HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-13 - Newport Harbor News Press.I c1rcu1at1oii 21,000 PlotribaWlo N""l>Ort -i.. IWboo, -laland, Cor'llilla del. llar I c.ea "'-UcuU. Sooth LopM ud Batlqtioe lleedL VOLUJOC 1 -Nm111D .U WEDNl!llDAY, APBIL 11, 191111 Pabllahed at nu wen Balboa 01,·d., Newport Beach, Calli. Harbor 1818 STANLEY OIL BiLLS TO PROTECT SHORE LINE . Tlro bw. to protect tbe .bore line inten11ta of Newport Beach are in the legi91ative machinery in Sacramento, ac- cording to inlonnation from Auemblyma.n Earl W. Stanley, author. Hearing wu acheduled Tuesday on AB 1709, Intro- duced by Stanley &nd LeRoy Lyoq, to regulate tidal oil drill· Ing. Stanley lntrodue«S AB 3792 cout&l area from pGMible d"velop- lut Tul!lday to aulbor!M the Ctty m11nt ot lldel.nd oil tor the n"xt of Newport Bu.ch to quiet title 20 yeara. qairt1l th• Illa!• of C&Utomla for 11\• bill Introduced Aprtl D by property on the oce.&n front be-St.an.ley, AB 38112, would endeavor twee" 14th and lllth St.I. to retum to the Ctty of N..wport Th• oil l~ctat&llon would require Be&<:h lntereate to oce.n pro~rty &II ••lll dttlled to or lnto the Ude betwe"n 14th and 18lh Sta. 11.!ed- and aubm•rced )Mld9 ·Of the atate ed to th• 9'.•le by the city council w ith.In Oi-e.na• Co11D.ty &dja.cent to Oct. 17, tllf.11. Th• blll would or lying wtthln 3 miles of the allow Iha city to brlnf quiet title eout aout..h ot th• mouth or th• qalnat the •lite for poulbll! r•· Banta Ana River lo blo 9lant drill· covery or to ttform the r1:aolutlon ad from an upland or Uttoral alte, .nd dead. Untll Oct. l , lt'Tll. CDll PAILK UJUTS ADDED PllOVUU.ON Acootdinr to a l•ttl!r received Th• bill would turther provide by Stanley from Georre 0 . Grov- lh• comnll.aslon be pnvmlied from 1:r, deputy attorney g.neral fOT entering-Into le._ fo r exlrac· th• St.le of Ca.llfomla. the deed· tlon of oil and gu fTom the lid• Inc by the city of the Corona d.J or aubmerred land.a unlea.a U!e Mar State Bf'&Ch Park i. limited comml•lon bellevea lldel.nd• <"On-lo land ahoreward of the hlfh taJ.ft oil or , .. depotlta which m•Y water mark. Oro\·er a.Id lhla be or at• beinf drained by welb woWd. n..,.t• th• C<ll"llatntion that •pon &djael!flt land&. lid• .nd eubmerced land& al lht 8lmlley Mid IM felt the blll corona d•I Mar •H• may h•'"• WO\lld protl!ci. tile Newport Beach been d-Sed b&tk to th. 9'.all. WILD WELL BLOWS IN, SPATTERING OIL, MUD H UNTJN"OTO N BEACH - '(OCS8 I -Whm M.ayb-No. 1 of th• Zepht r 0 11 Co., drlltlnr at J Oth and Oliva Sta., HWIUn&"ton Be•eh, blew In •t 11 :1) a..m. Sun· .. y. Al le••l two Euler wonh.lp- er• •ltf'ndtns; ne&.rby t huN:hH were Irked at tlndtnr lh1:lr care ..,ell aprayed with oil. Gary Bunch. 300 Ninth l!it., and Mn . Wl\llam Lffdke ot 17)111 So. Newland 8t.. bot.h HunUn«lofl B<-•cll, compl&Jned to pollc., r.ult• In• In cltallona llllftled to tlM Gene Jt.ld OU Wall Dr1111n• Co. Jl wu al th. bour wh9n -1'b7 Mcthodlal and llit. &Imo& &Ad J1tde Calhotlci f!~ -· bok1lll&" •rv\cea, Jn ma coacnPlklll ,.,.. N"ormt.n WIUlama. city oU ln•pet:l· OT, who went out.aid• when h• h1:ard the roar, waa drenched with oil and mud. Police Capt.aln Howard Roubl· doux, al Main and WLID.ut Sta. at the llma, looked up to -lhe cloUd of oil and mud blowlnc ovar th• ttte topa. It oonUnued ll>r o"r half UI hour, at 0.-Well abo9e th• top of the d1rnek. Spec:l&I otfkera wv• pl&e«I on duty to ntrout. trafn(l uid kMP SJ*:lalOn a-y trua UM ..,..._ Jt ..... r.ported ... ,_._,.. bl.lilt I up I• cutn& •l 1n lbe oU-be&rll\i" eM\d, broil• ~ u.. ...,... ot dJ1lllll&" mud.. An apartment ~-u...u. ......... q\IMIUty of tM mllrt~. pol&oe aid. LOCAL SEA SCOUTS TAKING TO BRINY DEEP ON CRUISER Arnonr I.ht ll!O Orf.Al"• County Sea Scout. wbo Wlr9 (UetiUI 'I\1.-.day ot th• U . 8 . N•YJ' •bo&nl the USS BL P&W, haa vy crv.tllt"r, were boy1 from UI.• Coala )I"" anti Newport Bf'ach a.hip•. Th4o crui.er wu lo i. ... Lon( Be.ch Harbor a l I .. m.. .nd r1t.iam late Tuaitl.ay &l'l•moon e.tt.r:r Ml utend9d ~ po..tblJ amund &anra Catalina or 8an Clt"m1:n1., lalt.nda. Burglars Get $19.700 In Jewels Theft Burrlar• tooll °'"" ~ line• Y&lued al l tll,TOO and UlrM r..Lll.8 FT1da.y ructtl f1Vm Ule borne ot Mr11. Smllin' Ed 1Rul.b) Mc· connell, 2Mt Ctn:le 0r1 .... ebt re- ported to police. She dltcO'f""nd th• burclary al 9 :30 p. m. on her r-eturn home when ltl• fO\lnd th• rront door oP"n. H1:r h111b&lld died tut aumml!r. Lt..rcut r1Jll'. "t'&lutd at IU.000, contained • c.nter diamond wet(h· tnr almoet •-.O can.ta. eLrht bar· uette1 welghin,: about elcht polnLI ••t h and f.8 •mall <1L1UTiond1 we11hlnC from on• to four point.I, poll~ ,.. • .,r. told.. Ano ther r1nlf. l"&lued at 18000, In a platinum moununc coDtatned two b&c"uelte dl&mond• w.tglllnc eom• ID point.I H.Cb 'Whll• the centt'r diamond wetped about 21 <,, point&, ehe ...- port.ii. The thin!. ring. va.Jued a t fl700, ..... a platinum "·ffidln11t 11nr wtlb &ltemaUn&" bq"u1tte1 a.nd brilll-l cut dlam.ond1, Illa former ..... tlln&" a bout lf!"Yl"n and th• latter UV.. polnl.8 M ch. Oil Co. Slapped wit~ Co1rt S1il U.l'C"TA ANA, XA.RCH 11 f0CN81 -Compl&.ln t ror Q\Alal UU... C9.fteell&Uon of a "'4d 1- UMI d&ma(ea for ll&nder ot UO. -" aaked 1111 tu.,.rtor 00\lrt hare today by Kr. UM! Mn. Kmmeth 8. llama<!')'. 31 4 8t.h BL. Runttnir-'°" .... ~ They ti~ lha .cUon •c&IMl B . K.. Mco..iland and hi• Calmont Oil C.>. Th• plalnUf11 cl&lm lhe7 •fl'H'd to l•ua • piece of HunUn(lon BH.cb property to tM defe"d&ntt. for oil well dr11lln1 for 12000 can- aldrreUOn. n.. Rameey. .-rt th• cser.-ct- .nt• h•'"e failed to u,,. up to Ulelr e nd or tbe deal. n!fulllnr to pa1 the l :WOO and complete Meraw. The plt..Lntlft1 .i,.o a.IJe&'e • cloud hu bl"f"n thrown over thl"Lr land t<Yr leu lng putpOM• bKau&f' of the ~rtf'd dt"fendanu• action. A total of 110.000 dam•r• I• ukl'd. Adminlst1 ation Estate Letters Asked by Mother Th• Cout&l 8hopJ*r today ~ prlntl • atory ft-own April I .. I.ht hl!•d. 0'Molh1r C1&Um Vlctlm'1 E.irtat.,.'" lf&l"I! an erron.oua Im· pnamton ot lll• .ubjeet m•ltl!'I' Which fOIJoW'll. ,,,, rlnp W-In a jl"Wf')ry kix atop a d,._.-. ,,,. •111p«U i.ett U'Uel• of coatume je.,·elry. Alllloufh m--"'-re ahowed •vtd-ot rwwadttnc. th~e tut _._. on• yt,Juad at '3000 . ., . .,r ll! riot touched. Mn. McConnell &&.Id •h• IM.Yf!I UI• ldtehe" door OJ!f'..O for ll'I• mlIJDnan. pollc. ~ported. 8.A... ... 'TA ANA. (0C?fSI -lAt- tera of &dm!nlltra.Uon 111 U.. - tete of a Coei.. Met.a couple whlcb --------------l p1:r1ahed In t. pl&Mt uaab WI!" ukl'd In Superior Ct>urt March 31. Mira. H&a..I v .. "'-•· l&nt& A.n1., aall• tht letten. SM la t.be -uter ot Mrt. St&ale1 Rt.&ly, II, wllo ..... lliUtd wtlh Mr h•b&nd... 'l'?Motr upt plan• plunpd t o Ut9 ~d n...,. Ulte M&Ult'Wll Mareh 20. 'nMi coup&t Mn ~ dill~. n..t H-.J:r-U\l'ed el lltlAt San• ta label A-. PeNOn&l Pf"OpolrtY Lido Yo1lh Clean Up Island as Local Easler Week Begins Mor. Ulan f.0 Udo hie young- aten apent the tint day ot their Jeaater vacaUon, not llvinl" It up. but cleanlnc It up. The \al&nd ,.. .. divided Into thtet' Mellon•, ea.ch dlvtalon undl!r the command of Peta Morrl.I. Chiu::k V.ndervort, .nd Tom Porter who took their team• of boya and rtrl• and tll!aned about ~ tona of debrle from th• Yac.nt lot.. In put yeara thl1 cleaning w111 undert.ken by prtvale contr•etora. Thia year the youn1i: pwplr. through their Junior Doud of Con- trol, offered to do the job .nd to UlNI th• tund1 to ftnanca their Y"•r'a proP"•m or d•nce1, •port• and dlnn""'·' By Saturday noon th• job wa11 completed and th• tired workar11 were 9t'TVed lunch prepa~d by thf" a rtri. of I.ht Junior Hou.e Commtt- t.ee, headed by Jane Enright who wu ...tated by Terry Jay, Judy Fir~ and Sandy Coleman. The younratera participating ranged In ye•n from l year-old "Chipper" WUUama to college llU· denta, and the affair proved to be aa much fun aa It waa needed. club ofttclal• report1:d. Giraud Treated Here We•ley \V. Giraud of 1~19 Santa Ana Ave .. Coll& Mf' .. , w .. treatt'd April 2 for a mild h1:art attack 1uffered while on the be&i:h near the dory tlahennen. G iraud d1:- c Unl"d medical treatment and waa traneported to Iha pollce 1tallon whl!r• ha r"ted beforl! makln&" the trip home. Residents Urged lo Support Local Red Cross Drive NEW BUSINESS CENTER PROPOSED FOR CDM 'rll•, 1urv•y vl'lll bf ~ on wh .. lher th• l'urr1nl popul1tlon Ju.tlf!e. thf' developmf'nt, lf\'llll 1pokeamen .. Id. Thet'I! i. p1l':nty of mon1 for ll ~ 20 1tore1 on Ui• 40-acr. •II• - with ample 1pac" t or parklnl". T'h• latid now i. u1ed for p .. tur.ie of 1hwp and emttl•. Continue lion of fre. At'lertcin Poasible development of 40 acre. nortbw6t of Co11.st ' J< lie• ac-roq the highw•y from Red C.'ro11 !lr1t ald ani Wat .. r I Highway and ?-lacArthur Blvd. intenection into a multimil-th11 extr:n1lon or Irvin• Terr1c1 u.fely pro1tra.nui In lhe 1''ewport I ti Harbor area 11 threatent<t due to lion dollar large shopping center le under study of th@ Irvine Into • larc•, reindent!ll ..c on the low return• on the current Co, This waa revealed ioday with the firm'• •latement to tund campaign, according lo an announ~t'n1ent trom the Balboa newsmen that Pereia and Luckman, well known areh- offi<'e ot the Reil Croq. To date. ltl'("tural firm or Leu! Angelt'•. hu tht City ot N1wport Beach. Thi• 152 f'"r .. ent ot the 123.100 quo!• I bun hlrtd to niake 11. prellminary pa.reel h&ll adequate utility t&ellt· for Nt'wport-l.:011111 !-.If'.._ a rf'a h•• ~tudy ot th,. •·cnl••r'• fta~lblllty. I ttei. lt put pertorm•nc• la an tn- bffn coll«lt'd. oftlclata ... id. ,Th,. firm lhl11 rnad~ n1•ny •uch dlcatlon, the Jr-Yin• Co. probably Other acr"lcea aupporl"'1 by do-11urvcy11. I wtll mova to .nnu lh• SO acrf"• naUona tQ the campaign are thf' A<'tuaJly. • pl@-•h•ped parcel, lylnf out.Ide th& clty -provid•d blood and motor p1·ogT•m1. Vol· the 40.acrt' 11i1 1: 111:• Jtal adj&Ct'nt I the arehlteci.. find lhe .ite u.ble unteer AOl1cltor11 11rl! atill C(HHac. to Merit'"• Or1ve-ln. The lend ex• .. • commero::tal development. ting local rt>aldr nta. but a telt'-lf'nda on 1'1acArthur l:llvd. Inland Thi! atudy will leU whalh•r lhe phone call to Harbor 19~ w!ll an<t 1un• back to A hill behind the l-.nd ahould blo de,.etopecl; wh•l bring ~ prompl r•lf tr(l m an oft!-hlghw•y. I type of commero::la.I cHvelopment ll clal repr1:aenlatl1•e for collection. I Some 10 acre• •re now lnald• call.I rot and va.nou. other upecl.8. '' rom Cenfer LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY APPLJA.NC.ES -Ba•1•oW Parle -0-1• -~ UDO l:LFAJ'l'IUO Mt6 , ... i.w. -........ '"" AUTOMOBILE om•r 7 N-&ad U8ld Can mcaan HV•++•sw ---IUfJll ........... __ _ BAND ................ "" '""' ...... ----...... ..,.. UDO .... VDIO -............. -MllftaU..--...- llUIJTY PAllUIM uDo """" .. -Mf.e~ VIiii .,,...._-. - .ilOOU """" .,... Ifill Vl& LMe -_..., .. OAMERUAI as '' VINC&l'fT UDO Dm:Joe ... , V1ll u.. ----- CA&PET8 a DILt.PICillD DIOll IU.Ollma Nit Vl& ......... ... CATEIUNO IUaU&D'9 UDO ll&&&T.T ..... v ........ -....... an• CLO'IBINO -JI-.'• Bet&U arowa.&.:• IUIOP roa M Y.N 1U1 Vl& U6a -...,..r _.,. OU>TIUNG-W-'a Bel&U .... •• Eflf• _.._..,_._...._.,. ••nno.:a'W MUI._ ..... _....,_.,, V~JID 80tJU ~·~-=-- DBVO STOKES VDfCEN'ra LIDO Dlll108 .... \'la U6t -...... NOi ELF£ftlC OON'nlAC71'0KS UDO 1':Uloml0 Ml& Vl& ...... -....... ''" rQIJN'lilN, OlllU. VIlfCJEJlfT8 LIDO Dat109 ...IVl&U.-.....__ FLUIE8 a ALllVU OUll.UIJT """"°" M.lt VI&._... -_.,. ... nIKNn'1llUC DIO& M.MS• IUt \'ta u.t-_._ - OlfT SHOP IUCllAAD"a LIDO ••--MU Vta U.. -...._ _ IN8VUNCJ:- w. o. euoa. om. .... n.u..-........... INTEBIO& DEOO..UC- IU...AtiCHE na•n9N' ...... _. 14.lt VI.a lMt. -..,._ ... DIC& N.Aoa&a MHVl91Ma----.... lllAJlllEl'!I alCH4&0'8 LIDO M•..-r UP\'l&Ulk-...,._.U NUB80Uf.3 JllCKA..llD'lt LIDO ll•UWT t:or,...-Tabla .t..rra.a,r-t. 1-4JJ \"la fJch -ll&not' Ull 1 f'HOTOORAPH STUDIOS I l.il'.:tlffAllfrr 81'1:DIOA I t 1• \"la 1.J6o -HarMI' UC1t I REAJ~ EST ATE l.J.DO KE A.I.Tl' AS80CIA.TU l.1Jo !l&J"" a Rent.al• j I.WO \la I.Join -H&ltlocw U4f. p. a. pa.lmrr, ltlt>orporat"'4 I "'" llan""n M ., .,.J.,i 1111""'t• IJJS ~·la lld1> -ll•rbar l&Ot \'O(lP:I, ("OMJ>A ... l' Jtll \'la l.Jtltl -Harbor .. 71 ·SA l'L._.GS • LOA.._. I A880CIATIONS S[;"'l"ORT llA.LROA. MAVCNGI AJverfiJing • tn fhe Co/umn.1 o/ fhi.1 a LOAS 48MO<.:IATIOl'f A S•v1n1:~ Jn.1lllullon Long T~nn Hom a l..o•n• »141 \ la l.ld11 -tluttor:ir •too !JER\'IOE STATIONS 1-11>0 Kl('HYIP:l.IJ netv.1paper i.1 o/ fee.1uft.1 JraWPORT HARB012 .NE-WS PReSS Mii S1:1'1·JH:trt Rh·ll.-U.... 'llt'f SllOF .. ~ -Me.a '• 81 D\\"t:U..'!tl l:iTORF. f'Oa llE!lf I a•u , ... l.J4o -....,.., tMt 111t:ATRES 1.100 Tfft:A TllF. Con1ull lh11 P•J>'!r for pror-am \"la LMo a& J'l•ewptrt Bl~ I ffarttet' lllfi l'O\'S 1.1uo To1·uso SANTA A.NA (0CN8\ -A· 9\0ftt: n ine tentaU"8 wbdl\'talon "1•P' c&lllnr tor rKll new horn• en 141 at res approvf'd Mart h 10 lly 111, Ora.n.g-e QM111ty Pl&nntnr C.timml•lon wer. 14 bout.ea on I .! acno• locatf'd 1&87 f...et north of Grove Ave .on the rxtenalon o f C'11!1y Dr . N or th Ollv.o . .ubdll'hl•d by Od!a M. Clark of COila folt"•• :;::,::::_•;.!::;"~ u;::: Call H4ibor 1616 • Display Ach-., llslllCJ Depew IHN>!i pie• •t l l t-I tt•!t Santa l•bel wu IL:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I SMt \"la l.Jd11 -Harti\or *4 Ul'HOL~TERrNO •. lncludt'd Ln th" e•t•l•. I b l f.'K MA<."IU:k auo va u.. -....-..,, I • j < PAG-£2-COASTALSHOPPER-APRIL ll, 1955. !4 Hmbor Puplls Jack Kennedy r•t ed P'riday on a poeMMton ot NOW at ~ alcohol count. He wu booked alao on eh&l'l'H ot betnc lllt.cmicat.ed lD WHU iDiit -rour Nllldeatll et public. Newpcrt -..cit are UDmlC UM Testify$ to Ralph W. Buah-y, GS, tor lOOI .Wdenta eal'Olled at WllltUer whom police had no addnM, but lt.tted him u a reUttd Na'fY man. CotJese for th• 8priq Mmtllter of S7500 'Payoff ~;,:.:::=:::;:-;~ :~~E'i':.::..~~; BANTA ANA -(0CN8) Costa Meaa bar owner Jack Ke.n- lltdy April 7 told of a $70-00-ln-cur- rency payoff for an on·.al• r••ral liquor llcenl!e u the liquor ton· splracy trial of H. ll. MM:Ken.Se and George Avu conttnued In 11\J• p .. rtor court ~TI!. MacKenzie, &U.8J>ended diatricl liquor bo•. and AYU, Banta Au bar keeper, ar. accuMd of the Wl· lawfu l liking of $7llOO from Ken· nf'dy and f8000 from S&n Juan Capl1trano hotel owner Rou Gray tor •n11lneerln1t liquor llcen1u for t hf'm. . KAJ~ED M OSEY Keonedy, who &lao h1.1 an oft· a.ale liquor llccr111e In Co1ta Me1a. aalJ he ralMd the money reque1ted by Av11s by borrowln~ $3000. writ· Ing a $1!100 cherk. cuhlng aome wa r bondA a nd other ltOW'CN . He r1xl"d t he time of payment to .A \'&11 at the lattl'r'11 bar. Santa AOll, &11 July 16. 19!'>3. J<enne1ly l!AM the money wu In f lOO, f~. '20 a nd SIO bill•. He testified ti. took It to Ana In a puper bag and declared : "Here'• th" money, count It." The Co1la Meiw.n &Ut'rted h e walkr<1 Into tho care·11 kitchen. The money waa placed on a table. :He quotl'd Avu a11 11aylnf "l know ll '11 all herl' " 28th "t.; Ja.ne It. loderberr. US• •• .....I .. 1-L-w•lftS Belalle'• wtn wu p&rtlculerty l'W1mmlnr for 8-11 Dl•Co State Col· W..uniMter; U4 Sr a a a t 0 . --out.t.andlnC alter he beca me all"k lege, tied for thll'd plaoe wtUl Aft• Subltatlon 'Plw Ollayecl by lloc.-cl 'nlclmpeon, lllll W. Balboa Blvd. F tyle I nf foDowtA( the Ume trial• In the af· oUler Hom tt. Dirk Rowlancl. and Mi. &any ftandaD. la• Opal fa8S ye temoon and Mt procreulvtly ! Fru.hma.n Alan Hod(M placed AT.. On.nc• Cout Cc.ll•re 90pbomore y,·or. u Uteoenniq went on, but UUrd In the men•· 11 )'d. back-SANTA ANA -Ttle louUlem ~ ~Ucm ~ I.a th• mmmlnc tlull Bud lltlahe Aprll l lM&Ked on -tmmtnr. 1•troke Madad national J C record Cal.lfomi. OU Oo. ~1 1ot hir"Mt 8prtnr 1emMltt •roll· 1 .... . 200 d trff8t... I 'nte Pl.rat. en•-·a wtnmnc Ume holder tor th• event Jadl Webb clearanc. trol'll the ~ Couaty won uoa mef\A Y • $'' -1 Board ot 8upen1a0n to 1a1ta11 an ment a t WhttUufltn the put five ""'l In lb lfUt annual 11etchtr 1wu 2:~.t ror t.lle elc'lt lap coune, and Canadian DeaA AaplJall. alao e&ec.trlo diatrlbuUoe ~Uoe on yean and ta well a boTe toT "11•· Relay• 1poMOted by the Southern ~·Ith Fullerton JC'a Grtr Wrlftlt trol"4 Fullertoa. Hodg~· time ot the 80UthMat l&de et Monte VI.ala tr&Uon tor the e<>rreapondlns ... Pacltlc AAU and ht.Id ln the San 11et'ond. A Coa•t alumnus from the l :OT.2 betwn ha own achool re-An ., ~ t .. t aorth..-t ol ~ IM«• lMt year. Dl .. o Clull pool. j 19~ 1tuon, Chuck A t k I n •on, ~rd ot 1 :Ol.8. Ave., ntar COllt& Md&. PllO!ll t: ~IAC 'Kl:SZlt~ Kennr<ly 11a1d ht> hall ,.nll\llng ronYr rt111 Uon11 with Avu. Ttle lat· ,,.,., he tutlfll'll, t old him to ll'lr· ph'lne Ma1·K,.ule a boul th• lioenae. MUL Tl-PURPOSE ANTISIPTIC AND MOUTHWASH MIDICAUY APPROVED LAVENDER 11t~1l1t14 Kt-nnedy lf'•Urled be talked to lhe IJquor .u~rvl1or and wu In· formf'J: "Rela.x. Every thine' II be all right ." ThP wltneaa cl&Jmed h• re«IY9d a call from A vu a tnf day1 later l•IU.DJ hlm to go to the Bult a Ana Boati,J ot Equaliz.aUon otrlce 11n<1 mak!' a license appllcaUon. He dill. Herman T'aUN accepl*' lb• 1ppllcatton an'1 .. v,.n111~1 •· K,.n. nf'd\' r9<'etv1••! 111• II• Horton Not Guilty On l of 5 Counts HunUncton Jkacll alrcratt build· «r·destgncr William l l. Horton wu found not KUlJly on three eount a ot rontempl In Loa Ancel• J;'ed· f'raJ Coun Thuraday. However, the inventor ot the radical "Hor- tein Wlnglu a · plane wu found ~1111ly on two other cOWltAI of v1ull\l Ing 11 8«urllh'• and Ex· rhMIC" C:t1mmh.,1on lnjul\cOon •1ta11ial mn1llnJ atock eer\ltlcatea bv 11'1.cinal f'nurt Ju<l!fll Wllll&m I ' ;\l.11 hi·> Tn .. Ju•lltfl lmrc-t a nne ot S 11 ~10 on Horton and auapended ,. to•' ••·11t,.nrf'11 Horton had ong· 111a111• llffn 11mtenr~ 10 1. !IO-day ) ul tf'rnl tn· another lo°edt'ral c:ourl J•• '"" "hf'n h" nrlr;lnally ple•ded t;uilt \ to 1111 th '!' rnunta nt rnn- trmp• JudJI' )f&lhH to-1")' •UfCHted lh" 11111 1< 11lll,.. Horton .-u an rt· ""'l"•I tmm unfAmlh•rlty wllh lh' r ul•~ ro:i•I 1••1;11l11 1tnnA 11t the Sl-:C" 11 .. 1.1~ .. ala tld "" t>.ll••ed Hnr- 1 .. n • troubli-1 •t•mmerl from un· f111n1llar1ly wlth co1.1.rtroc11n pro- '........ "" th' r ut "' llorlon. I" .. , 1• "" l!f't .. n..-l'n11n,,.I a p•t'Jnt "' urn .. v Hill Enters Plea o-. Check Charge SANTA ANA , 1QCN8t -Uerurd .-motion lv dlllmt.ae lht c:narg~. >·rr•I K Hill. 21 nt Rl\'tr •1Jr , l"rl· !11H rltt.dtd Innocent 011 \h• &CCU· i<.ot1•• t,r r lUM'<I t.h• rt rurt• on a 1 hn k written bv hi• motlltr :-. 1pN11;r l">ur t Ju.Jee John Shea ,,-hf'dulf'd a JllrY lr11'I fnr Hiii at t Ju a...m . .May 18 HW h1 ''" un 1>e11. H• 111 ac, 11"""1 r'1 l1 ft1np; a •~ rhf" k !•) $!\·,~, N•wporten KHCk av., Huntlll9f0n II\ 811.1. I &..OIU \'ellar ''"'''lhng :-:ewpnrt Buch "on their t1r11t lt agl.lt J:llme o\•er HunUn,rton Burn a l Hora ce En· •litn tha mnnd 6· 1 \\'rdn,.11d11~ Out· •t .. n1llng playt r fnr lilt local lad• '"" T'<'IA StodJar.J. ~"ry l>a vld. 11tu11n~ Hunttn1 ton'• lont t ally. ~tM T«'•I rnr lht r1v al1 l n ll1«' rnun1y Atanl11nr;1. La Jnll a and Usr<ltn Orove are Lied for tint \\ 11 h I Wl'I trlumphJI aplt'Ce. TO MINOR Lynn Landess Booked on Sale of Liquor Rap Lvnn La.ndM8, 3.3, ouNer ot •n Jn·1~• A vt., Friday n~t wu booktod on a co\11\t of .._ull\f lJquor t<• a minor a t 903 Coalt HJcb -y. pnllNI reportfd. She wu atf'ffted by 11tate liquor ortl~r• Paw De Nto and Ohvrr EWotL Harry H. AndJ'fll'I W, 19, Loa Ani:elt11, wu booked o.n a J>C*H· a1on rount after all•'*117 ""11"6 a b<•ltlt of vodka f rom her, poUce "'1ld. Jn 11.1101.htr arrMl, John Srd· rnann. 19, El Toro M&rtne, wu arrN1led al Tu1t1n Ave. and Cout Htgh<Atay. &lle(f'clly havinf two c11.11, of atout and eom• Yod)la Ill h.I• ~ .. ton. J <lhn \\', Wllll&n\a, 20, ca.rp•nln ot Ma.nha ttan Bea.ch, allO wu Ir· • ' ,._ASPIRIN ,.... Mill Purt 5-(raln tJbltts. Qu!Q. ~ fllt-wortiftl. t•TIMlt lettln REG. 5" IR. 79c 11c IOllY PHIS. 111111 Cnel. ,....., w tfpped, black or bronze. J • 111 tic m• Tll SMO£ LACU. %7". bl!?. bf""'• wt11tt. 2,.. n, nc uun U--. r 110 rds·· rolled. 2for 211 ac -.a Of llAlllSIA, Ital, p!t. 2 for ... tit C-..CIAl. llCUOPD. No.~...._ J ..... 111 jttel! PWTK ADHESIVE TAPE ,,. ..... Wlttfpteof. llnll colotM. Slkb bt1111', lm lmllt y,-•• ,... FllEST QUALITY Jre!! RUBBING ALCOHOL IK. l9c EACH 1a ,_ 'I CllllCOAL WllTlll PAPU. 3' pint -.... .., .., ...,. at •nl1,11 lfwU1 DAINTY DEODOUNT CREAM Cit-. llbricltts, Htlpt "' keep • smoott\, htll ~ plt1 ion. Ideal powdtrbaM. m11. REG. $1.00 1 a ..... .U Ll'STICU. lanolin tnric:tltd, 'tllldts. 1• UTll POWKI. Lwender, AdrieMt or Glrdell Spk:!. 1.21 LA..a sun CRUM. rerullf or _........ EUTI UNEN POUND PAPE C"-"helt- _,,.,lCk.lr. ....,.,,, .... out .. .,. ... SHAVE CREAM Softtn1 wtilsUn for smoolhlr tllMt.. Eltra rtfretfliftc. LATID • llUSIUSS REG. 59c TUil z for 1.11 2 for I.II 2fGf1JI Clloote frOlll *" " ...... ""*1'--. Woodlf •• Caotk. jtmg TINaURE of IODINE REG. 29c IEC.15c PIL 1£l 4lc IELl5c IEI. 5lc Smart, oppropt,_,. GREETllG CARDS ,~........._, . ...,_. ... 't ........ ....... ......, ........ Ible • ,,.._.,... ___ 59 ..... , c ., 98c LORIE BUBBLQE BATH lmot14111 . ""'" .... llf 10 N<"'• Mdllel-1 ,--·~ ]-..98c SHAVI CllAM ............ ............ .... --. .... :61« EilpAOOSOl INSEa, KILLER ............. ............. ...... ............ ""' ... 79c ._ ......... WT. .... ., MfttHt SPUT HAIR NET ·-Nlf .. eefl. ,.,. *'""'·-.. ..., • 19"'7 .... , "" ............. ............... ...... ,, ........ .. 89< • .. ~ ... ml.,,....,... ..... ....................... 10t. MCMD -a-.""'-...... ...a'f R HIUTI. lOO'a. .... 7k llDUM ~ l'flW,' a .... Sk IDML HIGIL, ' .. ha. 55c. IDML mu,~.,. ..... 1 -.lt ... ltc. IDML wn'C1 Miil. M .... 57c. .....m "' ........ '"" ....... I~ IL .... 75c. llUU. amm ••••a.~ ., ct11ldrtrl'L 1ra. .... at. llUU. -ac .. '°"" " crysttlt, ' ...... llc. llUU. -...s. ""'"' "" ....... .......,, ........ Jte. llJAU ll 11Mn.m11MS. 1 ,;'"'"" lnchldi"I 112, so· ...... IUS. Ull'I IMT UlCIM. 1.-. tffl. Its. J!c. 11DAU n• 111111. k. ,....,. ..it. .... JSc. nwr m ..,. .... ,.....,., 11 .... ~ ... II, 100'1 ..... JSc. IOAU P'Ol TllUUIOll. hqwld "tlllll"' ftt' dllldrt11. 1'1nt. Rt1. 3 S9. I fw "' u ... l ftr .. lftr .. lfw .. .,., 111 "" .. '"' 111 I fw 441 Ut1MI lftr .. u., .. lftr "' ..... Uw• Uorl• 11MfT1lll uml Wiiis ""'· IO llfl' wMte "'""-X .......... J .50. 2 IOI I JI ..a T-.D,-.. 8'M. 4' lfaetts. ·~ 110" ..... 2:Sc. 2 lot 2'c ~IAl llMUPO. ""'"·No.'~ ,.... Cltfle ,.cl. RtS. 25c. I IOI 2'c ctlftll Cll9I. Mr-. .,iit loot". fw loflC et atloft stylts. .... 2Sc. J IOI 2'c llUU. IAll II.. 5 ll. ha. •tt. 1 for IOc llUU. CIUll IAll flllC. 5 01 t11-69<. 1 '"' 7k .... Fla PMll. 4 IMdft. Coln- .,.._. If ,...., ..... 1.00. J IOI 1.11 ... ...,.. CW-CIUM, I IL lta. 1.50. J lot IJI TWUTltUl cell CtUMI, ltittl Cold or dllMlflC. 1 ._ .... IJ5. 2 IOI 1 JI LlftJMI ~ STIC«. 2'ill oz. ba. IJ5. J 101 l.2' IDALl lllA¥1111 LITllll. 5 or. le&. 59c. J IOI ... IDML IUmMI tlfAll l.llher 0t llfvatlles1. Rt&. '3c. J IOI "« IUSlllMT, 2-cell sin . Cliromt ~eted ""'· .... l9c. 2 fOf "' llllfllft. MOr1 a. LUIU'. P111t1c;, l•a. 1.00. 2 101 1.11 wm tlUIUTt ll'OQL H•·. ''i" M l. ltt&. 35c. 2 f()( Mc fttTII l'OWD(l. 111111 Aml!loll11t1d, 3 tt. Ullt llVSIU. Kltut P'nffftl ..... llltf. It&. Oc. I for Uc round OI th.,, ter. I 00 J f()( 1.01 rm• lllTtS Wrfllc ,.,. ""',,,.. wtturru MSOlkl lllltlMT. atJ!e. 20 slltfta llld ""'-•tt. I 00. I for 111 C1UJt. hr. 59t. J IOI "' .., ..., "'-..... Ille -... " .... , .. ............................................ "' ............ . LIDO-S461 Vla Lido, NH•-por1 ~h "OIM of ttl4!l Udo Mttope" ' . ,-' Jee! SACCHARIN TABLETS MltFOID J'ffa!! PANOYITE REC. 2 311 3.10 "' • FACIAL TISSUES Sfn. ~SOttltllt 2 ·39( ... ., of JOO. wtutt . f!U.11 ,AIU, ~It, '"de Of 111!109 rMlf , 2 fw 1Jt ilTii ,.. CfiftALS. Dllyt, I ·lb. 2 '°' .. AIST QUAlfTY SPUNTEX NYLONS lMlf SI ...... IS ...,llllltWttt "'"" ""*'-l 1.51 • I , ;REDHOT REDDINGTON RAMBLES TO SECOND RECORD IN ANAHEIM · MEET Coad! Al Irwin's Charges Cop Sulllet Loop Dual Swim Titles R.-1 bot Don Reddington churned out hW .econd New· port Barbor High School frefllrtyle swim record of the year tor top perfonnance at Anaheim WednM<lay while Coach Al Inrin'• tank aquad9 splubed to Sunaet Le•gue dual meet champkmabJ.1>9 in all three prep divislona, The Tar vanity dmiMd U.. Ookm1lfU ~7, th.I ....... kJww.d tM boom 48· Jt llDd tba )oc;al C"I .wilt 'em ..... April 27·21. It'1 OniJ natun.J that lr'l'fln'• cba.rpll will ba prime tavo- r1t• to oop th• eompettUon. n.da y, Raddin(tota meraly c:n1!eed th• 200 d!1l&nca to ttnlah 1econd to Tu J'nlhma.n Bill MUlt. Gordon .Juhl' ot Harbor High w11 thlrd. T he time WU 2 :18.4, 'nla ... anlty took e\•try nr1t p lace and a.U owl.'d only one Colo- nl1t to come In aecond. That wu Anllhelm"a Jac.k Barker ln th• Ln· dl vtdual medlty. Qthl.'rwiH It.,., .. , Bodtnhofer In a 2:1.7 :io free O\'tr Buck ; Tom Jen10n over Jerry Far· quhu 1n the 100 brea1t ; 1 :13.8; Denni.I HenderllOn ovtr Pete Schul· bers in the t>-ck, l :l ti, Dave An· drew1 ovtr Da ve Maddtn In tha dl"rinC'. and Farquhar 1n 1:•11.9 ln the medley. Tar tam1 or Schulbfrg-, J enton and Kolvt1to and Bchulberg-, Red· dington, K olvlsto 11nd Bu<'k co11Jl<!d th• medley and tcur·m•n ~I•)'• In lime9 of l :211. l and l ~48. APRll 13, 1955 -COASTAl SHOPPER -PAG! J ped th• tour man relay ln l :t t .e. Olhf'rwiae •II nr1ll went to the local llghtwel«hll. Paul Mantz took the b~ Ill 1:13.2; Bob J ohn!IOn ba««~ the 200 f1'1't In 2:18.t : J!rn Wlillam1 nabbfd the back In l :Cit and the Individual niedll.'y. w1lh Manta llMQ{ld &1ld Bruce T\•dchell third, In 110 l , and Ted Von Htrnrrl buOll!d out a 100 frl'l' In fl9.1. Ma..nt&. J ohnaon and \Vl!llarna cll.'a"ed the w1ter 1\'•Y• for a 1 :30.4 wtn ln th• mf'dley re· lay. Obv!ouely, wtth but \a pa.Jr or polnt• e.!lc11plni-them. the Tar wa· tf'r ntaa ju.st about IWCpt out the Ana.helm pool. Don \\'tldron took 1he f'rte 1n 2!1.8, Jack Buck th11 brea1t In 34.11 and J erry \\1\itallrr the back In 331. Pf'yton RroM, Ter- ry Dallaa and Orrln WaJe rollc.-cted all the 1tcon d.a. C n !ay1 wtr• tak..n by th• N· epectl\•e ttnma of Brickner, Buck. \Vhltaker and Whit.&ktr. Boaf'oe Durn1, Brickner and \\laldron. Re· spect lve Umf's were 4.3.4 a.nd r;o.4.. White Elephant Sale Nets Scout Troop 182 S3H Sti.lei from th• SaturdaJ Bay Scout Troop 1"2 v.•h lte aleph1U11. ...ie will elf!ar 1300, ac«>rdln& to P. !!I. BaJnM, on the rommlttM. Son\• th•rapeuUc equlpmmt do- nated to th• boy1 from t.M 1al• waa g'"lv•n by tMnl t o th• Oran&• COunty Ho.pital, Ba.lntl at.Jd. n.. th11r thM •U IL He aid the eqWp.. mtnt wu al. rnOl."e n lue to tha holplt&l i"oll~ th• Mle, t wo l&Fp tni.ck 1.-.h ot un.cld ltama. ln- cludi~ clolhll\€, •-tak• to th• loca.l ..U..l.atl~e 1-l'U• Thrift Shop. Campln1 &"el.I' and oooklni' rollowiDC ...._ ncaaoa. lay· c A.1'1 -tar acttaton r.tum to Mtkia la rttqJ&trlck Memori&I pool &(-1n.lt tba 1trong \\'hillier na.vtp ton. WhltU_. oopped aaoond plaea ln th• ClJI' Mldw1nter1 to SILVER TEA PLANS a.re being outlined by this trio of Children'• Home Society mem. Lone BM.ch wu.:in, .mile th• Tan ben. The annual affair will be held April 23 at the Howard Lawaon home on W. Bay cam• ln th1rd.. • Red.dlnaton'I IUIW' rwc:ord C&ll:la ln u.. 100 )'d. ,,... Lil ADahln:I WednNday. Rec.h'1nl" n~ pu1h from eecond pl.ac• I.any Buck &11d thb-d •pat Chuck Kai· vtato, Doo ruahed to th• touch In 68.2. Thi• did ....... , with 8. Bl.lrd'• M.e clocking Mt ln 19:12. S\\1.H LIKE FISH 1-------------ltoqW~t 11van to t.M troop tor TllOI Box Theft Told llllJa wu retained ~ th• UQOP for Ill u.Md to prwwnt bllytni" •mll&r ltema. Ave. and will feature a 1tyle ahow by Shaddock'•. Lett to right an J.lmes. Robert ~ POINT roa PEA.I[ r Tb• Whittler 1plUlllnS" fl.sure& CBtJIBI! IN roo 11:.&rUe.r thY aeuon, du.t1q the )(ldwlnt.er1 at Lon&" Bea.ch. R.l.'d· dlngton toured tha 200 t ree 1n 2:6'.~ lo ftnl.U off Ken Bodan· boftr'.1 •6' mark of 2 :~.9. W9d· A (\i'y by the nan1 e ot Traut made Ilka he had an a ln hl• moniker u he picked up 1 pair of triumph• tor the Colan!J1ts Iii B apluhing. Ha copped the tiO yd. free ln 28.l Md beat Gene [.oring Jn the dlvtng. Anaheim 11.lao cop- Frank Baldwln, 81, of J943 ~ public Ave,. Coat.a Me,., noported theft cf a tool boll &nd t.ool& val· ued at $2fl reeenUy. PoUce M.!d Liie tool bo:iw; WI.IOI ll.ken from th• apen bl"l!!eUway of Ba.Jdwtn'• n!&ldenca. -_..,,. __ •_, _J_o_h_n_Oe_rtl_Y_•_n_d_H_o_w_ard __ M_emn._· __ s_tat_!_P_h_o_to __ --:-------------J'° whip Ui.e Newport. Dlermftll lnto paa.k part'orm&nC• for th• Swi.aet 1.-cue MM\. in OnJIS"• Oout C.01· lep'1 claGIOe plun«-Oil the> Me. "Ii\'• "'1M wa oould pa,_a.i17 uy •th&.n you' t.o t\•eeyona wl10 w.. IO l"&nU'OUll to 111,," ~ Mld BOUNCE BACK .Bue Batter Hornets For Plenty Runs currenc• to mar the Pin.t• return to w1nn1nl' ,...y•. Star outtlelder P•l RoberU .uttered a recurre.nce of batUe wound• to a be.tter9d knee. Pat went lnto l.h• pit. tor repair• q&inlt Long &&ch City Colleg• March 4 when h• came a-croppeir alldinc lnto MCOml. Ap- pee.rtn1 u • •1-rter a.p..l.Nt J"ul. l'i'ton ror th• first tlm• ISi.oc• the Injury. Roberta w-.. UN.bl• to run out a .olld bit ln th• HOC)nd tn- n!nr . Not only &d th• rnJ.mbap rob Defendlnl' dlamp1 Oran&• COUt Picken• of a il1y player. poa11 ibly Coll111 bounced ril:ht back ln ror Ule aeMon, but Jt robbed Rob- Eutem Conference diamond corn· f'rtl ot loop credit for hi• bue petlUon Thundll.y &ttemoon with knock. • concualv1 12-2 triumph over the MOB.I: FUNl F uU"rton Hornet.. Thi triumph OU'letwae. jiat about all the clnchffl u cond •pol In flrat round Buc1 had a be.mil of tun. HUI 1tandlng1 aftll!r Coach \Vendell rapped out t wo for lhrM &n.d .cor· F1ek1u' poll.en Wf!r'9 pnv'loualy f!d fo\U' ume1; Wet.RI ha4 a trio poUahert ott 0-0 by f !r.t place or knoc;:b , 0111 a double, tn five R1•·er11de. attempt.I. l.&llyln« twlc.; Herbel N ot only d.ld W &YJ1• Coughtree hung up two for flve. one a adt"quat.t'ly ha11ttle the hurling double; cloutin' Cougbt.rff &Tld chon!1 for the Buc1, h• ..ao pretty battery mate Tony Lombardo gol w rll look rt1.1·e or the hitting. \\'Ith two for flve. and Georg• Blllhop lh• l•tly Ued l ·l, th• Pirat e. took belted a double. cornplete control in a bll" four run On.Jy blr hit for tbe Homell n nh. wu WUlla Que.iada'• round·trip- lll\"£ 'EM A ~Vf:r.z:r: ~r over th• rt(ht field tenc1 tn Bob V•ela.el and Gayle Herbel th• 1lll:th lnninr. 1lnCled. V.'Lth v.•etsel roe.Un« on PRACTICI.: P'RA1'8 the hot corner. Herbel tlol• MC· A pt.Jr of priu:Uca fray. have ond. \\.ht.rtupon J oh11 Eltrada bee11 r lgced up for th• wMk Jong pulled Plcken1' fa¥orll• play-the la pu M.for• 1econd round loop t wo run 1queu.e bunL Wben r... play i t.arl.I. Monday th• Buc1 !rad& dumped it down,, Vl'etul Wu h.ave a try &C&J.ru.t T~ 11· a.l~a.dy crnulnl" th• plate With l&nd ther e. Since th• l.alander• Hubel roundlnl" thltd and be&dln.I ha v• ddu.ted camp Ptndleton'e full 1tearn for home. nl.D.e, there may ba trouble. 'nluri· Tb• ·~ c.m• to • fttlinl" d&y ow ocx:: nine ratW"!WI boln• cllrnu: wh.n CoU&"hU" m&da WI• for a nm. ai u... flC a part.ana. 111 had muac.l• and unl-'!tld a!=======:::::::::::::::= t wo-run blut out ot th• park on th• 1·2 count with two out. aoLl..IN" aotAHD aou..a Addi/II" lnault to definite lnJury, 1'UJl&1ld Hlll. Bua baaep&l.h -u uy wound Ultn1• up f~ th• OCC c rew tn lh• nt11lh whui he cle&1lly cos).- ~ home. Th• 1t e&J mark" H11l'1 10th eucc-ru1 theJt of the .ea- .on. Thoe• hu-aclu talr ly Jlnt rollln' Roland'• trophy roam. Thf're w &.1 one unfortunatt oo- ..i ...... ""w•• k JHWlth Party Rental It.no Jf03 If. CO<U"t fl)I., C~ kl Jlo.r Harbor 50'11 at No 2·1.ayw- SPICI CAKI It'- OOHA OIE&A 11• N_...... ..._ OORONA Dl:L KAa tOt C-• 81'"J. AOOILD'S LAOUNA BE.&CR tu arow.n,. BALllO,\ ISLA.."'t'D 200 MMfM A ... 11rr:1''l"ORT BEACll 820 C-t B1'"J. ••• If We Do1't Keep T1iis Promise I 11 12 :· ~ I 2 I • IN o r 10 • II .. ~ I 10 I 9 I • • • • • OU r ot 5 • • • Cash and Carry ONLY ~" ••• anrl It's That Sensational, On~;ufl-Only SANITONE DRY CLEANING •MeN Dirt ......... • N• Dry Clea,,_r19 OllOf • Spoh Ge• .................. t •••• , Td:il ..t.utap °'(lid rigftroftttt·'•~I u1Hod<•tty 1UTice.. Yoa Dot only H•• ti me b111t JO• g t t oar compltft> Saoi1one St-r"l'ict ... 1he fi nf'•I d r 1• drnina ia ..-o.. °'"'P-off "f'O'C IL&WUG ~ 10 A. It. and they'll be ra.d7 M ' P. M. rt.. Mmt day or re-P.J oothia1 ••. wbe:o ,_, r:iott d d ry cleanins io • .._,,.,..,. -upa.;.,-. Uwlt' 'q lenioe eo.e. !fO more ..._ o. lk-~IU' Cuh-Utd·Carry Sen ioll .............................................................................. LIDO CLEANERS 1712 Newpon lllYd. Uberty l-4014 • , .... '111.U .... -5' \ ' I . WESTFAii GRAPE JUICE,__ ""=:28' SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP:::::.: :!::.;25' SEA TRADER TUNA -ci:=.-~ 25' SHREDDED WHEAT":=0 ~ II' ·-19' FRESH MILK = .:: 20!• <:::; .::491/J' SOUR CREAM ~,.:=: -...::: 22' Price effective in local milk area only. SOUTHEllN SPICE CAKE 25c •tCIN HIGHWAY MANOVAWESI APPlf SAUCE 2 '!:' 25' CUT &IHll IWIS ": 15' PEANUT llUJTD ••••• a ,,,. ... en.-, ''i:49" ''-;:33' SUlf DEIENNT ·:: 2s·-:::-49" .... ... ... . .. .. ......,. "'--.. -. ...... _... , .. -........... .., ... ........... , .................... ~ ....... .... ,_,.__,._,., .. _w._ I ..... ,..,. .. me'•·• I EMPRESs PIJJIE •aanva STRAWBERRY -3 9"" BOYSENBERRV";:25 • ...t3 9"l BLACKBERRY ... ·-• ..!:25• ......... ..,.. .. hp A1:1 ";;25c ... -:: -I SKYfARK l'BEsB ~ Iii ,. llc 1 .. w_,_,.... ,,.,.,._· ••au .. Wheat_ .. ......_~ - t-..rll'4'-f. '°W~ 25 .......... 2"' .. :_ ,....,,!. ~· DEL MONTE CORN ..:.. PEAR HALVES :==.a: LONG SPAGHffil .:. ~ 19" WESSON Oil LUNCHEON MEAT ROUND BONE BOILING BEEF SLICED BACON BEEF SHORT RIBS °""" ... ,. ---.. 9" ._ ..... -··eo...~ I:""'°"'' ant. ..39" """' °""'"' .. 1s· Tobokeor ~ GROUND BEEF N1w Vl,king pock. .39" S101e i•upeu ..d. VEAL ROUS ..• ,. CHIClllll PARTI CORNED IEEF:."::::" .. 49' DRY SALT PORK .. 15' llAFOODS MANOI HOUSE flOZlN CAVTAIN 'S CHOICE OllCllEN WllKS •39' nWT SOLE :.-:•s· OllCKEN llllEASTS•.89' WHOLEWHITlllCi"::39' OIKXEN LEGS •· 79' OCEAll PflCH .:."";.39' TIP·t·l :f.<f:t:·f II . ~ lllCll llff(l1ft .-.. flL Ill. -I~ IS, 16, till. II SlllWIT SlGlll I ,, 11111 Ill.I. . (lln Iota! • !loo• ... _,, ......... -__.. .......... ....... --....... -~- STORI HOURS 0.07 I LDL to 8 p.m. (l'llday tll • p.m.) ~t ..... tolp.m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa P'LENTY 01' P'ARKING ON LARGI P'AVED LOT ·-·-.. ··-> • -~ . .,.., PAGE 4 -COAST AL SHOPPER -APRIL I l , 1955 MESA SANITARY DISTRICT STA VS IN TRASH. BUSINESS Coffey Recommends to Council Current Procedure le Retained Apparently the Coi t.a Mee& couipla.lnte ag&.lruat an allered 1!1rn1tary Olat r-lct will htlve to re· ''cow barn" type 1tructure there nrnln In the tra11h bualneaa u well were heard from ~djolnlng prop· as 8PWa((" operation and main· erty ownera Mr1. June G. Tuttle tenanc~. Deiiplte a recent re10lu· of 211' National Ave. and Hal t aon by the sanitary dl1trlct board Robina. Mn. Tuttle baa an lndua- of Intent t o discontinue Mtea pr· trial 1tructure which producea fire l>age anol traah collecllon at end protec tJon 1prlnkler1 In the area of the operating year, City Man· while Robin• ow1111 mulllple dwell· a ger George Coffey Monday nlg-hl Inga there. \ I ...... numeroua ta th• .-..i a... IAll IAIT U\aD ln any equivalent put of tM ------- amall•r onee are cap&Ya -' ~ tn.s MV•re lnjuriea on a h\La&D. etai.." I Employ-are pl~ that new bomu ar• belnc built nea r the alte In large numbera and are anil&bl• at pricea lower than their counterparU In the Puadena area. tntn-modem ahopplfl& cenlf'ra, an.liable and planned ere aleo mmUoned u an attrarUon. I HeUpot hope• to brinr to the .new plant many of It• preaenl em · ployeea and 111 making pl11n1 to help theae workera movt. The p&· per carrle1 a map of the new lo· cation and a route map lo abow how employeee can find their way to the area they a re urged to aee and make their new bomu In. A.n early ground brt'lklnc for the U mllllon plant la expected and It 11 hoped lhe blf move coan Pe made during the 1ummer ot 1~ when children will be out of llCbool and the tr&n.1fer made u euil7 .. po111lble. Sharks Find While Skin Rare Tidbit Phtlllpa warn~ aklndl,,.. an• apear flahermen that the aflartl Jiu a highly df'•eloped MnM ot ameU and can detect blood In th• -ter Immediately. Thue If lbe n.Mr- man ,bu 11peared a nah, h• aboUl4 aet hlmaelf to aalety .. eoca .. poa1lble. 11 onllrary precauUone are exerd •ed, the eport i. no ID_.. dangerou11 than drlvln1 a car. Rapid crowth In popularity of Other o<'tan lnbabltante t.pt te akin diving ln ocu .n areas which be dangerous to h11mana include balhera Qr<l ln\lrlly do not frequ<'nl the rnorft)'. wolf·tel, a.nd the •tiq- hu lncreaaed ahuk d11nger. the rsy. The ll('ulpln <'•n lntllct pata- Department of Flllh and Gam e rP· , ruJ wound• by aplnee In Ill tina. port1. 1-- J. B. Phllllpa, marine blologi1t : Ross Socks Tak.,. with the Department, 11ud that or· Han• Cbrllltla.n Ro• of tOOI dlnarlly 1hark1.poee no threat lo south a11y Front t old police TU- bathera on r rowded beat-hea, but day four plllr of aritVlf' aoclUI - that off rocky porllona of thf' taktn from· hi• •cJothe9'1ne abou' ahore the dangn Is real. noon. He pointed out that at leaa t two =.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii &lt&d ta on 1kln d ivers, one or them • fatal. have occurred during lhe put th..-yeu.. recommended to city council the Pa11aed a reaolutlon oppoelng a pruent truh procedure 1tay In Senate bill for u111 of Colorado effect. River waler. The re10lutlon wu Correy pru ented reporta on n quuted by the Met.ropolltan trash collecllon proceduru In Water Dl1tract. Buena Park, Orange and Santa lfy;ARISO 00!\'TISUED Ana and rtported It wa a the con· Continued public hearing on Ve· eenaua that the met.hod currently hll'le Parking Dl11trlct No. 2 tor in c;ttttt In Costa l\fu a wa11 the two week1 to learn what price bP&l. Under thP pru ent system. three property owners will expect the aanlla ry district p1y1 the tor llind n ecel!tlary for creation ot t ruh collecllon monry to the City the propoeed dl1trict. WHAT OIL CAN DO -This is Eighth $t. in Huntington Beach at the comer of Or- ange St. It used to be a beautiful street, but It suffered from oil fever and ~t. ~overy ia doubtful. The stately palms have taken a beating and homes are mµd and oil splat- tered. Where derricks now litter U;ie landscipe oil pumps and tanka wil! remain until the pool is pumped down to wh~re pumping doea not pay. -Staff Photo llOU: PU'LOYUS H ellpot preeenUy employ1 more than 600 peaple, but expecte thl1 number wlU 1well to moni than 1000 when the new plant la avail· able. The aucceaa of Ole plana of Dr. A. O. Beckman, prealdent ot the parent comJ16Dy, la .tvldly pointed up by tM net ll&lea, which for the laat n.ecaJ year, endlns laat June, -re $18.T m1Woe u compared with Jl million In ltU. LOADF.O WITH 8HAJlKS A.bout 2:5 apec1ea of aharlta are found otf the Callfomta cout· line but mo11t of them are not d&n· r•roue to humana. But there are aeveral v&rleUu, toppt'd by the maneat.er or rreat white &bark, which _,.. d&ngerou1. HELD OYER 'til April 20 IKIM DIYIR ACTIOMI AQUA•LUMe TMRILLll or Co11ta Mt'"ll. which In turn pays AC('epted nnal map of a 14-lol It to Kennt'lh Price, contract col· 11ubdlvlslor fr om SorenllOn Corp. lrrtor of tr&sh a.nd garbaJ:e. on & portion ot lot 702 of Newport OTH Y.R Rl'SINESS Meea Tract. Jn oth•·r bu11lne11s, the council: Approved a tentative map on a Seal Beach 'Next' in Oil Development~ Experts Say I. Approved an agreement permit· 46·1ot 1ubdlvl11lon 1ubmltted by ting Police Chier A rt McKen~le to Jack D. McClean and Robert A. a ttcnrl the J<~BI Sl·hool In WL,h· Ptar11ol. The propoeed subdivision tngton. n. C. tor 12 weeks. Sep· Is localed at 18th St. a nd Anaheim t Pmber throuith NtlYemb..-r at an Ave. By BE RT BIUNTN&LL la on the job t rying to keep oll H UNTINGTON BEACH (OCNS) drlllera ln line, u he hu been for -Seal Bu.ch 11 nexl.I about t wo montha ln 1plte of a Oii h~ue boun9• have been report ln another paper that he la a new a ppolntee at Hunllnston working there tor a week, accord· Beach. f'Xpt>nne Of $900. McKc•nzie exprctll H1•ard Coffey report the Coat.a to le1tve Aug. 28. Mc11a Detenee and Dlsuter Coun· A3ked Coffey tn check Int o plane t•ll haii bel'n d uly certlfiell aa an rr.r s proposl'd mlll b11lldlnl(' racing ai-rredlted disaster council by the on PomDn& near 17th St .. Co~t• Office of Civil Oeren11t In Sacra· )1P!lll. The action wu takl'n after mento. Ing to r eport111 headed by Earl Ke1111ler. who, 1ay1 he heade the land dl.'parrinenl or the United California. Oil Corp. Whitfield, Spurrier Duel In Offing At Orange Meet Thia tomp1:tny hu l'Al&bllabcd office& in the Rou Motel and amo11g Its field hll.ne1ll 18 Allan Judkln, who has btf'n worklnC t o I af'l'Ure land le1Ue1 from lot own· 1 u 1. Ke1111ler aaya that prea1dent or the corporation 11 Selden IOI· 1 gore with oftlcea In Loa Angelea. There are 1tven mf'n 8f'f'klng-lea.a· \\'Ith elaborate plans laad tor th• Ap'ril 20 0 1·&nge InvH11t1onal trark mret, Ca mel! C'halrm&n non Per klna llnnounct'd the accl'pta.nce of for mn world record holder Mal Whitfield to compete In the open 880 y a:'d run 11 nd a lap In the 880 yu<I rel11y Jn\·lt Pd to corllprte In a "mlllt'h IU!O" wllh r UYrl'nl worl•t m11rk holdtr Lon Sp11rrlt r. Whll flt'lt1 wu the tlrst to arcept. All is needt d t o rompltle one or thr but h11lf milt field• Qf the I fl:'lll IM'lli.nn I• for mal 1ereplanre or ~purnrr. \\'1th Jim Ten Ill, n111 \\ l'IM• and ,J11•·k 811ge a lllO on thf'I 1rcepls nce 11 .. 1 tor th,. two J1tpper lrAr k faM v.111 be offtr~ a prevl"w of lhla )e"r 11 top running an raM\on T he o r .. nitt mt el hCold In con· j11nr11on with t he Southern Call· tn1 n1& lnt1"fl""'1"nl C'ollt'J" T a &C':C This Webb May Be As Good As Don RecldinC)ton and f'1elt1 C"hamp1onahlp1 w ill e11 altogether otff'r a 16 event meet ~tw,.en ~t:W <'ORPORATIO:\" Ch11pm11n. v mg ~arh Stale. Cal Kt1111ltr reporta that hi• cor· r oly, Pu&lltna Naurene 11nd La porallon 11 a new one and thal he Vtme. hu ju1t recently jolnl"d ll, but In add1llon to lh• "ntal<'h 8~0" prtvlou11ly he wu worklnt? with and the lndependtot cha mr1on11hlp Rlchrll'ld 0 11 Co, and r llllme he Lb!' Orange ln,·Hatlonal wlll fu · put over l he de11I ot IO('alang Rich· I t 11r• a open 88t> relay. an ni;wn flt lt1 Ju11t north ot the Co11t ll M~11 poll' vault a.net a n OJW'n high Jump. C'llY llmll11. f"llhng out the 21 ev«-nl prog-ram Jn th'11 mt antlme drlllfnc at wlll be a apeclal junior l'Olll'ge 100 Huntington Boch 111 on lhe dla- yl!.rt1 dub and a high IM'h()(tl 2211. couragl'tl alilt ~lh the third 4ry Top two t ntrlu In lhe 880 yard hole, thl11 onf' on 1 Ith Rl,. nea r r<'lllY ,'4•ill he the LA AC l1>am of W11ln1Jl ML Anot hrr t hln~ that 11 Jim Lea, Bravton Norton. Bob Pf'llJ1lml11tlc 111 thr 11 ppr1118n•·e of o·IJ<mke 11nt1 Whllfleld whlrh w ill more and more waler wllh the oll ' be herd prr1111ed by the Oxy entry thlll 111 btlng pum)'>l'd or l.AwlJ. 1'ewqulal. Ca rling a nll A mllt1 ttmpl' .. t 1n a 1 .. 11pot hu Clarke. Both USC and UCL.A are I brokrn ••lll In H untlng-tnn Beach exj>f'Clf'<t t o offn f\lrt.htt compe· with th11 demand by M 11 rc'Ull M. Utlon In the rtlay. PTI>e-eMa rro.m M<I '11lll'n tor the rlt v lo au1pend the mttt "<ill M nttll th11 t ~ tt.-6 )'W'r cent take rrom d rlllere Olvmp1c Fund •>n 4!1 aa e11 the r lly own• on f'"11l· I trn flall. He 0"''TIA 11<1m11 6 a cru I new natlonal rerord. He won t he corntrlng "11.h the trace w hich he 100 yd. breut •lroke ln 1 :016 It would ha ve M veloped by whip broke the •Ix-year-old record etl 11toc-klnf, bul the clly'a contract by Stockton'• Jon S~bblna. "'1th 8 11'?1•1 t'&lls tor the payment ot 6 per ttnt tor &JI oil from wt U. drllled on the city proptrty. The counC'll ll COl\Allc1er1ng the claim and wlll take It up at tonlitht'• mfft1n1 McMHlaM Hurt in Sunday Car Crash WlLLIAMl'l AT \\'ORK ln the mta.nllme !\'orman V. "Cy" \\'llllama, city oil IMpector. PFC. F'llf:O A. RIOGe MESA MAN HONORED Recently graduated from lh• troop llltormalli>n and educa- t ion Jeadera oourae at Fort Car1<>n, Color·ado, PFC P"rfd A . Rigs •. IOn or M ni. M. M . Rllo?U ot 186 Del Mar St., c-o .. ta Ml'AI., wu nam!'d lop man In hl8 clalUI. H e II a mail cl•rk 1n Company C. 3 tat En· ginerr Batta lion al th11 tm-t.. F ULLERTON, tOCNS1 -With J .. k Wtbb 1et11n1r anothtr Na- 1111nal JunlOI" C'ollt ge rt'<'ord. ("()ll<h Jimmy Smith'• Hornl't.11 dunkrd c ·111 TC'dl or I 'iu1111rna 1n 11 nnn· rt•nft n.tn"" 11w1mman1t mttl Thuni· 1l11v an the lol't'r 11 fl<"'I Thi' Hornt'l11 dlvHh'tl t hr1r 11qu11d In h111C, on«" g roup 111f'ttang the En· l(tnf't'r11' va nuty a nd thr 11ttond Fulltrton group 111ei•11ng t h,. f"a l Thr ec-peraona auftUl'•1 m inor tnJurlu 1n a tWo-<'Ar pileup Jut Sund11y 10rtf'moon 111 Hunlln~on Re•rh anti \\'t11tmln1ter Blvd• JMn Pon11)', 17, of Covin a. rtdlnJ with G . B \abb.-. 17, West Covina : BROADMOOR TRAILER HOMES Dr1v1>r P 11ul F. Mr Mllla.n, 43. &nd Marv P M<"M1\111n, 3!'>. ot 1978 Con· tlor~tal l'il , Cosl& Me1<a. wert llurl. Tr\'h rro11h F 11lltrton I 11<1·< 11tl1"d Th" Mr Mlllan• w"re taken to Hoag \1t nuty wtm tht'ir 11\•N 8'1 ·19.1Hro•pll11I M11111 Pon11y WU lo &f't "htll' tht M!t'Oml g roup •lunkr•I l ht h.r <lot'tor f111•h or ~83ril'n&, 15:'>·20. ------------- It wu In the la tter meet t.J\al -WA:-."T Ada MU bomu , tio.t&. S n11th 1 n 11Ml1onal Webb tet hit e11rs. furnaturt , appU&ne.a. etci. Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER - 2301 \\'. Ba!boa Boule\'&rd • Unoleum • Rubb«>r Tiie • Cork • Asphalt Tilf' • CaTpf't • Formica • \'uht. • IMtallatk>• Harbor 5389 Newport leach [10 _ Joto Se" porl Bh·d .. Co., ta M,._ Callf()nlla 30·•0 Ir llO root lot ... Private tel~pltone a.nd na tur&l ru avall&ble. Cloee to gro~nea, bllll 1crvlr~. etc, Excellent lelt vl.llon reception. Adulta only, no prla. "IDEAL Yt:AR-'ROl'SD Cl.IMATl:" DELUXE LUNCH RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SKA.LL UO SOtb St., Newport Beec.b Barbor Z5S! ' 11 :IO IL & -l:G9 p. 111. CHIN ESE alHI AMERICAN DISHES l :M p. & -1:00 IL 111. FOOD TO TAKE HOME The &me Priaee Ute Y _,. Around CHINESE CASINO 1 l l Main St., Balboa HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE Harhor CRISIS! CR ISIS! Perhaps we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "811:1\VlCll WITHIN HOL'RS -WHICN Nl!:ED~O" OOMPLVl'E LAUNDERERS Md CLEANERS MAIU:\'Y.R'8 MIU: S-r;WPORT ftt:A('ff -------------- Employees Like Helipot Plant Site Location Hellpol'• J>llrchue ot a 16·&.ere alte on Supert•r Ave., In Newport Buch, u annOUJ1ced excluelvely ln "Beckman lnatrumanll, Inc. hu Ht for ltaelt the role ot belnr a 'gTOWlh comJl6Dy' ln a 'lrowth ln- duetry' -· and pU. to produce, ln It• vartoua dlvlalone, ·all compon· ente required tor complete 1yatem1 In automauc tactorte1," accordtnr to D. C. Ou.ncan, vlce·prealdent and ieneral mana,r.r. • Jut week '• Newa-Pre•. la belnc -------------- halled u a tlne m ove for the com- p111y by employee. In their houae-Street Sltn Struck Th.la 1pecle. baa bff.n known to reach a lenrth of 30 feet ln Call· fomla water•. although much Fri. aacl 8&t. GP:NE KELLY DEBBIE REYNOLDS "SINGING IN THE RAIN" organ, the "Helical!." Location of the alte, 10 near the ocean and othtr recreatlon.J fa- cllltlt1 la aeen u a dletinct a dvan- taie to the H•IJpot workera and the pe.per aao ell.el the fact t..h&t the 1<:hool 1yatem a t Newport Beach la rated amons the hlghut ln t.M atate white "churchea, club9 and rec reaUoneJ ors&n1aUon1 ..,.. mr<:yl Dixon, 47, ot 1118 Rlvn- 1lde, Newport Beach, -. driver of t. vehlcle Involved In a tratrlc accident ln Costa M-April 7 at 10:30 a.m. Victim wu a ~ way •treet mp. eo.t.a w .. police a&ld Ml'I. OillOll 'a .-iacblne broke the 11.p off at l'J'Ound level u &be backed onto PearmaJn Way ott 18th 8t., prepuin.s to turn &n1W1d. ROBERT TATLOR "VALLEY OF THE KINGS" ~ORT~.:~ .... ,., LAST TtJO; llAT. AM O..-Jlelly I.II H"r Award l'tehare Cll08BY, GllAc-r: llELL't'. WIU.IAM HOLDEN ''THE COUNTRY GIRL" Dt\NNY ILA \'I! "ASIUONllENT CRJLDllf;S" . . . ' .. , . LAST TDIE8 SAT: TWO BIG ONES BBODEIUCK CllAWl"ORD RICRAU> C'ONTm ''NEW YORK OONTIDENTIAL .. 8V8AS BAU... 'ORN L C'ND, VlCl'Oa Jil.ATUU ''CHIEF CRAZY HORSE'' -In CW!Dalla9JMI THIS IS TH• CONQUmaT OP ,.,.lllOA ....... ~;;~:·#···················· wonderful story that topped the nation's best seller-lists for 128 weeks! L .. ,eunelf glow 01 ~ become port ol l+li• deftghtfvl motion pidure. It .;II pvt o new joy in IM lond ... a MW ,..;nkle in ~ •Y. ... a "9W .,.;ile Oft your lipt I Jc.( ,, .. ,._ ~ M111f,,Ca/l«l Pt*,." •--" .... _,....,_., ... _ ..... "'"-'_, CINeMAScoPE --<-... OILun RICHARD TODD ·JEAN PETERS 'This lit ~ ~ pk-tare Hollywood • proud to make - Let's 8efo ,.Oft of~ -The Maaagemf'Dt Kkl'• MaL Saa~ 1:45 •"l'RUNDER PAS.~" TYRONE POWER· SUSAN HAYWARD RICHARD EGAN· RITA MORENO S~'OSD BIQ f'T.AnJU .,,,, ~¢'°'ff' ~flt to" To make it easy on yourself: Keyword f<>rtM]lM in living: Get an electric range ... betf e)' cooking ruults always-,....,,. and automatically! Get an el.ectric water hroter ... hot water always- and auumiatically ! ' STUDENTS TALK Harbor Hi P-T A Elects Officers, Hears Panel Miss Ly nn P ease N amed Delegate to Girls Stat e J obies in Bowl Rites APRIL I J, ·1955 -COAST A[ SHOPPER -'A81 I ab<>Ard U\elr chartered bue u d Wt'~ Oft Lot.be S00. The bu• drlnr pointed out epoa ot lnterffl alona the wa.y, and aoo (Uldee told them what not to mlu tn th~r tour. Then thl'y dMded Into smallJTOUll9 aad wandered around at wt1L ~ retumf'd home vta Sant.a h. ,.... met by put'nte and nported, -We had a marvelo1» Urae, can't ... to ao &pin:·· Mni. JUdeon lut.Mrland WU elected prealit.nt ot Ute N.wport Harbor Union Hl&h Bch<>Q) Parent.- Teacher Aeeoclatlon for the MC> ond con.MCutlve year at. lb• P·TA mNUnr held on Tueeday evenlnr. April 5. Other offlcera for U\.e comJnr yeu are Mrs. Ha rvey Peue. flrat vlce-preeldent; Mre. Harold Wllleey, NCOnd vtce-preel- dent: Mre. A. L. Hayward, re- cardtn& eecretary; Mra. T. Hord ... ly, corr .. pondlna MCretary; Mn. Robert ~l&ler, tnuurer ; Mra. Harry Hllli&rd. auditor ; Mra. RolNrt CaJUa. hlltortan: and Mra. Denni.I Hogland, parllament.artar. 4 .tudent panel, eoc111rttnr of Arlene Butt, Marci& Monhead, BW JUnc, Denni.I rttapatrlc:k. and Dick Innerat, a ave a comprehen- llive d*wialon on "The Ute of a Harbor Hip Student," with Kb1c- ery Whitenec:k of the eclence de- partment acllnr u modera tor. ON OOVEllNllENT IA&di"I' the panel wu lnneret, who le 1tudent body preeldenL He •J>Ok• on etudent aovemment, wl\lch I.a obtained t.broup lh• 1tu- dent council, the board of control, and the lt.udent court. M1-Hutt uplained •tra-currl- cular acUYiU•, •ucb u the Glrla' 1-l'ue. which create. a better H arbor View P-TA Board r H olds April Sessi,on The Hartlor View P ·TA board meeUn1 wu held WednMdly morn1n1, April t , a t the home of M..._ Robert Olander In Newport He11hte. Pruldent Mra. Warnn Cleinence prMtded at the mMUnlC. Jt wu announced that Mn. Gor- don McMahon, way• and mMJ11 chairman, would attend th• IMth Col\Vfntlon of the Oallfornl& Con- &ru8 of Parente and Teacher1, Inc. at the 8hrlne A.udJt.orlum on lCay t, 5 and t . Theme for the convenUon II ''Teunwol1t Doe1 It." The 4th Dlmtrtct meeUng wtll be held on Aprtl 11 a t Jl'ullerton Union Hl11\ School. Mra. MUo O. Lacy, home reading and library N rvlce ch&lrm&11, re- ported that a eet or J:J Better U v- ln1 Booklele le aYlll•ble al the echool and W1U be on d.lllpla7 a t the nut P·TA m .. unr for all parenUI who are tnterut~ A check t or St for a eubecrlptlon to a national ~ulne wae donal- ed to Hoac Hoepltal ruaculne fund. The mon•y rnacS. trom the rec•nt P-TA Benefit 811ow will be uae<i to bu7 ~terwnu booka for the achool ~hlldren and U.chera, and to mMt th• P -TA bud1•L ~n ho\IN a t Harbor View l chool will be h~ld on AprlJ 39 from 7 to t p..m. The nut P-TA mNUnr will be striking ••• held OD T\&eeda,y, Aprtl lt at 7;30 p.m . a t. Harbor V'lew audJtorlum. Th• n-ottlcera wlll be lnlUlled, and aa excellent progT&m hu been planned. Gueat. •pealcer• wUJ be Mt .. Edith HoLllnrer, coneuJtent- tlement.&f7 educaUon; Mra. Verna Brel.aholt, coneultant.-epeecb edu- cation and Wll.lard H. Bllucerman, director o( lruitrucUon. Topic tor the evenlnr will be "How We Le&m to Raad." C. of C. Women to Present Speaker Duo Ot Int.reel to Barbor womai ti the luncheon to bt held Friday at Newport Harbor Tacbt Club under aponeorabJp of UM women'• eom- mJtt ... of the ebalnber of com- merce. Two out.etandlnr ipMlrn-9 have been 8Checluled by th• cbaJrman, Mn. T. Duncan It.wart. 8h• will p ruent M lq Oraee Stoermer. founder and put preadent. of t.he women'• dlv'8loft of Ule Loa Ansel- " Chamber or Comm.re., reUttd vice pruldenl of th• Loe Anatlu branch or t.he B&llk of America: and M.r.. Le.l&ad AU\ert.ota lrtah, pruldent of the Hollywood i nd v1ce pr.•ldent ot the Loe All,..lu Cluunti.r ot Commerce. women'• dlvt--. ~ muift .,. la ..,. to- day et ' lb• aocaJ ds&.111 ti.r of com- merce otnce. <U\te~ RUtiVi9 ~ New Sh9w in Whi+e '"' '" lftt lttf\11 -fo1 acflOOI " 11111-fllltd .. lsun l!ours ... Ai11tltt 'f:CC("8 "' IOldN •Ith ltyle--.., pltatt, b pertd bottoms. tonllnu- 9111 •111 !Miid. Al comlort- 11>11 • lhtJ If t roo<f loo'mt I Wnllllllt, hlllo tvt .trmlMI S.. our 1tltcl1011 of colon Iii twill, dtnnn S•• 26-Jl .. Tw411 1M Ottlha '4" oK no; ocr:-'..~ no~ .. lllMI 8trMt One 8.hort block ttom t.he N""'port Plc-r Newport Bt"ch • WE OOT. f' .t R oa.r.:r;s l'ITAMr~ 1 ~: .. ~~~::rd<l Wu hu Jt,..ct and palnl.ed ln many or the world'• plcture1que irpote and I hi!! prrMnt 1how at VIU a Marina lnrhulu many can..-done In nu..rly u many placu. fh>m 1 ~28 to 1U3 he wa .. one ot th" American palnten who workf'd on the l\lvtera of 80Uthern rranc• with the tamou. Hann• Hottman. and he brought back wHh him ecenee ot oolorful hlli.lde homu a t St. Trope&. u well u olh'" ot harbor boal•. Olh.r canvaaeu are of cotortul Mexico and Puerto Vallarta on Bandtru Bay, while .,.aJn hl1 bru11h deplcta the brtllia.nt lklM and mountaJns of the Caltfonlla d•urt. Whtie itanolr ma y a t Umu FUCHSIAS · EXCWSIYllY 30() properly named •l.l'teUell Including-th• better paten~ var1fUt.s Prtcee atart u low u ~ up ~cording to 1lu Big t>uuutul hanf1n& bu· kfl.ll at leb lha.n )'Oil ll.N&il)' pay LEE 'S F'UCHSIA GARDENS Ill ..,._.,,.,. I'll. LI MIM "--.... OPtN BUNDA T CLOSED P1ln>A Y Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMllCIAL SECURnY PATROL Kl 2-7027 At th• Jut mMUnr of the Amertcan Leaton Awullary Unit 291, .Mia Lynn Peu e, Ba rbor Higb School, wu named the Aux- iliary'• ~pre1otntatlve to Glrl•' medium or contact for the (1rlJI. State In Sacramento lhll aummer. and the Glrle' C.blnet whJch plana Mlsa Peaae le the daucht.er ot Mr. acllvitlu. Tber. I• a club avail· and Mra. Harvey Peue, llO. Col- abl• tor every atudent. ran&Sng Uru Ave .. Balboa Illand. from art, drama. muak, literature, Proceed• from the benettt. food and many more. Miu Morehead .ale held lut Saturday ln t.be paUo deecribed Tl1 Slrma. a club for the o.f Jolly Rorer on Be.Jboa I.aland top 10 (1rlll In the llChool, bued by it.he Amerlc&n Lef1on Auxiliary on Hrvlce, 1portamanehlp, Kholar-Unit 291, will go toward 1poneor- ahlp, and out.landing a ctlvillea. Ing' the unit'• Girt &tat• repreaen- An ouUlne ot the athletic p ro-tatlve. Mmn . Henry Errert and rram wu f1ven by P'ltspatrlck, Gilbert Opel were co-chairmen. who placed emphule on •porte-Special sueat for the meetln& manahlp, rather than winning. Halt of the (1rl1 and one-third or the boy1 pa rticipate In 1porta other than tht regular phy1lcal education proarem. COLLEGE PREP Clo•J.n& the dlecuulon, Rlnr talked on preparation for collere or a poetllon. Once a month buet- nNt and prot ... lona.J men In var- loue occup1.Uon1 epeak to the etu- denta to enable them to form a better Idea of what cour11ea they would like to pureue. The upper lhJrd of the (l'aduatlng clus at Harbor hu a 25 per cent higher ave~• than moat hlrh 1choolJI, blUed on the Iowa tute, and 1t11- denl8 who have been checked a.re maJnlalnln& a B a vera1• In col- lege. A freehma.o orientation propam W111 be held on May 10 a t 7 ;30 p. m. In the 110elaJ hall and all incom- ing rreehman parent• are urged to attend. On AprU 21 at 9:30 a. m. the Fourth Dl1trlct P-TA wtll mr~l at Fullerton Union High School. The topic wlll be ''The Community MeeUI the Nt'ed• of Our Chllrtren." The Mothereln1er1 of 4th Dl1trlct wlll pruent. a prog-r.m and a film on cerebral pally will be ehown. uarrerate brlghtnn• or hi• col- on , he may al.a both 1lmpllty and dletort the drawlnr. 1trea1lng eur- tace patlerne and tuturu to (l'eatn P)t""9 emotion. Manolr hu rettlved m.an1 a- W&l'dll, hu had one man abow1, lncludlng Chlcaio lnllltute, Wher. he ltrved on lh4! faculty: a t MU- waulcee Art ln1Ututt , Puadena Art J111lltute, the Biitmore Salon and the Cowie Calltr1u . Adoptive Unit Slates Silver Tea On Tuuday, April 28, Mra. Howard Lawson wlll open her home and gardw, 1220 Weet Bay Ave .. trom 2 to ii to ruute Invited to th• annual 1nver tea rtven by the Newport Harbor Awillluy of tbe Children'• Harne Society. Flower• 1n eummer r old and whJte will provide be.ckground tor a parade ot fuhlolUI by Shad· dock'• ot Lido, model• to be dl· rected by Mra. 0. Gayle 8ue11, Auxtuuy member. Mr•. Kenneth Starace le aeneral ch&lnnan. Mf8. H. Payne Thayt r, prul· dent. wlll head the receJvtn1 line, w.hJch will lnclUde Mm... Harold Caldwell, Roland Vall~ly, w. n . Scboclt, W1th M1'11. Howard M~rr111 at the guut book. Mra. Law.on le lnY1tatlo1U1 cruolr- man, othera lneludJng Mme1. John Oertly, Tod Ch1att and Robert Ma.cP'aJTen, decoraU~: Wilfred A. Bttlll, Robert S. Barne• and William Curlett, prHa. Mra. Jack Riley le ways and mu.na chair- man. Ml'll. M. 1. lkrnvd ii Ln etia.rre ot Ucl!eta. and bu announced awarding-of t wo pr1ua, one a n "all ex~M Wffkend tor two at OjaJ Valley Inn: th• olher a por· traJt 1n putelJI by Mra, E . C. Mar- on, talented arU..lt. Mid put preel· dt"nt ot th• AuXUta.ry. DTRAI loys' and Girt'1 EX11AI TENNIS OXFORDS b . .:.-:.. ..... _$1~749 ,..___ ;g .. ~ .. M: J'or School and Play. 8pon1• tn- eole. irupportf'd arTh, cu•hlon ht•I. Lll'S 177 6 So. Main SHOIS Santa .... We Clean STIOOCI & CASHMERE COATS by hand! J'ov .... wm .... Maatu.l .. ff'H. ~ ear.,_..... .. _,,.... tadr M941-w ot1r I Uptown Cleaners 1928 Weet IWboa Blvd -Newport Beecb ............. a--··· ................ ........ ... 0-..._.... n.. w ....... ..,.,... • 117 Pounds of Music and Fun for Is on Radio KWll 14m ..... dlal • .. wu Mre. Hel.na Bender, Norco. The I:-..ter llunrlM Nrvlce and p~etdent of the 2l•t Olltrkt of tht'lr lona-enUclpated tr1p to the th• Amer1C&ll Lf(ion AulliUary SIUl Dlf'g'O ZOo haYe been Ut'nll who epoke to memben on the Im-ot. lntereet -to ea.ta MN6 Bethel pol"l&Jlce of un.lt work. l:i7, Job'• Daughtere recently. Other departml'nt otncera pree-The choir ot the MN& Bethel ent. -re Mmee. Haael Rokta, tint joined cholra ot San Clemente and vlce -pruldent arid membership' Laguna Beach Bethel• ln rltee 1 hr ld at 11 :12 a. m. on Sunday ln cbaJrman, Bue,na Park; Audrey Irvine Bowl. Afterward the &1rlll J-tll, hoepllal party cha.lrman; joined thoe• worabipera who eo I~n• Glttena, rehabllJlaUon chair-dealred In bre&ktut at th• Ma- man; Marlon Mathew•, finance eonlc Temple In La&una BMd\. cbalrm&n, Santa Ana; Mmee. The trip to the IOO, for which Ralph Randel, chaplaln; Jean th ey had ea.med money by Nrv1ng a ham dinner. wae on March le. M1.rkham, Mfl'eant at arm•; Ce-MuUnr a t 8 L m. they W'ellt to cU Inne. put pret1ldent1 parley Santa Ana and took the t rain for cb&lnnan, all of Newport Beach. San Dler o. where they cllmbed The Opening ol . MARILYN'S FASHION APPAREL Monday April I 8th-at 23'48 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa WIN THIS s24•s "Big Boy" Fllp-Grlll To le AWARDEQ __ Saturday v AprD 30 5:00 p.111 • YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN ENTER NOW -Stop by today for cOlltest Information On Satwday, Aprn 30 ··'I(/ Marilyn Friedrich cordially invites you to come ln and lna~ct the latest tn appattl tor Milady. A Complete Selection of Fashion-Right Clothes for Your Approval. A "Ilg loy" larbec• Expert wlll be In Mr •tore an day for clemontratloft a11d advice ... CROWN HARDWARI Sl 01 Oou& HWJ'. -Bubor !32 {}o,... deJ ,.., Announcing • • • A NEW LOAN AND FINANCE SERVI Cl for SOUTHERN ORANGE COUNTY To litter Serve This Growing Area OFFICIAL OPINING APRIL IS, 1955 You Are Corcllally Invited to l•p•d Our Office FINANCING FOR INDIVIDUALI *FURNITURE * AUTOMOBILE *SALARY 0. K. OAA\T.8 a--1 ._«er • yMn' _,,.rtaict ln con1Umrr to&DI Uld ftn&n~. weU vrr11('f1 to rnod.rn 111»1.n-m«bodm rl'launr to th18 fteJd . \V, a. \\'lTllER.'POON, '1L P,...adf"•t ,.or many v•an deallnr In all pha.Me or tlnanelnf . A rnldent ot thl11 U f'l\. welJ.lcnown Ill thta 'l'ldn- lty and an ardent an&lu. LOANS * FURNITURI * AUTOMOBILE *APPLIANCES r;. ll. llAfll"1'1'~1':S Maaar,.r A rf'•Mtnt or 01111 aJu wlt.h m•1r1 thAn l 4 Vf'AI 1 of uper1ence In th• loan fl11l1I. Qualltlf'd to tjve fu t and frtlclent ""1c• to the pubUC!. ·* l.oal11 from $50.00 to $750.00 or more * Experienced personnel to assht you in any financial problem * SpecfalizinCJ in fast and courteous wvlce to residents of this •ea * A new modern office designed for your comfort * Appllcatlons may be made 111 person, by telephoae or by mail CALIFORNIA ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 t:IARIOR ILVD. COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA Phone: Liberty 8-7751 OFnCE ROUM-8:00 A.M. TO 5:00 . .P.llL-J'IUDAYS UNTIL 8:00 P.M. CL08m MTUBDAY8 .. • ·. .... - P>;&E, _COAST At: SHOPPER -AftRlt: 13, I 955 Mesa-Teachers Get Raise Effective in. September roa.r catecorl• of cia..lned per· ...... ncC'Hd ....... ~ an. te&ellet'a r991cned and ona ... h1"4 and nut y...ra ea1&ry dildul• wu accepted by Coet& ..... Union School Dlllrkt ~ ef~t-Wed.Med&y niJht. Oranted rat... to put them 1D .. with the Oran1e County avv- ... were Owen K!dman, aupervt.-lnl sround keeper or all M- ealilooll; Office Secretary Kn. A9111& Drummond, Accounttnc cM Mra. Ruth Taylor and Cale Jllllaacer Mrs. Ruth MilUldn. ,..,.rintendent Everett Rea rec· --.ndecS th• .was• aca.le uppln1 ~ "&'Of>d people are hard to .... Jn the n-ea1&ry acale, three .... Um• ~ t.uchera received .. Jncr-from a maximum of M90 to a maximum of J6000 .._.. they wiJl remaln unUl re- '*'-9nt. They are Mlu Viola ....._ond, Mra, Nellie Loni and ..... M:Udred F1aher. RE<JOONITION D Ul!i Jllld RM. "People who have Iba that many yean or aervlce • Oe achoola ahould be given ~Uon." ASTeed membere of U. llloard, ''They worked on the ,,,. mlde ot th• ledrn tor a lone ...... 'ftlil K&le lncreuea 11tart tns eaJu7 from $3700 to $3700. Be- _... th• provt.tonal teachff ~· wu too blrh ln com· ~ to remalftder of the 0011n- t.1. top pr"Oflatonal aalary WU ~ at $3900, except for tbOM ~ OYer that amount who will ~ at their pr-nl aalery u.n· 111....,..nnc their credential. Mu· ... _ AB aa1&ry waa lncreued .... '6100 to ~210. ~ puta ua on a tx!lter bar-J&bdne b&.ala for new teachent," a. eommentecS. ~ e tfeotlve nu:t eclloel .,-.r were received from ' ....... Allen and Albert Kohl Ray. A nia!l'ft&llon due to health t.-Bl&Dch• F. Merritt wu etr..Uve April 1. Mrw. Margarite c.mor of eo.t.a Mua wu hired to replace the Jati.r for nmatnd• ol the ecbool ~· Ol'llEa BUllDJl:U . In other w.m.-, tM ~: u.ld Ul aecuUv• ....sea at't• lut ntcht'• re,war ...-00 tD di.- cu. penonnel problem.a.• Rea told the four dUsena pr.ent. for the resW&r meeUns that no decllllona could be made by th• board Sn execuUve -1on. Granted \l.M ot the nJne K_. ciutrtct buaee to trauport Glrl 8couta to th• &nnual April IO playday at Intne Park. ASTeecS to attend Ul• Oraqe County School eo.nta AaMl<datton meeUnr at Tuatn April 2t. Re& aald he would attend the att..moon Leglalatlve Worlubop and Study 1ea.ton at TuaUn that day con• ducted by A.Memblymen Earl St¥le)' and LeRoy I.yon and Sen· ator J ohn Murdy. Requeated Trustee R. W. Mc· Clellan Jr. to repreaent the board at any meellnc• of Santa Ana Height• Water Co. atockholdere. The Men dlatrlct owna 20 aha.re• In the water company for 10 acres at Undberch School and 10 aetta at Monte Vlat& School. C. S. Radio Talk Slated Monday "ChrlaUan Science: C.rt&in and Complete He&Un1 An.llabl• for All'' w111 be tbe aubject of a lee· tuN! to be radlocu t over Station KFWB (980 kc). Monday ennlnc. April 18. at 8 o'clock, from Ftret Church of Chrlat, 8clentJat. Santa Monica, California. The lecturer, John D. ptc:Jcett, C. 8., of Chlcaio. la a member of The Chrhrtlan Science Board of Ltcturuhlp. More than 18.000.000 of l.11.e Na· lion'• 88,3~.ooo llcen1ted drtvera had an automobile accident during 19M, aC'COrdlnl( to the National Automobile Club. Coastline Roor Covering e FINE CARPETING e LINOLEUM WALL TILE Vinyl Cork & Asphalt Tiies FREE ESTIMATES 541 CHter Costa Mesa Ubetty 1-4411 Bruce Martin BUILT ON YOUR LOT HOlllM -Income Ulllts CARDINAL HOMll 111 s. llnl ..... ()oft. .._ ()pea 1 Daya ()pea Z.... 1rJ Appt. lltJUCI n7KI ........ TOo:: 'W&ATIDIS! I OllE8! C'OfTEI:!! BOAT BUNKS rtJBND'URE PILLOWS INSUIATION WAR SUIPWS COSTA llESA OonMr Newport a 11.ariMtr 8"a CJ9h up..-ly • ...., clay. 7 to 10 4-M. wlfll lLJ lJoois -.... KWIZ ... 1480 on the radio dial .. IAPPIN' IOY II~ TAPPEll FOi TAIS BukJ.ns out a .,.ir of min· &"-l.n thrM trt .. to the plat· ter asatn.t A.nahelm h•n Tbunday, UtUe OUtftalder Roy Daniel.I bee& ... Newport H&rbor Hl(h'• bl( IQ&ll wlt.h the bat at conclua.lon of flrat round play ln BUii.ie\ Leacu• diamond doln~. J.n the n•• pm• p1a7ec1, Daniell delivered O b a • • knock.a ln 13 at bat. for a m11hty .SH &Yer&&"•· Behind rappln' Roy la damarln' Dick M.lrkovlcb. MJfbty Kirk hu luhed out wtth G blowt ln 16 appe&r&DCM with the willow for a .!3S pereeotase. Names in Order for New School What ahould the new Coala Meaa achool which will be built at the comtr of W ilton St. and Placentia Ave. be named? Superintendent Everett Ree. re· minded members of the Me8a 1cbool di.trlct board la.at night that they ahouJd atart thlnkJnr of a name. He augg..ied that per- hapa the parenta and t.eachent llv· in&' in that area would make n.ame aug~Uoiu. , "We mlfbt arran1• toe the child auggHtlng the name choaen to go to llChool all day," remarked Ch111r. man C. Chilholm Brown, reflect· In upon crowded doublt _.ona ln lleea achoola. New board member Br a d Schwars aullffled th• P. B. No. 1 .,..iem. "Other achoola have been named e.fter atreell," Rea &aid. '"J'hat'a the euleet way to do It.." CDM Waitress Held to Answer tad Check Rap BANTA ANA, (0CN8l-ooron& del Mar W&ltreaa Alta La Vera 8chaut>e,rt, 3J, ot !ilS Beronla Drive, Banta Ana, Thuraday wu held to aMWer by Santa Ana-Or· ance Muntclp&I Court Jud~ Row· ard Cameron on • UO Md chec'k ch.arc•· She WU arreated after UHrted· ly i.utn.1 the bof\11 check In a $ant.& Ana market.. Judp C&meroa orckred her lo report for UT&Jin· mtmt ln auperlor COW1. at 8 :SO L m. April 16. 1be dt'f~t ta In cuat.ody In lieu ot $1000 ba1L She alJeJedly la wanted by a uth.oriU• tn WhJt· Uer, Baa DI• aod Ban Pedro on pboe.1 Check _,,tA Desert Vacation Mr. aod Mr& l::L L. Melalnrer, 82t Bay.tde Orin. and Mlae Julie Mellltqv a re ho!Jdaytnr at Camelba.ck Inn, on the Artmn.a deMrt near PboenlS. ~ - Easter Week Kids Draw City Praise With the fl.rat act of the two· act Euter Week Vacation play having now faded otf atage . reaidenta, bualneu people and po- lice are applaudlnr th• perform· ance ot the youthful playen. Oplruon of t.he loe&I audience la complimentary toward the aeverat thousand Loa Angeln County youngatera who produced their an· nual tun-feat on th• ahor• ot the Harbor area. "W• are pleuanUy aurpriled and plea.Md with the younpter1 tht. year," Police ChJef John Up- aon l&ld, "and the way they are behavln1 themaelvea." Police call• and booklnga are way below the 19M level Capt&in Harry Lace of the New· port Beach force pralaed re1ldenta and civic leadel"ll. ''The auceeaa of thl• year'• Euter Week ta due to the combined efforta of our overall plan tn Newport Beach brourht about through the cooperation of realdenta, the city council, the Mayor'• Committee, block coun· eelora and merchantl," Lace •Id. Police report.a ahow there have been a few Peck'• bad boya who could not aUck to the .cript. 'fhla ha• resulted In 90 bookings to date toe minor lntnlcUon. of 190 traffic citation• to juvenllu, A· dulta have come In for 368 traffic cltaUona. DOPE l"089E88ION T J JUST THE FACTS • COUPLE BUYS Ch1cke1 C1per CDM BUILDING Fails lo Fool Mesa's Good.y Oum. da.. dwn-4um-dall ! Whan Coeta Meea Pound Mu- ter G. A. (Goody) OoocSon drq1 out the throw net, canine crlml- na.11 an qutcltly C\llled. The cue: Murder. The VlcU1n1: Meaa· rabblta and chlckena. Poul· ble euapeota: Dori of all ahapea and al&N. Ordera trom headquar- ter1: Find 'em. R .. ulta: Two ~ta captured and another pair belns tracked down. Tht. Goody ta a re,War blrddo1. Charred with the Crimea or Mr. and Mra. John II. Feder- •'plel of Corona del Mar are the ne'll!' ownen of th• buelneu bul1dln1 at Jumlne Ave. and Cout Hlrhway. Tb• tranaac·. tJon wu bandl•d by Rlcb&rd Hoctce, ueoctat.d 'll!'tUI R. L. Strickler Realtora of Corona deJ Mar. 11\e bu.lldlnr la occupied by Crown Hardware, the Bu.utter 8y1tem, Mary and David'• Toy S tore and the J . Palmer Miller oUlcea. DEATH NOTICE bumplnr off approximately 83 ------------- chlcken1 and 71 nbblta are a mlx· ,cd German police dOI' -obvlou1- ly a clever dla(UiM which falled to tool Goody -and • Labrador retriever. 8ous1it are a collie and a Ultl• black doc. notorioue In the fire hydrant aet. The two ownera of the eantnea In cu.atody have already agreed to ahare coat of paytn1 back the fowl and bunny ownera, Goody report· ed. VlcUmbed owners Include Mrs. Emle Booe, 268 Eath1r: Frank Johnaon, 227 % I:. 30th It.; R . B. McMurtry, 238 E. 20th St..: Robert E:nyder, 2M JC. 20th St.; Mni. Bon· nle Jobn1on, 220 JC. 18th St.; Floyd P'emandea, 1904! Ora.nee Ave., and Tony Mancb.tae, 324 I:. 18th St. MRS. 8AJLAH PETERS Mn. Sarah Ray Peten, 8~. ot 852 Agate St., Laguna Beach, died April 9 at Roar Ho1pltal. She wu born In New Jerwy, lived In La· guna Beech tor 23 year1. She LI survived by two daurtitera, Mra. Ana Wolfe of Seattle and Ml"ll. Richard Galbally of Brawley: a 1l1ter, Elizabeth Hay of Laiuna Beach; one brother, Richard K. Hay of We1tport, Conn. Servlcea Wf're held T u ea d a y at 3 p.m. a t St. Mary'• l:placopal Church, l.Aguna Bea<:h with the Rev. Vernon Harrta offldattnJ. Jn· l e rm en t .-u private. Balta Mortuary of Corona del Mar wu In char1e of arrancementa. LOCAL SAILORS WIN NAVAL RESERVE PROMOTIONS Con.ldered by police aa the mo.t aenoua violaUon durtnr ICutea ·FOUR Week to date wu the booklnc yeaterday of a 18-year-old Gar- dena boy for p011eeulon of a •ua· peeled martJuana clga.rette. The youth wu pualn1 through the cl ty and WM not a part of the Easter Week crowd. He •u ,. leued t~ juvenJle hall Po1111eaalon and dr1.nklnl' of beer by mlnol"ll hu been th• moat freq· uent lnl'Tt.ctlon of the law. Cloee vigilance to Ute problem by po!Jce la credited wtth havlnr very f- youngatent picked up by police for Intoxication. K. C. Tanis Buys Sawyer Property K. c. Tania, ronnwly ot Banta Ana, h.. purchued the Sawyer Apa.rt.menta on Ntramar Drtn ta Among 21 active memben Ln the Naval Reeerve who earned recent promotiona are four Newport Harbor boys, a ccording to Lt. Comdr. G. R. Semple, commanding officer of the Naval Reeerve Surface Diviaion 11·28, Santa Ana. Promoted to yeomen third cl&M were William A. no.ta, aon of Mr. and Mn. R. C. no.ta, and Ron· aid E. Birtcher, aon of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Blrtcber. Ronald E. Carr, aon ol Kr. and Mrs. T. E . Cur wu promoted to profeMlonal fireman and Jame. C. Davy, 80D of Mn. Myrtle Davy wu promoted to profeuional •eaman Balboa. Bale waa handled by Ul& --------------------------B. McFar~ of the Balboa Branch --::=::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;=; I ot Balboa Bay Pro~rtte-. Kn. McFarTell and Tania we,.. former real utat. uaoclatee In Banta Ana and Tall.la will now be co-manar;er. with Mra JillcFarnn, ot the Balboa Bay Properti• at Ut Z. Dalbo& Blvd. Mr. and M.ra. Tania wW mall• th•lr ._ ta one of the apartment& In Mexico City Mr. and Mn. J . ~ Cuten· dyck. 4118 Vl& Udo Nord. bne been ataytnr at ~ Hotel VlrNyu whUe vta1Ung-Mexico City. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllR SHOP BALBOA TIU.A TUl BU>O. BAUIOA <>INll ~ tiara Aaar~ Co1nty M11ic Te1chers C1ttinc Discs Bit Nol Pl1gging Pl1tten Help tor muaic teachen ta COWi· ty .choolll la belns promoted by a county commltt.. ot which Mra. L. a. Kidder Of the CoMa Mema city acboola, Mra Irene 8choeplle, county mualc conaultant. a • d Pierce Pattel'90n, oounty audlo-'fta. ual CO«dlnator are members. Th.la committee la maktnl cSiaca trom 80ll,.. In tM elate mlllllc book, New M\Ullc Hortaon., de- veloptn1 two patta, euch u alto and aoprano, to help fltth crade teachera with two-pan lnatrucUon, Thia t. beln1 done becauae of the lack o( preparaUon on the part of aome of U1e teaohera, Mrs. Kidder elated. In the 'lll'ork 8uan Brown of Newport H a r b o r Union Hl(b School i.. had a part. ps..ytn1 flute obUgatoa tor th• lllnpra. So far elrht aonr• have bHn ,. corded on three dlaca which are rMdy for dlJltrlbUtlon. None of the 8'ngera 11 prof .. alonal. P lane are under w1y for almUar dtaca to be made to help alllth gT&de teacbera. Mrs. K!dder had to 1et permlaaloa from the mualc book publlaher to maJte the recording• and Ulla per· mlulon la only Cood for their UM In Oran1e County. , Other member1 ot the county commltt.. are ICdna Jo Adema, auper'Ylaor ot mualo at Garden Orove; Laura Alaander, Lquna Be&ch; Doria Badlebe~. L& II&- bra: Allee l'letc:Mr. FUiierton, Irene McCandlNa, Seal Beach: Harriett R.loe, Cyp..-; Harriett 8chadewald, Allallelm. William Schroeder, RuaUnston Beach; Rel· tn Shuck, Santa Ana: Clara JCU•n 8J>f'lman, Newport Beach: and Marta Sunbury, Oranf•· Ucuse for Kelso SACRAMENTO tCNSl -The contractor• 1tate UctnH board ha• announced qualification of Harry Kelao, Inc .. 28U Lafayette An .• Newporl Beach, for a s-ral bulldlnc contractor• llcenae. The Navy uaea mor. than •nn million Hema In the conatrucUoa of a modem N avy aubmarlne. WORK I Ne WALLS ~ MA ... m~ . L_!i~_!!!J PARS A• ....... riliAS ......... M ... .._.. ........... ••• t _ _._ ..... -·-........ 4 _ _. _., 41f'-"• ..,_ .. "-4•. ...... ..... ..... _ .............. ....-,i... .................... _ . ....... .., ..... ~ ... __ ._.. ........ ....... ~,..........._...,,... ...................... ...................... --.... , ....................... ..._ ... ·--------___ ,...... STIOOT'S .:==. 1802 Newport Blvd. v... ... Liberty l-14M WANT ADS want to buy , sell~ rent or trade? CALL t Harbor 1616 ~~!~:ED AD TAKER t f ) • MRS. JOE PREININGER. co cha1rmaa of the fourth annual Hoag H09pital Benefit Ball to be beld April 15 at th• Bay Club, MeJDa to have a buay 1ignal on her call u Mn. Henry Lunney of the ~pUon committee report.a a definite "of courlle we're coming". Mr. Preininger and Mr. Lunney stand by with .ucgestion1 on whom to call next. -Beckner Photo BENEFIT BALL KEYED TO HOSPITAL NEEDS Emergency Cases Result in Strained Facilities Jl'lrwt poet-Euter event on th• eocial calendar i• the fourth Annual Hoag Hoeplt.al Benefit ball, to be held Friday, at Balboa Bay Club and which will provide eome of the fund& for nec:euary expanaion. While ticket. have been limited to 800 and invitatJone have been mailed to previoue patro~ th• attalr la o~ to &11 who w1ah I to aid th• ~Ital Pnrloue balJa with Mn. Joe rr.ntnrtt .. eo- bave -a relum ot trom '3·to chairman.. .-000 and ll b expected thtt Olle OJlf OOIDO'l"m& wm /JO above OlaL Th• committee tncJIMMa Mr9. Th• non·prot\t IMUtuUon wu Haney 1om.n, Ucket.e; w1lb MC· .._rt41d with a ca1>9Clty ot 70 ~ uon &.Id• X-. ~ Jl!Ctlie, and t.b• plan la l4 doUbl• Ulla. Marraret Jlranlns, NcMrd i.o ... Opera<~ unite, dJet kltdlena and !And, 8«n&l'd Kuoa, Oeofa• Cd· •urs•ry were &Jl ktyed to a '°°" tey, Donald DuDcaa. -cs A. B. bed ~ty. Pa,. .. i....,. ...._ Aoomm VlCl'DIJI Mn. h&l ,_...... a. 61acM'r''- c:balrman. wttla all d«or d...,,,.S and don&t.ed by IUcb&rd 8-. Becauae of lt.a k>caUon lb• hoe- pllal hu a hls b •m«rftnc:y rate and bu ~n overcrowded from th• al.art, Wil..h UI averace of from IO to ~ patJ•nt.a. The eolarlwn hu bftn prMHCS lnlo UM and aomttlmH th• •ntnu1c:e lobby. The Centurlon11. a ~up of men Jll"'ISed to aid the hoepHaJ, are ln eharr• of lh• bell. Their pl"Mt· df'nl. A v JoraenMn, appointed Mu Slw1u u .,_ll chaJrmu. 108 N8TONE'8 Mesa AlltO Wred&en l 'wd A•t. Parta Md~n.. 2076 PlacellU. Ave. UMrty 1-1111 c-t. ..... 8A\11t ON Atrro DIL s11•0 ... ..._. ........... tM;ty ,...., ' ,,._._ 0-... ledl • ..._. .. BOB llC!()()IU). ,_ rausau:.o 1NtJU11.UrCE IAU UNISI 1MV.......9L.0--ll- ,.,._ J..DiietV l-1U• MrL Mu Shlr(• b~ tnYlt.a• Uona, .Mr. and Kra. Hal Dlke bead th• ~epUOa crouP and oo lbe reneral commttt.e a.re Me9r9. and M.mN. Loan!• Vln-t. Johll eo,d. Sal•atore Monaco, W 1111 • m O'Bryon. Dklt R.lch&rd. M r • . Oeori• Nofl'l1UI Peeee and Mrs. Jaek Com. F. S. Paull Jr. Visits Parents A Mu a vl.tdtor lut rrtd&y and Saturday at the r orttet Paull home, :Zdl Newport Blvd., Cotta M-wu F~t Paull Jr. of R.tidwOOd Cly. YOWll Paull WU In &out.Mrn Call1om l• to a ttt!lld th• Ju~ile OffloerY' eonvenUon In Sant.a Monica lut we«k. On rrtda y tathe,r and 90ft wmt to t.b• lrvlJM r.neh .. nd helped round up c•U.le, aao took mov1ee of th• brat>dlllf ot the cial•ea. For- ,..i Paull Sr. hu lonr ~n a.c:Un 111 ho~eti·• c:t.relu In th• llla t ... H• belonc• to •••ral ridlnf ,roupa u d la a pUt prea1<knt of I.he Call- tOTDla Hontmf"ft'• A.-ocla Uon. Nlll'tl.ln your m.tnd with ,nal tJ>oua11t& To '-11~•• tn t>I• heroic maJc.u b--. -~jamtn DI ... !'Mil JU 'rnut8SS8 -....-a.m..-T,..n JlftC'9llM ....... LDert7 ....... C09T4 llU8A llA'ITUM oo. llN N_,ort •••· Call DAM'S TV ................. L11e11y a.ma BALTZ MORTUARIES C08TA Mlt8A CHA.PE~ 1741 Superior• A .. e.nue C(IS(.a M~ Calif. rhonf Ubuty 1·2l21 CHAPEL BY TKE SEA S620 It. Cout 81 .. d. ('ornna df'l Mar, CUit. l'hon,. Harbor 42 JUST IN TIME TO SEE 'CAPS DISAPPEAR Lt• Roy Par• ot 001 Santa An• Ave. told polJc:e W~nee· day h• wu awa.kened al l a. m. by a 1tranr• nolH and look~ out ot hu howie tn lime to~ M• and hea.r • car wtlh pip. take ott doWn the n reet. Pac• aald h• -t tMKk to bed. Tb• nu' m~ he told ~ he put two and t-t~ether ftel'I h• found thr" bub cape mt.ebls from bia owa car, putMod ta flOftl ot the hcJiUe. Bridge Play at SAC Club Th• monUlJ1 br1ds9 l1111cheaft tor member. ot Banta Ana Coun· try Club wu held March 31 wtlh Mr1. R. 0 . Wlnckler u c:haJnnan. Mr1. Ro bert 81.abln and Mn. Verne 8nod(TU9 were hoeu-•. The t&blu were brtrtlt wtlh fl>rln«i nowen Ill put.I contatnere. u d jolly uramJo b\.lnnln held noet-p,.. 8pee.1a1 Notseee · " Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 MMla ·~ Thund .. y I 1>.111.. Via Oporto -Oultral AY'L Newport 8-.ch Elwood lti.11. P:u.lted Ruler HOVH TaAIUJt tlf S Vl'Al'f<X AllYWHU& LA. Tea..re .... ,....._. 91•4. C..la ..... BE SURE • INSURE wt.a. llAuala 15T.un..EY ·---()Wy ,.,._ ~r "" Ull & 0-.t 1Qc11wa1 0.-.. Mu PA&KD ·RIDLEY MO&TVA.BY f'-'7 OaAU"&L OBA..P&L 1 -- WANT AD will coat you only $2 end it will run in all 3 issues A Minimum ed is Phone Harbor 1616. 4 lines. !! ! 1!!1 ... e1en CARPENTRY ?fINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TQO SMALL I{. O. Andenion 10 1' E. Balboa Blvd . BaJbo• Hubor :Zt~ 8Jttc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EC GENE 0 . SAUNDERS ~00 :H~l Strttt, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or liar. 4Hll. tfc House Plans LlBERTY 8·62~1 lOtfc APRIL tJ, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 7 ~tutkJ• Wuted !9-Help Wut.ed _.,.. ---·---EXCELLENT care ot children In niy home. $12.W per -k. U 8-3271. 36p31 PAINTER WANTS WORK. 1:5 yea re erperi· ence. Non union. H ourly. Uberty 8·2722. 3!5J>34H Roy's Maintenance HouM cleanlnr-noor wulnit W•IJ wa1hl111t-wlndow clranln& Venetian bltnda. Uphol.tery Ln•ured. Frff E•Umate. Liberty ~·1 332. Hfc Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen COSMETICIAN pre .. Newport Harbor Ne\\·11-PreM Monday and Thunday edition.., Plua the Coutal Shopper, Wednf'9day• I Painting, Decorating !::=~~==================================~ Paper Hanging Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~9 f erred. Must be ex· perienced in selling better n name lines. Salary open. NEWPORT HARBOR NE\\'S-PRE&S Every Monday and ThuTllday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 IJnH 1 Papt'r $1.00 4 Unes 2 Papen 1.50 4 Unee S Papeni 2.00 CoulAI Shopper C\&Mlf\l'd Ada mu•t run \Q U10 Monday or Tbunday PubUc:atlon MJNlMUM AD 18 t UNE8 All ClaNltled Ada ma.t be pe.ld for CA11l I• advllDCle of pabllc:MtOL DEADLINl:S tor placln' or cancelllnr ade are: For Monday Puollaatlon -Saturday Noon P'or Wednuday ~ncatlon -Tuuday 2 p.m . For Tbuuday Publlc:aUon -Wednuday 1 p.m. The publlahere will not be rYp<>n1 lbl• tor more than one lncon ec:t insertion ot an ad, ruuve th• rl1ht to correctly c1 ..... 1ry any and &JI ada and to reject any a.d not c:ontormtni to rulu and refUlaUona. NEWPORT RAJtBOB PVl!IUSHJNO CO. HU a.a.-Bl""° Newport Beec:A. Callforaia. TIME TO PAINT N. W. Ross PILlnllnJt Ir I>Konitlnir U~rty &-3321 or Harbor 3089-M 280 A YOC"adn. Coat.a Mu& Llcenwd Ir full ln11U rf<I S8p61 PAINTING Painting Ir Paper Hanging 'The ee.t Money Can Buy'' ~xr::e~?.~,~~~!:r M Poultry n Uveetodt 18 Special A.ulo«'· m 1 •t M Autoe Wu&ed te Autoe for 8aa. '4>-A "nrH a Par141 '1 Auto t'en1N 0 TraUen ,. Alrp .... n w .. ted to Keat ~ Apta. a a--for a.t "'A-Ape.. for ~•t 48g_,ffn-for lkat 480-Trader 81*'9 41 Room• for knt •A Rftt ffomH 4t-8 "-"' a 8-l'd OU Heat, Mb<-. os st.o'" .t orn-aa-A Buaa-Kotah 6' Bua!-O,portaalU. 56 NoMy to Loan lit Motwr Wuated ,,, ""-' t"Atato w ..... .. l-Propart-7 aa ._,......._£1 ...... ...... ll»tlM'8 Palntlng It Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 ytare Ul>f'r1tnee U cen.Md At UUIUU d . SatJ•lac:llon cuaranlttd. £1t1matu tree. CalJ Johnnie. U 8-268'i & U 8·5289 81Uc FOR RENT Sklll 5...,,.., Elt'<:. Or1lla, Poll.when. a U typu of Sandrra, Wheelbar· n>""'•· etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2830 W, COAST HIGH WAY GEO. BURKHARDT LWENSED < 'ONTRA (...,-CIR 878 w. 18th 's t .. Coate. Me~ l.lberly 8·8628 "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY \VIII come t o your home. tl&ke do.,..,, your Vfnetl&n blm<b. I.alt<' thrm SOtfc CLF.AN1~G Ir 1R01'tNO by the d•Y· Exp. KJ s.e09tl 311p38 TYPING. my home. Ru10nable, fut It accurate. ).lanuscrlpll, etc. Phone l..ong B•ach i OS-Oil or write B.-alrlce Johneon. 1119 w. 11th St .. Apt. 2. Lonr B«trh. 211pp39 HOUSEWORK. EXPERJENCED. to our laundry. Lau11der U1e alata. tape•, !'Ords, 1parkllng c:le•n "1th our new machine proc:us met.bod. Return your bl\nda and re-ln1tall them In 2• houra. _ Rfft'rencn . Own tranaporta tion l l :'>O per hour. Ph. LI 8-4~9 38p40 Price very reuonable. The aver· WANT IRONl NG IN MY HOME age 2 tape naldenu .. 1 blind-Uberty 8·30711. 38p40 Only $1.00 We also rep•lr and rebuild ven•- Uon bllnda. All work done by a p- pointment. Phone now Uberty 8·5701 or Klmberly 3427•. ppttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUllBING A Prompt rt.pair S.mc• Kaiat&lud PbOF1e: Harbor~ 2'01 B&lboa Bl•d., Newport a.ch "61> PAINTING PAPER HANGrNO RHldentl&I It Commercial Worlil Uc:enaed Contnetor• Call Lexlnrton Mf41 collect. H unlll'lftoa Beach 32pp4~ CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnda FREE ESTIM.A TES Llberty 8-6109 2ttr CARPENTER Repair Work DClelt 'row ROIM N Mel l\8p4lh1DI or ~"•f can 5'nnk. Lilien, ._..M AU Wora Ouara11i.ect 7'tte ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lrat.all lh• aboVf' chtapu UllUI mOllt.. AlAO ~,.II Tiie a Ll.noleum J'l:on-un1on. 26 year• u~rlence. Compare &n•I M't - SIU.. COK£R LI A·tl20. 7ttt PAINTING 1NTERIOR -KXTf;RtOR t..lt'E!'\~ED -JN8Uflt:D Glenn J ohnston [>-0 1 • 3111t St. :-ltv"porl Bf'aCh llarbOr 31711 nirc: !9--Relp Wanted GIRLS- JUST A JOB! MORE THAN THAT-An oppor- t1111lty to work In an lntnutlng tndu1try whJch la vcp&ndln1 and off•,.. advan cement opportunity to quallfled younr women. OPENt!llGS NOW AS: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -APPLY- :51' % N. Maln St. Rm. 211 -Sant.a Ana Mon. Ulrougb F ri. 9 .00 to •:00 pm. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 7'2tk WANT molhrra hf'lptr. white, hvf' In -~~le.lly good with C"hll· dren-1 yr , 10 yr•. It 12 yra. Moving to Corona del Mar 1n June. 6 1tay Wf'ek. Salary $210. month pl111 car and exprn11t·11 Phone OXford 9·317~. 38<'40 CONSTRUC'MON SUPttRVlSOR wanted for ora.nre County YMCA Camp. Barton Ylate area lll a.A .Bernardino mountalna. K\JIT M able to nad w-priat.9 A order material. C&rJ*'ll'y A Olber ~&.'-.a:s&Jll ...C- aary. Work to bep tmmediateoly -•O to tO day Job. Wkly. a lary. Board A room optional. n.'TP.:RVIEW b7 eppt., Ca.II YMCA L.A mberl 6·33!'12 or Kl 7-'l t \4 3k40 WANT BABY SITTER tor 3 mo. nld baby. my home. Hra. 7 4!'1 to a t:I Mond•y thn.i Flidaya. Sta rt Arr 18 20tl3 M1pte. eo.ta M""" 38p-40 WA:"T ("nn1b1n•llnn op,.rallon 6 "''"n r ,.,. ,rid F'1f1 h I-it ("Ir• nr r "· 2 \ 8 M h !tt . H\lntmcton 8ur h 3!lfh11l t..APY "'Ith r 11r ,,.,. Avrm pm<tuct11> WRITE giving full details. to Box T ·56, this paper . 37cU W AN"r exp.-ritnC"f'd 1 rsl f'1ta1 e aaleaman or bmker rarntllAr with lillrbor Ar,.11 rnr ....-.. 11 ntabll•htd bu111n,.AI!. Box U·117. this P•JW'r . 37rSt LOCAL H 1f h S•·hnol S oya -H ·lt ytars. alter 11r hool It Solt. work. Avfrllgt urnln(ll 1 2:'1 to I :'>0 pu hr. Wrll4' F' 0 . Bull 24 t, ("'n . rona dfl Mar. S7p3t KATEY DOA.NP.: New • nearly new &ppar~I tor women It c:hllrt N>n. Klndtll"• Pallo. 2721 Cou 1 Blvd , Coron• dtl Mar 28ctl Fresh Hearing BATTEIUl:B Aid We Give SAH Crun Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. :t.taln St. al B&lboa Blvd . BalbNI Harbor 616. t8tto FIREWOOD P'JU!:IC DELIVERY Dry w ood, 111"" • 24'" lenclh Call 8 . R. STAGG Phone Harbor IOI• JCventnae Harbor 6391 lttt BtCTCLa. table Z.nlUI r9dlo, Underwood typewrlt.er R•mln1 ton elec. •haver. r ord l><>tly. dbl. llllltd rock m .. ple bed, r.u Lut Oc:Nll P'ront. com er or r.Jm B&lbo&. Pb. Hu. 3238. 36< 49 BR.AIDED RUOS. all wool. hanit madf' 1..,.,e and •mall Cell U 8·6332. 3e<31 CANNJNO 81ZI!! p~MUl"e e<ookf'r. Small walnut marble topptd t•bl,., aolld walnut butrelt, tour r,...,. c<>lo~ valance bo11n. t,I btrty 8· 7147. 37c·ri9 FOR SALZ ClfEA r_. p&n•I dor>r• 2' ·O' , 2· -6"'. 3' ·O'". l W<> 2· ·8" .11 ~1'·8" l'I""" M nlfll. Witt\ 8 < hll lt• ""'"" 213 31th Rt • Newport B• h. Uberty..l·ZIU:I, Newport Bch Ul!c: Jt--Penoeu ~~~--~~~~-------- PHONE li.ARBOR 2-tM • tto In N,.w..,.,rl arr• F.xt<Pll•nl prn· _ t11· C'•ll ror •rrt. Kl 3.111111 3~39 Ji p39 GENERAL CONTRACTING Framing ol Foundallon• 1'ree !:etlm•t"'" Ir P lan Service C . Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 a 1ttc: Paperhanging Painting KJmbu ly i ·l121 3 lpU AloobolJce Anonymoua Wrlle ~ O. So• lllll N"WJ'Orl ~at-n, l'ahf, Phone Harbor 4111~ IK-~uty Aids • ----- ~~~----------------~~--------~ l Superfluous Hair Hear KW I Z 's News Chief every hour on the hour • 11 on Radio KWll 1480 -1480 Ptrn1a.n~nUy rvnove<I from face a l'TT\9, tee• £ye I> row• and l'laJr hnf aha?""-N <> more t w,.~:una. t:u...E:-. t.. BR YA N'1 R I:!. t.a:io a Sii.Jon ot Buuty Har. 207' ~ ?2-IASt and Found $250. REW ARD t.<l~1 ,.,,.,,,,.~· whit• aold and 1l1nn11tn•I 11n~ 3 t11amnnda •bout • , in• t ,.,_. 11 IO 11mall dllU'llonl111 r ,,,,., Ma n h 27Lh, B"lboa l1la.nil l 'h''"" Mr Rf'ece. TRtnlly 1\211• I ("Ill'• l 3fk38 I.OST In \OAla. Mti!4', f\ blu~ I"' rl'· k""' ~sy.11 'Ml<"kl'Y SIAlf'r . U · hl'r\)' S-70411 o r LI 8·2191 37P38 lk'<~~('hoot.. lntttroctk>n Real Estate School in Santa Ana MF:N A WOM~ prepare In spare 11m,. for unlJmlted opportunltlea 1n RfaJ utate. NfW c:la&M• wN"kly Al Tyler ln1truc unr . At· 1rn1I n r11 evenlnr: trc:e and ltam about t h•• ~eat field. Call or write now tor tnf<1rmat1on. Buel· neu ln .. lltute. 41:1'• N. Syca• more. Kl 3·17:13. 74lfc China Painting Day and C.t11tn1 Cl._ Order• Tuen Now Phone Liberty 8-Ntl t4ltc PIANO. TEACHER PIUacn.LA KA Tnn;WI l'Of'11Mrt7 or CbJcaro and IAA Anplee. LI 1·395&. 29cl4t . !&--lll•USN W..W Th"" baby tritttre .... aitabl• tor t vtntn,;1 Pbo«1• UMrty .. 27U. II)~ B<t0kk,.ep•·r thn.i ltlal, wa~t o~n l'l~v,.r ,.1 ,.l""" a • Wa c• opeon Ml'd1r11I ,.,., 1·y ·bkkpr Top 'll'I K" lltun,.•lh· po11llloM, live In iu1rt 1.1 .• v ..-orkera. Jl::->E FARRAR Employment 402., • 32nd St. :'>l""J>Orl Burh I AcroN Sl. t n>m Clty Ha.Ill 31k40 SEVF:RAL GIRLS to 1111•1rr .. , mall poatN'nJ_. Sp11r,. tlm" ,.,,.,~ "''""I \\"r1 . Boll 1111. a .. tnt ,nl Ma • ;i.rt2 MA:'ll \\'A ::'\TED fnr 1enPr•I nur~ "rt work ExV!'rl~n{ .. d,.11rnhJ,. IOOll .. :Ml!ORRltn b1i.tnoA •• ,,,., U 119 3 tin,. rubbn •l•mp SI tlO 4 llnf' rubt>.r •l•m r wllh c Ul SZ uQ 1 k/14 f'llU I °""k mu rhr11. I. W \.\'HIT !-: 1,.1 8·40 11 ,.,,,.. I.I IS·:\t-.o pptto WOOU BO RINU ;1111111, tuunt•r· •Ink•. multi•r l•r h1l A •Ut••• •l clrin "ul r11•"" lfa1 lloo1 Patnl Cf'ntn . 412 • 32n1I RI , Nl'\o.fl'lft Ii"""" Har 2 11( 34r Jllll . n1t1 rurmtur,. • ut J:I""' ~imp• nit! r II fu r,.,. ""' k• •I• O•r9111ll" l "tou f\11( '""' t 1u1nl• Cu,,,...,,..,._ f ha th,. 1.ta \t9':, I 0:\ Jo: A nlO h••11i1 1\1 , L,,1 If t~• •• •1 fi•.o I :ft ~!Ht c hut nut n,.r_.~'"'r-> A rply '" r"'r· ~ftJ\·J.,,, ... J\~1 , .1 n.-,~1,. :ZI " T\~ !M•n NORMAN'S N URSERY Jiiii '''"' ''""'"'· a·, l1t" ™>ok• M2:1 E. «.:ou t Hl~hwi.v t u .. 11 ... 2 JlH turf'• $10, a r l•lll • Corona tl,.1 Msr. :lllr311 Pr14. till"''· 11:1, 2 111hlP l11 111p1 •I\, AGCRY.SSIVH: REAL ESTATE SALP.:SMAN for well l!leal,.d nf· flee. R,.11 Rf'ch, Rn lty. Harbor 61~-Har. 987 3r1tlr "''''' l~mr $ l~" • 1 .. u, .. ,. l1a u1p .. r U . lllllrftll" hU"'I( k I f\, I Mhl"e '''"In• $1:, A L.~t> ;hr.hi>•. pana, f'IC'. l'hon11 H•rhor Z411~•· W. 3k 10 IC)! M M M M M M M M #:M:W:M M I M M I M M I 5 M'.C:M M M C M M M M M H " "I was dumf ounded at the response from this ad! ..r,,. adn~ Mfon ... al•'1'• llMI coe4 ,_,.. t..-,_., ~ .... uah .. ,_pet OIM! •Hie IUld I Md .. AMAZl~O •-btr of .. ._..._~. It •M Jaat a ma•tf'r nf w~l"I U.,. rtp& ~ ~ ~ a. 1-.d now for • 1..ar llO you _, C9DeM .. , ad. w Here i. a eepJ ef W. C. ....,.,. • ., - ~fora-t Yearly Apt. on Ocean Front BEAUTIFl:t. Vll'.:W. 2 t..droom-. tum. or unfurn., utll. pllld. R&rbor --~4ttc: 1n11t '"' ,_ --.. -ad la .. r Unfy ,.,.,...nr..d -tt• wtO ~rt.c 1-..-It._ 'oit -Qt AUT\' -Ila : <W ........ ttla ... .-II fer UM .. e.ar.. 'I I ~ I I PA6E 8.:..... COAST Al SHOPPER -APRIL 13, 1955 BUY 49 PON"nAO Bed&nette, Radio heatu • a eolld load runnlnr ( (CHECK THESE USED CARS Buy from e local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he Hiia TODAY I Motor Overhaul NO YONEY DOWN * with this ad * e ey1a. '6111 Bay Furniture Buys of a Gives You Lifetime car, ........... ······ ................... 1:199. ~Aatoe and Truck.a ~Aatoe for Sale No Money DoW1l ---------------- ~A•toe ud TneU --a eyi.. IOlll lndl.ldt1 botb l&llOr eM ..,U. During our remodeling sale · NEW Bunk beds, hwd. comp. with 2 innerspring mat. $129.50 value ······················-········-·······at Bay $79.50 8-pc. bedroom group, complet. with ruaranteed ln· nenpring mattresa and box 1prlng1 $199.50 value ·····································-·at Bay $139.50 Innerspring mattreaa ii: box iprlng aetl, matching. Guaranteed construction. $99.50 value ............................................ at Bay $59.50 9-pc. living room groups, choice ot 1tyle1, lnclud· ing bed-divan, matching chair Ir ottoman, or ha.uock; 2 etep-end tablee, 1 coffee table, 2 table lamps, 1 floor lamp. $319.50 value .. ···························-·-··-··•t Bay $199.50 Bay Furniture WarehouM Annex mUBt make room for new .. . Must diapoee of present ltock of used .. . No reasonable ca.sh & carry offer ref\Uled ••• BAY FURNITURE 427 E . 17th St., Coat.a Men (between Tu.run cl: Irvine) Free Storefront Parking -Tenn1 Open Eves. till 8 p.m. 18:\S GENERAL ELltCTRIC aulo· maUc waahtr. 'Th• big beautlrul tiller (low model with ag1lator. ovl'rllow r1NMI A big 12 lb. tub 113 brand new but pd. tin. to 1239.63 from orl(ln.t.1 1340, No dn. pymnt. It you p11y the pymlll. or $12.40 ~r month. Bl'e Baughn·· .... A$ WarehOUM 220 So. Mam St. 8 blka. s or 4th St. 8&11t.a Ana. -Open dally 9.9 Sun.. 11·11 or Phone K.I 3-7201 ESTATE RCA Elf'Ctrlc StOVfl - Hotpolnt wuher, '!'12 m0<1el - Hotpolnt dryer, 1100. tal<u all thrte. Har. lN>I>. a7c39 Washing Machine SERVI CB l•JUr JU&r&ntM Oii Jobe don• and on Wied wuher& 24-811if. (rear) Newport Bl., Coat.a w-.. LJberty 8...f503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64Uo J9!\!\ PHILCO refrtetrator. Th• lat.al cr ou top freear che•t m!Wlrl wllh .-pac• for bott.JH. a l.o nice v~. A m•t keeper. lla MW but pd. dn-lo t ln.a 1' o dn. p )'ln n l. J lat JMl,Y I.hr pymt.a. of u.e. 1"' inoaUI. Be• Baughn'• AltS \.\'a.ttboUM 220 80. Main SL 8 blkL 8 Of 'lh 8t. 8Mta Ana. -Opeo dally 9.9 Aun. I 1 ·11 or Phone J<l 3· 7201 Automatics S39 .50 to S99 .50 Oellvtrf'd lrt9lA11~. ru1trant~. No nlrA ('hUll:t We Service All Appliances Specializing in Automatic. Auto. Wuher Ent.erpriaea 284t =-:ewport Ulvd. Cofta Jilua Ubl'r1y 3·1\2911 ~ ;:>:rn r.nlt COUnM'l ppt9 19:1.6 WEDGEWOOD rane e deluu Th• bl.ca:ut A ~Jl wtl.h auto· mat1e o»en clock ""nl1hln11: •h~IC. 1trl<1dJ• Lii m 1ddl~. A blll: nt"'' •I~ to JTIU br111I ovm . l l.I brand new but pd 1ln. tO 1271.27 from .. n,. '39'6 N n dn. pynuit. ju•t Pl'Y l.he pymta. uf JU.1& per month 32--F'urniturt' for Sale 19~~ PHlLCO rtfr11erator. The big 10 cu. fl. with Jarre cro111 top frttztr chc•t. beaultf\Jl dairy bar ahtlv~• In door. nice ml'at chiller tray, bug• veg. crlapu etorac1. lll brand new but pJ. dn. to 1221.02 from ortg. l!HO. No dn. pymnt. It you pay th~ pymll. ot l lJ.81 per month. Ste Dauchn·• AAS Wardlouae 220 Bo. Main St. 8 blJta. 8 ot 'th St. 8&11t& Ana. -Open dally 9·9 Sun. l 1·6 or P hone Kl 3·7201 WOOL T'\J( wHh pal1. TurquolH , 12 Jl 17 'la or l:Z x 21, xlnt. con- dition. rcuonable. 718 Margue- r1te. Coron.a del Mar. Hubor o~-\V. 38c38 111~ NORGE wu hu mod.t AW· •"· J U1t puah tti. button. Hu big tub, aslt.ator. n ow ""'"'· ll• brand new but pd. dn. to 1181.12. No dn. pymnt. jUlt pay lhe pymll. ot $8.~ per monl.h. Se• Baurbn'• A•S WattboUM 220 Bo. Main St. 8 blJu.. s or 'lb SL Sallt.a Ana. -Opu cl&Uy 9-t Bun. Jl•6 or Phone Kl 3·7201 .A T'TR.ACT1Vll blonde dln1tte Ml II upb. ch&Jn) buffet.. table and ~ .__,._ l:xeell. C°'14. 1115. Upbol a.rm cba.lr I& Har. 80?TW Ntl BLUJC WOOL RUG bil, l&rJe chair &11d h-..odt. a b&neJ ch&Jr, p tel•r table. .aUd maho(1Ul1. Llti.rt,y 8--4031. 1&<40 CRTST AL _,,.,.,.ta, puach bowl cupe, c.1111CSle hol4ert1, t.ray nl11Tor, Bavarian chtnL 61' I:. OoMn Front, comtr of Palm, B&lt>o.. Hatbor 3231. 17c-42 TRADE 8-uu.t\&J 70..tt. &WI. acllooner. F\llly fou11d. l'O anywbn<'. WUI t.alle eqUH)' In property or "11111· ler bo&l. 1220 w. Balboti BIYd . Newport. liar. 3032. 24~3H ClmY&LER ~ enrtne. '~ to 1 reduction J'.U. RJ;P"RICF.FU roR. 110 volt D. c SEJ: JACK HARPER at Udo Shlpyar~ end ot aut Street. Newport a...cb. 29tlc A H PONTIAC Sedanette, Ra.din. heater. Clean a• A hounde tooth .... .... .. .. . .................... $3$8. No Moneir Down SAFE • 7 CHRYSLER club coupe. Looke • ruu Sood· Good ur .. A re· duced to only ·······-··············· 1299. No Money D<nm BUY 1960 P ACKARD 4 door. New ftn- lsh, good enrtn•. P lullc coven 6: rune Uke 10,000 dollars. you p ay only ···················-······· $~9'. No Money Down USED 52 CADILLAC nHtwood.. Fully equipped. Near new and what a buy. Sold t or over SS,500, your1 for . ........ .. .. . . ..... $2.799. CAR 52 FORD Ranch Wa,ron. Heat.er. overdrive. llrht bhle flnt1h. A perfect all purpoee cu SU99. AND !13 FORD ' dr. R.adJo, hut.er, onr- drtve, low mlluce. reductd U OO for u le thla wHk ....... $1299. No Money Down SAVE !13 MERC. I door, radio, healer A J.t.rcomallc. Or1rtnaJ la clean -·" .......... . ..... .. .......•... . $1499. No Monty Down at Johnson & Son Llncoln -Mercury too w. cout Hlch~1 , Newport Bu.ch Llberty 8-~6 U-11~ a.dlo, A TV 8TEINW 4 'I' OJU.ND. 1ft wosadff- tuJ aond!Uon. S.. and b•r lhJ1 Immortal ia.tnanent. All oc1Jl.n· al colldit.lon and m&t.rllll. Thi• 11 no "bulJt ptano . .Al.lo K.naM, Muon It Hamlin. Leiter and m&ny olhtn at (1'96t •vtA«a. Really! 100 pluloll troftl which lo~. DA.~ Bf& Piano It.on. :>20 No. MAUI, 8&nta All& STUDIO PIA.NO. A bard to l"t piano. Perled eondlUon. UH terTl'\I. DANZ..8CHMIDT ~ P1&.no .. OrKQ CO., 620 N o. Ma1n. &a.nta An.a Wanted to Buy UPRJOKT PLANOI aot Oftl' ocr In bettht tor our rTnt&I dept Jilfhut trad• allo.-anctt or cub pr1c• At - SKAFl!:l\'S M~c Co. (81.nce 1 toT I 421-42.3 ~. Sycamore. S&llt.a A.na Phone J<lmberly 2"°8i2 CO:"N80NU4 Eleclr1c Orpn. aUJ11Uy Wiid. Ban MOO on t.bl1 ~&Uutul organ, DAN7rlCRXIDT Blf PIA.no Bton. IJI''\ Bauchn'• AAS WarthOIUlt 2.20 So. Main St. 11 blka. S ot Hll 8t fl4nt.a Ana. -Open d&lly 9.9 E:un. 11-6 or Phone Kl 3-i201 P'LOAT RENTAL tor any 11.&e a20 No. Main. A&llt.a Ana boat -3i08 O\ann-.1 Pl&ce.. GUITAR. blonde, V«p rnodel l N . :->_,,art lala.od. Harbor 1217·J. l ll6. Include.a CAM. H&rbor 30tlc in3.w. a'c.39 ----------------------~ SNOWB.lRD. N o 24), 2 u 1a.. nbergl&Med. ~ C'OndtUon Harbor 0215-J. 3ep38 See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 19~1 C!:NERAL ELECTRlC rd· r1,;tmor. T'hf' blf dduJ1• ml)dtl w1UI re'll'<'lvtn11: ah~v~A. h\llrt cro.t t..op frl'fz.('r <'h,.ct , ,.b,.lvn ln door A two 11potll'M por<"l'IAln C'r1•re for vtgttablu . Hu ail color mt.nor. Ju nnr but pd .. d~ to U$&.t7 from 1380 ;>;o dn pynuit. If 7ou pey Ute pymta. or IU.tO per month. BOAT tn.Uu, M.l, ChN Cran 8· f t. dlnfby, tl~f'C'i... bottom. wtlll oAR, $8:1. Phone ~rty Ull OOUt 81'"1.. CorOllA del Kar 1·2~2. HUc (T'badMI lDUrtor Bldf.I ... Baurhn'• AltS Wa~hOllH 120 So. MAln BL t bllla. 8 of 4th St. Sant.a A.nL -Open daHy t ·t eaa. 11--11 or Phone Kl 3-7201 211· SPORT or COMMERCIAL. be.it offer a bo•• '2.000. Martne tndwitrial Ford t ·Kobler 3.~ h.p. baJt enguie -3 ~ ICOOP lank. Moo~. 1xlrt and pla nk. Harbor 0499·M. 38p39 DOCK P'OR RENT-Will t.altt up Bargains to 2t1 n . boat. u o. Har. :::_,~ Will sell at your price! MATCHED PAIR CJu"JaJ.er R.oy· TWO orncm DESK.B. 8 tt. dltl· lnr able, 2 ateel ch1tln1, tele- phone 1t&nd. anuqu• bench. elec!. btat..r. cotr .. tab!., 1fU •lfam heater, 4 throw rugs. prueure canner, all lat. pl~ .. )h1.1t eell quJclll to make room. U 7 M om111r Callyon RoN!, <A- rona dtl Mar. Harbor 4884-W. Mc38 ala. 2 to 1 rtductlo.. both 1400. Ra.rbor 19H·J. asco 34-ll~~ATV 00 USED Pl.A1'0S •&11led badl,J for 011T r.nt&J depL Hlgh~..t cub allowance In trade on n~w piano or or1an. D~ "'-Do It OTpn 0o.. HO No. Main, la.a ta An& BLEACHED l'tUIJpplD• ma.hopny twla .,.., Y&Dit;J. bencJ\, '71. ~ Of'ull• Aft., 1fewport A,U SPECIAL Llbert7 .. lOM. 37cH 1 PIECE sECTJoN.u. Ulce ntw. Accordian Buys ! Si~ .. Ii piece f l"place •l. rood hur --1 120 .... acooNklu In oondJUon. SlO.. 2 CU beaten. t\ne coadJUon. CU. included. r.uonabi.. Har. J01&-J. 37oll Tow cbok'e. 175. Ttnu 110 d.n. and 15 per rnonlh at I UM O"'K.IZF1!! A MICIUUTT UIAJ'l:R .. MU1tc Co. (Since 1907) ~ ... 'nl• btr CP all autdUUo, U J-d3 N. Sycamore. 8&.nta .Ana ,nddl• tn middle, lift top uid no.. ~lJ 1--0872. TV SERVICE ftice pill broiler. u ... ..i,J 1 sno. P4. dJI.. to IUl.U. No dn. pymt. ti J"O• .,., die P19• Of 18.St per monlll. ~ IUl?v,. pot'tabi. record playtn ... a...pa•e AU w·a.un .. -.a 1•n• 6 ... plla.n. U.O P. A. ~11. bo Bo. M.t.la ..... MD • ol ·~ It. ~· and 80:-18 Santa An1. -Open da1.l1 e.-int II.arbor Bl..S... Co1ta Mu• a-.~ • l'IMM la t-710l LDliian.7 .. ,_, UttcpP Bar. IW N Ue April Spinet Speclal1 ! BEAUTIFUL '1" KJ.mbeU •plntt piano, like new, ave 1202 LOVl:LT Hal.let A Da.it '0" spinet lilt• n.ew, ...... lllO. J!' AMOUI MAK.I: lalem ma.pit splJMl piano onl7 6 ino'a. old. aave l 12S. BLO:'a>I! Wurlltur spinet. ltkt new. A ve 128-0. LOVELY H " C'hJppudal• walout Kimball .-plnd, lllce new, a ve 1291. 1 ONLT tull keyboud Leeter aptnet 1.n tine cone11 Uoa US~. Convenlmt tum• at.- 8BAJ"JllR'S Mu.Ee Co. (llnce 1907) 4.21-423 N. Syc&me>re. San\& .Ana Pboiie IOmbvl.J 2·0972 M-W TV Service Philco RCA G.nera.I ~lr1• AJltftlnU Sylvania IC.a,. Halbert A.dmlraJ btetaDed ONE DAY SERVICE PhoM CoU.Cl Liia 6-ffSI) H. J. lAVwn. (CW\71 122 Matn. Hmrt.lnf\On -..eJI ""'' "·00 P ER MO. rent.e rood practice pt.ano. ~ ret .,,.._ W J""' 11\q. . Oood practice ptanoe ... 110. It,. DA.'iZ-SCHXIDT 8ta P1&Do 8t«e. 610 J'fi». Maa. a.Ata AM SPRING ! SPRING ! Time to spring for that 0 Keel Used Car -... and LOOK at these Bargains ! 19M FORD Cu.ltomllne 2-dr. Md.an, R A H, Fordomatic, WSW tlree, many other ex- tru. Leu than 3000 actual miles -······· .$2245 1956 CHEVROLET Helaire 4-d.r. V-8 aedan. Fully equipped .• Executive car -·······-·····$2395 1953 CHEVROLET 4-d.r. eedan. R A H, WSW Urea. Sold new and eervlced by ua ............ $1345 19M FORD Country Squire, R A H, Fordo- matic, power 1teering, power brakea. W • S W tin• ······················-·-····-····-·············$2495 1951 HILLMAN MINX convertible led&n. Heater, new top, uw paint job, Good rubber .................. ···················-······-········· $ 595 1953 DESOTO FiNJdome V-8 club coupe. R cl: H, auto drive, power 1teering, power brake., EZ eye gl&a1. Local one owner $1595 1952 CHEVROLET Stylellne 2-d.r., R A H ... $ 895 1949 OLDSMOBll..E 98 4-d.r. sedan, R Ir H Hydra, new paint job ·······-·····-·-········· ... $ 595 1951 STUDEBAKER Champion 4-d.r. ledan. Many economical mile. left in thia one ... $ 525 1949 PONTI.AC Chieftain deluxe 4-dr. 8edan. R It H, Hydra., 2-tone paint A 1 owner car that k>oka Ir MUll like new _ ............ $ 695 1951 OLDSMOBll..E 98 deluxe 4-dr. Mdan. R Ii H. Hydra. -··· ····-···· ...... --·· ............... $1165 1960 STUDEBAKER Champion convertible coupe. R Ir H. O'drive, W S W tb'ee. WW paint to 1uit cuatomer ....................... $ ~~ 1953 CHEVROLET ~ ton Pickup. 4-000 ac· tual miles -·--···-···-······ .... ················-·-···$11~ 1950 CHEVROLET club coupe. R It H, 2-ton• paint ----·--·«•••··-··· . . . . ···-····-· .$ 66:5 1949 BUJCK Super Sed&nelt•• R Ir H, W 8 W ti1"e9. no Dyn&ll.. -······------·' 495 1947 NA.SH ~r ···-···--_$ 95 MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Llbuty 8-2261 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Llberty ~5633 SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING 1952 NASH Country Cub Coupe. 2-t.one brown. Radio, beater, ovttdrlve. Run. rood -·········--···-······ ........ -··-········· . St02!5 1953 FORD (-dr. Nd.an.. 2-tone green. Over- drive, Rad.lo, beater, tubele.a. tiru, dual plpett, only 18,000 mllca ·-······--· .. .. . SH~ t!>M CHRYSLER New Yorker ~luxe Oub Cpe. 2-tone gray. Ra.dfo, b~~r. power steering. New W.S.W. tfree. An excel- lent buy ···--··----·-····--·--··$27~ 1953 BUICK Super R.ivlen, rad.lo, btr, pow· er •~ring, power brak-. Loou 6 l'UD.I l~e new ··-···--·-·· .. $1~ LOU REED 1200 West Cout Highway. Phone Liberty ~348e Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Building RAlOlOND CHORD or1&11 d~mon· 1t rator , wtUI nfW «"Uarantee. Btr H V\nf. DANZ-SCHMIDT B ir Plano Store, 620 No. Main. Santa All• SPECIAL April Organ Buys 01'E Or->LT tull 2 manual conn• 11an1ta electronlo orpn, like new. Su •e 1400. ONJ: ONLT b.&utlf\IJ M lnehall 1ptnet orran. llke new. Save $100 ONI: ONLY •n1le manual Min· ah&1J orru. Ilk• ntw. 8av. 1200. Connn.lent tHm1 a t- 8HAP'ER'S MUllC Co. (Slnce 19071 '21...U N. 8ycamon . Santa A.na Phon. Klmb«rly 1--0872 H.AMMO:\'D OROA."9. Compa.t.e line eu-y terma. Tour old ptano t&.lren tn txcb&11C•· Try betore YO\I buy. FrN room.a beJ'9 tcw pra.cUce. OA.."fZ.SCHMIDT ear P\Aao 8ton. 1120 1' o. 11&.tn, SU ta AD& BA.LOWIN .Acroeonk Bptaet Plano Juat lUc• """· Toa caa ... ca th.le. Buuut ul Art Modal apm.t only 1386. Anothu 8pLnlt Mall. cue. Lov-el7 ton• onl7 *481. Al· ..... ,. &ct.a of ... llerflal b&rpAM at - ~--ud 1'rw.M --Transportation Specials 1HT FORD ' dr .. M.B, .... S24~. 1937 PACltAJU>. 4 dr. eedan, u · cepUonaJ condJUon. or1 g1nsJ own. er'• •mce ra&nual _ $4 11. 11-'1 00001: ' dr lledAn, won· derful t.nneportaUon car, WSW Urwi -·····-···-····~· .. . ....... $195. COTTON GOFF VolJuw•ce" Du.11-r 2118 :St'"'POrt B1vd , Npt. Beech Phone Harbor 8. S1c38 M-llaslcal. Radio, & T V UNT IJl orwan or plAno with rental to a pply on future pur· cbue at- SKA rm·a 11\llllc Co. t Since u on '21-423 N. 8JUmOn. l&ata An& Pbon• lCl.ntMr1J J-otTI TOR.XallDUI Tl:IUUER PUPPY. t mo.. old, fn&Je tA>7. .A.KC ,.... Dreell«•t brMdllle. 2.lot ..... ruo, 8aJ1*.. l!l&rll« ......,. l&d7 .I NOT NOT -A Fire Sale! -A Spring Cleanup! ' NOT -Going out of Bualneu ! Just Some Good ~uys in A-1 Used Cars! 1950 Pontiac ~-Sedan radio -heater hydra $845. 1950 Nash '-dr. Sedan R Ir H , Hydra Clean inalde 6 out $695. 1951 Chrysler Windsor Delµxe 4-dr. Sedan Must see to appreciate $1095. 1954 Plymouth Plua 4-dr. Sedan Needs paint and some other minor work $895. 1953 Ford V ·8 Coupe Converted to a Club Coupe. New paint and seat covers $1345. . 1947 Ford V-8 4-dr. Sedan Cood transportation Bank term.a $295. 1951 Chevrolet Fleetllne Olx. 2-dr. with Powcrglide Radio 6 Heat.er $995. 1952 Ford V -8 '11 too Panel Radio &nd httater Good paint $995. 1953 Chevrolet ~~ ton Pickup 4-epeed tra.nsmiHion 15.000 actual mJlcs $1095. 1953 Ford Con~rtJble Radio, bea.ter, Fordo New tubeleu WSW $1745. 1952 Ford 6-cyl. ~, ton Pick up 3-apeed aynch ro. trana._ $945. 1951 Ford Country Squire Stltion Waron R-H , O'd $1095. 1951 Ford kyl Coupe Motor recently overhauled $745. 1952 Ford V-8 Customline 2-dr. Heater & Fordomatic A per<'f<'ct family car $1245. 1949 Buick Super Estate.Wagon A nice car inside and out $645. 1952 F ord Crestline Convertible Radio, HC'ater & Fordo· matic, dual carb. rac. bds. Red $1445. 1949 Ford Convertible Black top and white interior $595. 1952 Ford CAn11ul 4-dr. ~an A real gu N ver See thl.a one! $595. 1953 International li'.r ton Pickup Exccll~nt condition lh.rougbout. $995. 1951 Ford 6-cyl. ~¥ ton Picl<up ~luxe Cab Valv<'1 just ground $895. 1951 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop R·ll, Hydra Good tJree $1095. 1949 F ord tkyl. 1 tnn ~bke Good cond1t1on S595. THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since "ON THE MARJJ';ERS. MILE" 1921 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8-3471 &()-A utoa and Tnacb 19:.0 ;\"A~lr l't11tuman Hrnui.:hrtm Hew ftlll9, wNt ..... ..a .. 1'11114. tltUAp ol ..... ... red beariDP. es,.n mo\or tuae • ICM&7 ot 4.000 au. ~tee. (HO MOHD DCJW'J'tj . RJ:BUILT ENGIND -t1P to 11 MOIM'IU TO PAT- hilt la our own ~ '1 .med ~ Doa't .. a.M wlUI U.1 llU4dlt ...... .., ........ RJ:BUILT and IN8TAUn> aaoaT m.oc:a l'OIU> •1a1t CHmVROLm'T IHI.II) PLTK. • ooocm • tiao CIQ\T8. • Oil eon> fUO 8TUODAICP ,. flfU OLD8 • POMTLAO I 11'0 amcx _ 1na HUDaoN tna Lou car ,..... ,__ OWCA!\~ 8lock mUlt meet WI' ~ Pl\lll tu... pUtta ... .-i Open ·~ 10 LIL to I , ... BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Ope D&1lJ I to T 8tate 9cmdeC NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ~A lZ-Trallen SACRIFICE 20 ft. all alwntnum tratlt'r, 11le,.p1 4, •talnleu lteel kHch«'n unit. Elect. brak ... m•· hng11ny flni•h. 1ood llru - Harbor ~'\49·J. '8c40 Rentals Wanted We need apt.e and be>UMe ln al aecllon.e for bOlll wtntar aad ycar'1 lea.ee. Furn. or untunl. lt you ha•• a vaeucy, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Cit. Hwy .• N.-pc>rt Bch. Pbone Liberty 14'81 209 Manne, Balboa la&aad Phone Harbor "' 2H7 I!. Collet Hy .. Corona .. J .Mat Phone Ha111or 17'1 Lido OrtlN', 3418 Vla U do Harbor 4971 32tfc WANT TENANTS 1 WE ARE BEINO SW AMPED y,•lth lnqulrt.-1 for aummer l'1'l()A. •n•I tenn Ice.Hi. 1J1t yoW' prop- rrty wllh u1 and ~et raeulta. Our rrprtHnlatlve will ca ll •l your rrquHt. .A.X For Bobbe Tumn The Beaumont Co. 0 4·32nd Sl .. Nt1WJ>Or\ 0..ch Harbor 42tl9. 33cd UNTUn.-.:. duplu -1 bdrm., nru H~ H011pll&I. Har1M>r 1313-W. 311p38 Balboa lslond Cbolc1 yurly ano1 11um.mer rnit.&Ja, nnw ava llablt DORJ8 BRAY, R .. ltOt' 2Jll Mar1ne .An , a.Jboa Jalanot H ar-b<ir 20 toLto NI-~\\' VELlrX It l bdrm 1lur1 ..... l ·nr111 n hdwd flr11 . fll'fpl. 1arb. •li•p, R11n dl'l'ka. l.Aunttl")' rooma. UILl'1l&f'a T\' •nl#nnu. Aotuhl'. nr. ,,.-1• 700A-T00B Ar ana. C~ r<>n11 11 .. 1 M ar. Owner '1'02 4 ca.c1•. 1 I rJ><'r •r1 1 Phnnt1 Hu 17,ft-J . :lltro r t H'" I bdrm. houv .All'O furn. rm w ith r r•••l" b11 l.h Ha rbor 2~r19·Rall.r l> 30wk. d&11.e18\,t l'1•11>y . corona llel Mar. 3AP40 ---------- T rAftl.Y ft.E:"TAI .. 8&1boa h l"11d. h1rn I l•lnu lowtr dYpltL :'If• '"'" It turT-.ftJt lablf' ;\"rarly n,.w fV 1tfo(ln1tbl,. HILi' 2921.w . 38c40 Choice BA YSHORES «ttmmr r N'ntaJ11 A l.80 COST A M F'AIA 3 br. c.holt"e ~llll•ltle. lit"· yd • fl'nc:ed. dbl .. lfAflltf 19:,1 BLUI': CADILLAC ccnvl'rt· lbl•. 39 000 mil"" 0r1«1nal n1•m· t r. $2 o~ Call Har. 111 'li •t ri p . m. 31p40 Rartlo & n'dn v" >1111 r m e 1111~ CLAIRE VAN HORN, Rltr. Hausken Motors, Inc. 21a1 w. cout Hwy .• z.:,.wport 8dl.. 1'•':2 l ll'l rll<'r RIV<!. <'n~lll ~t .. -11 Wtwrty l--4277. ik40 111:.1 ~SOTO custom 11edan. """ r11<1ln. h••l,.r, auto. llt.n10mll18lnn Co~ llr,.11. R1>rtntly ctvl"rh11t1 l"<1 .•. ... .. ...... ... $79:'.I I'll""" U b4'rty 8·.··0!'11 ;i·,, 1i 111411 OJ.OR 118 t •1nv,.rt1hJ,. R It H W~W tlrrll. r hnne Hubnr .'!01 for a ppt In ln.oprrt :l~tlr Hauaken Motors. Inc. 1932 Harbor Blvd., C"oet.a Mr1111 ~f"\\' 1<,..:, lt.EJl:AULT "'Ch•n I •~· Phone Wberty 8·!>0:'11. 38c40 ll\•l"r~rt MjUIPP"'t. U2fl!'> Hausken Motors Inc. ·~3 ICNCLJAH f"ORD Coniru.1 eedan. l!l:l2 Har.bur Ulvd .. 1•01ta l\1~•11 8.900 Or1f1na.J miles. 1 owntr P hone Llbtrty 1-~l :19c<l l Nt.ar new c:ondJUon. .......... '89& Hausken Motors, Inc. 41-Auto ~nrtoe 1812 Barbor Blvd., Coat.a MAP ~---~-------- Pllone t..rbuty 8-~M. J6d7 19·,2 Ht:OSON Hom"l 1rd•n. 2· ton11 ftnllh. Kydra., FtltH, tlnt,.<l «IA.311. rte. 8~rb c-ondltlon 191:'> A 'ITEl\"TlON Nash -Hudson No down peym111L Pvt. ownrr OWnerS Rarbor 2133. 381>40 111M M-ERCURY hard tor Mn· Ri oh Hahn's Garage verUble, 2 tont. eatru, tubt>le-• Aull nrh ,.11 p,.rt.t & ,. .. rvi.,. u .... 1:uoo.-u •nM. 38C40 a l"O <;"°" Tra.u1,.m 11tirn OOUfQ OVEIUIE.A.8, mu.t &ell, ltM MO. J'Ully 9qUlp~d S--t I t 1M7 A.nUelm It. 7 pm to • p.m. • W'Mlr fllda. 38c40 Cu• F'or Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. MJl.:RCUJ\T ·~1 oonYtrtJbl• M'rco-No,.port Buch. H11r. 47211. l !ltfc m aUc. ndio. )I.Mt.er. W . W~ U tt1. .. N"" top. onstn&J ~. Har t%-Tra&n 17U·M.. 15e.17 -----~-------u· CA)(PIT'ER. alu.rntnum, vny UHA:"I> ~F"W 'I ,,,.,l""1m hnm,., 11nf11m • $.80. monUI :-:&ARLY N &W, 3 hft•lroom homa, •Vn•• A rl'fr1J , $90. monlll. Ubotrty 3·3fM3 Hc.19 Choice Ye.arty R.entala ('l,JFY HA VE:>: 1,,,. 2 br .. eMI. J 11110. 1:•r11 1.1". SI';' M unturn. r1 11~0:-; A n i::r. :O.f An 2 br .. ti ..... plat l', .:11ra1t" 17!'1 •mfumlllhtd. Murirl M. Plnovtr. ~alt.or MIH ;\"rw1,rirl Blvd. Nonrport lkh, ll¥bor 4810 ik40 I BDRM H o1 ·s1: 1Ult&b'4 for l or 2 e1lul tJ1. J'arlly funi , '47.60. <:1111 It w11t,.r Jl'1 ft~ Vlctor1•. C'o•lll M~"a I.I 11-7073. 38MO Lido Isle Rentals T\\ n ~I ~I \oft-H e n•I nnt TEAft.LT r•nta l Al t i \•,. 3 b-f!rooma a11d t i 1,. t f at-. llAJ,lt<IA HEA LTT 00. i <IO i:. U. 1><"111 Ulv11 . Hu. 3m ... B F.A 11 ,..rt()NT 1 h<lrm untum. 1:.-1a~~. 1 .. u0<lry rm . <Ira~ We. • .. r r· I :'\l'ar bUI rll•t. Mual ... •1 11i pr,.•I•'" 2:ll! Rhc:h•lrt~r. DA.NS-8CRKJDT 8tf Ptl.De....., &20 No. Main. Bal'.lta M& ~ .Ada are read by foUta ~ ooma &um ~t 1trt '. •l~r• 2. Jee b<>11. Slt'Wr W 25th SL, NIWport Buel\. 18p40 1:1bnty "·~97' 3&c:40 -1 oo Pianoe to choob• ttoaa. &aolJ .... ap......,...., ..... ... .,.. ,.,u, 1ooktiic to M17. ...--1 A.a ., ~ a. tas. -n ..,. to nw Ula want ada. ,... WW ,,.......:.....n.. ror pa. C•ll Harbor 1111 lO plaee J"l'lll Ad OD lh.la .,..... ·- I I ' l~~~~~----------------------------------------....a.!"--------------~~~~~"-=-=........ll~ f ~ .. f I ' I I { Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninaula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. On"ERS Delightful JMDr. Apt.-Cabanu. Utllitlea paid. wtth Y aebt aUp accomodatJon1. Dally, .-ly, monthly, yearly. l'or &ppt. or l'tMl'Tt.tioa.. Call Har. 2992. 34tfc Summer Rentals OD Udo bl• and ether ftn• Harbor horn ... FURNISHED LIOO HOME I bdma., 2 b&Ua for e montha, •lf"Unl April JA. J3~ mo. 2 bdrm., lower duplex Newport Height.a -unfurn. $~. month on leue. A perfect .tnet...-lt'• really nice! 4.SA-AptL for Rent lST JUNE T O 30 SEPT. Lovely view apt.. tum. Wtll ren l to rrllable people. $800 tor entire perlod. Other aummer rentals available at weekly ralea. LOUISE APTS .. Carnation Ave .. near Seav1ew, Corona del ~tsr Harbor 4016. 33c38 NEW APT. Built-In 11tove, gorbage dlspoaal. 3111~ 33rd Sl. Syca- more 7-6336. Har. 106i-J 3ip39 48B-BoWie9 for Rent Lido Realty Assoc. NEW • BDJUt S .. 2 baths. unfurn. 3•00 Via Udo Barbor 4444 w a ll to waJI carpet. N'pt. Hla 37c39 Llberty S-7976. 37c39 -~~~~~~~~~~~ I BDRM. houae It 1 bdnn. turn. F"OR LEASE duplex, In Coeta MesL Klmbn -TWO BEAUTIFUL ly 2-9418. 36c38 new lrvm e ON BALBOA ISLAND 11:11 ua tor ,..,.1, ud .... al ND&U. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor aoe .M&rtne A.••· Barbor f>02 BALBOA 18I..AlfD 7tlo Terral'• untum. view h omo . 3 SOR.MS .. 2 batha and 2 BEDRMS., 2 baths. Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor 44~8. EARL W. STANLEY. R ultor Irvine Terrace Otflce Coron& del Mar. 33t!c EXCB:PTIONALLY NICE 2 or 3 bedroom hou11e. modern turn .. SPORTING GOODS ator. and ao.t 6 Motor A.cency Joe&Ud lD d-rt. ne&r nven It lak-Good opportunuy for outboard mot.ol'- m&n.. WUI eell for tllftlllof1 pnce due t o ol.hn bua\M9 \nle'r- ..u. Wr1 i. Boll R-M, thSa Jl&P9"· l tp47 M-Money to Lou LOANS for Homes II" -:IO yr. Loula Construction Loans SEl!l BOB BA Tn.mR 2~U EAST COAST BLVD. Coron.a del Mar BarbOr 3881 Rep. POllUER MORTGAOll CO. Met.ro Llfe Im. J'unda 1Q. l-618a 68Uc NO COMMISSION No Appraiaa.l Fee SALF:S -REFINANCE CO:"STRUCTION Call ror 1-'ree Fast Commitments on R••s\tlencea and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI S-r>~ 1 L.I 8-6M2 LOANS TO BUlLL>. DlPRUVJI! BUY. MODERNIZE, OR REFINANCJC We Buy Tnat Deed.a NEWPORT BALDUA SA VINOS .tc U.>AJll ASSOCIA TlON 836e Via Udo. Ph. Hu. t200 tto 2 BDRM. turn. le 2 bdrm. unfurn. duplf'x. Children welcome. South of Hlg'hway, Corona del Mar. :t.tra. Kay. ,Ha.r 3779-J. r>ttc $65. mo. 30t·32nd St., Newport. WOULD UICe to buy lit and 2nd H~bor 1226. 33c38 Tru8t Deed.a. Call Har. 23J8. -------------1'11!:W 1 ·bdrm. tum!ahed. J75. mo. at 303 • 33rd St., Newport Bch. 36p38 lJNTURN. 3 bdrm. hOUM, largt' '8ttc fenced yard. Sl:i Pirate Rd .. Cliff Haven. 36cU REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate ~Y2~ TAKE TIME TO LIVE Want a prlnte beach T Need a place to keep your cruller! Prefer clOM ID location net.r Lido Shop., etc. T Buy thta ldeal 2 bdrm. home b Balboa B&y Covet rlgbt on the waterfront, only 3 yra. old. Lota of tile, parquet floon, F. A. heat. dbl. ga.rage, nice futur.. Pier le elip privilegu. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnished· good rental d.i.et.rict. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3500 Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 BEFORE YOU BUY -See these homea in NEWPORT HEIGHTS 252 Palmer St. Open Daily 11 a.m. t o 6 p.m. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 4 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Beth Homes Immediate Possession Sewers in and paid Enclosed garages Colored rock roofs Garbage Dis posal Kitchen f an1 Birch Cabinets Total Price, $11,450 See owner living &t 252 Palmer St . Oft Santa A n& Ave. Between 15th St. tllld 16th St. ,- This Old House ON A BUSI:NES! LOT 30 x 90 2 blocka from Fun ZoM. f9,4~. term•. Commercial Bldgs. H EART OF BALBOA -1 &tor•. 3 renu la, 11un declr, nf'eda r1x1n1 u s.:100 .. s~.500 will handle. .._. 2 STORES, a delux e rentar. w ith TV, h~.000. COL'RTES\' TO BROKERS The Locator of Calif. !'>07 East Balbo& Blvd., BallJ<)I\ Harbor 3606 38r 40 Business & rf ome 2 BOJL\{. HOUS!:. plus ntra 1t1t, M·l zone, low price, tM)f ti-m11 3 BOR~f HOUSE:, 11ear Ct\'ll" C'1•n· tt'r, $7 s:.o, luw dnwn p;l)nu•nl. BEACH HOME $1 ~.oo down CHANNEL 'FRONT 3 UORM HO:>I ~:. Jltf'r an.I float '8,900 tlown. N. B. C. Realty Co. 32nd & J>:ewport Blvd., Npt. Bt'h. Corona del Mar CF YOU'Vf': 11UEO TO BU Y a JPvrl •O rt. R.2 tot In the Sr11· vtew a rra, South or th•' H1i:h· Wl\V, th\11 3 bdrm . 11-, trnth h11rt1e with rnom rn bullet In (runt I• your b11v nt the yf'llr. I 11\ :'>00 Only $':,Ol)O tluv.'ll. Muriel M. Pinover R EALTOR 26M =-:~wp<>rL Blvd. !'l;ewport Rrh Fr,.,. PMklng Harbor 4"10 Choice Winter Rent.a.le on Balboa Ialand & Lido lsle IJmall .. cozy or &arc. It dtl111• n a to 1300 month U!\"FURNJSHED 3 bedrm. Corona HJghla.nda family home. W W carpeting. dra pes, coiy UllN: br1ck tlreplare, raised hra11h. birch panelt d kltchtn. 0\'f'8J\ vtew, Jg-e. yarn. Stove, reCr1g., automauc wuher Included tt desired. See now 904 SrawArd Road, Corona df'I Mar. Ph. HYatt 4 -~91. 3iUc Loa.a.. quickly made In th• Bay Are• &Jld Cceta MHL Single or 252 Palmer St. Ll-8-7976 muJUple Wlill. New or old. Be------------------------- 38r~O VOGEL CO. 209 Marine A••~ BalbOa lJlland Pb. Hubor '4t or H&rbor 21&& Ru. Har. 17M·RK or 1..1 1-621>7 .. Uc CLJYF' HA VEN, $90 unturn. 2 ------------bdnn. hOUM. :\'f'Wly pa1ntN1, t treplace. Har. 61~ or Har 9117. 3:.ttc ••1-e and ave by re-fttl&nclJl& your pre.mt loe.n. M inimum ~· pen.ff. No cha.rl• for pmlmt· nary appraisal. Phone 8an!A Ana Kimberly 3·&933 or write ARTHUR A. )(A Y Mortgase Loan CorrupoDdent Occident&) l.11• J.uuRnee Co. 1133 Botlth Ma.IA 8ulta Ana pp BALBOA ISLAND -2 bdrm.I. untum. Flreplare, enclOM'd patio. t montn. to yur leue. $125 mo. F R ANK JAMES, Harbor 2042. 34r39H NEW 3 BOR.ltf. hOUH, unturn. SiO. water pd. ~om Tra.c.L s ... at S6--Money_ W~---- RENTAL ~. SPECIALISTS Call a:dn& era11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. Jll M&rin• A ft. Balboa lal.and. Har. 1871 T2UD Summer Rentals • Exclusive Bay Front.I other choice pro~rtif'1 Jlarl>t•r blantl. Hay Shoro. Bu- cnn f:\AV q11.Ull1"d cUenu only. Harbor Jo v('Un>ent Co. lla rbo,. 1800 I F'~·ta LI 8-t.JMI 27Uc ~..\-Apt.a. for S-t ~~~~~~~ t:HAN:-;EL f"RO:-.'T apL >"'Urn . 1 blMk to bu~ • Lido ahOpa. J~. mo . Intl uUI. •u · 36th 81 ., apL 2. flfl,.rnl)1o11•. ~""'port Bf'lle'h Jk38 1180 ArbOr, Co.ta Mea&. Phone CUnton 7-6941 CoUect. 3ic39 l\'E\\'POHT BE:ACH-Fum. 1 bed· room • aun porch with p.rati: .. Clean. yMrly rental 169. m onth. lot • 28th St. !!:AIU. W. ST ANLET, Jta&.ltor aua N~rt Bl'fd., N'pt. Bell. Harbor 1013. 3&60 HAVE ucwlent outltta for pri- vate money on l•t A 2nd 't'nat Det<U. c&U DON L HUDDU:STOM Rnl ltlltale Lo&N 17$ I!:. 17th. eo.1.& .. _ Uberty 1--llM 1 Hlle AM.ALL HOUR -No '*"-a. M-11' f\Jnl... Incl. TV. Nice loc .. WANTICD-1-l kit ConJna Ml eo.ta M-. IU.60.--cha9pu on M&T. ~2 or R~I nOl'tJl l&de of 101 year'• lc;a.M. Ll 8-48&2. 38ct 0 Hwy. Ol"H auie. prte• 6 -.ddre ... Repl7 Bos v.53 t.hla papu. 18p40 YEA.RL Y-l'lee 3 bdnn boUM ~\a. Ven.U&o bltnda, drw.p-ra. t~e. ran~ prb. dlapo..u ~IC• yard wflh O«&A VlfW. I&~ mo. LI W~12. llllc 4_8C-;........._~ _ _..;.r;_S~~----~ Trailer Space STATE Al'PROV!;O ror C&l>&nia. h11,:1• I• Ill. •p•<'I' tnr rutttnm lolll 8"" tmmlnK pool by Junr I.rt. .Adulta A ehsldren ovt>r lt WOO VILLAGE., 700 3lll SI , Ne.,,.'JIC)rt Stach. 3•c48 Business Location With Res. Income :-.c~:w Vt:RY ATTRA<'TJVI!: tum. a pl Guba«e d11po•al. 170 Jncl. 1111llUM1 In cfnt•r or Corona del 4&--Roolna for Keat P"OllR tWSINESI LOTS onit.rallJ J,ocaled In ?'\MfJ>Ort ~acb.. Part o ftlroperty tmprov~ with one S br .. 2 b&lh apL 2-J be. 6 bath apt.a. plwi 2 cott&e«fl W\t.h bath A ll an rum. Vtry n~•t and Cte.n. 5 r&ral'• ud «irtra La.re• b-..emenl ~,...uoa nn. Pr•ent income plu.1 tutur. d..,.lopmtnt m&Jcu lllvulnl~nt Ill Ulla prop- Mar. Har. ~3-R. !Otte TWO LARGE BEDROOMS OD Jtl'(>\lnd Ooor. PTtv mlrallc• and bath •~ blk. frC'lm ocean. nt&r Ua)o Cf'nlltmtn prtftn-ed. liar <M •:..J. 36cU \ f:AHL Y 11nf11tn I bdm1 •Ill , .,. llh ~llr•&:f R'lboa Jal&nd Hu 211!\:..w or L.ll><>r1,. a-.ua. »lie COSTA MESA. 3 rm. apt.. turn. or unfum . 1nch1<1 .. 1 uUUUee. C&U H\'ett 4-4:\~,-; Ulfc Charmlllg Harbor Ha,·en Apartments • Patios NEW 4 ROOM. alrfet ~nL Xf&r ..::hoob ahopp1nir dlAtricl. Qu"l. plruant. ncloalve Oarb...-• di•· poaal, i.undT)'. •lorage room•. t•nlf:r, "2 ~ up Oc'cuptu "n· 11~ 1trtrl C.no(j IU~"'-1\on.. MK?".. l~l HA\'f'n rlan 1 Block Bou\JJ ot Hlth 8cho01 ALSO YUR."ll JSHEO AM'S. WIYJT.R RA TES 3Uc OCltAN FRONT month to month AV11il11ble 2 bdrm I~~ 1111 J u ly l 1UJ, pd. li:nC'ln11>t1 f'l\UO Sre al 73CM ·w. 0 Cf'M fi'r<mt. !"f'Wport :Htfc HARBOR APTS. Mod~m furnu1hed apt.11. day, week or month Neu bua. .torn It bay. Rf'UOMble rat.ea. 106 E. BeJ A ve.., BAL.BOA H&rbOI' 6344. Ji'ttc ()CE.AN rRONT. nf'tu' :\'e""-p<1rl pleir, 11.ncl• apt. "'1lb kltchtnttlf' • b&lJ:L Jil&MS ff rYIO . II llJ. pd TV. n~. per w"k. Har. fll~ or llartMJr N7. l~ttc 4 Tr'll.AcnQ ftlnl1.eied modem stadlo apt.I. UUlJtaM paJd.. IUJOIER or T&A.R.l.T rate.a. IU4 Cout BWJ., Corona de! Kar Har .... ll or LI ._UTT. To'cfO MOD.DN l llid:rm. apU... l t\Jm. 6 l UDbnl. wtUl ~· • llto'fe. llMJlon&bi. yrly, ~nL 107 Frrn· le&I, am-dlil Kar.· U d9 L'l CORONA DEL MA.R.-2 bdrm. unrurn. apt. J\.uonabl• r?nt. Call ntanonia &Mlt1' Cc;>. HILT llU. tkUh SMALL u nicle J'(l()m tor worklnr man <~omfort&blt' t>N. hot and ruld -... Atl'r, $7 wk Priv en tr. 123.?Slh St , :-<t"'port ~b 12rp33 3 Oi'F'lCE Sp&CH tor ~ .... AP· prmt. 17'~' taeh. ln Udo Shop· pins; a.rt&. 000 VIA MAlal' Har. 332i. 1 ~tlc AVAJLABLE -About 8000 aq. n. light tndiatry •.-C• on lirt A 2nd. floor l.". S. Htehway 101 a nO Bay F'ron~f"· W iii lHA(' 1111 or any rart • l"f'mlldcl lo l'Ult lt>ntll\L. Vog>el Co. 3418 Via Lido. Harbor 4971. 261rc AVAILABLE NEW STORE BLDG. 1200 tq. ft. oppoatte Ba.Ibo& Bay Club. Ampl• parklng Ph. LI 8· 1:'173. 3:lt48h MB-lnchntri&l ~atala ~ rr. OR M.ORJ!l f"RONTAOI: on w. lil.h. Lon« 1-. '770 w. 1 i'th. eo.t.a Ma&. 38c40 FOR LE.ASll 011 HAltlor Blvd - Larr-bou.H Oii 60lt37& ffOWMSa. ( Oomnlere1&.I) f~ J street... IMSt to Ptutio Boa& Plant). All °' ,.,.i. u a-~72. astto IM pa ... -Otto!~ OOrFD: SHOP. LAOUNA BCH l' •toola. For Ml• ,,_.,nablt Good local buatn.. Pb. OWTll'I RYatt •·2"6. ~•t -For a ~ UMd OM. af'f' your lncal deah~r Who wtll ~ h, r • TOMORROW to becll up ,.,hi•\ I aelh1 TOOA T ' C"hf'Ck lhf' ll~• ran ln Ule cla.ul!led MCUC)(t ti dl.y. erty ••ry a ttracU'ft. $30,000 on • IL"'J l M'l'l'\I, Ralph P. Meskey RnltOr 14 11 }f ewport Blvd.. Npt. Bc:h. HarboT 4(\2 3 units, 3 years old Don't mm Lh1.I au per buy 1 Top Pt nlJIAlla locaUon. ~­ I.Ate! A al-.l at '24,i)O . rhon. Harbor 2~1. J:y-_ J...Jbert7 8--3188 S7c3t For Sale by Owner CORO:->A Df:L MAR -2 llt.ol'Y comb!Jl.&UOQ. 04\r. It '<t bath. Jal floor 2nd OOOT hu laru Uv. room. bamtd o.Uinga. ~room. ahower. dC'IUJ<t kltrhrn. Snack bAr, i;:lullf'rl In aun porril, l(e. pllllo mrL with l<fL brlclll wa.11 U S.000. TltnN to ..Ut. Room t.o bulld on tronL 702 Aca• rla. C'~rona dfl MM . or phoa• Klmball t 2et. 8\lllttllstoG Park. Utto et-a.I~ !'!!l!'!P BALBOA ISLA.ND, W No. Bay Ftoot. Yr. old modern, $65,000: take P&l&deoa ar P&lm Sprinp for put.. NORM WHITE, e60 N. Rill. Pwdena. SY 1-11'8. 27c4.0 a .. _. r..w. BT OWN'D I bdnL ~ ~ ,.noed yard. !Or wt1I J.euel- IU l'Uat.e Rd. aMI Jl&¥U. 9'c49h CORON A RIOBl...A.XD LOTS - CIMMC• Bti. A•.Ulatwe O&IJ 11&.rtior 2UI &lttc F.WPORT HEfORTS-Se" th , I rMd nt>w 4 bdrm .. 2 bAUl hnm,. \\'all to •'&II Ul"pf't for U t 11·,, 1 .. !ort1 you buy anywhere Har. "lt or U •711i&. J ic.Jlr 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Homes Listed Today at Real Sale Prices Some of the finest home valuas in Costa Mesa await your inspection. Keeping in mind t.he price & terms your family can afford, we may be able to recom- mend aome top values. You'll find newer homes. in- come unit.. e\•en homea with acreage. It will pay you to cbec.k. Remember -Ulere i• one perf~t home for you -and it may be listed wilh us. Call Llbert.y 8-1~1 and ~ell ua your needa, or drop by our office at: .. 1810 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meaa. LI 8-1601 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCa.rdle YACHTSMEN'S ATTENTION! ON BALBOA lSLAND'S choice Ea.at Baytront - A.n •olic "spot uhou" with all the featuru you .eek -a channing home wlt.h aepa.rate guest quar- ten -private pier and float -c~tra '1\1111 frontage accommodating craft of over 50 feet L. 0 . A-- auperb IUD.DY location on "Little laland'a" aheltc:red Eut Bay. You·u want to lnapect thl• drligbtfu.l haven. ownere l"t'QUUt by app't pl~ue. WM. W. SANFORD. Realtor And Aaoclates Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor 2462 NEWPORT HEIGHTS <>CF.AN VIE\¥ HOME -located amoo.gat the trees in the exclwih·e Oif! Drive and Santa Ana Ave. are&. 27 ft. ln-ing room, study, 2 bdrml'I., 3-ear gar- age.. Only $3950 down. C&ll ia for the low price. (Not a Jeaaebold I GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY llULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS SU2 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch Harbor 2551 (Evea. Liberty 8-3186) 3ic39 Ort.... b1 235 Magnolia Costa M- c.\lt• It cocy home -2 bdnn. 6 pan.-lr •I den 'Dl"llh fir• rt"" .,. llll to wall carpet. Very clnae In. Sl3,000. rtrone Lfl>ertr 8·6282. 23ltc CLIFF HAVEN Bil.A UTD"l 'L cu.tom built randl llome. ovtTloolc1ng Hllrbor. ' bf'd. nn•. 3 bat.ha, den. 2 hreplaeu . ALSO I bdrm epL. wHh private paUo. 149,!IOQ. CaU ownu. Ll I-ml . 29c42h CORONA DEL KAR CNCOM"lll \•anotu unit. A pnc~• LO m~ .. t )'OUT w&nlA, $1!,000 to JOO 000. ALSO 2 bdrm. home completely furn!llhl'd.. double gan.ge $14 .f>OO CA.LL )o(.lae Koblat.edt Hu. 21S2. 313~ C<>Mt Hwy_ C.D.M. E'ffl. Har. 0829-R. 38cS1 OC'EA~ \'TE"' modem 2 bednn. home with rxlra room and ~ b&lh on double pr&Jf• Price 123.000 l,11w dM\"Tl p11ymcnl or Wiii talce Ylrrt Tnat DfC'd In trade 2717 CW'f Dnve (a4Jaunt T9C&Jlt lot •-1.labl•) M\. OWTIU , LI 1-2632 2.3L!< Corona del Mar l..OVF:t. Y rnmer locallnn A J1Mrl · mrnl <•Vf r :l t'ar J:•MIJ:" llno11' to b111ld l'H1"1" on fr,.nt o( IOI :"irt fll\110 .\-r11.tu. room \•>tth b11th An r11.1 "lll'nr btl\' "t · U2 :!~0 Ray Realty Co. IArrM• f rtim th<' A«nkl HH !!: l'"•~t . Cnr"l\I\ 11<1 Mllr tin rh<1r 221111 Ocean View 2 l.()Ti:I <in piwr<I irt rl'ft WJl h B• IA'• ,.ra • Lil ulllltft'11, S11tm11~ S2 000 l)QW'll. Sea Breeze Realty Cor Hllh 6 Pl•C"ITtla. Colita ~,. .. Oay1t A Y.vu LI 8-3~~ :l84 Jll DUPLEX near High School &lid J unior hl&h :"lll • 2 bdrm home f11r "" n,.r .,. llh CIX..t II\• t'Ot'le trum ,.m .1 un11.. i....ri:t wrlJ k"J'l f • nr,..,I lul W. I. Landis, Realtor 133 E I ':ti\ ~l Cl'l~la Mt•• u 8· tnlt 38t 18 BACK BAY rnmt1r of M <'•• Onve 6 <..)·prn• $ yra. old, bnullful vl~w M 3 it 1 u · lot. 3 l>tfrTM. li;t' J <1 .11 20 IUlchen, "l\ll tn v. 1111 1 ArJW'I 8'>1hJ f'Uml bl1W' cc.n,tnu uon, wallrd p&t 1n IA~ ot room h1r lncnrn" adrtltmn with bav vi""' Prt\'Alfl party 11:1.{)(1() l 'h l.l A..:'.>l.41! tnr •pp<>lntmt'nl. 3Zl'l0 FOR SALE OR TRADE BY BUll..DER S'F:W R.A."CH STTU: ADORF. 3 l&l'J:• l>lrm• . 2 Uli1 batha. 1lU«"O A pluur. Spaclow h•· nn . frNtpl pll~y kllC'hC'n. rim rm • 1lbl,. JU. el llll'h"'I \\ 111 t&Jt~ clr.ar I V . c•r h<Hlllf', nr what ha•• \'"U. li2 f; \\'11.:.•n, Co-t.a M'IML U 8-:1932 aJtl'r 8 rm or "''"""""''• 3ip12 OC'E.A N rno:-.'1' ~30 ~ I 0' R-4 The Jut a n.Jlf.ble lot ti- twf'f'n l~ h A-:->!"ll'J"'lrt pl!'Y Pr 510,"M tnm• HOMER SHAFER REA1.TOR 10'! Mc li'addf'n Pl , Nt'Wpe>rt ~Arh H ar. HO lno. R11r 1137· ti :l~ 60 ~~~~~~~~~-~ - BY IT.AR-BALBOA lSLANl"- CloM to •hop•. A va1Labl11 May lsl. 1'1<'e 1lnl{l11 family, 2 h<lrm. horne with dble. Pf"ll" Fum . l t&O. mo t'> T1R'hl family CALL Harbor fl1. J A. BEEK otClct. 60S Park A••. Bil.Ibo" laland. 38r4 0 -------------COSTA MESA n.m. I bdrm. hont•. ''"all t.o wall carpet., bwd. nr... cunent paUo, t~ y&l'(J. aewen1 In. FulJ prtce P.600. P .77&. down. Ll S.:1':22 ROllMI P~~~ia.~• ua 10 BUILDING LOTS all~y. 6-Cll.r ~. 11., blk.t. lo 3 a.djac,.nt Iota 60 JI 2.3• l lrrrJt"U· ~48R Owner's Sacrifice LA.Rall I bdrm. hou... .,_ bloclr to Ba7, J blocu to bulinu1 c.n- t«. 19.500 at 618--Htb 8trNt, N ewpoTt Bf'a.ch. Ph. owner l'foamon 1-4467. l2J>'4h BY OWNER either IUrf or quiet water. &>~t 111r, on M"-c1r1•t'. ntllr <"C1un1rv loca Unn. o. I:( LATHROP, 36.l!'i nub '22~ cu h O l.h or >A'1ll Ill Cout HJ&'hW&J', ~ dd conaider ('lfftr on All \hr...- Mu. Ru. 6'4~ .._ a&U.J O\VNE'Jt tJ S-U88. 11 a.rn tn 6 lk40 p.m. 3tl<' \0 Bay Front Income I Unl'-1 a I.,.._...~ labtd. PW, OOat &.Dd prtna. .,..., 1000 &. lle1bcie 8l'f'd... 8albc& ~ 1IM&. Ooar- t.-, to ""*-1ltte t.ARGF: LOT on Chtr Dnve ID Cliff HaY~n.. t.Um 40 ft. llrHl t'l Jl r"t't lot on °"1\l)A, Udo la.le and C·2 In\ on ?'\~rt 81'1'11 M,.., AN-rna, Har. 01111. 23ltc ~~~~~~~~~~ C'L"!W 1 bdrm. booae, H&r o.&11 .ti channel BBQ ln flat•ton• BY OWNER patio, br1ck walla t.hrou,boul. BT OWN'XR--Oc:M.rl fl"oD l bf'Ar h hOUN. SU.~ Good ttmu MO. S.. 8bon Orin. Harbor lf()6.W. Oout-. '° B roktr' Sac:rttlee for fl U ll-0. or l&r"ft Oorona Ille~ -I Mna.. I bo&L Joe • '1~ Newport Be.a.ch. balll t.armbo\llle. 1'llA oornmlt- HArbor •li33. 2lilp0 mtnL Ph.. Harbor 78-J . 99tft • •00. ?»EWLY PAJ1'.7E.D 2 bed· room •tUC"CO )1 •. me <>n cnrn11r, 4 rr•. old !'ma ll "nC'lo~d pa.LIO HU'bof aat or au. .., . Ntt• (J("EAN VIEW HOME . .270t curl Ortv~ F\111 price $11,000. tem11• 11600 d~ C>irDar, LI 1-2:132 , llUc 39~r, BY OWl\""ER, e\li. 1 bdnn. hou" :-;ear Rli:h Brhool Room rro bwld LC'lt lilOlll OO. price s~.lf'M• U. TOO clil1WU. f.O. sn.o. LI 8-Ir. Uc.•<> .. -~------'--. " - . APRIL'. 13, 19!5-COASTAL: SHOPPER-PA6E 9 i FIRST TIME OFFERED l . 3 UNITS completely turn. on 60 ft. lot. Thia la truJy a bargain in home and income. Front unit con.aiata of 2 bdrm&. with luge living room with flagstone .fireplace, Mp&rate dining room, hwd. flra. throughout, 1 ~': batha &nd built around a luge beautiful bricked patio wilh built·ln barbe- que. Two l.ncome unita are 1 bdrm. each -ale<> comp letely furnished. Three eep&rate garagea. Thia property ia being offered by out of t own owner at far below replacement coat. Should eell quick at $26.500. Immed. pou. A we have key. 2. VIEW of CANYON AND HILLS-2 bdrm. home plus large nunpua room. Built-in etove and oven. Attractive fireplace. Nicely decorated. Large dbl. gar age and only 1 year old. Reduced from $23,500 to $19.950 for immediate ale. 3. SOUTH of !IlGHWAY-Will take trade. 3 bdnn. and den. Large covered lanai, 2 balha. Owner bu moved -immediate pouession. wm take small home or vacant lot u put pymt. Price, $24,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Harbor 4T (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) S800 DOWN BRAND NEW 3 bdrm. home with J tull batba. Hwd. floors, forced air heat. garbage dlapoul. t- ear garage. Vacant. move tn t.oda7· FULL PRICE $11,750 4 Bedroom -2 Baths On a very nice street, 2 bdrm.. horn&. U00 .q. ft. Garbage di!posal, garage, beautitu.l tot.. $1860 down and balance like ~t. FULL PRICE -$12,8:50 Phil Sullivan & Geo. Everson 18:w3 Newport Blvd., Coata MM& (Acrosa From Costa Mesa Ba.n.k) Phone Uberty 8~761 Eves. Har. oet-LI 8-%103 CORONA DEL MAR 1. Nice 2 bdrm. home on Marigold A ..... Baa 2Ya car garage. hwd. floors and tile. R.-2 lot trtth room tor additional dwelling. Only $12. 7~ with $1500 down. Balance like rent. 2. \' ery nice 2 bdrm., cloee ln. Hu ~ beam9, forced &ir beat,~ fireplaoe and ltnmed pn.ce.. l!'ull price $1 f..DOC). 3. Larp new S bdrm. and pla.Jroom. (1880 mq. ft.l Ht.a beautiful ~. Wood 1bake roof, I bath9 and all attractinly fl.ni.ebed. Open dally. ~ DE ~ZA.. <X>RONA. WGHLA.NDa EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc. 35-12 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Bubor 1881 BALBOA ISLAND SPACIOUS hv1t1r room with f'ireplace, 1 bdrm.. 1 Ya bnth111. bnght kitchen -AND amall ba.cb.&ol' &pt. ~JOO down -Fu1.I pric. $18,()09.. CHARMING bayf ront home -4 ~e bd.rm1.., S bnths. Exlnl. heal · with dclighlfu.l renW unit. $49.500. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A \•e., BaJbos Island Harbor 502 -Evee. Hsrbor 2306-R NEW on the market Dov.-ntown Balboa bu.slnea bldg .. 2 lugo ornce:s. swtable for Doctor or Dent1111 A 2 bdrm. lovely furn apt. with view of oce&n & bay. Room for •· pans1on. Approx. 8 yean. old. Full pnc.e S25.7~. with ONLY $5000 down, SEE Lila B. McFarnn wlth - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. SRJboa Blvd. -BaJbos Harbor 3786 or ~17-AI BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 3 bdnna.. 1112 bath bomt'1 CIOM to everytbln,;. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR. GATES. with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone LJberty S-7976 SPACIOUS STURDY 33tlo BALBOA ISLAND. We offer excJ113lvely an uoua· ually desjra.ble 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. IJcllght.tul li\'ing room . large dining r0<1m. Maximum 111qua.re footage. Close t o be11t beach. Can only be apprecia~ by ioepectinn. Call Harbor 1775 F.\'n~ Harbor ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~ M&.rtoe ..... Balboa 1llan4 I - ' ' ' PAGE I 0 -COAST Al SHOPPER -APRIL I 3, 1955 BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS It'• a shake roof typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu lo/-l batha, dining room, breakfast room, large livi'ng room with musive fireplace. Thennodor elec- tric range &. oven, beamed ceilings, cedar panelled walls. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall t o wall carpet and drape,.. It's fence~ and landscaped and has a patio. Space prohibits the mentioning of the many other features except to add that it is surrounded wtni quality built ranch b omes. Priced definitely below va.lue at $23,750 KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view -2 bdrms., 3 baths. Large living rm., dining rm., huge den, patio, laundry rm. and sewing rm. Radio electric garage door oper- ator. Wall to wall carpet and drapes. Extra large garage. Exterior flood lights. Thermador gaa range and oven and large bulJt in refrigerator. The guest bdrm. ia completely furnished. Price $36,500 with ea.sy terms. CLIFF HA VEN SPECIAL Only $1 500 down. 3 bdrms. with partially completed den or rumpua room. Full price $13.500. Better hurry on this one! CLIFF HA VEN R-2 LOT On Clirf Drive. 65x110 -price $7000 Cliff Ha\'en tots are as scarce as hens teeth, better grab thi11 one while you can! Call FRF.D BARKER al EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l~th & Irvine. Newport Beach Phnnc l.lb('rty 8-2664 c:>r Liberty 8·6300 LIDO ISLE BA YFRONTS 3 bdrm .. 2 bRth fumishf"d, pier & slip $49.500 4 bdrm. -d<>n &. maid'• room, 112 lot.8. pier & Klip nn Lido Nnrd . $89.500 3 bdrm11., 2 ~11.th11. one 11tory, pier & flollt . $49.500 3 bdnnR., 2 baths, lovely master suite, 2 years old, Lido Nord, pier &. float .. $59.500 Another Choice Lido Home Wh('n thr prt-s<'nt owne>rJI had this lovely home com- plC'tNl, t h<'y ncvrr l'Xfl4Cled to sell it, so here 111 a nl'W Ju1tmg of a one year Old 4 bdrm. home that ill Jlll\l about the finest on Lido. A. "5-ft. atr~l to i<l rl'C'l Jot, 11 3-car garage plua laundry area . Com- pl1•t1•fy fun11sht"d and offer<'d for le88 than cost at SJfl ~)()() with $13.500 down and bal. at $245. mo. Best lowerpriced Lido home Cha rmin~ 3 bdrm .. 2 bath. 2 year old Ranch type homr -,·11.1·11nl 1\nd ready for immediate occupancy -lO\'<'ly locRl1nn on the island. Only $24,950. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 34 lfi \'111 l.1110, :'ll<'w f)(1r1 Beach Hnr. 4971 or 4072 • • BAY SHORES • • . 2 Open Houses Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 Exclusive Listings • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Jl;1y Shurr11' C'levcreRt Rnnch Type Home ~ bdrm . r111~d ust>d bn ck fireplace. dishwasher. d1spor.nl Channin~ly dl'corated. Crushed rock lawn. ~·u11 prtc<' S23.500. t c-nns. AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdrms. 2 baths. bay \'1(•w home -All electnc houtl(' R111ll·in ran~e and oven. Carpeted and drap- f'<i hlr;1 I home for couple with \'1s1ting relation• or fn«>nci.R. F'ull pn<-e $29.500 -Term!'. F1)r prcvit>w ~howing8. call Harbor 1600 - (Eves. Liberty 8-5386) I ) p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle OPEN SAT. & SUN. 10 to 5 123 Via Genoa. Lido hie LOOKING 1 Read This WILL TRADE New and extremely beautiful 3 large bdnna. and 2 luxurioua baths, eliding gla.sa doors .to patio from dining area and master bdrm. Therm. oven and range, fully carpeting and landscaped. 3-car garage. 7~ acre11 fine &lfalfa land, all equipment, aprinldM l}'l'ltem. etc. for 3 bedroom beach property. Some cub required. Deal involves $50,000. Aak for Hodgkinson BEAUTIFUL BATHING BEACH ALMOST FINISHED-designed for gracious living. New Orleana wrought iron and abutters add to the graceful Unee making thia outstandingly inviting. Chilrmlng entry, elate fireplace, fully carpeted, 3 bdrms .. 2 baths, enclosed patio, every extra. 125 Via Waziers. which is about a perf~t location. $34.000. Ocean front, shake roof, ranch style, 2 bdrm. home. ARCJDTECT & BUILDER worked overtime to make this luxurious smalltt BA YFRONT HOME with pier and slip a home ot cH.tinction. Every room radiatea quality and thought ln planning. 2 ·bedrooms and 2 batha. Plua 1 bdrm. apt. 2 patios, barbeque. Open Sunday-4206 Seuhore Drive Call or come mee Dave Osburn CLIFF HA VEN VIEW BeauqfuJ new 2 bedroom and den home with 21 ~ baths, 2 fireplaces and many other out.standing fea· lure., auch u fully carpeted. built-in cooking faclli- tie. and many more. $29;750, good terms. Aak for Bill Fanmvorth FAMILY HOUSE All the above homea are exclusive with us, and we are so proud of them we would like you to see each one.(Remember. we are the developers of Lido l.sle, Come to Headqu&rten. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 Yia lido, harbor 1500 for a family of 4 to 6. That'• the impreeaion we have of thia home. A family room with a fireplace and barbclllfue for the evenings. A living room with a fireplace. Beeldea this 3 bedrooDlB and 1 ~~ bath•. .Mk for Bill Meaeenger p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. eout highway -liberty 8-M73 Houston Values WALKJNO DISTANCE to Down- town ('OJtta M t'M. l.OVEr.Y 2 br . 11-s yr•. youn1o:. Hdwtf. flr11 . t1lr lcil . gar. Ste rn1vrtf, n1r~tf • llt'W,.n In. A """I buv 11t S!I 9:\0 Only 11,000 tfn A r.-al VlllUf'. Own,.r movtnii: tn c1 .. nt1aJ11 .. mul'lt .... 11. \\'f: HA VP: ~ PIF.C'"E8 nf C'hol!'" M· 1 prn~r1y Onn't f111I tn ,.,,. u,,.,.,. ~r. l,,,.1111nn11 A """"" ns.thl 1·111Sx2/ln ON 8UPF:RJOR, n,.u n,.w lt"hrnt lnr11t1on fnr nnl) $10 ~00 2·11~• x 17:\ ON !':l P~~RIOR. nur 171h St. 1il.1l h lari:-,. I br. hom• ph111 rm. fnr 11hnr~ On •-,.r. ~12 !IM, v. llh lnw t1nwn !l·i '• Al'RP:~ In fut irrnWln.,; In· 'lll•tr'llll ,.,.,.,. .IU•t I hlk nf! !"l'WJ'lll t Blvtl IA'IUI than ..... 000 • AC-RES BAC"K RAY' S.au11r111 rolllnic 111.nd wtth v ll'w of mt.a A fl'lll bll1 Ill J:t,()00 IUI aeTI' LOVP.:t.T 3 BR H OM'l'.: on I!:. llUI Bil. In ovt'n 6 ran11:f', l{llrb dl-i>. ~ .. wu ln. pa Vf'tl patio, dble. car Only 13.000 do•·n. 58,000 F'tJLL PRJCT. " acre "'ar golf rourv with 1 br hom r !\(>nm I" bulk! add unit.II A rHI buy. 8ff thl• quirk Low dnwn Houston Realty Co. & A SSOCIATES -MlO C,.nt~r SL t.r s .-.1111 w 11.1;s • P'or Evl'. lnfnrm1111nn r•ll - Lytlf' Lt 8-2~42 &-nner-H•r 141 \ p,.tlt te W 8·:04117 S•vmour Jiu :•211~\\' . Lido Island Open House. Sal. It Sun. 12-5 126 \·ia TriCBt e TWO 81-~llROOM. 2 balh howl«', l y r. old Built In Thl'rmadnr ov.-n le 1lovf' O\:Lll'lll tor HJ·Fl L&nd· 1r11~1l 4 rl0<1r• fmm Club Hou.u Ol'Ar 1"nnl11 t·ourta Excellf'nl tin11nr1n.,;, n :. ';':,() FOUR THAT WILL GO! on Balboa Island "ONE FOR THE MONEY" .•. Darling, little mod- em 2 bdrm. home. Good c?m~r location with room to build anothf'T' unil Fireplace. beamed ceilinga, and nicely furnished. An exceptional value $18,750 "TWO FOR THE SHOW" • . . And loaded with CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round !iv· ing. Beamed cf'ilinp, huge roomA, ,rand patio ~th BBQ. Two bdnn8, two bath11. Completely furnished ·-····· -·-·... .. . ... $29.500 ''THREE TO GET SET" . . . For summer living, that ia! A good two bdrm. home located h&lf-blk to beach and cl086 lo viUage. Fumlsbed. An ex- cellenl value ....... .. .. .. . $20,000 "FOUR TO GO" ••• A glue fronted modem• bdrm. RA YFRONT home, grand kitchen, bkft. bar, patio with BBQ. F A. heat. two balha. PLUS 1 bdrm. view apt. Both furnished. Terrific buy at $4~.000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa l8land Harbor 4 781 BEST BUY BACK BAY + J UST BEING COMPLETED ._ Wonderfully Planned Home -Check Some Features A -3 l&J"Ge bdrms., 2 with Mr. and Mrw. cloeet.a B • 2 tiled. heated bat.ha, glue enclosed doors. C • Hot Point electric kite.hen... Stove & oven built in. Diabwuher. diapoal, exhawrt. fan, cup- boards galore. Flniahed in nat 'l uh. Large brcakfa.&t area. D -Luge li\•ing room, fireplace. Arcadia atidlnr doora o~ning onto cement patio. E • Big sE'n '1c-e porch, cupboards, plumbed tor washer. F • Hwd. firs. Forcer air Thenno h eat. Entry hall. G • 20x.20 att.'lched garage with electric door. Thu1 bargain only $24.500 -aultable terma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SA.LES -LOANS -Bun.DERS N h 1857 Newport Ave , cosi. Mesa ewport Heig ts , Uberty s-16J2 L."berty &-Hoo Evea. OJ)('n House. SaL & Sun, 12-5 ----------------------400 Kings Place WP: HA VF: • bf'lUt\•, 2 br . arut drn Wllh 111 bath,. 11mr and 'J'Utce v. 111 not pt'rm1t u' to tf'U \'Oii a ll t ht-ftlll' thln1'• abollt lh1t tHoirnUftll h orn• F'l'J,l. PRIC'~: 128,,00, TERMS $23,500 LIDO BEST BUY $23,500 218 Via Palermo -Open Daily 1 to 4 I Open House Every A~ernoon 706 Larkspur Corona del Mar HERE'S A DANDY lltll,. 2 bdnn with tlrepl•c• on R-2 le>t. Obi•. prag11 la dl'lllp-" to bu11'1 In- come unit above. PricP"lt t n Nll fut and only '2.~ down. Nothing Like it J UST TAKE A LOOK at ~30 Klng11 Rd., Cliff Havrn. There'• nolhlnp; to c:omp•r• w ith thla out11t&nd- ln11: 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Fea- ture• g11lore, a nd It'• uotfuprll'ed at 122,7~0. Xlnl l!"rma. Ca ll Harbor 2042 n •)'W tor appl Builders Special TWO LEVEL R·:I LOT S ON HA VEN PLAC"I!:, 11000 EACH Frank James Linwood Vick REALTORS C. ll. RUM, Wm. 0 . Bclu'llldt, .A..oc: 112 Karine An , Balboa b land Harbor 2042 Dividend paying Real Estate CORONA DEL MAR OUTSTANDING TRJPLEX. So. or Hwy. on Marlt'\Jtirl\e. 8pacl<>u• 2 br . Wlt.h flrt'place. 2 l.11"1'1y 1 br aplA V iew of o<"f'an from aun dKk 6 patio. T"r1pl• p r. ltxtra l•undry rm . CQmph1tPly rum . Utt.000. lt'rma F"11lly rfll\lf'd, an clLl I to 11ee. TWlN DUPLEXE8-I f\IU lot• & excell•nt 2 ~. apta., ee('h with own t lrepl.ac•. hdwd. n oor• • r-ar&«•· 129!1 . .chtduled monthly Income. Full pr. $27,llOO, for ILl l "·000 down. CLIFF HAVEN 2 SPAClOt;S I bdrm •Pt.a for home and lncomtt, FHA loan '7t" mo. lnc:lud .. Ina. 6 lut'• O~r •Id• n-nted U 7 60 m onlh. F'. P J 19 000 I not lt!lffhold I Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2604 N•.....,ort 8 1vd., Nl'wport lkh 1C&a1 Pvkinr Harbor 4tl0 38<'40 REAL VALUES HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS "ART" ADAIR Two bedroom with two batha on •5 ft. lot COMPARE THJS l BR. HOMI: 18 mo. old. L&r'e room•. Ule kJtcben and bath. Extra le.rii:• lot with t fL red· w ood f,.nre enclollinl' back yard. 19.6<>t wttb nry u.ay dft. pymt. Newport Bl\'d. 11.t 30th St .. Ne,wport Beach ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE with the income f rom this excellent property located In choice renl&l district. Just 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 un1lJI -a new duplex and a 5-room house on 2 Iota. 2 unita are furnished and rented on yearly buia. Owner's home available now. Three ga.ragee on aJtey. Pre!!Cnt income can be aublit.an- tially lncreued.. SS000 will handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR 3113 Newport BlYd .. Newport. Bearh Hubor 1013 VOGEL VALUE YOU'LL NE\'ER KNOW-How much you can buy ON LIDO -For only $24.950 with a 11mall doWn payment until you let u. ahow you thia 3 bdrm., 2 bath Rancho Beauty. VOGEL CO. Mam Office. 3201 Cout Highway, Newport Beach ' Liberty 8-3481 REALTOR l~ Newport Blvd , Qo9ta Mesa t.rtworty 8-3792. ------- BAYSHORES CHARM I NO I br . knou1 pint lnt..,1nr, hre. h v. nn, rompacl klL w/btd~l. bar. rr.t·s 1~ ... ir-t. rm. ovu S'llr. I ratlna, '21.~ BACK BAT BEA trnr ;'L • br. w d•n. t nrP"- ptau •. View. AU.Ins pr. S32.:io<> RUSTIC RAJl:CH HOGSE on , acre w /vll'v.·. I br . 11M'1I bnrk n .... place. din. rm , ptillo, room tor ho..-a. 122.~. l ACRll &ickte rancb W/ld:rit. I br. bo,.., Good k>eeuon. ltstab- Utlled f'O'I t M . Claire Van Hom RJl!ALTOR 1731 W. COM\ Hwy. LJ M277 ----------- Need Larger Home MUST SELL nearly "ew 3 bdrm hOUH, IAJT!' ce>mer lot. Hwd. noon lhruout. flr.plaet. Patio I.a endn8ed 3 ••du. DRJVlt B T 2221 Santa Ana A ''" , Coet• MMA. Ph. ownf'r LI l ·'Tl3C. 13~ --.JI 2 1 '2 yr. old charming home and large •unny palio- WJTH any home with 80 many feature• at anywhere near thla price on Beautiful Lido !ale. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Phone Hu. 4718 Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Open House Sat. & Sun. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. 2316 Pacific Drive I Drive to end of Acacia It tum left) DELIGHTF1..1l . 2 bdrm. A den. l Ui b&lh home - Some ocean & bay vi~. W to W carpet.inc, custom drapea. Color bath fixtw-e., bandy ldtcbea. oosy den. Service pol'<'h,1 beautiful cyclone fenced yard. Room to add extra bdrm. It bath or income. Reduced to $21,500 to eell! THE VOGEL CO. f66i E Coast Bwy., Corona del Jlar Har 17'1·1477 How About This 11, ACRES with UMUrpuaed ocean vttw. Thla P!"OP4!rtY hu ~rriflo poulblUUea for lncomt development and la ll)('altd nttar larr• prop<Mled In dustrial dev .. lopmtnt. Hu a two br. hnll• 6 • du~-x nearl7 ttnla.hed • room for at ll'&at t moni unit.I - Only I Ul,000 -11 ~ Down' B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mt• Phone Ll 8-1172 111\oea. LJ l-Ml7 Corona del Mar DRIV& 8LOWLT BT I ll .J...Une -look -~ uaat tr.hly ,.unt..ed J bdrm.. home wtlh hwd. floorw a.nd pnce. THgr( c&ll 0 . N. WELL8 at Uberty 8-1801 °'" your taY«ll• Mtaltlp&. Llrtlns Mook• ,_ M 8fJP atr&a•L 18cJt For sale by OWner DUPLEX oe R.-J lot.. tu • eu J._llle, Corona del Mar. Pr1~ rtpt. Call Rar. •a.a t.tt.r t P.llL. • .... ,_, • 12'p4A ' 1 ON LIDO ISLE Open House - 1 to 4 p. m. 339 LIDO SOUD '.This gorgeous 3 bdrm., 2 bath furnished home OY~ looking beautiful Lido Bay haa a Pier It Slip and aa extra large encloeed yard. A real famil,y bOIM for $49,:SOO * * * * AS YOU LIKE IT! Clever : captivating ; this charming two bdrm. fUr& home with ita used brick fireplace, udar cloaeta. beamf"d ceiling, and nice patio, hu plenty of •)'9 appeal. It is already to move into for only Pl.800. * * * * YOUR HOME IS YOU! This dazzling clean two bdrm .. 13~ bath home wtth a nice yard is sure to meet with the approval of every member of your family. Carpet.a, drapes. ds.- posal, and it ia atreeaed for two at.ory for Ju-t $15.MO. * * * * See Us for Lots and Rent.all * * * * BAY & BEACH REALTY 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643 • Hu. 2999.,.... J uat to the right of Lido Bridge Ent.ranee BILL'S BEST BLWS NEW 3 bdrm., l '·~ bath under cooat.ructJon., ourbec! & paved street.a. Three block• from downtown. Your choice of floor plane and colon it you aot now. Poaeesaion May l~th Full Price $9 ,000 Only $350 Down 20 NEW 4 bdrm., 1 a~ baths. Some a VII.ii. ln two wks. Colored tropical roofA, ~aragea, FHA financing. More than hall BOid now -Bclte-r Hurry! Full price only $9,750 Down $650 $69.50 mo. iJymta .• incl. prin. int., tax• It lnaur, Eastern Owner Says "SELL NOW!" Drive by 443 Magnolia -(Do not diaturb tenant•) Call u,. for appointment to sec this 3 bdMTI. home. Hwd. Ors .. 2-rar gar. on all<'y. Comp fenced back yd. Outside it's nice -$700 mastic pa.int job -inelde it's a mc-ss! Need.a complete paint JOb. Do it younelt or have it done -t>itht'r way it 'a $2000 under m&J"o ket at $9500. GI 4 ',. loan. $62.50 mo. includN lnter"- eat, t&Jtt'tl -insurance. Submit ttuonable down.. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor and ASSOCIATES "You'U Like Our Friendly Service" 393 E. 17th St .. Costa Meu. Llberty &-1139 HARVEY D. PEASE, REALTOR Balboa Island Bayfront Bargain In lhla 4 bdm1 .. 1-f.itory home you have an exoellent opportuntty l<> buy a 1ww<'r, well built, completely fum1sh<'d property nf attrRctive d<'aign with modem equipped kitchen lnl'luding b1rchwood cabinet.a and tablc·top sto\'e and O\'('n. A dream apt. offcrB choice accommodaliona for your gucl!ts or good rf'ntal inrome if de1urcd.. Lar~e plate glaRS vm1dows aero&~ the fr()nt or the living room afford an ex<'iting and ever changing Yiew of the watr r. Property 1s clear -anrl tn a properly quali(iN! buyer. liberal financing lt'rms <'an b<> arranged . Price $45,000 ISLAND REALTY CO. 49 Park A \'P at AJtRte, BaJbol\ ~l&11d -Harbor 3i7 36c38 WOULD YOU • · . -Bl1Y A \.000 !'MALL H OU!-iE, all fuml11h- e<i, 1n lip top sha1~. <'lose-in Bnlboa, good local.Jon fo r $6.250? ~CRE YO WOULD! We Have 4 of Them-(TWO DUPLEXES) for $25,000 -EZ terms Of course you can't buy thPm one al a time but you can buy all four at one.-. A good deal for flome CJnf' -let ua ahow you. SF:F: Lil:i B. Mr F'arren with - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E . BAiboa Blvd. -Balboa Harbor 3786 or 2517-M THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Farm 80 a.cre9 between C.Osta Mr.sa and Santa Ana. Rady for beans. tomatoe11 or lettuce. '3000 ~ 1 4 'down -Bargain Buy r'' 129x474, all M·l Zone, PIM:entia Ave. Wlll-.. fa. lO years. Submit t.emui. $1500 dn. 3 bdrm., 2 bath ranch 11tyle new home. Stove A oven built in. Used brick F P. Unit beat. Hwd. fin. Panelling in living room. 60xlt0 tt., lot. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDER.a 1M7 Newport .Ave .. Cowl.a M.eaa tJbwt.7 8-1632 Llberty l-14i00 m.... I \ -C' 'llfOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" moMAS "C'' THOMAS BA YSHORES VIEW HOME An unot.tructed view of the Bay la only one of the many attractive features of this 2 bdrm. & convert- ible den home on Bayahore Dr. It bu an entrance ball, 1pa.cloua room.a, fireplace In liv. room & ma- hogany paneled den, J'. A. heat, deep cedar-lined wardrobea, 2* baths, de luxe kitchen with dUlh· wuher, calcinator & extra bar 1ink, 2 patio•, 1 with fireplace It grill, large 2 car gange & dreuing room for bathen. A. beautiful home for the deecrimlnat· tnr buyer. $48,000 * * * * * Home and Business Property 100 ft. soned C-2 juat 1 block from 17th It Newport Blvd. Fine 2 bdrm. home only 7 yrs. old. Property hu excellent pouibilitiea for many typee of bueineu. INVESTIGATE! $19,750 -Terma * * * * * CLIFF HAVEN Excellent family home -3 bdrma. large rumpus rm. with flreplace -Hdwd. floona -Bay window in llv· Inc room -lovely fenced yard -Good location. $16,500 * * * * * lee Us for 2 & 3 Bedroom Summer Rentalis in Bayshores "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22• W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Llbe.rty 8-6527 .. <:• THOMAS "C"' THOMAS "C" THOMAS .,C" THOMAS CONSIDER THESE They're Beautiful Properties and Well Worth Seeing (l) View of jetty. One of the fineet home. on ouan front. 3 BR. and den. Illness force. eate. (2) Lido la!ile. Beautifully built and decorated 3 BR .. 2 tile batha. Large walled patio. Every- thing for gracloua living. $31,500. Temui. (3) Bay view at inaide price. Very attractive 3 BR. 1 ~• batha. Nicely furniabed in rattan. 21" TV. 2 patloe. $27,500. ( 4) 6 month• old duplex in Coat.a MeaL 2 BR. each aide. Nice patio. $17,250. Only $3500 down. U5) Triplex. l BR. each. Very clean and well lout· ed. $21,500. Terma. (6) Bay front 3 BR. and den, 3~ bath•. Beaull· fully furnished. Total price $69,750. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES lt50!5 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on comer lot 3 bdrm .. 3 bath home, tmmacula~ly and comple~ ty fum1.Shed Including deep freeze, wuhing machllle. TV, linens, blanketa, diaht>a Ir Bilverware. No phone Information. Shown by appointment only. Full Price S39.:>oo. ALSO 2 bdnn .. 2 bath plua ru•t room immaculately &.lid completely fuml.ebed auch u dishes, allve.rware. TV. Expensively carpeted and draped. Clever land8Cap- ing. Large corner loL Full price - $32,500 -Terma. For pre,·iew ahowinp, call Harbor 1600 - ( Evn. Llberty 8~) BAY AND BEACH REALTY~REALTORS BALBOA ISLAND On Little Island -A home that ia really different. Deelgned and built by Ellerbroek. 4 bdrm.I., 3 bathe. Very atlracUve living room, unU11ual fireplace. Kit- chen alt elec., with built-in BBQ. Owner will mab terma attractive to qualified buyer. Unfum. except for all appliances. $45,000. BALBOA -BAY AVE. R-2 Lot. Good location. Firm Price -$8500 caah. . * * * * NEWPORT BEACH Ocean Front -$12,800. Cute beach cottage. Lota of yard. Wonderful beach. Only $4000 down. * * * * Close to Ocean -Small beach hoU11e. Neat u a pin. Partly furn. Full price $8500. NEWPORT ISLAND -EXCLOSIVE Income -Plu1 nica home,· clo.e to beach. 2 bdrm. home, newly decorated, nicely located with 1 bdrm. apt. for income, Full price $16,500. BALBOA -INCOME 9 Unit.a -ShoWI xlnt. income, furn., private patioe, plua add'l vacant lot, room for 4 more units. Near Grammar School -$74,000. BALBOA -OCEAN FRONT Wonderful home for large family -2 apacloWI liv· ing rooms, 2 firepl&ee11. 4 bdrms .. 3 ~ ~ baths, beauU· ful gla.u enclosed patio. Illness forces ea.le. Asking $35,000. Terna to 1uit buyer. BAYFRONTS BAY AVE. -62' Corner lot. Pier & alip. 3 bdrms. plue maid'• room, 3 baths. Nicely landlcaped patio. TbiJI home wu designed by Neutra and la one of the finest homes in the Harbor AreL Shown by app't. Partially furn. $125,000. EXCLUSIVE * * * * . BAY A VE. -Sandy Beach. 5 bdrm. home, recent· ly decorated, 2 fireplaces. -$60,000. * * * * LIDO -3 bdrm., 2 bathe, pier & 1llp. Furnished. $49,500 -Tenna. * * * * ALSO ON LIDO -2 bdrm. Ir dr.n. Pier le float. Large attractive living room, full dining room. Reduced to $49,500. Submit on tenna. BALBOA PENINSULA 3 bd.nm., l i,? bath home, with nice paUo walled for privacy. Excel. value. Full price $16,9~. * * * * 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Hwd. parquet floor thruout. Nice kitchen. fireplace, F. A. heat.. lot.a of cloaetl. Cloee to Jetty. $19,500. Lown dn. pymt. will handle. * * * * Owner ha.s moved inland and iJI a.nxtou.e to eell nice- ly furnished ultra modem home on large lot near bathini beach. 3 bdrm.a., 2 bat.ha, Full price $21,500 -$5000 will handle. BAY & BEACH REALTY H50 WEST BALBOA BLVD. FOR EVENING rNFORMATION CALL: T. Cox -LI 8-7237 N. Martin -LI 8-1774 W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E . B. Cbue -Har. 2762-J HARBOR 1264 Katherine Olaon -Har. 4134 Gloden Fay -Har. 18M APRIL 13 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE I f . '· Balboa Island MOOR YOUR SO.FT. boat to your 01tt'n private pier and float in front of thil delightful 4 bdrm. "Uttle · Island" Balboan-Engliab home. Price about $78,000. FOUR BEDROOM, l l-'.1 bath home nt'ar South Bay. Large lfvtng room. All on one floor. Drastically re- duced. Price $26,500 """"'.' $7.500 handlt's. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, large living rm., nicely furn. home. Ready to move in at $21,500. NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent hoUAe bdrm., plua three othel"I, 3 bit.ha, apotleu. $26,roQ. CUTE, CLEAN, DELIGHTFUL vacation home. 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. Patio, den. Charming. $1:5,750. Sub- mit your down payment. Balboa Island Income TWO older unit.a ne&? South Bay. Good tncom& Submit down. Prtce $14,900. FIRST OFFERING of thia outstanding South Bay home. Designed for immediat~ convenion (close 1 door) to two unit.. Perfect buy for uecutlve ~ taxation and tax relief. Two living rooma, fireplace, 0 bdrms., 3 bat.ha, 2 kltcheu.. Price about. $65,000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyoua Uvtnr room, large dining room ln main unit. Priced con· servativety at $35,000. QUALITY INCOME. f bdrm. furn. home with IJ. lovely gar. apt. Fairly clo1e t.o village cent.er, 0. signed for year round Jiving. $33,500. Term.a. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA Y'S 1uperior home.. 4 bd.nu.. 3 baths. Abeolutely exceptional Uvinc room, fenoecl yard. -$32,000. BAY SHORES WE SPECI.AL.IZE -Connlt U1 for excluaift, dealrable home,. CALL HARBOR 177S EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS -2 - 25 M_arine_Ave_., Bal_boa I_aland_. -- "You'll Want It" Ocean Front! PENINSULA LOCATION. Vkw ot boat ac tivity. 2 bedroom.t. double ,..,..,. tncludln1 nice ~&ch 1hower. TerTlllo petlo. Brit poulble valu•. 118.600, completely ruml•h~d. West Ocean Front! I BEDROOM HOME, P'UltN. !!lea. Ibo... colony but ocun front Jocatton. lArJ• Uvln1t room. vut..<t h.M\ &nd lovely tlreplaee. • mont.M old and only na.ooo. Peninsula Duplex! I BEDROOMS • T'WO BA THB lN EACH U'NlT. l"\lmlahed and In ,.ooct condition Large romu lot and nice patio. Swrll ft>r home ••Ith Income or for not.ala only Szt.7:>0, $8,iOO down. Balboa Duplex ! CLOSE TO BAY ANO OCEA~ I ~room• and the uppu ta tuml•tltd. Hu room tor one more Wilt and I garagu . Lower hu ~ eoniplftely modtml-4. 111.500 and c-ood term•. Bay Front Home ! 1 KDROOMa • a~ B.Ams. PullllJIUI& location Very r ood eOfldltlou and bu pltr r1pta. SH ~. • . · GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. Whe.n you ln1pcct lheee model bomee, you will note tbey Include eve ry comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that l"e8ult.ed in thia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace famllies for many years. Permanent reatrictiON guarantee you will alwaya be proud o! your home here. To the home buyer who wiahe. to purcbue in the $22,000 to sas.ooo clue we alncerely recommend the I rvine Elrt.atet1 overlooklng Newport Harbor. Irvine T~rrace ls located on Cout HJghway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Barbor 4448 For Further lnformatJon * For !UcommendatJ on, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuebold FAt.ate in Irvine Terrace. CLIFF HAVEN A Million lights GUSTEN UKBI DIAMONDS from thlA nearly new etiaki> r()Of C.pt Cod view horn• wtth 3 large bed· mom•. 2l? bat.ha. 2 uHd brtck fln•plllcel. bullt In kltChf'n l'Vllt 11.:vrr"y luitury llt'm you dul,.. U. II\ U\.11 2400 IMfU&,.. fMt mut•r- plf'C'e ot a rchltecl1lral dHlttn and con1l,njcUon. Priced below r.. produeUoa coet a \ Ut.T&O la· ch.ldlna wall to w&ll e&TJ»l.a and dra~•· • • • Artistic Moderne A R \;STJC I.bat I• dltftttnL You'll be dell&hted wit.ht.be non l t~at· m,.nt comblll~ with the f1&DO- llon1I cha.r1ctf'r ot thle lllritf uir,.• bedroom, 1 '-l>AOI tv>mt when you eee It, for htt"e iJI a Top Udo ~ ready to be moved Into for $24.2~ full prta.. 3 bedrooms and 2 bat.ha. compl~ly ful"Dbhed right down to a deep freeze, wuber and dryer. Il'B on a wonderful atreet a 1tep away from the beach. St~t to at~ lot. Mo.i p&tutn1 Inter· lor with & briclt flrepl~ and open plan. A ver'l&lile home, It can be a floe famUy home Cor year round Uvtnc, or t.b• perfect ..umftler home, or buy tt for tncome -Ceumme.r renta ahead). We can work out • .-aeat tum. tor you. J:xclu.ain with ua. LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (A.CROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) wllh llf'p&nl• dlnlnr room, co•· ---------------------ered IAll&t and pauo-br~y to rxtra lar11:1 pr~-vtry• '"h lnc that •rt"ll.a quality, dutin &11d rennemtont '24.9~. • • • COSTA MESA Feel Like Falling IN LOVIC AOAJ!ll? Here .. your chan<'t'I C:hArmtns famJly hom• or 3 tld rm•~ l I,. b41 l.b.I. CT\.sp eolor eic:hfma lhrouKboot. Mod."tn di )' llvlnK "'1th itn,~• t,.nc- 4!<1 ~l111. nrtpla.cor. bu kJtdlm, f orctll 1lr llt• l. parquet rtoc-n. 1:arbar• dl•J)O<lal. 2 cu pr~•­ unequale<J nJue at 112.0001 IMPORT ANT INFORMATION for someone wanting a beautiful home in Balboa at a right price- 1. 40·ft.. lot on Balboa Penlntrula mOtrt beaut. ltreet. 2. 3 lov~ly bdrma. -2 with ocean vfow. 3. 3 baths -2 aho'tffn. f . Large beamed wling Uvins room look.lq oat on a terrific patJo. '5. Full al.zed dining room and nJce kitchen. HARBOR INV~TMENT CO .• REALTORS Peninsula Income! . . . e. Quality built by owner 2 yn. &.co-Thia home h.u o\•eraw.-d beama, tongue 4t JfOOVe floorinc, buy atttJ girdt>r. Rheem F. A. ••a.Ur aoft.mu, etc. 7. Thr~ car dbl atreued 1a.rage plumbed for apt. Newport Blvd. at 30th SL, Newport Beach Corona Del Mar VOGEL VALUE Charming Farm House 2 bdnna .. hwd. noora. firepla.ce. Du~ door, large living room. cedar roof, nice redwood fenced yard. Dbl. garage. taundy. Ocean aide of Hwy. We are proud to abow this nice home tor only $12,750. 4'11 GI Loan THE VOGEL CO. 2e67 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har 1741-1477 BALBOA ISLAND Private P ier It Fl0&t. Cholee North Bay Front. F\rat time offued. Small, 1nl1 built home. $4~,000. DORIS BRAY Nona Hyer Chet Saliabury Harbor 20 -Harbor 64 11s Marine Ave.. Balboa laland $12,000 First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. -Oean u a whistle." Panelled Uving room and small dblinr room, carpeted wall to wall, rood ldtchen, bnak!ut apace and eervice porch. Ample cupboardl 6 atorage apace. Overtu.ed 2-ca.r ranee. Nie. en· cJoeed patio. MOit convenimt comer location. 2 blb. from Qty Hall, Newport 8Mch. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor !113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1013 2 Ir 1 BIWROOM.s ON O!\-Z LEVEL. ·2 btdroom apt . In rear 6 1 Mdroom 1pL In tronL N'lc• •tucco pro1>4"rty and a 2 car iaral'e. 8urel7 • pmu·nd !'Piil· aJ 1oca t1on. u s.m &11d rood term•. Newport Heights ! 2 BEDROOM STUCCO HOME WITH O\JlilST ROOM A BAnt. 1411.18 llvtnr room. n oor t11rnace "Id nice patio. A good value at $13.fOO and t1rm1. Balboa Realty Co. RoA Orul~ Al Cornellu1 ltd U e Jack Plnkha.m Joefphln• Webb 700 E . Ba.Ibo& Bl't'd., Balboa Phone RaJ1>or 1277. BEST TWO UNITS IN C. D.M. LOCATTON -N_,. JU1ft 8-eb- Walltlnr '111.aa~J - Fl\ONT-2 bodroom home. R.EAft-2 bedroom -wUll atra S\lelt room • ~ bath. 0 . IC dlaltwuheT. ~ PATJ0-2 CU' J1IZ9C' ~ $27.SOO Full ~ce l:XCLU&IVll WM'B- F. C. Andresen Realtor U•S It. Cout Hwy.-t Man e-old Corona ct.I Mar Barbor 1~40 85' View 001\0NA BJQBLANDe .,.., I Wra. I MU.. famU7 roam. I ..,. ,.,.... A car port. ~ lot. La.n&lcap«"d • fene«!. OWftu 4M Ca.brtUo Te~ Ooroaa Hl6hl&11~ UP40 VOGEL CO. Balboa Island Office BUSINESS PROPERTY-$32,000 investment buy1 a grose income of $5700 yearly. BOAT ANCHORAGE -Fully equlpt. Terrific Opportunity. HOME AND INCOME with eome view ot bay. Completely furniahed. $3500 bandlea. F'or evening ln!ormation phone Harbor 3059·M. SEE US for eeveral extra specially flne BAYJ'RONT RENTALS. VOGEL CO. 208 Martne Ave., B&lboa Island Harbor 444 IT ISN'T DONE WITH MIRRORS But here IS the impoasible. A 2 bdtm. home. hwd. floors, firep1a.ce.. best. location, cute u cao be. Lo- cated on a tot 60 x 118, nicely fenced, room for pool a.nd lot.a of gardening. South o! Hwy. within splttin' distance or Little Corona. No e&lla, pleaae. j un come and take a look. Exluaive "''1th R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3422 E. Coaet Hwy .. Coron.a de1 Mar Bar 277t VOGEL VALUE-NEWPORT HEIGHTS Pride in Ownership -Loce~ on quiet, beauUful street among other qu.allty bome.. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 bath home with gl&.18 dool'I from livins room to a truly lovely patio and prtn.te back Jard. Pleue Mt th.Im at Pl,9!50. See The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cou t Hicbway, Newport Bea.ch U 8-3'81 ' To a Small Boy HOME IS J UST A FU..LJNG 81'.A.TlON, but t.o Mom uid Oed It '• much mor.-Jitre l1 w ch • homll that offf'Tll •wryUl!ni and only • hop, lkip and Jump t.o 8. StrictJy a buuutul qu&llty bome fot '29.~. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., NpL Bc h. Liberty 8-3481 1hoppln1t center &11d .cllool. T--------------------- It h• nn rly new and bu 3 bed· room• aod nrep1-.. Prtee! S I09~0. wtUI aaw, low ..,__ Bay & Beach Realty 111110 N ev.1>0rt Blvd. C..:llAlA M etil, Ctlllf, I..Ibe'rty 8-11'1. It.-. u •·3161 Here's a Beach Home AS Cl.;TE • CLF:A.."J u lhe rro· vubl&J bur'• url 1 bdrm.. UYlllf rm., kltchm, Jlllrtl)' rum.. l1rr;e front encloeed paUo. Dbl• S'I' a.nd only t 8.&00 Balboa Trip lex 4 BDRM.. HOU&.£. 2 bdrTD. and • l bdrm. •PL. all f\&m.. J'\Mt • f~w 1tep1 trom l.be S.y. Oii• of tbe but rmtal MCtlon• ln Balboa Now Available - TWO VF.RY BEAUT1Fl'L. butld· Inf •tH 08 tM P'omt. Coast Properties Co. 1101 E . Balboa Blvd . Balboa Harbor JIOI,, W1 aBd 4to0. LIDO ISLE llT OWHD -*A l9l -...,_ tollnMILl ..... I .... ..._.. w.n .. ..a ...., ...... .....a b1 rcb • kJ tchtn. bout· In llt.OT•, ti.II It rarb. ~ ru.u J>"°9 - IH.000. Hu. Ith. !kit 100°/o INCREASE IN SALES I More than a Milllon Dollart Ln MaJUple Uat.tnc saJea during t.he month of March 1 $1,147 ,061 .00 Comparro to $57A.305 00 for Marrh or lut yeu. In BUYING or SELLl'iG lt('4) your MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE Membtr ''' NEWPORT JU.R.BOR BOARD OF REALTORS J'OR THE FAMILY THAT NEEDS ~fORB ROOK 3 bdrm. born• ov 60·ft. lot m CoAt& MC11a., furnillhed or unfuml11bed. Only $2000 down. IN OORONA. DEL KAR -One of the moat attrac- tive bou.ea you ever 1aw -livtng room 13 • 18 and a din.inc room approldm.at.dy 9 x 11. I...us• aingl• prage. Pr1ce S 11,900. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realton M.wt.Jple u.ting Bualneu Broken uss E. Cout e..,. .. Col'OD& d.tl Mar Harlf' m2 ~100 "'"."'' WITH SALLIE April 14, 1956 A ctually, If you were to pick up a rock and throw It In tht-direction of the Fire Station "·hile you 8tood In our t::&st parking lot •• the rock would probably land la either of thrM very lntrlgu- ln~ llhow windows of thJ'efl \'ery out8tandlnJt 8 b o p • that ha,·e f'ntered our Lido fo'd , •• I'm aNumlng that your ahn lH as· bad u mlae and your rock would not end up in a fire tl'Uek. bot ntht1r lurch to the left a few feet . . • If I told you the three shops were 011 Vl:a ~ you'd be comp&ete- ly ln the dark ••• So u you park yoar car tomonow, flnd the fire at&doa. look to the lflft and there you will ftDd Vta Malaga, flaaked by I.A Reine, ''I' OGJll Set. lmut Set, FublOll8" ••. Malap lmpor1a, Ltd ••• Harbor 'l'r'anl ~y ••• Malaga lmporta, Ltd., own- ed by Don Creighton, A.I.A_ decorator of Lo• Angeles, with Bonita WU.On. u bi.a u-~~· dOCl&te, ia one of thoee little gem. where you c.a.n find any- thing you wa.nt for your own home or anybody W-, but differently! I might add ••. you will not pt.y any mor-. it ~IC;x)lCill you pure.hue a Ng, l<>un«e chair or bedroom Mt through an A.I.A_ decorator and you will have the benefit of b.ia college degreee in food ta.ate, llne and design to help you • make your aelectiona ••. La Relne .•. ~ from thtt Frf'ncb meaaa The QllN'D •• , Lorra!a J>MW. ownt>r of La Rein~, .U.. to do J11ttt that! Makti you look Uk,. onf' ! ... SIMI bu aa ee- 1w-cia.Uy fun-lovhait l1'0VP of pedal puhel"'8, •llm llma. blou~ and •kin&. 9Cream- 1Dl to bf. won riitbt now .• Harbor Travel Agency ... AlrlineA, Stcam11h iPf1, CnlleN, 'l'ouns. Re1i0ru ... Jun Her- ll'Wl and Betty McCullough ~wnera . . . 0( COUM!e I don't know wh y anyone want. to lca\•e our beautiful New· port Harbor, but should the tra\lel bug bile you for either buaineu <•r pleasure, Harbor Travel Agency Is your dl.b of t• .. A Dol Tac lit a ..,..... of ldeatif it'attoo. to be Hag by a chain around the Dedl. .rt.t or anJd41 of mea. w~ ._ ud chllclrM ••• Yo. may pot C'ID4' ot1 your d~'• 1*'1' " you nh ! ~bt MW Offidal CtvU DdfODM ldMttfk:aUo• rac. l"&D be pUl'C'tuwted for %.so th:reqh thf' C'OOfM"r"&Uoe of Pet Milk Compu ~· wtth the Ff'deral CMI Deft'·Dllll Admlni8t,.... tion .. l 'ou'll tJeep with moftl ~of mind on thf' l>Niob If you h&\'t' a Doit Ta1t on f'M'h of ~our iunall fry. Form" for ol'ftrlng ea.a be found at thf' IAhh~· llt!'play. If your face gets red wben l mention that tht-Ch1tmber of Commerce M t>mbership dnvc as on ... hop t o t he tcte. phone and join ... f>Qn't be a n outi11d <'r. be one of the gang ... How haR your Cham- b<-r of Comme rct> broug ht I a bout such t'\·enlJI RS the ln-~~:'i ternationaJ Crew Rae<111, the E nscnada Y::icht Race ... to put Nt'wport Harbor on the mAf'· Internationally" ... W11 h t ht> money you pay in each w ar in the form of dues! • . . ': ou and you a.nd you . . . W<n • .... ~­ togE'lhcr are your Chamber of ~:;iQC;\~ COmmcrre ... The more yous there are ... The l!trongcr fi- nan~1ally your Chamber of Commerce will be . . . Itwetrt a little piece in Newport Har- bor . , , that place you chose to set up bu8ineM In ! , RH-hard'• Udo Mar\et. TAK'E THE HELM of your , 00.\STAL SHOPPER -APRIL lS. 1955 BRAND NA~IES DA\'( I I April 13 a good Brand •- your ~t ~a.rant~ • • • I _1 CHAMBER of COMMERCE MEMBERSHIP WEEK APRIL 18. 25 .. _ .... __ , _____________________ _ HERE IS WHAT - YOUR IBM MEMBERSHIP CARD IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEANS TO YOU - I . You laavtt &he ee"1ce. of tllh14!ea 11pecilallsecl corana.ltt.. !. You bave a coniprMea.ave Mllftie of lnform.a&toa o• ~ t"'nd11. D-oommerdal deVl!IOJlll14"Dl•, \'ital tecluUcaJ f'eOftomlo data, aJld all paera.I aubjecta -.d r\'.-nta. S. You uv.i ~rHeDtallon before city, •tale and fede.-.1 lf!Cltllattn bedJM. to protH't and advance y our latel'fl9ta. '-Yoa 11n Jol.oecl wfth 800 of roar f..Uow ...,._ for the d vtc ecoaomlo uc1 cult....i advuoeflH!llt of your oommw.Jty, .. wrU .. It'• pret.ectto• Md llMGUftclaUoa. nlESE SERVICES ABE YOURS • USE THEM I M. J . B. Al Ott.de COFFEE MarprlM NUCOA -----IUcb&rd'• Gnea <Jartoa Fretth AA LG. EGGS . Coming to Richard's AMERICA'S l/1111elf MILi COITAllEI! SM the new Todd'• lea.kproot wax· free ~bt milk containena coming to Rich· ard'• this weekend ... Sample re.&l conv~n· iience, the new TWIN-PAK half gallon way, eo uay to U&e -eo connnient to lltore -and poun .10 11mooth a child can do it. Richard's Choice Meats "'T cut If V'U .\ '1'1!"' Vt gflfo b/u • U.S. Choice 1b. 83c 1b .... 79c lb. 25c - dos. 49c Del Monte Garden Show • Baking Suppllea n.ko 8ptt.Aal OOrt (.l 'P 2 2s~ Cake Mix 11 , • _..L ,,,, N~ 11• Pie Crmt Mix ..-. ..... • ...... , ~-,.. 251 Dry M• ,,4-o._ ..._. • ..,_,_. llAJUXO 49' Chocolate !Mr,. 1.1111n.. , .... ma or ra....-. 27' "'°'""' .. cn.. 7_ ·BONE ROAST lb. 43c .. Do10tln9M Ooo4 ... .....,,. 0.iONE ROAST lb. 53c "Help• llok• • 'l'•ti~~ II_,. v. 8. Cbo6cle ...... STEW MEAT - SHORT RIBS lb. 69c •· 29c SLiCID BACON lb. 59c You'll find a Lido lllop Fresh laked Daily TKU~DAY NEWPORT HARBOR· DeHcatessen .._, dO»• 19' FIUrT IAIS . ·--......... AIM Wa-.ta ILed 8ktll CHEDDAR sfte. CHEESE .......... ·-... 1- Po\Mo 6 ror 14t DINNER ROLLS l.Afor'• Lar~• 8U<'t:D 4ae BOLOGNA ... --.............. •~ 1-f'llJDAV .. ~ 52 t APPLE PIE ........... _ ................. .~ rtnw•lo or f'lAA• ~ ~ ..,., 23' RYE BREAD CHEESE WHIZ ..... _: .. 1.1- i.pon.d H&w.U-OOOONt:T '3C 8AT1'ttl>AY .,... P'UW , 3 for 25¢ IEAR <"LAWS CHIPS ·---· .. ~ If ~0-v\ ~-11• LAYEi CAKE Quality Fresh Produce Jl'ucy, AU-Grtttt ASPARAGUS lb.19c ~~~~~~~~~~~~~- G i AP IF RU IT· •~olbb., 39c Handy Helperw °"*'r"CMI 59' TIDE atan' Cl01ox 1,.p11on 29¢ Z-~~pH PAPER 11' NAPKINS w .. Sf'W t:str. ,,.,,., 75' ALL ....... Pk«· A.iAX ,..,. •s.12 ror 23¢ Q-k-k F.lullCI U411114 21' STARCH u .. &. Up~'• TIA • Pantry Pets . .. -.. ···••· '"' 39c "_. ....... &k u.,e-·• a.t \'apta.We °" 2 29' ONION SOUP pq. for ~ w T-*o , Vee .... I, IJe ,....... 29¢ GRAHAMS ---·--· • llJIMll•• 25' 1 ltO DRDSING __ ~ --c tr •••••• onw 2 19' DO• llOOD,....,.. ,. .... ; a........ 25i ••• ,.,. '441 Ubbr·• P'"'1H'lt ur R#f"IJ&r nrt •. ur:' 2 33c BEANS !! for u ... , .• ._., LDtAtt 2 43c BEANS !! for ! 6fJc 1'w ..... '• {'HIC::KES LIVERS I Orden ng tn1truction1t at R1cha.rd'11. Th111 111ervi<'e 111 11pon80red by Richard'" M d Pet Milk Co. m cooperation with th<' l F"edera.I Civil Defen~ Adminu~tr11ll<in . Set> tht Civil Defenae Di&play in our lobby. • • • to flt y~ every need ! Amf'1ica'1 l 'ajqufl F<lod Mart, 11' oaf' of thfl Udo 8hoptt locat~ at the f'•- tnuu•f" t<1 Udo IMf'. NM'- port 8o4'h, Callfomia. l SPt :CIALI t'OB AP&IL lt_ 11 .... llm ' ,• '