HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-20 - Newport Harbor News Pressv-..1-N..a.rll OWL PRICES ARE LOW PRICES! ~hl7 PollUed AJumlaum 'J'Ubal&r F~ Yacht Chair .......... .._. .. l!lu'U ....... .... ..,.,..,.. --* ...... Ill ,..... w e&rt,.._ PIMUc lies Upe, eo lep z1oa w .. , oc-Proet Newport • Ph. Harl»or s Grll Plates -·• eera&da ftoon. Color aM't. For pk!ale or llar· ~hi colon. Mexican ..... ........ ~­.................. 9 • .,._ ---~~ ... S for loo :--... • .. YOU -------------------------IUe ! SEE OUR CIRCULAR I Ci'~ ONE Of AMUICA'S MOST FAMOUS MAKERS OF CASUAlS, afATU SMMT ~S FOR ladies in WHITE ........ -~ ..... "llrHUY UMlll9 ,. •• ,,,.,, 9tlOf AS A ... ..._.~.._....,_A,... ........ ·•••nc .... , •~11..clAMt ............ , • •MUCIA#tl ..... ., LAMtlt •••n•••~• SIJ(.W>Ol.£ ..• flllioe ·wise, side·be 4-eyelet. .... ..., Ollbd of buttef. soft, nooch ... DoteY lei th tr. llfldtrsc:ond wilt! wtlitl crepe sole to ins.lite ~ toot aclitst ••rue. A ,,... cnml esptcien, meted for t111 com.rt of ~vsy La4ies II WIW ! 225 lmt 17tll Street ,._ u1-2n1 · Everybody Re•d1 the C l A S S I F I E D For the lest Results in AdveriiMng -Phone H•rbor 1616 Our New Establishment at • f,•turin9 the following n•tionally lcnOW{' designers •.. *DON LOPER * DOROTHY O'HARA * PEGGY HUNT *DON MIGUEL *MISS CANE * FAZZI * HELEN OF CALIF. * PAT PREMO * ALEX COLEMAN . * BENJAMIN * SIR JAMES * ROSE MARIE REIO *COLE * DE WEESE 3419 Newport lotllevard 3419 Newport Boulevard in Newport Beach WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY JULY 20th and 21st. • To Celebrate, We are Offering the following SPECIALS! Linen Sheath Dresses . . . Sl 0 95 White -Navy and Black . · . . . . Cotton Dresses . Values to $22.95 .... $1195 liclo Fashions ••• CIUOll tro... Yincent'1 U. DnlCJI ••• ,.... .. Harttor J671 • I For Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES COftllllt ,.. Special MARINE SECTION 111 ... .. Friday Edition • :NEWPORT HARIOR NIWS PRESS tf>ORT~~ .. ·.~, . ... ~ , . , ' -... I Now 8H0"'1xn i ot:A.N 'ERRY I MARTIN a LEWIS "Y ou'r• Never Too Y ouncJ'' "IT Came From lenealh n.. Sea" Now Sbowla~ "DAVY CROCKEn'' ..... 8eovt IMINM1 Mon• .. .._ c_.,,·· ''Hooll U... SWler'' "Ca111p Deg" ..... ., ... leac•" S...thnWed. GARY ooora llUllTLUf~ ''V.,. Crm" .... \'ICl'OIS Me.LAOU:N . .,.,. ............. .. Clrcu.,..,.IAcll .,....,.... .. Newport a.ea.. Balboa, ...__ ..... <lonaa del ...... c.- .... i.cua. 8oatla ~ ............... ...... 1111 LATES.1 ~IR STYLING (FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllll SHOP a.u.-C>A TllEA'lllll ~ BAI.BOA 0,.~*9kl .. High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 1616 LID 0 7':· .. ~-, INDS TUISDAY th• . ...... ,..,. itch C*at ...... -.. -, .... .... WYll ...... 10M IWIU · •""'"'•1(1 -1\#ll _11_ ---·-·El•--·-__ ll_U_I __ .,..... -.. -:::r.::a.,~d ::r • ---,. &W'• Met. !'al. 1:46 ~el 0•, ...,.. Start. Nut Wedllnlay .bother Oree& a& the Udo "Not Al A Stran11r'' r!ti!i1J NOW SHOWIN• For Two W ..... ror-----------------..... Q aa•1 8'dlivaaa(U) • ttS one of the great pictures of this or any year!• For Miu BOMla '8r'lr) ·~a picture that'll run for years! c ANO F'® EVE'RV ' I WARNEft Bqos'. ~ALMINGOF ~·HAPPIEST PLAY THAT EVEA PLAYED' o • e>o c •• ,, ' WAl!tN~ ---· --·~!.!'._ ___.._.------ ··-· lWiiL·uiMON __ ._ ......... tMST· ... ~-..... ....., ..... _ ......... -........ -~IA)CM • •fllaQD" ..... ~go •llllmf 1aot LELAND HAYWABD ------Two 8llowa Ni1hU7 7 P.11. a 1:15 CoaU.--8ada7 from 2:IO P.K. • \ PAM t COAST A( SHOPPER SA" Girl Wins WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 . THI PRICE TAGS TILL THE STORY! D••ll• C•t• ... --r Love Seat . Sal• R••· s1 ss. Pric• '94'°° no-•• ..,.,... 11"79 ,. Ulie ........ Wat.ob for Big A..uoacemeat la tile Coutal Sliopper ..t week. Newport Furniture Co. 2620 W. Coast Hfway Newport laac:ll BRUNCH COATS of Miracle Cottem ..... ....... Fabrics ·1PICIAL Whlle 1lley Last! Get 2 1 .. the Price of One 2 ,_ •7• 10.. Per SJ.HJ ...... Jn7YO!lf NYLON GOWNS 'W..tU.N6e'1UI- ............. 0... ---··---·"····-- Her. 1308 c ........ Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions by MARIO formsfy of Puadena & ROBERT of Lacuna Be&eh and Reno One Month '16et Acquainted Offer" $25.00 Deluxe Permanent $15.00 " . . . for Shear Delight come to Smart Set ... " Ceraaa .. Mar J407 L Coast Hwy. HorMr 5104 ( <>ppo.lte Port Onage Oii lllarbler'• Mlle) OUR NEW POLICY CLEANEST CARS IN THI HARIOR AREA --laYe W1tll TMs Acl- Save $2.00 on Wax Job or Save 2Sc on Regular Car Wash Ou Wutq -Poltala -8twa C1tt·ta1 Opell Da11J 'TU 6:00 p.m. .....,.. l :IO p.m. 2244 W. c .... Hwy. LA1rty 1-4112 Preteen Title MODIRN FllAMED PLAQUES PINK & WBn'E OOLOll8 POODLM. BOBSm, BALIAIUNAS R 98c tor 69c UOVU& 96.tl T&.Ll71 IATH s3tt SCALES Vincents ICI CREAM Hand Pack Quart1 • 59c Band Pack Pints • 30e HOLIDAY 4ne Bulk Style li ,..i. 7- 1 La. D'IDY IDUP -11o CHARCOAL $395 IRAZIER 10 u.. Charco&l ati ...... -.. Jter. l .11 .a 5 Y.-r 01W'Ult.e 51'G.-cle11 $413' Hose I. ~DING POOLS Jl ... 2.15 Rec. 6.39 Valae Value. Csmtvsl Cam lval Spttial. Spttlal $2.19 $4.ft r~ -.• 10 -· ...... JI'• L:i111 , ., ---~ I ~~ . .._...,, '~-... KODAK PONY 121 CAMDA-odak Flash with Ht 8st:Tl'EK Price $29.SO SPICIAL POI WID. THIU SAT. P~NCY •ULP SHRIMP SAW WITH COFPll. lOLL 90c AND tuna __ IPICIALS FOi WID. THUii. Flll.-SAT. JULY 20.21-22-21 ••••••rr CAGIS SJ.It ......... UOUUA ... M 1 ·Gal PICNIC JUG s2n CARNIVAL OF YALUIS IN • Shady Grove Kentucky Host K~ntucky li.'OU110Jf I YUU OLD 100 noor ""1[ s3n aso. tu& Electric FANS s3" DISHCLOTHS 9:. Carts s31• &.Lt1WlliOa BAD aso ..... VALU• LAWN CHAIR ~,79 VINCINTS LIQUOR DEPARTMENt .. Early TUllS Silver RipPle Gin ABC BEER 6 Cans For . . NARCOTIC WORLD GETS SUSPICIOUS OF AGENT rl!dtleaaly. W llneaau aaJd •nual N I a c.Wldren were playing cloae by on., 01-tl m ro1p th• atdew&lk whu the accident oc~~th dmled ownerablp Of lets S1mmer'1 a anap blade lmif• found tn th• car. He Mid tt WU b1a t.atJMr'.. p r G • ThrM other' locaJ boya, H and l& ror am 01ng d~r to the duUu ot he.adin1 up th\• bu.y and ..-er croup ot eall· ora are BUI Cobvly.1 Jr., vtce- commodore; Pete Gleb, eec:retary; J udi Gnen, treaeurer ; and J im Warmington u Snowbird fleet capt&tn. • &EADY FOR Jl'UGHT yeara old, rtdin1 with him -.Id w~ Goes to County Jail to Put Her in Good with "Narcos" the knife belon&'ed to the lT·year-87 1AOQUSLINZ BWJOa.fll'ER In addition t.o the above mt'll· tloned ~ts. the NHYC younr-old. Police aald be had a tala1'led The Noo<alm rroup at New-aten will undoubtedly give a good driver'• lic:enM In h1a poMeMion port Hart>or Yacht Clut» bu !oat accounting of lhemaelvea In the The lad h.u a NKX>rd with local no time in pt~ • busy •ummer world t&moWI Fltght of the Snow- police alnce December, 19M for acbedule under way. With elect· btrda JuJy lit Thi• la th• fourth of an uclu· live Oran&"• County New• Service Mri• on th• undercover lite ot an O~• County mother who poeed u a narcotic addict to ald M9rtft'• otttcere 1n appnhend$11f "puaera." BJ PAT IOCBAEU la th• m iddle ot her two-year worll u &11 undercover acent tor lbe Oran&'• County •herltf'• otfl.ce, U\e !landaom• woman who wu ee- cretl y "fingering" narcotics ad· diet.a and peddler11 found heraelf In an almo1t lnexpllca ble altuatlon. being involved In four burglarl ... Ion of otticep tut week, t.he rac· -----· -------actually 1ave her a blu&re aura wrlt!nc four flctlUoua checka and 1n1 procram· wu fonn\1lated and ot romane.. A.t leut t. the apeedtnr . .Application for peUUon compeUUOft la already hot and lest If 1--L.r "heacfa." WU ftled Oft hllll with Ju-Qe heavy. -~- P' AL81: &l:PVTATJON WOJUU authoriU•. Under UM ~P ot Dick Gets $262 In Loot .A abort time later the gtrl wu Sweet.. youth procram director releued tro,n jail. s'h• wu never D fy Fails a>--and Commodore Cra11"Cadwalader Burl'lary cf the boat Be•~ n. brou1ht to court and the cue WU r .,. to ..W the reJfUI&r Tueaday eerle11,• after owned by Ralph Pettet of Nor,th publicly dlnnl-d "In the lnt-t LJ .. ht, s1r1c .. Car ' racee. llhoww the commodore 1n Hollywood and ffil)()red. at allp No. of J ti .. ~ the lead wtth Walter Boice ae<:ond fl at Gray Goose ·Wu reported to ua ce. • d p ._ GI b th polJoe July 10 by Pettet. The arrut recorda and c... Minor accident occured .July 10 an e... e .lrd In the tll'llt mea. uaed durtnc the Ume t he at FeniJeat Ave. and coaat Hl•h· d1"1aton. Tbe eecood dlvl.t!on, Ofticen aald the eacape hatch to aherifra office wanted to build up way between can driven by Walt· w1lic:h col\lt.t• ot the youncer a.nd th~ boat wu forced to gain entry. the take criminal record, were re-er Richard Haa.se of .Alha.mbn. lea apertenced aldppel'll ha1 Jim Mi.Ming were binocula.ra. • e<•m· Lumed to the girl amid volumlnou1 and Frankie Wood.I of Oonoord. Wayne J ea d In g, Tom Oatee paa and a .'tand truck. all nlued thank.a by the •he.riff'• ottlca. New Jeraey, police Mid. HCOnd. and Ronnie J'lnk third. at '262.96. N'ARCO'l'l<J SOCIETY Haue -.Id he wu atopped It 8ICIPPW BAn"Lr: ------------ Now, her neighbor•. who had the algnal when atruck In the rear 8ldppel'll In the first divUiton Stop Sl,n Petition only prevloualy aus~cted narcot-by the Wooda car. Wooda aald he are battllq tor the honor ot n>P· IC'•, pracUca.Uy oetraclaed the agent could not aee the algnal and could reaentlng the NHYC Non-c&lm A peUUon tor a atop alp at from cordiality. She wu a "nar-not •top tn time. fleet In the Gold "S '' Champion-the comer of AJhert Place and cotlce addict-he even went to llhlp •erle. to be held next month Eldon Ave., wu presented to the Jail." Ute Mc&me almoat unbear-Meta Traller Law whJle the younger aecond division ca.ta Me.a ::Jty counc.11 on J uly able. But unbearable u it WU, the akippera are polnUng to the South· II. h canied '1 llJ11alure1 &lid g'\rl continued her valued work for The recenUy pa.ued COllla Mua em , Calltomla YachU~ .Aaeocla· waa backed by B. L. Johnson. who another year, llvtnr amidat the traller park ordinance wu amend· tlona .Junior Ch&mplonahlp Mriet told of the number of accldent.a h&ll' (If her former f rlenda. And ed Monday nJrht by the city coun- for •kippera, &gel 9 to 12 yeare, that uve happened on the eorner. even though •he no longer had cll to require a '25 deposit on per-which will take place early In The council tefered the peUtlon frlenda. ehe now had the complete mlt appJJcatlomi and to make It Sept.ember. to C211et A.rt KcKQ.ste tor actJon NEWPORT ISLAND PLANS FESTIVAL The Newport I.aland l"taU"1 will be lleld Saturday by New· port laland Inc.. compoaed ot all property, ownen In the &re6. Purpoae of the teaUval, accordh1c to Prealdent J amee Edwarda. la to raiae tunda tor playground lmproYt'menta. "Don't cook your dinner," aay the foaUval 1po11110n, "brln&" your fwn.lly and !tienda Saturday and help make th1 te11t1val a auccea11.'' Mesa Brush Fire Appr1lxlmately $20 Ill damage WU result O( a bruah t'il'P at 2321 Santa Ana Ave .. Coata Meaa, at 9 :37 a.m. Friday. FJre Prevention otfkef Ralph Lee aald c. c. Covt>y wa.a burning with a permit when spa rks jumped hla fence Into the brush. Tho damage occurred 10 the tence. One truck and 13 men re· eponded. 1'lower·1 .., W),. Say Jt With Party Rental Items lfOJ I§. Coaat Ry., C01'ona del llar Harbor 5071 COASTAL: SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 195S Call DAN'S TV ' ................. _.._I Lhtyl-UJI CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING New Furniture Antiques Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK BRENEMAN'S 660 w. 17tfl St. Sida'· No. JJ Coe• ..... -LlbwtF ~ I BE SURE -INSURE ...... II.A CJUOI: l'JT ANL&T j .. RFIUIM OaJ..y noae Harbor U1' ISlll E. 0.:-t lllP1'a7 c...... kl Mar Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMER CIA~ SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 I Not only wu 1be believed to be, by neighbor. and policemen, a nar· coUca addk t, but &J.ao the addlcta ahe waa attempting to ana.re were setting 1t!eplciou1. A tru1tleu at· tempt to make a "buy" of bulk marijuana had ended when New· port Beach oftlcere clo~d Jn on th• woman and a peddler -not knowing that 11he wu under the watchful eye of nvcotlCll chief, Bgt. Clint Wright. W:rlght had been waiting for the firl to make the purchau, eo t1e could cl<>11e In and arre11t the peddler. ft.Ith and confidence ot area pedd· :"Ible to build cabana.a without A•latlng Comm~re CMhnJa.-at the nen meeUng. !era. They •tarted her on All amas-talNng a variance. The amend-------------..:..._-------=------==============2~~~~~~~~~~~~!,.!!~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ln1 IOClal Whirl t.ml~t their night-ment wu decla.red an e.mergsicy ,. 001:8 TO .iAJL Somdhlftl' had to be don• to divert the ever-lncreutnc au11ptc- lona among the "heads. hypes and blutera" of Otani• County. And Bgt. Wnght knew It had to be done ewittly. There wu only one way. lt 'ap~ared, that t he woman could ~ put In the gOQd .,..cu of the narcot Ira uni1erworld. Put lier In jllll. The preparations f1Jr th~ jailing of I hti yoUnJ l)Q'lOlfiPr l')f two chtl· dren were ilmoet aa thorouih aa lh• planrunc that went Into bulld· lnr up t.he "reputation" ehe now h.ad u a "hud." Sgt. Wright met the r!rl at her home a.nd provided ht'r w1tb a marijuana CIC"arett.. The children were placed tn th• Unt f'lf ~latl'Y\"S. Then the glrl wu taken to the Or•nge County Jan. J u.t like any marijuana •~P«t. the f1rl WM flJ\gerprlntl.'d, mugred and booked. A com~ete arreat ~ cord waa made out. The ttrJu.nt and fellow nar- eotfca otflcera counted on lhe jail crapevtnti to carry the word of the f1rl'a "•n-e11t" to the men'• n ils. .iAIL FlllGHTD'INO "J felt awfully alone," the strl told OCNS aa •he recalled the DJ1ht ahe wu booked, "Jl'nnltly. l wu ~-I dkln't ltnO'lll' lf may· be a r lrl friend or t-ot uw .,.... rute<t "bead•" waan't •l\arlnr a .. u w\l.h ,..., .. The .Upt ..... jail ...... Joa.a. t.n the mornlnJ . report4tn oon· ""''led on the booklnt b~1te1' and 8Jl. W r IKht aaw to It they we" appr!Aed ot the tntorrnatlon on Ute "na.rcollca arrest." That day. ntw1papeni cuTled Ille •tory an<I <'omblned with tll• worJ that 1pr.i1l1 among th• prl- 11<1n, the' glrl wu back In the (ood irru·u of the addl<'IJI and peddler•, They now bt'llevf<.l hH to bto a tolHlrtlg~ addict . llelnf In Jail They're mad& ---. fot you too c:-,--... WoM• Chasc4l11t ..... .,.....,, ,,.,.,. ......... 10--e ,,,_........,. e.afO.-.. 11 ~ .... Do"'-1• Kw loys 6-12-$2.69 loys I J· 16-$2. ti Jackets 8-16-$2.98 LElt GU AIU..''TE& u .... an 110\ u.. .,_, n--. ........... ~,."-" n.r ..,.,. Jou may Illa.,.. • - .,..r Fa.El! or ,.our _,. ..,., ............... WO~MAN'8 • STORE UM~ BarboT &ml. Cotta M-. ftoM: Liberty s.eotl mare w orld of horror. a.nd PQMd forthwith. But u w1de a• he.r circle of acquaintances among the narcotlca addict.a crew. It wu coll8tanUy dlmlnlattlng. Moat ot thOM ahe.met eventually weund up In Jail-all of them still wonderlng wht!re they 1Upped up, how the police pt the evidence that put them behind b&rw. Mesa Stamp Machine Ordlna111Ce Slated Da-v-v-y, Kint of Fur Trappen California fur buyer• and trap- f'4!r• are happily .tng1nr; "Th• Bal- lad ot D11.vy Crockett" thea11 daya. with gbod reuon, the Oepartmf'nt of Fish Md Game reported. A.ii the aale flf the now tamlll11 r t\Jr cape mount11, fur buyua arr watchlng their tnventorlee of low- er quality tura drop cornapond· Bl.amp 'V'tl'rldlnr m.M'hlnee att to lngly. Formerly the.• tul'll wer" be tued In ea.ta Meea 1f the ordl· ha rdly aalt&ble, and trappere nft,.n nanca ordered by th• city council didn't bother to akin out theil la pMMd. A.t the eugseeUon of cat.chea In th\8• caterory. City Mana(er ~'K• Cotte.y a.t the July ~ eouncU mNtlnl a chuge Rabbit, 11'111' tax, coyote, imrt of 110 per yen for Vt• rlfhl to raccoon pt'lta, which Wf're " dn11: place th• macbln .. and l Oc a year on the tur market. 1or aevtr•I tor each macl\l.ne ta to be lncol"'-yeara, are movtns now, accordlnf[ pon.ted In the new atatui. which to Oeorp Seymour, au~ ot wtU be UI amendment to the e1:-department hlpltere a.nd tn.pper11. i.t111r Ucenae code. Be added thet UM boom pro· , Coffee wu also auOlor!Hd to b&blY 'lrill not reflect in hJper collect 150 tn advance from oon· pnce.e to the tnpper for •verw.1 1 CM>IM>nalrea at the fair pounda eeuona, wtllle preeent lnventone.1 th.II M&Jnmer to COftl' -1• taxu an M1nc moved. Howevw, It wtU du.rlq their abort .tay at the enable him to protU.a!lly akin and ..,_-aeU tbe t)'JJe peU.. W'hloh hne been •tenmaly alow ·~· Loci~ Youl~ looked i1 Hit- 111 Damage lip A lT·ye&r-old N•wport Beach boy WU booled July 10 by polJC:- for hJt &114 run property cS&mac-. reckleaa dr1Vlf\&' and vtolaUon of probaUon alt.er be craahe<l h1a car tnt.o a tence at lH U •t s L,and drow off. '?be tcnc• wu on th• propeft1' of Mn. Madeline I<, Kartmui. police Mid_ Po&. plclcad up tlle 10ulb and bil compan10N1 at 22nd 8t. and Oc.-n Front. He t.MertWl.y ad· mitt.eel to police the llJt and NA ch&rlw but denJad be ... drt'1n&' q.lck Senice roa loller Shades 8t.andal'd Shade ClotJw and 0.-tom 8peda1Uee e Drapery Jlat'clwve e V .nell&n IWD4' CALL BAa80Jl IN THE SHADE SHOP 6IS ,_. St.., Nft'pNt 8-11 ..... ~ .... ome. SUGAI LOAF DELUXE LUNCH ll:M aa. -lito p.a. 23'-. ~·-. . st .. -......... ---~ CHINIM allCI. AMIRICAN DISHES l:tt p. m. -J iot a. a. FOOD TO TAKE HOME 1be &me Prtce. the Year Al'Oalld CHINESE CASINO 111 .. St.. a.n,o. Barbar DOI ' ZEE NAPKINS =·'=-4:. : 9' White,°'""-Peed. Yellow. (DlftMr II•, WMte ..ty.) . MAYONNAISE :29' ~49' NU MADI llAND. FlMlt...,_._.., CHEE-ZIP=:=:~ a;23' 1';43c CHEESE FOOD'5:°2::6t GRAPEFRUIT SEalONS~:a.--":15' PORK 'N' BEANS ==.:. -:15' E!f!!~! FLOUR ~-.::;49'1~89' SUNNYBANK MARGARINE ·~ 25' ICE CREAM ~-==. 2 ~ SSc BABY FOODS ~~ 6-49' MEATS for BABIES ....... -:-a .... 5-99' MRS. WIUGllT'S BRE"8 ~.:.: l'ltd.18 tr~ 26 .... ~ ... loat Cio..i C ........... Delkloul with,...,,..... ......... L81Y'S SAUEIUAUJ :::., UlllET SI.ICED IE£fS = .. SPA81ml :.~.:.-::. llOIWECIAN SAIDllES ::c' -: 15• MAYDAY Ol ~~ ~3& =s1• OIOC DA•Y 11111 ~~-!::•3· HOMOm11DD MILK :-:,.A" ,:;:: 20ic :.: 15'· COIKENTUTED Mill ~"': .:•f'la• •• 21c 0...-. .......... ..-..~ .. oh......,. ... Pl1ciH efheU•• local mUk - llTTY CltOCKll 23 WN ... Y..... c °"4P•,...,. .... 11# I BISC1JIT 111-XES • FLEET MIX 31( OR•MGES CARROTS PEPPERS BISQUICK a.tty~. · 12-~1-""" 2~ ..... MIDIUM Y•18K:IAS Juicy, •Wfff, refreshing! TOPS 11M0¥10 Crlep, mol1tl T'HtCX-WALLID IBU CollfonM w~. .. 33 4' EAR Grapes e:~ •. 21·• ... •••=-~ .... S· Onions :"......., ... s• Phse•pple::~13• FROZEN FOODS ~»• ~/ WPBRIES •ttr.21c STRAWBERRIES ...... er-lopper ..._ LAtJNDaY aoeM 811PPLIE8? ALWUltOH Dll&l•lft TIDE IUOJ ~ 29- PAIADE IUDI ·= 29- ....... _.,.,. Wlllll I• --: 58• WHm MAQC ~ 5'• ShouW. of USDA ~ :=:..:~~. 39' lb. 45' ~';~~ lb. USM CHOfCf Ill' SHORT RIBS BOILING BEEF SLICED BACON FRYING CHICKENS USDACHotCI OIADI A DUIUQUI wPAIMR~ MANOI HOUll •. 2~ •. 9c ,., ... 53c ..... •. s~ FT.th ffotef'll ,_,._,,.,,.,Ith .. l•••ct.4 fet wheleM-ne•. Oidr• Wilp :::: !::39' Gick. Tiillls ::: ;:: 89' "••• w ~ ... c:::; •. 39' c.-1 w =.. .. •s· Wlltill =-·· ·~3· Net u. ~~·· !.::31' STOKE 80t.:R8 D&l17 ta.a. to 8 p.a. (FrtdaJ W t p.Jn.) ....,. ......... , ... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY 01' PABKINO ON IA&GID PA VII> U1I . .. PAGE COASTAL WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 SHOPPER 1Councll Refers Trailer ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-COUITY lllLllll I PEIMITS SOAI TO $12,111~71 HllH r You Wiii Rnd Best In Every Thing You Need in WANT AD PAGES ... Park Issue to Commission Entrj Blanks for Snowbird Right Reidy n.e aewl7 r--s Olt.IMM Oom~-,., •s-t.o ~ and deve· SANTA ANA, {()CNS) -On.nee County mtttae tor Parka ud P1aylJ'Cl'Ul'd8 ac,. um proprty be aut!Mlriad by buildin.r .,..rmit valuation .oared to $12,830,978 on pn a det&lW Nqla.t '° cit;7 U.. Council at t.betr earllMt -· r-- oounotl at 1ta mt ....._ • -. -S•ce. 1731 perm.lta imuecl durin( June by the eounty It wtall• Mualepal TnUel Putt la reprd to the aequlalUoa o( buildinr department, It wu diKJoeed July 4. and 11ropoMd r«:reaUGm&l .. tt• Block A.a. and Block C (!':ocky handled. The lettar uUd u.. PoUlt an4 Bliek Gully) we u. IA· The department Mid valuation wu up ~ per t.railer park project be 9'lbmltted t--a that at P,_..t the Ctty'a cent over May'1 total and 57 per cent over June, to tbe anr park --...-ror plulll tor ac:quJ.iUOD of th.-hit.-' f •'--U... JIM.. ebal.r'lllM et *' ltUdy, a ~ t.o ~ ~ ps.c. .,. ln the handa of lb• ll'U'S. Total valuation on 9026 permit. or uae year ,....._. ecamJttae ot Uie N--&peed. 'nl• Jetter fl:lllow9: Ctl7 Att.uy, awatttac Ilia ~ now bu climbed to $73,452,1« u against $39,39&,- pon llAl'bor a..ma..r ol. Oom· Tbe au-Ooamlttae ,_ u to tbelr lepllty. We nprd the 099.26 lut year at this aame period. ..w. llt&t.d t.od&1 that entry Parka ud Pla7rround• recenUy matter Of theM acqulatlOlll u blank.I, eoune cb&rta and antonn-formed by lntere.ted elttaena moet u.rsuUy n-..a.ry to the During June, 1068 dwelling permit. were ie- aUoa bun.Una with tWI detail• on throurhout th• City bereby ,... welfare ot the City, and therefor. aued, good for total valuation of $11,027,293. th• 1951 J'Ulhl ot tbe IJnowblrca., queet. and s-t1tlon1' you that In on lltp priority tor your coulder· --------------------------wlltoll wtD be beld la Newport .B&r rep.rd to the tutww UM ot the aUon, and we re1p1cttully remind bor oo July 11,.,. now obtainable. Traller Park property you wtll :rour Hocsoral>Je Body that delay WE'RE GROWING! Th•J' may be bad at Newport Har-caretuUy conaldu the qu..Uon ot Jeop&rd!Me thla plan. llior Yacht Club, 8&100. Yaeht allocation ot lbe .,.. between We llleretore petlUoo lbe Coun· Club •• Lido Ille Taclat Club. J. A.. trailer UM and CommunltJ' Park ell to requ•t an Immediate re-c ty Deed R di Beek I ot!ice, K cNally and Val· uae &nd, In determlnln( what por-port from the City Attomey In oun ecor ngs lely Boat Landlnp, the new Har-tlon of the water front area ahall lbla matter. bor Muter'• Ottlce or th1 New-be retained tor the public u1e aa ------------- port HarboT Chamber or com-a community Playrround. · you Castle 1:.,_ Up 65 9 Per Cent for June merce. All Snowbird 8klppera are wlll apply the proper tut of pub-~ • urred lo tlll out and return their Uc need and UM ot thia .,.. rath• ~ r- entry blank• Immediately In order er than lb• Improper yardatJck of ~r ~nfence Deed recordlnp ln Oranr• Co-For the aame month. tnat dttd to a.aal.i the Committee ln It• P~ 1trictly nnanclal p.ln to lb• City unty for the month of June were and mortp1e ~rdlnfa ware up parat.ory work. (In conductlnr • commercial enter on Drunll Driving up 1e.o per cent from the May e.42 per cent from May and up .A beauW'Ul new dulp ot tro-pr1H). t1,ure thla year. They were :ie.t 40.U per cent over Jun.-of last phy hu been .elected by the O:>m· We re•pectrully call your at· Come Labor Day Orvin Veme per cent higher than for June of year. mlttee for the ltM award• to the dom. If evH. ju11tlfy thtlr exlstent'e Cuti. ot Lol\I' Beach la rolng to tut year, accordlnr to the Tille A total value of SM.297.:l~l In flrtt ten to ttnlah, the youngeat tentlon to the fact that parka •I· jall for eo 4')'1. Inwrance and Tru.lt Company . mortrarea and tru11t deed• w•re rfrl, the younreat boy, the oldut on a etrlctly financial bula. It Cutl• already bad three .trlk91 n led In June, the report aald Thi• •kipper. the ftnt (1r1 t o flnillh and Per11htnr Square were con1ldered on him wh• lie faced JUCS.e D. J. comp~ree wtth 164.SIMS,213 for the t lurt "V" and "Mc" boat.a to aolely on a ttnanclal but• It Dode• ~tly and when be came Mesa Has 262 Car May and llt,M0,49:1 for June of flnlab. would moat ...uredly be nothinr up w1lb th• fourth char(• •cclde.+e 1_ Y-1904. 'Mine were 3722 deedl filed Amonr U.. 19116 trophy donore but ff yev lf'OWld 1-. tor of. drunk• drlril\c be badn't a ~ n•• Ill -Ill JUl\e, 3880 trult deedl and a.re th• Newpor t Harbor Yacht n ee buUdlnp. chance. Ju.at to make certain that mortcarea filed. one foreclo1111rl' Club, Balboa Yacht Club, Lido late We requeat that whata?er plan Cutle wtll appear alter the yaeht· In lb• put year. Colt& ..... po· of tru11t deeda and mortrare• fll· Y•~ht Club, BaJ .. --Bay Club, •·-.. _ .. ,_ ll... lice department lnvMllpted !~ _.. and •02 f .H.A. 10&111 tued. -.,.,. ot U• ot thl• ~ the Council .... -..on-,.. e&rlW ,... ••"I' u auto accident.I, Police Chief ..., ~ ,.... '" South Cout Company. Udo Pen· ah.all tlnl.lly determine upoa, the member ot a c..--Jud&'e Dode• KcKenale reported. Of thla total, lneula Yacht Anchorar.-. P. A. Pa.1-water front I.rt!& or the p~t pve him ltx montba wtt.b tour 210 ac:ddent.a were claultl~ u mer, Inc., Newport Balboa Savtnp Trailer Park ahall be retained aa monlb.I wspended It be tumt up property damqe only. ..... -a--rnuer1 ............... 8'apee l.AertT .. l ... 008TA KUA lllA'ITll.E88 00. HM N_,,.... mv4. and Loan Auoc:latlon, Al Andereon a Community Park. , at jail on Ume. U the pollee have I The rena!nlnS 62 tratt\c accl· Nfwport Harbor Banlc, Udo Iale We NqUe9t that the enUn mat-to look him ., ll• wtll be lJI jaU ~nta involved penonal l.lljur1ee. Propertlu, Inc .. llarl W . Stanley, ~r ot the plannlnr and -. ot the all wtnt.r. fUPt-of-way v1olatlona caUled :ze J . A. Bffk, Udo ln.urance Aren· pruent Trailer Park area be INb· -To add to hie troub1M CUUe Pflf' cent ot the accJdent.a. McKen- cy Inc .. and the Newport Rll(bor mltted to the new Park O:>mmt. wu aJ.o charred wtlh drtvin&' &le recently aent two membera of Cham~r of Commerce. •Ion for detailed atudy. 'J1M Park wtthout a UcenM. Jqe Dodie the M ... force to attend eauror· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Comml•lon 11 eatab!Jahed for the aentenced him to ""'' 111' month.I nla Hlthway Pt.trot clu-cover- apreN purpoee ot ...aatln1 the on that count aJlo, but w.pended Ing aucb vtolatlon1. 2 l11f ured hi 2-car Costa Mesa Crash Twn peniona Incurred 11\JurlM u rH11lt or a tr.me accident at '10:1:1 p.m. !"ttenUy a t N-port Btvd. and 1:1th St .. Coata Mu&. Mua police reported neither pa.u- enier de1lred treatment. Injured were Wiiiia 8&lley. at, 1909 Santa Ana Ave. and Mary Mac:Mich&el, 38, San Clement&. Ba.Hey, rl<linr In a car driven by J ohn Wiiiard Alnander . 22, ol 1134 W. 18th 8t., atruck hJ• head Oii the wtnd.lhleld and wtfer«S a bloody noee. reporla 1how. The wo- man v1cUm wu riding In •n auto driven by Oecar Keur Stephen•, &t. ot South Laruna-8he at.ruck h4tr head. bit her t oncue and .pn.lfted hw neck. police .ald. to La•na ~.:'clld !: ~Ullt ..9.,u: matm t~~-~ It u lone u he .i.,.. •-Y from Th• offfoen were 8ft. Rorer r:. an ew "' e J>O•........., behind auto 11teerln1 wtieei.. n th d om wm1 M Sa • ot t.hla decl•on to the w'Aole City e an cer am · . v and Ule tact that tb.e onl)' p,_nt~ "I! you ao much u drive acrom a1e. McKenale Mid they would UM llnet. you are IOlnc to Ja.tl," th ly exi.ttnr apn.ton of opinion the judse lntonned ea.tie. ~ Oil elr tral.nlftl' to other ff'Om a Park Commlaldon la ad· member11 ot the )(-forc1. I ftf'M to an emelulfft ~ Parle UH. It would appear t.bat a more cantul 111d well thou(ht out plan ahould be pr•pared by thl.a Park Commlaalon than any beretofore pr"entett to your Hooorable Body. In view of U.. exCffdln&1y t.n· r ted tepJ back&TOUDd. both tn rap.rd to Ula rtou. deedl and rranta to thla particular property and alao In rera.rd to the lea.e lftt· uaUon aa It mJCtt be Interpreted under the new Ch4rter. we eameet· ly requut that any predplt.owl 'ac· tlon be del'Yed. We ~pit that ln any t\na.I e.e- Cion t.o eetabts.b a TrUler Pu1I Fire Trudi, C. in .Highway Crash I W1Ui. l'Mllnl w1Ua Nd ltPta and .,._ to a PU18 ftre tn Upper Bay, I one ot Newport JIMdl'a tlre tnack• wu lllnack by • ear at Cout BJ(tl- -Y and Karine An., J\ll7 4. Driver ot the fir• WAC0D WU BLalte John Patai.y ot 480 Santa Ana Ave. The car wu drtnn by NeU Kary Taber of Alt.adena. ft&e fta&'p ol. Ania4la. rldin, IJI tlMI Tabel' car, -......._ ap, ~ ....................... u.. hoepltal. -·· ,.,......., on a port.loft ot thla propertJ t.be •rvlcee ot • qualified Tralll'r Pvk ard!Jted llbould ti. MCUred by tM CllJ'. • Palaley 1topped hie t.Nclr to &Id lbe women and e&Ued another tire wacon to the Uppn .. ,. tire. The rear comer of the truck waa hlt and •llfhUy damaced. the ttre Twice o.11J -ll:IO .... _. '7 :00 p.a. Aclalta Sl.15 -01a.lld..-66 aeata Jn ttrard to the deve&opment ol Channel P...-u a amaU b&1J ell&· mond -~ that aU aee-department 11&1d. I It's -.ogical YE s. 1rs LOGICAL TO ASSUME YOU WILL RND THE MOST COMPLETE NEWS COVERAGE of ~J_ ALL · Harbor Activities IN THE COLUMNS OF •••ID ~- ~LUf.0 LAMINATtO Ml.MMRS, GPV[ CL£AR ~. A#FOQOtNG OQE.AT :STQ E.NGTH 1'i lOWEQ cos T. cx::>H4::>Ll TE. ~ OtNO "''~' T.., DlLtVl.QU> TO J06 ~T! FQOM t 1!l PER.SQ.FT. OR COMPLE.nLV lRE.CUO, INCLVO\NG ~LA&.. PQOM ti• Pl.A. SO. fl. P<>R COMMUlCUii-L. ft.AM.OR ... ~TRW. nt. MWttlHE« "' "'·CM.I'. The NEWSpaper Receiving These A wards • ANNtrAL CALIF. mwsPAPEll Pt'BU8 RER8 A880C. AWAJlOS COSTF.ST la ......_,._,.. plMe for ~t -• phol<t!l, (MUI••• Oil wMllltM) fa r~-tad ~ for .,...., f..-1 P9C4'• (t1U~ld..,., aleo holloraMe rMatJoa. <~ ..... ,._, fer ceaerai nce•a.-. e O.A.LD'ORNIA A.880<JIATJON OF PRES!ll WOMJ:S <'ONTE~ ~ ...,.,.,, Sedety ,...8, Fflt8 T PLACE f or tt..t •-f'fl'• ~partntHI ( .............. _klln) • NAftOJllAL FSDUATION or PRF.8!11 WOKl!S'M C'ONTEMT P'tnll ..... tw '-' w-•partiMel (wtoek~ a.9d -9·•~kU81 e TllSTA UQllA 1'111 AWA.AD '11111 Prt•rt r"I .... etory t410k ae .. raMe II•.._, .....a 'fteta ...._. PW lbata Talllla ...... 0..Woal tor (wee1d7 Mn i I ua) e !fAftO!fAL AW.&ma _._.,,...._,_._.,,,..._...,,mo.. • Csastr Alo cat•. I ..... Street .... Two alloe&tlona o1 ru taa ti.Inda t« lmprowm•nt ot Colt• K-I 1ll'Mll han been a.pprov•d by Oranre County Board or Super· 'f1aon. ln.olnd ia 19432. A total of aeTOO In county·ald· to-cJUea money wu marked tor the 18th St. and Tuatln Av•. In· I tlf'Metlon. Another 12732 la for tmprowmt'nl of Fa1rvftw Avt be· I tween a point 230 feet north ol WU-St. to Newport Blvd. De Muth Stubs Toe While running near Balboa Yaeht Baaln Thur.c.lay, J ohn lld· ward De Muth, H , ot 200 To!)4Lir. Ave. atubbed the little toe ot hi" left foot, pq.llce reported. He wu treated by a phyalcJan who •Ulch· ed It to(ether. IOB!(IT·ON•'I W..A ... W ......... v ....... ..... .... I ...... . t0'75 rt.oe.U. ..... .........,. -.1111 o.e. .... WA.TEii lllU'l'Da $4lH. IHVlct .... lllAJM Jo• /!,:JJofJ tuws tt ,.. cun DO'#M .............. - 181 MORTGAGE LOANS DH HDMCa. au11Nt:•• ANO ...oueTlltAL ~""" . . WC lltC,.lltlalENT PAIVATI AHO INeTITUTIONA&, ~1'9 < 8QlltlltDWl:A8 AND LltNOl:llt9> ,.llON COA8T TO DDA9T TA UST DCCD8 llOUeWT AHO mcM.0 WM. He HOIT MDlltT•A•I: 9AN•ON• ..... ~ 19>0 1609 N. aUeH 8TltCIET aAHTA ANA. W.WO Wt KIN•t:11tl.Y 8·'711• * fwaturlftCJ Catalina Swhnwear White Stat Spomwear A. G. Spaldl .. & ..._ lla11a leltllMN Sweaters WonclalMN Sweaters lva11-Frederic1 DN11• • We G•v• S&H Gr••" Ste"'P' • Open Every Ni9ht 'til N1rte -~-' WW'-2--i 303 Malo • Phone Harbor 509 HARBOR PRESS RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE oa 100 8KAU.. llO ... St., Newpen .._. ......... 1511 SUBSCRIBE TODA t -ONLY ., _,:NT&LY CALL HARBOR 1616 -CIRCULATIOI DEPTJ ' A1~rew1 Ret1r11 from Navy D1ty to Home in Costa Mesa .... SltR Vnac• A variance wu 1ranted the MACMIWAN IANDAGED AS ~ta .:~:U:it~0r !:po~ HEAD Hm SWINGING DOOR 15. Btfore the v o t • WM t.ak· , Jack W. Andrew9 ta ret11mlns He •w duty ln Korea, Japan. H&· 9l I:. L. Paltenon of the plan· Rod MacMilUa.a, w.11 known Barbor UM BoJW' Oub ath· COASTAL SHOPPER· PAe! I WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1951 YOUR hons mWt.ary eemce to utabUah waJI and Alaak&. nlns commlMlon bowic.d up to letJc dtnctor, ta w.al'lnl' a buda&e oa Illa f.,.... u. .. ~ tis. botDe ln Coeta Meaa. Return-Andrews will be &MOClated wtth remark-"and not for deoonUoa.'' Rod decla.1'9. Ins frora their Pf'.!f'"'t Ban Fran-hla brother, Ro~rt a. >.ndttwa, ''Tiiey put up lh• •Im and lb-?, a.co addrua wtl h' him are bl• at 1811 Newpor t Blvd., Cotta M•· they came to ua for a variance. Lut week he wu ll)'ln&' to l•l tM door under th• ltaad wtfe Pat and daUl'btera Krt. and n . Mrw., A.ndrew• u the former Councilman CharlH TeWlnJtle at Coet& Mua ball J!Ull open and the ma. wbo .,..u htlplnr Kann. MIM Patricia McCall of Coat.a wu abMnl. by puah.lns from the outanse wu too w ccuetul ln Illa efforts, CAI STRADDLES P.E. TRACKAGE Police wer. puuled Thura· "-Y by an abandoned ca r •traddllng the Pacific Eleclrtc trai:ks •t 31st St. and Balbo& Blvd. Jl;o reg11tratlon wu found on the car. Ne~port Hm bot NEWS-PRESS A rractuate ot Newport Harbor Mua. the swtnct.nl door catchinl' Rod on the fotthead. Union Hiib 8chool, Fullerton .fun. r wa....., Flood T• lor Collea•. OranJ• Cout Collere -F or -the flneat In Commercial That ti.Dd tovtn 10 .Utcble the doctor lo4k to cloae the and the USC colles• of dentlalry, Pr1ntl~ ca.JI Harbor l8l8, Job Lee Winterton. San Cle-t.e, cut Ule ed&'a ol the door macs.. Offlcer1 believed the car tr1ed to KO over lbe traclu at lh«' 311l St. 1tred -eJ1d Jn- atead of 101ng around to a throuRb •lreet to gel onto Bal· boa Blvd. Becauae the car wu on tke P. E. rtght.af·way, private property, police could not move It. P acific Electric authorlUea were noUfted. Alldl'nn Mrved with the Navy. PrtnUnr Departmmt. newly elected prea1dent, con~ ----------------------- ~~ie: ~~:e::"1c!m'!.: MORRISON BALTZ MORTUARIES of Oranr• County. Willia Wamu, COBTA MllllA CHAPl'lL CHAP& BY THE SEA allalltMn of tb• board of iruper• TO DfA lT~~~upenorM .... !~~.u• 31120 E. Cout Blvd. =z·,0~•:r;:rs000.~ ::~P-= ' TH ......... """"" 0... dll Mar, C&JU. for flood eontlol, tentaUYl11 .et Pbone t.Jbvty 1·2121 Plloa• llarMr d Save on .all Current Stcd • CLOSEOUTS • SENTENCES RUPP FOR FIFTH TIME Rugs Reduced as low as • • • : 3.50 yd. Viscose-Nylon Rugs as· low as • $4.50 yd. Linoleum Standard weight in-laid S2.19 yd. Asphalt Tile as low as • • • 4!/ic per tile Aluminum Wall Tiie Lem Comady W11 le New loarcl Head 4 ft. around your tub .•••. $44.00 541 C4tnter St. c ........ ~wull~appen& nutt *Md '7 ftlt.ad &11'-ft&t plecee '"' I Jd •Dy ar..d. Your dot.be9 UM1 .._ .,.. ._ up Olm alt.-.-nu.. .... -~t.lJ man. -n1IMloft wu.,,.u. .. ena..~ WHEN AV AILAILE ••• s.rnoe wtthta a.our. ., ...... '-- •• do~11PtMn. HOW MUCH ••• P11blhhecl 3 Times It's His Business ... It k • bartain bunde toe • • • • -., $2.15 fw 2J lbs. • WHe•e ... casa P••• "mVICll WillilM mo'7U -9'm Ji&&DCI>" OOllPLEl'E IAUND-... a..MHD8 CLASSIPllD DllECTOIY A.PPUANCF.S -Bomelliold Put.a -~ler -Service UDO ELl.:C'TIUO NH Via Udo .:.. ....._ ,,., AUTOMOBILE DE.4.1.ERS N-and uaed Cara NIOJU;RT'.t 8TVDl!•Am 8&14'9 S.n1t't1 Put. Nl6 Newport Blvd. -Bar. IH BANKS Baak of America NT A U 8"' \'la Udo -Ranor UN DICll llAOILE& MM Via U.. -...,._ uit GDT SBOP &ICllAAD'a LIDO KARll'r1' NII Via U.. -llanM Ula IN8UIU.NOE A.OEN'l'8 w. o. 1n1ca. mo. .... \'la u.. -..... "" INTEIU08 DEOOILU'OU BIAl'f<mm rt7LKD80.N .U.Q Mll Via..,.._....,_ .... DICll 1UCKD NHVa.1.Me-...,._ .... DON caaoaro!f ... L D. :."r. ~-....... .., llAB&El'9 Yes ••• lt'1 hh bnl11e11 to .. IY., yos Newpott Harbor News....._. to yos cleor Moftclay, W .... clay •cl Friday. It'• .... bnlHll to clo ..... lolt too. ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii &IOBA&l>'S LIDO _....,. ! Mii Via u.. -...,._ .... nwPORr a RARBOR ' RE-W$LERESS . y., ,.,., llllllt reacJa '°" promptly I Rel ... toed cOllClltloa. His lolt ., .... llpCMI .... senlce t.e readenllh · ............. .,, .. .. Mt.,.. ... ... 1crlber, fll Ollt tile 1 • b1crlptiofa below ••d .... •tart ... llYery at OltCe. Ch~ .. ~;~-·--·----··-···----, Newport Harbor News • Pren nn Balboa •d.. N8't"JM>rt BMcJt &-;~Dept. I hereby with to-aubecribe to the New. port Harbor Newa·Preu, and agree to pay the Carrier monthly. (Home delivered only 60c a month). Name ·"" .,... ·-- • I ' ' ' PBOTOGllA.PB STUDIO. OEABAADT IJTUDIOIJ Nat va. LUA-llAftw ..,. REAL ESTATE UDO &r:A.LTY AMOOU'9 U do Salee 6 ftataJ• .... \'la Ude -llMtlw "" P. A. P AJ..-:Ea INC. NU ria aN. -Mn.r U11 VOOEL OOJCPA.VY NII \'la Udo -lllartow tnt BAY AYD BEACH UALn Via Udo B~ Otn.-. 1111 ....... .,.«. -,..,_, .... SAVINGS & WAN A.8SOCIArJON8 ~'l'Oa T RA L80A fl A. VINOI a U ).uf AJl9'0('lATIOJf A Bavtnsa lnaUtutlon Lone Term Home Lolula 1111 \'la Udo -R.a.rhr .... S&BVICE 8TA'TION8 LIDO IUCRTIELD NII l'\f'W'POr\ IM•d.-a.r • ._, IBO~Men'a ..,.r;.n.." MTOllF. roa 11'.D ...-\'la Udo -Ra,_, ONI mom. WOMEN alTLlifa or ""'·""Oll!'lft4 Mll Via ....._RA Os.54 ron LIDO TOYLA.'"ll NU \la U41e -Ha~r t1M !'RAVEL ACENCIL~ RAAM>R TJlA \T.L AOENCT I . uia s_.,.,. BIYd.-Hu. '5H 2211 lalboa llYcL Hm bot 1616 ' l City I UPBOL8TDllNO I DICK alAC'KF.R UJt \'la Ueki -Rart.w UU I ~~R~m I \"JSCl':l\T" '4'ATCR aa'AJR I ~~~ ..... Via Ude WINDOW OOVEBINCJ 1111 ............................................................................................................................................................. , J1lr; ~HADE 8BOP Jfat .. ,_. om11 -..i .. • ' ' f I ~ '' l • • 1 • m&ftAJ: l&OffA l"ADtl09 of • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PA91 6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 1955 ~ .. .r . . In Step ·with the . .._ Ever~ Changing Scene! :lhe newporl fiartor -4-rea ij growing • 3 ISSUIS WIEKLY • • Newport leads 1950 Cemus 12.120 NOW 18,539 Costa Mesa 1950 PopUlatlon 12,100 NOW 17 ,320 . :Jo keep in jfep wilh lhij growl~ ~ Now Increases .. it'• publication by so~o • . . Your Newport . Harbor Hews-Press is now Published . . 3 TIMES EACH WEEK Monday-Wednesday-Friday To provide acl1 .... ly ~lete CONftl99 of news mcl p1c1 ... ..,,... .... of,..,.., lf'OWlnt Newport Habor --. mMI to •ne better bott. claulflecl cmcl cllsplar aclwt Ill 1n. re-Newport Hallor News-Press Is ....... · .,..., M1•day • Weclwdar wl Ft'lday to Its 1ublcr•1n. Subscribe Today To ,The..J\Fastest-Growlng NEWSpaper In Th.e Harbor Area CALL HAllBOll 1616 ' IY CAlllEI 5 0 C PEI MONTI r SINGLI COPY ----- • .. • Christian· Churches vtew at the Municipal A.rt a.J. Z E h lery In Bamlldall Park, Loe Anc· onta ar art IM, clo-J~ 14. Hour• are 2 -------------------=-------~---coA~ALSHOPPER PA$E 1 I Open Annual Confab TboWl&Dda of vilitoni wiU throng Orange Cou.nty when Chapman College aerves u boet to the 67th a.nnual conven- tion of the Cbrietian Churches ot Southern Calilornia, be- ginning Wednesday and extending through Sunday, July 2•. Attendance of all -Iona of the five-day event la ex~ted to vt· ceed 7000 pusona, many or them from other counUee, It wu jointly reported by Richard W. Black- bum, Coachella Valley, convention prealdent and Or. Oeor&e N. Ree- ves, Orange, Chapman head. A• conve:ntlon-goera are plan· nlng e:xcurwtona to Orange County recreational areaa, information on local vacation apot. la belnc pro- vided In advance, Bkckbum aald. The.. Include nearby Newport· Balboa Harbor, Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach and Anaheim'• newly-completed Dlmey)and. Arnone church leadera. featured u apeakera on the convention pro- JTt.m. are: Or. RIJey B. Montcomery of Lexington, Ky.; the Rev. Aurelio de Cutro, Manila. P. I.; Or. War· ren Gratton, Detroit, Mich.; the Rev. Charles Sevema, San Oleg-o; and Mra. M•e Yoho Ward, Or. Oeorge Oliv.r Taylor, Dr. Roy L. Thorp a.nd Mark Rutherford, all of lndlanapoUa, Ind. Repor~ on cburcll-aponeored ac· tlvltlea ot tardlnal Importance will be preaented at the convention and m.ny (1'0UP• wlthln the ehurcb wtll hold apeclal eeuion.e lhrouch· out the five-day period. The final prete11t.aUon ot "The Great World Tbeati:-", a claaelc rellc1oue dr&ma with a cut of 100, la acheduled for Friday ll1&'h t, one of the outatandlnC outdoor eventa of the convenUon. Other outdoor fe&tllrM wtU ln· elude a Weatern barbecue, Satur· day nlrht and communion aerv!ce In the coue,. atadlum, cloelnc rite on Sunday evening. St.arttnr In 1888 and for manx year• lherea.fter, the Chr1atle.n Churchu ol Soulhem CaJl!omla held annual convenUona at Nor· walk on the northweat border of Orange County. For the pa1t 40 yeara the conventlona were held ln Lone Beach. to~~~ ~'~••nl "' a 9ID&1l A ward Winners manutactur1nc and p~ eoa· N ed cern. 11aa collected th• drawtnp Are am tor the put doaen 7eara both aa a bobby and a conalnM:Uve mean.e lo. Loe ~ ..._..., Kra. ot 11Upportlnc cont-ponry art· lelma C&roliM lwtft Tetdunul.n. lat.a, chiefly thoee realdins In th.le la w!Jlner ot one ot two Amelia area. Earhart ae.bol&ra!llpe awarded by 1be OeVean collecUon, one of Zont& Intem&Uonal. accordinC" to the weal'• moet lmportant col· word recet-nd by Mra. Jtarl Stan· lecUone of ort(inal drawince. la lay of Beacon Bay, who repreMntA bei.DC ebo-pubUclJ' t~ tM tlrwt d1atrlct t on the tnt.ern&Uonal time. In lt are repre-tld 90m• 9J18Clal Amelia J:ub.art Kbolar- of the moat 1Uuatrtau11 D&m• ln ablp commJtt.M. She la a meJllltler contemporary art. amons them of Newport Harbor Zonta C1ub. PerCY Bacon, Eurene Berman. The two •1200 sranl. are made Ale.xander CAider, Paul Cadmlla, tor JTaduate atudy ln the field of Salvador Dall, Max JCrnat, Oakar aeronallUcal encineertns. One Kokoechl<a. Rico IAbnm, J\&Ul Ml· came to Zonla from the Unk ro, Henry Vamu.m Poor, Wllltam P'ou dat\On eat ab Ila h • d two Stele . Henry d• ToUlOUM·L&Utrec n .b Edwina A Ltnk and Howard Warah&w. yeare qo Y · · 1be ~!")' I• atop t.be hill ln pioneer avtaUon enthuaut, for B&madall Park. Vermont and Hol· advanced tratnlnc and ed~Uon lywood Blvde. In aeronauuce. , Mra. Teichman wUI uae her rrant to ltlldy toward her doc· tor' a derree at California lnetltute of Techllolocy. Th• other crant r~a to Mlllll Doria Oomenlghettl, a citizen ot SwU.zerland whoM GERTRUDE LAWRENCE BOOK INTERESTS WOMEN •·o.rtnade Lawrmoe u Kra. Jo." by JUc:.hard Stoddard Aldr1cll bu ~ a ~t d-1 ot lnt.e,,-t. parttc:ularl)' &mClll( WOIDtG. William Haantad. Oran.ce ea.. OoUese II· brarlan, rntewa UM book. Recently a nationally pop1.11&r televialon Pf"OS1'Ull eulo· c1Md' th• 1-reat Jln61lah •tare •tu Gert.rude Lawren.ce. All part ot the profl'&RI her hu1band waa introduced. Re 111 Rich· &I'd Stoddard .Aklric:b -the author ot thie work. With the puetns ot Ml• Lawrence ln 8eptem~r. 1962, the world ot theatre loet on.e of lta creat•st coca. Million. had thrtUed to her perlormancu In "Private UvM", "Tontpt al 1 :30", "Suaan and Ood", "Lady In the Dark", "Pycmalion", and "The KJns ari4 J". Thoee wondertn1 what ahe wu like In private Ute need only read thl• book and they wtli have t.ht anawer. Mr. Aldrich, a new JCnclander, and the cockney-born MlM LawTence were married In lHO, and t.hrourh 12 1venttul yeara enjoyed a happy lift tocether. The author reJalu the many ft.moue personallUu that :a.uaa L&wnnce knew and worked with -people like Oeor1e Bernard Shaw, Noel Coward, Charlea L&uchton, Halen HayN, Laurence Olivier. Beatrice Lillie, Maurice Evana, and ao many more. Thla book la the Intimate portrayal of on• or the mo.t fuclnatlnr .tar1 In th• tbtatrical firmament, and la hlcbly recommended trom the atandpolnt of reader lntereet. Island Auxiliary Has Fund PiirtY • A fund raleln& due.rt ranuta party wu held lut Thuraday a t 1 p.m. In the home of Mr•. Jt.mea Edward•. 3900 Cnannel P lace, by family hvu In lt&Jy. abe will -------------------------work toward a muter'• de(rH at Unlvmlty ot Wuhlnrton. City Truck Crash Payne Home Permit In l9:i3 the rrant went to Mlaa E.M. Veach of en w. B&y Ave. D. Payne took out a Coata Meaa Hoda Atltl or Cairo, Egypt., who told police July 4 a city truh city buildtnc permit J>JIY 6 on received her muter'• del'ree from truck knocked down Ucht pole con•tructlon of a IM40 realdence Perdue Unlveralty and t.n 19~1 It wlrt1 near hla realdence between at 1988 Pomona Ave. Jack Con· WEDNESOA y I JUL y 20, 1955 Pet'llllt for Je•n Ga y K . Hamilton. 11. u1 Albert Buildlnr permit for a re•ld..nce Place. Hamilton eald h• l•tl UI• and attached can&• at lHI motor at StO W. V1ctona St. and Maple Aft .. Ooet& Meaa, wu 1-1· ll wu cone on hLI retum. ed t.o John A.. Jean~• by th• M- bulldlac department June 24. llaU· Soll for Howarflll mated eoet of the horn• 111 $12,l Tl . Mr. and Mra. Scott Howarth, • 11112 ll&Dt& Jo.na Av. .. Ooata Meea. Ha111iltoft Tells Theft are pannta of a boy bona July Grand thdt ot a car motor. val· • at H~ Ho.pttal. ued at U:IO, wu reported to I Coeta Meaa police recently by -lt paya to 1-.d U.. wut ad&. We Now Have FacRltln No Down Payment Jaguar Doretti Triumph Hillmen as low as $1445.00 Harvey Mayer Motors Corner Victoria • Harbor llvd., Costa W.. 2137 Harbor llvd. Uberty 1-2216 the Woman'a Auxiliary-of New· port hland lnc. Mra. W. 0 . Kirk· Art Shows one of our popluar exhlbltlnc men\· pat rick won the door prl&e. Mra. bers la leavnlc for an extended A. B. Cubbace ~elved the milk J!:uropean t.r1p thla week. He hu chua bowl. A total of 69 rueeu just completed a lure mural for were preaent. went to Miu Caterina Sappa of 1 and 7:30 a .m. alr wu named contniclor. ~=======================~ Ita.Jy. who 1tudled at Unlveralty of ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=i 1 .. -------------------------Mlnneaota. Mlaa Aflfl le now wtth U Om • ng the Peoplu Church or Chicago. ------------pc l The followtnr exhibition• may -For the rtnaat In Commercial lntere.1t artiata ot the vicinity. Pr1nttnc call Harbor 191'. Job the depart.menu of dulcn al Uni· nntty ot Cairo and In a Cairo alr·plane factory. Thia acholarahlp · prorram I• aupport.ed by membera of 310 Zon· ta Club• In 13 countrlea. 87 08WELf, IACKSON For amalf!ura only. the Orange Prlnttnr O.partment. There WH a capacity audience County Fair Exhibit. Aue. 9 ;;;;;;===========-======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;; on Saturday evenlnc to ,.reet through u . Bianka may be u· &Uol O'Hara. N.A., and the abow· cured by wrtunr JCme•t B. Norton Ins of hla new ntma on watercolor superintendent of Arte and Cratte t.echNque. Tbue ttlma were beau· 20391 Newport Blvd., Coat& Meaa.. lltul and lntereellilr not only from The Annual California State the etandpolnt of th• artlat but Jl'alr Exhibit. wlth many cuh u they ahowed eeveral local peo· pie, Tommy Morey and hi• druma, prtsea, for oil•, watercolor1 or aa well u M.arcaret Sheppard paatela. al.o print.a. Sept. 1 to 11. paJntlnc a -t•rcolor In the film Write Grant Duggin., JCllhlbit Su· "'Rhythm In Paint". perv!eor of Art. State Fair Grounda, Sac~ento. There are many lntere1tlns onl' We have r«:elved nolle• nt an Man 1howa du.ring July. Of courM! exhibit by the South Bay Commun· tbe Renoir ICxblblt at the Loe An· lty Art A..aclaUon, open to C&U· 1elea County Muaeum la the moat fomla artl1ta to be held at Marine· outatandlnc. It open• on July 14 land, P aloa Verde, Aur. a throuch and continue. th.rourh AU(. 21 ,a Sept. 1:1. Many purch... pr!Ma really J'reat art evmt. are to be riven ln oU. a.nd water Nicol&J J'ech1n. wbom many con· colon. ~ dettlla and blank• alder on• of the (Te&tHt living write Mra. Powell, 14641 Marine artlat.e. la havtnc two on• man .. Calif 1how• thla month. one at th• Fln• _A_v_e._. _Man __ ha_ttan __ Be&e __ • ., ___ ._ Art.a G..U.ry. Balboa Park. San Dlero. J Uly 3 Ulrouch 31 and an· other a t the La Jolla Art Center July 2 throU.(b 3 . 1 We member ~·K Walker War· nu, famoua n oral u tllt, ia hav· tnc a one man allow a t tb.e Art· lat.a Ou1Jd of Amulca, Qarme.I, July 1 uaroup 11. Roy ......... "' w---. T--. De Vean Shows Art Collection "A Buelneainnan Collecta." an aJUbl UoB of _,.. Ulaa 100 ort• PllAl ....... bouPt ~ "--Jl. Dev ... .1ooe1 &ft ,.a-. -- From the It.a.rt. make your wt!ddinr a.n occa· aion of long remem~~ good tute and di•· Unction. Invitations aet the tone of formAI perfection. Conwlt ue on any problem you may have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 lalboa llvcl. Har. 1616 Dcmce to The Lawrence Music of Welk end His 11Chempe9n• Music" Orchestra Alice Rocky Lon Rockwell * ti Myron Dick Roren Vele * * IE SAFER THAN with an Automobile Safety Belt Le ad in 9 automotive manufacturers make SAFETY BELTS available for their new cers ... exheu1tive auto crash tests have proved ' 1there is leu chance for injury when the motorist is held in his Het •.. within the en- clo1ure of the car" ..• remember brakH stop the car -a SAFETY BELT STOPS YOU. * Demonstration * R & L Auto Clinic 3001 Newport llYcl. HarlMr 4606 .... O'BRllN MOTORS COSTA MISA If You Want a Station Wagon DON9T MISS THESE '55 DODGE Y·I S.Hrba11 Overdrive, W-W tirH, 2-tone Only 4,000 milH 'SJ PLYMOUTH s...t.a11 9,000 •ctu•I miles 'S1 PLYMOUTH s...t.a11 Deluxe model -Sherp! Transportation Can '40 PLYMOUTH Cpe. Loh of miles left '40 CHEV. Club Cpe. Overhauled '39 OLDS 2 ... Me ny More to ChooH From O'IRllN 16IO Newport .. cl. •• COSTA MOTOIS Liberty .. 7272 MESA 8AVE! 8A VE! · SA VE! SAVEi &AWi McCarthy's 100 % WAllANTY Conwertlble Sale! •'-.,.. eom. el U.. O,_._l a.,_ -·w-•ff•Nd! '54 Cad. 62 c011., loaded w. mas,•· $1175. . '49 Chev. COllY. I • H. -.. -·-----·-$671 '54 Ford CNSttlM C011v., l•H ·--·--· $1771 'SJ Ford CrestllH COllv., Allto.·Dr ....... $1575 'SJ Chn. hi Air COllY., R&H .................. $1475 'S1 a.lck S.-Coev., Dywaflo• -.. -..... $1075 '51 Ford Cmt. Coev., l&H ................ _ .... " .. $175 50 MORE GREAT BUYS 1420 SO. MAIN-SANTA ANA ()pea Ev_..1• 'TU t All 0., .....,._ BullT_._ WANT ADS • L..rry Jerry Hooper Burks * * TUUDAY, IULY 26th want to buy I sell, rent or trade? CALL •DIDIZVOUS BALLROOM P11e11ll f• leaf¥tq Meeoelr Tt!mple Ttc•••• .......... lk••d'• Manet, CNIWferd'• .,,.. StoN. FllDWWWTll 1-'ty, Mllslrey lealty, allCI at le•MIYI• l1IFllM efttlhMj of DaKe JULY 26TH Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER ' .. 00A.8TAL 8BOPPEB EcUt1om of ~ Waa~ PA•E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PlESS ~ rQi WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 Bid Mn v~ te g. am nance DELIVERY GUARANTE!D Delivery ot the Newport Harbor New•·Preaa la l\l&l'&nt.eed. Carrier boya will deliver their papera ~ fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedne.day and Friday. lt your paper iJ1 not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brin& your paper. Classified 8peclal Notlcee y Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Kuu •ftrY Ttlurlday 8 p.m. Vl& Oporto -CentraJ Ave. Newport BMch Albert H . Matthew•. Exalted Ruter CEMl!:NT & BUILDING All lllndl !'REE ~ATES Llberty 8-8109 291.1 PA~NTING INTERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~1 • 31st St. Newport Beach HarbOr 11 76 22t!c 14-Per80nala AJcoboUca Anonymoua Write P 0 . Bo1 :lll Newport Buen, C&Jlf. Phone HarbOr 47116 Walla 6 win4ow Cl..iUns J"1oora. Janitor lervtce. Pbone B&rllor 4111. ITJ'IO' Roy's Maintenance HOUM cleula1-noor wax1111 Wall wuhin1-wtndow cJe&nJ.nr Venetian bllnda. Upbollltery ltmJred. Free EnimatH Liberty 4·1332. lltc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1659 30tfc Ml!lNDINO lN MY HOME, Collari • cuff• turned, html turned, etc. 467 Flower, Coet& J.teea. u 8·4610. 80p81 GENERAL HOUSE C LEANING A: window wuhlng. Lou Simon, Knight Hotel, room 8, Balboa. Harbor 3387. P<'p THOROUGH clr11nlng, btnutlful l11unt.lru11, 11110 A·I cook It •tr· vice. Colored. a t.OO hr. Lo<-al retert>nre. Own tran11portallon. Klmberly 3-9283. 80c82 CARPENTER work, all kinda. call Long Btach 7·2281 80p82 REFINED woman. experienced. Men for Construction Work STLU>Y, tull·U-joll9 wtth l&J'f• pubUc uUUty. Rish echool fraduatee betwffft 11 and U )'Ure of .,. wanted tor rerular amplO)"ITlent. OPPORTUNITIES for ad· vancement. •O·bour week, paid vacaUoru1, paJd hollda)"I, alck· neu &llowancea A penalon1. APPLY Mon. thru. J'ri. from 8:30 a .m. to 4 p.m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. 1030 !!. FIRST IT. Santa Alla 18--Beauty Alda -.nll apt.I. or amall motel to ------------- SO-B-Afl!'!!~~~---­ Al'PLIANCI!! CLEAJlANCE RD'!WlaU'rol\8 Olllmoft Sate mod. 1 cu. ft. t79.&0 81:RVEL I cu. tt .. clMn -·· 111.&0 . Cold.pet. 1 eu. tt., elM.a .... .e.&O NOROll! runa o.k., 1mall, 29.80 IUNOlll UnlY-1 elect., 3t" ........ $ft.&O Kmmon 41". late rnocMl .• M.&o Wasllf\6hOUM 31''. cloclt oven, deluxe ............................... et.Ml O'K A Merritt U'' .. _,,_ ... H .&O Proeperlty, top cover 31", 2t.&o VACVUJC Ct.&ANWR.I -cl.I:. Uprlpt, apt. 1tae, .... UT.&o mlaclrolux, W ;attach. ...... 11.00 WASHERS MAYTAG, wnnrer "-···· $39.&0 Bendl.JC, auto. worlu perfect 79.llO Convenient Tena.a. l:Yetythlnl' Guaranteed.. STR00'1'8 HDWll .. HoUNWVM 1102 Newpqrt Blvd., ea.ta M ... IOcAl RE-POSSESSED AUTOMATIC N'ORO!l WASHER U1ed only S monUu. Will take payment• u low u $8.88 per month. No down payment nec:e.- eary Jake's Appliances 1'37 Harbor Blvd.--eo.ta )(- Liberty l ·alH 80o EASY OO'DIT AT BAY EABY PAkKING EASY TOMS EA.SY ON YOUR PURSE 2 coot> ""'>'•· " tt. 160 111.p. • 18 tt. M 1.i f\.p. boall, both ti· ber(l&AM'd, fut A 1ood condJ· Uon. R ... dy to fO. AJ.ao fiber- ,.._ cloth JM1n ate. A-:Jc: Ma.ttft• Mbton. John NortJt. The Rhine (Lido PIM.) Har. .. T. T9Uc I PC. KAPL1! DINrrrll QRP. H' OLAUPAA LIDO, forward '2" round tabl' ' mate'• aha1J't ·~· Marftr7 M. '° hp., 1 ah.it ....... _. b t wtth l"l!Jnot. control, motor cart, """... u ch. TMNea trailer, tttra u..n.tom tlt.60 ftlue at B., 116.IO ll\lpport 6 wtndl. All Mw ltee. I PC. liU.TOllB> LIV. JU(. OR.P. Muat aeU quJcldy. M{"rinc out of lneludel .,a.tfann ndlv, club -. C&U Har. 1726 aft# I p.m. eba1J', 1-. mdll, 1 cott .. t&bl' Tlcll I wood .,._. ruttled &Mia tabla -12-rr-. _O_UTBO_ ARD Kelton er.It lampe, an.ao Yalu. &t B&.1 119.80 wtth •pray rail.I. U8ed ,_ Umu. -I PO. MODllRN UIC'I'. LIV. RM. 01\P. Jadudm I pc.· MCtJon&l wtUa pun fO&m rubber mpparad euahJona. 1'Vp •u&lJty ecnw, II" comer t.&1U. I 1t911 tad. 1 cottH tab .. wtth Dffll' niar tops. two I -way modern table lampa, 149.60 ftlue at B&y 2%9.&0 7 PC. KntBJCN OUTll'lT. InclUd· • Plillco I au. tt. rafria'. C rou top treaAr wttb criape.r, butt.er keeper, 11lel.,.. In door, 6 pc. chro111a or black dinette •eL SOx· f.o" naYar m&r mica top utn. labia, ' to&m nibbar M&t ch&lre: SS" SU r&nl'e: divided top, wtn· dow OYen door. !!lert. clock and Al.lo Ev\nni4-'1eetwtnd T~ hp. motor &Ad doll)'. Bar. lCMl·M avcnlnp. 70dl INOWBUU> ..U boat. Good eatla, _.. 4Mcat, new noor boart!9 '3'6. J{Sywtofta 6-1110 or Umt>ert 6-0427. 7tcll 8NIPlll lla.ll 8-t. Comp.lei. wtU\ buoy &nd lra.lJ.r. LI 8-70U from 9 to I p.m. Ttcil 33' CABIN Cnllaer. new crown. Com. or 1port llcenMd. Ball t.&nlt. Full equipment. $1700. 121 Rochlller, C<:11t& Me1&. U 1- Sl!Ol. Tkll INOWBU\D land dolly and wtncb for pulllJ\I' out ot water. 175. -tO-Autoa for SW ·---··----- HELP!! We Need ROOM! OUR Lot Is Small OUR Used Car Stock BIG our pricee a.re lowered to ma.ke room ! SA VE on these Saf~ Buy Used Car! '49 Chev. 4 door .......... S 290 '54 Ford 2 dr ..... ·-···-···· $1299 '51 Pontiac t dr. -···-S 699 ·~Lincoln t dr. --·---· $ 599 at B&y 397.&0 2708 Ba)'llhore Dr., Newport. U •1r2 M·-ury .. dr Sl'W\ft 1-3842. 80cll21 " ... ... .. • ----·· "'~ TWIM SIZE tnnenprinl' matt.re. House Plans Superfluous Hair manare. Local rd•. Husband re-LUNCH 6 dinner wall~ue•. Be&-------------- tired. Mr•. Mllltr, 2i131 E. Cout food V•rleu.... 2818 Newport washing Machine -------------with box IP'1nc. at.ao ftlua at 8'y SU6 ftOWBOAT, water proof plywood. 'M Ford Ranch Wagon $1899 10 ft.. by ' fl., oan 6 ntted he.avy canvu covtr. 170.-231 l!l&nta Ana A•e .• NfL Rei,hu. LIBatTr M261 f>erm&J1enUy ttrnoved from fac4 arm., tee•. Eyebrow• and hair lln• 811.aped-No more tweemn1. H""'Y .. Cot-ona de! Mar. Harbor Blvd. Har. 1161. 80cll SDtVJC. •01191. IOcSl ---.-----------BAY FURNITURE 10o 'M Wlllya hardtop cpe Sl199 . $2399 lltt• BION RICE, INC. General O:>ntractors Balboa It Palm Sprinp Plane -nnancinr lr&r1»r 4H·W 7~tfc "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY 'IWll MWW mael!Jna proce11 meth· od. J\euonabJa pr.en. Anrart I ~ raatdenU&l blind. Only $1.00 --. repalrad and rebuJlt. rr.. PlcJt U1> and delivery Work doc• by a ppolnlrnant ...._ UMny W701 or Klmberly 3-82'7•. ppUc FOR RENT ald.IJ aaw, IClec.. orru., Pollllhen. &.IJ tn-of Sal>dere, WhMlb&r· row1, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HlOHWAY UbartJ l-3U5, N19J10rt 8Q •tto Paintinr " Papetbaoctnc We do the work o\11'9elve.. ao,......,...._ Ller-88d 6 .........._ lau.e.eti~ ...,..teed. Eatlmatn n-. CalJ Job.nnJa. LI 8-.-T A LI ~ 81t!c &LUIN I... BR!' .urT R. &. U.0'1 8&1on ot Beauty H&.r. 2&11 tfa 20-Healtb AJd1 MASSAGE rN YOUR HOMF. ~"XPERIENCED GARDENER GARDJ!:?ONC A yard work by day week or month. Uberty 8-6139 alter e. 80pl2 1Adle1 Only. Serving the Har. ~-Hf'lp Wanted bor Area. For app'l. pl~ue ---·---------- call Harbor 0!92. 71c80 !2-Loet and Found LOl'IT -C'h.arlr"aea parakeet. Newport Hel1ht1 area, namt "Paler." Reward. Finder pleue u.11 Uberty 8·2690. 80c ORANG!: Kltlt'o lost Sat. on Ptn· ln1ula. Har. •966·N after 6. Reward, 80dtl LOST three dl&JTiond.e, -.•hit• gold dl.nner ring. Reward. Har. 2~1W SOCS! 24-&hools, Instruction CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY lll 11Pare lime tor contrac· tot'a o.a.m1naUon undt:r a ren· ...a eont:J'actor wtOI 23 yeart a:parlaaee. Cl&NU Tuea. and f'Tt. nea. T:H p.l'l'L Atttnd tl.rtt ... ion free. 8eJ1.a a.nyUma Al Tyler School GIRLS YOU wm have an opportunity to advance In our firm. because of our pruenl u - panslon progT&JTI. The starling ul&Ty I• good and you wt!I rect'lve frequent lncrtaau, too. J obs now for: TELEPHONE OPERA TORS -Applv - ~H \, :-:o Main 81reet Rm. 211 -SantR Ana 9 :00 10 41,00 r M, PACI.FIC TELEPHONE 73lft ATTENTION ALI.. BOYS - THE NEWS·PRESS I• now l&kln& can1er application• ror routu In tho. nelrhborhooda - Ba.Ibo&. WHt Newport, 8&1~ la., N~rt He1ch1•. C<irona del Mar and Oo3t& Mua. YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Deltlrn•r'• Fabric. at Whal-le Prlcca. MARGIE WEBB ltM Sa. Cout Blvd. Larun-Be&Ch 83 t.1c TWIN arr wuunrhouaa auto Laund~rmat wuh. It dryer, like new UIS. Six year •lze crib A mattreu. t lll. Har. 15884. 78c80 J'OR SALll l FCC approved Dia- thermy, 1 yr. guaranlt"e. UH. e&11 Long Beach 3·t>0313. 78p80 COKE MACHINES. 4 Milla cup drink IMdltnea with ch~ert . R. Ro1arU1, 1810t E RuaaeU, Whittler. Phone OX 7-28~3 78p80 1000 EMBOSSED bu1lnea1 card• $3.ft 3 Llne Rubber Sl&mp $1.00 ' Line Rubber lt&mp with cut u .oo rsu eul•l Book Matchu L. W . WHITE Uberty 1-4011, •¥M. LJ Ml• ppU. r-or Uloel wbe W'&nt th• but Konkel's ·Interiors Upbolatery, drap«r1M, bedaprcada. •ti peo'Nr& l'ta• 1-,..,. p'1ant.e on lobe doae and OD Wied waabera. 2'U"- (raar) Newport 81., Ooeta MllL "Where pr1caa are held at Bay" U7 II. l 7t.b -Ooet& ·M- Between Tu8Ua It Irvtna U-Muleal. llAdlo. TV ~1 Ford Victoria ··--· $ 999 Liberty 8-&503 or Liberty 8-t327. 64Uc Open Eves. til 8 lT" OONSOLll TV, a•5 'M Merucry Mont. cp .. 12499 TART AR TELl!Vl!IJOM CO. Two , • locattona. HOt m. Cout. CDM., ts~ Plymouth Conv •.... $1299 FOR SALE -Coldlpot rel. "1th new unit. 140. Call KI 8-27'2. u DINING ROOM It 27' Bro&dwa.J, l.q'un& ~ ''2 Chev. 1':.! ton pickup S 999 WESTlNOROUSl!: Laundromat ln l'OOd condition t75. Ph. Hu 1789 78c80 Used Automatics S39 .00 to S99 .50 DeUYued l.natalled. ,,aaranteed. Term• A "11ab1a We ServiM All Appllancee Specializinr in AutomaUca Auto. Waaher Enttrprtaea 2MI Ne1'pCll't Bl.-d .. Coet.a Me .. Libarty 1-TIOI (Near Oolt Cour M} .,,, FLOOR MODEL NOflOm daluaa nnra WU tteo .. now llfHl.91, Larr• oven. 2 broU· en, •llnmar buntft. 1 PC. 9olJ4 w&lnul. Include. I uphoi.tft'ed 1tde cha.lr11, 1 arm chair. large ext. table. In tine cond1tlon. $5.00 per mo. MA TrRESS & BOX SPRING l'llU A&e, juat rebuilt, nry clean ...... 'html Ir 10\I WS.h. 8EA.LmY KATl'RESs & BOX rut1 or twtn Ilse. hmoua l:n· ebanlad N!pta. Jarbd aeW". Ref . sat.&o for abort tJme only Pt.ttl -.cb. Terma. BED CHAIR MAPLE SPINET, one only u ao ... tbu rel.all c08l. WOODWORra PIANO CO. HlO E. Oout HIC'hway Corona del Mar. Har. &311. IOcll W A.NrmD 50 USlllD PIAN08 tor our bll' rental chpL RllhMt cub e.llowanc. ln t.....Sa tor OrS'&ft. Spinet piano, or Grvid pl&no. DA.NZ-BCIDCIDT, 620 ~e • .ltla1n. kDt.a Aaa SMALLl!:ST BTUDIO Plano with Ju.st lb• thl.nar for the dell It for ruu .. keybOa.rd IJI n ne COft· that "1\_,.,tff ru-t. !few -rer. prtca te9.60 -Now only dllloft. Ttm\a, 9'&.aa ...,. and 9'9.00 -&aa7 ~. ne.11 f>cr i'no. al SPEICD QUEEN IRO...,,,,_ SHAFJtR'S Ma.elc Co. (SUI~ 190'7) .... ~ •21-ua N. lroam6re, ... ta Ana h1l cabinet, two heat conlrola. Phone Kimberly 2~72. ~ r#t\clt, !!eat ewttch. Jtnee -------------• tl~ar Up prauure control, ott SPL"1:1' PIANO. BaauUtul cile & • an wamtn1 ttrht. Brand n-. tcm•. UtUe uMd ..... ""' 1100 a... IJTl.lll, JOU,.. for tlll.N . oa UU&. AMtMr ......... ..,._ J k ' A 1· .... M .00. I.-. Ume t«rma. ... b"9 ..... .., -. .... a !! s l\r:>r:>nances SPm>QUEEN ......... ,. .,.. tN'f MarbGr ~ •-Clhl'Hl!'JI DRYIDt D~ lllWlle OD •• LBMt7 ........ IOe A8tomeUc, ~ top, bl, 620 No. M&1n 8L, Banta A nL med.., limr bdt eontrol JP\OOI' A.lwa.ye lOO pl&Dcl9I ampt.. N-. H.&•e tt bet<>Ta Ula ralu come. R~. Jilt.~ N~ Clllly ....... . HAMMOND Orf'U. 8Mptq ...C. Help youreelf to the. 6 many more aold on May MONEY BACK GUARANTEE At Johnson & Son LINOOLN MEltCU1tY llOO W. ~ RWt .. N .. port lkh. LI ....... ()Jlen nH. Ul 1 •30 &. M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS CO~ PAINTING • hi*'~ Sima. ~ 0 . i>..UNbtl\8 1111 t-fo. Broadway, Santa Ana Ph. Klmberly 2-t.228 or KJ 7·3611 tic If you arfl 12·14 yra old and havt a bicycle, apply •t tht' Clrcula· tlon Dept.. NflW'Jl()rt Harbor New•·Pre ... 2211 811..lboa Div!!. Newport Buch, betwNn JO.Ill ._ m. or 4.f> p m. only uc.pt Saturday" Uc NP'W phone W ~rty 1-7971 EeUm&t.ee -------------MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO.· Oood ~ ... """ AnotlMr ---del'hll buy . .Hammond Clw>rd Or· ~an. Uttla '*d. 'nla 0,..,, aV«ryOOa CM play • ·ao CHEV'ltou:r ~ T. PAJfEL .. I FORD .. 'r. PJclCUp llOO It.ft Streat. Newport Bu.ch Ha.rtic. nTI OT Bar. 6'4t. Uc (;eneralt5ontractor Ut:l:NSED Mew Work -R.em~Unc J. Kl.LroN KcXENZIE RaJ'taor C*ll-J 68Uc Painting, Decorating ,..-... B.anginr GEO. BURKHARDT LlcmNll:D C0!'9"T'RACT'Oft 1'71 W. 11th ltt.., Colta Me• Llbttty 8 -U28 Real Estate School in Santa Ana MllM 6 WOMl:N prepare In epare Urne t~ unlltn.lted opportun1Ut9 In Real Elt&ta. New cl&.Uff WMkly. AJ Ty~r ln•tructlnr. At. lt.lld flm ttalin& frH a.nd lf'&nl about uua ~t tltld. Cllll or write now. Al Tyler School 1111 No. Broadway, Sant.a An& KI T·3011·Kl 6-34&9-KE 1·2613 trc China Painting Oaf and l:'Hl'llnl 0 ..... LARG.lli NaUonaJ Concern hu op- ant11r for a&Jeaman or .. i..wom· an In Harbor al"M: 1. Trainlnr Prosnrn 2. Ltada fumlJ.hed tree a. UnllmltNI opportunl\y Contact Mr. Mofsan, t am. to I pm., c o fVaerv1 Ho•plt&lluUon Plan. 224 Oll• Bid,& .• Santa Ana. or t'&ll Kimberly 1·18&1 for &ppt. Tkll I.ADY wlahlnr work 11 mi ld l al. • Sun. • other part lime work aa needed In loc•l holfl. Xian\ po&llb111lt"8 tor 1tndy work. Belboa I nn Hnt .. I NO phone caUa. 'l' De 80 Orese.ra 1'iltft l'f ow Phone Llberty ..... HUc WANT GOOD CARPENTER to H.H.HOLBROOK DJCPl:NDABLE PLUMBING A Pracnpt 28--SituatiOllll ,, ..... ~ ...... Kaintalned t,..da epar.,. lime 1ervkes In flt· chanse t or 1 rf Hotpolnt refnr . and • bun:itr Wedg""ood atove Ba.r. 1041-M. Olll ~"" i9tll ,.._e: ...,._ '826 ~ 6 WOMAN wtn do ,......,.,. llOl 8aDoa Blvd~ Newport Btaeb hou~work, floor 'ln.ll1nr. wtn· AUTO BODY MAN .,_.p dow cltantn(. rut worker&. ------------whJtt . Jlli IJ. totll I t., Coat.a NewJl<)rt Harbor ar-cl\'s El.c. Tool Repa.lr Mru.. u 1-2"1. pptt largeat Body work11 lldl Saw-. onn.. A"ndtn FULL chg. bkkpr. A acct. LI 8-3303. Call Lt 8·2<116 q mcx 11:1tv1cE CaJI aJtt>r 6 p.m. Harbor after boun. 78e80 LEWOO ELECTRIC CO. 2542. 79p84 --------- .,. No. N.wpott Blvd . ~pL Be.._ WOMAN to 1ld mothtr In houM· LDan:1 l-8381. Hiie GARDENING hold duUH A c1H• of ihrf'e chll· Malntmanca and ya.rd clta.n•up. dl"fn. 10, 12 A 1 •, :rn llld fi"h•f' day .,,,91, M uat ~ r•pabll' of PAINTING M. W. ROSS u l-3321 -w 11-7823 llO A YOC&d O, C OAi& M"-'Ul 70p83ll OUTBOARD POWER MOWER AUTO REPAIR LEN'S GARAGE I02e HarbOr Bl.-d .. OMtta Mf'U Liberty s-~tn. 10r82 CARPENTRY Klmberly 3·3025 tt•Y• Of R&rbor at tlmu &llf\lmlnr: fllll rr11pon•· 3034 e--renlnr:• A we.k tndll. Jbllltr S•l"ry U IO mt1nlh plus T6p&O ~r It l'JIJ)m!l"I Hu 2387-RK SKIP'PJtR -Ewperftn<'~. Put or full time. fln~r. rtll• ble. age 31. Ll l -Mt2. i llptlO 7(1«'110 HOU8EKEE'F'ER, \\')'Ill ., ll\'f' In. Competent A rPll•bll" ('nmpll't,. 8PORTnSRTNO •klprer iwall· r harge n! 3 rhlltlr-•n for worl\· •bl• u ~wd.-. cna<'h and itktpr>f'r Ing moth"r ~rw hnm,. <•n I t In Pr1v11t,. holt• only. By apJ'('lnl· lalt. Sal•ry nprn ~pply I lfl Via ml'nl for t ""~' nr mnrt. Marlin _r lo!"fnrl' ~ll<~I tt.hlng a •pcr la lty U l-41211 78p80 GARDENING ALSO YARD C'LEA~ l"P a.nd PL.A~l~G Ry Wtek or Month. U berty 8·76i!l i!lp80 WAITRESS • \!onm An e<"1k Aleo nlher 0J!f>n1nr:a nllw An \'vlt-w F.mr1• ~·1\I' nt Ac,.n1 ,. 21121 \\. cm.~~ 1t11:h"~'· ''""· rort Bearh I.lb< · \' S ~.tt •l ""'"~2 -------------EXPERIE:'l:CF:I> """' t11• 111110 '31 IC. 17th ftt , OOA& M.- TlpMJI MURPHY KITCHEN Comb. 1tove, 9'1111, fffr1(. 6 lllor- )(()HJTOR., wtln1• type ~. .nan, 14MJ for a pt. OJf tran.r. A.18o c.ment laund.r7 tny with ntu.,.. 11.&r. 0211.J. SOp11 1 ... H&rbor Blvd., Co8ta Mf'M U MUt 7k80 DA.1'Z-8CHMID'I' l"loo Co. 620 ,. o. Ma.Ill, Sant& A.I.la 8f>llel.AL BUT! 1.ft. M..&Jcu aorn,a.ta kltcben ot Sl w t.ed to Ba a.ny •pace M In. by U tn. N-____ .. _____ l..._ __ _ BJL\UTU\JL ~ALall tnapla 8 pln· 1'llW rrt(ida1n dry•r UOO and e\ ...-. Rat.al retln'9. hmau. rond. Coirt 16M). Price '325. W>Jn'ED \IMd wrt board. 1844 Har. 3H~. 711cll 0.lenneyr-e Laa'WI• Beacll. Mk rm.et tumttur-.. lncl irtove, re-ma.ke. LlJla ne"lf. Sava 1156.- f'Hr;. bdnn 1tet.dlnln1 table i nd Convm ll'nt tenNI at- ch&Jni. IOI W. Bay Balboa Hst SHAFT.R'S Mualc ~. ta.-e ttoTI llw8'tac for &le MAGIC CHEY CP clock-controlled 1ton . Cold•pot refrlr . Brw SI tire tcrttn, aU xlnt. rnndJUon, ------------- S8M 78ptl0 421·423 N. Sycamore, Sallt& Ana &IXMONI ~A·B4'<1 anc1 club Phone Kimberly 2--0e72. a.tao broadloom NP A p&da. Hu . &ool. 7~t ORIGINALS AM'l:.RNOON. Cocktell, dlftMr dre-• • Coordinate&. Custom DreS11ma..ldng Ph. Harbor 6261-R 71p84 Fresh Hearing Aid BA'M'l:IUU We Oln M.B One ei-pa Gunderson Dru2 Co. M&tn St. a t BaJboe JD.d:: ltaDloa Barbor 1116. Mttc l..ov•ly Ml of t CCbaf'T)"'tfVOd) Dll'H•h Victorian chairw. AllU..- orcaA1. old lclt<"hl'n cupboard, old chl.na. cut &IUll, r«kf'1"1. anU4va brllM, Iron a.nd wood ~. antl-- 9u• tablu . ~111, (I.JM. Jt'WelrT. old phono('raphl. lampa, ptctur-, booltctM. muatc box-. p&1"lt rare. t'lock.I Other ~Id Near.Nu l'u.rntture Mart GOOD Usm> rtm.NITURE ch&lr bot.ll hi rood oondltlon-------------- Reieonable. 37t l!:. 18th 6t . CM· TRUMPET, Brue Conn. Pan-Am· erlcan Ulled 2 ••kl. COil 1200, ta X-. U l-60TI. 80c81 ucrltlct ttia. ltT Alft111df> P1 . ' dr. chut .. -.. -............. $1215 3 dr. f'hN\ .. $9.7~ Cbroma d1n•tte t.abll! a.nd :t 3%-A-~uee cllaln -· '24 !l-0 -------------~ Mta of dlnlnr room LAMPS -apot.hocary Jan · Mm- cha.lrw ·-_ _ n 'l'~ u.. modN • and mt.ac. anUquf'tl Good Pl,...,_ U'T )()to '3t oo U-4 port.a.bl• W'Uh!nr machln•. UNd tumllurw 281t N~ l!lhd.. Npt Bctl. llOU8E O~ JORDAN H&rb.. 6o3t1. 1lc30 Dn NftPGI'\ Blvd., c.oata M.,aa. is.pal RIXliONS irprtnp for dble. bed, -------------Orand Hotel malt..-. 8plendtcl colldJUon. 133. Ha.r. 113. TklO SI Boe ... ~ TRADE BalboL Rar. OltO·W. 11)~ STEL'\'W A 'Y' ORAND. Gor.rf!Oua In every wa y. Parlor lllu Thia wonderlul hu trument at ' "'• 1&\1.n~ Many olhn Gran.di&. Ma· 9nn • H•mlln. Kna~. Story 6 <'!Ark, "lt PriOM MM end 11p. OANZ·RC HMID'T PU.no f>20 1'>o. Main. 6a.nt.a An&. 100 ~ DUNCAN PHTP'I!: drop let.I dln-tnc table -ta 12. 4 .1t"1gM cba.tn It 2 arm ('hairs. AL80 lllreaJttnint It •m&ll buffet Ulla lift'. 1120 Klnp Ro.d, U 1- IOOI ....0 Olld8 only. 78clO SPIN'r.:T rtano, I montha 014 . BAr- «&ln for <"Uh er terma to ""'"' JI0"8f•le party. r~ lntonna tlon • whve to ~ wnte Bo11 T·9 I Beauutu1 TCMt. awr.. aollOOfler. Ult.I newapapn. Ttpll 1"All1 t~ 10 UIJW'beft WIU _ ~• eiqulty 111 property or 1PnlJ.. BA.AOA.ml, Mabor. It M.aple cot· t .. t.abi., Kidney dr-n wtth •tool. M.,a. t1ippar cb&Jr. Har. bell' llM-W. IOc32 tar bmt. 1220 W. ~ Blvd., Newport. JlaJ'. IOH. 3tt!t ~ Pl'.:'R MO ttnt.. l'ood pracUce piano. Le\ UI• ~ a.e.m.. Ap- ply tf'rm rffll on pun:-hue. C«x1 uH"t pllUlOS 115, llt, 11211. Sll'T etc Loweet tf'rma. .. ood .. •le. BarplN ,.io... to ------------- 6 R. P. JORN80N nutboan:I wltll neutral 1100. Tout.ha II ft fl~r. g'laMed boat, uphollt~N'<l """t. nmole st.Mnni; $100 4oot R lvf'r Ave. Ha.rbor 1808-W. i8c!l0 OANZ·ICRMlDT. r>20 S o MaJn. Santa Ana. Alwa)'8 100 planoe. ~"(. off. De•l•ra welcome. Wa al~ buy and nrap. Brtnr your ltema In. Vtett our IU'("e 1tora. C"harlle D•vLI. 1106 IJ. An&JMtm St . Long Buch t6().1Jt. 80cQ It's Savory Bake Shop For the BEST in baked gooda Fln~t home brMda. Puc&la candl• St M &i tin'• J•m•. n.AJU.T 1'EW 1111 ft. eounter ronruca top, doora. I """'9ble puttt.Joftll Tl ln.dl-tn. top ball eorruplad plutle, ~tGm plt· woo4. em or '!'m1' u .,, 11 ... lNllatllt A dtrttt0tr7 bovdl tocether wt th lelten It numben. lknnl other ltame wlt&bla for. r-1 Mt.ate equipment . cau or phone Har. 1871, P1\EO J. CROSISR.. 3630 I:. Cout Rlf"-y. Corona dl'I Mar. 80c32 34' CABIN rRVSIER. 1lttp1 •• Twin ICrf'W'I, hl!lld a.nd I gallt1. J"ot Mia or trade for irma ller boat M ttel tll,att. l&M Pull An., Co4rta Neel l.J"-rty 8·il11 T8c80 Pl:NOlJlN !AIL BOAT A TNllet No. a•M tanor made a ll an• many eirtru. '400 J . 8 . Owenl, 2M Kmnebae .A" .. Lons Beacll ORGAN SPECIALS HAMM01"0 Splnl't erp.na. tl)ce new. Big R v1np . LOVELY' 11.ntl• manual~ or1an In ~rlect condltioft. .. .,.. l tOO. Cotl•t nlml terhw &l - 8HAJl"D\'8 Mu.ate Co. UUnea Jto'Tl '21 ... 23 H. Ryeamora, Banta AM Phone K.JmberlY 2-ol71. .... 08• Tlp80 _O_R_0_~-.-1:-lec-tro_nk_l _U ____ Wt __ ... MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOll TOO SMALL R.ESIDS,..l'IA L. palntln~ done 1tulc1tJ1 8t well. Reucmable. hour· ly rah" L. f>t'8e. 21S2 l"nlon An., Coet1 MNa. U 1 ·7411 aft· .. r I p m. 78P80 f111' Or J'~I' fll\11' SZ:rlll • IYo\4 2 \JO w. ()('ean Bl\'11. :->rwport Bl!llc.h J:l29 F. C•t Hwy .. Corona del Mar 80c82 ttmder the Yellow Awnlnsl BT OWNER. lNl II cu. ft. Deluxe 8e"el retrlg.. like n•w 1180 For a pp't to -. Harbor 2Tll7 &tt., 1'.1.30 pm. 78d0 PlC or LUDER.9 1p1nnuer ant n orm Mil. T hp Ma.rUn.. Board· lnl ladder for 30_.0 tt.. boal Cheap. lnq. w•k·enda, 1oe Via Kent-. Udo Jale. or CRe.t- excellent cond1Uon. Two ..... uaJa. '1.na for cb\U'e_la or bolM. You CAA •va at00 en Udl ,_.. eb&w. H . O. Anda,.... S01' 8. B&lbo& fbvd .. ._.boe llarbot HIO Utle CARPENTER Repair Work 0... Tour Roma Nttd R4'pah1n& °" Ramodtlinlr T Oall f'rank, Uberty 8-SIM ,;xr Praclicu Nun!e '''111i.hl .. R .. r. Har bor 1870 i9r 81 Booltlteeper • llfM IP llJ'hrr, p1rt tlmt ''n'I offlrt, rf'llf 11m ant Jnbit. hou.11.. k~rrr~. rnol1.11 bn111 h111l<1erA. m1u·h1n11111 :O:tw JOI>' rtllly fM m,.n a nt1 11 nmen CLEANISG A: lRONINO by lht Jt'NE FARRAR EMJ'l.Y AGCT. day. Experltnred. BA.lboa l•la.nd 402 •., :l2ntl St. preftrred. KJ 3·&09e 7~p80 Acrom from City H"ll SOclll 1249 S. Cout. LA«una Bch. 80clt BOTS BIK!:. 28 In. l chw1M PHANTOM. w1lh •P~ Im .. •~ttrin. ftndf'r lltt, cycl• lock. r tr Hu Bendtll ltp0-1~ '""'· Ivory paint EitceUent con· dlu~. f11roor 2009. IOp84 DAN'Z·ICHMIDT. 520 No. M&lll. kllte AM O'KDFE ' MlllRJlTJ'T f'MC'8. Yift' .......... da)"8. 10pll Fl1f1dalra A m&h •. dlnln« rm. eat. U . 11-1.ot. Tlc80 11 roo1' ..... tallboat. r...oy te 36-!!!e: o.a., Peta tall Baautl.tuJ condlUon. Good -Mesa Woodcra~ ..u.. 19~ .iee1 rtrstni-• ooeP3UlA.lf ,..,... .., are ., bow ahltld. Copper bottom 6 Storm A.XO c:ropptd end lnocu· UnpalntM • Juvenile P'umlture rubber tired doUy. Omeer ti.-lat..t.. ta AIW. Bl, Colt.a Ill•• LOE. reclln!nl' pauo cb&lrt '3.ta Inf trau:fernd. Jtluat •U .Ph. LI.bitty ....,., Tk80 Pl?l."lt l'EAOBOAROS . . . 18 t ll ~ Be&ch M·lOH. 79c8l 4 OR. PI.NE CHEST .... _ . 18.95 BOXER P'U?, ,,..,;;: hwt! hlnalt, '90 OftEV1WtZl' " ,., PJCXtJ,. POWEROUDll ~. 'It tNTEJUlfATIOHAL i., T. PICKUP '&2 CHPNllOLIL'T ~ T P ANEL 'IM CMC ~ 1'. PJClruP. RT'DllA.·lllATIC TRASS 'N ~ .. 1'. PrckuP ... CftltVROr.Jtf l T . 9' NO, I' S'TAIU~S 'flt ClfEVROLET I T PANEL 'If STUDF~Kl:ft I T. IM .. .. ,,, I IPl!:PJD, t ·U TJRU 'Ill OJCC 1 T . Ht•• Wit. 1 8Ptt0. T ·to TIRER 'M r>ODGE 2 T , • 'rl> DtJMl'", l l"PEF:O, 8 ta 'T'm.u '51 OMC 10 Wla:EL DUMP, 9 , L 'nUl"fS . t 00 TIR~ Wa ..,.. n•,.r.toclllf'<I on u-d t.N<lt• a1W! If )'our 1 re In : h• markn for •ny type nf a ln.ir w -. CM .... 70\I ._.. ff'a.I moM7 W.W. WOODS OMC Dr.At.ER 111-lt E. Uh IL luta A11e ~n 8und.ay a m ~ beadqua rt.ere fw Oralle• O>. lr.H CRRTSL.Dt N,..,., T ork"r tte tv:a.. Local Car l'!llull~nt "''"" lttuon. ~ •t,. .. nnc ""-· OW'nt.r t..lberty 1-71411. i llp&O llTUDCBA.KER Champ1'1n -r,.aJ UM.n, MW ctutch. ST""' u, .. ,. u ·.o U'Mr'ly a.11112 i~r1• 1M4 IUM VA.LI.EV MIUVIJ RY, all IO"""' tqUtpmen t. l1trrn1 C"11 IJ OWMI'. LI a.,aM:J nr Lf 8.-t!223. ~tfe lhl OLDllMOBll.E 98 ft'lur rtr. eeda.n. red~. "~••n h~romal1<. JDnt. condition. Pr!.c:. 119!\ Har1llor 1498 iit 71 WIM•lf 1tll. Clf'an. E11Cf'll~nt _.u., U .000 mUea. Or11'. CJ'W'Mf", It • H.. Baflf&ln S~. Hu. 281t -R befor. I pm Ttr81 roRI> Y..t • ~ l.ubl>lat sport.8 mr d\uM&. Ea~U!nt ""41&Uan. ""' ,...._, aM putt •t.c.. aioo. ~,.. !kn Juan Capl•• tneo. tJ an. t :Ot p m. 79J>ll t .Ail Wora.: Guarantffd 1ttlc ASPHALT TILE .Alwnlllum Wall Tlla KfSTL Diltrlbutore ~e pr1c-ea to Bookkeeping Service A 'T"JT.?l.IJON ! Conu.ctoni, Sloreketpet• HA.U'TU"VL Ma.ho(. Buffet. plate glu. top Incl. $75. 18' Curtt1 Wnght houltf'traller St&<>. 428 PART TIME MA~ Via Lido NOf'd, Newport Boch. ~ c.IMll up nn rv •rtnry on topl2 ._..k-etdl. Ja.nttot upenf'nce -------------- nkfoftary. Cllfttatt b 1t.k Jnhn110n BLO!fDI: wall cue A counter, MlnW"U &nd Deft ftJ'lllhU Ordere tum tor •butt.en 2121 Harbor, CX Liberty 1-19'5 •O' CABl:N type ft8binr boat. OMC dleeel ear. lu1tabl• for ch.&rt4t pe.rtt ... 86800. Kim. 1-8U4. 1~80 --a...lf\ed ............ .., folb at..DOClDt built dlnsl\Y. 1-n.. 1o,,.. wt.o ere ...Uy ~ .. ~y. 110-S for outboard. 8uJtablt for A.KC ~ I mf/1., ~ ---------- atiom. Mi Banta A.Al A .... Hew. -rM a 4epcn4abla a.Md ear .... port Hta SVll1QJllOa (.-.,t ,._r ~ ~ ~ .tll be h•rt Wed.) 'lctl TOKOMOW "'~Up •h•t h• Oontnct.on • nJa 8ttltrt ? 8-7'83 estf c Need tomaon.a '° reUeve y.,u of theM DIOllUlly boollhepln,..,,,.. "'9 T A.a alleut our "uonablt ...... ar. tlU-J Toctl •t J olm11<>n • Son Uncoln Mer· 1 WJZ cut\ A bllllf\6 llW:hlne, C'W'J. llOO ,.. .. CoMt Rlfh-Y. or drat9 mann.-quln-. wtndow eel.I U..rty 1-6845 tor appoint· ltanM. MW1n1 machine. 1tc. rtlaet. IOcll 11.Ue olt~. LI 6-T.... IO Uc Pleuel Wt need borMe ten. TODA T l 0.eck Ula u.af'd Muy a ~ dMJ 11u ..._ ,IMda child.. Ill. Call Bar. 1837·R. tJlnuP & mnall ch ,,... ... 7\P90 .. • • .. v v Check. these Used Cars 8\17 ,._ a loeal dealer wbl wtU be ben TOKOM OW to back up Wllat be Mll• TODA.YI • .._ ... Ta.rh JULY SPECIALS! lDN MERCURY • dr. Monterey, llcht blut, R ls B, Menomatie. Exceptionally clean $1595 1862 DE 80TO V-8 ' dr. lledan, licht blue, power' llteering, power wind.on, new Vogu. wb.tte side wall tires, low mil~ age. ~in Oil Imperial. Only ······-.. $1~ loa6 CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 dr . .edan. >-tcDe ,,._, fully equipped, low mile· ap. Eueutive ear. Save ........................ $1000 UC50 S'l'UDJCIUKER hn"'w coupe. Over- drtft, tight sny, .cellent traupor· tatioa ............... -...... -.-~ ........... _____ .... $ 425 LOU REED CHRYSLER -P LYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway P hone Liberty 8-3486 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. UWltiea paid. with Yacht allp accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or .tMtin&tion, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc 43-Aets. & B008ell for Bent '8-~Bouaea for Beat BALBOA ISLAND RENT.AL -LIDO ISLE Charmlng-houae, 2 bdrm1., avaJJ. now to July H th. Well rurtilhed. Garbar• rllllpo11&I. Ftrepl R ea- 110nable. Har. 2567-W. 89t1c 48-A-Apta. for Bent Balboa Furn. Apts. Do\ Y -WEEK -MONTH Heart ot town. 11 block to bay. l block to ocean le pier. 917 E. Balboa Blvd. Hubor 1729·J YEARLY RENTAL UNnIRN. 2 bedroona, 2 bat.ti.. Choice loe&tlon. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Bcb. Harbor 1013. 80c82 FURN. HOUSE Sept . l , Twin beda 6 bed divan. flrcpl11ce, rom er lnl. good locaUon, 2 adult.. 721 Porpy, Har. 063b·M. 66tttc New Store Bldg. for lNM, S·5 yn .. 15xM ft. park· ahoppln&' a.rea. 1'1( ~Major artery. IA Udo BLANCHE GATES Realtor 31 l Kanne A ft., Ba.Ibo& b land Harbor 1871 '8llc For Lease- ITORJC 14'&!16', llUit. tor protea- 8'onal, beauty abop, real eat.ate, XLNT. LOCATION DOWNTOWN Coet.a Meaa. Barbor 288e·W. 68tfc LEASE FJN9 LOCA.TlON tn Corona tlel Mar. Completely equipped for baking or dellca tt11111<'n. Phone ~rbor 4Ma for app't. t:,Uc Professional or Business Men 54 Vollcswa9en *PAN-AMERICAN * BALBOA ISLAND P.aramount-Terry MOTEL APTS. LIDO TSLE SEV F:N BDR.M.S. till Sept. I:'> DUNf"AN HARDESTY lntereated ln office apace In new prop<>&ed bulltllng. l7lh St. !'\ear Thrifty A: Alphl\ Beta MarkelJI. Co&t a Mesa. Call Har. 0269. i8trc at>4)(. 90PI*' color. Red p&utlc tnt.tor. Bmattflll eoftd. 11 ..a. 50 Pontiac IEDANrrrE. One lt&dio and hater .. owner car. U911. COTTON GOFF VOLKSWAGEN DEALER t u e Newport Blvd., Npt. Beech Telephonl' Harbor II T8c80 1148 P'OflO COD\IC!Ttlble. l!!:xcellMt '66--4:,' Pan Amer. 2 bdrm. -- A BUY. '&6-18' Ttrry-8PIOCJAL ':12-27' Mobil-Tandem-bath. . M.ANY MORE -Ea11y Term• Port Orange Trailer Salee 2200 W. Coe.at. Hl(hway Phone Liberty 8·H20 Newport Beach 72c84h 23' TRAILBLAZER. Awntng, ~fr, apt. t love, M parata bdrm. Gond 189~. Har~ Mobll4' Homee. Lot la, 1~5 Supenor, C. M. Al"TER 11 a.m. 78p80 rond. WSW. ttr ... 12186. '93 !I. 47-Wuated t.o Rent 18t h 8t., Coat& MHL 80c82 1937 CH'EVROLET rouJ)fl $110. - Hu rf'bullt 19.'lt motor. nt1w bat· tery A n1n11 icoort. 139 ~II Pl., <"011ta Mf'H.. llOc •1 PLYMOtrTH. 2-<lr. new m otor, new palnl, R&H. rood Urea 1"1!· ennable. R•r 13llfl·R. IOcl2 41-Autn Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN '* with this ad * 8 Cyle. ___ .... ___ $48.88 8 Cyla. ···--.. ·--····$58.88 Rentals Wanted We need ai/. and bou.Ma ln a.II ..cUou for both winter and ,_,., -...., rum. ~ unturn. It JOU ha'H • Yaea!ley. pbme t.oda1 The Vogel Co. ll01 W. a.t. ""7.. N.wport Bda. P1K11M LIMltJ I-Mil ~ M.artDe, Balboa 1aSaa4 Phone llutlor "' •T S. Oout lrJ .. Oorcna da1 lf&r Piion• 11....-1741 Udo Of'floe, 1411 Via U do Harbor 6171 12Uc W .ANT llnfutn. I bdrm. hou.e - ea.ta Mf'M or .-tctnlty -ean Harbor &at6. Tlp80 lnclud., both labor -d pa.rt&. New rlnt•. wT1ft plnL ftl" ~-~~A.~f!!~JA!._!!!'!;!'!!Jf!!!!_...:.. __ ..,.... fJtthlp ot ......... ... ............ apert met.or._, ... a.mo. ... W ....... OD tO·day or f .000 mil• SUU-""-Balboa Ialand 6 Lido IJlle (NO MON!:Y DOW!';). 8mall a.., Cll'..,.... a --- REBUILT ENGINES tTI to taOO -ua -UP to 11 )ION'Mla TO P4T-VOGEL co BuUt ln our own factory by Millfld • m&ehinlat.a. Don't. contend w1tll 2oa MartM Aft.o Be.Ibo& JllaD4 the mtddlt man. Buy direct. ft. ~ "' or Jlu1Mlr 21.61 REBUil.JT and INSTALLED R-. Jlar.1,.... •Bar. 8069-M SHORT BLOClt 14ttcl FORD ........... ~.-.. ---l ut.&Cl NEAR BAT It OCZAN. I rooma. CHEVROLrr .. ----IH I .DO .... Pl •. AnilabJe now. 16(). wk. PLYM. It ooncp;. ·-·---11M 109..etll It toll 811)' A'"-, B&Jbo&. CHRYS .• OP: scrro ---$110 78p80 STUDDAXER ..... ---1110 ------------ OLDS It PONTIAC e -$110 BUlCK -·---··-·----1176 HUDSON -----·--$176 Loan Car Free Towt.n1 NEW CAA OUARANTEIC Block muat m"l our •tand.arde Phia t.uu, &U)let.a a.lid Oil ~ 1tw1day i o a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS '()p«n D aJJy I to T l t&te JkwMd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. I A.N'TA ANA SPECIAL OUR.DfG JUL y F oreign a-'o ft.Ive grind by .:pert mecbanica rtJJUll. AYI' . .s..p1 I a1-> rum, ._, weiM M month ru.an· &bl• wtU leue. Har 246•·J. 78c80 BALBOA ISLAND Untum. 7"Y. rental. 2 8tory boma tn cboio. k>c&Uon, cJoee t.o bay. I bdmu .• S bat.ha phi& dm a lan•I. 1185 per mo. W.W. SANFORD. rea.ltor • A.NOCial4'1 Pvt! It ,......__ HAr. 2t fll 7Utc 2 l'\1Nf. bo~UIC rma. aVlLU.. Jul1 17-no cbJldttn. DO dnnlc· en. LI a--. T8c80 1 BDRM. bou.e turn. or \&111\J.rn. AMo -'1 f'unl. apt. 8otll yrty. laq. at u e . llllt I L. Newport Beadl. LA111bert 6-tl't!S attn e p.m. 78p80 ROOMS, CXYM'AGES. AP'I'S. DAY OR WEEK 6 CT Ji.. ob ~,.. tll9iDe labor JI'• ,_... 111.&0. TB.m &LUI': TOP MOT&l.. .03 Newport Blvd., Jwlt •boV• The ' en. n.t '-d ..... labor ptm part•. ... DO, .An:bM. 'l'ftfC • CTL. oil .............. la bor plu9 pwta. .... DO, VOLltlW.A.OOlf, -·--MUG liabor ,,._ pm-. CDM IUJDJ'.neT ttnlal nice 2 bdrm fW'll houM. mo. AUit or lonl't'r . A.Lao ~lllll 2 bdrm Ul"lf urn du.plu yrly. Har llM-R. 7k80 RENTAL r SPF£IALISTS Olll Edna a.tr H .... _.__ Moton Inc 819.nebe Gates, Rltr. vUH.,., .,,. t Ill Kartaa Aft. lNI ~ Bhd... Ot«a M-aMJboa Jal&nd. Har. 1171 Ttt.t.i u ~ ..... 1 77eM --- AT'J'ZN'l'ION Na.a.-l-ludson OWMirS Rioh Bahn'• G&rage • Ja.-...t ..,.. a a.ntce .... Oood~ c.rw l'tlr .... ~no Radio RepMr' «>9 E. 29th St. ,. .. , ........... .,. M ' aPAJtTJJf, SIMO. Olnette.' hl1lt bed8.. ""' modern. Sabmlt ~ t.-ma. Kr. lAnnOn. tlO W. -'l'Wlla. IOpl2 j NEW l't bdlim. ~ Na. mo, yn. ,_. THE VOGEL CO. QOl "· C.0-t Hw7 ' J(pt. 8-c~ LD19V W'8l. IOc82 COROJU DICL KAR. 1'lrin •llMllo apt. y..,~ ..tal. .AduJt Cini)'. UtWUH paid. Ito p.t.a -818 M.ar1pcL IOpll T&\ALT Jm>f'T.A.~: • ~ prap. moden fWn. lahed ~.. autom&llo ...,_., J06'i •Ind. Jf~ Al.a() 1 bedrm. ~---. *-doon f!tOm emt• ,.... , • dWliclt.. •1• Oold9rod. Corona del Mar. Pbone tor appl. to •how Llberty 1-7807 atler 4 p.m Ot' e&ll al 201 ll&nta Ana A n ., H-P'IP)>O't ....... IOotl Taking r«"B"rv11llons dey, wttk, nr month. 324 Manne Ave. Har. T'h. Har 4718. C-2 BLDG. ~&">. 7lplH -OC-EAN VTEW Corona d4'1 M.ar. 4 R.MS. rlus k 1h·hl'n ... baU1 1tnrl I rm. 2nd nr. Newly decoralrd aound proof crlllngio $7:'> mp. ~27 aJAt bl'hlnd P. o . 1'1"Wport liar SUMMER Rentals Oeluxe turn. apt. A rocwna. Da.y, week or month Jdul location -a few lllepa to 4'wryUl1nj\'. 104 P:. Bay, 'B&lboll. Har. l'i3H 17tfc ------------C'ORONA DEL MAR 1tl1dlo apt. rurn. No t:00k1ng. !Seat location Monthly ..,,. yt-arly. Rar. '3:12 a!tff l'I :JO. 'T9c81 P't.JRN. One bd.rm, apt. N .. ,. RJch· &rd'• 11hopptng cent.l'r. Summf'r 135 w~elc or SM mo. yrly. Har 2344-J alt4'r 8 p.m. 1104 34tb Ell. Summer Rentals • Exclualve Bay Front.a + other choice properties Harbor l.tand, Bay 8 h01"1!•, Bu· ('on Bay, qualitled cllent. onl_y-. Hubor Invetrtment Co. Harbor 1800 (EY-. LI a-6386) BAY VIEW APT. on Udo Penln· aula. New 6 attractive panell,.d Uvtn~ room, 2 bdnna. For yearly lea.M. Ph. Har. 2751 OT Har. 80. NO. 5 BEACON BAT -Summl'f rmta.L Spacloua turn. apt •• al"JMI 4, oftflooklnc bay. J une 16th- 8ert. l llth .. "°°· month. .u....ao Will t.&.k" re.ecrvaUon f'or .... tel'. JIN, Mn. ~ te ...-nta. &aUc NEW Ip. 1 bdnll. dupleX. Uatuna. ~ dillp. TV je.ck. 'NU--pd. Nea.r M.y It beach 116 mo. ...... >OS~ 6'U\ Bt.. Npt. Sch. IOpU Lido Lease w~ turu. new 2 bdrm. 1 ~ b&UI. ~ equip. kiL OW., ~ d.18p. tie Vl& U.S. Nord. Deluxe Furn. Apts. Oil& 6 two bdrm .• w1UI ~OIL A YL!li&!>M tor taim m..-. AL80 yearly,....... ID Heart ct aol!'Plly -Lou of park:bl«. 807 & Balboa 8'vd , B.aboA Harbor"°'· tclt'82 BAT FRONT, 1 bc1nn. fUm.. l1I new m.od«n a.pt. bids. ~ Aug. ltOO. Harbor 4309. 80c82 A T'TR.ACTJVI: oo.n v»w 1 bdrm. apt., parti&Uy rum. 8u1t.a.ble for couple. 57~ mo. yrly. WMl lfde ot Colrt.a >rte-. Call • t.o 5, Har. iO. 80tfc KTC1!1L't FU'RN. 6 rm. apt~ U,hl It aJry. WUJ ar rommodate IS ptO\)le. near P 0. ti.ilk &11d •tore.. 2 b~. from ?>Nab. rfltt 166. ~r wHlk. Coot.act ownn, 321 Orchid An .. Corona ~I )Car s-. 612-R. 8c'lt- TEARL T. NEAR OCEAN MEW 1 B'EDROOM rum d&lpk.'C apL Tiie k1tcbf1l • b&th. Hclwd. f\n,, auto. wuhcr 6 cb')'ft', Oar· A«''· ST'O ~r mo. ""'· '847-W . after e·ao p.m. !Oc~2 A 'ITN.1 Baclaelore A c.1s ! NT.WPORT BEACH, Yl'V round rum. l bdrm. • sua.r UtWUee. N...,. B&y • a.a.ch teO. mo11 lh Olli Lli-ty 8-1~ 80l!r .... fOI' 8-t l RORK. .. URN. ~. """' Oty Ha.I.I. LI 8~2M. 78c80 CORONA DEL MA R. S room t'al· fac" a~ for A UJ. 1160. mo. or 1'6. WMk. 508 Fwnleet.f. WA. TERl"'RONT. Newport. hnl. I bdrm. 6 dftl. I bst.M. No Unena cw o.-... l lM mo. cm Y"· 1-. A-S~ hpt. L Jl811'b. 16'().R. Tettc PARTl.t ftlni I bedroom home f.oed yvd. p&tso, Crfopl.. ... d-. Bar KHdMm.. Jdea.1 for ...udln.tl. pet. --.n.. yeu\y ,__ t10() mo. JllllP °'9s. Jl. 18o80 VACATIONERS .,. RA VII a ftrl9l7 at nnr nk'e· tr twn. ...atalt anilable ln Newpdrt It Le.gun.a.. '30. wk. .t. 1.1p. 1.Dql&&re ~ a t., Npt. P1lcrDe llu'bor u:ie. 17p90h 3 hdrm unfum. houae, fvil'ed rhlldrrn okay -Je1.11e only. 460 SPrr& Drh-e. Mc81 -------------- b()~ 1 fJr 2804 J, K. 78p9 l w ANT l t)r 2 bu&nus women be-M-BoslneM OpportuaJttetl tween 30 It. M tn •hare lov4'1y home 'll'ilh 2 women. ftt'fl'rences. LI 8· 1082. 80c8t NEW turn. hOU!!le, tri L1dn S hop plnit cenl l'r. Sleepe 4. SlTKMER ,.,.nl&J, !>22 Clubhou1e Ave .. Ne..•· port Bearh. 80r82 UNll'URN. 2 brlnn ho~ Newport I Hf>lgh u . l 80 m nnlh to month, $71\ on yrly. 1-. Avail. Aug. 1 o.vn .. r , l.I 8-6297 ewe. 8()(81 Rlf0RECLJF'J'8 ·-Watufront. l 11tnry. • bdrm., •bath, aMv11.nl• qtr-•. Stp. dining nn. ~ l'llr gar· "~f> A\la!lsble Auic. \. A fter Sept. I!> wlntl'r le&M". 15hown by appt. C..<>urte..,, t.o brokera. Kar· bor 1•as. 76p81 A MOM!: -nol • holla6. Mont.b of A ug. only. "60. W t.o W carpel· Inc, 21 In. TV, 2 pbont&. J~d• BBQ., Patio. tum. •,., block from club. OWllar. Har. 3141. Tlk-81 TRLY. RENTAL. 2 bit.rm. rum. Opportunity Are you ar q•J!ltntPd with """'rt h f"; Do , • .,u h&\'e anvth1ng ag1uni-;L 1J,·1ng •n cloe4' prQi11m11 v to R&rlltow provldl't1 you • "" m&kl' enough tn """"" In lllr"" nr fnur ytl\r&. You c&n m11k,. nvf'r tw,., tho11lC8n<I " mnnth m ,.1,.a n Jt11ry ""' prnr11 .. nn 11n tn- Vl'lllment nf '"" thou1111nrt ra.qh llllrl a ,.,•i1llngnf'1111 lo work 111 nr· ..r11ttn~ a irrnur or 11tmr1,. hlli<I· """~"· T11kfl a11l't1nl"J:" nl Ill nn rllik -tr11l that r11n »l yn11 nn HtP rt'lll•t lo pm Kre!'ll by lesm1ng th" <l~llltil• At nur nfttrr, ("~ hPllll h llllll wu.J th to >..,..." LEE CASEY OFFICF. 2721 JI:. <;~t Hljl'hw"y C'ornna del Mar H•rbor OMA. hOl'IW, 1,., bllc. to C<Nlt.a. Mesa ------------- BuSinf'llll dlatnct. A.ctul~ or w1lh 1 ,_ ..... DO pet& LI 1-5788. 7tc8l NEAR BALBOA. COVU. Brand n-I bdrm., euna. hot-. n,.... pl&ce. W.W . ~t. ....,,._. AYallabM tor ~ 609~ Uth St., Kewport lalAlld I BDIQL turn. ~ -t 09 34lh St.. Newport. 72p8' SHORE CLIJTl!I prtni.. I bdrn\. tum. ho"'e sm P"I' month. yrly. 1-. or wm ee.11, St9,960. un.- tum. CAii OWi!~, Har. SJOll·R. 59tfc \.TNFtJ'RN. 2 BORK. HOJIO!. W t.o W C&rlM'L Beautl!ul y ard. pat.lo. ftttplke. ira.r. 112:,. mOlllh. Lfc'e. den w1tb ttreplate .t. balh. l..Iberty 8·t'l'T50 a!ter 6. 74e82 FOR LEAS E TWO BEA UTlFUL MW l~ Terrace unfurn. vlt'W homeL 3 BDRMS .. 2 bath• and 2 BEDRJ.fS~ 2 bath•. Call Harbor 1775 o r Barbor '4-41. EARL \\', RTA.."iLEY. R!'altor J rvine Tel'TM'e Ot(lee Corona dl'l Ma.r. 3!1Uc LE ASE P'JN'E LOCATION In C'omn& rlel Mar. Complett.ly 4'qulrpert fnr balctnr '" rll'llraLeurn. P hnn1> Harbor f 2e3 for app'L 6:0.l!c FORCE D TO SELL Thriving hou.eecle1&11lng boalnrM. Opporl11nlly to make lt'Qt'ltl mon. "1 for rl&ht p&rty. ld&lce off,r to Bos H ·H . lhla paper-. 7tttc Restaurant o.nt~r Newport S..arh. On A off beer Mlr. MUJtt .wll -<11'1o I or'• OT°dA!!"ll. To\,& I pMI"• f'f'dUCl'•I to $i600 -y rly lfT'f'I"' $30 000 DAN A. JAC"OHIU:N. 1,1 8·63li ILJ..N'E~S ,.ORCES aalr M i.lnl lion In H11.lholl. C'•ll 11rtt-r 6 Balboa Island 2 BDRM. HtJl'SE unfum HO.- Newly (!ttor1tt~ va.ae. H.rbor BY O\.\':-;ER, KOPPER KF"n'L.E 0633·M. i8ci0 ~3taunint (.;()c)IJ golnf bua1nf'!• Th@ ~ C'f l'qUIJlm"'I R""~ 3• MAY c:onaider Lrad,. tor 1tm111ltot plar r or f\n'lpnly CAIJ, LI A·2813 ath n 10C>ru1 "0tfc LIDO ISLE AUOCST-furn. 3 bdnn . l b&U) homf', l&l'Jt• J)t'tlo • barl>ecue Harbor 316:1-J. 80p82 55-Mocu·1· to Lou 8 HORECL1FFS u.n.turn hon:ie. S bdmv... 2 bat.ha. Tnr lf'...._ S23t'I mo. Llb4'rty 8·5573. 80c82 49-Booma for &eet ROOM tor 1ll'Or·k1nir man, H'1l It.lid rollJ watf'r ln room Pvt en~ trance » P"" wt't'k. 12a-2101 8t Newpon pp Uc 5'-8totM a Of&e. "------UDO OJl'FICE RPAC E -WJU 11ubl•l •pace wttable for a ttor· nl'ya, ~njt1neer". l'lc. A pproll NO COMMISSION No Appraial Fee SALES -REFDtANC'E co:-:sTRUcrtON Call for F'rtt Fut Commitments on Ruldf'nc-u a.nd UnJt.tr only Don I. Huddleston l 73 F:. 17th ~l. COSTA MESA U 8.f.5U U 8-8:)62 1~"30 ln 11hnrp1nir .,.... on Via ------------- JJdo. Call Don Cole atl"'1IOOl\ll only, Hiar. t 850. 59Uc Modern Store FOR R.li:NT, Ii~ pt>r n10. Puk.lng tacllltl•. torced lllr h•at, suit· a blf', lllllur&ncl'. r"lll Ntat•, lfl!l1 elc:. Inquire 40& E. Balbo• Blvtl. Harbor 2070 emc omc g FOR RE:-:T Cl"f'te CM t« Loc.llon, ll'd •'. 1110. 1>4'r mon lh CB..UU..rA T.. flART. RH.ltor S410 w. ~ 81V\1... r-:pt. Jkb. TieM RlllPfT OR l..EA.81':, ofnoe ~ .c.ore •P-Oood locat.ioa 09 Ooul Hichway. <'All U 8·3381. ~2 t atorea or ottloM, on• :iaxao. OM u iao. Low l"f'nt , Sull11ble torr•._ tail bUJM.n r'H Ot ortl "" 6()7 I:. Balboa mvd , Har. 3eot. IOc-&2 Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, BaJary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service A ppllca llon llUIY be mArl'i' tn J"'r· aon, by phone tJr by mall. CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 18911 Rerbor Blvd., Cn11l"-Me<J& LI 8-7751 -Open Friday a tlU a Clolle<l Saturll•Y-41 tic LOANS for Homes 5,. -JO yr, Lo6n.t Construction Loans I D BOB llA 1'TtJl:R 2615 EAST 004.BT BLVD . C..-dt l Mar Barbor 38111 ftlop. POIRISR MORTOAQI: CO. aicetro Lita In& r-.-Kl. 1·!.il M '8tlo U10VIUOmDllO a bedrDolll home.. M-A.-8......_ Reoatala Bnnd rt-· Newport VU!ta LOA1'18 TO BtJILD. DD"ROVE BuT, MODl:RHJZE, OR It.SIN AJfC'S ,,. ~ Trut Deeda M'WWPORT BALSOA IA vnro8 • LOAN A.8SOCUTIOH 1311 Vta Lido. Pb. Ji.r. dOI dll Tract • tmmedlate oowp&ncy • DES K SPACE wlt.h ,hon. 81f'Yice near llhopptnr cen~. t..rw13por· 1 130 mo. ~07 E. Balboa BlYd.. tattoo • Ye&r round • '8 . ., JWr Balboa. .Pboa• .,_-.r111, een1ee _,tb. U 1-TOU . illUc alM) a~ Bar. ltol. IOct2 OOA.STAL SBOPPER Edit.lo• of REAL ESTATE LOANS Intel'elt Rate ~% ~ NEWPORT HA~IOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1956 Loan. quickly made tn th• e.., Area ud ea.ta Kua. Sln(le or mulUple unlta. New or olli S. wt. and an by r.CMftCIJ:I• ,.our pNMDt loan. Kl111mwn ex· peaee. No chaf'l'9 tor pnlJmt· nary appra.l.NJ.. Pbone BaAta An& Kimbuly a..a33 or WT1te ARTHUR A. MAY Mortrar• Loan Corrupood•t OccldentaJ Llf e IMurance Co. 933 South K &lll Santa Ana pp WOULD Ulte to buy U t MIO itld TN.It Deeda. Call Har. ~28. 61Uc 56-Money Wanted ---- {:.;-: INVESTOR -t:r-k y,.,UI\~ fllmlly O\All hM 111NJ nt>"t:I for $~1)1.10. \\ 111 pity ha~k Al rale of $200 mo. wllh lnternt we>rk· t•I out tn •0111 .-n<I bonus. \.\'111 ~we a II n1•w furniture. 19!1:1 I '111·k11111 400. & 1 :H h lnter~Ht In Nul'I Corp. u.s ~l'l'Urity for lollo. C'nn furnt!<h AAA·l credit an<1 1•h11ror tl'r n•ft•rt'ncl'l'. Rtply Box S·8. l'llr<' thl.~ r11prr. 79<"80 SELL YOUR PROPERTY! ! w .. hl'he,·e the qu1rke~l wsy ,,., itl'll y our propf>r lY Ill t hmugh 011r "npen llmu,,. Sy11t,.m". "'" wtll llfl gletf tn 1nsrect &. l'll'lp vou ,.~tabh~h 11. r<lrre<"t 11tlhng rni e <'all nnw fnr 1nJnnn11tltln, no <lbhga11nn .J AMEl' VJC'K, Rea It nrR H11rbnr ~o.,. 7!'1r88H ------WANT to buy from owner . Good Z b<lr m hom" u sl 111d40 or C"oata 111..... Arn11ni1 ~12,t)O(). Wnl" Rnx ().~. t hi• J'~Pf'r 711p80 ----------- 'i'~lnrom~ PmJM"rry· --'-----HOME and 6 Units Goon tNrn~n:. $:16,000. H 9 Ham· tllnn, off H&rbor Blvd.. C"o11 ... M"ll" 76pR8h \\'ILL Sf:l,!, nr lrN111 hold l'aM k l11n1t,.t11n1t" r"r r uh or '"lUlty In " h,.,m,. 10:\ Mrf .. a•ttff'n f'l , Nc\\rpot t JW1u•t. Her 3n1R 78d0 MOOER~ 3 t~l'lronm. 1' hAlh, 1'1\0 ,q ft 11., yr fJld ort:~ FnR l~SPl!;C'TION SAT .\ Ell 'N , AFTERNOON 601 F·ullerton Ave, l"pt. H ta. i4trr. Nl!:WroRT BA y fronla![• -•OO fl fin bay , par\.18.11)' 1rn1u•t1\led with lndu11lr111I blrl.:a. Wiii lt.ue or ,.,.11 Writ" Mr Rlnic-~r ZM Ko. O.vnly Drive. Beverly lhl11 79d4 South Laguna lot O-O'x 170' ncean el.ti' nt lll1hw1v. Mn• R ·I U 00/) do\\ l1 Sale hy nwn r r, llubor IS!li ·J d&lly 11ftl'r I p m o2pli4 ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE July 21, 22, 23, 24th 1 to 6 p.m. only Do You Want One Of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost ? l . 2. 3. 4. 5. Custom built 3 lge. bdrm.I. & 2 baths. Rustic Living Rm. 6 Den opening on beautiful king aise patio. Over $2500 in profeMlon&.I Jandacaping. It's a beautiful quality home on & priz..e corner . This is not a profit seeking resale, but a legitl· mate forced sale. The addreae le 621 Cliff Dr., Cliff Haven. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, LI S.3'81 Eves. Call Llbert.y 8-1421 -Llberty 8-1646 $2,500 Down 2 br. hoUHe tln upper PoineettiR. Nea.t little bunga. low with G.L Loan. See thia eoon. it won't lut. Sale or Trade A uniU! in Balboa.' Ex~Uent lncom~. V flf'Y flexfble. OPEN HOUSE IN CORONA HIGHLANDS ~20 De Ana 488 Rivmt LAKE ARROWHEAD CABIN, $24,000. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Pick HiJJiard, Pat PattiAOn, Geo. Rllban, Bob G4!ll"fttl 3034 E. Cont Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 3"I CLIFF HAVEN 1 bdrm. and den drum home, Iota of cdoeet llplC*. Pine paneled-view of oc:ec. ll!Wl down, $8,615().. BALBOA ISLAND Deligbtful 4 bdrm. plua playroom home 11-.r No. Bay. . .. . .. ·-··---·-· $26,000. Two unita furniahed, $3.~ down, better bm'r71 CORONA DEL MAR ~Ugbt/ul 2 bdrm. b.ome ln -.cl. W..tbl. Umo.t n~ -good ftn.andn.c -----·-·--SIT ,eoe. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Karine A ft., Balboa laiand. Cam. Harbor l502 ·-· r.ta&e Lake Arrowhead Year Around CWFT HA \'F::-1 VIF.W LO'T S.-a11t1f11l l'IU'lorllml(' Vlt'"'' of th~ Hnrbor I.Al lr11'"' ft>t 11•l,. -N~~W llOl 'SF. F·urnlaht'd. 1IC"Jlll 111 Rc•lwood •llllnjl', lr.t living t-"' "''llh hl'&t&lalo r In flrtplace, lute hr n. ~rN>m It b&lh H"•Vl' 1..-ain• 1n rc1hn1t l hruout. L&rse 11111r11tl'I k 1 ·p•llllra 2 UR alrcrvt • ht1th. 2 Clir arar . lndry room & a1un1g11 1 tn Wall heat"ra In !'Ven• rm Hou"" fully lmulal"'2 A II year a l'CtaAlble, f~ ml"Ul«1 \l.11Jk1nic dl•t&11ro from lak '1 mile W of \llll•fl' on LAk111 F'..d(e HALROA C"OVP~~ 1211 o" lh~ wnttrfront wtth ••·II· wall J,ov,.ly nl'>'l«'m hnm l' with ,_.,,,. llv1n~ rvnm, ls.Ml d lntni: l'f"'nl. m 11 .t ft f n krt h"n with h•11lt1n r1ni;;r fi r• JllA•"· I''"''' With bar~U•' IMdt1rap1 11 AnJ fenr e<I Pr1tl' 13fl,llOO BEACH HOME 6 INOOME I 8TUOCO unit. .al fUnWIMd. I firepla.c•. patio 6 I ,.,...-. N ear t>.r-11 and ba.1. Out lllMllW ~ lnrom,. u i. .600. t.rmil Ma 1 talc it eome tni:i.. Homer E. Shafer RP!ALTOR toe ).lcFadden P\AN • t N f!WJ)tlr1. P\s C'HAHl,F:S E HART Rl'111lor 34.:!ll W . Balboa Dlvd • :-\pl H1••• h Terrific View Home to C-0ronA ck-I Mu 444 C'l\br1Uo I ll l>e !''Ill.• l. prlre IMUC f"<I ,., 20() fnr lllll• k H it llf"n h(•I~ ~rln· ""Y l ·f\ Ros•I l~t No &3 J2l t.00 Sortn11<ln , AT 6· 12" or SY 4·63!14 7!1p80 OCEAN FRONT \'t-:HY :"ICE 2 ~rm • dtn h<1mt C'hf1lce oceal\ tron l loc:.allon. 11T b4'1h•. 1(1' lot. lnvr ly v14'W. NOIA' JU.ltl '21 1100, lfl 1\1)() !In"',, Paul C. Jones, Rl 'tr. 1.1 II 8317 2620 N ,.,., port Hl\'d . ~ """1'011 H• h 'k82 Harbor 2!\ll 80<82 !iHOIU: CUF"FS 1-~'lf• t'U•nt o<'nn !'fE\\'PORT HT~. <'OSTA ~IB~A. vtl'w ••Ith l\ll \letalt. for a tine ttrnml nP" 4 IH••lnn•. 2 b•lh h<Jmf> Pr1r"'J to arll. Ranrh ty~ hl)mf>. \\' to \0: , Arp• t Thi•"""'" 6 rm• . 2 h11th~ " ~al 1urprlM ' ' hu evtrvthlntr l mmP<tl•t r Pl••· tl ff L.ATHRn r :ti}:!.\ f: C.out ""lll'llon s 12 no•1 t P1m• <'An i,.- ll1~hv.•)' ll"r ~42 ev .. M!JO. ,.,.n &n)'t1mr 131l R•o11ina Plar. 78cll0 nr l'l\ll W bl'rt >' Ii· illifl 110< 2 UI" THE (1-t()H'EST urrs ldl tln Lido. 40 fl on Gf'no" .t-M f t. R·3 on U dn Rouol Call Mre )o)Jllh Ahr,.nll, llar fllll l or \l.'ritt J l .'I V rl\ ~lln l<"nt" i3rf!7 ------------N JC .. ; :'I b<lrm. h11m~. 1 > r ol!I w l•• 1 1•:1rpr t1n1t. ft>n• ,.,, \ 11rd 1;1'fl<I f'••n 111 1"11 S JO.~>(HI 1;,.,'(j ,,.""" <lv.'Tl••r R"rthA \'1"""'n. 226 f'l'lltllll;I' Pl11rr C'o-t" Mt"" i6p81 4 LOT COR~F.R, horn• hu l bf'd· Tm". 12ll24 •h n lflx11 I~ H 12-13 "nlry .t. JOxJO Ian&!, n1>W· ly bl.lilt F'1n .. i.· l11n·l,rapl'd 1"a1 clrn• and r11111ily n•d1Kr•I 2 f1rc-pl1tt".JI 6 •. A . hPllt F•rn •'•I P ropcrty ( n bl' built up "'ti h ~ rfnlAlll w1thu11l 1opolllnjt' prl· \•a ry s:i;,,ooo Loan c .. mmrtt· ml'nl $16,0()0 0 \1.0N M Vr~ tr1'J'•11, i 2() <111hlPrrro~, <'uronn drl Mar. HM 2!1 l·H i2r flt S 18,000 RmaU tnrvme prnJ>"r1.)' 2 rf>fltAI un1ta. lncom11 188 mn plu• 2 bdnn. home. Hwcl fl'Xlr!I, dbk. r•~e. "''uhroon1. rnul Lreee. Shown by appt. I.I~ t1n&11· c~ly rupo11alble prinu~a.la on· ly. 1..1 8·1812. 80p -Fw • .,,_.. ..... \&Md cv .... your local dealer who will be Mf'e TOMOMOW to back up whal he .,.UA TODA T ! Check the uaed cal"8 In th• ~ HCt.lcn to-u,. $2,200 ORANGE Av~· Ea.al F'ronl lot F nill t rl'f'S R .. _t hll\' al $2 2<l<l V111l pHr,. ORANGE COA~'f PROPP;RTIF.S 1'1!17 :-i""''f!Ort. <'0,.111 M r<111 l.llwrl \' H-1ti32 f:\'r 1.1 ,_ l))lf13 Room to Breathe! ON I.JOO Th,. largl'•l l••t ll'fl -illOO "q It on "'irh• lOtt r4'rl l'ltnly of room ft1r LAP.CF. huni4' • 11Wln11111ng J>rnil, \l.'llll .. Jlllr" lr(l oV• t 11, .. ,. 1111provr<.1 bulld.na Jll11.n• \\'111 "' II • not 1111 r•~h rrq I 11;" n pA)'m• nt Or wlll tr11tl11 r .. r h"m" on L11lo Rr>Jkf'rs 111 •I )ln n<tf'"'lll r111l own!'r at 11ny Jinur. H11rhnr 4274 Frostfree Lemon Heights 3 b~n)()m plu1 cm lh11 •,. 111•r• vtrw lol, owner m 1y cnn•l•l"f l ra1le tor harb<,r arl'a OM A J acobltl'n l.J X-i531 7 IOcll:I CONS1'RUCTION YOUR HOME or r1!11ldt'llllaJ In• rome bwldln( ahould not cnA over 18 ~r aq. ft . Ftnanrmg to 100 "· Hu. 1311 78c80 II.Ar. 140 Jl:ve HM. U.l'f.JI( Lido Isle n ·R:'JISHEO 2 bdrm11 at dlarm Ol'l'TSl:t ... J pll l • lot.. OKLY u 2.·.oo. PR0 \'1:-IC:lAL 3 bdrma.. 2 beUsa. r•,m~r •hAp • tflllhwaah• • ...._ Ii dr•I""'· 0 :\.MO Bay & Beach Reatty LTDO OFFICE :\1 12 l..s.fay•ll". Nnvport II.tr 31\U H 11r. 2999 ~---------- S'f AR TI..JNO HO~U: It l~WOMJ'.:, 1 bOL ~ ~lit bc•ll• h 1n t'tlron& deJ Mar. t'rtrl'rt 1-•• th11n N'pl•~ T•rni• ll<IW AflOt'T " f11m. ur:dU aw . ~.1100. hr1 ng-lnst n 200 .nnMf· ly" J...,t tZll >t 118. WOl'l,I' $ 111,ltll('l llE TOO MUCK fur " 2 br httm". Cnl"Qna tQall· 1Anc1~ Wh»r11 \'IL{ Ml I~ .. .., ,,., Slfl.OOO' 0 H LATiffiOI' 'll1f1 E oo-t Hw\' ll~r. l'IH2. J':v"1!. IWl80. ~&:.i ------· $7,950. Nr"' , htlnn • hwt! noora. l&l A vo• ,.,,,,, c ·••la M"a&. Phone l.lh. rtv ~.7fini TIUc ,_.UR:-.11.SHICU 1!11plr11 l b"drTn'" f'IHh )o'tr~pllVI' llhl ~· OOl\'1 l1Y at:r.n •A•! 1111'Lrl C"~a M"•ll Sli MO I.I 11·7281 72p&4 70 '''"l l••I 1n f:xn.usrvE 1-' Gl'!•JfTA £'rarUcaD1 O()('l&t\ !ti,nl Si:.<IO. l"'llA-'\;K W. K1LL. .,.«1al"tl w it l'I Adele Jpetn Har. 1'>1111:.t H Y 4·~%8 90c82 I.WO ISLE. LCrr F"ORTY f• •t on Via Omoa. ltt.800 by owner T'h. Kar 41 17. IOoA2 ' • COASTAL IBOPPEa FAltloll of P'AGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 1955 a •• ,......._ a a..ar..... BILL'S BEST BUYS WORTHWHILE WAITING FOR Under conatruction. Three and four bedrm. home.. Ocx-upancy Sept. lfSth on. Check off these features, Choice of colon, tropical roofa, two bathrooma, gar- bqe diapou.Ja and.exhawrt fw. Double garare and elect. range hookupe available at 11111all extra coat. Full price. u low aa $9,37fS, with $375. down. LOVELY WIFE WANTED With ama.ll family Ir charming huaband to occupy this neat 2 bdrm. on quiet deadend street. Hu Pull- man bath with tub & stall shower, breakfut room a.nd dinette area, patio and completely fenced yard. Full price $111500, with terma. BACK BAY AREA-2 BDRM. & DEN 478 E . 21st., near Irvine Over 1500 sq. ft. of beat construction. Master bedrm. Hxl7, with picture window. Owner very anxious and will eell at the fair market price. See and sub- mit your off«. Call ua for app't. to aee anytime. Open House Sunday 1 to 5 p .m . W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIA~. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" • 393 E . 17th St.. Coat.a Mesa Llberty 8-1139 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" Mo,.. and more Harbor area families are Inspecting thMe exquisite home. -noting their com.fort, con· venience and central location. More and more famiUea who pre!er a home in a re· atricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homea. Drive in today and aee for youraelf the many out· atanding featuree of thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes. built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished -by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is loe&ted on Cout Highway oppoeite the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «48 For Further Information • For ~m.mendatlon, we ~fer you to anyone who holda a Leuebold El'tate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore11 &nd Cliff Haven OCEAN FRONT HOME 6510 OCEAN FRONT 4 bdrm. 2 bath lge. living rm. with fireplace. Alao family rm. with bar, etc. Thia beautiful home ta of brick construction & can easily be converted to duplex. Excellent view from all rooms. Large glaaacd in patio with Bar·B-que. Completely fum. 1ncludlng W. W. carpeting. 2 TVs., waaher. drier 6 freezer. 2 car garage. Owner anx1oua. S32,500. Sub- mit low down Payment. E.Z. Tenm. DELUXE APT. HOTEL 8 · 1 bdnn. pl~ 2 etudio&, grou lilCome $17,000 to $18,000 yearly large net plu11 owners apartment. 25C"< down. EZ terma. BeAt locl t.ion. cloM? to bucb and tihops. J. M. MILLER-CO. 2025 BaJboll Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Har. 4091 CORONA DEL MAR £XCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished utut.8, 1 bdrm. each. No vacanc1ea in over a year. Rent ia $65 each. Groll8 $2i60. Clean property. $6000 takea. Reduced to $19.950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Pri\'ate pathway to little Corona beach, $25,500. ID US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propert.ie.. Har. 1775 -Eve9. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4·6222 John Macnab, Harbor 535g, EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~Marin• Av• .. Balboa laJand 75c80 CORONA DEL MAR a bdrm.• dee home. .2 bath.a~ 2 ranee.. iMoe 1>9tJo : fireplace. PLUi Unuwually cha.nning ltUdio apt. with beam eeilinf, tiled bath, kitchenette, and aun declc. Yearly NOtAd at $75 mo. Full price $19,000 lnoludinr moet of funli8binp. Immediate pc>AeMion. STANLEY A. 2647 E . Cout Hwy., Harbor 882 SMITH, Realtor Corona del Mar 80c82 a •••r..e.te a ••' 1'.11111&. ............ UPPER BAY RANCHO Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES Houston Values TDt.mD .t ~ l'OOllUI! I Our ,.. would p11t -. te ahame!) TIRED ol dlak1 ~ T SPECIALLY PRICED-CHOICE 2 LOTS (It -uld be ftn• to 11.u• a dot'!) BALBOA. ISLAND - TIRJtD of week-end crowde ! (They are nl-•t • dt.tance !) One atory home nearly new -fresh 2 B.R. with TIRED ot bMl'lllc your netpborw many com.fort e.xtru, fireplace, furnace he&t, large yelp r wardrobe clo.eta, beautiful patio, dbl. garage, and (otn -,.... A .-&et • '*'• ccmplete fW"DMahed apartment over 1arace•. 00\IDtr)'!) WANT a bom• wtttl .,,.-owi BEACON BAY - room•! w ANT to ro&m °" a bout a bait One atory 2 B.R. -2 bath home on 50 rt. wide Jot, a cre! WANT at le.at thrM bedroo~. 2 balhat WANT, aao. a den plua rumpua room! WANT tip top A·l q.Uty eon- atructlon? WANT oak noora and forced a.Ir heatin&'! WANT property tbat will lncr- ln value! WANT a ranch home 1n the upper bay! NOW that we underat&nd each other. why not phone for an ap- polntment to -one ot UI• beat top value llaUnp that we have had 1n many a moon. It.a ranchy-lt'a JT! 127.000-well below replaeem•t co.t. Thia property wtU .tand ac~Uent IOU!. plua complet~ 1 B.R. apartment over dbl. garage. Each unit bu a gay breakfut bar kitchen that apeaka aociability It both unita are nicely furnished. BOTH PROPERTIES priced $28,500. A $10,000 cuh pafDleDt will arrange the poaeuion of either. Now ia the time to get what you want, and program your • Uvinr, your inveating he~ in tbia area. Two unit propertlea ofter the pay &11 you go anawer tor m<>flt people. THE VOGEL CO. 20I Marine A. ve. Harbor 44• NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Balboa laland Industrial SS "-x290' M·l wlqi factory. Leu· ed tor 11820. Located on Pia· centla nr. 20th St. Priced at S 10.000, term11. ALSO 86'x'76' vac ac1'0.. Pl&cf'nlla. "A buy" at $12,600. 29,...., down. P'or eve. lnf. on above ph. LYTLE Ll 8·2M2 H I "B It ere s a uy RA~LY DO WE SEE a nice home with lnco111e--On Broad- way, Jg. neat 2 bdrm .. HW nre .. Fumlahed cottage with ' bat.h. Ah10 1ara1e. aeparate (\Ifft rm. with ~ bath and la undrv room. F ull price, Ut,600, term1. Have a S9.~ loan ava1labl• Neat G. I. Resale 3 BDRM.. MWfn, curbe. f&rbace dlep.. nice lot, well bullt, only 110,700 with good ttrma and a 4% loan balance. It'• nlct For evening' Information PETrM'E. LJ 1·6487 Lots R·• on Placenua. 60x260. ll,300 dn. 130. a month. W. SIDE. ~136. Pavil\1 A curbe. 12.000 cuh. E. SIDI: comer. R·4, 60 x 139. W. Stuart Foote Realfbr 'COST A MESA The-Best Town on Earth' Hn.iao.tterm•.R ltv C . ous on ea ~l o. 2117 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bea.ell Ph. Harbor 2'--4t'VM. U l ·IH90 CORON A Dl:L MAR LOVltL Y Duplex 8115 Jumm• uk· tn1 124,000 owner arudoua. DUNCAN KA:RDlll8T'f Har. 47111. 90c81 OPEN HOUSE SAT. Ii SUN. 1-5 P.M. 1998 TUSTIN ThrM bedrm. A family room, J '• i,.1M, forced a.Ir hut. dble. fll r. lArp wardf'OM eloeeta. Lovely comer lot. NEWPORT HGTS. THIS 2 BR. home wttb nrt!Jllact, 11epa.rate dlnlnf room, and l&rl• Uvlnl room ltl most capUvallnf, In addition lo lhi.. th• lnfonnaJ landae.1,plnf . towartnl' 1..-and ahrube tum lh• out.tide Uv1n1 Into a 1howplae.. Call u. lo - lhlt. COSTA MESA ~ BR .. 2 baUur ln UU. W.O located home on the Eul aide. Thia home I.I Jtat II montha old. hu fireplace, earpet1n1. natural u b- ln•ta In t.h• It.Itch• ud pr- ba&• ~poul. aao WT• ward· rob. clOMta. You wt1I llk• Ulla home, It.a mo9l comfort.able. COSTA MESA S BR. near Hlfh kMc>I. Ul1-n.a.r n•w home hu all lbe fMlll"'9 that 10 to male• up r.i &'ood 1tv1nr. such u tars• llvtnf rm .. Formica ln kitchen and many other featu,..., let ua .now you thla hom• ror Juat 111.1100. WE NEED LJSTINC8 "ART" ADAIR REALTOR l~ N8WlJOrt Blvd. Coet.a MN&. Callf. U 1 -1792 LIDO J8Lll TH.JC VERY BEST Va.lue. 217 Via Mfnlone 3 bdrm. J beth Ott 40fL lot DUNCAN HA RDESTY Jla.r 4711. IOc:82 In Corona del Mar EXTRA NICE llOt Cenl:r A880CIAT~09ta Meaa On Eut Side. 2 bedroom home Ir Jen. Hu nlc• LI 1-8911 LI 1-778• patio. Shade treea. Street light.a. Sewer in, not a tract home, price $10,950.-$4,000 down. SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 4 renW unit.a-Right in Town. Zoned C-2. Pric6 $12,950-$3,000 down. No telephone info. pleue. BARGAIN Lot on Co.ta MM& St. 4 7 Vii by 136. Price $2,250. G. N. WELLS, Realtor RoyR.M~ 1810 Newport Blvd., a.ta Meea. LI S-1801 CORONA DEL MAR 0.J. reu.le, 2 bdrm. rMidence on R-2 lot. Space for additional un.lt. Hu large d1nln1t L off kitchen, llv· ins room with fireplace, 1lncle bath. Monthly pay- ment.a '80.10 incl. taxea Ir imurance. $1.2,000. No other home with ao much to offer can be found South of the boulevard in Corona del Mar. 3 bdrma., den and complete gueat hou.e, 1 Ii ~ batha. large living room. 2 fi.reptu., forced air heat, dininr rm., brea.kfut nook, encloeed paUo w1tb barbeque. 67x· l 18 ft. lot. large dbl garage. Near Ocean front. $36,700. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout. Highway Phone Harbor 2288 ( acroea from Bank la COM) 4 Bednn., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 aq. ft., forced air heat, hudwood floora, fire- place. Real pla.ateT. Large picture windowa, natural hardwood cabinet.a. Pbon. for app't. to aee our model homM- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Years Building in Orange County K.lmberly 7-3293 Liberty 8-4073 70C83H UPPER BAY AREA 'nf'R&I: BDRM, 2 bat.ha, 484 2ltl St., U 0.!500, DUNCAN HARD.ESTY Ptl Har. 4718. 80c'83 IOcS2 OUR BEST BUYS in Corona del Mar ltXC'JCLl..ENT I br. home on be-au· Htul Orchid Ave. Pr1C'ied low at $12.600--6'• loan. $87.~ month OPEN HOUSE 7()e Larklpur, 2 br., ttreplace, patio. clean u a plll. Owner NY• ••II. OPICN HOUSE 810 Margue.rtte. Here'• an Income unit you mu.t -.. 113.~. ORCHID 4 VJ!:. lncome '4nll 116.000 with )ow down pe.yment. J BllDRM. on Heliotrope, nlC'e lot. MUM nff<la paint. Owner mey lake $9,000 Low dow11 peyment. MARJOOLO. Tllh• I• truly an f'l<· cellent home A lnC"ollle pro~rly, lmmecuate. 120.600 KINOS RO. CLff HA VEN. Love· ly J ~rm. l'\ balh. w to w carpetA Ir l1rape1. Vitw. Priced to aeU a t ~low reple.cemen~ C08t, T1rma. Ca.II now Hu 20 42-Hu :1042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R Rayle-C. Trava ... -c. RUN. A.Hoc. ~12 Marttlf Av Balboa Ialand Cliff Haven rIRn TIME OF'RREO -Don't juat dr1ve by •Ol Pirate Road. You can't a~ lhe 3 10011·11~e bdrma . fl'll~<I jt&rdrn. or Utr 4 ,..., G I loan from tht 1trf'rt • F'Vll pr1ct Siii.~ Corona del Mar AN INVlT A TION lo ate lht t tnd t TRIPLEX, So of Hwy. 304 Mar· (\lente h.U a IOUJld prtce and I .olld income to ca rry 1l Compar• FU RNlSKED I bdrm. ~ &Ad ------------------ Balboa EXPllCT TO BE ENVIED #IUI a 112' lot. • .. f1ow•r·Show" p11110 and the m09l pleuant 3 bdrm, J bath home on the Ptnintu.la. A11klnl' 1211.000. tumlahed ,..,.~. a pt. Oood Aftl llhow1n1 12% on UI• ,.,_ MOTOR TUNE-VP SHOP. Work for two mf'n. tn Couw.l Cl\)'. Price 14.600. t liN1T8 IN HUl'.'TINOTON BCH 1 tumlahed, I unturnlahad unit. Oil and mlnera.I rtshtll Included. Fitzmorris Rl'ty. Co. Re.Jtorw MulUple U.Un( au.in-Broker 3136 JC. Cout Hi1~. Jtw. tlH Corona del Mar IP ANXJNQ N1!:W UPf"D 1lA Y 3'1 22nd k . I bdrm. aftd I bath JJt.000. DUNCAN llA.N>m1'T P b. .Hu. '71'. toeel M & J30 Eut JIUl 8l. ButlnMI • proJ)9rty, 2 bdrm. home. double prqa. Qood looaUon tor pro- feMtona.I or ~ type bu.in ... ~ .,._ In location w1U1 p&rldJl6. OR.ANGE OOAST PROPERTIES UI T Nt'Wport. CMa M ... Uberty 1-1832 ~. LI 1-480) Commrc 'I b•yfront APPROX. 71 t\., lncludee Dl&l'UI• .... ,... boat allop, moortnp. ... celM-nt Newport locat'°'9 Ml.000 -ruu price. Wrllt owner, P . 0 . Boa tl7, 11&1- t.o., Oallt. 72'pM YOU CAN TELL YOUR BEST FRIENDS About tha.a one and they'U love you for it . Thia i.a a rare opportunity to buy a apacioua 3 bdrm. n~r new home only 5 minutea from the beach for only $10,500, uewne the FHA $7400 loan and pay only $60.50 per mo. lncl. tax 6 insurance. Featutta wall/ wall ca.rpeta, atove, ~frigerator, fan over etove, big fenced-in lot, lovely lawn. •hrube &nd flowers. Sub- mit on down payment. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach, U 8·3•81 Evee. Liberty 8-.1646 NEWPORT BEACH INCOME Lut week -$94,a.QO Today -$80,000 Circumatancea have chanpd for the ~ a.od they need- "MONEY" 'Ml~ frMhly decorated apta. oo Main Boul~\·ard- 8 -Double Apta. 4 -SlDgle Apt.a. 2 -Sincle Rooma 9 -Garage Spacea Watb proteded inoome bett. fhu $10.000. BAY & BEACH REAL TY -LIDO OFFICE 3112 Wayette, Newport. Ha. 3643. Ha. 2999 Eve.. Muriel M. Pinover Rl!:ALTOR I u-04 Newport BlvcL. N rn . 9t"Mlh Euy Parkln1 H•rbor 4810 REAL VALUES 2 BR. HOMJ:, very nut • <'lean Nlcely land.Kaped wtlh patio Wiii la.let lot In t1'dt rull pnce 0011 St .&00, terma, OWNER Ll:A VINO CITY muat eell I br. home. 1 ~ bath, only 18 mo. old. Thia i.. a reaJ buy. Brt · ter -w. one tt>dt.y. run prk f' only 110.850. Submit <I,.,,,."" 1UIT uaTED R-4 LOT ll()Jtl6(1 1'1111 prlee $UOO. J B. A. NERESON R.l:ALTOR JNI Newport Blvd. Q>et.a Meu LI 1-1811 ~ ... Ll 1 ·'120 BEACH LOT 1'-1 .,.., &arSf bea.cb Jo'-~ block to llUrl. Bu.y t.oda.)'. -enjoy for· -· U600. Submit .,, .. wnna . OR.ANGE COAST PROPERTIES 186 7 N"'JIOrt. eo.t.a MM& LI 1·11.12 »ve. LI M80~ • a._....._ ''C" THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS "C" TBOMAa ''C" 'l'ROIUI LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Pier and Float-Price Reduced Channing 3 bedroom, 3 bath complet.ly tumilbld home. Newly decorated ineide and out. n.w W to W carpeting, drapes, fireplace, lovely patio with built· in barbeque, only 31 ~ yean old, an OUTSTANDING VALUE at $55.000. Bayshoru Rambling ranch aty .. home oa Jee. oor. lot. I bed- rooms, 2 batba, prize-winning kitchen, W to W ..,.. peting, custom draperiea, parquet tloore, J' .A. be9a. built-in Thermador atove, loaded with ~ touchea. a really fin. home -$18,250. Bayshores New attractive 3 bdrm., 2 b&t.b b<llDe on Ba,..,._ Drive. Lge. bay window with exeelleat 't'iew ot bq, birch kitchen, built-In Thenu.dor at.oft, braktut bar plua din. ara, aliding glue doora onto~ A LOW DOWN PAYMENT wtll BUT thta heme priced at-ue:mo. 75 tt. choice BUILDING SITB-Beek B&J _.. "'90. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport a.eh Ubert)' a.air "C'' THOMAS 0C'' THOMAS '"C'' THOILAa -(J" ftlOllAI YOGEL VALUES CHECK THESE! COMMERCIAL BUILDING Coaat Highway. Coron& del Mar, 2 st.ocw, 2 apt.. Preeent inc. $320 per mo. Ir OU ahow ta.. $81,IOO NEW HOUSE 0N HALF ACRE Back Bay area, 2 bedrooma, ahab root, HW ftoon. Nothing elae done to half acre -develop u yw like. See Olia .... -.. -·-·-·· .. ·-·------·-Sll.&00. 2 BEDROOM HOME Jµat reduced $1,100. 6 bu everything-patio, BBQ. ove.nai&ed dbl. p.rage, fireplace, bMllMd oe'llnp. etc. on quiet -.t.reet in COf'OOa cW Kar. _ S.U.400. 4 BEDROOM HOME (6 moe. old) PLUS single car garage in front that ou be eon· verted lo a den PLUS a 2-<:ar garage at rear. A.11 fenced. Total price $13,500. Total down $2.TfSO. Total monthly paymenta $78. per mocth. The Vogel Co. 2667 E Cttt Hwy .. Corona del Mar HL 1741-HL 1471 ------- CLOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY ATI'RACTIVE 2 bdrm. bolJ». Panelled Irving room and mall dining room, e&r· peted wall to walJ, good kitchen, 0breakfut apace and service porch. Ample cupboarda and storaa- 11pace. Ovenuud 2-car garage. Nice eacloeed patio. Most convenient corner location. 2 bib. fl"OID Oty Hall. Newport Beach. Only 112.000. Just Enjoy the Income from thu1 excellent property (no rent to pay). Located 1n choice ~ntal dlatrkl. 100 tt. fTOm ocean. There au 3 un1ta -a new duplex and a 5-~ house on 2 lot.a. 2 unit.a are fumiahed and nmt.ed on yearly buia. Owner'1 home available now. Three garagea on alley. Preeent income can be wbllt.an· tially inrreued. $5000 will handle. F'OR INSPECTION CALL HARBOR JOU ACT TODAY ! EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Rl\'d .. Newport Beach Harbor 1011 "I WANT TO SELL" Say the owners of these outstanding income propertie1. I. STORE BUILOTNG 101 Highway, a..-.d &c> .._ stantaal tenants. $67,500. 2. MOTEL & TRAILER PARK ClOM _, S.,, etorcs. etc. $60.000. 3 TEN UNF URN. 2 BDRM. Unita. AH mbl °" leasell. $87.500. Each of the above carefree propertiee retAam btl&W than 10r;. net oo ulung prioe. 'LET'S TALK IT OVER". MU. on-. RUSS FORD 1600 W. Cout Highway. Lrberty ~·6Hl . Gold Nugget CORONA DEL MAR, :l bdrm. A deli, pha. pa9l cottage. South of Highway, $1',250. Vaceot. We have lbe key. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout. Hwy. Newport Bee.ch (at Port Oranpt LI 8-1CWS:l, Har. 51.M ..-.. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND See This BJ:8T BUY OF THE YEAR. SACRIFICE PRICE $31,500. NO MORE -NO LESS. and What A B'IY! Owner ia leaving this uu and 18 offering hi8 MU·. UfuJ apacloua home OD large l?Ou.ndl utJaUcally landscaped, for this unuaually low price. Home con· Uta of large living room (30x20) with fireplace. Dining room, extra nice llltchen, a bedrooms -mu- ter B. R. hu Fireplace -and extra guest room and bath. ThMI ia the show place of the !eland. Beautiful wall to wall carpets and drapes, Included.' Exclusive parking for four can. WE HA VE THE KEY. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OJ' MULTIP'LE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone R&J'bor 1871 or 1872 ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Olarming throughout, 8 bednn. and den-alcove, 3 bath.a, very large front patio, partly covered. Lovely ldtchen, diahwuher, dlsposal, etc. Fully carpeted with drapea included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat. Only SM. 750 and a wonderful buy. Wanted A Lido home or lot for excb~e for a.n exception- ally nice h ome ln Mort.bridge. 3 bedrooms, swimming pool and juet two years old. Priced at $39,500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bed.rm. plu.e den-bedroom, 2 bath•, eupeted. Oven1ised double garage. :LoTeJy kitchen with built-In Satin Bronu Rof)er range and oven. DttpoeaJ, dishmMter and many at.her fine leature•. Full price $23,000. We have the key. COSTA MESA *2000 down, will move you ln thla modern 3 bdrm. 1 ~ bath home, oompletely fenced in rear yard wilh patio. Fireplace, formlca In Jdt.claen, puquet 11 .... t.roeed a1r heat and double rara&'e. Ooee to echoola. See tt tldly. ruu price, 112,000. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 8416 Vi~ Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. •971 or Bar. •912 ~. Ha.r. 2191-M. Ha.r. 2998-R or LI 8-6297 INVESTORS-ATTENTION! ! Twc Money Makers on Balboa Island TWO MODERN UNITS ON THE BA YFRONT 2 bedrooms each. both complmly furnlahed It at- trac4vely decoraled. us11 than 3 yean old. Each wi\h \liew, smart. kitchens. patio. double garage. Rfntal schedule : $5500 plus annually. ONLY $8000 down! Full price $36,000. ON ntE WATERFRONT ONLY S3500 Ii $15-0 per month buy1 thi1 3 ~m houee plus 1 8 . ft . Apt. over garage. Both rumiabed. Should grosa over $8000 annually. Full price $24,000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY :U8 Marine A\•e. 8.Uboa T1!1and. Rar. 4781 .p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d developers of Lido Isle Under Construction Now! Farm House on Udo - Sel~t your own colors inside and out. Select your tile for kitchen and the two bat.ha. Built by John Vlaacher. 3 bed.rm.I., dlnlng area. open beam ceil· inge, forced air furnace, diqoea1. mumve comer u.ed·brfck fireplace. Thia ia a well-buih home, priced to eell. $2l5,000 with a $15,000 lat Trult Deed pay- able $120 per month. Space! Home on a M foot wide lot, which allowa extra lp, 1unny 'patio. Over 2,000 .q. ft. of living area ln house. 1 bath bu separate stall shower plua tub, the other ii a % bath wilh a tiled shower. The houee need• p&int and acreen1. Beat poaaible buy If you want a larger 8 bedrm. Only $29,9SO with a lit Trust Deed of $18,000 payable $160. per month. • Lot ~ x ioo corner Ithaca and ~ntro Pfuza, $15,000. LEASE: 3 bdrm. 2 bath unfurnlahed home $175 mo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneon co., sales management 3333 Tia Udo, harbor 1500 Imperial Valley We have li.atlnc• on Imperial Valley acreage rang. Ing from 40 &C?'ftl on up to as many as you may want from raw land to land and crops. Many people are inveeting in thia fabulous land. If you are interested In a good return on your money. caJI u.e. Cor~na del Mar Bluff Lot M f t. :it 120 ft. Own outrtiht lhla out.at.anding view of ocean, beach, harbor and entire coutline. Let Dan O.born show yo\l Investor's Opportunity Brand new. 4 bouaes, each 2 Bedroom, 1 balh. $33,500. Aat for Kincakl. Sensible 'I'h.i9 comfortab'8 well located 2 bdrm. home baa complete guest house adjoining. Sensibly priced at $15,500 and in 1ooct condition. Aak for Hodgkinson. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty s.M73 t 9 Unit Income Property! Corona del Mar Bargains Want R~n~21 Acre BEST ACTUAL VALU'm IN TBll PA.PER TODAY. On Ocean t ront. Famou "llomday Ape..• a u.nti. p1u1 muapr• apart· mlllt. ~ I.Del Un.it t« an apt.a., Dl'W refrll'erat.or and •tove 1. $1500 DOWN Prime locatJon 1 blk. from ocean front. L:.rp 2 bedrm. prare apartment, PLUS Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room tor home on front at lat. Mell un.lt. 4800 .q. tL Uvhif ..,..., 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES Completely remodeled ln 1950. Pflced at IST,500, net lnoome SUOO . . . ealy 115,000 do'Wtl. with horH corr&I, dos kannw, ruse modern 2 bdrm. and den hoin• trlth w&ll to waJl <"&rpet- lng ma.ufve tlrfplaC'e. forced alr heat, aep. patio. Iota of buUi. Ina. A. real bargain at only-sie.900 wllh xlnt. tenn•. Cliff Haven OOASTAL SHOPPER Edttloa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART If· PAGE 7 WEONESDA Y, JULY 20, 1955 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~ .... ......,. BALBOA ISLAND HERE IT IS -Bay .WW. 2 units, • bedrm. home. 1 bdrm. apt., home 6 apt. have \'lew of bay, Shel· terf'd patio. Quality eonatruclion. Apt. furniahed. Home pnrtly fum•W. N•w tn l~. In beautiful condition, $10,000 down. Owner wiU carry balance for qualified buyer. CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FRONT HOUSE 6 APT., No. Bay. Beautiful beach. $10.000 down, balance euy. BAYFRONT, LITTLE ISLAND -80 ft. bay front· age, pier & float. • bdnna. Superior construction. A good buy! DUPLEX -SOUTH BAY FRONT -Luxury home and income. $65,000. WATERFRONT _:_ 2 •uperiol' units. S bdrm., 1 ~ baths, fireplace DOWN: 2 bdnns. 2 batl'le UP. Bay view from upper deck. "6.000. S'ubmlt down. ISLAND CO'ITAGE -Obie. g&f&ie. Fireplace. Reduced for quick aale! 4 BDRMS., 2:1 i bathm. New tumlture. North Bay mooring. Shows excellent income. $2"4.9e0. Cottage near South Bay. 3 bdrma., 1'1:i balhl. &. pla.ce, large living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. boue A l bdrm. apt. Beamed ceWlige. A little paint will do wonders. $5000 down -$22.500. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath home. Ooee to beach, $26.000. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYBHORES prvpadw EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Har . 1776 -Evea. Edith M:&roon HYatt Um J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359. 225 llarfne Ave., Balboa Ialand 11Sc80 Peninsula Home 4 Bedrooms! Four bednn. 2 bath home. Lge. living room, !ire- place, BBQ & paved patio. 100 yards to private beach. Excluaive nlklentlal a.rea. $29,500 firm. $10,000 down. ,~tm~~!i~~~~~~sw. Three Huge Moving Vans • • • & SPACIOUS ' BllDROOK, 2 8.A111 3. 225 MARGUERITE a bdrm., 2 bath home plua bachelor apt. and bath, dble ranee. Paved and enclo.ed patJo. Tenna. THIS IS A BARGAIN. We ban the ke,. hom• affuat.d oo two Iarce oor-- ner lot.a. Cut Ill pr1~ to PO,aOO tor quJelt l&le. llnUre propertJ walled ror pnncy. Jfloety lud- 1teaped. Badminton eourt. 8-u- urul ca.rpeunr and m.p.. ta-4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME eluded. T~rma. Beach Homa! BALBOA LOCATIOJf, J1lll' ..... trom ocean. 0--«1 hN ....,_, hom• nJce.ly ~ aer.,.. too. You mu.t ... Ul!I on. M- tore bu~. 114,800, '4.000 dn. Cute, 11<>und, clean. 2 bedrm.., Lg .. living room. kit- chen 6 dining area open onto paved patio. $13,250 ftnD price. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. llGCUISTION, a.Jtor m()(\em view home of many, win• doV.'L Th.a .liarbor la .&t.-you.r t~ from th.la bl'autlful nearly n-3 bdrJTI. and family room. I llath luxury home with utru (11Jore, lncludlng dlahwuher, built · 1n ranee and oven, mere. .wttdl•, wall to wall ct.~Ung, private office or worltahop ln utra la.r&'e rvage .•. 1t you want the· fln· eet ln locaUon &nd con1tnJcUon. call u. tor an •ppotntmf!flt to • .. thll e:xqul1lt• home. '34,600 Ml prtce. Cliff Haven ... PULLED in A:BRmAS'l' ot the 7~ feet ot Nort!l Bayfront (Lido lale) early Monday morning of th1.I week. Si:VERAL 1pecially tnJned unlformed maven ef. t1cenUy and carefully pa.ckaged and remo•ed 10 rooDUI of pricelea po•eulona. By late afternoon the caravan wu on ita way north. THE ELDERLY METICUL-OtJB LADY rema1ned only long enough to •Y coodbJ• and to stve u U,. key t.o the lovely home Wbkh ebe pal.,..1rtnfly ba4 bulJt for herMlt ta llU. Mt1 S. Cout Rwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 Balboa Cottage! como. looated nezt door to Oonma du Mar Bank) 0~~ :~'::_E This Exceptional Home and Income HERE'S A CUTE B.&ACH eow:a C N Be Tna ~ ... d f th FIRST TIME on Eut Bay A.ven ue. 81Hp98'&. --------------------DNn BT 1011 curt t>rt .. M J' an OW -y-pec1.e or e OIUllt!d ln tront porch. IM! BALBOA PENINSULA time and 1et thl• ""' a bdrm. (Exclumn u.tfn•) home. SplendJd concUUon. UJ.800 2 bath Redwood R11.1Uc home de-" rood tenna. EXCLUSIVE -nnt Time Offered signed and built tor I.ho m~t Price _ $100,000. New .... •land Cott•-CampleUly Furnlahed 3 B.R. dl.cemlng buyer · · · TH!lN Balboa Income and Stores! CONCRETE BLOCK. plMt•red, I STORY Bt1ILDDrO.. Downtown lociatlon. • re.lckftU&l unJu &IMS two gTound noor blllln-nnt· a.la. Parkin&' a.rM. Only I yea.re old. 1180 lnt'oml', can ba lncreu· fd. 1u.&oo. nrm. ttnna. Balboa Realty Co. 0 ppo8Jt.e Bank of Amtr1ca It.om On.a.,. Al Come.11\W lld LM Jt..('k P11lkham Joeeph.IM Webb 700 !!. BaJbO& Blvd.. Dalbo. Phone Harben' am. COSTA MESA It could be for you CHAR.MINO I bdrm. mn&ll hom• _,.. ._., LET US SHOW YOU the llJ>&0- 6 Om, 2 b&Uu1, F'>rced Air Heat. $26.000 -Tenn.. &oua ll•lnr room. la~• bed.rma.. and lh• panonunlc \1ew trom the rooftop obllervaU>ry, l lt,IOOI LIDO REALTY EXCLUSIVE-Open House Daily 1-4 p.m. Fixer Upper 17156 E . Ocean Blvd. FOi\ JUST H .000 4own you can 340() 2 B. R. Hou.ee phaa Room 6 Bath connected to gar move ln to t.ht. 2 tldrm., rurn.lab- A.SSOCIATES Via Lido Harbor ~ 1 acroes from Rlcba.rd'1 Market entrance) Full Prl "16 ..aA T ed home In Newport Hetcbi.. and a,e.. ce • ,.vv -enna, a lJtUe pa.'lnt wlll ftx It up ttll• -------------------- EXCLUSIVE -3 a It. -1 'h Bath& Almon Com· pitted -Chooee your own colon. $18,500 -$:5000 Down. EXCLUSIVE -Four New 3 B. R. Home. und~T oon.st.ruction, Sept. 15 completion. Built-In electric range, d.iahwuher, d.iapoll&.l, etc. Buy now and llelect decorating colon. -$23.500. BAY & BEACH REALTY li50 W. B&lboa Blvd .. Harbor 1264 11-. Full price tumUbed JUllt 111,800. !At ua lhO'!r you thll Oftel Bay & Beach Realty 1898 Newport Bkd. Coeta Mua. c.Jlt. LDerl)' •1111-E._. U 8-31&8 LIDO OPEN HOUS!: &u.nd&J l ·ll p.m. 221 Firenze BAY FRONT-OPEN HOUSE Balboa Isle's Best Buy 522 So. Bay J'ront (~ ot Topu) F. P. $31,MO, Excellent Term. $1 ,000 Dn.-F.P. $6,950. Partly furnlabed Be.ch Home. We.t Newport. Tw blocks rrom ooean front. --------------------on IOal~O Jot .. LandKa~ and --------------------S b.r. 6 den. I bath, blL In kJl. W/W ca rpet, lgC'. pall'o. PLt.:S spadoua rar. a pt. lilllttgatn al-First in America Home 16th & Irvine Ave. NOW OPEN S..utiful Provincial Home wilh three bedroom• plua a family room. Likeable kitchen wilb built In atove and oven. Dinette &re& with bar partition to dining area. Moat outttandlng lighting feat\ll"H belng lhe first borne in America to feature Acuati- Lumlnus celling. Weather briclc fireplace -2 car attached garage. Reetricted a rea. Wide lot . Wonder- f\11 fl oor plan. Come In and ace this beautiful home. Offering al- Ul.~. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson la&e Newport Blvd. Cost.a Me.a (acrou from Cost.a Mtsa Bank) Pbone LI 8~781. Eve.. Har. t366 • LI S.2103 Real Cool LIDO WATERFRONT pier 6 lllp, J Mrma .. S batht. a.an u a pin. lmmed.late occupancy, ~.000. 8e1l or tract. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W . Cout H1")'. Cal Port Oran~) Mewport Bffch LI 8-7M2, Har. 5154 evea. completely tl'n<'~ Only ST.T80 w1 th t HT!IJI, • Balbo• Peninsula TWO bedroom tuni.. born .. Clo.. to ti.y. 118.MO wit.II lf,000 down. Cilff Haven VIEW ol ocean a hlli. from lht. a bdnn., 2 bath home. Rdwd. tloon. .t4M!t.rlc 'Ibermador lit- ch-. tarp double....,..... R.oom tor r#tmlnl.. pool. llt.600- term... Coast Properties 101 S. Balboa BlYd., a.a~ Rarboor ... l8tf Md ... OPEN HOUSES Daily--12-6 p.m. .a Walnut A s.tber Ila. a.tw. 8anta Ana A -ru.tta A..._ tovmLY JQW IUJfCll TTPll I BR.. 2 bath boftM9 on larre Int.. &xcl. _,,,borbood. Hdwd. nrw~ aball• rt~ W• x • a Wld~ ovm buill·ln O'f'en 6 f"Ull .. Db! ,..,.. r .A. ti.at • nnfL. s.. tlleM Only 10 left. A rMI bU7 a t- llS,800 with et. t._. •r 12.000 di\. Gil -.,tnet, Houston Realty Co. A A180CU.2'1:1 509 c.tlter llL 00.ta K- U a.et11 U 1-"'4 Nothing Down No, but a very unall down will buy laa-ge bowie and rental with &lmo.t ball acre. hlldinga need repaira. Handy man can make money f'uting up for resale. Low price. euy terma. Drive by 883 W. 15th, Coe1.4 Mea, then -.e WI. "Hogan" No, but we have a ftry unmodem 2 bedroom boUM facln1 City park on Balboa Boulevard, weU furn- labed, roomy, comfortabie home for only $7750 with u Uttle u $1500 down. Seclusion Nearly new, modem 3 bedroom home, aurrounded by beautltul home., on dead end 1treel. no traffic. Only $11,000 on euy tenDI. Multiple li.tinp. N. B. C. REAL TY Und 6 Newport BlTd.., Newport Beach. Har. 1"°5 * CHECK THE QUALITY * ---of th1a lovely 2 bdrm. home. only 1 year old wilh all large rooma, hdwd. floora, fWTI. heat., firepl., garb. diap. Grapest.&ke fenced yd. wilh patio. On choice etreet be~em new hometi. Some ooee.p view. Only $17,250 wtUi 5%-~ year loaa. R. L STRICKLER, Re•ltor Dlat RODGE. Amociat. 3822 JC. Coalt Rwy .. Cottna deJ Mar Bar 2'TT4 ---·-· -.. "9,600 J'OUR FURNISHED UNITS: only 118,TeO. '800() dn. l house orr B&y Front, 2 blocb from run r.oo.. I IH. fl n&mp. room. dbl lot. ART C. KISTLER CO. fOOd loca tion _.. . .• Sll,000 2901 Newport. Blvd., Newport Bea.ch. Har. 6238 T'lllO Xtra. 11@. 11t. to • c<>r. lot-wUI --------------------trade on Lido . 20,760 I b.r., '-•· cl&D .• room.. n.,..-Buuty. . _.. .......... ........ . ....... I T.880 Waterfront I b.r. I bath, pler and tllp. MklnK ......... MMO CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 b.r. W/1120 aq. fl. buemf!nl ~Ul• •tandlnr ,.,"' ..... --... IT.MO BACK BAY t a.er.. a b r . 3 bath. llW1mmlnr pool, buut CC)untry u tate ,9,M>O Claire Van Hom R&ALTOft ITU W. COUt ftwy. LI l..uT7 Vets $505 down PLUI IMPOUMt>I tn1m 'f OU'ft 0 J . LOU "" t .,,. old, 3 bdnn .. dbl•. prage. fenc· ed. Wondrrlul pall., At laundry. yard. Gubage dlf))Otl&l. All trtAhly paint~ Nea.r Up,.r JI.ck aq IS71 Plllllad9t IW .. ._ta An.a Pbone Kl 6-2et3. IOtlc BY OWNER Corona a1pae• -I Wr'9~ t bath ra.rmbou.. P!I. Ra.rt>or 78.J Tttl• ONLY COMPLETE VIEW FEE LOT BACK BAY Fee Slmple lot.e are ec.a.rce. We hue a beauty, 125 f t. on Bay by IM rt. deep. PrSced right al $15.000· CaU Mni. Ebeling -Llbcrty s-.e31J OCEAN FRONT Two Ad joining Iota i S ft. front.age on PenimulL $15,500. 30x95 ft. ocean front lot, clOte bl $7,950 Well located Pentn.ula lol, 35x.80, $10,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1605 W, Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 8181 OCEAN FRONT SLEEPER Nicely fumillhed 4 bdrm., 3 bath home on 1arp ocean front lol. Large ocean view upstalna Ii~ room.. two encloHd patio•, dbl. garage. Thia ia a lovely well ca~ for home In the finest Balboa Jo. cation. Prtee S29.500. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Cout HJgbway, Newport Beach, LI 8-Mtl .:.-. Call LibatJ S.H21-Liberty 8-1.MI • - '£~ llee MAlllt WITH SALLIE laly 21, 1955 Newport Harbor, ~. About the-...... that 1ot me la a pickle I ... "No wild eatbuaut ever yet could l'Mt, tm ball 'ftMldnd wen, ... bllmelf, poeeeet. .. TIM want tll the p&ekJe le . . . I lmew Boo1nnant,. llaMlnnnt Md Polllh _.. eace abaald be puebeec! wlaole Md ma& be .&mmer- ..t er fried ••• I wu 90 ,_. Met, wltb oar new penoaal ....ni. C09ter la oar DeU- •teu-. my wlW elltbml- ... to ume every tuty --therem .. Gae •lie br 1a'UI, • that yoa too would be ,.,...t. ~ the boe-boo ••• Slice Boclnrunt ! Never ..• Bocirwur.t an freeb lovely blc fat aauaacee made of veal not pork . . . They can be brougbt to a boll and almmer- ed alowly for few minute. ... More fun yet. ia to fry them like &DY. other aau.aage and • make a cream pvy from their dripplnp . . • With bot bi8cutu ! What a meal! Mo.t people have been aurpriHd to find Boclnrunt at t.b.ia time of the ,_r ... Actually lt la 1appoeed to be a Sign of 8prinS. and WU originally lll&d• to &CC~lllJ5&nY ~ Beer. Now Kaadnnant aad PolWa a. .... p beloe1 to the l"ruldurter f amll1 • • . K.aaclnnant le aothlq J"e&I. 11 bat a n.a faaey bot dog, aad caa be ea&ea la true bot doe fubloa ••• Tbe flavor lala~wltba~ unldgeo• of llploe to offer a t.ute chaage from the over· worked .ne.er . . . Pollah Sauaac-e I Quite a bit aplder . . . Flnt time I remembrr .U.1 Pou.b Saueace ..,.. at . the Cafe de Part.. tM eoaumlary la the Fo-i: 8ta- dioa •.• A Foar Star luach wttla a mala feature of Julc1 pu fried Pollab Saau«e ud a ClOlllpaaloa p&dure of eerunbW eep ... Sauaage la practically u old u time ... Homer'a "Ody- uey, written In the ninth cen- tury B. C. mentioned a certain type of blood uuaage ... The Oreeu had a word for it! "Salaua", lAtin for aalt.ed or prNerved ... Our own Ameri- can lndiam made aauaage from dried meat and benieti chopped up and preued Into cake form . . . Today the per capita conaumption of eau- MC• LI 23 pound• a year, with mer one third of that amount beinc rep~ted by fra.nk1 or wienen . . . Here'• the rifbt way to fix them •.. Put the rranu ln cold water, bring to a boil. tura off beat and CO\'tr . . . Let IJtand 5 to T minutea. Do not boil ... You pUi good money for all that ..,tce and navor ... Why pour It down the d.ra!n ! !Cle cream I The perfect ..uag to aQy MMI I WW Wrtcbt"a '°9 C!l'MID parton we dotted tbraoat 8everty 111118, Bollpood, the 8un- eet Strtp alld Weetwood VJJ. lap ... They are coellder- ed tb41 IDOR elepat of their Jdild ta • 'W'Ol"ld • • • wm W"-llt'ilce Cl'MID S. eold by N .... ~llarclaa la Dal- lu. eerved la the Waldorf Aat.orta RoW la New l'ork ud la ov owa a.lboa Bay Clab ••• Ula~tbe world'• ~ Ice CftUD wltb • t5 penieat batterfal .,.teat ... A~ to Laci• Beebe .. Oommet ...,..... .......... ,.. .,_ •ope ..... te.- ....,. ...... , ..... WID Wrtpt ._ pea Loe .&a- plee t.IM nr.& .... rr.eh r.. ---It .... """ --oouteHd." ... Did of fu- fan . . . Y.,. caa ftad It rtpt ben .. 1• '* aimer ...ttr• ,...,.. food C!Ue9 OOUTAL SHOPPER E4Jtto. of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, :JOLY 20, ·1955 THll&8DA\' ~pie J"llkod Bl'H.kfut 6 ftflc: BUNS -··-·····-·· for u.- Frw.11 Baked Bread: 23c HONEY CORN ... -...... J., FRIDAY loY·i1iRiiYr1E . ~h 54c ROW DI!\~:._.......... . 6 tur 17c SATURDAY Breaktul Pf'rk·Up : OllANOt: 6 ftflc: ROLLS ........ ~--··-.. . for u.- .......... ' lacll I a.,., CMoola~Froel4'd 97c GOLD CAKE . ..... . . ~h r:x-nuu-y. t..p .• ~•twon. .,.~-2 25c PEACHES .. . ,.,.. Swee&., .lu.lt•y 1 .. ,. • ., ')Ge GRAPEFRUIT 11 lh, N-llfl MIC ~,- U.8. Nu. I. AIH'11'1"!4of PofA TOES . ..... . 10 ·~· 3fc Jin! ~ooJ lo la4~ ou/ .lu.t the Udoe for • -wn.., n ine I• tiol f-9 from Ille •Wwn 1~<1 f"IU't@eftf -.! ,.,...., l o takf' cHll. ~ ror 7ourerh ... tHlw ct..llf'h-tho-7 '°°" --4.,... •.• iHAR; CHEDDAR lb. 6tc l mpor14!d ..._,.,_, CANNED HAM t lb. tin 229 la -u.ae Nn. l!o-lmporW FINNAN HADDIE i ..... .r. • ., QllAl.lty """" LIVER SAUSAGE Hayd.n'• t'rHh HOLl.ANDAJl'E SAUCE ..... ··-·-.. .. • OL IUM&nl'a °"" M.AC'AJlONl 25c SALAD --·--·---···phi' (' ... ,.,VOft4er/.,I /or ltorh((',,l"fl tJ. 8. Cho~ Every 1p.ciel i1 elway1 a "bargain" et Richard'1 -beceuH quality i1 never 1acrificed to 9ive a pric .. Nationally adver:tised brand name foods of consistent quality end only the finest meah and freshest pro- duce will,reach your table from a Richard Special. Shop with confid- ence of getting a real "bargain" by shopping consistently at Richard's SANDWICH TUNA Cblckea of the Sea Ugbt Meet C baak Tu•a. good for eand· wlchM. creamed twaaud......._ 1ise i can Relax and Play :::-::;:i-... ~ ...... --·······--··-· .. ··-.. ·· 49' ~:;;·~ .. ~ Us~ W~~ ........ ,N ~~.~-: ... ~ ... ~ ~· ..... 'r ~~ .. ~ ... ~~ .. ~~-··-···'1411 I No need to rush to Richard'• during the heat of the day ••. op.rt tin 1:00 p.m. every e veninq except Su nday till 6:00. "JI/MU .. ~., '"" •Mnf't" MAYONNAISE qL. 53. Haula'a Yoaq "••Jo. oofle. MON" COFFEE lb. 79. .. _....... 31' CHICKIN .... -...... --···" ... ILE:D. ... llOeMJ'9 49' SALMON ......... _._..._ h Ho,,..a•.......,.... ,._, ... ._. a.w 25' CON CAINI ...... ••~ ... • ..,..... ......... ••••ll 25' AWM. FOIL : .. _.JI tt.. PAPiiNAPIUNS ...... 11'- S1Mrf7 N-Pwww•NI .._. _.. 21' ILIACH Qt.. 1rwu. ~,... • 8•....._.• Ame't. \'ariet&ee 25' CAKI MIXU. _,. .... Dela C,_... PINEAPPLE .N .. I ~ -21' c--.nr. fer .....u.c: t~t MARSHMALLOWS ••-. H ( ........ , BN9d 11' LIMON DIOPS ... " , ... Gaze upon e real variety of frozen food1, vegetablu, fruih, piu, cook- iea,.whole prepared dinnera and 1pec- ieltiu galore a re in ebundarM:e in Rich- ard'1 mile lon9 e i1le of frozen food1 - here you have FltOZEN FOOD variety tool CHUCK STEAK lb. ·59. See how many lllHI .._ yo11•1 flad Oft , ......,... CHICKEN THIGHS ----~----------------- "RH1't1 fM.11 of fltH!tW" o:iONE STEAK lb. 69· ----------------- "H•lpt moke " 01n/tt1 '"""'" 11. 8. Cbo&oe SHORT RIBS "Al~r• Jr••"-a!WI 1-· R&cbard'• IDllpll'• SLICED BACON You'll find a Udo Sllop • • • lb. lb. 49. lb. 65.c "Special'' here! 11'411' lllnw NaJ M d ~ooomieal te It to wrve front IUr hard'• wlff· llOft ot ·~ ... For br-'c· fM& •e'Ye epeda!• m1 the C'.of· fee, a.-. warn ..... Rolla. ,.,.. Md P'nlft. Laft<>hH W\11 bf. -y wt~ Unr fil.allM«"· Tun., Ham. l'lolMlll ChJcltM, !4alad Maktat• .... Ptall 1.Antoaadf'. 8e"e ~• for .U-u or (;'lllr• ..._, 8-Mf'lfll'. !koallopa. 8-, -r-Sltort ...... fblaaa Rad· ...... ~ f..-•lillclt ·~ ~ f"111Jela up wtth Boyw•· """" Pk. Gold C'alle or • 8w.-.IOW9 M is. Plaa. Mell week, from IUcllard'• ~t -d TllQ'll l\lHt ....i·pi.aatas the euleet part , or t11e •r. Stan aow &o put t~&Mr UW dlllMr ()OftlllUa-u-and you'll ~ llow &G M · )o7 UM beet for tlw •-t at ••• ~·• Udo Market. SCALLOPS__. ... H.u. -· . , •• 4~ MiiED VEGETABLES :: 2 .... 29c ORANGE JUICE . .: 2 ... 2~ Pii4K LEMONADE -· .. .: 2 ... 23c WAffLES ::. 2 ... 29c fH'fESE CAKE ::. 39c • • • to flt your every need ! ... But' aelullfl'ely ••• At Richard'a, the Grocery ~ I Store among the Lido Shops at the entrance to Lido Isle, SPEC• ... • a FO T'l'TW Callforuia. · ~ B • ..., .. y 11. U -4 II, 1111