HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-03-23 - Newport Harbor News Press• MESA COUPLE DIES 1 IN Supreme Court RICHFIELD SEEKS MESA PLANE CRASH SUNDAY · ~!~ .. ~~! OIL DRILLING PERMIT Cruh o!,a light plane 6 miles aouth o! Riveraide at 7:p ~~':i~t;::~:;e~:: First break in the anticipated big Richfield OU Corp. Sunday caused death of a Costa Mesa couple. Killed were ed di.trlct liquor control aupervl•· play here wu revealed on Monday by a company official. Stan?ey I. Healy, 43, and his wife Dorothy, 39, of 119Y2 San-or H . E. MacKt.JUle hu lost hl11 The firm March 17 filed a' variance permit application with appeal tor a hearing befo~ the I 1 i · i f rill · F I · ta Iaabel Ave., Costa Meaa. state Supreme Court. the county p ann ng com.nuaa on or a d site on a rvtew Members of the Aero Cratz Flying Club of Long Beach, Kneeland ll&ld he wu 90 In· State hospital grounds. The rig site will be juat 16 feet north tJw He&lya ttnted a Taylorcrdt The couplt.• had no chJldren. Sur· formed by th• clerk of the bJl'h ot Oollta Mea city llmlta lying' exten~ from Harbor 8'¥d. on the pa&nt and took oft from the EMt vlvora Include Mrs. Healy'• par· tribunal. 'north of Wallon St. eut to the Santa Ana River on Lon&' Bnch Airport at 7 • m. They llfacKenrt~ la elated to Co on A drill llile of 130 x 300 feet la were bound for ralm Ot>S<'rt Air· f'nlJ!. l\fr. and Mn. Aaron Van tn aJ here late thla month with I ••k•d. jue• 3300 f••t w••t of H··· the wuL Wormer of 1720 Orchard Drive: ,-' • n """ -The company eetlm&ttt tt t\u port. • two 11l11tt'r11, Mre. George B. Cood· ~orge Avaa, Sa.nta Ana bar own· bor Blvd. and about 1200 feet rrom p&ld between 17~.000 and Stoo,. Realdenta of Riverside County er and Mickey Jones, Ojai book· la vicinity or the craM reported nle uf Downey and Mrs. Mt'rlen keeper on chargt•11 of conspiring ! the new elenMntary tchool to be 000 for the leaae ri(hta and In ae- P . Col.<ion. 1720 Orch&rd Drive. C M U 1 curin( them. hearlnf a light plane ovtrhcad at c M llf H 1 , f th lo l.ll.ke premium prlcea for liquor • built by the oat& e11& n on T:20 a.m. <>11ta N•a: r. "8 Y 8 " e; llc11nse11 fmm Ro1111 Cray a.nd Jack ' School Dlatrict at the aouthwea· DRIU.ING DltPTH H d th k t Robert Hellly, grandmother Mr · Kenned". The latt~r 111 a Costit terly corner ot Wl1-on and Pia· Preaent plana caJJ tor the pro. untera foun e WTec age a F rank Buck four brother11 Law· ' 1 ·30 L Q'l at the weAtem up of l · Mua care operator. Gray owTis rentla Ave. po&ed well to be drllle4 to a depth ~ke r.t.hhew11• The plant' hiy only rl'nt·e. Myron. Normsn a~tl Bobby. tht> Capistrano Hotel. Coples of the apAllcatlon were of 8000 feet and to be whlpeteck· a few hundred yard11 wut of the and a lll•ter Bt'tty, all or · Urhi.:l'ln J\tacKe>ntle, nt.ml'd In an Onini:t 11~nt Coata Meu City Council and ~ from the drill alh1 to a polnt Jake below 18~l·lt. Arlington Masonic funeral 11ervlc!'s 8 rt' County Grand Jury true bUJ. also pla.nnJng commU&lon. The latter underlying' the P'aJrvi-State sc-ht>dUll'd for chapel of Parkea· hu be~n tw1ce In dicted In River· body will .ak the county plannera ROllpltal which la now under con- Rltlley Mortuary In Co11la Me . ..a 11.t aide County on conaplracy count.. to hold up co~lderatlon ,on the ap-atnactlon. Say It Wit.h 7:30 pm. tonight. SeafannJ.t Mu· I plication until their Mee& count· Future operallollJI, lncludlnc a nnlc Lodge of Co11t 11 Mesa conduct· S T II erpart can atudy the propoeal next rannJnr out ot the whlpatock Op· eel serv(l't'll. AS11lstf'd bv the Hr v. ~UrCJffft tO • Monday. lllc-hartl S1>m ot Sl'vent.h D11y Ad· Bor" R h N • WltDD:& RJ:POBT er4ltlon In other dlrectlona, will be Hutbor Girt to ...... Some Harbor (trl will, before April 1, bt Hlec:ted by <>nm&'• Coul chapter ot DeMolay and will relp wtUl 9irla named by five olhu chapl~ra at the eecond annual Orange County DeMolay Sweetheart.a Ball. to be held Sat- urday, April 23 at Or&ng'e Cowity Farm Bureau KaJI, Orang'e. The RJffa from Orance Cout will play for the dance, which la pattemed after the Eaalnn J . C . Conference dan'ce held here re• cently at the RendezvoUJI. The dance la belnr aponaored by the Orang'e County O.Molay CoUJlcllora Club and by chapter• at S&nt& Ana, Orang'e, Fullerton. Garden Grove, Hu11tlrlg'ton Beach and C<Nlta Meea, each of which will elect by popular vote Ila own "8weelhea.rt." Jim Wheeler, put muter coun· cllor, Santa Ana. la 1eneraJ chair- man, aJd~ by Muter CoUJ1cllora BIU Rlnr. Barry Wataon, Lee Smith, LHler Davia, Re((te AtUx and Fl'ed Soreabal. Huntlng'ton Beach chapter la In char&'• of publicity, Garden Grove of refreahmenu, Or~e of deco· raUona and Santa Ana will provide the queena' flowera. Clrculatlon 21,000 Dbta .. tal la Newport llMcll. Balboa. ..._ blMd. <Jore.a del ...... COllla ...... Lacua. South 1-- -RaU.gtoa Beeell. ll&rbor 1118 We Clean STIOOCK & CASHMERE COATS by hand! l'.er -* w1l.I M M -...una1 .. e•er, aft« .., ~····· -~ u.elr hand·work : We Plek11p and Delhw Uptown Cleaners 1928 Weet Balboa Blvd -Newport·BeMla We aped&UMI ta CIMa1q ... lleM l'neahlc .ti...... and 0-t,_,_.. n-__.... ..,.,.. High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 161' .... "'' '9 WI•• Vl'DtlSl Church. ys anc .. ,,.. 6ependent upon the flndlnra,made R llJ Id M h A •·ti r 1 tor ~~an~~w~u~~~~~tobedn~un~~r~===================================~ em•1na w be ah ppe to 1c • prl'l'en ... on o Pans city comm.Wion and a county flr#t pe~lt. According' to the oil lga.n Thuri*lay !Qr lnterrnt'nl, Oran~e County Boye Ranch, rr· plannJnr commlNloner. aald Ulla compa ny olflcJala any point In the Parjy ~ataJ ltem11 ••01 E . COl,.t !fl/, ('orti1111 drl lltlar Harbor 5071 Rr1mlte rome from conatant pr11rtlc'' An ad regularly In thl• papl'r will produce re1Jult1 tor you. rt f:t44i'!l 5fA:~E~i:AY PllOM THE HllAllT OI" ALL AMDICA ~ lilt fUll · 11111•·.._•·11119 PUI · Piii CAil _..,. ___ . __ ..._ .... _._., .... ____ .._ ----·-•JOtlN FOIO ·•--<'•nt. ~un. frMD 1:30 t ;\'fl P'bmu t'lar1 7 p. m. habllilaUon projl"ct for juvenlll'11, " would e.llow the county planntra area leued could be explored will be made at Thuraday'a meet· ..... 1 to dl8CUM the application March f'rom the one d, ... aite. t will be Ing or Newport H<lrbor Klwanla h t t 30. A public hean nr would fol· neceaaary, owever, o &'C a per· Club by William Spurgeon ill. I f c He w111 dJacuae the need for the low, he lndlcatN. m t rom a.ta Meaa ctty offl· ra.nch which tll located in Mod· Richfield .rpokeemen told the clala to drilJ under the city llmlta Newa·Pru9 today that they have of Co.ta MeM. Jeak& C&nyon. The luncheon aH• ('Ornpleted a Je&alng' pl"O(T&m Of ------------ alon, open to t.he public, la aet for ~00 parcel.a ot property totalln• B 1 N VIiia Marln.t. at noon, 1:>00 acrta. Tbo a.rea under ltue I urg ar ets begin• ~ mile aouth ot A.dama SL and reacbea to lttb 8t. In Coat& FR I. .V.'1> 8A T. ...... ~, "LATU~ LOVE&a" V u 1oaa- "MES OF Tlll'J nowraso u.or Adulta 6t _._ 0 RT t'7 / ,,,. /1. ~ ... · .. t •• • ' ... , ... , ,4 • ol JrOW lllllOWDfO MGM "HIT THE DECK" ~~,. and Color Jane Powell Tony Martin Debbie Reynolds Mee& on the far aouUL The ~ea $100 in Three RE-UVE your chilclhoocl cl reams Let them come alive on a Down Cruise The Mississippi on the "DELTA QUEEN" FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION A.ND RESER YA TI.ONS SEE Daylight T rys Co.t.& Meea police war• 1u11 1 aearchlnr for a d&nnr dayllcht houae bur&lar who bit thrte rul· denc~ 'nlW!ldAy morning' for a p· proxlmately $100. In each cue. I hoiae wtvM were temporarily &.b· aent from home. OMadane L. 8t. Oalr ol l'ft Oak SL .Wt.td tnena Upon Ill.-,.._ llll1l at .,._.,; 0 neteq 10-:10 Lin. 'tbur.d&J', ab• found St mtlllln•· Mra. Carol Nutt« or '°' Dos· wood It.. nm~ acroae the lltnet. I At approldm&ltly JO:JO Lm. &tie Niported a SIO bill WM taken from her home. Rolle .L. Zoclda of 2000 MonroYl.a Ave. went ahoppl.nr Oone upon I return to her houae wu H O In four Cr11Jp n-'20 bllla. I• Attack CCIM CoetiHed to May 2 To Make Every Room More Beautiful, More Uvable ... Easier to Care for I ------------------Walter Pidgeon LA.ST TIME Corona del Mar Travel Service SANTA ANA (0CN81 -Trial I of Ro~rt O. Rule, 21. aoldltr aon l ot a prominent Newport Beach merchant, char•ed w1UI lhrH at· tack counta 1'r1day wu continued from MGndlly to May 2. SATURDAI' Vic Damone An ..,__ et r.,...... Tra•el aad ,_rt-·- Walt m-r e a,_, Muif'rpleN' "'t(l,OOO U : Cal 'ES l·~ot,f( T HI: !SEA• l'IT \RT'-1'1\;o.;. •-nit U 'P.: "EP.:K BIGGEST OF ALL , : M·G·M MUSICALS ··-1'? ~ r IN COLOR ANO ·~ ·=t I : I d .\ f. f i J ·] :J :t ' . ·w • 000 ~ Th(' Lovf' ~lor-y of 1he " ' • .... Beauty and th(' Barbarian ! ! Cla.\h of Armae~! : 0 -ESTHER Underwater spcctaclt ! _ Never befo re ~uc h -!otf?hlS 10 ~ ! WILLIAMS HOWARD KEEL MARGE ind GO WER CHAMPION GEORGE SANDERS I RICHARD HAYDN *- WILLIAM DEMAREST *" . ~ ~ "'"" oti• 1,.1anc1 .. f'A!CT "~" n ·1uo1 ·s• Ki. L• ~·-':'5 ~ ADE'l.8 nox JUar 0 0 0 ~-0 ;> .. • Ann Miller -11•- "THE GOLDEN MISTRESS" Mutual Theatre Tlc.kete NO SERVICE CRAROE 35421 E. Coast Hwy. Oppo9tte C D.M. Poet Office ..... Harbor 1246 Atty. Oeorg'e Chula uked fQr tllf' continuance ~caiae he la enpra<J In &notber trial. Dlst. Atty Robert Kneel.-id ar~ed to the eonllnu· u1ce date aet by Super1lor CoYrt Judg!' John 8heL R ule. tree on bail. plead~ Inno- cent to cl\ar~ be fonied hl11 at· tf'ntloiu on a 15-year-old Anaht1m l{trl ~-31. Month Eitd Clearance! on a new -SIMMONS • -ENGLANDER -SERTA TRADE-IN For Your Old SprlnCJ and Matheu -No matter HOW old. '!!f~A!~~?..~ .. ~~ 4995 Al Fint 9-'lty . Unc0ttditiollally GaarantHd, Natlonalty FaMHI Ira•• . NltlPORT FURNITURE CO. We've every color and pattern you'll want ... In our decorator·--.nbled 1tocka. Pattern1 and weavea for EVERY room in finest all wooi., Vlec.oet and cotton.a. The nation"• moat tamo11.1 M1lla' effort.a to brin1 you 1uUq beauty and long wear. You'll be 1urpr~ at how little it co.ta to -.Jo7 the very be9t ! OUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT it equJpped to do the finest job of cleaning of your Rug , Carpets end Upholstered Furniture Wall·lo-Wall Carpet Cleaned in your Home CALL US TODAY All Wool HOOKED WILTON ChooM lhJa lovely C&rJ>l'I tnr tor •m•rt aophlattntf'd lnte r1on _ An u cepllonal value at only $9!~ Complete line FLOOR COVERINGS i : Carpets Linoleum ·,': Aephall Tile -tr Rubber T\le * Cork Fonniu CARPET WORKS --. ...... .... _ .... -·-. 2 nn Dl:Lll"DI' &AH n;axs 1622 sa MAIN SANTA ANA Kl 3·1615. Kl 2·3178 •2•'•2•o•w•" .. t•C•ocn .. t•H•ltll_.•.•.YiiilliiiiiimNeiiiiw•~•·~iiii••••••"_. ...... ulllliii1-iii11•1•J .. tt:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t::::::!J I . PAGE 2 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 23, ·1995 250 County Scouts in Joint Camporee it Buffalo R-nch A. tot.al ·or 2&0 boy• and· so adult. I rel.her for dtlnoaltntion-. ooaape· part.lclpaUd ln a Boy Scout DI•· Uon and tuA. "Jud,US1. MM °" tr1ct C&mporee held Saturday and c&mp eet·up, cooperaUon ot tht Sunday at Nt'wport Harbor But· Scouta and abUJty to UH what'• faJo Ranch. Parttctpattnr were 10 at hand." Walton M.111, "will halp troope. one Webf>loa den and one them enjoy ca.mp• In tuture out· poat from the Harbor and South lnp ." Cout dl•tr1cta extending from li:.&cb boy rec•IV~ • patch por· Newport Beach to Se.n Clemente. traylng a buffalo !or attf'ndlnr thf' ''Thi• Is the first time the two camporee. d11trlcts have h.eld a joint campo-[ Hlgheal raUnr at tht camp went ree." reported Doug Walton, fltld to Troop 8 of Coat& Mua.. Pro· execuUve tor the Orance ll:mp!r• I tldent ratings of th• Judcea' went Council. Walton aerved u advlaor to Troop 5, Newport Beach; 83, tor the campore-e with Max Pope, Costa Me• a : 182, N • w port eha.lrman; Lout8 Cock. who plan· Height•: 80, C08ta Mea, and 12. ned and lined up the pro(Jq'I. and San Juan Caplatr9.J\o. A.rt Remley, d!Alrll't comm!Nloner In charge or judges. C'A.)U'YIRE TIME Hlghhght ot lhe comporee wu th• Saturday night campfire, con• a l•llng ot skll3, community 111.ng· Merle Coe Suffers Crushed Left Hqnc' tnf. 11lor1u am! caU oul ceremon· Costa Mua Police Officer Merle 1"8 ot the Order of Arrow. 8atur. N. C~ wu treated In Hoar Hos day tventa coMl•ted of luhlnr. pltaJ laat week for a cruahed leCI u se of compasa and wig·war air· hand. The accident olcurred V,:ed nap Ing. 'neaday afternoon while Cot Will '.hw comporee, Walton ea.Id, I working In Reran Broa. •heel glvl'11 Srnut11 a chance to get to· met&! shop at 178' Newport :Slvd .. WATEK H£ATEK8 St.LU UlYIC• •"<I IOAIU Joe .!i:f-~lofJ ru ... s 10 ru CfNI OOWN r~ ... Harkr NM BE SURE -INSURE wltll lllAlllUCE ~TA..~l.EY ·-~Oal• Pllone Hartlnr !4'7' UU P:. C'c>ut Hlrh••1 Corona df'I Mar Costa Mesa. Re caught hi.a hand In a metal bi:ake. Attendant• uld Coe wu up and about today after "'rr ery Wedne11· day. Coe haa been worklnr the ~ p.m. to 1 a..m. ahlft In the MrH police department. The otrlcer U!\· ed to be on t he Newport Bt'ach BroerinCJ Station Burglary Suspect Pair Admit Guilt ~==========:; SANTA A N A (0CN8 )-A C'CUI· ;: ed or burglanz1nc Broering'• Auto P AR.lll.:S • RIDLEY llORTUARV Fonne~ OU~L 08.U'&L I IO Broedway -Ooeta M-Ubrrty a-a•aa -4 ._,,., n :wers .~., ~o~ .. It, ' I Service, 901 Bayal<le Drive, New· port Beach, two Belltlower youth• promptly admltt9(1 their (Ullt whtn they were u1'11itgned Friday before Superior Court Judr• John Shea.. Ron C. Nicholl, 18, &nd John C. Martini', 20. uktd tor probation hearing•. Judge Shea AChedultd th• he&rtng and 1tntenclna for 9 :30 L m. Apr11 I. L. B. Broering Jr. 120 Am• lhyat Ave., Balboa b land, wu the hUrJtl&ry victim. The burglary oocurrtd Feb. 26. liolh defend· a.nta are free on b&11. Bruce Martin ron A.l.L VOU-R,, lNSUlU.NCll NEE.DB a·=== UJ('AL AGE..~ a.we-om. Ubetty.8-5063 UbutJ ~ 1 w:s New rt Ave., v.ta •ea LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALM>A TJU::ATU Bl.DO. BAJ..BOA ()pea Tuteclay Ulru Satu~ Here's 1/!lY:T chance t.o trt1 f a'fn(JJJ,8 SATURA by DOROTHY GRAY O!T A ~-OZc TRIAL SIZI FREE WHEN YOU SUV THE REGULAR 2-0Z. JAR T~&ea1 ...... mve di8c'ovl'rt'd that only SA TU RA. b,- Dorot.by Gnr.y, worb IO eompletely to brine a youo~r look. It. .uppliN akin with """"and h r/ON tlliOWture to combet drynea For a limi\ed tim-. ~ SATUR.A in a FRl!E trial llM wbla JOU buy iM P .60 Jar. u not •tWed. ft't\ml \be ~ larra Jar and -10S..., b9ckl 'o" s3so ,... ... WOMIN IAY1 Tlwn'• nntJ111tg liU SA TUJlA , ttMqlu M oitNt i Cr tom ""'-' H~ oftd VeloMi11 A. UD0--1461 Vla Udo, N~w-port Bed --<>-of t!Mo Ucto Shore~ BARIK)&-SS01 E. CnMt ff•'1· .. COTOna tel ll&r BALBOA-716 E. Balboa Bhd1 Balboa • • EASTERN STARANNOUNCF.S 11 Tar Senion FASHION SHOW AND CARDS Wi1· 1 of I A tullloo 8bow, .... rt and card pe.rtJ wU1 be rt•m by Harbor Btu oa 'l'bul'8d&J nenlnr, March 11 at I o'clock lll tJaa rrtday Aft«Doon ~ HoUN on Wut 18th SL, ea.ta Cerlificites NB Fire Department Report Shows Bus1 Year in 1954 · partmtftt tn Bt-ptwrnber . .,,. ,,,.,... ahall W. C. Nolin attend.ct a fin· - day a nt0n tnvo tl«i"allon oourae a( lht Unlvf'rwlly ot 8out.llem C.11- fom la.. D11eomm•n llrtllclay M-. Ten Nev.1>0rt Harbor Union H igh Thoae modelll\( faahlona trom the J o-LM Shop W\U be School aenlor1 were namrd u cf'r- Mra. Unley G. Comeliua, Mn. Riobard Newrnan, Mnt. Many titlcat• wlnnr,. of Bank of Amtr· Burdick, J udy Bankt, Mary Arui Cooper, Mr1. ~x Bell, Mn. lea Achievement A.ward.I, b I & h Ral Dike, &thnty Smoun • Clarie Henderaon, Helene 8 lmp· achool otflciale announced today. ion. Mra. Mu Pope, and Lucille Pope. Jackie Oar"tt, Mra. f'our ot the ten are cup ~·1nnet'9 LeRoy A.n~on. T!lere ~IU be orp.n mumc by Kay Klncald ot Lido Iale. Male ucor'U for th.e modt>la wm be Henry D~later, who will tepreHllt the achoo! in turlhllr compeUtlon April 21. Jft"l") Joim.on. l:ddlt Moore and Mel Berry. Those who won certlttcates T\cket.t may be obtained at the J~Lee Bllop tn Ooeta bued on aichool achievement and )lua, the Fitzmorrla Really Company, Corona del Mar, b)' actlvlly record• an Donald Beat- telepbontns Mr•. Loul• Craiidall (Harbor 2430-J ) and at the ty, math; JIUle Oatrander. l.abota- cSoor. The JNblla b lnvlt.ed. t.ory acif'ncfl; Carol Shaw. mu.Uc: ------------------------Judy Stewart, art; Charin Hill· Udo Tocntmcnten to JoJ11 Speak-off The Udo club met recently at Harbor H ouae with Chuck Arny pA111dJn1. Topic muter wu J im Penney. Dave Holman Hrved u bell, toretcn lanruara•: Sue Kelm, bualneN; 'Sumi 8hljtak1, home ec· onomlc a.nd Otne Waggoner. ac- rtculture. Beatty, Rice, M1M St-art and Mlsa Kelm v.•111 repreaent the ..chool In further competition on a region· al level. AMual nport trom tlle Newport Beach J'lr. J>epe.rtment for 19~4 1how1 the department annrered a total of 318 alt.rma. Sixty th't were ror residential tlru, three non-ttsldt•nt la!, 11 mercantile, four mlscellant'oua. eight (TUil or brush tlru and 67 aut08, boala and ml.a· crll&Jlt'OUI. Other alarm• answered Included a!X mlachevoua and mallclou1 falae alarma. 67 amok• acana, ml .. takf'll, wronr loca tlon1 and 8 t'cl· dental alanns 9~. reacue, aervlce and emergency calls, thrff alarm• outald• th• city. 'J¥al tire louee were •tat 172,781, lb• report u td. 'l'OTA.L lNSPEC'nON'S In addlUoa., the deparlment made 2388 n ... ~cUon•, laaued 70 prrmlla and 28 legal notice•. made 641 fire lnvesUgaUon1, con· dueled 11 fire drtlla at 11choola. checked 98 bullJlnc plana and I•· l\lf'd 31 tl~ rrt'venllon newa 1·e· leur•. Four firemen were ln•tructed In the clv11 defense radloloalcaJ rnon- ltorlnlt' achoo! In Oranie ,anJ two operatora were added to lhe Ot· PAY-LESS lAUNDllOMAT Alan Ducommun, HI R u d d er Road, Y>'u feted at 14 1urpra. birthday party Sunday nlrht at the home of hi• par•nta. 8aJI Ma- rino. A number of hla hlrb ad\ool and ooUes• Cnenda a ttended tll• dinner. Fillier for Helme SANTA ANA 10CNS1 -Oary Lte Jfr lme, 19, 600 W. Hamilton. Coeta Meaa, loday had a rttlUol\ en ttle In Superior Court he,. to rhange hi• name to Gary LM Fl.I her. ACIOU-llNOHW/oY PIOM HOAG NOVITAl Udo Toutmaaten club will tout.muter. Speaker• were Ed neet Tueeday eventnr ln Hunt· Soule, DeWitt Worceater, Harman nrton Beach with a.IJ county Windham, Bandy Bttlner, wtlh .'ou tmuter1 cluba tor a.n area Bob McCleary aa winner. Cr1tlc1 peak-off. Wlvea will be cuelll were So~. Burton Beck, Bob t th• dinner to be held at Joyce'11 Perrin, Vau1hn Taylor and Charlea :ate. Herron. The Navy'a aubmartne quallflca· lion 1nalrnla I• a 1ubmartne flanked by two dolphin•. NEWPORT -JOI NIWPOIT llVD. -COSTA MUA rolll1 811.& TOILET TISSUE loot HK!:ETS 9 tor87C "'EENEX PJYilSS . PAPER TOWELS 6 .... ~ 87c TIDE LUO& llZll 3 aou.@7C CHEER LAAGE SIZE PUREX OA.U.O~S CAfNATiON M~LK a ... ar 14 o...87c YET8 DOG FOOD · 'PAYLESS . . R.El'NOLD8 ALUMINUM FOIL IUTCJIL~ WASTE BASKETS METAL 07c ~· l.Ot " fRiiNING PANTS~ 4 ... 87c PLANTERS PEANUTS VAeut."X PACUD 1...a I• LMt J_87c LIDO DRUGS ''One ot tbe IJdo l'bopeM 3.J61 Vla Udo, Newport Bf-a.ch I Stock Up on Hosiery NftWf _, ~· I HATIOHAUY 'AMOUS ,,,,.._ , .. '~NYLONS· HARBOR DRUGS 1 1 first quality ·DuPont nylon- 51 1au1e. 15 denier. In newttt S301 E. Cout Hy., Corona d~I Mu I Sprina shtelu. BALBOA DRUGS L!!~!!!'!...-~~------ 718 E. 8'Jboa Blvd., Balboa Aa11orh'd Box ORIGINAL 8Jc•NT SALE Speclah for March 24, 25 & 26 3 new oil-rich -P~~ permanents by NUTRl·TONIC Wcwca 1cntLn in lift~ .. 10 Minuit• btcauw a/molt ~ i6 Oil c~mt 80# ( pottnttd) . .. ns. lllltn "' II Ill CllMf IUI ftfmm. TIM oU·rltll anmt-bdpe ptO(ett Y°"' lu.ira aabual tel!Ure ud lwtn while •aw•aao 1tolly. Curia -dler, -ft&tlnl.1ootJa1 "°"'\be __.... ... _ ...... .. HlT llfll-THIC ems IUP.Jln wnrll P....X -0--b«, ......... ~ Nlltf'I. 'Tb9ic. caa. -thorou .. ••"91 .. , ..... Minbal\. .. lnlitt, ,.._.,...,,nm. tau .., -.p1a..t,--t. .. WAH I U ll U LI U 11 Ml I ITU. Aleo ajYQ fu1..i ,.n .. _t. lltart te lalah. ..... of ucblll\'t 'n,.41..,,. a.ifltt-194 ::t:' Of Cttlft« k#. · :.....':.:... '150 ....... Clrtlr'I ':' ... ~,_ ............ a ,..._ llUTRI ·TONIC 'PIMI ~ -;;~;;;; with Oil C.ra Base (patented) 1 Pt. -1 qt. COMBINATION Double Cones 10' &~ nf U STATIONERY \'aluMI to 1.f>O ' <'up COMET PERCOLATORS ROUBIOA.NT UQUID SKIN SACHET & EAUDE TOILEnE ltM \'a.llMt ~ FOB 01\"Ll' ··---·-·-£ FOR EASTER Plush Bunnies and Chicks HOU.OW MOl'LD CHOCOl.Aft RABBITS COSMETIC SPECIALS FREE! I Moatbe ttupplf "'OOKPUXION GLOW" With Purdaue of HA.Z,;L BllilHOP UP HTlctl COL01'01AL DAMLS HAND CREAM 110 OOROTIU' OKA T QUtCll KOl.VITll.AL llAlla C'OSDITJOSIJ'to'(J CREAM CLEANER • SA TUIA I U& 11M :.~ It... 2 for '1" \'ah• DOR(YMt)' 01'AY "AU>,0 a nn s !!ITl:r.f COLD CREAM HAND DEUGHT Cl-out. It.tr> Val!HI • .... •100 It.ta 59' \'a.tu,., OSL\' • -- DRUG . NEEDS TIILUllN HYDROCHLOllDI "\.IT. B-l" -l .. •I· .,, .. , •. -.... _ .. _ .. -.. -... ·-. ·r· 100'• A5C'1M•1C ACID "\'JT. c..:· -uo "'•· ASCOlllC ACID 0'\ll. (" -l flQ "''· 100'• .... _ .. 60' IPICiALI LIQUOR · DIPARTMINT THIA~S HYDROCHLOllDI Udo StoN 011ly • • • . . . T. Y. I TAii.iS 139 :ii:- , , IILVD &IPPU Gin 10 Proof nFTB r1 Twin Shady Oaks Grove Bottled I lend iJl l olld 100 Proof 80 Proof 7 yn. Old r1"11 f11"l'JI PRIDE ' OF INDIANA fltn.IJ•t ......... 1'1alaluoy • rn. ow ow .. ......, n:rnl 3n ·~·. ••\'IT. 8-1" -H •C• ........ _ .. ,. lto'• ·-·-·· ·-· '1 .. -------VITAMIN A ""lfTHr.Ta<: -to.not nun lMO'• -· - --·--'14" l'f• -·-·-·-... _ ... _'2" VITAMIN A • lrMYh&ll() -...... "1fTTtl ..!.!!! :=::Yr=r=== ....... ~1 .. ... ' Las Amigas is Planning =.:lltt~,.:~~t·~~~~.'~,!~:1 Reception For Thia LI tha NCOnd 7M1' that the M •d A 'I F I • T r-T~ !lave reque.ted parenta and I t -pn as uon ea :~:\~~-:!: ~::;~!:ieth~v:t~ Kent-Clark Duo With m&11y actlv1tle~ a.hod next •ffarol<l Olue. pre~trt n• "I' 1 '. 11 11&1• aiid happy holiday. Commiltee ponth Cor La.a Amigu Circle, a nom111uL1ng cum1 , t1• • 'l'"l mf'mberw who participated in mail· (:hrlat Churda lly the Sea. a lt@· a alat.e ,,, new otnl·,r ... wh • take •nr th• appeal we" Mra. Richard While a amall reception was held at their home imme-~on cente~ on th& April Showera up t M1r duuu at the Jur.e meet-· blhentha.1, Mra. Norman Wat.eon diately alter the February wedding, it WU at Newport H a r - t'ea and !&Ahlon &Mw whf'n cirde Ing-and Mra. Rog er Boyvey, mem~r '2em&ere met at the home of Mn. · M.r. and Kn. Chapmaa pre-ot th& Jo~ourth Dlstn ct C.C.P. • T. bor Yacht Club that Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Clark, 209 Edge. ~ fk)lll\&ll, 111 Eaat Balboa aented aamp1-of cloth tor the I • water Place, h06ted a big reception recently for their son-in-~vd.. Jen. John Kimble will be ln clrd•"• •election f.or at.ap drapu lJob1·es Plan ( law and daughter, Mr .. and Mr11. Melvyn Douglu Kent. ee o( U't• tea.. to be held In Goodell Hall. 'nle bride le the former Ml.la ' '°· 12:30 p.m. ln Goodell Mra. CecU Powell .ucreated a T . Z C&n'oUe CbrillU&n Clark a.nd htr dreseea a.nd c&rr'J'iq buketa of reme1r1braac. be aenl to Mn. D•· np to QO huab&nd ta the IOn o{ Ml'I. Joae h flowers and AJltbony Clark. tour - Mra. Georce e un '. la cha,..-. ot 1'td Holtby tft app~claUon for the Blace&1Ja of OaJdand and Mr. M~l-year-old brother of Ule bride, u teconuona, with t h• 4'd ot her ma.nJ hOW'S of help 11he bu gtv• U. alter they tally proceed& R.. K t Of lnd1 lrtng bearer . .,mmit.tee hu made e ttracllve durlnf wedding• and recepUorw from thd r Bl Pat.rick'• dinnt'r they vyn en °· IN SOl"TlllA.'°D ~·t.. \al.U., and ta~• prbe1. tbat _,. Ule reepoMlblllU• ot flnd themaelvu "ln th• chipa," AT CID.UT Ollt1SCH Whtie Mra. Kent'• t.Uler I.II vtce- fleJcau may be obtained for can1a. Laa A.nllgu. ma.mben ot Job'• D&Upten' Beth· The otrem011y wae performed at president ot the Caribou Eng1neer-~eaa and th• tuhlon &how, Mrs. William McDonald ud Mra. el will take a trlp t.o U\9 au Diero Chrlat Church by the Su. with the lnl' eo .. Kemloope, B. c .. lhe f&m· fPCJll.IOr-1 by Bay Department Earl Stoaab&ck wW &ban hoetea. Zoo oa S.turday. ReY. Roy C&IUon ottlctat.lq. Car-Uy Uve. here and th• bride wu ft.ore of Balboa, or juat for the dutiea a t the m .. ~ ot April l t , ~t\nt March meet.tnc. mem· '°. la walked to the altar wearlnc graduated from Newpo. rt Harbor ~cheon and i..blon •how trom to be held ta Ooodall Rall. beni nJfbt. tMrw WU a chan&'• Ivory cuidlelJrht al1k uwl lly lon UnJon Hlfh School. a ttended p,y member ot Lu AmlgM Clrclt'. about tJ1a ae&ldon, witb choir tulle, with a •ell ol heirloom lace Scrtpp1 Collere and Loni Beach j er by calllnc Mn. Cec:tl Powell 1t memben talUq the place of oftl· held by a Med pearl coronet. Ber 1 St.ate Colle&• where ahe majored ~bor 1803-J, or Mrs. AJ 0 1>er1. P-T As urge cera and otftoer• atnstns tor th• bouquet WU Of white baby orchJda. ln art. She LI a member of Kappe parbor 3l9-W. There wiU be m&l\y cl\olr. 11\are wu al.lo a PfOIT&l'11. She waa attanQ'ed by her •Liter-Phi Gamma eorortty. •oor prt.u11. p K with CJaarl.ea i..e.n. ot th• OCC ln·law, Kra. Uncoln Clark Jr., who Mr. Kent. a ttended Ta!t JunJor Mn. CecU Powell opened tha arentS eep ttaff &bowU\s "The Coaat Oellege waa gowned i.n ailvery ro&fl lillt Coller e. San Joee It.ate Collece ,...ioe wiUI • devotlonal and Mra. Story," a..tm ot the ecbool and It& and canifld yellow u4 whR• d&f·,and aerved four yu.ra with the u . Jlarold Glu 1 r e&d the tretL~1Urt'r'11 T b K•d acUv1U• Mra. Marie ftowe.a. deaa f odll&. s. Air Force. He 11 pru ently em- ,.port In at>ttnce of Mrs. William a on l S ol women, WU SW-l and &n· Robert Doul\U Lyona wa. but ployed by PMlltic T.iepholle Com- Jic.Donal. ~n. l!:arl Stoneback • .wered quutlona. ma.n. Alao tn the entourawe were I pany S .s t M The Herbor Council of Pa.ren... 9"dln ICIUlon H d 0 . • p ve the W .. C · repor · A . Tea.eher AMOCl.atJona hu naallfld ,...~t a Jpr 1 . WhJC ldondor~. t wo flower ctri.. Cynthia and I The couple honi.'ymooned at be 1 u ,. .. een a.n ce te prea e -Kathryn Ann ic.it, aieten ot the 1 Idyllwild, Is now at homa at 325 720-~. Rope Stolen j MARCH 23. 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE J Theft o! • ~O feel of l·ln. m&nUa rope and 60 feet of ~-In. cha.Ill and a navy anchor wa.a rfpo.rt ed lo police Friday by E. s . J on• ot 3201 Jlltb St. He aa.d It wu taken f'l'om th* California Man ne I Cannuy dork. Th~ gear belong'ed I to the boat City of O<:ean.lde. BALTZ MORTUARIES lHI l:iupen or Avenue Coata Mta, Cal1t Phone Ubert7 1--1121 CHA.PEL BT Tim a.t. ~20 E Cout Yl\•d. Corona del MAJ . CAUt. Pbone flarllot U THE FINm AND LOWUT l'RICID Early Amerba MAPLE FURNITURE . ... an'lw~er• · Ope11 Fridays URtil t Leaving OCC for Pasadena !~t~~ .. ~utmth~ ~r:!:'1 ~°: lnJU&Uon tor tha following new bridegroom. wwrtnr pillk ~lon Montero Ave. ..,...,..,..., • # mamti.t., Donn.a 8. AlgTt.ght, Don· -------------------------------------------------------uea and to dJatrtct lMderw u k!Jlg n& Je&n Q.uJ'Ch. Barbre. Jf'AA that ~nta know the Whe,.bouta Cooper. Lorean& Kelly, Estella ol their' teen -agera during Easter Wardz!k. And~ Pl\plneau. Lmd& Dr. J ohn V. Ndf, Orang• Cou t Week. Lou Robeaon and Patric.la Ana C'oll•C• ln1truct-0r ln jou111&liam, "U you ve Wl&ble to a.ccomp&ny Kennedy . ..W 1ptnd t1u1 coming tummer at your chlld"n we know you will be ----------- th• U111veralty Of IAuaanne ln anxloua to hava them properly • 'wttarlend. He will pureue tpe-chaperoned by a reUabt. person, To Review ,tal 1tudtu and p1-na w !ly to wbo ...W a.ccept the N111pon.tlbl.Uty ,._York ln JUM .,ad~ Ulen durlnC their eullN ftC&Uoa.'' &aid Tea House of &o J>ar1a, th• lett.e.r ln part. which -. alp- Dr Natt n. '8 a fona.r l'a.r ed bJ M.rL Oennla Hofland, ooun. Jut ' corr~pondfnl, hu been at c:il pruident. "May we call your August Moon OOC dunn. tha put ace4amic attaiaUon to the ntc-lty of hav· Je&.r u a Vt.IU.. iutruct.er. OD ~ ample tunda. early ,,_~ The dallpU\11 play, Tea HouM ._._ ot at.Mee tTON the Pua-Uona, proper cha~. and lo or the A.uguat Mooe. will be cllolce ten.a cttr 8cb9ola 871tem, when keep cloee CODt&et wltll your for the Ma.rch 24 prorn.m or the b• hN been a #t.&tf membe.r •Ince YOW\lllenl durlllg th• weelc that Edna &team• Dayton eertea to be l1H9, ud wtl.er. M wtU ,_Wile they an away from home." aald held at 10 a.m., TbUl"lld&y 1D tht ~· dllU.. lht• talL th• !lead el th• ITOUP which rtp-Lido Theatre. ------------------..... -... Mn. Da,i.on 11 curnnlly &ppear-• blg IJI thl'M book N'riew procram• I[. J' .-----.-~--:-., •.J \. ••• I r I.I (I f u I< II r · . • • . ~ e. ., ~. 11 11 7 I l ·-------~-------- . . Boyer's lalboa Llnoleum Co. -.IACK BOYD - l!Ol w. Balboa Boale\vd • U.olea.m • Robber 'l'Ue • C.Ork e ~ '!'lie e Carpet • FOl'llllc9 • Yaell$ • ..... 'leU. Hart.or IJM Newport IHch HELMAR HOUS! ,,,....... 1e,e1, ' ... ....._ ._.,....... Cu.\.Oa nr.place s~ lnatalled. Log Orate-, Wood Bukel•. Hu.rth Brooma, Pokera, Ca.ndel· abru Scone.a. Trt,,.U. Barbecue ~wp111ent. {!pedal! l'IBD'UCE GLll'ES Sl.951 I Acram trca Vu u Kamp'• and M.a.yf&Jrl 190'7 Se ....... a.ta AM Kl M72l ,gr~ SILVll KIN6 IATTllY •OI ANY CAI .......... 4 JO M.MM • .......... buy your uader the a uaplcea of Ua& Ntghlln· e&J• Chapter ot the Hoq Memo- rial Roapltal Awrlllary. Procee<l.s from t.heae procram• are u.ed tn help the new Tumor Board ot Hoar Hosplt&L. Mra. Flartle1n hu doaat.d th~ t1or&J decor&Uona ror the etage and lh• laoeteeau !or t.he Thurs· d&)' .... 1on WW be Mrnea. RAy Dtke. Ha.rol• Round, D. H. Crum Jr., Walt.er Seibert, Ralph Tan· 4-ky aad Fruc» 0.WIQll. ndleta wUI be aftllable at tllt door from Mra. H11l Dike. M~ Orval I t.wart and M.ra. William Ml "1U. 'SS-tOe.U•• fOOD Lep ..... , .... ,.. ... Ill.II.... (Ml .... -----o. ...... CO #A CAKll ••• 2J' ..... ~~ .... ~ .. !~~m• J!! ~ 008T A llZSA nee N"'POrt BlYA. OORO~A DEL MAA ... C..t a.,. ACORD'!' LAOVNA BEAC:H i u BrMdtraJ' BA UM.>A lllt..A..ND zoe MarUM .t ... l'-"l:\VPOllT BMOB 8ff c.... •WJ· NEW PONTIAC . ' lrom ID CLANCY PONTIAC 1402 S. Coeat llY~ Let-.... IEE Cl.ANCY TODA 'I' roa BIOlllJIT DADE-IN VALUE CALL CLANCY COLLECT P'or Poedae DMnoutraUoa c •• a.. ........... • •111 Cndtn :: Uc Melrose c.-. ~ ·~ 2tc A--1ed ..Nfwlda .,..._, ,,.,,.,.,,.,, 0-llry .., ..... LIMA BEANS ~ 19c ~~v • .....,.. CAULIFLOWER'~9c o.i-y wtMtlt ---· MIXID VEG ET ABLES ~ 11• WOftllarfvl 4-..._. ~ OREGON CHEDDAR -MILD CHEESE DUTCH MILL AMERICAN CHEESE TASTE TELLS BRAND TOMA TO SAUCE BEST FOODS MAYONNAISE FINE GRANULATED 43c 85C SUGAR ~ ~ STAR KIST BRAND 27C (HUNK TtJNA = '%: ~ Estra F .. e va1..-______________ ...................... GUPEFRUIT JUICE PEANUT BUTIER .. ..ny Chunk w C,....., '21!33' ''i!4~ OOFFE l 1\) . . . )1\ -. I~ : I '1 1:;-L \\JI J. 'l\ ~ Ot•er ftlle Val1Met PittM OliYts ::::. "": 25c PARADE '~29' fine 9'1·ll'V''o .. ,;.a,.1119 d.,.rf9M. RIK RAK 3 ,~ 21• °"'* --de4A .. t. STOii HOUIS 0.0, I L a llO I p. ID. (~ tUI lp.m.) s..ia7 t L a C. I p. m. j 1 1722 .Newport Bl-::-cl., Costa Mesa PLINTY OP PARKIN• ON LAIGI PAYID LOT PA&E 4 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 23, 1955 Kellar W atsons Announce Engagement of Daughter Blddtnr a huMNd fl1-4t to .pray ot Or&Jll'e bloMoma and eoclltall8 on • .._ ......ia,, Mr. whlch llfht.ed a white leather and 11: ... x.u., W.U.. Zr., tell bomMSJWeddine book ln which they So CJIUMll at. ,____ llllAl HI liped the enprement pare. · • ..... _. Mn. W&Uc:m wore a brocaded : Oru4 CaBal. .,.._ Wand, aa-ch&mpape aatJn cocktail lllit and nounoe4 the ......-i-l and the bride...&ect wu rowned In forthoomtnc ...,...._ ot their plait French faille with atarchNI d&upter K&y to Mr. Roy Allen lace bodice embroidered In teed Bmlth, eGll ot Mr. and Kra. B_. pearla. Miu Jean Wataon, who Price Smith ot ()mah9. N• pl"tlllded over the rueat book, wu Aa rue-t.. an1•ed thm &tu.. In candy pink with band.I ot hand Now ls the Time to ba\•e your FURS RESTYLED Your outmoded fur coat re· atyled to a smart alole or clutch cape. Thia ls the alack period a nd to keep our work· room buay we are offering VERY SPECIAL "Off· Seuon" PRICES SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY 'Harbor Trio Hears of VNA in Heart Cases Mmes. Baall P eterson, Challen Landen and Hrlen Robt'rtaon a l· tended the met'tlng of tht' board of direct or• of the Visiting Nursf'~ A111ol·1ation of Orange County, hel1l at Communltv Center, Santa Ana The nunilng d irector. Miu Al· freda Danit'lson. told the board ot the work of the V.N.A. in regard to heart cases. Work with heal'! 1·ases la exc .. ptionnlly Important 11s 1pprox1mately ~2 3 per cent of all deaths are dur to heart di.a· l!&ae. Thi' V.N.A. nurst's make two lion wu drawn to a portrait of tucllinc. th• tl!PC'ed eouple oa th• w.n Pink a.I.lo preY&iled at the but-S08 North Broadway a bove a rta.u-topped table. On the fet table which waa coyered with l.========;;;;;;;;==============;;;;!J Kl 2--0652 now you can create : table an heirloom Diver eandel· a handloomed whit. linen cloth : abrum held a white t&per, tied edg'ed with a wide band of •liver. · wlUl a aatill rtbboa which held a The centerpiece wu of peach · blouoma and pink champagne wu ~LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY eerved. Both younr people li.1'9 juniora at Stan!ord Unlver'llity, where tpe br1de-elect wu chosen Sweetheart of Sigma Chi. She wu graduated froni Orange High School. Her !lance, who prepped at Lawrence- vme School, N. J ., la a member of Alpha Tau Omega fnlternlty. Mlaa Wat.on ta a fourth gener- ation Californian, granddaughter ot Orange County ploneua. the : APPLIANCES -Hooaebold late Mr. and Mni. Kellar Watson Part.a -Dealer -8en1ce Sr. and ot Mr. Chtaholm of Vallejo YD<> ELl:OJ'JllC and the late Mnr;. Chlaholm. Her MU \'la Udo -Barbor ,,., great-gnat grandparents were the •UTOMOBILE DEALER8 lat.e Kr. and Mra. Georce Wen-n tnpr of Vallejo. New and uaed Cara The youni couple la plannln&' NJCKF.RTZ STUDEBAK.E& a weddinr for June 29 at Trinity ::::-N8er,vt~ ~~; _ a.... 110 l!:pt.ecopal Church. Orange, will e"'po v 1pend the aummer In Omaha where BANKS U\e br1degroom will be asso~lated J!1aak qf Amerb NT a 8 A wlUl hla father lll the latter'a Ford 1'4' Vla Uclo _ Harbor aau agency. In the fall the newly-wed• will rMUme their atudlea at St.an· BARBER SHOPS UDO 8HAVl!\iO MUO I• B&dwell'• Store for Mf'D SUI Vla Udo -Barbor HSI BEAUTY PARWR8 LIDO 8ALON OF BEAUTY '"41Y1 \'la Oporto-11.&r. 1a;e BOOKS BOOK CASE 14l8 Vla Udo -Bart.or 4404 CAMERAS Ii Suppllee VINCt:ST LIDO DRUGS Htl \'la Udo -Harbor SOOS CABPE.TS a DRAPERIES DICK MACKER auo via Udo--llarMr UH CATERING RICHARD'S UDO HARK.ET MU Vla Udo -Harbor 1811 CLOTHING -Ilea'• Retail BJDWJ:J..L'IJ 88 0 1' FOR MEN HU Vla Udo -Harbor 0848 UDO t·AS HlONll l«O \'la Oport. -~r M1l SHA OD()(' K 'IS SU I \'&a I.ks. -...,.._ M'7t ford. Hannas to in Hawaii Live :Sul recenUy returned from over- . sea.a travels, the Cul Hann93 of Corona del Mar ll'fl by plane Thuniday evening f o r Hawatl where they plan t.o make th<'lr fu· lure. home In the Interest or Mr. Hanna'• hMlth. They are •lllyln1 at the Coral Strand Hotel until they can tlnd a dealrabl• hoWlt. Have Baby Girl Mr. and Mra. Robert Kelchener of toe Costa Meaa 8 t., Co•ta Meaa. welcomed a bllby f lrl Saturday a t Hoag Ho1plta1. VAOA.90~-0 HOV8E ..._,. lmported Sportswear ~ ~---0~;\0i~Hll!~ \'==~t:S ...,_be,.r.,,l,...OH-...-1-11_.UfFERI I -C~T"2t -ttOO l>ftt168 Hit \.la Udo -Harbor IOOI ELECTRIO CONTRACTORS twice n fast 8I aspirin! LIDO t;U:C'TRIC ..... ,t •JMl ,.., ~Ill "" \'la Udo -Hal'Mr 47t1 G•ndenon Drug Co. FOUNTAIN, GRlLL vtNcr::sT'~ LIDO mlt'nl'4 117 Main Balboa 14'1 \'la Udo -Ha rbor 1001 FR.UIES .t ALBUMS OERHA.KOT 1'4TUDI08 Mll \'la l.tdo -Harbor UGI FU&NITURE DICll MACKEil MIO Via Lido -Harbor UU GD'T SHOP IUCHAAD'8 UDO MA.R&rT UU Vta Udo -ff.arbor %t1!8 INSURAJ\CE AGENTS W. 0 . Bt'('ll. ISC'. M04I \'ta Udo -Harbor f"4 INTERIOR DF..CORATORS BLA."'C'R t: fTl.KE RS OX .A.l.O. IUI \'la Udo -H•rbnr 6~S8 DICK ~Anu:tt 14!0 \·la Udo -Harbor UU 1 MABKETS IUCHAllD·B UDO MAJUll:T MU Vla UdA -Harbor Ute NURSERIES BIC llA&D'S LI.DO MARKET Ooraac-Ta bla Arn.ngtment.11 MIS \'la Udo -Hubor :?!'I'll PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OEUIAJU>T 8T1lDIO!:! atl8 \'ta Udo -Harbor UGI REAL ESTATE LIDO &EALTY Af'~OCIA TES Udo 8alea A Rental• MM Vla Udo -Ha.rtlor "" p. .. palmer, llloorporatH • ........ t!O.., Mis mpt. UU ..... Ude -ltarbor J&oe VOOSL C'OIO' ANY NII Via Ude -a....or tl'Tl UV1NG8 A LOAN AUOCIA1'JON8 J!llSWrvaT BALBOA 8A VDIOe A LOAN A8800UTION • aa.m,. lnatltutJon Loas 1'w1ll Home Loana ... ,,. LMe-.......... U:SVIOB STATIONS UDO IUCBJ'11D.D ltllllf...,,.rt....._.... .. , ..,._....,. -w '• noa roa lmN ...... u.. ____ _ ~DID UDO TaATm ~ i: c::.z:r-....... 111, ron UDO TOTL&JlfD SUl\'la!Ma-_._.U UPBOUTEIUNO DIC'1l JllACUa attt \'tatue-...,.. .. uu " SIDECAR Blue and Whit• and Toul and Whit• m..., ,,.,. .... .. ANTHONY'S MARKET 1 * Home·made ITALIAN SAUSAGE . • · I * Complete Stock ITALIAN GROCERIES *IMPORTED ITALIAN DELICATESSEN Fresh Made RAVIOLI -Meat or Cheet1e BEER and IMPORTED WINE THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS FIFTH SPECIAi. MELLOW IURGUNDY Perteet wttb Sparllettl •. :. . ............................. . SPENCER STEAKS ................................. ab. 19; 3'79 E. 17th St., Conaer of Tustin Liberty 8-9046 Coeta Mea {)pea 7 Daya a Week -1:10 ..:·m. to H :to p.a. WE <JATl:R TO 8POBT nsHING BOATS Mey we 1uggest the inclusion of THE SA YING HABIT in your plans? Regular, 1ystematic sav· ings wiU be of greet benefit to you end your femily. Stop in to s.ee ua soon. COST A MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 1817 Newport 81•d. Everybody Reads the C l A S S I FI E D White celf &ecenh on • dolicete.teir~ lho. febrk. P.rlect foshiof\ eompony wit+! ift 111e~oq hondbog. COLOR CUl!D M .A.TCHM A T E S b-, µ7~ 10.95 • ......... Joel buy .... fe.,..EoWARDS Shoe. ftw ch~ch. • ... u a.am wo••••• WALLS PAIRS HI lllltllt fllTUllS _..i.. .., ... '°""'.. ~ .... ·-.. 1-11 ..... ,.,. ..... d ...,,..,_,. e11d •ony tllllere11t 'YIN• •• ....... tll•ll ..... l.11, ••••I•, lton .•• ell l111to11tty l11t•r· chon9eobfe wlthowt ftOilt, •<•••• ., 1ooh ol ony ki11d. l....ili119 <I•« .,oteu r•t••"'.,..d #1\otenhe "P•t· ao.rll" prodvct1 lto<ov'° '"•Y ""'' .,..... -11· lo _, ••• "' , ... cloMI, -· .... ,. f C•Of•· l itch· ••, ek. .... t • W~L. .... ot.L t ....._ ... C.11-. ...................... _. .. ~ ........ ...... .,, .. .,.,..,. . ··;.:;:::::::::. ~ :~1nl1ij I ~ BOYD HARDWARE MIO w. COMt RJrb••ay NEWPORT KACH LI I -US& , / ,.. ·"'' JUST fllOiTH ., POST OFFICE \1slta a week to many heart pat· t The V N.A. JIH• proteealona.l able to tamll!H of modelt llMeftl.., .11nll, g1vr bt'd batlut a m! prtscr1b-nuraing r•,.. to crlllcally Ill pat· but anyone may rttrlve care. Maa7 (I lnjt'cllona. C11rc l~ glwn only lf'nls In I hf'lr O'A'tl homrs. Anyont' of tht' patlrnta t~ated by lh• :mder dlrt>r tlon o( thl' pllllent'• 111 rllgtbl" ror carr. Tht' Commun· V.N .A. llt' p1·ople who pa1 tbe uwn phy11Jctan. lty Ch .. n makra lhl• ll<'rvtce l\•all· full coat of their ca~. The Outstanding Bedding Value ol the Year I Factory -to -You Savings EASY TERMS " MR. and MRS. ~ COMBUtATION .,, . 5 69~· Complete Look What You Get I 2 Mattresses 2 Box Springs ORTHO-FOAM MA nRESS and BOX SPRING 8 Hollywood 1.eCJS ..,u. 6 9 It'• alr-OOlldltJohd ! Lat.ir • foam ru.,.,.r wttll n-t built euper • ·~•rth aprtnr eon· atnaettoia. Twt• er tun atu. KING Siii MAnRESS and IOX SPRlf• E::"!, R•bber COUCHES llhnt rated Solid t h ln. FOAM RUBBER mattttt111 maldLl..- bolat..,.. Re(. 89.110 e Smartest Modern Sl \'If' • Maku Into comforuible bed •Removable &lpper cov<'r Hlllldncl• of '-a~ftd .......... as • ... 111.ftb epe<11al pada aatl ._,..,.. et ~ ff'Jtfld (' 0 t • 0 • • to make till• OYf'r-elae •99 Ueepet'-uoa. QUEEN 1111 MAmESS and IOI SPRIN• t:irtra •lu and extra Vlllae la tMa ~· IDattreu and botr apr1n«: HMYJ ..... w.-arl•c cover, mf'lal turaln1 llandlH, alr V.nt•, layPra of It• a v y ff'ltt°!4 CtOtlOll. 312 W. 4tll St., Santa Ana Terms KlmMrty J.Jl 52 Ope.a Mondey and Friday Nit.. anUI t :OO MAKE THIS YOUR , OF THE ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF THE MONTH £ARN FROM THE FIRST Office Moune For Your Convenience We .ere open every Fri. 9:30-e.m. to 8 p.m. • .. • f ... ' I [: : . · : · BUC NINE EDGES OUT A~mversarySaJ~! l WIN IN LOOP OPENER &twayf'> comtnr trom behtnd. M't 11·11 I d Ch k SAC llCOrec:\ fint In the .~ond: I I ec OCC tied It up In lhe third. ~n lb• rival• built up .. three-run Case Coit1 •. 11 .. 8., lead. OCC tallied Ulrff marken W In lhe mixtb and tlle winnlnr coun- len 1.n Ole ellhlh. SANTA ANA (OCNl )-Cbar( Cou,rtltne allowed ten hlu to e4 with raialn& a PO check wtil nlne collected by lhe defendlnl t• by bJ.a mother to ~ Fred MARCH 2), 1965 -COASTAL SHOPPER -P~GE I FOi MDCHANTS PIOTICnYI SBYICI IN NIWPOIT HAllOI AllA CALL J.!HIGH 9· 1634 Extra ! lxtlW I 57 Used I TV SETS M leco11cHtlonecl -Al Guaralltffcl l'alCl:D AS LOW Al ·19·~:.= All · Mak• and Sises WE RENT TELEVISIONS ftle ftnt •• _ ... ,.., ... be ...,...,. oa u.. ~ 9f M.7 TV or .._,.., 11-Applillaeie. ,,_.._ Sale I 1955 TV SETS A ftl_.. stft aa..a•t.17 .....,. wtu. tlllt pudaue of _, model or tM rotJowta,r •-.-ke.: MOTOROLA-RCA VICTOR-HOFFMAN PACKARD BELL -ADMIRAL -'ZENITH CROSLEY -SENTINEL -RAYTHEON QL YMPIC -001.IGLAS -EMERSON HIHJe Trade Allowa._ Easy Tenns WE WON'T IE UNDERSOLD RELIANCE BOia APPUANCE IDVJCE 00. 2102 No. Main St. Santa Anci JU S-7100 ID 1-1858 • • • the new f ack barcua studfos ••• Balboa'• only complete photographic service offering photo9- raphy to fit your every need • • • in our atudio1 or in your home. or wher- ever you · are. t' portraiture t' weddings J' children J' commercial ( social t' boating IXTIA ! we wift offer the finest 24 hr. photo finishing ••rvice • • • . FREE HELP • • • we will l plHMCI to edviu n ·uist you in taking better ·nepshoh ••• trust only '" Hpert with your prfte.I lft•pthota ~ QulhJ ......... Bar .... ,, A. douWe by lhortAtop Bob Wet-er. Wayn• CouthtrH chucked loop dlamp1. J.n oUier conference K. HW. 21 . ap~ared before Sup.r- 8'1. an •ITOC' and a aacrttlc• fly t.M dlel&nee for tbe W1n cluhea, Cha.tt.y beat Santa Ana lor Court Judie John 8hea here by Lettnelder John Ettr&da In the Centertleldtr l\Qland Hiii acored 4-5 and l'ullerton amuh.ci 8an J'rlday and ... ed for &IT&lpmenl elrhlh lnnlnr Fr1day p?irange Ute winntnr run. Georce Bllhop Berll&ttllno 17-'. conllnuance. 1 Cout Coller• a t -0 vkto over wu the Buca' leadlnr bllttr with Fln t conference home ram• for HUI told th• Judp hi.I attorney, Mt. Ban A.Dt.onlo'• nln• n the a pair of blow• ln four atttempt1• lh• P1ratu tak.. pl&ce on Ule Harol'll M. Farln ot Rivenld• ha.I J!:utern Conference buebaU open· It wu a ce.ae or Ule Plralu Meaa diamond a t 3 :30 p. m. tomor· • cue r otnr In court. J ud(• 8h• row. Ht 9:30 a. m. lilarch 211 tor H1U'1 ----------· plea. • MUTOl&CYC'L& ESOOaT • • • STA TE MERCHANTS POLICE Uniformed Division of ST ATE PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY Pirates Crush El Camino 16-6 Mr1. Wiima K. Hiii, :Zl>etA Topaa ---------------------Ave., Bt.lbo& llla.nd, l .. tlfled at ,_ _________ .,.. _____ ...;;;;,,;;;;;;,,;;;;;;,,;;;;;;;; LAGUNANS IN HAWAII KANll:OHlD BAY, T. H. <rnTNC> ·-Mvme M . 8~. Edward J . OU-nr Jr., arrlvea here with his wile and their daughter. Karn. tor duty wtth Marine Air Group U at lh• Martne Alr 8t&Uon hert. ff• II the llOf1 ot Mr. and Mr1. Edward J . Oliver ot ElmorTo TJ"aller Park, Laguna Beach. Hl.t wtte I• the former .Ml.II Dort• Jtlkue of Wlllo Point, Tex. He entered the Mn1oe In 1941. ATl'ENTION BOAT OWNERS! SURPLUS BARGAINS A •• ,.. fw ~n. ~etc\. ......... Upoll ..... ,..., 111&11M IS-. at • tr•dla. of coat. C-&a Md bro"'lle Secwchllghts Paint Mlxen II Voll $595 eo.& N a.y "5.to Qra7 $ 00 ;;;,.,. 25 11 Vela 16 Aap. 2541 So. Main St. afMI we 'v• planned a host of ~auty Specials look Your S.st for the Easter Parade I~~·· lhrUUD( ne1" .. , &ed~ed pT'lce• n1bt wh~n you want them moet! Our Mlon 11 on~ of the flnu t In the .outhl'1!d, our equlpm•nl t.he very lat N t and our o~ton the moel efnclml and expenenced. Bema 8t'O'lt'n lad ... s5es HAIR STTl.JNO SHAMPOO SET COCJCT AU. Y ACIAL , a prellmlnary hearln1 that an extra five hundred had t>.en addt>d to a check 1he endoraed. lh• la a clerk 1n a Coala M1111a h&rdWan Ball buhlnr by th• Or&11re 1tore. Cout CoU•r• Buca ot Coa.ch Wen· ---------- ded Ptckana conUnued Wednea<iay Son for lurbanb afternoon when th• defendln( Eutem Conference d lam on d ch&mpa cruahed El Camino lM. The WU\ marked the t1tlh trtumpb In el(bt pra.ctlce 1amu before Mr. and Mn. J im Burbank, 11' E . 2Srd S t.. Colllla Mesa, became parents March 16 or a IOn who wu born •t Santa A.na Commun- ity HoepltaJ. He weighed 8 Iba .. SOL 1lart ot th• k>op aeuon Friday at ---------- ML San Antonlo. The 11:1 Cornlno Win wtnt to Utt!• Don Lei(ll, (tvtnr hlm the le&dJn&' Pirate hurler reoord wtUJ 1 Call DAN'S TV tour vtctorlee, one Jou. Wayne I .. "* • ....... • ..a. Couptree, Jerry Rice and 8am I Lia.-.. O 2228 Santilll al.lo 11w acuon u P1ck· I _. _' 1 .,.. _ _ ena looked h1I enUre 1tatt over for ~_,....,. ... _ _..._,...._. ... _ _, ... _ _... .. a atarter &&ailUlt Mt. SAC. MATI'RESSES Boat.-H-·l'nakn Ir,.,..., ...... UMtty I-I IOI Oolta "'-......... 0.. tlllO N_.,.rt 81...a. Leadlnr the platter parade were Shorl4ttop Bob Welzel with four hlll ln four al · bat•, lncludlnJ t. o<louble, and Third 8 t.c1uir Gayle Herbel with three tor three, ln· cludlnf a pair of two-baggers. Wet.lie!, IAft netder Jolln Estrada and Catcher T ony Lombardo alll _________ ..... drove In three talllu each. .IOHN8TONE'8 Mesa Awto Wrecllen v ....... ....... Md ..... ..... !0'75 ~Ave. Lli.eny l-1vll c..ca ... The ~wport Buch IA'A'TI Bowl· _________ .._. ln1 Club made a 1"-"d llam 11)' wlnntnr all three of their gan1u In the oprnlnr tournament ot the 1~ l«!UOn In the Cout Lawn Bowling Learue at Recreation Park, Lonr Beach, March 12. Th• Coa1t Lawn Bowlin' LU.· KUe II eompoeed ot IO'Ur bowllng ---------- club&. Etcbl toum&meni.. are play- e<S f or th• ch&mplonahlp trophy, the winner belft( decJded by the total i t.mu won during Uu.• meuon. Each bowline club enttrio U\rff team1. Le•CU• 1t.a.ndJn1• are: New- port Buch, S, Sant. Ana, l, Re- creaUon Pk. 1, Ll(Un& Bea.ch. 1. Newport S..cl\ team ot June1 ·~-tc~::t_ Alpln, Walur Wood and Ed. WU· II OOll won .. cond pria. wtlh a 12 plua 11eore wh .. n tbey d•feated La· run& Beach 27 to UI polnll. Clint Wolford, BlU Brim. IMld Walter Pe&r110n defeated it.c"a· Uon Park team 2~ to 1~. Lloyd lllen ... Her~rl WbHIU and M r.. Brim• dtfe&t.ed Santa Ana turn 20 to 11 . The nut leairue tournament wt.I be at &nC& Ana, Apnl 9th. Be a Cool Guy! Chalet Moc on:N BlJ~DAI lt TO a SAlllTOllE DRJ CLEANING Gets Out More Dirt I Permanent Wave ...,.Care PIXIE CUT a pretty~ tor 1f1f1S Lillie Clilu'lner. o.iu. curt'9d eedl and 'er t '*'IL lo ...-, to can tor. ........... .'5" SPEC l·A LS ~ ...... PERMANENTS ~ ....... PERMANENTS . . . ........,., .... PERMANENTS 9-wT- HAfR TINTS •••• SOAP CAP. •••• . ·r .ir .ir ·2· SHAMPOO I SET fl'lala> OPL"' Tl"E81>AY ... IWt"'hDA Y El'KNING 97 Af'f ..... , c::·~~~::::i New ARCADE -BEAUTY SALON 1762 So ....... St. '" Arcade Newt to S.1,.. -----------------------------------------------' • Embedded Grime Vanishes • Minor Mending Alway• Free •Like-New Tex tu re le1torecl • Perspiration Staint Di1app•ar • No Tell-Tai• Cleaning Odor • leautiful Longer LG1tJn1 Prell Polite ..u onr (OWO •tt discov•rias chat chue run, u • difenon lo tJr1 duningl Meo aed womrn alilcr ••1 Saoiroor is the onr H~kr 1ha1 1111 dochu rraU1 dun, lea vu eo groood-n. grime behind to w1u otn dochlo16bttl.. Tr1 •• toda7 ._. ... wb1 folka prau ov SaAirorac Or7 o..-,s.n~ . LIDO CLEANERS COSTA MISA 1712 ...... IW. Lll1rty 4014 ·. ' ) 3 SALE DAYSI • TlllS. • RI. • SIT. . • llllCll Zt • ZI • zt U. S. GRADE 'CHOICE' & 'GOOD' EASTERN ST ALL-FED STEER BEEF ROAST ,~ EASTERN SHORT-SHANK HICKORY -SMOKED PICNICS All-AMERICAN'S FAMOUS FRESH, LEAN llOUND BEEF U. S. 6rede 'Choice' & 'Good' Bonelen En9filh' EASTERN SLICED BACON MOllnL 35' QL~~~h 1-LI. Pll•. -l·ll. PllG. LEAN, MEATY BEEF SHORT RIBS FRESHLY GROUND-SEASONED JUST SO! LAMB PATTIES ALL-AMERICAN 'TIP-TOP' BRANO PURE PORK SAUSAGE FRESH PAN-SIZE LAKE TROUT COOKED BABY LOBSTERS flHH HLUTS Of WHITEFISH 39~ FHSH WILLA'901NT OYSTERS 12.01. 49' JAlt W I N E S a d L I Q U 0 R~ S DAIT MACAaOM DINNERS 2NGS.25· ~dtf<amps 4()1#-...., 'SPECIALS MollCh 24, 25, 26 13-IGG ANGIL FOOD L-.. ...... , ...... 59'. 1$1.JJ ... , IMt .-1 WiiiSiEY HFTH ~3~ STiAIGiif =~!2 98 ~~ :::~ ~ .. D W·11iN;:E.~:s~' .. '°a·'*9D ~ Rff' v:::;: s4~s -BEER HI 1/2-QT. CANS! • Rhm. • lttiMi"9 • Chtblii f!, s1.,2 6 $1 48 • ""°9\lftdy • C•b.rnet • H•ut S•iMmel ~~~-V6°' ~ SCHLITZ 10' Newporl Btt.tc.h & CO"on.t deJ MM FRUITS and VEGETABLES ' . :'-. , . FROZEN FOODS --ltlOSITI • raF11-1_ ..... Ula • lllY UllS • IW.I SPEIRS• IRUS. IPIOUTS YOUI CHOICI . FillEfs ~ 3& · • al.ANO DVCHISS ._ 39 STEAK ·=us - WE CASI PIYCllECIS! PLEITY If Pllal! ,,,. ·' I IUTTft WANIS 'RITZ' 1·U. 29' PICG. DELICATESSEN · HOFFIAI :ra:, SALE ioloGiA 35:. w-...~ 63. Qeddar '~-• CtiisT '-59:. SiLAil 49:. nANKS 39: ::~.~;:-;:-..,. * SAi CLEIEITE • • • • I I i l ' Tar B's, C's Hot on Track of Track Title ..... krltpp. low burdl•: 81aucer, ino: Dodd hanon, broa4 jump; Bob Baxw, oa-n_...1~on1, p.....,. and ~,. •wllcan. R • I a y : XIWk&A. abot; aunnon. b.lsb Jump.. MARCH 23, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA&E 7 Pirate Tankers Taste for Reil Competition Against SC Sq11d Bill, Wetzel.. Hurls No Hit Win for Tars N awport Harb« HJi'h ·a B and Bill Wetsd llpallMd b1a raad· C track fort• ama.abed out lop· Int• to J<>Ui Jim N-ldrk 111 •lded wtn.1 al Banta Ana oval P'rl· cbllc:Jdnl' Coach JCmU Neeme'• day to remain undefeated ln the 8UAMt League champlonahlp race. C wtnnwe ware Oeors• Hood, MO; Jilorrt.oll. 180; Rod Wlllon, two.ct: Joli.a Herotln, llbot; WU· Liam.a, hJC!l Jum p and Jack N-· berry, pole null. Tomorrow atl«DOOn. tM Tan take on <>rans• lhincla.dlt on Ole Harbor Jl"1l track. FULLIRTON FIVE NAIS mu GO Coe.ch Joe Kroll"• Oran,.. Coaat College tankmen had a lute of r-1 compeUllon rece.oUy and bet- tc1red two achool recorda In the ef- fort. The Pirate apluhera 109\ • ~-20 dtd•lon to lhf' Unlveralty of Southtm California varsity Frtday afternoon, Man:h 11. ln Ole Tro· Jan'1 home pool, with the Plratea' Bud Belahe and Alan HodfH low· ertnr their own OCC marka In an poated the day bt'fo,.. at OC'C &• galn1t Fullerton J C. ONLY ONID "'IN Belahe alao w on the only Clout victory of the day by t&klftr ~· 440 tree ln the e•c•llent lime ot 4 :fl~.3. Ollchrlat wu not Hlft"t'd. DOOMED ROUS~Thia Spanish type stirco home, located at 317 Sixth St., Hunt- ington Beach, la being evacuated to make room for storage tanks used in oil pumping operation from weUs in this area. This house is one of 64 buildings issued permits to be either moved out or demolished in Huntington Beach since Dec. 31. Crew is placinng timbers under building prior to moving it to northern section of city· -Staff Photo Uncontrolled Oil Boom Now Harbor High Ruining Huntington Beach Splashes for HUNTINGTON BEACH, MAR. I could produce all the oil frorn the 21 «>£NS) -Uke a cancer eat-pool. Geologilllll and englneer11 Champ·1onsh·1p Ing a~ al our town l• the wey I working ln the field decry the wlld ' Kpree unde!Wlly whe~ l'tl<'h town th&t the uncontrolled boom ln the ' lot now 11portll a drill rig eome :~~i:~ ~n~~gt~~n~l~~~~nwS:eadcf~ 11 lnte tw~MJ>ANT ABl:SE. un':~~:e1~1;~:~p~o:~~;~e;~rgcetl~ Chamber of Comml'rce lh111 wttk the s unset League Wedneeday b by Pruident R. C Schwf'ltzer. Wit h such rampant abuse of the • Y Com plettly rtl•regardlng b<!auty,, ruourcf', geolog111t11 M y, gu pres-ddeutlng Santa Ana mermm In convenience, property rights a nd sure will be 110 IOAt that only 20 varsity. B &nd C competition. The municipal functions are t he d1•vt'l· 1 to 30 per cent of lht' available oil Tara cop.ptd the v11n1llY. 110. 61·24, opmtnla tn the town tol ar1>a. In lhf pool t E'ctntly dl11covered will the a •pluhlng 76·0 aod. the C 8treet11 and allt'ya continue to be be product'<!. Properly controlled, att·to 39·0. t o m up to lay plpe11 a nd pow t'r th9 11ay, up lo 70 or 80 per cent Hl1thll11;ht of lht' HHlon wa11 the llnea. Portublt' r11t11 are jemmrd or the po11slble recla mation could mfdlty rtlay when lhe Tar trio a g-alnal huua»a, tlahl e1taln•t tanks be ai:complbhed. or P ete 8<-hulberg. JH"ry Farquhar a nd encrouhu1g on no h oll!Pr'a Agxun lt"s llkt' a eancer, cut It IUlrl Krn 8 ()(1Pnhortr navigated the properllta. The mad ll<'titmble ror nut quirk or be conaumt'd by It. distance In I 26 8 ror the but time oil la dutroy1nir the entire tln&n· And Hunting ton Beach Chamber lhll .aea.son. c1al atructure In th!' do.,•ntown or Commer<'e orttc1als have aald OTHt:lt f'JR."IT!il area. , .. the um·ontrolled 011 boOm la like Other var11lty ttr1t11 tor the Tara INSl'RA~<.'E ~ITt"ATIO~ • l·anc1·r Paling away at lht heart round li()(lf'nhofer cBptunng the • ot our town." 200 2 HI 4 d 100 •3 • f JMurance 111 becomtnc tnc1 <'9•· 1 • ' an '" ~I ree· lngly hard to g et on both bu9'no.1111 11tyles, Fsrq11har the breutalro ke aml rulflf'nt1al propt'Tttl'S bl"C8Wlt' Petr1·cev·1ch Gets In I 09 I and lnrllvldual medley In «>f the ruling hu.ard or .. cunflu· I ~O. and U<>n Rtddlng'ton lhe M r nuon. The ordlnsry well-equip· p • Se te f,-,•eatyle In 26 2. ped, weU-dr11lr<I ftrt olt'pettm\'nl fl50n n nee AmonJ: the llghlwelghla, Paul und••r C'hlt'f o w. "Hurt•· 1111;gins Mantz, Ted Von Htmert and J ohn a. h"lpll'llM t•J kl'l'Jl 11b1t·n•t of tht' on AsSCIUlt COl'nt Lewis ti~ the medtty relay In 11,.eda of thl' i.n-.i 1 t •3:1 ~. .llm Wllllsm11 took the Carvtr~11 opt'r1ttora. endt>llVnnni; SANTA ANA 10CNS) -An· bar katroke In J :12 and the medley to cu h 1n ,,11 lhl' n.~1111• Kr•' ""•!\· thv11y C P etr1.-.. v1ch, 30, of New· In 52 6. .lnhn Hulwr huatled the Ing 111• f lflt1l tn follow ••Vf'n thl' poll Bi>ach, convicted ot uHult :!() frtutyle In 27.K m o11l tun+l1a11wnt11 I acx.U prll<'ll••ta wllh forre likely to produce grl:'Mt 8 '''I S~t:R~ et np.-r11llon It 111 true there are 1 b<•thly h&rm, F riday wu aentenc-Other B wlnne.-. were Mani. In rtchu <'olllln.,; 10 11<•m11 from ttw l ~I lo thl' •Late penlttntary for a the breut. J:l7.3 : Bob Jobnt10n e1pn•ttffnJ1 In ll11nl111jot\On R,.11ch, terro prt>11erlbed by law. In th11 200 tre1111tylf', 2:21.2: Von but a h,ni: w1\h r Ir""" tor aome 1.9 I aiu'jM'rior Court. J~ Robert H•mert In Lb• JOO t..-, 1 :OT.a. and laNrtbreak fur mllly ' Oanlntr dent@<! Pelrtcev1ch'1 pleu Andrev.•11 In lhl" di~. D ave Repruenlattvu ot '"" nil tndu.· for • nl'W trtal t.nd probation. AUPn, vwla, Von Hemert and • tcy romrl•o·ently uy, "Hunt1n~\nn J'f'tricl'vlch wu conv1rlt'd by • Hf1'1ry H ill nabbf'd the ~our-man Bt'11rh h11" put th" 1,11 1\1.tu•l~y jury In G&N111tra t'OUrl. l'lt usault· r.lay. .,.., k 11 q111111"r•\'f llt111y In "" pr ... inc: H,.1n1r" WarTUm. :i2, &180 of Yor thl' Sailor <.:'• JuTy \\"hit· ST""*' Th•~· mr1tn 11f 1·,.U111t' th11t Nnq><>rl S.11r h allt'r, Jack Burk and Boaecoe UIP lndu"I ry I hr ouah th• Y""' • Burne tOk the mt'd1t'y relay: J oe has 11lat• .i 1111111 thini:, ..,. h11vt I 8 UJ1h tht ff't'f'lt)"le in 29 2. Ornn N J>J>f'O""I in H w1• oi:t .. r 01 •• h nu Wade thf' b11ck1troke In 3e 6; loncrr n• f'IJ 1 .. h1tr t"'n Steve &Ice tht> breut In 31'> I ; ~OT clnc>n Pk C'TIC"J : l\nrl \.\llllaktr, 8 wh, Bum•' and non Waldron the four mM relay 1l 14 nn loni.;··~ It•"•' pn11 t11· ... In· dlurlry •l'"k"""'"n '">' tc1 tlnll on each l!Mll• 11 ""S: mtnt • •f ii ro111111I blit 1nu11i:ll 10 hul.\ " 1 • 1 t h1<11 lh •·or prOY•d. t hf')' 111ty tl"'t "" .. 11 1"101 Ca.ti ~ bcoll~r rr1 • ',.,,•I from u•n trOllf'd '1rllll111: • fn .l'>O 4 All oil 01.11•1o1lu1J wh11 r"n be 111~· nJJ11 .. 1 Wllll lh<' t1('1<f rlf'ltOn, "II" ~m111bll'." "'"' I h• I • '• I yunn now aharlnit In 1t 11n1111i:t11n ll"M 11 "" developmri \ fr11111 n w n l' r "h I I' rtchl.9 1n lan1I 111 mini' ml 1 lght" ~ould r .. c:r,, rr hi,. t'nlltt a-.i1('l11 111 Otl wlltlO\ll lht' "1lol C&nl l'rO\JJI s rnwlh nuw unJ"""'>" 011f! Wf'll tu II bf<>< k, Or &II al'I f , •r to 10 '"rt!<, 1r.du11try mPn ••Y. Bue Babes Beat Rival Net Team Th• Orange ('r-....,.t C'olle1tt' ftom tf'nnu1 tr"m ''"'""t"'I ~:ut l/>4 - I l.T. K.. A. [>CK h. "T \ Dt:R NEWPORT MAN GOS WINGS .An1teln Jun1<1r t "nllf'Rr In a r"'·fnl au1-ma11·h 1 our t l'l••h Th" stln•r "1ni;:~ or a Jtt f'tanclf' Umv.n <If thl' lill<' b11bl'~ r 1lot \Hrr rr<' "nlr•I F",.b 2• down.-.t Jo Ann Mt i..,,., l\an. 8· I, lo ~f'rnn·I Llf'ut Rot11t"nl A t-1, Da rJle !',hl\,.frr ""'"r1tr<I Ill· Jl<l<'k11l11d,.r 1"1" nt Mr am1 umphant oHr 1;1,,,.a W1lr~ II 2, ~Ir" Ari llall of :>ewport t 13, lllld J nv \\rill ht roll{r•I I :Jona 1lr&1 h l.'••tt'01(\0IU took rlace Mart.In••. i-tl, l'-7 2·1 to """"fl Mt \\'1llt11nu Air f'or<"e Ban , Ult 1ln1tlf11 1 •hAn.Jl .. 1, Ari:&. 'The i:rad11· Henera Blasts One Ted Hnrrr ... Orllnse Cout Col· ltlt'<' p11rhln1C ll'Ttlll. amu hed a l(rand11la.m homer tor t he 0 11k la.nd OR.Its In a J>a<"lflr Cnu t Lt'6g\le prru·ti<'t' 11;am e over the wn kend. Htrrt'r• 111 " rookie l'hllcker w ith \hP Oaka th111 11p11ni: Lii.iil year I he right ham1l'r tollf'tl In the Pio· n t'Pr 1.eAKU t'. Tht' u ·OCC moundama.n bluted hla round trlppt'r nff Sacramento'• rf~1l11r Jll'<'On•I hu1'm11n Ht'nry S«hl'n~ !i<'henz took the hlll In • thl! eighth Inning Tht Oak• de- 1 rtatt'd the Sa c:1 13·1 al Yuma. Arl:i: Joint Chapter Meet Orange County chaplrr will join wHh lhe Long Un.ch chapter. Mii· Ita l')' Orfl ,.r of lhl" World Wara In s Joint 111nnl'r metttnlt Thuntd11y at i p m tn the otrl<'"nl club, IJ>ni;r B"arh Air F'<>rce BaH Thl're are mnre Na vy pereonnel '"rvlng In dl'~lroyer-typt> vuKl.t than In any other ntti:ory. Tar bueball team to a 8UJ\Mt Lea(ue pennant Wednuday when he toued a no-hitter ~rut tht atrong Long Beach Poly nine on the Harbor High diamond. A double by First Sacker Buddy Thomp10n ln bottom ot the 11eventh with two out and the buea loaded won the tenae, tlfht conteet t&r the Sallora. Loalng hurler Dean Rlckerd al.a hurl@<! no-hit ball unUI Buddy'• blaat ooat hlm th• pm•. "It wu the but came rve aeen m y team play In thl"ff yeara,'' Neeme de- cla~. '"nley played errorleaa ball." MISCUES CONCLUSIYZ And de.pile Wet&el'a Hall of Fame acUona and Thompeon'• de- cl11lve blow, erro,. by the oppoal· lion m&y bave aetUed th• rama. The tat&l Mvenlh lnning opened with Newkirk, playfnc centertleld, reaching first on an error, a MC• ond mi11cue putting Dave Tamura on a11d movlng Newkirk to 1eco11d, and Joe McCluakey worklnc Rkk· erd for a 1troll. Then came Thompson'• clutch clout. During the first three frames, both aldee wt'n\ down ln order. Finally, with two out In the fo1Jtlh, W etze wea1'ened and walk- ed Shoretop lvee and Catcher Osterhould. Thi• proved too much or a good thing, llO W etsel pro- ceeded to whiff Jim Epe to end Ui• threat. RlCK.t:llD ROCKED It wu onr·two-three for Wet.ael rest of the way. Off Rlckerd In the fifth Newkirk "reached third on an error, Wetul'a aacrttlce, Tamura'& walk and Mc:Clo uakey'1 lnfleld_ouL Ric:kerd c ot rid of th• Tara ~n order In the atxth. Thlf proved unw1H In that It broupt up the fatal aev•nth. Newport Harbor High'a. J»n.lor varsity club alJIO t'dced out a Ufhl 3·2 win over the Poly fon:ea. Bob Hubbard and Cary Green chucked tor the local JV'1 with Carl Bers· eron catchln1. Bill l.Amb, right fielder, proved the hero by alucrtnr out a triple to drive ln the tying run, then 11cortng on an a ttempted plck-ott ply. More Ughts for Mesa Uons Field AAidillaMl U.bta wW be plllt .. round Llona nel4 -.eball ell&· mond ln Coala Mna. -.coordlllc to uUon taken by Uw eo.ta w ... Park Bou4 M.udl -. The JIM· bor .Area Boy1' Club M id utna light. would provide m ore ultly ln uee of the field a t nlfht. It wu reported by Arthur H. Mt)lt'l"I, park board chairman. l!llUma\td c:Olt for two nrw bank11 of llchl• and added llghta In the ayat"m ln~tallfd by lht U ons (iub In th .. Ille IHO'• WU Mt al $11100, M"Y•r• N ld. The park board allO decldPd t o i o a.hnd with bluepr1nla for ln· st111l1tlon of two tolleta and 1how• era for ballpla yrra ~nealh the lf?'•ncl11tand. "If ~·re goln1t lO con· llnue Ule or I he ball park, and It'• a good on•. then the work la worthwhile." M"yer1 Mild. The ut1matrd $4000 tor the pro· jttl will not br a vallable until after J uly l, a ccordtnr to )CPyen. Long Beach Nine Edges Past Mesa The Lone Bt'l~h 8tan ~eel the Coeta Mrsa Mtrch&11t.a on Uon. Fleld i -e In a frff-for-all hit apree. I The Stnt buhed out 10 hltl lo 11 for t hP Men:ha11t1. I Jim Howard auftered Ula Mt- ~k attn ah•rtng clludtlng du· lltll fnr the MeMlllt'll "'1lh llam Santini and Chuck M.Jtcllell. 1-.d· 1 Inf hll~ra tor the Merchant.II were Gary Foni W1lh three for nn,, Kenny M04lts. Mllchtll and PhU 1 Shaftr with l''"o ror four. P"l>rd. Moe.ls and Mitchell eech had a two-bue knock. The U1I "" 1lnubll'11 n111lrhl'l1 1111!(• ntlnit 1·111~11 wut rt1mpo .. fd of •enl to 1h .. l'll ll lt' rrl'lll"" l>c•t J1t1hlt•nt pilots from &II ovrr H orrell anrl ~ltu1•hll El'lern """t lh" I ·n1t•·d Btatu 11nd Oa nl111h MORTGAGE INSURANCE Marlon 1'11.nnrnu11 t1 n•I J'""" A\111t11'1n C'lll1fts. Mnnlf'nt~t•'. 6·0. 1\-2: S11r1t Mrl· - -------, calf a nd Shlrlt>y Enjtlr Cl\'trt AOlf w ·11· p I • Bandy &llk .. y nntl Ul'IOfU RlllM I I tam e Is Son ,,o,ooo·-zo YEAR REDUCING TERM -AGE so ONLY $4.20 per month Mora a nd Ylrjt1n1a Tyrhuak1 fl ·ll. II,. 11rn1'P•I a t f't. Jo11,.ph's Ho•· •·3. llllRI FISHER & CO. l ·8, e-2. 11·2, anti S11rah ~rnt l IUltl I A lion ",._. hom March 17 lo lhf' -Vtrnona 0 f'tkf'n f'•llfP•I ~\ l1·1a \\ 1llt11m F. p,.11 .. 1121 Kings RnuJ. iGOS Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach lnsuruee -AD llb1Cla Harbor '429 Realtors HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE C RISI S~ CR I S IS! Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everythin9 here casa pura "8!:R\'JCW: WJ'THJN HOtiR8 -WH~ NEEDED" COMPLETE LAIDl'DERl:RS and CLEANERS RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL llA&ISER'!ll MIU.: ~T.WPORT 111:.~Mf 230 SOtb St.. Newport lie.ch Barbor %M~ The Saint.a ran over the Tar var- sity '9·36, but fell before the Sailor B"a 73-27 and C'a lSOJi to 26111. Bll'ceat Tar upaet occurred when Don Beatty finally caurht up with teammate Larry Cu tro to defeat h.lm In a 2 :04 · clocklnl' of th• 880. Toct White ran a • :33 mile victory, and Howard Kitchell two-Urned the Salnta, 20.7 ln the low hurdlu and 19 ft. • ln. ln the broa~ jump. .T om Murcia 11&bbed the pole vault at 11 fL 2 In. P'UU.ZRTON {0CN8l Boya' Club of Fullerton'• alxth 1r11de buketball team took the Oran1• County IAal'Ue champlonahlp recenUy from Harbor Boy•' Club. event apiece. · F REE8TY1.J£ TON Hodru' 2 :33.7 1econd place In the 200 yard bacl11lroke cllp.,.d .9 Meonda off nt hi• achool atan· dard ot 2 :3• .e, and O..Or1e Lyon• came clo• to hi• :tOO ya rd ll"aat· 1troka mark witll a 1Kond place la 2:41U. The two t~ tied In rt(• ular lu.rue play w1lh 7·1 martc.. Fullerton took the flr•t playoff gama In• Fuller· ton, while Harbor won lh• second playoff game ln Calta Mua. Top race of the day wu t))e 220 yard freutylt', ln whkh AllUI Gllclu1.ll, USC'• Canadian Olytr\IMc te&m vet, defe&tfd Belahe with a.. than a foot 11tparaUnr l.M ,_ 11w1Jnmera. The lou w .. the fint onr thta dlatance offX' Belalie aiaC"e Marth t> of ltM When Olkhriat !)fat the 0CC flub at Coeta MHL Ollchrl1t'1 winning time waa 2:12.t while Belahe'a 2:13.2 aecond pl&.-e docking bettered the ul•llna-OCC at&lldard of 2:14.t that Bud had A nlnaerwp apol lty Dick H~ "-la th• uo and third &poll lty RqN IM> t rM). Lyou I la· ~ m..ti.y) -d Kai pt llooy (100 tne) wound up the OCC .-orUlg apil\llt the mlpty Tro-j&na. • P~ed by Don Meredith, the Tar 8 '• took nine flnita. Meredith won the high hurdle& ln 9.3 and the pole vault al 10 ft. Other win- nera: Hartshorn, MO: Bruce The champlonahtp r am • waa won by F\lllerton, 30-28. Harbor led at ha.lttlma 17-11. Som• &,I00,000 people ...t.tted t he elate parkl of Ortl'Oll i!urtA• Jt~4 to ahattt'r tlle annual af· tendance 1-.cord. reporle Ute Jf., Uonal Automobile Club. COMPARE • • • W.E INVITE comparison of the NewPf.rt Harbor News·-Pren with any and ell newspapers circu· lated in the Harbor area,· and you wlll find the "News -Pren" COMPLETE :Yes, complete in every detail. Local News , well written and reported fairly and im· partially by our editorial staff, ell rHidenh of this community. 1 THE f INEST PICTURE COVERAGE Pa9H replete with interestin9 picturH of local happenings. whether it be an acci- dent or a wedding, or perhaps a Feature pa9e of the local ball club in action. REPRESENTATIVE ADVERTISING The .columns of the "News· Pren" carry the advertising meue9e of reprHentative . merchanh throughout the area, both in clan~fied and display. You will want to checlc thHe advertiHmenh for valuH on ell commoditiH. EDITORIALS Every inue of the Newport Harbor News -PrHs carries an Editoriel page which deaf1 with both local and National iuues. Editorials expre11in9 hopes for the future, com- menting upon the problems of the prHent, and endeevorin9 to offer • solution. l~ITE YES WE DO COMPARISON BECAUSE ••• After y• check page by pate wltll AU. other newspapers circlllatllMJ In the ..... you wll want to subscribe pr-.tty to the complete newspaper, tt.e IEST newspaper In tt.e entire area. Published MONDAY and THURSDAY of each week pays for one year's subscription which brings both papers (Monday & Thursday) to you by mail or carrier. P1HMlfo f'nter m7 nbecrtptlon to the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRF..88 for Ollf' .)·ear. I aaderstand I .a.au receive both Moaday and Tluuwda7 l•ues for oaly 18.00 per ,..r. NAME A.DDRF.88 If you desire you may pay your CCII 1 ler boy §Oc each month. Just call Hmbor 1616 and mk for CIRCULATION DEPT. • •I - I ----. ·~ -- PAGf 8 -COAstAL SHOPPER -MARCH 23, 1955 ti-BaDdlag Semcee ~Jl!lleen.m~ for ~ _ !'-""'1tve for We_ , r v' Check these Used Cars ,. H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING OlRLS- J UST A JOB! BOYD'S ·HOWE Mesa Woodcra~ Repainted It Juvenile Furn!ture au, from a ~ealer wbo wtU be here TOMOMOW to b80 up wlllat ae Hll• TODAY I •- Repair a.mee Phone: Ra H Thia Week'• Special! WANT AD will cost you only s2 and it will run A.Prem~ not Balboa Blvd .. Ne rt BeU.b MORll THAN THAT-An oppor- tunity to work In &n lnterutlng lndu11try whk b la expanding and offer• advancement opportunity to qualified young women. Close Out Lighting Fixtures Modem hemlock, dbt.. headbd .. I dr. Mr. A Mr• .. two I dr. com· modea. All ch.la w1t.h caat¥ ruldH A dove tailed drawan, SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING in all 3 iuues pAp PAINTING PAPER HANOINO RealdenU&I ~ Comman:lal Worll Ucenaed Contract.or• ....... ····················•········ ...... OPICNJNGS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERATORS Sarne IJ\ Provincial, allltltl>' hl(hfl'. A Minimum ad is 4 linH. Gall Lexington 1-4941 collect. -APPLY- ~U 1" N. Main St. 50r; & moi;,e OFF Complete stock including solid brass outside fixtures Complate Mt.a ln aoUd maple, Incl. 30"x40'' plate riu. mirror. 11&1- em tinJ&b, ready t.o UN. -112t.DO 19154 CHRYSLER New Yorker Club Cpe. 2· tone f?'&f, power ltMrlnf, radio, heater, power brak•, W1W tire. ...... : ................... $2795· Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Ne..,..PreM Monday and TbUJ'llday editions, Pins the Cout:al Shopper, Wedneeda19 Huntington Beach \ipp30 AJcoboUca Anonymom Wrtte P. 0. Boa 311 Newport 8e&cb, C&llf. Phone Harbor '796 tto Rm. 211 -Santa Ana , Mon. through Fri. 9 :00 t o 4 :00 p.m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 2630 W. Coast Hwy .• Newport Bch. 29c34 Tenna can be a1R1ect. 2121 Harbor Blvd,. C Me14 Liberty 8-18'~. 29c31 Fresh Hearing Alid 22ttc BATTERIES I 19M PHILCO refrls .• IUI a nl~ _W_A_N_T_LAD--Y-fry--c-oo_k_A_w_a_l-t· Wa Give SAH Green Stamp• one, apace tor botU•, ver. &nd G \ meat keeper, that croaa t.op re... Balb<>a lllland. State ex· underson Drug Co. freeur c:h .. t • all ltMl •helvM. perlence A reterencu. Write bax H"''· lhl• paper. 2k 29 Main St. at Balboa Bl•d .. Balboa Pd. dn. to SUS.94, No ca.ah dn. Harbor 615. 98l!c If you pay the pyml.a. of S8.32 1153 2r~~~~:~-~~ 1958 DeSOTO v -8 Club Cpe. 2-tone creen. power 1teer1nr, WaW, a loaded car ........ $179~ Don't Fly to N.Y. ! WANT reapon111ble baby altter my home In Cliff Haven. Mon. thru Fri. a.ttemoonl!, 2 gtrl11 8 A: 10 yre. U 8-6328 after ':30 or wel'k ends. 28c30 FIREWOOD ~;r:::~~~~t. 8A:i~8. :':tr:~:~ See Our Many~w Priced Cars available at the best of terms. $25. down and low bank terms on the balance if credit approved. THE NEWS.PRESS THE COASTAL· SHOPPER Orange County's C lassif led Advertising Media Hear Edna Stearn• Dayton review Broadway Play · Santa Ana. -Open dlllly 9.9 FREJ:~LIVICRY Sun. 11·6 or Phone Kl 3-7201 Lido Theatre, March 24th - 10 :30 a. m. 2!5p29 RJtLlABL.E woman for baby alt· Ung, 3 day1, JCuter we.k-end. Catholic p~ferred. LI 8·t309. 28c30 Dry wood, l -24" length. MAPLE TWINS (Be&utyreat), Call B. R. ~ double bed, dinette aet, bed-divan LOU REED Used Car Lot "Across from Port Orange" Harbor 4070 or Harbor 25fll NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE&"' Every Monday and Tburaday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 LlnMI l Paper $ • 75 4 Unett 2 Papen 1.50 4 UaH 3 Papen 2.00 CHatal Shopper <:a-med Ad• tnml run la tllle Monda7 or T11unday Pu.bll~tJoe M.JHfMlJM AD IS 4 UNF..8 A.II Ct».ln ed Ad• mu•t be p&Jd for Cub la advance of pobllcat1oa. NEWPORT HARBOR t'UBLUiHIN0.00. IZll Balboa Blvd., NPwport ~aclt, Ca1Jfor111&. --------------DEA.DUNES tor placinf or cancellln,c ada a.re: Yor M9nday Publication -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday P\lt>UcaUon -'I\H19day 2 p.m. For Thurllday Publication -Wedneaday l pm. The pubU~rs will not be re.aponelble for more than one lllcorrect lnserUon or an ad, tf'llerve the right to oorrectly claulry any and all &da &nd to rtject any ad not conrormlnit to tulee and r·eruJa.Uona. Special N otioee y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 w,eta every Thunday 8 p.m. Via Oporto -CentrlLl Av.. Newport Beach J\:lwl)od Rhl'll, F:llaltf'd Rultr lG-Bua&ae. Ou.Ide Mechanical Sweepina Service PARKlNG LOT{ a\Jper market~ Dr ive-In•. etc:. Ratu by week or month. COAST SWEEPING SERV. 182~ Bubor BIT<!., I Coat.a ...... Wberty 8-~0. " 2lc33 ------------------ 12-BuUdln~ ~rvkle9 General Contracting Modernization Framing and Foundations FHA t eMM. Ref(1umtinl and Commercial Fr•,, f:l4l 1ml\tee and Plan ~f'rvke C: Sherm Allen, Liberty S. 7576 ~!_l~ldin~_~·n•N':'I 1 12.-8~ 8enteee Are you havm~ troubles ? I FOR RENT Le W Skill Saw1, Elec. Orllla, Polliall4r9. t a ant Ad help you 110lve all t ysw-• or S&nd•"'· Wh"lba.r· thf'm: rdw 11, de:. COMPT.F:TE PAINTING & l':i1•1:r H:in~m~ Service 1-'t 1 ;~ :"\f: ! • )\ 'l :-111:..R!' 6!"' :11•1 l''1<'r ' :" "l"'I H"""" ll!\rh-•r :;><17i; nr H1>r H HI trc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK :-:o JOB T OO SMALl. H 0 Anc!erll()n U 8·906!1 "n•ta !>It'• 83\.lc House Plans !Otte: Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LIC'JCN SED CO :-.IRA <.."I'OR ~11 SOUi St.. Newport Beacll Bar. 2418· W or lJ &-&'32 tlo Remodel & Repair CARPltNTRY, CE.M.ENT SLAB8. painting, plaaterlng. Dt>pendable II t'XJ)f'rltnrf'd \n a ll bulldlnjt tradt~. C111l F OSTER BROS LI 8-2932 or Hllf. :w :6-R. 23p36h ASPHALT Til..E LINOLEUM BOYD'S HOWE. 2630 ·w. COAST HICHWAY Wl><"rty 8-30!>. Nl"W'pOrt Bc:b 28ttc CF.MENT & BUtLDTNG All KJnO.t FREE ESTIMATES . Uberty 8-6109 PAINTING I.NT£RJOR -EXTE:RIOR LICE:"\~EO -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~1 • 3ht St Nnvport Beach Ha.rbor 3176 72ttc PAINTING Pawtl.Dg & Paper Ranging ''The Beat Money Can Buy" ~Yi'!!e~~~e~~~!!r PHONE HARBOR 2404 tto PAINTING EARL SHEFLIN 273 Palmer St., COlllll Me• Phone L.Jberty J:2t2.8. $7tlc Painting le Paperhanging We do the work ounielves. 30 yeara e.x-perlenca Llcenffd It lntured. S aUafactton ru&rlJ\tef'd. Eatlmatu t ru. Call Johnnie. I I.Mt.all Ule abo\"t• c.heaJX!r Ulan L1 8-2687 le L1 8-5289 81tlc ma.t. A1.o 1&1 Tlle A U.noltum. _ Non-union. 26 yean «'-<r .. r1 .. nce. Compare and ae. -LAUNDRY VENETIAN BLIND BILL COKER LI 8-e20• i Uc CARPENTER Repair Work 0oee Tour Rome Need Rt.,.aftftl or R.emodellna T Call FranJt. Liberty ..... All Worll Ouan.ntffd 7•tlo PAINTING and PAPERHANGING l'or Good Jocal refer«11~ THOM.Al COLL rrte rtJUma ta, call Kl 7-l&U. i 2Jp34h Will come to )'our home. take down your vrnetlan bl111d11. t&Xt them to our laundry. Laundn Ille alata, tapea, cord.9. aparkltnr c:lean wtUl our new ll'l&Chlne procu• met.hod. Return your bUnch and re-1.uta.11 Lbem La :u boun. Pr1c:a YeT"'f rMa011abl1. The aftY.. IJ'e I ta~ l"NldenllaJ bUnd- Only $1.00 We aJ9o npa.tr and rebuild nn .. U.n lllllnda. AU work don" by a~ po&Dtrn911L Pllon• now l.JIM!rtJ ll·~T01 or Klmbtrly 3-ll27', ppttc l~Be&uty~~------ Phune Hubor lOU apt. stove, riltrlg,, oriental rug Evenlnca Harbor 5391 1 t'-... & ml!lc. All Hke new. HYatt 4 -5988 week-ends. 27p29 Superfluous Hair HOUSEKEEPER, help with two S0-8--A ilaDoee ' chtldren, live In. Local refe~n· pP --l\• SlZE 81CO complete with 11pg1. S4-Moalcal, Rad.lo, ~ T \' MINSHALL Oreana electronic, t ma.ho1 .. 1 Blonde Oak 167:1 up In r ood condition. Uaed Solovox Organ att11chmrnl 10 pl11.no $150 SPRING CLEANING Permanently removed from face anna, 1er1. Eyebrow• an<! llalr line ahaped-No more twee111.n1. EU.EN L.. BRYANT R.. E. Lldo'a SlLlon of Beaut1 Bar. 2671 tie 22-Lottt and Found LOST lar.ge grey long haired cat. f 8 yr. old a ltered male) named "Smoke-y." Frightened Jrom new home. Irvlne Tt rrace. Any In· formation gratefully received. REW ARO for return to HOO Dol- phin Terrace. 2k31 24--Schools, Instruction Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN A WOM.E.N prepare ln 1pare lime for unlimited oppoi:tunltlta In Real Eatate. New cl&Ut• weekly. A.I Tyler IJlatruct.IJlg. At.- tend rtr1t svanlng tree and learn about thla fTe&l tleld. Call or writ• now tor lntonnatlun. Busl· DIU ln1Utute, '16'9 N. S)'c&· mor•. Kl 3-17!>3. 74t1c China Painting o_, &DO INe.ntne Clueea Orden Takm NO'W Pllone Llberty 8-&e48 • .. lie PIANO TEACHER Pl\JSCJLLA MATTIU!:We r ormetl)' of Chicago and Loe Ani~lt'•. U 8-3956. 26c;39 Till"ff baby altten a va ilable !or cvenlll.s• Pbooe Lltwrt1 8·2722 30p3Hi Bookkeeping COMPL.&TE SERVlCE for amall bulrint'tl~ lnc:ludin1t 1t.atement It t&a fonn• ComJXl~nt, reuon- abt., t'onf\d~ntl.Al. Jiu 346l·W. 23c36h MA)I; A WOMAN Will do ~ent<ral hoUKWorlt, floor WlLlLlng, Mn· do. (lltanlnr;. J'ut worktn, wblt~. 111.4 Y.. 20th I t., Coeta Mu a. Ll 8-2613 ppt.t 1'YPr,qG, my home. Reuonabla, tut It accurate. Manu.ec:npt.. etc. Pl1ope Long B~ach i08-0i 2 or WTtte Bfft.rloe JohMon. 488 W , 17th St.. A~nJ 8f'M h. 26pp38 Roy's Maintenance HoUH c1.Ml.1nr-i1oor wa.xlnJ Wall wuhlng-wlndow cleantnr Veneua.n blln1.1.. Upholat•ry lnl'tlred. li'rH F:1tlm atea Liberty A·13l2. lt!c: WANT 111..lH, u cret&rtal poalllon. l!:xpn irnced ln both, aao drap- ery At uphol.ltery tabnc. W1U brtni; mature Judpent to l.he Job, loca.J ref-ett. Ll 8-3003. "9. Ka.r. 42'79. 27c:2t PAINTER WANTS WORK 15 y n ra utptr1· ence Non unlnn Hn11rly cea reqlllrad. Har. 6363. 28c30 1966 BLACKSTONE automatic: 8c ma\.., good condition. Kenmorr wuher, lta the but one, all cu e wringer washer with pump, WANT housekeeper tor ~i day1, Corona de! Mar. Mu11t. have own tra.n11portatlon . Ph. Har. 3059-M, even Inga. 29c31 SALESLADY -Must be qualified to handle wom~n'e 1>4!tter mer- <"ha.ndllll'. Full or part time. Ap- ply Ill peraon or J!Ve quaJlfl~ !Iona In !Im lett.er. O'BRIEN'S SPl!:CI~l.TY SHOP. 2615 l!Jut Cou t Hwy., Corona !lei Ma.r. Harbor 2868. 28c30 OJRL tor general clerlca.I work. Must be able to type. Full or pa.rt tlmt'. Apply In peraon. or give quaJlflcaUona In tint letter. O'BRIEN'S SPl)CIALTY SHOP, 2:116 Jtut Cout Hwy., Corona <kl Mar. Harbor 2888. 28c30 SU-lllecel'aneoa11 for Sale SEVERAL Ice boxea In food con· dltlon, m"ke orrer. Har. •091 or Ku. 3984. 27c'9 ~~-------~-~! 8 cu. FT. SERVEL g'U refrlg. 11 ' delwte elec;, range. U ke new. Make offer Mlee ltema aao. ISO Ramona Dr., l rvtne T errace. 28c30 POWllR Lawn mow•r ln good cond1Uon. 18" cut. 100 LI 8·2764 28c30 hardvted geara, with big tub, Xlnt. cond. Ollk library table. LI agitator. everything. Came b11ck 8-7987. 2Sc30 A: been pd. dn. to $238.87 from t,!29. No c:uh dn. JUAt p~r WELSH dress~r $35. Couch, down pymta. ot $12.35 per month ' AfUJh•(ln:< $75, Twin mattrl'l!lll'B Irr See Baughn'11 AA:S Wan!hOu!le .._ bd1t aprlnge sz:... •et. Quern alu no So. Main St. 6 blks. sot 4th St. mattrt111 A: box aprlnJ w1lh hrad Santa Ana. -Open dally 9.9 board, new $125. Buutilul a n· Sun. 11-6 or Phone Kl 3-7201 Llque br&lls la.mp, handmadr sh1dr 176. Twin lamp•. llkr new 125. each. Small antique rateleg table 136. Early Amer. woven rui 150. 3 •mall woven rug1 10. ,.ach, end tables, antique dlahto• &nd other ml,.c. Items. Deep tru :r.•• $1 00. RICHARDSON'S y ACHT ANCHORAGE. Harbor 369 or 41:'>6. 29c31h W ashina Machine SER VJ CJ!: 1-yeat guarantee on Jobe done and on uaed wuhera 2488 ~ ! rear) N~rt Bl., Coeta Me11&. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc FRIGfDAIRE 11 c:u. tt. refrlfer&· tor, xlnl. condition, $100. 239~ Sant& Ana Av~.. CoAta Mesa 29c31 1954 O'KEEFE It MERRITT range one of the nicest CP alJ auto· rna tlc. lift top, 11mmf'r bumHa, gt°lddle In mlllelle with tl'mp. tn· LIKE NEW-Luy Su&&n mapl,. llroplear ta ble S:09.50: 4 Capt. cha.Ira $14.95 r~h: Salt"m maple hutch, lflrltt', Ul<ed 6 moe., $89. I 'w of co1t). Lido Islr . Harbor 0279·M 29p31 OVAL WOOL b.-.ldert 9x12 rug. rtd, gret!n and brown, Ii~ Phone H arbor 4482. 211c31 11lc:a tor, It grUI brol.ler Br,.n pd F"REEZE.R d~ep treez.•. tl:w big an. to S 128.21 no ruh nrr·l~rt 131; cu. ft color lnalde hold• It you pay the pymt1t. of $8 ~!I ovn 520 lb•. f\)l)d, factory f()(>d ptr mOl\th. W•l\«'cllon plan alAIO. Ila new Sea Baughn'• Alt.S \Vi1rehou1e ...,. 220 So. M&ln St. I blk1. S or 4th St ltu been ~""-dn. to 1:138.32 fr<im Sa.nta Anll. . OJ)t'n dnlly 0.9 11!'>0. while 1ttored. Caah '01" pay the pymUI ot $1 1 M ~r month. Sun. 11 -~ or P hone Kl 3·1201 s B h · • .a.g .,, h Antique& ol~ chJ.n&. cut gla.. ' ee a ui n 11 ,..-'" ar~ oul!f phonO(raph1 ,mu1lc box. oq;11n1, KENMORE gu uni:<'. rei;\ilu 220 So M111n SI. I bike. 8 of 4th St. DANZ-SCHMIDT Pl11no A Organ Co. 620 No, Main, SMla Anll 120 Base Plano AccordloM 190. up, See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Cout Blvd., Coruna del MILi 1 Thaden lntarlor Bide 1 Har. 33'2 6' Uo LOVELY bungalow upright pla.no In t int> condition, $3~0 Tf'rme, $40 down Md $11.~0 per mC\nlh SHAFER'S Music Co. (Slnre 1907 , 421 -U !I N. S~camorc, Sant• Ana Phone Ktmbrrly 2-0672 I 137!> BUTS lovely tull ktybOard 8p1Mt pl11no: rental RJ!:TURNS '"ve 11~1 on b«11utltul ~pintt11 llkt' new, Wurlluer, Luter, Fl11cher, Knabe. MB.Aon A> Ham· Ill\, aome 8 1Dnt1e Ollk and S&lem Maplr. [')ANZ·SCHMJDT Bl.g Ptanu Stor~. 1'120 No. Main. Santa Ana Hammond Organ Instruct.ion CIU41rl\l &. popular Harbor 3818·\V, 29c111 I l1mp1. plcturea. bric . a . brae. i lz:e, t.11 bll' top. t burn'°r ('l111n Sanra An&. ~ d11ll)' 11 ·!1 Vl•1t m )' ta.re• new atore. l alao 6 r ood. Boy& bike 28 .. l.lbftrly Sun 11·6 or Ptlnnt> Kl 3·7201 CONNSONATA O rgan, Ju!rt trad· buy It trade. Pltue hrlnfC your 8-1!961_21 70 Pad tlc:, <:. M'. 211p31 O"'"'""N t ,,. ~.:-;:--ed In, Mn ... oo on lhl• a.lmC>lll ll~m" In C'hulle Davi•, 180~ E. "'"""' 11 u ... o ewe ............ twin nrw orcan. Ana.h•tm 6t., Loci• .... " ll""LH <.."ROSLEY Crl l ... bl 12 bc'd1t, l•te•I d ... 1"'· .. ~ Com-OAl'\Z·SCH!'>flDT Bl .. P la no Stort -. .,., ,,. geia or .... e I pkt• bdrm. ML 1ncluilins moat-.. Out They Go Values Values '4fl BUICK Super ....... $17'5 '47 BUICK conv ......... 19~ '47 PLY. sedan ····-·· ... 19~ '48 NASH Amb .......... 2M '48 HUDSON sedan .... 24~ 41' NASH clb. cpe ... '41 BUICK ·········--···-· 49 49 '41 CHEV clb, cpe ..... 126 '41 OLDS sedan ..•....... 295 TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport. Beacb Harbor 5021 29c31 Jaguar XK 140 M. C. Triumph TR 2. Doretti. Hillman OAS ffE.AT""u lookalike 0 -•s·. ltrlor. a 11tom•11 c dtfr<>aUns. P fC . " · 2~ .. ,0 ..... ., Jtltfe cu. tt. double door. l{Old color In· 1 tr~M A 1 rln l t!O. It r 3,.12.J 1\20 No. Main, Santa Ana ..... .., • •ht!lvu In J<>0r 6 two veget•bl' ...., .,;11: ... RCA VJCT'OR. 21" TV SET. SEE d DRIVE th 40 yr. old vtolln. rood condition r rt p"1r lu. be I 6 1 Tablt model. t'1td 3 mo'11,, Uf>Q, J an . est 1955 i< • l'D Wit'( n o. MAJ'W': '1lhl b«l, b<1x "rrinQ~ ~d t'.Jttepl nee1l1 re11tr1n""n1:. -bu• ha.a "--n """' d t S"'9 '8 1 <.:all Har. lllbO, 9·!.. 29c31 model." today. &• • ,,._"' yu· n (\ 6 '1 " Olllltre1•, lt l\e nl'W. $:5 IJ&rl"it " Liberty 8~6606. 79c3t ff' s~29 ... d t J t ,. om " ''11 " 1'>'111 · ua 2( 9·M 2il':?ll ' $311:, JH i\"l( lov,.ly httlo Haby ,_ D • Fl N y ' pey the py111111. ot S 13 i2 pn mo on t y t o . .. SM!. Ba11<>h11'• AA~ WarAo.-uae Ccand, ulhcu J4i:i, $M O, $U~5 HARV""' MAYER MOTORS H ;.,. ,. ~"" 19M WEDCEWO<)l> r&nR,•. tu th• I .c..1 ear Edna ~teams Dayton no So. Mr.In Kt. e blk• 11 ot 4t.h st. <'le Story • c ark, Kn11b<'. \\'ur· hlg on!' all C'hrome control pantl ltt.u Kl b u "•I J review Broadway Play Hant.a An•. o p .. n dli1ly 11 ·9 ... k r, m a In ... em M•p '· Bun, 11·6 or J'hl>1le Kl 3•7201 "" '''° IOI:' top, "lmrtwr b•lrnn• '"-ttr, McPha.11. AJway1 100 Lldo Theatrf.'. March 24th -• «rld•lte In madillt, Il a U\ft IT planoa to chooM t rom. l!lt·O HI· w K Special, 4 t1r H<llUI. 10 30 m 25 29 A.ll out<11n11ru• • tock, la mp In ad· OANZ.8CHMiDT Bir Plano ltort, : a. P 30-~-~ rt11t11n h1111 t.hn t irrlll bmllfr r.20 ~o. Main, Sant.a ,\na R • H, Oynan<JW. W SW tlr ..... ·· Miii>, Mill er Chevrolet ANY p1.4ltl "hade O.\t wall pa.IJlt Will do pa.lnting in b H.r .. nil iww bu• P•1 '111 10 Sl18 ~7 '.O USll:'O pianoe wanted tor our m&tc:hl'd, S2.~0 i;allon Rolltr exc ange • ':'<f rn•h n··~olrd •t )' u I' •Y thr r~nlal dtpt. Tradt your old piano ll't. from Sl ,49 Free •·lnch ny-ror camping t railer. Pete pymt• Of ~II l O pn mo.nl.h I on Ol'W •l~trtc nraan, 11plt1'•t or 100<1 W. <"out H""Y li'-'l'I HArl'l<?r S t<wr1nrt ll"""h l.Jbf'tlv ll·22ffl 1·n11ta M•"" LJl1n1y 11·~33 Ion bru8h with 2-gal. uter10f Peterson LI 8·9002 18<'" H•ur hn 1 A&S \\ "r"h"11~" I irantl piano Hlghu l allowancl' paint.. HARROR PAINT C EN· ' . Z21l ~D J.htn St 6 bllh. S nt 4th l'l f1A NZ-AC:HMl[)T Bl,; P lano 8torf' T1tR 412. 32nd Rt., Newport 28p3() !'!M l& Ana OJWn tl"11Y 9•9 :.20 No. Jttain. Santa Ana 1!•~11 <'lff:\'ROLE'T •~ ton r lckup. ------------- Bearh. Har. 2838. 28.,33R Sun 11 ·~ or Phon,. Kl 3· 72111 H.t>H N ,.w l•N"• U2tl. REA t.i'T1iruL bl""''" o k •ptn•t Miller Chevrolet 1000 Bwilneat cards S3.95 BOOK MATCHES L. W WHITE t ,[ 8·•011 I f:vce. LI 8·!'>1M) pptfc: PAIR 11! wrou11ht tmn tnrchu . Toll Hou~ lamp. por1Abl" bar. kttchw t1ble, H&r, 2tl2!'>·M or Harbor 3473 2vo31 TWO 26 ' boy'• blcyclu &nd one g1rlll' 26" bl<')"cle All rebuilt Ilk" new. Your choice for $29.60. !!'>71 Oran~e Ave., Colttil M-. no3C KATY OOA?flt ph1.no, ltk11 ntw Savt t 2110. ,. •n· IO<l<l w. C'no t lfwy 18.M) Harb<-r v,n111nt \"rm11 at :-.; .. .,, l~Hl B•'lt• h <: n•ta Me~• To Close Estate ~·ANTltn -Slip fl'r bout Phon" flHA F'ltR'~ Ml!ltlC Co (81Mf' 19071 1.11\ .. r\y 8 22151 UhPrl)' fl..~:u ST11nlt-y 7-4'.?ll!l rollf'1 t 2';1'29 421-423 N llyr t.mor,. l'-•nta Anll __ ---------- COMPLETE HOt:SETt:L ot (um. I Phone Kimberly 2·~72 19111 ('Afltl.LA(' COUJ>f! p .. v111r. Stovf'. retr111 . T\", ru~a. h\1nr PA.JR of u.t""1 116 hp <"hr111 <'n1tt ---Xlnt rnnJ low mll .. ar• l lsuo. rm. 6 bdrm ,.,.t,. Md mu c J>f'~ Pn1tln,.11 l.lbtrtv 8-112~ 27c2P flAMMO:"'IJ Cl'lot•l orJ•tt. I ~1111ht · Rl•'HAHllRO!'>'l'I TM'ht Anrhorar;11 il2 HEUOTR()f'I::, C P M I ly u•et1. llkfl """"· '''11 <'An play H1.rt,nr i\69 nr 411\o6 211c31h YR!. .. RAT. Ol':LY. 29p30 63" SC'HOO!':ER yarht, G M t11••· wtlhout • l~•M•n I ,. .. 1. nr;g~<I far alb111;rir~ f111lltnr; l.lANZ·Sl'l·lllt 11 rr Bir J'1a M1 !'tort. 111:.;i • ·10·:\"J(l)l,~71' IJt'I Alrf' 4 tit . GAFFERS 6 SA ITLER ra.nirt. It> I With F rl'f'.ln !"l'fMJf .. nol ltH\, • (1ppl'r l '.JO ~o 1'hln, Aon la A11f "' t~n H-"fi w :-;w tir,.,. li• lol ""\&' 11011 _.,rvlr rtl by \II IHP6. br&nd n'"" th' b"•t blr 40' on11 tubtn"' !\lll lAble for ~"V' Ii ~"" -------- automatic oven d ock, V&n18lllnj( l"nJl~ln~ Ph EXh,.,.,.,)C •·lll<le I Spec·1al Match •heir. ex:r·11 h lSh brnllM' A blJ I 2~p32 l)Vr n. Pd. dn. to I l •9 •1 from I one. 1369. No. dn pyml Ju•l 1$' CLASS bo6t. ball l&nk !Mil 0 B pay the pyma of S8 12 per rno trllller, S260 327 W, Wlhton, I rgan UYS Mill er Chevrolet 10••1 W f'oA11l Hwy ~.i V-J .. rt fhu•h l.lbf'tl)" 11-2261 !~>6 Harbor Co.i" M f'1<ll Ll~rly 8-M\33 ... Bau1hn'1 AAS Waf'f'hOUH <'ost.& Me-. 2ip•9 . . . • I o ;-,;g 0.:''I., full 2 nuH',•l l C• nn· 111~10 L'HJ.tYS l...ER Wl.ndeor, 4 !tr. 210 So. Main St. e bl.k.a. S of Hh Sl F"OR RE:-.'T doclt f<>r holl onata rlHlr,,nlr O!lt""· l,k• ,, .. Ian lt&fi AUl11, drive . 1611~. Santa Ana. -Open dally~ 9.9 H!\rb<>r 2903·.R. 28lfc nrw ~IVI' SHlO I M·11 Chevrolet 8un. 11-~ or Phone Kl s-.201 ---O!'l:J.: ONLY be tr I ).i h 11 l er N"" It nearly new a pparel for TRADE · a.u 1 u tn .. • 1000 W ro11~t Hwy 111.'4 Harbor women .\ rtrtldr~n Klndell"I TV MAPLi> CONSOLE. doo1-., 17" ~plntt ?rt •n. like nf'W, Aav• I Jl)O l :"'cw port Bu• ll 1·tl•h M~•• PaUo. 2721 Cou t Blvd Corona xtnL plotur,. I~ M"pl~ il~•k 6 Q:-o; E ON l~Y •lni:;l• m11nual Min· LJb t ~ 22&1 l 1~ 8 ~~S Ubfl'ty 8-2712. is p36H tlt'l Mu • 2•c•" I rhaJr 125 . 133 Via Jur"r. Lido Beftullfu] 70-ft. I.WI. IChoonu 11hall ori;an, Ilk• ntw SAVI' n oo __ f'r_y . ___ • r ty .. ' ~ "--' lalt. Harbor 3729.\\*. 29c31 ru11y f(')Und1 go anyw·ht rf'. WtU I r·oovrn1t nl t~rm• ft\ 'O,() CHJ<Y~l .. )'~R ('1uh ~OU ,---~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:::;::::;:;;;:;;;:=;::~1 1.Ake equity In pro'Perty or sm•I· SHAl"ER'S M U-otl· Co. 1!-llnrr lll07 t r. "11 R•H. WILL DO lronlnr; 176c hr.) In my 1 22 \, B 1 •"•nit .,, ... r~ .. ,,, 1t111J•I ~· mtt k41 home. I er bo11ot 1 Q \ "b<>A Blvd , 421·413 N. 8yc1unorl', !:4ant11 Ana nff..r HHMr j111111 2t1rao ALSO BAB~ S!ITL'l;C t '\Oc: hr 1 j Ntwport Har. 3032. _::?HJ14H r hon,. l<lmh•rly 2-0il72 day or evening. 438 S"WJ>Ort "A Letter fr"m Kansas II rwo l'lt lVA1F. f'l.()A T~ II.Vall· H 11148 CHf.:VR<iLKT A .. rn. RAdlO 81 d N "' • • • t TV s . 11nf! H"•t"t 138~ v •. twport &uh 27p29 I able II W An;RFRONT I n .. 11-ones erv1ce .. ~ewport Barbor :Sl'..-11-P'"'• Marl'h II, 1,1111 I ' r1~on1 (nni llfll flar iH21l Z9fi3 1 STEVENS It SONS Miller Chevrolet Alterations R.llSTTLINO Kim of California 212 Marin" Ba.Ibo& Illand Harbor :HSI 18p30H Experienc'd g-ardener LANDSCAJ>ING &nd CLEAN UPS Llbttty 8-1659 18c::111H 211pSO A·l COOK, buUu, houffmlJ\. H&nd1 all a.round man. Local reterenc:et1. Wr1t. Box J--4!1, I.hi• pA~r. 2~p~O TREE SERVICE Planting, Rw>o'rinr • 1'rimm1n1. LI 8-16'8 Uno &na.. call Lf &-4708. 29p31 BP!AtmCI.AJf, f\lar&nt.d ealat1. R.r. 31•7. J8cSO !t11 Ballllea Bh·d.. I 1noo \\' ("l)A11t If·"'> 18.')!I Ha.rb<>r ~ewportkM'h,('allf. OUTBOARO MO'T'OR, 411 ti. I' 1879 H11rbur, l'Otta Mua :-O:rwporl 8 ,.,11 h roAl" ,_.,.~• D4!'af Ml"I. ('nl~: M11rlln i n i:n<><I (nn<ll\lnn. l•ll Ph L.tbtrty 1-lr;~OI f7pp·lfc Wb4-i 1 v 11-221! I Harbor 2911G·W W tf , IJbi>rly 1·~:13 nousht you mJrht bfl lllteN'lOt~ t o hl'ar ab .. ut ~ HAMMOS U or1:11M, all m0o1 .. 11. .,.:~1~.~nlt of my advf'rtlatnr ID y1>11r ~11lnf'd 1 S:"l'l"f: Nn 44~~. 1n 11:<11kl ronlll· t'llllltH trrm• ) nur 1d1l plllno lion. Sl!\0 l'hon41 l .l ll·47311 acc~pttil in u .t h1111ii• >'in p1•C· I ..... 1n (hf' ,.,... l',fate bD•lneu In S&11ta Ana for 211~3• tic,., try b"ft\fl' yn11 1)11y 1& JY.l"I, (MrFARRP:S a 8Mtm), the• rf'Urf'd tor DANZ·SCHM.IDT 8 11 Piano Ii 4 ye&ra and 11ow ha\·e "pen~ thl11 orn~ two mn11th• S:'\OWBIRD. :"n 2•5, 2 11All1. Organ co .• 620 No. Main, Sant• a,ro. J'lber1luM!d. Goo O condlUOn. Ana ne llf'('Oft<! "'eek ..... _,. la ........ Wfl edvn~ Harbor 0210-J. 2ic31 tiM4 • lllome oa ~1 M',.. la c.AMlta M-Md aold tt lrnnwdJat.f'ly-Rad doc-of mlla .ad '4-tt4!n from WANT TO BUY u tar away u ~ttll'. USED IHJP TO SHORE tei.phont TM Dul w~k we ..ilYertlMd a ll&mllar pNperty radio. for a.mall botlt. t71 Bwy .. and eold t.b•t t.ht1 ...,_ INtl!k too. 11&1• Ume amo-r L&pna Beach. Ca ll HY •·•026. tilMJ m.u1 "611• and 1etwn we bed a ttply from _. 2tc!l far away u Kan .... Aa a re11111t of t.111e ... .,....Uf ID yoo.r ,.,., CHRYSLER Ma.rlne enctnt. 4~ t.o -Mn• • 1i.t of H .. IO ..xcelJelll proePffU. h l reducUon gear. SPECIAL March Spinet Buys Bro BAVlNOI lncludlnc Klmball. Culbl"Al\Hn, Leater and WurllU· er rp!Mt pl111011. JJlbu11l tr•fl" Conv~nlf'nt term• at.-- 11l!l3 r HF:VR0 1.r.r 2 '1r. ,.,.,,.n, l '1twrr ~lt·I~ 11,.at~r -"'""" !Irr•, $132,, Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cou t Hwy s -porl B""<'h t.tberty 8·22tll 18116 Harbor Cn1la MeM 1.1 bl'rt)' 8-~33 coupe. Full new. V -8 F'lredome Club power. RllH. Uke s1eea. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W, Cou t Hw)' l'l""'J>Ort ~""" LI lioorty 8·23'1 I HIM Harbor Clll la Mo& l.Jb@rty 1-~a:i an et my upene-.. ,,.., H1ate I sever reca1J R&TRIOICRATOR, 110 Yott o. c. "'""-1' bad Mt~r ,...,_. t.e CllMIUlecl .... 80 JACK HA.RPER a t Lido 8BAFER'3 Mu1lc Co. ( Slnr • lt07 ) 421 ·423 N. S)'C&mOl"t, $a.rt.a. Ana I Sir.fl ,.-oRD d"lu.JI" aedan f\MS1o, Pllone Klmberly 2·~72. •1r11t1n11I J"•lr1~ ~ rn!'eh&11I· 11l&ftk 708 fer ,..u ' tuoe. lhlpyard, end of I lat lt.rNt, Very tnl.11.... H_.pori ._. 2tttc _ ___ call)'. $41l!\ 1..11.a a •er.... a.u.aC>A MY raoriann •lt&Ml ...... 81 ..... ......... o..llfonla " ....... ,_ ..... -.... -UYelJ (;I ..... fled !Wtloa wtD .,..... ,.. ........ .... ••• QVALITV al'At·Ln: Olll ll&rhr ltll ....... for tM Ml t.U.,. SIJ RE1'T8 Ko<>d pracllr.• pl11no or 1o buy a t $87, 191, fl2~. Mlrro Hausken Motors, Inc. ~·~ !W!oz a TV 8pllltta $23:5. . DANZ·SCliMl.DT air Pia.no Blore, 1932 ftarbor Blvd .. Coat& Meaa STll!IJ.'fW AT 0~ t . '1c>Ul bl p.r· feet -41UOD. Kabo•·· not n · built, wond•rtul ton, tut a.ctJon 5l<l No. Ma.ln, ll&11ta Ana Phon• Ll~rty 9-&001 20c23 touca. lo....ty Jt.uM rplaet ln s.5--n-.. n...... Peta ebon.J t\AaAh. MY"e U.30. Aleo :::'Jn ~-----~ Muon • Hunltn 1plnet ltke new, l StAMES!'; llltteona t or Mle 1 .. 1 OANZ-ICHXIDT Btc Piallo ltore. potnte. 210'-t Apolma, Balboa I-· UO No. Mau.. ... &a AM &u4. Jiu. Mat·I\. J7c28 -F'Qr a t1e~ndahl~ laf'd car, H• your lt)c&l dt&h1r who w1U be ~e TOMORROW to back up what he .,II• TODA T ! 0h~k the Wl"tl r•r. In th., c:l&Utfted eec:Uon lo· 481. • I -' . . '~ - ... ' .. • . ·t fO-Aut,os ucl Trud" . 4~Apts. ~ Roa"" '. ··-··----48A-Apts. for Rent 62-Rf'al F.~ta~ 'MARCH 23, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 9 ~---· ~---------------· ·-----1949 FORD Y·j CU.tom delWtr ON BALBOA ~"LAND O'Drlvt. H tr. XlnL mHh. con· dltlon. .. _ _ .. Ill~. ID 0 1 foe Je&rlJ &D4 ... to"'I rutaA&. Yearlv OCEA.."< P'RONT APT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Home with extra lot SZ-__ ae_ai_E_•ta_t_e __ -___ a_-__ ... __ f"A&ate ____ _ Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. Cout Rwy. !': •wport lkac.b LJbert.y a-i:ut t&M Harbor eo.ta )( ... Wberty 3-5433 1911 ILOIUUS Oxford .i&Uon wacma. OM awn.r. Low tnU...,.. lltrtcUy a ca.mper'a dellaflt! 30 mJJ .. to UI• pJJon. $129!1. NELDA GIBSON, Realt.or aoe Mann. A... B&nor &02 SAL804 Ul1.A.ND Ttlc CORONA DEL MAR Two badnn. dupl~ll furn. l blk. from Bay. Furna.c:e beat. JM. rno. on leue. :?~28 Suv1•w 29p31 Haueken Motors, Inc. RENTAL v 1981 Barbor Bl•d .. eo.ta w~.. SPECIALISTS ~ Lnae!V &-5081 20c22 Call !:dna CraJr 2H1 ol.D8MoBIL!l H • dJ'. eedaa. Blanche Gates, Rltr. ...._ H,-dnmatic. Spotlilb\. 811 Marine 4v~. Bets• color. Nflw Uru .... 11096. Balboa laland, ear. 1871 72Uc Miller Chevrolet lOll w. Oout Rwy. N_,.,t Jkacla ~l-23111 l 9M OU>&. ti &iarfln Coaftll't. ~ Full power, Jt6H. Hydra.. WSW tire•, Wtre wheela. (H- -t wu '4,llOO.) MOW ·-· 13De. Miller Chevrolet 1000 W. c.a 11"7. l Ml Ha.pr Newpwt Be&dl co.ta lUaa Liberty 8-2281 ~rty 8-~3 N1'!W 19M JlllN4ULT -San. De- Uwred equipped, lltt!I. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1N2 Ha.nor Blvd .. Colt.a M4IM P1ioc• Libe:ty 8-6061 29e31 '52 Singer Sport Car ONE otnra, 8800 1nllea ST911. Hau1ken Motors, Inc. 193% Ra.rbor Blvd., Co.ta M- Pbaa. ~ a.Mel. Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla,. 8 Cyla. ----~8.88 WJ.88 lncJudea bOUI labor aJ\d part.a. N-Nl8, wn. ptna, •aJVt P1A'. fttuap ot lll&1a and rod bMrUlp. Expert motor lWI• up 11().day or 4.000 mu. rua.rantee.. (NO MONEY DOWN>. REBUU..T ENGlNJ!'.8 -UP io U WOHTRI TO PAT- Built ln our OW11 fadory tty Milled maclWl.l•tA. Doo•t oootend w1t.b t.b• m!ddU au.A Buy d1rec1..,. REBUILT and INST Ail.JID 8HOftT BLOCK J'OJU) --· llJt.60 CHEVR.<>Lrl'.-~~~ PLYX. • DODOID Its& CBR YS. A Oil IOTO 1170 ITUDEB.AJCJ:R -1170 OLOS 6 POln'IAC • 1170 NEWLY rtJRN. • decor a ted 1 bdrm. bouM. Prlvat.e yard. BBQ. .ALllO tum. 1 bdrm, duplex, gvb. cllip. J:a.ch 11rS mo.. In.cl u Ul. 602·604 Jum.tne, Corona del M.ar. Phone Har. 21S4·J. 29c34 J BDJlM.. dupla on Cllft Drive. Le•· Uv. nn., w1t.h uud brick nrep&au, beam ceUlng. disposal, guagr. ~ue unf\Jrn. SIOO. Harbor 4781 daya. 29c31 Choice Winter Rent.ala OD Balboa laland & Lido lsle llm&lJ A eotrJ or t&rc• It deluxe $711 to $300 moot.b VOGEL CO. 208 M.a.rlJi• ... ~ Balboa lal&Jld Pb. Hubor U4 or Harbor 21~1 ~&. Har. 1786-RK OT Ll 8·!1297 6'tlc IN BALBOA. nearly new upper duplell turn. Clo1e to Bay and truap. $60. mo. until Jun• 1!1. or yrly . leue at IT5. Call Har. 131T·W alter 11 Lm. 29c31 Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Fronu I other choice propertlea Harbor lll&nd, Bay Sborea. Sea,. con Bay, quall!\~ clJ•nt.11 only. H&rbor Invetitment Co. Harbor 1800 (Evu. U 8·638e I 27t!c 2 BEDROOM FURNlSRJtD DU· PLEX. Corona del Mar, 1nulh n1 Hhn y 1100 month Incl. utJJ. l\CR8. KAY. Ha.r. 3ii9·J ~tJc RENTALS H EADQUARTERS tor s ummtr ruit..la I.II the Harbor a.rn . LOT'S-KOMr.~-1:-\COMJt LOCATOR or Call!ornia &OT E. Balboa Blvd., Har. 0 78 LET US LOCATE FOR YOU J ~m. rlllqulati. vlrw • tur· nlablnga ~n l rum. or W\lum. Utll. pd. MUST aee lo appreciate Harbor 4051 for a ppointment 71c33 ATJ"RACTIVE tumlahlld modtm •tud10 apt.a. uuuuea paid. SUXM.ER or YEARLY rat.M. 3424 Coe.at Rwy., Corona del Mar Har. OU3-R or LI 8-7177. 2ic40 S85 TI!:ARLY, pracUcalJy new one bdrm. apt.e .. turn. A unrum. Bar stool"• range It retrl(. tum. Ocean llide of Hlg'hway. Rtnt ataru April lft.. 807 J!"emleaf, Corona del Mar. 28c31 Charming Harbor Haven Apartmenu • Patios NEW ' ROOM. atreet l•vtl. 1' ear 11Choola, ahopptnr d'-t.nct. Quiet. pi.uust. u clulllve. Oarbac• d!s- poul. laundry, 1torag• rooms. rarare. $82.~ up. OOcuples •n· tire •treel. Oood aupervlelon. Mer.. l~J Haven Place 1 Block Sout.h ot High School ALSO P'URNT SHED APTS. WT~l!:R RATES J ttc R1!:.ASONABLY pn~d. ci-n l • 2 ti.dnn. turn. apt&. UUL pd. Laundry room . Ptay(?'ound fnr ch.lldren. Blue Top Ap~ 403 Nnvport Blvd., Nrwport Buch. Above the Arche.. l Otlc MODERN 1 bdrm. apt. wtth renge and ntrtc. Carport ud private pado. s.. mrr. tn ApL c, 21120 Avon 8L, Newport Bea.ch. Har. 46iO·J. 2U.fc HARBOR A.PTS. Modern furnished apta. day, week or month N~ bWI, 11tortt1 •bay. Jteuonable i'ato. 104 E. &7 Ava., BALBOA Karbor53••· lilfc 488-RoUAM for Bat 1'~0R IU:~'T-It not aold by April lat t"nfurn 3 bdrm. Corona Hlg1\lluld1 tamJ.ly horn•. W \\' rarJ)4't1ns-. drapea, rory ~d brick rtrepW:e, ralaed burlh, hlrch pa nl!ll!d kJtch~n. Ocean ''ll'W. lge. yard. Ston. ~fri( • &ut.omaUc wu.ber 1Dcluded 1! dee1red. Sile now 80• e~awarn Road. CCrona del Mar. 2•c38b Nl!:\V Two bedrm. bOUM. All larg· er rooma. Oarace. Two blocka to ocean. 208 • 34!.h SL SM. peT mo. Yrty. Ha.r. 3930-J . 28tlc FURNISHED LIDO HOME I t>dm!A, 2 batha for 8 mant.M, ·~ A.pnl lat. IMO lllO. Lido Realty Assoc. 3'00 Via Udo Ba.r. '444 l8tlc MARKET -top location . well eatabllilhed. Showe grON $100,000 laat year. Luae $150 mo. One ta.m- lly opt>ration. Full price $16,MO. CAFE -Reports a gross of $26,000, Rent $125 mo. New propt>rty, owner will improve bldg. & area. Full pri-:e M 500. RESTAURANT -WeU eatablished. excellent loca- tion -long lease, $300 mo. Owner doing good busl- neu but spent hU!lt month In hoapltal. WiU sacrifice for much leaa than price of fixtures. $9000. -A Good Deal! F or these and others aee - THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hwy., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8·3481 Evenings Liberty 8-~80 GROUND IS BROKEN Deluxe 2 story bldg. opposite City Hall ELEV ATOR and OFF STREET PARKING Come in and inapect blueprinu be!ore partitiona are constrocted ao that we can arnmge floor apace to your needs. THE BEAUMONT CO. 434 • S2nd SL, Newport Bea.ch Phone Harbor 4299 27c29 AV AILA.BLE -A.bout 8000 aq. tt. ll•bt tndiatry ,pac.e on i.t • 2nd. floor. U. S. Highway 101 &nd Bay Frontace. WUJ le&M all or a.ny part • "'model to 1ru1t Lan&nL Vopl Co, 3418 V\a Udo. Harbor 4971. 28tlc 5SB-lnduatrial Rentai. QUONSJ!lT HU'I'S, 2llll41° U O. mo lnq, Pl&cen1Ja lnduatr1al • Stor· a.re Center, 1922 Pl.a.cenUa, near 19t.b St .. (Co.ta )(~) or call Harbor aa-w. 2~0 New Luxury Medical Center to be constructed. Ample private parking, centrally located. Layout t o tenanu order. For Information, LIDO REALTY Associatea 3·100 Via Lido Har. 4"444 15tfc 3 OrFICfJ lpllCU tor l~&M Ap· pl"Oll. 17°1l36' eac.b. l.n U do Shop· pUJC areL ~ Via J.ialap.. Hu. 3321. llltlc 61-RMJ l'Atate Ex~ 11-BMJ f'.Atate Exchaage TRADE FOR LIDO HOME Large vn lot in A.lt&dena for $7000 equity In 2 OI' a bdrm., ~th • 116:! Lido lale home. ALSO WE WANT - A Bayfront Home Balboa Peninsula TWO BEDROOM. flrrplae.. dblt pnge, Prk • S:?l ,!100 Balboa Bay Front J!'\COME OL-PLEX, 3 be1lroome upruura, 1 bf'rtroom downatalrs. ~h\lwt won· d<"r!ul rent&! ,.xr<"rlcnre. $3~.!l(lO Newport Island Income TWO BEDROOM h nm t', a.n<1 a nl<'I' 1 bed room apt. over 2 r ar gar $1 6 .i'iOO. Coast Properties Co. 301 E. Balboa Blvd . Balboa Harbor 26~8. 2i')97 e.nl1 4800 . BAYSHORES CHA!UfiNG 2 llr. knotty pin" lnltrlnr, lge. hv room. compa<'l klL w/bkfts. bar. PLUS lgt get. rm. OVt'r gllr. 2 r •UOJI, $21 '1(10 3 BR . 7 bath, ru~ttc, w w ca rpl't c11shwa. .. htr, d1~hmn.1ter, dt~pota.I. nlCI' re t lo. ~ :?1 :,(1(1. BACK BAY BEAUTIF't!L ' b1. w den, 2 fil'f'· placr 1. V lrw. AAklng pr $32,500 1 ACRE chlckao ranc:.11 W/(ood 2 br . homl!. aL to It. Ownu leav· Ing arr&. 2 a.cre1 W/1'4!ntal1. Allki.ng prtca $14,000. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W . Coaal Hwy . Ll 8·-1371 Corona del Mar 0:-> TOP OF THE WORLD - Bra.nd new 3 bdnn., 2 bath horn•, high up 1n Corona H 1ghla.nd1 P&nnramlr ''!l'W, C11n atJll chooH rnlC>r M fllr, "''" Ca ll Mr. R. P11lt1son a t- W. E. Fisher, Realtor and ASSOClATES 3034 JC Cou t H y .• Corona del J.b r Corona dal Mar Phon• Harbor 340 SOLD by Multiple Listing ll JO RJve.,..ld• An .• 1_ ="<'wport H•lghta "tQOIJl -'8.t.00,()(IO In '(>!'J ' NEWPORT H EJGHTS-3 bed.rm BALBOA ISLAND Attractive modern 2 bdrm. furnished home. Good corner location. Room for gpeat or income apt. on ru.r of lot. Price $18. 7l50, term.a. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auoclat• Park at Marine, Balboa JalaDd -Harbor 2482 IN CORONA DEL MAR Unfurn. houae on R-2 lot. Room for anoth" unit ··--·····---···-······· ·-------__ ... $8800 Exchange equity in fine piotel in Pboenm. Amona tor income property ln any part of Newport Bea.ch. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtors Buainfl68 Broker 3135 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 21:52 CORONA DEL MAR J UST LIKE NEW! 2 bdrm. home with untinlahed outdoor living room. Beautiful kitchen with lot.II of tile and built-lrui, dlapoll&l. Dt-lightful corner loca· tion. Room to baJJd another Ull1t. Exohutve with - STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 264 7 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 882 BALBOA ISLAND SEE nos -GOOD 2 bdrm. home. Hu large patio It a aun porch. Nicely furnJahed.. $21.500.. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evening11 Nona Hyer Chet Sallab1117 216 Marine Ave., Balboa laland EXCLUSIVE NEW OFFERING 120 Collini Ave., Balboa I.iand. 4 bedroom. 1 fuU , 1 • ~ and 2 • 1 ~ batha. 8t.J"ongty builL Well maintained. Good rental. OOM t.t beach. -~26.000, terma. Call Harbor 177S EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island BUICK ••7' HtJt>aOH -ll 7S :Mt.le OORON A DJCL MAJ\-thd'\lnl. 2 ill exchange tor clear Culver City Mot.el worth SM.000. Good Income. home, J' balha, near 11<'hoola -------------------------- Lo&ll Car hM ~ Nmw C4ll o~m Blodl m~ -t 9'U ~ Pim tun, 1..a.u u d oil ~ Sundn tn a.m to 2 pm BELLES .:NGINE REBUlLDERS UJM!D Daily I to i St&t• BondM NEW LOCATION 310 Ea!t 3rd St. 8 A.NTA 4JfA YOR SAi..£ -1~0 ~ •tut.er 2ft rt Xlnl rnn'11tlnn. t.oll11t It ~how•r. A..,,,IJ\I A 6llll"U 1139~ L.J ~-02 12 nr Lf ~·8ft49 ~vr' 28c30 :.lfCE 2i tL ColonJa.I HouM Trail· ~r w ith l•rll!'~ C"ablula. In ll'll~r r ark with 'Privet. bat.I\ oa cnaat H"-hwa''• lt" ~ta.na1u. P'l.na.noe •rrangcd Liberty 1·1021. San· 1ly'11 Or L\l:U! T'nlllrr l"&rlt. 2t12 w. C'C'l••t Rltrh'IVllV Newport -------------bdrm. llotJN. 1 blodl eoutb ot CORONA DltL M.A.R...-f'urn. apt. hlgtlway, near noru • Uleattt. on ~Y b..ai. or mOl'lth \0 mo. Pboee t..n.nty ...... 2'1ttc l&O. r.nt. To ... call ,,U:mnm11, Ha.rt>or 21!12. 20c33 LEASlt 1 'P· a bdnn. bl"Alld n- -unfum hom4!. Balboa Vl11t.a C:hoice BA YSHORE~ summer r('ntals. Cl..Al.RE VAN HORN, RJtr. 2731 W. Coul ""''>' !':pt Bch. Ub4orty 1-4271 U~rty 8-3293 29c31 2 NP:W UNITS n~ar Lido ehoppl~ d••t nc t. Built In •lect~o 1tov"r" gubap dlapou.l.I, ~paral.8 !Aun• dry room• Upf>"r unit n~ yr1y lAwf'r unit 2 bfotll"O<lms. tlrt'pl . fort"d a ir h,.,.t. SllO. yrly. Adult.a. nn prtll 124 ~· Tf'ITllC(I ~t.. Alt&Mna., SY 7.:,3311. 79r 34 Balboa Island Choln yearly and swn.mtt rental•. now avaJlable. DOIUS BRA \0 • Rraltor 218 MIU1n'I Av~ fl~lh"'" IAl11nd Harbor 20 1•,, fc Very r"1UW>na lll• for lm&lJ fa.m· lly ()\A•nu , U 8-6297, evM. 23tlc NE\\ Pt>rt f HCOHTS-2 bedrm. unfur rt I nme. at.ove 6 ,..tttr' turn XlJlL M11bborhood. s~. monlh. 642 J\Jll~rton W S.-7908 att.r 1M)()ft °' ...... lllda. 25<:30 llALBOA $.'\.~. mo., y early. Un.tum. cott.a19, l1YU1g roam. d.iAett.e.. kltchenett,., 2 bdrme. Hot It cold 11hnwf!r. 0.. 6 w1tf'r pald. N6 ~ta. lOI Adam&. Harbor 19U.J.t 19<:31 MOOF.R:-> lovere wllJ foue with nrU!\n ln buy I bdnn . J baUI t"on"mpnrary hom• on bf',.t at. 1n Cn~t" Mf'~I\. I.Au M N'f!Wot)tl 1u11l i.:h111" wllh fl11pthn11 IU\d ~3rp..1rd tlooni. f lll J';l\llt J OU! !11 , Wboort y A-T HS 2tt.lr BR.A '\:O :-0"1':\'11 ll bdrro. ht1m11, tin· C\1nt ~'~i1am ffnmf' area, S~ m!'IDt.h 8-r h :1 ra~H &~ •l'la.. for Real BRA.VD XZW t bttrm.. bo11H, at.oYot ,. ,,.rn._ , •1111 .,.,.,n,h LJ 8-3661 Rentals Wanted We need apt.a a.nd bou-ln &II 1«Uoa. f# llOUI "1.Dt.r ud Tear'. ltaM. rum. °' lmf'um. u 70U ti& .... ~. pliClN t.o4a1 The Vogel Co. 1101 W. ~ Hwy~ Newport ~ Pllmi• UbertJ Wtll '°' M&rUI.. llAlNe laland l'bolle Barbor "" 1W 0caeiit Blwq, Oorma dal Mai PboM ~ tT•1 l Ot M&bt llt~ laJboa Pbone Kar..... 146 AJlCHI"I'l:CT wanlJI to f'f'fll office. -------· OCE.A:S FRO~-r • nn •>·l :'.\l(••I.>' tum., If•. llv. nn. Ir btlrm . e\trr)' oomtort, $6:'1 mn. Ind 11111 17 \\". Or~an F"rnnt.. Nt'WJ'Clr· • ti.arbor •173-W. 29p11 J BDRM. W\l~ apt . open bu.n . ~ a llll'lga. ~J cabinet.. garb d1'J)Oe&1. PaUo. Gir.nl(f! • •lm'- a,.. lAwidry rm. Adlllta. 310 lA.rlu'pur, Corona del M&r. 2k.'14 CLE.AN turn. 1 bdrm. apt .• uUJ. pd- 1a.r. • wuht r. ru J nice. 563 134 w Wilson. Ll 8-:.-487. 29r31 l60 redtcorat.ed unfurn 1 bl!drm. lfuplex lnc111rllng rrllip: Wst,.r pd. 222 Cost a M .. 11a ~1 • C' M. Wberty 8·1234 791'31 t..rb.rt.y 8-72.l2. 23p.'IO rt.'R."\. STUDto APT .. '60 mo .. DEPJDfl>Am.!1 Q.L far111ly -.it ,YTly. UUUtl" plLld. 202 S~vtnlll • 2!1f"30 .. ~'TJOX: Mod.. trailert t.n 46' 1:-.ll f rom NpL Bl?C1. It ••orra '2~ mo. no nra ~harl" !Of' 1 rhJldren C. 1-l Kl 2·10':'6. 27c29 1'._,r.E COMFORT ABU: rm. L&rp clnlhea cloarl. Prtv.h aotn.nc• I Jll • 28th !IL. N~rt BMcll. 16th ~p 64-..... ·eee 9lportaaltlee r COP'Yl!lli: 8BOP, LAOUNA SCK. l ' 1tooi.. J'or l&le reuonabl~ <'.Qod locaJ b~n--. Ph. OW"llf'r. HT•tt 4.799:1 21'.lc-34 J bdrm. hoCllt' unu.nll Apnl 1irt. !It.. B&lbo&. Rer. 04'\&•·M 29c31 Yearly. L" CORONA DEL MA.R.-2 bdrm 5'~Monez k> Loan MURPHY, Bar. 32n darL <Har. unflllll. apL lteuona.bte r"11l 3tl7·1l _, tle31 In Corona del Mar I BDJUI.. fUnl. ~t. by ~u. .... .-.. "' ti] J'a.. ' m:iaM. rur... afl't. ~ .... .WW. 170. month. 8T'CTDIO turn. a.pL 1111 -tli.a..d· tq utf.lJu - 1 BDft.M.. partlJ' ,.,._ ML ll'loOll t!i W. E. Fisher, Realtor ION ~ COMt · ll!rbway Corona deJ Mu Harbor 2H 3 CHOICI: ~'T l bdrm. bW\r duplo. l&rp ~. nice loc&· uon. CloH to bUA ctt1L 8ep. C"ll~ laundry rm. Drap tunL W1u-r pd. Mun "" t n apprl'<' SS. .. ~n A n1L oaw. JU E Rochuter ... • OcMlta M-. U 1·8t73 2!1C31 C&.ll ,,tDnon111 R~lty Co R&r 21S7 29cU ll L.UW!: I BDJUt. U°?"'P"tJR .. ~-t\re· plau, p.rb d11p. PM\". (Vall' ct..rrr HA vr... LT~r1, 8-38.'>4. 29<:..11 IINOLS AP?'. turn. ~ month Ttl,y. rat.a. WIWUM pd. 309. E Bay A v• .. Balboa. Peare. Apts.. Harbor 74!1-W. 78p30 COSTA MXSA, I rm. a pt., turn. or uat\lnt_ lncJudu uttUUfll!. CAU HTatt 4_.35i . 28t!c SINGLE APT. rot lady or a~nt le• mu U~. mo., ubJ. pd. ro:o pri. InQ I.a rHr 13• E. 19th St , Coe ta Mua a.rt.er & pm. 18tfa ttA.RLY rent.i. Furn. 11tudto apL One ~""<'n nnly. S!>O fTlQ Incl. uul. Avall11hlr April 10\h. L<1111~e Ar t•, ::in!> c·arn111 · ,, nr :'Ira· \1t w, Coroaa c1~1 M.a.r. l:l111 l°ll"r 40111. 26tto LOANS PROMPT' S!:JtVlCI: &~ nn t lrUat dffda :o Yffol'• Oran1e Coast Properties 1~7 !l:t'1''J>Or't A.,. .. Coata Me• LI 8-1832, LI • ••oo l:vee. •~ttc WOULD IOl• to bUJ' 191 u d 21111 T'rulrt ~ C&l1 ff.AT, 2328 48ttc NO COMMI~ION No Apprala&l F• IALES -J\EFINANCS \O:'>STRUC"MON Ca ll £or Frte Fut Comm.itmer:i ta on ~at.1enc .. and t;n11t only Don I. Huddleston l 73 E. l ith St. COST A )O;gA u 1-~1 u ~2 See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout RJgbway, Newport BHch LI g..3431 LOA.NS TO B l,; lU>. DO"ftOn BUY, MODl:R.Nl.ZS, Oft R..Err.'\ Al'< Cl: w. 8Q1 TruA'I 0 -.CS. NEWPORT B.U.BOA S4 Vl1"Gll 6 LOAN ASSOCU TlON stet V1& Udo. Ml. Ha.r. 4 200 tit LE)ANS for Home5 a,. -20 ~. LoaM Construction Loans Bl:Kl BOB 8 ._TTL.ER 2611 .l!lAST COAST BLVD. 11-ae.I Estate Esch.an e ---~- BALBOA ISL.A.ND. 115 No. Bay FronL Yr. old modem. $65,000; take Pasadena or Palm Spnnga for pa.rt... NO RM W1llTE. 650 l\. H 1U. PaaadenL SY 2-lH :?7r40 ll:XCliA NOE I bdrm.. 1 '4 bat.ha, F. 4 , hN t. wUh G 1lAll hnrae bftm. tat"k rm, N p. J rrn. a pt. on 2 11 M ru f!'nr•d .ti rrou ten<'~. l::xc:h. for 3 bdrm hom• In Harbor area. By own~r. Ph. OX 1·1327. Z..r.3Tb Hdwd. floo1"9 • man, ft.ice , ... turu. Imm ecllat• poaee1111on - $16,600. Rl!a..on.bly low down paytnl!nL !lfEWPORT HmJOHTS -2 bdrm. • din home. ~ot.l loc.aUon I yr n1". Hu 2 ha th•, t1n1rlll4"~ ttll!<:L oak rlf>ut:., Ai..l•!ut ahd· 1n1r 1tlu i1 lloou. lane• run;;hln) lulchen. l&TJte cln1eta. l 00 y~ \\ to W ~11f'ilr'IJ11C Sii' ~ C'11 n h4' FHA 11.Mnrl'd. Elton &m~ll IUaJIC'lr l.1 8·2; i ,. OT tY('' LI 8-71:'>8 19< •• 211 O\\':->ER selling mna .. rn J b<.lrm 2 bath home a t top or lorona del Mar Mortlt'•I• fl'IYlnf turn J&r. 11pl., a uto. db.h wuher. ""'"'ahmi;i marhlne, new atOYI' n .. fnf . dra f>"S 4ir tloor COVOrinC• lnclud«-d. M.any built I.JI•. lol" of room tor kid• Walklni dt111Anl'" to 1ehool. $2:1.001\. Hu. 2~>043·M I illc IN OOSTA M:U.A-- 2 Lots Ooclan View r wo 0611203 ft. lot.a, on• on a oor· OPEN HOUSES 1.J • I, llet. • 811nday 4eo CABRILLO TERRACE Corona Hlgblaoda ncr. all uUL tn. Pav.d l(reaL S. ailall7 &k>e - ~l'\Hr&. Submit 12.000 ~ i bdrm&, 2 bat.ha. ~ 41-p . __ dW!-*«'. renoed lo& _.J29.000 Sea Breeze Realty C'ur. 1 IHll 6 Placeatla. C. Mua f lll)S A tvf'A Ph. Ub~rty 8·3~3 29clO SOLD by Multiple Listing ) 1)(\(1 I::. Ocrnn i-·ront. Balboa 1:; .. ,.1 -Sil Mill 000 In 'i')~. ALSO 328 PolnMttia 2 bd1'al , 1 "t lot.A au. apt. E a l•rrn&. 0 . H. L.ATRROP. 8633 ~ ~ Hwy., Corona tll'I Mar. Ru MO (!:\rH R"°r. M l 1.J I :i1r :it Corona Highlands Corooa del Ma.r Harbor 8888 --------------BAL.ROI\ .Atl1a<". mnd. home A· ~-3 b<lnn. 2 htllll hllfM - \.\'JTH A V1RW! 8Llll Umr• \I\ ch on a " lntrnnr tl9".llra 1111na, Rh11k .. rnnt, tnrrr1t "*' h•,.1, flt"t'• plar~ It m~v "lrtra.L 1211 ~~. Rep. POIR.lER MORTOAGIC CO Metro Llt• t-. runda ICl.. J..~W Bay Front Income 48U'c • Npt. Beach C-:COMF. t:NITS near b&y, In• oome 1260. mo. Wa.nt 2 Mrrn. ti.. Ir. Harbor an' Pr S21 i~ I U n1 t.a 2 6 J t>ed.rvon:ia. tum· REAL ESTATE LOA.NS lllte.rest Rate ~ ~ ~ lJ>ua quicA.1.1 mad• ln ~ Bay Ana &Ad Co.ta MrA-S•n•I• or mulllple um~. New ~ o14. Be YJla. &Jld -.,. by ~t1n&Adnl your prUt111t Joan. M.inJ.mum u · pcnM. ~o rh11rg1 tor prellmi· n&J')' appraalll. Phon• Santa AnA Klm~ri:o 3-8933 o r write ARTHUR A. MAY ~rtpg. Loan COn'HJ>Ol'ldul Occidental U!• tn.uruce Co. 933 &uOI Mal.II Aa.ni. A.11.e pp HA VE t.llc•Urnl ou~ for prt· ,,.tr rnon"y on Jf1 It :1n!I Tru.t Dtf'd&. r all DON l . Ht"DOLESTON Rea I E11 t Ill fl l.A11JV; 173 E l ith, C:O/ltll M!'M Llberty 8-~1 28t!c MO:'.\"EY 't\'A..'"TED tor (lnl mort· fil't\.g'" lo"n on lwo brtrm hl'm~ Ell-1 Side. Coeta Mrsa. Owne . l.J 11·2982 aftfr 6 rm or wre · ~c11 t~p31 Uranium Prospector :SEEDS OR t"BST AKE I! ynu hav• SlOO. are W!IUnJ te •rocullll<' tht n t rar my ~U>ry • • • Proa· ptcta look ~ood. h&ve e"r~11~.n1 rdrl"\llcr1 ,I! lln<'n•lv 1nv r .. t.d Writ• 80'll N ·6'1. th1• Pll ~T fnr lnten1tw. 29<'34 60-lnoome -~~r:fY __ _ INCOME BALBO:\ INCOME 6 L-,.TTS--OldeT property c~ntraJ• ly lee_, 1 a., blk• to heart of Ba.I· boa Utll. rm J u.t rtdUCPd to 123.600 tor quJclc N.lfl. l.'\000 dn Ownu Harbor 1898 i~ttc ---------------6%--Rea.I f°Altate ---------BF.AUTIFUL 31'.d:Z' C8b&na lahed Pter. noat anrt pnvu• bUCll 1000 E Ba.lboa Bh•d~ B&Jl>oL Crc.tnew 18648. CoW'· te1y to brokf'ra. 13Uc N'EW 4 BVJUf. 1 ~ t>.th.s. Lv~ k1tcl\e1,. wall['llP"r· f'r-.•f• ·~nn· &lly la.nrtM'A~rt b11<k yertl 1 • m· Jll"t..ly ff'nrNl , c.om er loL Hour Jy bua st<'J• Wallunjr dJ-t. ot I&" •hoJ• '~r. u 2.:iw 208J Coots• nenW 8t , Cuort.A Mh" 7ir 2P SOLD by Multiple Listing 100 A.n u t>ee, Lido I.al• hO<laJ -'8.ll00,000 ln ·ri!\" ONLY $9500 a 31'.-tw o bdnn lt&tl,.r, cnm. plf'WY turnu.hf'd. <:flT'f"'t"t'J • .,..1• t du l for ~·orklnit or retired couple t~nt Jot. he11C'h. hnllt tlnrk 1 2 bdrm. functfonal modem, ...uy 11 vll!l8hle Arlrk t"na1. r11rport I h• ma intain S4!100 "''"'"Tl ""'· F'UU pn<>.r $1!iM LI 1n VtU8gc 11.nro S50 ml". A ll)Cllllon of .11,. Tnlllrr Park. 700. 31at Rl. tlnrtlnn. H11 r Pll7 nr :?1104•\\' :-.i""'i>nrt Rt ach. Lot ~n. 38. Hu 21 t fr 101l8·M.. 2Ptfc ---BY OW:-JER Attention Builder s ! BEAUTJFTL lewl lot~ nr11t $!Olr rour,.., on MeM Dnw 1i')Ox234 lrr~ltlJl&r, conn1>cl1ng Int :.Oit 1:..0 F.ntranre on 2 8tretta. lnt.11.I pr W OO. Owner. 1..1 l-811811 ("our· trll)' tn brnk,.ra 7Pe31 BY OW:-.'!:R. 1 .jte B lvrt Int an<1 pNhmlnary plan11 for 11 uml a.r· cad~ C.D M.. Harbor '298l·R 29c31 =--~"' i.-l'ffolom home, a bolnn•. garb ilbp , r.arpH4!t1 \\' I ' \\. ,·enrt.Ja.n bllnila. Sma ll dn I" ml Owner leaving tr1wn 2Mi4 Prtol\I· dent Pl., Cni<ta MNlft. L I 11-84211 21'1p30 DUPLEX Corona del Ma r. 702 BrgnnJu.. <1~· luxe r~dwood .ti 1tuccu Urtan 9ldl' Hwy. Sbake roof 2 bdrma. ucn. f1rephu·t, hwd !Ir~ F" A h .. 11t, palloa OJH"n S11t It e un Owner HAT l8 4·R. 27~29 R-2 $7950. ao 1t 8!1 lJI Newport LOT N'EW I bedroom, hd•d. n oon on •~· Barbor titl·W. lot 8ZXUO' -283 Avocado SL. r.pa2 Coia M--. Ll ~ 7807 21ltt !"----------·------ BT O~l!!ft CORU.:-1~ HlG Ul.A:->D LOTS - 0101ct 81~ Ava ua bl• Call Ha.rbor ~2' t DELUXE A PTS l bl t& oc,&11 r11rn Corona dtl Mar a.ta U ?li. Onh· $21 OM. tf mu CUT1!: 2 bdrm. bouae. MM ooea11 .. rt:anntl BBQ ln n 1g1t.one pa\Ja. bnck -.Ila t.hrnughnut 8acnn,.t tnT 111 .ll~ nr lllrg'I' ·LOCATOR :!07 E Bii.i.. 8 1"'4 .• Kar, 4471 M boat I08 • 41~ Newport 8Mcb a~-w. n c..st Harbor 4~3'. 29p4J • i COSTA MESA EAST SIDE • BORM. llOUM , hdwd f1110r• gar 110.100. 471 P'lowt1r llt.. ColltJI Iha&. t.Jbart7 1-l&M. ~tic I rmut Ll(r hv. r111 0C"f'M vi~ .. • 11\ru pJct. w1ndO\H 3 ll<'•lnn•, 11bl•. "r. Xr . ..rhoola, btath~• Tb11 pi operly hu &ond Ult M n• r11Jpvrl11nlly. N •n·re!I ownrr <n1r·• 1n)11m .. 12?!1 w . Ba.Jbos Hid ;;upMh COSTA MESA :->t-:W L.Y dr~nratrd modt m I b.-tl· 1·11 tt•1rrn hnm,. nn r,.iir ot lot. I< rn f• r .,!d1t1nnal unll In frnL l'•wr<'l &JI••\' & ,.,-w~r rr St\'>00 """''' tnma .TEU HAL"S.li:R. 202!1 HA RBIJR BL VD . CO~T A }U:SA U ll~ifll ?tlr30 SOLD by Multiple Listing 41 i ,n111t H.arbor. Cliff Hav~n "G,,111 -$1U~OO 0011 In 'M>" Corona del Mar l'E/olTLto:D < IA.JKE: IQ thfl hill• I~ lh1' ltJ\'1 h• 2 h<lrm hum•. •fl"· 11• it llv •lr,.>111•r11, which cxi1dee rhArtn rr•1m II~ &rt br1clc front M '1 bl llfht r t tl door. 1\.8 I vrly flt1t1r J>IBn &nd I!• f111wcr elrtwn l'llllo 0\0l'rll~~d c1hlf' gar111tf! ~tna.vr1 fr r 2nd florir $13.2~0. lunu r31l ~'"'" :'\••181.n owrv'r. H~rll'lr !\",ll" 11r 1 •1m!' It> f1[•F;:-; f!Ot '!'F: DAfLY, 707 In• A.v•, 7\ltl• or~. A :-l \'fEW mn<1 .. rn 2 bHlrrn 11•m" w.·h utra rl'IOm 11,nl ~ .11th rm c1oullh1 i11r&g f" As)c1n1 '2;,.w1 Low <1r,wn p&)"m!'r.l nr \YUi tll k" f": f"l Tn.181 0-~ In :?':12 L'h(( ''"'" •& IJuent vs(;.a:lt lot "'·a h1hl,.1 Ph nv.'Tlrr. U 8·25.'.12 23l!c 2 BDRMS .fr DE:•. Mwtl floor,, yartl r,.n,...,J Gull 1.h•P· :-;ewly J'llln"t•l IAr.:e tn· Room for In· r"mr. 4 '; loilln. < 0h•>1r e ll'l<':tllnn rlns .. to .. t'l")'Uwlg J•r. l lJ.260. Etjulty $~~()() ~89 Parle Ortv~ C<:>1ta M~ML (IW~'Ek 29c<ll O<:LA!'\ vtrW HOME. 2704 Cliff Ori"" f'uU prlre U l 000. t~rm' NI\ ca.ab rtq'Uired. Owner. LJ 8-2631. Ullc In Corona del Mar 2 txlrm hnni,. wi• h flt'f'JllACA. Pa.,.. Ual VI""''-Bhlr.itl., roof. I"' bllul. to h4I,) Tat11! r n u l)nl)' S 11 ,!\00. Sl'IM i1nWTI "111 h11ndlP. W. E. Fisher, Realtor a.nl1 A~~OC"l4TE!\ I03t t:.at ("oft .. t Hl1thw111 C<:irooA rtf'I 3'1er Phone Hartl"•r 2413 SOLD by Multiple Listing ~111 8 Ray F'ront f\Jll!Yl" Llll>V\d 0'0oal -S8.llOO.Mn In '6ti" CLIFF HAVEN BE:A l:TIF t:L cUAlt1m twill r&n(:h t,r.mr f•\'"' l•1nklnti ll" rlv•r, 4 ~1· rm•. '.l b11th•, "'· 2 ttrrrl11('"•· Al,SO 2 M1m 11pl, v.1•h prlvar.. p11u11 H 9. •,no, Call owner, LI s .Jl22 I 39cU h Interested ln a Lovely Home in Garden Grove ., Heated Pool ' Bli:DROOJ.IS, 2 b&tb'. I~,. ~U· vtt} r•J<lm p11 ll'I W tri \\ • 11 l'"t. l.ilr1t4! lot l&l\d~rap"rt • ff'nrM . U6.:,00, Mn l.m•·n· u n. Ll 8· s:.76, or L t:h111h 11·133J :mt LIDO ISLE BY OW:"t:it 40 ft In~ alr,.,,t to al r&da. 3 Mr m 2 hl\f h h<ome \.\'e.11 tu well c arptlll·ll nat urll.I b1rrh k 1lrh,.n h1111!·1n •l'lV•, t.an 6 ~nrh t11•r f·u11 prlr• - U fi 11()11 Jlar ~.1 ':1<. 2·~9 Channel Front Lot .. You l'An'l bardly cet th~m now'' )h r<:l•a Ava. Wld"r T"n r; OON :-;nHM>.:>:nY 1·30:\:l or '601 6-..llO,. f.lr. Wetk~nd.o .U• I• ~. ~ I ' '·' 17 I I I ' \ ' I I ,, 11 PA6E 10 t.... COASTAL SHOPPER -MARCH 23 , 1955 62-ReaJ Eatate I WHY LOOK FURTHER 1 Just drive by !530 KINGS ROAD UP in beautiful CLIFF HA VEN' and then call us tor an a ppoin1.ment to &E'e this lovely home. It has 3 well arranged b<irms.. 1 :1 1 baths. ThE' maRler bdrm. hu large eliding glasa doors that open into the patio with an unob8tru<"ted view t oward the new Irvine Country Club. The extra large living room has W to W carpeting, charming fireplace and large "picture window'' with a vi~ of the outer harbor. The very pleaaant dining &rea is smartly arranged beftide a cireular indoor planter. The kitchen U. light and bu a most delightful ar- rangement of cu pboards, all having the easy push-type hardware. We consider this to be the best buy on Kings Road at $22.750 with most convenient terms. MULTIPLE LISTING NO. 5390 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS C. B. Ruu, Wm. G. Schmidt, Associates 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 2042 VOGEL VALUES in Investments Business Bay Front, On West Coast Blvd. The moat deair~ble type of property in Harbor Area. Hu terrific potential. 25.4 % Net Return on $21,000 Investment Thie deluxe 15 month old Balboa property consists o! 5 s pacious 2 b<lrm. apt.a. and 4 lovely 1 bdrm. aptll. -all with front & rear entrance. 9 garagf's, plua 11torage room . laundry room and beautiful sun deck over garages. Pn'sent income i8 $9480. on un- furnished yearly lease buis. The price or $76.000 is considerably below reproduction cost. Takes only $21,000 cash a.nd out-of-town owner will carry the balance at 5 ~. This i11 exclusive with VOGEL CO. Main Office. 3201 Cout Highway. Newport Beach Llberty 8-3481 THE TOAST OF THE TOWN That's what we're offering t.hiti week in Corona del Mar -EXCLUSTVEIN. So, of Hwy .. 2 bdrm. Rustic, shake roof, used brick f1 replRcc, r arpeted W to W , fen~d yard, dbl. gar. R·2 M\ne. could have rental. Only $16.500 with v~ry low monthly pymt.. 2 bdrm. home, carpeted W to W, f ireplace, eervice por<"h. dbl gar .. fenced yard. Only S1500 down itnri uniicr ~100 per month. Duplexes -t for 13.500, 1 for $15,000 (on a level corner\. l for $14.000 tclOlie t o stores). 2 extra S1)('("1alK, 1 for $20,!)()() & the otht>r at $23.500. ~Jany oth1•rs JW!l as good. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona dt-1 Mar Har 2774 BALBOA ISLAND JUST IN TIME "'Olt SC~fMF.R' f'E\.V EXCLl'· S l\'r: J.l~TING' 2 bdrmA. l~l.'. II\'. rm .. big pall(\ lllPp to Ray l\!11) \'1llag\' F'ull price s2n.noo. furn. TF.RMS. $1 8.750 -Darling ml)dcrn 2 brlnn. home. beam ('Plhn~s. fJr<'place, nJcelv fUrnJ!thrd. rc>om l e) build Anot her un11 CORONA DEL MAR E ARLY BIRD ~PEC'IAL ~! SSOOO down ! ~ptc Anrl 111pan 2 bdrm. home Only 3 yrs. Clld. ~aut. pal1n, xlnt. localaon So. ur Hwy. yt>l near shopping ("E'OlPr OWNF:R LEA\1NG. SAYS SELL. Full rnre Si~.!)()<l RE'M'ER Hl.RRY! MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine. Balboa Ialand Harbor 4781 LIDO ISLE A NEW ( bdrm., 21 ~ bath, lge. living room. bril"k fireplace. drapee. W to W car r<-ting 2300 Rq. ft. Own~r will &eU for $33.500 or TRADE for l1kc.> a.mount in W.tstwood. BrC'ntwood or Ben~rlywood. I bdrm. home. gubage disposal. lge. h\·ing room. dbl 1arage. Only $22.500, with S5000 dnwn. N. 8. C. REAL TY CO. Dad 6 Newport Bh·d.. Newport Beach Har . HO:S I BALBOA ISLAND $3500 DOWN 2 units in excelJent location NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine .A.ve., BaJboa Island Harbor 502 -E\•n Hu bor ~306-R ( ' • Newport Heights WE HAVI!: a l)fsuty, 2 br . a.nd do'n with 1 ·, h&ths. llm" lllltl ~r11c .. w ill nol pl'rrn1l \18 t..., trU you &II I hr ntt'f' thlnit• about thllt b<>a uutul homf Fl'LL PRICP: $21i.:500. TERMS G. I. Resale 4 °/o loan 2 BR. HO ME. hdwd. noon, lot 72i1;JOO. H·• zon.,. Pymt1. $:10.2:5 per. month. FUJ,L PRICE $9,()00-$2,000 ON. Is there a Wheel Chair in Your Family 1 COUNTRY HOME with doora. rarnp11 cit. grip built ea~rlally fo~ whetl chlllr ownl'r. 2 br .. dtn, 11' belha 1 03 Ac fruit trtea compltlrly fencrd. CloaP to Country Club • Bark Bsy. Own· n a !l&.ld to Mil. Re<luctd from $22.~00 to low prlce or $19 ,000, f'll tenna. 2 New Duplexes 1400 SQUARE FEET EACH . PIU8 garagu. $1 3.000 full price, $3,000 dowa each. Only Two Left $795 Down $795 Model Home Open Sat. & Sun. 12 -5 21 al Ir Orenge Ave .. 3 bdrm .. 11~ bath11. bre•rttllllt 11nd dining area. F'ull prlc, $1o.700. LOT. NEWPORT HEJORT8 U .500 M·l Lot on f'lscentla .. $12.:500 C·2 Lot on :-:cwpurl _ $10.:500 r.2 Lot on 17th St.. . . U2.~00 3 R·'4 J.ou In COllla Mt"I& .... $7,200 How Can You Miss? 8 un llA • c11te on C·2 Io ta, Income approxlma1 .. 1y $100. Full prlce, $39.MO Ex. Trrms. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1868 l°l:l'wporl Blvd. Coal.a Mr~11 LI bt'rty 8·3i92. 29c31 BUSINESS Ir. HOME P'OR S49:oO F'lJl,I, l'R l('F., ll I b<I rm. on a C·2 lot. eoxu o Jwol off 1111',..'port Blvd. Takea only U .000 dn. c an cJo bt!tler wtUI more dn. Thi• I• .. Sood dNI. lllVenlnre. Peutt .. 1.1 11-~87 FULL ACRE & INCOME SEAR GOt..F COL'RSE Room for 6 mon• 11111111 F'ull prir t-$1 \,!'\()(), wllh o nlv $3,000 11own. lncomr nnw S 110 pt"r month. fro m the 2 •m11ll hnmr" Sl'f' lhl11 .,n .. Ev"" f'• tll t• l.T 11-~•487 368 K 19th ST. AL.MOST Nf:W a bdrm quality he>mf' c:ub. d1ap. torc<'d lllr heat liu1ll·Jn ovf'n 11nrt ran11~. ctr .. 11.111 kltrhPn. Dbl«' g11r 11nd p11t10 Prlr,.tl t o 111rll, SJ 000 .tn ~'Vl'/I P h 1.1 11·20~2 J,\•11 .. ' ULOG. LOTS fl \\ l'llHNF'K Tu1111n tl ('o~t.a M•· <11 SI '1lht I :IP. $.':I l11l F.vc• LI II ~~I Z L\tl,, 3 llLf't(; l.ll°N> !l 1i.l;J,1 (\Ill». f111V• 1n11: & 11111 A II to r S!'l~(l(I r oh II 'II rv 1-:v1•-I'll ~~:Y~IOl'R II 1 rtv r • )111\. \\', Houston Realty Co. & A~~OC'lATES l'h I.I S·fl!' I I Co•t.a M lN. 2!1r31 SOLD by Multiple Listing I 1)11 \'111 \\ 11?:1l'r,., U •lfl l~lr "1~•111 to. :1n1111110 Ir !'l!'I BY 0 \VNER DESIRABLE 3 be<lmom. l.1nth A hl\lf CUHONA HJOHJ.A..~US (1L.ll11ly h<>nw t•C1zy ust•I brtl"k fln>plAre, M\18 .. d hl'llflh ( '!'nl rtU htal <'h11r111lni; IHrch panr·lfd kltr h .. n l!lllJ>MIU, l'IU"J'f'l~I 1.~f. yartl vl1•w J18,:IOO ~,! l\M)'• time. 604 ~raw'llrd R0111l 28c33 SOLD l.ldo tile, l 17 Via Ra1"enn11 rittr H11vtn 320 Kln~11 R1111•1 The LOCATOR ~Oi t; Ba.I Blvd .. Har H 78 Lr.T l '!; l..o<'ATP: TOR wn· 2Pr~I 85' View COl\ON A HICHl~AND8 n.w, 3 bd.nn 2 l>llUI. rcun1ly ronm 2 ('&I' I(.,.._, A <*I' porL 1"!!-lot LA.n<UcaJ)e'l • '""""., nwn .. r Hllr bor 4 "1~·M. lf!p40 Drive by 23.5 Magnolia Collta Mt-Sil Cl.It• • COZ}' bOmfl -:i bdrm. " pantlf'lf 111•0 "'Ith fir• plllC'" Wal1 to wall OU'P"l. Vl'ry clOM In. S 13 MO ro,,n• f.Jbf>rtr 1-i;11;2 23ltr THE GREAT ORANGE COAST BETWEEN Costa Mesa & Santa Ana -150 acre parcel . Excellent bean or cel<'ry land • Some lighter soil suitable for yams or peanuts • Home, -barns, 11heds. good well • $2000 a<"re, terms. DESIRABLE R-4 lot, 70 x 130. Wate r meter and fruit trC'E'tl. 1. bloc.l< to stores & tr<tn11. $2250 cash. 60 x 300 HARBOR BLVD. Real value at $12.500. Terms C-1 WNE. 75-ft. frontage, lovely 2 b<i rm., den, dining room home. Hwd. flrs .. fireplace. Ideal setup tor home & busine88. Situated on east 18th. Euy to buy. Sellers will carry balance due. Asking $5000 down. 2 STORES, partly furnished 2 Mrm. apt. Good location. Better income . Leasea available -Should gross 141r. Center of active bldg. program. $32,000. Terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave., Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. • • BAY SHORES • • (2) T W 0 (2) Ope~ Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 New Exclusive Listings • Corner Circle Dr. & Vista Dr. • Choice Farm Style Home 3 b<irm11., 2 balh.11, wall to wall carpeting. Separate dining room. Two lovely patioa for outdoor living. Full price $29.500, terms. A ND I • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home % bdrm., raiMd uaed brick fireplace, dishwasher, cllilpo6&l Charmingly decorated. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, term1. For preview 11howing1, call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8·5386) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach BEST VALUE IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 5 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm . 2 Bath Homes Now Ready to Move In Sewers in and paid Garbage Disposal Enclosed garages Kitchen fan1 Colored rock roof1 Birch Cabmeta Street curbed and will be paved. See owner living at 252 Palmer St. Oft Santa Ana Ave. BetwN'n l!')th St. and 16th ~t. 252 Palmer St. LI 8-1139 The Finest Home in Cliff Haven Spacious home o( 4 bdmu. & den. 1'ruly a home for gra<'H1ua h\'ln~. A panoramic \'1ew o( Hay & Ocean from e\·ery room. Solex glas .. m li\'ing room. slid- ing dl)(lrs to 2 sun decks. Built·in Thermador range & oven. dis hwasher. disposal, large pantry. F. A. heat. 3 luxunoW1 baths. 2 fi replaces. Beautif ul car· p<>t and drapes included in price of S39.500 .• Terms <"an be iu·ranged. Op~-. Every Sat. & Sun. 11 a . m. to 6 p. m. C'all for Address & Appolntm<'nt lo See BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboll Blvd., Newr<•rt Bea<"h. Ha r. 5188 Santa Ana Heights Four Resales-For you to choose from! ' N1•w J,•,elopment nc11r upper Back Bay. All 3 bedrooms. Fenced and landl!caped. ~mllll clown payments or U!'le your G. I. Prices $10.950 -$12.500 Come out PahsadC'S Rcl<ld from Newport Blvd to new art>a. Follow OPEN HOUS E signs to Rita \Vriter with BOLES R EALTY l 10 No. Broadway. Santa Ana Phone Kl 2-1914 or Kl 2-6327 A TIENTION -BUSINESS MEN! We have for sale 3 of the most attraotive downtown lucat10Rs in Co11ta Me.ea. t..:nfonieen circunwtance8 I forceti •le. Term8 are as low M 29'° down. i. UQ the opportun.lty you have been waiting fol'1 GORDON SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLIJ LISTING REALTOR l36 E . 17th St.. Cotta Me1&, LI 8· 7781. "•· 8-31.M ' 1 1 7 Unit Income Property i l 'NIT Al'ARTME:-;T 81,0C Bl'~t Bal0.111 ~nta l •• • 11 dn,.,. tn Bav 2 b\'1Jr<X•rn own,.r'1 ctpt • 3 do~blPt1, 3 aln((I'~ A II fu rn . P ntrnt1sl 1n1·om t $:'>MIO $2P 000, onl~· $ 1 o,noo down Balboa Duplex! $:1000 SP~::->T LAS1' YEAH TO MODERN IZE 111111 pro11<'rt\' 2 bedroom,. up .Ont down t' ppcr t urn111ht>d Rnd rt'ntc>rl R -:1 lot. room tor knothur unit. $16.:>00 l'Ood !l'rlll!I. Bay Front! :5 BEDROOM. 3 ~ BATH HOME. Tt>rrlflc Bav v iew 11nd In <16ndy condition. Pin rlghtft. SH Ml<l. ttrm1t. Bay Front Duplex! POSfTIVELY A W OND ERF UL V A_LUE • . It vo11 will •lo a llllle flx'ln. 2 b('d 0 rm1, u11. 2 dn But Balboa rcnllll area Pnvlll4' beach and p1rr. lm sg{ne a Bay front st $29.700 11nd g"OM ltrmft Peninsula Home ! 2 UEDROOM AND DEN HOME. • 1 Corona del Mar Best Buys l . ·2 BDRM. HOME. PLUS BLDG. SITE. 2 bdnn. home. dbl. garage', bu.1lt on the rear ot a Mott. lot. C'hni<"e location. Room to build additional unit in front. Full pricf' $11.:SOO. $3000 dowa will hnnrllC'. Exclusiw with us. 2. DUPLEX BARGAIN -Front unit bu 3 bdrma., P 1 baths. fireplace. dining area . Rear unit bu 2 bdnns. built ovC'r dbl. garage. View from ...,. unit. Separate laundry room. Needa IOme pain\ & yard work. but priced to af'll at s1e.:soo. ~ terms. We have the key. S. SO. OF THE HIGHWAY, WlLL TAKE TR.AD• This home built on 60-ft. com er lot bu 3 bdnu plus den. Large covered lanai, 2 batha, fenoed yard, large liv. rm. with fireplace. Foroed air heat, service porch, hwd. floors. Owner bu m°"'" ed. Will give immediate posse88ion 6 wiabee to sell quickJy. WiU take sma ll home, vaC411t lot cw tl'W!t deeds in trad•. Loan committ.mellt ot $15,000 at 5""r. 20 year. Priced to et'U at $24,MO. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona de1 Mar Harbor" (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) L.arge walled patl<> Very gnod - c-ondltlon a nrt rep11lnled. Rejtul&r Corona del Mar foundation ,2 cllr g11r11gr. Low· ut priced home on lhe Pl'nln· sula. $14.000 1u1!urn.. Sl f.7~. Vogel Value Fumtsh~ct. '0 !') 00 tlown. Beaut. Home for the Discriminating Buyer Balboa Realty Co. Near ocean. Vermont slate entry hall, oak paneled (Opposite BiLnk or Amerlral den, lovel.v living room o11ena to patio, Roman brick M('mbeni. Multiple Llallng Rou Greeley Ed lAt fireplace. built-in clock. Accouatic plaater. 12' x ~· J aek Pinkham J osephine Wtbb dining room opens t o plllio. Dream kitchen bu 700 E . Balboa Blvd . Balboa Mahogany cabinets. dis hwasher, disnnaAl, built-In Phone Harbor 3277. ,,~~ SOLD by Multiple Listing :108 Anade. Salb<>& "Goal -'8.~00 000 In 'Oii" Facts not Fiction WE PROUDLY OFFER t ht fol· lowtnr: proprrtlu u the 11ound· eat vah1f'11 In the Harbor A ri'&. Balboa Island SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt. over dbll' 1ar. + rueet room A bath on rear or ch oler lot. Hui;" brick pauo pla.nttd A fenced for prtv· acy. A ru.J buy. 110.1:.0 tllm 18000 W111 handlt Room to blllld 1n frr)nl SHOWN BT Af'P'T Cliff Haven Duplex 2 SPACI OUS 2 br. apt11 tor homr A Inc. i 1e th! mo. pa.ya PHA loan Ina. • tax••· Ulh<Or aid. rf'nl'!d 187 .60 mo. F\i II prlc• S 111.000 1nol 11'11,...hol"I . Corona del Mar 2 for 1 TWIN OUf'l .EXES 2 full lntA 4 cXCl"ll ! h rn apl11 I'" "llh °"''°" 11rr111 tl i:11r 11.t"d flra $211~. Ji<'h,.•I mu 1nron11 r..o,..n pymt $I ~.11 inn l-~11 Jli Ir,. J:!; "iOI\ t •, IN\() w ill h11n•ll" Muriel M. Pinover RJ::ALTOK 280. Nt'wport Blvd. ~"l"'POrt U1 h P'tt~ Parking 1J111hnr ~1;10 2flr31 SOLD ~X l:~~l~~,~~(1·~,.."~~~~i~~.f "Uoa l -SI• r>olJ 1'11111 10 .,, REAL VALUES 3 B. R. Home on Two Lots J>AU~Al"\F:C:: ROAft ~("f;f,LF:~ lt1r"1"'n th&! .. 1111n nr"""" In vl\lu .. Xfl 1111 nN """' bul ""rv r om r<ort 1 hi• -n•I 11 trurtl\• A h"r C'l\ln at su·~l<\ l "MT ~ Not Just a House ;\ HR RO~U-; 3 yr~ old o n a qul,.l ~· ro•rt '""" t h11n R hl .. 1•k (~ofll l h,. lllwl. ·r1i r l 1••ri1ral l11n l~f11p1n11 llS a w11rk t•f l"V" 1nrl 81'1 2 rl\r 1.tu rni.:r" ftr .. p l111" htlw•I 8t t tll' rarpflrd ~'ull J'll 11'1' $11 1\00 \\'1111h"r 4 •lryrr lnrl1111t·rl B. A. NERESON RF:Al.TOR 19112 Ntwpon Al\·11 L'•·~lii M•11a Phnn~ LI 8·1fii 2 l<:vo LI 8·:Hll7 SOLD by Multiple Listing :\02 -:\>•• Jr1,., l.,1ron1 c1 .. 1 M11r "<,.,a l sq rvt(t OOCJ lo :\ti" $1,500 Down \'.,LL Bt;Y lhJll ml>'lrrn ~M'h houM Ju•t ~ blO<'k to th" w•t"r complet.«Jv tum t•ect ready tnr th'I lft1mmer. p ~I ~~~~~~. ~~t~l!r, H&rt>or 2313. 29c31 SPACIOUS R OME and J'lfft at ''• l.n com• apt. 2 tile i.a th1. • !AIJ •ho-n. Hltwd. noon. I tumac· H, ,arb dlllJI. Oftl7 2 fTI. old Owner, llQ JIMllllUM. ~ d•I Mu. 23p38h laundry. Lots or cabinets. cupboards & cloeeta thnl· out. Wall-to-Wall carpeting. cU.11tom drape1. lus• F. A. furnace. 2 unusually large b<irm•., eecb with own luxurious bath. Master co nlrol lighting 1)'11ltml. Beautiful landscaping. walled yard. Electric g~e door. Sprinkling systt-m. A troly fine home for the particula r buyer. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 17U-1477 Do you want the best buy in Newport Heights 1 . . . HERE IT IS ! OPEN HOUSE 1-~ P.M. 324 EL MODENA, NEWPORT HEIORT8 AN EXCELLENT CUSTOM BULLT home with I b<ima., Z b•ths, F. A. heat . Dlshmuter, sarb. dla- po11&1, elec. fan. Touch latch e.)'9tem oo cupboarda. Mercury switches. 4-car garagE'11 f itted witb 220 volt wiring. Entirely surroundt'd by concrete block waU.. Carpet.11 & dr&pt'B include<1. All for $19,950. COSTA MESA If you are looking fo r a good 3 b<inn. famDy home, we ha,·e 1t. ~ituated on Ea.'lt 19th St., Price $12,960 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th & Irvine, N~wport Beech Phone LI ~-2664 f:ve1J. LI 8·7~ ----- Two Story Newport Heights l~l~fA C'l LAT!>; 2-st111y hom\1 that 1.at a DREAM ! 1.11r~t· ll\'111g r1111m w it h a ma111'1ve fir(>plaCE\ plenty n f l !HlOl ffll' II JllllllH :ind l11t11 ('( fum1turr. Entrance hall w ith nttr ;1<'ll\'t s111w.•n1y. J.n rJ:t· 11epa rnU• dmlng r1111rn . A k1tl'h .. n with tltrwttP 111p1L<'<' & al110 w1nid for 'lt'i'lnr ran~l· ~ n Jrf' p11r<"h. T·11• n no r ha& a mu- 1• r h<lrm plu11 :! ntlH~r hdnnH. nnd A smn.JI room. ~-•·ar ~ar.1i.:c \\'1th "Un rlr'<·k a rra. nit b rat. What a bA C'k ~·nrd-' H :ii. unuKunl brir k fence with a brtrbup1<· .in I .111 1111l~.1d1 f111•pla1, You'll really go l rw:y U\'f'r th111 I 1111• ht>Olf' ! ! ! T hi> pn rt> 111 <in ly $16,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson l 'S56 Nt.'wpon Rlvd .. Co11t.a Mesa I Acrns'i from Cru•ta M t'l<ll Rank ) PhnnP l.Hwrl\' ~-fii6t r:\'1•11 Har. 4366-1....I 8·%103 ON LIDO ISLE N1•1tt Iv lh'W a hdnn . i h.1th. nP:lr Clt1b Holllle. Oood l'atl•" T'n 'in1·1al. 1.w 111·1 a11 x 1<iuw. low down. ~ ..... llH t .. ~·1•. Prir 1 .. 1 righL B<•aut iful 2 bdrm . 2 b 11lh, <'rlr]!C'lH and drape.ti - Th<·rmnd11r k1t l'h1'n u ·ioi I h11n 2 yN!. old. $23,750. 1 «I f)' lot (Jn ext l'll<'nt i.trC('t. 12,A()() full pr1oe. OwnH anx1nu". BAY & BEACH REALTY \1A LJDO BRLDGE OrYJCE "Just to lhe ri~ht of the l.1du Bmlge" 3112 L11fayett.e, ?';<·wport B<·h. Har. 364..3 fevee H. !M)' LIDO ISLE Peace & Serenity of thl8 1pac1ous 2 bdrm .. P 4 batb 6'. la.nai bome on a 45-ft. Jt')l, tettt1f1ea to llJI llvab1llty. Carpeted UY• ini room, 24 x 26 w1t h l<>vely fm•place. Approd- mately ~ Y"'· old. "Lucky you." Y-. you lltlll ha.-• a chance to 11tt 1t. Furnished u per inventory for $25.000. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3'16 Via Udo, Newport. 8-ch Har. 4911 • ~71 = I• Ii ',i r I 11 " ~ I I~ a · .... rat.tie a a.a z.tate BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS 01' KtJlJ1'I?LE LIST[NQ . 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1872 BALBOA ISLAND YOU'LL BE SURPR.lSED at the low prie4t of thla charming 2 bdrm. home, nr North Bay on Amethywt PLUS beaut. modem 1 bdrm. apt. Both unita turn. Then there 1a a lovely guest room and bath off a beautiful patio. Two-car garage. An unu.sually 1ood property and price i. right. Tenu. 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Newport Heights Fruit trees • full baeement • hardwood tloon1 • fire- pll'lce • gacden BJ>ace • 60' lot • fenced • well built 12' x 17' dining room -large living room • fiah amoker • laundry room • plastered walls -breakfut room • floor furnace • berrle. • wonderful location srapee • perma fiaptone exterior • taxea approx. $112 .• $4750 down • loan $6500 at $65 mo., 8 %. C-1 BUSINESS LOT with 2 bdrm. home, close in. Sleeping porch, eewer In cl: pa.Id. $8600 full price. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 bdrm. older home furn· iabed with guetit hou.e on 50' x 127' lot with a "peek-a-boo view of ocean $6950 FULL PRICE. $1500 down. • Lota Lots Lots Lots (and Lots more) R-4 Reeidentia.l, choice location, full street, curb Ir eewer, 66 x 100 ·········-· .. ···-··········· ............. $2850 M-1 lndWltrial, Placentia near 17th, 60 x 128 29M C-2 Buaineu, 50 x HO ........ ·---··----·-·-······-· MOO A.·1 Agricultun, 2 acrea ·---·--· ····-:--·--· 6SOO G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCa.rdi. 1810 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Me-.. LI 8-1801 EXCLUSIVE VALUES Lido • SPACIOUS THREE BEDROOM home OD ample 58- ft. lot. Room for your elbowa. Extra tarse living room, dining room, lanai, service porch, kitchen with breakfast bar. Wonderful patio hu barbeque A large 11 .. covered area. A·l conatructlon A eztra room.a can e.asiJy be added. Price w only $31,500 furnished $9000 doWD. $200 e_er month including In· tettst on alance. Balboa Coves • A NF.W HOME I now building) wllb charm and aparkle. See It now & select your personal flnlshlng t ouches. Thia la on the water ,,..ilh a plac-e tor & BOAT SLIP. Price le $28.500, tenn1. TbeM art Exchw vea with HARBOR INV~TMENT CO., REALTORS Newp<irt Bl\"d. at 30th St .. Newport Beach. Har. 1600 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUS INE.."S PROP ERTY-$32.000 investment buyw a gro!l8 income nf S5700 yelll'ly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -i"ully equipt. Teni!lc Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME 11titb 1<>me view ot bay. C'nmpleltly furn ished. S350<J handlea. For en ning information phone Harbor 3059-M. SEE US for aevera.l extra apecially fine BA YFRONT RF.NT ALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave .. Balboa la land Harbor 44"4 DOLLARS MAKE SENSE WHEN INVESTED in quality income property lo- cated in choice nntal dJst. Just 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unit.a -a new duple.x a nd a 5-room bou.&e on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are furnished and rtnted on yearly baaia. Owner's home available now. Th~e garagee on alley. Present income can be 1ub1tantially incre~. ~will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 N"'J>Ort Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 1013 LIDO BAY FRONT Home, environment that approachet the Ideal. 3 lovely bdrma., 1 ~~ baths, eeparat~ dining room, p&rt.ly tum., a.lao carpets a drapee. Gra.ce!ul Uv· irlc la the keynote with pier & float. A e yr. old home with today'• atmoephe~ throughout. Full Price s.55.000. I bdrma. plua ma.id'• room, completely rurntahed ID aplendld condition thni-oul 2 li!i bat.ha, forced air beat. On Udo Nord in rood location. Only $159,600. C-onaider tract. u part. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office M.18 Via Lido, Ne.wport Bach Har. •971-t972 p. a. palmer A sparkling iewel ! LIDO BA YFRONT Dlerbroek, A.IA. designed. Perf~t condJtlon from boat llip to front gate. Luxury ama.ller home with every luxury feature. Carpeting 1-Jld drapes. Dish· WMher, built-in Thennador oven and range. Even dt.poaal in aervice yard aink for fiah and vegetable cleaning. Terrific closets, cupboards and built-in featuree. White shingle tile roof. It you would like a lovely 'home OD the BA YFRONT eee tbia no"! ~.000, term.a. Exclualve with WI! COMPARE! New i bdrm., 3 bath, 2 fireplaces, Therm. oven & range, corner lot, landBcaped, patio 35x23, plu.a BAYVIEW aun deck. Lido living at it.a beaL $37,000 -Terms. DEVEI .OPERS OF LIDO ISLE p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co. sales mgmt. 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 inc or po r.a t e d WANTED 2 Bed Rm. or 2 and Den To $25,000 cash PHONE NOW for quick appraisal Absolutely no obligation. Our buyers have money. We can sell your home fast. WHICH IS YOURS? 2 bcdrm.1 $21,500 Lido 3 bedrm.1 $22,600 Lido 4 bedrm., $29,500 Lido Duplex, $18,000 Corona del Mar 4 Units, $34,950 Corona del Mar P. S. If we sell these before you get here, don't worry -WE HAVE OTHERS! p. a. palmer, inc. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Eves. Harbor 4923-J BILL'S BEST BUYS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS ··c·· THOMAS "C" THOMAS CLIFF HAVEN _ Artistic Modern A Nirl'Y FOR THE THRIFI'Y AT ~ live tn the neat S bdrm. A: C!Ollect. 157. monthly for rum. unll now rtnted. Yu. that I• rtgM. 2 UAllJJ on &elt.180 'lol. R m. for horn. chickens, rabbit. and gardrn. Trrma too. WARNING - DO INVESTIGATE- DtJE TO DIRE clrcunat&nc .. owner muat edl a t once. Needs a UtUe tidying up but thla 2 bdrm., l \. bath home on end of banjo 1lrfft c&n be had !or u little u $1750. down. Full price 177&0. DON'T BE A MILLIONAIRE LIVI: Ll:KE ONE. Thi• 2 bdrm. lt den rancho on corner lot In Npt. m.. hu aJJ the flne featuua you're looktnr for. Built-bl nuire • oven. :Z20 volt.a, J'lq· ato.ne tlttpla<'e .a man1 ot.hen. ru.u prtce S19.9~ with onlJ' P OOO down. UDO BAY · FRONT Pier and Float Attractively FURNISHED 3 bdrm., 3 bath home, ready to move into. Only 3 yn. old. W to W car- peting, F. A. heat, built-in barbeque, enclosed patio. ' $58,500 -Good terma. CLIFF HAVEN VIEW HOME Swimming Pool ENJOY the terrific VIEW from the huge picture window& in Liv. room. den & master bdrm. Thia custom built OWNER'S home offers the tlneat - 2 fireplaces, F. A. heal, thermador kitchen, dining room, lovely patio around kidney-shaped swimming pool, 92 ft. lot. SEE thia . today! PRICED at $42,500. Submit Offer ~ BAYSHORES A RUSTIC that •• dJlferent. You'll be de1Jg'htel1 with tbe nov.1 t·rea tmrnl combined with th• funcllonaJ character of Ulla II'•· lhrl'e bedroom. 1 "6 bath h~me with 11t'parntc dining room, cov· erf'd lan11.I A patio, breezeway to f'Xlra la.rice ttara&•· E verything I.hat ept'll:s Qu&.llty, design .tr re· flnement, $26,960, A Million Lights OLISTI;;N UIClD Dl AMONDI h'om tbts ntarly new aJtake roof, Cape Cort Vlf'W home with S lar);e bed· room a. 2 t; baths. 2 ulled br1t lc flr~pl&C:t'l1 bulll l.n klL ran(e. Evtry luxury Item you tlealre IJI In thl11 2400 11q. ft. m u terplece of artihltectual CIHIJ:'TI It con· 1•ructlon, U9.TM tull price In· cludlnK wall to wall ca rpet.a A drapu, COSTA MESA Feel Like Falling MARCH 21, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 11 a • ..,......_ PENINSULA $2500 down. Furn. 2 bdrm. home. Luge patio. Near Jetty. Balance $125 per month. Also ~ear Jetty 4 yr. old, 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. floora, 1'. A. heat, f ireplace, nice patio. Owner moving inland. Full price $19,500. Good terma to right buyer. .. • 6 Bdrm. OCEAN FRONT A wond~rful'famlly f\Dl houee and all tor $23,500 furn. INCOME -BALBOA 4 Jou • Near Grammar School -Room for 4 mon unit.. 9 unit.a, ahow excellent return: Practically tun time 100% occupancy. Beautifully furn. Private patios, 2 garagea, 11 carports. -$74,000. BA YFRONT LOT No telephone lntonnation will be given. R-2 lot W. Newport. 30 x 85 Close to ocean -$2650. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Bl'llboa, Calif. Harbor 1264 E\'e. Harbor 18:58 VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS PRIDE IN OWNERSIDP -Located on qw.t, beautiful street among other quality homes. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with glass doon from ll'ring room t o a t ruly lovely patio a ncl private back yard. Plea.ae see thia at $21,950. THE LAST TWG R-3 Lots available on the buut iful B&lboa PenJD- sula 'Point.' The price of $19.~00 Includes completed plans for 6 Deluxe 3 bdrm. 2 bath Ul\lta. VOGEL VALUE OPEN HOUSE -.24~ Evening Catiyon Road Shorecliff s, Corona del Mar Only your inspection will enable you to NOT .A SACRIFICE - ITS A STEAL - BUJLT·lN HOI.J.Y tat••• 6 onn, I bdrm., 2 bath home In Kood cloee4n Ji:aal..&109 loc&Uon.. N..u. lY new, $13.600. No. 1 -3 bdrm., 1%, bat.ha, lge. living room, dining room. ONLY $16,t>OO. lN LOVE AGA1NT Here 11 your evaluate its merits. See it todayl chance ~ Charmine r..mlly home CF YOU WANT TO BUILD-- LOTS A.VA.J l..Ali'LlC: (.;(>m er 60x· 102, $211~: Newporl H rli.hlJI. :ic>xJ80. 1211~. :Z cor ner lntll ll 7iU39. $4000. choice Back&'\)' rMtr1 C't!ld IOI.A, S39~>0 Md up. W. A. TOBIAS a.nd ABSOClA TEI REALTOR "you 'll like our frl•ndly tervlre" 4103 It. 17th Sl., Co1ta p.t,. ... lJbl'r1y 8-1139 SOLD b~ Multiple Listin g \I J,Qt ,Cor. ~hld A. Sl!!avlew, Coron. <lei Mar "OoaJ -s~.500.000 In ·~r I! You Can Afford a Better Home ICnJoy UI• modem 1Jnn1 ot lhl• one 1tory. 2 bdrm. home v.1Ul eomplet.ely Nm.tabed a pL over double....,-.,... l'mA.TUR&I lonl1 bath, rnodtm kltdlftl W'llh <!UpoM.l, fUl1'\11<'9 No. 2 -Very attractive 3 bdrm. • den, 1% bath liome~cyre<recoraced. Dii~ It W lo W carpeting, lge. fenced lot, near beach. An excel· lent VALUE at $32,500 .• "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newpo!"1 Be.ach Uberty 8-5527 "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS A PHONE CALL will give you inlonnatJon on theae properti~._ 1. Duplex, 1 BR. each aide, 3 yca.ra old. $11,500. 2. 2 BR. house & etudJo apt. 1 blk. to bay. $12.500. 3. Ocean front duplex, 1 BR. each. Room for houae in front. $15,600 • 4. Ideal ocean front playhouse. 5 BR, lge. I.I\'. rm. Well loc. $17,500 15. Close to bay. 2 BR. hou.'le and 2 BIL apt. to pay upkeep. \"ery nice. $20,000 6. Triplex, near bay & ocu~. 1 BR. ea. Always rented. Well furnwbed. Priced at S21,500. 7. 7 unit Income property. Excellent income. $29,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. Har. 6188 or 1983 hHl and t'lttpl&e• and lo&da of --------------------- WVdl'Obe .,u.. a.,.. l• how • • • The MOODd unit -a nice apt. brtnp $1200 l'fU'lY at Ulle d1o1ce Balboa lal&11d location. Pr1ced well un~r P 0,000. '" U\t. property tor r ood tenna and JOOd 1Jv1n1. J. A BEEK, Realtor Barbor II, &OI Park A..._ aallla. 1'laM SOLD bv Multiple Listing '1 !At Ocw. lane a lUlaca. Vdo lal• -oo.i -U.eoo.ooo t. 'Sr BY OWNER Oi:>rona R.1(1\l&nd.I -I bdrm., 2 baUl tarmhouae, :rBA commit· mmt. Pll. Harbor 78-J . 99Uc L.AJtoll LOT on CUtt Drive Aft C'litt Hann. AUIO .0 ft. .tr.t to etr N1t lot Clll 0..0.. U do lal• (2nl1 lot (.rom Lido Sou4. "1tb t"l"'" of bl71 X... .A.breN. Har, OJ tL 11\le LI DO The very heft exclusive Usting on Lido I.ale. Large 2 bdrm., 2 bath single story home on a 4~ft. lot, oversized garage with laundry. Forced air heat, big living room and fireplace, Spacious South paUo where you may relax and soak up the aUl1. You will have to ru.ah to get thie ooe! Open Sat. & Sun. 1 to 5 p. m. 218 Via Palermo $23,500. Hae a new $H5,000 loan. DUNCAN HARDESTY. Realtor 2602 ·Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 "you made me love you • -·" THAT l.a what you'll aay when you aee th.I.a cute litlle cottage. 1 2 blk.. from the ocean. (Yea, it hu · a view) 1 lf.i blks. from bay. l llJ bllu from Balboa Pier . Completely fumlahed with extra good furnl. ture including a piano. Yard with Iota of t'lOWWI and ahrubs and a amall patio. THE PRICE? Only S9750. 127'50 down. BEE Lila B. Mc.Funn at Balboa Bay Properties , . '19 & Balboa Blvd., &!boa Har. ~i86 or 251w-M - or 3 bdrm•. I~ blltha, c r1ap col· rue voG~CL co. -~ thfoovitt>out. Mf>d8<11t ru;_ ~ ~ dl'lalim ror modem ~ U•b\c l201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt, Beh. Liberty 1-IUt with cra putak f' fenced 11a t10, --------------------- Orepl,.ce. bu ldtc;hen, forced air •• • hut ""rqutl n oort. i:ar~,. This home provides many opportunities dl•poaal. 2 car garagt. Unequ..I· ~ value at l l2.000. to really enioy life-r o A Small Boy HOME 1..1 Ju•t a ttlllns ataUon, but to Mnm and Dari ll'11 much more hrrf' Is "lll'h 8 hmn .. l hilt Of· f<'r-• "verythlni only a hop, ~ki p 11.11<1 Jump to 11hopp1n1 cf'n· t"r Alld lt<'hool ..• Yu. It I • n<'nrly new and h., l ti.drooma, u 1 I !lr,.pl•cl' Prlat • $1(),1150 wllh Juet 11000 down! I Bay & Beach Realty t9H Nnrport Bt--:d., Ooeta MM& U 8-1191 Evea. U 1-31 ~ SOLD by Multiple Lis ting 162 Ce<'ll P,, 1;03ta M "fll "(;.,,,.) -I ll.MO 000 In 'I'>~" TRADE FOR HOME with pier and float and emall income. Owner retiring from busl· De88. WILL TRADE unencumbered ~ unit atucco motel With ownet''a quart.en. All tur- nlahed. In tJp top \hape on maln highway in Culver Ci- ty. Well ~ted and eetab- llahed bualnea dolnr over $8000 with low expenee. Your Income start. at once. Let me know what you have. Owner Ernest Zi,m. merman, 2907 South Coch- ran Ave., Loa An1elee HS. Pbone WHitney f59el . Cour- teey to broken. 17c30h Want a priva~e be&A:h ! Need a place to keep your cru!Kr ! Prefer close in location near Lido Shope. etc. 1 Buy this Ideal 2 bdrm. home ln Balboa Bay Covee right on the waterfront. only 3 yn. old. Lota ot We. parquet ftoon. F. A. beat. dbl. gaN1ge, nice featu.re1. Pier Ii 8llp priv1legl.'1S. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex fum i&bed • good rental district. Ocean M d Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 31 13 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 v Corona del Mar Best Buys 1. SH ORE CLIFFS -3 BDRM. A DEN HOME. plua large rumpU. room, 2 flreplacea, 3o bath•, view of ocean. canyon & hill8. Compt.tely tum· lahcd. A bargain at $45.000. Property located at 81~ Morning Canyon Rd. OPEN HOUSE EVERY DAY UNTIL SOLD! 2. VIEW OF CANYON Ir HILLS. 2 bdrm. boJM plua large nimpu. room. built-in atove cl: oven. Attractive flrepla.ce, nicely dttorated. Larre double garage. only 1 year . nld .. Reduced from $23,500 to $19,~ tor lmmedlately Hie, Owner bu moved. Better hurry. 3. CLOSE TO OCEAN & BEACH.-Tb.ia attrad.JTt modern 2 bdrm. home plua parlor off living room. Suitable for a mu.sic room. Double garage. Fenced yard Ir only 1 blk. to ocean front, Reduced to $18,900. Ea.ay terma. We have the key. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Cou t Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 47 BEAUTIFUL C-1 location (Otrlce located next door to Corona del Kar Bank) on Chapman A.yt. we1t of Or·· ---------------------anre, IClty). run btoek :zeo11· 162"t wlth l'l'onl.aa'• on I 1ta. $0.~. Owner wlU conak1er trade tor clear Udcl OT ~ l!arbo1' Arl'!a p~7. .Udo Realty A.uoclatee U OO Via Udo. Harbor 4444 (ac,_ tram .IUC!Mrd'a mJtt. entr. l 29tf SOLD by Multiple LI.sting 1111 Canal It., 1' ..,,ort ~ -ll,I00,000 ...... CORONA DEL MAR GOING, GOING. GONE. Don't wait if you want a lot close to the beach. Theee a.re the oftly two Iota avaJ lable South of the boulevard on Hu.el Drive. Wonderful Tiew -$5000 each. Com er location wtth ample room to build yaw home. Now baa 1araae apa.rtment with extra room 6 % bath nnt to two-car garage. lee thJa today, only -$12,250. .. RAY REALTY CO • 1 (ACROSS J'ROM THE BA:NJ() • "" .. Cout Bl•d·. Corona del Mar ~ 2288 I I I I I ' I J ~:Ci ~~ & I D 0 WITH SALLIE March 24, 1955 'Tia better to give than to receive!" Thanks Folger'• Coffee, Luer'111 l.Alncheon Meats, Kraft'a Cheetie8, Jerry Moore'it Dre98lag, Rath'• Black Hawk Baco-. Todd's Ice Cream, Milk and Chocolate. Laura Scuddn'11 II a yon n a i 8 e aad Nuts. Adame and Brooks Slnor- IU PNDUb and Butter Toffle Nut.a, Amer I c an ~ Bakery Out.eh Cook· ._ • • . for pennltlng ua to pie during our Seventh Birthday Celebr&Uoa ••• Thanb aJ80 to Joe Marlin and Dwight Wmver, the reepect1ve he.ds of o~r Bakery and Of!UcatflMftl • • .WOO cup• of Folger'• cof- fee were enjoyed by those who stopped at our H<>Bte88 Booth for a Coffee Break dur- ing their shopping ... On Fri- day we cut our 100 pound ~~~ four tier Birthday cake and .erved 1371 pieces ... ln ad-~II dition we served 480 more I cake enthusiaata from 5 large ab~ cakes· . . • Of the 9000 I ,ii who aampled Bacon a n d ~ Smoky Link• from the Rath Blackhawk lady'a tray, a ton ~~t bought •.. sorry. I mean they 'll' bought a ton of bacon, they were ao thrilled with the su-, perlor quality ... Also 3000 icw'Wat"~ llCOOpe of Todd's Jee Crum in ~II paper cups supplied the cOOl· 1 Ing effect.a needed when ahop- pi.ng under 11ucb wanning con-stV.XXJY amona . . . Todd's Milk and I ~~ 11#.1'1 ~~ u~ Chocolate Milk too, whetted I whiatlea to the tune of 90 gal- lon• worth ... Wow ! Did we give out the eats! ~~~ -To --.-u. """" .wt-blK p6eoe of eatba~ to be ~ from th1lt •blaa ............... ~. Mayo-.. lee CaJ&e Dlablo •• Tltot1e who dJd DOt ta.te It or reoel,•11 a redJM'. here it la • . . Sift togtth.-r four tlmb, 2 t·ups cakfl Oour, '-l tap. &alt, l ttlp. baklnir; pow· der, l tap. &Oda. 4 tt>l'p. co- coa, 1 cup liU~ar, t hrn add ~ cup I.aura S<:uddn'i. llayoanaJtW, I <'UP watu .. d Y.z tap. vanilla .•• lkat •.. Bake at Sao ..• in lay- e,. 3()..10 mlalll('i; • • . in io.I 40-5U mlnutn.. J erry Moore'11 Spiccl.1 Salad Dreaaing made dunk hiatory when 'mixe<l w 1 t h cream cbeeee ... Thu1 dellcwus new dreum~ with t.he ketchup. bleu-Cheese combination 1s the brain f oo<l of une of our local boys . . . Ii.It on the I dreuing about 5 years ago, ,El while punwn~ his favorite ~ hobby ... cookanK. 1 FrWDCb aald he abou.ld put hie drt"Mlng OD the I JDU'kd ... It took him fin 1e.n to JM'rff'Ct th._. re<:iJM', I eo that It would u,.~ u · ectJy likf' thf' fr~h dr~ lag be n)Adf' lo ~ 0\\ D ldtdltn ...• tu."t ..U month .. ago hf' put hia famou.'4 dnain~ oo the market ... M&Ac~ a dt'lklous "f'la·food .au°" tool Add8 a rham· ~--IM~ to hambttrJ:t'n. or hot doit1' l ... I might put la . . . Jt al.'IO J:Of'M Jt'OO(t with lrtfU('f', f'Olli\f' HOii ro- mainf' ••. 'Tia spruig: Tlus years crop o( beach towels un• gayer ill than <'\'Cr on our MC'zz1u11ne •• The Easter Bunny 111 JURt 1 around the corner. but he left 1 a group I)( his little friend~ up there for Enstc.>r g1vinh .. The fiMJt <'Orn on the cob has made its nppearanc<' ... Al's corn on tht-cob with the mWlch that ~in~f! all the way down! Jack Miller made hJ1Jton the s-da~ertown wai. IMft.. by ft up '700 h&I· looM lD oar froet tohby for I the kid• , •• .Jack h the an. 8WW to tlMJ crife of our ~QQ()• prta oa the 111 , •• ,.,. "\\'e ~~~~~ .-cl a IUill aroaDd our bomet" We ft.O~ound the rt&ht OM, ta Bloomln •• tc.. ilUao6. ••• I. hav•'t deddecl yet, W'Mtber ht'• to be their b(,.. or thty"re to be hl9 boe9 ,' . . Bllt tltf'1 lla\•e fun! Richard' Lido Market is the Grocery Store among the Udo Shop@. locat~ at the en· trance to Udo Isle, Newport ~ach. ('..al~MI\. extra frelll produce "!~~ wU~ ooir (.:urrel'd ll•rf lfpedar Freeh, cn.p. Gr'ffll CABBAGE Sweet. ,.uey, Navel ORANGES • F1nn, Red, Rlpe \. •I • OOASTAL SHOPPER -MAR. !!, 19M A hearty thanks to all. and especially those listed below. for making our 7th Birthday Sale such a grand success and congratulaflons to all the 659 prize winners SPECIAL THANKS TO: .. A De1'ci°'41 bft!'ld of tl•t /i""~' l'Of/l't~" Manning's COFF·EE "Beat Q11ality tJ llCO?'f bt41kr" Dart-gold BUTTER "Soft QM<llltl/ 1'a('inl TM1tt1e" KJeenu FactaJ TISSUE box 300 sprllHJ clean'in frozen foods Ztt WAXED 1 ftc: PAPER .............. au · 7- Dfltersdlt UQl'lD 37 LUX _ o._,_ c oiTERGE1Nr : 33c BleM>la 17C PUREX ... _._ .......... quan l.lquld !SL&.rc•lt 21 C y ANO ....... ---···--qnart C'l-...r AJAX "''· 2 23c .. !lot! for lb .• 2c Sib. cello baa 25~ FiilETS.a PERCH~~ 37c FRUITrluu' RAWAJ11!~ 27C oiNDNEis Tl'SA !.~ stc "'"'"'-OllAPf; JUICE IUrlt.anl'• I navor. ICE MILK AMOr1..cl CUP CAKES Pu la lo DINNER ROLLS t-•RllJA \' l~na MERINGUE PIE Hr .. akhM•I T,...at Jll)T CROSS BUNS e UDO SHOPS e Nl:WPORT HARBOR :St:\\'S·PRJl.:88 • DOROTRV JO. DA:SCE ~Tl'DIOS lb. 83c e WOODWORTH l'IA:SO CO. e OKA:SGt: COAST COLL.EOE TRIO • HARBOR m RHYTHM K.ll\08 • KTI'\' ·-BrLL Wl:L."H lb.· 59c e 8Hl:RIFY JOHN e TF:SURTOWN e TODD'S DAIR\' 6ror 26C 6,,.,14c • F0Wt.:R'8 COf't't;t; e HOLLY Mt:GAR • e C a R Sl'GAR e U:~LlE SALT · cleflcatesse• LENTEN IDEA Macaroni and Cheese Casserole CHEESE''" .~ 2 ... 23c ROllSburr 'isxA-~!: 23C CHEfSEI Tll.IAM~~b. 55c OIWlJJioh At>PI" C9FFEE CAKE TOMATOES 12 ••• cello 19c AA T1 ft OA ,. qrh 52c 6 '"' 27c 3,.,, 25c Ryko t~...t HOl,1.,1\ . .."0 HAM f ·lh, 21• tin LENTEN IDEA Baked or Broiled Fish See our complete line of PYREX OVENWARE ... Lari; .. '! lay,., Appko "'-""" LAYER CAKE ~h 97c Bu•/,• 'I'" d 11r H~"'vd rArv rt d,.hno .. , ' . s. hoiN' Stnk RJl'h&l'ft'• Ow11 C'ARROT SALAD P'TERHOUSE "Tr""' r """ Pwll of F ln1•M " l '. ~. ('hniN' Stf'aks T-BONES •A F•1t·11r1I• t""0"Q nil" ' .. K ('h (li('P RIB ROAST • "PtJrl;nt '" Cr11·0-• t1r In T"lflln ft/llvrl'll }\Hr"~' S1'ift'8 Bmket CORNED BEEF "Tl\~ BM'Oll 1 1'4 Ille •molt-y fin• l?r'' Swift'w Pftomlum lb. 89c 1b.99c lb. 79c lb. 65c SLICED BACON lb . 57c , a.a.. taz ooUect.ed oa tau ... M.t-m1 '·