HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-04-20 - Newport Harbor News PressI Clrculaffon 21,000 DWaa•ect a. s . NE-W~~PRSSS Newport Beaeh. llalboA. ... blucl. Coro.a del ...... c..... ..... Lagana. Soatla ....... ... Batiqt.oa llMela. Volume "I-N_._ IO Wecl"Mday, April 20, 19M P.RE ·DAWN BURGLAR ON LIDO SHOOTS Off ICER lffl office. Th• Harbor Muter'• Jaunc.hu patrolled ort lhore the Udo Ill• areL Three and one-halt hount after tlle ahooUnr AUred wu found a- board the motor y.cht ··ciarun nu by •kipper George Goldralner. Th11 t"ntry to the craft had bet"n made by breaklnc a window Into the main lounre. The sun battle follo.-ed between poHce and Allred. In all more than a halt do.C. abotl -re tired Into Ule Oter lr'ou.1e. One wU4 bullet ah&tte.~ the radio in th• llvtnr room. A.nolber bullet tore t.hrou(b the wall Of the ballway. Quanutl•• of blood were 111\ed by both otncer T.albot and OMr. For a Um• It waa thourht that yie bandit had bffn I.bot too but 'when arreated he wu 1utfertnr from cold and upoeure and fright but no gun wound• were found. A policeman waa at.ot, • family half a hundred police eearched for tforroriud, and ~ whole of swank the ....&llanL Pollfe were called to lJdo ule tumed Into an armed the home of Ale""Oaer. 112~ VI& GIVE!J 8ELF VP Allred aeked Goldralner to call police and when tho 1urprl•ed boatman did not move fut f'nough Allred hlmult walked to a pay atatlon adjacent to the dock and called police. He wu taken Into CU8lody at gunpoint at the phone camp before da-Monday while LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIArfCES -Houaeho'4 Parta -Dealer -Service UDO ELl:OT&IC J'U Via LUo -ffartM>r nt7 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New a nd und Cant NICIU:K'n 8TUDEBAllE& SalN Service Pa.rte '416 Nf'wport Blvd. -Hu. 1no BANKS llaak of Amenca 1'.'T a SA U44 \'la Udo -Hanor 1616 BA&BER SHOPS UDO MRA \"L'iO MUO la BhhoU'• Stoni for Ilea NU \'la Udo -Harttor IHI BEAUTY PARLORS UDO 8ALON OF BEAGTY .... ~ , ... Opo.u-Har. 16'11 BOOKS BOOK. CASE '411 Via Udo -Harbor UM ()AM.EKAS a Supplies \'INCEST LIDO DRUGS IHI \'la Udo -Hanor IOOI CABPL'TS a DRAPEIUF..8 DICIL MACllLE& Utt \'la Uclo-Hanor 6"1 VATERlNG alCll.ARD·8 UDO MAllKET HU \'ta Udo -Harbor tltl OLOTHING -lie•'• Retail BIDWELL.I' 8BOP FOR ML~ Ul8 \'ta Udo -~ INI CLOTJUNG-W--'• aew UDO fl' A8BJOH8 _.... \'la O .. r&o -...... MU KHADOO<:K•s Ml.I Via U4e -lbnor M11 VAOAJSONP HOU8E lml"" le.I 8portlfl•ear MUI \"la Udo -Harbor l004 DRUU STORES \ l~('Y.ST'l'I UDO DRl'O~ U41 I \ la Udo -Harbc>r IOOS ELt;(]l'RI(; CONTRACTORS 1.11'tl t:LY.C'TKIC' ,,.,. \la Udo -Harbor ~ltl FQ\'NTAIN, GRILL \IM t:;\'r"' UDO URl'<I"' Sltll \ 114 U1ln -l larhor SOOS FKAMt;."4 '* ALBl'MS 1.t.IOIAHOT STl"OIOJ'I 1111 fl \ la I Id•• -llarbor Ul>e t·l K:\ITl HE 1111 h \l ,\C kt:at .;1111 \ '" i 1110 -ltar-bor 4Sl8 Gjt,. ~HOP llH II \ICll' 1.11>0 l\fARKr.T ~: H • .. I 1.1 .. -llarl"><>r '.?11':11 l:S"l lt.\:\( t-: A<.a:sT \\ 11 HI ( k , I ". ;11110 \ ... I.I In -tleroor OU I;\ a't .1UIJU UtA'OIL\TORS Ul.A;\t HI. I-\ l.ht.k!'(U:\ A.1.0 SI 141 \ '" l.ltlu -Harbor 6SSI OH t\ \I \C KJ:R SI lll \ " I Jdn -Harbor U '?ll 11.\l"'l-.lS l(l('HAltll'I" UOO MARKt:T SU.S \"la 1 ... 10 -Harbor 21'1%8 N ~ "-"$UU t.:s Rl<'HARD"~ 1.100 MARKt:T Cnr&&.jtf'll~ Tahlf' A rr11ngf'111f'nll! U» \ la 1.111n -Hub..r tll\!11 PHOTO<rnAPll STl'.DIOS CIF.RHARUT !"T l"OIOl'I Ulfl \"I• IJdo -llarbor Hot ' REAL ESTATE l.IOO Rf:Al.T \" A~,..OClATF..8 U <ln Sale.a A R•nt11l11 • ~ \'la Udo -Hartlor ••« .. ... r~r. lnrnrpnral#4 o ... U-t"<l •• ~' mpL 1US ,;a Ud u -harbor 1600 \'OO!!L ('OMPA.'\'\' M It \'ta Udo -Harbor '9'11 SAVINGS 6' LOAN A8SOC1A TIONS !1;'1:\\'POH BALBOA ~A\"JSGS .. LOA!ll A~SOCIATIO~ I A Sa•lnfl lruUtutlnn Lone Term Hom• Loan11 ... VIA LWo -HartHir UOO SUVICE STATIONS I UDO IUCBFU:LD Mll N_,,ert Nvd-RM . .an IBOl:8 -Mee'• I lllDWll:U.'8 STORE P'OR MEN MJ1 \'la Ude -Hanor tMI Dll!&l'llES UDO TKICA TIU: Qon.Nlt Ulla J>9~r for prornm \'111 Ude .. Newport Blt"d. ~Ill& l'OD UDO TOVJ.A.."1> MU Via Udo -llartior "64 VPBOLSTERING --11.&Cll&& .... &Me_ .......... Lido Soud It ~:26 a.m. where prowler• were reported. Upon a rrival of police ottlcere Bill Talbot and Robert Carter they found Mr. and Mri.. Oser being held at bay by a man with a gun. The man t'ndeavored to WMl Mrs. Oaer Ill! a 11hleld for his escape. He WIUI fired upon by offlct"r Talbot who apparenlly mined. TALBOT SHOT The bandit. later Identified u Wllll&m lo'. Allred. 30. of La Crea· centa. llhot 1nd wounded Talbot In the hand. He subsequently ehot up the entire Oser h01U1e with 11ev· eral wild shots of pollce dol.ng con· 1lderable damag1•. Oacr grappled with lhe gunman anJ hi• hand was badly tom by the teeth of the &"Unman In a hand-to-hand fight. A 1¢ent"ral a larm wu 1ounded. all otr duly pohce of Newp<>r~ Beach were callt"d to work. Radio car1 were dl1patched to lhe area rrom Huntington Beach. Fullerton, Anabelm. Sa.nLa Ana. and Ole llbu· booth. • Entry wu gained to th• Omer home tllrough a window, according Ing to the family. The balldlt ap· parently en.joyed a couple of bot· Ilea of beer before he wu dl• covered by the family who were all In bed. He forced hill way Into the Oaer bedroom and '-l gunpoint forced Mrs. Oser to surrender her rln'• Rml a walch. He frisked a purac on a night stand and Oaer·1 rlolh· u wh~re he round a quanllly of currcn<"y. KNDANOERS WOMAN When police, who had bun ull· ed by Mra. Oser arrived, the gun· man forced her to shield h im . T hbl Is when lhc battle occurrPd bt'· tween OM'r and the bandit Allred. ~tn 8pectaJ ! Pieces 2 ~~::::: •7990 2 BOX 8PB~08 7 yr. Gtmr<Httrr • Qt.olUlf COMfP'llCfiolt a114 Co1,.riflg JU:~TIUTE KA 1'Tllt:8H 8lld •5ato BOX MPR.L'OO, Twta 11bA1 • • • • 7 Pla#tle Coveft'd Helldboard11 fl.96 1900 So. Main SANTA ANA Kl 7· 1150 op.. Fri. & Moll. •t11 ' When captured at the phone booth on Lido Penln1ula near tlle boat "Clareen Il" Allred ltlll had hi• pocket.Al llluffed with money oblalntd at the Oaer home. Allred had parked hi• ur near the Oser home at 112~ Via U do Soud. In It were apparently all ot hia clothet and tboM of a chlld and a woman. Police m &'<>Ing l.J\rourh the car found hla aeamana papers and birth Ct.'rtlflcate. Iden· tltica tlon wu tentatively made of A.llrod'a picture by the Oler .. An all point• broadcul had been die· patched tor hla arrut for anne.d robbery, attempted munler and aHauJt with a deadly weapon be· fore he wu found. McClelland Son Mr. and Mn. George McClel· land, 1932 Anaheim Road. Co1ta Me.a, are pannt1 of a 7 lb., O oz. eon bom April 12. Spring Sale PRICES! "Entrust Your Furs Only With en Expert Furrier" PROTECT Your Preciout FURS Age inst • MOTHS • FIRE • THEFT • HEAT FRIGID COLD FUR STORAGE VAULTS ln OranJte County on Our ~mhws r.=fUR STORAGE SPECIAL=:=;"! CLEAN, GLAZE and 9 FRIGID COLD STORAGE $ 95 for your fun Up to Dec. 15 Mnnlh nf April Only ~. 114.&0 FREE WITH OUR COLD STORAGE e RC'>~Ot:D ~r;~~F.St.t:R l'ICK·l-P • ('OMru;n : IS!Wt:CTI OS Of' 1·01-R COAT e RATT ASISO TO RF.nt!rrRIBl"TT. PCl .T OIL e <'Oi\CBISO ASD RRt !'lffl:"'O ' e OLAZl:"O e MISOK Rlr)4 REPAIRED e IU"T1'0 S S A:'l"D LOOl'S Rt:Pl.ACED All Th11 Pf'f1'0nallud SHvtce Frf'e Of CharJre With E\·cry Fur Coat Or Ntck-pi«f' Slorf't.I Fur Restyling SPECIAL! During Olis slncl< ~rlod we 14111 Tf'lllyle your outmodt"<I fur co11t Into a 1msrt STOLE or CLUTCH CAPE F' Or Tltf'I ~Pf'<'. Off IYaionn Pn~ or s59so CALL NOW FOR tT1l ~TOR AOE PICK·UP rr0tnpl : Bondf'd: !\t'""w-nin Ndl-np !llf'n1re KIMBERLY 2-0652 IRING YOUR FURS TO US Gin• thf'ID the IM-adlt of SCIENTU1C dry, cold·alr §torace wlN'rt a staff of Mlperb craf~a ~· t-.. the care tt~y dftr.erve. SANTA ANA FUR co. 308 North lroadway J File Trust Deed Oil Complaint SANTA ANA -COCN8) -A complaJnt to foreclo.te a trwit deed wu filed in Superior Court here Monday by David K. J onu and Francia L. Jonu apirurt Richard P. Wllaon. Mina M . Wlllon, Oeorre C. Atha, Gladys R. At.ha and the Security Finl National Bank of Loa Anfele1. The pl.alnd ffa uaert the defend· ants executed a proml110ry note to them. aecllrt'd by a trust deed, on a piece or HunUngton Beach prop· erty. The agret"rnent waa made Ff'b. 3, l 9M, accordlnr to the plain· tlff11. The plalnUtf1 claim the defend· ants have actM contrary t o tenn• of the alleged deal a nd have re- moved fences. patio, bllrbecue. ahrubs an4 flower• and have u· cavated 1n connt>ctlon wllh an oil well 1lnklng. The plalnllt!e uek $9,870.'3, with lnterut. Walken in Paris on European Tour Mr. and r.tr1. Blaine Walker ot 907 W. Be.y Ave., a:e already ntne day• behind echedule In their tour of Europe. Accordlnr to poetur<t. home they have toured eutt'm I Cnm&ny , A meterdun and Roller· dam In Holklnd and are now In Brwi.selll, B~lg1um. Their next ma- jor •top w!IJ be Peril for uveral week•. The couple took delivery of a Vollu1wagOQ In Europt' and a re lell\l~ly motoring to aJI t.he poinu of lntereet and by·way11 they care lo eee. SuHIYan Reprieve on Pier Granted John J. Sullivan l't lJI to con Unue tempora.rily hi• kllya.lt rental butlneH at the 19th St. pier. city ... Barbor 1818 council decided Monday l'dpt, al-1 of Ht llnrers 11Uppor11nl' hi• c ... , public reetroom1 thtn are In di .. lo1'1ng him to \.lff the tacWty unUl CouncU earlier lhO\llbl of ou.t• repuu. Clty clunup ~rewa will SepL 30. He pr-ted a peUllon lJIC ll1m troin UM property u the take can of them. counc:U decrffd. Get In on this SENSATIONAL OFFER WHILE THEY LAST! Courtney & Lester CostwMela . PATIO Furniture Specials! • CHARCOAL Folding BRAZIER Hardwood OD Wb~ls •• • AdjuAtable Heavy DIRECTOR'S Nickel Grill U" Dlanwter CHAIR $1495 CANVAS BACK SPF£lAL AND SEAT .. <!hnllar a. ut•~• > JclMJ for Pattn HOOD ........ $5.95 er eo.t MOTOR and «sProlAL s7~s SPIT ---··-$18.95 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 West Coast Highway Newport leach Phone Liberty 1-1113 - . PAeE 2-COASTAL SHOPt-!R-APRll 20, f 955 dlc&ted th•r felt th• "IDlm~ate Mn. Mi•dy 1-Yes ro to Portland. her o1d home. tor R..-a RAdWJillas • &11d 8ept. II, all tall1n1 on Mon· The An-\'\•eatem MemortaJ D•Y --------------------purpon ot lhe taxpayen1 leque a few Wttka ti-!on retumtni \0 ~ -.,.-1 day•. iWMpa\.aku reaalta wW fa&llll-• 4 F eedo wu taken can ot whea ~Ju.It· for Norfllern Visit Ne rt Beach f L I -L Commodore Kent Hltehooclt of Ital NaUonal Cbaapln*lpt lor r m Taxpayer Le mnta wen ollt.ained Oil ta» ln• wpo . • n ~llCJIClut-lhe Southern Callforn1a Speedboat th• roup-allod and .. ..-er.arr ague creuM" la tha Freedom Homaa If"· l\OM W. Moody, 1Ml Haven M:ra. Mood7 ftl"lt tiled a )'Mr Club, world·renov.•ne.t in boalit\f &e Boz NnaMut c1ua. out Malla"· tract. Lat.It actJoD of tM lMf\I• Place, wbo wu divorced from -.o. but. after lr)'inf tor a year LONQ lltiCH, -Oil two ot the lhe '"club of r hamplon11." •Id U..t Glendale coatnetor, la ..,_.t'r M be R e p it• under MaeCaltar ..,.. pubUe an-Fr-4 H. Barker In Santa Ana 1 to make tlle marrl•J• "·ork lbe '"blf thrH" NaUOll&l HoUday 1.n· Detroit headqua.rtt'rs ot the Amert· with hi• boat, Hot Joe .. em rs eslgn OS Ions ~o~ent ~~po8illf the ~l W edneaday morning, 11 leavlnr the puahed the divo rce through: lhf boa.rd ~boal naattu llatt'd for ca.n Powt'r Boat ASl!C'ClaUon ha.a On July C, ,..,.tta ,..._. e lll tu Oftt'rlde propoaal of New-1 Long Bead1 Marine ltadlwn t.bla eppro~ two m"l•, but denied • be title raee tw Paclft• OM De- port Harbor Union High School f1ral of the Wfflc to visit hn I final aetUement being by mutual yur. national champlonalltpa will t.bl,.. and lh•t '"t.hla 1, under pro-alp llydroplan• la u.11 ck.ta Unable to "itee eye to eye" W1th of director• were TrM.tu.nr rran'k Olat.rlct tor erecUJ11 a new hl&h c1&u1J1t..-. Mrs. Richard Bare, In agreement before Judre Morrlaon, I be a l 8take. The bl,; meet1, all tra-t•t" by lhe Southland rac:Lna tM natloeal e11am, la Man. .... Preeldenl v. I:. M.acCarter on aom• c. Qwen, lecretary Mn. LoulM school. Saa Mateo. J'rom Uwr• abe will ahe u td. dlllonal. w ill ~on May 30, J uly fTOUp. vw, ••·m.,or ot Park•r, Arte. pollclei1. four 1:1ember1 oC the Free-Marde1lcb, Recordlnf Secretary dom Taxpayera League board of Freida Welle, and board member d1rt'clnra ha ve resigned ttom the Rlchud laraent. Two direct.on r.- rPcenlly incorporated orranlutlon. main alon1 with M&cCarter of ~ A t the .. me ume. I l was Jeasned lbe ortcin&J •Tea-m.mber board ~' t he •llornt'y who hu been hand· Th• ntlpln1boardm.mben111· r ~lnA' •le~al anglee for the league iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ' 'haa (tven up hla !.fttere1t ID the Ori•nlzatton. ThOlle realgnlng from the boa.rd •• " P'rL Ud 8a&, I GREGORY PT.OK "Me111 With a Miiiion" B&ODEIUCIC CRA Wl"ORD ''Down J D•rtc Streets" Last Time Sat. Two Bia Ones B ADY fTl'ZOl'JULI>, DAVID NIVEl'I". YVO!'\!\T. DE C'ARLO '9TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" you can never hove. fj,., ii flnt and 8TAll'n' J\"l!XT WZD~DAY "CONqum OF SPACF' L I D 0 '1ft,-~ .. tu Lent Time Sat. . ... . BIOllAAD TODD, n :AN PETDS "A MAN CALLED PETER" PLUI TRIS AD\.'l:NTl 'llE PfOTUllE llM~ Mat !'et. ''TAllOll TIU: cuu:AT" , ,,., PAY LESS_ I . AT V"· .-.. r Ivory or .led.lee CEREAL BOWLS Ivory or .lad.Ile COFFEE MUGS l Qt. \"AOUVJI B01TLI: lry Bot b7 ~nnoe iii9uETS -·············-·--···-··-10 .... 79c 10t_ CANDY BARS i<it46 EDWARD c1GARs s229 23c Bl1 v.a-. •%" 81.M 100 ENVELOPES ~·aa.r.tte SUN GLASSES c~ Covered Cherries Ste N n. -I Yr. O--a.. -.... ta.II GARDEN HOSE Scott Toilet Tissue ~:n 3 aon. 25' RANGE SET ..... hr wltll Oovu ft& Wt • Pepper 8.Uu 7 7- .. .,, Gt.. ASH TRAYS 2'•r 15c ... ., .. IOOK MATCHES AiiTOMAnc ToAsnR s109s witll ..,,.__ _..,. TH.iii ARM SPRINKLER s375 l ...._ CHiLDRENS GAMES "''· ... ~ iLIPPERS ftS· 1.,. 8tctedl r ... ._~ lliMc.ll. fw lnnl -Aat. C!Olore PACI: HOME BARBER KIT ~,. u s 0-ta&u Sled.t1o CUpper witlll ltatcll •Hdl. lkMeon. ('_ .. ~ ... P1MU. LADIES SCUFFS rl'&· 570 ..... ,, .. IEACH TOWELS a.N Tai- .._.,, 1'111"1 .. Tl'Wf'l In ltrtJllt l'tT'lfl" WMte .,1.11r Be•M WRITING PAPER IM \'alue 1H ........ M Enn loPt"' 1-l'D:Cll COMPLETER SET O~'"LV to IMtdl Ilea& P1att.t'r, Vfl'tbMe R.wl R•rv ... o-r. "'f· n .ta Siiv'A SNACK SET OM.T s14s ' 9lmllls """" ' 0.,. ' LIDO DRUGS "One of the l.ldo Shope .. 3161 \'la Udo, Newport Beaeb HARBOR DRUGS 3301 E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mu W-EIK-END Specials BALBOA DRUGS '716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa • Parakeet Cages :ISO. Ut 295 11~tF~i£/ TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT * lrur""'1y "°P' per.plratlon oJor * CA.ca. JM"pUaUon _.;,, .. ,.. big •I jar... 501A now only >-,__ Twy ~ere.. D11._w Protect. yoor d&in1-~ hreelrfua '° bedtime. i .. tucly Mope PftlpUaUoe odor, C'hecb pereplrali• -i.e.,.., s.1. '-.. nna.1 u1a ... 61-.. t.bria. Sl1y1 CttelDJ•aoft 4owa" .. hottom of U. jv. ,,,.,~proof ., • "4..clr'1 6.cli/ Here,, an amaing neso ~mrproof material never be/ ore wed in baby panta 1 IT'S ONLY IN rn IOOUAI . • • u aaul111 MW - wrial 11"9' w--' .. kby puu! Denloped etpftiall1 to han ell ti.. .. ,,.... of febrit ple1 IM flr"tldnett end t-fort·fk of latad And Mlw 1lw, .,..,! WOtlGIRNU'I coou lhby tnlda'I \e '"'• la •J wuerproof p1ntt/ NIW nY\I POI IAITI Pla71n Pew .. hi P1110 art •• cha1Wlin1 .. aMy .. prect!ral .•. wh11 • -11cletf9l ._tved nrfaco and dal11ty -rJepe .-nMlep-9 .. ... 98-...... -y· ""'•· ~ ........ .. r----------------------------------- "--' .. 1"4,...., ,.., ., runoe,...., "' ,.. .. ,. ... "'"" S-l -...... ll 1& lllPlOIU•-IJtt lllk Wll -"" , .... lllT'M '='--·· ,. IUll .., --Ocnt11 ocauca cu.a. c...._ .... -. ........ uu I FOR APRIL 21. Z2 & 23 THURS., FRI. & SAT. VINCENT'S ICE CREAM DOUBLE DIP 1-.---1 OONJ!I -·········--···-1oc 30C 59c 79c BA!fD PACKID PINTI . KAND PACKED QUilTB BULK STYLE !i Gal. Premium Quality r:·,_·PAY LESS~ 1 AT V . Petroleum Jelly '0L llM Ascorbic Acid Tablets 6 7c 100·1i 100 !Df· atnAn or 12. oz. 12c MCICJ~•sium aIU lathing Epsom Salts 1 «Jc a Lb. li.se Ritz lath Scales J.e1. UG S369 V'( PAY LESS. ,, • II'. . '. OOLOlnAL DAUi Hormone Cream llO. iuo -NOW Pond's AftCJel Skin 79· PLAITIO BOTTLE &10 . tac Lustre Creme Shampoo 159 &10. P .00 Kleuo -WbJw or Colored FACIAL TISSUES t:OX L&\llt l\yle WHITE JEWELRY Bracele\I, l aniora. lftckl&cea 17' Ll9U~R DEPARTMENT Early Pride of Times Indiana ltralrM l tralrbt M Proof 5 yn. old t Yra. Old ee Proof rIPTH nrnl s411 s329 DROBlfY Twin Vodka Oaks Bot\ltcl ln Bo11d 80 PROOF 100 Proof FIFTH 7 yn. old PlrTll $267 s3s1 I ' Trial For D1a1•11 APRIL 20, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 3 Meta R1111HllCICJ9 Sale Mldlul ltena&rd Doubue, IO, Balboa Island W. !. C. 8 . will 121 A\•ocado llt., ea.ta Kem, wtao wu ar1-t..S Ma.rcb 27 tor drunk uked tor • jury lrl&l w»k h wu hold a rwnmai'• aal• 1n the 7ellow ====::c===== drtftllc, appMft4 noenUy b9-J Mt tor June 1. He i. tree on $KS boUM next to th• Costa M- 8&7 ll With fore Newport Ju.tree Court and I bood. • Bull Oil .Friday ~d Sa~. BROADHOOR TRADZK BOMl"A r .s'Jo••r• 10-10'. &O toot lou. Private telephone and natural I ,. t01t Newport Bh'd., Ooe&a II-. OelUonila / • .... avallable. CIOM to grocerlea, bwi Hrvtce. etc, J:ueUent te!evblon reception. Adullll only, no peta. f'art1 8-tal item. "IDEAL Y&AA-'ROm"D CLDIATI:" 1•01 ll. Cout BJI., Coro.. ckl 11• ~=======c:::========~ llarW~l ;:: ne~I Relreslting os on alcohol rwb ... ,et smoothing ..... _ ..... _...,,. .... ~ ... b .,_,. bCJt9I Of .,,._,.NI flagrant fl"* bodir "*"' ~ _,, ~~ ~Malm ....... ., ,_, lllDC:' I ........... f/lde _....,. {:',-. c ,, vt" l. .-. LIDO Mil .... u.., i-r...,.. ..... "OM ot t.M Udo Doplr'' RAaaoa ... J;. 0-. ..,.. Co,_ .... ._ BALBOA nes...._....._ ....... MlttLMf cowa CAD ••• .21' .. ...... -.J • 2.U,W Chual1 .. PICAN CAICI •••• It'• • ,... .. -.J ...... PIANIST OBGANLST Well-known Weet Cout Blind Art.l.t WW S. Available April 25th for the Seuon. Ooatd DON GRANOEB - Loag BMtla '7-8588 • apnt for K-.y Y~ Semi-AnnuBI REMNHT SALE! 8e1utiful Rugs ind. C.rpeh from 1 smel throw rv9 to 1 room site ru9. WOOL, RAYON ANO COTTON Meny, Meny Colon, Sii" ind Qu1lities 40«ro off l'OB EXAMPLE • • • 12 x I 2 HEAVY VISCOSE RA YON .... •110.•, NOW 12 x t O COTION PLUSH PILE .......... JfOW 12 x 15 ALL WOOL ......... ,JlfOW '96 .. •1n- Dick Macker DaAPU.IU CARPE Is UPHOU'RAY M20 Via Udo Newpott l1acl9 for • HAllO& 4321 ..... ---~­,... -wtt.11 ...... talJoNd -' .... of plMdc _...... ,...._ Daraltle. water- ......._ 0-olc. et eolen. •Sm1rt St-flnt * Po.itive Protedion PLASTIC COATED Fl- 5 Pan. c.. . . . . . . 13.95 11f8T .&J.Lg1) J Pm1. C... . . . . . • 8. 95 SARAN PLASTIC 5 Pass. C.. . . . . . . 18.a J Paa. C.. .....• 11.95 FREE I With Every S.et Cover e Sotd This W•- FU>OI MAT . 5h INutff.A Colon Fro"' Which to Otoose Boan wUI .,. trom 9:30 a.m. OL I UB'I' OP•N t FlJBMTURE BEFINl8HING SHOP ~glp~I ~ .hm1.tu.n &eftal91aed nnm 8)'11thellc, EJ\&Jllel Va.nlllb or Bt &.ln ...... s3so 5 .,.. f 15.00 We SpeotaMH la ANDQUll a ZOIA.TONJ: FINISllE8 Phone For E1Umatet1 6 Pick-up S.rvtc• .&UBBEY ELLSWOBTB IOJS Plaoeatla Llbe~ 1-1961 H.r.nor 11'18 Comes in white, tangerine, yellow, red, pink, blue $299 and baby blue -·--····- Terrific V alQes IAD~ SANDALS -Tongue 4 different styles-$} 99 MEN'S CASUALS Canvas top, Cushion lnneraoles - Blue, brown _and___ ~299 faded blue ··- Celebl'atag ov OOU>EN ANN'IVl!a8ARY •• I • 50 years of 8en1q C&llforMa ,....._ •••• Ooldle Valuee la 8a.o.. NIB 1111D111 -.. M. SAi.. INl t4. H, 16. 1fSS. Al WN&Y Sim•• Ma ......... __.... ................ ... _ ...... _......__ FRESH EGGSr:::M •. 52c CllAM O' THI caOP • Offiii-iiLK::: ;f & A YDY 0000 IUYI lw•pa wlad Ma•••••l•1 .. PORK & BEANS =::..-.:. 2 3::-33' FLEET MIX '=-~~ ~33• NIBLETS CORN v::-2'!:25'1:9' CORN FLAKES • ..,~ 2::27'0:1t MA YDA y OIL . ·::.~ ::29 :ss· !l!.L~t .. s• ...U.811.-w'•A~ 4t Pllllid ::::-:: he -~ S.•111• =-2 -:..-29c &elnL Dean ~ J ..... Zlc fll".dld .... =-~ 2Sc ...... .,.. !:3'c 4',AC.MPC .,__., ,..... ,..., "'-> ..... ' ~ 79c (SoW -. .._., $ale op a Clllltpf) • Clluala .. GCMD llANCH CAU ..,._,.., _ _,ncm,.., Me ... .cm wem •mom '90NO , , . -'"' ONlY Nie --·NI-...... m-. JoP SIRLOIN STEAi .:.. .. 1.25 SLICED BACON ··:::.~ .. 49' CORNED BEU .. •S' ................ c... ... GROUND IEEF..39' l90ZM ........ VWr ......... ' 0 ts'-l&HOI IOl'll lMI 1.L .._. 1a.. be If 0 ; .... :. .. ~ ...... ~ ........ ............. JIAN-BOIJ8E ClllCllDf . , . .. ... IL OllCIBI LEU .. ?!: Cs ... a •• Q las .. ..... OllCIBI WIKS ... ,... HAI 1'VT S11AIS ... .. OllCIBI mASTS ..... RSI STICIS ,...._ ,...29' MELROSE COOKIES ''=-~ FASlllOllD 2 ~ 49c w VANIUA INAn. . PAllADI O...,gent -:.:25· '='9' AJAX =-2 ·:: 25' CHll• lluo Detergent J~ 25• ".: 59' THI FINaT AND LOWDT PllCID ... .,. Amerlcu MAPLE ~:':=mi,. 2·27' :;--P£AS & CAllOTS cw. FURNITURI •••• aA'JW~eH 0,... Fridays """ 9 STORE HOURS Dail>' 9 a.m. to 8 p..m. ( r riJay t.&J ~ p.m.) . 8uday 9 Lm. to 6 p.m. i722 NewPort Blwcl., Costa Mesa PLENTY OP PA.HING ON LAIGI PAYED LOT ' PAGE 4-COASTAL SHOPPER-APRIL 20, 1955 Hits ,_..cl Car after a II-month moct.mlaUoa at Whtn ltdpr Bradl••y W itmer the Puds•t Bou.n4 Naval BhlPJU"d ot 2715 Cove 8 t. fell uleep at Lhe SerY• .. c...n.r there. 'Ille lh&n&"r1·L& recelYed the heel ot hla ~r on A pril 10, tint 9tl'Uctura1Jy a.n(led rupt be told ottlcua be h ll a parked aA.M DDIOO, c.nt. (.-THC)-deck ta tb9 Navy durinr her mod-e&r r~ct•tered to C.lherln M I ao&land A. Frederick, al.rmp, -1AUOlr AJ., lMtalled were n-• . UllN, -ot Kr. ud Kl'a. J. "R.. beaY}'.aly ltteam catapult. and Kane ol 3022 Balboa Blvd. The ac-1 .,__ ol IOS IOtJa llt., 8WTbl&' Uld •cloMd "hurricane" lllow. ctdent occufl't\d In front of Boe ...,... U.. NaY}"a attaek tUrenft Tiie lbancrl·L&'a a.n,ted deck la W. Balboa Blvd .. police .. Id. eanl• UU abuapt-IA wtlMlt la a ..,. lnnovaUon la Naval air .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~ to antft at lier llome wvtare. Th• 11-.team •tapulta j pcllt Min Ill .ws.Apftl. pn¥1d9 .,......... aatety and tm-n. ....-WM n x=••..,.... pl'Oftd tedWqUe bl l&ua~ Jet ~ ~ w-.. Ill Jaiau7 alrcntt. unsr HAIR ST'(LIN& FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIEI SHOP BALBOA. TllEATIUI BLDO. BALBOA ()pea Ta.day Ulna 15Mard&J a=G;EJ_~u:: AtetD P~ GLUfO LAM INATtD M!.M&ERS, Grvf CLEAR ~. "1FOROING GAEAT ~TRE.NGTH /li.T LOWER COST. COMPLE.Tl &OILOINO -VTl\.ITV OELIVU:lEO TO JO& SITt FQOM tl!I PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLf.TELY lRf.CTf.O, INCLUDING SL~&, fQOM •1 • PlR. $Q. PT. FOR COMM!.RCt•l., PARM.QA IMOU,TAIA.L UK. AllYttlHI« ,,,, so. CM.IF. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Happy Day School FOR LITTLE FOLK '4'40 Heliotrope Corona def Mar Harbor '4369 MRS. JEAN VAUGHN, l>'recfor Balanced PLAY -WORK -REST For Your Little Toh Weft Supervi'ed * T r•n,portetion At Aft Times If Necessery • GOOD LUNCHES SERVED f Reesoneb&e 'Retes • ALL DAY • HALF DAY Special •1995 BLU'E Gll&L'f ~w TEUA CO'M'4 nu11•n1 ,,,,, ,,.,,, I I . '\' McDONALD PAINT STORE 1810 Harbor Bl\•d. <Joeta M- U~rty 8-Hot 41l1J~IJ:~, PA INT S /or t•v ·r y pu p o .t· Pay tl.16 a wf'f!lc LORENZ .Jr.Wt:l.ZRS 109 W . •t~ S-la Aaa Opeit l'ridaJI to t ,.m. l'rf!f! Porki"g at <lfl!I Lot - SHE KNOWS HER GROCERIES SHE KNOWS WHERE AND WHAT AND HOW TO BUY TO MAKE HER_ FOOD MONEY GO FURTHER. SHE ALSO KNOWS HOW TO SAYE EVERY WEEK She depo,its • regular amount Heh pey-day to help meke her family 's dreems come truel COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" 18411 Newport Bl•d. MIMlll FIDHAL DfK>Slt IHSUllANCI COUOllATION 'f'O'I' chld"t ...... gl'flti , '' • ' I, .,,,,,~~ ... ,. - b~ondll'-"'· .. -:, ...,, , ... b.AIO-ond-1 ' ' s;-, M. '·12. 1U. Celon1 UOWH, WHITE. -.,, llJGI.. MUUICOWI KIDDll SANDALS 8laH ----'2N .. ll .... . -•311 ...... ___ _ TWO sroaa TO uavs YOU CIRCUS JUNIOR. IOOTERY Bota 8torea ()pea ~ Nllrll.. "'ftl t Santa Ana c... .... 1su So. Mala m E. ntli at. IU %-666l MESA CENTER-Bet- Tbrttty .. All*& Beta u &-2'778 Will Not Rust -100°/o Aluminum OROLITE FIBERGLASS PANELS GENERAL BUILDERS HARDWARE PLUMBING SUPPLIES let Our 5~ Sc,wtu, GARDENING TOOLS • FULLER PAINTS MASONRY SUPPLIES e RED-E-CRETE OPltN DAILl' MONDAY THROt'Off Sl'!"IDAY A IL Ill. -t p .. m. Sc~uftz-fiuf/,erl Bu if J~r~ Supp/'J Phone Liberty &-7855 ?H Vktoria St. (near Nt-wport Blvd.) eo.ta Meea DON'T GET STUCKI ---~&.-.------. -... -:: . " w. • Good 8enieMble Fe•ce y OU Need Quality ••tn'illl ud ~ "Bow To Do It" Advk!e YOU GIC'I' llOTB AT QUAUl'Y FENCi:. INC. I ft. Bedwoocl fence, Installed $1.89 per ft. DO ft TOO'IMDlll A.~ BA VE ••• th pw ft. · a.1n Link fence, lnatalled $1.15 per ft. DO ft l'OUll8ll Al'fD llA VE • • . Ne ,., ft. -m ua THI.S WEEK - -Open All Day Sunday- QUALITY FENCE Inc. CX>STA MESA 179 E. 17th St. Liberty 8--1545 , Lighten Your Loadl I New. djfferenr; ; • NOW a better kiod ol dry cluniog tbar bu all rbe fu1uru yoa'n bun looking for. You'll be amazed ac the raoJtal At Jut .JI che din comes out of slip coven, draperies, and blaokets ; ; ; even embedded grime chat di.ms colon and patterns! No disagree- able, cliogiog dry d qruog odors! Every- thing look.1 and feels like ocw agaia. It'• IO -..Y ; & ; julC call uf LIDO CLEANERS COSTA MESA 1782 Newport Blvd. Uberty 8-4014 NOW SHOWING .JULIE BAJUUS .J.UO:l!I Dl:A."'i L\TIIOND KA88EY HURRY TV anti Home Appliance """'"''You Shop IA CO!\TIDESCE and Bt'Y fur I.ESH S"OPPERS! SAVE! We are loaded with 1955 floor modela, Rt-poeeeulona and u.f'Cl k-levlAloa lleht A.LL tTLL\' Gl'ABASTl:ED • AU. M A Kt:s ASO SIZES 19 95 i>RlC'P:l> AS LOW AS ••• , • • • • . • • e BAROAISS GA.LORF. -On a.II Home AppU.-.. ...... rnaUc \\'Mbrni and Dryeni, RallgM, twtrl•f'rMon ... l>ffp t'!"f'f'vn. I S o Dowe Paynwnt .. , p;uy Tf'nn&. We 8WJ Not Ila t:ndfor Sold ..• lic'nd 1'• A Cu.tomf'r And llHdv. 4 UMllll Gift . DIM'C>Wlt to 8erv1Nl Peoplf'. OPES Mt'SDA \'S A l\'D 1:\'T.R\' P.:\~~TNO l 'NTIL t :• HOME APPUANCI SERYICI CO. =~,::·~~I c~=D :;_94• High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1&16 "Home Means More with Carpet on the Floor" • 3 Years .to.Pay For one room or for every room in the hcM.ae, Now you Mfl enjoy que~ty C.rpetin9. New Senk t.rml, 1 yur1 to ;.y We've every color and pattern you'll want ... In our decontor-a.uembled atocks. Pattern• and weaves for EVERY room in finHt aJI tt'OOla, Vt.coee and cottons. The nation's most famous .Mills' effort.A bring you lutinc beauty and long wear. You'll be aurprieed at how little it cost.a to enjoy the very beet! ... and now on the eaaie.t of term.a, Not.D1Dc Down wttla up to 3 yean to pay. QUR CLEANING DEPARTMENT I.a equipped to do th• finest job of cleaning of your Ru9, Carpets and Upholstered Furn iture wall-to-w all Carpet Oeaned In Your Home CALL US 'tODA Y Q!W'!!;£ COONTrS l.aC£ST !Looi (X)l'f.A./NC S!pftL . SCULPTURED WILTON By 8&.nford ChOOH h'or9 UI-$ 9 !'~ r lo,•ely colou Sprln• 0 """' J Oofo•kln Oll"ge, l>ove Onty, Cinnamon. tr , Ji· °'" lll' width• Complete Line FLOOR COVERINGS u Linoleum tr C&rpeta -t · Rubber Tile ~ Fonnioa -tr .Asphalt Tile '(f Caril 'nle •oonuwv aUDOllT 1:mm -~.:.:;·~._, CARPET WORK!; 1622 SQ MAIN SANTA AHA Kl 3·1615•KI 2-liJ I I ' : .. Santa Ana Tent .;;r.~ AwnlftCJ Co. For boun and hours ot aolid comfort and relaxation, both indoor. and out, choose thia · Deputies Chase Trio in Flight 8ANT4 ANA. (0CN8)-'nlr WhttUer youth-, two 17 and th. other 18·year-old Vincent R. Len· ton, were flarrtd down by aher· l!f'a deputlea alter • hl(h•apeed - Rattan Basket Chair Lerp ... -...... 110.15 I chu• a tonr Coaat Hlchway near I ' Corona del Mar Frtda7 nlrht and bookf'd on poe-lon or &lcotiol knit S'port brief by. Munsln9lfear $895 11.11d blackjack charru. OepuUea aald they were patrol· Ing nu.r Merle'• Drive-In rutau· r'IJlt when they were 1topJ>6d by a woman driver. Sev,er&J occupanlA were In the c:a.r. The driver told deputlea another c.ar had tried to crowd them orr the road eeveral ttm... A• they were t.alklnr. the auapecll' car breezed by and the depuUea rave cha.ae. THUISDA Y, APllL 2ht NEWPORT .JEWELERS Deputlea •Id t h e 1 clocked , r. bl speeda up t o 92 mllea per hour In tom1orld I et our NEW LOCATION 1710 Newport Boulevard COSTA MESA tbe flve-mll• chue aoulb of Cor· ·Muns1" n~ear one del Mar. The car wu re(i•· tertd to one of th• 17·year.old STRETCHY-SE BRIEFS Wipe<: ta. Just two doora from Sefewey An Inviting eomblnallon of golden rattan with al!'f'k WTOUgl\l Iron l•I•· A modem cu ual that roee lndoon or out ..• uae In llvtnr room, den, lana1, patio, etc. Larg., t lkl<ect4ott ..i 1t91wl9ere ! PATIO ud GARDEN FURNITURE * .....,... * AJ-.la1&m * .U-k lroa * \nit. Metal * Umbl"f!llu All Typee of 8-ver ~ to order F"8 Delivery -()pea Friday A Monday to 9 p.m. Refinishing Service Opens Furniture rettnbhlnr la a tra de ln l~lt, u many a houaholder h.u found out when he hu tried lo fix up an old chair, but Aubrey Ellsworth, who hu jU1t OJ>6ned a 1hop al 2032 Placenlla St .. Co1ta Meaa, aay1 It ll not too hard when you have the equlpmenL Ellsworth hu been In th• palnt- lnr buelnea• all of hla life. he aaya. and nndlnr the w!Jlteu too aevere to paint out.Ide In Chicago he took up worklnf In tumltuN llhoJ>ll~~h• pracUced Ilia trade In Flort~a where h• found plenty of retlnl1hlnr to do, particularly wh.at h• caJla anllqutnr. P'or the l.ut U yean he ht.a been dolnlf Santa Ana Tent ·g Aiune1ng ~=:m~::-!1tC:tu,Elo"T:~~ " where he hu been for nve yea.rt. 1G8 So. J1a1a St.. Santa Ana KJ t.-SM6 WllUe he wm take on llOO\e up- ";;:;;:;:;;:;;:~=;:::=:;=::===~====;;;::=::=;;;;;;;;;~ holltertnr wtt.h ht• reflnJlhlng .; work, EllllWorth •Y• h• lntviCS. to trpeolallae In wood tll\llhlnr u much u po1slble. HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE CRISIS! CRISIS! Perhepa we have the answer Because we do everything here casa pura "lll:RVlCll WlTHlN HOURS -WHEN NJ:ltDICD" OOllPJ.Zn: IAUNDl'!RER8 Md CLEANEa8 Fire Caused by Kids With Matches Children playtnc wllll mate.bu touched oft a b 11U141 In an old oa.r parked a l the rear of 2843 Oranre Ave.. Coat& Meaa a t t 20 p. m. Tuellday Which n uaed 1180 In uumat9d d.am.&I'•. acoordln1 to Fire PrevenUon Ottker R&lpb 1-. LH aald the chlldren ,,.,..... • a.n4 6 ye.are ot are. ApparenUJ they towid mat.chM on floor ot Ula c&r Uley were pl.&yln,J 1A and alllrt.cf atrUrln1 them on the tloor- boa.rd. 'Ole ch ildren were not ln· Jured. A dd.lDC to d&l:ll&C• to the car. i.-Nported. wu a cuttJnc torch ln b9ck -t of lll• TahSole. '";;;;;;11.A.;;;IU.N=ri:=•:··=IOL&=======n=w=ro=•T=UA=CR~ Thr" CM Couples ;:; Announce Births GRANTS QIOWN FOR VALUES You'll Eniov Wo.rkinq at GRANTS Want an lnterettin9 job in pleasant surroundin91 •.. with pl.nty of opportunity for advancement? Then, Grants is ti,. pl•ce for you. e You Get Excellent TrainlnCJ at Grants Whether you're an old hand or a beginner, we'll train you and help you. e You Receive a Good StarfiftCJ Salary at Grants And salary incree11s and promotions ba11d on your individual merit. e You Work With Con«Jenial People Gran~ople are naturally friendly, neighborfy. Ask the ones who work here. • You Get Many Aclclltional Benefits P1ici vacations, sick pay, employeet' discount, insur· enc•, retirement plan. YOU CAN GO A LONG \VAY AT GIANTS 1BJ Not St.op 18 At Ov Emplo,..t Offtoe TodQ I GRAND OPINING · THURSDAY, APll( 21 W.W. for Orud Opealq S,..' h Nat Weelr We T. GRANT CO. 201 I. 4" St. Santa AN Three Co1ta Mua couplea ti.- ~· parenta of b&blu at 8t.. Joaeph'a Hoiplt.al u follaw1: Mr. and Mra. RJcl'l.ard M. Lemke. au Monte VIit.a 8t... boy, t Iba.. 2 OL. April 2; Mr. and Mu . Jam .. W&lk· er. 429 Eut Broedway, boy. 7 lbl., ~ oz .. April 6; Mr. a.ad Mra. Mu .Wiiy, 1882 Newport BlvcS., cir l, I Iba, 12 0%., Apr11 6. Council Praised • on Easter Week Leu en ot pra.1M to t.ha new cJl,7 council tor Ila dnd ent woc-k and 1 pr&Ue for lhe handlln1 or Eaner I I Week werf' rued Monday nJf hl 1 Burton B Grant, Lo11 Angelea, eompllmC'nl~ the cou.ncll on lta lnlll-.J work ••hlle eommunlu llona from ltra. GraJncer Hyer and R.ay R. ReevH, bOt.h Balboa !Aland. I laudf!d th• council for Ill C'Onlrol ot la1t E u t er \)'fek . I ~~ ~~~~~~~ Local \Vomett Aid in I Troian Alumni Day · j 1 PrepAr&llon11 are belnr mad11 at Ole Unlv•r111ly of Southern C&ll· tomla by etudent.a. facuJly and &lumn! ror ffnra.l lhou.a&Ad tonn· 1 ~r Trojan.11 and lh•lr "TlUre flUTll· llu wh,.n they return to lhe cam- pu• for th• &ru1uaJ Alumni Day on May 7. AMlftln( In 411'9Cl1JlS pl&na &A :\In. Howard Ptter90n, 302 Dia... mood and Mn. Ch.alien L&ridere, 819 W. 8&7 Ave. Dice Home lwgled of TY, \Vatch, Rin9 I I ThJe•M atol• a telewlon aet. a man ·a wn.t watch and a diamocd rt.nr trom a eo.ta M-home FUCHSIAS IXCWSIYILY IOO properly named t'Ut.U.. lndudl.nc Ul9 better ,.tmt.ed var1etl•. Pnc-at.art u aow u Ne up accordlnr to 1LM. 9'1 beeuU/ul h.aartftlr bu- ketai at 1 ... than 7ou \lllJ&ll7 pe.7. LEE'S FUCHSIA GARDENS ~ t-:.::t. 0..-. .... Ol'EM aCND4 Y n .mr:o f'lUDA y wit/, ,,,. ""' ,,,.., ,,,., SlrttcbtJ 11p 11nd dOU!f/I Ill :JOM /,nu/ 'I >.. euy to wear u your akin ••• l H OTi.zontoJ rib aeat atretchm with you. 2 The pouch umurm poeilin nc>- cbale comfort.. 3 The no-1ap vertical 8y iii ..at- adjuat.inJ. 4 Of fine combed ¥.tn.shtcot-ton, knit and 6ru.hed to l9i8t lbrinkinr. •reins. ltMc:bi.nr. The brief for the man of action .•• knit with 6.ne accordWi rit. and the ex- cluai .. OOllrOaT POUCH. Euy to nu with all elu- tic waistt.od and aoa1. r.oMTAL n.T. Made of &on1 weari n1 100% lirbt- weirht combed cotton Buy •ven.I pe.ir tod.ayl ti fill fl RY We wlah to thank our many frlenda and cuatomera for their generoua patronage over the years and to advlM that we welcot..'le you all to our new store ... Just a couple of doors north of our old one. We will le&ture fine diamonda, atunninc enca~e­ ment rings, wedding t.nda and fine watcbea, wh1cb we will be most pleued to abow you at any time. ELWOOD SHELL and ROBERTA SHELL ON THE OOEAN P'llONT a& lllDd Street ON Diii OOEAH non -* n .. •tr.a One abort block from lhe Newport Pier Newport Beacb • WS OIVJC 8 a II QmN llTAID'S One abort block from lh• N~ Pier Newport BeacJl • W'S QJVll ••• OIU!!Lllf 8TAllP9 Exclusive with AL'S in Orange Collnty! We chase the dirt with ie1''¢C/-~~t"L' Y09'11 be ""Pfiled wt.e you ... what OM day'a • expert work wlll do for your carpet -no tnatter how dirty yovr carpet h, It will loolt like new. Coll n for Information OfNI ..,,.....,... FIEE PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE RUGS .and Upholllere~ F1rnit1re to .,. dxmed Ill oar plut Phone I . ' • ,, . rev o I u ti on a r y, proven process developed by llGELO\V ... the most famous name in carpeting Upholstered. Furniture and Rugs Cleaned in Our Modern Plant We invite your lnspediOft of our pl.nt. You'I see the very newest ind scientific dean· Ing equipment: e1perienced WOfkmen oilfufty and carefuUy usin9 +he finest materials ind deter9enh. Our dryin9 room 11 our pride. Here your ru9s are dried indoors in controlled tempereture, completely eway from the d1ma9ing rays of the sun ind the heavy dew of our Cenfornia ni9hts. Wall-to -Wall Carpet laying Anti Repairing a Specialty Only One Looation Kl 2-6481 AL'S Carpet & Rug Works Kllott 1-1411 2tJ S.. ..-.. Ora11 .. SAFETY FACTOR -"Yea, thie i.e what guarantees that a well will be abut off from 200 feet underground.'' aay• Mu Snyder, •uperintendent on one of the platform.a in the Gulf of Mexico. The Otis Preuure-Lock Packer it1 lowered into the drilled well when it is put on production. lt ls be&d fut In the casing. U preuure chance. occur, beyond the tolerancee of the instrument, it ezpand.t and •hut. down the operation. Thus oil would not be per- mitted to boil free from a well if cuing were niptured. OIL LINES -Into theee line• all weU. produd.a&' on the platform otf tlhore of LouUliana flow. H. A.~ of San Pedro 1a ahown eyeing the complicated 8)'9tela of va.lvee and met.era that constanUy monitora the individual nll and combined pla t!rom production. CLOSE l"P -Pictured be.re is a preuure operated blow out preventer that la suppoeed to shut down tb• well at the platform in case of damage to the tranait pipeline carrying oil ashore'. It would also function if the plat- form were damaged. The instrument ia delicately con- troU~ and crua be operated from di.It.pt abore .Utione. from the landing for boat.a at the pt.tfonn OT trom declc. ••• • BEBE IS AN OFF SHOBE DRU.I.ING PLATFOBll. A fon.t of llteel cuiq9 driffll Into the bottom of the Gu.It of Kaico and welded and lnter'coDDected to form a sttll'o dy lltrDoture for prodllCtion of oil. On th9 platform an two complete oil derricka with all apurtenant equipment operatinc. Auxiliary temporary platfonna a.re pictured tat laold ~t and .upplie9 .... ary dwin& the , .. drilliD& operation. Included la a riant crane to hoiat 1up- pU. a8oird. ln t.be bacqround on the distant platform toward the left of the picture i• a two-•tory alr condi- tioned bunkhoWle to bou.e the workera on the project. Note the lifebo&t. ~ from the •ide on regular lhipe davits. When drillin~ ia completed the derrick.a and other equipment are removed, leaving a level platform about 75 ft. eqt.aan. -All Staff Photoe OFF SHORE OIL DRILL SITES BJ lllCM mJDICK Oil Llluadil are a UUD1 of the present. They are po98ible. They are operative. 'l'bey are in msteoce. Wbedaer theee oil isllanda are of the eo-alled permanent, m&D·made filled ia1anda like th~ one off ahore o( the boun- dary line between Long Beach and Seal Beach or whether they are plattonm aa ueed in the Gut! of Mexico, both art here to .tay. In order to inform the readers of the ORANGE COUN- TY NEWS SERVICE aa to what ia an illand, we recently made a trip to the Gulf of Mexico wbere we were privileged to ~•mine the laland.t, there called plaUorma, being oper- ated by the California Company of Lo11Wana. lt ia a aub- sld.lary of the Standard Oil Conapuy of Calilornia wbOM guest at the scene, we were. We can report that apparently, Lhe Louiaiua platforms and the Texas platform.a. that are producing oil from u far out in the Gulf of Mexico a.e 48 miles. are equally u clean. apparently as efficient. and cer- tainly aa large. u the man-made. tilled island built as a ~nt venture by the Monterey Oil Company and the Texaa Com- pany off abore of Long Beech. In the State of California at thit Ume, only the Monte- rey-type i&Jand would be permitted in the state-owned tide- laada. We pree\llDe Jt is the only type of structure that would be permitted in the municipal or county-owned tideland8 within the State of Califoruia. But ~.,.. ia at this time under way leuing arrangements betwem the f~eral government and the oil compan.lea for explorationa off Ahore of Califor- nia in federal la.nd where drilling platforms can and will be u.aed. For that reuon. we felt that we and you 1hould know what ther are tike. Drllling platforms are huge 11t.n1cturc11. They a.re com- poeed of 2'&-fn. 8teel caainp, welded in&.o a solid structure with croee member caainga and lateral •upporta and throqb lheee huge cuinp hoUow pOiogs are driven through the 40 to IO feet of underlying water into the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. Some of the pilings are 300 feet in length by th• Ume they an driven aa far u they can be driven by the pile driYen. Upon theme itlanda, the cuatomary drill rig1 are erected. Complete derricks. We have pictured on thia page two type8 ol operatiom, Ulling the derrick.a on platforma. ln one pic- ture we ahow two derricks operating from one platform, wbU. an adjaceot temporary platform bu a giant crane on it. and a complete bunk houae. The aide of the platform I• equipped with davi\a from 1¥hich ia 11lung a life boat for the me ol the workmen who 1D&.D the oil well producing rigs. AlllO on thia page a.re pl<!ture• of the Monterey Texu laland, off •bore of Long Beach and Seal Beach boundary. One picture -1low• the template through which iqterlocking abeet at.eel pilinc la driven to enclose a 75-ft. wide Cll'Cle whieh ultimately will be the off shore ialand. OU.er picture. show the view of the island u tbe encircling piling is being filled a.nd in the backgTound i1 the ahore line of lhe City of Long Beach. · Fi.na!ly, we ahow a picture of the derrick operating on lhie Laland from which have been drilled eight wells. These wells u e averagi.nr more t.ha.n 300 b~la daily, of 26 gra\;ty cle~ oil. out of the Long Bttcb tidelands. That i.aland la therefore here to atay. It will ultimately bold 75 wella. We believe thUI page ot picturea and this accompanying 1tory would be intenwting to the people of Orange County because of the fact that the State Lands Commi88ion bu gone on re- cord in favor ol an off shore island at Huntington Beach. It iii pre.Gmed they will offer other locationa. We t.hlnk you 1hould know what the future holds u of thia time. A.tao, on th.ia pqe ia a picture of a derrick on the beach in Texu with an oU derrick platform off shore, both ahowing in the pit:lture that it 18 a matt.er of which is belt.er -denicka on the beach or platform• off shore. You muat draw your own eooclulioos. , . . COAST AL SHOPPER Edition of .IO!WPORT~ HARBOR .N:e-w.s£&~R:ess PAGE 6-COASTAL SHOPPER -APRIL 20, 1955 WORK BEGINS -Callfornla'1 tint off abore lalan4 from which to explore for oil in the tidelanda la pictured u jt began to take abape. Regular creoaoted wood pilinp were firllt driven into the bottom of the San Pedro Bay pffshore at Seal Beach. A template, 75 feet in diameter, wu then futened around the pilings. STRENGTH .u>om -Through the temC.~-:. that formed the ahape of the Monterey-Texu Co., were driven interlocking aheet steel pllinp to form the ean from above the 1urface of the water to the mud and ailt on the bottom. Pictured above 1a bucket crane on a buse. pouring a&.11d lnto the eoclrcled ieland to be. WORK 001\"TINl"ES -Operations 11tltl proceed In tht> creation of the man-maoP island off Rhore Seal Bea.ch with this pi cture showmg Long fl.·'.11 h short' Jlne morr than 8.100 feet away. OOMPL&TZ 818 -Here iii the accompl.Waed fact. rtr. tanb, Wand eompNt. with dock for equipmnt and kn· M r alon1 aide with a barge at ha.nd to re<"clve effluent. The off llhore ialand, man-made at S<'Al Reach i11 a •UC· ceee. -All pictal'M abc>Te b1 Pacific Air 1nduat.rie9, Loqs..b. . j • ' Call DAN'S TY a.me. ............ Liberty 1-m1 - llATTWl'llll8 ao.a. -..... -TnOln hTeplu ...... LINltT 1-1111 OOSTA IUSA llATl'IU:88 00. llH Newpon lll•d. HOUS& TLUL&ll lNSUllANC& AJllYWHUJ: LA.T.i.a .. -..__.. .... ~ c .... .._ PARKES • RIDLEY MORTUARY P'o,...rt7 OB.AUEL CHAPEL 110 Bl'0Mwa7 1-Coe&a .11,_ l.JIMlrty 8-UU Md &-UH BAVK ON 41JTO IN& s11•0 ............... ~ .. htlllt I.._., I .... ,.. De..._ ~-· ........ .,_ BOB Me()()aD, ,_ raut:aa&0 DVIHTLUfCll CAUUNMI IN vae.-t. .... 0... .._ ...... LDl"7 .. ,. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 ..,..,. ................ ,,. ... ITAFFO•D 6 ION -·.. ''Jfl:L8 and DOC" &L&Cl'IUOAL OONTBAC'loa8 ....... ~ ... ·-llt IU"..W. A._.. N_,.n ...... CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 rt:Kl-llLOCK OOKPANT -tstt I. llala ea.. ..... .&.. rmnci: -CINDER .um 00.SCJU:TI: BLOOKa ~6 8ftEL ... •UPl'l.ID BALTZ MORTUARlfS COSTA MESA CHA.PEL lTfl Superior Avenue Co.ta Meaa. C&llf. CHA PEL BY THE SEA 3620 I:. Cout Blvd. Corona dtl Mar, C&llt. Phone Uberty 11-2121 Phone Harbor f2 Boyer's Bal"°' Linoleum Co. -.IACK BOYER - %SOI W. BaJboa Boulevard • Unoleum • Rubber Tile • Cork • Asphalt Tile • Carpet • Formlca • Yacht • ln•tallatioa Harbor 5389 Newport Beach Bruce Martin l'OR ALL YOUR INSUR.A.NCI: NEEDS .• Auto-T-k ~ ... Fire -Life LOCAL &OLV? ----Office Uberty 8-:;oes Liberty s..55M rt Ave., Co.ta Mesa Save 50°/o BOAT BUNKS FURNlTURt.: PILLOWS INSULATION WAR SURPLUS OOSTA MESA IUIL T ON YOUR LOT CARDINAL HOMES 11• &. sant a 1a eo.t.a ,.,.. Ope. '1 Daya RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SKA.LL ' UO 30th SL, Newport 8eacb llut»or WS PAY-LESS °"" MGNr I DAT I MOUDATI AC1IOM MIOMWAT P90M lilC)jl4 ..... M ..., .. W...,."POR--T -• ~' •w.-COSTA MISA ~ a .. a., t:..·""··· ----...... -------.... , ' •• t• lh .. •:11. r..t: att. Real Estate Schoo in Santa Ana APltlL 20, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PA&E 1 NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS.PR~ SVtry MODdaJ' and 'n\ul"lday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 U.. 1 Paper Sl.00 t U.. % Papen 1.50 • LIDee S Papen 2.00 OeMUil BMpfer C1Melfled Ad• muet n111 la tba Moaday or Tllund&J' PubUCAtlOD Ml?li'lMUM AD I~ f LINES AU Clualfted Ad• muet be paid for C.:Ub In adva11ce of publlealloa. DEADLINES for pi.cine or c1ncelllnc ada are: F or Monday PubllcaUon -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday Pub!Jca tlon -Tuesday 2 p.m. For 'Jbur.tday Publication -Wedntsday l pm. ---------------------·---The pubUaher• will not be reapon1ible for more tha.n one tncorrl'Ct lnstrtlon ot an ad, reaerve the right to correctly clallBlfy any and all ada and to reject any ed nol contormlnc lo n.rlea and reg'Ulatlon1. NEWPORT HARBOR l'UBUSKISO <...'O. Hll B&Jbo& Bh•d., Newpol1 Bea.ch, CalUoral&. Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Mtd• every Thur1day 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Cent ra.l Ave. Newport Beach Elwood Shell, l:ltalted Ruler PAINTING l~"TERlOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 • 311l St. Newport Buch Harbor lll 79 22ttc GENERAL CONTRACTING Framing • Foundation.a Tree Eatlmate• A Plan Servl.ce C. Sherm Allen Liberty 8-7576 l l ttc House Plans LIBERTY M261 l OUc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Aepalr Service Ma.tntaJ.Dad Pbooe: Harbor H24 llOl l!l&lboa BIV'd., N"'l'Ort 88cl> pA.11 Introductory SPECIAL PATJO FURNtTURJ: rettnlAhed. nn .. t IJY?llh4'll<: enamel varnl.ah -llt&tn. Ju I.ow u- 1%-BolldinJ: Servlcee TIMEJ!-PAINT M. W. Ross Pnlntln cl: Dtcoratlng Llbnly 8·3321 or H11rbor 3089·M 2W Avo.·&<lo. <.'oata Mu& Llrens<'d 4 full Insured 38p61 COMPLETE PACNTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. S AUNDERS 000 :nst Streel, Newport Beach Harbor 29T6 or Har . 4446. lfc PAINTING Painting & Paper Hanging ''The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38t.h St., Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR 340. CARPENTRY Uc MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO S M ALL H. O. Andenon JQH I':. BsJboa Hive!., Balboa Harbor 2•:>0 llJtfc FOR RENT Sk.111 Saw•. Elec. Drill&, Poliahan. a.II tY~• of Sa.ndera, Wbeelb&r- 1'9W•, etc_ BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HlOHWAT Llbert1 8-llu~. Newport lkh 28llc Paperhanging Painting Klmbtrly 7-11 21 llpt fl ''A's'' Sl.50 5 pcs. S 15.00 "'• ~La.llu II\ antique and VENETIAN BLIND Zolatone f\nlahf'll. LAUNDRY I KEN A WOM.EN prepare la IP&" Ume ror unlimited opportull.IU- ln ~al Ella~. Ntw cl&Me weekly. AJ Tyler IMtn.ICtlnl'. A tend nrat evenln& frH and learn about <ht• gTeat tleJd. call 0 write now for tnform&UOll. 8\aai nn1 1n1Utute. U5~ N . llJe& more. Kl 3·1753. Htl • t· r . -c China Painting Day a.no £ve111111 aa.- Ordet1 Talten Now Phone Llberty 8·6'48 f Hll c I 28-Sltuatlou Wuted f ~--GARDENING Ga rden maintenance, yard dean up. Call Kimberly 3-3026 or Ha 3034 afl<'r i . 40p4 r. 2 Roy's Maintenance House cl1•anlng-Floor wtllln1 \\'all washing-window cleantnr Veneltan bllnd1. Upholltery Jn.sured. f"ree Estimate.( Liberty d-1332. ltt c Expe rienc'd ~ardener LANDSCA.f>ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30tl c J.;Ll.JERL Y MAN drawing 1maJJ penalon. act!ve. irood health. de slre1 poalllon aa watchman o what have you to octet. Good rl'fercMn. Write Boltllolder 142 Co11ta Mua. 40d - r 2 PAINTER WANTS WORK. 16 yean eiq>er1 ence. Nun union. Hourly. • Liberty 8-2722. 3~p3eH • COOK 6 all around flr•l claN ma.Id. Be1t or reference•. Wac., $176-$200 mo. Ready for work April 26 Wnte P. o. Box ~o Metro Sl&Uon, Loe An(t lea 66 40pt2 \\OMAr-> u pu ttnC'Pd In u llmat Ing. •ellJng. MWln( and oftlc work, "''anll work In Drapery Shop, Ll 8-3003 or Har. 427 after 6. 40pt . • 6 2 . MAN o\ WOMAN wtll do 1eneral hou1ework. floor W&Xtnf, win dow cle1U1lng. Fut worktn while. lH E. 20UI IL, Co.ta Mua. Ll 11-2683. pptt Three b11by 1ltter1 available for evening-a Phone Liberty 8-2722. Ja~tH PA INTlNO Elrp.rtenced painter by the ~ • hour. lbtl,frlor or 1ni..-. aeiaU J<>be ok. LI 11-2111. tic.i . FOR Kll\.C-E.xp. IJlcJpper tor pl1 vate yacht. Sober. r-allable T'horo . .-xp. ln ma.lntenan~ and 1•JWl'lltlDn Jl:•rtllent •hlpe cool! lllld f lehemiacn. U 11·2337 611>'3 ("l.EA:"ll:-.lCI 6 1RONINO by tbe day £llS-.M~l\Cell B&Jboa lllalld preft rre.J Kl 3-eoH i lpO Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen COSMETIGli.N pre- ferred. Must be ex- perienced in selling better -name lines. Salary open. WRITE giving full details. to Box T-56, this paper. 37c42 WANT K. s. or Coll11• 1tu4.nt for pa.rt time kennel work, a.tter- noone. 2086 Ha.rbor Bl'Yd., eo.ta Mea&. '1c43 Sl!;CRETARlU. lllenOll It book- kMpera TOP JOBS OPEN NOW AL.80 eevtr&I domeetlc joba. J UN JC F AR.RAR AO EN CT J:mploymeut 402% Und SL, NeW]IOrt Be&ch AcroN Sl. trom Ctly Hall tlcd WANT el[per1e11cad ...a..~ fam- IUar Wit.A Harbor area. l:JcceUenl opportunity tor rt(hl man. Write Box W59, Ulla .,-per. UpO W ANTED--600 PSOPl...I: to come to brealtfut 8atlllday, .AprU 30th from 7 :00 to 11 :00 a.m. Goodell Hall. Chrlat Ct11m:h By the Sea. '1420 Wut &lboe Blvd. S.TVed by Ole Mena' Club. Tic· ket.e 76c. f0p46 OlRL8-JUST A JOB! MORJC THAM THAT-u oppor- tunlty t• work lo u lo~ruUnc tnduatry which la eapandln1 and otter• advaneement opportunity to qualitled JO'Ull •omea. OPmNINOI NOW Aa: TELEPHONIC OPDATOU -.\Pl"t.T- Ht~ N. Katia Ill. ft.in. IU -a&Ata Aaa Moe. UarO'I,-1'rf. 8 :00 to ':00 p 11\, PACIFIC TEL.P'HONE 12tl• l.l:V 1:1\AJ... GJJU.a IAI a6dnM. maJI poalcarda. 1,.,.. Ume • .,,.,.,. wtclt. Wnt• Box ltJ, Belmont. Mue Upt2 Pbone fnr EllUmalu 6 Pickup Strvk• l \\' ASHl~O .tt Ironing done a WlU come to yoUT home, lake down WANT lady 'o CU"O fOf' cbiJdren In tinm• "t 7!or iwr hr wm c.'all for Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Ptu .. nua. CM~ll J.fellL LI ll-i961 Haer l l i8 •ttp4& Painting It Paperhanging We do the work ourselvea. , 30 ytare o:per1ence l..lc.nMd 6 lnaUTN. s.tlatacl Ion (\IAra.n tef'd, ~atu frn Ca ll Johnnie. LI 8-2687 le LI 8-5289 8llfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT UCJ:NSEU t.~NTIU<...'TOR 111 W. 1801 SL.. Coeta Mua Liberty &-U211 )'Our Yt'nt-llan bltndA, 111k11 lhem /Ind lltllva Tt'I~. W B·S..e2. my hom part Um rep.tvly. to our la1lndry. Leundt"r U\e 11au . Ntwport e,.acll. Mione Harbor ta~•. cord•, wpa1khnc clean •lpO u ii. Jl<U Wlt.hh~urR n•w marh1nel prurtu E XPERIENCED l><)Oltk~~r . typ. W A NT HO USl:Kl':El'ER for mtl ..... ..1urn your bl nda •nd .. I I -• II .. 2 l~l uf.lllf t'I pum roett 01\. ~· tr;enll•m•n • molhtr IJY• In re 1n1l1 t., .. m In t hnura 1111 l hll t 1 . tauo l'rlct v,.ry rt &JK n•blt The "vrr-r~ 'cm ' rarurinr n I Ulll Wl>f>rty 8 6•88 AFTE'R e Alao ""ll In rt>ady to WM r . of ·, m 3kU "It" 2 l•J"' ruJrlf'nll•I blind-f irt A flaJt" llu •073-J . 4lp43 _P __ · ---------- Only $1 .00 WANT&D ,..habit' alrl or woman 29--Htl~ Want.fod from 9 a "' l" J2 noon dalJy tor We &llO r tlJalr and r~bulld ven•---liithl hllUao·wnrk .Muat have own tton bhn1I•. All worl< l.lun,. by •v-tranepon. .. uon. w l-009. 60c42 l'Olnlml'nt l'hOlll' now t.J~rl \' &-!1701 or Klm ~rlv :l·82H ppllf PAINTING PAPER HANGING Rr1ldtnll<\.I It C11nim1>n \"I \C:nrk l.ln•nl!lf'tl Cttntr11.c1nr11 Call Lexington 6-4948 rull .. cl Huntingto n Bu< h 14-i'e?90Ula ----~--------· ·--· • • Ready to wear Saleswomen Al;GftESSIVI: REAL UTATI! SAL.ESM.AN tor weU loc:aled of· fin Rnt Reda. l\alty, ~ a156-Har. N'T. ~c w A NT coUec• bo1 rw part Una• work .. J b&lf day• a weeJt.. 8 t:I!! Jay Perry, CtrculaUon Dept. :"'~wporl Harbor ~-•·eru. Phon" Harbor lt ll , 10.12 a..m. or 4~ p.m. OAI)' 3k4Jb WA l'TRESS WA NTED~«l{l&lla Come aneak a peek Anytime thia week Find 110me tbinp antique Others ju.t unique. IOldl nry uaM Udnp. too. ( caomn, out l"«nabu or an ..tale) II\ pr&fe at Mt No. Cout Blvd. l..q'una Baadl, Callt. '1cU KA Tl!:T DOANll New A naarl1 n"" apparel for women • cbUdttn. Klnd-11'• PaUo. 2131 Oout Blvd., Corona del Mar. 28c'2 1000 EMBOSSED bualneu cud•. O .H -S line rubber •tamp Jl.00 4 line rubwr •la.mp W'lth cut U .00 t884 <'Ul~J . Book matchu. L. \V. WJUTIC U l~Oll evu. Ll W160. pplfo BLtTI: M!:TAUC coudl, '711. Lee· formk a cofte. table, P&. Two modern end t•blea, U5 -.oil. ltll· (le bed, box 1pr1np o\ mattnM, ••:). Utility trailer. $76. Harbor 3279-J . •o &lb<>& eov... flon omCJ: ruJlNJTUJlE.. J ..--. J IW1vel chail'l. II ottic• cMl.lw. Priced to H U, ..,. atten-.. only. HT Morntnc C&aJ"Oa a.d, Corona del Mar. •te&I Fresh Hearing Aid BA1TEl\lU We Olve UH O~ lltaMpe Gunderson Drug Co. M&ln 8L at Balboa Bl't'd. • ....,_ Ka.rbor 610. lltl• F'\JRN1TUJlJ: R.D'INl81D1'81 - lacquer ae.ndlfll M&l~ ftat. Ma'\l Jloee • hl·l1~ lacquer. ai.ti• Ml q\allty. lowHt pric•. a.,,. bar Patnt <Atter, OJ I~ ft.. N-port BMch. Kar. llU. •ootUI SOLD MY B.EACH HOim TWO 1-fL Frifida.lru. $7~ e&. Uni· v.r1al , .. r&nCI'. 1100. W..S••- wood 1aa ra.nre. 160. Rat tan H t. din. table, 4 cha.Ira, 1120. J couchu , Ull. Ncll. l•l ot ta!«. maple p(ecea, poet condition. 64 Beacon Bay. Har 211~-J or R)'ln 1-4087. ce.n be -" 1\au • Wf'd. II Thun. 40p42 EVERYBODY LOVES a good Book Review. Don't mis11 Edna Steam• Dayton, Lido Theater, April 28· 10 :30a.m. '2c44 04JUUICl'l UPIUOHT 41,..p f f'ff'& ... Boupt J ~ .,.o tor 14176 W iii NII for UT~. Har. 2867 311('• I 8.l:NDIX aut.o, --..her, flat lo p medal, •<»il•l -.tllllltl, ••:1 ... t.o appreclale IJ7 r1u m 1'ta.eo (N_,_t Va.ta), Co.I" Ill--. H p41 Washing Machine n:Rvta 1.,....,. p&l'Ui.t Oii jMe done and oc uad ....,._ 2•aa'4 lrevJ N~ Bl., Coot.a M-. Ll be rt y 8-4.'503 or .l.IMrt y M327. MUc 11 CU'BIC rooT ...... type f ,_. .. r , 1ood cond1Uoa. Jtu Hick· ory St, Sant.a Ana.. Call Kim· buly 2-2612. 40ptri Automatics S39.50 to S99.50 ~ tul&llad. ruuaatMd. No •irtra cbarr• We Service All AppUancee S~1allzing in AutornaUa Auto. Wuher Entttpn.e. 2941 Newport BIYd , c.eta Mua Ut>-nr t..fn• 1 l't.u Gott eaw..1 pptl CEMENT & BUILDING All K lnd11 YREE ESTJ'MA TES Liberty 8-6109 E\'ERYBODY LO\.ES n g•Kx.l Book Re\'iew. Don't m111s Edna Steams Dll yl11n. Lido Thra tC'r, April 2 -lll ;inn m. and ft\Od 2~30 W C~t Hwy . 0 000 U8£tl N01'0 E r.f'r1a .• HA. ~rwport Ucb, a pply aftn e p.rn Harbor J"!$\-M U pU U ct2 29tt CARPENTER Repair Work Ooae Tour Home Nee.a t«p&&nnc or Remodtlln( ! Call Frank. l.Jbtrty ll·HM AU Work Guaranteed 7Ufc <I:!< H AJcobolJts Anonymuut1 Writ• f' U IJQ11 J iil J1;,.v.pnr1 lif'l~tn. L"acl1f, Phone H11rbnr Ho:. Ut ASPHALT TILE 1 ~1'4-aut~ Aid" Ll.NOLEUM 1 ·. -. -. tn1taU the &b<>Vf Chea r than Superfluous Hair Al.o 11 TH 11 Ip. 1 I Prrman•nll) 111110,••J tr11r11 1 .. • ~oat. I •2e' e .tno,eum 111111.t It-!'• f"vr1>r1m 3 a n·~ 11 ur I ••On·un on, ., y .. 11r• f '<pt'r enr• C. c:1 llnr 11n1111• 1 .'l .. 1 " r .. ll.\•·<'711" I ompare an ate -. , BJLL COKER U 8·6204 7tfc F:Ll.f~N t.. fHtl ANl i: I:. I THE NEWS-PRESS THE COASTAL SHOPPER Orange County's Classified Ltll<> • S"lon ot Rrnur) 11 11 ~;,. ,, ttc 'l'!-IA>'t and Found Lll~T H.... ( •. I C.Ut M'. • • n •. ,,,,,, • ti• \I I ru ... t~\ I 722 r.111 l~nro•I II ir 04711 ;\f "' llur b"' .:11.i :11"11 I W~'T It•' • , .. "'" "n ~\1n Zrin• ~""' h, A pr 11 •h (~A Iv """d "Y• i.ln'""'· ""''Ii 1 .. 11r .. 1..i. W1t h lmJ>Qrtl\nl JJal'•t 11 Ill Sl'X"k•l Kf'f•p m"""Y J'l•A•t' Rt-turn t (I ~n.1r• :\96 F: 21,· Trlr 14, <.:oala "'""" C8.ll W jj.fl()U 40pU LOST-" pr B1h, white punie con- lllnlnli jilU.t .J, wallf't Al h«luSt k"Y" Costa Mr11a •r"• fttward. Call Harbor 417 -\-\ 40c42 LAROE: LOCA L. r,.al H tat. firm b · d ne"d• •J1P"r1 .. nr ... J MJ,.•man All Mu st e experience . an""'"" krpt cf'lnf1 1 .. nuaJ. wr11, bnll X·60. lhla pap.r P 1 .. u .. Ref er~nces requir-•tale quelrfll'aUon.e In full •>~•J ed Salary open. ~;~PP.~---­ Write giving full PARKllR dbl b&1Trl•d ehotpn, Ul gaugr. «o«I condition. Har. det ails to Box Y-61, u u -w attu p.m •0c42 this paper. 41c43 ~ .\lTE :'\TIO:--: AL.L BOYS - ;-.. ~ •·f'T"'•• , 11111•r rou~ are now Ir• 0 j,, "'•Ir t nl'll!hb<°lrhoo<lll - l l 1)hM, \\'t'•l :-;f'Wpt>rl, 8~~ l•l1<n•I :0-:•wf'O rt H•lgh~ and ,.,,,.,. 1'11·M- It you a.re 12· I a Y"' r"d. have a 1>1tyl'lt . •rply 10-12 L m nr •·II pm. only al Ctrculat.Jon Dtpl. -=' "11'"port Harbor !Ii ew1· Prua, 221 l Bal~ BIYd., Newport ~&cA Harbor ltlt . 39tfc WA1',. BABY Srt-rER m ornlnu . d&11.7, 60 oet1ta hour. Bar. 3Z7t-J U c'2 w A.lllT auto ..i-.,, to aeU MW rOf'da and UMd can.. .,.,...._. FIREWOOD n\ E1C OP:LJVERT Dry Wood, HI" • 2•" len&tlt- CAJI B. R. BT AGO Phone Harbor 101' ll:Yenlnr• Harbor 6311 Utt BICTCLE.S. ta.bl• Z..nJUt rad.lo, t.:nderwood ty~ter. l\eming· ton el.ec. abavtr. f"ord body, dbl. 11altd rock maple bed. 11' IDut Ocean Front. corner ot Pa..Lm, Ba.Ibo&. Ph. Har. 3231. H ett Advertising Media I STR.A YEO C""Y .ti whrt e lonJ ~ man ~. FOR S~U: BT OWNER - J"ril'!daire, 6 yn, old Ma. f'rii1· d&lre eJN1. nnce. I yra. old, 111:1 lkYtral belM,..-S.. Ilk• new. Maden &-rt. MUI tub. lilt• n-. uo. ar-din.a, .. c.Utn\ (.Oft· dJtJon. U S. HayY duty trailer, am&ll Dia. M6. ... at 2~ Vla K..,ton•, Udo ....,_. C&1.I H.u1lcw Ute er Bar. ottf-W. Uatl h<\trf'd rat m-.1~ ~"1•11 hole In THEOOORE ftOB.INS, P'ord Dltq tip of lrft ... r. -='•rn• 8m•1lrry. I 3100 w rl!Ut R wy. J'fpt. 8eacll Ubocrt.)' 9-8M7. i OcU LlbwtJ A 11·1 0~4111 1' Only $1090. All Frigidaire Equip. f"OR RALY.. BY OW~f:R · la·108 R•fn1 •ra tor, 1\8-70 double 8'ft'TI •I"' fit,nlfl!I, WO..& ~. 'n\• 60 tlryrr HH·lll hom" tr-Mau. A II *'~ u n..w P'or 1101111. Or11 Tl!ltaJI 1pprox JI T60-or Wiii -.ell 11epantely. "n• equip· m"nt s .... In home by appalnl- m~nt. Harbor 28-H . U p•J H-Faratt.re for !!la.le WOOL n.rp, one t a 12. JlO, One 8 11 10, Je, In fair -dttlen. Har. 737-J, H c41 Mesa Woodcra~ Unpainted ll J uv,nile Furn. SPECIALS THlS WEEK t ' l.J. WSON .ata.. •ll p ~ 11 'i Obltt. bed. 9,.aut7rut matt It 81)rtnf&, like new . ' . n o. AU.0 V-1 t>rlla/IJrll)m TUC' an1! pa.d, 11•12 -Ph. Har. lWIO-M. '1c1J KAIU> l\OCk J(.Al"t.JD Md 4Jvan &Ad ~h&Jr, ooftM ~. M:), 114 Plra&a ...... c:.r Ma .... u...r..-. '1 .... I PA&~:-COASIAL SHOPPER -APR IL 20, 1955 CHf PPENDAL!l ro .. eota. & pc. blue chrome dlnC'lt. •et, bleach- ~ mahtlg. burtl'l. all food cond. 12Xlt green BIJelow carpet. Harbor 3Mt. t OcO M-Maskal, Radio. a T V H.AMllOt{D CHORD or1an demoa- •l rator, with new ruarantu. Bis M,v1ng. ~(Check These Used Cars Cabanas Marinas 488-Hoaw• '°' fleet F\Hl utAS1: T\\'O ~£A L'Tl FUL new l n •1n• Terru·r 11ntum. vl,.w honua. ~ HOIU.fS . :Z bath• and Buy from a local dealer wbo will be. here TOMORROW lo back up what he sella TODAY ! A l&RACTIVl!l blonde dlnttt.e aet ti uph. chalrel buftet, table and 2 ll'&vu. Excell. c-ond. Sl3:S. \.'phol arm ch&lr S:S. Har. IW27W 38U fJE.D·COl;CH Ir ch&Jr, 2 .nd ta. blti<. ROOd cond., all S~:I. Mahog ~altl••JC c.Hnlng lAble A 4 chaJr11, 510. 20272 Orchid Avt., SW Ban. ta Ana. Kl 2·1667. 39pU REOWOOO ("'HAIS.ll> LOU?'>GE , powl'r aewlng machlnt. • ,,_1r MW dntw drapu. H13'~ Wut Bay Av~ .. !"pt. Bch., Har. H~M 4tc43 DA..~Z-SCHMIDT Blc Plano Store. :S20 No. Matn. Santa Ana April Spinet Specials! BE:A UTlF'UL • l" Klrnball irplntt piano, like oew, aave U 02. FAMOU8 MAKE !&ltm maple spinet piano only t mo·•· old, &&Ve 112:5. LOVELY 38" Chippendale ,,..alnut Kimball 1Plnet. like new, aave $291. l ONLY tuU keyboard LHter eplnet In tine condition $466. Convenient t~rm• et- SRAFl!:R'S Music Co. I Since 1907) t21-'23 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2·<Ml72 BLO="OE mo<!l'rn dble. bed, box M -W fprlng • matt. Good cond. $2~. TV Service Ph Llberty 8-7938. 41c43 Phllco Sylv&nla Kaya Halbert Admiral R CA General Ele<trlc Antennu lnl'ltalltd CRTl!ITAL ahtrbeta, punch bowl I CUJ>' cam1le bolderw, tny mirror, ONE DAY SERVICE Bavarian chlnL 6H E. Ocea n I Front., corner ot PLlm, B&Jboo Phone Collect Harbor 3238. 3ici2 TRADE ~UIW 10.tt. &WC. ltChooner J\ally found, 10 anywhere. Will take equity In Pf'Operty or •mal· lw boat.. 1220 W. &Ibo& Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. Jllttc . CHRYSLER Ma.Mn& •n11J!t, 4 't to 1 reduction l'•ar. J\EFR.lGERATOR, 110 volt D. C. B!:E J AC'K HAftPP.:R at Lido 81\lpyard, tnrl of 3111t Stred, Newport Beach. 211tfc BOAT trailer, Mii. Chrta Cra.tt a. t t. dJJtghy, f11>errtu. bottom, wlUI oan, US. Phone Liberty 1·~2. 31tlc ).CATCH.ED P AlR Chry•ler Roy· &1.t, 2 to l rl'ductton, both S400. Harbor 19H·J. 38ct 3 1 0 rr. UTlWTY wit.II removable canvu top. Gray Marine En· J1ne, s~o cuh or terma &r· nq'ad. U 1-7384 39c41 &NJPE. :-Jo. U .'3, ln l'ood condl· tlon, k OO. Phone Ubforty 8-4738 il>PU H. J, L&Vt"rne (Curly) 322 Main. HunUng-ton BMch 38p49 $!>.00 PER MO. rentm good pracllct piano. Ttrm rtnt a ppliu It you buy. Good pracUca pl&noa $49. 110, 11111. DANZ·SCIDUDT SJg Plano Bton, 1120 No. Malll, Santa Ana SPECIAL April Organ Buys ONE ONLY tull :I roe.nual conn· aonata tlectronlc orf1L11, Uke new. Save 1400, ONE ONLY bewW\lJ .141nlh•ll •plnet or1an, Uka new. Save $100 ONE ONLY a.Incl• manual Min· ahall orpn, llxe nrw. S.ve S200. Coovenltnt tem19 at- SHAFER'S Muaic Co. (Since 1~7) 421-'23 N. Sycamore, Santa All& Phone IOmberly 2-0672 RAJ.UfO:\'"D ORGANS. Complate lllle euy ternu. Your old pluo t&Jtrn In e.xeh.ance. Tty bdore you buy. FrNI room. here tor pracUce. DA NZ..SCKMIDT BtJ Plano Stora, 1>20 No. M•tn . Sllnla Ana $25.00 '49 PO!\"TlAC Bada.n.ltt, R&dlo. heatu 6 a rood aolld running car ....................... -.......... ~99. 'Cl3 l"ORD •dr. Radio, heater, ovtr· t.lrlvt, low mlleagr, Reduce.d $200 for &ale Lhl• week .. $1299. DOWN ·~ LINCOLN t dr , radio, heater, Hyrd&l'l).a llc, near new llru. Run• rood ... .............. $199. 'M MERCURY Monterey Convt. Radio, heater, o'drlve, power braku, one ownt r and near ntw . .. . . 12899. BUYS A ·~:s MERCURY Monte~y coupt F\ilfy equipped, ntar ntw. Save owr . ... . ... .. lf.!00. '47 PONTIAC Seda.ntlle, •radio, heater, clun •• a hounds tooth .. $389. GOOD '00 P ACKARO 4·dr. l"ew tlnlah, food en(fne. Plu Uc covera &.nd runt Ilka 10,000 doUan, you pay only ...................................... S~99. '112 FORD Ranch Waron, heater, o'drlve. Llrht blue finish. A per· feet a.JI purpo1e cat' . .. $H99. SAFE BUY '113 MERCtJRT 2 dr., radio. htater 6 Men;om•tlc. Original and clean .. .. .. .... .. ........ SHH . '&O J'ORD J dr. Radio A heater. New .e&t cover•. Oood rubbar, runa and look• Jood Reduced lo -· ·-... .. .... .. . . ·~· USED CAR 'llO !TUDEBAJUCR Champion, f dr. Nev new inot.or. A •Ual at ... -....... -........... -.. _ .. ___ 109. NllCHANlCS 8PIDCIAL ''7 PONTL\O 8edanetle, real clea.n-Needa aome mechanlca.I work, A real b&rpln •l 1199. SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYJHING 1952 NASH Country Club Coupe. 2·tone ' brown. Radio, heater, overdrive. Run1 good ... .............. .......... ... . . ............... $1025 1951 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4-dr. Light green, automatic tranmisslon. R & H. A one.owner car ................................... $121.5 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Deluxe Club Cpe. 2-tone gray. Radio, h<>aler, power stttring. New W.S.W: tires. An excel- lent buy ........................................................ $2595 lent buy ...... _ ............................................... $2795 1953 BUICK Super Riviera, radio, htr, pow- er stttring, power braket1. Looks It runs lik4!' new ................................... _ ................ $1995 LOU REED 1200 West Coaat Highway. Phone Liberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New·Building For the Best Dea I In The Harbor Area '53 HUDSON Hornet Twin "H'' power. Loaded 13,000 miles. A steal! '53 BUICK Super Riviera. Fully equip. Sharp! '52 MERC. 2-dr., Merc-o-malic, R&H, abov~ aver. '51 BUICK Roadmaster 4-dr. Fully equipt. A-1. '48 BUICK Roadmaster. Fully equipt It recondl. '47 PLY. spec. cllx. 4-dr. A good one, low priced No Reuonable Offer Refused on any car in stock. See us for a "real" deal on a new '55 Buick TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd,, Newport Beach Har. 5021 (A few bib. Eut of Newport City HalJ) 4lc43 Lido Peninsula, Eaat 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Deliihl!ul lMne. Apt.-Cabanu. UtlliUe. pald. with Yacht elip accoinodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, y ... rly. For appt. or reeervation, C&ll Har. 2992. 34ttc '8.-Apt..&~~~~--­ Summer Rentals on Udo Iale and other ttne .Htrbor homN. TOP LIDO APT. 3 bdnn•., 2 bat.ha UntumJ . .ahed -ground floor A Home In Every respetl $180 mo. on leue, Unfurnished 2 bdrm. apt. Top B&.lboa LocaUon Stove &nd i-efrt1erator SlOO mo. on leaae Nothing nicer on PenJnaula. . Lido Realty Assoc. 3i 00 Vie. Udo Harbor HU fOC42 Ol'f SAW:lOA lSLA.ND 8111D U• f~ 7'IU'\1 UICI ..._... .... ta.la. NELDA GIBSON, Rea.Jtor aoe MartM •"' SarMr · 6UI BALBOA lat.A.HI> 1t.tc 2 BDRM. tum. • 2 bdrm. untum. dupltJL Children welcome. South ot Hlcllway, corona dtl Ma.r. Mra. Kay. Hu 3779.J, 6tte Choice Summer Rent.ala ·on a.Jboa laland It Udo Isle !mall It cosy ur larya 6 deluu S71'1 t.o SJOO monUl VOGEL CO. JOI Martn e AYe., Balboa laland Pb. Katllor tU or H&nor Sll'll ft.e~. Har. 1788·ft or Hu. 301'111·M lttfc Come to the Carden Court '8-Apta. A Ro._ for B.at Balboa Island Choice 1drly and •wnmer nnlala. now avallable. DORIS 81\A Y, ~all or 2Jf Marin• AYe., lla.lboa llland Harbor 20 86tlc 3 W01'EN TEAOHBRS .vut lhare 2 bdrm. apt. on Ba lboa Island. car port A Patio. Ha.r. 137•·\\'. •1('43 '8A-AptL tor Rent Lido Bayfront NEW S bdrm.a., 2 baths, immaCU· lately furn. apt. IMMEDlATE occupanry ror 8 mo. pertod. Apt. 28th t.o Oct. 28th. u~. lNCLtTDEa entire eummer 1ea'""· No pets. No children. Shown by appolJltment only. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Phone Har. H OO (svea Har. 1210) 4lllc I Ot. ret!eeorated unrurn. 1 bdrm. duplf'x, tncludlnlf refnJ. Waler pd. 122 Coat.& Mae& St., C. M. L.lberty 8·U3t. 40c41 OC£AN FRONT, nrv Nl'wport pier. •In.rte apt. wtth kltchrnettt • bath. Maid aemce, •W. pd TV. 1111. per waelc. Har. 151CI& or Harbor N'l'. .il!Uc IN CORONA. D&L MAR-2 bdrm. untum. apt, Jle.,.:>nable ~nt.. Call Fltzmon1a 1"&1ty CO., Har. 21112. :llcUh . d TWO Bl:DROOM rara&a apart· to liv.._for fun an sport, ment tumlahld. Couple pratar- cloee to ocean and bay -r~d. v .. r rt'nta.J. No pete. '36~ Here you'll relax and play 1f•llol.t'Ope, Corooa deJ Mar. R.b:ASONABl.E RATES, H&r. 012~ ' aec.1 1>:'.:1 F. Da.Jl>oa Blvd .. Bal~ UoP 2 Hl-:PIOIS , 2 bat.JI•. C11ll Harbt•r 171:'1 or Harbor H48. EARL. W, STA!':l..E1'. Rfaltur lrv1n• TPrr&<'• Ottloe C'!'rnnl\ c11'1 M11r 3Stfe -----------P'l:llN 3 bdrm , 2 bath, LJdo lei• hl'mf' Avall11hlf' from May 1 lo J unf' I. Ph H•rbor •~. 40C'd l\'r;\\'PORT Bl:ACH-Fum.,.1 hf'd room • •un r••rch with ,.,.J: .. C'l!'~n Vf'Ulv r,.ntal l&t. l'flOl\tlt 108 • Z~lh .!It. 1'.:ARL \\' ST A ~U!:T. ftealtor :1113 l\'twrorl l!l\•.t., Npt. B~ll Harbor J 013. JIU• 1 llUllJ.t. unfurn . 1·or huuae, yal'll Couplfl 4 rhtl•I f1ka y, $40. nt~ l21·:13rd, Coal& Me•&, Har. ~:'>Ill H c•l ~---~~----~ fllf C!l I bd"". dupll'1l °" Clift Drh•t . Dl11poaal. Kal"llCt, hw1I tlooN, uurt br1rk fir.place. 110:! on ll•aN . Har. U81 daya. Wberty 8-84 ltl nltea. 4tr43 Yl'.:AflLY unturn. 2 bd"". Jtoual' Dbl. ,.uare. I ll\ mo. 1~89 Ortln~ An . C011ta M-. LI 8-3340 O lfc NE\\' MODERN tum. 2 bdrm hou11e. $TO mo. tlll aummer. 30f 32nd St., Nf'wport Bear h. 41pU ------------BOARU It ROOM for l or 2 adult.a or parrnt and child. Call a t 1120 lrla, Corona del Mar. '1c4S UJ\"FtTfiN. 3 l>f\drm. houM 180 mo., 1-prererT'f!d. Wattt rrl 21'129 n,.publle, Coat & Meaa. Cal attrr II p. m.. A'Mantlc '·t'IM!.? '1C'<Ll UN l''URNl8H ED 3 bedrm. Corona Hlghh1n1'11 ramlly home. w \\ oa.rrellnr . drapn. cosy Ullf'c1 brlt"k t lreplace, ra laed hearth, blrc!I p&nalad lcltch•n. Or e11n view, I~•· yard, Stove. retrlK automaUc wuher Included 1t dealttd. SH now 904 SrawarJ Road. Corona dtl Mar. Ph. HT111 •·6efl. 37lfC CUFF HAV£N, UO. Wltum. :.I bdrm. MUM. N-ly pt.lnte-1 t l,..placa. Hu. s1oe or Hat. 987 IOtiO Trailer Space It' CRt:lZON 'Of ~l.uled Mah. deck 5&.fet,y 1iu. w,s J9~ !Cvmrude A11u.uonlc ramot.e con· tro~. Many othu utnu. Owner U ~-6230 i 1Ct3 6?\lrJ<; No. C.934 10 t •cJ. thape, H ll.Jt, Of'W covrr, tr&Jll'r, '600. rhone Harbor &02 day1, 2306-R eveA. 4 tc4S REXT All organ or pl&no wtUI rental to apply on tuture pur- chu. a i,- SHAFll:R'S M!Wo Co. (81oca 1~7) 421 ... 23 N. Syc&mOS'9, Banta Ana Phone Xlmberly i-oen at Johnson & Son 1953 Plymouth WU.I. SACRIP'ICE 1948 Stud!'· balctr delu.xe aedan. Hu ALL utru, evtrylhtnf! 123~i 4Jnt.. Newport Beach. 41 p43 Nlf;W DELUXI!! 2 bdrm. duplea, Unturn. hdwd. t'lra., tlrcpl., prt>. dJ1P. eua deoka. Launory room-. HJ:'W VD.T A TT!\AC"nVll flArn. apt. Garbage dapoul. 170 Incl. uUlllJ•• In cent•r ot Corona deJ Mar. Hu. Ol6S·R. lOUc OaNite•. TV antennu . Adult.a, -n-, .. -.A-UT--. _F_R_O_N_rr_,_l _bd_rm_. -11-n-tU_l"IL_ no peta. 700A-700B Acacia, Co· r-0na d•l Mar, Ownt'r 703 Acacia, G&n.fe, laundry rm., draiwa. Wa.. ter pd. Neat bu.. diet. Miat ... ST A Tl: APPROVED for Cabana. lar&e lou , apace for cuatom l11ta. Sw1mmlnr pool by J une let. Adulta • chUdnn over 14. LlOO VlLLAOll, 700 !ht St ., Newport Beach. 34r48 49-Roome for Beat TWO LA.ROie BEDROOMS on fl"O'Uld floor. Prlw. antrance Al\d batb. 'i bJJr. f rom O<'.an, nflar Bay. O.ntJemn p?'eterred. Har. 044&-J. 3Gc41 f!All.lSllAT 18 fl Snl~. l';xcel· lf'nl • •10dtt1 .. n. f>h. u t-8660. a ttn :i Hc43 NJr£ I l·ft F1Mr1tlAM boat. Wind· ~hu M, •I ""rlnJ; "'heel 6 con- 1 rul • lO hi' J()hNIOn n"•rly new. <'111-:Af' 17 ~tunlc'l f"'I 'TraJln f'&rk :-!""pen 4 lpO IMl.DWlN A.craaolllo Bptnel ~ Jwtt U>ie new. rou can .. ". °" lh11. BuuUtul Art ModeJ Splllet only U a:I. AnoUlcr 8plnel Mab. _ c:~. Lov11l1 tone only J4t7. Al· "'•.>'• lot. ot wondertul bu°f&Jn.t Ultool.n • Kercury to0 w. Cout mpwa_, Hewport Beau L.Jb.ty 1-&&4~ 1'·1-"T • ·l..A:OS hMt 4 Ill hp )(u- at -- DA1''Z-8CHMlI>T 8 11 Pluo 8 tON, ~'20 l'o lll&ln, Santa AA& 100 P1anoa to dlOOM from. Eur term• Open nery l'nday e.,.. r•1r\• ,.,,. h"' ,, ~·1••• r?a•• rnntl•· 55--Do Ca p '''"' H"' 2•o• •1 ~t' gs. ~-e_t. __ _ ~·~~l.!·-~--r~- M \ 'SF:P rr :\'()5 "1111\roS ti.11)' I tnr 1>ur ,,.., 1,1 ll• pl 1111.hr•t ruh allnwan•" ,,. I r~ II' nn 11• w r 111nt1 or orp ir CREA T DA.1\"'E, fawn wt th bl.aclt mask, rhamplon ahow aloclc. II monlb.., ohl, t.rtm.ml'd • all nt cu · ury ahotA. AKC ttll&tn Nl Sa.c· rtnr~ 1318 So. t'out Blvd , La· 11un-Beach. HYatt 4·9002 30c:O J)A:0.:7.-:<<'ll)lll.ir 1• ... n ..... orcr.n !I Ct;TE klltana, aboul 7 Wkl. old, t 'n , &:!Cl NS',,P>UEC1n IARanLta An• I to ~ r;1•·m away Call Ll 8~~~ FR.E.."liCH rooot..£, Cemalt Call ~rty 8-3097 altn :I p.m Accordian Buys.! •_1c_'3 •n•I S~1 I r ho ,, th tl JIHA PP!R'~ \f •H ll" C-n 1 "1:-rr 1"'071 •=1·421 !'\ >') IU lMr• ,..,,.,., .\/lll J'hnn• Klm b--rlv 2·\~i2 ~Tn,-wA r 1..1, '"'' In ""11 1 .. , fut <nn11111nn ~'¥ anti h•1u 1111• \\'"-'"°~ PZOPUC to com• to br .. a.JU ... t k w rda.)', A pnJ .ll'lh fmrn 7 00 to t LOO &.m. '~ell flall. O\nat. Church By I hf S.... 1420 W•t Bali-Blwd. Srn-~<1 by lh• Mtll'I .. Chtb Tle- kl'te 7~ 40p40 lmmo>rt.al 1n~tn1m•nt All nr1ii1n-l ------------ al c<>ndlttun 1111 """'"''"' Tl\11 1 1a °" r<t • 1 1 , "" thf> fO.-.Autcie and ~k.9 W-•n ,. lfamr.n l~'rr a.nd J man\' '"' rJ 11t • '"" .,,1ni:• Realh II•! I ,.,. .... I• " ~htth 1 Vacation Specials •••• j f T•A:-.·Z·S<..:HWIO'T 11 i; l•,an<> !"•· 1 • ~21l :'\ • Mllln 11an1 .. An• &.l JAGt:AR XKUO R-0adM.er, I bla<k Jl&lnt.. Nod A bwutt 1.-. .. 8TUDIO P1ANO, A hart! tn ~~t lh~r \lpholsVI')' ·- plan11 r"rff'<'I rnn•lll1nn, Sll'~i 1 ·rit TRlUMPH TR2, red paint, tenn.. 1111\ckberry lntc-n or, lllnt. anape 0Al"IZ-8CHMlOT Hric P1ann A 'l>J lUL.t.MA.'I: 4-dr. aedtul. I.ow Or.,an ('n . 1120 :-Jn Main. S11nl1' 1 mileage. A nJe. clean car Ana AU CUii guaranlwd. Low dOW!l 20 lNCB MUNTZ TV. lfnl"I ron· p&yment.a. Suk ftnanclns. dlUon Honey ""lnr, S7"1 HArbnr Buy a forelgn Cllr from a ,...cor· IOl'T.J. 4 lr~2 lllz.ed foreign r11>r dealer. TV SERVI OE 1\'E RE:O.'T port&~!~ ~Ord playen a amplifiers. 111.M> r. A fl) stems 8TF.:Vl:NS a nc.1 80 NS JITt Harbor 81.-d , ~•ta Mrsa I.J'1-rty 8·2301. 321fq•p Wanted to Buy \:P RJORT MANOS not over :,o" In ht.lgbt for our r&r1la.I dept. tuchut trade allowanct• or c.-price at.- Harvey Mayer Motors, Inc. 2I3i Hubor Bh·<J~ Costa Mtaa l'hnne ~r1)' 8·:Z2M t OcU M1'ST SELL 19~1 Buick R1~.,.._ Ilk~ nrw, one owner, low mile~ •re. All txtru. l!!acr1ne.. ww finance. Har. S1T4. U c41 G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''7 roJU> 1~ T. PlCKUP. '41 l"OJU> '-) T. PA.'iEL.. '48 81\adeballer, \.i T . Pt~-,. '50 roJU> ~ T. MCKUP. ·~ CMvrolet.. 14 T Plc.ltup. ·~FORD rt. 600 pl. tank a.nd pump, 2 epeed. l :W20 Uru.. '01 J'OJU> J'S. 12' belt I 2~ Una. 2 SJ)M(1a. w. h&V. &ll l.1pea ot uMd tNcb r.nd )'OU will aave t ime a.nd money by .eellls ua rttat. Y/. W,, WOODS GMC DEALDl 1110· Ill E. 4lh Sl. Santa Ana Open Sunda y L m. Truell b.Mdquarte.n tor 0ran_. Oo HSl ln80TO CU8tom aedul. liu rad.lo, healtr. auto. tra.n.mi.on Good tlt"H. R"«lltJy overbauJed -· ·---·--·-·-·-1711~ Hau.sken Motors, Inc. 1933 Harbor Blwd. Cotta Meu Phon• Ubuty l~I 3Sc•O 111S2 FORD •-cSr. Cu•tornhne aed.. K 6 H, no t.ndell. By pr1vat. Pa/'tT ( l OW11tr). Lt M SIJ. ltcU ·o J'OJU> COftYWtJbt• tn roo<1 condJUon. claa.n, Radio. heat•r. &Ad spotllc1\t.. SMI. Call Liberty 3·0232. 'I p"3 'r>3 ENOU8H FOft.D Conrul ~an. 8.tOO ortirt11aJ mllu. l 0WT1n. Ntar netr condition. 11!1!~ Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 Harbor Bl•d , C-.oeta Mte• Phone Uberty 8-~:St. 3:k3i 19110 MO TD. Rtal C'.lfl"&ll. SJ>"rl11J th1a Watk , 1911:1. Hausken Motors, Inc. 1932 H.ubor Bl'll'd., Coat& Mt .. Phou Lnarty l-6<111. • lc•3 lfOO NAaB 8tat..man Broucham. l\a4s. • •'drt~ ~ll pnc:a H~ Hau.ken Motors, Inc. CLUB OOUPS. Jta.dio, o'drlve. l'QOd Urff. ll!acell•nl condlUon. COTTON GOFF Volk.sv.•aren Dl'al,.r 2119 NeW1JOrl BlY'd_, Newport Bch. H-.rbor I . U ct3 19&• PO?'.-rt.AC •-<lr. tooat new '3&091 power bra.Jlu 6 all Ull'U, UlOO. 1211 £. OcMll P'To.nt. Balboa.. Hu. UJll..J f1c43 ltU PACKARD Clipper,~. Sood t.ran.eportaUon. 222 ~ate. B&J. bo& l.81and. Harbor U~·M. 40<:42 ;:-.;cw lllM RENAULT lt'd..n. De· llYered •quip~. 11293. - Ha~ken Motors Inc. 11132 Harbor Ulwd. Coal& Mua Pbon• Wberty •~~1 29cll fl-Auto &nice A'ITENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage Authortud Pe..ru • h"1~ ai.o Oood Traruport• Uon Can P'o r Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. -ca.ti Harbor 1819 to place your I Ad on thi• paca. ':SO STUDI:. COMMANDl!:fl, La.nd Cn.rl!itr, f ood work ur, auto. llllJll\., hlt'. .. ..--............. • 538:'.I Tu • Uctl\ff paid Prtv pvty. LI~rly 1·3~. 4 lc43 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad • 6 Cyla. $48.88 8 Cy la. $58.88 locluou bolb labor and pa.ru. N tw nqa, WT\8t pl.llA, "al v~ (T\.Od. munr• of IIllUn aJld rod '*"'lnp. Dpert mot.or t una ~I) PO-day or t ,000 mile suara.n<ee. INU MUNEY DoWN J. REBUILT ENGlNES -lTP LO lf» NONTH8 To PA.r- BitUt I.JI ou.t own racto ry by ekill.O ITlach.ln1al&. Don't ClOD Ulld WI 0\ the middle m.n. Buy d1rf'Ct. REBUILT and INSTA.J,.LED 8HORT BLOCK FORD ---·-129 &O CllEVROL.l!:T 148 &~ PLTM. a 00001: Jl~ CRRTS. A DIC 80TO llTO 8TIJOEBA.IU:J' l liO OL08 6 PONT LAC I t l iO BUl<.;K -17& HU DSON 17~ Loan Cu n... Towt111 NEW CAJ\ O~E Block mu.st meet ow •tan~ Plua t.aaea, ruireu &nd oU ()pl'n 8W>d&.J' l 0 ~m. t.o 2 p.11\. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opai 0 &117 a to 1 S ta.I.a Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8AJIM'A AJo'A ------------- Port Orange Trailer Sales NEW 16 ft. to 24 ft. Travel Trailers. NEW 35 ft. to 45 ft. Mobile Homes. We Jm;te you to h11~t lbem at 2200 W, C.out Hwy., Newport &sch Liberty 8-4420 41c43H (Upper apt.) Phone Rar. 1138-J, tn appreciate. -238 Roch,.•tar. 33tlc Coat& Maa&. U 8-~873. 41pU BEACON BAY 3 bdrma.,.2 b&.. view borne. Summer only, • • • BALBOA rE:-.1:-;suu 2 bdrm•. l ~ ba. i"\irn. 11pl Tft. Lr.ASIC. • • • THUi: PROPERTIU &n ju.at a K1J1plr or the w1de ranee ot prlc,., loc1t1on • aecomodau ona we have U.tad. The Beaumont Co. 04·32nd St , N•wport Ba&cb H&rbO'r f.2H. 33d& $7~2 BDl\X. Trtplu, ~arbaire d!Arp. ran over atove. Bfotwttn li111' acltool • Jr. H11h. Water pd. Own«, ~ 8·:1771. Uttc BT Yll.AJ\-.,Balboa Ial&nd. C1o. to abope • .AY&lla~ May 1.i- Nlca atnf\• taml17, J Mdroom home W1Ul dbl•. ...,...... """" $100. m o. t.o rts bt famU7, CALL HARBOR Ill, J, 4. BEEK oftrlce. 302 Parle .A.Ye,. B&Jbo& Laland. 4 ll'i J lN BALBOA -P\lm. nParly nrw upper dUJ>'elt. C10M to lk,y and t.ra.na. MO. mo. unlll June 11'1 or yr1,y -... at ST&. Ku. u n.w alter 11 a.m... UcU Summer Rentals • Exclu.stve Bay Froata + othff cholee propertJe. Harbcw lal&.nd, .aay lbor.-4 Baa· eon Bay, quallflad c11enta only. Harbor Investment Co. H.arbor 1900 ( z:v.. W 1·6a34) 2itlc Choice Yearly Rental.a CLJP'P' HAVEN-L.ie 2 br , encl. palln. J:"rs1e, $87.60 11nru1n CUltu:-.=A o i:L MAR -2 h r •. flrf'· plact, irior•rc r, F :• unf111-nl•h"'I Muriel M. Plnover. Rtaltor 2~1H N ~wr"'' Blvd Newrort lir h Harbor 4810. 41c•l J BQR.M, twnlehad, H O, month on yearly leue by \M monU\, '~ blk. from ba y, 2 ai1u. to oc:at.n. 30. • 3t th St., Newport Bt.adl. Har. 23U .J. ncUJI Lido Isle Rentals TWO 8\J)(Jo(.ER •)id one YEARLY rt11tal. All hne I bedrooma and c1011e to Club BAL.BOA REALTT. CO. Y~JU..Y. nrarly ntw 1 bdrm. tum. dupla &pt. Tile kitchen 6 bath. P"P. .Adult.a only. H O. mo. Harbor 3:1-47. w. 40ctl SI~GLE APT, tum. U S. month. Tru ly n te lncludln~ uUUtlee. Harbor H~W, 309 Ea.tt 8&.y AY'e,. B&.lbo&.. f 0c42 CH Aft.MING M\OVTNClAL duplfJI unturn. 2 bdrme., nt&rl)' 11-. Neiu al.Orea. beach • bu&. Prlv. ....,....... C&U U H42t, or Har 62H..J. OUc EXCl:PTIONALLY hie. 2 bednn unt urn. apt. Gll.rbec'a diqoa&.I. BALBOA. ISLAND prtnta room 6 batll, kllc.henetle. Will H l f<>r 19 wk. aln1le. or $10 wk r .. r 2-WJ Jun. let or UUI.. He.rbnr lut~. 401fc NJCll t or workiq ~. pnnt• en~I'. 1:543 Ora.re Ave Co.tta M-. 40ttc ------------SMAL.L 1Ln1l• room fnr wnrkin man. Comfortable brd, hot at1• cold wattr. IT wk Pnv enlt J23·23U1 I t, Nt''"'porl Rl'erh 32pp.11 ,.,...,,., lawn, yearly. N.-port • _ \ 1 HelJbt•, U 1·2U9 '1c:'3 ~-~hore .... Ofnc. Churninc Harbor Haven Apartmenta • Pat1oe HEW• J\OOM. etrMt liaftl. N1&r ~boot&. abopplns cUatt1ct. Quiel. plauant.. a cha8'n. Oarba.c• di•· poM1. laundry, 1tor•1e rooma ,..,.. •• J82.&0 up t>cc11p1"• en· u" atrttt. Oood eupervielon Mg'T'. I SOI H•wrn rtllrt I Blorlc !kuth of Ht~h l'rhMI ALSO Fl'RXISHEll APTS. WlXTER RATES Jt/c YEAJU.Y untum. l bdrm apt . wtUI ....,...... Barbo& lal~d Har. ~W or 1.J~rty 1-44.al 3 orncm a~ for lea.a .Ap pro1t. J r·xa:i· •Adi. 111 Udo 811or plnir •r•a. bOO Via Malara H 1e1 3:'27. Jl)lf(' AV All.A BLE -About 8000 1111 ft hghl lnduatry •PAC• "n 111 Ill 2nol tloor. U. 15 ffl1bw&)' 1111 and B•.> P'Mntsre. "'Ill lfAN •ll nr lln)I pa rt 4 ~mf'ldtl !11 11111 ll'n .. nt.. Vl'l!PI Cn , UHi Via I.Mo H atb<>r HH I, 2~·rr AVAILABLE ~Ur Nf:W STORE BLOC. 1200 "'I ti CO--a-T--iu-.-.--3-----,-"Pl""llll,. BaJbne S&y C1ub Am t .11 ., A .. ...,A, rm. apt.. urn nr untvm~ lncludu u11l1Uq Call r •rkin.r f'h LJ 8·13i J J•K•~" llTatt 4 ... lS;. l&Uc HARBOR AP'l'S. Modern furni.abed a pt.a. day, week or month Nr v bus, at.or~ A bay. ~U<>nablt ra.Lee. 104 £.Bay Awe., BALBOA Harbor :.JH . 17Uf' UAr H E:LOn. C'harm111ir n,.w 11:11r apt , Ule blllh .run d•ck Sn~ ullt palll 7113 J aanHnt , <' Li M. Jiu 3484 41 ~{2 t ·:-.:n H~. 2 I'>< I rm "Pl , SAO mo 430 N &r'C'IN Urt, i·nronA 1lel Mar l'hon<1 Harbt1r 2~Hl-R 41c46 ----------M<IOE RN UNJ'tfR~ 1 Mrm •rt W\th 1 r f1 lir • •tOvf' Re1U1r1na blt Yfarly rtnl. 80i ·~ lo'tmleaf. Co- rona del Mar 41 c43 Newport Island Waterfront' Summer Rentals l\A TF.:S by wei:k, month or af'UVl"l 3;oe Cha.nn,.l 1•1 Hu 121;.J 41 lfl' F'tlR l.F.ASE on Har bf>f Rl\•I l .. IHjtf' hhU"t! on &Oa.17CI i:r<•l•O•b 11·1nnm,.rrlAl1 t ar lnl 2 ,.,,,.,., 1 n'"xl Ill f>laa!lr ~""l l 'l11r· A JI tir !••ITI 1,1 8 ·:l:ii2 JM"<' ~-U-"!l!~~~~I~~ _ srnRTINn ('.OODR .,,,,,. 11r1 Uual • J.lot11r A1ency l<X'all'll 11 tle•~rl. nf'ar rivera. la.kf•. c; .... "J>f">l"luntly tnt 0•1t bnil,..,., motr.r '""' \\'11J .,.ll t1,r inventor) J•rtce du,. to ot.her bu.alnt'N lntrr "•I.A. Wr1t41 Box R-6•, thl8 paper 3•p•i S MALL. OROCERT STORI!: a111I rfft&Ur&J'll with II vinf qttartrn located ln • nry tut c row111r; """' ahopplna a.re• F:xr,.llt r.• f>'•l f.,r • l1•p11'\r •tort • on ••'" \>teer • W111r ('all Qwn,.r 11• l.lt><-t'ly 8 ·:\"9:\ 4 1rl'\ • aY.ArD'S Mu.lo Oo. 18iace 19071 •21 ... 13 N. 8)'camo~. Sallt.a Ana Pboea Klmbarl)' J--Ot7J 8 trTCK 'M Ct ntuJ7 Rhot•la S. 11(W)r ruJJ power ffleclnlftlo radio, low rnlleag-e '8200.Lncla. tu 6 ltU llartiw Blll"d., C-t& Meaa PboDe UbutJ' ~1. ~; llcenw. Prl••ate party. Call att.v ---=----------- 11 or -8at\Jrday and 8an4-Y. 1~2 Jit.A .. Raml>S., OM owner, LAX.IC .A.IU\OWKEAD LOT w1lh au camatlnn Avt ., c. D. M. SPC>O. ~Kar. Ol6f.W. Uc'3 bo6t dock, 11~ or wW lrad• Rentals Wanted 700 £. Balboa Bh•d , Har, 3277 ·~•o RENTAL r SPECIALISTS tlB-Bo-.e. for &eat -----------:-~~~~~L'!.._ ~---- w•~• TO iSU IUJ. UO'f\UVt. BU?. MUlJ£HSLZll:, (JR JU:l'L "I AN <.:t: CONN80NAT-\ Elac:crto Orpn. ~UJ U.S. Ba .. a400 OA Wa bea.utal\IJ orpn. l>A..N'Z-8CIDODT Bi. PIUO Store. •20 1'o. Maa.11.. au .. AU See Baldwin Piano Cils Organ Display ~DW6RTH PlANO CO. ltu a.1& m..1 .. o.n:aa ..a .,.. (Tbadta bit.-SW,.) .... -.... ' Harbo.r 371."I. O,..I 1941 01.Dll II coaTWtlble, ft 6 H. for late 11·Ct. hauae trailtr. U W9W u..... Phone Ra.~ 301 I · 74C3. ltlfc Av&Uabi. today (No wa.ttJns) for •ppt. te 1.Mpttt. sattc i ---------- Nt;W 19~ CADJLLAC ~ , 1:1().M', PA.'N AMl!:ftlCAJ'f ttSt, FlfftWQOCS Mdan. Air .-.St-. ti PONTIAC •-« .. n.,., ~e•, Xlnt. condition with I a 20 ad. 8abt'a Wbaela, Qanan.J puDC• lfJ'dJ"UMUe, UNI. Chrome. &l.aM tun proo1 u.r. only UIOO 9\1lM. 6 INn&. JoeaJ owner, ffa.rbor N.ao <•.v• ~ llOOI r.c.._, •o&a or 8f!t cu at L°hlon Oil ~· atW 111 ,_ ·~ »o1 s.. eo..a a....,. J'or aa.I• b7 -.er. H04 Oporto, aH7L 40MJ Alum·o·Room cabal.\&. U '700 or Will MU C&ba.r\.a for ~00 mah. Udo Tn.ller Pa.rk, •T Dralle a t., N~ Beach. Upfl apt. I , Utte Elltnnce. Call ffar. IP~2 Pt.TJ(OUTll oanrt.lble, W1tll llot -~ -a.tt.r • p.m. ut.ru. •-a.• _.,_ Har·' 19~1' rr. VACA1i01f Trail•. • -,.i .. e.N. u.IJ ............ w. ~ • Wa nHd ape. aad MUMe Ul all NC\.IOM fw ~UJ W\Jli.r a.Dd year• i..u.. "1m. or Wlfllt1l. U TO" ba•• a •M:&Dcy, phont today The Vogel Co. l201 W. C.t. Hwy~ Nnrport 8olL Cal.I I*&~ Blanche Gates, Rltr. Sil M&ftaa .... a..Jbo& lll&n4, Bar. Hfl Pbon. Ubarty W•IJ '-T~ a del*IO•ble ~ o.r, ... JOI Marilla, Bafl>Oa lal&nd your~ dMlar no trill be IMn Pbo1.oe Uarbor Of TOMORROW '9 _,. llP w11&t Ila Ht7 II. c-.t R1,. Corona. 4-1 M&r eella TODATI Qi.eclc Ule uad Phone Harbor IHI Udo Office, Hll VI.a Udo a.rw 8a Liie ....... ...._ ... ..,_ .. n 11tte ..,., • LIDO ISLE 2 Y EAJlL Y R&l!>.'T A l.S VY" rt l"R :>: 1. 2 ~<1room1, 2 k th.e. I . • ~drooma, J ll&the. Cbolce loeatlon1. EARL W, STANLEY, ftultor We Huy Truat Deacs. NJt'Wf'Ult1 UA l,llUA 8 A Vl!'llJl- A L.OAN A~!J<.:lATION IMt Vta u-. rta. Har. n oo U•l 111 3 N"wport Bl'Pd., Newport 8~1\. WUUL.O Hile lo buy I ll ud 2not llarllot 1013 •Ollt. Tn»t OM4A Call flu. '326 Nlc..E 2 bdrm. duples on Clltt Dr. Dl9poeal, SV!ll•, llwd. flrs. U11td br1dl fir.pla ce. 1106 on 1 ..... Kan. •?•1 ..,.. u ..... l. ..... ..... Utlr -Cluellled Ada are read bJ folk• Who ..... r.&IJJ loolciaS \o ~y. --................. \ • TO SELL, TO BUY, TO LEASE LOANS for Homes 61' -JO JT. Lou. Construction Loans Oran1• County bualn-opportunities, see an eos uTrLD Bayfront 156' Feet Beautiful, Unique Desirable Bayf ront Residence Jllld T -~ -Joma JllmW. ...M.t.. 1!5U EAST COAST BLVD. ____,. ..,_ Corona de.I Mar Barbor 1888 BAY I BEACH REAL TY JHE GREAT ORANGE COAST _.HOME + RANCll ITYt.S BACK BAY HOME • Should be ~ Won aooa a& Ul1a price· Brand new 3 b<lrm., 2 batU ·All electric kitchen • hwd. floors • fireplace. Hu "fr1 feature a home should have. $24,500, tms. + C·l + 100 foot frontage on 19th, directly across strt>et from MW market 6 drug store at 19th&. Placentia. A .peeul&Uon price at $10.~. Submit some terms. + KANUFA CTURE .,_ 121 toot Oil PlaomtJa. ~ block north of 19th. Depth ftrt. from 108 fl to 290 ft. to alley. $70 foot. + J'A RM + 80 acres all ready·to plant to beans, tomatoes, yams or celery. Hou.ea, aheda, barna & well. Priced at $3000 acre. Liba'&l term.I. Imm. pON. Opport. here. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1M'T Newport Ave., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-16S2 Liberty 8-1400 Evee. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Rep. POffiU:R MORTOAOa CO. Kotro ~h Ina. l'\mcta KL a-&11~ \ '8ttc NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALES -REFlNA.NOlll CO:'\S'ffi t;CTJON Call !or Free Fnst Commitment• on Re~Mencu and UnJIA only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St . COSTA MESA U 8-!'i~4 1 LI 8·11562 REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate ~l/:tfo Loan1 quickly m ado In tho Bay Area a.no CoeLa Mt .a. sina le or multlplf1 units. New or old. Be wise and 1ave by re--ttnanctn1 your present 1011.n. Minimum u · pen.we. No charge for prellml· To the yachting family ot es.&ctldl tMt.e and ,... quJrementa we otter a marine residence of excep- tional merit on 156 feet ot Newport Harbor's moet dealrable leuehold Bay Front. Vis'oroua cont.mporary conception. advanced func- tional design and equipment. 5 bedrooms, 3 ·batba. 24 ft. x 24 fL view living room. View and privacy from exp&Jlsive master bedroom. Large dining room, completely equipped luxury view kitchen, marble fireplace. AlJ on one level terrazo and carpeted. floor. Radiant heat. Inter-com. ayatem throughout. Movie projection room. Planned area for ewimming pool. Dramatic entrance. Concrete bulkhead, moor your 100-tt., or larger, yacht to s killfully engineered, well lighted private pier and float. This bayfront residence shown by appointment only. Call John Macnab, Harbor 1775 or Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island nary appr w al. Phone SanLa ---------- Ana~~~ 3:.93~~ write CORONA DEL MAR Mortgage Loan Corrupondent Occidental Ule Inaurance Co. 933 South M&ln Santa Ana PP Quick Cash Loans on funtiture, auto, aalary. $50. to $750. or more. One day Mrv1Co. Ap_pllcation may be mact. lD per- aon, by phone or by mail. 1. Nice 2 bdrm. borne on Marigold Ave. Hu 2't<.i car garage, hwd. floors a.nd tile. R·2 lot with room for additional dweJliDg. Only $12,750 with $1500 down. Balance like rent. Open House Sat. & Sun. at 712 Heliotrope, C. D. M. 2. Very n ioe 2 bdrm .. clo.e in. Hu expo&ed beams, forced air heat, flagat.one fireplace and atressed garage. FuU price $13,750. Por someone wanting a beautiful home Calif. Acceptance 3. Large new 3 bdrm. and playroom. (1950 aq. ft.) Hu beautiful view. Wood 1hake roof, 2 bath• and all attractively f inished. Open daily. in Balboa at a right price-CORPORATION 1898 Hu bor Blvd., Coata Men. U 8·77111 -Opeo rrl4&ya UU 8 609 DE ANZA, CORONA HIGHLANDS 1. 40-ft. lot on Balboa Peninaula moet beaut. at.reet. 2. 3 JoveJy bdrma. -2 with ocean view. 3. 3 batba -2 ahowers. '-Large beamed ceilin1 living room looking out on a territic patio. 5. i'ull aised dinm1 room and nice kitchen. e. Quality built by owner 2 yn. q o-ThU. home haa overai..led beam&, tongue & groove flooring, heavy at.eel fird•r, Rheem F. A. water aoftener, etc. T. Three car dbl streued garage plumbed for apt. 8. Strictly a beautiful quality home for $29.~. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coa.t Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Liberty 8·348 1 Quality Lots Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine CACROSS FROM ffiGH SCHOOL) 75' Frontage Highly Restricted For Custom Built Homes $3500 AU U tilities In on Prof)('rty. GOING FART. -- Phil Sullivan -Owner George T. Everson -Exclusive Agent I R."">6 JIT"'f!Ort Blvd.. Coet3 Mesa Liberty 8-676 1 E\•eff. Harbor 4366 -Ltberty 8-2103 CORONA HIGHLANDS Panoramic view -A new ho~ too! One ot the lut choice loc.ationa in Corona Highlands. 3 bdmui., l :i, bat.ha. shake root, dbl. garage. Pll'nty or tile m bath, fonnlca kitchen. Will Mil or trade for 2 bdrm. bo1188, Soutb of Hwy. in Corona de! Mu. On Begonia, with partial view NMt UttJe 2 bdrm. bungalow. FirtplMe, dbl. garage. Only 3 yn. old. $3500 do""D wlll handle. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Diok B1lllard Pat Patt ieon 30M E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2443 LOADED WITH HIDDEN VALUES BAI.BOA ISL.lND. We ot!er acJualnly an UDUA· aa1l1 dalrable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Delightful ltt1llC room. large ~ room. Maximum equare iootap. Ooee to belt beach. Can only be appreei&l*' by lupection. a.a Bait.. 1m Ev• Harbor 53.'59 IARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -Karim .A. ... , Balboa lal&Dd VO&EL VALUE-NEWPORT HEIGHTS Pltda tD Ownenhtp -Located on quJet.. beautiful .... amoac other quality bomea. Lovely 3 bdrm., 2 ~ bame wiUa slMI doora from li~ room to a aw, Jo'NQ' patio a.od print.. t.ck yard. ..,..,.. ... tbJ.I at $21,960. See The Vogel Co. aQ1 W. Cout Hi&hway, Newport. Bu.ch U 8·3481 Cl.oaed Saturday •l Ur WANTED W1C HA Vil CUSTOMERS tor • ._ c:anl • lmprovfd. In bualn~ &onfl 28lh St. to U nd ln Nt w · J)Ort. N. B. C. Realtv Co. Slnd It N.-port Btvd..." ~~ 8'-h. Harbor u~ Bu.sine. la GOOD. Let ua ad.I your property J illli)$. VICK -Har 2013 (Mu!Uple IMUng Brokers) Uc43 For Sale by Owner CORO!\'A DU lfAR -:Z 1tory combtn&Llon. Oar. A liti ti.th. lift floor. 2nd Ooor nu lar~o Uv. room. bo&lned c.JUric., ~m. •bower, drlu.se kl~h#..n. SnM'lc bu, (~d In mn JlOT'C"'ll, ll{e. pallo f'ft<"l •lU\ 6-f bf-Ir le wa.1.1. I lB.000. T rr'TT\jt to Ill.lit. Room t.o build on f ron\. i02 A ca· cla. Corona dl'I M.&r or phone IO:mball 92tl. B\Jnt.mrtoa Park .a.JUo EXCHANGES Sma.11 homt, Coron~ del Mar. ff.Ir ~t.nta Ana tncomr. EXCLUSIVE with BEN J. WHITMAN & Assoc . IM.2 E . Cout Hwy., Q)rona del Mar Harbor 1~2 One of Balboa's Best ! 8 UNITS-Two 2 bedrma., five 1 btdnn.a., and a ba.cbelor. All completely turniabed. Wall to Wall carpet._ tu.mace heat, tulJ tile bat.ha. La~e. spae- lou.1 rooms witb plenty of cloeet space. Extra ttn. location on Penin8U.la VACANCY REXX>RO very low. All rented to aub· stanUal buatneM and wortiq people. No nolae, trouble or fuaa. Very easy to care for. Property in ~nt cond1Uon. INCOME $8,000 per yr. from permanent t..nant... Price 551.~. Tue clear home and llOftle cub t or equity. SEE Lila B. McFarttD with- BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 419 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa Hubor 37R6 or 2517·M or 172.') Choice Location Good Bargains Excellent Income Poseibilities HAPP\. SUMMERS : ! 4 bdrma., 2 balba, furrut!hed .... ·-···-·· -· _ .$29.:500 3 bdnna... 1 ·11 bAth, Little Jsland ··-· ... ~35.000 2 bdrm& N B. front.. Pier & float . -·· ·-$-4~.000 3 bdrmA .. 3 balha, fum . J..itUe laJand ...... $28,500 H~~ :; v~~· roT d~pia. D 0 R I S B R A Y , Re~ ltor 2 bdrm s~ooo. <.,.,,.tll Mf'JOa hl\rn• Ph H b 20 D & E · fCK n('Wtr OT bt'arh propt'rty One ar Or -ays Venm gs Submit )'()!Jr tn\drJt, •ll''o ~n('Ome Nona H yer Chet Salisbury 1u u . 216 l.fanne A\'C., Balboa laland • N. B. C. Realt~ Co. BEFORE YOU BUY - 3204 • N .. wport Blvd.. • "pL ech. Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - 62-Rea.I l'Atate -----FOR SALE OR TRADE BY BUll.DE:R =4 bdrm111 .. 11 ~ b:ith hom~ Close to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CALL MR , GATES. with :'\EW RA:\'CH ~TYLE A.DOOP.. 3 hlf#ll 'bdnn•. 2 Ult t11,thi.. 1tucto A plotn 8Pf'<'IOUI 1.v. rm • flrftpl., plley ktuh,.n, •l1n. rm., dbl~ gar Mta.c.hM'I \\'ill DIKE & COLEGROVE ta.Xe ck'ar lou, cu , J1e11.1.,., or what have you. Phone Liberty 8· i0i6 33tfC' 172 E. Wllaon. Co•la ){e.aa.. LI------------------- l ·'l932 alt.er t p.m. or w tekMl'lll. 37p42 Bay Front Income I UILlt.-2 A I ~ rurn- --..d.. Pl#, Ooat MCI pn•a.w be&ck. 1000 &. a.Aboll BIYci., Balboa. or.tYi-18Hf.. Oou.r· t.97 to~ Utto CORONA KiaBLAND LOTS - Ololc. Sita An.Ua~ cau ~ nx IUOO. N'liWLT PAINTED 2 bl>d· room .t\IOCO laODJ• on corner, • ,,... old. l maJJ ~ pauo. Ra.rbor 6J:le or Har. 987. 3:1tfo FOR BALI: In~ lo a homo " ll4~t ! PbOM owntt LI H4M. 3tp41 BT 0\\1'fD -I bOnn~ l ... bDLl'I houM on dbl L&'VEL tot. l.Arf • n-. Olruoat. J'\n!piace., pat 10, tencl'd y\l .• dbl. gar ~tw 1 bdrm "~ on rroar of Jot trw income. ! Hu: C>Hl·M. 111 Jumme, C'or· Cll\& de& Mu. lk41 BALBOA ISLAND 2 bedroom modern. rompletely furni8hffl. C'.oo<t cor· ner location & room to build Income apt. Price, Sl8,i 50, xlnt. ter ms. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aseoclatea Park at Marine, Balboa Island -Harbor 2462 OPEN HOUSES DAILY 1-5 p.m. ~ DE AJ\ZA DR., Corona Highlands. New 3 bdrma .. 2 ba.tht on comer with ocean view: n..... place. BBQ, patio, dl.abwuber, Tbea.mador rtove, garbage d11poaa.l. Quality conatructioo. 483 MORNING CANYON R.d., Corona Highlands. $18.500 . 328 POINSETTIA. Corona del Kar. 5 rm.a., 11.2 Iota G. H. LATHROP, 363:> E . Coast Hwy., Corona deJ Mar Har 64...Z (evea. Har. MU-Jt ------ Business & Home 2 BORll. HOUSE. plu1 u tra Jot, M·l &one, low prlct, tasy lt:rnu. a BDRM. R Ot:S.E , n6&r Civic Cen ttr, 17 800, low down payment BEACH HOME S 1,000 dawn CHANNEL FRON!' I BOR:'of HOME, pat'r and float $~.900 down. N. 8. C. Realty Co 32nd A Nt "''J)Ort Blvd., N pt. Bch 331/2 ACRES V~RY PRODUCTIV~ LAND In beautlrtl) vlllt'y 1nlan1I from 01·4Hans11J.o. C'on 1·t·nit'nl tu bust n l'ss le 1u'h11ols. H1pi-{.ir Aubdl vision, lllnt. Willer ll)'•lt m, A re1111.Jenre t u Sl!'.J.\lOO In Newport area will be <.'<)11~1dtred a..-. pnr pymt. u wner 2300 Chff Dri,·p Newpor\. <l0•·~2 ----------ClCEA:-.: \'ll::W mu\lcrn 2 brd1111 hnme with extra ~o0m an11 ~ huth on lloubl~ 1tamgt'. P r1<•e •23,!'100, Low dow11 payment e>r Will tul<e First irust u~~·· In Lrade. 27l2 Cliff D rive l•dJaCent vacant lot a vailable) Ph. owner, U 8·2~32 23l!O Drive by 235 Magnolia Costa Mesa CUte It cozy homo -2 bdnn. A panflt>•I den with flri>placr. "'all to wall carprt. Very clOile 1n $13.000. P hone J,lbt rly 8·6282 • 23tfc Need Larger Home MUST Sl!:LL nearly new S bdnn hou.sr, largt corner lot. Hwd. n oor1 t hruout, fireplace. PaUo 11 encloaed 3 11de11. DRfV!; UY 2221 Sant& Ana Ave., Coit.a M•a&. Pb. owner LI ti..i 136. 33~6H BACK BAY Comer ot )le.a Drive A eyp,...as I yra. ctd. 1>11aut1Cul view. 88 3 x u~· Jot. I bdrma: 1«t. H x 20 kitchen, wall to wa.11 c&J'l>eL SoUd Pum l blor construction, walled pello Lot.II oC room for Income ~dlllon with ba y view P nvato pv ly. Sl~.900. J'h LI 1-6848 tor •rrw•lntmenL 32p46 BY OWNER -3 bdrm., rlo-.e to 11hoppln~. elc., nn q~~ St. Hwd. n u ., r.-nced l<>t, •4"W••· rnrb. dMlp .. alley rur. Ho0m !or in rc1111f'. 1'1'w paint. ''• loa.n a H t per mo •. lncllMILnc tue. '9 ln&u. Pr1c• $13.::160. 68P Pule Ortve, Coeta MH&. 40lto 208 Kings Place ron 8AL1! OR t.Jl:ASl!l w1UI op. llon ti) huy. Attra.cllv• 2 bdnn. & den, Mam cr1hn1:"•. lilrf' Vlf'W loL Clltt ttavrn. Owner, IJ1nir R#'ew:h 900-31 i. ll91162H ----C:C>RO~A Dli:~ MAR l~C'OMK \'a nou11 unit. • rnc•' lO "'""' your wanl.11. $13,000 to 160,000. Al.SO 2 bdrm h""1tl ca mplett'IY fllmlAhl'd, ttoubJ .. J•r>1S:<11 lH ~. CA Lt. ~tlu Kohlat.-dt IC11.r 21:12. 313~ 1.'<>Ml Hwy., l' D M P:vr Har. Ot 2t ·R 3P.c51 ------ U J 000. FOR 8A.LE Bl' O\.\'NF:R I barm• .. dln. rm. at !Ached ~· •ti> W to W ca.rpeUJ\a. hwd. n,-.., Th .. rmnM.&1 hK l. ira.1b dtr.p lutd\~n f&ll lncludln1t nt.arl · nt'w a Ult> wuner 4 4ryt r, re'fflf /Jr /(U r>U'li" $1 ~1{,0 lln, l iOOO 1;1 lne.n ~Ill t"l-.nAl!H'r 2nd ron· t,.... L 3211 e,...,.av.-.y. C<>.t.. M1aa •0.-!•2 L.A.JlCE LOT on Cliff Df'lvo Ln l"11H Havl'n ALSO 40 ft atrr~t to 1tf'f''"I. lot on ~no-. l.ldo 1'11,. o.nd C.:Z lot oo N-i>ert Ulvd Mrt1 Ahr-me, Har 0191. 2Jlfc CHANNEL LOT ~1101' )1A rr111 Avr SitiOO. 8 m l!IJI <In. rYmL Phr>ne NOnnlLndy I ·30.'\3 •1tlnng .,....k llr 1nqu1" al 4~l !4,..uhurr r>r1vt :-\ewport Rr.u h, "" f'k•M dll 4(11~~ O\' OW~J'R f'ti'F. 2 l>l!rm. ht.>utt. n•ar ocea.n lit rhAnnrl BBQ In fl1icatone poallo. br1rl< "'all11 throuitll<lut. ~•rnflC'" '''' 111 11:;0 11r lar i:t bo11t ZO;J • 41'1 . N;owp<lrt B"ll' h 1i11 rhtlr 4 ~33 291113 BY OWNER Curona lll1thlAnd1 -3 bdnn., 2 ba lh f11rmhuW1r. FHA • 01mmll· 111enl l'h Har bur ":8·.1 91'1 fc For sale by owner [)l"l 'Lf-:X on R·2 I• l.~ 612 le &14 JllAm lnr. Corona ctr l )tu . P11rt'd rt11:ht. CAii Rar llllO·R •'l"'r I pm. or !hlntlaya. l:lpl:.ll CLIFF HAVEN Bit/. UTtl"t:L ('\!~tom built r11nch home, ovrrlfl()klng H 11 rbor. 4 ll"l1· rm• .. I ~t.N. tlna. I flrtplar~•. Al~O 2 bdrm. 11pL. wllh Jll l\'lllt pat1•1 149 ~ CaJJ own!'r, u 8-3221. 29c"2h TH.REE BDR.M. fr.n,. on Ii. .c;r ... f'rult tf'ffl. etc. 262~ lll<Jen A vt • Cott.a Mutt. Owner, P Lymouth 6-602.4. •OJ>' 2 BJ..ACK STA.fl CANYON, lle&r Ssddle Back Jilt. 10 ~•. rn~· nJflC!Vll ~. .,,r111,. r~ tor bunUA1 lod~e or hlt'IMway, l lfOO ~trade for Vo~ Own .. r . ft&rt. Ol&t-W. 6.lc.41 APRIL 20, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PA6E 9 a a.a r.w. GOOD llVING starts at IRVtNE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect these model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely fumis~e.d by Martin & Von Hemert Nine diversified floor plans. When you inspect these model hom~. you will note they include every comfort and convenience tor GOOD LIVING. 'ALL ot the planning and thought that resulted tn this remarkAbJe community will pro\'ide GOOD LIVIl"JG !or Irvine Terrace fam.lliea for many yeara. Permanent reat.rictiona guarantee you wtll alway1 be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wi&hea to pu.rcbue tn the $22,000 to SM.000 clus we .tncerely recommend the Irvine Estate. ovetlookinc Newport Harbor. .Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway oppostte the new Irvine Cout Counu, Club. EARL W. STANLEY. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 6"8 P'or J"arth81' Informatfon * For llecom.mendatJon., we Nier 1'0Q to an7one who holda a Leuehold !'.lltate In 1"tne Ternoe. BEFORE YOU BUY-mclil TBESB BOKlll IX NEWPORT HEIGHTS Open Daily 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. 252 Palmer St. S650 DOWN AND S76 MONTHLY Only 3 left Better Hurry 4 Bdrm. 2 Bath Homes JVMEDIATE P09SESS10M SewUI in and p&l4 ~ Di.,_i Encloeed gan.gee Kitchen tana Q)lor.d roe& roofa Blrcb c.binlita TOT AL PIUCll SU,400 See owner Uvln.g at 2'52 Palmer St. ort Santa An& A"-ww-15Ua 8t. • 18th at. 252 Palmer St. U..a.7976 100 % l~CREASE IN SALES I ~fore than a Mllllon Dol1an In Multiple u.t1ng 8alM d\lrins the manUa ot liilaft.h.a $1I147,061 .00 Compared to ms.~.00 tor March at tut ~ 1n BUYING or SJCJJ.JNG eee 'fOOI MULTIPLE LISTING OFFICE M1111blr ot NEWPORT HARBOR BOARD OJ' R&ALTORa BALBOA ISLAND CH.ARKING pl.o.e paneled 3 bdrm. bome.. UMd br1alr fireplace, 2 bath•. 3-c&r garage. Lota of cloeet and «torage 1pace and a 1 bdrm. apt. AU furn.iabed ~ good l~. Xlnt. financiJll. $29~ $3500 DOWN and you will ban a wonderful wm- ml'r cottage. Rent ll In tbe winter, and the Income apt. upetain, a.nd tt will pay for it.elf. -4 bedroom Bay Front -$45,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 3oe Marine Ave,, Balboa Island Harbor 502 -Evee. RArbor 2806-R Accent on Value placed rightly here On this modem 4 bdrm. bayfront home with 1 bdrm. apt. over garage. U5.000. Good flnanclnr. This is just one of the many VOGEL VALUES we have to show you. VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ENJOY THE WOODS at the beach. Small cotU4te. 2 bedroom.a &11d bun~ room, on wooded lot In ca.nyon. 2 block.I f rom th• Bay, Corona de! Mar. Spk ·•nd·•pan condlUrin. Fur· ·ruabed. J'ULL PRICli: SA950, only 11600 d~'tl I Here le permaoerit aoirwer to your vac3t1on nt.'flla I STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cfut Hwy .. CoroDa del Mar Har'¥ 881 •.. .r PAGE ID-COASTAL SHOPPER-.APRIL20, 1955 FOUR THAT Will GO! on Balboa Island "ONE FOR THE MONEY" ... Darling, little mod· em 2 bdrm. home. Good corner location wilh room to build another unit. Fireplace, beamed ceilings, and nicely fumillhed. An ~eptional value $18,700 'TWO FOR THE SHOW'' . . . And loaded with CHARM! A wonderful home for year 'round liv- ing. Be&med ceilings, huge room•, grand patio 'Vi.th BBQ. Two bdrm., two baths, Completely furniehed ······-·········---···-·······························$29,:500 .. THREE TO GET SET' , , . For aummer living, that LI! A good two bdrm, home located halt-blk to beach and clo.e to, village. Furniahed, An ex- cellent value .................................................... f20,000 ''FOUR TO GO" ... A gla .. fronted modem t bdrm. BAYFRONT home, gn..nd kitchen, bkft. bar, patio with BBQ, F. A. heat, two batha. PLUS 1 bdrm. view apt. Both fumiahed. Terrific buy at $45,000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine AYe,, Balboa l•land Harbor 4:781. EXTRA· ORDINARY BUYS COSTA MESA $1000 Dwn. Lovely 3 bdrm. home, only 10 mos. old, beautiful new carpeting in living rm, ball and muter bdrm. F.H.A. loan, $61.00 per month, partial ocean view. Only ............................ $9,27~. $2,000 OOWN. Unu.1ua.l 3 bdrm. hOme with fireplace, oak nOQra , automatic heat, breezeway, lovely la.nd- acaping, F. H. A. loan at $6-4 .« per month. Only .................. _ .......................................... $10.750 $2,1 11 DOWN. Spacloua 3 bdrm. near Santa Ana golf club. Hdwd. !loon, fenced, extra large bdrm.1. Only ......•......••................•..................... $11,500. INVESTORS DREAM. 1 bdrm., very live.able home on E . 15th St. Bbq, garage, fenced, .1tucco and plaater. Only _ ............ -.... -...... $5,500., total price GREENLEAF. SEVERTS REAL TY MULTIPLE LISTING REALTORS 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 2.552 CEYea. Liberty 8-3186) CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on corner lot 3 bdrm .. 3 bath home, lmmaculateJy and complete- ly ruml.ehed including deep freete. wuhing machine, TV, linena, blankets, diAhet Ir: ailverware.·No phon• Information. Shown by appointment only. Full Price $39 ,500e ALSO 2 bdrm .. 2 balh plu.1 guect room immaculately a.nd completely furnished auch aa diahea, ail\•erware, TV. Expenaiv~ly carpeted a.nd draped. Clever land9cap- ing. Large corner lot. Full price - $32.500 -Terms . For preview llhowin1a. call H•rbor 1600 - ( E\'H, Llberty 8-53861 HARBO R INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS N<'wport Blvd, at 30th St., Newport Beach Open I -5 Every Day 1961 Irvine Ave., Costa Mesa Picturl"llqUe 2 bedroom and den Early American home under the a.hit.de of lhe giant Eucalyptua t ree•. Upon ent('ring th• lil•1ng room you will be welcomed by the aoft muaic of the built-In Hi-F'1d('Hty &}'St.em •ncl the coz;• warmth of the braided "''all to wall carpet and la rge flrt>plac~. The den i1 complete with itA pot belly 11tove. Beautiful kitchen with excellent cabinet. and built-in We11tt>:m ·Hnlly Ol'E'n and r ange. a vary large bedroom.11 and 2 bathrooms. one with a large dreMing room. Large plate glu1 doors opni· In g onto a large patio from t he magtcr bedroom. Jiving room and den. Thi.1 home i1 bullt for the bellt in California Jiving. Hope: you are the one to en joy thia wonderful home. LEON WHITE, Realtor • Llberty 8-4011 Ei.·ea: Liberty 8-~l~ CORONA DEL MAR 2 lotA on Hue.I Drive, South of Boulevard. ldeal for Summer Home. View._~ 2 available. $5()()() <&<h WANT INCOME! Build your home on front of lhi.1 corner lot tllen rent preeent garqe apart.menl. Hu living room, bedroom. kitchen A: bath plu• room A: Nth ott 2--car ranee. Nice paUo. -s12.~. RAY REAL TY CO. 1444 E. Cout BIYd·, Corona del _.ar Harbor 2288 BUILDERS -LOOK ! .. Only I adjolniDc R-1 lota aY&ilabla on the mon de-. ail'OUI Balboa P..,h•lla "Point" -OK. for deluze I .mt A I prac-We hav• plant toe a dt'luxe • ---s.. w. today. THE VOGEL CO. &201 W. C.0...t Hwy. Newport Beach 1'rberty 8-3481 n .... ,......_ a••- BAY AND BEACH REALTY-REALTORS TRADES BALBOA -BAY AVENUE R-2 Lot. Good location. Firm price. $8600 cub. Call Mr. Cox for deta.lla. Three weU located homr.. in Puadena. Will trade One, Ttro or Three on Newport Harbor lncome. BALBOA -DUPLEX -VIEW Call Mn. oi.oa for detail•. CloM to Bay -Near Grammar School. Plua addl· t ional lot with room to add four more uniU . Furni.ehed Price -$22,000. AIBO adjoining property conaiating of 7 Unita. 6 turni.llb~ Showa xlnt. income -~2,000 . Owner of 3 bdnn. home on Penin1ula wishea t o trade equity for 3 or 4: bdrm. home with apartment or duplez. on or near water or Corona de! Mar. • Near Library. Cloee to Bay. 4 bdrm. beach boWMI. $3800 dnwn. Newport Hei&blli Triplu -Will trade for Bu.mineu Income. Call Neal Martin for det.aihl. It Ain't New and it Ain'~ Pretty! 4: apt.a. Plua 4 aeparate bedrooms. Summer income $3000. Full price $15,500 • low down Aak for Mr. Bradford New 2700 sq. ft. home. Lota of wood paneling. View of Ocean. Will tnd• tor incod'le in Glendale, P~­ dena or local -Call Mn. Fay for det.a.lla. NEWPORT BEACH Cloae to Ocean • Small Beach House. Neat aa a pin. Partly turn. Full price $8500. Lido Bayfront -Wlll take "What Hava You" aa partial payment. -~.000. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 WEST BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 FOR EVENING INFORMATION CALL: T. Cox -Ll 8-7237 N. Mart.in -LI 8-1774 W. Bradford -Har. 0289-J E. B. Chaae -Har. 2762-J Katherine OJ.on -H•r. 4134 Gloden Fay -Har. 1856 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS. -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS OPEN HOUSE Satur<tay & Sunday 706 LARK~UR CORONA DEL MAR HERE'S • 2 b(lr1n. v.·llh flreplue, bean1 '"'lhni;. Seal • elean .._. a pin. J 1tJ1l rede<or"tf'd. oWl'ler wanu. action ........ •2.!')()() down. $12,000 Will Buy 2 BOd . HO)lE wllh tlr,plAc:e. 620 H<'llotmp<'. Room for alllr11i lnc:ome unit 011 1hl1 lot. J:ac:lulll•• U1ttn1. 2 Bdrm. Furn. Home on DahUa. C D M. Only U .QO.O. tull pl'1C:t". O..tter hurry on OWi one ! I Frank James Linwood Vick REAL.TORS c. B. Ru ... Wm. o. St'hmldl, Auoe Sl2 Marine A\>e._ U•ltio. U laod Harbor 20'1 Here's a Beach Home .A.8 Ct.rn: • CtLAJ\' u the pro· •c:rb! .. l but:'• Par : l b<1nn . llvlnt: rm , kll<h .. n. fl'!Tlly rurn. Jart:• fl"<lnt .. ncln8f"d pa tio. Obi• 1•r. and only •s.~. Balboa Triplex ' BDRM. HOUSE". 2 brtrm and • 1 bdrm. a pt .. all rum . Ju.t a t~ ... •l'"J'9 from th• Bay. One at 1, "'"~I rrnta.1 ~Uon1 In S.lboll. ' w Available - T\l •t \BRT BEA\JTIF'1JL bulld· in, •It'• on U1a PeKnt.. Coast Properties Co. 30l E. B&lbo• Bl\>(\ , S.lbo& H1rb0r lM8, :U.97 a1ul 4600 Lido Island Call for App"t to See 126 \:ia Trieste T\\'0 BEDROOM, 2 b&U. tiou ... I yr. old, Hullt In Therm-.dor ovc:11 • 1to1-,, OuUe~ for HJ.J'f, LN!d· acaped. t dooni from Club Houff ~ar tn1nJ11 courta.. !:Jl;call.mt nnanc:UI K. 12~.r~. • BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS lt'• a aha.ke root typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu 1% batha, dining room, breaktut room, large living room with maaeive fireplatt. Thermodor elec- tric range Ir: oven, beamed ceillr.ga. cedar panelled wall.a. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall lo wall carpet. and d.rapea. It'• fenced and landscaped and hu • patio. Space prohibit.a the mentioning of the many other featurea except to add that it la aurTOunded with quality built ranch homea. Priced definlteJy below nlue at $23, 7M) KING'S ROAD SPECIAL Full panoramic view -2 bdrma., 3 batha. l.Art• living rm., dining rm., huge den. patio, laundry rm. and tteWing rm. Radio electric garage door ope.r· ator. Wall to wall carpel and dnpe1t. Extra. la.rp garage. Exterior fiood llgbtA. Thermador gu range and oven and luge built ln refrigerator. The guest bdrm. i• completely fumiahed. Price $36,500 with euy ternui. CLIFF HAVEN R-2 LOT On Clift Drive. Mx.110 -price $7000 Clift Haven lot a are u 9C81"Ce aa hen a teeth, better grab thla one while you can ! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15lh Ir: Irvine, Newport. Beach Phone Llbe.rty 8-2664 or evn. Lt 8-6300 Get ready for summer ! 4 BDRM. HOlt.fE with $1 ,000,000 view for lll'i'DER $40,000. Beautilully built gn 2 !~vela. 3 batha, 2 llU1I deck.11, Thermo kitchen. carpet.a, drape.. Conaider trade on amall, clear Income property. C2 LOT on Harbor Bl\•d., near 19tb SL in heart of Co.it.a ~fe11a'a new commert:ial developmenL Lot 58xl43. Priced right, term.a. 3 BORJ.IS. •nd extra large den. Brand oew. Fine mahogany and African cherry pa.neling. 2400 sq ft . Every convenif'nce. Beautiful octan view. Good loan comm.ittmenl. $27,500. BAY VrEW, Bay Shore.. Newly painted furnish· cd home. 3 bdrm• .. 1;4 balh11, 2 pati04I. R.attAn fur- niture and 21" TV aet. See thia before buying. $27 .500. Tenna can be •rranged. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 200 .IC. Oli:l. KAR. A quaUlJ' llome.1---------------------- COpper plumb1n~. Jap&11'" uh panelln(!'. Firtpl.A~e. 3 boH.lr-oom1, l \o Mlh• l'le11uori11 kitchen. ~loe l lf.MIO. Thi• 11 (oort. IP CABRlLLO I bdnr1., 110.::.00. tulJ price. 11 .:K>O dn. •l '" lrit. "ART" ADAIR 125 Feet on 1~1 Highway IMPROVEMENTS conaiat of modern automotive garage bldg. (2400 .sq. ft.) and modern 2 bdrm.. home with large patio. Ute ot 3 pier-a and noat.a, plu.1 marinl! waya. Terrific pouibility for operator . Price $50,000 and look at U:Ua, only $18,000 down. Shore Cliffs 1 BOR.M., I b&UI . Approa. 1300 aq. t t. 127.~00. T'rma. ALJIO A Be.auU M View Lot -Slt.000 Cliff Haven It. Jame• 3 bdnn. home. Approx, 1660 •q. tt. -&2a,M>O. A L 8 0 KJNCS RD J bdrm, hon1e 2 b•Ua 11,.MO, Land leu.e 1225 )'T, Balboa Island DUPLEX, t umtahad, Wonderful Income, Pr1ce IJ0,000. Corona Highlands •CXI <.:ol111nblla (.'lrelot O~n All Day Sunday 3 bdnn., It., bi.th, J*tlO, M•UU· rul •lew-Cuh S{t(IOO down. Price s i~.soo. Don Cameron Uc~ R'-&l Eell.tf Brok•r JIO M.•rlne Avf., B&JbO& Ui&11d Harbor 2093 4l c13 This Old House ON A BU&lSltSJI LOT 30 ll 9() 2 bl!X'k• tnim run Zone, 5(1,t !JO, ttrm•, Commercial Bldgs. HJ:ART OF B.ALDQA -1 •IOTf', I r.nt.ai.. aun deck, n"'1a t!J1.ln,r; 111.*·· ~.M>O w1ll handle, J .!ITORES. !; dt"IUa~ ff"ntili •dth TV, J4 5.000. COl.'RTF.AT TO BROKERS The Locator of Calif. 007 PA.ft Blllbo& l!l\'d.. &.Ibo& Harbnr 3808. l&c40 REAL VALUES Want to be dose in7 I BORJ4 STVCCO--Or!iy 1 l>tk rrorn N~"'l'Q'"t Bt\'d. run pr1ce only •t.7~. ltmu. Now hear this ! I BDRM HO M.E-11 mMt.h1 old. J..ce, room•. Extrs l11ta. 101 with a ft. ntt:twood fen<:., t"llC:lo.ln.t t.ck JLf"l Tiie kltchim • ~U.. lt.!'JOO. Low dowll P9ymt",.L B. A. NERESON R E A LTOR 1911 N-porl 8 1\>d . COOf\.11 Me,.. Lt 8·14172. !:•<'•-LI 1-~87 Corona del Mar rr' TOtrVE" T'Rlt:O TO BUY 1 level 40 n.. R·2 lot In th• 8'•· "1e w are1.-, &lllth of the H l1h· way, Ulla 3 bdrm., I \.t bath home a 11..i- Balboa Island 20 cc increase in bldg. material cOllta. No increase yet on our good lilltlnga. MOOR YOUR 80-FT. boat to your own prfftte r/. and noat In front of thia delightful 4 bdrm. ''Uttle laland" Ba.lboan-Engliah home, Price about STl,000. FOUR BEDROOM, 1 ~·& bath home M&.r 8outh BaJ. Large li"ing ropm. All on one fioor. Drut:loaU7 ,... duced. Price $26.roo -$7,roo hand!-. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, largo U.ta1 rm. ....., turn. home. Ready to move ln at $21,MO. NEAR NORTH BAY. Pent houae bdrm., plm tllNI oth~rs. 3 bath.11, apotleu. $26,500, CUTE, CLEAN, DELIGHTFUL nu-.,._, 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. Patio, den. Cbarmlns. SlS, 750. 811'"- mit your down pa.yment. Balboa Island Income FIRST OFFERING of th .. out.landing South Bq home. Designed for immedJate conversioQ ( cloet 1 door) to two unit.a. Perteet buy tor u:ecutt .. ""' laxAtion and tax relief. Two living rooma, ~ 5 bdrms., 3 baths, 2 kilc.hena. Price about 185.000. TWO UNITS NEAR NORTH BAY. Joyou. 8""" room, large dining room In main unit. Prloecl OOD- tervatively at $3:5,000. Beacon Bav ONE of BEACON BAY'S auperior homes. 4 ~. 3 balha. Absolutely exceptional liviD1 room, t...t yard. -$32,000. VISIT EUROPE this summer FREE on tneame from lhia beautiful Beacon bayfront O bdrm. bmDI Ir: apt .. 3-ear garage. BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -~nault ua for excl..tff. desirable home.. CALL HARBOR 1773 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Jaland. v BEST BUYS IN CORONA DEL MAR l . DUPLEX BARGAJN, out-of.town ownw a&ft. "Sell," thia nearly new two aept.rale units. Bot.h h.,·d. floors and 2 betlroom each. Mo4ern demip,. lot11 of wintlnw• and some ocean view from both. Built on high c.orner lot. Separate prape. Priced at $21 ,500. Owner anxiou•. Low down paJ'Dlenl wllf h•ndle. See thiA today. 2. SHORE CLIFFS. We have aev~al v\ew bomll ln Sho~ Clif f.11. Stt 11• tor best valu-. 3. VTEW OF OCEAN AND BY.~CH and al9o 't1ew of breaker• from thia three bedroom, 2 bath home. Carpeted wall to "''all. Oeho:e ln every d• 1aU. Priced at $32,750. Should 10 lll a buny. We ha\'e the kty! PRICE T. McCUISTION ltt ULTIPLE l~ISTING REALTOR 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de.I Mu Ha.r. 41 (Office locatf'd next door to Corona del Mar Ba.nli:l ON LIDO ISLE Open H ouse Daily 1 to 4:30 P . M. Are you tired of looking at Ordinary Houses? Then let us sho"'' you thl• c.hanning Ptov!Dcial J bdnn .. l ~ 1 bitltl home \\'tth \I~ brick flnipla.ce, natural wood kitchen. therm&dore, p rbage dl•poMJ. Jo,·ely draperir9 a.nd carpet.ed. $23,7M. ~·.-·.~-u THIS WEEK'S LEADER! COZ)'' 2 bdnn . Jtncl txtra room. 1 h bath.a.. $11,000 •'• " ·.': .c Stt u• for Choice Lot.a and Raltai.. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 3112 l..Afayeltc. N~·port Ha.r. 3643 · 2999 rre1. "Juat to thf' Right "r Udo Bridge Entrance" ----- $23,500 LIDO BEST BUY $23,500 218 Via Palermo · Open Sunday 10-4 Two bedroom "''ith two bath1 on 4& ft. lot (."Q~1 PAR1':: THIS 21; )T. nld c.hanning home IUld large aunny patio-- WITH any home with 8Q many fealUl'8 at anywhere neat this price on &autiful Lido lale. KEY AT OFFICE -Will ahow a.ny Ume. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach. Phone Har. 4711 R.EALTOR THE VOGEL CO. with mom to INlld In fnint i. ---------------------- l&N Newport 81.-d... Ooli\6 Me ... Ul>«rt1 1--1793. look at this 1 bdrm... bwd. n_.., nraptace. dl.aro:-1-VoOil"f'd for ele<:t n c ato... J"•ced. locatf<I al 2..'141 P'&irway Dr., Co>lta Mr1&. 111 ,2:\0. Ph, Hilt. 3."'4l·J . litre . Owner's Sacrifice URGE I bd.rm. houM, •;; block to lkJ, 3 bloc:k• to b1111tnH1 Ofn· let. Ill.MIO •I r,lf·.'.l&th 8tl'ftt. NfWJ"lfl S<>•<h.. Pl\. O'W'Tl•r I Tcamor.• t-3~t. 12p6tll 3201 V.'. Coa.lt Hwy. Newport h eh Llberty 8-3'81 Build a Home on your vacant lot AND DERIVE mom• income from that lnv..tment 1244 aq. ft home, .................. -........................... $9100 f>U.lly financed. 19 YT-Bldg. 6 Lou. F orced a.lr beat. Hwd. !loon. Individual GI 100% t'in&ncinc. Stata Veteran $8SOO 35' -$4.9 month. MARSHALL HOMES .Yodel• open -Newport Blvd. 6 Mite.bell, TUatm Kl 7~ ~ 6 (Eno. LJ 8 .. 073) UcMB 10\U' buy or tht yMt, 11:'>.llOO. Only 17.000 doWfl. Muriel M. Pinover R li:4LTOR Mo. Nnrport Bl'td., N..-port Bch. n-... r .. rkln,r Harbor 44U<l t lctl BUILDING LOTS I a..dJaC•l '°4.a 60 a 23•. I lrn,KU- lar, ea M-c1r1.-., n..,. Country Ctub. 12"4> cuh .ell or will ~r otter OQ all three . OWND U I-MN, 1l L._ to 15 PA llctO I BDIUI.. dinln• rm... ib.vctwood noon. u.i~ -23.1 AYOc•do It.. eo.u. w--Kl J.IUJ. lt!.lo $12,000 First Time Offered EXCEPTIONALLY .A.'ITRACTIVE 2 bdrm. bom~ "Clean as a Whistle" Panelled U\•lng room and amall dining room. ~ peted wa.11 to wa.11, good kitchen, brea.kfut .1pa..9 and .ervice porth. Ample cupboarda and Mr-&89 111pa.ce. OvendU'd 2-<:ar garage. Nice encloeed patJt'I ... MO.t convenient com er loc11.ti(>n. 2 blk•. from OtJ Hall. f'-;ewport Beach. Only 112,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 1113 Newport Blvd,, N'""POrt Beach Hu. 1011 • ; ,, 'i - L . D-Real r..tate C-Real P'Atbte 8%-Real r..tate ---------_ _..,,,, ___ _._,, --------. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VENBERS or MULTIPLE USTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1671 or 1672 BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL Sacrifice Sale Account of Illness DUPLEX! Each charming unit bu 2 bedroom.. One has 2 bathe. One bu 3 baths. Each bu it. own eun deck & patio. Charmingly f urniabed throughout. Thia la one of our BEST INCOME propertiea, and NOW 19 the time to BUY u the high 1ummer rentala will be yours. Come in and let u.e show you what thla $33,750 ln· vestment will mean to you 1n DOLLAR profit.. You may buy thla on a Jow down payment if you wiah. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY I CORONA DEL MAR In Beautiful Shore Cliffs "Blue Heaven" It'• a puaport to paradiae it you own key to thi1 rambling ~uda modern, crowning aunny alopea ot beautiful Shoreclitta. Luxuriate in lta spaclou.a living room and lua tour muter t!tutes each with ft. own luxurious bath. Spend gay houn by tbe beautiful pool with it. ocean view, or dream by the elegant marble fireplace u you gaze over lovely can- yom. It's the boiae of your dreaIM. Let ua tell you more. HOME OR INCOME ON LOVELY LIDO -A home that we feel is the belt buy around, and you may compare them aU. A.a neat as a pin, 3 yrs. old, 2 bdrme., completely turn.i!hed home, well located and priced to eel!, $20,500, 1ncludea the furniture. For the Larger Family A tour bdnn. furniabed home on a street to str~t lot with 45' of frontage. One year new, all on one floor. Built-in range, carpeted, stone fireplace and many othrr exceptional features including a 3-car garage. $39,500 with excellent terms. LIDO NORD 2 bdrm. home, large lot. $8200 handles. Full price $23,500. Al.SO New Bayfront home. We can't HY enough about this lovely four bedroom home. J ust compl<'LC'd and ready for you to en joy the s ummers. Let's go look! Full price $75,000. The Vogel Co. -Lido Office 3416 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4071 • 4972 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle 'Ill OPEN SAT. & SUN. 10 TO 5 123 Via ·Genoa, Lido Isle NEW and extremely beautiful. 3 large bd.rma. and 2 lwcurloua batha, sliding glaaa doora to patio from dining area and master bedroom. Therm. oven and range, fully carpeted and landacaped. 3-car garage. . l WHITE CAS'r Ironwork entrance, muaive raised· hearth fireplace, carpeting ot hand-loomed wool, matching papers and drapes. Lovely kitchen with dishwasher, disposal. hood over range and louvred ahuttera to close oft the pa.sa-througb to dining area. Slid.in&' glau doors to patio from both living room and master bdrm. Located on one ot Udo'• finest corn ens to insure privacy. 3 bd.rma. and 2 well appointed baths. You can't build for leu and this la perfect. -$33,500. UL TR.A-SMART modern with 2 bdrm. and den, 2 baths, the living room features a handsome alump- stone fireplace & beamed ceilings. The kitchen ha.a oak cupboards in lustroua natural finish, draw ·f an, dispoeal and bar separating dining area. Sliding glass walls from both the den and dining area to the large, sunny ehel~red patio. See this now, a.a the price ia only $27 ,500. Come to Headquarters p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 NOW HEAR THIS RIGHT ON THE OCEAN Don't jwit drive by 3317 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar -Call ua and let ua show you thll aturdily constructed home With the most exciting 3-atory floor plan. Extra. features galore -It ia definitely a must see. • .A8k for Dan Jacobsen or Bill Meuenger EXCELLENT VALUE Comfortable 2 bedroom, large kit· chen, dining room, patio with barbe- que, beautiful yard. Here is the best value in Newport Heights. $13,500 Ask for Hodgkinson CLIFF HAVEN VIEW Beautiful nMV 2 bedroom and dC'n Ranch style home, dining room, 21 :: baths. ~hake roof, 2 fireplaces, built-in range, fully carpeted plus numerous other features. Fee simple lot. Open Sunday. 1001 Cliff Dr. Call or come see Dave Osburn p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 Spacious Peninsula Home! • • BAY SHORES • • Houston Values M·l ON 8UPl:R101\ -110 foot rronl&gf' w1lh nu·c-2 bdrm. home StWl•r!i in &: paid 110.500, lrrm• This 1JI HOT! f\S CRACJOt:S A HOME AS ANY CITY COULD BOAST. Roomy, 4 btdrooma, 2 baUla.. One btd· room and bath d own 1t&1r1. Situ- a ted ''" 7 comer lou lot&ling 7:'>xl07 f Hl. Large llTtng rm. wllh fireplace. F'Ull lot patio, badminton cu\lrl, beautltully lalldll<"!IJ>i'd. Tl"Uly a lovely home. $32 !:100, tfrm1. Peninsula Duplex! NO ONE A BOVE OR BENEATH YOU IN THIS SEMl-DETACH- ED OUPl.EX. 3 bedroom• and 2 b&ll\8 ln ca.cl\ unlL lArge cor- ner fl>t. Nicely t umlahed. Swell for home Will\ \ncom• or for hlltala. J2f,TllC>, MTOO dowa. Ocean Front! PENJNSlJLA LOCATIOl'l •• , • CLOSl!l TO Jlt'ITY. 2 Bl:I>· Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 EXCLUSIVE LISTING • Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • Bay Shores' Cleverest Ranch Type Home 2 bdrm., raised used brick fireplace, dishwusher, disposal. Charmingly decoraW. Crushed rock lawn. Full price $23,500, terms. AND LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday 1-5 p.m. NEW LIM'IN'O 3 BDH.\f, NEAR COLP' COURSE. Lovelt comer, ff'nced, dbl. gar., tlrepl~«. hwJ. floor•. $12,000. Low dn & 4 1, •;. Joan. SMAL14 2 a o nM. HOME $626(). :-.Ilea F:. ftttle Joe. EZ lf m 11• •1 AC. WITH 2 NEARLY NEW H0 l 'SF:8 Ui'11l E "Ide loc.. Ct.n l>t-$I (irt lnr<>me <>r lln In on~ • '"~ olllu rent&.I pc.y loan. $13,&00 !\take of!tr. F"ULL ACRI!: WITH 2 SEP , RICN· TALS. Room to build add. unjl.t, w. have U\e plana, coel • n- n&llCln&'· A ~a.I ln•Mllnant lJI food rental ..,..., Look Duplex CORONA DEL MAR · VERY A TIRACTIVE L k ROOMS, nlc• Jl'rinJ room w1UI 00 nr~plaoe and tumleed. llpae- loiu patio. 2 car Pl'&1'9· Our Duplex ~~ o<'l'IU'I rront n 1u •. us.~ • Corner of Lido Soud and Via Zurich • EXQUISITE 3 bdrm., 2 bath year • round home, cleverly decorated. NlceJy l1ndecaped. Floor cover· 1np & dnpea. $32,500, terms. 3 BR. NEW"PORT HTS lt11 older but 1110 . on lovely 111. at onJ)' ie.=100, "'llh 11.~0 d0"'1l. DAY AV!! • Nl!:WJ>ORT BEAClf DUPLEX. Elite. renlal loc. 2 bdrnu. up. 1 bdrm. esn. Jull •' 1t.ep to waler. Obi. If'&'· A MP. I nun~ nn. w1U\ BBQ. NHd1 , eoma palnL But rare bugiun al 1 120,600. Only U .&00 down. + Please Read This + Home with Income! P'or preview ahowinp to qualified. clienta, call Harbor 1600 (Eve.. J..Jberty 8-5386) Hue 1s realJy a duplex that doesn't have that "HEM~fED IN'' feeling because it is built on TWO LOTS. This gwe8 pnvacy for each resident plu11 a large backyard patio. Chc>ck llll these fine featur('s : •I One be<iroom t'ach unit. All large rooms • High & dry hardwood fioot11 •' Flagstonf' FirtplA('f'a ,1 &-rvlce porchell ,1 ~pa.rate oversize dbl. garage By the w•ay. there i1 a nice size guest room, all plasl<'rrd, in the garage building - ~t your-Rrlf a RF.AL GOOD BUY. b ut HURRY! ALL THIS for only $18, 750. Thia prop<'rtY 111 clear and we can arrange exctllent financing if r;o des1rt'd. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2e02 1'\('wpnrt Rl\•cl . Nt'wpon. Brach Harbor 4i18 SPRING CLEARANCE Only one to a customer 2 BEDROOM oldr r home near the beach, hu a •!~ping porch sod a g&rnge and is completely tur- nah~, rl\~y wt.Jk t o the pier, just $7.500 and $2,500 down. 1 BEDROOM home ju11t \-..: block to the water, com· pletC'ly fumlabed, n!ady for the summer, only $6,900, and $1 .500 down. VACAI'\T LOT, 30 x 85. JUST S2,650. 2 BEDROOM homo with large Mn. comp. turn. juat a bl()('k from lhe city hall t.nd t he bu.., Price $12.950 with $2.!100 down. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2820 Nev.•port Bh·d., Newport Beach Hu. 2313 ENJOY YOUR OLD AGE w1th the income from thw excelltnt property located lD choice rC'ntal d1stric-t. Jun 100 ft. from ocean. There a.re 3 units -a new duplex and a 5-room IM>uae on 2 lots, 2 units are furnished and rented on ,_,.1y baaia, Owner '• homo a\·ailable now. ~ IU'lgN OP alley. Prest'nt Income can be aubeta.D· Ua)Jy lncl"eUf'd. ~ Will handle. J'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY REALTOR IW Newport Bl\·d., l"ewport BeM:h Harbor 1013 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS Newport Blvd. at 30th SL, Newport Beach DON'T WORRY .-.BOUT OUT· 00 . , here'• lne»m• to ott ... l It. ~auutul WMt Bay Annue 3 bf'droom home w1lh a 2 ~­ l'O()m 1parun,nt nvl'r a 3 car iara1e. plu1 a ~ul room wtlll bath.. Only 2 yran old. Tou can't f ind a better n lue. IU.&00. Houston Realty Co. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' &0t eent, ~~SOCIA~ta ..... . Ocean Front Duplex SEASHOR!l CO LONY. "11.L OCEAN Ff\ONT PROPERTY. Specially 4Nlrned 2 ~room &p&rtlll tnla •.. Mch a Mp&nlll homa, forced air and •eoted heat. P'l~plact l.n lolll'er. Out.lt&Odinf "'"""· duu1t beu h. Only 10 montha nld. You w1U tuLn t.o hurry •.• 127.M>O. tanna. Balboa Realty Co. Ro .. 0,..1., Al Corne\lua Ed lAe Jark Ptnk~am Jo.tpl\ln• Wtbb TOO E Balboa Blvd • Balboa Phone Harbor 32n Open House 10 a.m. -8 p.m. 509 De Arna Dr. Corona Highlands THl !'J t.<Wf:t. T new re11ldenc• trfth 3 hf1lmoms, la.r(e playroom, 2 bath~ Llvlnr rm., d.lnl.ng room, 11<>larlum. Ooe of the nleftl kll· d1fn11 wllh "U uh c•blneta. Dullt In HoUy r..tttr• A -.. BBQ 18 ft UI• drainboard. ~­ po11al 6 fll.n. View of M& trom all w'1ndnw1. Lot 87' Wide. 1900 eq t t. ot nouH and utn WI• double J:lll'fll(e. FuU prtce only l:N.~00. Sm&ll down. 20 yr. Joan at C~. Builder. Har. "2&-1K. J.ta.y l4ke 1ome tnd9-lot or an&Jl equ It y. 4.1 tt a Buslneas comer, Newport Blvd. Commercial bldg. and 2 lavatortee. $10,500, with best of t~rms. ~ bdrm. home, 1ervlce porch, fenced yard. A real bargain at $5750 but will need cub. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -2 bdrm. home -Large din- lng rm. & living room. Firepla.ce, bwd. !loon .. Full buement. s11.m . ONE ACRE -3 bdrms. It den bom~. Dbl. prap and workshop. $13,500, with terms. INCOME PROPERTY -BUiin ... front.age 132 Ct., plua 8 unit.a . . ...... ·······-·--·· ·----··-····· ... $4 7,.500 ' bdnn.B .. 2 baths, Fireplace. hwd. fJoora, dbl. gar- age. s"';mming pool, comer location. Completely furnished. $17,000 wttb tenrui. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. Mc:Cvdle 1810 Newport Blvd., C.O.t.a Me.a. LI 1-le<ll Outstanding Ocean "iiew TWO S'roRY, 2 bdrm., 21,7 bath1, Jee. living r oom. 1eparate dining room, large knotty pine den with built.in bar, lounge, 2 flrtplace., buement with 160.000 BTU furnace. Expensively carpeted tRU to wall thru-out.. Garbqe d.Japoea.l and dl8hwaabcr. HoUM 6 yn. old. Large double ca.rage with laun- dry, rad.lo-eont.rolled door. Lot f50 z H2'. Well land- 9Caped. Tb.i9 home mmt be eeen to be appreciated. Located at 3312 Ocean Bl•d.. Corona del Mar OWNER wn.L ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OFFER ~ ~~ ~~ i:-e!: =~•= Shown by appointment only Phone Own~. Hatbor 34&'5 ~t~ ' BR. BACK BAT. VMw PUOO. ---------------------1 B.R. I balh.. Xlnt. lomdon 112.tclO. CUTPJ 1,. br. Bal. s.lu4 tl&.TIIO. M-t BLOO. Npt. .._ eodl- 8-.Je or" ... Claire Van Horn IUULTOll 2i3l W. Cout Bwy.' U M2'17 OCEAN VIEW HOMJI:, 2i04 Cliff Drive. F\ill price su.ooo, tenn•. 11:100 down. Owner, LI 1·2532. 23Ue OWNllR'I neulJ' MW • bedroem wn.dom Hom•. ~ 'o«»''e l&adlicaped. Ulfld, ftJlce4, ...... coratrl1. Pr1ce '8.800. Jamba'ly 1·2821. tOoU Too High -Outrageous -Ridiculous Bir eorner lot. AW A Y up ln Corona ll1-bluda. Unobstnlct.ed new. Prtc. -Too High. E:Ktra tars• lot, almoct ll'N&, at top of Corona Hlf h· Janda, room tor pool Vl.ew clflU to Pago-Pa.ro. Price -Outrapoua. The ONLY level Jot in llborecllff. View, room fOtr pooL Best aurroundi.ap. Price -Rl<liculoual BU'.'f -Tbe7 ou't be dupUcatecS. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E.. Cout Hwy •• Coroea del Mu LI 8-Hll LI 1·77U ror Eve. lnlormauoa c..U Lytle-LI 8-~2 Bennrr-Hu Jett PeUti..-U ll·M87 Stymour-Ha.r. :1298-W Instantly Appealing I.I UU. •Co9\• RIOia Howe." A plcturftque Ru.Uc #b.lcb of· ff'r1 a frunne .. )'OU Mldom Me on !l city loL '1'wo l.&rp bedrma. e.nd den openllig-blt.o a bMaUt\U encle>Rd paUo w1lh co9'tnd lanal. 8 f pant• ' b&Ul. warlc ~ laundry rooaa ott I~ I ur JV'" agt TN. rLreplac., bdwd. fln . dlnlnl' • brta.ktut areul And the locaUon i. TOPS, I U .9:!0 ..., Ul u.ciell.ent ten:u. Bet tar hurry -Ullll Fresh as • Daisy A.11 appea!JD& I ~ ..._. complet•ly repatau.<S and re- decorattd: un~l• n.111• - ~rfect locaUon ... Ju.t \J3,llOOI May we llhow you °'""""' f Do You Like t.o pick your own eolor 9CJNtn• and wall paper t n-ben'I 10W' ab&nce t.o eu~ th• tto.111\J.ng \ouche1 ot W I uar11 compltted a bdrm... 2 beUI R.cl- wllOd RuaUc hoc• w1lh u un· obltniettd .WW of the b4ly from your own rootlop o~ 1n UI• ctio&oe ~ oe curr IJ&Ym •• ~.6001 Bay & Beach Realty HIM Ht'W1>0'1 Bl~. COllt.a Mesa. Calif. Liberty 8·1181. E~tt. U 9-Jl~ COSTA MESA rum. t WnL .._, wan to .....u earJ)9t. bwd. n ..... ce1ntt1t pa Uo, fenced ~ "'"" IL hU pr1ce St.&00. '3.'TTD. ~ LI ~2772. 15e'au CORONA DEL MAR I Mnm. --._ t ,.._ eM. ..,.q ~ ...... .,. 'l'DI,. ..... .,.uo, Al ru .. ....._., ... ror Ind noor. R-2 1ot. 11U1t -. ., to •tU• ..u~ o,. . ooe ;. ~ -.do. 60IOI --- APRIL 20, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE I~ BILL'S BEST BUYS Being Drafted -Must SelJ 3 bdnna. with 1 ~') ba~ only •·mo.. old. Lot me 83 x 108, new paved and curbed 1trct't, sewer. doe• ln and on bua line. Near Grammar and lntt'm1edl· 1 ate Schools. Immediate poBllUSion. Full price- $9400 ·with only $1000 dn. & $67.50 mo. If You Can Paint Here ls a SLEEPER. 3 bdrm .. 7 yt'. old homtt on 60 x 125 lot with paved alley. Nice rcsidrntial nrea. dbl. gar .. chain link fence and on ecwcr. Full price $9500 • with $3~ down, maybe leM. $62.43 rn(). lnc. 4 ~;, Int., taxes & Ins. . ~ . Indoor and Outdoor Living , Thia is it! 2 large bdrma. with large wardrob~ llnd lovely screened porch, fireplace, wall to wall c~t. b<-aut iful lawna and ahrubs. many fruit. t~s. 2 orchid trees. bird boUM and st~m1ge room on Eut side 1:.? ac~ near bus Une and marktts. $12,500-with terms. Modern Style Ranch Home o{ bdrms .. 2 balhs, fireplace, forc<'d air heat , 2-car garage on large lot. Our beat buy in NEWPORT HEIGHTS. Full price Sl3,850 wit h $2MO down. Immediate Poase11slon. Duplex -Choice Location 2 bdrm1. on each aide. Only 1 yr. old. Next to Catholic sc:hool, close to transport.allon and •hop- ping. One unit available by close of t scrow. Full price $13,9~ -with only $23!50 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our frit"ndly aervic.e" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Llb<>rty 8-1139 SUMMERTIME ia juat about here and we have two fine excluan. H•tinga that are ready to move right ln -older home. with 2 bedrooms on largt.' lote with nlce land- scaping and BIG patios. The full price furnished 11 S22.500 for each home & we "'ill work out urma. "You'll Want It'' wht n you see it, for here II'! a Top Ll<lo buy rcndy to be moved lnlo for $21 .22~ full price. 3 bedrooms and 2 baths, ('Omplelcly furnishl.'d risbt down to a deep freez.e, waaber and dryer. lt'a on a wonderful a~t a atep away from the beach. Street to etreet lot. Most pleasing lnt<"r· for with a brick fittplace and open plan. A veJ'8atUe home, it cAn be a fine family home fo r year round U\'ing, or the perfc-ct summer home, or buy It for Income -(summer rerita ahC'ad). We can work out e.xcelleot terma tor you. Exclualve with u.. •'CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST' LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (ACROSS FROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) BALBOA VOGEL VALUE Exquisite Home Priced to Sell 4 BDRMS. & DEN, 2 bath.8, J ~' x 28' living room. with French doon opening t.o patio. V~ry e.xpen.aJve W to W carpet.t thruout, cu.tom drapca, be.auU· fully decorated. Large den with built-in •nack bar. Very lovely muteT bdrm. open• lo covered gtu..- enclosed aun porch. Bdrm, No. 3 opena to rear llWl deck. Extra lup kitchen with dlsb,,uber It room for deep freeze Ii auto laundry. One or the mollt plush homea in the arta. FuU price only '32.000. Tenn.a. Can be bought fumiahed. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2887 E. Co,at Hwy., Corona del Mar. Hu. 17U-H7T ------------______ ,. TAKE TIME TO LIVE Want a private beach f Need a plaoe to keep your cru.laer f Pr.!er cloee iJl location near U do Shope, etc.? Buy thw ideal 2 bdrm. bome 1n Balboa Bay C.OvH right on the waterfront, only 3 yra. old. Lota ot tUe. parquet Ooors, F. A. heat, dbl. garage, nJce featuree. Pier Ir 1Hp prtvUegu. A real value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Dup~ furnished • good rental district. Ocean and Bay both close by. $3M<> Down -Full Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor &113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea('b Har. 1013 a BDRM. HOME in COSTA. MESA, nn 6U·ft lot. Furniahcd or un!u.miaht'd. Only $2000 down. IN OORONA DEL M.AR -On corntT lot . Gan~ apartment with n>om for anotbrr unit. on front ot lol -Price $11,500. FITZMORRIS REALTY COMPANY Realtorw Multiple Li1t1ng But1lneu Brokers 1136 ..,Cout Hwy., C.Orona del Kar fU.9><>r 2W l I WITH SALLIE Aprtt 21, J9M t'in.t ! What a magicaJ \ll'Onl I nJ'!jt in California! •.. Wow! Right ln our milk J'f'frigt rat.or ca8MI ! Plutlc ooate-d mJlk cartons filled with Todd'" milk .•• Thetie plastic milk carton" ani a mllei,lone ln milk dl~tribu­ tlon to the home ..• A far, far cry from the time the housewife brou~ht out a "·ash bowl Ml!' the klndly milkman pourt'd her quota from his lar'f' can ... What does a plaatic coated carton mean to you? No leak. I ~~I age! I saw a 150 pound man ~ 1tand on four of them ... no breaks • . . No wa.x in your milk . . • With the old type wax coated cartons. each little knock on the outside had a way of chipping off wax on I the inside . . . These plastic coatc-d cartons can be put 1 rigllt in your oven and you , can heat a whole quart ot ehocolate milk If you wish ... 1 Caution ! Un!leal t he opening first . . • I Now to ma.kt" tht>lr mllk ~XX'li~ anllablP to thP conimmer tn ~~~~Si a plastic t'oated carton. It la nec-~ry for a milk company to pun:bue a Sf.al King mJM:hine • • • Todd'• dairy just purchalw<l one last t1•ttk •.. TMy ~ the tint milk company ln Cali- fornia to ha,·e oae of th~ ma.chin~ a.nd thualy pennlt you. throu~h our 8tore or any of tht> othu twenty tnarkPlA in Oru..:e County 1\'ho mab up the Todd'• MarkrUn~ Co., to have yolll' milk ln thetie ~l-.mla,;, eaa- lta~·, brand new, wax fftl&, )'lai-tl" ~Ud car1ons. T hl' (Jrs l N'alking mn· chinr \\ aR inst:illt•d in Rrnu· 1111•11.t.11 ,. 1>;111'\' 1n Ch1ra~11 '"" ,, .r-. 1"11 •. • T h<' SC'nl· I , 1:•;. ;111.•· ini;tnlll'tl in 'I' , .• I It II,. lal'l Wt'\"k is lhE> > 1 1 ..... t.dl.;1 11111 in the l 'mtt'<l ~, , . . , . . l'•'"I'"' from t he r :l:<l and middle WN1t ha\•e f'n· JO> l'•I mil k in t heRe plasl1r cn:l\1·11 1·arl•1n111. 1f they h np· JWm·tl t •1 btl\' milk !rum onv (lf the• k!I Ja11 H' l hal hntl thf' S<-al 1'1 n~ m.1d111w .• I might t1tl1l .. Th"~·· 1lk1ni: mrirhmc 8\1•rah:t•''4 \ht• 1 ·1tl111\ Rl j()(l dC'· ~rr<'!I 111 t hC' llnw 1t iR f1ll<'<J With m ilk •• St'\' ll11q Of'W cRrton .. 1·1'rt•r1:i ll\· h:mdy 18 the new I\\ an p.11·k hnlf gnl· Jon ... ~., (!11r1\bll' without !!p11l,. 11r mur.t ... the new •pout . . . I Thin~' t.o do thl"I Wflf'k • • ~~~ Oran~<' C:>unty Philhar· 1 W220Cl'lil momc ~odC'l v·s Sixth concert ' under t he <.11~l1on of Frieda ~~~ &>llnfa.ntc April 23rd ..• Orange C"nRt College auditor. lum ... 8: 15 p.m. ReaJ cloge thia t ime ... n bht at ho me . . Doetm't cost a cmt . . . Just go, sit, Uaten and be en· lhrall<'d .•. ~ Mary Thon~h raaJc r "i th thf' clay mod.-1- tn~ In our front lohb~· thl~ """k-Nld .•. You ban · ad· mired M~"~ ohjt'lit d' art 01t our M~ whf'rf' ;\·ou «'M aJMt p11rd1Mt1 nine dlf· ftJttnt kl9dtt of har·IH'lm"• • • • N' o" 18 you chan<'f' to we a real J:Pnlus at work .. lhlrl' L" equally adfopt wilh ,..oo(j or dn . . • Chlld,,.n, I hf>11l''""· a1; tff'll "" t ~ old- "tf'" !'hOuJd "'jof "'1Li<.'b· ln~ Mary. !'\f''ft w,...k ti. J>uhtk 8<'h0<1l Wffk thruout thf' n:.t ion \'l,it your <'hild'" <' 1 a,.• r o om . . . N '<' t hr llPmo<•rntir mc-thod 1 (X)CS<'.12!0» u~·1I to p~nt thf' <'llrri· 1 .. 11111m ••• Tht-t'ontrollf'd thlnkin..: tn a ff"H' ,...~, .•• l ' our C'hlld •(N"llcM around tdx h (lllN a da\1 at 8<'hool undC'r Mmf'<lff f.h@'fl SUJW'r· ,.l"lon ..• Thf' IM.'hool'l want you to kno"' t1·hat thry do and hotr tbf'y do It .•. Ricb1m f s ls ofle ol. the Udo -.00.,.STAL SBOPPF.R-APRIL to, 1'51 WAX-FREE -LEAKPROOF -SANITARY -DEPENDABLE AMERICA'S NEWEST MILK CONTAINER • . . Rich•rd's is proud to introduce the revolution•ry new IHkproof mUk peckege. Sterilized in Todd's Dairy at the wme time it i1 filled and sealed, this milk pecuge i1 plastic- co.tted, in\ide end out. Gives perfect sealecl·in protection to the &vor. e..d rich fl'flhnes1 to the finest milk. . • • IT'S GREAT! TRY IT!..···. "Brh1g1 owf J'lo.tior" Darigold 98 llCOre AA BUTTER lb. 59c ''BIM>rtcake Time -P'rN1' Berriee are 6'1" Betty Crocker'• BISQUICK "BCOltO"'JI wt.aZ. •r• goo4 too/- Priority Ugbt Meat CHUNK TUNA alae 23 ~tin C Sen• So1Mthlnt Fancy lmpon.d HAM~, .. 2.49 i..,.rW ,,_ oomTAIL 75' RANKS --·-··-·· 1-os. hepol'U4 "-""-llAOAJt.ua.A 79' NUTS _____ .,~ .... ft•bllc Schook w ... VWt your Schook ·APRo.. !6· JG \\'IMIM llll.k JACK CHEESE lb. 49' HUNTS TREASURE HUNT ftunt'• Wllole l~•PM.kd APRICOTS ~ .. ---..... _ .......... -._ Hunt'• .,...._ 8awJ PORK & IEAIS ff-t'• lta.1-...,... '!t -35c Pean . H unt'• ~ttd r..r• xo. '~ Ml! 25C Tomatoes . • Oh So Fresh ••• Produce "SM'\~ '°"" B\OffM' a"4 lllMlt~ F""8h, St1·N"t. Fall•Pod PEAS ---------- "Wottdf"l'f\Ol to(tr. ,,_. pNc"' Cream.lni·~ New WbHl9 .,_ POTATOES ·s--. ., ..,.. ,....,... 8~ J11ky, Nani ORANGU Jfe. ''S - Hut'to -WW. ~-Hn ..._ Potatoes 31b·-25c 4~·· 15c s~r:u·29c • • Frozen Foods <>r.-Ma POl'ATO 2 25 PA nlES ...... ----... ~ •or c atrdlle7e OBA.NOE 2 27C JUICE ................. __ .... :~ tor ........ , • ..,,_..or .. ,...u 2 35c CUT BEANS ...... !!. for . ......,......rad&H .U. •T"IP 2 45c RHUBARB _ .... _ ...... !! tor P'radelUe 8 "'1S!ot STEA& GROUND llE~P'8TEAK FRIED ttHROIP er BOAST 11E.U 73c DINNERS .. --.-... -....... .!:. ........ B~D HAM or MEAT LOAF • 67C DINNERS .......... ____ ... :~ Bakery nna cs DAV Potato 0 1...AZ£U 6 26 DONUTS .... ... .. for c .dv~n 18c 1.A-mon or Hupr COOKIES FRIDAY Mi"RINGUE PIE_. ~ 56c lOOo/. Wllole WbflM 23c BREAD . .. ..... -···· .......... 1oa1 lllATl'RDAY BrMkfaAt C'tluaanto1t 6 .,'k ROLLS -.... _............. .... tor I.I.~ l.Ar1re '1" t '-'"' To.atf'd Allftond LAYER CAKE ·Kr.· 8Jc Richard's Delect1ble Meats "W Oft4n /.U I Ot' Jf o '""'°"'"{I'' Ric.hard'• U. S. Choice PTRHSE STE"_K __ 'b_. 9_8_c T~BONE STEAK lb. 98c --- .. A ~ol 1'a 1·0'f'1I"'" 51.iiLilN STEAK1b· 98c ~ 'ltUit R_.,t Ofld lfot'" 8wtft'1 arowa ud wrve SAUSAGE -...-0 R-l_...t 1 49 COFFEE 1-&L • ~---2 •i• MARGARINE . ,I), H O.WM.W~ 45• FLOUR . __ ......... WM .. Illa« 27' SOAP POWDD..,. MAllT moR~1JIW11 SCULPTRESS #Ill a.. at wnrk I• IUdllarl'• l'°"7 Fl'W•)' •rt~,_..• ... 8M11rdaJ' -l'H Art M , ... ll'Uld@. A.Mf>rMG'• 8,Ut 17' PEA SOUP ___ 1...._ .,_.4'f'• ~-.. O()(l&TAJL 33' PEANUTS ·-.. --·-...._ Drwo 1llf'f .,..._1"'k! ... Y@IJ-29; CAlll MIXES _,,1...._ J es ~ 23' KllSNS ..... _____ __ ~ nwn"l' 49' llllJm ---lhL Shops. loca led at t he entt&.Dff You'll find a Llclo aw.-. to Lido Isle ... Richard'• a.J. ---P. • • ' • • • to fit your every need ! ao ur~<'fl vou to send your do- nl\ t 1ons towards the n ew wing for t he HoaF Hospital to ..• Hoa~ HM p1tal, New W inJ!. NcwpMt Renrh. CAiifornia ... Oni-of t hr!!<' dn ,.~ V()ll n11g h l be the one ~tin the cold ... ,s rt:CJAl..S FOB"APRJL %1. SS_. II. 1116 .... tu eoa.ow -...........