HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-07-29 - Newport Harbor News Press.. .. READY FOR TRIP -"These are all for you -on me, take the town with you," aaid Jack Bidwell. far right above aa he presented specially designed and tailored ahirt.s to the membeni of the Explorer Scout Poat 11 who are leaving tonight on a 10,000-mile trip of the Unitt'd States. Bidwell presented the boya the specially prepared 11hirt.s. and llt'veral pairs of jeans included a special Golden Pair to carry out the theme of their Golden Y e!lr tour commemorating the upcoming Golden Anniversary or the City of Newport Beach. Left to right, John Vale. Tom Baume, Kent Harvey, John Van Dyke, Bill Peeler, Douglas Unruh, Bruce Macgum. Doug Reddick, with the map of the Harbor imprinted on the 11hirts, Lyn Barton, Poat advisor: and Bidwell. -Staff Photo City Anniversary "· Story Cioes East Explorer Scout. Group in Golden Car Leaves Harbor Departing today for a J 0,000-mile tour -of the United States wiH be nine Explorer Scouts. their adviser and their Golden Car. There was a big surprise tn t1tore for members of ('X- plore.r Post 17. Boy Scouts of America. when they called at Bldwtll'11 Men11 Shop on Vkl Anil use the monry on t>Xll'll Lido lut nig ht. Nut only had launctry ~f'r\•11·c nr "A 11pl'c111I llPf'Clal 11hh la bel'n made, crt11led look' a t 1111 tht wonderful thinlf!I •11peel1lly for Bldwell~the mRp of you'll ~ for thOMI or u1 who ENTERS PLEA Ridalls Admits Guilt in Hit and Run ·case S Al'\'T'A AN A 10CNSl-H11rold \\'. Hulall11. I~. 11 Camp Pendleton Mnrlnf', tor111y plraded guilty on a 1-· .. 1onious drunk rlrtvlng count and i:-ot a 1ll'frrr11I of pleu on ftlo drunk llrlvtng. hit-and-run and grand theft, auto. th~ N,.wpe>rl H11rbl'r art" Im· c11n'1 ht' therl'.. T hi' de!cnd11nt repr-nled "' prlnl<'•I into the fabric -but r·a r h In r .. •t-tht P rl's1dffil uf I ht' the publle dl'rcnl1er'11 office uked boy will! ou tf1lltd with n ''llrldy or l•nitl'd !:::tllh'"· 01· nny 1•·1'.~ .. r 1h;:· 1 ror R prnlJ11twn heRrlng. Superior JPAn i. nllllrt<'.!I llf lhP n:ll1on Iii,. f'>-pe· ('011 1 l Jwl(;t• J ohn Shea 11chedu'led J l"'"i< hi.ti bC'Pn t111lfl1 •••I r1 ••m c 111llv kllhl to th<> tn11nn" Ex· A 11:: 12 nl' 1 hr llm!' !or a heartnc. a \'.Hirt\' ,,, 111br11, '"' llhlin.;, 1•lo1•·rii ..!'n.!"~1!. _to lhP nalion·11 prvnulUlt.<:mc:nL o! Jwigment and a itOICll'n p11cr fnr • "h ll<•\ The t·:tprtul an.f 1..i111n lht'rl' •• n ri.>· plt>n•ltnj\' on lh4' r•·rnainmg three gnltl rr•lor 10 1111111 h lh•·lr 111•w I w11r1I wa1t1111< K•J"P< l11lly pr ... r h11ri:1•,c Gi.ldPn Slallun \\01tjl1•n \.\ tw h will rncc·I packlll(llt "' "Spu1 bmAn R1<IA ll~ W81' 1'.Trl'l'l!'<I by New- t'lll r,\' tt rm 110.f the 1<lo1y of lhl' P.tclf' alb11rur.• 111£· bc>tng 10111•••1 port Htar h pollre July 10 after he •rrroBchlJll! r.1.111••n ''""r nnm· 1 nbot0'1I lhl' Goltlen Car C11r dill· allrJ!f'•I)' l!tole a car In Laguna vrrMt y of thl' C:ll v 11f :-ie'A pMt 11.1h111111n lhr11uj!'ll. Ult'. tnurteiw of Br a rh. zooml'd north along Coast Bnch.. \\ nltrr l..on~vor !" \\ f')lll'm C'Rn· Hl1othwAy, ramme<'I the vehlcl" ln- t:\'ER\'TlllSl; Fltt:t:: nn!I. Mernenl11• <•C VAl't"u" kinds to motorrw hMt Alton G11rclnrr of Grest1•1tt .11urp1 '~" of 1111 wAll hn\'t' bt•rn 1'1"'"1.ic.f for dist 111111• l..nn~ 131'R~h 11ml w o11n11 up in a v.·hPn J111·k B1•lwt'll. 11ftt>r p1opl'r•l tiron bv P ,.\ l'alm· 1 Anol hi" c11lh11lon 1n Corona dcl Mar. h· lrct111 cni: the· ycot11li: mc>n on I ~t>wp111 l Balbn11 ~avmgs and Th .. ( I . II I l..o n e ue f'nt Ant 11 gi1 ty p ea to· lht ""re of t hrrr """' '11•1 hr~ 11n<I 11 , day cuncP1 nPcl the atrlk lng of ape1111I 11h1r1 ~ luld th•·111 lhl' UOTAH\ l'PO"i:o;on ,.; Gr.rrtnPr. Jn tht crn.!!h s t Po ppy rl"th1ni: 1111 \.\ 11~ wr th hi~ t 11111· !'=111111'<•1' ••f th•• f:xpl«I'• r l'<••l A\'I' 1tnr1 COlll!l Highway driver p hmtn111. B!tlw<'ll 11tv1IMI th•' I 17 "' It•" =:'•'\''!'"' t HR lb1111 Hu· licrhPrt G. Tt11ko •.. Ir .. 21'1. 'or Nor- bny11 to tllk!' th•• h111rl11 th.·y hnct 1 l«•Y C'l11t.. 1hr n1•w r.nldPn ~la· wHlk llnt1 htll pi1.Men1orer Carol a11vf'1I ror lh,. p1111'111\>1"11 f1'11111 him (('.,ntlmu•rl ••n 1'1111:1• II) OoAnP. lit wr re ln)Ored. Ridalls LAVERNE MANSLAUGHTER HEARING SET AUG. 10 Re>bl'rt H l..11\'em,. nf SRn C.•·I 1~1 \"rrn" w as rrpt,.~E'nl,.•I ll\' b rt,.I "'"" 11n .ui;nr•I 111 J11r11:,. I• l.Al\·rn rt K• an" u1 C°\f'WJ"•l l J Oo.lgP'i< ~<'wp••rl J 11,tl•,. c-.. 111 • B•'.1• h \\ hn !'t •lt»J hr "" 11lol ht In Cn11t11 1 ll'•a \.r•1• nl,\\ n cotr111 L. .,.. dt I w llh !'lanl• ,. \\'rm· nn thl' 1·hlll'f"" ~('nuin•IA11~h•1•1 111 i-'• In •of Alh·1111h•'I (n th•• r'\•r t hf' dl'lllh of 11\1• i: H1t h 11 I l '.•1-\\ 111 11111 f\1111..111 Smtih 111 p.;'lr· r·f'll. 21. "' ..... ~ AngrlP~ ht'll' S.tt "' •H 1u111t nn·I thRrJZ"". I 111nn· urc111y n11:hl l'rrlrn11n111 ,. hN< r 1n1: i-t.1111-hl .. r rn th•· i;11mc 1 "'" \.\ • r•• of lhP rh111 i:" wn11 ~<'I r .. 1 1\11J>: d 1.•n lll•<'d and h1.'I hRcl hr.n·I r nn· 10 Ill Ill 11 ni. tn J u•I.:" 11n1IJ:f' 11 ••·I• ol U1\'• 1 nr'!! bA1I r•f S.~·'100 r1111rt. '' n11 , .. 1111n11rcl 11\ In l'UMo<ly. Volunteers Fight 2 MHG Grassfires Colltl\ Men F'lre Dtpartmenl hRn<llt>d two g1 assfh e11 Mondey aflunr.on. Recording to Fire Prt· \'<'Ill rnn Of firer Ralrh Ltt. N o ,t;:inM~I' occun·e<'I "l t 22 pm II bl11ze W U f'X· 11npt1•ht'cl nt'Rr I.Allie ~lueller'11 1 c>111dcnt •>. 168~ Otangr A \'f'., Co!lta :\lr11a whrn l'Jlttrkl! iJ:Tilt~ gt'lllll! from 11n t>ptn flrt At 2 30 p.m . on R cuuntry nin. 8 blRz,. a t 2618 \\'1111\W St . WAS JlUt Olll. One lrurk nn.t 11 mPn a.n~werel1 the 11la,rm1. .. HARBOR PRESS 4-Sth YEAR -·NUMBER 47 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY, JULY 29, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 9 Million , Mesa Tract Disclosed! CAUSE OF BLAZE -Tar container at left yesterday reportedly caught fire, gut- ting one Harbor Highlands home under construction and damaging the garage of another at right. New truck in center was destroyed by blaze. -Staff Photo 160-acre Development to Contain 694 Residences Rivera Booked in Knifing of Wife on Mesa Jouph Felix Rivera Jr.. 37, or 108 22nd St .. Co11t.a Mesa,· was Wednuday booked into Orange County JaU for lnvullgiillon of auault In an attempt to com- mit· murder by Coata Men po- lice after •tabbing hla wife MoWe, 29, ln th• dlest. Mre. RI· vera wu talcen to Orange County Hosplt.aJ with head lnjurlu In addition lo the it.ab wound. Durin~ a family argument, In· (CoaU•ued on Pate I) Highlands Home Gutted by Fire; Truck Total Loss B~· BERT BRITNAU. A new $9,000.000 subdivision will be under way ahortt, 1• north of Costa Mesa it was announced yesterday with the filing with the county planning commiasion of a plat eouth A bllUI' which threatened S IOO.· burned. Lo1111 utlmrHra weit" lltt of Geisler Ave. and a quart.er of a mile west of Harbor 000 In aubdt\•l111on con11tn1ct1nn 111 ' a t S3POO on the tnr truck $3200 Harbor Hl11:hlands out111t1t" C"os111 tn the housrs unlll'r con11truct1on Blvd .. by Rovcn-Spiegel Construction Co. of Loa AngeleA. l\ltlll\ yesterl1ay afternoon was The two homts wtre on unfln· The plat l'untnms 160 acreic 11nd Th,.~· expel t tu brf'a k groun'1 held to $1100 total lni<~ a.fll'r 11 will hf· io11b<h\•1<fl'1I mln 6!l4 lul:1 within thaee month• on 200 ac~• 1shed 11tr·eeu, tying cut of lrvrne I roofera· tar nnt t1nn<>l1 O\'l'r. \\'1t h on wh1rh lhr c11ni-ttuc•11 .. n c1•mpa-!'nt1th of C'OA11t <:ollr11:e whtr• Ulty ,.-,.,.. A \'e. between Co11a Mt>sa &. lllth I two hou11e1 enlhllfetl in !lnnre11. n\' St Hn" t" b111ltl l'nm ·rnt1on11I plan lo build mor,. than 800 hou•· "' and 20th Sta. on Vivian. As black 18 m"n and four trur kl from Cole· 1yp1 th11•1•·h••d1 ""Ill hvu,.1•• to I es al " 1·•1111 Of 11t>out U2 I llllon. ~moke plllle<I the bright hhlf' Ha r· II f $ ., t.a Mesa Fire Dt>partment brought llt• "' 11u111 I~ r,cMI tn $1 3.~oO. :\1c-tropulrtAn w11ll'r wtll b<I hvr arl'B 11kl•'!\ Bt .apprn'(llllateh· 3 I the conrtagralr.on under contrnl at•• "l•lrng lo ~t• ·•11 R11\'e11 ptfwtl "'""It all the 1trel'b In thtt JY nt. yestf'rday. hundred11 of p .. r-R r, l op the county call In 40 minute!' ""'" •'CJ'•'• I• ,:;. <>r ''''"· tn n<>w 111Mlt1o•n 11nd the homea will :<11115 ~ungi e1:utNl from """1 hy llt'\'••1111• 111t•• ., 111u1n b<.cli••\'Kl•I as I.I•• rr111nt1 l•••I In the Co11ta Ml'aa A 195f tar truck and equipment homes · i lhe 11i•1r11 I < "ntmuv~ tu upen up. J S11111tAllon [h11lrar t. t h,. plana pro• and one completely framed how;P Ftr<'ml'n 1111111 from 10 10 12 HI:< 1<tlol1l1un 1.'4 we•t or Harbor "'"''· R111l1h11~11 will 11.ll have a were lnlal loasu, firemen n!portcd.; homrs ftn1shtt1 end par t111lly frn· Rt~l Mrtn11r1AI l'A• K wh11·h 11< 21'1-rr srt·bBt'k nn l'lll with a An adjoining howie was partially l><hed werl' l'nrtan~f'red by thf' flrt>. 11cro~1< Hai b••r HI"'' I 1<•111 th<' new mm111111m uf 72(!0 aq. fl. 11ru. H11 lr•·r <•:<I A •ltlrl1nn, nnw betni.: Mam 11trl'<'l~ 1n th~ pla t wlll ~ de\'••lnp!'if. 1 so fPet . w1l1c> with r.O·fl. alrlt! Thu• 11< lh1• ~··•·1111<1 1111h•ltv1,.1r•n ~trf'et11. 1111 with concrtt1 r1trb1 Roven·SJ\lt•jtel li11R ln lhi11 11rea.: 11nd pavin(. EXTENDED COUNTY PHONE ·SERVICE PLANS DISCLOSED rtTLLERTON, IOCNSI -Plana I the Paclftc t. -prepe.rla6 an to ln<"teft l!<' the ext .. ndrd servlre 11pplfr1tlnn for lnrreuf!d exll'nrl<Ht ot Orlln.11:1' Cnuntv .rmbSC"ribers to !'l'r\'IC!! wh!c•h 111 u pe<:ted tn bf' Par1f1<' Tt>lt>ph<1n" 11nd T el,.g-raph ftle11 wllh th" C11.llfnrnl11 Publlr Co. phnnr" "'t't I' •h~rh"'t'<l tndey. l !lfllt1u Cnmmf1111lon within a ftw Thi' pn1Jl":<RI tt l'Xf"'"t<'d to rl'· wcrk11. tCJprocate the ""'vice exLens1on 1 The proposed plan conte,m pl1tu Th•• ;runt "'<! • nd•·tl !<l'r\'lrP npf'h• 11111n \\Ill 111•111 11 llw 11.tl11pl 11>11 cof Ht1nl1l1J>:tton H"'" •1 un•f 1..1>.;1 n U• ,,. h '"''' hRn;.:t·1 lt' lh1 1IJ1\ 1-tf• I -~( lh•• ~1 \\ .. ,..,.,,,., J'l ••1••1•111 l'ttfUJ .H1, • )\I 11:111~·· Tl11i. ·~ t!.nt th"t' ••\1 1•11°• .. 1 ''as ttt 1r1n>tll~· l h·-1.-1l•1ph1t1 -· making lPll'phonea within ce"•ln r.tnt'1sl Tf'll'phone Co. e1tcllariiu B\';t iln hlr lo Paci fir •ub11crrtxor11 nn a frw11l rs lhnic blVlt ... ellmlnat· :11,.; prf'11f'nt lnlle. l'hf' p •n• 1 sl f'X<"h11ngr11 lnvnlv,.tl ""' "" h" 1n a rl'aa 1<ljarrnt tn l'Artf11· •·X• hRnJ>!"'"· Bur h1 rt 1111111. SMOKING RUIN -Concrete foundations and plumbing loo m out of smoke after Harbor Highlands blRze yesterday afternoon. Home's gardc;e at right was char- red hopelessly as 'was garage at left. -Staff Photo w hwh t• hPllll: ~111~hl hv C1·n· PrAI Tt 1• r•hhnf' ,.,, a~ HnUlf110ff't1 l\IHV :1 l'>H01lr• T1•l1•1•h"'"' l •1•l 1" t :O.l.1n· lli;•·r J A• ll ll1wh1111 l·•lof f)l':>;S tr drla1l11 "' lhf> 11ppllra tinn. lo b<' ohsrlt1!\erl 11t thl' tlnlf' flf 11hng, rl.'vf'al th11t P11r1flc"" ex· I• nclNI sl'l'\'H"<' propr1aal wlll bt! r hr I 111101· All J:l'l1P1 11l'11 ll me11na F•rllf'r lun 11nrl l.11 li11b1a 11ubllrrlb· ~14 will he 11blf' t o r 11ll eArh other lull frN• 1 .. , H11hra r1111lcl. If lht 11prhta· ''""·· rr••\'" to ho rt11pllr11t,.tl. 11l11n l'Rll R11rn1< T'erk 11nl1 nrra with· Ike Rece·1ves .. Presentattt1on -S2&5,000 Suit Phone Co. to ~.'..~~1~:~.r:~l~~~;:,~~;.;;n~:~~ Hr"" would 11r11I '""' lhhra l'l 1111 Rod Made by Mesan Artisan Against ~esa Move Offices "··:;~!\i~~:.~:.:~~i··::::: .... ., Another name hu been addel1 k&rat gild plated. Jnltlals DD E I Woman Filed to Newport' :~~I !:~.;''·~~p~~::~r~;(l'~t~u~~; to the imposing Ust or notables were lettered on the rod. MeyP1" l\'11ncy M. Kilhornr. 22. IP!\5 " • J:"Pn• 1111 11nr1 l'a• 1f1r a ppllra lle>ns for whom Herb Jenk11' Pacific tlf'•I the ferr11lf'11 e>n the rnd w cth AnR hdm St. Co.sta :-.tei.a. Y"~lt'r· "'"ulol br th.-ln~t 1""""'111ral attp Laminates of Costa Mrsa hu brown and while 111lk threar1. Hr dRy was n11med ddtnd11nt in 11 Rf'ni•oval "' th" h11,.111,.., Mfi<'" 1"111111ul h• fn1 f' th" Pt'(' r11n maile his S1lane1t giasa fl11hlng hand·flnl11htd the rn<I . He 1i:11.f $265.000 . p I u 11 prl'll(lnal ln)11ry of lhl' I',, ifu 1 ··l•·i·i ,,,.,. An•I ~, h•"l11I•• hrAr1111:~ nn thl' l'xlenl1· rod. the rtel lltlll Rn<I JZUldP were 2~ d11m11ge snit flied In Suprrior T t'lt)!i11ph ""'"l'Anv ''""' 11• 1:al •·•I 111•1\·1• .. 11ppl1r11l111n11 Pri>11idenl Dwight D. E lsen-119 ld the rod "'911 m 9dP '" 1"'" Court. Santa Ana.. b1111 Bl' I I•" 111 .. 11 111 t i.•· • l\I• Appr,,v11I 11f thP 11pr llr11t1nn11 hower acknowledged by Jll'rM>nal lltctlons and lltfflgned fnr fly Brln~lng thl' ac tion wer,. Mr rrnl"r Al :ri~ri ~''" f' 01 t J:l\ol 1• ''"'•1'1 m11k<' 1 .. 11.fro·I' l1111linK p<1I'· letter to Jenka hiA receipt Of a casting. I 11 d M Th odn R LQ g lmm111tonl I 11f111 m .. 111111 " .. •oh· 1hlr fur thn111•11n11 .. <•( 11111i .. ,.r1 b,.r11 mPdalllon fly .rod. It wu ordered /'~~~~<'~~ Jn11t~~~~~ ~ase:. ~~;: ~ng. 2~~-1~ a~ Er' Toro. Ma;n~ 1111n<'d 111.1.1' 1111.i '• r 1f 1• 1 l•v .. r h• 1 h 1•11111pr1nir 11 throughflut the 1111 a special gift by H11rold 0 • ewpor ''.. 0 .. a bas "er.,,eanl T M """'"'" 0k 11 .. <111"' t •• : , """'' R b D th 11a, m11de th~ 11p1>cit1I n]u~h hne•l I e c .., • a an ea Bnf'8<'henstein. pre11tdenl of Owen ·~ I Th 1 ll!f II "Ar lhl' :-;,.,,,.,111 11°·11·•1 ·~·111111• F11 t 1•111! ••f thr 11 .. rvl<" ,. •• l'A!\I' In whlrh thr rnd 111 c:11)-riP•l e Pam 11 11. l'j.':,. 11 , Corning Gl11.ss Co. on the 11:old med11ll1nn nn thl' n11t· l1r1ven by tht tlefrnt!11nt forrr•I thi.t lhr '"''''!'"'" •• •• tt1plo•1111.:·1·1 '"" '"" """''"" •tfl,.r 1!11<'1· ME\~ERS' TfJt.CHF.JiC ~tde or lht Cll:'IC the inllittt~ 0 .LJ.I Long'svchi<'lt off Nev.•port Blvrl, fttrnnci•n1•·nlA f •t u '"••1' 1n ll• htl ltthl f>C':"·s t tiht ''l 1tt11(Jr Tf'h"· • IN COl 'RT-R<>b('rt H. La \"crne, San Gabrie l sus~ct in lr\'inJ.: R. P('rrNt slayin~ last ~aturday. i;tands in NC'wport Ju!'I; H'I' l \,urt y('i;tnday with Gal\'fn l\<'<':w. counsel, at arra1p1ment. -Staff Photo S •d s • •d Art H. Meyers of Costa Mr,.A, E. wer,. ('ll1t l•·il 1ne11r B11ker St. April 211 ThP "''"' hilll•lln;: "~' II • ,,., 1•th I~"'"" 1< ••t.:"""llt.I~ 111 p111v1tllnic al UICI e fRlher-ln-law of Jenk11. put the MP\'t?r'S 11nld the rorl wlls de· Lnnl{ ""r Rll~f.'rl Pclly plnw NI mt•\ -""'; ''' :""<'\•'!'"" llh rl "T''"' '1' •''<1 r•n I• I ,.,., v1ro· 111111 \\'r~l mlnl~· • ( 1 1 I 1 1 1. .. < 1t\' h11 ll 11> 1' '' II I• .,,,,,, t• 1 l•rtil , ,,.,·ii.:11,.,,8 "'r"~ 11n•I we f1nish1no-t nuchea on Lhe prP!IPn· Hv1•1 ed 11b1111t 8 1111111lh ,., • ., Jll•l 11 rvw o ree!I, ~tr nus Y n )UI ni-: " " th r1 11112 i<q fl ""ti•· "1 ••' '•\t•I ,,,,. nn'•'' 1r1 lh•· ,,.,,w "'",-.,r JHPJllf· 111.: """ f0o'11t1! ~ p pl11 Hlltlll In h'°' I''""' n:•·~t tH thr 1·1·c · T hu' u• hi Jt1,., rl11nr 1n f1;l1 "''"f'"IJ'Utrn '"1th II'" 1;, 11fol1!1 T•f,.ph<1n,. C o.'' tsll<on rod. Pacific L8mlnAll'll prior to th,. Prt>1'1•h'nt'11 1 rrrnl P nvn. und ;i:t'..!io fl f , lfn ,. 1 .. ,. 1, by Gun . Shot m11de olhl' blank tmd Meyer• (('ontlnuf'd on Pal{ .. 8) I Thi' romplllint 113\'!I LonR Wl\!I ~·1 ( .. I nr111.hhnund on th!' thrtf'·IAnl' RI t· on lh• ~··• •·n•I '""' fry and lhl' dtfendant 1<n11lhh1111nd r.11111111'~1< • :t • •'• 11 ill 1,.• • • · 12 % TAX REDUCTION Nn rontncl Wll!I nrarlc> b .. twl'en llw '1<·11ntlr1111·•I "" l'1t1t•·. Joot op~rll ~;"·!~~~ ::,:<'~11~;;1 h7;~:.\~ I O 'tw r r. a t'tlrdtnl( to the high ;~f~ff"~~;,:::.:::~~:::; .;:·SET FOR DISTRICT 6 1 ··~;~;~R WEATHER ·,MESA MAY ASSUME r .. n11 •l•I :\lnr w .1:1 thl' ~J,· t1f : Orange C<iunty "'nth"r fnrl'· TRACT STORM DRAIN r,.,,,r~i" Allil'll Rab11n. H . 1217 E P·l -12"r Tax R edUC'ltnn 2-:l6C I :'\e>. 6 tx>ar<1 ''' <11r t<trin1 of thP rut -Low rlnudll rltarlng lat' B11th ... 1 Bl\·11 Due to a n m creasl' m s •s"S."''d !'11unt \' Samtutwn l.J1l't11cu of Or· rorenoon Saturl111y Slightly rool· Pol.er ~aa1 R11b11n and hi!! w 1ft ,·11Juauon an S11nltal1nn D111triC'l MRf' C'r,unly. 1ng trend w ith hi~h t0f111y nrar 81 . . Bl't tr St11nlt>\" R11b11n. h11.d br· :'\o. 6. a 12 pt>r ctnt taJC rl'ductlon It "'ill mPan 6 rent!! If''-• P"r Beac~-1,,w cloud11 cleartn~ near I \\ hn s Enlng ti) ahould .. r thf' "nl1 undf'r " t 111lrnul n it ht -or-w a v C'ome tn\'111\'c-d in a f11m1ly dH1-tn that distrrr l wu approved $100 lo brlnl( tht lll.X to 60 cenu noon. l\ln11tly i unny lhl1 llftnnoon r1'11pon11b1llt1,.11 fM !' .t!l'1rm tlnun wh1rh p1.111111 .. 1s Hai hl1r Blw1 a l ru:e lat f' la~l nlJ?hl. Tht> h11~· WednrM:lay night by the Dl11tn ct nn tht $100. Tht inrrl'Blll' <1! l\.t!· High ll'mp,.r11tqrr 73. w11ter 66. whlc-h the Hiii" t'o w11 nt.,rl to r.1•1,.r A vr Th" 1111n111111on d••· b.1nl1 As11erlf'dly retired and Ole lll'lllltd vsluatlnn In l>lstrrct S n. 6 \"l111b1llt)' 4 I m\lu , hav. w1nl1 run out or th" H11lerr,.~t •.ib· lrrrt w1111 rnn11111!,.t1 h,.rflt1't!! ll wnm1111 wr nt out to thr front O""r the plllll fl\'I' year& h11s bel'n IOOUthwe.ot 7 mph, and wat,.r 111v1 .. 1nn "II...• App11 r"ntly ~"' led h.1.11 t h!' itghl·"f-w11y to th,. ,,1.1 pn11 h :\11it. Rab"n is Nlld to News1.PreSS about 63 per cent compared to a s lightly c hoppy. Wtdn,.11r111y n111:ht. Army Air B""" 11ewera in th• hll''" lnl11 po~IC'e llhe did not hur 3• per cent e ver11ire lnr rea&I' for Oon111it n11ngan. ""'' s ttn1n,.y H11lnrf'• """ l\ llhc)t. but n•han 11ha -·ant Into Cl Tf'm-rattin. tlll' ._, wwk •• Uw f()r Cr111la ;\fl>llll App•" I NJ It th~ p.,.for,. tr. .. ~torm tlratn r an bl' -" • "' -· latlo thl' other dlatrirls. M11n1ger IA't r •-I t>-thr hnUllf' a few m omenta latc>r rcu ft M N tlaltlor area wert: me,.lln!f of thl' ("r;11nty S1111'11\1nn hut t. t hl' 1111:hl·nf-wa y rt)Ul t llht found htr husba.nd iprawled ·,.Tht~obnl.,s:;.l!dl, Iner""-u••• In Hlrh Low l 01•lrlrts nf Or11n11:f' Crmnlv l'l "hlAln,.d frnm 81tnlt11llon D h1tnrt on th' floor. Toclay 9 ,..,~ ---1ay th,. r11y wuuttl 11.«·Ppt llw :'\o. 6 Aft,.r 1t 111 h111lt, It wo11M thl• put year." he H id. SetUN'd Saturday. J uly 23 67 62 rf'llJlOOlllbHll_v. 11• 1'•1rrlmit tn ,,.. .. hn llrtltCAt"•J to thl' !'lty or CMtll Thr woman tot.I !';t"wporl P o· • • lll.X roll for 1956·M 111 S21 .04i ,OOO. Sunday. July 24 .. ·-··· 89 -.2 1 M. 1'1'1son. man11g"r nf th,. •t11•· M ,.~11. ~"l1111n 11111•! th" 111r.rtor• ltr , her huaband h11d 1t:uffl'r"1 5670 For 195•-M It wu 11 7.858.oOO. Monday. July 26 ····-·· 71 82 trlcts. ..r °'" 1111nllatlon rlll11l rld dlt! not , ... , rnt fin11 nc\1I rtver11ea. No Dl•trict No. ?I ta1t ltvy wu a p-, lll""TRtrr C0:'\"1-1.TT.ll w11nt I•• hi' 11 r11rt.v to anv .atqrm I ,l Tueaday1 July 28 ........ 71 81 I ,. bll • note v.oa11 " · prond lit .1~94 per $100. Both The Httle ('11 m11•J,. 11 ppltr>•lt••n ··•atn whrr,. lh" rl'~fl'>nlll tty n, Cn11>nf'1'• "'"•"ti l hl' t 1m' "' Coples bud&"el1 werf' ~h·Pn nnal appmv111 Wed~ay. J uly 27 ·· 811 811 tn ~1<n1t11t11•n n 1i:tr1•t ~ • fl ·11 .. n •• •·p•·1111t•1n m11.;ht hll nn Ur .. m . l11·uth at 12 O.• o•ln<k lhl• morn-by the boa.rd& W~nc.Ada.y nlcht,1 Thu1'1111 ay, July 28 611 61 l'"'"rk• 11.,, ,,., run & •l••rnc <11111n Tl.~ C'1ly ''' <'1;~111 Meaa h•• 1~. Nel9aa a.MS. I Friday, July 2t --M 82 from t.he H alecrut 1ubdlv11ton to , (Co9U.ued oa. ,..._ I ) r I I .. - GOWNED WlTH LOVELINESS -These four N<'w York models presented dresses, suits and evening wear Wednesday night at the Balboa Bay Club dur- ing the Imperial Fashion Show. O\·er 1000 New- port Harbor residents dined al the club' and watched the Cashion show by the edge of the awimming pool. -Terry Boris Photo F AB RI CS AND COLOR ARE STYLE KEYNOTE / .. Harper ~-s r as Commentates ion~tor ­ at Showing ~IOcik an,... ro\\'n8, greel\ll, red and blue w ill be tht' key col- or&," 11he &111.t. ~ATIOSAU.\" SHO\\ S The clothes shown Wednesday l\y 1'11\'1.1,IS .1 .• l.\CKSO~ particularly as far 8!1 lhe allhou-night at l he Jmptrlal 11how 11.re It will he fl ~··11s11n fnr exlra etle Is ccmcerneol. To<iB)"S t'loth<'s the 1ame en!IPmblt>11 whlrh will be 111 r1 f..t, 11 ~. l•11lh.111t r'lln1 s and ai e 1tn mtr<'preletwn r,r ~·r,.nch 1hown In clo&<' to 40 C'ltl!•s arroS!I ""unnus 1r11111n111~ In womPn's I an.t llaltan de!llfi:"ners. designt-d for 1 lhe nallo n. "'They \\t'rl' t'hosen ror 1 l11lh<'R 1h111 tall 11011 winter. ar-American 11,·111g. nel'r1s a nti pace. lhelr brauly 811•1 ber1111~e thry are • 11t•hni: 1,, t•n!' "' the nali<>n'a , A k h ·h right tor Amerlt'ttn lt\'lng:· 11he · mencan now-ow tts gl\'en 1'..l' 1 I ·i ''1"'118 .\lrss t Ut't the Amerlc-ILfl w oman high tuh-aa!d. < '"' k· ' I'''"'"' ,.S1t••r fnr nr-Iona Ill a prlt'e llh!' r an Afford," Ml111 Clerke said !'l>t'W York and I' 1 l' 1: ' 1 the faiohlon expert s1:11.J Sht' t'C· Cat1rom1a manufacturr r1' are JUllt .\11·. • '"'' I''•''' rll{'ol t he hi.A· platnPd Amellt'!ln roshrnns ha\·e now 11tartlng lo produt'e the 11.d- 111.1 °1 , •I ti I' l111rr1 1RI Fashion cle,.rgnP<l mt'I them all the •·leg· \•anre mor1cl11 whlrh \\ere drsploy- ~ll"" \\ • n• .1:1y n11;ht at tht' &.nt'e an<! Jtixur .. of Frt>n<"h rash-ed in the shO\\. "\\'hPn WI' left llnllff 1 1:.1y l'ltrh The 11hnw w:1i1 inn .. but do m:t l t>quirl' th,. a l·' Xew Y(lrk." !!hi' 11ald. "lhl'l!e cloth- &f"lll"''" t l•Y t h<> 1'h1 \"$lt>r Corp t .. nuons or a Fi""' h maiJ tu put es were one (If 11. kinrl." 8 11 I ....... ti· 1111·1. '"'" ltf'• •I It W8.." \1 I h I . a• anw tnr;l'l rr Although youns;-, only 31. ~Ilsa <'•••I •1111 ... t• .i hy 11111 p.-1 ll Bnz111or 1n · 11.1> Flt.I tu: "'IX" CIC'rke hu sJ1 raoly clt\·oted eight · l I r ~ .;rr r ••l\hlr•t wonwn "' c • . years to the CRJ1h1nn world. She lnt •·r• -1 ... 1 rn ,.1yhn1t or <'llri<," :>.llSI! "\on tlnn I nred fl >r00<1 rigurP." t Willi formerly an u:1111l11.nl c-drtor < ·1c-rk1• 11u1d, "\\ 1H1H·n 111 e 111110 Ill· •h,. 'l,~am.-. "lh" •1"'"Jrnrr l! h.111lt for Madtrnolselle ma gazmr, the 1 .. rt'lllt 1 111 fa~h111n11, !In 1h1> Im· lh'.\t 111 11 the •!nth<.' .. f,.r y vn It beauty tdllor tor Flair. ad,·eells- r ••ra at !'hnw \\R.• horn "Thi-com· all rnanl'!! frnrn tht• W;ty m:1tPraal:1 Ing manager tor Ann Fogarty and pnnv !tit the 1ilrt'I' rte11li:nn11, t;a-nre hanrllcd and tr'Ctur"io arr rom· 11. fftshlon t'oordlnator wilh Foote, lrin'ls flf L'.'11(111 n10. llt-n Zu··krr· \Jar1f'ol. !!hi' 11'\'('alr<I Con" 11nd Dehl Ing bl'Corc c-r>mlng nrnn of .x"'''. Ynr k ond Mulllt' Par-, l'ol .. rs" Tht>~"r r ,.:ayo•r this r .. 11 lo Harprr's a year and 11. half 11go. n11 of X1•w \ 11rk l•r•t int• rp1·r1 lhl' lhan lht• lll•datin nal .i1.,i-~1111.1 .. ~. thr \ 'hrv~t.-r louk." silt• rxpluln1•tl 1-,111111,.ligltt. a llnft 1,1,.11,j ,1( qff- Tf::\. Tl Ht:~ 1'11'0HT.\XT \\'Int" onrl •1ff·)'rll11w, 111 un<' nr T .. ,1111,•i< .. 1 1aaul\•11al1< 111 ,. Jllay· lh<' rn·•~l Pxr11111g »•'\\' 1>hr11ll'.,, lni,: as llnp•1rt11nt a Jl•lll 1n IR-<h-1;1<•1•11:; are 1111pnrt11nl '"" Thr<'P 1011111111 i.1)1111.; T\H·•rl11 "'" 1·x1111 nf th•• 111o•l effr1·t1vl' 11haolC'~ will au!L Rnol 111r th,. f11 .!<\ trm•• lhl' b,. "111"1:tlrl. ""lnrlon ""'1 nppl,. w ell·drr:-,.•••l ''"nwn ''alt \\•,1r \\hrr<' )lalat!.'· Rlway" hi.rJ 11 h1x111 w11, nrr tr 1!11111111.: 1111 h"r ha~11• hl:H k s 111t "r d1 esio In hrr 1111111. "\\"l' hn \ ,. 11•al'hr•t 1111' linl-wru ol10\11• for fall \\"••ar. .1<he will ham,. of Frc 111 h 1111•1 Jt.111.rn Cnh· hll\'I' r11y11l hh11· this y"ar. 11r c,"' ~tr ·~ Cler ke 11t11ti-tl. :ire h('&Ulthrl ti\!:< Frenl'h <t1'111ptf'r11 he\·e h.111 11n «I• rkt" said. '"There's lnfh11'nce 1111 AlllC'I 11•a n faiohr .. n•. a pinky hut'd brown 1.on:s IT Al.I. '"I ltw<' 1 lothct1 nntl fnbrlt•11," 11he 11mtlt"d. "It all l!•nd 11111 Into the fa11h1c1n IJ11slnci:11. ' \\'hut art! her other tnleresls? "l hrwr 11 t rrrthl\' "''"" hu11h11nd.'' •he ll"rlnlt'<I, ••t w~. ba!"'d hound11 11nd 11 Xew Y'lrk g11rdl'n apart- ml'nt" :>.!111!! l'lrrke \\Ill tra\'cl \\llh the •ht·w anosa the nation to :O:ew York. Next 11top. Ula Anttelea and Ot'n,·rr All sooard' PLAlnS ,\RE MART this fall and this suit mndel~d at the lmpc-n:1 l F'a!!hion Show r<'ceh·ed warm ap- 1•iat11'<' from :'\cwport Harbor womC'n. -TC'rry Rori!! Photo SALE -----------------------------1 ·· ! 1n 11rt at tlrnnln(1nn and 1t11d-'"' in 1'111 1• 11n1!i-r An1tre l)lnte •n•I Fpt m1111I I A'jot"r \\•hlle in Par- 1•. ahe hac1 a on• rnan ahow. lllh• l(WPI to a1'Ptrh In penrll ti.et. but !1180 work• tn oll11 and 'A'at•r col- or• Dut hn al'<"omrllahm•nll do not atop Uiue A• part of her work . ahe wrilN a ••ttkly C'Olumn, "\l\'o- • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS mPn •n<t Whffl•" ••htc-h •PS-"' 111 6(1() wttkly ne..,.·apape,.. ~1 FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 I write about t \••rythlnf trom how ------------------------:-----\to rhlLfl&e a tire to how lo pack ror a \•ar atton and cloee 1'0"' IOIT\f'," t hf' 1ah1 Althoui:h fuhlon1 a nd &rt an 1er tlret Inn . l'he t1 an en\hualu· anti d"ll&hll In 1pealllftC E. O. M. END OF MONTH SALE! ( MID -SUMMER CLEARANCE MISS MARY LOU CHAPMAN DESIGNER Woman Styles -LCar InterioF Behind the lu.xur1ou1, high 1tyl· plaint'•!. ed Interior of today's Chrysit'r ''Rut the mrn 11.re Ju&t u at· trar tNI 10 the colors a nd beaull- &re the hands of thrN• women fallh· t ul lntt'r1urs •~ the w omen are," Ion 1tyl111t11. One ot those wnmt'n 11hP llllllll•d "Thry lm·e It."' I.a Mary Lou Chapman Qt Dl!lrnll. ~EXT \•t:All '! fuhlon 1lyhst with Chrysler Corp \\"h,it·io 111 llt'lrt' fnr l!l!'ll) ~ "I'm for the put two and a half yPar.11 not Rl l1bt rty 10 really a.nsw"r M1aa Chapmnn worked with l h11t ." 11lw l1111i;hetl. "hut lrl s 11sy Mlsa Bruce Cll'rke, f1U1h1on editor you rnn look for A-Ome sta rt ling wllh Harper'1 811.7.aar, in rtanmng rhllll!:"" in tht' !9!'16 f'hr~·,.lt'r. · the lmp<>rl11l Fuh1on Show pre· She l'lll•I 1 he ni·w m•iofPIA wlll be .ented Wednudlly nl&ht at lhe out In the latr· fllll. "We work Balboa Bay Club. She repre11enu trnm two lo t h ree Yt'llrll s h,.ar1 l Ch.ry11ler'1 styling t1epart mt nt In ot produl'tinn on styllnir." Ahr 1uch 1pec1al e\'enu sard t:-.::YERIOR 'oE<;OR "You can tonk for a m .. re cus-1 "L&at • year "''"• the real bl'· tom dt'll'!'.11£'<1 look 10 r1u11. 88 In g1nnlng of hl~ly 11tyl"1 lnttr10ff horn" rnmtstitn~ Th"" -writ hf'1 for cars," 11he ioall l. "\\"p rre lried I\ .:rrntrr de\"Pl••rmPn' of 11ynthr- the men were intl'reatPd 1n w h11t I u rs ""'' I• xt111 "· · s he rr .. .i1rtr.r I Is under the h«0<I of " • ar a nrl I \ HTl~T A~ O \\HI n :n I the womt>n art interest•· I 111 n1l11r ~111'' <."h.1pmen, y1111ng anr1 RI· and fabrics. AttracU\'e 1nt.,nor11 I t r11rl1'·"· iznt Int.•~ th" • r;r 1ntlu.•tr\ round out the whole cnr," ahe l'X · 1 through hrr art work. Shr m11Jnr- FUND FAIR Hoag A11xiliary Plahs Oct. 1 Hospital Benefit Pllln!I .. r.-11n1l•'l"WAY h•· the a.n I llur iy II ( ''~"Y· a 11x1hr;ry of H 11.;i: :>.!··111111 1111 )l .. ,.j l "n,.1111•1•n \\h" "111'1 n .. t h;o 11••" pltal f .. r I\ Fah11l11u11 1-'und f'111r ft l'r1t ,,,., ... \111•• Jr11n1• ll•IJ •"· to hi' hl'hl 1)1'1 I In thf' fl•·n· In, ll•·nRld 1)111 lrnna: \\atdu·r. rtevous Ballroom In Halh'lil llnrnl I H"ll• k '"I F I\ .\I< 1 'ann Mm••!<. [• .. nald <""lq:rnv1· \" t" pn .. ld,.nl. \\:l\".'I .rnr1 mf'itn• rh .. 11· 1/3 to 1/2 OFF ·REGULAR PRICE FINE PLAY-TOGS EXCITING CASU,._L FASHIONS AT ; ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES- RIGHT NOW WHEN YOU NEED THEM THE MOST. Hurry for I st Choice LI 8-7566 1883 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 0 11t>n f·rl. ~Ill' 'Tll 9 man and Jr,,. 1'1 rln1ni:1 r •n1 1:al bf'nt>frts rh1<1rmftn nrP Jnmtly In ('hari:r "' th., 1mr11rt11111 m n r\ r111•1HJ: ,.,·,.nt (nr I h,. h .. •1n1 • .t WONDER-WIRED FOR On 1-'rtrtsy. J ul\· Z:! ~lo ... • Pre1n1ngf'r 11n1 l'11lf'1;rn\'I' ••nr<'I · lftlnPrt at " hurl•" lun rh,.nn 111 Mr" Pr .. lnini;:rr 11 l.r·I" 1~tP hllm• rnr the rh111 rm~n h • hn ri:" ••f IY>nth" 11n' • thrr V"\' \\"rkn• 11nrl J'rr•l'nff'fl tt\'rrAll r lnn• f• I thl• ""~nt 11011111 •·f th" runrJ (All will ht> fr••lll 11 A 111 I•• Ii I' n1 f!>llnw ,,-d hv a r!An•" (r<om ll ('Im GU•'ftlll [WP/u'nt IPpr<·~··nt••d 1111 nr"'" nf th•' 1111x1h111 ~· .'1111,., F l11rPn.:" T11n1~. \'11 \tor· T•·rn· ,1J1r1 .f11111e~ s,,~.,r n 11nlt11.:tnn B1•111 h l • M ll11rn11wl • prPl•l•l•'nl • l l H\\Al•l F IPntlllj.; llO•I ~II'• 1: •• 1111tl•• F ro "1 l.ai:unn n.,.,.i, )l•.r" Gurst• fr11m lhl' H11rhr.r "'"' wr11' M11 e1<. RPrtli11 Tall•· 1 +io .. n 1 ·n ! lo 11"111 !' •1,11 h I,,., W· I r"."''' H. !'ptAl(ll•' Jr , Arthur .J 1;ru•,1,·•ll. II II. l'rum. H&I !Ilk•. It J \ '11llin~ \\",1rrf'11 \\'1l~11n. C 'hn 111'' I .:1mh, h.enn,.· h C; :< 1111( • 1 ... 1,.,· F r11n• :• 1 • I •11v. Miii, ~.II~· ""'u1 l !": r: H• I L.c. J Re k < ·un~J"n Jtu1 nell G For~· \'. John F J 1.,.1. li:e V •ll \\Brr. llar!'ir.ra ~·1.iH!t. lfq\\ttr•I Lrw 1~ \\".tha m .\tll arh, SUPERB FIT, CONTROL, COMFORT ••• DEFINITELY YOURS 'Ji/)~'t!to:·~'~\f#/#~~w ' l3Y HOLLYWOOD-MAXWELL ,(I. No 'll'Onder this Is the finest in t~• "'"' ... supple lftd p1ddtd, undencorinc u ch tll9 lo '\ ARTIST SHO\\"S PARK PAINTINGS NYLON SLIPS A 11hnw ing of iotvl'n w attr- rolo r ii by . · rwport H11rbor 11rt1~t ThrlmA Pn•lrlock Hope w11l hani; al Blue Salta b,\ lhe Pa\'1hon through t.ht f1rn two weelt1 or .August I.he arU1t eaid Ca 11 f' d ' Spl"lng Comt~ Sluie to flt t\·ery- one. Une bodice & h~m noun('f' (If permanent . p I n pleat8. White 'only - Harbor 1808 LIKE A PINK CLOUD. this silk chiffon evening dreaa will make Milady He.ID like a dr('am walking. It-was one ot 30 ensembles modeled at the fall preview of fuh- iuns. co\)rdlJlateJ b}· Harper's Baz.aar -Terry Boria Photo O':'\ell Park." the plclurea depict the t r e e 1 of the o ran,e County park Wblch llu behind L&j:t'Una Beach. 27S'7 E. Cout HJghway Corona del Mar Corona df'I Mar ' . -I .... ..... ·- ' ' / , , Sutherland-Neumann .Marriage S9lemnized at Baptist Church MRS. S. PHILIP SUTHERLAl"fD Fathers of Bride and Groom Perform Ceremony \\'&o l11ing VOW• Wl'I. spoken June 17 by Jtlftnn M iu i;a.ret l\:l'U· mann. d11u,.;htl'r (If He''· and Mra. P. C. .N•·umann ot Co11ta Mus and S. Philip S11thrrland, aon nf Dr. 11.nd "''"· S. H Sutherlan\! of lllJ>I Angl'IPll. 1'hf' pair wall unltt•d In 11111r- r ia g1· 111 .,~1rst B111H110t Churr h 1n ('ostll Me11a bv Lhe f11lhen1 of the bride a nll 1iroorn w ho c.-nnductPd lht 1l'rv1ces together. T he b1 i•te wnrt' a rh11ntHly lace go wn with ~rallnpep neckltnf'. long 11IPt>vea 11nd tlj:hl boda ct'. Thi' llktrt wa" ballowlng tulle ovrr 1<8· tin with three ttl'r in~rrts of l11c:e whleh l'Xtl'nfit'tl to a tr1un. A l11c.-r 1ralloped headpiece ht'ld the ringl'rtlp vl'il In plar e. For he r bouquet. the bnde car- rlrd a while> orrh ld AUrroundtd b\" baby pink rose bud.a and lily ~t ed In blue organza with matrhing :ohoes and gloves and a pink h&t. Baby pmk rosebud& whlrh rom· posed htr C<lrsage blf'n1lell wit h hrr en.!lt>rnble. For her g oing-away •111t, t he bride wore a t•oral knit. Her cor· .sai;e wq 11 white orchid. Th!' r1111· pie Ill making their hnme in Los Angeles followtnir t heir honl'y· moon to a mountain r1>11ort. The nrw Mn . Sl'therlanrt wu grsduated from l\'.ewporl H11rhor l'mon High School a nd 1:$1nla 81· bll' College In Loa AngelM ~tr SutherhU\d attended Cultl'r At·•· demy In Loa Angeles an1l Bwla Bible Collf'g<'. He 111 now " pay· r holoey maJor at Pa..aclena Col· lege. Spec.-l&l guest• at the wr1ld1ng included the granJpia1 enl• of tht' brn.le from Seattle. rt'lal1vu from P ortland and many membt'rs of the v11lley. tht' Bible Institute ot Los Ange· Maid of honor was Betty Lou tea faculty. Neumann who wu drtsllt'd In a 1------------sh1>ll r11nk prtnr t'llll 11tyte· taffeta balle11n11 length gown. Brlde11- mal1111 w1>rt> •lrt•'UJe't In similar gowns n t deep rose pink. T hey Wt're J\IU~ll Juli .. s .. llj:elln Of P 81jll• <!""" 11n1I M ri1. llHrt ~· C'h118e nf H .. 11ywl'M11i. C'Hn<ilt>llicht!'rll were M1:<11 C'h11rlrrw Sultl'rrleld 11 nd Mi~~ N Ol'lllll Ut>rry. Best mnn for th.: groom was R1·v. Rtl'h111 d Ch8!1e, hill brother· ln-h1w. l '•hrr" wrr(' Ra~ Neu- m11n11, P.1ul l\:i>umann. Clyde Cook a 111I Jim St>ll'cove. Mlss Dn r111 \\'Nzl,·r attenJetl the guest bo<ik. • s, MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Society Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS --PART r . PAGE 3 FRIDAY, JULY 29, .1955 BRUNCH HONORS SISTERS AT JOHN NEFF RESIDEN CE Mra :-i .. rm1<11 C'arls"n and ~In. Robl'rl Olandrr uf New- JlMt Ht1ghts wl'tl' hnnoreJ 11t a buffet brun<"h tut WO'<'k at lh1· home 11r ~It;, J ohn \' . .Nert, HO Sant.i Ana A\'f' M n1 Olander lf"tt \\'t'dn<'1<<lay for St. Paul and Mrfi l""tl· a11n wall 1"11\'C' tomorrow fnr the sam• c11v whtr t' lhl' ~1'll't ll will help lhear p11rl'nts. Rl'v. 11nd M rs. F'red Wahler" ultbr!ltl' lhetr f1flleth wPd<ling annlVl'r881 y. Oth'lrs at lhr brund1 w ert M rnn . ~1110 C Lotcy. \linl t nt Pu:kup. L. R. :-lll'hol~on. K. A. ~t.:01\'tlt. L. W. s, ho nek and C F. s~hon~k f rom t'athl'{1ntl City. ~lrs L \\" Sr hon<'k or ~21 San BemarJinu St. also w ilt leav,... rnr St Paul on Satur· d11y. _. J DATE SET l Plegers T ell of Wedding M r anti M11< Rtl'hHn1 Plegl"r nr ~or. Dahlt& Ave annf)u nC'ed l hl' m arr 111i:,. datl' of lhe11 •l.111a.:hter. ~l.111a, nn Sept 2 11t 8 pm. at SI A ntlrt'w .. Pre11by- I f Harbor Photo) \\'httl' ancl pink ictadloll dec.-or- alt>rl tht < hurC"h with pink can- dlPs a1lnrning t ht' plnk and green aisle trimming. Crffn fem wai1 around t h" white prayer bench at th" f'ntl nr th!' 1111tll' runner l1>r1en n1urt h 1.. f'RVld V" Lynt I ~Ir. L~ 1H h 111 the l!On or Social Whirl Marks W ectding Ori:11ni-t WRll lltr& ~fl\rj(IU-• l nrt•·r" ur Alhambra. Tom l '<'11l of Los Angelr11. Mloast, 1111ni:: .. l,,ove ~hRll A bid!'," "Bec.-11u~r." ann "Oh l't'rtec.-t Love." Thi' r"<'f'Jlt illn In the fl'ilow11hlJl hAll t>f thl' rlmrrti ;W,lllf wt'tf'T\/'fl'I! bv RJlprox lmatrly !l-00 plt'1<li<. Thi' hall w111 drcora ted In pank 11n<i JPN'n ;\lrio Ru~ell P ruett or A1 ead1a 11nd :'\1•wp11rt Hi'1i:ht11 and Oavlfl L l.ync•h nf J'A"8•11'1111 Mil'• l'lei;:<'r 1~ 11 1n 111h11He of :-:ewl" 1t Harb11r t•n1"n High Scboul._..as. .la ..Ji.er ('" n 1"• who ia • • now 11 l l•'n1ltn,1? OrHnit" C1111~t Col· IPjtl' I ll was I ll"Urlll (\f l'•lrllll IHllVI• tw>11 ro r the Cl"ne R1uu1 fstn11lv of l.arln l•t.. h••Cnre llw n111rnai:r S11 1111 .i11v nr th1•1r i11111.:hr "" t:ll7A brlh Ann to l'h11t rl Hr•u1k11 J\11 · Corm irk T h,. bndr• w1111 h<•nn1 rd 111 " flhOWPr J!IW'n hy J\11 ~ .l11n1•' I ... ,. ltnl' nf <'ulvt'r ('tty onfl (If thl' b11'11'~m1111l11 Th111 \'·fl\'<' 1!'"'"1 • ffil\DV of thl'm fnrmf'r l!l'hn.cl· mat;,.. 1111,.ml<'<l Th.-nl'W ~r • MrC'f)rmrrk WR!' 111..,, 1n11111t"t1 10 In th,. 11111t,.rhtY1<l Of fl~: 0 11n<I honnr "'t 111 11 111n1 I,., n 1\1 th• hnm,. nf Mrra F:•lc.•r lh ll I.ad" ~1 1• f"1aok M1u ,.h11ll .I •n· f PrlAm-1-•I " h111th ..... 11 n.1 lu~· rhrn "'t"l''"~r ,,, r••r ••• lhr "''' 1.tJnc "" '110 ~I•-.1 .. 111• .. ~·\'1111rnn ,.( Ll•ln 11 nd ~II • H111 nll'nd Hntlc n whn rn-hnrar ... ,.,.,, II hrn1·hl'fln arvl hn"n •hn\\ <'r !Ill 11nd M1 ~ J"lin K · rprr "' :-;. Wflf•r I H<'l llhtll 11 111.1 ,. ... 1 '""I• n( th,. hll<IP, Ch\I' 110 f\l"h•1 1t1n· nrr Thur~•IA\' h"tnrl' lh" \\1 •l•hni.: r .. W"l>'''"'" !\Ir 111,.t Mt• .l•'hll n. ht'tl!C. htnlhi"'I" •n IH\\' J1H I ... , ... fl"r nf thr hrlrl1• \\hn 11 111\•d rr• 11 A anh"r~• Th" rlinini: r•i<>m t1f lh• Krrprr hnmr \\II• t111n~f.111111"I 111. t n 11 1rnp11•11l 11Ptt1ni:-w ith lhr rn••· Mrs. Addy Vi sits Here MrJ11 Praxct'dllla Adel\' ur I ,(•• An~f'l\'11 IS fl hn11.,,• ..:u~ ... t u' h• r 111;.tl!'r, Mrs. 011v11l l •. 1111.:1ui .. r i.~·· A rhnr l"t , r 1111ta MrNR ~1 1 • I.an· IJ?lln whn 111 knnwn f'l "fo ••r •n11I J\• u Jl!'lln IA'lltltB ll. AllPnolrd tllf' RPnn1r 11hnwm11 I'll lh" I, \ M11w11m twrore brani.:in .: h••r M.- '"r dnwn for A \'1~1 I The main pn111t n( inrPr• iol r" J.lrio .• Art.Iv •·111 ~ au .. nc:11n1t thl' Ail rAllfom111 F:xh1b1l I'l l lhr 1..A![\Jn" Fl'l't\\·RI nf A rill "hrrr J.tr11. f..Anlit•n'" wo1 k 111 on 1ll11- pl111y. A w<'ll at trn<!l'{I prt-~l'••W· 1nir rif h!'r wqrk WM hl'lrt brfl'I~ t hi" 1"!'9llYlll IJf A rh l'Kh1htt11 nJl"ntd. Millers Return to Salem Home Mr. and Mn . Howard F ~fll· ~r ~ SILlf'fTl, Ore. \ttt Mnn•ll•Y 1 tn rel11m h1'm• from a •·erk 11 11ta v with Mr. a.nd Mt"· f:lmer rt~k of 242i C>nul1ott1 AvP . Co· a la Mf'H. Thr t <>uplr1 v1a1teJ •YWal Sou t h • r n California pomta of lntert11t durinK th• v1· .. ton ' "I"~" inc:luc:1tn1t 111 trip lttrott-1!· Dt-yland an•I Ml'Mnl'· \ltnd. Mermaids to Meet l"Tlrnd11h1p nlj!hl "'Ill "" th,. kf'ynote of the llt'lll ml!'fl ttnl( ••I t h• Mrrm11hh Club. Muon10 &f· f1hatu . tn be hl'M \\'f'\lne11d11~· A ue. 8. a l tht' \'l.)11t1 Mt11a Girl a<:out ho111111 a t 7 30 p.m. F:llch sru•nber 1" a:<kl'.I to hr rntr a friend to lhl' nal!l'lln~ TI111 111m· m tttff In ch11rg11 111 t.l rl' . .l. I< J..ocn'OOd, Mra. R.11,· :'\rt111en 11.1111 ~ra. M~ { f'i11h~1 . Miohael Hill Son Mr a nd ~tr11 ~lrl'l~ll• I Hill .-:to R•n"'~ 1•111r • '""'.,. ''"""' e rfl' r s r,,n•, nf #t ''''" t'\At'I\ h• tn Ju.17 22 a t Ho11s Ho~r1t 41l t1f • 11rr1r<l out In th" mrnu. M a11s A!li.a~t11nt1< at th,. ll'rep.iaun W"re Mr11. '"'°"'"'""· anal M ra. \\'11-l\1111 V Rol<!I. 11unt or the br tde. 1 J:'llll M An11.hPlm, M r~. Mina Col1Jl· "~~•·lt"I •·r, M a~!I Ann 1.11n<I. l\1111& ·'""" It WH.~ mold 1·nnf11~1nn and 1!11~'1'· Hill)'. M11<1t-Ma).(g1e Krnft n( l..oa I\' 111 thl' n .. ,..~ home thP .lay be·, An11:<·l1•8 snrl M1~11 ('11rnl P rl11trr. 1 .. 1 .. lhc W•·•ldtn1: wh••n all 2:: n11t· '!·11., b11ol1 J11 mothPr wo11• a of·I""" m"mb"r~ "'·the w1•<iol1111t ma11v.., 11nd pink rryJ11IUIPt tcnwn 1'•111\· Artl\•,..j A wrd•ilni: tl'helll"· with mft l•h ll11t lllrf' JSl'kl'l, hat 11 I <iinn• r w11 • i;:1\•1•n F'rt•hl\' nii:ht 11nr! 1tlOVl'I! 1intl 11hof'~ ~he wol'f' h\' lhl' hrttf"'" parents Ill the Bal· I l Jllnk rymbidium corA11ge. ho11 ll•w f'l1Jb ThP irroom·,. mothrr v:as gown· Van Tress Girls Home from Trip 1 \\rpJrnnitil html" l'l"I '"' !'k ;o 1 th" l'h11:1r Van T•"~" h• "" :!n7 t t'nntlnrn\111 ,\'", I ·n ... t1< ~T· ~" Wl'r" .ti1 n1•" 11wl I 'll\ 111• \ 11n T r"'' "h" hl\tl '"''" "n " "~' 111 .. n t1 1p "'l\h th• tr J?t.ondp11 r• nr~ ~Ir 11n•I MRS .. 'vVARD TO BE I-4"'ETED AT SHOWER ~li!lrel111neo1111 11hower tor th" ntw ~1r11. Rogrr Wllll1<m• Wu<! J r. will ~ J:IVtn tonight by Mrs. Hui:h M Thnmpioon, Mn. M1llon Neeh•n a.nlt Mni. l..ern~· El""""' t. 'Th• ahnwer "111 ht ~,,.,.n 11 1 th" home n f lhl' t>1t•l1 11 h1o1l li"r Ill 2064 ~fl'\l'r l'horr 1·n•I" J\lf'IUI 1lte t •I kt· \\ 111 be i1t"<.·nn1t"" ""' lh• trn•lrnJ>t \\Ill (nrm thf' r 11• 11l •r 'kiri of 11 11nr doll •"I an r h~ < rnll't Pink ani1 Mr11 1: .1 '}!"k"y.._nr """"'"IAims Have Daughter G1nv• 111n• r .lliru• I'' I Mr ""<I Mr11 ('Arni Alm 4()(1 A(1rr 11 ,,,. 1h., Soll ~.·,p1orn; I Prok 111•• r11r1v ....... 1 ""1llar1n1Hrolmwt1 .. •I n1n· .. 11r~ Jlllr .. nt• of, flt<! F n 1pd Mi.I 111~.111l1un11•rn.!Hn ... p1t11I t "Rlalnr i1rn ''"l'f'IHJ: HI ltw r• .. rn-II J?lrl hntn .1111\· 2" 1n Hn11g l ANNOUNCING ... HOLLY VISEL I• nrw-nln1 11 1'tnrtln nf DRAMATIC ART & SINGING at 1~ TllE l'.l:"K-Mrs. William R. Sevh ancc and Mrs. Wm. Ficker are seen here on the bl'ach at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club putting the last-minute touches on their Trop1tal Fun tans so they will be right in style for the N. H. Y. C.'s gala South SeaR Pa rty on Saturdav night. This annual event is one of the summer season's gayest parties and will feature the Polync-s1an 'motif throughout-Beckner Photo. '!IH I 1 APOl.t :SA-ft.\l.llOA l!'ll.ASll DO YOU ... """' In .. inc. M'I. •P"ak .... 11. •r1 ... 11r fl Uhlll'I.' ~ ~ ~ ~tr,., n .... 1 ha.a had ~2 )rrir" .. ,r,..rli·nrr In '"""hlnc th,..... art • fur ronr .. rt. f'Ol••rtalnmr nt 1.nd r11ll11ral """· .\\all11hlf' fur l'rngnun ... I ':•II II.\ ltBOR '?G!IU-R fnr AJll>fllntm•·nl ~UGUST SRLE/ of Q14a/ity FURS :omplete Selection of Fine Fun in All Popular Styln and Colon AT GENUINE REDUCTIONS Ovr label i 1 y o u r guorontH of q uolity fun ond e xpert work- mon,l,op Have Yovr' fvj-, USTYUO NOW AT HOUCH> ,RICISI OLIVE M. DUL.118 FURS 211 N. lroadway I.mi AM II 2-1223 -,_ OR.~ ,.GE COIJNTl"S l'OllEMOST FVIUUER , I You Owe it to Yourself to See the Bargains in Rule's Summer Clearance Sale Pal in io lizard Amano', LADIES QUALITY SHOES Reg . Price 24.95 18.95 Sale Price 15.95 12.95 Rule's Custom Made Queen Quality 18.95 .............................. 12.95 12 .95 .............. ~ ................. 9.95 Mel Preston Custom Casuals Sbicca Casuals 17.95 .............................. 12.95 I 0.95 ................................. 6.95 Taicher's Straw Casuals ......................... . Taicher's Straw Flats ......................................... . 9.95 7.95 Oomphies Casuals .. .. ..... , ...................................... b.95 ........................ -....... 6.95 4.95 4.95 All SaJea Final -No H chanitH or rehmd• • -RULE'S of California J410 Y1a Udo 111 ... Udo ShoppitMJ Cettter _Ha OJSS I ' -I ... . Mesans Host Friends· Sorority Has Meet ll'ntquent irueala at th• J. L.I Mr•. Ray ~f'llNn, au Kol.m· Barnell home, H I Bernard It •• wood Drh·f'. Ntwp<\tt H•i~hta. Coeta Mt•. are old fr1end1 from waa hNte,.. to thf' membere of 'T'rl!'nton. Mluourl. Mrs and Mr a. W iiiiam r. R uah. Com ins to C'a.l· ltt11 0 F.t~ C'haptl'r of Ep11lon lll&· ltomla. to -Ulelr 90n In Up-ma Alrh11 -.>ro11ty at their .-.. landa, Mr. and Mra. RUAh have irutar n1tttm1t Th11ra.la.y «Vt!nin•· l"l!'nted a cotla(e at Balboa tor 1 Mrs t':\'erf'tl Rra •'"· pN'aldent. month. prt'!ltdtJ • UYE IN THE HARBOR AREA 7 Check How Easily You Can REDUCE with safe, sure e So dM4J• • :So b"at • :Sq f'nrdaln1ot e ~·n PIN'lrtC'lty • S o a.trf'ntwu• dlrtlnir • Com'pll'lf' prh·a"'' • lndh1dual &ttf'nllnn e Eftdol'Md by \'Ol'U" • ()pl'n I a.m.·8 p.m . • t •l'N' trh1J 1,....tmt'nt SI l"1 E. C-OUt Hw!._ CORONA D•:I~ MAR at Pride-N-Joy 188 1 Harbor Blvd .-LI 8-706 I While They Last!! Children's Tricycles Reg. 12 .95-Sale Price-$10.95 ·Reg. I '4.95 I Deluxe I Sale Price-$12.91 Children's Bar-1-9 Sets Reg . I 2~CfS-Sife -Price-$7.95 T Shirts-Reg. 98c-Sal"' Price-85c .• > I PLAYTEX BABY PANTS 4'°/o OFF FREE! -Stuffed ....._. wttl\ Purcbue of every ~ . °" F~m.a.tr W.-OfTii UR OI'.-....... -......... CommWLll)' Credit ...__ .. ,.~, .. 0-.......--. .... z 0 I -z .. • g • Ill "' "' • z c z ., • Ill ., "' 0 ... c ~ .. c Ill "' • = 0 • Ill I -., .. .. PA GE '4 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 195~ NEW WOMEN'S WEAR HERE Jo-E ns Origmal:-1 are being showu at the new sto:·e just openC'd at 3337 Newport Blvd. Joan Jordan, in charge of the ·store is shown displa~·ing one nf the beautiful frocks to Miss Wanda Wessell. The interior of the bright new store was decorated by Lyell Buttermore. Staff Photo TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT !'A;>.;TA A:'\A 0 J ULY291 0NC8l l l&lk' has bet'n prt'valent thnt the -NE\\' YORK :'1:00:\ C'O :\t!ltE!"\T dl\'1den{l may bl' inr re!L,<'d T h,. mnrl<N en• ,1unltrPil earh· 1 He.vnoldl! Metalic advann•d to a · new high following lh" proposed Af'llinj.: In ~ympa thetlC' 1 E'~ponsll ~-1 l!pllt which ewn rxC'.,Pols pre- 10 re~p1111~e ln li(•lhlt>hcni :Steel's viuu., i;ues.'les Qf 11 3 or 4 f.ir l 111.1ltirc• ll) split. Hnwr\·er. t hi~ I \\'1•stinghnt111r EIPclrk t•xtcwlrd Jnrluence wore urr quickly as re· Its rncovery and app1•11rs l'Apable coi:-nit 11on was ~11·1·n to thr revor·, nf working 111.rthPr t1hl'nll As Able .. at r11n ·i1 and l'•Jlllmrnl re· prei•tously 11bservPd. th1• fi•1"r n•· · i:. pt)rt had bei•n w ell d11wwm lt>d i:-anhnj.!' rn1spe<'L11 O\'er balanC'e of I so that on any m inor 1'1•1u'l1nn~ thr year as wrtl as n thrr flwor· l n1e ·1!!:me w,rnl'T appe11 r fr, •·nlllTI ab!µ 11 I' t 1 o n ll\k•'ll by J onNl a m inimum of risk. l..a u~hhn 11nrt antlnpatt'!l r~rm ' n:\"E Rt'HRY.~ Rt:1•ottT Col••r:i1ln F 11" I. :'\11l1onal S teel helpr I i;cntlmMl with 1Ls 11tllll'· I U. S. R11bb1·r hrlf)C'J 1IK d1v1Mon mront 'I M1 It in•h1·atcs that an ex· with a ftnt' six mont h~ r"purl tr11 will hk.,ly he paid al veara whlfe Xnrlh· Amrrit'a n A\'1at1on nu! · I reatnrl'll the a lrcrl\ft!I In rc.'lponsl' _ :lt<>TOR8 AIDED I to Its excellent Jun' quartt•r rr· lulls. Full fl11C'1l y'ar nrt ot . T~ fll"l"r g roup wa3 aided by thr ftt,'111 .1b!P F:ler lnc Auto Lite report" a nti <'Onlln11ed Investment I Killion Opens New trnylng nf GPnPr&.1 Motors. Chry11-R-1 Esta-Finn ler hol•ls WE'il d tlae to the -.. ,.. peak rn ent1l'ipatlon of !ta report Wiiiard L. Klllion, Realtor, lo- no:t \\'"' l<. w h ich Is expected to I ~h"w n<'t or apprnxHnalely $8 per dRy announC'e<1 he has movl'1I In -"8rt'. Pl'ndlng dlvtdend new• due to hi• new ~al utale olflcea next Thur..tay, wouJd expect located at 3341 Newport Blvd .. Ch ry~lrr 1° work ehud. acro111 t rom cit,Y hllll In the new 8111t.J Mfl'. 111 firm and with a ll1\'11lcnd meeting-due toda y two • story bullchng now being completed. I "Although our signs 11rl' not I up to Identify our particular of· f1 C'e In th1:i modern new bud <!· Ing, we RI I' on the JCl b a..nrl w1ll be happy I•> h i.Vt' rrt•·nils nn<I v1s1tor:; h111pr<'t thr n"w quarl· er!,'' K 1l11t111 ~01 I. T h" vt'l• r11n $£1 per share app,ars likely which \'ll'ltiallv llS8U1'f'S 8 c1IVJ11ent1 In· c 11.'ll~" · l,.t• r in the year. On & $I p11y11ut yield \W111h1 be 6 7 p•'r ''"Ill wh11'11 1~ 1ellll1vely jZ'l'nerous r'i11• a ll'Rllln~ 11ntl of the 1n· lt11,1ry \\'1IJ1 l••ni.:••r term .:1 owlh P'•ll"nllal 111 1•1'•1 tronlcs. mt~~ill's, and fl t n1111t• cne1 i:,y. !:;tttnd11rd o( i\1•\\' J erSPY Wa.'I a ided by Jill report a.s well. O•·n· .,, til F '"us aml E1i1:-un Bros., which also 111t·r('!IS,.rl tlll' <hvltlend. 'flw' 111111·kt!l was pr11\·1dNI with :in 1•;c.~v 1"w11sr t n ~rll off 'today tn U1 .. fr11•111 nf th1· Belhlrhem Steel nr\1.<. Llltlc :< oc·k c11 me In how- l''" r. and w1 l h sperialty buying Hk••l.v w 1·11ot_rn11e in n srlecl num- ber of issues, look for a fl rm tone o\·er th!' balnrwe of the d11y. 0 011 J m11•" I r.~f. 1'ffH·k A1·t•r&(f' 30 l nd11i<t11als 46~ 8i Qff ().~9 ~o R31Jnm•ls J 5 l ' t ihlll'!'I I 51S.~15 off 0.05 116.6:\ lip 0.05 p.111. volume 1 nso.ooo va. I 1511 tHl(J 'fhur~<la~· 1,0<'AI. l'TO('K l.l~T nm " ASK Bank ot Amc•r irn 3!l.lit·•H;. Brrkman lnstrumrnt 22'Si l'nllfornia Bank •. ~ os1 •• 51ll;. fHsney f \V~H.J . 391,.431: First West rm Bank . 53 '-; ·54 Ii G!assrar • 2 ~4·3 12 H111l Scott J\triturs ·~-5 lnterslatP F:ng1nt>t>nng 101.4 .10~. Market Buket Com .. , ... 20·22'>i Mayf&Jr Markt'lll .. ·-·· .• 9 '.4·10 Minute M11 ld . 171,-17118 Sec. First !l'nt'l. Bank .. OR-611~ Thrifty Drug .. 9~·10&.~ TreN1weE'l 21 ·22 Van CR1n p Sea r (l0tl 11'-!l'• li. s . Nat I. Bank, S. U. • 2011 \\'11:anl lloRt 2"'·21 , TUSTIN PLA YBOX F l:\'AI. WF.t~K Ha)\bor Rl'Rll"r T('('1•ntly d1s.<01 I· atecJ h1msrlf from I'. A. Palmer, ln1'. in ol'der lo 10 into busin1·s11 I I for h1ms"lr at I.he Ol.'W l•~C'3 11on. "Night Must Fall" Tlc>k1·t" 81 Hl11t' ~tLll,., Rftlt>oa All ~ah "''" 11.5'1 100 So. "( "' St .. 'Tu•tlo ii o:-.c · "' \\'. 8 Tt T lff:IT Stutheit Named to High Elks Post for Coast F l'LLF;nTtl;'I: l()C:'\S l --0~t:ar W 1'l11l l11'&1 . lllO N . Bata1·ia 0 1 "rl~· ha~ hf'••n Appninlf'rl DI~· tr11 · l'rp111y (:rl\n.t F:xallPd Rult>r. Bf'P~:. "' !Iii' C':1lif1•rn1.. South C<oA~I \\ h1rh 1n1 l11dPs Or11J1ge 11.nd S 11n 1'1 .. i;o. It WAii rrported Wed· n<'• Jn1 Tho· nppmntnwnt wu madt> hy J1 hn111· \\'nlk1•1 HMinoke, VA., "''"'l)'·<'lrrtrd r:r1<nol F:xnlted Rul· •r I StuU1"1'-will be Inducted Into offln• ttl S1dt Liike City Aug. i 27 whrn •h~I no'l dl'pulit>s of the ""'s1 • rn ~l·Hrs ml"et there tc>r Ill· do, I rimH11111. J\ m••mbrr or Orange L.odgl' No. 1 17'1 ~1 111hr1t t«'rvC'd u E;µll•d R11lrr •n 1!H7-t8, ~r«'nt five ~·ears on I h r h11R1 d of t nislt't'• of thl' 01-.rni;r Lodjtl', "'"' dl5lrlct ch11fr· 'Vlln of lhr 11tt1alliot1c committee f r>r 1wo '"' ir• and 11 now io,r. v1 n i.: I 11< "'' • no! ~·,.11.r as & t n110tl'f I ()( lhl' C'1111f .. m 1a E lk11 Aaso<'l&tton ~··w •h~I n• I <ll'puty will flltH'· """I r:11nk :ll:1ttox. An&hl'lm· r lllll'fl"lt I.A"!•" ;\'n l~~:i. who haio hrld lh,. ··~fll'" fM th~ p11111 Y•·ar. Company Comin'7 Fish 'n Chips Jumbo Fried Shrimp To Go Surf Fish Fry !1 HI Ott-Front -r !11~11 PIH ---- THE PIRATE 2~Hi St. at N1•wport RlnJ. 81't'r a t thti f'lft'lllde -H ot llnl:'~ -Rou t "'m l'ourvlt you·11 lo~e t\otel lJguna and ti>" ('Al'TA I~':-. (ARI~ I -:s.~ ~~~ l.a~una's ~mart nrw lounge Th" l'AI I. S l 'TTO:\' Trh• llandnl{ f"T•'r)' nll(ht OAllCIN' t "'''"fl' !"on. I from 9 :SO p.m . :\o ('O\'f'r-~n Minimum Grando/Ip 's 1 rormerly of Ht•n11 t • complete menu for the family l'IZZA e SPAGICETTI e l..\!'i,\t;~ •\ HOMt: · MAot~ RA\'JOU e STF.A Kg e SEA }'000 FOOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 O J'E:\' DAIL\' 1'.! :\'00:-\-1'.? MID'.'\U;HT, !\fO:S-. ~ p.m. Tll. Mm. ' ... ... IFIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS B~· THE OLD SPORT pond C1Ut U1ere &11d ll '• tough, cold a nd Wt'l bu1lneaa. The boya are ~lilly daguste<I, but U Ul\.laJ th<')' all left Ulla morning to try lot a catt·h L. W. P..lt'a awing-Ing a me~ buttnfly net -mean t'JIOUJh l o tool :J 1, t.on1 of mackerel J.Jonday night orf Catalina un Pr1sclllL She m11>hl not be the boat with the vanllla •m<'ll, but she'a boatln' lh' flna. It's a tough way to retire, rat. And buying a ntw ra1r' C't J'htra ' Jone•· ttnt"e u u1 ar ro• hll IOUlh doesn't make-you • road en&m1ter -tO. or give you a -p.rmlt ..to make your I Take it uby and ahoot ceretul· own N>ad plumb through •~armer i bk• The New Art Stegmann's Colonial /G,dlauranl \\'hnl'11 thl.' U• quullon for the • I !!<'oopers ~ \\'hy 19 mackerel $45 a ---------------------------1 Lon In 'f'edro which 11 20 mlles & Jourig~ Fiah and game wardens made prompt delivery last week I aw ay and only U O here! You on that renegade purse seiner which the Old Sport reported ani1wer 11 Say boy11, wt t.ltc1n'l mun tor made an illegal set on a large school of mackerel off Cata-y<Hi to open up the Jove aeaaon lina. His catch and his nets were auctioned off in 'Pedro last sun.ty lk lltr walt until and the boat is tied up W1til the courts settle with him. Si•J>l. 1 b .. tor•' Y•>u ruln next year'• crop tori Holt! f1rl' on lholl(' Flou '1 an answer to a f11her-1 5 ton.s of long Im on Dot L. Claire mulhr r budi1, ltll'y'rt1 still iuulng mllll'll prayer end s he surf' p11ld off St.:\'ena beat t he Japanes<' im p9 rts on lh' n ... &t. for Freeman H. Easton the other lo 4 tun11 agau1 on h1:1 batth:;1h1p day. The Cosl& MeH (•ha.mp BudtJy. Looks llke • IJ1g yea r for dtit'r brought In 12 ton of albacur•'. Are the alby:i t·orning 111 or go-hun t.-ii;. After icettlng your IJ. whil'h hi; picked up close to Bon-I 111~ out? Ask any uf lht'~" r .. ~1 Ct'lui.... bt>lll!r chc.:k your llfu Jn· Jt u Islands. That Flora's 1lecp 1 1sl1~rnwn who are dnfting nl)(hl 11umnce pnll cy and t hen Jut<t con- &nd b1ic and know• how to bt•huve art1:r night 11.nd they'll t ell yCJu the sider )'Ott're flair gnme too, just on thi' ocean. nhrn hun't be.-n bom yel wh1.1 l'nn Ill! mut·h as thuiw whn wear thP And (or the phony gold platl'J tl'll what a fish Is gou1g lo J d. &ntlt'n! j pr1z.e, Roy E. Wa rren 11hould st~p Her,;'s a nult• to 'ncourage the And r•'nwmher Even a special n~hl .up. Thn•e trips, 100 mill':! n1ok le.•. Th.e w"ather'3 roug h. stamp rluesn t mak.-the farmer out earh and he gel'!! lOwf'd bal'k. tioya, plenty rough. I t's no mill 1 huppy Whl'll you ahoot hi11 cow. How m &n y ti mes ? That's ngh l, \ jiiiiiiiiiiiii~·iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillmiiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiilliii!illillilliiiiilll thrt>e times U1e engine conked out. Roy, that boat of yours sure li1•es ' up to her name, C . Bra t, HAC'Hf:S S<'ORES Tthlt boat Native Son Is pulling l.E .... J~-:--~~~~1 . .,,, ~-.... '. : . . .. -~ ~ li ,}.-~ l _21 ,,, ·.·I rooD .. Gl<OC, ····"''··rr>-·' .. Al>fl c~R871. ·-----------in its llhare of the load. WILh Now a Every Day ID the Wee~ Jerry Hache1 of Costa Mesa at the ~=~=~~===~=:~~~~~:~===~=~:~ helm, 211 tone of yellow fin tuna ai and albacore were boated on the tut trip. And th•n there'• Gene Hachea, he'• the other half of lhoee rotch- 1n' Haches. Gene wound that M&r· lh& June up tut 11he rocked and 1 roUed ao much she quivered a.U lhe way Into Diego Tuuday where : she dumpt'd 10 tons of albys lo beat the market drop. I With a $40 drop per ton In the market, that kind of ~tus is worth. racing for. Aa of yesterday noon, a.lby• are only bringing $310 per ton now. Gene 1ald the catcn- av_erage1 a bout 10 Jo 12 pound.<! per tlah with an occulonal .f.0· I pounder. He uld the northern fleet Is down tUld the weatber·a I rOU(h. Now hear this. Sam HUI made up h l1 mind to glve It &nother whirl. Sam registered hie boat Alway• the othel' l!ay and· took out a commercial Ucense IO he can make another pile this yee.r. Bob Haworth !1 the fair haired boy a.round hJ1 home again. The an.swer 111 • tons of albacore boat· rd on Alert. And J<Mi Deem'• at 1t. apln. He chl.lked up another DELUXE LUNCH 11 :SO am. -s :00 p. m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES S:OO p. m. -S:OO a. m. -------FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Sune Priceft the 1'<'ar •Around CHINESE CASINO 111 Main St., Balboa llarbor 2208 pound for pound Oheno~ got m.ore .· Just Dellclous Foocll STEAKS e CHOPS e SEAFOOD AUSTRALIAN LOBSTER TAILS NICE DIN~"l:A 8£LECTION POPULAR PIUOIC8 Mariner's Mile-2332 W. Coast Highway acrbu from Port Orange Newport Beech ONCE AGAIN • • • • • • • • A NIGHT OF FUN • FOOD • FASIUONS A OAIA sn·u: SHOW Friday, July 29th-I p: m. l .rarbor · · -lou.s~. ~tb. { "-"'*'-' "-' e-'"'" .t.. '' tiiilhEJ:Ciiil DANCING EVERY NIGHT except 811Dda7 • BARNEY LANTZ & Iris m1111r 9 to l:SO Lm. Open 7 Days A Week tTl.I. ('Ot'RSE Dl!IOS~RS N<n·f'd t'rom 4 'UJ t1 p. N . NEW HOURS oi P. M.· -% A. M. a-la Carte Diane rs arur U :00 p.m. \'~AL SCALLOP . ii e LASAGNA e AC<'ommod&tlona available lffr PARTIES, BANQ.UETS, or CLUI DINNIRS PHOSE l'Ol'R RESERVATIONS NOW Harbor B'vd. at Wilson Liberty 9.5543 FEATURE FOR FEATURE ••• CHEVROLET$ GOT MORE FOR YOU ' • 9 engine-drive cholc" on all modela • 9~ Two gTeat 8's-the 162-b.p. "Turbo-Fire" or, optional at extra cost •• 180-h.p. "St>- • per Turbo-Fire"! Two great ~: "Blµe-Flame" 6's -most _: powerful in their field . And : three modem drivca to auit your driving! • ~: Best known, best lilcecl : body in the bu1iM1a • • • . • • : You'll find Fi~hl"r Body on ~ome of Amcrica·a high- priced cars and on CheY. rolct. But not on any other car in Chevrolet's field! 12-volts for twice • the punch . • Chevrolet has 'em • . -the only 12-volt • I • t'lcctrical f'ystem1 • . ~ Ill the low-price . field. You ge t • • quicker Startin& • in all we ather, • • plu1 f iner per· • • formanco and a • • greater reserve or • • electrical power • • Chevrolet's "Turbo-Fire V8" pours out. more horsepower per • • : Something new In pound than any other engine in its field. That's one of the things that make Chevrolet th e new winner in stock car competition.. It's one reason young-minded , on-the-go people take to the new Chevrolet like trout take th· ~ater. And it's one re~son you really ought to try this new Chevrolet yourself. Soon, we hopt> ... 1'( only to see why Chevrolet's caus ing such a commotfon ! 0 <i I d ' • steer ng an suspension . : With Ball-Race Steering and : Glide-Ride Front Suspcn- : 'mn, this new Chevrolet • rides, handle~ and. cnmer• li~c 11 spor!~ car' . • • • • • • • • MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1 1000 West Coast Hithwo.v NEWPORT llACH Uberty 1-226 t \ C\RQU~ \lll s. fu\\er'o" R . l l\~d. a' \wnp•''a \.a \\abta• ta\\t. - We Serve The Finest FooJ -·Everyday --, FOLLOW THE CROWDS TO THE • VILLA MARINA • CIRQUE RESTAURANTS - I• NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE S FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1965 Thank You ... Orange CountY • VILLA MARINA Residents and visitors to the Famous Harbor Area . . for your conHnued. supporl of our popular policy w~ich assures you of Dining Pleasure at greatly reduced prices • • On ... lay Front • Cirque and Villa Merine continue their poli~y of designating certain regular dinners at e greatly reduced price during specified periods es outlined below. We ere proud to announce that VUla Marina hes served 12,628 of these special dinners since starting. Thank you! Balboa Island, Ca/If ,.,,__ Hartior 393o Pot R On Thursd•y, August '4th, Viii• Merine will present a Fashion Show featur- ing the latest in wearing apparel. Note-this is a fan fashion show featuring crea- tions by Virginie's Snip'n Stitch Y erdage Shop, Balboa lslend. Complete lunch- eons will be served for $I .SO. PIHse c"ll Harbor 3930 for reservations. · ftlftryaflons 1955 SUNDAY SAVE THIS CALENDAR 7 14 21 28 AUGUST WEEKLY SPECIALS 1955 MONDAY TUESDAY I WEDNESDAY I THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 Our Special during the above calendar week will be PRIME RIB DINNER for $2.50, or you may order our SWORDFISH DINNER for $I .SO. • 8 9 10 12 Ourift9 the ebove ..lender WM, we wiR serve • NEW YORK (bone in for f1avor) STEAK for $2.SO. Or, ff you pNfer sewfood, our HALIBUT DINNEJl wiU be $1 .50 this w .. k. 15 16 17 18 19 This week we will fHture • TOP SIRLOIN STEAK for $2.50. or you may order our FRIED EASTERN SCALLOPS for $1.75. ' I 22 23 24 25 26 . Throughout the above calendar week. we will fHture ROAST TURKEY DINNER for $1. 75, or you may orde'r our FRIED SHRIMP DINNER for $1.50. 29 30 31 For Dining Pleasure at Greatly Reduced Prices (Shown above) These last four days of August, we will serve • FRIED CHICKEN DINNER for $1.75, or you may order our SWORDRSH DfNNER for $1 .50. PIRATD PLATE FOR CIID...DREN UNDER 12 t:NTREES $1.50 Fried· Fl.Jet of Sole, "1th Tartar Sauc:-e Cttamed Flaked Chlcken on Tout Broiled Ground Round St.eak Frlfid .iumbo Shrbnp, with Special Sauoe Muhf'd Pot.a toe!', \' f'Jp;f'tablft Milk REMINDER! At the Vi11a we also serve a beautiful buffet luncheon daily for $1.25. Menu service also. Both restaurants are open every day from I I •· m. till 2 a. m. Dick Dunn grin~s the Hammond at Cirque ,,nd Adrian Mikesell at the Villa. As~ Adrian or Dick to pl•y a special number for your birthday anniversary or any party you may have. P'or, dlnlnc ...,.ani out of t--. m..,. we •UCSMl ~RA.-.;ou IA la Pko, OA& ROOM of Ho~I Hoover, Whlt.tler, aU:RHA In Bellflower, "l'CAJIO&a ~. llMI' Galcll O....~a. SINCERELY, SATURDAY 6 13 27 SAVE I THIS I CALENDAR . , ACCOMMODATIONS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR PRIVATE PARTY at Villa Marina VILLA MARINA When you're planning a small dinner party, luncheon or buffet to celebrate a birthday, anruversary. homr- roming. bon \'oya(e or .. what-not." plea.qe call Mr. 1-fr- Gill at Harbor 3930. He wt ll advise you concem111g menus, scn·ice. decorations and settings. For large or small gatheringa the tacilitie. of Villa Marina are in- romparable. Remember-there Is no extra charge for the private dininf rooma whtm you plan your 90eial event at the Villa. WOODY HOLDER CIRQUE LES YARBROUGH • .1 I ) \ PAGE b · PART 1.-NEWPORT HARBOR MEWS-PRESS . FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 I MESA-HARBOR LIONS STEAK Oranst Daily fl:-•· JUiy 27derlln·1 wntt•n apolol)' to the ntw11parvr 1 ~'"' r•n Arbfona and th• Orltfll'h ed to prua .c-hargu as&tn•l a MrCull"ugh. wh!' h\'•'S 111 l!ll6 •U~l\l$<ll a O\•tr dt nlln( lh• ~· 1t&te hr(hway enalnwr follow1na s~u. Crua 1n Laauna Bt•• h. hu ' Nrlq'a C'ar while pulllnl ll ft'Om a lt er-cation In the nver ~ nu r b<'f'n w1111 lht h1ghw11y 11t parl· •lf'f'J' Pn I. w hf'tf' It had ~n the Orengt' County Ho•pll•I Tuu· mt'nl for Abo•11l :\1l yt>ar• Al J'lf'· Ill!'''" I by lh<' cC\n1trut"llon f\m1. day afternoon. Mnl ht ts ru1Jt>nt engtnf'<'r 1n It "'1u 11nrt'11111n why Mt~l· BAKE SLATED FOR TUESDAY Annur.l ateak bake or Coata Mt aa·Newport Harbor Uona Club \1 ~cheduled for 1:30 p. m. Tue11<111y In Costa Maaa Park. Committee In charse con11sta of 4rt M•yerm. Htnry .K.&t1er. Frank B111ell. Frank Kruz.a a nd Prl'Sldtnt Bruce Martin Th• 1nc1dent. which aaw rht· \"hat gt' 11f thf' Cr"e"' "Y 1nlf'1 · ln1111h wh•~ hail nut entered th• den\ enamur c. J. M('.L°Ullouti:h ch•nttf' nm:ilru. u .. n al C"harman 1 .,,_u111tnl "'"l'l>t>d forth and ~· of IA&'una Beach twfoe alua the Avf'. i:•n thmwini puni:hn. Or~g• reportt r , Oct"urrf'<l whllt' UESTEU ('.o\K ---------- Martin announ<'ed the luh will lumrsh 1t .. •ka Cor m«m· bers. cofftt, cn.'am a nd ~ui:ar and wat,.rmelo11. Mem~ra art' rt>quutf!rt to bnni: phHn u tlnit tool•. 1alad1, pork and bt>anll, bsked buns, du~rlla, bru ..i or roll.a and bulter. Ar~ru was covenna a Cln 1n lht old •count)· dump Au-oiqini: tu w1lntsl'r:<. Ml'<.'111· .. ·or lhf' finc"l 1n Commert'lal tough al~ppl"d Corw11.rd Mild stru• k Pt 1n11ng t•all Harbor iett, J o b Ar~t\ll twit'<' durln1ot •rJtltmcnl Pr1nt111r l'ltrart111rn1 I so <'01'1PLAI ST I --------~ FASHION PARADE DUE TONIGHT Charming models. such as Virginia Barr shown her<'. will h1ghh~ht th(· "H it Parade or Fai>hions" at the Harbor House Restaurant in Costa ~tesa tc.1111~ht ~liany crf'a· tions will be presented by-local merchants a( this g:ila 11howml'{ whH·h wi ll ~ <'Om· mentat<'J by Gloria Fickling. The finest in food and drink will be !Wn'c>d. Music i or the Hhow and fur dancing afterward will be provi(h•d by Barnl'y Lantz anJ his Trio. -Ht'l·kner Photo MATHENY'S I MEANDERINGS nnrl llarhor 111111,... rood -11nd re· I frP.-1hn1r11t . • The lntlllZ!'r• Blll'n"\"ll boyll \\Ill t•IH\, II• '"Ulll ftlr h...ii.· 1•nin' 11n•I """"'n', I t>.-••• !:" 1111.I Eth~ Slri•be open th .. 11•~•1 >C ttl th .. null flou .. e for bt•11,h1·ninb,.1s &l 10 In the morn· 1111: \\'hPn lht' "un 11nrl Balboa the rp laurant beror• t>nl1~·in11 SOCKED cu .. 1ome1·• 1ns1tl,. Ont' l'lln Ul<U&lly find 0111''11' H• h~ M frtl'n<ls met'llnJ! llnd 1'(1tlhPI tnl 1g ay an 111 the popular ~a lboa Blvd. 1pot Thi! Balbua ft'rry 1s qu1tr an k • p k tn.!!lllllltOn 1n • these par!JI. Stt'n Ta es 0 e troll\ th" itotng8 and coml111:11 of th1 .. t ra n,·bay VO)'ag_r Is annlhl't famllar "'~hi 11·3• Ramu. lllOJl at Reporter Chrl .. t.111n'a Hut. Arwn1. declined lo prua u · aault C'harce~ this m•>m lnit aft.it confnr1n1 wll h pubhi<her Charlea O. Volgl, F. 8 Crl'111w, 1&M1st11nt I stale highway fl111t1 lr l engmttr. J . F P 01C hf'1', J111•)ect man1tgrr for tht GrlfC1th Co.. ''" whoM leasehold lht 1nc1dtlll ucc11nrd., T. W, O~lr11by, G11ftlth JUb iouprr· intendt>nt. u ul MrCullo11i:h During the ronftrf'nct . alltt an I apology to A l ht'l\1. WMS n11Hlt by McCUiiough, Crtny txrre11~"d rt· 1 gTel over tht 1nc11l11nt in\'C•l\•1ng a represtnUltvt oC the ll&le hlKh· At Art LaShli'lll' .. b.1)111Jr f'lll· po11um or food and g "°' 1he1 r '1 ' Dick Arben&. reporter for the ""'•)' departmtnl Hr prom1std • m&A a. -happy If& thenng. Tbll}' 1-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:. . ...;-;.;_;;::;;_;_;:_~ -;;--;;;_;-;._~~===::'I C'O,.,le for th~ ai1ht from lhf' ---- TaJllttan Sk) Room They que!'\ch summf'l'·lime thrn•IJ< and then revel 1n thl' t111t'J1 ~ ummy·):Unt· my foo<I. \\ het ~ srot for fun and JWl pusan' t ht lime bf. tw~n dellc1ous cour!<f's! THE ARCHES Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPEN 1t A. Ill. TRROt'GR I A. M. • l\'ewport Blvd. on C'oul Hlrh"ay NEWPORT BEACH I • (We an Clowd o• Tbundaya) Remlndtrs: Th,. PI r a l P tot• draught brew; Th,. Arc-h,.,. on Coast H ighway ror cocktatl-rtln· ner parties and chewlnit wllh many or your local friends; l'Jurf F'l"h Fry !or taking hOme rurtyl to-tat .1relltood; l,aJ>o•ta ror Span· l>:1h·Mex1can menus: R<i.t1I'•, In Corona diel Mar, for t rienrtly at·1 ~;;;;;;;;:::::~:=~~~:=~~====~ mosphere and lt11hlln-11tyle din· ner.11.. 1 Want to ah a r ood mO\'ie ! I Al the Port Theatre, in Corona dtl Mar, Martin. and vwi• In I "You're Never T oo Young." "Mr. Ro~t.e" at t~ M-. In COt!ta Met1a ; "Not A• A Stran· ' NOW SHOWING 'rony Cur11• -.Jillie Aduna ger" a t the Udo Theatre a nd .. , lridcies To Cross" a goodly double allowing nightly Bl the B&Jbo&, Rory-Callloua DEAN . . . ·~"' ...... ,,.(}, 1fi. NOW 8 HOWINO !sad Bir Wet"k , MARTIN ~ JERRY LEWIS B~· .JIM MATHES\' I '"n.t m.rkf' \1111 thir,.\.\' rt>member 1h1• h\'1•1\' 1,;1,.111 Cnr mid-dB\' re· \\'hen drtvlnit whtre k1ddlu Pl.,.r Laurie "Dawn At Socorro" "You're Never Don't l<'t E>verything you see and hear mislead you! The talk about Fall fashion shows. Flivht of Snowbirds, football games. blanket sal<'s. etc. might make one think ft «>•h<·1 s m~y br plsying, be w re to 1low 1>011 tlnu'>f' , nl<'rtRlnment and down, look both way1, 'then rtow dtnnl'r3 1mrtA "all 't1l thr !Un down aoma more. took all four ~tllrtll 11nkm11 b,.,.,.;nJ the beau· waya and procud with caution. 11r111 raf'1 C1r 11l the rear door of Have fun! that It's time to JI.lip out of swim wear. toss the fins in .a 1 .. -------------------------... corner and stow away the suntan on. :\o 1111eh 1hln1:' Aug1111t 111 forth· rnm1ni.i 11n1l 11 l>t'ller 1111mmrr m<>nlh nnl' JIU•l rAn't 1mng1nt Ell· )'ll'l"tAlly 1n thl' i:~ort olP H8rbor •r"" Thtrl' "' " Fell Fuhlon Show llnUt~ f1 nm 9 a m un11l 1 tn lhf' 11flf'l'noon as snothl'r (P81Urt' 111 \'aux'. Harry Y1•e l'.t\'~. "dnn't lo"k 11ny f11rthtr. (' h In r • e ('a • In" has a rteluxe lun<'h that u• worlhv oC lhe ntlt' ·· F r11rn 11 :in in. th" "'"'' Th11rsil11y, AUjl'. 4, Ill h11lf. pAlll·lZ nonn 11t Woody Hol<ler'11 \ 111 a Mar In a. hard by t he mo1 n1ng '111 3 In the 11ft1•1 n"on bA\' Ill lhl' rntr11nn~ ln Bi l l81P. 18 t he lunch hour. Thrn Ill :l rm V1rjl'tnta'll Snip 'n Slllr h Yard· It hf' Ce~ture Chinuie 11n1l Ame1 IC'llll AJ:• Shnr'. on :\tllrlne Ave. anrt 1 "l"hes that go tn m11k1> ur (he I fll"fl in I 'n1 nn11 ilf'l Msr will 11hnw <Inner mrnu llr" Avall .. ~. f rnr wh11t'• what 1n nrw rre11tinnlll for ' p11tmn11 or tht' M1un 111trrt'l 'r,.11· 1hf" 11r11Mn nf !)ll(lk11, fnothall. t111C'k taurant. hunting anti mund-upa. Pl-Rlb11 to go have been a sp4>C· phon,. \'I I la Marl aa lo M n· lalty fnr many lncala who """ firm \'n11r l11n1 h"on r .. 11erv11 t1on11 C' 11Inr11 • C a• Inn In 11rt,·11 nt"t' fnr nr'(f Thur~llll\' Rnrt then p1ck·up lo t11ke home! Rv th" WR\'. whl'n you think Yummy! BALBOA Now in 2nd Wffk - 10 Open DINNER a.m. SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY Mesa+/ SUN., MON .. TUES. Barry 8uJlh·u "Miami Story" alao MlckeJ RoolNIJ ''The Atomic Kid" STARTS WEDNESDAY "The Far Country" .... I olaft Hocllak "Mi11ioft Over Korea" Costa Mesa Ph. u 8-1552 Too Young" \'lata\'laloa T ecluaScolo r -plu- "IT Came From Benacll1 .n.. Sea" NOW ' WALT DISNEYS MAGIC KINGDOM • flte World's Most 'abulou1 Wonderland Now Open in Anaheim, Collfornlo Un11l you see 11 for )Ourself. )OU v.111 nc\tr believe there u1s1s such a wonderland of r n· 1tna1nmrnt as awaits you at D1snt\•land, 160 Acres of Happiness. ' IVIHDAT ttM•ltPM ....... ~ cti.114 ...... .. SANTA ANA FlllWAY IN ANAHllM "Superb Foqrl" in L I D 0 7tr~c ... t rt.' Our Lot Newport "'· Ha. z 114 nf n prl\,.tf' p11r1y for 11ny ()('<'ll· \\"hen a rutaurlllfu r 'urh "" 111no If ,..,11 pny ynu to rall Mr J 1m Kara mha11tn b11i11t11 h111?" M•·r;11I 111 lhP \" 111 a 11n<I lt'ftm r11rkmg lot iturh 1111 ht• t1n .. ~n I h••\\ rnmJ'l"f" 11rl' lhf' bantiut l ll AN'!ll ln1nr11I thlll lhPrP mlUll !111 1h11 .... 111 \\'""'h''' rl'•l1111r11nl b" 11nml'thlnJ? 1n111rlt lhAt rl'«IAll· ... even as he reached out for her, l. , Art !'!1r1:m11nn h~' t1nnt' murh r11nl that a tlrllrls A lnl of l"'"J'IP? tn "'l•l t" th" 11111hr11 111·11v nC the Dnn'I rake 11n~on••11 wnnt for .,. 1 I "n""'" "hrn 11rphrtl to hi' 11 1( you frel thP 11ri:I' (n1 I?""" f olonlNI Rr~IRurant An•I ('N-l<lall (001J ~·nu h11J:hl Jll•t try dining l.a11nir•· nll't nn I '11;i•l HtJ?hWll \" A 111 K ar am" In Balhn11 . * Al's words came back to him OMa de HAVILLAND H•nlJ'ltl" 11•nHl(lrhn1? jr1b h1111 h .... n t •r thr llft ~l " r•"• .. 1n Riii 1• "' ""n1 rlt~he11 11nr1 th" fnnil '" JU~t fhl' allr'lrth·e Grand n l t o rf'I" th • wnv 1\rt w'nit11 1t t n h" "('rvi>d tn '°"'I' 'l)IH hr 1 11 f olnnllll :11' ,. ,, I'll ll\'Alir<hiP Ill l\Jll 'hi' Jtn<¥1ly ,. .• Pn11 1.~ 1hnrH''' 1\1111 r• r-1·11 l1n1: 11\ll!Rnt. il S ow·nl'fl, nr r 1:ll".t, rnn· d11rlPr1 111\rl Miil )l\' A rA1r l"f \'Nltfr n[r,. r~•1pl" known from RB fl, 11 · nlv '" Baltin11. ('><llf111 nra 11~ C:1n11 nn-1 Frnnk. \\'1th 11 toiwh "' Old "PP"'I." l«•I\· ""'I A tl"•lrf" In hAvr " ran11· Fr,.,t 1-<11111 .. • h•" ~ n•'\l At'I e 1 t• "·'' ll' (;randn tr11'" \ "'"' .l .. hnnl" l'kulo Ir nnd~ " 111 TMl<ly Cnr ~'''"r J?'rnup i•r r"n•h· f111tt f'l""'\ • 1•1uho hJ'I'' u fn1 thr ,,.. d• f••ttil f•1r ynu tn tAkr "" "'~ n1chll~· 111 lh" pnrulAr Riii· I•• • ..... ,. noi:ht •tll'll F r'"' "'". "hP" ~l'•'•lklni; tof fMl11un~ \\'e "''''"· \\•t•nt "'"" J,.hnn\' :\IAJttn !If· f, 1 ~ ''""' h• 1 "' rnini: nC Cun. C1;rn1 nn·l f • h1"n~ •·uf At llarhor H n11"4' h1ll .. •I "·' the· \\Hrl•I" i:n'lll•'l'I 11kr """ 1:111111 p1tn .. 1" 11nd thl'I" "'" n1.1n\ whn "'II fl'•t1f\• 111 ~·1,..t • 11111111 '1h.,\ll hi' nf'W ~llH At \'111"' ti"l1tl1'1 I J1'J'hit1fJ7•~'1 thP fflt! I hAt \ ""'' r11n1plrl,. 1l111n1•n, llrP 11\.ub1hlr '"\' Ar•\ "l(tt'~"'•'JC th• rlnnri111: 1 oi;I th· (1 111 P I' 'll ltl 2 11 1 Thi• !'11n IH~ h1 un. h n•n· n .. " In t ni-:1\l('nttl H. H. manner 1t •\Ill 1.. .. i: "" nffRtr whdl wa' h h.._ ;u1t,..,•11' rn••df'l!'I prr:c,.nt~ ng J::•'I ~f'ntjC £f \\ 0!' Anti "'h h i:<~ul n;11,.1r .inti f'ntr11:i1nrni.: Cun Showplace of the Coast LODGI AND IUTAUIANT 8HOWPLAC'E OF Tift; COAST HYatl 4-MOS -----Fabulous Food by ;,..r N~"· Ctwf GEORGE GORTNER t y.,.. at Palm Sprtnp Racquet Club Duclag to M-'c by JERRY KENT TRIO Every Nljtht but l\'f'dDMday SPECIAL SUNDAY BRUNCH From 11 :00 a.m. ;.<. 1' * Jr fr .1. ,, Plus "Uranium Fever" Also Cratoon Th:? six-year stage smash on the screen! rs·•• ..... , _ ... a • Two Shows Nightly 6:45 and 9:20 Cont. Sun. from 2:30 ''This isn't the kind of a dame you marry!" ~ MITCHUM will""* lld..::a • l'* CHM(Y • l(SS( WHIT( • Writlftl !of tllt Scrttn by ldna Mid {dwlfd Wllft • .... • .. ....,., OTON THOMPSON • Music bJ Ctofet ~lllfit · Rtlmed 1111u U111r'co Mltm ,..., _.. 0irec1ee1 br STANU.Y KRAMER Two Shows Nightly 6:.45 and 9 : 15 Cont. Sun. from 2: 30 Kida Mat. Set. I :45 "ROOKIE FtREMAN" .. I ) r I I I I I I ) -· f~ESTl\'t: EVE...~L""G Seafaring Lodge of Afuon11 ttirn'ed out en maase wi.lh their frienda Tuesday night when Lawrence Welk's orchestra pla):ed at Rendez- vous Ballroom dance staged for lodge building fund. MARTIN TESTIFIES · 1N PAUSE LIQUOR TRIAL • Denies Indictment M.acle to Influence November Election 8AY..'TA A..f'A tOCNSl -Chlet ot Equallsation· dented 0!1 appll· Aaat. Atty. Gen. Thorna11 \\'. M11r-ca tion. tin ytaterday testified th•t de· Then P •u11i te!tlfied before the fl'ndllllt Herman PaUAe·11 t!lea dia-grand jurora the algnl!'d olank played before the Orange Counly I torma wer1 mlallni. 1-tarlln -.ald Grand J 11ry didn't lnclude tio.·o P•ur.e, •u11pended counl)" liquor •lgned bl&nlc forma. control officer. admllttd remov· ?.l ar!ln. who headed the South-Ing the torm1. l1nd Hquor Ucenae !nve1tlg11tlon' and •Ull I• pur1ulnt: the taek In Loi Angele• County, waa on the S uptrior CPUrt ''d tne1111 1t11n i:I. ~l•rtln ui<l Pau1e d idn't aay lhe for1n1 "''ere de1troyed. Pau•e. Arthur Gordon Eldred •nd T11ke6 Takf'k o11hl have been brought lo UiaJ on th1i 11.ecuaa. t!on they Wll&wtully tran1ferr~d J 11pAnt!N'·American liquor Ileen&· le to t)J.la_ county. On cro1111 -e11tmln11t lon Dcfcnae Counael 1'.l&X Hurwitz quest ioned Martin on h!' probe hf'rti a nd t he proce11a in returnlng lnd!clmenll!. BEf'ORf: ELU:TI ON ~ \'JSITS JllS OFYJCE 1'.t11rt111 ••Id he vtaited Pa uae·a Bofl.rd of EguAllzatlon office In S anta Ana befor• the defendant wu ca lled to testify before lhe 1-Llr~ .., ... a&k.ed if tM_Wt- dictrfien•t agalnat Pauae, Eldred a nti Takekoshl "''aan'( bt'l'ught out ju~t Ix-fore Ole eltcllon. i'rand Jury. The inveat!i.:1.tor le..llfil!d he dilCO\'f'ted t"''O blllnk a ffad&V1t fnrrns ln r au..e'a file•. Tht y w•re algned by T o11hl N. Ka,.·a l of M1rt!n declared aomc of 'the lndlctmenta .... ·ere rtlumed before the election lln(! othen1 a fter It. He 1•!d the tn1·estlgatron bei:an In mld-AulilJSt and contlnutd ln· to November. Pa.~11<len11.. Ka,...I •ppUed for an off-aale liquor llc"n~ t r&nllfr.r to 8001 G11.rden Grove Blvd. The Board He e1plalned tnvf'•Uga tor \\'U- l!&m J,a,lly prepared the Indict· m ent form•. Th• chief prober den!td lha t either h• or Lally had told Pa use MODERN BEDROOM I l'(J, AEDRO<lM l"IF.T. Triple D""'"""" Mlrrnr, Cb..11, 11..ad·ho•rit l.lld ! C<tm - mOO..-, hlnnd<I !'l&ho.-,ny, lln11t.-prO(lt.-d. H,.rular DBl. D Rf:~~l!:R. St1Hd 1'9f'd\ H•irular l lt:AD-ROAnn ILIH( t C'ommf!d~~. \\'aJnut. R<-1;ular S re. ~r:T, Tripi!• n,..._.,, !'llrrnr k 11,.tul ·~rd "'1th 1<t.vld~ a ti.t"hr<L t'!9.~n 181.13 1S6 :'10 Rl'KtJlar ·-· .. ·· t .J9.:'10 SLEEP SOFAS 8T1"f)l0 •f'1)1'C'lf, \\'niuitflt Jmn 1,..p. Alrfnam. tl"lf"Ular 119.9,, 8T 1"0 10 ('0 1"C'H. ''".Jnut 8-, Alrfn.,,, IVKUlllr l lfl.93 T t .RS·.4.-nt;n, Alrf..m, tUll Ilse Sofa -m&k.._ !oalr l"'ln hrd•. R•·1;11ll!.r , S'.:11.113 \\'[SH !'IO FA ,.·ttfl FUJI !!!lie ~lalltt .. Rf',;11111.r %69.911 JJ9 " 119 " 89 " 199 '° 79 " 99 "' 269 " 229 " -----·-----····- ' Famous E114Jlander 120 e»ll -u.-. 01llhloatod 11-IUIL Oood,yl>a.r Air Y-hin or tuU .tu •.•... • ..• ·_ S34gs SPTf'r bf-tori! .. lo""· M M11.,llln1t ":! roll hn.1 Sprtq, Mme prlee. EASY TERMS 2620 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH Seafaring Lodge Raises ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • 'ASE 7 FRIDAY, JU LY 29, 1955 Towird New Building $2580 Project Seatatinc Muonk Lodg1 708 1 co.n1pltt.1 the aln1cture In tO da~··· n1tted a bout S2~ tow•rd th• ln any CUI ll looke. u It th• dl!'d- bulldlng fu11d &t a hlChly •Ucce ... 1c1tlon could tak• pl1te 11·ount1 tul dance hf'ld at the Rendez.voua the t1rat of the yea r . Ewrylhlng b&llroom Tue1d1.y nl1ht. accon:I·' from tlnllih lumber to harfh,.·•r~ lnr to RaJph Maak•y. chairman ta CUI ha.nd to complet1 the buLld- of the bulldlnc committee. ALI In&:. :.,'.-,:·~·~,;l~<~••::·~'~'~•'.''~'~'.~'~"~"~'·~·~-~.~,~~~]r:::~W:::.~E;:::F~U::;R;::N:l;:::;;:ii;ic. • kno"''ll •• ~l •ry ~1 1"1.'" II•""''"· .r. t•·r chtcka "'''r" palll!l'd •t a .. Abo,·e. on st age, \Velk and singer, through a number as band p!ay11. Dick Reddick Alice Lon, go Staff Photo by that •·you-know what .,.,., dld In San Dlei;o. \\'e ~ent lhen1 lo prlliQn. \\'e are 1:olng to do the a&me lhinir to you." Hu""·iu phrufil the above ques tion. RETURS Di' b l CTM:l:'.'.°T lotartln, however, .. id he told PaUM .. Wt are colng to uk th• fl'&l'ld jw-y to retum an In· dlctmant 1 aratn1t you:' Martin .. 1d, In hla opinion , the evidence ''warrantt'd" an In- dictment. He claimed he didn't lnatruct Ult grand jury to brln( In a true bill. "lan 't It true the only pur· pose In th• P I UM indictment wu to get In before the \'Ole on PropollUon No. 3 !" Hurv.·tu inqulrtid. M1rtln g ave out 'wtlh 1n em· ph&tic: •·Nof" Two Plead Guilty to Drunk Driving; One Asks .Trial Throe. drunken dr1ving cue• a~ p.a.red b..tore Judg1 Donald J . Dode• Monday from Newport Beach police atatlon. two pl1adlnl' gullty lllld one, J ohn F. Dowd, Loa Alll'elu, havtnl' a jury UilJ. "t tor Aug. 24. Grac:e Bchult.u, formerly ot COllta Meaa lllld now ot Hunt1:·11· ton Bea.ch., plead (ullty and . 1a fined $2'00 which •he elected tv 1lt out in the county jail. Her drt>'tr'• l!cenu was auspended tor 90 ~Y•· Larry lo!or&lea. Antioch, paid 1. t:ZOO tl11e, l\it hl• d ri•er'a.1Jcl'nl4 waa not auaf,ended. m•rkf'l. 81? \\'. l!lth ~t , tl'pl'H1~ YOUR HOMI th• offlc•ra of lhe lodge coo~ra.t-1-------------­ ed tn pulling t he dance a croa1 t o •uch a 1uceeaaful f!nlllh, he n ld. At prtaent the new lodge bu!11l- lng ta atymled w•IUnJ; for thf' pluler.-ra, 1cc:ordlng to Maakey. A1 1oan u the wait• are t1n1ahed hi beUevea tt wUI be poaalbla t o Son far lanclel1 Mr. and Mr1. Raymond T . 'Ban- deL 311 Jumln1 Ave., ar1 par· enllr of an I lb .. 1 '-ioz., boy. born July 2' al St. J OHph Hoa- pltal. Mesa w-n laoked on Check Charge J.fa ry Kathlee11 Say lor, 0.0, of 360 Bay St.. Coata )ffaa, Mon - day .,.. ... arruted by Coata Me&& police on auaplclon •Clf felony check W ritinc . She , "''u bookl!'d Into Orang County Jall I t t :I~ p.m. for 1.!!.1tedl)• wr1Un& lhrtt ttcUUoua check1 In th• city and Ulre• In the county. Sgt. L.. D. Pollom mad1 th• ~ho"''· P1'1lll"l!I Iii\!(! 1't r~. Sa~·J0r "'""~ Ln lnlnxir att d <'('n1h1Lon "''hen pickt'd up.1 Ward • Harrington . umber Co. Again Reduces ....... . • •• ...___ .... Carlyle's Furniture 1990 Harbor llvd. Costa Mna Auto f n.surance Rates . . "Did you tell Lally t hat Pauu h11.d been tn office 19 year• ti nd miut h11.ve done 1iomethlng 1<·rnng. l t'11 up lo ~·ou to find I!~" HUTWIU l lked. The reply V."&.!J "nn." Otht r drivt ra a r"'ated early yff· terday morning tor driving "''lllle i t drunk were Larry H. McCl-\l'r; of UM Angelea. Lloyd C. Crodln1ir, 1311 Cliff Drive and Theodora MotiC z:ynekl of Ch1llrworth. Auto iNurance rates 1tre again reduced by S.4.FECO! Thia Company was orig inally organized to save on 11uto insurance C08l8 . _.by insuring careful d rivt>rs nnly, and by HppJying modem Streamlined methods IO processing policies. 'll111l has been accon1plish<'d. No\11.· we are ple11.11ed 10 tell you thllL Rn i mprovin~ 8t"ifet.v record justifies ll 11till further reduction in your auto insu~nnCe <'1)sts. S.~F ECO is capital .~rock insu.ra.i1,·r.. NOT (',O:-ON E<..TEO ~f1rt111 tl!lt!flt:d the 1nvealii;:ll· tlorui ~r_e In .uo_ l\·ay conn«.t.ed "'!t h the elecllon. He 111id he m11de no effort to exclude Rn)' testimony from the grand jury tr11.n1crlpt which hi d i bearlni on the Indictment. "It included wh!ll w1111 prrtl- nent and endor11ed by lhe .,ra11d jury:• ~lartln 1111erted. Hurv.i U M ld he "''Ill aaklng the queatlona to ahow bl... and prorjudlce. Gould exet11.!med: ''I'll atfpull1tl! the 1ta tl! wu ·blued 11.ntl prej udiced. Otherwlllf!1 lh111e defendllllUI "'·ouldn't be ht're to- day .'' 'Leon Pays S 150 Fine for Drunk Drlvln<J SA!'TA A!'>IA, fOCNS)-Rich· ard 1'1. Leon, as. 18» Monrovia St .• Costa Meaa, pa id a $1~ fine F riday afttr pleading guilty on a drunk driving charge. Otanp • Santa Ana J.l unlc!pal Court Judge Howan:I C11.meron gave Leon b l.a pick of the. tine or 71) daya ln county jail. Th• defendant'• drJv1ir'a Ucen1ll alao "''",. auapt"nded tor threll montlla. ~on "'°"'" 11.rreated by S11.nta I Ana police J uly 4. ·n (•u nd the clock clsims servit'<' thr1)t1ghuut th<' n:itio11 . You 'cfln't. buy betrrr in11ur;u1c<' protection! So S AVE \\'ITii SA~'£CO. Andenon and Anlch ZS941 Bayside Drh·e Phone Harbor 4775 EtTcctive August I. 1955. Munet-Fanderllk & Co. 2602 NeM·port 8 1,·d. Phone lllU'bor SS'?O APPLIANCES Sale Starts Thursday, July 28th, 9 a.m. ))1-J,w.,. llUTl'OIS T \\"Ai'illt:R ' R<•r ular D1·lt1_,. \\'lllHLl'fHIL \\'Ai'illt:R ... 299.9~ 2J9 " 279 " 179 " 159 " J89 " J99 " ·--------------·------------------------------- COLONIAL BEDROOM 6 l'C. Sl:T. rlhl. Jlh•l<!'"r, :vllrrur. IJl:>I. II.r d & :I CommndN . !oi(llld HI ~. ltf',(11lar ................ . S l't:. !<iY.T, Tlipfr U""""'r. ~llrror, Klnlf i'tr.r llrad-hoard. l"olld Rlrth ll>'lfUl&r . I rt'. Sl:T, 11 D,."."' DrH....,r, !'llrror, l\ook ·1·&-'W' llN.d-hnard l''tlh t'o<1I· bo&rd. Hl'p\ar ... -· .... --.....• 118L D IC P:Sl"f:R ,.·Ith !\f!rrnr ReJU.lat .... --,,_ ...................... . f"rt1m .. 294.!Wl 111.9.5 299 '° 269 '° 199" 99 '° J4 " COLONIAL DINING ROOM 6 J'(', IJIS [NG SF.T, Ta h1,. • 4 C'haln, Rltth, t k f r"lll,.n!!olon. Rf'(lllar ...... 6.J" ROl "SD l>ROI' l.t:AF' TA.8Lf:, Jlollrt Hlff'PI , ReKUIAr ....... -........ .. eo ~ Jll'T('ff, Snll<I Hlroh 174.110 l t ll.30 1W-1t11lar .. .. ........................ ~-1:19.:'IO llT.\.\\'OOD-\\' AXEFIF.l.D Ht 'TC'll 8nlld Bitch. R<rllJ-lat .. ... t~t.94 1J9 " 99 .. 219 " 179 " MODERN LIVING ROOM llROf:HLER t pe. Set -Sofa Md Chair. Rel'QIM ............. ..,, . ,_.,,_ LOOS!: PILLOW-BACK Lounge Ct.Ir, ,,A.Jm&m. Ookl. Jtegulat ·--... LOt:NQI: CJIAIR w!U. Oltornan :aeruw ................. . (lHAJA BED Mid Ott0m..a !st.oo ,,,.00 Rl'gur... ......................... . ......... -........... "·'' LOl::"fGE CHAJR. Alrto.,,, Rf>sular .............. ,.. "·'o L't'PORTI:D DAN18R LO\'E~EAT RP.ru ....................................... _ ...... -...... .. 1§9 00 89 " 119 " 79 " 79 " 109 '' COLONIAL LIVING ROOM "'1NO SOFA, nne1t Qual.Jty, Flne Pr1nt..d F&br1c. RPrular ....... '" 1111.9~ Con1trmtlon. Jt.eirular ... .... 1111.00 " I.A.RGI: WINO CRAJR, G'"""· Prtnt with Alrfoun. a..cu1ar ............ ·---........... tst.11 Pl.ATP'OR!"I ROOKER, Alrloam hat and ftaor'k. Jl.eplar ............................... -.... .. l ot.ti PILW "' BA.CX: LOUNGE CHAIR aad Ott<1-Alrf'tt= .,._ booc1o1 ........ lit .to LO\'E U:AT, O..-~ ~ptv ··-·········-················---·-----lt.IO PRO\'IXCIAL qdn,no IOPA Rl'l'tllar ........ , .. _ .. ,.,. ___ , _____ :__, ___ 1'71 ... • 249 " 199 '' 1J9 " 89 " 119 00 79>' 27§00 Hr1rular ftF.:"lllX t:('OSOMAT \\.AJ<llF.ll lt•'i:i.1lar Rt~!'O lllX f:t.FA", flHl"t:ll Ill~•·. lt.i•rular llOTl 'Ol!'OT Jlf:t"ltll ,t:llATllll,. IQ r11. fL. !ff 911 Aulunut.Ur llrtru~t. ll•·1t11l:·1r 411!1 .ll.~ CR<ISl.t~\' l:t;n l lfOF.ltATtlll, I'! f'll. fl. Or i.II\•'. t<r1tu l&r "flfl !l., PATIO FURNITURE Clt A l"t~ I.Of S 1;J;, Atumtnurn \\'l!h ,.,.t II~ ··'1 ll u~i. n .. ,,~1 1·11•1 '1' Tll,T \;)IRHt:l.l.A:-1, ~l ,.t.al f"'I", \'al dy"<I dnr k . Rr1tular I· Hr:D\\'~.lf.•JJ n AK11r:«1·t: .~t:T \\'Ith ! """"h"' -H.l•l[U lar .. R t:D\\"000 «llA.J~r.. "Ith Ull•• 1'""1 Rf'1J11lar . Rf:D\\'f_)()l) 1'"RHJ:l.l.A TA RJ .t:, , .. _lnr.h. Rf'1J11lar t i.fl,, 28Jl.\ 19.11.\ 17.9:\ 19 "' 19 " 24:~ 17 " 1§" R f:D\\'fH')ll IAll 'S Or: (itAllt IM!tl l'All R..cular .. -.... .~ 14 " Anniversary Carpet Special e Bigelow Cotton Broadloom Carpet-Loop or Cut Pile JI 8-ullhll ~Ion ... '6" C::'."' !'q. Vd. C'O!WPJ.r.Tf.: J,.ald ~all la 11·aJt O\~r hra\'Y •11 to r .• \\lfrll' r~;I . ' FREE PARKING IN REAR PHONE LI 8-1113 t ... t. r· . - • ...--- ,AGE 8 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEV'S-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 State Employee Apologizes~ for Striking Orange Daily News Man ORANGE. cOCNS I -A formal dPnt nea r the f•Junty hu11p11 a1 written a polol)' wa• delivered lo Tuesd<1y ' 'GOLDEN TRIP 1 ~:t''f~::~p;: "'aaC:-:=.: t 'Ollt"'_. trea """ ...,..1 will bf' tralUlllltltd front lb• new•paper to th• famlll• of lh• lion '"'•ron ••a• provided anJ ___ __ _ l'(IU r p<'d by the followlnr. p A I Palmtr an.I Emory Hanaon, Real The Ro Bill ROM. Oa.ldand CJtAle anJ Pro~rty Manas•· new1paper d w rch f'dltor-''I eon• mrnt : The ~rwport Balboa Sav-alder thi. work a mlnlatry u lni:a am1 Loan A~latlon : Wal· much u anyUuns ., .. J could do." ter B. Mf'llott. Builder and Of. veloper: 0 . W . "Dick Richard'• Lllill Mar)ttt. Karl Miller Chev· roltt Co.. Bidwell'• Mena Shop•: WE FURNISH YOUR HOMI the Orance Dail y New• Jl'Tlday by ··1 ruhu now that I had n<• JUll· State Hlc hway Enline•r C. J. Mc-1 Uflcallon whataoevtr for my H• .. Cullou1h who twlu •tnick newa lion~. "McCUilough ~ld, wntrng reporltr Dlck Arbena In an Incl· I on off1c1Al hl~hway dl'partment stationery, "Uld I wish to extenel I Nt'wport Beach Bu.In... Mena Aall()('iatlon : and the Newport u bor Ntwa-Prea11. Sip work on the vehlcl• wu done by Charin ChaM. i • The 10.000 mile trip which tht I boya have planned will conaume 1 1hc wetkl. It lncludu a nve-day atop In Wuhlncton, D.C. Flvf' daya ••Ill ~ apent tn the Nor- folk, WIUlamaburg, Appomatox '1\d Richmon~ V1.. I have done." I PHONE Co. a alncere a pology to you f.,r wh11t McCullou&'h added that h6\,. wlll ConllJllM'd from f'lrtt Paa• ''try rn the future lo live u"j\ w ' rnoved fr<.lll the Balboa m&ln l th~ hlgh standard ot conduct phone building ao that lhe main w hich lhe Division of Hlghwaya frame ot fac1llt1t~ ror the In· I demandis ot. Ila employeeii:• I atallatlon of dialt1 can gel under -The Incident occurred while Ar · 1 way. It w ill be neces~ary to' benz: wu C<Wertng a fire near the erect a second n oor on thf' tele-1 county hoaPITaL phone company building at 311 1-------------~ff1~ea1'::1 8~~~· !:1~::1~eg c~~~~~ RIVERA BOOKED ties ~!ore tht ''""'tch over lo Co•t.bnaed rrom P'lnt Pap dieJa can be made In Newport vullgallnf offlcen reportl'd, RI· &acb. vera ael&ed &n 8-inch butchu Preaenlly work 111 tlndn way knife and plunged Jt Into hi.I on new muter dial fa(illtlea w ife. Then he allegedly r rabbed aoulh ot Santi\ Anll w hich will up. a chA1r and beat her over permit nau onw1de cro111 dialing t'1e head. A brother. f'Tank RI· Mrvice when the llWltr h to dials vtra, broke up t he fight by h1l· haa ~tn cvmplete<i Ill Orangt ling the 11u11pect over the head County. Newport Beach la the w ith w~at remained of the chair. Jut manuitl c h a n It e 1 n l h e Th• knifing occurred a l ap- county. proximately 8:M p.m. Wednes· The Pacific Telephonl' .Com-day, Dnven from the hou11e by pany. It I• unelt'Mllood, l11 Jraslng-h111 tfrother. Rivera -..u a ppre· the Newport Blvd., otrlceM fo r a hl'nded by Officers Carl NelJ!on three • yrar ptrlod. Prt 11umably Md Wilham Savage ln vicinity When the ,.,.ronrl tl•lor ''" their n! 2197 Rura l Lane. Tht> 11uspl'cl 'n&li. •lnl•'lun-111 ('OmplPt Pd lht' required medical treatmt nt for bualnt>.M nfffcot "'ill be returned 1 a u vere cut on h ill htad. police to that b111ldln1: 11n<I 01·rupy thr 1 iia1d. The matlt'r 111 11till under portion now uuhz.-11 by lhe m11n-11nve .. tl~11tlon, according to Sgt. uall y opf'l'•l"CI 11w1t• hbmml~ Rogf'r Neth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- Too Late To · Classify 'LIDO ISLE _ .. A'ITRACTIVE 3 BDRM. HOME. ALL LARGE ROOMS. GARB. DISP OSAL. AUTO MATIC DISH- WASHER, ETC. BEAUTIFUL PATIO. NEWLY PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT. PRIVATE OWNER KIMBERLY 3-0583 84c86 !_~Help WanUJd WANTED-Woman part or full t1m• tor irenen J clean1n1r. Sea- •hell Apt•.. lf20 W B11lbn11 Blvd Harbor 3932. 1!4c86 HOUSE KEEPER -Cook. hvr 1n. l 62-Real E8talfJ OPEN SUNDAY . 1-~ P.M.~ Poppy ~-or euy acce1111 CQ.me round corner to !171 Ha~L. Two tten a1e children. Balboa I lloland. Har. •122 8•c86 Huge livi ng room. beam~ re1hng . 3 bdrms.. amall 30-~lscellaaeou.' ___ -------· ------g11P~t room, 2 bathlJ; over· HOLL \"WOOD BED. Hoover up-111:1:rd 2 car garage Comp!. nithl vacuum. Round m11ph> l11zy lanclst'Rped, prlvl\l11 pat1011. ~uit.tn A • rh111r11 I< 2 4 In. blrind<' m0<l<'m k1tcht n & dining TV All for $195 11r wHI arll l11n1>1 ln\'tly \'lew11. A11klng 11• p11rately . LI 8·2132 8 1r86 I $2:1 .000 Ownrr wanl.3 Im- ----I nll.'•h>tl<' <•ffrr rtu.-to le11v-!2::-F~~tur!_!_o!_ Sa~~--1 lnR the area. Term~ to imll. MAPl.Jo: drop Jut ta blf' and 4 E 1 l rha1r11, c-01 ner maple t11blt. brllM • .xr UlHVe agen · 111hlr l11nir. 2 r1•dwoo1I loung u F"ORD VERRINOER li 00 4263 & plcturr:< Hnr. 2468·M R4c86 I · ar r · P\'r•. Hu bor 34 7i . R4t rc :!_3-Boat~._s_·u~p~p~l_le_~~---~­ w ~·r. KEIO:L Rl,OOP itoo<l 111111!1, fl nf' CIR)' u llnr, &Ill'! 7 rt dinghy mr luelc-rl SROO 14 rt 1:-0'TF:RNA· TIONAL 'B' rlH•t1 alnop net>dl! work S3~ 14 rt. l<f'lllon l<rart & trailer rtlmpl reflni~hrtl $3~0 Prt\'lllt pRrty, 321! Amethyst. .BAI. ltllr , 11111 2fl'.!:1-~I ll~M 40-AuWH and Trucks 29 A. v ·R Roll<llllPr pickup, 119-A block. K"~:V w hPels. w.w. $395. Al8o motorey<'le. 50 B !'< A. ::'!pnn~l'r singlt' gooct cond1t Ion. Harbor 262!'>-!'<t 84<'Rfl l"SEI> Cray ~t arlne mfltor Tyre 47-\\'anted to ~nt Sra S<'Ollt 2~ h p $2!\0 PhonP Ha.1 hnr :2 R•cr.6 THRF:F: nr tour b<lnn. un!urn 14 f"fl" n (IJU: r RU .\ T $:\II l 9 4',E11 .. 1 2flth ~l, l"n•IR M"'"·l "4r1'f\ ho'"" on yr1< lrl\."t'. nl'Rr :-.;,.w. port r·mnn H111:h Srhool. hy Ort I l llnhnr fl!'l96 !14rRll P A f\Pl.~:li\ IA HI lS :"F:\\' I:! '1 ti, S:lfl M l.F.xrn,i:tnn fi.4 ;r12 -lR-'R--HouS4'8 for R.-ot 1 10 Hunt1n~ton A,·e , Htg Rr11rJ1 lHdi6 S'-1 A LL I RDR~f piJrlly furn hnllllf' S!'lO mo. on 11crr. Hsrhot 07P2-R R4r • SUMMER The SALi Lighthouse J im It Sally Ntwlln Ma pie & MOai'rn'- Furniture Interior Decorating &15 l:ut Balboa Boutennt e Balboa, C'a.llf~raJa CROWD GATHERS -H undreds of persons gather- ed yesterday afternoon when Harbor Hig hlands home under constnicq on caught fire. sending billowing ----- black 81lloke into the summ~r sky. wu totaJ Joas except !or fireplace -Staff Photo Home in center and foundation. rtJLL TOUJl IKE'S ROD IMAY ASSUME \Valdez Jailed In c onttnoect trom ,.,,.., h,.e I Drunk Arrest Case A couple of daya will be 1pent at lhe JntemallOl'lal JamborM. •t Buffalo, N.Y. &nd In IHtrolt. A complt'te tour or 1'1• Uncoln had hit the car or Ro~rl Allyn T rail will be underta.ken before and rontlnued on hi.I way, pollc• the boy• leave llltnola. rf'ported. He wu convtct ed Tuu· Each day th• rroup will pla~ Carlyle's Furniture 1990 Harbor llvcl. Costa Mesa Vermont !14hlng trip wh!'n he I ConUDoed from '1nt Pa~ g•ve the rod Its f1rtl try out. la ppa,renUy 11&ld 1l would uaume 1 Pt'dro Valdez Valdez: ll07 8un· .!>lt yer1 rod was valued a t $2!\0 such hab111ly. 1f any. I S"l Avr. Sa n Gabriel, 1a Jn coun- day In Judi• D. ·J. Dodge'• New• ;;;;~~~~~~~~~~;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;~ port Juatice Court. The Coata 1114"8& crafllima n has COtJSCIL ACT IOS Dt 'E ty Jail. alttlng out a $210 tine on made a!>oµt 7~ preaent.aUon rod11 . · ' chargu of drlvtng while drunk Schuman Da114Jhter The Oscar Schumana are par- ent.a of a r trl born July 3 In ,Hoar Hoapllal. They live at 37:"> Victoria St., Coeta MeN. ror ~· heMtern who has .i:1ven I Attomeya of the dlstncu &nd and lta'!lng the ~e ot an acci· them .. G glfta to m1my frll'ndJI the city are studying t he problf'm dent without reporting. Monday Among recipients of the rods are and It la experted Coat.a Mua he wu arrested on Highway 101· Chief J ustice Earl Warren. and City Councoll w111,, take some ·~-A a.nd Heliotrope Ave .. after he Arthur Oodtrey. Meyers aaid he lion on 1l 11t • Ion day nl1ght • ;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ mt1dP many presentation rod:ii for council meeting. District ~o. ~ the late George Muo1;1, preBidenl voted to table lhe request unU ot Na.wh·Kelvlnator. tta Aug. 10 meeting-. PRESIDF.NT8 LETTER Halecreat t'ngmrers cont.end the The P resldent'11 ll'llt'r nn d1·11ln hu alwaya been In that dlr· White HouAe At11tlon<'ry to J enks ectlon. NelJIOn aald, but Willi• reads: · Warner. a member of the Dlt1lrtct "Dear Mr. Jenk11 : No. 6 board contende the drain Mr. Harold Boe11chenstd n tella hu alwaya been to tl:\e north me tha t the fishing rod he re-or the HAlecreet aubdlvl1lon, Nel- cenlly presented to me wu made aon declared. by your tinn, ll wu be&uU!uUy ------------- made and, from what I havr been a ble to obst'rve Indoors. will handlt' f'lllllly and well. I auure you that I plan to try ll at the first po!!s lblt> opportunity. "P leu e ac-cept tor yoursf'lr and convt'y to Mr Mc-yers f I under- stand h e " the !me n st!lsma.n who ·actually made 1 he rod I and l~ your other as:«1ci11tu my deep apprenal1un hf tho• thi.ugtll and rare lhat I kn11w wrnt into thP making of a izlft thlll l much admlr" "\\'1th bt•st wl.•hl'll StnCf'tel\', ~IJ,\ht 0 . F.l~enhower" Williams Pelted Enward C. w 1111am11 · notlfltd Cos~a Me!I& pollru at I .30 am July' 21 lhal 11omeone threw an orange throurth hi~ kit!'hl'n win· d1•w at 392 Hamons. War. Coata MeD . $5080 Mesa Permit A re11ldt nc.-e and garage will be built al 2SM"2 Orange Ave., Collta M N11, bv Dollar 8 111lller1 Inc., a ccording 'tn a S!'i080 pi>nnlt taken out Mon<111y by J ohn H P'ergu10n. witll tlte Statefni ..... I c • ...-s Calf -~ LI ~-1011 ~ i ft W.L~ L r.. c.1 .. , 188 E. 17th St. Costa Meu -$2]995 RCA VICTOR has 11Hidden Panel" Tu!ling! 11"1 ne1 IMAa19f ... WAY YO ,._ Now you can tune etandinc 11p, without btndinc or ITOJlinr. Juet lift lhe concaled panel and, th«e are your dQ-withitl _,reach. IMl1' ntal'I llCNll than convenient blninc to new RCA Victor TV! "'/Oll'D en;c,,. rr-t ~ .ctvanca lilte: , ................ L.-•-fV'•W~ ..... ,...,~"'-""' TV'.,_,._. ---· ................ ~--­-· 10 UMf -.. '~ ..-.. O.· ·-·-···---- ,,,_,,__ .. ...__ ..... lcA ...... ,, ....... ~-....... -'ktw• o .. ,.,, u ... , -------·· 211'1"111 ......... ~ TARTER TELEVISION Corooa del Mar %904 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor 5491 IAcuu BNcb T~lepbone HYatt 4·6518 S~LECTONE \ ~,/ ~ Wuh Old Colony xl«t<>M 5)'1(cm, you an be wn of perlect color harmony ~fott you dip yQUr brush. Wida 4ot colon, all ava~labl~ in Bat, Kmi·gloss and high glost 6Dishel, )'CN a. be wn of mcccin& C'Vtty ~nc dee~ ~--Al.,. rady miMd few iawaed'-.._ Widl r1.y Seleaoot color ya. gtt ,..,.. ow Coloay dependable qualily. Togechcr dwy mean Joagu ...-.!~=-.... larin& ba.y. Paiotin& is to easy when y09 '* FiM Otd Colony p&iau and Sdectonc sysccm. Come in cociay. w~·u ~ 11ad ro Wp you. WE GIVE <JltoWN ST AMJ>8 ()pH Friday Eve 'til 9 p.m. · I .. ))J.:- Numbtr tm in a Jtri11: STOCKHOLDERS " • •• SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! Here1s another way we serve Orange County ••• E1ch year our bank pays more than $425,000 to the 1,904 share- holders of our bank who arc rc1i<¥\nt1 of Orange County. They arc 211 part-owners of &nk of America and have a voice m the policies and admi ni~tration of our bank. The money they receive in dividends contribQtcs every day to the pros- perous development of the Orange County area. Thia ·is another way that our bank serves Orange County. llunk of .Amtrira NATIONAL J!~~'n ASSOCIATION BANKING THAT '1s au1LD'IN0 CALIFORNIA ••• banking that is building Orange County ANAHllM HANCH IALIOA HANCM PULlllTON llANCM LAGUNA llACH llANCH uo .... c.......... • ............. ~ Alt............. JtOC-~lewltl 0 .1 . ...._.,,,.,, M. M. ........ ... M. N. W~ ,,.. H. LC-., ... LA HAllA llANCH NIWH>IT llACH llANCH OIANOI llANCH 'LACINTIA HANCM aw .. ~ LH .......... SAlf CUMINTI llANOe '°' ....... "c-.i ....... • LA. W---. ,..,, ,..... Vie u• m ......., oe....-..,_ w .. 1 .....,. ,, ... _ a....4 A.WrifM,,...,, 0.1~ ,,,...,. L IA."-"· Mp. SANTA ANA UANCM TOllA LINDA llANCH d "'"' I .. NEWPOR1' HARBOR NEWS-PRESS > LOWJ.;R A\\'.\ \"t R11 lboa Ya cht Club's comparatively new sm~ll boat hoist really »els a worl-.-out when thf' "Juniors" gather each Wednesday for the regularly scheduled r:1l' •s. ~h·• :11 lu , e: David Springer's Snowbird goes "over t he s ide" as two f11r ndR I~ ho w ill s1J1Jn b<' sailin~ rivals) wait to assist when it htts the water . . \II 13e\.:knt-r Phot1111 HOW TO l>O I : !!11at and n.: . .,, • . 1.1·. ;1~ wt'll ;i~ ml •s of the road and gnod ~ '·,1:: t .1 •1 .:. nn• a f, New1 11. l I" 1: •:· \",n·ht l''\::, propr1 : 11° .i • ;i rr;in _•111 ~ • Brr.tin · I I~• h .\an1111,.l1111 ",,; 1· 1 .. io1.,nrn"l1 fnr Jllll ltlr mr mbers of ~:· .11 :· I ~I .",\"11'1. r: .1. ·~1 tit rt·• tnr. rxplain11 t l.11,., l • .:.11· :1. F.1 d·I 11 (, 11 . ,1 :1 '':1lhv. !"andy FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1954 BRASS OISCUSSION.._-7 Just like the "grown-ups," the officers of the various junior groups get together to discuss racing schedules and general club activities. This "bull-session" too k place during Lido Isle YC's regular Friday races with Newport Harbor YC's Non- Flight Draws Future Champs By JACQUt:LINE B~KNJo:R • Tht-four yacht club& which m&ke their home in New- port Harbor, namely Newport Harbor YC, Balboa YC. Lido Isle YC, and Balboa Island YC. provide a summer schedule for their younger members which keeps the kids busy ·and happy and eends them "back to school t anned and much wiser in the rudimenlll of swimming, boat maintenance and sailing tactics. There sre instruction 8eMions on proper care of equi1}- ment and racmg rules. generously interspersed with excit- ing races in which the youngRters can see the how and why of tht> rult>s anae'\'iiTUiite th<' necessity for keepin~ their gear in top shape. Half the fun of racing comes when t hP contestants meet (Dllowing the rvcnt and comparP nott-s on when• they missed grtting that first pla~ a nrl tht'R<' "bull-sessions" on the doc k are often hot and hean· ;is the skippers and their crews discuss thP ,·ar1011s maneu\'Prs "' the race. Th~ program director usually 11its quietly by. only occasionally reminchng th('m of certain "do'11 and rlon'ts" which apply to the discussion. · There's pl('nty of fun inv<Jlvccl and the: lei:trnmg "comes rasy." ma king it.-,elf \'Cry e\'ld('nt wh('n the young sailors tzet into actual big-time competition. This can be readily seen in such an event as thf' famous Flight of the Snowbirrls in which these wcll-Rchoolrd youngsters always finish well up in tlu• money after having !'la1ll·d a nice clean racr. Other races which rli splay thr1r talents are the Gold "S .. for the Snowbird championship and the Inter-Club SC'rir11. both events of high intcrC'st on the racing calcnda r. Out of such groups aR thosr shown here have cnmr !IUCh champiom1 a11 l'\at1onal :n11•c champion Tom Frost n[ NHYC. PL: Cirn mpion Dick I >r:l\·er nf RYC. and m<tny others . And don't e\'er think the "big boat" skippPrs don't k<'cp an eyr on t hese ymmgl't<'rs wil h a \'iew t o future racing crewi-. not ('In(\' for loc11l racrs but for the big e\'<'nts li ke the-Tnrn1<pacif1c tn Honnlulu anrl th<' ;.;;in Dil'go-A r,11•1lcn race. PART TWO, PAGE ONE Calm Commodore Craig Cadwalader and thr NHYC Fleet Captain Jim Warmington conferring with Lido'11 Fleet Captain Burke Sawyer. vice-commodor<' F.li%11 - ~th Ware. and Commodore John Haskell. GETl'ING READY -With all lines checked and every- thing in its proper place. according to the be11t ship- shape practices. Gail Graves of Balboa Island YC and Susan Gould of BYC hoist the sail and are ready for Balboa YC'R re~la r \'frdnesday afternoon n! racinit. ' _..,,., ________ :--. _______ .. ~ ..... -1 J -• ' , PLE~T\' Af'Tl\'t: -L lk(· ~ arounJ a hive. Ult. young 11a1lor·s boats swnrm .1rn11nd thr d1'<'ks at Lido Isl<' Yarht Club eAch Fnd.1~ '1111n~ t h\· i-ummt>r tor the regular sailing in1trul l1 ,, i;(':"iton Other race9 I are held dunn1 ttie week. sivin1 the · 'lN'• a'AUl:NTS WATCH -There·a alway1 quite a gallery at Nrwport Harbor Yacht Club'• regular Tueeday .eeaion ot ln1truction a.nd acheduled "pracpce'' ra.cea for the younrer met. Here the "B" division geu away to a nlce 11tart u proud mamu ket-p a watchful eye on "Junior'•" aailinr t.actica. p•ty oC practice for the funou. Flifht ... 1 t i. .~n11~ .. bird9. ' • 1 I .. • (}ovemmenl PAGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 ''God gront us the serenity to accept the things we cennot chen9e; the courege to chenge the things we con and the wisdom to know the difference." fA. Anon.) EDITORIALS An Open Letter to Governor Goodwin J. Knight July 22, 1955 Honorablr Goodwin J. Knight c;o\'erunr. State of California Ex<'c Utl\·e-Offices Sac 1·~ nit•ntn, California I lC'n r Cm <'rnor Knight : It was a great treat to have you in our city last S.1t 11rd .1 ,., anrl I wish to thank you for being so gracious to t h1• ~1 11up of Explorer Scouts whom you and MT"S. 1-\nrght 11·c·e1\'cd so pleasantl)". ll w as good to hear the nice words of your old >1diool days and your current achievements related with prid" by ~·our fraternity brothers with whom you met at the> !\"Pwport Harbor Yacht Club; and Governor f-:ni~ht, wP h ope you enjoyed that party Sunday night as muC'h as all of our townsfolk with whom we have t a lkNI. We arc sorry, however. that your entry into our city must h:i\'e had an unpleasant tinge as you dro,·e along t he highway from Long Beach toward Huntington BC'a<'h. With the IO\'C that you ha\'e expressed for the bC'a('hCA. the parks. end kindred developments. I know it must ha\'r pained you to think that here ·still li es "Tin Can Beach." r.overnor Knight. I know tbat it must also b<' a source of wonderment to you, as it is to all of us, that i;uch a condition could still exist in this modem day; anti t hat is the purpose of thils letter. ln the County of Orange, and particularly in tht> cities along its coastline. there have been continued effQrls made to clean up this frightful situation. It is a tremendously expensive program. There are many who feel that ~aU8e the greatist portion of wealth for the State Beach and Park Commission comes from Hunt- ington Beach, the state alone should buy the Bolsa Chica beach. commonly referred to as ''Tin Can Beach.'' There are those of us who have tried very hard to under- staud why you vetoed the bill that would have acquired this beach, and there are those who refuse to under- 11t11nd. We have tried to explain that it was an omnibus bill 1tnd that it was not just Bolsa Chica beach but a lot of things that you could not consider as being worthy as stale fundt1; but, Governor Knight, there is a way lo straight.en out t his probleJn. This problem is one that has plagued many state officials as well as every- 11ne of Orange County. We are ashamed of that blight upon the face of our wonderful coa.stline. We feel that you may have at hand the .tmple •tl"Oke ot the pen that could atr&Jgbten out thJa problem. Here is our belief: The Stau Beach and Park Com- mission has indicated that it would like to acquire Bol.aa Chica ~acb. However, it wu staled that it is not use- able as a public beach because it is too narrow. I t is too narrow because ot the existing right of way of the Pacific Electric which is not being properly used. This 8&Dle right of way Qbstructs the widening of the Coast Highway, which the Department of Public Works and the Highway Commission ha.a indicated it would Like t o accbmpliab. Governor Knight, here Is the point. All of it can euily be done. T he Pacific Electric does not need that 1tretch of right of way. The Pacific Electric now is in the middle of a deal with the City of Long Beach which will ~liminate that end of the Pacific Electric coast line road. The Dow Chemical Company plant in Seal Beach. the Seal Beach Ammunition and Net Depot can all be fed from the inland aide of the Bo-called Stant.on Mainline of the Pacific Electric; but let ua say that even this is not so. The Pacific Electric haa a dead end spur 11t LoR Alnmitos. It run~ nlmost to th" ~an Gabriel Hiver bank. Alon~ thiR ri\'er b::lnk is going t o run the San G11briel frreway. Almoi1t along this river bank runs Los Al11m1tos Rh·rl .. snd it would seem to us that now would b<' the timt> f11r the !'tnte Highway Commission, the ~tRtP LAnos Commiss ion. the St ate Beach and Park Sacran1ento Sidelight SACRA\lf::\10 IC'XS\ -Thtl nt bl.'aches Mid puka, &pparently tffnrt I • ~!\'!' he I Wtrn $34 a.nd 118 11ot 1l••a1I \ 1•1 $3!\ n111Jlnn d oll.11 11 to t•ounlles Deaplte defe11 t or a blll which for d<'vrlnpml'nt nr thrlr rerre-woulrl h"ve f'ffl'cted t his alloca- a tlonal faclUt!cs, out nt tide-, thm by lhe 19:\:J It. g111l&ture. S!'n· land 011 flm1l!t tha t norn1ally &tor RJl.ndolph Comer or Yrl'ka wou ld 1:0 to the •late !11\islnn hu not gtn n up nn the JiJea NEWPOQT ~ HARBOR 1 REW~6 ~RESS F.,rmr rly the Newport-Balboa Ntw1-Tlmet1 1111d Ula Newport-B"lboa Prep A f'4-Jl('nc19hl(I Lot-al IAlt.ltutloa for Onr Forty Yean ----- E :\trrt' ! ns !":".'"'"'1-Cla.u M&ttrr at the P('lltotflce tn Nrwport BHch. f ;lftlc,mla Wlder the Act of Marth 3, 18i9. l'llltlt~hl'll t:H·rr 'fl\nday, W~y Uld Frtday at :St"'J)Ort 8M«'-. O 'llr .• h~· th" ~f:WPORT HARftOR Pl"BLISID:\"O <'O~fPAXl. Tf'll'pbnne Harbor HUI Qunllfll'll In l"nhll~h Lecal Sot.IOff aod Adt>trtlllt'ment1 ot All IUD41 Ry l>t>C'l"ff nr th" ~11pfrlor Court of 0...,e Co. la Action Xo. A-Inti ~tl'mht•r Callfomta Sf'W9Jleper Publlaht'l"I A11odaUoa ~f rmtff'r :Satloll&I Ed.ltorlal A.NoclatJon &trmht•r of Of'Ml6e Cocuity Nm &!n1t'll RE~ REDDICK. PUBLISHER \\1Ll..1AM A. MOSES. !:dltor OR~IO:-o'D E . ROUl'."TR.&E, Ad1rerU.tn,f Director CHARLES A. ARMSTRONG, Mecitanlcal Super1nte.ndmt Sl"BSCUPTJO~ RATES: ~· .. wport Harbor N.,.,....,_., 1'11;1\"eeltty In Oranro County, f'.00 Jlf'r Yf'V: Sl.00 111, m o1J.: lt.S3 tb'" m~ 0Utald9 of Ol'Ulp Cowaq f7.00 per year . . .. Commlaaion, and the Department of Public Work• to alt down in a forced di~u.uion aesaiori with thia blighted 'utility of our Southern California and work out a reloe&· lion ot these coast linea that would permit the eva.cua- tion from the beach at Bolsa Chica and from the beach at Huntington Beach of its unailghtly, ill-used tacilitiea. Huntington Beach could and would 1tiU be eerved adequately and completely by the use of the Stanton mainline. Newport Beach would still be served, better than it now is, were the railway company lo deliver whatever freight is destined for our town at the ware· house property formerly belonging to the Santa Ana Army Air Base and just inland of our city. Covem or Knight. the development of the Hunting- ton Beach State Pa rk has ~n greatly retarded by the existl'nce there of the Pacific Electric rail line. The im· provement of the State Highway there has also been retarded by the existence of that line. It seems incon- cei\'able to me that this utility company. the Pacl!lc Electric (S~them Pacific) and its left-handed relation, the Metropolitan Transit line, will continually harp that we, the people of this lllate, should pay to provide bus turn-out..e ~od parking area on the new freeway& being built with taxpayers money, while they continue to blight other tllghways and beaches with the existence of unnecessary lines. Governor Knight, can you not a.a the chief executive of our state, as a member ex·officio of all commission&, as the man who has the appointment of most of the com- missioners, instruct them to hold a joint meeting of the State Public Utilities Commission. the State Lands Com· mission. the State Park Commission, the State High- way Commission, the Department of Public Works, and anyone else who can exert any alight djsplay of common sense Into the farm!~· known as Southern Paci fic ... Pacific Electric. It has come to be an impossible job for the small cities of the coast-line anct the counties to cope with t his utility. Il has failed utterly to render mass ti;ans it for which it wa.s started. It has failed utterly to be good stewards ot the public t rust that it has enjoyed. It is our opiruon that it is no longer worthy of any public consideration, and t hat we as a state should exert every effort, every joint effort, to force this miserable utility tct adm1n1ster l'):>roperly Its remaining facilities. Once Again. Governor Knight. the City of Newport Beach enjoyed having you as it.a guest at the aeries ot functions over the last week-end. It was pleasant to greet you and to meet again Mrs. Knight, who always leaves such 11 happy feeling with those who meet your "first lady.'' We hope to aee you soon. and pledge to you again our cont,.inued support for everyth,ing that ie good f or the peopJt ot the Golden State. • Very elnce~ly yolll'I, BEN REDDICK, Publisher Devotion to Duty On the day following..fonner President Hoover's re- tirement t o private life, the Portland Oregonian said: - "Herbert Clark Hoover, who will be 81 years old in Aug· ust. can look back on a public career that has had few, if any, parallels in the history of the republic .... "When Mr. Hoover left the presidency in 1933, he had even reached the age when most men look toward retirement and the tranquil satisfaction of a sequestered life. But Mr. Hoo,·er never laid aside his vital concern with the nation's fortunes at home and abroad .... "Hertx-rt Hoo,·cr should ha\'e the warm gratitude of all Amerirans for his extraordinary and unselfis h devo- t ion to public duty .... " Mr. Hoo\'er has always stresS<'d the philosophy of governm<'nt upon which this nation was founded and which has been the true source of its strength and well- being. Not long ago he expressed that philosophy In a. sent<'nce when he said: "The r <'medy is to restore the checks and balancr-s of power, to rcin\'i~orate state and local governments and to dcOate thr bureaucratic E>mpirrs." The Morning After A man working 40 hours a week, 50 weeks a year, at $2.50 an hour. from the time of Christ until today, would have earned IC'ss than 1;100 of a billion dollua. Presently senators and congreaamen are voting ~pon billion dollar appropriations which are being rushed through at the end of the current rongress. Most of the money for these app,ropriation• i• with· held from our payC'hecks. What it is apent tor Is a matter of concern to e\'erybody. It deserves close study. Of all the personal income ta.xe. collected. 59 per cent is paid by people eurning les11 than $10,000 and 74 ~r cent by pcopl<' .-arning lesa Chan $25.000 a year. Only 8 t><'r cent is collcded from those making more than $100.000 a year. and if their entire incomes were confiscated the pcrcrnl:'I~<' would chan~e little. Taxes and how they are spent are everybody's busi- ness. AjjYPAIRS OF STATE By HE.~Rl' C. MacARTHUR SACRAMENTO. lc:\R 1--Ap· labor a like. Undtr the tablfl, Is· Jl<llntment ot Wilham A Hnrk"tl. bor 11 glad enouirh to get Burkett former at&le 1111-f'1't"r nf t h,. dt· out or the eea t to take 1lmoat partment of r mpl•I) nHml. 1., lhr J>C)8l of •tale •uper·lntim6enl of b&rtk1 ca.m• aa no aUl"J"Ml!e t o thoM who have rnllowtd the ca· reer of Burkett In tht' Dtpart· ment for nea rlv twn ) tllr!I. anybody. Stewart, on lhe other band, j\U -attlllallon .,ilb blal· n-whJch will atalld him In good 1lead ln h11 new po1t. TWO or.L l;UCL'TI\'!:8 Appointment of Stewart make• The c&rfft h&11 bf>~n cnntrover· two former oll executives on thf' alal. lo u y thr lrRi<L =""''t>r ac· g-ovtm or'1 cablntL T hr other la reptM by la bor. a~ he wn11 an r m· J ohn M Pf'lrce, the sta te direc- tor of rtnanc,., who formtrly wu ployer r t pres('nln twC? bl'f 01 t: tAk· 'm&11arer of the 'Wehtem Oil t.nd Ing over th• poi.t from J11mf'5 C. Gu Aaaoclatlon. Bry&11 t. the f<>rmrr ll1rPrl11 r, Bu r· Stewart t1 tht fifth dlrtrtnr k ett now goi>s rn 11 ~rnt wherr j to JUlde the atate drp11rtm .. nt of his P.tf1l111t 1ons "·111 b<> 11trl<'tly on l'mployment. whk h hu had a the b11slnus l!icl•· I chtqurred hl1tory •Ince lt.t In· ll hll.I been known fnr &nme ceptlon In J 93:1, when the 11tH tl' lime lhlll labor 1err"~"nl11Uvf'11 ltg111lature prepared lhf' Wily for have pre511urt<I thr I:"' Prnnr to payment ot untmploymrnt ln- have Burkf>lt rf'm<l\'("l TI1ry w"rf' aur&11ce benefits. joln,.d qlltl'lly by Mnmr rmploy,.r Carl Hyde, a ch•mbrr or cnm- nopre.!ltntatlvl.'•. wt:n WPI" not mrrce e1tteutlvt. wu th" f1r•t 11&t!11ried v.1th h1" er11,·tllP!I &M director Wldf'r the la te Governor director, but whn rnuM nnt r nmt Merrl&m. Ce>vrmnr Ol~on 11r- nut In th" "fl "" In nn.Y r11mpalgnl polntl.'d R. C WaRtn,.t. fPllnal &g11ln5l him. llOClal 1toc:urlty board off1cl11l, 11nd GO\"J';R~OR'l" FAITH Governor Warreo. James G. Rry· Howevt r, tho .i:''"~I nl'lr ha.~ ant. &.not hrr 11oclal lll'<'Urlly b•ia rt! CTtlll t11lth In H111 kPll nnd h1t11 ort1c11l. Burkt1ll. who 11ls'l h:irl !!trod bt htnr1 him tllcoui:h tht<"k a record nr ft'titral f'mpln~ miont llnd then, w1th \hll rn~~lhl!' "lt""P·l"''1lh the f"BI, bt'r11mio l h" third lion ()f not gfVtn~ whnlf'hPa rf• <I jtnVtrOm!'nt f'mpln)"t't' ll) tllk,. ap•m11on1blp tfl ll11rl(pt l !I IP~l~!a· the rnsl. tlve l>rO~tlm fnr t!li•!'I. \\ 1111 h l"~n· nn.-.T Bt '!'O~F.:i-"~t A~ e.1 he&vlly to lhr l'mpl11•·1 r 11;;. Strw1U·t. In f&r l. 1~ \hi' fir•! lh&t he rlelms will m &lerl&lly b<-ntfll Calltorni4, throul!h thr creaUon 1 ot real nc~llon 1polll, rather th&11 at.ate parks the park comml111lon want• to ke,.p "In their natural atate'", which gen- er-ally mtan11 that the p"rk~ get minimum UIHI by the prople ot Calltornl11. On !ht' 11al11n: 111 It', Burkr t buJ<ln,. .. sm&n who h&.." hA•I t'X· llt'ema tn ha,.,. 0 l11k' n ll<tn'P\\ tat len!ll\'I' t'Xpt'rll'nr!' In prn n1r in· t lh 11 h I or a beatlni;:-HI' Jl<'ls 11 $!'i(\(l pt'r duatry to take over t h" pnst. urn e 0 "llring ll•lt'l&nlls to re•r lncru~e 11~ :oupenn rnrlent The department In the rut h'a.s RA.'\ l:\"TO TROt'BLE CoUle.r aecu~d puuga of his bill by the et.at" .enale, but In the auembly, It ran Into trouble. 1111d wu referred to the rull'~ committee for 1t11dy by an In· ltrlm commlttre. Th11 rulre commltln m tt r,. ctntl.v. and a gr1>ed to look fnto the progtam. whJch meane lh11t It hu aome ch&.nce of btlng r'- vived during the lnterlm, and taken up a.gain either a l a •pee· lal·ee81fon In lllM, or crrlalnh· In the regular MHlon or 19~7. The a&Hmbly tntrrtm commlt- t" on conaerntlon. pla.nnlng ant! publlo workl. which f1 hn 1I· td by Aaetmblyman Francie Lind· n y, of Placer county, now hu Ille bill, and It probably wlll bt submitted to a 11u1>-commlllft Which "111 look into the quMtlOn ot whether or not the countlu could admJnJater thla lal"J'• l!\1lll ot monty to better advanta.ge thAn the 1tat1 dlvt1lon ot btachta and parka. MO~"J;Y Dl8PL'TE The money involved la " put of t.he hul'e ruerve built up during the l~y dilput• be- tWttn the •late and fedtral gov- ernment. wh.!ch luted HVenLI ~an, IUld wbich WM rtllOI when lh• Coe.st' ... voted lo the llllltrl' 111 whirh they Wl're I of banks from his pr,.stnl 1111 lan· bttn domln11tt'd by lllr federal locAted. tht'.M bein~ primarily of 114.~00 r"r vt11r. Hn\Hvtr. In l\OCl&l 11t<'unty board. prlm11nly California. Tex/la &nil 1Aul11iana . I Ortober. the Biliary nf lh .. d1rt'r ll'lr becauae O( tht' 111;rlc1tcles or fed· ,,,,. Tl'•l'r\'t' led tn A lot of I of t mplny-nent J<Ol's up lo SI i er&I and ala t" law. whlrh tale · SUlt~"~llons rlurin1: l he rf'CC'nt I()(}() a.nnually, while thr 11Alary of bllah the rl'lat1on11hlp btlween •es.!l<)n of the legt11h1t11rt, iu to the •tale 1111pl'rlntf'ndl'nl or b&nka stale Md fedenil gnvtmment In how It 11hould be \J~etJ, r&nl('lng rtmalna• &l $1~.000 I the a dmlntatrAtlon of untmploy- from tr&nsrer lo th,. 11tate·11 gen-1 The govl'rnor'• llt>lerllon ot Har· mtnl lnaunnre. eral fund to the C'olllrr propqMI. rv Stewart, who la 11. member of Thus the new d irector v.i ll Howevt>r. these were 1111 ilf'ft'fll~ I tho Indu11trl11.l arcldent comml11· h11ve the opportunity tn •how With the exception nt nne bill 11ion. and 11 rorrner m&n&ger ot "-'hat a bu111nu.~man rather then ~ro\1dlng tor allorlltlons to more She!l Oil Coml?any In S11cramtn· a trained govtmme'nt emrloyf'"", an • doun proj .. r t:o, v.1 tho11t to, a ppear!! to b~ one which will can do with a department which ma trhln~ money, whlrh wl'nt to "''1n lha spproval or buslneM and 1 hu a burea ur.ratlc pa11t. the J:(O\'tmor but whlrh w11s ve- tot'd by him. \onM'!Jll!'nlly. "'·Ith t hf' "ll""r l · Inn or thr mont1• 11l111('1<tl'•f tn the 11tat11 division ·,,r h"A!'hPll 11n1l park.! In the J!l.'\'l·"ff h11tlgrt, mMt Cit tho fund 1~ lnt11c t , 11nrt I a lfhoUJ.?h In the h,.:.rh"lt 11nl1 parka fund. c&.n't hi> 11s"c1 until the 1!'111te le$;l11l&t11rr i.;1,·r• pP r· mlsitlon fnr w1rt••11\ rr"J"C'-' thrOUJ.?h t he b11dfo?"I 11r thro1111h sprr ll1J bill.~ The d1n,1nn h1111 • f1ve-ye&r proirram rnr us 1nic llp the teioervt, I! I h.. IPJ1:1~l11 l\I re takra no other an 1c n ASOTHl:R Qt"f:~TTOS l\'htlher lho Colhi>r bill, tvl!'ll It It e\'tr d0f'1 ,.tl h\' lhl' lf'j!IS· laturl.', \ll'ou1.1 bfo 1oi.;nrd by 1he governor. la t.nothl'r qur8llon. The or1g1nal throry ot tht beachea and p11rk1 act ,.. . .., to -cqulNJ th,.1111 11!u With whllt la knov;n u '"m11lc-hln1t money''. In other "''Ord!', the 11ta te put.I up half the monry, •ncj l .orne other llOUrre. t ither a local r ov- trnment or prl\'lte party, lhe OUler halt. SMELTER-Rumored (Jf Me3tlcan ort«ift. lt le Wfll hJdden Md protected from ,.anda.IWn by inhabitant. at the area.. -Horace Parker Pbot.oe. BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PARKER ( t4. Now -'l'1Lla col_. ~7 Bol"M'e Parker wW .., wtta Ute UtUe-lmo".. •t.toriC'al fM't. IM bl d~t!CI up lll Ma maAJ trfpe a.to tlM ~k eoutr7 la ,_., JMl'L) CABIN-Cheerful. nc.>at home of the Will Schmidt.a nests high in pinion-clad hills of mountains border ing desE>rt in the Arraatre Cre<'k territory adjacent lo their placer workings and dolomite quarry. . On our right was the dusty, alkaline bed of .Baldwin Lake, dry now for many years. To our left wu the amoke from the sawmill and high abovP. it were the scan of the old Doble Mine once of the property o! I:ucky Baldwin. Ahead of us the old J ohnson Grade took off for the desert through tht' plnon plne.w on II• way." And putting-on an old hat way to Luc'm"· Apple Vslley and I u protec:llon rrom t he 1un Mn. waypo~. We were makln1t Schmidt H t a i .. t pace over e nuthrr trip <11l\\'n Arrrt•t1r <'1 .... k .-rrrk-b .. d bouht .. re to the site of fntnl l:!lg Bear l..111\e l o th<' ~fur-the 11mf'lltr. On!llc \"nll•y. "In lhl.' 1930'11," 11h• H id •• WI StJrne m•1nth1 llt>r1•rt' h11•I puffrd bchln!1 hrr "The Mormon• bC'c•n tolJ , r ··~t '"" an Smellf'111' unt twu nr lhtlr mf'mb,.r1 from '"""'' 111 1he 1111•a whi.h W1•1e Ulnh to p1-011f'lect around \hit old 11111'11 In 11m•'lt tn i.: lh,. n1,. t11r !:<old, sm1•ltrr. Thi')" eald lh"t In the a1l\cr 14n•I J,.n•I '"II& Abht•tl 1 <'lltly d11ys th(~orm<>nll had dl8· .11.ui.:ht"r ,,, 1'1111 ·n r11 h, <'""l" ("nvrred a ltad encJ 111lvtr lectge Mesa p11)nttr who ha1 a pl1rer on the hlll1 above the olrt Mui· cl11lm In the a rea had lol/1 me the r&11 .llTlelter, and whrn they Wf'nt atory. Jn my w111ll't on lhe bark back to Utah thty caved-In 1111 of 11 ("Rrrl wC'fc [he 11lnipll' direct· tra('tii of the workln1:1 In tact Ions . "\\"1lt 5;rhm1tll nvtr oM the Mormnn11 had u11ed th!~ same Krllrlt' southwC'llt or Baldwln 19 smelltr, Thry 1t11yed and pnkf'd mllea'' TORTl"<H'f( ROAD Down the rocky. dusty. and tor· tuoua Jeep road we went, fll"ll Ulrougt\ lll• .,_ ot th• plnon pine then lhe ced11r Aga in wt wound through lht huge, red hummork11 or t11tllng11 f rom tht f&moua old Roa.e Min" The n11na of thf' C1ld mlll, t hl' doorlua 11a ft. Ille ruln11 ot mlnl'r~ c11btns are about s ll that 111 ltft or t he work· Inga at thr Rl'lsio Mini'. Thf' l1111l time she wu worked wu In 1939. Put the Mnntf' C• l~t<> rlatm11 anti thtn onrr more do1<·n tht ~r11de to ~l'11uldlng"11 Clor:v·D mlnr l'urf' Sp1111ldlnl( l(ntw Will ~f'hml•lt a n·I )1,. I:'""'' u11 11pe<'lfk tf trrrllnr111 rm hnw to ltf'l thH" N"llrly nny way \'1)11 l<1nkPti y t111 to11ld Ill'" ~"' r~ r r nM workln1:11 s nlJ pr•'1•f11'<'l h1olr!I hv ll.e !1• •Zl'n• T11mtn1t nfl th" n1111n trnrk -tt11ll w,. Mlllrll''I mranl'l,.rlniz 11r s \\'ll~h tn lhP ~rhmM I ~.J'llbln Twn huk· lnj:( butt r11rk .. 111 11 n•l 11 ~111 ln"!I" <'Ill w1lh tnl l e1r • I 11nnu1m•• ... t n111 11 rr fvsl a round for ntarly thrte months a_nd ttnaJly went back to Ut11h." "Another fellow, • mlnlnr tn· cinMr ume throuth a f~w yeara back and aakf'd Wiii and J It w• kn"w where there wae ·• llTTltlter 4n a n n~n arl'&. w .. 1howf'(! him this one but he 1ald the on" h" wa11 looklnr for wo In the open. He h&d " kln'1 of m1p iuvt Mmf' notu and 111ld that there wtt• " numbf'r-of •llvn· l>Art1 buri,.tf nu r lhi11 pa rtf(11l11r 11melltr. w,. t"ltl him wh .. ra thrre wrre 11om,. nth· en, but 1ppue11tly he nevt r ro11nrt the rlrht ont!"," floundlnK a bf'nrt In !hr ye>n. Mra !'rhmldl polntiotl said, 'Thtte It 111 " Bl.Y..SD!'I IS \\'Af,I, Almn"l bl.,n•Ung-lnln lht' ""II of th" r Anvnn wse I rmin•I 111 nu · t:.>r• nf n11t1ve r oe!( l111t1 lnJiPlhf'r wllhn11l mor !Ar Al th" .,,.,.,. \\'r rfl twn ~q1111re Opt'nlnr• in whrrh tht rh11n n11 1 '"'"" "hov .. llrtl Wh t'n !hf! >m rlrrr w1u In opf'rllll"I• Thfl • •18c I<. \,\ hfrh ru m l,.hf'tl lh• rn I"'''""' ••• 11.~ •I.I" pltlllf 1',f • 1lr11 fl • rnr th!' .. m .. llrr ""~ " bit m1n1n~ "h"" I•• , •n11n•m '" thr I"· ot 1•n11I" ln1tioo11t1v l n~lt'll•I nf 11111-1?'"" ihn nr1• • lltlln u ( :~• h1111 lr.i nlnl' ii t>p In lh,. Atr. fllll rn1 k ~ WAii I\ •lt•'ll•I ~'lfl'I" 1\l ll'I II l"l l•~•n 1~11 r n lhf' •'r r(l h ll· l t ttdu• t I 1\1 1)1.-(•nj!f"U1hl 1"'1'" fnentH1£:'" rtu~1f1',,. '11'\f'lk,.. .. i:;th11ol•llo• h •l!lll\ 1••1111 1 II\ l •li" I 't I k (111•111•• rn•lllll.: In llh>1ll l ll 11( t r c •111 1 • \\ l .\It II " I• f• I f l htl'I, tlJllllllf'\' h•1•ll \"l'rl r,.f. llnl 1111 •'·, 111n11 I'' I' "I I ll1t• ''"'" 't111 •k l hrn111;h l\J1•• i•i lu -J.,.\1• ,,.0.1.-... ut h•1fl w tttud ttrhl f'q1,r l14•1 lu t n c·u.n· Ill 11 r "" .11.· 1w • 1111d "" !lo•• ,,., 111r1oi. I" f f. r l'"I th>' rl~l.1 l"nt;"l h Ir•-..: ~1 1c ~, 'au1 p \\1r t t I t 1 t. fur, .. ,, • J ''·"' ""'' f1·r l hllll f•11l 1ir1·I 1ti•1'1\ ~111111 .. I 'I' l •r 111t ••n ,. h"'' ttf ~"1"llm1? lto\'f> 11r hrr ll\' ~·"• tnl:, 'Th•· • "' I Th,. 1n11l•lr ••f lh" •rt1 rll,.r ,.,," tr>r l!A~'ll I ,11hn11liln'1 h1kr m111 h lin" I Wl'h c 111'1" f•rr h1110l"l'I""· 11n.' m• ,.,. Rnt "h,.n 111" 1lA\' ,. 11 ,.. mt:•I f11dn1rk• On tl'l.. r I'' non;: I r11n·1 \Ilk" mv l11nv w11lk• 11\'rr I "'"fl 11. 11n lr>•n <'n11l•h '" WH • ~"l th" m•1unli11n• All•I II/) 111 .. r11n· tn p111 In !hr n1r Im t h<' II• t11"l V"nll lh•'rl' 111•1 ""n"I h• m11rh •IT'•lllnl? Th" nt I '""' ..... ,1n ''""Jl lr t: Thi• mnr ntn~ I W A• !l httl,. II\' 11 ... tiny hn''""~ "' h llll"• h"llV· d1t.t\" nf•t r m\" h!k" !Ir 1t111<Jr11r1l Wllh h t.ch ,11111•!" nr• r11n ltfl the 111•1 .. nr '"" hill 11 n'1 I \\"On•l"t"'1 It I m titt t b,. 11 hi,. to '~ ... Y'>ll w11 n1 tn ~"" lh r <11'1 fln1t th" Bhllfl fJ( lh~ !'1111 wnrk· ~mtllu, r.~hn '""' \'Ott a-bout 11·-11ni 11. Rnm" <111y I 11h11t1 trv, "nd }UH Ufl the r anyon ht" tr 8 r11tl" whn knnw11 --7 ., 'STACK"' I .• swl \iv 1u,m1· 11nlf'tt1·n·tl . frrint1<'r engi- nf'f'r. lngt>nunu~ly up thr 111t~p h11l~1rtc with a 111h'lrt VPMiral 1<tark 11t tt11 ,.nd 1h 18 furni11ht-ti hot <!ra ft for crude cha.rcoal amelter, I I • -. BANDIT -SUSPECTS ARRAIGNED I I I LOCAL WATER WASTE WORD PASSED AT COUNCIL MEET f'llH"' turn nrr vour 1arrten ho""~ Whrn y ou re nnt ll:'lnJC ll, tl.l\l IA Thi~ H•lv1e·c-v.tts given Monol'v night lit ··•ly roun.·11 meet· 1ni: hv thl' .-11y ml\111.\gn 1nil11wlng re1 eipt nf " lrllt'r from the UnH I:•' C'uunty \\'atrr 0 11<tnct in wh11·h a redlll'llon of M1•1nipulll11n \\'ulf'r l>1.•lrtct flow ai._ nolf',L Thi' city was •~kl!'d In ~upph m••nt 118 sul'ply rrom pu111pln11 planlll. Thi' l'llY rninn• Pt r.-porl• rt "\\'t lire using !>() t o 6'1 rer ('l'nl or our ln.·al w11ti'r 111 1h1~ tam, lt'i1 nip &nd tu< k how murh Wt' c"n (>ump .. COUNTY RESERVE UNIT AT CAMP ROBERTS FOR DRILL M1>111 1le1s of ltH' 621ilh Stlltlun I ThOllE' from lhr ll1ll bor a rta Co1nplemenl. 01 an~e <'vunty'i< er .. '. .. Arlll,\' R<'h••rv« unit rnmmttnoJe•I ('nsta M.-11a LI Cul L.-o R Of' by 1)1. Hnrry BrllanJ!:., I .a Habra. Ins Rl!ll<, 36~ F'IOW<'r St l i<t Lt. &rf' pe1 fonrunl( on thr JOb ll'llin· John P t'o"<'llber g 11\0!'l Tustin lnK alon~!l1de thr1r Hep1lar Ar· A\'t'. Sk. Ll'f' R. Chrisl<'n:!t'n, 212 my t"01mterparts 10.t11y 11fter ar • !'lanta l~abel. Cpl Arthur K. I rival at Camp Rob,•rte, Calif., KHC.'!. HIJ E. Santa J11abel Sunday tor t wo week:1' immmt'r ~e•qXlrt Beach: MaJ John L. camp. j Upi.oo, 404 Cnta hna : M11J. Rob· Three M arines w e re arraigned Tuesday aft e rnoon port Police, Ma r ine Sgts. H enry S. Fmney, and R obert n ... m l'n, who t'nme from moi<t ert J . \\'1Jl11(',._ 1 ~12 w. Ocean in J udge D. J . Dodge's court for alleged feloniou11 I.. W oolfolk, Robert F raser, attorney. Marine Sgt. or the l'ilil'll in Oranj[e County. F ront: CApr • Lrslie M. Holbrook, H 11 C will prllcllrt their military skills :109 36th St.: l11l Lt. JaC'k F" King, 11ssault a nd strong arm r obben • of Gabriel a eek . ~e arol Ro~ers. and T homas J_ Brown. attorney. '" all ph•~l's or Army operation.!. 30 Balboa cove~: rte Sttphtn 34, Loi Al\geles, who ia still in H oag H ospital. Sh o wn The h ear ing waa continued yest.erday-Staff Photo One •erllon hlls bl'en dPtached A Sailor,, above are fe(t to right, Sgt. v. I. M cManigal Of New-I from C&mp R<Jbl'rte to Hunter-Corona Del MM: Lt. Col. Rob· --------------------------------------Lig~U M~l~ry Re~natwn 11~ ert J . Jd~e~ ~!'! HuM Dr~r: anothl'r le u~1gnt>d lo Fort Ord L t. Col. Frederick R. Huber, 718 to 1u111l1t re11ular ancl other re-Marguent<': Lt. Col. Che11ttr F. serve umlll al thost polltll. Purcell, 6:?0 Margu<'rlte Ave. I Hearing for Halleck Beating Seal· Sees la.,perative Chamber . Year : ~;~~~~~~::.~~~~~:~d±.;0~~ :~~~;. ~~~ ... '" ,~:~.f- Presldent Gilbert St>"I "' <.'o· m bbtnl:' G11br11 I Hnllf'C'k <t( Lo.; C1ou1 I. ThP Marmrs art' ~i:t11. Illa Me111l Chamt>er of Ct1mmt'rfe Ang••l<'l4 w1<8 ~.·t ovt'1 tor he11r-H"m v S . Finney C'11rol Ro1tt•r ft I toc.l•,\: pret11c-trd 11 "wonde1 (~11 anti Rnt>.•i t L. \\:omlfolk. year' nf <'OOpt>r&tl\'t' wnrk bt'- twe('n his orgamzHlllln. !ht' rltv Parke·s-R1.dley Finnrv-.c bail Wiii! ··ontmuf.'rt Ill plannm~ t•ommisMon anti Mella S.!'1000 llnrt t hat or thl' othtr two ICiiy ('nunr11. ··we arpro-<·111te thRI rtr .. rpt>.t '" Slllfll) IH" Jntii<f' lhf' counnl an1t comm1ss1nn art' Aga1·n Named to Dotige \ doing a harti JOb to the bt'~t of H <''11 IO£ FPt fur Th11r1<da\· """' their 11h1ht1e•. anti n<'f'd i.omenne •·ontmu"'1 h•·• a11sp Hllllt'rk 11 ton- to b&r k t hem up," St'lll li<llrl. Mortuary Order 1.ht1un rrew•nlf'tl hi~ llJ'f"'llnng He &<.ldPd that a <ham~r rom-H .. "' '"""''f'rlni; f1<•m II 11kull NEWPOlT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA(;E l FR10AY, JULY 29, 1955 Tlllftts' Home Fire Costs SZOO Dwcie1 'l'be rf'•lderu·• of Glenn Tilhrt fl I E . lllth St .. Coeta M86, IUf· ft'red Ill\ Hllmat~ 1200 dam1ire •• rf'•ult ot a n overheal'ed ,.,..ter htllt'r at 1 07 a m Saturday. F'1re Prf'ventton Officer Ralph I-rt'portffl lhe rMUllaZlt blue burned a portion of I.he floor ud part of the ~ater cabtnd . Two tru<'k• and 111 men an.werect the •larm. McAclcnns Estate SA NTA ANA (OCNSI -lAl· tera of admlnl1trallon ln the H· lite ot Nellie 1. McAda.m1, who •he 11July 24. were aaked In Su1>erlor Court here yutel"\lay by htr daught•r. Ruth Degt'n· hardt of 297 Avocado St .. C'oata e Balboa Coves Weter Front 8 ..-d Dt'"' I !Nd· ~. ! t.Ult ..-. \'tory "l"''tor clNl(L \\'tltol"f' you C'aa llaY• 1-r own boet .Up. $29,950 Meu . Thf' utatt llalt'd personal oai1 ~r 1-. property worth $~00. •••lil•liilillllilllli•••• ICallNI ••• DOOal aa1eHTIN t•• IYll ef YOUR NOMI millt·t' hitd b.-en mt>rtmi; regul-\\'uni baio Jll•I ho <>n rl'<'•·avt>ol In : fraeture in Hoair Ho11p1tlll and 111rly w1lh th" plannins: romm111-Newport H11 1 bur thal Park~·R1ti-I his eon·~1t1n11 l'I J:Otlol. arrordmg \\'1ndows and doon ... ·the eyee of your home~.,. aprett s1on on the zoning problem. and 1 •. ,. 1ll11rt11a1 y ha11 ai.:nm bP!'n ap· tn hl!I phy11lcu1n the graoe of yo..; li~g. l'rim, p;racefuJ Rvlod c scr~n•, •. and NEW SAILORS-Three H a r bo r m en joined the U. S. Naval Rl'serYe last w eek at the Naval Trainin~ Center. Santa Ana. a nd r eceived orders for a ssignment l o Surface Division 11-28 for weekly drills. From left t o rig ht : T. R. Coll', QMQ2. Cost a MC'Sa; H. N. H ansen, Garden Grove; P. D. Breitbaubt. Newrort Beach ; L. Castro. Costa Mesa. · • , j Roseberry Tire Shop I 0Rn1el I Ro11<'bo.>1 ry July 21 t11•ik out " $~100 C'ost11 M• l!A Co·le, Breithaubt and Castro Sworn into U.S. Naval Reserve 'hlld a lrearlv rece1Vt><1 exc ... llent f>olnlNl As t~·· m••mbrr or Ille 1-------------' l"IP from lht' cr1mm11131onpr3 an•I Or•li•r uf the GoldPn Hui" in this l•'t M now lht' beautiful nri-Rvlock Aluminum Scrf't'fl Donr ••• are city counc1lmt•n. But hP s1w1 ('0'.11muntt.~· I I onster Move~ euential to the well-kept bom •. And thry only loolc MpenliYe! that any time th" chamb.·r mcm-Th•· 01J1>r uf thf' Goldl'n Rule R ,~ Rini::holz nf ~an r~rnsr•I· Available nowl bt!rs f.,ll the city father~ were •~ 1111 lnlPrna11on11I 11ft11l11llon oC inn told p11lare> tin Jul~· 13 his W d & H • --6 L L.--C in need llf con811U('l1W 1•nlh•l."fll r11111•1.1f !Jir·-rlfu :< IH\\'IO): <"l'fl8111 h<.at. Li'I ~t .. n.'<lo•r Wl\ll takl'll from ar arr1n~.on um.,..-o. rath!'r U1an 1umple b11r klni:. th<' ht ch 1.tt'nle of 11rn•11 e, and rigid iti< moorln.es tn front of 921 E. 3300 W C H• l'hnmbe.r Of Cl1nll111'll'P W•llli•t ll'l l'lhu·111 sL11nd11ri18 I Balboa Blvd The Horbor MllAtl'r • oast ICJhway-Newport 1eac• surh viewpoints be knuwn I Ml'mbP111hlµ lK nc•l perman1rnt, Jatt>r rPport•·d lin•llng the boat I Pllofte Uberty 1·3411 I Sea l Announ~d ~lect1on of n~ 11n1l mny b<' ff~~ert at any 11me t1Pd u;~1~n~f~1~o~n~t ~o~f~(~~~r~~~l~la~n~·a~H~u~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ficerx for Lhe fiscal Yf'llr by hv Uir Or.-ler. Jo:R rh year 8fflll11------ MPrch11.nts D1vu1ion of th,O rhum-lion '-'Ith the Orrl<'r autom1n1rally her T uesday mQrnlng In rh1im· l'XplrP11, 1111ti lhr rl'C'Ord of f'1tch ~,. office,.. Cha11 n111n 111 Etl membl'r ror · l hP prer<'dlng yl'ar Stroot J r, co-chairman J of! Hum-lit thrn tftkl'n mro rnn11Mrrn11on I phnt's a nrt ~tru·y Ch1~holm beJor' b~ 18 l\J,:ain t ('Cf'Pt<'d Into I Brown. I lhlto fellow11htp. A commattN• mf'Ptln~ 111 ~•hf'-Th,. 11ymbot or lht' Ord,.r, bv rtuled 'for tnda\· !'\•RI 'r.,p .. i l•'rl. whh'h """ mAv lfknt1fy th<' IO•'Al 10 selt>t't r"rnRlllrt• 1 nf l'IHunhi'r mrmhr1 1 rpn••f'nls a kmght in rommittPI' .._hoirman,.hipl' I f111l 11rmr11 1111pp11rt1ng wnh t 1s hope to llnnnunrP thPm ,.1111y n1:ht h11nil a .. h1rlol. 11pnn whu h nl'Xt WP"k the P"""'' !t·nl "'"'' is embh•7.l•nt"I th•• mn1 to of thr DiErrico in Luck I JIJll DtE1 nro won fret.' Ill k· ets to lhl' l..a,i:un11 BN~rh )o',•,11· ·val of A rt11 by Bllf'nd1ni: Har· bor Boys· C'lub l'lln1ml'r b&" hll 11 pl11y "" 11 ><pe<'!ulur la~l wrf'k. 'Nckl'ts "111 be gl\'<•n sway fur t he n<'xt three we<>ki<. A II rro· l'P~ti11 RO lo the 1n1mm"r hH~•·· ball lt'aRue equipment fund. 01•ll'r .. :;;, 1•· •" ~l l'/\,.ure1t not bv gold but b .\' I h• Golilrn Rule '. ln h1ic lrl l h11n t lht' knight grHicps a <hHwn sworol. '" tho~gh to 111.i:· nt!\' hti< n·••hn<·~" to tltfen I th,. 11Pnt1nit'nt h" :-htl"ld exprt>:.~e,i_ WE FURNISH YOUR HOME ~· : ~ {!I~} .< •• "-~ ........ . ' 'I'.~ t: I I ,--( ': . '1 e-:, ~, \ :· '· ·. '" .. Ir 11 ,. b111lrhni: rrrm1t for ron· PfrllCt1on Of a t1rP llhOp ftt 203:1 Three Harbor mt•11 v.•t>r,. 11"01 n I port Br M h anti 11 rPcent !(T&d11ate Harb"r Rlvd. Harflld M. Gerdner I Into the U. S. l'avnl RrllPl"\'P Inf Newpo1 t HRrbor l.inwn High 1"''1111 nam,•cl c·onlrartor. I t,;.~~D Jul. 18. bv L<'dr, E A O'Hnrn ~ .. ," I nnd I. C'11•tm. Mn ot J\lr. I ) . . • nn I Mrs ~ ('Cl!1tro or Coslll Poscal Son Boni oommanlhlljt nfflft>r <>f lh<' l ~ \l<'i-1\ Rn I 11 haah !lf'honl •··nior • · " · Mr. and M Nl. r r-t1>r Poecal ofl Nav&I R e1<<rve Trllllllll~ 1 <'n1"1 I ---4-24 1_ Mnn.irold Ave .. wekom<'d l!l&nta Ana. G t Loaned ll1I II. lb boy into thr fam1lv a t T. R Ci>le f'1 l'o11111 M o·sa; "" • enera Or 'Santa An11 Community Ho.11pi111l 'j:>l••)t'" d ~l11r.1h"t 1111 1· u I•"" ~A;'l;TA A;'l;A •O<':"~o ThP J uly 18. Carlyle's Furniture 1990 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa N'·enh~t~I ~ ~conJclR"Aqltllrtf'~ ••llllly ~~rJ01f~1prnso1•cm July 1 ~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mBlller. th!' NllP whlrh h~ eame.t 1 2 vutPrt 1n l"n•I 11 lw llp1tnl ~ K\\" w hrlt' on a cllvf' rtutv in \\'oi lcl gt'nfl a tor to the hi.1 bnr'-en~inrer's \\•11r 11 · 1 nff11:!' tn u~e m e!Prlnc1ty fatlurf' Enterlntt th• N11vy 101 Pe11111!'n f'm<'ri;:rrwt<'l' in the harbor 11reR. N'l'rU1l9 Wt't(' P . n. Bi I'l l h1111bt . I ~llp•·rv1~ur Hranz K8llll'r moved I "°" of H&rry Brellhllubt .,f NPw· f•lr th" lo1w I Windows with the Best View J'rom our ttllent' windows, w e see, each week. the people who are going places. financially. They ue the RY\llerr.atic saveni who ml\ke e\"ery pay day a stepping atone to the tMngll t.My w&nt m ost o ut of lifo. Get in lint for a succNt!lful future. Open a sa\·· ioga account here .•. eee u1 .. yery pay day. COSTA MESA BANK "YOUR FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BANK" J 181 N_,_.. Bt"4. l.IMrt7 8-NTT "'lMI U lf DlhL Dl~OSll INSUUNCl C09'0 U Tl0N • AGED -WRAPPED SIDE BELOW WHOLESALE BEE,• 9UICK FROZEN lb. FORE QUARTER HIND QUARTER lb. lb. 35c 32c 39c ' 110 pom4 box of BACON Hoff mu HOT DOGI tb. 33; .. tb. HARBOR 41 I JOth St. Newpott lecic• MEAT .CO. Harbor 0718 \ ' ' THUEt: WAY MAN-That's Steve S imo nson, s izzling 11lugg<'r a t .700 plus in Harbo r Boys' Club summer b aseball A League. Above. ri~ht. Steve s hows his p otent batting s tance. Above. left. he finis h es a pitch for rthe Giants. Belo w . Sim o ns'o n snags a fly in• eent~rfield, -S t aff Pho tos SUMMER BASEBALL'S TOP HITTER GAINS IN ATHLETIC CONFIDENCE :Do~ to Size l l'ow~r 1\1111 plld11ni. of th•· C<I· 11111" dtl Mar YnuUI C•.nler Cl- (' Urav~~ rut tht' O lanta down to ~11.t \\'1'<1nt>9J ay. The lea(\!• ll'llllln~ Hrt.\'ell bla.1led th• 01· Pelota at .700 into Depths 1 F111h F ry P"' &tie. an ta l~·ll Simonson Pops Pace; Dips Then th .. re't 11k111dl\·111g "I &kin· Oav"I i'onn«>ll hurled th• .tiut· di\'e at l\>rona dl'I M nr· when I'm not dolflK anythang t'l~r." Stf'Vt' m11 b~hlnd the homl' run clouta Plus said. "I st11rt!'d last , ... "'' :".iw or Bra ves' Chr11 Mr L&chlla In I've gut fhppt'rll 1111~ a 1111tsk the fl r"l ""J Larry B~I' and Wheu a ball player start!> lnH ing ll fabulous .792. it makes n o d ifference what league the guy i~ in-he's news. And as of last Mo nday, that was the b at mark compil,ed by Costa Mesa's Steve Sim onson. 14-year -old p itch e r-outfielde r- slugge r of H arbor B oys' Club Midget A League Giants. with a b111lt·1n :§11orkle.'' Chari,.. GuPnlher ll) Ui• third. H4''1 been going clown llb.>111 13 The fft•ond place CUba cuna tt. nur the 11hurt', St<'ve said from be-hind with a n.,. run ''You don't 110 out ""0' 11...ep w ith-out a itpcar irun. I'm G'Oln.: to lnntn" to l)eal the Dod ...... lM. _ll'Ct on"aoon:· J uhn Web1lu atruck out th• Shark•. look out. Sttvt Simon· aide to &11u,.. the tr1umpb la tit• "What'ii with thl11 S1moOJ1on I ti-On. I just like It. But l play boy!" Bnyi<' Club Athlt'ltC Dir-l!econd base ror the Midget Lea · .-ctor Rmt MacMllllan wns uke1I. j?Ue Redi< I..a,11t year 1 played Mal'Mllltan rrplled, "H f 's pret· 1 catcher , shor tstop the year be· t y good. All he 111•e1I• 18 c·onfi· fore. An<I I've played tint ba.st." •on 11 «elltng <'Onfldencl"! final frame. dtn<'r." I For 1'1. lhl11 boy'• been around. I \\'t:LI. OS WA\' I SHARI' El'E With Ill hll:t 111 24 t<L buts Huw •hlei< Steve account tor a_~d that hefty .'700 pluM averagt, j his hl_ith HWul mark this seuon ? Simonson is \\I'll on his way! "My ey<''!I l!hurpened up," Sim· l•>ward ira111ln~ th11l l'nnf1tlence. nnson explains. "l've been watch· It ~lt1111ld lw c>n11u~h t" 1~>1st1rt> I mg that ball. In t he A Lt'ague. th<' :>:cwp11rt Harbor H1bh :School it'" t'ltsy to hit. But most or t he llnphumur.-thitt h1"s i:u11d ",nou~h ~uvs 111 lht' Orange Count\· Mid· ~~ i::;o nut f;ir Coach Emil ?l:Pem,,·s I J:!"l'l Leit)tlll' Brf' better p;tcher11. I 11r n111e rwxl yer1r. He fa1l1·J I I'm 1.1111y hltllni; nbout .~oo tor 111 111111 out hi~ (rc>shrnan St':.l'ion. thl' R••ds" 'I' , The tall, 1<llm blond \'Ot1ng11ter whri live/I with his mo·t·h,.r, Mrs I Taki' rntu <'1J11:<1der&,t1on th<tl l'ar,,lyn S!rn1Jn~<m. nt l l1!17 New-S imon11on wa~ on.ly a .300 or 1,.11t A\'I' saiJ. "Yes I'll gn rnlt ••• hitter 11nt1I th1~ ~l'lt~on, and fur thf' !'r11for~ nPxl >'~llSOll I'd you b<"J:lll to un<ler11tund how like• to LI,. fur SN'Ontl bR3" or much h111 eye ha& improved. ,.hurtstnp -somewhert' 111 the m-1 There's also the dlff~rence In f1t·IJ, J'ol like tri mt1k•• tha~Pbnll home runs. Last ~·ear In A League mv ral'l'l'r " I play, S teve coru1ecled for no cir· 0f;mall w·t·ndei. Loo k what IN' l'Ult clouts. Thh11 season he' leads lad hAs accnmpli~hl'd ln twn vcar! the loop with 11even, one of them "' fhamrrnc1 lloln~11, !'tut!n'i:: In I a 30-0-IL blow th"t. bounce•! oft Boys' rlub iolin\ml'r ba~o>hrill in t hl' wire fencl' In Coata Meaa. rni,J. Simon~on hecume 8 n A Park'1 left center fll!ld. It waa. -----------------------------. Leai::ue rHt hf'r. 'Tve alwan bun I ut that time. adjudged the long- l 11 p!tr hrr," !'ll'\"I' Mhl. .. :.," rr»· f'St Hubor area Midget Le~e HARBOR ,o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor PAGE 4 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 !TIGHT Squeeze Jor Tally Gives Giants Win ·Stove Simonson wa11 11qut"'f'zl'd hrime ror1 a bunl by Tom Huber \.\'l'dnc"cl11y nii.:ht t ,., hand lhl' 1 Harb•1r Anyi.' t 'l111J M1t11:el A l.f'a · ~e C.tA11t..; n n;,rrn\\~ !°'1~4 tnun1ph I n\'t .. r t1,+· lo"Jt l1•;id1tt)::' Rer1 Sf1X 11.l t'o~ta :O.l • '"" I':• r k T11" ''" torv lrft thl' (;1o111l • in ""cnnli plac"e h~• hRJf ll g'Ulllc.' JUNIOR NINE LOSES FRAY Sel'ond loi::~ Of the lll'B~on wa~ suf!f!rPd by Hl;lrbor Boy~· Club nine 1n Oreni;:e ('1>unty J unior l..ea1tll•· ·A nwriran f11· 111s1nn Tues( la,. Wh('n F11llPr• t nn r dgec1 out· ll :i·:l w111 her c. That m11cle thP H11rb111· Jun· !Ot9' rt'cnrcl threl" win11, twn Jollaes. Both 11etback11 wer~ by Fullerton. Pitcher Gary Gr,.cn WA!! lt>ading baller for th~ lor1d11 wHh 11. triple and "'"Rll'. F ul· lerton tAll!ed fnur tune~ In thl' third Inning on twn hill'. two erl'or~ and ·a walk. Sp:it k111i: 1 he H·"I S11x inti) an St w· F" . ··•11 ly .a .o 1 .. a.i .......... J l'n\' Law· I eeves ins 1rst I""'" unol 111•11 1!1 Rot.:l'r,.: Lllw -1 Lluytl S t.-c•vci< "' HA lb!la wnn r""' c· hit th•" lnni:-est A ho1me run first place y.•llh 11 pnlnst a t thr _ __ ___ 1 1 smuh on r ecord. • "[ hit one over the fence hut Harbor High c yeRr." Stevr ronflded. "But that !ll<ln't count. It WM In pra ctice." Gl·an"ts Jar Out F Rf;t.: SWlNGER How !\bout hill bat 11tyle 7 "I'm . C I f a free awlnge1'. get right down Oup e 0 Wl•ns con l he end Of the bat," SlmonllOn rcporttd. •·1 lUle a 33·1n. club. l 'nlP;<shlng a piur of l:!-run 1 It f11ela good." I alliH'k". the l~::1p1r 1;:1•1lng :-:..,.,... About tha t conrtdence. Simon· I ~.nrt HR rbnr Iii Rh ·-' hool l'loi.s son was u ked If he thought be I < Clanta cr11shl'cl nut their ninth l'Ould ktep hill average up to ancl tenth vrclot il•' of th". !<ll111· such a lllgh ltvel through re· mt'r ~l'A~nn T ut>nd11y an•! \\ Pdnes-1 malnder of the A Leque nuon. I <lay Thry basher! lhe RNI !'ox "I t hink I'll hold It around .&50 I 12· l anrl t h1• I ndian~ 12· I. or better.. Slev r pll d Ith ul • GRASOSl.A~Utt:R hesltalio~. Aa f:r ceha:rea wof ~e 1 Kenny l'i.-wlanrt pobl'rl a ~rand· ~econd-pl11ce Gia nts al overhaul·\ ~1i11n homf.' run Cnr lhP Giant!! 1ng the le~gue-le&dlng Red Sox. a.i:-alnl!t the Red Sox. ahtrrl """ Simonson I! oke e uallv aa fast: abl'lted by Rn:h11rcl Ollph11nt11 C"1r· "The Giant.!' art o~e ~t tht l>«'llt <'lilt 1·ln11L. . Tim Brr1-.. n •·11mf.' .. n l am th 1. \\' • t In I <'I ef nr~t (' I hff ' l' a Ill e ,_c&"Jt'IC. C VI! &O t 1 · "''" 11.i son, "' ·•>'IX o( I he top battrr1. '\'e've bell! !1.ng fl\•e out of six battN'!< fnr.-•I. thl' Rr'1 Sox. third place Buvu ~ h";: thelthGlll;t" 1 rdan tnt•l •hf· R.n<I fourth plarr C'ardlnall!. Thtn "'11 Y w t " n isns we t urn arn11nr! e ncl )(l(ll' to IPNJtr Brr ..... ·n 111~0 bA~hf'ol arrnt<1< thrPP 1,.80111 hl<c t he ,.evr nth placf! runs "'Ith a bR><l' ltnnrk 1':irl· h I · · n oclgt>rs. J g11e~11 we get ovr'*cnn· !!On iH rn~y pile-hint.: f"r _lhl' Cldl'nt." I triumph C\\'er l he Rf'ol i;;,,ll OTHER OAM&'I l Baar b311 um't ll'w only aporl I Jn • nlher gamell, ll)t' Cardln&l!I Jrlvln~ the (1-9, UO lb. 81mon80n hut the Rlll\'l'l! 11 ·4 \\'Mnc·sda\' t he conrldence h.. nerds. Steve und the Cub., edge.I the Yank"~" w1•nt out for high tK'hool diving t0·8 Tut'~da,· J imnw Rv,·nol•I• la.st !lf'11~on and worked on the •lnubled wllh. the bus~s ln1t.'led tn tr"pohn <lunnl{ the Coeta Mua I ~p11rk the Cn1ds. t';,l R1f'1<lnn hrom1•1l'd fo•r the YA nkl< Stamhng,. throu..:h \\',.,lnesdav . G1:i nt!I tn-t ; CnrdlnAli< 5.:1 · Brave11 7-•I. Y11 nkeP11 fl<•. Cuh:i 5·6: ln<l111ns •·6. D•1dgt'r11 1·6: 1 Rf'd Sox •·8. Tricer!< 3·7, W hile Sox 2-7 Tracie-Wine/ Swimming Pools , • f lh" v••Rr to llr•· ll'ft f!Pld fPnr<' Australian stni:l••I' tuurnament !with _911oc 1111 Rr1i:crs lt :plt'd I T1w.:>11tay l\t !\111nre1pr1I Bowling ~·- h•i nw twp r1111, Crf'"""· ,... 1 • r.c>ttani: th·• 1~1an>A IJ;H k iotn Approximately '.?O mepfot'r:< nf Mesa Roll Classic I Local compan~· M>n ·ing thr Harhor Area. t !\(' frnv \\'lls " t, 1pl1• b~· Pat lht• :"rwpnrt Bend1 Law11 Bowl· I More th;m l)tnl kt'~lt'l ll tl\k" 11 ,.Jll,it"ll?. 10 hOJl lOll\ of lh•• fl<IJl'th' injl" f'lllb pnrtrcipa\Poi. F.ri \\'tlrnX 61111 Ill $!\0(\0 Ill f'OSh 11\\'<lf•ls f101 11 p llr I•( tnlhi>~· llPlm hollz l anri \\'iillcr \\'ood t1e<1 for srt·cm•I Sa turtlny wiwn rnlling start• tn iu·nrl'1l "11 J .. 1111 Hugh<'!!' single. with 12 <'R<'h. \\'ond w .. n the t h1· third annu11l Costa ~tl.'sR \\'11 h I h" ;.c "I" ,ill t 1~d "I' In tht> pl1tyn!f. 1<lv1n1: \\'llcox th ire I Smgh!!'I Cla,.1!1c in Van's Bowlt111: ,.. \.,.lllh S 1111to11s .. 11 11•a1 twd f11 si --------------al 6:3(1 fl m. The Harbnr arPa "" A 1111<1·111', "l"l•· !'l<'<'nnd, nlfi\'l••l R d-I B H •qua d, first O{ 19, wlll ll!Rt'l the tn Lhll d on f ll"k <:rrrn·_. 10!1<'1•1 Qft W1 Oy Urt trnpm lumbllng, Manaf?Pr BlJI 1 nut !h<'Jl etus~r l lhf' plAl<' ••n \\'Rile RAlldc•l. snn ,,f ~1r,.. R. Kint:; arlnto11n1 Pel. This y1>ar's H11hr1·, S'f111"7.I'. Ro~ d 1 t .. 11 or la•src offers $1000 nvirP 10 ra11h , ..... 11 e oCornn&1e )tar, waS 'lhR.n l·•t · • Pool8 d e s j g n e cl a.nd pricf•d to fit ~·our re- quiremPnb. T.-rm• C'a.n lw' Arr&njrrd c·au Uhnl,1 8-10.;'? or LI 8-6-4211 ''' c .... ta '.\1""'6 :-;1. Demonstration! on Saturday July 31th FIND OUT For Yourself -at - Vincnt'1 Udo Dn1t1 fACTOIY IXPllT wl II show TOY how TOU can aha•• closer ancl d••n•i' with SHAVEMASTER e INTlllLY NIW SHAPl-laller•tO• ...... e Single TWICl·AS·WIDI Head • Celftpact,"Powerful llAL Motor Find out for yooneH how you can gee a fut«• d«>* shave io less time thao aoy other way. Doobc ltP Skip y~ ,next shave aad visit oor store. By special arranp menu with tbt manufacturer wt will have a ShaTef muter apen iD our atore for this demoosuadoa. See him demoosuate Sbaft"'a-oa all types of beard&; IHAVIMASTD OWNDll FREE IMAIPININe ANe OILINe lllYICll l..ft a facsory tn1Dad npett bo;;;;i SbaHIDAICff u1i.._ die n d ul.ift S... Mata c:ompouod. He'U abo oil ,_ Sba.,,.masur at no cote. Don't FOrget -Thi~ Saturday, July lOtla \\'1• Carry Full Uoe of Hunbt&m Appllaacft Tur11tlay the lnwly l\ttill("r.• up· J a. .\Car A tfllll'OPy wt th srt thf.' 1 hJrd pla• e Rrn ,., J< 7 _6 1 bounced off hrs motor scnoti>r r•n mori> then lC\O R<lr!itlonal bnwlrr!l 1 while the f'Rrdanull! Pdi;:ec:I the Th•1rsday at th,. rnrnrr of Ol'PRn 1 competln~ The B N a tional L eague traJ ing . Dod~ers lost g r ound Yank<'"~ 8·7. GRry Clark 1:ol t-..·o Blvd. and Carnation A\'e an! cut 1 , _ _:_ _ _:: __________ ~=============~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~=======~ T ut•sday while t he B AmC'n c:rn Lca<rue )eat.ling Tigcr !I J)Wlcd r .. r thrct! r .. r thr Dodgerll. 1nrl11· a bout the far e.11 nrl l•'Ji!ll. . • • ,., · · 1lln1t ll two·nan triple. furthC'r ~1 hl•atl W C'. d n esu:-iy in H arbor B oys' C lub summerj lt wni1 r.arl t .. ·wt8 who f"'H't'~ .I . · ' -· Braves-Yankio. 6 30 rm r,,. TIGERS GAIN, BUMS LOSE GROUND"· IN B'S b aseball p lay. The Cubs bC'at the D ouge rs 5-4 Tuesday. th·· f'il!'•ltnlll~ win \\'ilh thr 8COre ant.s-lndla.n,., s·1~. fl m. Tue~ IAY 1' \V~·dn1'sllay the T iger s swatted the Yankees d own 7-1. 111:1 kn,.lted 111 the• seventh. L<>w111 -Glant.s-Bravf':;, 6.30 I' rn c·nr- ll••,.rit" suCf..rin,: tho• 1u~11. I q n.i<le<I.' lh"ftt'>I "'-'1·nn<1 And third. danal11·\\'hite Snx. &:Jj p.m, \~·.,.i. 1 ''"""II Uro>ok>< .. r tll· Oiul).'."l"l th<' hag11 bulgin~. MJ.lle P11t 11rk llllc'I iu nrl'\I "11 "~trlkeout whPn neaday -Red Snx·Dodi;:t-rs. 6.30 w,,,.. h• 1,, , ( 11>~ fr A\' If•• twu 11><t "'"l!lrd In l'imtler ~1t1111tlt111 lh". l'alrhc.r •lr••rrccl the ball 1 pm. lnd1an~·Yl\nkP<'-". 11 l:'i I' ni " '""·l111t"r 11 .:.11n~t lh" 1'11h11 l.OOP l'T A.SDl.SGS SLrn<llngs thr .. u1:h \Vttlnuday Thur~rl11y \\.hl!P !'11x-Hr:iv1•,, A 11•1 o!11t1hlo'd \\ 11 h I he• 11 o•c•s lt1at1· I stnndlngs thrO!lllh \\'ednCl!du y : RI'•~ ~".X I O·:l: C1~nt11 111:4 ; Bra \'Pl< 1 6 ;:10 p 111 ('1n cl1nR 111-r. 1an t "· $( I;, rd ( .. , 111 .. ~t 11( th" Do.terr runJ< I! :>.'Rlronal Dnc1gcrll i·:l; Brav~! 8·~: (l\tilin11lJ1 ~·;,, Y\hll" ~nx p.n1. r rid"Y Ynnk1't':'l·Hrrl S rox, 1n ti\• l •r~t lnmtl).. I i;.;l-1 r:lnnts. l'irRte:i !>·4. Cul;i8 ~' • l ntl1Rn11 ~ .. : Qodgrr~ t-9 , &::ln pm, Dnr1gn•·l n•1ian11 l'l•l !'l Tt:A.'1 1 I' :: ··-1. ('iii tlinal~ 1•11, 8 Arnf'rk nn ~k"!':'I 2·11 p m !'iRlur<ln~ r:111nl!l·\\"h1tr· • T1•111 1:1llmRn 11nd Hub ~lo ~In-TtJi:"'"' !l-~ lll'd 8,,x ;.-.. In-="rict "'" k'" 11chedule: Mnnda\' Snx. 10 l\,m . h1111 l•'""'"'I llf" ln 1 • ., .. ~ tbf' Ti· •hnn~ 6.;, Ynnkr.-11 1·6·1: ,\lh· Ji:• r 111•1111ph. ~lr~lnhan R111i:le1l lC'llt • 4·7·1 , \\'hilt' !'nx :1.5 '" l"t'~::< II\"• 11111• Fnr I"<' Y.rnkl' I SALE '.\ k 1 11,,. :\'r•d \\'l"<I< s lH'ht•<lllll'. l\l••n•:11\' .11 1• 11i:1.1m wA • ' lr111l111i: l:,.han~·Rr•l S";\, \\'hilt• Sq;. I •• • SPECIAL SALE l'htt:CPI'. YRnk'. 5 p Ill TUPMlav -C'ub.-.· In l'lllJ tr • J.:.cm:-. f h~ llldill n< I r>1rd:1,11)11, (.;;"nl •-l'lrl\t('g, 5 f" m, h· 11 th" \\ h1tc S<•X ·t-.1 1111o1 the , \\'r dn•«dA.'' T!gl'rs _ Inoti:inll. R" \ Sox ~hutou~ I~" At~lellcs Glnnt ... · Bravr.s. r, p.m. Thur11· 1'"1 The. l ndlane Ki"•n \\alla.re rt11v ln 1Jnn11 • YRnkertt BrRvn· I"" r.J thf' "t.tnck. equ"lllnJ.: Ulr· C'l;b~ :i I' m F rlrln ,._ ,Tli:~rq I \' Lawrence" two fnr two for Whitt• l':"x Dt1rl" r. c d ~Rt':l.IA cal. ,\ jtf'llfffUI ~hruh with f'IDk hlonm-r<'1tlllart,· MOr 4A5 r:. 17th Bay Nursery COS TA MT.~A (n.-sr ln1nf') I ,I tw>rt .\• M-.W'!fl th· \\ ... It S · ,..~ • l\r 8· • 11 II OX. :I p. m J 1111 Curtla a.nd J ohn Broe k. .:;:;;;;;:;:~==:;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;:::;;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::;::::::;::;::;::;::;::;:::::;:::;:::=::::::::::~ m~n hurltd two-hit ball ror t.hl" r 1~•"1 Roii. Pot Hill trtplffi with Mesa, :\'t'Xt wcek':i 1chedule for Har· i.,... Boys' Club wummer baseba ll J•l.t\' In Costa Mua...,Park and '•'"port Harbor ll1gh School 1 'lni<:i C tAag-u.a: Mvnday-Gt· ,.,.;,.White Sox. 10 a ">· Bravl'a- 1'11b~. 11;15 a.m. Tut!IJ11y -ln· d1nni..-YankerJ<, 10 a .m. "'htte :<''"' · 1'1~era, 11: I :i " m W t'dnu· Open Bowling Friday -All Ni9ht Saturday -'til 5:3Q p.m. Resume again at midniC)ht Sunday -'til 1 :30 p.m. Coste Mesa Sin9les Cleuic July 30th & 31 st-A'ugust 6th & 7th Au9ust 13th & I .. th STUDEBAKER GF:T nll th~ thinp:!I. you pRv for ... irt'I 11 ~t.urle­ hnkrr. C.<'t acta<m -row e r. Thr. StudebakeT < 'nmmanrlcr V-8 p:ivCf! you I.op power per pound 111 the low price fi<-ld ~ Get real beauty. Sturle- hakcr's styling has wo n '.l6 I nt<>mational Awa,rd8' Get economy. Studcbt1kC'r won the MobiJg1.1a Hun Sweep!ltakee fol' the ~ond '"traicht. yee.r I Get q ualit y. Studebe.lct:r craftAn:neo put top quAlity into every car they build'. Yes, gt>t all thnt Studebaker offeTll ... for tf-w. eost. of the usual lowC!ll prk e car. No wond n Studebaker ie the 11mt1rt rnr to buy: Most for your money in the low ~rice field! Drive it .. ·P-rove it! Studebaker ... so "'acl1 ,,,tter maJ, ... U"flt th 11HJrt 1,./1,.,. '°" I rod, f STUDHAllU DIVISION Of STUDHAllH·'ACllAID COl,OIATION .. , ONI 0' THI • MAJOR ~Ull-LUU ,.ooucaas 0, CMS AND TIUCKS USED ,CAR-USED TRUCK l\IYEISf •. s.. -"'• £1..,.11/) ,,J .. ...... ,.. ve11v1ta mt uts u1 ~ t~ubs-ln(!rnn~ 10 1 m. Yanll· •·e~·Hl"d Sox. 11 :1:i 11 m. Thunt· olny -l.'Ar.ltnala-0111.nti<, 10 a..m. P1•d~rs • Uravea, 11 :16 a.m. F mluy -Br11•u·lndllln•. 10 a.m. •~1anta·Dol.lger11. l1: 1!\ a.m . ll1ghw1ly uaers tn Ula United I 0 Come in for Y.!lJlF trio I drive now! ~111~~d s2)"··~~~1"~F~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~!~~~~~RTI, Local De.aler ··: ~1 f'xr 1•,. tuei1 In 1963. aC'C'Ord· ft th,. N"ti•!ftlll-A~ '·1111\ 3636 Newport llvd. · at · a~•: to Udo Newport leact.-rh. Harbor 110 ''1 • • I I ~ JUNIOR ANGLERS RATING CONSTANT Tl .. ~1 e w"" no l'hange in t1lt1ng11 1n t he J umor F ulht>r- ml'ns T<lUrnament. ApOn80red by lhl' fl11lbo11 Angling Club. duw1i; lhl' past w1>ek. Tota l 0111~1 !.wr uf fl$h C'lllljthl tn th" tmern< y 11 now H 6 with :t:14 IC'jtl>lt•tt•1l t>llll •NI J .1, 7 lh Knq:• r brnu~ht 111 a 13 oz. Yrlh1w T111I JHt1J1r; 1111° wct•l-. It ta ,.1 111 1•0~~1hlr hi t'ntrr the t uu111.1111> 111 111 con.ling 111 Rny DH;" 1111,1 .. UI rest 1: Smith, <'O-rha1m1 .. 11. and any boy 16 or undt'r I~ Wt'lcome to try his hrintl nl 1·11tC'hlni; lht' lilt: one.~ HURRY UP! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE S FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 Sun Glasses Gone I J ohn J lltlllt'r of Santa Ana I nottft"d Newport S.acl'. IJ()llC'" 1 a theft from hit c ar Jtlnt' 2:1 1 In Richard'• parkln& lot. Mt .. tnx I w.. 11 pair of preacr1pllon 1un gtuaea va lued at U !'J. -I t P•Y• to reaa th• want ada. THEY BROUGlll' HACK A LOAD-Team members or Newport Harbor Lady Anglers and Pomona \'alle.v Lady Anglers, some of whom are shown ab11\'\:. n·- turned to Hatbor with total of 58 qualifi<'J fish in th<' annual mlcr-club tourney which was held Wed- llN;day. RigiJ rules in tourney prevented a.nglers from be111i; aide<i by boat crews, consequently many fish W£'1·r disqualificd.-f{ent Hitchcock Photo Only 26 Entry Blanks Turned in for Flight Wizard Evinrucle Motors All the Accessories MARINE NEWS The annu1<l r~li~ht <lf the Snowblr·I ~ •~ rnnnlni: truto to 1u m1. llCCllrding to Hay Lllng,.n- heim, ch11nber .. t romm1>r<"e' ex- t'<'Utl vt' secretary, who Is trying to grt the rntrles In llO th11t he will h11V4" snm,. ltlea of wh11t the committee will havt' to h&ndlt'. Presener Cushions $3.85 1 Qt. Pyrene $12.50 Mon, what o lllOtOf' fOf fithingl Small, <Oltlpocl, light• we ight, fih riglll in the tr\ilk of your car. Jompocked with big• t' motor features ... amooth ... ond TIDE TABLE QUIET! ' . F r1d11_v July 29 S11tuNhly .July 30 Sund11.y July 31 Mon day Aug. I TUl'JU1ay Aug. 2 Wedne-9\lay Aug. 3 Thurad11\• Aug 4 Time HJ ell II 17 a.. m 6 :36 p. m A:62 a. m 7 19 pm g 19 a. m 7:67 p. m . 9 42 II. m 8 31 p. m 10 .0f\ &. m. 9:04 p. m. 10 30 a. m 9·37 p. m. 10.6• a. m. to·JO p. m Ht. 33 (1.3 u ~fl· 37 118 3 II !\.9 4·1 fin 4.2 !10 • 4 ~.8 Tllnf' Low I 36 a.m. 12:13 p. m 2:16 A. m . I 00 p.m. 2 •8 .. m. J .~ p.m . 3 l7 II. m 2 26 fl m J.H 11.m . 3:01 p. m. 4 10 am. 3 36 p. m . 4"3tl a. m . 4 12 fl m Ht. O.tl 2.8 02 27 00 2.6 0.2 24 0.4 2.2 -0.4 2.0 -(\3 I 8 "t:p lo Jate we have 26 en- lries." he u lJ ye!lterday after· noon. ..Saturday w " win have about 30 ,.ntnN! 11m1 Sund!\\' when the Sn<>wblrd~ hne up at the ~tart there wrn be about 13~ 1 of them. I "Th1>y w lll come .round to H ollpttahty Dock. whPre l hllnK nut a nd 1>nter nghl up to the time that thr startl'r begina t o squPl'ZI' ntr t he final shot. That l I!! eu1nrt11 nl y 11rhtfn1 practice. I t \!Mid lo worr y me, but no t any murr. I "I ust•d to handle 11 rllce lhat I startr'1 ()ff J.1dll Yacht Club and USED MOTOR SPECIALS lfS tl.p. with r'f'mote C(latrol1 llM).00 1998 }{arbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa U 8-2062 Come on in ond ae• the .5Ya today. Th..,, lel'1 go fiahtng I Buy now, 11Je °"' time poy- IMl'lt pion, South Coast Co. 23rd & Newport llvd. J11/Jn••n SH·HorH Oulbo•rd Mofore DAYLIGHT SA\'DlG TnfF. 1 1'\·ery t ime I 1111erl to gei de>wn to lhe Jork with a lonl( bamboo pole and at1rk t ntrv blanks into a •rllt in lhe end ;,, It. Ylll'ht11- men woulrt a11ll pest. p1rk up JACKPOT WINNERS -Mrs. Frank (Clara) Keeler. holding big albacore which weighed 22 lbs. 1 oz .. was top angler Wednesday aboard High Tide while Rose- mary Koppel, Pomona, left, took first honors fis hing from Andale. Newport Harbor Lady Anglers were fishing againsst Pomona VaUey Lady An glers. -Kent Hitchcoclt Photo na8T QU.un'l:R Aug. 26 FULL lllOO:S Aug. 3 LADY ANGLERS 135 SNOWBIRDS SET . By STELL (Mn. Ray) MARSHALL , Newport Harbor Lady Anglers scored over Pomona FOR ANNUAL FLIGHT \'allay Lady ADglers in the first succeasful albacore touma-' ment in the Harbor this season. The ladies did it again, Aboul 13~> 'Snowbirds are PX· marker there, atarbo&rd aide u h · , . .. re1 terl tn !ll&rt tn thl' 11nn'w1t u~ua.J and then wut to the tin-t us proving once more that 'Women can Fish. rsce which at.arts at 1:30 p.m. tah Un• tM!tween ~ line mar- Th1" w11i1 tht' Fourth Annual \ kers. Tournament belwt'rn the New-lolal or 321.0I potnt14 for N1>w-i<hllrp Sunday. Thlll coune 111 about 6 m ile& n l J 31 t 0 1 f p 1 The1e is nu 8t.;f limit anJ t he pnrt J:"I." 1111°1 lh~ Pnmnna \'111l1>v P r an• or ••mona, It V· and should take about an Mlur 11•1,., hl'lrt \\'P•fnul1av. . Ing U!I " les <t <•t fl.l:! Jl<11nt& only rl'qu1n meal '" lo own. beg with a normal wind. · J11t'kpot winners were Mrs or bOrrnw a Snowbird. !(Pt your Th« hill I IP hf th•.'.'ll' I wu dubs F'ranJ< 1<.:Jara1 Kreler. J\'.ewport, entry blank pruprrly fill'J before After !lnlahlng entrant.a a.re """'" for the euprem1<.Cy of tak-22 lbs. l oz. an11 Ros,,mary Knp-J2 noon R.unday J1n1l be able to warned to ke1>p away from the Ing p1 tze alh11ror1> tin 3-6 la1 k-J'f'I, P!i!mona. H lb.!'. 12 oz. J:l't your boal up to the stulmg j udges' boaL 1.. whH h nwans thtll r onte!llanrii lfE TROPHY Tl"M:!: arc ltm1trd tn use t)f rods of ST TOl "H~F.\' \'ET I h~t•. Trophies \\-Ill be awartled to c"rtatn 'l""'lllL"at111ns tuh l line T h<' lliurnamrnl w ilh ~h" Po-, !'TAHTl~H L.l~E the fl.nt 10 aklppera to flnhm. I mon& Valley l..ttd\· Ang1ers ts ti>!lt not to PllCeed "18-pllunJ tr11t, our moi1t enjoynblc> tclp of tht' This l'ltarlln>t line will br be-The youngest girl 1111d youngut UIVIOF.D Tf;J\)I l'lt:'U•ln 'W p finrt lhrsp git Is Rll twet'n two whit" m11rker nai;s in boy.-llllih.n~ al(>ne Wilt lft'l troph-·rh~ '"'" l""'''·'· wh1' h t <>0 .. :1 ~v .. rtr1~he1wome,n of the the .. res ... ai.l <•f th•• vl•l Harbor les. ll.ll will ttfe first "VR1,;1. ~ndtr~ ' '"' -., · · '· Th to ek1pn..r and first • ~ ..... ••~led of 16 mt'mb~rs from earh hlirhe~t «allbl'r a n1I 11 "' of 1:1 t'at ma"tl'r dor... t• c·ouri<e run11 .. ¥ rhth f1~hNi " diVJd,.tl t,.11m nn • aat111f11.rt1nn 111 fl~h with a t!'am , a n11 ~ markPr 111 :-; .. uth Lido I cr~f~I t o frnis~. thl' first thrl'e two r1art, An.ta IP ... n<l Ht,.;h T1d•'. Whfl.!S<' 11Jt>mb!'r;; valu .. th,. rnh'' i:h11nn1 I, l<'nw·11 11"' nini k cr t~ S · ~p~rs t 0 fl Rh will sail lm- bnth rll11t bo&lll. :":<'it thlll we and tht> "P"tt1ni: inoltn• t whwh 111tarb1•nrol thrn "~bl nn<I uroun I no,w 11:, ~ ," nlh' • oltl Harbor fM•I 1 ht-<'Pnt .. stantJ< wpul<I 111tt flrnmpl11 ""tnfll'tltl\'<• •~ rn~ e • 1 • · 1 k at B&lboa for f h \\. thr t'll•l rn•I n f J.1,!o bit an•~ m"' m ·-\ •• ~ b,. (Air 11nrl tn~slw .. rth\'. fii.hlni.r are lnnkmg f.,rwnn l Ill 1H1othl•r w<>,,l in thf' n111th L11l" chnrutr miuter\ ~ oc h •s t>.1 rntJ!e•1 iiroup ,·. always 1 hot <'•'nl1>11l wtth tl1em nl'xt year. I to Nn. 2 fl11-g ma:kt'r and ate>un<J preTss Phi 0 "F.~~t ~ pret1ented to m••rl' fun. "'"" 1• "" 11pportunlty _ . . ·I h IHI tn :-;0 wtnnt'r!I fnllll\•ting thl' race &t the :.. heromr l>rLln 111 qu11 ln!NI. !ltnrbott••) .• in 1 "" e · · · h Cl b L that nu11k.-r 1tg:11n lc1wrng ll to f rOfl I'!! \\ Thf11 i:re>u Of •U r :t-6 lAckll'. SHELL FIRE SET-rs -fmJr nmrker 11l the f'll81 t"ntl N-ewj"!tt't ·Hubor Yac l u & t t Pk ff P.-1 4 ... I of RA!bnii l!<lf\n<l en<f nrmmrt the ~m. ,.xprr ~ '"' n 11 11 m """ . ----------------,~~;"~~~ ~11 •lllP~~l,\n~1f ~"a~ ~;:n~er,'/~ FOR 'CLEMENTE I 7 PC TEAMS BATTLE FOR 11111111(1, It wu •h•H1t i~1 or !10 ~tarrnPtll Rn• \\l\rnrrl San m1Jr11 out bdore "'e reacheJ the ll~tnl'ntv T•IAn.t l\rPJl'I will ~~~·;~ \:~~~·-~1~~. o~o~~P~:o~::r~~~~; h" clnn~\'rnu ... l" m1V!gatlon It JUNIOR CHAMPIONSHIP fl11h tni: 4u1t.. t he contrary on a .. u~ual t htl\ ,..., .. k Vo&st AnrtRIP R 1Br)'!4" pPr«rntlli;e of thr 1;uarJ nff1n11l.'I r"port ('a"lf<' r11tr h WHll h poked on Jll?.'1, Whiff' Ho .. k IA.'lll be hlllS!t'd to<lll\' H igh T1rl" ~"t mr>st t>f I h<•lr~ with b111t (ll.IT AT l l'.)I. I •111• t., lh4" fl\t'l lhst "'" w1·rr 011l " i:•m•I ~ 12 houra run 1l w11s 11c1·.-.. •11ry '" pull in thr hnl'~ 111 and tomvrrvw from 8 11 . m tu n11dm1:hl nntt t111r1n1ot J ay- ltJ;ht hn11r11 Hn SlllllrtlR_Y Ancl :S1111tll1_\'. l'y1an1ut 1 ·11\•• ''ll• ttnd"r !1r .. tnrlit 1· f1 ••n to !\ pm. 1.. b~ 7 It "' I pm. Acll1&lly w• """ h111l /\bout tour houu uC !111h1n1t. The l)"llJ,. hr!''"' n the 11\'n 1 lub ... "'"" 11 temi;h one and lhrn1:11 wrr" I 1onk111t.: " 11111.. i;rnm r .. r thf' Cubs Capture Victory 5-1 Win N""'I'"' l \<'Am. \!:ft h l 'nmnnft lf'>1•hne 11 i:on1I ni.1qrm. until 10th 11r<"1111t1 11 11 m . th1' plo'111re tM•k II <"OlmJ'lf'tf' l'Wlll"h Whl'n lfil!h wi•.&;L TI'1f' htt " 1'rh<"<•I nf tetmlng 111-TH h11rnr,11 11nd our ir1rla really HVt"'I !hf' cl11y hy lvadin& up "'ith ball fish llowe\..-r, thntlf nn A nr11ll• w,.r,. nol .o fnrtuna tt. t h,. P<>- ntnna team out-bellttd Uf. And VII• i. how It Wlded -a ·' Red Sox Stay A top A LecMJU9 C'onu n11ln1 theJr ~ .:ha.ee of tut! othtr, tbe Barbor Bn~·11· Club A 1Aegue-lt>&d1n& R•J Sua arid H cond pla{'e Brav• b.>lh won fr.ya Tbunday. n. Br•w• drub· Mid !JI• Indiana 9_. whtlt' the Rt'11 80• 11t111tout thl' C'&r\Jin•I• 2-0 Only h alt ·a 1111me 9fpa.r&t• t11• Red &:la hun1 th" BMlVf'~ and Olan.u. G&ry i>k*ea J\llD.e4 With l.>eU ., .._.. ta eJlucklnJ tbe Brnw t rt- u mpb, Pl<'tlftY a1llo pa~ th• plat• power by drt~ ln tour ,...... Bea ~·--..... Jl'ICUMl mM'e attadc. Rop D&lt.oa Md r.c. r.ether· •toa• '-ed -.p to toae th• R.wd SOil win w1'11i. Daltnn ad1U>d • fouT1tl lnntns homf'r, 1 ... ·•iu• 11landlnc• thn111a11 Thu n <S&) RN !'ox 1·2. Bra v ... , Gt•nt• ~:i \ ..... 1. ln.U. •·~. lndlaJ\11 •-4. Wbltt' Soll 1·7, Doclpra J-1 Tull ... 2 I Ao1min1~rv11n1o: " ; •• J ~p~nk11111 to th,. YR.nk•·c-~ T11,.~.t11y. thf' C'n· st" l\ll'~a l '11rk • ·1.v~ (" ('uh~ r Rpllll t'd t hrtr t••n'h triumph ,,f the 1111mmrr sras11n Tues.Jay. Th<' vii t11ry If""" th" ('ub11 11 10· l rr· C'p rd fnr tht' ~ll~nn for " 1nl1d f1 not pllll"t' '4 A btit fm•t fr11me tui-kf'd t hf' tu~11le awny f .. r th• front nrn- nang C'11b!I Hit• hy W11ynf' Hou,..knf'<"ht. J o hn ~nylnr And Robf'rt :'l:e>rton ilcr .. 11nt,.d for thr~ ntn~ •11ff1• •Pnt f11r fhf' wtn. _ Tht' 0.anta w .. r• bumpt!J out ot t.hlrd plA<-e I·~· 1\JHday and \\'t'\.111eaJ11y 10 .... •. 11·3 a l hands of the 1.1.Jlana •nd 4-\ bv beta of th11 ltt'd i,iox, In W..:ln~11d&f• othn ca.me the ('11rd ln•l1 bo'at thf' 'Brave• •-3 8-lAAdsnp lhroUjl'b W..tnMday . Cuti. 10-1; Whit" S11a a-1-l ; Dod· Jeri i-3. 01ant• 6-4 CIU'Jln&I• t-6; an ... 4-7: IWJ Soa, Yuk· ... 1-8; rnd1aaa 1·7: n,.-era 2-8. St'\'t-n t "ams 11 om Southern Ctt.llfMntR ·""' hl clubs will sail tumorrut\· fur lhl' right to r('pre- St'nl Southern California Y .i··ht- lng A.1<~nr1at 11rn Ill ~rnu (11111! ra.rc!I fnr tlie ,Junior i':itlln~ Ch1!.mp1on- sll1p of X 01rth Aml'rh ll Md the S1'11rs Truphy J'C 11lro<>pN will hi' !11\tl .. d . Teams rnlered will l'"P'""enl th,. Har t>o 1'11 f1111 r r f11bll. :'\:HY<~. UI YC, LI Y< • 1tntl l!YC plt111 C11- hrtllo flf'Rfh ye·. l.eewn\' 811.>11ng Club .. f 1"1ni;: BNl<'h a.n rl :\11.'l~lt\n Hi"· Yacht • ·111 h. Winning "'"'W will J:« to thr 11rml finals J1otl w ill Mesan Wins $10.000 Balm in Crash Suit SANT A AN A tOCNSI-0.-· ltberaUng f rom 4 :22 p.m. Wt'<lnea- day to 12:47 &.m. yuterdll.Y & Supn1or Court Jury swu~d Buf- ford ffobbe Sr. ot 2161-A Paclt1l" An .. eo.ta M•• 110.000 4am- a11u ac-aln•t J ll.11)"" W . Storey. al5o w in the H&rold Adem• Pe1'- pt>lual Trn vhy. St>mi .Finals tor thl' Pacific Coast IA.i ll be &l San D1"go A ug. 3 and 4 with flnalll 11rt for Booth- bay. M aine Aug 2!l ton. al;;o or Costa Mr~a. Th~ acrulent nen1rr,.'1 Chn~t m1111 Ev6 . 111r13. at Cannl'r.\' l't. itn•l Smt lt· :t"r A \•'. }-l1dway C'lly Arl'll. Hnhhl< Rrtd ht~ two rh1ldrrn. Cath• 1 tn" Hnhbi<, 4, a11<1 Buffonl J r .. I\. WPrP rirhng w ith M11rtl'lll Yl'IU l••n. At'U11n11 h11d b<'en !tied on bf'ha.lf nf the Hnbh" rhtltlren but the smt11 wrre !ll'tllf'd out- 11lrtt1 nf rrn1rt. The StorryF. sought SS."iOO a.nLI Martha YPBr t .. n. ~W!l!l :.o. F:llrh 11rl1n11 l'hll r,.:rf'I ni>gh~t'nre on th,. pnn ,,f 1 he Jeftnrrant. . ' E•f)!Rr lh Hall:"''A)' of Yorbe t.tn.la rurem11nn4"d the IAte·work- lng Jury. Woman Loses TV Set Barbar!\ Ft~her .. r 333 Bil.\' St., Co~ta Me~11. n0t1f1t>J ~ ity po- lice of lnM or 11 TV "' l frnm th11 tru.nl< o( 11 c a.r while tr1ns- portin11: It from SMta Ana An U> Coi1ta Meaa St. July 21. Al the aame' tlm• th• jurors iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii-. dented dam.,_· to Martha YP&l"- ton and Mr. and )fr11. Storey oo & cro•,.·complAlnt. Hobb<o l'l•d 11<1u~ht lt21 Jli 41 dam&JM. ~ The 1ult dl'Vtloped out of a eruh. ln\001"'111 can drivt'n by Jadlf'• 811•rt'y and Martha y,.,u - 80UTB OOA8T 00. !lint a Jlli...,on Bh·d. MARINI CAllUlnOIS ~pain -SU.. -Pan. ~ITH A STRODEKG GIO. J. MIACHIM .. M19 "· lloaitt Highway J.lhr.1 .• 14-1341 (f IA.8T QVUTl'.:R Aug. 10 • NEW lllOON Aug. 17 DEATH NOTICE OR. C AJLL RA ~0~-0 KU:EPf;R Funeral 11er:vlcea for Or. Karl Raymond Slffper. 80, ol a59 Magnolia St., Laguna ~•ch. Y.11J ~ held tomorrow ll "m. •l &lta Mor tuary. Corona deJ Mar., The Rev. Fred Seamon or Whit- tler will otfh'18te. Privmte lnter- r.:ent w1U bt In l!:verg-rten M<'-1 morla.J Park. R tverslrte. Dr. Sltl'per died T h ursday at hla hon11i afl er a long llln<'Sll. He waa born in Oranlf"· Mil."-•., and wu a retired physiclAn. He lived In Laguna Bt•ach for I~ yeau Survivors are a 11on, Robert Slee'pt'r of WhltUer, and a daus-hter ~frll. KarfPtn Hitch.I cock M A rllbla. It's today·s mo!! powerful production ~\. ~:1 ou1board. the Mercury Marl .55! Super-, 1moo1h power flow:.._;d..:I~ i-omp/N~ eneme ~ ~ l1lencin1. :g-new Dvn1-Floa1 su~pension for . ....._ auper quiet opera· tioa w11hnu1 lo-1 \_./ of performance. • .. ,, •"' ,.11. With Fun =;c ... Jewe!eod Po"'"•! JS1;?.SO DAYE SPIES '!.i lO W. ('oast Hlghwa,, lhe1r blanks. tak4" ll turn anrl hand them b11rk and then ~ail for the 1tarl.1111: ltne. Il doe~n·t g1vt you ulCPI ll 1f you under- stand a nd l'Xpl'C-t 1t to orrur ... Harold I. Johnson l'ro!"'llar Rep&.lra Cohynblan and Federal A11t,.Jl«'Y PhoDfl Harbor 110 tllll \"Ula Way, !'iewport Beacll Your Auth o r i sed THALCO f1berga... Df-altr In the Harbor a~L Bring your ftber- gla58 probltms to U5. Pacific Fiberglass 2601 W. «.-t Hwy. Ph. LI 8-U'lS Acro111 from All-American Mkt. r - THIS NEW 'PLA YIOY' 1$ ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An wxqul1lte ,peect •nd plHture boet you11 be PfOVd to OWftt A single bonded fiberglH 1 unit ••• Mel\ end •II. M•de to tak• rough trHlment-knMleu tren~ built f~ the ll'IOlt po-rful motonl See. ~ P..t-t NPl1yboy• today. OW MODal AVA..• .u&.I 81U! TllEJI TODAY AT SOUTH COAST COMPANY :Sew}>Oft Bh·d. at 23rd 8t. L YU! ROSK~ a 80N' lt!O W. Cil&Jlt Hwy. :Sewpo1't ~h WEST COAST 1'1bo-JTlua Co. Uts Sf\wpor1 ffl\'d. C'ruita M- AT LONG ,,.-----. i / ~--· .. ------- I ' ; ~-~.; { I /.:"·· • LAST! ZENITH TV with la FLASH-MATIC TUNING 1 NO CORDS-NO WIRES-NO STRINGS f I I ~ J ,· 1 1 1 I 1 I l Just a flash of light across the room t 1 e Changes Channels • Shuts off Soun'd t ! e Turns on Set • Turns off Set f i While Picture Remains on Screen f 1 1 ) e Eliminates Annoying Commercials r. \ CALL IOI STEVENS-Phone LI 8·230J .for l : \ •:~. Information or· SH it Now at , , ! ''"-~:::::::~~"". ~·.::_~~:...:-___ ~_::j I t --· ---------.=....:=:::! ---· --------, , .A. 1·· . ~~~~!.:-~d~~e~~ Jl\1 ~-;~_~J I -~ . -----_---:::1 ·-- SIR FRAnas DRRKE flbrb the Spot. PERHAPS THE YEUOW PAGES CAN FIND ME WHATI LACK FOR MEMORIAL TABLETS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE '"CLASSIAro" PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK THEYU NEVER BELIEVE I LANDED HERE UNLESS I LEAVE A PLAQUE •. .. I I PAGE 6 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBO•NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 117 CampersJ Home 1from Church Camp. I A slll'"""sflll IO·d•y •t11y at th~ or II to 11, and Bob Gar<lnl'r the ' St. J1&mu Ep1Hcopal Church r a mp oldn boys. at Bl'llows Lodg .. , thret mile.< Rt'v.' and Mrs. John Pa rke or , 1 rrom B ig Bur City was rom · St. James wer .. vl111torl', u well t 1 ' u m11ny part'nls for the week· I plell'd last week tor a gn.iup or end. Waynf' Morri&on. the movil' 117 ca..mpe1 ii or v1111ous drnom1na· 11tlu , bt'\lughl h111 dau11.hter. Pam· u on11. Childrt'n !rom 6 to 17 yesr_. I'll , from f'allbrook. Two <'ollf'ge o! agl' a nd counrllorl! "ltended. I boyi<. B ill Kuhn a nd Cr&lit" Wricht. r am e up l<> ht'lp. Trips were made Ro~1 t Gardner of Nt'wpor'l, a lo Cedar LAke and other points. CONGRES. ~t AN HOME FOR CROWNING -Home from Washington to crown t he Que<'n of the Westminster 'tair and Fiesta was Congressman Jam<>s B. Utt. Pic- t ured k ft to right al the coronation. Father Robert Ross. Princess Mary Still.Q ueen Kat hleen Pate, Princess Barbn a Dailey and Congrcssm'an lilt The queen is a resident vf Garden Grove and the Princesses of W~stm in!;tcr.-Staff Photo st.dent Ill a throlog1cal 1t1mnary I Chllrlren participated In hlkl'I, a l Berkeley, wa.s camp dlrl'ctor. horStback rldu. awtmming, boat· Other counc1lon were Mra Ed· I Ing, 11nrl thrl'e danel'I h•ld. Sl'V· win Edick. flr 11t ald, Mu . L.loyd l'ral ca mpfire pro,-rama Wl're llV· en alao during the ata y. I Hubbard. recreation, M ra. David F1rth. leathn cratl; Mrs. Rob,.r l Pl'lly, craft: Dana Torrencl' a nd .l11nt' Enright. l!Wimm lng . Suun Chllcla, l!l'nlor councilor. Gene Hubba rd had charge of the boy• 6 to 9 yean of age: Mr. a nd Mr 11. John Donnl'lly, boy• l 0 to 14; Carleton Dawson, a mixed g roup Rev. N ~umann to Give Sermon CHURCH BUILDING $65,510 Pledged by Luthei:ans to Fund S6:l.:-O. IO in I "•fl "'""k pl,.,li:•.,, ror the b1111<11n1t r110'1 w 1111 thf' mark f1nlllh· 1111111or1i In thf' rM'tnt ;-.;,w. l'"rl Harbor l.11lh,.ran C'hurrh f l· nan('18I <'11n v111111. f'ollnw-U p Cha ir- man \Villon Le"''ton announrl'rl thf' !111•Jrt' tnd"Y Atl hie <'ommltl,.,. 1•l11 •11r<>1•m 1 "n•I 11 l11un,::P "'11 h 11 lh1 rr·w11y ,,,,..,.. or th" harh111 Ill f'xpe<'trd In s tart 1n 181,. fall Al· ll'rnll!t Niii' rlanl' IHI' llltill l)('lnj: !'onsldl'rrd by th" bullrllnit rom · mill~ U\d Archlll'cl Culvl'r H,.,.. l!lft . nff1.-1ally !'ln~•I the fuia.1 phul' ----------...---- ot thf' ra mp•IJl"ll. s1.ooo or the total wa• realized Love 1·s Theme In the month following tht dlrttl· 1 n r'• departurt' aa a ruult of Lhl' { Ch . . follOW•Up work. In addition. $12,· 0 nst1an 000 In one·yen pledfu wu re· ('f'IVed for cmrrt'nt u rpendltures. Sc1"ence Lectu--re-Work on the MW bulld1ng. w hich will prov1de S unday Sc!hool The Sunday IA'Sllon·Sermon In &II Christian Scll'nce chur!'hPs la ent itled "Love." Tiit Gol!1en Tut rrom F1rRl John 14 :8> readll, "He th11t lovcth I not knoweth not GI)<!: ror Cod 111 lovr." ·L REV.CROUSE WILL SPEA.K TO BAPTISTS C:U•'>'I llMl.lk.,r Ill lhl' F1riit lh pt 1!'1 C'h11 n h or NPwporl Bl'll• h, !=1th Sl and W Balboa Blvrl. I h ,. S..un•lKV w ill be thl' RI'\' H ... l'h C' CrousP. H" la "rrt11r'1 B111H111t m 1n111 t e r !1om Loni: BPRI h Mornmi: 'll.0111h1p as al II a m. with Sun!1sy school at 9 4~> a. m. At t he l'Vtnmg wor · 11'11p. 7 ·Jn p m . the Rl'v. 1'•· th11'1 Loi:Bn or El Monti' will bf' the s rw11kr 1. He 111 usually ht>ard ovf'r a l"iltho .r1latlon on lhl' "Chur!'h of thl' Bam." Rev. Carlson Returns to Give Serinon 1 Sunday Rev. Groom to Speak to Universalists Al I he II :00 a .m. wor11hlp aer· vice this Sunday at F1rat Bapllst Churr)\ of Costa Meu, The Rev. P . G. Nf'umann will ha ve u hla aubject, "The Bulwark ot. the fl:at1on." Then• will be a dedica· tlon of ch1ldM'n In lhe morning Univer3&ll•t Fl'llow11hip a l !\I!\ 1ervlrt W. Balooa Blvd ...... m hold Sun· At 7:30 pm. the young people day acl\ool at 10:30 a.m. w11h wlll have rhlll'ge or Ull' service, worship to follow at 11 a.m. thla brinitlng back to u1 melll!Jlgu and S1inday. The Rev. W. M. Groom t he bln 111a1ta the)' recelVl'd whUe of Laguna Beach will pru ch on a ttwdln,r lthe Christian Summtr "Unlvl'raa.111! Fullnel!ll." ConCf'rl'nce al l..ake Hume. AlllO Durinr Aug"Ul l. therf' \o•11l bf' I'" the evl'nlng service, tht Ordin · terviCl'll. Dr. Fra.nk Ma cJn1yre of a.net of Baptism wlll be obMrved. Costa Meaa will prrunt a 11er1u a nd all thOl!I' who will be baptized of lttluru . Devotlonata wlll be are rl'QUHll'd to ml'l't wil.h the conductl'd by Mra. A. J . Knlg"hL Bo&rd ot ~acoM al 6·U p.m I prior lo the evenlnr aervice. Y k M Wl'dnudl!y evening lhe Pr&Jet an ees to eet and Bible Study will be held atl 7:30 p.m. followed by prayer groups of the vanoua depart· Forty-aixth annual picnic of the New England S lates Society of Long Beac-h w ill bto held Sun· dsy, Aug. 14 a t BJ.xby Park In Long Beach. All former res1dl'nta or the Nl'w Enrlnn d atatu U I' urged to attend. A renulne New Enit· land fel'd ta proml&l'd by Ray Plout, president. ml'nt11. R .. v. Neumann will haVI' charge of th i• 11ervlce. Monday 1 Aur . I. al 7 :30 p.m. t he Womens' I Ml1111lonary Union will meet ln I the er111ca tlonal u n 1 t. Special speskera are l!Chedull'd and light refru hmentll will f o 11 o w. All l1d1u of, lhl' church are cordially lnv1 tl'd to a ttend. Lutheran Fish Fry Plans Made T hi'. Sf rmort· ·~ak11 ,or \hi' uni-. veraal lovr oC the F ttther for U IS BAHA'I FAITH <'blJdren. A rererenc" from Flral "Sonit• Of P ra uie" will be the Ml'ml>f-r. or Iha .-ongn,-a tlon Jobn declarea: "Jn thla waa manl· 1Jermon •ubject a t Ch.rial Church , Baptists to Open Upper Bay Church nf rhrllll Lulhenin Church of Co· fuled th«_lovl' oC God_to)Ward u11, By The 8"11 (Community Ml'lho-SANTA A NA COCN8 ) -The Prayrr • .,._.-, Study 11t a :\f"..a hf'h1 lhl'lr annua l pot· hl'<'ali,_"I! that GQd swt h111 only dii<t 1 on Sundav July 3 1. The Upper Bay Baptlat Churqh TUU· ''Tbl• I• lhl' Day •·hu t God'• 111<'k pl<·ni<' 11upr f'r a t Co11la Mesa btogolll'n Son Into thf' worl<I. l.hlll mlnillll'r. Rev Roy A. Carlson, day WU fiven pl'rmlu ion lo u11e I moet "'«'llf'nt fa\'O"' ll&\'I' bffa PM rk ~un•l11y. Thi' oulln(C' wa11 w,. m ight livf' through h im· 111 wlll prf'arh a t both morning 8 1'1'· •n existing residence a t lht soul.II· Pounod out upon ml'n. tll4' Dav "J"'nl•'lrM ll\' thl' local Luthl'ran John 4 91 ''l<'f'S 111 .9 3(1 11nrl 11 ·oo a. m. frlY corner of Pall~du Rd. and , In •·hlc-ll Hla mMt mlt;hty •ratt U \''"'"n" L"11i:ur In "Scitn<'e and Health with HI' return• llfll'r " lhrtt • week Cypr eu St .. northeut of Costa H ath bHn lnfllvd Int o all ('r.-at-Mf'm~1 ' 11( St f'a111'a Luthn · Kt>v to the Scnplure:>' :\fan · VllC'lltion Mu a . fo r church purpoua. I I'd tlllnca."-R&Jta'l Wr1t1Dl'!L an rhurr h In U\1!\11111 H••flrh wert 8 11,kl'r Eddy su·s. "J f'aus m~ 1rd Rev. Rn,· A Carll'()n will txo-The a pplicant r ttently wu t'riday, l :f)C) p.m. inv1t"rl tn attl'nd. Vollt~ybt11l was out the path Co.r ~th"rs" "In p~·1t· gin • l!f'nes n! ""rmons ~lecll'd I grantl'd • condJUonal permit lo JU ROC'll"'tl'r "''"'I· l'n)O\l'•I by a !l!w f'nl'rgl'll(' en· """~ nf h1:< r11v1nl' ('omml1<~1un he !mm .. thr Psulm~ "Songa ?t u t11bll1h a church al the aame Cn.ta M,...., Calli. thul'1811l•. Of!k1ally hosl1nJi l hr I 111 .. r ruoC that L1!e. r>riu~ Ii< l hP liot an the aerin 1locatlon. Thi' land hea In a gen· Phow U l ·s.538 or u 1-S!15 a rtair wert' t.trio W1lll11m K11ur-Truth and Love heal th k nnrt •~ b&lll'd on thP 33rrl Psa lms. ::er~•:.:_'_:•~gr~l'.::cu:l:.:t:u~re~d'.'..'.l:s::tr~lc'.::t::.· ___ ~I :::::::::::::-:::::::::::::....J • " lllC Mf'lho<llsl Youth rl'llowllh1p f rlrl Sr . Mr a nd Mn . V.'1lhsm '" ol •11" •111:11n;., and trium ph O\'l'r ror Senior H igh 11nd J unior H igh r----:---~ ____________ :;;,;:;;,;:;;,;::=..::::::::::;:;. K11uHl'ld Jr. 11 n<I Mn . Ch1.1rl"s th-111h thron11:h :\1ind. nnl matlPr. youth 111 hl'l<t ell<'h S11ncl&v n en· CHURCH OF IEUGIOUS CCIENCE F unk. This was lh" h1J?h('t1l prnof hi' lnl!'. bt'Slnnanl(' Ill 6:00 r"m. "l Pll\n11 w t rt 1111,1 for lht 1rnn1111t <'nllltl ha'vr orf .. red <>! 1llv1nl' l,.;!we" T hi' r'Pi:ular metllng or lhl' I !:mut Holmea, founder. author of "Science of Mind." LL L. !11\h frv to bf' hl'lol at CUats Ip. 38 24·2:'1.~4 13-171 r hurrh cnmm iMlllnl! anti official SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. M"11a Psr k Aw· '21 rr11m 5 to 8 .lonlor ChoJ'Cb .... d Nu---C 11 "' I hn11 rd will ht' helrl on '\\',.dne11day _. • .,.,ry are Lm. p m . All Ornni;r C1•11ntv u1nP LL. E ~v. Im Turk, Mlnhiter L. m~mbl'r!• a re 1nv1tr1i. lndurt1 ng mmett Rest Son A llJ( 3· rollowing the f!'llnWllhlp LAGUNA BEACH ABT GALLERY Hl'at& 4-UM IO'J CUtt Dr. :.:•l:.:_1n~n:r~r~':~~h ~lr~h_::_b~Pg~1~n:11~11:t~6~:~1 5~p~.m::._·~~::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ll Zton l.ulhrrun r h1111·h In AnAhetm. 1 Mr and MrA. Emmett Rtst. Rt P11 111'a in Uljl\IM llf'llr h, St. 6t :l Plummt'r Sl , Cnllta Mel!A, J nh:i'11 in Or11 nge 11nct ·rnnlly Lu-1 are pllTent" or ll boy t,om J1Lly 22 thrr11n In SM tll An11. at H11ag H ospital ENTERTAINING Island Church Youth to Host Weekend Group Twenly·rl\'I' ~·ounr ptoplt> from Th•'Y wall bring l!leepinit baga anti An&hl'lm wall bt lhe gu1'11l11 oC t hP I t'njO\' an "inrloor ('"mping tx ptrl- , Rl!m or Youth Ftllow11h1p oC tht> tnce " Balboa II land r ommunlly Mrthml· MR king arrangement• fo1r 1 hi' • lllll Churrh at a we1ner rou t am! arrs1r a1P thP prP~1dt>11ts: Sha1on youth program 11n Sunday l'Vt'n· \\'11iilell<'h, Balboa b lan1I. 11n•I Ing. The jpll'l!lll .,,,. mPmlH•r1 ••f D11\'1!1 \'i!<el. An11.tw1m Adult <'hllp· the MY F o( l ht> V."h1tl' Trmrlr rron11 w11J be tht Rl'v and Mrs. Mf'thodlst Church. AnAh('lm ~·rnnk E. Bullr rworth anf! the The w elnt't' ro1111t w tll follow • Re,·. Rrx Brill. A nRht1m, ftnl'! lhe llWlm perio!1. After the pru~ram, Rev. anrl Mrs. Lionnlrl \.. Sftpp, wor11hip 111'rvlce. and rl'<'reft11onRI RRlbos u land. • a<'tlvllll'll, the 'f111ltlng yo11 thJ1 will ------------- ' rt>m&in at th.-r hurch ovnnlght. Baha'i Members Righteousness H · L I S T . ear ecture s ermon op1c . Mt t'lang in Santi\ Ana July 21 8 1'rmon a t St. J a mn !:pl11Cop11l enninit. a r!'A rollowt>rs of the Ba· C'"hurch lhl• Sunday will bl' d!'ll· hs'I F&llh hl'llrd l\t1M Arrll'n Thor \'rred by lhe Rev. John Parkl' on ot Loa Ang,.lea spnk on "Com· "H11r py Are They Uial Hun1ter .. 11n•1 Thl1'3t a fll'r Rigtlt.eoU1nell.9 .. paratlVI' Rellgmns • Colorl'd tllm11 Tht> l!l'rmon "'111 be part ot the 11 1of lhl' B&ha'1 l nlc-rnat1onal Hearl· "111 morning prayl'r and lltM y. qu&rlf'rs in H111ra. l!traPl. '"hOwt'•I .\I II :io a m , pu~hontra will the KRn:lf'ns and l!hnnra in lht , ,., ""'e Holy Communion. Thf gTOUnds on Mt. Cs rmf'I. 11111111" ~tl"\'l<'e a nd Sunday l!Chool Other film11 •hO'll.'Tl dl'p1cted "111 bto ht ld at 9.30 a.m . HrviCI'. x tnu a t the inlernsllonal Bllha'l l)n Sat11r.lay, All(. 4. P'eul ot <'Onfl'rtncl' 1n 1P33 a l :\ew Dl'lhl. th,. Trll!Uflguratlon will be Cl'le· lndta. "'hert' :"ehru a nd other hratf'd ... 1t h Holy Com munion n-lnd11tn r; o v er n m t n t otncla.111 ,. .. ,,.f't1 s t 8 a.m. r-el'ted the eonvenuon. •·rn~T c~~~~ o nneT Evangelist to Talk ,. -.. !~' :,1•,hl;"t,.~h·o~'C~v~c~·~r~. ,;,.. EvanKl'llfl \\'r 11le,·, of Wellston C•.· • of c "'"'· S<l••lltt, I• to1te11, M•tt•· 1 Oklahoma wtll ~ the &"'t~t ~=~~:;•School •·11 •· ,.., .11~aku aund&): •venlng 7:30 a t ~-•o•• s...... _ __ 11 oo •· "'· the Hsrbor Al!lll'mbly of God w ••••• u , h ••'•• Mttll•t ... r "'· Chur('h In the ...... 6 ..... 1 l l.h •u o •• ... .., 101110• et Ult Yle 14t, "-"nr-a e N••Po" hoch, r. oo.. ....1 ... ,. ...... Southern California Bible Coller• 10 oo • .... 1e l oo 11 "' w • ., ..... ,. .,_ wh l're Rtv C -Thunnond •-10 00 • "' .. 7 ~ ..... J.id11 .... 1 .. '· • • . .. ) • r -' '• s -c .,., '<o a•" the pastor. Th" public I• lnvltl'd. '"• D•b"< 1, • ., •• ,.11, l•·•t•• .. ·-Thl'rl' Will be •-1•1 m 1 d "'• c~ .... '°"'"' .... _ ...., ,....,.. ..--u.c ~ --1ptt1al 90n(t. ' -- Kindness Se~ We feel that not,hing can replace Kindneu end consideration when we are serving a family in time of need. Instead of performing our dutiu automatically, or in an impersonal monner, we . consider the family's wishes at all times, end act .\. with kindneu and thoughtfulneu. Lady attendant PARKES· RIDLEY MOR.TUAllY 110 8ROAOWAY COSTA. Ml.SA LI llRTY 8-3433 I Al I OA • ~ l'St.AN> •LIDO tStf NEWIOIJ IEAOt • C010NA Oil MM ~ -~.. ~ ~ .. ~ ~ • J ~ ~.~~.~~~ .. ~~~~.'.~~. ~ ,//'; W hy not ? "T immy" haa no plact to 10. And, what'• more, "T immy" haa no problem1, no wo rriu . no fun. Mict and milk, and tbt occuional lullury of 1 little catnip, provide "Timmy" with all the u quiaitu of 1 haf)py, u11ful lifr. Ht can afford to alu p. Bui with human bein11, it'a different. We have nu de that cannot bt 11t111ied by a Sun· day mornin1 anoon. Sia daya of labor brin& more than phy1ic1l wurintu . Thou 111t day• drain our 1piritu1l rnourcn . our cour- ' al(e, our confidence. our moral atamina. A thouaand fu n and a million worriu u p our inner atren1th. "Man ahall not live by bru d alont , but by every word that procu deth out of the mouth of God." 1'111 CHVICll ro1 AJJ. ••• AU roa THE CHUllCK The Cnurch I• ,.,. 9,..,1 .. 1 lae- lor on eollh to. th• b\11ldl1>9 ol cho1act•1 and 9ood c111 .. n1hlp, II 11 0 ••01•hou1e ol •PUHua1 vah,,.-1 W •lhout a •1ton9 Church. ne1lher d•mo.crocy nor C'1vah1otKu1 C"9n aurvave There ar• lour 90\H\d r•a1.0n.1 Wf\f •v•ry pert0n ahouid olt•nd ••• v.c .. reigulort1 and aup. """ 111• Churan, l ll•r ore. c II I 01 h11 own oo~e Il l ror lw• <~1ldron • ..... Cl) ro1 •ht ..... "' hit ccrnmunJtt •d ftahon. '4 I r or •h• ooh ol th• Churrh llNlt ._ h~h "•.O. hta Jnora.t -.ct •0: Iona ! oupp011 Ploft 10 90 i. church ••?ulprlr .,., l...S 81blo do1ly. 'l'OW Sunday morn1nc and the Church doon art op•n. They 1r• optn for every adult and child, that tht dHpn t nuda of humanity may 0•1 --~ C...,. Y•-bt aatiafied. Nuthtr pillow nor armcluir can hftd•r ... D•'"".....,. • u.a1 'lf/;, .... "' <h• """" ••d h i<h •od monl ~;."~:'; ''.'. ~:::,_ '! ,t:: w :::·:~': .. ~:: :~;w~~:~.~'""""" .. ..... ~ r.;.:;:~· 1:~: :: .:::: I//// §§Ill illi ;; /i i'11 I .iii li' \i"1 \ \ \ ' ;~:~\'.;~\ ·.~:~:;, .. \ This -Church Feature Sponsored by • These Local Business Firms Mprry's Shell Service S600 E. Coa.'lt Bh·d. UH Greee Stampe · Corona df'I Mar Harbor 2'710 MARGARET'S CAFE 8 pecialiu in Su Food' -Ordeu to Co ZGH Ne"'port Bh·d. Harbor 22M6 NEWPORT HARiOR IANK ' .. Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. 8-cratt Division ~ Foreign Motors Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Th,... loca lion1 to Sl'n·e You Newport Beach, BaJboa, Corona del Mar Alice of Lido hauty Salon Hair S tyling for the lndlvldu11I 408 32nd (on the PO St.) Harbor 2844 RUSSELL W . IANGERT ffl'a.tlng, VrnUlallnJ It Shrrt Ml'lll' Ul Slat St. Harbor 4446 RACKER & PONTING "B aldy'• Plan" ._ Newport Beach Harbor 2.;1 THE CLOTHES HORSE "Shop of Dl11llr C'\lon" U5 Marine Ave., Balboa h1land Harbor 0'707 General Sheet Metal Works ShHl Mtlal -Hu t1nr -Vf'nl1l1111ng Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS P'or All Occu 1on1 l4e3 E. Cout Hwy., CDM. Harbor 50'11 KOPPEi KETTU BaJboa blalld NIWPORT CLEANERS Dr7 CIM.lltnc -Laun dry ·-Pru11lnf lot ra.tt. Nt "''])Ort Beach MARINE BEAUTY SHOP Pl'r11onal!ud Semce In Hair lltyllftl' 82'7 Martne A ,·e., • Balboa lllliMd ll&rbor 151 MARKET SPOT .. 200 Marine Ave., • Harbor 1000 Reinert's Newport Dept. Store "Your Family Store Slnce 191'" Ocean i''ront at 2~ SEASIDE MALT SHOP i 100 w. Ocean llarbow m Newport BNdt I. WASEMILLER ''Thci Workln~an·a ltora 189-1 ~-2 Harbor Blvd., JOLLY ROGD BA YSHORE RICHFIELD f'rt'e P k k up 6 Delivery 11th & Cout Hwy. l.lberty 8-9146 loyer's Balboa Linole11111 Co. Linoleum -Tile -Carpl'l -F orml<'& ?301 W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor 6188 HAL COLLIER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION Free Pll'k up • d"I. -Whttl Bala.nett S.'i01 Newport Rh·d. Harbor M50 GEORGE M. GRAHAM R11it'• anr1 CarJ>"ll 122 A1a~ An ., Balboa I..._. Harho~ 32!i6 HOUSE AND GARDEN Compll'te Hnme F11m lfth ln1• Dr llf'"rl'"' -R111t11 S01'7 "" Cout H"'Y· LltH'rty S.Mll MAC'S CAFE f·1n t on, r~ght lr;wftn t H1mt1nrrton &-&M 6204 Coaltt lltf)·. Harbor 2241-& NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Z620 W. Cout Hwy. I Jberty S.. WI Hi~h Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 11tC .. IWB£KT I'. 8HJYE 9oaannu. n"t a ... LAGUNA MAN GETS MEDAL KEY WEST. Fla. t FHTNC) R~bert P. Shive, tonarman tln1t clua. USN, ot 478 Ju- mine St., Laguna Brarh, I.I .en1ng with the Surtare AnU- Submarlne nevclopment De- tarhment here. Shive wu r&- cenlly awarded the Good Con- duct Medal. Before enlnlng the aervlce In A pr11, 19'7 he a ttended Southern CaJiromla Military Academy at Long Buch. - He reported hen ln April, 19~ from lbe Development- Jtxpe.rtmenta.1 Squadron a t Key We1L The Chief of Naval Per- aonntl, Waehlnrton, D.C., la- auu the Good Conduct Medal to only thOft ..Uora who have demonatrated the hlgheat ot &ehlevementa ln conduct and proficiency In rate th?"9ughout a conttnuoua three yelr aC'Uve d\lty .,.r1od. . l Auto Spun, 3 ·injured in Freak Crash . Cara driven by J OhJ\ r. Graves. 8!1, of San Diego, eoing west on Highway 101-A, and Mra. Mildred M Pean:e. 41. 2i1 Ava- codo SL. Costa Mesa. were In a apectacular accident at the lnter9ectton of the highway and B&lboa Blvd Wedn'8dl\y. Mn. Pt'arce wu driving acrou JOl·A toward Hoag Ho~lt&I. Gravt'!I' car 8truC'k the Ptarce rar bro11r1S1d", turning It C'om- pletely around a nd h1nd1ng it on the traWc 181&nd at lhe lnler- aectlon, poll<'e said Both drivers claimed to have been going with the ll11:ht,., In tht' PearC'e r111• were Mrs. P earce'a daughtt'r. 1<:1iz11h• th J oy· ce Snowdon, HI, and g rllmMllugh- ler. M&bl" Lorraine Pl!arce. 2. Alt thrrf' wrrc sent to Hoag Ho~ltal by Officers Don Munson a nr1 Riii Ssunders. but namln- a tion aklowed only minor injurte11, hot1pltal authorities rerortttrt ar- ter X-rays had llct'n examined. Gr1wn was untnJur~. Book Mesa Trio on Weapons Rap Coela Me• police booked Dale R. Hogt'atead, 18, of 20:>0 Republic St .. Paul M. Dunlap, 21, 469 Abbie Way and William C. Moore, 19, 19:Je Santa Ana Ave , A.II COlltll Mu" Sunday on carryln1 con- cea~ weapons. Receiving a report Of a ~plc- 1001 car on Abbie Way police In· veellgated and found a .22 ca.I. revolver a.nd ~-gauge ahotgun, The novolver jl'll.d llve ehell1 In It. Afterward the boys rtturned t'l the car and .11tarted orr with it wl!f'n the police 8top~d them. Tht're wu all!o a awtt1•h blad,. k nlre In the c~r which Ounl&JJ' 1&ld ~longed to him. The boy" cle.Jm- ed th<'y had the gu.na becauae they pla.nned to go l() Lake El•lnore to hunL Yon Hebert Bike Gone Theft of a blrycle O\\'llt'd by Bar· ry Von Hemert. 203 VI& Dijon, waa reported to polke on July 1 •. It wa.a taken rrom Rlchard·11 Park· lh~ lot whlle he wu a t work. he Tt'ported. LEGAL NOTICE ('l:RTIFICATE or RT'~r.q:ss FICTrlTl0{1!11 FIRM ~·AME The under11tg1ud do hereby rer- t 1ty that they are conducting • ceneral rontracting huiilnt's11 &t '34 Colt& Me11a Str"'l. Costa Mf'IR, C"11llfOmlll, unc1er the (lcl l\10\U firm n&nifl ot CORSON & Ml'N· TF.AN' CONSTRtTTI0'.'1 C"O and that •&Jd r1nn Is compnud of the follnwlng f'enons, WhMf' nl\"11'~ In tWI an(! pl.ace• ot r:uldcnce are u follow•. to-wit DAVTD C. CORS0:-1 4:14 C<lftta Meu St Co~t& Mesa, C"11llf. THOMAS :>;, 1'fl."~IEAN• 439 M&i;nolla Costa Mtu, CaJlr WllnNll our h11nns tht~ 20th dAy ol July. 191\!1. I / DAVID C CORSON /1 THOMAS N. ~tr:-.i'TEA:-l flTATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE 11111. On this 20th d&Y or J uly. A o. 111116. W ore me. HOBERT F. WILL..\.U:S, a Not&r}' Pubttc In a nd ro.r the H id County 11.nd Slate, tt· 9ldl"'° t.he~in, duly commlN1 ont'd and awom. person11ll;v ap~attd DA VlD C. CORSON and THOM· AS N. Ml'":\'TEAN known to me lo be the -.,_raona wha.e nam,.s ar,. sub~rr1~ t.o the w1thln In· stnunent. and a.cknowl~fed to mt LIGAL NOTICE that they e.xecut~ t.he u.m1. ln wltneu wb,reof, I have here- unto eet my hand and alflxed my o.ttlcla1 eeal the day and year ln thla Cutltlcate flrat a bove writtan 1 s/ ROBERT r. WtLLMES My Cnmml .. lon Explr• November 18, 19116 No. 1338 New1-Prea1 7 132, 29, 8 ·15. 12. 19M CERTlFIC A TE O'F Bl'RL"1;88 P'ICTJTIOt:S rtRM NAME The underslined doea henby c:erUry that 1he la conducllnr a lnranta and c:hUdren'1 clothlnf buaineaa at 3406 Newport Blvd .. !'o.'ewport Beach, C&Jlfomla, under the tlctltlou.t rtrm na me of JERJ'S OF LIDO and that u.Jd firm 11 compoeed of th• followtnr pel'90nl, wh011e namea In full anit plact11 or ruldence an u follow a, to-wll: JERI HIPES 84' Victoria Coit& Meea, Ca.lit. Wltneu my hand thla 2ht day ot July, 19M. 11/11 JERI HlPES STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COt.:N:J'Y OF O RANGE )es. On thl11 21st day of July, A. D. 1966, t><>rore me. ROBERT F . WILLMES. a Notary Public In anl'I tor Hid C•iunty and State, residing therein, duly comm~sloniod and 1worn, personally appeared JERI HYPES known to me t o be lht' pt'reon whoee name ta aubscribed to the within IDl!trument. and acknowled~ed to me that she executed the 1anie. In w~tne111 w hereor, I have her&- unto aet my hand 11.11d arnxed my official seal the day &nd year ln th.la CerUrtcatl! tlret above wr1tten. /t I ROBERT F. WILL.MES My Commlu lon Expiru 1'ovember le. J9M No. 1llS9 ' News·PN!H 7/22. 29, 8/6. 12. l'9M '• RE80L1JTION SO. 4llM A. RESOLl'TIOX OF THE CITY ('ot·xc n. OY THE CITY OF ?It E WP 0 RT BEACH, CALJ- FORXl.A, DECLARIXO ITS JSTE~OS TO ORDER THJ': JXSTALLATJOS OF SA..'\J. TAR}' ~EWERS IS t 'UFt• DRl\'E A SU OTHER STREETS A..'\D RWRT8 OF WAY, A..loiD Dr:OLARING TKF. WORK OR lMPRO\'EMJ::\"T TO RE OF MORE TRAS OR DIN A RV P U 8 L J 0 8 E S E FI T : Dl!:- 8CIUJlLWi THE DL'iiTRl(,'T TO BE BEXEFITED THERF.RV Al\"O TO BT. ASSl:SSF.D TO PAY THE OOSTS AXU EX· P ESSES THEREOF: DETl:R· MISISG THAT BOSDS SHALi, RF. ISSt.:ED TO REPRESE~"T SAID CO!<TS A~"D P:XPF.SS- F.S; FIXJSG A TIMF. A~D PLACE FOR HEARING 08- ll:CTlOSS TO SAID WORK A!'m IMPROVEMENT, OR TO THE EXTl:~"T OF THE Dl~­ TRIC'T, OR BOTH, OR TO THI: PRorosr.:o ORADES, AND OIVl~O N&rlCE TllEJU:OY. WHEREAS, the City CouncU or th• Clly of Newport Beach, C&ll· fomla, hu on file and 11pread on the minutu of the City Council a rep<irt. from the Health Otricer for ealc1 City of Newport Bee.ch, recommending the lnstlt11Uon or proree<'llng-1 tor the said Improve- ment u a health measure; and WHEREAS. the City Counrtl hu found end dl'termlned by Re· IOlutton thnt the public lnlnest, convenJence and neceulty require lhe ln11ta Jl&llon Ot llllnltary l!l'Wt'Tll In Cliff Drive and other •trMte and rlghla ot Wily, and that the improvement Ill necena.ry u a health mu .sure. NOW. THEREFORE. the Clly Council of thP City ot New"PQrt Bt'ach. California. DOES RERE· BY RESOLVE as followe: SECTION 1. That the publk interest and com·tnienct' require, 1Lnd It la the lnt,.ntlon ot the City Council to ordl!r the following work be done. t o '4'\t: ,,,, constnt<'tlon ot vltrt!led l'l11y plr" RILnlt llry ~ewer1 &nd ar - purten&nl'e11 and appurtnant work In CLJFF DRIVE hetween a lln" J!I fel!t wtster- Jy of the we11terly line or Lot 21. Tract !'lo. 1221. u per map rerordcfl In Book 41, T'llge 11 of Ml11cel1Meoua M&p Records ot Orange Coun- ty. Callroml8, and a line 115 feet ea.st,.rlv nr the i-a.sterly line of Lot 91, Tract No. 1218. &11 prr m&p rerord~d in Rook 37. r ages 47·•9 or aah1 Miii· cellaneou• :'>tap Rf'rord11. llnd between a line I 7 r .. et w!'sler· ly of thr Wt'flttrly line 0( Lot 88. sald Tract 1'e>, 1218 and th11 norlh,.!lllttrly lin" of Lot 60. IJ&ld Trat t !'\o. 1218. a11 11hown on ~htl'ts 10. 012. and 17 ct the P lllfUI h"relnalter reft-rrel'I to. KT!'\GS PLACE between the 1outherly line of l,nl 62. salr1 Trllct Xo. 1218. an<i thr crnter line of S L Jt1m1'8 Rn111t. aml 'bf'twPrn thll CPnl t'r !lne of Cliff l'lrh·f' 11n1l the northrMttrly, line nt th" Alle,y In Bln('k.9 "('" and "H'' or Tf3rt l"'o. 1219, as per map rl!corded Ln Book 38. Pait • 711 11nt1 27 or Ml11~el111neo111 ~tap Re<"orc1~ or Orangt' Cm1n- ty. u 11hown on She'll 8. T, an<1 12 or uld Pla.ns: Ym~ Al.1..E'f SOtTTHW"EST · F.Rf.Y CIP' 1~TH !':TRF:E'T• rn>tW"l!n Jn ·lne Avenue M<1° l't An<lrtw11 R<'sd. u ~hown <'n ~hl'et 2 of the said P l11n11: f"ffiST ALLEY NORTHr.RLY OF CLAY STREET ~twttn l l"\1ne A ''rnue and l!\th Street. u •hown on Sht'eta 2 and 4 of .aid Plan8; FIRST ALLEY NOR'MfEAST· ERt.Y OF CORAt. Pt.AC!: between Tn1M A ,.tnue "nl! St. Andrew& Road, u 11hown on 8httt 3 of 11&.ld l'lan1; KING'S ROAD betwff?I the Wtl!t,.rlv line of • U,t ,_, salr1 Tnu•t N"· 1221, 11nt1 Kln11:11 Pl,t'er ..,. ~ht."''" on Sheela 11 and 12 ot ..SIS LEGAL NOTICE Plana; KINGS PLACE between the aouthwH terly line ot Lot 13, Block "H". 11.ld Tratl N"o. 1219, and J<J."'a Road, u 1hown on Sh«t U of 1a.ld Plane: ST. JAMES ROAD between 10th Street and It J •mee Pl&ce, u thown on Shut 7 of 11&ld Plana; ST. JAMES PLACE at tta lnteraectlon wtth 8t. Jamea Roart, u ahown on Sheet 7 or o ld Plana; ST. JAMES PLACE betwttn the 80uthuly'line ot Lot 34, 1&.ld Tract No. 1218, a.nd the norlht-rly lint! of Lot 37, aaJd Tr-ct No. 1218, u shown on Sheet. 9 ot 1aJd Pla.na: l6TH STREET between KJng1 Pla.ce and Sl. James P:-.-.e and between the northwesterly llnt-or thl' rirst Alley northerly of Clay Street and lh,. ruterly line or Lot 114, salt! Trnct No. 1218, u shown on S)leets & and 7 of ealt, Plan11; CLAY STREET between Irvine Avenue e.nd the northwuterly line of the tlrst Allt>,V northwesterly or ln •lne A Venu~. am1 betwetm l!Hh Street anr.l a point 8!! ft>et 11ou1hweslerly ot the 1out hwesterlv Une of aald 16th Strt'et, u shown on Sheet.a 2 &nd 7 ot aald Pl&1U1: FIRST ALLEY SOUTHERLY OF CLIFF DRIVE betwee.n the aoutheulerly line of K1ng'1 Road and 12 feet aoutheuterly, u aho"·n on Sht"Cta 13 and 16 of II.id PJ11.111; KfNG'S ROAD belwee.n the northwesterly ex- tensions or the norlheuterly and eouthwestl!rly llnea of the t lnit Alll!y eoutherly or CIJtf Dr ive, u ahown on Sheet 18 of u ld Plane; ST. A NDREWS ROAD betwttn the southerly line ot Lot 46. Tract No. 1220, u per map rKorded 1n Book 38, Page 60 or Miacel!a.neoua Map Records or Orange County, and the norther ly Hne or the flr1t A1lty aouthwf1terly of llith Strttt. and between King's Road V H1 Cllrt Urive, u 11hown on Sheela 3, 4, and l & or 111 Id Plaru: PIRATE ROAD betwetn the aoutherly line of Lot 70, aald Tract No. 1220, and the northerly Une of Clay Street, as shown on Shteta f and !I of said Plll!ls; CLAY STREET at Its Intersection wtth Pirate Road, u 11hown on Shttt 15 or 1alr1 Pla1111: Sl\\JG HARBOR ROAD betwel'n Clirr Drive and the northt'rly line of Clay Strut. u ahown on Shttt.11 4 and 15 or said Plll!la; CLAY Sl'REET at ill lntereectlon with Snu&' Harbor Road. aa •hown on Sheets 4 And 6 or 11&ld Pla.ns: SJG~'IAL ROAD between Cliff Drh•e and the norr herly line or 16th Street, u ahown on Sheet & of 11.ald Pla.n1; ALU:Y IN BLOCKS "C" AND "H" OF SAID TRACT NO. 1219 fnr Its enttre length, aa 11hown on Sheet 12 or aaJd Plane; EASEr.tEl':T over and aero.st lhe north· eBJlttrly 6 feet or Lot J 2, Block "H", 111ld Tr&ct 1219, between the Alley ln Block• "C" and "H''. 1ald Tract 1219, a nd the eoutherly Une of 11811'1 Lot 12, as ahown on Sheet 12 or Hid Plans; IRVlNE A \'ENCE belwe<'n tht' northeaste'rly line· of the first Alley norlheUl· erly of Clay Street and the 11outhwuterly line of Clay Street. u 1hown o n Sheet 2 of 1111id Plana; EASEME1'l'T' o'·er and &erOA Ille 11outh- wt11tf'rly 6 feet of Lot l H . Hid Tract 1218, betweerl Clay Street and the fln1t Alley northerly ot Clay Street, u 11hnwn on Sheet 4 or said PIM~, EASEMENT ovn llnd a rro111 th!! eMterly I\ ftel of Lot 33, H id Tract 1220. between Cl•Y Street anrt the 11r11t A llt'y northerly of Clay ' Street, a.s shown on Sheet ' or 11a lrt Plans; The coostrucllon of Tltrirted cl&y pipe 11anitary aewenr, welded steel pipe 11anllary sewers, cut Iron pipe H nltary nwer8. ron- crete anchor blooka, appurten- anc:es and appurtenant work In EASEMXNT over and acrou the westerly 6 r<'et of Lot !!, aaid \fact 1210. and the weaterly & feet or Lol 7, Block "E", n ld Tract 1219. u •hown an Sht4'l l& t:tf 1&Jd PlaM: ' EASE:\tE:-."T over and across the weeterly 6 reet of Lot 06 and toe eut- t'rly !I fttt ot Lot &7, u ld 'J'ract 1210. and the westerly II reet ot Lot "2 e.n<I the e&!lt· erlv II feet of Lot 48. Block "E", t&J<I ~ct 1219, aa 1hown on 8hfft 16 of aid Plana; The oonetnictlon ot eMt lron pipe ~lt&ry H wer and appurten- ance1t and appurtenant work t.n STATE HIGHWAY (ORA 60-S ) adjac.nt to the WHtttly ltnea or Lota 15, 21, and k of u td Traet 1210. The ron1truct10ft ot W'eld..:t 1teel pipe aanltary 1ewera. concrt'te M rhor bloeka. appurt.anancea and appurtenant work ln EASll!XE:'l.'T ovl'r and &cro. Lota 20 tn 30. lnclu.lvt'. and a porUon of Lot 31 , •aid Tract 1218. being I reel on u eh ISde ot the tol- 10'tl1ng described ~nter Une: 9,~nnlnc at a point In Ult DOrtheuterlY l1ne al aald • LEGAL NOTICE Lot 20, 10 feet northweaterly ot lt1 northeuterly comer; thence .oullaw•t.erly 34 feet to an anrle point: thence toUlhwe1terly 118 fHt to a point in Ute northeuterly line of II.id Lot 21, 110 feet toutheuterly ot It• north· WMterly Une: thence eou\h· westerly to a potnl ln the northeuterly line of Lot 22. 110 feet aoutheuterly of It• norl.hweaterly line; thence In a 1tra ight line to a point In In• northeaaterly line of 11.ld Lot 23, 103 feet 1outhtu terly ot lta northwesterly line: thence wuterly 27 tt'et to an anglf' point ; then<?e llOUlh· weeterly to a point In the northeutuly line of aald Lot 24, 94 feet aoutheuterly or lta northwesterly line; thence .-1n a atr&lght line l:?l reel pa.ulng through a point In the norlheaaterly line of N ld Lot 26, 97 teft aouthea.sterly or Its northwesterly line to an &ngle point : thence north· Wl'ftlefly tn a polrtt In lhe northeasterly line or 1ald Lot 26. 86 feet aoutheuter~ ot Its northwesterly line; thenre soul'hweeterly 40.!'i reet to an an11;le point ln said Lnt 26; thence 11outhwesterly to a point In lhe ao11th"·t'1terly line ot sald Lot 28, 82 ftt'l aontheuterly or 1ta north- wesrerly linr: thence 1outh· weeterly to & point ln th.e nor theu terly line or .. Id Lot 28, 99 feet toutheu te.rly ot H• northwf'at erly line: th en c e continuing on H id lut men- tinned rourse 4!1 feet lo an angle point: thenC'e south· We&lerly to a point in the nor~cuterly line ot eald Lot 29. 120 reet eoutheutely of Ile northwesterly line; thence continuing on Hid tut men- tioned couree 29 reet to an angle point; thence westerly 77 ft'ft to a point In the northea.eterly line of .. td Lot 30, 129 feet 1outheuterly of It.a northerly line; thence westerly 6!'i fet'l to an &ngle point: thence wnlerly «fut lo a point In the wnterly Une of aald Lot 30, 13:> feet llOUth· u ly or It.I! northerly line; thence continuing on H id Jut mentioned courtt' 8 fet't tnto •aid Lot 31; u ahown on Sheet 9 of •aid Plan•; EASEME~ over and acroae Lota •3. '4 and 40, Block "E ", a&Jd Tract 1219, &n<1 Jot.a 2 to 11. incl1.1.1- lve. aald Tract 1221. a nd a portion or Lot "A", Tra.ct 919, u per map recorded In Book 29, Pagea 29 to 34, Mtacel· laneous Map Records ot Or- ange County, 15 feet on each 1lde or the followtng deacrtbed centl,!r line : BeglnnJng at a point l.n lhe euterly line of la.Id Lot 43, lt 7 feel llOUth• erly or Ila northerly llne; thence nor"thweeterly 69 feet to a.n a ngle point ; thence northweaterly t.n a direct ltne to a point tn the wt1lerly line of 18.ld Lot 43, 70 feet aouth- u ty or Its northerly line; tht'nce at a r1ght a..ngle to the eaaterly line or H id Lot o , 10 fttl; thl'nce 11outhweeterllt al an angle of J 1 • to 11ald Jut mentioned C'ourMJ 43 feet; thence In a straight line to a point In the westerly line of a8ld Lot 44. 89 feel s outherly ot IU northerly line: thence continuing o n 11ald counte 20 fet't lo, an ang-le point; thence weaterly !'i' teet to • point In the wl!st erly Jln e or 1a.1d I..ot 4!1. 9~ ft>et 1outherly of Ila northerly Jin": thence north· westf'rly 211 feet to e.n 11.ngle point: thtnce westerly at an anglr or 66• 4~' tn a&ld Jut <'ourse. !17 feet; thence In a 1tralght line to a point In th• westerly line or ••id Lot 11, ~!!_ fe,t 11 <> u t h e r I y ot !ta northerly llne: then re 1outh- westerly 30 reel tn an 11.ngle pol-nt: thence nortl\westerly at 11.11 angle of 34 • to 11a.ld Jul courte 4 t teet; thence In a etnilght line lo a point In the weaterly line or l'lalcl Lot 10, 7! feet eoutherly of It.a north· erly llnf; thence WC!ltl'rly to a point In the westerly line of Hid Lot 9. 7l reet aoutherly ot !ta northerly line: thence northwe1tHly en a direct line 59 feet to an anglr point; thPnC'e In a direct lint! to a point In the Wl'l terly line or nld Lot 8, 1n rect 11oulherly or lt11 northerly ltne: thence In • a at ra.lghl Une to a point In the northw,aterly line or aald Lot 7, 110 feet 110uthweaterly of Ila northu.aterly line: thence northwt•terly 63 reet to a:n angle point; thence northwffterly at an angle of 41 • 30' t o 11.ld tut C0\11'9e 30 feet: thence northeMlerly to a p<>lnt in the northrrly line (If u id Lot 6, IHI feet westerly of tta euterly line; thl!nce northweatt"rly !52 teet lo an angle point; thence lo the rlf!"ht on A.n angle of 112• lo aald Jut meriUont'd courH. H tel't to an a.nrle point; thl'nre northerly 19 tel!t to a p<ilnt In the nort.h,rly line or uld Lot 15. 120 fret w"1tt'rly of tu e&.$lerly line; thence northeu t,.rly to a paint In the north,uterly line of 11ald ·Lot 4. !O:> 13 fett northweJtterlv of Ila 1oulheutt'rly Jin;; 'thence northeuterly to a potnt In the nor1 heuterly line ot aald Lot 3, 105 feet n orth· wuterly or ta 11<>uUlu11terly line; thence conUnulnl' on .. 1d couree 15 reet t~ a.n anrl• , point; thence northerly 93 fMt to '-" a11gle point: thence northeutarly a t &n &1\l'le of 4' • to Mid Jut ooune '' feet to an Uf'l• polnt: t h enc • n o r t II w • 1 t • rl1 I feet to a polnt on a 11.M parallel With and 100 feet nartllftli..tl.1 of U.. norUI· LEGAL NOTICI w•terly Jlnu or Lota 1 and t , aid Tract 1221, aal4 point belnr U feet eouthw•tn ly of lhe llOuthweaterty Une or CH.ft Drtve 110 feet wide; Ulenre contlnui~·on e&ld lut courH 207 (t't't to a polnl In a line pa.rallel ""'llh and 300 feet northweaterly or Aid north• westerly llnl'I ot Lot1 I and t . n ld polnl being 1 U feel IOUthwe.tt"rly of aald eouth· _)Westerly line of u ld Cliff Ori vt: thence northerly 82 feet to an angle point; thence northw,.terly to a point In a line p&ra.11•1 to eald lul men- tlon'd par&llel line and ·1 >:> fet't northwesterly tlltreof, H id point ~Ing 68 tttl IOUth· weelerly of aald 110111Jlwel!lerly line of Clift Ort ve; u shown on Sh~t 13 or sah'I Plans; EASEME?\'T over and a cross Lot 22, H id Tra.ct 1210, and Loll 20, lP. and a portion of Lot 18. Block "E", aald Tract 1219. being ~ feet on earh side or the fol· )owing l•cmter line: be&annlng &l a point Jn the ellllterly line of u.Jd Lot 22, and approx!· mately 11 3 feet northerly or 'ta southerly lint.•; thence at an angle of M• 17' north· westerly :?O feet to an angle point; thenl'e northWl'tllerly 28 feet to a point In the 11outh- erly llM or ~aid Lot :lCI, 11ald Block ''E... 10 ff.et Wl'.l!terly of ll11 easterly line; thent'e oorth 24 • weal 16 feet; thence norlhwe11lerly U feet to a n angle point: thence northeut- erly Ill &ti angle or 61' to aald laet mentioned course 27 feet; thence eulerly 6 r,el to a point In the eaatuly line of Rid Lot 20. 72 feet 110uthnly ot It• norlJlerly llne; U1ence eaet.erly l'l a dlrKt line 79 feet pualng through a point In the weeterly line of aald Lot 18. 72 feet aoutherly ot lta n.ortherly line: as shown on Sheela 14 an<1 16 or 1811'1 P lana; E ASEME!':T over and across Lots 20 to 29, Inclusive, and a portion or Lot 30, Block "E ... anld Tract 1219, being 15 feet on earh 1lde or the tollowlng deal'rlh- ed center line: Beginning at a point north 2c• weet 16 !tel from a point In the 1011lherly line or ll&ld Lot 20, lO feet wes terly or lb ea.l!terly llne; thence northwuterly tn a di· rect line to a point in the westerly line or aald Lol 21. 113 (l!et •oatherly of Ila north· erly llhe: thence northwut er- ly In a dJrect line to a po1nl In the •wnterly line of sa.id Lot 22, 100 feet aoutherly ot Ila northerly line; thence weJ1t- erly to a point In t he t'Uterly line or 1&Jd Lot 24, IHI reet aoutherly or tu northerly llnl'; t hence norlhweaterly to a point In lhe ea.aterly line or aald Lot 2!1, 70 feet 11outherly ot lta northerly llne; thence w•terly 411 feet to an anirte pot.nl; thence •outhwe1terly 25 feet to a polnt tn the eut- erly llne o! Ill.Id "Lot 26. 87 feet eouthtrly of lta northt'tly line: thence aouthwt'•l,rly to a point ln the t'uterly ltnl! of aa.Jd Lot 27, 101 ff't llOlllh· erly of Ila northerly line: thence weeterJ.y 28 feel to an anrle point; ufence northw~t­ erly 40 !ett lo a point In the easterly line of aald IA:>t 28, H feet aoutherly of Its north· erly line; thence northwuter· Jy 43 reet to an angle point: , thence wuterly 36 feet to a point In the w .. terly line t:tf uld Lot 28. 159 rt-et 1outhel"ly of lta northerly Une : thence northwesterly 60 feet to an angle p.;lnt; thence north· weeterly a t an angle ot 1s• to eald lut couree 26 feet to an angle point; thence north· weaterly lS feet through a point ln the euterly line of eald Lot 30, 28 feet 1outherly of lta northerly Jlne: u ahown on Sheet H or •&id Plana; EASEMENT over and acroea Lota 32 to 42. lnclualve. and a porUon ot Lot 31, Block "E", aald Tract 1219, being 15 feet on each •Ide of the follo""·lnr dett::rlhed center line: BeginniDc at a potnt In the we1terly line of u.Jd Lot f2 and 117 feet aoutherly of lta northt'rly line; thence northeutuly 84 feet to an angle point: thence In a atr&l&mt line 33 feet to a point In the easterly llne of'" aald Lot 4.2. 124 feet eoutherly of lta northerly llne; thenre aoutheaaterly to a point In the weeterly line of &aid Lot 40, ue feet 11<>utherly ot lta north- erly line; thence aoutheutnly 35 feet to art anrle point; thence eoutheutl!rly 38 t t'rt to a point In the weatuly line of eald Lot 39, 187 feet 11011th· erly ot Its northerly line; thence aoutht'a.tterly &O fttl to an angle point; thenre' !'Ortheuterly 47 tetl p&llslnit throurh a point In the wetit· erly line of H id Lot 311. 160 ret'l toutllerly or Ila north· erJy line; thtnce northerly at an angle of 1115' to o ld Ja~t cour•• u reet to an angle point; thence euterly '7 fret to a point In the wutnl)' line ot •a.Id Lot 37, 100 reel llOUthrrly of lta northerly line; thence euterly M feet to an anrl• point; thence eoutheuterly 16 feet to a point In the WMterly line C1I 11.ld Lot 38, • J 23 feet llOUth• erly of !ta northerly Une : thence conUnut."'° on aald COUl'M 18 feoet to an ang)e potnt: tMnce euterly 153 feet to • point Ill the •e•terlJ lln• of Mid Lot aa, 11& fMt eouth-et11 ot It.a nort.ber1y lln1: tllmee In • cll""t line t.o a potnt IA. the ...inly line of ..Sd Lot u , lta fNt .outh- ~., ... ~ .... , • ' UGAL NOTICE tbt'Jlce ln a dll'f'Ct Une to a point tn the eaeterl.y ltne ot aatd Lot ll4, 143 t t'el eouth- e.rly of lta northerly llnf: thanoe <-ontinulnr on aald couTM 2tl feet: th~nce north· euterly a t an angle or 93• to l&Jd tut courte 78 reet to an angle point: thMre north· •uterly at an angle or 27• to eald wt roural', 311 fet't; t..hen c e euterly p11111lng tbroui:h a point In th• Wf'M · erly hne of u.ld Lot 32, 38 fttl '•outherly ot Its nl>rth - erl)• 4ot'; a dlatanrc or 63 feel: thence 1<>uttat<li>rlv at an 11..ngl, ot 61• ' to 11Hlll Jut coune. 23 et: thenre 1011thea!lterly Ill 11n angle 11f 60' 11\ tO 88Jd )A.Sl COUn!I', 20 reet; thence Ill an angle or M • 1 ~· to a&lcl 13.l!t roune 49 reet; then<'e aouthrnsterly at an angle or 3•• 16' to llli)'1 laal couree 16'; thenrf' llOlllh- uaterly pualng through e. point In the wtslerly line ot lllld Lot Sl. 108 ft-tl 11011th• erly or It• northerly llnr: U1ence continuing on 11:11d course 8" fret; u 1hown on Sh•et 14 ut 113 id Ple.na: EASEME:-.-r ov'r anl'I 1r1'<l11.!I Lots 8. 9, and 10, BIO<'k "D". ancl a fl(lr· lion or Lot l , Bl<><'k .. E". sttld Trar t 1219, being :> f,et 1•n earh side or the fnllowlng •fo· srnbe<I center llne: Bt'glnn1ng at a point In the eultrly line • or eald Lol 8, 2.:> !eel aouth· erly of !ta northwe•terly line: thence ao11thwt'9terly parallel to iuurt northwesterly llne !I • !eel , thPnce .l!OUthweaterly 4!1 tel'l to 11.n ang·le-point; thence 11outhwPslerly 94 feet to a point In the southerly llne ot 11aid IAt 8. 95 rett t'aaterly or its Wt'.!llerly Unr1 thence aouth: erly 30 re,t to an angle point; thence aoutherly 3~ fret to a point tn lhe south· erly lane or aatd Lot 9, 80 re .. l easter~y ot Its west- erly hnP, thence .l!OUtheut- erly 40 (t't'l to an Rr\gle point; U1en<'e 1101Jtheastc1 ly 3() fc-el lo e. potnl In the soulh('r ly Une of sa t<J Lot 10, 78 tccl eutet ry of It• westerly 11.nc: thcnrr <-onunulng oh Slllrl course li teet lnlo said Lol D; as ehown on Sheet 1 !) or lliltd Plans; EASEME::..:T over an1I acr<>ss Lots 8 l<> 16. lnl'IUsl1·e,and ll f'Orll11n or Ltil 17, m ork '"I·:·, sul•l T1·a•·t 1219, being ~ f~ct on each •itle O( lhe fOIJOWtng rlPl'l'rlb· ed Ct'nt<'r lin e • Brglnnlng al a point In th!' eA8lc1 ly line or H id Lot 8, 103 feet l!OUt hl!rly of Ila north(>rly llnl'; thence weatrrly In 11 cltr~<'l line lo a p()lnt In the wrsterly li ne or 3ald Lol 10, l JO feet south· erly ot lta norther!~· llne: thence cnntin111ng on sal<I cottr11e 2 f,et . thenct-80\llh· westerly 1~ feet to an angle polnt; thence aoulhwcsterly 66 feet to a point Jn the WYl· erly line of u l<l !At 11. 136 ffft aoathnly tJ! ltii northerly Une: thencf' Wl'11t<'rly in a (.11· reel line lll a point ln t he westerly lint-or Sllld Lot 13. 1Z3 fl!et southerly or Ill! north· erly line; thence northwt'lll· erly :>4 rl'ct to 11n angle p<1lnt : thence northwN1ter ly 28 fett to a point In thr we.riterly line or aat<l Lot 14, 83 r"t aoutlt· erly ot It• northerly line: thence continuing on eald couree 15 feet to an angle point; thence 11011thwe11terly :>9 feet to an angle point: thence westerly a t an anglr or e4• 30' to 11ald la.'t course S4 fef't to a point fn the west- uly line ot uld lAt l !'i. l 22 feet eouthnly of It. northerly line; thence contlnulng on said course 33 fi>et to an angle point: thence nnrthwe11terly at an angle ot 37' 30' to 11&ld lut course a d11ta.nce or "4 feet to an a.ngle point; th,nce northweaterly 38 ft't't to a polnt In the weaterly line at aald Lot 16. eo reel aoutherly of lta n ortherly line; thence continuing on aald course 15 feet into H id Lot 17; u 11hown on Shtet lli or aald Plant; EASEMENT over and a cros1 Lot.a ll to 7, l.nclualve, and a portion ot Lot 2. Block ''D", a&ld Tract 1219, belnf 15 feet on ee.ch aide of the following described Cl!nter llne: Beginning a t a pol!it In the eoutheuterly llne or a&ld Lot 7, 15 fttl 1oulhwesterly of lta northt'Uterly line; thenre northwuterly lo a po-Int In the southeuterly ltnlf' of 11a.ld Lot 8. 190 (t't't norlbeuterly of Ila llOUthwuterly line ; the-nee northwu terly 48 feet to an anrle point: thence westerly 74 feet to a point In l he northweaterly ILne of llllic1 Lot fl. 12!5 feet northeut11rly ot It• 1outhwuterly linl': thence weet erly to a point In the southeu terly ltne or 1ml'1 Lot •. 76 tHt .northea.slerly or 11:3 aoutherly llnr; thence wc1lerly to a point In the weaterly line of •&Id Lot 4, 78 feet northerly of lta IOUlh· erly llne: thence weeterly on said !'ouree 37 feet to an an- ltl"' rnlnl; thence llOUlhWelll• erly 41 reet to a point In the euterly line or said Lot 2, 110 feet northweaterly of It• aoutheuterly line; thence con- Unulng on ea.Id cour•• 4 feet Into aa.Jd Lot 2; u ~hown on 8he« 111 of l&ld Plans; Th• conatrucUon of vltrtflt'd cla y ptpe aanltary MWen, welded •lMl ptpe 1a.nJt&ry •ewers, con- ente anchor hlocka, appurten&nc· • an appurtenant work In EASElCZNT GYer and &el'Oel tht nort.11- euttrly I feet ot Lot 28. Mid -rr.ct U18, betWMll It. JunN P\a.c• and a lln• appro.lmat.e· ., . , ......... .,,. ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~SS -PART fl. PA&E 1 FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 LEGAL None• LEGAL NOTICE from: u ahown on Shr<'l 9 which dl•lrl1•t 1aht Cllv Council ot aald Plane; hN''by i.lt'CIAN'JI to bCI the d!Atrtc:t ltA.SEMENT to be usen~d to p1,1y the coat• over and &cl'ON the north• 11n11 ei11><-n11r11 th<'r<'ilf. Said dJa• eaaterly !I feet ot Lot 2 nid trlct la '1!'i<l·nbl'\l l•y a map Ind!· Trart 1221. belWHn Klng'1 <'&lll)g by a tio11m1nry lln• thfl ax· Road and the nort-htwesterly tl'nl of thr t ('rrlt<•ry lnrluded In llne or .. td Lot; u •ho"-n on the prop.\.,,.<i 1ll11trlr t, numbered Sheet 18 of aaJd Pl•na: H l•A, l'(lnJlllltlnlt' t•f 6 ebt'et.I, EASl!:ME:?\'1' which 111 on 111, 1n the Office of over and &Cl'OH the north· lt\e Ctty F.nitlnrf'r 11n<1 In the Ot- euterly lJ ft-e t or Lot 20. pahl rwe or the L'lty nr~k Th41 111.J Tract 1218, ~tween 17th mar I!() cin fllt fthllll lt•Wern fol' •ti Street and the northweaterly <ll'talls 1111 to th .. f':1.tr nt or ••1<1 line ot eaid I.ot : 8JI shown on a11sel!t1n1t•nt •ll•trl<'t'. Alt puhltc Sheet 8 of n ld P lan11; 11tre .. l• 11r 111lt')'ll 01• portlona lhi>TI'· The conJ1tn1cllon ot wt-ldt'<l 11terl nt IHC' htrcliy e.~tl'ptt-<I rrom 111.ld pipe aanltary ll'Wtrl , cut Iron ctist Met pipe HllltJlry eewert. concret-.n-SfX.-r10 :-; '-Thal 11tli11l bonda chor block, appurttn&nt'u and 11p• b.-a nng Interest Ill the rate of purtenant "''ork In J<IX P''r Cl'llt 16'""1) per a nnum EASEME:?\'"T 11h1tll lie lll·SIH"•I to l'C'J'l"<'ll!nl earh over and acr04S the wr11terly U111·!mner1t (ff TwN1ty-!lv<' Oollar• !I feel or Lot 21. satll Tra«t 1$:.?II (I()1. or n11)rl', r1•malntnr u n- 1210. between C1lu{ Hlgh,.·ay paid for thlrl y t301 daya from the 1 State Hlghwit.y 1 and ll tin!' d11tl'I or 111.. rl'<'M'll11llon or the a pprroclmat,ly 112 re.et norih· \\'llMAnl. S111<! aerie.! bond• .ahall erly therefrom ; 811 shown on extrnd O\'er a per1oo e11'11n.g nln• l'htl't HI or 911111 P IRnM !fl I yf'11rs rrom lht 11rrond day ot The ron11tn1rtlon or wrl<le<I at eel Jnn1111ry next 11ur<'ef'lllng the next pipe aantt11ry llt>\\'l'nt, 11ppurtrn· 1 Orlubrr flftt'l'nth f.11lowlng th,lr ancu anl1 11rr11rll'n&nt work In ri11tf' Pavmrnts on th,. prlnrlp&I of EASE~fF.:'\T 1111p11lr1 UllNll'111t'nt1 ancl lnlernt over nnd 1cro,.~ J .()t ~ 1 to Ill, 11h ull be 111111Je by rrcir<-r·ty ownf'ra 1ncl11i11vt , 1111t.t T rnn 121 ~. I to the { ·11~· Trt•1uu1 t·r 1t.nd the being ~ fl'r t on enrh 11lr1e cit 1111me 11h111l h11 dl,.bur·~l'<I by hJm. the f<'llow ang-<1eR1 11br1! cPn-all u prt"'ld1•r1 In the "lmprov .. trr line: Bc1:lnnln1: 11t I\ point ment A Pt of l{I J I". hrr!'ln&tler r.- on the 11outh,,•e11tf'1 h• hne "' rerrt<rl to. said Lot 19. 11&ir1 T;11rt 1218, SECTIO!': 15 Thill notice ti 10 fet't northweeh•1 ly ot lhP hereby Kh'en that Mond.,-, tbe s111tthr 11J1terly line o f 11'1l1t Lnt 2~nr1 d11y of J\Ujt11lll, 1 9~!1. at l.bt 19: l ht>rrc norlheuter~v to a hour of 7 .:io o cl<>ck P M .. Pad.tic point In tht' ·northwuterly_,llne Daylight Sll\'lng Time. 111 ~· or nlt1 Lot' 19, Hl4 feet north· <111y anl1 hour. Rn<l th11 C.ounCIJ eastl!rly or Jt1 westerly line; \hllmhr1i1 1n t he C'lty Hall thence ~orlherly 47 feet to an tn th11 C'lt~• of Newport Beach, angle point; thr nc:c north· Is Uir fllll<'C' tl:\ed by Mid westerly 81 fet"t to 11 point In City C"unr ll whl'n e.nd where the northwesterly llne of u 11t any Anti all J'('rtons havtnir any Lot 18, 107 (tl't northtssterly prn~~t s nr objl'C'tlon11 to the pro- of Its !'!OUthWl'Slerly line; pn~•·tl Weir\< Cl) lmrrovement; or to thencl' In ll cllrl'ct lint' to a thr <'Xltnt of the rtlstrtct. or both, point In the nMlhwrstr rly llne vr to lhl' r roposet1 gral1e, may a p- ot ~ull1 Ult J7, 114 feet north-pcllr bd ore tho Co11ncll anc1 a>low eRsterly of 1111 St)lllhwr~t<-rl)' l'!lU.!ll' why Mil•I propoaod lmprove- llne; thcnre tn ll dlrl'ct line to mt>1lt 11h1111J.I not b(! carrlM out a polnt 1n the wt·sterly line In nc<:ortJtt nl·c wllh Lhl11 R_,.,.. or 11alr1 Lot 16. 7!1 fttl north-tlnn erly or Ila 11011lhcrly lint'; SECTIO~ & That l~t proceed~ ;\ thence tn a dlre<'l linf' to a lni::• fur t he arorH&.I lmprove- pntnt In the wt11trrly hne of mPnt sh111l tJ.-had and takf'n under n i t! Lot 15, l!rl feet northerly anr1 ·in lll'l'orr1an1'41 with the "lm· or lt..s 11oul11easterly line: r rcivem••nt Art nt 19Jl", belns thrnl'c In a dlrrt l line to a n lvl!lnn 7 11f thr BtrMt• an!! point In lhe 11outhwesterly linl! J tti:nw11y11 C"ode ot the, State of of 11ai.1 Lot 13, 76 reel north-C11lltornl11. westerly of it!! 11outheaaterly SECTION 7. The proceedl1'161 llne; thenn~ r nn ltn11ln1 J1 !t'~l for this lmrruvemenl have been to an angle f"'llnt; thenr e lnsutut.-11 upon the rrc:ommenda- i.011thwe!ltt'rly 0 fl'C!l to a tlon or lh" H ealth Otrh'er tor t he p<>lnl in the l!OlllhWl'~terly line City or Newport nee.ch.I Thal from or said Lot 12. 80 feet north· a public health 11te.ndj>olnt tt t• Wl'.!!lerly or lls l!Ollthl'u terly &dvluble and urgent tha.t. aanl· line; thence 11outhweaterly 4-4 tary 11twer11 and appurtenances be feet to an a ngle point; thence constructed within lhe above C'le~ norlhWl'llt('rly l~ tfoet to a 11lf!lated uea Immediately and point In the weetl'rly line of lhllt the ln11litullon or Improve- Lot 11. 78 teC'l northerly or ment proceedlnf• I.I neceuary aa 1!11 11outherl.y line; thence In a health m ... 11rt1. 'nlat M.ld re- ll direct Jtn,. to • point In the comml!ndatlon wu made pursuant IV'rlhwe~trrly ltnl'I or 1'111<1 Lot to Sect.Ion 2808 of the lald Stre,.ts 10, 77 ff'el northruteriy of AIH1 HtghW8Y• COl'!e. Tile !'11llm11t· 111 M>uthwuterly line; thrn<'e I'd <'Olll ot the lmpfO''t'ml'nt la tn a direct llne lo a point In S213.6llO 3!1. ' the northweJ1tt'rly li ne or 1ml1J SECTION 8. That n<JUcee ot. l..ot !l. 74 frrl n<>rtheMlt'rly the a•lopt1on of Ula Resolution of It• 110uthw1•11terly lint•: 1he.ll be m!l.!11''1. poelafe prep&ld, thence conllnuJnK on aald l&al by the City (;!erk Ill aU ~l"llONI mentioned rount'I 39 fl'•'l to ownlnlf relll proptrty propo14'd to an ani:lc point ; lhrnrc WC.l!t· be ~~('~~"d t•• p11y any part ct erly In a lllr<"'l lrnr 11:> ff't't lhe COl!l of tho work, whoee nam.• to a point In lht> wr~trrly and addre1111e11 appear on the IMl line of ••M Lol 7. 82 f,.d equal11MI aHtsament roll, or M norU1<'riy or Its sout herly llnc : known to the Cl,.rk, U pro~ thence wrstrrly an a dllec-t asae1111tr1 by the State undar .... line to a p<>1nt In the '''l'lllerly lion 14 or Arl1de XUl of U1• Ooa• line ()( 1111111 Lol :I. ~2 fl'l't 11 ltllllon I• rropoeed to be ..- northrrly of it-11nut hrrly "'I. 1urh nollc4! 1hall be m&Jled tf> llne: then~e 11011thwl!at trly In l!VHY ownu of 1uch proJW'rly at a •llrect llne lo a point m the th., ad.trus thereot 1hown cin the 11011thwntM ly line or ""'" l.<1t IMt &arll roll t ran.111'\.ltted to UI• 3, 68 reel n•lrlhwel'trrly o! lli< C"o1mty Audilor and t.nal the lhl- 1outheulrrly line; t hrnr .. to rrrtnlendenl or Slreet11 llhAll O&UN a polnl In the 110uthwcs l,.rly to be ron11pk110<11<ly poatrd alotllf llne of eaM Lnl 2, 1111 r .. rt uu• l1n" uf 1111tll 1·011templatl'l1 work norl hweatcrly or Ila 1111ulh· . f)r lmprnvrm»nl 11n<l nn 1'111 open l!Uterly line: t hence conlin11-4' r.., .. t,~ wll hln the d18lrk t liable lng on 11ald course 11outhwc!ll· I tn b,. u•r~""d n11t1eu ot thl' pam- erly 17 37 reel; 1U1 shown nn 11ge of I hi~ Re1111l11llnn. aJI In tll• !'lh~t 8 of •&id P lan11: mann,.r 110•1 1n thl' f"rm requ1red The con1tructlon of weMed ~~""' l>y l:i•.\ pipe sanitary eewf're, a rpurtrn· 1'1::1.'Tlf•N P '1110 City Clutt a.nc u ant1 a ppurten11nl work 1n 11111111 <'l'rlJ fy l" th .. ptu1llllKt'I ot t.hSa 17TH STREF:T 1 Res<•lill l•m 11nd ~11111 1 t·auae t..h. adjacent to the northeaaltrlv •111tll! l<1 l>e publlshe• twk e b)' llM or t..ot 20, u ld Trs• t I t "''> 11111~"' u11 ,.,. i.nrl ,.rpe.rate ln- 1218, and the northwelltf!rl\' •w rtl• M lrl th" ":'\'EWPORT HAR· line ot 1.ot 8, Rlork "0", H 1'1 nnrt :-,T,\\ s PRP:SS' " newspaper Tract 1219, ll8 11hown r.n I publl•hl'd nn I clrrulatl'r1 In ..Sd Shttb 8, 9 anl'I 16 or 11al•I I ("Jt ,. Th" fir 11! publlr!lllon 11hall 1>41 r 111nl!; rnllol(' nol 1 .. ~,. thl\Jl trn 110) da7• F.ASEMENT l'ri"r I•> l h" •l11l>' 11( the public over anti 11cro111 the north· f1f'R/'tn1: Al :,: rd 11 .. rrln we~terly 10 re,.t or Lot 2. I A PPHUVEU 11na Af10 PTPJD Ullll sl\Jd Tr&l'l I 221, bet wet'n t.h P 21\th rl•w rif ,July 1 !111.'I. n<>rtheuterly line of 111wl I •OHA 0 . llJl.J. Lot and a line !12 !I re"t ..a11th· 1-L\ YUR nt tht11 City cit we1terly therefrom· 11.• 11hown I ="• ·1 p•ll l. Bt>ar.h, Calltomta on Shet't1 13 and 115 or 11111•1 ATTEST Plan11, MA~; L. HOIT Tht' rea11.rfllclng nr the lrenrh In ArttnK City C'l~rk the 11trt"'" anti rlghlll or \\11 v, ~TATf: ni-· <'ALIF'OR~lA whrreln d orem,nt1<1n"<1 11&nJtM\" ''IW'OT)' r iv 111tA:-.-Ct: 1 HWf'rll IHI'\ ('OnlltMt<'tec1 CITY ()fl' :-.;p;y.•p()ftT BEACHIM. SF:CT10 !'1 2. That all or !hr I, MAI': I. 11n rr. Act1t11t <.;lly WOrk llfnrtl!8Jtl lllt11 1i bl' tJOnP In (1Jprk ••( thl' r•t1 )' n( ;o.;l"A"J)nft &l'<'Orrl&nr1• wllh 11.ml to t he gf"A1!1•.• llf'11l'li. ('kl<fnrnll\, J)<J Hl-:HEHY aho.,.-n on Plan N<'. H 1. ronsii;tlni:; ( 'f:l~Tlf-'\' 1 t.111 1 h,. r1>r••i:ro1nK H e- ot 17 1h,.11l.ll, on rile In the OH11·~ ,01u111111 :->" •3!1!1 "'M 11111\' 11nl1 of the City Engln,,.r, an'1 l')ll"Pfll 111'j;'lllllrly 11'1<7plt't1, r r11111r<I 11.t.d 111>- u othnwi11' provMtt1 on 11111•1 rir"""'l l•v lht• l'lt v ( ·mmr1J flt t t.e Plan. In rurther u ·Mrd11nl'e wrlh ('lty "' :-:, wrorl Hi-n1·11. nt " r~ir­ the Sptoclrk 11tlons ror 111llr1 wn1 k "I'" m~,., 1;-~ nf iu\111 ( '1t \' 1 ·n11nr II entitle<! "Sperlfi1'11tlone tor tlw 11t 11,,.. '"I: .r no1«•1 •n~ p:n•" th" rt'• Conetru~tlon ot Sa.nllary S"W•Tll "'· «n lh<' :1:\th •In v rof .t•1l v, lit~''• In Clltr nrlVf' antl Crrtaln Otnn t,•,• tt,,. ''•lhw1r.ir vr1 ,. 111 wit Streel11, Alley11 11nrt F.n11~m,nt 'I ' A YES ,.,,,Jl'<'1lm<'n on nte In the o m r .. or lh~ AAl•I lll·:'-'.'.'"1-:1,. \\II.I ~:H MA r. City P:ngint'Cr, and In the O ffl•r l\A.,., l'Hif•l•AHl 1 llJ•:Alf':, ot the City Clnli HIT .r 1fl:llllf1~· l!Jl.l. 811ld Pl11n and S11e<'lflre.tlnn1 ar•• 1'0~:~· <'1111nr1h1 •·n hereby r,.fen-ed to for a. full nn(J :'\f1'\~: detalle<1 de•"Tiptlon of 11aid prrr-AR~~:,1· ''oHn• 1lrr• n J>Offd work or lmprovern<'nt 11n•I ;w1'\~: ror ttl<' propn3fW1 ~rlli11's lh,.r...-1f f' A TEI 1 th I.a 2111 h 1'111 y ot J uly, 8ECTIO:"ol 3 Thal the !'aid "''"" HIM, lflnplated work or l.mproven ~11 t . M .A E l . }{()IT 1n the optnJon or a.Id City' Co\lnl'll .A~l::..:1 ; <"ITY CLERK al la of mora than local OT ordln11ry !hi' Clly nt Nt'v.'f"'rt BeMh,. public beneftt. and ..td City Co1Jn· ~sllfomh1. d1 heNby ma.k• the C"ost• lln'1 rSP.AT.1 apmMe of Mid WOl'k or 1mprov~ j ~o. 1310 met~ apoe & &tnot N.w.Pnm T/Jft, 1,A ~ ,, ·' . PAGE 8. r:.~T 11 -~ ·-· ''r:)".T .. -.r:C'")"'. ~:::\·:s r::-.~s: F~IO/'.'', 'Ul.Y .,~. 1955 - ' • • L' T t _ ::;s. :t.n ;non a <en ... ' Lindberq Permit .Ml 11 H D I 0htt~t1<I!\ :IOI E .... I n1· .. !ln F 111n1 . r • pn1\"•I to :-=cw· C \\" l.lndbt'rg F rldl\y took tiut a 'Co~ll )lesa city building f"" B '" h I" li•" ~: •• n•l•i\" shr .i .. partment permit tor con"truc- lj "'"'' l 1"•1114' l.r1, II ... I• IJ\llt 11! I llfl\'in:; h•·r l'lutt-.-:1 l1n~ "h1'1pp"ll • 11"11 or 11 residence and garare 'c one 111 >! 1.,111 ~h·, ~-'· six plll"w 111 24112 '~ Eldrn Ave , OoaUl sllµ"' ~•x "·' •1 llolh~. !1\'e 8htrl1> J\11•.ill J . D. Ru~11ell was named anJ vnr J)a1r 111 pnnt~. 1·01Hr1Hlor BE A WINNER HAUSKEN MOTORS INC. with 1952 JAGUAR Cpe. Enginr O\'erhauled radio. heatt>r-oe>\ er raced! 1952 FORD CONSl"L Sedan, radlo, heater. One owntlr 1952 MORRIS )llNOR Connrtiblf'-very clean. Low mllt·Jl~e ..• 85 miles per gal. '1795 $695 I J9!ll HILLMA~ Seda.n"radlo, heater, original finl~h. F.xct-llt-nt mf'<•luutically . . . '645 $$45 • 1 WANT AD will cost you . $ .. 50 only 2 end it will run in all 4 iuuH A ~inimum ad 11 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Nen·Prf'M Monday, Wed.netlday and l''riday editions, Plus the Coutal Shopper, Wednesday• DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa ia gu:iranteed. Carrier bo:ya will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 161.6 and your carrier will bring your paper. • PIRATE LEADS -Marion Caracausa and Jim Hollenbeck gave several hundred persons attending Aasociated Chambers of Commerce of Orange County aeMion Tuesday night a preview of songs in this year's Orange County ~air presen"tation of "Bouc~ ard, the Pirate.'' -SW! Photo Farm Bureau Head Speaks at Associated Meeting 1932 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -L-•b•_rty_8_-s_os_1 ___ Ll_b•rty-8--63-81..., Classified Am.nc~ must orglllliH to 111alce their lntereata known In Ulll country's democracy, It WAii empltu1ud Mtore the Auocl· ated Ch1mben of Commerce of Orange County Wednelday by George Wilson, preahlent of the California Farm Bureau F,.der· aUon. Wl111<1n spoke on. "Gen· eral Member8hlp Organiutlona and How They Fit into Our Jl:conomy:· before 1everal hun· dred pen1on1 in Orange County Fa1rfl'Ound'11 new $U0,000 Exhl· blta Building. The 1peech • wu part ot a 80· elal dinner meetmf . highlight o! which waa sele<:tjon of Yvonne Shubert of Santa Ana u 1955 Pirate Qut'en. Wilson took wry notice ot lhu1 observing. "T aea Hwr1l hundred people ume to IH the beauties anll got me a erowd." lt'• the <lt'mocrallc form or eoclety in the United Stale41 lhal hu give.n the people of this l'Ountry opportunity to organize in gi-oups and make lheir needs known, Wilson •~Id. "Town mett· mgs helped to build democracy We can JOln groups and through these groups can have our view- point• 1 epnesentei:I Jn this nation. I Our organizations lodAy 11re just u ell11ent1111 u they were in co· lonlat times." WllJJon said the Farm Bureau l'tdefalion believed In the Am· er1c9.11 eul~rprlze 11y11tem and the value of competJtlon. "Security la not the answer.'' WHson rnam- t&lnad. p olntmg to foreign typl's ot state security for the ind1V1· dual. "No country can glVe you 1ecunty except that" bued upon competition. You've goL to have a profit a.nd Joas sys tem just u much a.• you've got to have a paddle tn d1&etpllne a kid."" IAKE A CAKE frH X-Rays To Be C Offered at Fair Fair ontest Vl•llors at the 19:'>6 01angt S Off County Fair wlll have the appor· SEE DRIV_E The Fabulous TRIUMPH TR 2 at Harvey Mayer Motors 2137 Harbor llvd. (near Victoria St.) Costa Mesa We Trade High for MG's, Jaguars and other sports cars. See Us Before You Buy or We Both Lose Money ponson er tunlty lo have rree che..,t x-n1y11. through the efforts or thl' Ora.11ge ~--------------------------Many Prizes County Tuberculosis and Health 1 A111octaUon, fl wae ~Enoum·rd to· Pr1zu tn be awarded In the Va-day by Samutl carnarata, chair· Jenda Orange cakt baldng contel!l. man or the Fair prOJe<'l cummll· at the Orange County FaJr now at'f' on dl11play at ortices of the tee. Southern Countle1 Gu Co. In New-1 The mobile X·nt) 11n1l wilt be port Bl'•ch, It wu announced to-1tatlonf'd juftl ln~lrle tht main day by ttponson of Velenc.ia Or-gate, where inll'rt'~tf'll persona ange Olly may lak,. a<lv1U1la.i;e Ht the ""r· Grand prize wtll ~ 11.Jl auto-vice. ,,-11\atic gu range. lo be chO!'en by , tile winner from among Wedge-A trained terhnit'lhn Wiii l)e wood. W~tern Holly. Gaffers 8t In rharge uf lhe u111t. an1I all 8atller and O'Kl'de and Merritt, reports will be conhdenllal. The while other prlua will Include de· plcturPa will be interpreted by a luxe and 1tendard elt>ctric orange Julct'r a.nil boxe11 of tre11h fruit. panel of che1t 11peciatlsls, who AU re•ldtnlJI of OraQge County, will Ch('c.k tor auch abnom1aht1e11 1 men and women, t>xcept protee-&.~ tuberculo1111, cllllcer and he11rl •tonal bal<era and home eeonomlatA, 111.menl.8. an eligible to compete In the pre· The Free X-Ray 1er,-i<'P i~ rin· SOUTH l:OflST conSTRUCTIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 230 30th St., Newport Beach Bubor 2533 Umtnary contn t at 10:30 a. m. a.need by Chrlstrn&11 Seel fund11.1 nu~~~~~ll mthe A~~-.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~;;;;;;~iiiiiiii~~~ tUMI Exhibit~ 811lldlng a t. the ,.Jr Cake1, together w1lh recjpe1 may may be 11ubmttted 1n four cate- corln. Including layer cake11 I but- ter typel : angE'l food. sponge or thiffon cakea: upalde down cakee lor loaf or 11he"t <'11.kes ), and cof· fee l"akes. Bu1r requlrementll for the conteet ta the un of fresh on1nge prMuctA In tile cakt'll. \Vlonera In each of the four clau- H will he eligible to return at 11 a .m Fridt'y, Aug. 12, for the b&kl'·OH. using one of th• tour rangu provtdrt1 by the contut di· rectorw. OCC Honored in Architecture MaCJ Nallonal recotmllton wu ac· cor'1ed Orange Cout College with a ten page plctortAI pru entallon tn lhl' July !Mue or PmgTl'llsive ArehHe<lur~. Pl\1~es&ve Architecture chum• the world'• lui;ut architectural <'lrculatum. Jn thii1 l11~11e. t11'voted to r11mrus huildlng11, p1rlllree and plM~ are rre~enled of the Stu- tlent \',.nter. Arl ('enter Anti Bull· neu Ed1w.i.1on b11lldlnir1 recently cnmplt'll'd at ttie collfgt', In a lat· er l~SU•'· m"tenat will be prnenl· •<I on tht' l"rMch Arl11 enter. th• a rticle ~tales. Ar1·h1lf'Cl$ tor the c0Uo>1t• are Robert C-Alu:am1er, Rtr han1 J . 1'eut1 1 11 nd Richard P teirer. Spe· ctat <"rt'c..ht fnr developing the l'<>- ordln•tt''1 cempu~ 111 given, In the arll<'ll', to lh,. Bn11rd ot Tniateaa of thl' <<>II•·~" Lt1ul• J Conrady, D. D. ~~whnd. Harry 1'. IABard. Walter M l.AninnoM 11nd Horace Parkrr Th,. modem bu1ldln1t11 wue p~­ "1011~1\ i:1nn 011tstandin1t awarda ~y 1 h• Aml'rlC'an l n•~ltute of A r.:h,lf'd!< DR HAROLD C. CASE. pru .. &•1"1' 1 • I n C11ll fl\rnl•·='ev11d11 chlirr'1 , r ( "l •'nf" In Stock t<ln ''D<-n • , , ,. to '""' 11p l-0 your h•n· Cllcar~ but to your aaaei.:· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday a11d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Cloaltal· Shbppu Acl9 l]UI la tbe Wedneaday N-a-Pl'Nll 4 Unes 1 lnaertloa $1.00 add'L llaee .25 ea. 4 Lines 2 lmertion• 1.50 add'L UDM .25 ea. 4 Unes, S lnsertiona 2.00 add'L llnn .25 ea. 4 Unes 1 4 lnsertloaa 2.50 add'l. l.btt111 .25 ea. 81tuadoD Wanted Ad• wW ..-Ive 1647. ctta-nt. C..la la advaaoe ODJ7. M.UUMUM AD IS ' LI1'1'E8 All Clualfled Ade muat IHI paid for Caah ha advaace of pubUcetloa. The. publiahen wtll not be rupo.nalble ror more than one Incorrect in11ertlon pt an ad. reserve the right lO correctly cluetty any and all ad1 and to reject. any ad not conformtnc to rulea and rel'JlaUona. DEADLINES for placing or ~JlcellLnr ada are: For Monday Publication -'"•~rlday & p.m. For Wedneaday Publication• -Tuelday 1 p.m. For Frldly Publication -Thureday 1 p.m. NEWPORT BARBOR PUBU8HJN~ 00. 2%11 Balboa Bh·d., N_,,ort Bea.ch, caHforala. Classified Index l Jl'unera.I N0Ucet1 Z Card of Thanke .& f'unera.I Dl~t-0n 10 BuslneH Glllde J l BuilcllDg Mat.erlala J 2 Bulldtng Storvtcee H Penonal• 15 Sharl' Your Car 18 Tran•ponaUon 1'7 Roortn1r 11 Beauty Aid• tO Health AJd• st l..olll· -4 Found 24 Sd1ool11, ln.tnK'tlon :&8 Situation• Want~ H Help Wantf'd SO MIM'f'l'-nf'Ollll SO·A !iiW•Jll' SO·B AppllanCH Sl Wanted to Buy Iii Fum1ture for Salf' S2·A Aatique11 SS Boat•. SuppUeA S4 Muslral, Radio, T \' 116 Doit•· <'•"'· r.-ta Special Not.lees " Newport Barbor B. P.O. E. 1767 ){eet1 every Thur1day 8 p.m. Vta Oporto -Central Ave. Newport Beach Albert H. Matthews. Exalted Rult'r lZ-Bullding ServlceA FOR RENT SkUI Saws, Elec. DriU1, Poliahere, aU types ot Sanders, Wheelbar- r1>w1, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2830 W. COAST W GHWAY Wberty 8·3435, Newi>0rt Bcb 28ttc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 years experience Licensed It Insured. Sausfacllon g11arantet'd. Estlm &les free. Call J ohnnie, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging ~EO . BURKHARDT t,,.ICE:-{81'..:D I 'ONTRAC9ftlR 878 W, 18th St., CORI& Mua Llberty 8-8628 "A's" ~,ENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TH E l'EW machine proc ... ,.,. meth· nd Re11~on11ble prlrt'll. Averagt' 2 tape.re~H1ent1at blind. Only $1.00 Bltnda repatrl'd and rrbuilt. Frt'e Pick up and dt'hvuy Wnrk done by a ppointment Phone Llbt'rly 8·:i701 or Kimberly 3-82i4. pptrc WE HELP YOU WRITE ADS THAT GET RESULTS! We have a•:! WT1tera to help Claulfled advertlaera word their " Is for beat ruullA. 'M\11 Mn1c• '" 11bsolutoly fret . Juel call Harbor 1818, eay "I want to place a Cluelfled Ad" and you will be connected with a c:our· teoua and c:ompetmt ad-t.a.ker who w\ll u alst you In prt parlnf . and placln;r your ad mo1t etfec:Uvely. Newe-Prue Clau1fied Ad.I HARBOR 161& M Poultry n l.h·e11tock 38 l'!Pf'<1al Announcemut st Auto• Want.d •O Autf>ll for ~" •O·A Tlrt'tl " Part11 " Auto Sl'n'lrtt •:t TraJl.-re U A!rplanea U Wanted to R.-n& .&8 Apia. " Hou!M'a for ~nt 48-A Apt•. for Keat •ll·R Hou-for Rent .&8-C Trailer i;pace te Room11 for ft.flit •t·A Rest Homea '9· 8 Roqm " Boerd M Rent, MllH'. ~3 2'tAJr,.. I.! Oflll'4"• llll·A Bu11lnt'tl11 Rental• ~4 Bu"lneH Opportunltlr• llf> ,\lonr\· tn Loan Ml Mo"l'l' \\"antfi! II? flt'a.I 01'.:&tete Wanted 60 ln«om,. Proswtty 60-A ('.nmmrrclal, Jnudu•trlal IJI ftf'&I t~ .. 1atr. t:xchan1e llZ Real E&tat,. lZ-Buildlng Servleea House Plans LIBERTY 8-8251 lOtfc BION RICE, INC. General Contractors Balboa & Palm Springe Plans -Financing Harbor 4114-W 75lfc CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8·6109 21ltt General Contractor LTCENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58tfc Elec. Tool Repair Skit Saw11, Ortlls, Sanders QUJCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. ,t!'i6 No. Ntwport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Llb~rty 8·8:183. Otte PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ll 8·3:121 • LI 8· 7823 :Z80 Avocado. Co1ta Mtllll 70p83h H.H.HOLBROOK DEPF;ND.ABLE PLUMBING A PJ'Ompt ~pair Servtca Maintained Phone: Harbor .&t1.# 1101 Balbo& Blvd., Newpurt lk6cJ1 pltp CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO 8MALL H. O. Andff90ft 101' I:. Balboa Blvd.. B&lbo& Harbor H60 Utlc CARPENTER Repair Work · 0... TOllJ Homa NMd R.apalnn, or "4modall91 T Call rru11. Ll1lertJ HIM All Worll 0UruteN f~ \ PAINTING INTl:IUOR -EXTEIUOR LlCllNBICD -INSUl\mD Glenn Johnst\m 601 -ll•t .!Mw--.lll~ ~ Harbor SITI t2ttc Bookkeeping Service A TTE.NTION ! Contracton. Storakeeperr Need aomeona to relieve you of tho .. monthly bookkaeplnr wor· r111 ! Aalc about our reuonable rat11. Har. •&88-J, 8'cll7 COMPLETE PAINTING It Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0 . 8AUNDl:RS 500 3bl Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. tU8. Uc ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tiie M(Jrl. Dl1trlbutor1 Wllol11&le prtcu to Contractor• • Tiie latteni Ll 8"'7493 68tfc A.Jcobolica A.nonymoue Wnt• P. o. Boll aa1 Newport 8eacb. Calll Phone Ka.rbor '7t6 15-Shani Your Car DOUGLAS AIRCRAF?' flrat altlft employee. ~:Z8 AlllO. wanta ride. Call Har. 863e daytime, A W 8-7898 ev~. 83c~ WANTED -Ride from Newport Beach to Lonr Beach. Call Mr•. D. Sore.neon at L.B. 3·M87'T be· tween 8 :30 a.m. A &. p.m . 84c88 _!!t:Beauty Alda Superfluous Hair .-.rmanenUy removed rrom race arma, kp. l:yebro-Uld llalr line maped-No more ~I· llLUCN l. BJ\ y .urr ft. &.' Udo'1 8aloe of BMuty Bar. 2171 ... ~HM.Ith AJda MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME lAdt11 Only, 8ervtnc the Har- bor AreL For app't. pleua · ca.II Harbor 0292. 82cll' JrOUNO Pair pruC'rlptlon clueea. Plullc coppu color 1ramea - near tilth It Ocean Front. Owner may claim A pay for thJa ad at N.w1 -Prau, 23rd and BaJOO. Blvd., Newport. 84p88 2t. Scboola, lutracttoa CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS 8TUDY ln llp9J'9 time for oonua. tor'a examination under a 1•· eral contractor wtth 26 yaan experience. Clu1ea Tuu. and Fri. evee. T:30 p.m.. Attend tint 1ea11ion free. Be(in anytime l&~l No!lrl:d~ay~~~t?~a Ph. Kimberly 2·4228 or Kl 7·3511 tf() Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN It WOMEN prepare ln •pare time tor unhmtt*1 opportuniU• In Real Eat.ate. New cl ...... weekly. Al Tyler tnatructinc. At.- tend nrat eventnr f,.e and leam about till• ireat field. cau or write now. Al Tyler School 1811 No. Broa<lway, Santa Ana Kl T·3~11·Kl &·3489-KJC 1·2611 ttc China P aintin9 Day and Enntnc Claaaa1 Ordera Taken Now Phone Llbtrty 8-6841 ll•U• 28-Sltuatlona Wanted PENSIONER collere crad. former German Interpreter World War I; 11ate <lrtver. tnatworthy prop. owner want11 something to do, LI 8·85M. 82p87 ------------· SKIPPER or boat m aintenance p11rt tlmf' bul1. Sober, exper· lenced. LI 8·8642. 84r.M REFINED lady de111ree po1ttlon u companion, houaekePper, can typ" 1t•dr1ve Re!er,.ncea Free to travel. Write Bnx U-10, thl~ pa- pe~ 82p8• We'll Help You Write Ads ' That GET RESULTS Courteou1 New1-Pre111 <.:lu11fttd At1-Takt r1 art' traln,.,I to wr llt effective ad~. ThrnU¥h long upt'n~nc::e and a lhoro\if(h underatandlng of adver· llslng we can put your w11n1A Into word1 that gtt action, Ltt 111 help you 1ell : TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE. BUSINE.SSES CARS & TRUCKS :;]· HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL TNSTRL~ENTS . . . ' OR GET A TENA~'T FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER The.1 New•Praal C1M1lntd Ad Takerw ar. ·~ru ud Utey ar•at 10W elr91ca. Jut pbone HARBOR 1818 'Roy's Maintenance HOUM ci.antn,...noor wu.ms Wall weahinc-wlndow clMnilll Venetian bll.nda. Upfloi.t•ey INured. Free Eat.lmatH Liberty 4·1332. Ufo Experienc'd gardener LANDSCA.fING and CLEAN UPS • Liberty 8-1659 IOlfe FULL c.hg. bkkpr. Ir acct. Call after 6 p.m. Harbor 2M2. 79p84 EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDENINO A yard work by day week or month, Uberty 8-8139 alter e. ISpl& YOUNG MAN with 11.·ton pickup wanta •te&dy job or part Um• work. Call Har. 3838. llc8.t Working Mothers Child care In my home day- t i m e. Newport Heights area. Llberty 8-7674. 83c96 EXPERIENCED escrow It trart rtrl dutrea. pomtton with eon- 1tructton co. Harbor or O&lldan Grove area. Excellent ,..,, Before noon Ll 1-8&86. 8Scl& P'ORMER TJ:ACHinR 11: aper1en<'· ed ~ITT!:R.. hourly or wk.. end.II. H•rbor St21·fL Upl4 .\o. CLllANlNG .. IllONDf<I by the day. !lxperienoad. B&lbo& la&and preferred. Kl '1,..098. • tf KAN • WOMAN W1U do ........ houMwork, floor was1Jll', win· dow · deantnc. rut worttera. wltlte. 194 E. IOtlt It.. eo.t& Meaa. LI a.2w. ppU OOUPLI: DIC81R1l POsmoN IN Palm Sprln~a Sept. 1, u cook • pneral buUer. R.afaranc- l"lr!rmanent or .. uona1. l'ond of chlldren. Writ.a Boll X·ll lhJa n-•p&per. • Up16 CONSTRUCTION Job. open In SANTA ANA P'or men who are willlnr to •tart u Who are JI. 46; JI I f1'a11- uatea. Jobe wita axcalle11t dlUICH Ill advuica. Include pa.II! vacatlona &11d ll0Uday1, I · day wk. Co. paid penalon arid dtabtHty plan. HELPERS CAREER BENEFITS -APPLY 1030 E. Tirat Sant& A.na· Mon. -Fri. 8·• SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY WANT MaeltuitoaJ 41reltaman 6. en.rtnHr, deslp It detail •tru<'· tural A hydra!Jllc. Bo. 8911 Coat.a M.a. 84c83 P'ULL CHARGE Wom111 bt>ok· ln!eper with ability_ to type. !\ day wk. Wrll• qualltlcaUon11 '" Box Z·l6 ttU. paper. U<"8~ -----------IWTTC'HBOARD Operator Sea Miu Prieet, 8oUUI Cout Co • Newport Beach. 84c8" WOMAN Power M.aclllneoperator Experienced. l'a.t. Do not •P· ply otherwlee ~02 ~ Mann,. Ave. Balboa ala.nd. 84r"ll ------------- WIL WRIGHT'S ICE CREAM Wanta employee., familiar with fl)\Jnt.atn operation. Micra. foun· lain m~n 8t w•ltn~-•. Good P"Y & •tea•ty ~mploym~nl. See Mr. Harv">' B11y ShOr~ Pu k. 112 W. Coaat H1way, Nt wJ'l(lrl B r h Ll 8-~:'>61 14c8,4 \Beacon Personnel JC)(V r employer retained agency NO fee coll~ted from applicant \\',. have eltl""ll ''""n1ng• '"' It'• lf'\11rle" u~ I hk 'kpr. PB.>i opf'r· 1Jn1! tlmne,.11• htlp. BEACON PF:RSONN EL 413·31•1 I AJ•n1y1 ~ .. wpon Bta<h 11~1!11 AODR.::ss POST t"AROS tn )IC.Ur homt. !'lt•111ly j)l'"C'" wor k. r•:: d111ly .MU\I h,\V' le~bl• h•n•l 11.•r1lln1 <.:all Ll 8·8478 tor 1t. formation. 1140 More Cla11ifled In .-. Section w __ , I·- Ii I I I I I 1 .. I GIRl.8 YOU will have a n opportunity to advance In our firm, t.ec.uM of our preaent ••· p.an1lon prorram • The atartl"-M lary la i;ood a nd you wtll rect lH rrequent lncreaau, too. J obtl now fer: TELE PHONE OPERATORS Apply - !'114 ~ No, Main Street Rm, 211 -Santa Ana 11:00 to 4:00 PM. P AClFJC TELEPHONE 73Uc WANTED --Young man to learn try cooking evening• 6 week· •nt11. M111l tie rut 6 neat. S11rt l'.l11h F ry. 2110 Ocean F ront. Newport Buch 82c84 WANT REAL !;STATE SALES· MA ~ or bruker Jl'amllla r with Harb<>r aru. Top commllAHlfl to nne who -11i. tn make money 6 nnt afraid 10 work. HOUSTON REALTY !'1()9 Center &.. COit.a Meaa L.I 8·6911-Ev1-, P.:.. ~298-W 83cM BANK N,C.R. bookkee1>4"r 6 clerk. Permanent , :I day wk. Apply Newport Harbor Ba.nk, Cot or.a del Mar. 83cM IBM operator: bkkp. m ach. oper; f t c bookpr.: wallreu: domeallc male eervlca 1ta. & boat builder. J UNE FARRAR EMP'L, AG'CY 40211 32nd St.. Newport &a.ch c acrou from City Hall 1 83cM PART Tl'M:E aalealady for ladlf'1 ready t o wear, S yra. eKPf>l1ence. Age 2:1·:10. Apply BALLARDS 1829 N-rort Rlvd , Coit& Mesa 83c85 WANTED Girl with netl appearance. pleu- e.nt phone voice. typing ability 6 we hope llQme bookkt .. plng ex· perlence. We ~o hope ehe la between 20 • 35 yur• or ate. T o arrange an lntervlrw phone HE'RITAG!I; S HUTTERS LI 8-8841 83c~ PRIVATE RM A bo11rd ph.111 S50 mo. tor 2 d1y11 clranln&', light ~uaework 6 bahy •llting. P4!r· manent. Lido l11le. Har. 1688·¥ 83c86 EXCE LLE:-<T poa111on tor couple. man chauffuer 6 handy mlln, \1t1te ualat In houae. Uve In or 1»1t. Hubor 2370-M. 83c8~ .ATTENTION ALL BOYS - THE NEWS-PRESS Is now taking carrier appllca tlona tor routea 111 the .. nel1hborhood.e:- Balboa, Wut Newport, Balboa Ill., Newpor t Hellt'ht•. Corona del Mar and Co11ta Mesa.. U you are 12·14 yra. old. and have a bicycle, apply at th• Clrcula · lion Dep t.. Newport Harbor New1-Pru1, 2211 Balboa Blvd .. Nev.•port Beach, between lp-12 a. m. or •-~ p. '"· nt1ly acept S1llun:lay11. ltc . . ~ -. .. - \\'A:-.'TEI"\ Ml l 'SED PIANOS tnr our b11f n'nl&J dept. Htghut ca.ah Alln" ance In trade fClr OTpn, Spinet piano. or Grand piano NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART Ill· PA~E I FRIDAY, JULY 29, 19SS Good Used Furniture TRADE OR SALE 45 f\. trunk ca bin crulwr dHlgned by J. J . Cupp. bullt by Oakland &o.t. Work.a In 1948. Sle\'ii-8, bu 2'73 h p, Hall Scott-New baltenu . Automatic C'1rrulatln1 bait t.ank, new propellf'r. auto- matic bllg-e pump. 1ta1ntu a 1tttl plley, F'&lrbank• ·Moree Aux. generator. 8 ft. dinghy with m errury 5 ll. p. motor. Ship to ahor. radio. A II for S 13.!'IOO. Would llke a nice lot or hou.e 1n thl• &rt&. DA?':Z·SC'HMIDT. Complete house or apt tumiahinga &droom. living room. dining room. :120 No. Me.In. Sa nta Ana. S MALLEST STUDIO Piano with full 88 kr\•boar<i In fine l'On· dlllon Tl'rms, ••!'> 3:1 do•rn and JUI 17 per mo at Lawn and patio tumiture All kinds baby furniture t Mart Near Nu Furniture RHAFER'S MW!k l'o. cS1n1·e 19071 421-•23 N . Syearunrr , Se.nta Ana 1'hone Ki m b4'rly 2-0672. 2819 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 5392 SPl:"lltT P I ANO. Reaut1f1tl e&84' It 1 tone Lillie 1111f'd. S11ve ovrr $ IUll nn lhu1. Anulhr r barg11in Mir· r11r type ~p1ne1 only $4!!111. Many utht>r won1frrful lrnva. 30-MlAcell.uteoua Sale -Sale -Sale Starta Wed .. July 27 New 11Ummer cuuala, 1un and cocktail d~uu reduced ror lm- S!-Funaiture for Sale BAY Ir. BEACH REAL TY LIDO OFFICE DINING ROOM 13112 L&fayeue, Nt>wport Har 3643 7 PC. eohd w'1nut. lncludet 5 Har:_ 2999 Evu uphol1lered 1lde ch1.1ra. 1 arm r ha1r, largl' ext. t&blr. In fine condition. S:S.00 per mo. P ANZ-SCllMIUT M11.11\· Co. 620 N11 Msln St., Se.nt.a Ana. Alwaya 100 p.1n01'. m~late clearance -S4 to s12. MATTRESS & BOX SPRING WANTED lo rt>nl by year Slip ur dock ml)(mng fur 18' kt,.I aloop. Phone l!:d 280\l I nr \\1rl~e 1043 I:. Vine, We11t Covina 8ip86 liAMl\l,l))'l;lJ Org11n. Slightly llSl'd, GCIOI! big H \'lng Anoth,.r won· dtrtul buy. Hammond Chor<! Or· tt•n. Lllllt used. The Organ everyone can play 1.Arge a.uorlmenl near new COilll, 1u1te and dreMe• Ce.ntutically redur ed -Sl.00 up Katy Doa,ne Apparel 2721 E. Coul Hlft.w11y t Klndell'a Patlo I Corona del Mtr, Cahf. 1000 82-87 EMBOSSED bu111nua card1 S3.99 S Line Rubber Stamp Sl.00 4 Line Rubber St&mp with cul $2.00 1884 cutaJ Book Matchu L. W. WHITE Liberty 8·4011, eves, Ll 8·5150 pptrc Fresh Hearing Aid BATJ'ERIES We Give SA.K Green Stamp• Full 1lu , Ju1t rebuilt, very clean __ _ 529 96. Tl'rma If you w1ah. WANTED TO RENT S mall a&ilboat for Au~lll or part SEALEY MATTRESS & BOX' or Augual , Snlf'". Snowbird or ~ OA?llZ·S 'HMlDT P 1a n11 C-o . 620 l\'o. Main . Santa Ana F ull or twin 111u. P'ftmou. En· Reaponalble 0 <-ean front proJl"r· ------------- l'h&nted Nights. Brand new. Rl'g. ty OW1\U. L W. Bu m a 1131 No. ~PECIAL BUY' $59 50 tor ehort lime only SSl.115 June St.r Loa Angell'A 4. H 0 BF.AUT IF U L SALEM maple S pin· t ach. Term•. 7-9463 84p88 el pie.n o. Rtnla l rtlum Famous BED CHAIR SPEED QUEEN IRONER ·:-,:1 WIZA.RD Comel 13tt .. decked i:lau boat 'M mark 2:'1 mer· cury molor •·Ith leu than 25 hr!. Full controls 8 In. wht'l'I trailn . lite prteerveu. Prll't'd right. LElllnitton 8-33:15 a fter !'> pm. 84l.'86 r11akt Like new. Save $!115. Convenient lem1s al SHAFE R'S Mu111r Co. 1 Stnre 111()71 421·423 N Sy;amore, Santa Ana Phone Klmbt'r ly 2·06i2. J ust the thing for lhe den It ror tha t unrxper l td guut. New - reg. pn ct> S69.5~ --. Now only I $49.:10 -E111y tenn•. Full cabinet. two heat controls, -----T-R-.A--D-E ____ _ motor awltch, heat. awltch. Knee A ringer tip pre&aur e ('Ontrol. orr A un warning light. Brand new. ~g. Sl78.9!'J, your• tor U 19.95 RC' A VICTOR CONSOLF; w ith 12" apr sktr $37 drllvl'rtd T ARTAR TV CO. 2904 E. Coast Blvd., Corona dtl M11r. Har. 0491 8:itfc Save M.00. Long time term•. I 8-utltUI 70-tt. aux. achooner. Fully found, fO anywhere. Wlll tal<e equity In property or amal· KIMBALL SPI?-:ET piano. Me.hog· ler boat. 1220 w. Balboa Blvd., any finish. Ll. 8-4474 82c84 Gunderson Drug Co. SPEED QUEEN Main St. at Balboa Blvd., Balboa CLOTHES DRYER Harbor 616. HI.le Aulomat lc, alalnlna top. hi. I Newp>rt. Har . 3032. 39ttc 2 GOOD buye, 25 ft. 1 ~0 hp. It l 8 ft. 281..; h.p. boal11, bot h fl· bergluaed, fast 6 good c11nd1· 56 P ER MO. r<>nls goort practire 11tano. IAt the k1dd1u learn. Ap· ply lerm rent on Jlllr£hfllf'. Gl')O(I used ple.noa Si!'>, S89, $125, $187 Movie Projectors FOR RENT 8-M:M US-MM S:l-MM HOBBY and MODEL AIRPLANE SUPPLI.ES Mears Camera Shop 1782 i!llewport Blvd.., Coa1a Mu. Phone LJberty 8-7042. Pr tt W ~hing Machine SERVICE l·)'HJ' fU&cll.lllee OD j Oba done and on Wied waabera. 2488~ (rear) Newport Bl., Ca.ta Mua. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tlc WEDGEWOOD eto,·e. 'beat oC con- dition. oven c<>ntrol clock A timer. Leaa the.n 11 pr1n •. Har. 4~2~ ~cM med., low heat control. Floor •mple. New. Have It bl'forf' the ra1n11 come. Ref. 1219.9:1. Now only 5189 9:1. MARTIN'S FURNITURE CO. J 885 Harbor Blvd., COii ta Meaa ;..! 8·:1131 82c83 ' SETTERGRE!'ll Spinet piano $M O. Antique pine cor. cabinet . U 75 Custom oak • poster ',, canopy bed . $135 Antique 4 drewer pine chest S 25 C'u11tom 011k wuh stand . $12.50 Custom 03k card table . S 10 Cu11LOm oak tne.ngular end table .. .. S 12 Ctu1lom oak cottff' table Ple.nter ln1cl • Cuatom cotree lable, old $ 25 lion. Ready to go. AlllO tlber· elc. LoweAl trrma. glau cloth ruin etc. Aerojet DA!\'Z-S CHMIDT, Marlne Motora. J ohn Nort k. 28081520 !'<o. Main. Santa Ana The Rhine !Lido Penn.I Har. Alwa ya 100 piano•. ?931. 7~ttc 28-FT. MAHOG. plank ca bin crul· .er. Sleepa 4, head. gaJlt y . 93 hp A bait tank. 1217:1. Harbor ~40-R. Rltfc BOAT WA.~D: Lym an, c!entu1y or equivalent bey boal. Harbor 8087 week end11. 8 1p84 ORGAN SPECIALS HAMMO;oo.;D S pinrt organa. hke new. Big n v1ng11. LOVE LY 11ngle manual el~l ron1c organ in perfect conoiUon. Save '$40/l. c .mvrnlt nt terms 8l SHArER'S M1111lrCo. ISlnre 19071 42!-4:!3 N Sycamore Santa Ana 16 FT. OLD T OWNE S KIF F-Phone Klmbrrlv 2-0672. tran11om stem and quarter tieck. ld'al tor outboard motor. SIOO. Coat new S525, Har~![ 2751. S3c86 8 FT. CHRIS CRAFT Pram hke new, oar"'i,6 tr&iler included Sl OO 2116 Mlram&r, B&ll>OC" 83p86 ORGAN. Electronic:' l'i1ed but In excellent cnnd1tlon. ""'-·o man- 11al11. Fine !or church or homr . You can save $800 on thle pur- C'haat DA NZ-SCHMIDT. 1520 No. M111n. Santa. Ana pld le c<'nler . .. .. $ 3!:'1 .Anl1 que ro11e wood deek $ 301 THIRTY ONE F"T. 19:13 Chria 6-0-" U\%y SuHan table 6 2 Craft, twin acrew crown 11p«lal. Si>--i)()Jt8, Cata, Pet41 Captllln'• chalra S '10 10 ft. beam auto. pilot, radio. -:..--·---- v' v Check these Used Cars 11\17 from a k>cal de&ltr ••bo "Ill M htre fOMORROW to t>.ck up what ne Af'll• TODA\' ! 40-Aato. ud Track9 4~Aatoe and Trucb --------- VA-VA-VOOM! WHAT BUYS! 53 Ford 54 Plymouth Cuat. 4 dr. Wit h R & H Fordo Surburbau Wagon R & H Hydnve $1195 $1795 54 Mercury 52 Ford \'1C'toria Monterey Hardtop R ..& H .Merco~atk R & H Fordo $2295 $1345 53 Plymouth 49 Ford -Station Wagon Radio Ii. Heater $1295 V 8 1:: Ton Pi<'kup $645 THEODORE ROBINS Your· Ford Dealer 3100 WEST COAST Since 1921 HIGHWAY "ON THE MARINERS' MlLE" LIBERTY 8-3471 ) END OF MONTH SPECIALS! 1953 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4 dr. power steering R & H, WSW. power glide o nly $1425 I 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club cpe. Radio 2 t one paint, all new tires 1950 BUlCK 4 d r. Sedan. Light green. R & H Dynatlow . $1195 $795 1952 DESOTO V-8 4 dr. Sedan. light blue. power ateeri~g. R&H. Electric window&. Only $1195 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coaat Highway Ph. Liberty 8-3486 FOR SALE -Coldapot ref. with new wilt, StO. Call Kl 6-2742. lt 5 antique wpodt'n cha ir•, bail tank. f1'h H ck. 11Jeepa 4-BLACK MASKED L<we B1rda - l'llch ........... $ 10 Hubor 1704. 83cM F lcdg lm&• SlO ._ 173 Flower '6--Auto. Uld __ Trw:b _____ _.. 41-Auto 8entlce Doubt. twln or Klnlt' al:se 1-------------Bl.. Coata Meaa. U S-3eoo a3cAIJ A B TABLE TOP rangr ,old, clun Sl 5. C..U Har. 2690·R 83c8o& 1952 FRIGDIARE deep treu~ 11 cu fl., in very &ood condlUnn SI~. Har. 1801. 83c8:1 FURNIS~G A RE:-.ITAL! French P rov1nc1a1 23 rr. ALBATRoss sloop. F•u11. G M C Motor Overhaul headboard . -· s 40 Just completely rt palntf'd. 21 SIAMESE KITIENS • . . . • .... suit• sa..113 It spinnaker. jib. 14 NO MONEY DOWN Loungt' chair 6 ott.om.t.Jl ·· • "~ f l. Relnell Outboard, Ma rk 20 F.XCELLE:'l.'T PEDIGREF: Ant ique cheat cupboard S 80 TRIPLE CHECKED * •th th• d * Antique cobbler'• bench Mercury molur • tr&Jler. 1600. KI !'>-230i . 8 4c86 WI IS a i11pedall . S M !;a3d10"',:"'n e9th2Y,.~tl. Balboa lsl83~~ USED TRUCKS 6 Cyla. ·······----S48.88 Ar POlNTMENT Only Har. 16117 _:_. ~ . "" .,...,, ~7-lJvestock -'1-Wantf'd to IWnt Rentals Wanted We nttd 1pt1 and houaea lJI all N<'tlona for tkllh ..nntn U4 Yt•r·• 1 .. au f"um. or UJlf\lm.. Lt )'OU ha .. a Y&CUIC)', phone toda y The Vogel Co. UOI \\' C.l.. Hwy , Nf'"'l"~rt 8dl. Pilon• Lll><'rty 8-3481 10I Martnt'. BalbOa lale.nd Pbont Har~r 4H 2667 E. C-na11t Hy., c",..'"" drl 'hr Pho"" Hllrhnr 17•1 l.hln O tfll'f', :H16 \'1a l.tdn Harbor 41li I :t:lllr :!.8-AP~-~-!~~-IM'8~~~~­ Choice Summ<"r Rt"ntaJs on Balboa Island & Lido lslt' Small • coiy ur larr;• 6 dtlua• 175 to 5300 m onth VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., BaJbua lalan.t Ph. Harbor 444 or HarboT 21:1l R u . Har. 1788-R or Har. SO!'>ll·M -.uo BALBOA ISLAND t •nturn yr ly f'f'nla l 2 1tor)' hnm e In r hOll'fl lor•t111n, l'lo" tn hll \' !I hdrm.-, :l hlllhl ph11 dC"n " l11n1l. S 18."I p..-r m o. W. W. ~ANFORD. realtor 6 A ll~••ctatra Park A Mitrtnr HAr. 2462 Htfl' ROOMS, COTT AGES. APTS. DAY OR WEEK THE BLUE TOP MOTEL., 403 Nt w pnrt Bl\ld., JU&t e.bove The Archf'll 7'tfr RENTAL rj SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cr&11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marin• Ave. ~boa bland, Har. 1871 T2ttc Summer Rentals BALBOA PENINS ULA :I BDRM. lk"'"" rront. J t:>O f"'r .., .. ,.k. Avallable nnw throug h Sepl LIDO JSLE 3 BDRM. lar c e pa tio. Sl~pa elirhl Mo. or Aug. $650. THE VOG~'"L CO . 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Npt. R 1>111'11 LJbert y 8·3481 , ll:lc·f\:I 48-A-AJ!tL f~r Rent. __ _ Lido Lease Waterfront tum. n-2 1 a,. bat h. !:Ire. t qu1p. ktt Garb. d1ep. 428 Via l.1di1 bdrm. OW , !'\11111 bOtl, 82c84 MOORING F OR SALE Sl i 6. Al110, • ---.,-----8 Cyls. ················-·-$58.88 -------------bait ntt 5275. C&JI l..I 8-3600 F'Ol'R·year-ultl part Arabian grey '48 FORlJ '• T PICKt:P lnr ludu both labor an d parts. Mesa Woodcraft 83c85 l.f"lilln~ plus •qu1pmtnt. ,IHlddle. 411 G MC •, T J>ICKl:P Nrw n ni:s. wrist pins. valve COLDSPOT R EFRJG. Good Cham· TABLE top gas r&ng!!-good c:on· A T'TRACTIVI: ocNn vltw l b•lrr11 apl. partlally rum Sulla bl~ '"' <ouplt S'i:I mo. yr ly ~:1~. \\ 16th, C'nata MellL Call II to :1. H1&r. liO 111111' b4'rs atove, trunkA, M_.,n Jara, tht1on $20. Har. 3960-J . 83c8~ I ndian rugs, t>lect. t1.na. picture USED AUTOMA.T~ framt's, g ra.'3 M.IJC, e<c. Ha r. eu· $251'>. LI S-4474 82c84 ·50 CHJ-:\'HUL.1-:T •: T. PA~l-:L ~rind, fittings or m11n and rod :)I F ORD 6, •, T. PICKl:I' bean nga. Ex~rt motor tune up. Y ~:A ttLY llEl\'TAL 2 11 ... 1rm r111n drhlltf' •pl. AlllO WIJlhl'r, "111 ~ 11gr. thtrrun. heal, quiet. Nta r ltu11 1tor 20••2 421111 Rt :-.; .. ". J•••l U lj 76116 11 rtrr 4 p 111. or H11r 31 31 Nd. 9 112cl!4 3:132 8•c86 $39.50 to $99.50 BO YS SCHWINN Bicycle. regular 111u S2:1.60. 117"1 Diamond Ave, Dellvere(I !n_11t.alled, guaranlerl1. Balboa leland. 84c8:1 TermR avallahlt BROOKPARK SQUARB plutlc dinnerware. Suri:andy Sl:I. - Stalnlriu1 flatware. Ballet by Wallace $15. LI 8·•063. M c86 HERCULES Tourist 3 11111•e• Eng- lish blkr with Sturmey·Archer shirt $29.M . H&r. 41 l:l·J . R4r86 MOVIE CAMERA 16 mm. $80. Machinist• t uol btix SIO. Micrometers. H a r. 4234. 8~p HOUSEHOltD general, t If bu1l<I· tng or remodehn1t I. uaed ntjtll, heatera. pipe joinla • cupbollnill f'h·. 1803 ~: Bay Bal)>(la Hllr 1142. 8-6c 19"•13" GAS GRIU. StO. Two electnc mLlted m 11ttr11 S~ ea AIM> told up c11t with ;.prinl(ll 6 ma ttre1111 S4 ~ 1606 W B11I· bo& Blvd. or rail H11r 27 84c85 YARDAGE Inventory Sale on Dealgner•a Fabrlc11 al Wholuale Prlres. MAROJE WEBB 19~ So. Coe.st Blvd. Lagm~ Bear h 83 Uc J'or thoae who we.nt the bul Konkel's Interiors Henderson's Automatic Washer Service 26•fl Ntwport Bl\'d. Cn~ta M~n LI 8-7808 I ntllr Golt Cour~e I pr tee SPECIALS' RANGES: Wedgewood. very clean 40 Wrill(ewoo.1 P"r(. cl 41 " Unlvo>r.111<1 elect dPluit 39" Prt11>1J<'l lty w11rks •·k :l6 REFRIGERATORS: l<l'lvina tor 6 C'C runs Wl'll Servr l apt size Kelvmatur P"rf"Cl 1·onr1. 1.tte model. 8 1·r . C'o1t111p01 r d nm.11 nk WASHERS : $2!'>.00 ~9 rio liflM 29 :10 109 ~o 39 :.o L11uni:era ll, goud cnni.J F n giu&lrt, autvm late E&JO_y ~pmrlrier. p oOd Be11dl1t ""v!'rlll :J9 50 mM. 99.l'l-O !'>!l ~o 20.00 s~\'1'1'1\1 v11cuum rle11n .. r8 rrnm 19 95 Iv 2(') 00 STHOOTS HOW E HOUSE\\' ARES 1802 Newpllrl Blvd , t'Ol!tfl M~llS s:tc86 31-Want.ed to Buy Upholatrry. draperlu , bed11pread1. allrcovtrl, WANT TO Bl Y -3 ulvan 111y heds. Also b11by tum1lllre_ H11r. New phone Liberty 8-71173 431 E. 17lh St. Fru ~tlmatea Costa Mua 71p84h ORIGINALS Af'Tl:RNOON. Cocktail, dinner d ruau 4t Coordlna te11 Cu.atom Dressmaking Ph. Hubor 02U·R 7lp84 11392. 84d!8 32-Fumiture for Sale RAT'TA:"I: rumiturt-2 tablt1, •M L 2 large chaJrs, 4 ocru 1onal 1 hair~. round wall llhl'lf H11r 26!18. 83l'8'4 ~-----~--F'OR SALE '"" t<Qhd b1nh Early Ame1 t('&n dining f hluri- $40. Har 47i 4 83p8!> BIRCH d1mng rm. tablt' 6 cha1r1 .ti 2 b11ffell;c. 3 bm ·h bar a1ool1 & rhrnme d1nrtlf' n l L1 8-27111 8:lc8."l Unpainted 6 J uvenile Fucnlture LOE rKllninc patio chairs $3.96 Groovt>d w11ll plate •helf 2.45 18 · Sturdy Sloola 2 3:1 Minwu a nd Dett tlnlahes Order• taken tor 1hultt rs 2121 Harbor, C.M. Uberty 8·1645 NEARLY NEW 14 fl. C lln.1 l.:rall fl~ gluud, l"()&hoit. t o p, E\'en- rude 15 h p. motor, ronl rola- Traller. wenrh. dolly 6 ac_ .. es- llt>r1t>11. Har. 2126. 83p85 U FT. BIRCH CR.AFT, 71,, h p. -10-AutOM for Sal.-· CLAUD SHARP LAWSON TYPE davenport. a nd Scott A tw&tl!r motor, new CO\ler arce11110r le11. 213-40lh, Ph. Har. Our sAlr1<m 11nairer aay11 • , . clla1 r S2!'>. W 8·5217, 83c85 1169-W. 83c8ft "Yeto . w r h11ve " nirr 1elec1.ion of BY OWNER 8 c:u. tt Deluxe St:rvd s1· & R b t refr ii:. lik e new Sl60. For a ppt. tp OW Oa to sef', HAr, 2757 llft .. r 6 :308~~~~ Space for Rent r American Legihn 215-Hlth St. BED SPR. 6 maltreria complet«, h11thboy. cha.Jr. bench 6 dre•ing Meetings 2nd --1th Wed. 8 p.m table $:10. Odd ch1t.1n1 6 dlahu. I PHI( 212 Pearl. Har. 285r>-~ 83c85 FAiRLlNER 26 ft. twin acr<'Wll, CHERRYWOOO comer table with grry Ore b11 lls lveded A 1 cun- lrathi>r top, birch coffee 1.8bl<', 2 ple.nter end teblu with lea ther 1np ~alem flnlAh. Har. ~0~10 8Jc85 tlltlon $7,i !'t\I. LI 8-6710 8Jtr; NEY..'PORT SAJl..L1';G 0 1:-0GHY !lberglAM ext en or compltl e with 2 •, JnhrutQn nutboan:I motor 11nd •ail. ntfl.Jlt & gf'llr 1200 H1u 3i 49 31 4 FACTORY BUILT 12 rt. outboard Clean Used Cars Fairly, Priced! WE wnn't lr ll you they arr s s s s le"' tha n you .an buy else- when•, 11nd 1 Wt! WILL make a profit nn t!VtrV car we ~ll 1 bul ynu W1 l.L gel • GOOD DEAL, BARGAINS, Mahog. 6 maple cof· fet tablt"s, kidney d reMer with ~1001 . maplt> 11hpJ'l!'r t"ht11r. Har· bor !'>894-W. 83c84 - --~-------bua t & tra!l"r with forward a,nd a (111r traoe -in on Your Old r wu HEAUTIFlJLLY CARVED TALL CHESTS. HARBOR 5362. '\3p8i det.k a. rur bulkhe&.d. xteertn~ C'ar wheel 4 Cfinlrols u3ed 2 mo. 1n 3loragt·. S225 to rlo11e estute. .l\J8 Gran<! C'&na.I, B11lbn11 l~la ncl. TWO l:HE;oo.;ILLE covered htad· 8:1cli:i lx>artl• Ar epreads 120. Maple IM d• M t I l"ht'IH $16. P11lnted de•k SI~. Till BO AT. 34 rt. MO!'\TERERY tcip an IC 0 ors, nc. top n111hog . table St5, Provincial rontrol11. completely equlprd. O• MAl:"I: ST l1l'<I S:l5. 2 matt..re1111Pa tor built I head, racllo, bA1t trrnk, t rolhng Hl 'NTINGT ON BEACH 1n 11of8JI 130. Hu . 2648-J. 8 4c85 ge.ar, :1k1rr A 5 h p. J i,hn1mn -13:100. H11r ls.'l8·R 8:ld !5 8:Jc.' MAHOGAJ\"Y tablt'. rofCH tablt, -- l11m p1.1. winit ch111r 6 oventutfl'il 34-Muslcal, Radio, TV Harbor 4120-\o\. 84f'!lil DBL.SEO. ni'w ml! ttres•, drt111u1. nlle 'land A bench to match $7:, Ruit It p11l1 llx 12 $20 Harbor 61118 84r 86 17" MOT OROLA TV Wtlh AM .. F'M m d•O. 3 llpted phonog 1 a ph. Reduced to $16 i. TART AR TV CO. 2904 l!:. Cl'&.;lt Blvd , Ct•ronri. d•I MO\'Jl\'G f~ROM AREA m wit 11"11 '-1a r H11r. 5191 8Jtrc JllM St:N VALLEY MERCURY, 11 11 power equipment, terms. Call ownt r, LI 8·3663 or Ll 8-6223. 66tfc 1947 Bl:H.:K 2 rtonr. ucell. con- t1t llon. Pn». pu ty. LI 8·21i•l 82c84 lltlf& bl'd wll h t•over 6 bol•lfr I ------------ to malch S:SO: modtrn wrought STED.'"W A Y GRA!l.-0 Gorgeou11 in f'URD l'ICK l:P, late 1950 Clelln lrnn cour h 8 mo. old Si !> : W1I-ewry w11y Parlor slzl' T hlt a. 1 t<" .. n.t 0,·erhe.ut Oood shap<> ~ h:ll range. good condition STr> "·ondtr!ul 111atr11mt nl &l a hi' L I fl-5878 after 8 pm. 83p& A Krnmort v1r11um v.,th 111-1u "ing. Me.ny other Gre.nd11 :t.h· _ tarhment1 $2~. Har. 372&. 84c84! aon It Hamhn, Kn11be. Story a. l9H FORD convl!'rtlble by on(lnLI 3S-Boata. Suppl\M Cla rk. ,.lr Pn cr11 Si.90 ant1 up girl O\lo'nl'r. &JI xl raa. WW t re•l· DA:-.IZ·SCKMIJ"lT ~ano .. d h ke baby. cute .. full O( pep . 520 No. Matn. Sllnta Ana. Hu , 411 7 83c8:\ 100 p1anoa. ANTIQta::s -Old rumlturt , cut glua. la mpe. old pl<'.lurea. <'locks rlc. Bar~am• galo rt . Big d 111- rounta to dN lera. Charlie Oa\1J, 11100 E. An"11elm St .. Lonf Bch. M<>-139. 29t.fc FOR SALE J'amlly plot in Harbnr Reel Memoria l Pule fl.OO<l loc•Uot1 .... 'Ll ~HO l!'V,.ntnjtll • •'1'"k ~nlls. l 1'3c8."I WANTED-8lfflcr•tl 28 tt. .. dAn crur.9t r lo U~. A lt0 round bnl • tom aa11tnc dlns hy t o U OO. Mr Kelton. Bf'lfort Co. v A 2943 Al:"ro. Hotpotnl ra.ngf', hmM oak, \Win bed11 cor~. A matrh. • t;RED Walnut·Rf'lnl'l by B11ld.,,,.1n F ull keybnard S49:1. WOODWORTH rl A NO CO. 2'11 0 E C"aio l H111:hway Corona rtrl Mu. SJ , SIX c -.L. cuatom 4dr. F ord Sedan. Low m ileage. top cond1· 11on 111tom trana. R6H WSW. -For a duieod&bte u11ed car, aee your local dee.Jer who wlU t>. here TOMORROW to baC'k up what he wlla TODA y ! Check the USl!'d uni In t h• claulttt'd llf'Ct1on lo· day. ('hu t-. ht d t11\·1n, µr n~11tch Hcwy. WKnd. <'hfllrl , L fl W· •on lo\'t auu . be1J rc1mpl. pr . n1te •te.nda, ir•• 11tove. Harbor 2tl3i ·M. 84p88 l\t()11ER:"\ COlll'h, lOffef' aml 11nd ll\blu . Modf'm ,J,ak S4~ ~land l11mr S:> S1njrl\, b<od w ith nit t· Ir"~" " rhrPt "'l4!'> 0 B11lt'"" t'm t, ~4 r 84 p~!l 18 f-r. l'L.STOM CUPPER, co11· vrrt1ble Mark :lo. all con trola. S""nr1cr, nf'arly nrw 6 one m an lrallH Kl :l-81 1!\ 84r86 M rr BOAT, 8 tt bum. no m11- tor. ~oo.I ct1rtdlt1nn Mak,. o(frr Atltr I p m • .,,. ll 1!122 Pl11• • .,tll n . .-1 .. M•.. S•r ... 6 Pt1. Hll rbor 3~:.I. RCA VICTOR 21" ColM TV rt· reiveA black a11d wMte too. TARTAR TV CO. 2~4 I:. Cn&J!t Blvd , Corona dc•t M.tr. Har 54111 113tlc PKICE D FOR QUICK IALE: H11rbnr 2174-R 83c& '1'13 CHEV. 4 '1r . ~H. 4o new urea Owner going to Fre.nce. M114t Hll 1mm@d1a tety. '700 or hli<heat bidder. Ll 8-6175. 83c80 ':Ii OL.DS Su~r 88, 2 dr., Hydro· m allr MH , PO''""r brake•. tinted· itl&M-Kl 3-llSS I. 8..'Jca:I ' ·~2 CH~\'ROL.ET 1, T. PA;oo.;~L ' PO-day or •.OOO mile gua~ntee. l l'\0 ~tO~EY OOW~I. ':13 UO UGE l i T .. JCKUP ':'.>I CHEVROLET '~ T. PICK· REBUJLT ENGINES L'P, HYDRAMATIC TRANS -UP to 1:1 MONTHS TO l'AY- ':'>3 F'ORD 8. •., T Pl I< lTI' Built In our own r11C'tory by 11kllh:d '48 CH E VROLET I T. 11· UOUY. machtni:<lll. l>nn'l contend with BAY VIEW APT, on L ido Penin- t •.. STAK""S '. Miia. ~rw & attrs i.:t1ve pa_nt llr<l "' \hf' m1ddl,. m an Buv dlrPr t. ·112 CHEVROLET 1 T PAl'\EJ~ REBUILT and INSTALLED llvini: ttV•m. 2 b<lrma. F11r yu rlv '!'>2 CHEVROLET 2 T 179" WU, lt<a111• l'h ll11r. 27:\1 or H 11r 80 2 SPEF:O. 11·211 TIRE S l'HOflT B LOCK 6~Mr. '!'>.! STl'DEBAKER 2 T 1116" FORO . .. .................. -Sl29.r)o -------------we. 2 S P EE D. 8 2:\ TIRES CHEVROLET ................... Sl49.:,o BAI.BUA ISLA:"l:l l 11nf11rn 2 htm 'f14 DODGE 2 T 4 YO. llL'MP. PLY~! & DODGF: ............... S1:1:1 "Jll' S!!l'I mnnl h "" '""~" llt.i I! 25 TIRF.S, 2 SPEF:l 1 1 CHR1'S. •,DE SOTO .......... _ S 170 ll<ir 2H :'I. R:l1 Ii!'> ~·t GMC 10 WHEl'.:L OUMf'. STt.:OEBAKER ............. SliO Dl "l'l~EX 2-1>'1-r111-.-.-,,-t-(u1-n-. yrh. B 14 TRA!':S 1 OLDS le PO~'TIAC 6 ....... -.. St 70 h1111111 12 blk. l •• 11<1•11n l)n~ yr. -We have a llO<'k or 3:1 11n1111 to chooH from, all typeie an<I l'l•~I!" Thi• 11to<'k mu11t bf' mov4'tl at on ct e.ntl no re11JOons bl~ oft f'r wlll ~ ref1111~ \\'e c•rr y 11111 own tontracta BL'lCI' · ·· ........... -...... $J7:i "l•I $&11 m.t 131'1 H lh SI,, H UDS0 :-1 ... .. .... .. ..... "n. :-.: ''" 11ort 13,.,., h 831 fr Loan ('a r F're,. Tt1\\mg NEW ('AR GliARA!'<TEE Blork must fh!'l'l our s tsndanlll Plus taiti>s. i:askru and 011 Opt>n Sunds~· 10 a m. tc. 2 p m . Balboa Furn . Apts. OA Y W F:f"K M():"l:TH Hrarl I BELLES ENGINE W.W. WOODS I C '-fC DEALER I REBUILDERS I nl to" n. 1, bl• ck tn b•y, hlot k ttt rit ''"" &, JH"r 911 f: B:ilht111 Bh··t l111rhor 172!1-.I 731 fi8 615-19 E . Hh St. Santa Ana Op1·n Dally 8 to 7 S lltle Bondt •J :"I:<> ... H~ACCJ.S BA y -Summn '"n1111 l'JWI• 11111.-rum Apt , "'""Jl' ~. , \'trl1111k lni:: hlly Jun,. IMh Open Sunday • m. Truck hradquartera for Oran1e Co. BUSINESS IS GOOD • TRADING WILD Because we NEED USED CARS Joe Nickertz STUDEBAKER OEAL~R 3838 Npt Bl"d :"p\ 8'-h Hu l'tlO '!'>3 Bt.:IC'K RIVIERA Supr r R6H Xlf!nt v in11 <)wnt r Har 0460-W u Ketch Rnat1, Bocnn R•y 84c86 19~1 Bl.ICK Sptcla l d,.luu aedlln Or1g inal O"'ntr. orig flnlah All new llrea-SP9:1 W 8· i 250 82c84 ATrENTION Nash -Hudson NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SA:"l:TA A ':\A s .. pl J .,, h . S'i(ll) mhnl h A U-!O v.·111 111k•· r"'"""'11l1nn l"r w1nt1>r. llnr. 2471, r'1urtcav t•1 11g<>nl ~ 4:1.fr 1 4i-T_~,!~ . BALBOA ISLAND *PAN-AMERICAN ~cl i MOTEL APTS. Paramount-Terry l 'ruk1n1: rl'll"IVAtl"n• 1t11 y wel'k 11r r1:'1 1!1' T'an Am .. r 2 bdrm rn .. nlh :1~1 M ArtnP Av,. Hr11 I A l:IUY ~)C)li,:. 71p84 ;,;1 18' T i rry Sl'E<'IAL N E\\ 1·:·•VI fl=' 2 tvlrm npt - ·:,1 27' Mobil" Tan•lcm b11th 111,.1.,.,,,. 1111.iini.: <l<•·r 1,, pai 11, MA:-.IY M i.J!1E . Ea"y Tn11111 '"11 "'I fl i t• f! 111 rh11nn"I P ort Orange Trailer !)a lt>R """'I i l iT\o 111 ''' 1•11n :11>:1 22(11') w c .. ...sl Hiirhwwy Jll•h St :--; ...... ,.,,r, ll11 r :11124 f l'h•m" Llbl!'rty b·H 211 H:lc 11:'1 ;., A'f''ll t 01'al h 72184h 111· • .: \'IK lNf; :1~1 2 Mrm~ ~·u11 b1Llh Dnv,. bv • •~t 111 1:ia w. t ':"Fl H:" lllH••I:" "I' 'J t>olr11 ~ Si ll "', \'11\' Anni n .. w H~r 01'•11 \\ 81• Ml 16th apa rt 7 f 'r,.11l1L M"~ll :St. S1 1'11111 Apt It" t .... 1-tlrh"r r~llJ'o'1n11bl,. llrf"r '"'"'"'! t;\'E· .,, I f 1n 1•11111.11111 Ir A1•1 l»:'llr/1 .Sl:SGS • W F.EK·E~l>S 84p.IS6 i J1~n11 .. A \" l'nr1i11" •l"I ,\h t LL'GGAG ~: THAILER h 'l all I , 84• "11 m,.tal ~ndn""''· 27u E r a10 ,,., I 'l tltf •;\A I ·~:1. M A It n• " I It h , I ('n11ta M""" Lt 8-7674. b3r&:. •1 r Wllh rlliV" ll n·I , .. ,,I~ "' l II .: I"· '" T1I,. •t k At.""" 47-"'anlfod t4 R4-nt 1.i,11 •;11, '' t1•p t 111 1 1 .. ,.h. A 1---------------"I RI"'' •II 1;11• \4 lt lt l<• 1 t•u,:,. .. ~ 1 "' fA 11n11r•·" c 'lt11" ~·· owners T W 0 B f>RM unt urn 11rt "' ,1,,1,.11 " •1.,11, Si'.. mo 1 , hou1,. • 11u . )'rly ,.,,,,.11• 11~1 1 .. as .. rn 1.1 11-:11•,; 14 r""' Rioh Hahn's Garage Mu pr•r .. rrr t1 t<1 :-•P!I ·•1 - - .AuthoriMd Parta • lkn-lce I Kl 7·i182 t>--for<• :I 30 p "' i' 1 'Jt.S i 1 r ""'I.•, 1 "l•t u•., ai9o Good TranapottatiOft I A:J. I\', r. ' '" l I'' 111 ·" 1,. ·" Ii "' 'I"• ~ Ca 8 le 1•11v1l"r• • 1,111 II•"'• 11 fin , ra r~r a • e1·1I :"l:E!'IS C,lRL uri"r11l_r n ..... .i,. n ... , 1111 1 1.1,.,,.1 I , r' e 1111'• Auto Radio Repair 11mall 1·LE:A!': a pt or rc,.,m v.·lth '•iii· ~;., I•"'' \\ .n ... r r•r •al .Al\O E -,oJ.h St I klt.rhan prinlecr.a Ruvm•hl" l,.u .. H~• 1 ,,1 ) , I\ 1 .. ,. ... SI ,,, 9TV7 • .L7T • plHA"' Ca ll !'lat a!tr r N()(.1:"1:. rr , .,,. I • •r' I r llM 2~"" Newport Beach. Har. 472$. J:IUc Llt>-ort)' Ii ~'173 'f_•' 14'(• -a --------------- ' .. . . PAGE 2 -PART 111-NEWPORT HARllOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 48-Apt.e. &: Houv.. for llf:nt 48-Aeta. & Houw for Bea& Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful lh•ing. Apt .-Cabanaa. Utllitic• paid. with Yacht 11\ip accomodation.a. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. F or arpt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34t!c 4R-A-Ap1"--ror Rent -------------------~ SUMMER Rentals f),.lul(e furn. 11p1. & r()flm11, ~~tol"f'A k Offlcf'll -------------~--1 S ~f ilt. OFF'JCE F'OR RENT. IJO f"'T mo. :.!1>•12 :-;.--11·pnrt Ul,•d , :-;.-.,.·prw1 R, h. Hnr i ':"ll\ 113\fC' ~~.;\!~~~~~-~~---­ Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, 11alary. ~. to $750. or more. One day service Application may be mad• tn per· ton. by phone <Jr by mal l. CALlF. ACCEP'l'ANCE CORPOH.ATION 1898 lla rbor Hh·d., Co1t1 !>II'&• W 11.77e,1 -Oprn P'rideya ull 8 Clo1t'd Satur.!aya-t ltJe REAL ESTATE LOANS Interest Rate 5-5 ~i % LouLa quickly n11de Jn the Bay ANI and C011t1 r.1 e1L Slni;la or multiple unita. Nt"W or oh1 Bt wl.te and ave by re·flna.ntin1 your prl'stnt loan, Afln1nu1rn ex · pf.nae. No .ch•rre tor prtllml· nary appraiu.I. Phon• Sant• o\na Kln1~rly 3-1!9,13 or wrllt ARTHUR A. t.1A Y ATTENTION! OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 31-1 to 5 P.M. ONLY Do You Want One Of The Show Places in Cliff Haven at Below Reproduction Cost? -1 . Ct.lstom built 3 lge. bdrms. & 2 b11.ths. 2. Rustic Living Rm. & Dtn opening on beautiful king eiz;e patio. 3. Over S2500 in professionl\I landecaping. -4. It1s a beautiful quality home on a priu comt'r. ~-This iB not a profit aet"king resale. but a legiti- mate forced sale. The 11.ddrcsa is 621 Cliff Dr., Cli ff Haven. !)ny, Y.'Ct'k or month 1.1 .... 1 1fll'&ll<">n -" r..--w ~lo'p.'I to ev~r)'lh1 n1:. 1n1 f; 1;111 y . H11I0011o. H <1 r :'13 11 171(<" ~3·A-Businl'M P.eata l!4 -.\lortgage Lean Correapond<>nl Ucr1d rnt11l Lifa lnaura.nce Co. THE VOGEL CO 933 South )laJn Santa An11 pp 320 1 \\'.Coast Hlgh\\'B)'. Ne'A'.port Beach, LI 8·3481 Summ~r-Rentals New Store Bldg. WA"'S TV t.lUIJ .l.J. IMJ'RVV-"'. , ____ £_,_.,_._· _c_._11_L_I_be_''_Y_s_.,_._2_1 __ L_Ib_e_rt_y_s_-_1s_•_6 __ _ BUl',• ).10DERS!Z£, on • E xclu11i\'e Bay Fronts + fnr !"11 ... --.• 1·.'i yr~. J .'ix.'i4 ti. r11rk · 'h•1rr1ri'1: 11r"a 1ni:: 11pa t ".· !ilaJor 1r1 .. ry In U <"lu other choice pro pc rtica BLANCHE GATES lillrbor 111an!I. I-lay Shore•, B~a· 1 Realtor con Bay, q1111.hflcil cl1 ent.1 only. H 'b 1 C J :\1 1 ~!A nn~ """'·· Rnlhna 1~111n<1 ar or nvt>stmt'nt o. 11 .. rr><'r 1671 6S1 rc J-111.rhnr ll!OO I Y.v~.'I. LI il--:'!.~86 1 ________ ,._''"! LE ASE 488-llBUSt'fl for l~nt I r1 :-.:~; r.OCAT!O:-.: ln Cr1rona <1<'1 ---------------J\t11r. Co1npl<'l~'lr •''JUIJ'f>"rl !o r VACATIONE"S b"lf•ni: "r deU1·11.tC111;•·n, l'hone !\ I 1!(1 1'h<1r 4 ~1;'.I fo r app't. l!:'ltfc '\'F: JIA\"t:" ''"l\"t}" ••! nto'" n1r e· l.1· rum. 1 •·nt11l11 1tv111\ab!P tn !'>ewporl & t.11i:un11.. S30. 11•k. k ur. Jnquu ,. ;1l!l--'.:::n<1 S t . !'rt. i 'hone 111.11 .. or 1:!211 ~;p!fOh l Professional or Business Men l11t,.r<'ll\,.1t In o!ftc--e llpac<! Ln nl'w r m r'lli;f'd bul!r1ln&". J;th S t. Ne11.r T hr1f1;.-· Ai A IJ"hll fl <'!a .1\.-u kPt.•. REFl!'JANCP.: v.·., Buy Tn.uit ~edi NE\\'i'UHT BALDUA SAVINGS .t; LllAN ASSOCJATIO~ 33111! Via Lido Ph. Har. 4200 "' NO COMMISSION No Arpraisal Fee S ALES -REF1SANC E co:-.:srnuCT10:-1 C11U for F'rl"e, Fast Commitmenls on Re.iclence1 11nd Vnil.t only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. lith St. COSTA ~IESA LI 8 --l'i:'!4 1 Ll 8--11562 F'l'lt:-.:. HOl"SI·: !<<'pl I, Thin bt'rl11 k bfd dJ,•nn, luC'pla ..--t'. 1 orn~r I.,\, j;<>Oo l (f'>l'l!.ll'1n 2 lltlUll.• ':°'.?l Poppy. Hhr. 1'6~1~·:-01 66rth.'. 1 • • .,.ii1. ~f··~11.. <"1111 Har. IJ21119 7811c !-------------- 1--•rJH LtCASE T\\'0 UEAUTIE'UI. ntow Irvine i Ttrr""" unfum. v1..--w h om fs. 3 HDP.J\!S. 2 baih8 lln•l I 2 D£0RlitS., 2 batns. C'111l llarbnr l~~~. tlr llarll!'Jr ~!I S l::ARL \\". ~TA!'l...E'i, Hr allor C-2 BLDG. R~!S. pl1Jt( klll"hl'n do b11t.h an(1 I nn. Zn!I Or, :O:twly d,.-or11.t•·d ""un,1 pro'"'t <"•"111111:.~ S~.'i n10. ~27 ~l llt b,.hlntl P. n. !'ewr1;1rt. 11 111· ~.0 ... 1 ,,r :t81J1 J . K 78p!ll LOANS for Homes :!"' -20 yr __ Lo&nll Construct[on Loans SEE BOB SA TI'LER %:11:i EAST COAST BLVD. t:oru.oa !lt"I Mar Harber :1881 Rtp. PO tRf!:P. llfORTCAGE CO. OCEAN FRONT-Seashore Drive ·-Only 2 yrs. old Lil\"Cly 2 bdrm. home on comer lot. Beat ocean front buy in Harbor Area . Full price $17 ,850. Terma BAY FRONT Balboa Island 2 Bdrm. fum home. Room for 2nd unit. On cor- ner. Real bargain at $31 ,500 excel!. tenn11, BAY FRONT -Pier & Ship Bay A\'e. 4 bdrm. f!1rn . home. Sandy beach. Mo11t outstanding price and terms in area. $10,000 handles. $900 dn, -Bal. $79 mo, (Incl. Tax & Ins.) Thr« bed.rm .. 2 baths--0niy l year old. Back BR.y, Costa b-fe&a . Full price $9850 ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport B!\'d., Newport Beach. H ar. 5226 83c84 Irvine 'l"·1·n1.r o o rrica Coron a dc1 !liar. 3:itrc fine Location M•Lro Wfe ln.11. Funda Kl. 3-.:'l!Mr------------------------------ J f;AL"llt:!{S 1\TIJ--:"XT IOX 3 h.-dr•'!Ohl <"O•T1pltlt<'ly 'r11rnl~h1'<1 .--.. rrphn>:" l ln•·n~ ll'tl\l'"r rrnta!. 223 llrh.__,trf>p~. ('o1ron1t •!"l ·''"'· l !''" nt.,n!h 11.11•!.,,j \\',\Tt--:P.FR0'.\'1'. :-.;,.,\"(lflrt. Jo--"11rn 4 b•ll rt.~. ~ h111h. 1·1~r & !lo8l. :-.:o 1111"''.'I ,,,. dt<:h»~ S I.'>:'! 1no. 0 11 yr·~ t"·•"· A•••I. ~··rt 1 1-11111\o'\r l .~ ... ,,, t: ~611<' !\'.J-:,\1: fl\LUUA l '()\"~:s. Hrsnd now :i l><Jrn1 .• t um . home. !1 re·1 pl•.::e. \\'. \\'. "•r1..,t, d!~aal. -"''•llal>I• fur •umm,.r 409'-i :·":h ~·. x.v.1~·n l s!;on•l 2 !'.!•!\~! f,11n ''"'l~e 4"!1 ;;!'\h st . ~··•r·--1t ~~·r~' ::;n• 11:1·: CLIFI·~ r rl\--.. : .. :? t><1nn. I t•1rn.1--... ~··· ~:'~"•!'er HH•nlh •·11,•. l··ll•<' 1\r •\111 .'1,.1!, !~'.'!!:'oil · un-1 f11m C-111\ ,.....,_, n"r. Jl<tr. :;~tlfl--R . 1 !1!11 f(' !.!DO 1::1.E };'"; c,o,=:\7\0r7o7r=.=T'"""•"·=£7A7c7·r7r-.--:-,,-,,--,bc,,c,,-,, ' hu11~e 11n!,1111 l ti*• !I•••. Xov.h · 1 1IN"nr~1 e•I IA"><•t l!111t~·r uli'.J.~\I ~\'~ii I O :'\~: lll •lt J\I " .. "'"f'rlt'\ i---~:.\7 tinu,t /Ut"n n~11.r 1 l h1\l. f"11\l [,ltl"I I\" I I\ 1r~>\ -------------2 Hf'ln)lli'-rr'V~T ~ ~nTr~11r~ rn· \'II!• t•·ll· l ,\ ~"""""r S ,., h"U•••· k •'"P*r>I: 71'>', !il ~1·gu,.~1te """, Cor«rJl..•!o.'I ~!ar l<ZpSI rQl•I \'"11\<•r (n '"'''"" !'1 I t·11· l lfln<"f' fl"RPr Wt'•'k \"!1 -2!.\h "'\ X t""f'"l"1 l'l'lt·· 53-"ilurr!ll &: Oftl1•r." --~---------- F OH A tt'n.\• A rc"!, BtsU!)' M•~. Ground !!•lvr ll:ocJ~•. ~,,.,,.,,, ,\, zo~.• from l'. O ''""n"r Har 21!&6--\\' 81\op. <.:o,\a 1•11 11 6Strc ----- ASSOCIATE \\'O\;l..D like to Duy tst a.nd 2nd Tru~t Detda. Call H a r. 2:126 • •Btfc ~~~~:_'~!~~---- 51:\000 FIP.!-rr ·rru•t O<•ell on $19. M-0 "' homt". Tnp lor11 t1nn, c·vrona !liar. \\"111 l'"Y 1120 mo. 6 ': ·~ lnlrr<'lll <Jn <l :.? ·~ h"J111!. C a l I 1mmll!l.lately H;u Dor i 26J eve• • .1t11. a11r., 51-R..,al t:state \\'a.nr«I Announcement \\"e are proud to announce the a..si>ocialion .,1;ith this offict' of STANLEY AND MARGE HADFIELD \\'e know their many friends will be happy lo "'e.I· come them back to Balboa Island. WM. w. SANFORD, Realtor And Ae11ocla te11 ·Park at ~t arint>, Balboa Island -Harbor 2•162 '• lntC"lt~t. Acll>'~ or lnactl"t· .\l.ll1 ur W(IJUfln, of yuu h1u·e n:· f"<>l.:"'-'"'d th• tramt"ndOUI poten· llal of tt>e enl~rlalnm<"nl bu•· In .. .,., here l.'1 11. rare "Pr>Orfun. II\" 11> h•·t•OU1l' llllllOt'lll\rd \l"l1 h 11 n 1•r1:11n17.:i1l1>n whlrh w 1(1 ,,r. r"r ~"'1 ~{'("u1'1ly, J't'ffl1""""~'"· anrt \'Pl \' h lth 1Plnrn11 on ,--,,u1 """'""'";nt. ~ .. r .. rv 1r ,.,·u,--... Th1:1 J~ 11 •"C l.' 1n\PfP~t1ni;: prn· r~11111on 11 nd ,.,)IJ \l'lt! n.. t rllln<'<l b\' 111<'n•t-Pr~ • f nri,:11 n11.11\i<>n~ fur rllo•Cul\\"~ r\1111 .. 11, f'.xprtl""'"" not • rquor<'11. In O!d"I' II) •1ual· ~\CRF.ACE ---1 ~-------------~~----------- \\'an\~<1 par<"r!s fr0m 2 Ill 10 11f'rr.•, A r'\' g .. o<J •hslr1cL Vit~h .,r 1r .. ,:,· f11r ~u11111 horn" :-;,. .. -. !'"fl H tt<. LI 8·:'!~(17 vr nn i:~. ~:!c86 '''' Y"U inn~t "~1'1 '1111 a "·1t1<n1:--r~t~':~~!'-i:~~~!!l"'---- """~11 tn !PAtn Anr! bf> e11•v '"I , •. "rc"' """ . HOME and 6 Units T h111n1b111111.11!1<>n •~ 111 ft J'Oll1 l"n GOOD IXCOJ\!E. $31!.0(lll. •t{ll llllm · 1n ron11 nl L11l1n 111 l"nt .. r.IP11n1: !ltun. o r! }!arbor B lvd., 1..:v~\11 th1• '"'•U ntr\' ..-.n 111:rn·--~· h:1•1>. .\f~~.1. • 75pSSh NEWPORT HEIGHTS This mDdcm 3 bdrm. home with G. I. loan. newly decoralcd-fireplace-gar. di11r. -lsrge kitcht'n. Dbl('. gar. \\'ith work bench. large lot, \\'ired for t'lt'ct , stove and \\'asher and dryer. Owner will consider lease option to buy. THE VOGEL CO, 320 1 W. Coaet Hiway., Newport Bf'ach Llberty 8·3481 11 n°I hA\'•• '""'!•11<'11 f•'t !1'lln11·I ---- f)lrlur<nj! 111\ll d!.,!!1h11t J"I:" r tinn--l----------------------------- n1:1 •ph '"""r•L•, ~·•n1: pui-1111t11n~. 6_1_-~~a!_~'.!~~t~-~:!~~~~g~~ 62-Real EMt.atti 62-Real t~tate TV ~hort ... tr11n!l<:r111t1<1"~ 1n 111 -----·-------! - din t, ... ,,r~ 11.i >o..--111! nrcr~Ary ~1 ~.,.~o~~,1 ~~~:-.~~~:~~ ,~;~~0:1~: By f~lolo !h•cl' In ~lltt \ ''!"-'ration.• 11(1<~ furnuillc<I. \\i!J tr,.,!,. r,\r Owner 11"*'""11111-1,• 111• 1tul1n.: new 11--t ~ton~ ri111Jil1ni,:. fluple~ or 11pt~. I h hi d s t• ,. "\" ln.11\' •"I 1t11 11n 1:<'11l<'nl• bl' tnf' • n IJ Y n••ll"Wlt" • ·' .~ ~ \\ \' k 11 P. f ·1 t 1111111,.:t C11unt1·. ll'tll M~Uml" or !Ill.LS O!STRICT ot Fl.Jll,rlt•l'I. • '; "' 1 rlln ''"· <?r -·11 •n p11}' ""~b 111rrer .. nr" '11 ~" '•>nt!n.n\lllo bari,\ "rai!~--ll !ii BH\I\\':-;, 2 1 ~.~ t:, n a11:>n11 '" h""j( liJql. 11,,lt,OA ll•u·hnr .:'l:i~'I--~! 0 11!y 11.,,rh".'1 f(""' •\nc<'re in,t11·1. r ., b3cs:. <hl!ll.S 11'111\• l X11 <Ul10f 1t)".-r"k·1 •'r~ p1 .. 11v !".no11 l'NJU1 r·,.d 1u11y 62--lkal t.:State ~fl'1Jrr'1 \'"11!• Bn:oc Y --1 ~ fnr --~------------ 1'•",....,fllll Al'!>! l!;J,·~:'>, ----·----- II rn1.•: ~ l1r . lg,. r11n•1•u~ rnnm "•t h 11:.r. 2 r1rr11!1r t'll, r JI, )1f'll, '; E. •ll~l1\\"l\Sh~1. !ll~Pll~A I o.· .. r ·~ ar r' RU (f'rlf'"d A-~hru\ill. l.j; ... enr ! p1tlo Th18 2801> "fl ft h"me 1lt11•gn~d .t hu'tit hy nne {>t 0 ran,i::e Co'~ fln .. ~t bU\httrll I~ lt~1 \hao 4 r rB nld. l t--"ull /•n <"e $3Z.:0\"1 0 '-"n<·r wrun~ FAST ACTIO:\". an y. :l( lnrl n·"~t f•f rur.1. \\"11! rnn~l,!<'r L'l lC 11"~!"1 lilt><"~ rrul~· .-r. 1n<'t 1J1-<'r 3•• 1 as p .. rt pn1yt Col! Pi t• "nly L A.mhetl .:'1-I0:'.6~ 113rlJ:'! Real Value II< •.\\ ~: 2 ll'lnn <Irr\ ~ hRlli~. f<'l"•"I nlr hfst. On~ !Ir: '• y r1. 1)ld. \"rry n1utlez n f:l7l1 h I 1·r " ~hAk" r ,\I\( r,.rfr<'t .... n,l1!11Jn. <"!lf an!, fJ'-ll~k !"'~""~· ~•nn ('\It v-, $16 (,0•• fnr 't'''"k •111,. A111 11rt""" t,.nn.~ • •r• n l I·• !. ~311; .<'nnt 11 Ann A•"" t "us\11 ~l <'"ll ·li\{ll or r al1 nv.·nr r, ll:trhnr 4/1!14·1\". 2 OF THE (."HQl1."f'.ST IA.•TS l~ft on L1Uv. ~" fl. un t: .. :1""" & :'10 !\ R--J on Ll•lo ~ou•I. Call ~!rs. --------("HEAl'ER PHICEl.J t tia ri 11.dJ!lt'••nt !sr111 J~n·l• 4 ~ l'I"~ ~' r~~ J\1 ·1 \Vl!h 2 h1Jo:h....,)' fr<,--11IAJ<!~~. \\"on· t'I• 11\1! np]'l"<rtun,t.1· Jn r ~AI' prnflt h•'r'. s~:,,000 n"wn ... ·111 h11n<\l ... ORA:'\l :~; COAST PROPE:RTIES 15.\i S ewrnrt, C"f'o1t11 ~lr~11 COSTA MESA It could be for you C HAR.\tl:O:I': 2 bdrm . 11m1I\ hnmt on s n:o113fl 1,,1 l.an!tllt!3!1ttl 11 n•I <"n tnpletr!y fenced. On!)" 17,7:10 \\"\tl'I ~'rn1R. Balboa Peninsula T\.\'O bttlroom furn. ho"\e. Clnt1t to bl!.)". ll~,8:'10 Wllh J6.()()0 down. Cilff Haven VJ£\V n! c;ce11n A hlll1 from 1fi11 3 bdrm .. 2 halh horn<' Htl\\'<I. rlnor1. t"ll'l:lr!r: Therm~•!or kt!· rhf'tt. l•r•e '1n11bJ11 gar111:,. R<10n1 f"r irwimn1l n,1> f'O'>l. $29.600- term a. Coast Properties .~(\I F.:. H11lbo11 111\"I\. H11 l0011. H11.r1x.>or 261111, 2.'i97 11n•l 4(10'). All Bargains Z l:lr>H!il , Cd~! 2 H!1H!if , C•t!il ::? R>t , 1.:oron11 ll11o:hl11rl(I~ 3 fl!~. Cornn11 l-fl1t"hh1.n'111 ' ' ' UR . CornnA ll1•hlan1IR 1·:-;IT!<. t '.IM l "'.\'IT~. <.:r!!i1 S !IH)<){l S 12 :0• •I s111 r,ou ~2::_:,.~) J29 ~.1111 S~.nllft S'l~.<oOO G H LATHROP. _.1&3fl f.: Coio.l't'. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY E:.:hU\ Ahrcu~. liar. Olfll l I.~ \"111 S a n l:emo, nr ""rllt LI il•lll:i:: f.:1·,. LI S--f!!i03 Hwy ,. H11r. 64i2 t vt1. 6680 . 8kl\6 R('sl., ]l\"t'. quarters. Beer sales, lease for 5175 p('r mo. Hi'°'·ay. location. Asking SS.">00. Dri,·c Jnn R rf't IC'asc.,Sl5(l per n10, S ho1\"9 gro88 S55.000. Good Equip. Nc.,..·ly d«or11.tNi. Real nic l' for S8750, 1'rai!f'r sa!ei; and srn·Jcf's. C't00ti pntcnlial. Q'A·ner mu,;t s..•11. ,\skill!{ Sl3.000. See U!i for the-z;;t> 1u1d f'th1''"'. THE VOGEL CO. 3:?0 1 \\'. C'ci1u~t 1-t i.,.,•ny .. !\""(''A'J'l<lrt lknr h J_l\>torty 8·3·181 E V('!l. Lfb<'rty ~--3,-.1;0 I Lido Island N!:\V t bdtrll hnu,,e, S~l+.7:000. pnn· t1p1\,. nn1,,--:.?i; \'1a '.'\1r~ /loir· 1Nc (1~1~. 11fl,r 6 KJ &--~\•Ii, 83tfc 11f l\11 lho• l'n,.t i1 a! 1 .... than 1'i llm'"~ pnlrnl111l J:r"•$ J lO :'inn fln\\n ~.tfl!•ll•f f•,!J pnr • J :\I. !i!lLIJ.H. CC). 202!1 W, Ut1lhox 8 \vd_ Har 4'lfll Sl'ACIOl"S 3 RE:ORJ\I ll tJ~tE $71950. ~early ,,,.,,.. l•i-:11 11,n •!inlf\lt Nt• S b<,lrm . tiwd. noon . 21i3 rnnm. 11 11·11 gue•t rm ~;nclr••<'d Avocado. C()l!la Mt<l.I... P tiQne 11:~r11~e ·' ~t:«p. l1nit..,.1ped and Uberty .IJ-7801. 7,tfc r~n,.,__.t, P"""· J l :J 211(.\ ()\\";\"~;!{, I.I ll--Jo;li !13r96 MOO~"J 31 btdroom, l 'IL N th, _________ 11tlO 1q. tt. 111' yr. old. -ca.JI H11rbor llUS to place )°"W' Ari on th1a ~I'· J\lanr 1 hti:: dea l ti.u betn r11ade rhrM1 th " l!TTl llH tl•~•tf!ed ad. OPE N J."OR l NSPEC'TJON" l!AT. a. 8UN. Arrr:R.NOON. &<It F'ullertClfl AY•., Npt. H\1, 1'1fc • I Balboa Coves OPES HOL:SE f!S B11lhoR Cove1. it no on• lh,r1 call 11t So. 9 or •et". your broker. 84p 331/z Acres GOOD P RODUCTIVE &OIL.. Fout of Mt. Paloma.r. Cl.II be aubdl-- vt.ad. Only 111100 par ac,... \Ji.'IU Lak• hou .. an Oru(11 Co u dh. p&ymatit. 0.00 A. J ACOUEH, W 1'"'111. • Spectacular ! ! 1'1\E'. MOST !ltA.C Nlf."JCF-'.\'l' n1ar- 1ne \"le .. • in a ll of Sou1hern Call· rnrnia and a ht)me tn a ult l h• lnN!l <hA<"r11n1na11n r buypr. Re· hncd "!'f>Qintnlt"n\..I -1ep1ra\t icu,.at hOll.t-1rr1·11.n1 1 qusrter•. L"an be ~l"'"'n only by 11 ppoinl-- 111<'n! Fol" !hi' br1.\·er who ia look- ln1': fnr tha t u1e•t , we urse to •Pf' \hJB (lr.">pi'fl}" ll'E'. ALSO H A \'~; 3 ol•l~r prlmr vie"" pr11r rrttt• --onf! w11 11 3 l)t"<lroo1n1 1nd den at $lfl7.~00, nne wllh 2 bfllroon11. 1. .Jen 1nd 111111<\~ rfl<"lm (Onip letrl}' furnish -- rd 11 S~3.~00 . 11nd 1. brand 11ew 3 bf!rlrO<IOm h<'n>e wHh run1pu1 roon1 1.t S~:?.:.00. • CANAL FRONT LOT O~E Oi-. THE .. E\\" rrma tning watPrfront Jill.• •n lhe C11n11 Sr( .. lion. Zone<! R--2 p11r parn1llted $10.000. • NE\V DUPLEX NE\VPORT BEACH ::oori CO!l="~~n LOCATION. XtAf O~e1n 11n!I fla y, 51!1.9:'!0_ e SHORECLIFF LOT 81':Al'1'1F'lJL loca tion on Morn!n,i:: Canyon Ro11rt-\'1,.w of Ocean and Irvine H ill•. S20.000. e LIDO NORD BAYFRONT LOT 'O" :'\EXT TO STREET ENO - Pier pt"rm11ted, lt2.!IOO. • BALBOA COVES WATERFRONT BRA:O:D NE\\' .'! BEOROOJ\t - 2 bath ho1ne. Very <"ltvtr d,.1lgn \\"h ere ~·ou c1.n hava your O\\"N bo11t 11hps. 129,!l~l"I. • LIDO ISLE $5,000 On. 3 BEOROOJ\I. 2 BATHS. hke nev.·, t !>' 101. \\'e beLt<'~e one oC toe!~)'• BEST Bt.:\"S. See lhlll! A 1klng t28,9~. OTHER \YELL SELf:CTEO BAY· -a..t---- LIDO ISLE Nict>ly furn. Z br. honlt' on -15~ lot. Wonderful patio with tr.• &. pla11ting1. Bt>ti r 1·alut' today at only $22,500. Extl'lll'nt ll'rm1 -in1medialt pOMeNIOrt. -BALBOA PENlNSULA Beel 2 br. v&Jut" on point . t~our yr. nld aU year home. Double gara1e. \'ou can't tM-at thia for 118,000. Good Tl'nns. Open House Daily Uhtil Sold 1 · 4 p.m I 40-I Belvue Lant>, Balboa OWNER MOVING INLAND. 2 bdrm. and dt>n. Large patio. BALBOA BOULEVARD Clt'anl'tt 2°br. ilr. 1deeping porch. Clow to library 6 Ne,,..·port Harbor Yacht C1 ub. Juat a few .Wp. to th._. beach. Sl-t .500 full prict -Tt'nna. Call us for bt'autiful back bay lot. BAY & BEACH REAL TY J-450 W. Balboa BJ1·d., Balboa Harbor 1264 SPECIAL OUT OF TO\\'N O\\'NER FORCED TO SELL Beautiful new ranch 11tylP home in Corona Highl'da. 3 bedrooms, 1 :i , bathe. Formica ldtchen1, lot. of . tile in bath11 , large living room with u...-d brick fire- place. master bedroom with dN"sai ng room. Larg• view windows in li\-ing room &. bedroom. &1.utiful view of hil ls & a«an. Rf'duced $2,000 for quick aa.I• SALE or TRADE 8 fumiaht'd unit• in f\alboa.' ExcPllent income. Open HouM Daily 520 De A.nlUI GORDON WALKER, Realtor W, E. FISHER, Builder Dic k Hilli11rd , Pat Pattison,~-Raban, Bob Gervaia FROXT pro11.-r1tr~ "" llarhor 3024 E . Coa.i;t Hwy ., Corona de! ~far, Har. 5032-5033 !.•!And. Bait~.•• ll11.ys horea an•l l----------------------------B.tl lbol\ P~nln:ocul a. Harbor Investment Company RE ALTOR S Newport Blvd. at 30th St. Newport Beach - Phone Harbor 1600 ------- Corona del Mar BEST BUYS T hr1e \\\'O prn petUt -•"ll'"" for 1n~p,<:tlon l --i pm, d•1ly 709 l.ARl\SPt'R. r h•rm1ng 2 llr . flrer!a"'· ..--nr101M ra!Jn f'ri~,.,I lo ~..--11 ""!th )ow dov.·n of f2.~.00. 61:'> MARGL:~~R ITt:, ,;of>r! lM"On1e prOf'9rtY w1lh rn1;m tn build "'1· 1:11\lonal untt Cl(l,'le tn J'ttono• & tran~portntlnn, O"""r le111·\ng lo~·n. ~"Y"' l'I F.l.L. 1 13.t':inll. :.ctnt. flnal'\e1ng-. $9,500. \l'lth ,11 flflf) tfnwn r a rmrnl. Ca ll no\\' H11r. 2!\42 H11 r 2fH2 Frank James & Linwood Vick HF:A l.T01~$ R Rayle·C, T1 avo•--<.:. Hu•~ "'""""-- 312 M1 rtn• Av~ -llalb<•a l9!11T1•1 ---------- OPEN HOUSE ~II! " i'lunday 1~ r ·~l MAr, ("0,0\11 M·~· A TRt..:L\' ~;llAl l!ilL''i ; Pr<••·1n• 111! trr e hnm,. u t knnlly P'"" 1n~ .. ,. ior. 111•11:• ""' '"t 110,,.120 '" l!11r k ll11y 11 r..--~ /'l,.nly nf rn•1111 fnr 1hlr \ 1 ... 1T11tT11n1: !"""'! 11rl• k l11••pl !'p11i•1'l1111 rn11,01..--r hdrm • a <"htldr~n·~ \l"ln,i:: Y."llh r 11 1· !l<'n"<l hrh·ni \"er;· 1;n1u u11! .i.-n IJtu ll n n a 2nrt 1 .. ,·r l •J\'P fl<~>klni: 1!x 28 h1·. nn l)\'1'!~17.r o]\il,, i::1ir II.· l\flly 2 ~I'-• .11-i r·r:r •. J.lll.11:'.ti T,.1 1111 \\"lit t ra•l<' rnr Jga. t.u 1l<J1ni Jr,t tri T UR1ln •r ~~ SUI\":""Y SllOitES REALT'I:" 461 :-.; :'\cw1,n1t 1\L'"'t. LI ll --lifil>ll .li3<'111 ---------\\"ATF:l~f"ROr-.'T Hr}~f~: p1..--r ~ntl fio.iL 1 h<lrm ~"rnpl•\rl." l•1 r· n11ht<I 1 2:0..~llfl 1~r1n11 J M. 1>111.r.r.n en 20211 W . BalD!>a Hll'd Har .. J!H -------- By Owner T\\"O HEllH.J.f. HOJ.U:, cnmpl11 e1y fl1mi.ha<1, AU lar11 roo1n1. lnr. d1ntn1 r m , ~rii:e lot . ll car 1 ~1· •II'.'· $12,0'"'• 230 F.: l!)lli ~H .. <.;na\a M e~•--LI ll·&&l!ll 83cl:i6 South Laguna lot eo· .. 120·, Oc.-.n •Id• or H11 tiw1)-. 'IOO• R-l N ,000 Gown. Sal• by O'l"Tl•r, Karbor .lltT·J-. dall1 all"' l p (11. l.Jp!t Thanks Friends For your understanding palronaJ!:e during thl1 iT\con1't'nicnt period of gett1!lg seltlf'd in our new grou1_1~·0nor offict>s in the ney,· l'A'O-story buildlnr acroa11 the Boule\'ard from the City Ha.JI. r)e:o;pite our re·location car es, }"Ou r real c11tat~ntt'd1 ""'111 r-ont1n 11t• to mt"rit n ur prompt attention. Sn. Jdea!'.f', Ill buy or-Y-11 or wish UA well Stop in nr call Willard L. Killion, Realtor 33·1 l !\ie....,·port Bh·rl . Harbor 4299 N('""Pf'rt &11.ch • • BACK BAY CUTIE Nev.", Ru:i1tir-. 2 br. and dPn-1'-b11thi;.-HW noor--. bui lt in range 11.nd oven. tilsp , fan. Price $20,5()(). ' THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \\'. Cvusl J-I1.,..·ay., Xe.,.;·pnrt Bf>1tl'h l~ll:wrty 8·3"481 Corona del Mar OPEN HOUSE Sll\UP!ay " Stl r.J~\" .111!h&r ~l •I I :.0 r ll> 21 .~ J11~n Int . (",•ron• flf'l J\f&r :I 11111:1'1:--i 'l h;1lL-e l~• I kit. Lnl"~ly \"\tv.· "r '"'~'"· \»•u r h•1-1~• ~--· 11 .. 1 .. n ll•um Lido Isle Fl .Rfl.;"1 SllED 2 (]l)R).I!', ler11:• pa tt;-i on t:i" tc,\ A•kll\I; or.ly 122,~.ocJ. \'Ot· f;r.r !!itO 911 It .. nr~.-d Air h,.~I f'll!fl"!' ll7lt\ draf'f'· fl"'" • •1rt p\~I • ly W•ll~d. 3 yr•. "ltl IU ~<.t. 'll'l~ .. at. 1n th,. 3 1~1 nn l t1ath h<;m e t'1r <">n)y $i:i~n BAY & BEACH .REALTY-Lido Office 3112 I~af<i yl:llc. Sc'A"ft0rl llar. 36·1'.~ !-fa r. 2999 E\'ea. For The View of Your Life Dr1\'e by 22 15 Par ific Ur .. icnd l"J! Avocado ) Corona r1t•I ~f ar , uid call THE VOGEi:. CO. 3201 W . Cna.1t H1way., S •'Wl'v rt &aLh I~lberty 8-3481 TH.ADE C--2 pr0J"""r!y <>11 N""'[V1rt llhrt ne•r IP\h S1 \.">()" r1~&1 \~'i ii a11~l1m• ••n rrimrn..--1.-t~I '>t •n- t'"'me. ORANGE CO AST l'ROPERT!f.:S (Jl•t:._. 111 ,r·~r. ..:";I '~ Jt'l,Y ~l \\ a 1t;:'l I ''· 21't 11 ~An Hh '4. H•ll..:o& l't:X L''ii1"1.A 11 1'.J)lf; ' bdrm . 1 hllh "r' l --.. IQt ~ •·in• re11<11n t111I A!'" 1 :r, (l!Jo• 'Ill . J~2 fl)I') Ip. 111-'.!7 s'""'P'"•rt. (''ll'\ll .\f•~JI J \f )lfll.l.l':ll ('• , __ Ll fl·Hll 2 £·,e •• 1..1 I--&~~ J,•11.t \\'. Ua,1,er• J;., I .11 a.r. 4t>!! I • c ,I l I '• ... a ••• r..ta&.e INVESTMENT EXCLUSIVE-LISTING OFJERED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE WOULD YOU LIKE 9 01o ON S7500 PLUS $1000 CAPITAL GAIN YEARLY AVERAGE FOR 15 YEARS " WE HAVE i SUCH DEALS nn:Rlt ARE 2 BRAND SPANKING NEW ATM\ACTlVE TRJPU:.XS THAT WILL SHOW THIS UNUSUAL RIC· TURN ON YOUR MONEY. EACH UNIT HAS 2 BEDROOMS, TILE KITCHEN AND BA nt. ~Oil LlVlNO' ROOM. SOME WITH FrRP.:- PLACE, LAUNDRY ROOM AND GARAGE. EXCEl..- U:NTLY LOCATED AND Al.I.. ARE RENTED. OWNER, BUILDER NEEDS CASH FOR LARGER BUILDING PROJECT. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION I See Geor9e L Stewe rt BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Bc&Ch. Har. 5188 I GZ-Real r..ta~ I E-"'"~ t:.•t>te Houston Values Balboa Neat 1 Bdrm ., $7900 NEWPORT >ITS AREA, fin~ ntlghborhootl, lni:I. rang-e and rdrtg , w/w carpeting, on ~aut. lot 80x90. ulra roorn• euUy added. Se<' lhl• tine Jillie home. ~ the lu('k:-' buyer ' Good Eastside 1 BDRM. t~~f.1~!ta for SlOO per mo. On 1twtrs. curb•, tlo•e- ln and only 6 yn. old. Good terrn11. Full prk e. $9 son Exceptionally Good 0 :-.C BROAOWA Y, a clra.n 7 bdrm. homr: hw !Ira .. a f11rntl'hl'•I 1 bdrm. <'ottage with .\. baih - Alao exlra bdr m , w;a, hath nrf garage. 11rpar1tl' 1a11t1'1ry rrom A II tit la for onlr S 14 llOO. Hu ·t a S9.~1)0 lnl\n • \'ath1 ble Eve. Info , P etitte-LI 8·1Hf'7 M-1 Acre 811' PLAC'E::\'TlA A VE frontagt Srnall 11n. f'&.•)' term~ ALSO t90x290 COR:'lll':R with 11m&ll fac- lnry. Co\1ld be ctlv1ded Only n o,noo Only $6,225. !lnCE 4. rm. 11tucco, 7 ye11r11 old. Close to Npt. Blvd., Markea. Evt . Into. Lyll~Ll 8·2:143 Lots R·3 on Placentia.. 60x2llO. $ t.300 <ln. S30. a month. , W. SIDE. ~x13:1. Paving 6: curbll. $2,000 cuh. !!:. SIDE comtr. R·4. 110 x 139. $3, l M, tenrui. Beat waterfront buy. 4 bdrm .. 3 1 :.! balh. Pier and 11lip. Priced at $65,000. Owner away, \VE HA VE THE KEY. • Lido Isle Here are 2 excellent values on Lido One ia 3 bdrms. P~ ba. (Q $29,500. Owner will trade $16,000 equity for clear property in Harbor area. ANOTHER 3 bdrm. i:i .& ba. (a) $31.500 large lot and the owner will take $10,000 ca.ah and carry the balance on euy monthly paymenu. Upper Bay 3 br. P~ ba. on & large lot neatled among tall trees. Nicely landscaped price $20,500 and owner will car· ry the paper. Costa Mesa 3 bedrooms close to schools & transportation ba1 $8500 G. I. Joan payable $66 per month including taxes and insurance. Owner leaving state. muat aacri!ice at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES ~:~~!'!~.~~~!. .. C:: Bargains Only Beautiful three bedrovm home on Broadway. Im- maculate throughout .. -. owners have just redec- orated both inside and outaide in very good taste. This home is located in the 400 block and i11 one of the better homes. Hardwood floors-bath. with aepa· rate stall shower plus full size tub. Home has a nice service porch and a two car garage. If you a re look- ing for a nice home without any work ... THIS IS IT. Priced below market value ... with a $3,000 down payment. Choice Location 2 Specially Priced u 8 • 6911 u 8-ns• Lido Units BEACON BAY Two bedroom 2 bath home on ~· lot, complrte 1 Br. apt. over dble. garage. Both unita have gay break· fast bar & both are nicely furn.iahed. BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new 2 bdrm. home with many.extras, firepl., furn.ace heat, large cloeet1, be&utiful patjo. Furn. apt. over dble. garage. BOTH PROPERTIES priced $28,500. A $10,000 cuh payment will arrange the possession of either. Now · • ia the time to get what you want. and program your living, your investing here in this area. Two unit propertiea offer the pay u you go anawer for m06t people. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A\'e. Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE &lboa Island NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Horne with 2 bathrooms-- Garbage Diapoaala Cu Porta or 2 Car Garagea. Many Deeirable Feat.urea $375 Down! ~ low u $69. per month. Now under construction. Tract Office -at 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR ''you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Colt.a Mesa Llberty 8-1139 CORONA DEL MAR Nl!:ARL\' NEW 3 br • den. •.:1w carpet t h ruout. 3 baths, blL In kit., bkf8l. bar. PLUS compltte gar. apt. w 'bay \iew, lgr. patio. 40' lot -A bf!Auty al . $39.(>00 3 B.n .. 2 BATH. W/W car~t. dlll· In' rm., bit. In kit, t !I' lot.- Real value . .. . $37,8~ 3 B R .. l ~ BA TH, Jge. ll\I, room, lge. patio. iO' lot , rumpWI room. .. $36.000 •· lot. bHt locaUon, priced right. .,ORONA HIGHLANDS a B.R .. J' BA 'l'H. lge. buement, nut11tanrt1ng \•lew, large hvlnf room . • $27,:100 LEMON H EIGHTS 3 B.R .. lgt, liv. rm., 2 b&th11. 1'01de lot. New . . ..... $21,500 2 8 R .. A Ol!:N. 2 b&th•. w/w car- ptt, bll. In kit .. 2 ftrrplacn. ln- 11lde BBQ, bar a.nd •Ink, a bar- gain at ....... _ ..... -... $20,700 Claire Van Hor n REALTOR 2i31 W ion1l Hwy. Ll 8·4277 $13,250 ...• Here's another attractive lhree bedroom home with an exceptionally large living room and dining area. The home is different. Hardwood floor&-attra.ctive fireplace-tub and separate stall abower •.• two car garage. May consider $2500 down .•• If you are looking for a BARGAIN •.. eee thia al only $12,600. We are known for having only the beat buys. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. ·" Coat& Meaa ( acroea from Costa ?de8& Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 • LI 8-2103 Real Values Hurr( Hurry Hurry MARINES 3 B. R. \ "• bath mortem coru1truc- Uon. Only 11, y r. old. Nlrely :andscaped. o wner moved. Thu1 home mu11t bl' aold th1• wctk Submit your O"'n down payment . Bttttr eee thla on• al once, APROX. ONE ACRE Eut aide L<>l 111zc I 26ll33fl R" zoning ldt&l for 1nrnm,. property and a good 1nvtstm~nL NICE BUU..Ol!'G LOT l'lO x 2~0 Zoned R4 home or Income. Tiii• 11 a rr&l va.lut . WE J t;ST LISTED 11 Jm?tAJ ct. herd r hromr f 1n1sh111g 1>111., romplt tl'- ly 1qu1pt Thi• 1s a relll buy for only u ,:.ioo B. A. NERESON Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air Heat -Massive St.one Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature 1rnd in Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sized Le~ auitable t or pool and patio ! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Tbru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M . Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf REALTOR , 1982 N,..wpnrl Blvd. Costa Mesa YQU Ll 8-1872 Ev~ J,I 8·4120 -. .._. '----··----;::- NEWPORT HAR80R NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 1 • PAGE 3 ---------FRIDAY. JULY 29. 1955 "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS . 6%-Rea.I F...atate LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT ONLY 3 1., YRS. OLD. Completely r;ortttorate..i 1~lde A out -I bedrorrui. 3 bath8, load• or <'UP- boan tio, llt'W w t o w <'Al J't'llng A dra~. flrt'plar t. lo\'th' t nt l patio, PJER IU'IU FLOAT for 40 h . boat. <'lln t;e nought f11r111~h· ed or un!um lahrd, t''ICt'llt'nt fin· 1rncmr. LOW rtown pay m .. nt - SL'll~llT lt'rrfla on uktnf prlCt fumlah!'<i $:1:1.000 CORONA HIGHLANDS CHARM11'G 3 bdrm hol'nt' bulll on a rlrc11l11r floor pll\n, rt>11r llv. room overlool<Jng lo\'tl)' patio, g00<1 v1rw, hlJwd. f loorii flrtpl. txrtptlonl\lly fme home and can be r urcha,.t'<l wll h low dn. p11ymtnt, priC'e reduct fl to $19,;6!1 CLIFF HAVEN CHOJCE 3 Mrm. home on nlct-ly land11eape1t 60 !t. lol -hnnt~ In exct llrnt <'Onrtlt1on. w to w r~r­ pttlng A draJWl!, rdw<1. ftonN! •,..~ loan. !63. monthly pymt a. r ull price $HI.MO. BAY SHORES 3 BDRM. bay ,,ew -S2!l i :IO 3 BDRM. turnlshrd . -S22.000 "C" THOMAS Rea ltor 224 W. Cout Hlway, Npt, Bch Llberty 8-:1:127 "C" THOMAS ''C" 'fHOMAS 25 new new 25 OPEN HOUSES daily from 12-6 on \\'&lnul anl'I l!:athtr St.. Betwu n Santa Ana A TuSUn Aye. f e~~~'J' b~~~:l~ ~ntX!~ lo\.s. Eitel. n'tghb<>rhoo<I, hdwd. floors, shake roof, ctramlc tilt In kit. cl baths. Built In Wt.st- ll1S"houae range anct wide O\ltn a lso ga rb. dU1poaal, dbl gar .. F.A. heal -" fireplace. Full Jlrlce $16,6-00 with a down u low N VOGEL VALUES CHECK EACH ONE CORONA DEL MAR No. 1. 2 bra. &i den, l 11 bath home with Ocean and Bay \'JEW on lo\·cly, landsC'np<'d & cyclone fenced, R-2 lot whiC'h 1s l b5' deep with lots of room to build income. Choi~ location. Owner hu moved & says ··~en:· Priced at $21.500. No. 2. Charming duplex-C"orner lot-bl'tlt location. 2 brs Nlrh. fireplac<'s. t llC' 111 k1tch. & baths. 1mnny brcnkfa11t areu. C'eo<lr r11of. sep. gar· ,ages & lnunciry. Apt. No. l l<'Rl'l<'d at $00., No. 2 n ·nted mo.-to·mo. al ~b!>. Could be available to buyer. Vl•ry choice prop. Pri~ at $22,500 with good tcrma. CLIFF HAVEN No. 3. 1276 !'IQ. ft. living area pl\18 scre.ned-in porch on one of n1C'ri;t i1trt'l·t ~. Total price ~15,950. Li\'ing rm. 2lx14 , firepllle~. hw. firs, fenced yard. gara~t'. Wall-to-wall carpets ll drapet1 are included. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cst Hwy., Corona del Mar Ha. li41-Ha. 1477 "We' re Moving to Irvine T erracen More and more Harbor area. fam iheR are inspect ing these exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefC'r a home in a re· strictcd quality community are moving into their lrvlne Terrace homes. Drive in today and sl:e for yourself the many out· standing featureti of thia remarkable community. $2,000. JUST 13 LEFT. " Inspect the model built by Macco homes, Corp. 11 Newport Heights l"OU Ml'ST SEE THIS LOVELY 2 bdrm. home, lge. ltvinr room, flrtplace, 11eparate dlnin&' room, Jee. 11er. porch. ln addition to tlil• the Informal lant111 .. apln1 and l<iwe1 mg treeio a.nil shrub8 tum the oul&1de laving tn10 a 11howpla<'t . CALL l'S WE WlLL SHOW T HJS. Full pr. $16,!l:IO Costa Mesa 18760 BUYS THIS 2 bdrrn. home Jun 2 yrs.. old 111 a ,·ery ,ood loca tion on 20th St. Th•• hnmt la In very good r ondltlon. Own· ar buying a larger llom,, WE 1'EED LISTINGS "ART" ADAIR REALTOR ISM Newport Blwl. Co11ta Mtu. Call!. LJ 8·3792 BALBOA BAY SHORES e OPEN HOUSE 2601 Bayshore Drive SAT. & SUN. 1 to 5 P,M. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hernert Inlne Terrace l• located on Cout HJghway oppo9tte the new Irvine Coast Country Club. . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSJ\"E AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasc·hold Esta te in Irvine Terrace, B!:'acon Bay. Bay ~hores and Cliff Ha\'en The Biggest Word . tn Real Estate Business Today . IS SERVICE Every Member nf the MULTIPLE LISTING SER- \1CE bclon&R lo a unique on:anizatinn. These members ponl t h<'1r nwn·h:imlis<' ___: hnmcs, stnrrs. and other rc·;il pn1prrty fr•r s:-1!1· -t 11 .. 11 wurk from this puul 1•:-irh with h i~ J.;,·pa;;1tc fac·1lll1t•s that N11'11 selling owner may rl'reive the Rt r\'IC'('~ n f many REALTOR salt'e outlets throughout the whole Harbor Area: PrO\'!:'n a frnc 8 F.R\'ll'E tn l-1• ll1·rs and buyrrH tthke m prov111ing a broath r. orJ r1 ly 111\ol fn l' market for all ul n11 mc.-n·a!'i"d 1·0:4t to •·11r 1·11st11m1·r!I A SER \'ICE of th1· Newport Harbor Board of Realtor~ 41 0 -32nd St. EXCELLENT INCOME -4 furnished units; 1 bdrm. each. No vacancies in o\'er a year. Rent. is $65 each. Gross $2760. Clean property. $6000 takes. CAN TELL YOUR BEST FRIENDS Lovely Bay Vltw year round homr tor couple wlltl facilltlr~ for visiting relat l\·u or frlfnds. Reduced to $19,950. · ON HAZEL, 2 br. \·iew home. Private pathway to little Corona beach, $25,500. SEE US !or BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. Har. 177:} -Eveio. Edith Ma roon. HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab. Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Real tor 225 Marine Ave .. &lboa l•land 8-k86 $1 ,000. Down 3 bedroom home plu. 2 bedroom rental. (needs aome fixing) lot 119 x li5, fenced. in !a.at growing dis- trfot. Cost& M!>sa. Only $10,500. Nearly New Home 3 bedroom.a, large lot. choice neighborhood. 226 Cottage Place off We1tmin1ter north of 21st. Low prioe, euy terma. See ua tor all multiple U.tinp. N.B.C. REAL TY 32Dd It N"'P()rt Boulevvd. Newport Beach. Hu. 1405 ' W \\'AT~~R~f,.O~room col· 1a g... pier, float A boat. Best locaUon. S\P.:1<\0, vrm1. Balboa 3·2 DEOR~I ru m in1·ome units. ~1·1\r h~urh " bay J'rn·!'•I to '"" con l'MY term•. Take 11ome trat'le. Hom er E. Shafer REAL TUR 106 llcFadtlen f'lace 11 t :" eiA-port P ier Hu Hll -E,e. H11r. 1137-~{ Vets $565 down P LUS IM.POUNDS USE YOUR G.l. LOAN on 4 yr, old. a bdrm .. dble. ruai•. t.nc- ed. Wondtrful paUo " laundry, yard. Oubefe dl~posa.I. All tteshty p&tnted. Near tJpper S.ctt Ba,y 2312 P11ll1&du l\d., Santa Anr. Ptio.n. KI 1-2893. &Otte OCEAN FRONT home, 1 bdrm. completely !um . Room• for I a.6dltl"'1al unlu . te,T60 down. J 18. 7111) t'Hll prlCf' J . M.. MILLEPl CO. ~2.'I W. 8 .alboa Bh·d Har fOtl r About this one and they'll lo\'e you for 1t. Tbja i• a rare opportunity to buy a spacious 3 bdnn. near new home only 5 minutes from the beach for only $10,500, a1Bwne the FHA SHOO loan and pay only $60.50 per mo. incl. tax It inaurance. Features wall I wall carpets. stove, refrigerator, fan over 1tove, big fenced-in lot, lovely lawn, shrubs and flowers. Sub- mit on down payment. THE VOGEL CO 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. LI 8-3481 Eves. Liberty 8-1646 TWO NO~TH BAY FRONT'S These are Mighty Scarce! ! One with, one wit.bout pier $45,000. 4 bedroom, t1r0 bath, nieely famiabed~xcellent condition -double garage - . $26,500. DORIS BRAY, Realtor Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet Sallabury 216 Marin« Ave., Balboa Island. Harbor 20-Har. 64 } LlSTJ."G P RICE-$211,l'>OO, Tll:RMS (M pr~vlrw hhnw1ni:; Call H.1rhor 161~) or evtntn~• l.lh,.rt\ 8-l\3k6 OCEAN fo'R Ol\"1' h•>mf 4 M rn1., 3 bath. t.:Omplet1•ly ru m . Lai i:r lol. $211.600 l ••rma. J !\!. !\111.1.F.R «J 202:1 \\'. I311lhoa llh"J NEWPORT BAY rrontaga -400 rt <•n bay. JUU"llally 1mprnvPd W•lh lndustrlBI bldg11. \\'Ill I• Uf or 11rll. \\'rite Mr Slnr er, H O So 1'everly Dt1ve BtvHI)' l l\1111 79c!i 6 LOT CORNXR, home llu 2 bt<l· rrn1, Ux2-t rten 18a31 I-n_ 12itl3 t ntry A 10x30 lanai. """'· ly butlL i'U\ely lnnU&capell gar- dtllAI a.nd family ord1ard. 2 tlrtplr.cu • F .A. heaL 1o·anced. PToperty un be bum. up w1U1 3 ren~i. without spoWzi~ pri- vacy. 13!i,OOO. Loan comm1lt- mcnl •te,ooo .Owner, M. Vtr- t r-. 420 Goldanrod, Coton• 'ti Mar. Har. 2981·R 12c8~ Exchange Lido Isl e i O' Water front with :.ix unit~ for Pasadena or vicinity or Lido ms1c1e. P riced right. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W , Const Hw~" I J\t P0r1 Oran~P) Newport &ach LI k-i:'>fl~. l l.ir. ~15 1 evc8. WANTA ' BET7 7 We have Just lu:atf'd. ex lus1\·dy, the \l'rj' finclll 2 brl rm. hc1m1" c,nly l ~·r·ar· .\t•UllJ: 1111 la r~c n.ieims, hdwd . flrfi .. furn. hr nt. t 1n pl . & g 1 rb 1lii;I'· B:11 k yard & palill entl. by g r:q 11 iila l.1 fcnc.t· UIJ.: dbl. iar. str<.i>~<I for rq 1l . eiv1.r. On t.h111c e 1>t1 t:t• w1lh a le·e-e-ltle b1l of vww ·1 1.2~. with S'• 20 yr l1111n R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK llOJJI :E. A,,.,..,,, 1.iti· ~22 E. Coul Hwy.. Cor<ma dcl ~t ar H3r, 277' .~ I I ) I --. '- . ~ . PAGE it • PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS &i-RW F..tat~ FRIDAY, JULY 29, 19SS a. palmer tn c" o r p o r a t e d a ••• r..t.t• I BALBOA .... l'Altat.e a._........_ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND '31,500 and WHAT A. BUY ~ Owner ia leaving thi.I artt apd 1• offering b1• beau- tiful •pacioua home on extra large ground9 artistic- ally landacaped. for thi9 unu.ually low pn~. Hou. con11i9U of large livin~ room (30x.20) with fireplace. Dining room, extra nice kitchen. 3 bedrooma-mu- ter B.R. hu fireplace-and extra guMt room and bath. Thia i9 the abow place of the laland. Beautiful waU to wall carpet.a and drapes, includtd. Excluaive parking fOf' four cara. WE HA VE THE KEY. Lido Isle OUTSTANDING LOT. U you have been waiting for a large lot priced below the market. we have it! A 51' Eut frontage on E. end of uland. TIIlS WON'T LAST! Call u• now. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor llEKBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Oiarming throughout. 3 bedrm. and ~n-alcove, 3 bat.ha, very large front patio. partly covered. Lovely kitchen, diahwuher. disposal, etc. Fully carpeted with drapes included PLUS 20 rt. Century boat. Only $64.750 and a wonderful buy. Wanted A. Udo home or lot for E-xchange for an exception- ally nice home in Northridge. 3 bedrooms. swimming pool and 'juat two years old. Priced at $39,500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. plu. den-bedroom, 2 batha. carpeted. Oversized double garage. Lovely kitchen with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Di9poul, diahmuter and many other fine features. Full price $23.000. We have the key. COSTA MESA $2000 down. will move you in tbia modem 3 bdrm. 1 '"t bath home. completely fenced in rear yard with patio. Fireplace. formica in kitchen. parquet floon, forced air heat and dbuble garage. Cloee to acboola. See it today. Full price. $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. NpL Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evee. Har. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' CLOSE IN Just Off Newport Blvd. • '% acre zoned C-2-3 unit.a with an income of $135 per month. plus a good 2 bedroom home and Iota of room for more units or a small trailer park. Price $22.~ A 3 Bedroom Home Double garagtt -lath houee. Yard all fenced - Priced at SSOOO -$3000 down. Right in Town 3 bedroom home. Fireplace. double garage-Patio. Price Sll.000 -Sl.MO down. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. M'cCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa. Ll 8-1801 Special Lido Waterfront. pier 6 alip I bedrma .. 2 batha. Liquidation u•. Only $49.500 OSBORNE REALTY C0.- 2323 W. Cout Hwy. <At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562. Har. ~lM ••H. CORONA DEL MAR l bdrm. 6 den home. 2 baths: 2 garages. a6ot patio; fireplace. PLUS Unu.ually charming •tudio apt. with beam ceiling. tiled bath. kitchenette, and aun deck. Yearly rnted a.t $75 mo. Full price $19,000 including most of furn.iahinp. Immediate poe.eMion. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar Harbor 882 88c86 • p. developers Figure It Out Yourself! 80 feet on exclusivtt NORTH BA YFRONT, 6 unit.a. all fumiAhed. Newly painted It rteonditioned. Love- ly patio separating the 2 wings, giving beauty &nd privacy. Wide. white safe beach right at the front door11. The building is in excellent cond. & charm- ing. Full price including furniture $105.000. Terma if desired. Hawaiian Modern Strikingly beautiful, 3 bednns .. 2 baths plus ma1d'a room and bath, being built to take full advantage of t he 77 foot BA YFRONT site. Under construction now, so you have time t o ch008e your own colon in tile, formica, walls and carpeting. White shingle tile roof, sliding glass doors opening on extra large BAYFRONT patio. Built by INGRAM-COLLINS. COMPARE at only $69.500 with terms. Open 12 to 5 Daily 100 Via Dijon. corner of Via Lido Soud. Built by J ohn Vi18Cher 4 bedrma .. 3 baths. 2 fireplaces, large patio with bar- becue, aundeek. See this today! $37,400. The above are just a few of the outatanding exam· pies of our exclusive listinrs'. Come to Headquarters for Lido property. of Lido Isle • Back Bay View Home Out.at.anding Bay and Mountain vittw from thia 3· bedl'O<lm. 2 bath home. Numeroua featu~s include disbwuhttr, disposal, built-in range and oven, •nd radio control garag<' door. Owner will considttr trade for smaller home. Price $26.500. Call Bill Farnsworth for address and particulars. Lot Lot Shore Cliff Lido Outstanding Largtt Ocean View Coa.st Line and Jetty Comer Excellent Location ' Lot Cliff Haven Excl'ptional \'1ew of Entire Harbor To ace these Iota. call for Kincaid. Irvine Terrace Owner transferred before he could complete hie :. • ranch atyle home. Lots o~edwood. used brick, heavy 1hue roof-3 bedroorp. 2 baths. dining rm. and priced to sell, $24,500. Buil~ by that Fine Builder. Mr. Robert Forbes. Aak Dave Os bum for details. p. a. palmer incorporated p. a. palmer incorporated ISLAND BAY VlEW 2 unit.a, 4 bdrm. home. 1 bdrm. apt. Shttltttred patio. Apt. furn. home partly. $10,000 down. Balance ~ terms. CHOICEST BA YF1l01''T BUYS BAY FRONT house It apt. No. Bl\y ~10.000 rln BA YFRONT, Little Island 60 ft. bay frontage. pier &: float. 4 bdrm. OTHER BAY FRONTS FROM $31 .500 -up GRAND CANAL. 2 on<> bedrm. homes, l fum .. 1 partly furn. Sparklin~ cond. $5000 dn. $24,000 f. It· An excttplional offrr. ISLAND COTTAGE -Obie. ~arage. Flrt'plactt Re- duced for quick sale. Cottage near So. Bay. 3 bdrm11 .. 11:: bath•. tirepl., lge, living room. Attracti\'e patio, TWO BDRM. cottage near No. Bay. Lgtt. patio. Priced at $18:500. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. hou11e It 1 bdnn. apt. Beamed ceilings. $5000 down -$22.500. DESIRABLE 4 bdrm. mul~i-bath home. Cloee to beach, $26,000. BA YSHORES. a vacant lot! ! SEE US FOR BEA.CON BAY and BA YSHORE propertiee. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 177!'S -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab. Harbor 5359. ( 225 Marine A\·e .. Balboa lsla.nd 84c8& • • • ole hanson co., sales management ole hanson co., sales management -----3333--vi_i _lid_o_, _h_ar_bo_r_1_500 ________ 1_1_00_"_· c_o_aa_t _bi_.,_hw_•_Y __ u_be_rty_S-M--:-,-73 ___ · Why Certainly • Fresh as a Daisy This appealing 3 bdrm. home beau· t1ru11y dcc:orat~ ln•l<M and out with hdwll. rloora, !lrept11ce, r"nt'ed bat'k yard with enclo1ed patio comb1n" to m~kt' lh13 the top buy ln the ma.t wanted lo- cation In f'osts Me1111 ... Full pr1ce ju.t Jl 2,500 with u cellent ltrma. Artistic Modern It you like ~aJ naUc modem then lhht 11 for you! 3 bdrm• .. la rge llvingronm and diningroom opr n· Ing onto 2 Mpanill' tropical p.tlo1 which become a part or your home through large platt'· gl&.111 wtndow&--1600 .q. rt. of living area In the beat neighbor· hood In Newport H elshu ••• .1U1l 114.950 with low down. Want a 1/2 Acre Ranch? with hone corral11~or kennei.- luge modern 2 bdrm. I.lid den home •dlh wall tn wall carpel· 1ng, muslv" flreplaci>, forced e tr heat. iep. pallo. lou or butll-in11. A real bargain a.t only $16,800 with xlnt terms. Never So Much For So Little 11,000 11quare fL lol-nPuly n- l bdrm mndern horn., · -I") balh11-lhernto controlled forced &Jr h•l -garbage lllspo.-1 - mere. switrhH -fireplace - cem,.nl patlo-2 r&r g11rage - b&r k1tt'h. -det'nrBtel1 In pt>r· feel lut&-$11,900 with a low doWI\ payment!! Newport Heights Facts-Not Rction 3 bdrm.-fuM b&th-hdwd. rloor11- r1nplllce -thermo r-nntrolled irravlty !um11c"-8l'Jl. 2 ''"r ga.r. Wall to wall C&rpf'l -JU9l rt· palnll'd l nd dKnrat~ 1ns1lle Md out. Full pnre ;uat 11 :l/•00 with 4 "',, G. l . IC'lan , •. And It·~ " racl thl1 one will "en quickly. BILL'S BEST BUYS Perfect for Children Thia lovely, apacioua 2 ru. Rm. home OD wide lot completely fenced-t1hort walk to fine grade achoo! & shopping center. All improvements in and paid for. Don't overlook this one. M. L. # 6062 Full price $11,~ with $2500 down. A Most Spacious Dwelling. Real family life i• no happy accident, it is pl&nned for and built for. Thta 3 bedroom on neat r esidential street waa planned for comfort. Wall to wall carpet in living room and dining room, and fireplace adda to ita cozyne.sa. Call ua for ap- pointment to ehow Full price $12,950 $2,950 down Need Room We have an acre one block off Newport Blvd. with 3 fumiahed rentals. Room for nice home on front of lot & extra rentals on rear. Present Inc. $240 mo. Asking price $22,500. Down pmt. reduced to $6000 Owner will carry 1st T . D. No finance charges. GRACEFUL ELEGANCE Almost new-2 bdmus and den on large lot among towering trees and beautiful homes of finest custom quality. Fireplace, 2 baths, ~rvice.ioom, dbl. gar .. large patio, nice lawna and shrubs. For those de~ airing the beat. All rooma are lar,;e. Priced at $21.000-but. owner iA very anxious. Good terms lo right buyer. See this! W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly .ervice" 393 E. 17th St., Coru Mesa Llberty 8-1139 Corona del Mar Bargains 1.._ $1500 DOWN Prime location 1 blk. f rom ocean front. Large 2 bednn. garage apartment. PLUS Bachelor apt. Both fully furn. Room for home on front of lot. . 2. BALBOA BAY SHOR~ Bay & Beach Realty Four bedrm. 2 bath home. Lge. living room, fire- 1e11e Nt'wpor t Blvrl place. BBQ & paved patio 100 yards to private CMta Me., Csht be b Ex I . "d ': l $29 500 f' Ubttty 11-lt&J Ev, •. LI 8•3158 ac . c ua1ve ttt11 en ... a area. , 1rm. -----------Sl0,000 down. In Corona del Mar 3. 225 MARGUERITE BICAUTIYUL OOMn •l••• trom 2 bdrm. home on te fool t.M $26,Wl m COASTAJ~ CITY-Low rr.nt Ofl motor tunt .. llp 1hop Excellent opportunity for 1'lt('h11n1c ,,,.ho 11kn \o work. Rully work for l•o. Rtzmorris Rf'ty. Co. Realtont I Mull1J* u.tlng Buatnt11• Brok« 3136 ll. Coul Hi.h•·ay. Hu . 2162 Corona d .. Mar OC&AN FRONT born,.. :r bdrm eomplettly tum. I.Arce tot 117,000 terma. J . M. Ml.LLll:R CO. 2023 W. Balboa Bh•d, Har . .oil! BY OWNER CoroM -Jllrb.l&nct. -I bdrm .. 2 be.th famtbouee. Pll. Harbor 78-J 78tlc I • 3 bdrm., 2 bath home plu. bachelor apt. and bath. dble garage. Paved and enclosed patio. Terms. TIUS IS A BARGAIN. We have the by. 4. REDWOOD BEACH HOME Cutt'. sound, clean, 2 bedrm .. Lgtt. living room, kit- chen Ii dinin1 area open onto paved patio. $13,250 firm price. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy.. Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Balboa Island $1500 down -2 unit. only 7 yrs. old. 3 bdrm. and 2 bdrna. with dble. garage near 90Ut h bay, tum. • $26,500. $2500 down-2 uniu -one a bachelor apt. and a 1 bdfin. apt. with fireplace, exc. locatJon, furniahed. Sl!'S,500. N.~LDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland. Calif. Harbor 502 Upper Bay Area! YOU HAVE BEEN WAmNc FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL HOME ... overlooking s. A. Country Club. 2 bedroom• A den, larft living room and breurut areL 2 rlreplacea. Separate large rar· age bulldlng W1lh rumpua room. fr~ur room and ~ bath. Nlct l&ndacapln( and paUo. Special al $18,~. f ood term• Peninsula "Point" Home! SPACIOUS 4 BEDRMS., 2 b&lha. Slluattd on 2 large comer lot.I. Extra lot walled for pnva cy with baomlnton court, pallo, Nicely la.nd11c:aped. Beaull!ul carpeUns and rtr11pea.. Cut In prlc• lo 130,l'>OO for quick ale. Term•. 9 Unit Income Property! Famous "Holliday Apls" on Ocean Front, renln~u!a. 8 unit• plua n1anRgf'1 '" t1p11rl m"nt Beddms Md hn!'n fC\r 1111 unlUJ. New rf'· rn1ttratl'lr11 a nd ~tovea through· out. 4800 sq rt. *'Ing a rf'a. RemCH11>ll'd In 19!'10 S4800 ntt tn· come. 137.~00. Sl~,000 down. Balboa Cottage! I EAST BAY A VENUE Clo~ lo town and bay. Thl1 11 a wonder- ful valu" s nd nicely tumlahf'd ... atrep• e people. We havt the kf'y tr you hlivt the lime. 112.600. 1tood l,.rma Balboa Realty Co. Opp<>11ile Bank or Amtnca RC>841 Grf!tlty Al Cornellu• Ed lAe ~ Jack Pinkhoiun Jowphlne Webb 700 E. Balbo& Blvd .. Balboa Mione Harbor 3277. Cliff Haven LOVELY l1.11dacaptnr . 3 bdrm•~ Iota or rupboarrt apace. dt•h· m1U1ter, mere 1wltche1, newly ''""oraltd ln!!lde A out, PLUS GI IOln al $87 ~r mo. http make th11 the bfft buy In town at l t:l.:100 Balboa NOT BEACHY-but a. homt la lhl1 lovely 3 bdrm , 2 b&. ho111e on one of lhe rare 62' loll. J uat a 1tep rrom th" bay or ocean buches. LET'S TALK' Corona del Mar . THERE 18 A FIREPL.ACE In M ot th• 4 Uv. room• or both or lh•e 2 br. duptexea. Newly de· corate<I A a.It 4 untu alW•)'I rtntt<I. $6.000 dn. lnn•lmenl w11e-80UND' Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR 2eo4 Newport ·BIYd., Npt . Beach Eu y Parktnf Harbor .. 10 Commrc 'I bayfront APPaox. 76 n., LncJudn 11\&Tin• waya.. boat ahop, moon~ Dl· ~l~t N~rt locaUon. 186.000 -full pnc•. I W nte ownu . P. O. Boa eh. 8&1· bo-.. Oallt. '2pM e e e ALL of the adjustable antique inside windt>w shutters are included in the sellin,g price of $22,750. So said the owner of LIDO ISLE'S cutest two bedroom provincial home now listed for the first time. .. e The closets are large e The kitchen is a honey e The living room has" all the early American charm e The price is right e The time to buy this nearly new cutie is NOW . Excluaive with (Lido' a M09t Experienced Salee Penonnel) LIDO REALTY A&90Ci&tee 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acrou from Richard's Market Entra.nce) VOGEL VALUES The Summer deal you have been waiting for Should be this 2 bedrm. furn. home. See the loca· tion, the furnishings and you tell ua the term!'! you want to pay. Buyeni with $4000 -$5000 cuh w ill like this home. We have another 2 bednn. rum. home at $17.000 Good term11, THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marlne Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Balboa Island OPEN HOUSE ~eed a large home with low down payment! We offer you 3 br. & den home in Corona Highlands, haa hdwd. floors. dbl. garage. plenty of bath•, fir*" place. lg. ~itchttn. OPEN DAILY FROM 1·5 P.M. 556 Seaward Road Back Bay view lot .50x142 on Mesa Drive only seeoQ. Income property on Poppy Ave. Owneni apt. hu view. Priced leu than replacement. RAY REALTY CO. 3H4 E. Coast Highway Phone Harbor 2288 (aerou f rom Bank in COM) FOR FUN ALL YEAR ROUND! On Balboa Island Th&. nice 2 bdrm. home. ju11t 1 : blnck to ?'io Bay in one of our nice8l neighborhoods. Lge. livini room, firepl., thermo controlled hl'at , gar;.gc and patio. Furnished. only $19.00<l. SEE THIS TODAY. .. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Bajboll 181l1nd Harbor 4781 . -. i ' . '