HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-15 - Newport Harbor News Press• Wl'IOM •• Clrculatloll 21.000 . Dtwta ..... la co ' ](eWT"1iRess Newport Beech, ......_ ...._ ....... <>or.a .. llar, v.ea ..... ~ &oat.la ...... -·-........... · v..._a-x_._• ••• Palntlnf and Cfean-vp Daya Mt.ad ... .. .. ., ... AINTlll' OVllALLI Cal ......... ,......., ..... .th. tt.. ovtttancllnt brHcl ••cl• ••c;••lly tor yov. Made of ----. wfth ... fullcuttD ......... ce111fort, clowbl• 1tltchecl .............. ..., .... .. .. ,...of ....... . .... 10" ...... .... ..... Seethe 3 .................. • 41 ....... ...., . ..... ,... ........ Wasemiller's ...... ......... , llMK...._..._ ........ ._ • ,.._ "-IL..._ a.uta OQ(le a.. ...... , ,..uo.1 ...... ........., .. .... ,....aa,....... ....... ,.. • . 210I West • Ph. Hw ..... 5 THI flNDT AND LOWDT PRICID r.rtr Allllerlwa MAPLE FURN ITU.RE •..• an'lw~•H ()pee Fridays .... ' Opening Friday June 17th at . ll J • SUPPER , l,)flJVf CLUB BALBOA. THE PLAYMATES Return Engagement by Popular RequHt A HIGHLY INTEITAINING YERSAnu GROUP Complete Dinners Start at $1.95 Dancing 9 p.m. 'til 2 a.m • • i)cdif . RANCt-i . BREAKFAST EVERY SUNDAY t ... 9!!t. ,.,... lnelrdn J.._, Baa or......_~~ ...,.,hs,, lllt •• ~lllt Jam and All tll• ~ Yw Cu Drtnk ----..W. • ._ OWL PRICES Al' U>W PRICIS I D s.. Our Clrcu'- • dliilM9uu Pinking Shears 69· 11Avt•1snr Ott ....... -la -open!!oa. . Now .......... ~ ..... ..._ ... t29so ....... , .... "60" .,.... SHAVER .,...... ............. .......... ,..... ~!,8!'='=:'-'!~!8-___ ... _ 6 7 c __ ,_2_9_s_o __ GarclenHo .. ---· .. ·-·2•i IO ft. Qml&7 ..... -_..'t mlWew, .... or ldM. -Ber. '8.18 SPICIAL SWINCM>UT GllU I 24'' Brazier e noD ~ ..... WIWI ....,,..... 'l'D rooD! e mAMl ~ 11•-AJllD LOwm TD Oa1L1. t e LAMS · r IAlr * ftllD ~I • oooaa roa u a on n1m r Value • • •• for •l4•s SHICK S..,·Ho••d c ...... s ..... w...-. no r ......... ......... -... t287S RONSON ,,. ..... ........ ... •Yi -.............. t22so Bart.or 1111 Make living -a.t the .Beach More Enjoyable Dellclous· Bar.• B • Quecl Meats r Sp1clalld... Ja Y-1 Te•d1r ' . CHICKENS . ,...,. _ Squ•-Duch ..... _.....,_,,., Hmn-Pork Coo/cec:/ the Way ·JOU Lile• ·it Seasoned the Way Lilce it Ellt.r Hot or Cold Any Sim Ideal for that Boat Trip, Pimic or that ·Ouick Dinner at Home FREE DIUVERY -PHONE HARIOR 656 • The -·Balboa Market J01 M.111 St. <--... Ptl .. 11) I a .. • at pnces 1o fit the "newly wed" on budget . "Catalina" Cotton Friae IS "--"'°" i..... $62f • .......... pMI ... ,.. ...... ........... . "Sahara'' VueeN-Ny/on 16 .,_ ,,..... $-.49 ........... p.ct , ... ~ ........ ....,,...., Theee _.. fvlt two of ovr Wlvtuol ~ vatv.. -come In and ... why StftAlt'S e>.1tm co. 1, ~ ,.,,.., trew'"9 corpet tpeclah.t '" the Soutflland • • """• •laN ~ C.OeAw..,, • C:..... k• l•a11 "r..,..,. Ml .. aulee • Owlfr~•r1111naWc,...... 1216 Gaaten Onwe II. _,.. ... flf Hwy ... Cell ....... 9-1520 ........................ ltMS. • flll. ·ti 9 P·"'· SUIC>AT 12-S CW.-•r i•fl Ii)-,,.,, I • £; r' .,. nothing. down ,,/, ~70,000 .,.eTles .a.ob. 8¥'· 1181 J • PAUD -RIDLEY · llOBTUA&Y l'erme1t7 OMUllL CllAISL ut .,_...,., 1-<>.-.._ A.Pl'Ll&NOD -Boan•DM l.DerV ...... ... ....... Pa.rt. -Deal• -lwrice LIDO ELllOnlO ............. _~,,., .. , n w1Ui &U'fOMom DU•- N..,, be!~ (!an NJ<lllE&ft llTUDDA•D ..... ....... ,..,.. , /'J 0 -~I'· MU H-..n 9ITL -JIN, at ~. /• BAND PariJ a.ta& Item. :::: ft! ~.:::.: =- 1,01 •• c ....••.• OONM ,., 11• w wuaU to ftllh la tJae moata!M· IDOtM' ..Uta to N1u Ill l1ISU17 yam' loMI trawl AflD01 ..aarrup TWO ncationt wtth mm happy endtn1 all det.U. a.n-&nsed conault ua today ClClm travel Mnb IMIM. &. c-t ...,., oe.... ... -..,.., .... (Mutual 1"Mtn TIC!lletl) Mmrt:llDON LIDO IPA VDfG 11170 ........ ,. .... ,.-.... v.. ..... _ ...... _ DAU'l'Y PAllLOU LIDO M..LO.Jlf or a&MT MU Ifft, 9ITL -Pw. llTt 800U llOO& CA.a NllV..U..-..._MM OAM1W•1a•11•• YDfcmlft UDO DlroGI .............. _ ........ CAlll'ID'ft a D...._.. .... llACS-.... Tia lltr _... tMI OLOlllDfG -._,, ..... .......,...,.roll_ ............ _ ......... OLO'l'llDfO-W-'1 ..... LA am:Mll .. \'19M°bp ...... LIDO l'AUllONll .... Via o,.te -_.._ ll'f1 •ADPOCM'I Mll Via I.Me -..,._ M'JT V .&GA80JllD llOUR ~.r---:... ... Dll110 ..... VINOSin"8 UDO Daua. IMlVlaU..--..- fl!:=i~~~~~~ill!!!!!~ ELIXJr&IOOONT&ACl'088 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SICUllTY PATIOL II 2-7027 ......... HIAl1lt IOU.I•-a-........ _, .... 1 caaa CAD 9-. ...... . \..""'1C::. ~ . .,., UICI ••••• •••• .. ..., <ff),...,._ -· . "'' ~~,~~ ootrrA llD4 ,,.. ........ ~ OOllOR& mi. .... .. 0-. llwy. &OOSD'S L&Otnf & B&&Oll ... ~ PU•a 181..A.ND ...... A.._ NSWPO&T Bl:ACll .. 0-.t HWJ. LIDO ~ MMVla&Me-..._6m nmrm ~MAMft ~u..-~': F011H'?Allf,G~ YUfomtl'>e UDO D&UOI ..... u.._ ......... ft.AICU a A.Latml OlllUIAa.DT llfl1DJOll . MltVtaLWo-...._,MN f11aNll'1JllE DIOll 11.ACSD .... va. u.le -Bar"-... Gift SHOP ayw••D'(I UDO ••MST ........... _......, .... lldVU!fOE AOENT8 W. 0. 9'1C.. INC. ... Via ..... _...,._"" &MT•IC)a DllCOIL&'l'OU 81.A.1f<ma "1UID90N A.LI>. MltWlaLMe-......... .,.....,... ... Tia ..... -....... DOif oma4lftOJf &. L D. ~=--..... ..;., 11.&url'I almAllD"a UDO •• ..... ... .... ...... -....... .. nOTOQ.U.1'11 ITODI08 gnp•iun l'l'tTDIC>e .... .i. Udo -..,__ .... UAL E8TAD LIDOUALTY~ UM Bal.. It R.-it.&l.e .... v .. u..-........... P • .L P AL1Ua l!'iC. ........... _...,.., ... VOGEL OOllPANY Mte Via I.We-....._~ MT AND llEACB U.U.ft Via Udo BrWp Ota. llU LAI'&¥•'*--_.._ 1N1 SAVINGS a LOAM .usOOIArlONI KSWl'Od &UaO.& U VDfOI a LOAJll AllOOIA ftO?f A la "1al• .IMttblUcn LofW Teml llGnM Lou.I .... ........ _ ............ 5DVJCE STATIONS ' UDO IUOllnm.D Mll lf..,.rt ••&. -· Mn 5110£8-11•'• amwsu.'8 llTOU roa 11m1 .... Via Udo_..,._ .... ftU!ATWM t:at'::= ,_ ....... VlaLMeM~-..;. ...,..llH .. c•l• eMroprartor Nonnan W., Mony dlarse tn Loe ~ di• I It la ... rted Dr. Alvord ru I w1h1s an anlewf'\11 ....._tie .,_t Sduo&U. M. la Lt. Anp!M. m1-eJ ot tM ~ C!!l.arl• I i.boratoT)' t•ta ln Coal.a M~Sfl for j t'bronlc diMaMe U4 l"'MUctac ~ Dr. Al.,.. '9 bdd • a Mn II ,.._,m 8dunU.t.. on.tn&lly cbalfM wt~ wtu..& a .._. . HEMLINE'S Vi/Mge DraP.,, & /nte1io/s I~ SURE • INSURE wttll llAU&D STANLEY i-ra.oe o.17 .......... ,, Ull II:. 0..-lllPW'a1' 0...... ... ..., FOR FATHER'S DAY GIFTS • 710 E. lalboa llvd. Harbor 5150 IALIOA i-JJ.ar'f fllllP JllE ,,., 19 LIDO DIUGS HAUOR DRUGS BALBOA DRUGS -a. 91 .. two 1111o,.-ISOl E. G..t v .. · <Jofona del llar '718 • •---Bl-' •-n.-. NU Via Ult, Nf!!JM)?! llwh -J•• - -,,_, - GIVE HIM A IY .. PrMSer¥1ct ........ I V91'9DOO FOOD TIDI a.rs-........ 2t Qlald ..... _ . 6t • AJAX ....... 2 ... 1fc= WAX PAP11t ___ 11a-n. 17c I TOWELS 2 IH 2t= Charcoal lrlquettes ltt.19. 89' tO llOft ALARM CLOCK ... '2.• s179 v.i .. YIN CENT'S ICE CREAM Hand pack pints • Hand pack qta. 59c Single dip con~s .5c Double dip cone lOc Men's •lefs ly s.per Tex ..... tlln .. Pair 7t= WIN A FORD THUNDERBIRD In _New lpanl's LA.Contest! lCA 45 ''YICTIOLA" •ll,100 111 PRIZIS ·~ ~ 01•1hte wttla Us*- .,. ~-· _. oi-lllllw, Vol. I AIMma. Now h The Time To E11J•r Cooldnc Out Of Doon. n~r.on DOllrO TD 109 WITll on or fllWl'llfl UAUDI -ail-B-aC>WL s41t IRAZlll IABC BEER .... CCllll Pride Of Indiana Twin Oaks Bo\Uld bl Bot1cl In the Liquor and Beverap Department Drobny Yda TYtu'IOli" ., Proel 100 "'"' IDAMil JOllNIKAN JO ,_,. 0.00,..,., OouueW 349 N. Newport Blvd. Cron Roads Ville9e Store Maple Acee910rlee IAdoor Shutters 0,.. • ..,. ......... a-.. __ ,. UJ»erv ,..... .. ...,.. ..... for niun.. Fri .. Sat. ....... , .. 17, 11 llllS .. will ltrln9 you closer to HIM . De4 w111 thlRl ef ,.. ... ,, 4•Y •• wHe llNOI MIN TOILITllb. IOa IDlf~ TOIUftlU &Dr8'9 ~UT $5001 OAITLK SDlS Cologne & Lotion Cc;L~SJSOI OLD sPiEiTirc s1.ooi otd sp1c'7C;ec,; • $1.00 & $1.75 Olcl sp1c---;._.-A .... it.,.....-W .... s...-hav. Lotion $1.00 & $1.75 OLD sPiCESif $2 00 Atw•nIAoa-...... -.. OLD ·Sr.cr-tif $2.00 OOL001'& -An'Z& llU VS LO'ftO• ~:v:~ '1• rer TraYellq -Talc -aa ... LotMa -~~---..... Old SplCibiltiie Set 511 L'~\ll .. , •• .,_.. loap, tha!hf Lotton, 0o1or .. Tt.lo. Portable-......... CAPS 001> RefrMjer.+or S825 811orkl•ff• i Gal. Ready Padc 'T9c s311 , 5267 C-A••o'6 HAll·dAUoltl •orn•e I!!. • ... ""* a ' j ---'~· . See the New Deluxe Allioam • LIDO STUDIO COUCH only s99so Solid mahogany frame, finished in natural, walnut or black ... 4t inch Foam Latex Seat Cushion - Wedge Bolsters ... Large Selection of Attrac- tive Decorator Fabrics. High style at Low Price. • See them now at lllWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 Wet C-Hl .. wur Ne~art l1aclt u 1-1113 • Wash My Best Cotton Dre·sses at Home? 1/tJJ~ a I 4fAlf£ Sf/RE THEY g;ify ~/KE 1'/EHI ••• / SEA/lJ THEM 1lJ "1Y .fANHDllE fJ1W t:U'AA/Ell OUll •t"OllCM CUMIC" conON HUSIS lOOI( LIKE NEW Daa"1.-Mm1w llhoarol,..,pnuy i.. .. deoa-pod -d'f doaniag 1«n< ex lo<'°"""'" Bodt comes p •"like·new•• body and rexrare. Colors aad parterns restored. N.,. a willed look.. AU din ~ ...,,ed. Spot1 _. ••• e..a petspira· lioa -Aad pcrfealJ p.......t ~.-, dme.. You'll be amued a1 ..,., OU special Ml"ric:e fOf' COC100 dtoua works mlradeo ,..,.. - L;.;;,-C~;NE~S \\ @@ • LAl•rtJ l-4014 1712 New,.+ llwcl • . -........ Ode, ..,._ 99d Parll, a.AM !I I •,..... LM9 h$' °'1" :JUN! 15, 1'55-COASTAC SHOPl'ER-PA&l I Wand. Top. Lorn.. La ~ .. arat &bop, "'el'M. XWer wtD ......... , .... EUs-•'a. Mu1l)'ll'• ..., JTw. kr• 1• ti .... Wal U:IQ .. m. 'ft~. u. ..... 4..ue L:PORT~:~. ,. , . . ' .. NOW SHOWlNG TllllU nJNJ: nl!IT .. "THE SEA CHASE" .. CHAWNGE THE WILD .. M m.odelm ahow tulUcG8 tor all Nortoa'L I . ~OU> .. ~~NEW .. • COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" un N_,,.. 8tft. LDuV I-Mn DON'T FORGD DAD FATHD'S DAY JUNE 19111 SPOllT SHllTS We heve donn1 of them 1peci1lly priced et 2.99 J.H SLACKS ' Linen with Hlf belt from G1b1rdino or Sh1rk1kin blon'd1 All Wool Ft1nnel1 from DINIM PIGGBS WlllT'I: -m.&«m: -omA.llOOAJ. T£X -ll&DS -aw S.91 9.91 12.91 0 4.IO PLANNn surrs--' J9.91 Chucoel Gr;:i,;-Clie,....I ll'roW11 LIOft aLCS--1.18111' --.& ... VAUJll: FANCY IHOITS 1.IO THE MAN 1131 Newport llYd • .uw..,. Toti v.a.. .. ll•••w -.._ _. Wan saa o---o "a...l'liiii -a MIMIH NDMAL DVOSIT IMSUIANCI CO•l'OtA.TION ADVERTISING IS THE IEST MEDIUM PhaM H.rllor 1616 TIDE 10 ~ 78' s..n.. bal e •• 39' w,, lrmd VaJaico • Sdnny! SWISS CHEESE i: 5~ .. ..... sma...,....,.v.._. MARGARIN.l_'! 231 &&JIR'9'-•• • IEE NAPUIS :.='=. ~ ~ ....,.,..... ...... ,....~,~--....... ...,.. . SANDWICH sPiEAD · ~ 571 IUNCll--.. .......... ,... ......, ...... ~ ... ....,... IOClflDAD LAYll CAii UICElllVE .. NIJB JfllUUJ n. .. ..-.......... c... I " . .. ···20 •••• I ClA. C ·~y ... _.._ .................... _ C-1 •z1zj .: •9'h' .... , ................... ... LOCAL MILK AR&A PRJCEa c ......... KEmAM ......... .., .... -..::::::.· ....... -'· ............ 2 .... 47 ....... ... . AVOCADOS 2-151 . ,_.DIU.LWL I psis ... , .... ,.._,. CARROTS v~~"="-, ~51 GREEN BEANS 2 .. 251 minvcn -···· · c... . .,...,.,., ~ ~~!!!.~. .. 25' CUCUMBERS ,.. S• .. 12· ~UllAea!!'f_~~ ASPARAGUS SPEARS~ CUT CORN .. :: 29' --..111. i.w. -.. "· .. -• -.... ..-.. -.. -. ....... _ ... ~_ .......... _ ................. u.a. eov"J 1185 =·· cw, -,...._, .tMo ..... __ ..,,. .. --....... ...._.. ....,,,__ ......... .. ....... -·· ...... -.. ----"'*-Kw ,. I QM. LY Gc:ua 1 r ~ A •1 k1:-. UIC1M. ND ------rmcllATID. CVJ-41P FRANKS IG 1n••• .,_.,. VEAL ROAST -IGIF• CORNmBEEF ...... MllE• RIB ROAST . ~OIOICI-• rm.1•1""'- .............. .-4. ::;3 .. 45• h .. •s· .. 73• Dill PICKlES '='=a::" ~59' SLICED llHTS ...:.~Aim. '": 10" ENRKHED ROUR ;:~,:.~ ~•s· ~89' nrrr MIX -----... --35• r~• ...,...._.._...,...._. ..... .... Sa• a ·111 wrrw _ .... -,.. 29' A11U1 ~ OI DUCllm t-m TISSUE -...-. .... _ __. ·--29' ,._"'.,ft ....... ,.,,... ...._.... ·•' ~ .. ...._. W l'WEOtltt STAINl.U:I STffl 910U:il0t7M o.&ly ............. (J1id.J UI t p.M.) . ................... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PU:NnOW PAllEllO ON LAJIGZ PAVED LOT • .. ., f•Orf • Haeclmede Coatanporar, Orlctaale ll•lftlaP1-a&8ellDoatl'ler Loac a.di. o.at. Cloeed • ....,. @ • Trade Ins ..... _,. c:n. 0,.. '565 &AB. O'b •.... f'r· ''1 rr-r '145 ......... '11 Ford IV.. a. &Ml~ F•Nli•• ... .....,..,..,~ lllaek 'M hlltlae I '495 ..._ ... aae Cotton Goll Vollcswagen Dealer . 1111 N~ Blft. Nl:WPO&'I' HACB ,.._,Ruhr I O ATOMIC~ MUTUAL PVND, 1-. .......... ,...... • ·--.-.. , t ' I • ... • qridy., -.-."-perii<n'J 1 I 6•Mtlvl46ft~ 1,_ A..,.;e~ . .,, ,. ,.m •• ,.. 1'1-.0W Burdett Harrison CALIFORNIA INVESTORS 2541 Cirde Drive Ukrt7 &-i301 Newport Beech "N 0 W HEAR THIS"! IOAT OWNERS 11 SAIL COVERS BOAT 00\''ERS OOCKPD' OOVER8 BOAT CANOPIES OU8BJON8 BUNK llA'ITKIMD llARINB INTElllOU Dile& llA'ITlllma llEP.U. 11 YM1M1 llAlllMm CANVAS DPDD:NOll ftlDMiiliA'l'D .... UP a Da.IVDY • ,...,., C.ww Co • .., ••. 0......,.... I...-.. ...... r..n ... , .. ...... ...... ....., ..... ..w. • 8Pl'.CIAL _ Locken (app. 125 lb.) $'7 WS Fl!ATURE 8£1..E(,'TED PRIMI: Mid CHOI CE MEATS 611 • lttll St. NEWPORT BEACH llubor Hll 111• Monrc11GE liJANs DN HDMl:8, •u•tNl:8• AND INDU•T .. IAL P"D"l:lllTtl:• WC "l:P .. l:•l:NT P"IVATI: AND tN•TtTUTIDNAL CLll:NT• C eatt .. OWl:lt8 AND Ll:.,.Dl:lteJ ,.ltOM CDA8T Ta COA•T WC MAKI: NO .. l:lt80NA~ •DLICITATK>Ne TRUllT DECOS BOUGHT ANO 8<h.O WM. H. HOLT MOlllTGAOE aANKtNa etNCC 19:10 1609 N. •u•H 8TltECT 8ANTA ANA. CAL,,.a ........ KtM•EtltLY :1·711e Tl ME •••• To Get Yow Law11111ewen & Garden Tools Shmpaned TBS lcleal law 6 Lawn1110wer SALIS & SDYICE WI'. U&VlCE e WS l!IELL LA WNMOWEU e I AW8 e KNIVES FIM Q..att)' Work Oaaraateed .......... Prt- ~70 Newport Blvd. • Co.ta Meea • Llberty 8-7~12 Speclah tor ,.'-'11 o/ 0-Ut11 Hordt0004 Ltolftber /or tA• d~t~HI/ Proi«:C•I SCREEN S999 DOORS • al ii°"" r.-y. lo·pvk ,_ Lmftller Co. e.twr 8"ec:P• ~r PricM . •PLYWOOD •SHELVING • NNCINCi •DOORS ll•U4 Yowr O""' Tnbk!e! Uee 0.r &eject Dnol"9 ,EN ,.AT. ALL DAT I . 0 lill'N. 'TIL NOON ~2"!.lfl!.,~~ PHONE Kl 2-0652 $~~~~ (!le ()Uf, ()(./)/(/ ~ /_ Y ........... -~,,..._...~~ _.....,.la-~tttkWlJe.t._N ........ ...rt. --,. I ............. M•Y ....... ,... ..... , ............ ......,.,.. SANTA ANA FUR co. ()pea l"rtclay ~ .. v.w 9 9M Norfai Bro.dway S..ta AM ' . 'J ICIDDll SANDALi ..... •311 81Me -r 11 lo ..... -..................... . lo 11 -..... ___ , __ ,, CIRCUS BOOTIRY TWO LOOATIONll SANTA ANA UMft7 ._1111 I COSTA MESA Klfm.betVlll 8. :.-:::1 • 11-C-..,._1Ttla a Onqe --.._ -· •---• "--Al ....... _, llwlftr BOTH arou:a OPEN P'IUDAY NIOM'8 'TIL .... NOW OPEN Buclcly's Burgers DIUVE-Df NO. n 1H42 NIWPOIT ILYD. at lrhtol HAMiuiGEls 1&c c::;, ·····~ 25' 1::e~ JO' c:~ ...... ll' B~···· 25' ~::~ ...... 2J' ~ ........ -20' ~la<mkntoO. I OPEN DAILY 10 ...,. TO 1! p.m . WATCH FOi GRAND OPININCi Information & ReMrVatlon1 Liberty 8-5516 LA TEST: HAIR STYUN& FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllR SHOP llALllOA 'l'mKA ftS 111.D& llALllOA 0,. ........, .,. ............ ...,_ High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Sport Shirts a11d Swhw w.., II~ bit P.l'a ud waderwear .._-era' Uaea trouera, jllcketa ud Bermuda llhorta lappled.rape Deatme (S celora) U. 8. 1'.ede a Topeldera (muy atylee) Wer•berc eboee Akom lweat eld.rta Day'eelaeka a...., ot.bera OPEN SUNDA'H 10 ... N~tl DIMRTMSNT STCAm We GIYe ·o.u..o...r..tatnM 8c.. a..=..--:_,,,_ S&tf G,... Sta111p1 -NIWPOIT llACH HURRY ! HURRY I SHOPPll Bargains ir. · Galore! NctLh• .. .. Home Appllanees TY Sets -New & Usecl .......... S1t.tl w ... Loaded .... 1955 Floor Models, RepouessloM aad Used 19 Talevhlon Sets Al My Gmra• ' 95 tMd. Al ...... aed Sins. ..... ....... ...... ... .... .u Priced -low .. $11.00 Bring Us a Customer & Receive a Valuable wift [J NO DOWN PAYMINT, Easy Tenns NO PAYMENT FOR •s DAYS Dlilco•t to 8enb People GIANT TRADE IN AUOWANCI WE SHALL NOT BE UNDERSOLD RELIANCE H~:v=~~c• ...,,._ ,_ lltofl tt. C0ttru-o. a•B•r /ogr:;IOO tlOI "'. ~ · ~ -•WM 8T SANTA ANA &I 1-1858 12 POINT OYDHAUL SJ2.IO £I .. Wzdws ... i.... .u .SPECIAL! ' 75 •••• PllCI '$122.72 llG SAYINGS ON AU MAKES ) ............... .. r.e.a ......... ..... . ............... ......_. 6..0.. ............. .. ~ ...... a. mu. ._. '"''--•-s-w.u. '· l&Nc• ... a,t. .... •. ilp (J 1111 .... ....... 'bM ... 11 ........... ...... lL ...... M YlliS ~ 11 ............ .... <-..... 12 MONTHS TO PAY •INUINI FACTORY PARTS WOii (Onap O-ty'a ow.t P•tlM Dealer) . , ~pleh MARINE NEWS MARINE SUPPLIES c .... TM Special "J1bn1y DM" "The Lawleis ... cl .. THI MISA First lml ......... , .... ~ws­ Second llt ... , •• l·l·I ,,.-. Iii COLOR_, CIN•MASCOP• ~~· -. ANNE BAXTER . STEVE FORREST MARINE 'SECTION ''UllO • Pu111 ..... _._ .......... HIY KIDll Satwclay Matl-1 :45 . CANYON PASSAGE Techlllcolor Cartoon.-Comecly In Each. Thursday's NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS PRESS FRIOC> THAT~ "' THE "'10l'f STOPPED IN 10 lttAO 0L0 ~ S..10 HE cx::u.DN'T THINK ~A. BETTE~ WAY 10 CATCH uPON WHAT'S 8£tN GOtNG ON N TOWN/ !JOW SllOWING 'l'HRU TUDDAY .......... .. .....,.~ ..... ........ ........ ............ .......... ....... TUNA CUPPD SHIP ._ Clne111ascope -0 I * • • CARTOON PUP ON A PICNIC Jadh1daa1J7 wub~ appvel ftutt dl1ed b7 ftlt.nd a.tr-fiat ,,_ prof..-...U7 Lnlned. Your cloUJ• and ~ an clolM up ON'll unlt-eo mb· ...... ~ -a -nlMoft ....... tM-tftlled ..... WHIN AV All.AILI • • • ~ wtWa .. OW"a lf urs-t. McaUM '"do~rtpt ...... HOW MUCH ••• ' LI 0 0 7'(,,-~ .. It II • barpfn ~ ... • • • • o#y $2.85 for 23 lbs. WHERE... C••• P••• -aavroa wwww aovu -wm NUDED" OOllPLl!'l'R 1Amml!R8 ucl CLM..NEU Newport 8eMla 18'M llABllOB BLVD. ~.,...-t JUDIM------ S IL Y • • llNa IATTllY POI ANY CAI G~M._.. IOI .... • BA.UM>A • l'lfeu Pa~ Pho• Barbor 609 &aul'I /,./u,.J If... lie.a• "&LYDONS" 1'Jkm Pantle Girdle --------- put this . amazing radio In your pocket ?~POCKET RADIO . .,,,., ,,,,, ,,.. ...... , .. , .. -,, .... .., , .... • • .A. 91111 .,...... .... _ ........ w.w. .;....,,....... .......... ,._,, 0 .. _ ..a.iW.....,u-. x w1•a1•a11e•.-. • ,...,. • ,... eftlAW. wtth ....._ _.,,_ .._ !r.111 ttb~ .... ....,u...p ........ ._..,._ ......... ,. ~....s.trw. ......... ... ......... .. -. ................ ., ...... ...._...._._.,..._.,a.au .__,... ...... " ....... .... ..... ...... ft~-:::.~$\ TELEVISION -HI· FIDILITY urn AJfD smm ..... , •• b &.am Good News for Home Ownen SAVI A llAND NIW KIND of ........ Coetrect 11le H01MOW1W'1 Polley wlll • • • ,. .. ............, 111' .. ,, .. 6 ---....... _._ ,...... ., -- ...... 1111 ...._ ....,,_ &.Le a ...,._ -ind .. ,_.. • .. ,... INIUU ,.. , ... h• .... -,..,, ,,_._ ( .. ,..,the .......... . ......... ,.. ...... , ,,_ all ~ 11.aa.ud• plu. ...,._ .. .... ..... , .. M .... ""' .... ~ for your~ &I .......... er .......,. ...................... nu. ._.. ... ,.. •• ., -r1d. PAY POI 'tr '...., -.wH ... rftft If nre., ..._._ .__.........,. ...... ,.. .. _... .NIU.I ,._ .... .._., fw...., lFIJ•I')' ., prOfN'ty ._.,., ._ ....... .... • ,.... " , 11, w ~--M-.cl t.1100. you ,._., • ,... .............. .., ...... INIUll YOU MAY PUICHASI = .. ~~ 7:8;:'!,.C:..e: ,._.. M stTI'tt ~rt'lltt fof' .._ -splrM perthe of .. , lltclh1dua.I pollcH. ,...., .. ,...., .... SAVE MONEY .... ,... CM ft~ laYN1mfet Ill yoor .._.,,.. tllM ........ ., 64-1 ~ ·-WMl'9 poUc-7.• CALL HARBOR 4775 ANDl-N ancl ANICH 1Jt41 layllcle DrlYe DO YOU KNOW , - YOU CAN BUY • , zka I"± I 1 ,...._ I .......... ......... .......... I FOR DAD I AS unu AS soc .... et LORENZ illCWSLSaa 103 W. 4111 St. Mlft'A AWA • V·l'WPwlLfllc Opea~'tll .... You Wiii Find Best In Every Thing Need In WANT AD PAGES PEARSON NAIS GREENS TITLE ... -1h·Jeas ..m.t \o • elcs. tM Newport a.cJl Lawn Bowtbl&' Club'• -.S• cM.mp: taa ....ulted la Wu• PM.r- 8Clll eopptas tM bonor. tor 1911. The ec.at.t ~Wed· ...say att.nooD. p..,._ battled lt 0 " t api.mt CIQ PNlkie& Uoyd et..... la tM final matoh. Play wu nip and tuck for 1' endL But p..,.. ...Wed ln U.. ftna1 md8 to wta the matcla &Dd UM wowa. A total ol ff club memberw partlctp&ted ta Ule ellmln&· Uoe eont.t fw OW 81nel• uu •. His F1t1re 1·1 Yo1r Pe11i• The newsboy who C:le- livers your Newport Harbor News -Pren may be starting his fint million e., er y time you drop some coins in his hand. And. even tf h• s never • mtllionaire, he will be a better business man: • more valuable member of his com- munity when he's grown -for the ex- perience he's 9einin9 now. • Cllp..41 ........ c••••to2211 lal- .._ ll¥cl. • .. . ..... ,. ,.. ... , d11N1r of , •• , ............ • SUGGESTIONS~~Fol FATHER'S DAVI ,- Jackets by Wlllte IMt M11toe C .... ·51ac .. C. P. 0. Slllrts Slllrts by Cllco • T .. Slcler Y ...... , Wt TO,.Sld1n Swlla T ...... by Chee ti.I y ... , ... Caps U... ll•ak1 OPIN SUNDAYS HIBACHI BROILER BRAZIER JaHIW • 2t30 W. Coast Hltllway 101 -Newpott l1adl u l-17D 1 -- rftC PER ONLY ;JV MONTH lllN•S IOTH IDlnONI Oll THI ](eqai>Ress • TO YOU -IY CARllll 01 IY MAI. r-·--- • ......., le ......... ..,,......_ • ......_. ... ..,_ .. " ..... ,., • ,.. ,..,.. l .... . onT ~----------------------------------- Bay & Beach Realty t• w. JlalMa ............ am ~ Mewport .-.. ltM Jtflt, ...... o-ta x.. ....... 'Ul .. ,.., ......... "Lighthouse at Laguna" IRVINE BOWL LAGUNA BEACH MONDAY JUNE 20th' l :IO p.m. THm LIOHTBOUSE ALL-STARS ILUIP HAWES TRIO RED KlTC8 H:* .x. SHELLEY KANN It BARNEY KJ!ZSltL ALL a&A'1'9 USDV&D ............. 1 ....... 1.11 TIOID:T9r LAGUNA llUUO 00. MIS.C...llmL, ............ ... 1111 llatw.I 'l'lekel .......... We Earned The F Ford Al ~ OUTSTANDINe MD DIALllSHIP. .. 1914 M M•a11mellt -Efficient S-Splrft -Always CompetlHN F .Fadlltles-Completely Modern We know th'et our many frfenas will i>e liappy to know t~et we fiave won thi1 award for out.tending achievement during 195•. We Have Been In Business 34 Years-June 1st- .. C1l1bou11R1 n11 Amlnnary w. Are o ...... , BRAKE SPECIAL (fords Only) IRAKI ADJUSTMENT ••••••• $1.19 IUll UUNING SPECIAL ••• $17.95 THEODORE ROBINS ldat,llthecl Since 1921 . 0. New Lwtl•• 3100 W. Ce•t Hlwar -Mmlnen Mlle Newport leodt J USC Graduates Two Mesm tol CL lliD :JUNE II, '1951-COASTAL: SHOPPER-PA9E 7 Thanks EVERYONE! For Making the I 0th Annual FISH FRY S11ch • Huge Suc:ceu · • We Are Indeed Grateful l • Costa Mesa Lions Club SOUTH GORST CDnSTRUCTIDn CD n RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGJC OR TOO SVAU. Ill_. I&.,. N~ ._. 11utM1r 2U1 You Wiii Find The 'i' Best in Every • Thing You Need In WANT AD PAGES NEED A FOREIGN CAR?· ... HARVEY MAYER MOTORS • A FINI SELECTION of NIW AND USED CAIS ALL CARS FUU Y GUARANTEED 2137 HCnot llvcl. fC..., of Victoria St.> COSTA MISA L11terty 1-225' !? FMF~~I I ! TY lmtallations I lllld JIEPAIU l' """ IOI STEVENS 11 , , • Uberty 1-2301 }'-C!Ul de,.., .. -I' Hpert Tw....._ to._, JMI' TV ... at pMlr perfOl"mUee • l'ow z.ttli. z.. ...... A_,1'111 0....r STIYINS -4 SONS 11'9 ............. o.ea ... SeneOrange NEWPORT R&BBOR NEWS.PREM ...,. ~ ... ftllnM1 OOA.ftil SHOPPER Wediaeld&J8 DaAJ>URD far Jiladllc ••noel" .. ad9 an: .W M09dq PullllcaUoa -8atarday Noca ror w.-..., ......_uoa -1'Muda7 I p.a. .W "l'luanda7 PullUc&Uoa -Wedae9day 1 p..m. ' U.. 1 Paper SLIO 'U.. IPapen 1.50 4 U.. I Papen S.00 , OeMtail ...... a ..... .U. .... 19 la tbil....,. w n.r..., P.rb,Mrm.,. llDfDRJ1I AD 18 ' LDfD Tbt publUlbtr• wW not be nuporulble tor mon than one IDOOl'NCt lnHrtlon ot an ad, reM"9 lht r1trht to col'l'eOtly clullfJ an1 and all &di and to reject any ad DOt Conlormtq to rule1 ud n,W.Uona. NEWPOU llA.UIO& PUBU8111NO 00. nu ....._ ~ H-pori llMda, o.ai.n1a. Picnic Finale for Pack 182 A picnic In eo.ta M .. Puk Tbu1'9day afternoon and evtntnc. June 9, wu tln&1 UMmbly for Cub Scout Pack 112 of N.wport Hetpta. Awarda had been pre· Hnted prevtouely at a mMUq In Harbor Vt-School by Cubmu- ttr Later Vltrllnl'. Uded by Milo Somebody Wants that UMd fllrnJtUl'e, briC·&·brac etc., now t.aklnr up ~c• la you1 ,.,.. .... Flnd a buyerwtth an ad ta New•· PnM Cl&ultltd. Jua phone Har- bor tel~ • ay: •·1 want to place a ~fled Ad.'' an4 a eowteoul ad-taker will belp you wrttt an etteotln ad. Lacy, aatrtant Cubmuter, Who----------- will be cubmu ter nut year. ~• Notic!M After the opentnc ctremony by -~----------­Dtn t , g1tta Wart p~ted to Mra. Wllllam Charlton. coordina· tor, Vltrllna' and Lacy ln apprecla· tloa tor their work durlftl' lht year. CoJ"MI'• and certtnc&t• of appreciation went to den mothen, Mm... Robert Duncan, Den 1; Robert OUpbant, Den 2; Mu Pope, 0.. I; Dwta'ht Tlpptn,., Den •; Tlchard Jon-. Den e and Nor- Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1787 MHUI tYery 'nlund&J I p.m. Via Opcrto -Colrul An. Newpolt Beacb Albert H. MattMwa .• llllalted Bultr man CarlllOn, Den t . ----------- Mr. Lacy conducl41d a Wtbeloe ~ Sentio. ceremony for Robert J'are, Bllly ------------- Walker, and Bobby Archey. who Painting 6 Paperban&tnr received their Webeloe arrow., Zd· di• Starkey recetffd nnt prtlle We do U.. work ounelwa. forMlllnl' m09t Ucktt.8 to th• 30 ,_,. aperi•H Scout-O·Rama and Don A.alcllUllll Uceutd t. iluluNI. took th• MCond prtae. aau.tactioa cuuut.ed Advancement award9 wmt to z.tsm.U. rr... Call lobmale. Den 2; Bobby Walker. wolf .Uvw LI 8-2687 6 LI 8-6289 Sltfc arrow; Kent. Kueter. Mn'ic• 8tar; Larey Rttts. Mrvtce •tar. Den•: COMPLETE PAINTING Dwtpt Ttpplnl', bear ,old arrow; Br.iit Landeu, bear ti.de•· o.n 6 Paper lfancinr 8enb t; Dennia Walker, bear llllYtr ar-JCUQENll O. 8.A.UNDJl:ll8 l"OW; Wayne Jo-. wolf Sold .,._ 500 llat Btntt, Newport Be&ch row. Den I : Jobn McCallum, baar Harbor n11 or Har. '"'· tic .tlver arrow : Oalt11 Moore, woll -----------ldlvtr arrow: 8te'Hll C&J'UoJI, wolf .Over arrow. FRAMING ·~ :! .,.., ... >ainting, Decorating Paper Ba.actnc ;EQ. BURKHARDT LICllNBED OONTIU<-~R 871 W. 11th It., Coet.a Me• Llberty 1-leU FOR RENT Sktll 8aw1, JCleo. DrUi., PoUlben. all l)'pfll ot B&Dd ... ~ rowa, tlc. BOYD'S HDWE. tao W. COAST HIGHWAY UbutJ I-MM. Newpo.rt Bell llttc PAINTING Patntmc A Paper Banrtnr ''The Best Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollas llJ Utb It., Newport llaaClla PBONll IUJUIOll MM Elec. Tool Repair ft1I Bawa. Dr1lla. laden QUICK IDVICll LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. HI No. Newport Blvd. Npt. 8eb. Liberty MW. Uttc Painting K. W. MM rr.. lllUmat.t. -J'UU,y In.urtd Mra. Pope'• Den I W'Oll the pack Oq and o.na J and t eondu4ted tht cl09la&' ceNJDOQ7. Foundations u .~~aii":: ~=:_ c. lbtrm. Allen. 0-.. Contr. Npetll 2 Stolen Cars Object of Hint Liberty 8-7576 auc General Contractor Police are looklnJ today for two etolen can •tolen tl"om the Har- bor area. Robert rtAh of 310 M.arlpld -------~--~ CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK KO JOB TOO 81U.LL ll.O.~ 101' IC. BaJbo& Blvd.. Balboe Harbor H60 83tfe Ave. told police hl• can with lny. ----------- Ill It wu •t<>'en trom Ill front of PAINTING hit bomt tarly Tuuday mom.1111'. INTl:IUOR _ ICXTl:RJOR Ht Mid thtrt were 400 company cbecb on the front ... t of UM LICSNBl:D -lNatnlllD car printed tor Robert l"Lth. Kar-Glenn Johnston Int J:ltctrlcal Mech&Alc. A camera and •lftptns be .. Wtrt al8o ln UM 501 • 11.lt at. Newpof't 8tac)) o&r, P\lh aid. I Barllor 117• J2Ue Oeorr• T. P'ranck ot 1af O&"rW told pollet hb car wu •tolte tr.a ln front Of • 407 8eubon Drtvt June II. It wu Ulllodlecl, M aid. CARPENTER Reoair Work 0... Yeur'"Bome l'f..cs ~ -R-.od.U,..' c..u ll'raak. r...n..rt7 ~ LICllHU:D New Work -Remodellnr J . MILTON MdCCNZIE Harbor 3122-R Mttc M. F. Rowland Paperhanging Liberty 8-26e2 Mp67 ASPHALT TILE LINOLE'Ull I ln1tall tht abovt dlMptr tha.n m09t. A.WO Mil Tiie 6 Unoltum. Non·unlol.n.. 2& yeau ea·perl4nc•. Compen a.nd ... - BJLL OOICll:R Har. ••u OT t.onr &.&ch 7 ·&971. U cHh 'All California' Exhibit Slated at Festival All Worll ~ 'f•lt9 -----------CEMENT 6 BUILDING u A' a" All K.ln4I VENETIAN BLIND FREE ESTIMATES LAUNDRY L1berty MlOU All a.rt.l•lt Uvtns tn UM Rate of TBm NrW m&ehtn.e proc-melh· C&Ufomla .,... Invited to nhlbtt od. R.ta.onablt prtcu, Aver•1• In Ui. nret "All Calltonua &xh.IM· I ta,. "9111dtnU&J bltnd. U.oo" at tht .l.q\ma 8-cll r-Only $1 ()() Remodeling 1ttt H !!!'~ IM~wtloa BONNIE BRAE Pre-school HAND lRONINQ tn "'7 a.om.. 75c ~r llr. Briq baqtn. IN WNt Wtl.eon. Colt& K..._ llpll KUUC A.RTI. CR.A.rl'I ,.,...,. GARDENING port&u... 1111 luta Aaa AYt., Main~e•. )'Vd cllUl.na and LI I-all. Mett upt bauliftC. Klm'*V WO• CO. NTRACTORS d&yl or Harbor IOh nmlal'• 6 week enda. llpTI ALL CLASSD'ICATIONS l'nJDY ta IP&N time tw oontrac-HOUM Repatn Boat R.epa.lru _., eumtnallon under a,_. ASTOR'S REPAIR trul coatnetor "'1th 211 yean SERVICE aperieDoe. C1UMll Tuea. and C&rpentry nt. e'NL T :IO p.m. Attmd ftnt AlttraUClllll ..-on 1ne. a.cm U1Um• ......unc Al Tvler School Har. 17n..1. 12p11h 1111 No.-~,y. Sant& Ana Pia. Klmber17 J'""29 or XI T-1811 Uc Roy's Maintenance ROUM olMnlns-J'loor wu:IDC China Painting w~::;.•n~~ 0.y &Dd ~ a..... JUuNd. rr.. s.timatee Ordtra TU•n Now Llbtrt7 41-llU. 1Ue PhoM Liberty ~ iMtto ----------- R I E S h I Experienc'd gardener ea state c oo LANDSCAPJ,NG • S nt A and CLEAN UPS 1n a a na Liberty s-1959 MD It WOMJ:N pr~ ta 9p&n Um• tor unlimited opportunJU• ----------IOU-• In Real Ell.ate. New c1 ..... w"kly. Al Tyler l.MtrUeUnl'. At-YACHT SKIPPER !end ftnt t'Ytmng tree and learn FUULY QUAUJl'IllD. upvltDC• about thla creat neld. CaU or ed. U ceneed M&Jter at.am and write now. Motor. Any ton~. Any oean. Al Tvler School Zxpenenced tn ..u. LooeJ .... ltll No.J(l"06dway, Santa Ana ftrencee turni.hed. l . 8. OOL&. Kl T·a611·Kl 11·3481·KIC 1·2M3 1110"9 W. Bay Ave .. Balbo&. tfc NpTJ PROFESSIONAL Music Instruction RELl.A.BLIC g1rl wutt bUy llt· tins. Pr.fer dl.¥1. Hanor .,._ But wtll work nlte9, J'l-..doln Home tract. ftettrw.oea. LI 1-3517. .,., ARll YOU INTl:RIJSTED In play· WELL lllDUCA TED ntlntd lady dHlre1 po.1ltlon u traftlJnl' lnl' c1 ... 1cat or popu.lar Orran. comp-Ion. Write Boa r-H. Ptano, or Accordion! Rerl•tra· lhlt peper. 14pM lion• btlnr a.ccepted durtnl' the __ ...._ _______ _ llUMDler mont.ti. by a well known ICXPl:Rll!N~ moW niuacw prof...Sonal aru.t teacbtr with In Ul'9 U.. -ldnc mip1oy. ment. Local rt'fer9Cll. P. 0 . th•trlcaJ and recordlnr back· Box 111. Balboa. MpM .,.ound. Chtldrm and adult.. Be· ----------- g1nnen and advanced. Clau and prtvatt 1-n.t. Accordion Or· cbe.u&. Call l.J 1·3'6' or write Box C·ll, OU. ntwspapar. HptT KAN 6 WOMAN wtJJ do ...... houHwork. tloor WUlJl&', wta- dow cltaJ11.n1', rut worllera. whit~. 1H E. IOUI I t., o.ta Mua. Ll I-MIS. pptt l. I C S: N 11 Ill D, l:XPlllUll!f<ZD Skipper available for pr1ftlt or · ch&JUr boat. Phone B&rtlor 1128· W after I p.m. P_.,..t or part Ume. HpM CLLUQNO .6 IRONINO by Ult day. Ex'ptrltnced. BaJboe l•land p«ftrred. XI l..fON. tape& _!HWJ! ___ ....__w_ .. _w ____ n.-B!'f w..w We need young men 18 and over to learn the gas business. U you are • GRADUATING from HIGH SCHOOL or J. C. and want a steady job; one where you can make your CAREER and better yourself as time goes on, come in and talk to us. We offer Good Starting Salarie8, Paid Vacations, Paid Holidays, and Pensions See us at 1030 E. First Street, Santa Ana, from 8 :30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. OIRI..9 - SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS COMPANY ITS A. GIRL'S WORLD! LAUNDRU8 w1.11UMS, captllle, by hour. R.~hnmc .. requlnd. Call June Hor atur. Bar. UM. IJcU !~ OfH~· July 11 t.bJ'OQp Bllnct. rtpalNd ..,;d reb\lllt. Cub prtaa tot&l1q' POOO wUl Free Ptck up and delivery & General Repainl And you'll .. .,. .. w~ you hear ..4~0N A LL BOT& - be aW'&l'ded otl pai11Uftl'8 ud -t.tr Work dont by appointment of the many Job opportunlllf'tl THE NJ:W8-PJU!a8 I• n-ta.kins colon In both -.rTl.UYe alMl !'bone. Uberty s-a101 . for qualltled YOWll women ln carr1u •pplle&Uona tor rout .. In mod~m cat.trorlN w1U.0Ut reAlic· or Xllnberly 1·1274. ppUc INCLUDING-Wtell wotll, roof\111' our bu.line• today. lht>llfl nelJhborboodl·- Uon _.to UM Nl>J•cl matt.er. PAINTING pl&Me~. ti.c .. pt111t1AS and OPICNINGS NOW FOft: B&lboa, W.-t Nowport. 8&.IM& Pro.pecUve exhibU.on may ob-paper hang1nJ. 8mall or l&rl'9 TELEPHONE OPERA TORS h .. Newport Hetpt.a. Oot'ofta Ml lain entrJ tonna by wrlUftc to U.. PA.PICR RA.NGINO complete Jobt. Mar and Cott& Me-. P'NUval Of Arb, ......,.... Bead\. "-ldm~ • CoOlmerdal Worll t.OTHlNO DOWN UM! M-. to Appl.J-Monday thl'oup r rtday It you ar« l 2·H yn . okt Md h.y. Oaltl. J'HUva.I otnctw •mpfaMUe Uceued Con tractort pay. Dt. U c. Oofttraetor. Kar. &H 'h No. Ma1n St. a btcycle. apply al Ule C1rwfa· that no pe.lftUnp ah0'11d be .ent to Call LalnftOll Mt41 collect. llt4·J . I.Ille t :OO to •:OO p.m. Uo" Dept.. N.wpo~ HarboT IApn.a Beach. Hunt!ftctoa Beach ftoom lll, 8a.nta Ana New1-l'rua. Ull Balboa Blvd , 8ubmt.lona will N J\ldl"ld at NpplOh PACIFIC TELEPHONE Nflwport S..acl\, tMltWMJl 10-12 tht Brur('er Art BerTt~. Loe An· tt-P.....,.'& 22Uc un. or ._,5 p.m. osly. tro ..... by • jury cONl.tJns ot Pro-H. H. HOLBROOK ,,_ rr.derlck WIJht. dlrect.ot' o-ENOABLE PL•n.nING ot ~lertta at U.C.L.A: Joetph ~ . V-.P l'UJton, dlr.ctor Otf the Puackna A Prompt Art MUMUm; and Lontt r .. w . ~r kmce Mallltai.Ded ton. &rttll and tnnnactor at Ule Phone: llarllor "U Art Cen~ Bchool. JIOl 8&.lbua Blvd., NewJlllrt Beach Th4I 1'..Uva1'1 "All C&ll.tomla plrp ExhlblUon" wae &IT8J\l"ld bf a committee headed by Pat Bt•-rt.. chairman, and Leonard lkMu, Vlr- Jinla Wooley, 0.rln.lde Gudntr, Nttttr Wort.hJncton. Dlai Ball. rred IADI' and Davtd Younr. House Plans LIBl:l\Tl' M28l Akobolica ADOD.JIDom Wr1te P. O. Bas 111 Jfewport .... o..au. .._. a.nor •TM .. WA.NT WAJTR&88. cocktail. ~•· ~DC«!. youq . Apply HJCN· llT'B, 21130 Cout Hwy., New- port~ ~7 WA.NT real utatt -.lellll&n <rr PEMONAL OON8ULTANT broker -f&llliUar wtUl HarboT Decorator • Pa1nter • BctnJo Art· al'M.. Top commlM'lon. Isl l retlr.d) a....ua!>le • acUn Houston Realty or cou:nael. IOt C.t.ff Bl., Coata M•• ~ yr1. np. Gtnnaa trained. LI ..... 11 01' Ll 1-1784 eutc Worked for many funma peo-Jl:v• .• 9tyrno\ar. Har. &219-W STANDARD STATIONS Hae openln1 for Station 8a1MmP ACH 11 • 60 Oranr• County ~Day--"0-Hour w .. 111 High 1iaJ'lln1 paJ ~lent Benefit. Good opportunity for AdYUICtm.t\l l0!1c pi. In U. 8. • hrope. J"onnerty ERS Svecleen Nmned to WE HELP YOU ;::..i:coM ltudio. r. ~p~ BOATY!~d WOl';,anted. DtJ\lta and Cout IUPwa,1 Good W Corcru. del Mar Apply STANDARD STA.'nON8 Honor FTaternlty WRITE ADS THAT •! !!!9 &ld9 KESA Boat ~;dwe. atap~~ • .,... DAVta -Ktt1dal P . 8ndMn, GET RESULTS! s _., Bair 220 28th St., Npt. Bch. 1:1() to t :ao a..m. Newport Beach 1tuctent on t.ht UDei-.uUOUS Monda,y 6 Tb~JL IOeet UnlvtnltJ ot Callfomla campus at Wt ha"' ed wnten ~ Mtp P• -~ ,_ ... b'Oa fMI tlelll ~~...-------~-:- t>avta. ha. been elected Into Blue ClaMttl~ adnrtlMt1 'word lhtlr ..,...., 11p. ----aM 111ei1.r WAJfT BABY BITTER. momlnl'I. ITllNO • BOOKKCllPJ:ll: ~k· K.,., national bmor ..met fr&. •4-for beet rwuJu. Thia MrYkll be •pt' Mo _.. l1NlmlD&· Cl day• a W'M1l) tor room. llio&rd kttl*'. bookktepll\I madlln• temlt,y. 19 ab.olut.tl,y ~"· a.t.mf &.. DYAJft' A. a. ud aJaowuee. Call LI 1-IMt opere.tor, try coolt, "~,... 11...se.n • -10I' llOO'°t'Y major J1Mt call Harbw 1111, •r "I U..-u ..... ., .._ -llTI t15c41T Ntw jobe da.lty. WU c!loe..'.i for membtnhlp In~ wut to pleee a cauuln.4 Ad" ud ' JUNJ: rARR.ut mcPLO'fll&.NT orp.nlaUOa Oil lht bule ot hill you wtll be CONMet-S w1UI a~,.. * WA.NTSD -l:aper1tnced dinner ..-ey (0214. 12nd at. N.wport tieholUUc hCWd and ca.mpu1 ae-t-.a. and -..,,.tent ad·tak•r wbo -----------watU.... for S&tuJ'day •Sunday Bea.ch. 16ct7 tJY1Uea. He la Utt prNldoat-41.ct w11l ...ut JOU ln preparlnl'. and D t..e... ...... l'ftlllnp. Call Barbot" lfM.A ,J ... _ it··..._t .......... Y plachlJ JUQt Ml mo•t ttfeoUvely. for a-·t. tkt7 "' ...._ -....... · L09T -m.cll. ,.,t ' t a t ,.,. He t. the -ol Mr. and kra. Neww-Pt.9 a...tfied .Adi female ... ta..,.........,. 8a1boa. Ken.II.th A. IYedeen. at 901 Ba7. I weuw eoUu. ~ ,,._. ..._ l>rt"' N.wpen .-... HARBOR 1818 i.a.n, 1-toeo Hall WAJ'TIU:l8U Oftl' 21, full or put UIM. ~-ya. Newport .... ...., EXP. WOMAN M ~r, cook. J \ten ... dlildnn. ao M&vy clMlllrll'. live ta. Mn· --~ l"ftlor •1J2..J. IOCllT l• ij , I 11 ~ I ' , • '" I 1 .. ' ~--.. w e CM t=r 'AM I-COASTAL SHa..D-JUNE II, 19U • • l>ID YOU IDfOW U.t .., l'Wdm, u.. u.o .,.... ,..... .. ,...1,....,lllM .... loeattOn •t 19th ....... u .... ' Vlata C.ter, C. II. 0.,. Line nat. ad•~.,.... 6: stfte at popular pr\cee. OnN Jue 1 Ph. Llber\Y I-Mii. -- .urftQUm -Old tunaltlln, eut ,.._ ampe. old pa---. ....... tte. llill'flim ploN. -.. _ .... ...wa. a.uu. Daftl, 28G8 &. AulMbn It., lAlltl Beadl. ••••. •ttc OricUW Modei. COCKTAIL DUUD, ....... 1pt& Dale's Appliance Sale O'Keeft 6 Kent\t .Wmre ranp, picldle 6 ahe!t wtth srmnator brollei, Uti iW -···-·-· S12S Tappa_a ~ t\&111 •atclbatie. .. COD- trou.ci oven. --·--···------··-···-··-·····-f1IO PlaUeO Nl'l'IC, -"ldnnOld ct.mp .. Jata modi1, cram w, fz a..ui, ahe!fte iD door --·······---fllO rrfll4a1N ..;_ Btr doable door, 20 cu. ft. --S2M 8'tftl, w. lilolW., 0 Oi. ft. -----$195 AL*> • hlJ liDe ot ~ 6 boz eprinp at barpln priCN. 18'4 lluttor amt. ea.ta Meu. !!:!:!!!!!!• ,. .... . . .. ~tors.a. See Baltlwin Piano Ii Orpn Diaplay WOODW<fRTH PIANO CO. 1111 Oout ..... 0.-. d.a Mu (fta ... ~ 8141.1 au. am • uc BAY FURNITURE GllA.ND PI.ANOS. Many to chooM ft-om. KnaM, KMOD A Ha.mlln, ltuyveu.nL. C&Me. Extra apec· 1al. Stoey • Oark ,-raad. rood oondlUoD UtS. Anotbtr apeclal. DBL. Bll:D box spr. mattna. 115 8eauUtul Stuy.,.aant, fine ahape, Cheet, match1111 ~ f'O, 25 pee. A.i.o ro,,-.ou• Knabe Sll75. 1'WbeN Pl't.e ... llei4 at .. ,.. New tt. 11&11 carpet '5, •tue wool ru1 eave en ID&l\7 othen. 12x11 1215 ltn&Jt tdl" drape• DA.N&-8CBKIDT Bls Piano aton •re-• 6: form.a.. ll&MI H•ll. TV cb&1N, rn.. eoHn II mt.c. Har. I012-l or Har. I079 Santa An&, 1120 No. M&ln. ______ _._ ___ ew __ T :Uwa,. 100 pl&noa. same mnir~ALL perf9et eGlld. '9S.60 value at Ba1 115.60 ALtO • )mirth 11\0Ck'PD ~ Ttiti ch&in. altr. COHr'I ---m.ECl'ftOMIC ORGAN two man- China ftllAll C!OM. Bell ~low f".80 ..iue at Bay f2T.llO SS--Boaa., 8a:r= ua1 aJmOtll Uk• new. Save $800. coet. Wril4 llox ..... Wa new•· LOUNGD chaLra, dlappearia&' TRADE DANZ..8CJDUDT,520 No. Main, pa~r. toUc foot Hft-W~t lroa -Santa Ana. 64.t!c Plutlc w oo•er • Be&•tttlll To-tt. ea. 9Clloaner. ORIGINALS ITa.60 Y&lue at B&T 141.60 ru.u1 towi.d. p U)'Wbere. WW LOVELY Bunl'alow uprltht pl&110 Arl'JCIUfOOK, C«lrtau, dtnnft' a PC chrolM or at.bl blacll dill· ~ .. lllty ta property or mW-Sn ,.-feet condJUon fH.75 down clreMetl • Colmb,nat.u. en. Mta, IOll40" mlc& top at. ler boat. 1220 W. Balbo. Bl•d., U 1.75 per month at Cu.atom Dreumaklnf table, ( foam rubllft' ,.at dl&lra Newport. Bar. 1032. ltttc 8HU&R'8 Mualo Co. (Since 1907) _ _.... .. 60 nlue at kJ SM oo Ul-421 N. Sycamore, Banta Ana P._ Harbor IMl-R. a&.-TWO. Pll)CS LaW80n bed. df.:a,. 10 rr. Cil11' CRUIID. a1 .. p1 FbOft• Klmberly 2.()e72. ~reeh Hearing Aid :,t;:.ut.tudtnc top lftde 11ubb1 :;, ~:· '= ~ ~.~ U-!\ML ~ ..,.. B4Trmama Qlt.IO ftlue &t •1 11•.80 ~ Bar. '115-W. eocta :::;::;SJ, -• We Olw MB 0rMD ltaape I PC. ICWTA.IUI 11...tllC room 9et, CRRYSI.ml Jlarllle l9ftM, .,,. to DAJU.IJ(G KlTl'm(I FJlJ:ID to fd. Gunderson Dnur Co. a.eniad w between a.mu. 1 NdaeUOll ,.ar. ham.. LDert1 1-51ee. eao.1 Kam at. U 9alboa Bl.d:: ~ ...... eh11lll ehatr M91Ml tuft. UJ'IUQlllU.TOR. UO TOlt D . C. J'.AWN BOXER pupe '10 and 126 11ut1or IU. lltle cloee out~. 8D JACK JLU\PD at Udo N Ph. Libert 8 2722 HM.IO ftlue at B&1 tln.oo llJUPJWd, end ol llat ltnet. o papen. y . H.fn. DI! W.U.T 11.A.W on tran... I PC MAPLI: wood arm llYlnl' Newport Jkadl. :nuo llcea PM. Bee at tcol Clay SL. New-rm. 111'9-nounc:.4 80ta A dlaln ,_i H.tc'bt.. Liber't.1 1-TITI. OoeNta ot 90f&.dlfta. el\ab OHJUI caArr M tt. _... oratNr 19-Aatoe Wuted N Uc chair, platform rocker, J atep aew radio alld aqtne. Many YARDAGE Iitventory Sale. oe Dee&p•r'• J'abrtee &l Wbol.-Je P11c-. KAAOJ& WICBB HM Ito. eoa.t Bl..-4. ~ lleeeh II tlo ft.a OA.J\.AO&-fcw 1 6: ~ can. ltucco uttnor--lnch.1dt1 o.,.,.. Mad door • hard....,. -)bet '8 remo-nd b1 June n. ... at •at Jl&mUt• It.. eo.t.a X..... I a. m. to I p. m. taptT end, 1 eon.. ta.Ille w /lftatclltn.r extru. Will tn.4e tor Corona del , WANT TO BUY woocl ..._ 1am,.. Mar prop41rty or T.D. Pll. a.r. Good clean uaed cars. Nll.IO ftbM &l Jl&y Ult.00 Wt-W. tltto WILL PAY TOP PRICE. WUJ con- UxlO .AXXINITlll\ ~ -mulU· . ~ra too. Why worry about aell-patt-. INrPll No. 6114 In excellent eon-Inf your oar! 1 .. ua. Mt.60 ftlue at Bay '4t.llO CUUon. Boa& ecrnr .U. and t.nJl. LUU. QOODRUM Moton, lHO JtallS AVllllH8"!'m "'' _:_ mulU-er. Owner le&Yinl 6: wU1 take Harbor Blvd., Coeta MeN . 62Ue oo1or 1arp a.at pau.ra. beet ott.r. Har. llM days. Bar. ----------- llGe.IO ftl~ at B&J '"·60 UOI I\ .WL t2Uc PRIVATJD PARTY wanta to buy INND.aPIUNO mattrw It boll X~llt.D 1 ~ KW 12 TOlt kyl. 'M or '68 Chnrolet or Plymouth .prtnc eet& 'hpe edre -Tw1.n ,_..tor. OompletelJ OYeft\aul· ataUon waron. prefer e cylinder. ..... ed. .A.l9o DutortJI ~ and Call Harbor 1()20 eYU.. eMtc Ml.GO ft.I• at 8aJ' Jlt,N .. t 100 rt. of cbatn. ff2 Holly Lane, ~ lnllenpr. Mat· ca.ta M-. LI •tno ett.er 6. to-AllllM Uld Tnelm tr'Mll • 11oa .,..... .. ,. -•oe "°" ~ ooll, 10 yr. cuarantee ftnn er medl-ana cJoee oat oowr pat- r r Check these Used Cars 8uy trom a loC.aJ dealer wbO wW be a.. 'l'OlllORJl.OW to ~ .. what lie ..U. 'l'O!>.A fl tO ....... l'a.Jf .. These Cars Must Go- That's why they are prieed 10 low 4i. li'ORD $ 199 Need.a mechanical work 50 PONTIAC 54 FORD R Ir H -Fordomatic M MERCURY CONV. R Ii H -O.D. -16,000 mil• 52 LINCOLN Looka like new -one owner 5~ 199 2399 1699 . M MERC. Wagon 2699 FuD power -R & It -Mercomatic -10,000 milea 53 CHRYSLER 1799 Power •leering -15,000 mllee 50 LINCOLN A real buy -Rydramatic -R & H 51 PONTIAC 4 door -R A H -Hydramatic '51 BUICK Riviera coupe -R & H -Dynaflow 42 CHEV. We Are Overstocked for our small lot. 599 899 999 45 That'e why w• cbooee to cut our prte. way down 1'ther than wholau.le them -They're clean, too- AT • JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN -MERCURY 900 W. Cou t Hichway, Newport Beach LI 8-55-4.5 !!: :le~ .. !!' ... LIDO ISLAND RENTALS SUMMER-Sy Week or Month YEARLY -Furnished or Unfurnish~d APARTMENTS -HOMES Inside end Bayfronts wtth or Without Pier I Sfip Call One of Us W. G. (Bill) K.mpMin * Joeepb H. Grohmu * Virgtnia ll&UOD * C.e Vteelud * Tom C&mpbell * (Ll4o llland'~ Dkl9t experieeed ulee i)el'90DM0 LID 0 REALTY - 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (~ from Rlcbu:d'1 Market) Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninaula, Eut Slat St., Npt. Bch. orn:aa O.U,bttul UYtns. Apt.-Oabuu. Utilldll Ja14. with Yadat allp aooomod.atlam. Dally• nlkly, monthly, JMl'l7. F or appt. or reeervaUon, Call Bar. 2992. Mtfo • ... 1;....-... ",;_.;;aa._w...-,._to.._ ... __ t ___ a.-AJ?!!: a •-for a.&. Rentals Wanted Choice Summer Rentala oa We need apta ud ~ lD al Balboa laland A Udo laJe MCtioae tor ~ .._ 11114 1maU fl eOQ .,, 1arp .. -..... .,...,, ...... hnL -uafWL ,,6 ....... u. u 1ou: ~ftl/WJ· VOGEL CO. The Vbgel Co. ~ == ~ ..... ~ UOl W. C-. Bwy .. Newport ~ RM. Bar. 11-.R «Bar. aoet-M Pbc1ee Uber'ty a.MIJ JOI M.ar\M, Balboa a.&aad MUe JlftAND new aolld bnM llt\adent l&mp 12'. Call Bar. 051•W atte1'. p.m. .,.. t.19& IUt.60 ftlue at .. , Mt.00 .. t H rr . .OAT, JDarlDe plf IUJlol'· <leek • ~p. 9oUoel nber- r'Mled· llt.Ml1q' w1Mel • tront ~trola. Completely retla1ebed laClu4tnc cUltom built tra.Uar. SS76 Port ot snen .... 3121 Oout llJP-.y. toctT AMERICAN CAR Trade Ins Pbone Han.... . UAa<»filLT ff1Ce4. cJeaa l • -----------------------IM7 m. Cout H1 .• C.Orona deJ Jl&t 2 bdrm. turn. apt.L uw. p&ld. Phone Har11or 1741 Laundry room. ~ '°' I PO Bll:DROOK 117. laoludee I •• dble. ........ m&rnr, ~ beadbrd. par. tnMrwp~ mat- tr ... • matcJdae ._ 1Prtare. 111et&l trame. tl".80 ftlue at -., IHt.IO 27 rr. AU. lloop wtUI Oray Bea Scout ..,ine. Ml eult 1ood k.l1a, I liluAha, ,.u., and bead. N-•·•·l-.t.l rtcJlal. Jllllt Biy Fumiture UT a 1Tth I t.. c-ta M-pallll.ed --~IT I w..ar. ..,.o. Business Card rr.e'~~i:;-~~rm.e suoo. u '-1911 eottc Special Open~ uu • ,.m. For Father's Day- Dr:t.uxm e~ ~. CU8TOM ~ l·pc. -uoe&J °'" h1m • lot.t.r trap I I UIO per 1000 W1th Ulw ad. ~ .... upboa.terill.1. ALIO lhlp .-.... uebore, n•t. DplrN JUM 2Tlh. 1160· ,.,.,, '"" upboWtered 7~ 1iu. no.ta. drtttwood. M&U Oop1 ~ Cheoll ~· tt. Lew_,. MtA, •ua. B.&l'tlor BOAT OtiJll. n_. 6 near n- r<>X ADV .• 709 I:. °"'*· AM· 1111. ... coLE·s PORT helm. Kl'.:yirtone Mttf. '9e'fO aJUCEM I pt. MCUoeal daHll• ..... port, al.ao J pc. roee eectJonal 1109 Lata,.tt.t, Newpon A 8TllAL. new WlneM_..., na.. de rt In ~Uent. OOfld. B.ar. 1020 l5ctl on NEW FOREIGN Cua 1951 J'OJU> Victoria, R. B, O 'dr., Aa i. ...... ·-··-·-.. ·-.. --........ IOte lt&O JooJU> d1a. J door, RadJo- Heat.er. dean .... -·-·-·-$U5 1960 l'OftD Cua. m uon •aron. I\, H., O'dr. ··-··-· .... --....... 111110 1160 NASR ltatMman eedan, R. H, 0'4r .. Ofttbaokd -·-l•l:J. 1'60 PLTKOVMI ledM. Oond condition ··-···--·-......... -'120 1H7 BUICK Buper 98daa•tl- Radlo, ll•L# ----11•'· 1148 PONTIAC I eed&Jlttte, R, R. ruJ.I pr1ce ···------115. JtOO 8TUDEJU ICICR a.&mpion R.pl. k H , O'dr ., •-· Clta.n. ----·------""· mod~I 11·12 caliber plOl'lp "1th ~l, priced. '-----------J' w~a.tr _.,. A mou.nt ln· uo ·~ ow.-... Kar. 21 "· CBJUa-CRA7T klt. Hull H•usLen ~ 'otors Inc. •talled. '90.4t ftl"-Price n~ 116 hp. Gray, u It IV1 Mt.'5. 1115 w. Oout KJp-1. Barbor 0102• ~ a-.. I. I. 1. llta410, uk:lnr 1111 H&nor BIY4. June Specials 1964 DE SOTO • dr. Md&n, lite blue. R A H, auto. trana. Excep. clean car ..... . ................... $1,995 1962 NASH 4 dr. sedan, ~dio, Heater, O'drive, 2-tooe green. Very clean, only -··· .... $895 1952 HIIJ.MAN MINX convertible coup.. A clean car in tip top abape -···-·--······ ···-··----·-$696. 1~2 DE !OTO e. 4 dr. aedan, 2 tone rrey. BeauU- fuJ blue upholatery. MH, only -·········-·····-· ... $1,245. l~l CHRYSLER Windaor, light grey, 4 dr. Mdan. BouJbt new by owner, .UU looka new ___ $1,145. Many low priced tranaportatJon ca.rt, only $25. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 Weet Cout Wcbway. Phone Liberty 8-3480 Newport Beach. 1.J a-taa ar ~ '•s· Woodcr·~ 11700. ui.ut1 •1ou. IOJ)f7 Phone Ll .. 6061 LI Halt eY8& Hat. 1 a.2'1--J. ... IV1 u u _. .. •• "' roui • ..., .... 60 &....,. a-ii ol ,...,... T!",_!'!• '""' .a --_ _.. ---U ...... ted II Ju'IUUe ""1lltun A ~, '"'~ -·· _.. wvw• ......-.n•--A.......,.. f 1-Auto 8enlot sooo ,_ r.clilWlr -uo dlaln _ P .t5 a11c9 pump tt.ao. Oolnl'U' 11to IPCBOUED bUtnellll cardl ..... --r-Car ,.... au. QWPOkT BOAT I Une Rubber 8tunp 11.00 JWw. ftJ"Nd Mell bar lt.OOle M" IA.L&a, 1117 W, OOut HJrh· • Un• Rubber St.amp w1Ui HlwK:ta~ ~Deft n;;~•.&O ..,,.. 1.J e.tlTI. e.ktT cut Jl,00 I IH c:uUI) Booll *tcMe ~ t&lil.a for abu.tun lf rr. DORY ftMl.nc a.oat .nd 1.. w . .,.'1IITID IU1 ~. C_K. ~ ~l~ WM•-at Newport Pt.r. lecrl· t.n.rty M OU, ..... LI MlllO ppU nee f« 1"6. fta.lpb Jordan. lnt "tto P.,... Aft1 Ooil\.a M-.. pt7 We're cleaning house and LOOK whet we found G. M. C. I TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad* e Cyte. • US.88 8 Cyla. ... $58.88 GLADIOLAS,. Good Used FURNITURE FOR I.ALIC _ Pol'e moor1nf A ''8 IUJ.llCll 4~ .• -·-·-· tO .,. OMC ~ T. PlC1C\1r . lnrludu bot.h labor a.nd para. Cllalulel moor1nf (up lo 12 tt.) ... CJfRTIL&Jl • err. ····---BO ,49 ATIJOEBAKX'R l; T r ickup N•w r1ni•. wrt.L plna. valve BotJa eamfletely ~Nd. '4l ITUDll ~p 2 dr. -110 'Ill P'ORD ~ T. PICKUP. Jlind. rlttlnra ot m&UI and rod Nort.1' .. ,.. 8&.lboa laland. Ph ·aa LA SALL& Coupe ·-·-.. 20 'Ill OllC " T. PICIC\TP. bearUIJ•· l!!ll,.rt motor \.\me up. CllROIOI e..tt.e •t (IA.rse table Ban.r UU. IHdl 'tl rnTDI: Comm&ndtt 2 or. 180 .112 CHEV. \4 T. PANEL. ~y or 4.000 m.Oe ~antee. A' cMln) Ut60 ''2 KSRCURT OIUb ep. ·--170 .112 JNTl:l\NATIOJ'fAL ~ TON (NO MONET OOWN I. Udo Of'tloe, 1411 Vla Udo clilldra. Blue Top Ape..., '°8 Harbor tlTl Utto 1"...-port Blvd., N..wpcwt a.ch. Qurrr cpl with -. ~ Illa" boet a t Bal. Want Jr. round room. Wlll be dcrtna -lleoda. Untum OK. Phone collttt AX· mtni.ter S-9701. t3pl3 WORKIMO MoUl«r, twv t...,._ ~ Med ~ cottac9. apartmeaL Under ... ~ ..._._ a,,,....,.. • •t. ..... E F ... U..R. .... '! A.f!!: • !OW! __ _ ~!:I~~~~~~ ~. u.. A.rolML Utt• I JlOOK ,_mlalMd, uWtU.. paJd. Oo-.n h'oftt.. pat.lo II ...,...... Ground noor. U plud. Ca.bf. P1'. TUkon 121·13'. Pm.UlL J. DUTii. ..... ruJUf ..uap ............ ............. n.~o... ......... 1 •• .....,.,. ....... . ... t11'fl'VR.N. I r---. I _..,,TE a ,,,.,..... ,,.. lllU, ..... I*. ,.,..,.. .. 90. J'tMt7, ~ no pee&. TU la1a, 0.-..a Mar. ow.er, ...,,..... 1 ..... lletT bluUcelately f\rll. apt. -IM· ----------- llZDlA Tll ooeupue)' .. u.a ()ct. •u."" aueo. PID a.n4 ellp aftll&llli.. MUf\ '9 ~ bJ app't. Ofl)y. RAJlBOR IHYmne-'T 00 Phone Har. HOO (•"" Jlat . 1110) 4Jttc BrtAND NEW I b4nn. unt\lm . du• ,.... ~ d l.po1tal, rar•r .. 176. monlll. CALL DA Tl t :IM:H U t-4•M or Ll 1-1111 after I p.m. A •k. ~ pbOll• Har. H17. 60ttc BALBOA ISLAND. Bay F'ront - ff•pt. 15 lO Nov. 24 for UOO. a btJd rma., 2 batb•. "°H)1JU llC to make a de.lll'lltfUJ hom.e. No peta. no ema11 dill4ren. Harbor 233$-W after 4 p.m. N ett KO. I BUOON a.AT -• w na&al. I~ l'wL .,c.. .... • ......... '-7-Ju.e llD-- llept. l&t.b... '500. lllOftUI. 4lAO WW talle reeenaU. ttW WIJlter. Har. ltfl. ~ to ..-u. Olio Summer Rent•ls • Ex.clualve Bay f'ronta + other cltolce propertift Harbor l&l&nd, Ba1 lbor'8a, .._.. con Bey, qu&lll'led dl811 t. Oftl.1. Harbor lnv•twt Co. Hatbor llOO (...._LI I-NII) f7lf• ClTf FLOWERS '50-BUNCH 17&1 <>ran,. A .... Oo9ta Kem. T4pTAI --· P.I.C. 51 'har ud lt.o~ ·u HV080N •or.-----20 Pl CKUP. REBUILT ENGINES UPROl.. lA&UMretle annchaU', Boar41nf &add.er .Wt.a.ble I0'-40' ''2 CHRT81.ZJ\ 4 dr. ---120 .... O,..C ..... T. PJ,...,.."' -UP t.o 111 MONTHS TO PAT-YEAR'S l....EASIC -Upper dupl~•. .. -.. _ .-... ~· ,.. __ ,_ "IO'' ouu.o.zd "I ro-~ ,..,._ .A .,... ... .. .......... Nleely tuml.ahed. Adulta, J 6:10 F LfUlllSH ICD APTI . ln hMt\ ot S.lboe. 12:1 wk It ""P· TaJrtnc ,..,.,.rvalloru now. t l7 &. 8&1• boa Blvd • Halboa. Har. 172t-J. ~._.. ..... -· -·····-------..wn · · • """' .... .,.... ·· -----v HYO .. • .... •n c ...... • "'S. Bullt tn our own factory by a>cilled --T-···-1""' v•· ~ ·-~ ..... . ·~' )(lrarn•.r Dr . B&lboa Pmlt\Jr\lla .._._p. u.,.....,... ..,.. r -••vnt, "'" ouc 1 T r• •TBr:o medllnl1ta, Don't contend w1t.b w~~~t.:~~·~ Udo !ale, wedlend& t4pM Theodore Robins .;; OOOOE i T':°"ouA1. • .' Ult mlddJe 11'\a n. Buy dlr«L H atbor 219•-W. &k 6' ... ~'!"! ttc:Tt Washina Machine sDTICll 11 rr. oo"T Md~ n-y Fo d Dealer ·02 CH1JV 2 T. 8.2~ TIRa REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORE CLUTS t.llCE NEW • bloll4 clnlMr, bend! 12 11.p. Sea KJ.nc out.boa.rd motor OUr r 2 8Pr:EO AXLE. till" W, 8 . S HORT BLOCK tr."TURN a br , 2 belh. 1orreou1 ENJOY HAL.80A l8 LANO It the ~ m1rrOr ----Ul.IO m1lill ..U. 1.J 1-7111. Hpll Since 1921 'Ill OJtCC 10 WKEta. Ol'Mf', F'ORD -... -lllt.&O i.N.nd n-OonnMtlnit farm· ii.ad\ t.llle w mmn tor n ry Ut· I 00 n n•• e L ...... •Na Ue ruit. l maJI comped apL for I-· • -· I wa1 floor "ON TRI! WA.JUNER'S MILC' ~ ' •~ CHEVROLET -· IHt.00 tloUM. Unwrual llJ)ft•lnt d4m-... ~,., .-r-i.e -,... ... ;:~· --· •• ,. ..... ,. 11~ rr. CA.BIN BOAT.1'"'1 mar-c H P LYM. It 00001: -116& .... , ... n l • be llt\11 2, l lU of ho~ lnUler,..., ~I' ud • _. ~ IW\4 .....,pe ·· --·-· -· lM -ctne, U... '-lt ta.ft.IL m.o,. 3100 W. Out wy. 8" lhe IArft:at YOIUm-lnick dnl-CHRYS. II DE SOTO -f lTO ;;:.; ~.;. ;~ ·beAcll '~ue week Ku. llU.M t ttte ,...,.) lif...,..t ~ Olllta Mela. ' APT. &I.DI du _ tT t. tll trtc ..._pump. Good coe41Uon Llbert7 1-MTl tt ln <>ra11r• C~unty fM Ule STUDEBAKD\ -···-·---llTO wtt.h optJon to buy '3711 monlh, S R n+ I T .n-.... at .a&l\e Liberty fTM Ladllf\oa '""21, 14eel but aelecllOI\ nf Q~ tNdt.L ummer • • $ .._., -• N N J'\umnu. Mut · lMO Ot.[)8 2 door -1&11. R lt H. Stock mtl. plck6pa, panel-, Ot.01 A POl'n'lAC I --1170 to quaJlfl~d. nupon1lble te11a nu.. l..m7 Mtfc ear I& . Cuatom upboa.tertnr. Rar. 4~ irtall .. ud dumpa. BVlCK -· 1 1711 Owner tuvtnr lmlNd. Po-• WAOHSR POJJfT-We~t • U d . Aut ti ~19}~~ ~ Npt ~ !! ! '!•\ ~ a 1' !._' t4dt ~~C•Nr -... T-ow'11n7r$ a\oa Jul1 l . Kar. 2770-J evea. oUwn. Rate ua. wMlt llltd up • ...... .,.... -·· -w w WOODS ...,_. r J.... tle7C> Pll. Ha.rbor 1111..J. •HI• Se Oma CS . W.urt"llD IO U8ED Pt.A.NOi for '52 JAOUAJ\ «Npe XK-1.JO. Clean • • NF:W CAA GtJAJlA~ ALL R&A901f49 '' a,. INnc&n ov IMI rwital dept. HIP-\ cull radio, Mst otter. CeJl Jlu. 21138 GMC DY.At.ER BIN:k mutt m•t our 8tandal'Clll RENT AL y S39 en to S99 50 PllJf• ~ ..... -. lDcl aDow9ace tft tTIMh for ~an. between • a.m .• 2 p.m. 63~ ell-lt E. 4th St. S&llt• Ana Phll l&Jfl'I, ,... ..... o&I SPECIALISTS ~ er· llUtht. I c:M1n. ""' G. &. 8ptaet pl&DO. or On.ad ptano. •47 l'ORD eonYwtJble. C&1'1M>n t~p. Optn eun"•J • m. Open 8unday 10 ..._ to I p.111. I UIOfER ft&NT AL. 1 bdrm. hfft. ~anre ept. WUl •l"p t . Corona d•I Mer. Hat O&t·J. 14c .. • dlllllwuber, IM"Nr ue4. Bendlll D~. ao Mo. KWI. Oood COlldtUon. Very ..-.on•bl' TnKll tlndquarten for Oran1• Oo. BELLES EN~INE ca1I Edu Crall ~ -...ned. ._,_1eec1. a.uto. WUlll1ftl madlbte. tat auia Aaa. Pbofte Barbor 1117..J eoct1 'i:7 Blanche Gates, Rltr. HARBOR APTS. ,.._ A....... •nteed. llot,.t "'11•~ 11 ~ '6& CKEV. V-11 ~l·Alr. Sport <'P.· REBUILDERS Ill Marine AYe. Modern rurntabed apta. '!II• a. •lee All Appll&ne81 ~~~ ~U::: S: Another Special ! '600~~RD ~:;.![ cr:;:1 • 8=; ~~~~o~~r7:s~n~· buut~~ ....._ r..&ud, Har. itn Tltft day. weelr or montla 8pecl•" ... Ill Aatomat.lca ' lltte ILUOIOMD lftMt Ol'l'M· tn tine portdk •'8ct. et-.1na machln,, hervut ,old, 180 h.p. twtn EXH ~n Dally 1 to T ltat. 9oaded Ill.AU. ROUll: In HuntlftCton . Meu In.la, 1torH II bay. ll-bM A.alo. Wuber Entepri9ea Fi Cl ::-i:.111t!_ •v1np, conven-tao. ll&l'bor lllt-R. 117Uc k it. RAdlo, PO. tr,ne . fl<'. -NEW LOCATION Jleaoll. Partly tum. 140. ~mo. ratu . 104 I!:. 9ay 4•• .. a.u.BOA .... Jlf...,.t ....... 0... w.. rst ass llLU'D'I i:....o.. (llnfflto7) 'M AUSTIN Real)'. Xlnt. condi· ART 1..ARSON. eee So. CoeJt 310 Eut 3rd St. PaAAL J. SMrrH, P h. fi]kon Harbor 6344. mte LDtrt7 ~,.. (Jlfeu' Oott C'OurM) Fumiture B ~ "· 1,....., 8ul\.a Ana l ion, lll.000 milt•. overdrtn . BIYd., lA,.una. HTall ·-~~::~ SANTA ANA "al·YEARlM, Upland.R CalOUNlf. '4DcM CHASNEL FR.ONT rum . llf)t.l - tlpp uyl ...._ IOa-.V 1-#11. Mr, IUOO. tit Doswood. Coa· 1 11 2 bl-drm1 .• patio A BBQ. -----------TWO mat4111das LA.-...,. Orup Oount1'• au.-8llleeUon t.a M..._ &4p98 tMI CH~ROLr:T A~ro eed&11 -ATTENTION RENT~. 1 blo<'k tl'I Udo .no~ •114 b\la. ~ f• .... c1Wr9, dM.11. attnctlw ,rtnt flt 8118 ..._... 1963 J'OIUX>MATJC oonvert.lble. R A H. Excell .traJUportatlon, N h H · d • 2 bedrm tower 1100 mo. to ~t. conn.-·--···--..... 117~. See at Judyt Shell lkrvlce aS • U SOn l .-I • A unlurn. upper dupl•ll. 16lh, 1 Mdrm. upper hu ll~ll MAllOO. I>.-PIO't. dla. taa.M, edrA. dealt .... _....... -ta .. Pmt. KO. 19\a l'IOd pracUce =~eo:=e~~·~:~:.·<'~~ 2800 W. Cout R•'>"· Jlfe-wport B&lbcMl Penln. 1116· ba 1 20· llv. rm with bffuutul Ylew ...... ellMn, ... ~ elllb Allltc.t ............... dbl ..... , ..... -'JI ... rat aDow9d " or call KTatt •-7048 Mcl7 owners 1.....-1'\ara. • e. R . 2 UI, fta of bay ,COVH • dl&nnel. I UM· .....,, IMla. -4 taMe. ...._. couch. 'Oololml prillt _ .. tat.&O T'tlll Ry. Good u.ct pnct.loe pl•• 1"oln1 Cut, MUST SltLL eoe Ri h H hn' G PeeJL Mid~ n oo. MICR -or '80 mo. °" 7earl1 i ~·:-2 ~ ~~~ t.un1u-· Newport Fum·1ture :='--"!~ 11n. flllO &Dd up. S.~cnUA. c.o..x. alter I p;ctl ll-Awto leevlee 0 a • arage •.-u .. hie, a ... fl .. 2 baUI, tum. , ..... Apt 2, 1111 ·Ht.II I t. N-· f ... _ --_, -· _ .... _, __ AutboriMd ~ 6 ._,.. lllO, untum. '22$. por1. Beech l&c .. Ill lrta, o.D.X. J'fo la~ OOJIPAJn D~ .. .._ lt«t. lH• SUH VA.LlZ!' M:DCURT, ai.o Oood Tnatport&Uoa 8AY 6 BEACH Realty I I ..... , lllO w. Oi>Mt ~ ..... AM. uo No. Ma.la. au power equipment l t rml . Call BRAKE SPECIAL Can r. late 1400 •. Balboa Blvd. 841lboa P'UR.'l. •Ingle epL, eoei. w .... 'p iu•W 1n..a....,1100. N...-port Beaell. LI a.uii. eset7 JIAJOI01'D OIUJ.Uf. lplaet mo4. crwner, LI •IHI or LI '"'na. durtn JUfte Auto Radio Repair Har 1.. t bcf? ~::' k~~!n.·'~. 1;;!.0ft.~';?. DMl7I ...... ' upla. .......... roa LU.8 ............ \mlW •lllMl1 ued. Oood • .,.,_. oe Ottto I .. no E. 29th St 1"4 CRZV1\01ZT B«I Aire 2 dr ted UUlltlu peld. Re&ellftable. .............. ~ ... ....,. ---IOll, *1-A. •IOU. l~ u-. AJlo llamlDODd Ow.I Or-• Foreign auto brake ,.,,.., • drtfta oaly 4,000 mllta Tiit· u 1-ltU. lktT -WI. ...... I _. tMlea, Mt ~ ,.__. wt.~ pa. ..., tA1 p&a,.. JAOU~ .IM Karil VU ...S-. whL · b b pert Newport Beach, Bar. &111. etto quot .. 6: belre. P11ce lllt5 tor -----------a.. 'ZO --flll. -eta&-~om a~ ITJI .. I>~. 110 Ko. Mala. wtta n4 a-thcr, a11t«aallc JO 1 Y e~ quick eaJe. Har. 2321-W att~r 5 B.AY VlEW APT. on Ude htlA• u ..... a.. ..... uonr ,_ MIC!nM4 e&.onlp ~ luta AM. tr-.... 1 .... 1'. hrleot -4. ~ mechanics .... --p.m. IScC7 eula. New. a tt.ra.ctlH pwllt4 ... , e.a. wUI h IMld t L& ,_. "'"..,.., ot1ltMl owner. a.nor $lS 95 & U -A.-. unna room, J Mnna. hr 7•rl1 u:; • ••• a Mo .... ... ... := &l.::. w. 0-.. =-120 B•s1 Accordion .. 7.. lle70 .... , .. ~ IVI>~ ~. 1t64 H -tt. v A.CATION 'l1l.uLmt ~JO ~~1t: a.a... '""· Har. 1111 or Bario::~ .,.. ......... .,.. .. h ._.. Lik a_ .... ...c..: M l.A.Ot7AR XXlJOM modWed Nee.r17 '""'· fllO. aw. aau-w. lpa.ee •.nrot1. uoo ... n.. WUJ ~ w .. -.. • -.& .. 1 AOOm t\arn.ltun _,..... AD e new. ~nuce. -.... Wt• ..... powder blue. H•usken Motors Inc. "* ftllWI ro INJt tftl&Jlt. °'"" to .... ~I a..11 tM ..ct 1" pod CC!MtUoe. .AD • ,...t. Ph Libert 8-2237 ~ arlon tap. ""'' '9Ced. off•L Bl•d.. loc&Uon. 11M ao. .... *' -t pme4 ..... to-UT Pon7· Co~~ del Kat. llar. One J. )ow ~e, otlp&l owner. Har ltll lfanor lllYd .. o.t. M... -z,.,...., ,..._ ,,,.,,,,_, .Ad& Oout al\ld.. l.acw lkL Brau .. IMf..W at\er l :IO ...... ....7 llfTI .. n. IUJI U MOll-U ..-1 liHTa -A ,.,_ w ,_. ta& WliM .... ....-J. ~ I I ---. ---·• ...,.. . ..,--.. ~. .. <• -~ -.-~ ----·- VIEW APT. -OoroDa ... Mar, Upper 1 bdnn. f\lnl. -. "' ,..,1,, R•--• -Madi. -·-...., ~- I i'. I. \ 1 ' l •, . ,.,. . . -_, ____ ._._ .. _ .. __ ... ____ •• __ .. __ ._ .. __________ ._._._._._ ... _ ... ____ ,~•!:::!•!!•!!'J-!!!'!!h!,_ ___ __.:•~::!·!·!il!..!•!•'!!!' ~---! !•.., ..... ~ CALLON US 2 Off ice Spaces & Store NEW BLOO. ln Lido Shopplnc area. Both 810 area feet. By leue, SlOO le SU& mo. ALSO store, eoo feet. $HO mo. 680 Via Malara. Newport 8-cb., Har. 3827 BOAT & TACKLE RENTAL Six 28' steel bull cl"UUlen I yrs. old .a.on $28,000 grou Ii t.ukle rental lncomt. ICttab. 9 yean. Sea· aon IJt.art1ng -sood ~t putdq. run price ·~.'500. -Terma. A. pod ....,. ...... TRAll..ER SA.LU • SERVICE -lllstab. 1 yr. Grau profit of. $13,000 eoa1d be iDcr 11 rl A. cood solng bu.tne-. Full price ind. in'NDtor7 $13,000. RESTAURANT le BEER -Hwy. Joe.. well worth irui~ng. Should pt your money bed thia wm- • mer. Ha• a 2 rm. apt. A.ekiq $8500. RESTAURANT -8b<>W9 rroee $2e,000, ..U 28 -n..vly ~rated. Owner will ll&Criftce for~. See the VOGEL CO. tor t.b.e and others. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Beach. Libert-, 8-Mll Business for sale in Orange County 1. Grocery and meat market dolq eood .ohlme or buaineu. 2. Another market iD another city -almoet a ftnen.1 store -near echoola. 3. Motor shop in Lquna. Good 8pot for mechanic, Fitunonis Realty Company Multiple u.t.ing R.lton BnF"-&'oker 31M E. Cout Highway Corona del Kar Harbor 21M BALBOA ISLAND-BUSINESS VOGEL VALUE N_,..new, attractive 2 MDrJ *«·on 8&lbo& Island coroer location. Sult.able for prot-.ioa.al or medical otnces, beautician, real est.ate otticei Shope are dowmt.&Jna wttb two complete Ii comfortable 2 B.R. apt.. uptltairw. On• f\llly fu.ruiabed. SnenJ abope no" leulng and are aftilable for l'WIUDer. Priced $&'1 ,aoo with term.. THE VOGEL CO. Quick Cash LoeM !!a::!!e .. !!aa!..!•!!!' t!!!...--~•!!::!!-!!11!..!z!!!!, *'!!---- GD furniture, auto, AlarJ. . W. A TOBIAS '50. to fnlO. or more. One day service .A.ppHoet.loll ~ tie made la .,.... 80ll,by .... •~ma0. CilD'.AOO&Pl'.ANCI: OORPORATION 1 .. Banar m.d.., ea.a ~ LI 1-TT&l -()pa J'rida.1• WI I ao.d ~ Utfc REAL ESTATE LOANS lnterelt Rate 6-0~,. Loua qU1ck17 made la UNI 8'1 ~ U1I ~ta M-. 8lqJe or multiple untta. N-or old. Be wi.-Ud an b7 ,...aynctq JOUr ,..-t loU.. Minimum •· peDM. No ch&rp for prelilm· ~ ~ ftaee 9uta Ana ICimllerty S..-U or write ARTHUR Ar MAY ~ 1.-a 0.H•,...t Ocd4-t&l ut• ~ Co. eas Bouu. Kaia 9a1\ta .A.A& ~ .. =.~~:'!:!·· LOANS for Homes 391 E. 17th 8t,, ea.ta Miiia Liberty 8-1139 6~ -IO 7'· Louil ---------------Construction Lo49ns LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Cute nncb. type home. 2 bdrma. Cdmpletely tum- iabed.. Only 3 yn. old. TlUa la a bay, $21,500 11!11 BOB llA 'l"l'LD 21U6 &A.8T COAft BLVI>. 0.-... Mar ..,... ... ~ PODUml KOltTOAO. 00. ...UO ute Im. hDda a. MUI . .,. WOUU> ~ t. bllJ 18l Md a.d Bal>oa ls"1d VOGEL VALUES Bl:RZ'8 A. IWD'IBEART. 2 br. • elm with ftre.. place. Vfll!'f Dloe prtwat. patio. Bu llfPU'&le Income un.tt wWa a ...,. SUGG ,......,. a.tt.-huny to pt tbJa one. TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT Immaculate ' br. -two 11to'7 bCJme OD larp lot. Unuow.W atmoeph .. wtth lonly patio. pier and tloat. I.up Uvtns room, den. and MpU&te dbl1nr room.· Cull down. unturn, $30.000. ' $7,GOO '9 all tt takM to _,.,. 1°" Into W. 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home wtth 1 br. apt. Botb furn· labed. Patio and t--,..,.... W...s.fW locatioa. Low moathl.J pa,_.. $12,GOO will plaoe you ID W. flDe, IDOdlfn, ..., I brm. home 6 OM brm. apt. Dbl. IU"IP Beauttful land8capiq, Slua wall to patio. l'INp1lol, YI /W carpetinr. dlaP<*l, extra i.,.. wardrobee, toroed air beet. Loftly, delun. :mu, ..,. GD .,.,,,,.., THE VOGEL CO. TAKE YOUR PICK Trait Deed& Call ..... Ilk ~~~~~~~~~~--------------'l!'m .. ... g.,& 8 ' TT P 11 la EXCELLENT LOCATION Two brand new 2 bdrm. le dm homM, aingl• .tory. Street to street Iota le every JDOdern feature you "ould apect in a quality home llUCb u the.. You will be IUl'Prl8ed at the price 6 terma, See them tod&y. New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 batha, c:ha.rmJDC ldtchC, built.:in range I& oven, copper hood phla diahwuber, L&rp muter bdrm. bu tlreplace le one wall panelled. Mercury nttche. thruouC Carpeted. dbl gar., tJne.t of construction. J'ul1 prb '33,500, term.a available. A.ND REMJ!VBl!R THIS - many oth_. tlne homes an u.ted a.claalnly at ()pJ>09ite Bllhna Bay Club. ~s.iefr.~for::;:. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE AVAD·•BI.Z -About 8000 eq. HOME and 6 Units OOOD JNOOIO:, .... 000. '4t Bam- Ut.on, ott Harbor BlYd.. eo.ta K.e9L llpTtll a--... ...._ !::I::• BY o~ww uu trade OD tbJa comer lot, ruch home. I bdrm., 1 ~ b&tha, bdwd. tin., F'. A. heat. w.w. carpet. fenced yd., xtra. Ir. patio onrtookinc CMlJOO. WW take 11Daller place or ftCan~ lot ID part p&JllMllt. 564 Buel Drtw, C.D.K.. Bar. 1°"-w.' · 111c12 THREE MAGIC WORDS to Sell Your Property ''Multiple Listing Service· Phone your realtor ft. u,ttt btrtrJ...,. on i.t • M18 Via Udo, Npt.. Bch., Har. '971 or Har. 4972 TRA.Dll EQUITY ll.000-I ~ ? s.::~~3~ .. 3 ___ Ev_._,_&_··_219 _· _1_~_Har __ ' _•_11-_R_or_Llberty ___ s-5297___ =~:: ":n ~ ~ Newport Harbor Board of Reaff ors t.imut. Vose& Oo.. Mll Via Udo. --------- &nor "1L lltft BAY & BEACH REAL TY LEASE rtN'll LOC.A. TION ta Ocwona dll R It Kar, Completely equlpped tor ea ors b&Jdnr or deUcatwm. Phone Jl&rtlor· Ut3 for app't. IOtfc N'aAA ~ Oenter and BaJ. M·l Jocatl°'L Ntoe 1 bdrm. holu. LArp ..,...., ~ tor lllMip -Ulll& m.fs. •100 ,.. -u 1-UTI .momlnp or -.t.np .eetT " • , w 0n5 1 4!!" BUa OOKPANT wtU1 ,_. term ~ ID fUt powtq ea.ta M.._ 8Umlt all ........... ~ OWNl:.ft, i.n.rty ...... °" LI 1-1111. eottc Bm1' BUY! .L..sM. apcatww lilllap clotlC Xlat bum&-. BSc --all-4 -Kllllt ..aUlce SHOO. Wrtte Box Ml Lquna 11..cb. a.ell LEASE nNm LOCATION ta Oor'OM Ml Mar, Oompleteb' ......... '°" baJdnr (II' dlUca~a. P1loDe ~ Ull for app't. eatt. Coutal Shell Service Station· for Lew .1U8T ID Ume for the wmmer bODUI ..... nee IO'f 0out Rwy. lathe~ol~Bee.all. I0,000 • ...._. moaw,. ,.UC.· ac-. 4 rHI oppwtuaitJ to No come a~ ~dent .,...._ man. xmunum oeptta! 111 .. tmomt SMOG. roa DiJ"OR.KAnoM .u a. a. oraa.u. LD.tp t..uo au cs..y a..t.urdq • ~ .. p. m. week~ llcll Arcade "Hot Soot" UNUIUAL OPPOR'l'\TlhrT - OwDw retlrtq-81tJboa ....._. mcnt Zone. 66 eleclricalJ.1 .,_ ated madWlu. J'Ull7 equtpt, uo.ooo ,_,. rroa Oood -... ran ,nee m .ooo. 8ALBOA. Ra.A.L-TY 00. 700 I!. BaJboa m.d., Balboa ~ llTT 60olT NEWPORT BEACH 1 Bedroom Home -Room tor apanaion. Larre Patio, View ct 0---Dbl Ga.rap. All th!a fOr $8~. Pier le J\oat -2 ~ A Den Home. Full Price -122,500 Tenna.. BALBOA PENINSULA 2 Bedroom, Lge. Uvtnc Room. rlnplace. Attractive Kitchen, Mee Patio -Sll,000. I EXCLUSIVE -O<.. te Jetty -VIEW 2 Bedroom. Den, Lap sl•-'·ln Lanai, 1 Ya Batlla, Sundeck wttb "8w of oca.n and harbor mtranoe $5,000 Down BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1'50 w. BaJbot. Bmt, Balboa, Cal. Har. 12&6 --~~~~-~--~-~-~--~--- HELP! HELP! WANTED -Waterfront Home with pier & slip, Bal. Isle. Bal- boa or Lido Isle. to $50,000 Cash OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orallp) LI &-7M2, Har. '51.M evee. CORONA DEL MAR 1. Lovely la.ndeeaped 2 BA. Kodern.. 1 blk. from Pacific Drive on cor. ot Acacia le nnt.. Sell or trade for Udo. Thia home will eeil it.elf. 2. 1700 llQUU"8 feet ot new home in the Highlanda. All the extru of well built bome. Vlew ol OCMn 6 hil.la. OPEN HOUSE .very day from 1 to 5 448 Rivera Ten-ace a. 2 Bldrooma plua apt, OD '5 ft. lot. Apt. ia fmmab. ed. pbu lddltioul play boue and double ........ a ._. FA&ate Vets $565 down PLUS DIPOUNDa UU: TOUR O.L LOAN on 41 7'· old. a bdrm .. dble. ca..... fenc- ed, WonckrtUl pe.Uo • 1Mmdr7. Jard. O&rbac• ~· All trelllll7 paillled. N.., Upper Ba.ck Bq 2312 Palla&dee Rd., Sant& Ana Phone KI 1-JtN. eotto SHORE CLIJT8 UNFURN. I br,, 2 b&th, rorseoua br&Dd new Conn«Uout farm· Jlou.. Unuwal ~ den-- bdrm. wtt!I ttrepL • beautttul -..,_, Prt. '-di. Leue -.1th option to buJ WIS lDODt.,1' to qll&lll'\~ rwpcm.s--. i-ant.e. ownu 1ieemr tmmed. PoNee .ac. JuJJ 1. Rar. JT7W .- 12cTI I Nlcm I b4nD. wuta, ...-rate. rarap1, •* )'dis,. moo Jl'&.J, tacome. Priced '2.UOO. Nice eut e&de locaUon 11'1 • 1M- 1N Del Mar, eo.ta K-PJeue do not &.turb t4nanta. Ownw LI W721 ~ NEW I BDRK.. on ~ acn, ST.MO. IN A9'0Cado, Cotta X--. P!I. JO 12 2822, '1Ue C.2 Property AT CORNP of 19th Md Pl&· cenUa, With I bedrm. bouM and 11nall ltoK. IUJIKJT ~. Call Llllert7 1-MQ or LI MW. 60Uo BY OW'm:R--2 bdrm. a cf.i - 20I JOnp P\a.oa. Phone Loq e..c.h toO-llT. 1Gpt7 &KALL 1 bdrm. ~ aa "' lloCT'8, wttll additional ....u bldr· sueo. llluy term.. 2.'41 Santa Ana An., Coet.a M.... LI 8-8188. 11 a.m. to • p.111. llcf 7 LOVELY LAGUNA. BEACH ~ 1 BJdr. Oft ln'fd. w1Ul R..J lot OA Mc& -0c.o YMw -MUllt -.crtnee I BTatt '° TtOI 11ctl •10 -Und St., Newpwt Beuli "REAL GONE"! If you c•n't '" the value. Best Buy in Corona . del Mer Attracttfe ftplts. built GD two fall Jnlll lot. priced today at $18,~ --. Hvctwood floon ,,.,,.... ftnpla~ lot8 of oenmlo tile eenice ~ double g~ pe8lt bedroom- Walled iD ,W-T Jn. old "neR OODll. I We doubt if you could pouibly dupn. cate this property under $23,000. LET US SHOW YOU A &&AL BAROAIMI Duncan Hardesty, Realtor -~~~~~--~~~~~-~~---- CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY A.TrRACl'IVJC 2 bdrm. bGme. PaDeUed Ul'iq room and llDAll d.lnlnr room. .,.. peted wall to wall, iood kitchen, breakfut speoe and Mnice porch. Ample cupboardl and ....... space. Overmed 2-car rans-. Nice encloeed patio. 'lfoet convaJmt COnm' location 2 bUm. from Cft7' Hall, Newport Beach. ODq SU,000. Just Enioy the Income from tbJa ezoellet propll'ty (no rent to pay). Located in chokie nnta.l di.tric:t, 100 ft. from ocean. 1bere are 3 un!tl -a, new dUplia and a ~room bOUM on 2 Iota. 2 111llt. an funt.JMed ud nnted • )'9U'ly bui9. Owa.-11 home a..uat>Jit now. nu.. ........ GD ..U.,. Ps.et bacome CU be .ab9tu· tia1ly IDcNUld. 98000 wt11 beM)e l'OR INSPECl'ION CA.LL BARBOR 1011 A.<::r TODAY I IOI Martne, Ban»o. laland --------------------56 !f!!l llD l.-Mu.t -to appreciate. Bay & Ocean View EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . ........... a ........ PIER & SUP Plus 3 Luxurious Units 1-3 B. R. -1J/4 Baths 2-2 B. R. oae.t• .... Tiilw Is loolUoa. Your chaw to on a ... moderu ..... frolat ~ wWa ftM tDoorne to ~t -m.soo -ftmtllmt Tenm Osborne Realty Co. . 2121 W. Cout Bwy. (at Port ()rup) Jf.wport a.ch LI 8-7M2. Bar. euu ...... LO.t.Jra 'l'O Bt7D.D, DIPROft WT,~oa lt8DIAJIC9 w.-..~ '*"' ,..,aw_.,HM_T 9AJ,ll()A a.m 6 LO.A.IC •MOCUnoK -fl& Udo. .... -· .. - 8ummer Rentala at all Price Rans- GORDON WALK~ Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dlok Hi1llud. Pat PattWoD. Geo. Rabu. Bob Genala 3034 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar, Bar. 2"3 t..UW• dftMe frmiq. JU.JU lot. T 111M., I baU.., .. ,IOO. IMI a11r Dr. at l&nta .A..aa .A.w. 3lU Newport Bl"'1 Nftoport Ber.cJa HaZ'bot 101' LI MlH. Npet ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~- Look at this • bdrm... bwd. Goon. ~ ...,.._, Wlred for eleotrie ......, r.o.d. ..,._.. at INI hlrwa1 Dr., Oollta ~ Jll.JOO. ~ llar. *1"1. lttt• BE&tml'UL 31ili ~t.n1 • aa• two b*a. tna., eom· p1't4ib' ,_,,at II, w.....S, was temoat lot. ......... --•ftU. llltcll .... ..rport. ..nm- .., poo1. hll pr. MTIO. Udo VW.,. 1'r'tiOo# Pull. TOO li.t It. N...,art ...... 1"°' Mo. II. "' 1-TIOl. . au. ~· CHOICE -PROPERTIES • 1.-2 BDRM. lloaM pbaa Mcihelor apt. --Sl.UOO 2.--0CEA.N rBONT 78' lot, ~1 .,_ _ 1&,800 8.--0CEAN J'RONT I bdna. turn. 15,900 t.-DUPLl:X 2 bdnR. • 2 bath each. -5,000 eta. &.--OCl:AN ft.ONT f anJt taocme -12,800 da. I-EIGHT UNIT apt. boaee, yrl)'. rmtAn 57,800 T-BAY ntOm' f bdrm,. I bath, p.r, float ~.000 L BAT ntOHT • I UDlt IDocMM, turn., J1W t1oat. ...it ..... loc&. Two J bdnm. le oae 1 bdrm. 70,000 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES UGI Wf1'1ha. BmL, ... pan..... 81'· U.. -' • a •• , ..... a .......... ~.Im Down _,A_&1 __ 10_-_co_AST __ A(_._SHOPPE __ R_-_:.JU_N_E_11_. -'"-s-jaBEFO•••R....._E YOU BUY a •.a......... a •.a r..w. :• ._....._ • •• •' ..... • •..a ....... ""C"' THOMAS "C' TBOKA..S -c-TBOKAB '"(,,-TBoKAB Newport Heights GOOD LIVING starts at ·IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnilhed by Martin & Von Hemert . . Whm you lnapect them, you will note they' include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. , ALL of the plenntnr and thoqbt that raulted ln th1a remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for lrvlne Terrace famlliee for many yean. Permanent re.trlctiom guarantee you will &lwaya be proud of your home here. To the &ome buyer who wtabe9 to purcbue ln the $22,000 to $35,000 c1u. we llincerely recommend the Irvine r.tatee overlooking Newport Harbor. IrriDe Terrace ii located on Cout Blchway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Cub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor ~ For :rurtber lnformaUon * ror RecommendaUon. we refer you to. anyone who bold.a a Leuehold Estate ln Irvine T~ THE GREAT ORANGE COAST Back Bay View Home. Laree livlnr room with fire- pl&oe. Family room with ftreplaoe. 3 bdrm&., 2 batha. Outatanding. Move ln for $6000 down. Corona del Mar corner Ranch style home with 3 bdrma., 2 bat.ha, hwd. floora, mack bar, mcloeed patio. Ju.at $2'2,'500 -term.a. $1000 under priced 2 yr. old 2 bdrm. home, 2 car prap, oa corner lot. Sacriflce for only $7'500 with payment down to loan. 100 ft. fl"ODtap very deelrable buaineu location. New .,_ on WMt 19th St. Due for Immediate de- velopment. Ba.rpin price of $10,'500. Some term.I. w~ diltance to town (2 ble>Ma) a really nice plant °"net.tins of 8 unfurn.labed unit., 8 garages. Laundry rooms, cement drt••· Now rented at low- ..t rental rat. ln ara. Check th1a with ua if look- ln1 for Income buy. Only $12,000 down. MOOG eq. ft. C-2 improved with I bou..e. rental in- come $216 moatb.. PropaV ii 19h330 lota of room f(W ape..uion. Co.e tn nlue. $31,'500. WW trade -lubmit. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES INSURANCE -841 ·EB -LOANS -BUILDERS 1857 Ne"JIO!"t Aft·, c.o.ta Kem LihetV 8-1632 Liberty 8-1400 Evea. 'COSJ:A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 8maU home 6 INOOME (3 Wlltl 6 room for mo~) Exoellellt cloee-in location. all larp l bdrm. unit.a 6 FURNISHED. Sewer 6 curb ln 6 p&id. $21,200. Bu.i..neea Opportunity -Buyer ebou.ld have knowl- edce of bu.Udlng coutnaction, reeding blue printa A: making take-offa. $1!500 plua inventory. M-1 lnduatrial zone with 110' tna.ineea footage. n&n"Ower in rear. Includee amall 2 br. home. $10,'500. 3 Br. home, fireplace, lot 60x138, nMda aome work. Good location. $.97M with $2000 doW'D. Lots Lots Lots e&li5-ReeJdential-All utilitlee -Paved atreet $2t~. 8mall office for rent on Newport Blvd. ~ per mo. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. ){cCudJe 1&10 Newport Bl.U., Costa Ii--. LI 8-1601 THREE ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE WW. beautiful ruUc early American type home (nearly new). Plenty of room for atab&e.. pool and nal ooantry U.tnc -with J><*ibilltJy of aub- di'fidlnl. At $37,'500 Wa hard to beat. THE VOGEL CO. l201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt. Bch. Uberty 8-3481 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar with never ending view- TWO..S'roRY, 2 bdrm. (ban Plana for 3rd bdrm. to beadded at .wi eoet>, 2~ bat.ha. tp. uv. rm., lllPU'&~ dinJDr room, lup knotty pin• den wltb INilt-tn bu, JoaDp. 2 ftreplacea, beeement with 150,000 BTU !muce. Dlpemlftly carpted wall to wall tb.na-out. Ovbap dillpoul and dJllbwuber. Home e 11'8-old. Lup doable prac. wtth tau. dry, l"ldlo-«>Dtrolled ....... door. Lot 50 Jl H2'. Well land.caped. ftil home mmt be Wll to be ap- . pna11ted.. Located at sau o..n BlYd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACXJtPI' ANY BEASONABLE OFFER Shown by appointment only P~Owner, Harbor 905 l !Wk58 TRY Francis J. Hotvath RJ:4LTOR Ll1lelty MlOl -llano&' lUI NEWPORT ISLAND DUPU:X -I B. R. and 1 B. R. Wllt. -Comer -View of oc.n, bay, "'4 park. Ideally k>c&t.ed for beach and IJ1C10me propomUon. Open HOUM 1-6 p. m. dally. •Ol -Sith Street. Prl~ reduc«l from tl'-600 tA> 121.500 p()STAMESA 8\Wn-Office 6 bWld1np very attrac. on P lacentia Ave.-&leo wood worklns equipment. Sev· era! opportunlUea here to flt your need.a. Check wilh office r9prdinS your needa. 5 B. •R. boUM and cotta,.. on an R-f lot with cb&nce to expand. su.ooo. Only SI.GOO dowa - b&la.nce to be re.tln&Dc.d. C.2 wilh I B. R. home off New· port Boulenrd-ld-..1 for bual· nea -reaiden~ eomblnattoa. St.llOO. Terma. 1 B. R. hom-fl.l.nll.Med on 1ar,. loL Patio, barbecue. Gar.a-a. $6600. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. N.wport 221' Newport Blvd., eo.ta Meaa • VALUE-PACKED Income Corona del Mar • unti.-s tuU Jot.I. Inoama PIG a month. Only e yra. old. Newl7 decoraUd. J21.llOO tull price. S5000 down. Call for app't to -lhla lllCAL BUY I Cliff Haven · l'INll DUPLEX -lteady lnoome record of Sl T5 moo th. STt.63 month paya FHA. \ ~" lo&n. tu ... ln.un.nce (not *-bold> P'ull price SH,000. Balboa Island CHOICJ: LOT wilh spacloua apL over double praie plWI (Utft room and bath already on nu. Ready for 2nd unit. Aakln1 S1t.T50. 8" till• and Jet'• aub- mlt terma . Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 1e<M N...-pcm Blvd., N-s>e>rt Beh. lluy Parktn1 Harbor 44110 aac.o A FIXER-UPPER $1,200 Down OPPOR'MJNtTT to nx up uu. J Mdroom home pha a wee b&ck porch. Located Otl JWI acre of srouM cloee to Newport Blvd. On VktA>t1.a IL lD pod aacUon. Bu lot of outbu.UdlJI&. Quite 1 bit ot work bu bffo.done on tM properly &lre&dy. Payment. Wte 1'9Dl. 1'\l.l1 price LI onl.J- $6, 950 Phil Sullivan & George Everson IH Newport Blvd., Coat.a Meaa A~ from Colt.a x ... Bank) PbOlle Ubertr H7'1 E'Y-. Har. t lM-l.I 1-2103 Ocean Front e.uhore OT. Cor. J B. ll. home 2,,_ yra. old-Dbt pr. 111,600 J'\ID pr1ce -'5000 down. Channel Front MARCUS COR.NER-J B .R. home pier A fioet-NMIS8 aon·ut "'1)Tk OoJl.Slder oner M low u I 11 .MO ·~ wtth l5000 down. Bay Front J yn. old. T bdrma.. 4 bat.ha, 40' watutroot. tsn1v tdlp, bHe.h, I· car prap. "6.000. tumlahed. couldn't be duplicated al tM price Qf saa.ooo. Bayview Realtors U2S B&Jbo& BJYCS .. Newport Beach Har. UTl tllet7 Take One Good Look BY OWNER, leavinc July lJJt NOT ANOTIDl:R LUCI: IT tM W. LOW PIUCS Sla.llOO. HAUTtrUL Uoyd C. Boward etetJoa, eut elde ..... "My, CUllTOM BUll.T, I bdrm., I 1'ath8. Raacb·\1PI ~ •• abake roof. COSTA MESA -H . I T v I EXCEPTIONAL VALUE -Very nice a tedroom ere I op a ue bome in ebo6ce eutmde locatiop, lovely )'Ud. eom-a WNaa.-1\all 11alh. bctwd. noor.. pletely fenced, aeellent condttlon thron~llout. ftraplace -UMmao ceatrolled '307 Fernando, S.lboa Complet.ely furm.bed IDcJ1ldlDI clotllel ..... wt dryer • ...., t.o mow Into. Bay ftlw flom ...... room with ftreplaoe. a bedroom9 phal Jute r...- room. 1~ bat.bl, ..,..,.. -· sn'llb ~t.e I oar A BUY AT $10,500 · ...,...._..ui the "Belpu" m09t # CLIFF HAVEN HERE'S AN OPPORTUNITY to buy a eood 3 bdrfti. home at the LOW price of $13,'m<> unfurn.iabed o- leue with option to purcbue at $125.00 per month fu.milhed. DON'T MISS THIS ONE! BAYSHORES CHA.RlONG RANCH STYLE HOME offera 3 Jee bedrooma, 2 tile bath.a, attractive Uv. room with fire- place It 'beam ceiling, entry hall. din. room, prise winninc kitchen, built around a dellghUul patio, w tow carpeting, cuatom tailored drapea, matcbinc wallpapen, choice cor. location -$38,~ BAYSMORE DRIVE -BRAND NEW 3 bedroom. 2 bath home with VIEW of bay, large Uv. room. fireplace, F . A. heat, mere. llwitche11, built-in tber- mador lltove, m&n.Jt attractive feeture. 6 PRICED at only $29,100 with low down payment. ATl'RACTIVE completely furn.lahed 3 bedroom. MODERN, lnaide planter, fireplace, diQ. area, an abundance of black top parking, beautiful patio - • JUS'? $19,'500 "C" TH 0 MAS, Realtor 22t W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 ~ ~ J'\lll priee SlUOO wltlt "' 0 . L lou . . . Better burry -Ude o.e! ~ • We're Real Proud ot th.le eaehallw awart)' new J bdrm,, t bath R.uatl.o Modem wttll bdwd.. floora c.iovered wtth ~ bMuUtuJ wall to wall cupetlq --forced air be&t--prta. &po. • U-&a1p UYlq'l'OOm wttll tlff- placa looktns out on a love~1 walled paUo and ti.ck ya.rd . . • ruu price Ju.at s11,500 with F. H. A. term.a I Artistic Modem It you Wee !'Ml Modern then lht. " for ,cu! a bdrm.a., 1AITe plat• rtua enc:loead Uvtasroom and dtntnfl'OOM openlns onto s .ep- ante lroplc:a.1 .. tloa made tA> onler for llldoor~t.door Uvtns. SU.MO wUll a low down pay- ment Want a · 1/2 Acre Ranch 1 Here It I.• With a 1'9&1 cute I bdrm. and bath home a.nd a 1 bdrm. and batll iu-t bOUM OT rental unit. Plenty ot room for ll~. cbkkeM Of' what b&ve you. ll'• cloea to the Ba.ck Bay and It'• 'priced nsht at tu.MO wtth •Int term• . , . See ua DOW on Uli8 oae! Bay & Beach Realty ltM N-s>e>rt BlYll. Co«a x.... Calif. SS.Im Down 1710 Plaza del Norte Balboa Peninaula Point 3 bedrooma. 1 ~ batha. r!nplaoe • larp ..... room with dlnina area.. J'aw qulill len1 n .. City Park. OPEN DAILY 1-5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large livlnc room with ftnplaoe. ran dtnlllf ..-. 3 bedl"oom.a. 2-ear pnce, comp&Nly ndlocnW. Good Tm. Price •1a,100. 135 Ft. OCEAN FRONTAGE \ For "C'' THOJlAS "C'' THOMAS •1C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Liberty a..11tt. .... u l-l1M Builder or Investor LIDO ISLE 3 large bedroom. • 2 bath bowie with comfortable livinc room. It bu 1anaJ-forced air heat, Large aouth patio -all on ~2' lot. · Priced at only $32,~ Completely FUrnished Contemporary modern in every way tho here and there you'll flnd a lovely antique. It bu 3 bdnna., conv. den, 2 batha, beauUful floor covf'rlng tbruout. Complete privacy in patio -1paciou. living room with large stone fireplace. 1'HE DISCRDONATING BUYER WILL APPRECIATE 'MUS "3.'500 Some very nice 1oU Bu..t.oa. opportunity brokera Bay & Beach Realty -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3&l3 -2999 eve9. "Juat to the Rlght ot Lido Bridge Entrance" BALBOA ISLAND SAFE AT HOME PJ..ATE! Spend your awnmer va· cation at home! See·thil very nice 2 bdrm. comp'l. tum. home near No. Bay and cloee to village. You'll do u ao many have done -OOME FOR A VACA· TJON -STAY A L11'ETDlE! $19,000 wlnl EASY tenna. Cliff Drive Special INVITE THE RELATIVES -'/ou won't be crowd· f'.d here when they all come down !or a day at the bea.ch ! Lge. epaciou. rooma. full dining rm. view aundeck, blr yard. 2 lge. bdrma. Price incla. all furn. kJt.chenware, pa.lntinp, aUver-elec. appli.ancee. many, many extru. $19,950! OWNER ANXIOUS. Corona del Mar FEEL LIKE FALLING IN LOVE AGAIN! Here'1 your chance. Charm.. 2 bdrm. home, F.A. beat, lge. lge. cl<*!tl and Iota of them, beauL patio, wonderful brick frpl with beatrola. dining rm. lge dbl. garage. beaut. plantinp. $18.000 with ~ood term.a. MARINER'S ISLE REALTY 318 Marine A Ye .. Balboa laland GARDEN CLUB PRIZE WINNER Barbor 4781 On beautiful big comer lot In beav~y cun Haven. Encloeed with grapeeta.ke fmce. The Uvtnc room 6 den both open onto the larp patio. The a specious bdnna. and 2 bath8 are kteally ailuated in thJe ..U planned cu.st.om built home. You'll love the tarp modern kJt.cben with all the con.-enlencea. We will be proud to ahow thia lovely home. Prlet $35,800. Call the VOGEL CO. Owner Says "Sell" R 3 Zone Only $6,000 Down t unit Apartment on lot 55' Jl 100' with adJobdnl Iota 40' x 100' and 102' x 136' oo Ocean J"ront. 530 Kings Rd., All u one pa.reel with 197 ft. fl'Olltap cm 2 ltnilt.a Cliff Haven and lM tt. Ocean trontap. Open house, Sat.-Sun. Good Terms. Full Price 151.000 DON'T J'A.ll. tG -thl.I charm· IJ'IC J bdrm,, 2 bath bome. You'U love the excellent noor-pl&n, larse pktun wl.ndow. w to W cia.rpet. WeU &ITallled kltc.ben wtlh to.da of cupboard.9. Many many oUler featuru that will pl-the moet dlter1mlnt· 1J1C buyer. a.. Ulla home Wore you b\o'. (MulUple Uatinc No. &StOJ OPEN HOUSE 706 Larbpur, Corona del liar Friday. Sat11rday and Sunday H&IUt'I a 2 bdrm. with tl~ be&med celllq". N•l • elean u a pl.JI ! .IJncla.ed yard. Juat ...- decorated I o.mer wa11t. action. 12.llOO down. 1112 FIRST TIME OFFERED E. BALBOA BLVD., BAUOA BAY FRONT PIER & SLIP 2 YEARS OLD 7 BEDROOMS •BATHS 3 CAR GARAGE FURNISHED BAY FRONTAGE'° FT. Frank James Linwood Vick R&ALrou This is an ideal summer or year round home 112 Manne A.-e •• Balboa t.land &r11or io.2 for the executive with a large family $.88.000. COSTA MESA C'1JTIC J bedroom bome. l.cJwly Ill~ with •p. dlninir room -a eo.uo ft. lot-only '7.t~. 2 BmDROOM boUH wtth nreplact on eo.uo n. lot. t.u1e aiuc workahop. Wilbla walllln.r dla- NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Jim and 8t.Uy N...U. 6~ E . Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa Pboee Barbaw leOT l&ll~ ot 8t0ttlll and CallloUc --------------------ecbooJ, fta.000, BALBOA 3 BEDROOM HOUR -i.ur. llYlnir ~. cloM to t.y. K OOO doW'll wUI handle. Balboa Peninsula LOVE.LY ' bdrm., I baUI boma. I Uriq rma., I ttnpaao.a. hnl· labed. P•nnan•t vtnr of Ooll&1' t'roln UJl81.AITI ltvtltJ room. Oood ttnfl& Coast Properties IOI S. a.tboa Blvd., Jklboe Har• Jl&I. 2MT and •eoo. Builder Will T fade Open House 10 a. m. to • p. m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands CORONA DEL MAR Two lot.a on Ruel Drive, eouill ot boullftrd. On11 two avallab~. ~.ooo each. d 2 bedroom home nN.r aboppinf. Hu diDlq L otf livu1r room. !lrepW.. tile in ldt.chee A: bath. feoed yard. 4t:t. C. L loan. IU,000 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout Bl~d·, Corona cW Mar Barbor 2m Open House Daily 1 -5 p. m. 615 Jasmine, Corona del Mar CHAR.MlNO provincial 3 bdrm., 1~ bath bome. 2&-ft. Uvini rm. • fireplace. Ramblee all ovw th1a ,&Q FT. LOT. Secluded peat boue n11ted a.tvll .. $70 per mon. French picket feau. Don't mt. tblal Out of town owner aaya "Sell" I SU,'500 EM, terma. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor UM Our l'1w Putin1 Lot 2602 Newport Blvd. Harbor 6TU 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Deb. Liberty 8-M81 LOVELY LAAGll Jdtclben. WMt· --------------------era Holly o\'91 A pa plat.ea •t J M ' bec1raw.. I Mlha, lll&('nJ.tl· cat 1Utch• A dlntns nn. Play- room-IOOO ft. In ho\i8a plua ... ftl ........... a.& VI-. r. r. tn.aoo. eaa ~ purdlued oa low dowa ~L Ttlia Sa a 1ar1e aot. Mot a.ue. ta lllUClt "ALL. lMT AJ.i.o A.... LoDlert)' WIU. tlt.tc $2500 Down 1200 141. rt..-1 bdrm. I Mt.al bolN. 80xJ IO lot. I car pn... on alley. Paftd lllrwt aad turba, AU lao~lJl4 tn lncJudUi.s w,. patio with llidins ftua door It tot. Of ''bl.I hau9" t .. tv"8. ... at 1971 RoMmary Pi.e.. eo.ta Jlf~. OW'ner LI 1-ltlT t6tto * Need Room For The Kids? * Try thia 3 bedroom home on one ot ~ '8vel cor· ner lot.a. Completely redecorated -Immediate OC• cupancy -Top neicbborbood -Conwnient to everything. Only $1•,500 -$2500 will h&ndla R. L STRICKLER, 'Realtor DICK HODGE, Aaeoclate iF E. Cout e..,., Corona del 1i1ar Bar mt Pbcme '8lldeir ~ lltt•J. • Mtte Cl Zone 2 Blll>Nll. older ...,_., ... 11th •t.. ea.ta x... Qa1l ....... u Mllt. tac'flb -&. llUa at., 0DMa M ... Pan.-I 17 f\as. maaQ ooaac... ,.,,..... Lot~ .... Cull IUOO. "'-D pr-. o.urt.J to ~ff. t&pfT ' * 25 YEARS Cliff Haven on Kings Road 2000 9q. ft. bom. OD the CUtf-OYeriook:ini mtin Harbor .,_ with a view that can n..,.. be M- structed. On1J MOOO cSown. GrHnleaf -Severts Realty • 3112 Nnport BlYd., N.wport Beacb Jlarboro 2SS2 EYM.: Llbert7 1-11.- • 215 ,._,. ID the auu locatiaa - , .. . \ • • a:il!ILall!JL...---!~!J!Ll-......!I!!!!!.. ____ ··~·~·~·~ ... ~~te!----!'~•!!•!!..!D!Mli!!!te~---~·~:!•~-!..!•~~!!ta!!._ ___ ~a~at~1!!!11..!•~t!!!!t1'...----~ 11, ltll-COASTAt: SHOPPY-PA .. n •:IHI Ml!tur • !l[J :i::= ·~ ' BLANCHE A. .GATES, Re•ltor aea,oa Island IEST BUYS ..... 41WN4: LcMIJ l8d .,..-. I BJl ll08lll ............ l'OOID • bath. Lup dlnlq room. It W. tJoon. r .A. Mat. Beaut. walled patio. A home )'OQ'D Joye to own. '21.800. Tvma. Watataoat Income. '29,&00. A~ I B.R. home ad 1 B.Jl. .......... ftlNllled. Terma. Better look at a.II f UDO ISLE "850 dftD. A honey. a B.R. I bath home. w to w ..,,..._ Drt.1119. Loftly paUo. ToW price SSl.!500. ... UY.NOW BAY SHORES l'IUDJC or owNl:IU!lllP 4Melibe9 thll deluxe •pa- ._ home. 2 B.R. 2 bt.tha. nr.,&ace. F.A. beat. 8l&ut. llY, rm. and d1nlnc lanA1 open onto MClu~ _,-patio. Kllllt be Men to be appreclated. A rm hy at Sit, '"50. p. _ 1. -pa Im er inc or po .rated developers of Udo hie Come and·eee this beautiful new home on the NORTH BAYFRONT 106 Via Udo Nord Open 1 to 5 Sat. & Sun. Delllper, builder aa4 clecorator b&ve worked .. a team to create a mut.piece 1n um ltrildaa balne. SpaclouaMa in a mnaUer home 18 the key te lta plan. Sliding flu. de>Ota overlook your own p&.r and float ud tfae blai bay beyond. Slate ln0:7, carpeted. cliabwMher, Therm. onn * l"lllit. &. poeal, 2 lovely tiW batha, 2 rood med bedrma. and a nice den. It. owner will enjoy gracloua living, lD a home up-to-date u tomorTOW. Let It be you! $57,MO RANCH MODERN See the out.tandlq Bay Is Oceaa .W 0-tllll S bdrm. 2 bt.tli bome .. The tenlW U'e M &tti 1UN u the view. Price $25.CSOO. Can BW hnaaworth. Udo Strad• Home a tlclnm. 2 batha. Ezoellellt oon4ltioft.. IO' Jot. t...p Patio and bea\llitul prdela. '82,SOO. Aak for Hod .. ln10n. • EXCLUSIVE SHORECUFFS • ! p E 0 6a !! • IL ..... ;;II I I • Ii a I • I '~ a r IAI IOA IMND . ' eboice8t AayfrODt BU11 BAY J'RONT ~II Arr .. a Bq. 8 2 1•11 bwb. $10,000 ......... "Ct..,. DUPLl:X • SOUTll BAY nlONT -LmmrJ a... Md IDOCWM '88,00Q. ' CORONA DEL MAR ON HAZl!t., 2 br ... bome. Prtnte patlawaJ .. little Oerona .,..... •.eoo. LUXUIUOUS 5 lllM• _., b--. IAuh b'Ople9I ' ....... yard. $16,000 dawa rot a.lonlation OD ..... p1opelts., plaGM Job Mama~ llar. 1771 or ..... !Iv. 88. 321 SIGNAL ROAD CUFF HAVEN ACROSS FROM CLUB on SAN REMO. ruJlJ fum- Jahed. very attractive 3 ,bdrm 2 bath home rudy to move into. Flaptone paijo, ahingle We roof. full furnace. This 18 the beet buy we know of lD a leu 2 bedroom Is den (or I Wroc>a) I bau.., I ...S brick f'U"eplace.. Heavy shake root, 9"" ol ..,..,. taln.t Ir ocean. Thia ia a beautlful Mme in a top location. (Aak for Dave Osburn). BALBOA ISlAND. Choicest Bayfront Buys L1T1'LE ISLAND -to ft. bey froetap. pm 6 float. 4 bdrma. fll.000. OPEN HOUSE 1 'till 15 ai TBl8 TODAY. OWNER'S LOSS -YOUR ClAIN l.oftly lup-.., 6 B.R. 2 batha. Kuter B.R. IDdO with .me tlMr. An Jdeel. IUlily home. Patio. Olildrm'• plliflround. J'nait treea. Needa .... Ndec:or.ua,. The low price will nrprtM you. llarry. Kat .. ! CORONA DEL MAR l!lemt and Income Uauually charm. Is spacloua 2 a.a. ud d& holu. 2 ftnplacea, and a 2 B.R. apt. .... 2 ear ....... Drtra parlt!nc ip&Oe. Badminton ..rt. 46' lot. a. m about W.. bat QUICK. NI pice $28,&00 BLANCHE A.. GA TES, Realtor MJCMB1:RS or MlJL'l'IPLJD LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Pbo9e Barbor 1871 or 1872 VOGEL VALUES Check These Outstanding Buys NO. 1-Newport Helghta Jae. 2 BR. home pl\19 JP. 2 ear prage It U-X14' Wwk &hop. RW. f1oon. fmuce, We in kitchen It '-th, breakfut .,..., ........ porch. brick pado, walled Jud. $3000 will bandle -apnm. f19 per mo. J'ull price only s1s,m . IM thJa. doc't pay rmt. No. 2-Cliff Haven Walk to llC.hool It church, I BRa., tamil)r home. 16tzl0' U.tnr room loob out OD OOTll'td patio porch II ftncecl Jud. 1'\replace, turnace, HW tloora, We In kitchen 11 a.th. '" GJ. ..U.. Only SH,l&O. ... WI fioda1, Ho. &--corona de!· Mar I BR. bOIDI .... .__. oa '8' lot, ...a _.. ot Rwy. Jl'ront ... ii ...... --llW. noon. &.. piece, tun ................ apt. .. f'8nllbe4 and ...a.cl at .. ,. • .. ........ low -oaly 11..-.0oo4 ..... THE VOGEL CO. ..-r I!. Cout llwJ., Corm& Ml Mar. Ha.r. 1TU It 1'77 VACATION COTT AGE ONLY $8000 ONLY A "Dilly" for the price J bclnu. wtth tun bath, Lent a..2 Jot. ~t brick wan Good location for ahopplnc. aoom tor iddltioaal apt. Uaat woald b&.,. vs.w c4oceu.. Move F•st On This One! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor -Orm Into oar tr. pukJnc Jot - ll02 Newport m.d., Newport Bleeh. Harbor '718 2 LEFT MOVE IN TODAY S500 DOWN '11-belt I bedra ........S bath tract home in town. llardwoocl Coon -PIMtend walll -Full me din-• Ill room -toned air beat -dMpoAJ -two car pnp. YOUR LAST CBA..NCI: FOR THE BEST DtiL IN TOWN. Phi Sulrwan & Geo. T. Everson 18 Newport BIN. Costa Me.a (&m'09 fn>m a.ta Me.a Bank) ftODe LI M78L Ev-. Har. ~ • U 8-2103 BEST BUY on LIDO ISLE Pltee now nduoed below replacement co.t .•• S.u-w.a. abDo9t new two-story a bdrm., 3 bath Bay ~ bome. B&y vt.w from an rooma. Fully car· .-S. beaatitW drapes. new pier It .Up. Price in· ._ Z.tt. C.tw7 91'eedbc>N one year old. Ant.Uo tand8captnc. All this foT $M,8G(), ._.. bm7 u tlall watt a.t. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor .1111 N.wport Bh'd., Ntwp0rt Beaeh Har. 1013 eiqwlve home. $26,900. p. a. palmer incorporated. ole hanson co., sales management 1333 9ta Udo, ~ UGO p. a. palmer incorporated ole b&lllOn co., salee management 1100 w. oout blPW'a1 -*"' 8-M1I WATERFRONT ~ run. home and apt. ' w.... Fireplace. $10,000 down. l'ull price $20,DOO. ISLAND COTl'AGIJ -Dble. pJ"llt. J'lrtpl8el. , $1~.750 . • BDRllS., 2% betha. New turnltve. TV. BllQ. North Bay moonnc. Qood famiq home. AD for $24,960. • Balboa Beach Home y' v JUST I DOOR to tll• "-t Bay s..dl. ' Mdroo1118, 2 bat.Ila. Dandy for IUI'• fani19 •. wW v CORONA DEL MAR BEST VALUES make wondertul Nntal ptoperty. l'Um.18bed u 119r tnwMo17. nuoo. "°°° ctown. • 1. DUPLEX Peninsula Home! Two eeperate umta. 2 B.R. eMI}. Corner tot. ao.. B&Atml'UL. aPACIOtJa, ..._ ocean.-. Ont leued for 1'fl&I' at SlOO pw month. room. 2 bath• home. u. M UY· $115,000 loan at '103 per mo. OM wut belnl beld 1n1 room wtth tl&fltclne tt.... vacant for new OW'Der. Priced at $22,500 which l.D- place. Ocean vtew from uJ)9t.a1r clu..a-new wuher Is dryer. Low down ..,. • .,_.nt roome. New Ule enUre lower Uc:9 ..--~ noor. UUOO, 10000 ~ wtll handle. Beach Home! 2. JUST LISTED Oft TEAR A.ROUND LIVING. I Thia modern 2 bedroom ho~e. carpeted wall to wall. bedrooma. 1~ Mt.Ila. °°:,..,': dble. garage, fenced yard, paved lr-<:overed patio. :1u:"'1n~!"ei.· ~\t ou., G.L raale Ir only $14,500. =~ n.1u... 112 • 500 • '' 000 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME Bay Front Home! ma:. O• Tim VERT J'l!W LEJT. IS bedl"oome, 3 b9tha. Balbo9 Penln.eul& loe&Uon. Very sood condJUon and hU pt.r rt~t& $«,!500, terme. Peninsula Duplex! IJTU.A. TED ON LAROl!l ecner lot. 1'edwood uteri« Uld bMu- tlNI pa.Ml interior. ICach Wilt Owner must 11ell jm'M'ft•tel7 th1a quality built 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. :rtJ1l7 f'urniabed. WW con- sider amall home tn trade for part payment. Don't delay on thi.e one! Priced at 139.600. Shown by appointment. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY. CO. PRICE T. McCUJ8'l'ION, a.ltor 3'47 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 11u a lle4roorna. &Ad 2 b&t.lw. ------------------. ra •••«-llloe &M1.Ddr7. Pt. no t1IOO down. Extra Special Value! CUT9 I~ Mdroom bnch bome -9ut. Ba7 AYUIU.. CION to ...,..,, and bMt Bay MMb. ._. fUrnJtU111 Included. Oa • eor.. and 700 9bould -. It tor IH.IOO, l4llOO dow1a. Balboa Realty Co. OppoeJl• Bank of Amertea Ro. Or.elq Al Comallua &d IM lack Ptakham JoeeplllM W•bb 700 &. Balboa BlYd., ~ Ptlone Barbor am. NEWPORT SALll Oft TIU.DID tor 2 bedroom tioma. LAra-e hom4i In Newport B..ob1 llJock troaa ._. U p- 1ta1N rented far 11200 plu 119r yMt, Owllere luleJUa cMmandl aa1a. IU.000 or 11t,NO film.. COSTA MESA ma bome: 2 Wra. e111 .c.pi.. Dear 1JUl ltr'Mt. ... 7ard teneed.. ~ MOOO. COSTA MESA We 11&•• a • bdna.. 2 e-ua bome I mo. old. l llOO eq. ft. 11li. ti "'7 sood-112,'50. Oood Lerma. "ART" ADAIR RmALTOR . 1... Newport Blvd. Coeta M-. Cal.It. LI a-ITH Special I Bed room h?Cne, MU cl'IFlc cen- te.r, ctlo1ce °'<>C&Uon. Well lm· proftd -.ctkm. 8acrtfte• at •1uoo BA YFRONT, Pier and Slip Beautiful aandy belch. ' bdrm&., completely turn- s.bed. Jnchlde. ana11 ..a boat Oil acluaive Bay Ave. Fint time offered for ale. Aaldnr SM,000. Write yov own term.a. RED BOT I Best Buy on Udo Isle · New 2 bdnn. t>.utlt.07 furnlahed. Flreplaee, Snack bar, large patio, etc. Full price $21,500 Low down ~ handles. Full Price $8500 S3250 DOWN -OCEAN FRONT only 2 bib. away. 3 bdnn. p&rtly turniahed beach bouee on two 30 rt. lot.. Nutt a&Jd l ART C. KISTLER CO .. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 5228 A Bayf ront House on 11/2 lots Dedgned to take tull adva.otage of tu location on Balboa Peninsula. The aromatic ecent ot It.a choice wood ~tllng greet. you at the door and lleta the key to a gracloua home -a combination ot Uveablenme and openn- IO advantar~u.a in entertaJ.ning. F .A. heating, 3400 eq. ft., 5 bednu., f baths and powder room. 3 fireplaces, Fonnica kitchen. Triple rarace. Sheltered rear gardeo. Pier &Dd ... wall. Price $96,000 un.turniabed LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 7H E. Balboa Bh'd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80. Houston Values Colonial Beauty WATERFRONT -J nper1or unltl. S bdrm..&. place DOWN; 2 bclnllll. t bat.U UP. S., VS.W from upper deck. $46,000. a.Jmut don. NJJWPORT HT8 I Nrm. nice 11•. rm. with fin-CORONA DEL MAR plMe. oalc noon. pble root, d~ pr., f9rlced 7d. Vac. A ....,7. EXCELLENT JNOOVWI _ 4 tunmW unit.a 1 OwMr arudou.. 14000 w 111 _..., bUdJe b&I. EZ. DI.IC. for mon bdrm. each. No 'fWDCiM l.D over a )'Ml'. Rent 18 cub down. S85 each. Oro. )'Mrl7 '8920. AU la ftnt ei.. ._. A Cheapie OnJy M230 Mlce 2 bd. nn. etucco. 2 bib. eut ot Npt. Bl•d. Bm&ll ~ M-1 Placentia .. lit •75 Plenty water now, .....,. anU· able. ""' dn. Bal. I: Z. J'or eve Int. on aboft pb lJJt)e LI l-20U. M-1 Superior Good I Wrm. M\aee • UO tt. tront&f9, bNt M·l d.lftrW\, • -•n, room for ale. abop. J'ull pr1ee '10,l00, ...... G. I. Re Hie $10, 760 Nl09 I ~ '~ io.n Oil eo.t.a Kea St., eew.n, curtle ...... dl.ap. v ... u.a bl1nd8. leW ~ wtth_onl,y 1&7.6' D\O. oe b&luce. Harbor Blvd., C-2 A l&rp, .-I Wra . ._... ... I bdrm.. cotta_. Oil reu ot ~ta f&llt l"'OWllll m..t., om~ tAtr ot acU~. '*1.ooo. wttll SoOd t.raa. aoellnt ,.. ,.. . f .... onal ome.e. Income near Theater r<>UR fll.rn'd.. UaU•, "-'• ~ trom t.be&Ur. Aoom few two morel "8 ll HI COl\.Nll:R Lal', ruu ,..-. 91>..JOO. TWaa. ,,... 1a aa • 11 uonaa .nw. .... .,.... ...... , ror Jen. Into. -&boft, .. titt.e, LI 1-5'17 Houston Real+v Co. • A.aeoctA TS/ :iot o.nt.r Bt. eo.ta )(_. LI a..11 LI 1-179' REAL VALUES Harbor Blvd. Business Comer TlqB I.I OMI: ot the b9.t '""'- locaUou lll eo.t& w ... llld.JI Mt. Comer lot. ,,... .. • two bdr. IMMn• Oft propert., wltJcll owt1er wUJ mo.. ott U you .,.. k>eklns tor a ....,..,... a-. t.klll ... W-. Ile l"Mlly ~oe. Business Property Lot •OXUO oa Newpori Bhd. wttla dltion, $6000 tak-. run price J22,GOO. For Information Clll the &~ propertl., ..n Ka Maroon. Harbor 1775. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY SHORES properties. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balbo& la1&D4. EARLY AMERICAN Balboa Island -Aliiltl'B1'8T OPJ:N UT. A SUN. 1-8 Dl:LIGBTFUL 3 bedroom. 2 t.tb bGIDI -Lup ltY. rm., fireplace, dlniDa rm. llUJlD,)' ldtelMa, beam cetUnp, encloeed patio, O&rpfta Is dn,_ • Plus + CUTm APT. lb. na.. Wrm., ldtdL Is beth. 01"MI' wt-.. to ..n no. SeMlbly priced $31,500. Preview abowi.nc by ca.Dlq - OSBORNE REALTY CO. BsclmlYe Ac-t. 2123 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Oranp) Liberty 8-7'582 01' Barbor '828-J, ..... Planning to Bund on Your Lc;>t? • Take a look at our model bomee at Newport u4 llltchell, Tu.tin. Open Dt.U1 e to e Swada)ta 1 to 8 lee for younelf how n can build a 12" lq. ft.. boeie, forced air beat. bdwd. floora, 2 car pnp tor only $9,100. Lit u. direct you to oar bom• unde coutnactSoa and flniabed. Look t!Mm over, compare, Mu.f1 you.ndf. We b&ve custom home p1enntnr -vtot, ftneneblr for State vet., FHA. .net S&Ttzlp and Lou., u a 1 ltop f&cillty. Not.bins down. MARSHALL HOMES KI 7-3293 -KI ~ (Ena. LI MO'TI) 88oea sood bulilDM9 .......... bu ------------------liquor *"' .._. ,. •100 ,_ -......... .a. Let -llbow )'Oii w. 1111e1&1. NO RACE TOUT, B. A. Nereson R&.A.lll'OR But Here's A Tip! Half Milrton Ila Jf..,,art........ ~. = ------------------,.._. u .. ,.,. .._ UI Hope nobody'• u.t•lns 'cau.e UU. • BOTI A chance to make a killlll' 1 A 1.900 aq. ft.. brand MW Cape Cod bome with a blr bdrme., 1~ bt.tJua, foroecl air beat. brick fir9plaot, bic modern kltcben. 8Mb roof &ad pJenty of cluL lt'1 ln Newport, too. bu}'9 1.,,. tnoet. now ,...,.,. to tubdh1de. Aak tor d.tAll&. R-2 Lots only two anJlallle la W• H..,. port eloeie to ~ 6 .,...,.,. 12'80 .... N. B. C. REAL TY Hnd 6 Jfewport 81.c. ' N~-- OCEAN FRONT FOtJR..UNIT INCOME Widow bu Jll,800 equity. Must ~ BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 180& w. Balboa m.d.. ~ .... 1.. ..... -----------------------SlllOO DOWJf -I 11Mnn. ..... Hdwd. non. ffr'UnJo We. O&z-. bac• ~. Dbl prqe. rence.t Jard. Droe.Ueet IMll'b· borbood, Coeta ..... 111.280 tull prtca. LI 1-lltT UceO BACK BAY NMN.'I XWW I W.. .._., ,....,.... .............. .,-. .................. ._, .... .................... '11.llO. IOllt OrtliM, ..... £M .... LlbertJ :--""' BALBOA ISLAND • • • Only $5000 down • • • $3,000 yearly income uwred Two unit.a nicely f\lnllahed. fi1"1place, acellent beat, ra.rb. diapoula, nlce .,.tio. Out.taacllq Value! WM. W. SANFORD, Reeltor . And •.....tit• Park at llartDe, Balboa 1lland -Barbor .., .W'l'MY .... ._..._, ......................... rm~": ':9 :!.."1..= .. cmn. ..... Jll.l-1'6 ~ ,... .... o.ta ,... ..... ~UDO..,t.Ml...._ ....... Claire Van Horn ftaAlll'Oa mi w. Olllll 1h7. u Min 331 ACRES N llILSI tJ'Om Oeee•llde ta •u· f1tu1 ftlle7 at ll9t el II&. l'aJo. W, V9r1 .. I.WU ....... BOW -..... CM M _.. ........ J:Jt. ..u.t ..... .,...... a.. to ..... , ....... PO. ..... ............... 80ua .. ..... ... Wiil .. -rrrr .. u tut ,.,.-. Ownel-, JIOt Cllft ~ M.,._ tort ...... u MM. .... TIM prtel of $18,800 with ~,77'5 down will be bart toM&t. CALI- The VOGEL CO. D01 W. Cout Hwy., Npt. Bc:h. L1bertJ MC Lido Isle ..• Bay Front Home -- coMPARE this NEWLY COMPLETED Deluxe Special ••• 8est Buy ••• Bay Front 371 Udo Soud ' bdrm&, I b&Ull, 2 ltGM tlreplacel, 0r..m KJteblm. w (fl ...,,.uni. Other 1\IRI')' f•tura You M UM JUDOJ: -J:ircepttoaa1 V ALUll 'Tl,IDO . ................. 6093 to n.w. . . .. . . . ' WITH SALUE hM 11, i-. N..,........_,Olllf. IMll ............ .. Paalllrl lle't .a lfcll*I Bn forak•llllplpe,r .... W. ... s•n ... .....,. ...... f• U.. .,_ flMle, ...., ...... aldlt, .... Ila& ... ww' rt el .................... ._ .. _ .......... ..., ...... ddt.mrp., 1111~ -..,.,, ...... ..... ...,.~ .... ...... ,....,A--. ... -* ........ ... ' .... = ...... -· llU..,.._ for .~ .'!.. :.:-a .. ~ ·•-I .... acU11n-. t.a ••. i... 1W 11hetton of ..... a.q ............ ...................... 2'1ae' .... ,....... ... _. .....,... ...... toole.of ... .,... fer,_., -die ...... la a MM, _. IHI la Jo. ...... ,.... ....... c:::~~.,. N"' It.are boarl to ·eoau.. ;...n~:;rm.; =... ~ibi.:t: lineme ••• Nowbecu~ too OI' brtas mom, fJYflrT DJibt ai ...... ~ ..... -..1N ........ eal'a- ~n.•1 ....... to,. -•>•1rl <1111k11 are a Mid I p ..... .. ,_.la._ D1'1 hi -••• A .......... .............. ftaftT .. ................... b ..... a.at·-................... ............... _ ..... .. 1ae1ae1tMnsa•• ................. OMlq ... ,,., .., --• • • &Ma,..... on•• .,._. .......... .... ::::.. ~WL..ess.= -...... Nb_. ..... U.., wtl ._,, f• ._.., tllne ........ Mee ..... 117 .......... ...& .. .... -11..d ••• o.. ~e ........ ,.. -lilt.,.., ....... .. ,... ......... 1Aa7Qpe el '--l ..Ued WI ~ ,_.1 ~In a Mntwicltl ~,., ........ ... = ......... ~ f.-luAa ..... ..... ....... tak9 ... wlli•b111'Wllte..W- a"t bQ ·-I& lilome • • • N"' I._._ how .... ....... fleebosls-•• """De Oecar 111.,er wu.r llo6ue will be here oat Sat- urdq for one bOW" trom 2 :00 to 1:00 with little Oecar the WOl'ld'• ...... -chef ... Lit- .tie Oecar ctvea out weiMr whJatlee to the ~- <w. ~ ....... beat 1ebbJ loo, ..U W. = ......... ,. ,...., ........ ... ....... ,.._,to,. ....... ~ ........ It,............. -eeelE7 9 .... ... .., .. •·WJ ....... ..., ,,_ ........... .... ldllt•it11d •.• N ..... •• ):J" ....... II-.: , .. ,.. !fwwpwt Pwlll I. wltere ,.. ....... _ .... If ,... ........ to....,.. -.lie .. . A tint tor the cook.boob! Dube'• Jifarprtne la the tint to become ~ •.. What doe. W. bomopn. ilatloa do for youT Durkee'• ~ marprtne will aot 1patter ID trytq and it wUl ...,_ ...U.y nen whm ~..r··~dla~ IMDd: oom~ wttJa otber' lqredllDtia . • . Wlaat .. ~tkm! =:=-o:: = ~ ...,_... ot ---puti. .............. u..a.p1a. JC*at. •t ... um .aan-. .... ~JltoolupfQT Jl'OPll' ti hr 1Pnl ••• a.c,.. lill.tllabrel.bap ..... ot ..... tlD7 pUtlellil lato..., -u.. Ult. •.. '1'17 tt! TW ol IDU'pl'IDe ain't tM ... •more! J\01 ~f -. • I _I Now Open Evening• till 8:00 p. m. e1tcept Sundaya •r.r ,._, tioA If_. ,.._,. ......... u. 8. a.olel T·BONES ·~-... •rN .. 11te -.,_,, .,,,,.,... .... .......,, u ... Clltolee • , . ,,roJ.c. ... ... w.................. --~1ae ,TOMATOIS ------1- ........... • • • Odlil. .... ._, I 3 1')e CUCUMlllS _ .. __ ... _ __:_ · ,_ .i-'"-• • • ... n..... 2 25 CANllLOUPI _ ,. c • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • MINU POil A SUCCDSllUL MTHll'S DAY PIAST •••. Rnt, lflr •• real .................................... ... .................. ...,, ........ I ........ Add • lllcY ....... llchd1 U.S. ,Ch1l1e Ste• ..... waa•d It wit• ..... , .......................... 0 ......... ,.. ... .. , . .,. s....... ..... ............ s.. If ..... ,.. Day •••• , .......... ,...., ... . P.S. atoa. .. sc.rce ......... t weeb ••W -10 ... .. ...... ,., ... ,., ........ .., ............. . . II>. 98-• • • Sunbeam and • 98-CLUB ST'll Remington llt. Shever1 Mey be • • ..,., ~ ..... ~,....,.... • .....,...u.a.~ 98-PORT'HSE llt. •a.. all -"' ..._,, fw ..._., JIMleA ... _,. M=nhtt....,.•...-EM 59c HAMI .... • .... '*A .... .,......, .... , .... ....... -.... SLICED .BACON ·•· 63c • purchased in Mena nine Shoppe • • • • • • • • • • • Complete F&ther's Day T &ble for Shopping Convenience • • • • • ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • COAftAL -·--111Jd U. um ... fo,. JaJ T.._ 85 COFFEE __ ............................. ·-·--··,.... c iiim1 --····-····-········-·-..... st: • 'l'llVUDAT DMlillla 44 ..... qi.II' ...... APPLE C~~ -_. c DiiSSiNG ___ 4fc • It's ........... .. ~ RIPE OLIYES __ ·····-····---~~1 u- P.-cKLis ... ·---··-.................. ~ 21c Cifiir ------·-·!!: 21c • • • • • • • • • . • Smart to Visit the Menenine for every occa1ion ,..,...._ '"" ... tN .,...,.,.,. .. ...,. CoFRi CAKES_ nc WAos -~~ nc Mft1mDAY ......... 3 25 ......... DWI fGc lliR CLAWS ,., c CHEESE ,--!.i11-.,..,., ...,. 17c o-r .__ 4fc LA YER CAKE __ ....... SMOKIES !:. .,..., ..... ...,.. ~Dir 100 o-r _,_ 45 CAKE . .-.. FRANKS _ • c • FRENCH FRIES GREEN PEAS 10 ... 2 for 29c -~....-....,.--· llOAft &11:1:1' _ _. Pd'ID -.... ft&&& 'COMPLETE DINNERS IZ.a. 73c You'll. fllld a a.a.· S•ap • • • • .•• to flt your .. ..., ..... ! I • ... tu nlut .. • •n,. .._