HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-06-22 - Newport Harbor News PressVelmle8-Nllmber1 Wecble11clay, lw H , 1935 ................... lprtn0s"•• ST AFFORD & ION "Na..11 Uld DOC'' ...,.....CAL 00.NT&ACl'OU PMMl.Den71-1'8 111 &hw8We A..-ae N.....,.. ..... CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 ' PUJO-BLOCJll OOMPANY -tHO 11. lbla Bt.. Baata Au l't71DOI: -CINJH.:1' AND OONURETll aLOOK8 ll&DQ'OllCINO STEEL ll9d 8UPPLIE8 LOCKERS SPECIAL -Lockers (app. 125 lb.) $7.75 Y"· WE FEATUJU: 8ELEGTED PRIME Md CHOlp t: Mt:A T8 • 18 -IOUa SL ~"t:WPORT BEACH Ba.rbor 41118 LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is IARIEltt SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDO. BALBOA ()pea 'hMday thru S.turdaJ WAR SURPLUS SHCIAL! Niw Ci E'E 1.~ •2 OO A S.Yillr• ttl Tl% For eac14111111s fM*, ...., ~ plaat ....,.. .. aerM ,_,. ........... BIO llEWARD ftwt;a OW Cle•• ...... ,.,. ......... •.W•••n. IM9 .......... ct-r .... ,...., ......... ........ ........... ,. .... ..... .. ._ .......... . _, .. ,..,.. V•l-ltle 9lft certlfNetn wW M ===• .. ...... fw Ute o.._. cia-r ........ ...... fw .. --oWellt ~. "-ei&.M •rtlflcatil '°" U. 8Gt tt ow..t cl~. . _ ... ._ .......... ............. .......... _...._ , ... , Sllep .._ ... -........ ,._ ............... ,.. ... hatMly • • tape ..... ..,., a. u .. iniatvre ......., C.n•alutleft. Come in or caD-today. ~ He"' MMERCOST ~ J_ PltO<MiE BUILDINGS Al•ID ~ ....... GLUfO LAMINATfO MEMBERS, GIVE CLEAR ~. AfFOR.O\NG GAUT STQE.NGTH A.T LOWER COST. COt1PU.TE eutLDING -unuTV D£L\VE.QEO TO Jo& SITf FROM ti!! PlR.SQ.FT. OR COMPL!.T£LY £.Rf.CT!D, INCWO\NG SL.A~ FQOM t I 9 PER. $Q. FT. FOsl COMM!.RCi.-.L. - FARM.OR INDUaTAW. WK. ANt'M\JW« "' .JO. t:l!ll. THEATRE GUIDE New Soadl ClnNUMOpel lEFF CRANDLE& RHONDA FLEMING YANKEE PASHA ~ - Jiit , -I PJ,.t)": Alldle .. .....,, ta~ • /I s. Dllelllir• ... .....,,.,... .. t ...... ..... ., .. -· .. -~· ..... ........ .. _, HELD OVJ:a 1'11811 SArtJRl>A 'f -7 I * • •• ST AB'nNG SUNDAY "END OF AFFAIR" a-ltb VM JM I• -Deborah K~rr A HILARIOUS If' NEW WOK ATLJFEI Party Rental Items 1.01 •. Coan B11., o -del II• Barbor t50'71 ~ TotheSouthSeas in Luxury fMturtltc 19 Daya la the Sooth Seu 8allla1 from L.A. Sept.ember 8th CDM TRAVEL SERVICE UU~i I:. 0-.t Hwy. Oorona d4!1 Mar llAJlBOR I ttt ~ NOW SHOWING RICHARD llIDllAU .. "A PRIZE OF GOLD" ook>r "1 Tedudeolor -pl•- "CHICAGO SYNDICATE" Clrculiltlon 21.000 DMll»aW .. Newport ....... a.a.o......_ ....... o. ............ o.e. ..... Lacaal. 8oatlt i...-. udBatblatolllleult.. llarhr lilt UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Newport City Poultry ( Orlgl11al Newport leach larbecM) Feal•lnCJ • • . BARBECUED CHICKEN, eny size, hot or cold. See us for special prkes for Clubs or lar9e parties: CUSTOM IARIECUING FRESH KILLED CHICKEN Whole or eny pert. Turkeys , Geese, Ducks, Pheasants, Squeb or Partridge. 2810 Newpott llvd. Newport leach Harbor3121 Free! Free! FUN ZONE BALBOA Kiddies Day Every Wednesday 12 Noon 'tll 6 p.m. FREE IALLOONS Al Rides 6c ••• Al Games Sc TAKE .& TRIP ABOUND 'DIE BAY S EXCURSION BOArS - LEA VE EVER'f BOUR ON TB BOUB • w Oii ... lay..,.. •• Oii ... Ocem llDI THI SHOW IOAT TO LA.UNA -STADS SATURDAY • FIT PREME W&T c. •••• , .... __ ......,_ ,........ *195 _.._ ............ ., ~ ..... .. ..... ...,., ... . ftnioly -,1r ... It the Srocking with l:ontroll«l S•T•ll•••T•C•H You'n never had ttockinp 6t like thia! 'TheM buutilul llretch •r'om ....... 94 .... -·, ..... .... c-.....~ ...... .......... ~ ...... ............ M-' .................... ... , .... ~ ...... ...... lllp ... ........ We •IYe l&H .......... IODY fA...C M ttretdl ...,.._ ....,., ..... ,It ...,._" ... .. '""9fftoj .... ,.._,_.. ........ "'--.~~ .. -11-•"4 ~i-i..n ... ...... -. ... -. OPD IVND.&Y It TO I lit Aawleuly to the e••d contou1 o1 T°"' rom and le~. CoritrolkJ 11rncla.. achaaiw with Phoenix bring. yoa perfect fit and comfort et the top. heel ind toe. Try thfln ... you'll like them . TOI M-rel1tl .. c•-llf -_.,........_.,.,_,_ )" .... -"" ntlll ,._ ,.,., .. ,,.,., ..... -flt .......... ,; ... .. .....,_._ ~Open I . ••o-.._ ........ -~~i Sundays 10 to 5 NIWPOIT llACH a..-.~.._ .......... l PAGE 2 -COAST At: SHOPPER -JUNE 22, 1955 KHYI D•1l1er Kr. and lll'L Tom IC....U. 110I Mormnta llt., Omta K--. &N ,.rmt.a or a strt "°'1t .. -. JloepUal Juae 11. '"' LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRICTOIY APPLIANCES -Bowbnld P"rta -o-Jer -hn'tce UDO ELECl'IUO l'U \"la Udo -....._ 41" AUTOMOBILE DEALDS New 1.nd uaed C&ni NICK.ERTZ 8TUDl:B.AJU:B l"alM Senice Pu1a h 15 Newport IUvC. -Bal'. 110 BANKS Bank of America NT A AA ,..... \'la Udo -Harbor JUI BARBER SHOPS UPO SBA VINO JIUG la BldweU'• Store tor JIM ..u , ... Udo -II.arbor ,, .. BEAUTY PABLOB8 LIDO SALON OP BEAUTY Ull Npt. 11.lvd. -Bar. P11 BOOU llOOll CASE Ult Via Udo -~r 6'°' ClAMERAS a 8appllee VDIODiT LIDO D&tT08 Ull Via Ll4o -Banor IOOI ClARPET8 a DRAPERIES DICK. KACJJ.U MJt Via IMt ~ '811 ClATEBJNO IUCllAJlD'a LIDO •••m NU Via Ude -llUbor tasa Cllothlll1-Chlld.-a • lafuta n:JU'8 OP UDO Co~ in A~ Me& Newport ~ OLO'DIJNG -Men'• BetaU BIDWELL'8 SBOP FO& 111!1'1 MJI \'la Lido -a.nor tMI mm'BJNG-Womea'a Retail LA a&INI! ... Via ...._....._..,...r Mlt LIDO F A8HION8 M'f Via Oporto -....,._ 1111 UIA.DDOOll'8 MU Via Ude -llarMr 1111 V .&OAJIOND B01l8m Imported Sporuweu MH \'la LWo -BarMr J0M l)RVG 8'l'O&E8 \ThCES'r8 UDO D&VCM J.MI \'la Lido -Benor IOOI For The Merry MERMAID Swim Suits s5es Two for $11.00 °"*' to $17.95 ftle ...... 1°" .... jmt ..... 1• .... ---. .._,. .,.. • ..u.. ........... 1111 a.nor 11.lvd. U •·1111 ELECl'BIO OONTUOIOll8 ~=======~ LIDO ELXCTIUO au• Via Ucto -BarMr am 1Ut'HAKU'8 UDO KAJUl.ET C<.oraagt"-Table A rny1.-ementa ,..u \ 1a Udo -Ha.rtNr 1na l'OUNTAJN, GRILL \'ISCF.~T'8 LIDO DRUGS H4l \'la Udo -Har~r aOOt l'KAM.ES a &LBUMS OEJUIAJlDT 8T1i0108 Hll \'la Udo -Manor HM nJRNITtJRE OICIL llAC&.U "'° Via Udo -Harbor un GIFT SHOP aJCBAaD'8 LIDO llA•l[l';T NII Via I.Mio -...,._ 1111 INSURANCE &GEN'l'S w. o. auoa.. Ufo. ueo V1a Ude -ltaltM>r U6' INTERIOR DEOO&ATOB8 ISLA.."CHE .. -UUU:IUJON .&..1.0. Ull \'la Udo -Rar'1or UM DICK MACKEil IUO Via Udo -llar~r Ula DON CREIGHTON A. l. D. ~·~r: Mt \la -aan.r US1 MAUETS aJCllAILD'I LIDO llAUn MU \'la I.Me -..,._ 181 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OEJUIAADT 9TUDI08 .... na U4o -Ban.r '* aEAL ES'U.1'£ LIDO UAJ.TY AISOOIATU U do Salee • R411t.aa ...0 \•la Udo -Halhr U6' r. A. PALKEJl INO. usanalkk-...._1111 VOOEL OOJIPA."W-Y H 11 \'la I.Ne -lla'11lor 6111 BA 1' A.ND RACH R&AJ.T'I \'ta Udo Brtdr• Ollkle 1111 LAl"&J'eti• -Harbor 144' a&VING8 a LOAN A8SOCIA1'10N8 NJ;WPORT a.u.BOA 8A\'IS08 A LOA.~ Aa80<JIAT10lif A Savtn.-1 ln.IUtuUOn Loni" Tum Hom. Lo&M IMt \'la Udo -au.tor UOO SERVICE 8T&.TIONI LIDO aJCllFIELD Ull Newport ~. &111 SHOES-M•'• BID\\'ELL'8 STOU roa MEN Nia \"la Llcte -S.... .... 'l'llEATBES UDO TBE.&DS Con.suit Ul1t paper tor prvsrua \'la Udo •* N-.on lllri. 8...t.r Ill& rol'S UDO TOnA.'iiD IUI \1& Llcte -llarMr llM l'RA VEL A(SNOID HAABOa Ta& V1IL A.GDOT • UU N.....-pon ......_..,., UH l7PHOl.BTEBINO Die& llAcaal MJt Via Udo -...... 4111 WINDOW COVERING TIR 8 8ADt: 8ROP Nut to. Poe\ otft~· IM t For Complete MARI HE HEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE SECTION In Each Tlusclay's NIWPORT HARIOR NEWS PREIS Ratchford lniury s.111c .... t ... eel ment wu ftW taere rrida1 In Ellen Ralobtord. I. Th• ell.Im wu an und1tcloeed mJahap on unlm· city bulldlnf permit tor a•·• and a_.,... to lie erecte4 at Al .........-wttll a ea.ta M--.a1A1t t.b• lrvlne Oo. ol -r.ua. pro"-1 laad aea.r lmn• Ave. a.nd COMt.rucUon project. 11"01ftd U'I Center at. "' lolAUl Ooalt Con· Mrd 1 t. The oompany hat esl'Md to eettJe a ltUl •t.. eo.t& M-. April 9· a diapl+y room, two .,.n.m-te etNcUola ComJIUl.1. ....... ~ for MOO. "'1tbout e.ce.pltJ\&' l&a· ....... It.. --'" It bWt7 L • .. .... a.url'A AM.A. (OClfa) -A ... ltt.b at., OoMa X.... ua court • •a•oerf twOD tar 9uper1or Oourt .,..,...i ~ ot .._ eetU .. ent on be-Ratdttord 1'u aa'ned Use •WD le Kr. ud Kn. Wllbam c. Lam· ot a~ mJDor'• elatm 1ettJe.. b&lt ol b.la daupter, l!llubeth adequate. The rtrJ wu Injured la but Jw I look out a eo.ta M .. EARN $80.00 TO $105.00 WK. GROCERY CASBIERING AND MEAT WRAPPING ....,. N-llarbt8 N ... ~ Ilea ... w-- Phone LE 9· 1447 or Kl J.8271 11018 a.... Grove Blvd.. Gardea GJ'O'ff BALBOA Open 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from 5:00 P·"'· DANCING NIGHTLY LIDO DRUGS HARBOR DRUGS IALIOA DRUGS SPECIALS for Thurs. Fri, Sat. J .... 23, 24, 25 ,...,,_,.._~ BOWLS 7· lvof7 • ladlte OoffM MUGS PKO. 01' 8111 WOOD Clothes17c Pl1ll ~~ , l B&A.VT -a..,. 10. ~.:oWIOH 7c ~IAGS ~ u--. 01a. o.ao,... .._T>' 4 5Jc T .... len ~. lh for -~ N7io.-&laee 1+1 2 Gfte Briefs A•'t . Cloloni :':; 11- 9pwatu &I p. 15 .._...r. Dk. °" plabl ._.. Nylon Hosiery ftc .I.JI v .... -8peei.U-• pr for 11.81 BARBECUE Malttple We!Mr 5129 Loq llalldaed lltalaleee Steel Roaster ..,..._ 5100 8....._ 8'-1 Spoon ......._ . 51s• TonCJI ..,.... Butlq .95c B......._8teel Brush L.o-. Baed~ 8 .......... 8teel a..Hoe 2~ s:-1~ Roaster 1W 8-krpni IRAZIER I-.HM4W ..._..,.,er 5119 <JloU. Mee.It Food ~ 19 W lth hood and Grill Protectors electric •ill. (...,. illiulket) .......... ttetaaplar Recutar t Ut. Latex Swim Fins Rec· M.60 cai• l4reu Wawr DoW Swim Fins a.c.NM 5i•T• 51" Aqua Champ Face Masks 5lllal .... s 1.39 Med. .... $1.69 Larte .... $2.75 Strtped II" by W' leach Towels Yellow, muOM. wM~. H.tlr;. •t.H ....... .. thing Caps .... ti.II .... Pail & Shovel ...... ~ ..... Pocket Combs y._. Ollokle r-Ra'*- s31•s Wading Pools $eat Clllhlolll W llS- a.caJ,ar 92. 9G V &l ot aPSOiil $225 ~ WADilfQ POOL &7" x r s391 ~.se.-IPKOUL Reg. $1. 98-$1.49 SAND CHAIRS Reg. s49s '2" lklhtl SERVICE * At diJ• .. llefleble" p~. Ri1J.d a •• 1 .. ••red Pber111edu1 •ill eompo.nd you Donor'• pre1eriptloD1 proaptly utd pNCIMly. Try .. - tiae. Yo•'ll epprec:lete _, friendly 1VTioe a.d •a.Uo..•r (aJr ~ m Sun 1 n1 Surf SHAP-0 SPECIAL SALE I Thlt ottrecttve, ................. .. .... f« be«h. ... ft, -..... .. NOW ONLY ~0- """ the ~ ef _, ,eclcateeflVH'N'.,.,, the ............... -,. •• .:cw.., SQYIBB .......... Lilft W'&IQft ALUMDIUM RECLINING $695 c..., ... , ... l!S C-A .. 0#'6 HAU'-OAUON Born•• -- CHAIR FOR DRUG ITEMS --l Y<'i PAY LESS . ,• .. -hrlta~.l.M Davy Crockett .,_,,.--------~ 7 Crown BLDfD F1FTK S4.38 ~ v· -·-Kentucky ~ ~ Host --Bottled In Bond ~ =a ....... 100 PROOP --=.=--5 Yean Old l'lJ'TB $J.89 ~ Shady Grove lkind ·IO~ 'y..,. Old nrnrs2.a1 ~ Drobney Vodka eo ,.oor ""11 S2'7 • JUNE 22, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER -PAGE J ---------. =· ~ :::-w11: • N 0 w ,... ...... ID ........ - 111 MORTGAGE lOJ\NS ON HOMS .. •u•1H&•• ANO ~ .....c""a we llll:~U•&NT PlllVATC ANO IN9TITUTIDMA&. CLl&NTW r•a•u•owsn AND LCND&n> P'llON CUA8T TO COAST WI: MAICI: NO Hlt9CINAL 90LICfTAT10N8 Tl9UST Dl:CD8 llOUCIM'T AHO 80LO WM. 8. HOlT MDWTGA•& 9ANIUN• 81NCC 1e:10 1609 N. •U8H 9T"l:ET MNTA ANA. CALIP'~IJA IJUM•C"LY :l-'7118 _ .. __ ... ~--.......... ...__ ---- You Too -Can Be "mi.J6 Univ•n• '7 Prizes-Movie Contracts-Trips-Publicity .Entry Blenlcs Mey be had Only at WALTAH CLARKE'S Hawaiian Shop 140 So. Coast •cL Lat••• }'09.., ............. -.... ... ~ w tnaa ...,.._. la OrMce o..tf. Oruce Oomt7 ............... ... II.ta i..-- , ... ..... Callfom • ''Sport Wagon" Produced to Sell Under $1,000 ..... llMtlw ~ JfOW M a.t G_.&££ M1tw1 1"6 Bartlor ...... .HIAI TH Is• I IOAT OWNBlll MIL oovza .4 80.UOO~ OOOU'll' 00~ 80.ll' CANOPID 11.&aiNE ll'lii ..... ...... , ..... PICK·tJP a Da.rnaT • Newport c-wa. Co. ...,uw.owe-..._, ._... ....... IAft aa 111..., .... r...11q U-V•lll'r Ma.a.....- v.•~' 4J'b'2 I ! I ,.,. SPIClll.S .... ~--21 .................... -ft),,.,,+,. ....... .. ~~~~ OOlft.& .... 11• lf-..rt ...... OOllOJlf.A Illa. ... .. o..t 9'f7. ACJOllD'tl LMRnf.A m.ACll ..,~ llLIM)A 1111.AlC'D ........... M&WICMr ....aa ... o..t 11W7. See ... New .,. ... Alrfa&ll ' LIDO llUDIO COUCH only ·s99so Solid mahogany frame, finished in natural, walnut or black ... 4i inch Foam Latex Seat Cushion - Wedge Bolsters . . . ~9• Selection· of Attrac- tive DecC!rator Fabrics. High siyle at lpw Price. See them now at ' NIWPORT FUllNITUlll CO. 2620 West Cwt H1 .. WWf ... ., ....... u a.1111 ...... a.tlar 1111. • She's• 6uest Misti ~I Guest one of tlie fore moat heir benders of lon9 Beech', S.nte Ane, Cheyenne, Wyo., etc.-11 now at the beauty bam CHl.DllN'S IARIFOOT SANDAL a ....... .... , 1595 High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 HILLS BROS. or MAXWELL HOUSE I. -EDWARDS PINIST VACUUM PACICIDI btro rid\, "'9orou1l Always I. f,.h, and ..• pennift leM o cont • AUVUYIAllWAYYOUWIUPIND!XACTlY THE llCINO Of COffH YOU ua WHITHU rACKEO IN THI CAN, OI ... IAGS Of flOHlY •045TID WHOll llANl TO G«INO Al YOU WISH. OI QUICICl Y Plf'Alll!D RTANT COfff!S. • FIESH CORN '= =:-.== • 4~ ~.. ·-:-2r GRIEN BEANS~ 2 •be. 2Sc ::_--....;;:=z;J LEMON taD &Ol.DCAIE CUCUMBERS ~ 2 .. 5c •Mode thew., Yw4 ~ .... .."°' lltyle ••• ,...._...... D "*···...._. .... .. .,_.. .,.., .•. ,.,. ......... . 11 I •• .,..._, v ..... -w ... ... Mnl)' •••hr..t ...m :" ~llc .....,. . ..,.., ..,-. flBll mAD..:,.. -= 26e White ............. ..... .:.c-.s =* 0 I lh?I CM,i. wtth ,...,..,_ Ht. ctft. MONTROSE IUTTER u..m ..... ·u..· , ... 6Sc . • .. --'"Y· ..... .,..~ .... FRESH EGGS a::::' '! 51' PEANUT BUTIER ~:W. ";33· ";49' ------tJIB89Ut 811PPLID ----- llK IAK 3' ..... 25c WHm K1NG 1Ms. 33• Quality a ...... , -u.,w Dae....... - SWl I S IAIY MOTS ........ « Jwtlw. 5 ftfti w... llrl>Ms•lf. -..,...,- llJWlftD DUllY l'AVOllll'a! DAIRY DRINK NONFAT SKIM MILK =: ...... llffedl ....... ~ A,,.. ............... ~ .. ..-. ,.,.. e.-t T~ .....,_ ....... ,,. ., ,,...... .. p .,.. ...... .-4- ....... lftwt lft _,. ,._-. USOA OtOltW ......... , .. .__,,_. ARllUS ..... ....... '*' .......... .. .................. ..., ... ....... ..._....._ .. ,.... 2:::29' '• .......... ... • ........... ft:A ...__ ••Ml v......c .... 6: 10' ~1S' SUCED BACON ,:=:-~:~ .. ~~ SHORT RIBS ~~~~ ~I~ !!.~..;.:,:c.; · .. •sc GROUND BEEF _,.,...air lllJ · .. a. ...... CUM ...._ C' 1111 ~ • • • • • T ,,...,_ ~ 4oilyt T~ • .-, ... UIOA CMOtCI. ,._. _.., ..._,1"ef ct.~• · · · '°t" '-..._ Flet e1 s. ..... •· •s· ~ ~ s..i. 3 ........ ~ ............ CA"Mf'IQtOICl.'84iele• IANIACTIOM "7/T H1•ut Ste .. s •••• •.•t 01tMON1Tua:• •· CAl'TAHI CHOK! ~ -~ . ._ --. a.~ W n.14 K Mt it Ghat zar- .-. ""' ... ii ... _ t.Mllwt ........................... _ ..... _..,.... __ non llOtJU D9117 t ............... (FJ'Nartat..-.) ............... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa l'Ll'.lft'I' "' PADDIO 01lf ,,,_ .. ._ .. -- nwporl ·. fia,.f,or nwd-Pr"-jj AGAIN .A WINNER • • • NOW ' •• This time it's two NATIONAL "firsts" won in close competition by the News-Press Women's Editor, ~rs. Winifred Barbre, for~ • • · "Best Women's Department" -weeklies . National Federation of Press Women -bw . N. tw .. ~ u.;,;,,. A16J n .. u 19» It was great news for the News-Press women's department to be chosen tops in California by the California Associa- tion of Press Women for "Best Women's Department" weekly and bi-weekly earl- ier this year. With this new honor from the National Federation of Press Women for the same awards the News-Press Women's Editor, Mrs. Winifred Barbre, brings topmost laurels to the Harbor area's most complete NEWS -paper. "Best Women's ·0epartment"~bl-weekUes MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE National Federation of Prass Women ... N• Ori I~ LwUi.w, MllJ u-u 19JJ .,, cwl.P. J. c ,(, a a.-=: %, .... ~ ~/« .... These top honors NA TIO NALLY were awarded for News-Press women '1 pages which are read twice a week by the Harbor area's most discerning citi- zens and civic leaders -Newport Harbor women. Newport Harbor women -through their consistent, unmatched readership of YOUR News-Press-are twice a week informed of your local women's activi- ties, many of which affect vitally the entire Harbor area. · To know ;mat Newport Harbor wo- men are doing to better their commun- ity be sure to read each issue of YOUR News-Press • • HARBOR PRESS CALL HARBOR 1616-SUBSCRIBE TODAY-OILY SOC PER MOITH I . .. , . STARTING JULY 4, NEW5-PRESS TO PUK.ISH THRICE WEEKLY llttecUve tbe WMk of July •. the Newport Harbor New .. P~u wtll publlah three t•un a week-Monday1, Wedndd&ya &114 "rW•i....-. an added Mrvk a to lta reader• and adver· tt•ra, It 14ou announced today by B«n Reddick, pubUaher. Growth of the Harbor area, which haa juat a bout doubled tn lhe paat five year1, cauud the Newa-Preu to to lncru • .ff Ila publication by 60 percent. Reddick aald. A1 a ruult, the Newa-Preu Newport lbrbor'1 top award· winning new1paper. will be 1ble to publLsh even more new1, photornph1, dl1play a.nd clual!led adverl111lng. HI DAD! Old Timen to Meet Sunday, Irvine Park llATl'llEAD 8-M-B--Tnllen ·~ 8laapM Ll1'ertJ .. 1101 008TA MESA llA 'ITlll:88 00. llH Newport BlwcL pARQll • BIDLEY llOBTUABY Fo~ OILUJ&L CllAPEL lH ~1-C..-M- l.a.ft7 •Mii ... .uu BE SURE -INSURE wtu. llAVJlJE 8TA~T lasll,.._ Oaly PIM>M Harbor HT• Ul6 E. Cou& BJi't"AT 0Gro11a ctel Illar ' STORE YOUR PRECIOUS FURS WITH A 'PROFESSIONAL FURRIER Phone Kl 2-065,2 Fur Storage SPECIAL Cloaa. oau. uc1 J'rtrtd 0o1d atone• T w r Fun N(79f .... s99s ..... me -•-•rw rtck • •• a-ded: P..-ptl o.11 IDID· ..,., ....... S.ta Ana FUR Co. 0,.. rrMq E ....... 'II I IOI N ....... ,., Ill 1 .... 1 looking for a BARGAIN? PERHAPS A USED CAR? • v' the Want Ads NEW OR USED FURNITURE 1 '1 the Want Ads AN A TTRACTIYE RENTAL 1 ii the Want Ads ~oo --.nt to boy or wut to tell. the Claalf~ rolumn• of thh aew'9paper offer the best opportulllf)' for mutt. •.. A four llne ad 1'1ll appear Monday, Wedneeda1 ud Tb......, la over 18,000 ooplee s200 for Only ••• ' this VALUE I JfeWPORT~ BARBOR -xew.s,~J?Ress Call DAN'S TV ..................... ~'"'ma .............. ......... ............ .... ... Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMIRCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2·7027 JUNE 22, 1955-COASTAL SHOPPER-PAGE I Now Ride the Showboat to I.aguna! STARTS SATURDAY, JUNE 25th LEAVES FUN mn DOCK a& U:M ....... 11• .......... trip ...... OM Meir uad • .-ate. - NEW DELUXE 110'1'08 OBUISD _.. 10 _,......,_ Die 'L!:S for adalta -Oblldrea ....._ 1%, 86o 3 BOATS OFFER AFTERNOON IAY RIDES~ =.-: ~ ~~ ... z... BAY QUEEN, MOTOR SADDl, Lea,,_ 11om17 • 0eeu ....... AD a.1 rldee lie .... -S5a for chUdne '9DOM loat Comp•y -Nat to hny Laaclllt -..... -PIMI•• Harltot 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I CHECK ancl I I DOUBLE CHECK! OF THE HUNDREDS OF ADVERTISING MERCHANTS AND ESTABLISHMENTS IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA 92cro RUN THEIR ADVERTISING IN THE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS • PRESS COMP ARE THE NEWS COLUMNS -NEWS PICTURES - ADVERTISING -AND COVERAGE • • • • • you 11 readily unJerstanJ HY! ,... 2211 Balboa llvd. The Leading Newspaper of the Newport Harbor Area Phone Harbor 1616 An Experienced Salesman is ready to ass/sf wi#lt Your Advertising Problems. Call Harbor 1616 for Ad· Taker ~----~------~---~·····························~· ., In Step With the ' Ever-Changing · Scene! . :J/ie r/ewport _)Jartor Area ij growing 3 ISSUIS WEllLY Newpcwt 11ac11 mo Census 1z,120 NOW 18,539 Costa Mesa 1950 Population 1z.100 NOW . 17 ,320 :Jo £eep in jtep with thij growth Effective July 4th. 1955 Will Increase it's som Publication by 70 NOW • • • Your Newport Harbor News-Press will be published 3 TIMES EACH WEEK Monday-Wednesday-Friday To,,., .. ad1qual9ly complete coverage of MWI mtel picture happenlllCJI of the raplclly trOWlllfJ Newport Hai bor •H. cmcl to serve better botla claulflecl cmcl display advertisers, your Newpcri Hcabor News-Press wlll be clellMNcl nery Mondclf • Wedne1dclf cmd FThlay to Its 1ubsall1n. Subscribe Today To ·The Fastest· Growing NEWSpaper In The Harbor Area C4 LL HAllBOlt i616 IY Cll.llEI soc PEI ~TH s•NGU 5c COPY , RESPONSllLE YOUTHS Timers Car Club Holds Pot-Luck for Parents . wauuuaa aden.ce hltUI. God'• lleaUQC Promlaa" wW Iba UM _.... ject ot a *tuN t.o be ~ CYfffW 8\&Uoe K7VD (lOIOILc), 'nll&l'ld&7 naain&'. Jaaa IO, at T o'clock, from rtrlt Owrcb Of A rroup of local youthJi who feel their rt9poMibU.ity to ChrUt. 8clanu.t. Art.-.No~ · held t 1 '-.. u, ___ f •'--' .,_ i-11111 South Arline An.. Arteli&. the commuruty & po • uc ... ~ or \.Ull:ll' parenua w 'Iba lecturer, Jolul J . lleloYer, Costa Meta Park recently. The bo)'ll an mfJlllben of the car c.a.a.. ot Loac Beach, 1a a mem- club, Timen. Me.in purpoee of the outing wu to uk for aug-bar ot Tb• Chrilt1an 8cMnee ~;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;~ 1..uona oa project.a thNUP whlc.b to t.betr parent& Preladeat Gawain Board ot Lectur.hlp. BALTZ MORTUARIES Ule)' aupt nnan~ their acu.iu-. M&uger irpok•. A.dopUns .. their motto, "sate From the m&nJ' conltnloUva COSTA KESA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE SEA dri l th adt aava raclnl' •uc"eaUon. for t\nanclnc the club, JTtl Superior AHnue 3620 E. Cout Blvd. v "1 on e ro ' the Timera are now pl~ a ,..._.._ _.__ "'-"I. ,,..___ ... _ ,.,__ ,,.._ .. ~ for th• track," the Tlmen took rummave aaJe, the date to be &n· ...._ ... ----...... ....... ..... -1 __.., ......u. --Piion• Llbert,y a.-2111 PboJM Barbor u &dVQDlag'e ot th• td1nner to .xplaln nouneed tn the near future. ~======;;;!========~======;;~o~b~jec~tl~Ye~a~and~~h~o~pee~~ot~th~•~trro~;_up The membera lntroduetns their ii parent. were J ohn Arnold, Kr. and uuntlry serric• tleluxe •.•• •t lwf•in pticesl WHAT IS IT7 IJldb1dueJ.Jy wuhed-w-.ri.og appvel nutt ctrted by filtered air-nat pl- prol••loaally lroeed.. 'four cloth• and 1iaftw an doM up ONI: unit-no mt.- up.. DO wwpU7 maru -n lJ\llOft watM, c•U. COllln>Ued _.,... WHEN AVAILABLE • • • a.-nc. wtUala .boww lf WT•t. bttause ... clo ~ rtpt !MN. HOW MUCH ••• It ii • b.rgein bundt. too WHERE ••• casa '!'• ~-. 1: . .:,. . . to· :.A. ·~· .. ~~~ ~-·-.·· .. ···~·c · .. · v_ . - ' . . ' . ,, Hart.Den Mlle Mra. Joe Arnold; Dean Dorn., Mr. and Mra. Burt Dorrta, Jim Mc- Clelland, Mr. Ray McClelland; Bruce Baldwin, Mr. and Mn .. Vince M . Arena; Oawaln Maugtt, Mr. and Mn . Seved Rochon ; Tom Por- ter, Mr. and Mra. John Porter ; Pat Corde1r0, Mr. and Mra. Sam Cor· delro; Don Zimmer, Mr. and Mn. Herb Zimmer ; John Loeffler, Mr. and Mra. Allan Loetner: Tom Count.u, Mr. and Mn. MUtoo Counter; J im Ge.-.pacb, Mr. and Mr9. Ed Oen1pach; Duane Oatter- dam. Mr. and Mn. A. L. O.ttar- dam; Chuck McCarty, Mr. and Mra. Chet McCarty. The pa.rent& of Gordon C&w· thorn. J ohn &atty, Dkk Fife. and Dick Mor&lea were una.bl• to at,,. tend. SANTA A NA IOCNS) -Whlle the pretty brunette with whom he wu arretled looked on from the rear row of lhe courtroom, Ed· wa.rd Bruce &blnaon, 23, :121..,., Marigold Ave.. Corona del Mar Frid•)' wa.a ~ntencf'd lo prlaon for the tt'rm pre11C ribcd by law 11n a narcollca count. Superior Judge J ohn Shea re· t-ommended prlaon aUlhorlllM con· •Iller p11ychologic'a I 1111d other trealm1>nU to help Robinson over· come dope addiction. p;;-;;;.,;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; "Thtll ta a horrible thlnr you've gol ln"olvl'd In." the judge ob· Only " ' .,,,, .. , nr Mall ,,_ Monday & Thunday • KEEP AllEAST OF THE LOCAL SCENE; Complete News of all the local happenings and soci1I eveits, sports, marine news, plus page after p1ce of mo1ey-1avi1g advertising. You'll find all of l~ese i1teresting feat1res in The Prize Winning lewsp1per. served. "ll 'U tal<e all the phyalcal, menta.I and moral cour&K• you can mualer to Itek IL No one need& to I ttll you w~t ll'• all about. You'll £t't trt-atmt"nt. It'• up lo you." The Jucts:e granted a wttk 1tay 11f "llt't·uti1Jn oC lhe 1t•ntence .Mn1 Jt<nalloe&ne Horvalh, who wu &.r· ruttd along with &blnaon at ApL 6. 632 Center St., C<Mlla Meaa. May 8, wu near teara when the da- fenit.nt drew hUI tt1rm. She I.a frH on three yean pro· bat Ion. Robnu on. -..ho told probation of· fictr.19 ht got on hl'rOln whlle eerv· Ing with the a rmy In Koru. "''U llrr1>1lf'd on a n11r<'Olll'.1 t"Omplalnt 1n I ~ember He wu •enteocNI to 180 day• 1n J&ll. but 100 d&ya we-re aWlpt>ncl~I \\'hen he v. u 11rrr11tt'd the 1ec· oncl Ume by atl\kt•l-oul police they <'l&lml'<l he h11l1 a narcollc.11 Injec- t Ion nutrll an 1 a t'Ollon contain· 1nir b!'roin v.1th him In a nr. He ha.d jual r lt"k"<1 It up from along a fenc• n ... r t ht rf'•ldtnce of Mra 111orvalh .CdM Street LICJht 1 Petition Filed r .. tttton• rarrytnir M l •IJ'Da· 1111 ra o( ('on "" <lrl Mar ra11tdenll ,,.,.k an~ to fnrm an a,.y-u menl •llJll'l<'l lo pay for omamenl.AJ •lrrt'l lla-hlln~ betwM'n Avocado &nd fh.ul /\w·-w .. re pruentf'd tn city ('nllnnl fonrtay l\ll M by l th" city l'O~lnrrr 1 H,. wu an•trut-tf'd lo obtAJn m111 .. Jll'"Atllr"• In 1he a rtu not rtrr.,.,.nll'•I nn thr rrnrot1"rl map I Finn lncorponrtet I SACRAlU:XTO. 1C~S1 -Artl· cl"• of anc-orporauon tor RJchard· !'On \'1u·ht A nl'hor11i::t-. Inc. have lwof'n t1l<'d "1th Sttreta.ry of St.alt Fnnlc M. Jor<ia.n I >I rf'clo1'11 ue A. 8 anti Ell~en 8. Rl<'hat'd.l!l(\J\, l i39 &y•lde Dr .. and A E. ~rha.n.i.on. 221 6 Cllrf Dr. llll cit "1ewpnrt Buch Th• firm WAii aJlowed >0.000 ahar u on no psr 11tock Mrs. Grupe Honored A 1urprt111ng blrlhclay party la11t wttk a l lhfl home o! Mre. R. 0 . Ch&mbers. 112 E. 21st St .. Colla Mell&, honort'd Mn . Geor1tf' Grupe of Oran~. a former n"lghbor. A (TOUp of fl'11'nde 1:alhered in the paUo wtlb J1ft.a to aurprtM th• birthday honore. upon her a rrival. RefrNhmenl11 were at'rved and th• a.t\unoo11 l'J)l!.nt In v\a1Un1. We'll Help You Write Ads That GET RESULTS Courteoua New•p.._ Cla.ultied A.d·Takere are trained t.o write ettecttve ada. TbfOll(b lonf u~ri-and a thorough underatandinr of ad..,.. Uetnf we can put your '#&DU mto worda lh• t ret actJon. Let ua help you M ll: TOOLS BOATS FtJRNITURE BUSINESSES CARS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR Gl!."T A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Theee New .. Preu C1aulfted Ad· Taker• are e~rt• and they an a l your aervice. J u•l phone HARBOR 1616 You Will Find Best in Every Thing You Need • 1n WANT AD P~~ES SOUTH LOflST SUISCRm TODAY, PHONE HARIOR 1616 OR CALL AT OUR OFFICI. 2211 IALIOA IOUUYARD conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL uo-.k,NewponlleMla ~- DEADLDOl:a tor plM:IDc • •pceDtns .. an: For Mo~ PubliC&Ucm -.. twday J'looa ror w...,...., P •calm -,__., t p.m. ror 'l'bundaJ hbllcaUcm -w.-...7 l p.m. ' u... 1 ..,_ SUI ,...... ,...... 1..51 ,....._ ....... UI v...11•1ee 1 a .,..,......_ .......... ......, .nm..., rn ct llDfDRTll AD D • LOra A.I a ,-.. ._. _. ...... I• Olall Ill......_ fll S ,, M Classifiecl llldex l,._...,N.._ , c.... ., 'l'llMll9 ' ..__, .......... •• • •• a.-. I I B C " I •et't""Wa u .... ....._ " ... h 11 ..... Y-O... •• Tn ,,....._ ,., .._._ •• a...ty "* ,. ....... "* Ha...t_,F__. ,..~ ......... .. ..,..._w ..... tlBelpW ..... ....... I ,. .... A ...... ........ -•• w..... .. ..,. n...,...,., ...... ft-A A M .. u 11 a-t.e. hH" MM...a. ..... TY .. .,..., Cala, ..... .. P-*17 .., u ..... ........... I mrt .............. .. A.._,_ .... •A 'lbM a Pwta •• As.~ d .......... " ~ ,., ............ .......... -...... •A ....... lw tket .. ._. ....... -.<: TrllMer ~ .. ._ ...... •Aa-&8-.... ._ ....... . .... ...... u...._aorn-u-Aa h ....... Na I o,,utwaltlM .. ~ .. ._ .. ._.,, .. ...... . .,--~ .. ..... . .__ ..,..._.,. •A C ... 'nr? kW tt ._,......,.Eutnp • ._. Eatele PAINTING Y Newport Bart.or B. P · 0. E.. p .LPICll RA..NOING 1111 ~U&J 6 c--dal Won X..U __., 'nanelaJ I p.a. Uoal8ad Conlractora Via Oporto -Oaatn1 Aft. Call Loinctoa M... colled. N.wpart BeMi1 HuntJ.nc1.Clla Beach »pplOll Albert R. llattJwws. m:utt.d Jbakr ----------- Painting A Papet"hancinc We do Ute work OGJ"8dftS. JO ,..,.. aperMMlt LloenMd A luured. 8at1atAc'Uoe ruar-tHd. r.t.l.!natu ltte. Oa.U Joluulk. U 8-2687 It U 8-5289 81tfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO .108 TOO llMALL B. O. A.C:- 10U E. 81Jtio. BIY'Cl.. Balboa Harbor %.act ac.tc "A's " VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY . TifE NJ:W mac.b1M procem met.ti od. "--bl« pri~. Anra~ 2 .....,. ,....dn!Ual blmd. Only $1.00 BUndl ,.,..ireit and rebuilL ,..,... Ptdl ., and deliftr)' Wont done by appotatmeat ...... Llllerty a-6701 ., IOm.t.rly J..117t. ppUc H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING • Proatpt .....-~ .... ~ ~:eanw.a. ------------......... llhd.. lCew'PGI'\ ..a PAINTING INTEIUOR -EXTERJOR LlCID'SED -L"'SUREI> Glenn J ohnston ~l • 3 i.t St. N _..,an B«ecll 8.a.rtior 1 17• nuc CARPENTER Repair Work Do.. T our U-NMd &epUr\111 or ~I~! Call li'ra.nll. Ubtt'ty ~ ~ll Work Coaf'&lltffd 'TtUc NEW 6 OLD Furniture Finishing MODERN Ii Al\"TIQUE R<-uona.ble ~ SpeciaJs on Patio Furnishings Aubrt'y Ellsworth Z0::2 PIA.C'l!f'I tla u 8-~l. ec.t.a M- I TcTJ COMPLE!E P AIN'l'ING El,;GES-E 0 . SA UNDER.I MO 3i.t Stnet.. lCcwpon Beeel Harbcw 2t71 cw Har ... ..._ Uc House Plans LIBDTT MJ&I IOUe FOR RENT 8kUI laW'8, l:&ec. OrlU., Poblilwn. all tn-ot ......... Whee!bar· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. ... (;eneralContractor U CENSl::D New Work -Remodelinc J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 3122-R 58Uc Pamting, Decorating Paper Hanpoc GID.. BURKHARDT U t.."SN8EV \"N'TR.At..-roll 171 \\\ lllh SL. eo.t.a )1(- UIMn y 8--MU PAINTING Punttog It Paper Banams "The 8..t Maney Cu Bvy" Sympson & Nollar 611 ....... JIC-.-t ... PBOMll ll.A.JmOll t.ot Aspba1t tile Aluminum Wall Tile Mf P'L Distributon C.ootracton • nle Setun LI 8-7493 PAINTING M. W. ROSS u l-J321 -Ll 8-112.1 c JIO AYOCJ1do, CM'ta M- :l&pttR ASPHALTnLE LINOLEUM I tutaU ~ ai.n. dMe,_ tM.11 ..t. Allll> ~U 1' .. 6 Lmo\eam.. !foe-ualol.n, ~ y.ra nper1eBC• n30 W. COA.81' IDGllWAT Ubert)' e.-MJ5. l'f_,on Bell 9tic Campara and --------------mu. COICJ:R Bar ....... 1.-c Elec. Tool Repair IPlll Sa.... Drtlla. Sanden QUlCK SCRVIC& LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. ~ No.. J'lewport Bl'f'd.. Npt. BdL Llllar'tJ ......_ ••t1c ·--R«p&ln Boat ~ ASTOR'S REPAIR o:RVJCI: Ol 1 " a-.cla T...:ieTS. llc:T~ Remodet.ng .......... • •+. Ir General Repairs .... .,...,, GpTS. M. F. Roland Paperilanging Llbert7 S.2M2 IOp87 DfCLVDllfO-ktcll ..ti. ~. .......... .a.c... l*llttnc lad ..................... ...,.... _,....,... l'fO'nlDrO DOWJ!f _. JI -. t.o ,.,.. --. u.. o.trad.s. ... ....,,, .... u ... .. ~~ Wrtle P. 0. ._In J(_,,..t ....... c.ML ..... .... . .,. .. ~&* Superfiuoua Hair rw-=...aneU, .... ,_. ,.._ ,._ ..... ..... ~ ...... Mir llille ... ,.._,.O _.. \'w I d•S m.Lml I. BftT AMT A. &. Udo'• ... .,...., ...... ,. ... • n 1.-... r..t LOln' -Blue Parakeet °"Pr'etty Boy" oa "Little" Balboa Ia&lld, T\aeeda.1 ~. ltMrvd. Ph. Bu1lor USl-M. Mc:a LOln'-Parakeet. dMp 111\M. nam.c1 ·~.-ln Balboa. ~. June Hlh. ~ Ol&d;J'a. Har. •ta aya; or Har. m ... J ..... IT de LA.DY trom mtno&a lo9t woodeD JlW'M ... ·u.b rfl1 p&uUc Madi- Oii Balboa lalud. o~ Cltrue 2-47M (tJOUect). ITc:te LOST-Tadd• boll CClllt.al.alftS s. rMla, ate. lAfl by Loee• Food u_ay~ Corona del Mar Mate 8-cll IJUllda)', JUM 1,. U-...J ~tor retuna to Lase'• Y'1*t H•nn. or eall ICd..-ood t-Ml1 lla10 H 8clM• luLwtM CONTRACTORS AU CLASSIFICATIONI 8TUDT tn.,.,.. time tor coatne- tor• n.amtnalloa undw a ,_ • er-al caitractor wtU. • ,_re ~· a.-TUN. and rrt. ena. T:IO p..JD.. .A.tted tlnt ..-00 ,,__ ..... uyt.lmM Al :J;ler School 1111 No. ro&etway, ._ta .Aaa P1L Klmberty 1-4211 • la T .. 11 u. China Painting °"" &Dd l:'<rftllDC 0...-Ordmll ,..... ..... ~l.AertJ' ...... 9'tl• Real Estate School . Santa Ana 1n lllJ:M 6 WOM.D prepan ba .,.,.. time for unllmlt.ed oppol'tllllAU• tn Real l:lt.ata. N-c ..... ••11.Jy. 41 T)'lltr iMtlUctlnf. At- t-4 ftnt eftDUI• tree UICI l•am allout Uda peat naw. Cail or write now. Al !e!ler School 1111 No. TO&ctway , IS&nta Ana ID T·Mll·Kl '44 ... ICJI 1-~U Ho 9th Season of the Brandt-Ot\e 8U10IEll 8CBOOL or PAINTING ~ Kond&J, J-~ fvr .... --daU7 ..... tnpa ln U\e 8oUlh Cout .,... ,_ Meta· nvw Uld adftllced bl otJ and wat-lor. It~ wtU. Na&loaal Acadeln&dana PllO DOie u d ~ll Bnadl. ~ ~ Oecwp P09t. T~-d 8.u'lca wttll ,.,. ,,....,.. Md S.tty W lndder. Wrtte • ..... phone tor ,,... folder. SPECIAL CHJLDREN'S CL.A.88 WtilnHdaya t :JO • JI :IO fttr tlMt you.ng P"l.nt•r . ..-I to 11 wtth prefettnc. tor &eH ._ 12. REX BRANDT • PIUL DIKE T•9'.,.._.. Kartlor u•w ~ Golde.nrod.. Corona «Ml Mar IT~ ~-u-wuw Universal BldE. Maintenance Wal 6 window Cleanl.na noora. Janll.M 8errice. Phone H&rbor t 3 I 8 ITplOla MAN 6 \\'OKA N w1D do .-..r&l tloll.-ork. (1ool' -.tAC. wlft- ~ wa.ntn1. ~ --. ... wblt.e. JH E.. 20Ua 8L. eo.t.a Mt9&. LI 1-*3. pptl Experienc~dener LAND G and CLEAN UPS Uberty 8-1659 IOtf• YACHT SKIPPER FULLY QUALJnED. ··~rleoe· ed. U~ Muter 8te&m and Mot«. Any tonnar. An)' ocean. Eape~d in .. u. Loe&) ,... ferflleell tu~. J. L COLI:. 110~ w. Bay AH~ Balbi>&. MpT2 &XP&RT ~ wanta won In Bar1Jor u-.. Ha.a own equip- meet. Pit LI ._767'. MpM l:xPCIUC'fca> Pf'&Ctlcal IUU'a. a~ after 'nlunda7. Phon• 11anor n . llpTO PRJV Aft TVJ'ORDIO ror u.-wtua read1aC 4lft\C\11Ue9 .11:1-..t.rJ'-ll.IP ecboot ...,... ~ a.di at C'lbUcaJ 8cMol, u. c. ... A... ,..,.._.. atiurt.Mtt. BTalt ... noo Up70 EXPSIU.llNCED certmacl t.aach· ... wt.la tut.ortn•. &MrlMntar)' and aecondary. AnllUM New· port .,_ alt4!r .lul7 h t. Mean• tame ea.LI coU.Ct Pleuaat s.11• ...,.. UCDaa> uparMM9d ....... •'ll'A1J&bla "'"" ..... Pri ....... _.. '-t -ar. ... MT·W ..... ~:: I ii ~; . f• PAGE 1-COASTAl SHOPPER-JUNE 22, ·1955 ~w..w Dale's Mmiture I U-Jllllleal. a.dlo. T v I -------·~-See Baldwin Piano & Orpn Display WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 1111 O:JUt 81Yd.. ~ de! Ku (Tbadea 1Dt.9rtor Bids. I ~~Check These Used Cars ----~---GARDENING RDLES -PISTOLS lbGt,. a.m .. 8CNeD 2 ~ ----,···-.. . t9.50 Jlait.le top tabM ----------»JM> 9 cu. ft. ero.ley, W. llOdel auto. defrost Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what he tells TODAY l Kalntenuce. J&rd ~ and llcht b&UUnc· KlmberlJ 1-JOJa day• or H&rbor IOl4 neninp • week ende. 61pT2 GIRL, le yra. old. dMlr• COTU· n ... poelUon. Beadl .,..._ WW Uve ln. Excellent nrtmmef'. Ila· J>«1•DC*! at chlld care, pkUlnC penonallty. Pb. ~ 8-.cb a-16-0I. eepa <;LEANlNO 6 JRONINO ~ tbt day. Experienced. Ba.ltio. Jlland preferred. KI S-MH. t8cT1 NtJRSE or companion. Full under- atandlnr of dlet.L By rettned woman. Good driver. MIL Bath· away, LI 1-MlS. Mpll Roy's Maintenance SUM-Blc coDeetioa ~ San dollarL LI S.T•. .,.. POT ULLT ITOV&. Sta an· Uque roD top ottlCe di* 6 daa1r MO. O. E. ~. •T5, wrouctit iron. floor lams-, Tena cot.a ,.UO mu. A.dlmtn.l TV ~l'Mlio comole. etc. 1J 1- •tH. JtOI Oltt Dr. Newport Hetpt.a. lwt J'OSTOJUA b&DCIMGD Mt. 6' pc., roee. sn .ao. Wedpwoe>d taJ»w top nnce. aoeUat condtUon. SllO. Two t1f1n Hollywood bed fn.m• ~. •&7 mom.IJl.1 C-· yon Rd., OoraDa de& Kar. a..... bor Ol&IMX llpTO Sbelvadore cn:m-top fJ«W . _____ l!iQ.00 Alao late model Philco, 9 cu. ft. Refric with cro.-top treser ------·-----···--·--·-l!W>.00 a eu. ft. Servela. good coaditioo, late modeAa 89.SO 187 • Harbor, eo.ta )(eu 88c99 SAILBOAT. &nowblrd -u la-- ear. aaa .. Uc GR.AND PIA.NOS. Malt)' to chooM trom. "Vbe. Muon It Hamlin. ltUJWtiiult, Cable. l:xtra epec· la1. lt.ory • Clark rrud. cood coodlUon 1396. Another epectaL 8-uutul 8tuy-naant. fine ahape, J:l85. Aleo eorreou• Knabe 197~. Save on many olbel"I. t:IANZ-ICJDCDT Btc Pia.no Store l&nta Ana. 520 No. Main. ~ya 100 planoa. Used Automatics make offer. ,.. Stanbrldg•. ------------LOVELY Bunce.low uprtcht pl&no tn perfect condlUon JM .76 do11VD S39 .50 to $99 .00 DtlJftred bvtalW, ,,..,_tHd. T.-nut A vaU.able We 8errice .All A.ppllaacee Speclalldng in A.utomatka Auto. Wu.her Enterpri-. Loa.c Beach. •1 cet 17 rr. Ct'Dtfttlo&rd ullboat, nylon Sll.'JD per month at Mile • tnller. IT~-1J 1-11~. SHAJ"ER'8 Muelc Co. (8lnce lto7) •s>N 411-423 N. Bycamon, Sa.nta Ana ------------PboM Klmberly 2-oe12. TRADE BoUM clea.ntnc-rloor waJdAS Wall wuhin(-w1.ndow clanlAc V e11eua.n bUnd.. Uphoi.t•1"7 lrulured. Jl'ree Eetlma\H Llb9rty •-1332. 1Uc 2 roUR BURNER etoY• wltlt ..,... PO 6 PO. Un.,.utt.d ..nity u . llD&11 Sel'ftl "'"'. IM. Walker tor in..ud wtUI Jllra attachmentAI $43. Ha1'lor 1217-.J. tltfe om YOO KNOW Mfl Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mua Liberty 1-TIOI (Nar Golt C.ourael ttpp Beautttul 70..ft. awe. ecboonn. llrully fOWld, 10 uywben. WW ta.Ile equity la propat)' or emaJ.. ler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Bar. JOU. Sitt c $!l PER. MO. rut. rood practice piano. All term rent allowed lf you buy. Good uaed pra.cllc. pl&· t109 Sit, Sl:a.5. JUT. '160 and up. Euy tenna. O.ANZ-scHKIDT Btc Pia.no atore. u.t Ray n.icte. ~ Udo '0rq Santa Ana. 620 No. Main. OIJU.8 - ITS A. j-·· the put • yn., bu -loeaUon at lttb and ~Ua f Sl-Wuted to !!'f CHRYSLER Mu1M eqiDe, • ~ to 1 reduction gear. REFIUGERATOR. UO wit D. C. SEE JACK IIA.R.PER at Udo Sbtpyud. end a( IJ.et Street, Newport Beach. %tt!c: Another Special ! GIRL'S WORLD! And you'll a~e Wbm you bea.r of th• many job opportunlUt1 tor qualified younr women tn our b\aln•• today. Viet.a Center, C. M.. Comp. ilne nat. adftttaed watchee • stft.e at'popular prloe1. OPICM Juae l Ph. Liberty 8-8'81.. 65cttb W ANTED---84t of bel•effd Solf clutMI -man 8 tt. 10'' HTatt •-7111 llc70 llAUMOND Spinet o,..an, tn fine condition. Bl( 1&vln1•. conven- ient term• at- OPENINGS NOW FOR: TELEPHONE OPERATORS .A pply-Monday throU(b J"rlday 61'~ No. Maln It.. t :OO to •:OO p.m. "°<>m It 1, Santa Ana P A.CIFIC TELEPHONE Utlc STANDARD STATIONS Hu openlnc for ltaUon Saleem•• Ase• 11 • 40 Ora.op Cowity 5-Day--4-0-Hour Week Rlt h atarllng pay Ex«llent Bendit.a Good opportunity for Advancement Apply ST ANDA.RD STATION&- Dahll& and Coa1t Hl&b1ny Corona df'I M..ar Oiapm11n and Bpadra FuU~rton l :IO t o t :SO a.m. Monday 6: Thvrlday1. 60ctt WANT reaJ ut&te ll&lesnan or broku -familiar wltll 'Harbor are&. Top comml.Ulon. Houston Realty &-09 C1>nttr 8t., Co-.. M.- l..I 8..fJllll or U 8-1'7" tllfc Evo , Seymour, Har. 02tl·W -WA N1' 1-dy <'OOk tor pr1Yatl hnm,. Rf'fen•nC'U . Live In. OM<t .. 1ary Call Har 1111. tac:70 C'OOK It downataJre tor July A AUCUll Balboa NI~ room aad bath. Har. 1'33 Sat. t.bru Mon· da~· UcTO ALL Of'FICE PERSONNEL. alao waltreUC"a, coou . ho\l9ekffper- cooka. R4'1l1tu now-new )Ob9 dally. JUNE r AAAA R EK PLOYMltNT AOENCT 402 '• • 32nd 8l, l'\ewport 8'adl Aero• aL Crom City Ha.JI Mc70 WA !\"TED ••omen or (1rl tor llftlt houff'<'l'Ork In Auicuat, part time. Ralboa Jal&nd, Oood pay. WRJT'E J.tn . C A . R4bert.t, 1926 :-to. Dut-ndt'.1, lAll A.ncelu 27 Mc70 WANT lady lntuvl-ff• tor 1(1('&1 IUl'Vt")' work. momlnc• only, Cam $3:'> wk and up Wrtte P. 0 . Boll 19'11 Newport u..e.b °" C&ll J, 0 , H.U, Kl &-11:.8 UC:71 WANT u pert typat ror perman· ent f'mploymt nt. Har. 3930 Mr Holder, 91<70 WANT woman "11.la knowltd1• of ruta un.nt food ba.ndll111. cap- a ble of fut lhlnklnJ . Phoae tM lntf'"1-7 30-10 JO L m OC' 1-10 p m ONLY Kar. 4952 tk?O WA.NT woman caahln . bookkeep- er. AutmiaotJ.,. u~~rtme• n«· ~-Johnson & Son l.J.NOOL.N • M..ERCUR Y tOO Weet Qoa.at Hlpwa,, Newi>ort Buch l.1~6 t k70 JlXP. WOMAN' •~rt onkr try cook. Call Har. TU . 87ta WA.NT a mol.hu'1 Mlpec. do Usbt bomek~. by Ule da7 or 11•• llL ftcfenrnc-U 8·1'02. &T~t WANTED: ~ Wa.lt.na sURF FllH nw 1110 W. Ocean ""1nt, Npt.. Bell. tT~t WANT upertm«*l altuauon wo- man tor Udo Faehlona, N-· port S.Ch. Pbone Harbcw HTl •1~• ANTIQUD -Old tunlltun, cut rl&N. ampa. old plctw'e9, eloekl •le. Bar(al.na plore. Blc &- countAI to dealen. O&rli• 0.N, 1806 Ill. AMMlm •t.. 1.-, Seaeh. e&O-lat. ltUc Original Modela COCKTAIL DRUSID8 • .ult.a, .,t& ~ • form.al&. as.-1'·11. Som• NZW-.u..L perfect COlld. Al.80 ~ 'ell'°' modera lltyle China m.1nk coat. Bell below eoet. Wrtt.e Boa A·•· UU. .,._. paper. IOttc ORIGINALS Arn:RNOON, CocJrtaU, dinner ~ • Coord.lnatea. Custom l)nwmaking n. Harbor 5288-R. ~ 1000 EJOI088ED ~ carda $S.M I LID• Rubber Stamp Sl.00 4 Un• Rubber St.amp wtUa cut U .00 CIN cut.a) Book Matdlea L. w. wmn: LOlerV M011. ......, U 1-6100 ppttc Fresh Hearing Aid Jl.UTICIUD We Otft MB <>nm ltamp9 Gunderson Dru2 Co. Maia It. at Balboa Bl.d:': Bal.boa ~ 114. Mtlc CHSAPI ~ 6 pc. ft.UCO ,.... ~ • cu ........ coudl, vanity, Jam,. 6 llli8c. I ~aUon Butaae lAU. ckJlwl eqiWp. 111 \ii 23Ul, N_.port BeacL e7ptt YARDAGE Inventory Sale Oil~·~ at Wboa-k Pr1c:aa. MAROCS WJm8 lfM k Cout 8lYd. ~ BeKb a lie GLADIOLAS, CUT~WERS 50; BUNCH 1 TM OnLl\P A ft. CCft.a M.._ T •pTSb June Clea.ranee ! 1'11J1daJre Autom.at.le Wuber, like new. --· '" tlO Eu}' ... dnet' rune perlect 6t .50 Bend.I.a automa.Uc.. pod cond u.oo Speed QuttD wrtnpr 9W)' clean. rww ok ! . _ _ . '4.60 O'K•f• Merr1l rue• •" Peirf,ee l coed. _ . O&tfen 6 ktUer ~ .... ..00 Very clHA ·-___ .. _ _ at.IO VnlYtral alectrle ,...... 2 oYeM, like oew -··-. "·60 K tlYlnat« nfrlC'. t cl Clean lt.b<> Coldlpol ntJ1c f d Apt .... O .!>O Norp rtl'r1f. II cl ---tt,90 S.l'ftl retrt,. • d ··---et.60 K.lrtry n.c. cleaner, • moa. old w\lh &Uacbmant.a --1:0.00 Other YaC. cliNMn fJUD -· U .60 ll:nrythtnr cuanl',,_,· n... deli"'>' a.ad ~Uon. l11W01'I H&.rd...:ra. ~ ll02 Newport Jll\'d., Omta W... l..l ...... llett W ashinq Machine u:.Rvta ATl'ENTION A.LL BOYi - Tim NEW&-PRJ:aa b DOW taklAc canter appUcaUon1 f« l"OUt.9 tn th-oell'bborboode:- 1.,.., p&l"IJ!l• -J0'9 ... ... -.-II wMIMr& ,..~ (~) N.-port a. Cmta M.ea. LibertJ 8-4503 or Liberty 8-WT. Mttc BaJboel. W•\ Newport, Balboa le., Newi>ort Bel,pta. OanDa deJ Kar aad eo.ta w-. ONMORZ automaUo WllllhJq maeJdM .. o.z. ~-­ Botll In alnt. coadJUoa sao. ... Harbor OIU-R. tectl ALL Jtl:.A80N.o\BLE-lc. Duncan Phyfe mahosany d1n1nc Mt. t.ncl. 42" buUet, e c:baJra. New a. E. diahwuher, never ueed. Bendbt auto. wublnc lllKhJJle. Juat •meed. Hotpoinl ,.,.,.. .. 11 ft. Watnut secretary, ma.lte otter. lte7 AU.O An., Liberty 1-"3!1 tlUc MAPLE 41Mtte .xtenelon table 6: 4 ch.a.Ira. tll No. Bay Front. Balboa bland. H&rbor 1320-W. Md8 Mesa Woodcra~ Unpainted 6 Juvenl~ Purnlture ~ recllnlnl paUo cbalra _ $3.IS 81~ door cab. U~llltll.34 U .7!> Lc'e· alld door wardrobe _ 32~ Kln•U and o.tt natahH Orden t.akm tor abut ter• 21n Harbor, C.M. Liberty 8-Jff!> Good Used FURNITURE OAll ~. twia bede 6 aprinp, .. '3t .. t ROLLA WAT ffoll,wood ~ and aprhl1• ... -_.... .. -Jlt~ CKROMll: d.lllette Mt (l.Arfe U ble • • c.b&tra) _____ ... n•oo CHR18 CR.Arr 2e ft. cablJa cru!Mr D-radio and enctn•· M&l\Y atria. Will tra~ for Corona del Mar property or T.D. Pb. Bu. 633t-W. Ut.tc SNIPZ No. 1183' lD uullent con• d1Uon. eo.t co"1 •lie and trail· er. <>*Der 1~"1111 6 wtll take bellt offer. R&r. ~ da71, Har. noe R .-. t2Uc 811AFER'S Music Co. (Since 1907) Ul-iU N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Pboa. Kimberly 2-0072. Oran11 County'• larceat aelecUon ot tin• organL TWO Dachehunct.. female pupa, black 6 tan. Kl 5-27M. e&cQ SEAL POINT 8lam•M k:lttena. niuonable. Har. 1140 day• or LI a-S47t evea. tac70 27 rr. Aux. ak>op wtlh Gray Bn Scout enctM. Ml .Wt pod S&IU. 2 bunka, gall..y a.nd head. Xew at.alnleM AMI rlcPC· Juat 1'llEE to rood homu paJ.nUd completely J -lu ago. BE.A UTlFUL KITTENS. ~00. LI &-1887 ~tic 3•08 OceAll Blvd •. Corona del M.ar Uar. ~w 68c70 :U FT. GAR WOOD cabin crulwr. twtn Kr-. tor -~ or will trade t« real u ta te. Phonr ~Aatoe Wuted Ll.a-.rty 8-7 112 ~ WA.NT TO BUY MERC.."l!RY Sl'PER 10 outboard Good cJean u.aed cara. motor. UMd CllUJ 16 lira. $140. Wll..L PAY TOP PRlCE. Will con· fl l No. Day Proet, B&Jtio. b-1tcn too. Wl1y worry 1bout Hll· land. Har. S2•t-M.. eltlc ui1 your te.r? Sre w . Catamaran ltARL GOOORt;)f .Motor.. l!H:'l Kt1rbor Blvd., COit& J4ua. 82Uc Sabre Cal Model N~ 18. Perllrl ------------PRJVATE PARTY want.I to buy 'M or ·~ Cbevrokl or Plymouth ataUon wqon. prefer 8 cylinder. Call Harbor l 020 ena. &!>Uc ...U.-A.11,. etHI traUer Included. Only one yeer old. Only $745 _ See at LOU JUCr:D A Auoc. 1200 W .. c.oa.t Hlcbway. Newport Beacll u S-348' _.._ __ A_mo. __ fo_r_SUe ____ _ 68c70 BABY CIUBI. hip chain etc. UICI: NEW • blond d...-.r, bendl la.rs• minor ----Slt.DO s way, • '"'¥· a _.., Ooor J1&:1 1e n. motor 6 -.11 sn&d• by 1amsw . . a.a.Ta to f!l n o~ To.me eo .. 0onn. ow.-d G. M. C. • APT. 111.Z& 90faa -• S7 to Slf tlttk, bMuUtul U-o b.p. S-· Near Nu Furniture Mart dlJl mot~ • atL Ju« patnted Juet like MW, __ JM 60 rcw eeaacri but OW"Der mwit TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS WA.L.Ntrl' '*1rociat •l. wanltJ. l Inv. JWM IO. Bar. Utl·W lats• mtnvr, ciw.t 6 tMod $49~ lk70 '4t CMC ~ T. l'lckup 2819 Newport Blvd. Npt Bcb , l':Vl!\'RUDE 7~ b. P ovtboard. '47 FORD "" T . P lc)11.1p. Ph. Bar. D»I tac70 a.flar oa.ly t10 bn.. ""1nlns St6!>. '61 FORD ~ T. Pickup. nucPHONE ITAND 6 chair~. t.aWa Lampe S7 ~ MC.b, n.tpt AMMI SlO. 2 conee \ablea ''!> eadl.. a eSMS ~ u eacA. Rat· taA eh&Jr SU.M, t tL cork lop «1ftM table 12:S, S.& !I p out• board motor p), Ru. 4l<U-M aero Wa.nt J b. p ~ M 6\t IL p ·~ Clil:VJ\01..E'I' \.t T. Pa.n~. .I~ Har. ltlt daJ'I Kl O--i43:2 ,-. Mp'TJ 18 rr. DAT CRUUER -N-1J paJnted ab.Ip to llhDr'e ndlo-ball tank Wit.II ~ drcWa1or -•:» b.p. Gray ..,-. motor, _, MW'. a.cruke ,.. .. ~ fakk· -· Har. 01»-M.. UcTJ 18 rr. CAB.I~ aloop, 2 bwika. bead. _.., •!la Plnchy, U 200 itoe Lat~rtv, rc.wpon BHcb. Harbor l o:IO .. Uc 'lM OllC ~ T. J>)ckup. Hydra-rn.auo t.raJa. ·ao c;KE\"ROt.rr ~ T Pickup '61 motor, powerfUt• trana '&O OMC 1 T. n.tbed, dual•. ·~ CREVROt.rr l T. PaneL 'U CKEVROur:T 2 T. 179" WB, ··= UrH, 2 1~t(I. 'M DODO~ 2 T • ;,d. dump, 2 RpHd, 8 2' ,,,...,.. ·:u CMC 10 w11,..1 dump, 8-1.. Ttana" • 00 ,,ru.. We ha•• lh• Larcut Mlec:UO(I or uNd IJ"UCQ In Oran&• County All .ta.1 anrt t)~• al pr1~ t.bat Cal\ not be bM t.. W.W. WOODS G!!C DEALER • t1-tt F.. 6 lb at. s.nta A.na ()s-Slmday a..m. l'ru<'k hu.dqu.arttt'I tor Ol'MI~• Co. '52 Uncoln CAPRJ • DOOR RacUo. H .. tu Hydram&Uc. Powf'r Ul'Uea, PO'll'n WlndoWs. J.'O'll'«t' S-l -• Ju.It dn"• It and fed Ule potnrlUI VI eJ\liM -tt'I ckan -a.ad only $1699 ltM CHrVROLrt' Bel Alr :i dr. driven only 4,000 m~Tur· quol• • belJe. P rtu l l Ht> for quick ..w. Rar. 2J2i·W. '8p JAO Marll VU '5:1. Looka like ·~. Ptrlect condlUon. 22,000 mile-. Beet offer. Kar. u .J 88c70 ·~CHEV. v .. a &I-Air. Sport cpe. ''DEMO?\STRATOR" -»00 on1 Out.et.a.ndlnc t1eauutu1. ban.it c-old, 184 h.p. tw1n EXB kit. Radio, P.O. tn.na.., etc. - ART L.A!'...!:ON, tte 8o Cout m~ .. ~ KTatt ._nu. 11U c U )"CIQ an lJ-1' ~ .W, u4 .. " a Mc)'ele, apptJ at UM OrcWa· Uall Dept., Newport ~r N..,...,,.__ 1211 Ba.I'-Bhod., N...-port 1IMch. bctw9m ••U a. IL OI ... p. IL cmJ7 -..pl l&tllrdlQ'9. Uc O'Kmn 6 ~ table top ... ,..... pO; *8Qlat.lns llMt· ... '8: ....... "'~· SIM>: l2t Ope.I. lltalboa JalaDCL I TpM ---'----) New 1955 Plymouths Only S296 Down* Low monthly bank terms on balance SEE • Lou Reed and Associates TODAY AT 1200 West Coast Highway * or Equivalent used car &0-Aatoe ud Trocb Newport Beach 40-Autott and Trucb ---- MILLER CHEVROLET'S Best Used Car Buys 1952 CADILLAC Fleetwood. All origtnal. 30,000 actual miles. R & H, Hydra. Power Steer., new w-a-w liree 1951 DESOTO Club Coupe. R & H, automat- ic Drive, Local l owner ...... . 1955 CHEVROLET Bel Aire (-dr. Sedan V8 with R It H . A.n executive car ... $2545 $ 895 $2315 1953 CHRYSLER New Yorker, the VS, with with power •teering, power brakes, elec. window•, R Ii H . .. ... $1 i t5 1963 CHEVROLET 210, 2-dr. Sedan, with all Chevrolet acceaeoriea .. .. . . . .. $UM l~l FORD Victoria. R le H. O'dr. Run1 lib new ......... .. . ... .. . ..... . .. .. $ f>.i5 1950 CADILLAC Coupe De Ville 2-tone gruy. R It H, Hydra .. $1895 1~ OLDS. Super 88 2-dr. F,quipt wflh pow- er bralceft, R & H, Hydra. , .. $1995 1951 PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe 4-dr. Se-- dan. R It H. Excellent m~han1cal con- dition . 1950 STUDEBAKE R Champion Convertible Cpe. Jet black finish, nt>w white top, R Ii H, O'dr. Excellent waw Ure9, me- c.banica.lly perfect . _ .... 1952 PACKARD "~ &-riea"-R Ir H, O'dr. new motor, new wsw l 1,...8 1~ DODGE '"J ton pickup-the long "heel ~with a110rt.8man's flbreglu box s 79~ $9~ -Excellfflt for camping ur f111hint; $1~ 1953 FORD V8 1 ~ ton pickup with Fordo- m.aUc tranamlHIOO $1045 1953 CHEVROLl!.I 1 :: ton pickup. 12.000 -.c· tual mUH. Sold new &r.'8U"\'1Ced by UI $11~ MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach Llberty 8·2~1 1855 Harbor Costa Mesa Liberty 8·5633 June Specials 195-4 DE SOTO ( dr. eedll, lite blue, R " H. auto. tra.na. Excep. clean c&r .. . $1,995 1952 NASH f dr. aedan, ~io. Healtr, O'drive, Z-tone grttn. Very clean, only . $895 1952 DE SOTO 6, • dr. eedan, 2 tone grey. Beaull- ful blu. upboi.t.e.ry. Rlili, only ·-· ·-··--$1.245. 1951 CHRYSLER Wind.lor, Ught gny, 4 dr. eedan. Bought new by owner, 1till loo h n~ . $1,145. Many lo" priced tra.nsport.ttion ca.rs, only $~. dn. LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH OEALER 1200 West Cout HJghway. Phone L~rty 8-3486 ~ato. fol' s.le $1295. New French Renault 4 door ffdan. &O mllu per Callon Paymen '31 per mo. '53 Chrysler ·' F-;\\. y (I RX r.R 4 d!X)r "''Ith Radin, Huter. Pow~r 8t~Hlflt Rrllkt~ &nli A11t11m1ll<' Otl\" $1799 I t '54 Mere. Convert. Radio, Ht>•tt'r, Power Brakee, Ovt>rdrlve -One owner 18,000 mil" -BlttenrwHt rr <lu('ed to $2399 a t JOHNSON & SON U NCOLN ·MERCURY 900 W. Cout Rwy. Open 'Ull I :SO •~nlnp w 8-!'1~:1 19H PACKARD Clipp-neat A mechank ally perfect. waw Uru. Radio 6 ht.r. Good 2nd car tor famtly, Sl&O ca.ah. Call Har. 28iH ·R. tkTS lt:'>O 01..DS 2 ctoor Mdan. ft It K. Cuatorn uphot.tery. Har. O OI No 1961 P LYMOUTH lt.alloa wacon. Xlnt. condition SttO. Owner, Ll 8·300S. e7ctt 4t-Aot4 8ervloe Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e eyi.. ___ .--'48.88 8 Cylll. ·--·----~.88 rnrludH boUJ labor &11d part.a. H-r1n11. W11et plnl. •alYA rrtnd. tl\UD('I of m&UI •Ad rod bMflnp. Expert motor t11111 up. t o-day or •.000 tw1U• ,uar&nt ff, (NO MONET OOWNI . REBUILT ENGINES -UP t.o JI MONTIU TO P AT- Bullt tn our OW'1l ractary by .atlll..d machinUtL Don't COIH•nd wlUI tJ\• mlcSdl.9 man. .,,. direct REB~T and INSTALLED IBOftT BLOCK roftD . _ 112• ~ CHEVROt.rr ----S 1'8 60 Pl.TM. 6 000011:. ·-----I I~ CHRY8. 6 or. 80TO -Sl iO &TtJDC8AKER • ., __ 1170 Ot.DS 6 PONTIAC • --IJlO BUICK .... ·--I ii!\ HUDSON ----111& Loan Car P"rte Tow1n1 NltW CAR OtJAJUNTltP.: Block mu1t meet our eundan:ll Plu. tu r •, aUll•t.e and 011 ~Sund.a)' 10 a.rn. w 2 p rn, BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS -Optn O&lly 1 to T at.at. 8ond.d NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SAHTA. AN A BRAKE SPECIAL • dunnc June Foreign auto brake job, by expert mecha.nica $18 .. 95 & up. w. ff&IUr• 8l/'tiDEN wrv1c• Hausken Motors Inc. 19 n H. r1'o r 81 Yd • (',(19t.a M na I.I IM10:i1 l~I 8--1381 MlcTih ATTENTION Nash .. Hudson owners Rioh Hahn's Garage AulJ\or1S@d Part• • lemu a 1.oO O()()tl Tr• n-port a Uoll C:ar1 F'or Sale Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. N4'Wport Bea.di. Har. 4711. 16lt• Banlt of America f\nanr1n1 IM.XE.OU Tl: Oellvtry JOHNSON & SON Jtat MA Yt~)\\.'ER T'r•ller. com· pJ"IA btth. Udo 'rratl,.r P ark, Har. Ult :-Ill~ LI 8-7372 OT 9" M~n• at Shaving Muc Mc7l Ll:"'COL:'\ • ~U.;RCURY »00 W. Cuul Hwy. Open 'llU I 3-0 ev~nl.np LJ J..:..~~ M ltRCE'Dltfl 1rnl'DILGulate comp I. •qu.lpped J 11:>3 Mrlu 300 R1u11n, M&t,.r. all l!!11llln uphollltery Low mllf'•I• l6800 ROSAN I NC., 2901 W, Cout H"'1. Newport Buch. 8',(70 !'Al.ACE TRAILER. 28' romplela with n .. w 11wn1nir R~e 5 l :,9r, Hayehore 'tra.tl.w Park - M.r. 8telllno M p70 FOR RENT Ver al IM It-fl. bou.e trailer by wt~k or month. lU Eul 9tl\ I t., COfllA M-. llp70 STATION WAGON '61 f'ORD '8qutr, UH O'Dr. Very clean, original owner. 18SI~ \ BaRor '°".. llt70 SALJI: or TRADPl -1860 bou• Lrall"r 27 fl Will t.alce U ft. C't1mplnr; lra11-r aJO part. lU • 45 It.. Har. 20t7WIL tkTt ~ -- I 'I ' I i j I I . • I • . ~UNE 22, '1955-COASTAC SHOPPER-PA&E • Cabanas Marinas LIDO OJ'J'lCll IP4Cll -W1D ~ ~ .Wt&ble fbr at~ •97' ~ etc. Approa. 1lldO ta llbopplac UM • Via UM. o.n Doll Cole ~ Clllly, lla.r. '800. Ntfc. RJ:8TIUCI'ED B&y b&y new, ~- 6 rm. atuceo, hwd. nr._ W• Utul llom• complet. electric kit· bath. pr. 1'hrM trailer ~-. c11en. a ~ bnna. Kr. and Home &: Income VALUE. PACKED ~a ·~-·~ ..... !!__---..!a!:::!-!!!lll ....... ~_ Income EX•,.<;~!~~~~~h-Lido Peninsula, East 31.st St., Npt. Bch. orn:aa Dellgbttul !Mq. A.pt...C.b&aaa. UWitlee paid. wt th Yacht .Up accomod&Uona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. ror appt. or nMrvation. Can Bar. 2992. Mtto wtt.h utility bide. Near Be&cll. Kn. aa-t.. Bwd. ftn.. Forced· ldeal fOf' peutoaer. U1 Buad· a1r IM&t. Drtn ..,. f01 llen'a t.aa. eo.ta K-. llp10 Vlata tbeD phoDe to -. We DlALL OJ I JCll wtUI ,_ntns, .,_ tM&t A upt A prln.te toilet ID· llaft -,. Barpia &t '24,&oo eluded. llO -U... .t _,. N.--11-8-1 ~te ~e port BlYd., Npt. a.eh. &nor BT OWNER-WW take tl'M• on Orange Coast tTU. Mttc • .,,_ lo h a p rt• UUll oorner t. ranch ome. rope 1es Nna.. 1 ~ bat.ha, bdwd. flra., J'. 4.. bMt, w.w. carpet. fenced IMuruce, SalM. Lo&M. BuUder9 yd., xtn. la'· pat1o Oftr~ lMT Newport Aft., Coela X.- AVAll.ABU: -Abc>Ut IOOO lq. canyon. Will take emaller place LI 1-1432 LI 1-1'00 ~- Corona del Mar t unlt.-J tuU lo~ Iacome '29~ a mOlllA Onl.y e YN. old. Newly decora~ed. 127,000 fUIJ prtce. J:IOOO doW1l. C&1l for app't t.o -thla REAL BUY I ;i-114. up~~ ~b~~ ~~ :. v=. ·~'! •. ~.n~.:; NYCJC s bdrm. horn•. 1 yr. old, "' Cliff Haven' !'1-Waated to Bmt • '8-A-Ae for Bmt and Bay J'roo~ WW ..... all 1089·\V. 09c72 to w e&.-peUf\I, fenced yard. FINI) DUPLEX -Study income R ta1s W ted FURNJSRJCD A.PI'S. tn beart ot or &D7 part Is ruiodtl to llltlt Good condltlon, $10,600. Good record ot $171'1 montll. f?e.l'IS en &n Balboa. '21l wk. Ir up. Taldnc t.mnL Vopl Oo., 1411 V1& Udo. 6! Be.I .,...._.,._ terma. Owner. Bertha Vlnaon, month paya FHA ·~" loan, We Med &pta and MuM9 la d ,_.,..t:Saaa now. tl"T z. Bal· Barbor (811. Mtto _..., ne Cottage Place, Coat& Mea. taxes, lneurance (not leuebold) =-a.!: =.. -::~ boa BIYC!., Balboa. Bar. 1'729-J. BEAUTIFUL Sl'xlZ Cabana Rvbor J761 after I p.m. t'8c81 FuU price $19,000. U 70'I ba .. • YM*DC)', ezc74 L E A S E • 811' two bdrm. taller, com· FOR SALll or T'RA.Dll. Loe cabin B lb I f d pboee tod&7 ENJOY BALBOA ISLAND • the F'IN!J LOCATION 1D Corona del pletely fUrn.IAlhed, carpeted, wa· SOO fL on upper Sacramento a Oa $ an The Vogel Co. beach thla wmmer tor very lit-Mar, Completely equipped for tertront lot. bet.ch, bot.t dock river. Natural -immlnc pool, CHOICE LOT with apaclou. apt. ti• rent. Small compact apt. for bakinc or dellcate..en. Pbone ava1L Brtclt l&na1, carport, IWtm· ftllhln&'· View Of 'KL Shutt.. over double ft.rag• plwi sueat l201 W. Cft.. JIW)' .. Newport lie& 2, Ilse of boUM tn.J.Mr, S3a per Harbor •2ts for a.pp L 61ltlc mtn1 pool. J'u1l pr. $871JO. Udo Roclt ftnpleee. Pbone Torrey room and bllU\ &lre&dy on nar. PllOIW Ub.rt7 W"1 wMk. Har. 2121·M. lltle Vlllap Trailer P&rk. 700 llht St. '7·1118' e8p70 Ready for 2nd unlL Aakln1 IOI Kann .. llaJDoa leland N St Bid Newport Be&ch. Lot No. 38. $19.760. See Ulla and let'• llUb· ~a..-.."' Summer Rentals ew ore 9· LI s-1~1. uuc mtt terma. IM7 II. c.out B,7 .. CoroD& del Mar for 1-, a-1 yrs.. 111~ tt. puk· -----------33! ACRES '""011• &.nor 110 wAoNER POINT-Waurfro9t • lbos>Ptnc &re&. SJ5() DOWN Muriel M. Pinover U4o Of'f!oe, IUI "1a Lido oUiere. Rate. S20 week' and up. tnc ~ Xt.jor a1Ur7. la Udo Harbor t.971 Utlc Children -1come. No pet. REALTOR BLANCHE GATES St MII.Jt8 from Oce&Mtde ln beau· ~ Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. pl-. J'mced )'&rd. Ph. Bt.rbor · S BDRM. home, hdwd. tloon, feno-tltUJ valley at foot of Mt. Palo· Ea.ty Parklnl' Harbor H lO Panelled llytq room and .....U dlnlnl' room. ~ peted wall to waD. sood kitchen. bruktut 1pa.oe and .ervice porch. Ample eupboarda and 1torap 1pace. °""1-s 2-car prve. Ni~ encloeed patio. Ma.t eon"'11ent comer locatton. 2 bib. from City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12,000. Just Enioy the Income from thia excellent property (no rent to pay). Located in cbolce rental di9trlct, 100 tt. from ocean. There are 3 unit. -a new duplex and a IS-room bouae on 2 lota. 2 unita are furniahed and rented on yearly buia. Owner'• home available now. Thrff garage. on alley. Preeent income can be "wbltan· tially increued. $SOOO w1ll handle. FOR INSPJOC:110N CALL HARBOR 1011 ACT TODAY I EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Barbor1011 GARAGll or_,.~ wtthln aae block ot Bay i.a.nd. Bar. 5Tt0. 17p81 1211..J. •t ttc Realtor ed yard. Ot.rb. ~-Ov~ mar. Very pruducUve land, now aac•o S R I S11 M&riJI n_,..,._ Ialand abed s~e. 1.oi. 01 eior..-.. 1eued. ean be •Ubdivided. Elt· 'COST MESA Th B T -1.L ummer enta s . Barbor ;,1~"·· -68ttc ~f: ~~:.:.~~.D.::~ cellent water •Y•lem. Cloe• lo • $125 th A e est own on Earm' ~;t = ~~~"= • Exchulive Bay ll'ronbl allopp1.n1 center Uld P .O. Income mon ONE OF THE BIIBI'-Choice !'9ldeotlal Areti, wm be down ,......._ un-+ For Lease B . H t 1 Houu in <>n.na• Count)' w1ll be 1 ruRNJsuw RENTALS. wm turn olL P1L eouect .AXm1nfter other cholce propertiea ar9a1n Un er• OOMldared u part payment. rent for 1126 moath year~. corner lot. 3 Br. home, Den, tlreplace, 21yl bat.ha. 1·9701. 68pet Barbor 1l&&Dd,, ~ 8borM, Bea.-EXCELLENT i...se Udo Lot, 51 fL at euterly Owner, 2300 CUtt Drfve, New· Redwood conalnloUon. I years (Approx. 2000 8Q. ft.) larp prap. $19,500. with con ~. qu&Wled cllent.1 oal7. LOCATION end. Cholce neighborhood. port Beach. LI 1~268. · &7<:ell old. 2 bloclu to be&ch. Only terma. w ANT nJce room with twta ..-Harbor Inveetment Co. U5,llOO U0,600 wt th '3360 down. Rent • t>&th on B&lbo& l8lan4 to?' Ju. BLANCHE GATES Realt will pay Ule balanc. and return Harbor 1eoo (Z.... LI 1-6111) OOBTA JO!SA • or Builder Will Trade 13% atter taxea. Will exchall1e ~-~ ~3~~· Will p&y •t~ __________ rr_tio_ ~Bar. JtK.W eatfc 111 Kartne Aft., Balbo& hluid equity tor a bedroom hom. tn -----------Harbor 1811 or 1&72 Hc'8 on thla lov"lY new reaidence Coeta Mea M B .... 1aa~ J'OR SALi! or will aubordtnate LEASE Apartment House Cliff Haven View Lot Open House Choice Summer Rental.I on Balboa lalalld 6 Udo lll• Small 6 c~ or l&rl• Ir cSehJU '75 to POO moath LIDO ISLE YEAJU. T IUllN'l'AL UNJ'URN. rnQl LOCATION ta Oo1ona del llOIJ'e to reliable bullde.r. 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. 509 De Anza Dr. Corona Highlands a UNIT renW... unuaual altuaUon wtth good future poutblUU•. Good tutanclnf, priced very low. SH u. tor det&Jta. I bedroom., I batba. CMlce ~Ucm. Kar, Oomplee..ly equipped t or ARRAS REALTY be.ktn.r « cleUe&tAIML Pbone Bartx>r tltl tor app'L latte 10842 Garden Gron Blvd. VOGEL CO. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -----------LEhl&'h 1-2108. eacea Homes ,investments 20I M&rlM ;. .. ~ Bali.a. Waad Ph. Harbor•" or Barbor 21&1 ~ •. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30011-K 14tto BRAND NEW I bdrm. untum. du· plex. prbap dlapoMl. ....,.., .. J70. montll. CALL DAYS 11:30~:30 Ll M•H or LI 8-7182 after II p.m. .ti wk. e.nca pbOne Har. '617. 60tto RENTAL y' SPECIALISTS l1ll N.wport Bml.. Newpon Bcb. 55 llone7 to Lou Bartlor lOU •Otte -----"~-------- I BORK. 6 den. untunL Bay A ocean Y1-. Tr. •-108 Car· -UOD, C.D.K. etttc SUlOO:R Rl!NT A.LB. -HoUN aleept1 4. Cottace aleep• J. Jun• 20 to StipL 111. 721~ Poppy, Co- rona del Mar. Barbor OISl·M. eettc NEW S BDR.M. un.tum. hol»e, pr· 1.1•. dlapoeal, thermo. heat, $80. month. 223-21A St_ eo.ta Meea. LI 8-3l80 or OXlord ""'86L Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, ll&lary. $60. to $750. or mor.. One day service AppUC&Uon may be made Ill per- 90Q. bJ plsolM or by nW1. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1191 Harbe.r BlYd., ~ Me• LI 1·7761 -~ rrtdaya WI 8 Vets $565 down PLUS IKPOUNDI USE TOUR 0.1. LOAN on t yr. old, a bdrm., dbl•. ~. tenc• 3 BEDROOMS, I b&tll, '•· Unn1 .... membera ot li011Uple U.Unc room. Le•. pi.yroom. M&pltt· we have 2~0 u.un,. of all dlt· cent kltchu and dining-room rerent t:ypee • will tlnd one to and lllao l'Jolor1wn, 24.'SO' In all. suit your need.1. Sea riew. F .P. p-,.~. -Loan to 120,000. Builder wtU Mil tor N.B.C. REAL TY be.t all cuh offer for quick Kie. S2nd • Newport Bouleyard &ettc Newport Bncb ed. Wonderful paUo 6 laundry, -----------BUILDl!R l)rJ"l:R8 brand n- trtplea lJI a.Uent rental loca· Uon. A ttracUvaly prt.c~ t.t 121,000. 1900 JUvez Place, Cliff Jjavm. Pb. Har. 4102-W &etto Harbor 6638 yard. Garb&&"• diap0aa1. All treehly painted. Near Upper Back Sq 2372 Pallaa4-Rd., But& Ana Pho11e ICI I-MU. 60tlo REAL VALUES HARBOR BL VD. CaJI Edna er.11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 lllrln• A. ... 87tto C10Md Saturday-Ullc 6$-St.oree a ()tn.a Lovely bualne.u corner 63xl23 one or the but locatlona In Coata Hua. There I• a two bdr, home on the pl"Operty, which owner will move ott. don't f&U to -thl• If you ..,.. lookins tor bwltn ... property. ts&l.boa 1alm4. Har. 1''71 12tfo STUDIO APT .. part.la1'1 turn.labed. A l.o untunUahed atudJo Jott. llP41c• approll. l liOO aq.. tt. WUI tlnl•h lo e11lt ••nanL <>p.n to off"" 81vd. loc&Uon. 1951 Bo. Coul Blvd . La«Una Bdl. HYatt 4..:i.'1T ~ttc IJ\'>ot)(l';I\ NtNTM.,-2 br. tum. h tiUN, So. ot Hwy, Corona Oel Mllr Reuonabl" 1'"11"lMORRf9 REALTY CO. llubnr '!162.. e7ce9 FOR LEASE 7 room ~ ruell home, a bedrma. I ll&U., ,__ bo~. ~ pool. ........... oorra1 and ~tUTe for taddle bo~. 81.nthmore rancb-One • lbree· quart.en lllll• -u.eut ot Ban Juu C&pMllrano. R. A. Rowan & Co. 'Al 1. ltprtllc et., Loa u...-.. TR 0111 t6c'n -----------ON t.lDO l&Llr-Tet.rly ~t&l, a NO COMMISSION No Appn.lal Fee .8ALICIJ -RllnNAJ'fCll CON.8TaUCTlON Call tor Free Fut Commitment. oo Ruta.iic.a aad Ulllta onl,J Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th M. OOSTAKDA · U l-ll6t1 LI t-4M2 3 BEfJRM hoUM, 2 ba~ w1UI 3 bdnn., 2 b&tb !M;ime, turn. or UD· WOULD UM \o 111&1 Ut ud IDd b<lrrn arr 11r,taJn1. 12:.0 monlh tum. Ea.cellent k>caUoo. OwDu, ~ 0..-CM& 11&.r. UK. o: J uly or U6 per wetlc. 107 lt&rt>or 02.lW. 52tlc tltfC \\ r•l Be.Ibo• Blvd. 68p70 CORONA D~l. MAR untum. 2 SUMMER RENTAL LOANS f H bfodnn. duplu.. t1riil fet1ced DIUVlt ~T It ... 112 Via Wu1el'9, Or Om8S yud Ctinie• I blk 10 markela. U do 1-le. 3 bdrm•., 2 b&lh.a, I~ -10 yr, 1..-M S'l'2 ~ mo. )'r&rly compi.td y tumlabed. An.liable Construction Loans f'lNOVt<;R. Hat 4610 6k70 June l!>-30-$2~. Juty IMO.-Au~1t $726. Reducllon tor en· tire "-.on. C&U Harbor 4274. 157ctllh ·-808 li Tn.l:R IGU llA.ST CO.ABT BLVD. I ROIUC APT furn or u.nturn. 121, al•«1 1 bdrm. hQlat1 rum. or u nr11m. f'4l'l y4'arly C'itU LAm- ~rt ~1013 alter e I•· m 6tce9 Con.a de& Mar Bubor .... "-P· POIRL&R MOATOAQS 00. AVAILABLE ln SHORllCLJ.':rl'8, ... tro Ute Jm. ~ Ill 1-6UIO Pr1vate home, 2 br., turnlabed. tltto FOi\ W:A8 E ON 8U'PUUOR RT. A larre d MA CUl holl.M that C&ll b@ uioed for home and bu.1.11u·M. •J1cept rup. aUnr and 111>4n. -----------U tw> 011 let.M. Harbor S20e·ft. LO.olB TO BUll.l>. IMPROVE 6tttc BUT, MOD~ OR IA1a ,. 10 1 ZOnMS M·l Call \&8 ~WPORT ISLAND wat.trrln>nt _•_• _IJbt'tlY M71J UcTO tum. 8UDUll«r or yeartJ rental 8A Y VT~ APT. Oft UdO hn1D· IN.It.. N"' 6 attraoU" panelled IJYUIC room. 2 bdnD&. J'or ,_..11 1-Ph. Hu 27111 or Kar 80 6&tlo BJ\AJfl> NEW I bdrm. unturn. ape... 116 mo. at 1900 HAvm Pia«, C'llrt H.a1'ttl. PbOne Har. • 102· W. Mtfc atol K&n:ue A. ft. Bu. 104&-M 68c70 VACATIONERS W1C BA VIC a ..nety ot IWtl' rua.- ly tum. rent£1e aval,la.ble In. Newport • lA(\lnL '30. wk. • up. Inquire 304-321\d 8t.. Npt. PboDe Barbor UM. 11 p7()1 VERT A.TT'RA.crtVll a-I bdnn. home n._,. t.be OCe&ll, oomplet.e- 1 y tun\. \~ 1-1100 mo. or $760. tor ewnmer. A.ml.It. onJ7. PAUL. C. J ONES REALTY Harbor 2.JU. ~ RD'IN~Cll "• 8'11 Trut DMda MSWPORT 8.ALBOA. SA VINO& 6 LOAJ'f A..SSOCIA. TION 1Mt \'la Udo. Ph. Bar. UDO I.le Rlt.A.L EBl'.t. Tl: LOA.NS 1atertmt Rate ~~" 1-... qUicltlJ made bl Ua9 8-1 A1-llDd Coeta M-l.lnJi. or m~ '1Dll&. !C-•~Be ..,_ and •" bJ ,.t1nanc•n& you.r pcwat loaA. M h1tmwn •· ~ No dl.arp for prelimJ· 11&17 app~ PbocM 8-ta Ana ltlmberly Mt33 cw WTtt. ARTHUR A. WAY l'M.1DIO tum. apt.. ewnmu rent. ~ lllO. ,.ar ..... 146. '°' lArlupur A.,. , Corona <t.i Mar. 68 c70 UNJ"VRN. 2 BDRM. HOKJt. W to Mo~a Lou C.orre.tp0ndclt W ca~t. BeauUtul yard, paUo, Ooddaltal Ute luluance Co. r\JRNUUO:O l bed.ml. apL bath. PT.tty patio. ()&rap. NeM bch. l&O Week. Pb. Lt 6-4120 68c70 nrepla.ce, 1ar. '124. monlh. 933 loutai Main l.&11t. A.na Or 1 .. ~t on leu.. U 1-l!TIJO P'P after o. l\ltto ----------- NO. ll B&ACON BAY -lummer -----------rtnt.al. lpadou. turw. apt-aleep11 I B. R. UNF. bouM, 11early new. 6'7--a.I z.tatie Wanted '· ~loalldq ~. June l&th-1ars'e yud. near eoboola and SepL 15UL. MOO. monlA tranap. See attemoowu at 112 At..80 W\U take ~Uol\ for Vklt.cll1&. Ooet.a M-.. A."1.l w111t.er. Rar. ~n. courtesy to Jul.1 lat. '86. i.-°" 1-. ac-c.a. tltlo l'ronUer 480'76 85tlo Cl!IAl'nQL l"R02'T tu.m l&. l'OA L&.um WANT TO BUY WATERFRONT Business Zone l 6 I ~ Uo 6 i B Q TWO BLU7TD"l1L .... lrYin• 1 block t.o Udo :ope and a.ua'. Terrace unf\lni. .t.-bom• ANY 1UD091\ "IP \0 11Ttl,OOO cuh 2 Office Spaces & Store NEW BLDG. in Udo Shopping area.. Both 670 area feet. By JN.le, $100 It SW mo. ALSO 1tore, 600 feet. SHO mo. eoo Via Mal&ga. Newport Beach. Har. 3327 67c69 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BOAT AND TACKLE RENT~ 28' ltftl hull cruiael'. Showa income $28,000 on boat.I and over $100 weelc on tackle. E«Jtab. 9 years.. Small overhead expenae. Seuoo ltartin.g with reeervationa coming Ln f rom a mailing lillt of 2000. Full pqce, $25,600. Excellent term.a. GARAGE -Showa over $30,000 grou in ahop alone. New car franchUle available 170' tront.age. Lea.le include. five room 2 bath apartmenL at S177.50 per mo. Full price $13,000. VOGEL CO. 3201 W . Cou l Hwy .• Newport Beach Ph. Ll 8-34.81 EvM.-Ll 8-3.'SBO BALBOA ISLAND-BUSINESS VOGEL VALUE Near-new, attractlve 2 etory bldg. on Balboa laland comer location. Suitable for profeuional or medie&l of!Jce.. beautician, real est.&te office&. Shope are downat.aira with two complete A comfortable 2 B.R. apt.A. upstairs. One fully furnillbed. Several ahops now lea.sing and are available for 1ummer. PTiced $57,500 with terms. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 4·U DUPLEX Th1. La one or the ca.&nMt prop- e.rtJca wo bave u.ted ln a lOQ& Ume. One. one l>dr. lll!d on1 two bdr. hardwood noon. ua. k.Jtdlera and. b&Lha. plenly ot room for ano~ dupte.s ln r-.ar O( IOL Cood eut aide locaUon Priced IO nll ,...,,lh f:Z tf'rm.I. B. A. Nereson REALTOR Jll82 Newport Blvd , COit& M•ea Phone LI 1-1172 ~2 tw> a I -1•20 month. S:XC.p- Uon&l .,.Jue, 2 btoc'lle t.o town. 112.000 dn buya lhl• a unit cou.rt.. I iranr-1 yn ol,, Or-inge Coast Properties ~ •. S&lu. Loana, Bwais.re 1~1 N..-port Avw . eo.t. Mee& LI ,_1632 U 1-1400 Evu. COSTA MESA J bedrm. l yr. old Lila: ~. bMuUt ul IAWN fl'Oll t • t"eU'. $1000 down FULL PRlCI! 19r.CJO 2 Bli:DRM . alnf1• ~·· N Ice yard ---189~ tull price NEWPORT BEACH 3 U:-OTTS. 1 IOU. nMr ~ t.nd bay 11Q,~. tol"Tl'le Homer E. Shafer 1 RE Al.TOR l Ofl Mcl'&ddm P l., Ne'WllOrt Beach Hu. H O or nH Rar. 262t·M Har. JJl7·M Take One Good Look BY OWNER, leaving July 1st NOT ANOTHEI\ UKlC IT f~ lb1.I L01' PRJCll Jlll.600. BU U'nJ"UL Uoyd 0. Boward ..atJon. eut •Ide near bay. CUSTOM BUILT, I bdrm , J ba.Uui. C.2 Bualneu property-corner location 011 New- port Blvd., $10,600. with $2900. down and b&L ~ Pet' month. A BARGAIN FOR AN ELDERLY COUPLE: 2 Br. home, neat 6 clean, Hwd. noora, double pnp, very Dice rear yard, all fenced. mnall lath bowie. $8000. with $31!50 down A bat ~. per month. $500 DOWN-Small 1 Br. home 6 pra.p. ,A,.1 cloee-in Joe&tioa. Price $MOO. A b&l. $41(). per month. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport BlYd., a.ta M-. LI 8-1901 LIDO IBLJC New 3 Bdrml-2 B&t.U All t&ectrtc ldtoben W., very tine teatw... '29,MO 3 Bdrtn.. ti conv. Den-2 Bathl 80z2' Uvtq room. Lot. ot room for childr.J wttb bafl~tn .oda~ tain. Larp lot. taG.000 N~ • Bdrma.--3 Blth._Waterflurt Vift' of bay from 3 of the • Bdrm&. and ~1 f1r9.. place. wall to tra1l ~- 61'~ to.,._. $18.&00 BAY • BEA.CB RtiLTr -LIDO orncm 3112 L&tayett.e. Newport Harbor IMI ~M9Z... CUFF HAVEN Ranch type home with view 1 bdrm. and da n.leely land.IC&ped, hlrtwl6 ready to IDO'N ID $N80. Mult u.t No. 15750. CORONA DEL MAR 6 unJt.a ranch 1tyJe all with every oonvenlence J furniahed, auto. waaber, gangee, South of hiway. Shown by appointment. $62.~. 2 unit.a BALBOA ISLAND exc. location $3500 down furn. s1e,ooo. ' bdrm. bayfront, $.0,000. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 .Marine Ave.., Balboa I.land Phone Harbor 502 BALBOA ISLAND WELL BUILT BAYFRONT HO~ 4 bedma, :l bat.ha. excellent beach. Unacelled vi... Cboic. corner location. Price $4-0.000 Temw WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A.Moclatea Park at Marine, Balboa lal&Dd -Harbor Z4e2 CORONA HIGHLANDS 1f you have a large family you 1hould 1ee thla. I:n Corona Highl.t..nd.I. 3 bedrooma &nd den, l &. ~· plua 1 ~ bath. Large back yard. plenty or room for the chUdtto. Owner conaider lot in Corona HJgblanda u part payment. $28.500 RAY REALTY CO . 34.H E. Cout Hwy. Corona c:lel Mar Harboi: 2288 J bedrm. loWw 1~ rao. to SepL ; ~~ ~:'~ Osborne Rea#v Co lkll,, 1 bedrm. 11ppe.r b.u ll\9X 0.0 BartMll' lT"Tll OI' Barbor '641. '",...l • Planning to Build on Your Lot 1 Take a look at our model bomea at Newport and Mit chell, Tustin. Ranch-type homo, llhAlc• roof. _ 30' It\', r-.. ..tu. beeUWUJ 1'tew &ARI. W STA.Jn.ET a.It« -W. 0out RWJ., NpL Bob. cl ~ ...,_ • ebenMI, IUK· lniae. 1'aTace 0tn.. (Ill lliDlt ~) Ma -cw tlO mo. oe )'et.rl1 C'onlla& cW Kar Utto M ...,... JIN. e!IN ..,_ a.... AJ1t. I. Ill • Ntia at. N...-· ' tTeet ~ ...._ •Toll 9UKJO:ll ~ Jf.wpcrt t. ----------- RA.D~n & Dm l&Dd Watufrat. l*r' A no.&. • IM "IW -Wmwt __ n.uvn ~AO. ....... I ltory bCaM. I Wra.. I ~· ~:1. ~ w!-~moa~ ~ ~~~ .-..= HOME and 6 Units ,,_,. ..__ ..... llq. P•..-eMe GOOD IHOOllO. IM,000. HI Ram· ne.. iCM &. -. •-. llALBOA ta 81D111W f• a.a u~ ca llarbor mvd.. Co.ta a.n.~ 1'7tt. Hftl<Mt aauaa •n• -*--'1p1'11 ~-prt. fll1J tlW llet1l • _, .... l..AJt(Jal fUa. 1 --. apL RMI .,_ ll:SO .. ._.. Ana Aft. _,. a t1m r t·Ne Med ....... ~ au&o. WUlber A pat.lo. mo.a .__ wUl Jl20 per mo. '° a.pt. latJl or MpTO JWI' W11o be beN 1711 ,. ...... .,. ( i.t a tut moat.he -AOO--M-tor_wo_~--m&D.--Bot--Ud-TOKORAOW te Mck up W'!lat ... ~). UW. pt. 113 Coltcn It., cold water tn rooai. Port. -.U. TODAY! Qleclc tile UM4 N_,,ort 8Moh. Call K.-r truoe " ,... w.M. 121-J1tA 8t ..., ta u.. cluelned ..-cuon ... 1JM.W. Meta N twp«\. ,,_,. •• . Open Dail1 9 to e Sunday1 1 to e See foe yourself bow we C&D build a 1244 loQ. ft. home, foroed air h•t. hdwd. Ooon, ~ oar lt&ral• for ooly $9,100. Let ua direct you to our bome. undv construction and finiabed. Look them ov•r, oompan. •tWJ yOUJ'Nlt. We have cut.om home plannlnr ..nb, ftnanoiq for State vet.I, FHA and Savtnp and Loan, aa a 1 •top tacility. Not.hlnr down. MARSHAL~ HOMES a r-.a -m ~ cm.-u M01a> ..,, LOVl:L T LAROE Jdt.cbu. Weet· •l'Tl BoUy OYe.a .... plalA• •t la BRICK WALL. !MT ~U90 Ave, LlbertJ I-WI. tJtlc C-1 Property d CORNXR ol HUI Mid Pia· oenU&, wtt.h I bednn. bouaie uid _Ml..._ SUBMJT -e-nP" a.a I.Dien, a.16tl OOUo 2-BD>RM. aoxm. Ool'OM IDP- 1uct. w.ndw tl0.000-WMN Iota ..u .. hlP u flt,ooo ...... Uca ,.,... 'P'1oe9 .... ..,.... • ..... ............. ~baa'\ .................. ...,6 -·-·--------.;;,-----~ 0 --t - Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar TWO STORY, 2 bdrm. (have plan.I for 3rd bdrm. to be added at emalf coet), 21/i balha, lge. Uv. rm., 1epuate dining room, la.rge knotty plne den wtth built-in bu, lounge, 2 fireplacea, bt.lement with 150,000 BTU furnace. Erpenelvely carpeted wall to wall tbna-out. Garbege diapol&) and diabwubMt Houee G yre. old. Large double garage with laun- dry, radio-controlled garage door. Lot 50 ll H.2'. Well landecaped. Thia bome mutt be ~n to be ap- precl&ted. Located &t 3312 0<:e&n Blvd., Corona del Mar. OWNER WILL ACCEPT ANY REASONABLE OnmR Shown by appointment only Pb-. o.p., BuiMlr ">Ill ""'° ----..---~---·---------- • -, ··~ _-_PA_G_E_10_-_c_o_A_ST_A_l_· _sH_O_PP_ER_-_:J_u_N_E_2_2._l9_ss_ ,a-ae.1· r..tate C-8eal r.tat.e a-&ea1 FMate Santa Ana Heights ''C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES Open House-Saturday & Sunday 1..S 2471 Bayshore Drive A Tl'RACTIVE new 3 bedroom. 1 % bath home with EXCELLENT VIEW of bay. Low Down Paym't. FULL PRICE ONLY $29,750 · Special l'or ~ who wut a bom• near the ll&Jlt& Au Country Oub. I bedrooaMI plwi, 1arse livtnr room, Mpu'&le cllntn, ,_, 1 ~ b&tha. Lari'• ,.,..... buUd.ID1 w1Ul rumpca room, and rr-.r room. A beautltul bolne for US,500 Bayshores Home! 3 bedrooma. 1.._, bat.bl 1"'21 Uv- lnr room. Nlcely tu.rnlahed. n repla.«. to~ atr heat and double pr. A very s'OOd nlue at $22, 760, term .. Peninsula Home! Open House-Saturday & Sunday 1 C 8&.lboa Peninwla home with an ~ ocean vi-trom upft&Jr bed- room•. • bedrooma, 2 bat.ha. 2580 Crestview . Out o! town. Owner wanta OFFER on t,hia lovely 3 bdrm. 1 * bath RANCH atyle home on large cor. lot. All lge. room., w to w carpeting, cuatom tailored dn.pea, matching wallpapera, prue winning kitchen, large encl. patio. Cliff HAVEN , EXCELLENT 8 bdrm. home PLUS HSx25 rumpua room with !ireplace Ii built-in barbecue, hwd. floora, near schoola, fenced It landacaped, 4 % G.I. loan with monthly paymenta. PRICED AT $16,500 LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Open Daily 1 to 5 Until Sold 313 Lido Soud Pier and Float for 40 ft. Boat LIOO WATERFRONT BEST BUY-3 bedroom. 3 bath. newly decorated and completely FURNISHED ln the fl.neat ta.ale. Include. cu.atom made draperies. new to wall carpeting, Westinghouae automatic wuber-ready to move in. Encloeed patio, attrac- tive planting, built-in barbecue. OWNER MUST SELL-MAKE OFFER "C" T H 0 MAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout HJghway, Newport Bet.ch Liberty 8-M27 "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS Bpactoua home with large U'fing room with flagmtoM ftN!pla.ce. Only e yean old. Ideal for large tamlly. $23.500, I~ down. Beach Home! OR, yeu-around Uvtnc. Situated In Balboa, near th• N.H .Y. C1ub. Hu 3 bedrooma and 1 ~ bat.bl. Heavy furniture Included. Price cut today for a quick Ml• - 111,500, only f3000 doWn. Cute Beach Home! With 2~ bedroom.a, c1oee ta Ba.y on Eut Bay &ftnue. Borne tur- nlture Included. On a oomer and you lhould -It for $14.500 14600 down. Extra Special! RED HOT J R·I 1.ota, a.Ide by aide on Balboa Boll.levard. Buy all a tor 1111,500. Balboa Realty Co. Oppotlte Bank ot Amert~ Rou Greeley .A.1 Corne.Uu1 l:d Lee Jack Pinkham JOMpbine Webb 700 E. B&lbo& BlYd •• B&lbo& -Phone Harbor 8277. fisher Retirement Specials l. TWO DUPLEXl:S, ' unit.a., 2 b.r. MC!I unJt , plua f lrepl&eM ln each. Only II~ )'I'll. oh.I. A. prop- erty you'd be proud to own. Sch. Income $3,1140 ann. A prcwen money-maker: (Cor. Del M.ar). Price $27,&00, Only 16.000 <ln. I. DUPLEX l YR. OLD. P LUS a nJce 1 b.r. home, T ,.. old wtlb flrepla('e It lowly p&UCJ, l'LUS m cloeed BBcue and o.t\, PLUS a large lot 80'1%23', PLUS a wondmul Jarden -a irard~ GOOD LIVING starts at IRVINE TERRACE We cordially invite you to inspect model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert . When you imped them, you will note they include every comfort and convenience for GOOD LIVING. ALL of the planning and thought that resulted ln thia remarkable community will provide GOOD LIVING for Irvine Terrace familie• for m&ny years. Perm&nent. restrictions guarantee you will &lwaya be proud o! your home here. To the home buyer who wishes to · pu.rch&Jll! in the $22,000 to $35,000 clasa we sincerely recommend the Irvine FAtatee overlooking Newport Harbor. Irvine Terrace ill located on Cout Highway oppoaite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to &nyone who bold.a a Leue.bold F.etate in Irvine Terrace. Open Houses Daily 1-4 p. m.- 131 s W. Bay Ave., Balboa 4 Bedrooms -2 Baths -$23,950 Your Host.eaa: Helen Baum 1759 E. Ocean Blvd., Balboa 3 Bedrooms -1 :~ Balba Oce&n View -Nice Patio -$21.50() Your H08t : Mr. Cbue SHORECLIFFS 245 Evening Canyon Road 2 Bedrooma -2 Baths -Den, 2 Fireplacet Large Laving Room -Ocea.n View -$32,000 Your Host : Mr. Leahy $2.000 Down, Furnished 3 Bedroom Beach H ouse near Library F ull Price $10,500 BAY & BEACH REAL TY 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Ca.I. Har. 1264 lover'• drum. Coeta MMa. -------------------- VOGEL VALUES CHECK AND DOUBLE CHECK Commercial Building Cout Highway Corona del Mar. 2 aloteA5, 2 apl&-prMent income $320. per mo le can 11how increaee .. ... ...... ............ ··-··-----------··---$33.500. Half Acr e Bt'tweoen Jrvine & Tuatin Ave .. not too f &r out. A real buy! .. . ............. 3.950. 2 Bedroom H ome Just reduced $1,100 00 & has everything- palio, BBQ, over·aiud dbl, garage. fireplace. beamed eel.Unga. etc. on quiet 11.rttl in Coro- na del Mar -·· ........ 13,400. New House on Half Acre Baclc·bay area. 2 bedrooms, shake roof, HW nooni. Nothing else done to half-ac~e- velope u you want. Se<' thu1. .. ...... 11.500. Duplex • Home -New In beautif ul Corona Highla.nd11. Ranch t ype, look.a hke a amgle home, 2 bedroom11 each, AND OCEAN \1.EW. Landacaped. One 11de vacant for new owner. . .. 26,950. THE VOGEL CO. 2ee7 E . Cout Hwy., Coron.a del Mar. Har. 1741 le 1477 Cambridge Estates 16th & Irvine Three Cboioe Corner Lota IAft (Restricted) 75 foot !rontag~ Hurry-Before It's Too Late PHIL SULLIVAN, Owner G. T. EVERSON, Exclusive Agent 18M Newport Blvd., Co8ta Meu Llb. 8-67f'1 Eve'a. Harbor 436&-LI 8·2103 Prfce I ltl,800, Only M .000 Da. WJ: K1fOW JNOOa<R PROPERTIE8 l FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Blvd .• Npl Bch. Ha.rbor COii. ~ NEWPORT HTS. A v.ry hlth quaJlty 3 bedroom !Wlm11 wlUt 1 and ' bat.hi. hu a O•ll'•lon• f1rt'plM'f',, hard'we>od n onr11, built In 'nlennlldor ranr 811d ovf'n. Ha.. m~. r1'blnr t• lhru out . .._i,..o mahoi exterior, Ju-i l '1o yr11r1 old. A II tht. plUA llJ\ Ol'ean vi f"W. Se. Olla . NEWPORT BEACH 8•1,. or tra4e: A i.r.;. old,.r h1imf' that hu bffn rf'(Wl'1JllOnM to mal" It a Vl'ry i-ood l'ffldttl('f wHtt ln<'Omt from lbe Up!llalr1' Thi" I• one block from thf' o«an, 6 bdrm'-• up&A.lu a.nil one d~'ll U J>"t.AI,.. ha. rf'nt MS f~ Sl20() per ~•r. but own,.r1 LIDO ISLE SPECIALS Lovely in the daytime-beautUul at night. Thia home baa everything for comfort and contentment 3 bedD'Y'. " den, lea th an 1 yr. old, ComplP.tely and bea11Ufully furnished. Tbennador kitchen, eecluded p&tio with lovely n owers, one of the most outnand- ing homes on the island for $43,500. Cute ranch tyPe home, 2 bdnna. Completely tu.m - iahed. Only 3 yn. old. ThJs Jt a buy . 321,500 New 3 bdrm. & den home 2 ~ths, charming kitchen. built-in range &c oven, ~pper hood plus diahwu her. Large muter bdrm. hu fireplace le one wall panelled. Mercury 1wttchea thruouL Carpeted. dbl gar., fineat or construction. Full price $33,500, term1 ava.ilabJe. AND RF.MDIBER THlS - many other fine homes are lillled exctu81vely at THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. !kb., Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evai, Har. 2191-M. Hu. 2998-R or Liberty 8-6297 hn.it.h dem.a.nd9 ale. Need I.I -------------------- for a 11n1aJl 2 Mnn, bouw . COSTA MESA 17 UNIT AP ARTKENT MOTEL Show. • very good A lum on money lnnst4'(1. Income ar pr. SPOO per monUi. can be tncro>.,._ ~ on dally ~"· Unit.a han a rental ""'IUn~ 1111 Thi,-prop- erty 11 v,.ry WPll lOCAt~ In downtown Co.lA M-.. on N~­ port Blvd. f>r;t''l ~11.:>00 w1D tnu2f', ~t'elltnt t enn1. "ART" ADAIR R P.:ALTOR llM Newport Blvd. Com MNA. C&J.lt . U 8-37'2 CORONA DEL M.AR comer ra.ncb •tyt. I bdrm. J beth bom•. llwd. A Bayfront House on 11/2 lots Deeigned to take full advantage of ita location on Balboa Peninaula. The aromatic 11eent of ita choice wood panelling (Teets you at the door and sets the key to a gracious home -a combination of liveablene11s and openneee iro advantageoUA in entertaining. F .A. heating. 3400 aq. fl. ~ bedrm11., 4 baths and powder room. 3 fireplaces, Formica kitchen. T riple guage. Sheltered rear garden. Pier &nd eea wall. Price $95.000 unfurnished LOUIS W. BRIGGS, Realtor 714 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 80. nrw ' m ac>t bv, ~nc:k>eed pa.t.lo. --------------------Only 122,l'IOO. 'hrm• Orange Coast LOOK-THESE-OVER! ~!r!!e~r!!!~ Bu1M•n 1. OCEAN FRONT -'°ft. Jot. R·l zoce Sl0.000. --------------------1~7 Newport Av~ .. Ooart. Me• 2. OCEAN FRONT 75 ft. lot, R-1 zone $15,500. Both lo~ located on Balboa Peninsula • MECHANIC'S PARADISE 1'11ly equipped Tune-•p Shop in CouW City. Th• only one. Markm in Orange County Cltie., &Jl In r ood Joca· tiona. Good buslneu. Dif!erent prices. FITZMORRIS REALTY CO. MultJple Listing Realtors BU8inesti Broker St~ 'l· Cout H ighway, Corona del Mu. )iar 2152 LI 8-1632 LI •tcOO ~ LARGE comfortable com- pletely fumiabed home on WEST OCEAN FRONT. Owner will u crifice. COG JN rQR DETAllA, J. M. Miller Co. 2026 W. B&JboA BIYd.. Npt. Bdl "Net..r the Newport Pter" Phone Hu-bor C()tl, Meta 3. 2 BDRM. home, PLUS 11m a pt .. $12,500-$3500 dn, 4. OCEAN FRONT-3 bdrms .. !urn, terma, $15,500 !5. BALBOA-3 unit Income do"11 payment M .000. 6. ,OCEAN FRONT-4 unit inOOIJle, oooaider trade or offer for $12.600 equity, 7. 8 UNIT apt. ~ouee. Furniahed. Yearly rent.... Consider trade, ~7.600. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W, Balboa BJvd., Newport Bea.ch. Rat. 6188 ~- • S4,(KM) Down 307 Fernando, Balboa COMPt.rrllLY tunUahed tllclud· lng elolb• w uher and dryer. 1. Rudy t o move into. BaJ vt- trom Uvtn&' room wlUl ftrepl&ce. I Mdrooma plue la.rs• rumpua room. l "9 baUu, ~ .. $5,(KM) Down DUPLEX CORONA DEL MAR BEST VALUES Two .ep&rt.te unit.a, 2 B.R. each. Comtr lot. ._. ocean view. One lp.M!d for year at $100 per rr'le Sl~.000 loan at $103 per mo. One unit blbla MM vacant !or new owner. Priced at S22.~ wlaJela • cludee new wuher It dryv. Low clown ,_,.... will handle. 1710 Plaza del Norte 2. JUST LISTED Balboa Peninsula Thia modem 2 bed.room home, carpeted wan to ..a. Point dble. garare, fenced yard, paved 6 COT•ed ,.U.. S BEDROOMS, 1 ~ bat.ha. J"I~ GJ. reale la only $1 .. ~. place In tar1• llvll16 room wllb dtnlnr arre&. Fae• 41u1et land· 3 . acaped City Park. Open Daily 1-5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LARGE llvtn• room with nr .. place. Full dlnlnr room, I bed· roorrui. 2-cu-p.rage, completely redecorated. Good tenr.a. Price $18,600. 135 ft. OCEAN VIEW HOME Owner must eell immediately tbJ8 q1WltJ baDl ' bedroom, 2 bath home. Fully furn.labed. WD1 eoe• aider am&ll home ln trade for part pQ11MDt. Doa"t delay on th1a one! Priced at $38.~. l!lhowa ... appolntmmt. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. llcCUISTION, lta!tor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona cW Kar. lllr. • (Office located next door to C.Oroea cW Kar Bu*) VOGEL VALUES Ocean frontage BALBOA- For Builder or Investor R3· Zone 1 UNIT a partment on lot 60'Jtl00' with adjolnlnr &ota 40'xl00' and 102'xl36' OCI Ocean Front. AU u one parcel with lt7 tt. front.a&'• Ofl 2 1treeta and 133 n. Ocean tf'on tag-e. Good Terms. Full Price $51,000 1. See thia G.l re-qle for Na1 ftlue. .A.r..._11,y decorated 2 bedroom home, 1ana1, ftnpla91, •/W carpeting, landacaped patio, Jow dawll pa,...e. 2. INCOllE---4 unit. turolahed. A-1 ~a... to oee&n It bay. Adjacent cornw aftDable -hi Price $29,500. 3. Ba.lboa'a finest! Lovely tw04tory .S.W ..._.,I bedrma. 4 bathe, 2 fireplaces, ~..,.... ... thia today! 4. lncome-Almo9t new I UDtt apu"tmmt .......... Choice rental d1atrict. f. r· Ott ec1 LIDO 1sLE-1rst 1me er Believe it or not-we can deliver a TO' lot OD Udo Iale !or ~ down. Full price $19,000. BWTJI 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. -Balboa NEWPORT HEIGHTS- Bay Front Pier & Slip 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3 Car Garage Furnished View home--$12 a foot ooD9tnlctlon and over 2000 eq. ft. You add it up. Large corner lot 7kll0. 0..- $2500 apent in landacaptnc. w-w carpeta. Lota ot pl&te glaaa, aliding gt.a. doors. TbJa la bebls 90ld under replacement cost a.t $35,tsOO and n laaft a $20,000 loan committment. Eulua!n wttb 1 THE VOGEL COMPANY 3201 West Cout Blcbwq Newport Beach Bay Frontage 40 Ft. T~~: :U0i:e;:0~~;r t~~ * Is This It Skipper? u ecuUve with a large fa.m-BA y FRONTS: ily $88,000. We can 11how you two lrim aboremct. ham.. one Newport Harbor Realty Jlm and Sally Newlin 51~ E. BaJbl:>a Blvd., Balboa Phone Ht.rbor l 607 Corona Highland View Lot Th .. y·r• c-etUnr ~! A won· derlul, larc-e bulldlnr; 1lte with m&i;n1ncent v1ew. Offer.cl at 113.1100 IN EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY Thia J B R.-2 b&Lh ham• would make th• •hole funlly h.appy. Jdu.J tor ctuld"n-and a nl~ on.e bedroom apa.rtmmt ror In· 1-w• or u l.ncom•. We w111 sub- mit any r ....anabl• on er. Owntr anxloo1'. on Balboa Island A l'TIUld beach home -2 B. R , pa.110. fireplace. f\Jmat'e. ti.I r· nh1h~ Cl~ lO beach and vii· 111.p. 1111,()()() Mariners Isle Rlty. JIA M arine Aff~ Balboa Iallt.nd Harbor 4 781 t8c70 Q , I. REIALI: Loftly I bdrm. 1 ~ bath. • yr. old homa. paUo. l'ftT )'&rd t9r1c~. l!llde drift 13700 dn. 172.78 month. Orange Coast Properties Inaurance, 8&18. Loe.na, Bullden 1~7 N~ Ave., Collta MeM J.J ... 1832 l.J 8-HOO Z...... Newport Heights Triplex w.a1 Witt -~ lledJ'OOl'IUI Nch ~ln(lOIDe PTJ mo. Oaly l ,_,.. otd. In adllltn Clltt Ra""' PMee •n.ooo. T.--. Wrtt. Boa 1 .. N.wpon 8-eb or phone LI l46IO n-. tlel'JO OORON A DEt. XAR lAftl Jt.1 Jot. "...,. d!urch, llhopa ud Khool, OW11er .B&r, aOtl t7o'70 wit h dockarde mooring and one wtth anch~ tor deep-draft 50 foot.era; each with & spot of prfYate beach for the kiddiea, plua decka and u.tDc l'OCIDI that face the Bay, with tbe NHYC ju.t ott the port be&m . No. 1 ................ -... ·-·· $49.tsOO -$10,000 Down No. 2 . -··--· .... ·--·-S7e.OOO -Tenna VACANT LOTS: We have avt.ilable aeveral cboioe locat:iou. Ba.y- fronta and lnaide, at a wide nap tD ,no.. tMt may be o!. lntereeL GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REAL TY • 25 yea.n in tJie aa.me loeatlon 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport BMcb BAI\ 2861 Evening• Pboa. Liberty 8-3198 LIDO Ht're'a I.he most ouutanding nlu. t>.m1 ottered on Lido lale today-3 bed.ma. 2 bet.ha on a wtct. '°9 ft. lot with a large inanny South patio. Modern kitch~n "1th a 9et'Vice b&r-opmins to a M'parate dJning area .• quiet comfortable unn, room "'ith a charnuni corner fireplace facee the pa· tio with Jt11 convenient built-lo BBQ. Mo11t room11 are newly car·~ted and new d.rap.9 throughout are Included at the nry ru..90D&ble price of $29,500. Thia home would not be overprtoed at 112,800 and in addition to t hia very deeirab&e terma ma1 be arranged. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "Lido 8peel&Jlst" Uae Our Fr'9e Parkins Lot 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech. Harbor 4711 62' FRONTAGE-BAY AVENUE Pier It Slip -3 Bedroom, 2 Bath Plua s.-n.nt. Qu&rtera. All Electric Kitchen. Thia home wu de- signed by Neutr& and la one o! the fine« boeee lD the Harbor A~. Beauti!ully land.ecaped p&tJo. Price reduced to $110,00, OwneT will aonald« tradeL Call Jira. ray for t.ppointment to ... um tftlJ .. bomea. Bay and Beach Realty 1~ w. Balboa BITd., Balboa Barbor Ult ! 1 ' ! ,l ' ' - - BLANCH~ A. GATES, Re•ltor BALBOA ISLAND nRST TDIE OJl'FERED -SEE TO-DAY-To- morrow may be too late. 4 B.R. 3 b&. home plus 1 B.R. 1 bath apt. Few feet from No. Bay. View from both unit.a. Thi.a i.a a beautiful property. Priced right wttb Xln't. ternui. • Beautiful home on two lot.a. Show pl&ce on Ialand. Let ua abow you thi.a 3 B.R. apacioua home. Large dining room. Wall to wall carpeting, 2 fireplacee, $36,000 full price. Xln't. terma. CORONA DEL MAR 8o. ot Hiway. 1 blk. from Ocean. New S B.R. 2 ba. home. Finest comtruction. Beautifully deeiped. ~.500. Terma. HUJ'1'j for thi.a. BEACON BAY-BAY FRONT Bay Front. Charm.Jng 3 bedroom home plua guest apartment. Moet attractively fumiahed. Finest undy beach Pier privileges. THIS WILL GO rN A HURRY. $45,000. Xln't. terms. HARD to GET BAY FRONT LIDO ISLE 8o. Bay Fr. NEW-Beautiful-Built for gracious u.tng far a larse family or a couple. Every desirable f•tu.re bu been included in t.hil 4 B.R. 3 bath home. Tbe panoramic view of the boat.a and Bay i.a unex- eelled. All room.a have a marine view. Thie ia a MUST to .ee if you want the ttn.t. And the price la low but tbe owner a&J'9 ""8ell." We !lave the key1, call ua. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING .. 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island PlMme Barbor 1671 or 1672 Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES lll:RE'S A SWEtl'HEART. 2 br. 6 den with fire-- place. Very nice prtnte patio. Hu eeparate income um.It wtth & l1IN $1,800 ytuly. Better hurry to get thla OM. TOP LOCATION BA YFRONT I.a:unaculate ' br. -two story home on large lot. UDCrowded atma.pbere with lovely patio, pleT and float. l..ug'e livtnr room, den. and separate dlnlng room. Cub clown. unfum, $30,000. ST .'500 la all it taba to move YoU into thia 2 bdrm. BALBOA ISLAND home wtth 1 br. apt. Both turn- llbed. Patio ud fence,,..,...... Wonderful location. Low monthly p&.11DeDta. Sl.2,!500 wtD place JOU ln lb.la fine, moden, MW 2 linn. hOJM 6 one brm. apt. Dbl. gara.ge. Buutiful laad9caplng, 1lw wall to paUo. Fireplace, W /W eupetina, ..u.po-1, atn larp wanlrobea, forced air heat. Loftly, dehme. Euy tmna on balance. THE VOGEL CO. Harbor «• CORONA DEL MAR IDeome or re9identlaJ unJt.-k>w pri~ 2 bedrm. boU8e with attached l bedrm.. apt.. Nice neighbor· hood -on upper M&ri«old. Well worth a look. J'ull Price ---·-···---··-····-.. ····-··--.. -·····$16,!SOO UNUSUAL HOME wtt.b l!:'eat Wllt on upper Poppy wtth 16:50 llQ. tt. of llvtnc area. Lovely view of hillt ud &J"M. Price ... ····-·· .. ···-·. ··-.. . .. $21.~ ONE OF THE LABT IN SHORE CLIFFS-Ylf"W lot oe Mornmr Canyon Rd. --·-·--··-· . $16,000 Open House in Corona Highlands Daily l~ p. m. 448 Rivera Ten-ace Lovely vieow of cout. line all the requirement.a that make a loYely Uvable bome. Euy terma or trade t~ ncant property ln area -·-·········---···· .. $29,700 GORDON WAU<ER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Dick Hilliard. Pat Pattieon, Oeor. Rohan. Bob Gerval1 I03-i E. Cout Hwy., Corona dtl Mar Har. 2•43 BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOME N-.r Irvine Avenue-well dealgned and nice looking. Three bedroorm -two-car garage. W1U to Wall earpet. Fireplace. Thia property ta a good buy. 1' .H.A. Terme on balance. Full price Is only $12,600. Phil Sullivan & George Everson lSM Newport Blvd., Coeta Mesa (Acron from Costa Men Bank) Phone Liberty 8-6761 Evea. Har. (388--LJ 8-2103 Bal>oa Island We offer a cluaively an unuauaUy deainble • bdrm. multi-bath borne. DeUgbtlul living room, large din· m. room. Maximum aquare footage. Cloee to buch. ~.000, euy tenna. See tbi.a value Buy! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2215 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ~ ..,._ 1711 l:v& Harbor 6359 , p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle DESIGNED FOR GRACIOUS LIVING! BRAND NEW -MAGNIFICENT VIEW . New Orleana wrought lron and abutten add to the graceful, old world charm of t.h1a modern home. Planted lanai entry, alate f'ireplace, lOU'fTed pa. through from kitchen, nylon Viacoee, wall to wall carpeUnr. Muter bedroom llM tta own bath and dreuiq hall, lllldiD&' gl&M doorw to patfo. 2 wardrobe clo1ets. A.liao rlw doon from Uvnn. to . patio. Therm. oven and ra.ap, dilpon.l. 30 foot wide prage. A rea.lly choice I bed.rm. 2 bath home i in perfect Udo late location. $34,000. Term.a. ANOTHER OUTSTANDING HOME by the aame builder, Mr. John Viucher. Very •im· Uar excepting it i.a on a comer and bu • bed.rm.I. and 3 bathl •d 2 fireplaces. ll you deei~ a larger home, come In and we will be happy to show you why we think th.is Is a temfic buy at $37,400. Tenna. On either of the above homea, we can take in a Lido lot. We have a few good aummer rentals still available. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 ' Ma.t exclUnr h0\181 ID CorOD& del Kar--Rmtio Early America.n-lr.ayY Sb.ab Roof-2 U.ed Brick Fireplace.. 3 Bedrooma (1 unftolabed) Plua Dm- 2 Bat.ha. $27 ,C500 Total Priee--Koct.t Down Pay- ment. Call for Dave Olbum. Take Your Choice Three new view home. a Bedroom.a, 2 Datha each -Fee aimple property (not leuebold) -Priem $23,000 to $25.~. IVuworth will be slad to 8how them to you. Newport Heights 2 Bednn. bou.e wttli Apt. In r.r. Large tot, $~,15QO AU For H<><ildmon Bluff Lot Breath taking view of the entl!'e Harbor. $MOO. A.ak For Joe K1ncaid p. a. palmer incorpora~ed ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hl&hway -UbertJ 8-M73 JUNE 22, 1955 -COAST AL SHOPPER -PA&E 11 ......... . ·-~ I BALBOA ISLAND ' Choiceat Baytront Buys BAY l'RONI' HOUSID 6 .A.PT., No. S.,. 81a'.llWUl beMh. $10,000 down. baJ•nce ...,, L1TrL1D JSLAND -eo tt. bay frcletaa-. p1w • fto.t. ' bdrma. Baperior comtnaotion. A pod -I DUPLEX -SOUTH BAY l"ftONT-LmurJ bcime and Income. $&'5,000. WATERJ'RONT-l'Unl. S bdrm. bomi8and1 bdrm. apt. l'lreplace. $10,000 down. Full price $29,800. ISLAND COTl'AGE -Dble. pnp. l'll-.plaoe. $15,7~. ' DORMS., 2% batha. New tumlturv. TV. BBQ. North Bay mooriq. Good family home. Showa a- cellmt Income. All for $24,~. WATICRl"RONT -2 wpertor unlt.a. S bdrm., 11Ai bat.ha, fireplace DOWN; 2 bdrm.a. 2 batha UP. Bay vt.w from upper deck. ~.ooo. Submit down. Cottage near South Bay. a bdrma., 1"' batha. fire. plaee, larp UviJis room. Attractive patio. ElrceUent rental record. Good ftlue at $28,C500 .. CORONA DEL MAR EXCEJJ.ENT INOOllE -' turniabed unlta; 1 bdrm. each. No vacanelee ln over a year. Rent la $M eedl. Grou yearly $3920. AU In fint clua COD• dition, $6000 takea. Full price $22,'500. Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS NEWPORT ON HAZEL, 2 hr. view home. Private pat.bway to little Corona beach, ~.500. Look What We Found! Neat. Iara"• 2 bdrm. home on 81"0adway, RW flra., prage. fUmlab9d cottace 1.11d g\INt room on alley. 1 f\.111 bath ud two % b&Uul. On 111ewer•. Thia ta • rl'al attal at su.~ w1U1 excel. term•. 1 bdrm. Duplex $9800 Cloee·ln onJy e yn old, on ~er11, dble irara~e. waahrm on alley. Comer lot, 111111 pra.cllca.Jly nmt· free. Good tenna. Income Near Theatre A Mpanle l bdnn. llome and S Nnt&l unttJI, all t\lrntabed. lar1e comer lot 12~ • 148. Thia ta u ceUent. value. ru11 price 121.200. term• Owner needa Im mf'dtate act.Ion• G. I. Resale l:llcl'llf'llt a bdnn. on "'4Vera. rurb•. ca.rb. dt.p . Vtnttl&ll bllnd.1. On Co•ta Mua St , Hu a ~ "r loan With low down and only SS7 ~• mo. on ba.lance. Two Rentals on Full Acre Nu r fOlt cour .... 2 1 bdrm. homu on • I 32x300 loL tnc<')me 1110 pu month. Full pr·h·•. 111.600 Low down ud te.rma. f'or •ve IDt'o. on ·~ PeUt\4 1..1 1-6411 M-1 Acre Placentia M ' ft'ontac• AU lev.J la.nd w1lh bl1t water maln In tron t 20 "", dn. • be.l I!: Z. Nice 2 Bdrm. H2~ Eut lllde location. al:\00 dQWIL F"or above tvt 111ro. Ph. Lytle Ll 8 2)42 Are you good at fixing up? See ua on thla two bedroom. '!!eetaiO. co.ta Meea, on two lot.a. ~HO each. Two for price of one. Full price, $5,'500. Leta aubmJt $1000 Dn. Quality Home Three bedroom, I% bath. Check there featuree 2" coved linoleum In ldtcben & bathe, forced air beat, tongue It groove sub-floor, H.W. noora tbru-out, exhawrt fan, prt>ag. dilpoul. tewens and 1arp 20x20 garage Full Price Only $13, 700 with $3, 700 Down Back Bay -Panoramic View of Hills Want elbow room 1 Tbla 3 bdrm. apacloua home la made t o order. Llv. rm. 16x24: Dining Rm. 12x15: Muter Bdrm. H 'f.!x,1:5: Kitchen lh18. Dble. doora to walled patio. Wall-to-wall cpt. lncluded. A truly nice home in rMt.ricted area. Price Sl!S,900 wtth tertn9. Charm -Comfort -Value -View All wrapped up ln one. 3 Bdrma. 28' Uvlng room, med brick fireplace, nJcely lanct.caped. 2~ carp.- nge, Ocean view from dini.ng room. wall to wall rubber pad. Many more fine featuree. On .ewent tn the city of Coeta Mesa and only 8 montha old. W. A. TOBIAS and A.SSOCl.ATES, REALTOR ''you'll like our friendly aervk.e" 393 &. 17th iL, eo.ta ..._ Liberty 8-U39 YOU Have a Part in the Multiple Listing ·"Success Story" Five. Million Dollar Salee to date ln 19M compa.red to Two and a Half Million Doll&r SU.. to date ln 'M. BUYERS and SELLER.q of Real l!lltate a.re offered lmportant helpful ...urtance. See your REALTOR for free llluatrated booklet on tlffow the Kaltiple u.ting Servtce Worn:• HEIGHTS LUXURIOUS 5 bedroom view home. Luah tropical patio and yard. ~.ooo down 1F~~~ !!~t=-SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAY fl.replace. t ... r m o controlled SHORES properties. fftvlty tumace. Sep. 2 car pr. Wall to W'all carpet. Ju.st r.- palnt.ed and decorated lnalde and out. NJ prlce juat 113.~ with ·~ 0 . L loan -And lt'a a fact th1a one wU1 ffll quickly. COSTA MESA Charm Personalitv_ and comfort were Upperm~ -fn m1Dd "'-th1a modanl lltJl• I bdrm~ 1 ~ bath bom.e WU Wllt. It hu a fftput&ke tmoed paUo, flnplace, bar tUt.dlen W1th ~ foroad a1r Mat. mett. -Stebea. dbl. pr . . . Unaquallad ftJu. .. t th.a r.cluced prtce ot •11.too 1 I Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch 1 It.Ml cute I bclrm. and bath home and a 1 lldnn. an.d bat.b l'J*lll bouae or ,_tal. Plenty romn tor bor'Ma, chJdrena or what ba'H you. lt'• cloM lo a.ck Bay tool Prl.cad rtPl at $U,t50 wtUl &lnt. tcm.e. A Real Good Looker! La t.h.la 2 bdrm. O. L r....i.. We will ruarani.a you w1ll ~ with \la I.hat t.h.la l.e the -wt. c»an..t.. mOllt att.ra.cUn J bdrm. !Mlm• and Jard you'n ..,. eeea tor th. J"W• of Jull 110.lllO. Let u. pron Ulla atatament. $1,500 Down wtU bl.I,)' W. oomplAltal.y raMco- ral~ I bdrm. bome wtth hdwd. n oon, ftrepJaoe. t'aieed. lan4- .. ped yard wttll abeltef'ed lan&I aAd paUo ••• tt'1 a '" G. L ~tool Bay & Beach Realty 1 .. Newport Bl~ Cmta M-. eaut. U1le.rt,y ... 1111. J:vM. LI 1-1"8 BAYSHORF.3 CALL HARBOR 177'5 -or EVES F.dith Maroon, HYatt 4--6222 ; J ohn Macnab, Harbor lSW. EARL W. ST AN LEY. Realtor ~Marine Ave., Balboa hland. "67 FT. LIDO CORNER" First Time Offered Four bedrm8, three baths plus laun- dry -sewing room. Plenty of room for swimming pool. Carpeting, drapee and appliances included -Full price $49,MO. For appointment to see th.18 outstanding Lido Home Call LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. G. (Blll) Kemptco * J011epb B. Grohman* Vl.rgln1a Mamon * Gene Vl'Mlan.d * Tom Campbell * (Udo IalaDd'1 mo« aperteaced Mle9 J*'80llDll&) 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 CA~ from IUchard'• Market) HOME OWNERS ATTENTION BEAUTIFUL OCEAN FRONT HOME, OOM- Pl.JL'TEL Y FURNISHED, GOOD INCOME POs. SIBILJTJES-OWNER WILL CONSIDER TA.KING CLEAR HOME IN THIS AREA. UP TO $12.000 AS OOWN PA YKENT. CALL OR OOKE IN FOR DETAILS OWNER OF FINE LIDO ISLE HOKE WILL OON· SIDER TRADING J'OR A FOUR BED ROOK, PIER 6 SLIP BAY FRONT HOME. CCoope,ratJve effort of ZO tull·Um• profe99lonal worken) Uodenta.n.d th. ad van'"' •e of t.bi8 modern way to o,. Bo\-. Sun.. S6l.O er.t.w. CALL OR OOKJC IN FOR DETA.ILI -• B. R. beet beecll ~ Houston Realty Co . mercbandl.e more propertie thna mor. people wtth Newport Bell'ltJI lot-Yiew '4000 & ASSOCIATES NO INCREASE IN COST. a.t -..t.114• ea.ta Mea Jo. INVESTORS ATTENTION .. eot C#nter SL Cotta 111.-AY&llable from Memben ot the cauon. I B. R. I bath _ .. 111,aoo u .... " u .. ,, .. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors a.::.~RO"~~ ~ ....... WE RAVE LISTED, EXCLUSIVELY, MODERN BUSINESS AND API'. BUILDING. BEST LOCA· TION--CLASS J.. BUILDING, CLA.88 A l'tJRN • JSHINGS. COSTA MESA 410 . 3Zod St., . Newport Beach CUTE J bfdroom bomf'. Lovely llltchl'n with ... JI. dlnlnir room on a llOJl130 It lt>t~nly l'l'.9~ 2 BJr;D ROOM hO\IJll' with rlreplac• on 1101t140 rt lot. l.ar1te attic work11hop. W1th1n walktnir die· ta.nc• ot •lor"a 11nd Catholic 11ehool. a 13.000. BALBOA a BP:DROOM H Ot:SE -Lar1t• ltvtn1t room. clo•tt lo bay. 14.000 do ... .,, wtll h11ndl•. Balboa Peninsula LOVELY 4 bdrm . I bath home 2 lh•lns: rms . 2 flteplacu . F urn· labed. Permanfnl 'fiuv nt ()('tan rrom up1t.a.tra llvtnr room. Oood tnma. Coast Properties 301 E.. Balboa Blvd . 8all>M Harbor 28M. 26117 and 4800. RP:AOY P'OR DEVELOPMENT or hold for lnc~ue ln v•lll 100' C·I on W let.I\ Oftly 110.600 today. t Orange Coast Properties lnwra11ce. aa.f.. i--. lhllld9rl J~7 Newport An., eo.ta M.- U MIU U~W..._ Rental Income PLUS Lovely 2 B.R. 6 den owner'• home, corner location on Marigold . Match thia for value and pride ot ownership l2x24 living room a.Leo den or extra B.R. panel n.y heat in both .Bednna. Modern fl.replace, w to w carpet. veoeUana. 1potlea condJUon. Sm&11 yard encla.ed and beautilully land8C&ped. Rental unit '8 fumiahed. AA except.1.onaJ value, convenient location. For addreel a.ad price on th.i.a exclusive llttlng, phone Kr. Rum or Mr. Rayle. Frank James-Linwood Vick REALTORS C. B. Ru.-R. W. Rayl&-Ch.u Travt. Auoctatet 312 Marine Ave., Ba.lboa laland Harbor 20t2 AMAZING! Lu.xurtou1 old channel front home. 6 bednna., i bat~. pier, 46 ft. channel front.age. Terrific view. Owner 1&)'9 "Sell Now," Only $t9,600 lncludlnr earpett and drape9. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. N.wportBwh (at Port On.op) LI S.'TM2, Bar. 51&& ~ • 2 B. R. lnaMSe BBQ. nlc. 90Utll paUo ------· -JM.000 I 8. R., I ba.th, Baytront, Dlee paUo w/BBQ -PDCR and SLIP ·-..RH.9on&1>&e Claire Van Horn REALTOR 1111 W. eo-t Hwy. LI Mm OH THll BAND. near the amt, laTf9 R-2 baac.h loL Ju.t 1.0 Orange Coast Properties 1-.in.no... a..l... Loan&. BuJ.1dan WT N...-pon An~ Oo«a M..a LI ... 1132 LI 1-UOO r.-. J. M. MILLER CO. ~ W. Bal* BITd. llalbor' al "NICAR THE NEWPORT Pll:R" Balboa Peninsula I I I 52 ~. lot I I I IPACIOUSNDS tm6de and out marb W. new ofterill&' ID & qualtty-prot.c:ted ~ ol ftM home& a bedrm8. 1" ba.th.a. &up patio, Jmaatuc..lJ planted. $2500 D OPEN SATURDAY 6 SUNDAY 1-8 P. K. own 2017 EA.BT OCEAN BLVD., BA.I.BOA 1JOO aq. tt.-1 bdrm. I batll home. ,.._11 SJbta Tbom~ for plVi .... ..--... 901130 lot. I car pnfe OD \.AU ,.--. _,_ .... ~~·U:C::':,1~ ~cic:;~ MURIEL M. PINOVER. RHltor l&rc• peuo wit.I\ altdtnr r lua r.., PutdD.f door It lot.a ot "blc bou.M" t... *'Newport 81..S. N.wport e..ch Bu. '810 turt1. See at 11171 Roeema.ry --------------------Pia~. Co1ta MttNL e>wn.r LI 1-1887 ~tto C-1, Zone 2 Bl:DIUC. older bOUM, ICut 180> BL. Coata M-. Call owner. U ... ,... et>c71b NEW I BDRM.. on 'iii acre, 17 .t~. Ill A \OlllCIMo, Oo«a »-. .Pia. ID a.1121. 6Tt1e POil LU.m aT OWJfm -R-2 lot Ill Cof'OQ& ck) Mar. .,... Khoot &nd •tor.. Ph. Ubert.J •Tlk Mell WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT? We have 2 unit.I for SlOJBO, oe a'"" lot. XID'l. ndghborbood. near ....,wq. TIM ._ .. 1 B.R. plua den, H•~lator ftrepl., paMled U'1q rm.. -Cut.-PLUS 8badlo apt. wtth ~ bath. No .U.. p ...... Jmt .... $10,211() to R. L STRICKLER. Realtor DICK HODGE, A.loliate 1122 a, Coat a., .. eorc.a del Mar aar mt I • j I ,. "' -= rt '£~ ' I e 0 • A I I I f WITH SALLIE , .... u, 1155 Newport 8-cb. ()all.I. 'l'bat'• tlae -of •1 cw. ....... , 8laoald .,., ... ,.. be~.,.,... C»OkJ ju ad wl TOid , • , ~forac-.a.rc.-.. Md Bhdm.-s ut nD. eprwl It wlUa ftlledelpbla .... ebeeee for tile tutl- -~ tU& Mid W to a mp Of eolf• •.. rm .,.. tM<Jwwl ...... Iott • .,. •.• -100 ~ aeo ...._ tlleJ ~ tllllle er ..,.....p" woal4 ..... tllppecl tMlr apl'Oll .trtap la lrionor to eee llama J&MGMJ••'ecl by~ peel CNMD. ............. ..... bot fadp, ......... ..-r a.m or batter • • • Three deBdoa8 nrtattou to lld4 to 7WI emeJ'IW1 lllelf for qalllk .-eke Md .. 11.-ta • • • Da&e-allt roO. fratt.aat roll • • • aot qalte ..... with tM peel ud .... ,,. ......... Cho. W.aa l'Oll ••• All %6e a ...... ftCW ......... Olil plleJ ....S-byw for t.ltaee wbo CIMt off for Wm .............. , ....... i... weell--4 I •tnud .......... aid roll9 .... .,...... 'em wttll ea.med ................... , .. ed'fM ....... ... ..._..,patto ...... A ... el. ,. .. ,, .. topped -wlUa a IBc'9 of eboeolate aat roll topped wtdl wblpped --••• ~! Wltll kie tnMI ..... 1814- dJe wl date-aat roO above wl below ••• Aad did the small fry make way ..• Ma.Ice a sblah lr&bob from one to 10 ... but make one! Again tbe very old is made very new with modern-day flourlahea ... The French call it en brochette . . . The early nomada of the near Eut and Asia strung chunks of meat. and vecet•ble. on at.lcke and cooked them over t.lle open flame ... Bat doa't think you have to me slrloln et.ea.ks t You .a ekewer aay thbag yoa wt.h I Pleef-ta of hot dop, .,...,_ of Prem or Spem. eocktal1 eaa-cee ... He~'• wbere you cu r.t tiny .,..... whole potatoelt to -. .•. altenaa~ 'em wtth ::L,_~ ... Mubroom.. -. gnen pepper, cubM of saeeblJ. or • a m m e r ...... sbta• ··~ ... JDpt be tu eome t1me to lla•e bowla of ueol'ted ~ ... ev•oywlen tllat bave beeft .U~htty pat- ted ap la boDlq water ..• ere-.tatted olh'9 ..• nbe9 of cbeeee, pflleappfe ••• Let yoar ~ •trblc th*owa ... ~aflar· ~ to rem.a._! Aad ........ the aJpt ..... dark. wt.dy ud cold •.• Yoer .,..r wtJI do u.e wortl .....,well ..... Ap1n Colorado lltMJl:s have thetr place .•. Seftn bone llt rout.a t e n d • r I • e d with Adolph'• unflaYOred tenderis- -••. (AU Des bow ... took me halt a pace tbrM weeks qo) ..• But thia time cut tMm ln cubes after they are tendertud and •trinr 'em l'tcbt along . . . 'lbe ftMI toaeh • • • to naalle the ·tfp9 of yov k~ bolle CIOIDe to the table tlunJai, dip 'em ht Cobt- tree ••• New! J ohut-0n'• fros en cream piee . . • Pineapple" strawberry, COCO&Dut or lem- on ... Just d•frwt and serve •.. New! Swift'• PremJum whole fried ch.lckm . . . Jua beat for 30 mJnuU. and eat! N.W!'Armour'a ~ Cbeeee burpn, pork tedertola. 't"MJ .w.tbreada. can. Unr, -.b with bar-b-Q ......... an.er lure • . • If 10'& don't baw chunb ol me.t )'OU C1U ...... It Oil ••• Reni at IUcbarcl't. cme of tllle Udo Stto,. .t the •· e.-..cie to Lido ....... The dellciat.e.e. ........ , .,.,... pleted It. faee Itta.« ... lee It I lt'e ftr >'°" ••• a.. Ripe. V.tnl A--. BANANAS CABBAGE Bakery TllUUDAY 0.-Top 511c: Peach Pie ... -.... ·-·-....... w1a 1.- Dinner Rolls _ ... 6,or 14c Jl'IUDA1' t'.t-;fflns ~--·-.. ·---·· 6 ,.,21c Walaat f'll4co j Jc Loaf Calle --.. ···-M(' .. an IATUaDA1' orur• 6 23c ltec*fast Rolls tor a-.. ., _. s 9-J"er 97c Mocha Calle .. -··---Wiil ·QtMcii. .~ ._._,... Clllek49 ~ .. Tuna Dinnen 11 01:. 43c •A. 6c>t1tllent Tr.at" "-'"• Mexican Dinnen 12 oz. 55e "lftoclc vp ).10\lr freiJ•~ s_.__·, Roast Beef Dinner 11 Oil. 65e laked Ham or Fried Shrimp Dinner 12 oz. 75c • '' • IC one-stop shopping for all your Picnic needs n. 79 .. J'olpr's Open Till COFFEE .,....old lb. 3 . 8 Sundeys, 9-6 BUTTE.R lb. 59. ~ ........ .,. .. ......... . 23' SAUCE -....... -......... . • AGHiiiT..... 21' SP ···-··· ..... .,............. 19' TOMATOIS -··-H ... • .... N..... 2 29' SCOTKINS . .w. ,. scon::. Uh,_ 2 for 35' emit! 25' ...... , ____ ,..tu ft. • N ...... Orw 39' COOKllS ............ 11% O'IL cHia1-rrs ....... ~ ... 17' ........... 2 29' DISPllS I~ -. for ~ o 1CF rr. ._. .... Oflff MUPfiN MIX _lJ ... 37' .....,_ Loves Meat ••• ......,. ... ,.eMo rmrk•" u.s.a... .. _ 1. for He ;;nch Dreul11CJ _he, 1tc &..q•Mnl 2 ~ Kl11nex __ ...... 1.1-.,.. .. ,..... ....... , 2 25° Ken L Ration 11 .. Gi:g';~<:&-:;. 2 .. 45c ..... ,......... 45c Coca Cola _____. • .,.. . .... TMlllw. 1 '' Nescafe ----· --. ....,...... 25 Plckles ___ ~ G P'.,;i:C. • • 45c .. ~....... ')'Je Gr. Ollv• --·--~- Sc;H •• 45c ......... 2 ,_ 290 7-BONE ROAST lb. 43c ........ .4 ,_,,.., LMJ'"9 ....... ,.. ............... u. 8. a.. O·BONE ROAST lb. 53c '"Wiiie • .._ ..... u. I. oW:. SHORT RIBS lb. 19c lb. 65c .......... 49c ~ ... .-,.. .. 'he" hlh' ........ a.n. SAUSAGE 0r..-Ju1ce 6oa. 2 for 290 •IJtir "' • ,,_ ....... c.tt.c"o Waffles pq. 2 for 29c H Bt1l•d• Dtlt'll """"' .Mtll .... IUdlard"• Ice Cream or Sherbet ! 1al. 79e a I ~~-_/ ••• to flt your every need! , ..._tu r111-.. • •nN1 lteaw