HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-08 - Newport Harbor News Pressco. Volume 8 -Nun1ber 5 ·· New Irvine Annexation to Newport Second Unit of Irvine Te1Tace. Highway Due 'in' Plana for the annexation ot the 80-acre 11eeond unJt of Irvine Terrace to the City ot Newport Beach are being made by the city engineer'• office. In the annexation procffdinga the city will seek to bring into the corporate limit.I all remaining portiona of the Cout Highway now eutald• th• city juJUdicUon. barranca that la t.o tM turned tn- The Irvtr.e Company n ow hu on to a city park. It la prwwned th• UM bo&rd.t the plan9 for U\t •Ub-park will tM ftlled and leveled off dlvUlon of th• wcond lnin• Ttr-to make It more u.eablt. nee tncrement of ap11ro.xfmately tt th• propoMd annnatlon by IO acre• or more than 200 borne the city i. w ccuatu! all th• Cout •te•. Th• propoeed developmmt 1.t Hlrhway from th• wuterly Um- of a new nature w ith all th• home-11 .• at Ole Santa Ana River to tha •~• to be c~ated haVintr • view eut.erly ctty limit. at the far e<Jre &Cl'QAa the bay. The land wUl be of Corona deJ Mar wfll be within tiered In different levela to en-th• City ot Newport 8-ch. Thia hance the value of each homHlte. wtU (?'tally almpll!y pollclnl' and The parcel to be annuf'd by the tire protection ot the pro~rt}' elty lilt• betwe•n Bayaftle Drive alonl" the highway. A t th• Mme a nd Cout Hlchway and betwren ume all land mc!award of Cout Jt1 "-••·o Orh•e In J"ln• Ttrrace Highway t·rom the river to Ule and Ave>«do St. ln Corona drl far ltmtu ot Corona dl'I Mar wtU Mar. be wllhln t.M City of Newport The ana wfll Include the 10-acre Bee.di. CITY HALL NEEDS OF MESA MAY GET FRffW AY CHANGE CoNllderatlon of three po991ble IMUl'U .cl by Ooffey, who told U\e altea for a Coela Mff& City hall bod)'. "\JnUl th• fruway dealina - by city co11nc-ll may jar the atate lion la rh-..nc~. It can't be any-~1n1 elat." Highway apoktJ1m1'n dfvlAlon of hlr;hwaya fn\o aclfon Indicated the rHC>lutlon .,. ... under reit,.rdlnit rh11.nr;e In fr~ay dtll· atudy, but no acuon bu been IKD•llo11 nf Newport Blvd. fl'Om taken. 20th SI to S Main St. tn Sa.nta Th• pruent Newport Blvd. Ana. City MM 11r;u Ceorr;e Cof· roadway la 100 ftl'l w1dt, tnclud- tey nu nol1fl"'1 the d tvlJlfon "It Ina-the old PE traclla. Jf the I• lm~r11t1"" I.hat the City know atate carr1u through IU plane tor locaJ hlJ:hwny r l•n• ' a freeway with accna roa41. Cof- :-ITt:ij CO~l"IOt:Rl:D fey ea.Id • roadway of 190 ffft 1 ·nd"r ron11drratlon •• ro .. tble wn111d be required. Thia would C•ul a Mru C'll v Hall •ll"• •r• e rtt'ct eltv hAll pl.na •hould one J")'ltnn• nr Snuth,.m California of lht alltll under econaldnaUon Blhlt \ 'nlltlo't"· oranirt County I bf' purcha.aed bv Mna City counc11. f'a1r1rrnundlt l\nd Santa Ana Arrnv WOl'LD HPLIT CITY Air OA'!' l11nil. lh,. SeWA·Pr""" Muaru have battled aga.lnat lhe Jramt d t•.,IAy All ti'" •llr• bordl'r I frf'"Wft \' llnce tnc-nrporallan ot the on :-!'"'l"''l Hl\'•I ell\' The r n11n1y b<lard of 1ur .. r· ~I··•'• •. ,. ro11nr11 f'a rly ll\la yta.r \•l~!'n •rporve<I ata t,. hlKhway pu11f'd I\ rnnl11t1on rf'quuUn~ the plan• In a frttw•y ajfl'ffm ent In a "" •I 1 ,. l ~to n nf hl1hw&)·a to llHn Erf•rl M lhl' rr .. l'w8\' now dlanr;r Maar;na llon or the boule-would be to apllt th,. city ~d the van:t tr"m tr.rway to dlvfdtd hlJh-C'o1ta :Mua Union Sl'hool Olltrtct WllV v.11 h l1m114'd croeetnr• and no In two and cut off the Bible Col- Mrvlr" m ruta Tht rt h1t1on ...,·aa lttr• and Oran.re CoM l C'olltfe MACCARTER 'SLATE' ELECTED BY LEAGUE 'Revolt' AC)Clinst Rule Fails in ex-president Hot MHtinCJ A rf'\•all aratn•l a llrrtd dicta · 1 bna C'1L1L,.n1 C'ommllttf'. Whtn hf tnr tal rul" hv or1 1ln•l F reedom ukNJ It 11ny mf'mbfors of thf' rom- T••pa,·rr1 varut Prf'11tdt'nt V. I': mitt"• ,,.. ... re pr"'""'· •rprolllm11te-1 MarC'11rtl'r tailed 'f"riday nllfhl ly 20 prrH1n~ J11!00'1 ur whtn a 11la t,. of what c>pponf'nlll Rt'N S JSO ('LA~H~ t•rmf'fl "han1lplrkl"f r and1d11 lf'I · wa• "'"<'It'd ln offlr" Appro11lm11lt · Jy I~ or lht 400 r11rd-rarry1nr Ital">" numtM'rt Wf'ff' admltlt-1 In· to lht huge OrllllKt C"0&11t Coll"ll'" e udttorlum put whet Ma('Carttr t ermf'd a "ll"r&fllll l·•l·arm1 " Ortmatlr1111ly p111llnr the tttth f'rom oppe>~lllnn INI by Mr11 Hi>v•· a.rd M•llor, Me.cCarttr fnformtd the 1udlrnC'f', '·This emall but lo ud fTOUP hu ne>t eUl"Ct'tdl'd In rel· ting MacC'arttr. But my lfco<lor b.., w rce__,ed "'here lbty fall.-0 Bf'cauae or an elltrtme l'llH ot llyperten.afon. l rt'lf"et y()u don't ae. my namt on Ult' ballot " nt08E FiU'TEO U..t.ed on the ballot d l•tri.uttc1 to card-ca.rrytnr member11 preef'nt a t UI• mttttnr. and t'ltttl'd to or- ftce. were Ja ck Reta, pruldent: 0 . L. WU90n, vk e-pruldent. Mrs. o. D. ~mtnc. aecrl'tary, and di· nc:tora Olen Spericu , M.rs. 8. D H ubbell, Ted Hopkin• and Richard Wb1tmor1-Amon( a Ion.,. 11.t ot eomplalnll made a«a!Mt Ule r.Ur- lftS pr.aldtnt by o,>ponente wu t.be tact Uiat MacCarter had power 9Dder th• by·la"11 to out a ppr91rl· aa~7 1&0 TOtN .. procy ff/It all •-ben not p..-nt Mu<::arttt defendtd h l m a• I f -salaat an • t tack prin led and drcaJat.d t.brourh th• l"'rttdom .... net 1117 UM Nnrpol't·BaJ. Ruon1 n1t cl11.•h r11 O<'l'urr,.t1 bl'· tw,.,.n Ma('C'artrr, Krnntth Gunll'r Mno ~1.-llnr snd olhra • thro111thout lhr 1-.·o·hour me.tint Al n11C' tlmt . Mac<'arvr told G unt<'r. "\'nu &re out ot ofdrr. I ~hirll hA''" IP an•tnact t h<' ll•·r11;eanl·ftl ·><r ms tn P11rort ynu 011111111 .. ' l.Au1thln I jrfC't"lPtl hi, lhtC'lll. h Wllll nnt CRT'• rle<:I 0111. Guntn •·u l&lf'r noml· natf'd le> or post thP dart r lor• ll•ltd on Ull! b•ll•1t b'' MarC'11rttr. Sf'VtrAI prP~n\ 1n Uie audlenct' Pllpres.~f'tl bl'l1rr lh•• rntlre "l,.c· lion •hould be ruled llltg•I aCler MaC'('artn l(tl<>r·c-d a mo11on an<1 H C'Ond lh111t nnmtn11tfnna for ell· rector bf' clo11f'd. St• J'f'n1nn11 h11d btot'n nomln•tf'c1 at th,. llmt M•c· Carter a11;r•t'd th11t wu tn<>uirh. but notlcNI Mra. Hubbf'll, ll•ll'd on the ballot, had not bun nominated. Hf' nomlnatl'd her. lben a llowtd t.hr•• more nom.ln11Uon1. "I did not ~ornlu the mouon... Mac- Carter lnfonned protuUnr ertea trun the audience. Ch&rlM H. ronuua. atart •n(1- er, oriranla tJon and control. of Fluor Corp .. Ltd~ Loe Anp lea. a NeWpOrt Harbor rutdl'nt. ta on• of m oT"t' than I~ employ~• ~·ho h•v• Joined the firm In rteent IDOllt.ba. RANK VAUGHN Frank Vaughn Dies; Rites Set Thursday On• ot CMta Meaa'• ""1 ....i- dent.a and civic figure&, CoMtebl• P'rank \tau('bn. 61, c11ed Bunday momlnl' a t 2:30 o'clock 1n ~ Hoepllal tollow'ln( a he&rt. attack. 11'\1.neral aervlcea tor the well- known officer ...,. Hl for Thun - day. 2 :30 p. m. a t Cummunlty Melhodfat Church. The ~-C. F. H•nd will ottleaate with Parkea- Rldley Mortuary In ch•rre. PA Tl&OL OP1'1t'E& Frank Vau1 hn be,..n hU police carttr ln Orange County ln 1923 when he wu a Calltornla Hllb- way Patrol olflcer. He wu alao ~ed In a trudtlnl' bualn ... and chiclten randunr . Re ao.t • I~ In a motorcycle accident while ae~ the CBP dl.IJ1as Ula t w•· u •. Whtie lie WU ~ In UM liloepltaJ. he took otnce for the fourth lime u conet.abi. in the Ne'WJ)Ort a.ch Judicial Dlalrlct. Mr. Vaurhn wu foN.'ed to reelp thla poal later u hla conUnued duty with CHP prennted blm holdlnK an e lective office. H,. wu el~t~ ap!n u con- lltable In 1944 a.nd rt11ec~ ln lt:M> a.nd 1964. Mr. Vaughn wu a charter membtt of the Newport Harbor Elka lod•e and put rom· ITUll'ltler and founder of lhe COltl• Mf9• Amtrtcan l.Ag'lnn post. He wu bom tn Plltuvtlle, Ky. and •~a a ,.,.ttran of World War l . f"or many year11 before Ull' ln- rnqw na t fnn of the Clly of Collta Meaa \'augho "'u the only Jaw enfo!"l"tme11t offlc-er on lh• Mea&. Manv llmu he wnrk~ around Lhe rlock af'rvfng hi• eonatltue11ta IJ'I tus Mmmunlty. Survh·o"' lndudt hla ,., I t t . Loulae R Vau«hn and a eon l>on· ald \.. \' au~n bnth of lh• h()me &ddrt u &t 901 Vlctona Ave A •ttont1 aon. Lt. Phillip Vaughn, died Mven yellJ"ll ago In an air force accMent a t Rollwell. Nf'w Mufco. Lt. \'aur;'hn ltrt t1111·0 c.hll- ttren. R\Ch&-rd and Sandra. tnd LT. I OHS IJ. CLA\"TON GRADUATES FROM 'POINT WEST POI:-JT, N. Y -John B <"l•yton. 23, 110n of J ohn B Cl•r ton, 120 Rnckl•dll:'f! Orh'"· LAjt'llnA B<'ll<"h, \\'tlll ltTll!hlllttd from the l'. 8 M ilitary Ae&· demy at West Pnlnt. Clayton tt'celvt'd a b8c:helor ol eeitnr ,. dtfr'ff and wu • eommlsiitoof'd a lle<'Ond Uf'll• t.f'nant In Ut• A rtiUtry branch ol the Army. At Wt1t Point he wu e cth·e In lhe ch..._ rt... French. Port.ugHe and aid rluba. H• wu aao a mem- ber or the Buel• Notu Staff, the Pointer St.aft. the Weat Polnt dl'bat• counctl and th• hockty tee.in. Clayton r-lnd hJ• •P· polntmmt to Wut P<>tnl trom RrprHentath•e H 8 8 r udr1Pr of C1Ufomla '• f'u .. t Con,-ree· atonal Da lrlct. LS~ RE-W,$,ciJ?RCSS 6 LIFEGUARD CANDIDATES TRAIN FOR SUMMER DUTIES 8lx aucceMtul lite(U&rd candldata atarted lntenalve tralnlnf u t wM.kend for their ewnmer duUea. a ccord.Inf t o llfe,.uard Capt&l.n J ack Jonu. 1boee who m ade th• troute are Pele Cl.ark, Don Crocker, Knight Sooy. Terry McKalvty, Richard Jordan all ot N-port Harbor and Walter Wllaon of Redlande. They competed reeenUy wtth awtmmtnr and runntn& trlal8 under the aupervlalon of Jon .. u d Don Buma and Bob Moore of the lifeguard 1ervlce. Saturday and Sunday the new ,.uarda heard l.cturea and demonatreUona for orientation Into tb• Hrvlce. Thia weekend they will pracUce lit ... \'1.q t.echnlqu .. on the beach near th• Sant& Ana River. Harbor Children Make Plans for Summer Camping Newport H&rbor youn1atera u. makinf plana lo attend the lO·day ca.mplnr ....ion at Bellowa Lodl'e a t Bii' Bear L&ka July I to 11. lnr la ottered younl'•tera between th• ace• of • yeara through hip achool )tr . and Mra. Robert Gar- dimir, fonne.r Newport Be&ch ,.qt. denu, wUI be In eha rge of the camp. Cardlnt>r La a dlv1nJly atu- dent In Berkeley. Two bUNea w1Jl leave St. Jamea J:plecopal church on Wedneaday, July I , 9 :30 a.m. and return the children to the church on Satur- day, JuJy 11, S p.m. RMerVatio.ne may tM made by oalllnJ Harbor 3M9, lb.-St. Jamq Day School of- nct. LAGUNA MAN LEAVES 'POINT WEST POINT. N. Y. -Bud T. Hall, 22. eon of Mr. and Knt. Wend•ll r . Kall. 270 MON S t., Lacuna Beach, WU -(t'&duated J une T trom the Clrculatlon 21,000 Dhltrfbutf'd In N~wport ae.ch. B&lboa. a.lt.o. bland, Corona del Mar, Coeta Mee.. Upaa. South Lagu.aa aad Butlngtoa Beach. Sonic Barrier Crashing Breaks Local Windows A number of Harbor area wl.n- dowa were cracked or tbattered P'rlday from ahock wave force of I ~t planea apparently cruhlnK the eonic barntr. T'h• tlrat blast came 1borUy alter 11 a.m., the aecond., which aeemed greater In atrength ln the Newport a rea, waa after 2 p.m. U. 8. M ilitary Academy at Wut Point. Hall received " be.chelor of ac.lence devee and wu com- miaalontd a aecond lieutenant ln the Air Force. At We.at Point he wu a.cllve ln Inter- collegiate track. Hall recei\'cd hl1 appoint- ment to We.et Point from for - mer Repreeentallv• John Phil· llpa of Ca.Utoml"'• 2Znd Con- greuionaJ Dbt.rlct. A. 1960 rraduate ot Lal'Un• Beach Htrh School, he •tlend- ed th• Unfver11ty of Br1dl'e· port, I Conn.) bet ore ent.r1ns the academy. Barbor 1811 fe1Tell Named Club Manager Wa)'llt A . Ferrell, vk e·pruldenl a.nd gtneral m1rnag1>r or the-Wilton Hotl'I. Lnnr; Boch, bu rulgntd that p<JAltlOn to bf'C'Ome manager of the B•lboa Bay Club. f'tf«'ctlve July J!i Ferr•ll fa nationally known u a former executive of the H lltoa Hott'! Corporation. He aervtd the Hilton orga.nlutlon at the BJlt- m ol'f', P11yton. Ohio; The Town House. Loa An&t'lf'JJ; Arrowhead SprlnJ;• Hot .. 1. San Bernardino: and the Hiiton Hotel l.n El Paao, Tu1111. F1>rrtll has bef'n active In clvf• aJt&1ra In Lone Beach u a mem· ber of the Bntrd of Dlrectore of the Conv•11tton Bureau and ot die Mli<a Unlverae Pageant; Ht I• & mtmber ot lbe Rotary Club alld the J:xecutlve1 Club. Ffshlnt Gear Tak•• . -··· Charle• Ayre1 of aa.ita An& told police a fl•hlnr pole aad rMI "'*" tak•n trom the bue atop .,_ at :u.t. at. and Newport Ba"-l&l-o urday. He Aid Ole pole bad U.. name of Jack Ackennaa - lt. A. prov-am of .wim.milll'. ct&tt.a, horwebadl rtdlnl'. bikini' and botlt-------- ...... u 1-1197 • I _ .. n...a._...w...,._,._, I I .. 1 tr...._._..., m.ts.1 •~ .... I I .....,_. ...... .,._ .. ...._ I 1 a---ca.-•-.-1 I DY_...... oco.. • I e I : I :_.,..., I : ......... : ·----------------------------------------·-~---·---------·---· I W_....., II •--+ man athletlo award thla month Athletic P~lor R . Z. Muuelman halt ot It. u.. M"JT•d\MlN. aft ma-~• ~ for ht. participation tn lntereol-and the •tudent body ~ ot Jon In Mt.Mr llCieaoe or -.iDMr· A NAJU:JM, (0CNI ) _ 1to1 lqi&te ten11le. Son ot Mr. and Mra. dlrec.-tora. ~ =i:~ la ~~: _PA_G_e_2_-_c_o_A_ST_A_L _sH_o_P_PE_R-_Ju_N_e_a_. _19_ss_ LOCAL FISHERMEN ANNOYED LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFllD DlllCTORY Pana -I>Mler -a.nice LIDO ICLl:CTILKl MH Via lUe -Ha.nor '7t7 AUTOMOBILE DEALERS N-and u .. d Cara NJOKERTL ISTUDt:&ULS.a 8Ale9 Service Pana ltl6 Ne"-port Blvd. -Bar. 610 BANK8 8-k of Amerl~• NT a SA '"' Vla Udo -Harbor 1616 _BARBER SHOPS UDO S HAVING MUO la Bldwell'a Store tor Ilea NU \•ta Udo -Harbor UM BEAUTY PARWRS LIDO SALOS OF BEACTT IU6 Npt. Bl•do. -Har. 16'11 BOOKS BOOll CASE IUI Vla Udo -llarhr 6'4M CAMERAS-' SappUee VINCENT UDO DRV08 ltll \.la Udo -Harbor 3003 CAR.PEI'S A DRAPERIES DICK MACKER auo vi. LU-aan.r uu CATEBING ll1CllAAD"8 LIDO 11.UUl&'f USS V .. Udo -llartMtr llU CLOTHING -Mea'• Retail BIDWELL'8 MOP FOR MEN MU Via Ude -Hutlor OMI CLOTBING-Woma'a Betall LA UJl\"I: IOO Via ~a-llartlor MIO LIDO FAtUllON8 HM v• 0pon. -a.n. 1111 SllA.DDO<Jll '11 IUJ Va. Udo -..,_r Mn \' AOA80ND BOU81C lmported Sport-ear WI V&a Udo -llar1Mtr 1006 DRUG STORES \'I SCE?loT8 UDO oauos S .. I V&a Udo -~r IOOI t:LEcr'RJC CONTRAcroas UDO f;l...ECTIUCl SIU \'la Udo -~r Otl Fl~WERS tCll 'fLUlD'8 -UDO M.A&KLT <"ur .. 1ea-Tablo Ar~emenlA u:is \ 1a Udo -11.tuhr tau FOL"NTAIN, GRILL ,·1 st·t;~,.." LIDO uauos SUI \'la Udo -llattNlr IOOI FRAMES A &LllUll8 Ut:IUl.A&DT 8TUDI09 Hll VIA lUe -..,-., ..al FURNITU&E DIC& llACILD au•,,,. u.. -..,.._ uu GIFr UIOP aJCllAU>"e uoo NA••n MllVla&.w.-......... INSVUNOE AGEND "'· o. avca. INC. .... , ... I.Me -.... "" INTF.&IO& DECOILA.1'0118 aL.UIOllll "11.&&&80l!C A.J.D. MJI Via U6o -..,__NII Pleil NACILEa MM \'la U6o -....._, 411.a DO!'f oaaOllTOH A. L D . ....... .....-u ... V\a ........ -~ .. ,, llABU:'I'& PHOTOGM.PB 8TUDI08 OE .. A&DT 8n1D108 .... , ... LWe -...,.... .... &EAL ES'IATE LIDO a.LU.'n A.NOCIATSa U do 8aJ• It Ret..ia MOf , ... u.. -...... '"' P. A. PU.IQC& lNO. Pll.t.IWe-........ Ufl \'OOEL 0011.P A.NY .... , ... LWe -......... 6911 BAY A.ND ll&AOll U:ALTT \'la u.. ..,.._. Ottkle llll a...Fayohe -Kuhr MU 84 \'ING8 A LOAN AS80CIArJON8 l'\EWl'OllT aA.l.BOA 8A\'l.N09 a LOA...'1 A.88001A TION A 8annr1 lluttltullon Lona Term Home lA&na asee \'la Ud• -ll.utlor uoe SERVICE 8TA'l'ION8 UDO &IClll'TD..D Hll Newport Blvd-Bu, 6111 IJIOE8 -Ilea'• lllDWEU.'8 8TOU roa ldJll Ull \'le Ude -lluMr Ol6I rHK.Anu:& LIDO Tll&ATU Conwlt Ulla JlaJ*' for Pf'OITVD \'la lUo .i N~m... Harhr 111' l'0\"8 UDO TOYL.U.'D NU \·t.a Udo -lla"1n IN6 TRAVEL ACENCU:S llAJlBOB 11lA \"£L AG&.~C'I Hll Newport 81\'d.-llar. 16H UPHOLSTERING Die& llACJLEa "" ,,. ...... -...,._ 6111 WINDOW COVERING THE AHAPE SHOP Nut .... ,,.,~.IH . OYER POSSllLE CODE CHANGE Wea\'er, a two-y..,. lette rman ln Howard B. Lewi•. 329 Vta Lido Caltech 1,. a member ot the .-po tootb&ll, bueb&ll and buketbal.J, Soud, he w.e named tor lhe award Soulhern l'aJlfomla lntercolleJ1alt a ~du•lt ol Newport Hartl« waa ptc;.ked t.oday by Lht aentor by hie ca&ch and &pproved by Athltl.lc Conterenr~. More Ul&n Union K iah khool lkllH SERVICE * At thh "ltellablo" phuaacy, 1killed ltop lertd Pbormaci1t1 will roapoeod J'O'al Do<tor'a prucriptlou proap tl7 a.ad JWociMly. Try .. Mn ti••· Yoa'll approd ato ov frieodl7 Hni• aod aoUormly fair priae. ·m .=. -mun --.... Vi cents ICE ~ CREAM Hanel Pack Pints = -~~~·-··-··· 30C BA.IQ) 7.tO~ 5a... QUilTI -·--7• DOU.I.& 1"' 0011U ---\r' lllfOLK 5 OOllU ---C ~L-~~-·· 395 Bos of N 26 IO. OD.A.II CODI C TJIDX-.Guna&eed 10t5 Wrist Watch A Qrud Otft ......... rdOVI a.m lalhroom Scales TtOow, lhae, 0"9ll er PlDlt ~· WMC-100 -.. llo !. ~ TOILET TISSUE 31011a 2sc FACIAL TISSUES aoo·. 16' v.v·p,4Y LESS . . . n; lll'LAll AL l'JOXl'Jt .U.U'Jlll'l'll GARDIN CHAii DECK CHAii "It ~ka" .. '7 F .. t D)'ed l>'lldl ea..... Beck .-II .,,. S..t ,.... •.at . -· .. ·· p,4YLESS .. llOPl.OPJ.TL n.w 8arsa JIMJr ...... ......... ··--· FOR DRUGS RUlllNG ALCOHOL '5" CJc EPSOM SALTS lCJc lotUt Of 100-~ OraiJa SACCHARIN TAILETS Bottlt of 100-lJ.l .P. ,. ASPIRIN T AILETS • p . 2.oz Tube ZINC OXIDE OINTMENT LAJ.O• 22c oan 73c ..,.._ 'Tc -.u. 10o IM,. I for 23o ... I for 170 FOR SOAPS vanity a thlttN u Anaheim'• beitt r.=~--~-~-~!:!!!11111'1 ..U a round a thlete. The announcement was made by Athletic Director Dick Glover who aald that Wea·nr'• name will ~ engraved on a permanent cup an lh• Colonlate' aporu trophy ra$e. We llave FOR FISH Sii "llCH" MOVED )IUilFc to Roy wu fullback In football. I guard In t>uketbaU &11d played c*"'ller field ln baaebaJI. 1807 Newport Ave. FILLET OF ROCK COD ......................... -....... lb. ROCK COD TO BAKE ...................................... lb. FILET OF SEA BASS.~·--~··· ................ -... lb. COSTA MESA LIDO DRUGS ABAWNE STEAK. ~ed ···········-······· lb. SHRIH.P ···-···-·········-· .. ············· ..... ······--········-lb. CRABS .... ·-···-··-·················· ···············-···-···· lh. "One of Use Udo Shope" Sf6l V1a Udo, Newport Beach HARBOR DRUGS S301 E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Week-End SPECIALS Dorothy Gray go-together specials Tw 6eaaly aiM iA one ~all .00 •Tiap apto50" 0...,0..,Dtl d 11 Cl"9D111 - BALBOA DRUGS 116 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboe • QYl -.J":.....Wc ......... .......... ..... ,.00 ,..,,.,.,,," 111ns•m will bring you closer to HIM - ~O....,W.. c... u-a .u ,._ <-... 0.... ........ ,.,,,...,,,,,, o...i.,car.., ............... ,.._,...,.,,_ IYl -.J .......... o ....... .......... ~...,_,_...,. __ _ __ , __ '- .,.. .... tt.t.11: ef,... ... " ... , II• ... , ICINGS MIN TOtlnlttS. '°"'°'9 ........... r\Al9 ~ ............. .. 2.10 '°"'* ... '""'... . . . . .. . . 1. 90 _. ltoeol..ulf IPICIM -1 2 s ................ ,......,_ .. SPICIALI !rOFF regular price! CIGARS lo~ of $229 ........................... 23c Prill~ AJbtn l moldnr TOBACCO lT~b. 86C A BC BEER R•I· 6 ,.,87' Can. LIQUOR DEPT. Shady Grove Blend 90 Proof rtNl Silver Ripple Gin s2•1 Thun., Fri., Sat. .... '· 10, 11 Wt baTt \he fiaen ct.ti. •f Ptrfaaa u.4 OoJot'ul for roar iptel&l rn.dute .... .,. • ,.,, ~u: FOR GRADUATION Lentheric Tweed Bouquet~ $1.50 Houblpnt's Chantllly s.oa. $2.75 Rubenstein' s White Mapolfa 1.25 Dorothy Gray's Fic)urine • oa. $1.00 Tussy's Midnight •.oa.&au d• ootop• 1.25 Dana's Tabu-Cologn• 2 oa. SUS Rubenstein'• Heaven Scent 2.01. 1.25 Shulton Desert Flower ·~ ... $1.SO Evenlnt In Paris ToDft w ..... • .--. 2.00 Faberqe's Wood.hut, 'fi&T'W-Oolope, 2 oa. $2.00 DEE:/ightlul! tfop la Ml ti8ddk • lllldl rnalt ~II It your tavorit. dalf' ••• "' «>ol .,, wt•• • rrf'11rn1 •fWI.. " .... ,.. lopto on '"" """".,,. '""P-- tatl-ff'Mft trl)(N'1 •-· daN lo 1k 1 •hl1h P6f'fa.llL Mo maia• 111 • •tunnN'I' hAIMI -".,.,.. 1"4 for )OU : MALTS 30t SUNDAES JS ' SODA SPECIAL 25¢ LADlll -U Oaui• U Denier 6CJc NYLON HOSIERY pr CAMERAS • FILM Wt C&rT1 • complm llllt of fLlm for all c&mtru, lncl11dJn1 color. GRADCATIOS PT..CIAL EASTMAN 127 .-Ownie Holiday Camera $295 . ,, • ! ,.. ,.. ,..,."",.,.,.,..,.,.,, """"' ... ,,. ,. ,,,. ,. ~ ""' A A,,. ~ "' ,.. ,. ,_ ,.. "' .. "",."'"',.,,.,,. "'"'-.""",.. ... ,,,. .. ~ .. ..__._.,.,.,.. 4'' "' " ,.. ,. ,. .. Electric Razors IORIOX "20" lllAna Perfectly balanced. aotary mo.. tor for perftt\ 1havi.n1 and solid comfort. 2650 !fOW O!fLY ?::::2r ~7~ an y J:lectrio lluor IALIOA SWIM TRUNKS A Da.n '"""' Faltri«-.. " riftkl • f'hNI" bl Auof'Uod C'olnn Mtd C'hfoc-kl Pt:JU; Ol "M ' SWIM FINS "''· uo WADING POOLS IO"d " $495 ~tar 7.fl ~~~----=- ) AU. BE.llJ'IUJI -Out of 18 ent.ranta, a.ll o! whom received univenl&l applause from the hqe crowd that gathered at Coat.a Me.a Llona Fiah Fry to see the bathing beautiea, the judgM ftnally 80rted the trio lhown above, Je!t to right. Sandra Knight.ea. eo.ta Meea.. third; Carol Hodges, Huntington Beach. firat; Janice Pom.ato, .... MOODd Walt.-WW., pJWident o! the Uona club, wu muter of ~ ltatt Photo P~trick looke~ 01 l~rclary, AlllM 0..111 Garde• Hose Tall ... TMft ., • fl«.. lellCUI ol ,..,... .. .... ... rwport.ed •l&llda.J ~ .. pollee air Kn. ~ lotM~ ..... nlA..-An.., i. ,.._ Jt ........ .,_ -,..... .. ...... ·----·········· ; Ven 4e tc.;1 ~ : i; 4'J~-:,. I ~SPECIA~: a.II ,... ......, -. -.. ;:========::;.I ............ .-o..,. 1: ........ " I ··-------------· ~, ..... , ....... ~ ..... .,......, ....... '-"' .. -aUM1r -... ~ea.ta .... --..nr... -911M. n. .tcta. ..w .... ,... .... near ,_.., •-.ct n.. "'611•• ....,. ............... ... &D4 ......... to adeclr ... .. ~ "' .. f.rGflt bedroom 1'1Dltow. Pllbtck ~ ....... u. '1e-ua IAto UM Mdl'ocm ot t11e ,..., ....... ~ ,,...ua, ......... ....... aed te tM ...... ,. ol. ~- Pabtck ... ,...... .., bJ Santa A.Ila pone. ~-ta Ut &. •U. et.. '-ta AaL Be ... .,... ,....... bJ Olilta x... pou.. at l :Ol IUIL ~. • CAP I &oWN PHOTOS &1 Sp1cW Mees PbaDe Harbor &1• tcw DAT Oil l:'V1I -APP"T KAfiiil PHOTOS -&.a... .... C09CJNA DSL llAll Par u lfWt u •1.00 • week and laan tM -Look ot • 1.-der,.. LOI ENZ .• ·--.... ...... A.u Open rn.. to t p m rr.. ~ at any Jot I I I I toe..,..-rO 'I ...... _. .......... CAICll •••••••• 79' ... ,.... .. ..., • ....,_a... ... =u r IPONOI CAKI ... -. ,.... ... ..., • •Utt ANGIL JOOD CAKt '-we .......... 39'. .... 111911 ..... ., • aw-.. CHl"ON CAKI : '-we 7f' ........ 45'. I ...... ., ..._._, I e : Uer• ~ ....... -"' I c......CAKIS ... ... I ,._.. .... .J I e I ClrM•aNM I I COffU LOAI JI' ... I I ••••••••••••••• 00 TA MESA n• New-port BhC. coao~A DEL llA.a HI C-t Rwy. ACOIUYS LAGUNA B&AOB ... ..,...._y llAL80A 18LA.ND .............. NEWPORT M.&Oll 1%t c...e Bwy. '1398 ..... $11.91 :!;:.7: BOOT Neoprene Sol• DacrOll Slllc:Md lol·fm l•ol• GUA.RANTEID AMERICA'S FINEST ENGINEER'S IOOT WASEMILLER .'S W .. KlllGllAll'I 1H4l Hwbor lhcl. COSTA MISA o.e-,..,..,.. ... • ,. .. . "• <Mn ·-• Gold ...... • CDM Woman Flies Cabaw Approftd Handwea.vers Meet JUNE I, 1956 -COAST At: SHOPPER -PA61 I The c:oupl• haa on• c:hnd. H 1 · yes. old. ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ I Tracie Ins WHAT IS IT? lndlviduaUy wuhed-wearing apparel nurt dried by tUtered air -flat ple<:e1 We have MOVED to 1807 Newport Ave. COSTA MESA Liberty 8-•S t 2 I •n Fruer '145 SedAA R&H ''9 ('bf•\' Dix. !-(Jr R&-H •545 Beautiful ooadilloa '51 Ford I Cu C'lb KaH •795 t 'ordomatla BMatlfuJ Black '60 Pontl~ I •545 ~tte llAff · Cotton Goll Volkswagen Dealer proteulonally Ironed. Your cloth11 and Unena are jjone up ONE unit-no mix· up&. no uruilgbtly muk1 -n lrao!t water, gentle controll«t 110ap1 .. WHEN AVAILABLE •.• Service within houn tt urgent, bec:au11~ .we do everylhl~ rlfht here. HOW MUCH., •. It is • ber9ein bundle too • . . . only $2.85 fer 21 lbs. WHERE ... c a • a p u r • BOB'S SportlftCJ Goods %1 It Newport IU•d. NJ:WPORT BEACH rt.Me: Hart»or I 1100 Weet Cout Wgbway ••SEJlVJOE WJTllIN BOUll8 -WREN NIZDl:D'" OOllPLE'l'E IAUNDEBI ud CLEANERS They're 4ellclou1 .•. oll ef theml Here ore ii* o few ef the heo~Mft9, toa ... teotlnt fine fniltt ond vtl(letoblet s--lly •lectod "1 Sofe-y'• owri ••...,ta few your teW.1 !!D JH.EE!,E .. 39' SLICED CHEESE = 27c ~MIU. .:t..arl-. swe. ..... In IS ICE CREAM 2:: fl' ~S9c ORANGES MIDl~:~v~tCIAI ~ 6• PINEAPPLES '=,:w:: ~ 10- ·GREEN BEANS 2 IL 21· SNOWSTM Chs111-. V .... DAIRY DRINK .::: 18' LUCI & .. ch11d1 .. -.... NONFAT MILK .::ac K-::1sc WC....Nvlaillswlld lllld~ WHIPPING CREAM = 29' CUCUMBERS BANANAS ~~N EGGPLANT ... 5• .. 11· .. 7• WCllNI. btra rtdt • G•INO•ONS ..._I' ..TU.lllfl .. 'I' 1111111_ .. ________ _ PARTY ANGEL FOOD MARGARINE ~I& ~fWfnwf\AVOIM-DALEWOOD Foil·wrapped MARGARINE 1-lb. 17• CAKE MIXES °"=~ '!: 25c ~ ef o.mt'a ....... WW.. Y...,_, -.1 ~. H111M • d 1•111• 4C1f LARGE" AA" EGGS 14:Slc QIAM 0'1"1 Clla.. ,., .......... K.,e ................... _ FLOUR 11 ::':. ":' ·~89t --o--KED PICNIC~35' -~·----.-:=--~:-Sf!~_.~~.·~~•.M•· KETCHUP -· ... 19t f PARE-iias ~ 35' MiiiSSUi:;;;;:9! ty medium 11&•, 3 to S-lb. al•· CORNED BEEF ~~ .. 45• GROUND BEEF._~::;. .... 39 SLICED BACON!-:::.-"...:::. ~59 CANADIAN STYll BACON -:; ._29 d .... VAL1JE81 CCOD"PT"IN'833c cHI O(IAll IJllQl IUEt .. ))' LUX TOILET SOAP 3=23'2::';23' WHITE KING "D" ~;= ~ 58' BLUE DETERGENT '=~ 4!::'9' LIQUID BLEACH=~~ ..tl2' v.1:23'~ SKIPPY DOG FOOD INCIALL Y NICIDI noat W, IAVll ''=Sc Fl1l1 OF .. o.., .. ~ ,.,,,....,. ~- ..... -.. fa. SL• t. ta, It,-·--•• -. ........... SIMlll ........ --. ................................... .... ftOa llOUM DalJy ·-· ....... (Fttda7 WI p.m.) ................... 1722 Ne~rl Blvd., Costa Mesa I f • I PAGE 4-COASTAL SHOPPER -JUNE I , 1955 Catholic Women Seat Officers lnterut. KmM.. PlillJp Smith, Nor- man TUrley. Wan-en HendrlekllOO. Willlam O'Bryu and l:&rl Kind of Bay 8bore9 """ ~It& a..mmu a t the Bauer llome. P\nlc candJN. a pale pink cloth u d a centerpiece or pink ..A.rWtro- crat roeee mad• a lottl,r •lU.. I« th• tM .. "'ed at the Penin· 1Ula home or Mr. and K r1. c. 8. Brokaw. Pu t prealdmt.e ot th• COMMITTEES NAMED Fa111ily Services Group Organized LEGION AUXILIARY TAKES MANY DISTRICT AWARDS U'ORT_ r· IOmf WA 1'1111 LUI.& fi/W Delta Gunma Alumnae group SANTA ANA, (0CN8) -Com• npldly u poulble. Mrl. Ball at.at· Mn, Robtrt L. K.ppc ouWnecl "'I'm ltepl tor l urvival1 pourtn1 were Mmea. H. Payne mltteea formed to Hrvt th• aewly-ed. havlnf "dedicated tt.Mlt to th• 1n OODneodoD with the CJyU Defeme P,,,,,__"' wbm ah• ad-Thayer, Walter L. Spicer, Leon organl&ed Family Service Auocl&· well being of th• family." W1*l UM AJlaertoaa X....-A\IX1Jla.l7, Vmt Ill, ~ • ~ the J llt DWt.rict ann\IAI ... Uq reoMtJT, tba ualt "°"ftd many •warda aad cdt&UonL Jin. llUT7 khlllt.I J r., ctilltrict put .,..--s..t.. ,.._t.ed a ~ te Kn. ftalplL Banda, att pl"Mldeot, tor ~ perceet&I'• lacraue ta m mibenbip. Special • &Warde W'lllt to Jin. Robert Jlrinw, bOIP t.al chairman, for moet outat.uutUi~ report 191t tn ol work at Lonf Beach V. A. H01ptal; bono?V1 meeUon went lo Km••· IArTy Rupp, chairm&l\ ol J~tor activtUM; r . H. Joyner, publicity ehal.rman, for Panama travalo,ue and pr..~ and to Mr1. Albert Leutwyler, for Poppy O.y procnm. "THI SIA CHASr ·-•·-Wllllam1, Hal Will Smith, Law· Uon of Orang• County were an· Oranr• County'• l'amlly S.rvtce d.rwe4 miemberw ol the CatlaoUo Womea'• Council at their rence ~ynolda. Carl C. Hlllgre.n nounced today by the prealdent, AM8clatlon ~Ill provide profN· lnatallaUon * b-14 June 1 at OUr Lady of Mowit Carmel and Miu Beryl Brown, put atate Mra. Edv.-ard Hall or Santa Ant.. alonal family oourwellnf ..mce. Pu1* 11&11. membenhlp chairman. The patio The five commltltt•, compoMd of Jta profeulonal atatf wUI be ... Mra. Ralph Randel WU elected .econd 4i8trlct YIM pr-'· dent. Mn. Ollbert Opel waa ta chl.rp of the dinner. Kn. Jolla ca... ...._ ........ ......,_ ,..... umect u follow•: wu filled with suuta. among prominent Orange County ru1-lected from trained IOCllal work· dent. bAIMlecl Mr p9'1 ~ '° x..., Fred Morton Uld Jmmer them Mme1. LeWI• Gardner, Rich· dent• lnteruted In the aoclal wel· era, akUled In dlap01tn1' and ad· Mn. :s. w. ,_==•ck wM wW Poerw, &lt&ri Theodore Robin•, &rd Steele, J. Herbert BroW11ell fare alma of the new orfpnlutlon, vlalnc with problem• and need.I of h eed a l&.t ol om.er. wJU• • ..,uttu&l; .1-pll Arnold, member· 1_an_d_Jo_h_n_eo_1b_Y_· ------were ncuned u tollow1: the c:llent. Mr•. Hall explained, ------------------------- _....__ cludae Jlmel. Jl&n7 Jtot9l9 Md lbip; l'ranell .r.man. weUare; Personnel -Mra. Joaeph Kroll, addlnl' that volunteer1 will IN re- Artbur w.a. 1'\oe~ta; ~ Robert Crown.ar, publicity; WU-Woman ln1·urec1 ··n COit& Mu•. chairman; Mn. Mil· crulted to u llat with rouUn• ftranddad Sav ... OouYiaa, tnuunr, SdWud IC1Yby, llam Oroener oontraternlty; W. H. dred Donahue. L&fUt>• Be.ch, and t"-'k•. Q .,. Hostess to Board ~ ~ and WIWua 8&uce.nnan, library; JOMph Gal-T A id f the Rev. T. Eugene Coffin, Garden "Our objecUve.. Include ckvelop-ft ft•1 • O'Bryon, OOIT119)1C"'dtnf .-cNtarJ. lant, Nelpllorhood Group; GeotT• Wo-cGr CC en Grove. ment ot healthy, Individual and aary UI man · 1n Commit.WI eh&!ml• .,,.-t.ec1 Grab&m, t.elepbone and lldward Finance and budget -Mr1. family llvlnr. th• betterment ot KR. Arthur Kemper, n-11 ln· ata.U.a pntitdent ot th.• Women'• l'ellowahlp o(. Corona del K ar Community Church, entel'Ulned her board memben at a mornJnC" ooffff on June 10 a t her 1\08\e, "CH ALLIN GI THI WILD• report.. lcw the 7MI ud new Carpenter, decoratJou. Slight lnjurlea to her neck wel"e Challen F. l..&nden. Newport economic and community oondl· Sw1·mm1·ng Pool auffered Saturday by ){ra. Paul Beach, with c.ha.l'rrnan Walter Uona tor th• family, 1Upport of Leon Blake of Lomita when the Knott, Buena Park. Knott la a new public welfare qencl .. and lep-· 30J8 Ocean Blvd. Nut ,-eneral ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newport P-TA Program car In which ah• WU • puaenger addition to the bo9rd of dlrec:totl. latlon on tMhalf of llOClial welfare, 0&1')' Ollma.n, z~. w .. reec\led W11a lnvolved In a minor accident -•ft-Publle relaUona -)(re. l"rank and tra.llllAf tot eodaJ worilen ," trom poMlble d.v .. ....._ Wedn..-on Coe.at H ighway near a local .... ,.._,. ta-.. da b ..... df •'--__ _,_ T.a rM4 tM .... __ .._ ,.. .. ~ F Bae1kena, Orange. chairman: ¥ra. _,.. ~ • ..... Y '1 .... 11'11 a ..... r ....... ,....., -•--~-. t F •fth G d club with a.nother car driven by ~!i!!i!!i!~~~!i!i!ii!i~li 011 ot tll .. , .. __ p•---Ad·, be will _ _. _ ea Ures 1 ra es Hilmer Lodfe, Plac:entla. and Mr1. ~=== man A...-. .--.. .,_ , ___ _ HePnaryul DB.l-"!_•Ohtleorldopot PllalmhCltyto. Lawrence Buchheim, San Juan OUmul told N.wport police who .::::====:;:================:::; m .. ttns will be held tn lkptember ~ and plane for the 7eer1 actiYlU• ..... ~ 0v... t-doMn "O.vy Crock· CompettUoA ln the a n nu a I et.ti' were oa .. tac-la the N--American Leeton JCMay oontHt port ICl1mentary auditorium wb• b~ht two winnen lo Newport four fifth (1'MtM pr-~ theJr Elementary out ot three aelected ·annual "gT&duatlon·• proKJ'&m. from the Newport Beach IChool ln keeplnr with th• theme dl.atrlct. Richard Cathcart w on •·Americana.'' the coonakln cap tint with hl• uuy on Oeorre wearen1 hit In tha t number one Wuhington, which be ..-d to the aong claulc, "Davey Croekett." audience. Marina Dorey took Mn. Ja.ck Bradbury prealded thJrd place. and pledge of auerlanc• wu led The m u.alcal pl'Of'r&m wu under by, Cub Scouu or Den l , Pack 106, direction o! MJ .. Clara Spelman, In charge of Den Mother Mra. Pat mualc 1.J\lltructor, and irrad• tea.ch· McCook. Ml• Bernice Ve1tal, ere. principal, ,-ave th• lnaplratlonal. Secretary Mn. Paul Roser• and Mra. w. Phelpe Mertcka.l. t.reuUP- er, pve report.a and the latter pre- ae.nted th• propo.Md bud('et. Ml1treu of ceremonlea, Sandy Wallace, announced 1onga and 11itncu by atudenl.I gari>«'d lD poke- bonnf'U and .quare dance aklrt.t. Je&n11 and plald ahlrt.a, and authen· lie lndJan c01tumea. Tamborin .. and c:utanetll kept th• bl'•t rolng. along with the autoharp played by PhyllM Purvl1-Smlth. Mn. Bradbury a.ntlouneed that the Harbor Council would meet Jun• e. 9:30 L m. a t St. Andrew"• church, and th• SprfAS Concert would be June I a t th• htch eehooL -ce • • p-C&pl.trano -San Clemente. arrlftd on lb• ec-. th&t )le left r pad bec:au .. of traffic In front of .. ,_ 11.an ._ .. ,_ him and wu atnick In the rear Nomlnatlnr -Mra. T. K. OOw· oue '"1l momen .... ..., to &n· by th• Molller car. Mohler told en. Fullerton. chairman; Joe .-r th• telepbcn•. TIM J"OWI•· oftlcen th• tratnc 1topped wdden-'nlompeon, Anaheim, and Carl K. l'f-.. ...... 8l•r'• ('1'111dmothw lqoked out Ula ly and he did not bave ti.me to Pearlman, a&nta Ana. Prteee window to llteocr4'u Ule ehUd mlAln&'. avoid Ole accident. Executive -Mr1. Edward Hall, When lh• waa unable to ralM Santa Ana, prutde11t; WWML!n K. hlm from the bott.om ol t.M fam- Mn. Jordan Gets Real Estate Ucense f'rlend. Santa· Ana, vtce-pruldent; Uy'a IWlmmtns pool, lllle l'9.lled Mn. J:. H. Keraten, Anaheim, MC· for her bu.band Wbo made the rel&ry; Mn. Paul K. Doyle, Brea-n.. •• olJulet Crne'I reecue. Youn(' O&rJ Uvu at 1171 La Habra, treuurer; JilrS, Robert ~ "'-11l&rY I t., eo.ta 11-, w1th K. Walker, Newport Beech, mem-~ bQman MIYCAQllC h1a p&n1nt.I, Kr. and K r1. J\otlert ~r. board of dlrecton. r~ P. Gilman. 'n)9 orpNllAtlOn will proc.ed comes ;::=========== with ltl announced objec:Uve u ~ Mni. Huby (Ryrk Lul Jordu, ii Uvtnl' at 720 Goldenrod Ave., unUI complelJon of th• Jordan home In Corona HJghl&nda, la now a Ucenaed real Nl&te l&lum&n. a.a-------------1'111,,,.,,.,, j•w•/"J aoclated with the otnee of Claire Vu Horn. realtor, of 27Sl W. Cout HIJhway, ooverl.nf th• aal• ot real e1t&te In the entire harbor area. Mr. and w .... Huby Jordan are parttoularly tnt•reated tn th• development of Corona Highland.I. but Mra. J ordan bu been apending much Ume to ~om• famUla.r with a.U Harbor areu and all p~ of real e.al&t• alee. no.a&d o•v-aor "WcAlftt My laby lack Home" left ~ "Gl'Mt Slon UprlllRt" """""'/llallM ,,,.,,Alli ., 'J•Or'J• Rud ..... C.Onteaapo1'V7 ~ 19 ... l'teCIC a& B 1'a mt l'W tooompktep~ !.!Af.t.,.~t~!~Ll.P.! TM.a, ..... ,_w' 'Ill aa ... •' u? lit,, ••wl wl .... ""'°°'a. la ... .... boL'nllp , ... pneecd M of .. a t D. A. R. certltlcat• and medLll. prnent.ed by Mn. A. E. Stockton, regent, wer• won by Patricia RJe· land, flr1t, whJJ• Dorothy Buati a nd Bonni• Jean Welch Ued for HCOnd place. The c:onteat. lJutl&· led th.18 yeer, comprlaee th• bMt f~eral ltnowledJ• of American hi.story by a 1tudent. Mra. Stock· ton allO belt.owed a hllltory book Mlq Kareella Robluon'1 aecond grade c...._ won th• attendance award. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Loq ... c.llf. a... • .....,. on th• a<:hool library. Kindq~rten mothen w e r • hoet.-for th• attemoon, ID· cludins Kmu. Jam• c. Wayd• llcb and O.rald Bram' &Miated by Mmea Pete Fou. Owen J ohn· 80ft. Donald Fuller, Rob«t Lovell and Stlrllnf P ana. Delta Gamma Home T our t o Becom e Annual Event Th• Hom• Tour erranged by In a rar katem motif, were Orange County Delta Gamm a Al· Beach. and wu employed by umnae w.. eo INCCe.allful 't will Douglu Aircraft there. Mmu. Harvey 8omeR . Robert become an annual e..nt. It wu Salt.bury. Peter BunoUJba. Davtd a nnounced by th• pr .. ldent. Mu. Ba.llantlne, Ed,-ar HIU aJld Oeof'p Carl c. Hlllfttll· Proceedl of the Oulhrie. tour will be donated t.o the Delta At th• proilbtc:lal botn• ot Mr. O a.mma .chool tor bllAd bablH t.n a.nd Kn. Wllll&rn T. Bauer IA Bay Sboree Delta Gamma holt-'1 l A• An1'9lu. Thia nu.raery ec:hool met JUNt.I and du crlbed Item• of t rr11na younplera to take their 1 r,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t pl•cr• ln public IChoola later. 11 s .. en at th• Balboa Lal and water frol\l home ot the LaWT'fllee K. Cunl1ruma were M.mee. R.obtrl llco- tleld. Dewey C&Jl&harl. II. ll. Tt· 1 bug. Waller Cole. Jamu Wr1ght a nd Ru-.Ml B&llty. Th• U do Jal• home of Mr. and .t.fr1. Woodrow 0 . Knifer wu opened for th• day. l!njoytr\C the tour of Ulla home, built or Bou· I quet Canyon •ton• and decorated / Leonard Wells Now at Alameda Post We have MOVED 1807 Newport Ave • COSTA MESA Liberty 8-451 2 BOB'I I I L I D 0 "/ltd~t·'• NOW SHOWING Ea• T .... aT ARTS 1'JKXT WJ:DNl!SDo\ Y LeralM Day, .lamM 0.CW1 .. LOVE Ml OR LIA VI ME'' Kid 's Met. Sat. I :45 "LORNA ~OONI .. ALAXP.:DA. CALIF. (F'HTNC) U.Onard IC. Welll, avlaUon ma.eh· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:::::::::::::::::::::::: lnlat'• mate nrwt cl.aaa, USN. eon ----- of .Mr. and Mn. B. L.• Welll ot 201 211t SL, Co1ta Mea. ll ""'" Ins In A Ir Tnnlport Squadron Z, btl~d at th• Naft.I Air Station Sportlflt Goods her.. A• a Squ.adron member. ht '' part of the Navy'fl 1ptt111Jlat tram wtileh opera lf'a the t~ou11 four r nglne MARS l"aplane1. lat!O?"'' "~rating alrt"raft of It.a ty~ In thto world. Tilt MARS bolda • world"• record In carrylnir 301 l puJten«er• on a alnir;I• ntcht and alllO bou t• non-Injury uf"IY re- cord of t'lght )'tan. Well.a. whu r"ported tu lht Sfluadron May 12. tnltn>d the Navy In M.arc-h 1912. Md rrceaved h1a r"1:rult tr1Unln1t al th~ =-:&vt.l Tratninr C.t1ter. San Dt•go. He II man1ed tn lhe fonner )llu Bobblle t.. Phinney of Cor· 11ca.na.. Tf'll. Before rntf'nng thto lf'rvle• h• wu CT•dualed from John O.wey Hljftl 8rhool In Loni Noel Halls Have Soft A 11011 w.. "°'"" to M&rlne T . llct. and Mn. Noel Or'bla Rall. Co.ta M...., oa Jwra J 1a u. a. Na.al H09pl\al. CoronL CARLYLE'S GIFT TIP .... ____ .. __ ---·--·-----···----_ .. ___ _ ... __ _.. ...... -----. - 1990 Haubor lhd. COIN Meta l _, ______ ____, ,...,. "'.......,. "'11118 ISLAND £A&T1r' A.-llu1'!r "Ill': DEVTLJ..n)'" ..,., .... a... "" ~. ........... ---·---- HA YE YOU VISITI D ....... FOREIGN CAR DEALERSHIP HARVEY MA YER ·MOTOlll Orang• JAGUAR • DORETI'I County Diatrtbuto" f• HILLMAN • TRIUMPH • ARNOLT·•ISTOL Complete la tM Ds,...t st t. .ur. ......... e TM ONLY Claytoll C.._. Dym m 1• 11W a. Ora11CJ9 Caaty WE SPEClALIZE IN BIGB llPl:&D 'rt11QJIO OF DOJIDTIO AND PO&DON CAD SERVICE-DEP A8'l1IENT OPEN' ALL DAY ll.&ft19DAY aUNDAY SDVICE n APfOIM'l'K8'I 21 J7 Hal1tor lt'fd. < Corw ef VlaMlt. It. I COSTA MUA l•ll9f .. III• •A.J..a • ·-· ,. ....... --•-•P.• ... -- t IMJe ~: I c.hoo#11t1-w·,.a.~ Tiii RIALLY MODIR• •OMI HAI A• ALL•ILICTalC KITClll• I I ' I I I I I I I I I I ... _, ... la I ti• lr•~li _.of B_,,I' 9116\ ..... t.e. -.o1w ... t I' a.a. ... ' .......... o1=at IQJlt. .......... GPm .... "~ ...,...,_11. ftiif._ ell 111 calc. • ..,,_.) .... ....,, ............ ) • • • 1ou1111•• CAL••••••A l~••-••o•_COM_AU. Wedding Party Honors Couple the ru1rty. Mr. St. Cl&Jr took color· e<1 mo\•tu ot the afternoon '1 pro- ceedlnp. Pruent we~ 1C\le«n Bick.ford, Lindy C&tfe, Bob de Groue, Oarl Ctaagow, Chr\eUne Hamilton. Cyn. thta Hart, Jimmy Johnston, Her· bl• Jotu111on. Vonnie La Pnle, Jltayetta 1..Hnlch, Donna 8chorle, HARBORITES PARTICIPATE IN COUNTY SKILLS CAMP JUNE I, 1955 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PA&! I Jun O.yl, 8.r . PBX operator -"A man who Ill eH y to c-et 11 hard to hold ~rauM ht le e~y to cet." • It wu both a 1ilver wedding anniversary and a "thank Carol Ann Thompeon, Marl• SI· you" party to which Mr. and Mra. Arthur Kabath invited pert. Johnny ),terrill, 81\a.ron Ml· coy, 01&.ne Heath, Jimmy Johnaon, friend. recently. Over a hundred guesta crowded the modest1 Donnie &nd Timmy st. Cle.Ir a.nd little home at We9t Bay A ve. to pay tribute to a couple which I th• cetrbrant, Denni• SL Clair. Irvine Sites Arranged for Qualified Scouts ther and oook their me&J9 even U It ralned. They are Ualnlnc for paek tripe ao u to Uve comfort· ably &lid etrectlvely outdOOl'I with mlnunum facllltlH. They were taught to loa<l the two donkey• with waler and fllarcoal. Then tbey put all their aupplllu and bed· BE SURE • INSURE with lllAUJUE ~TASU:l' ~Oaly Pll-Harbor U1t 1Sl6 E. Cuaal. H11bwa,y CoTODA dt>I Mar •~:=.=.-,_.~ eanM hen Mven yean aro and Hemstreet, oon Johnaon. Bob baa mad• a ~ ot trt•nd• In all Sheflln· Henderson N m-~ Walka ot Utt. Max 0Wollf, Port Mueller, Farrel Q SU One t&!ll• bor• delectable but-s~anr;. Jamt1 and Ed Humu. Jer-Collena Sponsor tet v1&nd1, &11other beld the little 1 ry Hunter, Lou Muller, Joe Phifer, ..,- br1de and rroom which hed top· Verne Hurt. M. McWlU11m•.: Mrs. CLAREMONT ped U:• wedding cake. and the Elizabeth KrauM, Dotty Johnson, -Tom Hender· wieddln book Th Helen John110n Me,.,.. Tom aon, .on of Mr. &nd M.n. Tom Hen- -•--1 ... 1suu~. · •rd• wluth Monck A rt •ftd. Bob Ma.c• Bill I deu on. 430 Via Lido Nord, New-__, • .. ver .,,.ck et top~ w · -· ~. u h h ... d r':: a weddln bell, which later wu Fair. Bert Connell, Harry Haw-port .. eac · aa ....-en name J t. I ' ktn• LtRoy Span and Ral h Spon1or tor 19~~-:le by the Aa· tilled to near th• brim with 117 • . g. P aocl•ted Mt>n Studenta board a t 1111"1' dollara Edward•. Mr•. Emma Hancock, . , · Mni. Beverly Block, Mn. P'rancea Pomona College. Spon30ra are a Jl1l.OM GERMANY Mae• e.nd Mn1. J!:Tlene Atkln90n. croup ot upperclasa men and wo- Mr9. Ka.bath s. th• former J~ men who help a.nd advtse new atu- ha.nna Neuert>err. a n.atlve of dent. at t.1'e college. Hamburr. Oennuiy, and •h• W&I P-T A Carnival Hendeuon la a 19!>2 graduate ma.rrted lo Kab&th ln Brooklyn. ot Newport Harbor Hlgl\ School N. Y. One of th• tblnga which Mr•. 1·n Plannt"ng and a Junior at Pomona. where he Kt.bath wanta moet I• a cuckoo 11 majortng In economic•. A mcm- clock. and .oma or th• •fiver dnl· Initial plana for the third annual ber of the varalty r olf equad, he l&n t.ve t>etn eann&rked fOT' lta P·TA c a.rnlval to be held ln the 11 al10 acUve ln lb• band and or· p urcllue. I taJl were ouUlned at a meetlnr chetlra and bu 1erved u cl&a1 11\e couple hal a daufbter, Mn. held In the bom• of Mn. H . Dur-eoclal chaJ.rman. Kent Woodbury ot Rivera. who wood Younr. chairman ot waya ------------- with her hu•b3nd and aon Glen, and mean• tor the Horace En91gn 1~ year• old, were pruent. School P·TA. J'rieftdll who aaat.ted In Hrvinl Newport Btoach and Horace E n- •ere Mmea William Je...wne, etcn School P ·TA croup• wlll Charlea Holt, WULl.am Dllm&n e.nd ar&Jn comblne force. and la.lent• hed Oretach. Mn. Roaa Oroeely to •lai'• the Ca.m1val. New Idell ..., .. 1n Mexle&A watera on a flab· are be.lnr pta.nned In addlUon to tnr bip and could not bl preHnt. tbe ma.ny old tavorltea. MA.NY OlTF.8T8 A t tendlng were, from Horace Among UIOH who came laden llln•lfn P·TA, Mrs. Joseph Carver, -'lb ,Uta were th• Loula verweya and Mra. Nom1an Wal.Ion: from el SUila An.a, tbnner MaJn Street-Newport Beacb P-TA, Mmu. Ja ck era: the C.7lord Tohill.a, Muan. Bradbury, Betty Reynoldl a.nd and Mmu. AJ Halkara, Puadena: Metvln Wat10n. Al Oomellua, Bob Stewut, Jamu ------------- Ka.ram, Homer Smith, Jamu Fl~. Bill Wiiliam•, Jamu Kelsey at Conclave Edmond J . Keaey, Balboa resi- dent a.nd arent for Ow Prudential St d ln.sur&11c1 Co. wUJ attend Ole com· U Y pa.ny'e Prl'sldrnt'1 Club bualnea Clothing H conferenre. J une 10·11, •l th• e~ Offiemakers tel lll'I Coronado. Ktluy wtU con-of Mn. Braley Struck In Local Crosswalk Brulaee wer• aulferad by Eva Jaunita Braley, Se, of 804. E. Broe.dway, Coat.a Kua. Tueaday when ah• wu 1truck ln a pedea· trlan crouwallc at Cout Hig hway and R1verald• Ave. by a car driven by Maxwell J ohn Doyle, 34., ot Anaheim, police reported. She wu treated at Hoes Hoepllal. Doyle told police h1 atopped for a red Ilg ht and did not ee• .M r1. Braley when he 1tarted up on the rreen Urbt. She WU 1truck by lb• rt(ht front or hll plck up truck. ottloen 1&Jd. Mn. Braley t.old otncera the light ch&nged to g-reen u •h• wu atUJ In Ute crouwall<. By KBS. W. B. TIUTI' n... third a.nnuaJ Camptnc Skill.a Cllmp of Ore.n1e Cowity Olrl Scoull W1UI held In Pete,. Canyon with only Girl Scout.a above the fifth gnd• IU\d qualified by pre- vloU• accompllahment1 tn prlmt- tlv• overnlfht camping allowed to attend. The a ttendance wu limited to t oe girle and 100 women Mrvinf •• d1vl•lonal dlrecton, unit l.eader1 and judru. The opportunity to have lheH adventuree 1n camplnc wu provided by Mytord Irvin• In Peter1 Canyon, where he bu aet a.aide two areu with hill• and trees and equipped with piped wa- ter for UH of Boy Scoull and Girl Scouta. nnt.U: PABT8 Jn ordtr to rt•• more .. elbow" room. the camp ¥19.a dlvtdtd Into three group•. TbeM "'ere known u Peten CIU\yon. Camp 'Myford and th• Hill Camp tor Jirla hav· lng the Jeu t to the rre&lHt n· perteince. Miu !:Ill• Loxley, u ecu· tlv• director ot Laguna Bead\ Council, waa prot-lonaJ advtaor. The troop camplnr ch&lnn•n ot dltfe~nt council• an anged vatlou.a actlvltlH. At the Petera •ile, lh• program conat1ted of whlttllnc. atrtnr bumlnr. water bolling. trail •IKM &lid tlapjaclc fllppln(. Camp ).1yford provided flnit ald, relay ~1U11n, tent pltchlnr and la1hlnr con teat.I. IN OO!lo'TE8T9 At th• H iii Camp. th• a.ctlvltlU Included "wide" gt.mu lnvolvln& aklll• ln judrtnf . UM of compue, laying tralla, tnu:JUnc and many 1 vene w1lh rn<•re than 230 leading Th• Mey meeUna-of the Co•ta Prudential ltre lll'Tlhorwr1ters from Mesa Hc•memt.ktrs wu held at tbe' Southern Ca li fornia lo dlku.. th• h orn• of Mr•. Jerry Tutti, •OI 1 vanoua upcocts o f llte lnlurtnce Ptnite Rd. Mu William Nichol• bu•lnl'H •nit method• or brlng\111 itt.ve the ('Ollnty report &11d It wu I a dded n rvlr t to local Prudential IUitKH ltd that the club entf'r two I pollcyholdtra table •ettlnR• at the Orang• Coun· -------- LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS ty Fair. Aug. io. Repruuitauvu Fritzler Daughter of the thlb a t the cou.nty prorrlllTI pi.nntnr meeUnr. Mra. J erry Marine Pfc. and Mre. JUch&rd Tutt.a aud Mra. R. M . Updike. re-Daniel F'rltzler, Cotta M-. be- ported thtr• will be °''" major et.me parenll ot a claughttr on pmJect.a tor the com.lnr yaar. May 2T a t U. 8. Nava.I Ho911ltaJ. A IJ9t of ldeall ror toura,.. dem· Corona. on•tratlona and film• wm bt1 a vall· B. hd •bl'! to orr&nl•atlon1 or l"OUJMI 1rt ay Party In Ul9 county. lofem.,.,.. '"''" aall· • •d to ... oo ~lookout for potfll· at St Clairs tJ•l IModen ror new Boei..aake111 • JTOUpe u Ul¥ amaU poup lft'1 NlA•tHn yowiptttw attend9d lflart • club. .AJU10uit<:1ment waa the 9"enU\ bcrthda1 party ot Utue mAde of Ute aummer camp at For-Derutla Sl. Cl&Jr. 11<>n ot Mr. and ••l home trom June 12 to 11. Ml'I. William L. 8t. Cla.lr, 879 Oak • DAN Is IARID SHOP llAl.804 Tlll:AULE BLDG. llAJ.80A 0,-T...-1 ..... .........., LOCKERS Ml• Mutu PrenU.. pre•nled Ole project, "How to care tor clothea, P~•ltnf, irpottlng and r~ palr1n1." A. cbart waa (tven fo, clot.bH ln\'91\tory and wardrobco ptann~. and •orlt llhMll tor a purch&N prorram. T1la "dllh of Ule month" wu a C&TTOt mold with creamed tuna 1D t.be c.ntu. prepe.nd by Mn. lAe Jona.a and Mn. O..ry rr.dr'ibln. Atterwa.rd a cJMAt.111 eat.abllab.ment wu t.oured. BL, Coeta Mu&. A ct~ua them. ..... earned out wtlh Jllllnt.ct clr- C'\l.I waaona 1U1d anlmala, a CAke In the form of a ctrcua i.nt, Ice crnm and • gttt rrab boa few t.h• pa,rty faVOf'9, SPECIAL -Lockera ( app. 125 lb.) $1.15 fl'· lllATl"aaaU 8-U -...... -1'r9Uen lrnplU ..... UllertJ ...... 008TA 111&8.A IUTl'SU8 00. UM Newpen aa.-. Call DAN'S TV .. "'-..... --• S&lel Ul>erty 8-2228 .IOBN8TON1:'8 Mesa AlltO Wreckers 0 9"' .... Part. M4 ACCM90r'IH !075 .Plaeeatia Ave. ~"'7 • .,... C-.. ltMa ..... ,. ... Wu Pany ~Ota.I IUm• ••01 8 . COO#I lly .. Corc>..o d~l liar Barbor :M>71 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMUCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2·7027 Mni. 0 . C. Moon, IUllr of )(n. WE nATUll~ IJl:UX"TEO Pancr: Bt. Clatr, and her dautht•re BU· Ue, Jaclde and Sonja. Uli9tad with UI • IOta l!lt. eDcl 080101'. Ml:AT8 NEWPORT BEAOll Harbor O'fl l •.• If We Don't KHp This Promise! 11 12 :o '1 1 I rte&! I N o' 10 • • 7 5 ' II 12 to ~ 2 • I I ' OUT o' 5 , • I AA.JO • Cash and Carry ONLY ••• anti It's That Sensatio1al, One-•11tl-Onlr SANITONE DRY CLEANING • Moro Dirt ltofftovod 9 No Dry Cleaning Odor Take •dvn••s• of oar li~htning·f•H cuh·and·c•rry tervict . You no r only u ve rime but you get our complete S•niront Service ... cht finu c dry dcaoiog io lowo. • Spoh Gone •lotter ,, .. , last1 longer Dro~ff your garments b«fort 10 A.. M. and cbty'll be ttady at ' P. M. the same day o r you pay ao1hin1 ...... bu you n1Cd dry cluain3 in• b"'11 au our li1bmiil1 ~nit"&. IJ«btnlq &nice o.t. NO more than our Replu Cuh·aad·CUTJ 8ervb •e••e•••••••••••e••························································ LIDO CLEANERS 1712 N.wport llwcl. U'*'J 1-4014 other1. Th• Central Oranr• Girl Scoull were reaponslble for the tournament• In the three dl\'1slon1. ?\ewport Buch Council 1uper- vt.ed rert11traUon. "Scout• Own." and church aervlcu, with the help of "lone troope" from Capistrano and San Clemente. roll• nn their back• &Jld climbed W .\TF.R tmATt::R~ the btll to their camp-•ltea. SALIS. ~lYICI ..... ll'Alll W i•dNipM ........... • m ... pita.n t 10 ~ ln •...nee, el For th• Sunday aervk ea. there were Proteet&11t and C&thollc chap- lain• trom the Marine Corps B•M at El Toro. North Oran&• bad charge ot a ll flar ceremonlea a.nd camp ln11pectlon for all unit.I. Campflrtll were held ea.ch 11l1ht and dllac•1nLon croup• on Ute aub· jecll of Rec1onal. National and lnternallof\Al Encampment.a were held. Seventy al.x rtrla from the New-J n /) port Harbor a rea a ttended I.he 0'1 PL(/-:?.!fl.~cl/otd week-end camp a ccompanied by vi~ ·" 11 ludera. Pttera Cuiyon t\ad 34 TUWS 10 "' CIHT OO'WH :-.ewport eouncll pll; Myford ba d .._. H•-UM eo .. penlee putid .... In ercMdt!IJ ,_.... f roa Alo.le &ai-:~ i 30 a.nd Hlll Camp !lad 22 from thil '============::! en ,. ,.m ••,..,.,.. w FOR ROU!lo'D·UP area. Leader• who made th• trip were l lmea. Hugh Godwin, WUUam Spurgeon Ill, Joe CUala, J ohn Porter, F. J . Slnrer. Pal Schlnd· ler, Fred Hunt, Pa trick Watson, Do.l)ald J ensen. Jana Adama and Wayne Crowl fi · wers 1 .. 1 ;,:; . .: ' II 1 ' Burdett Harrison CALIFORNIA INVESTORS 2541 Cirde Drive l..llwrly 8·7l0l Newport Betach Tbe girl• ot Hill Camp worked on qualltlcatlon• aet up for at· tend&J1c• at th• tint Senior Girl Scout Round-up. which will be beld In Michigan IA 19~e. They were eX}>lcted to light a tire and keep tt r oing In all kinda oc wea- PA.RKF.8 -RIDLEY MORTUARY Fermerlt GRAUEL CHA.PEL llO Btoadwar I-Coeta 11( ... l..lberty I-SUI ao4 t-StM CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 PC."IO·BLOCK COMPA!'\'1' -u:o :-4. Main M .. S..l& AM Pl'MICE -CL~Dt:K AXD CO'.'C'1<t:Tt: UU>CIL8 REL~•'ORCL~O STt:t:L and to;l l'l'Ut:S lies-In e Malalell&Bce e bet&llaUOM ST AFFORD 6 ION "NELS and DOC" ll:Ll:OTRIOAL OON'tKACl'UU rbo-UbertJ t-H6t llO RIYlnlda ....... N..-port ~ BALTZ MORTUARIES NOW OPEN NEW LOCATION JN HARIOR AREA COST A ME~A CKAPEL 17U Superior Avenue Coata Meaa. Calif. CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3620 E. Cout Blvd. Corona dtl M&.r, C&llt. Tllt: Ideal Saw & Lawnmower SALES Ir SERVICE Phone Llberly 8-2121 Phone Harbor •2 • SAVE 50%:~ WE ~F.R\'l('E e ".E SF.LL IA ~'JIU\\ t:R~ e S AWS e KS"l\'1:8 n .nt Qua.Illy Work Guanuilffd J<f'-.nabl~ l'rtt ... • BOAT Bl':S K!'i, P'Ut!\'TJ'UU Ptu,()WS, ISSULA.nON 11570 Newport Blvd. • Costa Meaa -Llbe.rty 8-7~12 WAR SURPLUS Oor. N..-port a llarllot Bh·da. 009T A JIBS-' H611 WW£R COST PACK.AG£ &JILDtNGS GL\Jr.D LAM INATtO MEMBERS, G l\IE. CLEAR SPA.N, A FFOQ 01 NG GREAT !S'TQE.NGTH Ai lOWER COST. COMPLE T E &UllDING VTl\,ITY DE.llVEQEO TO JOr> 51TE FROM tl!I P£R.SO.FT. OR COMPLr.UlV ERECl'EO, IHCLUO\NG ~LAC-. F~OM 6 I 9 PER. SQ. FT. FOR. C~Mt.RCl°"L• l••t delhtrtl ... at SHEAR'S CARPET CO. the lete.+ in carpet fe1hion1 e TWEEDS e T£XTURR e PLUSH PIW e NUllY FRIEZES all the newest yarns and decorator ahedes-at our unusually low pricH Easiest Tft1M 111 'Carpet History ,,,c .. l~cluclo 40 eL '•cf luklo11 St.I~ ~/ C01'TON Pllm .....,_ ftlCOSl·MYL.ON ~ WeelT..-.. ,...,..... '6" ... ~. 17•t ... ~. 110" ...... "°"9ht4) clOWlt ._. .. A.-riceT.._ -' Chec lr. The1e Peyn1e11t1 lel I J ,...,. 14 ,...,. h ,...,. 206. I I rn I 9-:Tl I '·" no. 1 n J>a 1 1 i.6 rr m r50T2no 1 14.ooT T.11 ffiTjo-:-ffTiT.l) I : ~ ·;~ 460. I ls'Tlj 1l .61 . «o.Tf1(1fl mo 114.75 'oo.T-•1-:,Tril .T1 I 1'.fl Ao. f5ffil 2TIO l I+. I 7 ... ................. c.1~t-nn .... ,..._ ... Wltl> s ... , ... ., ............ H•- UAM ~ IMOO•'l'Q1AL UU. AllW~« IN $0. CALI'- • PAGE ,_COASTAC SHOPPER-~NE I, ·1955 BIG MESA LEGAL BAffiE OVER PARTNERSHIP DUE Miller Ju'dged Sex Psychopath SANTA ANA (0CN8) -Con· vtcled on two count.a of ch.lid mol· ••llnr. Fred H. Miller, •7. 2009 Court Ave .. Newport Beacll, Fr1· man anep dly aald. •'111 f1v• you .ome money." The UtUe ,-1rl ran ln the bou• &lid told her mot.her. 8h• Nld there wu a boy •bout her age 1lttlnc ln back ... t of Lb• car. About three weeka aao the f1rl ll&id the eame eu1pect attempted lo entice her at the ll'OUJld.I ot L.µldbergb School Probate Oii Pnttch Wiii GIY ... COMrt .. 8A1'"TA ANA IOCNS\ -Pro· !Hile ot lhl' will ot Phil I!:. Freni-h. Warner Predicts County's Basic Tax Rate to Remain ~·ho dleJ In Ntwport Bt'11cb May £ckel n ow It comptllnf lb• bud· 22. wu ordt'rf'd for probK\e In get after extena1ve deputmtnlal Superior Court here Fnday by heann1• by the ~rd of 1uper- aANT.A. A.NA. (OCNl)-A com· ed t..be ca.e "en. tor juaUce," &C• day wu judged a .ex ptyehopath paint fw ..,.ctne pertorma.noe In eordJnf to A.tty. Iii. 8 . Bernard and committed to the Atucadero a moH to dluoM panaerehlp la and bu onnuJed t.be demurrer. State Ho.pltal tor a to-day ob- th• Me• lllopplnl' c.nter, eo.ta Judp n-peon ..Sd be WU un-tiervatlon period. ,. ... , appean .S.tiMd to eo111• able to ftll4 a llimUu cue Ul cal.I· supenoc Court Judse John ane.. to trial att•r a&nJ BIOlltM at S.,al fonlla law, but did locate • al.ml· commen ted: "1 don't beUeve you ISl&neunrtnr. 1ar Giie m New York. with eq\11· are a eex P9YChopath, but the P•Y· Donald ud Velma Huddle.too UM eomeW'bat Ule ame. chlatrlat.a aay you have a P#Y· tiled the complaint aptntat W. Tb• pl&IDUffa llOUl'bt a ball mil· chopathlc peraonaUty:• T. Jette,._, tO: Walt.er Bur· Uon doU&ra la U.. nut the &IT... Th• judge made tt clear that rolA(lla, HueJ 1. BwTou(tu, J.t· ment wun'\ performed by th• de· Miller wu to retum to court ror fereon llooTl!le and c. It. Mo-pendant.a. ael'1 tenclD1 on completion or 1\11 OollMlt hospital llt&y. Tb• pl&inutf9 claimed they en-DEA TH NOTICE Miiler wu found rullly In J udre .. red lato u ~ent w1th the Sh••'• court ot mole•tlnr two glrlt, .S.fenclulu to cl18mln the part-9 and I yea.n. atter tnvtUnc them Mnhlp la ~ ebopptnc center K&a. raAlfCU Dm.LONS to ll1a apartment to help cltan &114 dJYkle the -.-ta. They oon· Mrs. r..noee d>opw Dellol'I•, 14, houe. tend the detendanta later backed died Sat urday at her neidence, 75' ------------ eut on the uaerted agreement. W•t ltt.b St., Co.ta M..., alter A demurrer to the complaint an eat.ended IU-. lbe had r.. wu lod(ed by the defend&nta. It aided here tor ~tllree montba, had wu upheld by Superior Court lived ln CalltomJa tor 12 y..,... J1.1dr• Raymond Tbomp80n. Th• She wu bom in Omaha, Neb, .Judi•. however, now bu determln-,She l• wrvlved by two d&urh· Huchons on Trip Mr. and Xra. Owen H udeon, eperatorw or a lode• in Palm De .. .rt, han clOMd ll for th• llffaOn Del Jett on a a -week trip. lt wtU take ~ lo Wubinston, D. C. Md t.broup t.be Nort.hwell befon they ntum July 16 to their home, IOI N. Bay ll'ront. tere, Mre. Lorttta D. IAdet of the home add~: and Mn. Cecelia 0 . Wataon ot .Arca.di&; two aona, W. A. Dellone ot Loe AnplN and Fred DeUone of .o.llu, Texu; e.1- ao one rrandchJ.Jd . Graveelde Mrvlc• wUl be COil· ducted Monday at 1 p.m . at Mountain View Cemet.17 In Alt&- dena, Balt. K orblar7, eo.t& Mel& CbapeJ. directors. Mesa Police Seek Child Molester COSTA M.IC8A IOCNS) - Co .. la Mua police today warned par- en ta aga.ln1t a poulble child mol· eater In the arN. Father of an 8-year-old sfrl reported J'rlday at· ternoon an attempt wu made to lure hla ebild Into a car. Report. &how a man drove up and 1topped before borne of the child. Tb• littl• airl ._ in the fl'Ont ya rd. ''Come on ,..t ln the oar," UM Police N ld the man drove • 1949·60 8ed&ll with p1&rple top, tan bottom. Former Orange Hi Lineman to Play Pro Ball SANTA ANA C0CN8) -Coun· ty Board or BuJH:rvilore Chai rman Wtlllt Wamer predict. there'll be no lncre&M In the county'• basic tax rat• o f St.2• per SlOO of u- eeaeed n.luaUon when the 196:1- ~ budpt la adopted. Warner left one loop bole, how- ever, U a bulldlnJ propam la adopt.ed a •lll(ht bike ftllCht be forlbcomlnf. None le anUclpaled, aceordlllf to Warner. B 08Prr.U. A.DDmON The 19~-68 propoMd budget IANTA .ANA. (0CN8)-Wayne now Include• an $M0.000 addlUon Schnaktnberf, tonn•r Orange to the county general hoapltal tor Hl(h school and Sant& Ana Col-a nuraea bulldlnr. The bulc Jl.2t lee• football lineman now attend-tax rate w upped by 6 centa In un· tnc Tula& Un1Hr91ty, bu mined Incorporated are.. becauae of a to pl&y tootbe.11 wtth the San road UJt. Fl'ancaco '4hr1 thta year. The n ur.u addU.Jon wu In the Schnakeeberl' wlll report t.o the bud1et, but dropped two yean •10. '•9er'a rookie trainln&' camp July Overall tax ratea Included added 10, ln p~paraUon t or the openl.nl' UMUment.t for harbor. tlood con- prac\ice camea ln Aupat and the trol, achoot., r&nl'• trom a low of Na tional l'ootba.11 ~ 1'111• $6.03 In Huntington Beach to a In th• fall bifh of J7.84 In Buena Park. The 220 lb. tlnem&n Will be r.. Warner commented: "l don't membered t or hit fine play In contempla te any tax rate lncreue 19'9 a t Oran&"• Hl(ll School when (or&nl• County'• reportedly le the Orange defeated Santa .Ana Hip eecond lowe1t ln the 1t&te.l. M tor the t:lrwt Ume In ia 7,...., I foreee th• anU~tAd 1W4n in 32•19 t.uaUon of 19(:r.a..cs 'nluetlon. achnuea'becy who wtU M the we ahould be able to llt&y wtthln flnt prof-J~ fooUl&ll playu the orure of lut year. Tbe only to~ from Oranp BiP, ta thinf, that w ould ral• It would ' be a bulJdJnc propam.'' the -ot Mr. and Mn. .Amoa W -.Id County Auditor 1-Bdlnu«>bers al Pl llaft Palm· __ .,_n_.,. ________ _ 11' Oran,p. SUMMER SHOE FASHIONS AT Allen Resigns from Sanitary District Board Hwl1, Happy Play Shoes at Healthy Savings ! CANVAS CASUALS roa 111:.N ... WOMEN la I ~.-. NayY Blot! ... r.-. ...._ JICart&f'cl ..... "' '2" NEXT TO SAFIWAY erS FOR Father'• Day We've Marked DoWll IYery Pair •• So llwry l•I CANVAS LOAFERS in Brown end Nevy Blue Mctrtced Dowa to \' 'I rr'ed .Allen, former nporter foT t.be N....-~-&lid now man&I'· In,-editor ot UI• Gardcm Oro" N.-, Tbureday night submitted b1a reaJpatlon u a member of the Ooeta Meg Sanitary Dl1trlct boa.rd ot director•. Mr. &lid Mn. Allen and their chlldr•n plan to move trom th~r re•ldenc:e at •u l!:. 20th St., Colt.a K-. to Katella Park al end ot Ule month. A.lien won a boa.rd &Mt and ,... pla.ffd William H. Lord &ut Sep- t.ember. .Al.a elected to the On- maa boa.rd at that time were P..- ics-t .Arti.ur H. 11.,_.. uad Paul Narmaa. While .A.lHll ~ .,.rauc. at U.e an.Jtary dl.ltrtct wu Jiwn owr to Uie Ctty ot Ooata N- on a contract bul1. 'Ibe dlatrlct bu U.O cbanCed attonieym trom LeroJ .Andenlon to Clty .A.tt.orney DoaaJd 1>1aran. uws _....... from rPancla H. •ulot -..u-r-bls flnD t.o Cttf' _,.._ Don e-tJll...tll. ,.,.. lloanl .... aot --'4end a replaeement for .ui.n u )'et. Ney· en a id. B1e ,.......u-,_. • to etf ed J"17 1. JOHNSON & SON UllC• • Mere_., 900 w. Cout ftlsbwa7 I ~.al vtaon1. A preliminary budgt't Is h i• wlte, I. B. ~nch ot 211 Lark· expected to be prlnted by July 1pur .Ave .. Corona dtl Mu , and 20. JuJy 10 11 t he deadline for the the Bazlk ot America. rllin1 or all coUl'lty depertment Penon&J and real property were budreta. Hated ln uceu of •10.000. The A public hearlnc will be ela ted decnl!ed left 1100-0 to hi.a deu1h· on the budget In late Auru1t. The ter, Dyanlha Roxana Fl'\'nch of new budget mu•t be a dopted by Corona dtl Mar, 1600 l o ht11 niece, Aug. 29, according to Werner. Tbt' Geor&1• L. Woodard ot Loe All- tax rete wtll be set by Sept. l gelea, 1600 to Arthur H. Slm• of after the IUJ>#rvlson meet a• a E l Monte, S600 to the &verly Board or Equallzallon and publlc I Hill• Luther&l'I Church &lid th• re· utility rol11 al"e ottered. malnder of the eatate to hi• wife. • . ....,"'9 .... & • ...,.. ..... U~l-SS16 Pfl AlllU• CURRENT URNINGS ALL FUNDS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE TM' fOt" OF TME MONTM EARN FROM TMli FIRST FIRST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION SALE FREE PORTRAITS! ta.00 VALUE AN ACTUAL $5.00 Y ALUE Y-. .,,_>...,nm.• r11r ......... ., JOVlelf --....... ,_ ,_., talla.., "'°''' 'oul p~1t1pa, ....... _,ha 'l"ltfu.T •A_. ..... la tM .,.., ..._ M es_..t G,....._ Olft. NOIBINO TO BUY, IVft OOH IN Md .-fw tlle rdr~otn.. USED CARS CUT $200 • $300 n.-.,.. NOT ..,.._.,,,.., Mt -ef .._ a.a ... 0.. 1" w9I ... Ill .......... .._1 JllOW 01'1.Y '51 PONTIAC 4 Door x C11t $200 x s 899 '52 LINC. Capri. 4 Dr~ x Cllt $200 x 1699 '53 FORD 2 Door x Cllt $250 x 1250 '54 MERC. Conv , x Cllt SJOO x 2499 '54 MERC. Sun Valley x Cllt $200 x 2499 '55 MERC. Montclair Coupe Save BOO P. S.-Power Brakes. Near new. Some miles '51 BUICK Riv. Coupe x c. s200. '54 MERC. Sta. Wag~n. c. s200. '52 LINC. Conv. x Cllt $100 x '41 '49 TRANSPORTATION SPECIALS CHIV. C .. b c_,. $79.00 1'47 CHEY. 4-DMr FOID c_,. $2ff.OO '49 UNCOLN ... it 999 2599 1899 SlH.00 $2tt.OO JUNE 2 to 12 BRAKE SPECIAL •1995 ......... , ... ._..... ,.,W ... la.Mr. "Ot'ft I' MT CW a lk'ake .. w ... .q facto,,-Ultltor-- .... t.nia Ua.las ... ... N.t ef wof'kmMMlp. Won ..--~ .....,9do,,-. W. Ot.,.. UH o ..... •~pe BLUE CORAL Spec la I •1495 Wen*'",.....,..._ ....................... ___ Owal...._ .... .................. ,,__ ......... W.ltftUB..._ ....... SAYE $600 to $1000.00 ancl More on New Lincolns & Mercurys No ••• This is Not a Mis-print We Mean it -When We Have a Celebration YOU REALLY SAYE We allow•d $11 SO on a '49 Uncoln We allow•d 2267 Oft a 'SJ Merc..-y We aHowed We allowed We allowed WeaRowed We allow•d 2070 °"a '52 Mercsy 1450 on a 'S 1 Mercwy 1850 Oft a 'SJ Ford 6 cyf. 1425 on a 'S 1 lulck 28SO on a 'S4 Mercury Come in and See What We Offer for Yoar Trade -in. We Have 1 Surprise for Y 01 ! JOHNSON & SONLINCOLN-MERCURY 900 WIST COAST HIGHWAY Newport _leach Liberty 8-5545 , .. ' CLASSIFIED PAINTING Painting A Paper Hangin1 '"The ae.t Money Can Buy" Sympson & Noller 612 lllb Bt., Newport Beacb PHONE HARBOR 2•04 Uo Painting A Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yun expertence Llcenaed A 1n1ured. 8atJ.tactlon suaranleed. l:atimatee fru. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 8ltfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hangtni GEO. BURKHARDT LICJl:'Nu:D CONTRACTOR 171 w. 18th 8 t., COit.a )( ... Liberty l-M31 PAINTING INTERIOR -DCTJCRIOR LICENSl!:D -INSURED Glenn Johnston 601 • !lit It. Newport Beacll Harbor 11'1f 22Ue OOMPIErE PAINTING &: Paper Hanging Service Microfilming BE SAFE, MYe 9PAC•· The modern way to ll&fe(ll&rd your recoTda. CALL K.!ly1tone 6·1M3 or Kl!! 6--0H~ ORANGE CX>UNTT l.lICROnLKING 8ERVICJ: 1712 .Anabelm·Ollv• Rd., .A.Jlahelm. 61c83b CARPENTER Repair Work 0-. Your HOJU Need R4ipal.riq or RalodeUnc? Call Frank, Liberty l-te66 All Work OuarantMd T4tto FOR RENT Sklll Saw•. Eh!c. Orme, Pollaber1, all typea ot Sander•, Wbeelb&r· row•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. · General Contractor LICENSED EUGENll O. SAUNDERS 600 Slit Street, Newport Buch 2880 W. COAST HJGHW A Y Harbor 297f or Bar. H68. ttc l.Jberty 8-3•3~. Newport Bch ~t!c New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 58ttc House Plans LIBl:RTT M201 10tfo ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I tnaaU Ule above cheaper than moet. Alao aell Tile A Unoleum. Non-unloln, 26 ye&ra experience. Compare and '" -BlLL CX>KJ:R Har. •821 or Lons Beach T-687S. tlc7•h SOUTH GO~ST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIOENTIAL·INOUSTRIAL·COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO IOtl9 8t., Newport 8-eJa Barbor t5SS Painting M. W. ROSS Free E11t1matea -Fully Insured 30 Years Experienc·e LI 8-3321 & Har. 3089·M. :'.>6p69h · Elec. Tool Repair Bkll Saw1. Dr1Ll1. Sanden QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. •~ No. Newport Blvd .. Npl. Bch. Llberty 8·8383. O tte PAINTING PAPER HA~OINO Realdenti&J & Commercial Work U cenMd Contr11ctor1 Call Lexington 8-048 collect. Huntington Beach 69pp60h H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ~pair Service liU.Jntalned Phone: Harbor U2t llOl Balboa Blvd., Newport Beacb ~ t!-Balldlng 881 ... CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H . O. AJ1deno11 101' J:. BIJboa Blvd... Balboa Harbor 2•~ 13t1e "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Wlll come t.o your bome, t.alt• down 7our ve.nellan blind•. t&Jce them to our l&UJldr)', Launder Ul• alata, tapes, eorda. 1puklln1 elu.n with our new machine procen method. Return your bUnde and re-install them ln 2• houre. Price v'ry reaeonable. The ave.r· age 2 tape residential blind- Onl y $1.00 We also repair and rebUlld vene- llon bllnda. All work done by ap- poinlment. Phone now Llberty 8-:>701 or Klmberly 3-827-6. ppt!c CEMENT & BUILDING All Klndll FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 Remodeling & Gen. Repairs INCLUDlNG-brtck work. rooting plMterlng, elec . palntln( and paper h&ni:inir. Sm..U or larre complete jobs. NOTIUNO DOWN and 38 mo1. to pay. E11t. Lie. Contractor. Har. •62~-J K. f2t te H-P~nKlnah Alcobolica Anooymoua Writ• P . 0 . Bos 311 Nl'wport Buch, Calif. ~w .. w ----------. -:JUNE I, 1955 -COAST At: SHOPPER -PA&E 7 IUDEK8 WANTED: Northnap -WK. "PETE'' PANGLE Ana!Mllm-Day ah1tL 129 Sith TJ\ACI'OR WORK. dlaclJt•, pklw· St., Newport Beacb. IOct2 11\1 6 mowtns. Superfluous Hair Perm.neoUy NmO•acl from t~ al"lll9, iep. SJ•browa and baU Uae llbaped-Ho more ttr..an,. ELL.EN L. BRY A.NT ft. It Udo'1 8aJola cl Beaut)' Bar. 1671 tie LOST 8 1amue cat ,female. Re- ward. I!'. B. Cna1man. Liberty Liberty 1·17M • LI 1-1127. llpM GARDENING ll.alnt.enane4. yard cMA1n&' and l.lcbt haullnc. Kimberl)' ll·aotO day• or Harbor JOH ~ • week 'enda. 61p72 BABY BITTER ~e Johuon. Plerce Apt., Apt. 1-307 .ll. Bay Ave., Har. 074~. UpM EXPERI.ENCED white woman •anta day work. Mon., Tl.lflll .. , Frt. own t.rana. Hubot 188t·R. Upt• STANDARD STATIONS Hu openln1 tor Station Saleemen AfH 11 • 40 Oranr-Cou.oty ~Day--40-Hour Week H igh 1tutln1 pay Excellent Bei\dlta Good opportunity tor .A.dV&l\~ment 8·08!). 81~ HOUM Repalr1 Boat RepaJr1 Apply STANDARD STATIONS Da.blla and Cout. RJrllway Corona del Mar Chapman and Spadra Fullerton FOUND -Ladlea black beaded ASTOR'S Repair l :SO to 9:30 a.m. caahmere sweal"r. 308 Marin•. Service Monday It Tllur.Saya. 66ce9 B1lboa llll&nd. (Owner pay• for Carpentry ad). t2ce8 CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY In spare time for contrac· tor'• examlnaUon undu a gen· eral contractor with U )'e&Ttl e11tperlence. Clu ae1 Tuu. and Fri. evn. 7:30 p.m. Attend ftr1t aeuion f ree. Be1ln &11ytim• Al Tyler School 1811 No. Broadway. Banta Ana Pb. Klmt.erly 2-02f or Kl 7·3011 ttc China Painting Cay a nd Eventnr ci..... Ordert Taken Now Phooe Uberty 1·6MI 94Uc BONNIE BRAE Pre-school AlteraUona w ANT rea1 e1tale ealeaman or Remodeling broker -tarnlllar wflh Harbor Har. 17211.J. e2p7!)h area. Top commlaelon. --------Houston Realty .!9---Ht?1e Waated ~09 Centtr St., Cost& .Meaa WANT reliable man for year r"Ound g('nert.l work at Sport U 8~911 or U 11·7784 Olltc t11htng landlnf. Harbor ~7. f2ct4 SO--HMeellaaeoU8 WANT W AJTRESS. cocktail, ex· per1ence. young. day work - Apply al HENRY'S after 8 p.m. 2!)80 Cout Hwy., Newport Bch. f2c84 ATJ'ENTION .A.LL BOYS -- THE NJ:W8-PRJ:88 11 now t•klnr earner appllcallone for routu ln lbue nel(hborllooda :- ----- GLADIOLAS, CUT FLOWERS 50¢ BUNCH l7M Orange Ave. Coit.a Me-. 7'p7~h S.lbo&, We1t Newport, Balboa YOUR valuable Oriental ru~a re- 11., Newport Height&, Corona d~I paired. Apprall&J and u llmate. .Mar and Coet.a Meaa. no obllpllon. U you are 12-14 yn . old. and have 6 SCATTER SIZE Penilan rup. a bicycle, apply al the Ctrcula· very 1pecla.I 131 each. Uon Dept.. Newport Harbor P USHMAN'S. 27!)6 E. Coaat. Hwy. New1-Preu, 2211 Balboa Blvd.. Corona del Mar. Har. 12U. f2c04 Newport !Hach, tH-twun 10-12 a.m. or 4·6 p.m. only. tic MUSIC ARTS la: CRAFT'S Trana· WANT a motllen helper. Do light hou1tkMplnf. Day or board In. portatlon. 1~16 Sa.nta Alla Ave.. Referenc:e1. Har. 3803-J. f 2e&C TOP SOIL -FRF.11: for haulln« aYo•ay. 04 Dahlia. Corona dt'l Mar. Uc84 Ll 8-t216. Mcff ORIGINALS DlD T OU KNOW I.hat Ray P'\elda, the Lido Dnac Jeweler the put a yra., ha1 n- loe&Uon at lllth &end Pla.ceaUa T Vt.La Centn , C. M. Comp. lltl• naL advertlffd watchu A (ttte at popular pr1cu. OPJtN June 1 Ph. Liberty a.a.ea. 16cttla Wll KA.VII an overflow from a bll' bouae Irv town. ~" buvy duty hOM, 60 ft. 110: C>llld'• rockinc chalr, varnlahed, U.~O: Kam· moclc U.~O; Foldlnr poker table 13~: Maroon nlf, 1.ppro•. h12 110; all tn rood or n cellent oondlUon. Har. 33111. llce3 OtrrBOARD MOTOR 2 11' b .p. H~. 0 .IC. electric natplate Ironer 110. Love -t U O. 1202 EUl Bal· boa Blvd., Balboa. Har. 1396-J. tOpH ANTIQUES -Old tumlture, cut l'laaa. M.mp1, old plcturea, clocit. etc. .Buplna plor-e. Bis dla- counlJI lo de&.fere. Charil• De vla. 1800 E. Anaheim St., 'Loul" Bu.ch. ~1>-139. nue S0-8-Aplllanees __ ~~-­ Clea ranee Sale WESTINCHOUSE, ~trl1. 10 cu. fL Clean .. .. ... IH.bO OfBSON r•f , mod. 7 cu. ft. Slt.60 SERVEL ~trig. I cu. ft. Rune well .... IH.60 HOTPOINT t'le~. ranee. late mod. 38" _ -SltM GAFFERS It SA rrL.ICR ranp 38" C"l't'am rnlor, good ('Of'\d ... SH.~ PROSPERITY r&11J'r, lop rovf'r (Tlddle 38" $69.60 LAUNOERALL a uto. wuht'r, runa Wf'll Slit .,,. BENDIX a11t11nuUe t'e('nnd. I.Ale modtl STt.60 EASY Spin dn•r. f ood runnlnc C"<lJ1111tl011 . $~9.f>O MONT. w A.RD rl'f, Vf'ry nice • l'U ft J&4 60 VAt'UUM Clf'&nen1-11tvenll SH.60 It up. Phone Harbor 479~ tto Real Estate School REAL ESTATE BROKl!:R; MWlt be experienced and· e&JMlbl• of taklnf tuU charge Of Wt'll locat· ed Newport otnce. Write quall· flca UON Box D-82, th11 JMlper. AP'TERNOON, COC'ktall. dinner dreaae• • Coordmalu. Custom ore .. making E"nyLhlnc Ouaranlffd fl'rf'f' Drllv•ry 8TROOT'S Httwt'. Houww- 1802 N•wr1<1rt Blvd , COit& Mua ---------------------~ E:DlTOR-Wrller -avail.able for per10nal aulgnmenta. Har. 1709 daytJme. Upt• in Santa Ana Ph. Harbor 6288·R. 6~p89 12~' GUS FOR 8ALF.-Parker dble. -------------------b&rnl. 18 ga. 1Mt JrUD. l:xr"l· STENOGRAPHER lint condition. Call •"ea. H11rlxir GOOD AT DICTATlON. E11q>en· 2~WK. Htfc om~ ln contractor'• office pr .. PADDLEBOARD 12,, f~t Built terred. Call LI l-1U9 tor a ppl Llberty 8-308. IJcU SERVl':L rdrlf . Very reuonable. Go<K1 ~ndltlon. 183~ P"Ullerton. Cns\a. Mf'H LI 8-14411 t2cH WE'VE GOT 'EM .. COME AND GR YOURS ••• on the kind of a deal ~N • WOM£N prepan ll\ ep&N Um" ror unlimited opportunltl• In Real Estate. New eta.wea weekly. A I Tyler 1n1tTUCtinf. At- tend nr11t evenlnr frM ud leam about thl• mat field. cail or wrHt now Al Tyler School 181 t No. Bro1rtway. Sant& Ana Kl 7-3:Hl·Kl 6-MtJ.Kll .. 2613 Uc PROFESSIONAL n ett In r;lu• tor skin diving. Xlnl. rondlUon 13!). H1rbor 311.H -J. 8£R\'JtL rt'tr1c 1-caa atove. Oc:>c>d t'On'1tllnn IS!) Tnpu , Ba.I. laland. Sl'e S-.l It Sun. UC'fJ WANT C'Olll'lll boy tor JMlrt tlmf help. Circulation ~pt , Sewport Ha.rbor Newa-Prt'l4 )tu•t h.ave car. Phone Mr. Perry, Har 18HI. 10·12 a m. f2~4 \\'ANT woman tor tttn,.ra l hou.w- ""ork flVf> ·~ d•Y~ ~r w••k Phone Harbor 1H8. U c&4 80p82 -------------------------FRIC:IOAIRP: rdr'lt"r•tor Ktn• Cl';RAMIC: •lf!<'trlc kiln .. U~ Jo"'n.m,., bolll spr m attreaa. U O Taylor Tot, potty ch.Ur. b1by C'ar we• t. Ill Club rhalr IUld tovrr I!) mnr .. tlf'IUlllP y,•a,•hlnar ma«'hln ... nt•arly ntw [lt'\ml\ Jewel ll<'Yt, r:.,,•rt rnnllltlon A II 3 rr• 122!\. 4004 Rlvrr A"', N,.wport Rt'h Harbor l i H ·R. 12~6 you dream about! ._'IMI# Tl/1 ,,,.,,.,,, ,. M•l•IHIHI ti• UfltllH ... ,,,,, On1tllt PRICES ---The Lowest TRADE-INS -The Highest TERMS ---1118 Best MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 WEST COAST HIGHWAY ......,." .... Pllo11e UIMrty 1·2261 All In «nod r ondll1on 1211 38th St.. Newport B"•<'h. e-OC"f2 Music Instruction ARI: YOU l)'lTl!!RIC3TED ln play· tnr clu•lcal or popular Organ. Piano. or Accordion• lWf'll\,... Ilona belnf acce]>\ed dUrtn1 the aummf'r month• by a -11 known profeNlona.1 a.rtl•t teachn with thf'A\rl<'al and reC'ord1n1 ba<'k· 11round. f'hlldr•n a nd adult.a 81· 11nnH1 and •dvanced ClaH and private l<'1110n1 Accord.Ion O r· C'hf'•tra <:'all U 8-3&!\f or y,•r ll• fV111 C-111. 1.1111 ntwspapn U~1 l.AVN'DRIC81'1 wanted. cap&ble. by OriganaJ Modet. W ashinq Machine SERVICE hour. R,.r, .. ncee Aqulr'ed C&.11 COCK'TAJl. DRJ:88£8. 1ulta, 'Pu 1·~ar rua.rant..e on Jobe dOfle and on llMd •uhe..-I• .. '• In.at) Hewport 81., Ooeta W-. J une 14 or after. H.a.r. HM. drUH1 • formal• 81tn H ·lf. e2ct6 8om• NEW A I.I. l'f'rlttl cond. -------------------A L.80 ' ~111:H1 mod!'m atyle Liberty ~ or Uberty 8-4327. &4Uc Secretary Subt11v .. 1on ron1truC'llOn 311 hr China mink roat S..ll bf'I,,_ cott. Wrtle Bo11t A·8ll. Lhl1 new•- f()tte WC'iik. ShOrtha.nd r ~ q IJ Ir'" Two storage cabinets, Huvy dk\a tlon Mua\ t\AYt car 8UlTABLf: for lln,.n. 111oraic• Salary U40 mo to •l•rt. will. or car•ce ''"'"''" 8ltd1n1 rtunra on lllWC'r l'l•lf ,-,,..o 4•f\ nuomAIR& aut,,111au. waa111nc machin•. uwd .,.ry lllU., 1160. LI 1~00 o~ U ... ,,.... toeaJ Used Automatics TI-If: HALF: CO U-:hll'h 11·21M "'"'" 2 ft •l•"'P 7·fL hl6;h 17~ .. a 82~4 H11r'bor 4J~i ~2 !3-Situatton "'anted Roy's Maintenance Houa. t l,.•ntns-i.·1nor waa1n1 MACHINIST First Class Onlv Walt wa•hlnlC -wlnl1ow c1,an1n1 Miii. ""~ne A \urnt operalora \l"n,.tta n blln1la. Uphol11~ry Mak~ o,. n etl "'"' I nit-•~ q11all lnaurf"I Frl'e Elrllmate• tlf'd. dn nril •f>ply We n-J Wbtrty 6·13.12. !Uc C:OOO at,.111IV hl'lp I GRl~'-tER r.:-.:r.t:'\F:f:RIXC (."() Experienc'd g-ardener 1121-211 ~u~nor Ave. '(1191• LANDSCAPING M~a.. I ""'---82• &• I (I()() EMUOssgn huJ11n•H r•"'" u to J Lin-Hubh<-r Shnir 11 00 • l.•nr Hul>tw~ ~ll\lllfl w11..h rut S~ 1111 111.'1• rul11> llo"k :-ta lrh"• I. \\' w 1111 •: Llb<>r ly /1°4011. l'Y"~• LJ 8·"1.:YI 11r1r.: Fresh Hearing Aid RATIERIF.l'l Wt C 1v"' ~•H Urfftl St.&mpe S39 .50 to S99 .50 ~lh.,...d lnlt&U9d. l\l&f'UI ..... Ttrma A vaJlabl• We Scrvloe All .Appl.ia.nC't9 Spt'Cialmn g ln .A utom.a tic9 Auto. Wuher ltllterpri!Ne 2848 Nl'wport Bl-td... eo-t.a M•• Llbf'rty 11-~908 CNeu Oolt Oow-w I .,,,. and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1659 SI-"' .. ~ .t» !l!l,. 1 WA!\ll':T' """ tim .. t ... , ..... k .... r•• I Gunderson Drug Co. WANT ro nUT-Ua.td h1rti ~tia.1r r ti<inf' U 8-20M lllf ltr ~ 30 I' rn M••n St. lit BaJOO. Bl"1.. Balboa •"" ~rib. AJ.o oth«t' uMd tu.T'ft. 3-0tfe t Odl:l H11rbor 61~. Hlle Pbon• Ha.rboT 6397 tJd6 YACHT SKIPPER I Want t'lllJ't'r•,.nr td ""'hll,. •·oman ea houMkttp"r·c:aolc A .. 1-1 mt>Ul· F'ULLT Qt:AWFJED • f'll P"ri"ne-t'r. 2 arl'lnnl a~f' ch1lttr"n '°'<> f'<I l.Jrenl"f'•I Ma11l•r Rttam a nd h""V)' rl,.anln1t l.lvt In R,.f,.r· Motor. Any tnnn•ct Any n('f'•n ""' ... r .. q Har. H~8 &Otte JCllptrltnc!'<\ In ••II l..nc-111 r"· ---- fC'Tf'TICf'A rurnu•hfd J ~ C'Ol..E. WANT "llptr1t<n~d c:o&m .. llc and 610 t., W 81)' A Y!, BAJbt"' dT\llt cll'rll ~1111r2 Gunderson Drug --------------I 117 )bin St . BaJbo11.. Har 11\ WILL DO IRO:'\J:"G In my hnm" 80«l2 t:;,~n .. nctl'.\, !~ hr "°9 Con· Cl""_. St \:t1J1la M,.,-1....1 11~1011 GIRL8 -- 80?62 IT'S A GIRL'S WORLD! Al.L AROl.NO J.1 1':/'HANIC' want• •l,.ady J.,h \\'h1te. rth•bl" Hu l'h"urt•ur II• f'n~ l{!'fHfl\C• •• L J l'l runle, 118' V1c1or11. <"nHa P.foa Mr82 PAINTER WA1'"TS WORK. l~ yea.rt uper1· ence.. Nrin union. Hourly. I~lberty .11-2722. .Nie3 rOl.l"IREI> WOMAN wanui h/111•"· "'ork hv th" d•v £llptrl"n•ff1 Ch< n tr~n~p••r11U inn R,.frrf'n• ~~ Phone Kl !1·9283. 8lp63 An•I you'll lfTN •tlftl you heer M th11 many Job opportunltlH for qu•hfl"d youn1 •om-In our bWllne11 today. OPENlNGl' NOW P'OR· TELEPHONE OPERATORS Apply-Monday throurh 1'nday &HI~ ~o. Maln 8t. fl ·OO to ' 00 pm Room 211. Banta .Ana P .ACIFIC TELEPHONE 2ntc CAB DRIVER.8 W .A.Nn:D -LJCE:'\SED, tllpn1f'nr ,.1t 11klp~r Apply Yellow Cab Co. 11va1lt.bl.-r<>r pnva tt r.r· <'h•rttr l 3t3'7 W. Coaat Hwy. """l" Ph')nt Har 11 29-W •rter Newport Burh. 12cf.4 9 pm pa.rl tlmf' or fM>rm11nf>nl. ----------------- 61pe3 1 GIRL tor eummtt ume 9"1ploy- I----------------mtnl. otnre W<>f'k. Apply In ptr- PRACTICAL NURSING o r ~. • ao to 1 pm Don Bl.Ulh companion position detlred commMcial photoenpher, 01· b r. _..i 211\J\., Newport S..ch l2ctl y re in.:u woman. JN COSTA MESA nr bf'~h ar.a. WA.ITRU8 11 COOKS. Local and BHt of r .. rtr.,nt eJt Oood driver out ot t own Jobe. Ba,-.tew l:m- u d have r ood car. ployment .A.f•ncy, 11127 W. Cout PHONE mom '"lr or nenl"-, Blsbway, Newport Beach. tzce. Klmberly 6·3Hl. tlptl MAN 6 WOMA."'J will do ranera.I hOUMWork. Ooor wulnf. will· dow rleanlnf. P'ut workers. whlfe7 1 04 '"l:. ~01.h It.. Coeta McM.. L1 9·2683. ppU T AC"HT SKIPPER, uptricn~. u n I t m I t • d ma.8lH'1 llcenae, p<t1'Jl'r R•rntnl't'I . Writ• Box E-83, lhll JMlper. ,.,. WANT flr1 cw eoDer• studfllt to Mlp lo su.11 pooery •tore. 4~10 p.a. I daye wll.. LOd I a.m.~ p.a....,.. TK1I OSU. MAJUCrl', Oomer lttb 6 ~ea.ta M-. MUc LADT WITH CU for Newport Htl(hta and COet.a M-. 1C'llC411· l•t A.oti wortr. Pb. Kl 1·9391. llptl DALE'S FURNITURE 16 ga. single Winch~ter ahot run 12 ga. Fox double aho t gun .• $17.:SO ...... ___ $47.:SO 30-06 Spn~~nne SMA LL F.LECrRIC Kiln for f1rln1t chtna S."J0.00 $22.50 Power Lawn Mower 3 Spttd R~onl Play"r Chromt' dinette set. C:r<>y 5-P<' .. $27.50 s:w 50 $34~ $3'4.50 Modem cha1&e loungt' lype chair. hlt~ nntr APPLIANCES Apt . 11lze gu rsngeie Apt 111z~ S<>rvel refri~!'ratl)r 18 cu. ft. u pright dttp rreet.('r $29.:SO up S29 50 up . $195.00 REFRIGERATORS 1~2 model FTigida.Jre. 1 cu. fL . $139.!50 8 cu. ft. le.fl hand door Frigidaire .... -·· . $139.50 Apt. eiu Hotpoinl or Cold!lpot .• ··-·-$99.!50 1874 Harbor Blvd, Co.ta Mesa EXJIX:UTIVlll de•k, walJlut. 18-0 . B&AtfTlP'UL 911112 ma. nn•r po.tuni c.halr I~, onl1 l yr. old l&Hd. dlMp Phon• Har. •t21-J. 2911 W Coeat Hlfll'w•y. Phon• 411<'8.l LI 1-6071 oT Her 6517. 1141.h GAP'P'ER8 A 8 A'M1..ER t.abl• t.op ranee U~. 0 . E r•fr1f. 14!), M W d La. Obi. mattr-A bc>11t •pr1nf I I~. tSa 00 CraTT !rear apLI 312 C~,..I. Balboe h Unpainted It J uttnlle .F'l.l.mJtun L,.-e. 6 dr. ehuu, specla.1 1 14 t5 ~·· r.cllnlnr paUo cb.alra -Pt!'> Deep elldlns: door cablntll _ 110.H Mln•ax and ~tt fln.lal>M Orden t.alum tor ahut t.era nz1 Karbow, ex Libert)' 1-1..a ,,., HELP VI OUTI Too mucb fl.lmJ.- rure tor n•w home AnUqua ma· ho1t1U1Y •ldtboud 116; m&Jlof&ll)' Mdar dlu t 13~; chroml! dln•t\• Mt 120 . Wedi'IWOC>d I.Able ll>p ran..-• U~; blanket•. lamp•. eltc· tr1e heater, 11tc ALI In good cond. 101 V'6 N'-' Udo I.ale. u.16 l()c-82 REDWOOD patio fum . l'h&IM, I "3'"' ... ta, mtl&I t.hl• a.nd • chaJrL ALSO ch&rM •I bruin JI tt. oh'I tnwn aklff with t.nn· llCJM 11•m. 'Ph. Rr.r. 2761. l \Uo M.AROOANY BED. dr-~ter, mlr• ~. bo• eprln1• le m ettr•• a&<>. Alao elf'Ctr1e 11-at•r lt!I -•ot P'emlftl. C 0 M Harbor 2846-J. t2pf4 --------------------ROCK MAPLE drop l,,.a.f dlnln( t.&W4 r U "d3" open I. •t'7 f'OOd eondlUon, U O. 4,H O&Jtlla. Cc>- rona d•I Mar Harbor 60lt•PL ~ • PAGE 8 -COAST AL SHOPPER -JUNE 8, 1955 ft-Furaltve for &le Good Used FURNITURE CHROM!l dlnett• M t (L&r,. tabl• a. • chain) ..... . .......... S29 00 D trnCAN P H YJl'll dlnlnc aet, 2 chain , mahopny ..... ~···· '34.00 WAL."llUT bedroom eet, vanity, l l&r«• mirror. cheat It bed $49.00 )fODl:RN walnut H t, cheat, bed, lnnn·1prlnc a nd box aprlnc . Loolu like new ......... .. . • $:18.00 ' APT. SIZE aofu .... $7 to 516 Near Nu Furniture Ma rt 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Sch Ph. Har. :1392 t2p lMATCHl NO ruK• • padll lOx 111 It. tx7. Coc00> background Sii:!; Kttrht n drop leaf table and 2 chalra $10; dbl. bed with good box 8prlnga • mallreu $311; II drawer rhest v.1th mtrrnr $30; light tih•e bed oovenrort J:IO. Har. 3333. 412cll• 14-Ma.leal. Radio, A TV Special Buy ! SMALLEST Studio Baldwin mad• piano. with tuU 88 keyboard 1n pert.ct condition. Terma 549.112 down It 517.31 per mo. a t- SHAP"ER'S Muatc Co. (Since 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phon• Klmti.r ly 2-ot72. HAMMOND OROA.N, Spinet mod. Sltghtly uaed. Good savlnir on thl1. AJao Hammond Chord Or- pn. Euy to play. DANZ-SCHMlDT, fl20 No. Maln, Santa Ana. CONN TRUMPET $~; Guitar with pick up • ampUflrr $50. -- Liberty 8·:52t 5. 112c6t 120 Bass Accordion Like new. Sacrifice. Phone Liber ty 8-2237 ~p72 v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a local de&lu who will be here TOMORROW to bUk up what h e 1tll1 TODAY l June Specials 1954 CHRYSLER New Yorker Newport. light green. Power •leering, radio, heater. White •idewall tire•. As new as possible ···----············-··················· $2,395. 1953 DE SOTO Firedome, 4 dr. aedan. Beige. Loaded with all acce88ories ······--·-···-······-······---··--··· $1,895. 1~2 HILLMAN MINX convertible coupe. A clean car ln tip top ahape ..................... -..................... $695. 1952 DE SOTO 6, 4 dr. aedan, 2 tone grey. Beauti- ful blue upbolatery. R&H, only ................ $1.245. 1951 CHRYSLER Windsor, light grey, 4 dr. aedan. Bought new by owner, still looka new ........ $1,145. Many low priced transportation can , only $25. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER i200 Weet Coast Highway. Phone Libert~-3486 Cabanas Marinas Lido P eninsula, East 31st St., N pt. Bch. OFF ERS Detlghtlul U"ing. Apt.-Cabanu. Utllitiea paid. with Yacht alip accomodaliona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reaervation, CaJl Ha.r. 2992. S4Uc 48-AJ!ta. a Ho~---- LIDO ISLE 2 BDRMS .• 2 bath• on a larr• lot. Lovely aunny patio. Evtrylhlng ~nlahed ei:cept linen• and beJ· ding. 11000 for 3 months. Du.ncan Harde.sty, Realtor "Udo Speclallat" u .. Our Free Puking Lot 21102 Newport Blvd., Npt. Buch Phone Harbor •718. 6lc63 2 BDRMS. unlurn .. garage, atove, retrlg. Water paid. l child o.k. 7:\3 w. 19th St .. Costa Meal\. LI 8·6971 or LI 8-3340. 47ltc ~~~~~~~~~~~~- t8A-Apta. for Rent COSTA MESA, 3 rm. apt., tum. or unfum .• lncludea utllJtlea. Call HYatt t ·4S:S7. 28Uc 488-Houaea for Rent SUMMER RENTAL C.D.M. nice 2 bdrm. furn. houae neer beach, ratio. Available mo. ot AuKU1I, $4 00. or would lt ue tor 10 mo. from Sept .• Aho ave.JI. r1uw 2 bdrm. u nfurn. duplex yrly. Hnr. 1684-R. 621'6. AV 4ILABLll -A bout 8000 eq. ft. light tndu•try apace on lat 6 2nd floor. U. S. Hlchway 101 end Bay Frontage. Wiii leue 111 or any part 6 remod4!1 10 1u1t ten.nL Vor el Co., SUI Via Lido. Harbor 4971. 26trc EXCELLENT LOCATION Opposite Balboa Bay Club. 1200 aq. ft. atore for lease.>. LI 8-7673. 55tfc FOR LEASE ON SUPJCR!OR ST. A larre clean cut ho111t that ca n be ueed tor home a.nd h11atne1ta Laree lot. Zoned M·l , Call u1 at Llberty 8-67&1. &2c«!_4 M-BualneM O_e~rtun!Uea DEUCA TESSEN It rrocery atore and a two bedrm. home locetrd nut to comer of 19th • Pia· cenlla Coat& Mull. F...xcellrnt 11pot for liquor More, beer 11nd wine. Ce.II LJ 8·36413 or WM.rty 8-3223. OOUc Quick Cash Loans on furniture.>, auto, aalary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service Appllcat11•n may be made In ~,.. eon, by r hone M by mall. CALIF. ACCE PTANCB: CORPORATION l 8118 Hubor Blvd., C-0111 a t.teaa w 8·77:'>1 -o, ... n Fl'lday1 tlll I ClonJ ~aturJaya-UU• ll~AL &.-iTA TE LOANS lnlerettl Rate ~If,~ Loan• quacJlly made tn th• BaJ Area ana CO.I.& Mua. Sancl• or muJUple unlll. Ntw or old. Be wt.. and a ve by re-nnane111c your preeenl loan Minimum tx· ptnae. No ch1r1• fur prellml• nary a ppraaaal. Phone Santa Ana K.lmberly 3-'933 or WTll• ARTHUR A. MAY Mortr•I• Loan Corre.pondent Ucc1c1ents l Life lnaurance Co. 933 South Ma.In Sanu Ana PP STUDIO COUCH wtth 1prlnga for full double bed $40. Boya• cloth· Ing 10-13. LEx. 6·21180. 62p63 Ml!llSHALL ORCA~ UJted but fine. Blond case. Our low price $69:1. Consonat& orglln. Two msnual. Almoat like new. Save S800. OASZ-SC:HMfDT, f>20 No. Main, BALBOA ISLAND, Bay Front - SepL 111 to Nov. 2• tor 1600. 3 bedrma., 2 ba lhs. everything to ma.ka a delightful horn!!. No ~ta. no 1mall children. H &rbflr 2336-W after • p.m. 63cll6 . BUS COMPA!'\Y with Ion&' term OWNER 1 .. v1ng for Europe, wlll fra.nchlee In fut crowing Costa Bayfront LOANS TO BUll.l>. IKPRUVll BUY, MODER.NlZIC, OR RCFlN All!CI: S11nta Ana. to-Auto. and Trucb 41-Auto Service rent hi• 6 bdrm.. plu1 ma1d·1 Men. Submit all eoxchllngu . Ph. quarters. 3'a b11th, bayfront OWNER, Liberty a-36413 or Ll We Buy Truat OHda NllWPORT BALBOA 8 A V1N08 • WAN A.88<.>0A'MON BLJGHTL Y USED &'OOd cond. aec- tlonal d1Lvenport.. matching rot- fee table. Wrourht Iron type. 12:10. value. C~• tor $12:5. Har. 1207. 62c64 LOVELY SJNCLE ma nual elect· ronlc orp.n. Like new. Save '2()0. Convenlt'nt tenn• al- SHAFER'S Mualc Co. tSlnce 1907) 421-0 3 N . Sycamore, Santa Alla Phone Klmberly 2-ot72. G. M. C. Motor Overhaul Mm• July thru Stpt. for $3,1100. H 223. OOl.fc LC. OUNCA:-( PHYFE mahogany d ining u t, Incl. 62" buffet, & rhaJn ... $12~. NE'\' C E. d111hwaaher, never used .... $200 USED BESDIX auto. waahlnr m•· chant. Jult a«rvlced. .. . $7:1. HOTPOl XT refrlg. 11 tt. SrnO. WAL!'\UT 11ecretary, mske oCCer. 1H7 All.o Ave, Ll~rty 8-3233 6ltfc .;;..S~_A_AD_ttq_..._De9_. ---- SPI NET PlANOS. Rental retuma like new etc. You will alway• ftnd wonJtrtuul Mvlng1 In thl• depL Ma.ny maku and modtla. Mirror ty~ Spinet maho1any tinllh 1287. Another In maple fll'lllh 139~. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 1120 !'\o. Main, Santa Ana. See Baldwin Piano & Organ Display w ooowd"RTH P IANO CO. ANTIQUE china rupboard, 1110. 228 E. Co•l& Mt,. St , Coal• Mu &. Ph. u 8·6988. t~2 Ula Cout Blvd .• Coron• del K ai (Thade.n Interior Bid& I ANTIQUES liar. 3382 M tic MARBLE TOP TABLS, old wood SP1NE'T Frynch Provincial. ma ple. •nn cha ir. 2 )'T. old. COil $800., like MW. Trtvetl -BrM• Pewter S•96. HYa tt '·287,, tlp63 Ca.ndluUclt9, Candy Dl1hu. DALE'S F urniture ~Dog&. c.13, ht. UH Harbor, Co.ta Mell&. 82cll3 IS-Bo.ta. 8uPplMie --- TRADE S-uttt'\ll 70-tL aui:, 11ehooner. Jrully tnund. (O anywhere. WIU take equJty In pro~rty or amal- l"T boat. 1220 W, Balboa Hlvd .. Nf'W'J)OfL H.u . 3032 39Uc ao rr rADI ~ C.:K\JISICR. alffpl 4 Cllllf'V, h!'•d . ba..lt ta.nk. 81\lp to .nnre. fi'\111 M vtn, S4 2~. l'h liar. U it>·\\' 6~ -MEH('l R Y outboard, 10 bOrM pmnr. l11t cl•H <'OndlUon. 1112 38th flt , N11wport lkach. 4 lltc: 2!> hr J11hn..t.ln. tank. front con· I rt•I# I ~ ~ar old Ped«l cond n3r, l'"ll H.a.r •m . &l cG3 CHRY8LY.~ Mann• cng1ne •• , to I rf'dur lion cc ar RP':J"RI OKRA T<>R l 10 volt D C". llY.E JA<'K HARPf:Il a t U do l'lhlp~arot. j'n1I ut ll•l Strut. N"' ,,.,, t (),.ach 119trc C.'t Hlll$ f"KA l'T Z6 tl cabln fNill"f Pomeranian Pups .u<C, champion at atud. 71311 Wulmlneter Ave., Wutmln· atcr. Ph.. Wtatm.lnat.r 2·2!>111. 60c63H ··Nul," "Nero.'' "Kip," adorabll' Hel.IU kit t4',na nHd rood homu lfree. Call H-142, e pm. 80pG2 1>AJU.J.NO KJ'ITENS FREE to fd. homea. Uti.rty •·117!19. t2c64 81AMJ:SIC KlTTENll -f'•rlf'<l •how polllll, very a.ttrcuonate HOUM-brobn, $10. H O 8fivlllt . Ba.Ibo&. Harbor l212·W. 82c6'1 WANT TO BllY Good <.'lean used cara. Wll.l. PAY TOP PRICE Wiii ron· •ll(n too. \\ h)' wnH-y about eell- lnlC )'Our car • s... u~ EAJU~ C:OOl>RUM MHtor•, 194:, Harbor Rlvtl. Co11ta !ltt&a. 62ttc n..u n •ll·• IUI I ,.n,111,. lolany 4G-A~ and Tnacb ~~~;~~r~~!~;·.~: !;~t:~~n~:;' I N E W B U I C K S b439 w uur 8..'11'~ :o\n. :i93f In U \r Utnt co;;". I.... , dll1nn lll•l\l • 11v•r 11<•11• anc1 trail .~e.w and l .....S -ClMAC" T"nn• " ,.,_.n,.r lr•H inac • ,,.111 l.ak" 2118 ~e..-port Rlvd. :-:twpo1 t R<h TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''8 OMC ~ T . PICKUP. '49 STUDEBAK.llR .,, T. Pickup '111 FORD •-ii T. P ICKUP. 'Ill OMC I.a T. PICKUP. 'OJ CHEV. ~ T . PANEL. '112 INTERNA'MONAL t~ TON PICKUP. '116 OMC '19 T. PICKUP HYDR.A-M.ATlC TRANS. '113 OMC ~ T. PICKlJP HYDRA·MATIC TRANS. ·~ C MC l T. FLATBED. •:,s DODGE 1 T. OVAL. '60 FORD 2 T . 800 OAL. TANK WITH PUMP, 2 SPEED, 8 20 TIRES. ·:,1 FORD 2 T. 12' BED. t SPEED. 8:2~ TIRES. ':II C:MC 10 WHEEL lJUM P, 9·00 TIRES B 'L TR.ANS. !:k• the tarsut volwn• tnsck du.J- er ln Ora.nae County tor the bl'•t IM!l.c:Uon of uffd truck•. Stock incl. pkk1Jpe, pa.nela, 1t.ake1 a.nd dumpe, W.W. WOODS OMC Dl!ALER 11111-tt I:.. 4th 6t. Santa Ana Op.n Sunday a.m. Truck beadquartue for Oran1• Co. AMERICAN CAR Trade Ins NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ····-·······-----'48.88 8 Cyla. ..--·········-·-$58.88 lncludee both labor and partl New r1ng11, wrl•t plna. valve (rind. tltt1nr1 of main and rod bearing•. Expert motor tune up 90-'1ay or 4,000 mlle ruarantee CNO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by akUled machlul.ala. Don't contend with the rnldt11e man. Buy dlrrct. REBUILT and TNSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD .......... ···-··-·····-·-· .. 1129.:50 CHEVROU!:T ···········--··-··· 1119 :>O PLYM. • DODCE ·······--·-1 1:,6 CHRYS. It DE SOTO ··---$170 STUDEBAKEH . ·····-·--····· $170 OLDS 6' P O!l.'TJAC & -·---· 1170 BlIICK . -··-····· ···-·---Sl76 HUDSON -··········-····· .. ··-·-·. $176 Loan Car F ree Towln1 N EW CAR GUARANTEE Block muat mttt our at.a.nda rda P lua taJCu, itt1.1keta end oil Opf'n Sunday 10 a m. to 2 p.m. BELLES, ENGINE REBUILDERS O~n Dally 8 to 7 Sla t. Bond.d NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8 A.NTA A:>:A A1TENTtON Nash -Hudson owners on NEW FOREIGN Cara Rioh Hahn's Gar a ge Aut.ho!Ut<S Puta It 8emre 1931 J'ORD Vlctona. R. H, o ·dr.. .a.a Good Tran~portaUon ..u ll ---Ull!). Din F or s.Je lHO FORD dlL 2 door. R.a41o-, . • Heat ... cl.ta.n ............ 1496. Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. l llllO P'ORD Cua. atatk>n wagon. K, H. O'dr • .. .. ··-164:1. 19!IO :-:ASH 8l1tuman 1.-d1Ln, R. NewJ)Ort Buch, Har. •7211. 85tfc ti, Q•dr , OYl'tb8U.led . -· l-4911 ------------- 19~ ~ASH 8tat .. ma.n. S door R, H, O'dr. •. . lat~. J9t7 Hl!JCK Super Md&ntll•- Radlo, hHler .. 119~ 1H8 PON"nAC I eeda.netta. R. H . >"U price . -SM. 19:'>0 STl1DE:B.At<JCR Champion RfpL R. H. o·dr~ 'flilr#. Clfan S.f911 HOUSETRAILER. 1932 Viking. 2 bdnn, fun bath W ith awning 6 Caba.na. 12119:1. 8~ 7, 133 W. J8th St. C. M. Evta. ooly. IOp62 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa laland & Lido Lale Sm&ll a. cozy ur l.arg• It deluae $76 lo 1300 mon\h VOGEL CO. 208 Marin• Ave., &Ibo& lala.nd Ph. Harbor ••4 or Harbor 2161 Ru. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30~9-M &4Uc Lido Bayf ront Apt. BRAND NEW 3 bdnn., 2 bslh Immaculately tum. apt. -JM· MEDIA TE occupancy until Oct. 28th for '2.~o. PJICR and 11llp avallable. Must he ahown by app't. only. HARBOR TNVESTMP.!!"T CO Phone Har. 1800 (evea Har/. 1210) 4 llfc BR.AND NEW 2 bdnn. u~y.m. l.IU· pin, sari>&&'• dll"poaa pra1e. S76. month. CA l...L DAYS t .ao-t :30 LI 8·44118 or LI 8 ·7182 attt'r 3 pm. • wk end1 phone Hllr ·4417. ~Oltc 48A-Apta. for Rent NO. ~ BEACOll: BAY -Suin111er rental. 8pacloua tum a pl , •lcep• 4, overlook ing bay, June 1:,th - Sept. 16th., ~-nlllnlh, A J..SO wlll tllk" re.nrva tlon tor ••inter. Har. 2471. courttl!)' to •r e.nu. •3ttc Summer Rentals • Excluai\le Bay F'roota + other choice propert.ie. HarbOr l.t.and, Bay 8hnrell. Bn· con Bay, quaJltl-4 cUt nt11 only . Har bor Invutment Co. Harbor 11100 (ICYH . u &-631111 1 2i l.fc CHANNEL FRONT Y\J'R."\. Apt-. 1 It 2 bdrdma, Wiii rtnt vny r•uonably to r .. llable p&l'll .. W1llln( to or. tor property In ownera abHnce on •W'llmf'r ~. l avall. yearly It dMll"f'd Wr1t• Al Offcon Oeneni.J Oellvtry. AvalOn tor app't. ttpea F lnier 11llp to a ccomodat. •O ft. yacht. VOGEL CO. -Lido Ottice 34111 Via Lido, Newport Beach H&r. 4971 or 6972. &2ttc CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. un- turn .. houat, redecorated, forced alr hf'&L Sundeck. Adulla only. Yearly leue. H&r. 1902-W. 62c6• NICE 2 bdrm. untum. house and pr. ~eW'Jl(>rt Height•. Avall11ble In J uly. Hdwd. nra .. wall heaten. Cloae to transportation. No peta. 402 Orance Ave., l'\ewport Bch. l..J~rty 8·570&. 412c64 ON LIDO ISLE--Yearly rental, 3 bdnn .. 2 ti.th home. furn. or un· turn. Eltc11llent location. Owner. HarbOr 021:,.J. 112tfc AVAILABLE Jn 8HORECLJFYS. Pr1v•t e home, 2 br., fuml•hed. f'X<'"Pt ruv. •llvu and llnen. $2:.-0 on lea~. Harbor 3209-R l>9tt c FOR LllASIC TWO BEAUTIFUL n-lmn. TerTace untum. view bOTnea. 3 BORM S., 2 batlui and 2 8£DR.M8., 2 baUla. Call Harbor 111:, or Harbor 44'8 EARL W, 8TAN1.EY, Realtor Jrv1oe Tt rrace Otflce Corona dtl Mar. 3Jttc QUALITY Ma«nolla 8t .• IC. M.l homf'. Untvrn., 2 br. dlnlnJC. dt'n Avail. Junt l !\ SOC>. Lrlllltt Adult.I. W 8-t.321 b9p64 SUMMER R.&NTAL. Newport 1 .... land Waterfront. pier 6 no.t. Furn. 2 "tory houa,., 3 bdrm., 2 bath, put lo, barb , dbl. ga.r. 3909 Ma.rcwi. Her. 3:>011. Uc~ Balboa Island 3 b<lnn • 2 balh choice IOC"•t lon - S..fOO. J uly -1~100. Aur . Corona del Ma r View Home-. 81.l:F.PS 8 Charmlna. perf•ct - J 400 J une 1!1 ti) July J~ - S:.00. July 15 to Aue lb. Osborne Re&lty Co . UU w, Cout Hwy at Port Ora.nre Harbor '921~. lllMl3 S IJMMl':R RENTAL 1 bdnn. tum 3 BDR.X. 6 den. t..:ntum Blly 6 ocean "1rt1• Vr. 1-. 308 Cu · cot tar-. Wiii '1"eP 4 Corpna nation. C n M. 41 Jlfc Jf'I Kar. Kar o~t·J U c63 l• •\ utt•r llar ""l Jaya, Hu I TERRY'S BUICK 2 IOI! H r~·o &21tc 3A11. '"AT : o MA!'T.-~.;;;-1"~ sL·x VA l...1.EY MERCURY. Hausken Motors Inc. ••II , .. n1,.rl ar I r•llll '"' •>1r,.l· 1 •II pow•r 1>qU1pmtnL Lenna C~ll 19!\0 A LL METAL Kan·&ll camp-1nr tn.ller. 9·.12· wht>n open. <.:omplttrly equipped 1400 211 E. B&Jboa Blvd, Apt. A t lpe3 111 r r. ROLL MUAe traJltr, 1.lttpa •. II MW Urf't. '!>3 llc~M. l300 cu h or tfrm.a. 12f-3tth SL, NpL Buch. Har. 28l~R. t k t 4 OR.A.."'ICE aummtr rtntal, rum . 1 bdrm, &9l. new bid( and new tum. Ava.llable J une 19 $90 ulll. • phone pd. •ll KElloca 8·1087. U pt3 VACATIONERS \'.·g HA VE a van~ty ot new nlc._ ly furn. rental• available In Newport 6 Lag1Jn11 $30 wk • up. Jnqutr• 3°'4·32nd St . Npt. Phone H.arbo~ J22t. tlp74h 1 .. nt fnr two tnn11r. i:.u +06 y.,n. ""nn , U J ·ll\63 or U 8 f!223. l••t c· r• !'i Hu 2i;..r..J 82~4 Mtfc ~~~~at. ~'<>..:._" T ,:_ I ST A TION \V AGON \\ A:'>ol,.l> ·~1 1·.!lf:J) 1'1A:>:Ol\ tor ;,1 f'ORO f>QL'tR.E lt•H OYH · • ur b1r l'D'Al I• r'I lflcti,.t 1 ll•h 11rtvt Onf' OWDl'r. VU)' 'l,.an •1117111 """ 1· •rad" t"r orr•n I H.a.tbur •O;e. &OC'&2 Slpln,t J •n" ur tlr•n·I p1anr OA .'Z-~1·H'\tll1T ~.:•1 :-.; )hill 30 f"ORD Conw. By 0¥.1'er fUtH, Santa An\ ' 0 J r . rood con1. AlJIO 81n1;u rvr ta bla f'll'<t. •• ... lnr msch1n,. 1U 2 Harbor 8 1Yd. Phone LI 8-:IO:H 1.1 M381 Ee.sy B&Ok of America T•rma 80\11 XK 120M '54 J aguar HOA OSTER f'ully equJpL. >Uny uvu.. Low rnllt&C•· 111 vi. [)\Jon. Lido lale. Jf&ltK>r "7().R.. 82c&4 SMALL ··~TE\' u1•111thl ,.b...ny $30 Harbor 8Pll·R IHt.tc '51 B • k A d $005 ftnWI s:on 11\i l"lra! .. Rn• I UIC ~ r. 77 u $..&tfl:i n rM 1 152 Buick $1695 I ~o. h .. ter-vuy oltall 21111 Newport Blvd., Newport lkb Another Special! ;~~;"~~"'~~~td~1~tr~:::~:;;~ TERRY'S BUICK 11,4 M fU:-11> E'p1nrt ''"l'•n In """ TERRY'S BUICK rnn<Jlllon Ulit e&\lnjll•. 1()11\fn· 1 .. nl t@rme at l'!ll A71tR 8 M~IC rn I Sim·" 1~7 1 •21 423 N. t11rr11mnt ... Senta Ans J'hnne Kimberly 2-06i2. Oranr• County ~ la.tll''11t N ltttlon 1>f nne ~aru OR.AND PIAN(), U Nllf'nt cond Pr1 .... t• party, Har. 0364·M. 6l p&3 ·~ ("IJEV. V·8 Bel-Air. Spo rp.-Harvu l JOI<! •how I''"',. 180 hp. kll Radin, "'f' O." t.ran.a . •tc. J ust 3700 local rnl Hue • 1118\"lni to r111h buytt! 6M Ao. ('out Blvd., IA.runa- HYatt •·7iU . lllltc MORAIS MINOR ''113 convertlbl•. Overhaul~. top ahape. • bf'ater. l'rt,•at• pe.rty. Sffll, IUNSl:T 11411. eoc92 49 CHEVROLET club coup.. Good cnnd.lllon. A alee.I al U 96 - Wberty 8-i•ll3. 412cH 'H FORD eotrffrtlbl .. C&IWOll top. Good condJUol\.. Very ,..uonable. 330 Apolena. Balboa Ja. 82C'64 F::-<JO'f BALBOA lSLA:s'D 6 the I beadl thla summu tor very llt· _,_, ___ W_u_t.ed~__;t~o~•-•~t;____ lie ,..nL Small compact •pt tor R • .. 1 .. W 2, 91.&e of hO\IM tra iler. tlnl7 e llt.a.Ut anted S12~ co. or 1300. now 1111 S•pt. W1 l'IMd apt.. aAd b~ Iii all 17th or YT1¥· Har. 3128-M. title llKUona tor bOlb wtatu and year e In .at.. "1rll. or unlU.rn. U you hava a •ac&11CJ', pbOM t.od&7 The Vogel Co. 1201 W. C.t. Hwy •• Newport Brh Pbon• Llbert7 W"l 20I M&rlne, Ba.Ibo& lalanO Phone Harbor 464 2te7 £. C'nMl Ry., Corona ct.I Mar Phone ll11rb<>r I i 4 I BARBOR APTS. M~rn turniabed apt.a. day, week or month Nu .r bUI, 1tora • b&.J. Rftaonabl• ratu. 10t E. Bay AVt ., BALBOA Harbor &au . Utlc Summer Rentals LIDO ISLE 2 T LUU. Y RE1'"T A UI u:-; FURN 1. J i.drooma. :i bathe. 1. • ti.droom.e. J batha. Cbotce loca Uona. EARL W. STANLEY, Re&ltor 31.U Newport BlYd., Newport Sch ff.arbor 1011 •OUc tJNrtTRN. J BDRM.. BOW&. W to W ca.rpeL Baauutul yard, ~Uo. fl.nptace, c ar JU~. monlh. Or 1 .. rent on loAe. LI l-6700 attar 6. M tfc Udo Otflcf. 34111 Vii Lido Harbor 4971 Ut.lc RENTAL WAC:-IER POll'&-Waurttont A SUMMER olher1. ~le 13:5. weeok &nd up P b. Harbor 121':'-J . O tfc DRIVE BY A '"'" l 12 Via Wulen, CH.JUST IAN LADT want.a lo rMt room with kit.. prtvll@iu, or wlll I BAl..BOA JSLAND, Bar Front.- be companion to •ldtrly l11dy July 26 to Nov. 2• for prtce of 2 1.1 8·6682 evea. ~2 montha. 3 bdnn•. 2 bath•. ~vttry· tbm1 to make a <l•ll~hltul home COUPLE. with reh rencu want to 1 No pei.. no am all chlldren. Har. r.nt •m4Ul t\Jm. h.ou.aie or apL In 23311-w attu , pm. ~cet C I& 1.fua for July and Aui u11t Near •~oru. Har. 1973-R. 112p6-4 YEAR.LT RE:iTAL. 2 bdrm. mod· U do lale 3 b<lrm~ . 2 bat.he, c-omptettly furnl11hl'c1 A\•Allableo J une l:,-Jo-u :10 J uly J6Ml - Au1r11.at Si:Z~ R"•lut'llon tnr rn· llrt aeu .. n. Ca ll Harbor 4274 fl7c89h •t--Rooau t.o ~nt ______ ,,,. ____ _ '6 PER MO. ,.n~ rood pra(llce p iano. All tum N ot allowed ·it you buy, Good ullftd practlre pie· noa SS!l, 112!\. Sl3i, ll ~O and up Euy temu. '53 Ford VS $1295 -, ----- • dr. radio. heater • overdrive. 48 Huds~'! 4 dr.$195 '8--A!'ta. a Boot1ee 2118 NeWJ!Ort Blvd., Newport Bdt. .--. c.. em rumash<'d s pt. Ganige. Auto. NICE ROOM for w11rklna-m!IJ\ w • • h • r, Quiet nelghborhooc1. Private entranr t $7 wk. 1:143 204 ~-42nd St · !''°"•port Bea ch. Oranc• Avt , Co,.ta Mc-1a. 6lct3 DA:-l'Z.SCHMIDT Bl.J Plano atort . TERRY'S BUICK Aho other lrlLMpOrtatlon llpe(lal.t 2118 l'\•WJ!Ort Bl..:!., N~rt Bch. Corona del Mar Shov.·n by 3ppt. Mr" Burdick, Har. ------------- Sant• Ana. ~20 No. Milli\. Special Buy lH• Ol.DSMOBll..E 98 -""'t. COO· dJtlon. R.lH, hydnmatlr. sood Uru. Reuonable. Har. 25e2 RX. TERRY'S BUICK 2 BDRM. dupleJC. unt11m . F'l"'pl . 1ara1e. 1 block lo markela, S7:1. mo., yearly. 313} u tn. II or 11.fler 6 p.m. 1.1 8·7807. 62c84 LAROE FRONT RM . 2 dblr. bftl111. fine for 2 meon, r• nt S12. ~r wk A l!IO sma ller nn. l'rl\·"tt cntr t..;:"FUR.'JISHED 3 rm 11pt R"&· 123·28th St., Npl. Bch. pplfc aonable, Coat.a Mua. f'h. HYAll -------------Bil.AU. blood• IUmbal.I Spinet piano. Rental return. Sn• 1180. Comrenlent term.I at- etcs:J '1--Aato Bento. Muriel M. Pinover, Rea.ltor 2eo4 NewJ)Ort Blvd, :-.Oewport Sch. lluy Parkin(. Har. •UO. t2ct4 6·43~7. Ullc i 5S-8to~ la Ofnce. I HAFl:Ra M\aalo Oo. (Sine• 1907) U l -421 N. l7e&m0re, Sant.a A.na Pboae IC.mbv~ 2..()172. QIU.ND PlANOI. M.&11,1 t.o dw>oM troa. KA&~ .W... A Hamlin. •NJ'YM&ll c. Caw.. l:at.ra -i-· liaJ.. 8 to1"7 • Clark ~d. Sood CIODdJUoD NM. ~ tpMla1. a..uutul 8CIQ'Y I U't, GM ...,.. 1511. Ai. ·-i .. IDIUe ..-ra. l&ft an m&ll1 eU... l>.ucs-«JmlD"tr ... l'lw l ton hnta AM. 1120 No, Mal.JI. ~ '°° planoe. 1'IUUMPH 'nl·J Sportcar. 196t. Loca117 drh•en • ntYtt R C)f/d. Mu.t .. u OT tralk fM ~lly c&r. LI I-7t38 nw. U?f' " PONTIAC Sll~r Strea.k. Rltll, ,,... W .W. u,.. .. apot llpt U 7G. 117 C&brWo •t.. 0. M.. Llber1.Y ... 101. 12cf4 '61 MQ T.F. "1000," w1re wb.Mla. l .U aqqlt.y tor 12'T~. LI 1-1152. t:pet MO 'Q -N-paint. llJ*lal pl&t- Uo top. CUtal r a r In Ona.nee Cowit,7. Ha.rbo~ 311l2·J . t 2pG6 BRAKE SPECIAL durlna .Jun• RE ASO="ABL'V priced. clean 1 • 2 bdrm. turn. epu. UUL pa.Id. Laundry room. Pl•Yfl'OUJld for children~ Blue Top Apt.., t 03 Newport Blvd., Newport S..cb. Abcrn th• Archu . O tt• RENTAL r'. Foreign auto brake job, by expert mechanics $18.95 & up. We f~ SUDDEN _..,,ce. SPECIALISTS Hausken Motors Inc. Blanche Gat':; Rltr. lH~ Harbor BIYd . Coet& Me• • 311 Martne .... LI 8-60$1-Ll MMl l k7Jb ~ Wu4. Bat. ltTl Tl\tl CORON A DEi.. M.A.R-1 bedroum Jar-&«• unfurn. apt. w1lb ato\'t 1 FUR.NUIHED Office In l1wyer1 6 retr1r. View of II.arbor. AdultA •ult.a. 1.1 a.e102. 2912 W. <;out No pew. Har. ~:1-J. 62cU Hl&hv.-ay. Newport Bea.ch. 111~3 :"EW 1 br. apt. If llvlnr room, l.J.DO OFFIC!la APACE -Wiii dbl•. tJUe 1Ullc, p.rb dlapoaa.I. •ublet 'PAC• aultable for au or· fUll w. WW'U, u. 1, •. rarace. Ill)'•. •np.ua, etc. Approx cloee to lltOA!• 6 tran.-portallon. llixao ln ahoppln.f u. on v1" WW rent wltJI •love 6 re.trl(. U do. Call Don Cole attemoon• or tUll~ turn. LI 8-:14:17. 82ct4 only, Har. 6.00. Mlle FUR."f18BltD APTS. 1n hurt of SMALL orncm wttb parklnr. Balboa. •20 wk. It up. T&Jttnr heat 6 U1bt 6 prtvate tol.let an- .....,._Uon• now. 91 i E. Bal· oJudad, l30 month. at Je04 H-· boa Bl•d , Ball'M>a Hllr 172'-J Port Ill-rd., Hpt. Beacll. Harbor 12c7' •Ti t. t loll BEST BUY! UM Via Udo. Ph. Bar. UOO ti• l.4dlee apol'Uwaar &hop dotnc Xlnt bualnen. Btc aeuoa &bud - Muat a&eriftce 111900. Write Box M t La&-un• Beach, 62cM WOULD 1ui. to MIJ tat and bd Trut Deed& O&U Bar. llK 41tt• HA VE $10.$20,000 to loan M-Honez to Lou on good reaidential or income prop, 8% NO COMMISSION No Appraia&l F ee SALJl)8 -REnNANC& OON8TRUCTION OSBORNE Realty Co. C&ll for 1'rM Fut Commitment• Harbor •923-J . (ft.ea ) 6&ll• on Realdencea a.nd Unite only 60-lDoome Proe!r:tf Don I. Huddleston HOME and 6 Units 173 E. 17th St. 008TA MJCSA u 8-llM l 1.1 8-61182 GOOD l NCOMlt, 136.000. UI Ham· llton, ott Harbor Blvd.. Coat• MHL 11p741\ NS f H 61 Re.I E..tate EnhanJ!_ L,OA or omes eul.l.DINo. ~ •tock. ti.JC· '" -SO p . Lot..n8 tlllWi and tool8 tor power tool Construction Loans 1>ue1n ... plua 1 wrm. borne in 81lE BOB SA TTl..l:R i:Jlri EAST COAST BLVD • Oorooa dt.I M.a.r H&rtM>f Nae Rep. P01Rlll:R MOl\TOAO• 00. Metro Lile Ina. J'un<l• Kl. Wl8f> '8Uc HunUngt,on Park. Sal• or tll• change. Full price •u.rioo for Bay Front Income, Newport ur Balboa. Owner. 1000 Jt. F lortnce An ., Hunlln(lon P ark. LUdluw ll·Mlfl 1 Jp&3 M-Storet1 a om- 2 Off ice Spaces & Store NEW Bl..00. in Udo Shopping area. Both 870 atta feet. By lelM, $100 It. $115 mo. ALSO •tore, too ff'Ct. $140 mo. 500 Via Malap.. Newport Beach. Hu . 332"1 3 INVESTMENT Corona del Mar Furnished Cottages, on 4 Sl8,950 TERMS 702 -704 -706 -708 lRlS Phone Hubor 1069 or Harbor 2&49-J TRADING TODAY ~7c69 Lots Mtlc TRIPLEX 2 BRa. u . 2 yre. old. income $3180 yrly. OWNER WlLL TRADE b.is $0000 equity tor a &ood vacant lot. ~ THE VOGEL CO. :\201 W. Coast Hwy., Nr wport Beach LI 8.-3481 Eve11. LI 8-~ EXCHANGES 1. 1 acre Hollywood view lot. Aaklnl $20.000. F or niee 2 br. home on Lido or Balb<>a IAland. 2. Hollywood home-~29.000-2 br. It den-2 bath for rommetC'1al in area to $50,000 See Bob GooalK'n, Excb&nge Dept. MARINER 'S ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave . Balboa l81and Harbor •781 6%-IWal E&tatfl 12-&e&I r.tat.e ----------~------ FIRST TIME OFFERED 310 Larkspur, Corona del Mar. One or the very choice propertie.a. Ownrr'11 htinic, pluH one 2 bdrm., two 1 bdrm. & a bachelor apt. All have garb. dlap., faoa, 6 Z4·fL gara.ge. pluB storeroom & laundry rm. 80xl 18 ft.. fenced lot, quiet street. 2 bl.ks from the finest beach m a.II Calif. EZ terms. Shown by appt.. ExclU&ive with -G. H. LATHROP 3830 Eut Cout H(&hway Corona del Mar Harbor Mt.2 -Ev•. 3511.J ' BILL'S BEST BUYS GOOD NEWS TRAVELS FAST We *med about thia property only ,_terday, thought we'd let you in on tt today. Are you 'Wt•lbrT Bat 2 bedroom home in town. Hard- -wood tloora, F .A. heat, dining room, fireplace, larp prap and p&Uo, nice lawn and ahrub8. COM to ahopplng. Full price $12,250, $2,500 down will handla. TOO MUCH CITY LIFE Like the wide open •paeee ! Then conaider th.iJJ 5 room turn.ided home, pha two rental un.ita, c.se 2 bed.rm. and one 1 bed.rm. on lot 122x~. Pleaty ot room for new home on front ot lot le additional UDJta. Full price $22,500, $7,500 dn. SWEET AND LOVELY Only $7,tsOO full price. One bdrm. Newport Ht.a. Lot 801100 and bou.ee ia only 6 yean old. Pay. meta u low u $40. per month. W. A TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you11 like our friendly aervice" ... -E.17th St., Co.ta Meiaa Uberty 8-1139 TWO EXCLUSIVES Ocean f ronf Home 3 B. R., neat 6 clean, near Catholic church and llCboola. Large fenced yard for the k1d8. Reaaon- ably priced at $15,500. Term•. Might trade equity for what have you. Ocean front Income Widowed owner ia working and living out of town aay. MU or trade my equity in this $31.500 4-unit income located next to be8t. ocean beach. She pajd $31,500 and owes $18,900 lat T. D. Term. to awt your pocket book. For full deta.ila BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES l~ W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5188 LEMON HEIGHTS 11 a beautiful, secluded, aurburban area in the tree covered hills, twenty minutes from Newport Harbor and alx minute. Eut ot Santa Ana. . Here we are offering an excellent Hawa.Uan modern • bed.rm. and den home on a % acre, tree covered, view site overlookinr tha oran~ grovee, 21,i bath!I, 2 fireplace1', very unuaual French cellar with ruatic bt1.r. Offered at $47,500. Tenna lf deaired. CaU us now for an appointment to lntlpect- JOHN R. DANIELL Realtor 702 East 17th St., Santa Ana KI 7-5111 It-Reel~ Ez~ at-Beel r..taae • 11-a.J F.w. 11-a.J r..tate ~UNE I, 1955-COASTAt.: SHOPPat-PAM t BT OWNll:lt-WlU toe trade CJD S Th E rth' Patat. IS-,....... ~~ ~~nn~om~ 'COSTA ME A e Best Town on a BEFORE YOU BUY a-.... ._. ~d. .... ~~,~·~~~-= 2 br .• den, a rut home with laundry room, praae, THE GRfA T ORANGE COAST canyon. Will take -&Iler pta.c. patio, beautiful tree11 6: ah.rube, all fenced. Choice Try or ftC&nt 1ot ta part p&7ment. locauon e1oee-ln. Curb • aewer ln 1r paid. iio.900. Fr~nc·is J. Horv•th 504 HaaeJ Dnn. CD.K. Har. with u 000 down.. u "' lOlt·W. llfc7J ~ TRADE BEAUTIJ'ULLY decorated, mi&ll art11Uo home, I bedrooma, n,.. place . .,°" lar1er home ln Co- rona del Mar, LldO, Balboa. Harbor 4719. e1cea 2 BDRM. home 6: 3 nn. apt. Xlnt location In Lonr ~•ch. Value to JJll,000 for emalJ place In Bal- boa. What have you. Har. a&Oe. topl2 REAL VALUES Newport Hts. $500. LOVELY LOT wtt.b Unique l'Uut hou.e and cottagw, UJJ• oould be UMd U a 8WJ\Jner ftC&UOll 1,POt. or you could bu.1ld a tamUy ._Kome up front. Don't owrlooll thla at th• low, low prtc. of Jll.880. EZ TER.MB. • • • $11,500. INCOME PROPERTY: a.Jc. 2 !>r. home (Hdwd. floont) and duplex with 8 rara,ge. and EXTRA lot. $17,500. with $3,500 dowu. NEWPORT HEIGHTS -Large 2 br. home, dining room, aun porch, hdwd. floora, fireplace, AND P'ULL BASEMENT -uee for fMllt cellar, rumpu• room, den, atorage, workahop, etc. $11,250. with term.a LOT-RESIDENTIAL fS6x17lS ... $2.-t~.~th teml8 Small office for rent • Newport Blvd. S50. per mo. G. N. wt:LLS, Realtor Roy R. llcC&rdle 1810 Newport BITd., a.ta M-.. LI 1-1601 * 25 YEARS* REALTOR Uberty a.1no1 -Bartlor lUI NEWPORT ISLAND DUPLEX -l 8 . R. and 2 B. R. unJIJI -Corner -View ol ocean. bay, and park. Ideally localed tor beach and· lncom• proposition. O~n Hou•• i ·ll p. m. dally. 401 • 38t" Street. FREE Newport, 3 8 . R. Beach cotlagt. 2 Iota for 17.3110 pita bond.I. No chance to loae on lhla aet up. Small down 2 8. R. &ach hoUH, two Jot..- taclng W . Newport Park near bay and ocean. 110.M>O. Tem11. Will .. entice for 19.M>O cuh. COSTA MESA Bualneaa Office 6: buUdlnp very attrac. on Placentia Ave.-all!o wood working equipment. Sev· eral opportunllln he" to flt your ne«ta. Check With ortlce re· prd.ln.r your needa. II 8 . R. hotae and cottqe on Ill R--4 lot wtlh chanc. to expand. $13,000. Only U .000 down - b&lance to be reftnanced. C·I wtth I 8. R. home otf N.- port Boulevard-Ideal tor bu.t- IS ALL TH!:T AJUl illCINQ tor R I tht• lovely lhr .. br. hem& Hard-ea wood noor•. nre.,a-, We kl~ -. -realdenoe comblnaUon. Estate Salesmen and Brokers 1 :~·~~0::-~ed. on l&r ... lot. U .M>O. Thia can aave a lot Of rent mdney and can be hou(ht wtlh a inn.all down J>&Y· 2 Bdrm, Home 1-than two yean old. a.Jly a wonderful place. Ovenbed dbl. gange, Corn• lot, room for additional unit on aide .u.at. Sacritlce for only $7600 8 Stucoo plutered unite 1 bdrm. each. Splendid rental record. Walking dt.tanc. to town. 8 ranp.. Sepante laundry rooD18. All rented now at ~2.'50 each. Owner p&y• water. WW prove best lnveetnMnt opportqnity. Just $12,000 dn. Deairable home, location and price. We Ualed a 3 bdrm. 1 Ya bath.a on beautiful Holmw<><>!l Dnve. Th• number 1-413. Pl8U4t call U• after you drive by to aee the lovely interior. Selling price only $19,750 with tern:u1. A crou trom Market A Drua-Store on W •t 19th .• 100' of C-1 ready for development or bold for in· creue. Only $'-00 tt. today. Soma terms. Completed eucUy for your lifetime enjoyment. 2 large bdrmL with Mr. and Mn. clothe. clOMta. Den. 2 tile batha, hwd. fl1"ll, forced heat. Prettied kitchen with cupboarcb plore. See W. woaderou. home located in awtricted Bay Bay. Good tvma and priced at $~.600 3 Bdrm. Funmhed Rental. N.w home, new tumlah- lnp. $110 month. Bu nab.,., eto. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -SALES -LOANS -BUILOERa 1867 Ne"J>Ort Aft., Cost.a MM& Liberty 8-1832 Liberty 8-1'00 m... cben and bath. bMt ... t lid• loca~ comer lot., not a tract bolllle. '.\t "' loU and lllOllthly p&ymcita .... tllaa .. t. Doft't mlA lhla. * Wa an intere11ted in interviewing high-p-ade men with experience Sn th• Harbof u. and ea.ta Heu. m•l ~~~~~-~-----------------~""r'lll LIDO ISLE B. A. Nereson REALTOR 1982 Newport. BlYd., Collta Mef& Pbaae LI 1-1871 .,.._, Lt ~81 BEACH HOMES All under $2000 dn. Wut Newport 1 B. R. turn ~900 Near NHYC, I B. R.. ---JIO.llOO Balboa. a 8. R.. .......... __ ,10.&00 Seuh.ore drive, duplu -· Sll,8~ Bayview Realtors 23()11 Balboa 81\'d. JIU'. 1171 Builder Will Trade on thl• lovely MW ttlfdtnce Open Houae JO L m.. t.o I p. 11L . 509 De Anza Dr . Corona Highlands * If you ue looking for a permanent connection in congenial •urroundinga .... if you would like to be backed by an a.nn-tve. hard-hitting ad- vertJ.amc policy •••. tt you value th• uae of aomplete mape and ownel'll' record8 .... if you think you'd like to be auoci&ted ")th one of th• best thoucht of and olden name. in the Harbor area . . . and, if you a.re a worker, then I would lllr• to tallt to' you. Gordon Severta. Greenleaf-Severts Realtv 8112 Newport Bl., Npt.. Bcb. Har. 2562 (evea. LI 8-3188} * 25 yean ln the ume loc1.tlon. 135 ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE For Builder or Investor R3 Zone -' CORONA DEL MAR W ABHJCTlllRU -Oo1n,f b~ CJD hlgtiway. Cu be deYtloped lnto a money maker by -aC· u.,. couple. 15 Y•r IMM. lnvm· tory at ottlce. CLIFF HAVEN J B. R. Furulabld well landlClaped a n d Ill u~t condiUon. U''l.000. M.000 doWTl can bandle. PvUaJ "-ot bay and oe.an. lnduAriaJ. blcbW&7. Mid boWnard froAt&&• and ~ propoai· UOM ln the t\lu. Come look-s... Ideal loo&Uca tor l'Mdkl&l or pro- f-Iona.I bUlJd1q corner ot Ful· lertaa and Broed'tray, tncludtnt' I B. Jl llome la pnap. 130,000 Terma. IUO W. Balboa BJvd., Newport ltll Newport Bl•d.. 009la w- , A FIXER-UPPER $1,200 Down Sparkling and MW 2 .tory, 3 bedrm. and ct.a home. 2 bath.8, ch&rmlng kitchen lncludee w-.rn Boll1, stove and onn, copper hood and d.t.hwaaber. Lup muter bdrm. bu flreplace and one trall pu*ed in Amadon South American panelll:ng. Mercury awitcha throughout Carpeted, doable ca.r. Ftn.t ot corm.ruction. Full price $33,500, Urn18 available. Lovely 1 yr. old 3 bdrm. A Lars-den home. Cboloe location on wide ~t.cMtreet lot. Bpa.cloua cllaJn1 room, breakfut bar, charm1JlS p&tio. Raap, nlri1, carpet.a 6: drapM included tor cml7 $32.600. Extra choice 40-tt.. lot OD Via G.ooa, (wtct.t It. on the lalaod), only SU,600 tor quick a&M. AND REMEMBER 'l'Bl8 - many other ftnt hom• are u.ted M01Ullllvel1 d THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO O~ICE 34.18 Via Udo, Newport Beach Bar. WT1 or W7J Ev-ea. Bu. 2191~ or LI U»T I or 4 be<l.nzia., I b&tM, ~ cent kJtdleo 6 dlnJ.nc rm. PJar-. room-2000 rt. in bol.IM plua • unit Apartment OD Jot lS6' Jr 100' with adjoining lot. 4-0' x 100' and 102' x ll:S' Oil Ocun Front. OPPORT'U'NlTY to tla up thla 2 bedroom home Pita a larlf41 baclc ~ .Located on ball acre ot -------------------- II•· dbl rarase. Sea View. and 135 ft. Ocean tron~. F. P. 129.~. Can~ purcbaMd ITOUDd clo.. '4> N~ Blvd. , On Victoria 8L. IA J'Ood aecUoa. · U.. lot or outbu.Jldin(. Quit• a bit ot work bu beeu done on lb• All .. ooe ~el with m ft. frontqa Oil 2 street.. on &ow down pa.ym&nL ~ t.e Good Term.a. a l&IT• lot Not 1-. Full Pn'ce $51,000 p~rty aJ:ready. Payment. met renL P'Ull price la only- l"bolle builder Hartlor 6U&11[ Mtte Look at this NEWPORT HARBOR REAL TY Jlm and Sally Newlin 618 E. B&lbo& BZvd., Balboa Pbon. Harbor 1807 $6, 950 Phil Sullivan & George Everson THREE MAGIC WORDS to Sell Your Property ---a bdrm ... hwd.. floors, tsr.place. 18llt N-i>ort 81\'d., Co.ta Mtaia (A~ tJ'OID Cotta M-Bank) Phone Libert)' H'781 LIDO ISLE Mcl\'t' right In for the 1ummer. 2 bedrooms -furn· JshC'CI · nice pnt10 • farepla.ce. Furnished $21,500 NEAR CLUB HOUSE 3 &droom1 -fireplace -decorated nfoely. $22,500 On 5.'5 Ft. Lot -3 Bcdrooma -apacioue family houae. 2080 Sq. Ft. Garage atre8aed !or 2 1tory. $29,950 See us for Summer rentals Business Opportuoity Brokers BAY and BEACH REAL TY LIDO OFFICE 31l2 Lsfayettt', Newport. Har. 3643. Eves. Har 2999 LOVELY FURNISHED HOME $210 MONTHLY INCOME for ONLY $5,000 Down Move into the furniabed home a.nd at.a.rt living, Let the toar nmtala pay for your property, CaJJ- THE VOGEL CO. ll01 W. Oout B'frf ., Npt. Bch. BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE PrW DOW reduced below replacement cost ... Beau- ~ aliDOllt MW two-.tory I bclnn., 3 bath Bay l'roDt home. Bay Yi• ftom all room.a. Fully cu- J*.«t. beautttuJ drape., new pier It lllp. Price in· ..... ».ft. C.tury apeedboat OM )'ear old. • ArtMtAc ..... piDf. A.II W. for tN.SICSO. BltMr h&&nT'J M W. WOG't Jut. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor lllJ Nftport llJvd., H.wport BelcJa' Har. 1013 dlapoea.I. Wind fM tiectrto --------------------1tove. Fenced, located at 264t Jl'Llrway Dr.. eo.&a M-. SU,250. n, Hu. 36'1.J. btte BEAUTIFUL Sl'xl.2' Cabana 6: 311' two bdrm. trailer. eom- pletetr f\lml~ carpeted. wa- terlront lot. ~a.ch. boat dock avail Br1ck laLlal. carport. "'1m· m1n.r pool ruu pr. 117&0. Udo VlU.ac• Trall«r P ark. 700 3Jat St.. Newport Bu.eh. Lot No. 31. LI 8-7~1. 8lUo POMON.-.-COm'l acrw, l&rp UY· tn1 rm., ttnplue. paUo. barbe- cue; Ill park-UM .. Wq. tnllt treea, tiern... ~; oompl4&.el.J feoc~ cheap ln1r&Uon. S9"0 or Harbor trade. Wm. Fo"-l<>M Glen Ave~ Pomona. CAJ.l.t. 81~ YOU WOULDN'T -* * - - -THINK MUCH ot us if we didn't 'cut you in' on something like this. Wouldn't you like to buy a lovely 3 yr. old water- front home with your own private beach and pier and alip privilep-featwing beam oeilinga, fitt- place. forced air beat. modern kitchen with cliapoeal IE f&n, etc. Furnished for only S2e,500. We have tha key -caU aow THE VOGEL CO. UNrUR.N. & rooma, 2 bedrooma. 3201 W. Cout Bwy., Npt. Bch, Liberty 8·3481 Ft.rwplace. 'Ill• alnk, p&Uo. DtiL ---------------- range. ~ mo. yearly. Adult.I, no pet.a. 711 Irta. ~ de.I lfar. O'tnw!r. A.Tlantle 1-~Ml. 82ct'T LOVELY LAGUNA BEACH C.J. Bl~. on Blvd, with R·I lot on beck -OoMn view -Muat n crlllce! BYall t-7'08 82cee llOOO DOWN, $1,000 FULL PRlCll ..., acre .\ I bdrm. llonle II dble. f&.r. 2828 Elden Ave., Ooet.a MM&. Pt.ylnoUl.b MOM. etpN LIDO ISLE 31 rr. LOT, PIUCll -tt,llOO. and • 70 tt. lot. ALSO comfort.aw. J bdrm. home. nreplac:e. lbd. c&rp1t. " dn.pte.. 0a 8L to 8\. klc. P0,6()0, ..... PboGe OWDW, Banc:. '111. Mpet om UNTIL ~ x... ~ Ou.1oG R4., ODroaa mp. landa -Owner ie...-. ltat.e. •u.ooo. ao .,, .. &~ 1ou ~ mat. ruu pnc.. •u.ooo. s-U7 l'llnl.Llhed. 0 . R LATHROP, M3a IC. Oout -.Y .. Oonma del Mar. a.nor 1540. ( .,._ 1&11..J) IOc42 Want a home in the Coves 1 INf'OIUUnoK Mid DYi at Mo. t 8aJbo6 eo.-. o.r..r. ..,,_ Jl'T•W. ..... 411 BACK BAY LIVING For $5,000-Down you can be enjoyinr a 40 ft. fil- tered ewimmiog pool on one a.ere of ground. Hu a fine 3 bdrm. home, plu. .eparate guest hou.e, lge. rumpus room and double car garage. Plenty of room for lllablea II horme. Only '6,000 down. Call for appt. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hlllia.rd P1.t Patt*>n ~ E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 24-43 OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 10 to 5 300 Holmwood Drive, Newport Heights 3 br .. ocean view home, 1 bath. lars9 Uvtns rm. with tinted view window. flaptou ftreplace, We tn kit~ cben 6: bath b.w. Ora.. fUl'1Uloea. lure fmoed y&rd. Cloee to Ito,... II tra.o.portation. J' .B.A. '~ ~ Jou. Low down pe)'D)ellt. Prt.d under Npla.oweat at Sle.M. Toq on It'° JOGl"Mlt to .. dlla bcmt. THE VOGEL CO. Jee7 E. OoMt aw,., eo.... cW Mar, llar.17'1 "f•71 r..., Bu. •3"-Ll 8-UOI "Multiple Listing Servicen CLIFF HAVEN Phone your realtor T!IRZll BEDROOlof, 1 bath. 1 IOO aq. n .. nnp1a.ce. drapH. Jdd.JJy lan~aped-tencN! -allf'y, dbl F::it Price $15,450 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors TRUBT DEED~ al'~" With D>Ol)thlJ' ,,.ymezata ,...,1. OWi from tzual deed l.O .i. pn.ee. Call M.r. O&Ua.ftt to ~ Ulla bom~. EARL W. STANLEY, REALTOR 225 Marine Ave.. Balboa bland Harbor 177& Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDS VSJ!l YOUR O.r. LOAN on ' yr. 410 -32nd St., Newport Beach Open House Sunday June 12th 12 -5 p.m. 430 Tustin, Cliff Haven Attractive view hotne, 1 bedrm. and den. $9,460. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine. BaJboa bland. Harbor~ old. 3 bdrm .. dble. gara,-e. t~nc· -------------------- 9(!. Wondert\11 paUo • laundry, yard. Garbage dh1po~"'· All f'ruhly palnlfd.. Near Upper B&olc RAy 2372 Pll.l!ladf!• Rd .. Santa All• Phone Kl ~·2893. &Otte For Sale or Trade- OCEAN VJJ;W rnOdern 2 bedrm. home wtth Ptr• room and "' b&UI OD double ,.a.race. 2T12 Clift Drive (adjacent vacant lot aftllabte) Pb. OWllU, LJ 1-2632 23Uc Sl,(D) Down BUYS 3 bed.rm. modern home with large um. rm., firepl.a.u-on Del Mar in Co.ta Meu. Payment. 1- than AtJt. CALL Cox or Bradford at Harbor 1264. BAY and BEACH REAL TY l~ W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, OaUl. OUT or TOWN otrllr tap "l'tt ott«t'' on eorner dupla lo. ot -------------------- Bhray. One uaturnlabed apa.rl· mmt bu a bedroorna, On• fur- AJabed atudlo apartment ,.arace All la f'OOd oondlUoa. C&U M.111 K.ohlat.edt. Har. IU~2 ne. liar. Oln-R, SU& Coe..c. BM~ C.O.M. Utfc A 'M1l.AC'J'J'VJI _.,. new I bdrm. hoime, ... to .... Ba7. Jtlrt.ra ......... •~1'na. ......... paUo. , .......... _,.. ~ ~· ..... -~ '10,711. Oii LI .....-. ..,._ UAOll VDJ1f LO!' ..... -,. 1-l-. ................ x... 611 ...,._~LI ..... ,. .,... Open House Daily 1 -5 p. m. 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHARMING provincial 3 bdrm.. 1 ~_, bath home. 26-fL Uv~ rm. • fireplace. Ramble. all over UU. 60 FT. LOT. Secluded rueat hoUM rented unfuru.. $10 per mon. Fnnch picket Cence. Don't rnJ.u thlaf Out of town <?Wiler a&)'ll "Sell"! $24,000 Ea.,-terma. Duncan ~r= .. Realtor t1• Oar l'ne Puldq Lot leOa ~Blvd. ~ 6tll .. PAGE 10-COASTAL SHOPPER-JUNE I, 1955 Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES $12,&00 wUl plaoe you In th.la fine, modem, new J brm. home It one brm. apt. Dbl. prage. Beautitul land8caplq, P,. wall to patio. nreplace, W /W carpetJnr, di8poal, atra tars• wardrobee, forced air h•t. Lovely, delUM. J!'.uy terma on balance. TOP LOCATION BAYFRONT Immaculate ' br. -two .tory home on large lot. Uncrowded atmoapbere with lovely patio, pier and float. Large living room, den. and eeparate dining room. Cub down. un.turn, $30,000. 17,500 la all It takes to move you into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home with 1 br. apt. Both furn· l.ahed. Patio and fence, garage. WonderfuJ location. Low monthly payment.. HERE'S A SWEETHEART. 2 br. It den with fire- place. Very nke private paUo. Hu eeparate income unit with a 1ure $1,800 yearly. Better hurry to get thla one. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Ialand Harbor 44' v CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 1. View of breakers , ocean & beach Thi9 3 bdrm. home, 2 bath, carpeted wall to wall. Built on rear of ocean front lot. Reduced from $32,7150 to $29,900. A STEAL-Mu.t See! 2. WILL TAKE TRADE On thi1 3 bdnn. plua den, 2 batha. 60-ft. lot, South of Hwy. Hwd . .tloora, forced air heat, fenced yd. Will take amall home or vacant lot in part pay· ment. Full price $24,:500. 3. CHINA COVE-- Deluxe ocean view -quality built 4 bdrm. home, 2 bath•. For you who can afford the finest thia ie iL REDUCED tor quJclc aa.Je from $42,500 to $37,500. Owner must move thia immediately! 4. CUTE 1 BEDRM. HOME Room for another unit. Th.ii ia a G. L Reale. Full price $99~. $2500 down. 5. TWO SEPARATE UNITS Both furnished -2 bdrm. houae, plua 1 bdrm. apL Full price $17,900. South of Hwy. $3000 dn. 6. NEW DUPLEX -ON BEACH- \'1ew of ocean and jetty. 2 bdrm. plu.1 a 1 bdrm.- A bargaJn at $31.~. PRICE T. McCUISTION MULTIPLE LLSTING REALTOR 31 Ii E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! >J.&.r Harbor •7 1 u, i r locntf'd next door to Corona deJ liar 83nk) "REAL GONE"! If you can't see the value. Best Buy in Corona del Mar Attrart1v.-duplu. built on two full level lots pnc~ toony at Sl8,7!')()-good t.enna. Hardwood floora-Oagstone rtreplaoea. Iota of ceramic tile--t0erv1ce porch~paral• double garage---aeparate guest bedroom- Walled In yard-7 yn. old-fineet con.t. We doubt if you could possibly dupli· cate this property under $23,000. l..ET US SHOW YOU A REAL BARGAIN! Duncan Hardesty, Realtor "Lido Special111t" Vse Our Frtt Parking Lot. 2602 :-:<'w port Blvd. Harbor 1il8 3 LEFT MOVE IN TODAY S500 DOWN Th• t>e.t 3 bedroom--2 bath tract home i.n town. Hardwood floort -Plastered wall• -FulJ atu din· lnr room -forced air heat -d~poul -two car gange. YOUR LAST CHANCE FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lSM N•wport Bl\'d. Co.ta Meaa ( 8Cl"'ON from Coeta M... Banlc) Phone LI M7&1. Evee. Bar. 43U • LI 8-1103 BALBOA ISLAND • • • Only $5000 down • • • 13.000 yearly income uwnd Two wtita nicely fUrn'-hed. ~ •cellcnt heat, prb. diapoeU9. ab patio, o.tllt•ndtns YU.I WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Amoctai. Par-r1 Marine, Balboa laland -Bar~ *2 a • .., ra.te a ••• r.aat.e a .... ......._ OPEN DAILY 1-5 1112 E. BALBOA ~LVD., BALBOA FIRST TIME OFFERED BAY FRONT PIER&: SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS 4 BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY FRONTAGE 40 FT. This is an ideal summer or year round home for the executive with a large taiJy·$88,000. NEW P-0 RT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Executives Special Hl!:Rr8 a rorieoua home tor Ule younl' execuU" looklnl' tor TOP VALUE and t.Jle FlNICST LOCATION In the Harbor..,..., JUST drive by MO K1np Road. NEWPORT HEIGHTS (OPEN HOUSP.l TKURS. TllKU SUN· DAY 1 TO 15) Mr. Tr&'ria "'1U be there to ahow yo'll Ult'll Ulla well &IT&Jll'ed 3 br .. l ~ bath modern w1t.h lt.8 many mooey avtnl' teaturM IUce the W to W carpet. drapu, J.andac&pln&', .tc. 8.E'SMART -Ude before )'OU buy. ONLY $41.000 DOWN. Exoeptlonal Opportunity to Buy 011 Bayaho,.. Drin, Bayahol'N Ot.rr or TOWN OWNER •Y9 SELL A T REDUCED PR.ICE- A ttractlve I bdrm., or I bdrm. 411 d•n, l ~ balll home. Jdul 1(). callon tor U\e ya.chtaman a.nd euy accua tn th• 8.&Jboa. Bay Club. Betll!T call now, we lu.ve Ute key. Frank James Linwood Vick U.U.TOlll C. 8 . Ru.. Wm. 0 . 8chmidt, A..oc: llt Muin.e An., Bal~ Jal.an4 Harbor 2041 No Fancy Slogans Juat Honest Valuea Come in A let WI pro\•e Ill CORONA DEL MAR 304 Mar 1U4'r1te GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to tnapect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely 'furnished by Martin &: Von Hemert When Yo• fmpect them, you will note they lnclud. evwy comfort and CQDvenimc. for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that NSUJ~ In t.h.ia remarkable community will prorid• GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace tam.Wee for many ,..N. Penn.anent rMtrlction. cuuant.ee you will alW&Jll be proud of your bome here. To th• home buyer who wiabee to ~ ID the $22,000 to $3$)0 c.Jw w. lllncerely ncommad the IniDe r.tai. o••li>Mtnc Newport 11.arMr. Irvine Terraee la located ce Cout RIP"-1 oppomtW the new lrvioe Cout Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbone Harbor '4t8 For l'urther Information * For Recommendation., we refer you to anyone who bolda a Leuebold r.t&te in Irvine~ ~ Sat. " Sun. l·I E cALL H>.Ruott •&10 tor prevl••· nioy Happy Days (on Balboa Island) OVTST ANOJ:-;o TRJPLEX. 80, ot Hwy. ~•ut. 2 br. w1lb n ,,... In your own home. Thia S bedroom. 3 bath Colon.lal. pl.ace, 2 lovr ly t br. •pta. wiUI a not only built for SHELTER but tor COMFORT, .n.w ot QC•&n trom 11Un deck H Tn ple aar-ap. e:xt.ra laundry"" EALTii and HOSPITALITY -"UtUe taland." Oompl, runu111ed. Solid yearly $28,eo<>. Inc rf'eOrd avaHablt, Ca.o In· Creu. With summl'r ralH . J'ull pr1ce n~.ooo. ~ t,nn .. Muriel M. Pinover RY.At.TOR MOt Newport Blvd.. JI:~ Bell 1tu7 ParkJnit R.vbor •~no BEST 8.AY 8ROUa 8-ch hoUff, I IMclrm. plue poe- •bl• 2 B R O"-l'U· IC.aotty ptne lnl. U lO<IO. OR nns ONE Home and Income PLUS-18 ft. SLOOP PLUS a Din1by- All for 122,MO. OR THIS SPECIAL I bed1'00IDI $19,750. TKR£F. Bedroom Ir dfll CORON A Q 0 R I S B R A y R It HIGH~NDS. \\>"lde lot, view, 1 ea Or ............. View Home! NSWJl'ORT llSJOHT9. You wUI like tlUa t WIOOCD hoaM wtUI a r1Mllt room and bath. ftoor .tum.aoN. pauo, iarse u~ .-i. You dcln't ftnd them otteri la t.hia ana tor fll,toO wtUI lerma. Corona del Mar DuDlex ! MODDN. cuTm AND A.RTJl'nC I bed.room home WSth a 1 ~­ room eipt. ovu a I cu prace View locaUon, cJa.e to a!lopplnl'. P.tect tor hOCM WStb lacome. 111,800. T..-ma. Peninsula Duplex! BZ4t1TIJ'UL and .uqtJOfl&lly '"11 built propert7. a Mdrooma up a I bedroom lower apart- _, • . • both llloal)' tu.m!Ml-4. Moet ol driapea and earp«Jni new. Double ,.,..... '21,500, p&yft*lU Include tnter.et, t&Jl• and tn.ur.nc:e. Peninsula Home ! ar i.croua. daAdT ' bedroom. 1 baUa bOIM on Oceaa Boulnud. I bed~ up, I down. 1b24 ft. UYhlS room wtth ttrapl.ace. New upb&Jt W. ent11'9 low.r noor. I~ 7e&J"ll old. Ideal tor mse tamU1. JJl,800, l3000 doWn. Beach Home! !:.~ ~v~~~ ~.o~e~ town. nm 9Glle. I '9 bedroom eomer hone. 8-yY fW"llJtlare taolUded. A tt.ractt•e and oute tor ~ IMlaM. J1',IOO, J4800 down Balboa Realty Co. Oppo91te Bank~~ &.~ A1 ODrmUu.e lld 1- J-.ck l'tUham J-.plal.Da Wtbb 700 .. .....,. llhd., BaDloe Pb-. Ranor UTT. 2 on one lot 66x300 F'RONT BOMJD hu I bedroom .. OUler bou.e , bdrm. Oood Inc. Pnce llt,JeO. 8Ja>~a.el~ ,.,,~!1::!! )oo&. uoa .,,.., •loM aa. Pr. 11.000. Oranqe St. I u:DftOOM. t ~ lath, I mo. .a4. 8trdl c:abCJl.U In kJtdleft. W/W n ._.~ a .... w. -woRTH WAITING FOR A Lido Nor~ Bayfront Heme We have jUat. Uate4 adu.tnl7 c.-Gl ....... homee ever offend oa Lldo-Dr.oel•U,, l1•W DM.r tM Eut..ad.. o.a,aed br W el tlllll .... architect. of the ...... The 18x30 living rm.. hu '8 l"lllllllq fMl el pi. window attordiq a puoramio YtMr el 61 ...._ and h.ili.. The den, dJnlq llL u4 =s ... ......_ haw th• ume n.w. The lowly kttehta bu a ...,...... Ill 1 'l'Mlt ...- and laundry room ~ ~ '9 .. muter bed.rm., th_.. an 2 othw famll:r Warn ...t a maid'• room--.ach ha~ tb* ows ~ ..... inr' bathnu. tn alt Room for expansion on tilt. )up lot .,._ ..._. tnr th• well la.nd8caped patio. 'na.n • a ..., ,.,. and '°"ft. .Up. Tht. home i. priced to .. at '19,000 -' .... ahown by app't. only. The Vogel Co. -Lido Offic:e Mle Via Udo, Npt. Bell.. Bar. WT1 • ..... Ml Ev•. Har. 2191·1'. Bar. aM-Jl -~ .... BAYSHORES CHAIUtINO RANCH STYLE BOlllC ott..w I ... bedrooma, 2 W. bath-, attrutift ltY. rooa wttll nr.. piac. Ir beam ceiling, aatry ball. di&. raoea. ,..._ winning kitchen, built around a ~ patio, w to " carpet.ins, cu.atom tailored 4rapl9, ...., ..... wallpaper-.. choice oor. loeatba -.... BAYSHOJUt DRIVE -BR.AND JCJ:W I bedroam. 2 bath bqme with VIEW ol bay, lup UY. roca. flrepla.ce. J'. A. heat. men. nrt~ builWa ~ m&dor .tow. many att.ract1ve featar. 6 PIUCll> at only 529, 7&50 with law dowa pqmmt. A Tl'RACTIVE oompletel1 fan:l.lllbed I bedroom. MODERN, in.aide planter, finpliace, diL ...... aa abundance of black top p&rltinr. beauttfal patio - JUST $19.&00 COSTA MESA EXCEPTIONAL VALUE -Very Dice I bedroom home in cbolee eutalde location, loftl1 ,ard. -.. pletely fenced, excellent OCllld.iUoe *n .... MJt. A BUY AT '1D.100 "C" TH 0 MAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Blehway, Newport a..eh Llblrt)' MUI earpet. IUOO ._... ll1,1&o tull "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS ~ TB.OK.la -c-mmua pno.. NewDort Heights • BJCDROoM. 1 ~ llaUL tlnpla«. .wit ta Tbennador non 9nd -. Bardwood noon, M&boe. ectenor • cabtnet.a. Oce&a Yiew. "ART" ADAIR ft&A.LTOR 1... Newport Bh•d. o.ta 11-. OUU. LI 1-1111 NEWPORT BEACH WA1n' A. ''DOU. llOUUT'' W. II.A V1C IT. l Wrm.. , .... P'- &1'8 • -U Jot. ci-to Udo aa.o,, ......... !Mr • ..i,.. ....... BALBOA a mi:DIWOMa 6 DEN, l Moc1I tl"Olll '-1 6 --.. <>al)' N .000 ......... ..a.. Coast Properties IOl &. ...,_ 8hd... ..._ Haner 11&1. .. , aa4 ..00. SEE WHAT WE FOUND EXCEPI'IONALLY A 'ITRACTIVll J bdrm. liMlme. Panelled llvln.r · room and mn.a1l 4lalDS room. ~ peted wail t.o wall, rood kitchen. .... ..,.. llpMe and eemoe pon:h. Ampt. cupbouda &Dd .,,..... epace. Ovenbed 2-car 1arap. Nice endoeed patio.. Most convenient corner location. 2 bib. tram Qty Hail, Newport Beech.. Only .12,000. Just Enioy the Income from thla excellent property (no rmt '° pa7). Located in choice reatal 4l9t.rict. 100 ft. from ooeaa. Then are 3 wlita -a MW ~ &Dd a 6-toom bou.M on 2 Iota. 2 1IDita are tanJ9W ud ,._... • yearly baaia. Owner'• home naUable JaOW. n... rani• oo alley. PreMl!t mcom. ca.a be •Ml•· tJ&lly loc,.....d_ $6000 will Mnd .. l'OR INSPECTION CALL llAJUIOR 101' ACT TODATI EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor u•1n« 119500 Phone Harbor 20 Days & Evening• Take One Good Look 3113 Newport BJvd., Newport 8-ch B&rbor1011 TWO 8fJdroom CORO:SA HlOH-Nona Hyer Clarence LaU Ch~ Salilb\lry BY OWNER, •YiDI Jul7 i..t -------------------- 1..AHDS. Vltw 121600· 21e Kanne An., &n>o. bland l'OT A.NOTIDB uxz IT Planning to Build on Yollr Lot? HJLLaIDE Vkw lo HllWPORT KEJGHTS J4000 BACK BAY -Halt -., ..,..lie I B It. IJ 1800 BACK BAT, l _.. I t ... 8t. I · e. R. •lllCCO, ... ~ U 2300. Ol>l:1' HOt;Sl!l BAT A l t:Jf 181 Ora.nada UACK BAT, 4 B R 411 dtn. V1- Claire Van Horn UAL TOR 1711 W , Cout 11..-y. U MIT7 LIDO Oood 111\lnp ..,.. •ery ran on Udo lale, bu\ ben'• one you ue aun to Uke. T1M dlaUncllve ~line • ctut_..nl decor male• W.aMIM._lllandlloutu a .w.tantMI buy 6 a 1Mtln1 ..iue.. Call .. (Qr appolntment tie ... Md61M UaMllis No. Mat at 111100 PAUL C. JONES, ft&U.TOR ... >lewpon BL. M~ Beb. Butlior 1111 LUSEHOLD J:ST~ TE VIEW LOT-aatt Ha..._ OVJC:ltU)OIDNO .._ j9t~ •tr. to Netl'JIOl't Ranor. ~ aa1-. "'°°· ~ t-llOI.. ..... ~..... 114111 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view - TWO STORY. 2 bdrm. (h&V9 plan.a for 3rd bdrm. to be added at •mall C09t), 2~ bat.ha, Ip. U•. rm., eepante dinin1 room. J.a.rse knotty pine dee wltb built-In bar, lounge, 2 finplac-ea, buememt wttb 150.000 BTU furnace. Expenalvely carpeted wall to wall tbru-out. Garbaie dllapoeal and diahwuber. Hou.e & yn. old. Larr-double prap wttb laan· dry, ~dlo-controlled prap door. Lot 50 • 142'. Well land1e&ped. Thia horn. mu.t be aeen to be ap- preciated. Locat~ at 3312 Ocan Pl•d., Corona del liar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANT R.EA.80NABLI: On..:R Shown by appointment only Phone Owner, Harbor U85 5eeel PENINSULA New Md ._y moct.. Th UI • bdrm., I bat.b bome ...,. llwd .. JlldAnel l:teeting ,. lighUnc. kM ol ~ ~-a .... rm. open onto patJo. n,..._ of ..,._ OnJ1 MOOG hencl.M hll Prtee pt,eoo BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES JJ w. a.llaoa ..,. .... IJll tw um LOW PNOJI uuoo. Take a look at our model bom• at Newport ud B&A trn:rOJ. Uo7' o. Howvd K itchell. Tuttin. ............ ..., '-'· Open Daily 9 to. CU9TOM •UILT. I Wna.. I MtM, Sundaya 1t.o8 a-11-tn-"°"1•. IM.Jle l"Mf. See for yourvlf how •• can bulld a 12" lq. ft. LOV11LT LAJWS JdtdMD. We.i· home, forced air heat, hdwd. f1oon, 2 Ml' ,.,.,. .. -.u, -• ... ,..u. ..t for only S9,100. ta DICK w A.LI... Let ua direct you to our ham• andtr eoDltrMtSoa lMT Au. .,..,, t.Denr 1-1111. tl\til Channel Fronts JU,SC50. V.-don oottqe $18,600.. Attnetlve ML home. $11,2:50. R.moclaled bome. $22,aoG. Dapla tunUlbed. $M.OOO. Lido e.,fnmt lot "• ---· • ., •ultlple Uilt· ... •rtr'n.-.... •all me· U-ot~--- N. B. C. REAL TY ....... lf....,.n ..... ~--14°' ..... BACK BAY and tiniahed. Look thmi over, eom.,.,.. • .u.ty younell. We have custom hom. pl&nnlna ...no.. flH8Cblc for State veta, FHA and SaviDp ud Lou. u a 1 st.op facility. Nothtnr down. MARSHALL HOMES Kl 7-3293 -KI 2~ (EY.. U t-40'TI) ... .J HOW TO MAKE MONEY HERE'I ROWJ-Buy th .. caly ,_.,.,,.., ... U kllta oa the Balboa P••"Nla .. Potnt" ud bd4 Jam owa IDeolDe property. ld-.J JocatJoa. for w • willw rmtala. Ba" plam t. cs.a...• .... ...., ... tla-. today. lHE VOGEL CO. D>1 W. Cout HWJ .. Npt. ML ' f . BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND FIRST TIME OFFERED. Out•tanding, •p&ciowi, charming 2 br. home plu. guest room and bath. Large liv .. room, din. room. frp., H.W. floors. Beaut. patio, B.B.Q. A home you'll love to own. $27,~. We have the key. 321 Signal Road CLIFF HAVEN Open House 1 'till 5 SEE THIS TO-DAY-OWNER'S LOSS -YOUR GAIN. Lovely large home. 4 br., 2 b{ltba, Muter B.R. 2()](20 with marine view. An ideal family home. Needa 110me redecorating. The low price will •ur· prlee you. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 $4,lm Down 307 Fernando, Balboa Completely fuml.shed Including olothea wuher and dryer. Ready to move into. Bay view from living room with fireplace. 3 bedroom• plua large rumpwi room. 11/2 bath.a, garage. $5.000 Down 1710 Plaza del Norte Balboa Peninsula Point I bedroom., 1 1;2 bath•. Fireplace in large living room with dining arH. Facea qu.iet landacaped City Park. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and Sally Newlin 616 E. Balboa Blvd., B&Jboa Phone Harbor 1607 Choice June Selections P "YFRONT LIDO 2 bedrm. and den. Pier, float, own beach. Beautifully carpeted and decorated by Sloana -Sl0,000 handJea NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2 Bedroom A: dbn, 1 year old and modern u tomorrow. Lonly carpets and draperiea, 2 bath.c, full view, not a luAehold S22.7:>0 S7.~ Down. T RIPLEX BALBOA-An unwiua.l 4 year old building, well fumlshed Ir Ln top high-level ~nta.J area. $24.750 $10,000 Down. APARTMENT BUILDING 15 unit in i.t cla.u condition and unWlua.lly well furn!Bhed, Grou Income potentiality U· cff<h $17,000 yearly. Thi.a I.a a rare invest- ment opportunity at W,000, S2•.~ handle•. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, 3112 Ne-wport Blvd., Newport Harbor 2~2 Evea : Uberty 8·3186 25 years in the ume location. MARKET Ln rapidJy growing Orange County city on a good comer. Aleo hu U\'illg quarteni on property. All ready for the market man who wa.nta a lively spot. Exchange--BeautifuJ home in Corona del Mar for a.en-age neu Ri\ren1ide. Come tell u11 what you have. Fitzmorris Realty Company MuJtlple lliting Realtors Buaineea Broker 3135 E. Cout Highway Corona dcl Mar Harbor 2152 LIDO-See this first ! 3 BED RMS .• 2 BATHS -la~ 1unny South patio. Includea carpetmg and drapea at $29.500. Thia la a flne large home, and you may move in imrnec:Uatelyl DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST Uee our Free Parkins Lot ~2 Newport Bh•d., Newport Buch. Harbor 4718 Balboa Island Wt otter exchaaivdy an unuaua1Jy de.irable -6 bdrm. multi-bath home. Dellcht!'ul U~ room, large din· Ins room. Maximum aquare t oot.ag'e. ClOM to beach. $26,000, •uy tarma. See th1a value Buy! Call Barbor 1775 Ena. Harbor ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22IS M&riDe Ave., Balboa faland JUNE 8, 19$5 -COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE 11 p. a. palmer incorporated a Real l'Atate I BALBOA ISLAND developers of Lido Isle Choicest Bayfront Buys LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL CAPISTRANO VALLEY BAY FRONT HOUSE & APT., No. Bay. Beautitul beach. $10,000 down, balance easy. Your dream home-on LIDO ISLE? Could be,-and what a beautiful dream! One of the moet exciting modern bomea on Udo. Excellent design with f bed- room.e, and 2 bath.a, on l lf..i Iota, giving good ii.zed encloaed patio. Fully carpeted. Thermador oven and range, dapoul, aliding glue doon to patio, uh cabinets, Form.lea counten. It'• a qa.cioua home your family will love. 22 acrea overlooking beautiful Capl.atrano Valley. Well water, 3 actta in avocados. Halt flnl.sbed home. Complete privacy yet only 5 miles from ocean and 16 to Santa Ana. Full price only $33.~ with term•. Thia is the moat beautiful rural homestead we know of & the land value should appreciate greatly. LITrLE ISLAND -60 ft. bay frontage, pier 6: float. f bdrma. $78,000. DUPLEX • SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury bome and income. $65,000. WATERFRONT -Furn. home and apt. 4 bdrma. Fireplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29.~. .AJik for Bill Messenger- The prie&----$3&.~. and excellent terma. EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS CUTEST Jow priced home on laland. Fum. Lovely paUo. Good location. All for $21.500. OPPORTUNITY-A tine home in perfect condition. Owner bu written off cost of many extna, web u new expensive wool carpeting, all fu.rnlture in· eluding new range, briclcwork, etc. 3 bedrma., din· ing room, 2 batha, extra nice tile work, dJabm•mter, forced air ·fumace, ahlngle tile roof, overalle double garage and only $28,7:>0 .• Including furniture. 2 bedroom Ir den (or 3 bedroom) 2 bath.a, 2 Wied brick fireplace.. Heavy shake roof, view of moun· ta.iDa 6: ocean. Thia is a beautiful home in a top !ocation. (Aak for Dave Osburn). ISLAND C01TAGE -Obie. garage. Fireplace. $15,750. ' BORYS., V' bath.. New furniture. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooring. Good family home. All for $24,900. Elbow Room We have 110me ucellent Jot valuea now ! S8 Y2 ft, on Ithaca $10,750. 35 tt. on Wuien $10,000. t5 ft. on Mentone $13,000. .0 ft. on Soud $H,OOO. Thia attractive 3 bedroom Lido home la located on extra large comer Strada lot. Beautiful garden and patio. Excellent value. Aak for Hodgkinson. Back Bay View Lot $6500 Real Good. WATERFRONT -2 1uperior units. S bdrm., fire. plat$ DOWN; 2 bd.nu. 2 bathe UP. Bay view from upper deck. $t5,000. Submit down, CUNNING Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdnns., 1 ~~ batha, firt'place. large Uving room. Excellent rental record. Good rnlue at $26.~. p. a_. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management p. a. palmer incorporated CORONA DEL MAR ole hanson co., sales management EXCELLENT INCOME -• furnished unite; 1 bdrm. each. No vacanciea in over a year. Rent 11 sM each. Groaa yearly $3920.\AU In flrat claaa con- dition, $6000 takee. Full price ~22.500. 3333 via lido, harbor 1~ 1700 w. coaat highway -liberty 8-5573 COSTA MESA Feel Ulce Falling In love a('&1n f Here la your chance! Channlftl' tunny home of 3 bdrm•.. 1 % bat.ha, cr1ap color 11cheme throuchout. Mod· em designed for modem day llv· Ing wiU1 graputaked fenced paUo, tlrep!A(:1, bar kJtchen. forced aJr heal. parquet rtoor•, garbage dt.po991, 2 car praie. Unequaled value at tbe reduced price of only 111 ,toO. • • • Fresh as a Daisy and only I UIOO dOW11 wtD buy thle a ppealing I bdrm. T year old hom1 completely repainted A redecorated INld1 and out with hdwd, noorw, t1,..plac1. 11'1>'· 11&.ke fenced, beaullt'ully land· ICaped yard with 1hdlered l.ana.1 1111d paUo a.nd t.M moet beauU· t\.11 ro.e you·,,. --ootn· bllle to make W 1 the top buy In tb1 mo.t wanted locaUan In COii.a M,.• ••. P'ull price JWlt •t3,llOO "'tvllb a 4"° 0 . L lOM. • • • This Week's Leader Imagine a year old home w1th 3 lar1• bdrm1., :i bat.hi. Jars• living room wtth fll'flplace, hdwd. floor• co vered wlt.b almOllt n- hea.,,. -...IJ to wall carpeUnl'- and the mo•l ~uutuUy laAd· 1eaped wall,.d bade yud. The location I• on I.rvtn8 nau Ula Back Bly. Th• pr1ce LI only VOGEL VALUES CORONA DEL MAR CHOICE LOCATION-Lovely, new 2 bra., le den 1 'h bath•, ju.t 1 blk. to beach. Lg. living room, Wied brk. fireplace, carpeta Ii drapes, mercury mtchea, diap., fan, cove.red patio off kitchen. A good buy at $21,~. DUPLEX SPECIAL-(2 bra, each unlt-1 unit fur- ru.hed). Good locaUon. Total price $18,500. with good financing. We &180 have .everal othen In thl.a price range. LARGE HOME 6: INCOME---3 bn., 2 bat.ha 6: 1 br. apt., 1 ~ bllta, to beach on Jg. lot. Furniahed apt. bu income of $900 per year. Excel. featurea thruout, picture wi.ndowa look out on Jg, encloeed patio. For the tlnMt 1n Uvinc com.tort aee th1a at $36,000. CORONA IDGBLAND8 CHOICE CORNER VIEW LOT-M'z:UO'. 8vft7 report 6 pnUmlnary plana for home. Lota an about~ hWT)'. NEWPORT HEIGHTS B~ BUY. Fine VIEW home priced at $16,995. Lg. picture window looking out over the harbor from comfortable living room. 3 bra., bw, tloora, flagatone fireplace. Maximum privacy. Cannot be repl.aced at tha price. Call now. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 1741A1477 lte.~ with an F .H.A. 4 "9 ~ ----------------------------------loa.n. • • • Artistic Modern If you Uk1 rl&l nauo modem Ulen 1.hle I• for you! 3 bdm11 . large lh1ntr room and dlnln,g rm. opening onto 2 .eparate Lroplul paU<>1 which become a put or your hom1 thnl lar&'e plate Cll.N W1ndow1 ..• 1900 1q. tL of II•· ln( ~ In lhe but uu of N•WJ>Ort Helcbt. . . Juat 114 HO With a Jow dn p1yment. • • • Invest Wisely Your lnvutment In lbJ1 nea.rly MW two bedroom each duplu of ellctileot coutrucUon In a top nelpbot bood wtll 1how Y'OU an Income we challeng,. you to romparl' Full price 118,:IOO w1lh Ju.t •~.ooo down. • • • Bay & Beach Realty 1811$ Newport Bl•d. Cot ta M .... Callf. Liberty 8-1191. EvM. LI 8-U~ NEVER Before Offered ! OWNER DUIJU:8 quick 1&le on t.ble choice R-2 lot. J'\nt buyu "1UI ~ t'Uh t&)if!e It. Local· .ct North ot H t1hway, Oorona del Mu wtth unUMl&lly nice out· look. Stanley A Smith R.J:ALTOJl JM 7 m. Oout Rwy Ooftea clel Kar PIER & SLIP I 81'., , BATBa, luf e p&Ulo. Pr1· ftl• bMclL hrttcl Ull'ollfbOUl. $32,500 Osborne Realty Co. IUI W. C.out Bwy at Port ()ruse ~ B&rllor CHI~. fldl NJ:W J BDRM. on ~ IM!r'lt, n ,ICIO. HI AlllOCado, ea.ca ~ ft. ID 1·1111. 6T"9 Bay & Beach Realty Realtors BALBOA 3 bdrm. ~ach cottage -Near library. Full price $10,~ furnished.. $2,000 down. '2 block to Bay, nur Newport Harbor Yacht Club. 3 bdrm., 1 ~2 batha, modern kitchen. di.lhwuber, etc. Forced air beat, full pri~ $17,750. Low down pay- ment will handle. BALBOA PENINSULA Attractive home on 11h Iota. Firepla.ce, full dJnlng room. modern kitchen, extra larfe patio. Full price $18,950. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 14:>0 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Cal. Har. 1264 BEFORE YOU BUY Be Sure and See These 3 Ir ' Bedroom, 2 Bath Home. FHA Tenn. Priced at $8,900 to$9,800 Paved .ireeu, 1 block to ahopping center CALL MR. GA TES, with DIKE & COLEGROVE Phone U 8-7976, Can be aeen anytime. 61c63 CORONA DEL MAR ) bedroom home .a... a.bopplng. Hu dining L ott Jiving room. fl.replace. tile ln kit.cha 6 bath, fenced ya.rd. 4 ~ C. I. Joan. $12,000 Two Iota on H-..1 Ort"' IOUt.b of bouliward. Only two an.Uable.. ta,000-.ch. RAY REALTY CO. I '"' &. Cout ••d·, Oorcma cW Mar Barbor 2281 HOUSTON VALUES ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Priv«te pathway to little Corona beach, S25.~. LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Lush tropical Rare Opportunity patio and yard. $15,000 down A 0:X:w~n~o~~ :1=.1~1d~u:~ SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY, eutatde comer. A •teal at •11.800 SHORES properti·es. wtlh email down, and low month· ly payment.I. Cute 3 Br. $10,750 WITH A. t~ 0 . L LOAN maku U.11 an unu.ual barJ'&in. H/W fll'I., only 6 yra old. On Call Har. 1775. Eves. Har. 5359 Ir Ha.r. 12H~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. HWe~. prbq'e ~~. VeneU&n ~-------------------------------------­blind•. Propto,rty l.n exoaUlnt eon- dlUon. On Co.ta MIA llt .• low down, •~7.!H mo. on balance. M-1 Superior $10,500 110 IT. FRONTAOE, w1th a nlc• 2 bdrm. horn1, on .... ~. low down, Ju•t th• thlnr tor a r ood home and ahop. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroae from Richard'• Market) Nice 2 Br. $11,500 Spend the Summer GOOD EABT8IDJr; LOCATION, Lid I I d lot I.JI 7h330. Room for mor• On 0 S an Wllll with dble. car., H/W nl"ll. I(. dining rm • and bdrme. Thi.JI Why not? $10 ()00 down and YOU move 111 r.-111y nl~e thruout. Only , 1 , • 12.000 down. IU)' pymla .. on b&1. into a brand new Ingram-Colhns Lido P'or Ev" Into. on a bov• masterpiece This WelJ located f'bUr bed-Ph. PeUtte r~t 8·6417. • __ room, two bath modern home is built 0 I $6 250 on a 40 foot street to street lot. Liberal n Y • use of wormwood paneling combined Nl~ 1e2hoo~~·~·.1~;· :;:~: with a massive floor to ceiling fireplace SmaU d.n. It ·~· JM'r month. provide an UnUSualJy attractive Jiving DIK. for callh. Th' be tiful h . ted room. ts au ome lB car pe Inspection Invited thruout. The smart kitchen is equipped :Ile ALISO AVE 'th b iJt ' Tb d t & N'EW'PORT HTS. A choice bom• Wl U . lD erma Or .s OVe OV~n. community near bolb bJ 1111d For appointment to see this outstanding (T'lld• llChooll. I bdrmL. bdwd. L.d h t t nooni, ru.I flreplac1. dbl pr. 1 0 ome, con ac us. F4lnef'<! yard. M .ooo dn. • m .211 JM'f mo. Ill vacant and rndy. Open J-6 Oa.lly Nice R-4 Corner on T\Ultln. eulta.bl1 for hoUH or duplf'x. U ,160. For E.:ve. tnr. or a bov1 Pb. Lytle LI 8-2~2. Houston Realty Co. It ASSOClA TES 609 ~oter St. LI Mllll COit.& Mua LI 1-7184 NEWPORT BUYS 3 BR. n"ar Lido MkL -·-110.llOO 4 L'NJTS nur bc.h. A bay I Ul,llOO • BR. ~ blk. t.o ti«ach -·· 119,600 OCEANFRON't'. l1'1com1. Bul1Jlee1 bld1. . ......................... -.... •~.ooo Many mofl UeUnp Homer E. Shafer Joe McFadden Place a t t.b1 PIM" Newport Buch Bubar U O. ll:Ye. Har. 1117-M. 80ce2 SHARP EYES FOR A BUY '! DOlACULATE 2 br. bom1 In Be&uUIU.I Cutt Hann. Flrepla.ce. 8maU comer lot. Only '9.llOO · wlt.h S4,600 down. Jdeal tor nn. family. I tn-,TS 1J>&rkJln1' clean ...... blk from oc.an In Newport. •12.000 tull price "'1UI M.llOO down. Ten· ant. m1111 your payment.I. Sum- mer Income '340 month. E.U· ma t..11. REX RBal8 -REALTOR 2i01 W. ll&!tio. amt., Bar. 61!1e Barbor JIM.W. t2dt Bay & Ocean View LAR08 ._.. ,.._tq9 IU-U lot. 7 nu.. ' MU. .. ,500. 1161 Olff Dr. al IMU AM A.911. u Mia ..,.. You CAN'T buy 65 ft. bulkheaded on Lido Soud for $65,000 cash, but you C A N acquire this fabulous frontage by trading your acreage or business i n c o m e of comparable value. 0 w n er will consider any Southern California property and will trade up if need be. Exclusive with us W. G. (8111) Kempton * JoM'ph H. Grohman * Vlrg1nia Manson * Gene Vrttland * Tom Campbell * (Udo Island'• moat ex~nenced aaleti penonn.I) *So You * I Don't Want a Small Lot? How about this level lot Md a half -14~'x.118') with over 1000 ft. of houSt• on it? Tht> lot la eu1ly worth $6000! What' a the hoUBC worth " Hu Can&dian cedar exterior, redwood panPlled In· tenor, 2 INCH TiiICK wood floor, beamed ceiling. Thia one la BUILT! AND plenty of ground to make ttu. one of t ho11e scarce 3 bdrm. homeB. ONLY $13,500 -$3500 WILL HANDLE R. L. STRICKLER. Realtor DICK HODGE, Aiu.ociate 8e22 E. Coast Hwy., Corona dcl Mar:.... Har 277t CORONA DEL MAR COTT AGE 71 O IRIS C Lot 30x 118) $4950 Cash • ~ Mtlt PbODe Barbor 1080 or Harbor ~.J A'!). ' ··-~~ &leO MAlllf WITH SALLIE ....... 9, 19M Newport Harbor, Claut. olane •• the hie ewttcb- over month I Brtde9, grad· aatee, Bar-b-qa. Father'• Day ••• Sblgae. p&lr up to ...U omae 11et of doub• ud make the b l I g e • t •witch of thelr Uvee ••• Sebool ldde quJt b e I 11 1 llCbool ldde and ewlteh to reeJIM oatalde the 9Cbool room ••. Enterlalalag. llv· lq ud .U.g take tbe bll •wltda from IDdoora to l1'MB lawna, glowtq em· ben and umbrellaa ftappbag In the sua •• (Pleue eloada. 10 IMllDe plaee elN ud play • • • flad you.nelf a aew borboa) ..• Father ctoe..•t awltda anywhere and wDl settle for a big thtek •*'-"I ~ thick mte&k I Don't let 11Umme" go by without trying a Colorado StMk . . . I want to warn you though, once B~i your tute buda become Colo- ndoed. you'll be •poiled, but proper ••. Recipe: Go to our 111 allow cues and pick up a 7-i bone rout ... Place it on a ~~I bread board and with a carv- btc fork, poke boles in it all over on both aidea . . . Then llPrinkle liberally with Adolph'• unflavored tender- ber' •.• about 1h teaspoon per pound of meat and poke mort holee on both aide. again •.. Let set about three boura ... tben broil about 15 minute. on ea.ch aide ... for medium rare ... It'll be 90 tender you can cut it with your fork ... 1~1 Flavor! Wow! I need not Mid ~ that Colorado ateak and bar- b-qa make beautiful mualc to- gether too! lf you will wateh la our ttteak eection. you'll f'llld theee ColoradOll cut t.b.lJuaer Uke a tt~r ateak ••• Bat me ••. I like mlae tb.lck .•• While we're in the cbam· pagne appetite and beer pock· etbook mood ... let• 1 eat din- ner out every night u inex- pensively u we can eat at home ... Frozen dinnera ... do juat that ... make you feel like you're eating ln a ree. taurant ... It your cooking ever geta to the atage where you don't know what to have and ~ery­ thing tutu the same . . . take a rest with froun din· nel"8 . . . you don't prepl\re them, you don't cook them .. . you don't even wuh the dlahea ... However, those di- vided aluminum foll plat.ee are nice to wuh and aave to u.e in.atead or paper plate9 for picnics and patio entertain- ing ... Then you can throw them away ... Cooated an ueortmeat of foutfta different fro&· ea dJ.DDer. lD our lo\-ely aew oor.J fro.ea food caMll that •tfttch the full ~agth of oa.r •tol"f' .•• Nf'W..t a. Woag'• No. 1 dluer with ...-hroom t'bOW ~la, Fried Shrimp and Chi.e.e •trle rout pork •.• SpHd- ee 19 • iww Hae too with yoar choicrl of Roa&t Bttf. SwlM Steak or llefof Patty • • . Uk~ flah ! Chldu•a of the Sea makf'8 a tmaa patty d.hmer ... Fowl! 8wauon'• turkey or chickH ... Vien· eee ClOOkery! Fl'ad6 mMt loaf, bakf!d ham or NUt '*if wtth rotato pucakf'9 • • • Spice . Rotaartta le •trtdly Mnkan ... Ann'• Real Italian Piua Pie with Chttt1e make. a complete meal . . . A package of BuJ- toni quick fror.en luagne with 1De&t aauce along with their new Ravioli with meat sauce often dinner in the floe.It Italian restaurant ... And for deeert! New! New! our own Mc:Clendon'• coftee Ice cream •• the ume McClendon'• that make our chocolates ... Tb.la MW Ice cream bu ootf ee C&ll· ca. all throu1b it ... A little tllrd told me that the coffee ..s tn um tc. eream ea.t ... 85 a pound •.• t,ASTAL SHOPPER. -IUNE 8, ttM COFFEE lb. ... tale"! THUUDA1' O.W P-4 36C LOAF CAKE ...... eMla Yowii'• 8u9,_ 'J'\117 Komltt1r 40c DILLIES __ ........... ptn• 7- FalDAY BEANS 21 os. tin MERINGUE PIE ... 4tc 8ATUllDA"t' Orup JULEA.llP'A8T 6 'Me ciiEESE IAC~. ~. 4tc H ormel PartJ 8be OANNED 649 HAM . . ..... -. -· ·~• # Beautiful Bird of Paradise Regular and White 5 gallon tins Special Closeout • Greenhouse Del ..... ~··....... 25' Peaclles ···-· ·•· 1• J .._ o.& .... a. " ........ ,.. 35' Apricotl . l'l .. I h C'IU ~ ..... ~l ·• a.n.aeu 37' Pean >I•· 1•, .- u..,-. rn11t 33' Cocktal N•. l h -• P.t.Q'• 65' Tide ...•.. -.... . rt-• Btu. 27' Cheer .. ___ ..... a.. Ptak 65' Dreft ... -.. --· ... _ ... 1 taat 'J;ulll-64 Deal .,., .. ,..~•• 25' y , ....... "C• You'll find a Udo Shop • • • ROLLS . ..... . forl,,l.-Hero Bl'llllod PNllM l!IUliD.U: 97c CAKE ·------··eee1a ,ot-t Sped.Al -.... th 6ftc PRESERVES _ ... !:. 1- llbdwye- Fish Sticks 3 10• I oo ~~----~--_.;;;--~~..;;;;..--___;=-~~~--~~-~ - Thighs lb.93. Ubby'a 8hd Strawb'ries 2 '°' 45• "Thanlcs to Mee.II' s for this definition of the family spirit that makea life richer •nd fuller." TOGETHERNESS •.. it'a the hope end trend of our times. today more end more American families, are knitted to- gether by common bonds of aapir•tion •nd •ctivitiea. They work •nd pray and shop as a warm •nd devoted unit •.. finding in thia warm sharing a strength to meet the problems of troubled times. We, who reg.,d service to the wo- man and her family ea our chief role in the community, •9ree with McCall's on the power of togetherneu. We take • deep 1•ti1f•ction in our part in helping you end your family to enjoy life together. o~H.._,~ ... 11' RonNI OW I ._,. •• 19' .... S,.....d _ ... .,...,,., 13' u. ... , ... _ .... n_, Tllt'I ........ 27' S.-dl•••---~ .. • 45' Coe. Cela __ . ..,._ 45' Peptl.Cola __ f-tlk. mcJaard'a V . S. a.o6N -81BLOIN lb. Hires loot l'r. -.,ai. 45' 7-Up -· 1-91&. 45' PORK ROAST lb. 59c ~~----~~~~~~~_:;;;..~------=~~--~----~~-~ 45' Del. P..U _.f-tlk. Welcha• .. ____...... 45' Dr. Pipper __ ._,.. sa~ I 59i s.p..ceola .... , ... • lee...,_,.. 11' NapkiM .... ... ,..... ........, 1.11 91' ,.,... ,..,., __ , .. ~ ~ti!...,..,,._..,. lie 211. Foocl Pacb _i. .._ ................. _ 11' ...... 2 25~ Plmtlc'1 "~ rw · From tbe ftaeat Beef - GR'D ROUND lb. 79c ----------~~~~~--------------------~----~---~ . Rat.It'• IPedrkwlr -SLICED BACON lb. 59c --~--~------------~~-------------~---------~ SAUSAGE lb. 39c ••• to flt your every need! --· Tiie new wide .a.ae. be- twM'ft our frosea food ~ an made atrieUy for pb ...aoes here at Richard'• llarkf't. Me of tile Udo 8hopl at !ft4'l eatralw'e to Udo W. f ewport Harbor ! sPECl&LI roa 'roNE t , 10 ...i u.. 1966 ...........................