HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-22 - Newport Harbor News PressI l I I , • \ HARBOR P·Ress MWD Flow 48th YEAR -NUMBER 44 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAV,.JULY 22, 1955 PHONE. HARooR 1616 F1VE CENTS News·PNu Clrculatlo• Today 5630 Coples Sup· ply Now BALL cHEcK News-Press Expose Proves I REVEALING! Newport Beach ·Advised to Use: City Pumping Plants Pin Ball .Pay Offs Here!. Search for Mesa Prowler Ends in Gunshot Wound ,._ ' - FIFTH CITY SCHOOL, An·halccts rcndf'ring sho\\!s th<' r\o. 5 i:cho0l in the Newport lkach F.l1~m1 nt:try ~rh1•nl Oislract which as E<cht'dul<'d tu~" 11tl•1 , • ·n~t rt:\:, •n ,.\ r~· ~uflll. Thr br .. 11 d of trw!ltts of the district awarded construction t o . .. Charles W. Devore of Garden Grove. tow bidder for $369.600. Architects are ~erick H o !~don 11nd Phil- mcr J. Ellerbtot'k. The school is to be built at 15th St.. and Santa Ana A ve.' T11 .. o.da1· .I 11\ J<t T ht1· !!oln\· .. 1111\· 21 F ;-1 In~· .lt:I\· :!:.! I 1 Red Cross Free 1 Ride End Under Chapter Study J"'!.• \ •~\\' ft( n1nt11r C"•U )'4' ""PrVll'e !111 • •h•··I 11"• II 1111111!;1' !'••Uni\· II ·I '"I p<11t,.11I• II\ s .. uthem 1 h .•Ill'<> Cnunt ,. ('I, q•t• r. Am• nrAn l:r.! !'11'" \'•·•!• r I 1\' h11Zhllllh" •I n ~· !oi!l'h1tl 1n C"t1•lA ~tf'•H f:J \OJr,.~ 11&11 nf 1h1PrtQr.1 o< lht Newpo1 I H11rbnr b1n11r h. Rut lht· 1mbJ~t ,,. l!Ull ffp('n to du·e1't 1•111' cluc-u,.. l'tOn Rt a fl"Mlhle <ulllre meeting. Ch111rme.n M11rk ~OCll'n Mltl. ~frs. Lllura R \\'11r1 en, l'Xtr u - llvc d trertur cit thr rhllJl'•r. told I local dl~rtors .how lhl" bur1t~onlng I011d ot non·m111lery ho,.ptl&J pll· I llcatt ro rrl"d C'hllf • r hl'11'1s tn rtop Ule trf'e 11•1• · .. aa or ,\J~ 1 laat. 5· City Spots Yield $4.50 Out of $14 'Investment! B~· HICK ARBt:sz. ()('NS Staff Wrilf'r HARBOR ROAD NEEDS TOLD ST ATE EXPERTS AN1\lll-:lM tOC:'\S1 Pr .. •t'nt: .. I ht1r 11rf'1t rf'C'Omtnt'nt1Pt1 anti plol· tum or ll111ns;1• 1·nunl_v,. 11111'-t•'r 11 ... 1 on lht' m11p pro\'1detl In th,. f"lttn f••r 111.1J11r li11:l"':1y :rnd '""" t 1rani;:1' C:n11nly Plan of .. Grtrl UP\·t>l<1jtll1"nt l" t tw t •1111(1o111111 H1111•lwnya .. rn,.lllrll'd · I C:omplr lton H1~hw:1 y <1•1111111,.~11111111n1l<"d \\', J. ,o( :>IH•·Arth11 r Blvd. "" Frrcw11y nN.,lny 111i:ht'1< d11tn1•r lll"l'\ mg hi' re r1 rnn l 'u1u1t H lghwtty In Coron11 tlPI wh1•n lh•· ( lruni:" t ·ourny Al'll<~'•""t· :\tar l'> ll.11 juni:ture at Santa A.n& !'•I Ch,1111lt<'lli •1f 1·•·1111i.11 .. • li"i.l•"I :\!urn St 11nd Nt'wporl Fret•w11y. Che· h1s;hw11\' • "1111111,'l"n a 11d 11th•·r 12 I •1•\t'l••l'n'l"lll o r Pali1<11'1C8 RI a1t ,llll". 11tlll1ty ,m•I 1 I\'" 1hi;:n1t<1l lf'l< 1111•1111 ~I. inln 11 ruJI mllj1tr \\'1111q \\ .11 "t'I , hAuni»n uf u 1 .. th1111ii1~h.t:l11P from ll~ j11nrl11111 rnunt\' l10Ard .. r ~"l"'rn...,·r~ In with ~IArA1tl111r Blv•I. acrn~l' th" t111nani: tlu• 11u•>-l•1 t·Jnn t•\t r ,,,•'.:•"P••l F 1f'•\\.n\·,.n1tttn rxt"n"1on thr .... ,.,11 .. ,, ... .,. p· 1nh I rt•ll lhf• l•1 >4 JUUr ttlff' "'Uh Hr<R·Pnn1nn'l .-.011nty1J1 rup1•l a..ruv.t 1 u1 h• r• 1·1·•' ' ~ ,.,.,,.1,.r'""'nl .1r :-.:~'"'· populullnn, 1n hH<t r y h»:< 1 rl',ll"ol 1'"11 F t""'' t\' 11;l 1nof l'l a ronn,.r· nuntf'ru11~ )Hjth\\:t~· p1,,tiJ•·n,c-A.., 1 1111 \\1111 :-;r.ntPt ,\n,. F r""''"""·'·· th1t an '''""J'I" "" 1 1, I 11 ... 11 .. .,,~ T11-,iin A\'" l-rr•w1ty l'l " jun1111r11 ti~ffit' i. .... lq 111 111,.d Ii\' J,j11,. lti "1111 111°· ~1 11• 1 Ant c·any1tn Jo-r,.,.. "''' nnd '• •f'•J•·n 1;,,.. •. l lh•J. h•1'h lWf1·)H11•1 t1IL:l1\\h\'1' t RI JYUMo; fl'''' wn~· c1tp1t1 11y ttu'tr 1H·l ' I' • ' 11nt t tu• n••ttd nf t '1' I,, 1·i. t ~ • • ·1 rul-«1ff tu r••lu••·h »n1 1ttu 1 ll Rrf u 11 ul•I• Ill I.CIC \I. IHI \I)-. !'I I )fll; \',J'\" 11•·1t1 tt't 1nl1·1~1·rtwn ~Ith fh8 11 .. 1 l• 11 l'l I 1 •I'" •y 111IMn•I 11( Or· U1J:1• t11 •I t ti•\,. 4 t ·,,nl ""',-'' ,.,,. .. 1 · I• ,,.,,..,,, 111 I l1t 1 t.nr 111,·ll , "" " ''· f 111 I I r •• , \' •• ,,.,. f fl~ ,.r Vu l••I UL ·~• 111 1 • .. hi·• \t•• '"' J•n•I .an •)>-t rn,_1,•n ( untlntlf'tl "" l'•l " 4 HAKROK I:'\ MISU -The ="e wpwt Hnri,,,r ;m•a wa \' I 1 ., .. , !· 11•d \\'£>dnesday night wben the Associated Chamb<>r" of C 1m m' r•·t'. !• t1 ·d llw C :d11 .. rn1a Hi~hway Comm1ss1on on its tour of the CCJunty. Amung th,,iw \\hr1 ,1l11·nd1·d w it h ('rnuithnc In· terest.s arc those pictured abrwe, 11tand111~. IP(l t1• 1·1:,:l1'. ,\I f '11x. (', <t;i ~!l'i;a. J. A, Guthrie of San Bernardino, sca!lonal rf'!lttlr nt 11f !\• WJ• 1rt lk a1 h . Atfm J . H. Mc· Kinney, U.S.N. CRet.) of Seal Bc1tch ; FreJ S1"'rr. EsC'ond1d11: ~t11t1· Senatrir John Murdy. Huntington Beach : and John T. B 1yd, :'\ewport Hurbor C'h:1m brr nf Com· merce Highway committee. Guthn<' anti Sperr are membc·~ 11f Cnllf11rn1a lhghway CoQUDltalon. -St&tt Photo • ' • • ENJO\'I N<; L l 'NCHEON I N THE PAT10 -FrcJm left, MrncR. C. B. Budd. n onald Slyh. Thomas B. Frosl and Yvonne &ntun chat a.Pout summe r activities at • MRS. WlNTFRED BARBRE. Society Editor -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955· ·. lnfrpducing Jo-ens Originals presenting a collection of play clothes casual1 and, after five Op•nlftCJ: July 27th 3337 N•wport Blvd. Newport Beach. opposite City . Haft ----------, __ Episcopal Church Bazaar and Luncheon Colorful in Decor Auxiliary Entertains 200 Guests Gay Japanese lanterns and umbrella-tables lent color to the sunny patio at St. James Episcopal Church on Wednes-1 waii aboard a specia l plane July 13 to meet the L yman day, when over 200 guests en-Farwell yacht, Seadrift , which competed in t he Trans- Joycd the annual bazaar and P acifi c Yacht Race from Los Angeles Harbor to card pnrty of the Women's Honolulu. ~~~~~~:~~n~~:;:I Mc~~i7,"~ 1 ·G--E--R--M--A--N---E--X--C--H--A--N--G--E-- R1ggs and Mrs. Thomae B. I r~,~~; .. Marshall Keel~r gT~eted STUDENT TO ARRIVE peopl!' Ill the pAtlo g at e. ard Mr!!. I Ornn \\'rlght Jr. handled tickets. I A ytoUow &nJ green color acheme llnrl tiny rlaisi"s w~rt> used to de~-1 ura le the ta.lhu , table pnua, and napkins un the tubles m the Parish Htou:<e 11ntl g-ardcn. Dieter Noga, .16-year-old student of Br emen. Germany, will arri\'e by boat in New York Aug. 5 en route to Newport Harbor where he will spend the ne xt school year at the home of th!' J. B . St od- dards. foster p:l rents. He will aH<'nd Newport Ha.r- bor Union High School as a junior or senior. MOOfl ll·11M • Big Storage Space -almost 11 cubic feet • Adjustable and removable door shelves llGUlAl 1119" leco•••Ade4 ·~tell '•ice G-E's Famous, REVOLVING SHRVH- • Roomy vegetable dn:rwen OLH (..'l'HJOS IT\' HOUTJI (;USTO}IER -.Mrs. Martin Mangold makes a purchase from Mrs. J. N~I Harris and Mrs. John Stetson at the St. J ames Episcopal Church baza:ir WC'dnrsrla~·. -Staff P hoto Jllr~. Frank P. Cunningham was in ehnq;c of the delicious and un- usual lunch Pon, and her a.'ll!Lslanla we're the M mes. Austin Sturtevant, Henry Set>ll'y, J o hn C. McColi11ter, A native of Silesia. Germany, Dieter moved to Bremen after World War II where he has been living with his mother. His falher lives in 8chleswig-Hol- etein. BARGAIN!!! HURRY!!! We Have the Complete G .E. Line HARD OVER Young Salts ·Hail Series Lido Isle Yacht Club played· host yest erday for the second race in the Interclub Trophy Series, in t he wake of BYC's first race Wednesday. Spon!'\ored by the SCYRA. eight races wiU extend O\'er s fou r Wf'C:k period to be s:iikd alternate!)~ at LIYC, BYC, NH YC and HIY<", T h<' ril:'hlh Rnt1 h1lil<lerl JUI\' 13 v.-tth thl' fil ~t ram· fmll.I rar,. w ill bt' hrl•I 11t :-IH YC lly pa11n ,.1;riwr. ~!C'mber~ mrt for ' on I\ ui;. J I. e :o;pnre-1 tb dtnn<'r. l-lunol11l11 rnrt' 1 Ori;lln!Z•'<I h) UHk SW•(•\, ~•lll-1hattrr All'1 ll )'1'1)~1Rm nr 10\nred In,: 1n.~tr111 t(\1 r .. r U \'C ;1m1ors, 11111\'ll'S, '.'lrxl fllmtly !'11pp4'r I~ hil- l hto! 1uunJ 1ul>in sc11es will , h111ax li'l l for \\',.dnt',,.d1ty, July 2i . un S··pt. l , \\lwn the l«P l'ktl'J'• r.- lil:I! 6·12 tt:dll~l\•, Will ll1ttl,. IL <'\Jl H\ 1w111 t,al \vn:,,r~ .. ,., r a t;nJ.J l'llp , .. ur :4t ,J.,ltrmy Jlr~kdl wa~ ur111111ni••U"'· Iv df·«t.;>d < nmt110olt1r1• ut llw l.idn b l•• Ju11111r Ya• ht t 'h1b lai.t \\ "' k Lrl' 1 't •"•'11. 1..'ru1g t '.1d\!. .dlitol••r J r a nti J11hnr.y ll R~k•·ll w ill I • i" rl'~nl IJ \'I' Ht lh t• • llm111.1tl••11 r11l'e1111l lh<' San IJl•'f'" Yt · 1•n .\11~. 2 and 3. Las A111igas Mnke Pla11s 1;1fl 1.J1•11s Wf'l'f' c•xrhnugl'tl and pr1 pn rattnn~ a.re l:"ll mg undPrway ncm r .. r tht> baznar. ~trs. R•'~S ()wen resli;ned as \\'1nnrn1 (lf the RC'\' A l"hm1na· \'I\ t"prl'i<t.ft•ht of the e1rrlt' nnd lions tmrl I he llnl Arlnni!I 11·11phy • Mr11 H11lph \\'etsnn was eppninted will <'<>nip< l1• 11 1:111n~1 rc1•ri >'tnlrt-hy th1• l1o1arol to t.1kl' hl'r place. lives Cnun l':lurl(' N1•rtln\1•,1. S1111 :\'1•x~ ntl'Cltng o("the <'h Cle w ill F rll.n<"tti<'O Ully And th•• i-.. 111h1•1 n t,1· Aui;: 16 Rt lite h1omr nf Mrs Cnll!f'lrnta Ya1·h1 Hllcin~ l '1111111. I lill'r \' ;\f•·Ilnr al 116 :16th St The \\'111111 111( t'rew \\·111 thi>n ~" -· ----- ton~t to H••<1lhb11y 11:,rh••r. ;\1.11n., late in th" 11w nth r .. r th<! r.>1t1m1111 A l Matthews Return St>ars tr vphy nt• '" ~::-..1ltrd Rult.>r A lbt'rt M9tt.hew:1 Ll\'C's annunl lXlrents r11tt• will .i.n•I w1fo .Jean ha\'e JUBl returned be this Sunda y. ~llorl o n priz. s. 'from tho Grancl Lodge C00\'1mtion but hmg on laughs, adultit will take ~r the B.P.O.E. at Phlll\delphla. O\'(•r t h11 youngstrHi' Snowbird" !Pr They \'tS1ted .New York tor several a hntly nlllt•'Stc,1 t1llr r tul'~lt'. A ,lnyi; prior to the conventlen and pot ·lurk 1111pp1'r In l hr Llr\11 Club-•prnl " f<'W day• In Milwa ukH huul!c l/\nnl wlll foll'1W t he i<pr lnt. 1·1:<11 mg ;\·Ira. Matlhew11' 1l11ttr and The 1rnmm1'r s,..C1al flttg Willi tnmlly. ANNOUNCING . HOLLY VISEL '' OJH'nlnr a Studio of .. DRAMATIC ART & SINGING at '!fWi Ar Oll:'\·A-BALBOA ISLASO DO YOU ... "1U1t to alni. ad , •s-11 \\f'U, appear publkl.'·~ :' :' Mrs. \'l~t hM ba4 S2 ~-f'11r• f'l'i""rlent'•· In IHchlntt thn c a rt• fnr rnnN'rt, f'ntl'rtnlnmrnt and r nltni-.1 UH. Cl\ll HA RBOR f690·R for appolntmft!t; • H . R . Hmdrle, Isabelle Stmpson.1'----...... eur ·1rn:s been attending school in Bremen- B,.be Abel, 11 nd Robert G. Horn. where he has studied the Englis h language for fi\·e Mr.~. J erry Hell was In charge or O~n F rl<lay E \'e 'UI t p.m. MUSICAL SET FOR BR ANDT'S HOME SUNDAY lite serving comm ittee. years. He is bejng brought here through efforts of Attracting special at tt>n liori wae t he American Field Sen ·ice and w'ill arri\'e in :-:C'w the 01d Curiosity Shop, w ith M re. Yor k with a boatload of exchange students who J . N<'tl Har™ attlng aR chrurman. will Jea\•e Brcmerhaven next T uC'sda'" The booth contalned many lovely J llnt1ques. ap1on,_ th<'m I\ set <'( His year in Newport Har bor was arran~ed for p1>11rl-Mndled knt\·es, a pewter by a committee headed by Mrs. Leonard Graves, CO~TA J\IESA LI!worty 8-HH . ~tr. and ~It s. Re xforc1 Brandl u! -10:'> Golc1enrod Ave. will holtl their summer gar- den mu~ical al theu· hom e Sunday, 3 p.m. Ml'nlb('rl! rJf l hr South,.rn CaltCornla Recordl'r11 Sou ri y will entertain. There e re eight instruments In the g roup. A!I part o! the pro~am, a Uol- nl•'lsrh spinet will be played. The vocali!!l wm bt Shirley Rohhm of 1./1:1 A ngeles. pCJt. p1rces of Ha\·lland. a. tea coey Balboa Island. from China. a .coppu n movar, brass f rom lndla , a.n d other p ieces High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 The program is largely ba r· roql\c mu..,k, w ith t he final numbrrs t o be 110me t'Xperi- mPnlal co ntempora ry p1e1·e11. ,\lu~lr 1•nthus1:1.sts a1 e invited ln nlt<'nd, lhe BNndt.<I 11a1d. Ortiz Baby Arrives Mr. an<! Mrs. Rupl'r lo Ortiz. 18t'8 \\'hltller st.. Costa Me11a. are J+arents CIC I\ boy bnm July 18 at Hoag Hn,,p1t11l. of ~1lver and chin&. Th~ \\'hlte el .. pha.nt booth we..s handled by Jllrs. \\'hitney B. Wrtg hl. the jewelry table by Mrs. Grao Crosier, and Mrs. P~ Mur· phy wM In rharge or the a proM. na pk ins. b!'an bap, puru s, a.nd other handmade articles. Mrs. f\lul Kane<'n hat.I potted plants and stationery at her table; ~!rs. A. E. \\'f'lls ma nag td the ranrl~r huoth, and member11 or St. Jol\n'11 Guild eold cooktd tn<>cte. Following luncheun. tht' new rec- tor 11ml his w ire. Mr . and Mrs. John T'o1ke. w c1e lntrnduced to the as.~cmbll'<I gue11ls. and tht'n the <loor prize dmwtngs wt n• conduct· ert by Mrs. DnnlPI M. Pattison and M r;"I, F'n•sl. Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions by MARIO formerly of Pasadena & ROBERT of Laguna Beach and Reno O.,e Momn "Get Acq~ainted OHM" --$25.00 Deluxe Permanent ___ :u•../$15~00 " . . . for Shear Delight come to Smart Set ... '' -Corona del Mar 3407 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 1104 HURRY SHOPPERS! HURRY! RELIANCE . DOLLAR DAY SALE Until AUGUST 8th Gaze at this list, one of which you receive with the purchase of a new .Television or Ma jor Home Appliance . -.. -----HERE· IS· LIST------ • Table Radio • Pop-Up Toaster •TV Lamp • Portable Bar·B·9 • 9x 12 Floor Carpet • Vent Fan • Deep Fry • Steam Iron • Antenna • Electric Coffee Maker • Set of Steak Knives NO DOWN PAYMENT, Easy Terms No Down Payment for 45 Days Iring Us A C111tomef and Receive Valuable Gift Discount to Service People Giant Trade Allowance In We Shaft Not le Undersold RELIANCE · Home Appliance Service Company "~re VOii 8'op fll Collftdeltf'e &nd Buy fer I-•" 2102 NO. MAIN ST. IU S-1169 IU S·llOO .... SANTA ANA' Tel•"'i•lon A" I.ow Aa $19.95 "•1' ""'' t :lf"'I ric- l<ani:t•·" "" 1,.·,\\ Aa $15.00 lJ Automa tic w a .. hrn A" Low A• . $32.50 lld rltt••riuor• f.'r•'f-t••r-. Aa ,..,._ A• $59.95 -. , I . • , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I · PAGE J . SEALARKING FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 Ry (;IS S\' (MRS. EU\\ ARD l.ESTt:R) SMITH Paynes Have Girl I Dunsworths Parents 'fhl' I °l\on,11•1 (\1'\ nl'~ 2~>41 HI .... 1. ~Ir "1111 Mr" ti Mh hlll'I nun~· ABOARD TYPEE: -0'H itt hh1kl'<l" bar k to Chl•rry Cn \'e. Catalina. aboard Adn nell MaRs1c·s c r uiser Llen11da af. ter a hrctic but w onderful four diivs o n the mainland. W on. <ie r l ul, b<-eaui;e o f seeing 110 manv friends anfl en ioyinJ.> the bc>aut y and rnn\•f•nil'nl shopp111g al all thf> l\ewpo rt Rhopi. ..• \\a\', \•••lit M,.!11; "'-" llAIPnt• "'I Wdrth, lll!'i P:1ut :Wth ~t , C'oelA .. )!1rl b"rn July I •• Hnni: Ho"· I ~11'81\ Ifft' parf'nll!I or • bo:t born pal.ii • Ju~· 19 a t HOKJ: Hn~pa1 .. 1 h•·• IU' h• • ""';• u( twu\~ tot ft n1n !'1Al~.M ;trl I -.. • 11td n~ to H 1JI Jt f .tt thio t•'llt h\ M 11wn.n.uhll1 t1 ur l< I ul•111~ 11 11(.f b"lllll1t11J wnman1 .><rnl \lohtlt t1 11w•l111g 11n th,. 1·..,,..,1 H111h· OnnHI•·· 1 ~11.<. \\'1111111111 lloh .. uy \\R\' In Loni{ 11/'llC'h 111111 ""' 'h1ld1 "" '\\'o>n1I\' ffll•I Biii ' lo l.A!'ltt· ''" 1111 mhil 1 .. 11••1 ''""' lltoh"n'' and C"h11~ f'.,1 rl 1. !111m u .. 11 ~·a -l.urk1 n1:'11 HonulHIU t'tort NI· Air 1111ti "(1·11111·~t' lht' \\'lknx·~ [!•llllllltll HIJI 1 M 1 11 T1Jh~1 \\'1l1"x I~ ~1111, !'lt•fun who I~ l1Hvl•hnK with I olll'tl \\llh "X"lllll~ fl"\\" HI lh~ h1~ p111 o'rtlll 10111v '1 of lhe T1nn,.J•.11·1f11 y111•hu• 1.ll•O ISl.1'; l'..\.lt'I'\' Dul \llU "Ttl<' wl111IP ph" ,. 111 t all••<I with ho·u r :1ti .. u1 aht• t1th11l1•t1ri J1R1 t~· lvt• M1u1l1 <:1 n,." thl' r11 "' pna t v. Hnol Mnx !'1111 ,,.... ~'" .-tn n•1 ... "f rnun ... W l•ll 1111 Ouk tth .... m lH 111 .. th• 1r t. 11th .,. ... 1.1rn1: Hnnl· 11nrl hill vwt11111HI• 1 ,,.,, 11f the ''''"""''" ('•1rk1.i1 1~ fll •I at f.t•t Mm nini.: Situ . th• n fol· 11.1·1r I"'''" 1•m k l.1J,, hi" \\ater· luw1nt.: Ill 1< !"-'ii f' 1t'll'"l1•l>1at11111,; (1 unt Wllh th..-1harlf'1 •··I F un z ,.11p h• nnnni.: Uanmund I h'a•I • f<1111t•·r 11.;1 a Sh•1\\ ht•fl I t '" I 11 t l hr•1r pa..r I.' Apa• hf'I Bn•I Ftl r1toh1•nv' 1 .. , .... I•• 1ak1• 111 .. jl!IC""'' ... ''h11M111n'11 I\· Si"ft Bf'llf' 8n1t 11111•1 .tll lh1• H 1;! l"r a, S<0r11m11t a1111~ llOllWlll in<ll\•1·h11LJ p81 llf'~ 1 .. 1111:ht I ... ,, 1K\ d llll"f IH th .. cn1I •11 lhl' l'Vl'· lulv 221 thf' T1 nphy •l mn••t at th· nang t'\'• ryunP .1g1._., .. 1 that lht R,,ysl llaws11an •,..A S H I 0 ~ St111 S:•'!\ w .. r,, ant• llJ: the "h<·~tP;it r.'OTE TO THF: c1n1.s1 HIJI Wiii pall\' jta\•>t J<" arnuntl thl' HR\' ,..,,a1 ,. ru't"m 111a tl,. ~11t k111rn Hlll"l'IJ.! thf' J:UI'~•. [•urnth\ <omt tlOO•I' fall lllS: In I hP I fOJ'll'I\ I •I \'Ir I I ; .... ,I: .. YA r•tlPy H .. len anrl l':nl· anrt rn l)&r, fnot "" 1' J1o1w• F111mahn1• ('ourtn .. \' B IJI anti Tuh\ l!l't' 1ti.111i.: .. bl\ ;, .... , ... t .. lln•I Tom Cchhnn-Em '>f l'nterta1ntn~ th•·m~•·lvP!C ,,, an•I ,111•1 c·nu ,·. Mr:< ln•·z 1·11uy "hollts" lO thr Au,.1111han 1au•. n· \\·1t rr 1-:·s L.\~Pl:'\U. l.:1111 lry Solvrli: I\' wh1rh 1:< nwn•'•I a1111l \\'1'<'1<.,•nd \\'hit< s Llond111c HI l"R· 11k1pr .. r<'l'I hy ~1 H.11\'"r""" ;ind h1• 1.1111111 .,..,,;. f1ll .. •I to ""I'•" 1!\' .. >r<•lhl'r 1'a yi:vt llalvnr~•·n end F1 .. 11< "~ Rl"I t'rar1 .. ,. Lllmb tin '1~ .. i:1we '\ 11111• h11111 ~""" 1111• 1 th• 1r l11v• ly 1whunn\"1 l,n V••l1w. I lh"ll nrnv.11 ,1t th1• llRlt·kulRnl' 1..,11111 \'a,.1t·•·k':< La tts;,, lhl' \\'II· "'h••1•' lhl'/ a11• 11t11y111g . 1tin11ni.: H.1111 \\'.1tt!t', l.,IUP"n ll••c. Sl,•1111 t he t.:t1t'st11: f>rn nlhy 11nol Jt1r!:<'rt 11•111111 n., Th11ndt>rblr1I anct Connie L-Orent:i"n <of H11lb1111. Anna K and an•l IJl'I Huy Wtlh bo&ll{Uellt. Mes. S&rl(ent K1th1tn1tmoku l11h<• r~ Hnn· \\'llllam SP1111ky, on lhe pn1111111I orsble Reprel!l'nlivr to t he United S••a Song. "WE'LL SHOW, BOY, PUT DOWN THAT S HOOTIN' lRON," J ohnny Me r cer ex c laims t o pis son Jeff as th<' lad draw.s a bead o n Gene R oss. W ord h as it all the m thar varmints which didn't sh o·w up !\I t he L1Jo £to undup next Friday w_ill be kilt dead. -St aff Phot n 'Saddle Up, Pardner, 'n' for 1:hat 01' ;Roundup Head Lido on • Seagoin g Salts to Try Hands at Cowpoke Living l H :ad for the h ills. m en ! It's roundup time on L ido I sle 1 and the h igh-ho's anct yippee·i-o's a r e getting lo ud and lusty now that the wild-w est Fies~ pas zoomed into a full gallop. Lidoit es aim t o stash their yachting caps and t o psiders tht>ar I •II at tbe clubhou"e &neck I the 1·row1I Ro11n11tap nlJ:hl in bar . open for the entire evtn· iwarch of colltuni. wan11t'rl'I A 1ni:. 1rnd rambling gambit-rs can Lionrt train trum L1d11 To~·hind flan • 11 0111 "t J:RntPll of ch an er ~for thP h<'•l nn,.,. ( ·1 .. 1·kr11 olll !11 l!r t up nn thr ravPnna · Jllllllu1e". a p11dule boa111. 11111.J 11 b1111 h•·r,..t Hurst·Sh<~l!. w11ltr·p1iotnl11. & lift hog nll l!l't foa 1><>011 lu1 k\ 111\\· lfrze row 11nd can-can 111 rls l~sJ !L poke'& deep • frefZ.f,.Rr~ a mung &re all t)llnnrd prnp!C 11mnng lht' thl' pntrs f11r b<'~l i\asl{Uhrl< 72 f.-l'l or booth:.. I Tackf't>; fnr the 11nn1111I fan\11~· Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Grundy reie nun-br ohtarnrrt trom trtrto nre ''''t'r • tttl charrmrn or tht • bo11tlla :tnd g11mes dl:'p&r tmt'nt anrl hnrn1·1< with 1 h" ( .. •tnon"d' 111.11\· T. P. Reeder, M. D. ~nnounces the open1n9 of his office at 310 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, California ~hysical Medicine and Rehabilitation Telephone liberty 8-8533 L. t. SAVE MONEY On Auto Insurance with State Farm Mutuals For Details Call Liberty 8-1 011 1 SS •:. 17th St. COHta Mesa. Calif. W. L t...410 ln l1<•u of teu·JC3 ll"n i!k)'·P1"''"ll SWJnR'tn' doors 111 none other t han 1 and 1·11whoy. hoota ''" F'Tld11y,, J u· j Jim Rogi·rll. :<nn nf 1 hr IRLP Wiii ly 211, i rm to m1itnl1:ht et I he I RoKl'r11. who will bi-abnn rrt to it Ive corral alte .. th1> S&.n Remo tr nn!J1 lhe 11mall fry a h11n<I In l11raet have htrdert up thr rol~wini: ~~:x:e:s~·~":n:P~••r:1~·=·~:·~~~-t~1:•:•·I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rnmmiltrP: Me111!l'rs. and Mell· ~ court. larnin'. tl11mr11 Burt Rombe1 i;er, Uan Thomp11un, Jamel! ~rllndate. J er- ri'! Rlchar.t11. Psul Bl'rharl,. Rob- rrt Pinkerton. Vlnctnt Healy. Don FAier. Ktlth Mlchelson Richutl Xnrln n 11nd Geor,;e SltvPr Paul Buller. b1i: gun of the j Boot • stomptnj! 11tlcrnnt1011 will Roundup committee. anvllcs all I be sble to whomp IL up to the Llrto rHidenll' to ~l'l Into Uw H•'t. rhythms of t he Lido llllt J unior Llltei.l tn rhari:e through the Dance Bann. chow·hnuntlt1 c-Rn gel Stlected judgu wlll be c&.-'Uf'IK Browns to Fete HARBOR RESIDENTS ACTIVE ! ,Mrs. Milliken IN PHILHARMONIC GROUP MR. A ND MRS. R O LAND WALTER D E VlN]llEY -Nelso n Phot o De Vinney-Drake Vows Recited Church Rites • Ill Open House An oprn houi<" honor ant.: \Ir:. Juht·ll ~ ;\l1lhken \lo Ill hi' h•"'' rl thll' S11n11.1y hy Pr. Rntl )tn< 1:11.•11 Hn1wn. Rt ~I'\ l'fflRllna l •ra,·1 ~lr1< ;\tllhkPn ha' r,.r ,ntly ri•- 111rn.,..1 ftflm i. tour nr f-:11rnpt' Mernb••r" of r11 n m ... ·n:. intPrna- t1nn111 l t Pn<ll' •la"' of OrRnJ:<' Cn111<l C:nll111r wall hP g 11P11l1< a l l hP 1trn1r. Mr!<, P eter Tuman. 1ostPr ol. Mrs. I Brown. and Mr11 \re1ghtnn Cosner. 111:.ter·in·law of the ho11tC111. will hrlp 11rrvf' Thetas Map Lunch Plan f Tl'le Ora.ngr Count\' Kappa Al· pha Th•'ll\ 1\ lumnll(' L'luti w1ll hold Anion~ the l.'P _11t" Ill• mbu:.:I. cle1.t.ed ww.nsmously lu lh• '" ll\" b<•R1ol ••< •hr1·1 l""' .,( thP Orang~ County l'hllh11.rrnun11 Sn1 •• ty HI :. mu •in.: h1·lol r.•n •ntly 111 l ht' home nf ~t a.;. Fr••I C f°Prll·~ 11( L< mun H"IJ:ht.", \\ .1,. ~Ir~ Cttrl Hnl!\.l-. II 11( !'>• w- l'"rl HarlJrn, M1:<111 f: 1;<'1tn1 1P H•·llu• 1111d F:rtwRrrt Mlttt>lman u( Pullt-rt11n. An •'nlarf:'ed atlv111ory btla nl uf 1hret ton wall soon pro\•1tlP lull ,.. pres .. ntallnn from 1111 Rr<'t•ll of lhr rounty In thr dtrl'('- uon of lhe 11<1<.'lt>ly'i. 11ff.11ric •l \\111< 6n1111untell Th111<1 who will ll"rve th•· "'" a.•ty 11n II., 01h·1s111 y h"lll'I lnrlUrll' .M11yor 00111 Hill, 0 . \\' 1Dl(kl R11 h11nl ~Ir~ .!Ark C-nm 1111 of Ncw J'l(lrt H llrbur'. Tl\,• l'<1<·11•ty'11 11i>xl <'Orl<'"rt \\ 111 bt' hl'ld 11ulcloor11 &l t.he Ja'\·1ne Rowl at Lllgun .. BPlll'h on Saturctoy, Aug. 2i, al 8{3() p. m . The orc·hr11t r11 will agRin h<' umlt•r t hf' leuder11hlp of th,. "'"'l"IY'!t pt'rman .. nt l!Onrlur t_or. J.'rkll6 Bt>hnfMte f'r• ,....nt rll the t11re, l<11 '11 nwt·tar\11' 1n sd1llllnn tn Pr e11ldenl ~nrela11<1 LP1lh(•l1t who prt·1<ld1:rt wrl~ Kal"!n MsrgrPta Brun· ang or Curuna d<'I ~1nr. thl' 11n<'lcty'11 eXf'CUll\'e dlrtclor. Othrr m~ml>eric or th•· s<1r1t.'ly's 1>..1nt nf rtirl'dnr11. 11llh11ui:h not prt: s~nt on this IX'"ll.810n, ar .. ~Its Earl St11nlry of BRlbo!l Island a nd Dr Rn!!il P1•l<'rioon of l'nst& Mr llA Couple Leaves Reception for Catalina Honeymoon I It" a nn11111 lunchl'<>n Aug. 2 111 12: :10 Jl m at thr llslbo& Bsy Club. D h}" s • I \Vh J H t"'"~ } I ~Ir• Ch:ulf' .. llurns darector of a Ia oc1ety a ens ave y,ir the S1111th• tn ('.d 1fom 1a rr•h•ll\• I Tht RnbPrt . Whale!W!, 709 W est twn • r KRppa Alpha Thtta Alum· Meets Tonight BclliuK Aw·. a re pa1ents or a girl 'n>e weddwg of Shirley J ean Drake and Roland W alt e r """ 111 ,.,.,.,' 1" 1 to b,. pre!lt'nt snrl bnhy born J uly 18 1tt HnAt.: Hn!!- 10 1:1\'•• a r .. p111 t uf lhP recent •hi'· Orange t· .. unty Dat1h.. S11< a•·I~ patnl DeVinney w as sole mnized July l 0 in First Chris tian Church trn l • '"'''' nt:t1n at l.ong li• "h will h&\'t' pot hu k •unn••r 1 .. 111"111 ol Santa Ana. RE'v. Ger&ld ~ Bash t1111ti>n tht> couple in a Sw11nn1111" wall ~ ··nJoytd. M In the WomAn'11 <"h•h Hrn1~ ... !'11<lh doable ring cerem o n y. 'w• 11 ,. •. " burn rute arm:mt the bay. at Bllker s1,,. s .1111:. A n11 ~'' m. Dau9hter for Paulks .. M r~ \\ 1llu11n Hnl,lt•1n 1/ grner&I ber11 t.·111 rt'C'"l\'t 11bh11n,. fur bfo'<l The n e w Mrs. Dr\ 1nncy Iii tht' daU>;hlcr o f Mr. and Mrs. ch1111••rnn of thf' a ffair. All Thl'tll~I bloom_.. !'hown an.t L :'\. :-;, b·r· I Mr 11nd Mra Glrn Paulk ur 1927 B<"n A. Drllkt' of r..1rilt•11 t:ruv• \\llll•• j.IRd Ii ~no! ,.1.,1 1-~ 101111,,,1. ••(ti." s11111t.Prn C"ehfnrn111 arr,1 rnnl an.J ~11 ., 11 ... 1, •.111 \\ill ~l"'Ak •l'.,;1111111\ St . C'oi<tll M•Ml. annuunr· Mr. IX-Vtnn••\' I~ th•• """ nr \tr '"I tin • c.tl t •fl:< Ur~<1ni:1l ""'' llHI· are 1n\'1lf1I 11 nd ioht•llld rRll ~fr~. ttn ••nt1•11n,.: and a11:11111:inj( hloulll!> "'I lh» IJ11th of 8 t.:rtl J uly 12 al 11nd MrL OonRld Ot>V1nnv~· .. r :?6'.12 11• It !\In .... ,. "'""""i h A kin ~.11 ... 11-1 ••d. lfpnda 1rk• K l:l·:lfi~):I hy r .. r t hP f'l'llllll J! l<hll\\ 110! Pl dtnir M St .J nS• ph Hosp1 t11I. Thr ht! 1 .. J;trl F n1rwny [)rf\'P, ('1t!ltll M1·"·' a•I '•1111( "II<'• Illa....... AIWR\'lt." July .Ill ~trs. H. 0 . All· n. ~····11·ta1~. W•·a,.hP•I 6 lb~' I~ u z.. Th,. bride w1111 d rPll!<P•I rn whll~ a not 1,,,1 <I'!\ t •111y,.1 .. I n vlnn nl'l 1•mhr111<1,.red with hh1•~ Th" r"""l'l1«n '""' h1 1d ttl tile M Sh d} or the Vl\.llP:t <IVl'r whale Ml\n. She drnn·h, ,\l\"1"111111: 8l the rl't'••pl· f S, an ey crtrrt"<l ht1r" or lht vnll1'.\', whllv 1011 wr r,. Mt:!. <.:lrn1lt'.'I Tt•mpu" or CRmllllOnl' 1\1111 Whitt Of<'htdl! and I Antthe1m ~11-. Robt'r'l MArk or Hosts Luncheon Wl're e n orrhhl ron hl'r t.:<•lni: 11wnv I An.ah, 1111, ~i• ~ .. 111., ("rr<:<»nu ,.( llUll. She 111'111' 1(1\'"" Ill mR• n 11i;rr , Gncd•·n (;, .. ,, .... 1;J11t1a l:lt nina111 "' Me111b .. r11 or the ,... ... 1a1 club of by hM' f11t.h('r. ,\ntthrun Mt« Ro~rt Thl'uung th11 Cr11nAtl11, AlhAmbra, chaptrr F"nr l'nmelha.n:.: Wrn1we I 1111' 11( P.t r8t11<)t11al Rn•I Mrs. Llo\''1 P11t· Of f.:&l!lt•rn !!llllr rnjoyPd them· hr11111 W'O" 11 v1•1l which bt>il'nittd t"r~u•n tof Huntrnirtnn Bt>ll<:h 1 srlvu J 11lv 19 at the beM:h horn<' tn 11 f'Mtnd who11e tir111 wN1oini. Thi' hr1.Je • m1•U1a won• a nav\ nf Mra HMnld 1'hRnrllry. 1:101 ~ a nnt?l'rMry wiu Juh• 111 hluf' tw.~ P"'',. "~"P111bl" with pink Bav l''rflnt, Ralbnlt 111l11nrl. A Pfll Matf'Nl of honor .,.,.,.. M r1 C-\'· a1''"""-'"11r_. !';ht wnrP pink ro~e luc:k lunc:hPnn .,.,.,.. !M'rvtd Ill nnon. r1111 {', ~(11ltr, 11a11trr nf \h,. bra•I<' bll11 flnWl'tl Thl' i:ronm'" m oth"r The bnd,.ll'l'ftllldll ""'rl' Mra .11\rk I Wiil' J:'OWll• d rn wha'" with 11 pink ntw ;\.Cri• f¥V1nnry Wflra powrltr Vandework "' HunllnJ:lC\n Rt'll('h. snd black flonLI rs tern. Her 8C· bhll' With nRvy •CCl'llll'(\nt'I<. She C'OUl'ln C"C the hrld,.. l"'Qrnthv H,.· rr""""rlP.'1 Wl'l e wh;IP She V.'Mfl a wu gi 11rt11attd from Gllrden O rnvl' •·at l or Slllll& Ana and ~I~. Roy 1 Mnoa ge or pink rnf'P burl.'I Htjth Sc:h nol llfld ~8111& An& Jun- Coate ot O.dtn Grow . Thf'\' wnP F"nr hrr 1l01nir l\Wlly 11u11 t n tht I tor C'nllPR•· The groom. la nrrw al· d,.._d 111 turquoaN gnwn1. Tht couplr 11 C'11tahna Honf'ymnon, tht tl'nd111,; 0 1"1Ullf• C'out Ooll.-.:e ma tron of hnnnr CArned a bc>uqurt et t.&JllJm&ll r~ wtltle th• br1de•- m&Jda w0tt a. ~f'f' ot 1"l'l!IP but18 "' Utetr htllr. Mn. DonNt1 I'~ ot Owden Groft and Mrs Pat Kellv (1( ~ ~ w~ 111tntlh·ltthltri. Thf' fTOOm • ~\ man ww >o- M ph L. 8oW"M" JT. c>f <'<Hit.a ,._, U.'lhtr~ _..,.. C'yrw <:. M1llo•r of G11r1ll'n Orove lllld John ToJ*H al\d \\'llh11m BurrowH buth oC Co· I •la ~11 •H LllLle l 'hucktl' Vandc -I "''urk of Huntml;'t•m Bta (.._.. coualn of th<' hr1'1f'. "nJ1 rin1e .,._•~r ,.,halt> \'al Ht>wltt ..... 1111 flt1wpr Jirl. Htr tu1quc1111c 1lrl' ~ m 111rhf'(1 t~ <• 111• bndr,,m111tl• \\'I It• '-'llln 11hl><•n• "' 1r Ill th~ ~"·s or the rhul"<'h a nrl b1111'ktl' "' * featuring Catalina Swimwear White Stag Sportswear A. G. Spaldin9 & Bros. Belgimere Sweaters Wondamere Sweaters lvan-Frederics Dresses • Shoes We G iv e S&H Green Stamps • Open Every Nig ht 'til Nine 1809 Newport 0 VACATION SPECIALS Boy's Cab ana set s, size 3·7 ···-······-· ....... reg. 2.98 S un S uits. s izes 3-14 .............. ··········---reg. 3.98 Linen ~uit s, sizes 3.14 ...... . ......... __ .•.. reg. 11.9!5 Girl's 84.'cnmc·kcr gowns and P. J. -········-reg. 2.98 Mother Dresses, . . .. ····-. ·······-········· reg. 11.96 Daughter D resst>s to m atch , . reg. lU>O 1.88 1.88 6.88 J.88 8.88 S.M L inen Su1ti;. Fkltt•r Skirts. X un•lty ~h(l('i; -Sub· T "" Dept.-.. -reg. 11.95 6.88 .. reg. 7.95 <1.M ................................ _ ... GreeUy Reduaed Ave. LI 8-64&2 Costa .JMICI COASTLINE FLOOR DDELiiii Save on Current Stock : • CLOSEOUTS • Rugs Reduced as low as . . . . 3.50 yd. VJscose-Nylon Rugs as low as • $4.50 yd. Linoleum Standard weight in-laJd $2.19 yd .. Asphalt Tile as low as . . . 4Y2c per tile Aluminum Wall Tile 4 ff. around your tub • • • • • $44.00 / COASTLINE FLOOR COVERING 141 c .... It. COlta MMG • • .. PAGE._. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 • TWO STORY RANCH HOME Back Bay Area BY OWNER This ideal family home, beautifully remodeled and decor ated has just been placed on the market Rt $24,750 FIRM, No offers Bordered by towering eucalyptus trees, 140x120 double corner lot. Fenced. Plenty ot room for swim· ming pool and barbecue. Large living room, 2 bdrms and bath downstairs. full dining room and l:Sx18 den. Antique panel kitchen and snack bar. Parquet noors. Larji?e master bdrm and :I l bath ups t a irs with cork floor. Open Daily from 1 to 6 P.M. 1939 Irvine, Costa Mesa 1/2 mile North of 17th St. Jcb3 NARCOTICS S~SPECTS IN COURT Uon Elmer \\'ells, 22, of 177 Al~rt Pl&ct, Coata MN&. left, •nd t:ordun Lt-roy Wetzbarger. 20, of 211 2lat. St., Newport Beach, aµP"ar tor arrltignmcnt lo Newport JusUce court. Preliminary hean11~ <in charges of posaeulnr narcotlca waa •tl by Judge Donald J. Dodge for 10 a . m. Turlday. Chu-gee again11t their companion, Mias Carol Je11n Crlbb11, 23, of 1211 20th St., were dropped. -Statr PhOlu HIGHWAYS • ""' ..-.. 1 62-R Coatlnued from Finl Pare u-ReaJ .:.atat11 ul_Esta_k-_____ _ · 1 or Victoria to Atlanta Ave .. acrOH the Sant.a Ana Valley lowland• to • Spectacular ! ! BALBOA Huntington Brach. of roada bullt for the Jamboree of 19:'13. 9. The county alao lndlcat.- a new perimeter road around the Upper Bay on the weaterly aide. 10. The San Diego Freeway (Se· pulveda) la pictured In the county proposal along the same route u proposed by the State Highway Comml!lllon. THE MOST ~IAG:\WJCENT mar· lne view 1n nil or Southern Call· I tonua.-anJ a home to 1utt the 1 mo.st t11acrlmlnallnf; buyrr. Rr· rtnt'd 11praintment11 -aeparatr BAY SHORES j\'\lel!t holllle -11m·ant11 quartl't·s . • OPEN HOUSE I .S l.AXD LI VJ:IW 6 Tht county map also 1tres.e1 the developmrnt of the Inland swing or the Coast Highway a· round Corona del Mar. 7. A new Ken Kenrick, chairman of lbe California Ch&mber of Commerct''I highway committee. wu chairman. and introduced many vleitlng of· rtclale. LIQUOR BOSS SEN1ENCED IN MESA LICENSE PAY OFF pav otr11 In tht flltUI'@ 1111!1 the ma· f'Xtra ball that -• not fo~eom- 1 t•h;ne WILi In bci 11,,e,1 .... ""' 1"1 lltl'd Ing t1ic1 ro11nteTma.n JU•l laup.d. only -">~or Am1111en1tnt " He •1&IJ a8 much u n hac1 bean I OOS"T WA~Tt: MOSt:\· t j><'nt 111 a.n at11m1pt 10 lure tha Nut 1top on C)UI' pny orr aff'k· b&ll OU\ ot hiding. Fa\"rd v.·tth th• Ing )OUrnty waa thl" Snug Harbor prt,.pttt or •rc-ndln~ anothf'r 1-3.20 C'a!e where Lea, tht bartender. In· In the hope or 1ett1nc No. three ronned me 'that "the mach1nl' w ,...,. could t11.ke a ch11.n.:e at c•t· doeen't pay ort ao d1m't waatt' your llnlt a AJ'«Hled 11ngle number on mont"y " thl' :~ numtw-r bolM"d we lett Ul• MacKenzie and Avas Receive 1-14 Y P i T fr C rt Chat tint with 1-ovu a SIUA ur Ice Bwc p mbllnJ 1pot. We went ear r son erms om OU t>ur 1 Wll told t he "New1pape11t" to the nu t 1t<1 p -1'h• Ort)•hound • had bffll artl••t 1n an attempt tu U11• 1le1,ot A dollar'• v.rorth or Clo•• th• pin bat•· and th•t • ·•I nickel• Wl'nt In thn-e mtnutM u SANT A ANA 10CNS1 -Sil&· ''" !It "'n• cOn!Jlllrtcv cha.rae D~ ~ ... w .,.. d t brib T ex~ted the n1actitnu t o be ton ·e<t the machine (&Vt e very ap~ pended 0 111·.11ct Liquor Buu H an one o ery. ernu on nut or town Juat u I~ Long Ueach 1 •ncr of g1v1nr J l>Od od'11 and UI• I:. MacKenzl, a nd eir-811.nta An• •·•J cdu.rn:.:'._are, 1 to H ·yurt .. d LP• •llO remarkl'd that t hli wa~ olht'r extn 11 otfrred but nary • I u ge mOIT son C'ommen e / 1 1 .• "· 1' bar ov.·oer Gtc.rge Ava1 ye;iter· "'I've read a nd e nAlvzrd lht mn· j • llX·month ll<'Currcnc<' tor thf' w nnt>r cnu u ""' l"l>IUliN. he ear· dmy a tterno0n were 11entenced to I uons. J f«'el the trial evidenct pr<'ll:IUrt to ~ on but -ht y;un't • onil ~liar wu IJ\{ll"f' rrutUul u It 1111>.on tor ooncurrcmt tl'nna pre· WU p1est'lltl'd properly Thert· sure when It W(IU)d lr1 llp thl• retUM\t'(I a rtollar In wtnnlnp ))aid 1cribed by law llfter thl'lr con· fore, I'm denying motion• tor a I time. Allhuugh no p8y oCf w1u rnim thl' llr krl oftl<'f' c111h drawer. vie I Mn on consplrac·y llnd br1b· new jUdJfnJl'nt 1n favor ot th<' fJC>&'tlble In th!' Snut: Harbor by 1t1t I ~O PA\' Ot'I" ery r harges. defenitant1 In spite ot the ve1. bartender'• 111.tHc·nwnt It •<'l'me<I a Tthl 111,.1 lllop "'"' frullleu u Supl.'r\,1r Cou1·t Judge f(enntth diet: fM . ar~e11l of Judgment an11 II gr~at many P"0P1~ Bt'tmed to neHl II lhe wa111 ~1111 m t he Crow·a Neat E. Morrison dl'nlecl thrC'.. mo-a llt'W lrtal. ch:utg1t " thll mcktl di•pensln~ oll,.r t'tl a dvllMr'• \\<lrtb of cbanr• lloM a!med at upfttllnir; t he vcr· l>F.SIES l'ROBA&iOS machlnll "''•s 111 Ob\•loia use u ll and tnrorn111ll<•n U1e nuu:-hlnta no dict11 rcturnPtl b~' a Jury In hi The Judge alao H id ht. had H l nut to the r~h dniwf'r with tong.-r pu d orr. 1'f'wport pollre court He lillMl tnml'it duwn a l!lUclled thr probation ofticl'r a ,.... 1 111 load of nlrktlll ru115· lo make I Wl'rt' 111 i<tt••mt1tnrc• u a lone of· probatJon movt by l>o th olden· port •n<1 \o\'Ra denying pt(.'lba tlon rh&ngt. . I fleer •lpped t'ofl<'t' and tl'!ltlphone•I dante. .;~l'''. -Tt•ttst:K''< SF.XT STOt' while t he WAlt1·1111 Ulil l h• ma· U .000 hALL !!It.VJ' · ~ prevwull c·onvktlun aga mrt Turner'• Drug Store wu the c•hlne J>ay Mt at lhe 1'at11 had bel'n The jutlg•• continued the d~ tendanls in $11000 ball each when Attys. Ot~o Jacobi a nd S&muel Hurwitz aaill thty'll fill' appeala. MacKenzie and A va1 were found gmt~y ot taking on·aale ~neral 11 q uo r llcenae payotfa from Jack Kennedy, Cn1ta Mee& bar o~mer. and Ro111 Gray, Cap- lal rano •ho l • l operator. T he 1hakedowns tota lled ll!l.500. MacKen%ie wu convicted oC one count of conaplracy and two ot bribery. Avaa wu judged DEATH NOTICE Fw1era! services ror Mn. El· len Koch. 82. will be • beld at 2 p.m . Saturday In B&lu Mortu- ary, Corona del Mar chapel. Tbe Rev, Vernon Hark. of St. Mary'• Episcopal Church will of· A\ u wu put In the mllldemrl\· next atopvlng point There tht ma· cut out a bout a mnnUl ago too Ul• '!O~•·ot~-;ry by the Judgt<. d t'hlnee were In •uch bad 11hape thal plat"e btican lo tw av <"lou ly w~tch· • e t:ll!t! fltloml'ya argu• winning wu 1mpo11.t11blti bul th• ed u to tlJa.ke ll riaky. Sh• M<'· Ute proJiecutfon Ulec aJJy obtain· hffie pattern or Cut machines and ondt'd lh" optn.1 r !AA t th ed evidence b·,; plantln.. a rt· , nn ° a • d I · d ... 1 " l •low machine• wu aeen. One tnu· Snul( Hubor Bar "''11h the rom-cor 1111: 1 tVlt'~ on co-e cnuan 1 Mickey J ones and will b&M their c 1lne wea a mong t he faattat u 1 ment tht mal·h1.11.ea ..,,.m .. d tb b• • 11.I mntnl on that Toundi. lhe ball wu uncontrollablr and tu on tht<1r way out of town and tt c~:aes agJnst Mlckt: Jonell companion wa11 completely dea1I probalJly wou1ttn•t be Jo11r until the were '1lllmlued when ahe turned with no action In 111.. bum~r1. entll"e a.rea wu free or pin balla. atate'a evidence. Two dollar• or truttJe.u ttfort wer" 1-'ln&J ll<.'<>re In the four•hour apot put lnlo the Turner machlnea, In· check allowed rtve payoff'• In th• eluding the money returned when 11 place• vlalled with three claim· the out of rep11lr pin balls were ln1t no pay off and the other th1'M tilted u they were a ttem pted lo with machlnu nearly l111poulble PINBALLS CoaUaDed from f'll's& P..,e be operated u designed. to bea t. W ith the acore 1tandtnr at threi MOMt; OB81:RVAT10Nll Can be ahl)wn only by 1ppolnt· ment. For the buyer who ls look · I roatl to appe1tr tn the co\41\lY mu - ttr p lan ",i:r11.hvork" Ill the Jrvlne Ranr h road which pr<'l,rnlly comet Frank Durkee, <'halrman of tl'le ttcfate. lnt,ermenl will follow In a myatery but It aurreata a meter o~ratlon that recordl the amount put In the machlne and the total pay off that 1.1 won. The pin ba.11 In Nor m'• wu of the aame r eneral caterory found In all lhe places In that It look not a alngle nickel but four or five to rl!a ch the place where the flnrt ball could be &hot with any hope of geltlnf an aver- age win, pay ofta, three failure• to win and two reruula In t ight attempt• we movtd on to the Red Snapper Jnn. Winning a dollar lo th" rtral a t· tempt "''Jth an upenu figure or SO cent.a we M:cepted t he pay orr. from, all plac ... the cate'a Ice boll, where, alter much dfort. th• countenn.n wu ab)e to tlnd lh• clpr box unde.r the lettuce and produce the dollar llfler flrat not· lnl' It on a ecrap of wrtUnr paper. Some obaervatlona on t..b• pin balla by wr brou.rht up the qU•· tlon u to the poaelbJIJty of Ule non-paying macblnM belJll" at • different level Ulan th• pay oft machh1ea. ThUr wouJd c:&UM the better roll recel•ed on the ma- chln• that are operat.d Wit.bin the law. All the plna -n.tted wel'e of th• aame sene1'1 type With • five-ball prna ottered tor a ntcktl and t>.tter od"1 and numbera ••all- abte for mor• money, About II•• nJckeb were UMd ~r rame ta an attempt to ret three numbera ln • row lit on one of the ~ tour or rive carda ottered. One numbtt In each aet or three la at the bot- tom of the mac:hlne With the odda blrhly In favor of the m&ehille that you wlll not 1 et the neceM&ry thl'ff In a row for the win. Similar to blnro wtlh a crooked caller the pin ball.I malul tbelr own odda and are lmpo..lble to baat ner the lonr haul. Ing for the rurn.1l, we urge to 2601 Bayshore Drive 11ee this p1 opt•11y I to the CoMt Highway at Cryatal I C.:ove an1I •·XtcnJs Inland to a con· nec:llon with both Central Ave nC'ar El TClro and Culvtr Road al rilghway commlu lon, rems.rked up· Fairhaven cemetery. on being introduced. he lur.d heard Mra. Koch died yutuday ln Orange County described u "fabu-, Orange Sanitarium, Orange. A Pt'SH HIDDE~ 81..'T'l'OS F ollowtnc the pay orr the at- tendant.a In all the 11pota vtalted pushed a hidden button t o mnove the next customer '• money. Place No. a~ Vince'• Cafe. wu the Clr1t dud u WUldnaon received good oddll on the first three nlckela 11.nd pronounced lhe machine aa active. The ball rolled alow and wu eaey to control. Two quick winner• were recorded, one ot 2t gamea and one ot e.lght, t or an expected $1.60 pay off. But the Cafe waJt relll tntonn· ed the pair that thf! bou three weeka prevloualy had ordered no INTO THE T1lAP WE ALSO HA \'F.: 3 oldr r pr1mr \•1ew pro~rucs nn\! with 3 I bcdroom11 and den at 1t!l7,:'i00. nne with 2 btidrooms. a den ancl m111d.s room. completely f urnl11h· f1J at $73.~00 . and 1 brand nl'w , ll btidrooom home with rumpus room at' $:'12.flOQ.. . e CANAL FRONT LOT SAT. & SUN. 1 to 5 P .M. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY lrvlnc. 8 The county map also showa a pl11n to <tevelop Marine Ave. lltland acrol!ll lrvine R&ncti I lan<t.. from It.! present dead enct al Cout Highway along the route 40-AutotJ for Salf' j-;948 PLYMOUTH 4·dr .. rebuilt I motor. a year old, $29(). •26 R1v- ers1dt .A ~·e LI 8·3326. 8k83 ruldent of 6-08 Sel\ward Road, loua." but the best adje&tlve In hi• Coron& Hlghland1!, Rhe had Uved opinion wouJd ~oo "ell'ploalve." &I· 1 hert nine years. She wu born peclaJly u far u hJghwaya a.re In Londc>n, England. She had concernf'd. He aald development lived 3L.x~rs In Callfornla . Surv'IY'Or& Include three 11on1. bere la perhapa greater than any· l/o and Eugene or Corona High· where el11t , but Calllomla u a 1and11, anel Reginald or North whole. ta growing rapldl.)' With the Hollywood: two daughter11. Mra. result ot lncreued problama auch Ellen Sexton, Glendale, and Mrt. u 11chools. fire and pollce protec· l"tltcia Young. Corona del Mar; lion and highway development. six gra n d daughter a aid FaWns head f lr1t Into the trap we we.re attempUn,r to uncover we lnvate.d winnlnp With the hope of a blrrer win. ·w. put 12.80 Into the 111acl:Une ln a vain attempt to re· celva Ule ttilrd extra ball that la 1ugreated to be Jwit aro~d the comer u the machine cllcka, whtrra and blink• on and oft In an attempt, uaually aucceaatul. to leach one m ore nickel from the wcker'a pocket. Wben queried a bout th• third O;'l;E Or THE FEW n-mamlng ' waterfront lnu In the Ca.naJ Sec· j 1 ion. 7.onrd P.·2 pi tr JM'l"f!lltled. SI0.01)(1. Lovely Bay \ l<'W )'"Ar round hnrnr ror ro11pl<' wllh racilil lrs for vlt11t Ing relal1vet1 or friends Robert McClure, highway com· one rrandson. mlsaloner for Orange and Loa An· ------------------------------------------------------- e NEW DUPLEX NEWPOR't BEACH :non COR:"ER LOCATION. Ntar l'kt81'1 11n•I Bay, $18.9Ml e SHORECLIFF LOT l.ISTTNG PRICE S2!1.Mn, TERMS I tor pre,·lew •howtog Call Harbor 1600-or e\'eninga Llt>tirty 8-11386. 48-A-AptA. for Rent OCEA ="' FRl):'li~r -.New. Attrac· UvP. 'l h!1rm. unfu rn. gnr. 11pt. Very moolrrn, lovely ocean view, la11nofry rin .• 1torage rm. & J{llr· ai;:r Ye11rly le1111c. Call Harbor 2313. 8lc 6'L-Real Estate geles counties. aald the county'a Increased papulatlon hu brought many problem• and now Anaheim ha.a 01.meyl.9\d which will con- tribute to the highway problema. Thun day morning t he comml1· sioner1 were guest.a of Brea Chem· ber ot Commerce and made a trrk through Brea Canyon t o ue first· band lhe traltlc condltlona exlatlng there and route of Uta propoaed BY OWNER, C·2 Brea Canyon cut·otf. Later tht -cla.Mltled Ada are rHc! by foln 43.000 1U1d more aq. f t. of C-2 on rroup began lta vialt of Rlveralde who are really looking l o buy. main hlg'tiway In heart or Coat& County. Their annual atate-dnve -CliusHlcd Ada a.re read by !olk3 Mtsa. Jt lntereated, writ• Bow tour conclud•• thfa w-kend In s tt~;Al"TIFl"L lnratlon tin Morning v ,. · -""" an who are really looking t o buy. V -1 1. this paper. 8tc83 Diego 1'11nw•n RoacJ \'1l'w nf Ocean ------------------------------·-----------"'"''.Irvin~ Hllls, $20 000 I e LIDO NORD BA YFRONT LOT i ll )';EXT TO STRF:F:T END - P1rr rerm1t u .. 1. S12.:l(l(l ' e BALBOA COVES1 WATERFRONT llRA ;'\;I I :'l;F.\\' :\ llF.11ROOM '.! n11ftinmur. \'f'r\" C'lr\"•'r df'.•lgn \\'h~t r \'"II • nn 1111 ,.,. \"11\lr O\\'N b(\llt 11llp•. U!l,!lflll • I e LIDO ISLE $5.000 On. :I AF:f\R<10~1 Z HATH!'. hke new 4:1· lf\J \\'.-twlll'l'r nnr tl( trnlayir n EST Bl'YS S••I' lht~· Asking $211.!I~•. OTllF:R \\"ELI. SF:t.EC"TF:n BAY· FRO;'l:T rrnrerlll'l• on H1rtior I l.•t1n!l. ~&lbna 1lay11hnrP11 and RAlboa Prnln1111la. Harbor !~vestment ( Company REALTOR S ·Newpo rt Bini. at 30th St. N<'wport Beach PhC'lne H arbor 1600 ]~hare l "our Car T\\'O 11d1e~ wu1h t1Je ln downtown l.01 An1?elt1 daJly. T ~ll\'t Hunt- ington D•11ch 8:'-'> a m. Call after 7 ,..m. v x. e.SJ(\4 81c RAf\10 • Tli:U";PHON'E, 100 watt. :l2 volt. 10 ch11nntla. ha11 ' usable I trequem·l~ 11t rrNent. LI 8·11209 or LI S-•:'173. Slc.-83 211-fl'. MAHOC. plank C'&.bin Crul· I ~,,. Slttr11 1. head. i.raJley, 93 hp .ft bllll tM k. S2J7=>. Hfrbor :l:1411·R. 8ll!c \\'A;\°T 26 to 30·ft. rnbln cruieer \\1tti mt>Onn.i:-. \(·111 trade up to • Int , 1n n1,·rr.t11df' on aewer. \\rite Ponm·an f\1111111, P. 0 'Box ll:l, Arllnl'ton, ,~1111r. 8J['S3 lJOARDrN • lalf'1f'r for 30·40-rt h"'t. 6 hr 011tl)<'ar1I, hfr JIH'ktts. hnllt honk. !Irr txtlnir;. rhl'Afl. In· ci111r.-IM , • .,, .\lrnl<"nr I~1<1n 1111,. wr r k Pn•l/I rir l'Rr11l\'lrw 8·111!:1,, '' rl'k dn~ "· 82p DllAT \\"A:-.-rF.n Lvman C°l'nt1r" nr ""I'll' 111 ..... 1 f\11 ,: t.'111' Hart..;r i;, ·~ \\ n\I •n b lllp~' I Does Your RECQRD OF INVESTMENT P~OFITS Match This?- 1949-1955 For The Poat Y.ar For The '••f Six YHra •ddtd Go/~ ''0"' "'U•<- Vo1-~ 1111.''t'r~ nf ~tnd.~ pi•·l..rd hv :'ihl'11r~nn. flammlll in ltl,) I •~ UNCOMMON VAlUIS Ill COMMON SJ()(U m11de •·a p1ul I?"'"~ 11( l :i 1 R.00 rom p1rf'tf tn a .!:•·nrr11I marlrt ,:11in°o(~ IO:l.00. (~ I'll• h $ IOOO inw•1r1L ~11w-r11,·<'r. tfivi. 1f,·111l~ amountt'cl to $."i.J.50 P<'r "000 inw .. t,.11. Bu, ,.r~ of @1odc1 on Shtar~on, 1fammi11'1 fir~I lilt nf UNCOMMOM YAlUIS in J'IJ9 wbo Ju;tcJied to the ,,_ list earh Vf'&r ~inre thl'n m.arfe npital ,:ailll of t3,.'l6:!.00. compamf M a 11enu aJ market ~aio • ofl I ,814.00 for each 11000 io\'et1lrcf. l>ivitf1'nrf1 '"" thi1 period amounted tn 1648.00 011 the oripnal 11000 inv<'11lr1I. Sen cl for 011 r 1955 Portfolio For Profits 7th AAn ... 1 Edttto. Thi' UNCOMMON YllW IM COMMOtl STO<IS li!tt'd in 1hi1 booldl't are cl10C1tn by Sbtart0n, Hamm.ill'~ R~arch Depcrtmeot II iNuee with apecial characteriat.K. tha~ 1bo11ld enable them .to oUlrull other quli~ 11nru dunll( the comin« year. In our opinion. they hue u~Utnt proepecta for capital gain&. To get your . frtt copy nf our ';th Annual .. Portfolio for Pm611 "- ehowmg oi. 19:;5 ~t.ioa of lllCCNUtOI VAUit-- write Deper~t I • call at our oA('C. • •• mu111trd I>• StelNlll«I & f'°"''• 90 !\00'~ l.ndn: I SHEARSON, HAMMILL & CO. ......... ..., Mtwahtn N"'° l"ri ~ F.xdta: entl ~ lAnding ta<k o.J Commodity "ta..n-OJ!kin in Prinripal CitU-1 ,,-- LA JOLL4-. 7863 l\'A~HO•: AVE~l'E Trl,.phcm~: G l~ncourt 4-4264 OIGANIZA TION • EXPERIENCE • RESEARCH • IMAGINATION . , AMERICA'S NEW RAILROAD \ . •, .. .. ... '. -· ( . -..• ••• ·~ ' -.. .:~ . .. .~· -. Qua.rllr·mile l.n1th1 of u,~/rltd i t.rel rarl curw aror.uui a f004Jiill liAc witt ~ Not a"clicketjr-clack" in a carload It's Santa Fe's new continaoas r.oelcltd rail. .• An nccu ion11l little d ick-that'• all you'll he11r of the old "clickety-<ilaclt" u you gHde over 1tretdM11 or new COD· tinuoue welded r11il on the Santa Fe. And theae atretchee ,irill be l'Owinl lonrer and more m.q~!nt on S&nta Jl'e. Fot we ·re layinf mo;J all Che time - 103 miles or it um ye&r • In fact, .,..,.. u.i.ni • new tlctric weJdinr J)f'()ONI (for the lint time by a n American raill"oad) to help brinr Senta Fe·• new 1111oother-ride to more people, men p><U. But that' a only part of the atory. J uat U a raiJ.rMd ill DO tJett.w t.baa ltl tnck, track it.elf w no bett. than what'1 undernMth It-the roadbed, U. Dea, the bal.lut. So ....... .,.. ...,. Fewer joints mean a smoother ride for-yoa with n ew improvement. here, too. For inatance. our own 11~i111ly-tf,.. viled ba.llut "dry cleaner,'' Thia unique m11chine cleana our ba.llut, kl!'Cp11 1t more reailient eo the track liee flat an<l .. en. • "And today we're replacin1 old tlt-11 with lonpr and ttroos-new Onf'\11 - apeciall y treated to •toy 1tron1f and llturdy for 30 yean and more. D•y aft« day, aomethins new ii be· inc dona to make "America'• New Rail· ,_ •• ..en llllWW and betw. Senta r. iii •••"'"nc many milliona of '°'Md don.a ftW7 year (or new roedwa y and M'tr eqcdpuwut. And DOl ODii penny oomea from the taftll ~ pey. BANTA IB SYSTEM LINRS Wh•t about npeneion In th. .. quart••·m1le ••ii• 7 N••r Nt>•t•1n, K•n•1u , •h,.re V••tfv i..mrr•lurH varv lrorn 'lo• .,.1,, .. ,., 114 ah'lv ... •• l• id • I. mil" "•I"'"· m"nlal •t r .. 1r h ot w,.ftl .. <l r•1I II~,,."'" foutvl that •nrh••rtnc th" n11l '" • .,,,., oth•r tJ rNl'lrl.-! n 9•n•111n tn 11\e .,._.. twtw .. n e nchon Thu•. '•\l"'t•ll .. 1 ,.n. .. m w•• ~u~ lri lh• m,.,.,., ft•"· I.ion or •n ln•I\ ~, ...... " rail ""'.. 1 .. «i>th« wrirda, n pan.11>1> le nn prob ... m ..... ,_ . .,, ... -.. • ,.1' LlLUPt:TIA.S LOS A~Gt:LES -Such might be onC' dt·.;c..T lftlu n t f ;1 IJ1 1.1m.t model of the Los Angcl<'s basin that will be a "backdrop" for· an l'~lt11A ~ .111\\' c;illc•<l "The W11rlJ &•nN1th t:s". Built t o a scale of onr ineh tci rnn l't 1.1. th1• u11..l1 J is still so al'C:urate tha t hundreds of buildings and landmarks arr c·l1·arlv ,.,.,.,.~1111. tb! '. "ThL' World Bcm•uth C:-1" 1s one of many sta rtling <'Xh1b1t s 111 the· Tomun 1l\\ land r~alm of the new park. CROSSROADS VILLAGE ,PRO VID ES NEW STORES , SERVICES· TO HARBOR AREA Motnri•l8 1lt1\'1ni.: Rl"llJ: th" Ell~n 'I to uno l tl nt:'C'PS~H.V tn • ,_ 11• ti. . .::1 t•lh• u \' h" •l.1vr r••·lll :'\'tW-ptJJl Blvd. Frecwav from :-;l'w· pBntl 1n phy,.11:111 nn°! pt>rs1 nn..i 1:i-lh• •r I · m··~ to th·· f,.1•nl outlfl 1•Jht1 ..... 1n '''"' r It) B<lf•nlu•lalf• II• Tq d rr lh!' f'(Jr111~1on (1( II-. JlOI { n ... oc h 111 ('ll•ta M• ~II n<•W ~I'· rtl'"ln ·'•'ll'an•I '-r •• \'II •• thf' new 11Lruc l1J1~. 01'J'f•1t1t,; Hn11~ i:: ." I: u · '" 0 r 11 1111 • •'l•'t ,.1:111· • .,;1.n.lan1 ,.,. 'Ho11p11al. whlr h hon••• " , ...... 1,, 1 "'''"' hnu~I' I In m ure •ra1111~1" 111· ,.,. 111 1.J.1 I I 1 • • or 11h••ps, ~l'r\'1!1'9 llnJ >ltttf' ...... rv-qu~rh·rs With R•lol••rl operntONI 1-.1-lh c·r••S•lflll•I" \ ,, .... ''"ff M otif' lflK lhP ,.nttrP llrf'fl 1 .. 11 s B· auly Shup offer:. quuht , •• 1nil 1 .. t t• • '• 1 • • :. 1 111•1 Rtc••ntlv r11mpll'ti•d a nd nl'lw 1beauly i;e1nC"es to ,.nhnnc« tlw su1h 1J ... 111n.--. 11u\. !, t he• :. ~· "P' n for .hO•lnl""" the <:ro~Huart~ r1.-1rm ILntl bt'auty or 'thP In• ii \\•I f• r h• I n .... Ill'\\ lu1 !:• \'1110~" Sto1•· 11nltt1tt' 111 de1ugn l bca•h liw .. lif'll J ·II" · ,. .. l "' I • '•I •h• I ~!J 1• • 8rcl cnnvl"nient 111 lcwation. c>Ht•rs llF.Al.TH l''OOOl-1 11 1• ·'I·••• · I. "'' ,. 1<11 ii f• .k 11mpll" ft••e p111 king J'J•OC'f' for Jlllt· H-trbor Heolth FtYkl,. & \'11.,., 1" I.•'' Mn~ of !hi" "h"ll"' c11·1 up\'ini: thf' mtn ~tore lti manai:r·J b,\' ~:r••I" c: - north :"lle~llt l Blvtl fr11nrni:·· Stc-pht'ns. Jii.'l lllm h to_. .... \'I' h11lh A ndrews in Crash \'AIHOI '~ ~t:ll \'ICt:~ lhe medical prnr~~l<lUn a n•I th·· tnt"l udl'<I In lhf' av~ilablt> IM!r-public w1lh a <'umpl~ll' l111e ••CI l '.1 ~ •It,,., n I ' ·1 ··.t 11 .. 1 111 1 :\ 1 I· \rtcc>s for Jill rbor ar<'ll H'llhJenta Rre high qualtty hf'nl:h f'\l.•J!< :w•I ,.,. r"1' •. !.!': "' 1'""' r • n1,n,,n\al :-1. ho mt lntl'rlor •ltcorAI ing needs, JOY<'d a mo11t succrs.,!ul ope1 a t1on a < '1"1.1 :\I• • ·• n.t \\ illin111 J..o~l •·r hNitlng and &Ir ronflltlontng 11er-couple of blocks n<1rth n! 111 .. pn''· H1 1 I M \\ • · 11 •• r I• r w1•r" lnvnl\'- vlce. health !oodll and vitaminll, " ll<'r 1bt>d sp<'dal d1c-1 ... and ebo thrno• p•I 1n " ~li, tit 111 • 1df'nt Jut~· 4 nt b I f ot Individual -"00•1ng. :.t:irlrll' Avr nncl B.1lh!•11 H!vd., c:omplete e'luty ~C'r\' rB l'lr worn-._... ~ d f I I " crlptlon Opened more than a YP&r n••o pollr e an1<l. No <letails ot t he aC'<'I· ;~a:i11r~, pro l'l'"' QOA ,.rl"" by Mrt. Ahct> Pan11. the store l'71-d"lll "'""~ortlr<I. _____ _ C. Krnnrth ~m11h, Ph(). l3 a Joyed a mo.~t BucceiM(Ul op<>rallt1n ~aduate or thP tT ~ c. SC'hool or 1 a couple ot block11 n9rlh ot the pre-Bad Check Report Pharmacy. A \\'\\'U vctrran lie I ent location. A ccording to M NI. movl'd to l\'cwport Beach f rom Parl.a, the new ahop allowa a m ur h Redlands w llh a Vtf'W ot opening ltU"j!'er and more compr~heni11ve " protculnn.11 pharml\ry t o 11trY<", sto<'k of the 11peclalUe11 for which the Nrw·port -Costa lltl',I\ a reB. th,.re aeems to be an ever-tncrrnii- Smlth, a hfe member of Rho Chi. ln1t demand by l"ewport Bearh \\'arren B~nni;-. i; .. r\'ILe Siil· lion nWtHir at 1101 Bay1111lc Dn,·e on Jul\• H rrportNj l\e hn•I <'3.AAl"d I\ $~.Ill! bnt1 chei k Yohtrh \la" 1;1gn- Pt1 bv a Pl\111 Allt'n l.onir of Van a naUona l honor1&ry t1<'hulU ll<' ao-and Cott.a Me.sa rHldenu, u wf'll ;>;11y•. rlety, 1a m11rnl'd and hu a J-year- Tomorrowland JUNIOR ANGLING TOURNEY Features New MIDWAY WITH 241 ENTRIES With 24.l entries and 422 fish weighed m. the Uag·1c Facts . Junior Fish Tournament of Balboa Angling Club f!l I had today reached midway poi.at. OCficials announc- lf w it.t , to lfaln Stn-et and ed there was sWI time for other young anglers to Frontlerla nd can be described a.s sign up and catch fish. & m ixture ot run and no~tal~la, John Lant.ow currently leads in variety of fish U1~n a trip Into Tomorruwlancl w 1U cert.ainly be terJlled a taate raught, 21. Top weighted catch in the cur rent bAt <'h or run In lhe future. is Colleen Hansen's 21 lb. 3 oz. halibut. ~winging right from the P l11u. Other prize snags: Jim Rager, barracuda.{) lb:> .. \'uu wlll sf'e lh<' modt'rnlst1r bulld· ;ng:i that house l'xd l lni: ;oxhlbll• 15 oz.: Isaac Porter, bass, 8 lbs .. J ~ oz.: Frank Lo- ot sclentlf1c conquC"Nt and a<'hlcvt'-Pr~sti , bonita, 3 lbs .. 3 oz.: Jim Howard, corbina. mf'nts tQ ccimt'. The entrarwe io -t Jbs .. 6 oz.; Ray L. Cray, spot fm cr oaker , 6 lbs .. To murro)"lanll ls mark1•1I by & 11ui:e "Clo<"k of t hP w orld" thBt Kirt Hall, yell.owfin croaker. 6 oz.: Bill Long, Pac1- Mfl tPll you w hat th~ lime Is l\ny-fie mnrkere-1. 4 lb8 .. 4 oz.: John Lantow, J•ll'k Oltll'k- where · · : on this earth. e re I. 4 lbs .. l 2 oz.: Hal St ern. sea trout. 3 lbs .. 8 oz.: ~I A(;r(' A~U t'ACTS J C h. b 3 Jb ack a.rpenter. w 1t e sea as~. s .. 8 oz I Tomorrowlond 11 " ":<howplure <•r 11111i;:-1c and fact"" that repr<'· ~t>llll! an a ttempt to :<how what the future may holu for all or us. Transportation 11n•I <"nmmumrn- --------------------~---------- DEATH NOTICE ASK $14,040· ! King and Byers Sued for "ote t11•r111 ·.,3 they JL>nY b<" 1111111\· \r'iiTll \\'A l.Tt:lt 11 \tCOl .1> t :RAHA!\I h, nc ('\'en fooJ S"f\'11 t' llOCf l•'Ch· n.ttnel! as lht'y ptcihalJh "11 b r• fo'nnt'l'lll a1n1nJ,:•men1~ (n r \\'al- 111 the ll<'Br tuturt• Ir r Harnltl Graham 32 u( 177:! On..;. ot lht• fraturt'll in Tumur-Cnvt110 !';l .. 1-Amg Heal h. a r" p.o~u- lft-d • l 1 1-11 d. -mg •t lialt~ :O.l•1rt•m1 ,. Ht' died row ~· • a spec acu l\r io 111w ca " Pr \l , 1 'The \\'urlu a.,11,.~th l's" tdls 111 19th ~I 11n1I 011•on Ntl \ c-•,- ' h•• thret--htllion·yt'ar-olJ st Ot )' nl"~•lo ,. whth' ''''1mm1nR. Plus Interest C'ltllrn· . J • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAG'E 5 FRIDAY , JULY 22, 1955 t1f t he earth and the adventu• ••U>I Mr r.1 nhttm wa" born 1n St ~tury of lht• development of :O.llln. l.c111111 And ltv1•1! jO Long Beach A s ;in ex11mple of +he It ni;lh 'HI" ) •<II Survw11rs are a n aunt. tn whkh exhibitot i ha\•r: ,i:on•• 10 ~t11111 A•ll'IB1cl 'l'tC'knor of Laguna provide unique rntrrlalnment . lhr l1ea1·h 11ntl nn u n c-l t' \\'alt••r "\\'orld Bent•alh L's" show 18 mrult' Hyll1n,1t• r nf L'ulwr.sJty r11y, Mo up o ( t hrel" p11rts. anv onr of which cnuld bl! un eng1·01111h11.: v· 't I B g Theft in1o: lhl" •ll'l••nrl1,nl'I lul\'I' fall•••! (O pa\· nff Pll '\ prnmt•nry nolt:'. I F.t11tl't1l' I lni;rum nn•I H11zrl H ln.i:n:m \\'<>•lnPsdny f I I" ol .•1111 l\j:Btn~t l\!p~ l llU1h~"rl! Rrlil f:q111p· ment <'••. 111 1•n:tr111 M· ~i. F 1t'cl I" shcm· in itself. Thr·y n1 ,. A Cine· ISi or S a B~···r~ and H-·n Kini: maS<"npc-Technfrolor cas tuc111 1·r~-Thl'ft .. r I\ leal lh'I' b.1g < <lllt,1111-Thi' pl:i 1111r r~ ulh-i:·· th•· M t>AA ated by \\/alt Disney stucllos, A 1n1: '"'<'rnlght items a nt! wallrt Bu1l1lt'I'., ii• II\'• r •·.t o $1:1.~nO nn1 .. j Dior1..1na model or the LM Ani:-•·les \\'1t h s:rn In ll wos reporlr •l tu II) Bp·1 " and K ing n11 ~('pl. H , baaln that is 11 threr-dlmPns1onnl p<ilic,. J uly 1 b~· Jt>~n<'lll' P.;trr-19M. Th<' lntl•·r p111r 111111 encJorC1· j \'tcw o! the enlirt' 111,8 . A work-son or La J ulla. She said sl.e lo!lt l'd the nl'lte 10 th" ph1t11tlfr~. It mi; model o! an underRrOunrl o il 11 fr11m the rack In the rhrC'k Is C'lalnw1I. rPsl'n:n:r l h:1t s how11 thC' p11wt>r· room or 1he .:'\'ewport Hat bnr """"rdltrg 111 I/It' pl.dnt1ffs. the ful fnrc<'ll that ••xlst bent'lllh u!I \'.aC'hl Club belwc-en 10.:JO I'm. defrnolant~ hiw .. l.;tl•'•I to mc.kl' 11nd how lh!'~e torcPll a re ll!IPd b)• l'un•liw 11nd 2 11 m :'.l1°nrlJ1y payment, 1tlt11uu~h th1• 1l<•11Jlln" .\Inn. --tor pllyrnl'nt h11:1 p8•M d )';11ught And it's frel'. Ill! are many M C T k 1 arr $13.:rnu plu!I 6 pl"r 1 f'nl 1nt1"r· ..lh•· r l'Xh1b1ts In t hl' Tomorrow-assey ar a en I t'!ol lotalhn)( S"i 10 lnnJ r"nlm. '1A~Y PROJ£.(1'(utS A 1111lh'r exc11 ing 11how ts C1rra- nuna. in "'hiCh VJeweni St'e tllm m1ag<·s all around th1•m. Co1ng Ctnrrama one or two bt>ll!'r, C1r- C':lrama uses sev..ral prnjet'tors to Otbh 1mer;cs rn all d1recllons 111 a r1rcular art>a. 110 that m<1\'tf'goer11 f~el complt'lely "In the middll' or evf'rythlng." p,,Ju,. nr1 lonk111~ fn1· I hi' 'ar - .. f 1-:'"'"r" :.111·--· >' c•f 1M1J2 Karl'n Car Sk.lrh St .. Sttnta Ana which he sn1d was 111<1len ht>rr trom lh<' 600 blo<'k Gone Bii\' AV•' HP JOtitti Che r1tr Wiil! EJtth ;'l;.·t'·lhnm l•f ~11n111 A no unll'lt kl"cl bul th" kl')'!\ w1•r,. not toM J><•h••c 1 rr t•ntly two f l'ndt'r skirts wrrl' t nk1·•1 (1rn11 h••r , 11r parkl'd t11 lhr \'tlfa .Mann11 p.irk-tn II 1 mg Jot l'hl' ~at<! t hi' '"'" '"·n11 r•I lype. you can tnkt> a •pm a round 1 betwei•n r, p 111 sat11111.1y &ntl 1 :10 "Autop1a". the fret'WllY of t he fu. n iteruav mornini:. lure. 111 1af1•. amall-111ze sJ)Orlll-·----· __ _ I CHRISTEN THEE MALOt:O :::;p11111h ! ! -l\nd anothn i<parkhni; nrw l\'111·11•''"w rruur1 11hcte11 down the way11. Thli< .,,·,·nt 11ouk pl!I'" r•'• ••ntly 11nt1 th~ prOUll new owners llr" th~ Jay ('l\1li•ll'11 1•r llarl"'r l"l1tn11 "" you can SN '. l!On. Pt!rry llntf rathrr. JR\'. ,.,,. ·~1rk1t1it 0111 nt thf' hrfty C'hnstl"nlnl( :trwtn>: "h1rh • llr' 1r I .\lrl' C'11rll .. te clf'llr out of ali;ht bl>hlnd t hl' boat 11 b•I\\' H• • knr r Photo Mesa Planners Finish Street Layout for City Master Plan C••:<ta M~';1 planning c11111m1-1' r 111fluc•n1·· .. \\huh I hry l'Xj'C'l"t 10 "'"n romplet1>1! 1l11 sttt'el l11yo11t 1 t-,.1abl11•h ·" in1 1 "" 1 11.'I Ct!\l~r f•lr a city m~t~r pllln e t & Bp<'Ctal ~l Hn•I '" t h1• •'1'•1 '" contac t nte1•t1ni: hf'!tl Monday ntghl 11nd lhlll &lrt'll I\• 1·,t11hl1•hNI l'ly the •l·•l'tr<I \\Orkmi:; ''"a zoning plan. C'11v 11f ="• WJ'flll ll~h• h. arrnrc1tn1t tn \\'alt••r Wf'lml'r, -----Ot rourl'~ I he wot Id of the.' f u- ture hl\1 fl full sha re of "rtde!I". After yo11'\'e "gono undcr- j?'roun•I" at the ''\\'orltl Bcnl'afh l's" t1how, you c11n take a almu- lated trip in the "Rocket to t he Moon ·•. where you !tl"I the thruat or. a Jct tal<e-off. and Dperll'nce the 11ght o! a dlsappu.rlng earth and ra pidly approachln1t moon. l! you want more atttaJ advtnture, you <'an tltke IL jaunt 1n lhP SpllC'•· Station thal g1vu • view or A merica from 000 nulu up. car11. Y11u have lo pa11s a "driver's tC'sl" 'lrMt, then you c·un m ove out 11lrm g the half-mile freeway w1Lh all the other drlv<"ns from 7 to 70. 0 ors as a en T he l'HmmtR!llOll la not ··xpect-' •CJrav•n I s rt • G T k 1 chairman of the commu111lon. L•ff G 'rl Petty thl\ft nf g attolinl' fro m mg t o finish Ila erforta by AUJ?'. l. ?-f r. anti M 1~. Rrnj11mirt f.lllr· their <'Rib, pa1k.-•I 011t!t1d<' ~Oi9 "-~ 11fre<'h'd by the ctty co11nr1l. l(r11vrn. :l~1!1 lhunnirn \\'ay. ('01111. Presldrnl Plarr , w:H1 t l'pOrt<'•l lO 1 but 1s w<,rktng ~ often 1La a quor-.Me110. ht,, p1\TPl1tll. nt " 7 lb. f\ Co11ta ?,(,,sa police •m J uly 4 by um of member. ca n adjust cairn-oz., 1t1rt horn 111nt' 2;') In SL J o11- F()R EAllTIW:"\GS ~ you ar. more the earth-bound • Anolhrr thriller 1., thr ride in acaled·dnwn IJPt'"d bollts that crulu In an isllLnd dotted water- way. By t hl1 time you may be hun- gry. Slep Into the Space Bar, one n{ 18 <11ffl'rent pl:lC«'8 in the park whrr,. foot1 and rf'frl'~hmt'l1l.11 art" Kt'rveu. for IL f\.lturlsllC 11nack t hl\l will .:1ve you lhf' t>nergy you nerd to go on to F'an~yland a11d Ad, vrnturcla.nd. GC'Orge H. Sortor an•I Syr11l $. dar11 to meet. 1'.'ph H oiorttal. SortQr, both llf thl\t ad1lrrs1t The comm11<11lon la preaently atrug1r1tng w!lh bonie r• of a "zone Elford Tire Theft -nmn.-0t a Lile aru:1 whl'<'I rc o m l Son for Stevens hus car pa~kP<i in a vnrnnl lot The Uerald Ste~·l'.'113, 800 W . Wrl· near his honte wus reportC"d tu po· 1-0n St , Costa Mesa, •re pa.ttnt.a lice Monday by Oru, e Elford of I ot a boy bom J une 21 In Orange 1:112 W. Ocean Front County Jil'lsplta.J. ~oseph ~ar Struck Mrs. Gnhlle J"'~<·ph, HI:!! E. Bal- boa Blvd., r('p<'tl<'•l 10 l'"hl!' J ulv 1. hrr cnr '"''"l~f'·l ob<•lll $;:1 dlUllagea from' a hit-run I U•J•<'cl. Her car WIUI hll while parked In front n ( h,.r house. nlrt l!On 11nd a 4 1; -year-nld daugh- t .. r ~tr. a nd Mra. F rf'f! J ohrulman. native Cblcagoarui. decided to a.rU their dr9.pery 9.lld lnll'rlor decorat- lnr bW1lneJ1s In the Jlllnola metnr poll.11 and tal<e • moto r tour to Ata.akL Wlllle nn th!'1r far north trtp they became &eqUlltnted with a couple> from Costa Mr..a.. Ar- cepUng a.n lnv1tal1c>n to via1t their local fnt>nde t he John11mana .iop- p('(f ov!'r ht're for • (C'W dllys \'tall. Thry w1·te so lmprtMrd \\1th the Br<'& they derltlf'I\ to 11t11y hf'~ CROSSROADS VILLAGE STORE .. :NOW OPEN DRAPERY t:STl:Rl'RJSE W ith t hf'jr 11lore of rxperlenrt In thl' drn~ry anti lntrrtor d<'· Mrallni f1rl1la t hey npcned lhl' Vtlla1te Drapery nnd lnterlnrs In the ('r1"111,.nu1ds \'1lh~i:-e Nhoppin~ rtntrr, l<nn\\ n pr11fc>111111"1nl\Jlv as J Ill :.f&e John11rn1U1, thP 1ht!t.&.ff flArtnrr 111 " •l..,.cC'lrato.r coruiult~t prov1cltn~ a•l\'11 •' Rn•I IW'rvire t o th" 11hnp 11 patrnn11 Rny D Gawthrop )133 bttn • lor;,I a uth,.rll"'' r anu• furnace 1t.•11lrr In :0.:rwpnrt lt. .. u h fl)r the! pit.•! ft\'<' "":us "" hn11 movl'd f r"m t~r 1·,,11,t 1111.:h\\ny locllllon In thl' nrw locAt tnn on :0.: :"I.'"" pnrl Rh·rl A nll!I\'" n( ~Rltnll. KJ\n G'"''thmp hu h1·1 .. 1 In c· .. rnna del :'-Int for \hr p 1•1 ''""•'n \'t"H • t"IR~t·:-. ~TAt'I' \\ 11.h U1r 'f ··nir·~ • f lht> nf'w l'llf,re C.awtht "l' nnnmtnrcs ~or- m ,n n ulw• rlh "ill ••'r\'I' u rort- 011\n on ml• 1 r hr1111ni: ln•calla· 11.,nl 11.nd H..t> Huhl!'n w ill IH l ...,.. '"It'll engin,,,.r and m anai;:"tr (If the hr11 lln1t '"''' 11lr '"""'tit tonjn11; or-~l\nltaUon. :O.fra. Ell1•n \\'II.rd, propnttor of J.:llf'n'11 Bt'luty 8 1\op, !11 well known to womrn of th& Htirbor 11rea. Of· ft'rln1t • complete h••nuty salon ""rvi.•e in a f11rm1•r l11CRlltm j11,t ll 11hnr-1 <ll•tan<'I' from lhl'.' nl'wly "l'"llM C'rl)ll$l"Ol\d11 \'lllllfCt' 10<'1\llon. DEATH NOTICE AIH'H ~r('AJ.l.l~Tt:R I Fun• r1.tl l'l'rvlrl'' for An"h Mc- Allt11tl'r 6, of 126 Cor11I Ave .. w.-r .. ht>lol tn l:I\' 111 I I' J11 111 Rllltz :\!nr11111r,-. c·,,ro1n•1 .t.•I Mllr 1 'hllr· I "' Thi' Hr,· llarr•' of i:;t,, '.\Inn· s i-:" ... '"""1 c·11urr1i 1.lli:un• n.-11. h I off1rrnte1I Int• rm•· • WM l 11\':\I' ~Ir. :.tr \ lhl'ff'r •h• I <111 f.!, n1\' Rt H "lll:' H•'•I' t 11 \\'r !nt>ll<IR)' 111' \\'fl• bnrn in :O:ltll F t.ln• 151·1"1 811 I j,, . ..,J "n R11 lbnl\ l ~ll\n<I !t'r IP mnntl\1' Ii" <'llnl" l o ll111oor al"l'a fN>m G l,.nu11lt ~un,""T' ""' h • w1Ce, Mr,. H•·lt'n :.t• \'Ii"• r • f lhf' horn" 11t!- ilrv~ " b?1 •':1 1 H "'"'' ~1 f'\nr-f' :O.ll"All1'-'• r ••f 1;1,•n.\i•l,. n hr"Lht r l A H11ll .\f, A lltt1li'I' 1•( ~ .. n l'rllJ'I· n"'''· 1111.t " 111~trr J-:llT.11hfo1 h ~Im· p.•• n of ll<'t k• I<'~ He wu .,n •!;••nt for llUtomoh1ll" 1n.•11r1111r.-. Thr 1.1m1lv h1111 u tAb· 11,11.-.1 a nit m"n 11 111 ·the' n11mt ... rl ft·" "" •' 1" I a1 l"htl!trrn .. Ho,pl· 11: •1 J ;•~1\M1rrr.1l,A Variety of SerVices Available for Entire ildibor Area ... , • . .. . ~ North Newport Blvd. -Opposite Hoag Memorial Hospital -Just North of The Arches Overpass \ • * No. 349 DRAPERIES .. * Maple Furniture & Accessories • Complete Line of Stapl• & Novelty Curtains Yillage Drapery & Interiors Phone: Liberty 8-1464. No. 351 No. 353 No. 357 * HEATING * * HEALTH FOODS * * BEAUTY SHOP * Announcing our New -Location Roy D. Gawthrop HEATING AUTHORIZED ~· PAYNE FURNACE DEALER Phone: Liberty 8-4471 Highest Quality VITAMINS and HEALTH FOODS . -for- Diabet ic Hi Low Calorie Salt-Free a ~d Prot ein- Non-Allergic other Diets Harbor Health Foods ' J& Vitamin Store Phone: Liberty 8-6424 New Location SPECIAL Complete $10.00 PERMANENT Special Phone: Liberty 8-2412 * No. 359 PRESCRIPTIONS Specializing in Accurate Professional Prescription CompoundinCJ * •I Graduate Pharmacist . Reliable Prescription Service 9:00 a .m-7:00 p.m. Daily (Closed Sundays) Phone: Liberty 8· 7521 I • PAGE 6 -PART I -NEWP(}RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' i:• 11tl\' r,.mlnrlt'1 1111 lh•t hli< n11mt th"Yfl' r,.11'1y o t11ltt hflmt' 'A llh F 0 · '" "" 11•'1 torr•'llly Wllh lift• !'\-a Y<•J 1n c11;<1e you rlnn I w11n1 lu Ml~ RI A Y, JULY 22. 1955 1 :-;,, rm•l lt>r how you &flt'll It. Art ror dlnn~r. =------111 flit i:•·nt who 1•on Juds h11 bus1-H,1\'<' you .. \'• r nut•~•·ll hnw lh1· TAICES SECOND PLACE JI pw y,. lu 11111• " '11.11 k •row · a~ J un \\'arm111i;1 .. 11 11.-ft 1 .. 1 .ll:•·Wf•ot l 1111!1~11 \'111 lrt l 'lub l•••rnd \\h•·n hl' cap111 .. ·1l ;.1·l'11nd pl"'" 1n th•· .S1111\\h11.i ti•"' d1111r.i; th• \·n u R•·i.:atln L1H ..,.., ... k ntd 1Ju11u1n ""'' p) tlw • r • 11 \\ '·' "" h"lnrl wh.-n J un uu·q lt .. •l h1a tr .. phy .11·,1 I h· 1111111111 • r.111:11tul11t111ns to11k plu1" f11ll11w1ni: the pr,.~• 11t11t1 .. 11 111 :'\II Ye · l'iun1luy 1•\•·n1ng H•·•·kn .. r l'hnltJ n •. ,.. "1th on .. thin.: In m1n1t tn wit ~UbJeCt of Kar.sm " n1me11 Uf> v. htn 111 Iii' 1•wn wurd• "Ju•t tlf'h rlous !!Qmron,. ment1nn11 jeooO (00<1' J im (o .. •l"' Karau.._ phiC'f' l!t't'rns tu hd\'o• 1m- \\ u•~h H"hJ1 t .. \Illa ~larlna 1s , printed lk~ Ir 111 tht' n11nd$ ot nu o n th" ~l'"t 11\'l•·• INl r.,r four ·ln<'l•I th,. t•Jn,Cllt-$ n1 ~nu1mf'tt 1n lht'll,. lu111 h• "II 1i:i11u1u• tn mi'rl wttkly fllU1S f'•·rh•t·~ : nu shnlll•I 'try Jn qu•· you 1lnn l know alri-a11y, Karam,. tr you t1d\ c1: t 101111 ti t tw tl11 1<1111111.rn~ 111111 Optnml11ts lt•nJ: 1.,1 ot •llf'J><l(ll''" ioir.-• '\ 1t11t ho•1 nt lh• B1"·s1\le \'lllla 1•n (Jn <k•a n F r.1111 111,H t••·· ~.,,.. Tll• '""Y> \\'t <It ,.,day IH th;> •h•y pnr' Pl"I . y1111 II lllhl !"nrl 111.-h t'r~ fur lh~ l.,1t11t~ to t•on\'t'Ol' 41n1t the h ~q,)1: r tH""l·P lli <1 I• t t !\•'I\ f11t\C'9 K J\\1tn1 u1"' nt1 'f lu •O' t m 1"huts· tu1 tuktn~ !111llh Tht•tr 'l''"'t!h1f'." 1IR\'' amu~~ .. t1w1 ~ 1ndt11ll' JU111bll L~"I . 1·1• 111 .. <11 1111,.: .. Cn11nty shrimp ui1r1 fHh 11 1•h1p~ P h111n1.1H•llf1<•11I A~~n w1·r.-al lhl· Hl'rt'll J!"tl<l "''""' fot :-h•wptt1 t I \'1tl1\ fur 11 tf111111•1 -111<•t•1 rni: ·r11111i;ht I Htii bur t:fk~ and Uwlr 1:u1•11u. Tu· lht• \'Uh• plA\'1 h• ~t to llhoUl i 5 OIOf!'O\\' night tht;'rt"il bt' li !rl!e 111°1111,. 1:1 of th• .S•111tt1Pr11 C111tf .. r· dan«· at the 1tw11i 4ua1·tt:1s. MuS•<' n1;1 1 '1111111111111ty l'h• '' i:roup "t w ill be turmi;h,•ll by tht• T ell Tu1cy 1h1111.:1 t111w. Fu u1 su111«·. D111n"r \I 111 bl' ,..., \'t•ll \\ ,.,,. v1111 011111111: th11~1· ,,.,.,,.111 'till 9, ,.11,J ther .. ·11 b·• a h•ll' , .. ,., •• y1--1 .-n1.1 v nc111n \\ lwn Pinky 81•0!! mng :m.ick. Dn•11is 1s :.llil'tly 1111ur- P••·" nl• d 111101h11 111 h111 io•r1.-, uf mai anil all v1sitini; 1-:lk11 11, ,. ur l:"d r .i:-111"11 :<h"" h1n1 lr<•111l~ Ill Th" 1 to attend. l'url. .\ \ •·1111 .. "" R.11 flolt · ~ Fr.:d K raU-"t: uf \a u.to', th•· l'UfJU· 1, '"" 111~11 ... 1 lh1:. i;c1da llffuir lar HQ in Balboa. l·omes foath \\1th "1111 1 'h• t llo•nn•·,. •!••h1·1ou. IUnt'h, n .. ws. l"••w, of u new Bl'l J!tnrt111g \th\ 11ul 11111k .. a 11111, ltl 811 .. nd 1H \aux' nl'xt T1wi.dO\' Thr 26th tit. 11• 't 11111• Tht'y'rt' l'l'h.-duled that 1s! r .. , t 111 th r <I Tl11ir~11 .. \ nf ••arh J .,hnme l'kuld.-a 111l h1.t1 , vn1bo flluulh w1U 1"ature lhr~" .show:. nii;htly Th 1t 1•'• 1"<1111 • unt .. nl•·J lw k 011 and aJ,,o prO\'IU" lhe mu1o1c tor .J11h1111y \"11• II• " 1111 •' !<how11 ht•w <lancing Ft atu1 ul with Harry happy h• '" 1 .. b•· b11rk 111 Tht' Owens :..nd on .l!Ul'h shows as 1'al- ,\r1•h1·~ ><ll• 1 u W• tk·<'IHI l'Jf·~la m lulah 8 Jnkhea1.l'8 J ohnny t'k•• ~1· "' 1 .. 1i111w 1.-•111111<·.t a~ ties-l"Omes h•·re dt1el·t u om 1h1• Guilleo • r i1.111i.: •l ·'' "'I••• h11t f1<r n11yont I Nugi;:.:l in 11 :-IPvnJa tnwn nf some \\ 1 ... ill •• 111 ~II• h 11 1111 ,. "f>nl 811 the fRmr. 11 "hw 11 ""' ., 1 Cons1st111g u( a gal and lh1 o•e J .. 111111\' ""'' d•·~ .. r\ 1· K l hani; .. 1 lads thi> combo ut1h7.es .sum~ <'lghl 111.w 11n1l llh'n. tnr he'1< so busy to 10 \'anMis in!Hruments to prove k. • p1111: 'f'ht• Anh••, up t o l!<'111tr h tlw1r versullhty. \'a u.to', as you 11~ "'"' ••f th1• ""'~l f"•fllllRr "I"''" I k11uw. Is the hume nf that flt moue ""' 1 .t111111t~ Clot "''' do hone lhrtl Sun<My bninr h f rom !) a.m. 'Iii ~Ir V 11 .. ,.,,,.·1 .:11 '"''fa r awav f•ir I p.m. I l•"' l11n~ ! 1 Local m ovi.. hound1< cert11 lnly I :-;,,, 11k1fig ur h1 ul how would a will get a big bn·a k th111 w eek -end I 1:111-.~ 11f flr'\<Ught b1t'w taste right what with all the 1op-notcher1 1111\\' ~ Thi• f'lnu •• I.~ a mPCCfl for t ll•·~" "'h11 l1kl' 1lra11gh1 sut,,111. Hewe \'IHI b• • n 1•1 .l1H'k G1)11nt>y's ons1s fl't'\lllly"' JAM SESSION . Fl'alnrlnit F..&11t C'oa•I .Jau: Qulntrt SAT. & SUN . AFTERNOONS 3:110 p.m . " hillrd tor Harbor shnwinca J o hn-UOftl Steak lake "' Oxford romu up with a 1'1ar- lln a.nd J..cow1s show •l the P ort In Corona dPI M11 r "You rf' Never To.> Young" 1a l'OUpled w ith "It Camr rrom B•neath lhf' 81'6." Ma- ''"" S1leor hu a trio of dandlu in h1• hou1>ea. Al J0t Haman's M,.aa you may Hf' the talked-about "~Ir Stt.ak bakt' mght for C09la M•· sa-Newport Harbor Llon1 Club hu bffn wt for Aug. 2 The a nn ual affair wlU be hrld in Co1la Me .. Park. It wu annoimcrd by Pre. ... 1dent Broce Martin. RobPrt1!'' whtch Mason and J0t Ellmore Caps TakH i.av follows tht' popular b<iok \'1'1')', 1 ..- ''l'.I ,, r lol!tiy Down •H thl' Udo Then or four hub cap• ~d two Cn;•g Ph~ntx holds ovrr "St'\'f'n fendl'r skirt.a from h11 car parked r ... , Itch" 80 you ran 4ll'f' morr in front or hl11 home wu rtported or Marilvn _ and a illO, Tom Ewrll. I lo p o 11 e r recrntly by Alrr•d Thal tr ilnw ('ioekett a ppurs ., Ellmore nt 127 S11pphlre Avr __ 11n ln!1llln 11rnut on lhl' l't'rl't'n at th .. Ralhua. losses Report Theft So th(" h1i;hwuys arr umre crowdt!d Mor c Klld more Pf'OJlle tHt' coming down to thl' beach for the summer. Th111 Clllia for more un<I mon• cauuo11 and eoxtra sa.!r ty pr .. caut ions on all our parts. Play 11 111f P, but <Jo have run: Theft of a walil'l containing $7, 1dentlftcat1on papers and a gold wedding band was ri-porled t o TUSTIN Pl.A \'BOX S11t "" t hm.:• 1n their own pe· cuhar • pllice, and know that order I 1a lht ~re&lt'll grace. -Dryden now "SIKht Mu11t t 'all" Spin" Tlnalln1 l'iUAPf'~ AU Stoat• ,....., 11.60 Tlckrta at Bl~ Sall• Bal. SOO l;o. "(~' 11.U. ,TwltlD Grandolfo 's (formerly of Hemet l com~lete menu for the family PIZ7.A • • 8PAGJU:'ITI • LASAO)M HOME -MADE RA\'IOLI e ~TEAKS e Sf:A t 'OOD . FOOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPES DAIL\' 12 NOON-1% MJDSIGHT. MOS. 6 p.m . 'Ml, Mm. THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEN 10 A. )If. THROUGH I A. M. • !liewport Blvd. on Coaat H.lchway NEWPORT 8EAC'B • (\\'e are Clotted on Thu~ay11) MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS By JOI MATl:l.L"Y f'1u11.c Sp«i;ho ll1 1411.sugna Y.'hat 11 1111•1•· thr1'\ll1 Q 111t1• a line-up 11t j t h.1 t. \\'di •'•>.1t'h1•1l 10<1 hv Frank .u1t1 <:11111 <iran1l0Uo \\ho· \'•ln;luct " r1•,t•111r:i11t of th,• i<anw 11omrl •l .. 11·11 <1n ll.1 lb•1a l'll\'•I Thl're arc '''"'k' nn•I .... n fo.u1 tnr th nse ''"ho •IC\ n111 \\'11<h fnr the> Jtahen St)'l" l t\j• •I. MONDAY EVE. 9 :00 p.m. BLUE ROOM IJn ~l.un !'t . 111 B.1lbua, vnu'll (111d d t,1:.I ~· Wl·bol I ll dt•h('IOllS I 11h., n, ..,..n • 11 hy Thr Chin•·~ ('a -'!06 l'alm RA l,.SOA .Srar •. ,.,,., ~•nll, H11rn· YPl' ll'm1mls you -~~====:"':''=::"':'~"":=~~ T HE PIRATE i =~=.,,=e=M=e=w~=A=,=,=S=t=eg=m=a=n=n ,=s ===== Colonial Je~tauranl Thu; is thl• dale wlwn \'t~11lors to Pocatello. Irlr1ho. as- 11emblc to witn<·ss the Indian S11n Dances. B11t don't be tfl«• disappointed Jf ,YQU t·annot makl' it tn Poc·a-town o\'«r tl1C' WPek-cncl. There i;hould be plenty of sun hereabouts and 1f yu11'rc on lh!' b• .11 h 111 In llw Wflll'r l'll1J.: r 11nt1Kh. v11u, 11,.., will n<••iuiro• t h.rt f'aul Miullz. Canwd lcw»I fll•·r wh" 111<111111-hkl' !lhsodt· 11\ 11km A n•I 1111 111 in • ha1 s:<' of T h1rn1.1'1' 1H•r1r.l for rl11111111s:. wt•ll. lhL-. nt<'ll u1 1 .. od-wnrk •llltl otlw1s. Art Mlys th• r d WI\ h j:f\•1tll)' l>f"•l • r11r tl'I fllii·' l'rl'W wa .. ~ O•'al"hy for 8 bric r ro·· l h"r'""' • llt11 Plt 'll\xat111n ortrr 11huol1ni; si 1•n1 ~ frir Alnr.i:; with vuur olM~•ng vuu the American St'<tU•·O• c><; 1of •Th" m Hy ha\'I' i.1mn'1 r, &nu~k.s and or l Is America", a p><rt of th•• n .. lfl r1•frPl'lhrr.,.ntio or 11lmc'l<l u 1y Ilk Clnl.'rama production dPp1ct1111: th•' Y"llr 1h1 r!'ll d<'l'llr"'l'I \.\'"hy lenvr thr preAt>nl-t.l.lly wondt!rs of lhe worltl. J-lu.rboz arco.. I.'/\; , Our irrenl ,A.meru·an ill'St>rl •Inti If \'"" h<•r i••·n1·tl t .. '" 1n111rl•· 1 Mt . \\'l!ttnt-~ 8T" h11t A pair nr f ·hrht.l.:u1· .. llut IHt•·ly you nui:ht h1ghhghl11 t•J bl· fralur•·rl . h1n •' th• ·Ill!' ht thR l Y•lU w o•re at. C'brl .. tia11·,. llul '' a i:.1 t h .. n11i:- t• 111h111( A :.httY.tni: of ('1111·1.una lll'"l for m.1n\' whn tlun t kn"w the rn·~•·11t nt ;\rt l.a~hl•lli-'11 b11 y1111lt' I •hfro'n-nn• bl'lw••rn ::~m1111 an<I T.1j ( ... ,.1 & i;rng ··111rnrwm w1 11' Low-I :'-tnhal ..... l1't ye· h• 1•111 '""""'~"·•!. rll Thon.a,. nn<I m:in\• 1of hi,. <'1n-H1" lo lhl' 11111 wh• n ,.,. .. f•, I l1kP .-ram1r ~luff b1i;-w1i;~. Ton1tian ,11mni-J1hrn· ; .. ,., \ 11 111al• Jn• lutl1•1I in thr pn11y "-l'te \\'ttl· an I r1 freshmtnl". I• r ThnmJ""''n, p1 nrlul't•o11 mi:r ·I A rt ~tPi:mann, nr 1111· t '11l1111lal H an~· l'iqulrr, • 11mr111 h111111111an N•·"l1t111·ant nn C-11,1~1 H1i:hw,1y, Dinner Suggestions . FINE FRESH SEA FOOD Surf Fish Fry you·11 love t\otel Laguna '!11 0 Oc·Pan t'rn111 111•1.r X1•\q1ort l'IPr and I h,. c \ l'T \I .V~ ( .\Kl :'\ L:ii..:una 'io. ... ma rt Of>\\ loun ~·· Th,. I' \l I. :-1 TTC" T rl11 llunrlni: ,., ..,._.. nli:h1 (•'\• •• ,,, 'Ull.) rruru H;:to p.n•, , .. 4 '''' r-'u \li11ir11uu1 'RE AL ' MIXICAN FO 0 D /LA rOsr~ If you p~ftr to .tay at home to see your favOf'ite • k-le,ision program trr oaT boxfd Mmt'an dinnns °" spt"('tal orders to takt! oot. 'nw-r're rNd~· to Mn't . PRJl'ATE PA.RT\" BOOM FO& LA.JIG!: rARTl£8 UN S ~"'port ltlvct. COSTA MESA 1 Rlock ~outb of '•fit• \na r nnnt". natt :!8th St. at ~~wport BIHL •,.m \'ounwll Open 10 a.m. BALBOA DINNER. SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLl ' The World's Most fabulous Wonderland Now Open In Anaheim, California Until ~f\u «< 11 for your~c:lf, you "111 never believe there C:\l~t~ 'uc:h a wonderland of en· 1crta1nmcntasa\\31l~\OU81 D1,nc\land. If.() Aer~ of Happine'~-• ' I YHYOAY 10AM• 10,M Atlvlh~ Slot Chiltlru: S.SO SANTA ANA FREEWAY IN ANAHEIM Showplace of the Coast afarenff• LODGI AMO USTA Ul ANT SHowrr." f: o•· Tttt: < u .bT ' Hiatt ~-6:,()t. "!'bulouA Food bJ our .Sew Chf>f GEORGE GORTNER 7 l 'Mn at Palm Spriap Racqud O ub Danclni to Musi<' by JERRY KENT TRIO J:n•ry Nlitbt but WednMday SPECIAL SUNDAY IRUNCH F'rom 11 :00 a.Jn. & of!ou1~ge Just Delicious Food! STEAKS e CHOPS e SEAFOOD AUSTRALIAN LOBSTER TAILS :\'l('E Dll\'XER SEU:C'TIOS f'O Pl'l.AK f'KH 't:1' Marine r's Mile-2332 W . Coast Highway across from Port Orange Newport Beach .. "Superb Food" • -. I §!!!!!!! in Our Lot Dance to The Musie of Lawrence Welk and His "Champagne Mus ic" Orchestra Alice Lon Myron Floren La rry Hooper Rock y Rockwell Dick Vale Jerry Burks TUllDAY, . .IULY 26th RINDDVOUS-BALLROOM , Proceede fOI' Sealartng M...U, Temple Tickets nallable at llcllllrcl's Marllet, Crawford's Dl'llCJ Store, Fllwis Realty, Mask•y Realty, and at IHcMzvCMIS lallroom ••elllnt of Da11ee JULY 26TH pollc. J Uly • by ).Ir. and M n . I board t.hf'lr hoa l Hualcy, m~ David W. ROll.>I of Long Buch. •l 20th St. Ttie R.ouM were •· They a&id the tbett occuind a-a.Jeep at the time, I.hey ..W. ~~~~~~~~~1 ~~~~~~~~~- J ... DORJt// ,,. ~ /1.f .. ·, ' Now Sbo"in~ . " .. · , . . "DAVY CROCK En'' NOW MHO\\'r.iiG DEAN MA RTL~ ~ . .IEKBY LEWl8 lndJu ~rout "You're Never Olanf'y SJ\ortf "lear Country" ·"Hook Une Sinker" "Camp DOCJ" "I" at the leach" Sun. thru Wed. OAR\" ('QOPER Bl 'KT LAl'\CASTER "Vera Cruz" -..I~ \ IC"TOR MC'l.AGLES ''Trouble i,, the Glen" Too Y ouncJ'' \'l1ta\'IAI~ Tf'C'llakolnr -ptu- "IT Came From leneall1 The Sea" r!t:t!O I NOW ~HOWING • For T"'O WH'b For~~--------~----~ ~ i ~J t' ~~· Mister ~ Sulliva• (la) ~,-· "Its one of the al great .Pictures · ofthisor . atyy Year~· j t lf 0 ~ WARNE~~ k"'" ' -FllM'HG °" '*' e c.; "·· ..----~1f,1""~illf;.l,,~~~-::1 ·CtN M...scDPE-----c·~---IMU~ WARl'.L:l";::Ol:O R •":!.::-.. ; s.:-.·~ ~ • ; : ......,.::..: HENRY cl\MES WlWAM .WS IONDA · CAGNEY· lWEIL · IEMMON --~ PAl.XIJI • 1'.APJ> BOli'D • l'!llL~ 91.-~.., ,,.._,.., •...eA ._. .._ • it. ,..,. "TllCIMAS HWi£lo ..! X91UA IOOM mJ l'9IOdl> II\' --~~!~~~~ ~ l.EWIDHA~ Two Shows _Niihtl~~ 7 P.M . .t 9:2' Continuous Stinday from 2:80 P.M. L I ~ 0 7fc~u • e.--. ..... -........ - ttte SeVen year itch CIN1 ........ scoF'E (Q .Clll ' .. L¥U _.., .. ow.Oii -MAltlYN MONIOl ,. TOM fWtll ENDS TUESDAY , . •"""' • m ~ rvn1 f'f..M•1 , ••• , .. ~ ,_ .,, ..,.,..., ..... .--t<Ml"1t ..... -.-. - .._,..., .. l, W'tl•••~ ,,,~,..o --. -:.::::::.:,.·.-;.:;::&i:::.=9 ......,,...,_,, .. Kid"• ~at. "•' l · •r, "f'norky '1lf OtaNllllie ...- St.an. !\'.ext WN.ln~ay Anothtir Orr&t at thf Lktn ' "Not As A Strant•r" \ ' -,, SHOPPING AT LIDO FASHIONS :llr11. CuMllo> ~I''"' \Wlll1u111ng a•. 209 N . Bay Ft• 'll, t'8tefully cnn111ders 1!1 t·J<~•" 11 th•· n .. w L alo Fa~hlnns S'inp 11n NPWJ>"rl BlvJ, s rrw•<t t hrl .!<lrc..t from \"1m·,.nl'11. Showing lhl' dre"'~ Is Mrs. Mlrh.u·I ~rrnta Cruz -Rtllff l'h1ttll SURVIVOR OF EASTER WEEK CRASH ON ST AND Tells of Beer Consumed Prior to Accident Which Took 2 Lives SA?'>TA A :-.A 1oc·~i:;1 -John •nl'~" s•nn•I, t ••l1f1, .. 1 t:i rnn_~ W<'le J Cusollt'> nf l lt11)1ln1:tl'n Bt•a1 h nil lh11t r• 11rnin1•rl ••Ut-nf th,. 1wn nne of 10 f l'f"n111 ••r11 ll1Jllr<'d in II rn~f "· ?\'ewport B l'D<'h trafflr l rRJ:c•t!y. I c '11!'<>1110 ~nit! J<,.llni:i: \\II~ ~outh tllld a Superior 1~11111 t l 1<·pt1rtmrnt bo11nt1 .. nn1 tl'l'J f:l-"l ' 1111.J i.torrr•I 3 jury ye~tt'l'•l I\" twn rn!'Ps nf bdor,. 11•11•rnptlni: a lt'fl tuin nn- b!'f'r ~re pun h'•~l'•I hv h is com· to S11111•~c•r. He 1c .. 11fle•I nt thl' p11nions lht' mi;: ht 'h"lr c11r col· ruriinP1 °8 in<JUr$>l thnl K ellu,1:1: lid"'' •with o tnnkrr tn ak tfronk t~·o pnllslbly thrPP r1'n1' uf Cu11nht o Ml I hi'· rn11ltln't rl'· b1·flr 111111111; t he cour~·· Co( the• t•\"t'· t'llll of all t h,. '"' n11i.:t't11 111.b1b('rl nlng. In t he be<'r. Th" wlln"~" ,.8tcl i<l'\0•1 UIO~'T R E<.A l,f. t'll or rl~ht nr h •" (rlC'll•1 .. trnv»l· Thr w1lnc111< t old th•• t·11111 t hf' l''I to the E:ilh•1n ~·11n 7.nn" Apnl ol1.t11'1 1•·•·1111 ·.11 .. Yn1n1•1! i:i1 I tt•k· 11), l!lM. Wh•'IP lh· y p1rk•·d u p lllj.: 111 b1• l3k<'ll h mn<' Ill All\" 11 ·1 ,. two <>'hf'r gi1 l• I C11•roht11 1'n1.J hi' rlroln t ~f'•· lht' l.f:A \'f: •·r ·" 7.0:\'E 1 rurk unul Just bl>(oi,. th" 1111- F'romthP 1'11n 7.nn" I hr\" motnr-pa ct. H e M id 80mPone yrllf'rl: ,.,1 in a cor d rh·••n by Jnhn J~,.1-"Look ou~ fnr the tru, k •" Th,,n l"i.!J:'. 18, to a danr·" 11 t H unting·. he was knocked uncon~c1ou:o. lr•n Btnrh. Frnm t h<'r". thrv clrn\"f' Trial Wiil! •.o be·ro·Cl'l'8t'll 111 1 °;II tn ll llf'<'l nrilt 1111 nil wrtl. Aflrr pm. and resumed at 10 11 m . ~lon­ parktni: th"'" f"r 11 11hort w hllr oley. Fln11l arguments nr!l f'XJIPl'l· t hr 10 yuuni::'' "' ~ 11ilP<l ln'o Krl· o·•I M"n<111y ll flt'"tnoon. OfftrPr ln,.:-~·s car 1t111l •It• IP iurnth alnnt:' Brown was t he tw~nty·flrlit \\'It· r~11!1l Jtf~ \\'II\' ru~ollto 1111M t"hrv"ne11s c111ll'll. '' r 1 e '-" ni; t o I he Co~l& M PS;J,. -------------- 1tkn1 n~ 1 nk. e T l1e R• llni:g r11r ws11 ln ll rrs11h e w ith I\ trur k 111 rrlnl't H1~hw11y e llnd S11pr.rinr Aw• . .l11rklf' Ynrnell. • l to, nr ('nsll\ :.1. 'I nnrl Rnbt'rt • J\l11t'.hPw~. Hi. wt°lnl'"' par,..nt !I-nnw I Jl\·I' In Gartl"n r.rnv•. wrre k rll· f'.f And Diani' l)nnhtlll'. J"i, form-1 r rly of Balbo11. "n~ J;T1\"Pl.'" hurt Sht h~ n f'Vl'r rl',.Rinrd conscl· '- P.-.0000 ~WlT P11rtnhl or thr Jnjllrt'•i 11nd dl'Rrl r hlldrt'n •etk m o rr lhon S~0.000 <1.,ma gts ai:rn llllll thr A rm our 011 ('n. nt San Dlei:o ond drl\'rr Ch&r· l tit Bennttl. Cuaollto •a••I hr ro11l•ln'l rt'c&lt h<>w many r11n:o 11! hf'pr wrre rc.n· 11umed. H ow f'\'Pr. :"'rwro1 ~ Brorh Pohc!l Offlc-Pr .. :.twin A. Brown. who follow t rl C'11iooltln tn the w 1:- Clancy Home Plans Denied by Planners Plans ot Mr~. :XMh,.rt .J. C'l11n· I ry to impmvt' n h111!<11n~ ~· thl' 1 <'llr or hH lot n t 2:.!ll Orrh••I A,.<' . fnr rlwclllng purr•..... "• 1.. 1111 n· "I down b\· lht' ~. "f""l l [ka• h l'\,rnnlni;:-C'nmm11<•1nn In·' r1i.:ht 1111 wa.s the r•'IW1°m nr 1·. \\"P:h•·• · "" to con~tnw• tl>rr<' 1°11.1• • • n n t rart At :'1(12 F:11 .. t llrr,111 F 1 nnl ,A pplica lion nr Mr, 11ntl ~I rs. \ • H , C tmd,.rsnn tn 1 ·•rn-1 rt 0•1 l'X- IMini;r gani:" ln111 a th rol 111•nrt· m r n: w 11s 1r1 ''' "r 11111 11 th· n• "' rommf~f11n $i~"'~ "" "' I l h1• l'' • - t h•n or .Mr . nn.t :.1 • C"I • ·'• r .I \\"ulrr to ri1:ini;c 11 ,. ~. t lo ,, k 11n thrir lot nt ·IJ:l Ah•·• ~·, ~ • t h,. t hl'v c:nn build 11n 11 dr' 1o111 '" Ill• .a hor{11', was 111'1'1"'."" A ppltr11tlon c'f l1\.r 1• c .. 11n·I M11cro Corp. tn •tai:i.:• 1 fn,nt yflr•l l!<'l bark11 on 31 lots 1n lr11. •, 17tio tmrl liOl anrl to b111M d• '"r hrol J?llr11gea In frort hnlf~ of t \ "~ thr llll ml' 111111 ""'" Ail••Wt l.l (",1mrhr.\'\nn1> t•f ~~al: w I •'!' fll110J.r th" 1•n•11n ti• nt u r fi119 \\·. fWilboll B lv11, 1·011(111111" 1 lh• ' •n:· mls81on w1111 th!' 11rrl1t 11 ·'"II "' f\11n&ld \\'. Ayt n , who w11nteJ t" llllt'r hi• rar agt Tht a pphcalinn w~ put ovu until •.he nn:t mtt'l· lnir w hile commlllllnn mt'mbtra r ng'lta te on how to ~rt csn Into j!llr8fl'I lt't n u11h v"1t.h a 10.tt. site)'. Coat Taken From Car Charlea Gilbert ot Garden Grove Id I :>\p\\r <•rt r "l1t r J uly 8 11 llllit I •11: \\a~ 'llkl'• ( "'" hll< t 4r p.trk· 1 "I In th~ ('l'l,,n1:1I ('ll(f r11rktnr; 1'1t. • BIDWELL'S 11porll" Nlr hy t ht' ~" • • • Zephyr Light SUITS for SUMMER c ... I . f!Alr-f11.t1111n1•ol (If TU)1111•:1f PlUI, ~r' h• • p 1h. ~11,nrl hU•'IC \\ t dt• 1t \<t • l"' \'1•1' ''111q ... for1.1hll'' /··".'' i-111111. r: i.:ht color~ 39.95 r l'htr l'llmm• '·' 1'• 111.11 ht'11r th!' ~· II p O( I: d\\ rl111 l'!\'Jln~, tn n v1111<'r ,. of ~"1111r1·1 r11h- ' '' • (t•Jffi i :I,, 111 ~!(,\, • • • BIDWILL'.1 I ll Marin11 BAJ.BOA JSLA.'\D I UB \1a Udo LJDO Jill.JI: • • • ----------------------- $25,000 in Permits ·rhrt>~· t ld 1.11 .... r· ,, ,., , , 1; ' t·tl s:::,) rHlll \\I It' l 11!\ I\ 'ti! I ~ t.'11 .... t, ~J, • t ~\ t.11.J' ri.: d•I ,, .. , mf'nt Jul~ :, In \\ ..,,,, "rn•I 111111 .. t>~~ Th,• fttttuh~ ••·v•·r •~\\•llni with -=•nii;.-s Ill l~.._, Jn6 a rul :,n.! E!>th,.1 Rt \'alu11,1on wu~ ,.. t ut s~o "'" 11 [),,, ... u.ril•e V. "" n.i111r•J Berry Cited in Crash C .t13 .~11\1t \1\ H l•\\ 11 l l. J:h'11\' 44. <>I :.sa:.:. 'H•1n.1· .1 :-'• 1.• t Shri.t1m M tl'h•1· ·ll •I :-;1111., ,\1 1 eldelWIJ>ed • Ill h I I h• r • II J•1h 11 3!ntl St 111 I :-.. \\ i'"' I t:h I p· 11 , !N td C}Jf11~1· t ll l··I B•·ny 1111 ha \· Ing n<> "l'll't ato1 • 11.• '"" I ..:. Son for .f aylcrs A b11y \\lh 1••111 .1111\ 111 111 1·,,,. ona Na''"' H"1<f'1\ul '" ="·"' !"'\ Rayrnonrl T1\lot .. f """i•tl Rn•I h1, '' afi• ' ': KW?O~T r:.\r'leO R NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE 7 FRID~ Y, JULY 22, 1955 CITY PLANNERS ALLOW BUILDING ON CATALINA CLARK DRIVE An ul I ~ul '"" •1 '" p1nblt'm c.1111!' up '" pldg111 thl' ~. \\. 1 •11 t H .. arh l'l.1111 111i.; t' 1mml~>1" n la.'ll n1.:ht Wllh " 1 .. q u ... t 1'••111 ~; II 1·!11111 l••I 1nn>tl\H'llun o( 11 J\H•lllng e l •JS l't1!11- t " • f'? l\'t A· • 'J'h Ir.• 11 1,,. \\' :II J.oni.:m• \11. C'hairrnan or th~ com n,,. ·' l I•, l..J J 11?.,!tnttl'' 11P n i •nt"Jj R·I K.n•! lhtn In I lll.1"'1 lL· h· ,,, ••. l1t1~g nn·I !'oj'ltt 11\ "tl••ptt-,.!'h»n lh t 11, .• t\ " •:-r··? " I I! '.! t.1 all• w c \\ rwr,, lo tJl11ht un •a. h <'n•I 111 th" I•• au• .. th, I• I~ W•'ll' 1.,n~ tt:ld ,.phl by 11 <I· pr.-s'!"n th•· 11111 k th1• 1111~ in I\\" 11n I 6111•1 1h1· hulf IOU by mt>ets sn,l l>n1in•I•. 111 10llow1nli C'lttrk to b111ld on '.he Jn10 eq. rt. 1111 th• 1·11n.n11a111on t1tu1 led action to rt'xone Lot" a and 'I b:wk to ll I, h"f•tni.: I•• • '' n111i.lly i;t-t the whvh• blu,k b,11·k tti 111111 >t.1111~ "" that 1l "111 r.ol be J>vHlhlt-for soml' uw ner tn bull<! I\\ 1 h"·"e• on nne of the half Iota. . I' SHE PROTESTS MESA PARKING DISTRICT Battin~ for bt'r husbun1I who had bt'l'n callt'd to Hun g Jl11s1ntal by a distraught fa. thcr whust' wifr had Rt1ddr1dy deci<IC<I to ha\'(' a baby ulH.1d of t inh·, Mrs. A. G. liugh<.'s. abon>. tril'd to condnce Cui-;tu M<•ga City l'ouncil Rh <' did not ~l'l any benefit from t ht' nl'W parking-dist rict. The situalinn.calll.'d for a ~ntt1•n pro t<.'Rt. but Hughes had that in his pocket at th<.' hospital. -Staff Photo Channels 8 & 10 In San Diego have gone to Rill-POWER! The picture you see on chamels 8 & 10, San. Diego, Is now 5-times Stronger! This means a better picture for more people on c~nnels 8 & 10 ! Full Power gives Y9.µ these advantages: * More f amilie~ can now see San Diego TV! * Everyone will _-get clearer, shar per, more interfer- ence-free pictures! Many famili~s who reception can now have never had good TV see Channels 8 and 10. * This power increase by both San Diego TV sta- tions protects San Diego's power allocation! * Maximum power provides the necessary power for .best color transmission! FOR THE FINEST LO.CAL and NETWORK TELEVISION, DIAL SAN DIEGO TELEVISION, CHANNELS 8 and 10 CBS•ABC CHANNEL NBC ./CHANtfEL J ( I * '.tltdttt bomt iD~btlopmtnt) . . ~ 6111art home buyers will receive tlieir PHD's in Halecresl's Oimpus &tates ... flcre's ·why )'O il should get )'Ou.rs : Cinescope slidin·g glmpuels ~lake your garden beauty ;m inspiring j)art of ~·our intcrfor decoration-add its ~rcen freshness to your li\'- ing area. I• Genuine pl~er & lith coutraction A llALE Co\IPA'\Y qu.dity standard, fire-protecting your home, worry-proofln~ you.i; futun" Built-iii Western Holly deluxe range & oven 1\dd \p.IC·t• to yn11r kitd1Pn. ".t.i11.1tl \\Ork from your ,., 1·n dav,'th:ll1ks to tlm for- '' .1rcl-l1111~1ng f1 .. 1t11n ·' Lutrous on Doers For beauty underfoot, look a t these sturdy, gleaming Aoors. A full 18 inches off the ground, high and dry on concrete foundation. # YOUR OWN FOUR-ACRE RECREATION PARK complete with IJttle League baseball diamond, swimming pool. tennis and handball courts. picnic area, built around an Inviting community center. Everything for your entire family's recreation, exclusively for you and your liALEcREST neighbors. Here's happiness-literally in your own back yard! Cedar sbke or c:nWd rock roofs ft•·to-ceililg stoae fintalices Beauty that does a great job of sheltering. You11 like the stunning wide overhang eaves, tool Collputa•t bitb Pirst introduced by THE • H.uz CoMPAHT, QOW a Hale Company standard for joy- ous living I Big stall shower gleams wtth Cla4ding- Mc Bean ceramic tile. Other bathroom• with tub and shower. Flagstone and Limestone. A warm, glowing invitation to -"make yourself at home: for all the yean to come. Blilt·ia Westtag•me ·dislwulaer ud Wm·•·DrJ Liudro1Ut PL U I 1 You, choite of 1!l duignl • 4 lei.nue living floar plmv • ~ and 4 bedroom.s • 2 bath.r • 2 car garage • Big lou, averaging 7,431 1quar@ feet • Living room paneled with a1h and Amerwood • Sklewallc.l .an.d gently curved .rtreetl for family,1afety • Shqpping centeT, 1ehoo~che1 clo1e by • Fibergl.tu insulation ·~Farced Air Fumace1 with mmmer .rwltch. With the fun of Southern California living· so near, you'll want time to enjoy it. These smart Pim homes talce care of the washing and drying problem for clothes, d ishes! Southern C aJ if C) r n i a' s HAPP IE ST L.O CAT I 0 N ! Exchange cormnutin~ hl'acbthl's for hom..-of gl11rirn1s fun-time at home-in your IIALECREST r110. You're do~e to major frC'cways. a nriid1li11r to tl1t• gracious c·amp11 s of Orange Coast Col- lege, 10 minutes f rnm Balboa'.; ma~niflc1·11 t lia~ .111d 1'r11all boat harbor, 2 miles from Disneyland I VETERANS NO DOWN cl:n·11t 11nr1l1nl impourids NON VETERANS $999oowN ,-·-!'i t HALEcREsT CamPus . . IN BEAUTIFUL COSTA MESA ·• HALBCllST CAMPUI EltAT.ES • JN BEAUTIFUL COSTA MESA • JlAllOa IOUJ..IVABD AND BA&ll AVBRUE •. IALBl.AGENTl-WALl:EB AKD I.EE• TELEPHONE-LI I EB TY 8 . 7 4 t 2 ' J ,• -, • • • . - .. ' NEWPOR1'-H-ARBOR ·NEWS-PRESS ' BAITLOADINO -These Pirate lasses from Orange County Fair watch closely as bait is loaded into the tanks of Gypsy preparatory to an all-day fis hing trip out of Newport Harbor. The girls apd their fathers enjoyed excursion as one of the outings for contestants in a nnual Pirate Queen contest at t he Fa ir. From l<'ft, Yvonne Shu· bert of Santa Ana, Anita Lewis of Lagtilia Beach, Dee Dee;c unningham of Newport Beach, Leslie Chapman of Orange, Julie Zaiser of Tustin,' Sharon Glenn of Costa Mesa, Pat Bilyk of Huntington Beach and Marjorie Boyd of Anaht'im. .. • I ~IAKING t 'IUE!\DS WITH SKIPPER -Capt. J ohn Taylor of Newport Heights seems t o t'njoy chatting with this trjo of P irate girls in the wheelhouse of Gypsy. From left. the girls are Dee Dee Cunningham of Newport Brar h. Julif>"'Zaiser of Tus- tin and Sharon Glenn of Costa Mesa. - THA~l\.S t'OR THt: RIDt: -D~ Dee Cunning,h.Ml beam• her appreclat1on to Capt. Ta)·lor. as she steps off Gypsy after the trip. ~Bowing her to rail la Sharon Glenn. . ' ···- .. FRIDAY, ·JULY 22, 1955 " ALL BUS\' HSHl~G -Passengers and crew alike are occupied as Gypsy lies off shore for some intensive fishing. Leslie Chapman of Orange is dipping more bait, while others at the rail are D. K. Blue of New- Beauties Go Out for Fish II W9• 8 ~ .. R·I0\'1111( l'l\'W or Pirate l11a1ds that ro1e bf>fore t11<wn ltl >!" 1 1~hin>: A1•r11n pan11·tl .1·vt .. 111·nu1'1.11ted by a group of enthu111a11t1r (11thl·r~ n11Hl' than hl\H of t h,• partu::l pants In the 19~!1 Oranit~ C-11un1y F .. 1r l 11 111• Qu ... n ('11111est donn.-.1 play clothu a nti botti•lf'd 1;~p~,· 11t l'urt 01·,1n~e Bl 6 11 m . fur an all-day cru111e ,.f ('OA~llll \\,l(t'I Hi.ni:111i: 11 u11 rhP 11r.1111t1ated Lo r. lal1\'1 ly px~n f1shc-r- rn~n lh I 1 f! ,. i.,.i ls fqrg11l about Ca:1h1on lo indulge in th~ tun nr t ht ~""' t \\'1th !hi' H~Ml!l,lnt ... of lhPlr (4\hl'f!! and the friendly deck crew. 1hn· 1, 1111<•1 t o b111t 1hc-1r hooks and handle their hnes. Thf'y i:u1 • 11 .. 1111&1ntl'1I with the u~e of lhP bait lank. and for \'1tr1Pl \ th•~ 10\'d1t1i:.1•• ti the wht!l'lhou~" where they made fnl'n•I• \I 11 h C-1< pl. J • hn T .iyl<•r, 1 he 11k1pp.-r. Thv hn11ri1 \\'1•rl' "''ell "I'' nt , t.he i:1rls d1·• 1ded. a.A U C'h re· 111mi'tl \\ 1lh n hefly hng to prove u 11ati.sf1H'lory catch of fu1h . . Jo1mnJr in th .. ··x1 .. ·•lillon were Lt>!!he.Chapman of Orange . . Julie Z111~t·r of T11,,t1n. ~llHJ!•11e B•>yd or AnAheim, Anita Lew11• nf l..l\Rllnrl u,,., h, Yn•nne ghubert of ~anta. Ana. PRl Bllyk r,f Hunt in~tm1 lfra rh.• l'haron Glenn or Costa Mesa and Oet' Dee < ·unnini::l111 111 of Newrort BeAch. Tni;ll ht•r wllh five other rontest11nt..s. lh"·'" ,::-iris will com- fll'l'" Tu··••IAy llll:'ht In the aanu111 Pirate Q~1een eonll'Al to 11¥ h,.lfl 11t th• F 1111 ic-ro11nli.< in <'Onn~C'lrnn with a m<>etlng nr th~ AJ!su(·1at 1·d l'h11111h"fll nf Commere\'. The queen n.•pirant11 will he 1;11• 11111 of thr fRlr Bl the dinner, and their frir nds, fRm1l11>~ Anti thr J:l'1wrnl puhhr 11rr lnv1terl lo 11ttend lhl' oprn cnnlPllt prni:r.tm Rt 8 :10 pm 1n th" newly .-nmplPtP<t. Exhlblll Hulh.Jing. CllO\\' Tl)IE Tak111~ cue nf that innrr woman. Sharon Clrnn and Der l><'e Cunnin~ham take time out from f1shmJ! to rnjn~· a rt'frei:.hinJ: bC'\'C'rRj!" ;rnrl a sanclw1ch . FAIR CATCll Loaded with bags of fish to provC' their ability. the!IC' pretty maids return from a full day of fun and fishing. At the mil are Yvqnne Shubert of Sant.a Ana. Julie ZaisC'r of Tustin, Leslie Chapman of •Orange and Dee Dec Cunningham"<>! Newport Beach. Jn the back row are Sharon Glenn of Costa Mesa, An- ita Lewii.. Ul~unll &-ach. Ma r Jorie · Boyd, Anaheim apd Pat Bilyk, H untington Beath. J ·' ....._ ... port Beach, Anita Lewis, Marjorie Boyd, Capt. Taylor, Sh aron Glenn, Pat Bilyk, Kenneth Glenn, Dee Dee Cunningham, Neal Beatty and Julie Zaiser. -Don Bush Photo. ' t:A:-;i · l>Or;s IT -Neal Beatty. Newport Beach fiah- mg hand. shows Dee Dee Cunningham how it ia done. RR sh<' frC'I!! a tug on h<'r line. ll'..'~-... ~ 1•t:Rn:<.TI.\' U~<iAI, -Fish and Game Warden Vanham of Termin~ 1!1lal)d checks in t ho pretty fisher girls at thr end of tha nm. Waiting his appr oval Are Dee {)('(' Cunningham, Sharon Glenn, Juhe Zaiser, Marjorie Boyd and Lealie Chapman. l ~ I • I I I I I · (}overnmenl •AGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 ''God gront us the serenity to accept the things we cannot ch onge; the courage to ch ange the things we con ond the wisdom to .know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS ... IT l.S -Lumbt-r sits on right·l>f·w:ty. Lumber Loading Improper Use of P. E. Right-of-way Do the pictures above portray the proper use of a railroad yard, right-of-way and facility? Do the pictures above demonstrate t he proper regard of the Ward Har- -rington Lumber Co. for a city in which it d oes business? Ia the operation of lumber yard-unlicensed-a proper use c1t the property of the Pacific Electric-and South· ern Pacific in the City of Newport. Beach! A re the utilities and the lumber company conduct- ing an organized conspiracy t o d!1Jllage the city of N ew- port Beach'! Here is the situation. P ictured above are a pair of trucks that hauled onto property of the Pacific Electric-Southern Pacific huge loads of lumber. The lum~r was removed from the trucks by a fork lift unit of i,he Ward Harrington Lumber Co. and res tacked upon the right-of -way. At least part of the lumber was then loaded out on trucks of the lumber company and carried out of the City of Newport. Beach. We have personally followed loada to Santa Ana and Garden Grove. W e charge that this is an illegal, unlicensed, impro- per use of the railroad yarda. The lumber was not haul- ed by the railroad, it was not consigned to the railroad and the company which received it has no license t o con- d uct a lumber yard at the location used in the City of Newport Beach. The huge trucks are grinding a.way the hlghway o! t~ City of Newport Beach. Today without a permit, without consulting the city in any way loads of gravel ...,ere dumped at thl' dead end of 2 th St., presumably on order of either the railway or the lumber company l o permit access and egress to the r ight of way O\'er an unimproved street, This will bring gross hardships upon the residents of the area. J~ is again an unlicensed. and we believe unwarranted use of property in violation of all rules and regulations of governmental a gencies. !'\ow is the time fur the C'1ty of Newpart Beach to exert ils legal means to restrict and control ht! illegal use of th<' railroad 11ropcrt.y. Now is the time for the City of Newport Beach to d<'termine wheth<'r an <1rgan1zcd conspiracy cxtsts b C'lwecn thr lumbt>r company ut1liz111g ·th<' railyard a nrl t he utility to C"n•atc a false• \'olume of bui-<mC'ss on the yard~ of the company to rxtnrt from the Cit\' of Newport Beach a ~rcat<'r price in the pending condemnation suit. A Hospital Which Pays Its Way by Wise Operation · With hospitals e\·erywhere seeking funda from tM public to build new wings, buy new equipment Md the like. the HC'met \·alley Hospital District is unique. For the aixth conscculi\'e yeaf, Hemet Community Hospital will be operated with no maintenance and op- eration tax being required. The "hospital is continuing to pay ita way," a statement in the Hemet News r eads. 'Were that not enough. here's more. On J uly 11, the hospital board of directors announcc-d it may be possible to build a contemplated 24-bed wing to the hospital ""ithout issuing bonds or levying any s pecial tax." Cost of the project will be as much as $100,000, from current estimntes. The small town of H emet is provi~g by the above JreWPORT ~ HARBOR NE-W~6~~RESS F c>rmerly the Newport·Dalboa 1'f'WS·Tlmf'e and the Newport-Balboa Pres11 A 1.,_J'('ftdable 1.ot'&I lnsUtlltJH for Onr Forty \'f'ani f:ntt'l"t'<l ns S tconrl..Clua Matter. at the PostoH1cf' In N f'wporl Dnch. Cnllfo m la undr r the Act of Ma.rc-h 3. 1879. · rnhll,ltt'd t:,.,,,,. M<>nday, Wednf'flday and Friday at Srwport Bt'M'.b, C'allr., hy th~ ~'"!:\\'PORT HARROR Pl'RU!>illl.S<i C'OMrA.'°Y Tt'l(pbOftfl Harbor 1816 Qna llrlt•d to r utill'b ~al Sotltte and Adn•rt'-ementa of All 1UlllCl1 n y DffrN> of th,. 8upertor Coort of O~e Co. la ActJon No. A-tnot )frmbrr C'allfomJa :S~r PaWJMult AMod&Uoe ~rmbe.r Xr.t.IODAI FAUtorW AIMIOClaUon !\lrm~r of Ol'lllll• C-ty Nn.'9 ~n·IC"e • REN REDDICK'; PU'BUSHER \\'lLLlAM A. MOSES. Edltor OR.\!()Nn E. ROUNTREE, Ad\·erUalng Dlrl'cto r CHARU-:S A. ARMSTRONG, Kechank a.I Supedntendent S~ON RATES: :St'WlM>rt Ranor :Sew11-~ • .Tri·Wwkty In Oran,c C1111nt~·. ~.00 ~r Yf"&r : p .ocrtb 1no-.: J l .lJ thf'ff mos. C OuhlJe of Ora.nee Coaaty 1'7.00, llf'r r rar u·~rnt:lt Bl'Sl~ESS -Right at Pac1l1c:Elcctric. that nil hospituls need not necessarily be burdens on the • ttxpayers' necks. Jt is proving what wise mar.agement nnd C'fficient opPralion can do for a hoapltal. "NO H0SPITAL"'fAX LEVY NEEDED" reads a page 1 banner of the Hemet News. What sweeter sound to the taxpayer's ear ? Orange Countians would like to hear the same music. As Californians we 11alute the Board of Directors of the Hemet Valley Hospital, President Harry 0. Searl, Dr. Edward J . Cook, Albert W. Eggen, T. J . Fletcher and Homer King. T oget her with their manager, Maurie Hurt. they ha\'e demonstrated determination and effi- cien('y in a public operation that could levy up to 15 cents per S 100-tax on a Sl2,000.000 assessed valuation for op- eration and maintenance. lnstead-~ey give service, effi- ciency and good management t o t'heir constituents just to prove that a hospital does not need tci continually slop al the public trough. The Hemet Valley Hospital has only a miniwum of rooms and accordjng t o the AmE:rican Medical Association and the American Hos- pital Association, it just can't make money -~ays who? Knowing Pin Ball Machines Pay Off, What Next, Council? I H you ha\·e r<'ari the front page of today's. News- Press. you know thc-r~ are pay offs on some of our local pin-ball machines, regardles• of what you might hear at city hall. This newspay)er. believing the people are entitled to know t he facts. assigned two young men, one a new11 report<'r of the Orange Daily N eww. t o make a survey o! thr pin ball busint'ss here. T he ding-a-ling tilt boards pro\'e<I to bc less remunerati\·e even to expert players than they were rewardini;: in information, the latter be- fog the only reason for the survey. Aflt'r muC'h pussyfooting a.round the t ouchy subject at r ity coun<'il. where on at least two occasions the local J,!O\'l'm ini::-body's members threw up their hands at t he subj<·C't :irHI assigned the d ty manager and police chief In i::tudy 1t and report back, we decided t o see for our- sr l\·e!'. T hat an objccti\'e study might be made we broug-ht in o utside, unbiassed ''expert'' pinball player11, one a n<'wsman. Nnw we are not going t o moralize on gambling. We ha,·c s<'rn enough of humanity to know gambling, sin and \'1ce a rr things socil:'ty nen•r stop11 fighting. T his m uch is clear from city council meetings and city of!icia l!>: There a re 60 pin ball machines. licensed to one firm only, Beach AmusC'ment Co .. owned by Clyue Denlinger. Balboa. and Jack Faust. Santa Ana. A license fee of $2000 was recently accepted for the mllchines by t'he city. So 1011~ ai:: th<' m:t<'hi nE's arc used for ";imui::em<'nt only" as l ht• labels say and so long as mino rs do not play them they are legal. The question naturally a rises: now the pay offs at fi ve machinPs ha,·e been exposed by the News-Press, what will the city council do? What will the police de- partment do? That nnswer we don't han. All we know are the fact11. t hat s ome pinball machinrs pay off while oth<'r op<'rators. fC'eling the "heat", are not to be-tempted. And, of course. Emme machines the experts are unable to beat. The police dcpartment could hire 'its outside experts. however. You ran take the broRd view. In California thr state a llows i;ome ra<'e horse tracks to be licensed, the fran· chiee pa~·ing off the state in f unds which go ~oward sup- port of the \·arious county fairs. LlkC'wise, there ha\'e been liccnsed pokt'r parlors in some cities. These ha\·e been thrown out of Newport Beach, once known for the green tables. 1( you are not a moralist. take the broad view on Newport &aC'h )'in ball maC"hines which do pay off. What do you SN'~ Well, you see 60 machines which one councilman figured paid an a,·erage license of S33 per year whereas the t otal "takp'' of the machines' owner could t otal nbout $250,000. a~ording to "guest imate''., That means the city should r eceive a larger l!hare If it la going to permit continuance of these machine& which <'an be usC'd for gambling. A percentage o f the gr068 ie indicated. possibly. Another fact we don't know is d ocs Denlinger and Fauat pay the m achine losses out of each one'e tot&l tt\lenue? Or d()('s the individual cafe or bistro's owner- operntor have to absorb t.he 1088! There's another question. Who polices the machinea to ece tha.t loitering minora don't play them ! These questions a.re n illed with the fact that pin ball machines do pay off In Newport. 'BeaC'h de11pltc what they ha\'e said in city hall. 111w luwttUJ itntl of our l!X.#ty .rtd al our p.m. llMnt ~IO mt.Jtdr an tM t..dunp of tlr1 &J,J,, t.Mt it would M dil/Jnit co IUlf'Ol't that1, V fdJ'ih in tltu. tMt:l11ip llMulti ~ ID ht p!t«'- t1C4lly uniwr...J in ()(JI" COU.11 try. ' Faith in the Bible's Teachings Essential. to Our National. Welfar1 COURTHOUSE BEAT By .JACK BOETl'NER :J.rom " BRUSH COUNTRY \ JOURNAL By HORACE PARKER (Ed. Noa. -n» eot-1t1 Bo~ Parbr •ill dMI wt_. UM Utt&e-kno"'D IWltorkaJ fM't• .._ i.u clrt!dKf'd up I• ll&. _,. \ripe lllto I.he bac'.k eountl'J la l"l!C"flnt ,....,.... ) It was a hot day in July when I dro\'e down from our camp at Ribbonwood t o int('n •iew Randa ll Henderson, editor ot Desert Magazine. Palm Desert sweltt'~d in the glaring sun as I drove up in frvnt of a pueblo-like building. The air-C'onditioned lnt<'rior was a pkasnnt surpriae re- rteNlng t hP "lute" ftnd "slick MN1a, lllld lll\rold W"iit ht were qualllh'll" famous w11h Deef'rl ho• ,,,,,. rnntrot)llll•r ... Ma.:uine. 'rhe main forer wna re· '1"he unly twv I ~l\'e auli-n- plete With hlCl'Bry 1.llsplay .. Of lhf' 111"'11 , '1 )t,. !illld great Amt'rlt'&n S outhW<'til. Con· \Vhat aurprieed me wae Hrndtr• 11uvalive and 1rl\ll&tlc palntintt• by 11<\n'• nateml'nt thAt the "editorial such namt a u Clyde Forsythe. ('C\ntrnt carrlf'<1 Ulf' magu ine not J ohn H ilton. t111r own Burt l'r<>· Jhe a,l\·t'rl1111n~" All his a dvert ••· rtor an<1 <'tht•ri1 1lf1&mat1t'nlly cut Ins; Is uni111llr ltc"I lniuunuch a. h• thP \\lf'lltf'm 11<'""" on <'1111\'&A In hll" no l\ll\·rrtl~ln~ .. 111r~11n 11.tdlllon w.:11• many "u1lpllll <''I "J.'urthrnnore." h,. ~tatl'd. "F:v- w<111(11 rtc11w by Cyrn ll1•11•11'r,ttn. ery wun J 111 J•e,.f'tl 111 r N111 an•1 w1Ct• 11( lht' •••h!o r 11 ·wrb Mr11. rl'rt'&t1 &t ll"Rllt thrl'1• tlml'!I wt ex· He-ndtnon whu des I J:' n e'd' the f"tC'l a prl'i 1a1nn jnb " r litqu.. for D1:ath \'allry Snit· "Sure, our photoirraphy la l'Q0'1. ty's g1aH Al no llm<" hits thl'I<' httn 8C> 1.ITTl.t: SOISE n111n\• i:•wt phntn~phPrs 1111 to- ~oi5P 11n·I rnnfu~lon w 11< Ill 11 dll\' •n•1 with n11r monthlv c-nntl'l't minim um allhoui:h an aur11 ot we jt.f'l womlflrful pll'lurl'a." C11rn.fllnr . l'<'rmeattJ the &\mo· I wa ... r11111111!1 t1io t 11 Hrn.t~rJOnn'• !<pherr. rNll'llnn In A111.nna H1J!hw11v11, Jn my tr11vel1 around thl' bru.h whethl'r he conald,.rf'd It 11 t'Om• country and d1'11f'rl. Randall Hen• Pl'l llor, "c:h,.escake" or I h,. llkfl. dt'nK>n and the Dunt Maga.zlne "Anytlml'," he e11hl. "Y1ou <"IUl a.re ment.loned time and again gel people to buy, C'Ollt'rt. an•I ap· aomeUmn r nllnlly but mort' of· prer111te pr<>molle>nel m11t,.ri1tl 1t ten with 11dnrnallon, J )\ad many mu.wt be good. Jn m y bonk An:tf'\n l\ SA.~TA A.!:'.;A, J'.L\'"'l (-""'"''S) tr .. _ 1 his 1 •t &rchlng qut sllons I w ished to Hlghwaya i. an U<"fllf'nl pubh· ., "" ~n s ong <K"&r ng on convict on. uk. cation .. For the first time Ora nge County's according lo .the Judge. MAGA% Supt'tior Courus hll'<' <"Ume up a · A• we aal acroll8 the table aJ'ld · INF. PARLA\' NEEDED W~l~RAST talked for nurly ." hour 1 wiu All w e salr1. Ol'111"rl MRJ:"u lne ga.lnat the highly ronlroversl&l ~· S Judge Gardner observed Zogalb tmpreMt-d b.v lbt lo.vAll.v, ablllty, haio bt'cn "parlayed Into 11n lnl'tl-lllle Supreme 1 'ourt rtdlng In Ule did Ch&rles H. C.than <'JS<' not havt to &"'' the OHIC'cr11 and rar111ghtedntu ot this •mall tutton." Ea ch m onth lrum fl'I'<' to hla clothing unlf'..s they ·p10<l11ced lnten~ edilor or Duerl. Allhouirh 600 lnqulrlu arf' rt't'<'l\'r•I anrt The top tribunal overthrew a a wa1 rant H~ nghts. would havt' In hiA middle •ixlln Hendtreon 111\J!lil'ered on all tY'Pl'• or 11es .. rt in· bookmaking connct1un ai;alnat Ca-been violated ha•I hi' ~l'n rd•111ed has the entrglC's ot 1 m an ten Co rm&tlon. With ll11 \'11111 llbrATy h&.n when It d• >'lll"'I rer111ded ev1d-ptrmtsslon to ~we the c lot hlnG" to years his JUntor. I on "'1t llll'rtlan&" the mag11z1ne tnl'e ai;:a1nst Cahan was obtained his altornt'y. All throu1th our cOn\'erollon llf'rvt s fts1 11 1 l,.artng hou~r for unlawfully. , Proseculur Oewllle C:h• llt'rlon Hendeni•)n kf'rt n1t•nt Inning \\'ii· 1 d1'81'rl aubjc rt s of th. e Rout hWl'•l. Mlcrophonei1 h11d lli•e n lpst&lled I had a cOml'l.mck on the h nf)()unoe1 I aon ~frl<tnni·~·. hl:f youn~ protr Ke. The prt'""lll a tm nt Or11ert 111 I•• In the tll reni!unt ·ll phu •' without car. He tontendel1 the ""hicle w:u now l'dllo r uf lht• (·nhfornia Te11.rh· promote and fo11t"r <'nntr mp<>rary hl:1 knowle<lgt> hy l,,c.,, ,\ngt>ll's p:>· lmpo11ntled and lh~ It wa11 lawful l'rs' A'~ol'latlu!l .Mttgll7.ont'. who living on the J;Tt•at d•·~··rl3 ot the Ik e. Con,·erl'ations 11av<'lt 1! • ... r lu go ahead and March It was lhe 111,.piralion an•I hla part-Soulhwut. wh .. a to a n,;i1t.y gara~e \\here l The judgt,hOWl'\'er,ar..,'Ul"d lhal n!'r In lhe lltst'rt Macazin~ In La11t yrRr's gro wth wn.-the thty were reu.1<'4.J. Uu• ~·<JuluJ only be a way lO &lde-1937 81 1111 lnr,.ptwn. gTf'lllPi>t in thp hl•IOrv c•f t h,. c-.co:'\:-;TITI 'T IO;\' Al. ·1 · ' the law. One nf my b111 b,.'1 q111'11tlon~ mairaz1nt and th" prr,.',. nm for Thia m ethod nr ro11nrhn u e\'I· 1...irunrr admllted In an oH·the· v.·h1rh &1(111,. from C"1 1t1c1srn I had Jul\·, J9~1'> wu 32,800 <'<•plr11. d 1 t LI K ,._.P h cu tr <'hat that °"" inte• p1 t•I nt1o n h••R nl w>1 • tn 1 "" f'tff'cl De&ert T he book l"f'cllnn n lnnP ~how11 " t nce w as 111 1'<'1 ~t· <> 11' r our! Con slit ullnnal A nir ndnwnt. the II by the au preme court in the <.:11 han had llll nr<1 8 11 "rockhnund .'' JrTOllll or ovrr $20 Ot10 p"r yr11 r. C'11se 111 gutn11· Lo makt' il tou11h on F or $8i onr c11n J1Ur•·hn1>r Ill >"e11r11 hli;:h M u rt h,.lu .. Th<' Hl!ltndment 1hrr1ff s nATc-otic chlef Clint \\'1 lg hl :'\OT tc<>C"K HOl'SO nf bo11n1I b11r k <'"PIN• nf n,.snl. ronrl11dts thal lhl' 1 1~:hz or l ht 8 11,1 ulh••rs in the ~ame t'l1<l of the "Not tn1r." w a.. Hrmlen>on·s 1 anr1 <>Vl'r Pt) pc>r r"nt nt th" prl'· people 10 lie 111'<'111(' 1:1 \11!'11' r l'I'· IAW tnfutC'Clllf'nl ~~me pl"Ornfll ll'pl\· ":-\n f1101P ~p111•..-flf'· SPnl l'f'All>'I~ kl'rp bound roplr!I llll sorue, hOU!ll'l", PllJ't'HI a nti ertert~ "Our IM;y L'I hB'<C'•I on lhe \'Oled In nu k h111u111!< U111n nni:1n11l· I pennanr nt rrf"ll'lll \' ~alruil un1rason:ihl1• f'• 11 • l11 1s ar~o prlnclplr hnt lht indt\'lrlunl has Iv. Althour h wr tlo '""'J"lhll!OIZe th" t:!\ll'rAl\'Y.t~S fl\\ ,.t:R~ -.eu:urtll l"hllJI nol h•· '111la.nl. :-\o t'C'rt111n ni;hls •n•I "'~" )' .• lie ..... popular u11111111m ~111),rrt \\0 1' nt'.lil'rt MllJ!'•f:ln .. 1 .. II'• "l'l"'otl'll!• .. 1 w11rran1-. shall 1 ... · ,.. 11111 11r11n pr<.ib· • rt 1 "Th .. _ h I tl1tln I r uin thr 1•h111~ .. • "" k houml" with mn"t nf th" "h"r••• 11, 1 1 ... ,. ~" Cf ere may .,... 11n1f'10 v. r n •· able cause. ~11pp111 tf'•I bv 1111 th hf ar-1 lhe guilty will go free, but 11 JI' !Jul v. r •"I 1111111,· puhhc 11.P<I 11 " 1•mployees, Bera use r alm Dt.!rrt t lnna tlon. They m11"l r o11icula r ly tu hetler th 1 11 l 1 1 Annthtr cr1llr litm w11s lhat tnt1 •• an f'XJ't'n•t\4'• • w1n1rnu1: ,.1, 1 • !:r~~ ~;:r:O~~r~):'\1-~~11;;";~h';;! lly the 1--our~h :er:,.n~: .. ~~0 e"" ~n~~hh;~;t;rn"'11;1~~::"1;~1111~r,~1~:~ 1 :1~.~1~~11n~a7.11;~e2~w~~r:: :t';~n~f'~.~ 1el1..ed." ~ cm:.u ; ASSl!'T!";U C3J1rom 1u f'M\'l•le rf'1111onable rcnt11 fo r 11-." Superior Co111 J 11t1i:P Robc·rt J ''Thc>rl''a no llnubt lhril r r1mm,.1-··:-;,.w l\1rx1• n, A1 1u ·n11 Nrvft· wrtrk,.rs Th .. r.-mi11nin1: pnrllon of Gardner nm-ht'a•t "" 1n1n _., .,. 1..'ft· i ('la! <'runt •ur h 8:lJ" ~m1t1nn 1n'1 r.11. 1 '1:>11 11 :i•t f"Al1fm nln 11n 1 lhr th,. 20 11r rf', may br fllirc-n11,. .. ., han finding thl~ "·""~ !fr wn., narrot1r s pl'tnJhn~ are goins t o br dr•t1 I~ in 11.~.,. 1.tn:• :o a tr '"" 1 ll'L"llnllblv tor homellllPs by th~ contronttd l>y n 1 • 11 .•r.'l l"'•S· ~rcnlly 1"s1s tt <I.'' · bt>a t • I •l•n•lll 1r ""'"n~ rrn 11-•lllp!nvr .. ; lt'SIOIOn 1usper t, \', !•11 , ..... IJ;:t• 7.n-Thi' Jlltl;t@ ""'1'hMl7t'd law )on. irurr II n• w 11n111r t,., P"'111~ tor " nri;:1onnl m•~37:ln .. ,. hll\"C' "r1•n•" galb of Los Ani.:• I•"• \\1111 hll~"I 1•11·• <'!t rnt h1 1g.J !f'.4 1<rr n•1l a , h;irll Palm C11 n••1•n "'' ""'"~ n ·I U""t 111 Rni1 ~onr • hut 111111111 th,. ct1,.11rn hl11 defen11e on 1111• '1111!11 1\A hn I tut t1y lh1• Caha'l n1hnr, n~ i.orne Destrl 1n 1111,-u•~1;1• .,,. 11 n .. th1•1 11f 8 man !Intl 11 b<iv '"" ,. 111,.i.:n · bet'nthevlrllm ol unl1\1.11l ,.t'nrchl \';1111ld h~,., you b~"""•· 11 .. ,,.,a nti ,.,.,, 11<1• r1111 r (·a11t•1111\ "'"·,zini• ,., II•• il••l'tt,.hn" 1,.,.11 1'11,. and 11eh;ure. l' .. ll'h•I 11\ It llu• f ''" 1.d "I•,, :i11 ! , .,. t11l t'• •1 111·'h11' o l •' I i\•"I HI )" \I 11• r1• Ill It Jf\flOn Anrl J w:Jg,. Gn•d11o1 \1•11' t1lr-r:i:-,t~•·~l;111 .. 1.•hN•n 11p1"l nt1t1;: In tl n 1.., '\'I.I.I. \11 1111 \fll,f:rt l1•11ln · 1,p 11 1 .. I\~-.. ,,,., ,,.1• with a portion ,,, I .. ti• Th" ( ~11•·1 1"1• ., I I"' 11 Ir •• ,.~ II "" '1 It \ • I • I I• 11 Hr If lid• I I"• .•• ,. II Rn I " .,, II •I •n• 1h- juf1~ti rUJt-(1 " 1--.••4 .. '' ~lt.unuu: ~· t'ln~ plrn,,· •l~ r 1 \'H tl••"'lrf '" I' ' , \ 'r-1 t ,,,. n• ·•r)\ ··r ,. , 11 '• 1 • I , :.:urr J'I·· , r 1i u•• pa.rl1rlt-8 o r m"' ·'., ....... ,to ,.., tr t•'t '""' t \f,'l"n ••• '"''' , ... ~· ,.,., :· •t . IJ "'"' ... I n f r ucl 1 Amrt. •11 .,, ... ,. •• ,.,,,I " "t Zoc::au.,·~ rar '"--':-c ,,,~, ,, ~ '•, ... , '• t ·1 1 , , , , La ine<! l'\"ldrncf' 11' ,1• 1r•• , .,1 1 , I t'Ol"XO I' II HI II • I••• I'• 111" · 1 , , ", Ra.n Clemrnte I'"'" .. Ill Iii\"•····-l1Cth1111l 11 f' 111'11' fll nr II .... ,. h i;allng a fraf!:·· 1,., 1 "111 '"•"ti ;·, _ w11r·.1nt Tb., ,.,.,. II t t " ol·· galb lnJ11rf't1 n·1d h,. ur •. 1 iL I fi•ntlnnt 11·111 '"'"'11'•" ,, II•~ r1ul Thry ~aw t hir /.o l1 ,.,. 1 1 1 "111L '' t'i••rr v11J< "'1 11r11wru1 Anf"f'd lo th .. h'HI . I ··ll 11•11 , ••• • 11'1"\' 11 ~···-Ill' Cel'dM to rl'movi• z.,L,.'•~ ,.i,11 1• 'J.11• 1:~· !n "M•k~ "\\ht i:nwf Crom the h li;h\\ 8 ' I •1 I .~ J•t • •• •\ \' a, l'tn. lltl('r " (ti 'l\' I nn11r- ot "l'<'urlnsr Zn;: , 1, , 1 11•.. 11 •• ,. I ion•·· • st11mbltd mto the nn1 1'utlt , , 11!.1.:I· An I h,. n lolr•I 'Tl"' \11h:l'1 1 1 " in~ bot tlr. ll ln l '' .,., ••· """ ~ '· On hls 11rr<'i<t , Z11i:.a:h ha-:. I '·I 11P In th,. ,.,in.,trtll11"n 11nrl n 111 OV!'r M'\'l'r&I lll'll•' 11 I 11· 11 .. 11 •• ,,, fl1).thl . The l!'dll t()(1k It l'l'rlOllS· k Hll T he Ju<1c:r h· 1•1 l h.1t 1\ll" :it 111 fR r · ,,. ' I rlj:ht. t oo. l'1n rt ll \\:I• •• r ·:• ,,,. \\"~,. .. !!('l ""IP t.•r· ' 'Ir lht' '•I.le 11rr,.111. • J •M r o r.l('r; ><Tl'O\' fllll .IU<ijZ'e <::11dn~r 1 .. ":c 11 "'' 'It \\nhlf 11'> pol,.,. n:tu,.r• w~ll Ylf'w of th'! orlh'Pt•' g111rc: t" I·•• I'• "!w1.\' t h111 1·11..•r 11·11111,n, &'l•I gar&jte wht rr z,,c:lnti's I Ir ,\ .... Ill -n•I• r I lln•I II Th"' 111 •' h•llirtd hv pc.•mrl,.t1 11nrl 11smi: 11 '• •l"!'l lhn lnw hk r ••lhr1• It 11 e l\1.I \ • rlc11ner to •rn11 r l hr r 1~1 f•.r,•, 1 •'ii· 11,,,.n In th!' l11w T hr11 11 nnt htr;ll tng up mnrljt111nn ~rr I n PW l WIL'I " n111,i:1~tr11t .. rnr 1nnn• • .Juctgn Gar1lnf'r rn11t1 .. 11•f tt" 11 a111nn'1n,.1rr1.1.·~•Rllr•l rn In prOSt'C'Utlon thlll IP!n11 or l'f ... I"" "'"" II !lPArrh \\IH '"'' shnuM rrnry 11 ""nrrh '' 111 1'lt II y.,, lh" 1nh nf f•Ji111 \\ r1rht :1n-1 poln 1E"t1 out thr r n 1r l• \\• •1 11 "' 1,., r1>ntrmJ"'•1nr "' i • l:"•nc t • 111• Atilt' rnr lhe IS.'IUanrr nr rl .. I .• i r I •lij:'hf'r In th ... 1\ l ""' 0 I 11• .. wn1 rnnt "<•sull r f 1hr r·n'"•n •fr~. ., t r Al thr J<1il Zngnlh !t• 1\' t • ,,.,! 11 1' r'C:hl nf p11n1r" r»r thr lnrhd · O\'rr hlll <'lnth1ni:-tn 1'1" 11 ), • "tnl 11111.-ho ri·r,1r r ·I R! nil '''·~ Llll<-r pt)rllom1 of I hr na1,.,ot I•"• r< f':vrn If It d'"'' rir'ln 11 r"w hror round In the JlOrkrll!. T hr.!1• l"ad 'I I f"atlll llrf' 1t1tlni:;: In hrRt th,. lllp AFFAIRS OF STATE By HE~RY ('. MM'AflTJffR '"wn11, '"'"n In th.. tn•'I' nf r ll'CJI 1n m111 rr11tl rn~I« 11n•I r11nt1n11,.•I 1t1rrr11.•N1 In W 9j!'P : All''! 11nrl ;,,," •··1~1.. ·11, . P h 111 t• ''":; 11.rrq.h tP.f m Hl1R to houiw l>C':-icrt :\lag-a7.1ne at Palm l..>c1wrl. Horac" Par- kl'r PhnttJ Farmer McCabe\ Writes. • • A 111'1 ll".1 r1' A rhir., outa olr J awbone Nc hru sinc-e he wrnt 11. ~In!-• •\\' . . . h11w ""m" e\·rr 1l twouldn't ·~pm:f' mi· 111111• 1!1••11 lw tl1dn'1 Rltflw up >tl the Big Four Pcace ( '1111!1 ri·:w c· 111 <:f'nl'\'il ht>Rtin' a BaRP Orum and y<'llln H1·•I l'r upagandn tn tht> h1~hcRl nolP of hi111 N-E-U-T·H·A-L \'0 1q •, 11111 rli=h111 rl'~•·r\'r•IJ ----~----~- !':ACRA MF.:":T(I, /(',.,_I \\"hr• thr r lh" i;~at" •l,.po1 t1111 nt d nf p11bllc wnrk11 I• I'" rn1: 1 h,. w~,. for 11.nothrr ln<"n>" " 111 t I\<• J:ll.-.nlln,. lax. n r wh• • hl'r I"" st11te wi ll gr l lr "I! hl£h\\n1·; fo ·• lhr money 1l "'"'" f'X J": I ,., 11 q11,.•t wn that 11r1.11,.~ our .. r a n" !'f'n'. n•pt)rt Cl( !hr f1,op.11 tmr11t 011 ~ll CMnll\ H ts;hwi r f'on- 11trucllon co11t•. f: cnl?'t hrnr fit• to labor. rt urllnn ill 11111• I( ,. , ..... ~ " .. ,,. J•rt•••·nt Olf'lh<• t l•f •11xatlon an'1 omprtltlnn amn ni: -r<>nlr11r 1or11 I 1s bt'r n kf'rn llunnit lht IAl't I '""nt\' I•• 1111,I J " ,.,,1 ... r h11:h· r••nll't "11 .. n 'In u, .. ,,t hrr h11n'1. Thl'se cost~ hlVI' br• n I• I=<· llV!'ly •laliOn&ry l lOC'f' th" ro11r· th quarter ot 111:>1 . the t>'rMt &ay 11, but the lnt1 u for l hr 11rr- on1l qut1rter ot th11< Y"" r Jl"1'1 fl"ll 12 2 percrnt over th,. ftr~t quartPr . U .17-IN< REA~t; The Tt•port utd the Jndu tnr th,. fl rat quarter 11toorl 11 l 189 ;r. w fl h lhe0 yur 1!110 r1J?llrt'<1 Ill J 00. For Ule le<'O"'I qu11 rtr r, II 11tood at 212.4 or 11n lncru.11e flf 23.1 lndex point.JI. F~or the past thre-r w11r11 hll!h· W'll)' C"On11tructlon t •••I ' hRI'" Un· errone only minor 11pa an•1 r. w Y"llrll, l\nd It hllll hl'rn (I'll I \\ ar. lln•I I hrt • •' n I 11,w .. 111•111· I h.. lq ; I•' •11 r h ' m1111.. "''""' th&t lhlll h1111 bP.Pn th,. t'hlrt 1'\'r lhr n !hf' ~1111 • will ~ti 1 .. •~ tf,.t I•'" '"""'I• in lhr m1lr11 ,,f ' k I I II hii.;h...-11v ror lhl' g11~"""" l~ll•'A (1••• v.·11v nr~·l,.•I • llll"I'' tn ""P ng r on11 r11r on It n ,.ft r11-.L11 Crom rl11lng. P · · I l~\IH,Y.i-T TO llATr; H owe"er, the depnrtmPnt MY" T hl11 prnh11l1lv wn11111 b4' 11rf~· 1 Thr pm · thlll b1ddt'rll e\'l•lrntlv ht1vr "<'lllr\l.'hnl In· 1nr rell11ri1 In J:""'. I p;r111n 1t! Ill" 1•r"1<P11t I Im,. 111 th" r,.11c hf'd the llmi!JI In dtvlrio11 tor lnr lBJC"ll, "~ ~h"r" "J\P' 11f• 111 ... a n" 1 1 th t 11., .. ,.111 1n hi.'• 11· ltn .h1n" 31'1 rul~lng prir l'J! a.nd trimming pro-"" .. r n111 nt r' M l' 1n ,. ,.. .. rtts. anti the t ftet'll nr r1alni: l1cl tax f'lll•I a l the 11111n r r11 lr• "' th1-. )"Ar t I,. , v. • r,. 8Cll) C••n· l&bor A.l'lt! m aterial• C"nat.1 "'Ill beC"au11e or lncrr11.,t'11 u11111t" or 1r11• 1•11'" 1•1•· 'I""' f .. " t11 h1t1 ••n now ~come appannt In bid mntnr Vf'hlrl!' Jl•i...-rvrr. v.hrth"I at111" prni•·• 1 ~. v.1••1 11n ""llrn11l rl1 pr1re1. the lnr rr11•,. ke.o ps u p wrt h th" r<ip1h1nrt1 h11Jof1r11• • •l'"'"Y nf a The department hu anllrl· n !llnll' cost11 Is 11nothl'r 'IV"•llOn. hllltr,n 11nt1 a h.t1r dntl 1r~ pAl.ett the point whlch wu ruch Appllrt nlly. th,. a•lual)nn 111 On J un" :111 th• .i '1•1;;;;--;:'r t'<I dunnr t he pa.st year. not too ""'"'""~ &1' yr l, b ut It 111 hl11hwn1" I•• 1 ::•I • 111111r •11 un. "ll 11 our oplnlon," Ole repo~. a 11tuat1nn l1k.. t h1a wh11 h rr. t1,.r "'"'·· with 11 • • I \'Ah 1• fof 118ya, ''that the rUe In conatrucl· sulll In lht t'' nh131 r1,.mant1 fur $2:11' 0:11 i1<1'I. 11 • 1• "" 11IHtme l••n coal.I wlll continue tor l!Oml' tll!'.h"r t11xt~ 1 1 ~ hh:l.w1w •I•. 111 11• I • " A • 'l 11 .. pr ... qu11rlen1 to comf'." flc1enc.ea of <'.t1.fom111 n• \'"' y,,, ·~ h ~h • f J.11, !•'-•ii.WI 11 f.()(ifCo\r~ DF.n1·c'T10~ twi"e w-.. n .:u,0~·111 RT1•I I''• ~.l'I :1 1• . , .. ~ .• n :i~l CoM t'quenlly, the log1cal d'· bably n'vtr w ill ty 1..1r.•t~1 th• r.rm \r&• t a "'~r• unJlr way. I I I , '- r Dl.'Tltt("}· I 1 • 01Htrirt 1 35 MPH Lhn\t Water ekliog onJy 11 :00 A· M. tu Sun!K't Doalts 18" and W\dcr only. I <> not <'.nlcr ! ~ One wny only. .. URA \\'S ATTHACTl,OS -An attraction of South Bay Front is t~is porch Jen wit h ,,:p imt-:1s of marine hfe from N ewport Ha rbor which Hal M. ~lemons col- h.-c,:ts. Hl' i.; s many of them from smAll b uys who have become interested in the hobby and !so in the <limes which good specimens bring. A retired civil cnginrl·r. ~lem1ms l'U his spare time taking care of the specimens and reading about them. • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II . PAGE 3 . · ~RIDA Y, JULY, 22, 1955 Rocky Point . 1 !SLEMO COLLECTS MARINE SPECIMENS !AS HOBBY AT BALBOA ISLAND .HOME Cloaed to Motor Boat& Ry tn:nT HRl~T.St\1.1. m1llttrn e~~11. Atlt•r thP paper thin hyde in wh1rh th1•v an• Jll'"S<'l V•••I n ,,z, ns rir iwnplt• 8 <llty 81 .. p 111 roll11r II• • JPtlPJ from thP shell There 11re I!'> <h ffrr!'nl k1111I~ ••f the l'll:lll Rgit&l•"< th,. watt>r t o Jellyfish in lht• buy fiom n11r10- <'•l\·rr thr llhl'll w llh a c1111tlnJ?: or :<copic o nrs tn snme 30 111t'h•·ll 111 ~an'1 •ll IL look.!I lik<> 1111 ~ur-rtlameltr that look like 11 J11 pi.n- front ()f I HR South Bk\' F ront 1((~ H·lli' 111 1111' 111ld, , .. 1(~11f11I oh· J•'• l:< 111 gt..>~ ;.111< a11ayt•ol Hlon" rQunthni:-11 PS!' u mbrrltu A ~mAll, 11tnpP11 J"l- MUl~Tl-LEGGF.D-An octopus in a jar, s uch as Hal M. Slcmons is holding above, is nol apt to ~row into one of the weird monsters that haunt the occAn floor but it got its start in Newport Harbor and is one of the 170 specimens Slemons dii1plays at 106 South Bay Front. -Staff Photo Former Dlltrict Line 1 th" l"'n ·h rail 1•f thr h""""' tht>re (;KISU Tl:IEIR FOOU lyfish Sh•mon" dt'l'll\r .. d, rt11•t•h111- l( Hnl ,;If s1 .. 111.,n,, uwni·r, 1~ Squids und <IC'lopinw" a t:-u intei. ge11 t1n~· tl11rt11 wh,.n 111 .. t•arh!'d ab1out ,hP \nit llh1·uu1H· \ulnlll\' on "'l ~t. mon4 Sq1111IJ1 hr :;a1tl a11• Th<'~ irnlllh' t hP :.kin and J:l''" · J<'l 111,,1,utti•<l' 111111 "rl.ntl thdr l'lllf" to lhl' !'tory 1>f 1•l .. rt 111· 11hul'k11 for l h1• rN·nrd. h1tve st11ye1t t hat 1 Ji>ction, Sl!'nwna hllll wh11t cou1<1 w11y for !'l'i yr&t;. He l•·arned hlll Wl'll p1t1<1< fnr a Dn''Y C'rQt'kl'lt r l- 1•n1:111"• ting ut Stanfotd L'mvl'r-fie. a "Bes n" RUil, m111lr In th• o r- "llY I-fr held ,·11rto11s re11pon.~1bll' I lg mal s .. an sm1lhy In &lc:!naboro, pn11t~ 111 S1111thl'rn Cahfnm111 I><'-:-.; <: whP1 I' i:ti•mnn• "-'"• born. lure h• "'"nt mtu th<' n lr11s 1>11.;;1-The hanol-1111\ol<• i;:irn 1, 2!>-gu&Jo?• ,,..,, 11orn wh1•b hf r••11ri .. 1 ""'' ""'' lht> l.a..11d 1, l'i lll•h"• lon1oi. '··i11 , ~~u ltl n 10\'t_. ''' Hrtlb"a ).!'-· H tu•·~ \\;th H 1 "I' ''"'' '#t'H~ nla •ld DIST. U l)l9trict 2 No Wat.er Skling at the" 11101nne hft' t'e h.,..., tul'•·t l• ,1 '" ,,.. ( II fQ<>d IWt\\'f'• n two ~an1lpaper-ltkP I rom J" ''fl«h tr .. 111 :->rwpnrt H :11bt>1 , l11r tht.' arn" h"foit" tlwy eat It Artists go>l ... t:llTll.t: F lt.IJ) I iO spl'< rnu•n< 10 t h1· i:l.hS J·trl' 1h .. 1r b1 nwn l!i'p1a rulnr from the Th<• Hat k B;1y 1~ " h11 t••llnr.: rt"nrt',.•·nl ht« huhb~· and b.·~1·h 8 11qu11t on.II ('808r11':1 th .. 1r l'lllllt> l!'r<ntlltl fur all k 111oh 1•1 m1u 1n" hf,. rolk!'lln~ th,.ni h• hn~ 11·111( l'X· l>f•nP:< ~lf'm .. ns unib. H" Jl•·t'< 1111tn\· .. r '""'"'1'1\' on th<' hfl' h:~lm y of Olcupuses gn•w 111 \hi· bay untrl hrs speC'1m1•nl! fro1111 i<1111tll bl•\ 11 l'lll h Cll!t• they hll\'e 0 11prP11J or 1tbmll 30 whn ~<'t thmP:< fnr lh1'1r 1111.t .. II·· IHnol Ill\'" 11:r11n1l~on M th .. orl~1n1&I Bt'l'ln < llOCkt:rr-T\"l't: t.l ~.S 111 whnt wo11 th!'n the Stal• of A~i·li· ftom his 111.u 111P t.r .. ,., •I-~·ranklln . ani tlrne. 35 MPH Lfmlt 11 :00 A.. M. to Sunset. Bo&t• 18' .uM1 under Tllr """ lh 1t ,,. "Ills lo 1nte1t·'t lm·hl's amt tht-n movi• 0111 mto lflPd to i:••t 11111 11f th• 1>11•111•'•·' t" I t ~h•ll\I n-< < h11·n~· i ... 111: • i:i: l'11ln r I tl•~·p w"t l'r. Slrmon;i said. He has 111fforin1.: his i<t"' k 111 K n1•t 1 ·, R1•1- f1nm a S• :i 'nail Th•~ lo .. k~ hkP only ~mall i.pPclml'hs. mrlyd-, rr F'.11111. w11hnut ~11u·1''' ' 11 p1rcc of sunrJy b1 1· \'ll nbbnn Ing five &bout 1t '•·of an inch long Slt•mon:< hn.~ hA.t n 1 •11111 tul hf•• i ' FOR RENT VAC·ATION TRAILER UPPER BAY \YATER SKI AREA EXPANDED .\s m~1 p abt•\'C 1mhcatcs, w a t(·r skll'rs now have ~n:atly expandc<l porticm of Upp(•1 B:ty f11r t h<·1r s pnrt. D1a~onal ch•llrd line show s old boundary for sk1t•rs wh1lr lower double !'nlid hnr RhowR nc·w RnulhPrly boundar~·. Sunshine Homes lSAN DIEGO TV S-TATIOHS in Costa. Mesa I STEP UP TO FULL POWER Invite Viewers "l'11l11rf11t '"'\\' t ·.,,1:1 :ll•·~R S11n- ahine h .. 111t-11 .111 nn 111\•1tnt1on t•I enr..tr•'" IJ• :11 h 1111•11 h\'lnr.: 1.nth· o ut high 'umr111·r 1 l'ntnl" icny bud1)1'rs ~ V. Hu11Mk1:r nnrl At .. x St!'pt. wlt1• hf!\'f' lwc•11 h111ldi111; q11nl- lty h1111ws 11tnc· .. Hl:l2. Th1•se unique Sun.shin,.. Hnnw11 ,b,.twren \'lrhrr- 1& flll•I \\'ll11on Sts. JllSL Wl'•t nr H11 rb"r Blvd. 11rt' saul to be one or th e ''et y f1n•L "r1>11ort HI l'R" ctr- velopnwnt.-u vttllahlr <•n nn 1ln"•n payment ten1111 to v1•1 ... Thuu-an•I• .,f ::c;o1uth• 1n I ' 1hr· 111.1ny A•l\11ntfl1:•·• of rull pow1>1 11' tHn1 t VI• ,,·,11.s !'-t\\\. p1u,.:1u1n~ f1 111n thtit 1t nutk•~ tl unnf'ft':-..'8,r,V In lh•· l\~'•' S11n U1q:r• t"'"''1•1un ~ti•· 11~1· hll~•'. 11n~l1,!hl l\' 11ntl'nl1R1' nn t111n."4 1 .. r lhP fu~t \1ntr \\\.~dn1•s· tt1nf·l1•p:i4 ln rt•t 111\·,• ~tj.:.nZlhc fr• rn 11.1\' wh1•n Chan.111·1~ II An<I 10 wcnl Ch11nn1•I l'I 11nil 10 S1J'nal 11lrl'ni:th lo f ull power of 3U3.000 w11tls. wlll be 11olrquatt• 110 lhnl c>n ly the Th.-fl \'e-fnld power itll'rPr111e 11tmpll'.~l IYf" ~ 11( 11nll'nnA11 will he wa~ 1tn1wunr1'ri hy t;1,.Jri.:1• \\'hll· rrqu1rerl. n•'.\'. G1•n1•ral ;l!anai:-r1· .. r \\·rnth· --------------- er-Alvl\rez BroaclrMttng, tnr .. I Channel 81 and \\'111111111 GoC't z:1•. c,•neial ;ll111111g1•r of IU'S[l, In,., (('hann"I 10• who """I thRl ltle1· 11 11\· lh,,11:<anrl11 of persons 111 th1• an 11 will g"t i'Rn Diego telt-v1swn rnr the far11l tlmt> and mnny m1>re Eckert in Talk Fullerton Club Meet Oet1crlb<>d by thr hrnlllrrs a.~ "IQCl\t.f'd 111 the cen!Pr of t hP S outhl&nd'a w ork and play y111d. will j!'f'l 8 much-impnwP.t_pir turc F Ul.LERTQ:-;, IOC!\SI -C. ont~· m111ult"l\ from the flneRt (lOOD P~O(;ft...\.\IS H . El'krrl. Bnll><la h l1tn I, yQtrr- bt'achl'I' 111 1111 Sou them Cehf1•rm&," "The 1:;"11 Dlt"go area now re-I rlRy tnld Linn• rlub mt>mbPrs t he11e 3-4 bedroom. 2-bath homl.'S lPl\·ps a.s fine IO<"al and network hPrl' of t he work of lh" SoulhPm co1<t only $!\:uo per month. 1tft1 r p1 oj?"f a1111< fmm 1t!' :>:BC 11ncl l'BS Californ1a ch11pt"r or thf' Hemn- l he 11mAll impound pnymrnt. wt iola\Jon" a" :iny at"B 111 thr rnunl1y ph1hn Fo11nrla t1nn. of "'hlC'h hi' I! t hi-y are h1i;:he!<I qUAllty Y"l'r \\1th thf' two i<lnt1nn1< 1'"101' to trf•1t11urer. round f&mll} hnnw" (1111 J'O"" r, ~nn D ll'J:llll!' will at•o Ht' 11howrd 11 film prt•parrd for ,.,,!'ta ~t.,,.n ~11n,..hin!' h .. iw"• nf-he n,.,q111t'•I • f the f1n,.,t .t01i:n11ts a TV 11how whlt'h tnld the 111tory f i'I •11rh fl'llllllt'S R• ('1'1l:tr·.-t11ngl•"' 1t\'lt1l11ht .. 1<n\'Wh«lt'. Rnol lh1 .. tflko'lll n( th!' blooil 1IU•<'AI"' r• •!~ 1,11"•1 ju1tndnlinn~ 11111 Hll I< ld1t1un:il !<1,:111!w.1n1" 1nr lhl' f;c-k1>rt !<Aid the (011nr1,<'1nn hAl' lllRh,1, l"ill •Rk (1111•1• larj.:t' 611\HI lll.lJ"I <'tl"I ~1h~.f11l1•~ Whll h .h·•I~ c11>v1qrlj plan11 nf j:!'ltllli;: 111l111Pc11· 1111 rt ,11, ~. nn·I 2·• ,,. 1.ar:ii.: .. , I n• t\\111ki1 w ill rr"'''"" 111 the I-all, atr trelllml'llt Rt ho!<111111l8 fnr Str•· 1111lln•"I kildH•11>1 h.1, ... nnr11111t th••\' "·1111 '\'trllllH• of lw~ph1llA . flel8ys 111 b1r1 h ,•nhll!l't" t.!lll hnci• Jl'P"'°lll'., SPl11"l llll• ~ IW"ple f,,r):t'l tht1t 11111rh trr11tmf'nl !'l\llhl prove fatnl an•I ~lrctrlc t'XhRll><t fAn~ S11n fllf'ltll 1!1 th" fnl<t ... ><t l'row1111$' tn 11 "bll'e<lrr," E r kert 1'8 1'1. .He Othrr <Jllftllly fritlUI ··~ 1111 \111(1 llllll ltd 111 th·· t ••IUlll y. Thul I~ •ntiJ Rl80 of f l'51'Arrh Whll'h lll'•'k!! O\'"I ~•i" in-:111 i:allon h .. t w11ll'I' th>' l\HIJ"r 1 •'8"'-•n w t..1· "<' hn \'I' I" dr\'elop a r11re fnr the d1!1- m.nh' 1111!1 hugr .ln vc•stment". l"ll!le. h c•11l"l'!I, pt.•nty of rlnll"h, rork T11lnl ('t1!<t for thr '"'" lnst111la---------------- W\1111 tn,.11IAtwn. stPo>I 1Clid111i.: wm-l lllll!I run~ <'if!i<t> tu $ IOll,000. Bo th • 41H\\'!I Wllh nnn-Jlll'L 1111111111111111 ' l II 1'' B I Routh• '" Crash i11·rel'nl\. S<'\\'•'r:< nru 1n11tnllrtl nntl !<•H 11•n1< wi 11""' u~e •· ny' ll'N't· I 1onalli1•1I a nl•'lJlla>'. a lnn" with th<' CarR rtnven by 1.:larenre RoulhP. p111d F.v1·n ~lh h 1t1•111~ 11'" tl11ll • •• I l I I HC A .,~ f.;\\" P·il··• and Int 111,•1.1t11111 11,,. ,11 .. tuit-'11"~ 11''"" -· trnn.'I· At or 128 Santa h111bl'I St . C'n!<tR 1 m1ttl'1i-!'tft'!lA, nn•I D1l\'l•I ~farion Jen~Pn. t'• rhese 1muMuul 1,.,..,11 81 ~tt" :->t;T AHJl'!'iT-'t_t:.'.\'T:-i :Ii, M Santa Ana. rnng lrd July h .. m .. s m11y be v1"'''"' tlluly 1111111 Alt autho111 .... 1 T\" •kRlt>r~ 1m•J :\ on Vil\ LI <ICI nP11r :-.=1•"•pnrt II to !l, l'hi••r furn:~hC' 1 m• .. td ~el ''1c.i mffi 111 th<' Bt<'fe h"''" lw~n Blvd.. puttee l'111d. Routh!' tol<1 hnnH'!I IH •· lt11.'At•·J bt'tW•'"" \'le--1nstrUC'INI by the Snn 1'1rgo Bur-pohc!' he wa. ml\kllll! a It-fl turn t onl\ and \\'llllOn tju1tt w"M of rau of H,•me A pphnnce• conC'rm-a.nd ctld not -Jen11en's nr. J en- Hllrbc•r Bh"I 1 in c-.. ~tu l'-h-•a lllJl 11ny ~"1taty Jll't 11nd 11ntennl\ ~rn 11ud ha hM1 just completed DEATH NOTICE .J.-\St:T t.r-.s Al.R t:R' F11nl'rol iarn·1.-rs fnr .11111, l J,ynn Alher_,, fi·yr111 ·old da11i;thtrr c>f Mr 111'1 ;\Ir~. W11ltl"r F Albrr11 oC ll·· ani::e Cnl\.•l 1.·1111"~" C11 mpu• wrr~ h rlrt t1~tny 2 :\ll rm ~r Pn1 ';r1t- R1dl~y M11r1 11:1· \' t'hllr• I 1 hf' t:"'" J.1nw4' s ~I•" Alt pn1'1nr 1 f St A nolrrws T'r.,,hyte:111n <11111• h of- fJ,·1.1lNl. ,lant'I 1111•.t ',\ eollll'loll\y Ill ,P<•r h11111r 11t t1•r nn 1111\1 sll l•f fr111r 11wnth11 s•.r ""' bu1 n In Snnta Ani;. H(''"'"~ h('r p11rentl\ 11111e >• 1un'l\'l'<l b) k 3 ·yrkr·olc1 .111ater , l.(llf('n of tht' hllm• addre11: her n11\tc-rn11I i;t11tnclm11ther, Mn. Alice .1 .. n,•s nf l"•10t11 ~l1•s11 am l paternal Jt1s n.trsr 1'lll1' ;ll r a n<'l Mr!I. Hr nry A lht>r• "' ""~t. M Aiaa hll'I • • n• ""~ 1n H111l~1r Rtst ''""'"rl"I f'111k cemrtsry. adJUl'tments. a left turn when h 111 ca r "-"Ill 1tn1ck TelenJ11on exp<'rU say on• of the by Roulhe'1. SOUTH ~Off ST CDUSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL1COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL iso 30th SL, Newport ae.cJI 11.atbor Z5SI nn 1n;h OT m111c \\'!>le would In wh11:h he hat rhe•l from e"g!'. 1 mrlu.J111g tt tnr to H1111nl11l11 Rt< a !'p1r:d. S!rmnnq imv. 1t '" g••I· Jcll~·r1~h are Slemnn.'I mo:<t en-stoker un R f1l'l):ht•1 In th" ts· j~ By w .... k or Month lk1u·un Tralll'r Puk. IS!l t:. ltlth -('011!1& Ml"t>a lat 111'.'"" ·"Iii Jlllld111 •I 111 lhc lnrful ~P"t'lmen11. but gr1tdually I (111111~ hr m"t hlM "'tf•• k ll•I Hflt'r l :-nail~ s h• !I ind • onl 11~ half 11 they lo!!I' their colo r 1n formalc11'-Iii day:< lhey Wl'rP• nmn 11•11 1<11d. Kiil !<Ill'\ 1>n 11 Y.nll'rprl"""· J 1179 HArlior l'lh'd., COflta Ml'•a .. ( Most Modern, Shortest Stroke VSS * in any leading truck ! Here' 1 ttie measure of • truly modern YI engine -Chevrolet's advanced oversquare design. It means less friction ••• greater efftclency ••• longer engine llfel Here are more dollar-soving Nasons why new Chevrolet trucks offer you the most modern Vi's• your money can buy! MOOllN 12-VOLT IUCTllCAL ITSTIM /)1111/1/r th e punch f11r c1u 1d,cr 'tart- ing ahd more eflicic nt ignition for fincr pcrform anr.:c. OAS-SAVINO HlOH-COMPHSSION IATIO With a hi!!h 7 .5 tu I comprc~-;ion rati(l, Chc,rokt\ new \'8 truck en- gine\ ~qucetc l'Xlf a J10"l'r-an<.I work -out of !!a'. lltftA-HIOH POWll Pll POUND Sm c Lhc'c VI!\ delr\'cr h1!!h po'-"cr per f)Clund of engmc we ight, more power i~ :ivailJblc for hauling. AOVANCIO AllCUfT-TTPI VALVll Valve action is more po,itivc fot finer, smoo1her pcrformanco. PLOATINO Oil INTAIU ••• ruu- PllHUH lUHICATION Oil intake M.·lccl' the clcane~t 011 for po'itivc, full-prc~wrc 1ngino lubrication. • l'R Ha11da•d m thr "'"' I. C P, "'odtll, .,. ntHl-<fHI ortl()ll Ill o/I 01/o,,1 VtCtllf r or~a•d-C onuo/ modcl1. --·-I • MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 West Coast Hlflaway ' • NEWPORT llACH Ubertyo 1:2261 ' • READY FOR OCEAN DEPTHS Testing equipment pre parator y to a try at the w orld's champicm endur anl·e recor d for skin divers is Layton H emsley. right. with his managt.'l' Ez.r llus !French yl Liard. Both .men w ork at Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Ed l"u;her of Florida h olds the r ecord at 24 ho urs. -S taff Photo Newland· Triple Sparks 8th Seasonal Win for C Giants Kenny N~wland of 540 San Ber· bcaulirul diving snr1i; llf I\ fly ball. I n Rrct1nn tripled with the sarks Dllve Bunnell of IW 34th St. tns~· 1<;H11rl\led \Vednesday to spark the ('(I the win. I :-.:ewpo1'l Harbor High School Class Owiitht Tipping or 610 E l Mo· C-Giants to their eighth win of dena hit a three-run hc•m<'r ror lhl' the .eA.IOn airamat one lou. Steve Bravu lo .. aJn lower the boom Carlson wu credited with a 8·3 on the Red Sox. Steve Shedd hurl· triumph over the CUbe In the con; ed the victory. ntrt. 1$Ql 'EAJO:R GO Jn other gamrs Tue11day and Wcdnt-sd11y, the Cllrdln11ls downed lhe Red Sox 13·4. the Braves bat· t,.r etl the Red Sox 6·3, and the lndlanl! edged the OOdgers 11·10. l.OTS Ot~ llOMt:HS ,l 1mmy Reynolds o! 1lS.3 lsl SL and Randy Warr ... n of 606 W , Bal· b'la Bl\'d. blllllt<'fl homert1 for the Can l11. B,,b Chacon or 2(18 Via Pa· lermo turnt'rl In f1elt1lng gem or the fray fr>r lhr R1"i Sox with a EXPLODE Cards Cut Loose with Big Inning Explortmi: for nine r 11n11 In thr last mmni:. thi? Car<!ln11ls kno<'kl'd the Brn ,.,,i; nul of fll~l place in A palr or borne run amashes t'n· abled the Indiana to squeak pa.st the Dodgeni. Lynn R eisinger of '24 Esther alammed his •with two a· board. Richard Us k alllO dcllvened a -circuit Clo11t. Bill Brorkmllll got the mound credit League 'l!lan<ling~ through Wed· neaday. qianl.'1 8-1; Ca n.hnals. Braves 8-3: Yankees 11·3: Indians 4-~: Rf'd Sox 4-6: T igcr11 3·6; Oodger11, Cubs 3·6: White Sol< 2-6. I WEEK'S SL~ TE IN 1 MESA, HI C LOOP 1 Schedule for Cnsla Ml'11a Park an1! ::-:rwporl Harbor H1irh S<'hool CJllM C l!umm.-r baseball league nines nrxt. Wt>t'k. Monday -Cub.s·Tt~cr11. 10 a.m.; Dodger1.1·Re•J Sox. 11 17> a .m. Tuesdl\v-Jndlani<· Glsnu, JO A'm : ·Yll1lkt>es • Cuh11, 11 1:1 am. \\'e<lnesday- Red Sox-(;lants, 10 n.m.: C-ar - dlnal.<1 • Dra\'CS, 11 .15 s .m. Thursday-Tlger11-lnd1An11. 10 a .m : \\'hitP ~ox · P o,lgrrs. M-HYDRO THIRD FOR BOB HAWLEY Robert A. Hawlt>y, CMla ~l 1•s11'ff ~i-hydro racer, pie.red tl11 rt1 Sun<lay aft<'rnoon Ill PalmJa 1~·s Frontier Days out· lnard . rcJ?;atla. H 1.q oought<'r, Ann, 16. tailer! to ftm1;h when h.-r bont had rngine trouble. On Sun.Jay the father a.nd daughter will ni,ce at Loni' Buch In an M-hydro cbamp- il'lnshlp regutta. It's one of the top clau races In the count()', lhe Hawley• n•porl. THREATENED Cubs Scamper to Stave off Surge by Sor- Fighting to rrnfRln in undl11puted first placr. the Cubs of Costa Meaa Park Cla.!111 C Le11gue bum~ the Oinnll!' 8-5 Wrdne1.1<lay. staving o!f lhr foiot ·Chl\11t1ng While Sox. The Whtie Sox edged put the Bravea i ·6 T ueaday to lake over 1econd spot. Leading 8-1. the Cub& appeared lo hll\•e everything well In h&nd. But lbe Gianl11 unleashed a rour- run rally In the final frame. A homer by J ohnny Lertlngwell 11pl'n1 hesdNI t'he threat l.hat fell !hort. H arb-Or B1•,\'10' Cluh A s111nm<'t 11 1 ~ Fri I n _. " a.m. 'ay-nng,.r11-S1:t ntnll srored In top ot the b11i1o•b11ll li>11 i:;11r TuN•118'' fl·2· The Cart11nals. 10 a.m . Rt>d Sox· lasl Inning cinched the cont.eat trl11mph b11r k1'•I t hr Rf'd ~ox inro Tlgrr11. 11 ·1:1 a.m. owr the Bravea for the White tnp 11pol wllh 11 7·2 J<l!Bsnnal re· Sox. Mike Rourgeoie and Pete r ord I In otht'r A tnor fr11y11, the While \\.hilt' Sox ;i. 7: Do.-Ji:i-rs 3·8: Yank· ro;~l('rC t"'~~le~ the triumph. Sl'x O)l'J'!'•I th" Indtan.11 4·1 Tu,.•· ees 2·8. le ~ ... '"c18 s Wied fwo~_pltch· 1 J h en1 o ll°'""' 11 vantage <:u.11e9day fir.\' 1111•! the P.nJi:1m • ". g<' l e I Ne.xL week's 11ch1>d11le: Mont.lay for a 10·6 win onr the Red Sox. Yankr!'s 3· 1 \\ edn··~cla~ -Gil\nls·Whtl e Sox. 6 :10 p.m.' WlnninJt h11rler1 included Bill Pet· RRA \·i:.-. I.EAU lndla.ns·Rt•tl Sox. 8: 15 p.m. Turs-lit, .Tohn Curchi11ra, Gary Young T ht• Bt av.-,. \\'tre ll'n!1lng 2·0 flay -C11rd1nall!· Yanl<ces, 6 ·30 and Roger Rngtr11. until the t'nrcl8 cut loose. O(JUbles p,m . Ohiii:rrs·Rraves. 8 ·15 p.m. t TASTY.~ GOOD b,v Tiutch \"fn eyard and Bl"b Trapp \\' _, 1 ,.. l n I ~ eunesc ny \>lftn s . n ('C • •lX. On-~ ·ft·te or 'r1umph appe··· with the billies lo11dPtl ~park!'.! lhr ., ~ u ...,.n ~ .. :1., P ni Thllr:<olll\'. r1tr.f1",_11l11• all Lhe Jul nla"• l ndlM"S ne'""ed. rally. E11 rl t :'>lo Hill vwi1< to~!led I di 11 10 \.\ h s [•o<l ,. '~ ~· .-u a 1inr·hlller 11galnst the Bravei<. n an9• · p m. •le l"X· • After seven 11lr1tlghl 11etbacks. the gers. ~8.l:i Pm. FrlJay _ -Bravt>S· Tribe added ll• second •tr•'uht Gary f'll'kcns' triple with ont' on Red .., ll :lO y k GI ~ " ~., WI\.!! the l<•nr blow. ~ox. · Pm. nn t'NI· • virtory T'11c11da.v \0.1th & 7.3 la.•hinit J im Butler of !116 Fullerton 11.nlll. 8'l :i 1' ~ ot the. Dodgers: P ilcher Rudy Vest 11in~led a croRa two W11es ro• the p H•t TV A 6 conllnued hl11 outstanding toma· \\'halt' Sox In their triumph over ros I UCJ. I hawking by ·socklnr a.c.roas two th" JnJiaM. Ch&rlie TRylor J:"Ot Harhor B.rt'll TV sports follow· nm• in a big five-run flrllt 1tanu the only extra bue hit oC the bill· era wtll ''1rw t heir flr11t prorPs· Standlng-1 through Wednesc:1ay t lt, a rlouble. for the 'l'rl~. Ttrry 1 slona.1 f llOI bRll iramt' of th!' 11ra.."On Cubs 8· 1: While Sox 7·1·1; r.tl\ntl< Baj:"A'Cll 11nd Ronnie Woodside at 8:30 p.m. AUK. 8 when the 6·2·1; Dodgers 6-3; Cardln8l11 ~-4 : hurltd the w in. Los Angtll'!< Rftms. Plltllbur~h Aravl's 3-6: Yankees. Tlgeni :2·6: Ronnie Cnrl and Gary Clark Stef'lerl! cln,;h 111 T'ortle.ntl. Or•• Rec:! Sox, 1nc11a.ns 2-7. t !'a mf'd up to chuck a no· hi tt !'r a l p;;:;;:;;:;;:;;:....;.;::...::;;=;;;:;;::;;;::;;:;;;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;:;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. the Y 1U1lc('es tor th~ Dodgers. Clark rr<wed the batting .l!t.3.r by b~hing ou t a triple and alngle, driving in two cnunters. 1..00P SLATE Sl&l)dlngs Ulrough Wednead&y: R.•ol Rox 7-2: Giant. 1·3: Bravea 7-.1 . C'Brdln&le IH: Indiana ol-&; Air Shrine Tiit The fnurth &nnual Shrine toot· bAIJ pnie betv.· .. en prep all-1tan ""'11n X"rt.hl'rn and Southern CA.l1forn1a wi.11 be b~t from Los AnRelel! Coll11n1m Wtdnuday night, i<tnrtmjl' at I p.m. All pro- l"<'el'1' F:" to the Loe Anrele1 unit Of the• Shrlneni Hoeplta.11 for I <'nr1·lr l 1 'h11ctre.n. A rala pal"Jlt w11h n:.11 •• thl\n 4<1<!0 parUclpa.nu will hf' i<lt1,.;<';I prior to the g-ame and dunns half ume . • We Now Have Facilities for No Down Payment Triumph Doretti ·Hillmen as low as $144Se00 Harvey Mayer Motors Corw Victoria & Menor llvd., Cotta Meta 2137 Harbor llvd. Uberty 1-225' H ARBOR ~\)O~ GIANTS HAMMER OUT FIRST DODGER LOSS I .it th" f'l rat~• In the Bra,,.. "1c· IM~. Biii S11nh<,rn cruhed out two '1011hlt'.• t" kt1t.<'k """'._ tl\ree 11111rkH"' f M the 8 111\'l'l' Gu y j l..'11u.-h •'f lht• Arn \·r11 eollN'lt>d two hlL1 &lid •'n" Rill BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Edito r I Seven Straight National Bums Wins Permit to Stay No. B 1 I PAGE '4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR'ESS 1 H a rbo r Boys' Club. B National League Dodgers suffered FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 their firs t setb ack o f the summer base):>all season w h e n the 1 Gianta edged o ut a 13-10 a lugfcst t r;iumph W ednesday. The I RICHARD'S · FIREHOUSE FIVE Dod~crs had captured seven straight w~s. . Dusty Darnell and Dave lshtnael pitched t he \'lcto ry for COPS CASABA CHAMP,ONSHIP th<> C1:1.nU1, giving up eight hlti<. Jlntt!r.g stnr~ tor th(' Giants tn· clutlt<I Rog<':-Ze1gtr o( 616 B~· i:onln, Alan font's of 381 Broad· way. Costa Me,.-'I. and Darnell of 217 Popi')' Avt>, For th" deft>Ated !)01ti:~rs. Tum Anderson pacPd the JilAlt? l\tlRCk. i-:,•wpon Ge1u:h W&> und1.sputed su"1im~r c-t1ge rhamps or Anahrlry Bl\11l<etball Logur Tut1111a~· alter Rlch-trd'.s Mark••t qulnlet out-thrilled SRnta Ana 2~-:l6 l:i .811 overllmc tul'-~t... Al111hclm malnt .. 1n"d a tic for S•'<'On.J with Full .. rton S~orts of the other two ;::emu Tu<>s<h1y ravo1•ed Anaht.>11t1 oJ\'t•r Huntington Beach 52·4 l and .,.ullt·rfon ()Vl'r GarrlPn Crovt• :Jli-31 ,. Paul Lort'ntien wu hero ot the nl~hl. Tht' );e\Vf>Orl tt .. r. bor High School athltte ahOt tM the w1nnlni:: bucket a11 lh1· ranal gun wt'nl ott Santa Ana plAycd llnll l'o-.11 ol lo k""'I' New!)Ort from runntn~ lli1 11~1111 hl.l:'h St'nrr ll a1mo,,1 work1·1I -but not quilt Rl1C'~ 8Rt'TAL Other gl\mu \\'ednt'11day round the Pirates apatt~rlng the Cardln- ul:i 1.'>·P and thP Athlt'llca edging th(' While Sox 11·3. · Tue.sday the Oiunl.'! nipped lh<' Cubs 3·2 wtule the Braves bluted the Pirate. 10·2. A pair or six·run IMlnga brought the Pirate" from Ix-hind C hnt lo Pf'yton cif 2~4 Evc>nlng Canyon Road 1maaht>d a thrc>e·run ho:ner In th4' third Inning to u - sure victory ror the A'1 over the White Sox. Gary Dunn and J ohn M1utln lo.ued lhf' win. FROM J'iF.HlND Tlw Giant.a came from behind w1lh two rfnl 1n the flnlll canto to ~~e lhr Cuba. Don Bran~on aco~d on n cl011e play at the plate to tie It up 2·2. Then Alan Jonu 11an,;led homt Mike Lennie of 411 Ht'Uot rope for L'ie clincher. Phil Maclcey threw a no·hlltt'r 1 TORNADOES, KNIPP HOT 11g1u nst the Carda. Richard Rison Hollypark finale of the P1rute~ blastl'd out & homer, Quintet Undefeated with · 7 Wins;-Knipp ,Dunks 32 double 11nd elnglt.>. •John Oruwtll The Hollywood Pa.rk hooe rac· of 616 Orchid dellvued a trip~ 1 Ing aea.90n ends Monday alter five and eingleo for the C\ude. days of racing for charity. Holly· Undefeated in s even str aighl o ulir.gs. the Harbor Boys' Club T o rnadoes quintet had to share h o nors Tuesday night Braves, Cubs Dominate CdM Class C Nines with B r uce Knipp of the Lake rs. The. T o rnadoes dunked the 1 Corona de! Mar Youth Center'• Hawks 46-38 while Knipp copped h igh s core with 32 points Bra.ves and Cubs continued doml· • nation of the aummer Cius C Md puUed H points ahead of his . l bueball league Wed d Ith cloS4'sl shooting comp<?titor ot tbe berl 2, Green 22. Jun SchOlh!ll 4: nn ay w CIM& B .. ummer bukt>tball .<iea~un.' Lai 1·y Shnrdtl<'r 2. Hawks 1 :J8 1 tDiumpha OVt'r the. Dodgerll and 1 h Tu 1 h Dir k ~torall'S IO• Mulder 1~· J im Indians. The first p lace Bravea n ot er games r s1 ay. t e • · • battered th Dod 2 hl1 Hornet.a stung the Bombere 69·'13 \ Hosl<'ller 4 . Dn,·e Pf'tllt 3. Ray t gera l ·l w e h Lak t,h p I eion Ii the Cube clobbered the Indiana Md t e ers ovcn:am.. <' an· · llOltSt:TS 68 7-1. ther~ 58-4,9. Tru.1llng Knipp fc.r The Braves' win marked their potlm' performance wua.John Hen· H11.rnetit \6~) Henrou~ 26: nlnth stral ht victor of the lea· rotm oC the Hornets with ·26 and M1k .. Vaile 18 , Jim Bento 8, Bob I son th mg t ~ 1 1 h Cary Gr«n o! the Tomadors with Marlin 20, Bob Hendershot 2. In 8• arbo~ os coniecu veb lrl uDmp Id• r a rea summer a . av 22. Bomb~r~ 1431 Gene Bryant ~:I Connell o! 201 Emerllld chucked sr:T TALL\' Don J h re<' 8, John F •>ntlus l 1: lhe victory. Scoring o(C I.he llt'll-Wn: Kmpp R~y Pion lO John Webster ot 3024 Ocean 168; Jim Mulder 124 : Gene Br-yar.t Laker• 1:>!n Knq>p :12, Bc.b Blvd. got back on the vdn track 112; John Henrotln 134; Ort>en White L 7, Don B«atty 8 , Mike tor the Cub11. Six talllea In I.he 100; Mike Valle 92; Bob White 88: Gaughan ~: Mike Hnye11 2. Pan-aecond Inning tucked the lilt out Bob Martin 81; 'oon Pierce 70 and ther11 149 1 -Rich Pal11f1•rri rn ; of reach o! the Indiana. Rlrh Palaferri 78. Bob \.\\1lker H : J im J ewell 6; Lea di Tuesday night rundown by Budlly Thompson 14. C b gu7 e3 •l1an nga: Braves 9-0; u • • : ndlan11 6·3 · Dodgen tealll3: I Standjngs: Tornadcws 7--0 , HOI • 4 6• G' l 2 7 c . TornadoN1 ld61-Buddy Thomp· I nets. 5·2; l...llkers 4-3: Bomhi-rs 3.4: • • ian s · : ardlnala 0·9. son 8 ; Terry Hall 10, John Hui-f'11n thns, Hllwks 1·6. _Sr hedule next week: Mond11y - Yardley Cuts Cords to Send Divers' Quint into Top Spot G1ants·Dodgera, JO a.m. Wednet· ctay-Braves-Olant.a. 10 L m. Cuba· Dodgers. 10 a.m. Frlday-Cardln- o.J11.Jndlan11, 11: 16 a.m. Ql11nt1· Cubt1, 11 :l~ a.m. park hu distributed more th.an $8 mlUlon to aevrral hundred wel- fare org-anlution1 In Southem Ca.ll!omla.. according to Hollywood Turf Club A»oclated Charities. Inc. La Habra Holds Meet More than ~ entries are ex· pected for the 19M Junior Wo· men'• SPAAU Outdoor and Open Men'a awlmmlng chami>lonahlp In La Habra High School pool Aur. 13 and H , sponsoring La HabB Klwanla Club haa announ ced. Two ·likes Taket1 Theft o! her aon, John'a blcycJe from Main Beach , Corona del Mar. waa reported to police on J uly H by Mre. R. G. Daw.on, 810 AVO• cado Ave. She 1&ld John, 14, and a friend Kenneth Stanwick. 12. ot 6()4 Larkspur R\•e.. both Joet their blku to thelvu when tht')' left them on the beach. PARK.ES • RIDLEY llORTUAB'Y Former!J G&AUl:L CHAPEL 110 llroed••J -ea.ta ..... LDlerty I-Mal Ud l;MM Old pro BolJ Yardley cu t 19 point• throUc,h the cord• Monday night to pac~ Newport Harbor'• Olvers' Supply quint.et t o a 6ol-ol6 triumph over Hall'• of Sant.a Ana. The victory aenl the Harbor five Into 11. flnit placit Ue with Santa An.a in Garden Grove Summer Bukttb&JI League. Bob'• Sporting Gooda took over third spot with a 117·ol-O \•lctory over Drtvin& Rane-.e. Dunlon's cag· era dropped Garden Grove 44-30. Harbor area athletes who figured In the night's acllvltlea included Stu lnma.n. Orange Cou l College court coach. who tallied 8 ror Hall's : Ron Wlnterburn. OCC s c-or· Ing ace, with 4 for Driving Range, and J im Newklrl< (lol l, Pnul Neu- mann f ll> and Denl\Y Fit~pat· rk k 119> for Bob's. IE SAFER THAN SAFE Downey Swimfest An open AAU champlonr;hip and lnvltaUonal age. group swim meet 11 1cheduled for Downey Union Hlith School plungf' Aug.6. Entries cloae July 30. Entry blanka can be obtained from MHt Chairman Bill Murray. I G p•t h Sanctioned by the Southern' reen I c es Pacific A.1uioclat1on or the AAU and sponsored by Downey Junior J · y· t Chaml>C'r of Commerce, &dmlsgion un1or IC ory to the e\"'nt Is free. Heats start - al 10 a .m . with the tlna.ls al I With Gary Or.e'en whifflni;-13 2 p.m . • and allowing a sln.11:le bmglc. Har· bor Bny·s· Club won it .. third Wednesday Night Go stnught Orange county J unror with an Automobile Safety Belt Le ad in 9 automotive manufacturers make SAFETY BELTS available for their new cars ..• exhaustive auto crash tests have proved "there is less chance for injury w~en the motorist is held in his seat • ·~·t i'n the en- closure of the car" ... remem ekes stop the car -a SAFETY BELT ST PS YOU. * Free Demonstration * 8 STANDINGS LNl&Ur lll\1ndtn,ca th1'0U&h Wtd· nt8day: B Amrrk11n -Tirr11 7·2: R('1I Sox 6 ·4. Yankl'H 4-4: lndlana 4 ·~. Athletka 4·6: White Sox 3 ... B National -Dodger" 7-1; Bravu (1.3. P trAtt'll ~·!\: 01anta a.4; CUba 2·6, Cardlnt.11 l ·B. Nex:l w~k'• achtdult': Monday -R&d Sox-TIJ'era, AthleUc1-Yank· ffll, 6 p.m, TuU<U y -lndlaN· WhHe SQX, Cuba·Dod,~el'8, 6 p.m. WtdneaJ"y -RM Sox·AthletJca. Yank,.,.•·TIJ:"ert, 11 p.m. Thuraday -Ca r'dlnala·Olanta, Bravu-Dod.f· era. t> pm, Fnday -Red lox ·Ya.n.kee1, Tll't'ra Athlellca, & ~m. •UDO NORD BA VFRONT HOMJ: (NflW LleUarl • -.Utttul ..... ,_ plllll lllM* ~ plu• Mnui'e •uar-t~n. ~~r pe,......, ... IOll8 U .. r. Pier allp for •O' ~ Buyer mmt be 4'-'· lflecl -eo •• pliOM lafonnatJoa p1eeM. Thl• i. prinwJ prop- ""7 A .prtced to ..U. Call flartlor I ... They're made· for you too I'!-~--~ .. • -._ ea., Tibbs, WeM1 Chelftpion Sedda. lronc Rider, ........... , .... ,~._c.....,,,_ ........... A&aforlud 11 ''r M . Double Knff loys 6-12-$2.69 loys 13-16-$2: 98 Jackets 8-16-$2.98 LEI: OUAAANTZIC II u.e.. are llot tlM '-* fttllq aDd loqMt ~ 10• .... lllT'!r WOl'll J-Ma7.laaYe a .... pe.1r ran• ,..,.r ~ -... Wednesday nlght'a teJev!sit.>n Le11.1tue game from Gard"n Grovr tight will fe&lure WUUe Pastrano : here Tuesday 3·0. The lot·al J un- of New Orleana, La., and Chuck iors 11utre·red a loop opening defeat Speiser ot La.nalng, Mich. The ten by Fullerton. round mllln 1taru at 7 p.m. PR.St· ta.no Is the young lighlheavy· welrht who recently defeated ex· champ J oey Maxlm. Speller re· cenUy returned to the llqua.red Larry Shrader wrapped up the R & L Auto Clinic I ·:~:~· circle rrom the Army. win !c!' Green when he drovt 1n I 18"~ Barbor Bhd. two run.3 for Harbor Boy:<' Club 3001 Newport llvd. Harbor 4606 I Co.ta MeM In the !lf•cond 111nlng. An 1ns11ranr e Phone: Llbe-s-eotl ~ncr0Medthepla~lnthefm1r~t~h·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~ News-Press Want Ads I • Have That Necessary DRJV£/ BUY, SELL OR TRADE THRU CLASSIFtED For AS.. Hit . Everytirne Call Hwbor 1616 .. r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. • FRIDAY, JULY 22 1955 PAGE S OFFICIAL. ELAPSED, CORRECTED TIMES AND ·FINISH ORDER ON T .p RACE TOLD UNDERSE4 TREASURE HUNT I Ela~ed and COM'Mted tlmt~ 30: 22, 8. A·2 : ConatellaUon. JO .. 'v.1tcb 12:1l:SI! 39, 9 21 ,; Il l, 27. MAPPED BY ISLAND MAN phtll romplete order or flJll•h wf're o• M ·32. 9 03:10 20. 2. A·l : Nov!a C-3: ~o II, 12:12·38 16, 10 :01:. I releand today by o tfld a la or t ht Del Mar , 10 ·oe·f12 ·03, 9.14.112·03, 3.2:111, 31. C_.: Ariel, 12.H 32 03, Trans -PacifH: Yacht da.qlc. :-;.-v.-18: ~-•: R amon&, JO·l0,:•6.58 12 . l O:Ofl 03.17, 33, C-4. 10.10.•9 !!2'•· 3:'>, A-8· Baruna 10 -Klrawan. 12:J6 ·01 0.. 10 13 ·07-. A eearcb for under..a tr'\'H• uno which mar be worth $100.000 I• being readied today by Hal M. SlemOf.1. 106 South Bay F'r'Ont.. Ba~a lslanJ. Slc•mona.. a d vt\ engin<'<'r, told newsmt'n be learn· ed of the t reasure by cha.nee. The 11hlp rerr)'lntr the •red e .,.,._. en route Crum Mf'l(ICO to Loa An- J?tlc-8 llni1 San Fr11nrh1co but v.•ent I port Harl>Or '• Staghound CA!pturt'<I 111:20 08'~. 9 · H :H :OS'~· l«I, 'A·3; the :!:.!'.!ll-m1le race from Loa An· Eac&padt' 10 ·1«1·118 .17. 9 19 112:17, t;c•les to Honolulu for the 1t'<'0111I 24. A-t: Q1;1u t . 10 :22.11 ·(19, 9:11 :- lime. 31 33, 12. B·4:i Diamond Hr ad, 11:· I Here are t'hl' w•aael11 li•ted m OO.t6:2«1, II 2l~26·02 :!fl A-7· ur<.ler of finish, with ela!Jlled tlnw. Cele~•. 11 :03 :01:03, S.17 •l 03'. 22'. 1 corr<'cted tlnw , 1ml1>r of finish ar-1 A·ll. t·nrdmg to 1•orr~ted tim t! ar11I Olly111ey. 11 ()3 03·ti, 9 :11 ·46 :17, <'lllS!'I. 13, B·ll: Nam Sang. l I '03:49:2t. .Momin..: St ar, 9.111.0ll 10. 9 09 -9 111'·30:1.2. 21. B·9 : Nontlys . 11 :- 0•t.Ot .49, 9 17 16 .01. 20. 8 ·8: Jada, WRONG KITTY Bring 'em Back Alive Wilson Gets Bitten 111 mg 'cm back &li\'t' \\'llsun, ht> '"' kn""' n 88 around the Rob<:rt :.r. \\'1l~nn homt, 439 f"luw .. r St , \ • .. ~1 a .'.\1"~.r ·'""<'''"r. 111~ l.itl·~t t'!fort at l•nn~ln~ ''<·m" humc a lln• dill not 1., "'' '''I'll. He ll&W a little kitty 11r.d &;ol near enough to g ra b rt by tht' iarl, but when he tried to tak<' th,. kitty by the net k It 111rnc-.1 on 111111 U'ld bit his flnger. ll:Ot :l 0·04, 9 09:34 40, 9 B-2: I Ml l Tai, 11 :0~.37:00, 9.18 .26;12, 23, U-Hl. Q ueen Mali. 11 :09 .11 :13. IQ 13:31 :01, 36, A·9:1\awamee, J 1 ;. 110:06:13. 9 .09:2~:211, 7, B·l : :Marie IAmelle, 11·10:06:17, 9 12:112.:?9. H . B-6; li~alr Weather, 11 ·10:08 41, 9 :21 '3:\ 06. 26. B-11. Sea Drift. 11 :12·11~ <l2, 10:1' 22·- 06, 38. A·l O: Marllen. 11:14:12:60, 9 17:12 .60, 19, B-7; S kylark. 11 :· 16:24:21, 9 11 :2~ 33, 11. B·J : D1ab- lo, 11 :22:37:27, 10·07 :43:27. 34. B·12: N&lu D. 12:01:68:43 ,, 9:- 0t.:04 '43'~· 3. C·I : KlaJoa. 12:Cle:· 211:21. 9:14:31:21, 111, C-2~ Wa ter· Hof el Laguna Installs New PRETTY STRONG -Dudley, alias ''Bring 'em Back Alive" Wilson. son of the Rob· ert M. Wilsons, Costa Mesa. ruefull y sur\'eys bite of wood pus~y who dirln'L wanl t i) play with him. -Staff Photo . Jn thl' meantime the !net that h1• had the kl! t \' bv thl' tail dill n•H help except · lha 0 l It e&Ulblt11h- "" t h•• targ"('l for the kitty Mrs , M It• I TV \\'1llllll1 bune<I the rlot heM u IP e "1 U1lnk the do<'tor wnii thr , TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Mrs. Alvord Pleads Innocent to Charge worst." 11ht Mys. "\\'hC'n t l'allt"J I , him to find out It there wa8 any I Thr largt>st mulllpll• telc,·islon <tang"r Crom r ablt>ll he aald hC' 1 ,N ln~tullatlon in L.ai;una Bear h 1·ou!rln't tell unless he hall thr hull JU>1t Ut'"n 1·omplc11rd by the skunk to run t e11t11 on and 1u1tges1· 11 t 1 1 I .'.\Ir> E\'•·I~ 11 .\h o1 ll "f'I" >"t'll bcforr J 11dJ.;•· fl J l •·~I~" ~··-trr- .-.J tha t J gn out and catch ;ht' " I' ~guna. every guest room 1tk11nk " b••lng f'<!Ulpped w ith Admire.I 'I'V Anyhow, Uutllev tht' na m<' rc<l'.\'er:i. \\'m "J•·~rn" Krt'lstnger d1ty Ill< I 11111~ Uh•I J'I• 11lt· I n<>' ------------------------------1 i;u11l' 111 an an.1 11111 I • .. n I I 11nt ~:lven "Brtng 'I'm Bar k Alive'' be· Gen.-ral l\lana~er or Hold Laguna lure he earned h11 new onf' got ' saul Lewii1 l.Rmlf.'UX tlert 1. Pr~I· busine~s :1n•I r111r .. ,,until , """ •nme 11holll. jU5l In ca.st . He al'<'lllll SA:-\TA A':'A, J l:LY 22 1oc:-;s1 lllN'llon f~el that C ltlt'll St.'n 'l('e Ji. <haq,;1n~ l.1 r \\Ith \1 .. l.tt1••n I I th·· -:'\ew Yor k ll:o«n C'nmmt>nl rn po111t1on to "':ork airt'utl to be a n optlml,l beca uae he tr l-' ll• nl of Tel-l·Cleu Systl'ms. La· pnH th mg rn•·tl11 in e "1th1 11t " 11· "" u I t J t II t l\1arket open.-d on a f1nu tt1nc rn Should the market be ,.1;1 .. tu rl'n:ll' 11, r tirnJ ,,,,, .•· t l••r thrs tnck on a skunk only Ill.Ill i:cuna ' 31 1 • t lrtt't"" '" 11 8 a ion aw.tarn Its present "1-pla\' 11,, u ' ·-S• l't wePk 11nd those clothes a re 11tlll '1 th•• ma.st er unten na system lt>.~d· !N11n Wrtlt'r &: <"•1. ICAI L~ C:\'.'>010.\Tt.!'I Tl'Sponlle to ll continued flow of "~ 13 1 h h t I t th h ,,.. I rails appear J J t t • .. I 1tn1 <'r .1,1 'nnr 11111rd. u1rmg out in the bar k vard. I mg o ea<' ' room o e O<C. excellent 111x m onths 11tatemenl.JI can 1 a es or rt'<u\ -__ _ _ · ery. Dunng re.:E>nt we•·ki1 or n<'l?U· Skunks are not Dudley's only The lintel La.guna has l'ntereJ •Phl and merger new1. Olis, chem·! uve P<'rformanC'e by thiii gruup 1 Conklin J ii d prt•J1lecllon. He stuck hi.a arm Info a lari;e term leas<' with Tel· lea.ls. motors . mel.111>1 and \'ILTIOUI I :-;t'W \'ork <.:entral a bsorbe;J lltCX k • a e through uie -kitchen doPr one day l·Clt'llr l))lltema-ior urvlce m 1up- 1peclaht1ea are part1rlpatlng well anti ahoultl be able to work I In 11"1 ll11111k• n . d1 '' rrli: • ·~··s While 1Tis--moU1ar wa.s g.elllnit d in-plyrng 1unpliC1t'd H1gn11ls for 1111 R11\·&J IJutr h and Lion (hi fl'll· 1..i.hcnll. Cana.Han Pat' I flt• hcu twc•n bl'forn Jutl~e 11• ·' · l •nd~·· \\'r·dnes· nt'r and wrapped a.round the fort'-seven Los Angeles chan~la-lhua t ure<i lllf' 011 St'l 11011 the latter nf!lh'•'lllily lnggarJ a.nd 1.-. e11n><1.i .. 1. •In\' \\ 111111111 I. ('nnkhn <if l:tJOll a rm a nd flst was a long 1naJ<e. lnsuri:ii; guests perfect r K epUon. rPllJH1n1hni;:-to ronflnn stlon of nier-rrl bt•h111rl the market. Abo In lllf' '"1H \ 1111''" l''~'•" unol 111" '" •'11.'lt' Mni. Wllson docs not care !or Admiral Corporation designed th~e a:•·r trrm~ "1th .'.\toni1a nlo <.:html· I better gn ule 18.!lues Southern 1·,.-I 5~i~p~ndt••I f,,, ~'" il 1 ~·· an·~ r-:d· imakea or tolda or lizard• of a.~· 11et1 to 11peclflc requlrementa of CAI 1 •1, rlfil:' has b1't'n rnmu~ll·ntll-v w,.11 I"" Ar<I J. [)yn<ill• '· I .111:11n.1 1,, .1<'11. sort ed 11hnpe1 and colors which Leo Hotel• Company, matchlng the 1:1 . k• l I . H . r . •11Pfl0rtei1 unll Is a ttra('tl\'t• I \~·'' (lm·d ~1r .... In n," •·( t 11•· 11111• Dudley hrl.l)gs home. She hM done !hush to the room furnit ure .. , t',, iu 1·' ••Y·11 !lilt h ""I In vi t t • I .. t 11nkhn \\ 1.1 11•11111ntlNl t11 th•• 1·n11n· her belll t o tell hlm a bout rattlers, well a• other he&vy-duty ff.'ature• good \'nlume 111 <plll!' 11nprt>111lve . ew o a rt.ngt I 111 "''llcr ll o ro.nd imhi'l'lttl'I ~nrnf prOSJ'l•'<'ls for • q1mhty I"'"~ look fnr rnh tln111l· ty JU · hut ho ~ not. ~ lmpraaae.d. tor hol@l operation. r111lhr r ""llhWIHI<' J'rOJ:ll"'lll \'11111-I t1Un (1( I\ ~ .... lectlvely /1nu 111Rrk• I -, Rtllln of t'Rllnrntr•I l llM rnrnini:.t1 10\'er hnlnnt'e o! lht> •Illy I G I a n<J <'XJ'lt"<'tt><I lea111•nlnf of worlrl I P.~. A\'t:RAl•f:S-00\\' .ioxt::oi RAND OPENING '""'"""11· whtrh will !tkrl\· rf"!ltrlt :in Jnt11111trla ls . _ 1164 1 ~ rrp :i n<, in ™'II• r 1rarlr rel11t1on~ :!O Ra1lmads . lhfl.20 up l 92 Cc n c r ul :O.t11to111 11 upplle •l jl5 l'tilllu•11 66 '43 up XI ~; f._) (.:/,. , J i\\·~ / ' f "' · .. trt'n~lh t u thl' mntur 11rrtlnn 118 I r.~. \'OLl.~E-00\\' .JO'l\F."\ //{ • ""-~ ·"/ I} /' ~ -~ It l\'1\'11nrl'<! tntn nrw hll:h i;rntrM 1 •• 0 000 . 1 130 <H ~~ zj "I '' '., ' '/ ~(",,r;ir: ~ 7 ~ on 111 .. 111•1 '"''•:<l inen•,..., hll)'·' ·' · '8 • • 111 1 ,. 1' • : ~ • 111i;: L()(',\l, :-;T O<'K U !'IT B IO Ii: A'K ( 1 j.-; i ·~· ,f> ~ ~·).J-fl ... TUC h. i-l'l.IT ~ I Bnnk o! Amenr&. J9',-41 • ~· r-:. Zt"fl1lh n·h Rnrr.J 11hnrplv · 1tn1J lll'rkm:i.n ln.~trument :?3 •1 , ·' '· "' ; ~ !-~ '"hll .. \\Jth .. ut h··nrfll of 11.n y gpeC'-1 r nnrnrnfa Ranl< 5f•,.so•, \_._ •f'\r ,-;~-r} 1al nl'wi< lhl' r .. mr;iny 1!' rnjoylng llu1n•y 1\\ulll llJ•,.57·. -:? k ~~"· an rvPllrnl y• 1r <' 11 111n1>:·"1c1> nnrl F'lr!ll "'l'lllt'm Bonk ; 5~~.-~ • .; ., r11:.-cturs m11\' H't' flt tu \'nnrudrr Gln!liornr :?'·.-:t•, 1 : / 7~~11::~~1::·f11~~~~\nt ~1~, ~;~~,~:.t~: :~;~r~~:7:t .. ~~;t.~::rln~ 1<1~.'.;~ • : ;~I.ft~\ '®'. Ha>lw l'"'I'· 111'1""'~ hrhin!I th~ .'.\lirrkl'l Ha•kol ('m11 :!I ' ·~l •I Ult! nrnrkf'l n1rrr ntly .'.\h•l~rt•lr• h1111 l\lnyfa1 r l\larkt>tM " , · l<I · ~-' 10lsn bttn throui:h " prnnil 11( nd · Minute .'.\ln1.t 14 1,-1•1': 1 . . .· _,-.• -'• ·,:.i' '\ - J11M1nrnt 1<nd 11li.>11ld r('turn to ll'llt SP<'. l:<t :-;nt'I. Hnnk :;:1 ,-~•7 ', __ eJ f. I hf' ("1 r11••r h1J:)). Syl\'onla OM'" not Thrift~· I •r ui: fl··· Ill>\ I H ··m· . ~l\ R~~· .. 1ar111•n11o1 hfl\'Pfttllv rr 11 .... t.1Trrcl'\\'<"N 7'.·''• ..... 0 ,\ ~ e1I IU f'X<'f'llf'nt ~l'I lll"lllhJO 1Pp11rt I \'an Cnmp SPa F ootl ;-•• ., , ' ' ' • an11 w1Lh "·" 111111:" of u nnt" 1µut-i · !-:. :'\:at t. Bank. s n. '.l l-22 1 ': I ~.• ; .... V'' ' · : , Y .' NI (11r th<' \'l'Hr thl' l"~llP Af•rrn r.~ \\'i1.llr1I lln!ll 2•..,,·2 ·8 / •, /°" i/ • •--;/ C., I 1',; I ,' I ,_ v~rv r P1111nnnh ~· prh •·11. I ) · ·-/ · · J <:· A.• l111\'1n1: 1ot.1t ri• m t he 011 ' ' . / r:-~ r;:,,, ~ 'Coves Group s .•. HUNSAKER . atu·srm'ttYELOPMOlt.~ .. ·.. ~ SCYA P I . . . . WALKER' ac~·SAUS'Ali£NTS ·· 1._,.~~ .... :1 re 1ms ::.... ~-v--·. ·-"·'V· Due on July 30 Gets Nod on More Parking. , O rw • T 1 h.. hi,:~· .. , "r1•k .. nd~ • r 11.. ..11mm.•r ra('lni: 1·"l"nit'.1r '"ii 1 I""' lht' mnnth •·C J ul\. Th<' """' \\• rl \.f,unn ,. Flli:ht ;,, th• B.;lboa Cov• ~ rnmmumty Aio•n· ~n· '"I .i f1,. "" J 11\\· :1 1 \\ill h• • llllh n. thrnuJ?h n. L. Dahl); rt•n, p rrt l'•l• 11 r>n J U(\' 0:JO h\' 10 nt'W 1y,1111 ~l\" 11 re1 n11S.•ll'n !\1 1'111Rri;t(' hut <'q1i.ilh im porta nt ,.,.,.nt. Tht' p1t rk1qr Cnr1lrl:I'~ ,.f Howa.rd'11 Rr!t· $nut he m ('11Jir,.rn11l Ynt l.!ttni.: ,\jl.-tnur,Ult. by :-;,.._. rort. B<'B<'h Plon- 111>rtatlnn w tll hold .. 11n11na1 111n m eet off 8hure hi:rc \\ha•h 11,fl\' nin~ C'ommr.,,.inn lll!ll nii;ht. 11111r t ll"ltl<' 1 r1·w nf t.u-ol ~flllt1;!> Tht' <'Olllm1s..,1<ln uppnl\ ••d 11n nn th .. 1r way h > the Junior :-\1<t-111mentlmt·nt rl'g'lllauni; ul'nhang or lm1ll l C'h11mp1,.nshlr11 In r:rn1thh11\' bUlldrnJ.; a rrh1 tPrt11ral frnturN• 1111•1 H11rbnr. !'-tl11 n". lletbacks for chm111• yio nnd hud Thr.co -n.nn 'r•'\\'ll fr"m 1 .. r11I f1r:5t rratllni; on nn n.memlnwnt r• -~ nl'ht cl11h11 w lll 14n1l pr ;1 .... r• J znn1ng from R·2 ts• R·3 of Joli< I 11i;:nlni<t n1•\\'~ (T'l'lll 11tlli-r m t>m -and 2, bl•..-k 5, i-:n~t N"WT'"rt b<•r C'l11h11 m l'l'\' ,\. Tho w111nlni: T r1n t. rrrw will be award1•1l the llarnlJ The cumm1Ji1S111n de< 1di!d tu pre - W. Arl111118 t rophy 6./lrl 1rn to :;:an J'llre an 'amt'nllmem o r lhe sub1h- n 1ej:n Yllr ht Ch1b nn Au.:. 3 &n•1 4 \'l11inn o rilrnl\.nrt' \o r cquirr 111111 .. fnr the St'ara k m l-flnol11 ror th~ wruk1<, un•ler~rnun•I r>11111m <'l'1l Rl I \\'r st C!Mt..il. l:ghtmg systems Rn.t t" r•·1·om- Jn & aertu or tuur n i1rn.1 rob· m••nrl un1l{'rgrnunt1 tt>h•1•hnn~ 111111 In r ll<'"" thr ~<.:\'A """" ni.:111n ullhty sy,1<•n111. In f'C~. -..111 rBl't l\l{Alllllt , reWll The C'tomllllll~IOn WU al)'mll'J on frnlll \'nl'hlrn~ A JOllO< 11\tlon or hnw to nl<l\'t II SIJ?n Ul f'nppy A\'e San F'ran<'1s,·o. lho l 'n• 1111· Jntt'r· ThP members W<'ft' "'1Uln~. bu~ th• nAt1 on&J Yarhttn.: As.c.·r1Rtt .. n an I i<lj:'ll v.·a..o er.,ctrd under so.n old or· I the Y11rht Har1ni: l 'nil'n n! South •lmance e.n•I the Ingnun-Colhns em Callfnm la. The winnrr l'f t h111 peUtton a.~kln1t !or remo,·&l "'f'nt 11enea w 1JI ra.ce In a.n elg ht ·race tor nAU,l;'hL Mrtu !or the Sea.rs trophy 11tart· ---------------tn, Aug. 29 In Boolhb"~-Harbor. R Cc>dlalrm&n for SCT A Junior eservn to Camp actMt1Mt. llJ>Clftl'Ol'1 tof lhe cllml- na unn and l!>t'ml final•. a rl' Ft11nk Wood, Rlllboa Yagit C:hth. an•I Bob Allnn. :\"""'l'Ort 111\rbt'lr Yl\Chl Club. Race committee Amon~ loclll mrn of tlir U S Army R~f'T'Ve w ho will le&ve J uly l O tor summer C'8m p fcir tv.·o week. al Camp Robert11 11re Lt. Cola. Fred Huber. Chest.er Purcell &nd R. J. HefC'.ner: Maj.' John U p- l'on. C.pt. Lee Holbroolt and-Cpl. S ltvl! Sallort. cJlalrman fnr t h11 ehm1nat1r>n <1n J uly 30 le Btll C'l\mrbell. Balboa Tacbt. Club. Cbair11111n of the Jud· gr• will be Andy G rll.ham. B\'C and g l'neral coord inator tor \Ji. .vf'nl will 1>e Rtu C'om.mndort Loses Pants, Cash Chip Cleary . B\'C". Theft of a pair of pant!' which contained his C&T k eya, 112 a.nd tdrntlflca uon papers from hll un· locked r&r P" rked 11 t 4 708 Su · ~here Drl\1t wa. n-J""nl'd t n pollrt July 10 by Rlrh11rd E BrnuJ;h. Ji . I.lnln~ up rrew~ for t he Bea.rt 11 nd IM km.: a ttn J unlnr actl\c1 ttu In t hf' l1wa l l'l11h• are mt mbl'rs of the 81..'\' A Junior &C'Uvitlf'a r nm ml!tf'I' \~""" Rll11m. Rlllbo11 b lan•t \'Ill ht ( 'l11h cha rnn.rn 1 o1f Sa.nta Ana. I--------------------------------------------- ' Ot . 37. B·l~; Bal{atrllt. 12 18 34:· O._ 9·23:28j 64 29, C -8 ; St•«hound. 12 ·23 : 09 :Oi\ 8 21 07 :io. I. 1).1 ; Ty· pet>. 1::.23 :37 38. 9 23 ~~I, C-11. Solvl'tg n·. 13 ·00 H :>I\. !l 14 46 07. 17. n·6: E leulh1•ru, t 3·(1:? H •33. 9:· Z2 :08 33. 211, C·1, Alt urn. 13.011·20 - 211. fl .M>:M ·<14, 0. ll<l: F'lying Clou1I, 13 :07:16.31. 10 03 04 31. 32 . C'·li; Esprit, 13 (111 :42 114. 11:07 40:· M!. 6. IJ-~: Lh•hl\. l:l 11 08 Ml. 0 • 04'10:)7. 4, O·:?: P11r1 Tron. 13 11 :· f6 ·114. 19·11 :?t ·64. 10. D·6. 77 Comoete in YRU Races ~ t otal of 7i C'raft parllc1- pated m X1>wport Harbur Yacht Club's Yat:tl"r R11t'flt)!~mnn Re- gatta last wreknd The fmlah~a In eight clu,..-~. Sabnt --1 l.lttlt' Toot Mari- lyn Mateon. 2 Charley Horse. Charles Durnin, J l..ollp Pnp, Shir- ley HnCrman. All ABYC Pen~m -I , Sea Foam. Ted Mataon, ABYC. 2. Bon Vlvant, llf. Hirsh, CB\'C. 8 Ma Pll, Sid Exlr y, ABYC. Snowbird I. Sun J.~un, l'i•tt' Gl'lb. ;..;H YC'. ·:? Blue Ja\', J lrn Warmini:t nn . NH YC" 3. Z11nw1.-. Cra1g C'nllwslader, NH YL' .. Lehma n I Surprise Tw ist. Jim L<-w1s, :-\H YC :! l~\•X C'arll, LIPW"llyn B1xb~ AB YI..' :l J\'e> :"am<'. 0 1111\· :"l:twp111t. :-;H\'C- Flattie 1 K.lly·Dltt. O S Durland. M8 \'l' L1ghtnrni: I. PadJhn' Mudt'- l\'n, \\'1nrt.JI 1-fa r~rr C'HYI' 2 Adlo:< \\'1Jl1am T'1111•. l\llH'< • 3 \\'right (lne. D P. \\'rr.i;:ht <.:YC:. Sklmm1>rll I \\'t\0\1 \\'rnd, Harry \\'ovd. A RY<' 2 ~urprt:u. Bob Galf'll, ~tH\'1' :l G1bwn Gir l. Gib l\l.11 11hnll A HYC' Snipe T ie ltor !11 't place betwPf'n J..e .. w11y J r , lA>c Thom· ps.: n Jr 1tn<I F hppt'r . C'harl1'l! :O.terr11l, bt>t h A B \T Th<1rnpll011 won the l'Orn to~ll 3 C1>r11mtho. B. Sw en lng,,nn, A B\'t' ai1hore In hf'l\\'Y {ov. \Vh•n a p111111er·by chatted wi'.h htm on hta purch re«ntly, tell· lnK Sf'lmon1 or a painting or a m odel 11hlp. thf' rt'pliC'& or one whlr h wf'nt uhore In the n lnl'· ~It·~. he otft red the fonner Ar· r&•lla re11ldent hi• lnConnation ere • ., And now, wtth lhl'ff other pa1 tnera who" ldentlUn can not ~ "re\·1·alt'd, Slemons Ill out!lttlJlg HAI. ~I. Sl..t:~IO~S a powt'r rrulser, whoae na.me 1s (T n·&AUN• H untr r) alllQ 11eaet. f(lr dh 1nr opu a Uona ----- appllrently orr the Southh1nd. The pllrt \' will 11<1arch t hrel' to four nlghll a "eek wht'n the 1ean:-h ~1?ln11 but more active opera•.Jons Y.111 bO'gln nut fall, ht aald. He 11111d he has a photostatic copy or a San F rancl8CO new•· paprr clipping w hich telll of the 11h1p'1 amkmg In the 1890'a. Hr also hu perml1111on of federal a u· thorttlea to launch hlll treaaure bunt "Why nobody ha.s r one atter It I ca n't fli.."'llre ou~ al all." he lie· l'lnrnd "l'v11 t aken It ur with thC' J'Ort authontlu but they don't knnw unythmg a bout 1t at all. Thrv 1<11y l o i:;o ahead so long as 1 llon't ln'Prferf' with navigRtlnn." S 150 Rin9 Missing Los:r or a t11paz rtng valu<'•I 1tl s 1r.o In the 't'nmen'11 _powdvr r(ll•m Rt C'lwr 11 lnn w as r<'portt'd to pullC'I' IBJ!t mi:ht by Mrs. C·•r- nchus Hubt. l'IU!adena Shi' re- nw vt"I It •.11 WIL'!!h her hands. 11hf' s111.1, t h1 n not 1<'l'd ~he hat! no rlni: lnh:r m thf' t'\'entn~. Son for DO.. Youngs Marine Sgl. and Mra. Donald 0 . Young ot Costa Me.a, announced the birth o! a baby boy at Corona Naval Ho11pltal J uly 8. Mesan Gets Gas in Need, Thanks to Paddleboard • E\•t'r run nut nr J?fl• a11<l h11\" It dehv"'f'l'>I hy M. ma n on a r111t dleboanl ! Thul'• \\ha~ happl'nrtl lo Tt'<I E A1lnm11 of 2tl27 SllJ\l" Anll Av1•' ('11"t11. :-.1 .. M. r f'C'Cntl\'. 1-;11111111 " f1.1111 Santti. Ba.rbe~a to Sahni\., in I\ lq.ht 11111ph1hl1111 pl!Ulr, R•·rnr<lllll-" •o r rpnrt11 !rum Santa ('niz. Atllun11 wn~ unllhl" to l1<n'I IJt't'llUlll' Of t htr k r"i:· r.:11 k or ru· I (t1J ,., ,, "' IRn.ttn1: on Montf'r• v l31w . Ad11rn11 ~t 11;, r.. a whil e 11.11•1 11loni.; r1<nw 1111,. l""1.11 .. ti.1aril, tot ing a man K11tl f l\.. ~llllon.t of ..:a.•. Hod L1111 lq11111t. a JOw1mmlni.; lnJOtrur tnr nail rf'rnJ;l117.l''1 thi' d1fflr11lt \' llltol 1·011'1• v. 1• h th,. gas. A1lu111~ l ttJW:il hr• plBlle t•I Capllolu. thank• ).., L.unn11u1111 Fishing Gear Ta ken \\'1lllam ttobtnMm. 1404 0<'"'" Front, l"<'Jl<>rtl'<I th•(l n! a $1 '. r111h111g ru.t lllld r• .. 1 whll'h ..,.,..,,. tatu•n fro m his front rorch J11h· 18. He re1'10rtt-d I h11 • hr !t to I" .. lire IRst mghl. Only J•rr ~111111 h "'' ('urr!t·r ·,.r \ti.ii ! ,, ..... , .. , • Monday Wednesday & Friday KEEP ABREAST OF TlrE ·LOCAL SCENE; Complete News of' all the local happenings and social events, sports, marine news, plus page after page of money-saving advertising. You'll find all of these interesting features in The Prize Winning Newsp-a per. N2WPOl2T ~ HARBOR . RE-W.$6 PRESS SUBSCRIBE TODAY, PHONE HARBOR 1616 OR CAU AT OUR OFFICE, 2211 BALBOA BOULEVARD , I' • I l '...(. , CATHEHE O TOGETHER IN TH.E Sl'lJDY of lhe Corona dcl Mar Community Church before the Sun- 'day ceremony of recognition for the Rev. Edwin-C. Gomkc arc participants in the cereniony From left. seated, the Re\'. Howard F'. Legg. the Rev. Perry F. Schrock. Dr. Jesse F. Perrin and the Rev. Philip E. Gregory. Standing from left. the Rev. Norman L. Brown. the Rev. J ames $. Stewart. Mr. Gornke anti lhe Rev. Gordon J. Baker. -Staff Photo ·visitors Fish for .Dinner Latlll'll M Cl1111t C'hurch By lhP !':ea, C-ommunll \' ~tt'thPd1t"t werf' h•1•11•11'"" (rtr a ru1h JlnnPr Sl'r\'ed In C1>orlt•ll Hnll nn Thursdey e\'tn- 1111(, J ulr 14 i::~ •1"111 t 1:u.-st11 for thP oC'l'H ~11111 '' · • , a numbt>r of off1ral l.:>aden• •' lht Southl'm California-A rl:r.una !lfot ho1!1st Con· tert'nce. lnc·ludlni: Bishop and M rs. -Oerald H. Kennt>ily of Los Ani:e1Ps. Mt'mrn•1 s nr th" i:r1111p Pnjoyed a i1Pep-sP11 11~h1111: r rip during the I d11y 111111 provided !1~h for lhe l'V,.11111){ ,11nnl'r Other mt>rnberi1 ,,r the group I wer.. Ur R a\' R1111i;<talf', Dr. S. Dough111 Wall,.1 ~. Or ·J \\'eqlt•y , Ho le, Mr Raymon rt Ml'\'t'IS. M r J tihn Me~ r1 '· lit r and' Mrs. J E . Bllln . .\Ir \\'Rltrr VanHotCltn 11nd l'()n. Rev C..:rnwfonl TrottPr and Dr. J ••hn T roller. unl1 Re\·. R"\' Carlilon pastor o! Ch n i<t Churrh By the Sea. Others In {he group for dinnf:'r who did not go on the fl11hlnir boat were Ill rs. S Doug- lu W allt>1i!, ~!rs. J . \\'esl .. \' Hole, and D1 enrf ~I r~. ~luurkt 81111,•n ger. Tht> C'omn11t let or women from lhe IOCRI church who prepared and &erved the d lnnf't w ert' Miss Clara Kohl3te11t, MIM Eltilt =-:ewl11nd, Mr11. RaC'h8f'I Wiley. Mrs. Ceo rl(t' G~ldner. Mr s. 1-fabel Slanlry and Mra. Ralph W11t110n. Feeding of 4000 Is Sermon Topic "'The Compuatonate Christ", Rev. Edwin C. Gomke Recognized as Pastor of Community Church dealing with lhe fe~lng of the 4000. wilt be Pastor Robert B. Gronlund'• &ermon topic Sunday at Newport H arbor Lulberaln Church at both the 8::t0 a.m . Malina aer- v1ce whic h tor the summer la a "come·as-you-art" aervice, and a t U\e regular 11 a .m , worship. Sund11y R<:hool is held a t 9 :30 a m. w ith cluses tor age three up to and Including 11dults. The high schO<JI Luthtr League mt'eta at 7 p.m , 1' -----~ ------ RE\'. EUWI N C. t;UMKE takes his pl<1ce in th; pro- cessiunal just b1·fore ~untlay's ceremony of recogni- tion at Curon;i dd ~t ar Community Church in which he was officially 111Ntalled as pastor. -Staff Photo RETURNS AS GUEST Rabbi. Trattner to Be at Local Church nr F-:n, -1 T1 '"'" 1:" h1 .. r I· 1 ... 11r 1.i. .,, '""" "nJ' ,.,.,, •fl"· I h,. \\'<'•' "•" I T• I\ f•I• "111 f .. • 1 hr • 1nl no1 w.. T hr f"1 l11l'I •fr •II< \\llh hnnnt •\•I j!.11• • p1' arh ' t. Ht '·hn~t '" ,,. I h·: Jl1 hit"' \\a-.; '''fltt i•n Rnd ('hun h H\ lh• Si , , 11 Sun 1,.,., lh" lkllo•r ha• lf10l11h11l1'tl 111 lhr J"<IJ•UI llllHlll•ll ,.f ~· 1t'l\l11l1· knt•W· H1ic ~· 111 " 11111• \\ .~1 I· Fill,.,. li·di:I' Ht<. ftflh h .. 011, "l"n ll .. r- \\'o• f,1)(,. I" :'-1• •I \\ 1 I• I\ lrn.,1111 •l:i1111tn~ lh•• 'f',1!11111<1 , 111 !11 IX' Ill' 1111 ,11~\htol. 11 li•\111"1 11 111hh1 p1t l)h'h••I In lh•• fal l tn <'"llJllnt·· 111111 w lfh h1< th11'v·t11P1 :irm1v .. r· nn.t 11 ~· •· .:·t1 J q T1.1t1n•·' J1 1u1 "" "' tlw pulp11 tH· h.t • ..i n1 I ljptt•d ,It «HI\' Ut fh,• llllrll"'11 ." 11111•·• tl111ini.: 1""''11)11' ~111111111'1 • H.1hlt1 '1'1~tln•1 w ill 1;,. pr.•ach· 11 • •ti h .. 1h lh" !• :w 1111ol 1111• 1 t illl ()(ht' Cttlll ""' k~ "1'111111 .. 11111.: ,, II StJ~ "''. '"" • > Ho' \\Ill Ill · tlw 1: .... ,, •·I l !.inl;!I' .11.1 . "''ht· 111<• lllt >'I W1lh lh1· .\l111 ln.·1-I '"••llli; -1\dlltl,< I f:l<•llf' llf ,l( !' 111 ;tl !flt• St James Sermon 11•·11·" ••1 :i.11 1111 1 :-.11 ~ ·~1"11 .:· . fl·.\ ••. IJ ~-.. I ()1·1•1111 Blnl The to StreRs ~fe('kness 1:<111>,1"' I lh••JI will h·· .111.J.11~111 Tv)'h ,, lh1 l-•1 n Ill St T h w·11 J &mt•1' f-:1""' l'·•I t '1 ·I• 11 :'\1wp .. r 1 fll t 1 HM t h. t ht• S " ·'' " 11 h 'Hll!'f'' in,. I~" \!. ··~ I • t:.' I• Ln II B s "111 kl' "·111•• ,. ,, • ... _ 11... e er111011 t1itt11 f\ur'l ,,..,,,n•n1 .. • ut f:t1th 1 m I ht fl 11•n ti n• • • " 11 • ir. '"1." Ii • , l'•"' , .• 1111.., " 11 ,,,. 111 Tht htahng an.t rtd.-rm1ng II "'' I IT w•!h ';11 ,, ••• \' • 11n1I pnwtr or T ruth. CC\d, Wiii be \hi' ""r' .11 11 11 ,11 ., 1· rt• ' 11•nr• ini: r<'ntr&I thPmc in lht' (,!'!'llnn-Srr· i-r11· "I ""' • J • 1• 1"n "': I l 11 ,. 1 mon on "T ruth' 1n a ll !ht' Chra· Monitzky Daughter 'I . .,. l1Rn Sc1t'nC'e c-hn:. h• ~ o n 1'11nrt11y A h tjthhJZ'hl of thP l!•'llnOn Ill thP Sunday Rites Attended by Local Congregation Newport Baptist to Hear Guest Sunday Cl·r~mony of recognition for the Rev. Edwin C. Gomke. pastor lhl' the Corona del Mar Community Church, Congre- gational. wal' h<'ld ~unday afternoon at the church. Services Wt'rC' ful111wcd by a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Gomke. The Firilt Baptist Church of Newp<irt Bekrh , 19th St. 11nrl W BRfh(la Blvd., will' havf' a guest I ~p.:>akPr, Rrv. WaltPr We11t. from I the Bapt l11! Srmlnary for !lit M orn· Ing Wonihtp al 11 o't•Jock. l\fr. G<imkc camc3' to the church in J anuary of this year "" lnll'lllll pn~1"r 11f11•r 1l1t• di.'· purl ur•· of f( .. v. I' P. HH bb1tl to Arir•thl'r c·11ll ~11 c;,,,,,~,. wa" l'All- ,.d R!I the P• 1 rn.111•·111 p>1•tur ·,,r 1111' Cc•n11n11nlly ('tmTMr"ln Junf' u f lht" )'l'Or, T hf' f'IJ~lr1r WO' !:' ·••hlli1"•l r1om Y11nklon \oll<•J:" 1111!1 Y.111klnn ('11Jl1•r1• Sc h•~•I vr Tlwului:y HP ""'~ 1.111r1111o •I bv thP G••rm Rn ("nn· (, 1·1·111" .. r ('on~t •'i;atl• nal Ch11rt h- 1•q In 1!112 Ill 5, Ulh l >.1k11la Hr flll••tttlf'<I (' h 1 "a I' o Tl,....lf>i.;1lal Senunnl\· t 'n,v11 ~•I v vr Snuth Oakula t:1nilunt<' S1 h•~ and thf' SC'ht1ol fl( Hell1:1nn or lhl' 1 ·1111·er· 1>1ly 11f 8••11thr1 n ('.tf.1 .. 1ni:1 I 11111111: \\'01 ltf \\'iu 11 .\I r t,;11m· kc> wat1 a t' ~ A 11111· rim pl:un In llnh· w11h 11 .. T1•11l h :'\l1111nl111n Oi\'l"lllll fl, I• 1111111 I ltt Ill t l\'1' thl1 \' 1n ' l !•"'d :tfi.J ,.. J \'1 d ln 1-(qtt•H WllJI lt1t• ~11:.l l ''ll'th\' f ll\l-1011 Pntt1llf1at1nli! fo ~1u1d.1 \'"'" "'••·- n1on1••M \\l'f•' lh• t:• \', t;nrd11n .J. na k••r. pn 'I 11r u( I :111 nu I ·~ 1 k C•111- r,TPt.;n I 1"n11 I t'h1111 h. th•• lfrv :"llr· 1111111 I, ll1 11wn, 'llf11'1tnl<'ntfr nt c•f !h·· • h111<'11 ~· V,'"' p~11111 tl·•l ~lar 1 '•1111111111111 \' r· 11rd1 " Ill.'\' Phi· hp 1: c;1,.i:• 1~ pn "' nf t hr N r 1 i: h h ,, rho o <I C'<lni:,'1'C'Ji:ntmn· n I ( ·111111 h I.II~ 111111 R"·t~h • t hr HPV. ll•0w111 l ~-1 • .-;:i: rt'l1rP,SI pr<•fr~:"or n( 11htln.-11ph\' Rn•t p ..... holo,:y of S1mr"'" t '1111.•i:t. lnrJ111nnlR. Iowa l"r .11'«1' F P••n '"· !lllfl<'rinten- d.-111 '"•ni:1·1•11.1tmn .. 1 Cun!.·1cnce r1f !':llul h"I n (" 1 hf111 nl.t and t hi' """' hW•''I l ht R• ,. Pl'l 1 \' F" 1':1 h1t•< k. I• lll 1'•1 r l'( lt"<l'nllllj! thl' Snn1.1 A n11 l'on1:rr i;et1 n nal f'h11r1 h. 11n1I lh,. Rr\'. J RmM• S. S tewart. pa.stor or Sl. Andrt>wl! Pnosbytenan ChurC'h of Ne\Oi'l>Ort B<'&C'h, rrpre.11enling th!' !"ewROTt H11rbor Council of Churrhe.s.. During the Evening Worahlp at 7 :30 p.m . Jllr. Tom Locker. a min· l~teri&I l!llUritnt &l BAylor Univer- sity In Texu, will be the 11peaker PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS , FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION TO . BE THEME OF ADVENTIST Vatue11. of a Christian Education w ill be. the thought or t he !ll'rmon to be dehvel't'd by gur11L llJWA k· r J 11 .. IJ ~tanihnll tomorrow el the 11 o'clock &erv1ce nf the 1'ewporl·llll'l'a St>\'enlh·day Advrnt111t Churrh. E lder M&Mlh11ll, nhurC'h pa.11tor entl B1blt' lfal'hH at Sen PasquRI Acad<'my. Adventl!lt boarding high 8chool. E~Nnd1do, will USP 11toriea and lllustrallona from perl!llnal exJl<'nencP, aome or wh1rh w1u1 ohta1nrd while 11l the Advtnll~t ll<'hr>nl In Hnwau. ·' Tht> topic «f t.1111ru~11um for thr church at study wh1C'h 111men1•11 Rl 9.30 11 m. will bt' "Th" Glrt or God .. The ver11e 111 b<-memonzed 111 II Cnnnth1.-n-9 1:1. "Thanks bi' unto Gort for Hr11 Un!pel'kRblt' G1fl " Mesa Baptists Hamid Bey to Take f>ulpit to Hear Visitor . . Al th•• F'1r~1 011pt111t Chu11 h of r·n~tn 1\t ........ lht~ 'f1n1in~ J..ord'~ 1 •11\ 1h .. !'"' 1111>n 11l th .. 11 110 a m \\ttl ~lllJI 'l'l\'ll'P Wiii bl' lo\'l\'t'll h\' H· ,. Ft 1•1! 11n,·1t1. fur111«1 Iv <•f flt'- 1 r .. 11 rono! !4111ux F.111>', ~ .. uth flR· k"lrt, otnd ll11W f'll•l11r 11( th" :-J<'W 1·rr1•r Kai· liRpt1~1 C'hurr h. Thi• l 'h11n1·rf C"ho1r w ill R"'" R 'JI•'• 1.d n umh• r. "1'1 l'llll' In Mr R CIN111 lle11r 1 ·· Al 7-:10 pm. R ev. llR\'ld Wiii 11i;111n IX> lhP ~e~t "P•'Rk1•r \\·,..ine .. dey nll{hl 1tl 7 30 pm. thi' rnmal prn111e nnd Blble 11t udy w11l 'br' hr'i.t unlfer lhr ff'8d('r11hlp 11f R"'" n1w1d R1n·. r\ G. l'\eumonn and R.ev. F'rl.'d Bartf'l &rt' • attendlnit thl' Hume Lake Conference July 23 to 30 Bnth a re l1'8der11 of lhe <'On· frrt>nre irroup. Sf'VPntl younir peo- plr from th" church •~ &IN> 111 lhf' C'Onfrrtncl'. Science Program .To Se on Radio Sunday "Tht y Shall :"ot Huni;..r Nor Thi "t" 111 the "ubJ!'rl or a Cbrtst- 11111 Sr lPnre progr~m to ~ g1v('n on Columhl11'11 "Chu r<'h or tht Air" U\'er KNX on Sundfty. J uly 21. at 7 a.m. Nr1I H. Bowlrt. Chn~tlan S~l­ enct' C'ommllt"t 1 on l'ubhcnllon for 0.orgla. will be lhf' ~pe&kl'r. Th11 ni\i111c v/111 bl' fu111111hed by F'ttdrnck Jagl'l. "nlni.!ll ot the Mnthcr Churr h. a nd by KMQY R11k.-r Thi' p1oirra m t\111 origin· lltl' fro m--t.tlant.a. C..eorg1a. • at Un1versal1st Church fJr Hamal Bl'y, C11pt1c C:l1n11· l1>1n pr 1Pst. Anti well k no wn rrll- f..'il1t1~ pHychol<1~1st. will 11pc11k al lht• I :mv.-v.!lRlist Co111m11nUy Ft>I· Jowi>hip on S11nd11y. Dr. Bey Ii< "hephcrd or l'OUIS for Coptic t.:hrlll· lions In Am<'riCR. 11nd mekr11 his home in Balboa from where he travels U\e len jlth anrt brl'aeltfi of h111 parl11h which 111 the United RtRte11 or Amerlc11. The pre11chlng 1en ·1C'e b<-1t1111 a t 11 a.m. but Dr BPy hns coMented to be present &t 10 :30 a .m . tn or· der to meet with lht Sunda y !OChool dJscua111on group. The F'el· lnwahlp meP!!I e\·ny Sunday at the Ebell Clu b. :II~ \\'. Balboa Blvd. The m111111ter of th€' Fellow- 11}11p. Rev. F'ttderick R lnge I• on vaC'atloo. and anyone w 111hln1 to gPt In t,,o~<:h wllh t ilt F ellow11h lp rturing lhe '"'f'"k w ill <'1111 Leon Rudd. mod<'rator. whose ttltphone number t11 L iberty 8 -1448. l The R inge1 will be •pending I C'C1n11lder11ble Ume With th11lr d aughter and ,r11nddRUj!'hter, Mrs Marianne H1n•per and DllUlnr of Peona.. On their r t>tum tnp, t,tity I hope to come h ome by way or Lake Louise and '1l.llcouver. The Rln~• w ill ~ hnl'k w ith lhP f•>llnwship or1 Sunday. S1·pt. ~ M!'rlnw h1 lr ll<'r\'l<"rl! "''di b<' 1'011- dur tl'rl t'llr h S11n<ln\' anfl t Plh;l•111i. I hhcrnl11. vl1<itor~ t~ the Rree R.!l wr ll RS re!!lilcnla. ru e rn111<I t•cirrhal· ly lnvf:etl 111 lhP ""rYIC:l'~. BAHA'I Rahal T<'mple, Wilmette . Ill. FAITH Prayer Oiscuuion Study "Know thou of a truth that the IOUI afler 1111 uparallon from lh• body, will conlinue to pro- gre.'141 until It attalneth th .. pre· senC'e of God. It w lU t no11r" u lonit a.I the Kingdom of God, His •overe1gnty, His domlniof\ and Jl')wer will tndure." Baha'i writing' ,. Friday. 8:00 p.m. J« .RodlNter 8 trttt, Cotata 1118' OaJlf. PhnM LI ll·M88 "'-LI 8·'115 Hubor 0810-.I CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Ernut Holmu. founder, author of "8denct of Mlnd.'' 'SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Lm. 'aaJor_ Ohardl Md Nlll"IMll'Y ~ 11 Lm. ae.. an. Twrt&. ~ LAG~A HACH AllT Q.AUZRY BYatt ... 1114 I01 Clln Dr. • Have enough gas for where you're &oing. M ister ? Well. little matter. You c an always get more at some servic e station. The same g o u if unexpected g uests drop i n at home. You can buy bread. m eat, or eggs at a nearby store ... or you can borrow from a neighbor. But this is not possible when a &eJious emergency strikes. You have to be pre pare d beforehand. You can't buy strength of spirit. N o r can you borrow it. It grows w ithin you. little at a time. So be prepared when disappointment dia- couragement. t r ouble. or grief strike. Through wors h ip a t Church fortify your- self w ith faith and courag e. Get acqua inted with Go~'s love and w isdom. C'lmt \.hat may. you'll be ready for any e mergency. This Church Featur, ~ponsorecl by These Local Business Firms ~ ' • . . • . ' ,> NEWPORT CLEANERS NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. De y l '1r .. 1111n1t -Laun•h \' l'r cs~ing Compltte Home 1'11m!Jlbln1'• l06 Tustin ~20 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-lllS M~RGA'lET'S CAFE Spr C'1111lze 111 Su Foo.la Ordf'rs l t) (.;<> Harbor 2286 NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Corona df'I Ma r ROSAN INC • Seacralt Dh·ision. lo, t'oreign Mot.on Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Threo local1ona to Spn·e You Newport ftf'ach, Balboa., Corona dt>I ~lar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon Hair Sty ling for the lndl\•1du11l 408 32nd (on the PO St..) llar bor 284-1 RUSSELL W. BANGERT He&lrng . Vrnt1lat1ng &: SheN Ml'tR' 411 Slat St. Harbor 14-16 RACKER & PONTING "BRll'ly '.11 1'1111 r ' Newport 84>a~:h llarhor 2.;1 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of n1~11rl'l lf>n" 21.; Marini' An.. RnllH111 l!<oland ' llarhor OiOi General Sheet Mital Works Sheet Mr tal -Hea ting -\'Pnllh1lin1t 405 SOtb Street, II arbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS For A II ()( l'U 1on11 MO! E. Coa11l Hwy., COM. Harbor 5071 KOPPER KmLE Balboa Island Morry's Shell Service S800 E. COMt Blvd. NB ONM Stampe Oorona df"I Mar Harbor 2'710 MARKET SPOT WO Marine A \'e., Barbot' ] 000 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Fnm1ly Store Since 191i" Oc.-an Front at 22nd. Harbor 185 SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ocean Harbor ill • Newport Beach R. WASEMILLER "Th<! Workingman'• Store 1894 Vi Harhor Blnt .• Co.ta MH& JOLLY ROGER Balboa Island BA YSHORE RICHFIELD 17th & Coa..<it Hw:r. Boyer's Balboa Linoleum Co. 1.1nr1tr11rn -Tile -( 'nrp"l -Form1l'a 2301 W. Ua ll>0a Hh·d. llarhor 5~9 HAL COLLIER & SON SiGNAL SER. STATION F r.-e P lrk up & .tr l. '\301 J'liPWJtort Rlvd. \.\'hrrl R111Rnl ,. llarhor 5.5."',c) GEORGE M. GRAHAM P.ul{" 11nrt <:nrprt.11 122 A~alc· AH., Ralboa Island Harhor 32!)6 HOUSE AND GARDEN Compl,.le Home F u millhlnga I lrlfJl"r ·"~ -R If.ti\ 3011 W. Co&Ht Hwy. L~rty 8·:>518 MAC'S CAFE F1~t on riithl t11\0i&rt1 lhmtin~11111 R"'" h 620-1 Coai.t II" y. Ha rbor 22.52--B MARINE BEAUTY SHOP P<"r~on;1hutl i-; .. n·we 1n llurr HI) ltnl{ 32'7 Marine A,.,.., Ra.lh<>a l"9ud Harbor ml High Qualjty Printing-Ph. Ha~. 1616 ., I I ~· I • .. LiK~ '!-iix (Jf lht· fas t Lir htnllll{ i.luops turn~c..l uUl r .. r t he Y.IUJ. St~all Hnat regatta Rt tin· Ncwpott H nrbor Yacht Club la~t wrt•k en•I. T his photo i:h r1W!l D. P. \','ri~hl 1•f C11ro· nadn Y.C. tlefU ~eltin~ uwa\' l•> a fa..:t !'l;tl't f11llowetl b~· Bill l'iri<' of ~t issirm Bl1y Y.C. al right. These two t•nue-1 up St'l'<•nd ;nil th:rct r"R!l<'CliV<'ly lor tlw ::;l'riC's r-"'"'r Phot n WHICH WAY D!D H~ GO? \VHICH WAY DID HE GO ':' -An e\'C'n du:icn of the ('\"Cr-active Snipe class pro- vided ~om<' fast action and dnse shaves during the three races of the Y.R.U Small Roat rrgatta hosted by Newport H:ir1>or Yacht Club last Saturday and ~unday. Thc entire fl eet "l:':oofed" in the last race a nd sailed the wrong course so all recei\'C'd a D.N,F. anJ 'the results were scnrC'rl on onlv two races. Tied for first With Charll:'S Merrill, Lee Thompson Jr., won . the toss of the coin and the top Rpot for A.B.Y.C. -B" ·lp}!'r P hoto K'Thanga Taking Jones Sta9 Group 1 to Mexican Waters • • L-AD Y ·'ANGLERS By STEU.. (Mrs. Bay) MARSHALL , ~portfishermen. were somewhat snapped out of the dol- drums, when news of t he albacore schools that apparentL,y "!rnd been going up the outside channt>ls. decided t o come in 1 d o.:;er to the east end of San Clemente Island. Monday of this we<'k many boats picked them up about 45 miles out I t.1•t "'•'t>n l b 1 to 188. But I a m h•'l'I' I l" tell ~·ou t h<-~· d<"fln~\t<ly w'"'" .i ·~ ln th1H a1ta TUt'~Jay The~ 11 r 11n1rh too far oul for most d(ly 11 .. u1J1 111 trav.-1 -unlesi. you c1.- "' ll n r.-t1i i;pend H ti.. l :'l hnurs '" '!t'~ 111t<1 albacvre. I! thill ""! y 11 • • ·ni• ~ 11 bit ~'" the dull aid•• ,nq1la11hllone are unteC'l'SS&ry thot 111 ia'1y nc111r!l out Is enough lO b a l lions, wh1l'h wea vea a atciry or df'- ll~ht around each t rip. Ani.:l1n~ 1s ail a matter or luck anO that 111 why ll nt"V<'r 1i:rows Urei!Orn•'. :-.:exl year wi Px pect to have Lady Luck on our side -so b <' pr,.pat .. d b<')" (".m):Tatulati1Jns 11n1l thanks So r a wonderful lime. 11n•'"' br~11nR out, 1 I YIU(• to these J1~p1mztn~ 1-.1--1 'ROCK CLOSED FOR , •U•.-lillillL'e.. wllh Ute lung fuu. NAVAL BOMBING u1 ·t ,,. tht• Ath1H 1~ 'T••utnurn.n•.:t ' !.• I '• l t:t tl1•· !1.11 h"r ha\'•• l,. •1 ,,,,.,,:1. 1 T h1• .'"\•\\'P\dl Jt.ulJ,•r .\lh.lf•qt •• T 11llf Hltl'f\••r\1 !'lit'( Uf~ (111 :;,.1111 d11 \. J uly :!.I hoi. h•·en ,,...it.,d I l'f1 Th" " p111111 1p~11n~ m tht F n•hv ,\rt i. '' L1.i1d11• .. 11 Cl'l•llP \ u1° n ,., 1 u~ wi11n,•n '' ?1t< h \\':l'" Hl'lll ollll,.•I f•ll f<'1 I I 1y Ort !)<1&1 d ,\•ln111-:-d, wttr•• tu;I h'• 'ht >•i t11! uU' "' 1l co11•I t thh' hy thf•s.-. t•cint 1 nry ' r~tt, t cc ( 11.\ll't:TITI\ f. II.\\" C'ust le Rrwk ar<>tl . Snn (.'I•'- tl11·111e 1-1.rntl, w ill 1!1• l l""'"I l<Jr fM1ni; prucuce th1oui;h tu- • ·11~· al 8 a m. to mllll'll)(hl ani.I sn\111 J11y nni.I ~11n.!9_v th1011i.:l1 da~·l11(hl hour:<. at·curdrn~ to (' 1pl. J••hn R•nintree. 1· S. I '<1U>'I <:11 11 d • T U,1 l• .tm'< 11.ok off i1> the w .. e.ts ·s1vc fm• <""''l'''t lll\'t• f1,;J.1n.1:. This "'""Jl ,.,,n,.1:'\r J ,,( HI r~~n 11r,tl 1(1 Awards wun.P11 \\l.r1 '" tc m.-1n1t·tC'll 111 llt• t•n ""'Ii I at lh"l 11ni;:•>11ly h••lll w· 11( •J. ;:~Ill., J.:0. t I )'<>llt' \\''1~ !O'.Jrl••IJ t n inners tit" h1I• with t"'>ri Rnd ,:101;-r>.J, Told 1'••1 t Tr.I ('lark "'"~ IBtr ~11m1• ol·I " nl1hi .,,,. 11111:111 f'lor!t IR1lrt1 t o .\t Frlclay mi:ht's meeting of nl11r111 1h .. -:-)!1ni:-~nur partl1m 1 Thi• Bnlbo11 J;;lan<1 Y3<:'hl Club C'ornmo- l'ltlf hi• 11 <1rl1<y mi:-ant II th-to thltt l!!""l' 1•f f1,hrrnwn who wrrr tlll'.'ll• "i"'I t f1~h••I 111' II who <J1'4ranl- t>d th" 1nd11lp nt purist I et hn1rp1i> mat st1 t••kl.v fu1· ·fun Primarily 11nd ll'Snrl<'d t c1 thr 1 rpu~nnnt-nr• tnrkl" ~Jl<'<'lfir•1111 .. ns for the day .1n I 11;,. 1 .. wl\" hal1h111 \\'1•11111 quail- ' v n' a t'11f'llf• •ant 1 1~h. l 'l dt\1,·n~P rif "'If' :•n~Jr•11 rr,,. l~lll!!~ lhli< low. h11" t 1 (lo with a Sf'8Sc•n ot I""''' 11•' u1i;: 1t sn11:ll:1. Ollr 1 • !1>'rl .. ntiN I! 5'J.;lpp1'r Mel ••n Arl•1111.•l w11~ 1IPl••rm111• ,J 10 ~l\'l" 11• ;dl lhl' h1'«'1k~ 11ntl t<IOk u(t 1 1 tlw l)hl B111n f "h111)! ,.:r111:nd•. Hll' H"Jl"lang <t'h•••I' 11( I"!:' 1)"11a 1wl1. fip1·e llti-wantnn ""tit •·• \\Ork w ith a Kreat J!'ol tlnre Miki' Bn11m prrs~ntl'•I first flla<'P ribbons to winner~ of sll "V•'n t ~ for thr W<>Pk of J u1y 11 Snmf' 11;0 rhllr1r"n arc c-nmpt>tln~. I~ 1<e lllng flr1<t plar!'~ In BallJns nini:hy cla:<S w enl t i) R:rn<fy \\'r1i;hl anti ~la1 y l..-•u l.luyJ. T h!' 111n~11r Sm'''l.11ru 1.1 ... s '''err· b111h wnn h\' Gr·nr~r \'nnil<'I w•rt Tlt" «•nlur ~n'>wb1rd~. f1r~t rare "'8 • "'''" by PP!" Gll'b snit th!' se<:onti r11r~ by J nhn Ha5kell. In pRtidlrbn:u din~. to J ()hn Val· lrly \\'rn•I\· Rh1r, R allf!y \\'right. ~tiff\" Lt111 l.lnv1l, Riil Or \\'ill. r-:·111 · \\'nit,., J!"thn H .. rringtnn anti l.(lt rv Stump Wt•nt lhe flr-lt plare rtbbuns. , ur Jwtltltni!~1nt1 JO\'iaL thn•11 t~ (1\1m rn inv1mmlng Iii s t place nbbnn;o hul h t .. 111118 • \\ h11 h 1 £-.~1111 . J In liut W<'r" awardf'd 10 Richie Lloyd, Pat thr•·" ho11l<-u11~ at th111 :1lc•r. M>trY Hohrs. Jim Bridgman, Carol White. Belle t ~lrs. B1ll1 Tobias brriught C:eori;e Hau.owr, Rill Twist , J ran- ln a 1<mall b:trrar tJrla In a bur~t ni!' Jon~ am t Bill Llin~ahr. uf i;h11y for lhu 1:a1 ... whwh lallted D lvlng hcinonJ w ent to Richie only a matter of seronds. smre 1 Lloyd, Wf'ndy Bia.Ir, Jim Bndg· Be1 l F r hren deckrd onr to nut·' man. Carol Wllllam1, J lm J nnea. weigh our Juclous brunette'• "bar-I Jeanne Jones. llllke Baum. Dick ric". Bridgman and Allee Burn.s.. C'HASCE Gl.l~l.\fl!:RS For rowing. Orst place awards H111I ;'\frio S «ymQ11 r )Mded her I went to Richie Lloyd, Wendy Blair, b1.; Joi: \\'hirh popper! her monn-J im Brldgn1an. Charlott1> Stump, !1lt1mrnl -lint• hkP a rifle shot. the I MH r~hall Wright, Loh ta Ken nl'•Jy . Olll<'omi-of this lournamri:it might and Larry SLump. h:t\'e br"n l n favnr n t lh•' womf'n. Aftrr rxhAui.tlni:-this fillh1ng hfll" 3£--Quiet Smoothlel WI' no~NI nur wnv hnmPWlU11 l)n<I ~~ mRole nrnny of 111;ppos!'<lly ".'tu re 1 j .~_ ~: f; f.-lt.. l'l'lpit. H nwr\'c-r, nnthing ~ _ ,;: "'""" happ<'nN~ u 111 11 we 1•·orhed l ._._,. --£ 4 Hew JN Degrees A"arded Power Squadron Members D ana Pf)1n1. whf11 Bt>rt Fl'hn>n ~-~ • ..- \\'illiam n. Jon".~ of l hP J 11nt'i< a ir:d n S<'Orr·l f.1r thP mrn with 11 -~-·...o · - Lumber <...'rl. is rtanTiin~ tn lPKV" M11.11l whll•' 8-'a l\A.~'l. At thIS ""1111. l'h· I (' PEA""!: '-charge a mt !lpen to th .. publlr I' k h 1 ht 1·111 .. -• • • • , rll.'l ""'1 wit lilt yar • " an-thinp1 lnok1'rl bad tn r WI J.:1rl:<, but A~ th.• lnp brn•s "' Ballm" " ••· 1'•" 1 .. r 111 a ll '" J!'I\, for a ~lllJ: tllf\ l•l ,, .. 11tht'rn or cour~ we w<'r" prC'pared !or a I Sqw1drnn b111<y t h1•mseh'f'S with I -~ P 111 • B11lbo.i will 1:1vr It · Mexico. 11rr•1rJmg t n his !'KlpJlet. 1 u 1 h plans rr•r fall r ourst>a. they en· «1111 •·· for in Wl't·ks, et :-;ewpot ' ?>like Shrinnon. K'T hani:a was r • own . ~lrnnc .. ~· enoug w" I nourw!' thP 8\\llr.-lini;.: of fcrnr n r w ll11rh11r Yarht r·111h, "'""kty. nn 11 iuJ.-d out ~t .. nilav st l'nuth c~11u.ott art" ell goon i.p .... i ts. ··~ct\'anr" drs;-repJ<" ,,, .I:'\' (.Juninr I :l!o~·lay nli;hl9' from 7 •;n ,,, !Ip m Cn. maranP wa v an>! Sh:11mon Tl'· •_t II< '.''~JMt unb1•llPVllhll' l~nt l'\11v1i:,:ator1 :I' J.:TllflU&lPa o! the ;\11'!f'<' "(the dfltu o( the open· ported th" bottom Ill perf<-rt 20 -pC'oplr rnuld f l It llH doy. Y.lllt 1 111!\6 r<>\lri<". Th" nl'w J Ns lnclurl" lnJ\" w ill 11 ppi-11r in th!' !':PWll-1 ~111,1,., llfl•·r 1!1 nvinths in thP· sn fr~:.,_hn••k-up• lll.'" npoln1::1r• (n 1h" t1"rnnd wom1tn tn PAm thnt I P res.« Md any'in•iuirll'.'1 ;,r requi•!!ts wltt•'r J1'an Bunni f,,r h11< phrr11 gou1i:: t1llt> !!) Balbn11 S11ua l1ron. D<>r<>-1 for not1rc ma\:-b" 11if•lr>'1<srd t11 '.J11e J on rs party w11l i lr11r at ~Rn •ivrrb,,:ird r:iu~r-1 hy 11 ""11t llttlt' thr1t I Mr s. ;'\!nn\1'1 Grim!'!< hn~ •"o1mm11n•!1'r ( llrl s J l11<h r. fl D 1t'p11 and 1-." In ~nst>n:tr!_,, H "l" J"h o f h r1·kli:1:: 1'\' lh: l'H n whrn ,..,,mpll'tN1 Urns ycnr loni? <'Clur~" H••X U\t 811lhoa J~lnnrl. r.r to Bnl-plni; to pl• k up s11n11• ot th" rart\' u,~_\' i:-nnit'"1 up nn ) ::iu-!I T rul\· In c<>lr~1111t n11VIJ:lll111n. hon Pow .• r Sq1rn1tron, l'OHnx :lfl~·1 who will flv tha t fAr. Fr •ni tlwrr wJi .. n pl:•:·111i: 11 f.~h lltrst' m11 t" FIRST \\'IHfA~ cn1ona <11.'I ~tat li·ith ni.·n and thr\· wdl ;,,'in l:il' 1• !llll7.lltlnn a 11111rnl~ t:id:. t l~n •W th11t It w ax Th~ fir~l BAl))na"w n1n,n to rs.rn wrim • n a:·e w r l<nm .. tn tak" 1h1~ .. nd ("rdri>~ l>land. Th•,. w ill lw ontv 11 t"' • c· I "" t l wal'n'l 1\!1••11' tht> J :-0 w1111 J Pannet'.f> IMrs. Stu· onur·s,. in the rund:1ment:tl!I tJ!l i:"ll" th••" to four \\"t'cl;Q, fi hint. to 1 .. 11 th•m I c11v .. 1h1•m 11 thrill 11 r t 1 Bair•! The n .. ....-mrn whn iqif l' enti r ompelc>nt hnating. 1 murh of u . ., um... • w ;1h 11 {;••1 I J• b n! arllnG. have r11rn,.d their J:-\ 11rc Dono· I 'T'roph1c·~ r .. r llw winners wlll bo> \':tn John~on nt !>1111t a An11. Rll\" :0-11 1 ' C CCO:C :i:J: 1-'=>' "" ttJG:ocoo:::::o_;_o:::;.-:;.._:_._ awar.Je t F 11 Inv .1111\· 21. a t thr· m on•I Mllr r of J.ai::una anr! !>t rol-(Hl rPJ::tl! tr """rt !111•1•111'•.·n """ hnpr ll'r White r>f Hnlhoa J:<lRnd l (• r lh<' ~nkr I•( .\la ry B"llc 1Mrs 1 Abo con1plelln1: thP en1tlnc 8 111 1 T.,1,,r,~. r m 11fn11.J 11 l"ngrr m"r•hioni<'! rnllf'" late thi!I spnnJ:", W:t1( W•"lj.J )'111\·r l•I j:!•!ll a 511<- An•l h~\·1ng J'•~l nnw r"rr1v ... 1 thc p.-m;1• f,,,. hPr 11inr(' she dr>manr1!'r1 word from nnt1ona.1 ht>ad1111artn·s h"r t ruphy \\hen "'" reach<"! port th•y f"J .. P\I th" examJna•Jon JIU.C· ('():i;GRATS TO ;\IF.:-: Jl'5 1ocfay's mll~t J><:!Werful protluciion ; --~~\ f'J ou1boud.1he J\1m:ury , l \ 1~ Ma:I:. SS' Super· ~\ ~moolb po1>1cr now. c i ;:i\ comp/tit engine ~-·-_...., silencin1. ~ new Dyna·Float su~pcn1i~n for "-.:._ - super quiet opera-o--;. ho n "u/1nut IO\S .../ or pt"rformance. ·:-.:;.~::. ..,,, .. With Full '"'•••"'•' Jeweled Power•! $572.50 DAVE SPIES <'<'11.•flllly Are· ;\lerr lll Cr,., Lelsntl \Ve notr Wtlh i:,:1:ttt'll it' nil lhP Mrr .. 11 ... ·h. .Jt"hn Ont!~-. Fnink 1 plrn1111rri1 ronnr< t"'I wlth 1111cllng 1 1 2Sl0 W. Coast Highway R1rh~1 1~· n. \\'1lhnm Ry11n. Gordon lll' arcompan1mrnt~. It~ v11rl11- Grt>f'n. 1·1.,11•·n r.vi:-t. lrl\ 11,.rn· 11trln. Cha rlot I"' 1 M ri< Jnhn • n... \'Pr anti J ohn nt\•!'r. :"Jt1.nf'\' I )fr• J,P1 1 :.1rC'"llorh, J c1hn F'r.,lry T n- n \' F°l'ltnn. Al,.x11nr1n HAm1l"l'n. R 111·mnn<1 llr1111. R nd F lorr n<'f' IMno. Rn .. , (;rrl'lrv. R.\l'lll i.RO\\,.H Showmi;: thf' r«pt,d i;:r .. \\'th of t he l'nlH»I Str\lr!I T't"I\• r ~quai!­ t c>nio e ll O\"l'r thn country. CflmPI' word of :h~ Corm at 1nn t"f f.iur n ('w sriuarl ron~ as r•f J 11nl' 1 ~•. hrtninni; l h!' totAl n11mber tn lit~ JO 9~JJ ·:>m1op;:j U! F:>S,1110;'1 M;>:-.; ... UO.IJ'llnh,. "lllU ~'1ll( iil'J ln11111.) •t;gr,·9;: ni .!111• ""1111•1111 .. I l r·ur ~urdock Son Here M.r. anti Mr10 A1 he ~lurcl<1rk J'rr:<1 lrnt T'lnr!'. C'1,~tl\ M~~a. err .. ....... ~~ ~ c ns•t <O uinrl Apprt"\'1'11 1'-nfl'lf" Equlpm"nt ioif't:('IAL-. '12i0 1 Qt. l')-rt'nr ·, .. parent ~ nf fl boy born Jllnt• :IO In 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa-LI 8-2062 JiOll~ HMpill\.I. I 1 r:;;;;;; ·---<!!!~ sorrn COAST co !31'd & Sewport llh·d. • 1· our A u t h o r i z e d T II A LC 0 F1tl4'ri;tlas..-. Dealer In the Harbor &rt'& •• BrinR ~-our filw'r· J,tlass prohlf'ms to uA. Pacific Fiber9lau. HOt W. C~t II" y. Pb. LI 11-?47! Arrn•:< !r1'm A !l-A1n1·ri1·:rn ~rkt '· ~ l MARINE CARBURETORS R.-palrs -Sal.-!'1 -Part!'! ZE;lilTH &: STROMbF.:RG GEO. J. MEACHEM i -139 \\". Coast Jlii;:hway Utlt'rty 8-1343 THIS NEW 'PLA YBOr IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! A" exc 1.M•!e ~peed and pleasure bo11 you'll be proud to own I A 1•n9le hc '1ded l1berglan vnil ..• Jeats and all. Made to to~o rO~'.)li lrea1men1-~neeleu !ren5om bv1ll fc· lhe mo11 powerful rricro11I 5ee the hrfonner "Playboy" today. OTHH MODELS AVAILAILI ~r:r; TllT.M TOOA \' AT SOUTH COAST COMPANY Newport Bh·d. at ZSrd St. t. \'LE BOS~ a 80N IUO W. Co1Utt H"'J. .SrWJW)rt ~It • Newport Beach WEST OOAST Fltie,,.._.. Co. 11115 Jliewport Blvd. C:O.ta Meea • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 1.enftOll Gets Pennlts FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 MARINE NEWS TI D ~ Thr''" C'O.l& Mc11& cit)' bu ildlnJ p.ormlt• wn«' talten out Frtday tllrough M onday by J .W . l.AMC'ln tor f'lltln1atcd l'Csldt>ncu v&lued at $12,000 .-11ch. The h omu v.rtll be built 111 473, •86 and 491 16th Pla<'e by Tal<'oll a.nd Jay, <'t'nlractor. Oa&e Tltne Rltrti TA I LE UL Thne Luw Car Hits Riley Home Frl<lay July 22 Saturda.v July 23 Sun"'y J uly 24 Mon,tay July 2~ T11es1lay J uly 26 \\'Nines.Illy July 27 Thur11<111y July 28 12 34 p m, O (\7 a n1. 1·15 I'm. ll.58 a.m ' Z (I\) p. m. l ·()!I II. m. 4 9 1 6 t\.2 4 9 4..4 4.9 6:10 a. m . 6 .16 p. Ill. 6 47 a. m. 7·1i p. Ill. 7·23 a. m. 8·30 p. m. H~ ().ti 1.6 0.2 1 7 08 1.7 l.~ I 6 2.0 I.• 2.!l !l.O 1.0 2.7 A nu· tlrl\'<'11 by Mary Ja.ne Ba :· r ln1th111. 32, Snn Gabriel, on J utv 14 JUnlpcd tho Wt'llt curb of Man - i;ul.t A'\' . polke reµorted a11 I ~tni.·I( 11 honw nwnr•I by M 1r.s Portia A. Jltlo>y, 3!12tl Ocun B h ·J. 2 ~!I p. m. 3;26 A. m , a ·tll fl m. !'>:33 "m. 3.7 4 9 3.1 8 01 &.m . 10 .01 p.m. 8 ·46 a. m. i""k• <•oho~ WM ... m~I. KARlXt: t' l'HOLSTERlNO ~ HO•T <'0\'1'88 4.!l 11 34 p. m. 2.9 9 4:\ a.m. .• •6 p. 111. -7 :.iii a. m. 3.0 O •6 a. m. 11:411 p. m. 11.1 11 ;OJ a. m. DA \"l..lGHT , SA \'l:"'C Tli\11:: J @ •·ms1 FOl.L (~j I \ tlTl-!li "100:"'> Jul.'· 26 A lli(. a Power Saw Stolen · (f • l.A~T :s~:w Qt'AKTt'.H "1CIOS ;\ llli . 111 .i-\Uk; I~ 11,11111 · l vf ,.11perv ll<11rM, nn t l,1· 111"- t 1"11 "i (' ~I Ft•<1th1·r'\ th,• h 1111 I I I I Sho I Ill .\lh·n "' 1 r:alh-1·1 <'•J\'I' Tll• ~Ull)' "'I lhl' ... \\ I •\II .,. !'>•••· n 1RH t"d """"'!'& fr<101 11 ba111;;" /;h•nN will h,. hl'lil n• -: p 111 . th· his ~k 111 "''""'I "'"'. l l um :!ll:: 1 J l 11 ~l 1\lon.t .. y 01 t h1· m .. nth 1n llw 1 :!nd St Allt-11 s•~t value "' t hr Mlf'fr'\'tsn1 ~· r-111111, I ~aw 11l $:10. / Evans Towels Theft I Economy Meeti~CJS Th.>!l of t\\'u b.;a i./1 luwcls fro111 1 SAXTA AXA tOC:->S i 51.'l'k· ll11• 11111• 1n bRl'k of the hut> I w;i:<' Ing e f ! l <' i enc y anJ· c>conomy, j Tf'pnr1 t-d t» polk•r Thursday by ' monthly c~unty dcpnrt.ment head Mrs. Ra lph E\'ans or Bayvl<'W Ho· I meetings wlll he conduelt•J by th•' t .. 1 At J'alm St 1tnd R11y Front . --1 New! GELCO The Finest Water Ski in the world -now exclusive in the Harbor Area at our Marine Store Stop in today let us show you why Gelco Water Skis are BEITER. l\Al.HOA CA...,"\'Ali' 8JJOP ... , ..... ,., 114• 1 l it! Sr Mt WrOll l f.ACH Harold I. Johnson ~ l'm1•ll"' R•polN ('olumbla" and F~ral All"""Y l'h111"• llubor 610 '!IHI \'Ula \\ay, :'lie\\J>Ort 8-c.-h Mon, whot a motor b fi,hingl Small, compact, light• weight, ftts right In the tninlc of yovr tor. Jompochd with> big· motor feotu re1 ... smooth ... ond QUIETI Come on In ond .. e the ~'la today. Th.-,, l.t'r go fl1hillg r 8uy now, u1e our time poy• ment pion. . WATF.R ~KJ~ FOR RF.:\'T <'OMPl.F.TF. Ll'\'t: Ot' <"ATAJ.J:\"A l '.\UDl.F, BOARDS I South 'Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON Jo/Jn1111n 2527 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty 8-1373 Su-Horu Outbo•rd Mofort We Said It 6,Q90 Boat Yes-Dick's ~·11 Before . . Owners . We Can't Repeat ... Dock Has Be Wrong Done It ACJClin 111111 ., -~ Dick Winckler, owner of DICK"S DOCK, left, with crew, Dave Winckler and Jeck Knill discuss haul-out of the Dick Stewart moto_r 1 sailer which started the busy Mar iner's Mile boat ya·;.a ~its 6,000th job! Owner of the "do-it-yourself" or "let Dick's Dock do it" ya d wants yoa to know his boat yard is huryH~;ng .. Dick says: 'Tm deeply grateful to all Harbor yachtsmen and fishermen who have used Dick's Dock facilities. They ha ve allowed us to establish th is enviable record." • DICK'S Mariner's Mile 2735 W. Coast Hwy • -DOCK Newport leach Uberty . 8-4441 e • F~1 01\ Y, JUl.Y 22'. 1955 RECREATION PARK -Artist's cooceptic1n above shows proposed use of 4-acre site for exclusive use of Halecrest Campus Estates in Costa Mesa. New devel- opment will open on Mesa Saturday and Sunday. FIN FACTS· TRAIL TIPS I Hal~rest Campus ~states By' • ~P.!~~.~~' c~~!'!~~l .. !"wu~~.~., .. ~, LEGAL NOTICE Said lteita to bt-furnished In accords.nee with apeci!icatfon11 now on me In the office of said S<·hool District, located al Cliff Drive and Irvine Avcn11e, Newport Beach, Cal!rornta. THE OLD SPORT ldt•nlial development, l:lalerrest disposal. WeaUnghouse'a Carr.ous Carnp11s Esllltes, in Costa M!'lla, washer-Jryer laundromat la also opens Saturllay anc! Sun.Jay und in every home. plus all the luxury company officlals cllllm It Ii; the features usually found in bomea IBl'g!'st 1md finest o! all their sue-costing twice the pnce. ressful low-cost developnwntll, CONV!:NJJ;NT LOCALE .4 The auccesstul btdl!er must de- liver 11&.id ltema aa dll'ected pend· 1.ng tomplellon da~e of the Home Economics Room, on or about September 9. 19~~. Cnnvenienlly located Jn rapidly-Halecrest Campua Elltatea ta on- gro\\ring Cnsla Mesa, at Harbor Jy a few short mllea from the Each bid must be accompanied by a certltled check, or bond, In a sum equal to lVti of the bid; said check to be mac' .. payable to the Newport Beach l'~lementary School District, and shall guarantee that the bidder will enter Into a con- tra.cl should his bid be accepted. If • urf f' h · bel 0 · d b dd · t Blvl!. and Baker Ave , adjacent to Ci nest beaches. mlnutu from ahop-you re 8 ta mg ow ceanst e, U y, you JUS 1 Orang" roa~t College. Halecreat ping. echools and churches, and ain't got a good enough alibi if those yellow fi n and croakers 1' Campus Estates wlll pol8l a large easily reac:-hed via freeway from aren't snagging your line. , 4-acre rec:-1·eation p&r'k ex<>luslvely all aecliona of Los Angeles and L s d -h ( h be . . th ror residents and their guests. The Orangf' counttea. Sales cifhce and ast un ay mg ~· one 0 t e st purse semers ID e beautifully landiw:a1Jed park wlll model homu are situated it H ar- business cruised all night. She started at the Huntington c:-onuun a little league baseball bor Blvd. at Baker Ave. Beach Pier and cruised down to boy whom Aub Monroe brags field, large club house, tennis and Ocean.Ide. Not a algn of fish. But about. Whitey's leading the ·pack handball t•ourl.!, kiddies play- approximateJy 9 mllea below and on the rua<I to an easy winter. ground and a lll.rge swimming Oee&n11lde that old fathometer Keep smllin' boys. pool. realJy danced. Thirty-five different Hue·11 m ore ulbarore news. By-(l()OD ATMOSPHERE Khoola or apot fin. yellow fin.and ron Hass just hit the do<'ks with ~I 1 r t. cl b croaker were registered and each • G ·• An atmosp iere o coun I y u ton. He got em down uaualupe living is assured pur~huers of the achool a vt'raged from one to t.hree lllland w11y. 1 threo and four-bedroom homes In Lona. Better roll on down in the And then there's Wilcl Bill Cole-H 1 , , c E t . A I trailer boys and hook u , . . a t>< 1 eKt amp us sta t:s. ~, n · · P· mal'I. Wild is right. Hes rt:.ally previous Hale Companv dev~lop- Spea.klng of purse seiners. the wouf\d up 'caul!e he only brought mcnts. all Mme!< are dlstinctlvelv Ban Pedro fleet ls knocking over ln , t C1ns or alby~ on his Refuge ... d d f · I • ..,,. t .,. t r d LI k 1 • • • .,e111!(ne an are o . genume p u-uv o vv 0~11 o ay-me mac ere What's wrong w1Lh that kind of ler and lath construction, with echoola. Its knocked the night fishing Bill• h . t h c d h k hin flahlng tor a loop. This la nothing Who' put .the cto~ble wham.ti}' c,01ce o headvy ek Br sf a ecsol • •.. I g e or crus e roe roo a in or. more .... a.n 11 aughter Qn the high on the mackPrel sroop boa Ls? aeaa. Where were the fish anJ Honest Jim F'h1.hartll'l! the name. Ave.1age lot size at Campus Es- game boys and why don·t they atop Slnee Jim floated In. from Avalon, tal.-8 is 7431 sq. fl-. a.na Uie r oomy th.la alaughler of spawning fish., ... k 1 1 ft f I homt's ",II aJl ha VP large patios · ..... ose mac ere e or part! un-i ·h · 1 1--'1 t Qr£STI ON \\'AR.OEN ., h . f w l .sl11.lmg' g ass ooori1 ..,..., ng o · · • , ".nown. At t e p~esent pr rr.e " them from the home. There ls no And don't go away, warden. I've fish, thP boys c.an l anti clon t do I clown paymPn.l for veterans. a.nd g ot another question !or you? much exploring l'lnly $99!1. plus no1mal impounds, Where were you when one purse RlYER Y ll'IHISCi l'iLO\\' for non-v.ct.s.. Prlcu range be- 1etner made nn m ega.I set oft Gita-Not much c101ng on the-river, tween $14 ,000 and $15.00-0. Jina recently on a very la.rge school these days. fella11. ll's too hot. L. Amnng the many fine built-In of mackrrel? Someone was look.-C. Timmerman reporlNl 'in 11nd features are: Western -Holly Ing out for the welfare or fishing. aa.ld thl're're no fhh. range it.n<l oven. Westinghouse howevi>r. The boat set nel..!I on But listen. 0.-l the oh! shoolln' chHh -washer. Utilll,v fllrt•cd-a1r extra Ill !'RI' sr hool, but only boated iron out. IL looks good ror doves. f th lll tlon a bout l~l>O pounJa of fin" when iynare w1 1111mml'r ven a Operator 9 aeem.e to have lhc low- •he ran Into a dead calm. Shine down on the BaJce,..fleld "-"!a and up your badge, warden. he aay11 the l!ovea are thli:k and You real estate boya are ml.aatn,r huntln' sea1K>n'a r lirhL upon u11. the blggr11t bet of the century. Better rcser\'r a pe.rch on-any of the albacore boats an<I see the newe11t 'SllMTVIslon )'et fo spawn. Jack J ohnston swearll that's what It looks like I\ !'lty Rl night. 20 Boys' Clu~ Youths Set for Community Chest.a ha• recelv~ $1000 from Los Angeles Times Summer Camp ru11d for dU1lrlbu· Lion to Red Feathrr a gencies throughout t he l'Ounty. Harbor rea Boy~ Chih r eri'1VN'f :1 C'heelt for $100 from thls f11nd Werlnes- ' day. Spencer reporteti He's talking about the 1()()() or eo boats wh1r h mill around beyond 'Clemmte t h1•!!e nights huntlnl{ tor old long fin. Jar k say11 he's afraid to f O l o sle"P 250 miles off t1hore for fent l\f humpln1t Into t1ome boat 11t11k1•d out on an alby. JaC'k brought m HIO{) pound11 ten hours 1tralghl 0111 from 'Cl!'mPntP. He !!Acid the wenther wa.~ J:-Ough and the fishing t•mith. \\'HITt:\· JS LEAD There's news to .-a11se thol!P Monroe brothe1 s to smile. Their alh11corl' fleet's rll1•klng or! Cat.a- lln11. An<I :\'hitey Stephana la the Summer Camp Harbor Area Boys' C'lub w;ll send 20 youth11 to summer cnmp, starttnl( July 30, · Dtre<'tor A I Spt>ncer announced today. Halt nf the boys will leave al lhal time for a two-week stay with lhe r e- mainder atten!!lng thP camp be- tween Aul(. 13 llnl'I Aug. 26. The boy11 will slay at Green Oaka Ranch n«'ilr Vl11ta. a11 In the tut se\'er11 J years. Spenc!'r saJd. Orange County Fe<lerat1on of • With that mont>)'. Spencer said from six t o 12 hoys of th" 20 will lie .sent to summer camp at Vista. "d"pendlng on how m11<'h parents or the boys fel•I they 1·a11 rontri- bu\t! in token payment." Boy11 be· tween 8 an<l 11 w1ll ~o to tht Green Oaks Ranch. Three older boy11, ~twe"n 12 a.nll J6. will attm<! R. M P,vles' high SlerrM' camp for bl'lys and girls next month, Spenrer report- ed. Thrsr campshlp~ win be awarded through the Shrrlrf's of- fice a.nd Orange County J u\'enlle Department. · I • LEGAL NOTICE " The Board or Trustees re11t'rvu the right to reject any and all bids and to waive any Irregularity the1·eln. NOTICE INl'ITCllG BIDS Dated: Thia Hlh day of J uly. 19~. Notice la hereby given that the • , Board of Trustees of the Newport 1 Beach Elementary School Dlstrlrt NEWPORT BEACH ELEMENTARY SC.:HOOL DISTRfCT HELENE CSF.:-IAR of Orange CouJtty, Ca!lrornla, wlll receive bids up to a.nct.. including Clerk of the Board 2 :00 P .M. on tl\e 1st day of Aug-of Trustees . ust.. 195~, at 'U:le buinness ot!ice. No. 1335 News-Press 7/15 22. 1955 Clirf J)jl\ve an<f lrv!ne Avenue. Newport Beach, Call!ornia. al which time bids will be opened and read for the fumi.ahlnp of the fol· lowing home economics appliances: FIVE GAS RANGES CERTrFlCATf: OF Bl'~lSESS FlCTlTIOl'S FJRM NA !\t:E The un<leral¥ned do hereby cer- tify that thd· are conducting a general contracting business at SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! McCarthy's 100 % WARRANTY Convertible Sale! Rf.low are eome of &he Ottate11t Buy" we've evf'r nfferl'd: '54 ·cad. 62 cift., lOaaeaW:-xtras, cfn.-snn. '49 Chev. conv. R & H ........................................ $675 '54 Ford Crestline Conv., R&H .................. $1775 '53 Ford Crestline Conv., Auto. Dr ....... $1575 '53 Chev. Bel Air Conv., R&H .................. $1475 '51 Buick Super Conv., Dynaflow ............ $1075 '51 Ford Cust. Conv., R&H ........................... $875 _ 50 MORE ·GREAT BUYS to save You Money! 1420 SO. MAIN-SANT A ANA Open Eveninp 'TU 9 All Day Sundays Bank Terms O'BRIEN MOTORS COSTA MESA If You Want a Station Wagon DON'T MISS THESE • '55 DODGE Y-8 Suburban •Overdrive, W-W tires, 2.-tone Only 4,000 miles .'53 PLYMOUTH Suburban 9,000 actual miles '51 PLYMOUTH Suburban Deluxe model -Sharp! · Transportatio,. Cars '40 PLYMOUTH Cpe. Loh of miles left '40 CHEY. Club Cpe. Overhauled '39 OLDS 2-dr. Many More to Choose From at O'BRIEN ~ 680 Newport llvd. MOTORS Uberty I· 7272 MESA COSTA LEGAL NOTICE U 6 COila Mesa Street. Coata Meaa., Catlfornla, under the flcllUoua fLrm name of CORSON It MUN- TEAN CONSTRUCTION CO and that Hid tlrm le com~ed of t.he following penion.s, whose n amea In full and place. of reatd<'nCl' •~ u tollowa, to-wit DA vro c CORSON 43• Coata Meaa St. Costa MelUI, 'allf. THOMAS N. Ml.NTEAN 439 M111fnt1lla Costl\ Meaa, Calif. Wllneu our hanca thl1 20th day of July. t9M s DAVID C CORSON 11 1 THOMAS N. MUNTEAN STATE OF CAi.;lFORNlA I 1 WANT AQ will cost you s2s0 only end it will run in ell 4 issues A Minimum ad 11 4 lines. PhoM Harbor 1616 Newport Rubor Ne~·PreM Monday, Wednesday and }'riday editions, Plu• the Ooutal Shopper, WednHdaya ,. co~ y 0 1" 01~/\NGE tM. this 2ou1 day of Jul~·. A . o. 195 before me, ROBF..:RT F. ,";;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;::;::;=:=:=================;;; \\'fL MES, a !'\ntary PuhllC' ln and r fur ti 11111!1 County ILnd S'.ate, re· siding \herem. duly commlsa1oned and sworn. personally appeared nA VID c. CORSON and THOM- AS N. Mt:blTEAN known to mc- lo be the pt'rson11 wlloae namea are 11ubsct1bed to the within ln- strumeni. and acknowle<ht«'d to me that lht!J exe<-uted lhe 811111t'. In witness whf'reof. I have here- unto set my hand and atffxed my ottirlal Sl'al the day and year In this Cert1rtra1e first above written s/ ROBE.RT F. WILLMES My Commis11lon Expires November 16, 19~~ No. 1338 New,s-Preaa 7 22. 29. 8 a. 12, 191!5 CERTIFlCATE OF 811S JiSES8 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa la guaranteed. Carrier ooya will deliver their . papers be- fore 6 p.m. QJl Mon<t'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If yQur paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified FJCTITJOtrs FIRM XAME NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS The undersigned does hV <'by certify that ahe I• conducting a Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday Lnrant.3 and children's clothing COASTAL SHOPPE· R _ Wedn-days huslneas at 3•05 Newport Blvd.. v., Newport Beach, Callfl'lmlf. under Coaat.&I 8hoPpt'r Ad• nan In the WecbteMlay N-..Pl'f'M the flctltloua firm name of JERI'S 4 Unes 1 Insertion Sl.00 add'l. Unea .25 ea. OF UDO anc1 that said firm la composed of the following penons 4 UnN 2 ln1ertlons 1.50 add'L lilles .25 ea. whoae naml'• In full and placl'a o! 4 Unes S ha1ertlons 2.00 add'I. lllles .25 ea. residence are u follows, to-wit 4 Unes 4 lnaertlons 2.:>0 add'I. lillee .25 ea. JERl HlP~ 844 Victoria SltuatJoa Wanted Adi tl't1I ..-Ive 15% dleclouat. C.aala la advance oal7. Costa Meaa, Cam • MINTMUM AD 18 t LINES Witness my hand t.hls 21st day All CIMaltled Ad• muat be paid for Caab la advutce of publlcatloa. or July, l!l~a. The publlahe,.. will not ~ reaponalble tor more than one Incorrect a/s JERI HJPES ·STATE OF CALIFORN IA ) insertion of an ad, r eserve the rifhl to correctly cl ... lfy any and au Co R ads and to ~ ect any ad not conforming to rulu and regulation.a. UNTY OF 0 ANGE )ss. I On this 2lat day of July. A. D. ---------------------------19~5. bdore rre. ROBERT F . DEADLINES tor placing or canceUlng ads are: WILLMES. a Notary Public In and For Monday ~bllcatlon -Fnday 6 p.m. fo11 aald County and State. residing For-Wedneaday Publica tion• -Tuelday l p.m. therein. duly corumiastoned and For Friday P ublication -Tburaday 1 pln. 9worn. personally appeared JERI '!1.T.WPORT HARBOR PVBUSHLVG 00. HlPES known to me to be the person whose name la subacrlbed HI I Balboa Blvd., Newport Beaclri, c.allomlL to the within in11trument. and acknowle<tged to mt that ahl' execute-cl the same ln witness whert•of. I have here· unto ae.t my hand and affixed my of!lc1at l!tal the riay and year ln thla Cerllfirat•• first ·above w11tte'n e ROBF.RT F . W ILLMES !<f\· CC'lmmi.!8lon Explru Novembn 16, 19511 No. l:l:l9 I New11-Press i 22. 29 8 fl. 12, 1955 liS T••r. S l 'P E KIOR COURT OF I THE ~TATt~ Of' CALD'ORSlA Classified Index l FUDf'ra l NoUC'N ! Ca rd of Thank• ' Funrral DlttC'lor1 1 o Ru11lneu GuJd., 11 Rulldlnc Matt'r1al• I z BuUdlnc ~r\1~ J' Pen onal1 J:I Sharti Your Car 18 Tran11portatlon l'J Roonnc 18 Beauty Aid• IO Hu.Ith Alda I N ASD FOR THt: OOl'NTY-1 Ol,. O RAN<:F. e D•·1•t. I, - U Lo11t and Found H Sdloola. lnstructton 28 Sltuatlon11 Wanted _iJ Help\\~ SO !\tl11<:ell1111rou• SO-A Swapa S0-8 Appllanr~ ~ ... 6!1694 St '~llllOSS OS F IHST : A:\U:su..:n ('01\11'1.AIS'r .. OH Ul\'ORCt: Ar1111n nro11gl,1t in the Sllpl'rior Coul't of the County of Ornngt, anrl fll.s t 11nu•n1lr<I Compl111nt filed in tht> O!tlre of the Cll'rk of the I Suprnnr Co11rt or 1.tald Co11nty. ESTELLE RUTH UNNING Pla111UH. PATRICK ALVIN LA N'N ll\'G DefW<IRnt. THE PEOPLF; OP THE ST ATE SI Want~ lo Buy S2 Furniture for Salf' St-A Antlqurll 3S Roatll, Suppll#• S4 Mu11ll'&l, R11dio, T \" :15 On~, c:a t11, Prta Special Notices ·- Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 j OF CALIF"ORNIA SEND GREET-Meets every Thursday 8 p.m. I rNGS TO: Via Oporto -Central Ave. I PATRICK ALVIN L~NNJN\. Newport Beach f)E"fl'n<lant Albert H. Matthews, Exalted Ruler You are directed to appear lo irn action hro111{ht llR'Blnst vou br the [ abo,·e na.med plnlntlrf, in th~ Su-THEY'RE perlnr Court of the StAte of C'all- forn111. ln and for the C1umt v or Ora nge. and to 1nswer the first LQQKING amen<ll'd MmpJarnt therein within ten da~·s after the l'lervlrl" nn ,v<111 FOR YQUR oC this 11u111mon11, if ioerved within th,. Crlllnty of Ora.nge, or within thlrt.v dAy11 1! server! l'lsewhne, AO anti ,v•o1J 1tre 11rit1fil'd thal unless you so ep111•;1r BIHi answer fl!! above-requlred. the pl11lntl!f wlll takr ju1lgmenl for any money or 1tamagel'1 deman<!ed Ip the first amendt'<l Complllint. u arising up- on cr.intr11ct. or will apply to the C('lurt for an~' other rehl!f demand· ed In thP flr8l amended r:omf)lalnl. Given under my hand anrl 11eal ()( the Superllor Court of the County nf Orllnge. Stale of C::nll· f"rn111, this 21 d11y of .J11n ... 195~. 1SEAL SL:PF:Rl OR ('Ol'RT ORANGE: COU~TYt R. J SMITH. Cn11n I y ('lrr·k 1rnd l'l<'rk ol lhe Superior t:ourt (1f the Stale ()( Callfnmla, 111 and when you advert1st> in the Classified Col\Jmne of the News-Press. 'rhou~nds of pe-oplt every day turn t11 News-Press Cl11Mlflrd A<!~ to s11ll~fy th,.lr wants and ..,thPlr nPcll~ Thry went to buy or rrnt or 11rll They witnl ll'l h1rr 11 hPlper. nr (mil 11 jCllJ Anrl they tum to th•• rlas~tfl~a.Uon that fo~ t~e ,cc11mty or Orange. 8d\'el'tl8eR tht>1r Wllnt, Ry WA.Y:'llP. A, DRAGER. !Jl'put,· NEWS -PRESS No 1:\32 :-:~w11-rm"1 ClaS11ified Ade 11 30. i/8, 15, 22, 29. 8 ~ •. 12, 19, 26, 19ri~,. l' .SITf:O ST A TEI'\ MARl'IHAl.'S SAi.£ l'Wuthem Dh1trtrt of C"allfomla By virtue of an Order of Sale lae\led ollt of the United States Dlltrict Court for the Southern District or California.. on the 18th day of July, 1966, notice la herl'by given that i Wlll aell by public auction. for cuh, on Tuesday, the second day of Auruat, 1966, at 11 o'cloc1< A. M., at Seaaport lAndlng . 2833 W. Co.-t Highway, Newport Buch:CaUConlla the v-la "SEA- SPORT n and "81!'.:ASPORT JU". their tinginea, bollen, machinery, bo&U. tackle. apparel, appurten-. ancea, and tumlture, u ahe, now If• ROBllRT W. WA.JUI UnJted 8t.t• Mantia!. July lt. 1NCI No. 1117 N~Pnm T/D/11 Phone Harbor 1616 Most Real Estate Classified Ade The Nt!we-PrP8ll publt11ht~ Ael .. eral t1m<>11 Rll many rPal r11t1ti> Clu•lrlPd Ada 1111 •II oth,.r loc-al papers comblnf'<l. HARBOR 1616 RESULTS GET RESULTS! The New•·Pre1111 publlahea more Clu1Ufled Ade than any Oth'r neW11paper 1n the area. Thlll leaderehlp wu attatnPd bPrau~,. Newa-Preat Cluaffled A~ l'"l ru11lta! Ca.II Harbor 1818. aay: "I want to pi.ca a ClaMlflt<t Ad." anti 11tart Mh'eru.tnr ruult.a comtni your wq. H Poultry S'J UvHtOCk 18 Spt't'lal Announcientt•nl S9 Auto• Wanted 60 Aa&oe for s.i..- 60-A n"" & Part• U Aulo Mrvl<'fl n Trallen ti Alrplu~ n Wanh'd t,, Ren& I ' t8 Apte.. A Bo-fol' Keat •8-A Apta. tor "-' 61l-B H ou-for "-* ~-C Trailer 8pMlf' 4t "-a for Rf'nt tt-A Jteat Hom- '9-B Room A Bolard 50 R4>nt. MIM. M ~• om-r----------6S-A BuslneM Rental• 6' BlllllnHe Opportunlthe M Money to 1-- 6' Mon!"y Wanted 51 Real t:1ta te Wanted IO lnromf' PrnPf'rty to-A C-OmmNdAI, fnudui1trtal 81 R .. 1 Y.11tat .. E11eban1• 12 .Real E11tat" l2-Bnlld111g Servbie House Plans LIBERTY M261 lOt.f• BION RICE, INC. General Contractors Balboa & Palm S pring!' ' Plllns -Financing Harbor 494-W H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ft.epalr Service MaJntttlned Phone: Harbor 4824 2801 BaJboa Blvd .. Newport Sn.ch pltp CEMENT & BUILDING ' All Klnd11 FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 ( 29tt I ~~~~~~~~~~~ "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE l':F:W m:ir hln,. rrm ··~· m••lh- 0(1. ltPlii.nn11hlo• l'l l•'t•X 1\vcrHI(• 2 t11r" rr•i11rlPnt111I hl1nd Only $1.00 Rlind" r1•p1111r•I un•t, 1• l••11ll. F r"" f'lrk 11r 11n•I 1l• ll\•1•rv W ork <1 .. n,. h\' "l'l''•lnln1,.nt l 'hlln" l.Jhrrt \' K-~•''" or Klmbnly 3-ll:tH ppt '" FOi{ RENT S kill Sawa, El•·c-Drills. 1'r1IU1her•. 1 ll lYP"" ol Snndrr11, \\'heelb&r- rows. ctr. BOYD'S HDWE. 28J() W <'()AST HJC;HWA V Llbl' .. 8-:u:i:, Newport l.kh 28Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work oun<elves. :lO yrll rs "ll J>"l'l "nre J,1c:rn~d .tr ln1111rrd Sat1!11111· l•in 1:11a11111t1 "'I' E11l1mt1tl'~ r,.,.,. ('1111 J ohnnla, Ll 8-2687 & I.I 8-528~ 81 tk. Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARUT LICENSED <'ONTIUC'T'OR 878 W 18th Rt , ('n~t I\ Meaa Lrberty 1-8821 . • !.2..=!t~~d!'!; ~~1c_f't\_. ---1 E __ Sc:1oo1s.~~~-~_!}_-Be~ _vy~_ted ____ _ PAINTING CONT RACTORS 1 IXTERIOR -£XTERJOR ALL CLASSIFICATIONS ,, WCl!::'\SED -lNSURED STUDY lJl •P&re time tor cont.ru-Men G l enn J o hnston lor'I uUllnallon undu a cen· 8e&dl era! contractor with 26 )'•1"1 6()1 • Slit SL Newport u..-rtenc.. Cl~I Tuu. a.nd Harbor 3178 12ttc r COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. 8A UNDER.9 MIO 3lat Street., Newport Buch • Harbor 2978 or Har. ••41. ttc General Contractor LICENSED Ntw Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58Uc Elec. Tool Repair Skll 8aw1, Orllla, 81.llden QUlCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRJC CO. 4~ No. Newport Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Uberty S.8383, 441.!c PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI 1-3321 -LI 1·112~ HO Avocado. Coela Meaa 70p83b OtITBOARD POWER MOWER AUTO REPAIR LEN'S GARAGE 20211 Harbor Blvd , Coeta Me11• Liberty 8·61112. 80l'll2 rrt. nu. 7:30 p.m. Attend tint ~ulon free. Begtn anytime i/?',1 No!lrJ!~·ay,Ss~~~ Ph. Klmlarly 2-t.226 o.r KI 7-JlHl ttc 28-Sttuatiou Wanted - Univ ersal B l dg. M a inte n ance Wa.111 .t. window Clunlng Floor1. Janitor Servtce. Phone Harbor 4318. 87p80h Roy 's Maintenance HoUH cleantng-rtoor WUU!C Wall wuh.lng-wtndow cJeanlnc Venetian bllnda. Uphol.tuy Jn.ured. Fre. Est!ma.tu Liberty 5-1332. llfc Exper ien c'd gar dener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 30ttc MAN " WOMAN Wlll do general houMwork. noor waxing. win· dow cleanlnit. Fi.st workers. white. 194 E. 20th St.. Co .. ta MtS&. LI 8·2683. ppU FULL chg. bkkpr. & acct. for Construction Work STEADY, f\lll·llm• job• With Jarre publlc utiUty. H l«h ~hoot rraduate• ~tw .. n 18 and 4:1 yeau of are wanted for reruler •mployment. OPPORTlTNIT IES r 0 r Id· vancement. 40-hour week, patd vaeaUon1, pt.Id holld1y1, alck- nua allowance.a 6: penalon.1. AP PLY Mon. t.hru. P'rf. trom 8:30 a.m to 4 p.m. GIRi.Ji SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. JIXJO E. P"IR8T ST. S1nla Alla YOU will have 1111 opportunity lo artv&nre In our rlrm, ~cause of our present ex· p1n1ion program. 3%-Funalt are for ~ Near Nu Furniture Mart GOOb USED FURNITURE Special Electric Refrigerators Leonard, 15 cu. ft. . . ... .. .......... _ ....... S 34.50 Kelvinator, 9 cu. fL . .................. ..... • . .. 38.50 Coldspot, 10 cu. ft. . 4-0.00 ALL IN GOOD CONDITION! ! Gaa Ranges O'Keefe Ir Merrit, oven control & broiler Eltate, large oven, control &. broiler 28.50 26.00 4 burner elect ric range, clock. t imer 3 speed unit.I, Looks and works like new 29.00 COMPLETE LIVING ROOM AND DINING ROOM AND BEDROOM SETS-ALL GOOD BARGAINS. 2819 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Harbor 5392 Movie Proiectors l'OR RENT I-MM lf·M:M S:l·KM HOBBY and MODEL Am.PLAN!: SUPPLU:S Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd .. Costa Mua Phone Ubtrty 8-7042. Pr U YARDAGE :nven tory Sale on De:11gner's Fabrita al WJ1olt!llllle Prire.s I ;MARGIE ~EBB I S:t-Funllture fot , Sale EASY DO'DIT AT BAY EASY PARKING EASY TER~tS EASY ON YOUR PURSE 6 PC MAPLE O?Nl'::'ITF, GRP 42" rflund labl ... • niatP'" r halr11 2 ~hclf burr .. 1 h11t r h 219.1\(J \'llill~ Bl 8111· 1~:1.:10 8 PC ~fA Tl'HED W\'. RM t:RP l11\'lt1dr11 pll1Lfo1 m rot·kt'r, rlub ~·h11 lr. 2 M t'll rn!111, I rntr,.,. tabll", 2 woor.J ba11e rllrrlP<I 11h11d" tall),. lamp1<. SS-Boata, ~ ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 • PAGE I U FT OUTBOARD Kelaon Craft FR.IOA Y, JULY 22 1955 with apny n.lla. UMd few tlm,.. 4lao EvtJINde '1MtW1nd 7 l'I hp. motor and dolly. Har. lGU-M •v~mr•. 71k'll SNOWBIRD ll&ll boa t. Good aall1, ntw deck, nf'w noor boarda 1390 KEy1ton,. 0-3210 or L.Am~rt ~Ot27. iG~l SNIPE Sa11 B'J41l ("(>fnpl,.tf' wllh buoy and trallt'r W S-7042 from 9 t o e p.m. 7111.'Sl 33· CABI!'< Cruiaer. nf'w crown. Com. or Bport ll<'enaf'd. Bait tank. Full eq111pn1rnt $1700. 129 R0<·ht stt'I , C'o11ta Mu a I.I 8- 8M l. 79<'81 SNO\\ B IRO laml dolly 1n(J 11.-lnt•h for pulll111t oul of waler $i0. 2i041 B1yah1m· 0 1., Newp<1rl I.I 8-3312 -80<"1.12 l BOAT SLIP ... OR RENT. Call Hat oor :18-\\' P AU(lLF.IHIARN! NEW 121, rT . $39 60 J 111 I hmllni;-t1i11 A"~. Hoc flf'A• h v' v' Check these Used Cars Buy from a local dtaJer "'ho ••tll be ber• TOMORROW l o back up what hi Rlll TODAY! JULY SPECIAL.S! 19~3 MERCURY 4 dr. Monterey. li~ht blu~. R & H. Mercomat1c. Exct>ptionolly clean Sl59~ 19~2 DE SOTO V-8 4 dr. s<'da n, light bh1t>. power steering. power windows. O('W Vogue white side wall tiir('s, low mile· age. Trade·in on lmperi-1. Only 1 9~ CHRYSLER New Yorker 4 dr. st>d:in. 2-tone green, fully equipped, low mile- age. Executh·e car. Save 1950 ST UDEBAKER bu11ineH coupe. Q,·('r- drivt'. light gray, excellent trtrnspor- tation car LOU REED $1000 s 125 Ll•:x1ngtnn 6-41!17 I sici.3 CHRYSLER . PLYMOUTH DEALER ~------------------------l' SEO Sl'l'\·RA v ~111ls a. 111111 haJ: I 1200 W. Coast Highway Pbon~ L iberty 8-3486 good ront11 llon l1ln I for ,, ... k ~ails. u .. 'I AXm1nls1 .. r 3·:!470 I ~Auf.otil and Trucb II It ~:J 2:S Yr SLOOI' KEEL HOAT 111 llll\ht•i;-Sl'1tl1' 8 Xlnt :;;,1111. ""I· bo111 .1 motor & lrtlll"t l'lll" s.s;:, Har 628 1 81 r 8;\ CADll.LAC MARI:'\~~ ,.ng1nr ':II 111011PI 1•n111rlrtt' Morr1~ Mo1or" 2101 <"110,..1 Hwy, =-:.-w1wrt Htt1r h l.lh,.rl ~· 8-3:1F<l. 1'tcf\3 Joe Nickertz STUDEBAKER DEALER HELP!! ' We Need ROOM~ CARPENTRY t.1.INOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO &MALL Call after 6 p.m. Harbor 2542. 79p84 EXP. F'r&ctlcal Nur~e Ref . H&rbor 1870 llVllllflble. 70c8l The 111Lartlog aalliry I~ good end you wOI rtC:f'IVf' frequent lnrr eu,.s. too. Jobi! now for· 19~ So. Cout Blvd. Lagunoa Bco1·h 83 Uc: 321' M valut! •t Bay 219 :io S4-Mu11k.al, RadJo, TV GUARANTEES YOU OUR H. O. An~eraon JOH E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24~ 83lfc CA R PENTE R Repair Work 0... Your Home Need R.ep&Artnc or RemodeUni ! Call Fra.nJI, Ubert7 1-•t:H All Work GuarantHd 74ltc ASPHALT TIL E CLEANING 4 IRONING by tht day. Experienced. BaJboa Iioland prefrrre<t. KI 3-6096. 8lt'83 Book keeping Service ATTENTION! Contr1.ctore. StorekffJ>f!r.! Ntt<J M>mtone to relltvt you of lhd!le mon<hly bnokkeepln11; wor- rlu • A11k about our relJIOnablf' r1tes. Har. 4.688·J 70c82 TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - l'>H ~ No. Maan S lrttt Rm. 211 -Santa An11 9 00 to • .00 P .M. PAClFlC TELEPHONE 73tfr WANT GOOD CARPENTER lo 1000 8 P(" MOIJ"~rt."' s~x·T LIV RM EMBOSSED bullint81 car!11 $3.99 ORP. lncl11d1•s 2 11<' 11eC't1on&I I Line Rubber St&mp $1.00 wllh pure foam rubbi>r zrppt!1·e<1 4 Line Rubber St.a.mp with rui1h1on1. Top quality c-01·er, 28" cul $2.00 188• cutal t'Orner tablio. 2 l'tep ent1. I coffee Book Matchu till.Ir with nevf'r mar tops, two L. W. WHITE 3 · wt1y morlrrn tllbl,. lamp!!. • Llbtrty 8·4011, eves, U 8-~l!'>O 1 349.~0 v11f11e a t B1y 229 :10 pptlc i PC KITCH£:" O\'TFJT lni;Jud- For those who want the but I ea Ph1k o 8 cu ft. re1'ng Cro11s K onkel 's I nteriors tnp frt'e.t.t'r Wllh cr111per, butler trade apart t ime eerv1cu ln ex. Upholstery, draperies, •llpeoven. c-ha.nge for 7 cf Hotpolnt retrig bfdapreadl. l7" CONf;OLF. T\', l4t'> TARTAR TF:LF:VISION CO Two ln<'atlnn:<. 2904 E. Cont. COM .. 8t 77 4 Bi oadwlly, lAguna B .. a.ch, 804'82 MAPLE SPINET. one only $230 Iese thun rellul co.~I I WOOD\\'OttTH r tA..NO CO Better Deals Better Terms Better Service Better Cars 2610 E. Coast Highway !So, why not buy here Corun11 oJtl !>far 11.-r 3382 80l'8J BUY 'th f 'd , w 1 con 1 ence. \\'A~TEl> 60 l'SED PIANOS tor Lot Is Small OUR Used Car Stock BIG our pricea are lowered to mu. room ? Aluminum WaJI Tile MENDING IN MY HOME. <'ollar .. I M!gn. Dl1trlbutor1 .t. cuff• turn~. hem11 tumed, Wholeult prlcu to I etc. t &i Flower. Cwta J\lua H OUSEKEEPER, While. ll•e In. &nd 4 bumer Wedgewood atove • ~ew phone Har. 1048-M. 0..11 eve. 79c81 Wberty &-7973 __ '31 E . 17th Sl . F'rl'l' Eat1matl!B Cost.& Mell& 71p8•h keeper. 1<hf'l\'CS 1n d11nr :I p•'. C'hromt' or h111ck Jmet te ael, 3llx- 411 • m•\'i'r mar mira i11p extn. 111ble, 4 foam rubbrr .llellt chairs, 36" g11~ rangr. 1111•1ded 1op, w1n- .iaw oven door. EleC'I rlock anti our big rental •lf'pt. H1ghut ca11h I STUDEBAKER, the allowan•'f' In tradf' for Org&n , Economy car 28 m iles Spinet piano, or Grand piano 0AN7.-SC'HM1DT. to a gallon . SA VE o n these Safe Buy Used Cars Conlrac:tor1 It Tiie Setter• u 8·461:1 80p8l Com~tenl .t: rrhable. Complet" Lf 8-7493 68tfc charge of 3 t•htldrPn for work- ~20 No. Milin. Santa Ana llmrr. :ito ~o v11111,. al Ray 397 :ID 14--Penonala Alcobolic:a A.oonymoua Wrtte P. 0 . Bos 311 W_,,art 8-cA. c.Jlf. Pbone Barbar •TIO !!:::Be.utz AJd9 S u perfluo us Hair PermaneaUy removed f rom ,_ uma, 1e11. Eyebrow• and hair liA• shaped-No more tw..cnc. ELL.EN L. DY A.NT R. ~ Udo'a 8aloG ot e.&uty Bar. 2178 Ue %0-H-.lth Aids '11-fOROUGH C'lt'anlng, beautiful lnundreu , alM> A-1 cook A 11er- Vt<'e. Colored. Jl.~O hr. Lo<"&I r •·ferf'nce. OWn tran11port&llon. Klmberly 3·9283. 80c82 CARPEXTER work. lill k1n1l11 call Long Beac:h 7·2281 80p82 REFINED woman. t ll;lerlenced, ""8.J\la a pl1. or amall motel lo man&ge. Loca.1 rda. H usband re- tlr,.d. M ra Miiier, 2931 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Harbor 0:191. 80c82 EXPERIENCED GARDENER GARDENING .. ya.rd work by day we,k or mnnlh. C.Jberty 8-8139 after f> ~ XOR Vitamins A BRIGHTER tomorrow r an l>t ZS-Bein' Waated your11. YES start now on lhe L w1y to bf'tter health throu~h LARGE National Conrl!m hu op. •uppli'ml'nls l nulritlon with lhl' enlng for 11ale11m1U1 1•r llllleawom- 1r11t~r•t of toot! supplements. an In Harbor &rte: MONF:Y BA('K GUARANTEE, I l. 'T'Ta.lntng Program Dil•trlhutnr F. J> YARRELL 2. L!-a. d11 furnished tree P O. Bnx 292. COllla Mua. Cal 3. Unlimited opportunity • 81p83 Contact Mr Mt•rgan. 9 am. to I -p.m .. c ·o ResPrve Uosplta llt.atinn %2-IAHt and Found 1'1&11. 224 Otis Bldg., Santa Ana, ORANGE Kitten 1,,.1 Sat. on Ptn- 1n111lll Har. 49~-M after :5. Rl'Wsrd. 8Cklil U1ST man'• 1(01<1 wt'ddlng rtni: lnl!cribe<I Mary-Jay O••f' Lovr tl·23·.'i3 1n~1de b1.r111 Rewart1 - Ll 8·8343 IH,.83 or ntll Klmberly 7-1808 for llppt. 79r81 W A·NT SKIPPER llcen1ul. BAY Q UEE:", C.11 Harbor 6. 8lc LA nv to httlp w ith houeework and 4 rhllrfren. L ive In T1tp •1h1ry Rl'ferenc'8 req11lrtd. Har. 230fl l:.OS_T ___ C_h_a_rt_r_e-u1-t--pa_r_a_k_e-,.t--~-.,.-~-·-~----------------~---&_1 _P8_3 pt1rt H111. l\rta, name 'PPttr." 1 YOL'XG MA~ for hghl f11rtory v .. n · (n endly Larite vocahulary 1 work. HIU'bor 446;. 81r83 Rew1rd F'lnr11'r pltllff Ca ll LI 8·2~P~ Sir EXPERIENC ED w111lrtN1 1nr1 LOST 11omellnif' aio. & whit .. gol<I dlnnf'r ring wllh 3 dh1m11nds Rewud. Har. 2~1-W. Slr82 14-&hools, ln111~Uon Real • 1n Esta·te School Santa Ana woman c.-onk s h"lrtr. Lido Park C'af P 2801 3111\ XPwpnrt Bear h a l Lr!lo Tuller Park. 8lr83 WA ITHF;ss 8r wom1n cook. A 180 nt ht'r opt-nin1ts no-..· 1'1111"'''""' Emrt• •:lller1t Agt'n1•y - 21127 W. ('11111<t Hli;:hw11'" :-.t'w- riort BP11rh Llh<''"1 y A.!'Jfl02. xor~2 ~N~OMJ:N prtpa.rt ln 1pare E Xl'EHIF:N<"En wartru". 111110 l'ml't for unlimited opportU{lltlts full or p11r • 1rn1" ltrtll 1·nnk 2110 In Real Estate. Nt!w c(aaeee \\'. Oc-e11n Riv•!. :-;,wporl Hrnrh. Wtt!kly. Al tyJer IJ,.trucUng. At-lllk!l2 tend flr11t evu1ln1t frt e and leam _ about lilts rreat t ie Id. Ct.JJ or '1 wrHr now. Rookk•ep.-r • 1tennitn1phrr. plU't Al T 1 S h 1 tlme g<'n'I. offll't', re•l11111'1Lnl y er c 00 job8. house kl'epr11. l'll0\<8, 00111 1811 No. Broat1way. SMta An• I builrler,, mar h1n18l11 !\ew Jobi! JU 7-3~11-Kl ~34119·KI!: S-2513 rls lly for men anrl womrn tfc China Painting Mc81 Il'l"fl!: P'AR.RAR EMPLY. AGC\' 402~ 32n!1 St. Acroaa from Clly H1111 PART TIME MAN '°" mothtr. New home on Lido lilt. S•la.ry open.. Apply 116 Via F'lorenct', 711c81 M URPH Y KIT CHE N Comb. stove. aink, rtfr1g. It alor- •re. Ma.ke. complete kltc)len ot any space 28 1n. by •8 In. New cond. Coat lt'>30. Price 1326. Karbor 6977. 79c81 OVAL BRAlt>EO RUG 19 x 12), Maple chair .Ir ottoman. painted hulrh ,.. •lipper chaJr, M11r l. Ratt>m' OtM-J. ~le ANTJQUE ORGA:-1, ma ple t111l1h. S~B--AepUan~~~~~­ APPLIANCE CLEARANCE REFRIGERATORS Gibson late mod. 7 ru. ft 179.0-0 SF.RVEL 6 eu. fL., rlN.n 89.00 Cold11pot, 7 cu. fL, clun 49 00 NORGE run• o.k., emall. 29110 RANGES Unlver11aJ elect. 39" . $99.00 Kenmore f l". lite model . a4.llO Weellnghoiue 38". clock oven, dt!IU.V fl9 :IO O'K Ir Merrill 42" 44 :10 .PtOlperlty. top cover 36", 29.~0 VACUVM CLEANERS ~rtit: apt' . .iw. !:lttlrolux, W •attach. '160-349 N Newpofl JBlvd -WASHERS VILLAGE DftAPERY SHOP 81c83 MAYTAG, WTinger $39 00 l'WT.:'ll S IZE 1nne!'llpr Ing matt reM with box iaprtni: ~9 M value 111 Bey 39 9:1 BAY FURNITURE "V.'here pru:"' are held 1t Bay" 427 F.. 17th -Cost11 MeR& Retween Tuatln It frvlne 0pen Eves. til 8 SIMMONS Hlrtf'·A-R1111 Rn•I dub lhlllr both In gnofl rnnt11llon RP111111nablr 37~ F: 16th Sl C:o11- la .Ml'lla LI 11·6:171! l!Ocl\l WF.~TJ~c:mon;E refrl g . ifin.ng l!"l , !'I pll·re SJ:'! Shur~rn1t h with ~ h p motor $120 2 n 1g p11d11, $2 .. ach l.lbt'rty 8·64M Ir SMALLEST STUDIO P111no wllh full 88 keybout1 In flnP •'on- ditlnn Term.s. S4:'.l.3:1 down and Sl6.17 pt>r mo at SHAFER'S MW!lc <.:o. (Slnc-e 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Atia Pbune Klmberly 2--0e72. SPINET PIANO, Beautiful cue 6: tone. Lillie u11ed. S11ve over $10() on lhla. Anolht!r bargain Mir· ror lype Spinet only 1211!1. Many olh,.r won!lc-rful buya l.JA!'-'7.·SC.:HMJOT M1.13tr C.:o , !120 No Muln St . S11n1a Ana Alwan 100 planlll!! HAM.MOXO Orf:an. Sllghtly, uat<f C:nn<l big 1111\'lnit Anolhtr won- 1lrrful buy FfamittOJl<t Chorlf Or· 1(1\n L1tll,. u•eq Thf' Organ t'Vtryont ran pl&y STYLE Leader. the ·49 Chev. 4 door ··-·--.... S 299 only Sport <;ar room for 5 with '54 Ford 2 dr ....... ·-·-· $1299 ':>l Pontiac 4 dr ......... $ 699 ·50 Lincoln 4 dr ........... $ :>90 Come in n ow a n d let .~2 Mereury 4 dr ........ $1299 me prove, N 0 W I S THE T IME TO BUY. ·~3 Ford Ranch Wagon $169~ J ULY USED SPIOC'IALS Chev. Corvette . S2399 ·~ WiUyt1 hardtop cpe $f l 09 ~l Ford Victoria $ 9H!l 1951 Plymouth Deluxe 5 paea. cpe. Excellent cond. R &. H . 8)jY it wholesale . $595 '54 Merucry Mont. cp ... S249<J 1960 Slude~er Cham;-......,;·,..~-.... .,,..., ptymoatl! Conv:-.. SJ,a99 custom 2 dr. sedan. A per- fect Used car. Whlsle $450 '52 Chev. 1 2 ton pickup S 009 QUEEN SJZE bed J~. dbl. l>td '211. 2whttl 1tnl be<! traJler S:IO. TMlVtr11t rod1 10 .\ H ft. irm1U drill preit11 $26. Har 6984-W. -------Bendix. auto. work• J>t!rftcl 79 :IO -K Jl\:1: lU7.E Bellllty Re11t nisltrP~ 11el J03 V111 S11n Remo. Xcw- p<>rl Hl'&l'h 81 r :120 !l:o. Main, Santa Ana f\A:"Z·S<"HMIDT Piano t:o. I 8lp83 MAGIC CHEF CP cl0<:k·controlltd 8lov... Cold8pot refng.. Br&.113 tlrt acrtl'n, a ll xlnt. condition, t.180 broadloom rug• A psds. Hu. 6008. 79p81 ORI GINALS AFTERNOON. Cocl<tall, dinner dre111t1 At CQord.lnatu. Custom Dte88m&king Ph. Harbor 6288-R 7lp84 F resh Hear i n g Aid BA1TERJES We GI•• 8ltB Grun 8tamp1 Gunderson Dru g Co. Ma!n St. &t Ba.lbea Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 616. t8ttc Lovely eel of 6 1 Cherry-wood I English Victorian chalr1. AnUqut or1t1U11, old kitchen cuobo&rd, old rhlna, cut tlllMf, rocker1, antique braN. k'on and wnod ~. anti- que f..ablu, btll8, gun1. jewelry, nld phonorr1ph1, l&mJ>ll. plcturt11. bnokra1t. mu11c boxu. purnt c&gf'. dO<'k• Other houeehold goml11. ell' Barg•ln• ~alort to 60•; off 1¥a ler• welcomf'. Wt' al110 huy and 11wap. Bring yo11r ltl'ml! In. Visit our l&r(e 1tort. <'h11rlh• 011vl1. lllO:l E . An1htim St . 1.ong Beach flt'>0· 139. 80c82 It's Savo r y Bak e S h op TF.RMS TO SUJT --=------SP~~C:I AL Bl'\'' BEA I TlYl'I~ SA I.EM mt1pl~ SJ•in· 13636 Newoort Blvd .. Npt. Bch Convtnlent Ternu . Everyt.hing Gu&n nteed STROOTS HDWE.. Hou1ewaru 1802 Newport Blvd . COila MPH 82-A-AntJqoe.ii 80c81 l'l r1a.no. Rental retum Fa1111•11,; Harbor 510 m11kl' L1k11 new Rove $1:1!1.-1 l'nnvenli>nt t erm11 Ill ------------------------ Washing Machine SllRVlCE 1-year guarantee on joti. dona and on uaed ~tra. 2488" (rear) Newport Bl., Co.la Me.et.. Liberty 8-4503 Or Llberty S-4327. 64ttc FOR SALE -Coldspol ref. with new unit, $40. Call KI 5·2742 tr Used Automatics S39.50 to S99 .50 Delinrtd butalltd. l'UlllWllf'ed. T tnns Avallablt We Service All Appliance& Specializing in Automatics Auto. Washer Enterprises 2848 Nf'wport Blvd., Col!\tl Mrs& Lil>trty 8-7808 (Ntar Golf Cour•P) ttpp MONITOR, wrlngl'r type Wllllhr•_r, 1<mall, ldtsl fnr lpl. or trlllltr. Also cement ltlundry tray w ith fittmir.s. Har. 02il-J, 8(1p8J DEEP FRF.EZE S 100. C"03l l/Hlo, Hubor 38·W. !11<'112 31-Wantf'd t-0 Boy WA!l.'TEO: ('hf'M II( rlrswn11 for llbl)Ul $:'>._!'for 4422·M Sip LAMf"S . 1polhor11ry jsr~ • corn- mwl"A • and ml~r 11n11qur .. UsNI ro1 t&ble w11~hlng m&chlnt. 11111';1 furnllun• HCJll~F: OF' JORDAN 22i2 Newport Blvc:J .. Co1ia MPlla, ' i9p81 SH A !•~:H'S Musl('Cn. 1Sln<'I' ll'Oi1 19:14 S\TN VALLE\" MF.RCURY. 421·4'.!3 :-;, syr amnrf'. ~11nt11 Ana •II powPr equipment, trnnt Cllll PhMc Kl mbf'rlv 2-0tli2. I ownt'r. LI 8·3663 or LJ 8 6223. --· ~tlc STf;:l;'l.'WAY GRAl\0 Gorgeo1111 In t'V(•r.v way, Parlor ah:e Thia ••Hll~LM AN I 9.''11. Cl,.&n. Excelll'nt wn111lerful instrument al a big romhtlon. 32,000 mlll'ft. Orig. !l'ill'lnl{. Man.v othtr Gra.nt'l11. Ma· [ ownf'r R & H Bargain J:IM. LOVELY nld anlld w&lnut 11erre· "'nn &t Hamlin. Kn11be, Story A Hu. 2881-R hefnff 6 p.m. 79c81 tllry 1.~lrlppt't1 I SeO. large glRAA C'l 1rk, tll', PrlC'!'S $190 Ind Up. I '1r111: lllor<' h11ltll'~ 1n 'tan•ll! sz:; OA:"/':·SClJMJflT Plsno P'ORO V·" 60 tn!:"lntd tubular !'II O•lrt roflP,. & nlh<'r tohlPI! ~20 :"n Main. S&nta Anll 11pnrl11 r11r <'hl\M111. Eiccrllent 21 40 \\" 17th. S11.nta Ana 100..-ran~• ctJn•hllnn. New rubbf'r end 1>41rt.<1 8lc83 etr. $300. T'hont Se.Ji Juan C11pl11- S.\-Boat-, Suppliee TRADE 8Mut1ful 70-!L a ux. achooner. Fully found. go anywhtre. Will takt' equity In proprrty or smal- ler boat. 1220 W Balboll Blvd., Newport. Har. :1032. 39tfc r:c or LUOF.RS .11p1nn&ker &nd 11tonn 11sll. 7 hp Msrun. Dnard· lnic lsddtr for 30-40 fl. bnst f'h,.s r lnq wef'k-Pnds, JM "'" Mentnnl', Lltlo IRI•. or CR<'sl· VIPW 11-1!1\!\!) Wf'l'k duys. \Op82 HI FOOT Snipe 11Rrlhoat, ready to i<lll. RrR11llflil l'llnrlilion. Gnn<I ~111111, StlllnleM sle,.I r1gi:-1nrr .Ir bow l'h•~lrl. Cflpper bottom & r11bber t 1r,.d 1h)lly ()fn,.,.r ht>· Ing tr&Mfrrrtrl. Mu11t ~II .T'h ' l;l')nl{ Brt1rh 34-l 014 . 79c-8l SPINET Puuw. 8 monU~ old. Bar-tl'llno 9J Bftl'r e ~ 11 m. 7t!p81 gain for CIL~h or lerma l<• ru- ponerhle purl)' For lnformatlCJn FOR SALF., lll:l6 A whl're to ~' writ .. Box .,T ·ll I Ca ll L1 H-7140. Chevrolet. 5M l lrl!J lhl3 n'w~pap,r. 79p81 I $:1 PER MCI rents good pr•ctlcf' 111ann Lel lhe k1d1llio11 1 .. arn Ap· I ply term rent nn p11rcha11e Gnnd usr<J p1&.noa 176, 189, $12:1. Sl87 elr. Loweal lernll. DAXZ·l'>CHMJ[lT. 1'120 No )1111ln. 8&nla Ana Alwa vio 10~ rlano11 • ORGAN SPECIALS HAMMO:o.10 SplnPl oritM•. hkf' new Big •avlng3. We'll Help You Write Ads That GET RESULTS -Cour lf'Ou• ~rw11·f'r<'M!I Clu~lf1P•I LOVELY 1fngle manu&I eleof'11onlr Ail·Takl'r.11 U I' tr1111w11 '" ,,r1tr• organ In pt'rf'!t'l crinu111on. Srwe rf(I'•· Iv ad~ $4-011. CtinvPnlPn.tN'rm11 1.l , l ' SHAFER'R Mu&lr't:o I Since llir>7r Thrnugh lnni;: "Xp,.rl• n1" 11n11 a 421·•23 ~ Sycamore. Santa Ana 1 lh11ro11~h un•I• r .•lttncltng of a•lv .. r-Phone Khnb1>rl v 2·0672. l llllng WP Clln, f!Ol )'OUr Wllnts lnlu ORGA:". EleC'tron1c • l"11e<f but In ,w 111 Is th11l gel ll''ll•on F or the BEST in baked gooda 32-Fu.miture f ot Sale Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent u c,llent cont11llnn. Two man· uals. Fine for rhurch or horn ... You can uve $81\0 on thl1 pur· f'lnut home brM.<k. Pa.aca.la t&ndlu St Martin'• Jam•. ch'a.ot DA ~z.scm.unT. TOOLS BOATS Help your.el! lo these It many more sold on 3-day • MONEY BACK GU ARANT~ A t Johnson & Son LINCOLN MERCURY 900 W. Cout Hwy., Ntwport Bch. I U 1-6b•a. dpe.11 1na. ta I .JO I G~ M. C. TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''10 Cllf':VROl.F:l' •, T PA/I/EL •11 ~·onu •, T r1r 1<t'P 'M nn:vRnl.~ ,., T. r ·1CKUP l 'O\\'l':nc:l.ll1foi TRA N~ !'12 INTY.HNATI01'AI. 1., T. PH'Kl'I' ·ri2 l'HF:VROLJ•;T 1., T PANEL '!H 1;~1(· •, T l'll'Kl'I•, HY l1HA ·MATU' THA ~!:;. ·~,3 fl;Ofll• 1, T l'IC'l<l'I' ·411 1 ·11~~vn1 •Lt-:T 1 T . 11· mr.n. fl· STAIH:s !l'l f'll .. ~\'H11tYT I T PA:":F:L '62 HTI 'I 1EllA K~:H i T 11111" \\'It 2 SI •J.;F.I • 1' :?!'I TIRP:8 ~I <:.\II' 2 T 1111 \\I! :? ~·~: .. :t I 7 !'lh Tlln.:l '1\4 1111111,f: 2 T 4 YI• l >l'Mr, 2 sN:F:I • .11 2!'1 Tlltt-:1' 0.1 and EVtntnc C2uae1 O rdera Talrf'n Now Phe>ne Llbert1 8-0848 94tle To rlr11n up nrw ca r 8.gency on Wl'f'k ·l'n<l;i Jamtnr upenrnC'e 3329 E. C•l Hwy . ~ron1 de! M1r necf'l'!Hry C"nntact Dirk John~on r und .. r the Ytllow Awnm1 1 NEARLY NEW ?x7 It. coUnltr Formica lnp, doort1. .'l mow1bl~ pa.rt 1t1on1 i2 fn x68·on top hl\lt oorruitated plutlc:. bnllom ply · Wood Amt rican Leirlon 21 :'1-l!lth St Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m PRtf ~20 :-;n !>tun, Santa Ana FURNJTt;RF: 'Ill 1:~11• Ill \\ llF~:I, l 1l'Mf'. ll I. TRA:"~ II '-• TllH:s PJUH CALLON US Whtn we Cl.JI htlp vou wtth your t.dnrt1•ln1 probJ.,m1. A I rained c:ourtf'Ou1 •perl111lst will gladl)' h•lp you prP1>41rt .. trec•t 1v• adv.r- tutns. Our aim le to provlllt 1ound •r1· •ertt11nc counael 1.nd help you aet 0111atandlntr ff•lltlta . NEWS-PRESS Cl1UU1ified Ads HARBOR 1616 •t ;,,hnM11 A: Son t.lnrnln Mtr-1746 S. Coul. Le~nA 8ch 80<'82 rury 900 W Cnllllt Httrh-...."lly. or BOYS BIKE. 2e -i;;:--Sc.hwinn caJI Llb11rty 8-!\:14!\ fot •PJX>lhl· PHA!\"TOM. Wll.h apnng kntl! me.nt. 80c81 actron, ft!ndf'r Utt. cycle lock, AITE:o\'MO~ ALL BOYS - THE ::>;E\\'S·PRESS u1 now taklnJ r11rrier 1pplfca t1on~ for ro11tu ln thrse n"ghoothood1 .- etc Hu Bendex two-1Pffd Je&ra. Ivory ~nL ExetUent co.n. dlllnn. Harbor 2~. 80P84 BEAUTIF"UL Ma.Ill)«. Buffet., pl11te ilUI top lnrl. 57:1. 18' Curtis S ET O F TE:" H by 16 In. b111lelln ,.. dlrf'<'lory bo1rrl1 togeUl,.r wllh lettera A numben Stver&I oUln Item• 1u1t1bll' for rtal Mt&tt f><lulpmtnl. Call nr' phont Hu 3!171 . rnr.n J CROSIER. 3630 E Cout Highway, CoronA •Jel Mu: 8nr82 23 IT SLOOP t'l11v 11111ln1. JUsl O\'"rh&ultd 6 t re1ltr S4:iQ. Har 26:l~·R. 81 r 83 2 GOOD buys, 2!\ fl 1 :IQ h p A I ~ ft 26 t, hp. htlalll. bolh fl· bf'rJIU~f'd fut .Ir f:()nd cond1· t1on. Rn1ly" to tn AlllO f1~r· gl11.111 cloth ruin ell' Aerojf't M11rlne Mnton . John :-:orek, 2!1M Thi' Rl11n1 IL1do P1mn I Hu . 293i . 7!\lfc s.i;_.~~· Ca~!.!'!!-___ _ BOXER J't:T'. fluhy fllwn ffm"l". Al<C" rel?'\•. 3 mo'•. rrnppe<1, ehnlll '.'\3 Sllllt11 Ans '"~.1' .. w- p11rt H t11 EVENINGS 1ur,.pt Wed I 71k81 Please~ We need home.a FOR 2 Ion~ halrtrl l'ute klllen.11 Howrbroken. LI 8·8802. 80r81 Balbo1. W"lt ;>.;rwport, &Ibo& la , Newport Height&. Corona del Mar and Co11ta Me1111~ wr1«ht hn11l't'traittr S4:'>0. 426 Mesa Woodcraft VI• Udo N(\M. Newport B"a<'h. 14' GLASSPAR I.JOO. forward ffiJSH !'IF.:TTF::R puppll'a Cham- BUSI!'\ES~ES CARS &. TRUCKS HOU~EHOLO ARTICLE8 Mt.:SICAL INSTRUMENTS . . OR GET A TE!';At\T FlNO YOU A Jon \\'~ "'" "'" lllflw k,.•I on 11v'1 tr ,,~~ •n·t ,, vc.ur .,.. ... tn ~h· "'"r~·· f111 11 •v 1\f'' 11f a lf t'IX \\ff (kr'\ AAVt yuu "'''"" (f'•J m nn'"\' W.W. WOODS t:.\f!' OF:ALER 6111-IP I': Hh F.t S.11n1a Ana G.,..,.. YOU 'IEI r ~R 1 'r>"" R•'"11•" " "' r: 1 A r ~ E Trurll hrail•111art"r• ror 01 an,e Co. tt you &re 12-14 yre olrl. and hav. a b!C'ycle. apply at th .. C1n:ula- t1on Dt'pt.. Newport Harbor !'ew1·Prua, 1211 Balboa Bh·d .. Ntwport Beal'h. bftwrf'n 10-12 Th"" :"'l'Wl·Pru,. ('lu"1flf'tl Arl I ------80p82 Unpa1nttd A J uve.nllt Jl'umH11r" llle,.nng, Mercury ~. 40 hp., pion lllrt Lntl d1tm" 1!'153 Qlld· ------------------_ LCE redlnlng patio chalra SJ l'!I with rf!mnt" c-onttol, motor can. hrook. lAkewood I I, Callfomla T L L -P n1 • d"~nd!Lblt 11~"<1 ci r. "'° BLONDE wall cut • countn, PINE HEAOBQARns 581111 TeeNee lrallf'r. extr& t,._nl'Om s .... ra •r" e1Cp"r1~ """ ln"V "" ~t yo1r r ''" 111 d,.111 .. r whn "''•II bf! h,.r,., WIZ h .. b Ill h DR PINE CHEST TOrr•y fl-t979 lllpllJ •·our 1trv1c• J u111 rll"n" .. cu • 1 I'll' mac tne, ' . . .. $8 9:1 11upport A winch. /<II new Ill~ J TO~!IJHRCJ W lo b11" up "''h•t he dru.. mannequin•. w1nt1ow Mlnwu and De,ft tlnlahu Muat. 11eU quJcllly Movin1 out nf, SJ AMES!: P L'lHC RRl:D t<ltt~n11 HARBOR HH6 11"11~ TµIJA Y' rh,.• k lhe und •l.anda, &eW1na machlnt, •le. Ordtra taken tor 1huttera t.tta.. CAii Har.,372!'.I after 8 p.ml hou~bn:>kf'n. $7. ea. u 8·i 024 ,..,.,. In th,. rlaMlfl,.rl ,M<'llOft to- --------------------------------------------------------M-•_k_• __ o~~~~-r_. _w __ 8_-_r_86_9_. ___ a_o __ u_c_2_1_1_1 __ H_ar __ bo_r_._c_._M_. __ Ube ___ rt_y;..1-__ 18_•_~~----... ------------..... ~~:-~~c8~~~':...~J------------------.....i'~8-1 r_8_3 __________ __.,, ____ ...,. __________ 'dA __ y_. ____________ ,.. __ ..,. ____ _ "= m ... ,... .. ._~ p m . only u cept Sa tum11y1. tic I ,. -· PAGE 2 ·PARTI 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 22, 1955 .ro-Autoe for Salfl •I l'l.\"~!Ot."{H :?·olr n"w 1)111110/. n•"' \ p:' • t l!&H &11•11t t.1t1• It"" ,.,,11•11,•.. I In• 1.1.16-R. 80r8:.' '•,•, I " •I '':~'. HOY ,\I. 1. \ '\'!'F:R ·' •I'' I '• !11>.,. ~ 1J1. fllll\' "'1Ulflt llf'•l 11fll'r ~·~ u:l"I II r in r.r .. •. t .: 1 i1 s~·" p•u t uh· I. c .. ,1a !>I • r<lo 8\r 't !i ~1,.1 • 111 ,., 2 1lr M>tl:i n H& H O. I• 4 n.-· .. 1111 • s:,7:, ~fill \\' J'l• h ~ l'Qll<:a ~It"" LI lV\i~. 81 p83 41-Aokl !*r\'IC'f' --- Motor Overhaul NO MOKE Y DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . ..................... $48.88 8 Cyls. . .................. -.$58.88 ln• lu•l•'.!l both S..h<•r An l pa1 l~ :'\f'W rlni:c. Wrl~t ptn'I \'RIVt s:rin•I. llltlnir;'I or ma in and rod ~arlnf:'ll F.x(>'•rt nmtor t unr up ~11 .. tny or 4 ufll1 n111,. i;unrantee (~0 MO:"\F.Y 0 0 \\':"\ I REBUILT ENGINES -t 'I' 11> l!I MONTliS Tll l,'AY- Bu1l1 In our o" n factory by i;k1llP<i mach1n1,.1A. p .,n·1 ,., ntrnd w1l.h the mlc1dlt man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORn ·-·-·-··· ... -...... Sl2!1 ~ t 'H F.\'ROl.F.T .. • ....... -....... S 1 19.~,() )'LY~." o<iDCF:. -·-·--·"··· s 1:1j f'H R YS. It Of: SOTO ... --..... Sli O STllflERAKER .. .. ........... SliO 47-Wanted to Rent Rentals \Vanted We nr<'<I apta and houses ln all 11ecl111na for t>"lh "'"'nler and ytar w lea se Furn or unfurn. U you have a \'acancy, phor.e todn y The Vogel Co. J'.!UI \V C»l Hwy, ~l'Yl'J)Or1 Brh Pnnne Llbf'rty 8<H81 2118 :.tan ne. Balboa h1land Phone Ha rbor 414 ~&67 E . Coast H y., Corona de! \Ii Phonr Hi<rtn1 I , I ' Lido Orflcf', 3H& \:1a Lio.lo r Harbllr -C9~ l :l2tt l' ·!.3-~'-ph•:. ~-!'_!)_~ --- Choice Summer Rt'ntahr on l3albua l~land & Lido Isle Small & co:ty or lari;eo & deluu $75 tu 1300 month VOGE L CO. I ~Oii l\lt1rlr.e AVI', Bnlt>ua lslAn• Ph Harb<ir 444 ur lfarbor 215 Hn Har. 1786·R or Har. 3«··~-l I I 8t Uc BALBOA ISLAND I 'nf11rn. y1 I\' , .. 111nl 2 aw ry 11111111• 111 ··hoire l111·111111n. d l)l'" ll'I ha v 3 bdrma .. J ba ths plu:s o.l•·n At loMI. SIS:\ pt r mil W. W. SANFORD. reaJtor dz. .A:-""'"' ••• , l'ark 8t Ma11ne. HAr 2462 iHJc :\'.J-;\\'J'Uf!T HE JGllTS. I f!Pl1.\f f111n1 11p1. 11nr11rn ~"<•··rt t1111v~ ,.., 11•tr1g Y..;1rly ""'·'' ll\'1\11 .11111· ::·,. 4:;:1 \\'!'11t1111n~ll'r' l.lltt'1 ly R-:17911. Slltr . ~A.eta. a Boaw for Beat -l&-A1t.. '-!!!..._~ !~! ~ M-Baablw QPJ!!rtultlelt \ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful Uving. Apt.-Cabanu. UtiliUe.s pa.id. with Yacht alip accomodation.a. Daily, weekly, monthly, yea rly. For a ppt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34ttc f 4 _s._A_-_A_,p_t_M._fo_r_Rt>_nt ___ j ~RoWW'S for Rent l' F' - H r-EAR BALBOA COVES. Stand SUMMER Rentals Orluxt' furn 11111 & room1. Day. week or month "'"·d l<1c11t1<111 -I\ Uw 11ttps lO 2 new 2 bdrm • furn. homt , fire- place, W W. Carpt't, dl11poaal. AvaJ lablt for s ummer '°91;t 3Rth Sl .. ?l:ewport lslAnd ADRM. t urn. hou~ -409 lath St , Xewpo1 l. i2p8' f\'1•t)tl.1ni:. 101 i:: Bay. Ualht1a H11r. fl:IH l i tfc _ SllORE C WFFS private 2 bdrm. I 1RU:"\ A 0 1-:14 MAR atu•llO l\pt. furn home S22:1 ~r month. yrly. fm n No Ct>ukmi;: 8 1•.wt r.11ar1 .. n l••i\J<r Or will .!ICll, S'.:'9,9:10. un· l.tor.thly nr y o 11rly. Har. 43:'12 furn. Cllll Owner, Har. 3209-R. a f11>r j :io. i!lrSI 69tfc l'H:"\ One b•!rm 8 Jll. Jl:<'a r Rich· I\ 1 J s "hc.ppm~ renll'I . Summer LIDO ISLE $3~ w~t>k or S60 mo yrly. Har. St::\'E=" BDRMS. t ill ~l'pt 1:1 2~~~:~: I' ~;~It:;:~· 1 Dl'~~~~:A.~~;sn-80c82 • Exclusive Bay Fronts I + 49-Room11 for Rent olh<.'r choice properties I ROOM !or work1ng man. Hot and orbor b land, Bay Shores. Bta• <"Old waler Jn room. Pvt. en- con Bay, qualltled clients only. tr11nce $8 per week. 123-28th St Harbor Investment Co. :t\t'wport. pptfc Harbor 1600 (Eves. LJ 8·~386 1 B 2Jtfc 53-StoN'tt & Offlcefl -A-\'-,-.,-E-\\_'_A_f'T-. _o_n_J.-1d_u_P_l'_n_ln· LIDO OFFJCE_S_P_A_CE-----W-1-ll Restaurant t • Center ~ewport Btach. On .ft of beer Nle. Must .ell -do<'IOr' orders. T otal prk e reducrd to ••:100 -)Tly. grClll $30,000. DA N A. JACOBSE!IJ. LI 8·631 7 LEASE I r FINE LOCATION tn Corona de Mar, Completely equipped to i>aklnit or dtlicate&11tn. Phone Harbor 4263 for a pp'l. 6~tfc ILLNESS FORCES la.le ot xlnt dry clea.nln&' agency. Good doca . lion In Balboa.. Call &!t er 8. H&rbor 16&e-J . 80cll2 Balboa Island BY OW~F.:R, KOPPER KE'ITLE r~taunint Good golnc bualneeL The but of equipment. Sut.a 34 !>llsy conalder trade for amaller place or property. CALL LI 8-2813 aflernoon1. 80tlc REAL ESTA TE LOANS Interest Rate 5-6~ ~ . . Loa.Ill quk lr.ly made ln th• Bay Arq and Coeta Mua.. Sln&'le or mulUple WlltJl. New or old. Be wt.e iizid ••e b1 re-t\na.nclng your pruent loan. 'fin.lmum ex penee. No chars• tor p~limJ 'l&ry appraiAl. Pbo'l_t Santa A.na KIJnbuly a-et33 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mort.-.• Lo&n Correepondent Occidental Ufa I.Mun.nee Co. 933 &outh Ma1D 8&Jita A.na pp Year Around BEACH HOME & INCOME 3 STL'cco un1t1 aJl turnlah~. 2 fireplaces, patio A 3 ga.ragM. Near bM.cb and b&y. C&n ahow f ood Income. JZ9.&00 .. termt May t&kt 80m1 trade. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR lC>e McF add.a Place a t Newport Pier Har. HO Eve. Har. 1137-M OPEN HOUSE OCEAN FRONT Sunday .Afternoon 6011 Seuhore Drive !l:EW I bdnn. home on comer lot. Art C. Kistler Co. 2901 Newport Blvd. Npt. Har. :1226 Lido Isle FURNlSHE O 2 bdrms. of <"ha nn overalaed p&l~&· lot. ONLY $22.~. PROVTh'ClAL 3 bdnn1 . 2 bath1: corner. dl11p . <11~hw .. her, cpla. Ir drapu , $33.:ioo Bay & Beach Realty LIDO OFFICE 3112 lA!ayelle, Newport HAr. 3643 -Har. 2999 J!:,·e11. ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE July 21. 22, 23, 24th 1 to :S p.m. only Do You Want One Of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Custom built 3 lgt'. bdrm1. & 2 baths. Rustic Li\'ing Rm. la Den opening on beautitul king lize patio. Over $2500 in professional landscaping. It'• a beautiful quality home on ~ prise comer. Thia ia not a profit eeeking re.ale, but a legit!· mate forced sale. The address is 621 Cliff Dr .. Cliff Haven. THE VO§.EL .CO 3201 W. Coaat ffighway, Newport. Beach, LI 8-3481 Eves. Call Llberty 8-1421 -Liberty 8·164& .. $2,500 Down 2 br. house on upJWr Poinsettia. Neat little bunga- low with G.I. Loan. See this aoon, it "on't Jut. · Sale or Trade 8 unit. In Balboa. Excellent income. Very t'lexlble. OPEN HOUSE I N CORONA HIGHLANDS 520 De Anta 488 Rivera LAKE ARIW WHEAD CABIN, $24,000. OL DS & l'O:-\T lA.C 6 ... ·-·-·-$1i0 "7ir.1~L''M"Art rurr1 2 b<h m 1lllpl<',•, htk 10 hAy. S~O \\'l'l'k ~11la. ::>;ew & 11llract1\'e panellrd I euble t 11pace suitable for attor- livlng room. 2 bllrms. F or yea.rly ntyi , en~nttrs. etc. Approx. lt>ase. Ph .. Har. 2761 or Har 80. 15x30 In !!hopping area on Via 6:>tfc f Lido. Call Don Cole afternoons WOULD tllle to bU1 lllt and 2nd -rn.t DM4a. cau Bar. 2328 STARTLING GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder Rl 'ICK ..... _,,_,, .... _ ................. _ SI 75 H t.:DS ON ··---......... -· ·-· . $175 '8t.tc HOME Ir JNCOMF., 1 blk. from -------------heet besch.. In Corona d•I Mar. Sit-• rt1 1 2:.24 H!'l\I IP" I '.tit Loan Car Free TowU\g :-:EW CAR CUArtA:'\TF:E Blork mu:oL me~l our 111;.ndards PlWI ta.xu , gu kete 11nd 011 Oprn Sunday 10 a .m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Op#n DaJly 8 to 7 S tA le UonJ Nl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA NTA ANA SPECIAL DURING JULY F oreign auto valve grind by expert mecha nics • r n .. nh ''alw• e111tlnt $22 :IO, la~r r111:0 pa1 ts. CYL. 011\ h"ad f'ngtnt $28.50 111 t'>nr ph111 part11 & CYL. nh \'lll\'8 eng lnf', $26.M , la M r pl\1:0 p11 r\!I \'OLK!';\\' AC:O~. labor phlll rart!I. We Feature SUDDEN Sernce Hausken Motors Inc, 1932 Harbor Rl\'fl. \osla :11 ,.~a LI 8-:11\~1 -LI Jl.f\JRI 7itR4 ATTENTION Nash -Hudson owners l{ioh H ahn's Gar age AULhorl:t<'t1 l'art.s & j;('f\'ICr a.I.lo Oood Trat1SJ">rtat1on Ca ra For S11le Auto Radio Repair 409 E. 29th St. H11r~r 11123·J . l'ip\3 R00~1". l'O'ITACF.S. APTS. D AY OR WE EK TllE Bl.l'E T()P :'tt(ITEL. 4113 1'cll'("'rl Bh·tl , 'ju111 11b<>\'" The AnhH ~lk RENTAL t SPECIALISTS Calf E<lna <.:ralg Bla nche Gates, 311 Manne Avr lialbol\ lalan<l, lla.r. 1671 Rltr . i2t fc 11r1 Y·•nr ,. 1• •1t 11 t 0 lll11\r• 1•111•1 ~" )IMltol•I Alltlll f1nly f"'lll 611'1 !sflpJ,1 YF:ARLY Rf::"TAl.S - 2 ~droom. i;ara~"· m nrlem ruin· 1 .. h~d 11p l., 11ftlnm11t1c WAsher, 204 •., -l211d, Newport. ALSO I b<"dnn unturnl•h"rl hnu.•t Ulree i.lwrs from u .nler bU5tn£.U rtl•tr1r1. 811) r.nM• nr"rt r 11r11n11 d,,I ~I " Ph• nr rnr AJ'Jll In i<hnw l.ltwll) <..:et•7 Rf1rr 1 rm nr c-.111 Ill '.:01 S1111la A1•a Aw•, 1'1·11·ror1 H. 8<''1. !li1<·1:11 Lido Lease \\',tl••r(rnnl turn n,.w 2 brlrm. I , h:1tlt F:J .. , """ t kit I•\\' t (;111 b rh~p. l'..!15 \'111 1.11111 :o-;,.r1J t<Olf• N A 0 . :, BEACON_B_A_Y ___ S_u_m_m_e_r only, Har. -C660. 69ttc rrntal Sp1w1ous rum . apL, .sleeps I ~. overlookini: bay. J une i:ith-Modern Store ~epl. l .5th .. S.500. month. LRO will t11kr reserva tion fur FQR RENT, $i i\ per mo. Parking wlntf'r. Har. 2471, court t>sy to J fa.c1lltle11, torctd a ir ht'at. 11u1t- 11gents. •3ttc able, lnauranC'i"', rra.l e11t11.te, gtflll " M8-Hol\IM"9 for Rent etC', Inq\1lre 408 E . Balboa Blvd. Hartior 20';'0. e Ot!c w ATERFR{)NT. NtWJWrl. Cum . 3 bolrm. & ;trn. 2 b&lhs. :\n hneni. nr 111.•he.1 $l6~1 mo. on yrf'.. l..n81' Ava1labl" s ,.r t L Ha1 b 3~>10-R OFFJCE FOR RE.l\"T Cl\·lc Center Location, 21 'x2i ' S6n. rer month. 76tfc ----------- CH A RL~:s Jo: HART. Realtor 3•'.?0 W. BalbQa Bh·o.t .. Npt. Bch. 7ic9G VACATIONERS I • \\' F: H .\ \'E a rnrh ty of new nice· RE:\'T OR LF:AS F:. ClffiC'e or 1tore I..' ly turn, r11nt11I~ ll\'allo hll' In Epaet-. Good loeatton <>n Coast ,'\'rwp•'r~ ~ l.ni:un:i. ~'lfl, wk ~ "P lnq111rc ;,•H -:l2n'1 S . :'\pl. H1i:-hway, r llll Ll 8·3381. 80c82 Ph11nc-llartmr 12::'6 i'i'p'.lf•h l'f.l'R :'lll!'H~;n :I br•lrnnm h•1mr. liranl'J n"w • :'11""'1''1 rt \' 1.•111 Tr11cl -lmmedlete ot1·upan1·y •1 O!'>i r 1'hopp•nit rf'nler. trsh~r"r· IAl tnn • Year 1u11nd · $8~1 pC'r 2 111nr"f'. ur Of!IC'<'•, one 28x30. One I '.!)(:?~ 1..n w I "n! Su1t11 bl" for re· t 111\ bu11ineu or orrtce. IOi E. BAiboa Blvd., Ha r. 3608. 80c82 r1nnth Ll tl·i'023 78lf{' .33·A-BU81Dt'88 Rentals LIDO ISLE ) New Store Bldg. YF:J\111.Y i;i:::-;.,.,\I, l':"F1'l1:"\ ror lea~t'. 3·:i yrs. Jl)x~4 rt. uk· 2 hMlrnl'lml< 2 h1Hh11 I h ' p r·1>111l'I' 111";1\lnn t " opp111g arra. F:ARL \\'. ~TANLF:Y, Rl"altnr ing space . .M11Jor &rlf'ry. Jn U do :tll<! •• .. \\rnrt Bl\rl x .. wpA1!1 Arh BL ANCHE GATES ll:trhnr t111J M rF-2 Realtor I 1 ·1~ '\ Hnl ':'Jo: Srf'\ I 1'\\11'1 hrt!l< 311 MArin,. A Vt., Balbo:i Island " h"" d1,·11n, '''"r'""'' 1•,.rn<'r , Hai bnr 1671 88tfc lt•I I?'"'" f.,, 111C11n 2 f\dllll< i:?I ---- Pnr py t l.11 11r.:i: •• ~1 lif\f1 rr L E A S E •Fl ;-.;r.-; LOC ,\TIO:>; Ill ( 'nrona del Ot'F:A :'\ \'IE\\' ''11rnn" f!PI )tilt ~la r. C"omrll'!t l\' rr1u1pprd for 3 h'1rm i:nturn I ·11~" 1 "'ll'f'rl b:iksn,t: "r '1rhr11ltll~• n. l'hnne , 111.dnn 1>k.t1~ l•11sc tml» ~GO H :1rbor 4263 tnr ar p'l. 6~lfc s .. , r" P rl\ r l\(ld41 Deluxe Furn. Apts. Unp .. lwo htlt111 , ll't'h ltl•V1~1<1n .\\'A:'\T 1-.,r 2 hu•inr~~,.n h: I A\".llltlblf' fnr !U111mrr AL~(), 1"''" :ln le :t..' l•i llhar,. 1i.,.1y Professional or Bus iness Men ln1.-rt 1<\<'il 1n nrttr~ ~pa<'e In new Y"·•rlv .... l\~t ~ , ••• , 0 \\Ith 2 \ ""fl\f'n si: ... II ti Tn II •11rt nt 111 ll\'tl) l.t•L .. •! l~rrr~enul< l l '-·111"2 1'1 :\ 177:1 Quick Cash Loan& on furniture, auto, salary. $50. to $75a. or more. One day service AppUcaUon m11 be madt rn per- aon, by phone or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPTj\NCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co~t a Mesa Lr8·77:>1 -Open Fridays tilt 8 Closed Saturda y.-Uttc LOANS for Homes • 6" -20 yr. Loua Construction Loans sn BOB SATTU:.R %:1UI EAST COAST BLVD. Corona dcl Mu Harbor 3888 Rep. POffiJEP. MOR TOAQJI CO. M.etro LU• l.n&. J'unda KL 1·!118:1 U trc LOA.NS TO BUU..U. CMPROV!l BUT, MODJ:RNIZE, OR R.l:J'IN illO: We B u1 Trust D~ NEWPO RT BALDOA ..SAVTNGS A LOAN ASSOC! A TION 338e Via Udo. Ph. Hu. 4200 Ut NO COMMISSION No Appraiaa.1 Fee SALES -REFINANCE COXSTRUCTION ' Call for F ree F ast Commjtmt'nts c;n Res!Jen<'u and UnJla only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COST A MESA LI 8-~~ I LI 8-6562 l''"T'"!'t-•I tmrl•lln~ 17th ~t :-0.';•ar 1 . 1'hnrt\· &. 1\IJ'hK Hl'\a :'tl a1 k 1•t:o. 5_6--:\_!~'!_~)~~~d ___ _ l''"k1ri: :>1'i J<; R.1111,,,, 1:h··I ll11lh•'I\ :'Ii i'\\' (11111 h• 11·•1' 1n l.11!11 l'h11p· H11r bur :>•i\16. b.IJLli2 l .: _ <-.:at• 1. !:ilt•• J.:. ·I. SL'~: ~11::;n B.\ \' ~'HO:->T I h•l1 ni. n< \• Ill• l.·•n ••f·t hid~ ~ 1•' I )t,,ft lf I. ·~· ru r11. 1n (r.1 .\111: ' ...... ~ - r.-•'tl :"1:?:?•'f1thl\1H'\• A\l' X•~\\ 1'•11 i: .... ·h ltl• ... :? <"••1<t1< M'1>1-R. <'itll H.11 1 1'12611 7R1fc • S!:l f)()(I F IRST Tru~l Drrrl on St!', I ~'tfl() homt'. Top h <'l\11on. <'orn1111 C-2 BLDG tlPI \I.Ir \\'•II r•Y $1::'1) n '" • 6 '~ ,..., Inter ei<L 11 n I 2 ~ bonoil'. Newport Beach. Har. 4i:l~. 3:it fc ATTr:,\t'TI\'f' "'"ri ""' l 11.frm Al ' 111l1tllyf1un i;:,1111h1 .. 1 .. 1 t''\'f"l'l~X : t111 1ri h nw "'·'r•1 t IJ".t:h*• (."\1l n11 t 1 h •o n 11 "'h ~;,, nn WI\' I A ,, ,\',\I .\111: I t)·\'r •1 ... 1.I ~:.~~·7 ,,.,, t\n, .... 1 1 1~:-.1..-: phi, 1111.-h•n lit hllh and rall 1m~~·l:atdy Hn1hnr 12•33 I 1111 :!n.f f,r ""'l\J\ tl,..1111111,...i I e1·es 31,~ 81tfc ... 11r.•l 111n"r • ,.1llni;~ S~:'I n111. 12i I *PAN-AMERICAN :~ Para moun t-Terry '6&--t:.• r11n Amir. 2 btlrm A Bl.'Y 'M-lR' Trrry -1'1'1-:~'IAL '62-z~· :.lob1le-To1mlcm balh. ,.,,UJ•h $.";'·, "'" ~!l\' \\'' t · .. ~" 1 ~ l·11~l8 ~1, .. a t•111 !"I ·o -. l! n b\), fl. •• ,, \ I: \ 1.1. \ :"I \ H I " l· ''\ 1 llJ-;1•r:<11 ·~I h1111 T1h• koi•h"n & h•1 II •.( '• "' \' ' ' .. lf•I' .\· • f \ • • ••• $ 7 I I , , 11 •1>, Jr • ~ ; .. I 7 \ \. 1'111 Ba lboa Furn. Apts . f',\y WFTJ.; ~H•'\'TH ll·~·· Sf l1 •HE1 '1.1~~:,; \\'~'rr'1nn1 1 I ~nl\ I bolr•11 I h1'h •"l\'11'~ '"" , .i .. s.;-. .. \\' • " • ''I"·· 11•,. :!1 II l \ ! l'h' •• II •l•IC' RRt,i l'al .. 1 fU'1 • hlo '< ft• •n <lub. 0\\ 1. •· llor ::; I( 71111'1 .11 ~· h ·hir I r• n :-.·1'"'P"rt I lnr 5i-R<'1ll f:io.tate "'antf>d : ... ~" ' I' 2><1q J. K. iflp91 I------------- LIF.~K ~l'A('f: Yl llh rh•m,. 11rn11 e pu n.11 ;,qj f; Bal1'1111 Kh·t! Hnlh' .• r11. n Rll~\\'•'rln1: ~··n·i. r !SELL YOl 'R PROPERTY~ ! \\'r h· 11<"''" lhe 'lU" kl'lll w11y lo _,,.ll \r111r rorn1wr1v !• lhr••llr<h our "Orrn ll(m!\•' ~y·i· 111 ' \\'e will b•• 1:l11•l to ln!!Jll'"l & help ynu e~to hh.sh a r•lr1 t'• l 1<e\ltng rru (' l 'ull now r .. r 111~•1nnat1nn, nn ••1Jl1i:atwn. JAMES -VICK Realtors fl:lrbnr 2012. 15< fib!·( Port Oran~1· Traile r Sall"s I "' ''"' n •• t•• 1< 1 1 ha\ J 2::1111 \\' , ·.,11.'I Hil!hw:iy bloo k I" "'"':Ill ,.,. )'1· t ~ 1. I 'I< nlsn 1n-1t s!Ahk Har. ~606. 80r82 ,:.,., ,, , _ --t;(l--lnC'omf" Pro(W'r1 y l:t•IDt 1-1·1::\: II• •)It•: .• t·, ..... :\ ~1· ..... p •'"'''' r'ho111~ l.lbuty b·l t:::11 1:w: 1-: II.ii\•• :t L:h I 1! 11\1,•r 1~::.1 .J X rwp..rl Bca d1 :21· Ill ... '' 13 ~l'A HT1\=-: S"!(M l'ln• ll•~. BALBOA ISLA ND 1 -~ .. ·.~· =~~..:~~r..:".!'_~!'P0rtunitl!!_ I HOME -~~«(6_U_n-it-s \ 1 I' 1' l I \\ .t 11 \ l" In h"·I• '" r\' m•'•ltrn ~llllllul y 1t11r 1rr11 • ~l·r. L<>nn. n l:?O \\', 1 MOTE L APTS. l •l, T11~t1n. 8l1J•~Z T11kln~ r,.~,.n·11:11·11• .J 11· "'"' J; "r l''\~TR:-> 2 llllf~~t lfll~IE \\' 111 \\' r Arr• t ({ .. 1•.11 r. I \"Jiil '11'111, IH 1 'J.11 f" ~.II J l':!·, 1•,11:ith, I. . I 11 \\ ll 11 t •• ··i11 •1 tl s. t .,. h I It r1", • ~7'>11 l\"••r ~ 71 '2 ---I 1 'r th 321 .1111 1r.•• 1\\~ tti• J l 1-~r Cn:'\Tl'l:E:'\'1'\I. h1'\1ll 1f1I ...... ';I• t In'"''' 1 "I• I' 1 1plu.11ol• _ F111~ I ~.\SI-' ,,, t\\P••S ,1 "•:• l.!' .. 'ln't• 11111·1 T \l,J'\•: 1-u:s1:1<\ \1'111~'-' I f'\\j) Hl'\1"111-1'1. "''" In IOI' A\\n1nc• r,, ,,, 1"1nuf ,, ... uJ·.~· ... ·r•• 1 ·~·t 1 •• 1.,, r:·••iu ,1. htHTit• .... )Ir~ I•, •• n• l..:l E 16th :-:: ·' l.J 1 • ~h• ~·r1ni: < "• . ., ,., ·1 1.1 •1: \I ~· :: 1111 •1" nn 1 t .. osta ~, .... ,... 1'lt '~ ~.·,:,tr ~rv· ll 1th 1l ~i•\1 l '.!l:t•J ·H~t~.:!h:\h~ T F.AR !1Htll' r111111 L1n,1. 1 •lrr1' 1''" ,i.... .. . ~ 1'7'\ \·l'n S. 'I i' :--.,n: \ All • l'h J~, ~ 11 1'1 b l· .,3 47-WnntNI to Ri•nt W :'\TT111::·:-;, \l"lllt-.:., r ly h·n 1 ~1;,I' ~ nr• f.~r ••'l- r royr.j r' I .• 1r,, .. I Alf''I , •. !r1rr.1 I.I "-~ol ·, "l ":\ \I \!:I.\' l.1'~\!'l-' l .,,..1, ~ • •,,. 111 • 1 ·r~• r, l I 111 .1111 \ •'"'•. '" l '1,.., .... ,. ,... ~ 1 i'' ·~ 1r 1111.11r'1 :"141, '1111-.c 'I I'• r.,n11 ol~I :'tl •r \1111 :1A:l2·:0.I 'lo .:; \'I \H 1:111·:"\11 l.r "I~ I · • l t r n1 • ,p.. " ~' I"'' $rl:'I Hn1 41•,·J I '\'rt 'H~ ~ Hl'R\I A PT ~ .. 'tfi\:-0.l'El• Ti> LE \~l. l"· , I' r • " I 1 :\•"•"' T •·'•• & !<1· "" ••Ith ~ \'f 1IH•,,tl•(<'I . fUI 11.•11~11 ''' 11 1• "1•1 )f~•A t wo hd1 p1 h••ll_.,. "11t1 '"'''' r 'ffi•i:t •"'''l:"\(; Jr:1,. a nlOntl\<tC .~r ~f·4H \\ l ;, 1 \,'(1 n• n l··"t ,, " .!·' ~lu ~bhm t111'1 a pl lnri:" ... I,.,,, & '-·'' $1• n ""''k t t"~ ri·h~ , n yt'\ 1~·,,4f1 on<• or •""" i>1' 1• ~.•11" >-;, , lenl rd r t""',., T\"' f11r • ' !• 1, to 'mrll') :1:""' rf~I lw I' ·r,. OlamonJ 7-1373 , ... ~1 • "' \Hl:r h imh<"'I\ 7.JJSl Sir 3 Mrt. A tk 11'• 211'3.'I \' 1~t•n~n. MAny 11 h1i; c:ltlll hllll be"n niade WoodlanO .Hilla. 81 p l..hrougl\ a small , c:luall1ed ad. t .,,, llirh r 17;·, 11r H.1rh"r 1411! I \l:l. \\ 1 \ 'U .\'. R· illor Llf!'tce ( '•HilO.-t ll• 1 • IAr. Al 1;1 ·~T I I! •II !"I t '111 r 'I t h n- t I ht·r. f\-I I ~., '-~ llH" r ~!~~ I 3:Jlf(' h"'rh·'·· ·" .1111; ~z ~ll()RFtll lFF'.~ un· 1rn h"""' 3 t>.Jrn • 2 h11th• Yt11 r lrii<,. s::::\5 / "'" l l h .. rl\' 8 :1:'17:1 8fl(•b2 :-:E\\ 1·1 •RT - 0 Hr:Ar H:-1"'0 h<lrn; I h• .,,. unfurn $1Yl mo N,..,.·ly •l•·rnrat<' I l..eASe Harbor OIS33M 8l r!\3 Sl'MMEN RE~TAL; Lido Isle. 3 ( bth m•. 2 bath homf'. Avail M11t lo i:;,.pt t ~ attn St'pl. UI yrl)'· Llberly 8-21 Ta lltfr LE E C'ASEY OFFICE 2:n E ('.,A•l H1g hw•y C'oron11 del Mar Harbor 08•8. Prtced lea lhan replacement T trm1. HOW ABOUT 8 Cum. unJta tor 106.000. bringing 17.200 annual- ly? Lot 120 lt 118. WOt:LD 118,000 BE TOO M'UCtt for a % br. M me. Corona Hig h· lan'111 wri,.re vacant lote 1 .. m.up to $Hl.OOO ! O. K. LAT'JJROP , 3636 I:. Cou l Hwy., Ha r. 6442. Evee. 6680, 8<lc'82 OCEAN FRONT VERY NICE 2 bednn. & den home. ' Chotc:e ocean front localfon. 111- bathi., lgt' lot. lo\'l'ly vltw. Now Ju•t $21.800, se,600 down. Paul C. Jones, Rl'tr. 2820 Nt!Wport Bh•d., Nt'wport BC'h. 8-rbor 2313. 80<:82 Room to Breathe! O~ U DO, The largut ,,,l l,.ft -i 300 11q. ft. on wldf' i.treel. Plenty of mom for LARGE home A 11Wlmmln1 pool. with space l"fl over. Have a pproved bulldln.: plan11. \\'111 n il • not 111! ca,•h rtq. Down payment. Or "111 trade for hom~ on Lido. Brokrrs and pr1nctpnla call ownn a.l a ny hour. Ha.rbor 4274. i&c81 Frostfree Lemon He ights 3 b4'(1room plu11 on I hl1 i., Arr~ view lol. ownH m11v consldt'r t rs.de tor ha rbor area. Dan A. Jacobltn Ll 8·6317 80(-112 12.2011, ORA'!l:CF: A \'E. F.Ml Fr1.nt Int Fruit Lreea. B~l. lluy a t $2.200. Full rno P ORANGE C'OA~T PROPERTTBS 1%7 :-;-...,ror1. l'n~l l\ ~l r~a Llhrrl y II· 16:12 Evr. I.I 11·6R03 ----4 6 LOT ('011:\'.El1. ham•• hn.o 2 br<I· 1m!I<. 12x21 olrn \flx:l l L R 12xl3 "nlrv It 11\x:IO la nai, n,.,,,. Iv b111tl. Flnf lY l11nd•ra pf'd J<"r· 1lcns a nd family rorchnrd. 2 !1rrpl11c<'S & I" A. hcni. Ft'm rd J>rnp .. rty n m Ii<' b1111t Ufl wu h 3 ren111111 ""lho11t ~rn1ltng rr•· \'tlry $:\:'> 001) LoRn I rnmm1l l· me11' $111 (•10 fl\• ,,,.r ~t \'. r- lctt• -1211 G •l4l~1 ru.l. f'w • 'I'\ drl :llllr. Har 2!"d ·R i2· I\ I South Laguna lot ti'xl:!O', nrt'Rn ll•lt or HIJ:hWll\' r<1n" I< I Sl OU11 ol••YI n Sri!,. liy ""!Wt llarh<ir 61•7 .I 11!1.11'· :i ti ,.r l pm 12r 11• t'LIFF It.\\'~;;-; \IF\\ l,11T Br111111,ul 1'1tnc1ra1111• \ ··w l'lf th,. H ~' t,. r 1,l: It •~·· t• r ·•u:t.•· Terrific View Home in t 'tHnna '1"1 \11• 414 (.·1 rt: .... I Dick Hilliard, P at Pattison, Geo. Raban, Bob Gerve.la 3034 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar, Har. 2U3 CLIFF HAVEN 1 bdrm. and den dream home, lots or closet apace. Pine pa.neled-,·iew of ocean, small 1down, $9.460. BALBOA ISLAND DeUghtruJ 4 bdrm. plus playroom home near No. Bay. $26.:SOO. Two unit.s furnished, ~3.500 down, betttr hurry! CORONA DEL MAR Delightf ul 2 bdrm. home in excl. location, almost new -good financing $1 7.500 NELDA GJBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Ralboa Island, Calir. Harbor 502 s s Reward s s Lido Waterfront Home Wanted With or without pier & slip. Ca11h buyt'rs waiting Immediate action. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 23~3 \\1• Coast Hwy.: fat Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562, Har . 5154 OCEAN FRONT SLEEPER Nicely furnished 4 bdrm . 3 bath home on lat ge ocean front lot. t.a~(' ocean \'it'w upstairs lh·ini; room , two C'nclosctl pal i•IM, J bl. garag<'. T his i11 a lo\'ely well cared for honw in the• f incRt Balboa lo· cation. PrtrP $2!'1,500. THE VOGEL CO 320 1 W. C'o ast IJi~hway. :"\cwpurt Be.1ch. LI 8-3481 Evl'.'~ C11ll !.lbert y ~-1121 -U tx-rtv 8-1616 Speculators Apartmrnt l nnrrl comrr. on Cnn11t Hr ~hway near Hurli•y Brll. 125 ft. fr1111t ;11(e, only $14.500 OSBORNE REALTY co. 23~~ W. c .. aflt Hwy . 1 :it Port Oranite I Newport B<.'ar h · I.I f<-7~2. HAr. 51!H evee. NEWPORT Drive at By 512 HEIGHTS & Look in Redlands Th1l'! mrx.l•rn 3 l>ilrm h••m1• • n d 1-p a1111 11& l••t rw'A ly 11i'corn.vd . dbl J.: 11 f, n• • I ~<I . :!:!II·\' "''1 rc, f1 re pl., •lr•1J!MI. hw<I flr:< , F1,..n• h j .. i'\ri1 l n 1111l t<1 I.gt'. kit. d 1l'lp .. <:I loan \\'111 <'rin111d1 r h•r'"'' with OJ>tron to t.·ay lit ~ 13. j ()(I Liberty -3.'~n 11( , r 6 1• m • 1"I r:~., Tl"\Jal UeM C'n '1 t "ltt<'t nr n'""" l "lll •• •" "••t • , ... ,,.. .. \"rJ,..,. •' t • • ···• * • •llal<• lil~ 1 .r.' I • "" ' 1\.-1 lion Makf' t;UU • "l:•t ll•·I*• &2'i I > ". I • 11 "·' T p W a'IMI ('"'°""• \lar V./.I t •V t l211 rr" • ,, • .,, • .., anil J "°' Mn " -• '111••ly Ha.r!M)f 42'4' .. \.... '' ;-:i l l• ti\ t • <'"-'<I. r r1r,.1,J. ,.I S!t:.'"'l l (.JF THE r""Hl'Jll E~T J.1 7 • ,. t"r 1p1t1 ~ J1ale. or~n ti .-.. lhn· 11n U 11o 40 rt ••n .;,.-" Ir '"1 I' i· • f'.\ .. .!'T)f >.vr Ann,• i,_,.;. I : 1•r I' f' Jll rno I'•&<;'• ft,. ,.. '"" .,,..., ., W11U r.,...,,, Ill)' I 11 R l '•n Lulo 8,,..,,J 1·a·1 ;\ •• 1 F;,.\1'h Ahr ,.11a, 11.r r1tf.I ••r Y1•1t• !'"n A J11rnt .. n I.I • '1'17 li$ \'u~ SIUI H•m" a ,. •1 A1'!'A2 U DO J!ll.E U 1T $7,950. ... , .. 1 ,... .,, 'f1· fr 1-,..,. "' • •• ell tun u•llN1 Al T' I >R ,._.,.., f'.tita t• .... , , ...... t ,.,,.ta ....... l.1 • l ~I r,.... •'"'° •lr .. l I l I' \I . . , 11 •• ·~ • fl\ 1,\\:\-,R l I t• '( HI •MJI: 'r,.1Yel• ••• '1 ,.,. ...,,,. .. ,,,..T1 ''"' \\ K 11.- ·- ' . ._ ... ~~ .. ------~~-~~ .. -----~~· __ .... _ .. __.-.; .. ___ _ ..;..n-_Reil...;.t~r..ta_. _te ____ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART i If. PA• 1 BILL'S BEST BUYS WORTHWHILE WAITING FOR Under construction. Three and four bed.rm. homea. Occupancy Sept. 15th on. Check off these features, Choice of colors, tropical roofs. two ~throoma, gar-ba~e di11poaals and exhauat fans. Double garage and elt<:t. range hookups available at aniall extra coat. Full pricea u low aa $9:375, with $375. down. LOVELY WIFE WANTED With am~ll family & charming husband to occupy this neat 2 bdrm. on quiet deadend street . Hu Pull- m1m bath with tub & stalJ shower, breakfast room imd dinette area. patio and completely fenced yard. Full price sn.~oo. with trrma. BACK BAY AREA-2 BDRM. & DEN 4 78 E. 2~t., near Irvine Over 1500 eq. ft. of beat construction. !.b.ater bednn. 1bl7, with picture window. Owner very anxious imd will aell at the fair market price. See and s ub- mit your offer. ~ ua for app't. to aee anytime. Open House Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REAL TOR ,, "you'll like our fri~dly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area families are inspecting theae exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a bome in a re· 1trtcted quality community are moving into their Irvine Ten-ace homes. Drive in today and see for yourself the many out· standing featUTetl of this remarkable community. Inspect the model built by Macco homes, Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace iJI located on Cout Highway oppo9ite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor H48 For Further ln!onnation * For Recommendation, we refer yau to anyone who holds a Leasehold ~tate in Irvine TerTace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff H8\·en MARINES . Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air Heat • Massive Stone Fireplacta -Built in Range and Oven .•• actually e\'ery luxury feature and in Orange County's finest location. Big Eatate Sl.zed Lota suitable for pool and patio! Drh-e out Finit Street in Santa Ana Thru Tutt.in a.nd Tum North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Ciiff May Pr U CORONA DEL MAR EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished un.it.t ; 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in over a year. Rent is $65 each. Gross $2760. Clean property. $6000 takes. Rr-duced to $19,950. ON HAZEL, 2 br. view home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25,5'00. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. Har. 17i5 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 53S9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa laland 8lc83 CORONA DEL MAR 3 bdrm. It den hom~. 2 bath•; 2 garagea, nice patio; fireplace. 1 PLUS Unuau&lly charming studio apt. with beam ceiling. tiled bath, kitchenett.t, and sun deck. Yearly rented it $7~ mo. Full price $19,000 including rno1t of furnlahlnp. Immediate poS9e88ion. STANLEY A . 264 7 E. Cout Hwy ., Harbor 882 SMITH, Realtor Corona del Mar 80c82 ·- I U::~~~~ , Balboa Island TffiED of Clauatrophob1a rooma~ IOor J&ll "'uuld put 110me to lhamf ' I TIRED ot dinky IOU. • i ll would be tine to have a dOf!) TffiEO of wet'k·end crowd.a~ SPECIALLY PRICED-CHOICE 2 LOTS BALBOA ISLAND - 1Tht'y are nice -•t a dletLnce'I One atory home nearly new -fret1h 2 B.R. with TlREO ot hearing your ntlfhbo" many comfort extras. fireplace, furnace heat, larae yelp• wardrobe closets, beautiful patio. dbl. gara~. and tGlvt' me ~ace " quiet tn the I complete furnished apartment over garages. C'Ollntry' I WA:ST a home wllh apadoua BEACON BAY - room1~ WANT to rot1m on about a ha.II One story 2 B.R. · 2 bath home on 50 ft. wtde lot, acre~ plus complete l B.R. apartment over dbl. garage. WA.NT at lea.et three bedroom.s. 2 Eacb unit haa a gay breakfast bar kitchen that baths ? speaks sociability & both units are nicely furnished. \\'Al\"T, altn, a den plu• rump111 ,f room~ • .._ BOTH PROPERTIES pr~ed S28,500J A $10,000 caah w ANT tip top A-i quality con· payment will t.rrange the posae~1on of either~ Now •trut'tlon ~ WAl"T oalt floor• and rorced air ia the time to get what you want, an·d program your healing ? living, your investing here in thia area. Two unit WA:ST property that will lncreaae propertiea offer the pay as you gc an1wer for most In value? people. WANT a ranch home In the upper bay' NOW lhat we underatand each olher, why not phone for an ap- polnt.mel\l to 11ee one or lh• best top \'alue ll1ttnr1 that wt have had In many a moon. lt1 ranchy-lt • IT! S2i.OOO -well below replacemtnl cost. Thia property will •land f'XC'f'llent loan. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave. Harbor«• NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Balboa Island 113 1.,.x.290' M·l with fa.'lory t)u. ed for $16%() Loc•ttd on Pl•· centla nr 20th St. l'llced at $16,000, tnma A LSO 86'x476' vac acmu Pla0tntla "A buy . at SU.MO. 29•+ flown. ~·o.,. eve. Inf on abon ph. LYTL.E LI 8·2H2 H I "B II ere s a uy RARELY DO WE SEE a nice hom e with ln<'om On Broad· way, lg. nt'at 2 bdrm., HW Cl1'9., Furnlehe<l c-ottage with '.. bath. Al50 1ara1e. separate rueat rm. with ~ bath 11.nd laundry room. F ull prier. SU.600. terms. Have a $9.600 loan avall1bl1. Neat G. I. Resale 3 BDRM. Hweu, curb1, garbagc- dllp., nlce lot. well bu!ll. only 110.700 ••1th (ood terms and a • "", la&n blllanct' ll 01 nlre. F"or evening Information PETrM'E. LI 8·:H87 Lots R·• on Pla<'enua, 60x260 Sl,300 dn. $30. a month. W, SIDE. 66x136. Paving • curba. $2,000 cu h. E. SIDE <'Orner, R·4, 60 x 139. W. Stuart Foote Realtor 2117 W. Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Beach Ph. Harbor 24. -evea, U 8·11490 'COSTA MESA. l'he Best Town on Earth' H u.i 6 o.t term•.R It C OtJS on ea v o . . EXTRA NICE :109 Cent~; ASSOClAT~!ta Meu. On J:ast Side. 2 bedroom home & den. Has nice LI 8-6911 u 8-7784 FRIDAY, JULY 22, t955 'C" THOMAS "C' THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''(;" moM.il LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT Pier and Float-Price Reduced • Charming 3 bedroom, 3 bath compl<'trly f\lrnlehed home. Newly decorated inside and out. nl'w W t1rW carpeting, drapes. fireplae<", lo\'4"ly pati1' with built· In barbeque, on?y 31 ~. years old, an OUTSTANDING VALUE at $55.000. . Bayshores Rambling ranch style home on lge. cor. lot. 3 bffl- rooms, 2 baths, prize-winnrng kitrhen. W to W cu- peting. l'Wltom draperies, parquet floors, F.A. heat. built-in Thermador stove, loaded with indjvidual touches. a reaUy fine home -SJS.250. ) Bayshores New attractive 3 bdrm., 2 bath hom<" cm Bayshore Drive. Lge. bay window with exrellf'nt \'lew 6f bay, birch kitchen, built·in Thermador sto\·~. breakfast bar plus d~. area. slidmg glat1a doors onto patio. A LOW DOWN PAYMENT will BUY this home priced at.- $29,750. 7:5 ft. choice BUILDING SITE-Back Bay area $57&0. "C" THOMAS, Realtor CORONA DEL MAR LOVELY Duplu 81.5 Jumlne uk· 1nr 124.:100 owner anxloua. patio. Shade trees. Street lights. Sewer in, not a tract home, price $10.~50.-$4,000 down. UPPER BAY AREA . 224 w. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-SS27 DUNCAN HARDESTY Har. 4718 80c82 OPEN HOUSE SAT. 4i SUN. 1·5 P.M. 1998 T USTIN Thf'ff bednn. A fa.mlly room, 1 ~. batha. forced llr heal, dble. gar. l.arge wardrobe clo1et1, Lovely corner lot. NEWPORT HGTS. THlS 2 BR. home wllh fireplace, aepara te dining room, &nd lar1e living 1oom i,a mon capllvatlnr. In addition to this I.he lntorm&J landacaptng, towerlnc lreea and ahrubll turn the out.tide living into a ahowplace. Call ua to ue thla. COSTA MESA • BR .. 2 balha In this well localed home on the Eut 11de. Thia home la Juat 8 months old, haa flreph1cl'. C'arpet lng, natural C'&b· meta In the kitchen and gar. bare dU1poul. al•o large ward- robe cl08eta. You will like tht. home. lta most comfortable. COSTA MESA 3 BR. near High School, Ulla near new home hu all lhe featurea that go to make up real good Jl\•tng. such u luge Jl\·lng rm .. Formica In kitchen and ma.ny other teaturu. let ua 11how you thle home tor JU.t $11.~. WE NEED LISTINGS "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1666 Newport Blvd. Co1ta Meaa, CaUt. LI 8·3792 LIDO ISLE THE \'ERY BEST \"alu,. 217 Via lllrntone, 3 bdrm, 2 bath on 40rt. lot. Dl':-ICA~ HARDESTY Har. ol718. 80c82 In Corona del Mar n ;R;-;ISHED 2 bdrm. houae and SPECIAL OF THE WEEK 4 rental units-Right in Town. Zoned C-2. Price $12,950-$3,000 down. No telepbon., info. pleue. BARGAIN Lot on Costa Meu. St 4 711:: by 135. Price $2,250. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta M. LI S.l&ol CORONA DEL MAR G.I. resale, 2 bdrm. residence on R·2 lot. Space for additional unit. Has large dining L off kitchen, liv- ing room with fireplace, singLe bath. Monthly pay- ments $60.10 incl. taxea " insurance. $12,000. No other home with ao much to offer can be found South of the boulevard in Corona del Mar. 3 bdnns., dell and complete gueat boUBe, 1 & ~ baths, large living room, 2 fireplaces, forced air heat, dining rm .. breakfast nook, eaclosed patio with barbeque, 67x· 118 ft. lot, large dbl. garage. Near Ocean front. $36,700. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Highway Phone Harbor 2288 (across from Bank in COM) .J 4 Bedrm., 2 Bath Home on Your Lot- $11,100 1330 sq. ft., forced t ir heat, hardwood floors, fire· place. Real plaster. Large picture windows, natural hardwood cabinets. Phone for a.pp't, to s~ our model home&- MARSHALL HOMES 20 Years Building in Orange County Klmberly 7 -3293 Liberty 8-4073 70C83H THREE BDRM. 2 ~th•. 484 211t "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOM.AS St., $20.600. Ol.TNCA.N HARDESTY Ph. liar. 4718. 80c82 80c82 OUR BEST BUYS in Corona del Mar EXCELL.ENT 2 br. home on beau· U!ul Orchid Ave. Priced low at $12,600~6'; loan, 187.60 month. OPEN HOUSE 70ll Lark1pur, 2 br , flre pl&.Ct , pa tio, cltan u & pin. Owner aay1 •tll. OPEN HOUSE llU MatS'Uerlte. Here's an lnconi• unl> you muat see. $13,600. ( ORCHID A VE. Income unit $16,GOO wttll low down payment. 2 BEDRM. on Hellotrope, nice lot, houu need1 paint. Owner mas taJce S9.~00 Low down p8yment MARlGOLO Th ia LI t.rUly an tx· cellent home & Income property, lmmacuate, $20))00. KIXGS RO , Cl.IF HA VEN. Love· ly 3 btdrm. J'io bath, w to w rarpets 6 drapes. vtew. Priced to 11rll a.t below rrplacrment coat. Te.rm a. Call now Hu. 2042--Har 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS VOGEL VALUES CHECK lHESE! COMMERCIAL BUILDING Cout Highway, Corona del Mar. 2 stores, 2 apts. Present inc. $320 per mo. & can show Iner. $33,500 NEW HOUSE ON HALF ACRE Back Bay area, 2 bedrooms, shake roof. HW floors. Nothing else done to half acre -develop aa you like. See this. -··················-····---······· ... . $11,500. 2 BEDROOM HOME Juat reduced $1,lQO. le hu everything-patio, BfJQ, over-sized dbl. garage, fireplace, beamed ceilings, etc. on quiet street in Corona del Mar .... $13,400. 4 BEDROOM HOME (6 mos. old) PLUS single car garage in front that can be con· verted to a den PLUS a 2-car garage at rear. AU fenced. Total price $13,500. Total down $2,750. Total monthly payments Sl6. per month. . . .The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Cst Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha. 1741-Ha. 1477 R. Rayle·C. Travll-C. Rua1. A11oc. ------ 31.2 Mattne Ave-Balboa laland . Cliff Haven F1RST TIME OF'FEREO -Don't Jusl drive by •Ot Plnll6 Road. You can"l aee U1e 3 good·11lze bdrms., fenced garden, or the 4' r GI loan from the street ! Full Jll'ke Sl~.~00. Corona def Mar A';'; JXYlTATlON to eee lht' flJlt'l t TRIPL.EX, So. of Hwy. 304 Mar· gurrtte h&J! IL llOllno1 rrlr6 and a 110hd lncorne lo carry ll Compare CUOSE TO EVERYTHING EXCEPTIONALLY ATTRACTIVE 2 bdrm. home. Panelled living room and small dining room •. ca.i;- peted wall to wall, good kitchen, breakfast spacP. and sen·ice porch. Ample rupboards and storage space. O\·ersized 2-rar garag<•. Nire enrl?scd patio. .Most convenient cornr r Jorauon. 2 blkR. friim City Hall, Newport Beach. Only $12.000. Just Enjoy the Income furni~heJ J:llfl\g" llpl. Good rent __ __;'----------------------Balboa EXPECT TO BE E:'olVIEn with 11. 1'>2' lot, & ''F'l<>wer-8how" patio anti the mo8t ple'l1111nt 3 b1lrm, ll bath home on the Pen1n•ula Askl~g $29.000. from this excellent prof)('rty 1 no rt'nt to pay). lAcatcd in choice renta.I du;tnct. l 00 ft. from r1c<'an. There are 3 units -a n<>w duple.x anri a !>-room houtte on 2 lots. 2 units arl' furnished and rented on yearly basis. Owner's home ava1l:iblo now. Thrre garages on alley. PrcR<'nt in<'cimr 1·an hP flUbHtH.n· t1how111g 12', on the gro111. MOTOR TL"NE·L"P SHOP. Work for two men. Jn Coutal City. P1ic.'e S6 600. 6 UNITS lN Ht::>.'TINGTO~ BCH. 1 furnl11htd. 6 vnf11rnl11hec1 unlta, 011 and m\nerl\I rights lncluf!ed. Fitzmorris Rl'ty. Co. Rcaltor1 MulUpl• U.uni Bu1lneN Broker 313:1 E. Cou t Highway, Har. 2162 Corona c1el Mar SPANKil'G rfEW UPPER BAT 361 22nd St .. S bdrm. &nd 2 bath 121.600. "' Ot.::-.'CAN HARDESTY Ph H11r •il8. 80c82 118 x 33(1. Eut 18th St. Bus1neu property. 2 bdrm. home. double gar.,-e. Good location ror pro-0 tc-eslonal or oth,.r type husin .... neerflng cloH In locallon wilb pa.rkln,. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newporl, Coata .Meaa Llberly 8·11133 Eve. U 8·6803 YOU CAN TELL YOUR BEST' FRIENDS About this one and they'll love you for It. Thia is a rare opportunity to buy a spacious 3 bdrm. near new home only 5 minutes from the beach for only Sl0,500, assume the FHA $7400 loan and pay only $60.50 per mo. incl. tax & insurance. Features wall; wall carpets. stove, refrigerator, fan over atove, big fenced-in lot. lovely lawn, shrubs and flowers. Sub- mit on down payment. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach, LI 8·3481 Eves. ~lberty 8·1M6 Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 21104 ;.;ewport Bh·d .. Npt. Beach EB.!ly Parking Harbor 4610 REAL VALUES 2 BR. HOME, very n~at &: clnn :-;1.-.•lv Jan•lsrap,,d with patio \\"Ill lAke lot 111 lratll! Full price only $9.aO<I, tl'rm~. OWXER t.EA \"I:":G CITY mu1t I 1tU 3 br. homt', I 'lt bath. only 18 --·----------------------mo. old. Th.11 ui a reaJ buy o,,t. NEWPORl.;BEACH INCOME Last week -$94.500 Today -SS0,000 Circumatancea have changed for the owners and they need- "MONEY" These (reshly decorated apta. on Main Boule\'ard- 6 -tDouble .. .Apta. ter tee t>ua one today. Full prier only $10 6~0 !'uhmtt tlown Jt:ST LISTED R·4 LOT, 60x~O. Fu II price 12 l'>OO. B. A. NERESON R.l!:ALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd Coeta Mtu l.J 8·11172 Evea, LI 8·•120 tially inrreaJ>ed $5000 will h:indJ1• FOR INSPECTION CALL HAHBOR 1013 ACT TODAY! EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Bt:arh Harbor J013 first in America Home 16th & Irvine Ave. NOW O PEN Beautiful Pronncial Home wit h thret" bedrooms plus a family room. L1kf'able kitt'hen with built in 11tove and oven . Dinette. arPa with bar part1t1on lo dining area, Most outstanding lighting fraturc• b<'ing the first home 1n America ti) ff',1ture Aru11t i- Luminus ceiling. Weather brick f1n·plat1• :.! c&r attached garage. Rcstnrtt'd nri•a Wtd" !tit \V,Jndrr- ful floor plan. Comt in a.nd w·e this bcauttful hr1me. . 4 -Single Apt.a. BEACH LOT Commrc'I bayfront 2 -Single Room.a R-2 a.one. 1arge beac.h 101.. '°' block ~2J.5()<). 9 -Garage SJ>ace. t.o 1u.rf. Buy today, -enJoy tor· Ph I II Offe,ring at.- APPROX. 70 tt .• lnclud• marine With projected income be~r \h•n $10,000. ner. •~oo. Submit IOme t•rrna, i Su ivan & Geo. T. Everson way1, boat &hop, moonnr•. Ex· -4 ORANGE COAST 1866 Newport Blvd. Coe•~ Meaa cellent )lewport JouUon. w. 188.000 -ru~rlce. BAY & BEACH REALTY -LIDO OFFICE PROPERTIES (aCl'oaa from Q,st.a }leBa Ilank) \'Vr1te owner, P. O. Doz 1117. Bal-1117 Newport., CO.ta M•H Phone LI 8-6761. I::vea. Har. 4366 • Ll 8-2101 • ~~~~~~--~----~~~~-.~----~--~--~--...:._-bo-..:':...:Oa.1==1r~··~--~~~~;2:1>1:f~:~-a:1=12=-IA":.:~~~y~e~tt=e:·~N~ew~po:.::.rt.:~H~·-~364~~~3:·~"=·:·~2999:.:.:..:..::Ev:.:..:e-..~~__;u=..a:·:1aaa::::. __ ~~~.Ev:::~~u=-:'~~so==a~~~~~--~~L.:'.j:._ __ ~~~------~~----~·~-----,, . -- i • .. -.{#. -- PA~~. PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 82-Beal !'Atat«' FRIDAY. JULY 22;· 1,55 _ 6%-~ !'.!-~-----Bi-_ ..... Rn_ .... 1 Esta __ t_e ____ e-___ .., __ FA_t_•te _____ ,a BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND See This BEST BUY OF THE YEAR. SACRIFICE PRICE $31,500. NO MORE -NO LESS. and What A Buy! Owner ia leaving true area and ia offering hl1 beau- tjfuJ 1pacioua home oa large ground• artntlcally landacaped, for this unuaually low price. Houae con· aau of large living room f30x20) with f ireplace. Dining room, extra nice kitchen, 3 bedroorna -mu· ter B . R. ha.a Fireplace -and extra guest room and bath, This !11 the show place of the Island. Beautiful wall to wall carpets and drapes, included. Exclusive parking for four cart. WE HA~ THE KEY. ' BLAt'JCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEM:BERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balbda Island Phone Harbor' 1671 or 1672 • ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Channing throughout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcove. 3 bath•. very large front patio, partly covered. Lovely kitchen, dishwasher. disposal, etc. Fully car,)eted with drapes included PLUS 20 rt. Century boat. Only $64,750 and 11 wonderful b~y. Wanted A Lido home or lot .for l'Xchange for an exception- ally ni~ home in Northridge. 3 bedrooms, awimming- pool and just two years old. Priced at ~39.500. LET'S TRADE. I . NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME·· Brand new two bedrm. plua den-bedroom. 2 bathfl. c.arpeted. Oversized double garage. Lovely kitchen with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and 'ven. Disposal. dishmaster and marly other fine reat\Jrea. Full price $23.000. We have the key. COSTA MESA ~ down. will move you in lhla modern 3 bdrm. t '1? tNath home, completely fenced in rear yard with patio. Fireplace, fonnica in kitchen, p&rquet floof'1!, foroed air heat and doub>. g-arage. Cloea to echoo}'. See it today. Full price. $12,000. .. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eve.. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 INVESTORS-ATTENTION! ! Two Money Makers on Balboa Island TWO MODERN UNITS ON THE BA YFRONT 2 bedroom!\ ~ach. both completely furnished & al· lractively decorated. Les11 than 3 years old. Each with view. smart kitchens, patio. double garage. Rental schedule : $5500 plus annually. ONLY $8000 down ! Full price $36.000. ... ON THE WATERFRONT ONLY $3500 & $150 per month buys this 3 bedroom house plu1 1 B. R. Apt. over garage. Both furnished. Should gro1i; over $3000 annually. Full price $24 .000 MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marint' Ave . Balboa Island. Har. 4781 "I WANT TO SELL" Say the owners of these outstanding im!ome properties. 1. ·STORE BUTLDING 101 Highway. leased to .. iub- stantial tenants. $67,500. 2. MOTEL & TRAILER PARK Clo.se to Bl\y. 1lorE'8. etc. $60.000. 3. TEN UNFURN. 2 BDRM. Units. All unita on Jeuea. ~ .:¥>(). Each of·tht' abOve ('arefret' properties return beHE>r than 10,..r net on asking price. "LET'S TALK IT OVER". Ma.b offfr, RUSS FORD 1600 W. Cout Highny. Liberty 8-6141 Newport Beach Ev• Llberty 8-859!'; Lido Isle ' p. a. pa Im er inc or po rated 1BALeoA 1sLAND • : d I J. f Lld I J BAY vu;w 2 unit.a. 4 bdrm home. 1 bd~. apt. eve o..,ers 0 0 S 8 Sheltt~ p&tio. Apt. furn. home partly. $1~,000 Under Construction Now! Farm House on Lido Select your own colors Inside and out. Select your tile for kitchen and the two batha. Built by John Vi.ncher. 3 bednns., dining u ea. open beam ceil- inga, forced air furnace, disposal, maMive corner used-brick fireplace. Thia is a well-built home, priceti to eell. $25,00Q with a $15,000 1st Tru1t Deed pay- able $120 per month. Space! Home on a 55 foot wide lot, whieh allows extra lge, sunny patio. Over 2.000 11q. ft. pf living area in house. l bath has Heparate stall shower plua tub, the other is a a, bath with a tiled shower. The house needs paint and screens. Best pouible buy if you want a larger 3 bcdrm. Only $29,950 with a lat Tnlat Deed of $18,000 payable $160. per month. Lot 45 x 100 corner Ithaca and Centro Piuia, $15,000. LE.ASE: 3 bdrm. 2 bath unfurnished home Sl 75 mo. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co.. sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 \ Imperial Valley .. We have listings on Imperial Valley acreare r&nl· ing from 40 a.cree on up to u many u you may want from raw land to land and crop.. Many people are inveat,ing in this fabulous land. Ir you are int.ere1ted in a good return on your mo~ey, call UI. Corona del Mar Bluff Lot 6:) ft. x 120 ft. Own outright this outstanding view of ocean, beach, hubor and entitt coa.atline. · Let Dave 01bom ahow you Investor's Opport~nity Brand new. 4 houaea, each 2 Bedroom, 1 bath. $33,500. ' Ask for J{jncaid. Sensible Thia comfortable well located 2 bdrm. home hu ' complete guest house adjoining. Sensibly priced at $15,500 and in good condition. Aak for Hodgkinaon. · p. a. p·almer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 1· down. Balance 1 terma . CHOICEST BA YFRONT BUYS BAY FRONT bouae A apt. No. Bay $10,000 dn. BA YFRONT, Little laland 60 ft. bay frontace. pier It float. 4 bdrm. • OTHER BAY FRO~ FROM $31.:>00 -up. WATERFRONT - 2 superior units. ! bdrm .. l ~ bat.ha, fireplace DOWN: 2 bdrms. 2 bath• UP. &y view. ISLAND COT't',/.GE -Obie. gaJ"age. Fi~plact. R• duced for quick aale SH.900. Cottage near So. Bay. 3 bdrma .. l ' :! bath1, firepl., lge. living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. houae Ir l bdrm. apt. Bea.med ceUinp. ~ down T $22,500. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. multi-bath ·~ome. Clo• to beach, $26,000. BA YSHORES. a vdant lot! ~ SEE US FOR BEACON BAY and BAYSHORE propert.ie11. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 1775 -Eve.1. Edith Ma.roon HYatt 4-&222 J ohn Macnab, Hubor 5359. 2~ Marine Ave .. Balboa Island 81c83 9 Uoit Income Property! v v Corona . del Mar Bargains want R~n;~7 Acre What Do y OU Think • • • • • BEST ACTUAL VALUE IN THE PAPER TODAY. On Cktan front. F'&moua "HollJdsy Apu." 1. $1500 DOWN Prime location 1 blk. from ocean ,front. Large 2 bedrm. garage apartment. PLUS Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on front of lot. 8 units plu• ma.nager·1 apart• mtnt. Ue<lding and llnirn for all apt11., nt w rf"f1 lgerator and alove ear h unfl . 4800 aq. fl. Hying area Completf'ly remo!ltled In 191>0 PflceJ at $37.500. ntt income U .800 ... only Sl!l.000 down • 2. BALBOA BAY SHORES . Peninsula Home 4 ltedrooms! SPACIOUS 4 BEDROOM. 2 RATH hom e 11ltuattd on two luir;r cor- ner lots Cut In pncf' to S30,!IOO tor quick 11al('. EnUrt proputy walled tor pnvary. N1crly land· 11raped. Bsdmlnton r ourl. Beau- Uful carpeting and dra~a in· eluded. Termw Beach Home! BALBOA L0CAT10 N .• TU8t 4 dOOTI from cx:nn Dem1y two bedrm. bome n1c.ly turn1-bed. Oa.ra••· too. You mu.et aee thi. one be- fore buying. $14..500. IC.do<> dn S-alboa Cottage! HERE'S A CUTE BEACH HOME Four bedrm. 2 bath home. Lge. living room, fire- place. BBQ & paved patio. 100 yarda to private beach. Exclusive residential a rea. $29,500 firm. $10,000 down. 3. 225 MARGUERITE 3 bdnn .. 2 bath home plus bachelor apL and bath. dble garage. Paved and enclosed patio. Terrna. THIS IS A BARGAIN. We have the key. 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME Cute. sound, clean, 2 bed.rm .. Lge. living room, kit· chen It dining area open onto paved patio. $13,250 firm price. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. M:cCUISTION, Realtor 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Har. 47 (b!fice located next door to Corona del Mar Banlt) on Ea11t Bay A Vf'OUf' Sletpa 11IJ1t. ---------------------- Gia.and In front porch. Ideal homf'. Splendid condition U2.~ good terms. BALBOA PENl.NSULA EXCLUSIVE -First "rime Offered. with ho"" oornJ. dQc kMntla, larr• modern 2 bdrm. and den home w1lh wt.II to wall cvpet- lng mualve flrepla.re. forced air heat, atp. petlo, Iota ot built· Ina. A real wgaln at only- S18.800 with xlnt. term•. Cliff Haven A Million Lights rllaten like dlamond.t from lhl• modem view home ot many win· dow1. The Harbor ta at your feel from thl1 beautiful nearly new 3 bdrm. and family room. 2 bath luxury home with utru ralort. Including d'-llwull•r. built • ln range and oven, mere. 1w1tchM. wall to wall ca~Unc. private office or work1hop In extra larce rarare .•. It you want the fln- ul In lcx:atJon and conatrucUon. I>-call ua /for an appointment to ate th.la uqwall• horn.. 11•.&00 full price. Cliff Haven OPEN HOUSE Sat. Ii Sun . DRJVE BY 1021 C Uff Drive an7 time e.nd Mt thl• new a bdrm. 2 bat.h Redwood Ru.tic home de· algned and built tor Ult m09t ' . . . . of the colors m our latest FOUR bedroom TWO Bath Lido Home? Thi.a wu the question from INGRAM -COLLINS CONSTRUCTION CO. about their 54th Superb Lido Isle Homt'. (No.w completed on VIA GENOA - Lido'• extra wide street). We not only think that the colon a.re pleuingly ln good taate but we a.re enthused about the am.art. contemporary design. The bright kitchen fwith built in stove, oven, di.Bpoaal. etc). The large muter bed- room with a coustic ceiling and oveniud twin ward- robe9. The wall to wall rubber padded carpeting thruout. The Maaaive Bouquet Canyon aton~ fireplace with it. attractive planten. The large sunny patio. Thi• exciting brand new home with its THREE car garage is Lido uland'a beat Buy at $37,500. Thia home. quall!le1 for $18.000. 5~ loan. LIJ)O REAL TY 3400 Via Lldo Harbor 4444 IAcrou from Richard'• Mnket Ent.ran~) Balboa Income and Stores! New England Cottage Completely Furnished 3 B.R. & Den. 2 bath•, F orced Air Heat. $25,000 -Tenn11. dlacemlng huyer . . THEN --------------------- CONCRF:TE BLOCK. pluter-ct, 2 STORY R liLLDL"NG. Downtown Jocatlnn 4 Tt'aldent111.I Jn1111 anti two gro11n!I floor business rent· alw f'11rlcln1t areL 011ly 6 yf'an ol<I. S21i0 lncomt', c&n be lncreu - ed. 123.ftOO. Firm, terme Balboa Realty Co. Op(l(l••lr Bank of Am,.nr a Rou Grerley Al Comt llUI Ed Lee Jack Pinkham Jo11ephlnt> Wtobb TOO 1':. Ritlbn11 81.-d, Rlllboa Phone H11rhor 3277 . COSTA MESA It could be for you EXCLUSIVE-Open Hoc..se Daily 1-4 p.m. 1756 E. Ocean Blvd. 2 B. R. House plus Room & Bath connected to gar-• age. Full Price $16,950 -Terms. EXCLUSIVE -3 B. R. -1 11:! Baths, Almost Com- pleted -Choose your own colors. $18.500,-$5000 Down. EXCLUSIVE -Four New 3 B. R. R omes under construction, Sept. 15 completion. Built-in electric range. dishwasher. "dispoeal, etc. Duy now and select decorating colors. -$23.500. BAY & BEACH REALTY Balboa. Harbor 1264 LET US SHOW YOU the 1pac· ioua living room. large bedrm1., a nd the pano,..mlr ~ew from the rooftop obaervatory, 128,&00! Fixer Upper I FOR J UST 12.000 down you can mov• In to lhla 2 bdrm., fum l1h- ed home In Newport Height• and • little paint will nx jt up Ilk• new. Full pnce f1Jml1he<I J1111t I I \.~00. Let ua ahow you thl11 one~ Bay & Beach Realty 189' Nt>Wp<>r1. Blvd. Coat" Mua. Calif. Uberty 11-ttel-l:vea. LI 8·31!18 LIDO OPEN HOUSE Sunday l ·& pm 221 Piren:te CH ARMING 2 bdrm. 11mall huDlt 1450 W. Balboa. Blvd., on 60xl30 I'll. Land!!<ll ped and -----------------------3 b.t. • den. I bath, bit. In lclL. romplt'ltly ft nC'erl. Only Si ,760 W/W carpet, lge. patio. PLUS with ttrm11 Nothing Down •paciou· .• ~~: .~:t~ .Ba~~1;39~~ · Investors Outstanding Store Building Best location' A-1 Construction 5 yeaf'1! new, 6 ten~nt.11 on leaaett Shows over 10'1 net on a11king price or $110.000 Balboa 20 UNIT SACRIFICE $29.500 only ' :1 down Gold Mine No monthly payments until Feb, 1956 !Hurry) 2 STORES AND 2 APTS. Like new -Good Leues -BeJlt Location Showa over 10"k on $39,500 -Term11 Specialists in water front properties J. M.· MILLER co. 2025 Balboa Blvd .. Npt. Ikh. Har 4091 Balboa Peninsula No, but a very small down will buy large house and rental with almost half acre. Buildings need repaini. Handy man can make money fixing up for resale. Low prict', easy terms. Drive by 883 W. 15th, Costa Mesa, then aee ua. 3 b r. 6: rumpua room, dbl. lot, ---------........,,.......------------ (OOl1 lootlon . .. .. 3&,000 TWO be!lroom furn. h11mt. Cloee 1n blly. SI:\ 11:'10 Wllh $1l.il00 clown. Cilff Haven VTE\Y of nr .. 11.n It hill!! from thl& 3 bdrm., 2 hsth homr. Hdw<t. rtno~. f'leclrtr ThPr-m a•ft1r lclt· <'htn. 111.rgf' t1011bl" '"rogr R(\(\"' fnr '™'Imming pool. $29.1100-: ltrma. Coast Properties JOI E, B&lbot. Blvd. B11lboa lf•rtJnc:>r 26~8. 2891 •nd •eoo. OPEN HOUSES Daily:-12-6 p.m. on Walnut It Eat her S UI. Bttw. Banta Ana .ti T u11tm A,.._. LO\"El.Y NEW RA!'\CH TYPE 3 BR. 2 ti.th homu on larlf" Iota. F.:iccl ne1ghborh00!1 Ht1wd "Hegan" No, but we have a very unmodem 2 bedroom house facing Gity park on Balboa Boulevard, well furn- ished. roomy, comfortable home for only $7750 with u little u $1500 down. -seclusion Nearly new. modem 3 bedroom home, aurrounded by beautiful homes, on dead end street, no t raffic. Only $11.000 on eMy tertns. Multiple listings. N. B. C. REAL TY 32nd A: N~rt Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. HOO * CHECK THE QUALITY * Xtra. lge at. to aL cor. lot-wlll trade on Utio . 20,750 3 b r .. J.ce. din. room . n1w-U..uty. .. ... . ...... S'T.960 Wattrfront 3 b.r. 3 hath. pier and allp. uklng 38.500 CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 b.r. w/1120 IQ. tt. buernenl -out· •l&ndlng vtew . 27.500 BACK BAY t ac,.., I b r , I bath. swlmmlnr pool, beaut country Htate •9.500 Claire Van Hom • REALTOR 2'Tll W. Coa.rt Hwy. L'J 1-077 Vets $565 down PLUS IMPOUNDS O~~ B~q~~i;~~ol8 ~~~~rc!t~ h~?T a beauty. 125 ft . on Bay by 165 ft. deep. Priced right at $15,000· Two Call Mn. Ebeling -LibeQ73 OCEAN FRONT adjoining lota 75 ft. frontage on Penlnaula. $15.500. 30x95 ft. ocean front lot, cloee ln $7,9~ WeD localed Peninaula lot, 35x80, ,10,500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W, Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Harbor 5181 0 NOTICE LIDO WATERFRONT n,.., ahalct rf tile K • B Wide- open House Sat. & Sun. O\'e'I b1.111t-1n ov•n • rtnst obt. pr. f' A ht-et It flrtpl. SM thew 1-5 m 210 Q •t Only JO ltft. A n&I buy at- - --of thiA lovely 2 bdm.. home, only 1 year old with all large rootna, hdwd. floora, furn. heat., firepl.. garb. diap. GrapMtalre fe.nced yd. with. patio. On choice street between new homes. Some ocean USE YOUR 0.1. LOAN on 4 JT. old, I bdrm., dble. ,..,..... •. 1t11c· ed. Wonderful paUo • laundry, yvd. <lvMc'e dilipoaal. All frMlllJ paintad. Near Uppa Ba.ck Ba7 san Palla&M9 M.. auta An• Six unit.a -70 ft. lot -Private beach Sacrifice at $97 ,500. P• .-UI 0 115,M\O With n c. tnma or 12.000 bed d & 2 b h c1n. on r ont,..art. New 3 rm. en y at 8 THE.VOGEL co:~---LIDO OFFICE Hou~~'!!~~ty ,Co; sue \'ia Udo Newport ~•<'h Har. 49i1 or 49i2 ~ CrnttPr flt. u l.&911 Co.it.a ...... u 1·7184 view. Only $17,2:W> with 5%-20 year loan. R. L STRICKLER. Realtor DICK HOOOE, .A.uociate 3822 E.. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar Har 2774 Phon• KI 6-'993. totlo BY OWNER ,Corona Ill~':_' I Wnn.. 1 bal.b f&nl'lllouM. Ptl.. llal1M>r 11-J '7ttlc or exchange for Puadena vicinity t" $40,000. EXCLUSIVE with * - -OSBORNE EALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy .. fat Port On.nge) Newport Bea.ch LI S.7562, Har. 5154 eve&. ----. ..-----------------~,r---------~------~~----~,;_...~-----~--------------------~------~------fr,_. ______________________________________ ,._• l ... ' I - v -- -