HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-04 - Newport Harbor News PressClrculallon 21,000 Dllltrtbllted la Nf'WPOrt ~h. llalbM. ...._ lalaad. Corou del llar, ea.ta lleea. Lapna. South ....... UNI H•tlllst-lleadl. Wedae..tay, llay 4, 1933 hhleW at nu wen BAlbcJe Blvd., Newport BMda. Olllf. Barbor 1811 DEEP OIL TEST FAILS; WELL NO. 9 PRODUCER Oil took a aetback in Newport Bea.ch Monday u the rig on the vertie&J test well of Ka<tane and Son in Weast New· port wu being removed. Brown Drilling Company of Long Beach had aunk a vertical hole to a depth of 6000 feet when operation• were ordered halted by the operator. Accordlna-to Ray Wright , pro-from th• UdeJa.nda otf . Newport •ucllon .upertnten<lent on t he Ka-~ach. Accordln&' to I:. J:. Pyln. vlce-dane operallona Wider J amee G1I· • .-.d t t th M t Oil Co P•-• en o • oo •r•y ., •trap, no ahowln&" of oil wu m · well No. t 1.e a t a depth of 4:12S eountered in the <lrtlllnc . Not evtn t~t Monday with 7-inch cull\&' to th• typical heavy uphal\um crud~ 438 feet and ahould rt'&eh II.II ea- _.. found Wrtl'hl MJd. tlmatf'd production redr1U ot 4890 !Ht by midweek. FolloWlnf the Cu inc ha.d bffn aunk to a 1 n mnlng of Schlumbef'&'er loge. the depth of 4i0 feet and vertical I w ell will be placed on production. d rtlllna-wu pu1hed u far u poa· P ylu further lltated that hi• alble. company will then move ~ck In Many feel that thla w1U leum on Well No. 7 and redrill It to tenalon Ln the W .. t Newport ana C'OmpleUolf. 8~cl&I equipment la and turnish tut"U\tr proof lhal the now a valJ&ble for the o~raUon only 011 tv be ttcon red proflt.&bly P ylta aald. from t he Newporl Beach· area la Well No. t will be at & depth th• tldela.nd recovery which Mon-of 41190 feet and will have a n ulU· terey 011 Compa_ny la pumping for mate whlpatock loca tion of 2000 Ui• City ot Newport Be.<'h. I fttt of!Ahor• ot Weal Newport. 8EABCll FOB PRINTS -Sgt. VlrgU Pbebua, above, du.st.a cabinet of Lloyd Wood home here for fingerprint.a following houaeholder dacovery of man in realdence. -SWf Photo • I New Vaccine SICJ•t-11P Mesa Optlmht Cl• or~;7~~n~:.~ ~~! ~0 ·~~!! Meet Set Tomorrow &11U·pollo lnoculetlona Mey 11 re-The Optlrnlit Club of Coat a Meaa matr.ed firm todey an 11pHP of Loll met'ls at Kennedy's Reataura nl at An(t'ln' program'• poatponement. J:mm• Wharton ot the county ~01 I!:. 17th St .. Coata Me•. to- hHllh dt'pe.rtment H id E, L. Rua· •U. county health officer. Inform- ed her yesterday to r o ahud with the new 9Chedule announced Fri· mor row noon with J ohn Hoyt a.a ALLRED LIDO BURGLAR't ARRAIGNMENT FRIDAY chairman tor the month ot May. Lido hle tJlteed robber W illia m S~11ker will be Boyce Dudley. ff• P'. Allred ot t. Canada la In Or- da will ape•k on. "!!conomlc Trenda l &11&• County j ail under $20,000 ~~perlntendmt Roy o. AnderMn In Orange County." b&1I aw&Jtlnl' &rral&llment In 8u· ot the Newport Beach Eh~m"\ntary April 28. Prf'eldent Matt La· pertor Court Frt<lay on the a rmed School Dlatrlct aaJd nollcu a re out Borde and Bu• Cornrllu• repre-robbery ot the Alu Ou r home at to loca l parent• advll!lng them aented thr Coil& Meq OpUml•ll 11120 Via U do Noni. He I• cha rr - t.hera wlll be a new alcn·up for the at t h• joint aervlce club atag din· ed with bura-la.ry. robbery, kidnap tt9clleduled abol.t. I ner In the Nrwport Ha.rbor Union an<I a.auult with a deadly weapon. He aald th• local dlatrlct doea High School cafetena. I A1*> w&Jllnr to mu e hill plea not yet know the d&tl' for 1'ew· 1 at 8uperlor Court arraJrnmr nt 18 port Beach lnocul&tlona. The aec-M Foul look d U ncon A. 8h•rrlch aleo of La ond conMn t tomui alrned by par-n . t • Canada. believed by police to ti. enta wtU be a different color than as Dn1nk Driver an accomplice of Allred and the ort,.-ln&l onM, he •Id, to avoid "braina" of the burrl•ry attempt. cont'Ualon. Janet Ruth Fouat ot 231 Tuatln 8h•IT1ch wtll anewer to the aamt' Ave .. Nl'Wport Hel .. hll, W U book · ~harcea. HI• bail WU Ht a t 110,· lloocl obi' U •+ ed Into Orana-• County J ail a t l :oe 000. m • ftl a.m. today by Coeta Mua police 011 A.llnd wu arr•ted Monday, The Red CroN bloodmobile unit a charge ot drlYinl wblle drunk. April 11 alter he t elephoned po- w1U be at th• American Leirton Mra. Fouat. 34-yaar-old l'louM-lie• twneelt from U do penlnaula Hall, H& W. Ullb 8t., Coeta MH&. I Wlff', •ll•&edly admitted IM bad to Jlv• hlmMlf up. After aJl-s· :May t from I to T p. m. Dononi M\'eral drlnlta. ecUy br e&klf\C lnto the o .. r home tnaY C&ll Harbor l ae& tor appolllt. lnveattraUnc ott\C«'I aid they early the aarne momlnr. holdtnc menta. A w her car traYelin&' erratJc:aJly both O•r and ht. wife at l'UJI po•nt, ahootlnf Offlrer Wllll•m Talbot In the hend, robblnJ th• couple of $32 In cu h: • diamond rln&" and d ia mond 10•atch and ("r&J>- pllnr with Oaer. th• •111P41Ct ew•m the chann•I bc>t w,. .. n th• ~r home anrt U•lo P.-nln•ul&. Shl'l'Tlch. wu ar~at ed the nu t day a t hie t. Canada hc>nM by Loe Anpl .. 81\t'rtfr • orne.n at the requ••l of Newport 84'ael\ po- llcf'. Offlc•ni aald llcnw fOWld tn Sh•m ch'• home a llecectty cam• from a t. Canada home which Allred admitted to police he bursl- ed 30 d•Y• prevloue. He told po- Uct the run h• UHd lo llhoet Tal· bot durlna' th• o.er horn• robbery .,,.... atolel\ by him from ·tJ\• LA Canada home. To prev.nt d 1lld a.ccldenta. u.a- plu1 and cover appliance. w!Mn not In use. Do not leave a ppllanc• unatteruled wben In operauo11. Monterey will bnllf In Ila weU. The new well, lt It followa the pal· N ewport No. II, on lh• city leue tern of prevtowi oP.raUon.a wlU thl• wttk. City Man•c~r John J . 1 brlna-City ot Newport B«ach pro- Bailon at&hd. W l\u\ Monteny duct lon of an esceaa of l~ bar- llM completed No. t then wlll be rel.a dally. and city Income Ln eJC· •l&ht produclnf -•i. drawlns I ceu of I~ per month from th• D\Ore than H OO buni. per day I o!I operaUona. WOOD SURPRISES BURGLAR eeaalon echeduled to •tart &t 7 .30 AS HE ENTERS HIS HOME County Suit on Upper Bay Still Slated p.m. today. M-council ravt tint re&dinc to such an ordinance , ·KAHl'S "Once in a life time" NYLON SALE EVENT Our 50th Anniversary Gift For You -Nation•lly Advertiaed NYLONS 8ANTA ANA (0CNI) -The Onn.r• County Bo&.rd .t auper. ~ hLllll't dropped tu plu ~ t.1ftc tull 'f'IL.IJut Newport Bea.di .,,er U1e I& u er'• &1\11 uatJon of aiore t h&n 1800 Upper Bay acrN. CJu1lnnan of Ult Soard WlW.. Warner made th&t cJ..u at an ad· fourned au~· m"Unc rn.- Aay. 8u~ Ralpti McFadden ~l the ma tter tqt aa U.. --"°" w u ready \o '-~med. "I read Iii U.. paper 'nlured&J atpt that the cowitJ wUl drop lta 11Ull." Mcraddet1 UMl'l-4. "'I lhl11lt lhn e ehoul4 be &11 ottSdal ~rd order l! lh• report I• t.nJe." H~ edc~. ''I'm not t.oo oppoeed to 1Jropp1n,; It. however " Wa rn~r MJ<I the county eou.AM_I le (Oln( ahHd wtU\ drawtn( Ul> II lh• r omplalnt. Ra ea.Id the hn\ llmf' he'd ht'lln.1 \he «Nill)' WM calllnf orr It.a ar t1on wu on n.ul'llday when he had two ('ll}i. l'n:>m n..w•peper P\lbl1'11Mn wbo ._d rud lhe atory. The Ctl\lnty hu pl'illMC..cl Ulie la- llU1k>n of more Ulan too county- OW"nt'd U<I• and N bme,....o laAde I.JI Liie &11 nu.a Uon. WHk• ago. then held It up ~nd· PoUce Oil Monday lnvHtlpted In( a uniform C>ru\c• County or-th• bUf'&'lary ILl'ld at.tempted .,_ dln:~;,,er bualn-. lhe council I• ed robbt'ry of lb• Lloyd O. Wood a pected to take up a city plan-I hom e, 2724 Ocean Blvd., wbtch ~­ nlnl' eomml.-l<lft ncommf'ndllUon curnd at t :HI p.m. Friday. he h&d tlu'OWll out ot cupbouda. Wooda aaJ4 be a w &noUler ttcure run with th• inlnlder wbtn be f Ol OUUide. Polf~ Mid th• s.ntruci.r entered the Wood ~ by appaiutly Jim· mytn1 & lock on another do« oft th• eado.ed patJo. MarU -the <loor lndJcat.d h• tried to foroe th• door open and al.eo tried te lift lbe ptu Olll of th• h1nc-. to hire a .,,.cte.llSl tor prt paraUon Wood aald he &11d hia wU• ar· ot a city at.reel muter plan at a.n r1•ed horn. at that time from an outlay .. not to u ceed n ooo." Th• • ovemtrht. trip. H• e&Jd h• entered conuniNton crpr~ belief that uie hOUM from the patio &nd -.. with thl• .. a .tartn for a cit y pu.tunr a boll on U.e dlninr room muter pJaA. dty ofMclala could table wll•n h• b.Mrd a noW. from ''take It tro111 t.Mre." I UM direction ol UI• bedrootn.. W ood lllle .a---L ,. __ Public beannc on.,._ parlt lnc aa.ld he looked a.round te eee a .,.~ ~ dJm1ct No. I la e.iaJn ala t4!4 atter 9t1'&111• man ft&n~ elrht feet M'Ol'I '-'--tlaaed N V.rs.I corn Unuanc-. Tonlsht 18 trom him. potntJnc a l\lll at him. ..,._. a1-o dat e "8'l fOT publJo lleannr on Wbod told ~ M .-iekl)' a ~ requ-.t by Va.rd, Inc. ,_ o.rt ot Ille door-he Md Juet Harbor Hi Hires 15 llew T eac~en .u...d aed the D&deat&IW - pect llolted ''-the '""" door. ~ ... &ppvl'J'IUy taken f:Nlll \he boa8a. ... ..ad, 1Nt the Mdl-..... emaplM.ely n n 111 -. C\lpbo&rde \II th• d1nlnc room -fOWMl lllaa4lnl' ope. 'n\e t.n4i l pu9Tld U]> Mn, WoocS'• J...,•lry and a&me:rM Whicla a.ucTA. AMA KAT I (OCIQ) -~ ...... ll. ~di JilorallW ~ .... ,._._t --. _. -tltal .... ..,___ .. attadl ctiarsea. A eoldler, be Ill aecmed 0( &ttaddnc & 1&-~ ...._ b41Un (lrt the nJ(M at Dec. IO. n.. T\Ctlm claim• \lie ~eMlult ~-la u.e-aad-a. &ad fCIT'C*S bn \.o .ullmlt. ~ dell.t.d u.. tJ.lep Uou. At i...t IOO-.. pupDI are•· pected M. N.wport Bullot Ull.lon HI~ 8chool -i ynr. aceordlllc to Prtnt'lpeJ l ldNy Daoncs.. and Monda.Y ll&(bt a. edlool tioard lll...0 11, n.-t.-cb«n fOr MW po9• lion• and rf'piaA.':Mnenla. Then ar• &lr-.dy IOCI •tibUI ~ pupila wtM> ...... ..p.tfted I Utelr lnl•tloll to alt.Id hl.P I K hOOI and wt~ tile MW pvpll8 who w1U mOft lat• Ule a.t:IWt by I Spring Pairs for Just $297 Get Fourth Pair FR 111 Regule r $6.60 value -60 9eu9e • 15 Denier New Spri ng Colors KAIL'S SHOIS Next to Safewwy Fu.rniture -2 WEED ONLY- Lovely Sheer Sale! Mesa Trailer Law Consideration Due nnaJ ...... ., • dty trailer Wdlnanc• will ti. cona~red by ec.ta >h• cnr eound1 1.11 N-- F't J uatlrf' Murt """"' r• l'lJl&r ~ ... --PrtMl,.i Da..W.. --I Pftl.w U1• mim1-r to M ~•Md 10 at ~ 100. Th• acbool board &1eo rei.tr.S &11 of the prNttlt lflatt at ~ Monde.y l n lctit mef'Unf and In l'f'l'llr1nr: four ot them f~ tbetr fourth ,....r In Ule ~ P" U.em UM et.ahlll Of pel"l'ft&Mfl t t-. ""· '111-. t.-di· era are h ul ~ Z&tha 'J'al. tum. Emil N'e«M and JUp t« ~r'kt' Save up to 33YJ'Yo on Quality Floor Samples NOW OPEN • Howard's llll11r11I I CoffH Shop Coast Jwt pHt T1te ArchH tewerdt Hwntinc}t0tt le.dt SIYIN DAYS A WEEK ..... , Served • Anytime -Day or NIC)ht ·~ry our coffee ......... always fresh we trflld ow OW1111 ,._ ____________________________ ...,. SPECIAL NYLON VISCOSI CAltPIT ..... M M ... 1'- We .....t lllake room for the lltlpme•ts of MW Mere....,clise MW arrivilMJ -so hwry wWle ...._ amllliwt YCllNI last . SOTA Hom MAnRESS Twla w ...a "IMl - Hait--i11 r--- V~~t11 Gura.e t.Hott • NOW ONLY fJ95 eq. yd. L..id W el to W el lndudin9 '40 OL Waffle Ped and Labot lelow _.. listed Int a hw examples of tile trelMndon savllMJS 111 the flfte Coloftlal a• d Modent F9nllsltl1HJS, IOfM slithtfy shopworw, IOfM perfect. NOW ONLY •2995 Matchinc) lox Sprin9' -S•m. Price MODIRll K&ODILD 80rA-on. Jiff ._ rw.,.. '1Z91t a.cw.r 1179.N --· -. .l"OW MA==----.... -·-·--..... .Now'59• DAH18R LOl -Z aEAJ'. or--.....,..... ....... 'lM .. ...._.., 1109.11 -. .NOW .taMU'.M ()('('A81<>NA.L C'KAm -P'-Uf' l.Mtlll •.U. 24.lt ....,...., S49M • '&fo4'11C9-d -lllall .. S OW ..at OOSTE MPOltAJlV DlNlNO GROUP ~ .. Table ·,._, n..lrw ....,..., u.... .. ---·---"-- MA ~O Bt:"JTJ;T ...,.a.r I l l .I • .. . .................. -..... . ..,.. a Mft.8.• L01'1"01t ntAOUt • AJ1'.1"0A>ll ..... Q..nty Gold Bo.a. Now'169,. Now'79 .. "'KL., "'S· fftft M "NU . ., ,.., 8 N S14t ..M -·-.... .NOW .,., t ll1.M ........ NOW 89 IC'(. ~ ar:r · llOWlld Table wit.II ' -~ .=,._ ... .... .. .. ··---··-··· ...... --.MOW I 59 .. OO~Y aa>•OOM oaoun ftll'~~ ... '! ~TrU ~.~-...... __ . Now' f29 11 llOO= =~~D .. -...... -.. -·-····" JiOW I 59 II 00~ = DU WEA ............... _,_._ ....... .NOWS 26 M QIU?..::::-.! --··· .. ·-··-·---··--"°"' 89 ~ OUTDOOR FURlllTURI IPICIALI REDWOOD SPRING CHAISE WITH BOXED PAD only t1J9S ALUMINUM SPRING CHAISI WITH BOXED PAD only •1995 7 Ft. GAIDEN UMIRILLA Vet Dyed Duck -·Metal Tilt Pole only •2195 COLONIAL uaor. wnro CHAJll. Top Q9AIJ11 -u-<'c>¥ff '1fO .. ~lar l lfl.6t NO\\' WL~O !IOFA -8-UN ftaH hint ...,.._ ltH• llOTOM>l..A C'olonlaJ t I" C_....,,,. 1 IM mod"I ..... plat ''"· .. KJ:l'WOOD WAllErtr:l.n '"· msrso ICJ:T a.tf'C't-Ory I:~ Tai* • • "lnll-..r c-...ai,,. l\#1111&r t nt.Ot Kt.'TC-H 43" wrnc "'"TTER OOOR11 ""'«111M 11 lt.IO ' OOlilU.1: D•EMl:ll wmr IWJ R IU>R N0\\'195 .. sow' 2Z9 H su"' 159 ta so"'lf 9" .... ~ HMdbau-d • M&a>'-P\al .... · <. <M'llp&,t• l\f't I 79 H a-pJar 1111.M NOW DU& C'HMT ·ORO,. LID -ll!t;<"llr.T A.Ill' n ·pr; ..., for OllWe ""'""" I ~4 H ~9'1.M . NOW ~ ICA.PIZ llNl:E-ffOL& DU il ........, ..... OAP!' A1Pf CRAJU ..................... P111l•h .._...,nu• ............. . NOW •44 ts • 1r.•• sow ·~ NEWPORT FURNITURI CO. 2620 W. Coast Hl""'ay NIWPOIT llACH Pllone Ub1rty 8-111 J ' I ... PAGE 2 -COAST AL SHOPPER -MAY .f, 1955 COFFEE MEET Peninsula Point Women Planning Dinner Dance Mra. Loulae Caltarher, chairman child ulety chairman. announced of the women'• dlvlalon ot Penln· that th• police department i. tn· a11la P oint ANocl&tion. prulded atalllng crouwalkl and 1top elm• over a morning coffee at the home at Balboa Blvd. and L St., <>«an or Mra. Robert Stabler, 1722 E. Blvd. and L St., and at t.be Coaal Ocean Front, on April 2!1. Plana Guard pier. Thera wm ai.o be were l.('ntallvl'ly acheduled for & crou wa!U and pedeatria.n ~lg-n• rltnnf!r-dance on Jl'rtday, May 20 at other 1treell where ehlldran e t Newport Harbor Yacht Club. crou and all eltl1t1n1 crou walk• Mrs. Golda Joeeph 11 ch&Jrma.n, u· will lie repalllt.d: alsted by Mra. G&.11&1her, Mn. J:. M'.rL Har1ett.e Barbff, ..tmrnlnc Patt Sues Firm on Oil Lease IANTA ANA. COCNI) -Mo,. tllu MOOG damqea wu uked In & lull f\led bl Superior Court here April 2a In connection with an &a11erted leue of five loll on 17tb St., Huntington Buch. Seeklni Judrment ll&'a,lnlt Elt!c· tro p ap lne. i. L. W. Patt ot New- pori Bea.ch. Patt cialml he antered Into an agreement to le•H the five Jou ' on Jan. 19. put up $6000 with an eacrow man and paid out $7110 In expenHa. He contends he wu to • get the lf!Ue and oil well eq ui p· •', $110,363 to Comty as IMd Tax Share Rob4lr\ C. Xlrkwood, ltate Con- trollu, ~ announeed <>ranee County wtJI receive fUO,Ml.10 u the county'• ahare ol the ft,942,• 062 available for l!Wrtbullon to countlu out of the H~way Uaere Tax Fund tor the month ended March 31. TRllUTl- \ LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllD SHOP ll.\LBOA T111:AT1lE Bl.DO, BAL.904 Open ~ Um! Bahl ... 6 ruuR'Kev 01NNER .................................... sZso S . Moore, and block ch.airmen. Jeuon chalnnan, announced t.bat m•nt. Patt aUegea the defendant • hu re!ueed to complete the dt'>lll. , ______ ___._..........,. __ _ Elks to Honor Mothen May 5 with Program Dellclolll Criap Se.lad -Choice ot l oup - Appetl&~r and Oe ... rt -All tor f2 r>() Mr11. Stuart D. Baird led a die· aummer clasae1 wtll b4l available ruuion ot th• 1maU boat moorlnf to Penlluul& Point children at tlle R p roblema at atrut el'ldl , and ap· Coaat Ouard be.ch throu1b aua· ecent Newcomers pointed u a study committee Mr•. .Art C. Kl_1Uer, Mra. Bruce Mae· ploe1 of the Newport Beach Re· Re~nt birth• at Santa Ana Donald, Mra. Joaeph, and Ml'9. Johll creatJon Commlulon, be(tnnt.n1 ~ Con:imunlty hospital Include a n 8· Kimble. bout July 1 and contlnulnc el1ht lb., l!I os. girl, born April 2-4 to · Mrs. Don Phllllpa, tratfln and week11• In two week perlodi . )lir. and Mra. Fred Scott, 3038 Lido Cub Scouts Study Trees, See Theme Film 3:lnd St., ILnd twin boys weighing O lbe., 6 and 7 oz: .. April 2t t o Mr. and Mra. George Wallace, 769 Wea\ 20th St., Costa Meaa. TO ENTERTAIN-Balladeeni double quartet will be a part of the program Thursday for the local Elke Moth- ers Day tribute. Top row, from let\, Howard Folaom, Jim Davis, Fred Harris, Abe Rigdon and John Welty. Bottom row, from left, Rod Gravea, Ben Moralis and Bruce Schroch. They are under the direction of Ruth Armstrong, accompanist. Newport Harbor lAdft of 1:1M ·wtll bold tta annual Mothen Day ce~mony Thunday, M.a)' I at 8 p.m. In t.htlr lod,. room. ~ tmprualv• Mme• bonortq ·all mother1 I.I open to membeni, their JON'S RESTAURANT 35'43 Coeat Highway Corona del Mar For ReNrvallolUI Call Harbor 0883 pe1t1 111d trtc~. All an blvtt.ed =========================== to att.nCS. A 1teall dlnMr will be served 1tartidl' at e:IO p.m. High Quality Prinling-Ph. Har. 1616 • Cub 8cout Pack 87 ot Udo I.le knife a.nd pocket fluhll1ht. wu awarded a allver cup for t\rat l''oic.ealry wu the t bl'me for p lace In the Harbor Dl1trlct for April and an lnteresUng movie on the Window Dl111>lay conteat held plywood, from the cutting or the during 84;out Week Jut February. trC'11 through the manu!acturlng The cup wu presented to Cub-proceuH, wu ahown. masttr Herb Riley by Neighbor· Inspection wu won by Den 1 hood CommL111iontr Btn Madil!On tor the fifth Ume. at the Pack meeting on April 21 A cr&duatlon Ct!remony wu con· a t the Newport Beach Elementary ducted by Scoutmuter WlllJam H. 8 chool. Gibson and the Sailfish Patrol ot Highlight ot the evenlng'1 tun Troop ~ tor Vernon Edler. Vernon ....... a n11111n1 conteet betwffn th• WM alao preNnted a Scout knlf• Dena. The Cube flehed for wooden by the Cub Pack Committee. ftltl they had made In Dl'n mel'\· Cubmuter Riley preeented a· In&'•· ullll1 polu that had also ward• to the t0Uowtn1 boya: made. Dena l , a an4 • were tied tor Woll badge, Gordon Torgey and tint pi&ce at the end o! the regula-Barton ChrlaUer ; wol! arrowa, tio11 lime. Den l won the run-otf Gordon Forgey, Bill Undeke, J ohn and the prize of a g&V'tl to be uaed Shield•, Ricley Ja.c.keon and Bobby 1D Den meeUn1.. Sawyer: bear b&dge, J ohn Rellly A. 'Tree Age" con~lt wu alto &11d J immy Cadwala.der; bear &r· held. Ullng-the annual ringa, each rowa. Larry Glbeon a.nd Jim C&d· boy waa to u Umat• the aae ot w~t-r: lion a rrow. Charle• fall: tl'M from whJch lh• MCtion ot the Webeloa, Kent Anderaon, Andy tnmk bad been takeJ\. A count re-Sul and Bruce McClain; denner, ~ the ln• to be '2 yeare old .. RJchard Vandervort. Gordon For· Jlmlny cadwal&der and lArry JCll· ftY &nd Grel' von Hottman; aa- ln&ll won with utlmat• of U •Lit.ant denner, Bob Chacon, Jerry )'e&n. '"'-1 _,.. awarded a CUb Adam•. OCHS R port Rupp I.I 1cbeduled to die fw the e er alaylnl Of Hl·yeu-old l'orba Llnda b&by altter Ruby An.n Payne two t C R yean a10. He waa tou.nd 1&11• lty 0 O'er Upp a Jury and later convtcted of flrat d•lf'" murder In tlle brutal blud· r-ontn1 of the younr (trL Gas Execution Rupp'• c.. ha• been c.a.rr1ed to the United Statu 6uprl'me Court. He wu defended In Santa Ana by BANTA ANA (0CN8 ) -OCNI nporter Pat Mlchaela bu been 1 ranltd perrnlulon to cover the n ecuUnn of WllUam J'. (Billy 1 Rupp on J un • 17. Ward•n Harl.-y O. Te!'l• ot San QuenUn notified OCNS anrt Mk h&ela that 1peclai a rrangPmt-nl• f or Orange County New1 Service coveraie bad been mad• a t th• prlaotl. P ubUo Defender Nick Meyera. Later, appeal.I w«r• made by llll attorney hired by a San Franclaco newapaptr whtch bttame Interest· ed In the ca.M. The newspaper hu m alnta.1.ned that Rupp ahould not di• becau11e he wu not aane at the Urne of tii. rnUl'der. Rupp I• .cbeduled to die In San Quantln'• 1u chamber. hecaNSe you want lo give her txtra btallly on Mother's Day . . . GIVE MOTHER MOJUD STOCKINGS Thm"s nothing hkc the dinging bcsuty of Mojud I Thry"rt the fa.moos "Magic Motion" atockingt ... with extra '"give·· and 1pring·badc '" 1b1 lnil for wrinkfe.frtt fit, &.nd utra wear. Stt our 6ne ,dcrtioo of Of'W Morud fa.shion shadtt, ift lftlJ dcgrtt of lh«rnaa. from • 12s MOJ U D NEW STRETCH HOSIERY Just Arrived -··--··--··-··· $1.95 pr. We Give S & H GrHn Stamps ' NE'WPORT DEPARTMENT STORE 0. lH 0-. P'rMt M ttlld S t. OM Short Bloc-II frool _ N~rt Pier -NEWPORT BEACH ' HOJl'FMA.~'8 LADY FAIR PYREX BOWL SET Colored, Set of • A recent Addition In our Candy Department "Try Some" ,._ 51 50 l·lb. Bent 51 so "'· sue s2s9 A.'tCHOROJ..A.S~ 5139 SERVA SNACK alt'9t'tlve1,. bo ... 4 lk'rYlllC Tra7a, 4 C•p. "'C· ll..M t'ORRJ:8T ORY.E S TUMBLERS BOOK CADDY In Wrourht l run. hold• 8 tw>ol111 MAGAZINE CADDY to matC'h IM>ok 4'.addf s2'' iA#.E~~! .. ~~~~ .~r:.r~ s2" AUTOMATIC TO~~"!!~ ats10'5 AD lclf-al Ollt. "1UI dark.a-m ntrol KLEENEX lOO's J 3,.r 49c AJAX POL&A DOT RANGE SETS ,.. ... •1.1e ~ l>la.ek, 1 Jar, P11>r-r and 8&U 8 h&J<..r LADIES NYLON BRllFI in Blue, Yellow, Pin~. Whit~ Sizes 5, 6, 7 A liCJ luy Only 37c each LIDO DRUGS "0.. el ~ Udo SMpe" 1481 Via Udo, Newport 8Mch Mothers' Day (MAY 8th) Specials HARBOR DRUGS UOl E. CcMt ~ •• Corona del Mar IALIOA DRUGS '718 £. Balboa Bh•d., Balboa For May 5, 6 & 1 Thurs., Fri., Sat. Tlme'• eome wben we 1top talking about Mom and start doing tM»methlag for her • • • like mMlD1 her Queen for a Day with family dianer out, flowen. gift. that are fem1Aln6, uefW. beautiful. luilDg •• , op frivolous. Surpriles and comclmeate to pleue her ••• somrt-hlng ex)M"nslve and g roUA or tiny llDd teader .•. u long as It's what •be likes a.ad comes with plenty of love, Come, see wbat'• ID •tore for Mother'a Dafl PURSE YOU TAKE YOUR BILLS OUT Of' THI PURSEi Open the coin J>UrM •.. and you can 1tlp out ~ bills and coin• without unloldl111 the pune. There'• a 1eeret compartment for blw bllll, too. Glumlnf Jeathu ln cholc. of colora. S s 00 FASHION BASKETS 111 8traw a f"a.bril' ""aotlf u 11 y ~rat.cod ln Flo_,.. and Khf'UI, A.lleOrtl'd Cnlon From $129 Pocket Siu Manicure Sets In Oeaul.. 1-Uler CMf', Blllfl, Bleck. c-ooW.. leAeffrs, FU@. he.Mn -d Comt. Onl~ 4t= Speclals Llquo• Dept. 20~ ~A.TUR.ALLY Fr.:8.Ml:XTED PINK CHAMPAGNE ,,ft, RA.ND BL<>""N, Cl"T CRYSTAL GLASSWARE OREE.N ru-,., OOBLET8, 8B'EUET8, WINE, OOIU>LU.. ClOOaT AJL \'....,_ te '9e 19• WINES for Dinner NEW! RCA VICTOR LISTENER'S DIGEST ONLY •3991 • Automatic ·•v1crrol1" '5 J>honacraJ>h Modf!l 45!Y1 • 12 e1-h1 "cllaMC form" on 10 RCA Victor "4$ b tendfd Play" Hll'h F1•HtJ rtc-arde • 42•JMIP m'*cal enJornwnt a-ulde COSMETICS Y.umu:v TOILET WATERS Holtd M., Lav~r "IU1 Atomlur I.Al.ONO LIPSTICKS TWUD MIST SPRAY OUERLAL"'l Pl"R,ttr; !'IZE MllllCHdtu, L"H-"' ll~u s 5 00 PERFUMES ----------------~--------------....:. DA..'iA AMlll":m s22s s31s s650 COLOGNE and 'Z-·OL 4-01-. 8-o L FAJlEROE COLOGNES FAB£Rc;t; Tlt.Rl.~~ BATH SET lXNTllt:&I<" ADAMS Rl8 s300 s5so 51 ooo PERFUME -- ~M 5 $ 00 LANOLIN SOAP 8•~ .. '""" 1 01113 for fluperf&ttA!'d, -' pop•lw bllt.hrnom f"•lo ,.. pink, )'rlluw, ''"''"· bit .... ma11•r TOILETAWArER,, .... 52~ .. ~200 JEWELRY BOXES f"ri.m 52'5 VINCENT'S ICE CREAM -= ~fllUII DOUBLE Di P OON!I llAkD PAO~ID PINTS JUND PACKED QUAB.TB BULI STYLI ~ Oaf Premium Quality AlfY ruvoa • r 3 ORANGE COUNTY YOUTHS SCORE IN BANK CONTEST Mesa Annual City Reports Now Available Four Newport Hm bor Students Runnen Up for Top Ranking Spot Copl .. ot Coat& MN&'• tint an· nuaJ report are now available In Men city ha.U. It b.. bffn &n· nounccd by City Man&«er Georr• Cottey. 111• booltlet. were orlg'ln· ThrH Oranlt'• county 1ludPntl 'Pd one from 0< .. 11n11lde were wln- aere rPrtntly in Zone S of lh• a&nk ot Amtr1c!l'1 11.nnual 1tate- W1de Achievement Award.e pro· Sf&m . Thf'Y Will reulve from 1 100 to 11000 ea.:b May 19 when they appear before Judgu In Loe An· selu. Th• winneu were Unda Thom-u. Gardl'n Grove Unsnn H igh, ln 't'OC&Uonal arU; Loi• ClaUIMJI, A nallelm Union Hl&h. In Ctne art11: Dennie McGeaby, Orange High lcllool, 11\ieral art1 and Frank B&in, Oct11J1111de-Ca.rLab&d H lgh School, lt'lence and mathematlca. St:WPORT CLOSE s ide acuYiuu ctunng Ule 1tudenta' Lily lasued to th• 31:1 peraona a t- lul three yu.n ot hlfh echool a.nd tend.in&' the April 20 MCond a.nnual 2:1 per rent on (l'Oup dlac1.111lon.1 prognu dlnner tn Jl'r1day Arter• before jUdfu. noon ClubhoUM. A Lol&l ot J3:1,800 LI beln& dta· CoYer1nC th• pe.r1od trom June tributed thl• ytar 1n the •Lat.ew'ld• 29, 19~ t.o June 30, 1964, U\1 n · pl'OgT&m which th• ba.nJc 9J>Oll.IOr• port lnclud• total AVtnUN, U · to brln( public attenUoa, reward pendtture1 M d tund btJ&neet ot and encour~ement to yowig peo-th• uwly lnoorporated community. pie who abow unulU&l prom!M ol &aid., a ltlliD&' ot all city oU1oerw tuture 1ucce11 and Ml"'Vice t.o .o-M d ottldalJ, Ula report al8o ln· clety. Cull awvdl will be pre.nt-eludee c&n.oou and commtnta ~­ ed at a b&nqu.t to bt attaadld ...mca eo.ta 11 ... admln1tt.ratJoll, by 600 bOftor lh.ld4lllta, ~ta, pneral pnrmnant, ttaca1. polloe, educaton and prominent olU-. 'bu114111C, tln and au.et ~ Th• civic laden W1IO acted u meta and am.,.... troat Mayor -• JudCd•t Hotel lAa'una ,.,.,..: a.atn N.i.on. Ben ReddJck, publlaher, N"'JIOrt ------------ Newport Be11ch nudenta who re-Barbor Newa • Prffl, Newport leer Burgled preltlllled the local high achool, ln-Bea.ch; M.ra. Win Hull, prealdeat. eluded Dorta Sua&n Kelm, Judith Cambrldfe School P-TA. Or&ll&'e: Stewart. Charles LynvaJ Rle• and tM R.Y. Emil ll. Gel.Ueld, Put.or, From Local Cafe t>onald Brur ' Beatty. ln nearly Grace Lutheran Church, Eacon• avery cu e the8e 1tuden1.1 w're d ido. J.Cra. Alu\ Grt.tttn, co-publiab· J'our cuae ot beer WN'9 atolen r unner• up for t1rt1t honor., er, R&mona Sentinel; and Brip-trom a ca!• at 281' Newport Blvd. raf11r IOUUI on PolnMttla Ave, and cuu to • fUll •top at Coalt H igh- way lnt.u.ec Uon. Re Mid ha did not ... the Charter car to b11 latt .. 1 be puJt.d out In tront ot tum. a.an. la)d Ui. Tn>\ter car pUUed out 1n front ot hla auto. Chatter ekldded 27 feel before be ftl'Uck Trotter'• car, otftcen II.Id. Rechs Opens New Harbor Offices Ru Rech.a. lone eatablWled real N...-poTt Hutior Boe.rd of RAo&J. tol"I and aao a member ot lha Lo• A.na'elu RMlty Board He nret worked with Cha.rUe Oennia, pJonHr real .. 1.1.t1 m&rl. In 1943. eatate man In the HarbOr area ------------ opened neow otttcN at Z307 w. Hardacre Son Hit Balboa Blvd. Aa.oclat-s wtl.h lllll\ .,.. Mn. Harry M. Bennett and in Street CIOlliltCJ Mre. C. Coopu. Ha moved f rom Oo11glu Han tacre. 8. aon of the 2308 W . OC'e&n Front. Roger \V, Hardacru 311 PotnMt· R.ch• 11 an early memlMr of the lla Ave., wu lnJu#t>d Saturd&.y THI FtNEST AND LOWEST PRICID Early Americaa MAPLE FURNITURE ...• an'lw~er• 0,... Fridays IHltll ' ' MAY 4, 1'55-COAST AL !HOPPElt -PA81 I attemoon, polka ,..ported, wti.., on lb• ln1ld• Ian• wb• )le lalt die Ii• wu hit tn a c~alk on Cout child u he wu ac:comp&n.yb\f J\1e Bh•d. at J a1m1ne An. by t. car mot her acrou Ula ttrfft. polJ• driven by • Sa.n Otero aallor. 1atd. The younpter wu treat.cl Mth'l.11 Euaene Royal. 22. th• tor a akinn.cl left ~ by a priftt. driver. reportedly wu 1olnK wut ph)'9idan. FRIDAY NITI AT 8 P.M. llG FASHION PARTY Entert.a.llUMat • ~ • Beaatulll llodell "SPRING· FEVER" 8'4ni"6 JO ~ , .. ,.1otwtt. 1r- WU..SON 'S • MARGIE WEBB WALTAH CLARKE'S &AWAD.AN Rt.n.X'S OF CALIFORNIA SANTA ANA FUR CO. HOUSE OF JAY e LA REINllJ LOUCKS • SEA WEEDS ·~!!.. "" IOlrTM Of ......... IMClt ReMrY&tJona: HYatt •·9608 There were 32 top ranldnc atu· dter Cffnu&I Joh.n A. Sunla, tonn-"°"1tly Newp<>tt poMoe Nld dent• In th• conteat which wu er l(.a,)>cr al <>cean.lde. Llntclll T . Karsar~t xw.r Ul91 'l\..tla A. · held at r...runa Beach. The teoriq 81Dunona. tupertntend.ot. o,_,. eo.t.a x-a. ~. reported :; -----------------------------------_:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,. ... baaed 60 pe.r cent on gT&dea. County Schoola, lknta Ana., acted burs1ar7 2~ ~ ce nt on luderabip and out· u chatnn&n ot the fl"OUP· omce.:. ~ tlM7 touDd u.. back door to the cat• open aad th• acnen torn from a nu whldaw which wu halt way ope. The burflar apparwU, 8ll.ood oa a tull ~ of cn~t JWce '° rtit 1n- to Ute cat' police .-id. Troop 40 Receives Flag at VFW Loyalty Day Rites Tiie tint Loyalty o.,. ot tha .... alda .. eomm\IDSat.a. But Newport, Laguna Vettl'&l\a ot J'o~cn Wan poet at ui. ..,.,. ttma Mayor Nelaon c • c h .., .. held BatW"day a.tt•rnoon la eauUolled ap!Ut hywl•rta la .ucJI lrl II ras Leglo11 Hall. rained out from th• a bunt and 1tated he bellnld a park where the ceremony wu condJUon ot n .. r hyetena .xtlll ln A tender bender accident oc· 1cbeduled. Seven Boy Scout troope Cotta M.a a t the pr~ time In curred l'eeenUy at Cout Highway wert1 reprumtect and Troop •o th• e&M ot a. man Wbo hu MrVed &11d Poln11ttla Aw. between cart wu preunted w1th a beautltul th• communHy tor ma.ny ,...n. driven by Jamu Rodl\ey Trotter. • Am erican flag which h&d formerly ~n 81ncl&1r ot Troop 81 Boy 27, ot 701 Goldenrod Ava. llllli been pnaen\ed to th• 1J09l by Scout1 O\IUlnld growth of lh• l'rank CUrtil C'llaNr of South Harbor Re11l Memorial Pa.rk. American P'~. HI• talk wu II· Lacuna. police l&ld. In a t merl ceremony th• t~ lu.etrated by the pr .. entaUon ot Trotter told oCttc.n be wu wu rc>celvf<1 by a color l'\l&rd con-n~a by th• color ruard. 11..art.1ng 811Unc ot ~n Bryd.Ion, Larry with th• bl1tor1c&1 Rattleanaka Anrl araon, Mike lngTam and BlU flag. CarclL Gtorga Splnlt made th• Othara C111 tha pl&Uonn w • r • pr-talion, and a drum and Herbert Ward t.nd J&mM w. bug le corp• rrom t he hJgh 1chool Thomu and Arthur Re,mley ,,,,... band provided th• mua:lc, prwented trom th• noor WU.A W illard Warnu &CUI\( .. • muter or c•rrmonlu , the Rev. R. K. Pl),U delivered lb• lnvoca- tlon and Douglas Walton apok• for U!e Bcout troop•. Troopa IS, tl, I, 6M and +o a11d Po1t ea and Ship soe belnc rtprUVl\ed Child Molesting Trial Dale Set Mayor ClaJre NeJ.on made an liNTA ANA lOCNI) -"bmo- lnaplrlnl" Lova.Jty D•y &ddreat ceot" wu th• lea callinr altC'nt11Jn to th• need few B.elU')' Millar 4~ 2~ Fred not only IO\ Ing on•'• OWll COW'I· N...,,on ~. Frtd& ..... tr-·. but for ",."ktnjC' out her •n ...... brouKht bef~nt ~:..~ Jud(• John ShM on two chJld-mo- ch I R• lul~ COW\ta. ar es ice Wiler, aJJu WWlam ~. aa• J\ad(e She& aet h1I Ju17 U1&I tor W·1n1 Realt •.ao &.Jn. Ma,. 1 · H•'U be ....,..... Y Mnted by the public liet•dar. MU- 1 .. r la &Ct'UHd of commlt Un1 l~d Essay Contest and luclvloua act.a on the bod! .. ot th• two l'lrl.I, ••tht and nlna ('h•rlt " H•ll' ~··n1 .. r In lhl' :'\••W· Y«'l.T• old, Apr1J 9· Tht <.)foff'ndant admitted two f"•rl H11t b• r I 'n ..,, It , h ~c /lnul t .. a ~rn , 111 , 1 ,.1011,.r In 110 prior conviction• -molt.1Ut1.1 a11d SHtlY larceny. MIUtr LI In cuatody, '"'" y ..i1lll • l .. 1111;1 11 i.nnu,.lly hv 111<'111bN• nt 111 .. 1·,.11foml• Rt>lll t :•1,.1e A••u1 11• "'" I h" 1111 .. nt th" r •11y .,. •• , \\ h\' I \\ant I·• °'"" )I\ Q 14n H 11 • \Ir• Mat" I 1"1t~111t1r1H or Ptt&• n 1rl• H• .111\ 11011 :'t11 ~ JPnn ~en· Home Show Set at Fair Grounds n r l\ <If 111111••·1 Ill\ l'r<•l•C'rtira., S ANT.A 0C ""'' Jud~· ft1,. v. ill ~hurtly be AN A I 1'1 8 l -An· f"•~•«ntl'tl "'"' -tr J'h Y rrom Or· nouncrment of A homa ebow to ti. 1 v · ("m.n'' 1 11,. 1 Ill .,, 1• •la&M In O rance County JW\e l "'ir111 d1n111 t Ill""' 1111( 10 :> on the Orance Count y Flt.lr -----------I iwuntl~. wu made by H enry C. Coic, home &how ch&JrTl}&n. Slxtv-r1v1 pn cent or l he space Board to Oppose Teacher Pay Time Store Broken Into SANTA A ~A •01..":"SI Tllt Burr lary of ltalood Va.rtetlH Clr•nre C(\unty Bou <I or Super-1 •L 2e11 Newport Blvd, Wednea- v: .. nn 1'uu c1ay ~ tnl on rC'cord u day la beJnC tnv11ucated by pollt' .. "l'l" .. 1nc • l•g1•lalU" bill v.•lllch Ofrt«n •Id antzy WU made by 1o.n11l4 '1vt t••clltr1 11em1-monthly aboul~ a rMr door W\W tl w11g1 rhl'<'k• INtf'ad of monthly. cave way. Thlrteen doUar. '""' SuptrV1•ora lnatruC't ld CO\ln ty ta.ken from Ole ca.ah ~.,., ac- Countel J oel OJ I• lo votce the COrdlnJ' to Bob Roubl&n, owner boa.rd'• proteat via t•l•phont Or;I• -;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;i;;;;.;~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~ \1 to contact Sen John Murdy If Th• bUJ aJ~aJy bu C'lf'&1'd t.hl' ..-111bl7 and wtll be up bf'fore the Ml!ate May S CoumlY ~ooll Supt. Unwn ISllTUll008 la opPOHd to Ule cll&n,.. In pa)' PQUry Two Ccan In Crash )llnQr accJdm l occurred •. I· din· at 17th St. and Cout Hl&h· "&\" bfot wecn un drh en by Albln ~n So\IPn of PUAden.a &lid J ul .. F:ll1worth Brad}' nf LonJ ~h. p<'llt'• a.&Jc1. Now la the Time to bave 7019 FURS RESTYLED Your ouLmod.c:t tur coat ,... atyled to a smart 1t.ol1 or <'lutcb cape.. Thia la th• alack period IUICI to kwp our work· room busy we are ott..u.r VERY llPECl.&L ''Oft · Seuoa., PRICES k J It With I SANTA ANA FUR COMPANY ,.._., .111ry yOUR9 "" ......... ._... ..._ Guudi-P' 11 cted by Su,.•of'9-CuCiiMif Rs~= 2 .. 13: POTATOES:-4flL25 AVOCADOS~-.-9' llOC<OU 15' Wlll1M!!5 .. CJ' ...,................ .. • .. SCllASll 17' ITIUAI SGUlSB 17' .. . ..... • ......... MONTROSE GRADE AA BU I I ER =~._,.._,_.,. ,. 1-4 ..... ....., , ... 6Sc .... ,, ............ ' ...... ~ ..... DWIGI ~ SUCEDOtRSI ·••c.ut .... wno COLDBROOK MARGARINE 10c 1-lb. ctn. M9NI TOMATO KETCHUP MOI UIT .:... '°':. :: 1 t ()olu; BAKERY SPeciaL / Loullicma SPICE CAKE ..................... ._.....,....,...,.. .... ___ .,... ...... _...,........,~ SPICIAl 39' DISSOt SHILU ~ 17c HI-HO CltACKIU~ Mc ...,.. moac SAlllllAU1 .............. ,_, .. JI I tawt&•I ............ 2 '!:-25• 27 : 17' QUTll DESSEIT Jal.WaL8aAND. ~D 1111111...,_, ~6· SllllY HllS IWIS ..... : n w..":.: n I.Olli SPAQIETII : ~ 19' ::: 37• Skylark Fre•• Brea•• ENRICHED WHITE OR WHEAT ... 'i9: 28' ..................... 1~ WHOLE WHl!AT lnAD ~23• HOT DOG IOI.LS o.::;::=... ~ 19c RAISIN NUT BREAD '-:4~ ,. •.:: 28- .... Y ..... Ate .... AT lkW WAD~ ........ _.... ................. ~ ................ ....... _ .... _ .... ·--.._.._~ I ·-........ --....... -.... __ .... _ SWIFT'S BACON RA TH'S BACON:::- BEEF llVER -r ~--,... FRYERS = . .;.;;.-: VEAL IOW ... ,, w-. A .......... ..__........_ __ SMOI .__.._ .. roo .. o-..! llilS "···· --T..._,, ... Naah-1....,,w.-,,_...__...._ .. ._. • ..._. IAIY FOOD OUNCiE JUKI ~ . ......,_, llti ltwnd 6-4~ 6-49' 49c 4:. 95c ~1.38 IAIY MEATS STORE HOURS Dally 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. (Frida)' UI 9 p.m.) ....., • a.m. to • p.a. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLINTY OP PAIKING ON LAIGI PAYID LOT ' PA~E '4 -COAST At.: SHOPPER -~AY ~. 14'5! ONE IACK Tars Topple Saints 9-4; Orange Next eo.cla llaU1 ,.__.. U Your Soul Cravee an AUDREA KSIT bat Your Bod7 Caa't Endure the Ml.lear;e to Beverl7 Hllla -See GRAOIEGUCK NW.U. •aMJ• """"' A"4rra" 0-tall-Fro11t~r \ lllac• II YOUR DOUY SICK7 IAt Dr. llleke1 Altwlea of t he "-eel -d Ort'lel Doll ........ DIAc-1"' Delly'e 111-. Modf'na a.nd antique .... ,,_ ... .. ._ clay• hoepltallut1on . o.B LIMrty 8-4'7" af~r 5 p.m. CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2-0754 P Vtu·BLOCK OOMJ>As\· -Uto 8. llal9 8t.. S-ta Aaa Pl'llHC:E -Cl~Dt:B A!'>-0 OOSCIU."TE BLOClllt l\ElNFORCISG 8Tt:t:L ud 8t:PPUE8 .. ,..,.. ....................... _ II AFFORD & 1011 ''NELS and DOC" ELl:OTlllCAL OONT1lACl'UU .............. ,., ..... llO Bhenide .,.... N..,.n ...... KIPTar....._.aa...-'tR"s4 wbAddJls U.. '9Jl ft• R llr,f ta B&At& AA6 for a M ..taa trnts• lriumpla °"" Uae a.&at& V~ cave the loa&l J1ftP IMll'st'914.. ~~:=:;:=:;=:;;;;=:;;;;:;;;;;;;=:;=:;=:;=:::;:::;:::;:=:=:;=:::;;;;:;~ tave 'triu, thNe a-. la .__ Leacu-oompeitttioll u4 I.a tai.. only on• pm• -.ck el .em.a.. An&beim and J'uUeJ1.oll. Only an unapected JM>me nui by Third Bueman Dne Tamura and a perfect Uu'ow out at the plate by Left Fielder Jim New- BALTZ MORTUARIES oo.!' A. Mila.\ CHAPEL 11'1 8uperSor Avenue eo.ta Me&&, C..ut. PJaona Liberty 8-2121 CH.APEL BY THE SE A 3620 & Cout Bh•d. Corona del Mar, Calaf. Phone Har~r 42 kirk permitted the Tan to twis -----------------------.., BUil T ON YOUR LOT on throul'h re(uJaUon Ume Thu,... d&y. With B&nta ANI leadlDc 2·1, Tamura unloaded hla J'OWld trtp. per wtlh no one aboud to U• It up In top of the third frame. Two runa 1n th• fourth •tanaa ._l Newport Into a •·2 lead. BW Weta!. who atarted tor lb• Ba.ll· ora. left th• mound 1n favor of Paul Lorentaen 111 the tlfth. The k.lnu aursed '-ck to acore once Boyer's lalboa Linoleum Co. ' -iACK BOYER - 2301 W. Balboa Boulevard • U.oleum • Rubber TUe • Cork • .bphalt TUe • Carpet • Formica • Yacht • lastallatJoo Harbor 5389 Newport leach Homes -Income Units &Mt PONibM naaed.nf Arruced CARDINAL HOMES 119 E. 23rd St. la C.O.ta II-. ()pea '1 Daye ()pea Evea. b7 Appt. ln th• ai.Jrtb and -.a1n In the MY· _______________________ _. •nth, t.ytn&' It up at •·•· Pt:.arECT PEO But for N-klrk'• perfect J>C!I' from left neld In bottom of t~ -.iventh, lh• S&tnu mll'ht have woo It then and lheN. But ~th two out. Ca tcher Dick Mlrkovlch 1ot Ula ti.It In lime to l&f Santa Ana'• John Wllaon out at th• pl&t•. That wa. alJ th• le.way the Tara 11eeded. They broke looae w1lh five runa ln t he t l&'ht.h, chaalnl' Gil Rodriruea trom th• hill and bat· terinl' r~ll•hr Che.rlea Bt.nyman. Claanup clouter Dennla F lt<11patr1ck paced the local platter attack with two bJta In three tne•. Tamura r ot two for fin Ask Abandonment Two rl'qUf'lll• for a bandonment of land pa.rcet. were rrf~rreJ to the city ~n11neer by N4'wpc>rt City Cowlcll Monttay nlfbL Th• rt-- 41u .. t.1 were from ~rr• E a nd Grace I:. Reran tor th• abando11· mant of the IK>ulhwe.Urly 10 feet of Broad SL. between Ca talina Drive and Sallta Ana Ave.: from .Roy P ..... ClartllCle .MoCuUocb and Merwin Orelwe for a ti.ndonment of th• norlh•~•t,.rly 10 t"t or Brod 8t.. betwHn Catalina Drive and Banta Ana An. To prneot dill4 accl6Pl\.a, •· '""4 \ea...tac WM ot -14lllS wa- \w •wns °" t>ie noo.-~ ahU~ drftl may ta ll In and dro'T" °"' M ecialded. .IOHN8TONE'8 MelCI AlltO WNCken l'-4 Ane Part. _,A_...._ %07 ~ .,..,_da Ave. Laart:7 a.1ti• OaMa ...... .................... Ubertyl-WI WATE.a RKA~ "'LU . HIYICI ••• ll•Alll Jo• rtl:a~f!o/J fUMl II Pll Cl"I 00Wl4 ""-Hw .. • U» BE SURE -INSURE .-·tt1t llCAl'IUE 1'4TANl,t:\' ··~ 0.17 no.. llubor U14 111' E. C"out fflahi. ay C~"'-d~I Mal' PARKES -Rm1i 1· MORTUAR\' ,.....,., o urEL ( HAPP:L 111 ._..,. •.1' -C'o..ta )(,... u..t7 &-NJ.I a.ad 8-U.H fi ·we rs .:., u~ ... ...... ... ••2&11 .... MU__. WOl881• ........... ........ 1 , SEE IT TODAY . ere our new spnng DRAPERY Of'IUf ..... svs 'TIL • Slip Cover and Upholstery FABRICS o mw J>POW•'IDfe mTJCS .............. _ .......... ,.. .... ""~ ,......_ -.... .. ••• 1 .... .. ..... SANTA ANA 102 IAST POUITH IT. COi. MAIN The 1955 C1; !f :::==:=p==;;-===::==sn ... the car that makes It smart to be different! U you hf'IHal• to bu7 a m.cSlum·prloe ear beoauae all! month• hence It "1U be ••nerybody·a 08.I"' ••• t!M 19311 Cl,,,p, .... f or I/OW! P'or lJI th• CIJppar you wtll nnd th• d~fh•rti1-. '"dh idwalltt1 you -111. • , • and '° wldola pou a re en u llf'd. 0. Ula road. the lm CUpper pro-, .. dlllttnctJon Ill ~rformanu. Brilliant new v.a engtnM. .. 1u. 21& or 141 borwpower. deUver apllt-MOOnd reaponR ta tnftlo aad aurrtna power on th• hlfhwa)'11 ••. W\JTlatcMd 111 Ula madlum·Jriee fteld. Teamed with "-9"1'1nM la th• n.,w Twin l'lt1 amat1C' Tr11nam\Hton -artua llv t wo In ont' At lh" tuui-h of A '1net'r, your rholc~ of et.art• . lli;thtnlnit i:• 111v.a\· or rr111~1ng irhd ... Thi' ~aut1Cut hnl'a a n I th~ lux11no111 lntenore <'f the f'ltrpt>r v.ill anr-·111 an~tanlly to the etyle conNloua .. , for It I• u 1t l11morota u It le •tflcatnl. Comi-re It v.1t.h &11)' cu for ap~&MlnC.. for perf()nnanc., '""' out- 11tandlnr value ... •nd you'll quickly &pM that tM 19~ c 1lpJ1eF r h·u you wt~\ .. -.dl\.'44-Ww .. U'8 mtdlum·pnoe tlt ldl We lnvite you to Take the Key and See ••• LET THE RID& DECIO& Now on Display of HARVEY HIERS .. ,.Ol'R ··nn .. ~DL\' I . !\ARD Of: •• •·"R" 626 W. 17th St. SANTA ANA I Son for Merritts .Mr. and )(ra. Willi• Men1U, 20211 Harbor Bl\'d., Costa Me.a. are parent• of a T lb. 12 o&., boy, born April 28 ln Banta Ana Com· munlty hoepltal. MATl'R.E88t:8 Boat• -ffomH -Tral&en lr"'«'!lar 8u.- Uberty •-uoa 008TA MI:SA MA'M'USS CO. 1160 S""'J>Ort 81\•d. aA\'E OS ArTO IS!ll. s11•0 '4.000.-..111,000-$4.000 HOUSEHOLD WARDROBE C RISIST CRISIS! Perhaps we have the answer Because we do ever~hing here casa pura lodltr t•lw'l A ''ol>. O•"'••• h e-' Mo••~• 8-BOB MC'CORD, for PR.~n:RRt:D 1sst•RA.."\CE (All LI NU I "SERVlCE WITHIN HOURS -WHEN N ROl!!D" COMPLETE LAU1'"DERERS and CLEANERS llAIUNER 'S M 11.E !\"'E\\'PORT BEACB IK Vktorta St., Costa M- Pbo•• LJbert)' 8-'1Ut Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 U'l~ $100 A MONTH for LIFE* •.•• or $20,000 IN CASHI QUAllANTUD ANNUITY PltOVIDED av TH£ FAMOUS NORTH AMEltlCAN LIFE AND CASUALTY CO. Hft9 lnancial ..curity ... the chaDC9 to tra\lel, 9njoy ywz fa..m ho6bi.e. really Ji.-. •()ncir "°" reada 65.. ~~--..... .,. 11 1q1•11 PAllS tleltiellf•21i1TWA..._! ..... $311 ....... ,........, Glorioua i--.k r-u-.. Thrillinc ticbt -t...-. cotrn'IU..lAnmt! St.ay at huury bowl la Peria, vlalt ILirht. dube. ,....__., • ._ • ._, U-a.r.I 276 h.p .•• ,, ... Mtrb"-4 v.a &a• moden .utomobOel 1-ths ::i:::::; alAlry, 2 and 3-t.oae _. _..._, Tonioa·Wralr*I • •• AflD A S 1\z POSTUIEP£DIC Will IE CIYtl FREE to one entrant from Martin hndtwe aw. "°° ,..._ It ....... ..,_, C... .. fcJr J'CM&r omda.f entry bla.nk whkh mu.t be u.d to_.. U. ...._., ......... ' , a ...... w••• ----..-· tat• Mntell ,,,._... .. "_,. fo;w" '°,_,.body. .... ~ .... 1•• ue all n l1 ll1 -.i 'Ywe.ut'T ... ••fonaM'/ ••'--,_..., --'11 .. ,... .. ,..... SUl" .. TTHSM 1a·.-w1 •.. ...,"". •n•d· .. p · num.,.r •lttl WO K l•nhlie ....,., Ju roc&·lla.e r,..ld"itJ ....... '/OVI bod., • ....,.,...~ auno....-t HERE'S ALL YOU DO TO Dfnlt I ... ..... ..., .................... OllCI YOU ... Off A •Alf. \'OV'\4 ""'°' .._, " -..naui '" n.c7l' O&A~ ~ YOO l«T NOi MAl9 """ '" -cowoer ..... ------------------,,,,., ........................... ...,_ .... ....,... . ..... , • ....... "lrl Titl OM TO ... MCK AO. AWA'l'r,. .. '11 ,.......,. ..... fll_., ...... _ ....... ,..... •'-YI ............ .,,.,, ... ..., __ .... _ ....... la11e ......... •:a ..................... 1::0 ........ ~ .... .. ............ ~-......... ._.. ~ ......... ,,, __ ......... ..... _... ........ ... ......... _..,, .............. .-·. ..,_..... . ...... ._ .......... .............. ......., • .......... c.a.o. c• ''*' Or ,,, ........... .. ... ........ ............ -.. __, -·--··--• ofCOWM Mclay 'ti 9 p. -.. IZ l•dget t ... . ··, p;.. DeNY•r A-.le P.W.11 • "Bttt'-f late than 11tver" I~ not l 1 halt •O itood • maium u ' B1•ller S n.evtr .. t t ."-Anonymou9 Again President For F.A.C. I ~·'.·~ll~~b·l•llc~~)~:,,~.tr~: r.~l· ~;.!~.1:: I Wedd1· ng Held mnly of Mlnnaapolla, preatded at 1.he coffM M"1c•. The new .Mra. Church la -u known In MIMHpolla bu.J.neu d rclu &nd her tlueband la a prom- inent :t.iontana attornty. Wllll• th• eouple expect.a to 1>41 ln Ule eut Ltlle •ummar. I.bey wtU return here next tall. MA y 4, 1951 -COAST Al SHOPPER -PAwE 5 I J ehlp. and ~11 ... I' \ J>arkt'~. f"" · LID 07fca~u I ll•ment.11 tan. '.\lr.:i. J . C' 1•:i.1·nc 1 t'8J lhl' rf'port ot rtw non11nat1111.: ('<,mn11 tt«i>e \\'htlh At St A d ' W8 < UllRfllnlUll~I\· 1tJOplf'd. n rew s The bo••i< li"l ll.on will m<'el !\fay • 6 \\ hl'n M 11< H••f'•I !rnm lhe S1rnll Smith-Hill Wedding Will Be Held in Pueblo, Golo. 8TAR1'8 P'JUPA V Ana litu arv \1 111 ~r"ak Uev1rt1lHln• l\ll•I ~orMlgeA tor lh• annu1tl 111r..t1ng were arranged by Mr11. Ka1~,.r. Ho•tess w1111 Mr.11. Mr" Rf'llbf'n Da v w1u rt·f'ltd•"I Stewart, who was 1t"a1~tt>d by Mn prf'lllllf'nt l t th(' r r1sta ~ft'IHI Fri· Waters and M rs IJrown. Mrs. Of Delight J aax Bride Montana Attorney Fun For YPF At St. James lAonard lmlth, one 6t Ula own· era of Bay 6 Beach ~tty Oo •• II looklnf forward to May • WhH he plan• to b9 Cf'nter-al11l1J11 In Pueblo, Colo.. with a 1>9autltul br1dt. Miu J&nlca H IU of Holl)'· wood. UI• brkk'• moUln, Ulla ~ wlD tall• a month to pt to betrott. buy a car and 11ee mllcla ot t1M aut and 110uth tMtor• taktn1 up Ulalr domt1tlo lift \JI a bome which Smith hH juat purt'ba-4 at IOOl Miramar Drlff. Balboa. J1w Aflem•,.>n Club 1tt thl' rtrPnt W .. an·og champagne Chantilly lace in bllllenna length, A treuure hunt on play1rounda A prlJ mtPtlnir Othrr Mflrtri< fr1r ... of St. Jame• Day School wu en- lh,. cQming y .. ar will be Mn Paul occ p g ffi and a headdresa of lilaca, Mrs. Delight Jux became the bride ttrt&Jnment when the Youn1 Pe<>-J'ollowlnr lh• ceremOJly. whtcll ------------Ho~rt11, vice prt>s1dt>nt; Mr~. Shl'r· I ro ra of Mr. Irving Waahington Church of Great Falla, Mont. in pie'• Ftllowahlp held • box aupper man S111lf'r. ,.,.rnnd vice pruldenl: F Eb 11 Cl b and aoclal at the ParUlh HouM. 1• being btld In the homa t own of Mrs. L. w. Covert. corrt llpondlng or e u an afternoon ceremony at St. An~w·· Church. Altar flowers FoUowlllf cltWI, winner• ot Builder Licensed Mcrl'tary and Mr11. !!:. J. Moore, were lllaca and plnk •napdr-.01\.lll Stallman and Mr. Raba.n, nephew11 t.reaaur• were Kik• Mlchaul!. Vlr· 1 trl'aaurer Jnstallatl.Oil and the Rev. Jamea 8. Stewart of Mr. Churt'h, wer• fToom•men. g1nJa Ch&M, Walter Frans, Conni• 8ACR.AXJCNTO (CNS) -The Chai rm.en who rtported al the w.., officiant. In a rectpUon at Irvine Country Sl"eley, and Joyce £ndamu of 1 contrartor1 at.ate llctnN boad All· annual aeulon were Mra. 0. D. Officer• will b• Inst.ailed and Mr•. Jaa.x wu a ttended by bu Club Mr. Chul'<'h and hi• bride Garden Grove. )Ira •. A. Aluandtr I nounced qualificat ion of Wallcrat\ Kln111. program : Mra. Heinz l<alaer. Coost College music and drama daughter. Mn. Jonn E. Stallman, (l'ffted many friend•. Mn. Ralph Hamilton ..,.._ tn chUTe, Ul4 •a lnc .. t200 Cliff Drln, tor a central card u cUon, who aJllO reported tor department wlll prelM.'nt the pro-of Corona del M.ar, and by Mra. Kennon (8uanna 81.lterlee), for-YOW\I' piople a ttendtd. buildlnJ contract.or• UCfllM. Mnt.C~~.~~le~art.~~~mTh~~y~~rn~~E~llG~~&~~~~L ~~==-~~~-----~~~-~------------------~ Mn. Torgenon; Mni. Kenneth I Club. For mualc, lhere wlU be a Stewart. membership; Mrs. A. H. variety program by var1oue achoc•I Small. hlntorlan; Mrs. J. l':l\rl, arts organlza llon!l, Including the Con· Mesa Teachers anct 1•rllft~; M;s.~ Lyda Conant. cert Slngn1, the Wonvn'• Glee book eectlon; Mr11. Paul Robl'rt•. Club and Ute Mixed Chorus, Soto-T St d 'A-Z' reading pro~am : Mn. Arlie 8w11r-lela will 1>41 John Trueblood Joan .&, 0 U Y u . community Rrvlce: Miu Else W1IH~. and Pat Alldnaon'. W • • Pl Dre.ma Club wUI read a comedy, nttng an. Introducing a cl&Mroom •ltuatlon Prl·vate Po1·1ce I which Will g\V• PrtliminarlH to I produclnf a play, cre&Un&' th• On WednNday, from •.l~ to II: U p.m.. tlle tlral, aecond &nd third grad• tee.chera ln th• Costa Meea school ayatem are Invited to M&ln School, Room 18, for pre· aenlaUon of a rNtarch on manu- ICrlpt writing. and upvtmenll with lh• "A to Z" •ptlll111-W'Mtlnr plan. • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL -... YICTOll ltaWIO S Jt1'1f • CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 MATURE · EGAN · McNALLY ~~~~~-:::::! RJ("HARD ARU:S Kid'• Mat. Rat. I :t & "The Monster From Th~ Ocean f loor" "larll11r: :\"r'I I r1. "f•.) IS "The Glass SlipJMr" iUltl "Prince cf Play•rs" NOW SHOWING Cln•maScope '4'arner Color "Strange Lady in Town" OR.EU OAA80S DA..~ A A.."'R>UWS -rr.1·~- "A RACE FOR LIFE .. RICtlAJm CO:O."TE MARI ALDO:S HAIL DOWN YOUR FUTURE ~ Building the foundation for financial security is ., eHy H driving a nail! J ust earmark • certain 1um each week for "saving," deposit in. your H V· ings account . . . and sit back and watch your dollars 9rowl SEE US TODA YI COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" ... 0 .. U JIOUAL OlPOSll INSUO ,NC' COl'°l,ATIOH ,.. - landscaping i1 ~n Investment ••• ln'vest Wisely Oal'df.a la11dwaft\"1t prGp.rly df'M'1tf'4 Md pl .. t.dl by a proff'•lt111AI rardf'nf'r. Patio Mannine a 11'.pttlalty Jlf• lnlt too Lars~ « too 11'.maJI South Coast Landscape Garcleft Service ', f ~""'· \~~ '\ Prrfocllt" O&NIM I ,,..J'f'C'tto" I • It f>t.Mnd I • 1 mood, and meanlng or the produc- 1 lion. Thry will be under dlre~tton of Kenneth Boet.oher and Robert Kut. Junior ,Enters Ebell Contest l Junior EbeU ot Newport Bf'ach haa entered a conte.tl 1ponaored by federation junlor11 and held annu- ally In cooperation with Sl'ars, Roebuck F oundaUon. Cuh awards are g iven club• rendertnc meet out.standing rommuntty aervlC'f' un- dtr "Build a ~\ler community" effort.I. The local club hu gtven 3;90 hour• In coin•nunlly aervlrt , ac- cordl.nf to Mr~. Norman WatAon, chairman. Judgu for the conlul wlll be Ty Cobb of baubft.11 flUT\f, Prtaldent Wallace Sterlin( nr Sta.nford t:nlvtralty, and '.\Ira. Burt Kenda.11 (Shirley Temple). \"A S Hlt;YU~ "WL~GH OF' TRE HAWK" <tlLSN t'OIW "Hl:xAS DE8lRE" Oetallt of Ule ttM&rch carTtfd on during lhe Jut year by lee.Ghera In lh• lower prtma.ry (1'adt11 wUJ ~ pl'eAenled Including demon1tra- Uon11 ot wrltlng t tchJllqUC'• and dlspl11y11 or va.rlou1 klndll or paper Wll'd. ThON ln the 1y1tem who have uaed the method wlll repon. on their e.xpulencee and Ulere wtll be a question and dlacuaslon perlo'1 tollowlng. One ln1t1tute credit wll! bto given tor attendanre, e.nnounc a MIN Anne Ho1peni. cumculum CoordJnat.or. Mesa Boy, Girl Hurt in Crash Phll Dean, Sparman. ltl, %000 Harbor Bl1·d .. Co1ta Me .... and hi• paanoger Marylon Parker, 11. •66 Wutmlnater Blvd., were taken to Hoag Hoaptt&J with minor lnjurlu atter lbdr car collldtd with an- other on SUvtrado. Canyon Rd about 2600 feet 10utb of 8Uvel"&do Poat Oftlc• lat• Thursday attar· noon. They were treated tor lac· araUou and bru1-and relM!led. The oltlu tllvolved vehicle waa o~te<I by Helen L. Janae, 41, ot Stlvl!'rado. locked In a frensy of fear, love and i•alouty ... trapped In the fury of relentleN purauitl BARBARA SJANWYIJ( ROBERT RYAN, DAVID FARRAlt. SMART WIFE- Fools Huslaancl with Old "New Dre11"I Amazing Proof of How You, Too Can SAVE with SANITONE DRY CLEANING! / ... ~ Ye1-aaaaia1 h tbe word for••• ... , ~ a.t+er. Set. Ou• ' Sanimne keeps dothea look.iog oew eo H 1 ( the 1) •• ,,1'. much loogcr-gcts out imbcddcd dirt, ..... , o/~!!::"r causu prcm111ure wear. Tr, ic. Sec for _..~ Recally yuunclf-give us a ring t0day. Al • , s tf &$S ~ • • ''0 Clean•"9 po~ ?erspu·at1on Ouf ! ....__ r=="".Ocfor LIDO CLEANERS NEWPORT VISTA WHY RENT? WHEN FOR ONLY $60.50 PER MONTH INCLUDING TAXES AND INSURANCE YOU CAN OWN THIS 3-IEDROOM HOME FULL PRICE $8045 $445 DOWN PLUS IMPOUNDS AND ESCROWS MOVES YOU IN NOW! Don't Wait! -JUST A FEW LEFT- sE1 AT 807 WEST VICTORIA COSTA MESA ANDES REAL TY-Agents Santa Ana Tent & Awning Timely savin91 to keep interiors cool and attractive I COLORED OR NATURAL MA Tt 'ti ~TU 'K BAMBOO DRAPES NATURAL Miid• tn ordrr ID ou.r Own Kbnp • ANY llJIZ&. eatNO IS \'OOa Nr.AIU"al:M)";NT!I -·- Imported BAMBOO SHADES -·- st .)«l ~?.JO ':l,OO . 3.r.o • 1.20 I.XII 'i .••• '6.00 $7.20 Imported HEMP S9UARES 11!1• .. I for ln.l11<1r "' ou1110 .. r ' .... \ ttr.,.nlhl,. J<ttc 1111•1 .. 111 c h .. ,,.ar• of """"" PAT I 0 FURNITURE * l!l'(f-. o"'1 * \hm1ln11m l • ~hit., ,,, tal I * I m br .. 11-I All Ty!>"e of H~n1 • ,. l for '""' p•11n f11rnll111•. I __________ .._ ___ _. Open Friday and Monday Nites 'TU 9 Santa Ana Tent and Awning e P1lEE Dl:U\'EllT 1628 So. M-1a Rt. ~Ill, ..... • ' - 4 ' .HUST BE WASBED -Thil ia wbat ca.n happm to your car when it i. parked in an oil city, 1uch u Huntington Beach. Thia ear happen. to be parked next to the Hunt- ington Inn, where Huntincton Beach Rotarian. park their can ot a Friday tor lunch. -SWf Photo CLEANUP BEGINS AS OIL STRIKE TAPERS AT H. B. Fewer DrillinCJ Permits Issued Give Folk Hope Boom EndinCJ LOCAL LAD IS ONE-MAN TEAM IN AQUA TANK Charlu Atkin.eon, ot 113 E . Bay A vt ., 11. one-man team from. San Diego S tate Col· leg•. plcktd up 10 potnta In the California Stale College Httnllngton nr1t<'h 11t bf'glnn1nr "There len't oil enouch under awlmm1ng ch&mplon•blp at In l'lt'&n up 111t .. 1· 1111 11rg,I' •ncl If Ncwporl Beach to pay tor th• San JOlle April 21, 23 a.nd 33, N. \' \\111111111~. ult 1n~p .. C'lol', l'&.n <111m8gc to I.hat beautiful city He won three medl.la. hamm<'r on th·· •lrilhni:-c 111npanll'~ whirh town lot drUUns could do Atklnaon p l&eed third ln Ule oftt-n and ha1 J 1•1w11,.;!1 ht hr1pc1 10 11," WIUlllJ'lll ataled. 1000 m eltr and H O yd. ~- to have the dty ult poh•lwrt up for I "CJf couree, we a.JrelLdr had oil etylN and flflh In t.be 220 Jd lhl' F ot.1 th or JUI)' her1· and people were uaed lo ll rrtt. He le the aon of Mr. and llrllhng 111 bqpnn1111.: 1., 1ol'>ckrn t11 1w111e cxtenL SUJJ lhle lot drill· Mre. c. L. Atk.l.n.on. He com· orr 'rh1•1 e ltuv., """" .. 11\' J t p. 1. Ing ha11 cau.'led a crea t de.I of peted for Oranr• Cou t Col· mil.a INlll'•I a1n1 r 1hc 111 •t of Ja.,t I h111d fet'llng bt'tWffll aom• folk• tere l&at yeu when h• pla~cd month anti thr 11• "'' .,. 1111u"· tla~~ whu wa.nud wdi. lived a.Jong11lde In the ume three event.a a t In lht' hut of the 011 '"'"'11 "h<'n f l'<•pll' who did not. Somfl have the Slate J unior CoUeg-e meet nr11rl,I' that m11ny 1• 111 11s ""'" rn.t•I" ""'"">' a.nd many ha ve not at Frt'eno. SAILOR C TRACKMEN COP LOOP TOP SPOT Favored Harbor HiCJh B Cinder Crew Ends Up Second; A's Last e.11 r 1u .a nd J"rTY H t11t11 rd t ran. 'PAGE 6-COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY '4 1955 l'd y,·h1lt' to lhl' flnlllh llnr 1n that ' onlt'r. Blmo1<t furn1llhtnit I hi' Tara With a Jl\W'P ot tho> d•Sllllltl' IUIT Pirate Crew Rows Eastern Loop Net An ••l~l1111nal A f1 rM b'' Aru•'" l{ntpp 1n th(' 1::!11 low hl;r.th.•• 111 n 11tnjtf' ~··•"-"l l'Ollt'i;l' l'rt'W df'· 1 T at occ 13 6 WM 11ttll nut r n u11,1th to 0\1'1 · lt'AIO'<I Lhl' l 't'l.A fro:-h t'al .. 1111'0 ourney l'Otnl' A. naht 1111 Tht• l',.111111 .. 111 1111· 11o1· thr"t' ll'ngthll Sat11r.!ay n""' R • • ~!11011. tnrttr 1 our"" 111 BalJ,.1111 111 angt C o.<11t l oll"ll" ttnnl1 H OOU ttl 'l'Tl.t:~ l'rl'l'k tl'la\'11 •l<'I Rf'\'I Tht rO\«• 1•l11\1•1i. hail thlJI ,,.l'rk flnl,.hed l..ieora,. H uod of tlul>ur lh11h m i: I ll rl' took pl•t'l' in a downi-..mi F:11atr1 n ConfC'n-nre m 1tC'h play WI0.8 the lont' f1r111 rlar" ,,..lnnrr for ,,, 18111, a\"11,.dulr. an•I were polnt1nr to- the C's in thf' lrtu k l'Vf'rfb, hut \'1t·tor\' gai·• thf' Bill' l h<'ll 11,. 11 11rrt thl' a ll. r onfl'renrfl tourna· two flrld rvl'nl v1t'loril'" 11 nd a thlr.I .... 1~ llgalnst two l<\Mra dur-111 .. nt on thl' l\l l'ea C'olle.1e court.a polfull of ninner·ur spo ts gsvc Jo. mg th" prrsl.'nl ,.~t'w MeBMln. lll1w l'>-6·:. <"Ill fleawe1ght thlnd&d~ " 10-pulnt <:oarh Rub o8borne'a nf'tlU. It took the Newport Harbor High c track 1111uad to rr1arrln o\••r L·11lit'l'l(Jn H ',,, l1u1 --. " ' r 1 1 • drOppl'1I a 9·11 AhtllOllt lo ht>allnt' bring home a championship from the Sunset League meet rh d the 660 1n 1 ·:12 6 J un New. Slip PlaM ·Approved ~an B «' 1 11 ,, r ,1 1 n " Ar•rll 21 to in Fullerton Friday as the Jocnl fleaweight cinder crew "•'rry w on th~ r o lf "311!1 11"'1 Jnhn l'l1tnll or J . rt. t'a1<tf'ndyke 111 w1n1t 11r thl'ir l'M1fer•nrt1 r· .. roni at 1-knrottn the ~hul 1n 1 ues•tays C i·nnflll'\ll'l" pleMure ahp b1tyw1trd 1onl' win 1<nd fl\'I' 10•110, and their scored 46 points to second J1lace Fullerton's 36. The favor~ t1 e1tt t\•enll!. I•'' 1018 68• 6:'> and the nvrthweater· sr(l3(•n nrnrk t1l uni' !Ind eicht. Newport B squad had to settle for a second to Anaheim J.'ulkrton broke the ftl11r-y ... 1r ty h11lf of lot 6•. Tre1•t 907. Lhlu I In 111,. fN•t111e alnJ:IN palrtnr., while the depleted varally r&nk11 . 1 . I dmn1n11 t10n ot S<t11l1i Ana 1n var· I lalt'. ""'rf a pproved hy the N .. w. 1.X.:t: <'llpt111n 1:1.111• Tyler to8t 6·1. could manage a m e-re 31 9 polnt.11 btl const lered a lll'W llllUldard sine; atty 1'01111wt1t1011 tu '"'P th~ tlllt' port City Count'tl tut Mond•y 6-1l to ::;8 n Ur1.t .. ,l·a lAOn Smith the mark WM n ut made In a Cl with i i', to the> ~liunl.'I' 70. Hunt· 111iht l'l>nl·urrini:-with a rt'('o111-I 11n11 lhl' 1•11 11\('~· moat valuable tor l.ut place. chilmplonshlp ur11Jr. 8 .. d ~• h J i h ... _ · • lngtun each was third w1Ul ,1 •~I men athlll "' t • o nl ar"'.r playt'r Jim Ar111111r .. n1e howtd 6·3, Deaplte th• B Mtb&ck. the Sall· BF.ATrY ALO~E points. cummiltH. 6·2 to tht' lnthn1111· l'•m Va nL11ven. on ' two t o p runnue, Tod Whitt' llt'alty led all t he way In the 1shNI t'll(hl pu1111 11 11hn d or the and Don Beatty, came through In 660 to win 1n I :23.9, cracking the S.llor11• 4711 1t1Rrkers. thetr •J>Klaltiea. Wblle 1alloped form•• mar k by nearly two Be<:· th• tut•t 1320 In SUl\Ml Le&gue onda. An a.nUC'lp&tt'd duel betwun hiatory, & 3 :13.7 clockln( w hlc.h Beatty and tc&mmate Larry CU· broke hia own m ark of I : 1~.2 eel tro t allt'd to me.terialtu. Cu tro lo the prellml.n&r!•. The Umt ex-flnlehed fourth ln th• eve>nt. CIMded the CIJ' record but cannot In th• 1320 A~• 0 1trow1k.1, by ROSSI with all the Gourmet Acc:ompanimenh WHEN YOU WANT GOOD ITALIAN DINNERS hto ROSSI CAFE Corw del Mar 6 fl. 5 boa1d '19'6 IUr:D~OOl> PATIO TABLE ............ R<-r. eit.16 ' ~~~~m~~sor; ................................. "4!1. 121..:l 9'5 I All Aluminum Saran Web Sea t STACK CHAlRS .... .,.,, . Kee. e·uo I ~fa.:~ TROwr:u ........... _ ..... _ ................. "~ scr I ' FOR SPIUNO PAJST-TIME I FULL UNZ F ULJ.r.R PAJNTS .._ ___ _. ' 1-10-12 tt. lenrt.J\a 4"'° 941 I . FlllEaGLAU PANEIA ............. . u low u I n: . I raEE a.i:Y -t keJ nuz wtth f'uh kf'y ord..,, ,.,, I M EXTRA KEY for a-. OU', llarA.f'"· l"t.-. \\'ITRot·T 008T ....._ T" erde.r • keJ from u•. '-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~' OPEN DAILY MONDAY THROt:UH f'IU S D AV I &.m. -t p.m. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -HoUAehold Parte -Ol'•ler -Servi<:• LIDO ELECTRIC HH Vta Udo -llartMtr UIT AUTOMOBILE DEALERS New and uat!d C.n N ICIU':RTZ 15TUDEB.Alll:a 8AIM l'Wln1Clfl Part.a 1410 N-pnrt Blvd. -Har. Olt BANKS 8-k of Amerkle NT a AA 14« Via Udo -Harbor SOS& BARBER SHOPS UDO t!RA\'INO Mt:O la BMlwell'• Klont tor Mt• aua \'la Udo -Harbor llM BEAUTY PARLORS UDO jjA W!'\ OF ftF.Af'TV Hl6 Npt. II.Ivel. -Kar. tll1t 13%5 E. Cout Bry. Bar. 1180 r11.-.1 In """ ""~ Th• 11 ... 1s;•·:i Ull and that haa 1dded to th• ten· Ht irwtme tor th• HunUnc.-WM,._,. 4 JtdcMI B.u4cn Bonhoo,.1 c o 18 1111ll111g 11\1 '"'·~ .. 111111{ t01h •Ion.· \\'1lllam1 u ld. ton &ach aqua C'lub In th• (OLOS&I> rtJUDAl'a) Pboae Uberty 8-7865 BOOKS St , but lhul 11 Ill•' .. 1111• h1ri;:.. TAPt:RJ~G OFF eummtr. !%% Vlct.oria 8t. (DMI' Newport Bhd.) COllta lie.a u~ntwn now 1n lhr !•,.II SNl· Re~rn ~om the fleM ~ ~~ ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II'• e.1 "'"II• a 11• l•t•111i.: .11 111. •I ht'l t' t r11 t are that the amount of oil and ther.. being pumped la t.af)l'nnc oft. Alao CJITl' LOOK/C tn:·r n ;ac u1 .. re ta a.n lnoreNinC a.mount ot BOOK OAK NJt Vta Ude -llarMr '4" CAMERA&& 8appllee \'IS OF.NT UDO D&UG8 16'1 \'IA Udo -lluMr IOOI \\'tlll•rr'" I• ""'king tu lt<"l the aall water comtnr up with the alt •·••&A , 1 .. en•·•I up atul tho r11111,. 011 \\·1111 .. ma ~lltvu Ult preaenl 11niJ ,hh w1d l • .11 r•·pllH't"t, In pit<'"" p.•1 mlla that have ~en lu ued tor he I• ~II'', !'•lln.; 1on•J t Ile frl'.!111 drilling will be •bout the end of 1,. 1r·k "' .. 11,. 111111 111uat U" b1ult •rtun:<'; ot lt'ut he hopee eo. Exclusive with AL'S • m Orange County! CABPETS a DRAPERIES DICK 11.ACllEJl MH\'la~UU CATERINO IN PRINT- 1111101! l'Alh tonk MOii lhl' nl'W l'<'ITll'lll )"Ii~ Al.,111111 1111•11\ ~' 1•0\ lo l'11>11US" ll IH•'l• I lrn>klnl: lltlllllnl:• ton 1: .. 1• h 1111111 11.u 1111'L lhl' ">'" tor 11111ny "'r· lt~ Thr J1<1h('t1 rnntln11l! \o ttfl C'OfT\· p1111111a a11ch u lh•t ot Mr.. \\', Ju1kl 11111 1 tl•1tlllni.:11111 "'"~, y.th~t•' t11 l 111J,''"• t "vrr her horu~ •nil, 1n1 I l"tll ·1111, ho r ~" 1 \II 1;11Thl l••ud•n ~t llf' lh•n•iru;tnn Inn 1 •llr J l t1 1 • tt f lo ft uh1 l t\iS ... n11 'Speed, Spray' Boat Magazine in Come Back 1111..t ""11 ~ I 1••1ol "'"' <nr~ R..\:\'TA ANA {OCNSI --C B 1•1"' I 1 \ pi!. .. ra ''' 'llr hi,.: l '11l1.i1.,11nruJ. Inc .• ot F uUertan 11.11 •lllrll tl1111 "'" •h•ll: 11 h•rac "''h st 10,.1n ,.1 t.h@ purch&a• of the dt • r •I A , .. , .•• """ I • I' I I •• "h~un• t b<•&llnf rnqazlnt "SfW•d 11n1l 1a•1•11 i:" tr11f11 1t1n .. 11l •I Spr&v" The firm plAna t•l 1. u : \C·I ..,. Ill oc l\t.U "' r publication of .lh• naUona l I Polll f' al•n hi! 1.1111 "' l(Arn!lr• n •nlhh hr1ni.r hlu. k1 •I '"' 11 • k• I .1 0 1 .. 1 Th" f"'rlodlral, dtvotf'<'J to pow· I• •• • 1"11n in 1 11 1 ' ..... 1 "' .-.t o'1t11t Rnd 11llf'1I watn 1<J 1111 th" 111111 11111r ' " , I • • ,,,r,. •• t.r .. n 11t>Mnt ff'om """'' tAn.ta unln11olln1: 11•• 11 1 ''nm a ,l1•r lh" rut 18 montha Jt tnr-1 tru• k 11, "' , 1t1r .,, ,.,., r• ,,,, thr mrrly "'a~ pubU.hed ln Newport I l"Olil'r lllnt o1n, I I • i\lr I{ 11 " \\ /1oll' II• 1'• h 1111,.,.1 ltt r th• 1 .. ttr1 r11rl vt thl' 1 Tlw f11rl1 t11111 oianed ntw offlau. a tt •1 n•••n In F ull,.1 t1>n t't<"ll Loomte la pub· A too\\11 t hll! '11" n•1••r hll I nil ltAhl'r, C'v F~rro b1111ln•aa MllU\• ttr111inl( tn 1• h .11 11 •'Ill\• l •trtn· I n a<'r. Rton alt1 Myr ick a.<1 verlli1tnc arnt 111w• "·' '• • ,.. h In th,.m lo j n)11n111o:r r and Ktnl Hitchcock f'dl· rrir1~lKt• ti "' 1 •• ,, • .1,.. l•tr,..I t 1r A M • * * ... v * COME TO THE * ~ ~ PARTY Friday. May 13, 1955 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM * * * Win a $25.00 Insured Sovin91 Account There'll be frH refreshmenh: coffH, * * * coke, cookies ond punch. ~ Gi~ bolloont for h kidt. ~ "Goo-Goo the Clown" will be there, too. * ... , .............. .................. .................... ry. 1an *""' •• · am& w. cu. ......., l-Mt1 We chase the dirt with ~l'V'L7/-~l'U' It performs miracles in one clay right in your home 1bw'I b. Mpt.ci when J"D9 .. what OM ~ •p..t .wt will do for .,.,_ ccw J>41f -oo ua•11 --.., ,.,.. ='I* .. t .. loolt ..... c:.-- lw "'*°rear'• I •• f ..,,, FREE PICKUP and DlllVERY SERVICE -RUIS 11~ Upholstered F1rniture • .,. ~ .. Mr plant Pltone KlmberlJ 2-6400 .. r., ia7 I 7*1 I , ... _..,, Upholstered Cleaned e ID " . r e v o I u t i o n • r y , prove" procea developed by llGILOW ... the most f emoua Mme ifl urpetin9 Furniture and Rugs Our Modern Plant We I.mt. your IMpectiOfl of ow p&.nt. You1 ... h v.,-y ~encl sdentiflc clun· i"9 equipmentr experienced workmeft 1kilfuly encl urefuly uting the finest materiel1 end detergents. Our dryinca room it our pride. Here your r1191 are dried indoo"" in controned temperetur., complet.fy away frCMft the~ .... ~ rays of the tun end the hMvy clew of WI C.lifonM M9h+a. Wall-to -Wall Carpet laying Anti Repairing • Specialty hf 1•• ~ W1 M 'ftar'e 11 .., -.61'1 Ou,.e ....... ..... o.w _..._.. .... 1 .... AL'S Carpet & Rug . Works RICHARD'M UDO llAIUlt:T aua \'ta Udo -~r 1t12t1 CLOl'JllNO -lle11'a 8'1tall lllD\\'£Ll,'8 S HOP l"OR Mt.~ .. _.. \'la Udo -,..,.._,, ~ CLql'lllNG-Womm'e &etal LIDO F AABIONS 1..0 \' .. Opon. -....._ NU 8HADDOCK'8 MU ,.la ~ -Hen.r M n \' A OABOND HOV "lt Imported Sporuwu r IUt \'la Udo -llarbor 1004 DRUG STORES \'I SC'l:~Tt-J UDO D&UU" I ..... \.la Udo -Harbor IOOJ ELECTIUC OONTRACJ'ORS UDO t:l.ECTIUC' NU \'IA Udo -ffat'Mr Utl FOUNTAIN, GRIU. VISC'EST'"4 LlDO ORl'U" H411 \la Udo -Harlloor I OOI FRAMES & ALBUllS tJt:fUIAIWT MTl 'OIOI" IUt \'la IJdo -Hartklr U Ofl FURNITU RE I OIC'k MA<'K.t:R U %\I \'la Udo -H~r U tll I G~ H~~~·~ LIDO MAIUU T I USS \'ta Udo -~r 1111!1 i lNSURANCE AGt:NT8 I "" O. ftl < K, IS<'. l400 \la U d o -Huhnr UU IN'I't.:RIOR DECORATORS 81..A.~( K•; t"l.'L.Kt:K~:<I A .1.0.. l•lt, \'la IJdn -Jtanor Clll t Of< K MA< KE R IUO \'la Udo -HarM r u :a MARKt."TS RIC 'HA RD'fC LIDO llARJl F.T HU \la Ude -~' l !lll NUR8t;Rlt;S Klt:llAK0'1' UDO llAJlllf:T roru ..iP•-T•bl• Arranlt'"m""' 1 I Ulll \la Udo -Harbor %11~A PHO'l'OORAPH 8TUJ>IO~ Of;RJfAkOT !4Tl'OIOlll I U 19 \ la IJdo -Ha.rlwlr u ot REAL ESTATE l.llH) REAi.TV AH80ClATt:!I I .ltl(1 ~•'"" • Hentala llWll \la 14'do -Hattwtr UU p . ., palm,.r, lnf'Orporat.l'cl 0111 tian-on ,,o., Mh!e •cmt. l!SSI \'la lido -h&~ JMt \'O<lltl. ('(>~PASV IUt \'la l.ltlo -flan.tr HU SA VL~GS " l..OAN A.SSOCIA TIONS ~T.Wf'URT HAUWA lltAV1~08 a WA;\' AKMO< IATIOl't A 8av1DK• JnaUtutlon Lon1t Tf'rm Homa LoaN l8M \'la Udo -Haner uot IJEB\-lCE STATIONa LIOO IUC'Krn:LD IUS ;\'nvport ftlvd-llu. "'" SHOES -Mea'a ftlD\\ t:Ll.'"4 lllTORr; "°" MF.!'f I 14%11 \'la I.Mn -~ etta l'HF..A TRF.8 1.100 Ttu:ATRF. I Cnru1ull lhll pa~r tor J"l"OIT'M9 \'la UIM at N""P"S ...._ JlartM>r Ult l'OY8 UOO TQVl~AND I IUJ \'la Udo -a..-, ... I UPBOL8TERINO DIC1l IUCILD 111111.-.-_____________ ..._ ________________________________ .... ~'*-.... _ \ 170 Yacht -Entries Listed for Newport-Ensenada Run 1-t 11\lnul• prepanllona a ..,. beinr made throulhout Newport Harbor tor th• annuel Nt wport·En11enMla Rae. Thuradayr when 170 Mtrt .. will let ny with aall acro1111 the st&rUnr lln• ott tha Jetty al ·-· r ollowlnr la llal of boat entriu wllb owner. aau numbn, r1f. ·llOAT 8orcereN Capri Evita B&llarlna Marleamelle Mara Serena Lark Fem• Dellftit Antigua Shenantran Coquille Rocklnr Chair It USS Saluda Surtrlrl Nord I ya ~1tend E ventide Bayadere Jada Aal~a K illen VoluntePr P rima DoMa Od!'IUllY Quul Typel' St'a Quttn Carouwl MornlnJ Star Vanlnger JI Nalu J ohanna Vu ya M1 rkey Ball Mt'dlf'y RL11tana Rampart Galatea Delphine Cotton BIOMOm Nymph Cyn)o Banta Lucia UI Synove JI Mar11Me Evening Star Bonnie Doooe O<.'EAN RACING OLAAI n~EK J ohn F. Jopllng 8. W. ShPp&Td Larry Courter E. a. Could Oabrlel Giannlnl H. C. Is Samay Huber John B. Kilroy Carl T. Long Oren D. Wade Harold C. Rarnaer Al Shinn A. Dewey Callahan Willia Boyc1 'US Navy Electronle11 Laboratorf Lyman H . Farwell Walter S. J orui- C'hulea Ullman Stephen M Newmark J IUT\U H. Nlchoi- ~orre R. Sturgta Joe Flick Freder1~k W. Lyon J'lhn S. Broom• Donald Mt'l% Richard Steele Hnward F. Murphy WllllOn r:. Hau F red F'. Harri• A11hley G. Bown Richard S. Rher~ l .andon R. Gray Pf'tn Cra.nt Wllllam Lyon• Geor1te CartPr Jnaop P:. G. O'Bryan Jac-k G. Helm Dean Harr.I Humphrey Bogart Oordon M.. Dougherty R. M. Stockton Jack Puchall, Jr. E. H. Halton Bruce Smith Gordon A. Alleti Gould L. Eddy Alfred ll. Rogera Donald Chilcott Walter and Gene Trept. Euren• w. Well• 9AJL NO. IU8-1 KSl·U 63 PCCtl A8 1:1 lC-11 18 " 6 . IUl-11 10/1 " 101 lSS H2 T2 197 77 132 122 PCct 13 K38·28 N~ 84 121 8.'I 32 84 711 e H8 1' 4 H·l'iO 38 N9 39 N-l!'i 92 Q18 K38·36 78 l3 31 130 eo 232 RIG Sloop Sloop Ketch Sloop Yawl Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Sloop Cutter Sloop Ya.wt Sch. Sch. Sloop Ketch Yawl Ta.wt Sch. Sl""P Reh. Sloop Yawl Yawl Y&wl KPtch Sloop Ketch Cutler Sloor Sloop Sloop Sloop Yawl 8<'h. Yawl Sloop Sloup Cutter Sloop Sloop Ketch Sloop Cutter Sch. Yawl Ketch SOUTH GORST CDnSTRUCTIDn [0. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SVAJJ. %30 JOtb 8t.. Newport lleK.la Bart.or USS .... p Trinket Weatward R.enepd• Tehan I Daahu AJ<ahl Flyiq Cloud Soliloquy Whirlwind Olune Blriu. Valen Un• 81cyluk UtUe Wini Sea Walt Sea Belle Duater Bolero Rl•que Hiiaria Eleuthna Reaolute Ja.velln Vixen Mal Tai Con•tellatlon Jlnker Robena 1'rL11qullla Oscar Tybrlnr Encore Sturl111t Symton l Gypay Clipper Nelly Bly Slbonnt'v Thi' Blick Prince Windfall Sernaran1r Gullmar Marle Cf'llna S..rf'n&de Nlltoma Ma ram!' I Know H'lw Ball Hai Franceaca Mf.koa BnnnlP Doon• M11nol,.amo G1l1Pty Lag& l..a.111ru Calyp1<0 Ml11trf'H Su Wind Et'la11y Fat Squaw Jaybolyn • Boa'n P11.tlenre Clbolll M&rtn Sundown tr M1nrrv11 Vagab<lnc1 DrLma 11 Stmln'11f' M ltnUWl l H11na.k•1 Galt' Stv<'n Se11 • Gypay Tok,.rau Blu~watl'r Jt Ar eturu11 Se• Cap<'r Ke I em Nila Kukr1 JI CyKT\f'l Mar11ilon ChAnll'y Tara Car10C'a HomPward Bound lalU1d Bird ZAvorah Lillie Dlpptr BoJao Tropic Sta.r Jubllo .Joaeph R . Orut Clltt Tucker I\. 8. Miiier lial• Fteld CharlM L. Swmden Ja.me• W. Twitty Kannetll F. Oroaa Earl 0 . C«kett w. D. l!lmtUl Btuart K. Babcock Howud B. Law110n Howard Ahm&AIOD MIN Pergy Slater D..n BroW11 J. Baillie Manhall 8awyw ll. L.. Doheny Robert Sumpt John H. CoM.U, Robert L. Ma" Owen Ryburn Eart.Sc1l:nck. J r. Edl11on . Fabin• Millon c . Wecetorth Fred Rice John 8. Griffith Frank Hooykau AABITllAAY OLAH George We1t and Clark Sweet Richard M. Lern« Robert A. Carri.an George R. Wall Wiiiiam Hovlnc Don DaGradl Albert C. Martin, Jr. Vernon T. Kelley David y ,)ung F~d Logan Bjorn F'ab<'r Robert N. Wiiham• Philip C. Smith J. c;. J C1hanl!Qn Wllluun S. Ci.rk Jamt11 M. CarlllOn J ohn W. Dl'e Howard Ha.rtny Patrick K. Lyon• F,d . T. Maloney P . Lewl11 and R. J . Cox Donald E. Glllum l rvlng Lnby Ralph J. Bogardua l!:.lwln s. Wrlrht A lbln A Put zkn Wiiiiam B. Palmer J{lck MorrlllOn Olx K. Brow J . O. MoxnM• Gtne Bolin W1ll1am E. Bodenloa. J r. O trald 'r. Hill• Harold Jud,.nn and Donald Ayru Harry F. Bla.cher Enc Erk kaon f>un•ld W. Blarkmore Edward K Wall C"llrtord R. Chapman Manutl D. Nel11an Richard E. H l11a A. Wutennark Thomlll J Pilgrim G .. rald Moor e G. A. Ford H11.rold I. CurUa Georgl' \.\' Pear11<>n Warren t.. Seaman J erk F.1m11rd William c Gecan C'a rroll W. Kokanour 1':atellt' L. Common• All!en D. J Hooten Stuart D. Baird .:-;eliJon Pringle Ralph E Middleton C-mdr. R. H. Mathewe, Jt. W F. Pnut EdKAr 0 . Tul'ller Arl Krumme William w. J'o•tl!r Karl 1.. Dtet.ari. Bud DeMnberr Bill P Oaterbolt Carl Orova J . T Dtckeon OF THE All FUNDS RECEMD ON OR BEFORE TME 10th OF TME MONTM c-.. ...... For Your Convenienct We e re open e very Fri. 91 JO •· m. to I p. m. Dl-11 2~ 23 131 Q9 107 I() Q-t N-10 UT P00-1' 10-1~ IS n '"" ti S6 K-11·1 10 I 10-1 m to 2 11 120 U l Ha 2S3 22• 7 21T 21 08/SS 1 22T 11 N:I 28 G·3 PlO e 222 279 4 93 03 Q-10 2.0 21'>1 1 QJ2 2U 49 21'>2 F'2 2~ I 127 27 24:1 H36 1 Q8 2:17 7l 8 ! 19 u o• 000 ASF:I M32 2:13 0829 21\4 ll 46 OSll 221 2:11 • 10 40 10 11 11 2M T3 YI lloop 'lllobbJ ., Kanta Jobumt • Ketdl tiAA Y '4, I 955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PA&E 1 lloop 81ooJ Cutt Sloop I loop lloop l:awl II loop .Tawl Bloop 81oop Sloop Yawl Sloop Ketch Ketch Blaop Sloop Bloop CullM Ketch Kelch Sloop Sloop Yawl Sch. cutter Ketch Cutler Ketch Ketch Ket<'h Slooi: Sch Sch. Sloop Sloop Yawl Sch. Sloop Sch Krtch Ketch Sch Sloop Sloop Sloop C11Ut1 Sr h. Ketch Sloop Cuttrr Sch. JaJ<>bo Oeorr• 111. suver Kat.di Play Oal John F'. Nicka,_ Ketdl LaJfall '£meal L.. Saari Xe tell '¥bite Wlnp Roland D. K.Uyjlan MO Xet~b lhendaa .Badr•r 8tan•·ood Bad~r IU lkh :!ttn Tad S~tor I :!m louol J.P. Jonu 17 Trident Gear&"• A.. Robl.naon " T awl ha Oypay Ralph L. Llncenberr 41 T awl Tantalua lrvtnc P'. Lauman Q1' lk>op 8-'arer X Jl'rederick Stevena. Jr. 10 ltooi CommeD.MnM r Arthur D. Bruah CSI Sloo~ Tn:&nl Waller S. Clark X2 Kt tc Oayt. Ruth E. Pav.•BOn, 3834 lC·l lloof ldri• Henry C. Scholfleld to Cutter 8uaurro Don H. Humphrlu CCH Sloop P'leelwood Ruuell Wiiliam Lamb 1!1-32/T Sloop :e.achcomber Charin Mannine Ketch Jndltfer•nt Fred B. Hunle 111 Cutter Marilyn Howard V. Rlcht'y . 42 Ket<"h Mon Rev• Wiiiard H. Tracy 112 Ketch Skoya Samuel J . Harry Ta.wl Southern Croaa O. Gordon Sanford Katch Silhouette U Spencer L. Murrey, Jr. " Tawl Jonna Ramon J . Sprlt.Jller lloop La G<>londrina Paul K. Rowe Bloop Sta.kind Harry L. Blodrett to Ketc:h Veterans Wise to Pay GI Loans Off in Full Before Home Sale Vetnan11 who at'll their GI homu •hould reallu that It may be w lH to pay oft their loan• In tull. and lnaiat th&t the purcbuer uek out hi• own financing, ac· cording to Ben Ut~rmann. Orange County VHerana Service Officer. Whtn a purchuer aseumea a vf'ttran·a GI loan. the Vt'leran may pM8 on lo him the advantagu or a low GI ratr ot lntere•t, but he doea not normally tran1ter with It th,. obllitallon of meellnf pay· mtnte on lll"Tll'. That burden rut• with th!' veteran t'Ven alter he 1ellll h11 GI home to aomebody elff. rt the buytr default.I, the \•etl'rln may be forced lo ~1 the balnncl' owing t o the bank. Undl'r Veterana Admlnl8tratlon rules, while a Cl homfl owner do.• not have to obtain VA approval to aell hi• property. lie I• legally bound to make r ood a.ny ou tatand· Ing liablUty _111 Ml. Yeara la ter a default by the pu~haMr may turn up to make trouble Thtre I• a way to make a new purchuer uaume th• liability &· long with a GI loan. But thl• 18 complicated, lnvolYlnf approval by t he aeller, th• buyer, the bank and the Veterana AdmtnlatraUon. It 18 l'Hler to pay oft the property In full. FOR RENT 8ldJl ..... EJH. Dl1Ua, Pou.Mn. all typee ot lander-. 'Ml..Sll&r-rowa. etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 9'IO W. COA.aT BJOllW AT LDM~ I-Mii. N.wport a. Mu. General Contractor LICENIED New Work -Remodelin1 J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R '4p37b Elec. Tool Repair lkll l aw•. DrlU.. lland•r'll QUICK SICRVICID LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4N No. Newport Blvd., Npt. lkh. Uberty 1-8313. 44ltc PAINTING PAPER JU.NOlNO R..tdenU&I 6 Commercial Wort U c•l\Md Contnu:tore CaU Luln(ton 8 ... P41 collect. Huntlnrton Beach 6tppt0h H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt tt.pat.r h m ce Ma!nt&UMd Phone: H&rt>or ••H UOl 8&.lboa Blvd,. Newport 1!1eac11 p6p O.AA.D&NINO OA.RDICN MAINTENANCE, yard CIMA up. Call Kimberly J-30• tkr• or Harbor 1034 after 4. O p41 EXPDIENCED ya<'lll ca pta111- A1'7 ~1-1 or ru. Mll .. power. LoeaJ .. d u UOll&l ,..f.,.. enc.a. Non drinker. Oan naa.111· ta.In 6 operate up to 10 ft. a.Jone. Oapt. Shannon, Ll 8-4127 l. 4TJ)41 CLLU flNQ 6 IJ\ONINO by Ole day. ll•-p-1Mcld. Balboa bland prefernd. Kl 1-tON. 47ptl Going to Travel? WfLL T AKll CAl\I: ot your home tor rr... rent. S.at )oe&l refer- encN . Har. 07'1.J. •&c•7 SPANISH "LJPINO CHICP', .U around.' JO y-ra t•p<'r\ene9. Hawaiian food, ChtneM food. u well u Euro~an plan C&ll Har. 0521-J 46p4T Three baby altttra a•allabl• tor •ven1n111 Phone Ubarty 8-2122. a~ .. MAN 6 WOt.tAN wtrl do fenl'r'llol houaework. 11001 wutnr . win- dow clunln1t. rut wortlera. 'll'ttltt. 194 F.. 'tOtll St.. CMta Mu a. LI 1·281.3. pptl Roy's Maintenance HOUM cleanirlr-,,oor wu1111 Wall waah1111-W1ndow cleantns Venetian bllnda. Uphoi.tary lnaured. n.. Elltlmat•• Liberty ... 1332. 1U. Sloop ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "A's" Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING Sloop Kl'tch Sloop Ketch Cuttn Cutter K'-'t<'h Stoor. Sloop KP\('h Yawl Cutter Sloop Yawl C'Utll!r Ktlch Sloop Sch Sl!>OP Sloop Culler Sch Sloof Kf't<'h Ketch Ktlch Yawl Kelch Yawl Ketch Sl()()p Ketch &loop Sch Culler Ket di Bloop Sch '• NEll'PORT BARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday and Tburaday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unee 1 Paper $1.00 4 Unes 2 Papen 1.50 4 Unes 3 Papen 2.00 Co..tal 8hop.,.r Clualfted Ade moat nm a. UN 11--., or Tit ureda y Pu blicellOtl HINDIUM AD 18 • UNU AJJ et ... lned Ach maat lie ,.ad for Ca.a. la ..tvaac. .t ,.WltoaU-. DEA.DUNES for plac:iD( or c:ancallln1 aca a.re: .-or Monday PublleaUon -Seturd.y Noon P'or WednNday P\n>ucatlon -Tuuctay 2 p.m. Yor Tburedey PubllcaUon -Wedntaday 1 p.m. Claulflecl Index 1 ,._.,.., NoU- 1 Canl of 'nlaak• • ,.._,.. Dlreetora ,,...._o .... s a 1141&1411as 1taaertaa. II BtllWlq Senieft 1' PerM..i. H 8M.re l 'our Cu II T,_.ortatlo• IT llooftq I I &eMltJ Aw. IO H.Nltlll AJdt H ~ .... F-.d U lk•oota. lntrvt't.lf>• !8 ~ltuatJo .. W9Dted H Help Wut.d IO M lattllaa@oue l~A 8wa.pe •~B Appllulcn I I Wu t.l!d to ftu1 .. rurnJture for !<ale n -A AnUqUf'A II Boat•, thtppl.lee U Mu•l-1, RMtl1>, T \I U Oo1t•· Ca te, Pf'ta Special N oticee M Peul\W"J 11 UY•t.odl P SPf'C.lal A.--t H Au&oe \\'uW 40 Autoe for 8a'9 tt-A n~ a .._,.. 41 Aato MentN 41 Tnlhn ~3 Atrplaare 4 7 Wu&ed to lkllt 4.ll Apta. a H~ for lltMt 4'1A-Apta. for a-t '88--lto-fer K.l'M ~~rs...- •• Room. for Ile•• 4t-A KHt HomH 4t -B koom .t BMl"d 6U lt.l'Dt. Mtec-. &S Stol'ft a Offtce. 3S-A llml-RHtale M BUiia.-Opport-'"-i ~ MoMy to 1.-. M MoMy w .. led 47 K4oal 1: .... 1.e w ..... tMl l•C'Om" Pre~rty II R#al FAlat. E1daaa .. tt RA'al E<atato t~BoJldlng ServtaN GENERAL CONTRACTING F'r1mln1t • F'ound•tlflnll P"rtt Eattmaln 6 P la n l!ltrv1ct VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Will come lo your home, tatle down your •enetlan blind•. take them to our laundry. Launder Ute alat•, tape•, cord•. •parklln&" ci.a.n with our new ma cbln• procqa method. ~tum your bUnda and re-lnltall them ln 24 houra. PT1c. .,...,, reuona bt.. Tbe ••tr· q a I tape n81denUal blind- Only $1.00 We &l.o repair and rebuild wn .. lion bllnda. A.JI work done by ap- pollltment. Phone now Llberty l-3701 or Kimberly 1·1174. ppltc Alcoboilca Anonymoua Writ. P. 0 . Boa Ul N "'1>0f't 8eaca. Calif. ""-• ~ ., . I &bare You Qu ... LICA. VINO for N - day, TU• a oT chll\l'ed.. UndJty, °'1MA.a Fri· 4. f\at. ... Harllor lite 4tjKT Superfluous Hair P-.nenuy r.moHCI rnma ,_ anna. tep C,ebrowa Md la&ir Un• .Uped-No mOPe twe.Ulf. &L.L.&N l. BR TANT ll. IC. Udo'• Ila.loft of 8-uty l'lar. JltTI tto ?%-Lost u d Focmd F'OUNO Ch•n1t" pur,.. Thureday near All Amu1ran Mitt. Corona d•l Mar. Har 1'81-R 48c47 LOST L&rie r•m•I" .abl• rollle, April 2l. anJweor• to name Bebe 8 yra. oh1 lam• hip P'amlly l"""1vtn.1t Ph LF.x1nirto11 •-nee RP.:W ARO 48c48 ~nd CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 WOMAN wut.1 berth u at.w.,...,. -or cook on yacht or ttallJnr boat, coul&I or torelp. 411 a Ocean. Apt. ~J. Lons BMC'h 15&-711. ..,,.. William "Pet•" Pa.nrt- TRA.CTOR WORK Olakln,1t -· Plow1n1 -Mowtas Pl\. LI I · I 7N Ph. Ll t-IUT 4fp41 PAINTER WANTS WORX. 16 yMra OJNrl• enc•. Non union. Hourly. U be1 ty 1-2722 41J>'lt\ IRONING --Will do your Lrnnln( In my home. ltxcellMtl work. Ph L.lbl'rly t-738b Hp41 19-Belp Wut.ed MEN For Construction Work Garage Men STUDT NU Urn. joM wtGI ~ pubUo uuu~. "1P ei$oe& sndo- aa tea bet-. ti 6 •& ,_,. fll ace wanted tOll' "CUlV empt .. OPPOftTVNlTIU flJlf ......._. mMl. •O hr, ..._k. ~ n<a · ti~ pa.Id IM>llda,... ...-.... &J. lowancff 6 ptNlklna. A P'Pl. T Mm. ~ Pre. ...._ I ~a..m. to 4 p M. Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 , E. 1767 MteoU nery Thurada y I pm. C. Sherm Allen Estate School Real SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO . I 010 ID. 1'lr9l II lanta Ana Via Oporto -Cl'ntnu Ave. Newport Beach Albert H. Matthew•. Exalted Ruler PAINTING Punung Ii. Paper Hanging "The ~st Money Can Buy" ~f,'!!~~~~f~~~~!!!r rHONE HARBOR 2404 PAINTING IJl..-rF.RJOR -F.XTP:Rl<lfl l.tCENSED -INSURED Uc Glenn John~ton 601 • 3ht ~t :->'elitp'lrl Bl'ach Hubor :1 176 22ttc CARPENTER Repa ir Work 0... Tour Hom• Ne~ Rep&lnng or Remodell.nl ~ Oa.IJ l'ranJt. Uberty 8·89M All Worll Ou&rut.eed 74llc Pa1ntin1 It Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 10 ya&n e:spertenc• LIOMl-.d " lnsured. 8aUdactlon ruarant~ S.Umatea fl"ff. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8~5289 8lttc CDlENT Ir BUILDING All Kln'1a ran ES TI MA TU Llberty 8-6109 PAINTING ICXTl:RJOR I :->'T!!RJOR r It 8. Ml!:Ll/J Lll'PnH•I U&3 Irvin' -'''• C&M e .. L.IMrt)' •• 439, .... u. Liberty 8-75761HJ MD i~ W~=~! epan ODUA - TIME To PAINT lime for uaUmlt.ed ~u .. ln lite.al JCatata. N-cl&Met M W. ROSS weekly. A.J T)lu m.tructtnr. A.t· lt nd f'lnt ......ui1 fTH and lean1 rrs A GIRL'S WORLD! F'•unlm~ • Det'o••ltnr a bout U'll• f"&l rteld. Call or And you'll ~ wll.•J\ f OU tl.u ot th11 m&11y J?b opportl.lnlllH tnr qo;aUnfld younr ~"' • our b»11ln,..• t"'1•J LJ!>f1ty 8·:\321 or Ka.rbor lott-M write now few tntonnauan. Buel· 280 An>eado, eo.ta M-nen lll•Utute. U~\i N. 8yca- Llcen&eJ • full IMU.red U~l mon . Kl 1-17&.1. Htle CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK :-o'O JOB TOO 8M.ALL H 0 A.nde.,._ JOI • £. BlllOO. Bl•d.. ll&.lboa Harbor 2400 latte COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 , SAUNDERS 7>00 3 Jal Str11et. Newport Beach Harb<>r 2978 or Har. u•e. trc Paperhanging Painting Klmberty T-1121 l lp4t Painting, Decorating Paper Ha.ortn1 GEO. BURKHARDT Ut:EN!IED <X>NTIUCTOR 178 W. 18th I}. C09la Me .. Uberty l ·M2t ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lutaa Ul• abo•e U...per u.&a mo.t. A.i.o MU TUe A Unolwa. M09 ....... • ,._,.. _,.ng u eom,.,.. _. -- BILL OOlmll U ..... TU• House Plans LIBERTY MJ61 lotl• China Painting 0'1 and Evtntnc Clu- Ordera Ta.ll•n Now Ption. Liberty 8-38411 94tfc ~blaUona Waated OR.ADU A Tl: ot coll•I• anc1 H C:rf!· tarlal -chool e va llablf! for p&rt· lime ntflc' work ExPfOrlenc•c1 &11d capabl.-of ruponalhlllty Harbor 2•&A·M.. '7p43 OPE~IN01' S OW f"O R TELEPHONE OPERATORa Apply M1>n<1•y U\rout h f"rld•J ~14 1~ No MaJn e t 9 00 to 4 00 p m. Room 211 , 8&11ta Ana P ACIFJC TELEPHONE U lfe C.:OUl"TER 011\L. •apcr1enr .. 11. Apply el Sully'• IA.et 8ten1', Sta te l:ttacll, Corona. df'I Mu. •fl•r • pm. •:ir H "What a reputation your WANT ADS have! "mEY MUST H A VE-t he way people grab for t bl8 paper a nd go over every alngle ad. """'1. I ......, , .. ~ ... .._ ....... _....ta.re U..y ---a.. c. -U.. ,.,.,hi,.. I an.r· .......... " rtcllll .... ., • ., _,... -... " '-'11 ..,........_ ........ _, ................. . ....... 7 ... .. 1'IMllw fer tM ,..,, IMIJ lle.bt ! ....... ,. ............... ~111111.ana.-u.. wm ..... , ........... ~CAUTT .-alte I o.a..,._1ne_. .... ,. ..... ...,. .-.- PAGE 8 -COASTAL SHOPPER -MAY 4, 1955 H-FumltuJ"fl for Salt! ._He.Ip Waated Cosmetic Treatment Saleswomen For a leading Santa Ana Dept. Store. Must have experi- ence in selling bet- ter-name lines. Salary Open Plea!e write, giving full details, to Box E 69, this paper. 45c50 .ATTlCNTlON -Reliable women ~ttd tor houae cite.nine Co. Own t.ranaportatlon. ROY'S M.AJNTENANCE P hone L.Iberty 8·13~2 •lk47 WANT a YIJUlll" woman tor dtt- llvery and central OOWf'I' l hop work. Opportunity to learn bua- lnHJ1. Apply In p~rllOn, Norman'• F lower Shop, 2626 E. Coa.ft H lftlw-ay, Col"Ol'la dtl Mu. H c:48 1.AROl!l lonl" Hlabllahed reaJ ea- lat• tlnn nffdl np«r1e.nced aalMtn&n. AU ~at• kept con· t1denUal. Wr1te Bo. XllO, thl• paper. Pie... tute quallflca· cation• In tuJL t8ttc a OAT PAJNTP.:R8 or palntf'ra helper. SemC't Ano.t 28-02 Cou t HIKhway, N.wport Beach. Ha.r. 0771 . t 7c49 F F.MA.L.»-8neral ete110'1; 1tt no- bookl!eepu, pn'I. otnce, tut addlnK m.M'hlne; ,.,..Hr••: NY· eraJ domeellc•. MALE-Salta, pla1llc1 up ; ma· chine a.bop up. •UNtc FAJU\.A.R ll:MJ't.oY AGCY". •02~·12nd, N_.-port Bch. l(&UOM from CltJ' Hall), 4'7o69 BARGAIN WOOD BORING drlli., counter· OJl'TIC!: dealu A chall"8, coffee 8lnk.I, multilpur bit., aurel"8 at table, 2 he&tua, tell"phone at.anti. clo.e-out pr1cu. Harbor Paint • throw ruge--447 Morning Can· Center, •12 • 32nd St., Newport yon Road, Corona del Mar. •~H Buch. Ht.r. ~831. O cOlh 1----------------------~---1 BED8TEAD, 1pr1ng and mattru• 2 BIC.AUTIJ'UL pair lined chintz double ... . ... $3:'100 tla back dra~. lAl"I• yellow Of!:SK, office. 011k • 120 00 ro.ea on wit.It.a b&ekrround.-CHEST ot ~ DR.A WERS .. $!1.00 Har. •643-W. •&c48 H&r. 3626·R or Har. 3:133. 46pU Custom Dressmaking Cottons, ~90rt wear, t'le. !No a lteraUon1) Phone Harbor 0261·R for app't . ICXCELLENT condition -maple •·pe. bdrm. ul. tllvan 11nd chalr a. mi11cl"llaneoua. Reuon11bly priced. Ph. Harbor 1093-R after • p .m. •Sc48 411p48 -------------CH AIRS, lamps, lablts & m1ac. ANTlQUB:S _ Old turnlture, cut ltam11. Very reuonabh,, 2816 ' tau. lt&mps, old ptcture1, clock• Clttt Dr., Npt. Bch. LI 8·4628 4!1<'47 et.c. BarcaJna ralore. Bir di•· 1-------------count.a to de&.lera. Charlie Davi•, 1806 £. Anaheim St., Lone 1 S2-A-AAtlguee Beach. 650·139. 29ttc JTALlAN-Palr ot antique 7 c11n· POLOROID fAND ca mera A a.c-die acon cea, 40" tall. Origina l cesaonu 111ed only for 3 ttlma. coat 1200. now 19~. pair. Flash, m~ter, value 1117.50. Bar-PUSH.MA N'S, 27!10 Ii:. Coaat H igh· ,,Un $75. Har. 0~3·R. 411c411 way. Corona del Mar. Har. 12•2. 45ct 7 ~EW BEIGE raw 1llk dra,,.r1ea for large living room. 8"11 tor '8--Boata, tlapnn- halt pr1ct . LI 8-3003. 411c41 c= SO-A Swaps WANT small aall boat -8no'W· bird or?-WIU -ap food Uffd ('llr or new Studeba.kt'r- Call JOE NICKERTZ "Your Studeba.ker Oealtr" H&rbor MO. 4~'7 W ashina Machine SERVICE 1-year cuarantff on Jobe done and on Uled waaber8. 2•88 ._ (rear) Newport Bl., Co.ta Mua. Liberty 8-4M3 or Llberty 8-4327. Mt!c Automatics S39.50 to S99.50 u rr. BO.AT .. TR.All.ER. ),{ark 20 Mercury motor, like new Ht.rlK•r 2849-R. •7c!IO TRADE ~utltuJ 70·ft, aux. 1choontr. FU!Jy found. i O anywhere. Wlll take equity In property or amal- ler boat. 1220 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport. Hu . 3032. 39t!c U ·M' 0 1.ASS boat 4t 10 hp A~r· cury outbo&r<l. F lr•t clasa condl· Uon. Ol2·3'lh St., Newport Bch •Htc lt·FT. lN'BOARD, 7·fl. beam, 11· volt ll1"ht pl&nt. Jlr polu, llnu, l ip , et c. 187:1. Alao boat traJln t.soe Seu hor• Dr. Har 008'7·W '6c47 SNOWBIRD ln ,-ood condJUon. AU flbtrgl.._d 2 1eta of -ii.. Rea- aonable Call Har. 0210.J. •:>en THREE 05·fl •ltpa for rent, S O month al Lido Wh.arf Yuht Dellvf'r t'd lruttaUed, ruuantHd. l..a.ndlng 3H ll Via Ori<>rto l'h No n tra cbarga Uberty 8 ·0-009. •llcOO We Service All A ppliance. HALWC:ttAITJo;R portable m&rlnr Specializing in Automatica radio recelvtr. Modi'! S·72L Auto. Washer Enterpri.aea ne"''· dlrf'C!lonal. 110-volt and 1>at1t1ry C'ompl"te with battery, 2&'8 Newport Blvd· Co.st& Mua $9~. l'\o tax. Fred Lortns, :?O:'>t1 Uberty 8-T803 (Near Golt Co\lrael Harbnr Rlvd .. Coal& Mua. L I ___________ P_P' __ 8 I 8·3072. 46c:48H 1950 OffiSON t ft. reh1(. Xlnt. 8·FT. BOAT and 2 h p. motor, u.aed cond!Uon 1110. 20ll·20th 8 trtel. 3 hn1. Ubtrty 1..e1t11i1. '2P41 Ht.rbor 03!1l·W. 67p0 U PER MO renu ,.:ood prarur,. piano. Lel the k1tltl1n lrarn. All term renl a llowed ir )'Oil buy later. Good practice piano• 11311, $146, l liS. 119!1. DA:"llZ.SCHMIDT Rig Ptano Store. 100 p1a.nos. !12Cl ='" Maln, S&nta Ana. T""""· USED HAMMO:>:D g plntt organ in fine Mnrtlllon. Utg u vln&•· Convenient l l'n ll8 11t SHAFER'~ Music ('u I Slnet 1007) 421·423 N. Sycamnrf' Sa nta Ana Phone Kimberly 2·0672 SPl~E:T PlAl"O. The rno•t bUU• t1ful pta.no In the world. Hlghrat g rade. All tr\Jltwood t8dt' Just like n,.w. Abs o l \1 t e I y? Thl1 o'hanC'e comes but onr,.. Save 132:'1. DA:"\Z·SCRMIDT P'amou1 Plano Store. Sant.a Ana, !120 !\o. Main. HALI.lCRAFTER porl..llble marine ratt10 recelvrr. Modt'l 8·72L new, d1reclionel. I lf).voll un(. ballrry. Complete with battery, $95. No tax. ~red Lorenz, 20~5 Ha1 bur lilvJ . Custa Mt'u. 1.1 s.:1:.~z. •6c48H B EA\T IFt•L Steinway Modt'l B. Gr~ p111no In ptrfeN <'Ond111on Save ov .. r hR If uf new pric•· a l SHAFER'S :O.luslc Co. (Since 111071 •21-423 N Sycunor<.', 5e.nLa Ana Phone Klmbl!rly 2·0672. See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1318 Coast Blvi1., C:orun& de! Ma.1 CThaden Interior Bldr I Hat'. 1382 68 tto SPl:'liET PIANOS. All wont1f'rf11! buy1. SIJi:hlly u.sed m1rny rental retum.a. One In ~l\ut1ru1 Ebony. Famoua nam ... Thia mll.ke \l.ll't1 by Caruso. Only 139:1. Lovely Mirror Type Splnl'l. only I 19:'>. another maple finish S397, OM more, the Acro11<>n1c Spinet only 1465. Many othf'r crot buy• JOO planoa from w hich to choose. new 4lt used. DANZ·SCHM.JOT Bii' Plano A Organ Store, 020 Nu. Main, 8ant& AnL Ol>f'n l"r1 )o:vf'. Homt' of the H11mmond Organa Blondt Slu•hn piano aave S211!1 TV SERVICE \\'F. RENT porta ble re~ord plQyn• It ampllt:n a, alao P A. ay1ttm1 STE\!E..'l;S amt SO:"S 18711 Harbor Blvd . C'o1la Mraa Lll>uty 8·2301. 32ttcpp t.oVELY BVJ\'GA.LOW upr1,::hl pta.no In fine u .ndlllon Trrma n~.75 dowu A 19 15 prr mo nt 8KAYltR"8 Mualo Co. (Rt.nee 11'07 1 WANT llDCPl:JUJll1'tCSI> 0 1\UO .;,n-rv.t ____ tu. __ f_or __ h.o-;'e __ _ CllRY SL.ER Marine e.nJ1ne, 41,i, t.o l reducllon 1e&r. RltrRIOICRATOR. 110 YOll D . C. SEil JACK H.AJ\.PD\ al Udo Rhlpya rl1, •nd of ll•l Blr.eL Newport B•ach. 29tfc 421 ·423 !\. Syca.mon, Sa.n t& Ana P boo• Klmbuly 2·0Cl72 cumut-~·· l"\a1l llm• ..... ph>ym,.nL Wr1te J·12. It\!• J'9JWtr 47t 49 ''TbU Ole Hou.e" need• help! T OUNO \'P.T wroow wtll ... ch1111e home-cooked m..U for l><'C'fJl lOllal Ufl)tlllr)'. Wr1\A! 8'>1t 21 i2 Sant.a Ana, f'. 0 4:0,p4i WA.NT'tO: Competant. upenenc· ed boetnMu\ tor local club for summer pertod. Writ• Box l:-e7 Ul.Ja pap.r. Otto A 'n"P!N"nON ALL BOT! - t-l!'W'I-'""-CAN1tr route ara now o~n In IW)ma n•ll'hborhood.a - B&lbo41. WMt Nt wport. B&.ltio. Jal111d. !'Jrwport Htl(ht.9 a.nd <',,.ta,..,.._ It )'OU ate 11·16 yn, old. bave a b1c1cl•, •PPll 10-12 a.m. or 4-0 rm. Oflty at Clreulatlnn o.pt., Newport Harb<)r NoW•·Prtl.I, :nt l Balboa Blord., N~rt Bu cb.. Karbor 1111e. l llttc \\' A:"T d1uatlafl"d t u ! e•tatt .a.Inman. Pl•nty 01 tlt)(W \lmt , ll~ral commlu 1n11. ••ll k>catf'd nfflr•. Homer Shafer, Rltr. lot Md'adden Place :-:p Bc:J\.. Ph Hu 140 11'.:vu Har. 2.$20( I 4~6i Fresh Hearing Aid BAl'TERJ.U We Clve ~H Orem Stamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Kala I t. at Balboa Blvd. B.alboa Harbor 616. Hllc J OOO ElCBOMl:O bua.l.Dau ca rd• P 9~ Una rubber i t.amp SI 00 • line rubber 1taznp With cut 11.00 CS&i cut.I. Book ma tcht• L. W. WHITE LI MOU a vaa. LI 1-~UO. ppllc fullNrJ'TI:. like llt• COi\ ,14, ..u for u . lncludinf pad. e:io~ P olll.MlU&. Corona del Mu. f(6 ROOM la the "1ndow fat" t.b- lhorta a. pedal puahen, lo lltM u.. at n .N • u .u . t>onald.cie ·1 ,, ,,. • 'h• 100 MatJI 8L, Ba..lboa •3c•I WIN AnlOll Jackpot. pt your STOP THE MUSIC bluW at RAY P'IELDS. Udo Watch Repair "111C91t Dnira. ••et \-1a Udo 61<:6411 llara..&a. ta.bl• Zeni th radio, ~cn-nw . ..--.-tai e1-IUver. ,._. Md.1. db&. 90lid rods maple Md, 61' .. ' 009UI Fromt. corner ot Palm. BialboL ~ Har. UU. H cd llO' A.KAN.A frMMr. Ptrf. cond. IJOO.~a or ldt.olMe wpo bovda. w'Utl ltallda. door, pln• ta!)I&, --.LI pa.. ........ ~ UT&-k....., 6fP't ftt.."N FOR• 8At.£-Parker dbla. barrel, lOf. 11\ot ,u.n. E:leel• ...... o.aa ......... to.WK. $ •'ttt \ Mesa Woodcraft UnpaJnted Ii Juvenile Furniture FIRST Annivef'Nt')' SALE! THIS WEEK ONLY SA~OEI> ru4y to tlnl.ah kiln dr1ed \\'l!:ST!:J\N PJ:'l>'"E C'Hl:8TS 211"·3 dr. rf'f. 11111!1 -· .... 114 t~ 211"-4 dr, reir. 14 11!1 • _ . '12 11~ 2e"·S dr. tf'l' Jl ll!I SIO t!I /l:VESll..E C HCSTROBI!:, n :->0 JAHED aamplf', rtr. 116. 128 60 M-M uaSca1. Radio, a T V HAM .. \(0:-!D ORC A.NS uaed A 1 are opportunity One tamou• f"hord Or1a.n.. perlect condtUon Un• Hammond 8pln"t Orl(an, 2 krybt1u d 11 Don t wait If you wlah to m1.k• a «ood l'&V1nr on lh• 1VOr ld I nn .. t Orf&.na 0 A:-:Z-8C111'UDT Home c.t Uie Hammond Orran. a2o No J.faJ.n R.nl a An&. COO<! ttnna. 10% off on a.11 chest.a on floor, M -W Pine, hardwood.8 a.nd •em!· Philco ha.rdwood.8. R C .A TV Service 11 yl Vl.l\IA Kar • Jh..lbut SMALL DE'POSO"S w1U hold any artlcw 2121 Harbor Blvd , COit.& MN& Ll~rty 8-16•:. 4Tc:40 ' PC' 8E{"TIO!'\AL 16~. MLK t.abl• • &uy wuber, wrtnr tr t)'llt, COOl1 coMIUon. 120 u~ .. nu c·cu Otn•ral !:ltttrto At!rnll"lll A nt,.nnu ln•laJlt'd ONE DAY SERVICE Phlln• Colltct LF.x O·•~ll ff J . LaVerna fCurly1 U2 M.a1n. H unUnrton Bf'lldl H~ll BRAND 1'~' lc tftt'• llA bed. matl.1'91&. l'Pr1nfW • tnun• com· RENT an orp.n or pt1no "'"h plat. I loo har1 t• lnel. WLU I reqt&J to •rPI)' ""' fulur, r ur -.u OT' tnde tor TV. Kar IUl c:hue •l- HcO 8H..ATER"S Mualc Co ISlnoe 19071 t.:8&0 BEDROOM 8CT. XlDL con· dlUon, cht.ap SH at 16 B&lboe C'o•" Hvbor 1170. • 7c'8 :i t.o\"P. Rl!:ATS wtUI conra tor I pr1C'tt M l'lnt 1 m.aple I.A.&)• ~U.tal\ <Mfn l&.bla 1 plna cap- tatl\'1 cha.Ir. Har. tf'l-W. •k.S W A.LNUT '1rop lea r tabla '30, ltairy wuh,.r I~'\, 3 pr. It.Uc falll• cultom made drepea, ....ianC!e l'Jec. chllflnK dJ•h 18 T'nnl1 net • rack~t. l<l!'roMne lamp » 1914' PMnona St"l'Ht. Ootlta Me1a '6pt7 OUR N"E\V HOM.J: 11 carpeted IO ..,. have •nral W C• 11.&e eolJd colortd rugs, a nd Hnra! am&JJ . n • 0 11.nta.1 thro.., • Nl\llert tor l&I•. ALSO port.able BBQ. MIM. chair~. on111mmta 6 pie· ture•. 8EE AT 1304 Vla Udo, ~lephone H~bor '3H·J 42c4 7 MO\INO-Am«-rlu.n Or1en tal •u2 nig, ~lec:lr1c ttfr1g. wa lnut •· plt<'.'e dlnln1 aet. 0-plf'<'e bdnn 11et. rnmplt te 1$(\; 1tud10 couch. like nt"ll·. S20 B~tt., l!ntnl . J>Ull. lllHr. dlaM9. prden tool.I. h J2 n.tp. trunJu It table., cha.Ira, mJ.acl. holdlthold furnl· lure. 1701 LA.lfe .A'"'. ?Cewport 421-4U N, Syumore Santa A.n• P'llon.e K.Ini.berl.y 2-0ei 2 ORA.YD Pl.A!'OS many !Jke ntw Stetnw.,-. P::llull,.nt cr•nd1Uon B.auutW &hr Br"a. Qu .. tn 1tylt Knabe Oran'1 Otnc1.al Opera piano, only 114:.0 Lt>v,.ly Coop• Grand M&bor 111y C&ltf' t in. lotle and acUon. only SU:'> Anot.ti.r Crand onJy 1435 Mlfl)' other woodf'rl\JI buy1 I.JI 0 rvt<1• Comt ! l..oolc l DA..'"Z·8CHl flO'T B lf J'\Ann 1'tor"' Ranta Ana. Cl20 :>:n 1tf&Jn JOO Ptanoa. Homa ot Ill• Hammond Orp.n. SPECIAL BUYI ON!l ONL T Lrlwfry OrcMo. Lal t· 1t modtl ~Ave 11 00. Convenl,.nt ttnn• a t- SHAFEl\"8 Mualo Oo. (Sine• 111071 421-ill N. l ycamore. Santa AM Phon• Klmberty 2·0673 JA..'181:'1 OkOA!':O. Th11 pl&l'IO M d •lt ctr1c Or.tan ln one tn,.tru· m t nt. ~ol 1 tor onr l !ClllO Our rrke St!l 7 Term1. A lso ont beauurw FJ«tronlc Or-=M l.1k• n-. Blond tlnlah F'amf'u. makt. Our pr1~ only I SM. Think ot U\.at ! D.ANZ..8CHl<I.DT Blr P l&no Co . Santa Ana.. 620 No MAln 8-ch. •6°'7 __ 8P_INrx' ___ Sf_F.CIAL8 ____ 1 - AUCTION O;\""ll 0:-tLY t\J.11 ktyboarlt IA.atf'r Spinet ln t lne condlUon. l•&!I BEAUTIFUL '1" Jtlmball 8 plnel F'fUDAT a/t~rnoon. 1 ·ao p m.. pLano. Uke 11-. I an u o2 Ma1 110!. at '21 £. r1ower, Co•· LOV'CLT Kimballett• lplnet piano PL.RE BRED lrah Waltr IJ)&J\l .. t. tnr Ml• 1"'1n .. at cun dor •. won· tlrrh11 p<1l,a tor c:hlldl"f'!I Phone u~ny 8·61120 4Jc41 ct:re: C"nrl\•r pupa U 8· 1310, att"t ' pm 40-Aalotl for ~ G . M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS "0 F'(\fU> '' T PlCKt:P '•!I STl'Pf: ~ T. PrCJ<lTP ··.n loMC •, T PIC'K\'f' •:,., r>Ol"G& 1., T f'IMC1 ·r ~pl•· "1An I• p tnnka like new '4' \\.HI I !-'"; 2 T COE, 2 H,_d a.11 1"' 8 2!'1 llru '49 F"ORO 2 T . c • .c:· 8 2-. nR&a. 2 SPE~ ' l FORD 2 T 12 ft body. J. '1"'"'' 8 2~ lllf'• FC'r the h-" hoy• In 1atd Trutkl l)• •Ht" '. ,,.,. f'\ll" llltl'W"k . \\."f c.11~ry (Ur 11"'n contTac1a. W.W. WOODS OMC DEA.LER &1 ~·111 E 4th $1 Sa.rl• Au ~n Sun Jay a m Truck ht&&.IQ1J•r1n1 for Orani• Oo --------------M A tJf!TIX H t-;Al.F.Y two ll"ft• blue Hf111tn trnn NIY"r \01t<t wht'rll Ra ho. o-drlvt 8"• an 1 '1r1V9 U\111 t>r;f 2137 Harb()r Blvd . Cn•t.a M .. .- 1.J 1!·22~ Ur.II 111:.n RnClC Suptr 4 dr Ab~oh11 ... ly rerlect :>:a.ml' your d '""" pA)'Till'nl. Low bank flnanC'lni: 21:li Harbor Bh·d , Cn•ta M•l3 I.I 8-22:A •&r48 19411 DODOll Coron~t •-d.r .. clnn Prtcf'd to atll. Pr1vat• pert v 21le E 11\th St . CClllla M•H. l...l!w'rty 8-2."130 •~en "48 CHEVY Fleetllne -New ,,.1 low paint-double pll'I'•. All . wt tor lttnacer'a car T'h H•rh"r J:it 2·J . 4 ;p4{l 10~1 CHEYROL.P:r tl"ll.I'"' 2 tl onr •.-l!an Ht r . udlo l':"C,..,11 .. nt rnn· dlt Ion. Ph L1btr1 v II :lll04 Cllp48 :'>O F'ORD ' dr n ~rl''" r11dlo •nd h"•ler . A nlc• rar D11nk fin· Mr1nr To11r '"'"" •ill m~k" dn"-n pa:nn .. nt 2137 H11rbor RI'"', C"o•1a M .. u a-:im. 4tc41 ~J HtLLMA.'O • <Ir Mdan. !'lea It cll'lln. 'We .-111 ta ke Am!!rll'An nr In lnadt . 2137 Harbor Blord , COit& Mt .. U S-22~. •Of-48 ta Meta II ""'· of !lou.ahold ~ tO da)'I old. aua 1100 l'ood.I la tumlbare, lMludlnf Oon...U.t t1m11 a t-l"EW '~!I U:-<COL.'i Capri, ' dnnr. nt.llJ'f, rerrtr .• 'lll'"Uher. Duilca11 IHAFl:R"S Mualo Oo. (Sin<'& lto71 lull power-Sa,·a hundred.a of f'h,.U• dilltnf M t. bdnn. let.a. 01-03 l'f. 87catnora. Santa All• dollana Will ta.k 1 d ho•l r Llvtn• rm. • kllchtn aet& Tool.I. · • ·Jiff 0 • P.hoa. Klmberly l-Ol?'J older rnod~l rar u down pay· rugw, •nd table1, •tc. Hundrf'da manL IKe at Sh,.ll St.&lloa, 30th Of ttf!ll1 ~o !St!°:~:::::..'~:.~ • Npt. Blvd. Har. uoo. Oed Phil Hanton, AucUoneer anc• tn trade tor orp.na. rrand t9 MER<:l,"RY 1t11t1on w.,.on. J\do S11.11ta Ana AutUon Sen1ce plano1. and ~t11.i.. · I bu .. CM!r1•e A •tea.I at HM. IOI W, 1 TU. I t.. hilt& A-.. 1 DAm·SCKKlln', UO .... ,._, IUT 'lar1>oar ~ 0.... M.-a llr'T ll•00-411 ...... "'""'• .... , u 1-•tM. ..... 43-Aatoe and T11NU . '8-Apt.9. a HoueM ------ WAIT' I LOOK THESE OVER Before you buy-we may have the very car you have been hunting for and FOR LESS MONEY 53 FORD Tl.JOO R .... ········-······················-·······$1290 She ia clean. has radio, heater, P'ordomatic. New lite blue finish & brand. new 11et of aeat covers. Mot or's good. M LINCOLN 4-DOOR -···--·-··-························· .. $ 69Q A lot of car for the money. Radio, heater, hy· d ramatic, carrit>s our 30-day Money Back Guarantee. !54 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE ·······-············ $2699 This has all accessoriea Mercury made In '54. Power galore. One owner. 10,000 original milea. This ia the one for you! 50 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ······-····················$. 699 This car should s<'ll for more -lt'a that nice. Bul It's our SPECIAL for this week. 52 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD ·······--·····-········$2699 This car looks like new, runa like new -·the only difference it sells for $3,000 lees than new. Whoo! Fully power ed. 49 PONTIAC SEDANETI'E .......................... $ :599 Another Special for thia week -Radio and heater. Good runner. 49 OLDSMOBILE 4-DOOR ···-··················· ..... $ 699 Rocket 8 engine. R adio, heater, metallio green. 54 JAGUAR . ····-·····-·· ·····--·-·-··········--·····$25~ Near new. 49 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR ···-···--·-················· S 499 New finish. New t.lrea. Clean 48 STUDEBAKER CONVERTIBLE ............... $ 299 New brakc.'11. Runs real good. SEE IF TIIEY AREN'T A GOOD BUY AT • JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY DEALER 000 Weat Coast Highway, Newport. Phone LI 8-~ Some S~ii Buys~ ""' j FOR ( smart Buyers 1 ·~ FORD Country Sed&n -·-··-··-············· $219' '53 FORD Ma.lnllne Club Coupe ................ $11~ '53 FORD Ml\lnllne 4-dr. &-da.n . -·-·-·--.$1040 '52 FORD {.\m om 2-dr. Sedan F'ordo ·--····· $1145 '52 FORD Consul 4-dr. ······-·-·---····--···$ ~5 '52 CHE\'RO LET delwce 2-dr. --······-·-·-·-$1045 '51 Jo'ORD deluxe Club Coupe ··--········"-S 695 '51 PO.NTIAC Catalina. Hydra. . .. $10..5 '51 CHEVROLET df'lm~e 2-dr. Powergllde . -· S 8~ '51 FORD Vlctona. O'dm ·e .. .. .... . .. $1CXl5 THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE MAJUNERS' MILE" 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTI. 8-3471 SEE THESE TIP -TOP CARS BEFORE YOU BUY ANYTHING l 949 HUDSO~ 4-d.r . 2 tone. R&d.lo It heater. An excf'IJ~nl tran•J)Ort•tion car S 425 1963 CHRYSLER lmpenaJ. 4-door aedan. 2· ll'lne g-n·M . An rxcepllonal car wtt.h all the extru __ . . ..... $199~ 1951 CHR Y~LER !'evr Yo rker f.dr. Light green , automatic tra.nmia&1on. R Ii H. A ont'·ownrr car ·-. ·-···· $1245 1~54 CHRY~LER Xew Yor ker Deluxe Club C'pe. 2·tone s:ray, Radio, heater, power 11tC't'nnR. New W.S.W. tires. An uct~- lm t buy .. s~o~ LOU REED 1200 W Pl'l Coast Hlghwoy. Phone L~rty 8·3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Building · WE DON 'T SELL BALONEY- Just the Best Deal on Used Cars '53 BUlCK Super-RM era.. S harp! ·~s FORD C\atom 4-dr. R 6 H. O'drive. A cnam puff! 02 MERCtJP.Y Monterey. '-dr. Ma.DuJ lla&ft. Above averare. '52 BUICK Convert. cou~. Dyna., ft 6 a A·l. '61 BUICK Road.muter 4-dr. Dyna. ft 6 R. A t>Mutyl S.. u.a for a r.i dial • a NEW 'M BUICK. · TERRY'S BUICK 2e12 Newport BlTd., N.wport 9-ela llar. IOt1 (.A. ,.,. bib r...t ~ Newport 0tr .. ) Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch . OFFERS Dellghtlul Jiving. Apt.-Cabanaa. Utllitlf'I paid. with Yacht slip accomodatlons. Daily, w~kly. mon thly, yearly. For appt. or reservation. Call Ha r, 29P2. 31t!o ------------------- &O-Autoe and Tru<'k" -------U-Wanted t.o Rf'at 111111 OLDSMOBILE Jlolld11y ll8. 2 BOHM . HOl'S~: • .:111 h' pl'rman· Mu1t aell, 5119~. Rona1.rs AsM11.. t nt bu~lneu 1'•'•11'1" I.I 1·1113:'1, lalf'd s .rvlce, 2:'114 N1>wporl aftl'r 8 P Ill. 0111 I.I ll·tlMJ7. 4&~•S lllYd .. Newport Bt'&l'h. 4:.ct 7 WA NT TO IU .:>: r \.,11111ir <'(IUplfl '60 STUDE. Cmdr. 1Pd, auto. t ran1. w1nl.t1 2 l>tlr111 fu rn 11rt or hM. Good aha pe aac. for ltaa than •., on yrar'• ltR1<,. 111>\•Ut $7:'1. ml\. '1ue bk. S290. tuh. U 1·3680 Ph Harbor !CZ J 4&,u ___________ ,._1_c•_8 R£UA8Lti.: FA~lll.Y 1•r five •lta· pel"fttl'ly nee1l11 furn 11 .. 11~" !"pt· J\a lboa by nw nlh 11r )t'&r ).lual Yaca le w1nt\'1 •<'ntnl batu1,. J un• l2 Har -t :ltl~·M •6c48 ·03 ITUDE V·ll Rt'gal CJM' Aut o. dr., htr., radio. W W V•r'f clean. take tra•lt'. Prh'. par1y. P hone Kar. 5021 daya I.I 8·6973 ne. • 471'4~ D4 TRJU1tfPH TR2 r4"d. exc.,llent condition, 1!111 m1>nU1, low down payment. Dank ftn1nc1ni:. 2137 Harbor BlvJ . Coala Mt'11a L.I 8·22:111. 46c~8 FURN. amall hc>11~,. nr &JH , yHr• ly ~nLaJ, by h••"h••lur 10 Bal· bo&. Corona ••r N,.wporl ....., Rental to I IOI! mf' \\'r1te Bolt 1·71 , thla pApt'r M phone Hu 2e28 ewn1ng~. 411r •ll -------------• W ANTl!:D by Inca! family, l wo '1-Aat., 8en1ee Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyle. . ..................... $48.88 8 Cyla. . .................... $58.88 lncludu both labor a.nd parta. New r1n11. wrlat plna, valve frind. fllllnp of ma.in and rod bea.rlnc•. Expert motor t11ne up t O-day or 4,000 mile guaranlea. (NO MONEY o o w:-;1 REBUILT ENGINES -UP to lCI .MONTHS TO PAT- Bullt ln ou.r own fartory by 1kllled machlnlatl. Don't contend wtlh the mlddla man. Bu)' dlrecL REBUILT and INSTAU...ED IRORT BLOCK roR.D .... ··-·······-······ 1121.~ CMl:VROLET .. ·······-··-·. I Hlil !IO PLTM. • DOOOE ... ·-···-·-· 11~0 CHRYI. • DE SOTO ..•... -·· '170 ITUDSBAK&R --··· U iO OL.DI • PONTL.AC I ......... 1170 B tJICK .... ·---·-·· .... .......•....... S1 7~ HUDIOM -········· -······· .. --··· SH !I Loan Car rr.. Towlnr NEW CAR OUARAl\"TEE Block mu.i t mMt our 11antta'rd• .PIUI ta.au. fUlcet. a.nd oil Optn Sun4ay 10 a.m. to 2 pm. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Optn O&Uy I t o 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA A:-\A A1TENTION Nash -Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage AuU'lonied l'a rlll • 8f'm rf> a i-o C-<>M Tr11n,pt1rt a tlon <"tr• F or Sa l(' Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. ~ .. •·port Boch, Hlr 472.\ :J!lltc MAY SPECIAL F oreign Car Tune-up $:3.95 & up l'lus parl.I 1t n"'""'•'"" \\' • plrk llfl .t d.,h vn BP: A W l;o.;:"'P:lt WITH Hausken Motors Inc . 11133 Harbor Blvd, Cl'tt.a Joi n.a Wbtrty 8-~:\l 4 7r~8h .ai-'J'raUen --- bedroom•. rrf'und floor, on Bal· boa blanc!, July 30 l <> All(. 13 About 1711 Jlf'r wk, lift.r. 1SSi ·R, Mr. Coop. U 1>tl --------WANT a llra <'llVe unfum . I bdnn. hou.u for yrly rtntal. Oau1nttr 1!1. Wnte Box 0 ·611. thla na"'·•· paper. Uc47 List Your Rentals WJTIC U8. We l\ave Jood t~nant1 walttnr for both ptrma.nenl a.nd 1ummtr n nt11l1. Rex Rechs, Realtor 2307 W. Balboa Blvd.., Newport. Harbor ~lM , •:K•1 ~et!= a B~--­ Summer Rentals on Udo Ill• and other nne H&.l'boT homH . nNJ: UDO HOM"ll a bedrooma, 2 bat.ha. Fum1thed. U !IO. mo. on 1-. W IU conahler renunr for 1Ummer. J'\lm. Apt.a. for IWl\mer J'\ne Udo Loca tion Bach~lora A 1 bdrm. J•OO . I~ month Some rtrttt on lha Bayfront Lido Realty Assoc. 3400 Via Udo H~bor UH 4kt8 Choice Summt>r ReotA.111 on Balboa laland 6 Lido Lale Small A cosy or 1arr• A <1.ius1 17$ to J300 lllOnUt VOGEL CO. IOI Marine Ave, Balboa l.1lan·I Pb. K&Tbot •o or Harbor 21'11 J\.N. Har. l 7M·R or Har 30!111 ~I e.ttc Garden Court C'lot1e to ocean and bl\y - Here you'U relu and plA\'. UA.SONABU: RATES Har 0~1:1 112!1 t• Aalboa B lv11 , At.I~ J111 ... 2 :"'l!:AKLY .!\'rw rr.r • .i .. rn 2 bdrm th1pl""· unturn "11 h car111·" ("O>'" Mt•& \\ 11•-r f'l1 No rh1I· '1r~n JllT Ml 11" r·1111 1.1 1•14"'' C'' Ir LIDO ISLE l~F'URl'\l~ICF:fl y .. arlv ,._.., 3 holnn 2 barh. Hv1n~ r~'°"' 20,in 2 paltn• r ""''r 2 •t~. 11 I P"r mn.,1 ~ Ra}' & S.•:\rh Rt"a lt v H 'WI \\', 8 A ,.,., llh I Ha !Ya H iv""r 1 z1;4 BAROAI~ lt:l4 14·1l •ac.atlon 4 Al IC,, 11nf••rnl~h-. , ... .,1) ... ~. trallu , alma.t n"" Blrrh wond °'1 l.1-1 • $~00 p1 r lnlt r1or P~vate part) $6't<• rt;f\11; ~ ,.,1 .. •1>' ,1, rri i. ..... Har. Ul2·". 48p411 n a I I I , , ., ~I BOL.ltll •SBF:N.Ar•A 22 tt 2 RDRM I Ari v furn "" 1 ...... hl'IUM> lrallu Ldu n .. w Tollt t 11 oo """r 1.1 '" It ~h•r 81•,.p• :, SI •,o flu •l 1!191 N'wpm1 Ave , C 111• .Mtea. or rall Harbor 70-R "'"" 47t f< Bay & Beac h Realty Lido Office YOH RF'..l'-1 wtlh nrllon to pur• a11 2 l.1 a y•ll., '"'"'J~•rt ctl•l't or fnr U l-3 rm. <OtlAI"• Harbnr 3'11.I ~·'" II Ht.••r 2!11111 l rall•r. •lt r ratnr apL 1tov• J uel '" 11 ... rti:hl r r fully tum ~l .. tp t . 179!1, tenn1, Lldn bfl•IK" .. ntr•M"• 4~, 111 18lh and CJranre. Coata M,.aa ---------- 47p40 RENTAL .-' -------SPECIALISTS 6'7-Wanted to lleat r .. 11 F:<1n11 L'ra1r Rentals Wanted Bla nche Gates. Rltr. Wa need apt.a u d hou-"' all 311 Menna A"" eecuo111 tor 00111 lll'lnt.., and U11hoa l~l•ntl, He r. 11,i'I '2tto JMT'a i.a.. ll"\lrn or untum. U J ou ha•• a vacanry, pnona today The Vogel Co . UOl W. CR. HW) .. Newport BcA .... LlMrt7 WU1 IOI M&n.oa, 8allMle Llland f'tlori• Harbor ... IMT & C:O..t B y., Corona CS.I M., ~n• th rl>nf 1 i'4 l LUo <>mee, M tl Tia Udo ~ .,71 12ttc llarlNlt"D renU-.an w ould Uk .. .. rant 1 bdnn. turn. •pt. neu ~ ~L P!wJl!a IA•l'WIC~ •1210 ..... ll&r. I T!l1·R ••co WAMT TO UHT-IA41 ~11 .. W\t\am. elMn 11ncl• apt. ,. .. r . lft&Mllt. P•1 ~ to t&O. mot1U1 Oa&l 1.Dert7 1-7"8. ..,.. l.o&UW wtUI opUon to b\11 modem I .....,_. a.om. wttb Yi-. - ......... 110.000. '· 1. a.ATm, Ml .. .,,., Aft.. 9o. r... ..... --· ",_.., ..,.. ;-.;~:\\ L.tF:LL·xai; 2 1'1 lln. tlupl•i., 1·nr1rri ~'1,..·'1 rtr• r , .. r 1 I " b <I •r ~ in ,, ... k• !"'"' ry roon • 1;,.,,..... I\ •ntrnr,11• Adul'• D•• 1.,111 illl1A 711'111 /"1111 ta. ( rona d•I Mar OWn't T02 Ac•~•"· CUpper ap LI Pllon• Hu, 171~ J ll'fr Balboa Island Cboka 1ea.r11 and l\UTlmn ,..tals. ",,.... oa.llabl" 00k.J8 Bit A f , kraltor 2 18 )1arln• Ave .• Bal~ ).ll&n'1 Harbor 20 t6tfc Summer Rentals • Exclu.alve Bay Front.I + other cbolc. proper1.te9 Ba.rbor hl&nd, S.y &llOl"lle, 114a· con O.y. quaJ.ltltid c.Uentl en.ly Harbor lnY•tmeot Co. llarbw HOO ,..._ U ~I .... ' I CO.RO!'\ A n E:L MAR'S out.tta.nd· lnit 2 bdrm. a pr. ocean aide Hwy. v1 .. w. J-<>v,.ly c&rpeted Uvtnr nn. r ·orn H rtreptac... Garb4lr• l!S.- posa.1. Petit) 6: J&rage, f llO. mo. yearly. untum. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES MUJUEI.. PISOVJ!lR, RM!lor Call Harbor 4810. tTc4t I BDR.MJI. untu.ru., prase, atoft, r'!frllf. Water paid. l child o.k . 753 \V, 19th St , Coata MN&.. LI 8-11971 or LI 1-3340. tTtto OWNER RETURNED TO HOSPITAL say1 reduce th19501eat Restaurant with $20,000 worth of equip- ment to $9,000 tor quick Kie. Doing good bu.elneea. COFFEE SHOP eeat. 28 -eboW'll $26,000 gro• - newly decorated -rood equipment. Open fOf' & Reuonable offer. '8A-Apb. for Rent NURSERY -landscaping contracts. Well establiah· ed retail buaine89 -shows $45,000 grou. Rent $75 mo. Asking $15,000. OwmJ.ng Harbor Haven Apa.rt.Jnenta • Patio. For theee and othera see - NEW ' ROOM, 1tnet JenL Near echoola. ahopplnc dlstrlct, Quiet, plMAnt, aclulive. Oarbap di .. poeal. laUJtdry, atorage rooma. prare. .82.6-0 up. Occupiea en· tin atreet. Good wperrillon.. The Vogel Company 32-01 W. Coa.at Highway, Llberty 8-3481 Newport Bea.ch Eves. Llberty 8-MSO Mer.. 16-01 Haven Place 1 lnock South of Rip Scbool ALSO FURNJSIDID API'8. WINTER RA TP'.S Lido Bayfront NEW attc Distributorship Franchise NAT'L. COMPANY, now accept- lnl' appllcaUona for dllltrlbutor- ahlpi In lhla area. Our brand new A different, program la ao M-Baaine&•. ~rtun.ltlee. SPORTING GOODS atore and Boal A Motor Arency located tn deaert. near rlvera A lake.a. Good opportunity tor outboard motor- man. Will aell tor lnvenlol")' price due to other bu.tnema lnter- Nt.a. Write Box R-34, thJa paper. l4p47 3 bdrma., 2 baths, immacu- lately turn. apt. aenaatlonal. I.hat 9 out ot every 10 ------------ who aee our producta a.nd revotu-B US COMPANY with lonl' term tlonary method of mercha.ndla· fra.nchiee 1n fut growing Costa IMMl:DIA TJ!l occupancy tor 8 mo. period. Apr. 28th to Oct. 18th. 12850. lnl' want a tranrh llie. Mua. Phone OWNER, Liberty 8-3863 or Liberty 8~221. •?c49 THIS J:NTJl:R.PRISE will a bllolute· INCLUDE8 eatin wmmer MUOll. No pet& No chlldren. Shown by appointment only. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Phone R&r. 1800 (ev.a Har. 1210) '1ttc Newport Island ly at.and your rtJ!d lnveaUgaUon, ai.o your ba.nker' a approVlLI. It often 1ecurfty, permanence 6: Income above $20,000 tint ye&r, to pa.rUea aelected. AppUcanta need aot be exper1en.ced u we prefer to tnJa under our proven method•. TO QUALIFY WISH TO BUY Into amalJ bualnua Newport. Balboa.. Laguna area. preferably marine harmvar. or auppu.. or r .A.a wor~ part- ner. Submit otte" to Box H -70, thta paper. '8~1 Waterfront Summer Rent.a.la RA TES bJ week, month or eea.on. 310$ Cha.nnel PL Har. 1211..J. 4lt.to You muat have l'ood credit a.nd M--Monev to 1.-n elwracter retenmcaa, be able to ----"-lf..-------- Yl!:AJU.T unturn. 1 bdrm. apt., Wlth prq'9. Balboa lal&nd. Har. 28!1~ W or Llberty 8-~•38. 3:1lfc COSTA MESA, 3 nn. apt., turn. or unturn .. lncludee Ulllltlea. C.U HYall 4-4367. 28ltc 'U1'FURNIIUJltD. 2 b • d r o o m ap&rt.{l'lent With praie. Ideal location for combinaUon llvtni and orr1ce 11pa<'e or u office apace 1•xclu111v«-Jy. Apply 436 32nd St-, Npt Bch. •~c41 NEW VERY AT'TRACTivlt tum. tollow our pla.na to th• T. De- .ot.e tull Ume to lilt. bualnua, and wpply 12.996 caah to .cure Initial tnvenU>ry. (THIS 11 NOT VENDDiG) SINCERE PERSONS duJrlng a proftt&blt Ute long bualneaa, who meei. the above quall tlca- llona are lnvl led to reply. St"nd brief reawne• 6: pbone num~r to WEST COAST RJ:OIONA.L DIR.ECTOR Wnte Box B..e. thla newep~per 6 per.anal Interview will be ar- ran1red. Thla may well be Ult lut ad you enr need anawer. a11t. Gu bage dlapo11al. 170 lncl. O c48 uuUUu In center or Corona del M f • Mar. Har. 0863-R. lOtta I anu acturing . . PROP'JT ABLE It 1Jl"OW1nc . llfht EXTRA l.A.RGE l bdrm. a =•.ire metal p roduct.a "1th nat'I aa.IM /11rnl11hell opl . $75. mo. yearly poeatbilHlea. ' · Jeu~. on C:olo.Jcmrod Ave . (neu NEED p&rlner wlt.b mt . or a&lu tc..01br1tt.,:,.1 Corona dt'I ~ar. experlwioe.. ll0,000 C required. Harbor .081. 4•1~7 Harbor U87. 47c49 UAC'H ELOJl .APT. fumlahed on Goldl'nrod .A vt.. nr. toot bridge, ~8B--Ho119e9 fol' Beat <:orona dd J.l&r, 110. wk. Phon• ------------Ha.rbor 4381 46¢'47 HARBOR APTS. AVAILABLE NOW LOANS for Homes O~ -IO ~. Lau. Construction Loans SJ:ll: BOB SATn..ZR 2~l:i EAST COAST BLVD. Corona dl'I Mar Harbor 3888 Rep. POIRilCR MORTOAQll CO. Metro Ltte J-. Fllnde Kl. 1·5186 .attc. NO COMMISSION No AppraJal F .. .!AU!:S -REFlNANCml CO:-JSTRUCTION Call tor FrM Fast Commitmenta on Rotrlencea and Unli. only Don f. Huddleston l 73 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI ~ l L.l M:SSJ W OULD WLe to buy Ut 1M14 2Dd TNllt Deed& OrJ.1 Bar. ...... 61\ft Modem fu.rniabed apta. VERY NICE 2 bdrm. WltUm. b-. ------------ Near U do •hopplng center. F A. Jay, week or month hea t, tlrepla.ce, prb&ge dlspoaal, Nrar bua, 1Loru la. bay. Rea.tonahl• 1 cttmmu ter, double pnJe Yrly. ral.e_.. 104 E Bo)' Ave .. BAI.BOA '"'ae $110. mo. to rupon1tbl• lh rbor :,34 1 17Uc people. J l'~T &rrw rll In t.he Har bor area ! CAL.L Cl'Wllt r. U 1-3~68 tor app't. c·p~2 l1Jr1ol tor w<1rlc lna m&n or wo- ma.n -,litnRlo 1opt wllh lcltc.hen-IN FREEDOM HOME A.REA _ t ltc-. T\ rrl\"t.c bAlh, maJd 11er-, BRAND NE\V 3 l><Jrm, home un· Quick Cash Loans oo furrut.ure, auto, aa.lary. $50. lo $750. or more. One d'1y service 112-Real Esta~ 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Eartfi' OCEAN FRONT ·.OT 30xM, soned R-4. Located be· tween N.-wport It Balboa. NEWPORT HEIGHTS:.2 bdrm. home, hwd. floors, aervice porch, double garage, nee<b painting, but ta a real buy at $11,MO with ONLY $1MO DOWN and balance SM Per month. HO.ME & INCOME: Nice 2 bdrm. home, service porch, fireplace, OCEAN VIEW, plua new duplex and ~car g&rage. ALL FURNISHED. Very good condition. Location: Pacitto Ave. Price $22,500 with $3500 down 6 balance $190 per month. S57M la & very low price tor a good little 2 bdrm. home, .ervtce porch, fenced yard. $2500 down and b&lance $40. per month. L&rge garage 6 workahop (over 1000 aq. ft.) AND cute 2 bdrm., home lncludea electric range A wall t o wall carpeting. .A-1 location near Alpha Bet.a. $10,850 with $2850 down & bal. $75 per month. G. N. WELLS. Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., ea.ta Meaa. LI 8-1801 BALBOA ISLAND SPECIAL HoUM • Income • Cabin Sloop • Shore Dinghy Shore and ott -shore rnooringa. All in One Tidy Package $22,l'SOO with $MOO down. Ba.lance to llUit purcbaeer. Attractively tumiahed two-bedroom hou.ae, themo- atatically controlled heat, patio; small rear houae with p&tJo for owner'• use; property oompletely fenced. 18 Foot Sloop "Escapade" !urprfaingly roomy, with head ; 1bore dinghy ,.... ceotly tlberglaaaed: mooring• in 1st claaa condition. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2081 Sapphir~ St., Balboa Island During week, phone EDgewood 2-6091 • Brokera protected. 45c47 • • BAY SHORES • • Open House Sat. & Sun. 1-5 JCXCLUSIVBl LISTING Corner Arbor Dr. & Vista Dr. • • Bay Sboree' Clevereat Ranch Type Home- 2 bdrm., raiaed uaed brick fireplace, dlahwuher, di•poeat Cba.rm.Jngly decorated. Cn.uibed rock lawn. Full price $23,600, terma. .AND • 2601 Bay Shore Drive • 3 bdma., I bat.ha. bay view home -AU ele.Ctrio bou.ee. Built-in range 8t oven. Carpeted and drap- ed. Ideal home for couple with visiting relation• or friends. Full price $29,500 -Term1. For pf"e\rlew 1bowing, oall Harbor 1600 - (Evea. Liberty S-~8) Price $7950 Cash :-10 TRADES, otfe.1'9 or t tnna. :-JO PHONE Tl\"FORJdATION. s~ LILA B. McP'ARREN Balboa )lay PropertiM 09 E. B:lboa Blvd . Balboa (next to the Doll Houae) U r•9 BY OWNER E ARLY AMERICAN ranch atyle. 3 bdrm., 2 tile bat.ha. COl\fPLETE'LY FENCED . RAISED uaed t>r1ck tlrt>pla ce BEA.At CIClLlNG. KNOITY PINE kitchen, l'&rb. dlapoaal. LAJ\"DSCAPED. PRIC'E $16.900. Brick Patio LI 8·:ii68 47, .. ,9 33! ACRES VERY PRODUCTIVE LAND In heii ullful \'alley Inland trl\m Oct<&nl!lde. Conveni«"nl to busl· ne.u 4 11chools. Ripe for aubdl· vl.alon, xlnl. wa ter 1y11tt'm. A remldence to 1111.000 In Newport area will be con11ldered aa part pymt. Owner 2300 Clltt Drlvt , Newpnrt. 4~c47 Balboa Island BA YFRONT, a ccent on localloa, 4 bdnn. older well built home, pltr .. noa t, 138,500 and well worth It. Call today. Rex Rechs, Realtor 1301 W. Blllboa Blvd., Newport. Harbor 987. 4tlo4'7 BY OWNER -a bdrm .. clOM to anopplnc. etc., on quiet St. Hwd. tire., teneed lot, Hweta, f&J'b. dlap., alley rear. Room tor In- come. N-p&l.nt. •'To loa.n at IM. per mo., Including tax• 6: lnlU. Price fU,280. 689 Park Dnve, Colt.a Me•. 40tlc Bay Front Income S UNITS-I 6: J Mdroom1, turn- tah•d. Pier, float and private beach. 1000 E. B&lboa Blvd .. Be.Ibo&. cr .. tvlew 188•8. Cour- tff)' lo broken . 13ttc 3 UNITS, cloae to bay, beacil 6 library. Comer lot. Terrna. Own- n . 20?~th St .. Balboa. Harbor 1819, 40c47 343 Ramona Place • BEDROOMS, I bath•. Brand new, le.cge lot on Clrc.le etnet. nut door to Newport School Sl,900 down. full pr1c,._ $12,350 CALL owner at Liberty 8'6781 o~ l..Jblrty 1-21oa. 47c4t NIJWPORT Bl!ACl:I 2 BDRM. tum. bt'ach hom1 ~ bl.k, to ocean.. Ft.. "LL PRlCll I G,900 ·~ DO\'-':"\, Homer Shafer, Rftr. 1045 Mcf.'adde.ll Pl, Npt. Bc h. Harbor lo«O, t Vl'.t H•r 1137-M or Harbor 2~29·M MAY 4, 1955.;.;... COAST Al SHOPPER -PA&E ' 530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven Open House. Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Don't tall to .. t.bla oharm1nr I bdrm., I bath home. You'll love the excellent floor-plan, large pie· ture window. W to W carpet. Well &rT&nged kitchen with loa.da of cupboarda. Many, many othet' f~a- ture. that we'll be happy to llhow you. SEE THIS HOlllll BJ!:J'ORJD YOU BUY. This you must see in Corona del Mar OPEN HOUSE P'rt., Sat., hn. at TU Heliotrope. We have ju.t llated a lovely J bdrm. with forced,. &.Ir heat, tlagirtone firepl.aee, &t a price ihat we thlnlc is a "•teal" -$13.600 and '" can get you good tm:na. FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK C. B. Ruae. Wm. G. Schmidt, R. W. Ra.yle, AlmO. 312 Marine .Ave., Balboa Ialand Harbor 20d BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll I Here ta a 2 bdrm. home tor you and a 1 bdrm. hom• tor rental Comp. furn. ready to move tn. us.~ · Tak1 low down payment 6 tttma.. $5000 down moves you in - to 3 bdrm., 2 bath C)()lllpletely turn. home. Lovely patio. BBQ. Ideal epot for year-round U~ $18,600 full prioe. See this IM.MA.CUI.A. TE 2 bdrm. home, well loc&ted on ear- ner lot with •p&e• to build ln front. Comp. tum., new ltove 6 refrig. Lovely patlo.. Only $17,500. $3500 down. We have 10me rul nJc. b&ytront hom• available for •um.mer IWlt. VOGEL co . 208 Marine Ave., Balboe lal&nd LIDO ISLE Spacioua -New -Bay Front • large bdrma., 3 batha, muter bdrm. loob ~ over the water &Dd you can eee fl'letry thins that 1a romr on. Loftly nr. pl.a.ce, carpeted wall to wall, bu~tn 'J'b.wm. ,.~ * Unri•&Jed Family Home - 3 bdnna., 2 bat.ha., n.,... atone firepla.c:e, jullt 2 yeal"a old on a '4-ft. lot. Priced at 131.soo wttb e.xcell~nt t.enna. COSTA MESA a bdrm., J bath, llhake root home in the Ba.ok Bay, 18 • 2'' u.. room. kDattJ pi.De kitchen. bwd. floors, 1 yeu old. ruJl prk.e - f,Z,900. ,,. ~ We ba•e 2 aoellent P'** ot K ·l Aoreap. one Iii 2~ &era, one la ~ ur-.. Both pt.,. prioed J1aht. Call WI for ORANGE COUNTY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITID. "'""· utll ptl \\ erkl.Y rate•. 23Ge f<im , , ~ ·, 111011tn W 0\ ••&n F"ront, 0:..:4"\•port Sch. 3 BDRM HOMF: ato,·e • refr11'. l:ltrc 190. m'inth. A.ppllcalJon may be ma.de Ui peT'- aon. by p hone or by mail. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS ot.rr OF T OWN ownn aaya "r•t orrer" on comer dupJ.,x So. of fflway . On• un rum latl«!d apart· mtin t hu a bedroom.t, on• fur· nl11hed etudio apartment gar&ll'e AU In good condition. Call M111a Kohl11tedt, Har. 211\2 evt H11r. 0829·R. 3135 COAat Blv<1 , CD M Bay & Beach Realty-Lido Isle Office -----------~ f;.l(C EP'r :-.:rf'K rro11t 1 bdrm f'bon• U~rty 8-a&&a. CORPORATION 1898 HArbor Blvd., Coeta Meaa Ll 1·7101 -Open J't1daya WI I CloMd Saturday._ u ttc Newport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport Beach 441fc BY OWNER -3 bdrm .. J, bath hou .. on dbJ, LEVEi,. Jot. I.Ar~• 3112 Lft!ayet te, Newport Har. 3643, Har. 2999 ..._, Juet to the right of Udo Bridge Entn.noe buni:;aJ11w dUj)IU jt&r, hu 111C1ry rroom. 1lnaprlL \\'at•r pd. Qultt hut rloM to bwi •llat. 8•• to •pprec. 2:111 RocbHle-r. C. 14, Ubei ly 8-69~3 47c49 166. M O. YRLT, r~ecoraltd un- tum . ootta1e. Uvlng rm~ dintnc rm , lcttche.nelt.c, 2 bdrm . hot ahower. Ou and -ttir paid.------------ Harbor J924·M. 47c48 LOAl"S TO BUU..O. lKPIWVJ: $1500 down rm•. thruoul. Fireplace, pa uo, -------------------------tenced yd •• dbl. gv. New 1 bdrm •MB-Boa.Me for Rea& ~TraUer Spaoe • t:S F'l"R!'ffSHEO 3 M1lrm. Corona • 111gh1and• ctun11y home. w, w I Trailer Space C'&rf'<'tlnit. drapu. co11:y Wied STAT E APPR OVED for Cabana, bnck flrf'placc. n.1•4<1 h«!arth, larce Jou. wpatt for cu•tom loll. blrrh p11nr ll''1 kH,.hrn. OcMD Swmunln~ pool by Jun• Jst.. vt""'· I~,. )''6td Sl<Wt, re!rl1 . Adula A chlldren aver 14. AUlOM/\ll(' waatm• Included Jr LIDO VILLAGE, i OO l h t St .• cl~!r••I """ now 8()4 Seaw•rd '.:lle111-port Bt'ach. 36ci8 R4111•1. 1 'M• "" .,.1 M11r. Ph. HYatt ... 0 ~. ..._ f •'-llA--... •·~Pl 3Tt.tc l ·' """'•nA Coa s(t or "'' ..,.,.. ...... _ pennantint tenanlA, :.().fl 1pacu . ('l.Ii:-F' HAVE.,, 1t10 unC\Jrn 2 End 1pa.c1 vac. 301r85 1pac.e. bd1 m hni1•t :-;"' ly paint~d. 8u.nny AcrM. 11' IC WtlJon, C.M. tlrf'rl!1<'f' H/\r !'It~ M H •r. 1187. '7049 16Uc ol9-R.oom.t to Bent BUY, WODl:RNID:, Oil R.17IN4.NC2 We Buy TNft ~ JfllWPORT BAJ..BOA SAVINGS A W A..-.: ASSOClA TION NM VJ.a Udo. Ph. Bar. UOO "• REAL ESTATE LOANS Inte rest Rate ~ Y2 ~ Loan. qwc:kly mad• tn th• Ba.1 Ana ud Cotta. MeM.. Sin(I• or muJUpJe UIUt.a. New or old. B• w18e and •v• 1>7 r .. tlnallciJll 10Ul' PrtMn l loan. Minl.mu.m G · penae. No c.h&zre tor prellnU· nary appraluJ. Pbocie I.Ult.a. A.na. IOmberly a.em or .rite and ~ per month la all that it takea to buy th.la very nicely located 2 bed.room home in Newport Heights . The full price ia only $11 .500. Ask to see this home. combination of price and tertJW are ha.rd to beaL TRADE <l furnished uruu. on two Jot.a in Newport, income t.a $250 per month, price is $22.500. WUJ trade for smaU beach home or Red.land.I property. PAUL C. JONES, Realtor ~20 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 hou.te on r.-.r ot lot tor Income H.ar. 04'4 l ·M. 6J~ Jn min ... t'o· rona del Mar. 4:.!c!Hh CORONA DEL. MAR l l'\COJ.tE \"ano1.11 unite 4 prlcc1 lo meet your want.a. U 3.000 w J60,000 ALSO 2 bdrm. home compt.ttly tunua.bod. double C°•r•tt• Slf.~00. C ALL M!Jlt Koh~te<ll Har 21 ~2 313~• C'o:at Hwy . C 0 M Ew .. H t\r. 0829-K 38c:>l Dri\·e by 235 Magnolia Costa Mesa Cute • cozy born• -ll bdnn ... pa.nelrd tlrn w10l tl r~rl"c". w111I to wall carpeL Very cln119 In. '13 000 Phone Llbu t y M 282. LIDO ISLE 2 \'EARLY RE:'>"TAJ..S l;l\"Tt"RN. l 2 ~tooni ~. 2 b•th1. 2 • bedroom•, 2 b•Lha. C"hl\let IOC"Allon• ARTHUR A.. MAY Mortpre Loan Corrupond111t Oocldent&J Ute lnwrallce Co. SMAL.L 11ngl • room for workln( • man. Comlori.Able ~. hot and cold -l.tr, '1 wk. Pn v t nlr. 123·28th St . Newport Beach. 933 louth Main 8&.nt.a. A.Ila I U ,000, FOR BALI: BT OWNER OCEAN \'JEW HOME , 2i04 curt 3 bd di &ltaehed • Dr1vl'. F u ll price U l,000, 1 .. rrn1. ~"1 n~,:"'·~un ~ 81-Real F..state ExclwaJ! Time to Trade 62-Reai Esta~ ------23l!c 12'pp33 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor a 113 ="«'"l'ort e 1"11 "ewpnrt B<:h. 50--JW.nt. Mi.o. fflLrbor l l'l 3 40tfc GAR.AGE P'OR RJCJl."T at 31!1 Nar· NEW nevu occupied .. 1 'R~. W/\\ N1.rpt'l.JI, 2 bedrm. le dvi. b&lb It "· Ptiv. BBQ 6: p11 t10. torre<t lllr hu L Attract ive 1-111HO, U i "'" Momin~ Ca.ny t1n RO&d, Ool"Of\A del Mar. ~ SUMMER RENTAL cl111u.a Ave, corona c.1el Mar Ha.rbt>r 2082-J . 6ic49 OFFICE SPACE 130 eq. t'L, 1011 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach. Ha.r. 180. 46P48 pp •WANTED • wm NJ:llD Newport and Be.ltx>11 Uatfnp of lot., Hom .. and ln· come properly. Mu1Uple or non· mulUp.le ltaUJ\g. lo. Oout R.l&lt.7 6 ID•. O:I.. I OI N&ln et.. Balboa. Ru. 2034 •k•I\ WHAT YOU HAVE FOR WH AT YO\.' WAXT" HAVE 112,000 Ma.hbu oo•Rn fn>nt lot. W11J tn de tor Harbor area tncome A LlllUmt . Rex Rechs, Realtor 11~00 down. °'''11"'• Ll 8·2~32, •11Jtt 'f'h 0 t l ch 1\ ;; · 2atJ rs.. er mOll a e11t, 11;ar . •P ------------c kllrhc.-n fllll l ncludtnr nearly BA y ~~Ro:-q· new modern homt . new &Llto. wuht r &. <Jryu . rd rig bflllt 1llp, l~ Blllho& t;11v,.• & gu r11.11gt'. 'tf/00 •In, $7&10 (.lwn~r HArbor 1100-W '41fc <:C ICJt&n Will COO!lidt'r 2nd l'<•O· ·tracL 329 Broac!Wfly, C'09ta ~1 • ~• BY OWNER f ('i(-7>2 U Oi W. B&lboa GhJ St'"l'"rt Harbor !It:.& OT' 'Hu 987_ •~><?4i Corona High.la.nae -3 bdnn . :i bath C11r1nhouae. FHA commit· BY 0 \\'1'ER Cut,., I bolm1 hou•f' I In " l•w~ly nl'lghh<ir110 ... 1 n .. s r High Sd1ool. Walt lo WJ<ll , 11r· r ,.tlnji! Ltt! 90 ;ii: JOO • •ulJll•l" ner!l1 A IH~h' p&Utt Drive by Jill LA Perle Pls r e o r r111l U fl.. 11\',lt menl. Ph. Harl>Qr i8·.I llPt!c l.ARGI': l.O'T on Clltt Dr1ve In Cllrt Haven. AU!IO ~irllOh 40 rt. 1treet to 1trtet lot on Genoa. --------- ~c.lu81Ye Ba,ytnat born•. Bea.con B&y, available tor July 6 Au· JU._ BeautUUl~y tu=laM<l. G&t- b&C• e..-.a. dilltlwuber, ·deep t~ J..e&r .......... Adult.a. no pet& liar. MTl, eourta.y t.o ac-t.a. .su. S Om CI!: spaeea for leue. A p- proa.. J T'll'U' .-ch. ln Lido 8hop- f11.ng ar~ :lo()() Via Mala,.. Har. 1327. 13tto eo-A • OM»••+erdlll. '-d..trlal BIO BEAR LAK.Bl -Al111oet tw o a.crea, Met«lt Bay, 2 M W cab- tr:ia, I older, lr&iler p&1•1(, P ro· pall• J'M ayat~m. t lrctricuy, hot a.nd eold ""'at t r, prtvate wella with pl4-nty ot wate-r. ld~al looeUon. 113.7~. term.a. or ,,.,11 trade tor H&rbur •~• property. 1...ldo I.tie and C-2 lot on N1wport Blvd. Mr~. Ahrens, Har. 0191. 23lfc HOUSE FOR SA.LE·- ~ ROO~ts. 2 ~droom~. tlrepl.an Tile •Ink, pauo. Obi ga r•••· o .k for bullrtln~ apt 71 1 lrl~ Av,. CtJrona flel M&r 112 MO. Ownu Phon.e ATl&nUo 1·6983. 470~1 toR UUD TWO BS.At.1TIJ"UL -J:r"1lle 1'errac. \llltum. 'ftlW' hom-. I BDIUD., I bat.bl and I BEi>RKI,. I ba1.b.a. Ca1J llartclP u;a or Barbor ~.a 11.UU. W. l!fr ANLEY, R"6ltor 1rftne 1"rnce omc. Olmlna d4I Ku. N ttc FiiN'l. i BDNl. aoun. 0cxou TWO ftOOM On'IOS, ITa, month. DUNC.AN RAJU)llSTY, Realtor MOI Newport Blvd.. Npt. Bch. Hano. '711. '1ed AVAR.A,Bt.z -About IOOO 8q. n. llfht tnduarj ~Oft lat. 2nd. tl.xw. U. a. Blpw~ 101 and.., "'-U.-. WW a.u. all or Ul7 put • ~ Co llUlt t-.L Vopl 0o... IUI Vta Udo. HarbM '9'71. Kt:tc cSel Mar. IT&. J1"J1. Ph. LI 1-7127 ------------ '7048 AVAILABLE t BDRX. Uftllara.. hou-. ,.,.... tn !'-'J:W l'TORJD BLDG. 1200 tq tt. Oo9la. X... u-. Ph. Kl ~9029 oppoelt• Ralboa Bay Club Ample 6TMI putdnc. Ph. U ... U11. l6oWl .C-1 OORNER $7950 Chad Twtchell, Harbor 397:1, _O_C_E_A_N_V_l_£_W __ Pl_<>d_ern __ 3 _be_d_rm_. • ...._ llarbor U17·J . Ucci horn• with n tra room a.nd \. 61-Re.I E9tat.e -----1J1.ft. f:rotrlU.,. Oii Pt..-u.a cor· ----- Mr ., JOth. 10-ft. de.p. 't'op lo-.:Ltnr HA~. I bdnna., n,... MUOt\ • the bet9t buy • Ooata pl.ace, OU tl.ra . P•tlo, te,n c•d x-. ya.ns • dbl f ar, $14,500. 14600 __ down. •% loan. 1100 O.y St. 1T A.cree. Santa .Ana ll·l I..Jlwir17 ~11. O en i...l, poww, NWer&f'e. -l•r Jl_,. ao. Pacltlo R.. I\., Ml or -Fol a tSlm 1 "N· ued oar. '" pvt. 8tJe or I~ Greenlea.t-Severt.a Realty VOW' loca1 dMJer w11o W'l1l be bu• rOMORRO\.\' to btlck up wh•t he 4'f'lla TODAY ! ChK k the uN'd U.12 NfrW'P()rt Bl., Newll(>rt Bt-.eh Ra.r1>or 3'61 tnea. LJ ... 1111) ·ani ...... la tbe .&Mal tied 8tttU Oft to- .. bat.I\ on double guar•. Price ua.~. Low down pay11u111t or will t&ka Flnt Tru.t Deed In trade. 2712 Clltt Dr!Ye (a.djaccit ~l lot ava.llAble) Ph. owner, LI 8-2332 H llc NEW I BDRX. Oil " &~ f 7,9!IO. 281 Avocado, eo.ta M.... PtL JD 1-311U. '7ttc HO~ completely tunuebtd by OWT1er. 921 Clltt Drtn, Clif t 'Hs n n L&rre UYillf room. din· Lnr rMm, 2 bed~ '19.960 l..JbuV a..eeoo -~pt. .. ,., ' on Irvine Ave. Lovely J bdrm., 2 ba.U'I homt. s,v. -.JI to wall carpeUn1 an1! t r11 .,.l"M dJ'ape11u. Block wlLll a.n I~. IUl.'T&O. Owri11r. l.1 1-1417, •4c07H COSTA ~A rw.. I bdml. b--. w all t.o -u carpet. llwd. nn... c.meet p&Uo, fenced yard,_,_ ... "'*" pr1t~ .. ,IOQ. II.TTL .,.,.. Ll 1-2T27 IWIH SOME OF THESE DAYS .•• We wilJ be aaying "th.ere are NO &ot.. for...&.," bat In the meantime. be.re are th• ·bMt., a1J a.clu.atv.. SHORECLIFFS, lowest. priced lot !lated, M a 130 x 80. Best location, eurrounded by new bom.. CORONA HIGHLANDS. Corner. away up b.J«b. Sweeping view. Offer might buy. CORONA RJGHLANDS, one of the be.t, b.lgbest & biggest. room for pool maybe a Polo field. View clear to Samoa~S&moL Ee.ch pri~ ander $1~.000. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Rar mf Just Enjoy the Income from this excellent property (no rent t.o pay). Located in choice rental cliatrict , 100 ft. from ocean. There are 3 unite -a new duplellt and a S·rnom house on 2 Iota. 2 units are furnished &nd rentl'<i on yearly ba11ia. Owner's home available now. Three ga ragPs on aJley. Present. income can be 1ubtrt.&n- t1a1Jy increased. $5000 wtll handle. FOR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harb()r 101 3 • Outstanding Oce~n View TWO STORY, 2 bdrm., 2\.! bath.a, lg~. Livl.ng room, M"parate dining room, large knotty pine den with hutlt-in bar, lounge, 2 fireplacee, buement with 150,000 Bru fW'tlac.. Expensively carpeted wall to wall lhru-out. Garbage diepoea.J a.od dishwa.shu. Houe 8 yrs. old. Lure double garage with laun- dry. radio-eootrolled door. Lot 50 x .142 '. WeU land· ecaped. Thia home mU9l be eeen t.o be appreciated. Located at 1312 <>c.n Blvd., Coron& deJ Mu. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABJ.-E OFFER Shown by appointment only PbQM Owmr, Barbcir MU '74 ' • • PA6E 10 -COAST Al SHOPPER -MAY 4, 1955 II ._. &tat.e LIDO ISLE · ALL YOU NEED Mi your family and personal be- longtnp to move lnto tbia one yeu old lovely 4 bdrm. one atory home. Large living rm. with •tone firepl&.ce, .ep&rate dining rm .• modem kitchen with all convenience-. 3 car garage plue laundry and deep freeze area. Steel girder and aubfioor IN t o expand over garage. Carpeted and furnished for $39,500 with exceptional terms. Com pare thl8 ! LIDO BAY FRONT Extremely nice 3 bdrm., 3 bath. Completely redeco- rated & attractively fumi•hed-Hom e with pier and large slip-Thia one bu a patio also- And a very n ice buy for $58,500. VERY· LA TEST Imagine a 3 year old 2 bdrm. home on lovely Lido, completely furnished f or juat $20,500. AND RE ME MBE R THIS - many other fine bomea a re listed exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3418 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 EvH. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-5297 DEAR PUBLIC: Il you want to sell in a hurry, Without any trouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor ,' insisting On Multiple Listing. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach 46t!c BALBOA ISLAND BEAUTIFUL 2 bdrm., 2 balh home near. village. Studio type liv. rm .. frpl. d in. rm .. tge. patio with BBQ. Db\. gar. Com p'l fu rn. lo xlnt. tAIJte. $29.500 LlRERAL TERMS ir de•ired. OWNER S AYS SELL EXCLUSIVE BAY SHORES THIS WEE!\'.. LE AOF:R ! Opportunity knOC'kl ni:nin' J t11h the c;ma rt 11N and m ove into a. life-tim e i•I t·omf!"rtablc h,·ing in thl11 2 bdnn., 2 bath beauty. I ;vr ~euu11 pal1<>-<i ming lanai. Pnced right $24,750 wrt h tcrmtJ to 11u it. Corona del Mar -Ocean Front c;orgro ut1 <1 b<!nn .. 2 bat h beauty. 2 fireplaces. ele<>. k1tr hrn, Jots of flaggtone. F. A. hc-a t WO NDE RFUL • Rt Y WJTH LlrETlME VIEW' S36. i 50 -good term11. I MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 3 18 Muine Ave .. Balboa Island Har bor 4781 "C" THOMAS ''C" T HOMAS ··c" THOMAS "(.;"THU~! EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORES $19,500 Furnished L<)\'rly MODERN 2 bdrm. PLt:S den-dbrm. oct garage compl<'tely a nd attra ct ively furnished. W to W carpeting , d rapH. deh ghlfuJ b right k1t rh en. in· direct lighting in hv. rm. & din. &rea, bullt ·in plant- u . f ireplace, lllrge lot with abundance or p&vtd parking artt. nicely landscapro. A REAL BUY -SEE THIS O?'l.'E ~ "C" T H 0 M AS , Realtor U-Rnl f'Atate --------- OPEN HOUSE 11-5 Sat. & Sun. 1969 Maple St. ARE YOU TIRED of b11y1nc prnp e rt y tnr enmtnne el at ? Thf'n atnp 11nd """ thll! """' 2 b'1rm h\"lme appt 'I blnckA from nf'W shopping ar•a OPEN HOUSE 11-5 Sat. & Sun. 182 Cabrillo St. LJKF. LlVlNG up town! Thia 3 b<lrm. homf' Is very good. Local ed In sn 8Tta !11111 1hould pick up In valuf', JI0.~00, Wot rLO YOU LIKE TO OWN A QUALITY HOME? Call ua to •f'e 20:'1 DPI Mar. S bltrm . 1 "i balh, JapRnr~,. aim paneling tir•pl11ce. SO NICE. MAK E Ol'R OFFICF. YOUR M. I. HEAOQt'ARTERS Industrial Lllnll Buytn! Let u11 11how you the best M. J. In lhl• are&. Wit have the H rvlc• "ART" ADAIR RF.ALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Co11ta J\fl'AA. ('ah(, LI 8·3792 REAL VALUES LOOK-5 bdrms. yet IT'S A VERY C'LEAN well kept oltttr hou11f' on & l11rgf' Int that c11n bf' rllvldtt1 tnln two lf'l• Thf'rt II! " oh•,. lit lie rental unit lnrluded wi1 h a atl'll1ly tt nenl A rl'll.I etu l Al $12 00(). You don't need 20-20 vision TO ~EE tht" \1ttlue here ! A l~ARn F: r .. o T w11h twn nk e h 11m1•• 11 hr. It 2 ht• I. and .. n1111~h .s11111re fC\Ollllt" h•r a I htr<t Clo~" to town It 1 rarut· port11l1nn. What a d•Al tor &n lnr0t11t mind .. <! b11yn . Thi• ta Jr.00 C'lt-an properly, J t 0.600. 8. A. Nereson Rf';AL'T'OR tllll2 N"wf"'rl Rtvd . Culll& Mf'llA Phnn,. LI 8· 1672 !!:vu 1 .. 1 11-:-.487 OPEN HOUSE Sal. & Sun. May 7th Ir ~th. 12-7 p.m. 2063 TUSTIN, Caata Mea& It's red, It's ranchy, It "'" th" RACK BA Y t1 n>ll1 Is 1.Altla': UE:f>R 1g . 2 full balh&. din''' rm Hl"12 rumpua room w11h t.•1111·111 hlllt.>-'t ""· •lrctrlc ~ri•t J11111k A h11r \\ 1111 to wa.11 1·11r1•tl thr .. 1111 ho11t. OJ"'" booam C'f'lllnl(~ Tlil" hmo• ('t>lll•I bf' u~l1 ti• 111• •·n,. f""P'""' y •• ll csn he •h\'Ht~.1 Into''"" 2·1>-lrm hom~ a11t1 A t h•·•lm1 hom .. 2 c:ll r r:ar- 1111• bl Nut1ru1 lt1n•!"t 11r1nii: w1Lh a r1r<'11l1tr •ltl''""""' Ovtr 2 200 •11 ,, In 1 ht• h·Y•l v hom .. IMIU•I· •d on ~. "r a.n •rr.. f'I""' v er ,,.1m fnr untlA. ow1mn1lnJ pool a nit 1 h"''""" r "' t ll I io.1 ·n~!IT $5000 down ;ea Breeze Realty C?l'llH ot lttlh It Pl1r•nll1 C'Ofla M•H t.l~rty 8·M~ (II' J.Jbo>rt \1 8·&2%3. 47t 411 CASH & CARRY "1'ARKF.T In IL "'PIJI\· '1'11W'lnc ('ttv In Or•"~" t'ovnl ,. A wnn· 11 .. rtul lor"ttnn tor • m11rk • man wtto ......,, ta • hnl !Pf'Ot OW:"'F:R Lli:A VJ:--O (.'<Iron a d .. I I 1'hr lnetruct• u. to Jtt •n t1f(,r I on J unit • IOUth nf th• HlrJlway. 8n IMk It It and ma.le• ue an I lltff-r: 224 W. Coast Highwa v, Newport Bu ch Liberty 8·55Z7 .. · Fitzmorris Realty Co. C" TifOMAS "C" TifOMAS .. C" THOMA S "C" m ow.AS Rn ltnn )tulUplit L11lln1 Bm•ln .. ll• Bmllf'r BEST Buy I I!& I!: <.'ou t Hl~hw&y Ql>mna d .. I M11r H1rb<>r l t H ON BALBOA ISLAND BALBOA ISLAND. We otfu exclutth·ely an unu1~ ually deairable 4 bdrm. multi·bath home. ~lightlul llvlng room, large cli.ninr room. Maximum &quare footage .. Cloee to best beach. Can only be a ppreciated by lna~tion. Call Harbor 17';'~ E·"e.. Harbor 53.W EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 Marine Ave., Balboa t.land Vogel Value -Easy to Buy -Easy to Pay for eo ft. of R-3 R ight on Balboa Sl\'d. on t h• Bayside. ' With cute little bOUM and OTel"8afJ garage on rMr of lot. Plenty of space to build more roital unJta. Price le 117.~ -baa loan ot $10.000 payab&e only'-'° per moo th Ind. & < r tnter.t.. SUmtt your down paym.tnt.. The Vogel Co. l201 W . Cout Highway N.wport Bf'acb Liberty S.3481 ' Open House 10 a.m. -8 p.m. 509 De Ania Dr. Corona Highlands 110\U er tour ~rm.a . I bath• enacnl!l~nl llltchtn It dlnlnr room. 2000 ~ plua lflL!'alf•. ""' n -. Rulldt r w111 #II tni.. hO\lff al I •fr)' fHIH>n.t11blf' pl1ce A s'()C)d tf'nnt )tay talc• IOn'lt ~ Phont Har. +62~·JK ' '1ttc I 208 Kinas Place P'OR IA.LI: 0 1\ UAS& With .,,. UOft to buv. Altr"<UVe I bdrm. • dm. b-&m c-.1ltn19, ..,.,. Yt.w lot <1 :r H•••n. °"'ll•r Vinir Buel\ M ·.317, 19p~2M a __ -_ ... __ Es_ta_t4' _____ a-__ RatJ __ .... _tate ______ a-... r..tate I n-RNJ r...tate The Chips Are Down 1 BILL'S BEST BUYS GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect m odel homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you inspect t hem, you will note they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thoug ht that resulted ln thia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVlNG for Irvine Terrace families for many years. Permanent reetrictiona guarantee you will 1.lw1.ya be proud of your home here. To th e home buyer who wishea to pun:haM in t he $22,000 to $3:5,000 claaa we sincerely recommend the Irvine E state. overlook ing Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace la located on Cout Highway oppo.ite the new Irvine Coaat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phon e H ar bor «48 For Further Information * F or Re<:ornmend&tlon, we refer you to anyone who hold& a Leuehold Estate in Irvtne Terrace. LIDO ISLE 2 bdrm. home on R·3 lot. Room to add unit tor Income. $23,500 -$8000 dn. bal $100 month. INCOME -BALBOA T Uni~ (6 furnlahed) -Private Patioe. Hu •· tellent income record -$52,000. Alao -Adjoining nicely fumlahed duplu Ir extra lot. $22,000, term•. · BALBOA PENINSULA Attractive 4·year-old 2 bdrm. home . 1'replac., room y k itchen, patio. $18,000, terma. BAY A VE. BEACH HOME Near Library-$3800 down buy1 p&rtlally tumI.h- ed ' bdrm. home. Cloee to bathing beach. Full price -$1~.750. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1~ W . Balbo& B1"d., Balboa .Barbor 1284 Balboa Bay Properties Presents J Iola, oc~a.n front. 3:sx40 frontage. $15,000 for both. $5000 down. Balance $1()(5 month. Near Bay, Library, tranaportation. Neat . attractive 2 bdrm. bou&e plua 2 bdrm. apt. over large rara.r•. Juat r educed to $18.950. Tenn.. Ocea.n View. New extr& large 3 bdrm.a. Ir den. 3 bath•. 2 F .P. Dbl. gan.ge. F .A. heat . SZ7 ,500. !: Z term.s. Muet eee to a ppreciate. a unit ttnt.al. O ldey property, If you have -riaion you'll eee t he value. Room available for Ul)&na1on and rental lnc reue. $6000 down. $18.~ full pri~. Excel. downtown Balboa location. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. B&Jboa Blvd., N""J>Ort Beach. Har. f5188 NOW IS THE TIME I I! North Bay Front Oversize pier and float. ~ The ho~ ttJ sturdy -bu t n~• an &rtillt'a touch to make a beautiful Bay Front h ome. An Income unit ma y be added with little expenee -$4~.000. 3 choice homes on the Litt le Island $28,500 -$45 ,000 D 0 RI S BR A Y, Realtor Phone Harbor 20 -Days & Evenings I N ona Hyer Chet SaU.bury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa leland VOGEL EXCLUSIVE Don't wait until It's t oo late t o aee thl. di.Unctive 3 bdrm. 4 bath beaut y ait uated on a lovely comer lot on beautifu l Balboa Peninsula . Unnrpueed view of Hu bor from Lh·ing Rm. & Muter Bdrm. Shake root Interior pan<'lling. Lot.'9 ot extru. Will pleue the most di11criminating buyer. $49.~. Term.a to q ualified ~uyer. THE VOGEL CO. 8201 W. Coan Highway. Newport Beach LI S.M81 £\·ea. Harbor ~142 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bedroom home. Extra large 2-ar pr&p with spare for hobby ahop &nd atrMMd foe apartmmt. Carpett'd lh 'ing room, with fireplace, budy cUnlna area orr Lltchen, eervic• porch, Ule bath. ,,_. &nt IUTT'Oundlnp. Thia will not lut. S.. tt t.oday. $12,980. RAY REALTY CO . M" E. Cout Blvd , Corona del Ma.r Harbor 2218 WAS JU.700 J I J.~00 la the new rf'ductd prlC'" Own,.r 111 -mtut .ell An 1pptaltng :I bllrm. homt nn & bea11t1full,v 111Hl8l'll ~t1 C'or· n .. t Int wllh thf' m(IJOl attr11ct1vf' p1t1n snt1 R R Q yn11'\'f' t \'l'r tl"f'n w .. r•r.,•at Sl:l :'100! lll•Y ..,.,.,. a how you 1 h ro11~h ' . . . Another Reduction! Was $15,600- Now $14,350. IT WOULD INDEF:D ~ Mnlhtr·a Da.y If she w c1uld 111n•••• Into this lovf'ly hnmf' 3 bdrm hdw11 noo ra, flrt'pl 11ce -3 yrs old Plua! Pillo. BBQ and L·11hapl'd 1w1mmlntc" pool! Once tn a liff'· time buy! Hurry! Se• 1hh buy In this be11t Eastside l<K"lltlon. $14.3:10 -Excf'llPnt ltrm•. . . . Cliff Haven Artistic Moderne A RUSTIC THAT IS dlrftrtnt You'll be dtllghted with thf' novf'I trf'atm .. nt c-nmblned wit h the tunrllnn1I chuacttr f't 1hlA large thrf'e ~11room. l ~ bath homit wtlh Mpar11t e tllnlngyoom. coverell ls.nlll &nt1 patlo-brrne· way to f'Xtra lart;f' g1r11gt - everylhln,1t that •pt'll• quality, de111gn &nd rd lnemf'nt. $26.&:,o. • • • Bay & Beach Realty 1&9& Newport Blvd. Co11t& Me1ll, C1llt. t.Ibu ty 8 ·11&1. Evu. Ll 11·3161 Parade of Features- l • ~l&xtnr; hf'm .. IOC'1111nn -nn Balt>na hl1tnl1 wll h ff'nrrd yu d. 1ha.d• lrM, p&ved &nd with .. nd too. 2· T ear round 110mfort-Tw<> Wf ll turnlahed bfl1room11, h•thlub Wllh ahower ov,.r; pa.nrlled liV· lnlf room With n ntl'(! ht •tn Must Sacrifice-See Thia Thi11 3 bdrm .. 11 ~ bath home. only 4 moe. old, mut go. 63' x 100' lot on r urbed Ii paved lllrMt. a.... in & paid for. Close lo achoole Ir tranaportation. lmmedis tt> po811e!!alon with $1000 dOWIL Full price $9400, $87.50 mo. Only F our to Go-Soon No More-- These 4 bdrm., P~ b1tth FHA bom• are Dlll'1 aold out. Many Pxtra fine feature., llO JOU'4 blU-. hurry. Im mediate poaeeeaion. Full price $9750·'650 dn·$69.50 mo. 1no.. tulll A an.. 1 Bdrm. Home & Guest Houe&- wood floors, wall to wall carpet, drapM, pluttN4 interiors. fenc-ed, tlowera, tree., nJc. lawu, ~ ed & paved etreeL Connected to ...-. ac.. ..._ Price $7000 -T.-ma. -INDUSTRIAL ACREAGE- LocaJ M·l r..onlng. 1 to 10 aar-.. $5000 an a.ere and up. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our fr1endJ7 Mn'lce" 393 E. 17lh St., Coat& Meea ~ WW CHARMING BAY SHORES • JUST LISTED • Bay view home on comer lot 3 bdrm., 3 bath home, tmmaculat.ly and ~ ty furnished including d eep frene, wub1nf mach.._ TV, linen1, blanket., di1hee 6 utr.nran.. No pbme lnlorm&tJon. Shown by &ppo1Dt:ID4a* ODJ7. Full Price 188,600. ALSO 2 bdrm .. 2 bath plue gue9t room bmn&tN1&WJ and completely furnis hed 1ucb u diabee. lllvenrve, TV. Expen&ively ca rpeted and draped. °"9r U111ap· ing, Large corner lot. J'1Jl pr1ee - $32.500 -TennL F or preview abowlnp. -.JI Harbor 1800 - (Ev• Libert7 8-ea&e) HARBOR INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS S· Oay tnlerll'lr -Com plf'le elrc· j N ewport Blvd. at 30th St., Newport 8-eh "1cally •q11lrPf'd formic& bar ---------------------- kltch,.n, w&JI papered. A 11 for '17,960. OllJI Powen nr lAk•, tor •rip'l H•rbor ti J. A. BEEK, Realtor I 60S P&rtc Avenue 8&1b9a h lant1 BACK BAY ~ AC' RUSTIC-, 2 br It d•n le• patio, ff•lr1c11"d 4 rra $22 !\ill! .,. AC-I br •tut'('() fannhn1111,. ""erly n flW trult tr·f'~• .. Vl'w trom Nndttlc. C'AL-VY.T l,,l'n, JI T.:i<>O I • BR tTNOBSTI\UCTEO VtF.W ot be.y . J32 ~ '-4 C: near country rlub, 2 br. l\ouae, furnll!hed -room fflr Wule S~ :.OO I 'it AC nT •. c. n-1• r .. paJ r J br ftff.1 buy for c:u l\. BA TSHORF.S, I br. PLUS p r unll, lmottv pine tnt .. r\or 2 ,-ua.. 8R TKLI U l.&00 Claire Van Horn fll'JALTOR l'Ul W, Cout H'lt')', LI M 217 The Right INVESTMENT la equal to a lifetime or toll ! Here's your cbanc..-.-Ooee I to beach Ir ahopplng, CORONA DEL MAR t T R OLD DUT'U:X LOVP:LT 2 BDRM APT PLtrs apat-10111 1 bd1'i" &Jlt DOl'Rl,fo; ir•rai,. -p11t 10 OtrrATA~Ol;\'Q Vlf;W O~l.Y Slll 000 -TER!ofS Muriel M. Plnover, Realtor 2$04 N•wpnrt Blvd., l':!"WJ'Or1 Rrh E&.y Parktn r Ht.rhnr 41\10 4~r4 P Vest Pocket Palace PA MP£J\ youree1' a.nd tluy tht• eunny 6 ch~rful 2 bdrm. home ,,replace. am1111 yant Ju~t lm"· J1 n• -only 19.:'>00. tPrm• Rex Rechs, Realtor H-07 W B&lbo& Blvd, Nt1•tporl Ra.rb<w e1M or 987 •~H Look at this • bdrm... hwd. tloon . nrt plu ... diepoMI. W1 r.cl for ~lectnc .iove. rt11ced. loc&Lfd &l 26•9 r.izw.1 Dr.. Cotrla M t M 111."°. ft. Har. 3~4l ·J 3111fC CORONA D!L KAR OllOIC2 L01' °" L&rkepur,. J 1~ .... trca .. OMILI\, 14.'7&0. STANLEY A. 8lUJ'H. R.Jtor . * 7 E. Qiu t """'• c.Tona 11•1, Mu. llarbot IU. 6Tc'9 I v Shorecliff s . Exclusive FIRST TIME OFFERED Quality built n .nr h ty pe home · 2 bdnna. 6 da • J batha. New carpeting w11.ll to wall, Wilt.om drapes. JmmAculate cond itio n. F orced alr beat. J:leetrl,oally cont rollf'd th<'rmor.tat. UAed brick fireplace.. Copper hood over stove, m cely a rranged. Sha.ke roof, baUt · in b1trbeque. Covered paUo, t>.auutully landia1a&*f 11 nd fenced yard. Only 3 yn. old. Owner movinr lllland. YN, Ute pli<"l' "'''II am aze you. including eArpeti.nr 6 dnpt19. Only $29.900. S.-tt~r Hurry on Thia One l LiJltt'd Exeluiuvely Wltb U1 - PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTl PLE L ISTING REALTOR 3-H7 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar Harbor 47 IOHice locat t'd ncxl door to Corona del Mar Bank) BUY YOUR LOT NOW :r:: For Your Dream Rome :r For l nvf'fltm ent : For Speculation CAMBRID<iE EST ATES 16th Ir Irvine <Asta Meu'• F ine.t IAcatJon G 0 I N G f" A S T -See ua q uJck S3650 Phil Sullivan, Owner George T. Everson -Exclusive Agent 1856 Newport fll\,d, Custa Meea Liberty 8..e781 Eve11. Httrbor 4366 · Liberty 8-2103 SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCF:M10 N ALLY ATTRACTl\'E 2 bdrm. bom•. Pan<'llt>d lr\'1ns; room a.nd s mall drning room. car· petrd wsll t o wall, ~o·~I kitchen, breaktut apac. and fll"n·IC'e p<1r ch. Am ple rupboard1 and atorage epare Over111zl'd 2·rnr ~a rage. Nrre en clo!M!d patio. Mo11t CoO\·enrrnt corner location. 2 blk1. rrom 0~ Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. EARL W. STANLEY, Rea~or 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har, 1011 Exclusive L ist ing BALBOA ISLAND Tw,, bedroom house One bedroom a partment Two-car garage r Fireplace, uch \IJllt Execellent loca tion Step from Bay All tor $23.000. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And AMOCiatet Park at Marine, Balboa laland -Harbor Ma ~~ r..~_t. _____ 6!-_Real_~:_..ta_:.._te ____ _ 62-ReaJ ~~--t_!__T __ 62.-BeaJ !Atate U-Beal Eatat. 62-Real Estate ------------------·----... --------- BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island f P hone Harbor 1671 or 1672 .. BALBOA ISLAND $5000 down will buy you FUN-SECURITY AND HAPPINESS Charmingly furn. 2 bdrm. home-patio-and small apt. with patio-18-ft. sloop with shore dinghy- two mooring11. Near village cen ter. See us about this, but QUICK. Full price $22,500. CORONA DEL MAR Unuaually charming and spaclou.1 2 bdrm. and den home. 2 fireplaces. On 45' lot. Choice location. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. over dbl. gar. Extra parking apace. A REAL HOME AT A LOW PRICE. $23.~. TERMS Don't MISS OUT on thll BUY. P~o£9v~?N~ n!:!1~!!'t~eS of th• Jut choice location• in Corona HJghlanca. Fisher built. 3 bdrm.a., 13~ batha, abake roof, dbl. garage, WW consider t rade for 2 bdrm. houae So. of Hwy. OPEN HOUSE 1-~ EVERY DAY 448 RIVERA TERRACE Best in the Back Bay Greale.t value -Loweat price 1. One acre ot property 2. Complete and aepante guest hou.e, alpe. '6 3. 3 bdrm. houu, 4. Large rumpu.a room, 6. Double garage, e. ~-ft. enclosed tlltered awlmrning pool with separate drCSBing rooms and shower, 1. Plenty ot room for stables and horses. All ot the above e11n be purchased tor aa low u ~down. FuU price, $27,~. <All for AppoinlmenL On Begonia, with partial view Neat little 2 bdrm. bunga low. Fireplace, dbl, rarage. Only 3 yrs. old. Can mO\'e ln immediately. $3:>00 dn. wtll handle $14,200 tull price. Courtftly t o brokere. CaU Mr. Patlieon - W. E. FISHER, Realtor and ASSOCLA TES 3034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 24'43 LIDO • I Open Daily 1 -4 p. m. l..O\'t>ly 2 bdrm., 2 bath, with a large aunny patio. 218 Via Palermo ALSO 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, new. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, exceptional. 4 bedrooms. 3 baths, waterfront. 45 ft. waterfront lot with pier privileges a bargain! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido Specialist" Harbor 4718 2&02 Newport Blvd. Newport Boch BEST ·RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS lt'1 a shake roor typical ranch type 3 bdrm. home. Hu P , baths. dlning room. brca.kfut room, large living room with maaai\'e fireplace. Thennodor elec· trtc n.n11:e & o•f"n, be1tmed cf"lllngs. ce<kr panelled walla. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to .. ·all carptt. a nd dn pt'8. It's rcnced and landacaped and bu a patJo. Space prohlbit.e the menlloning of the many other feittUrt'll ucept to add that It •• surrounded w1th q uality butlt ranch homes. Priced dehmtely below value at S23.i~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle LIVE BETTER FOR LESS HAS YOUR FAMILY GROWN Out.landing, so don't dream too long! On a large corner, Lido lot with a good BAYVIEW. Down- staira there are two 2 bdrm. apts., both lea.aed unfurn. by the year. Upat&.in the owner's apl la a truly out.atanding 3 bdnn., 2 bath home with over- aized tiled bar in snack room. Large rooms a.nd pic- ture wlntlowa give a fine BA YV JEW. It Is a rare It ao, then be sure to see this fine family home. 'I'his ia the first time thia pro!>erty has ever been offered for aale, ao don't make the mlatakr of thinking you have seen It before. Four good sized ~drooma, one downstaira a.nd three upstairs. Lidng room 14 1 ~ x 28', tremendous family room 20' x 20', patio 12 x 27'-Electric kltch<'n, oak floors, ahlngle roof and ehingle exterior-2400 sq. ft. In th<' house. If you are looking for a good size house with a comfort- able teeli.ng be certain to call us. Price $29,7:>0. bargain al S57,500 with excellent terms. Location-Cliff Haven-(not leasehold) We have 4 new homea juat being completed. 2 are 4 bdrma. and 2 are 3 bdnn1. All are carpeted, have eliding glau doors to patloa, Thermo. oven and rangea, forced air thermo controlled furnac.ea a.nd 2 or 3 baths. They are in ditrerent location.a and are different stylee. Before buying, you should see tbe.e. HURRY ! BALBOA ISLAND SLEEPER! Ju.et a etep to the bay -3 bdrma., 2 bath• plua awimmer'e dressing room &nd shower. Channing patio with barbeque. Usa.ble, Cadillac-size, 2-car garage. Easy terms on a low price of $19,500. Ask for Dave Osburn. CLIFF HAVEN CUTtE Three bedroom and two bath. nearly new view home. This one has 2 patios, Is beautifully landscaped and hM a large ba.ck yard all fenced. Price of $24,500 includes carpet.II and drapes. We have many well located lot. at thia time, alao rental.a by the year or for the aummer. OPEN SUNDAY 1--.5 1410 KINGS ROAD When you call ask for Bill Farnsworth. p. a. palmer incorporated ole banson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast hlgbway -Uberty 8-~73 Houston Values QUALITY HOME MOOERS I bdrm. home. $3.000 dn. s ·11 In OYl'I\ A •to ve, •'"r b dlap.. dbl gt.r, pallo, wwrra, et c. al $13 POO It !JI worth ~flnf. WOl"UI tiuylng Consider the Price 18.t M-NlCE 2 belnn. horn• at Jet Mf'~rtl Pl , only I I.~ dn and S!'>O ~r month LIKE NEW I BORJ.f Colonial on A II.Alo 8L. Npt. Helfhl• al SI•.~. Pay'L onl7 H 3 70 .,.r month. FOR ~EVE. LNTORMATJON on above. P!l. LJ'Tt.11:. LZ 8·250 . Facing Golf Course t.AJ\0£ J bdrm., 141120 llY f"OQSTI. tlr~pl~ a.n4 • i.r .. l~•M alum. work abop. About IJOO aq fl. M\l.t t ti. -..n. t ar ti-> low ~ p.Lac• • m.nt roal, lAt 70 x'2:W A n'lu:lnf at 1 18,000, 10011 tf·nn• 2 acres & fine Home J UST 0 ,.,. HARBOR ALVO, 1>4r- tttt tt>r .utN:t.1vll11nr . l'Jtfrllrnl •-1 u <t "' I th a-oc>o1 ~' lr,.11 t"u 11 pr1ce $24 700. 8ff U\ta. 1t•t de- IAtl• from u• Jt i. t1f'lt Another Dilly 0 1'1 82 ',x234 U)'t u .. aullful 2 bt1rm . Mr .. Or1vr, l •, baUI llu l 780 ,,q lf'rt' tl,.,. lo apprrr I"'" Al'Jll•\n tm«nt nnlv p;n~!f Pll<l'lf1' f'F'TITTf• r.r -!'>4A~ M-1 APl'ROX • M·n r s f"l\~l !tl'"""· 1111 P•ulArinn ""<tu.II\ An lnv~at· m .. nt 111 S.'\ ZOO r,.r ""T' "' dn Balboa Duplex EXCL HA Y ,\VY Fl•• rl'nl.U lncaUon 2 br up 1 br itn Obi 1-.r A hlr n1mpu• rt"1 B 8 Q 6 ,.:c1 Tait S• !')<10 (In'"., £\ f:A ("'•II RF,'\"~FR U•r .. 9 11 3 Buil ding Lots CLOSE 1:-; W ~If 1. p,..., I •''""I. u11 l1tl"" ~u~\ ti.. ,..,Id los:•lher Bar.li[Al n 11 J"o ,,.Ill ra11h THE GREAT ORANGE COAST $ s s $ BEACH Jot '2 bUc. from Blue Pacific. Full price, Ju.st $2250 cash. Lot zoned R·2, size 30 x 104. $ ' $ s 19th ST. Acrosa from market & drug store. 100 rt. front. A speculaUve piece. Ready tor imprcwemftnL Wile investment, here la bound to ma.kc you money. $ ' s BRAND new view home. 1420 KJnga R<>ad. 3 love- ly bdnna., 2 pullma.n baths. carpeted, view k1t('hen. La.ndacaped yard. Open daily 1 to 5 ucept Monday and Tueeday. I I $ $ RESTRJCTED Back Bay luxwioua 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. JU8t ~ady ror lmmedJate occupancy. Com- plete Hotpoint kJtchen, Nat'I uh cupboan.t. galort>, bwd. floors, Thermo but, firepla.ct', alldlnr glau door to cement patJo. electric eye gar-as-door. J24~. Lerma. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Newport Ave, Coat.a Me.a Lfberty ~1&32 Llberty 8-HOO E\'e-a. A Full Load of Living FOR YOUR FAlflLY la provided ln th1a luve-ly hnml". Want a pn vat e beach T Need a place to keep )•out cnuser '! Pttfc-r cloi1e In lootion nrar U do Shopt1. etc " Buy this Ide.al 2 bdnn. home ln Balboa 8-,y Cove.a right on the waterfront, only 3 )'Tl'!. ohl. Lots CIC ltlt'. parqut>t floors, F. A. he.at, d bl. f{a rage, nice fe"tu~•. Pier & ebp privtlegcs. A r eal value at $26,250 -Terms Excellent Newport Income Duplex furnb hed -good ~nt~I distr ict Ocean M d Bay both close by S3500 Down -F'ull Price $10,500 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3 113 Newport Bl\'d., Newport ~acb Har. 1013 Beach Home! YOU W fLL WANT TO sro.s ON THE nQT"r£0 LJ'!l:E Wllen ~OU •"<' uu~ comrortabl• horn• ... JJea.J tor boch or yu.r around hVUIJr Dandv locatl1)n. tloh to I/\" :"HYC. H1u a t.drooma and J •, ba ths. Sorru! furniture In· rlut1t'd $J2.~ and only 14,000 <lnwn Newport Heights Home! \'OU Wll.L LIKE T HIS 2 B£0- KOOM llOJ.flC wtth a lfllH t "''°m wllh b11l h. M xl27 Cl. loL You llon't flnlJ pruputy In Lhl• Joca· lion ~vrry tl11 v •l 113.900 Call today tor J"Artlr ulal"ll. Ocean Front Home T H F. Rf:!'T VAt.\.•p; ON TMK l'~"'l :"lil ·t.A. You mual •CT .. that .... 2 ~room bomr. rurnah· ed, With • terTlflc J>Alou, dl>\lbl• 1t•rn1t• 1tntl <In"' I•• 11 " "' It a.n Ohhtuidlnl( YAiu• al '18.*· Balboa Duplex! ~rACI •l S I.. P 1' ER AP ART• ME:'\T fl r"!l~td. 11o lth 2 IH-<:I• t'" •'• .. '"' I tt l \,.•Ir • •rn l11w tr "l'"''' r• \ 1n111i•ldrl) 1 ,, .. 1,.rn· b •I an I t u\e u th<" 1\11 lt•n• Th"!" 1~ rot< r, t ,. A1"1l h•, unit. lr.1 t•n I I' lll rt:l' R 3 Int. JUI :ioo lln•J ''"' • Balboa R-3 Lots! Ill IU. 1.; A H)'; L .. 1'11'1< l T ·• ~ (,11\n•lv 11·3 lut.11, •t•le by irulf , I (Ill ll&ltlo" BMllf'va rd . , Ill I ,,.,, I'>•· 1r1 'r '"""' T~•y c"' t l.ut at s 1 o ~.oo tor 811 lhr?• I Balboa Realty Co. I Rou OrHlfy Al C"<m .. I! '" F•I V" Ja• If l'inkt.arn J~"flhln., \\ f'tb ~•llJ I: tta;l>"a Hl\'J ltalbc.• r nnn" Hllrti<or J2i; BALBOA Bay Front Duplex Fu m1•h~l1 """ wllbln walk1n1 di•· l.AllU 't th" llbrary In 1lft lb-1a n• ~oo. TY.RM!'\ • 1:5th It Irvine, Newport Bearh B k B P hone Liberty 8-266'1 or eves. Lt 8-63()() I ac ay WHERE Duplex in Balboa O'.' F.A. T BA y A VF l blk rrom b•y <1mf'leuly furnl•ht'd E•· <'""""I r,nt•I •re• \o\'a lkfng di•· tanr., ltl hbr•ry 2 ~room hl'IUO plua 1 ~tlrm a pL Ul.600 ·r£RM~. ---------------------& ACRl':S ROLLL'l:O t.A:-."D •1UI STOP! At Our Office and LOOK! At thla attractive 10 unit n~arly new quality buHt aputmtnt on 2 lots In BaJboa'a choice-st rental area. LISTEN to what we bJwe to ~U you about thia eomplett'ly A beautifully furnished lnvet1tment prnpt>rty. Built tor euy m&.fntenan ce. SJ2.000 wiU handle. VOGEL CO. Main Office, 8201 Cout Highway, Ntwport Buch Liberty 8-34 l -E\·e.. Hsrbor :SH2 BEFORE YOU BUY - Be sure to see these NEW HOMES - I bd.nna., l 1'l bath boroN Cloee to everything. Only $400 down and $70 per month CA1J... MR. GA TES, wt th DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone Uberty 8· 7976 33t!c VI~"' \\'111 rt1vM11 or 1'"''~ for •mall tflnn ll\J\(f l.n •r--. ICVF:I'. REYMOL"R Hu . ona.w Houston Realty & Associates 609 C,.nt .. r Rt. Cntta Mn• u 1-111111 u •·n u LOCATE KUNDR.EOB or FOW<.8 .,.. .... "" llm• A tnonty by l"ttlnf u.1 localt •·ha l they WIU1l- R OW ABOV'r TOU f OUTSTANDING BACK BAT 'i .ACRm P .750 C.J COST A MZaA. tOaJ $(). M.600. n .ooo down M·1 ?'-'J:WPORT, I apta a.nd p.r;· ~ .. 11'.MX> OCSAN VT'EW, 1 bdnn., U l .000 ., . 000 d<J'lll'l\ PANORAMIC \'IEW, Klllp PIM'•. larg• bot»e. HO.ooo Cff.A."'~EL Dt:PUCC:, P ltr a.nd n oal. U2 000 81:.tlt nn.n. bay "1ew lol H .000. MANY, KA.NY OTHEM The Locator of Calif. M\7 f: Ralboll Blvd , B&lboa 1 Pbon• H&rbor,aeoe. ~ CAN YO U FIND two 2 bdrm. bouaes and a bache-- lor apt.. LD<E NEW -on a.n extra large corner lot -V e.ry beat. location -( lncome $2550 on a yearly basis) -for S2U>OO ! ONLY S5000 DOWN \'lE KNOW WHERE'. You won't believe It \\1hen you see thia beautlfuJ property! See Lila B. McF&rren wi"11 - BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES •t9 E. Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Ha.r. 37 6 or 251 i ·M (Next to the DoU House) Costa Mesa .~t("'ft 2 n w n.M. HOt:Sf~ on 601l· 1 t O' lot Walking d latance 10 1t•1ru • Calhollc 11Chool. fl :S.000 E.XC'ELLENT TERMS. Coast Properties J ul E ~boa HhJ li"loo• H"I b<lr 26~8. 2~97 1U1d t &oO R~x Rech' s Best Huy Ne"'·JW>rt Ocean Frontage Corona Highlands f1.:R:O..· l b 'ru • Irr h••rr • """I V I Value • r-r nr Si l ·, .. h J""•""' rt "'n oge ~hr•·-' n b) "I , .. 1r • 1 "r.t nno>· BRAND NEW -VIEW HOME 3 bedrooms & large rumpua room, 2 baths, entry halJ. Qualtty construct.Ion throughout. Beauti!ul kJt.chen wtth bwlt·in range., oven & BBQ. A8h cab- inet.a. Inlaid linoleum, large dining area.. Encl<>Md 1un porch with permanent ocean vlt>w. All we uk ia lb.at you come to Mt It and convince yo\U"IMU. Tot.al price. onI1 $29,~. w1th &int. finan. THE VOGEL CO. 2ee7 E. Cou t Hwy., Co>rona dt.l Mar liar l 7U · H77 ' Rex Rechs, Realtor Z:lvi w Ha lou~ Uhd. CWpt•lt Ha.ibor 61~ OT Ha r .• 7 t 6<'t7 1 Block to Lido Mkts. J BEDROOMS •tucco, dbl pra,t , laundry. 81.r~d for •pl WILi!· *2·1n ya.rd ~le• qulel nelfbbo~l bood, 112.600, tAm\& . Homer Shafer, JUr.A.L TOI\ Joe Xc.hddm Place . J';,L llcJ1. Ph Har. 140 Ev• Har. 111'7·M IW Jlullor ~N, . .0.. 7 I MAY 4, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE 11 Balboa Island MOOR YOUR 60-FT. boat to your own prlnte pier and float in front ot this deli~htfol 4 bdrm. "Little Isla.nd" Balboan-Engliab home. Price about $78.000. FOUR BEDROOM, 1 ~ bath home ne~ South Bay, Large living r oom. All on one floor. Drastically re- duced. Price $26,500 -$7,500 handlrs. TWO BEDROOM, one bath, large lh-lng nn .. nicely furn. home. Ready to move in at $21.500. NEAR .. NORTH BAY. Pent house bdrm., plua lhl'ff others, 3 bath11, apotleu. $26,!500. CUTE. CLEAN, DELIGHTFUL vacation h ome. 1 bdrm., dbl. gar. PaUo, den. Channing. $1~,750. Sub- mit your down payment. EAST BAY FRONT, nearly new house plua Income apt. -$:')5,000 Balboa Island Income FIRST OFFERING of this outstanding South Bay home. Designed for immediate com•ersion (cloee 1 door) to two unita. Perfect buy for executive ,. lax11tion and tax relief, Two living rooma, f ireplac., 5 bdrms,. 3 bathe, 2 kitchen•. Price about $M,OOO. Beacon Bay ONE of BEACON BA Y'S eupertor bomee. 4 bdrm.,, 3 batha. Absolutely exceptional living room, fenced yard. -$32.000. VISIT EUROPE thla llWJlmer FREP: on lncomt from thi• beautiful Beacon bayfront 6 bdrm. home Ir apt., 3-<:ar garage. BAY SHORES WE SPECIALIZE -Consult u.a for exclualve, desirable bomee. CALL HARBOR 177~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 Marille A ve., Balboa Ia.land. LIDO LOTS LIDO ONE HERE IS A SPECIAL co'rner lot -a fine Iarp ODt> -lrregul;\r In ahape. Pcrmanf'nt view or the bay. A real buy at $16,500. TWO HERE ts AN<YnlER Jars• oo. · almo.t IO-tt.. A atrada to atnet lot for $18,000. We ha ve a perlect aet Of Jllana for a .. bdrm. home dMign<'d by a prom1n~nt builder. See thla lot It look over tho plan. THREE STfLL ANOTHER BEAUTY -40-tt. irtl'fft to at.reel. -And a top locaUon, too. $12.750 fuJI prtct. Shore Cliff Lot A larg•. well located bomu lte. $10.000 cuh -84•tter eee it! A 11r arce item -Very few lt"fl. CLIFF HAVEN (Lcuehold -M yn . -$250 yr. l A fine lot with a permanent vit>w acroaa the )fen to Mt. Santiago. -s.3500 full price. An Unusual BargnJn ! "C'O NSL'LT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST" LIDO REAL TY Associates 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( A CRO~~ F'ROM RICHARD'S MARKET ENTRANCE) Sail Boat Races From Your Den - Ynu·n ~ amaud a1 the magn1f1ce nl VICW rrom thl.a crnt:-t·1ncl ini: 3 b4lrm. and d<'n C'ltff Ha, en Home on a 1(1-.. frM t Je,·et lot NOT lea$4•hoh.1 ll haa 2 batha. 2 Cu <'J•l:tr<'.:4, s 1 parate dining room, bc&uLiful llv1ng room. brt'11kfaFit nook In a. lar~e k1t.chen. Lota of cupboard ~)'ll<:<.'. Lovely fcnC'e I playyArd for children wilh pat111. Rt'(luctd t..o S32,500. L<'l ua try any rea.sonab: .. offc>r. The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coa.at Hwy .• Npt. Bcb. Lfberty 8·3481 E'·ea. Liberty 8-35AO Build a Home on your vacant lot ANlJ U 1.1t )\'}.; some income from that ln\•estmrnl 121\ Bj. rt. home, ..... -···' $\Jl()O Fully f1naoced. 19 yr. Bldg. & J,oan. Forced air heat . Hwd. f1111;1"1'. Ind1v1dual G I 100 ~ ftnancing ~late \·etcran $8500 3"il -$49 month. MARSHALL HOMES ~J,, ld 11 open -;\ewport Blvd. & M1tch<'ll. Tust in Kl 7-3~U3--K1 2·3569 Ii (Evea. LI -40i 3J U Q4JI COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL" Thia la your opportunity1ttv>UfCb ... a nice a bdrm, home In 1ood locaUon, Eut Coeta lieu. Euy terma. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th A Irvine, Nrwpdrt Beac.b Llberty a--. (EY•. LI 8-7060) ~T • '£.~ LIDO MAlllf WITH SALLIE Mother'• Day 1tory of the decade •.• ae.d tb1a Mom . . • you'll fHI like Clndt1rella and start be- lieving In Santa Claua all ovf'r a11:ain . • • Sallle Ken· nedy thfl winner of our Grand Prlu Birthday 600 mi~ airplane trip \\'Ill fly ~·Ith ht>r Mother to l.u V&- KM . thlM WNk-end f 0 r Mother'i. Da~., Tha.ok» to arra,p~emf'n~ made by.°"' Harbo r Trani Agency au088 the stret"t ••• Sallie ttquf'8tf'd Lu Vegu be- ('&11~· .. tie had Df'\'f'r llM'D the cJf'!Wrt ••• She a1Ao spt'('lflf'd llhe would like to ata\· at the Thunderbird bf>(.'aw.t'I tthe had heard 80 man~· g I o w I n ~ ttport• about vacattonlng a la Thunderbird and If the wanted a truly fabulous wttkend •.• tltf' Thunder· hlrd WM th~ IN-St pla.ct' to be fabulOU8 in . . . Whf'n tbfl Thundf'rblrd found out what thf' rf'81'n-atlons wf'M for ... a dauJtht«'r and hf'r mother on a Mothrr'• Day week-end trip and that the trip "'" a prize from you-know-which market for a birthday ttiebratJoa ..• Tbr,· s.lmpl~· uppt'd &Dd d~ nated a wholf-suit.-of rooma, c o m p I e t ,. wtth ~ awtmmlDJ: pool, fab- aJoua d .. wrt tlvla~ and the l"fl8t of thfl tblni• that ~o wtth Lu v .. ia" ... to the caUJlle ••• Sallie Kennedy works in the · office of the Corona del Mar ,I§! School where eh<' is secretary ~ to Mrs. Sevier, the principal, 'ill and th<' ''bo11s of everything ~ ahe aurveya" . . . She prom- Uled me faithfully ahe would eat a chicken leg and a apare r ib for mv ... but fabulously al the Thunderbird Chuck 1155~!SI Wai:on ~11t 11nfo.y nfter mid-ill night . . . and request the p1ani"t to piny trnd aing Da- ''<'Y \ 'rf'rkc•tl ~lotlwr'1t Ua) •.• tb.la SuDll• \ '" cmr of tht" ""*t pronu1'11•u1 .... • t I a ~-o u t" da) It ol 1111' ) t'llT ••• A HW r~Lllunwt auuJ roffN> t&hop whl ·h "1U 1•14'1& .. 'K' )tom DO t"nd ls llo"aro'"' .. )U~l put thf' Ar<·hr• un lhl" "•) to Jtuntani.thin l~IM'h ••• t"aul Cook t Ill· manai.c••r ha• df'fi· natl" Ith••" •houl l""uvi.-•nd thrlr t·allni.t h&bttti •.• "Sonlf' 11~ .. lo ..at In a fta..h ••. 1oonw 111 ... to cJin .. In rf"- (K)M'." ll11irl, lunl'ttt's and dlnnr r ,.,.,. ht• lrnd In the Jtl•••mlr11ot 1•e1 fh·•· .. twp at the loni.; n111nl1•r "ii h ih1 <'<>m· fortahlt• .. tuoli. ... TaJka.· th" lunr he·i. and dlnllf'rs "Ith a 111..-.min~ taJu• pla..t'I 1n th•· 1 ... ·a11lll 11I adjmning dlnln~ r oom lo --oft liJtht,., c:&l'fM'I" iuul I n·"h 1otround cofl~ ... Tlw food I" the a&n'M' hl~h (fU&llt~ f'itht>r la tht' ttlnini.c room o r 1·offHJ 1 abop ... Par1.\ ·1ot0t·n.. f11th - t"nnt n and tnH•wnt ... Ht"r?",.. a plar.-that'8 OPf'R 2-& hou,.... a da \. "f'\'f'n day11 a WH>k ••. Sw('('lit l•• th~ aweN ! M<"- Clend11n·R c11ndwa have taken a ll 1 lw 11wret tooths 1n the Harbor Arc•a by storm . . . Samt' fine ~lcClendon·s chuc· olatN1 \'11u°\ f' bN'n Art'llMl o m - f'ti IC\ 'trawhn~ to that one part1t·11l.1r 11hnp in Long Brach for ..• Wt" han~ lx'<'n amazed at the number 11f frt<'nds Mc-1111 Cl<>nd.in's h111l r;incr we-intro-1 ~ ducrd thPm laRt EMlrr ... So many h11\'e bN•n 11cquarnt- ed with thrm e1thrr thru the W et1t WO<lt! nr Long B<'ach ~hop .. Thatt Wt'rk~nd w.-·ve tned t o hrlp with the raw;<' for Mothrrs Day. by beautt· f ully gift wrapping our Mc· Clrndon·a ftne chocolatca and t ucking a Mother'• Day card under the a ttr active bow ... To father and ktds In a hurry •.. Jus t sign the card for a rift without nurrv .. In aoubt about tute.., 0 Sample ·~m f irst ... then 11dth hule • . . buy two boxe~ . . . in cue ... Mom fin.a her9elf w1thout a trace . . . Sons anJ Daughters Too! Remember Mother on Mother's Day, this Sun- day, May 8th, with a beautifully wrapped box of Delicious McClendon 's Chocolates. For Mother'1 Day shopping made easy juri drop lnto Richard', and pick up one of tho1e beautifully pr•wrapped boxes of extra-fine McClendon'1 Chocolat... McClendon's are hand-dipped in only the pur .. t rich chocolate and offer the finest quality you'll find anywhere. Here is • gi~ aU Mothers would love to receive. P. 8. M<M&. a-te a taample TllundaJ, P'rldaJ or 8at:urda7 then drop' a hln& •• , w on ad la ,.._, of bbnl "l"or IJ,,."4,,.g llotJwJr'• D«JI of Ho"'• .. Serve IUchard's U. 8. Oholce Prime PRIME RIBS OF BEEF lb. 69c --~------~--------=;..-.:;;::::;.. ... JlaDbattall Old Fuhloaed Smoke Flavored WHOLE HAM or ...._ enc1 . 1b. 53c Batt r..d ··--·--...lb. 69G ., Blcbanl't Top QaaUty Fneh GROUND BEEF lb. 39c Bath'• Bleek•wk rr.h SLICED BACON lb. 59c ~------~--------------_..;::~-==--- SAUSAGE lo•. 49c "4 Oii& fer M.....- Bplce w..cl Ol!I... s2so SPICE or HERB SEY -·--··---a-et-- SEASONING SHELF Bo,_.,.•.,.._. CANNED HAM --· Pl&UedelpWa .... __ s5" _•':;.#~ 6 49 c;nu;w _ ....... l'-.2 for 41' UadllaJ (Joa-I 29' llPE OLIVES _ ...... No. 1 Welcll Fn1t et U.. Vlae 29¢ PIESEIVES ·---...... OL 11..-Aae Coo~ 37' HYDROX ...... -......... 11-os. Boa Va-& A-,W s~ OtT SOUPS ___ - o.1 ..... ramr •1' COCKTAIL ..... .Ne. 1•, '1 Del ...... WIMM MSW 2 .. ¢ POTATOIS _....... ,., LtJ .......... 8alW 53' MIXID NUTS ...... _ .1-. Tree T.. CW.r w APPLE JUICI OaaipM A4 IUTTER -·· 11-0L 21~ 59t -· OOAITAL SBOPPDt -MAY 4, HM ••• the finest choco- lates ••• dark end light, creams, nuh or chews ••• hand made for Richard's & Hpecielly for you. Dwll ... Ill.Ill ... 't.. ..... -·-·--·---·--1 ....... 1Mr1r _. MUil AM't.. -·-···----.. --·-I lb. U.tl AU Derk .49o~ .......... ---·-l lb. 11 ... AU llllk ~l'Wd ....... ____ -·-I lb. 11 ... Duk ...a Milk 0-W. ···--··-··-·----··-·--.. 1 lb. 11.'9 Dark ... MlUr AU NII' ·--.. --··--·-l lb. 11.11 AU o..t1 OillAW Ntrta ...... -·-·-···----l lb. 11.11 AU Krul v-&H N•.. .. ... ·-····-.. ·--·----1 lb. •ua Cliloeolla'4 c::iu-1 a •-... -............................ boa ••·•• Choeda~ Mlalt 89.adwtra ...................................... I\ lt.. lie (~la&t! M18t "-ad~ ._ .. ,_ .. _ ................. -... 1 b. tl.U Per/eel RED RASPBERRIES : 25c u.-.,·. PINEAPPLE CHUNKS . ·~ 27c .....,. $409 FRYING CHICKEN ...... ___ ., .. _ 1 CHICKEN BREAST . ··-· 99c iff CREAM ··-,! 7'f CREAM CHEESE ___.._.:. 2'f Sea~on J ~N~~eJ/ ••• FLOWERS add the finishin9 touch to any 9ift. Their color and fre9ran,ce plus the rich flavorful taste of delicious chocolates mey well make Mother's Dey ••• your day tool 0.,... 'tin 7:00 p. m. ThundaJI, Fridays & Satwclayl You'll find a Lido Shop • • • iPPi.Ts--4 lb.b:~"· 39c iQiiAse 2 lb •. 25c PiiAT:S 4 lb1. 19c . . . SLa,,tj "Df'~ for Bo."'4 or Dn•l!rl" A.-orted fllle Flavors -olELW GELATIN "T"-~ of Colee 11v.,- Pllhbu.ry'1 ht S.lkr -A.NGEL FOOD CAKE MIX Tffl:MOA ,, l11dh1doal 4 15' SHORT CAKES for il!Ao•r.. 24' -·-···-·-Jo.I 1'1lIDAY •~ l\a.lu1d ri... IOYSENIERRY "uu ... ,.n.Ju, DINNER ROLLS . MTnlDA'' _ .. 54' 6 ,..,. 16' Aba-4 T~ 4 25' IUTI'ERHORNS fer 8PJ:C'1AL tn:AaT !llHAPr.O MOTRD·a DA l' CAKI: rs ••. 43c P•ltwy Whtt. Fros tint Mix • . • pk9. . 27 t • • • to flt yow every need ! l\'M"' the flowen ..,.. tlWfif'tf'r, the plaatl an JN'r- ~. th~ Mar\'M. f'CMllUIDfl jrwf'lr~· and C'U'dt ILl'f' llN• tlmfontaler •.. Th~ food a. mor" llf'ltttinr ..• Th&t't Rk-bard's Market. OM of tht" I ,ldo Shops at the H · tnacf' to Udo Isle ••• SPECl.AL8 FOR MA\' 6, 8 ud '1, JIM .._ tu collect.a Oii &arable ..._ J