HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-05-18 - Newport Harbor News Press....... • • Clrculallon 21.000 DMa ....... Newportlleula,._,.._...._ blud. OOl'OU w Illar, c.... ...... l.ag1llla. 8oaUl i.....- ud Baatiqtoe Beeela.. Yolame I -N...,_. I Wodm11da)', lla7 18, 19M Barbor .... . COUNTY AND CITY . PLAN Mesa Couple, 3 MRS. WILSON GETS Others Unhurt A Ill M-Drive wwa reported bJ ber, De la UM t.arpt ol death thrMta made _,. t.114 le&ephOM elftee lut ~y. llhe eatd'• hu recelnd eevftl telephone calla from pe~ who b&ve buns 11p lmmedlately. HELIPOT FLAG· RAISING RITES, BANQUET HELD CONFERENCE ON HARBOR in Plane Crash THRE TENING CALLS One woman ahe aaJd at&rted to '"rant and ran'' at her. but when Mra. Delphlno repeatedly Inter- rupt.ct her to uk her nama lb• woman refuae4 to Identity herMll. Mra. Delphlno aald ahe huns up on the woman. City Council and memben of the Oranp County Board of Supervilon have a .. pe&ce pipe smoking'' -..ion In the offing concerning control of the Harbor but on Monday a aatiilfactory meeting date had not been .et. Thia move followed diaclo.ure Jut Thunday by the New1 Preu of a 1Upervisora' retolutlon informing Newport Beach council the county Intended to take over control of Newport Harbor. The Joint nNlon contemplated would ~ tor •uptrvl10r• and coun· ell member• only-preu, a ttorney• and rlt y and oounty offlclala not being Invited. !'tt'Tt' AL PR.OBLf:M8 "There are a number ol problem.a which th" two bodlu have In com- mon which Mould and could be dlacuu<'rt In friendly .eulon," Mayor Dura HUI u ld today. Until all 11u~rvl1on1 and council mem- bers c&n be pruent at the Informal pthtrlns It wHI not be held. •ht> Mid. Prewntly nne gTOUp could mttt on a day the other cannot. With control of Newport Har· bor at al.ake If the 11Upervlaon' re- eolutton l• taken at face value, the joint meeting la Intended to Iron out dlttlculllea which may be aolv· .ct throuirh private talka. Need tor the a.a.ion apparrnUy pined add- ed lmpetua f rom a recent letter l'lvcn the •upervtlOr• by tba coun- ty hubQr cnmmlulonua. C'OMMl8810N LE1TEJl d&tJon. to the city and county boarda. WOllUlDlO PA'ITEBN' To facilitate thla opcr.Uon a worklns •1Yeement >¥U formulat- ed which wu approved by the har- bor commlHlon and filed with the board of •upcrvi•ora In November, 10411. Thia a(Teement providrd pollc· lng abould be done by tha harbor m&1ter aa both a city offlc"r a.nd deputy aherlff, that boat regUitra· Uon ahould be a Joint city and county operation aa ahould be thP luuance ot moorlns permit• and dt'Clalon ot moor!Jis a.reaa. Sanitation bu been under the county health otftcer with reporta filed with both the city and coun- ty. Fire protection la a jolnt re- eponaibWty, with the county tire boat operaUns under Jurtadicllon of th• harbor mailer, and he I.I to operate under direction or tha city tire chJet when Uiere 1a an over1aptns of r•poMibUJty. CITl', OOUNTY PEU Pter pe,rmtta. ensin .. rtns and patrollns are a joint operation NHd for a conault&llon between wtth fM& for pennJte W1lh111 tM the Oranae County 8oat'd of Su· city to IO to tba etty tre&AaArer .pervtao ... and the harbor comml.•· and thoee on oounty property to 8'on to Mt up a ne• policy tor tbe county u..uttr. operation ot th• Upper Bay area All ord.l.n.ancu and res\1latlOll8 and a meelln• with reprNOt&· are to be jolnUy &C'f'Md upon and thu of the City of Newport e..ch pr-led to th• City Council ot to conalder modltlallon of th• pre-Newport Bea.ch and the board of -t ''Working a(TMJllant" to con· wpervtaon for appron.l. ~sul•· form with problem• analns trom uon.I tor u. ot harbor wat .... an anneu.Uon ol thl• arM by the elty, under wpenUlon ot tll• jollst te outlined UI a letter &om the commttt ... b&rbor _,mta.lon to U.. ~ "l.Motar • tlle opratioa ol Ui.a vt.ora wtllch wu NCeallJ nwal· Jotllt eommttt.. t.t coaceJ"Md ma.t ed to th• New•·P~ of th• problmua b&,,. been eolve-d Thia letter wu dated )hrcJl to UI• eatUfactioo of both t..be city n . 19~. ed the C!'OUDty, and all of t.b• Growth ot I.be eommu.nJt1 and meetmp Mft lllMa harmootoua dlanst11s condJtJorui llaft ...-i-and hetptul. DOt onJ7 In eolYin• ed -problem1 to tha o,_.. pulll-· 1191 &Im ta fOl"lllulatlDS Ooullty lot•t ....... Q 'tt• ................. ._. ~ ~UOM to tM ... .111•Uoa ot the barl>or , , • •a,.n ..... CM~ o..oG _. u _.ty S--_. - ~ ... .,.. ~ .................... u. ... ,._ ..... bow the bay u. ahould be op,..t.-come sr-t.er &Dd at the ,,-nt ed lince th• eommJtt.e wu ,..__ time there .,.. a number ot ttema ed In 19411, the lett.r lt&C-Uiat abould ""'*" attetton. • \be HOW MANY PSIUUl'lf lett..r alatH . Amon( lb• a.. pro~ tM Jetlfr cttu t..be q\MllUoa ol 1-l&Dc• of one of tW'o permit.a tor llGNO- turu within the C!Ofl>Ol'&le 11111Jta Of lite ('ily, but located -OOWl1J tideland•? If a.n annual nint.al '8 C....,....S tor atnicturea ~ Oii WS.- lanCS., would UI• otty • eo.a~ TttelVe ~ rell t.a1 f Undtr wtltcll JuriadMUca w-ad moortnr• be owned and rmW T Lush Country Club Set for Yorba Linda ., Im lfuu.&Jfa AMABll:IK. (OCMS)-A m.IJllon· dollar cou.n lTy d ub propc>ffd t.o ti. Pl&ne crub aatuf'day ln Loa Anselu B&Y, Mexico. In which a Co•ta MN& couple and three other peraona wera Involved wu reported here today. Pilot of th• plane wu reported to be Robert S. Torbet of 207 Santa b abel Ave, He wu accom· panltd by hie wile, Winifred; Wen· dal F'lnley, ~na Beach and Mr. and Mra. Donald Steven.on of Downey. None wu Injured, a.c- cordtnir to early reporll. Thty were du1 back In the Harbor area today. 'nle spread Of threatenlaf lei•· pt.one calla to 009t& )lfeaa reat- danta wu reported to tha J'BI and Coal& Meaa police Jl'rtday momlns. Mni. Robert WUaon of '" Flo· wu SL, Coata Meaa. candid&t. ln the comtns election for the Coeta Meaa Union School Dletrict Board. aald •h• received an anonymoua telephone call Thuraday ni&'ht. She aaJd the man'• vole• which •h• deecrlbed u IPTloolh. aaked 11 •he were Mr•. Wll.aon when ahe anawered the telephone. When lhe aald ah• w ... Mn. Wllaon aald the man told her: "I undenitand you Wf'l'e & (re&t help tO the Commun• lat party lu t nlsht." BOARD .KEl:Tl.NO leanlnp and membenblp ln the P'ellowahlp of Reeonclli&Uon. Mn. Wll.aon wu ln attend&nce at the meeUns which jammed Ule Rea echool auditorium but eh• did not •pea.I<. When Mra. WU.on replied to tha unidentified voice, ''What do you maan ! All 1 did w u s o and alt at a meetlns tut nlpt. Who I.a thia!" th• voice replied, "Tou heard me. I underatand your en- tire family I• behind thla move here ln town." Th• man •ho apoke In deliberate pronlll\ciaUon, rat~ ad to Identify helmeelf. Altho111h Information of the m'8hep I• lncnmpletr. II 1~ hf>. lleved the creck1!JI occurred when the p1ant1 wu t'l ujftlt In a rrolis The man wu evidently retemn: wtnd during a l1nd1ng atttmpl •l to Ule We<lneaday nlpt mMllns the airport. The twin enstn• plane I or tha ecbool board at which Ted la owned by Dtck Newman of 493 Nett. principal of Everett Rea I!:. 19th St . Co11ta MN&, and Don-School. wu not rehired by the aid Bull• of 320 Santa Ana Avr.' board dua to hla allegf'd llbtral Mn. Wllaon .. td ah• told th• •olce, "All 1 did wu to s o to the itehool board meetlnl' u I have done for two yta.ra." The YOlce re- plied, "That l•n't What we heard. Well, you'll be hurtns from ua later un thl•'' and hunf up. EAJU.11.:B T AKGft J'urthar anonymoua telephone cal.le to Mn. Al O.lphino, of ten ...... ....... ..,. ... , .... .. , ..... .. ...... Sl'Eh'NOWI SAVENOW! llRIDUCTORY TII Siil i Preaenting the New Super·Cushlon ..... ...... tty GOOD/iEAR t•• 10• cosr tire wltll . 11,I PllCID ... ,., ... .............. lft the low ,,.... ........ ....... dVdOly ..... '"-' Pomow OID ... .., ~ .. -. •• ,.,,., .... .,..,. -trtp&Mem,..,M J..T Cotd t.My t. extra 4'ureblllry -new ltop- Notch IN04 de.ign for eofw troctlonl SorM proved trecMI tleele" ft\ot eome on the flnett 1954 cora. YOUI OlD Tm All YOUI DOWN PAYMllfT __,,_.,.... ____ _ -------........ A1 It• •• $1.2$ • w11i ftr • PAlll MOii HOPU llDI ON OOODYUI TIUI THAN ON ANY OnB KIND COURTNEY & LESTER . 1596 Newport llYd. COSTA MESA u 1-1197 She aaJd the Coata M.aa Am•ri· can Leston hall received three telephone call• Thuraday from two men and a woma.n "''ho claimed they were good trlenda ot th• Del· phlnoa but did not know bow to set to lhelr home. G..... GroYe Loin GARDEN OROV~ t0CN8) - Tall 8 . J . Schaffer pitched a two- hltter and TueUn took advantas• of a1x trrora to atop Garden Grove Rtp School'• three-pm• winnlnf •lreak htre Frid&,y. More than 110 employee• and sucata of H1llpot Corp. Sunday afternoon attendrd nag • rai,.ln1 ceremonlu a t the plant'a nl'w Ille here adjacent to Hoag Hoepltal overlooklnr NrWJ>Ort Blvd. Dr. A. o. Beekman. Udo lale. head ot Beckman Jnetrumrnta and H1llpot, ra1aed th• flrm'a pennant with Don Duncan, vlce·pritatdent and general mana11er of Hellpot. A champafme reception followed. DINNF.R DANCE At nl&'ht followms the c•re· monlu the firm'• employ-and guuta attended a dinner dance held In Balboa Bay Club. Amons prominent ruute at tll• dinner were William Pereira, of Pe"lra and Luckman. architect. for th• new plant which w1U r lM on 16 ac.... pun-hued tr.... Jam•• and William Capey rec.nUy, and Wll· Uam Cacaey. TIM nrm enntuaU1 wtll employ aome 1000 peraoNI tiere and M hoUMd ln a million dollar-plua plant. HeUpot pownttomttera. uMd by 90me ~ dlttuent cuatomera. a.re mold to lndu.try and for dt>· fenM work. 8cOl"tl8 of et.ockboldera and frtenda of Hellpot Oof1I. tr.. ..u- by dllM, muy at whom wW be fUtun1 K&rbor arM "'9ltlllf"I ud/ or reeldenlAI, atl4nded the ftrlN flac-ralltq and dUlMr ....._ c ........ , .... Jt WU twta 1011a Way I tw 0e Jol\n c.r.ut•. MO W. WU.- llt.., Coat& ,,._ at B-C H.,et.&l. ''Rich'' Richard Opem l'rlday, May 20th 811Weet19th St.· VWa VIJll.c• • Ooeta .._ • Spec:lallsin1 ln FRESH WATER FISH r~. PICUU:L. RAINlK>W TIWtJT, PEllal. AlfD AVAD.4•.11: l.OCAL rDll,, • • WE AL.W SPECIALIZE IN POULTRY Squab, Pa.rt.ridgt. Guinea Hen, Ducks, Qeeee, ~c. J'EA'nJllINO PltDH OCIAN alMI SHBL lllSH Crai.. Loblter, Shrimp, Halibut. Swordfiah. *· Phone LI 8-7 6« "llCH" llCHAID SEA FOOD MARllll 811 w-. ltua St. -Vllta V-... -0-. .._ ln conaecUon with an.MDU• ol Upper Bay. by the City ot N-· porl Bracn, ta Ula 1t&tu. of the at'qulr~d •A& dltfet"&ftt from ~l of the lower bay az. T Wllo wUI a dmtntater ttema 009.--., - t.ra of lh• bay ? one of tha finfft. ln Cali!omla I• -;.~:::::::~~::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::~~~~:::::::::::::::::::;;;::..~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~i;;;;;;;;~ ac:hedw.d to. tmmedl&l• conalnic· ~ ---- Uoa &a Tone Und&, ac:cordlq to .. .--i 11'.WM by Co- .,... WUll.un B. St.ew&rt ot JloU7wood, at a m•UJ:IC ol .A.na· batm OoU Amil. memben. Tht letter •tarU Wlt.b t.be -.a... m~t that alnce fonn&Uoe ot Or- an1' County Harbor Dletrlct lll 193~. Newport 8"ch City Cowlcil and the bo&rd of 111pel"'+'t.IOn ban llffn at vane.nee over wllSc:ll baa a ulhonty oYer ~ ar..a w1thbl tb• rtty llmlta. Tb1a ftl1&nc•. the litter 1latH r..uJtecl la t..be fonna• tlon of lh• jolllt barboT oamm.lttee. eonll•ttnc of two city eo11DCUmea W two h&l1lor com•....,...n. •hlch hu met onoe a month. or oftfner, w1l.h th• hartlor •nstn•r. bubor mu ter, city m..._..-and city f'ncinffr to make ~-- Monterey to Put Well on Pump Monterey OU Co. •lce-prealdent J:ml• Pylee Monday -nounce-d hla firm wtll place Newport 'Wf'U No. T, under t ledlande 1.... by the ell). <>n lt•" pump tomotTOW and move (llll lb drlllln1 equJpmenL JolaMoft Motor GOM Theft of a 10 honttpower out- bo&rd motor rrom Ill• open pr- ~· betwffft 1 :30 p.m. Wednesday and 12:30 a.m. Th~-.. re- ported to police Thunday by 0 . L.. Johuoa Jr .. ot 2636 Ctt.ttvtew Dri••. Ka aid a fT"l1 and oran«• oanvaa over th• motor and a rfll can were alao taken. etewart.. t~n w1lb hi.a pul· ner, Hl'rbert A. Hltchtna. purchaa· ed tb• old J'. I:. Carnpl>cU prop- erty bet•-Torti. Linda 81\'d., and ~ Avr .. juat north ol ~ for d••elopment ot bolll tbe eounlTy club and an u · oh.ive reeldclll&J development border1nc UM CO\IJ'M. , n. propoeed project. w1lb cap-, llaJ tn n c-of a mtlllon dollara curen.Uy lA e&(row. wUI be bullt oe a three-year plan wtth the COl.llltJ')' club and portJona at lhr I --.• betns con11lruct~ t11 ~I Thera wtll be bt'lwWll !11111 11,n•t 400 realdenU&l plolAI eold nr1.1 th,. club eventually. St~wart aJao announced al tht' meetlns that member• of tll• Ana · helm Gold Ann. will be th• orf'&n · lullon t'fom whtch all commtlte.1 wtlJ be formed at lha btslnnln~ of 1 th• elub, provldfld •nOURh AOA membera tu• membershlpa There will be eoo membuahlpe laaued, utdusln of aoclal mem· bf niJl I pa. Stewart emphaalaefl that capital tor the entire project la a vaila ble and that none of the f\1nde 01>- t&lned from membenihlpe will bt UMd In l'O.natruct Ion and dt vr lop- mmt of the property. "Any pef'90n who J>Olltl mem· bershlp ffo@a wUJ be prottclPt1 unUI the irrand Opt'nlng of the <'OUrM News Blackout on Senicemen in Formosa by Military T ~Id A Dew9 blackout on American rwportcn undeT any clrcumetan<:'H . •m~men In th• Jl'ormoea ar• unle• aulhoriud by Far &a•t wu re'fMled today by OCNS tor-headquartua. I •sn con·upondent WaJtoe Tni-The forelrn correepol:ldmt •tat· paJIJa. •t1 the rullnf wu now In e.tfe<!t I Ia a ~tell from Okinawa. for a ll br.n.chu ot tb• •rvl«'f Mn. Trip.Mia, Coat& Meea. re· Army. NayY and Air Yol"t'e. l':I) 1 p«W tbat Far l:ut. comman'der reuon tor lhe blac'kout. •he 1&.Jd, 1 Oen.al Mark Clark bu lMu~ wu sh•en b)' the Yar Eul Com· _.n to •rne.-prn-mll.n.s mand. ....,. Mine lilt~ by joumat-Mra. Ttef&Uda and htr huab&nd. llD Ill Uie J"ar ICut. author Richard Tre11uk111, ha~ Jin. Trepa.kla •Ill °" 98"1ce-bten to11rln1 military tnat.a.IJaUoDA .. ..... ordend DOt to ta.la to I ID th1 Far Eut. WE'RE I WE'VE MOVED INTO OUR NEW HOME COMPLETE SALES & SERVICE FACILITIES CHRYSLER e ·IMPERIAL PLYMOUTH e INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER TRUCKS •USED CARS• We're at Your Service Now In Our New Home * WATCH FOR OUR GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT * LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. Coast Hwy.< ....... .., 0.) Newport Beach Liberty 8-3486 ~ PAGE2-COASTAL SHOPPER-MAY 18, 1955 State Poets Hold Confab &rry Fann wu pl&nJled tor Sunday. Thrtt Oranr• Cowity poet.IT VoUP9 wen nsw-nted. J-ell Paulaon Wolf ot i..cw-Uld 8ue Cablea Jobuon ol Coilta MM& a.re lla ny Or~• county poet. a t· •lat e board me.mben ol Cla&panal l f'nded the annual conn nUon ot and ~on1 to UI• LuVatJ.A Pott· th e Cahlomla Yedera tlon ot Chap--------- a rral ft'°Of't• Saturday at the IA· --------FoyPltl' Hotel In Long ~ach. ReglstrlltlOn waa follow•d by a J'Cl"lry panel and luncheon. The afl~rnoon .uslon featured apeclal • musk , faa turea, 1peqe,.. and the rr1u11ng of prize wlnnlnr poem1 !rom lhe annuaJ cont .. t. The even· Ing aeaa1on programmed a verH ALEX OUINNS81 Ill .......... t "THE DBTZOTfVr play and two apeakere. A boat Audie llurplay, 0.. ~ trip around Loa An1 elea harbor "IUD!l Cl.ZAR OF DIABLO" followed by luncheon at Knott'• b Teehalcolor .. LI D 0 7/ca ._,('(,: ST ARTS FRIDAY En• Tues. lmLe•wlre11m1 .. w. .•. l>vf couldn't lfop laiml ................. lwt couldn't wltip ltiml ................. lwt coWln'I #told ltlml ~J;;h-s""-f~ KIRK DOUGLAS JEANNE CRAIN CLAIRE TREVOR ....,. WILLIAM CAM,.llL -llCHARD IOOHI MAIA CORDAY • MYRNA HANSIN Plus This News • Thrffl C•tOOll I -tWI• MaJ ... L J :'-\ "OAfiJOUNr; AU.t:r• NTAMTM ~F.XT ~T,DSt:SDAV "DADDY lONG LEGS" r!t:rtta Now 211d Week Ends T HS. ...... THE SCREAM IN THE SCHOOLROOM f She waa a teacher who wu in- di.aaeet enough to weer a t.iaht skirt.I What happened then eould only happen in this big.Qt y .chool ~here t.ough teen-.germ ran wild! ~ a be.t-eeller and widely "8d maguine story ... it lhocked America! AA an M-G-M pictun . . . i l'. terri 6c. timel1 entetajnment. GLElll FORD. Alll FIAJICIS • LOIJS CAl.HtRM P l.1"1' "C't 't.T or na: CORRA" llltaru ~ ,., t \\ Nt. ~ .,OA~O ltt'ST'ERS" ... "TlORT !>POf l . ~ PAYLESS .. FO~ YOO PICNIC AND BARBECUE NEEDS Charcoal Ughter 37c 1 Pm; rer . '6c Charcoal lrlquets Bfle 10 Lb. liM Picnic lox Jlttal POKTAllU: ... fT.• s5n lmbec• BRAZIER Picnic Jut With Po11J'iD.f lpnt. Ont Gal. l.t(. S.• Patio Table Spoons and Forlcs WoodtD-1.tf. 10c . --........ $249 ~~= BRAZIER S?'9 l"Nhlced to . .. .... -.... ___ _ ... .,_ VllfOUTI ICE CREAM BilD PAOUD PIKTI BilD PAO~ QUllTI 10< 30C ~!V1.1 i GaL 59c Ill1llJl -. - y('c 7'AY LESS .1• V·· RUlllNG ALCOHOL EPSOM SALTS For lathin9 ZINC OINTMENT 1 Pi. I UDO DRUGS "'OM el tlle Udo ....... 3461 Vla Udo, Newport lleeoll HARBOR DRUGS 3301 E. Cout H1., Oorona del IAUOA DRUGS '719 E. Balboa Blvd.. llalbea ,Prr •r OAR:SATtOS CANNID MILK WEEK·E~D Specials FOR MAY 19, 20, 21 THURS., NI., & SAT. Tall OU.. 2 for 25c VETS DOG FOOP 4 ,., 27c UB-1211-f\. Jloll WOODEN 0... 5c Oomplete with $695 CLOTHES PINS B11k h AUachplenta WAX PAPER &BOU Notebook Paper Wide 6 for 'IGc Jlultd, rq. lOCI 1.1- ...... ~ ........... .... Mt-.k ... 3 ltt $2.94 POOL s4ts t " a 61" ~I· 11.u • Y•r-.... -. _,...,. .. ..... ,_ .. ,.....i.. ....... , ... .,,....... .... , • .._,,p.., • ...,. ....... -...... .......... _... TOILET TISSUE ., ....... ·~ ~ ---=--=--. .;:-._.:.;: ;~ ,.KLEENEX JOOs :zEE Sandwich lats SHELF PAPER GARDEN HOSE "'' .... , s2s9 16 n. -• 1~ ,._,.utee LAUNDRY s3n CART l wi••l Wheel.a, a.,. 6.98 REFUSE CAN loft Plutlc, !!(. J.24 TY TAILI !.AMPS a.,. ua ft DECORATED 59c TUMBLERS let of 8. a.,. 7h ~ .. PAY LESS_ ,., . v. . ' Replu I -l 3 tor.1~ CANDY IARS 1~ GLASS CRUET ,.,. t&e for \laqv a Salad 00 ABC BEER 6for17~ WOOOl:.S UOOBAalN · 1 & fr· 37c Tablets iooo. PAY LESS FOR SOAPS I DETERGENTS SALAD BOWLS ... Onry \\ood ,,. •. Jh PEROXIDE 20 Volume Taasy Rer Creme s1 oo l>eodorant •r.tt 'fn Ad~ ' Os. NOW 1/2 price I TU88V. C"•AM D•ODO"ANT ... the i-11..dttul' ~1,~50¢ ,... .. 1-411...,. ,.,..pirllt.ioe oclMI a...lt1 ~nhow •oWni,.! I.I• (Of eormAI tkla. dehcei. Winett /2 price aale TV88Y 8TI09' D800011lAllfT .... -ea., ... TIDE PUREX '=' 65' 1 Gallon JOY ------------=----------------- ··PAY LES~. Smirnoff VODKA nPTB 100 """'' ALL . Larr• Oiu\ 28c 65' DITZ•OUT 10 lbe. 51" LIQUOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS SHADY GROVE Kentucky Host Yn. Old Seagram's SEVEN CROWN -4 for 5100 IRONING BOARD PAD A nd GGc: ~'\~£:. .2:~~ ......... -........ 01- BADMINTON SETS TWO kAl'Kll':TM l'ull Sir> S ,.t Two Niii rn.tX O< KA "''· J.&.9~ l-!PO~or: Kt""ftY.R SEAT CUSHIONS . '""" Tilll'tc ""•· ..... .S149 l.A DU:"4 NYLON BRIEFS In Alll~ORTED 3tc PA:o-Tr:I. COLOM ~,. 69<' Pl.A~TJC DISH PANS s~:. .... _ .... _ .. _ ..... nc VISIT OUR CAMERA DEPT. -AGENTS FOR EASTMAN, llLL & HOWELL. GRAFLEX, POLAROID . . ' ... • • JUNIOR ADVISORS FETE EBELL GROUP AT BRUNCH Tibbetts Mud Hike J1~gmenl or Face S1it • (Potttlcal AdYertJeement) ~A Y 11, 1955 -COAST AL: SHOPPER -PAe! I Members of the Junior Dell Club were entertained recently by Mn. John Lunar and Mn. C. M. Deakina, ad- vilon to the Juniors, at a bruAch st•eo in honor of lira. Norman Wat.on, popuJar N.wport Junior Ebell member and president-elect of Southern nt.trlct Federation of Women" Cluba, Junior Memberllhtp. eetUna Dlatrict _,.. Mr•. I:. !:. Patmore, for the Informal 1at.herln1 WU put 9outllern 01.at..rlct advl.aor; the lovely home of the John La· Mra. Gall Banlett, put reetdtlftt mar. on Buena VI.at.a P1ac. ln p who wU1 w ccaed Kn. Pan.a. AT OONVl:N'nON l~A ANA (0CNSJ-8uper- Pla.na were dlacuued by meni· lor Court Jude• Kenneth Jt. Mor· ben tor thelr part ln lh• Junior rt.on Tburtlday afternoon held State Convention held at Hotel del that Wll-Earl Tlbbetta, opera· Coronado, May 13 and U . New· tor of lllarl'• Landlnl'. Newport port Harborlt.. a ttend.Ins were Beach, &(J"eff to hike judpent M.m... Dealdna, aenlor advt.or to trom UOOO to peoo, he wm a-rant Ula Junlort. Sterunr Parle, Flaber, J'rank Ootta a new trial. Wat.eon and Forreat Allinder. A Superior Court jury ln Jud(• Membel"ll of th• bridr• aectlon )(orrl.aon'• court recently found In von FOil DR. ltOIOT H. OlANOO ........ ~ Oraawe c.-t c:.Dete e A Dl'OteUIONI -• . Quefified by .duut;..., al\Cf .. perlenu . e -"ctlv. •• CIOfft"'UIUty eod vovt~ ....t ;,, tt.. o,.,.q. eo .. , lvee. e Four colleqe deQ• .. s. indudlftq e Me•1.,·1 OeqNe •• the field of Educe ti-e Pt•dQ..:l to rUiftteln the h\qh l!enderd of Orel\99 Co.If Col· l•Q•. THIS IS AN IM'°IUANT ELECTION H SUllE TO VOU •.• Me, JO. lfH WJ!l WIU. AO.JUST AND OIL 4NT MAO SEWING M.ACHJNO ANY PL.A~ IN OtANGI COUNTY Call Kl FREE 7-4401 WHEELER APPLIANCE CO. II .1;1,, ' I\\ 1111 ••. Balboa, where aprlnJ nowen dee· of Oranc• County Junior Fedtra· orating th• llvlnr room and dinlnl u-. ud Mn. Lloyd Kallory, room mad• a tuUve ba.ckrround pr..Sdent or Oranl'• County Jun-were reminded that Ult lut H•· favor of Cotta tn a per8<>nal In·.----------------------.. ----------------------- 1lon would be held May 18 tn the Jllr7 d&maaa suit aaaJllllt TibbeU.a. EbeU clubhoUH. Thia concludee a Attorney tor Lh• plaintiff had Nri• of 1-.ona stven on the Go~ contended th• S2000 awarded by ID p!llnt count ey1tem of contract. the JW'Y to Cotta wu too k>w. Mra. Dean Oortoa hu aerved u ffW converaatlon and coffee. 10"- DISTRJCf AD\"ISOR ~ at the beauu.tu.Uy ap- Ouuta preaent from out ot poUited brunch table wan Mrs. town with wbora Ml"ll. Wat.aon h.u 8ter11n( ParU, out·l'Olne Newport worked In cloM ILl90ciatlon ln club Jlllllor l:ball pr.idellt, and Kn. aettvtllea ln co1.t11ty a.ad 8outhem 1'rMman nab«, Jn'9111dent-.Ject. Monte Vista P-TA Holding Rummage Sale Jr. ot Orans•. unounced .. ebort t.a1.k Oil "Iceland" and dl.acUaalon of tuture du!» planl wt11 b.lplll'ht the meetJna'. chairman ot th• bridl'• HCtlon einc. lta et.art aeveral montha aro. Moody lottle Theft 1bett ot a liquor bottle valued committee, Ted Clarke, Ted Ru. at H .76 from th• home of MrL •ll, Ted HaUMr, Bob Blair, Jim M .L. Moody, Moe leuhore Drive, Ou.trap, Ra7 Rork. Cac• Hottman, wu reported to police recent.ly. No Bud C!Meley and John Knapp haft fol'Oed mtry to the home wa1 bMa workin&' on the plan. for the noted, but .-e belonpnp wen '/jarn 308! Marine Ave. Balbo, l1land Under New Ownership ·· Doon • ,., .... • ...... Jl't.-.t meetlne and nm. project ol the n-ly formed board ot Monte Vl•t.a P·TA wu held TU ... day at the home of the pre9ldent, Mra. Xanneth Woltt. Plau for lA• comll'll' r&I' drtv. and ~ aale _,.. completed. The drt .... be(W today and NM ~roul)I May 20, will be cl1mUed wtlh the rummqe eaJe on 8atUJ'. day, Ma)' 21. The ala will be Mid at 1136 Newport Blvd. (next to UM Coata M-Bank) from 1:30 a.m. N-board membeN are Mm.._ x.ui.t.h Woltt. ~ent; rr-k M&tt.uua. nm vice pruildent: David wueox. ..cond Ttce pNlll· •nt; Harry 11aD8011, recordinc eecret&ry; '1bomu CoW.na, ~ pondll\I' HCnlary. Clifford Sers•. ir-rer; Altred Br1&'1'•. b.latortan and Paul Ma.rtl.n, parliamentarian.. Ch&lrmea are Mmu. David lk~ 80ft, vt: o. L. Kiner, nO'lnn; Willi.am raw.u, bmpltalJty; B. w. Wh!Uft6, co-ebalrm&n; <leofl'• )(. Holataln, 1.,ua&Uon and aataty; W . I. Wu.on Jr., maplltne: IAwta Kidder. mUllk: rrank Bcrocsa, pubUclt7; Lee Kieth, co-dWrman; Benjamin Smith, room mother; Kennet.Jl I.Ant.a. aoctaJ. wtUa R&lph Muon and W. H. Hard)', oo-c:baSJ-. men; R. R. Hendl1•, wa71 and mean.; L.A. S.Cker, co-chainnaa; Peter J . Ttlnnema, health. U11W t p.m. Coffee Guests Hear About Philharmonic A duo ot Phllhannonlc 80CIMt)t colt-.... lH!ld ~,.. one at th.I home of Mni. C«rtnade McCall, 10l 1 1llllp "--4. tM otMr 9t u.. ~dell~ ol ,.,._ Bull ~. 21~ 8t. Alldrew·• Road. MlM me- d& Bellnfante talked to ruuta at •U h t:athertna-. 11v1111 hlatory ol t ht: rhllharmonlc Orcheet.ra &11d varlou1 am~ lnelct.nta which hav, hap~n~ at the ntw w<>f'1r· ahop tor 7~ mu.elclana. Cuula of Mn. McCall ware Mmu. Luter Smith, J:tna Gould. H&rr1lt0n Dowden, Eat.her l:dllon, Donald Ivn, Bkke Paialey, Be..r· M ra MacNellledl'•. XmMth Ku. t tr, William McLain, Jerome Mul- ler. Normu earl.an, Robert Olan- der. Bradley 8cbwaru, A 11 •a Cru~. Robert Stvlley, Ann Fen· wick. C.Ctlla Hall. Kann Mar- f rtta Bruntn1. and uecutJYe dir- ector. Pruenl at the Petenon home ••ere Mmta. Bnml.nr. Mlldl'9d Al· l~y. John Ndf, Jto~rt OrieaMe J r . O W. Hoo~. Fnu\.k A.Utin- aon, s. E Locke, Albut lparke•. Donald Huddleaton. F'red Hllber, Thomu Bla.ktly and Dudley Boy~ Lido Park Club Holds Luncheon U11o Park <.:Jub ht\d lu Nm meeting M•y 10 ... 101 new ortl· cere In cha~f:. AMembhns; at the clubhouee for a pot luck lunch· eon were 28 m1111t.r11 Mra. KecnntUI Corre.IL. ch&l.rman tor l he yur, w111 be aid~ by Mn. Harold Oray, Mre. <Horp PtlC!lt· llan1, ~nd Mra. R. E. J ohnaoft. Mr11 R&Jpb Vande:r Vort ~ Mn. K.nry ~ rue a b6c>ll revlt"W of The M&11 Called PICM'. For Stephens College Alums The ~ County lt.phen.I Coller'• I Mo. I Alumna.e Club w1ll llold lta thlrd or,_mllonaJ m.t· Ing at i~30 p m. May 18 ln th• llom• ot Mn. Joan Rudolph. 2m1 AIMew Terr9Ce, lAjruna ltee.ch. 8~ Mn. l'red H. Wu.I • s ....... • .,.... ..... IOll le All former atlldata at the MJ..a. eaurt achool tor pla .,.. IA't'tttd. AddJUoaal deta1Ja may be o~ tatned b1 telepllon.lns u.e boM.- at BT ""'911. Troop 11 booth. Tbe theme will be diaarr&n(td. nature •tudy, acout 1ore and the -----------Mrs. Blanche Benz troop from Balboa Jaland will .._.__ Optl ls-Sawta ONEl1UllBIR· llbow tta own tt1hinc equlpmenL ......... m nt 1'\ckat.e are avallable from the Board of director• of Coet.a Meu Openlftt Satwclay, May 21st troop'• ~trol leadera, Howard OU· Optimtat C!ub wtJ.J meet M.y 18 A• 2727 Jo.Miii# it ?tr• fg/yHSlf Lt. Henry Nix Honored Here .trap, Oeor1a Hauaer, Sandy at I p.m. ln lha home of Dick H a.m. -6 :SO p. m. Ku.pp and Marahall Wright. ScoU.. 2°' Cabrwo st. Pitt Wall<er Telephone·. H•rbor 0880 -----------wW pr.ant a fllm at t.ba Thuraday u nL H Friday 13th But re,war mMtJnc. -------------' High Quality Printing-rne are ,,,, Gal Golf Lucky · Lt. CJ.J .) B&ry (Hank) Bnada Nlll wu ho.or ,U.. at a dlu. part7 st.,_ .,. Paul WWSam Law· rence Jr., ot Via Udo Nord, at TM rolt1nc pJa at Irvin• Cout th• Balboa Ba)' Club .-nUJ'. Country Club had Ulelr rel'Ular Lt. Nlll ta baaed &t the A.lemeda Ladt•' Day Jut J'rtda7 and tbo Air ..... ba .... NOmUJ' nt1al1loed tt wu rrtd&7 the 13th It pl'OY9d from ~ a Jlacll:)' da.J f« a f-ot them. tie flew down for 8Clale n.lllas Play1nc a beat ball threeeom• :::.. ~--~•-Uw i:.•= wtth one player from each handl· ·-OD -.,..,.., cap claM -A. B and c -th• cruWer J...act;, A.an. wtnun of the ·e .... nt wtlh a net Lt. NI.a ta the -ol 8uperior M wen MrL Bart McRugh, Mrs. Court Judie and Mn. Lio)'d IC. Harold Sm.all and Mr11. Llndaay NI.a of J'remmt Ptace, Loe .A..n· TOUJll'blood. In aecond place with ,.i.e. a net 87 were Mra. Paul Daniell, Fishing Theme For B. I. Scouts Troop 11 ot Balboa laJADd will ap1a M npr-t.ad at ~ 196& lloout-0.Rama to be MW at the Orulp County Fair Or'OUDCll aa~ urd&J, Ka)' 21, 2 lo 11 p.m.. kout Mui. Mathew Waide- lich wttla ta. Mlp of U.. troop ....... -MiPi• _ ..... -~ ..::~.;-....-. __.,_ ---- -·-··----.. ;,• -iiiilii-liili EXTllAI ''T ....... n. Crlppl•r" DMll .. wt .. °'·a.a·· .... v ....... M&r7 K. Browne and Mn.. ROf LY· man. Bbl: teama t.led for thlr(I place. SUGAR LOAP D-. i-.. 171 -.J 2-&ay. • MOCHA CAO · 7 .. -. ...... ,,ff) ,.+w_ ..... '"" . ~?..~,~~ 008TA M'.DA lTll H-..rt 1994. OOllO~A DEL 11.&A ... c-t ....,.. AOOllD'8 LAOtJNA B&ACll Sii .,...._, llA.LBO& l8lAND IOI llutM ·-nwl'OST B&A.08 ... 0-.. ..,.. For the GRADUATE of 1955 HT'LON abeen la do4e ud pattema ~ wanted .tl&dte NYLON A llOTPn.Al'f CCYI"J'ON U(llt aha.dee NYLON It vmcoaz ahadad oo>on NTLON net.a 71 lllchM wlda and '6 lac~ T AJ\N DYED Taft'et& few tboee noYelty pett:.leo.ta PA.BTEL cottou. TabaUMd and OrJand.Na LINl:K aft9Cta. pla&n and tlltted (wrinkle reMatantl Pr1-hi aeeord wtUI all punee. IARTINE'S CALICO SHOP 111 I . 1M PINI• U 1-2011 AN! GIAMAATB> . SUGAR '0-1. 7nr 5-1: .. 4,. BAG 7- tUNAERB~ . CHUNK STYLE 19' ST AR KlsT . BRAND CHUNK TUNA LARGE "AA'' EGGSt-.51c · CREAM O' THE CROP ... . .... •am• BACON ....... ....,.In BROMT A ..... .., • ..,.4 I •1 .. ..... •SDA CHOICI b-4 69« ode .. l ., ..._...,. tD ............ _, ~ .. _ ...... -4 .__ U1N"I ILACICJIAWK sw•11 ,.. •• ............. !::57c . .............. .......... or..W. CORNmBEEF LIVER =or .. 45c .. •s· .. 25• FRANKS ::;45• C411*tea..a. 11.AMW W1IOlE """"'' ~i 11' OCWIPllCI ~17• miiliiiimii cora,uoN CATH..0 ICIClllAM OUMllPWU ..... "'--Goa al ... =. b ... CJw °rtl OI as • ,,. • KITCHEN cun· FLOUR PINEAPPLE JUICE =RAwAu11 MAYONNAISE NUMA.DI MAND. M '-'poM (a.g..b Mee, ,._) Ao.ar-w+wpped alftd hH1iflflng, d.ficious tostel 2 ·~25' !~J~P.~~ ZD DINNa NAPICMI • • • 40 1 •dt, 10c. MARGARINE COWMOC« Q uew c.d W....,_t ________ ., _____________ _ THE ANIST AND LOWDT PllCID PMty ........ NIB ..._ -.. a. W .. Mr tt, Jt. 21, 1'55. Al WIWAY DmS 8 • a.A. CTiln s.dly II S..es °"' _.,. .... ..... _.... ................. _.......,_.....__ MAPLE FURNITURE .... an'lw~,,.. 0,... Mclays _. t , STOU: ROUU DallJ •-· ... •·· I Frtday tU t p.m .) ....., ............ 1722 Ne-wport Blvd., Costa Mesa • PLENTY OI' PAllKINO ON IAllQ~ PA VII> LOI P~&E4-COASTALSHOPPER-MAY 18, 1955 'Glen Allen, lh ll Co,•ert, Jl'r-anl<l H umu, c R. IJerry) J ohn10n.,TUratr. John wu.oe. ?Ma RopnlLa Verne Alum Meet,lll• L&Ven.Ooll ... alumal ITOVJl lahunnlwUIMIW.,.Matl:•,."" -----------------------Clendenen J ohn Donnelly, Ed flay N ,llaen, Blake Trn<'otl. Vem a nd MIHH Edith Pierce and S.v· Ill th• o,..,,... County •~•. an-•t 8wU\90n'e Mont.9't!J Cat. la 'tom N ortons Announce ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;O;;;;;;P;;;E;;;N;;IN;;;;;G;;;;;;F;;;R;;;;l;;;;D;;;;A;;;;Y;;;;;;;M;;;;;A;;;;Y~· 2;;;;0;;;;t~h~;;;;;;;;-;;;;-;;,l erly 8leffon:l. J:Mn K. ~II.eon, ctuurman of nounc«l today • meeun1 of ..u 8aiit& Ana. Engagement of Betty "~!!red{"t~!!'~c:!!" Kr. ud Kn.. Tom Mort.oa, 1116 cutt Dnn, .,.. UlDOUDatDf tM _ .... • Direct from Laa V ~~u n gqement en1.,..mat of tUlr daucht41r J:ll· BUenfltld Hilb School, LI m a· DINING e DANCING •beth Ann, to Thomu A.adttw Jonn1 In matllem&tic. and 9Clence Canepa m. eon of Kr. and Mra. •t Co&llt Collese, wtll at.o be v Thomu C&n•pa Jr. of Bakel'lltleld. sra<tuated In June. atVf .. Mt.. Norton WU snduai.d A l ept.embtr weddinJ la being trom Newport~ Union Hip pl&nn-1. SUPPER Cl UB Scllool, w1ll a,. a June SJ'duat. trom Oran&'• Cout Collec• where aha la major!~ ia 80claJ eol~oe. Her tl&nce wu ~ from Wakeman Films on St. James Dinner Program Norman H. Wakeman of J ohn Muir Colle1e wt11 •how nllture plc- turea In color •• projfnam at the f"l'llowahlp dinner to be held Thur-aday .. venlng In St. J llmu Pa rt11h H nuat'. MMy of hi.JI fllma hllve bffn Wied In Walt Dlm ey fUlUl"H. Thl11 ill thfl lu t d inner tor th.i yur •t Sl. Jamea and Sl. E liza.. bet h'• Guild la ln chargl'. St'rvlng of t he ca ltrl'<1 t •JOlllt ~d and other vlllnd• wlll begin a t 8 :30 p m. Mr.. H. L. Ortrander wlll take n eerva- Uona or thl'y may be made at the ('hUrt'h offl(.'f', Fare well F ete for Mesa Trio . MISS BE'ITY NORTON Dinner Hosted by Tom Allens P 1e<·e r1t r.alfll&ncl' a t the butret lllnnl'r hoat<'d nocl'ntly by the Tom Allf'n11 of 323 El Modena A ve. waa A farewf'll dtnntr hono ring Mr. thl' ellpl'C-llllly pr<'pared &nd de- and Mr11. Arlhur Schlllle 11nd Mr11. rnrate<1 •O lb. albacore caught by Mary I~ W1l111ma wa.~ ht'lt1 r!'rt'nl· Mrll Allt'n. The howie wae beaut1- ly Ill lht' hornt' of Mr11 Wlllt&m11 fully decorated ror the ,OC'cu lon 2:19 E . 20th St .. Cn111,.. lllPH . The with a profualon of roae• from the l'rhadu haw• !Mll<I lhf'lr home on g~ rtll'n. f:u t lflth SI 11nt1 pl11n 11n l'Jll<'nrt-P rPirtnl werf' MeH ra and Mmea. •<1 \'llllt to V!'m1onl 11nrt PtnnJ1yl· 1-----------''llnl11 Mr11 \\'llll11m" r<'lllrnt'<1 lut '"'el'k b v r••n .. (rnm • t wo '4't'f'kll v1s1t '"'llh h1•1 thrtt rhll· t1r<'n anrt th!'lr f11m1llt11 In F"allnn, !'oltv. Sht' ll'rt sgaln Mnnt111v for a •lay with frlt nd.t anti rrlallvra In Penn1ylvllnlll. Pruent al the 101n1 11way e ttl.lr wert Mr . a nd Mr. RaJph Myrt'hn 1111<i rhlldtfn M1rht l•, Review Series by Mrs. Horn Mrt. Robert H om ot Co~na de1 )h r, noted for her book reVI-•. hu been (1vln1 a men u rece11Uy on J ohn Patr1clt'• Pullllller Pr1• wfnl'I"'-~. -n.. Tea "-e6 the Auruat Moon". IAlf'at n!V1tw wu few St. Ella- bt'th'• Oulld of t h• Epi.oop.J C'hun:h of the Mta•lah, Se.nt& Ana.. f'rtvloua onu were tor Sant.a An• C-olleo~e Fuulty Wlvf,. Club. for the Ca rl Harny School fa.cully, t hr combined book rfvltrW and dra- ma llf'<'UOD• of A..A.W ., Santa Ana branch. &nd tor th• 8 h&kt'epu.1 .. Club of Pomona. Bridge Players at Country Club Santa Ana Country Club womfn 1 and lh,1r friend• wtrt brld~­ mlnd-1 tut Wednuday, for when r l•Y belflln. 21 tablM were tlllt'd.. T able pnut we"' notably a ttract.-I Ive. pur~·•lu 1YVernl1tht ra.meu c <"UH The tea lablt-,. • .., done 111 &ll r ink, With atCX'k•. c•rn•lion1, can· <tlr• IU\d u lln ribbon... M T'll Ray C-ouch. chaJrman. wu U!lllltl'fJ by .Mnr Thomu Pol.Ire and Mra £v tr· f ll Luu . ho.tn •<>• tor I.ti. day \ ---------" STORE YOUR PRECIOUS FURS WITH A PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2.,0652 Fur Store9e SPECIAL Cltan. Claw and J.'rllf1d Cold Stora&'• Y nv r l"u r. N °"'' ~c. s99s 1"30 t ~ -M-•ru P1c-k -u' t BALBOA ••• Our Food is Greet ••• ~""'' Mr nu11 with Complete Dlnnt'ra from $2.50 ttt:1't,;R\'ATIO~l'I: HARROR ISU SUNDAY BRUNCH 9 A. M. - 1 P. M. "a real breaHast -only·-~~ _I REPEAT. BUSINESS From Satisfied Customers Pictured a bove la J ack Hall9)U!I\, president of HatlUen M.otorw, drllven n1 a ne• AUSTIN · HEALEY 100 lo ~r. and Mn. Jaclc~ R.t ynolde. or Sant.a Ana. Mr. and Mn. Reynolde r urchallt'<I a n MO from the Com~y a ytar &fO. QUAl...rrY PRODUCTS PLUS GOOD 8ERVIOE MERITS REPFAT BUSINE88 c-la Today &Del Kf'f' tile New AuaU.·HM&ey JOO OP"EN t4USDAV8 Am> E\'ENTNGe HAUSKEN MOTORS. INC. o .. .Jtr In MO and t.he NICW MO MAONP:M'I: SEDAN I 99i Barbor Bh·d. Liberty 8-~1 I wouldn't have dreamed the•• old suit• could. ever 10 good again I Just DRY Cleaned or 8anitona· Cleaned? there's an amazing difference I Revolutionary Sanitont Service MAKES CLOTHES lOOK UKE NEW AGAIN ••• Otaner with original look ancl ttxturt restored unbelievably Many a garment has responded, re- stored by our Sanitooe Service to like-new appearance and usefulness. It's the extra t:floroughness of Sanitone'1 exclusive deep-down cleansing that makes Sanitonc definitely so superior to ordinary dry cleaning. T~ us today and you'll stick to Sanirooe always. LIDO CLEANERS 1782 Newport llvcl. COSTA MESA Uberty 8-4014 Ml THIS SEAL IS YOUR GUARANTll ALL DIRT RIMOYID STUllORN S'OTS OON1 NO ODOR 'HSPllA TION IANISHID lONOll LASTING ,.as UKl-NIW LOOK amoaa MINOll UMm DON1 Cantando Concert At lht c&c>M of anolher uuon the Cllnta n1lo Club ,. 111 f'' "~"nt iu roncf'rt In lh" San~ AnA H111i Sr hnol au'11l••rt1un 1'ur1d"'" M•y 17 •t 8 I!'> pm . unMr the «lltfC· lion (\f Halllttad McComMC' ,. Ith Jean Ml'Cormar u acc(\mranu•t. 'T'lckell ma)' l:'f' nbl.AIM-d at lht' bt)Jl 0"' ('f Ki>ndf'd: l"T-pt! CaU Kim· tw-rly t •'I!. Santa Ana FUR Co. A woricirtCJman"s stor• to s.n• you wittl laitftest cw-lfty at lowest prices. Y• lllBt be satfsfl9d or yos moMJ Hundrflh of itetM too .. .........,.. to IMtltlon at extra low prices dwi•CJ ow openint 1e1les. ch11tf., ....... . --- S S Wanted · S S From pri vate partie1 Money to Loan on Chl)1ce Harbor Area Propert1et1. Your Fund11 will Earn 6rr on w.-11 Se<-ured Sef('Cted property MR. OSBORNE OSIORNE REALTY CO. sau tv. c-t HJalt•,,. Hattlor •na..i l[-.J-, . -. . ~~-:-:--~-.. -~-:-:·i ' f •'(I:• l·'°<'J~· ....... , .. • ........ 'd71 ·-------------Now ()pea Eve,.,, Day la the W~k Christian's Hut Annivenmy ,. TEAJUI. MIND YOU ! I I I SATURDAY, MAT 118T POL'll'fDLU?f • .ua:RJCA.~ L l'A U E:-O'Tl:RT .UNM:EST NATIVll B.UlD -DANCING OlR.L8 AU.. OVER P LACE TAJIJTLUf PUNCH WITH PUNCH ON CR.AZT n.t:rCB TWO TO FOUR P. M. ntOM OUR CHlN'Elill onl'f CHOICE OF PIT RO.AITllD II.AX -PIT ROASTIID PR.DR: Rlll COMPLET1l DINNER ENTIRE lt\~NING U ~ F l..J';1'('H P l..E:-O!T CRAZY Kit LDCE PEOPU: -Hf: 00 FOR BROKE DON'T BE POO-P AA COME ll:ARL\' ~O f'ILJ KIA Dl:-Jl'\"'ER SERVED FROM e TO n p lit. REMEMB!:R COOL HF.AO ~IA r." 'tl="O WRANGLERS IS' 1 ~L l"Jlnforh Mt-llt,.n"• """" ~-U \\aJ•t OPf:."l~H llA I.I: . . . , , • . . • • , l 'OI Tir ic ._17.t .... 1 J • It , , • • , , , no \ ''4 .. 1z1:s ' -u . . • • • . LADIES JEANS. ILUE DENIM -.OL ~for1IHI tt ._, 14 M'at.it • • • • • • • • • • • • WORK SOX, White or Random ,,_ Qua.Illy Cotfoa 1'17 .. R.t11fo~ Bffl 6 T~LaM It -., JI BO~lllllE MIN'S DRESS SHOES I t!)'~t• -u.ft ra -rlaln To,.. -t an•' ~ ...... u 111.18 .......... . T SHIRTS Conoa IUl>-Nylon blnfn~\\ llh r.,. I.• I Wla.lt4! • ~~ •• 11.U uluf' . . . . ~·:.~~~M~~~ SHIRT 9melJ • Mfld -1.-,t -l:s('fllflfoflt ''ah-. ~IU ft.N T.a11fl • . . . . • , , , • TOP QUALITY Merchandise 11941 HAllOI ILYD: I Paire lt.Tt l t .'6 sa•• SHIRTS to Match 141-17 OPE:"L~n SAU : IELTS l&r1r" l"l'l..rtlon ~""'-Top Cow~ Roy'• and Mtn'• U to " R"I· lt.00 IOY'S SPORT SHIRTS l"aacy Patt;,.. -Pl"f'·8 11nualr Waallalllf' l.&ree St'~l"-"'1-I to lf.....-Oua,_t~ WORK SHOES H11Arant~ QuaJlty Hra\" C"<>rcl ~01... • . MEN'S DENIMS f'ad MI 8 1u,. or ( hareo&l Orey 10-oa.-.H,.a• T r rN'lcrt--Sanfor1M'd IAC'KT.T8 TO MATCH ()peft.lns 89.k Ottl7 Chambray llH WORK SHIRTS 1'-'SFOIUZW 8HJll"'SK 8l'"PU ''ALt:I: . , • • • • , • , , • STRETCH SOX BOr 8 NYLON HEL.OfCA Flt .. aft , ~ 11 • • • • • . . . . . . . MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS 8hort M~..-. Wlllteo 6 C'olora, f'1aht ~ ,._., Cool SumnM>r Fu~l-M..U--1-f• OPt:Sl~G HA LI: . • • • . , • , , • • THOM>GOOD FtELD IOOTS "t""rd1 OU T.,, l't.nt-.k ffNvy Compoi'ltJon f'olN -Ill.ti T.a• SWEAT SOX !llM'll "' &)"• -ff-~pt ,.-7 lon, Wool. Rayoe P'lflftd-Rfw. th MEN'S SWIM TIUNKS Plal• or f'a nry \'a.I.-to 11.tt ...... . r;,.,,. IArlf' to tll Mll(lltlT 111..-.. IOY'S SWIM TRUNKS All li'ty..._ and rabrtea 0arta1 Ovr Opt1llns llleM Oaly • • • • • • . .... WASEMILLER'S Y• Mmt le lathflM or yow rnoMY cla••rMJ NI••' WORKINGMAN'S STORI COST~ lllM OCC Summer Session Class Work to Begin on June 20 MAY 11, I tH -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE 51 "MISS HOME WIEK" •AUTY · . · . FOR VALOR Lo.ng Beach Poly won the B UUe ..................... • btrbtt .,.,, •..•.•• CONTEST SET FOR HOME SHOW with 49 polnta. El ~rundo took c hononi 11o•lth Sl polnla. "Htl.8 and l>OC" i:.L&CfRICAL (10!\TKACTUU ,..._ Uberq t-H• "MlM Home Week" wUI be choeea tr-amaec a ~ co11.nty beautJu openln1 nlfht of Ule tint aamaa1 °""'' l ummer clauu ""'111 be otrrred tel~graph cod,, report wrlllnr aad County Home Show to be stared June 1 to a • -the home at Oran1e Cout Collece ror a •I•· lnterrorauon, and weavan1 . ~ada or the On.nr• County Fair near Qoata M.._ WHk -rlod ,._om June 20 July """ l'\o tuition la charged for sum· r-.. • "'"· Repruentallon from &111on1 th• major OOlll.JlllllltU. In Ule It Wilt revealed today by Or. Bu ll mtr achool attendance. Student H . Ptterton, pruldent. center and Ubrary faclhlln will bt county Is expected In the beauty ..-it, .-rc11es to Hen.ry Couniea ere op'n to au who have avell•ble to students enrolled In C. Cox, chalrm•n ot th• ahow. complottt.1 hl1h Khool or who are •ummeor 11Chool. Sponsored by the OMlnp County !luOdera AAan., tho home 11 yearm of a,.. or older, Dr. Pet· ------------1how 11 to be held In the newly completed uhibl(a bWldlnf Purple Heart Order to Hold Installation ereon H id. Aa In previous yeara. Bu I • p t on the fair gTOUnd•. &lnto9t all clu11e1 wUI be held rg ar In OS a "Since virtually all exh.lb&t apece I• alre&dy fOM," Cox IANTA ANA •QCNS) -New trorn I a.rn. t.o 12 nool\, thus free-H-r_ --...1 Ouf NI'-"It I• expected that lh1-annual even~ wtU be even • Ch 1111 the a tternoon1 and evenln~• V'lllV ~(WU ottlcere of the Orange ~It a p-for other a ctl•ltlea. &Teater succell than we had anUclpaled the flr•t year." t.er of the Military Order of the J'lnal re,.Satratlon tor the •Um• A burrlar waa 1cared from the Planned tor county vlewen '-the l&U.t &!Id moat ~m Purple Heart and Ila awtllla.ry w111 mer M•aton will take place durln1 home of Mr•. !lttle Poeta at 2321 In bulldlnr concepts, Cox declared. 011 ahlblt will be the be lnetalled at ceremomv at N-- the week nt June 13 to 18 from II Second 4ve. f'rld•Y attcrnoon newnt lcWu 1n vanoua bulldJnr matertala, home turnl.ahl.Jl68, a.m. to ll p.m. In•tnictlon begin• when ah• Aid 1he arrived home. appllanoo1, outdoor living , luideeaplnr, u well u many port Beaoh /. merlcan Leclon Hall on Monday, June 20. Couniu 11re Apparently nothlnr wu taken educational exhibits pertalnlnr to tbe hom... on Wedn .. lday. May 2:1. t.eln1 ottered In blatory, anthrop-rroin the houH although clo.eta ------------------------The orange Belt Chapter lnclud-olol')', chtml1try, economic•. en· nnd drawera ln t he bedroom were • ea all or Orange County. 1tneerl111. 1!'.lifllab; French, r eo· ransacked. on the ffnce, lncludlnf IUCh well· H1 rbor H1· •hland Otflcera tlecled Include Oeorge sraplly, life 1clence. malhtmatlc•, Mra. Po.La told police ahe heard kn9W11 n&ITIH u High Noon, lll· a Rickett.I, Garden Orove, command· pblloeophy, phyatcal 1clence, cov· a 1trange nolae In the bedroom dlan lummer, Dainty Bell, Santa er; Laurence Peterman, Coat& TIE PEIRCT CUDUATIOI Cini lit IUwrUd9 Awee• N .......... LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IAlllR. SHOP llAUIO.\ THE.\ TU Bl.DO. BALBOA • Opea Taeed&y t~ .. &111'97 emm.,t. ,,.,.cholou . aoclolosy. when •he returned home. lb• aid A.nit&, Captain Thomae and Paul Home Add1·1·1on Meaa, .enlor vice -commander; lpantah, apee<:h uid drarnaUca. ah!! looked lnto the room tn Ume lcarttt. Sam E. Del Monte, Santa Ana, OU.er COUl"MI wtU be ottered In to 1ee a man runnlnr. put the Addlnl' t o the beauty of the Jwiior vice-comma.oder; Pat Web· typlnr . 1horth&nd, ucounUnr. ot· window outside. Otllcera aid the ''JoW• Of J\oj!H'' are approximately IO St_lrl May 11 ael1. Carden Grove, adjutant; Ar-IOO bush roeea at the various IA· flee practice, bu.tin .. correepond· burglar galned entranc. by pulllnr trance• to J\ou Hiiia. In addlUon, mand Oberllll, Sant.a Ana, eaecu- H ee, palntln~. a rt worklhop, lapl-a Kreen from e.n o~n window. then 11 a plantlnr of Ca.lifomla TbJrd unit to Harbor Hlrhlanda live oomrnltteeman; Dale Brock- -a Snith-Corona PORTABLE TYP£WllTER SPECIAL -Locken Capp. 12.5 lb.) LOCKIRS .,,,5 ,.,. dary, jewelry rnaklnr. radio, radio-He wu apparently r otnr U\roufh poppl .. 1000 feet lonr and 4 feet 11 acheduled to 10 lnto conitl'Uc· ett, &ant.a Ana, alternate commit-• •lrong box when Interrupted, ol· teeman Cleere aald. wide bordennr the new rarden lion Wednesday with 411 home1, · eecUon alon~ Workman Mill Road. Walter B. Mellott, 1Ubdlvlder an· The Military Order ot the Pur-Election L9CJC1llty fi)uestfoned at GG 'Mile of Roses' Roee HJUa ta tnrated juat north nounced today. South Coast Con· pie Heart l1 the o.>ldeat military or- ..-itrucUon co. will do the bulldlnf. ianlzatlon In U:e United Slates. of Bnerly Blvd. along Workman 1t wu roun.!ed by George Waah· MIU )toad. • few blocks eut of The homea will have three and, lngton who tuued the flrat Pur- QA.ROEN GROVE. MAY 18 - (0CN8) -Attomaya were check· 1nr lepl precedmta, today, to de- tanalne lt It mlrht be necu.ary to call a r.t.1ectlon dn the e.nUre ln- corporellon election. JncorponUon WU defeated by Garden Grover• TuMClll,,.. lNt.&nc• of elecUoneertnr at the polla, deetro~d balloll, unlocked ballot -... fallure to poet ruulta, uw1 ,,..,Unr by ptr90n1 outatde the boundui• bu bffn clatmed by 80me Irate ~tera. Ready for Bloom One of Southern cautomt&'• moat unlque floral dlaplay1, "The Mlle ol Rosea" at Roee Hilt. Mem· orlal Park neu WhltUer, wtll 1horUy be In tull bloom. Roaemead Blvd. four bedroom• planned to HU tor pie Heart medal-the tl~t decor&· between •1~.000 ud 118,000. Loe&· uon for valor ln thl1 country. Practice Mine Goes Into Main Beach lion of the addlUon 11 11 acre• be· tween 11th and 20th Sta. eut of Irvine An. CompleUon la planned tor Sept.ember. FHA or GI loan• Part of a marneuc. non-explo-at •% per cent tnt.enat will be atve practice mine waahed up on _•Y&l_ta_bl_e._M_•u_o_i_t_a&t_d_. ---- M.atn Beach, police aald Fnday. An ammunlllona ottlcer from Seal Beach Naval Ammu.nltlon Net o .. pot took th• lnatnimenl back to Mn. Phoenix Hmt t.ht b&M. Wilson Swims to CIF Yanity Win Lonr Beach Wilton upaet de· rendin1 cbamplon WbltUer In the Cll' awlrnmlnl cbamplonahlp fln· w at 1:1 Secundo rrtday nl(bL Wl110n acored 47 polnta to Whit - tler'• 38 In vanilly competition. lt'I die sift for • tlfcdlll9 ••• &he pan.able Ulat liYU blf, oUicc-machlne perfocman~. Full-size keyboard of coune • 39 fta!Uttl for smooch, fut, dependable typlo&. Sm.ith-C«ona la the world'• first ud futllt ponable type. writer. Come ID. eee and C1Y it. So • ..,. to bay ••• •150 Pay M llttle u a Wf'l"k LORENZ ile••elere lOI W..t &~ IL Saata ... Open Frt. to II p. m. Free P arktn1 at any lot WE FEATURE SEl.EC.,"1'£0 PRl!IQ -d CHOICE ll};A TS •ti · IOtb St. NEWPORT BEACH ...,._ "11 BUil T ON YOUR LOT HOIMI -l11eome Units Betit Poeelble Fluaclq' A.rnqfld CARDINAL HOMll 119 E. i3nt St. la Costa llema ()pea 1 Daye ()pea Ewa by Appt. Neither the county clerk, now In UI• procue of checklnr the tal· UM. nor lncorpol"&Uon leader1 would M)' anymore than 'They are Ju.t rwnora at U11I point.". Accordlnr to L&ndacape Al'Chl· ltcl Robert N. Bulin, who beada R OM Hill•' landlcaplJ\&' depart- ment, the "Mlle of Roeu" now meuurea almoet a mile and one- hal!, aome 71120 feet. Bulin eaya the n•rly IOO cllmblq roeee, planted al~ tbe 6-tt. high ch&ln link !enctnr at the park. np,... Mnla one of the larcN"t dlapl&19 ot climbera In lM eouthland. The~ are 90me eo Yalietlea upe.llend He ea.Id It wu prob9bly detach· ed from Ii. location by pu r1e acln· Mra. Cr&lr Pboenl.a, N.wport Bea.ch police departmtnt clerk, wffend a amubed flqer on h•r left band when a drawer 1n the ct· flee cloeed on her finger May I . Harbor Hlgll wa11 fifth wit h 1:1. ·------------' .Coming Soon! It's tlte FIRST -..1.s 8" Ude Mo•-of ewr a mlUJo• dollare i. -proda«'U &AC t~ la..,..t "-for mocl•r11 li.tq. p1 .. wotW tamow •t•~t oa the ..... of the On.nett c o-ty f'alrrrouod. apon•ored by Orange Co. lullclen Assn. "I Found That THIODORE ROBINS Has a Wonderful Selection · of FAIRLANE Town Sedans, Cl• Sedans. CUSTOMUNE Tudors and Fordors and Station Wago111 ••• and trl and floated uhore. CLOSE-OUT SALE ON ALL YARNS The Knit Basket BALTZ MORTUARIES . 008TA. MEaA CHAPEL 11'1 Buperlor A.nnue CoAa w.... Callf. Phone Liberty 1·2121 11178101 rUNI PlllZS81 TUIEI WJ:.ATllDI IOID:81 OOFn;Ell CHAPEL BY THIS U:A 1520 I t Cout Blvd.. Corona del Kar, Calif. Phone H&rt>or U The HARBOR every 7 to 10 A.M. wltll HJ IJavis Oii ladlo 1480 on the radio dial The Tracie-In Allowances Are Even Greater on C..S In Stod ! See T1lem TODAY!" - THEODORE ROBINS y.. Pont D1 .. • Shlce 1921 - ( O• M•rla1r'1 Mlle> JlOO W. Coast Highway Newport leach Liberty 1-3471 .................... ALARM CLOCKS .......... ..,.... 3"* .............. -c.....- u. ..... n..w.1 •••· 100• S1.71 Lano-Set Hair SpraJ ............ u-. ....... SI.JI Y•INf 6tc* 'h. ,rice Safef PETROLEUM JELLY c.tw'•WW.. P•• Ins .W, .... ,.._. 29c $1.00 TUSSY DEODORANT Cr .... er Stick ......... _ ... , ,_ Qelee-soc· I M p 0 R T E D s c I s s 0 R s AU ,.,.,.. •169 Metal Clottlea Hamper SIUO V.,_ s59s 2108 Ocean Front NEAR NEWPORT PIER Newport leach • Phone Harbor S '"·" v .. 1 c....... ·Automatic TOASTER •wwwmeu .. UL ...... W 9'' ,_.a.._. ........_Tw- .,. !Myl '"' "Z'•i«u '6'e ~ PLASTIC GARDEN HOSE Moder• w•y f• w•f•r t•""' S1.8t GlllN PLASTIC SOAKER HOSE Tiny perfcw.tiON ponN+ Pf'OP9' ... ,,.,. to t.wne Mid 98C *'ilK. WNtt-pfoof. d flot u1d cw r~t. 20 ~. _ t.Pc. PrffM4 .... , Serva-Snack HOSTESS SET 1'' .. , ... ...., .... wett fw ............ . a-........................ . ........ 4 .......... ()wt ,.... ... 1 WATCH FOR THE Owl Circular In the mail •••• BARGAINS GALORE! PORTAILE RADIO 1695 Willey'• New SpriltcJ JEWELRY e u .1 ... NKll .... t ·~· ........ ,.....,.., ltllllwt Col911 .. ~. ---11'1 $1 .fl ValHf IOTH FOi PAGEl-COAS'!'Al:SHOPPER-MAY 18, 1955 Esther Lawrence Hurt as Car Plunges into Ditch ..U.-Lawrance, 38. 105 I•· )ell9 at., Coet& Mu&. racelvad mnor ~ .. Wedn..&y but waa 8ot bo9pitaJl.Md after a car In Wllllcla ahe waa rldtn1 plunged Into a dillill oe Barbor Blvd. 600 t .. t on Hlrhway 88 aboUt 800 feet .outh ot Katall& A.H •• Wecln.eed&J' attrmoon. Ne&.on requlr.d no boe· pltal attentlon. aeoordln( to UM patrol. Hla fthlcle filpped onr 18 to 22 Santa Ana Bowl llpeuored by Saata &.a Uou Club GET IN FREE -H~,, io.GCXISI' B J_ FWl<MZ eutLDeNc.S ······-~ COST. COHPUU l>UILDING -~ DlLIVtQtO TO JO& SIT! FQOH .l!tPlQ.SQ.l'T. OR COMPLtT!LV f.RlCTlO, IHO.UDING SL1'&.. Fqc>M t I a P!.R. $Q. P1. POR. COMMf.ClCUti.L, GLUlD lAMINAT~D M!.M8!RS, GIVE Cl.EAR ~N. AffOClOING GQEAT 11!111!1 STQENGTH ~T LOWEQ . g;J;I fNlM.ClQ INOUSTAW.. U.. AIWtilNI« #I .JO. CM.II'. fl · Wers ·'·; Man. II UV& ON AUTO INS. s11•0 ............ ~ .. a..lllf lol"" a rw.~. D•- a.dl ....... 8M BOB lllcOOIU>, for PKEFERJl.t:D IN8Uli.NCE (ALL UNUI llH Victoria St... <Joeta •- l'lloae LDertT ~,ut lestlallery? •SAVORY°' COlne 2 Locations LAGUNA IEACH rn 8. Cout Blvd. Nu• &o Pottery 8laaek CORONA DIL MAI ant E. ()out BW7. 1'arlltac .. ..., NOT BLINDFOLDED ! You wouldn't meke • purche1e l:>ltnd· folded 7 Don't plen • future without "1i9ht." Let • 1yste~tic Hving plan be your vuide. S.. U1 T odey I Our prlnclplu ar• tr11 epr1np ot our a cuoaia; our action&. the 1pnq11 ot our happln-or mtee1"7. I Too mudl care, t.laeretoN . e&11not M ta)ie_n bl fonnlnl ow prtndpl-.. ~nwp akeltoe BE SURE • INSURE wttla MA uau; llTANl.&1' ._Glab' .._ .......... ,. llll E. c... ..... ..., Oo.-... ....,. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIPllD DlllCTOIY APPUANCF...8 -Bouebol4 Parta -Oe&ler -~ UDO ICUOTIU~ NH \'la I.Me -llartlor •'111 I &UTOMOBll..E DEALEM H-and UMd Can Nl<JIU!&ft ITtJDJt&UD3 s.a. ........ ...... M1J N-w-t ••'--llar. Ill BAND BMll•f~N'l'&M "" \'ta a.... -...,_, ... BADER 8BOP9 LIDO llllA. VINO llUO .............. ,. ... .... \'la a.... -....,._ .... BUVTY P.dU>M LIDO S.U.ON OF PAtJTI' MH Nf!L ..... _ ..,_ 1111 llOOU 800ll OAP NII Via Udo -....,._ '6H OAJIEIWI a lappllee Vl.NOl:NT LIDO D&tJOS NllVlaL*-......... llCWth ol Baker It. TIM Injured woman wu ndlnJ wtt.11 NcUN A.. Lawrence. 40. UH lfewport 81...cl., CaJltornla RJrh· after carominl' ott ftemland'a. A. "'==================~===~ car drlven by J'Nd Wallace, St, -,_ __________________________________ ,_, __ ,_, __ ~ ~~1!1111., of Lakewood wu lD41nc:U7 ln'IOh•· ed In lh• accident. On• ot th• oara ha<I swerved to a'IOld Wallace'• vehicle. COST A MESA BANK CAU'E'IB a DUl'DID DICll llACIDCll MllV'laU• ..,..._ ~ Patrol .-id. La~ wu q\!Ot•d aa •yins ----------- ... ~ hie car to avoid on• wt1kb .topped ahead ot h Im. Driftr JCarl II. Neleon, 31, Gar- ._ 0.0.., ~ minor lnjur- IM wh• h1tl car collld~ with one .,..,. ti,. Carl J. Remland. M , IMO hllw'ay Or1ve. Co1ta M .... Holts AftftOwe llrtla Mr. and Mn .. OUver Holt, •OI Heliotrope Ave., ..,.. pa.rent.a of a 7 lb., 3 ~ oL, (1rl, born May 10 ln 8l. Ja.eph hOllpll&J. May 27 Hearing for Horton Set FIBERGLASS PANELS 47 ~. ~-:::- ...., Cu Pone ~. l ·LO-ll·Fl. llaa7 otlliw - OPES DAJLY MO~DAY TIDIOUOR 8UNDAY I a.m.-lp.a. Sc~uf tz-J.lull,11,./ Bui/ck,.~ Suppl, W1lol•.te1l• 4 R•to" atMlden Bonlwo"• Pboae Liberty S. 7855 m Victoria It. (Dear Newport Blvd.) Coeta .... Jury Rndlngs Cancel Out Damage Suit 8ANTA illA. (OC'N8) -The much • troubled B orton AJrcratt Corporation appear9d beaded for new dlfflcuUU .. today u the re-~=====================~ 1'11W 'tll JI p. Ill. ........ , ........ .. 8Mta ... "YOUR. FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" LDelV ...... ,, Oil'ElllNO IUCllA.&0'9 UDO M•Pft .NU Vt. a.... -...,._ ... ~====================~ OLO'DDNO -.._,, lletal JUDWSL1l 8 ..,. ,_ MEN WIWMI "°""'l OVOll1 INSUIAMCI COIPOIA110tl CROWN HARDW~RE ~~~ GUARANTHD AGAINST lllAKAOI• Mii Via UM -..._ ... CLOllllNO-•-·· .... LA UIDf1C .. VlaMdp ....._. ... , LIDO •A.lmmf'I .... Via o.-t. -....... M1l aBADDOal .. MU Vt. UM -_._ Wll V .&.OAJIOKD llOCU ~.~..:.. .... . oaoo noaa VDf<JPf'l"9 UDO •'OOt NllV'laUM-......... 8ANT.A ill.A. (OONI ) -A. au· auJt1 of a hcur1U .. and lbccbaap r ,,.rlor court Jury May t found ln ComtnlMl.on o.der to Bunt.tnston ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ fa.or ot Ute ., ..... t.9 .. a t.MI.· S.acb All'CT'&ft Buil<t.~ TY •s4• EU';(l'DU(J OONBAOI'OU UDO -..al'U<J ............. _..,._,~, 000 pel'90IW ~ury damAC9 w it. The elfbt • woman. four • man W1w..m E. flortoD to appear ""'° panel pve tu verdict to Dcf111d· heartnr lD Loe An,.V.. ant Wallace L. llbupe. 10. former· Attorney J-C. Moeroe, ly ot <>nnse b\rt now llvtn1 In n.Uned by UM l .E.C. Saturday Wuhtn,ioe. o•u lhe pla1nUtf8 a be&rtnl' la&4 "-aclleduled for Ole P acific Telephone and Tele-May ,.7, tmmedlaJ.otly ~out al paph CO. and a 30-year ~ployff lh• tedual orpamt.lotl and char(· w lU\ that compa.oy )i(ajor J'. 1A.cb ed pr.Judie.. of Coeta x..... Tb• Horton tlrm and U.. build· Tbe jlArOrw aJ.o found for crou-er-cMlllJner of the radical Horton defeodalltlt t..eb and PacJftc Tele--wtnal-a1rp\a.ne have i-n ln a pbOM and Tt_lfJT•Ph ap.lnat runn1.n1 bani. with UM 8.E.C. tit allupe.. put y .. r. The a.1:.c. baa IQUSht 8ot.b 8b~ ud IA&ch blam-4 to pn1v•nt Horton fl'om '-.I.inf lbe olh«r for cauatiir • ~lit.ton 1tcxk ln hlJI flnn. TM n-move of u..tr trucb al Brulol St. and by Ult government followed ta Ult ~ ft.d. . wake ot a p,.._taUon ot lbt i...cb. a ta&.tpbon• rapa.nnan. firm'• proapeetu lo the l .&.C. SALES • RCA VICTOR DEALER • All Makes -All Parts & Tubea • Honest Scientific Anely1i1 & Repair • Prompt Service • Reasonable Pri~•• TARTER TELEVISION Corou del Mar lMo4 E. C-t HWJ. JIMtNtr Mil WAI •rlouaq Ill.JU.rad la lbe Cf'Ub. ----------- Ht et.Ill I• Ill a 1tate bospltal -------------------under101n1 treat me t tor a brain 'OB N 8 TONE' 8 _._.,_,,_,,_, __________ ,_, __ ,_,._. ____ ._. __ ,_,,_,,_,,_,_, ln~. telephone company waa Mesa Allto Wrec•en alter eom~UOft pald LMcb. U ... A-. Pana 8hupa aoutht more than 118,000 _. AeeMMrti. damacaa. icns Plaoeatia An. Fiwe Penons Hirt in Crash 8.A.NTJI. A:>;A (0CN8 l -J'lvt ,.,._ we_re hurt In a t w<>-C&r ...-, at N-port Ave and Pall· lid• Rd. f"rlda,y Fom ot the Injured were ln ont ear. Tht>y were drt•• Jam• I: ean-. 18, o-nna Campbell. 18. ICClftelh Campbell, 12, and M"lvln l"oeq, 12, all Of llanta An.a. onvw Con•t.ance M. Downer. t'T. lkl\la Ana, r~elv.cl poealbl• ""'or tnJ11r1u. Th• othen we_r• llurt to a I-de,,..._ All ~ takm to HCMiC Hospital c::aanoci'1 ve_hklt •b .. red olt a pGWW pol• atter caromln« ott l>ow'nW'• oar, CaW'omla JUcbway Patrol eald. The pole cunt to Nat Oii top of lbe Down .. ,. auto, ,. ....... lct•tftt aM • ._ ~ a.ca -JI. tried and prono remed.)'. Oft.13' on• otnoe call ,... lllred for reltel lrolD U.-tortur-tac ~na. A..rt.hr1U.. D11 a. TUI at .. ~ ._.. ._ ao.r. ,.__, T\Ma., Tburw. • rft. t a. Ill. 1(1 • p.m. IU'l"'Preep:e ..... ----~ ............... ............... ooeorA ..... ILU'l'aS89 00. 1111 ,. ..... ..... ..,ftwtt.11 i , • • U'9rt7 ~1tU 0-. - Call DAN'S TV ..................... La.ty a.2221 Choote from ov ....., Deelpe ~ Ue your La)"Ollt and ~-ta a nd ••• 10~ tt-om ou.r pr?&· ent Low~ LAWIENCI LUMIEI CO . ............ IU I-UN S... A- if , for T. V. , SERVICE ~ llake CALL IOI STEVENS LIMrtr a.2301 * Tour 7.enith • l:mm .00 Admln.l Dealer • We lerrioe all MU. IADIOS NOTHING DOWN t 'p '4t II Montaia ta P• Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURl1'Y PATIOL Kl 2·70rl .................. ................. Herehea...-..4 ... .........,,... .-,. fwlr uuu• r11• DI It flt • __. _...., ......................... w .... ....,.., ••• 't .... ....... ........... ....,, .. ......... 0..2fll ....... ..., .... ..... ....... .......................... .. H ..... , ,, .... , • .,.. ~ ... '"""""' ....... ....... c.-.sw-~ .. CaHl&I ..... O•U.. , .... ; High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 MAY MOTOR 12 POINT OYllHAUL SPECIAL! ' 75 PoedM I Pane _. !Allor llG. PllCI $122.72 llG SAVINGS ON ALL MAKES 12 MOllTHI TO •INUINI PACTOIY PAITI 1.1....al N-..... 1. IM'8111l'i-r.... ..... 1.1....U N_ ... ......... &. 0-,W. v .... OttM a. Es,..cl nn- 1. oau.~c,..._ wa.ta. .,. "._ • ._ CJt. w.a. a. AJtp C--U. .... t . Mi.er"-·., , ... ..,.._.,..r ..... JI • ...,...,.....,_.. OMlreW u. ............. .... ~ PAY FUaNll'C1D Dial llACKD NltV'lal.Me-........ Gift' SBOP IUCllAAD'• LIDO IUUICT NII , • ._ ...... _..,-. .. u INSURANCE AOl:ND w. o. avca. IJfO • .... V'9 a....-...._ "4t INTEIUOB DIX>OUT088 a&.ANOllS r1JL&IUl80M A.l.D. JlJ I Via L* -...,._ 1P1 DIC& IUC'IUC& MM Via IMe -...,._ UJI DON caDOllTmf A. L •· ........ ,... ... VIA llalmp -llMMr u i 1 llA..&&l."l'8 Klcauu>'tt LIDO IUUr:T NII Vta L* -...,..._ l U I PHOTOG&A.Pll STUDIOS OCllBA&DT n'UDIC>f' Mlt Via a.... -~ «ti u:.AL ESTATE LIDO 11&.U.TY AIMM>CIA TT..t Udo 8alee • R-. tal• .... , ... a.... -....... "" r . ._ r u..au:a INC. .......... _......_, ... VOOEL OOJIO'A..VY Mii Via LWe -....,..r .. , I BAY AND NACK a&ALTT Via l.Ue 8'Wl•OfftM •••• I.AF.,..._ .......... 8A VINQ.8 a LO.AN A.880CIATION8 NEWPOllT LU.AO.A 8A VIN08 • LO~ .uM><llA'DOll' A. knAC• lNIUtuUoe Loni Term Home Loana ... v1ial.t40-...,._., .. w.&VICE STATION'S LIDO &ICllFIE'LD MU ~_,.n .. .__. Ult mom---·• 81.DWELL .. nou roa llEl'f ... Vta a....-........ l'llE.Al'm LIDO TIK.&fta Coo.tult Ulla paper t« profTUI \1eLNe..aH_... .... .....111' ron . UDO TOYLAJrD Nal"-U..-----.. !'IL& VEL .ACDICID •A..,_ TL\.VEL AOKJlroY MH Jlf_... .... ..... llN CJPBOL9TDINO DICll llAOILD Mii \"-U. -_._ - WIMDOW OOVDllfG nm IUIAD& lllOP ......... --·- ' NIWPORT PAR.KING LOT PLAN DELAYED IY CITY COUNCIL 8uc~• ot a propc>Md ocean front parkills Jot In Newport• ... t of t.be pier Memed doubt.tul K 011day nlpt u City Man· • aru John J . lailora told city cowicU a recent .ualon held with lh~ &ttected found them ln dlu(!'ffmenL Council held acUon over until U1e nut meeUns, In hopq a dltferent entraace Ulan 20th SL could be found for the Jot, MrL Dorothy McKenna told the coun cil there wa.a little enourh 1 oocs and left now without Hphaltln1 It addJUonally. Ralph Holt. another ocean front realdent. contended the lot would point .wtmmera to a apot wbue, ha clatmed, current.8 an dan1eroua. Kidnap Scare Alarms Dad of Bl Kids Cltlun'1 Arrest hi Lewd Conduct CCMlllt William I.-Terry, 28, Lons Baach. wu boolted on a lewd con· ct.ct count Saturday momins by Newport police tollowtns a com· pla.tnt from Pvt. Norman C. Kil· chell. Camp Pendleton Marine. ··-"' l! !:!5 .... Hit and hun dam&&'• to hJe cu Tba Ru Albrtpt.a of 515 llpaJ PAINTING PaJ.ntm, A Paper Renlfns 1 ''The Be.t Money CaD &uy' Hit-Im Vlctllll IS. fw MMitllf 1 Monda)' while pulled In a •r-~d an p&rtllt.a of a new IOll vtca ataUon lot n•r the Al"Cbaa bom Kay t at BL Joaepb BoeJ>IW. -.. reported lo poUoe b7 ~ The )'OUDPttt wetpacS T Iba., 1 P\tta ot Santa ADL O&. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Moad&J' and Tbund&7 COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays 4 Unee 1 Paper $1.00 4 Unee Z Papen l~ 4 Une. S Papen 2.00 Cou&al 811opper OIMalftNI Ada 111u.t ra la tlM Ka.da7 or narwda)' PublleadOll MlNDfUM AD 18 • U."iU All Clwlftecl Ada muat be paid for Cull la ad..-of 119blk98olL SX~son & Nolfar I I at.. N....,,art a.G PBONJI BAJUIOR M06 u. Painting • Paperb&Dginc We do the work ounelvee ao .yean •xperi- Ucenled 6 tn.ured.. Bau.t.adlOD SUUUlleed. lllatimat .. tr.a. cau Jo1mn1e, LI 8-2687 Is LI 8-5289 81tfc COMPLETE PAINTING It Paper Hanginc Service EUOl:Nll 0 . 8AUNDD8 ~ 31at Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2171 or Har. '4ff. tic Painting, Decorating Paper HaDstDI ................... GARDENER; J1lD lllT'DU ft8 AD yard da&n \All· Pleue c:al1 ....map LI f.lMI • LI MTOI. IOpll OAIU>SN'INO GARDEN MA.INTJ:J'fANCJC, yard clff!l up. cau Klmbar\J l ·I02& daya or Harbor IOM attu •· 6lp66 CLl:.ANlNO A IJ\ONINO by t.ht day. Jl:liptrlenced.. B&Jboa Jaland pre.fernd. KI J.tOH. l3cM OIJ\La - ITS A GIRL'S WORLD! And you'll q?ff ftm JOU lltu of lb• many Job opport.uniUu tor quali11ed YOWIC W'Oftlan lll our w.iAe• toda.J. MAY 11, I 955 -COAST Al SHOmlt -PA•E 7 • lllMdbnn• fw ... SO---Nllle %nu• Bob Skiles still bas a few things LEFT J'ROM THE SALE. Complete Mt ot dnuna, xtra bue A anare, practice Xylophone, 2 violtna, mandolin, 2 ukv.Jelee, odd. and eoda of dblbee, large Sunbeam oranp juicer. Box trailer, Ucen9e pd. SM. Commerclal dbl wattle lron, Hun<ire<U ot other it~ma. See at 1~17 Superior, Costa Meea BOAT BUILDERS wanted, year round work. • Good Wage. MESA Boat It Hdwe. 220 26th St., Npt. Bch. ~ KAY CLEARANCE BllNDIX auto. waaller, •..-.!. ......................... sn.ao to 1Tt.oo LAUNDDALL w.ahar, rood OOll• dlUon . . .. -.............. tlll.&O 8PEJCD QUJCJ:N wuller, "ry c:lean .. .. .......... . SH.00 A kidnap .care thr-New· port ~ach police department Into hip sear Frtday afternoon tor about 20 mlnutu when It waa fear- ed two Be.I~ Jela.nd children were anatched by eomeone ln a bluk two-door aedan. The pair wu picked up on Mar• lner1 Milt where Kitchell uld he wu maklll&' a cltlsen'a arrut of Terry tor molutinr him, offlcera reported. Terry wu releued on 11000 bond and ordered to appear for arrairnm•nt at 8:SO a.. m .. May 20 be.fora Newport Ju.atlce Court J ud.re Donald J . Dodge. DEADLINICS for pl&clns or canceWns ada an: For Monday Publica tion -Saturday Noon For Wedneaday Pu1>ncatlon -Tuellday 2 p.m. For Thurlday Publlcallon -Wedneaday 1 p.m. GEO. BURKHARDT OPENINGS NOW J'OR: KENMORE wrtnpr waal\er, al· The children'• tat.her, J'l'ank P'umer. of 30& Amethylll Ave., ~alled police at 4 :!15 p .m. when be u ld he mlued hta two eou from In front ot the houM Juat u lh• atrans• <'ar 1uddenly pulled away. A concentrated Harcb by police found the children Paul 8cot t. 2 ~ and Lauran Jl'rank, 6. at Apolena An. and South Bay J'tont. They were In th.. company ot an 11· ~ boy whom they atoppecl and aaked to help tham find lhair bome. Radio Equipment Stolen From OCC BANTA ANA (OCNSl-Radio equipment valued at '20 wu ato- len Thuraday from an electronic• cla.Nroom at Or11J1se Cout Collere Sheriff"• deputlM reported. Leonard K . Flreatone, L.. A. In· du.atrtallat -"Complalnla 11.galnst our aylllem ot free entarprlllfl frequently come from taJlure1 who Tbt Navy uaee a.bout 18,l!OO.OOO don't have what It taku to auc- pouada Of blllW yearly. Cffd." SOUTH GOR~T conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL HO JOB TOO LARGE 01t TOO S)UJ.J. -_. I&.. NM,_.._. 11.nnor Im uuntlry serric• tlelux• ... .. , /wg.ti11 prit.U WHAT IS fT7 Jndl~ wuhad-w..,.... ._...,,... n uff dn.S by nt!Med ..ir--ll&t pl~ prot .... -.Jly trc.ad. Your cloth• and llnuw are dona up OJ'OI unJt-no ft'\ta• upa. l'IO unallbUJ wnarka -raJ naott wat«r, antla eoe\l'OAad llMpa. WHEN AV AILAILE • • • BeMc• Within boura lf lll"J'llt. bfoc-11.u .. we do n erytlll"4f n,11t ...,.., HOW MUCH ••. t The pu1>ll1her1 will not bt ruponalble for more than one lnCOrt't'C tnaertlon of an ad, reaerve the rlrht to correctly clualfy any and all ad.a and to reject a.ny ad not conlormlng to ruleti and resuiatJona. NEWPORT HARBOR Pt.;BUSHJNG 00. Hll llaJboa Blvd., Newport ~ callfonlla. Clmsifiecl Index 1 P'uHral Notleea J Cud of Tbaalu • •'uneral DtrM&oN II ft-'-Guida 11 lhllkllar Maten.Je 12 Bulldiq ~rvtc. l• Penonale u 8bare l' our Clar lt Tnaapotiado• 11 "°°""' 18 8-uty Akltl 10 HMltll Aadll I! Loet aad FCHIDCI M Seaoole, IMtlVC!lloa U 8UuatloM WuW H Help Waated IOJIJ-l~ ff..A 8wape IO-B AppUaDCN 11 Wukd to Bu7 n Furaltare for ~ l!·A A•dq-U Boat.. SQ-,.. M M..ac.I. Aedlo, T \' .. Dop. Cata, Peta II Potllll'J IT Uv•&ock us~~·• tt Autoa Waakd ., Aatoe for !Mia .._A nru a hrta •1Aa&o 8e~ '2 TralleN .. A.I~ ,, Wuted te ._, "A .. a11-1wa-t "A.-Apta. l•r a.t · .......... 111.r--. "90-Tra&lal' 9peee ., ao-for*-* .... ~a- ... B Room A 8o&ld 64J Ke.at,~. &I 8torea A Olfteee U ·A Bmi-Beetala M 8U11l=M1 Opport..ataea 56 MoDey to 1.-a M llloaey Waated &1 ~E•ta .. wuw to lnaome Preperty II Real Eata .. Es~ n RM.I Eata .. Special Notaee. Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 17&7 Meeta every Thunday I p.m. Via Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Beach Albert H. M.atthnra, Exalted Ruler FOR RENT Sklll Sawe, Elec. DrilJa, Pou.hen, all types ot Sanders, Wb .. lb&r· ro._., ate. BOYD'S HDWE. %830 W. COAST HIGHWAY Uberty I-MM, Newport Bcb •ttc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I ln•tall the above cheaper tAaa m09l. Aleo aell 1'11• A Unoleum. Non-union, 26 yura upertenc•. Compare and aee - Bll.L COKJCR LI M204 TUo PAINTING J:NTP.:RJOR -JClCl'ERJOR LICENSED -INSU!tm> Glenn Johnston 001 • l lat 81. Newpon 8-cll Harbor 3171 22tfc CARPENTER Repair Work 0oae Your Home Neeo Repa.lftnl °" Rtmode.llftl ! Call J'ranll, Uberty ~ AU Work Guaranteed T•Ue It it • ~In bundle too • only $2.15 * 2) tbt. Microfilming WHERE... ca. a pura -..a\'JCS WITllDf BOUU -\\'JIE.~ ?\~OED .. BE IAP'E. aav,. irpa.c:e Thf modern w•y to aaJrrua n1 your record& CA LL Kl:yatone ~-1~3 or Kl: MJO OOKPLETE IAUNDEU ud CLEANERS ORAS OE COUNTY MJCROrI14Ml~G S£RVICE 1712 An..alleim-Ollve Rd., Ana.helm. lllc:t 3h PAINTING PAPER f4ANCING Rl'Mldt'nll«J A Commu d aJ Wort! LICENSED CONTIUCTOR 171 W. 18th Bl., Co.t& M.- Uberly 8· .. 21 Elec. Tool Repair 81dl Saws. Drilla, 8&.ndara QUlCK SERVICJC LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. 46e No. Nel''port Blvd., NpL Sch. W berly 8·8383. Otte For That SPECIAL PAINT -WALLPAPER DECORA TINO JOB CALL Wm. Baker KI 5-3621 2302 Paliaadu Rd., I . A. Ht .. Aak' Ua About ZOLOTONE U cenaad ln Harb« ar• flpe()h House Plans LIBERTY 1-1161 lotte . l'-Penoealm AlcoboUca lnoaymoue Wrtt.a P . 0 . Bes U1 N _,,ort e.c!1. C&bt.. PboM Kari.or "'" .,. !8-Beaa~ AJd8 Superfluous Hair Ptnnan•Uy w.-.d b'Cll9 1a.oa arma, Mp. ~brvw. ... Mir IA.De mbapedo-.No moq tweel&Da- IJJ..LDf J... BRT A.MT A. a Udo'1 8&Joe ot 8"uty Su. •Tt u. LOST--Orwy lonr balred male cat n-r 8nur kar'tlOr Tr&iler Park. U f.474t •Iler 4:IO p m. l l p6l LOl!IT-on Monday, May t th, O-Old brai-elel with 3 dtamonda, old fa.ahtoned deel~ RIM'ARD .. Rtlone Ka:rbor t 317 6lc!'>t LOST -81 AMl:81: CAT, tem&le darlt mu k, lofts dark strall'ht t•ll. M.ay llmp, neme Debby Harbor Ht2·M ~ , CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDT In a:pa.N! time for contnc· tor'• eu mlnat1011 under a. sen· er aJ contr11ctor with 2& yean UJMtrlence Claa11ea Tuu. and 1"11. evu . 7 .30 p m A llend tint ae•alon fru 8'J1n anytime Al Tyler School I TELEPHONE OPERATORS IO-lllleelheeoae Apply-Monday ~ J'rid&J t>U ~ No. M&ln SL t :oo to ':oo p.m. Room 211, Banta Ana PACIFIC TELEPHONE I .Of OllOANlZINO A GROUP to purcllaae new J'orda on practl· ally a coat bal!la. TradM allowt'd. Phone HYall 4·38M evenlnp. M pM ___________ 2_2_ttc BICYCLE, Schwinn. dble. bar. WANT r-1 eatata broker or ule• man wtlh local experience for Ula Udo Bt1d~ otnce- • BAY A BEACH JUtALTY Bea Mr. Greer, 1111 Latayttla Aw., Newport lleaeh. Har. 3MI. t>l c&I CHIUB'n.AN ia4Y to eooll eventns m-1 fOC' adult family ln ach. tor mMla 6 pri. room 6 be.th tn a.auUtuI aa, rront home, Bal. Ialand. WW ba COMtdared a part of family. Bar. JIH·W. 6kM LAROE Joas •t.abllahed rut -tata nrm naeda erpertenc.d a.lumen. AU a.a.wen kept con· tlct.ntial. Write Boll XtO. Ult& .,.par. Plaue 8'&t. qua.Utica· ca.Uona In tuU. "ttc WANTED nldar Prot.eatant woman tor llpt ~q 6 com· paniCln tor aced mota.T. Private room 6 H.U.C trM. Oceul fl'OftL P.O. Bos .... ll&J1toa bland .. 6lcN BOOKKIZPER ca.,.blt, ta.kine tull dlars• of local ottlc:a. Wrtte qualltle&Uona. llxpertanca, as•. etc. to Box 0-17, tb1a ,-per. 624:&4 WANT Hlfb 8cbool boya U • 11 yn. pt.rt Ume work after achool and oe Saturday. ruu ttme dur· I~ aummer. A verqa e&rninp I'° ·MO per w .. 11. Cont.a.ct Mr Walt4n, Har. utt. liocM boya, 2• In.. yMr It hall old. maroon It Ivory, rood condition. 12:1. Harbor 0 . 63cM 1000 l:MBOl!IBJCD bualn... carda 13.89 I Line Rubber Stamp 11.00 ' Llnt Rubber l!ltamp with cut U .00 1884 cut.8) Book Matchea L. W. WHITE Liberty 1·4011, •vea, Lt 8·6150 pptto UNDm\WOOD STANDARD t.Yl>f'· writer. with 1tand. Good ('Ond. Hartlor 23T<~W. 63c&4 Jlt.. C. ALLEN addlns mat'h l.ne and cub rerl•ter combination. lee BOYD'S ROWE., 2830 Weal Cout Hwy .. l'pt. Bch. 63c66 HAND BRAIDED Early American reveralble h 12 rue w/pad 1260 Harbor 3288. !'>3cM 10" ATLAS circular MW with at.and, rip blAde A comb. blade, p lua dado brad complete with 'Ii. h p. motor. 4' nlenlllon tablea. 112&. -Har. ~. ~~ 45 Big H a n g I n g B a a k e t Fucbalu . All In bud, or bloom. $3.95 and up. 116 Broadway, COeta Mua 63'PM MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS $2.98 LatNt 1tylH It colo,..., Dan Rtve:r fabric. DONALDSON'S 5 It 10 moat ntw. beet model ........ IH.&O EAST a.pin drl~r. clean .... 16'.M WEBnNOKOUSll retrts.. dtlUH, • c:u. tt. . ... ~... '"·"° NORCIC refrt« . .,,all .... . Ut.&O SERVEL rdrt( . Ilk• '··· blc frf'e.&er, 10 c:11, IL .... . 1171.&0 SERV..:L refr1& , apt. ataa, al~. e c:u. ft . 1u.oo GAl"FER8 It 8A'M'Ll:R ran,.e, SS", c:lean ... . . . SH.&O UNI VERSAL tilecL rans•. Ilk• new, 2 ovena, H " .. '"·llO VACUUM CLJCA.NJCJ\B, •veral. • ....... ... .. -· lt.&o to .. ,.60 l:veryUlln1 suarant•ed. P'rte df'llvary. Terma STI\001"8 HARDWARI!: • HOVl!IEWARm 1802 Newport Blvd., Coata M- LJ 8·3'28. 6leM Bl:RV"l:L refnr .. • cu. rt. Xlat. condJtton. OuarantH atUI ttfiK· tin, It&. Pll. Uberty l ·IOOI. 61c&5 Washing Machine , 8DVICll l·YH .r ,ua.rant.M Oil JoM d-. and °" UMd ...,..,.. """ (rear) Newport 81., o.ta Mea. Liberty MM3 or Liberty 8-4327. Mtlc Used Automatics S39 .50 to S99 .50 Delivered ln.atalled, suarutead. No utra cha.r,.. We Service All Appllucee Speclallsing in Automattca Auto. Wuber EnterprUlea 2141 N~t Blvd., eo.ta M•• Uti.rt1 l-1IOI I N_, Oolt Counel Upp HOU8ltKIZPl:tR. Uva In. J dill· d1"911. 1 daya w .. 11 off. Call Hu. OIU-W. ltpet _soo __ w_..-__ •_L_._B&.t_bo&. ___ 6_Scaa_ 11-W..W .. !'l WANT •,.rt-acs rMl eetate ltroller or aa.1..nu la live '1f· rice. &ff Mra. l!lhlrley, MJT. In· formation «1nfldentlal BALBOA BAY PROP'TIES J60S W. Baltio. Bl.. Npwt. Buch Harbor !'>lU !'>2c64 LADY WTTlf CAR for Avorf PY.o- duct& ln N-port ..,.__ l:.Jlc.._ lml profit! Ca1l for app't. Kl 3-tUl. UpM ICXP. HAl\DWARIE MAN, tu1J ttme. Oeod condlUone. 8TROO'i8 Hel'dwa.r .. HOUM'Warea 1902 Newport Bl'rd., O>eta Mna &3cM W A NT uperi•need ha.rdware and houMwaru man. Ph. U 8-UM l\!t('M PART TtM:J: uper1tnced l!lwttch· board OJMt"tor Apply In J>f'MIOfl B&lboa Bay C1ub 03tM W ANTZ Pert um~ mal<I ~t· vie. for mo~I MUi l be wlllln( to worll 81turday1 6 Bun<laye. JlANOJC8-Rl«hl or left ha.nd OVtJ'I J lO e~h. 11ood Mnd1t111n Mlw fumllu~ c:hnp 2006 Court Ave. Newport. !'>3~ ti .. ,.. 0 rr sm.a. 18 di ame er a 24 . lonr . J4.'\ P h u 8-2077 6kM New It Used Gurui Aleo all l)'V ammunition BOYD'S HDWE. M30 W Caul Hwy , Npt. ~ach ..... -~3c6.'\ CALLING ALL 12s! YOU who wur mooel 11ue wlll rln<I M tmf' wondt1rlul buy• Ill MARC ii': WEBB'S. 19~ South Cout 8lv1I . La.i:una &ac)\ .. ~AMl'LE <Ir<!••""· dlaiconllnuf'd numbu• Hparatl'a and fanc:y p•nt•. <lrqUcaJJy reduced.. • rew olhu alua, too! WAl"IT wall t..il. tOliU. camJ' sto¥e, coolrl"f equip,. oil lamp, and olh•r ca.mptar 6 uraa.111m proeperton .,.. ... L Harbor HH·R. 6kM Last Call, help us Clean House ! LOOK, only $19.95 Good maple dHk .. . ... llt H Mod. blofl<le che.at. Ilk• new f lt H f'tnr maph! th.,.t llt.tl\ LE>OK, only $29.50 LlcenM<1 Contrac:tora Call Lolng"ton t _.948 collect. 41!'!11 ,... Syr amnr,, S.flUI An.a K.J 3·17:>3, Kl ~·3•811 or KEl 1-2:>13 &2t!c Real Estate School in Santa Ana I Rarbor 3772 ~ !'>2c64 ANO OUAIUHTnD 0 K. 81CRVEL rerrt,.,_toT 12t &O COLDSPOT retnrerator _. 12t ~ SILVERTON"!£ 121~" TV PH AHUM CURRENT URNINGS All F=UNOS R'CE:IV'O ON OR 8'F=ORE TH' 10th OF= ™' MONTH ~ F=ROM n4S RAST H unUncton Beac.h t>tpp60b H.H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUKBINO A Prompt tt.p&Jr Service M.a1nta.l.Dad Pboae · Harbor ff2' UOl Balboa Blvd., Nswport Be&<ll plrJ VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY MEN A WC.MJ:N prepe.re Ill span Ume for unlimited opportunlU• ln 1\-.t E.tt.ate. New cJaaMa WMklJ. Al l'ylu lnat.ruc:tlns. At· tend nrwt "'*""'' tr" u d Itani about thia mat tkld. Call or write now for lnfonnatlon. Bu.I· MN lnatJtutt , u:>~ N. 8 yCA· mora. Kl i-11~. ?•tic China Painting Day and ltYtnln& C1Mltea Orclera T1ll:rn Now Phone Ubert>; 8-&U8 84llc Will c-ome to your home, take down you r vt'nttt11n bl111d1, take the.m to our laundry. Laund,.r th• al&t.8. t3--.'!Jltuaitlon• Wuted IAJ>f'•, c-ords, aparkllas cl-n With our new muhln• proce.H Roy's Maintenance ml'lhod. Rfturn your blind• a.nd re·lnirlall lh'm In 24 houra RllWlt tlf'a.n1111-Floor wuinr Prlct' ""Y roaonable. Tttt' a ver· Wall waahlng-wtndow cleantns a re 2 tape rnldenllal bllnd-1 \'entllan bllnda. Uphol~ery lnaurtd. FrM l!:Jltlmatu Only $1.00 Ubtrty A.1au iuc W• alao repair and r•bulld vm e· I lion bllnda. All work done by ap-LICE~SltD upenrnc..-1 Sklp~r. polntmfnl. Phone now l.Jbtrty 1 available. Phone Hu . 1129-W. 1-5701 or Klmberly 3·827•. pptrc an t r IJ "m. 62~ CEMENT & BUILDLNG All Klnr1a Experienc'd 2"ardener LANDSC~ING FREE ESTIM.A TES Liberty 8·61 09 I and CLEAN UPS 29tl General Contractor LICE:"SJO:D I New Work -RemodeUnc J . MIL TON McKENZIE Harbor 3122~R 44p!57b 1 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK HO JOB TO() IMALL H. 0 . Anderaon IO!t E Balboll Blvd , Be.lt>M M.arllw MOO Ntlc j Liberty 8-1 MO IOUe MAN A WOMAN Will do ,_.na hOUMWOrk. floor W&Jl.lq, ... <low cl..,,lns. rut -n..., Whitt . I H I:. 20tb It.. eo.ta Mfea. U 1-2W. ,,U PAINTER WANT'I WOll\K. 11 YM.l't _,.n. ence. ,..Oii u.ntoa. Hourly. UbtrtJ l ·mJ. pptl PAlNTJNO "'.XPEJUENCt;D painter lly day or hr h t.nor or 1ntertor. lmall j Joi.. CIM¥. U l-JU7. 9UoN NOW tal!ln1 a.ppllcaUona for n · ~r1enced waJl ,,_a, for sum· mn help ~EASPORT CO~E SHOP 2833 Coa.at Rwy, N~rl BeaclL ~ A~"n10N ALL BOT8 - N ewa-Prtee carrtu rout.a an now open ln aome netctiltortloocS. - Balboa. Wat l'f~ llaJboa la land. Newport Betpt.e and Oorotla del Mar u4 eo.t.a Meea. It you are 12·16 yr-. old. have a bicycle, apply lo..tJ a.m. or , .. p.m. only at arcuJaUOo Dept., Newport Hartlor ,. .... '"'-. 1211 Jlal~ Bt'rd., Newport Beach. Harbor ltlt. Httc MAlD8 WANTED. l:llptrlen~ un· necuary. Part or tull lime. Contact hoUNllffper. Balboa Bay Club. Ud:I W ANT'CD-IU..N tllptrtenced In machJ.D• auto pollalllnr. undar· ant Lnr and llttam cleanln.a. 3100 W . Oout Hwy., Npt. BcJI 6Sc$6 WANT EAOICJ\ BEAVER rMI _. ta~ •le.,,aa .-ho la wllllns to hold open bou-ln.~ad of wannlnr a d\a!r Ill -the ottlca. Top aamlnp tor u .... wire. AltT C. KJSTl.l:ft CO. not N-port 81...-d., J'fpL l!laech Rarkr Int. NcMb BEVDAL ISC'TT . .8Tmf01, ABUft. lllllirpr~ addias -di. GJ. DIUVSll, tNdl or !Mia -p. OTlllCIW--N-Jo .. DalJy. JUM1C rAM.Aft Employ. A.f'C)' 609'4 • UM I L ..!'( 9W1M1rt llMeJI ( ...... ,.... Qt)' ll&U) IWI ltaA.L~-....... ~ ......... •'-VM8 W1UTll ......... u.a. .. "'''· uu.,.... .• ,. tlea .atldeft· tW. Nell BABY arrrat wutad "'°"' l :JO a.m \lftUJ tJ:M . Har. IJTW. ..... 81£ llU.RT, twl SHARP. When you aave on nearly new eppa.rel tor women It chlldren. Only bet· trr (T&de merc.handlN la C:OD· a1rned at KATl:Y DOAl"P.: Ap- pant Shop, 2't21 E ~l Hwy I Klndtll'e Patio• c 0 M AL TERA TIO NS too' Tour ir•r· menta or oura. !'>2~0 WIN An.eon Jackpot., get your STOP THE MUSIC blanlu at RAY FIELDS, Lido Watch Repair Vincent Dru••· 3481 Via Udo '2c:&4H --ORIGINALS AP'Tl:RNOON, Cocktail, dlnnn d~-• It ConrdlnatH . Cuatom Dreeamaking Pb. Harbor &288·R. 62p64 OUN FOR l!IALE-Puku dble. be.ml. HJ sa. 1hot run-E:acel· lent condlUon. Call tfte. Harbor ~WK. '7tfc ANTIQUU -Old tum.J turt. cut si-. ampe, old plcturu. dock.I ate:. BartaJAa p.lore. Bir di. COWlt.8 to daa.ler-.. Charil• 0.vt•. 1100 &. Anabelm a t., 1.o,.. Beach. 450-139. nuc Fresh Hearing Aid BA. TTJ:JlIE8 Wt 0 1" lltH GrMll It.empt Gunderson D~ Co. Ma.la 8L at llal..,_ Ill , 8&ltloa Harbor &16. Mttc IOUIX lnd1an baa4-d mocc:U.M, belta. bra.celtt. and othtT' lt•ma. BUI J ordal\. U. J:ut 18th I t . Coet& Maaa. U c:M .._B-An!t?!'!! QUlCKJ"ftEEZm trMMr. Will hold \Ill lo MO lbe. In 1ood nanalAI ..... llO. u \'l7M. Ii.II la bit model U t &O ALSO Sl:SCER conaole type Hwlnr m•c:hln•. m oo HOTPOINT 6 tu. ft. apt retrt«erator lff .0 BltNDlX IT" TV c:ofleot. •• a..t 60 Pl.AT PEN, BABT CJUBl!I, t \c. Wt'r• Really CIH.11.111& HOUM! Dale's Furniture 1974 Hubor Blvd SINGLE bf'd, •prlns• • matt r.M, Jt!'>. Ta~ rrt·order. Ilk• new, W 7-ft. modt1m couch, 17G. Alao cc:rttee It end tablee. .0 Balboa Cona. 'tc64 MOVfNO, WILL Bl!:LL 8o11 d cherry hHdboa.rd tor double ~ w1lb paneled compartment. U O, 2 braa lampe 11" bJp 110 .. , oyater colored drapH cut tor 32" wtndowa, enoup tor I to 3 bedrooma l lO: t • 11 antique Bollh.ara f"\11, baautlM win• color, U OO. Japan-water color on aUk Ill. Pllont Karbor 3977 6kM MOVING 8A T'l.11U>A T -Mod.rn da ""port. lou.np chalre. tablea, a ut.oma U o 'llll'Utler 6 drytT. O. IC. rctrf rp,.tOT Vwy ,.._.&.. Harbor Ml 7 ·.J. lkM BEAtrr. Mt mall. ht poet« ~ compl•ta appralMd IJSO . .-crt· n~ 196. Dou~ Met. ., .... ,.. mall.NM, doutll• ~. I ' ,&al• mirror, t.able, ~r llO. lO'au· Chln... wool hooked ,,.. ••&. Bed divan and chair newty COT• •red ln Provtnclal prlnl, IH. W'tdpwood at.ow, OYeft C119trol. chrome lttooll« H6. d"'P ...., t.a.bt., maple tablee. 1a.rn,., .U.C. 2MO C....t.tew, .... ..,_ .. T ..... ....,...._ l .... PAGE 8 -COAST Al SHOPPER -MAY 18, 1955 TWO )fAPLE LOVI'! BEATS. ~uonable. IM1 Crut"rt-Dr .. Bay Shores. 52cM -!(Check These Used Cars ~ USED PIANOS wanted for our rut.al dept. HJrbNt caab allow· ance ln trade for orsa.a.a, snnd planoa. and 11plntta. Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what be aella TODAY MAPLE CAPT. ch.air. ~. 3 b&m· boo bUnct. Jl f'ach. Harbor 4234. lllp61 Dl:'\fSO RM. arr. La.rp old full· lf1D~ table Y>'ltb 8 Upbolatered l'hAl1'11. bUtft't .. C'hlna t'IO.Ht. Hllr. 2094-R afl~r • .30 pm 112pM ~;A~Aal!'l_llll9~~~~~- ROV Al. Dalton platN , ftpnnu. plcturu. mirror. chair , brau, I ht'lt. table. J"eW OrfaMy l"Ur• t arn.1 It 3 chrna cow a. Harbor 2091-).(. 113cll:I TRADE Beeutltul 70-lt. a ux. echooner. Jl\t.lly found. go anywhtre. WIU lake f'qUlty In proJ>4'r1Y or ama l· lt'r boat. 12:?0 \\'. Balboa Blvd., Ne~. Hu 3032. 3Gtlc MERct"RY SLOOP. TY-ophy wtn- nt'r. tnp shape. atf't'I traller. Jljll. HYatt t-~87. 60tlc DA."Z·SODrUDT. 520 No. Main, Santa Ana. y. d ly .. ' ly I . 8Pfl\."l:T PIANOS. AU wondt'rfUI buya. 811ght1y UMd many rental returna, One in beaulltul Ebon F'amou.. name. Thie make use by Caruao. Only 1396. Love Mirror Type Spinet. only $196 anotAer maple ttnub 1397. On more, the Acroaonlc Spinet on J4~. Many other gna t buy 100 piano• rrom which t.o chooM new 6: UM<!. It n, DA.NZ·8CHXIDT Bii Plano Otl!IUI Store, 620 No. Mal Santa Ana. O~n P'r1. Ev Hnme of th• Hammond Org•n Blonde 8tudlo piano aav1 124 e. .. 5. SPECIAL BUY! Id l , SMALLEST !lud10 upright. Ba win madP piano In fine condition With full 88 kt'y board. Tel"t'M 148 05 down. ll5.87 per mo. a SHAFl"..R'S J.tuatc Co. CSlnce 1907 421-423 ?>:. Sycamore. Santa An Phone Kimberly 2-0872 , • For the Cream Off the Top See these Cars at Theodore Robins '54 Ford $2295 Cu&e.. ranch wagon. H-tlnted clua. Forno. '53 Ford 1495 Cuat. 4 dr., radio, heattr, F ordo. '50 Chev 845 Convertible, r•c1Jo, heater, rtal nlct '50 Ford 775 Crealllne. 2 dr .• rlldlo. heater. waw. '51 Nash 645 St.11.tHm•n t dr .. o'dr!vt. gd. tires '51 Ford ' 975 . See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO I-PT. DINfiHY with u ll, lll5. 1311 Coast Blvd., Coruna del Mal JS-watt radl'J, $30. Rar 3?i9-J. V-8 CuaL clb. CQI!., radio, huler. t 9<:&4 C Thaden Interior Bid&. I Fordo. U -rr OLA8& boat It 10 hp Mer• cury outboard. Ylnt cl ... condl· tlon 1112·S8lb 8t., Nnrport &h. 4ltfc c I• Har. 3382 oe u 'Sl Ford SPlNET PL\NO. The moat beat u rul pia no lft th• world. Hlrhe• gTlldt'. All !rultwood cue. Jua like nl'W. Aba olute ly! Thi chanca comu but onct'. Sav 995 THREE ~rt. aJlpa ror rent. 18.'.I month •l Lido Wharf Yarbt IAndlnit 3448 Via Oporto. Ph. Uberty 1-YIO&. t 8c80 t t a e 132~. 0 DAl'Z~SCHMJDT F a moua Plan Store. Santa Ana. ~20 ?\o. )lain BEAUTIFUL Steinway Model B CHRYSLER )fartne enl(tna. 4'9 to Orand piano tn perfect rondlUon l reduction ge1tr. Savi' ovn bait or new price a t- ) RE'FR1GERA 1'0R, 110 volt D. C. 8HA~'8 MU.lie Co. (81nce lll07 II~ JACK HARPER at Udo 421-423 N. Sycamo~. Santa Ana Slllpyvd.. rnd ot llst 81rttt, Phone Kimberly 2~72. Newport Be&ch. 29t!c 11!'>4 rv1;o.;RUDE, 16 hp. 1270. XlnL con'11llon. Elltra prop. and cover. will <tf'mOtUJtrata on our boat. LI s.:.:18 51c:.3 lt YT !l:l'!ARLT Nl'!W CHRIS CR.Arr. RUA about. Flb«al&N- ad cont.role, 15 h p l':Ytitrude motor, C'l\rUI Tr&llf'r. Har. 2l28. ~~ WILL ACCEPT up to 14.000 c.1b1n cNlef'f' on 3 bl1nn. buch home. 11,. bll)('k.I to OCffn, partJv tum at Jll,2:)0. Bal. leO. month Ph owner, Harbor 11224. M r:...,h 24 PT. CHRIS-<"RArr t'ab1n crul•· er. nrw ~nr;;lnr, radio 6: m any ••tru By own~r. Pbone Har. M39-W. ~:k~ll • 15 PER MO rtnla (ood pnlcUc piano. lAt the k lddJta !tarn. All ttrm rent aJJowed ll you buy later. COO<! practice planoe 11!~ llte. 1178, 1190. DA:'\Z.SCHMIDT Bia Plano 8 t.ort 100 planoa. 620 No. Main, 8&11ta Ana. Temu. Pomeranian Pups AKC, champion at •tud. 71311 WHtmln.1ter A ve,, Waatmln· •ter. Ph. Wutmlnaltr 2·2"~· 60cUH DACHSHUND PUPPlEB A.KC rec l red ma!~ ana a black 6 tan female, 1311 . .,.ch. 14271 Camt· ron ~e. Ba nta Ana.. Pb. Kl 3·1011. lllc03 EL.Cl~ outboard motor, :I h.p . uM'd only 4 ttmea. JUllt IO!e """· PrtN'd 10 wll. 22.IO l:Jdf'n Ave., ~Alltoe for SaJe ____ _ Co.ta Meaa.. t>.:Jp.):) FOR BALBOA 1SLE propt-rty o-.-n .. ni. No Bay moorlnc. 40' spat"f', ntr publl< rt~r •I ~•p· phllf' 1100 DBL. L.£."liant l J' paddle boud. rood rondltJfin I 2'I MOOR!XQ Ill C1'1trTY CO\•t. C'ala · 111\•. tO' •pa<• . . "* SO' Pl-A!'n'IC' WT7.ARO lttnl(hy It oan I~ PHONE Harbor 4183 6Jt':I.'\ flu:o HA.)010:'\D flpt.ncl orsn ln an. condJUoa... Sic A vtnp C<ICT'Vl.lmt te"'1• at BRA.P'EJ\"e Mualc Co !~Inc• Jt07) '21-ttl N Syramnrf' flanta Ana Pboea Klm barly 2--0e 72 AOCOR.DIO:-f 130 Ba-a. 2 ahlfll A ~ Xlnt. condition. 112~ «:all U 8-4112i aflt'r :i ~2c~• G. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '46 C MC ~ T. PICKt.'P 'H FORD 1,. T. PICKUP ·o STUDEBAKER ~ T. Pickup 'Ill CMC '• T PJCKUP 'bl IS T£R:'\A110:"At. l.., T l'WKl:P ·:,:i l X>OOE 1t T Plt:Kllr , SP ORTSMAN TOP '!13 GM<' 1-, T. PICKUP KY· DRAMATIC TRANS '63 OMC ' T. PJCKUP HYDRA TRA.-.s. ·:,3 DOOCE l T. DUAL.q 'H WKITE 2 T . COE. 2 8Pffd '48 GMC 12' ST A.KE. 1 h T '49 l''ORD 2 T. c•c .• 211 T ire• % ~PEP'..D '!II 1-"0RD 2 T. 12' BOOT, I 2:1 JANaL'J OROA:'\0. "Ole planO and TIRES, 2 SPUD electric O~an In -~ ln.ltru· 'IH CMC 10 WHEEL DUMP. mf'nL l';okl fnr O\'tr 11600. Our P 00 TIRES. BI L TRANS prtce I 7 Tnma. At..' <into beautiful ElHtn>nl<" Or'"" 1.-k• w .. have U1• IAr.,..t and ei .. an~t ntw, Ul()ft·I t1nlAh F'amnu~ mak,. , 'll'<'k of uffd truclc• In Oran~e Our prl~• only J6&). Think f1f County. ~ aure to -our atock that! befnr• any uMd tnJck. DA~"Z.-8CRM'ITVr 8 1,; l'111n'l C'n Banta Ana !\20 :'\n Ma111 BEA t.rrn·L'L maple mlrMr t)'ll" upT1&hl ptano 1n ,..-rl ... \ C"Onrll· Uoa Tf'rma IJe 3i .1 .. ~·n anti I ll 7) pPr m <>nth a· SHAFER'S Muai< Cn 1 Slllct 111071 421 .... il ~ 8)·camor~ ~•r'• ADA Pbon. Klm1-'ly 2-00 7 2 W.W. WOODS G).fC DEALER 11~·111 E. H b St. Santa AA& Open SW1day a.m. Truck h~adquartua for Ora.nr• Co. Bl:JCK 49 Suprr, 2 door, \\', W. 11ru. heater. radJo and Oyna- n ow 31' Anlldll Ba lboL &3p64 BAJO(OND ORGA."'\S Lat'd. A 19\0 BUlCK Rl\'1tra. Ooctor'1 cu. r&A 01,portunll\' One tamous Baautlful ronrt. All f'lltru. lll:IO. C"ho.rd Or~an. perfrct conl!ltlon U OO Kinas Rllad, :'\ewport Hla. On• Hammond ~plnrl Or Kan, 2 ~Jcil6 Convertible, radio, heater, W•W I 51 Pontiac 995 Catalina hardtop, R, H, Hydra. I 52 Chev 995 !tylellne dlx., 2 door, wwt. I 51 Ford 795 ~ ton pickup. Theodore Robins Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THI! MAJUNICR'I MILE" 3100 W. Coast. Hwy. ' . . . Llb9rty .... 71 Volkswagen Trade-ins 49 CHRYSLER Windeor aed. Beautiful cond. R A H $345 48 CHEVROLET Seda.oette, u la ................ -......... _$!~ 01 FORD 8 Cuatom club coupe. R le ff. Jl'ordornatlc. Beautiful bla.ck color .. $795 53 PLYMOUTH club, R Ir Overdrive .. ·············-···., $895 ~ PONTIAC 8 1edanetU. R & H. Syncro-meah trana- miMion ······-·· ............. $.5~ ·coTTON GOFF ~~~~=~?i~~ N~~,:~ 2 Harbor a. 63c:.Sh HARL.ET D4 vtDeON mntorcyclf 1147-7' ~h.v. Good llhapa 12711 9U Z:.e.rrreen, Ooata Mtaa. (J'readom Homea). lllp53 See The All New Hillman Husky $1445 s El! and DRlVE at Harvev Maver Mtrs. 2 137 Harbor Blvd.. Coala Mna r call t or darnorutra Uon a t LI n S-221)4. &lcil3 '4 t OLDSMOBILIC mtatlon •.,.cin. Top aha~. Pl1.,..lt J>U'lY Hllr 3i04-W. &tell$ l '61 PLYMOUTH 8aT01 ataUon W&JOn Exc•Uent t"ondlUon owner c1r1vtn. 11175 Phon• LI 1-2713 evenll\f'8. 112~• Motor Overhaul NO MONEY OOWN * with this ad * 8 Cyta. -----·······-·$48.88 8 Cyla. ·--·········$58.88 ke7boa.nb. Don I wnlt If yau wUb to mak' • s:ood a•vln( nn \Ji. worM'a f\nf'•l ('rtr&M Ill CHEV conv. P'Ollde, ~. J ncludH botll labor llnd parl1 New r1n11. 1"1at pin•. valve r;;t11'd. ntun,. of main lln4 rod baannre. Elrpert motor tu11.-ur. 110-day or 4,000 mll• suarantu. DAN'Z-BC'll~UOT Jlon1--ot th" Ba.mmond Orpn. ~20 :-;n M!lln, Santa AnL Oood tl'nlll C:r"""· d un 18i6. 819 P oppy, Corona del Mar. Harbor 211'9-R atter 6 30 p. m. 62p:i4 ( %'."O MONXY DOW)I:). REBUILT ENGINES f TV SERVICE WI: R .. ENT portable ~rd player• 6: ampUnen. ai.u P . A. •Y•l,m• 8TEV~S and 8 0S8 1 11~ CHR\"SLER ~flW Torlttr, U • cdlent cund. RAK. Ownu k av- lnJ for Hawaii. Murrt adl. DeU· v~ry da le M11r 27. 1~4~. Hubor ll282·M. 6%pM -UP U> 111 MONTHS 1'0 PAT- Bullt tn our own factory by aklll"1 machlni.ta. Don't cont.nd with I the mldc11-man. 'Buy dlrt'cl. • WE'RE JAMMED FULL Our Lot is Small ! ! Our Used Car Inventory BIG ! ! Select from the cleanest cars in Southern Calif. & at reasonable prices . '49 OLDS. V-8 ............................................. $699. Radio, Heater & Hydramatic. '54 OLDS. 98 HOLIDAY ............ $3199. Fully equipped, 11,000 original miles. '53 FORD 2 DOOR CUSTOM ...... $1299. Radio, Heater & Fordomalic. '53 FORD 4 DOOR .... .... ...... ....... $1399. New black finish. Radio, Heater & Overdrive. '54 JAGUAR Coupe (like new), $2499. '50 PONTIAC CLUB COUPE ...... $699. Radio, Heater & Hydramatlc. '54 MERC. CONV. . .... ············· $2499. Radio, Heater, Overdrive, Power Brakes 1 owner. '51 MERC. 4 DOOR ............................... $999. Radio, Heater & Overdrive. '52 STUDE. V-8 Hardtop ........... $1699. Special H igh compression heads, automatic, R Ir H. '51 FORD 4 DOOR ....... .... ..... _ .. $899. Radio, Heater and .Fordomatic, white wall•. '49 PONTIAC 2 dr. Sedanette ..... $599. Radio. Heater. '49 CHEV. 4 DOOR .................... $699. Radio, Heater, new baked engine enamel rtnleh. 3 Day Money Back Guarantee SEE THESE AND MORE AT JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN -MERCURY DEALER 900 W. Coa.at Hwy .• Newport Beach. LI 8·55-45 SAVE MONEY WITH THESE MOVING DAY SPECIALS 1952 MERCURY Hardtop, Radio, Heater, Merco- maUc, New w-a-w tlrea $149~ 1953 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 door ... .. le95 1952 NASH Country Club 2-Tone Brown 945 . 1951 HUDSON Hornet 4-dr. Dark Green .... 8~ 1951 1951 l~l 1950 19i9 MERCURY Station Wagon . ·······-··-.. 1095 STIJDEBAXER <! dr. ~ .. Auto. Trana. 795 CHRYSLER New York~r 4-dr. Sedan CHRYSLER Wiodeor 4-door-Perfeoct HUDSON 4 door ............... _., ......... . LOU REED "WE HA \'E MOVED" 1125 .. 795 3~ 1200 Weet Cout ~hway. Phone l.Iberty 8-3486 Used Car Department Now Located at Our New Building -WE DON 'T SELL BALONEY - Just the Best Deal on Used Cars 1947 MERCURY Station Wagon 6-Cle&Jl. 1953 BUlCK Super Rivkra-A-1. 1951 PLYMOUTH 2-dr.-A good buy l 950 BUlCK Roadmuter 4-dr.-l owner 1!'117 FORD Convcrtiblt-T'rtced to 11cll. See ua tor a real deal on a NEW '55 BUICK. .TERRY'S BUICK 2612 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5021 (A few bib East of Newport City Hall) A'ITENTION Nash -Hudson owners ':\:I BOLES £:'\SEXAOA 22 fl hnua~ lnlller. Llkt nt'W, Tnllt l It •hwr. Sleep• !\. Sl&:IO Sf'e at 1991 N'wl><>rl Ave, Co@ta M~aa. or call Harbor 70·R evu. 47trc ! 41-WuWtieae.t Rentals Wanted We .. ed apt. and houeu In &II eecUom for boU! wtnt•r and Jt&r'' i.eu.. ""1l. or WllUnL. U JOU It.ave a •.a&M7 • phome t.oda1 The Vogel Co. UOl W C.t. BWJ~ Newport lkh Pbofte U!MrtJ 1-1411 IOI M&r&De. llaJMe '-Sud Pflone Rarllor U4 2fa7 E. Cout Ry., Corona 4d Mar Phone H11rbnr 1741 Lido Oftlce, 1411 Via Udo Harbor "'71 S2trc WANTIID TO RENT In N-port Bearh school dl•trlct 3 or 4 bf>•t· room unturn. home. Relleblt family of five. Monthly or leatt. Ha.r. 0818-M. 62t"~4 PHYSICIAN WANTS 3 bedrm hoUM l to 2 yr. leue, up to 112:1 pe.r month. Har. 1273 112<'114 OWNERS LIST your rental• wlUI ua. We have ttnanl.I waltln,; for ~lh ptnnanent 6 a11mmer r~nt•la REX RECHS, REALTOR 2307 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor :1111$-Har. 917. 03c:l5 ~Apt..~~- 2 BDRMS. untum .. prare. atovt, refr1J . Water paid. 1 child o.k. 7~3 W. 19th 8t.. Colt& Mua. LI 8-8971 or LI 8·3340, 47lf<' LIDO ISLE UNFURNISHED, yurly 1-. II bdrm • 2 bath, Uvtnr room 20.ao 2 paUn1 ,comer 2 •lndaa. 1200 ptr month. Bay & Beach Realty 14~0 W. Balboa Blvd .. Salb<>& Hubor 1284 RENTAL r SPECIALISTS ca11 i:c1na cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 31 1 M.ar1ne A,,.. ~Jboa laJand, Har. 1171 Title REASON ABL T priced. clean 1 .. 2 bdrm. turn. apta. Ulll. peld. Laundry room. P1ayl'f'OUJ\d for chlldrt'n. Blue Top Apta • 403 Newport Blvd . NIWJ'(>rt Beach. Above the Arc:hu. 4tt.lc BRANO NEW 2 bdnn. untun. du· pin, garb•g. dWpocMil, prac•. $7~. month. CALL DAYS ll.30-4:SO U 1-HH or U 1 -7182 a!'ttr II p.m. • wk """• phont Har. "417. OOUc . Choice Summa Rental.a on Balboa island It Udu lsle Small 6 cozy ur lat'f• 6: delu.a• J76 to POO mon t.b VOGEL CO. 20I Waltoe ·~ BeJ-. 1ldud Pb. BarllOr '" or Hart.or 21111 Rea. Har. lTN-ft or Ha.r. ~M 16Ue 4'7-Wutecl to Rtat '1-Wuted to 1IMt --------····~...___ WANTED RENTALS Pleaae drop by our new office and 11.t your rental 11•ith ua. Summer or yea rly. Prompt, courteou. attention for you. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Harbor -t923·J RENTALS We are opening a new 'dept. to handi. rentala. U you have rental property and wi.b t o M- cure a tenant, CALL JEAN SMITH and 1be will take all information. Our charge will ~ 10~ for abort term rentala -or 5~eo for yearly Ieuea. . DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Free Parklng Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bncb Cabanas Marinas Har. '711 Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful !king. Apt .-Cabanu. UtWUee paid. "1th Yacht allp accomodaUona. Dally. weekly, moathly, yeuly. For appt. or l'ftlUVation, Call Har. 2"2. Mtte · 48.&-Apta. for &eel I Summer Rentals • Excluaive Bay Fronta + rmu; l&Rl:D a lldnn., 0eeaa .tew. l yr.-.. PO.~ snontk. b cl. -ttt A prde9er. othtt choke propertie. Harbor l.ll&nd, Ba1 Aora9. Bea- con Bay, quallllad clSent. onl7. Harbor lnveatment Co. Harbor ltoo (~ LI MSll) rate rt'RN. I bdrm, •pl . yf!ar l~aae 17:\ ·f80. nr 11Ummer r•le SSOO tor 3 monthll. lnq 308 Cama· u on, Corona '1tl ).tin . Rllt. 4018. 112\fc Close to Lido Shops N-.:WLT DEOOllATl':O. Untu,.,, 2 bdrm. ajL wlp.nc~. Luc• llv ..._ ·• Id~ .-ri, mo. rPnta.I. Pbona: Rw. eon or eon. 6lpr.I .u.ao. I llor. ao,..,,. ........ alolly ~ Total fW iNmJntr ..-n MOO . ._ loe-t.taa. cloea to Madi It bay. FJSRER .. 00. MOI Newport Blvd., N'pl. Beh Phone Harbor •42'. 60c:l!l NltW. untum. I bdrm. hOUM, 1111' 1(1.. wtU\ lfft1, near echoota and lnuuportauon, SIO, laM on l~e. A.-!lll, May Jt -tfl V1ctorl•. Coat.II. Mta&. Fr. 4·8019. 111lto 2 BDRM. rtmN. llo\IM durtnr JUN A J\11',y. MO. month. Ullll· u .. paid Jt11 P'\Jullarton II . Coat• ,.,,._ LI MIOI Ne~!\ NEAJU. T NEW rnodar11 I Mnn. tluplH, u.ntum . With fV'&C•· en.ta Me-. Water pd. No dill· T~RLT unt\u1\.. l bdrm. apt . dren, 187~ mo. Call LJ t-uOt. wtlh prac•· BaJboe Jallll'ld Nle& I llDIUl. U4 cleft un.tum .. home. 190 mo llT ~h~ater, Co•ta N~-. U a.aua mom· In,. or en •. &3t63 tTUc Har. 28»-W or Wbert1 '"'4.f38. ~tic "TR.'-" 8MALL 1 lldnn. b111eh CORONA DEL MAl\'a oui..t&lld· ------------"-· yewly, t4' 90. tnq IJ 1nr J bdrm. apt. oce&n aide Hwy. C08TA MD4. I nn •rt· tvm. 11·%1r>2. no.\.~ \11tw. Lovely carpeted llvlnc rm M uat\ua.. lncludo utthU<• CaU ------------ Comtr nreplace. Oarbaa• di•· B'YaU +-4S67. 28Uc CORONA DEL MAR poMI. P a Uo 4t e&r&Jt, 1110. mo. Bl'!AUTlYUU..Y r\1RNJ8HED 2 yearly, untum. Cb&nninl Harbor Ha\'en bo1nn• hnmt June 111 II) Aus I'. ~ruRJEL PlNOV£R, Rnltnr Apartment.a . Patios J blll from ocaan. Har. W O Call Harbor 4810 l>JcM llJ<'ll:) f"E'W t ROUJ.f, •ltt('l i...l Hee.r JUtDECORA n o. l'N>'l 'H:-.0 ('(•l· ac:booll. al'lopp1n1 dl1Lncl. QulcL I tag~. llv1nc rm. dln1ni; f'fn . plea.u..nL u clual\'t. OarMi• 418-LIDO ISLE kitdlrn~lt.a 6: 2 bdrm Hill •hwr poaal. laundry, ator•ge rooma. J YEARLY Rl!:NTAt.a U:-lroR~. gu 4t water pd. IM mo, yrly prac•. 132 ~ up O<'c'UJ>1u t n· J. 2 ti.drooma. I b&t.ba. ~nl&J. 108 Adami, BalbroL Her-Uni l lret't. Oood 1Upe.nvlon. 2. t bedl"Ot'lm•. 2 ti.Ula. bor l924·M. l°\3<"~ M«T . J:.01 tlavrn l'laca 1 C'hntra locatlo. 11a l block eouth or Hlfh lkhool AL.80 FUR.NJ3 HED APT&. EARL W, STANLEY, Realtor "8A-Apt&. for Rent BALBOA l SLAND, Bay f'nmt- J ul7 24 tn l'\uv, 24 tor prlcf' of I monlha. 3 bdrma . 2 baU!a. ,. ... ,,,.. thine to malct a dtUf'IU\11 home No peta. no amau cbUdre.n. Har 2338-W •ft~r • pm ~ ) fOD ERJI; fl"Ul\Jll. A PT . u lll pd 17:'). mo , yurly le&.M. Sultabl• for coupl•. Har. ~-R »Uc MODER:'ll 1 BDRM. APT. U11tur11 Stove. refr1f . bar It •loola tum. Yearly A'1ulu 807 r,.mlnr. Co· rona del Mu ~~ CORONA DEL MAI\ Lure I bo1nn tum . •pl lAundry faclll· tin , I~ mo Yea.rly i.ue NII Pi'la Hilt. '381. ~ Lido Bayfront NEW WINT'ER RATES 3113 ~~wrort Bl•d .. N~JX>rt lkh. Ille . Hartx>r 1013 40trc 5 Apts. plus 3 Store' Ocean View -Walk to Beach All rent.ala low to eecure perma.nnit t enant.· O>uld be lncru.Md by ta.ld.nc eummer ~ntlllA • ?r8ent in· comt> ~ month. A11kmg $4ll.500. Submit on down pymt.a. le trrrruJ, J. M. MILLER CO. 202!5 W . Balboa Bh·d .. Nt>Wport ~ac b "By the Ne•q.oort J'lrr" Har. 4091 ~lc53 3 bdrms .. 2 baths. lmmacu-80-A • <AmmrrTiaJ. lnd~trta.IGO·A • CotlllMrdal. lndu11trtaJ lately furn. apt. r;\OI EDI A TE or; upanry for e mo P"r1nd A pr 2 lh to Oct. 21th. u~o S ATTENTION: ATTENTION: S J=-:C t.t;OES 11nt1re aommer au.eon O O I S I t No pt>I-. :'\o rhlldr,.n. 3hown by I wner perators-nvestors -pecu a ors •ppot.nlm~nl only HAROO K 1:-;VF:STMF::"T 00 STOP LOOKJ:SG! Phc.ne HILr HSOO l tvra Hu. 12101 2 r:ire \'alues ,.0 u can't afford t o mi8 ti trf • J • Jlill Harbor lJh·d., Cc-sta Mo• t.Diierty 6-2301. ~MH I FOR a KNOCKOUT DEAL on an automobile, call me, Country Wa11bbume, Chrya- lei -Plymoulh. Lou Reed 6 AUO<'iate.. LI 8-3486. REBUILT and INSTALLE~ -Rioh Hahn's Garage BAY VIEW APT on L IJo Pt nlll· ( t ) FOR SALE OR LEASE Xlnt . lnvHl. $29.000 SMA Li~ utility _traller wl~ hitch 11ula New • attrar llvr pan,.11 .. 11 Locat ed on Mam Thoro fa.r1' • Hub of Balboa boom-111'<1 llcl'nM, 1 .11 Hu. 32 •11-J. I 1 In 2 bd l lU\I\ ORA...'\D rLA.-..;os ma.ny like n•• 8te.1n••Y· EaceU .. nt candJUon BaauutuJ Behr Broe. Quttn •tJa.. Kaabe O rarul. Oftlclal ~ piano, only 11'30. Lovr~· 52eM Coope Onnd. Mllhocany c-. 1941 DE SOTO • dr. tle\l. R.adlo nne tone and acuon.. only '":I , and hul~r o food tlru, JT&. Aiiolber Cr&Dd onl7 M~. ~.any • Harbor 3803.J. 111~ oiMr woederful Mi)'• ln Orandia. ----r---------COmt! Look! 1Ht ro!lo bwdnea coupe, I ~L, DA.~lDT JUs Pl&Do 8tol't radio. hulrr, :idnl. mechanical l&ata A-. ~O No.. M&1n. coad1Uon.. Call allt'r I -kd&T1. 100 ......_ lfcmw ot w Runmond '1» Ll 8·1091. 2010 MonroTia, Otsu. C:O.ta ,...._ •tt.tc SPECIAL BUYl '48 FORD convt>rtlbll'. rebuilt mtr 0 .... ,,.,. ... 1' 1 _ ,__ • -·~ RAH, IZO. Prtnta part7. W n• V4"·• ---1 ..,._ -~·-1 8·lit2. ' 6lcill 9' l'QOdiM. Saw •100. Ccleftnlenl ._.at-ljU YORD modf'I A p4dnlp. B 884P'l:ll'I XU.le Ot. ttlace 1107• molor Ha. t lll K~ l'lace Ul-411,. ·. Y't' ....... lanta -'»I N ... J>Ort Uta. LJ •·tt<n PbclDe rly 2--0eT2 " 112cil• . \ IBORT BLOCK Authort&ed P art.a 6: Senlc• FORD --l ut 50 ai.o Good Tran1portatlon CBEVJWLST ----110 :><J Cara P'or Sale p uTM. 6: DODO& . --.. ··-It~., CBJ\Y•. •DE BOTO .. _ sno Auto Radio Repair TUDllllA.KllR ···-····-snof ... no E "°th St 8 LD81sJ'ONTIAC 1 --S170 j "'T\17 • L7 • UJCIC ---;-.. --S17t> Newport Buch, Har. •72&. Htto 0 B K\,"'DSOM --·-·-· .. ·-.. -117~' ------------Lou cv rr .. TOWU11 I MAY SPECIAL HS'lV Cil 0 l1 A.R.A.NrEll Blocll •Ult m•l our 1l.aftc1&rda I Pll.Mt t.a:ua, .-..krta llnd oil 0,.. l\IM&1 10 LID. to 2 p.m. I Foreign Car Tune-up $3.95 & up BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 0 pe11 Deily 8 to 7 State Botlded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. LUff A. AN A. P ill.I paru If nacl'uary. , We pick up A de11,,.r. 811 A W1NNICJ\ WITH- Hausken Motors Inc. I 11132 5'arbor 81V'd., Coet& M- l.lbertJ' 6-006 l. '1 CIOlll •tc~4 iv ,; room. rma. olVV on ing businc'M r<'ntre. M~ern 2-.tott bualn~profu-------------i yearly leut'. Pb Har. 27M r.r AIRSTR£AM-:a ft. rrulJtr, Xlnt Har. 8'\_ :.lc:ll 111onal bldg. Qlty. construction, C-t IO<.'a t1on, 8lrttt rond Tw t>e<U a b•th. 11-ply 2 BDR.\f. l:NP'UR.."'. dupln. "''llh to alley, Approx. 2600 ~· ft. Flrrproof, roughed In tlru Lwcury tor travtl Pull1 garage 3:1:\~ OJI•. Cotta M•-. for plumb1!'g and winng for apt.II or riff1ce1 above. -.11y ll~O 38 Prake St ~twr.n llltll • 17UI IL Up66 Next to a $225,000 enterpm•<'. CONSIIJER TRADE Udo Pk. H&r. 123i-W 112p6l llAROAIN 1964 lt·n. ncallon traJlt'r, almoat n.w. Birch wOQd tnt1r1or. Private party. J&N Kar. 3812-W, 112·p 29 rr. TR.All.ER-AWN, toU.t. ahWT., 11295 cuh or MOO. down. Bill. monthly. Ju E. wu-. Coeta M..., No. I. 63prit -For a dependable UMd car, ... your locaJ d•&ler who wUJ M iwra TOM'>RROW lo becll up wh.at be COSTA MUA-1.Arr• new 1 br. A L 8 0 untum. apL a.p. pr. 6 111'"'" (2) HARD-TO·VTNO ladu.lrilll K-1. dry rm. Nau tnaa. ii. Iida. Ml! mo. BOUITOK J\l:A.LTT. ~ On 31..lt St. to alley. Nearly new preeent bids. on C..t.er, a M. ft. LI ~ rear Inc. 1 6 2 bdrm. apta. "1t.b dbl. gu. Appro•. 30 CHAIOQlL J'IWKT -mar kut or ,.u11 tl&n. l It I bdnn.. ap\&. 1 tllk. to -• Udo DonUIC· OW1MJ' ......... --"' tore l&t.. a.& Afj. I• 116-Mll at... Jf..,,...t. .... xec>' iDdua. or com'I bldJ. alte tn front. PrOTidM borne and buin99 plu. income. Take &dvantap of lhS. chanc..tn-a-utetime opportunity. WON"T LA.BT LONO at 114.~. GOOD TERK8. wU. TODA T l Check UI• Wiid R4MaJU t-. ~ ooutut can lJI I.be d&Mttl-4 -.cUoo to-p~I .ta .. ...-rtJ la Uda 41,J. I pepw ..w.,...... ...it.a tor JOU. Pbon. HarboT !5093 for app't of' WRITE OWND Johll Lene.. 208 Koroo, Newport Beach. Cowt.y to broken U-RMJ .......... ------ LIDO ISLE _6_Z-_IW_aJ_Es_ta_~ _____ si-__ Re_aJ_Ea_tat.e ______ , 6Z-~aJ Estat.e I 0 'T II s Id FOR SALE BY OWNER SUMMER RENT AL pen i 0 nEw LOT c a1111111a nr1vf'. s1 ooo Exclualve Bayfroat home, Be&eOI\ an Everi:~·n. ('o!la Mt'M Bay, av&Jlable tor July • Au· 3 bednn. 2 bath homP plua a 3 bednn. an<t a 2 bedrm. __ 1_F_re_f'_dn_m_H_o_n_1t_•_1..__ ___ b_1r_l'>_6 BALBOA ISLAND ru-t. Beautifully tum i.bed. Car· MAY 11, 1955 -COAST Al SHOPPER -PAGE 9 BEAUTIFUL tum. new 3 bdrm. & den home with sorreoua aecluded patio. Thermador oven and range. 'Mle lut word tn a rchitecture and charm. Thia la bage dl11p0Sl\I. dl.thwuher. def'p apt. I ·I rrttu, 2-rar gare1e. Adutu , no ALL completely furnished. $11 ()() DOWN I pt'l• Har. :i.11. courteay lu T 11 · -0 I S25 9 .. /\ I • tt I a1tnt.s 43trc op rent a ocat1on n y , ""· x n t. nns. TH.REE be1Jro ·m homf', gar&~f' A HAPPY COMBINATION ot Ellerbroe.k and Bal- boa Island -4 bdrm .• 3 bath. To a quall!led fam- ily who can handle a high monthly payment, we oUer about S~ down. worth your attention at the price of $43,500. It jwrt hu eTeryt.hing. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. • large den home. Choice location on wide atnet-to.atreet lol Spacioua dining room, brealcfut bar, channinr patio. R ange, refrlg. carpet.I Ir drape• Included for only $32.500. Extra choice t-0-tt. lot on Via Genoa, (widest St. on UM llla.nd), only $13,500 for quick aale. COSTA MESA ON 17TH STREET BUSINESS SECTION WE Ol"'P'ER a C.2 108x300 ft. lot improved with nice buildings consisting ot ehowroom with 2 addi: tional adjoining rooma with a two bedroom apart· mmt (approx. 2100 eq. fL in bldg.) with loada of room to build additional income or another atore on front. Ideal t or doctor'• aulte, furniture shop or a1m1la.r buaineee. P lenty ot parking. It'• a good buy -let ua show you. AND REMEMBER nns - ma."ly other tin• bom• are U.ted exclusively at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3.U8 Via Lido, Newport Beach Har. 4971 or 4972 Evea. Har. 2191-M or LI 8-~297 Exclusive Lido Isle Bayf ront Beautiful Brand New Hawaiian Modern Enjoy the ever-chanfing beauty ot a&iJ Ii power boat.a 11klmmlng by In the clear, cool waten ot the South Bay. An unaurpa.ued panoramic view: the beach at your door. While quiet and privacy pre- va.il. Lido i• famed u the Ideal place for familieJ5, children and boat lovers. Cloee by ia the Lido Club- house where s oclaJ and play activities abound. T('ni11, boating. f'tc., for your enjoyment. DELUXE INTERIORS ARE W to W viacose nylon rubber underpadding carpeting: floating at.&ir ca.se: t ropiC'al planting: 2 huge atone fireplaces: dream kitC'ht'n with M"rving bar, built-In Thermador : diah- wuht'r. Three bdrms., plua conv 'pa.13elled dt>n: 3 bu. Full lge. rlas11 window walJ11 with aliding doors opening to upper snd lower sun declta. Other fea- t11re11, Must be 111ttn to be appreciated. • EXCELLENT VALUE! Phone Harbor 5093 for app't. Courte1y to brokers nr wnte Owner, J ohn Legge. 208 Koron, Newport Rr11 rh, C'allf. 51p53 It's a "LIVABLE" 2 BR. HOME An Ideal locat ion on &lboa lal&nd wlth fenced yard. IRrJ.?t' "h1uic trN'. paved patio plwi sand u-ea. Smart.· Iv a 11 ;in~rri 2 8 R. home-with gay interior. com· rl••l (' t>ll'C'tnr ally ~u1pped bar kitchen, paneJled and ~.Jlp1111('r .Ju .. t ~ 17,9!)0. furnished. $S.500 roan 11t $75. per mont h GOOD INCOME -TWO UNIT ~ HI 1101 11t ucrCl home with dbl. gar. and Apt ••Hr bo•th units furn. for only $19.500. Apt. is rf'ntf'd I hr :?.Hf lH M hom(' 18 op<>n. Take O\'er this immed· l••l l' ~11mnwr nrportunity with down psyment o( ~i.1100 l'nll Pow""' M LakP, HArbor 63 J. A. BEEK. Realtor !\11J f'11rl<~ vr nut' Balooa 11land -~--------------------~~~----- BEST RANCH HOUSE BUY IN NEWPORT HEIGHTS lt"111 ft l'hakr root typical ranch type 3 bdrm. homt. Ha.a 1'1 batm, dmmg room. brea.ldu t room. large h\ 1n~ ruom w ith mau i\'e fLreplace. Tbermodor elec· tnc ran~r & m·C'n, burned ct'iling1, C'edar panelled walll'I. Furnace. Laundry room. Wall to wall carpet and drapea. It'l'I ft>nced a nd landacaped and hu a pRt 10 Space prob1b1lll t be mentioning o( the ma.ny nth<'r fN\tures except to add that It ia aurrounded with qushty buUt ranch home•. Pnced de.finitely below value at $23,75<1 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th Ir Irvine. Newport Beath Phone Liberty 8·26M or evea. Ll 8-6300 PARTNER Act ive or not-with $5,000 cash. Ji INTEREST in new Company doin' an excellent bu.ineM. PoUcy dJaainement i1 r8pons1ble for thlli ~in-a-lifetime opportunity. We ahould net Sl00.000 w. y....-. Party .U.Cted must have good character reterenct>•. be cooperatJve and euy t o get &Joni with. Replies .held In •trict coiinct.ce. -.... &o. NTe tlhM pt..p." for a penona1 tnt.nifM. 81c63 ~ .... for 8eM .U. A.pt.a. tor lteat ------------~---------HARBOR APT&. Newport Island Modem fumlahed a pt.. Waterfront Summer Rental.t day, week or month l'Un8 llJ ~. l!'Mlrlth ot 11tuon. Nt&r bua, atoru A ~y. Rn11ou bl• 3709 ct>annel Pl Har. 121 7·J rawa. UH E 8-y Ave., BALBOA 'Ul• 1 llul»or NU. 17&1c 1417 W. Balboa Blvd. ff'nC'f'l1 ya.. braut. isna"·"r•·J l LO!lo"O BEACH Pt>nln. Ocean Ft. SIO ~. Lovely"""'" 2 bdrm home. Beau· C"A LL at 18114 HARBOR Bl.VD tltully tuni , wa ~hl'r, 1o;11.r. Leue COSTA Mt:SA U 8·16&1 :>2cM St8~. mo· LB. 343-19~. 49r!H 2 Iii' Ole beach Cottages FOR LEASE Furnished, on C·l lot-~ bike. from Newport pier TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvine F · 1:'950() T~rraC' .. 11nlum. view home1. ull pnce ,, 3 BDRM~ .. :.i b11tha and $1500 down 2 BEDRMS ., 2 baths. Call Hubor 1771\ or Harbor 4448. EARL \\'. STANLEY, Rea.ltor Irvine Terrace Ortic• CMona det Mar. 33ttc NEW 3 BDRM .. r 1rb11g'e dl•poll81. S83. montJ1. 217·21•t St., Coat• ~1esa. 1..1 8·3180. blr63h SOUTH l.AC U::>;A-Upper untum. apL Ocean view, fireplace, Mod· trn. S7~. mo. Phone Long Beach 8·0082. !ll r!)8 BA YSHO RES·Beach houae, 1leep• 7. 2 baths. lge. patio. Owner- LJ 8·4277. ~3r~ MODERN. one becU"oom unturnlah· 1d duplex Y.'lth (&rage. Water, 1ardentr tumlahed, seo. month. See 2607 Eldf'n Ave., C09t a Mu• Phone11 Ll 8·311!)3 or •Vf!•. Ll 8·:'>1147. ~Jpll!) UNl'"URNJSHED 3 tK!drrn. Corona Hlghla.ndl family home. W /W earpetlnr. drape•. co11y Wied brick flreplaC'e, ralaed hurth, birch paneled kitchen. Oce11..n view, lf•· y11.rd . Stove. retrlc .. WATERFRONT P ier and Float privilege. with furnished beach cabin -Only $13,950. S3500 down, bat. $80 mo. Ocean F ront F ur n. Duplex $11,850. -$2,500. down Look! Look! Look! . ' Near new Lido 2 bednn. beautifully furnished. 1 door off U do Nord. $21.~MOOO down Balboa Island S.yfront Com er Lot with 2 bfodnn. '(·· tn. homfl and area to build new reeidenc.'e. $31 ~. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport 8'a.cb Har. !5226 automatic wuhtr Included If -------------------------------- dNlred. 8 " n ow 60' Seaw11rd Road, Corona d•I Mar. Ph. HYatt t -6$91. 37 Uc ·uoo. Lovely J bdrm., turnl~hl'd J uly . .. . ............. s•:-.o AU«WIL . .. - . S~MI Ail< for Goor1• Kllrntr Grt,.nlt11f·Severu Realty Hu. 2Mll 3112 ="pt B lvd. :"\'pt 112r~I 49--Room& to Rdt SMALL 1\np.ll' room for working man. C'omforto.bl .. ~t1. hot anti cnld v.alt'r, 17 wk. Pr1v tnlr J23·281b flt , Newport Bu rh 32pp33 Brand New St ore & Office Bldg. Avalltt.b)e J uly h t. OpJ>'>l'll" Nl"WpC\rt C"tty H all ELEVATOR PARXI NO J A NITOR 8ERVJCI: 0&11 Paul Hfrrnn, ,_.1n1 acent Th• BEAUM01'·r co. H u ·~119 "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS 12 UNIT MOTEL 12 completely FURNlSHED unit.a PLUS owner'a 3 bdrm. furnished home · Excellent highway location Property in top condition Ii ahoW11 a good INCOME Pnced right at S55.000 Cliff Haven View Home Beautiful 2 bdrm. & den home on 11cenic King• Road. Panoramic view of bay and ocean. l :x26 hv. room, large run , room. den with built-in bar, two fireplaces, ll'i bat ha, heated and filtered SWCMMING POOL, completely encloa('(I patio and attractively land· .caped. Priced at $42.~. Owner want.I offer . "C" T H 0 M AS , Realtor · 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Bffch Liberty 8-~27 "C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ___ Mc~ Th.ts Is Value-Oi;TICE SPACE tor renL, '30 mo. In bld1t with rul H l.atf' offl<:t' loca ted cm .St'wport BJvd nfar Hoair Hospital r'I\ Ll 1-2':':2 !'>lc'\8 3 OF'>"ICE SPA.CU tor leeM, •PP 13"33 ea. JTOWld tlr , nr. C't>eAt H wy Mf'dJca l pr~trrnd Ct.AIRE \'AN RORN, R4'alt0r LJ S.4277. "c~ On BALBOA ISL.AN D we otter exclu•1vely an UDU&- ually desirable 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Dellgbt!ul living room , large dimng room. Maximum BqUare foot.age. ClOM to best beach. Can only be appreciated by inspection. . Call Harbor 1775 Eves. Harbor 5359 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Manne Ave .. Balboa laland For .Sale or Trade- O<'l':A:'lr \'JF:\\' nll)'1<'rn 2 btH1rni home with 1•xtrll 1·oom an•I ~ b"th on double g11ra l(f' 2712 Cliff fJl'IVI' I ll!IJIH'l'nt \""l'l\nt lot ava1lablt') f'h, u\\'nl'r, LI 8-2:132 2Jtlc LEASEHOLD E~TATF. VrEW LOT -Cliff Ha\'en OVJ!:Hl,OOl<J:"G E:1t11t JPlly tntr to =""'·"f•Ott Harlx•r Sacr1<tc~ Mir, $3.~llll l.i!hlS:h P·2Hl """"· Llbt<rly 1Hi6~0 fl lttc BY OWNER -3 bOrm., cl<Wle to Fhoppmg, .. t <', on quirt SL Hwll. t ln , ttnc•d lot , aewera, irarb. d1.sp, allf'y rear. Room tor In· cnml'. ::>; t \\/ p11.lnl 4 ""~ IOIUl at $64 pt'r mu., 1nclud1111t l&JIU • lnai. Pt1ce $I 3,2r>O. ft89 Park Dnve, Coeta Mua. •Olle Bay Front Income 3 t...":\ITS-2 It 3 bedrooma, furn· 111ht'd. f'lt'r, float a.nd private beach. 1000 E. Balboa Blvd , Balboa. Ctutvl-18848. Co11r· teay to bmkue. 13ttc NEW 3 BDRM. on ~ acr•. $7,11!10. 283 Avocado, CoatA J.ftaa. Ph. Kl 2·2822. •7l1c Want a home in the Coves 1 t::>;FO RMATIO ?-\ a nd KEYS at ~o. 11 Blllboa Cova•. Owner, Harbor 2876·\\'. ~~3h 208 Kings Place F OR SALE OR LEASE with op- t ion to buy. Allrl cl l\•e 2 bdnn. & d,.n, b<-am 1-.•111n1i", ktritt' \'It'"" Int l '11(( Ila veon. O"''Tler, IAng ~&rh 900-317 39~2H BY OWNER 3 bdrm hdv.rt nra f'lr*plare, 1tnrb11gt dl11pc>11aJ, 2 r ar gar ;>.;ewport llelKht1 4'. IOM $13.~ l\28 Hedlantl ... LI 8· 11411 i\1rM BY OWNER Corona H lfhland1 -3 bdnn .• l bath tannhouat', VHA commit· mtnt, P h Harbor i8·J 119lfc WHY l'AY RENT" MOl'Tlfl~'' 1·11rmrnt1 ttnly J60 P"r mu lmmarulat11 2 br hcim,. 1n bl'•u• 11111 t'hl ( I hu 1 n F'lr •Jll•<'" P 1• $'l .,.,o Hl\1N\r M'\4' or H u 11'17 ·,3, .. t; YOl 'R OPPORTUNITY THIS ls IT I k1I 1 ... 111 ... n <I"'" lo atmr• Allt&C'!IVP nlol.•1 .I I ) r r"""'' .. tJ rnll•/,!• 1-.xrdl t"<lll· rill I'•" (Jwnrr Ill, tllll 1t )f'll\'" '"'" r onvf'n1rn1 t,.rm io Huoor ~ 1 •,11 H11rt>nr 011; AV Afl..,Ull.E -A.bout 8000 aq. n.. U~ht lnd\UIU7 ..,..c• oo a t • M-8 u,lnf8!1 O.fportuD~~- ;~: ~~~~~~~~:~}I Corona del Mar Vogel Values et;!n;.~:~r.~ ~,!.t"~~~ .... ~~~ (!;;~ ter.nL Vorel Co lH18 Via Lido I )I,.~• f'hm1r !)\\'NF.R 1.1..,.rt\ Harbor 'Im . •• mt~ Ex du siv e Sho reel if f s __ '_·l_"_113_,,_r _r._1 ~_rt_Y __ "-_"_22_!1_,.,_o_r _rr M-8Wllof!M O,,Ortun.ltlee FOR SALE POP8 Jl'AMOt'P. STUK HOUSE. R.Hll SUO. t1n I-lncludu 7 room hnm._ Will pay for llMlt In ne11t ~ monUl.t 111 Eu\ &!'boll Blvd . Ualboao :"o rf'&Krf\&bl<t ofr,.t ~ru.f'd Mr~ OELIC' A TESSC-: ,. ~T'DC.f'Y eton- &1111 a t'WO ~rm home lon ll'd "'lit to r omer ot l~h A r l• ren• 1a l'•l>l\a M ep Ell<'"llf'nl •pol fnr llqu<>r l!tflrt, bl'.-r and win~ c·111 LI J.3~3 "' Llt>.rt) l -<5223 r>OUl 55-Mo~ey to Lou LOANS TO Bl.'U..LI DO'R0 ''1C BUT. MODERNIZE, OR R.l!J'IN Al'CJC W• Buy 1"ru9t ~ NEWPORT BA.L.BOA SA VL.'ICS A LOU! ASSOCIATION U .. Vla Udo. Pb. H u . UOO ti• NO COMMISSION N o Appraial FM SA LU' -REP"J :"'A NCI: C0~8TRUC'I10N r .11 ror Fru Fu t Commitment.I on Rn1dm ce1 and UnltAI onl.v Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COST A. ltOC&A U lo-&641 LI 1-te&l Beautlful. modem 3 bedrooma & den, 1 !', bath homo 9."lth view of ocean from up11t..'1nJ dim. 2 fireplace., acouatic plaster. indirect lightinl(, 12S,OOO RTll forced n1r heat. lovely baths. utn lot nr cabint'la & clOst'ta, mercury switche.. w w carpelA, cutit om rtrapent's. Cop~r Chambers blt.·m 11t0Ye & O\'t'n. 50 gal. waU>r htr. Large lot. One of the f met1l home1 in the area . Pnced at S39~. ~ thla home today. Corona del Mar 2 bedroom.a & tlt>n. 11 : b31 ha home with ocean & bav 'ww on low•ly landJICapt'd & ft>oced R·2 Int which 111 I t;.5' dN>p with lnt.J; of room t o bulld inc11mc or add to home. Choice location, O•'Tler bu mo\'<'d s.nd 1J1y1 "S<'ll", -rnc('(J at S2l,500. THE VOGEL CO. :!667 E. Coast Hwy. Ha rbor 1711 Cnronl\ Ml Mar Hubor Hi7 I 57-~~~~~-~~~~---I \\',\''Tri • H HJM (l\\"l"t:R. 7 "' .1 fldnn "••fll''. Harhc •r a.rea. r.11 1 .. "' i 1: 100•1 $J1Hol)(1 All I AN ~l v 11nan1, Ur>x Lr'; I, lhl1 &1c •,•, H&V\J1 r"•J o l11le trt uhlr• • lll w•r• • ·~••h of J•4'l •'••~·l"'I tcir manry. ,... r • I I 11n tu Ir \ •I "rllf' ..... ;IL f•.;11 th•• P•ll', I r• 1• • •. t 60-lnr-0r!1!_!"!~~~~r _____ _ S24,750. 3 l '~rTS · J YEARS OLD HA~ lllC ll l='•·n~ff ftf:f'()llr• an.J conllll-t ot ( •n r t.111luitr :'. ronm hr.1111° 411,1 l •J"U'IC•lll 1 bf'Moom lllHIJ' 1\11 \14•t1Ut lrllll\• r1i.rl1 l~hN1 l\nrl lmmll1 U)lll " c·lr>•f' BAY FRONT LOTS ~, to ha\ 1!<'11rh, •lnr"• nn•I lrRl1• rnrl•llon Tl'nl\nt• nn" llVllll· 81>11' tror hljlh ~11mltl"t r • nl "I• 105 Ft. <tf 1·ho1rE> Ray Fronta~c Bulkhesul 1s 1n Wonderful v1c-w. Lo\Jl aurrnundNI by quality homNl. P 1<'r and shp r1Khts. Th~ •.inU sell! ACT TODAY ! EARL W. STANLEY , 31 13 Newport Bh·d., Harbor 1013 Realtor Newport Beac.'h 53c55 Greenleaf-Severts Realty :u 17 ~r'" l"'rl Riv I S1 I IS,.,..,), Hu 2~·'\I I rv ... r.1 II 111111 I :.2, .,.,. 60-A • CommerclaJ, Industrial Business Prop erty ' Harbor Blvd .. Coata M('11a --------------------------TWO rt.L.J'. Al,lf"~~ r~1n 111 k RE.AL £.ST A TE LOANS f•·nr "'1 M&r1) ~'••·I 1m1•• \ • ml'Tll .1 lhal mliht li• al111p,.d •n va n n11.1 bu~an~"~• 1·a 11 Llb,.r•' 8·:'>3•~ bl't "'""" o ,, 1 r ,,., :.2r6<11 I GRAND CANAL -2 unJta. a large pal!Cl, fencect. Attractively furniabed. $10,000 down. 60 ft. of BAY FRONT -Pier, float. 4 bdnne. IA>vely grounds. Thia home la priced low at $78,000. 4 BDRMS .• 211.~ baths. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. AU tor $24,950. DELIGHTFUL small vacation home. Double garage. Fetching. $15,750. BEACON BAY LOVELY 4 bdrm., 3 bath home on Yawl Rd. PS,800 BAY SHORES We ofter lh• only available Bay Front h ome wttJl pier Ii float. 165 ft . frontage. Ma.t axoepUooal. Shown by app't only. CALL HARBOR 17715 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22~ Marine Ave .. Balboa r.land. VOGEL VALUES Choice Income Properties l . Furnished Triplex-2-1·1-bedrooma. Good Jooa. tion. Income $310 per month. Prlc. P2.7M. 2. Furnished Triplex, 2·1-1 Bedroom.a, Newly Decor.. ated. Income S30~ per month. Price $M.OOO. 3. Four new fumt.hed duplexer I bdrm. eaah. Good income. P rice $48,000. ONLY Sll.000 down to hand.le. 4. BeautfMly tumi8hed Bayf?'ont Trtplox wtth pier & float. 3·2·2 bedrooms. Thta \a atrlctly deluxe w ith terri!ic potential Income. Price $70,000 "1th $27,000 down. 5. New It Modern unfuroiabed realdenoe 6 1 bdrm. furnished apt. on Balboa Ialand. W /W carpet.I. Gl ... doora tn pauo. Deluxe. Only $28.~. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W('f;t C'..out Hwy., Newport ~h 1.1 8-3481 -------------------- LIDO ISLE A REAL Bl. ry: 3 Bdnn . 4 y rs. old. F.A. Heat. Diapoul. Wlrf'd for i-;rec Rangl'. $22.500. 3 Bdrm. 21'x30' Liv. Rm .. Birch Kit., l~,. Bath,. F'lg11tn1• F'1rt>placc. F.A. Heat. SJ.1\00 down 4ij.fl com er Int with Bay \'1t•w near the Club Houi.e. J.'rir Lide> Summer Rentals SH l '• BWllnt't!ll Opportunity Rr1Jc c-r1 Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 31l:t 1.alayetl•'. ~rwpon. HA. 3643 HA. ~IP F.\'r' J Ul.ll t o uw r1~hl or L1dn B ntigp EnlrRJH 0 SSOO DOWN Tht" twst tnltl home ui T n\\'n • Hnrdwnod n nor · r orr..0 Air Ht>al • c:~rbl\~f' Dillfl'W'al • lWfl C.\r gn r Lot.R nr l'U pboanf space . 3 brdrn<1m'I -2 b1111 h11 If you are 1ntPr~tl:'11 m mskml( R ~1.il"I •lr:il invr11 I· gat .. thu1 1mmf.,l1ntely. f>1tym<'nt1' hlt1· r1 nt Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson I li!"J6 Nf'Wport Rin i Cn,.tl\ ~fes11 I acro!lll from Costa Me1111 Hank I f'ho11(' LI k·6i61. J::vea. Hu . 4;361} · I.{ ·21'l3 COSTA MESA Owner says "SELL'' ThiB Is your opportunity to purr hllee a n1cc-3 bdrm. home in goon Jnc ation, EAAt \~ta Ml'IU\. 1-:uy l.enns. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor l~th & lr\'me. Newport. &ach l.ltxirty 8·2664 fE\·e" J.J 11-7~l BEFORE YOU BUY ANYWHERE WOVt.0 Wle to buf Ut &nd 2nd Tl'W\ D..a OM1 Bar. UH. ""t Int.ereat Rate ~~" Quick Cash Loans ~ qulcllly nud• tn lh• &y Al'M Mld Coeta ,. ..... 1111~1-or muJUpl• ILIULL New or old. EM wt.. and •ev• by· rt"-t1Nu:lcill1 your p,......nl I0&.11. M.inlmum mt· J>t!f1M. No ch.a.rs• tor pre!UW,· nary app~ Phone a&nta AJI& Klmberly 1"61133 « wrlt.e on furniture, aUhl, salary. $50. to $750. or more. Be sure to see these NEW HCJMES -61-Bea.I FAtate Excbaal!_ LOANS for Homes I~ -IO JT, 1..-.a. Construction Loans ID 908 IA TTLl:R SOUi E.A8T COA.IT Bl.Vt>. Cor®& dtl Mar Harbor 388f Rtp. POIJU.EI\ MORTOAQ& CO. ~' tro L.11• Ina. l'llD4a IC.. J-~ 1 ~ ~ 'ftle ARTHUR A.. MAY Mortgare Loan CorrMpoaOenl One day service Application may be made In per· aol'\, by phone or by in&il. CALIF. ACCEP'l' ANCE CORPORATION OccldVlW U!e lnAl.nUlc:e Co. lSDI liu'bor Blvd., Coat.a M.e.., 933 Soul.JI Waln knla Ana LI 1·71&1 -Optn ~da.y4 till 8 pp a oeecS l&tw d&.)'-u tJc O~Ji:R WAJ\'TS XEWPORT H&lGKTS HO>.U:! CL.11:.'\'T W&llla to Uch&nlft, lovtl\' apAclOU• 2 Mclroosn, I ~ l:Ml~h homa In FuUert.on, CaJJfom 1a lllt\lated an a ~120 n. lot , fr1r alm11Ar hr,m, tn :"ewport HUI Or \<'Ill M.l l Pr1c..:I a t 117 .:100 StUr<J() down. BALBOA RltAl.TY CO. TOO £. 8&lboa Blvd., Bal· boa. Harbc. 1277. Mc~:I .. f bdrm• .• 2 bath homea Clo&e to everythmg. FHA TERMS CALL MR. GATE S, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone w.rty 8-7g75 I . PAGE I 0 -COAST AL SHOPPER -MAY 18, I q55 WALDRON REALTY Costa Mesa • I CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS THE GREAT ORANGE COAST 308 ~Jarine, Balboa Island. HAr. 0534 Feel Like Falling $ Liveable, loveable Ba ck Bay Home. If you are look- ing for 3 bdrm. 2 bath brand new home in the i2:5,000 cla.s11 let ua 11how you this exciting. ready Open Hous~-Saturday .. Sunday 1-0 p. m .. Balboa. Peninsula I 402 Kings Rd. Cliff Haven "ATERF'RO!"'T LOT -10~ n I fre>nt11~t. P1t"r 6: tlo&t prlvll~g~ in ltw" a gain • Hf'rl" la ynur \'1111n("l'' C'harm tn1o: tam1h· h uml' (If 3 b<1m1'. 11, bath&. Crllr rotor schf'ntl" thre>ul(hnut Mml· l"rn r11"Sll(nt'<l for inodPrn c.1 .. y li vinic With 1rnpe1t11kt fem'l"<I pa thl, ftrl'pl&<'t', bar k1tt'h"n. f1>rr rd air h l"lll, ra1 qllPl f!O<•ra itarbajott' dlspn1111I. 2 c·u g11ra1te UntQUll ltr1 \"ll)Uf' a t $1 1.1100 1. View of breakers , ocean & beach Thia 3 bdrm. h ome. 2 batha, carpeted wall to wall. Built on rear of ocean front lo~ Reduced troaa S32.750 to $29.900. A STEAL-Mu.t Beel 2. \VILL TAKE TRADE for occu pancy, delightful ranch st yle <lwe!ling. $$ Best acreage buy in Orange County. 150 acres be- tween Santa Ana & Costa Mesa (11 S2000 acre. Bound lo make in\'c~tor mone~·. $$$ An "L" shaped piece 60' front 300' d eep 132' across back. Makes into 3 kits. Mus t be sold. Owner wants offer. Let us 11how you -R-4 zoning. $$$$ On the 11and and near thP surf. Last of reasonable priced beach lots. R-2 zone. 30'x104'. Only $2250 cash. $$$$$ Big Industrial Building. Mfg. zone. Large lofts each 11ide center dri\'e. Could convert to 2 story, Office. Rest room11. Centrally located. Site for whlse., or rPtail o r mfg. business. -Lease or sell. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILDERS 18:57 Newport Ave·, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1632 Llberty 8-1400 Evea. LID 0 Pick your choice: 6 units on 80 ft. waterfront. Good income . $105.000 5 unite. Income $600 per month . _ S 59,:500 4 bt'drooms. 3 ba ths. New waterfront . S i5.000 4 bedrooms (under const. I waterfrnnt ... ' 69.500 4 bedrooms, 2 baths I carpe teJ I New ... $ 37.:500 2 bedroom11, 2 batha & den. 50 ft lot . S 35,000 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. ~t. to ~t. lot .... S 34.51J-0 3 bedrooms & den. 2 story. New. . .. ·--.. S 33.500 3 bt'drooms, 2 baths. ~t. t o St. lot ........ S 32,500 4 bedrooms , 2 sto'ty I un<lrr const ) .. S 31,000 3 bedrooms. 2 bl\ths. carpet & drap<>s inc $ 29.5fl0 3 bedroom11. 2 bath11. Only .. 3 00 down. $ 27 .500 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, rurnish<'d 26.500 3 bedroom• .. $ 22.500 2 brorooms. Separated garage. Furn. __ $ 21.500 4~ ft. waterfront lot. Pier pr1veleges $ 36.000 50 f t. waterfront R-3 lot $ 36,000 DUNCAN HARDESTY, J Realtor L JDO SPECIALIST -J)r1\'e into our free parking lot - 2602 :-.:('wp11rt Blvd . Newport Bt>ach. Harbor 4il8 Bay and Beach Realty Realtors l:'l:<..'0~1 F: -Ba y A\·e -NEAR BEACH :! h11ut1C'8 -hrst rental a n·a · :'>h~ht ronimll'r trndl' Ncwport Hc1ght i1 I-ull 111 we , 11.000. B:iy Aw· -.. 26.500 Furn1sherl l·:xl n ·rita l rl't'llnl -alm••lll tl)fl'' f1l11-<I f11r l'Ummer · ~G500 down. BAY A \"E. -:\l•a r <"athol1e Churrh I R R. h"ml'. n11 r rltnm~ room. l'at1n A truly ftnr home• .1t a 1·n r e th:i t 11' fa r bf-low 11 plac4.'mcnt ln"l , ~3.K)f) -Trrm11 BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 \\. Balboa 131' .1 H:ilboSI Harbor 1264 ------------ Live at Your Wo rkshop Enjoy Additional Income ~t -1 zonl' ~ 11 t 11r .'' dtt('lrx ilhl·· J!tirage 1111 rrnr <'f lot. ROfl m fnr 11\•rr 11100 t<<l rt hullrling in front. Excellt>nt lr1(·Rt1nn H11r!'?111n Ht ~11.500. Terms T beciroom nr pn n frcmt hnmr nn ('('rTI('r lnt. (rliod Jncat1on. Mui;t be f!P<'n to h.· nppr!>('IAtro. ~1-; non 3 b<-droom homf'. :!1:. b111hi; """II lncated "" R:ilbN1 renineula. Ktcelv fum1i:hf'd 1n maple. Pall!I, BBQ. 1mndf'ck. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. BalboA Bh·d . BALBOA ISLAND Exclusive • F'1n1t tutte offered • Choice Ea11t Bay F rr•nt lr"<'a llnn • SpRciou1 hom('--.'i Ii. h 111i> ·I h:it )i, • PrivAte pier and fhint • LuJite patio • Price !~.500 WM . W. SANFORD. Realtor And A88(')C1ates f'a~< at Marine, B11lboa Island -Harb.Jr 2462 ' Beautiful Early American brand new. Select your I.l's/I l hll n 1.,0(1 p~r t rnnt fool • own tnler1<'>r decoration. Balboa Island 2 RP:DROOM HOUSE . PLt'S a pt 3 bctlrm. & d en. 2 ~aths. knotly pinC' kit chen. built-in Thermador uvrn & range. Hwd. floors. large VIEW lot. Lovely s wimming pool. Bre('zeway from garage lo house. Tie red patio. Bnl h c•ompll'ttly turnlshl'd In· rludo 18 fl. ,,.11 bo•t. a dinghy. The Chips are Down short moun nic 6: an oft ahore , W11.1 Sl~.iOO Sl3,!\00 11 tht n4'W MuRt see to 11ppreciate. munring. Nlre tor a boat ma n • red11rt!I prlct", Ownl'r Ill -muftl $!1.000 down B&lance like rent • 11.-11. An 11.ppu llng 3 bdrm. hor~ No phone calls plcuse: I WALDRON on a beaut 1f11lly lamtsc11prd rorj LJ R EA L T Y ner lo t w llh the moil a tlrl\Cllv1 patio ..nd B.8.Q. you've ev•r 1el'n. We rl'pi'&l $13 600' May 308 Marine, Balboa Island. H.Ar. 0234 No Fancy Slogans J ust Honest \':.il ues - Come in & let us prove it! BALBOA ISLAND l :">C'()M E whlll' h1ul'1rn11:. Ovt r 700 11q ti nf s1mny furn. KJ't PJ,t;S g11P~l rm RO•I halh. P LI ·s dblf' 1o:11 rllS:" on rr e r of rhnlre Int Plrntv r11nm rnr 2nd unit. A"k· ing $19,i~in. S8,•>00 '1nw n CORONA DEL MAR Ot.'TSTA:">Ol!\'.C TRIPLEX O<'e&n 11ld11 of Hwy 2 b<lm1 npL w!lh f1rt pl&ce, I wo J hellrm. 11.pl11 V1,.w nf OC'f'll n wllh 1111n d l'ck and pl\llo. F'ully tuml11htd. I n· comt r arrlrll. m ·rt.EX WITH VIF:W--0nlv 2 y r11 01<1 Pr1c1·'1 for q uick ;.a lt at $18 000. PAIR O F m ·rLF.:XES on 2 full lot ~ l"r hr1hrl..,I lnl'omt S:t9~· mn F'ull r r trt $27 !'100, $!'11)()() dn Muriel ~I. Ptnover , R ealtor 21\0l :"••''l'"'t Rlvi! :'\'fll Brh. E11'y f'nrkrnj(. H11r •610 !'>Or~•:? 205 Del Mar WORTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nord Bayf ront Home We have JU!'t listed exclusivf'ly one of the finet;l homes e\'er offered on Lido--Excell<'ntly located near the East-e nd. Des igned by one of the leading architects of the area. The 18x30 living rm. has 48 running feet of glass windows affording a panoramic view of the harbor and hills. The den, dining rm. and master bedrm. have the same view. The IO\·ely kitchen has A separate breakfast room and laundry room adjoining-In addition to the master bedrm .. there are 2 other fa mily bednna. and a maid's room~ach having their own bath-mak- ing 4 bathrms. in aJI. Room for expansion on this large lot without harm- ing the well l1tndt!caped patio. There ia a new pier and 40-ft. slip. T his home is priced to sell at U2:5.000 and will be 11hown by app't. only. Call Mr. WEED at The Vogel Co. Lido Office l.l'~r t:!' !'H O \\' Y OU th111 a h•lrm 1•. ll1<th hm•I• Jap11n,.~·· "'h prin,.lloi. f 11 ~pl rorrrr plumb- ,,," F' A h <'lll 1-:x1 t'lltnl <11111 llty r qll r11rt' s1s,11Po 3416 Via Lido Newport Beach . Har. 4971 or Har. 2191-M eves TH~s~ ~~e.~1 ~~:~~ AO <omlorll\hll' 4 brtrn11 , 1•. h11lh :"11tur11l • Khln .. 111. tll~ll"""'· t 'IH· J'('l••ll w w F'ir •rlno .. f'ull rrlrf $137:.0 2089 Orange Ave . 4 ~!() OLl1 . 3 b<lr ni 11, blllh l11ri:•' rnrni.: "'"" H rt h k ltt'hf'n w"' '"'r" H1uk \U I frlW"'' \ "" i:•~· I 111 v J 11a• SI I i~O s .. ,. lhl• "ART" ADAIR RF:ALTOR IAfill :'\'r"•• ror1 Rlvd r o•t• ~I·'"· I • .. 11, LI 8-:Jifl2 BAYSHORES l"HAR~ll:-O:r. ~ hr k 1111tt\· rant' 1ntn1n1 l r>"' '"~ Pp•n h"ll"'" ~11n•l1 v I Ill) •. ', (WI or IW •rl' I M l ST ~n: 1n::~T L<"IC"A rll):'\ •·n lt\11 1' I hr fl Ill• .:1\1 1111 I hv. (11 •111 • ~"'" 11 1 ... h flr,.plil•' lit•· hv ,,.,,m A rri ""'r sn o·.o C()O["I \I I rrnllf'rlrf'• ... , .. nr 1 ... v I I r,(}()f) I" 1 b... hi )jl 27 ll p• ' Rl\tt ..... $211 ·,110 I lcn M 1 rn~r -;o I· t • :111 rm1n I 2 hr 1.tr'IO ~ ~1\1 llf I $z:! .,1i<• Claire Van Horn REAt.rnR 2 731 \\ loll•l H"'~ LI A-4l77 1 -1 Open House • un. 1-5 lf\W PH.-i11tF'.l'(,,lt •F'r1trlvA m" ! I• An II• Jv.nn.t nnrt h1 l<"k ri.to I "'' I n11••1 " ll·~·r f'llln IM<'ill'I"• 4 t>" rn<1111• :i h11 •h11. 111n r••otn ~JfW 11 \"I•\\• f\f th• ()r~l\n frt1m th• llv•ni: 1011m th.-n 11trr 11111 In '' 011 .. ,.f th" mo~1 1'11"1111t1f11l 1r11r ilrn 1 ·~1!• •In th" Ill"" f,..M lhl'I .. n,. "111• k to "'ci't•I"" hRlhln h•l'rh Trlll\' 11 l11~111•v he>m f' tn " '"r I•• 111lon A 111rr11 n1 $2~ -,oo I' • r 11l" • r lnr I "I'll'\ w '""'I h\O \ . h ~ . .'I'\;~ Cnme hv ~11n· 1l11 v nr r11ll OllV" (ht>11rn tn r •r J"llntm,.nl to .,.. 2~11 P"rr" "'"• <'nrnn• d,.I M11r :'i'k'\:'I Look at this I bdrm .. , hwd noor1 tl~rtac,. dl•poa&I "1rl'fl for tlectnc 1toV•. f"tnCf'd, lo<'Attd a l 2:\411 Fairw ay Dr , Coet & M•AA $1 1,2~0 P h H11r :J\l l·J :l{;'!c OCT OF' TOW=' ownl'r M ) ~ "&'"I """'' ' on rnr n.r duplt x So. e>t H rway Ont untumr~hrd •r"r t· m"nt h11• 3 bt'r1room• r•n<' f•ir n1•hPr1 atur11n 11pl\rtmtnl .IC"f"ll" A II In i;ion.-1 ron• tr nnn 1"1111 ~I!'~ Kohl~l•ill. Hu. 2lt'12 •t"f' M iit 08211-R, 313~ ('ou t Rl\''1 , C [)~I ' H tfr B AY F RO:" r ""'"' m ndnn hom• I hnllt •h p. \ ., R11lh«•11 (",,, .• , O WT1er Harbor 1100· W H t!e , BILL'S BEST BUYS Rustic Ranch Style Home On large lot . 2 bdrms .. large used brick fireplace. plastered interior. cute kitchen, sha ke roof. service porch. fl owers and shMJb8. Close In. OnJy $9250 with $3:500 dn. and S51.50 mo. See It ! Are You Fussy ? l':ea~t 2 bdrm. a nd den. Hd. Wd floon>. plastered interior. Thermo hl'at , dbl. gar . beautiful la""Tis, flowers and shrubs. Rear 1a fenced. Npt. Hts. a rea. Really R nice home. $14.500. Arnnge terms. Family Life Unlimited ln this nearly new 3 bdrm. home with fireplace and t>xtra large lot . Rea l country ltving for the young- &tr rs yet located on new 11tr~t of fine homes. Near new Monte \'1~tn Grl\de !-;rhnol and the back bay. Full pn r<' l(U)()() with j u11t SlOOO down. Above the Average :l bdrms . 2 bat ha. Jt~orced Air h eat. carpeted hd. wd, n oor11. IBrRC picture "'indows O\'erlook1ng beautiful fencf'd bA <'k ya rd anrl shrubtx-ry. Attractive drape• a nd citl1hmut('r alAO tncludt'd. lAr~e lot and dbl gar. located in rho1ce area. Sl i .~ with ONLY $2000 down W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REA LTOR ''yo11·11 li ke our fnendly service"' 3!'3 £ l i th St. Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 BALBOA ISLAND Take the Landlord off your payroll! Hrre 111 a :! bdrm home for you and s 1 bdrm. home fnr rl·nt:d. Cnmp. furn. ready to move tn. $26.500. Ta ke (11w down paymPnl & term11. $5000 down moves you in - tn 3 bdrm .. 2 bath rnmplPtely furn. homl'. Lovely p!1t10 RBQ. Jtlc-111 11pot for )\'!I r-round li\'tng Sl ~.500 full pm ". See this L"~IACl'LATE 2 bdrm. home. wpll located nn cor- nPr lot with spare to butld tn front. Comp. furn . nrw sto\·e & refng. Lovely pat io. Only Sl";.500. $3500 down. We h&\'e t1ome real nice bayfront ho me.a arn1h1ble for s ummer renL VOGEL co . 20~ Manne A\'e . Balboa I11land FIRST TIME OFFERED 310 l.11rkspur , CoronA ael Mar One of the \'ery choice 'flropertteA -Owner'• home, PLCS one 2 bJrm .. two 1 bdrm. a.nd a bachelor apt . All ha\'e garb. di11p., fan11, s ix 24·ft. garages p lua 11torernom & laundry rm. 80x11R ft. f&n~ lo~ quiet f.trect. 2 blki. from the fine.t be&ch ln all of California. E Z t cnna. !;hown by app't.. Eitclus1\'e v.,lh -G. H. LA TiiROP 3635 Ea.at Coa.11t Highway., ' Corona del Mar Harbor MU-Evee, 3511-J we 1how you throu~h? 2 Anxious Owners Reduced! Was $15,600-Now $14 .350 3 hr1r m . hdwd n 01•1 ~. fll""fllR<'f' a vr" olrl f"h•~· P11tln. Be Q 11nd L-shllP<'d 1w1mm1nic p<"OI' Onr r in a hft'tlmP buy: Hurry: Sel' th1• buy In !hi• but Eut- 1lldf' lorat1on. SH.3:i<l-l!:xr ellenl tl'rm11. Wu SH .:>00. Now $11 ,7~10 for this 3 bdrm. and c1t'n with lge plllln, 1 '-. balh11 In jte>od Eut11ldl' Cn11ll\ Mtllll locl\tlon ..• Ss ve $2.7~0 10<1ay! Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Newp&rt Blvd. Cosla MtM . C alif LI brrly 8· 116 l. Ev Pl . Ll 11-31 :18 HORSE LOVERS CHOIC E l, ar rP Ra ntll Ana H L1 66x300 S3.i 50 C H AN!'Ft. n u r LEX. pltr 1nt1 float, r olflt' to ehopp1n1t. $20.000 S6.000 down 13 boata or llon111 1 A:'\'OTHER Xlnt durlf'll $2:1,000 S8.000 r1own 11"\0M F: 12 unlll O< .. a n to Rlvd • moneymakrr SIT 000 Good ttrma Commercial Bldgs. HF:ART OY BA I.BOA Stnr" anti 3 r~nt•I•, $18 ~00. $4 ()()() dnwn TWO •torn . :I r•11t11la, St ~ O()(I your tfrm•. LET L"S t,O<.:ATE F'OR YOl" The Locator of Calif. :107 Eut Balboa Blvd,, Balbo11 Harbor HOfl 113<"Ml Balboa Island 0:-0:!: O JI" THE PRE:T'Tlt-;ST m .. 11l hnmt'·llkf' r•rllpf'rtl-• WI' hll'"" I ~ .. n µ.r•• r~m' n~1111htful p11t10 Price r" • n11blf' WILL EXCHA;o\Gp; o n• t><-<1room hom• on 811lboa h1lar11I t'l<i11• l•• khoppanr c•ntr r tor a c r"all:t .,, va<'ant Int.A COm• In 1nt1 talk •~chaniu ' Fitzmorris Realty Co . R~•llo1'11 -Mulllpl., U 1ttnr 811•lnl'H Brl'k"r 313!\ r:. ("ou t Hl1thw11v Coron& r1f'I M•r H111 1>nr 21!\2 I ~~~~~~~~~~ NEWPORT BEACH W AJ\'T A '•[)(11,1... HO ·gp;•' WE H A VF: IT I bdrm di)),. ll:llr· a11:l' on .mall lot cl,,_ to LS.to !'lhor plnt nrran " bllY. nnh· $11 !\00 BALBOA 3 BEDR<JOMS 6 P F;'> I hint k frnm hll v IT O'"f'•" Onlv SI l)nl\ II"""' S•" thle Coast Properties 'l('IJ E B&lhoa Rlvd B11lht>• Hsrt1t•r 21\:'11\, 2~•"7 an'1 41101! Cliff Drive Special Siil :'100' ' WHn'l'I TIH~ 1,lTKY P:'llF. • V•r '' n1N• 2 hrlrm horn• X tr 11 lit" II\· rm h'1wi1 fl•"''" •lhl lr"r 1111n tll'rk with vt•\\ All lhl~ Pl,\"~ hr!Ollf film •rh .,,.,....,.r., '1tnn,.rw11r• "I'" "I' ph1<nrr• M<JVF: I'> T flr •A Y ~ term11 ""I " l,.11 ,...h ••lol Mariners Isle Realty 318 Mllnn• 8111~• 1•11ln'1 Hul>->r 47.<!I \ Business Building CORN~R \.()CA TIO?' In Qlm ne l dtl Mar I nffll'l't 1000 •ll ft Ttrm1 av1u la ble. Only $17 ~00 Ray Realty Co. 3•U It. C<>Ut. Coro111l dtl Mar Harbor 22811 Newport Heights TWO LOTS. c<>rner. lw111l locaUon All raotln prl<'f!. 8~1&t.or w ill ma.kt mon.,. on lhl•. N. B. C. Realtv Co. 32cd • Ntwport Blvd; ~pL Beh. Harbor HC. On thi11 3 bdrm. plua den. 2 bath.a. 60·ft. lot, loadl . of Hwy. Hwd. floora, forced air h•t.. ten<*! Jd. Will take 11mall home or va.cant lot tn p.ft .,.,.... ment.'Full price $24,500. 3. CHINA COVE-- Deluxe ocean view· quality built 4. bdrm. home. I baths. For you who can afford the ttne.t ~ is it. Priced at $42,500. 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. Thia la & G. L Reull. rd price $9950. $~ d own. 5. TWO SEPA'E.ATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdrm. houae. plus 1 bdna. apt. Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. POOO da. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- View of ocE'an and jetty. 2 bdrm. plua & 1 bdrm.- A bargain at $31,500. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LISTING REALTOR 34'17 E. Coast Hwy., Corona de! Mar Harbor 6f (Office located next door to Corona d.a Mar Bank)' GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to Inspect model homes, built by Ma.cco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert When you Inspect them. you will note they Include e\'ery comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVlNG. A LL of the planning and thought that l"HUlted in th111 remarkable community ·will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace familie1 for many y•ra. Permanent restrictions guarantee you will a.lway1 be proud of your home here. To the home buyer who wishe1 to putcbue in th• $22.000 to $3:5,000 cla88 we aincerely recommend the Jn·1ne E state& overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrnce is located on Cout Highway oppoeJt• the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLt.:SIVE AGENTS . Phone-Harbor 444 For Further Information * Fnr Rec-ommendation. we reler you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Eatate in Irvine Tern.oe. INVITATION \Ve are opening a brand new office to serve you in the Ha rbor area. Lo- cated at 2323 \\'. Coast Highway (at Port Orange). A wonderful location ce ntrall y located. with literally thou- sands of cars passing here daily. Please come in and let us tell you of our plan to sell you r property in a fast, clean efficient way. \Ve need your listing now so call for free appraisal within 24 hours at abso- lutely no obligation to you. Osborne Realty Co. 2323 \V Coast Hwy , :'\pl. Bcb. Harbor f923-J VOGEL VALUES Scare Items in Cliff Haven 1 t ,,,, d \' 2 hdrm. home nn bf-autiful 11t. w-w carp- N s . c :110:~ I lQOrs to patio. 1'1ce Yard. Price $16,· ~I. 2 llarrl tn 'rm<1 3 bdrm. on 60-ft. Int. Newly deo- o ra t .-r( !'wl-'d1sh f rf'I Rt-al buy at S 1!5,!500. 3 C'h11w<> :.!-l't 11ry <'ui;t om b111lt hnmP, 3 bdrm. II •frn. :1 hath11. rxtra bu1lt-1n1 on ~ut.ifuJJy land- ""a p••tl lot. Pnr~ ~2.";.500. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 WN!t C<'ut Hwy, Newport B@&ch l.L 8-3481 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Pnce now reduced below replAcement cO«t ..• Beatt- t1fuJ. almost new two-story 3 bdrm . 3 ba th Bay F ront home Bay view from sll rooma. Fully cu- pet.ed. beautiful drape•. new ptrr " llhp. Price ln- cludee 2().ft. ~ntury llpeedboat one year old. Arti.atic lAndscaplng. NOW. hold your breath '. All thw f'>r $M.950. Better h urrry u thla won't lut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport .Be&ch Hu. 101J ' - I ! I I J I~ I I '~ I •I BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor .MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone H arbor 1671 or 1672 Balboa Island Sacrifice due to illness. Best Income Buy. Beaut. cor. duplex. Two large B.R . each. 5 Bathe plus extra guest rm. & bath. Comp. and attr. furn. 2 patios, sun decks, Dbl. gar. Sacrifice $33750. with low down pyt. Average yearly income-$5278. 305 Ruby Ave. Open f or Inspection $~000 down. Nr. No. Bay. Light, cheer y, nicely furn. 2 B.R. home. Patio. Dbl. Gar. Newly decor- ated. $17.950. Waterfront Income $29500. Attr. furn. 3 B.R. home and 1 B.R. apt. Terms Shore Cliffs Char m. 4 B.R. 3 bath. See t o appreciate. Only $42500 -Terms-Purchaser may . also have privilege or buying adjoining choice large view lot at reas- onable price. This ia worth looking into. We have the key. No appt. necessary. J ust call us. Lido . Isle Bay Front L uxury ho me. Thia muat be SEEN to be apprecia ted. Unaurpaafted panoramic marine view. • apacioua bedrooms. 3 baths. Everything of the finest. Don't wait a s t.his is the finest and priced RIGHT . Get in touch with us NOW, We have the key and this Is YOt:R opportunity. A honey 3 B.R. 2 bath spacious home. W to W carp- et., drapes, patios. Dbl. gar. For a charming home, all one floor, don't overlook this. Only $31,500. Xlnt. terms. NPT. BCH. Here's a Bargain! A RE AL investment! M-1 lot. Has fine 8 yr. old durlex. bu.ill on rear. 2 B.R. upprr and 1 B.fL lower. Room f or 6usiness bldg . on front. This can be handled for small down payment. WHY WAIT when thiR A.1 investment 18 open to you. Nr . P.O. and City H all. BE DOLLAR \VISE ! CORONA DEL MAR TWO BEDROOM & den w ith J ;•, baths on comt>r or Seaview & J umine. Shake roof. used brick fire- place. garbage disposal & other extras. J ust fmi11h· ed. Has excellent financing. Can be made into 4 bP<lrooma If desired. $27.500. OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. O?'fE OF THE LAST new homes In Corona High· l&nde. Shake roof, 3 large bedroom•. l ·l 1 baths with dreHing room. Panoramic view or hills and ocea.n. Muat be 11<'<'11 to nppreciale. Good financing -or will trade !or lots or acreage. OPE N HOUSE E \'ER Y DAY l -5 •11~ Rivrra Terrace Will Sacrifice Two bedrnom picture bung'alow on Begonia \lose to bay. Dble. ~ara~e. flagstont' f1rPplacc Owner amcioui1 . .Ma.Ke ofJ<'r ! 60 ft. of H1~hway frontaJ?e rm rnrnf'r In dnv:nlown C'ornnn d<'I M11r. Sl2,:50<l GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard 3034 E. Cout Hv.-y. Cornna df'I ~far Pat Patth1on Hu. 2443 TERRIFIC BUY M-1 Buy this for im·estmcnt or speculation_ Comer lot · close in . l JO frr·t nf frontas:r. L'ndoubtNlly the bf>st buy 1n ~!-1 pr11pcrty. l'"ull )'rl<'<' is only $10,500 INVESTMENT First rl:i.ss · on<' of l he best buildlllfit!I. ~~(}() 00 Jlf"r month inMnt(' W ill net 10 ,.... c: 1od trn.1nts ·Triple A locAtion. l1lrnl pr<'>perty for the IMdlord. No phone infnrmntlon. Phil Sull ivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Bh-d , Costa '".\ksn Ubt-rty 8-6761 Ew11. Harbor 4366 · LJbr rty 8-2103 Build a Home on your vacant lot A ND D ERl\.E i;ome inromt• from that IO\'N1tment 1244 11q. ft. horn<', • ~100 Fully finanr ed. 19 )T. Bldg. & Loan. l'~orced air hrat . Hwd. Ooort1. JndJvidual GI 100'1-financing. State \'eteran $~00 3~r -S49 month. MARS HALL HOMES Models open -Ncwnort Bh·d. & Mitr h<'ll. Tustin Kl 'i·3:?93-KI 2-356fl & (E\'ea. LI 8-41173) 4lc5'1H ------------ SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPTIONALLY A'M'RACTf\'E 2 bdrm. home. PaneUed Living room and i:.mall dining room, car- peted wall t o w~ll. good k itchen, brukfast apace and 11ervice porch. Ample cupboardA Rnd stora~e 1pace. 0,·er·sized 2-car garage. Nir~ rnclosed pl\tiO. Most con\'enJent corner JocaUon. 2 blka. from City Hall, Newport.Beach. Only $12.000. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 31 13 Newport Blvd., Ne~ort Bc-ar h Hu. 1013 - palmer incorporated MAY 18. 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PAGE 11 ~ st-~&.I Eeta&e 62-R4'aJ Estate P. a . developers of Lido Isle Our 20th year at this location, specializing in Lido Isle properties 2 bedrm., 1 bath 4 yrs. old ........ -......... $21,500. 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished _ ........... __ .. $26,900 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished ._ ................ $28,750 3 bedrm., 2 bath furnished ................... $32,500 3 bedrm., 2 bath New Orleans .......... $33,500 4 bedrn;i .. 2 bath plus h-modern ....... $36,500 4 bedrm., 3 bath French R egency . $37,400 4 bedrm., 3 bath pool -new .... .. .. $50,000 BA YFRONT Homes from $49,500 -$200,000 OPEN SAT. & SUN. 123 Via Genoa -3 bedrm., 2 bath and 100 Via Dijon (Corner of Soud) 4 bedrm., 3 bath Both homes are car peted. have Therm. oven and range, disposals, unit heat, landscaped, beautiful and ready to move into. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 View Home Open House Sun. 1 -5 Nt-W 3 \>E><lrooni. 2 ba.th home-with a view or the Bay anrt Ocean. This hume has a lar~I'.' li,·ing r oom l6'x26' witl1 a beautifi:il firq•lar!' Also a dining room lOxll. This home is an cxt rc>mr.ly ~ood buy and the owner has arranged trrms to fit almost anyone. Full prirr S~.1.500. Orin~ by 213 Orean View or call Bill Fan1sw<•rth. Investors Attention MOTEL--6 units plus owners quarters. All are com- pletely furnished-Kitchen facilities 1:irr> in eve>ry unit but one-. This prop!'rty is locnll'd on a high- way and is only 5 y('ars old. P ro1)('rty size is 60x300, so then~ is room for expani;iun. An income of $8314.4~ in 1955 more> than justifirs t he price of $47,500. For more information please call, write, or viait us. Magnificent Bay View Lot Located at the extreme head of the Back Bay high on a hill. Thie lot offers a panoramic dew of every- thing. Only the finest and most exclusive humC's art'.' ndjact>n t to this p rop<'rly. A pprc1ximately 2 acrr!-1, room for horses, ti'table an1l tt bC':iutiful Bay \'iew home. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast bigWWay -libn'ty 8-55i3 Peninsula "Point" Home! OPEN FOR INSPECTION Houston Values A GRACIOUS HOr.fE WTT'H J?'f. -SAT. & SUN. AFTERNOONS- 530 KJNGS ROAD -CLIFF HA VEN-$2000 On. FORMAL f'HAnM .• bMrooma, 2 h111h1r. Bi-a 11t1r111 rl'lrntr ltie•· tlon. \c.ncrete bln!'k wnl!NI f)llll'> a.net b11dm1ngton courl. W lo W carpeting . 1'1ce t1own11 a.nd land· •caplng. $32.~00. term•. Here's tn.tly an exception;il \'alue that you must St'e Beach Home! BALBOA LOCATI0:-1. Clo~ to SHYC'. :.I bl'droom9, J, bath• You musl •f'I' at 1 12.~00. h .000 l10Wl1. Bay Ave. Home! GOOO FOR Rl!::'l>TAL Oil BEACH HOMF:: 3 bedroom•. Cute and bul a •t"P lo the S..y Huvy !urnllure lnC!ullel'I 114.N>O. $6000 down, Balboa Home! • 3 Bdrma. • J :\ 1 Baths • Fon:ed Air Heat • W toW Carpet • Large Dining and e r a tio Living Room Area • Dbl Garage • Landl5\::aped Ii Fenced If I '°1ll~~U1 • • n r"v,...'1 111 tu ~·rn·<1 \\. •1•lr !•" 1t!lr•11, A f<'lll ll.11 ~:lln Ill '~:.!'·fl S · Sprinkler Syst<'m • Area for wimmmg l 1nt1·: JI( A~ OPPORTL'?\JTY \o Pool • Abundan<'e of r1111!1t1 11otKI luC'om• C1n 111111111 111. INVEST FOR INCOME • Acoustical Ceiling Cupboards ir.111 , ,.. ·' r •II 11< rr 1:12· rront· "'·' :: "'I' , .. 111.,1~ fl•W hr1n~1ni: You'll ~ unable to find a comparison to this J-1ome p '" "'" 1c '"'" 1 .. 1111 1111 ~ a.JcJ for its price of $22,750. Most convenient tem11J. '· 11 "·~ o:o-;u· n 111•u oo w:-; '" :'lnll, Juli rr h. Call Us Now for a P re-Showing 706 Larkspur, C. D. M. Open For lnspecUon COUNTRY CLUB BEAUTY O:-.: ~IE~.\ 111ll\'F: A1 r<>M from l?'"lf rn111 "" H"l\111 70112!\4 IN 2 1., h• 11 ,. ,, t 11 1-.;111 '"· rt rlnl!Mt 1 " •t J "I 1" I •n•t•r flrrl'lll('I' /\ T• HI 1 ... , ..... $111 ~ \\'l'h S'> l)il(t ,H\\ n ,...~ .. lr.t • n ti •,,. 1• .. uu" l.l ll•rH87 Bayfront 156 Feet Beautiful, Unique D 0esirable Bayfront Residence To the yachting family of exacting taste and n- quiremrnts we offer a marine residence of excep- tional merit on 156 feet of NC'wport Harbor'& mOt1t dc'sirable leasE>hold Bay Ftont. \'1gorous contt'mporary conception, advanced tunc- t 1onal dt•sign and equipment. ~ ~rooms, S bath.I. 2·l ft. x 2-l ft. view Jiving room. View and privacy from ('Xpan sivc master ~room. Large dining room, completl'ly equipped lux ury view kitchen , marble fireplace. All on one level terraio and carpeted. floor. Radia nt heat. lnter-rom. system throughout. 'Movie projl't'tion room. Planned area for •wimm1ng 11001. Dramatic entrance. Coni:rl'le bulllhcad, moore your JOO.ft., or larger yacht to skillfully engineered, well lighted private pier a.nd float. Th1s bayfront rc•!;idence shoWT\ by appointment only. C"JIJ J ohn Marnab, Harbor 177~ or Harbor :s3:SP. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa b land LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (A('russ from Richnrd's M.ar)et) H2.500 bu\'s a 40-foot &treet lo at.reet V1A GENOA lot. "You c'an hnrdly get th<'m kind no more" -a.nd we KNOW you can't get s more reasC1nable VIA GENOA Jot. "GOING'' -"GOING" -don't meM uound -GRAB IT -and there you an. NOW hert' Is a n idra for YOU - --- We ha \'e exclus1\'ely listed f. modun two ~l"O()m plus den and two bath LIDO homl'. It'• complet.tiy furnish<'AI right down to dra~. wall ·to-wall c.ar- f)\'1 ing. d~p frec·ze, wa~her and dryer, etc. Tb.ltl well located, furnished home ia excellent va.lue at the lo" 11ril·e o( $24,225. Summer income 11hould pay you $1500 which meana by Sept. 15, 19~ you wiU own t hM9 Udo home for only $22, 725. NOW l• the lime t.o buy THIS home. It la tree and clear and we will 11ubm1t your terms. We can arrange ll low monthly pn~meot 5 ',. loan. Contact one of our experfent'erl Lido aalesmt•n and make him ~how you how you can own thi.a outatanding buy. AS <'t.OSE TO T HE BAY AS YOU C AN G~. ~ .,_,drocmo, 2 b11p1a Jo~1rnlehr<I f"'f lnvf'ntory. It you WAJ\l A ronmy IH-ech hnm,. <>r for year aroun<'I llvlni: "''« It hl)W. 118 !'>00, $6 000 rtnwn Ideal Beach House! FRI. SAT. SUN. AFTERNOONS-- YOU'L L FALL IN LO\"E with this cozy little 2 Bedm. home. It has beam cC'il.ing, fireplace, t.'n('loM'd patio. dbl. garage-Come look and we'll t rll y1111 more good thing• hke the LOW DOWN Pyt. elr. t>t<'. Newport Hts. Lot -$2,950 I W. G. IB1lll }{('mpton * J oseph H. Grohman • Furn. Balboa Duplex V1rgmia Manson *Gene Vreeland *Tom Campbell • :\ AE:DROOM HOt:SE 8t Ct:EST ROOM' On 2 va )11abl• R·3 lot.A 2110 fl !trim B11y swtmmln1t l)<oacll M"rl' pou1b1lrtl.,• than )'"II C'll-11 1m .. i:1n"' S13:lOO lfnod t"rm• Bay Front Home! F'IR~T TIMF: rwrERJtD ... SM Just listed, a nice leasehold vi~ lot on ~t. Jan11•s Road-Also have 2 others ( Wllh no \'t('W) r .. r $1 ,000 t'aC'h . FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK C. B. Russ. Wm. C. Schmitlt, R. W. ltayle, J\53nc. 312 Marine A ve .. Balboa Jslnnd Harbor 2042 ll b"fore l!<llTll"tlOdy buy• II Eu l ---------------------- P,.n1n1ulll l11rn tlon 2 bt!droom hnulll<! with 111111rh,.4 1 b~droom "f"Hlmtnt Olrlfr property but wi'lllt 1""9Athlllt1~11 ... hu plH t oo Pr J.17 :,oo Md anty S7 :.oo 111'1\\'TI Balboa Realty Co. I ()pposlt• BAnk of Amerll'll HOM Gr .. •l~v Al Camf'llUA • Ed V P ,lack Plnkh&.m JMtphlne Webb ;()() r. 81\lbn& Blvd .. BalOO& Phnnto Hubor 32i7. REAL VALUES INCO ME TWO HOl 'Sf:S on OM lot. cln~e tl'I ='"" rnrt Rlwl tr11 n~pr>rl AUrm " •l'l"'rr nii: F'l1ll J•""" only 111 O!'IO T,.,.m,. • • • DREAM HOUSE TltlS ('HARMl KG TlfRE~ BNl hnme la fPlll dr,.amy. Flr,.rt<wl' n11t 11rl\J Wf'Otl. In k llt hen h1111t In 11ovt, 4t own. f :'ltrl\ IMI!" b•1nn•. J"<>Tr'f'd ajr hu t L<>t• ''' r eml'nt wnrk. patio l\n•I Bl\rb'l P'1nc"'1. dnublft gar111tl'. Bt•l ' Fi•~t Std,. l"r.11Uon. n1>l a lrect h o•1M F\111 1"r1l'1 I t.l llOO, hmu • • • VACANT n,·o LAROE LOTS, as..aoo. b e £&..•l Sid• IO<'.ti llon. Thi• It the pf'rf,.ct 1pot fClr 11\•l C\IJllOm hnmf . FuU p rice U ,600. each . B. A. Nereson REALTOR 11182 :>:e,.•port Blvd . Costa M•• I Phnne Ll 8-11172 Evu . LI 8-:"l487 h on Irvine Ave. vely 3 bdnn., t bat.II home, N""" will tn wall cu-7,.tJng and tr1· vtrs11 drl\1-.r1ra. Block \1\'t1!t !\n•! IM'1~c111"•1, S l~.':':i<), Ownu, LI 11-:>~Ji. H t:1ill INCOME For Sale -By Owner 3 HOl'!'a:.s ox ' LOTS-704-Toe I l rll' A"~. <;,fl ~1 Sl!l,(l:i<), -Ph H•rbor l~ or 260 .J. CIOUc: DEAR PUBLIC: If yo u want to sell in a hurry, \Vithout any t rouble or worry, Call your 'Realtor,· insisting On Multiple Listing. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach 46tfc Just Enjoy the Income from this excellent propen :-· t no rent to pay1. Located in choice rentAI d1l'ltnct. 100 (t. I rt•m ocrnn. There are 3 units -a new duplex and a 5·room house on 2 lot!I. 2 unit.II are furnished and rrntc-d on yurl.v basis. Owner's homo arnilable now. Thrt'e garages on Allc>y. Present incomo cnn be substan· t1ally increued. ~000 will handle. F OR TNS PECfION CALL HARBOR 1013 EARL W. STANLEY, Reaftor 3113 Nev.-port. Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 MAGNIFICIENT VIEW Cliff Location -not a leasehold. S22,750 Spacious. 2 bedroom and con\'ert1ble paneled den, raised f ireplace, oak floort1, 2 Uled baths. built-in Tbermador r ange and oven, d11poHr, beautiful car· peting and draperiee. Thi. i1 a real find and rare buy at only $22, 750. Good Tenn.a. Greenfeaf-Severts Realtv . 8112 Newport Bl., Npt. Bch, H ar, 2551 (e,·ea. Lt 8-3186 1 :E·T 1:, rn Ttus 11~1-: ; .. r hii;h t Lrdo I.ala.nd's moat up.-nenced ulea pe.rsonntl) • 11 • • 1 irnt,.lt.. Coe.rt rrnl.AI 11'1· I 1 •l 11 'M f1Av AVf'. JU~! ll 111,p 1 • .... , : • • •11 1 11r •10wn 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ' It ,, I .. 1 11 ill 1.. I.' I I'll I I .. , le H 'I -"'"' :. 1·~ •n• $1 -.no <Jn (~(nit '• r I ' 1-:vr 1•11" II•""''' lfnr 1111 1 Inviting Attention ~•M \I ,,, I A \'P' •• 'PT HT8 111,1. r·r:I "'>"F'f• 1,. 1111 Iv l•I ~·"""" ,f~ '''ll fun:t •r~ \ l '•t .. nl•I l 11 lrm r ··111 f lr•rl11.-... Ofti< rtr• •!•M l rurnllf•,., 1q .. 1<.11 , d1r nn j r•nl ,.,.rv,r .. p.ltth. 11111, r;ar•r~ r~ ni;!• J r • X•· H Ill !-(, honl Or .,,. '" •,1u1 npn?., J HARD TO BEAT J•l Z 11 t11ll 1•rir~ 1 h !rm a: ttc:ro I I n"t ,,,(, I ~ II '""1 11n111: 111'1• , ·m ~ F/, l"rn • REAL UP TO DATE I l I!! f'\I ..; L'l\tl1 oll•J t, · n r1\1 n '" .,,,,.~ )! flJtri }7,tfJtfl•· f' \ 11 ~ •• • !lit~ '., f-• f-' • In'• rm•tl'>n ;,,, 1 b<>v~. l'h f \')~ r.1 ~2'd2 Exe. Income I m ,, 1 1 n-1 1. :--.·~:w ·' r'T ri1.no I I ~ • 'l l11>t n•l"11h n•,,,~ t111n• 1 tlo ~· • G J I::. •hlf' Jru I .n1 i•• !.: r rr ' "~I' ~· rv p• hM. ai.il ., '' t t t 1. t \\ • h l f I ur.,r ~ '" t • $ • t "' "' ~ , I l r •" J~7 l oir1 l.;>W '1: A; i.-rn,.- 3 Building Lots I! I <1'\" \\.Al.Ll\!'}-;f'T r a-Vf'•! ~71•! • •I" I 1 ·1 Htlt•• In I 11 llll '.•.11. I l' ,11<' tu 11 l l I ,•'l•t I"\.\ r ·• ?1 l r h f! t r ••\I :'l u• ! •'11•1 I>"\" l •+ .,, Sr \"l'tnur I f" .. '.:'•'-\\' Houston Realty and Associates Cor ona dcl Mar ATTf!Al"/'I\ ~: l h-ltm h''""' 11r I H '" l t• nigl u• • ! ·~ Ir tt! .. .n k ~1 h• n & h ,th, Ctr.t ; d1u1f , .. ..-n~ 11: '• 1\(r••d rutt1r, (wn•1t1 ~·~.,. t ,. '"'l\'t ''"'' 1r11;i 2 ti·trrn 1 '• hlllh honl". Sl3 :';CIU Ray Realty Co. 34 11 I':. rnut CQr nnl\ <l~l M 11r liar bor 228!1 LARGE LOT on Clltt DrfT• 1.n Cllrt Raven. Al..80 40 f t 1trH.l t.o 1trn t Int on ~n08 Ll•I • J,1 .. 11nd C·2 1 Jryt o~ x~wport Cl\'d. Mra. A.Men•, Har. 01111, 13l!c 4. Ur. homf', 2 baths. fireplace, Hwd. noon, dbl. r:ar:tJ'<'H, good ('orner loC(ition, ANO awimming pool , 17.000 with trrm111. (P.S. It'• furnlahed. too) IH 'PLEX -1 Br. each aide & they arl' ne&t & cle~. No garages but a real buy at Si050 with $2950 down and balanct S6-0 per moot h. 2 Br. h orn~ & nke duplex. 3 garitgei! Md EXTRA lot. Sli.500 with S3500 down & bal Sl •IO per month. (.;.2 Zont•d • DuplPx, 2 Br. Ir. l Br Hwd. n<><. rw. garu~r·14 chain lin k fe.nC'c, complrtely fumlah~ ~11 .7~0 with reuonAbfe temt1. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R . MrCardle lSlO ~cwport Hl\·d., Coat.a Meu. Ll S-1601 Ocean Blvd., Corona def Mar with never ending view- TWO ~TORY, 2 bdrm. (hHvc plans. for 3rd bdrm. to be add<-11 nt i.mall cosll. 21 • bu.ths, Jge. iiv. rm .. ""JlH ra IC uin111g ro<>m, Jar~c knotty pine den with built-i n bar, loun~c. 2 f1rt;-11larcs, baJiCment with 150,000 BTU fu rna<'e. Exp<'nsiV(•ly carpeted wall to wall thru-uut < ;:crbage d11<pC1sal an1l dishwasher, Hou,;e 6 yra ... 1o1. Large' rl r1ubl,. ~ar:igo w11 h Jaun· tin. ra1l in-cnntrolled gara~c door. (J<,l 50 :rt 142'. \\ l'll 1:-n<.ll'ICaJ"'"· This horn" must be 11cen to be ap- J•rcclatC'd. Located at 3312 Occ•:in Blvd., C<irona di'! ~far. OW:'\E R \\.'ILL AICEPT A~Y Rl:.:ASONABLE OFFER Shown hy a ppoint ment only Phone Owrwr. HarbOr 3 l35 •7c.~ 'FIRST TIME OUT! HEnE·s a Wl!\NER the f1rat time lltitcd. 2 large bdrm11. Rig Rath, tile 11hown 11 nrl w11Jl11. Hwe! n,,,,, F , A. h• :it, lkaltl:1t.or firepl:irr. an h1m,.i.t to gl')Od· n(·ss dmin~ rm., ~4 ft. gar. Frnrcd yard. Walled patk1. and man).' other retin<'mi-nt.11 The 1rl,.al home f<,r th<' d1scrimtnl\t1ng couple. The prir<' IR right and the tcnn!I are 11~ral, Exclusive with - R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor • DICK HODGE, Asa0Clatll 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del ldu , Har~· . ' . WITH SALLIE Schoola! Tomorrow, Fri- day la the day ••• Vot.el It you don't have a way to get ~ the poU• call us! We'D ~fl that you get there ••• Harbor 2828 l9 the number ••• We m~n It ••• How to vo~! .•. When our kids' future ls at ttakf', should theni lW' any doubt In your mlnd ! . . . Our klda must he educatf'd .• , The~ an tA>O ~~· kldA about to en- ter a hlJth ec'hOOI that d OH not ha,,. enou~h room ••. To me whether thfl prMHtt h11th itehnol ls addNI onto, or another one 111 built ..• How It Is paid for or by whom lt lA JN'ld for ... \fho P•Y• the mo.t or the Jt1ut ••• are but nHdlf'ft ln a hay. •taek thAt mul'lt bf> padcf'ld Intel a ""4tOD that '" too 811laJI • • • TbJn.k of thfl •tra«glera that will raU over the sides and th~ that will drop &Iona the way •.• Our achool adroinistralion throughout the pu t 2:\ yeanJ bu been m very capable band• ... The conf1den~ and t.ruat they have built up In the minds of sll people of the Harbor Area hu gwen them an abltolute vote of confidence u far u l"m roncerne<l ... Teachen. School admlnistra- tJoo and membera of the School Boards have but one thought • • . to educate our klda u American kid11 should be educ•ted ... to think r1ght and do right by tll('mBClvu a nd othera ... Ear h hlll a job t o do ... the right way , •. Our kid11 .,o f«r are clean .. , Let 'a kttp them lh11t way ... Give 01.lr 11choola what they I 8'SI~~ nffll to ctn their Job with ... unham1M"n'lS , .. uncluttered ... T hC'}' wtll ti" rr~ht by you and youra . , . Tomorrow mil)'· be you won't be here ... but thrre will ~ gomt'<>ne to fill your ahot>11, JUlll the way you W&nt them f1lltd ... You know ..• you ,·oted 'fllll la •.• you and m' .•. All rJttun• "ho "'"'" on 8cho0I Boarda and othf'r Comm unit~ l'rnjt'{-t. A.ad thf')' wn,. JM r rtt .: ra t111 ••• Jn my book th1e r •q u I rH ddun"h.lp of a callbr. tw-rond th• wtoal ~ of dot y •.• T~ Pf'OP lf' mm1 ht df'dl<'9t~ ed •.. thf'~ .. ... ~ .. . Tha.Ma \\'h1te King and Rhttm tor cbooemg Costa MeH and the MNa Builders lo proouct!I the m!Un home In your ''N&me the HouM" contest ... Thia home •• alrudy allract- lng vi•itors from the four Weet~m Statt's •.. OQn't you localite1 ml.lie this Irving dream because It ia practical· Jy 1itting In your parlor ... \'ou might win It or one of the 120 Rl1,.rm-\\'<'d~c·woo<l Rang-1 • a.nd Dryera to be gh·en a~ tt. d11r111g the nrxl 8i.x w eek11 ... AU you do lt1 name the Hou1e ... It i11 loratl'd on Irvine between 18th and l ith et.reels. Afur you pur<'h~ an~· one of tht1 l\'h.ll4' Kin~ t'am. Uy of CINDIDK prodlW'tfl •.. a.ad )"OU ldlow wht>ni ~·ou wUI flad all fh·e ..• )lf•n· d« and take • ia.nder unoac Harry'• Tub..rou. Beg'onlu • • • "l'hll )"Mr'• f'lllprllnp att mUC'h nlC'f'r Ula.a Mt J'•&ni' , •• I ha,·e alae clltf ereat oolon . . . and 901'.... thfl tune to ~et 'em Ill." .. ,, H.any ... OOASTAL SROPPEK -MA\' 18. 1155 White King Selects Harbor Area lo~ Dream Home Exhibit • • .• ga rdett E:'\TER WHITE Kf'.'110'8 "~AMr: THE llOl"St:" ('0:\"TE~T Rld1ard'• wUI 1h•11 a "F,..,." <'&ae or Whit .. tune eioap or 0.tflrl'ent to tbe Harl>or A~• wntl'Stant "11V1lnl' the l'ODlf'•t. Ul't your 1·nl ry blank bert, tMay: IU Prt'" ln all. Wl\lt.fi IUna DETERGENT ..................... . \\ laJI~ Kina SOAP POWDER "~· .11&at 55c: \\ h.lt" K ina LIQUID "D" .. _ ........... . n 33c . ""'"''"'"""" o•. .. riant 41C \\'l'llte ~ WATER SOFTENER can 2 ror 23C "'lllle Kfor CLEANSER ........ -...... .... /,.e~h produc• l..arJ:e Slae, 8"H't Ar190fta 3 19c Grapefruit for FrNh, Tuey, Northern Grown 2 25c Broccoli lbe. -~ C'rumtna: Siu, :iii~w W'h.ll4! RotN' 4lb•·15c Potatoes per/eclion .•. rt"T Ol"fll klDH O\'t:R Tffl'! U. 8. CHOICE -7-BONE <'h..., & 8aaborn COFFEE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S OWN FAMOUS SOAP CO. OFFERS HARBOR AREA "EXHIBIT HOME" IN WESTERN STATES CONTIST Sfle this beautiful ranch ty}W' hOCM, aow oiwn, just North or 17th St. on lnine AH'., In Co!tta MM&. Plannf'd and <"onstruct.ed by MNA BuJldf'~ and EquJpmPnt Co., Inc. the DPW Rhf'Mft Drt"am Home la the IMt word tn modera ranch style homM. 1Uebard'1 would llkfl to oongratula~ the below U11t.ed local t"Ontracton. and 1uppllel'll who made a "dream ho~" come tru!l". g::,,;;~•."'bl•• Coate Mote """'"'"' f.loo• Covetll'I' C•••• Mttt Llnolt UM ,htl 01 C.'I• Htwpiort ltt(h Sewer C~fttdl•At %·LB. ('AN ... .. ...• M • • • 1.68 ._...,. Wll'lt"• Mt•port leach Cl••t11·Wlt ...... 0 •• , .... 4 C a H Pu"' (.'ane c:lranu.lat~ SUGAR ('hJcl< .. n of Stoa Ucht !'teat & ........... 111. o .. , Co C.••• Mt1• .,,,,, Oe~t lty l et4y Ml• Ce1te MHo Ct "''"' C S"''"' Allt,. Ctth MHt "''"''"t low1jof flt ch'c Cotte ._.,,, l ltth lct f J,.-,. t1opthu ._.,, C.. Co1t1 ..,.,,, C1blttttt Ne•~•" ll'ld. Metoflll Coate Mt•• '"'' ~.,. 'I#,.. l(r'""''MP, Jt Co1tt Mt•• '••••trlfllt C11i.t Spoo"'' Mt rd•ood Ji .. , S.tt••t t C.t•• M .. , '10011111. CHUNK TUNA 1•&n S""1•h a ., •• r,. •• ,,.. Co••• MH• ,,, .. ,,"' ..... "' ..... "' .... ,..,,,.-Cf\tf'f~ c. ", • .,.~ .. Mt lf ' Ho .... ef ._.,,..., c,.,.,_. tl•I M., P,wn ltwft Mo.odf• 1,.1.,i.,t C.,••• tlel ..,., Otel"tl .. \lllf1nh'• l•,ud• ••1tle111 MARGARINE 2 ... 351: fittle S'-o1t C.tt1 Met• '"'"' .. "" ~:.~:~ ·~~::.: .. ·t·s~::: c..1• ...... ~· .. ~'$":: ~· l ••t t r•M H1i1ttetle1 Cetta Meu lA114ilt<aSJl11it 'WUTlOI 00Fltt46 0 ' HIWJO-f HACH ... 1i. 1u•~:~~,.-.!r:, ·~J· .::1;·;~.~ .._,,".,'· MiiONNAISE · ·· ··· •·~n 49c l wllt ••d•f' ftl• e-1..,.,. tVpe4' .. t1e111 ef 1•111 •hr•t ,,..,1. dt ,.• et ....... l vU1htt. w1ttr. ld•ettl J Mtt '-"' " 9el'•r1I Supt & Clof1•• lollrt T•Kt lwpt , t.etti rlf How"rt .... ~. Sav• Your R•qlster Receipts . . • Da.rlrnld AA l\l"TTt:t' ('a1n1•IM'<ll'• TOM ATO 3/29~ HOl'f' W'r°'· Und,..y ~l,...t RIPt: 2/35' OLI\ t:io. ;:<o;o. I ,..., tla•UUIAn ~lar 'LI(. 2/29' l'l~t:A Pl'l,t: 11, flat < utrlt.. 23 \\A~t'O l',\l't.K Jiti.fl. ( 1, , ..... 27' Hen-·s 11&\'lnJts for all n-al llummf'r conVf'niPnceM thro1111:h .Junt> Soth. f..f't your dall)' storf'.wld~ pur- "ha~.,. pay O\'P r SO?,, on Patio, Hom.-and Sununrr Sand Relaxf'nt. Hl RDl.t •... POT ROAST 43c \oc,. .. ,, .... for lhf' tflall N'bool E•p•n~lon · te.••MI Hl\mhltna; tcound lb. R.k'hartl'• for a m""""«• lhat con- oem.e IM all. \'.8 lt•nT 2'23' VEG. JUICE ~ltl(U t la\ 11r1>1I s•,-n-i. 23e TRIX CEREAL f'tll.&ur-y t ·lh 33' PANCAKE MIX '"'• c att111 l!--Ot.. 27' SYRUP . •.. New FnnH Foods D9Pt. f'l"lld..al• O KOf"~O ftt:J.:f' -9 MtAT J.OAF DINNERS IMl'dwye PERCH FILLETS N,.._,.,. f"Rt:S("tl FRIES B1n1wr a GREEN PEAS IJbby'• ORA."t•I': JUICE . You'll find a Lido Shop • • • --- t •. S. CHOICE -0 -RONE POT ROAST ·--- t·. S. CHOICE SHORT l<,000 ORANGf: COUNT\' SCHO()J,('flll.f>RES f>RISK TOOOS MILK DAii.\'. { RIBS Kids Ilk.-It, you will too! Oran~f' County'" f &11tf>st ~rowinl( da.lry produet,, ~ldH d.rinlUnJ,t the fn't"hf't.t and flnf'1at milk ) ou can huy. rnj()~· the mO!lt mo<lt-m milk packa~nJt u<'lu!!M\'t>h· ,·ou"' thru Todct' and ~·our Todd dNlrr. Tht> nf'w wu.frH, N..nltan• and te8\" to-pour C'arto n offeriJ mulmuin OOll\ f'rUen~ and t>llmlnattt ~friit­ ator mf'M lrom ordlnan· wa:1 <'Arton-. . lb. 53c lb. 19c AM.ERiCAN CHEESE . !, 29«: l .un•a All M,..I -..... -..... 45c: FRANKS r. .. y ~ .. 1u11a -·. -.. -..... 11>. 55c TILLAMOOK ... retn ode/in g . • • • • • Any rellfJmhluace betwf'H th.-Old Rlr hard'• and the new Rkhard'• i. pu""ly colncldt!Dt.&J. \\'e'rt> n.iCf'I u eolorful and bettt-r equJppeod to ~n-e ~·our nl'f'<l11. Floor plan dlrtttori~ will -oon be nallable for quick, euy a.nd more f'ffkJent i.hopplnJ.C t.ou,.., THl"K.liiOA\ IWr\f' \"a rlrty 11~..S• ••• OATMEAL IREAD nunA\' N-n'" a la mod,. •.. ILUEIERRY PIE 8ATl RDA\• Claaautoa C r1.•p OMl•b COFFEE CAKE l'l&a&aa ~ut LAYER CAkE lna f 24 f .. ..... 54' 3 foH 25' raill 87' to fit your every need ! R ich&.rd's GreenhouM ••out llllllil~~il~ID~lllllll~ ln front u you dnve along , Via Lido between the Lido Shopa 11t the entrance t o Lido lale. SPEC'lALi FO& MAY 19, 20 ud 21. 19~ •