HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-09 - Newport Harbor News Press{ Circulation 21,000 c.o DW:rtbated lll Newport ._. Balboa. ...._ ....... Ooroea del ...... ~ ..... LAI-. Sooth Lacaa ud BaaUagtoa Beacll. Vohme"l-N..._4' W•-'*7 ........ I, lW Harbor 1118 (PolJUcaJ A.d...u.menU Dr·1ving _ EITOI' Leads Local City l1ildin• .. r::::; ~~',.=1 dJ~~ :.i:citn:,1.!:: ;::.u~om.r;:.':: cat Mesa lfcts ..-----------------.! ft lnp. 20 permit., »•T.U&; two ubuu, ltve permit.I, SHOO; BANTA ANA \0CN8) -fte GERALD · C. BEfllm For Re-electio1 · to City Co11cil RRST DISTRICT A mu, wlM by Mt ....... llM ~ tMt lie .... the be-* ......... ot..,. .... oc--·ftJ ~ lleui. Reslcl1nt & .. lneu M.-111 Newport ..... Shlce 1937 • • Co-ow111r ..... Tr•llfer Unee '40 • Prop•rt; Owner since 1944 • Appointed to City Council s.pt. 22. 1952 • VOTE x GERALD C. BENNETT City Comcl -Flnt District Dr. Ronald Wood CHIROPRACTOR Announces the opening of HARBOR HEAL TH SERVICE Physio Ther•py • X -rey • M.nipul.tion • 2804 Newpott llvd. Harbor 4030 Newport leach Mire Than 20.000 Coples ! Greatest adnrtfsl"' medl11111 of ,.. Orange C011•ty Coastline, The Coastal Sllopper Is tile only mecl- 1... coverl.. al of HlllltlllC)t'Oft 1eac•. Lat-h.xh. Costa Mesa •cl Newport leach (The Clty'of Newport lw• ..... lalboa, a.Aoa lsla•d, Corona .. Mar> More Than. 20.000 Papers Dlstw ... ecl by Mal ..cl C.tler loy H•t $571152 family dwemn11. ftff permit.I, IWlmmllll pool1, one ~nnlt. county board ot .upervlaol'9 laal • s I S ' IC0,800: rep&ir:1 to dwellin11 under JJ&OO: prtnte caragea, one pet· we.le authorized the adwtlJ.11\f for Cops to Burglary Uspects SlOOO, 2t pennlta, $11,086; tep&il'9 mil, $1100; al&'JuJ, thrH permjlll, blda on ~20.000 worUI of Ooet& Newport Beach ~dine tor to dwelllnp over $1000, 2' per-11388. Mea. School Dlatrtct borldm. February totalled ~Tl.1~2. ac· A minor traltla l.n.trac:Uon Mid the two . bo19 entered the cordlnf to Bulldlnr Supenntendent brou"1t aboUt th• dcnrntaJI oc bulldlnf throufh a *Yltcht while R. A. Glenn. tll,... tenn -14rer1, one a (lrl, here ~':tf.r~~al~o~ln:•to C:r1c'!!.~ Thia ~igu~ la $358,833 under on Sunday. The trio wu arrested JanU&l')' • tot&l of 1929,118~. aecond • they ma.de the bursl.uy u a hlfh bulldin1 t ot.I tor that monlh by Newport ofrlc.ra who .topped "1pur ot the moment" move. IA the hU.tory of the city. their ur for a trattte vtolaUon ---------------- and found the back aeat lo&ded with four ewe Of beet lalld a caae of wine. Robert Irwin Knight, Hunting- ton Bea.ch, Rlc:h&rd Herman Ru&- .eU, ·weatmJn.alel' and Laura Jo- ana Buchay, Huntington Beach. all 18 yeara old, were booked a( thr 1 cowhide clutch bags Orange County jail atter Santa Ana police found the trio burg- larized an Ice company and atole the lntox.lcanUI. Accordlnr to New- port officer•. the younthe readily admitted the theft after belnc quealloned. lnvuUca Ung Santa Ana police Chamber Advises Caution in OH Stock Purehases Recently two b&nken from the St.ate of Wub.lngton were La H unt- ington Beach ee~ to loc&14 an oil company that proved to be non· exiltaiL The banken Mid they h&d boU(ht 1toclt tn a loca.J well. ac.contlng to a report trom the dl&mber of commerce. The chamber cautioM that oil boom1 brtnc "fut. operat.ora" to a city and .i.re-# that before 1IJDU1g any papen. or ml.Jclnr buaUleae tranaact..lou, It la a.chU- abte to -aa at&oniey 01' banker. ~-~~~ -----HAND CREAM ..... f/l'le,.... ..... -........ ---......... --l~ -••• I -........,, ....... _, .......... ,....... .... _. ..t ... .....,, .... ....., ..... '--9 lf'e llF fl I .... U..,.... ._., ,_ ......,, .._, ........ AAN. •. • .............. hr ••••••I ............ ___ , ~c:,t!A'---t,_ DIUGS Lll>O-l4U Via Udo, Newport Beach -a. ., .. Udo Sllopa" • IN PINK BLUE YELLOW TANGERINE RED BLACK BLUE BEIGE '!be wamlng continue• le at.at· 1n1 that "teue tiounda" are part ot an oU boom and that aa laflWt ot "Wine, WOllD«l an4 90nc'° '9 to .,. ..-pect.ed. B.41RIOB UOl E. Cwt Rwy., Ooroaa del Mar u•.aoa.-"111 z. -.... Blft., ..,_ W EAST 17th STREET ..... c ...... ... Ul-2771 QUITTING BUSINISS CLO-ING our 11111111 ~ • --.ie-.......-.. • .._ • IVaYtlllllG wm· . llAllCll J0-19 An., 1 -I hi 1W9 ~ l ' fl UIOIONllla ................. . , ltJ ••• la order te ..... .,, 1111 ,._. la 10 DAYS Kb om 11M prteet ... .tock to NII •. , 8A VE VP TO ~ IUY BELOW COST! Early Buyers Get Ille C...... of the Stoel of First· Class Merc:hcmdfse Going for Less Than Cost FINI FURllnU•I ly HEYWOOD· WAKIFIELD ASll<'LUT PLA'no&al w AA ROCKER $6~.50 DRESSER.CHEST 89.00 SWIVEL TY CHAIR 57.50 LAMP TA• E 27.50 NIGHT STAND 35.00 HOLLYWOOD IED 35.00 3 PC. SEC'nONAL 206.25 NA TOlllNO OOCllT AIL/IAJlP CORNER TAii E 85.00 wmnwooo FINlaB 2 PC. SECTIONAL 233.50 l llCI. OOOKT.ut.llAJIP TABLE NOW s 31.00 54.00 29.00 17.00 17.50 1LOO 125.00 58.00 133.50 OILON CAMEO lhln·llack CurtalftS (Llillll... q..ittt~ 1nDe 'l'M7 l..Mt) 50" x 81" . 70" x 81" (I ~ wWtM .. ,...a) 95" x 81" (I wWCM .. ,...., WAI NOW $11.99 pr. S 7.00 pr. 19.99 pr. 11.99 pr • 25.99 pr. ·15.00 pr. 96" x 11" 13.99 pr. (o.u.d 8 ..... -1 wtc1tllle to ,_..1) 6.99 pr. sma Rayon Panels 2.25 ea~ 1.00ea. A•'t <Jolo" I PIUow Fol n~-~ly Reduced j Al Drapery Ir Uphoh,.,, Fabrics Mnt Go Oar o"11 drapery ud apholstery ebop will nJllll&ln opea aatO all orden are complfoted ••• thas .. .,._ Ing yoa of the -.me high qaal.lty wortnnusbJp oa mercbaDdJ9e porcbaeed at aaJe prieea. Fabric Savings Up lo 81°/c, Take Advaatap of Tlleee Sale Pliew to Have QaUty Uplloliltery A DraperJ Work OUTSTANDING . IOUCLE WEA YE CASEMENTS 'WA.I' ()()()()A .......... ·-···--···· .. ····-···$6.!50 yd. llAISE • METALLIC ·····-···· 6.90 yd. TURQUOISE ............... .. ...... 4.95 yd. ~BELL MEl'ALUO .... 4.95 yd. 80fT MDIOSA ---·--4.95 yd. BOUCLE -··--... .. 2.70 yd. NOW $%.76 yd. 2.75 yd. 2.%.'i yd. 2.!5 yd. t.!5 yd. . UiO yd. 80UD WUVI: WAS SOW CASEMENTS ............ U.S. $3.50 yd. $1.50 yd. NA.TU&AL RAW SILK 3.75 yd. ll08E LINEN WEAVE 2.95 yd. WA VZSLY CA.St:MENT BROWN 3.~ yd. C&1CA.J1 IOfT CUJITAJN MATERIAL 1.50 yd. OYSTEa CHROM·SPUN 2.70 yd. M>rT~ CA~EMENT . 2.70 yd. nrnuoUINO PA'l"rdN ON RAW SILK 4.95 yd. (~for drapertM ... ''"' ....,._.) 1.95 yd. 1.50 yd. 1.50 yd. .96 yd. 1.45 yd. 1.10 yd. Us yd. e e .._, ottlff attnetlft DnperJ P'Mrta D~&TICALL \' UDUCl:D wti11e taeJ IMt e e Furniture 6 Lcunps MODJ:aN nBllE Gt.AM WU JlfOW FLOOR LAMP S 41.50 $ 21.50 MODERN nau 01..AllU' STAND LAMP TABLE LAMP WUIJT41lD COLOR TOLE LAMP CUSTOM PRO\'INCIAL SHADE LAMP t'PllOUITl:Rl':D -CtT!llTOM MADI: 38.50 24.00 42.50 85.00 1LSO 10.00 10.00 . 35.00 WING CHAIR 195.00 110.00 P'OLl>INO T AJJ.1Z • CHAIR SETS 28.00 ('r.Me ... ' CUln) DELUXE FOLDING CHAIRS 18.00 FRAMED TAPESTRY 25.00 14.00 9.00 10.00 Carpets 6 Carpetln9 Value• (\\'111t14o tlwy IMt) ora, AJI ..... CAUTOL~A CA8 f"AL WA~ HOW CARPmNG S 4.95 yd. $ 2.95 yd. A ""'t ~plea -VU'I-II~" CARPET from $1.00 to $5.00 Unbleached Muslln WAlll l"O'W 39 inch S .59 yd. S .25 yd. 54 inch .89 yd. .49 yd. 108 Inch 1.95. yd. .95 yd. DRAPl:Rl' LIN L"W WM~ a FA;ra W Juer Lla!Jlf \\'AM •. 90 yd. .90 yd. NOW •. to Jd. ..ao , •• I 1/J OFF Travene Tracll -Pl•ater Tape -Hoob-Drapery Hcwclwcwe Yi OFF I I DON'T DELAY-TAKE ADVANTAGE OF VALUES NEYER OFFERED BEFORE IN ORANGE COUNTY ALL· E9U•MENT AND RXTUIES WILL IE SOLD AFTll THIS CLEAIANCI SAU KIMMONS . DRAP.ERIES e INTERIORS e UPBOUTERING e CARPETS 435 IAST 17• ST .. COSTA MISA AU. 1.t.LD FINAL e MO &D'UNDI e MO EXCllANOD • SALE )IA8Cll J0-19 BUILDING FOR Rl':NT 0. Lot 108' • 800' "111 build addtUon for. any retaU bu• .. AMPLE PA.R&INO PAGE 2 -COAST~l SHOPPER -~ARCH 9, . 1955 Civic Beautificaton lln. Robert Marahall, eonu.t chair- man, and Mn. John Neff, Newport repreeentative. Beautification Conte~ L Closes on March 15 Civic Planting Projects Eligible from August l:ntry blulca tor t.M .An.llual Orange County Civic Beau- tification O>llt.t must be tiled before March 1~, by all com- munitJe1 wiabinc to participate, &DDounced Mrs. Robert Mar- ahaJI of Newport Beach, chairman of the contest. Ru&ea for tht. cont.t, wbJcb ia aponaored by the Orange County Al90C-tated Chamben ofl Commerce were dt1e"9ed al a beta oUloe. llra. Jobn Nett Y civic dl~tJng of the Omnge Count1 Q . beauWlcaUon repreamt&UYe from Ylc Bf'aullfkatlon Committee held Newport. Mn. DaYld McGrew ~p- IJa Santa Ana. resents Weatml.nltu. RepreaentaUvee from Costa Me· Any ~autlllcellon project at&rt· -. We.ttmlneter. Santa Ana. and ed all~ AUgv.at l, 1'84 or befON Anaheim attended the meet.mg. May 18, 10~ i. eUS1blt for com· &e.utllloallon project. now undrr• peUUon. w.y ln thrH town• were uplalned. Trophy aw~ will be ginn the Newport Beach and WdlftUUlet ooriteet w&nnera at the Mey dlMer have already tlled contul tatty of tbt A.Mooiated Cb&Jnkra of tonne W1th the Auoclated Cha.m· Commerce of Ort.11~e County. ' Mary Topper Weds Pasadenan. One of Oranec Counly'a favorite dauPt.n. Mary TuJ. ler Topper wu married oa l'ab. 21 to .,..._ Bo)'t ot P ..... dena. Mra. Hoyt Is web Jmoffft in aocW c.ittlet in Newport and was formerly Interested In Republican political actMtiM and served u a former Orange County preti~nt ot the Re- publloo..n Women. More recenUy been moored here for ae•eraJ Mu. Huyt hu Mtn vctcvtl?• Me-YK.ra. • retary ft)r the it.pubUca.n Aftocl· Mr. an4 Mn. Hoyt are now 111 W&ahington. D. C. &lid wUl ut.end atu wllh otfll' .. Jn Loe Anrelu. Uteet trtp to New York. retumlnr )lr. Hoyt hu b9en & f.mlli&r U1e nr1t or Apr11 to Puedef\a. 116\ltt In Newport .. Illa boet hu wtlere they will ma.ll• th•lr .tlome. Dinner Parties For Wanikis and Husbands with member• ot both clube ~­ lns cu d• a.fterwarda. P l&nntnr ..-loo tor Ul• tvent wu at a monun1 kaff .. klat..ch hoetea1ed by Mn. Mu Pope "'1tb Mn. ...,._ ry Aehto11 and Mnt. VtrDOn Koep. eel U11laUOI'. Mra. <Horr• 8tr1clttr prelllided. "1antlcl mernbera wlll meet wllil Al the cUnotr, a pat.rlollc thtmt U\tlr K_t,.Mla hlUbllnd.t for & It. WU ca.n1ecl out Wit.I\ r.d, Whitt Patrick"' 0"1 dlnn\'r on Muoh 17 and blue t&Dlt ltloUul, blu• e&ndJ .. , In Villa Marina. Tht1r l'etlruary red and whit• flowera. ni. cJut>- rT*!tlna wu • pot luck dinner hollk ha.d been decol'aled b1 Mra. hW at 5~1 ClubhouM. Baltio.. Spurgeon·, Otrl Sco\lt Troop. Pl\&IU!;& • RIDLEY llOlrttJABV AUending were Muara. and Mmu . Slridter, Bert Webb, Ver· non Koepeel, ftoy Yountone, Boat Chllc111, JolUI Albarlan, Harry Aeh· re~ O&Alil:L Oa.u>a. ton. Ray Dl)le, Uncoln Or1ndlt, Da ve Niel.an, Herl>ert Kenn7, Huvty Pe&M, Mu Po~. Jack Raub. Rev. a.nd Mra.. Herb6t John- aon. LATEST HAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllD SHOP BAL80A TllEATU BLDG. B.t.UM>~ 0,.~ .. ,,. 11 - We Clean STROOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand I l'--a wta .. .. s ~ ~u•lltilll • ..,., an~ 3wv ov llpfdal»e. ('Oftlplete ........ ,...,..1 Uptown Cleaners 19!8 Wfl9t ..._ .. -Nt1fp0rt BMeb "'" lfl"'c'lala. • ~ .. ~ r ... uJ.n.r "' Ledtf'll' lllld ~fttl,...M ftlM! ~rln( appa~I • MISS JANE SPELLMAN IS BRIDE OF WILLIAM BLAND PARK TREES NEED WATER Homemakers to Study Lighting oratl~ rolon on Ula amount ol '6f'lil\ "' a , ..... County Granges Join Mt. &ad Kn. r>aa,bin• Oeora'• 8pellmu of W..tmlnllttr Qiata Mt.a Homet11alt .. wU1 "" ......... th• aarrt&ce Of u. ..... dQPt.er, Jant LeUa., Program to Save oa· ks .,,. Frlday, 10 a.m. at Ole hotM .... r. wws.m MeH11a17 Blud. Tbe ..... rnony WU pertor~ of Mre. o . ft. Mllhotf, lM Cut ..... )'. Feb. IO In U\e C rttnw1ch Wed~ Chapel. Niplu, Members ot the Oranre County Jerry Rodman, "-11• Dani,...., n ower 8L, Coet& Mua, with 1&6 WIG the MlteptJon held a!urward at the chapel. Mra. John Pomona Of'MI,. J)asse<t a ruolu· John Goode. under Hie ••'1 aW. luncb •t noon. .._.,. 1&7 It Wt&ll La.tferty 1tood with th• bride -4 Mr. c. V. McCarty wu Uon at their lut me~. held at leac:h'r3hlp or Mra. Pat O\•ttly. Home u,hun1 la eubJaet for the ., Wirt beet man. the loc&J Oran1e twJ In Coata Me· I Tiutm Gr&nge will be hoi t to .. UI. TIMJ wW conatd•r th• rtcht Partt a.ta1 ...... The brlder-oom la the aon ot UM l•*-Mr. lllld Mn. Wal· -. to work with ot.btr ctvlc rnlnd· 1 the County Grange M~ 22 at I amount and ~ of llgt\t for • .,. l6fl •· c .... •r .. C.,.,.. ,., •• lace E. Bland ot Sa.n J ollt. He bu eerved with the u. a. Anny, eel orrvitmllona toward prc.>IH'rv• 1 the Ch'lc-Center In Santa M e on loue taalca <•·I'· readmf • ...,,.,, lnr the nne aland ot old oak tree1 J!:lghlh St. telmalon, ant! WOl'k. ara..l Thty Harbor ~71 la preaently a.a &&Tlcultura.l i tlMSeot at Oranre Cout Coller•. In Irvine Perk. Ttieae Lreea are dy-1 All Costa Me.-. Ora11r• rn•~ W1ll et.cu. the effect or home dee· ------·----- of wb.ioh bJ.e bride la~ alumna. In g o(( from lack of moisture, a.nd ber11 are urged to be prt>M.nt at the ----------------------The oouple la now at home lJl Corona del Mar atte.r a Wed· It Is hoped aome mea.na can bl! pro. 1 March 10 m~•Ung:, u tha men a.n dlnl trtp lo C&nnel. vlded to taJce ure of thl• need. responsible tor I.ht tflt.ert.alnment The natu~ or normal 11Upply hu t hat · nlfht, and the chahTnan QI to attend lbe breufut. Rdtrv~ been curtailed by a dam above the 1 the committee, Frll,,llk Par.-,ns. hH Uone ahould be made at Libert)' park. a au.rprlae &nit a treat In etore. 8-3"28. Jn a.n lmp,...lve ceremony, a -----------c d•t W Costa x ... m•roh&nt.t donated flag wu prverilAld to the Orange re 1 omen rm.a tor • recent aaJe held by th• County Pomon& Cronge by the Home From Mexico , cluat at th• Alpha Bel& Marlcet. 1n Woman'• !lellet Corpe ot La Hat>- Cl"ld1t Women• Brea.Jdut Club charge were Mmes. Perry Hopklne, n.. Th• pttaentatlon wu made by Mlaae. '"Sully"' Sulllv&11 and Jen memben •Ill hold their next meet· president; Burton Beck, \•Ice pre-Mme•. Cr11m and Morela.nd. Bement of Lido Trall•r 5'rk have ln6 on WedJ1119day, Ma.rcll 18, 7:30 llldent; Melwood Berry, treuur-er; Th• aaaembty wae enltrtalned returned from a recent bualaue a.m. la Jon'• restaurant, Corona and Clyde Lewie; a lso Mllll Mary by a loca.1 sroup or square dance Breakfast For RIMODILING IALI !12 MA.RINE A VE. BALBOA ISLAND dtl Mar. All women worldn& ·tor H&rtzler ... creta.ry; Mil!• Marf'Ue· you11gater1, which Included Diane and pleuure trip which look them firm• extendinr credit a.re Invited rite Wey, Mia. Barbara Jobnaon CaS1WI, Danny caa.~el. Robin Er· 'I Ulrourh Ariaona aad l.nto M..Soe to~~~~~are~t.ed~R~llh~~ w~n~J~~s~~~~M~~~·------~~~==~=~=~~=~==~~~~~==~ a ~~ TOIUT,,SSVI ~ oo~ 6 '•r 35c - ZEE ROLL TOWELS a 1.i:>rr 2 hr 29c -ZEE NAPKINS r & 1 ~UD\ 2 fw lCJc .i~ -. UYJfOLD'I ALUMINUM FOIL 19° PAYLESS •• LIDO .DRUGS Vincent's ICE CREAM "0... ot ti.. Ude 811MJ.,. 3"1 Vla Udo, Newport 8eMb HARBOR DRUGS HAND PACKID SIOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Qta. 59, ..... ·-Balk llaU Gal. "lt- 1111"9 OoDea II IAUOA DRUGS 'UI E. Balboa Blvd., IWboa Doable CODe9 101 ~\, /--//·~ ..,.... /I Nowin-ONE iliily taltfel 11 VITAMINS+ 12 MINERALS to pard your r..ny•a dMt , ........... ~~~ ,.._~ .. .....,. .......... -....---- · PAYLESS 4 II BAIO ~ ·::-2 ... lCJc I CHIER ~ a., ... Ot. 68C ~ TIDE ~28c ~68• JOY tifi : .. ;-:-:; ~&SPAN r; r.c.. oc. 73c S .. '. PAY LESS_ ' , ' ~ tor aU Your Dru1"1 and Needs I I I s i I I I i a .. • • :ii a ; llFFllll • :=-.s:r::.-.. ._ .. _ ·----;) ......... .. 77c ~ Pldbft ti ._..,. Sto Vllo• 23c :! twice•falt as aspirin! • PARAKEETS BUUTIFlJL OOLOal '1. . •tU.-~ftrOD WBlll An DI.LOW PARAKEET CAGES .... $4.19 195 BASEBALL BATS RIFllGERA TOR IOX SETS ft.AITIO -a PDm UOt1Lil 7h 53' _ ...... 79c ~~ -----HAND CREAM .............................. ............ "'" ..... , • .no -, ..... ........,, ....... ..., ................................. ......... l-. ................. 1'1 Sc ICAU........,fw ......., ................ . ............... ~ .... ...... _ _._, Cotton lals . . . . • R Asplri11 T aWets 100 9otU. J 3C t7.a.t. a rr. --·- An.,c Tablets l6 -ftc Triple Action COUGH SYRUP 4 a.. 98c I PDDA 'ftlfO e OUft PJrtKGK t Qt710k AOTllfO I lath Epsom Saft1 J9c nna Thermometer Doan's Klclney Pih 49c I B a I s Plastlc Tea Spoons ill!'D. OOLOU 5c ODDODJr PAYLESS Liquor Depa~IHNM I 9/1%111 Y'*' """''- : '"" JJ.,,,il It lh I ' I IAG P.UGS • :.=.~· 3 .. 97c ScnwMverSeh .:!:~~ .. Ste kltCiten ........ set 1maa ~ ua.• ~7- Gin Try ........ Vi•yard aad AllM .. WlMI nPTR .,JS up Twin Oaks .,tUtd ...... 100 Proof 1 1't. Old nna 357 Natwafty .. ,,... ....... 2°' ' I I I ' ....... , ._.,.,.,._.,,_ I llMfth.Mtd,...,.ladtc.lll'tlc· : ,., .. ....,, It 1f1tll **•· '• ... WESTERN DANCE SATURDAY MARCH 12 AMERICAN LEGION HALL I 5th end West Bay Ave. N•wport Beech .......... ., American l.ecJlon Auxiliary Unit 291 of Newport Beach ~11M•bllltatlun Pad \ Pockets often .,. bare before pey-day. Plan to s•ve BEFORE yo.J spend. 0.poll+ • RXEO AMOUNT In your snings account ..ch ~y day. Stop in to '" us TODAY. } COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 18'1 N..,.n...._ ~ 1-MTt MIMIU FlOllAL Dl'OSIT INSU~ COIJ>OlATION Copelln Home lurglarlzecl Bural&ry of th• Rq W. Oc>pe- Ula !lame at fl~ fist St., t. being ln'"8Upted by Newport poUce. Cope,Un. a member of tbe Newport B;e&cb P1&nn1ns Oomm!uton, Mid 1 ... ..,,....,, -,..muy: ..... _, .... Ahnond0.••11"9 cona CAO ••• 29' .. ..... .., --~~~,~~~ 008TA llEAA not N-.port 81'1'4. COJION.4 DEL Ilia toa o... a..,. ACO&D'S LAGUNA llEACB us llrolldwaJ BAUIOA lSlAND • toO llutlM A,.._ l\"EWPORT BEACB no <lout e..,. BIG SALE! on these "NEW CAR EQUIPMENT" TUBE~ TIRES . . . traded ln for the sentational ''TUBELESS'' GOODJiEAR T 1 RI 331/J off BUY NOW! PAY LATER As Low al 1.25 ,., ... Budget Priced Lil'T ' 670 I 28.65 I 1t.10• 710 131 .45 , 21.00• 760 134.55 j 2l.20• 100 I 1s.45 I 2s.6s• 120 139.90 126.60• •With Your Recappable Tire OUR RECAPS ARE BEnER THAN EVER ••• New Tire Mileage at These Low Prices. • • • • • 10. '75 • • • .. • 11.80 . • • lt.80 800-15 • • • • • • lS.U 820-1:5 • • • • • • 1'-06 600-16 • • • • • • 9.f.5 Courtney & Lester 1596 Newport lfvd. Costa Mesa U 1-1197 CRISIS! lrom BOU SEBOLD WARDROBE CRISIS? Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here ED CLANCY PONnAC 1402 S. COalt llYcl. Lat-leach casa pura "SERVICE WITHIN HOURS -WHl:N NIZDED" OOHPLETE LAUNDEREU ud CLEA.NW SEE CIA.NCY TODAY FOB BIOBDT 'l'aADE-lN VALVE CALL CLANCY COLLECT For Pont.lac Demoutrat1on I + MAHA!J~&Ca!k 25c Mliij~~J!! 1!~ 49c ·:· asc Ga11 flNE SU A GRANULAnD CHERUB Mii.i PEACHES~~ -a;-PtJM'OSI 11 DE ~mRGIN1 = 10c i:: 25c =: 59c . CHUCK ROAST SHOUlDER OF USDA CHOICE BEEF ::0 .. 39• si:": .. 35c GROUND BEEF .:; .. 29c .. ,,c RIB ROAST USDA CHOICI IBP Standing 7* cut from ~rst ht .... Aged & T--.d F R Y E R S MANOI HOUSE GRADI A fyitc.efg'-cf Cvt Up Al "90tly b pell' SLICED CORNED BEEF .. 49• 1one1-~ BACON VEAL ROLLS •. 45• ,.,_,, Star, lone'- Swift'• P,.,.,ium • .. ORK LIVER .. 19• Rath Block HoWk Slced or In "9Cl9 • 1•• -~ Evaalapt Liberty M88I SPRY ~·75c PIANUT BunlR 9"9fly brand .... 4e. dtuNi or cr.-y jar 7 r (12-o&. far 33c) CHUNK TUllA S.OTrader• ....._ 21• T~ 8'ond ... •••cun ••••• fWT Ill lilfllll ~ 32-~ 35• DAmY Ol 111 llUnlll Ant Quabty Grode .. ss• Qloo111ied .... c..e..d .. RIX PURI LARD :r-::.· ~_tr CUllTSY CMll Southam Spice u.y. 25' Freshly labd Regulorfy 29c 5"C1Al PltOZIN IOOO V AWIS ICE MILK w 'Jk land .. ..._, ...... .JJ- CHICKEN PIU 2 ,_ 4f' Mot. "--· &-oz. Com on Cob = ~ 15' Spinach ... ~ &.e.t 2 ~ .. w 0 1u1• -AT , ... & c.n.11 = 2 = 29' KLlllllX FACIAL TISSU! oflo;,,, 11 c .. ':o 16« AVOCADOS EXTRA LARGE ~~ Ea FUERTES IOC , ,._:a:a• 5 9c 1-lb. plcg. FISH STICKS to... 39e Copeoln'1 Gob. hod.cl ,.._ DUIUOUI !k! 49' HAUIUT STEAKS .. 45• llAND ~·dleb ..--4 CUPM IOI 4 :JNDS OI-COPfll 10VBS--. CABBAGE ;: •· 3° ARTICHOKES M~~~~·-. 5° !!!l~!5 ~· 89« NOB Hill , ... 83« Top Quaflty IMl9 CARROTS r;:is~FF "· 5e AIRWAY ~ 79' Mild, Mellow INSTANT ';a-57c Edwarda 100% Pure ONIONS v~ft~~ 3 .~ .. 10° n.cu UF'tCTM TIIUIS., Fii., SAT ...... 10, n. 12. - AT OIMI( coum wtWAY STOKS (nn 111. ....... SllJ lllwltt ...... _,..,..,_ .......... ..._. .................... .... ~,.SAFEWAY STOii HOURS Dail7 I L m. to 8 p. m. (Friday tW 9 p. m.) Sanday 9 L m.. to • p. .. / --·~-- 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLINTY OF ~ PARKING ON LARGI PAYED LOT PAGE 4 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH '· 1'55 Robert Ills Senft -----------------, Oii Trauport lexar NEW $115,000 CHURCH ..,_., lalboa uno1..... eo. -IACK BOYD - \ tlOl w ..... BoUftl'd "9 -i•11-• a.w. 'Die • Oork • A.pllalt n. • Carpet • ,onnlca e Yacht e IM'=•U. ~ 5319 Newport leacll Ro~rt 1... EUia, aeama.n. eon of - Mr. a.nd Mra. Orllnr R. Ellie of SET 21386 Canyon Rd., L&(Wla Beach, , Lt Mrvinf aboard I.he attack Uan•- port USS ~xar. which partlclpat· BY LDS MEMBERS ed In the Tachen lllandtl evacua· • The Church ot Jesus Christ ot Latter Day Saints baa tto~ provided ampblbloua wt purchased 2.29 acres at the com er ot 16th and l!th Sta., for eeveral tJlouaand civilian 1va· Co.ta Mesa, f rom the Irvine Company at an unepedt1ed price, cueu and Chlneae Natlonallat It· wu announced by Bi.shop Peter Dalebout, who aa.id t.roo1» from the Tachen Ialanda tQ the" church intenaa to build n plant 'which will include a chap-Formoaa. el recreation hall and 21J clus-Location of the new church alte Quality Pnn• ting• ' Harbor 1616 She I• a u.rUt of Amphlblou. ~ma at an utlmated coat of la heh.Ind the Newport Harbor Group, Weetem Pacittc, temporll· S115.000. Union Hlfh School campu.. a Uy attached to the 70! FlMt. For the put two and a helf piece of ground Jett out of the hifh ---------------------.--.-.--.-.--.-.--.~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~~~004ndp~~lt church, commonly known aa the planned for apptoxlmalely 100 TOP VALUES c· COUON BRAID IMtalled W el -to -wal lndudes 40 0 1. pad end al labor costs conoN BOUCLE IMtelled wal • to -wal Includes 40 oa. p.d end el labor costs n&S"UTDIATsa c::ms&U17LLY OIVD COASTIJNI FLOOR COVERINGS 541 CHter Costa Meta Uberty 1-4411 BUILD • Mormon Church, hh been. meeting car1. The 1tn1cture of the church 1 1 1n the Coat& Meaa ~ay After-plant will be 180x220 ft., accord- • noon Club. The meroberahlp total.a lnr tc Blahop o.Jeboul. 1--t-Po_ll_tl_ca-I -A-dv-ert_l.te_m-en-t I (Political Adv.rtlwmvit I I Political AdverUMment l ·~pro~ma~y 400~ra~~B~~ ~Mt~U~mQ n~ptun~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • Oalebout aald. way tor a year or more, Ole biahop oa your BEACH LOJ NOW!! and have rental lnrome this summer The n-church. the Blahop aald, said. He added the cl&Nrooma In , • will be built moatly by volunteer the proposed plant would handle t labor, the oaual method employed Sunday School and varloua actlvl- • by the Mormon Church. "Every-Uea while the recreallon halt one pltchea In," Blahop Dalebout would be 1ultable ror dance1 u • u.ld. I well aa baaketball (&met_. __ : Ackerman Boat Works Plans : Mass Production · of Ketch • THIS llAUTIFUL COMPLETE $11 95000 • With incorporation of Ackerman Boat Work•, Inc. for j TWO .EDROOM DUPLEX PRICE • • • • • $500,000 completed, Clarence E. Ackerman, 1205 W. Balboa • I • Blvd., Monday announced volume production o! a new, 40-ft. lBeladlac theee MIUlng f~atures • ketch model to be known aa the .. Newporter" at hia Costa • • AUncttft Redwood 8lcllq • ~· ot..,_,i • Mas!mwa n-nctar· Meaa yards. Designed by Ackerman to carry ownera on • • Almala-()n rt•t Wladowa e Btrda 8aaek Bar • ~·er ConneeUoa • round-the-world crulte11 the ketch With Ackerman pre11ldt>nt or the • ,,,.,._ la Lower (Jllft • .._. Oelllaa' • Water Meter Connl'CUoa will be maaa produceo, allo":'lng corporation, he la aided by Oeorce • e 81Wlq Ga-Pa ... Doftr • Doable G~e • Tiied Tub-Shower Comb. • m,uch lower purch&ae price .hall E. Michaud, U do Jale, u vice- craft her alu normally draw. prealdent and Cyril O. Lee, Lone • CAR I INAL HOMES • ~=( ':.u~:.~~rt~~:i-:: Beach, -:o-:;~=:rer. • • will be fiber (IUI covered, redu~- ' lnr rna1ntenanca coata, Ack•rman 1 Ackerman haa built boata here • no.-'J Da rs 119 E. ISrd St. In Coeta Mesa U 8~ • aald. for 27 year.. ha\•tng ll"t up Lido ,. ..,...,. J tock modela Penlnauliil Shipyards. D u r 1 n r ........................ 8 Ii.~':. ~~:ed";' a~O-daya. ::ldtu~~g ~u~em~~:,"I~~~ ~ iiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiliiiiliiiiiiiii~~iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii c raft ror the army, navy and the I I WOODMAN MEATS INC. FIATURIN~ U. S. GOVT. GRADED, SEUCT STALL ND STID IEIF "GUARANTEED LOWEST PRICES AVAILABLE ANYWHERE" PULLY AGID AND TllMMID T ·BONE STEAK Porter•o1se STEAK 59 1 ........ 65 . . •: ST EA0 i •· Bi1li•h. W1lh 1:1 employeu now worklnf on a1X Newportera under con1truc- Uon, Ackerman plana to hire evt'ntu&lly 10me 40 to ~ crU ta- men. l"trm ordera have been plac-1 ed oo four of the new modela. h• I aald addlnr Ulat the ~rd la Ht up ~ build about 2a lhl• year. I There .:.re pro•pect.e of buildlnc 40 to ~ Newport.en th.la year, he at.aUd. but aa.ld the yard can turn I oul only about 26 thl.a year. The I I yard C&A •J' 21 ll•1-at once. be 1 add9d but maxlmwn pl'OductJoa , awaJt.e the number of Ol"dera. roa LUY IAILUllO Wllll a beam ot l3 reet. New- porur modela will C&l'T)' 820 aq. f t. of aatl. Maroonl or ra.1r nr• ~( opl.IODal. The cralt will , aleep 1ix penou and wtU be rif· I 1 pd to take .. llllOmlt.Uc pUot for her balm. I Awdlla.ry power wW b4 f\&mlab-1 ed try a eo lip ruo11na encn-1 I Provldln( the \UIUAl crea ture t'om· 1 fort.a, the Newporter1 will k built ot 'li·l.n Doucl.u firm m&rtne ply. I wood planklnr . Above Md be.low declu. lier doc hoUH will oontal11 tht matn cabin. Friday ArrahJnlMftt Set for Six YOtlttls Two ot the alll ')oulM arTMttd by Newport Beach police for the bul"(l&ry of Hall.II Bro61nr'• Mr· V1ce •talion. wtll ~ arTalrnect In 8upe.rtor Court F'r1day, Mardi 11. for Councilman Dishid 7 (Coroaa dei Mar) Elect James B. Stoddard --- He has the TIME and EXPERIEltCE • INDEPENDENT, lpon10red by no one 9roup or indiv~uel. • NATIVE CALIFORNIAN, graduate of California Inst;. tute of T echnolo9y in 1935 end • visitor to Newport B•ech for 25 yHn. • RESIDENT end PROPERTY OWNER for the lest nine YHF'1. • MEMBEA, School Board Newpori Beech siftce 1952. • BOAT OWNER. nationally known for work in United States Power Squadrons. • INTERVIEWED on current iuue1: "I believe the Council 1hould be 9iven the power to grent or deny requetts for teir money from any proper souree including the CHAMBER OF COMMERCE end I support PROPOSUION NO.-J ." "I am opposed to OIL DEVELOPMENT within the ,..~.,.. tial limits of Newport end from profes1ional ••perience es en en9in .. r I em competent to draft end implement any further rastridion1 to our CHARTER when, •1 end if neeeuery to kMp our city end its •nvirons clear of thit menace. " "R .. I TAX ECONOMY is r•quired BUT w11e sPeftd1n9 ol teir money is a MUST." VO TE FOR: Training • Experience • Fortllrigllt lnt.grity G .... d Good ,._..LAMB SALE J~nQul"~r~~2~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wood a nd Ron Cla yton Nlchola, 11, ':: I A rtf'~ta. are held In count7 Jail Hi9h Quality Printing_:,Ph. Har. 1616 LANI Shoulder ROAST LAID Ill CHOPS 29•. LIG·O· LAMB ~· 35c i.OiN CHOPS ~59c ---------------------------------------------- LAMB BREAST FULL CREAM JACK CHIUI .. 45•. raE~ll Noanrns HALIBUT ITIAK PORK LOINS II .. ll .. ATS· •~. ~nc SioULDER CHOPS ~ 3 F No. 1 Sklllleu TORTILLAS FRANKS 29•. 1 Doz. per Pkg. • • 2,k•·25c 5 lb. lox 1.45 35 •. ~N nt.LET SIA 39 •. BAii .. 45 ~ ~!£~!~45i,. POllTl:llllOCU -nLLST WROL& Oil llALI" OllOID."D Kl:F ( WHOLESALE ancl REI AIL 18581 So. Main, Cor. Newport Blvd. ........ Mkt. Sallta ARG Kl J.1711 1 on 11000 ball. -Ph. Har. 1616 • are our new .spnng DRAPERY OP!:!"f P'llL E\""S 'TTL • Va.DMW P'lll:E PAIUUNO at AB Loi• Slip Cover and Upholstery FABRICS ~pringt.ime and all It.a glory la hardly a match fo r the selection ot fabrics we have. From the nauon·a moct famow. mil111 we've cboeen the beat of their accompUahmenta. Pattern11 that are gay or aubdued, in floral. geometric, moderni.tic and plain colon1 : matertai. that are longtime favorit~• pha many new weavea to ~xci~ you. Prioea to de- light, from 89f to $2.98 7d. .--------OUR EXPERT DfXJORATING 8DIVIOE I• ava.llahl~ al no f'MI. Rrtnir In ,_ ~ pmblenl• er I*-for ,...p,_e..u.,. • .a .ii 1oor hoM . SANTA ANA 102 IAST FOUITH IT. COi. MAIN , Oil Shike Brings Da1111ge to Huntington Beach Area Darby Seeks SS0.000 from Welch Fim OH Resolution Opposes Offshore Drllllnt at H. L R.MoluU011, No. tm, r.l&Uq lo artJftctal drUUar lelMdal ot tfiJed lantt. fttr drtlliq and aptorauta ot ... and oil lA the Ude Ud ... ~ Dvb)' fJil COllla Mel&, 111er19d lande lJtftc tartlMr ocean· eoupt N0,000 dam .... plue ~ WUd lUD. 1 mile froll9 Ulil IDeM llOll&l lnjvr1H llalm Monday In a hlfh Ude line ot the PMlfle OeeAa. trl&I in 8uper1or Court, Santa AnL wu a.dopted at Uae n1111ar meet- Dvby, a ~nter, &1ked the Ulf ot U.. ltunUnftOn Beach ctt)' JudpMnt ap1mt ftalph Era-COW\CU Monday n1ftlt. Welds. R4bert llm.,_ Wekh and ' The ltaad of the clt;J fa&ll_.., •Harold Welch. dc!U\1 bu.in.. u M lndScated In tbe relDl'lltien, atat- Welcll'a Reaq Mill Co. and a ed no mClll OOMtruotioa al'l'll be company empklJM Paul Powell. allowed wttlda an aita OOIUIWUd 'nle mu Mid • pteee ot truck f'rClm UM r-. Ude llJM ,_.. 1 equipment fell on ht. toot In J9~S mU. AM ~ between Ktp- and broke tlla &Okie. way at and 23rd St. n. frOUP fUrtJMr at&ted It hit Fi t 011 Stria., that In the PMt oU paol9 Sa UM n •• .-an were Jll'Olleri1 d....,.. ~ ANTHOIY'S MARKET * •-• n a k UALIAN IAU8AGI: * Oa•1ll• 8t.oek UALIAN OBOOZllDW • * DIPOBTED ITAUAN DELICATESSEN ...._.. lbde BA VIOU -M..t or Oheeee IEll •d IMPORTID WINE 1'79 E. l'Jda &&.. Cener of T..tla r..n....tr l-90M Ooetalleea 0,.. 7 Da,J. a Week-1:• •& .. M:et ..... WE CATD TO SPOaT nmmro llOAft alallt-drtUtnf fl'Oa n.. llbal"e ud ~!!!!!!!!~~~~~~!!~~~~~~~ Created Havoc as adcltd !ht ott.-o ... do91opmeat _ would d•f'dft'at• tM blechu Md .. ------------------Well • Wealth ~~ ~. 1natnacUoaa ta 1930 oU ,,,.. diaoe, ... ta M.aror &, leabr1dre ud C1t1 A.,. Bun~ Be&ch ant lnmdrtdl tomq C. A. Ba._. kft • aaer. ,._... -'R me11to yellterday att.mooo t.o at>- of wella were drf.ueu, brtnalD( tend th State 1-da c dlllMnft drott1 of ..._ .,enu Who crM~ • Jom bavoo aa well u r1cMa, aoc«dinl ti..n.s today on oU and JU leu- to wuuam Oalllenne aacret.ary• a cm otr-etiore Janda tn the beecJl • • _... cltyarea. 1nan.acer of th• city a ctlamMr .,. Tb --Un ..... ,, .......... _, .. •-... commerce • ..... I ........ -....... T tl I • 'ata-.ment WU Ill • • • Capitol BuUdlnc. Tb• lntUtfoe Ulrouctl a ~nt ~ •ult.Un at tram UN 001Pmlulon .MM lnYlted tfle orran..uoa. other ctt1 omctall and lDtereat.ed Th• arUde o0ntu11...,. pouiu.. pa'90llMI la ~ lhnttqton a.ell out th• town-lot nald waa lat.et ____ to_atted __ · ----- drtUed and bomea were snov.4 ... , wtth .• deftalt. .._., popu-i., ••• Drtwer ..... ~ l&Uon. The -ne ~pd lo a IWa .ot oU derr1cb. l\llllflloW load llock. C .. and debr1a let\ wtlen th• booll'I •ded for rematntnr ""'6follta te An. Sdlth l:JIM~ 8"t., Tl. ci.an u11. l.A4f\ma a.&dl. Marcll 2 drln'9 !Mr In concll&alon the author aaid, car put burlcad .. on c..t .__ •Aa Malory re,,_ta It.alt we ~" way at the Ibo,.. CUtta aitrMet. ta.ced wtth an.othr oil boom ol •truck Ula cucblJIS three Um• town-lot dl'UllDr on nrst. llecond. ckm « a••.,. barricade &114 Cl'09- m.th, Bnt'llth. Elplh. N1nUI and Md lilorlUq Cally. ._. to Jaap Tenth Ila. let'• ~ the penou the oppcllllt. curb. w told poUoa who creat. Ulla m-clea11 It ~ abe did not -the r09d bkliell.. beton I.My IMn." She aaJd atl• wu dr1~ DOrtJa ---------on Cout RJ.fbway 111 t.b• outade Wet~erby Kills lane et t.rattlc and wu. llClt _,.. ot Mrricadee clOlll.nr ott that Ian• ot tratnc. Self Wit~ Gun -Yow Mn~ Dau.r. ,. . fartl!M, do mon. eeD mon. .._ Death tooll a.ors• w~ Plloo• Harbor 1e11. Wet.berby, IO, ot 14 Balboa CoY•, ----------1bunday att.ernoon altff be n....s • fWI into 11i.. mouth. pou.e. ..ad. Call DAN'S H• wu ruabed to ffo9C H~tal. bu l died aoon aft• ant'ftl. Th• •lckrly man. ,_loll~­ •m Pactnc Fr-elpt aceot for 8&n ~•I V&J.koy, left • not.e tor i.s. family whJcb told ot Ill ~ • ......,,._....._....__....._...._....._._. He made hla home wtlh bJ.a wife. ln.taabelb, and eon, Oeo~•· ;=.=======::=::::::; Dora ~tnke. ma.Id tn the bo!M, "Am ~ t.old police Kr. Welh.rb7, ~ &Ma s.IYICI -~ .. A.IU to a whu1 c.11a1r. ukec1 her t41 Jo n I J'J whttl him into hi. bedroom Ju.tt • V~•chlol' b«for~ 1 p. m. 8be aa.ld be di. T'l\laMd htr lllld nve mtnutea 1a.t.r ft.UllalNO atle be&rd a loud c:rutl. She told ~ ~ ~- otftcen 1be ruahed to l..be roeen ---------..J to ttnd him lyt~ on hi• be.ell. MA'ITRF..88E8 ...... __ ............ ln.plar ...... ~,.,., ... o.ta-....... o.. ,, ... ..,.... ...... BE SURE -INSURE ... llAVaMJE d.&l'U:I lmUL&I o.tf .._...,.., .. ,. UIS I'.. C-.t fflPwaJ C'-•I Mar IORNITOJfE'I Mesa A.,. Wrecllen u ........... ... Ac• .,_ 20'71 ............ IAeir1J .. "" o.e. .... HURRY SHOPPERS! RELIANCE . TV SALE .., • 1tJI Mollet TV aed lealwe • , ..... ..._Gift,._ O• S."lce G•uwleed Your Cho;ce of Our Meny Fine Ltne1 MOTOROLA PACKARD •LL HOFFMAN CROSUY RCA YICTOI ADMIRAL DNITH SENTINEL RAYTHEON OLYMPIC DOUGLAS Chalnlcle Control H ... T .... Alow... ._, Ter1111 WE WON'T • UNDIRSOLD WE RENT TELEYl~IONS • the first two months rent cen l>e applied o~ the purchase of any TV or MAJOR HOME APPLIANCE RELIANCE ltOI Jlf. 1IAIJlf ft'. We are loaded with used TVs. IARGAINS . GALOll Al ............ . Al Gwaat .. d! Al Mlllles-4 S....I Sollle ....... , ~.u 19.91 HOME APPUANCI SERYICI CO • THI .. NDT AMI LOWllT PllC• -...,•zrr1Ma • MAPLE FURNITU'RE ··~·""f"l'•N 0,.. McA.p .... • c. D. ·M. Europe Orient Line LONG BEACH TO CHER BOURG DEPABT .June 25th Corona del Mar Travel Senioe AD ,.... ., r.....,. Trani. ... .....n~ ........ ~ 'l'lck• NO IDVICID OllAllOE 35421 I. Coast Hwy. ()ppoiltte O.D.X. POlll Offtcoe ..... A__..·lf• ... n.ooa ~Ste WAX -OM~oa ruu.nuu ..... 15c POU SH ...... wu 7tc SPREADER ,.. . ....,.. GAL V A.NJZrq ~AIL Ste ~-~-u... .A ammr.:R ftc llOYIS ..... 1' ................. 1AYI nMI IAYI Stas -· . .. AMDIOAJlf d:ftU8 MONIY OIDllS AUO ~:L:-: VllftA Dllt10 ........... , .... ,._ Sa..-°"' . MARCH 9, 1911-COASTAl ~-,A6E 5 Pl111i11 ti b1ild Jllf 111? llMert ... SATILER ·R.,.._,,,, ro• A LOW·COIT llASY·PAYM•MT 8UILDI ... LOAN c..c. .. ..... • .......... • ................. • ,......., .. ...,.,.. .. . .... , ........ ..... • A•••tN " ... /W .............. -..r1 ..,.....,,._ ...... I • ,,,.. .... ... , ............. ,,._ ~,_ : ~ ~te Matul Sari l ? UIHUdatetANI~! . . : ........... ,, ....,,: : ,, 1(!11!' ... llfl '1 ...... : You mean . , a different th• ... s ·11 • that WI dry clean1n9 k ltlY clothes ma • ., look like neW • vesl I I s.rvlc• SANITON • ncl II th• dirt a • get• out a lor• anti ~ • htenS CO ~ spots-br•I . . al texture . or1g1n ,.stor•S Tl f abriCS.·· TRY I t to See for yourself I LIDO , CLIAllllll 11n .... ,., •.L. COSTA MBA LIMtty M014 _/" : .... _... S sftot& a :te: ' : ... .. ... ... .. / __ __;;;;;;;;;==~=;;.._-==~--;;::;;;;;.:;. ____ _ .. ·~··········..................... Everybody Re•da th• C LA S S I FI E D VISTA VALUES SAVE TIMI cmcl MONIY SALEI Me ...... c.tt.. Dd'9mt 3tc OLO'l'U8 IMLJtc NYLAST .... ..... w .. UNE 80up~ ••. ,,, for •Jtem Doable .......... , ~ tlle It• .,, '-1'- Do .... llOWL 17c Ooftnicl 8-ooe Pot 3 qL 79, IRUSH Pia-Up .... 8et •..••• 79, 24! LAMPS co,_ c-. ...,. • r..,., ..... ) OLEAll Sauce Pu l If, qt. • . 29, -....-~ Redwood ",...... I.-wtQ ..... 8aace Paa 2 ql 9 • • • ., ........ 3qt. ....• ,, Lot Oii ..... .,...... r..,._,..._ . ~~Tea Kettle • •# Pree.ct y-120 375 DILAIN ·BO.um 9t • TRAY 1.. llOY A.L&DOE PaUe hnl-.....,. 2to• 13c tllN "" ,aa. .... All· hrpoee "C'-lltot1-"4lf\ .. PAPER ............. _ PIMUcs Uall~' -r..., .. Duu1-.. a.. ncns• qvm 1 ....... 8trf1Mod FRllZER IAGS BA 15c AND l!IOXEll ATI'ENTION TOWELS rw wwtr -•Ylnc ~ Ill.-.~ UTILITY BAO!f :ca IUll Wt A...,_.t VOftlS! A " I• •11rlltld u--a..a.dllea, .... fl, -r..Yel AW -.... of '"""........_.,...., ... odof'- SAN-A-LIZER ,,..., ,_Uc! Ra•e Yo. R6pt.ered T POLYSTBYLENW ... 25c Yoa Jlay Beatner Re~ ~ °"'9rtwr 25 IAGS MOL, Ta-., Wed., Frt., ,.,._~_ c a&EPS FLIC8t 1011·s ftc. 100 from s to 7, Satuday AJn'8. 00011 • OA T9 A WA 1' ROM \'Ot."R OAAllAOE OA.N Imm 10 Lm. to t p.m. "IT'I NN TO II NICE TO PIOPLI'' IEI llR PHOTO lllNISHING ONE DAY SERVICE PAIK WITH EASI SHOP WITH IASI ANY DAY -IY•Y DAY .. a1 w. 1tt1t 1t. (AT PLACENTIA l COSTA MDA UIDTY l-J2J1 • .r . . . · 3 SALi DAYS • THUl:SOAY • NIDAY • SATUIDAT MAICH 11·11·12 QUALITY MEATS U.S. GRADE "CHOICE" & "GOOD" BEEF SWISS STEAK RUMP ROAST U.S. SAADE "CHOtet" & "6000" IHf ROUND 65• STEAK ... m;·· 20:. ~ --iACON 45:. """..........,.~. iiUSAGE 29t. iOOiFISH 29;. W1UAP04NT OYSTERS HALIBUT STIAU 39~. WINES <i nd LIQUORS All·AME«ICAN 4-Yl. OLD S'TV.16HT $3 79 BOURIOI Arni GREE°IHlil ~FTH 5389 ~cw STiiaAr RFTH 5211 ,6-Ylt. OlD STltAIGHT s41s . 'OLD QIAIEI' OT. 19r-•irusn1~1,.,,1rr.'tJllllw.~wl!mfllam EITU-FlllCY -......£ BANANAS UTll-FllOY lllllE. -11Vl11 DREIOll PIP .. APPLES ' ' - f IRS'' IN LOWll PltCIS. HAL • SAYINGS! FIRST' POI ~~y •. SIRYICI! \ . .. COFFEE. ~ SS· s!=!.~~:Jl~u~! • PIA• CILllY • YIGITAILI Piriiif = 23·· ==~L·2;~"2s' Mn1n•o. ..... CCif& CUI ••• 29'-. ... ., --• MUSHIOOM • TUlTU • ONIOH • IHF VEG. SHORTENING 7 5 • SCOTCH HOTH • Cl'M OF CHICICIN SPRY • • CHICllN 6UMIO • CLAM CHOWDH J.u. • CONSOMMI • IOUILLON • CHICKEN CAN • CHICllN NOOOU • VIG~ AIJU "'-ff · R1Nso ~ 59· ::f°'. · 2 ~:~ 29' imiiifSEQT. 45 · fE~CiElM :i~~~~~'. 5 9· iiEi . SALMON ~AJ 39' DOG FOOD 3 ~~ 23' NOUH COAST APPLE SAUCE iiliiGT CHEESE ML PINT 19' 2c~23' HOMADIWHOU SWEE I PICKLES ''"°'-'Al. 25' KOUNTY laSf 2 .-~ 27' · 11m PEAS --- . -ANTHONY'S ).MINUTE SPlllEI Tiii 2~27' 2=37' --iiiEiixa-. s.i-~w.:.~ rr P'lt<>&MSSO TOMATO PASTE •o JUIE ~CAN 19' 3~21· 60LDTOP 15' ----TOIA TOES NO. zi CAtt ~LLSlllRY -BROWllE MIX Ciiiuc;:25•. iiit"'.:~29' ,. •. 29' DELICATESSEN FROZEN FOODS 1111 COAST Hl9MWAY ::!:::~-;-..... * SAi CLEIEITE 61'2 a CAMINO UAL , ¥: , ' {: t f I ' \ I . . ' BLACk UOLD-Tbere'a oil in Huntington Be&ch--even in the atreeta-u the above photo proves with a pool reflecting a picket fence in front of a neighboring bowie in 100 bJoclc on Second St. The 8C&l'1I on palm tree at right, which wu planted be- fore the firet oil boom in the beach city, will be there when the third boom comes. According to 8 man on the trtttet SWf Phott JUJU.: 01· OIL--Spilla Crom leaktnc pipe llnill and oil tank-connectiona have cauaed pools of waste oil resembling oil field aumpa in downtown a e c,t i o n of Huntington Beach during current city lot drilling. An effort baa been made to cover the spills with dirt in t he alley and back yard of 101 Walnut St. The result of t he work baa turned area into a quagmire and Lyndon Well.a, of above addreu, bu complained to po- lice. -swr Photo Sparke Sentence Suspended. Hospital Treatment Asked BANTA ANA t0CN8 >-Com· menu ng "tl\1.1 l.I one of Uie moet uniaual t'lllMll rv.. evu 1un," 8 uJN'rlor Court J uctce John Shta today ordl'rt'd conre~ n&l'('OU<'• u.er Don T. Spark!'. ~. Lot\K BtAch, Lo the at.ate pM90n for lht' u rm preecnbed by law. Then. tn the next bru.U\, Judge Rhf'& 1u.apendf'd lhl' .entencf' °'\ eontUllon Sparke volunlartly •Ub· mil to lreatmuit In Cama rtJlo Hoepltal ror a 90-day pcnod PM>IU.TION RFJ"ORT Th• judre ordered Sparke t o r .. port 11> the probation dt partment lmm,.. I Altly at'ttr hl.1 hoepHal Illa\ • nmplet.ed and to comply With " •11'"" Nt•b113ht'd on pro- beUon Bpark• waa art'ffl~ by New- port Beach pollc. o.c. 7. 19M. In t.be N...,,art H dsbl.I hom• of A rchJe &l'ld Janlid~• Hon&UL A rchie wbMqu.nUy pl eaded ,.WJl1 to ~Oil o1 hlnlln and -Hntftleed lC'I rr••"" tor l tl• tum pr..crlb.t by law. file pretty W'l!a pl~ (Ullty l o UM of heroln and WM (1ven a 90-d&y jail term. Spt.rlu! auerttdly had rour cnma ot h.rol.n on hJa J>W900 whtn arn.11~. He IAt"r reported· ly admitted havtng a 1wo-to-lhree capeult-a-day hablL "9 TO .1 CRA. ... CI: Jude• Sb.ea Mld "lhl.e la one of the moet palhellc cu u 1 ,,. -.n You've •~l 88 day• ln Jill &Jread.)'. You know what wtlhdrawalll are. Everythlnr In W. clloff \ndlcal.S you are ad· dieted to eomethlng you can·t con· trol You appal'V\tly elncerely have Vied lo (el away from IL" Th• Jud«• declu ed "record• t.bow narcotic. cue.a are bfft h&ftdled by penllenUary aentencee f.ollowed by parole period.I. The odd.I u. 999 to l ap!Ml you. Oocton H J 90 day• in Camartllo ml~ht turn th• trt<"k I m wllltnf to .-1v11 It a try." First Mesa Tree Planting for Contest Draws Leaders r&Nt •C eltbt U-Lo be plant· ad on Ea.It 22nd 81., Co.ta MeM. at.vllnc at R.uRl Lane w-.. put tnto the rrowid Wedndda:r after· nOOll with appropriate c.nmonle• Tut.n1 pan ill th• planUng wue Bru<'t' M.artln. r'l'pl"t'91'nUnJ Ult city council: Mni. Bl!NI• l..ou.n•· belT)'. lofCrtlary 11r lhl' CUl.un'• Council and ch&lnnan of 11..1 t~ plan lift& commtttH. f"Twlk Blutll, Parle Dletr1ct: L. O. Shotwell. .uPfl'lnttndent of p•rke: Pa ul Dun· lap. chalnnan of the cltlll\Jp and ~uuncauon commlltM of the ChamtH>r nf Commen:oe and Har· rt.aon s..ibom. cbainnan of t.ht ClUun'• ComicU : all of C<>lrtA M-. The tree pl1.11Unf wu a part of t.ht Oran gt Coun I y A&90Claled Ch&.mtH>re of Commnc11 t>eauunca- Uon contfft whJcll 111 won eadl ~ar by t he city maJclnir th!' m011t pennAnenl bea ull!lc:aUon. A JeC"aranda wu p\anted. The committee. Mn.. Loun•~rry 111-l· ed. p lan. to put In 200 lrtts In au durtnr Arbor We~k. Including . Soulh,.m Magnolia. J•cU1U1da. Slllt Oak. Cape Chutnut. India· launll Flit and Carob Probation Hearing Continued for Mantz Burglary S11pects SANTA ANA (0CN8) -f'our ,1tolen." He &Ue.redty admtt l-1 rounr men Unbd to lb• Slll.000 ..Utnr a diamond 1tudded Manta buralary of famed P aul Manta' cl~ar u... nlued a t SIOOO tor•~. home, 301 E Bay f'T'Ont. May 11. Otncu. cWm 18700 ot the l t 52. rrtday beard thelr probaUon M111ta pl"OJ)erty atilt I.I ~· tu1artnp coaunued to )(Anh 18. Public delen~r Nlcic M•y•r ulced The dtfendant.t are Ch&rlea F'. lb• court to be&r hit p~eentat.lon Prlnl.&. 24, Brea, rhar('ed wtt.h of I.he Prtnt:s ca.. etpar-.tely. b\lt burrlary: Pettr J. Kantm. 23. J udp Jobn Sh• turned dcnni U.. Placentia., accUHd of t'9Cti'rinC ~en. 1l0ltn pro~rty: T'homu Han.en. ------------23. twin brolhtT of Pet.er ol UM Mlrlt addtul. ~ wtlh bur· sia.ry. and ftJch•l'd A. Duru. 1t. hated by police aa 1'raJtde & K.J- ttr ot HI 8".con Bay. P'\lllerton. ~ t o ll&Y• eon· coled and wtth·hf'ld lttolea pm,>- erty AJI four plMded .-UUt1 to UM abo•• chvaea. Dura.n ~ lold probe llon otTlrtl'9 "I recei'Pf'd the 1itood• to do a fa•or for a trt.ld. I didn't know tb11 ._.. UFIGUAID HIAD SllllNG URANIUM J-.c:Jl Joa-. e.ptaln ol UM N~rt e.cJl Ut~ .. mJoybis a nc:auot1 unttl M»ch 11. He w lllllnc a ..,.. 111 of llMlr\ trtpe cut et Ull Barbor arM. ~ a aealdl for unatui. A Marine uuult tlellcopter will CIJ'T)' ze f\llly-tqulp~ Marlnu at a •Pffd welt ov.r 160 ml.lea perr IMMu. :City Employees Save Tot From Watery Grave MARCH 9, 1955-COASTA~ SHOPPER-PA&l 7 ---------------• Ai.taeM -tbl put ot thl'ff lfewport 8e&ch d ty employ- r.b. 21 '-credited wtth •Ylnr Damal Rlm~u a.1.1, IO monthai. ol UO Onya A"9. from drow'ntn1. .. wu treated by a doctor. I Que Rlttw, 112 ltth It.; ~ ._ r. GI.us, l tat Hat'bor Bhd., 'and Cbu19a Richard Schorb, SH ' Hamilton St., both Colt.a Me•, I Jll-Jeavtnl"' the Balboa l.i&nd bddre ln thell' truck when they ..Sd thty noticed eomethlnl' In the water. I 'nle child w.. pulled from the water and rt"en nrwt aid until I capt. Ed Zube of the Balboa b- land fire de~nt arrived w1th the lnhal~tor tn&ck to lake OYer. Fullerton Net Squad Trl .... phs J'UlLSl\TON, (OC'Nll) -Cap- barfAs lilx Of the M'Hll matchee J'rlday ~moo:i, CQach Jack raJ. kln'• Indiana ddeatld El Moate'• t.tAn1I team, 1-1 on the J'UUerton court.I. Fulluton'1 JV'• won th.tr mat.Ch, 7·2. bl vanltt play. Jack M1tsin1 and Mal"lh&ll Stentoa teamed up few a thN!e-Nt, IH , 6-J, •·I 9'c· tory. The eecond doubl• te&lll of Brlan Barrette and Ken Cooper won their match In two •ta, T·G, •-1. Tomorrow, the rullerton Hip lennl1 t.eatn so. to Ontario to meet lll• ChaUey n1era. BlllB :: A?_,., 1:. ~ORT5/ .. '". . ,.. . ... ,.. .. , - NOW SHOWING "While feather" .. Clnemascope twi&ll aomT WAON&ll IOJIN Lmn> _.,.._ Mn. JamH tMala, mother ot th• chJld, •ald •h• mJued the young- ster and WUllazn Alden 8eal1, 3~ l'114a7 aacl 'Satarday "Fire Over Africa" ye~old brother, whlle lbe wu "SANDS Of' IWO .JIMA" ,., ... hl.ngtng up clothe1. Slle Mid ahe 'oltJI W&,111fl I aearched the nelghbotilood M d ne cu.r.ip&-MAUUEN O'llAllA llacOONALD CAREY lea m ed ot the accident when she "GIVE A GIRL A -BRl!All" saw a larg'e crowd of people on lhe beach In front of 1407 North ___ .!_A~d~ul~t~i~60~-~ .. ~--_!._!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' Bay FronL Heath Injured in Cycle Cras 1 W illiam Wutoo Heath of l.:ost& Meaa 1utfered major lnjurt11 at 4:11 p.m. Tlleeday when the motor· cycle he wu rldlng 111t1aabed Into the 1lde of a car on Irvine A•e. at Broadway St. In Coeta MM&, ac- cordJng to police reporte. Htath wu taken to l!:l Toro Marlne 8aM HMpllaJ by U. 8. Navy a.mbW&nc:e.. Driver of the auto involved waa Jamea AIY!n Newlclrlc Jr.. 1e, or lM E. Z3rd St., Colta Mue. The Newport Harbor High School 1tu· dent ..,u traveling north on Ir· vine when he atumpt.ed a lett tum onto Broadway. He told of· tlcen ht' did not make 111 a.rm 1lrnll. Heath, 20, a worker, 1919 Pl•· cenlla AYe .. Coit.a Me.a. waa rolnr north on Irvine when the cycle 1truck the left aide ot the car. ~(Utered owner o1 the auto wu BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA W:UA CBAPmL 1'41 S1tperto1 A.YeDUI Colte ,.. .... CaUt. Pbon• Uberty •·JW CHA.PEL Bl TD lb 3620 I:, Cout Blvd. Corona deJ Mar. Cal.If. Phone Barbor '2 RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SVAlJ. UO aoe. 8t.. Newpon 8eee.la llartMlr 2611 PAY-LESS Oflll ........ , ...... " AC'llC* tllOMWA'f ,_ ......... . .,__WA1'9IOltf,.W'til99 -,_ .. , • -.-CIDITA llllA OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE THE . 10th OF THE MONTM EARN FROM-TME FIRST Office MOUf"I: For Your Convenience We are open every Fri. 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. LIDO ~"'·.~. "IAnLE CRY" Wt-. aa ALL 8TAA CAST ..... ......... 1161 ".-0~ .EXJ'tSU• ....... ._ ............ n picture ··L..;;.~­ ~l!H .. m alll o...._ ..... ,.... t :• .... EY~ Niow Week~ S ..... aa e:ta Prt~ AdaHe .1.IO, Ira.. 14.e Md <JlllW lie! Pf•• "'t0,090 LEAOUE8" ,,..., 11.u. It C-t!om-~ trU p."' P!tl!i'!J .... 'Wli.UAM GIMCll HOLDEN · KELLY 0 TANGA TIKA" NOl'E U10W 8'fAllT9 l :M Fal. AND "AT. COSTnn:Ot"M 1u ·:\'. t'1LOM t :M P'ltae9 Anita ll.OI ,,..._ 1k f'lllW ~ Dia lllM. .... I .. -. LMIM Ill "1'.&lllDD lllLlr - I l I l r. 1 ~. WANT AD wttl coat you only s2 and it will run in ell J tuues A Minirnum ed 11 4 If nH. ........ Hart.1616 Newport Barbot' New9-"'- MODd.ay wt ftanday ........ l"- tbe Ooutal Shopper, Wtdm121ap .. !!.~.,·~·· ratnting, Decorating Paper Ructal GEO. BURKHA)tDT ua:Nu:D 6liTILicroa Ill ..... """°" 9eedl Bu. Ma-W w LI ....U Ue PAINTING EARL SfIEFLIN 271 l'.a-M.. ONt6 M• Phone Llbert7 l-tt28. 87Uc Remodel & Repair CARPmNTRY, CDIENT SLABS. pa.tnttnc. plaatertnc . Dependable A e~ In all building tn.du. C&ll J'()S'l'ER BR.OS. LI 8·2932 or Har. 39T8·R. 23p3flh Painting 6 Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. ao ye&n experience u~·~~­s.uataetlm JU&Rllt.Md. !:irt.lmatea free.iryCall J ohnnle, U 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 8ltfc . --~------­·co~ a· Ir Paper ·• Service NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Mooday and 'nlur-.da7 COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 1 Paper 2 Papen s ...... • • '7& 1.SO 1.00 o.....a ...,,., CllMalfteil ~ ..-ra la U.. Mo•d&J or nunc1a, .. ~ ...... lllHUIUM AD 19 • UJlfU All Cl...ute41 A9 -t be peN ter OMa ja .. ..._ el .. llllea ..... . OWPOBT IU.&llO& PUBUallDIO 00. nu ..,._ ......._ ,....,.... 111eec11. c.am.i. ------------------------ Classlfled Index I f:....a NOU.C-1 ()arf ., 1'luulJu 4 FUMnl Dtrecto,.. JO B .. r Olllde Jl~M...n.19 11 ......... ~....tc.e H PVIODAlll J 6 8Ml'e Yew Ou 11 l'n.uportatioe ll ... ,,QI Ill 8-t)' A.Ada 10 ....... 4lda u .......... .... St ~ l•tnaeUo• sa saa..u.u w-tec1 ,. a.a, w .. ~ JO Nl ..... 1•....,m S..,_A Swa.Pll .a Appllar-SI Wu ... to BQJ n Fal'llltun tor ..,. J%-,\ ilAU.-. Sll ...... tMI= H M..a-a. T\' ltA Doc•. ('p &a. Pt1la 8pedaJ Not.Seea -~-~~~--~ Newport Barbor lo-Bualwe_9_:st_••--- Mechanical EUGENE 0 . SAUNDERS ~ Slat StJ'fft, Newport Btacb Harbor 2t7t or Har. 44ff .. tfc House Plan~ lOt.tc Experienc'd 2ardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~ 10c2aB PAINTING and PAPERHANGING Ooed local Nfettn1»• THOMA..8 COLL PW tree eetimate. tall KI T·16U . llpWI COMPLETE PA.J:NTING A Paper Haogm1 ~. WOIDNZ o. aA.l.fNl>CRa 600 lUat lit.ttet. Newport Buell Ranor 117..... 41e6f SPECIAL! BJilDSPRLU> J&wadered tTM wl lh J lo.da, t.hla week. RA.LP HOUR LA UNDRT MlT Vlll& Way, Ncwpon Beach 12p2• Aloobol.la. A.ooa.ymou Wrtta P. O. Boa Ill Ntw)O"t BeacA. Calif. ,.._ llarbor 478& B. P. 0. E. 17tT Sweepina Service u PAJUDMO Inrf: IU,,.r .. rl!el.I, !It•,.. y..,. Oar , M"t U .,,.ry TbUJ"FUJ I .... Via 0porW -OFlllnl A. ft. Newport 8e&da Elwo ·•I !'hell. ICaalW RWar Dn'Nolnl, et.o. DRIVINO l1tto Lo.A, Yla rr-1 AaLM by w..ai er -Ul. 6 SlaWIOn to Wut~m A ... from COAST SWEEPING SERV. Co.ta Mua... Houn 8-6. Dell~ lt" B&l't)cw Rt~ .• eo.t.a Mtaa r1den.. U 8-%990. 23c2~ Llberty 1-eMt. 21c33 !!:::~ty ~------ Superfluous Hair General Contracting ~enU)' ~ovecs rroai tacit anu, &era. C,e.browa and Mir llDe a11aped-No •ore tw.uto1. a.utN t.. Bftr .uiT R. a:. Udo'• hJoll ., Buuty 11&1'. 267t th Modernization Framing and Foundations r HA tcma. JleeldnU&I and Commerdal Jl'r~ PAtlmatea and Plan Sel"Vice C. Sherm Allen, Liberty 8-7576 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J08 TOO nu.LL R. o. All44r'loe 1J l-tOle eo.ta M-. HAULING ANY KIND-TR.ASH OR ? AA~.·~re Scratch Removtnc and 1\1.mlture lWlniahJq Phone ~ .. 11'0 PP1T "A'a" LAUNDRY VENETIAN BLIND 1! !1'*1 llnt111 FOR RENT aw ...., .... Dltlll. p_ns ra &llt1Jlmel ........ ~ """~ BOYD'S HDWE. -W. OOAft IDGllWAY ~ W6la, "~ .. •ti. ASPHALT TILi: LINOLEUM l &ut&U ~ Uoft ..... &MD ..._ 4JIO Mii TU• 6 'be! m lf•·UDJoe. • ,_,.. -...Nnce. Coal,.,.. &Dd ... - lllU. oom LI &.acK TUe CARPENTER Repair Work Do. roar .... N ... ~ • R•I' DzJf W8T-1A4Jn modernlaUo plaU• nwn, dl&mond A ruby Utt.le ttn· rer rln•· Reward. Ra.r. 1821-M. 21e23 WIT lloT&1 HUJlt.tr, maroon a.ad white bic7clt . REW ARO. Jf&I. 0198-W. 23c2~ WIT I Uv.r hra1an yt.ar old fe- male cat. Cll1Jda ~t. LI Mlfl7, JU!WARD. 23p14 China Painting 0.1 uo r.enuic a- • Ol"den T&ken No.., Pboll• Liberty ~a H Uo Real Estate School in Santa Ana MmH 6 WOJU:N prepare In apue ~. for unlJmJted opportunlUu IJI a.aJ c.tru. New clauu W'fFICJJ, Al T)oler IDatrucUoc. At· teod t'lrat nentn1 ff'ff and lcara uaui uw IJ"fft neld. C&.11 or write now fol' lnformauon. Butl· D ... lnatitute. U5~ N. 8yea· more. Kl a-11&3. HUc w1u ...... ,...--..taa....,. 1°"' venetian bUnda. tau tMm ta OW' lauad17. Launder U.. lilatF. lapel. oorU. sp1l1'k191 ea.an wtU. our ... maclmie ,....... J'Mtbod. "-ftll"a )"OUI ..... &nd ,... tutall UMlft Ill .. Mun. Pr1 .. VU7 ?'FHOO•* 'l1le aftl'- llte 2 ta~ ""deeuat tlttncS- Ola&I rw.aai. """"" 141& All Work OUuute9d HU. !:~~~tu~1111~UoN~~W~u~ted~-- Only $LOO w • ..i.o ~p&llr ............. Uaa bUnda. AD wwtt ._. ._, ap- pmtmmt. P~ _. Ubu't1 MT01 or Klnlbll17 a.a'Jt. ,.U. PAINTING PAINTING INTSRJOR -llJl'TEIUOA UCEN8!:D -IM8URJl:D Glenn Johnston TRACTOR WORK DDICIXO, PLOWING, MOWTNO. Wm. "Pelt" Panitle LI .. 1827. evcp, LI 8·17&8. 22p2• llOl • Slat St. Newport 8eiac:.b LICllNBJ:O uper1en<*l aktpptr Harbor 117t nu. an.Uabl._ Ph. Rar. 1129-W a.ttu CUSTOM Builder of Homes and Boats o. a-. Jbrpoft, u wno • 1ldlla PAINTING • p.a. 22p2• Ex~~ener ud OZAN UPS t.lberV 1-14169 ltcnB 'nlNe -..,. .itt.n aftllable -Wftllap ~ UWtJ f.2722. IOp21ll PAINTER w A.HTI woaa. 11 ,..... ~­ ~ Jf---. -.v. Llbllt:r e.ITll. IOpllll MAK 6 WOllAJI Wiii .. .,..nJ tiowca .... a..-...... win· dow .... rut ......... . "1lJ le. IH & Iota It.. eo.ta Me& LI....... .JPU / ~taa~-~~~--- Alterations u:.&T1'LINO Kim of California 112 Marllle Harben Hll Balboa lal&nd JSplOH Roy's Maintenance R-eJeu1nr-r1oer WUlnr Wall wuntnc-wtndow cltlJlll'll Veneuan blind•. Upholat•t'Y IJ\auAd. J'r.. J:.tfmatH ~rty •1131. ltlC LICENSED eklpper -A.prtl lhru Sept.. w-Mk•nda only. Several ycu. e.aperlenca, kllowa IQCal tiahlng &TO\Ulda, will maintain 6 Oper&\e power boat 'Up lo 66 fl. Phoft• Harbor 2927·W 22p27 MARINE enrtne tne<:h&Jllc. Ou, dlucl, or outboard motora. Writ.• J one., 1133 w. 17th It.. Santa Ana. K.lmberly 't-430t. 23pi6 NEW LAWNS Old lawna renewed, r•n ... al yard care. Rt-novaUnc It tert\llr.lng. ~e e.tlmalu. EARL CONNORS Rar. 19!'J9-W 23p2!'J SPECIAL SALE MUST SELL TO CLOSE ESTATE! Old walnut p1-Jltation d.U, old walnut kltebe eup. boa.rd, old waliaut drop leaf table, 4 polter bed._,.. pet•, davenport 6 chain. wicker turaJt.un, old lbut- ten, marble top table. cut 11ul, farm bell, bnw 6 copper, minors, lamp •bade.. cblft of dra"""' tnink, painting., cooking utAuila, od4I A tDda, REAR GAR.AGE. 348 No .eo..t 81..S., Lquna llch. FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY Dry wood, H " • U " length. C&IJ B. R. 8TAOO Pnone Harbor 10lt Jlvenlnr• H~rbor ~Hl 19t1 ----FOR 8Al.Jii -BarcaJn. new e cu. fl: Philco retnr.. &per ra.nce, cu. manor. drop ltaL dlnlnc labl•, 4 chain, 1 maple dlnttt.e table, • chatra. 1 maple coCfee table, l&JT• overstuffed cha.Ir. 911 KUICI Rd. S ,E ., Newport Bea.ch. 22p21 tldl Autt>matic Washers RJ:CON'DlTIONJllD rt!LL Y 0 U AlU.NTllllt> A.BC-O~MA. TIC .................. --···· • QENJ:R.A.L lllLl:CMUO •.. -... H ICICNMORJD .......... _ .. ,_ ....... _ .. _._ Tt UNDlX ..... -... ··--····-···-·-..... Tt l)C()NOMAT _, .............. __ .,_... Tt THOR ..... -................. ·-··-·······-·-iit and S6 oth•n from which to chooee LOW MO;\THL T TERllS Bookkee·ping COMPLETE s 11:Rvib: tor 11nau Fresh Hearing Aid buatn111a Including 11t11tement • BA'ItERJES JESSEE APPLIAl"C E COMPANY 1013 .::i ~.(aln, Santa Ana v v Check these Used Cars 8'&J from a loe&l Maler wtMI wtll ti. befl TOMOMOW to !Mdt U.f wbal Ila ..U.. TODA.Tl .......... ~ SEE THESE TIP-TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING lMI DelOTO V-8 club cpe. J..tone lf"ll\· """ W1W t1rM. radio, !Mater, power tt.ertni _ ....................................................... 1898 19Gl mJDDAKER, cream oolored. ndlo, J:leater, automatic trau. only .................. $ 196 1963 PONTIAC 2-door -s&n. Hydnm&Uc, dual range, n.dlo, beater, 2·tone ~ $1588 lOID FORD 2-door aedan, overdrive, radio, he&ter, new eeat coven ................ ·---··-·' 3~ See These Cars at LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across f rom Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 2:M11 tu form&. Competent, rtuon· We Olve BAH Grun Sta.mp• able, confldenUat Har. !Hfll·W. G d D . C Open 'tll 11 p.m. 20c2& 32--Furalture for Sale ---'6--Autoa and Tnaab __ , ______ ~ 23c3flh un erson rug o. ------------I -Main St. a.t Balboa Blvd , Balboa Experienced ca.rpenter wan ta 1 ~r &1~. ·-98Uc work. Call LI 8-2932. MARTIN IO; 1 hp. outboard, '66. 23p28 Wlurd 12' boat with oar•. $170 y--A.c-ciiT-r-W-Q-RK--. 8-k-.l-p-.... -,.-11-c-.-Dec:-k Chrll Crall 8' dlnchy, fl~rgla.a r-on bottom, $7D. TraUer, $40. band. PalnlinJ, varnlahlJ\1. IUg-Paddleboard, $&. Webet.tr wire JlDc. Low monUlly ,.te. .._28 recordtr, port model. J60. An: l.Ibert7 M9&e. ..,,.,. ------------wtlder, Cratt.aman, 76 amp., SM 1 t.l~rly 8-2~2. L8t.tc: _._ __ !!f_ .. ___ W_u_t.ed ______ • BABY CR.l.8. Kant Wet maureu. JUST A JOB! &ood cond. Boya IO" 8chwinn bike. -3~• Bra.dway, co.ta Meaa. 21c2J COCK!:R SPAt\ll!:L -Blonde ma.It!, about 11, yr•. 014. S25. MOU THAN THAT-An oppor· AlllO upright pfa.no S7!\. tunlty t.o work Ul an lnttnat!n& Llberty 8·fl789. 2Jc2!'.I tndutlry whJch la u pandlng uid GAITERS SA TTL.ER ra.n1e . Brand nev. Blc 40" delWlt, autc>- mauc <>Yen clock, almmer bum· era, van11111nr ahelf, • th•l blc 'lief\ broil oven. Jte been pd. dn. o S188.77 trom •sso.oo. No dn. .,:rnmt. ju.at pay t.h.e pymte. ot ft.10 month. ;!.!e S.ughNI A. • I Warehouae. 110 8. ~ It .. Bani.a Ana., e block• rouUI of 4tll 8l Optn J:vta 'UI 9, 81111. 11·& or Phone Klmberi7 a-1201 waTINOHOUlll a u t • m a t I e wuher, braod nnr; \lllent.ed INt ntver deJJnred; 11" caaJl or tall• ~ymente ot only lt.&O 111oath: J>FY Oftly ..i .. tu down; ft wtll lnatal,I aad ctv. 1-,..r parantH ~ JESSEE otren adY11 ncf'mtnt opportunity ~W black ICngll•ll rtdlng Jacket. t.o quaJlflN! younr women. ladlu &17.t J0-14, $20. BhH·k JOO· I pllur boolt, Jt>. LI 8-611&9. 21<'23 .. -. w. ~cm co~• "'T OPENI:-;"CS NOW AS: a.r..-&.JA., -..-..... TELEPHONE OPERA TORS 19:,0 ENCYCLOPE.DlA A.mtrtcana. 1011 8. MaJ.n, lant.a Ana CLERIC L WORKERS •O volumet1, aacnflce, $100. Op.a 'UJ I p.m. IOeH A Wrl\• Bo• P'·O, lhle papec. (Typing Required) 21p2J 19:).4 O'KEEFFl 4 J.tli':RRITl' -APPLY-I T&nc r. The big CP all automa tic OH~ N. Maln St CR.AJG ProJtcto • Editor tor movl,. ~lddl11 In middle. ft nJ~ "111 Rm. 211 -Banta An.a mm, model KU, never bwn bl'Olwr. ll.t been pd 411. to M.on. Utrough Fri. uled, JOI. Har. 179'7-M. 21p23 '131 .. 17. No raah needed Jual pay 9;00 to 4;00 p.m. ao ... o-Bo llt.D -•-ta &lld the pymll. ot $7.~ per month.. PACIFIC TELEPHONE "" ., 00 y _.., Sr!' B1tt1gtu'l1 A 6 8 Warehouae Billen enamel while a~ply luls. 220 s. M1<ln St . Santa Ana, 2JUc B&rsMna ID U-S b~. 02 • 6 blocka aouth of 4UI SL -AR.l:--Y-O_U_S_A_Tl_S_FlED ___ w_ltb_y_ou_r 31nd SL, Nl'wport Beiacll. Phont' Open Ji:vee 'UI 11, Sun. ll·ll pruent -.mU>ra and advance-Har. JUI. lloJ'TH I or Phone IOml>erly l·Tl-01 ment 1 Opportunity ror neat •P· pFUUtf man. 10-at. u dealu ror Jl'uller Bn.t•h Oo. ln Nrwport 8-dl. l:&miJll' 1100. per WMk a.nd up. We work by appoint· nlellt No cold can.,....nc. CALL Klm~rly 3·2100 attu e p.m. tor appolnl.tne.nt. 22c2• WANTED -by N.wport a..c.b a.rntnt&r)' lcbool DUIU'ict: .-o- reta.ry. b\l.tlnua off1ct. •hort· 'hand 1 equl~d minimum Malary $220. Apply H OO C"lltr Drlvt, Newport Hel&ht.a. 2lc:H WANTED HONEST l\ard working m.ui with rt•I "tau aaJea experienct. Must know tlu* a.re a and how to di&' up proepecta.. Wlll pay hist.Mt commtaaloe apllt COIUUtftll wlUI f'OOd bUAineA. DUNCAN KAR.DUTY. Realtor 2'02 N.wport BIY'd., Npt. Bch. Harbor 4718. 22c24 HOUSJtKEE'PEI\. Newport Eich. 2 11chool age girls, 4 daya per wee.It. JtmpJoytCI p&.rcn tF. Hubor 398fl-R alter 7 p m. 22c24 f WANT Jlrl to clean •·rm. hou11e In Newport SaL mom lng1, no laundry, U .00. Har. 17~-M t VM . 22p24 W A1fT ady to do ~ t!Y1!1'7 mornlng ln amaU Newport bold. ldHJ tor wtte or worklnc bua- be.nd ApL an.IL Hu. 2fl~·W 21c23 HlCJI CliA.lR and P1-11"8 la f(IC)d cond.IUoo. 1..1 8-3t7t. net• HAND WEA.Vl!'iO table loom. I hameq, 2-t" r"'t!d, 12" weavtnc •p&Oe. U2 Poplu. Le«uaa Sch. HYatl 4-34~. 22p24 1000 BuaioMe carda $3.96 BOOK MATCHES t~ W, WHITE u 1-4011 (£vea. 1..1 8·51 ~1 ppttc IO-AS!~ WILL DO pain Ung in ex- change for camping trailer. Liberty S..9002. 22p24 SO.S-A,eeU.... SERVE(; pa NfTlf .. med.ham lllte. Good condition 135. Har 4100 day1 only. 22c24 ELECTRIC JUNGE . • burnt'h. (fut unit.ti and deep -11. Com· pl.9LFly automaUe-104 Via .A.JIU· !>ff, Lido 1111. Ba.r. 0221 . U c2• O'~J'li A KJ:JUUTl' JU r&nft.. • burn•n a.nd crtIJ. "'11 me oftft and pull out bro().,., It.or• ... dr.wer. Harbor llll·fl. 12tlc Washi~ Machine 8 Vl~ 82--Furntture for Sale LEA VTNO d ty, ftl('f'ltlc~ (M UJ!h tine tum1.t1hln111 conai.unir of toUd dark MllUppltle IHhO«· any, J•roVlnclal twtn bedroom at'l. 7 pll'C'!'ll plu. llntlll box apnni• • Sttlf'y matlrta-and CU&LO'n llprelldl Orig. toet SiOO aell for J22:1. Solid blonde ~le f.pc. d1n1n1 wt, H !'J. O'Kttfe attd MerTltl 30·1n. •love. like ntw. 5~. All porcelain Fr1(1· dalrt 8~ cubic tL, auto. detroal $!l:i. ChlneH Orient.Fl rug, ong. roet l i60., ..U U16. Alao cht.Jr11, lamps. tnd tablt1, etc l'\oon to 1 p m. 806"9 Clubhouae Ave., N,..,,,. Port 8-.cb. Kar. OH1·W. 2:lp2& TWO da7 "8da I ll'> each, dblt btd. CQmplet.F $25, I~. rur. $:1. PR. Harbor UH. U c26 1164 NOROl!l w..,hu. Automatic puah button. 1>11 tub, a(itator. overflow rln~. H• ntw but pd. dn. to S 1~7 2CI No cul\ cln. If you pay th• pymll. of 17.1 2 ptr month, See S.ucbn.t A • a Wa.rehouet. 220 S. Ma111 St. 8ant.F Ana, e blocka eoulh of Hh St. Open Evu 'tll t . Sun. 11-6 or Phone KJm~rly 3·i20J CUSTOM MADll nttan ba.r, bFck bar, I atoo.la. l l OO J 754 E.ut Oc:Mll Blvd. Balboa Har 1T83·M ev,nlnga. 23r 25 Dale 's Furniture JJlcctrtc Ntrlpratora, Apartment al ..................... J l 111. Tele~. 18" ~ndix _,,, ....... 57:!. It 1 T" RCA TV ............. $811. 2 pc. MC:Uonal bed davenport. trailer r\R, lilt• new • .... .•.... J&O, MIICllLLANllOUI TV T A.BLZ8 PbUco • ICelvtAa~ ret,..erFt.ot• wtth U09I top ,.....,., .... 111&. 117• R&rtlor BlYd., C-t& Mta lkH l'UJUf1TUl'll: CLOU OUT AT RllDUCti> PRICES Liatp d&Yeflport It ebalr, Ora.nd J\aPdr mahas. d,_,, m.aho1. t.abi.e, open bookouett. mirror-. aterL flat wart, Wicker patio aet, llltchen cabtneta, miac, KT •·Tlt•. 22e2J AUSTIN 1t6S. Oood cond. I.OW al. ao mllu pllon. SSIQ.-Twm& t7~ kaahw. Dr. n,M 19&1 rADJLLAC 62 ' dr ...... 1-tha11 1 t .000 mt. Powder blue. Fully eqlllpl. 'nntod ,....., power at.etrlnc window Utia, atr cond\lloned, p..-.mlum ti~ w .. pard tube&. Call Har. 4e. lkM CADILLAC-$1895. '61 • U blFck 4 dr. Mdaa. w.a.w Elec. wmdowa tk. A. aal.._ Jallllld spe<'IAI. Hat11or ttlf llel6 ·n FORD cuatom I 1-4r .. O'd., I' 6 K. STtll total prieit. NMdl paint. 'IT PACKAJU> eeclaa. 1 ..,.. cu. $9&. Cotton Goff 1"4 O'DEFI: • MEIUUTJ' Volk1wagen-Ponche DIJ'. ,...,._ It.a lbe bnlld new •O" 2118 Npl. 81vlt,. Newport ~ deluu <"P all aut4maUc O"rn Pbone Harbor f Uc2• rlO<'.k, glua door. txtra lfTlllr· vator broil oven. 4 all etl'tl grtddle la middle lt.e bffll pd. S'-M~ ~.!z A T V dn. t.o J197.09 from $396 00. No dn. pymt. needtd. 1111it Jl•Y tl\t pymt.t Of 110.03 per mo. s, .. ll&ughna A It 8 Wart'hou&e. 220 s. Main St., S.uita Ana. fl bloc:k11 !IOUlh or 41.h SL Open J:vu IU O. Sun. 11·:'> or Phone Klm~rty l·T201 U i6. BlTTS lovely tllll ke1Me.rd Spinet piano, rental RE't'\11\NS nve $11H on beautlt\J.1 tptnclF llkt n-. WurUlaet'. i.....ter, F l110hflr, l<nabo'. Muon 6 Ham lln. aome Hlonlle O•k and Salem Jolaple. DANZ.8CRM1DT 81C Plaao ltAn. 620 No. Main. Sant.a .u,a S_Z-_A_-_A.a_tJ_'l..,ue._, ______ CONN80 NATA. Orpn, J• ~ Antique oqua, JOO, old ~I i.... ed In, •n StOO • Ulla allllo9l phone $10, cuckoo clock J5'T.:IO. ~ o'f'J\. anUqu• troa beda $36, addlAC DANZ·SCJUllDT BIC Plane 8 tere. madllne St.2.IW, t 1rep1. 9tl 112. t>20 No. Main, a..nta ._ electric rcduclnr mad\. H2.60 Apl. rdr1r;. IS!), a11 Uque rowbo)' outfit 135. old phOflognph l ll'l. electric orcvi 112:,, ele<"trlC tabS. lop at.CJve t ntu new I I Tl.IO. antique rocker UO. c.hut ot dnwua a.a. HA VJ; btauUtul BaldwUI at1"090rllc Spinet, 4 Jra. old.. WAKT TO 8WAP tor mad ,.&llO Phone Harbor 1098-M. 4tle LOTS of anUqun. old china_ elC' We aJao buy .nd t radf'. ~ Honest TV Service STEVENS A SONS 117f Batbor. Cotta MNa CHAR.UJI! DA VlS 180!1 z. An1ttf'lm, Lonr Bfa<"h L B 8!!0-131. 23c" 83 Boa~~---_ Cole's Port Special nns WJtEK o~L Y Ntw Tarrra.JI log•. complttt k :! 00 e VOLT Gu Ge.nerator $40 00 ~. waterprf. broniie l•mp $3.!IO Mercury water light• $2.15 :noe t.e.ra~ttt, Npt Bd 1 Hu . 1020 Ptl Ubert1 8-llOl TTp~ 60 U81:D planoe want.ct for our ren l&I dept. Trade your old piano on nnr electric oraan. aplJlet or .. ra.nd piano. BlcJle•t allowa.nce. DANZ-SCHMJOT DIC Plano ltor• 020 No. MaJll. Santa Ana U REl'\T!'i a(l()(1 pracllct piano or buy •I '97, Ul, 1116. Mtrro lpln~t.e US&. DA NZ.SCHMIDT Blr P1a.no SIM'&, &to No. Main. llalli. AM l&·F"T'. O TBOARD. •ll!'lt.., ca-RENT an orran or plMo W1tll bin, bf>t tnm t1btrJIMllW'd 11mell l rtnl.AI lo appl7 Oii l11lure PIAl'- motor "nd ()U'I, S~75 Hubor 1 ui ..... ~1- Jl!e7·J 204 . •Olh, 111-port Bell SHAF'J,;R B Mut lc Co (Since 1907) 23p25 I 01·42J N. sycamorr, Baata A.aa ------------Phon• Klmbtrl7 l ·-0872 FREE MAN AUTO PILOT 6 mo t ----.--------119:1 20 W Apclco. Ship to ehnr" HAMM0 .!'00 oraan.e. a.JI modelA like new, 129&. 3 lu r e 9kltl• tultal t.trma. yo11r old pl ... n&. ea. JI' boat·fl•hn Or.y arct pt.d Ill nchanc•· rree,..... WOMEN wa.n led, tempora.q. al.Jr l ·,._, IU&ftll Lee on Job9 = Mall ~ motor s4:,o tlf't , try tw>tore you buy MATCHED VlCTORJAN type love NE"'-PORT B(JAT SALES OANZ·SC:HMI OT Bl' Pia.no A ... t and W1nc chair In P1 Pro-1827 w. C4ut Hwy. w 1_6211 Orran Co . 1)20 J'(o. Mam. Ban\6 mo.nu.a. Qood &D4 CIO UMd Wutl1!11l t 14 ha11dwr1 Ung or typewnler. ~ (rear) Newport Bl . <.:oata w .... 47, Watertovn1, Mua. llpl3 Llbetty ~ or Ube.fty vtadal pr\llt ICOl l $117.~) Llkt 23a5 Ana new, 196. Har. H42·R. 23d~ ------------------------ F'REE RENT of F"\:R..'1 APT. tor 8-4327 • MUc couple under 3:1, no ('t\lldr6l. ln J95D PHILCO refrlCFrator. Ule blr "llcha.nr, tor pa.rt tlm~ help or ' I wlfo wtu. ,,_.,k. ""· 2'11W. 2 door one tbl t haF da.lry bar 23c25 shelvell In door. two ver. crlap- era. • big treea.r cbut. Jta RF:AL ESTATE SALESMAN ln aut omatic dctroeunr. new but 19M PbUco refrigerator. Bir c~ XLNT. 42' DIESEL FlSHlNG I See Baldwin Pi•no ~:: .:O~~~:~ ~\~:t:tr. ~~ell. s~:~ BOAT. Fu.lly equJpt. A SH,-& Organ Display kHper 1t1 ~en pa.Id dn. to 000 value !or $8500. Tcrm.t, WOODWORTH Pl.A.NO CO. 1134.H . No tin pmt. Ju.et P•Y trade. Phone <>'t''Tler. DlA· 1 uu Oout Blvd,. Coruna CS.I Kv lb• p1mt.a of 18 27 ptr mo. MOND 7-3167. 22p27 (Thlld•n l.Dtmor Bldl.I See Bau1h.n1 A A S WarehoUM, Hu. S382 M U1f 11() s. M11ln !'1.l . S&nla Anll, Opf'n !!:vu 'UI 9, Sun. 11·6 W't'IJ loe&ted oftlcP, Pnorer tom•· pd. dn. to HlS.97 from about on• wtt.h lmowledge ot Harbor 1600. No dn. ppnL Just pay Ult &reL Write Boll D-40, t.hU paper ppnt.t. ot aie.u pet month. 23eJ6 Se11 Bauctuia A. 6 8 Ware.llclUae, 220 S. M&ln St., Santa Ana,. L.AD.lll8 C'LOTHJ;S, •lu 10 All fl blocl\a south ot 4Ul SL like neow. Phone Har. 0238· W. O~n Evtt 'UI 9, Sun. 11·11 22c24 or P hr.ne Klmbtrly 3·7201 Only _ethical advertisements . accepted You Newport Barbor New1--~ Catt- tdy K1'Ma all ·cluellled 1wh·ertamat8 befon acceptlai them I• pal>UcaUon. .. u .. °"' ........... .,,. .............. , --Woll iMlA .... pa.rU~ C!lladlet ™ .._, ,..,_. U.. ~ be mtr•d'.., ....... or ,,...._._ ;'l•' ...... '".._ ........ _..~ •-" ad• ar. nu •tHf .... Te U.. ._.of ev ... l _ ,.._, _,,. ....._ :t.:........,... rt .,...,. •• ltlq ,.... .,..., ................. ,h ftle IU'Mt •--=c.: _,.._. n>a YOtra raol'llOl'IOJlf ... 1" .. BUT wnB OOlQ'IDIUfO& ~ ... O r-'ftlf ...,_ "" .. 1'...-t ...,.. .... ,.,_, 1 ..... ........ 1111 ..... ,_ .... ,...._ .. ,...,.., .. ,.... ad....,,. . I e blo<'lu1 llOUlh or 4th St. or Phon• Klmbtrly 3· 7201 ROUND w!llnut dlnlni table A e <'hal,.., d11.v"n.,, bicycle. VN'7 ru.- 110n&ble. 21 flie Onltlfe Ave., Coa- la M-. 23p2!'J A11m1n11ttr rue. 9 11 14, maroon. S27.DO, h12 pMt. S2 :\0, Two 8118 ~y cotton ah~ ruJ• $10. t L Thl"ff turqunllle cotton ahac rugs. 2•4-$2 ~. 3llt~$!) 50. 4d '7.60. Black ovt.1 &lua tGJ c:ot· r .. ~t• m . at" ....,.. ai1ond• cotf' .. t.USe a11. l\a\taa coffee l&bl• • cllatr •10 MCll.. Bed d!na 118. °Tw'ta Hotl)owood bed• w1t.b bolltera H8 ...._ floor la.mp ... M1k llrio+.,_ lllld prden toola. I.I h.p. out.boerd motor. '40. RAR.BOR lMl·W. 23c2ll • WEOOICWOOD ~· Ill! Ule btr; CP all aotom.U. 40" wNI bll' •tn bNl1 nea, ~ 1lm-1n•.....,., •Mc..._ e .. en pd. a to tHM' tr.. P60 00. No c1n. pm'-. Jllft pq tile pyml• °' a&.Of,. ... a .. ·~ A 6 8 WU"Mouae, no ._ ,... Ill.. ..... A1la. • ~ .... "', .. at. Open S.. 'dl t , 8ua. 11·0 ot ~ IDm'-17 a.TIOl N-11~ ~, a T" March Special 2 ONLY lovely mirror type up· t1&bl piano•. t m11ph~. 1 blon•1e BOTH WK.ll NEW. • Terma S30. ctn It 11(> ~r mo al SHAFER'S Mll@lr C-o ISlllCI' 19071 421 -42:1 N. 8ycamor,, Santa Ana Phon" I< lmMr1y 2·C>ll7! ht& 11ura low ly 11tu~ Baby Grand; OUltra 1478. SMO. 5885 etc. Story • C:lark. Kn1bt. Wur· lltMT. Kimball lo 811lem M•pl,. 1-ter. McPl\111 Alway• 100 ptanoe to choo .. trom. t>ANS-BCKMIDT Bii Plano 81or,. &IO No. Ma.In, l'lanta An• SPECIAL March Spinet Buys BIO 8 A. VINOS lllcludlnf Kim M U, Oul~. ~r •ltd W ttrHtr.· M' 'Pinet ptuoa. Ubf>ral tralle Cocvenlent tenn• at- MJNiHALL Orpn1 tl.eo~ l cnahoit .. 1 Blonde Oa.k M7t; up In rood condlUon. Uaed 8olovox Orpt1 attadun~t to piano 11 ~ DA HS-~ ,.111.no • Orran Co , 1120 No. Maia. 8aata Ana lJO .... ~ .,. ,.,_ - up. HAMMONO CJlortt or.-an, 1 al11tit• ly llffd, !Ike nt•. T()U tan p1a.:r without a 1""9Q" DANZ·l!<"HMJDT Bir P lano lttM't, ~20 No Main, Ranta An• LOVl:~T ll~Ol...ll manual Mla• •hall ,. ltrt rconlr orp n. Ilk• n ... 8•vf' n oo l,lbrral tna11 ... C<la· v1nltnt Irr m• at.- RHA ,.P:lt'~ ~(uak Cl> Cl!ltntf ltOf) U l·423 N SyC:lllllON', SUI.a Ana PhOn• klmberly 1·0871 ST!:I:-.WA.Y Ora.nda 2. bo~ In ptf'- lrr t condlt1un. )(aho1 . 11ot ,... b111lt. wondf'rtul lont, fut a~Uoa l\luch. lt>V"IY Knalte eplnet In cbo.,ny tlnl•h uve $230. A* MMwm 6 H•mlln •Pln"t Uk• MW. OA;\'Z-SrKMIDT Blc P IMO It.en. ~20 :>:o Main. 81l11\.a Ana ~~-~,.~ "'-Ell lo pot1 "°"'• -0-Sh .. ph" r'I male. Pu,.. .,,..._ l~ yr old. Ohrdknae tr&Uted. LI 9·7it4 1kJI !!._~N_tock~~--...-----­ J'V')f\ RAU: Younc eo. . f·r .. all now • LI .. '°21. 1 HO ClllUcll I '-. OJI. ... 1• I;· ' 11 ' I I 11 • j ~ ,I , ; '• ~ I~ ) I ' , } ' ~( • n' ~ Ii ' J I: ~ I l • If \ I ,, I I --.. ..... T....a -~--- Transportation Cars Rioh Hahn Ga.rage 29th & Newport Harbor •725 1H&. DeaoTO I .,.._..r limo. 'l':M9Ueat Nbber A rDOtor. LcoU llu a srAY ,no.i but dr1 ... like a drMrft. !deal fOf' baUlin&' ,...._.to work AND ONLT .......................... 00··-· .. ····-··-1150. 19'T PLYNOUTll ' dOor, ra41o. hute:r • completely rebuJlt motor. Gcod rubber and extra dean. . ......... ,_.... . ............. PT~. Many othen from 1315. on up. NOii HAJIN CMR.AGI) 2tua • Newport BtYd.. Newport ~ •TtS.. hcJ6 '52 Buick Fte>adm'Btr. CONV.. W.W. Uf'el. FuU Power. Red with b&aak top. Pnfect condJUon. $1,695. Terry's Buick M1t Newport 9ml .. N'pt .• 8ch. Q . M. A . 0. Term.I Harbor 5021. 23c.26 ''O J'ORD, 2'.i."i& C*" t.rw. All U. 69 .Af!, enpae. R •JI. U *-1308 from 6 to e. Hc2• 1NO roRD ~ ledail. fta6>. orlp&I paint. Oood meeh&nl· MJ.1>', "98. NICI: 27 fL Colonlal HOUM Tr&il- tr wlth I&rs• Cabu&, ln t.raller park wltll pnvate ~th on Cout RlttiW'&)'. See K~tr. 1'1nance ananrect. Uberty 1-11121. San· dy'1 De Lua• TraUtt Park, 2912 W, c.out Highway, Newport Beacli. 21P33H L•d I BRAND NEW I bdrm. home. UJ\· I 0 Renta s tllrulahed aao. month. WE HA VE MANY EXCEL-3 BDRM. Isome, etove Uld ~· i&o. month. LENT RENTALS FOR SUM· s B R I MER 1i: YEAR AROUND. ea . reeze ea ty Cor, 19tll A Pl&centJ&, C. MeM FOR THJt llli"M.MJtR Ju.a. 16Ul to Daym It i:,__ Ph. Ubert,y 8·8M3 Sept. l:SOi BeauL tl&mlahed. 3 Z3e24 bdrm~ 2 bath. Tbr.. mOAtha, ii.~. WILL LmABE lJ bdrm. CUtt B&ven home 1113. month. LI 8-6417. Jlp2:s Rentals Wanted ; ANO'nll!:R. 4 bdrm., unturnahed, W• need apta aad bouMI ln all year around at S200. Pl" month. 9ICIUam for tlOUl w\ater and year a 1-. narn. or unturn. U you 'l&V• a Heaney, pb6ne toda1 The Vogel Co. 8201 W. Cal Hwy .• Newport Bell. PbaM UMrt} WW '°' M&rtft•, B&Jboa Ial&nd Bay & Beach Realty 1112 Latayetu., Newport. Hubof' HU, Har. J9t9 na Just to the ri&bt ot Ule Lido Bridge llntrance 2ac2:S PbODe lla.rtlOr '" '8A-Apta. for Bent 1101 Cout H1•&1. Corona de.I Mu Phone Barbor 17U 100 M&1n SL, Balboa Phone H&rbn,. 1 '5 RESPONSIBLE F ~nL Y want.a 6 bdrm. home, torn. or unturn., will pay up to $500 mo. for yea,r'a MODERN rtJRN. ,J.PT. upataira. Lovely view . .Ad)tlta. $75. month. UtJI. mel. Yr. leUe. Ava.lL Apr. 3. LOU18E APTt, 808 Carnation, INea.r Se-av! w) Cor('lna del M.ar. HarbOr 101 , 2Sc2S leue. Ph. OXtord 9-317:'1. 18p23 Charming Harbor Haven WANT TO R&NT-Room .t: ba.th Apartments · Patiot for ma.Id on Balboa Peninsula NEW 4 ROOM, atreet level. Near Polnt. IDy •June. Call Hs rbor llCboolll. 5hopp1.n1 diltrlct. Qwet, 3211 an.er Thunday. 23p26 pleuant, e.xcluaive. Garb•&• d1a- RENTAL v SPECIALISTS poea.1, laundry, 1tor•1• rooms. ga.rage. $82.~0 up. Occuplea en· tire street. Good IUp.nU'lon. Mgr.. l:SOl Haven Plaee 1 Block South of H1sb School ALSO P'URNlS.HED APTB. WINTER RAT!:8 YEARLY R.J:NTAI,-New 2 bdrm. hoUH, un.turn.. garage. Fenced ya.rd. R.euonable Nill. 1Dqu.1A 11160 Tuatln Ave. Of' call LJbuty 3·1MI. 2Jct6 BALBOA t!LAND-Yeuly, nJee home, fireplace A patio. Re&noa- abla in nk-e adult.. no pet.a. Phone Liberty 1·7824. 2lc23 CORON A DJCL MAR-Unturn. 2 bdrm. houne. 1 block 10uth of highway, near &tores cl t.hea tre. Phone Lrberty 1-4028. 2lttc NEW 3 bdrm. unturn. hom~ tor adult family. Only a&:s. month. on 1-. Owner LI 8-S297 eve.a. 20tle CALL NOW tor a t br. cl den furn. luxury houM with pool, ocee.n view. Made tor children 6- JO n1ontha re11taJ from Jun" 1'1. Ha rbor U2:S-J. 20p24 NEWPORT B.EACH -Jru.rn. 2 bdrm. & den home, nlc• e.nclolld yard w1th lawn .tr shade trees, garage. $711 mo.· for e month• leaae or ye.acly. Har. 4.16+. 21c23 Call Edna CraJ& H&U!ken Motors, Inc. Blanche Gates, Rltr. 1112 Harbor Blvd., ~at& Mala 111 Marine Ave. llUC HARBOR BLVD., 2 bdrm, unfum. bungalow. 1990 Harhor Blvd., Mc.MANUS, LI 8·3333. 22c24 Pb.one Llbe.rty 8-6051 20c22 Balboa lal&nd, R&r. 1671 72t!c '37 FORD I cir. Very ci.n. New pe.&nt. XlDt. runnlng condiUon. l.. lyhia Lana. (ila.?1>or Hlfhland•l Coata Mua, art.er a J>.f'D. 23c25 1954 Ford Customline Club coup., P'Ol"domallc • heater. Like new. 1.6-00 actual mile•. $1,795. Terry's Buick 2812 Newport Bl~ .• Npt. Beh. c. M A. c. Tenn• Harbor ~21. 2'c26 ON LIDO ISL&-3 ~nn. furn .. yl&l"a l ..... MOO mo. OOJtON A HIGHLANDS 3 b6drtn. 11111'\lnl bouH, year'a leaae, S13tl month. AL80 tum" ·It IUl.lum. a.~i.. .f70. to $100. G.H. LATHROP MS:S E. C'1L Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 6642. lhtea. Har. :ulll·J. In Corona del Mar J BDftM.. t'Ur11. apL by ~. iM. UU June. 1 BDJUoL tum. apt. below Sea· view, $TO. montll. 2 BDR.M. untuni. duple.<c., ope11 be&m celling, at.eel C&t>lnet, .. arb. dlsp., newly decor., paUo. f&l'· • .r.orage. L&undry room. A.dulta. ll.O l.Arklpur, Corona del Mu. Ku. 2096-M. 22cU FURN. l bdrm. apt. $47~ month to Jul.Y lat. A.lao beebelor apt .. y~arly, $8 week. S7<le Channel PIMie, Newport Island. Harbor 1217-J. 22c3e SINGLE APT. tor lady or re11Ue· ma.n Si:S. mo., utll. pd. No pets. lnq. 1n rear 134 E. 19UI St. Costa Meaa alt.er :S p.m. 18tfc ATI'R.ACTIVBl f\Jm.lahed modern 1tu<1lo apu. UUUtlee paid. $M and $7~ monthly. 3'21 Coe.at Hwy., Corona del M.a.r Ph. Llberty 8-7177 daya.. 21c28 Want a good btwneas location 1 COSTA MESA-Unturn. 2 bdrrn. house, 2 car carac• with Iara• laundry room. Nice. yard. $7~ mo. See at 26« N'ewport Blvd. Uberty 8·2034. 22c24 ~EWPORT HJCIGRTS-2 bednn. unfum. home, 1tove A rfJ'rlg . rum. XlnL nelrhoorliood. f9~. month. LI 8-7908 att.r noon or week enda. ' 23c28 VACANCY tor refined elderly lady l:i beauUtuJ home, u cellent food A c~. Big ptd~ TV etc. M-8 I -!>1£!~ 5' Dr 0 -~~!!ti!-' Businesc Opportunititt~ Vogel Values Bea.ch Co~on-Owner •;t1 --~ O\'W $18,000 In an 8 hour day at :----~ MUOD • ftlr'! hi net , On. of bemt locaU Beautifully equipped and laid out tor vo e with minimum btlp. Owner and .;fe ha been ba.pttallzed and ~r a&y9 to ..U. laCrif'lce price $8500. Terma to qualitled ~. W1.ter Front ~ aaya he turned down $100,000 for thia choic9 locatlon. He will ctve a 10..ptr leue at $GOO per month for u.e ot land and alfps any improvements constructed would guarantee good i.ncome. Many pouibili· ti• on thill. Anchorage for Leu• Bayfront • property • Owner will leue 185 ft. to experienced Yacht Broker. Waterfront and all alipe plua alee office for atraigbt rent (no percentage). See The 3201 W. Coast Hwy., LI 8-3481 Vogel Co. Newport Beach Eva•. LI 8·~ CA.FE, On. BOOM TOWN, Mai.D IN COST.A MESA.- St.. HunUnrt.on Beach. Same owner 7 yrs. wanta to go Eut.. 14.300. tulJ prtee. 2 Lots ... CABINET. wood worktn(. furn!-Ocean v1- ture retlnllhln&' ahop. No com· TWO Cllx203 ft. lot.a., one on a cot' petitton. Jilat&bllahed 6 yeara. ner, all uUL tn. Paved street. Good deal for the right man. le•era. l!ubmlt '2.000 down. TR.A.ILER PAR.KS for u.Je - 82 llpat.f!I, modern ..•. $118,000. ~ sptieea, neu COUt -· $711.000. •O spaoee. plua 8 apartment.. A home ··--··· -···-··· $90.000. MOTl:L and~ PARK Oii Cout ···--····-·-· .. ·· -····-$60.000. SANDY STEINER Real Eatat.e and Buainue Opportunity Broker 2912 W. Cout Hlfhway, Npl Bc.h. l..Ibe.rty 8-1621. 23c24 SHOE OUTLET? WILL R.l!:?li"T N. w . comer 17th • oruc-NeM AlJJlla Beta • Thrltty-Call JAMI:! Harbor 20(2. 23e26 IN P'Rl!ZDOM HOME AR.EA $500 DOWN NE.ARLT NJ:'W I bedrm. home. Lan~ped. Oood location. on • • • UOOO doWD. uuny nlW"'"• bednn. 1 ~ b&t.b home 011 tar1• corner landlcaped lot. • • • Sea Breeze Realty Cor. 19th It Pl&oe.ntia, C. Metia Oay1 4k IVU. Pb. Llbe.rty 8-3661 23el• SOLD '4 t FORD at.a lion waion. P'lrat $1110. taltee It. 212' Miramar. Harbor t132·W. 23p2• '6t FORD CU.tom Rueb Wa.son. 1 JIDIU4. turn. apt. an HeUotrope, 175. month. 2 BDRM. untum. houae on Orchld $100. month. OCF.Ar ~~!¥ APT. HYatt t-11128. 211p23 M-Moael t.o ~-----by Multiple Listing 1711 Miramar Drtn. Balboa By OLODEN FAT with BAY A BE.A.CH RltALTY P'ordomatlc, R • H, I~. WW trade down. 421 Morning Can· yr>n Rd . ('. D. M. Ru. M2t..J. 20e22 196t FORD V-1 Viet.or!&. Radio, neat~r. J!'ordo. Power ateuinr. Pown braku. one owner. $22•~. Hausken Moto.rs, Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., Colta M.-a Phone Uberty 8-~61 20c2% ... HUDSON iaoo cub. J:xc.i1. rond. N4'W llrf'I' anti Mat covers. H11rbtlr 1800 23c2!5 111:>:! ~toRIU .S Oxrorct at.at.Jon w11g••n. l'lne o•"n"r Low mu~are. Strict ly a <"11nper's dell~ht! 30 mite• to the 11111on· $13"6 W. E. Fisher, Realtor aM ASSOClATES 303' E. Cout Hy., Cof'Olla del Mu Corona del M&T Phone B&rbof' 24411 MOOJCRN 1 bdna. unturn. duplu with l'&RC'9 and laundry. 8tt 2807 Elden Ave. ,Cost& Mua. Lt 8-3863 or ~Yoe.s. LI 9·M• T. 23c2:S 2 bednn. exljWalte view • tur· nlehing1, R4nt turu. or unturn. l:tll. pd. MUST &ee to appreciate Harbor 40~1 tor appointmt111t. 21c33 REASON .ABL '! pneed, clean 1 a: 2 be<lnn. turn. ap~ Utll pd. La.undry room. Ptaysround tor ~dr'fll. Blue Top Apt.a. 40l Newport Blvd .. NeWPOrt Beacl\. .Above the Archea.. lOUe HARBOR AP'l'S. :'\'EWLY FURN. 4 decorated 1 bdrm. ho~ Private yard, BBQ. Modern furn.iatled apts. Al.SO tum. 1 bdrm, duplex. garb. day, week or month dlap. Each 17~ mo Lncl uUl. Nf>&I' b~. atorea 6: b&y. Re.uonable ~2.()()4 Jum1ne. Corona dcl 1'10. 104 E . Bey Ave., BALBOA Mu. Phon~ OShorne 8-3723. • Harbor ~H. 17tte 23c2S ~~--~~--~~--~-1 BDRM. turn. apL F1repL Cloee New Luxury Medical Center to be constructed. A.!nple private parking. centrally located. Layout to teJla.Dt. order. For Information, LIDO REALTY A.saociatea 3400 Via Lido Har. «« 15tfc 3 OFl'1CE space• tor leue. Ap· prox. l 7'd!I' each. fn Udo Shop· ~inc area. ~ vi. M aJ&ga. Ru. :\32'7. Hltfc LOANS PROMPT ll:RVICll 6'i'i f..lnt trust d-S. 20 yeara Orange Cout Properties ~M7 Newport Ave., Costa Mea LI 8-1832, LI 8-ttOO ~-. 911ttc WOULO l1l&e Lo ~ I.lit ano ~ 'h'uat DHd& C&1J 8&r. UN 611k REAL ESTATE U>ANS lDte.reat Rate ~~,, Hausken .Motors, Inc. CHOICE BA YSHORES aum· tn .tlopp~ center. Yearly rc.nt~ BALBOA tsl..AND -Ide&J loca· Loana quJCIUy made IJ1 th• &1 Are.& and Coat& Me.IL Stngl• or multlpl• unitA. New or old Be 11V1M and a ve by r .. t1n&DCUI& your prea ... nt loan Mlnlmum ex• peruae. No chaJ'I'• tor prellmJ. nary appr&IMJ. Phone 8&Dt& Ana Klmbuly !i-8933 or w111A 1982 Harbor Blvd., Coit.a Mus mer rentals. Phone l.l~rty a-~1 20c22 Make reeervatioM now. 19:\3 OLOB.MOBILE H 4 dr. tdJl Xlnt oond, One owner. 14.300 mt ALSO 19M Bt:lCK Roadmuter RIVlna, one ownl'r. •300 mJ. Llk• new. LMvlni country. must arll Har. 0091-J 22c24 Cl..A.lRE VAN HORN REALTOR 2731 W C'n1u1t Hwy. LI 8-4277 2.3c2!1 Balboa Island '5'> s· s t c l Cboke ye&t'ly and aummcr re.ntala. ~ mger por ar now sva!Jabl~. ON'lt OWSER. 8600 mtleii $79:i DORlS BRAY, Rultor 211 M.nne Avr, BalbN1 1.811.Zld Hausken Motors, Inc. Harbor 20 · 95ttc 1932 Harbor Blwl . Co•l• )(-Phone uti. ..... 3.~ CORONA DEL MA.R-Fum. apt. '".J on )'Nl'ly M.11 or montb t.o mo. Motor Overhaul NO MO~ OOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyla. -$-iS.88 8 Cyl&. $58.88 $M). rmit. To -ca.JI P'lttmoma. Harbor 21:12. 20c3S ON BALBOA ISLAND sa ua t« 1eu11 &Dd -..onaJ r'e!lt&la. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor IOe Manne An. B&rbor 602 BAUK>A lSLAND 7tlc 2 B&DROOM FUR.NlSHED Dt.'· PL!:X, Corona d'!I Mar. eouth ot &I. C"omna drl Mar. Call LI 8.j8J4. 20tfc CUFF HAVEN-U7'TURX. APT. Spaclou. 2 bdnns. Oarh, dlsp. romer windows. Flr~pl., prage. t.nundry room Pall<>, $~. mo. Ll~rty 8·1843. 23c28 FREE RE:'\'T oJ 1''"L"R.'l APT. !or couple unllf'r 36, no chlldr~n. ID exrhangp tor pa.rt UmP. help of wtf~ v.1lh h~w<>rk. ffar. 2:118W. 2Jc2:S U,.-FlfR..'-:. 01.:'PLEX, 1 bedrm .. sn . month. u '~ Goldenrod. Corona dd Mar. 23c2:S '60.-Redeconted un!\lm. 1 bed· room, Incl refrlg. Wate.r paid. 222 Cot.t a Me.M St, Cotta Mua. U S-1234 a!tt'.r 6 p.m. 23c2~ F'UR.".;, 1 b<lnn. s pt.. anUJ J unt 1~. S30. mo Al!() l bdrm f'uro. hae. yurly 212 29th St. Hubor 1012·M ot U 8-21!12. 23p24 l\"l:WPORT BEACH -2 bedrm tum. apt.. util. • pnt.«e Incl Panel ray heat, $ll0, month lO June 20Ut. Ph. LI IJ..1'09. 22t!c Uon on Marini! Avt., ofrloe 1>r ahop. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. All tor '1211 mQ. Har. 2042. lltlc ARTHUR A. MAY Mortr•re Loan CornapondeDt Occident.al Ute ln.lun.nce Co. 9311 South Ma1n &ant& AM pp RARBOR BLVD., 2 bdnn. untum. bunplow Perfect tor bualnl'11a. 57-Real Estate Waated 19{19 Biu-b<Jr Blvd , Mc M.A;IT\;S Liberty 8·3333. 22c24 Ji'OR LY.ASE -Blvd. proper'ly, 11u1table tor Beauty !\hop or 111?1. bualncaa. lnclucks larfe Uvlng room. 2 bdrm .. klt<'hen. a!M> In· come ,-a.r. apL Parkin!!' r11r lllllrs Very reaaonablr. Bradlty 1t HYatt t-66l2. 2.ae28 For lease upstairs 800 Sq, fL 11uliable tor bu:sl.neJ11, llt.Udlo or omce 6: llV!ng qUArt· era. 2l:S Marine Ave., Balboa la.. Owner 1311 :.; B3y Fr.-111L 811· bo& t&l&nd. 23p28 2000 11q tt., Ught lndulrtrla.I on Cout Highway. Wiii re.model to suit trnant. L!'a&e to be urang• ~. VOGEL. CO .• 3416 Via U 4<i "WANTED" 2 br. & den home South of Hiway. Cash to $20,000. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., Ulee management 1700 w. cou l hJg-hway liberty 8-M73 QALBOA INCOME lncluda both la.bcr &no pacta. New rlnp, W1'1a ptna, vMVe JT1.D4, fJtu.np ot ln&JJJ &:id rod ~ Clrper\, lllO&ot t1J.De up. ~ or ~ mile iuarantee. ,(NO MONrl DOWN). S lway. $100 month Incl. uUI. CLIFF HA VEN, 2 bdrma. Ru.atlc MJtS, KAY, Har. 37i9·J Mtc <•~place. ~at11.ral wood cabtnell. Harbor 4971 23c26 3 UNITS-Older property cmtral· ly loc,, l 'iii blk.I. to bee.ct ot Bal· bOa. UUl. rm. Ju.et reduced to $23.:SOO tor quJck 11ale. $3000 dJI Owner Ht.rbor l 898. 7!1Uc REBUILT J!:NGINF.S -UP to 16 NONTB8 TO PAY- Bullt la OW' own f.a.ct.ory bJ M:Wed macMntna. Don't CODWMS wttb tbl mlddJe man. 8'11 d1reet. REBUILT and INSTAJJ.EO BRORT BLOCK J'OIU> •m.60 ~ 1161.60 PLn&. • D0D<Jm --· --'106 CBR1'&. A~ 801'0 -· $170 &TUDlla.tDIR --·-· $170 OU>8 6 PO.NTIAC • -·· $170 BALBOA JM. montll yearly un- t'\Jm. cottage, Uvlng tm., dJnette. kltdlenette, 2 hd.nn., hot shower. Ou and -lt>r pd. 108 Af'lams. Hvbor 1924·M. 23c26 Cho\ce Winter Rentals OD Balboa IaJand & Lido Lale Small It coey or larg-e It delu.ze 17~ to $300 mont.b VOGEL CO. IOI M.a.r1n. A Ye~ Bal boa Ill.and Pb. Barbor' «• or Harbor 2151 Rea. Ru. 1718-R.IC or LI S-5297 e4Uc BUlClt .. $17:S 'tTNFURN. I lldnn. duplex, ti_,. BUDeOlt -i111 place, pa.Uo, pr. Comer lol, Lou Qar f'r. TowtJa& 175 IDO!>th, yearly I-Barbo?' RW CAA OAJtA.NTl:ll 3094. Mr. J'a.lrweathet. 21c24 moc. allll ~ our auuSard• ... tuM. ,...... uc1 aa 0,.. luDdal 10 LllL le t ,..... BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 0,.. 0UJJ I to T 8tate llcmded NEW LOCATION 310 Eut 3rd St. LUft'.A A.MA NICELY turn. n-.rly new duple& OM bdrm. 9.1>t. Rwd. flra., Ule MUI A ldtdlc. ~· '86 mo. A4ult.I anl,J Bar. ~7-W a.tter • :SO p.m. 11 c23 LOVllLT 10'1Nr untunL apt. with I bdrma.. de!.. 2 t.tha. Will g1w halt montM rent 1l rented by Karell 16, Bar. 0371-J. 21 c23 IN COST A. MD.A. -I bdrm. tum •pt. aAd t bdma. tum. bOll.'t. C&U ~ s.Ml&. 22lfe Laundry rot'm Garb dlsp. Oar Uberty 8-7003, after !I. 22r.2~ LIDO BA YFRONT A.PT . tu.rnlah· •d. 3 bdrm• .. 2 bath. WIU sub- '-· June 16th to Oct. 28th, $4211 r"r month. Phone Harbor 79. 2lttc 48B-Bou11e9 for Bent WORK SROP oft cout Hlrhway. 1000 sq n. Wlrrd for power Vlalled for 11prRy boot..h S6:S. mo. Lfberty 8·!>618, 23e2~ 56-Monel to Loan NO COMMISSION No Appraiaa.l Fee S ALES -R.EFl:-;ANCl!I co:-;srnvCTioN Call tor FrM Fast Commitments 61-Real Eatate Ex~ge . CHOICE PROPERTY -Sant& Ana. 8 l&rfe room a. 1 ~ bet.hi. furnace h•t. clOM l.D town. Talce tn.11.er u part pyml KI 7-2788. 23p:ll> 82-8-l l'At&te --------LEASE l yr. 3 M i:rn. brand new unturn. noine. Balboa Vista tract. SM. month. Owner, U 8·~297, e,-u. 28tlc on Reel~cnces a.nd UnJIJI only Ultra modern Back Bay area 2 BDRM. tum. boma. fJr9place, unit beat. encloR<! pauo. U'nUI Jun@ 10 $16. or $1\0. yearl.y, to • reeponllble p&rt y. 1u m .Balboa Blvd. 23c20 Don I. Huddleston ' bo~e ~~oo;e: ~;. irtone noora. 2 bath.a. 2 pa- 2 BEDROOM. untumllhed newly pain~. per month. 212 Cabr1Uo, Coet& MML Llberty S. 7041\. 2Sc:lrl PRJV A TJI) TURN. 2 bdrm. home Ent'lo-1 ylU'd. rtoweni. trult t.rffl 6 ~ea. garden. TV. dblt . Jar. A. A. Amirault.. 170 E111t 18th. Ooet" Me~&. LI 8-11197 23p~ THREl!l 8DRM8., 1, balhll. Un· rum. m~m. 110m• ~1ew. an A vocado St. In Col"Ol\A del Mar. Yurly on lea• 111. $125. tm>nth Call ltubor 1800. 1 rue 178 E. 17th St. tio•. s~.000. 481 East 20tli COSTA MlCSA ,...___ LI 07 "" LI 8-5041 LI 8-&&2 St.., ""'9Wl lieu. 0-1.., LOANS for Homes 5~ -20 yr. Loana Construction Loans BEE BOB SA rn..ER 26U E.AJIT CQ.UT BLVD . CoroD& dtl Mar Harbot all8 Rep. POIR.l.ER N ORTGAQm CO ){etro Ufe Illa. Flmdl ICl. 1-.51~ 61Ut LOA.'118 TO BUU.V. IXPROVS BUY, MODl:RNlZ:ll, OJ\ REJ"INA.NCE lit.le 001\0N A HIOHLA..ND LOTS - Cbolc. ltt.-A Hllable Call Sazt>or 2.SM 1 B!t!;r~~t .!,~~m,:._ lilMcl. Pier, fJoal Md .,.., ..... ~ 1000 a a.Jbo& BtftL. 8aJ1-. ~ U8t& ~ t.-, llO ........ Uttt t.AMC LOT on Clltf Dr1ft In C11tf Ra-. AIM> 40 tt. etreet to at.rfft lot on a.ioe.. CLIFF HAVEN WITH EXCELLENT VIEW ot ba...v It oce&ll. DNVIJ BY •OJ Kl.qa RoMS and -~ qualtty CONIUuctlon.. an4 outatar11ttn1 featnrw at un. I bdrm... I b&tb. plua den-dlnlnf room horn&. Fully land-ped and l>e&uWUJ 18x38' ewlmmlnl' pool fof' only 13t,:SOO. T@rma. AUIO on Ktnra Road. with vtew. wlUI lot.a of pine p&1.1ellng. ! bdrm., l ~ bath• .. . $24,2&0 WALDRON Realty 308 Martne A Ve~ S.lboa a la.n'1 Harbor 0234 COSTA MESA THREE bedroom, FHA hom*. 3 yr•. old. Dlninl' room, hdWT nra. dual tum.. J'&r~•. ten.ced ya.rd. &wu In. Close to Catholic Church. $9,:SOO. lot.n $7,283. $2,200 dOY-"Tl. s.117 28 per month tnrl. tax • lo•. TWO BOltM.. • dtn oldtr home, furn. clo .. to bua A: good mklJI Sewer ln. Lot l>Ox200. Garage P'ul.I prtce le.MO, ~ ea.ah. George V. Fox BROKER 177 E . 11tb Bl, Coeta J.fe11a t..lberty 8-2611 -BY OWNl:R 2 OLDER HOMES, 1 two bed.rm. • den, one 1 bdrm. t um. on loo tL tron~6, both or wtU divide. 248 E. 18th St., Coit.a Meaa... Uberty 8-5122. l3c2~ SPACIOUS HOME and cum or lncoll.le •pt. I tll. b& th., st.a.l.l •hciwvL Bdwd. floon , a tu.rn&c· c., prb. dlirp. Only t yra.. old. Owner, 802 Jumtne, Corona del lola.r. 23p36b SOLD by Multiple Listing 1100 Orchld Ave., Corona de! Mar By LESTER JONES with PRlOX McCU18TION, ~a.ltor HILLTOP LOCATION FENCED JU'd, iarae pe.tJo. wall to wall . carp.~, 1p&rkllng whit• Cape Cod cottage. 1J you ha't'8 beotn "lbopp111f" JOU wtll kncrw t.hia i. an eaceptiona.I bu,y a t only 110.950. ~ clown. bll.la.ncc MO. moath. OP~ P'OR YOUR L'-:SPECTJOt-: ISJ 0 N nrport Bl'f'd. Jfewport l!etsMa. ~ LI 9-6093 23p26 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1n• Wb!tUef', Oolta MMA BJ Q. a JOM'la wttll W. A.. TOBLU, "-1tor l(lJ8T amu. at -.1 If ft. Zut· enl tnlm I.ft .xc-4bent ('()lldJtJon. 'Wltll OT' wtt.llout W'OOd f1Ut and com~ J!IYl'·OQCS ea ban&. Sl ~ CaU ~ MTll. Uc» SllE TRI.I rtft.ITI t bdrm. up- •tain dUplo.. Ull!lmi. Wall to v.·all cari>eL Sun rte-ck , Will dt· torai.. RMaociablt rent on IH. ~ W . Balbc>a Bh-d. Har. l 148·J. 22p24 CORO:-\ A DEL MAR., unt'urn. S bdrm., t btltll Mme. On leut su~ mo. <'11\11 ff1Ltbor 43ta I J3c.2~ We 8\1)' Trut DMdl NZWPORT BALBOA 8AVIM08 It LOAN ASSOCIA TJON nee via Udo. Ph. R.v. 4.200 "' loud. with Y1cw 01 My) 110,toO. tT1 Flower It.. c~ uc1o r .i. 12nd lot trwn 1Mo j ' llDltX. "°*· ""1!. tlt>Or9, ....,. · I01L .u,.., ~. 0191. 'uuc ,....., Liblrt7 ww. Helt I ~ARCH 9, 1955 -COAST A[ SHOPPER -PA6E 9 a BMl l'atue • • BAY SHORES • • (2) TWO (2) Open Houses s._t. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Ustings • Comer Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' CJ.v~ Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., ral8ed Wied brick fireplace, dlahwaaher, diapoal. Charmingly decorated. Cruabed rock lawn. Full pric9 $23.500, terma. AND • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. e Choice ll'arm Style Home 3 bdrms., 2 bat.ha, wall to wall carpeting. Separate dinin1 room. Two lovely patioe for ouUioor livi.t)c. Full price $29,500, term.a. For preview ahowinp, call Harbor 1600 - . fEvee. Liberty a.Mae) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach OPEN HOUSES -Sat., Sun. -1 to 5 LIDO BA YFRONT 103 Via Lldo SQud. (Crose over the brid&'e and turn Jett). BALBOA PENINSULA OUtstanding two-lltory home 1578 E. Ocean Blvd., 4 bdrm& SIIDRECl.,IWS SPECIAL 245 Evenin1 Canyon Road OPEN DAILY 1 • 5 p.m. NEWPORT BEACH HOME 206 Uat Sl (red~ to eell) See above Vogel Values-1 to 5 Sat. & Sun. The VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-3481 Builders, Attention! One acre acroaa from colt courwe. Can be divided into 5 Iota. Hu good livable 2 bdrm. bowie. ' Full Price $8960. "ART" ADAIR Realtor 1668 Newport Blvd .• eo.t.a Mesa Llberty 8.S792 $1500 DOWN 2 STORY DUPLEX, 2 bed.nm. each 11.de. Cloee in Newport Beach. Tot&! price W,000. Call u. for further detail&. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 6'l--Real Eeta&e -·------ BY OWNER Dli:SIR.ABLE I bedroom. bath 6: 11. CORONA HJGHLANDS tam· 111 home. Cozy Uffd b~k tin- place, ralaed hearth. <AotraJ heaL Charming birch panele<1 kltrhen, Disposal. CAl..l"Jlf'led. Lge. ya.rd, view. U8.li00 See a.ny· Ume, 804 8l0a'W1U"d Road. U p27 HOME -INCOME WeU bu.lit furn. 3 bdrm., e yno old home. Plue 2 one MOTi-'. ap111 on two R-2 lot& Top looatlon Corona del Mar. Property la c.J,.ar, wor\J\ $30,000. Sacntlce tor lmmedtau ule. S22.li00. For a.pp't e&ll VERJUNOER, Harbor •283, evea. Har. 31T7. 1ettc Leaving State 8 lr.\Tr COURT ln Coat.a MetL Excellt'nt lnoomf. Small t1awn Pll)7TICOt h&ndlu. ALSO OCEAN FRONT RESTAU· R.ANT In ?>:ewport Beu.h. Sta· 10n Just at&rt.Jnr. Good mon4!y maktr. CALL Liberty 8·11148, owner. U cJ•h OCEAN VntW modern 2 tu-dnn. home With e.xtre room and 1" baOi on double garagr. Asking $26.000. Low down payment or 1'o'1 II ta.k e Fl rat Trust D<'e<l In t.l)lde 2i l 2 Clift Orin ( &djaccnt V1LC&11l lot available) Ph owntt, LI 8·2532 23tfc OC;EA..'l VIEW HOJtrE, 270. Cliff Drive. Full price Sl 1 000, t~rma. No <'uh required. ~er. Lt 8-%~32. ~I~ P'OR SALE or ln.d•, new a Mnn. 2 bat.11. Double gara.g~ a tLA<h"tl. Pla.lter lnli~ A out I Will t.ra.doe tor older hOUM, cleu Iota, ur, boat. or W'h&t have you. I Located a.t 1 Tl E. Wllaon, Colt.a MM&. C..U LI 1-2932. 23p28 Drive by ~ Ma,noll& View Lot Corona del Mar OUT OF STATE owner wa.ntA bul otfrr to "cuh out" choice IU1t8 comH loL Clln build 2 bomu. each with <>«•n view. S~I!: STANLEY SMITH 2647 E. Cout HJ1thw11y, Coron• <1el Mu. Harbtlr 882. 2~<'2:'1 SOLD by Multiple Listing 201~2 Or<'hld, Santa Ana H~lgbU By C E . JONER with W, A. TOBIAS R.altor NEWPORT HEIOHTS-3 bedrm. home, l 'tO ti. Uta, n~u •1·hools. Kdwd. tl.oora It many nlr" (~a· turn. lmmedlat.e JlOMf!llllon -u:uoo RAll.J!Onllbly low d•;vm paymenl NE\VPORT HltlOHTS -J h!lrm. It de.n hom•. ~<·ti. locaUc>n. l Yf' old. Hu 2 1>ath11, l lrrplnre, Mlect Mk floor•. .Are&dlil alld· In& &lu• doora. larae 1unahU1y lrttc:hen, large clo11<•t.a. 100 ydi!. W to W eerpeUng. Jl9,:i()(J Can be F1l.A fll\JU:lcei1 Elton BArnrtt. Rultor. Ll 9-277Z , or ~v"" LI 1-71:18. 19c.'.12H OWNER 11Uln• mOll,.rn a bdrm , 2 blllh home at ll)p of Cor••n" Ml Mitr M"rt,-11~1' flllYllllf turn. ra.r •flt... &Uttt, ui.n w~h,.r, waablnr ma.chine. new .,.1ov~ re- t rlg .• tJr•p••ll A 01Jflr CC1Vl!rlng1t tnrludrd. Ma.ny built In~ lot~ of room for k id• Walking dlstan<'e to K hool. S2~.ooo. R•r ~-M. iarc: BY OWN'ltR -HERl!:'S A STEAL : 3 BEDR.M .. ~ bath home.1Ale ,th.11n 1 yr. oM. 2 car 1tare~e. Lov,.ly patio. C'>mpl,.trly l&11d11CafW!•l baclc yard t nCl()jlrd by l'"r~· 1t.ak41 fnice. Load• ot cmpboit.rd epact! f'trt plMlol, 1ub. CU.poM.l. ~•n. E11st 11<1.1 on lrv1ne Ave. US,T~ .. Vrm1 -LI 8-&4~7 21p23 Cost.& Mesa .BY OW:--7.R CutA 4k eosy home -2 bdrm . .t R·3 ZO:-IE. thr"" Mml·hlllidde all· pa.n~l"d den v.·10i flreplar e. well Jolnln1 iou. 7100 aq, tt. 1~60 8'l to wall carpet. Vfllr7 CllOM In. I ft. T4T5 eq, rL San B«rn&rrl1M 111.000. Phone Llbu1J° M282. 6 A\'QA. N.-poft lloeltM-11 ~ tAlrtr •na ~ 13c2a • ' I j \ .. } .1. ! I I ~- t I I ' I . ' • ' I I \ 1 ! 1. I r I i J l. 1 t • PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 9, 1955 82-Real r..tate BILL'S BEST BUYS 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Furnished or Unfurn. LIBERAL FINANCING. Thia 3 bdrm. home is a little gem, in an attractive neighborhood. Ideal for apprttlative people. Lot 60' x 115', living room 14' x 18' -bandy service porch -double garage - pluteN"d wall• -hardwood floors -fenced yard - sewer in It paid tor. $2600 down & pay only 4 ,...,, intereet on the balance of S8000. S73.85 monthly including taxes le insurance. THERE ARE NO GIMMlCKS in the price or the f inancing of thia adorable 3 bdrm. older home in Newport Heighta. It'• 1weet le lovely-aubstantially reduced for quick eale. $8500-$1000 down, $70 mo. END THAT SEARCH. Reduced for quick aale, you simply m\18t aee thia apic & apan home to appreci- a te the value offered. $8450 ($8750 lut week) with $9:SO down. OVER AN ACRE -2 bdrm. &: den -storage room - double garage -sewer In &: paid. $13,500. tenns. A-1 agriculture, 2 acres ................ ····-······· .. $6500 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa. LJ 8-1601 FULL PRICE $7800. 2 BDRM. & DEN. IT'S NICE. Eut aide Costa Mesa. Sewer• in. ONLY $2000 ON. BAL. $58.2!5 MO. Eve.. inform. Petitte LJ 8-5487 2 ONE BDRM. UNITS on beaut. 1,2 acre. Near Country· Club. Room for 6 more rentals. Inc. $110. mo. $3000 handles. FuU price $i 1,000 .. Eve. information LI 8-5487 TWO HOUSES ON LOVELY 1:: ACRE. Deluxe 2 bdrm. &-den home plus neat 2 bdrm. rental. Can rent both for $150. mo. Ideal location for children. $-l800 dn. & EZ terms. A pleasure to show. Eve. informat ion Lytle -LI 8-2542 BACK BAY ACREAGE. 4 acres rolling land. Beaut view. $20.000 with 1:: down. Eve. inform. Seymour, Har. 5298-W M-1 ACREAGE -. Buy it now at right price. acres at $5000 an acre. J :1 down. We have several excellent buya in 2 & 3 bdrm. homes ln close-ln area of Coat.a Mesa and 4 Salesmen anxi- ous to show them to you. Drop in our office. HOUSTON REAL TY 509 Center St .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-6911 ---- CORONA DEL MAR TO SETTLE EST A TE, Widow will sell nice 2 bdnn. , home, l ':: blocks from shopping center. Ha.a Iota of tile, beamed ceilings, furnace heat . beautiful flag- stone fireplace and garage is atreased for apt. over. A 5'; inaurance Co. loan with payments oC S53.39 per monlh. WiU sell furniahed, if desired. Only S!2,500. Exclual\ie Agent BEN J. WHITMAN & Associates "BUSINESS IS GOOD'' 3542 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1862 YOU ASKED FOR IT! New modern 3 bedrm. home .• large lot. good dentlal MCtion, Costa Mesa -only $10,900, $900 down. Balance euy. CALL LILA B. McFarren with Balboa Bay Properties -41 9 E. BaJboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517-M $25 PER MONTH real- wi tb THAT'S THE PAYMENT on thls cute l bedroot"ll home on lovely East 15th St. It hae 11tucco exterior, plutered walls, oak floors, patio and barbecue. Garage and fenced yard. Loan Co. says it.8 solid and that pens1onenJ can qualify .. TOT AL PRICE $5,500-$2,950. DOWN GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR lM E . 17lh SL, Coitta Mesa. LI 8-7i81, eves. 8-3186 GOOD INVESTMENT 20 ACRES Good Farm Land -Near Ocean $3000 -Acre Phil Sullivan & George Everson 1856 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ( Acrosa From Coata Mesa Bank) Phone Llbert.y 8-6761 Evea. Har, 4366-U 8-2103 OUTSTANDING BALBOA INCOME 9 deluxe, near ne" apartment• on beeutiful Balboa Penin•ula. Unfurnished income on yearly lea.sea onr $9500. Could be 11ubatantially increued by ta.k- ine summer rentalll. Only $76.000 -and out of town owner will take s~.000 down and carry bal· aace at 5%. Absolutely the bellt income buy m· the entire Harbor Area. . The Vogel Co. ,, W. CoutHwy., Npt. lkh. Lt .34 l E,·e LI 8-3580 SEVE N YT· old, I bdnn. w~ll ea.red for home w ith patlo and BBQ. Th"rmo eontroUed heal • work ahop on banjo atreet, cloae In. F'umlahed $89:'>0. Untumlahtd $81:'>0. Ttrm• being &IT&n&'ed. WANT TO BUILD? BEAUTIFUL lot 80x200 1urround- f't1 by real nice homea. Owner nreda $1,000 c11h down. Reduc· ed prict $2,7:>0. Term•. Aleo llOit180 lot ln Newport Height• for $2,9!50. Tuma can be ar· ranged. We al.o have oUlen for 11&1". You Can't Beat This Ft:RNtSHED dupll'X, prrsf'nl In· <'Ome $131). monthly. Llated price $9,1100 with small down and •&:1 r aym,.nt8. Owner mnvlnf Eaat. Submit ortf'r. A DINGBAT 2 BEDROOMS, J:l,000, on about '• acre. Sure. It nel'd• punt • a lot or good hard work to clean 1t up. First come ; flnil aervl'd. Newport Heights • RDRMS., 2 BATHS OPEN -1 to 4 :SO 41!5 Holly l.Ane !B1•lWf'f'n Tustin It lrvlnr ) F ull prlt'e $13.8:'>0. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOC IA TES RE ALTOR •·you'll like our friendly aervlce" 393 E. 17th St., Coata Mf'llll Ll bt'rty 8-1139 SOLD by Multiple Listing VBC:. ltol. blk. ~. tr. 618, Ba.Ibo& l?y JUDY HUNTER with J . M. MILLER, ~altor Someone's Gonna Be Sorry! CORO:-.TA DEL MAR-Thl11 lrlplu earns rnough LO J,t you relax ani.I go flshing-Cloee to ocean on Dahlia, 1:!7,MO. Beller r urch&U before aummer rrnt11la. Newport Heights 3 BEDROOMS, 2 bath. Own.,r bulll for own·home. MAny utru. Paneled In maple. Jncludu drap- u . built In oven and range. Over 1,400 .q. ft. 4 car &~· Mint be 11ttn to appr""e('la~! $1 ,000,000 View FROM SI00,000 HOME overlook · Ing ''Little Corona" bf'ach. Trop· lcal lant111caplng with Jap&nen mn11a lawn. 2 bednns . 2 balh.a, With !:Uc.IL room and bath. Thia la your dru.m house ror rellr• menl. $~.000 w1th terma. W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOCIATES · 3034 E .. t Cout l:tlghW•Y Corona del Mar Phone Harbor 24 t3 A Whale of a Home For the Money in Costa Meaa NEW, 4 bnrm11. 2 bathe. comer lol Thill horn•· F' H A. h111lt. EXlHlur "tur<'"· lntrrlor plnater. St.And· •rd rolort<I plumbing tlxturu. .Al lhe Ml.a l pn <'t 'lf J IO ~-Thl11 hnm t t IK\IN'I & :'><> J"'r aq. fl. of 1mprovt'men1a plu11 $2.200 for romtr Int -77'xJo~·. on wide p•ved atrerlll, curb11 And aewer4. R"•l Good Ttnn11 B~ro ! ~~CB~<I ~::~!!Y !'NI I J. Martin HMrhor 1211~-Ev,I).. U 8-17H SOLD by Multiple Listing M8 J n .. m1nr Ave , Cnrnn11 d!'I Mar Ay L&STER JOSES With PRIC"E McCtnSTION, R~ltnr BAYSHORES Ru1tlr 3 br . J blllh S23.l'IOO. <"'harming 2 br., fi(llt, Apt. 21.~00. BACK BAY 2 br d .. n, ''t acre. bnuty 22.MO. 2 ll<'r"• near echool W1lh rent.- Illa 14.000 BEACON BAY I br. phia 1 br. pr apt. IUlllO Claire Van Horn REALTOR 27!\1 w ('ou t Hwy. LI 8-4277 ' Back Bay Area $1700 down l BDRM. HOUSE. Hdwd, tlnora, 2 t'tlr prage. ftnpla<'e. t mmf'c1 j>OMUJL F ULL PRTC'E $1 1.~00. fhe Locator of Cali!. I. 84 Harbor BL, Co.ta Me6& l.Jberty 8-1661 23c25 ONLY $9500 lolt-al for •orkln&' or rellrl'd couple 2 bdrm. tunrtlona.I modem, MllY to malnlaln. $4~ down Be.J· IVIC:f' $..'\(\ mo. A IOCAtlon of di. tlncllon. Har. 987 °'" Ht4·W I ll.le Bay & Beach Re~lty -Realtors LUXURY AT LOW cosr BA YFRONT -PIER & SLIP Home Plua Income Let us ahow you the finest income property on the BA YFRONT. Nearly nf!W, modern, nicely furnished three unit.I. The price and tenruo will 1urprbe you. HOME FOR FREE On· Bay A venue. Live In one unit -let the income from the other make the payment.a. Only $6500 dn. LIDO BA YFRONT -PIER AND SLIP NOT A SACRIFICE! NOT A BARGAIN! IT'S A STEAL! Hein wa.nt action! Estate must be aetUed. 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Furnished price $49,~. All offen will be aubmJtted.. BALBOA -OCEAN FRONT A truly gra.cioua home with lot.a of airy room• and a heated, tropic-planted conservatory that ls really "out of this world." The price? Ask for detail•. BALBOA PENINSULA PRIVACY ia unjque on a 35-fl lot, but this 3 bdrm. l ~~ bath home bu plenty of it, and the price of $16,950 is RIGHT. Waterfront Jot -Corner. Pier privilege. Full price $8500. Room for large boat. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Calif. Harbor 1264 Eve. Harbor 1856 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of lid9 isle offer Freshly painted 2 bdnn., 1 bath nfoe smaller home, Barbeque in dining room, which e.djoine patio. $20,950, with only $1950 down. We have 4 new homea under construction at tbia time that are far enough along so that you can aee exactly what they will be, but you atill have time to pick your colora in walls, tile and formica and carpeting. Come in now and we will be happy to work out the details with you. Two have 3 bdrma. and 2 batba and two have 4 bdnns. and 8 batba. ' Beaut.i:ful 2 atory otfice bldg. going up next to our office. Space available. Come In for information. p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo harbor 1500 DID YOU KNOW 7 That at The VOGEL CO. Lido Office you will find the very best aelectlon of Bay Fronl properties! L1do'1 beat Bay Fronta priced from $42,500. Thia week we are featuring a 3 bdrm., 2 bath home priced for aale or trade at $58,000. Operation Face Lift Or ah all we say it waa ''Rejuvenated ?" Thia re- modeling job wa.a most effective. May we show you thia channing 2 bdrm., 2 bath older home fumiah- ed on a 45-ft. Jot on exclu.sive Lido !ale for $24,500. Terms if desired. Rugged Strength -Rustic Beauty Thats what you will find in this 3 bdrm., 1 ·1.& bath ranch type home. on Lido Jele. lt'a built tn wear weU -bring peace and bappinea to th~ proud owner for only $24.950. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 There's Value Here Owner drop• his price $2000. Thia moat attractive 2 bdrm. home on LitUe l.eland PLUS l bdrm. guest cottage. Sl 0.000 down and owner will carry ha.la.nee. ' Attractively tumiahed $23.000. BA YFRONT -,Pier Ir float -• bdrma. -S33, 7M. To build that dream home -we have an overalzed Jot -$15.000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 3oe Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Har. 503 • ne. 2306-R ON BALBOA ISLAND A SPACIOUS HOME Of superb design; you ·u love it becauee it iii 10 ver- satile, eo comfort.able It roomy. eo generoua with cloeet Ir wardrobe 1pace -At.o attractive apart- ment for gueeta or income. Excellent location, cloee to bay with ahore mooring included. Price SM,000. unna. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A.eociatM Park at Ma.rin.e, Balboa lalaod -Harbor 3462 . .. . Outstanding Vaiues "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "<:' THOMAS "C" THOMA.I •cUFF HAVEN-We haw jual ~led one or I.ti. rtnut homN on excluaJve K.inga Rd., a nlt'fl bedrma., 1,_ bathe, Wall to wall c•rpeUnJ, tort'ed air hf'&tlng •Y•tem and a S"•laxy ot fM!Urff. Thia home la only one yHr old ao today'• buyer wtll b(onetlt by the a ttucUve landacaplnc. patio aprinkler ay•tem, tlc. Be aure and -tbla home before you buy. Only SH,760 •llh low dn. paym~nt. •BEACON BAY -OUlalandlnJ I bdrm. plua very attractive rent· al apt. EncloHd patio. Nea r the private btach and ha.a a dock for amall boat. Can tit ha.ndlt'd t or $3,000 down. •BEACON BAY-Very attrullw 2 bedrm. plua cue.1t unit. Beam celling, mahogany panelins . Dbl. prage with electric pr. doora. PTlvate patio. We conalder th19 a rf'al barp.ln at '21.600. tull price. •UTTL}: 1SLAND-'1't,Y\and ~at Una bargain. Charrntnr'2 bf'drm. plua 1 bl'drm. rental or matda apt.. all rum1shtd. The front house hat a flreplar e.· and the property ts all tenced. Showa an lncre&&e or $3,300 yr. Juel prictd at $23.008 with low dn. pymt. •BALBOA ISI.kND-Suarntaa In- come rl1tht on Marine Ave. plua 2 bedm1. apartment wtlh fire- place and lovely paUo. 129.!500. Good terms. Open Hou~ Sunday 1·6 p.m. Call Ua for Addreu •NEWPORT KEJGHTS SUBDVN. 161)0 down for Ull11 new • bdrm., 1 ~ bath home. Ntw lawn and landscap1nf. Garage, d1-poaal, etc. Don't mlu aeelnr lhla one. The ruu price ta only 111,'60. $95. month. Walktni dlatance lo the Hlgh-Sch.ool. •BUILDING LOTS-We have just listed :2 nice level le1tlk'hold Iota In !l:ewport Helghta. 11.000 eoch. and we have the only R-2 lot lt fl on the ell!!, priced al $6,000. Frank James Linwood Vick REALTQ,RS C. B Ruiia, Wm. G. Schmidt, AMO<' 312 Manne Ave., Balboa llla nd Harbor 2<>i2 SOLD by Multiple Listing 1018 Oceun Front, Balboa By CLODB:N FAY wtlh BAY A: BEACH REALTY JUST MARRIED? A VERY. very cutr l bedrm. hoint bulll by • ))t'rftC'llonlal. Hdwt1. flooni, 3 yra, 1Jld Thia hou1e I• framf'd tor an a ddition with that futur' famlly ln mlnrl. Large lot. 2 car ~arllge w11h workshop. Fenced yard. Qultt d111lrlct. Only $7.89~. lt>rma. 14 level acres tor 11ubdlV18lon. Wttt 1ld!' No major probltm-. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1H2 Newport Blvd.. Coat& t.rua Pbone LI 8-1672 Evee. U S-~17 20c21 TRADE FOR HOME with pier and float and small income. Owner retiring from bu•i· KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME SWIMMING POOL Charming cu.atom built 2 bdrm. A: den home. - TERRIFIC VIEW of entire Harbor -•p&clou. ~ lng room with large picture windowa. 2 ft.r"Rlacee thermador kitchen -din. room -built around a ~ titul patio and wonderful SWIMMING POOL. $42,500 -Call for a ppointment to .. 1 ' CLIFF HAVEN NEW EXCLUSIVE LlSTING -Loftly I bdrm. home oa Kinp Place -16 x 2:5 tt.. l"IDDpU8 room with flttp~. barbequ•. attl'acUftly lan~pecl fenced yard, p.tio. xlnt. cond.. Owner truat.-r'lld. Only $16,500 Terms BAYSHORES Attractive modern 3 bdrm. A: den bOUM with Juwe llving room and dining room. RecenUy redecorat.4 Inside and out. W to W carpeting and drape. lno. A atone' a throw to private beach. A GOOD BUY AT $32,500. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-Mlf "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C" TBOKA.I Do you want the best buy in Newport Heights 1 ... HERE IT IS I OPEN HOUSE 1-5 P.M. 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIGHTS AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BUILT home with I bdrma., 2 batha, F. A. heat. Disbmuter, garb. d1a. posa.l, elec. fa.n. Touch latch ayatem on cupboard&. Mercury 1witcbe1. 4-car garages fitted with 220 Yolt wiring, Entirely aurrounded by concrete block wan.. Carpeta It drapes included. AU for $19.~. EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HA VEN See thia beautiful home on Cliff Drive 3 bedrm1., 2 bat.ha, Thermador ltitchen, diahwuber, garbage diapoaal. Many other excelJeot f•ture9. 1 Yl"· old. A real value at $23.~. COSTA MESA U you are looking for a good 3 bdrm. family home. we have It. Situated on Eut 19th St., Price $12,900 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor J4th le Irvine, Newport Beach Phone LI 8-2664 Evea. LI 8-7()158 BALBOA ISLAND VOGEL'S BEST BUYS So. Bay two unit.a, 2 bdrma. each, a REAL buJ at $37,500, $10.000 down. No . ..Bay front mOdern 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with view from every room. Completely furnlahed. Asking $45,750 a.nd ONLY $5000 down. Near new 4 bdrm. home and aputment completely furnished and ln excellent condJtlon. Full price $36,500, urma. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa bland Barbor U. CEvea. Harbor 1786-R} neu. --------- WILL TRADE unencumbered 9 unit 1tucoo motel with owner's quarters. AU fur. nished. In lip top 11bape on main highway in Culver Ci- ty. WeU located and Mtab- 11.ahed buaineu doing over $8000 with low expenae, Your income atarta at once. Let me know what you have. Owner ErnNt Zim- merman, 2907 South Coch- ran Ave., Loa Angelee 16. WHO LOVES A VIEW 1 Who Loves Fresh. Air 7 A MILLION LIGHTS GLISTEN Wee a diamor:id from thla bra.nd new redwood It 1hake roof home. 3 bedroom.A, 2 batht1, l 00.000 BTU funw:.e. The price? -$29,750 !!! DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings Nona Hyer · Chet St.Uabury 216 Marlne Ave •• Balboa laland Phone WH itney 5961. Cour---------------------- telly to brokers. l 7c30h • SOLD by Multiple Listing 202t Ocean Boull'vard., BalbOa By GLODEN P'A T with BAT A BliCll Rl!lALTT vmw 11 BA Tn\ONT-t· BEACON !SAT • • • HOM.E and INCO)(l)-Fumlabed • bdma., I b&lM. and 2 bttnn. apt.. Oarti.ge dlapoeala. dl•h· waahrr. a e&r ...,.age. PTlvate l>M.ch. Pier. noat. t~nnla court pr1¥11egH. Sun d•dc:s. pa tio. • • • COURTZST TO 8ROKICR8 Harbor 2687-W. 22c24 What a View ! ! ! From th1a ATTRACTIVE BAT A VII. HONE. UJ191.aira A <Sown. Colortul, artistlc ..ni-.,.r de· cor. INTER.IOl'l BAR·B-QUE. CHEF"S Dr;LIOBT. I u n 11 y bricked PaUo w1UI ~ry .nd 'IP\J\1'9. Owntt telll"-. tll w. e., ....... &J\1tlm.. J l c25la LIDO ISLE If you need a 4 bdrm .. 3 bath home with a larp liv. rm.. att~ctive k.itcben, family room, dlninc area, 11ervice porch and double garage, wall to wall cupet and drapes, we cao p<»ltively offer you a rare bargain. Buy appointment only, phone George L. Stewert with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bcb, Har. 5188 OT' 198! 0~!f ~ro~~ ~~·bd~?~?b~t, ~!-u~~R room, 11eparate dining room, large knotty plne den with built-in bar. lounge, 2 flreplace1, buement with 150.000 BTU furnace. Expenadvely carpeted wall to wall thru-out. Garbage di11poA&l and di8h- wuher. HOU.lie 5 yn. old. Large double ratage with laundry, radlo-eontrolled door. Lot M x U2'. Well lancUc:aped. One of the moat expen1ively built. home. on the front, located at 3312 Ocean Blvd. (formerly 610.) OWNER WU.L ACCEPT ANY REASQNA.BLE Oft'ER Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Ha.rbor M36 i . I : : I j I I ' ............. ............ _......_ ___ _ .ia~~·~-~z.ta~~t~e ___ _!a~·~-~~m..~~M:i_ ___ d a.a ......_ . -~v' a 8t111 MIMI BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor CUFF HAVEN THE GREAT ORANG~ COAST Balboa Income . MDIBER8 or MUL'l1PLE LDmNG 0 H . pen ouw 311 Manne Ave., Balboa Island Sat & Sun BUSINIJ38 ZONI: 1150 ft. downtowa a.ta Iii-.. Clear, trade for bualnea or rental property ' will usume aubmlt your trade. Proner+v! T UN1T il'~ buUdlaJ. Phone Barbor 1871 o~ 1872 • • Bm BURI: ud ... Ui-holWM I b.c!room OWDU"'• apt., I dbla. It I atn(lea. All fUr1UllMd. Cloee to Bay, bMt ~bit r.nt.al an&.. PotenU&l Income lll600 yMr. BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL BUILDING ~:_UnC:o:-m=:1 lD w. 8111' OWNER WANTS to aell Only R~ available on Klnp Rd. M yr. leuebold at Pi<> yr. 'Out.landing view lot. , 129.600, '10,000 dO'W11.. WW trade tquJly fOT lll'lall Ba.Ibo& bomt. 5 Suites -All Leased Much Better Than Average Income! LOCATION IS IMPORTANT! Where finer than thU. choice comer on Newport Blvd. one block from City Hall and two bloclu from Udo ahope! We OP'FER YOU thia quality con.tructed 2 atory, S year old building, approximately 3700 aq. ft. for only $42,500. Panel Parking Area. Terma may be arranged. Come in and let'• talk oft!' the DOLLAR PROFITS ON TIDS ~· BALBOA .ISLAND YOU'LL NEVER BELIEVE IT! Spacioua family home, 4 t19rma., 3Y2 bat.he, MJmpwi room, l"'. llv. room with frpl. A CH.ARMER near So. Bay. $25,600 BUT ACT PROMPI'LY ! Lido Isle Ia land Harbor 4781 Corona· del Mar Vogel Values RESIDENCE & INCOME Duplex located ju.at one bUc. to main beach in beat yearly & 1ummer 'rental area. Each unit hu 2 bdrma .. fireplace le W to W c&rpeta. Over 1900 aq. ft. on a 40-tt. lot. Thia la a real buy at $23,500 and owner aaya, ''Get m.e a reuonable ofter." Unita have rented for $120 each per month. Panoramic View Residence Ocean Blvd., bluff, 2 bdrm. home. Picture windOWI look out over main beacll. N~ Hbr. A Oat. llna. Extra loL Well bit., beamed cellinga. Pri-1 at only $27,0()(). Good terma. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., C.orona del Mar Har. 17'1·1'11 THE MOST FOR THE LEAST On Marguerii., 2 bdrm., plua den, all newly dee., with lovely patio and ovenized gar. Best of Lerma. Only $15.500. South or Highway, COM f inest St., 2 bdrm., bwd. tloor1, good carpeting, roomy kitchen, 4'5-ft. lot. nicely fenced. almoet a Yiew, too. $22,600 with good lel:'IU. DuplVtes ! We have 3 beauties, 1 on a comer, 1 near the Ocean and 1 with lot. and 1oU of room. .All Pr1ced Right. We can truly •Y "We're Loaded" with Good Buy11. Come in and make ua prove IL R. l. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Rwy., Corona del Mu Bt.r 2774 LIDO ISLE 100/o down On a fine 2 bedroom, 2 bath 1ingle atory corner Strada home. 2 yn. old. Priced at $25,000, which Include. Servel refrigerator, electric ranre. diDinf room furnJture, venetian blind.a and drapee. Drive In to our fz'M parltinc lot. Let'a lhow )'OU th• be.t of Lido. 1001 Cliff Drive NmARLY NJ:W I bdrm~ 2'"' bath "1lll Puorunlo Yi"" o6 Butior. Not leuebold. SB.TIO. Xlnt. t.enu. 600 Cliff Drive THia LAJtCm a bclna.. a b&tb boa• wttb lanai d1n.blJ room challenc-com~ at sn,t:IO 417 Snug Harbor DDIACULA ft 2 bdrm. bome built ...-d a laul'loUa patio, Wall to wall carpeta and comer nrepl&ee add to It. cJl&rm - SU.MO "1th n u . flnancln(. • • • Charm . Personified VERY SICLDOK an we fortunate eJIOUl'h to lltt a home wtth tuch appeal. U you an t1nd of look· Lnc a~ ordln&ry houaea then let u. ahow you Ult. J bdrm. and den, J bath rnu terpltc• ol arch· ltactural de.ten and COMtntc· 'uon In th• beet area of Newport Htl~ta. Stt.960. • • • INOOME UNITS -Perfect income record. ' furn. nU.bed 1 bdrm., garages between. Sewers, clear. Owner carries balance at ~ mo. Income $260 m.onth -$4500 down. $47M FULL PRICE. Trailer home wtth bath and cabana added. Beautiful '}.i acre on Elden Ave. Fumiahed, even includes power lawn mower. M·l Placentia nr 19th, 127'xl.03'x290. Buy at $'10 ft. R-4 Comer, 1 blk. to trana. & stores 70x130 $2MO t> acrea Back Bay at $3000 acre, good buy .... $15,000 C-1 on 18th Sl 2 bdrm. home, oUice • bua. $5000 dn HOLMWOOD DRIVE, best constructep a bdrm., 2 bath home, haa everything a newer llrt clua home ahould have. Carpeting, drapes, bullt·in breakfaat nook, etc. Harbor It Ocean unexcelled view. 2 etoree, 2 bdrm. apt. Income 14~ mo. F. P. $32.ooo Ran. 1tyle 3 bdrm., 2 bath, used brick, new $3000 dn. A Vista of Beauty ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES J'llOM l!!VEl\T WINDOW lilt. au· pe.rb Paaon.mtc Harbor VI"" INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS born• wtua • bdrru .. and den and 1~7 Newport Ave·, Coat& Meu 2 batM -a.ooo ... tt. Ru.ue Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-HOO Evea. Newport Duplex ! <fLOSll TO OCEAN FRONT. At· tractive property, Fumlahtd. 2 bedroom• up and t down. t ttn- plac.. $111,IW>O, J7.:IOO down. Peninsula Duplex! LOVELY I llloTJ wUh 3 bednna. up and two dowa. Well tuml&h· ed. m<>ft ot earpeunc and d,.p- .. aew. UT,000. Payment. ot Sll!O per moan. bldud• tnurwt. tu• and tn.wn.aoe. Peninsula Homes! TWO BEDl\0011 ll'nJ<XX> bclm1. But value on the "point." din· ette, flrepl&ce, double pnp 6 nice paUo -aJI f\lm!Med too. C&n be boufbt for •u.IOO and only $4,000 down. RDr8 THE OTH.llft Ot.rr- 8T~ NDINO VALUE ON TH1ll PENINSULA. 2 bedroom • den home wiOI lure walled p&llo. Rtttntly repainted and property In dandy condition. An 11xcf'p· tlonally well built propf't ty. su.ooo, Sa.1100 d<nm. SM Ulem botJL Balboa Realty Co. <Oppo.Ste S.nk of America) Mtmbera, Multiple lbtln( Ro» Gr~lf')' Ed l.Ae Ra.Dch ltouae ot taepUOft&l ~---_ lltp and conttrucUon on 2 l&rt• ----------------J&c:k Pinkham JONpblne Webb iOO E. Ba.Jboe. BJ-.cl., Ban oa Phone Harbor 1277. land8caped Iott wttb ..-for deluxe Yi-apt.e.-Pr1ced al Ml.600 wtUI lllnL tenn1. • • • A Horse, A Boy and b.11 doc. Ground 82'&2M' com· pletel)' fenced, 11prinklen. cornl. 1table, plus lbla year'a model &halce root Ranchy 2 bdrm. A den borne wtth all the trtnuntnra tnd , Ahop or playroom off pr. nuoo. • • • This Week's Leader OPPORTUNITT Uoc:k.e aplnl f 1,000 down wW mon J'OU lDto t. Ut1Uma of c'°mtortabl• 11'1111 , In Ult• nearly new I bdrm. adorable famUy bom• 1n excel· l•t 11etchborhood, cloae ln Eutr alda. Jl'lr.p~. parquet noon. bt-9 .. w.,y. Pao. •tUni nlue at StO.NO.I Bay & Beach Reatty l &M Jfwpon ........ OMt.a If.Ma Llbf;rt:J 1-1111. Sfta. LI 1-llll SOLD by Multiole Listing 336 Wa1nut l t , Co.wt.a M .. By C. Jn. J ONES with W. A. TOBI.AS, Rull« Yes sir- New & Clean BIOOEIJT B.AI.AOA ISLAND ftl. I.a comfortable llvlnl la well planned 2 bT. home. "1UI eom· J>Ml ely turnitbtd apt. ..,., dbl rar~. Loa.d9 ot wardrobe .-pace. Sunny paUo. Wall to waD carpet, turnac. beat and ftrepL u look!nr In th• m .ooo to 130.· 000 TUI'•· be wre to .. , thlJI home and lncome. Oont&c:t Bub Powu- J. A. BEEK, Realtor Harbor U IOI Park An. Balboa hland CLIFF HAVEN $18,200 You ean't beat this., you can't even match thia. Three Bedroom home. hardwood floors, huge rrv111, room with fireplace. Patio, huge G. I. Loan, com· plet.ely Janet.caped, room for 1wimmlng pool. $3500 down. Multiple Na. M05. CORON A DEL MAR $13,3.'>0 There aren't any left, everyone baa alret.dy t old you thla, BUT we have llated two 30 x 118 Lot.a on corner of Orchid Ii Seavlew, wben th~ a.re gone th .. ju.It ain't Do more. $12,250 Save your rent while you an bulldini· Ga.rare apart· ment with view. room to build on front or corner lot. Thia 1a another sood buy worth Jookln1 into. RAY REALTY CO. (ACROSS J'ltOX 'nD: BANK) 3'._. E . Cout Blvd·, Ooroaa del Kar H&.rbor 2288 VIEW HOME Newport Heights Area (not a leuehold) 3 Bedrooms -2 Baths $23,500. II' A VIEW ta what you are looking for don't fall to eee thia lovely home. It la one year old, lmmaca· late ln and out and with lt'a floor to celling win· dowa, leading to a veranda, the ocean view la via- lble from the minute you enttt the front door • Thia eztnmely livable home come. equipped with a prbqt di.lpoaal, dilhmuter, Thermador ruge, forced air beat and t>e.utitul 11nr draperies and wall to wall carpetln1. The owner ltatAil her view kitchen la a marvel ot etficiency &Ad her home with ll'a conaiderable view are.a l.t ideal for mtert.aining. Roy Greenleaf Jr. & Associates 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. ~2 LIDO ISLE Sl 950 ON. 2bdrm. home SOLD by Multiple Listine- 21>2·. OctlJl Av•·. C<>rona dtl Mar By LESTER JONF.S with PRICE )fcCUISTION, ReaJtor Holmwood Drive A Street of Beautiful Homes $21.960 buya an aoepUon&lly nJ~ large threoe bedroom, two batb home l•H th.an lhrM )'MN .id Ill the cholcut aecUon of the Relght1 THERE i. over 80 feet fron~• on Holmwood lnlur1°' mu.I· muna pr1ftey. 1bt KTOUad8 are profbldonally l•M~c•ped an4 Ole ~ar arw. "' c<>mpktel)' ftoc.d. nu: CRrnCAL BUTD wU1 ·~ preclate Ute top~ oell ,_.. tnir. Ole .,.,., M•l la forced air hutln& a.nd U.. {IJafroou. amount of fine ol&ltom cabtilet • ....._ -O'MU:R FE.A TURES are 1-.rp amount.a of 11.a.n lncludln& 1UdLng glUJt waJl on to th• love- ly peUO llled M lh•, ftnp~ and a ••rs• cheutul kltc!Mn With lovely .._ ol UM OCMB. There la aJIO ~ l&widry room and an unuaual dlnlnl room. THIS HOME ... ,~u tM top dollar value Lii UM Bartl« arM. HWera are ln and ~d fOT and l.he pro~rty l1 located lnatde the Newpor1 City Um.Ill. Tour ln.spffUon It tn't'itM. W. Stuart Foote, Rltr. 1117 W. B&l)oa IU'f'4.., Ottlc• Har. 24, R.Mldmce U .,.Mt() lkt4 SOLD l~~l ~~~f:~~li By JUD,. HUNTER With J . M. MlLLD. fte&Jtor Balboa Peninsula I BllDR.M. home with a.rs.. rwa- pu.e room, 2 f~lacu. ldllt. fam. Uy l\Ome. CIOM to bay 6 OCMIL Only "2.600. Excellent 8 Units 01" OCEAN rRONT. Corn• lot. \6 block from ba7. Bu ltM 18- com•~ Six 1 bedrm. apts. S 0 L D $20,950 balance like rent. PLt18 I Wra. ,......,_ on 't Iota. l!:ut Bay Aft. UnobatNci.d 91nr of baJ from ,_d4nc6. I 1&,000 dmm. • by Multiple Llating REMEMBER, you don't ba·:e to be a 31/4 acres fenced 1• N~~ ;:,~38!:-NB millionaire to live like one! m 0n~~::O~ PARK ACR.P:S. J. M.. MILLl1R. RMIW I c p p. a. pa mer, inc. oast rooerties ~RCH 9, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE II a.,., ...... a. .... ,.,...... BEAUTIFUL BA YFRONT Brand New for $75,000 Just Completed at 371 Udo (oud OONSIDER THl:Sll J'l:ATURES • 3 huge bedrooma • large den • cypreu paneling • 3 lovely batba • oolored fixtuna • dream ldtcllen .... ry luxury • thermador ranee and a.ai bullt.-ln • dlabwaaber • d1.8poAl • panoramic Tiew from muter bedroom • white atont fireplaee In muter • cloeetl galore • a view from .-very room • Bouquet Canyon atone fireplace • delightful colon throqhout • Mercury switch• e professional landecaplnc • complete carpetinr We aqgeat you make an early appointment to 1ee lhi1 Hawallan Modem ahow place. It will be open next Sunday the 13th from one to five !n the afternoon. \\'e can arrange an excellent 5 % loan to a qualified buywir We are the excluaive arenta LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor~ (ACROiS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE)' MAIN Off ICE VOGEL VALUES CHECK THIS BARGAIN : J. Three nice bed.room.a -bath A h. 2. Beautiful Living Room with Birch PanelJn1 6 Fireplace. 3. SIJdlng GI .... Doon to attractive egg crate paUo 4. Real nice kitchen -extra large ~rvtoe poreh ~. Here Ls the payoff! -Fully le nircly tumlahed for only $16,500 and 1n a Top, Newport Hetghta location! PRIZE BAYVIEW! Yee, a view from &lmoet every room. 4 loftly bed· room.1 Ir den. BautJ.tu.I large Uvtng rooqa with 1un deck. Three bat.ba.. U you are honestly loolrlng tor a quality vtew home lo the Harbor Ana., pteue take a look at Ulla beauty. Prlce ~,000. OUTSTANDING BALBOA PENINSUL.\ HOME I (reduced $8,500) The owner of thia moat deatrablt 4 bedroom home 11 moving to the Bayfront and hu reduced the price to below rcprodu.ctlon eo1t. Laree Uvinr room deco. rated to provide a bt&uUful b&cksround for Chineee modem fumJture, the kind of apedoua aunny kit.ch- m you've dreamed of wtth aeet.in1 f&clliti• for tl{hl people, paneled .tudy, large Hawaiian n.unpu. room with wet bar, luxuriou INDdeclt off muter bedroom with ocean view. W to W carpet1ns and cuatom draperiea indaded at $31,600. THE VOGEL CO. U01 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bcb. LI 1-MSl. E ... LI 8-lMO Shore Cliffs -Buyer's Attention! FIRST TIME On"ERED -'Thla quality ' bdn:n. home plua larp cl&, 2 firepla.oel, 3 bat.ha, carpet.. ed wall to wall Dome bM mapiflceot Tiew of ocean. c.anyon 6 bW. Being aold furn..iahed complete. Funlitun lncludte 2 telcm.aiona, 2 deep free.a, automatic wub• and dryer a.nd eomplele boueehold tu.rolture. Thi.I ta an AMAZING OFFER f On« leaving area and wiabee to aelJ quickly. SbOWD by appointment only. Thi9 lhould aell rut! Full prtce $46,000 f\amt.lted. ( OWT>er wt1l oouider lllUng un.f'anliehecl.) PRICE T. McCUISTION MUL'nPLE LISTING REALTOR 14411:. Cout Hwy., Corona ~ Mar Harbor •7 (Office loca~ aat door to Corona del Mar Ba.nk) SCOTCHMANS' SPECIAL $2500 dn. Nfl'Ytr eo mueh for ao little. A word t.o the wise la au!ndeot. Better burry ! 2 bdrm., Mott. lot, So. pat.So. finplace Ir bubeque. Reduoed to $20,960. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach liarbor •718 2lc23 $1,850 down 1 b 1 t eo1 n Balboa a/'14., 11&1t.. o e anson co.. sa es managemen Pbcln• H•rwr ''°° •tt• . 00 HURRY while the owner la weak A w1Dlnr. 3().ft. lot OD a good 8tteeL $8100. WALKING 11 Jun the 1pot for you, 2 blocks to the Udo Shop- ping ceot.r and 1 block to both bua Uoa 2 bdnna. &11d a den, comp. furn., juat Sl.2,960 ud $3000 dn. ALSO SEE ~E a old unit. oet.r pier. $7500, $1500 down. 6 J bdrma., 1,,.. bath. $8500, $3000 down. ,. 1,,.. bd. rma. seuoo. ~ dOwn. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 13()'1 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 2313 I BllDROOM borne. near a.le cent., Gftly '7.IM>. $1500 down I Bl:DROOM bou.ae ...,. Oolall sa.eoo tlll1 pc1• Bayfront Home BALBOA Iau.ND, t BEDROOMS ptu • no&L lome tbdnr w111 make mone1 on reala. '33.'7~. pod )Gan aft&labla. N. 8. C. REAL TY Und It Nft'porl 8hd., Np&. ~ .......... 1 ... ~ BY OWNER Corona JU~ -I bctnD.. I MUI fVW\--. r11.A ~t· ment. n. aanc. TW. ttt.t.e 1700 w. cout h ighway -liberty 8-5573 Int.ereeted in a LovelJ Home ~--~~-----~--~~~~~----In Garden Gnn"e! · Newport Beach HOME & INCOME 3 unJta. new duplu and ~room houe OD 2 Iota. Chol~ rental dJalrict. Ju.t 100 feet from oceM. I uruta are furnished and rented on yearly bula. Own- er'• home available now. Three garage. on alley. Preeent income cu be sut.tant.ially ~ $5,000 will b&11dle. J'OR INSPJICrlON CALL B.AJtB01t 101.I EARL W. STANLEY REALToR 1113 Newport Blvd.. Newport a.ch. Har. 101J Heated Pool ' BEDROOMS. 2 MU\a, Ip acU· .tty room, paUo. w to W ca.rpet. I.Mp lot land.Maped • i.-4. Pl.~. Mra. Loretam. LI a.. 1878, or lAl(b t-1311. ntt BALBOA-Att.nc. m od. bom1. A· l oond. 4•· llv. rm. Oeean viiow t.bru plcL wtndowa. I bedrma.., dbl•. pr Nr. achoow, bM.dlea.. ThlJI proiwrt1 bu rood lncome ~tJ. N-ne. ownar. Com• ~ im w. Ba.J~ aTd. 11pt411 BA.UIOA. I bdrm. '°'*' WM noora. nrwpi.o.. P'· rood Joea.. tl()n. CIOINl In. WU! tnde. °"1M!r GU W. Balboa BlYd. JlpU BAY & BEACH REALTY VIA LIDO BRIDGE OFP'ICE "Just to the rtrht or the Lido Br1dge" 1112 Lafayett~. Newport Bch. Har. 3643 (eves H. 2990)' CORONA DEL MAR Channing fu.mJahed cottage oa ~2 lot offe,rcd f W"ll· tahtd tor $9'500. J u.st $2000 down. Duplex -2 bdrm. apt. and l bdrm. apt. jult two blb. from tht OCMD 6 good ba~ be&cb. $13,000 FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY R-.ltorw Bt11lneM Brok• 31M E. C.out Bwy • CoroA& deJ Mar .Harbor 1l6a • l J ; ' 12.~ & 1 e e M A I I I f WITH SALLIE llareh 10, 1965 Newport &Meh. Oallf. Oh, to be a ldd apba. to feel pleuure la mt.le tblllp, to face the world wttboat worry, trials and trtbaJa.. 1 Uou! You cu ... ust I Su.aday do 8011Mltblal tpe· dal for a ~up of una11 I <l!INI~ mlld.reD ! Somethla~ very j 'l'VU[~ 8pedal I For a few bOU1'11 7oa'O feel youq acalD 7oanelf u you wa&ela their delight aad ex.blleratloa. ~~ Free Tinkertown, here, next "' Sunday, to atart. off our ~ -~ enth Birthday party. We've been giving out tkketa all ,. week and will continue to do i 90 until Tinkertown cloeea late Sunday a.ftemoon. U you don't have any 11mall fry of your own, why not load up your car with children who I have nev~r had a ride on a I Rocket Ship, a Ferri.ti Wheel, a Toy Auto or a Train .• ·J ~­'nlat tn.in ! I highly recom-~ mend It u part of any cbild'a education ... Rode on It my-; ;;iii wlf the la.st time it wu here! 1 '()! What fun to weave ln and out I ~&'51 the traffic u It g~ around I' the ,block. Doa't forget to oome ill· tide aad have tome cooldeA & eotfee .. the froat lobb~· I whOe the lddA aft! . bavln~ thftr fUD • • . I'll be there malda~ with tbe ...... .U.tt- lq . . . 110 will AdeWde Porter ..• You'U be able to lpOt aa la the Boet.e. Oor· Mt • . • Every day ot oar &nm Day, 8eveatb Birth· day Sale aD .at week. we'U llfln'fl llOllWUaia~ dlff--t ... w....,.,.._, • ...,.tq a mat wy ••••If .... . . . If we ma f1IMI e1MM11h .... i~wem1Pt 1 ~ve UM ratt.INaalre meat a i ~ay la w eb a great fam-I Oy day to abop . . . Bring !•·, ther along . . . Jl'ather. we ve • a new cbeeee to add to your; eollectlon . . . Sliced Italian Provolone •.. There la a1ao a terrific buy on a hamburger I prw In the Mezanine Shoppe ... Harry'• Tuberoa9 Bep- ... In Utf' Oft!Hltoa.e 9hoald rate • look . • . Ill Thetr lllae broupt ncla-I _...._ lut,...... ... Tboee wile It.ave Mf'ft thl9 year's ' arop ltave Mid they woakl I 110t IW'llr\'fl U...y eoeld be tJaat Jarie If Utf'y hada"t I .... t.hfolll with tbelr OWll .,. • . • AD Hybrids, ... I I tlMJi' YIM or tne typea ••• lb nrtetlN to cbooee from . . . n.-e are the elllDella type . .. The abtlt .. the ~ white wttJa a I ,. dark ,.,. natfled edge . . . ~ Tabffoaa ....... •hoald ~ be pluted llOW ror hMlth-I ler, alerr plaata. Thia Sunday you can pur-ea chue all bedding plant. at lOe a do:sen off the regular price ... Ala<> 21;,4 cubic feet ~NJl'il weed·ftte Steer Manure tor 59c ... Thia month 11 a.llJo your tut chance to put ln bare root roeee and camelliaa . . Harry' a a.re the fineat ! .. • G R E e· N H 0 U S E All Bedding Plants 1 Oc Dosen off • Lut chance offer -a& thl9 lpeclal low price. "7'w!Mkr oltd. RNUJI '"" of rlavor'" U.S. Cholee ROUND or SWl88 STEAK •..ti-JI• 7' .. tv ""'~ ,. .... ~ Vegetoblu"' u. 8. Ohoiee BEEF STEW .. ,,,_ t~ ....., of oont" ....................... BACON ~1 JACK CHEESE -- LiiaHOIN ----·-·---.. --.. •· 4fc aran·· 4ae CHEEZ WHIZ ... _ ... _ .... _. __ ;.... .. ~ 1- lmporW ,._ c...-4ae KIPPERS ... -.. ---·-... -......... ·---·-... •b. 1- Hi°RiiNG SNACKS .. ----·~ 4fc /raz11n /ootL FiSH STICKS ·-·--.!: 3fc GiAPE JUICE_! 2 t or 33c OvSiERs -·--·· .~ 45c IMrdlM'ye Ml&ecl • VEGET AILES .... __ _!! 2 for 2fc IUdaanf'• <>wa -Auorte11 .,. .. ,. 2 45c ICE CREAM ____ ... ,.. .. /re6~ grown gneM GRA;EFiqUii~-·-4•or lfc CiaUi£ ____ Jc lb. 79~ •· 59c • OOASTAL SBOPPDl -MAR. 9, IW Join Richard's Sunday & all next week for Birthday Bargains. Fun. Entertainment and Free Prizes. Visit Sheriff John & Win an all expense paid weekend vacation Contest, Prizes and Free Eats everyday. Free Tlnkertown Rides Su.day -FrH Cotton Candy, Monday and Tuesday -Free Popcorn THSday and Wednesday -Free Orchids and TV Show, Tllunday and Friday -Sheriff John and Free MatinH Show Saturday Lido Theater, March 19th. Come to tile Party ! Join In the fu11 ! PERFF.<'T HOST • Qaallty Wholfo Bean c·o FF EE Richard's G~a Carton. AA Freeh LARGE EGGS lb. JJc 55c doz. • suaii~.,~ b.1oc lllNloa laa Y, Uapeeled 2 4nc: APRICOTS .---····-·~:.· for 7- TrJ U. -4,,-.,_"" I 3 23c ALL JELLO .. ----.... CANNED MILK ... .1~ 2ror nc Sil.AD DRESSING~ 3fc a.z.o ... .....,.. 43 SALMON .. --~ .. :. c Han.. -N-~ 35c OYSTER STEW -·----·-- TH UIUU>A 1' FUDGE LOAF CAKE -• 46c D°iNNER ROU.S ........ __ 6 ,. 14c FIUDA1' rl"Mlll ....... s'k GOOSEBERRY PIE .. _. _ _. 1.- !Wd or Plabl '>'Jc RYE BREAD ----...... £~.- l'JATUllDAY iiEAKFAST ROU.S 6for 21c T_...~ 97c LA YER CAKE --~·-·-.. ..-turw T·fllc* t.-1a1rr tl!j1 tu" -national Branth ' Sciott r~, 2 33c TOWELS ................. -.... ~i '°' , • ., u...w -1-o&. bot~ ne 67c DETERGENT . . ....... _ .. :c~ CiiilE iJICARNE _ 25c !Btc 1'1N&JM N"'° INSTANT COFFEE ..... ,_ -3 100 GRAPE JELLY -.!:. ,..,, Thoa~b ov bhthday ..,.,_ ctaM wm 1tOt come own ta thf! paper aatil Bat lloa- day, yoa wUI ft8d ti.ta at an CbeckatHda Tbhi 81111· day. Wa&ch for the etsht· 1 pap _,... M!Otioa • • • I °'Birthday ~-to Brtag you • Bled Loe.cl of I Faa" wbeNla U.. l"e8t of the n Udo 8l9ope Jobi la to eelebrate Udo Toylud'• eecoM blrtMa7 Pd .,. 11. a. N., 1 • ...... ·A.I ....,_. POTATOES 5 ~. 29c ~ o..llt.c ')Ge MINUTE llCE ··--· -~~ . .i1- A-rtc:mm ._..y El'°" 37c MACARONI .. --·-........... ::. ..-tll ... You11 find the unuwal here ha our block of Udo Shop.. · located at the entrance to I Lido I.ale. N"'port Beach, CaU!ornla. SPECIAL8 FOK JIA& 10, 11 Md 11. 1165 ' &lee tu colleded oe ....... Mem1 •