 7-BONE ROA.ST _ ___.lb. ~-.;;~~AST __ _.lb,.,.. 59' t ". K. Olllolee 91; SIRWIN STEAK --~· ~lh'11 BladtJlawk 59; SUCED BAOON __ Jb. Kath'" 49' SMOKIES ·----8 OL Darltofd AA BUTTER Per Pomd BAKERY GOODS TlfllRSDA'' Rum 54' RING CAKE ···--·-·· e.cb P otato . 6 14¢ DINNER RO~ .. for f'KWAV ~Top 52( PEACH Pl&~ ........... each 100% wuou: 23¢ WHt:AT BREAD ....... .loaf .14AT•"RDA\" D&nl.all Appl,. 3 25¢ OOFFEf; CAKE ·-· for Banana ~Ill 11-LA YER CAKE . ··-· f!M'h DELICATES.SES All Ama.....c1or Rr.-. 111\r 59¢ IA.MS . Rt. (#ru>lll' ('rnc-k• Rf'I'. I ~II 98( HONEY ····-·--·· ....... f'M'h All ~M" 8w,...I -... h 69( PICKLED FRUIT .,_ "-'eaW... ""'· I.~ 2 19 CANNED HAM 2 Ill. tin • Armnur Bon,....._ ""I"· 3111' 29( PORK C(m~ETS .-a.ch Swanson's Chidren 111ighs I __ --.i...a_· ~:_1 Sale1 tax coll«tf'ld OD Lanble ~me '