HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-08 - Newport Harbor News PressI .... Thousands Due HARBOR PRES.S at County Fa iimea!!!:=a~ PHONE HARBOR 1616 4.8th YEAR-NUKBER 51 FIVE CENTS NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 8. 1955 • Ir , ' I / . ' ' DOWNEY MAN DIES ON i • , ... I • BEACH .... OF HEART ATTACK lcoUNCIL TO GET COST OF iCOSTA MESA -c1TY HALL SITE Appral.al o! the corner of WuL 19th St-eno P omona Ave. will be rt>ady !or councH mer.iben to check al thr reg- 11lar mtetmg n('Xl Mond1y "venang. acrordlng lo Geotge Cotrey, city manager. Coffey haa appointed Goodr 4r Good«' of Sant\l Ana and Ralph Ma.ikey 01 Newport Be1H·h to •ppra ase tht' 3 1, acre' which H oward Lawson and a1ll!oc1atei ha\'ll offered t he dly tor a city hall alte at a price of $18.000. Coffey and Charles T eWlnkle were appointed by Mayo1 Claire Nelaon a• ·a committee tn nl<'et wljh l.Awl<On and Iron out any queatloM connected wit h t he treMacll.on. but lh111 confeirence will not ttlkt plu·e until a fter l ht apprah•al hu been checked, according to T.?W1nkle. The Ntwport H arb-Or News-, propt'rly the mia take in ldenll!l- Preas today la an recr1pl of a let-rntlon occurred. an error tor which ter from "\orman Hagen. owner or lht! Nf'ws-P resa takaa this. ll• <Int oppor.tun!ty to cla rlfy. No delta<"· • Nol'm 8 • Landtng, romplaining of lion fro m Ha«tn or Norm'a I.And- the lan<!ing being mentioned In.the Ntw11-J>re.os PxposP J uly 22 nf loul pin hall pay offs at five business plarea herr In part1f'11lar. Hagen's ll'ller· conte11<1i1 thr nut-of-town Orangt County :>lcws Ser-vll'e reporter who wrote thP 11lory and the News· P reu i!hfluld be awan• lhe "cafe !IJl11atert o n the property common- ly known as 'Norm's Landing' al 8Jl -31st SL, Newpnrt Rt>ach ... la an independently owner! Aml operaterl huslness and has no con- nection wh11tsot>\'er with the 1<port- Clllhlng b111<1nrs!'I operated by the unrler1<1gne•I s t Nurm's Landin~" Th!' News-Pre1111 regrets tht ca ft at Norm's Lanrl1ng mtg-ht ronceiv- ably b•• construed 1u1 a Nnrm's Lan•1ing operation wh1r h Hagen Hays rs not Ho Becauae of the cafe and landing prox1m1ty on the .ame Ing w.u lntendP.Cl by \Ile Ntwa- Preu. FIRST AGAIN Linda Takes_ 4-Mile Open Sea Swim L1n1la Preston. 1:-1 Bayllhore8' W"ll·knnwn swimmer, took new hnnnri< Snt11rd:1\· when ~h~ wf'nt l•> Seal Be11rh · an1t v•on the 41 I !))Ile npe11 ~.... ~w1mn11ng event. Then• w1•1e-26 ent1'lel! and Linda • ·~at lht'm all with a time or one McWilliams Car H1t , ~our and ~3 m1nutt" ... J oseph McWllliam21 of 4 \ 7-tE;. 1 -Bu.Lldy Belshe. former ~tar of Bay Avp told police Saturday ha!!' the On1ni;e C(llllll Colltg t! iwlm Ge() P i, 51 of Downey succumbed to a heart come out of the water and lie down on the sand as team, wun the four mile race tor rge eca. • · • parked .:ar was struck by a r.rd men In one hour an<l 29 mlnut u . attack Saturday on the beach near t he Balboa Pier if sunning himself. He said a little lat er. a small pick-up truck which did not 11top. J ust to keep up the KtlOd work, as he came out of the water after a awim. Jack girl ran up and told him Peck's I ace was black. -., He aald the a<"cld~nl occurred In L1n,1a went to Downey from Seal St.eHlman, Hf9 pan! for tbe area. Did be aaw Peck Staff P hoto rron t .., hi• h om•. U..cb a.nd took flt•t In lhe but- -------------------------------------------------------------_ _ __ ttrrty i1tyle 100 .Y1tr<1 ewnt, "" HEAT CHASES 100,000 INLANDERS TO HARBOR 'Biggest Crowd by Officials as Yet' Reported Traffic Jams Gurley Dies in Honolulu Hn1·.-"'•'<'k at San D1ei:o was marrt'd nvr r t hr pA.sl we,.kend when w ord rPIH ht>d yarhL.t<men there nf the death nf L a<ln 1,.1 .. s J.' A d<l1.i0n Gurley in Honolul\1. The love for ya<'htinl{ of 0 111 lpy a n<! h1,. dt•LN'mlnia t aon to rare Heal In the hinterland <'hu ed hne or l'Brs wa11 s topped drad =~~1n;;';~7r pr~~; b\~:M ;~~{:~~t ,r;,"~ tnore lhan 100.noo pe<lplt to the clear bar k to Balb<>a 11nrl $ilh St . r n•'umnnut 111 the isla.n<ls. beaches. according to figuree and he f ound. '~''" ptclure1' PagP :,, Acr"rding In i 0 f 0 rm atton M llmatea by N"''J>Ort Beach auth-Pa.rt I 1 1 rurhini; :-;,.w pnrt Hll rbor. c 111 : .. y erltlt1. Cnpl. .lnnr11 r<'pna l•'>l 11£• ha tJ :JO tonk p111 t In lhP ovrrnight r 11re. "81ggPl!l r rowd I've ,ver llf'en," llf P R'll11r.\~ hu .. y all day on I hP to KR1JBI <••llnwin1i: lh<' Tr:rnsf .. thl' opinion or Don :O.tunson. I ht'a<'hf'!I Whf'rt• ~at 11rrl11y 11n1f S11n· I r 11rlr1C' Y:trht Rar.. In " !llllt Ill veteran police offk~r whn waK 1l11y thev niade 6i I t'llr 11~11 nn•I at sea C url••\' in•hl<'<I 11n st.tY· thecklng dr1v .. r11 111 d1.y h('fping R'll\'e flrl't 111 I tn J6 P<'l!<nn:< T h" ing al thP \\:het'I of thr Lyrni;n k eep tra ffic fiow lng !lllrf WRJI n11 .. 1111m ,,, he111'\' 'lo•! Parwd l vaeh t SPndrift nn J ulv "Blgg e11t <"rowd of lht! year 1.n<! thlf' rips ma ny 1111.i l•Hl!f' f "apt :!!l. HP R0pPnl iwn and 11ne hair 11tar a r<>rom ," I• the N1t1mate or Joni',, rl'pnrts \\'Mf'r trmpt'rnl11t P h<'lll • Rl lh• wh<'"I dunni: 11 Llftt G1111r<1 C-Rf"I .J. \\-, Jones. who w11a 6:0.• rl,,.j{reP.!I ,.1or1<• Twn l>•H k~llY!'I "" lht' ""'"" puts tht fllf\lrt Ill 10~.00/l JX'flfllt' ~ .. 1 Wt·rr h1 nkl'n and (;urlry hi•· on the bt'llC'hf'JI Pia s R I l'i\lllt' tlrenl'll•"•l HP n t-w bal'k In Thf'rt! w11.11n 't a place lf'rt Ill thf' . " tor• enta s lfqn11i11lu tn \'ISll hi~ rillllj.!.hll'r 11r.rl eity tn 1urk a r11r. ~•1•1 Munson I T w" <'•1nJ1tr11rll 1n 1wrn.il · 1 ( "'J" >lrll'k"n R f!>w •h<y1< IAll'r ._.hf'n thf' crow<! Mt11rt11 t11 pull out SZi 6011 t>n1•h w r1 " 11111 .. n '"''"I !"11n.111r~ md11•lP thP rltt11Jrhll'r C'a r• 11''111 ort1ln11rll)' ti.. !'lllllll'il hark C'<•~ta Mr,.a I'll\' hull ltn.: "''i""I· .tl II· rh•hrlu M r~. E!mPr Mnnlt!y; aa fa r u the lnttrJ•l'<'tlOn f'f Bnl-Ol"nl 1'11••,.dA1· hy H T Odil 11 k I\\"• .11, Joli n r.11r!P\' n ( F.IJ11onrP boa. Bh·11 an<1 Mr F11dt1f'n Pl11r~. l •n<I R fl °81<1.11 f• r -1 .. 1 P 1 l'nt 11l~ u nit I~ h• rl c;urlP\' ,;, Santll Ann. but yut .. r<lay at :a pm. the doulllt 1t 112 4 THmlnttl Wa,v. 1111., 11 d 1ui:hti r :o.iildrrrt. Fun!'r1.J LOCAL EXPLORERS LOSE SEL YES IN OLD DOMINION NORFOL.K. VA. !'pt'<'1al ~ti nf E irplnrn Pn111 I~. n .. , 8coull of Am ,.nra. •ff,...th·r lv ln•t themwh••• .1n th• ()M Jlnm1ni.>n 8tat • nf \'lrlflnla n\'n lhf' ""Hk I ~Th• ~·!'uni mf'n AITl\f'•I 11' thf' Lanf l'Y Atr 1''nrC'f' H""" 1'11t11r•lay and h1\·1 1>tf~llV«'h· 1.-.r 111 .. .,, wh·N 11nr• amonr thf' :"•• 111 ,.. tabhahmf'flll of thf' ~nrf•,lk "''" 1·l~n., 111" f•<':1d1111t ~· 1~ 1~ t 1 '"' r••p••rlP<t fnur• day~ "'II • ( 1f.,1111l<1h1 "II hl't WA\' bl\f k t r• ~·" J"if t tt~rlli•f • Ii• I ·'""'" 11w11.'· 1<hn1l1v n(l"f t11" ll' l ll" I l Th • '. II. "... c ;tp f••\ ' In lf1tJJ1 !11 u 4 f 1 HO"l·J1lt1 Jf11 1 hlf'1 I It• 14 f Al, H1 rn.'< I MELVIN HUNTLEY DIES WHEN CAR HITS TREE ronrl in lht 220 \'&rd frPt !ltVlf'. I l h11'<I an thr 1011 ya rd back ~lroke and wa.• anchQr for· the rtla y I tenm that gut ~"contl p\ll('t . l Daui:htPr n( the C G Prr ll· toni<. l~anlla h1u be!'n aw1mrnln1t l four ~·ear~. Sh• swim~ for the Hunt.mj!t n n n each Swlmm1nl! Club whPre Mrs. Gene Belllhf' Is I C'OBC'h She will b" 11 1<ophrm1nrt' TI Bl out Bl d • M I · 1 thlll fall at :'\ewpnrt Hai hor t;n-re OW ame In eSQft $ Ion High School. In her rac-r ~at- h Satu d N rt Bl d unfay. Brad no ... minJ(. Ntwrort Deat r ay on ewpo v • Rear h lift 11u11rd, WIU hPr p11d- I dlt!boRrd man. l\l .. lv1n Z Hunlley, M. 2129 1 Th•• Rt'dflt'nl wa.i< witnessed by --------------- :'ll"W!"•rt Blvcl , ~111, Instantly J11n1r~ F:lnl' I klllt•d Saturda y aftrrnoon whrn Ana. Mr tki<, !'rank C11rte1' 11nJ BIRDIE TOO FAST • AnderRnn, a ll of Santa his • >ir wtnl out of control and Huntll'y W fl.'I a 11111"'" ot :'\e· ~trurk A lre" nnrth of Costa Me· brai<kll 8 n11 rnll\f" to Co11ta Me11a !<II nn Xewpnr t Blvd. at the nld In l!"i:I. A paint rr by trRdl'. he <'1Hranr r lo the Arm:v A rr Ba.11e. hail M·rvNI tn thr Nnvy an the HuntlM"~ rnr 11pparenlly blew fir!lt \\'na lrl W11r antt an lhl' MPr· 1. r1irht frnnt lll P. al"rordini: t n rhirnt ~lnrmt' In the l!l'COnd. He Sgt. R. E. !'\eth' of the Costa a l.•O put 10 a trrm an the Cnll!<l ~1t'M pnlu r ,<1,.parlm<>nl. The cs r Gu.1nl. flps1dri< tu~ wife. he 1.- Vl'f'rE'rl nrr nn to thl' ri1?ht roefl .'lurv1ve1t h\' 11 >l<'p-.ta11ghlP1. M r.· ~h1111ldrr Hild then Sktdrletl b1 011d· SU~ltn Shr .• rer o( thf' h nnw . hi~ ~1dr arroM lhf' h1i;:hw11y bt'tnl? mnthrr. !11 1 ~ Flor11 M("lnlague nf 11truck by th•· tar nf S111n11f'I P. Elw<io<I, =""I), nntl 11 brnthe1 s nd O'Stt'Pn 11! Santa Ana H11ntil'_\'0S sli:l"r In Colnrn<!n. l'IU' lhrn rnn off the h11:hwa.v. f'Jtrkes · R11ll!·y MOJ luar." "ill hlltlnj! lh1> tlt'P snn.,1101 I' th<! f11nera I ~··• \'H'P!'. ENRIGHT AND SOMERS ST AR IN PCYA RACES • In NHYC Skippers Fint Categories at San Dieg~ 4 FOR CAPT. LACE ,\ blr<li• got the best <>f pnht·P <'aptaln Ha rry UH"e IA.'I wee k and nnw the or- '"'''r "' ""'1ni;:m1: 111 nunt1 lhf' ~tat111n 011 r1 11tchP~ IL wa~ a M<lnianton h1rdle ,, 1111 h .......... LA•...... onwnfllll a.nd 1t was a _,mall b1m P Jn his fO<'l wh1C'h h .. brnk<J C<1l· ler tlng 1111tn11r11ph!1 rast. C'llpl111n 7 on your Mesa Business 1 Firms :. Looted by Burglars Two \\'PPk·f'nr! burglnnv.• m Cnl'IR. Mr 1<a hus.ineM estabhl'h· mtuL<t had pohre lrioklng ft>r I rlueA th1.'I mnrn1n~. Lltlo Cle11n- rrl', 1-;'~2 :"\Pwpo1 l Rlvrl.. ft nrl Rnb' s Sp•1rt lni:· Gr•nd!'I StnrP. 1702 1 N"wpor! Blvd.. wf're virttm.. nf t hP !'Rid~. Tht' <'I c an 1 n R P11t11bllAhment Thi• l~·1d >1111111111 l'•'YA f'J\illll· 11\11 th<> Cll'<'t WR• ""'"'<''I thrnll J!h 8 brnkl'n 1'1• •t~h!I• H"~~l IH. Mllll'rt h." .. v,.r j :--THAT t::'\ftlf;JIT \\ 1:'\)'I IA'll\di·w 1111•! nbnul $2~ Jn loriFe 2fHI t,,, ,,, "" Anr. ~ A 11n.t 7 ,.,.\\' Tiil"" r<'fll'lll \\'JOn"r8 \\'HP StrAt rhllni.;e !.1kPn, 11rcord!ng In o r- " 1 .. r11I ,., :7 I h1•1l1 (•IH1'1l< .-rr>WOl''.l I Eni lj:hl nr :l:ewpr>rt Hllrhor Yl\Chl (!C'l'r \\'1llli11l1 M SllVllj{I'. whn nt t h" 1•nn. htl't .. n ••f th" l'rriN• 1·11111 in the Rhl'rl<',. fl"tt. Han · .. y lnve~t lr: ""'I Thr hieftk-in w111< Th rf'P Si n fllP!it" f'l11lJs jumt!d fnrr- 1 !'n:n,.rs. 11nothrr :'llH YC sklpptr. r"J'"l l~d by HH Old W Akl'r. "l' lo rir><111•" this h!irt;Jy 1111rrr1t.~· a1i:1un tnrpNI the Califomla-32!!. manAt:*'• Albtrt II M&thrws. rul ,.,.,.nt whlrh ln<'l11dP<f 11 J'J Pdac\: l a.nd A~h Brown of SOYC w on by a owner. a• 11n v11c11tlr>n ln M,.iorn. I'd 1111(' aare for thf' power bo1.t11. n111 Mw margtn O\'t'r SOYC'11 Gene I Thr brN•k-ln Ill Bob'll wa~ ae-Th• O<'t•t Of !h• )'1'1111111 .. •Hl\•1• I•• th•lr ad•"laor ,. .. ,.. 111"11 .. I 11• I '8 mak• a <'ru1.,. a h<1a11I a "'"~ LaunC'll t<"1a y al..,nt ft"• •r ;r w at•rway nf th" \',t"11n1• t • •·' TomnrTC\W lh•Y ,.,,I •t •n' a ,•t 1 ~An 1 11r~n YC w 1111 hMt to lht TIH'J1l1' In the Orr.an Racing dlvl-1 pl'lrterl by Wllll11m Lllmp,.rt. (lwn- 1 f'1<1\\i.'' t>.•,.\ll 11nd lh,. l1tl l?l'r u tl-1 ~•on. er 1md 1n\'P11t1,11terl by Sgt L [1 1ni: • r,.f• Whlll' !'n11thwf' .. lt'1·n YC I 1-"llrllni: the 11red1r ted IOlt evtnl' P~llnm T ht! burg h1r "nt"r t rt 11.·elrnn P.f lhf' l'mll ll ho/II.II Rn.J :'-f l!<· l\l the r orrfuslon of two l!l·mlle through 11 ventilator ln lhr rnnf ''"" Rn\ r.;n t h,. 1111nl:'h\" rares A rlll'P~ was F rank R uppert with and. besulr~ al)o11t 120 In r111<h, 1••rt' f'f(111t nt \'HF interrommu· h1J1 R"\'tllt!r V who tume<! In his he took A pistol. c11mer11 . h11nrt nit'Kfwn •y11tem bl'!W""n lht clubs loi; wHh lln error of only .229:1 per clock tabula tor and poMlbly a ,,n'1 !h•· rnmmllltt b<i11ta kt!fll :t nl to c11pture th<! Oonal11on holliler. tn.r a t ''"''n•• R<-•· " •• 1 t . l'\IHtJ !\f' th ... '''IHt f'I t <'f ' I folk and Racl\m"n 'l llln•n1 ~· ftl>r t h• • ...,.;. "' I 1r: f'h tde a tnu r nf H1-1 1 " "1rJ . Ynrktn• n J a ftlf'•I •l" •~4 ArJ•••'Nll'•" '"°" ,., U'C ..,,..,, • II rouf'ld ""t '"" ,. .... i. ••'!'I • U · t111l• tllll• "" tn. A ,.,..i. ... •" Tra il .. ,,., RI .. f\>-a.. I• t ..... f'n · de\ .. , \ *"'''""'" , .. .., ~ Nml'Wt• I NU I r<f ~ \••" ••f":,•.r ••n•••..,•"' aa,tm. ",~ aat".ro•r ,~ ,.... ,,... .. " "" Har ""'• •1Jl I ....... all nf ... , ,...., 1'I •A• '-1•-r· l" .,.. to-s s t, ,,., a ..,.. .... 1 ,_ ~ ,,.. "'t: ., "- • Atlll IT. ! • P~ IX U 11'411 -H•r'tltlr atta toda'· mournt'd rr f J A. n <:•ar l<\· '" Hnrn!ulu JWkn"r f \ • f'Vrnun" 1ntnrm'"'1 at 1111 llmeA of I Tro!lhY JU•l "t.~; wu irr>1n11 on through· (Coatt•ued Ml Pac" 'f) Balboan Booked as Exposure on Check Charge -------------------------- !Orange Man Booked Suspect by Newport Off• . Art'ellt ot T erry H. McNell. 33, 1cen of 800 I:. B&lbo& Blvd., WU made Frida y by Newport police In t he Balboa Fun Zone. W llll11m • Hubt!rt O.ak1n11. 27, I Otflrent n ld wltne_. claimed nt 711 W C\Jlnr St . Oran.,e. he t 11po11f'd hlmtelf Fr1d ay whllt! • ., '"'hf'<IUled lo a ar toda.y altlln~ In hi• car Jn front of 181 ~ ~ PIK' Park Ave. De&klna told police be In • ""'pt:irt J \lt1ll('e Court on a wu •mployed by an Ice Cn!am r h•rt «' ot ind t'ont elq>(ltrurt. H t! fl.rm for 21.a y ear11 but quit three wa• atTHlf'd rrlday by fl.~rt -•k1 1.,0. Jie admlttll't1 the act pollc:t follOWU\i,. a complamt. wbell quutJOlled by poUoe. • Offlcera u ld the 1nan la wan~ by Albuqouque poUce on a war- rant t or an aUe(ed bad check. McNd l reportedly told local offl· u n he boufht a car three weelu aro ln Albuquerque wHJ1 a 1300 Md cbeek. Record Humber of Entries Reported for 6-day Run Thousands of \'iaitora will attend t he 165th anniversary Orange Co~nty Fair which opens a gala"l!ix-day run at 9 :30 a. m. tomorrow on the Costa Mt'sa Fair Grounds. Qu~n Yvonne Shubert and Mayor Claire Nelson 'of Costa Men will cut the ribbori in opening ceremonies. Part1c1rallon an the fair hu t'r in point nf enlnc11 1u11ong pro- rra<'hed record ·1,..lght~ In 1tll de-1 feJ111ton11l t'lor1111... 1tnd nuraer lu . parlml'nl!I wilh total l'lllnra up with iii dll•pllly!I nrrangl'cl in th• more than 1000 Items nvl'r the re-\'!lmped florirultur' pavilion. 19:H sh .. w. More th .. n 6200 """ Dally demonstration• by prof••· trlr11 have bet'n submitted hy 1:100 s1on11I floral du1g11,.rs will be C'Oft· put tc1prrnti< ducte<! nut61<!,, lhf' p11 vi hon at 2 :30' Thr •·xpRndt'd fe&lllrt' l'Xhlbits 1 IUld i :30 r . m. In the u tendedl df'put ment Is fllli.'d lo rapa.clty area will be l he largest junior with d1splay11 from fl\'<! Southt-rn 1 t'lonculture txhlbll f'V<'r held ht!r« California rountlt>I! and f'Xhlblts and "Corf's or ftl dlvlt1uah• amt from communities and farm nr· grour11 art> parUclpatinr-rn t he gunl.&11t1ons lhrourhout Orange amaleur adult 11ect lon. County. 1'welvt perform11ncea are ached· IUYITt:R t~OR .ll'NIOR.!ol I ull'.l for t ht National Horap •how For the flriit tam~ the Junior anti J unu•r Horii" ah ... w. with mor• Featur .. booth ba>1 bl'en ajlded to than 1300 enlilH listed ln the J>ro- lhe m1ln dls pllly tf'nl. f'ivtng the gram of rvPnt11. There e r .. nea.rly public a mo re atlvantiq;tnus Vlf'w :'100 horsu rrrre1!4'ntln« 228 011''11· of th<! d11•pl1ys crested by ~-H IUld er11 FFA groups. 1 • With I h,. adrlf'd 1·apt1"ity of lhA Jn the live stork department Of nt!w qu11rtH·milhon dollar exhibit lhe Junior Fair thrrt-hll.8 bt!en a rn bulld111g . tht' commt!rcl&l ahow I• per n•nt lnneue In Pntrtu. with 8 rnmpll'lt>ly Ho ld out and !hr wid,.. total or 759 animals llslf'd. The lswn adjsrrnt t o t ht bull<!lng 1A !<how lncludea bl'er a nd dairy cat. I flllrd w ith thr large..'l Ira.Iler 11how tie, ewlne, sheep and goata. Cll· ever •lispb}yed in Orange County. max of th11 dlvlaion of th<! fair NIC.JITLV PERYORMANCf: will be the annU\ll llveslock auc-Nt~htly performancl'll or "Bou r- tl<ln •\ 8:45 p. m . Friday when ch11rd Rt'turn1<" will offer a blend high bidders will buy the blue rib· 1 nf legend and mm&nl"e wllh bon tat animals from the lePn-agt! beauty, soni: 11nd dan<"e. pre11ented fllrm<'rs. 11n a rolorful utt111ir with glitter· The flower ahow Is a third lar~-l('ontlni.wa oa Pace 'rl ..11 . \ \\'f:LCO~tt: HA~U-Nrwport &:arh's mayor gre<-l · cd a pirate queen when Yvonne f\hubcrt Pirate Queen of Orange County Fair. ramr 11shnre nt Hmipita.lity Doc k and was mrl by Mayor Dora Hill. With thl" queen w~r<' PriIH'l'l'\Sf'S Pat Bilvk and Df'e D"e Cun- ningham -Phr1lo by Dnn B11!;h 3-LOT PAVING CONTRACT FOR PARKING DISTRICT LET to r "''"I HU J t ''Ii ••\• 11 ,. Id I t,1,, pHv1 n ·· th1 ~·.,. 1r1f -. ' ( ,.,, .. th ~i 11;.t'" Park1r1;.:: l •1 ·:t 11 1 ;\11 l ,• rr11 •l1ns: t u M r .. f':v1•1\ r1 F • :11 u rht 11ntkn nf th,,. p.t1\(11l~ '' '1 rn.:-....:1nn '4 hir h 1nr1udrc ft,\ C;.rillP and !"1101111>1 F r117.l"I H \\ ~f, < ·.,•ll~n Rnd ~,.n ... ( ·, ... tn. M~~""a l''t1n11 01 tnt ~. h :t\'•· AJ:'.lf'• t ';• tl11 th,. J 11! tr•r i r.n110 v. 1th1n :111 ·I~··• 1'1.~ tht ,.,. It•!• "',. an th" "'" 1n hUJl,nf'JCI' <h!';t r Ht. t\'-,, 'ltl 11 ht\ -·a~· imlr flf ;\'rwrn1 l Hl\'tl hll•I "'" rm tht WP.II! "l" l )n» "' tl10o~r rm th .. ~8'l !ll<IP b 11•x, In ti ~ po8t c1ff11•· hurldlnl:" 11nd me I 1•1• • 6(100 "q fl Th" nth" r IA n .. rt h of E11st 18th St . 11n•I rn<l•1•i"• 14,000 ~q fl Th• 11 htr h•t 1~ 80Ulh of H;HbM Rl\·•I 11n11 10 - du<lea 17 ~oo liq. ft HARBOR WtATHER T•·m1"·ra111r1·• lhr [IA•I ""''k In lh" llKthHr 11r••tt ''"''': T\1• '•lay Alli;: 2 \\t 1:t.• .. dn\ /\1q · :1 lllr:h '"". i i 110 ~'I. 1\1 ·n1•11 '"' 1. All!; I Fnd.~~. AIJ..,· :. ~ti,f1ir •:>1• 1\ I ~ !''Pil,tt\ A I'S? -: Mnn•lny, A1111. I\ i I 71 711 Ne,.,s-Prass Clrculation Today 5730 Coples l\'I f\1 ,,, I\:'\ 113 Money fr1r th111 1mprov,.mf'nl hU bffJl rtunRtr<! h\' m• '' h11 nt, through the promotion of' Iii" Down T own Bu~!n,.~ Men'11 A"· AOd11Uon. La.nt1 for thr pa1 k1ni: 1 Iota hu been l.l'q11lr,.d bv nr1:An 1· 1 Allon of the park1n~ r11~tnrt 11n · j i..ua.nca of 1611.000. Bid~ on lh<'~" I bond• will be opent>d at " llP"' rl1.l m .. elln« or lhe r lly 1·nunr1l 1 Aug, 22. Jn ma kln11 th~ 1mpn 1Vf'· 1 me t Uw old llbfV>' bWldin( wu ------------- I' ... .. MRS. SELIM STIRRATT FRANKLIN -Curtis Studio Photo Franklin-Kress Duo Plight Troth at Saint Andrew's After Church Reception Intima te Garden Buffet -• MmH \111 OV4'rsktrt. Mrs. Frankltn wo1;e a fall crepe in rich brown with V n4'rkltne. thrre quartPr slel'ves and seml·strnlght i<k1rt in C'Ot'ktiill length Hrr ac-- A fa n-sha•1"d bouquet of cerise gladoli with white stock Ct'Mot tl'i-weie al•n whit ... "-Mrs. Ralph OP1wrr pl11yecl the and larkspur on the altar of , St. Andrew's Presb~1erian v. eddmi; m11s1<· but ba<·kgt·ound church was in lovely contrast to bridesmaids gowns of peri· for th' re<'"rtion. h<'l<1 in thP 81)· winkle blue. and formed background for the eight o'clock cial hall wnh !lnral i;ellini:; i;iml· lar t<l that in t he rlturC'h. wss nuptials on Saturday of Miss Wanda Dianne Kres!-1 and Selim or !<lift reC'Mdrd Ml"' uon ... Mr :1. Stirratt Franklin. Oltver C11mpb<'ll. M1~. Martin Th" RP\'. Jarne11 S. Stew art Akervoli1 or :'\orth H ollywor1rl Mani:olrl iinrt nther womrn of the perform"d lhe ~1n1:le ring rit e and brldumalds were the ~tt:<~"S 'hurrh k nt '",."P'1"n aid. AftPr· which 11n11~<I thr daughter of l Ca1ol Harker. Sherman Oak .. ; war I a i.:ard"n bu!frt for mem- Mr and ~It !'I. <;<'nrJ:P Rlchftrd Edith Karl, Pa11ad4'na 11n·I\ ~tnr · bPI'~ ,.,, \ht> f.1nllli•"1 Hn•I werl<lmi; Kr<'!S or :'\on h Hnll~-V.'l)Ofl and garet Watkin. Enr rno. ThC')' \\'Pl'f' pf,rl.\• \\'35 h<'ld Ill thr homP or the Mn of ~Ir~ l\n•I MrA. Selim gownt>-1 alike in ft1ll-sk1rled pnn· tfie hnrlrgrn .. m'io 11arcn111. H!'rnni:: Franklin l !128 Santa 1 ceM frocks of pedwlnkl<' hh1e CO.\~T TRll' Ana Ave .. Cn1<tl\ MPsll. cry!ltalllne In cockt111l lr11i::lh Cn1ni:: ftr~t ""Wn lhf' f'<l~i<t, \\'11.nda wl\s I"'"!\· tn her brlrlal Bodices had short 11lee\'i•s Rnrl l<lw the nrw ~Ir. n111J Mrs. F ranklin Ji:'OWn nr whtl" taffPUI and 111ce necklines with bows And hPm will tut 11 11h1~1t and lnw~I north a.• l<hf' "'"" f'!wu1 trc! bv her fl\· I length streamers a t thr back. 111 Or ,.i.:nn fl•r lh•• jottrn<·y lh<' thtr down lhf' \'Pn\Pr aisle, mArk· Cocktail hats ot p<'rrw111klP vel· 1 hn•IE' FPl1<1·1 .. d It w111ln 1·n\l<1n I'd b~· b<lllljllf'I~ anrl i<1nitl1> ran·~ vet with no~e veil~ an1t Hubrum Sllll Ill nwd1111n hrnwn. 1l1mhll' dies 111 prw en ts. and glvrn Jn hires with 11 lt>AVP!I Rnd pink brea~t••d An•l with h1i;h n1>rkltne, keeping to hrr IJrrt!ei.:r"om. Other I ~trramers cl'l11pletNJ I he en~rm-1·omf1lrn11 nlln.t; !hi' • '''''.11111· with canc!lu hurne1l 111 tall bran('h"rl bles. I l11ni;t n11c h:ll, Rlhi.:a ti>r 111·r('!'i<<>· <'llnrl,.lahrll At I'll• h ~1<1~ c:>( lh(' I 'hrislopher Carroll of 'furson, I lf'S an I l'hAlnnt•p~1~ rn1 ~:ti;I'. Sht> 111lar. 1 Ariz. w 8 q grnnm«ml;ln lln•I ut1hrr~ w11s g111d11ntrd fr11:11 \'1·r,tlakr fUUUE'S ATTIRt; wl're All1tn G1 r~ham of El l'en-Sr ho•>I l11r <:11!:< 1111.t has Jll~t tr·1', J..Alrr1 JR,.k~nn nf SACrRlllf'llto 1·•1111pl,.l • I twn ~t'lll~ 11l t·ni\'• r· 1rnil .l11mf':< ~t11zz.,n1 of (;ry!lt'r· s1ty nf !" .. 111h .. 1 n < 'nhf•Wlll!l \\ ht'I •' vlllr sh" \\'HS A n1rlllh••r •.f Sp11rs. The ,1.:uv. n f4!Rlllr ed a lt1r r b•11l- l1 o with fol1l"'I h11n•l11 nf tullP 1111.trr sr11llnps of l rr W1•le pu1 • I• 1111 nN·kltnr. :'<tnnl;or lr1•" f11rm· ("I 111')'hq11.·,; Pl\ l h1 \'l'l,Y 11111 ~i,1tl AHd, t"O;l,))011l•·r ,•d \\Ith pMU lq, wa~ "~' I I nr t hr <"t •1\\'n whu h 11<'1<1 f11lln1'"" ,.f 1he tli11·f' 11• r•"t :1ni.tr111r , •• .i Th<' ht1dul hnUtfll~l ".l~ u 1·1 C'•'''nt ~ha111•·l 11 1 rnni.:tmf'nl e>f rhnlarnnp'"~ nr· r h1d, nn.i lil11·s ••f 111•• \,\JJ.·y. Hnnr>r 111a1J \\ 11s ~11~~ ;\l.11 J•ll I• Waltah Say CO( KTAIL l'fH>< h !'\ Bnth rnnthr1 ~ ~nmrhm~nt•"I 111 .. hn I• .~ .. n ... t.•n1hlP u1 :.t11Pt'l an,c \\till" l'h:il •""'·r-•" ,,,.i:t, ,., 111·11 ('•·l s,q.~•""'!'-. :'\!r -1 "'P ... , '' h11ir1L ~h· "h:t•"" 111 the Int·,,. hat nnil »-•'• P"t.· ~·ti.•~ W•qt1 \\llh h••r n:tvy :;.,tui •Irr~· T~r ~"\\ n \\'14' Ill I n..J<: .111 l~n'-lh \1 1111 tt11""·1Jll;lll"f' ~f.,•\•" .111.r 1•~n1 ii t.lint ~kin 111 • r 11 hfl h "No Buy Hawaiian" Unt il You See Big Hawaii an Fashi o11 Sl1 0\v at Balboa Bay Club Aug. 12th "Everything for Wear to Balboa Bay Club Luau" Aug. 18th Wallah Clarke Hawaiian Shop Ortilnatnr of Han all11n Fuhlon• \n Amf'rka 140 So. Coast Highway-Laguna Beach :\•u t tn The Jl'ho"· P.S. For !'lall"--{'raty c-nut Hat-: ' ~ pt1tir11u1 e \\'• •tU•·n·~ }inti· •r .f'• 11 wty ~n.J ••< Alph.1 !'hi :«•n1111y. 11( whwh sltr "·•l< pt l'•<i•Jl'lll ldi.l BARE FEET. AND COOL GRASS -This group chose the lawn in front of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club as their dancing fl oor during the South Seas party last Saturday. From left: John Symonds, Ruth Butterfield, Paul Livadary, Jody Moise, David Conrad and Carol Schmfda. -Beckner Photo • Reception fo r Bodmans Mr. and Mra. JOMpb Rodman. 'fl'ho havf' bt'en aC'th·t In tJ<tl1b· llghlng the local Meth o d I 1 t church ""~r a penod ''r many yeara. wPre honored with a l'f'· eeptton a l the last Mrvh'e wh1fl\ tht'y a ttf'n1IP1! In Chrtat C'hurch by the Sn. The 8 01tma n• !lave gone to Dixon, lll'Ar S11na.ml'nt o. when• they wlll spenrt the 11t1mfnt'r and wh .. re their daughter ancl her husband. Mr. anJ Mn . George Barry. ha''" a hu ge ranC'h. Mr. Bodman retired on July l a fter aerV1ng for 25 yean 111 cu1todl•n ln New·port liPach Elementary echoola. During their 32 yrars realdenee here the couple hu bffn active In church w ork, taklnf a part In the four building program• In addition lo purchue of the pru· ent rhurch 1lte 1nr1 paying ort the m ortJ:'a(e on the t int uniL At St . J oseph Theim• Maberry of Coata Mua waa a dmitted to St. J ouph Hoa- pltal on Aug. 4 tor trt alml'nl. acute laryngltla on the eve of the recent production of "The Black Flamingo". Orren, who wu asalallng t he play'a director. donned powdered wig and greue· paint to play the part of "Popo". WAVES SPECIAL Complete $10.00 1750 Permanent • New Location 357 N. Newport llv. Cr088roada Villap Center Bldg. opposite Hoag Memorial Ho1pital Liberty 8·2U2 Gil,.; B.~ul'I S~op Trouble ill onl:r opportunl~ la work clothea.-Hinry J. K&IMr NEWPORT H AR BO R Orren Brooks to Direct 'Hasty Heart' LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS MRS, WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR· NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 'NEARLY. NEW FASHION' SHOW PLANS DISCUSSED I Clothes donated by leading Orani e Connty ahopa and 1nr1w1dusls will be modeled and 1<>ld et the "Nearly New F11.Bt11on Shnw" to be held Sept. 20. 11:30 a. m .. at the Balboa Bay l'lub by the Orange County Philharmonic Society. Th~ js first fund raising effort of the aoclety on behalf M Orange County Philharmonic ayr.~phony orcheatre. tor the coming .11ea11on. Plans for the event were continued at a break!u t aeulon m the Bay C}ub. ~tr~. GunnJng Buller, U,,cket chalrTQ&ll tor the fa11h1on luncheon, dlatnbuted Ucketa to the varloua chair- men prrsrnt. who Included: Mmrs. Alfred B. Payne, Emerald Bay; Joeeph Klimek, Laguna Beach: G. R. Winder, Brea ; Edward Mittleman, Fullerton anrl MmN1. Melwood A. Berry, Gertnlde McCall, Wftlter Schoenfrlrl, Karen Mari;-reta Brunin!;. Carl Boswell, JU\lelte·Mllllk,.n. Jamee C. N-lln end Edward H .. Kelly, Ul of Newport Beach. Three Candles fo r Mike Smith 1'eighborhood c h 11 <Ir t n and 1h.-1r mothers helper! J Y"Br·old ~f1ke Smith, son of llfr. 11nd Mra. Fr,.nch Smith. 1726 Monrovia A vr . C'osta Mes11, rPlehrBlt> his birthday last Tuesday afternoon. Aug. 2. a l h ll! home. Present for the Ice rt t>am fl.nd cake and blrthd11y JlCtlviUcs wrre ~f rs. Ro· bcrt Helne5, Robrrt. Kathleen an•! Janice: Mrs. Walttr Helton, ,John. Randy and D1anP: Mike Buford. Mr::;. Smith. P11r Smilh, a nrl the honorcl'. Girl for Clemans The William C'ler.rnM. 51:1 Takes Air Trip Around World Mra. Pa ul William Lawrence of Bel Air and 224 Via Lido Nord ts flying around the world by way of Hawaii, Japan, Thailand, India, Egypt, Turkey, Austria. Switzerland, Germany, France, London and Copenhar en. Be· tween Amsterdam and Loa An· gelea 1he will fly the new S. A . S. night over the P ole. In Hong Kong ahe will viait Mr. and Mrs. James Zee Mln Lee, the writer &nd motion pie· ture <.''rector. In England she will vtalt her father'a 1ummer home. In Copenhagen she will be the guest of the Christian Volta, for· merly of Beverly Hiila. Newport Harbor Community Players ha ve announced that Or· ren Brooke, local young actor. Is scheduled to direct the Players' opening production of J ohn Pat· r ick'• comedy-drama, "The Huty H eart" whlr h will be presented to lhe public dUrlng October a l Orange Coast College Chapel. Brooka r4'Joln1 the Players af· ter an abaence of tour year• o! play-producllon and entertaining tor the Air Force -will be re· membered for his portrayal of "Lachie" In the area'• fl rtt prea- entaUon or "The Ha~y Heart" In 1948. He t>ecan hla theatrical atudlea In 19'7 In aummer atock. playing ln auch produc1lona u "Chicken Every Sunr1ay", "La41ea In ReUrement", and Eugen;-0' Neill'• "Ah, Wlldernus". During thia period he 1tudled act1n1 un- der Eugenie Leontovlch and Akim Tamlroff, ftnd was tut, red In atarecraft by R ita Clover and Cyril J unPs. With the New port Harbor play- ers he hlll parUclpated In "The Male Animal" "Petticoat Fever" "Dream Girl" "Philadr>lph111 ::ito· ry" and u "DM ny" 1n "Night Mu11t Fall". College productiona to his credit Include "Outward Bound" and Mollere'a ''La Malade lmaglnaire". Brooks' It.teat role with the players wu an a ccidental, and hurried one: \\'hen chanictor ac· t or J im Webb wu stricken with DAN'S BARIER SHOP BALBOA THEA.Tall BLDG. BALBOA Op8ll TueedaJ taln .... Coming Soon SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG. lOTH Fern Lear. Costa Mesa. are par· P11 l11 of a girl b11hy born July 30 at Hn11g Ho11pitAI. !'l'lllC'~ler. ~Ir. Frnnklln 1.s 11 !'ht Reta Kappa. ~1 ;,!h1n te 11( P111111111a Col· l"i.,•·. a1~>1 . w rit lje ~ta1 lin!'; hi•. 1 hn <t yr.tr n l s'tanforrl t:nrver· ~·t~· law ~··1t,_.1l whne hP has I» rn •Jr, fdl 111 the !..aw Hrvlew i>'>Al d nf t>dltor~. In FrankfUrt she will be t he guest of Baron and Baroness Eb· erhard Von Oppenheim, and of General and Mrs. Dunford. 'T'fH· I Hllpl~ \\'Ill be !It hl'n\e in l'.du 1\lto. MATT KESS ES ~t• -Romea -Trallen hTf'&'Ular Shapes Liberty 8-lSOS COSTA MESA MATIRE~S CO. 2UO !liewport Bini. H ., 1. Watch For The New UL TRA·MODERN K!NG STUDIOS OF DANCING! • Opening Friday, Autust 12th at 3440 Via Oporto N•wport leach ....... Udo S•oppl .. CHter as to socro Reduction on all • Summer Stock Dresses bathing suits skirts accessories, etc. ----·- .. j ·- MRS. EDGAR BRADLEY WITMER -Gerhardt Photo Harborites Wed at St. James It wu late afternoon on Saturday at St. Jamee Episcopal Church that the Rev. John H. Parke read words of the mar- riage service which united Mrs. James William Barbee, 429 Seville Ave. and Edgar Bradley Witmer, 2113 Cove St. The bride le the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrington Chism Feild or Loil Anfelu and the bride· conflict u flrat heuten&nt In tht 1 room la tha ton of former Pua· U. S. Air Force. de.n&na, Mr. and Mra. Wilham S. RER£Aa.'!JAL DIS!\"'ER W itmer. now of 2007 8ay 1ide P re-dat111g lhe wedding wu D rive. the rehearsal dinner on Friday The bride wore pleated a qua evening a t the home of the bridegroom'• parent1. thifron In alreet length a nd pink The couple will be at home al tealb..-hat. She (."arrled a bou· 429 ~ville An. the laller part quet of whJte orch1da, u did her or Auguat after a honeymoon In a ttenda nt, Mra. H. Payne Thayer. Th1 latter waa gowned in a tucked Dior blue cry•l&lhnt frock and her hat wu a navy &nd white atraw, The bridegroom waa a"sisted by hta brother. Wlllhtm B. Wit· mer. and i'Jt'Sls were ushered by Andrew Mad111on Rutherford of l1pl11.nd. Edwin Alonzo B'arnea JU ot San .Marino, V111cent Jerrema Healy and J ohn Gardon 8mftb. ~OTHERS ATTt:.SO Both molhtra were prt•""nl for the C'eremony. Mrs. Fetid WPar· Ing a turquou1e silk 11111l and Mrs W itmer In gray beaded l111en. lmmrd1ately after the nle a rrt't pllon was held at ~ewport Harbor Yat'hl fj1Ifl tor 200 guuu. The n•w Mra. Wilmer attendtd Ban ta Monlt'a 11r hool11 a nd w1111 l"r•dualed from UCLA where sht waa atllllat11d with Thetll Ups1· Ion aororHy. She 111 ('Urrenlly truaurer oJ Harbor Panhelltnrc The bridegroom a llendrd Poly· technlc Elementary school, Pua· dt>na. Mldland 11chonl, Lo11 Ohvo11 and Callfom 1a ln111 1llllt' or Tech· nology, Pa.-dene.. He 11ervPd In World War II and the Korf'an northern California al Del Monte Lodge, Lake Tahoe and Brock· way. ... Children's Art Show at Tar Pit On Mhow tomorrow• al lhe Te.r f'1l. 18th St 1nu West Balboa Blvd .. from 2 lo ~ p m. la a show Of work done by children 1n lht Zont1t ·!'pnni1ored art clll.llllea. Mis. Fr e dri c \Thelma Pad· dot'k) Hope, Zonta t hairman for thr rlAMU. taught watPr color Rnd 011.s lo lhe older group. Mrll. Jay Thomp11on tt11l'hing younger children. BPgmnm~ with atill hre In w11 ttr colors. young 1ludtnlll wt're advanced through lanrl· "rapt', ma nnts. to figure a.nd head life work In both water color and 01111 w ith oullt.anding ri•1<ult11. Senitone Ory Cleaners' National Cont~st! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIELD' &-co. DREAM WARDROBE ••• aod a FREE round trip to Ch6ca1to for TWO oa UNITED AIR LINES ! Plan now lo eater lhe n11· Uonal Dream We.rdro~ Con· tnl 1ponaored by tha Sant· tnne Dlvi81on ot l'!mery Jn. d u a t r I e •. Int' . Cinl'lnnatl, Ohio. MlmpQ-Hmah Th&a SHt#llH In 'l~ \\'nn.t .. or l.-11 'I prrfrr StJtufort• 14 ordt· ""'11 rlr11 f"/rri"•"!I l>ecnMa~·· 1Sample ~nl.nce; I know J r &n tMlllL 811,nltone to dn • hl'llN' JOh on rverything from t'hlldren'• cloth.. tn t1ne11t l'Vf'nlnf wear -,.t tt ~ll no more !"l 1l • JUIL u u ay M I.ha( a nd you might ~in a "new you" ... tvPrything from ahoea to a glamoroua new hair-do .•. ruual to evenin1 wear-and 1111 " m a r l I 1 atyled for "Field'•" by the world'• rnremo.t dee1gnera. Th• fff9t pnM winner alao geta a round trtt to Chlcaco few rwo oa nit«!. .A.Jrllnel .•• wttll I d&1'9' bot.I. mt&Ja and ~ rv.. paid few by 8&nl· t<WM 0ry CJearunr s.rvtc.. ln addlUoa &o tha tirat pr1.M ot h..000 00 D rMftl Ward- ~ tbeN -• oUMI' wondetflll prt9M. c~ ..,.,.,. ~•llMf _. • NoeN ..,. __ ..-. ~ ............ ...., ...................... ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE) 'Form in Time' Exhibit Opens MONDAY, AUGUST I , 1955 LIDO SHQfS I F11mf'd art f'entera ln e&at 11nrt I weal hav.. ltnt s.·ulpture t~•· au~• for lhf' Mnn1c1pal Al"I ~­ partm .. nl'• · Jo"o1 m In Time" ex· hlblt which l'J'"n8 with 1. rublh' preview trom 8 to 10 p.m Thurt· day 1 Aui;. 111 a t lhP Munh·1ral Art Ca llery in Barnsdall Park. I Loa Angelr a CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANCES -Homebold Plirl.I -Oealt'r -Sen•lce LIDO t::Lt:CTRIC A VIEW OF CHERRY COVE, CATALINA is enjoyed by Tom Quinn of Hollywood, Miss Adon<'ll Massie of Lido Isle and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Platt of Bark Bay. They are aboard Mi&> Ma. sie's Cl'Ul8C'r Llmoda. The poodles. wh1('h belong to Miss M\ssic. arc Fran· cine and Coqu<'tlc. -Edward Lester Smith Photo Sculpture lent by the Metro· pollt.,-. Mu:.eum or Art In New York. th., Amf'rfr11n Fe1leration ot Art.11. and rn11ny ll.)("111 public and prtv11te cOll N·llon• have be,.n combtnt>tl into 1. fU(."ln&llng pan· 0111m a uf °'"'"" thlln ~.000 year• Of !K'Ulpture Th.. l'hrunllh)l(ll'lll I ,.ran of the f'xi11b1t spread~ from annenl M11y1111 &nd Ei:-ypt11.n bu· rtohefa Lo wurk by tht' t•onlt'm· porary Brooklyn-burn ,.xp11tr1ate. Sir Jal'Oh Jo~plllt'1n, now ln th11 (."otmtn· 11n a ,-.1mmu•a1on from thl' c '1ty 11f Ph1l11rtPlph111 ..\i:\'lll J1ni.: 11• K .. nneth Hui's. R•'nl'rlll ni.tnllJ:1'1 nt tht' M11nlt'1p11l Ar t11 D"J'I th<' Bu1n11•IHll l'llrk exhibit 1~ pe1 hul'" the nw1<t tm· port11n1 ~(."Ulpturt sh11w to ht' hPlt1 m th.. ....uthl1<nrl in m1rny \'1•11r" Hr Hll<l•'I !hill th .. 11t·orl'l8 1 ~f 11<'.tuii I r i«f'"I! on tl1:<phw h11 Vf' ho'l'll llUf!J'lo lllt>nl••tJ by ):l):Rnllr 111h1•tO·lllUI . .i~ .. r Rfl'Rt I rnRlll:<l.01'1' .ind nt11 .. 1 ~l'ltlplurf'~ whtl'h r1111hl n .. t ht> r.-rnov• d 111 this ro11n11y Amnni: f111n1 d .. n1lptors whn~f' work "ill hi' d11<plRyet1 are ku· Rll.!!l Rodin, Aru1tldt' Maillol. Ed· 2ar Ol'it&a. • Frffi .. rlC' R~mtngton, Paul ~hnahlp, Jarquel! Llpchllt , R1t•hmond B11rthe Rnd Jacnb ltp· Gail Weller 'A. C d , l!lt ln. tr omman 0 I Tht' lilt!' or lhe exhibit top th<' hill In BarnaJall t>Rrk 81 By GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITH Is Hostess I R • d I lht> 1ntt're~llon of Vermonl Ave. S ev1ewe and Hollywood Blvd.-111 llMlf ABOARD TYPEE: AVALON, yachlll .. · tht' follnwini: •lfly B • thd \\'ilham HaarslltJ . Or 11 n gt Catalina : Sailed llllO beauUful lDotlo and Skip Slunston. lflt•m· on Ir ay C1111st L'olfl'ge lib101111n lt'VIO'W~ bers Of the Balbo11 Bay Club who Air t'ommt1n•l1J t>V SPt );t' V1u uhk pa lm fringed Avalon th•• morn· now hve '" Honolulu. t.onured t; oil \\ ··lh I 400 • 111118 A nll I St1or1 .... tlf rt• ljll118I l'XP"rll'll('UI Ing and ft'lt 11 though we were ·Sea Bellt'". an1I MonoJ11\'. Jul\' A ,. t' n 11 ~ :'\ e w po 1 t H•·r i;ht:. dill ini: \\'ut lt1 \\ 111 JI ai ,, 11rp .. 111. coming Into N .. w York H11rbnr, 25. B1J1 and Toby \V1<'0" honu1 · tlaui;ht• r 11r :.tr Rnd M i~ Arthur 111 profu,.ivn 1n n« .. nt mnntll~ for after hv1.ng in the quiet hl· 1 ed Solve11: IV with a •OI kllltl \\'rll .. i, •"·l..tiralt>c1 hi·r aev• nth Ten ~·,,.11rs 11 ft1 r 1he t'n•hng .. r tie Catallna coves for a fort· party 111 "Hcm~e Wrlhoul 11 K ry" 1 the w1<r wo1thwh1ll' material night. the clfffsf<le homca 'and at the Helekulant ... 11nd ..• h11 thtJU\' u11 A111: :1 w11h 1"" about ewr ,. phll,4' of ,1 .,, l>f'tni.: colorful businesa build1ni;1, bu11y l S11ndW1l'htd between tit"~~ affairs hn•tlu r \\'1lha111 J<1!tlrr. Suzann.-. wi Ill en pu.•ra and wharves. whistles ind were many othtr lunchl'Onli llln· snot l1P11>:hborh•,.,.I ch1ld1 t•n This storv 1~ one 11 r lhnlhni; vacation gaJely w ere quite over· I ners bllll11 and coekl••I 1'11rll"" P1nn111;; 11.r 11111 on lh!' •lonkey •ilua11nn.-PXJ"'l I• n•, t bv th,. au. unlqu!', bt'1ng a 1:11J~ry dui~etl ht~t Y<'llr fnr lhe Clly of Lo.~ AngPIPs by lhf' famed a rl'hllttl. J."nink L luyll Wrliiht. Open to tht> pubhl' wllhoul rhBl !'e. the "fo'orm 1.n Tim!'" f'X· hlb1t will bP on Vll'W through Aug. 28. Huur• ue trom 2 lo Ii p.m. Tuel!(hty.11 through Frlday11. and from 2 to ~ pm. S11lurdays and Sundays The Cllltry Ill r losed on Mondkya. whelming. I. .. whal a week! •. · and l><•t.ito t.t< _,., WPI <' .1mconjt thr I th111, Sf'r i:e \'.,rul1k \·acuhk. 11 ST. CA THERIJliE: w . I k 4' d BACK BA y : Vista Bil\ II end .1(3n.~s plav ... 1 ht-fore lhf' btrthtla) youn1: man ••f C7.:;>(:_h or1pM. I Eastern Educator through the picturesque. friendly SiPrra Vi"la neighbor s gul to· ('Ilk,., 111• 11 r<1111 pHr 1~· h11ll! anc1 we~ t·apt•11t'd Rt Dunkirk whrh• • . little town down the board walk gelher laitt saturdRy n•J:hl to n,,.,, 111Ak1•1s The 1<·1n vrp1e1 e. n rlghlini:: rur r't11nn• A b11rntn1: V1s1ts Parents lo Culno P oint and decided lo hold their first community party 1,rn.11, t ra<l111111i. "r a R:t1ly M-11 1t:<lrf' 111 Jri1n l>eG1tul11 11nt1 thP f take a "rldt" on lhat lnlrii;uing ln thtlr new Back Bay homes .•. t·!'lrnt• ti J ,lt k Humer t><,x rt'\'o>BI· i-·rrP F1 "n• h IP1111 him rm111 oM Miu Ada M. HatTlaon, P7 tu · looking divmg bell ••. whal affair was a barbeque ant1 took t>•I t a1ul puppe l!I to I'&• h 1h1hl a.,1,!,.~f'rtu'" ~ 'th1t1011 to 11ncilht-1 in ~or of rconomlc1 a t Care C: a terrifk experience •.. 40 feet placp in the John \\'all!On patio th"" pullt•d 11 11lnn1: wh11 h broke 111p1tl ·f a ~ h 1 n" F rom \'ichy.1 CoUe&e. ll:or thfleld, MU\JI.: 1~lll down with a marina garden vlrw ... with much fun for the (."htld· the paptor covf'r in.: 11nd rPIP,.oq:tJ F ran," h" m.1n , 1 to t'~•·ap,. t•i Cruita Meaa for a month• M 11upreme •.• a nd what a thr111 ren u well u parenli1 , .. the <'lr>IA ns Spttin. 111,.111 .. ,,, 1•1111u1:nl unit wrth her parenta. Mr. and ra. t bob · Ilk co k ' . .,. 1 1 L D Harru1on of 365 W. Wll80ll o up a gain e a r · • · · among the group: SAiiy and Amon1o: thoi<e 811111 mK "' (hf' "•!1R a n. . · · h Ml.. Harr!IOD lhen on tn lhe beautiful lradi· Court P latt, Caro an<! Charll'll btrlh•lot\' r. lebrall•m 11n1t br 111g· f.'1um F:ni:IH t I h I• tl•~l'·HlhNI St From ere l1 1 I 1 S C lh I nd Jun('h!'on < . 1 1 , • will "O to NorthwHtem n vu· I ona t. a er nt a Eaton, the Robert Plersols, and 1n1: 11111 • wprp o,•an, Ja) 11nd I•> >l• upic.·.. •·1• • "~ " par a ., • m the new Tl'rT'llce Room with HPlen and Bui: Cornehou11 . . Ronnw ~t• Ul\·1lt. Karin :>:..rf 1 '·hu11-.1.,,,!Jc>'•11• ' q•tutt>•I. lln•I ally at Evanston, Ill .. wh•r:, ~t a panora.m1l' view of lhl' blue w ith everyone bringing their ""''ll l'hff li1 t't1Uk11mn l.>onm,. Hut ts' due t•J be ri.i> u lt' I by thl' SS, I will be one of the ~· P r f ...,. by ~olorful flt1w I · '" h · l ·l h l t an educa tional conference. llCI IC ram~ • · steaki1 anti Ringing a round thr 1tnol Jiinntne carlwn I ' •'i l ·lP•il u 1111o•t a I e ml' an · er9 and trop1r8I trees . • • (or fire in " J:OOt1 old fashioned "'"')' 1•01111ng trom Coinnttllti 111 h• 1 the frrini.: 11<111All ·~ mukm'g rl'11dy yachl.$men. thl.'re Is a new n o"t on h>tnd for th" natel rl'll'br allnh 1 ln ~h~•t hun torta.JU or World War D, aad al pier'• end. anrl Rose> a nti J o" LlDO JSLE STRADA PARTY: t h h • ,1n,.renl" I Var uhk'l' 1r•• 11 .. , tlon,. are fill· readen mlereated In l'ftl.,... ad· .. I AnolhPr lllll'rl'attno ""'1thhnrhr><>d Wt're 11 onor.,,. a 111an ., , Arno extendeu a hearty we 1'ome .. A•lnuial Anrl ~fill 0 A \\'o'flll Ml w~th m eny .,,, .. ,rt>lnll' lldv•n· vw.ture taJee. to all l'\ewport yachts. party was lhal given by Pat lln•l • tu11•• l •u11ni.: tb" b11UIP fur thr :;:::;:::;:::;::;:::;:::::::==:======= HO="/OLt:LU :'\E\\'S: Anerth!'r Vinet Hr11ly and P mk1t> lln•I Al· --1 hbe1 ol111n tof F11111<'" hP fouJ,?ht nole from B1Jl I !>1r11. Toby I \\'II· Ian Cr111tll fnr their \'1a F:boh-E • f "1th I h" ~I 1•1•11• l'C1X from thl' Halekulanl 1n Via Firenze friends · ' ' fhP nr·1 ntertatns Of ln'th<' 111111,l •I h1~ rtnnn,i;: rx· Honolulu b11n1:11 news of , lhe fair was hl'lt1 m 1 ht "Joinins: rt11itll \'u, 11l1k fn11nd t11nt tn M· Tren .. PAC'lfic yacht ra1·e c<>lrbra-Hea ly 11nd CnsPll pl\tln• llnd lhc• New Ne1·ghbor r11 tl~· 11\HI\' I •l.llln•l lhP Wlllhl'~ d k Stracla brtwrt'n, and '"llllltf'•I R t( thr hnolc-" l''""nllll Rn F:ng· llnns rPcenlly · • • "oun " 11 " lerrir1c mint t1rmk wh11·h All~n l••h li1·11• « an l'ndurance t'Onltst '. . . . m h f t th k b d Cri111>ll t'alls a "L1rlo Lllopl'I'". .\~ •••U r,,.~, r"t k n,., .. nt'1I: · ri. spill' 1 h,. f.oil pll• e ot lhf' llCt e ,wee9 wi1s ~oT~y Aln t l \.\'hale t1nwn the L1dn R~v "hN. ~11 ~ M .R !'1111111 ~·.''''nth· :.1111•. 111 .. l\11t l1nr rn111111,1:r11 tn tn· ex(."1 ing or 111 11.n.. o.,,. t 11 ; f R . 1 ti 11~ they plan to riv home now to w11y on V111 McnlOnP, Mell111 1111.t 1 lll'WC'tl here t om f'\'('I ~-. I •. •1111 111111 lht' hn<1k a n 11n11~11a1 tit>· I "' t •h · nd Donni\ n•l I \\llh h• r h1111hirnrl And 1 hiltlrf'n. ll ·r,.,. 11f h11n111r 11n•I 1n.-1"hl. ''o•~ t.r Wtr• 8&"! It WMb Party Rental Items 1 IOJ E. Con.Yt H11 .. VoroM dcl llor rPcuperale ml'lt'llcl nf .l:"lnlol' on I rv n s t !'I a " ,.., to Hon Kong aa th"Y hllll in· Marsh 0 II r fl e Ir! entrrt111n,.tf 11-lrc llnrl Burnet 1 412 Rt An: H1i;hly rr .. 1mm!'ntll'tl fnr h1~· t d d g I th 1 Comdr T.-<lcl\' \\'hll<·hPl\rl ithr 1hr1,,, lt11a•t ""'"'l"111r11 tPrenll~ ---""'""'.=:-=----:-=======================\ en e . . • a 110 *'Y 11re 11ne· · . 11-0mr for lhl'1r children. Dedt' man from Sl'hwrpre" 1 "h•> "'"~ at a hruni h Harbor 5071 and ~nnrs who turnet1 do\A'll lhf' l'l;i) mi.: ht•1 e "hi IP un 11 \'ll'll \,ur:<t"! mdlldPd ~lrllt'~ James Honolulu lnp ft>r hfe on Lldn! rrom h111 humf 111 ::-.-Pw \'111 k , .. ~ SLl'w111 t. !'1;111. 1 •. H .. bt>1 t Olan· T herr youn1o:r11t iton Stefan Ill pa rty nl11n honored :0.fr lln•I Mrs t1"t . 0 . \\', Hf'lOJI, f' F lli11nu. with them 11nt1 h11 v1ng a field Jim f'(l"l'll nf Pep~1 Col:. lamP A E: J.1i.:th111t F.11rl Williams. day , . , ... nmoni.:; tht> i:-ur~111: Ail aQd L..•l! Bar k1•r 11n•t Antnn Roetto,, Ken lirnflnll. HPIPn ant1 H11rry m•·~l ••f whl'm rrl!1tlr on S.l. An· Re~r1· • MaJ•tenaace • l~tallaeioaa IT AFFORD & ION . "NELS and UUC" ELECTKIC'AL CU.STKACTUkS Phone Uberty l ·l"ll L1t10 l"lf"a Pat an<l Jim CribPr· ly llrnved laat Wt>t'k on the Lur· hne to he 1n eel•d by a enc kt 811 pllrty o! fnf'nd• Including thP Kelso. Do rot h v 1 o· Hara 1 and d1 e" 11 Ron<I. I ';;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~====:;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Hank Lunnty. ·the Howart1 \\'11· --------.-r hl'<'ll. Verna 11nc1 Bud Caw11rd 110 RJnnlde A\'enue Sewpon ~ SUMMER SALE uu n. Udo -Hanor .,., I' AUTOMOBILE DEALERS Nrw a nd used Cars S IC'Kli:tt'n STl .OEBAKl:K SAIN "'°"'IN! J>art• IU& ~ .. "·port Bh•d. -Har. &10 BANKS B&nk of Aml'ri<'a !\'T & MA SU• \"la l.ldo -Harbor S4U BARBER SHOPS I.JOO l'H A \'ISO Ml ll In Rid" rll'• I' I Orf! for Mta H tll \'la 1.ldo -Harbor S!M BEAlTT\' PARLORS 1.100 >'Al.OS lit' t\t:Al"T1' llU~ Spt. Rhd. -liar. 2&'11 BOOKS ROOK. <.:Ast: H 18 \'la Udo -H atrtw>r U4)4 CA~lt:RAS & SuppllH \'IS('t :S 1' UDO URl'til' S~81 \'la Udo -llarlwlr llOOI CARPLTS '1 DRAPERIES OIC'K M"('K.F.R IUO \'la Lhlo-H&l't>or UH CATt:RlNG RICllARll':-4 LIDO MARK.r:T llUS \'la Lido -Harbor HU ClothJnit·Childttns & lafanta JT. IU':O-Of' U 00 Comlni;: ln A uirt1tt HO:I XPW(>Ort Bh·d. CLOTHING -Men'• Retail BIO\\ t:u :s 8 HOP FOR ML~ H U \.la Udo -HarMr 0... CLOTJUNG-Women'a Betal LA Rf:ISr: &00 \'la M~-eancw .a10 UDO •·ASHJON!i s-4111 .Spl. Blvd. -Hanor llll ~HADOOCk'S u u \'la Udo -Harbor Mn VAGAJK>SD BOClSE Imparted Sportswear UH Via Udo -llutMir IOO' DRUG 8TOBE8 \~C!:~'T8 LIDO D&UOS "411 Via Lido a... llaftor 1001 ELECnUC OON'l'llACl'OU LIDO ELEODUO KH Via Lido -....._ "" rLOWEBS &ICllA&D'S UDO ••urr Cor--.-Table Arr-ansament.9 Kii Via Udo -....._ 11S1 muhAJN, GIUU. VDfOl!NTa LIDO D11009 IM1 Via Udo-........... ftl.AMMAM.BVMa FUKND'UBE DIOll llAC&a Nit V1a Lido -........ GOT IBOP IUCILUU>'IJ UDO ••MET Kii Via Lido -&nor - IN8URANOE .&GEN'l'I W. O. BUCK, INC. MOO Via Udo -......... tu-6 11\"TEBIOR DECQBAMB8 BLA..'\OD; •·GL.llER80S A.l.D. ll418 \·la Udo -Harbot-6111 Ol('K MAC'K.F.R 1<&20 \'la Udo -Harbor UM DON CB F.I GHTON A. L D. Mahle'• Import• :mo \'la M&Jap -Harbor Hn MARKl."TS RICK ARO'S UDO MAJtKT.T 1433 \'la Lido -Harbor H H l'HOTOVRAJ•JI STUDIOS (;t:RllA k DT MTI DI0.!-1 \\'lit-oxes, Onnalee (Mr" \VII· I C 0 C: KP IT SKIJTTT.EBt;TT: li11m 1 Doheny, nrnong others Rt I Crt>at run to ~Pe Ud"Y 11nd J im lhe Roy;il HRw11 1111n ... B1tlbor1·s Van Hurn•· v1i11lmg a t the ('AIR· U!rf'ntun3 hoSlC'd " terrific cork· I Ima Jsl&nd Girl'11 Camp .•. 1 H1•t· t111l-danre 111 the Rural Hawau-!')' 1s W11l1Am Wrigl .. y'• s:r11n· •n. wh1Jr WPdnellday. J uly 20, 111lughtl'r 1 ..•. the \'an Hornell lhP Yat'ht Club hosted A rock· live m Ps,.~drna awl plan to la1I fMh1on 11how fvr the n1 re ~pf.'nrl AUf:U hl in Corona rlrl M11 r wh1•1f' th!'\' have t11krn 11 ho1111e sn U1at lhey will h" chr;;E for I fl ~qut•nt tnri1 l ., the hhind ... r l Rnk \\'1lkln-"'1". pupulllr Coron• cit I Milt r"SH11'nt .. no] hi'< rrf'll ,. rla111:htPr KRthrryn. homP from " tnp lu Clac1tr l...o<1ft" , •. 111110 lll11n1; Boyd Ol'v1a . . • OVER A:>;() OUT ..• Time at · Reinert's Costa Mesa I HIS \la l,Jdo -Harbor UGI Rt;AL l::STATE STARTS MONDAY -AUG. 8TH Name Brand Summer COTTON DRESSES 1/3 TO 1/2 OFF • • • GROUP OF BA THING SUITS REDUCED 1 /4 TO 1 /3 OFF • • • SUMMER BEACH HATS & TRIMMED BASKETS 1/2 PRICE • • • GROt.J> OF BLOUSES 1 /l TO 1 /2 OFF .LIDO FASHIONS largain1 by the Yard Percale Prinh 39c or 3 yds. for 1.00 Cotton-Flannel Prinh Reg. 69c now 49c yd. Uc•uha.. Rr .. 1 !'\lr1• Sheeh. I st quality. 128 count .. 1.99 f'll.l.OW ('Al'lt:s nnly 4llr Ladies "Kedettes" Discontinued styles. From Hood 1'4Pl••·tlon 99c Playclothes, separates, etc. Reduced l to l Sun Dresses and Dresses HALF PRICE Girls Play Clothes Shorts, Pedal Pushers, Skirts, Lounge Suits, REDUCED l to l Swimsuits on Sale! Mena, Womens, Girls REDUCED l ALL SALES FtNAL FREF. PARIUSO Rt:A.& EST~ll: 1.mo tU:A l.l'\ A~~OCIATE8 Lirlo Srill'11 & Hental.~ ll400 "'" Lieto -Jlarbor H« I'. A. l'Al~'lt:n. I;\<. 3:J:J:S \'la llclo -batrbor J.100 \'0(.l.J, ( OMl'AS l' 3118 \la l.lclo -flubor 6171 HA,. A.SU HE A(.'tl Rr.:Ar.n \la Llclo Hrlclg., um .. ,. llll2 1..at "·'·rtlu -llarhor 18'1 SA \1L~GS Ai LOA~"¥ A.SSOCIATIO~S NEWl'OltT 8 .o\l.IiOA ~A\ l:\Ga I; WAS A~SO«IA TIO~ A Rrtvmi.:11 Jn~lllullon Long T"rm liome I JJRn~ IS68 \.la IJdo -Harbor 4"9 SER\'ICt: STATIONS I.mo KH UF IELU 1<111 S""'J>ort Blvd-Har. 4'11 SHO~ -Meo'a · RIDWl:U.':-4 MTORE roa MEX 14211 \'la Udo -Harbor OMI SHOt;.~. \\'OMt;~ Rt J.Y.'M o t· C'Al.JYORSJA HIO \'la Ud~HA OM& rKEATRt:S LLDO TH~ATRE Co1111ult Ulla paper for P"lf?Mll \'la Lido at Sewpon Bh·d. Harhor Zl It l01'8 LUJO TO\'L.UfD UU \'la IJdo -~HM TRA \"t:L ACt:~ClES HARROK TRA\'f'.I. M ,£:-f("Y UI$ Xewport 8h·d.-Har. Mt' UPUOUiTt:RL~G D1"K lllA< KIUt JUO \'la Udo -Herbor UH eineit's LIDO CLEANERS J4' 19 NeWf>O'f Btvd. Newport Beach DEPARTMENT STORE ,,._ ., ......,..., 0.. -nm .,.., ~ 181~ Newport at.cl. OOllla lleea 17~~~~d.,C"~~~M014~==========~==~=·==========~~-~-·-~--~--~--T-~----~~---~ WATCH REPAIR \'ISC:t:ST'i\ WATC" Mt:rAJ9 uno URr1."' "411 na Lkt•• WINDOW (,)OVDl~O TIU: !'HAUF. !'CHOI' Nu' te Pne1 om.-...,. IM c • COOL Bt:GINSING -For hot ""'Cather. plan your meals and relaxation around 11 patio De!lign il f nr comfort. DESIGN FOR RELAXING .Enhance Your Yard and Create Garden Coolness Start theu ho\ d•Y• out by tw~n board•. Thorn .you c•n hoaor hl \'H\li btorakfa1t In the p•tio or l Jl orr and lf'l the w•ttr rt1 n '" th" df'i'k \'uu don't have a deck U!rnugh. ll ke th111~ You r11n build ont If you don't have a ny 1ree1 "l!ry e111uly, "''h"n rh,. w e11lh"r n,.arby to c••l cooling patche11 turn11. rnoler. But in the mt11.n time of ..t111.dt on Ute d~k. then put you c•n rnntt mf'late ho"' you a lalice rooting over f*rl of "''11.nl It vi lnt'\k. Sf'Ctlf'ns r.f 2·ln. t hor area or cover • portion with h>· li·in d<"rking 1.!I plllCl!d tn a tran1lucenl pluUc. Grttrttry In rh,.C'kerbollrl'! pattern. t lJl:'hl bQ,lirds pots and plantt.r1 w1U abaorb !n fl !ltrUnn. Brflr.e well flnd much of the reneeted he•t and 1 .. ,.v,. fl q1111 rt~r-tnch 1r11ce be· create .o!lne• tor the eye.z. LETS 'tAKE nVE -Try thla on a summer day. Whether in the patio or the living room, it'1 " natural for Rn afternoon pick.up and cool-off. Outwit Heat with Zestful. Sparkling Mid-Day Pick-up • Summer·• e•.!l11J11t Soda I• quick chlllec! .!lpllrkllng w•t•r or other l u 11111.ke fl t hon1t . Th e set ·Up ca rbunatr1l be~·,r•ti:•· 1.~ •10lpl<' Quick CO•~v& IJ'OWdtr YIELD : 1 twJI. th11l 101:..e~ 1nJ1t11ntly 1n 1nil k with Lh<' m<'re ll!lrring of a 11pOl'!r .. s..i.e "'" rre111n. Sorne botllerl .11park· hng "''lltl'r, or 11nr f11vorlt• c•r· bonflt~.t bC\'cn•ii:•'· tt tl\ke11 but 11 t"''Lnklt tn put the~ inJ!:red1en1 1 '"l:f'lhrr, nn•I thrn y1111 'r" rrady fur A p11r•r.1-. :-lo be•Un rr:-of in1tr"· •litnt.11 ,,. nl!'l"ts.!!Rry bt.<"11 \ll!f' qu!ek •'11-f'(lll r r•U'<lrr \~ ll l'l !n.•Uln! J'rO· du rt It '.• 11 h><Pl'Y f'Kt1·11 ' th11t lhc~e 'j111~k <'11f>i't\!Rtt ••'>dall llT• Jl:'ood f,,r ~·nu Th"Y 11 r" n111dt u·11h nn11r111h1ni; mtlk a.nr:I 11."f' crr11.n1. 11nr! "''rn lh• q11tck ('()cO• pawtler mak•,. 11 n lmport snt nutritlon11 l .!lrtd1t 1nn lo thr dr1nk. E11ch 1er- vln11: of t.h111 lnat1L11t J'O"''der co11- t 11.!n ~ 1·1t111111n 03 ""111111 lo nne- h11 lf lh" n11 nlmun1 d111ly requlre- mf!nl~ Th• nth•r r(ln!r1 butlon m.w.d• by quick rt'l<'ci. pawder I• & dl'lirln11•l.1· ll1:ht. r hocollllf' !111vor lh11l h r11r\!M1l11rly rlr11~nt In hnt 1o.•f'atl1orr. Quirk C.ho1"""'"' ~ .l hl'11p1n 11: t~ponn• qu1ek ~ r011 J'""''d"r ~1111111 11m0unt nf milk I fli'onp 1·flnlll11 ice cr.,am Ch1llord ~1•11rkl1ng u·arer. or any f11n1r 1r~ r"rbon11 led boio\•tra~e aur:h •~ trt11n1 1111!•. mot bf't.r. Jl:'tn1rorr "!"' "r cnlo\ tx-1·t rage. - (\~m b1nP qul;k roco• pnw du 11n,1 n11lk in 11 1111! gl1111<1. Add 1·11n11!fl ire rream. F'lll 1110.,.·ly with HIDDEN SHELF USEFUL A .-oncealtd burfel. hidden 1n the "'All of <.lining mom or nook. lllt\'1'11 •PllCf! 11.l'lll J>U l& 11l- 1·t r, \l nPn. 11.n<.l fh1n o\ within rParh of !hf' t11 blr. Tht dnnr11 ot tht bufft l llhnuld be m &de of ill"11tkal ma tchlnl:' p&ntl bQartia t o confom1 to the wa ll T'ray dr9.V.'trl gh·,. peek-ln '1.11· Inn. l>onra ·~ horld by touch \1,trhc1, concNl perfecUY In wall when rloaed. PRE-NEED SALESMAN HA RBOR REST MEMORIAL PARK, Orange County'• neweet 9t0d fut.Ht rrowing c~Mer)' Needs Your Services fur our upN!dinc ae.l.• ~ C ho1re ten1tort• In 90UUl•m Orul('e 00\lhlJ. ~au.oleum-CNmaUOn O&nhm and beautltul S"0U94 propwt). H«RROR Kffl'? MEllORIAL PAIUI, -Bl'4. at awer. Telep•-SJ......, ~1111.. !loo llr. l . D. Rall CAESAR'S HOME FIEEZEI WAS A SNOW-PACKED ALPIAN NOOK Can you imagine a wife in ancient Rome 11&yin1 to her hutb&nd, "How would you like 110me tro.en up&ngu• for dinner tonight, ~purniu.t, de~r!" It hardly .eema pouible, but it could have happened. Needleu to 1ay, the uparagu• didn't come from a home freezer. 'Way back around 91 B.C., elavH vew upara- gu. along the river Tiber. The vegetable wu picked in aea110n and rushed to the Alpe by chari,ot and fut runDer. where it wu packed. in the mountain anow1 to preserve it. Then, about •ix montha later, the uparagwi wu nui~ed back to Rome in time for the 1celebration of one ot tbe •pecial feut day•. IC we could 1pan the centtirie1 and invite -ome citizens ot ancient Rome to dinner, they would be amaf.ed at the wide variety of food.a which are avail· able every day in the week to tfie average American fa'mily. HERE'S HOW ••• MAKI AN OUTIOAID MOTOI· IACK A r ~··k /or -outboard motl:lr •id1 in at.or ... , tran .. portation •nd 1nai11---. UH 2 br •-inch lumber for tht haH, and 2 h7 S.inch for the upriJhla and cl"Ola piace. UH t.a 'Ii b7 '-inch lag ICH'W• 1t aac-h baH joint and fNt.ft lb• crOll• membar. Tba apri1rhta ar1 fulllMd '° th• .,._with % b7' '-lndi ear- riacw bolbl .ttb waakrl . ba-- ncatli tha nota. R••J-datf CNte" •N hi· .. r11ic1 ln ~ corner. Home ana Gare/en P)IGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST I. 1q55 CHOW DOWN -After a re{.reshing dip in the ocean or bay. aerve this up to the family in the patio. It's 1 wonderful hot-weather refreflher. GREEN THEM 'OUT ' US,e Vines and Shrubs to Hide Unsightly Fences Unaighlly fence• u nd wall• A lr&dlllon•I lenc.t and wall yo11r problll!m ? If they •re---don't 1 CQver 11 the rn"o m lnl' glory vine / Thr Uni t•<! 8'.•I"• tq,M't•d lJ,930 pu.en1er can lo Belcl· um ta t~, •c«irdln& to .. NaUOAal AutomnbUt Oub. MISA SUMMER FARE Ul'HOLSTBIN• Hot Weather 1 ~-="=·::....=:..,=:::,.=:;:_.:=.;-=~=·:z=-~ Menu Makes Family Hit By the 1et.. by the -.. ~y th• beaUllfUI WI! And whll• you'tll! 11pendlnr )'<!U r vacation Jn Ntw· port H1rboor lhl• 1ummer you"ll want to 1pend ju•t u much ot It u you ca n out In the open enjoy lnr yourHlf. $MJW!che1 and 1alad m•k• • hearty lunch with baker·• cupc:1i.. and • tall Icy fruit drtn.li;. Thi• type ic'"'' )'OU a vacation from the kitchen tlur· lnit \ht helti:hl ot lh" o.l•Y when It'• fun to bit outdoor~. ll take• Ju1t n1lnult• to fix, few J lah•a In wa1h ~ lf you UH the w ide Hlection nJI' p11per Jl(odUcts •vall· •blel and can ~ f'aten !ndoorl or riitht out on the beach Tak" edvanU&or ot thr l.lrre IMOrlment Of tnrlched ye .. t-rata- ed bread• 11nd the m11ny In~ dient~ which can ~ puttha.aed with the mndern Idea ot "ln1tant•• inV1 eu-. l'i>o hn1o.·ll! fnr m l111lnr. nn aea.!lnn lni;:. Rea dy Mixed Concrete la ap&W ot tflle 0...1 ....... M'e Ari llllUdq Efti"1' ........ EHorl \o satlafJ UM NMM fll 0... On ..... 0-... IJ. ... o.-1& -o.I "'"' WELCH' I READY MIXED CONCRm IU Comrall!rdal Wa.1 COSTA llJ:8A U ....,,.., QliUle1 • Hwy ·_4& Haitlq\on ~ Lu. ....... Meata--a 1·ariety of f'Old cut. •nd meat. come 11lre•dy ahctd. ~============~ Che,111 · ther,. ••-chrorM ~ ~preada 1n('J •ltcett r l'toror ... for raay -~ Mf!at 1pre1d1-ham. tonrue •nd pate can l>e ulled juat u It CQmea trom the ran •• can many other 1pr .. 1d1 or the ••me tYJ'f'. I Peanut bulter. Jama and jellie•-th._.. are one of the e'arlle•l "lnst..nl" food• T(lmlllnr.•. cucumbert'I, elc -Julll waah and 1Uc...-th1.t'1 a ll. CONCRETE Satisfaction • re1ort to • btuth 1L11d Cllll nf paint: Thert la a m uch mort n11tura l and eye-ple&alng "''&J' of coverlni;:: fence• and w11ll•. re- m ind local nuraerymen. for mM y vari•lit1 of 11hruba and vine• per- form wrU •• fenc" a.nd w11.U co1·er1. 11dd!ng beauty of folla.ge and flowersto the garden aetne. Opon~11. purpurea l which be•r1 :.u1ruee. waterer•• and etc,- h ea rl·•hapt d 1 .. avr1 •nd Whitt. """n• brighltn up any aa.nd· ro,,._, blue, pul"ple and rad Oower1. wich •nd j u1t n,.1!<1 c1N>fUI wi1h- POUR IT THE EASY WAY AND S~VI e •"llJV , - Son1e good 1hrub 1elecUona for In&, the rolt of renct and wall cover J--"--------------11 In April artd May ls an lnter- e1tin1r cl't•r treuae and orange ber· rlu •p~ar In Jtttlc "hit box~•" I In Auguat and Sepl"-mber. F\Jll .(T'OWn tolt•ge ii a J'loaay medium I I'""-"· Big leaf grnws 1\01o.·ly In the fir.st t'<'•o year1 and la eaaily trained hy Upp!n1: 11nd thinning. Afltr two yea.r1 It w11L 11.dd tour ff!tt a ye11r Ir nl'lt r"1tr•lned. • ---4 Havo -.tmplitJ JWI' --work .... loMI of prect.IOll·nll•ed -t ... p,....... .. .,._~ .......... • • • --·----- Take. t or inatance. the ivy ffJll- ll.Y-They're natura.Lt for tht1 job. .Elpeci..Uy good are the hedera c•na rteni1 or AlJ:tri•n ivy and the heder• helix. ltn&U.-;h tvy .•. thtlr whltl•h a.nd yel- lowish v•rl•C"aled torm• contralt nicely With the regulu d•rk laa.ted pa.r~t&. .AIS'l!lrlan will ta.kt more aun than lb• mlllly "-na:Uah vatif'tle11. Tr1m Ivy annu11ly to kt•p the vino from becomln1r bunchy. are the l1.nt11na varietlea---r:amara and 1ellnw11na.. J( properly aup- porlt(t and encouraged carnara wHI 1rn1~1 to 20 Itel ag1!n1t a wall or fence wi th 1m•ll n owrr1 ot Y"-llow nr nr11nge, changing to l'Td or •r arlet. Sellow\1na 11 • t r1illng Jan ta.n•. rapid growing "'i th tragrru 11 J11vendt r -plnk now- r ra. l..antJUl•• 11e.ed hill •un for t hey mildew in .!lh&dl'. Avoid overwaterlng and 1klp fe¥1tH~ln1r tor ~st re•ulta. Cut back and thin out the ahrub11 tn early 1prtng to kee p them from ,tel- Agaln•t a ...,.u In a fl.n Ml•fl"- Uzt fllr1yU!i1 o-r 1rolden bell• mUe• a tine covtr abrub. lt I• deciduou1 anrt bloom• early In the 11prlng-F't bruary or M•rch -and la t oler1lnt of mo1t .oil• Ubarty l-221J ---ling woody. Sound . Deadening i&. Factor in Modern Home Design, Materials What could bt morll! pleaaant t.h1L11 a Yine -with fragTMCe ? Honeysuckle 1lot1Jctra1 varlf!tiea. and there ar1 many of them. fill th• bill here. The lonlcer• hllde- br•ndU11n• or g i an t Burmeae honeyauckle : aJ.Utough not ha:rdy. la 11 tut growtng variety with dark 1tlo111y i:-re.-n foli1ge and bt1ut1ful cr~amy ·white tlowerfl th•t chan1e to yellnw and then du ll nrangt befart dropping:. Coproan1a b•uerl. •mirror plant and ""Y to rrow. weeping tora7· varlely, make1 another rood wall thla r tor1ythla .eua:penM ) ftatur• 1hrub. The bauen l(!'OWI rapidly v111e-llk• br11nch•• and pJden- IO 111 fe"t w1tl't shiny, Jlo•y yello"" bella. Greertalll!m l virl<!I• BAY ~· 711 w. 17 .. It. lnve1. dark to light 1reen. and alma ) \a th" only foraythia with coeTA J1DA r•th"r tncon•plcuoua irreenl•h or I :•;•~ll~oo~lo;<~-~P~"~"~"~•h~·~'~"'~~to~l~lac~•~-;;;~============::; Open pLannlng in new holi&t d•· •lrn and atron1er and rnora <:om· pa.ct bu!ldln&' mattrlala provldt much more home livability. the homa builders ln.ttltuta atatu, but to(elhrr with tht !ncreaaed UM of wprk·••vlng appllancea for thll' hOUlilWlfe hu lncrt&Hd Uta IOund problem.. The generou.. u.. of pol- lahed 1rlua, tile, ll'nan'lel, and hard 1urta.ce wall• and ceLHn.. •hilt addlnJ gl11mour and apt..e:Jouan- to the home. a i.o hava tba ltnd· tncy lo bounce aound wav•• In· 1te&d of abaorblng tht m. A atudy of 11totUUe1, YlbraliOAll and de-clbal1 I• ht\p!n1r to over- bffl pou lblll! .ound ati.orbtra for any hou" .. wall·to--wali carpet- ing over 1ult..bl1 paddln1r. Fur- niture and draperl•a a!IO can ba arran,-ed to Jnaulate a hou..e &(al.nit nouor. Appliance. and equipment ahould be otled. rep•lr· white flower•. Oranre or yellow berflel alao appear on th• llhrt1b. Prunf! t wice • year to keep Utt 11u'ub In l'OOd •hape thinning and cuttfnK ba~k In winter and pinch- lnic b•ck new gTowth In lfprtng. FOR SUI'\. SHA.DI: ed. or provided With rubber mount· Th• lonic•r• Japonlca chlnen111 lnp to help cut dciwn unnte"-•· or purplt Jflpane•e honeysuckle The con1m on w inter cretpu ary nolau. fe1turt11 d11.rk green lea1"e1, pur· (euonymu1 fortunel redlcan•l wUI Mechanical gl.dgeu, i uch aa pU1h-rrttn underneath. and tra-do an exctlienl job of cov1rlng door 1t0p11, and a ccouallcal m•-grant tubulflr nowt rll borne In • wall 1n an t vcn flit mat man- t er1ala to cope With unwanted palr8, whltt ln1ldt Ind purpli1h ner or In tr•ctry or pattem . aounda wUJ all h!!lp but cllnnot outllldt Therf! are no .on pro--Ever1rrcen It wlll ta.kl! 1un Of' be rnUrely .,rrecUvt unltte f•ml· blem' "''h'n you grow honey· ahada. Eu y to traln la lht blJ· II• aul•t In no\M control. Man-auckle and all v.-111 •l and aome I lea! Wi nter crell!per I auonymu.. m&de nol1e auch u clatterlnl'd1•h-•h11dt. tortunel vegetu.1). IU new growth : ";udl'l::~;;;m~~r :::ir;.:t: :tn'!) hou1e. ROBERT FORBES DRAPER.CEA -CPBOLftZlll!fO -81..U' 00.,_ M'AJ.L PAl'D -OA&Prl'INO OOMPJ..rrl: INTZ&IO& Dr,()O&A'IDIO LAMP UGHT SHOP -- MAX W. POPI Inc. come thl1 lack of .taund abaorp· -------------- tlon. the 1rroup MJ•. Ru,.e&n:.ll la R.....,---k R developlnit material.a and recom-,..~ • outed Builder mornded UYlnr arrangemtrtt.a de-Newport Set;ch police had a 401 BolM A\·e. Newrporl BeM:b algnord to curb nollll! in a homt . call from th• llfl l'\l&rd •l Main iF======;:;;=P;;H;::O;;>;;ri:~·~HAR~~BQ~O~l~l~Ol~=========~~=~·~~~•~o~l~l~,~-P~1;;·~81~·~·~-~·~·~·~·~,.~=====~Ll~ .. ~~~>~l~·~l~H~O~~ S<a1nd abaorblng a cco111tlcaJ ma-lka.i:h Saturday tnr help in di•· lerlal1 now arll! beinr widely UM<! In homl' cnna1.rucUon. Such ma-po.inc ot a ratll• an&ka. By tbe t•rial11 u •oouallca.J .. UIM" ot fi.. tlma offleera r ol . lo the beach aur~ perforated. 9t.n!ted aqllM'ff .ma.JI boya with b11 roek1 had on re!lin«• and wall.a ab.orb IOUnd.11 maM t h• lrl&lla ao unhappy he and lnaula te room.a which h•v• I.rt. coMlderable family tra.ftlc. Th---------------11 m•lertala. a..i.o Widely UHd tn I•------ modernh:lng older hou.tea, are 6-- ror•th·e u well aa eftectlYI. In ho!ae tonatrucUOn. bu:llden note. wall& of cl()lo(!la help bl~k I .!lnllnda trom •pr.dlnl' lllroUrh • houM In addition to pn>1'idiftl n.h1- •blt 1torq' tp•ce. OQMUI bt- tween rooma u\d fl&n.lcui6 ti.Ut· rnom•. pt"OYlde 90\llld ba.ffl•. Dlf· re...nt ctlllnr bdfht.. rMlf'n• and di•llilJ)'tl l()Ulld. Komt ~.,,.. ~ dlO a Jot '° lnlulatt thf!lr ltou-acain.at .Olll'lda., J'or e.111ample. °"" ot th1 JAMii ........... ~ t...il'lbf'r ('n, UOO M'. c-t Hl1:1'1"''Y l'f-pon "'-'rh -1.1 1\-11411 D. RAY Genorel Co..tr•ctor " Bu il de r MO CGMl 811'4. OOllON4 Ds.L II.&& ARCHITECTS Ma•ta•n of .t••i1••• ......... "' Ardlltucta J. Herbert Brownell William llurock Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent Hervey Frederick Hod9don 6_,e Lind Richerd ~r MAKE A NOTE To Buy, Sell, Trade THRU WANT ADS Call HARBOR1616 WANT ADS GET RESULTS ON RENTALS Your Acl Run• 4 Times Weekly in Classified " .. ·- TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT jNEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS. -PART I· PA&! I 1 MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 SANTA ANA, AUQ. I 10CNS)- NEW YORK OOlOIENT -Dean Wllltr It CG. In d"•lllalOJ7 trading tht m11 rkt l o~.ntd In pnlt)' much the ••mt fMhlon u lilM bffo uperlenced lut uweek ... Uluatum on the up- side 11 u.lted lo a •mall group o! ~P•dalti. tncludlng such repeat pt rformen u H OW\' S o u n d. Schenq, W11rren Petro, and Lotwa. 'n\e for mtr lld"'\lnced tu new hJp r round on good volume. WIU. the <'ObAll optoratlon Un· lleiwteod to bt' Nrl't'ntly, working Ill cloee lO c11.p11c11y levflS, earn· lafa. In the fin11I l\Alf are expect· • to r ontillt1f' th,. 1m proveml'nt ~ ur11t>1 1n tht' y<'Rr. com . with f'>(ltent1al of s • per t p .. r pound increase In copper, ., 1 I• estimated that Howe Sound .atnlnp powtr could be abo,•e the '3 ra•e b;· yur1 end FAVOR~Bt.r: AS PEC1' On lhla bula plua the reaaon· a~e return avalklblt from the In· dlcate U dlvldtnd, !eel the lsaue haa lnterutlng apprecJauon poll!!· bllltlea and that any minor wellk· nu11 will pTove further favor11ble time a nd 1ndlc.atlon ~t f\&1 U\ar correction may be exptcled. look I I Wells loc*ecl on DruM Rap after Wllcl Local Ride tor 11n 1n;t'gular pattet n ovtr bal· Ronald OU-Walll, U, o( anc• of tht day with apeclalltlea 1 SJT Marruerlte An .. wu &n"Nt· sut·n ea thOlf' mt"nlloned above ed Saturday atternooa on a prov1tltng the main contruct11·e In· charp of drunken drlvtni after ltrt'~t. a faat chue up Ne:wport Bl'fd .. 30 lndustnals . 4~1.13 up .73 1 in Coet& M••· 20 Ralls 1114.84 Of! .HI 0tt1Cttl Wllltam L. S.vact .nd 1~ l!llllt1t's ee 28 up .o~ 'Oltinn I'!. Walk« reported --~ 1 r.m. volume ·Dow J onu Welle drlvinr a t a fut clip and H O 000 vs 4 iO 000 F riday I before tbey finally f°"*1 him ' · I off the hl(bway th•J bad paced U h al St1wk 1~1111, Bid and Ask him at more than 100 mll.M an Bank o! Amt'ril'a · 38~-.Ul\o hour on a 3~mlle road. Well.I Beckman ln1trumenl . . 211, la out on ball and hla &PJ*r• Califoria B~nk · ..... 118 I, ·62 a.nee In court haa bftn eat for Dia111')'. I \\ sit l 38·-t2 AUf. 111. First \\'estern Bank ~Ji,.~•~ ------------ C1,1s.~par :l t.,, ·3 "2 Hall s~ott Mutore •11·H• Tape Recorfler TakH llllt'1:otal1• Eng111een ng .. 10.~10•., £.-&a..-11!1- 'Market Balkt'l com 191,·22 rwnlln.W rvm Ma:.-ra1r Mark,'lll 9 l Mmute ).fald 16~·16' Burglary or a tape recorder SN:. lllt. :-ist'I Bank 60"-.·64 ~ from lhe Newport Furniture Co. Thrifty Drug 9 1.,.101., At 2820 W. Coaat Hl1hway wu T~eet .. H, .71._ reported to pollc• Saturday by VAn Camp St'& Food .. 8';.·9 1,. Barry Laurhlln a_nd Van Haye., own era. tJ. S. r-:at'l llank, S. l> ..... 21·2'l Of!lcera W1z.ard Bc1at 2~ ·2 10 Downtdt', copper• .. ll (TOUp -car 0 ISIOft aald t nlry to Lha store waa gained by rorc111g a locked window. The recorder I.I valued a t Sl30. buying opportunities. I] C 11• • lifted briefly on expectation• of O C + H•gh a prtce 1ncreue to .. much .. I n oas I way Visitor Caps T nH ~O cenl• 1 per p pound. Anaconda, Three cars tangled yuterday I Theft of tw~ hub cap• from ennecot e. htlpa-Oodge, and at Seaward Road and Cout) hl1 car parked at Sixth St and Miami Improved fractlonelly un· Highway when a fourth car wu Ocea n Fro t · dtr thl1 lnfluvice . n wu reported to 'l'BE OllGA.M TO" CAN PLAT AT ONCE! ....... ...., - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN ... , ......... ....-..- c ...... Giid Prove It to YMl'Hlf We elN lante JM '° -la ... a:., t... -H• m • I,_.& Ors-N-.&..-.... DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO l'IANO a OllGAN nom H_..uarten for AD ....... llanunond Orr&DI 11(1 1-51'0 HO No. Kala Sula ..._ ' .. , Whll th 1 · t apparently, ma.king a left turn. I police Thurllday by Ft•d c. Ha•-e e a rcra la tncountered Minor Kend•ll White of La· man of Bak ratl Id early Irregularity r ood abl!Orptlon guna Btach told Newport police .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;e;;;;;;;;;;•;;;·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;:;;:~ power conUnUH to be demoruitrat-he WU 1topped behind the CBr r ed by North American whlch la which wu attempllnr lhe turn llkely to pace the group. A1 earn-onto Seawud Read w ithout •lg- lng1 of S9 per •hare are AAllured nailing. A car driven by Al~rl u well &11 • reneroua year end Walter Pearce ot Hollywood wa1 payment, feel North American 11 stopped behind While. He 111td CARS, CARS EVERYWHERE AND NOT A PLACE TO PARK. Many car• are park~ In the city pnperty throu&Jl the PM:H1c F:lectr!c rtght-of·w11y runs. ~ow. pi.otorlata hf.Ve parked In I he city park sref. between N'eW)IClrt and Balboa Blvdl!. and :t3rd St. and Mcfo~adden Place. Other molorl•t.a In a ateady stresm seek parking plsces.-: ~Photos It wu a ~l au-in ot tl"&lllc wlllcb ...,.. moTfnr; Into Nt>wport ~ach yc.,terday and milling about on city 1t.reH11 looklnit for parking 11p11cu. lntmM Inland heel drove many Orange County rNldenu to •eek relief at the beach. In the picture 11bove. Newp<>r l Blvd. Is a aleady 11lrearn o! tralf1c. __ .., ___ _ : 4 MARINES ON LIFE RAFT RESCUED BY FISHING BOAT Ideally 1ltuatt'd In the group. hta car wu atruck by the third YOUNGSTOWN APP.EAL car. driven by Henry Blaurock Note that Youngstown Sheet of Redondo and ln ium puahed has •rain recovered to It.a high into the rear or the White C&T. and f.mong the apeclalty type Is· 11ut1< or th11 g"'Toup tee1 1t hu "P-R-r-end Crash on peal on ball.a of exctllent ••m· - Inge, aublt.ant1al cuh, Income and Highway RAftftf'ted split potential. -r-· U . S. Gypsum. with a mt'ttlng A rtu ·e nd colllslon a t Rlvel"91dt achf'dultd for this we ek. holds well Ave. and Cout Hlghwf.y occurred anticipating newa. I yes tt>rday between ('11ra dnvf'n by Ml111our1, Kansu. and Texa.s Dellce Cristy D&vt11 or Lllguna Rall extended Ila rtcent gain with I Beach and Ted R. Baye1 of Loe &hort covert.nc contributing to the Angele•, police aa..ld. Improvement. I .Mias Davis said l!l1t waa 11.op. Wllh the gene?"al llat marking ped for a lllirnal ";hen 11truck In the rear by the Beyea car. Umbrella Stolen Austi11 Gets Permit Theft of a pf.tlo umbrella from tht paUo of her home wu report· T ed f . Austin Tue11day took t'd to police recently by Mni. out an $11,080 Co8lJI. Meea city Mollie s. Walley of 19~ E. Balboa building permit !or construction Blvd. of a dwellinc and ga.nge a t 378 -------------E. 19lh St., Colt.a Meaa. At Pebble leach Spending a few day1 At o.J Monte Lodge. Pebble Beach, are Harborltu Mr. and Mr1. Edward L. F'rura and Mn. Grace Thur· nauer. 2 Suitcases Stolen Mrs. W. B. Jager of 211 Dia· mond Ave. told police S aturday two luilcaau were taken trom her cloeed but unlocked &'~• ln the paal 10 days. 10 Open DINNU a.m. SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY KIDDIES DAY 'EVERY WEDN!'.SDAY It NOOK 'TIL t P.!W. FREE IALLOONS IALIOA All Rides 6' F U N Z 0 N I • llIDE8 ROUND THE BAT A wl'• kt>ntl fun !lini:: at Cata· l1nK lsliln•I h1trkw.U1hNI for four El Tllrn Mnr1nc11 on Saturday anrl Ml'H.mf' 11hh1 !or fli!hleM fl11herm1>11 a bon rd lhc 11j>ort11fl11hrr E VIH' Ollt o! l..OllK Bef.ch. ou~ule t he jrlty. but the mar· Ines paddled unlll '4:20 p.m. when one became Ill anrt the otheni discourager!. Cpl. Pe11ce beceme cold from expollurl" and 1111 the others we r,. st 1 11 romforlAbly w1trm. ll was dl'<'ldl!rl to call ll qufl~. THE WESTGATES TO HONOLULU LC'll\'lnJZ Lo! Anj:'t l<'ll Hubor !or Honolulu la.at Friday ....,. !'olr And Mr~ TPvl11 T. Weslitsle anrt their d&ughters, 8~ 11n I Vwkt anrt thl'1r ""n. Tomm~·. F'flmlly ruldea al eo..... c rt wn11 111 br a pre-dl11chargr p11rt v r .. r ~i::t. r>nve John11on nf Portland. Mr.. Cpl. Anlhnny PeJWI', Hot'l1es1t•r. N. V Rnd hrol hc>rio C'pl. \.11 ry 8-0&T 11.nrl P fc J:11111•11 l3f'1tr nf Pom_.. l V1rl'k· Ill~ (JUI " 12-!l. navy s111vlv11! 1n11 1 h"\ 11tnrl•"l , ,, pail die the 2:1 m1lr" In l ';H.1hn.1. 11':\\'lni:- :-;,.,,.,,,,, l H .. 1 ... , ' t I A "' :.: •• l· urd1t\' Dyl' markers were 11el out to attrnct alrpla.ne std but no one !<llW thl' raft. Jt WIUI the crulllt'r Ever which t ook it In tow 12 m1leio nul o! Huntington Beach and haull'd It and thl' occupant11 to Lo11 Angeles Harbor. \Vh•n a byHaml.-r que11lloned the fl~htr· mrn about Uleir luck. lhf' an11We r Jo:\• I ,\ 111111~ \\'R • 1111' h1j:.111 '"tit !in• until 1h~ wall "="one> "'" wtrP too bully , h<•l'I'" wnl• r '"~cuini:: pec•ph•" Dairyland City Boundaries 1To Be Established Tuesday I ~\:"TA A :\A Al'C: "1 (lr:-;~1 f'A lm .. ~r11ni;tf'lhor·r,., Walkf'r Thf' 01eni.:r ('nun•' n n;i1 ,\ "' 0rn'1 M1llrr ~IP ~11prrvl"'1r .. ,,,11111rr"w •fl• innron ,\ J;'t "llf1 ••f rl111rymf'n have 1.,. expl'1lr<1 1n ,.~t11hh~h hnun•IA· h.1noll'f! '"J:Plhrr 111 nn ,.ffo1l In fnr111 1 hr :01xt h·rllllll' ,.lly \l'hlrh I rira 11nd ,.r; r l1 • l 1nn rla le fnr prop<~1. • 1\'' M J1r;.11·vll\n<I thr wn11l•I h<' r-om pr•~Prl nf 710 f!l!'l'- snn11 And 11hrmt 10.000 row,.. 2 Surf Riders Howf'll 11,c-.•rt1•d h,. 'hnp<'rl lo work 011\ a ('rompr1111\I~(· wHh th" city <•( 1111 nA PH I k ,.,,.,.r II T·•hAr• ti Pl•'•" of 111~r111Prl J'll'Op· erly. 11 1.• nbn111 111(1 arre:o 1n • ~ ho11nd<'tl rnui:~v_h~· _ ~ Stolen Here Gerber Car Taken ThPfl of l\\O surf rirtm by \wn m11IP JUVcmles WIUI reportt'd off Stati·on Lot · 10 fW'hcr .\'e~ter·"'Y by l'>ewport Tackle St<'re 11t J0.''1 McF'adden r lar". Th,.rt 0! • c11r rl'g1!'t<'rl'd to An a 11en<111nt Ill thf' store aald I HRl1S'y Ger!x'r 1 t ~.1n111 An11 . Wa!l thP yroi1lhs ramp in to rent tht rf'pr 11,..: In Jl o 11 r " Snlllrrta\' riders. Thf' oldl'T of lhf' two offer· h\ c,., ri:t l'1>rhn of " N'f'\'lf<' inn'. -----------------------___ f'J a rr1;1~tral1<1n shp w1lh the 11"; Al ~oo \\'. Bnlb••ll Bh·ll. n'\me or C-h11rlc~ Ptterka of df'I Mar 4 Marines Held Cln Liquor Violations I HuntinC)t'Oft Tile In 1 rrlin "a.tr! the l~ttion on the l'nnta An11 H.-left the sup and •Ar w11a not a81!emblf'd &nd thl' $I 8 1 the !'tore 811 deposit. • Move to lncorporote 1 hll'f must h&\'e put It toi:-etht'r to Police were Informed the youlh1 . • op .. rAIP the <'"..'.::_ I nPver returned, taking the 11Urf 1--.1ur C'11 mp Pl'ndltlon !'ol 1111nu I SACR.AME:-.iTO. --tCNSI rider1 \\'\lh them. Peterla'1 re· k t S I " Artlt'IU of lnC'OrporaUon tor I Schw-· Ca I G I "lstral1on .~lip was -tu-..A to lll!tl!bo<l l'o At\JTt Ryby.,rwport ...,._. p one "' -•v •u.., Huntington Tiie, Inc .. a S29:1,000 him. tht report said. It wu not Rur h pollre for pos.•<'8.•l<•n of al~ Orange county corporation wilh Theft of two hub c11pa from his Pxplalni"l how the vnuth• mlrht •Ohol 11nd fntoxi.·11!011. Tht'y \\'t'rt' 1<tock a l SI par, wtre on file car parked In f ront or his h ome have A<'Qlllrt>d 11. · 11rrt'llled at Mornlni:-l 'l\n)'C'll I-Wad here today with Secertary of WN reporttd to poh\·e by Wiiiiam •nd Cou t 11tihw11y. !;tale Fr,ank M. Jord&ll. J. !khWON'r or 11'17 Sapphire A\'(', D The concern wrn manufacture undos Tells Theft IC> LOCAL HLIVllH PllCI OW...Mle ..... , .... ...,.. ....... s246Soo ANC>THIE~~ IS OL.CSMOEllL.E I New -... ~. tUDmu Mle<i are .01riD&-io th~ ... 1,."' time eY•r to clu.I yo-U WU.d Ute •bf'•I of • new OldrmobU~! Tn'D b ow tuuatJr •hr rbla 1hrilllnJ 1lemoar qwMn la tlte m•tt •aate• car hi all Oldt hletory! 11'• that esirlU., aew -C..U..d" IMk I 11'1 tbot vo ... tle 'llrtnc color• ttyU.1 I AD• wbat • .. ootli '"• eweltt tlw lo•dl of yew IM ••• t1M re•maulla1 "Roekoc .. 202 EnaJne end Br•ra-Jihde Seper Drtn•I So e-• i• •o• • •• titul ... ~ A•ptt k the hotted m"nth of th• ,_ to -.1 ... n• tltt! 1Mt1 ... rtir h Oldt.,.ohli. ! ·~ ..... ,. .... OL-C>SIVIOB I LE ----¥1111 l'HI "IOCKll IOOM" ••• AT 'fOUlt Ol.l•OKI DIALa'SI MILLER CHEVROLET • Booktd Wt'rf!' Chill lea \\'a~·ne C'f'ram1c Ult'. o• h YL- l.1<1 j;t'. l!l fntox1cal1on 11nd J'(\Mf'I!· Dl~ctcra an Alkn 1,.. Orupe. lftCJ Y 1nwft Told 1uon; Rkhard Dale \\'amer, 18, l~3 Haven Pl&ce, Newport I Tht,ft of the dinghy Zan·Zack J'OUMl!lon. Rolland H. Humm•l. Buch: C !:. Lincoln. Lynwood.1 from It.II mooring al Aml'thy•l Ave. lll. ~t1111on and n111~ Duanf' J•· an<1 Frank r 11tchlnf. H unllnS"t<'n and South Bay Front ..,.. reported David L. Dundaa of Pomona told police a blanket., palr Qf Balboa bluea, a waUe.t with '8 In It and a man's wstch Wt'nl etolen while hti wu in irwtmmlnr near the Newport Pier. 1000 W"t Coast HighW.y Liberty 8-2261 NEWPORT llACH h11tk, 2(\, poeeu.•lon. S..ch. , ta rott~ !aturday. Olil 'f¥ twa A-· OUllMCMU "' ••lllEll"'lllAT •llW ~. lml PAm PAGll - (}overnmenl :J.rom PAGE 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST I , 1955 S'l"IUIUNG AT THE ROOTS! BRUSH COUNTRY "God 9r1..t we h ser.i+y io ecapt the thin91 we cennot change: the courage to chenqe the thin9s we c.an end the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) . JOURNAL EDITORIALS (Ed. Noa.. -Tllla oolwa• 111J Ro,_ hrtler w1ll ..., wt.- Ulla UtUe·kno• .. lallt~rt-1 faC'tl M llu .,...... •• 18 lllil -., &ripe a.to t ... lle.C'k -tty la t"fff'at )'Mn.) .Tidelands Bids Wednesday May Effect Newport Beach Bida will be opened Wean.eday by the .tate landa com.mt.ion on the nppoeedly oil-rich ~delanda between Sant& Ana River and Huntington Bea.ch. Some 3000 acr. are to be bid on by petroleum firuui intereeted in the exploration for black gold. The City of Newport Beach may be benefited in· directly by theee operationa, presuming the future welh~ help ·in Pt:<>Ving of tidelanda sonea offsetting to the west the city-owned aubmerged land• now under leau to Monterey OU Co. We hope, however, that whatever bidder wirui the right to drill in the 3000 acres that hie operation will be done u neatly and cleanly u Monterey'• production from ita Cout Highway drill aitea. The well-fenced and 1hrubbed 1eetion of oil pumpa be1 been a credit to the petroleum indut1try. Now. u we undenitand provision• of the Shell-Cun· ningham tidelands oil bill, drilling for underwater oil depoeita muat be done from upland drill 1itea until re- covery from them ia proved an impouibility. However, no offlhore oil well drill platform• are-permitted from the Santa Ana River to San Diego. It baa been hinted by aome city council members that Monterey Oil Co.'s Newport No. 7 well is an unde· tennined qu&ntity as far aa oil values are concerned. Others have put two and two together and guessed Monterty withheld information on No. 7 AO it would have & better chance at leases oo the 3000-acre tidelands due Wednesday. Thia may be true. Should Monterey be the winning bidder 1t is quite logical to auume the firm could conduct a very good operation into the tidelanda, having all information on city-owned parcela plua the atate and county submerged landl involved. We feel Monterey will bid on a portion or the atate-owned tideland• in the interest. ot o1>taining a well-rounded field. Where Were You Aug. 2? Where were you when the Newport Beach Elemen· tary School Boa.rd 1pent $927.oeo o( your money Tueaday night 7 The public hearing on final puage of the recort\ budget for the coming year wu attended by exactly nobody. Even the llChoo1 board wbom ""* elect from\ your community and the school adminiltration whom you hire wu a little puuled at the apathy of. J ohn Q. Public. Every monthly mee\ng of the five-member board ia open to the public. T~ee five people donate Uieir aervicea to repreaent the\ public in operating public school•. They work withit pay and deaerve _public interest, 1upport AND gra itude tor their fulfilment of their citizen. duty. Your board and the administrative officers just tiniahed planning additlon1 to two existing achool1. They have also just approved plans for a fifth achool where your children will. attend, They 1pend your money and together with the Long Beach Oil Situ·ation to Get Committee ·study adminiallrative staff, the board form• the education program and operatea your schoola for your children and a community of over 18,000 people. Next meeting i1 Tuemday, Sept-. 6 and every firat Tuesday of the month thereafter. twelve month• of the year. The Harbor and Disneyland We heard a comment yeeterday that needs repe· tition with interpretation and explandion. A welllmown Harbor busineasman aaid words to the effect that although people thought Disneyland'• operation would bring a lot of folks to the Harbor area. it just wu not doing it. We have no quarrel with our neighbor. in Anaheim. a city which ia growing in every direction. We have nothing to aay about Di1neyJand either except fo; one 8 imple explanation. It i1 a glorified amUMment park designated to entertain young and old -for a price. What we wish to take iuue with ia the attitude of those Harborite• wl\o atand in awe of Dianeyland. Thi11 much should be clear to all: Newport Harbor needa only to be viewed by •iii· tora and they are "eold" on thia .beautiful area. There'• no admluton fee. - Thoee peraon1 who are afraid the eutward march into Orange County· will stop at the clicking turn1tilea or Dianeyland or who blame the West'• veraio~ of Coney Island should rub 1uch unfounded notiona out of their thought. Newport Harbor ia and will be world famou1 without any nation-wide, nine ·day wonder type or Hollywood publicity "plants." When Dianeyland'1 at· tractions become shopworn in a f~w month• Newport Harbor'• bright future and active present will atill be on every thinking person'• lipe. Now we don't aay Newport Harbor doea not need wise promotion a.nd planning. It doea. You and I are responsible to 1ee our Harbor area growa in the w~ manner towarda ita ever-expanding future. Thill future i1 not bued on gimmlclta, emotiona or fantuy: it ia1 baaed on the simple fact of location, climate and water accuaibility. Thette can not be denied. they affinn themeelve11. Our ·Rich Uncle ~ · We have'long known that Uncle Sam wu the big· geat land owner in California. But it wun't until recent· ly that an Inventory made of Federal proper'ty ~veal~ that hi1 holdings amount to 46 million acres. That't1 48.4 percent of the State's total area. Uncle owna more than 60,000 buildings in Calilomia -m~ny of them amall, but alao included in that number a re huge office 1tructurea. Nearly 3 ~ 2 billion hu been spent Py the National Government to obtain land in the · Golden State for military in.atallation1 and other pur- posea. It ia conservatively estimated that it could now be sold for twice that much. C&.lifomia hu the moat Federal' building apace of any at at~ -more than $1 ' 2 " billion worth, including military buildinga. It ha.a $430 raillion .-orth of Federal houaing -aleo the most for any stat~. Federal land holdings in California, much ot which have alway• been held by Wa.ahingtou. include 20 mil- lion acres of national'foruts. 17lfi million acres of graz· ing lands, 4 million acres of p&rks and monuments, 1.3 million acres for reclamation a.nd irrigation. 7~.000 for airfiel~. 2.6 million for military poet.a and 65.000 tot nood control a.nd naviga.tion. The Adminiatration hu promised greater apeed in turning over "aurplu.a" landa to the atatea or individua.l citisen1. There m\Nlt be plenty h~ that can be turn~ over. SCENE AT THE CAPITOL SACRAMENTO/ -(CNS) - Apparently, aom• reuon a b I y heavy thlnldnr. alon1 wllh the application ot th• latut modern lnventlona. wm be conaldtred by the UMmbly lntenm commlttH on tra.n.sport.aUon and commerce, which thia y•r UI headed by A.I· aemblyman LH Backatrand. ol Rlvarnde. T1lAl"FIC PU.SVP8 Primarily. Bac.katrand u con· cemed ovtr t.ha traffic plleup1 Lhat occur on trMwaya when an acclct.nt occura, thereby cau1ln1 additional hua.rda and the poa•I· bll•ty ot additional Joae of life. Ha la appolnUns Hver91 aub- commltt•... one ot wblc\I wtll took Into thl• phu. or traffic control. Badultrand anvialona uae of televi1lon and poulbly hellocop· ten In lha control of traffic at the ac-ne of acoldenta. Televia· Ion rolnr Into a central control tower, he Mid, '(l'OuJd rtve con· trol operatoni an opportunity to l11Ue ln1tructlon• to divert ttaf· tic from the acene or accldenta. Hellocoptfn c o u l d perform much the aame control work. he aaJd. by broad.castln' hutrucllon1 to distant points CE!'l'TER 8TRIP8 Another 1ub-commJtlee, Back· 1trand .. Id. will be dlrfcted to co lnto aarety dtvloe1 tor auto· mobllu. One of tht' thing• It will look Into will be aatf'ty belt.Jt, a da· vice which hu bffn rtven nation wide publicity durin1 th• put month. Backatrand eaya the mat· ter of Joella on doort ahould be Lnv.atigated alao, w I t h lha lhoupt ln mlnd of 10m1 device which will prevent doou from fiylnc open during a colllalon and 1pillln1 people on the hlch· way a. lt..oW TRUCK MESACE Back1trand alao mentioned the underpowered t r u c k menace, which tUU a thlrd aub-comm~ttee will lnveatlgate. He aay1 that aome relallonahtp ot power to load ahould be effected, u under· powered and overloaded truck• .,.. a mniaee In the hill country, where they can move but •lowly, thu• hOldlng up bolh truck and pasaencer traffic. The tourth aub • committee Backatra.nd wlll appt•mt w ill de.Ive Into the motor vehlcll! code. "Thia code'', ht aa1d. "hu not bun revised ror aomt yean. It 11 full of contradtctory aectlona and or dupllnt1on1. ll a ppea ra that now 11 thl! llmt ror con· aldera lion of 1t1 romplete re· vl11lon." A third Idea thf' sub-commit· ~e will lnveatlcate will be the po11111blllty of p11Y1ng the center 1trip1 or rreewaya, to permit MA.KE ROADS SAFER lhtlr uae by emurency •VehtclH. The primary obJ«!Cllve of lhe auch u ambul1ncu and tire commlttt't. Backatrand u ld, will t ruck•. be lo make hlghw11y11 urer tor Under preaent condition1. Bae~ the public. _.. strand 11y1 these vehlclu have "The appalhnr toll of dt11lh on difficulty reaching the acene of the hlg-hwaya," the R1ver11lde as· accldenl.3 on freeway•. becau11e ot aemblyman said, "maku ll man· the major traffic pile·up11 that datory on the legislature to do occur. with pou lble 101111 of llfe what It can toward m11klng the throurh delay in medical aid. highways aa!er.'' Pavlnc the in1lde 11trlp of a free· He ttmphulzed that the 1dt>11 w•:•. and preventing lhe ·motor· ao tar dlac1u111l!d are merely lri 11t trom ualng It. would gin a U.e making. and that ll wl ll b• clear route ror l'niergency ve· up l.o the 19:17 1,gl~IAture tri hlclta to rtll<:h the 11eene ot work out what 1l rl"tm• ~11t accident.I for the motoring pubhr. Orange County Variety YAQUI-WE~ -They have louay water, but it i. wet and life saving. 11te wells were known to Indiana, trappers, immigrant8 and prospectors, who relied on them in an emergency. -=Hort~-Parker Photo Grubstaking kept many an old time pro9pedor living • life of leisure. The modua operandi wu a good reportoire of bruab country and desert mining yarna aome "picture apeci. mena" and the ability to live and act the part of a real proe- pector. Many of the old prospectors were a iind of "frontier con man'' although they would be the lut to admit it. Th• next ate p wu to find aomeone to grub1ta.ke them, u.. ually the local atorekeeper. ba.nk· er, or eome other bualnua man. Then load the burroa and di.. appeer for month• or weeka at a ttmt or until the 1rub ran out. A1 one writer on the aub· jecl ot loal mlnu and m1ntnc put It, "more rich lead• were found In the morning by proa· pecton huntln&' their burroa that strayed during the nl&'ht, Ulan were ever found by actua~ proa· peeling" WATl.:R HOLE One of the favorite "(TUb· •laked wintering spots" for two or three old proapectora of whom I know wu Yaqui Well•. It 11 on th• north 1lde or LIMt 8an Felipe Wiuh a few hundrt'd ya rd.I from where lhe new paved road crouu 1t to go t h rough Yaqui P111111 and do"''ll mto Borl!g;o Val· lt'y The w11t•'r 1~ 11bt>mlnablr. bitter And alkaline but 1t 1s wet and will 111111t11\n life. Th1r1y to 40 yeara ago 1l wu reaJ ly an ~lated spot. A ma.n rould puture h1& burros on the 1tra&1 aurroundlni:-the sprlnJt, by dt'frt es conlltrurt a comfortable camp. and then lel11urely cont,.m· plate n11ture. When the urge came. you could tAke a few pu· o r• and stake a rf'w rlaims for YIJUr gTUbst11klng "Angel." Like &JI desert watr r -hole•. the: JndlanR Ion,:: k nPW of this •pot. And the htst time J wu In there we turned up a crude stone metate wh .. re ~ome duaky l!lquaw i:t<Jtmll th,. ironwootl and nt111 by ni .. 11qulte beans into pin• nl,. M11nv l ndln.n storage olllUI hll\'P hr1•n round In thr1r rocky hl1llng plALell hi~h on the hlll· "Iii& b11rk flf Yaq111 W,.l\a. IUfl TRf:E extuida from Ule 881\ . F.Upa WUh northwa.r~ to Indio. Palnt· ed c.nyon near Mecca ta Wbere moat of the t ur1at.aa aurvey th• Ironwood. It i. one ot Ula "'-" rumea" and ii known to tit• Mt•tcana u "ubol dal lllerro:· "pa.lo tlerro.'' "teeota" and ..,.n .. un.a da pto" Ill wood It U.W.U, bud u tron. of chocolate brown, mot· tied with red and quit. brtlU•. Th• lndla.na made p&rta ot their &n"OWI from plac:• of tt &nd UHd Ila btana llimllar \o the meaqulte .. food. It mu .. &II a cellent burntnr wood, popplnic ed aplodlnir m.nil7 Ilka pop· rom. DA'l"Sa 1'0 l'ILOllDt8 f bad -epec:lmena ot II many Urnu alon1 th• dry, Nndv wuhea where It lovu to fl'OW. bul the huice one Karl ahowf'd us wu almoat br•lht&klnr. On• author on daaert pla.nt·lor• 1tat•1 that the trunk ot an nvn'll"Ood only 8 lnchn "' dtamettr wu ahown to have an ase of 77 year11 after mleroecopleally eount· ng 1h annular r1np. The "old man or lhe deaert" wt 1aw bad a trunk dlamtttar ot UlrM (ffl or more. U we take M a rourh estimate of 75 ye&r• for each 8 lnchu, our tree wu a mer• blade ln the H.nd Whan the pll· (rim Fathel"ll Mt toot on Ply· mout h Rock, no doubt he la ol(ler. VllforluMtely the Ironwood al· 110 hu a l\Ptelea ot mlaUatoe lh11t paraaltlua It and enntua.Jly 11mothera It.a (TOWth. Thl1 old deaert monarch 11 baavy with th1• p&rulte. Jt 11 on atat• rark l•nd and 1 am 1urprlHd that an effort ha.a not been mad• to d•· vt11t It or thl1 deadly puUtr. IACRAr.lEl\'TO. 1CNS -Jn· vutlgallon or tha uHmbly Into the Lone Beach oU 1ltuat1on 11 9"hedultd ~ begin AU(. 2e, In Ltl9 Angelo. Auemblyman Oor· tlon P1eury. wtio head• a 11pech1J commlU.. lo go lnlo the claim of the 1tatl' rnr mlll1on1< f'f dol· Iara In oil revenue now ht>ld by the city or Long Beach, Allt n'1 meiuure would have re· turned all ot the U C.Ha oil reve· nut> t 9 Call(omla whld1 could not have bt'tn used by Lons Btach for purposes of tha truat In 1n "''hlch It reoelvtd Ule original gn:nt or ·u delarrcfl, _._ __ ....,;a,;;;..=;;,;;;;;-. ___________ ..:;:.,. ____ _ Ed'•· Note: Thia col,UJDD waa fettured io a recent IMu4I of the Garden Grove News. WI reproduce lt herf' becau8e U ... typical of 90me of the machlnaUon8, p~ ferenoes, and restralnbl bflloit practked in Oranit" County today. BR.) Karl Benni" my oltl duert rhum hst1 tolfl Ull 111Any l1mea the lt1r11ut "Ironwood trc.o" he hAd rvf'r ,,..,.n 1n h1i1 m11ny ycarA on th• 1lesnt wu Bl Yaqui Wt"lb. The Ironwood •~ a sturrly •lr,.erl t r,.r O<'Cllt m i: 1111 thf <Irv plnln11 and hill1111e~ or !':11n11111 an•I H11ja C.\hform11, •southern Ariz•m11 anll Tha next Um• you ue down Borego way atop at IJ!• Tamer• l$k Camp·1roU11d In U\e &all Ff'· llpe Wu h, run by th.. 1tc&t• pllrk. and takl! a ff'W mlnut•• to waJk up to Ta.qui Well• For th,.re you will prot>ablY 8ft th,.. bll(gf'sl. blSl"mln , Oln,ya teMta or Ironwood In Iha world Thia trust provided that ren· nuu wt>re to be Ull'd ror harbor lm provemmt. ¥d opnaUon of the clly'a harbor. Long Beach contu ted th• mea· AFFAlRS OF STATE By HENBY C. llac.&llTBUB By nte Wal<'hdo« I problem wu referred to tht' plan· Fleury N ld a mttUns ot hi• aptt1a1 committee la acheduled for 10 a.m. In the at.ate bulldlnr. Au11:. 2ll. In 1.,.(11 Anitelee. 111re In the legalature, hlrlnS al· ---------------------------Rumors an flying lhlrk a nd nlng •taff and dr11n11ge to 1he SAC ... ~NTO (CN•) t fut.. regardtni: delAye In getting ro11d departmtnt 11nc1 1100/1 rnn·, I The situa tion •rowe when the alAte aupramt court ruled that the alate ta entltltd to halt of the Long Beach oil revenue. which atored up, amount.I to 90me 1200.000,000, plu1 the po· tentlal r11venue of two billion trom drilling operation• In Lons Beach harbor. A bill by Aaeemblyman Brue• Alltn. San Jo"'· WM barely de· f•ted at U1a 19M ltfialatura. tomey11, lobbyl11t.1 and public re· latlon11 l'Xperll, who succeeded in kllltng the. A llt n• bill. The city contend• It ahould be allowed to uu the exce111 revenuea tor mu· nlclpal purpoet1, whic h c:lllsen1 or other co~munlUe. are forced to flnanc:e through t.a•H. The Jl'leru commlttw a t IA\• Auruat meeUng will lay out a pros:&!" ror lht lnvettlptlon. P'leury •lj!. tnt.erad u hoond-Qw Matier at U.. Ponomee ta N.wpoft 8-dl, Calltonlla ~der Ult Aet ot Marcll I, 1811. M-'-Ollllf ..... !f .. ; lftr ._, ' .. .U.1d1taoe M-bw Jlf.UOMI &at.wW Am1lla.._ Mta1W al OrMi• OMMir Jf-. ......_ SUB8CIUPTION &.U'ES: s-rpon ~r N--.P'ft9, Tlt-WMlltT • •• ~· c~ut). M.no ,.-r y..,-: 11.oe ats moa.: 11..w .,.,.. "'..._ o....we •' <>ru,. c-~ ''·" ~' , .. , ~......,. • -a -Y yaazoa ... o. tha number w11 Th ~ ...__ approvaJ tor a lt'n mtnlon dollar t rnl enlt'lne"r" • expected Nport .,. ..... at.ate 7700. Gaha lllrou1h natural 1n· 1hoppln1t district at Hwy ~II and department of flnUlce, f1vtn1 orMee In Ula nnt five yMra will I J U f Chai.man a vr. popu at on H matH or th• likely eurpue the llO·year total A aub11equent c;hel'lc with th' planning ataff ellcatNI the infnr· matlon they h11d 11lready approv• ed the Afl·b&ck11 And h•d not I bl!en asked I~ c~ec~ any rurthf'r. , 1tate appeared rac:enUy, and bore from 18t<> to 1940. Thia mean• out the advanee 11\f'onnallOft 11•· ovtr 900,000 added \o Ca]lfomla'• en In "Affalra of State", wtUch pop11lat1on by IMO, Ulrourh the tald the eatlmata '"""d be ll'ION dltferenee between the numben tha.n 13.000.000. ot blrtha and deatha." • Actually, the ..UmaM Of ~ RATZ OP' GROWTH pie In C•ltfomla wu 13,03&,000, wtllch the department •Id wu 'nla rate of &'l'OWUI in Callfor· an lncrf'He of 4M,OOO. or I .I ~ nla., wbieh 11 cnntinu1nr; r11pldly. cent. over July 1, 1964. "I• approximately thr•I! tlmu tha t or th• l'nlt"'1 ~t11tt'~ .. 8ay~ MJGaA'l'IOlf BIGR Ole rtporl. As thr ;ir,,wth rnn· Mlj'Tatlon tnto CaWorala ia Unuea. th.e sU t t's sharf' f\f thr lltW a t • hlfb *al. &lthoufh It nation's tota l populatrnn hA~ In· .. not ao snat -durtns Ult CrM&ed from 7 P"' rtnt In l!l;')(\ K~ outbr.ak, whloll f..Wrad &o almo1t 8 per rt nl tMll\ a ya.,-pn ot e.t p.r o.it. Dur-· 1n · · this PIO<'l'!I~· th• rl•pArl· 1.n r t.M '11 est two )'MJ"I. tllia m I· m fT&tlon la .-peetacl, the depart-tnt Sll)'I . "C11trnrm11 s Alie rom· mant aald, tio add -200.000 po1lt1on b changinj!, bl!romlng clriJlaJl1 e.o ttlt at.au. With a more like I.hi! nA tlon~I p&ttfm .. natural ln~ ot. around 200,· In commenting-on rh•nitu In 000 annu&l.ly. the 6apU'tmant -ar• compoalllon, the dtpartment Umat.u lS,970.000 a o.lt'°""4l •ya, tb&t the moat rapid vowth bf mid-lMT. • dunnc the ltGO·lM period occur· u .... 1llrtllil vrttrm '° ..t ..,. ~ • the .... STOUP under l& ...or*. wUlt ..._ _... ~~ YMl'I. 'nitre wu a 12.1 ptr oent et JOG IOO • ttM, •d aispected ~ la Ulla JTOUp, which wu ' ...... ht1ee that rt&i8terad In '° IO lo llt,000 ta 1N6. Lut UM rMt Of UM n&liOll Ill tM ~ raeOl'ded 108,400 de&UIA, and w time lnt.fT&I ttla eathn... b 1116 .. ftlllld at · · 116,000. Th• IM&Vl rat• '" Call· ~ JI09UJ&Uon ~ t6 yaen fwnia repraaant• •· towwt ... -.d MW W.0"9&Md lt.J par eent raoot'dlld Ill ~ at•t•. la ._ tour .,_, ·period, wWle "Toda)''• natural lncreaee la '"'• portioll ot U.. nation'• ~ population, which la Ula ama.nt pie onr ta tncreuad by 12 5 r Of blrtha OYeT cteaw:· th• ..... cent. o.rtou.ly HO h h . pa port aud. "II a major Mc:&or In tha ~ · owH«. per o.tt flt 1>8J'IOll4t OHr .... th~ popul•tlon rrf'wlh. In 1956, ~ in C&lltomla h.. II*! t~• l'xuu Of h't th• ll\ •1 •Ir a th-virtually unchana~ fM =• ra.-l ..,,II approx1m1t ~ 191 0()() Twt:n· tour Y•n Month• •go. ownt,.. of the la.nd applied ror a rezoning of the land for commerc11I u11age. Arter much prodding. th•· county plan· nlng atarr completed lb work on Thi! rQlld d<'p&rt mrnt M 1rt they thf r,.zonlng and aubmllled it had •lres<IY 11pp rovtd the dr•in· with 11n OK-to the r ounty Plan-• age by • l!'tl,.r rrinlaln,.rt In nlnJ -Commiu 1on. I 'h" or1ir1n11l JHUf'nt•t1rin In th" • • • plannlni;: rommlH lon R"' t,.r Onll· nn• rihjl'rttnn w11s hl!ard tha:n • month airo at thr p11t>l1c hl'11rlll1t hrld 1n I Santa Anw 110<1 that 11o as An l!X· n ood <'ontrol t'ngint,.1·1 u ld • p•ctf'd, hut unlmpnrlAn t "buf' they had noth1n1t to tin w1Lh ll Crom th• prnmnt,.,. or anolher and although Rllne.v hAd talked n•arhy llht'lpplni; llllf' v. hn thouirht to Lhfm r,.1:1rdtn1 drainage they hf' 1ho11lt1 b,. ~II·"'"'' lo !>1111'1 hi• told him lhty werf' powl!rl•u to \\"hnul rnmpr!1! ••n atop tL They had rtff'rrf'd him • • • I to the county coun~I If he w•nl · Hn\\l'\l't. 1oc11I plAnning Com·1ed ti) lake It f1111h•r, thty said m1•~1onr1. Grorgr. R11nrv l llked • • • thf enttr,. matlf'r be takl!n "vn · Howtvei the ~·u1n11el'1 otflrf' ....... drr aubmlNlon." Nld Lhey had no cnnven1atrnn or • • • reque"tll regt r<lln1t th• m&lll'r Almo1t two w .. ka ra ter. when with anyone no further action wae upcoming on the matter. Raney waa u ked wll)' ha hadn't takf'n It out of 1ubmi.too fM action b,, the • • MKnwtule • marktt tw1r,. u la.rre u any In Garden Grove, a huge Thrifty dru1 atore, and a th~•·•lory dt'p&rtment •tort art IT'~ A WHOPPER -Higl(,.~t Ironwood tree in the world., located at Yaqui Wells. -Hora('4" Parker Photo piaMtt'L • • r•tt:lns pretty di1eoura1red aboUt lie only a11nrer*1 Y8C'ltly \.hat the ant.I,.. matlt'r beoauM lhf'y th• matter tnvol'ffd "PlllPblema. '' WW'lt lo •tart OOf'l•tructlon tm- and titer turt.btr, trttenM qut1· Mediat.t'y. UQlfllllS. ataUd ha wu not aau.. • • • tied about drain•,. onto Chap-Rl&mOft haft It ~ dele.y la man ..... new U.. aet·b&ck a.l· .. attempt to dlaco11race th• en· point l'l t.n11t h"r p•11 "I 1n thf' 1111me J Cl\rf\I VII lnllV lhAI 1tol helrJ up 1n t«unty r •<l l.AJ)C tlP· CAUIMI of rlralugr> I bl'ftore RAntV wru 11p<1lntl!'d pl11.nn"r 1 unlll " c~rt1 1n •ub<ll'lder ~ opt'"" rlln out. Anothu lfl41v111l1•l then pur · chull(J It •ncl Uie 1lr'llln•10r~ prnh· lf'm ..... ~ a1111rl""Y Y>IV .. •I In " matt~ r'tf d11p ~ for Jlwy. It. Ure matter, a1th0Ufb ft&ney d.- • • • Ill• tt Mid flu no ~ ,._... • • • A.tied wtlat h• -.. dotnl' to on ~ want (Mlay. They 111an pn1n• -,t lil•t '11>l•v• .. uarr tumuu re1a.rd1nc t.M I • • • no"'· .,. d•ni•1,,11• b<'• ~"o> 'ti• "problem•" h• .,., th• .. t-M ck Dl11TunU•d p~ • 9Wlle~ aounty .. oon11d.r•n• 11-tiraia- •er rr•guh1.\tt1n• for c<>mmwot.t A1e11'1. Thlll ro11lrl mffol'I Ull• ~U· cul11r 111t~ 1r not apprvved pri1tty "'"'" would h•ve llO ~t•rt all nver watllnl( Ulro-.lt roun1 v r•tull\I 1•.n• -.id red ..... • • l l ' h1111I \11 1•11 J~t what • h"< k ,,, •ti 11w 1. But one ...._ 11 r•rt1 1n R•n .. y h••I bett"r bnn1or II •111l "f 111.bm\•tnn fl 11•l•rpl lll hl'r "problam" ,....,. that b<ilar 111v•U1'ltta9 a ..... ....... Visiting lad's Death Mystery; ~ Rites luesday SANTA ANA AUG. 8 (OCNS) ..._ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I· ltA&E 7 MONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 PAUSE DEFENSE ATIORNEYS . SEEK ACQU1TI AL VERDlcr Ore.ng• County Roaplt&l author!· SANTA ANA, AUG. a (OCN.8) l ~ failed to produc. .utnctent tle.e today were awaltlnr the ,.. -Ode.rue attorney• tod•v tou .. ht evidence to •end UI• u.a. to • sulll or tut• In the "''&ke ot an ..,,, • j autopey to determine the ca uH or a directed acquittal ve~lct ln Ule u~. ddendanl8 a,re accu.ed of 1 death of a alx·year·old bey who conaplracy·to·oblltruct ju.tic• trial unla.wfully traru!errtnr Japaneee- wM visiting In Coal& Mua. , ot Herman Paute, Arthur Gordon .Arnerlca,n liquor Uanau ln U\19 I Mlchllel Paul Cooper of Blythe Eldred and Takeo Taktkoahl. county. Jurol'9 were abMnt to- d1ed In th.e h.osplta.l at 8 p.m. Fri·\ Attome)'I bued lhtlr &rl'Jmenta da.y. They ... ~NI to "tum at 10 Jay after bting confined there on the Allegitlon the pro8tCuUon a. m. tomorrow, j nine d11ys. A ho1pltal 1poke$man sal11 that while the Cllllafl or death REPORTS ANKLE 1 hasn't been confirmf'd "lndl<'atlona MISS PRATT i ~r~~~.::::~·\:'::~· did die o! a BREAK AS DOG JUMPS ON HER I C'ontag1ou11 dlseue, according to 1 · the Informant. Mllll Hrle.n 1. Prt.ll, 60. or 1210 E. Balbo& Blvd. t.old po- j The boy wu stricken while via· lice she au!fered a broken ankle s.tturday wh.en a. bolter dor J itlng his grandmother at ~6:1 Ea· Jumped o.!W1er and knockerl her .town twlN'. She eald ah• ter St. I wu wal~ heor own dog In front of 1023 .E. Balboa Blvd. I Jt probably will be a week or 10 when lht attll<'k occurrf'd. 11ays before Lhe l'auae ot death ts Pollet 111<.ld the boxer IA owned by Mn. E h&&betll P-.. 1•onnrmtd. acc·ordlng to the ho•· 1 ot 1023 E . Belboo. Blvd. The dog a pparently got out of an .pltBI 11l1thnnty enclosurt', aC'rordmg to a carel11ktr. Services !or M1ch11.e) Paul Coop· I c-r. 6·\'t'ar-0!11 snn of Mr. 11nrt M rs. G 1 d A • c • I Fred. L. ('otelj)Cr O( Bl~·the. who 0 en nn1versary omm1ttee ll1ed ~11<111<-nlv Frldov. will t>e h!'M I ~\.J .. ~0~~·,"11;1a;.~e:~:~et~.1;ht1~kac:k To Be Named by Council Tonight I RA\f.'1 n( thf' ('hurrh or C'hns~· 1 Santi\ Ana, uffu:1a~ni:-1tnr\ Intel· A rmnmtlll"f' nl :-IP,vport B<'ai'h l'lt1un" 8P\,.rtr.1 w111 ti. ~llpOI\· ment In \.\'elltmlnsttr Mtmonal <'tllzens to c.Jt'vdup pl!•~ for thi> 1<1bte 1 .. r ph11m1ng of the city'• Park. torth.1·om1ng Golden Annlver!Mr)' I hlrthd11y plan~. •he Mid. ot the C.Uy HI 11ue tn be appointed -------- D F d G Ill <'II~· rouncll mP»tinj! tonight. v· . R 'I oane un rows Maynr Dora Htll told the Nt>w11-1 1s1tors •port .th c k Sal I Pie!!s she h1111 l'l'\Wal per11on• In I Loss of leach Gear I WI a e e I m1n1I b\ll Will not know the t'llll<'l I T bl di d number on the rommtllee until ~"fl nr 11 p orta " ra o an & C'11.r1>l Doant' fund ~ew apa<'e I llht• ls an re all can Eerve. The I wallPt containing $10 1 from & F nday when two or her i chool blanket ort th' b .. ach wh le IWim· tr!en<l~'. Tina Hughes, 410 Orchid • ming ytat"r~ay wa..s reported to Ave., i<ml Cerinl Cree1y, 20i l Ir· 1 Wallet Found lft poh~e bv Mar~lyn Strott of Alham· vine Ave . Coat a .:lte118, ran a cake , • 1>r11. and L il;\ Mlntklme of El sal .. e.t Richard'• Lido Market. Keith Trash Can Montt . d The 11upph· or C'akt!s was t>.J<· They u lt.I the ln1111 oc<'urre at ha.uated by ·noon a,nd the fund D111co,·ery ot & wallet In her the end o! Agate .Ave. lrUh. Can Wal reporlf!J to pol((:e rlchf'r by $89. Tina reports. yet1lerd11y by Mrs. Kf'lth kt 440 7 seu hore Drive. Jt had the tdtntl· Kiwanis PrOCJram Due HARBOR SCOUTS GET WORD Annual City Tax Rate Due Tonight at Council Meet !lea.lion ot Comtllas P. Morgan o! Ray Dike will be ln cha.rse or Lo• Angelea. the program at the Thunday There is a project for your handicraft said Oklahoma City Explorer Scouts George Soule, and Leonard Ball. center as they displayed a horn stool to Newport Beach Explorers Lyn Barton, left, and John Van- Dyke, right. !J'-he stool is in the Anderson Collection of the Oklahoma State Historical Society in Oklahoma City. The Explorers from Newport Beach were in Oklahoma City last week and were receh·ed at the State Capitol by Gov. Ray Gary and a corps of Oklahoma City Explorers whose guests the local boys Newport police aald Morgan re· luncheon or the Newport Harbor ported h11 locked car w111 forced Kiwanis Club e.nd will preaent open and the glove compartment Lonnie \'lnrent, wh.o wUI 1how pie• In the car forced to take the wal· lures or tt~htnr tn Mexican wa- let. He Hid $17 wu ml111lnr from ters. were. City council tonight will dell· berate on setting the annual te.it r&te tor Newport Bea.ch, M.e.yor IL --------~·-----~ Former Balboa Man Escapes Briefly from Sheriff an11wer In the morning. LAVERNE MANSLAUGHTER HEARING DUE WEDNESDAY Dore. H ill sa.ld today. The council mu.t determine l! tentative tax etructuru lndlc&ted at prevlou• meetJnp will be wt· tlclent for the yee.r ahead. Roe Headlight Gone Theft o! a headllght from hl• ca.r parked In the A St. lot Frid1y nifht wu reported to police Sat· urda.y by Chulu Roa of 912~ ll. Oce&n Front. An e.11-Ume high city budget of $2.064,:l'U.81 wu approved with except1on1 at the June meet· Bauer Rowboat Gone t'IANTA ANA AUG. 8 (OCNS) -A brazen Heape attempt by a drunk . drlvlnr susptct, who tor· merly lived In Ba.Ibo&. met with tallura here today. Griner reportedly a ltempted to commit aulclde alter his return to county jail by 11tabbfng him· 1elf In the wrist with hill belt buckle tongue. He Wll.'I dlscov('red by & jt.ller and rushed to Orange County Hospital. His conditlo!\ Heffner wu escorting Criner wasn'l e<'rioua, according to the ba.ck to county jail when the jail. brea.k ca.me. The auspect wu ______________ ......_ Preliminary h.eulng of Robert a.ga.inat L&Veme m & d a man-Ing of councU but council mem· li. Lli.Verne, of s..n Gabriel, held 1l1u(bter . .1AVeme It out on$~ beu were a,pparenUy not po11IUve ball. u to the ta,xu for varlou. funda. on a me.nalaughter cha.rge In the La.Verne cla.lm'ed he caught Per-Saving• of 60 cent. & month Theft of & lO·ft. rowboat from tn front o! hl8 hou.e wu report· ed to police Sunda.y by W. T . Bauer of 2• 76 Ht.rbor Drive. He 1aJd It wu blue with red trim. Sheriff '• deputJ• rounded up Richard L. Griner. listed now u & tra,n11lent. after he broke away ttom Dep. Mar11ha.ll Louie He!· tner and fled north on Broadway. The au1pect w11& collared near Ith St. and Broadway by two deputies. Ortner had ju11t been before Ba,nta Ana Municipal Co urt Judge Howard C&m t'ron for u · ralrnnient. lt had bten continued to tomorrow morning. walking beaJde Heffner. "I'd been trying to t&l.k wtt.ll hl1J1 and he 1eemed very belllg· erent," Heffner !'11 lrl. "Th"" hr started to run. I didn't want ~ tire at him." Hdfner hurrtel1 to the aherltf's office &nd reported the escape. Griner, who formerly llvt d et U O E . Balboa Blvd .. wae arrested Friday by local police In the 1600 block on Flower St. The ma.rsha.IJ'a otrlce &aid It would have a misdemeanor es· cape charge ready for Griner to Too Late To Classify Restaurant Does year around business in Newport Beach. Seating for 40 at dining room tablee, plus 20 at counter. . lllness forced closing ~O days ago. Will sacrifice at $5500, COtJt $9500. Owner will permit you to re-open Immediately under his license until deal can be closed. CASH IN on balance of Summer Business. Second Accident Involves 2 Cars dl'&lh or Irving Richard Perrett. 21. rett looking lhrough. the window were advocated by deleting the Los Angeles, ln Nev.'})orl Bnc h ot hi4 apartment Into the lutchen monthly water meter charge, A lhe night of July 23, will be held where Mr a. Le.Verne. clad tn a suggested tu rate ot St.21, 1ame Clothing Stolen Wednesday In Judge D. J . Dodge's ..... th.l It k•n.,. d tut y ar• It .... lat..-re .,... ng su • waa ma ~..,, 11&11 • u e ...,.., ..,., • Charlu Gt.le of Llfhter Than I court. -wlchea for hlm to take !lshing. port. Air Bue tn 8&nta .Ana told police Twenty m In u te s after one Originally held w ith WU~D. Smith, who hAd been with Lt.-Ma.rtne and cl\11lan clothing wu three-car a ccli:t<•nt at St'a ward Smilh of Costa Mellll o~ an C)pen Verne, chased alter !he pair a nd Fa t p r • l&ken from hit car whJle parked Ro11cl and Coast High.wa~· yester· 1 chargr. ~ after Perrett~ death, wh .. n he caught up with thtm I UI re 1m1nary In tront or hi• beacl'I hou.e &t !lli rla\', twr> othrr-cars were mvol· charge. against Smith "ere drop-~t opprd IA.Verne f rom beating H • A 12 E. Balboa Rl\'d. Friday. vecl ln a rear·enil colli~ton, pollce ped by piiltre anrl I he <'harge Prrrf'll. eGflftCJ UCJ. !18.ld. ---------------------SAN1'A A':'A 10CNS)-D.vld 111 Cl ...... Th ~ Walter .A. Batley of Whitter RACE RESULTS Beard.~lee a.nd J osephine VJ. R.H. c. Faust. 3:t. Santa An&. will omes err . told officer. f!he w1111 ~topped In Coll1n11, all :"\HYC. race preliminary hearing A ug. 12 Theft of clothu from her car traffic to make a left turn et Sma.JI &ab·Southwee~m YO In Santa Ana-Orange Muruclp&I Saturday nlfht while park~ In the comer when l'he \\'&a struck c I d Court on two coun•M of moleet· tront of her home wu reported ont nut from Fin& Pare 1 Thl11Ue-Aft Agley. W. A. Se-"" s b " R ln the rear by a car drivrn by Ing a lJ·year-old local girl. to police unday y .~.n. ou J ohn Ph.1111p Melan~n or Azusa.. Complete result.a were AS fol· t>aslian. Lake Meat1 YC; Phalaope, \.\'heat('rott of 107 Collln11 Ave. loil's: EBrl Gilman J 1 .. CYC: Fail. John He wu arraigned Friday a.nd She aa.ld $292 worth of <'lothtng COUNTY FAIR SAX PIEliO H~ I c '1u1.,r, RYC..:. Int. Ii Exterminat· ball aet at $1000. Sheriff• de· nr, John F e!'rier, XHYC; Chill putles cha.rged Faust with lur· was taken from the csr. Ocean l-~aC'1ng -t'arow1el. Ash Pepper. Bob Sa1·age, BYC; Foxy lng Orange County girl8 Into Brown, !';{)YC'; E\'enmg .Star. Gene T11u, W 11 JI a m Douglas, BYC. posing for 11emt-nude pl<'tures on Continued from First Pap Treptr, SDYC; MadC'ap. Llmlley S k Imme r -Woodw1ml, Harry the preten11f' he would get them J.1rrelt. LA YC. Arb1trnry 1-Frnn· 1 Wood, ABYC: Santana, \'aaq11e11, modeling jobs. Ing costwnrs. • 1sc11.. Pat L<-w1s, \\'C\'l'; Apad1e ~IBYC; Ooll•e. Fred Everett, Faust 1" a lUllesma,n !or a na· Division competition 1n the 11tate II. t:h .. l Z1mmennan, SWYC; <.:ar· 1 MBYC. Lightning . Billie, Carl Uona.!Jy kn own correspondence baton twlrlin~ t'h11mpl11nshlp be· 1 Iola. E. G. Turner, CYC. Ar bitrary Elchenlauh Jr.. MBYC; V.'r1ght school gin11 Wednriidity nfl-'rnoon with. 2 X lta. f1tll'e Hooton, SWYC; nne. Pave \\"right, CYC; G·Wh\z finals ·'l.ttr11 for i p. m. Sunday Truant. Walter Clark, SnYC; t:. l' Vanllegn rt. MDY<..:. ' J hl t th bl Penguin -:-Sea Foam. Ted Mal· :~o~ high ig o e g art'na I ~1;~'~ Cl'llne, \\'flli11m Cla rk, &tadet Sk1rtuo, J udy Bown. M>n. ABYC; Sea \\'\tf.'.h, Sh.erry • · P.I I >1ot>ln, Mike Town. amt Ocha., Ho11~en. ABYC: Touche, Herb Sin· Oranges will bo featured ThUl't'I· Ca hr 3:1-Amorita. Harve)' Som· ,, ff ( 'l k JI !':£ "'" M d ::-; l B ch. lav ·he • · • vii Y 111 . R • t 1 v .• ercury-hof!er, SDYC. Lehman -Surprise ay, · •·wpor ea c · · " n e1i;, :-:HYC. Slar -Chatterbox, Alonetle Chet Wheeler Mischief, Twist, Jim Lewi!!, Menace. BIJJ ~ger cak~ bakPr~ . bt.ni:: .'~~tr Mahhn l311rnhani, SOYC; Xorth A. R. S;,,lth, And Froa0ch Ellea.n, Clark amt No Name, Dolly New· ~ares to l e orani:~ '~ ' 1 ei;n "· Star, Lowell :-:orth., SDYC; Wench. \\'llllam MacDonald all CBYC port, e.11 NffiYC. Sa"At-No Ne.me. F our w1nnen1 in the C'ontest, which \' C C 02 I ' ' "" · 1 • CM!;'!' Fle1tz, LAY . Cal. •' -Flatttes SLonny AusLln Peep· Ea.rl Eamu, M13YC; Breezy, J ohn JAR OF CHANGE GIVEN TO CAROL It mlfht not &dd up to & fortune, but the t hour ht be· h ind the gesture 111 worth a mllllon. A Newport Horbor m•>lh"r. a Mn1. 2'1"1'ble, who~e ton waJ1 killed here In ar1 111110 accldPnl 1Rved a )ar of amall ctiange whtl'h her boy h11rl Whf'n he wM klllrd. Today ~he gavr. It lo Carol Doan11 In memorv of her i on. Optimist Meet Set Member• or the Newport Ha.rbor Optimist Club will learn about Eu- rope at th.e Tueaday maettnr when Edward A. Boyd wtll tell a.bout hi• recent trip acroaa the pond. PARKES -RIDLEY MOBTUARY Formert7 GU ml. CillAPEL 110 Br094way I-Coeta M- Llberty &-HSI &Del &-HJ' BE SURE -INSURE ~ IUUBJOE 8TANl..EY luuraaCI& Oal7 Phone Har~ UT• .fS•a -'-~ RJghwar -~a «kl Mar e Balboa Coves Water Front Brand nf'w I ~­ rtlnm, % balh hnmf'. \·~ry l'lf'\'f'r d~ll"I • "'lie"' ynu can lla1•e your ow11 t.o.t t1llp. $29,950 C'&ll JUrhor 1800. First lucky person to bring in check. gets this chance of a lifetime. rt>qulrNJ UJ<e .0 ' frrsh •lranges ~n Amorita, Harvt•Y Somer11, NHYC; !"ti, CBYC: l<t1ty Did, George Dur· Merch.snt, ABYC: Seminole, J ohn thobakba.klnfitf. \l~lll :1rturn Frldt:y ftlr Andale. Waller Franz. :-.'HYC; Al· 1 :anf!, MBYC: Que11tlon Mark, Al. Webbtr. ABYC. Wood PuAly - a e-<.> 0 " n an eu ma c ta11111r, Rux Shuh. Island CllppPr-GlhhR. ~lliYC. 8nlpe -lA'eway Canasln, W. \'an der ;lyl, Carr---------------------------- &'68 r~~~~ITARY DAY SET I lavelln. :'llillon. \\·rgef•ir~h. soyc: I .1r .. Ll•e Thompson Jr .. ARYC; away, w. A . Minkler, t1nc1 Zorlll&. MUita.rv dlly. nt•x l Sundll)'. will ~er,.na. Jnh~ !-;ilrny'. B' C. ~~-:I t:ho11l. \lark Klng, NHY\; Gero· B. H. Robinaon, -.JI MBYC. Met· BALTZ MORTUARIES · b , .... .• f 1 llallerlna. 1,art7. t,rJuld. 8 DYC, 111mn, Rill Swenlni:11on, ABY\. l'lllf-No Name, Darby Metcalr, honor mem ers 0• •·118 a rmc," or· A kahl. lien Cronn £.A YC; ;lttrk<>y, BYC E cea 6talioneu in Orangll l ounty C· k 0 .0 , •SJ YC I Outrigger -Tekamo, Oullne BYC: Go'er. Floyd Johnson, ; COSTA MESA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE S A with all r• rs11nn• I 1n uniform ail· ,,,\~r~'l • 1; nn, • ~ · . !'\11n1m, tfollohollo. William White, No :-:a me, Lanny Coon, NHYC. 1741 Superlnr Ave-nu• 3!520 E . Cnast Blvd. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. 13-Sltuattons Wanted WANTED uperlenced wattrM&. Mu.tt be fut Ir pleue.nt. Hour• 12 to 8 p. m. Monday oft Apply after 12 noon SURF FISH FRY, 2110 w. Ocea,n Front. 88c90 Harbor 4718 88c90 mltterl fr<'e. A g1g:int1c display ":": \ nlenttn~, I C>ggy ~!Iller: 11n•l !-;anaht, William Burk, all Rainbow -~O·!lte·tm. Jen')' St· Costa. Mesa, Ce.lit. Corona del Mar, Calif. or military eq111pmcnt has be<'n es. I LA'<· lli·.linx. f .,J 'l'ohln. lilJY.c. ~IBYC monh1. Se& Dawg. Miles Schork, Phone Llberty 8·2121 Phone Ha.rbor '2 "8A-Apts. for Rent ta bllRh<'d a Inn i:-th" .. n t ran<' 8 mall 1 I •nr h "·'~. J ro h n Hu m~ty. l': D1 C. ;.~D~J~:i.;~· o~•~n~f:~.~;-~~~rs~-!-~l~O~:'li;· ~";·~"~\;;' ~\~' c~~e~n~d~l-~1 e;· T~oo~.;;To~m;;B~r~a~ly~,~a.IJ;~A.B~Y~·c;·~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;~ or the fll tr t;l'(lunds, Int. 1111 Sea Shn1low, Lee !-;etler· I --- hciu!'e Jr, Sf\\"C; R(lb1n Too. Bob Duey Auto Struck ~rann. vrc; i-:ok1. w :1r1e mu. SINGLE APT., Furn. yrly, rental LA\'('. T'C La < 'ucl\farha, .John S:'i:I month utll. lnclud. A 11 I H1l nnd run damage to hl1 rar \\ ashmgton, 80YC; Y1v&ce, David vtl ·•parked In front of hi!! home was Hl'1T1n~ton, VY<::: Hussr. Steve Aug. 16. 308 Ct.rn&tlon. Cllrona I n·rorted to po\lc·e Sundl\y by Rot>-M11nholll'n. A BYC. RhtYles·-\Vtteh, del Mar. Har. 4018. 88c90 ert Dul'y Clf 12• Via Quito. 1 f'tr11t F:nrll'!'ht. Sea Bee. Hook PE~HAPS THE YELLOW PAGES CAN HELP PROTECT MY HEAD FOR TENTS ANO AWNINGS IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE "CLASSIFIED~ PART OF YOUR TELEPHONE BOOK The Basin Shipyard announces New Owqer & Manager "Spen·ce" Downey Harbor 3881 \ -• • --' PA\71: • • PART I -t'IEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 Orange r County Receives State Highway Funds Apportionment SACRAJdl:NTO, fCNS) -At>+ net 1•• tun or $19.70t,979: de1- porllo111TU!nt or $2~.084 In .. 1 t&J1.-a. $1,116.tll t.nd • t~­ atate hlfhway tunda fo'r the /er of ti.etl,9111 from the motor nu>nth end..:! May 30 waa an-vl!hlcla tr anaporUltlon fund. nounced today by Robert C. Kirk--------------11 ~wood, 11..&te controUer. Apportionment to r o u n t I ea, Kirkwood .. 111, totaled $:1,282,383. wllh Ora.nge county recll!lvtng SI Z0,821.13. Th• apportionment in t otal I.II SJ,7~1 .61 1 above that of the pre- 1 clPd ing month. and $2.1197.fl~ over tbe eame m onth In 19!M., Rematn- dtr or the fund1 went to ciU~8. $'2.049,801, and to the atate hlt;h· \ I w11y fund for highway•. Sl:'l,2:'13.· 811~. Tla-n•on•y .wae derived frorn DEATH NOTICE , )lft~. !MAft.L\S D. JILACKMAS I s .. rvu:e.s for Mr• Marian o . 1 Bh1.ckn1an. i:'"J.. 316 Hawthorn '" 11to11d. L.li!,'Ulla Beac.b, will be h I 11 . L j \\'ednei!day at T:JO p. m . ln DON'T SHOOT, IT MIGHT BE BUmRCUP! Saturday ~tty 1-"'lnk called Newport Police wlth tear• \n her \'Olce. Butte~up had gone 1.w11.y and not come back. Swi- day Bullercup w1.a aUll away f rom home. So. If you ff4: a 1tr1.y and frlenJly fox wandering around, do n'l _reac~ for the family bLun<.lerbut , becauae chancea are !t will N Hullercup, "Oh, J11t1e pi.iu ;rcup, Poor Ultll! uuuercup, D ear lltlle Butter- cup, I ," lf you can rememMr ti.ck when that wu a populu aonr. ~J: •· __._ .-_ _ / ' i ' I I l'11rkea -Ridley Mortuary ch•P•l. u·ith the Rev. Charle& F . H and PIRATE QUEEN IS ASHORE '" 'h"'' Q .\Ira. Blsckn1an died Saturday O yet, Buttercup. It you haven't Jl.lelllled II. I.II Mr•. Ji'lnk'I pet fox that ahe keelH' around D&vt'j'1 Locker. Alter a boat ride around Newport Harbor, Orange Cou nty Fair's P irate uccn in a rest home 1n Oranae. A na- and bet entourage were greeted et Hospi tality Dock by ~fayor Dnra 1-l ill. -Photn t1ve of l owR she came to L&guna.1------'------- by Don Bush. Beach In t 937 where ahe oper-Harnevs Have Son ----------------------------------------l •lt'd a bakery. She leaves no ,-known survivors, hut a host of Mr. an<1 Mr•~ Roy Hamey of 213 ChamlMr Committee Chairmen Named \V1Lhttd JonJ.111 : Cleanup ll n II Het1util1~1lt1on . .'.\Ir,. Calla \'1<"le; F111rs an<\ C<"\~hrft\iOIUI, F'r~n k Bl~· 1<eU: F'1r,. l'rQte<"t lOn and Rate8. Author Tutti<". Cordrey Tool Gone K d th Cn1,fr•Y. J::7 \'111. 1·11,line. rep<irl<'•I ''' the r o•!11·<' renently that a J<.01nter :1Tt.1<·t1111<'nt to his [1<'1Wf'r 11&\I' h\1d hPd'l 1.1tkt'n f1'om rriend1 to mourn her dea th. In-Pearl A ve. announced the birth ot urrunenl will be In Melro.e' Ab-a boy on Aug. l In Sant& Ana ~ey Co!umbarium. Community Ho•pltal. He welg-hed T \b1., Hi ot. Committee t"h&Jrmen f llr COlllll. MICHAEL PAUL COOPER Mma. Chamber of Commerce Wrre today announced by f're11 1r1 .. nt 't:1!- tlotrt Seal. Commltl•'f'~ Rre rUr• ~ntly bf'!ng 1P!f'rtt11, auhj•·•·t In a pproval of the ctielr1n~nr .\len11>t'rsh1p, u..n Hu1hlle11toh: Atic.hael Paul Cooper, II-year. old aon of Mr. and Mn. P'red ~ Cooper of Blythe. died euddenly and Deborah: 1't&ndmother1. Mrs. U\llt D . Cooper. 28.) Elttr St.. CoBta Me .. , where the family waa v!11ittng whan Michael wu taken ill. and Mra. Della J one• of Mi~110url. Planruni: and Znn1n;:. ft . F. • Ptl<' 1 GPd1te11. 1'uhllr1I )'. l 'lllll N1l·l~;:on, T"'n11porlllltinn. .""d Stroot Sr. UrifM'r B<•r 0.v<'l>•fl'""llt, ..:Co.ti \\'JLLIA~I f:. l 'EliRY, retlrt<I ~·r1ttay ln Orange County Ho,._ Oakh1nd pnh•·,. 111~1" !"'"' ··Th<>tt"~ p1t11l. The che1rmen art: l:lu•li:<'t. An- •rew \\'alkPr; Clv1~ A ff" 1 r "· df' Forre"t, and \\.at,.r 11Hn HAI Ha.trr..,Ld_ c-nivl in 11.11 perrpt ... lt "" ju~! 1h1tl · s.:-.id"• hia parezila the 1&11 !~ s1<n1•· of th .. rn in~\<e 1111~\akl'"fl and "llr\'ivl!d by a brother, Fred L. n1u1tl b~ :<tr11.1i.;hL••n,.,J uut." IJr.: three aleters, Phylll•, SylV1a Patk<'• -Ridley Mortua ry w\11 announ<"e the H rvlce1. .. _. . \ UP GO£S OIRYSLEI 'S PRODUCTION MORE THAN 40% CHRYSLER'S giant expansion program brings you the greatest new car buying opportunity of the year! . Becall8e of tht>-unprecedented demand for i~ 1955 models, ·currently up to :l new rC<.'ord high, Chry sler has had to undertake a Giant Plant t:xpansion Program. \\'hen in ftill production the nev.· plant will proYide a 40 J)('t C"ent increase in Chrysler Wind!:<lr \'-8 a nd New ''orker output. Knov.ing that building OJ)('rations would takE' sev(>ra\ months, v.·e have tried to pro,·ide enough 19!:15 Chrysler \.\'indsor \'-S's and Ne1,1,· l 'orkers lo Jll('('t the <l(>m:inrls of our ru~tomer.;; through the M'a.<;0 n. This "'f'ant fill ing: our entire' yrar's ~-uppl y ri~h t nov• io nUd-8l'3SOn .. You Get Ye ar's Widest Selection of Models and Color Combinations Since \\"t' tri<'Cl to anti cipaU' your n('('d ;;. we can shov.· you a v.·ide scle<-t ion of color rombinat;ons and body styi('S.. bu t our 8Upply v>'ill never a_gain bf> a." srrrot as it is right nov.'! Indications are that thpre just v.i l\ not be cnoui.:h of 'all mod(>is and body ~t~·!rs to l.!O around. Your present car will never be worth more In trade Renl{'mber that fact! )~ight now your present car is t.<."orth more in trade th:in it ev(>r t.<.·ill b<-'·again. :\nd "'e ran all°''' you more for it th:ln anybody f'IS(' in to11·n. That's not just talk. T here's a .(!OOd rea.~on for it. We N eed U1ed Cars \Vhen thf'SC nev.' ('a.rs are gone, v.·c'll be hunwiC'r than eyer for u!'ed can;. That's ri~ht -M these 1 ... onderful n ('11· Chrysler: buys move out 11·e \\i ll be .. needing mol"!' and more late model u~ cars. That's a double reason for you to trade for a brand new Chrysler heauty rif,iht now. \·ou ha..-e the year's finest self'(.'t.ion of I he popular l 955 Chryslers .. , and , we 're in a real trading mood lo ~et our used car ~tocks in i;;hape. Take the 100-MllHon .. Dollor Ride Today! If you've been holdin.1? olf on bu~-in.1? ~·our new 1955 ('hryider Wind sor \··.g rir 1\ew Yorker, if ~·ou 've delayed for 0111 rea.~n. better a('t no\\'. n('('a,use when our p~nt stock of rn"I'" ~·ars is ~one~ \\'C cnn·t get any more! . So. comp in today. Experience the thrill of the J00-1\fiUMm-Dollar Rich . .. the ride all America is tall ... in~ about. It will be the smartest new car buy o( your lifr ! Aa. o,.,-,. Co,.. -V-1'• ... "°' dw _. .,.,_.,_ 1tJW fl/ v ... ...,..., • 6t rWll GOOD DltlYS•a DRIY• IAf!ILJI ----------------- -LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200:~~· Newport leach ...._ Liberty 1-3416 ------FOi !Kl HST IN TV. 5(( "IT'S A Gl(A.T Lffl('" AND ""O.tMAxr-sa TY , ... POI 11-A.JC> ., ....... ------ • <, I Tuesday thru Sunday August 9-14 Fairgrounds Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa National Horse Show Horte11 and riders from the West'• leading •lables 1n one of Califor· nia'• top shows. Daily in Ann•. with eight 0P'n performancea and four Junior Showa. \..__ Glamorous Flower Show Exotic bloom• in l•vish display11. Feature exhibit.I and outstanding •pecimen•. Daily demon•tration of flower arrangement. by profea- •ional floral designers, Bouchard Returns Glittering costume•. outatanding voice., snappy dancing and romance in the traditional Pirate muaical pageant, combining legend and mo- dern hit tunea. Nightly in comfort.able Amphitheatre. Valencia Orange Day Honoring historic citrus indu•try, highlighted by Valencia Orange Cake Regatta ... Qrange County residents competing for cake--bakinc honors, an automatic gu range and other prizes. Thuraday, Aug. 11. 10:30 a.m. and Friday, Aug. 12, 11 a.m., Agricultural Exhibit. Building. Baton Twirling Contest Hundreds of California boys and girls com1>eting tor State J unior and Senior Championships and the right to represent California at Na· tional Meet in St . Paul, Al inn. Conteats daily, 11tarting Wednesday, Aug. 10. with final• and Awarda Sunday. Aug. 14. Rocket Pogo Races Venturesome youngster11. hopping on pogo 11ticlu1 iri All-Southern California. competition. Qualifying events atarting Tuesday, Aug. 9, with TV'a Captain Jet presiding at finals, l p.m. Saturday. Aug, 13. Exhibits Junior Fair Livestock Auction Fine Arts Hobbies Home Economics Contests -Bands ~.:--= ~. +-~-Entertainment Square Dancing Sintle Price Polley ..... , ... sh# ll1s ~Fair 'fWto" io attea4 al.I mafor ~ .. A,,_ ... AapMu...a... A ..... 11 .00. life t&L (;lalWre• uncltr t .. l'IYf', IOc. .. .......,. ...... JI. lllD9 DAY ... ,,....,._ ...,,. II_,.... .. ,. -.l•lt ... lttf'<ll rr .... l890 Parade of Progress 1955 • • • J I HARIOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport.I Editor -----------------------------------------------------~ NEWPOR.T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • MONDAY, .AUGUST 8, 1955 PAGE I I FORECAST OF THINGS TO IE: LOOP CAGE TITLE FOR TARS? In whal may welJ be a torecul of Sunset LA'&&"Ue bUket· ball th11 w1'1\ter, Newport HHrbor's R h-hard"• Market quintet won the 11nnu11I Ani1.helm Park .. nd Rec~aliOCl Department Summt>r B111!ketball tournament ThunJday 111ght. The local fl\•t 1lrubbf'd Fullerton e0-4~ In the Anahelm High SchOOl CYm. SAFETY RULES LISTED FOR DEER HUNT. FIRE SEASONS With the couul dffr hununc -n unduway Saturday, the Out1n1 Bureau or th• Automobile Club of Southem CaUfomla to- day U•ted 10 run aafety rul .. for huntera. The Club 1pokHman advtMd UllM precllullon11: 1. Uni•• you hllve per90n&lly checked ll fUJ\, •IMlm• tha t It'• IOllded. 2. AIWll)'I unload run• befQ~ carrytnc them Into cllmp or home. 3. Be aure barrel and adlon are dear of obatn1clloa1: .i. remove 011 11nJ IT.... fl"OM chamber beforf' f1rln1 4. Be I Ure fl( )'OUr tlfYTet '-· fore l'iu 1hoot. • &. Never point a 1un at Ill)'• thtn1 you don't Intend t4 llhoot. e. CarTy yo\lr l{Un "muale up" and kt'ep the aafety on until you're re1cty t o 1hool. 7. Don't dtmb a trff or fencf' or jump a ditch with • loade<i gun. 8. Nenr shoot a bullet at • flat, hard 1urtace or the 1urtace of water. 9. Unahendfd gun• ahould be unloaded and 1tored beyond th• reach Of chllctren. 10. Don't 1tnnk alcohollr bf've· ragu before or during th• hunt Hunten we"" alto ur14Kl tt'I HAIL ntE HERO! Above is the scene at the thrilling moment Tim Brown, Giants pitcher. las hes a grandal&m home run for victory Thursday on New- port Harbor High School diamond. Below, Tim's team· mat.ea and coach hold h im aloft as befits the conqu~r­ ing hero. Tim'a teammates include: Dan Aakhus. Fred Boyd. Douglas Cardiner. Hugh McCulloch. J ohnny Kirkpatrick, John McC:illum, Kenny Newland. Richard Oliphanl. Larry Rupp, t{oger Frampton. Bob and Ralph Skinnrr. John-Vierling, Dennis Walker and Phil- lip Monroe. -S taff Photo Big i:una h•r the tourney finJls, julll H they havt IH'en all 1unu11er, were Edd1t> P ope 11nd Paul Lorentsen, vet#r1n1 on Coach J,Ulea G~e·a Hai bor High Tar quintet. Po~ ropr<>d in I~ and Lorentzen H points. Oran~,. defeated An&ht1m U -42 in Mn!IOlatlon hlllllJI. Tom l•urC'f'll p.iCed Orange with 2-l po111ls. TUI)' Tan~ry and <.'hff Rogers drop~ in 12 f'll<'h ~or Anllhe1m . Brea downed 1'\Jetln ~9-H for third plt.ce conaolatlon apot. Adria n l.Aodbettf'r cutred th• cord• for 32 polnll. lewis' · 1-Blow Job ~dges No- Hitter Effort Sten Slmonaon pl\ched • no· hit came for the Harbor Boye' Club A Leacue Giants Thur.day. but Earl I.Awl•" "brle-hlt job tor the Cardlnsla picked up the rnar- bl•a l ·O. It WU the tlghtNl Midget bllaebaJI conflict of the 1t1.10n. hf'lp prevent tl'rut flru. l!lport•· men were adv111ert to bre•k mat· chu. cruah t h4'1r r111:arettu an•I drown carnpf1rts. Road Race Event Entrlu In fourth ruMlnc of tlte Santa Barbera Sport.a Car Road Races $f'pt. 3-4 clOM Aue. 20. The evrnt 1s 1pon110rtd by th11 Clllfoma Sport• Car Club and Santa Barbai" Junior Cham~r ot Commerr" with C'<'Operall<111 of t he Lon11: B<-a1·h MG C•r Club. The courl4' Ill louted on Santa B&r bara Municlp•I Airport a\ Oolet&, north Clf Santa B&rti.r1. . TOURNEY TITLE TRY Lewl11 walker 1n the fourth frllme, stole second and ecored on the throw when It went lnto renttrlleld. Lewl• fanned .even. "''alked five while Slmon110n whlf· ttd five. 1tro1Jlld four. The Cardi committed one mlecue. Harbor Juniors Take on Grovers · in Tilt Tonight I Newp~~ Harbor's American Legion Junior baseball nine, llRAVE8 F.001'.: Delln Pe.ae'1 elngle on lbe heeb lit ll triple by Paul Stam enabled Ute' Brave. to ed1e the White Soll 11-4 In Thurlda.y'• other game. Friday Red Sox pll· rher• Roy Dallon and Prte Fe•· lheraton 1hutout the Yanke e -0 behind DarrelJ Roli:ere' homer. Peter Rabbitt alngled 1u:ros$o two rune to pace lhl' lndllJ\11 6-3 vtc· tory onr lhe DodgenJ. 'OHN S TONE 'I Mesa Auto Wreckers l '-' Aut,e Part• and A~.oliH Z076 PlacentJ.a An . co-spon~oreJ by Post 291 and Theodore Robina F ord, launches its bid on the 10th annual Invitational tournament I al Anah£'im at 7 tonight against Garden Grove. Huntington 7 Beach !s s lated against Orange at 7 p. m. tomorrow whil~ In B League play Frlrtay. the 1 Dodger• bounced tnw Nation•l 1 hl"lt place ov•r the Brav111 by drubbing the Cardlnt.ls 9·1 after lh1 Brllvea dropped t. :1·2 contest to the Cuba Thurlldlly. Gary M•it· ner alngled In three Dndr;rr rune. Tom Andenon pitr hf'd a thr~­ hltter for the Bum•. Uberty 8-1011 Coeta M.,.. Private Police I Santa Ana tak£>s on Sunshine Acres of Whittier Wednesday I t nighl. PAtllllfll\llni: In the tOUl'llf')' Lakewood POf!t 49e from the whirh .. t11rtt'd l"nd1tv arl' 78 Long ~ach area. Tab~ t.lle te•mio from Stlulhem ·California . lugest Legion tourney 1n the 1ncl11rt1ng t1efenrtlng ch&mp1on world. the coun ty 1pectacle hu • MERCHANT bl'Come a lucraUve hunt Ing TIGERS t'P~l:T PATROL TIM BROWN HITS HOMER FOR GIANTS THE SPORTS WATCH By Bll.L PJIILLIPS It's always a pleasure to report the intco1:1e interest en- gendered by the hundreds of Harbor youngsters from 8 to Tim Brown of 9t \ Cliff Drive 15 who are playing summer baseball. Likr a ~ent call from <'&me through In the rlulch with M H B M"ll f 525 H I D · · · .. cnndshun home run to pull nJ. · · • 1 er. o aze rl\'C with some ideas which the leagu~ lrsdlng Ne.,.port Har· she hopes will result in changes of t1chcdu\c for the b{'nefit bor High School ClaSll C Glant11 I of Corona dPl Mar Youth Centl'r :rumml'r 11 llent1nn will fall tnll from Ule brink of defl'lt Into an diamond doings. · to \he d1·1\nq\1•11·y problem" To 11·7 victory Th11~11y mornlnir. ! Msjor problt>m for 1 he Youth which wr 1111.'·· Amrn &hind flnt' pl trhlnrt of D1we I Ct'nt er CIBll!I c ba~eball lel\jtllf', Did Y"" know 1 hRI 11uflball Bunnell nf 12:1 34th St., th' Card· Mri1. Miller reporled. is th11 dlf· wa11 or1.:1nnlly r11lleil kilt••nhall 7 tnal1 had 11urgl'd from bf'hlnd t o flrulty o! nbtalnlng ~umcient I tlldn't. until n o111'<'I' H<•vnll"r overcome a lllX·Mtn firal frame I &dull 1uprrvis1on fnr t he n1ne11. or Jrvlne Trrrnl'I', WP~lern rlL•· by the Clant.e. 7·8. Sul lhP GI· "Mo•t or th ( th f th b tnbulnr fnr l..Olll!l\'llie SlllJ:J:er &nUI rallied In bottom of the · e 8 ers 0 " oys have lo work mormng• wh1ll' lhe h11t,., m"nt1on1'11 \hP gamt' in " final frame. I J:&m"~ are bl'lng pl11w•il 11n<I rf'rcnt 1ntt rv11•w T•i OVf'rt'OITll! tCURRENT SUNSET LOOP GRID LINE . l W 11 h An1thc>1m'1 Colon- i11l~ ravnrl!'ll tu repeat u f•>•1lb11ll champ·11 or the Sun· 1<1"1 Leai:u•·. "Newport Har· hor's S 11 I I o r eleven hH bcen d(•lnKl"\\~d lo lhlrd place, 11rcord1ng to the pre-11eu on line tlrcul11t1ng OTan&"e. Coun· - Fem Softballen Seek World Title ty. On tht bMlll of poMe1111mg nne <•' \h• 11pudlnt ba<'kfleld1 '" loop 1nnala, Santa .Ana"• Sslnll httve been 11lat#d (or • 1tcond 11pot finish. The current dopeetera liat Ga.rden Grove. newcomer to l••ltll~ 1tTldlron1 u fourth, OR A ;-.; C E 1 o C !'; S 1 Beach 111xth And Orange Ill.Ill. I Fullerton fifth. Huntington Ticket s&ll'l< fctr the Orangii Elk-spon•nr•"I !-'nutht'm Cal· Homl't~ 11tung the Bombel"a 88· lrornia \\'rm1t'n 11 St'lftb" 11 60 11nrt thP Torn1doe11 whirled tournr,· l'lo .. ,· wc1 e trrmf'rl put \ht H&Wks 117-~!'I "1tooo1·· •~ lh•· • hlU 11 v ,.,., nl t "AR AH l:AU n .. ar11 Its \\ ••tlnt•!ld•I\· !'lpl'n-I Knipp contlnurtl far l head of ang. the par k In llf'Mon&I 11cormit with Thi' touin•' lirsl 1<11'1" It•· 2H Following are John Henrol· wud lhl' ""1 hJ <'11>wn. will in 1119: Gtne Bryant 193; Jim· npen ,,.,th th,. L1onl'tlt·~ rnc· Muldtr 188; Cary Green 1~2 ; in~ the TtPollAn•IM J'nWd<>r Mlkt> \"silt t:'>O . R ich Palaferrl 1'11ffs 11nd lhi' !lernn•I Ortrnge 27 ,.11try, 11n improwd Thunclf'r· I ' ; White 139: Bob Martin 120 anrt Rob WAl'ktr 110. bird "'""· r •• n nJ: th(' Bell-Th11r1<1h1y rc~ult11: Hornet11 <88 > rlowPr S tlti> S1·n~1t0 t1rkf'lll . H,.nroltn :ll; Vllllt' 2l : Bento for lhe ""'""' "'"II f11r $2 fnr 4. MA 1t1n 22, Srhnnes :I; Flee· nll fl\'f! n1:zh1io nr d•wblf' huuei ~ 11111 n r.. Bnmbtrio t 60 I -Bryant ----------------------120 , P1f1t'e 13: F nnl1u11 2 T11y· l lnr 10, f"ll l' 8. Pinn 7 l.i\Kf:ft!o\ \\1~ l..tkt>1~ t87\ Knipp 2i: Brown'• blut 11avt the G1ant11 I there{orl' ran'l help . i\111 R'I mv IJ!!n11r11nr r. Hnvallrr iot'nl 12 win• aga1nat a 11lngle dPfeal , ('l)llCh,,11.'" ~lr8. Mlllrr pninted Along lhf' J uly l ~npy nf 0111111 HOT, MAN! \\"hltr :12 R!>llllv 20. Ha~·u 8. PAnthl'rJI 1191 r11lllferrl 12: WalkH I!. Jewrll 8 Hl'ndt'r· ron ·plllce 11rdll nto " three· leaiot hkr t11 8 ttl'nd thP i:emrs of lht' Aniot<11r !'MtbAll Al'llO• I• Wh1·1e s1·nks """Y tie with thl' Y1nktt11 an<! !Ind rnnt fflr thrir lf'nm• 111 ,. un-1111nn Jnr lu•f<'•I 1n !hr .i;aulle ground for baaeball'• bird dog1. Do~n• of current major tuguel"I got their start 1n tht Ana heim tourney. Under Pat Ahern. tourney di· rector, 576 lum1 have partlc1· pated In the event •Ince Ill 1larl In 19411. More than 9200 boy1 bt.ve played in •the affair with more thRn 3~00 buebllll11 em· ployed. lnstallt-d 1111 favorites to cap- ure top honor11 and a brief va· Cllllon It Calllllna Island are Sant• Monica, Huntington Park, Upla.nd and Lil Jolla. Only one Ora.nge County nine hu ever won the 1in11:le elimina - tion tournament. That wu l"\£1· erton In 19:\2 The League leading Amen can Tfgen were upaet by the last place Whltl' Sott 8-7 Frtday. Lar· ry Lllwrence s ingled In the win· nlnr run In Jut of th,. 11xth. li>lck Wllllllm1o n hit ll homl'r for the Tiler•. Gene Lii.Perie buh"d a b•I!'• IOllded double to p!lce lhe Yankee• lo 1 7-6 win over the lndla n1 Thur11d1y, Standln11 through Friday : A - '"4 Soit 12·4: Gi.n\I 13·11: Cud- ln1l1 10-:I; Brav11 10·6: Dodgu1 6·10: While Soll, lndlan11 :1-10; Yllnkeu 3·14. NllUOnlll -Dod· gere 8·f; Bran• 8-:1; Glanll 7-6 : P1r.t" 8-t : CUbe M ; Oard· lna11 2-10. American -'ngel"I 11-3: Red Soll 9-~: Indl11n• 6-8 : Alhletlc1, White Sott :1·8, Tan· j kf'ea 11·9 and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 A Good Turn For Motorists th led ltlJIOn ca nd d';°ppert tht ,.,.. , out. "Other 11t.l11lt~ who wu11ltl Ill I Rntl RI rik••I'. 1•fOr11tl nl'WllpAper I Brave&. abl• to di) •O. wa,.; &n .11\1de nn thf' hil•torv or ' Allrn Gr1y of 1401 K10R• Rna<l · . • 1<ofth111l 1n r1.nJ11n1 tlf•n wl\h Fift h 32 p • t t ~hot 20 I u ppert In winning run for the C.A_\tf: t<F;c.t '-"" I Ann11R I ~otth11ll W11•ll Oln S 0 Brave11 Th11rld11y tn 1nve hi• I :It ri< :llillPr alt• n l~ thr J:llll\,.• tum a ~-~ •qur11ker ovPr tht 1 l'IC\JIRrly. i<hf' i"•ll<l • R111 t hi' t"lt<t. ''"' ).l'OltT p L k DndgPU. Stt •tn Shedl1 nf l :\20 ll\l"k I\( l'llpetTl•lrtn !Pn•I• t ... Rll•P I 1'111.-nbAll Wiil\ 'vuh·e I b\' l,..l'". ace a ers l<lnp Road Wlll vtrton <'UI' twir-lhl'!<t' yimn_i;;1<t1•ri; In 11.,,. an· I\ Rc1hl'1 11 )lmn,.11p«h• fir,,mRn. Jer IPrrst ·· )fr,. :Ifill• r 1rn1ttlr•I R• " re• 1"'111111'111 t<11llr1 wh,.n thr l.loh \\'tul•' \\8~ hot m11 n w ith Stllftdvlg11 throu1th Thur&d11y: 'Tri hkP lo .,.,, >nmr ~"r\'ICI' 1 •m••K• .it0·r• "" lf'n t "n f1rt rRll the 1:1saba Thursday n1~h\ in Glanta 12-1 ; C11rdin11IJ1. Y1111keu. rh1b .. t11kr 11n .ull\'<' ~111·rrv1.i>r· Thr f1r•I ~nrth.111 "'""' m11rl,. h\· H1u lwr Rm ~ f'lub B Summe1 Brave11 8-~: Cubs 7·6. T1g4!r8. isl rnl.-111 th,. y ,,11\h ("r11lt't H11h"r w n11 hu1"'h1•I•• ,.,,,,tr,.,I. 4 l·li A11skl'lball · l.caitue play Ill' hr Dodgers 11-7: lnd111n.. 4.9 Rf'd bn.oth111l prncrnm Thr,· 11• "t1 fl ir1 in 1IN\11Wt••r. "1i:h1ni: 11hnut 1111nk :1'2 pn1nt• t nr thf' l.11kr 1 • ~OK t -tO; \\"hlte Sott 2-tO. bellf'r pl\rk t" plln· .11 a11 l n1u1" ''" n "' R .. 1 ... , 1.irn,. 11r "1th \\"1th Bn:rt> Knirr rtunkin!Z' 2i artult tnt.•no.•l 1n 1<1.IPr I•• n1111n· K1tt»nb11ll in 1flr•r1 and n nn H••11ll\" 211 lhP LakPr .. Junior Nine in County Second taln thl'ir nwn Y:•uthful 1nlt'rt>~I .. ·· F11~l ~<1flhnll t•nlr11 •• n1,.nt •·\Pr la;<ht•tl thP l'.rnlhl'rs 87-1!'1 Tht> ~lll:J:f'!tl t<>n 11•!vnn1 r •I h\· h<'lll l•l<lk pln1" 1n !';1 l'aol tn Thr1e WR<; nr1 l'hon~e in l1111p Mr11 Millrr wh11 h >hr ""'" ~hr A ui:11~1 "' t!l1 r1 "h1·n tram r hAm-top l'pnt Sllll 1lc1ullnrketl are mtemt .. rl t o hnni: ,,, lli<lh••I p,,.y~ p111n• rr .. 111 n111r klllf'nhnll IPll• \he Htornrt" Rnol 1'1r11tr• 1111 lhl' r!uh Alhl•'llr 1'1rrolnr R .. 1 M ... i;u ... \"11'1 fl•I lhP Wllrlt1 111 11' Mllh1111"i< 11ttr nllon. 1~ tn shirt the Mtnnt•ap .. 1111 l '11rk ltl'<"rl'llt1nn DI· Torn11d'lt>• 1fl;1 Thompson I~. !khr .. ben 4 GrPen 8 : Hall i 30. Hulb"'rt 2. ~<hnn,.11 8. Hawks 1;,;;1 l'rtlll 2 Mulder 29. H<tl'l~tl"r Ill Al'r~"T'<'>n 2 Hen· tll'rllhf>\ • !'\t11n•hng• H"1 n••I:<. Tn1 na1loN• !1-:l. l.11kr1~ !iH Aomhet~ i-~: P11nthq~ 2·11 . H11wk.• t-12 Thr All'l>IJ:f' i\m,.11c~n family 11.,,. """ 111 r .~ hR11rlio •f JM'lro· )tlllTI t \••r\ \'('ar tn un ft 1\r RnOlh~r of prl 1 •1IPUm ~ 21100 t11ff Prl'nl form~ r"1•01 t.'< th" :>:111111n11I Auto· mnh1I• <"111ll Place Fl.nl.Sh · Youth c .. ntr r i:nmr:o to 11flr 1-1!'rt11r H A JnhnMn thnuJitht I noons n!'x t ~um m• 1 Th1:0 w1111l1I I k1ttr11bnll Rn 111fol m<rnt• fo1r LhP Ride Showboat to La9una Harbor Boyl' Club Junior ninr Ir"'" "'"r'k1n.: f:i lh1'111 A f"1111n1 r 1;11mr Sn tn Hl2:? hr h• lrt " r••n· .. d • .. f l C y 1 tn bP nn hand t"' I hr >:Hlll!'!t 1 I"~' to .orPk 11. nrw llAlllP for thP ..,roppe a v -u ray ll inf! 011 1n thP loc11l11 ftr11l round Or11n t llf:SF.tt\ E ~1·1•f'l)HT •pnrl J1inmnnrlhAll """' th" mrml· fl. 'krr ~"lt'rl!'tl Th•• i:nnlr WE'lll hv Countv J unlnr to11mnmf'nl r<'n· . All thr.•r \1lltnj:~t1•r;. whn ll 1 1 I I r r fllct ~t B11tna r!lrk !\Vrr thf Wl\nt tO pl8\" ~Ulllffit'r hll~•·tlAll I \ht It!: lln ~ ( nhllll\l:lllnn n thl' , 111 11 t r 11 r "" t 11 A~•nc1at1on •·eek end. The to11m•v 111 a dnuble· olti<en·,, thl' ~11ppo1 I .. r 11d111t• In 2~ ~ I · ~"n1r ·' \rll r~ AJ:ll. "" nnw )"II ellm nat1nn 1ffalr lhr Harbnr 111°·11 ·· :llr• ~l 1llrr k · Befort!' t ntl'rln!Z' tht tournr~·. malntsin"<i "'Tlw 1P.011ll1< will _n_"_"'_··----·-------- the Boys· Club ninl!' C'OJ'J'f"I IOI'· show ur (l\'P YPllT~ rn•m nt'IW P!\r t hf' flnt'llt 1n Cmnmerr1 al <'Ond pl11re In Lr111ru1> pl11,· ~-whl'n "'' m11.nv J11w n1\r1' who P11nlmg r111l HarbOr 161&, J nh hind f1nil plllC'f' f'ullPrt on b~· dt· have not re<"l'\\"t'd 11u('h hP&lthy Prtnltng Oi'p!lrtment feating Oarden Grove< 9·3. Thrff llUCCf'lllllVI llqllf'f'U plays by Jf'r• ry Hulbert. Jim H l'hn an•I Ted L&nt drovl' In ftvt runs in tht aucth to brP11k lht Gro,·ers· bar k. ~rir• M1bf>., 11nd Tf'rry Hall h urled the Wln, a llow1n1t only three hit•. D'ya Like Jumbo Fried Shrimp 7 Surf Fish Fry '1 \t OcMa ..,..,.. ftMI' ~ewport .... RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SllALL UO 30th St., Newport 8eaela on t hP. JWautiflll P11rlfir Twice Dail)· -11 :30 a.m. ancJ 7 :00 p.m . Adults $1.2;'", -C'hil1\rrn r,:, <'<'n ts 3 Boahl unlnit E\·tr~· W Mioutri Bay ~ Ocean Ridts ..• Sho"·boat and Be11t of Balboa from Funionfl Dock, nf'xt to ff'rrJ· Landing, 8aJboL AU Rld H. Adult. t.\C'-("hlfttrrn 3~c Ba7 Q-. MotGr s.tlf'r, Lea'" Roarty .. Ocfe.11 ....._ Mitt,..,.. CIHl"lf a car the MCOnd· biiriteet purchue tbey'U ever make. Any- thin1 that enenda ita life or improves per formance naturally contr ibute• to your pocketbook u well u your motor- in1 ple&eure. 8incle our new "Oeterpnt- Action" G .. ol.inea do both, they're prime eumpi. olSt&ndud'1 plannin1 for you. ,,,_.new 1uolinee are made in compli- cated plant.a called catalytic mormen. Standard baa built 4 ol them in tbe W111t to make the cleaner-burninf, more pow- sful motor fuel• r.qu.ind for beat per- fCll'1DIJ'.ICe ol today'a hither compr•1ion .,ma.. Tide pt'Olram wu two yean in plenni.ftl and t.rildh'l-CICJM $60 million. Thie $50 million worth of plant& it1 only put ol the $350 million Standard iA in· v•tin1 this year to make petroleum more uaeful and plentiful. Some of it w ill go for product reeearch, part w11l psy for new manufacturin1 facilitie..-A 11ood aha.re will finance the 1earch for new 110uroee of oil to help aupply the 733 i al· Iona a year per penon that. s o into thou· •~d• ol oil-bom producta Mtential to modern livin1. So the $350 million iA an inve11tment in your future aa well .. oun . It'• one 1u1 Standard belpa to ruanntee thst thrr .. ·u be plenty of oil to do more joba today and in tbe yeara to come. STA8DARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA -···· ..... ,, .... ,~. , .... ,,., __ I I I I I I • .. • • ., r PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 8, /955 CAKE RULE BAKE REGAnA PACKAGE MIXES CINCH; LEGAL Attet1tlon all cake b&kera'. You won't hav• to waai.. p~­ c~ou1 m1nutea mill.In& your own ba.tlar In the ca.kt M.lr.tn1 tt!galta •l the Ou.n1r County ~·air next Thur.day. Jud11:e1 and conte11l' otr1cu1l• h&Va announced th•t pack· "~"d 11u1u•11 v.·1ll b• •l!P••,.,.CI !n tha call• baklnl' ront••t In 11r,.,•r tO N\"t Ume 11nd kt+p th• conte1t on an e.qua.\ b&ala, It wa,, Qtrldel! t 1><lay. •!\!any 1nqu111"• 11·erp rece!Vl!d from parlOfil prior !o thl• artt\f•Unl·• rn<'rll, lnlerc•tl'<l 1n the contest. wonderln1 lhe lecal- . lly ut 1111cka1ftd Ol!lltll, Th1 jUd&"•• h&Vf le.ft u \Ip to 1on- t•1tan!1 to choo11e )'Our own method.I. Ml• your own or Ute t1 p1ck11grd mf:<. "lay th~ b<":st (ook win. Midget Play Set Thursday Rustenbach The~ l Theft ot her aon'• bike trnm the Newport Harbor Union H!gh School 11:round1 wa1 reported to llOhce Tuead1y by 111r1. l!;rnj\y Ru1t"nba ch of ~10 AlllO Ave. County Utility Assessed over IACIU.M.SNTO. (CN&J--Call· torn!•'• utillly propartle1 are ••· MaMd a t 12.Ml,415.000 tor pur· poaea of toe~ tt..x•!lon lh.11 year •ta.ta board· of aquallaatlon an- nounced hars. today. Th• ~rd Lncn111ed valuatlona In ~I of th1 fll Ca lUornl• eoun· tie•. ln Orani• county, the &1· M:•ment amount• to 141.Ml.170 comp11rel'I to 538,032.310 la•t year which W&• In Lncraan ot 20.87 percent. A.nnu111ly, the bo•rd of e.quall- U.tlon , ....... 174 r11lroad1, 1aa and electric compan1e1. telephon e companu~•. and olhtr concern• 1UbJttt to 1tat1 &N1•1menll. Cc.st• ~e~a ~tiJ.i.:et B!tub!l.I! The uUlitle• h&\'e t"'·o week• T,;urn~111en\ will st11rt at 1(1 Lido Car 'Cap Gone In whlr.h to prote1t the vahiu 11.. 111 Th ur~Jn }',_lt wa.• enn{l11nr»d ~Ire. Harry Brittingham ot 7211 •Plgned to t heir rro{'f!'rlle1 b) Properties . ! 1954 Amount '""' ,o ... mm .... ta MU a ppro•l· ma ta Aaa.amant.1 by Iba board tn · crea.ad nearly 10•par can! o~r thoM mada a year -.0· Corru · pond.In,-Iner-• In local &IMll· menLI approalm•!l!d &~ per cant. 4 Hub Caps Taken Thin ot tour hub e•p• trom hl1 car parked In frgnt ot h\1 hom• ••• l"tported to pol!ce 1'1onday by P av\d Pa Roche of 124 Onyx Av•. Ha aall'I Iha thlfl occurred betwe1n I p.m. Sunday and 10 a.m. Mond11y . Towed Into Port Newport Harbor Cfl.a.lt a-"' Frldl y tov.·td • 38-ft. f1ahin1 1 broken en.ell lhAt't. OwM' and operator U I!';. 8 . P iehl. INVESTORS, Are You 60/o Earnln9 Fo• 25 yean ... ha YO f.:ced 6':\ First Mort.cap an• for a private money cllentele from Cout -to. Cout. We otter a com- plele collection •ervlc• without chuse. M'rit1 1~ Ir 1 a ........... ,. .. p~lll. W1 -Ire "CJ ,_- 1011<tl 1011.cirarw ..... ~fi~ w..,..\~,~;;;:~·~:,.' 1.., .. '"°' "'· ..... ,, . • ... ~ •• .,. 1.1111 , .... A••. c.u .... 1. !Oo\<1y by H urbor Boys' Club Alh· Via Udo Solid told potiC'e Tuell-the board. """"'---'-l<'t1r D1rl'1:"tor-n od !'lla.l11l n1!'1!c; 1 ,fa\' a hub Ca [l .,...118 la.ken frOlf\j The alate-t.J18e1111e(I value1, lo· -....._ Ttw undefrutl'rl Buy1' Club ~\Iii· h~~ c8r while pllrked In front 111:ethe r wllh county -aue~a;•d '\ i:"l 1 :eol~ A.1 e tubb..,d to hav1· M luf her home. v11lue1 ~t rnore tha n l l8."i'8-0.oti0.- 00.t. Blue f'ln. lo 111fet)" alter the ~e .. 1l out of San redro 11ufferrl'I ti.1 ........ ,, ....... : .. '"' " '" i:'X><I t'h •nCP or rnov1ng tn to th~ 000. br!nr; the •i!J:regate tat 11 ). rha,,n1p1,",",',i"fl ro,w.,. , r Hit-Ru• Car Damone 1r11:1per1y iax ba•e for the 19:.!'1-the Richard Beeson Company J UN IOR PART!\'ERS r-Symbolizing venture of their parenta, Alark Alan, 2, held by bl.a father, Walte!'_.Ji!ng, •haketi hands with Ikbra Marie, 7-month-old dau~hter of tlie R. B. Simpsons, at right. 1.frs. King watches from left. The t\\'O couplc1> v.·ill open King stUdioa of Dancing inrthe Lido Shopping C.enter Friday, Aug. 12 in the exten· sively remodeled quarters Of the former Lido Fashions building. -Staff Photo King Studios of Dancing Grand Opening Here Friday Three Wallets and One Car Missin9 J,eaving w~ltt• In car1 wa• ro11Uy to "trs. Le1lle Peterson, \\'hen King Studlo11 or Dancing caito and Unl~r11tty ot Detroit. Beverley 1-1111•, and '-Ire. Su11a.n open at 3~40 Y!a Oporto next Ann H errod. !'llonteb<'llo, Satur· day. :\fr1. P eterson II)~! J7 ·and , 8 ~. 1 1sn 11111 1r~ ,1tame11 o _ "-" "' ~6 fia('al year. Mfore equa!lzt.l•on the 111-dny e!aJ11s1c v.·ould prob-Police repo1·ted hit lln<I run dani-10 1pprox1n1ately SJP,.100.()()(1.000 'I alily line up !1Ke Lh ls: 10 a. m. aiie. \\'edneaday to a parked car 1the bo•rO announced. it wu pre- ThurRr!Ry. J-funt1ni::ton Beach vs. regl11tere-d to Bfln 0 . Heate.r of l.o• dieted that lhe t•x•• le\•led on Brir11 : Thur~d11y noon. An•helm An11:elea. l t wu parktd In f ront Lhl• ba n for 1uppor1 of counlle• ''9. LH. Habr11 : 11nf'I 2 p . m . Thul'!I· of 312 1ilarguerlte "'''· lcltle1. 1chC>ol di1trict11 and other dQy, Harbor Be>~'~' Club Rede "'· I Landscape Desl9n and Con11n1etlan CORONA DEL KAI\ rKO!ll"E p.aaoa 111 St11ntnn. [,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_;:._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. 'Parrish Faces Burglary Trial Local Theft • In SANTA A..>.:;A (OCN'S l -Ken- neth Parrish. 30, or LOs Angi!e11 will raca trial in Superior Court here Aug. 29 on tv.·o chargu- burgla ry and petty theft with a prior petty theft conv1ctlon, a felony. Parrish v.·a.a brouiiht before Superior Court J udge John Shea FriJay af\f'r he v.·as 1urrendered by b&IJ bondsman Ernie Wtbb. The defendant W11i 11eheduled to go to trial J uly :5 but failed to 11how up. 8 11.!l was upped from $:5000 to SI 0.0-00. Pa.trJsn t• &CCUled or 0 r "'o. . , T he Sln1 p!!Ona allQ &re v.·ell ex· F rld11y d~a.rns of Us OY.'llera. Wl\l-perlencl!d In dancing. 1i1n. Slmp- lf'r J..:lng and n. e . Simpllon, PX· 11on h&Vlng taught the Broadv.·ay !\Inf. H errod Si:J. t11king i.e1·en 11weater11 valued at .. o _ dance.r: Buddy Schwab. mllny rou- perlenC'elf' dancing tnatructor11 a nd Unei some or wht('h he d!aplayed dance 1;.("hool man11ger11. \\·ill be in "CaroUM"i... Her hu1bAnd, a rea\1zrd. Both mrn have gone In-:Marine Corp• veteran In Korea, to hu11inrss t ogelhrr to pre11ent v.·hrre hie v.·on thie Bron~e Stll!', Dolorea Rossi of Nortti Holly· S98 from Shaddock'11 Dress Shop, v.·OOd lefl htr 111·11.llet v.·lth S93 in 1~'-"""--'-'-'-'-"'-'-'-'-·-•_P_rl_l_,_o_. ___ /I ,0 H .,. been.me lntere~trd In dancing quality dance inat.ructlon n whl!e In ae.rvlct , then acquired bor 1irPa patron•. more lnte.reat In dancing upon Kini:. a graduate of Drirott mreUng his v.•lfe. It In a Balboa l1l11nd phone booth. She v.•\ll b11 at 214 Gamet A\'f'. tnr a t'oup!e of day1 In c11se any· onl' h11..1 any cJue11. Fred Youngblood didn't lote a purse. he k111t hill car , He parked Berryman Bike Gone Theft of hl• blC'yc!e from In front ot 10H5 E:. Balboa Bl\•d. I Tue.aday "'·a1 rrported to police by J . C. Berryma n of 1318 E. Ba lboa Blvd. Jn~tttute nf Technology v.·1t h a BS •ll'i:rtr. flr11t \\'•!I employed by Chry11ler Re•aa reh En&•neer- lni: b<11 111 \er 11uccumbrd to d11nrf' ~1ud10 v.·ork. \\'hile !n d11n''" · ~,·nool v.·ork the p11.11t 11!x yrar~. n111na g1ng 11chool!! In ~·lint. '-flch. a nd Ha\"ana. Kini:: travrled lhnu!i;:h thl~ count r~·. CubA. a nd 1'f r x 1 co, acquinng ~k ill~ ln r.·orth and South America form~ of thr d&ncr . He. alao m an•ged a C'hain of Clance 11chooll'. Simpson hlm•elt became an ln11.truc!or. the.n m a:u1red three danea 1tudioa. Whlla a mana.er he met Kine an.d bgth men put Ulelr ldeaa to tumlah qu&Uty d11.nce \nstri1cUon u ar;aln1t high pre111ura dance 11a \p11man11.h\p 11omrtimts e.1111.0Ciated v.·ith cha in danr P Rchoola. !t nellt tr> his pl11c• of builneaa.1-------------- 3137 W••l CoaJ1l Highway. Frf-Lo•·• and T'tu lh maka !rae, but Iii• "'lfe. a.lao a Uancfl 1tudlo manager 11nd lnatructor. li kewlae 111 from the 1'1\ch!gan area, h111•- lng attended Unh·er1!ty of Chi· . .. • • Their dance atudio v.·ll! bfl of "low pre11ure" vsr!ety. t hey 11ald, providing the t ine.It In teaehlng. ThP!r ds nce director. A New Yorker of JO year11 of txperiPnce. v.·111 in thi11 d~'!.1re, day m orning An <! "'hen he v.·&s throuGh ~rk that evening lt \\·as gone. He left the key1 O\•f'r the 1unvimor. 1983 F rdrn1l Youngblood ll\'fl &l St .. Costa .Me.'111.. Dau9hter for Paulk A g !rl 111·113 born 10 .\Ir. a nd .\Ir•. Ja.me• P11.ulk, J9"i'~ Pomona St.. COlita !'11eJa, In OrHnge Coun!y Ho11pltal on J uly 30. He v.·r!ghed 8lb11.,ll o:t. - CONFICTION NET TO HOSPITAL \Vil \\.'right, center, pre.ent. a ba.g full ot loot to Mn. R. J . Collin•. left, 1.nd Mn . o. H. Crum beneath the red and white atriped canopy of new ice cream parlor on Coa.•t Highway at 17th St. Content.I ot tbe bar l"t'prffented p~ from opening- d~I" ••hicb were don&t.ed to Hoac-Hotpit.a.I. -Sta.ff Photo ------ evil and error lead Into e•pllvit;r. -Mary 84.ker Eddy WAT.EK HEATERS IALll. lllYICI •114 ll,Alt$ Jo" &c~io/J PLUMaL'lr;O Tll"'S. 10 'll ClNT OOWN "'-" ...... ~ SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's leading Home l ending Institution CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The 10th of the Month Earn From the I 1t LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIA TlON '"a.:.. .1. .... .. n.o..1 lrT ... ll'IJ LAGUNA BEACH :J~,. members of the Newporl H•rbor Cham bu of Comme•ce te~e this opportunity of welcoming the following persons and establishments into the member,hip of th i, organixation. They too dedicate themselves to the betterment end growth of the entire Newport Harbor area: I. ~l'LL Photography 3n7 "•rlnf'. Ba.Ibo& l•la.nd S . .IOHX SPA.ULDISO Sp11.uldlng Jev.·e1er1 soi !lfartnr, BalbM. l•l&nd P:T.SJt: L. H0\\'!:1.1. Kopper Kettle lll' Marlnf', Balboa l•l&nd C. P. SPRISfi The BAlbo&n S?:"i·A ;\tarlne. Ba.lbna 1111.atld t "RA.SK JOH.'\'.SO:"i' J1!a.n<1 Beautr Shop ll?:"i·8 ""r1n•'. Balboa lalatid ZF.11 Hljl"K.ABt:t: J11t k"a R11rber Shop S?O Marin,., R~boa l1land CL\'Dt: ME\'CR In Hl11nl'he Gate1· R,.,.1 E1tatP o rr1c, Jiii !'l'larln,.. A•·,.., ftalbna J1la11d DOROTll\" \\"IX Sea Comber Gift• !18• 1 ;\ta~ln ... RaltH>a l•land t"F.RD l.A.S SOO\\'SE Llln1'1ov.·ne'• "len1 \\·ear Sl'l ;\tarlnt. 8 1lb<!a l•ta.n• 00:\" H. f'AMENOS' Dot _.. Dob --Ca111\lp1 SIO :'lfa rln,., Balbna l•laod HILDA C'. RRIS('OE In '."e!da G!b1<0n·1 Real F.:statfl Otfltll SOS !'l'larlnf', BaJbna laland MARIO:\' HAR\'I:\ . Book Shop of tha lll&.nd •II Mutnt1, Balboa l11AAd • DORIS Mr t.ARLA.SO Nelda G1b11on'• Real E11111,. o rr1c" 306 ;\t•rln .. , Ralb<;ta IA/and .IOH:\. \". J,lr:A La F'l .. 11:!. Stl4 It 221 M11rlnr, 8alhoa l•land u :LASU I>. f'RATT l..e' ~ Ph•rm1cy SM "l:arln,.. 81lt•o11. l~L&nd C. t:. Bl'D .MILLt:R lal11nd Sh .. I! s~r\·1re ??T Martn ... ft,.lhoa. l.•land Rl'TH O. \\'ILl...\lt; ... E11r! S111 n!ry·~ R,.•! Eat11e Offl c,. '!'1!\ M1rln,., BAii><•• l•land J OllX :'!lr :\"AB Earl St11nl~y·a Re•! E~t11t,. Offlc., ??,5 Marin ... Halho• l•lan<I t:UJTH M:OORY. :'llAKOO:"i ~;Ill.Tl St><nl•}"' R.,al f:1tate Olfice 22~ ,.,,,.,.., Ra.1t1"a l~Lanf'I IRMA. ~IARru;:oi \'11ga1>ond Hou1e !19 Marin ... Rall>na Joland R•:TT\' \\'A~S r.11y T"r' !ll !'1'111rtnr. Rallm1 !~land PAT "'ALllAOS W1ldron Re•Jrr JO& "1ar111r, Balboa l•land MAE'S BAL-1811. Olf'T 8HOP Glfta IOl Marla&, BllboM. lalMd ll08ERT ALLES R1 l!x'>11 laland Y11r!1tl, "!I:. !'l'll\rln•'. Bait.a. ala.nd tfT.Rt:R f"O\,.J,f:R H1J \\'Jll Sm1th'1 Rul ~;~1~1,. Offlct "!O.~ !'l'larlnt. Ra.lb<:ia f1\p• l'!TA!\ .... F.\' HADICJt:.1.0 \\'. "'· ~anford.'• Real F:.•:11" (irttre ,,,Of Park At· .... Balboa l1lan.d DU"K ('RAll1Y.R !'ninn 011 Slatlon l'••k It Marin ... f\allw>a l•land t: f. IZA ftf:Tlf I .t~ I.A ,,. D B1tlbna /~l11n'1 p,,.r (lfflC'" 208 Ma.rln,.. 8"'1boa l•l ... d 1)0~ f'RA S Kl.IX \'oi;::~r a R~111 1::~1 111 .. n u 1ca 201'. ll1arln ... l\albo• l•land r.1u,. t: ..... ,;t:1.1· ~rely St11r!1n z11i;i11 Marin,., Hlllboa l1land l,fll J,.;f; 1-·. HO:-tTF.lTl':R Kim <>f t'111l !ornla 'l\? :'ll11rlnt, Ba.Ibo,. l•lan.d. 1.01 '1 ,~ t ·l 'LJ.ISlil!'l'I flerkl·Vlu 'l'l8 "1at\n,., fta.l hl\11 l•land f 'HARIJ:M J". !'l'l r KISSOS lr1•urance NJ; MarlM, 8-J~ 1-'lftd f'l ,AIR ft. RARS1".TT' 1.{. o. I'll ~artnt, HA.1"91 l•land lfll.UXU 1'.4.110 Re.1Ulnr 1nt IOO Marlnt, Ralhna l1lanol NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce Maurie St&nley, President Ha.y Langenheim, Sceretary Uberty I· 11 SS I I ' I • , ,..,. L. ·-:::. \cASE OF IEER iTAKEN OFF TRUCK I A •llH ur be~,. wa• linl\•·lu•d r1utn ll l!!r"'1'r~· trur k ~·tur· •l.-1.~· Whll<' pa1krd In !ro>nt nt F:1-n1r'a C'•f•· un :-lr"·rort Bh·1t , p .. 11.-.. •111.J A. II' Huq;;e~~ "1 :-;1111!~1 An11 , o1n\'~r of th• truck. tnlol .. rr111·1·,. hr~·"" t"" 11<•1·~ run r1 ,,1n lhe t111«k ..... h .... ~ryin,: " 1•11..•t• <>r h('t'r. Hf' ""1(1 nne of 1h,. bors droplJ'l'•I 111,. ""''"' hr l'l'M n11·r y1ni: \YiLO CHASE ~ Teenagers Booked by Local Police - ,\ !•~· 'hllM! .• HOW TO SOLVE TRANSPORTATION PROBLEM "r""'' •hl"'" ~·u11;<t H 1~h"·ay at 3.Jo a 111 :':11t1.111.111y. :..-ewp<.>rt pol1c<' flnalh• f1r~I \"'0 MIOla It thf' f11•1·1ni; . • llT tn hnng lL lO II ~l np , Mni. Elsie MllSOn of the Orange -county Visiting Nun1e Auociation gives her views on how to .solve county hospital transportation hurdle. Red Crol!l8 hu terminated its carr ying o f patients after 10 yean of voluntet'r duty. W elfare d ivision o f the Oran~r County Council of Community A gencie!J m t't in Santi! A na w ith Harboritcs Jo'r iday to tac kle the isauC' . ...-- OCNS Photo orrw.·r .. i;;ud 1twy ht•t Uf"ltl \ht> "~r in !hf' tn1.: Ir.it b<'lllnd Chrf11 =""' Inn •11 111f' park· Thf,I' JQid l•!ht'n thf'y 1'Ulrl.,,l tn quf~· t1on !hf four h'<'ll·k~P b .. 1·~ 1<1:J<J111 a,1J1(l}f<: -~,~r,·1ng co11 Un11ous chow line whii.:it ~=~tt·ndcd l1 k~ this frl.lnl i a .m. until 11 a.nt. nt Satu1i.lav morning's Costa A1e11ft 1-i:il\·anH• Club's ''outh Rcnc- f1t breakfast v.·c r c, fro m fOIX'J:r11t11HI. ~l rs. H 3 l Ha!fi{'\d . Ka thy Cnurtnr~·. ~ln<. \\.il· lard Co urtn ey . R o b<'rt Crav.•fo rJ <Hlfl \\11\liam J o rdan . -Staff Pho l11 1500 PERSONS-ATTEND i~1 '"~~,~~.~ -~r.~.~.~" ,,1KIWANIS BREAKFAST ,.,n,. P""•""ngrr S111uru .. ,· 1n 11 thr .... -1 Minor Injuries r~r pileup on 1·nH.•t H IJ.!h"~•I' 1n • • frf'nt o ( 11 loc.<1! <'h•b LAur11. Jun,. :11<•1 •· 1hPn '.·•110 p<'ropl~ .. ll\ <town ~T""llM•l l l1g r >•rt11111ll<'•' \\"tbboer . r •,llnl: \11 M , ... ,. "'llh l t .. hrrnkfH~t Ir C•ol<(K ;o., .... ll 1'11.1k Th ... \\.II .. the fifth 11.r1n1u1l IHt'Rk· Thf'ndor~ \\"at•l o-.,.flb<'r of u ... An -~"turd11~· mnrrHni: "'•1 h th<! .\! .... ~ fM lll of 1!1e rlu b 3nd UHrilnrr b"· 1.,1,. ... •11.l<t .. hr W/\!ll•I J.!" 1., hrr K\11·nn1.'I rh1b 1111 hn .. t \\"It h th" n·-li<'I"<'! ii \\'Hl on" of the mtll'l '"'"" f h k ~u\I 1h11 1 l•'<'nl 1·nu1h m,.,,.,.n1~nt .... ,, .. ,,.rul 111 ... h<Jt ,·11ke11. s nd 11uu- n"·n •10<'\(lr o r ft 1 <'i' ·Up ,11<' nh,.ut $7(1('1 ·11.hr11.!l, ll•'C<'r•hr,i:; .. ,.1:,. "1th pl<'nty nf C'\f(Pf' hll<I 11. l'nl11•• 1111id J nhn f111.i·I.• of 3l8 tn f"\w•·., G11rr1 nt•r. •"hBirm11.n l"f !hP gootl n111.rkf>t ln ~pile of ii~ ho'i n~ Ogle ·st .. Col'\& ~1.-~1. ""l'PRrPnt1y 1----------------I .. 10 .... ,.,1 for 11 ··•r in frnnl ,,f hin1 ~; :~1111:i:r."·11.rmO!"t moming1' of •·h•n h• \\'A$ hun11'"'1 fmni !hf' 3 Cars Involved The only •rcid .. nl or lhl' d11.y La9unan's Car in Crash on Hi9hway thf'1r 11r l1r•n.•. th<' ('II' sh;•l l'\0'11~· Offltf'rll .,,1,1 \hi'\' cha,...,\• lh<'m "'''h 1r(l li1:ht ~n"I ~lrrn U111 1n:.: lht• o·h:•iiL'. P"h~c ,;1t11J II:•' .'°"ll(h~ <'/Ir ........ •f)o't'<llnJ: Hit ttn•I run d •11nage tn hr r <'Ill" wHh"lll lli;h:s on Offite r.• W•ll1 at :l!"'K'''"''t•• ''''" "!I•! L"u;oi<t lh"Y '''uld h~11d herr botll<'• be· Hti.:hw•~· \\fl~ 1~pt1rl~·I rn P"hrf" 1ni: th•m<"n out ril l h,. e•r rlur- f':11111r'<lll\" b\" c·11 ,.ol .\'.n1M f)f l.i•l!Un!I tn:.; 111,. <"hi<>•· \\"h~n !1n11Jly 111 .. r- ll<'11rh · · P"•I. th<· fru1r .1·<"u1\l111. ~II rr .. rn !\'•'"I'"' t r,ffl<'PI ~ ,·11111;:ht "!'with 1 ·'"'•rw;,lk r, por1 .. <lll" m11•I" "!<mnrt th<· llll~l'<'<"I. ~:r!~11r t;<'<>!j.!<' \\••\<'r.\" >ti»< k" H·rn11rkK to, pnlh'P T 11 .. of Co1-.na. nnrlh (I! !'r\st:.l (_",,,.,.·. b<1.1·.~ ,..,.,,. If• snd 16 )"f'lll~ ••ld Hf" n·port<"•1lr 11•hn1ll<"•l th• >1<<'1· r·.,,.,J'l111nt11 "'"llh J•l\·Pn1I<· 11 11· drnt In l'•Jhl"ll bllt !<111•! 11,. 0!1•1 not tho1 1!"oe.• w¥re f1l¥<1 un thf>lll 11nd !top a~ hr •h·I ll"l ll11u l; tllP 1lutn· th"'' "'"'''" 1·~1 .. 11i>1'd tn th•·ir !•·••· 11g1: ... -a~ ""ff1r1<'nt In •<''Ill"" hun ··n1 • to irtnp ----~--- Bike Gone Power Mower Missing Tht'll ,,( Mn U!·1n f"•IO.""r ,,,, .. , .. Bill Uur. .. hr><.' of ;,1•:0 \\', 1~·11"'"' !'1" 1.-ns r·"J"•l'IP•I 1<> (".,,\,. !II"'"' St .. Cwit1t .\!.-~a. Cul<! .\'., "'!~•!\ pfl· f",ln f> \\\·<Jn,.,,.J,.y b•· :;n1 o·n Th~­ Jn·t' ~1ttur•111y hill h1ryrl<• "'"II!< ~!,.I· l:"~•·•n ,.f ~f\~ F:. Jl!lh SI • Cn~la I'll ln1tu tl~llr lr!•' lu1>·k d .... r n r & :11~~1< \'111\le llf thr '""O·~·~Kl"•Vlcl Cllr .. Ill 630 31st ~! 1 rn OW<'t" WM!< ll{'\ HI Jl\11 Employees, Hold Annual Picnic • Families • Brea 1n A lnlC•~t 600 Soutl:o•rn t "<>urllo••s Annu:ol Pirr:k G"• CruHJ•llfl.1· .. 1uplo.1·<>es ltnd ll01L.1· f"h1 i.Jr.,n'1 1:au1"s w('rt' ~"P"''"'S· lie'! ""<"rt' gn,..,1...-1 o~· hOFf .1 .. ·.1·n l ('<t hy :ll rM. Jlllllf'S n. G•rkt'n nf :II. l.:t'nnt'<ly. Urun1:., 1'<.,11111· ,,,,,. ~ .. n!ll. Antt 11nrt (;••nf"rlll Ch11.1rr11r1.r1 1<it,n tn11na~rr, l'i<tl urd"~·. Ht ll•<" .\l:u <iftt!I :-.;,.1'16n of S1111l11 Anll hs <I Un ton Oil Comp1:1n)· r11rk In 1lrr11 , "' rani:~-.1 ll l•.ill proi;r1< rn of hflM"· Th"Y J.:lllh•'!"!'•I r. .. 111 llMht1·" • ·.,. t,,,11 1·nl lo-yh~ll. ho r"•'N/lf1""!, n~il· t<J11:1 •l<'I !llnr t '•·~tn ~1 ... a. :~. 1r• 1111111:; r·ont,._.l,. nnol •hc ,.,.r,·rnl,' of po1t B"'"'h, 1--.;.;nn:. H~.,,·ti lh·,,t-,,,.q <lnnk11 11n.J lm•,.·i•'u" ~t+»•k ol1n - 1n1:tnn Mf',1rh, \\"r>1l11Hn~I• 1 ,\11.1-n<'tll Ir> '''"<"l)"lln• ,\ t1 tn k eqoq ! <'rl nriu•~r. ·r11.•11n ~'.•nl:i 1<·11h ""!11>-!r lrphnn" waF "" <1 11t;- An,.hr111t, l:u.-n~ l '~1k F11I· ~T 111 .. park 1hr o111i;h•••ll thr lf>.•TI· ';,.,..i~n 1 ;,,.,.,. ,.,. ! ,.,,, 1,,, .-1111·• 1,, rl'1~·•t 11 ny ,.,.,\!', l!"!l• y I '"'IFl"tl .\!a r111i:r1 II rail!\ ------ "'•r by \\'f'bbl'r"a rllr. 1<·1111. "'"hen tlle h11ndlt> c!ln1e off lhP Y,'ebbrr N hl h!ll car ....... h it Ln in Collision Here pltc:hf"r which onf of lhf> hnlcllkP MORt: f'l 'N ! -T ommy ,,lc l.:un. 2. gets a b ig SWltlK the ~11.r by one drti·~n by JamP• Thn•,. c•r• l•n,tlt'd Sun<tll v at Arl1"'9 "~ wrin1r llnd the rf'.•ult -fro m h is m other , 1'1rs. Bi!l 1'fc l.:un. in C o!lta 1'1Cfilt Park R"hf>rt Pino o f L<in,t B,.11,·h. . · lnlf ~pill made 11. hotcake th11l Cn11 ~t H1gh .... -11,· 11nd C•rn9!lon I" ~ ., 11 .. _ S aturdni• m o mina durin..-1he annual Y QUlh B e ne fit MONDAY, AUG I, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l I 'CAPE CODS' :-;uv.· the r e is care f ul cooking and baking for two fine restaurant.a to be a ccompliah- 1'.'d under s u pervis io n o f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Norton. They have open ed •new "Cape Cod H o u sr" o n Harbor 13\vd. in Garde n Grove where inlanden will find their fine SC'a f oods clusl.'r at h a nd than Balboa Island. Pictu~ during 1. preliminary Hl9• 11ion at the new reBtaurant, left to right, Cheli Helen and T om N o rton, Haro14 Prou se' a nd l,or('"n Goode. THOUSANDS TO ATTEND FLOWER _SHOW PREVIEW 'Bouchard Returns' PCKJeGnt Premiere ToniC]ht Part of Fair lira ""•Ir 11 lt<!t fnr lil,30 a.m. '°"" niorrow, with P irateQu"'°n y..,.."" Shube:rt and ).l•ynr Cl•lre Nei.o. of CO.ta J.1 .. a11 cutllnJI' the rlbbofls a nd ope.nlng lhe ptN for th• ftnit vt1ltora. A rl'<'nrd 11t .. n<t11n<'" 111 uq>tet- rd et the Hl~l\. ~·11.1r, "'"h1rh f-lur- 1'11 the <'nlorful Jlnr..,. S how, th-. C11Llforn1a St11tr H1:1ton Twlrilrc Ch11n1plon11hlp. l'Oi;r> Stirk ~. the C1tkl' H11k1ni:-ll"l:'lltta, ma.rn - moth J un1t>1:. Jo"\i1r ilnrt Uve11tock ~ho"''· 11.n•I 11111.ny n!her oul.Jlt.a11<ftft( s .. 1· .. r11! 11u.11 .• 11n.J 1·1~1101 ~ ,..,JJ 1<'1ln".'!~ " prr\'1"11' uf thr Ill~ F lo1<"<·r !'how "nd l,1r11tf> 1'"1:"11111. "H.,urll11nt Br1urn.•." ton11:h l. in 11.<ll'ilrll'e of !ht' •>lf1r11:1I "1"'1111111: f'ntrrt11111nwn1 Hnd P d "C'11tlonlllll of !ht> .'!l1n ..... therr .... 111 bf 11 (!en•· rc111urr.s, Tu~s,111.y of lhe 1;,-.1h Annl\'t'nuuy Ura:i1·<' t'u11n1~· F1t1r onst1 11\lnn of flo "''tr 11rnr.n(fn1ent, K"·en by J11ck Platt or Loa An· ~"Ir~. ll profe~~lon111 fl n r11.l drlllgn- .. r. 1n fro nt or lhe Floriculture l'n1·1lion At 9 p.n1., tht' pren11 .. re perlorm- nncr. of "Bouchard Return•"" .,.·UI 'Jt> prt"i<entrd for lhe gur•t• The llren11t'r0! 111 11pon11<1rl'J by Sorop11nu1t lntemalion11I or S anta An11 11~ 11 bl'nfr!t for ttluc•tlon•J Jo;'l ·•tl•l•"I i,y nPnt ly l\.O p .. ,. n nt '""'' 111~! l"<'l<r !11r ~'!•l"'f>r :-ho\\· h.ts 7!\. rnt 1 h~ In t hr prot.-MnunQl s•··<'ll"rl. ""'I -""'""·~ ,.f 1n•!11·u1<11tl8 1111•! io;n.•ur•11 h,.,.,. r nt,.,.., 1 u.~ 11rn11- l 1,,ur <ll\'l~i·m Th,. Flono ·Ultur .. a11d 1<·elf11re projttta. Tht' t'VO!n! 111 r av1hon h1111 b""" r<'nn,·111"'1 nnd 01}('n to ~e pubHr. ""llh • donll- l eJ1\<'n11 ... 1 !Jy n1~11n" '!f 11 larJ,:~ lf'nl, t1nn of $1 l'f'T pr.nt•Jn. 11nrl t'if' •utr"""" h11.• l,,.rn trnn.'I· J>rrn.•ttd1 a~ve expr.n•t'll "'"ill M rorn>r•l t" """''n111~ ~ n1~hr1·a l u11r•! t1r th .. """omt.n1' ..-r.-tce ell.lb 1•11."tl" for 1rhol•n1h!p11 t.o colleite rtrt., llOi"t:~ 1'1,A ·rt:n j CQntnbutioni to CC>mmu n1ty ch•rl· ('"J1ttPn<.f' Arnllng of Sant" Ana. on•• uf the "ul'ld'11 l11r1t~-~! r""r l:'r""·rr~. ""'II lo:""" ~ .. 1 .. ,.1 ro .. "11 to llldl<'ll 11 [!µn•!1Pl l: the rn•l'lf'W . 1·1~rl'tt1ng thr Ft o'clnrk nprnlng ~ tlell •M prol'i1lon for •ward to 4-H g1rl11 at. th<! Or1.n1te CQ\.lfll..J' fo"alr. Ot"l'ICIAL OPF.!'(nr!O The offlcllll opr.nlnl' or U.. -- Small Fires Plague Newport Firefighters Over Weekend urot.I'' l'la;::-11 .. r! :-O"rwpn1! Hrll•h lhe on1U"h f11 •·"'I' n ,\ 'no•h fl rr '"th» l>A :ntv-.n fl'O<'f h~.«!•I•· 4 '1ln.«t 1,.n ·~ H11t , :J2:1 Er!~<'· 1<·,,t· r A,.,.. ~:tl•11 •l111· 11.ft,.rn"'lr. \l'I\~ """:."'111\\" .. 1111\•''1 l>I' k 111~ p111\"ll.i: w ith '"~'rho·.. forrm,.n 1!111<1 !"" 111111111.i:" n;•.-11rr.-<1 .4l .1::.1•_ r:,11nd l"an~!. 11. rfrni::· 'rr111< r n1nl"' ftn7" t" ••II~~ ~ ~n111!! '"" ""'! ~1nnkr d<ln1RJ!<' •t I th<' h"rn" nr H l1i:-h (_" .\l .. r ny F ir ... ! 1n<'n ~nid •IHma,-:f nf $1nn 1<"• .. I hr11,I• d !" !h• rll''l<•r. I K1•I_. , !Ill ni;1(o·hr.-1 .... ,.,... 11.p1111.r· .. ntl_\' 111 wn1k 8Htt1rtl~\' 1n thr fllf"Y Kl :.nt ~:. E·li.:ewei,.r All', 1<'h<.r" ;on nnnnllnl\<'11 ~nuch w1111 !W!l At 12'.• ri ... mo nr! Ave .. Arthur \\"1Jl111m11 hurnrd out a cnokinJI' pot "n thf' ~,,., .... n~n1 1£P "'"" llmitt.d tn !h,. r"I. flremt'n N11r! F ru t 1nn nn whl'f"l bf'RrinJ & ot • Tr~11• Co. 1:"""11"" tr11t k S11.t11rday 11.1 rn11~\ Ht1:h-}' &nt1 Rrriy~1de. 1Jn1· .. rau~"r! th" f1rP deJ>llr1m,.nl to r"ll. Th,.r,. .,. .... ~ nll d11.m1111'e u 1 II·' t•r~ r1rr 1<"811 hm11i:ht un(!~., ""ntrol. \\lukawilz Baby Wl\1-. a n•! ~I r•. Thoms~ 1!73 Gnvf'rnfir St Mr~1t a rr r111ent• of a 1:1r l b11hy born J ul)' 31 11.t Hoag H011pll11I. .--DEBT--. COLLECTIONS Aeoo11nt11 -Nolft. -~ .i a.DJ' klMI of debt11-M1ywllaN .. Am•rira. •·xo eoUectJ~ -• '"°·"' \\"9 ad\"a.DM ,.J1 ooMtl. CRt:DIT auauv o1 "'nterD Ol"Nlse c.-IJ lofmf'rl1 Cl"f'Cllt Ba,_ ffJI. Newport ~ t.c-.._. Mid Costa._ tM JUwnWeAve.,P.o.a..• NEWPORT BEACH. C&l.11'. lPORT~,~ .. "· ... . -~. J Juveniles Sou9ht ill Food, leer Loss · I \\'OU " nl!.V'll! en 11ny lmll .,..y·~ .., "' A•·,. wh"n • r11.r dr!\·rn b.1· ... light. brl'akfast. -Staff Photo C"h11rlr11 J ohn F'Arwell or Sllnl& ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;! A n11 8tru.•k 11 r11.r driven by :\11· Thre-e lf'<!n • ~grr .. 11rr11rf"nlly Ml~ lhf"m Ml\'e" In roon 11nd bt•r n n Aupi•! 1 a t 1 ~.I' hon1t of Mr' \",.rM :llr A lh~ti·r. 23l7 .!lt>cnnd Av, .. "'"h11~ th~ f11m- qlll'I Tnrrn1 H\lcrlll nf S•ntll An11. L J • J I 11.nn • p11.rk"'1 cllr aunary s1rr1c1 ue1uxe .•. m:~~~;"1! ~:1r~ r;~;~e ~:rn.~·;;' at /Mrg1i11 prices! frnm C'o11~t H1,th1<·11r ""hl'n ht 11tr11f1I Hurrl.111 ca r "'hlch W"lll 1<·11 1t1n1 for tr11 f(1r W.y .......... ~ •. o rf1 c<'r1' M11d !-"11rwellll M'r 1. ).fr Alll1 trr tf'po1ted !h<' t h<'n tr11.l't-1lert 34 f«t •nd "' hit II «1lry to poh'"· A "ne1,;hbor tol l p11.rkf'J rer rf>J:l .. lered to Shirl•)' ofrlrer1 -llf' Ml•t>rvf'<l thrt>• bor• Lo\"f or Arc1ldi11. The Lon e•r l"nlt r Ille. unlfll:llf'tl trl'!lt •lonr "f .,. .• ~ llnorkPd n•·er tllt eurb Into the homt •ftr r e111nn(: th• name a telf'phont> poltt. 1 flf M 1'"8. Mc:A 1LL1tt-r' 1 dR II(: h Irr. I ---'----'----''-------11 1'11 lnformlln\ M ht the trio en· ltttd wtU\ • Jut= of "'in1 1nJ <"•m• out about 30 n1inult>1 l•t"r with Ulf' ... mt jUjl:'. llnd • Jlilfl't"r ... ,. nlltd wit h 110mfl.hlng. Wallets a11d Papen · T .... ftom Visitors WHAT IS IT1 IndlVidu&l!y •IMlhed-w•riri~ arr•r~J fluff dried by filter~ alr-flllt p!Ke• profe.lonally ironed. Your clotht'8 and lmtN •n don• up 01'-'E 11nlt-no mlx- llJl9.. no Wlllighlly m11 rk1 -rlJn10ff ••ts, r•u. CIOfltroNlfd -p&. WHIN AVAILABLE ••. lltr.toa w1thln houn W u1Tmt. -do "'l'J'thinr ftlht hff't. HOW MUCH ••. lleclltold I•• TakH T!Mtt ol ,_ ..U.U.. N ud ldeltUfto&Uoe p&pv8 -report- td to police 1•t1:rdaJ bf' Gerald KflllplnMy ol S.,.ta A..N ud l\'111lam D. C'l•rll of n..unmon. tt ii a ber91in bundle too ""' $2 .H lo. 2J lbs. Ttleft ot hl1 10n'1 blcyel• .,,. t old to J14'11tre Tut..U.y by Joe l'l:l'Mltok1 of-IOS7 W. ~bo& Bh"<t. Ht M id 1.he ••l'letl •·•• t11.krn rrom the 11Uty behind the hofnt. The mt:n told otnClft'I the' waJ. l•l• Wt>r• taktn from thtlr un· lorked r11r pe.rkfd 11t Hett~ A l't. and O<:e&n Blvd . WHERE •• casa pura "R&VIC& ~ llOVU -W1lmf MW~ OOlllPLETE LAm.'DERS ud CLZANER8 --N_,...._ .. I I • P"GE 4 · P"RT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY. AUGUST I, 1955 LEGAL NOTICE 1worn. peraonaJly appand l.E· LAND o. PR.A.Tl' kMwn lO m• to be the per90n .,..hoae nama II •Ub- Ktlbed to the within ln1lruJl'lat1l, u d 1cknowled1ed to m• th.at ht 1itecctrd the •&nit. DELIVERY GUARANTEED Dclivt-ry of .the Newport Harbor Newt-Prtsa 1a guaranteed. Carner boy1 ~·ill deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Y.'ednesday and Friday. lf your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your canier v.·ill bring your paper. Jn wltnet1, wher• ot, 1 h•Y• here- unto &ft n1y hllnd "nd affixed m)' ofnr la t 1.eal the <l•Y ind Y••r ln l!::=========================:::z= Ulla Cert1r1cat e flrlt 1.bove writ· FAR DOWS-Littlj!: Janice Haine&, to 0 p, ta.kes a 'aide- Joo~ glance down the Costa ~fcsa Park slide a11 ahf' prepart's t o follow big ai&tcr Kathy Haines to thf: bdt- tom. Children or Mr. and ~lr.11. Bob Haines, thl} at- kndcd the Kiwanis Club Youth Benefit brealCfast Saturday morninit. -St aff Photo MRS. BOVEE INHERITS $60,000 FROM ESTATE (Spe-cl1I to tht NP.wporl H"rb'lr Xt"'ll-Pr"'IUI I l•"· ~ ROBERT F. ¥.'ILLMES r.ty Commlu lor. ExplrPI November l$. IP:'!~ No. ~118 Newa·Pre<i• 'f/18, 211. 11,1. 8, ill~ll -----cr:aTtnCATE OY l\l'!!IL"E88 J>'l(,TITl01l8 t•IHM ~-A:WE The undc.r1i11ned do herf'by ct1·· Ufy that lhey i re cundu.cUnlt" • 1 m•rln01 fl~r1l111a mafi uractun111 bualnru at 102 . Ullh Street, Co11a Mell, (.\i.llfurn••. UO<I~• thf' f l··· Utlou1 tir m n1.1n,. u f 7>1ARINE FIBERGLASS i 'RODUC'TS • n d that ••Id flrn1 1-con1po11ed or the tollowln1t 1l"t10n•. 11o·ha.e n1m r1 In fllll and plac•~ of t'"!IHl•n<'oi 1.re •• fottow1, ta·wlt: LA \\'RENCE A NELSON :'107 t:lubhou,,,. N ~'"·port f\tlH'l\, C'v.\l( DONA LD a .JO HNSO~ 2111 \..,.!1.aon t:Ollta M111 . D.lll f, DAN \\'. SANDERS0 !-1 330 o1i. Cl)llt& Mea1. Ctlll r Y.'1l11e11 our h1.nd1 th11 ;B~h da y of July, I V:'!~. 1/ 1.A \VRENCE A N•:LSON 11 1.>0NALO R. J OHNSON ,111 DAN Y.". SA....~DERSON STATE or CAUF'ORN IA • COUh'TY OF ORANGE , ... or thl• 21th d1.y of July. A. D. 11111:'1, tio..fore n1a ROBERT F. WILLMES. a Nott.ry P ublk In •nd for tht 11.1d County and Stale, re1ld!ng tllere!n, duly r.ommila'!on· rd i nd 11worn Jlt!ttonally 1ppe•rtd LA\l.'RE:.CE A. NELSON. DON· ALO R. J OHNSON a.nd DAN W. SA!'."DERSON. known to me ta be the per.on1 11o·hoae n.mu &re •ub· 11:r1brd \o the within lnlltrumtnt, and •cknowledred to m' I.hat lhey eit«uled the .. me. In wltnea. wht.rtof. I havt: htrt.· un\o 1et my hand a.nd atf!ii;ed my offlc!a.I ae11.I t he d•y and ytar In thl1 CPrtltlc1te fln t above wrlll•n /I/ ROBERT r . WJI..LM:ES My Comml&1!00 Eaplre• N'ovember 18, I ll~ N o. 801 New1·PN• 8/1. I, Ui, 22, lllM • :'\I!:\\' YORK, Au~. 8 -)tr1. out. In adt"l!t!on. •he wlll ev,ntu- •JJY g111t half of • $2:'1,000 trust fund 1et up for her uncle, t.l•it CERTU'ICA1T. ot- H. Keppler of E llz1btth, r.;;. J, B\;ISlSl:f.18 SAMJ: M•rg 1tret K"pplf'r Bo\'et', ot BAi- boa J1!•rid •n•I ~:n clno. lnhent" •boilll S80,000, 1u bject to t111e1. from h"r m<llher, tht late Mr1. M11rl1P. K. Fowl•r of N"'w Yo;irk F.ATATE 111.S.OOG 'A brothlllr and l~l't·!n -l•w, Tba under111"~ g eneraJ put- lhe J ohn F. FOIO'ltri or Rc1.ri· ner• of lht tlrm htrdn•fler de1- dale. N. y . ltl moat of the rt· lg-n•ted do htreby certlty u f°'. m1Jnder of Ole eatiue. Iowa: BA.SKF.R'S "'JDO"' Fred V. N. E llt1. ht'retofor. a Classified NE\VPORT HARBOR NE\VS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays ('0111•1 ·I LIDf'!'I ~hoppe.r Ad• ron 1 Jniw.rtlon •• lhf' \\ . ..dnf'-.day s .. ~ ..... ,... -4 IJnr.i "UDt'fl .f Llaes 2 ln!M'rtlon111 S lni.ertlons -l lnM:rtlon& Sl.00 add'I. llnf'M .25 ea. ) ,;°)4J add'l. llDMI .25 r.L 2.00 "'add'I. liuet1 .~5 f:L :! .. )() add'I. lin~ .25 ea.. Sll11•UOll \\'anlf'd Adi w\11 .,.,._ ... h ·e lj~• 1U1~ .. unt.-C,a1h In Mh'an~ 011ly. lolL''IMt:M ,\0 IS • l.ISES All ct ... lflecl Atl• mu11 be pa.Id for (_·1•b In .w~·•nte of putillcstl~ Th• pub\1'!\er1 w\U not be reaponRlb:~ for more thin one Incorrect 1n1ertlon of 1n 11d, re1e1•v1 lhe r 1Kht !<) 1•(Jrrt~tly d 11S11lfy nny i nd all ac11 -.ri d tn reject any ad nol C:onfo1-mlng lo r ulra 11mJ ref>ul•tlon1, DEADLINES for plac!nR or rancel!lng I.ti.II 11.r~. Jo'or Mand1.y P obUc1\1on -Frlt111y ~ p.m For Y.'ednesday Publlcalioo11 -Tut'1d1.y 1 p.m . F"or F riday PubUcau on ~ Thursday l p.ni. ~"J:WPORT HARROR t'l "Rl.ISlff:'\G CO. 11211 Balbue. Bh•d., Jlri'e11·port ,...11rh, t 'allfomla. Classified Index 1 •"UMrsl S oll"" 1 Card of Ttuu!k1 • Funr.ral Dl""rlot'I In Blull~""'"' 11 l\uJMln.c-M.alerts11 12 BuJlcllllr SerTtl'.f'a l• Pf.no111J1 Ill Shatt 't'ou.r C.r 11 Tr.naportallnn 11 Kooftnc 111 l\ea111y Aldi 20 Healfll Aldi 22 Lor.t Mid F ound tt 8clloel1, l••I rvctt11n Ill 81tuall11n1 \\'•nted '!t H"IP "·an1...t so Mi~U..-Ouio SO.-' i;,.·ap& SO-II Appllsncee 31 "'ultd to Buy JI P'ur.llure f11r Saki Sf·A. A•llqun I.! ao.11, 8uppll" st Maalesl, a.dlo, T \' Sfi Dllp. C.t .. Peta V' Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet• t:Yal'J 'Ib.unday I P·~· Via Oporto -CeiltrU A••· N•wporl ee.cll Albert H. Matthl!Wll, Ez&lttd Ruler SI 1'011Ury 37 l.h'P1IM:k 3" l"pP•·Lal Ann<u1nr.f'm"nl S• Auto• \\'Mllftl 4n Aul""' for !'111" 4R·A Tlrr• & r ar111 41 ,\ulo :-; .. r,·l••fJ 4! Trlilll"'"" U ALrpla.nes I?" \\'antrd In ltrnt 48 Aa•I!> .. k ltou!W'1< for Rrol '"·A :\111•· fur ~nl ,3.n H1•u..,.,. l tor ftPnl l"·C-Tral\f'r S p11rP '' Ron111>t for ll"nl ••-,\ RP•! 11nm•,. l t ·R th >llfn &: Board Ml l\Plll, Ml•r . .\3 !'iltofPK ,lo ()ff!ef'• :'IS·A J\11,ln,...,. Rrntal1 ~' 8uJolnf'~• OpportuaJUea :'>.\ Mnflf'~' to '·"'" ·"" Mnnf',Y \\'anlf'd -- 31 Rf'a\ t: .. 1a.1~ \\'anlrd Sit l nromP Prnpt'rlr to-A Cumll\f',rrlaJ, lnudu•ttlal 111 Kf'al t:1t•lr. r.:1.cbsnge 12 Re•I f:1U.I#' CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO Shi.A.LL. ff, O. Ander.an lOl• E. Bl.lboa. Blvd .. Balboa Hubor 24.50 83tfc The "'"ti lt of the former por- trait ~lnlP.r a n,1 mtml'M'r of th• A m<!rlc•n Woml!n'1 Paint•ra anti Sc:ulplorll A uocL•Uon w11 ap• pr11 l~l here today by U11t N .. w Ynrk l"il'll ll TTt.n1ftr TIL• ~part· mr nl. T he nrt v•lufl w•• eet •t f.17!.009 Mra. Fowler. 'lll'ho dle<'f Aug. 11 . r en,.r1t.I P•rtner therein hu with· 111:.2, w ... the widow of the hite dr•"''Tl f rom t he P•rlnerNhlp by John Francia Fowler. 5 fQtmtr common conaent for tht ptJrpoat v1cP·pre!IJ,lent of !he lnll'rn•tlofl · of eng111'\n1 In oU\er bualnea1. an· al b1nkin1 firm Qf Y/. R. Gr11ce terpriaea. l"B-6 _,._ and Company. The firm nam1 -.nd •'yle or lh• -1llllr.I She ~tudled P•intin~ "' the Co·P•rtnerahlp betnr conducted 1=:.....;::.=:::~;o..-"-'-""'------I PAINTING Thr S.lbo• J1land wo1n•n rr· ,.,.iv,.• 110me ot her mother'• per- ""n•I prop .. rty iancl • thr,.e- ei(:hlha 1har1, ..,orth •bout J:Wl,- 000, or the ·total e1tMe anrr r ,rt•!n ,.pf'!'1tlc ti.que11t11 ire p11id Art St u dents League under by lhe undtr•lroed 11: GM rJ:e Lu'k' and alao In Pin i. ELLIS BOAT RENT AL8 Her wor'k ..,.11 eitlllblted In New 81Lid firm 11 compo-.d of Jobn Yor k 11nd \'ermont. In a<lrtilLon Brl•bifl of 2802 Cou t H lgbway, tn Ille AmPrk an Y.'omen'a P1.lnt· Ne.,.,·port Beach . Ca Utomta u d era 1.n•I Sculpton Aiaoc:i•tlon. Sllfllll!Y G. BM•bln of 712 M&l•bu •he bo>lonird tn the United LJ:>dl'."' Dr .• Nt•,.port Beach, Ca llfoml .. of The<>9nphl.11t•. \1t 1tne1111 QUt hand• lhll 28 day --~-----lot ..July, 19~~- STANLEY 0 . BRISBIN JOH!'f BRISBIN STATE Of" CALIFORNl.A 12-Blllldtmg Services Painting " Paperhanging We do the worlr: ourae:lvea. 30 yura erperlenca Lleen-.d lie lnlured. llaU1f"ctlon iuarantred. i:.t.lm..U• tree. Call Johnnl•. LI S..2687 6 lJ. 8-5289 Slt!c M. W. ROSS 1.1 8-3321 • LI 8-7823 280 A voe ado, Coat• M'eu. ltlttr CARPENTER ' Repair Won ~ Tour Hom• N-S Rapalrtq ' MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME ! Srn •tni th• th.rbOr Are1.. Ladle• wily For ap,it. pleaaa eall H•r. 47" or H•t. 0292. a.a.eta t'l-Lost ud Found LOST, l'aod\t, black, t•m•lt l'PIY· ed, g'rey s roufld mouth. body t ri mmed evenly, Liberal reward. Llbcrt y 11·'381. 11ctt LOST -M•n1 wr!a\ \0'1.lch Rtw1.rd Har. r old f'Xpanelan 3lltr 0J --------- 24-~ools, ln1lructioa CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIF ICATIONS STUDY ln Rpn r• time for c:ontnc· tor"1 e1.an1Ln1t!on undir a r m · .,ra l cQn lr1.ctor with 2~ year• ""perlenca. ClU••• Tue•. 1.11d Fri. eve1. T:l O p.m. Attentl tlr•t 1e11\on free. Beglft anytime Al Tvler School • 1811 No. Broadway. Sani. Ana Ph. Klmberly 2·•228 or KJ T·llill '" Reol Estote School in Sonto Ano MEN It WOMEN prepart In 1,,.n timt tor unllmlled opporlW'llllu Jn Rel.I X.Lat•. Ne• claaMI weekly. Al Tyler tn1ll"ucUnr. At- tend nrat •va11lfll rr.a and leani •bout thl• l'fe•l tleld, C.U or write now. Al Tyler School lllll No. Broadway , 8-.nta An• Kl T-S!ill·K:t e-3•111·KE l ·Ulal U• Chino Pointing Day and l:Yen!n1 a..... Ordar1 TU:en N °" Good Used Furniture Complete houae or a~)t fumiahinp Bedroom, living room, dining room. Lawn and patio fumiturf' All kindl baby furniture Neor Nu Furniture Mort 28 19 Newporf Blvd, Newport Beach Har s.192 29-Help \\'an}_.., ____ _ CONSTRUCTION Joba o!l"n in SANTA ANA For n1en "''ho are w\Uln1 to •t1tt •• \\1lo 1.r1 18· -t~: H S 1 r1d· uatem Jobi w\1 h ucellent Ch""11Cl!I In •dvancr ' Include p1.irl vacatlon1 and holld•Y•. ~· di)' wk. Co. paJd pen.1lon &nd dl11blllly ,,.,,. HELPERS J CAREER BENEFITS APPLY .1030 E . Finit Santa Ana JI.on. -Fri. 8-t ORIG::NALS AF"l'ERNOON. Coollt&11. dlllflfl dtf1M1 Ii Coor<tln1t-. L'l!STOM DftESSKA.KDfO Ph. llarbnr 11281·R 13, .. ~ MERCURT 6 motor, 1:1 ft. ..U.p· 11bl• b(la.t, bo)'tl 24 ta. blllf' . Keflmore 1•1.ruum. Hu. 6530.\\' ..... Drostic Reductions Up to :IO?'o ON ,SUMMER DRICSSEI. ..,,_. r•t•, ort11~ 4 •mplu.. MARGIE WEBB 111~8 Bo. Coaat. Blvd., Lq'una Bch. 13Uo REMODELING. Doon, -..nettan bllnd1, Cold1pot 12 ft. .-.IMjt'., lt"ood condition. AlM) CB0 1CF. JUNK. Harbor 1Q2·M. 8Tt.8P RUG8--Whlta ahq-J'ou:t 4 x ._ •n•P tas•thV lo mall• I x 12. A.UO TU&' pad. Total f.U.16. Hubin' 2323. ITplll Fresh Hearing Aid llA'.ITEJUEI W• Oln Ml! Oram. atulPI SO. COUNTIES Gunderson Drug Co. XI.la It. •l Balboa ~ Balbol. GAS COMPANY Hu.., 01'. lltfO 14clt ANTIQUES -Old f\lnUtun, cut 28--Sltuatlou Wanted FEM.ALE HAIRDRUSER. with ,.1 .... lam~. oJd p.lctur ... clock• :::_;:;:_::::""::.-"'C:::;;;::. ___ I .oma foll.owlnr tor rut rrow· etr. BargaJn1 ploT't. Bir di•· Phon• Llberty,1-NU t•U. Roy's Maintenance lng Mop. MARIO'S SMART counll IO·dealerl . Ch-.rll• D•l1•. llET. JtOT E. Coan Hl(hwiy, 1808 !!. AnlJietm 9t .. lMll' Bch. HouM clea.nlng-noor •utns Coro~ del Mar. Sksa 1_.,.. __ 1_3_9_· ________ "_'_'' Wall wut11n1-•tndow cleanlnr Vr netll.n bllnd1. Upbolltery EXPERlENC::!:D G 0 VE I\ NESS, 30-8--.&ppU... l n1ured. Free Eatlm.at e1 perm-.nent tor • chlldf'l!ll. Pri-1 •~----"-"''°'°"""'------ Liberty •-1382· lttc ~'::. ~·a nv. in. 0 d•Y• ~:~ W ashinQ Machine Experienc'd gardener PHYSlCJAN d111Jree woman of· si:RVIC&' LANDSCAPING flee "u!1tant. Simple bookkeep-1-,..,-&'IJ&nlltall on Joba don•. ud °" UMd wuht.-. 2488 \i. and ~ UPS me. typing. i 1:w> mo. to ata.rL jnar) Newport B.I .. Coate. Meaa. Llberty 8-16:;9 \\'rite Box No. A·Je Ulla n•w•- Working Mothers Child care in my home day· time. Newport Heighta area. Liberty 8-767f. -CLEANING lie lRONlNG by I.he day. Eltperlenced. Balboa 111-.nd prefr.rred. Kl 3-ll-098. U EXPERIENCED GAl'tDENER GARDENING Ii yard work by d•J week or month. l.Iberty 8·111311 all<tr I . paper. Mell L!berty M503 or Llberty 8-4327, 64Uc WANT; Part lime (trl to work -ome e¥ta. • .oma •flunoon.a, mlll.lnr telephon1 1urvey ud sending out direct ma.II. Muat havt pleulns voice ud ne-.t handwrllUil'. CONT ACT Dick Johni.on. Lincoln Mtrc:ury. 100 W. C-.t Hwy .. Newport Be.ch or c:aJI L.I •-~"' for •pp'L Seen WANT • hlrh ..ehool or colle1• rtrl to live ln durtnc llChool. 8aJary boa.rd • prtnta room. Har. 2172. 17c811 FOR SALE -Col<Upot r .. t. with new unit , t•O. C11.\1 KI &·21 42. t I S2-1'11nt.1tare for Sale KORE QUALITY f'OR YOUR MONEY AT BAY F1.JRNITURE New 1---------------13 PC. ISCtlon&l •~" purs foa m GIRLS rubber c~!on.a, non cru1h hi· YOU lit• !"bric. top fuhion dl'~l,Jn . ••II ha.v• 1.1' opportunity Ice pink, turquo!H, tou\-i,,.ig-• to •dvanc1 tn our firm. J :i.39.60 Va.J u• •.•....• 1t S.y 11711 Collnty Fair Commercial Space EX hi bits Building Sold Out · COUl'o"TY OF ORANGE f11, beca.u .. 0£ our p-nt 1.11· S PC. curved center MK"llonat, pan1lon pro,.ra.m. graceful roomy 6 f'C'!mfort .. !np or RamodtllttcT 1-------------House Plans • 1n Ou• l o fitly re~rvallon11 •ntl r r.ntlnuPJ 1ntere•l. U1e coni mcr· '""' •how •pat e• llT? c:ompl,.l e l.v ,.,,,'1 <mt at t he 0 ?11nge Coun ty F"111r. l..oc•l.cod 1n lhe re-cently con1· r leted eithJbl!a bulldlnir. the r om· m#'rcl•I ahn.,.· y,:\ll pn'l\"lde v11ltnr1 IO'll h an 01"1J>Ortun1ty to Vle'W the newest 11nd mMt niodcrn r-..:11· Ille• •v•H1blr ror the ho1nr. All "'1tl 11 or i;:11t12,.111 11nd u m ... High Speed Chase Sends Man to Jail A 100 n1ph chue Jo10·n New· 11•11 l Blvd. rr.,n1 \\'llnut St., t.:01-1,, Me5a, tu Delhl H"'"' f'l rl,v :-l11turt"l•y m11rn!nlt'" re1111ltrd In 1.r-· ,,..1 of Rc:iland li1Laon \\'ella. i i , nr 1117 M•riruer1 te A\'e , Coron• •l~l Mir. \\'el\1 w... <'harked 111·i th drunk 1.11d. reckle11~ tlrlvlng h)' Coeta Me .. ponce •nd lx>o'k•rt In Oranlt"I Count)· J11 1t at 3-1~ ' m . ..,.v .. r1 '"'Ill be. demonatralr.d rtaily •l Ule Oran1te County Fair. 1:om- mencin1t" 1nmnlTilw ror • ~lit·<lay ruo. l~1 fe 11 Ill"! e•uu•r fur the AmPrtr.an hn1111~w1 (f' tO<"la\", and the r11.h1bitora i re out l~ prove 11 •t the r"mmf'rl."l•I 11how In thP 11p11rlnu11 ne'"' the 17~·•cre f'ithtblta bu1t<tln£ on (llirJ(TOOnd11, SA Man Hurt in Hit and Ru• Accident SANTA A.NA -OCNSJ Jack N. Goodm-.n. 6!. 718 S. Van N,.111, Sllllla Ana. au1taln..d minor lniur!e1 Thun1day artr m oon when hl1 hlcyr.Je '"'all 1lJt"11wtpe<1 by a ca.-wblcb r111rU to •top. Goodman told lha highway p&t· rol th .. •Co:ldtnl OCCUIT«I on Nt W• purl UL \•<1. n<r:a r Mt•• Drive, Cuat• t.le.8• ar .. 11.. H., 11Jd he tr-11JM the car north on Nf'111·por1 anol tvl!ll!\I · 1.lly IO'l.I a ble to Jot do\\'Tl t"a 1u,.pec1 '1 Ucr n1e num~r. Th• 1u11p.cted hH·a.nd·run car "lle1edly waa ~gUtered Lo .l. £. N'adlrlgh. 2~41 V\ata Dr1v•, New· port 8f'1.Ch. Goodman wu to ff'!! ror tnjur1e~ to hi~ h1.nd a doctor o m ctr1 \l.'UUam M. S.vac• Eh "-I •n•t Glenn E. \\'aJker ln Unit lftOft VI' rt lorn 4()!\ flral -.w the 19:'1ro CheV?"'llet A daughter 10·11 born J uly ?9 l'l1tlon ••1ron Wrl11 V1'11.& alle,:et1-1 to ~ft. Md Mr1, Edw"nt Ehm1n lv ~lr1rin&" •l !ht lnlf'tHOtion nf Ml 1., Aeacl• Ave. In SL Joaeph \\'11lnu1 St. anrt Newport Rlvd. H(ll'lp1t 11I. ~h .. IO"l!ljt"hPd T lbl., TI1" "hlcl• "''"• Jrlll n' north 111 II f"IJ., llnu~aJly hl,:h iflP'M'<l, th• nrfl - l'Pl'I' •Id. MaktflJ • tJ t urn al Walnut LEGAL NOTICE 1t1t ofncerao aped after the c•r· I--..;;;;;,.;;.;..;;;....;.;.,;;;.;.;.;;;.,;;;..;_ ttninr a uto. Apy.roach!ng W \l""n c·t:KTlt~ICA.Tr.: OF' ltU81NE~S ~t . the pol11:e unit wu <1oln1t t·1crmot·s rrax NA.ME 110 mph In • s:1.m1lf' zone ~·11h Th• underwlrotd doe. her~by lhf' 11,1•pecc pining 11;ieed. \\'Ith certify that h• 11 conduct1n1 a 111,. 1ta tton ••ron approa1m11tely v.·11olf'1ale dlltrlbuUon buain-a! ~oo t••t ahMd. t hey tumN on P.O . Uo x •Te. Balboa J1land, Cl.l.I· 1hl' polk•• tn111·1 r.!d tlJtlt 11n d forol1. under the n ctlUou• nnn !>lr•n. name or H ARBOR D1B'l1UBU· Al w ... DriY'I. ~ poUc. "n.lt TORS and that aa.ld nnn II c:om-.. ~i• tn.velllnr In f'it teM ot 100 po.Md ot tha tollo'Wiflg paraou. mph. reporta JLhow. iii. orncera whOH nam• In full &nd plac• of pullf'd up be•ldt Wf'lla al P•ula· ~nee •NI u foUowa, \~wit : t lnll but wtl'I IU'lable to •low LELA!'l.'i> D. PllATT him down. La.ter they •tt<'mpted 4T8·20th B~t 1.0 ro~e th• fiAtlnn w1.s;nn bl· Colt& M..._ c.lit. hLn <I tlw flnrlllbound c•t•. ll't'eU. Wltn .. my ltoud Ulll lMh dll.r malnlalned h\1 11pttd. IM offt· Of J uly, llOD. r .. r, •Id.. u l'I UI• pollr• untt had STATE or CAJ.D'OR.NlA In rt rop blor k to pT'tnnt ui ac· COUMTT Or OIU.J'ilQE J-. t l(lf nL On tJU1 111:11 '-:f Ill JWy, A.D. \\"ell• wu finally t~•d ott 1J6&, bdon ma. 1\0BERT r . t h, rot.d 100 fl. llOUth of Delhi WU' l'&I, a Notary Public a. Mid tot' .... OtwllJ' ... ltai.. rwkllac 0.•ftla, ~, ................. aad Thll 21 d1.y ot J uly, ltlM, per· .ori&.lly appeared before the un· d•relgnlll<l Nol•ry P ublic John Bri11bin -.rid St-.nlty G. Brilbln, known lo me to ba lha pel'IDfll whoH namra ar• tub.tcribed to Ole within docum,.nt and ackriow. ltdgtd to me lh•t Ulty eitecutad U!111 .me. H. R_ Rine No~&ry Publ!r In and tor ~llld County and State My Ct!mm l.IJ!lon Eitpl,... Oct. 30, 19~1 No. 802 Ne• .. ·PTP!lll a11. a. ie. 22, 19~5 McCarthy's 1oocro GUARANTllD CARS 14!0 !IO.· MAIN SANTA .u<A 54 Fard, V-8 4 dr. Co. S • d • n. Fordom•tic. ~&H , power 1teorin9. $690. Do-. 54 Ford r•nch w•gon. Over·Drive, very low mile1. $590. Dowll. SJ Ford r•nch w•gon. Erir• nice, full price, $1575.-$475 Den. SZ Ford r•nch w•gon. R•dio, htr., O'drive. Full Price, $1475. $390. Dawa. '"'" CEMENT 6 BUILDING All Kb)d1 FREE ESTillATES Llberty 8-310il Ca.ll f'rallJt:. Liberty 1-ttM All Work Ouaranttad '76tlo PAINTING U..'TERIOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -lNSUJUCD Glenn Johnston '1<11 • 311l SI, Newport Beaeb Hubor Jl 111 J2ttc .. ~1-------~-----------Bookkeeping Generol Controctor ATIENTio " Service LlCENSED Contr-.ctot•, S\ort'kttpera New Work: -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Ne~rt .omeOll• to rell,v• you of U\01r. monthly bookkeeping wor- rie• 7 A~k 1.bout our re•110n•blt .,0 rate•. Har. i ll81·J , 81cllT Harbor 0693-J ~tfc l--~-----~-­ ~-------- PRAC. N URSE. wlah cue for all or part IO'\nter. Comp. tr•velar. Xlnt. ref1. C. Symond•, 370 Loa Ol!v01. La.run• Be"ch. 117p8V HOUSEWORK by day or waek. E:itpertt"nced, loc•l ref. Ll 8-877• '"" EXPERIENCE D Or ea• Designer wl1.he1 inttre1Un1 part t lme employment. A lao r1.pertenced In •&lta • f...ttlon 1how co- otdin11 llr.n. \\'ril' B(lll D-19 l hll' p1pt t. A8p9() ALBACORE hill !hr 14 m!le I) 11 n k '. J.lccnw d 11.p111rlencf'd Sk\J)p~r a\•a1\. p11.rt • !lme or yrly, Htr, l :211-\1.'. 88pll0 The 1tart1n1 1al•ry la l"f.de durabl• cover, ch1.rcoal- (ood •nd you 'NIU receive belce-rote pink. frequent lncrea.w1. too. J2t9.60 Valu11 ·-··· at B11y 12111,:'lf! Jobi now tor; ' PC. mapl• wood arm 1 rp. All TELEPHONE OPERATORS matched, .ar1., Jll•ttonn rocktr. -Apply -club chlLlr, 2 1tep l'nd, l coffe• !il•\.i No. M1ln Strttl labia. Nubby twe-ed covar•, Rm. 211 -Santa An11. J!!Jll.00 Vl.lua ... _ .• •l B•y 11119.&0 11:00 to 4:00 P .M . 'I PC. bednn.. srp., modff11 8·dr PACIFIC TELEPHONE dbla. draaaer, mirror, 2 nu• T3tlc It.and&., booke&M hdbo&rd, m<l'll.I A'lT!:NTION ALL BOYS THE NE"'S·PRESS 11 now t&klnl' carrier app!!c1Uon.1 for route• ln the•• nelghborhooda:- B1!001.. \l.'~"t Ne.,.•porl, Bal~ 11 .• Newp<Jr t Heij!"hll. Ct!rona de.I Mar and Cost.a Mt•a. frame, lnneT'ap'. rnatt. lie boll 1prlnp. 12311.&0 Vl.lua ··-··-•l B&y 1179,:'l(I rwis SIZE (39"'t lnn~pr, m111 wit h m•lch.. bo1t 1pr1flp. ~11.110 Valut: ..... _ Slll.t~ a ""~ OSLE. ro.ll•W•J' bed f'-8'") with Jnnar1prln1 msltr••· Elec. Tool Repoir FOR RENT .21>--Heip WOAted !JIUI! SI.WI, Eire. OrtU1, P0111her1, I"'--"=~~~==----­ If you are l2·14 yrs. old, and have • bleycle. •PPIY •t tile CL~ul•· t!on 0..pt.. ?'111wport Harbor l"r10'1·Jire11, 221 t B•lboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. bt~tween 10·12 a. m. or •·:'! p. m . unly ritcept S•lurd 1t.ya. tic S:l3.llO Va.Jue -........ -at S.,. Nt.&O ."> PC, chnirna or MUii Wuk dW.· ette af'l 31.11140, mlca top aal 11roble, 4 fa.m l'\lbber -t din . Jllnk. turquol11•. platUium Wood· _.rUD walnut, chan:o.J er GU 9lrll Baw1, Drllll, 81.11d1 .. QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. •!Ml No. N•wport Blvd., NpL Beh. Ubtrty 1-8313. 44 tfc We'll Help You Write Ads Thot GET RESULTS Courteoua NeW•·Pre11 C\•11if1f'd Ad·Talcf'rl I.re lr•lne<'f tn tc.Tltf' ert~rltvt: 11d1 Throuirh Jong' r1.ptri"n<·• i nd a thomurh u"d,r1t1ndlnr Qf sd.,er- U1i"g .,,, can put your '"·1nll in to word1 lh•t 1et •ctJ (ln. ~t UI help )'OU •II; TOoLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CAll.s 6 TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRtlla:NTS • • OR Gill' A. Tl:N'ANT FIND YOU A JOB G&'I' YOU A HELPER n.. N.,..•Prw O •Mlfled 411- TU:sn .,.. _,.n.. Md ~ are at )"Ollf l!ll'Tlce. Juat pboM ILUlBOR 1818 aU typi11 of Sa.ndl'ra, Whtelba.r· row•, •tc. BOYD'S HDWE. 21130 W. COAST HJGHW AT 1.Jbe:rty 1-34.35, New-port Bcb iltfc . COMPLETE PAINTING I: Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. SA l/NDERS 600 Slat Street. Newport Beach Huber 211711 Or Hu. 444.8. tfc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LJCEN8ED COl'oJ'RAC"J'OJl ITI 'A'. lllh St.. Co1ta Mtea Liberty 1·8821 ASPHALT· TILE Aluminum Y.'e.ll Tll• Mtcn. Dlllrlbutor~ \\'hol-le pMce• 10 Contn c:tor1 lie Tll• 8etttr1 LI 8-7<93 68tfc A)cobol.ica .&.DOD)'mOU Wr1'41 P. 0 . 8-Ill M.wpart 9-c.b.. CaliL no-llarbor 4 T" ... Superfluous Hair ~-tl)t ~ fn:lllll fMlll ..,.., ..... .,........ ........ ... -.,..._.,.o man ~,. m..&.ID't 1.. Bl\1'.AlfT "' .. U.O"a laJoa '11. .. UtJ' llar. :11'71 ... A~c~ptinf a ppliellliOn• t ar \\""' I Tit>;ssE~. CAR-JIOl'S COOKS t.:Loc..:·s lJRIVE IN, 216112 C"""t H wy., Hun lln(1.on Beach . ~ 811cli8 POS ITlON optn to re..i t•t•le .... 1,~m•n · Man \O'ho w1U put lo tlrne -.nd ""ork Lo hulld bwoln1111. Ho1. D-!11 \h\1 p1.per. 17c8V EXPERIENCE D HOTEL MA10 , 11t1dy work. KEN Nll.1':8 VIiia ,'dar!na. Harbor 1800. 17c811 -•• -K-Y--C-U_U_K-.-. -,-,-1-,.-n-,-.-,-,-,,·. -W-o-,-,,-d I l ti'i ~ Value -··-.• at .,.. tofil llkt yuung 111an t•i irruw wltll A.Yr. BJZll: jt"U t•llKe 130"'1 4 org1n1:r.at111n. Abo w11treaa. full bumer1, QVf'n hest °"'*"°'· ur part tl!ne Uurger i..1,. 39111 broHer. t:oa.'t H1ghw"y• C.IM . !16c81! SI I~ 60 V1.l ut -~-at Bar t?"t GJRL--0 .. ~r ••"V• nteen u cttm1J11n· Ion for t"'·o younit jt"!rl• S a.nd 12. 1'wa to l hrr,. v.·er k11 •lun nK AUJ· u1t. Ocean ti r,n\ prt"•f><'rly own- ~•. Rtff!tenct:• f '"QUlrPt"I, I~ w Bur7111 ~•.11 No J un" St.. 1..-wi An11;elt • 4, Hnll)"Nood 7·114113 86p81 ) re. tohliflg br1d&• Mt. an IMhl rh11 Lr1 & ta bla Jeg1, 533.110 V11h1• .. ···-.. at aa,. IW.'6 FJREPLAt:E TOOL 81'11',"bMick 111•roui;bt Iron Include• •t.n<'I comp!~!•. • p\e<:'9 • -~·-··-"9.fl& rv S WIVEL •rm rocken, bklnt'I~ "''nod or Wl'l)U,(ht lrnn. EXPEfUl:NCEO FRY COOK or \\'ANT llEAL t:STATE RAl.~· pr•pli..r&Uon man. Full t ime. - SNAC K SHOP. 2.lfl~ F.11•t t:o-..l 142 !10 Va.luf. _ . _ M. 1'1oaJ' -Ml Hwy., t:dm. 17c89 MANY of!iee JOlM Oen'!. off ice, mM:h. opt:n.lor1. bookk"Plnl Ii 1.cc\'1. po1!llon1. Al•o dome•Uc, rnt•ura.nt It oth,r•. Harbor 11.r r•. Top commlMIOll In on~ ""ho '"'"nl~ to m•k• money • n"I a.tr1.1d 10 wnrk HOtiSTOS REALTY ~Oii Cen · ter St, Coll• Me.. l...i A-111111 -Eve. Har. :1298-\\'. tfc BAY FURNITURE 'Y.'l1er1 prlte• Ir• held at ...., ' ~27 E. 17t h -Cc.ta M .. r~tw .. en Tulllln 6 JT"Ytns JCNE FARRAR EMP'L. AG'CY.1-------------·I Open Eves.. .tn 8 'n2•.,. 32nd St., •crou tram City SO--___ ll_lott __ lltaeo ___ .. _______ 1 FARM HOt:J>E STYl...E IOta MO. _H_•_"-·-~-~-""-'-'-----'-'-'-"_1 Hl!:AUTlF1JL ar t. •IJ.e retrlg. 2 niatr hlnJ: J;h111re i:i!ll Meh, Beacon Personn el 100% ernployrr retain@d agency NO fee collected from applic&nt n1arty new. lar1e trM.11:1n1 It <.: A. T V SIOO. L"hairt at draw· •pact:. L.111 than half price. ,. .. f.10 -1 t win DM, coinplet" Har. 2~72-J 2701 He•1'11.,.. I Vf!. It r hu t 13~. 2 mat tl-u d 18cl 0 l'pr1. SJO . .Hsr. 24114. 17c8S. SECRETARY lijke new, 2 h&nd 1'\\'0 &x lO Hrown .-.11111.1 1"\11'1 Sl~ m1.de liunpl!hadtt. Minno1. Cam· f!llrh nr 2 tnr 12!\ r'!"l:Ut, Lil>() t ra 6 hthl ntf!l er ,\!.alclled J>AF!.K, ITptl./I Patty !kr1 (<'.'If Cluba It ca rt_ BY PRIVATE PARTY, Be.lboa l.t • Har. lt71 llplO 1'11• ya11r •pp\Jcatlon with ua.1 _______________ land. 1ila'l'1, t•ftl(., cllrCNM thl'I · For u.o .. •ho WU! Ula belt •-U" Ht, t"ll'l pf!t al'ld MatCILlltlt" W1 Mv• de.U. open.1n11 fOf' K I I • c:ha.Jt, <l•v"n....-. cl'laln, tabl•~ ~. booalleirptr • c~-onke 'e nter1ore rteak, bonkc-7.',' ltt . "-'· 1119 el.I and <'1omt"1lle ht:lp. Upholirtery. d"fl"'1"· 1tlpca'l'tre, tTcflll BEACON PERSONNEL IApac:71 Nirwport a.ch ""' bedapr•1.da. N't• phont: F'r•• nl..P.:SCH PROV. turn. Lo"I •at ~Y 3.11113 r ..... u m1.t11 .of•. ch"1r & c<itte. ta.bl• 431 E . J 7th I t , Colrl• M~.. '~•111 1 ,,covet lnr . &IJ5 S..on11 l!&M CDM Ku. OT~. llr.flf• • ' I I ) It-A-An~ .... ~~~~~~ Antique Sale v v' Check these Used Cars Twin brua beda. beautiful l:nc- hah w tnul bed. Lamp l&blu, coffu t11blf, JtAk, lampe and mi.eel plfC~ll Buy trom a tocaJ deaJer who •111 be! hent TOMORROW to back up what he Klis TODAY! JU CHARDSON'S YA C HT AN· crlORAGE, Bay•tde Drive. Eut of Balboa Laland brida-e. Mc91 AUGUST SPECIALS! 1953 CHEVROLET B<'I Air -t dr. power 11teeri11g S3 Boata, 8apph R & H. WSW, powt'r glide only S 1 ,1:?~ WANT TO CHARTER, boal on •hare be.ala. 6 to 10 party cap&· c:fly. Have part.tu Uned up. ~U­ able operator Ref. rall after e pm. LI 8·6376. 8ip80 28-Jo'T. MAHOO. PLANK <.:AB.lN r n.tUler. Sleep11 t , head. calley, 93 h.p. It bait tank. S198ll. 4110 Rl•er Ave., Newport, }{Arbor 3640-R. 81Uo 1953 PLYMOUTH Cra11brook Club tpe. Hlidio 2 tone paint, all new t ir('l'I 1950 BUICK 4 dr. Sedan. Light grN•n. R & H Dyna!low $1195 $795 1952 DESOTO V-8 4 dr. Sedan, hght blue, power steering, R&H. Electric windows. Only $1195 LOU REED 28' STEELCRA1'"1' flehtng bo•l All equipped, rtady t u gu. BRA?\P NEW w1thtn 6 houre runninC Ume. Coat 17200. Sack· n ... fon::u aale. A real b&rga1n al $49911. Har. 3209-R. 87llc CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEAL.EH 1200 W. Coast Highway Ph. Llbcrty 8-3-th6 Moat Real Eatate Ctaui!ied Ada Th• New•·Prt'M publlshee aev- f'ral Umee u many real eslal1' Cl&a1lfied Ad• aa all olht'r local papera combined. HARBOR 1616 PADDLEBOARDS New 12~ ft.-$39.60 J 10 H11ntlngton Ava .. Htg. Beach. L~lngton 6-t793. 87cl S!':!PE w1l h ea.ill Ir dt>lly. Good cond1UOn 1,00. 231 Vl& Eboll. Lido lala. l:l&r. OOO ·W. 87c89 JI>~ 'I. T . .!-'ORD V·8 pll'kup, ~000 miles. Heavy c111tom rear humpt"r. 5 hta''Y duty Uru. Trlllle for rabln cn.tlMr or •'IU!h. Harbor 619:,. 87p89 S4-MW1k-al, Radio, T V AUGUST SPECIAL ! We ntlld aeveral upnghl pranoa for Fall rt'ntats.. Extra large trtlde allowances made on any SpmH pil\:10 or Elertnon1c orgn.n 1tl SHAFER's Mu•ic Cn.j Since 1!1071 421 ·423 N. Sycamore, SIUlla An11. P h Ki, 2,0612 RCA V.ICTOR CONSOLE with 12" sp .. akt-r. $,37 delivered. TARTAR TV CO. 2904 E. Coast Blvd., Coron11 ll<'I M11.r. Har. M91 ~:Hfc BECHSTEJN. One or the world'• gre&ll'st pllU\O• Ju11t Ilk,. new Dood for grneratlons. You will be t hrllled t.o hear and play lhas magnlttcent tn11trument. Th t low prlc-e will 11stonl~h yllu. OU!er grands aa low M $1!15. DANZ-SCHMIDT R1g Store. ~>20 No. Main, Santa An&. 01wn Friday !:VI', 30 FT . ELCO ca bin l'ru1aer, com· ORGAN SPECIALS plctt ly Pq11lppcrl Slrtre 5 $!'1300 Hnrbor 61!lll. 87r89 HAMMOND Sp1ntt nqi;ans. like ---------new. Brg 1avingll. 13' \\ 111;,\IUI, Mt rcury Mark 20 -- mlr' l(l!H mooltls F.x•·CI. "ondl· LOVELY single manu11l t>ll'CI ronic lion, J:IOO. H M . 0:179-J. 8ip89 organ in perftct condition. Stl\'e - -S"4'10. Convenient terms 11l i2 F'T:l'LASTIC W lZARI> r-ww HOAT. for sale. Har. i28. 87c88 SHAFER'S Music Co. (S\nre l\1071 42t -•23 S . Sycamorr. Santa Ana 1•1' l'lJ~Tl>M DELUXE uutboard Phone Klmbl'1h· 2·116i2, Yl\l'ht 'frnllrr. 11'8" be&m. extra HAMMOND ORcA.NS.utlle ui<rll . islreni;th con.9l. Up to 32 mph w ith 2rt HP mtr. rhllltpine ma· One only famous easy to plll.Y Ch11rd Organ. One b<!aullful li•1.r. thru·oul. A IM> rxcellenl f ,.kl bunt. $7C>o M tllllplayea. St-e Sµ111et Mc1<lel. Won(Jtorlul or churrh or home. Vr-ry hb••ral a t lA>n'.~ (';Ar:<1:l', 2026 H11rbor. Cnxta :\fl'l"ll . 86r88 aa,·1ng on lhetie two lovrly In· 11trumrnlio. -i~Autos and Trucks ___,.. 1 9~1 $ll~ VALLEY MERCL~Y. ult powf'r equlpml"nt, t.•rms. L'aU U" 11 .. r. l.l 8·3663 or Ll 8·62:?3. b6l!c '53, SIX <"'YL. ('11~lom 4dr. F ord Se1l11n. 1..,w mileage, lop comh- tlon autom tran11. R&:H W SW. PRICE11 FOR QUJCK SALE! J111rbor 21i4-R l\firM8 CO~I PLJo-:n;LY CLE AN, 1952 S\111ld11\k1•r Ch11n1plnn, ~-dr. ne· luxt• m11<l<·I. perfrcl thru nut S69rt llttr. 1974 8llc87 l!H I PLYMOUTH LI 8-31101 S9ll, 86c88 48 T'l.YMOt'TH 4 dr.. rebuilt motor ln.tt••lltli yf'ar ag0--C26 Rl\'•·rllldt•, ~e" port Bee.ch. Ll 8·33:?6. 87r 9 19:'!11 STl'llE 2 tlr , radio, healer, J3~ '."u tax or Ileen""· Owntr, HRr hur 31\~l'·R. l:-7trc 19M FORD M nV Ext'ell • <Ond. .R&H u'il Spllllltl', r .. nt. ..-iL 1 rm blRt k Lnp. 1 'rll'<'ll to t-i•ll uwn<'r ll11r 242·.. b-;'1 9 ·5~ C ·A U'ii:i":A< · C<JUJ~ ole \'all;:: Pcrfl'• l Cf•n•lalllln I Owner. lr1w milt lll(l'. 1•n ,·i1tc party will fin· !\!\Ct'. liar. •11111. 1.\7189 ---1!117 n1·1c·1<.:? dr. d .. nn, j:O(•d 111nnln>: Ill rlrr, rea.11einablc. I.I. 821i0 Sl!t-90 l!)t\'l C"l\DILLA<" !st -2•1r. fme Mnll, orli:. pR.lnt. :-ltw l1rrs. SIOOO. Pri. owner LI 8·61irt 8';'1•89 J!lol l Ill 'I •~ON r<'lll'" t;ornt l1rt'S. '48 mt r. In Jt'll~l t•nnrl. J89. $~. oln l.llll'rly 11· l!lZA 8if'89 ;:; • ..-uoT ALBACORE 'BOAT. 90 DANZ·SCHMlDT, ~20 r-:o M&1n, hr. C11mplfll' . .M•iorlng included I S1111ta .Ana. OJX•n Frid&y Evt-. nrsu Newport H11rbor Yacht SPECJAL Bt.:Y: --- nub Jl2M. Harbor 33PO. 1 HEAUTIFUL SALEM mapl• Sr tn· 1941\ FORD, nrw mntnr & !1rrs. 86tfc ' • Xlnt '" nnon11r ul tran~port1111on, et piano. Rental return Famous $:.'!'If>. LI ll·~fli\ 871'119 F0R SALf:-7' 6" row boat. 3300' mak t Like new. Save $~115-_ \'ul L1th>, Nr1A-part Beach. 86p881 Convenient termA at--For a d~dal>lc ll.9ed ca.r. see SHAFER'S Mu.le Co. I Since J907) your locaJ '1e&ll'r who will be here FAIRLJN!:R 26 It. !Win 11erew11. 421-f23 N. Syramore. Santa Ana TOMORROW to b1tck up what he ~rPy tlrf' b11lb1 loaded. Al con· Phone Klmhl'rlv 2-06i 2. l('lls TODAY! ChrC"k the ustd •hlton $7,7:io. LI 8-6710 s:ittc I · -cars tn the cl&-U1!1ed l!l"cUon lo-O N'E. STYLE B STEIN\\'A Y, Mf:Rl.:URY SlirER 7'i H r Ell.· ~bony $1ill!\ day. 1 rll!'nt ronilltlnn. Sl:l'1. 1932 l!Ar· ·WOODWORTH PIANO CO , 261 0 41-Aut-O Sf>n·kr l>Or Blvd , Co11ta Mrsll. 8oc89 !:. Coa11t Rwy., Corona rlel !\far. Har. 3382 ~6r88 ll\ F'T -~AI LROAT, mlln 111411 • --- Jlh ,ornplrtr. cluiof'<t bnal $13:1. RF.NT a pnirtlcc.prann 1111 low as r;, ry Mar111' 1 l111::1:er <'n1tlnel $6 pl'r mo v ·l the ktthll•"' t rnns111111!\1on & r r\'r l'l•P J:•'llr re· learn. All lHm rent Aflj.Jll"!\ if ··~ntly ovtrh11 ule•I S\76. Liberty ynu buy h1t€'r, t< ;1111\i liic8!1 DA:"'<Z·SCHMIOT. :120 No M11in, Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. ...--... ·-······-·M8.88 ill ~-r t!•:l:t C'llll' CHAFT twin w hlrh tn rh1'1()SI'. 8 Cyla. .. .................. _.S58.88 . ---I SllJllS\ A nn 100 pi1tn r111 trnm 111'rl'W, 1·1·own Srwrlnl. 10 ft ___ __ _ __ _ l1N1m, Rl1to p11oi. rudl!l, 11le<'p~ I STRot ·o B 11 by grand 11111111" fnrl11f11>1 bll!l1 lnbnr 11n'1 flllrlll. 4 F'nnm ruttlJl'r n1f\tl11'~H<'~ MRhni;. nrNlle p<iint h"nrh $:'1."10 Nrw rlni:~. wrl1<l p1n!I, valve 1.10 hr11 11n rnginr~ 8 a pp1 uv~il 00:1 Rrgnnl11, C'DM H11r 117!1~ .. , i:rlntl. (ill1nj!'11 ut mnln 11nd r r>d lofo jarkel!\. HAJ 1704 88rll0 Sllt'!lO hr u1·1ni:s. E:-.r<'rl motor tune up. _ _ _ ----__ !l0-1l11v <or ~ C)(IO mlll' ._"ll"ra.ntce. 7'; hp mntnr (') R "'Ith 1•url11ge I i " MOTOROLA TV (l'\O M00!l:F:Y nO\\':\). s:10. Nnrthlll enclior. 2!\' C'ha1n. w ith AM & FM radio. 3 11rr_;111 REBUILT ENCTNES 1no n~w ''"" JJ09 Retard lad· phnnogr11 ph. Reduced to SI~ •. 1-l'r to 15 MO:'lo"T'HS T('I T'AY- Mr $21\ 22" hf" rin" $i lAn· TARTAR TV CO "' • j B111ll ln our own f11 r torv bv J11kllll'<l t•'rn!I /< l~lmh11l l11mp. NII\'~' 8 2!l114 E. <'111u•t Bh'll., C<'rOn11 tlf'I machtnlll~. Pon'l rnntf'.nrt w1t.h o111r rll•• k. s:?:. :I \\ln!h hlln•llf!'S ~:..r HAr :1491 i-:1trc thC' m111rll(' m11n. BllV, 1llrN'l, S7 :>0. Jnri 106 \'1a Mt•nlune. 1.1.111 1~1'· wt~k l'nrl11 or CR.,!\l· HAMMO!':D ORGANS. f'ull ltnf', REBUILT and INSTALLED ''lf'W ft.8ft!)!'I w~k d11y:1. s,-.p98 all mod.•1". Fr"!! pracU1•e room11. \ SHORT BLOCK Come 1n 1111d play un ony nro lrl. mRn . ...... .. ... -·-.. ·• U Z!l ;.o If! h r ~frrrury :">f.lrk 20 mt•lnr Th .. Crt>At l'<trtt <'rt Org11n, thr f'HF.\'HOLET .......... -...... SH!l :.o 11:!1\ M11r11:•\l1I. Cn1 "n• df!'I Mar Home M'""°'· the !'hun h 1U1tl thr I'!,~.' M It 0110CE . _ .. ---·--$1 ;,:; ll"r 2'l71·R 88p8(1 S'1'1net Mtorlf'l!\ If yflu thtnk CHRV~ ,t. Df; SITTO ... _._ S1i0 HAWAuAI' BAL::!A WOOD you cannot play, cume In And STl.;DEliAK~:H ...... -... SliO SURI" BOARD eu1t11ble for tOO try I.ht world famous H1tmm1tnl1, OLn!'; &. l'O:\'TIAC 6 ....... -... SITO t•r 1~10 lb 111ltr Sro:'I Hllr. 1986 f!'llHY lo j.Jl3 }', C'hnf'.\J Or~. Yo11 Rl'IC'K . ............ .. .... -... -... Sl7:1 "l'tk tnd,.. fil!t u11 "di bt' 11ston111h~<I tu f1nt1 y11u Ht,;IJ:O:ON .. _ .. .. ... St 7:; --I "'11 plxv Ill (tfto••·n llllOlll•'!' Loan r l\r Fl't'C Towing ~Tl'RP Y r trondltlont'IJ MC"N&lly DANZ-~'W~l!\flPT 1'1111111 & Of')(lln t•u1ll ~11<1wblrtl l't•rf••t·t f11r your c.. Hom,• •of th•• H.t11111111n.I, ;>: f;\\' (•AR 1.l'A HA '!1.'TF:F. Y•"llll!i<t,.11" fri.l 1<t1ihng Jc111nt" I ~20 Nu Muon :-;1rntu Ana BltJd< 11\ll~l m1•d our sl.ind11r.J1 , 11.1 1, ,1 flllh• rqllll'P\!.t. Sl t~l l'lu11 lft .. '(1•.11, ~"><k1•1s amt rill :-;y,.1111111n· i•.IJ•l4i ,0 v11nlnlfl" tl7cX!! l(('A \'l('TOI< :.n 1 ·.,1 .. 1 T\' ,,.. Op••n !-\11ntlay JO a.m. tu 2 11.111. 1•1~·,-.~ bllll k 11 n1I wh1l1• , ,.., l'A:'\l IJ·: ll1·11uU!ul 18' natural TARTAR T\' CO. I '•••htr lnmlnalNI 1u111 fll"Oldle11, :Z!ltl4 E . COR.'ll Rli'd s.1 :111, tnri l\111~on. "'11\t•rfrnnl of M .. r. t ·.,1111111 olo·I li:llk Har. Mll.1 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS .$7-\fantf'd to Rent NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 ~QNDA Y ,· AUGUST I, 1955 WANTED WINTER RENT AL Balboa Island BY OWNER, KOPPER KETTLE _n __ R-.l __ f'Aate _______ _ 4 bdnna. & 3 baths, located on Lldo Laland, West Bay Ave., or Ocean Front near Catholic Church. We have a bonafide tenant. . DUNCAN HARDESTY , Realtor 2602 New port Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 8&90 48-Apta. & Ho09ee for Rent 43-Apta. & Bouee for Ren~ Cabanas Marinas Lido Pe ninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utllitiea pa.id. with Yacht atip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc reatauranL Good cotng bualneu. Tbe beet ot equtpmrol. Seat. 3t . May COMldtr trade for amaller pla.oe or propnty CA.LL L1 8-3813 &.fternoona. 80tfa sa00 PU TS YOU JN retail atort aelllng oandy. cookie•, ice crtam. etc. Srv11rul urange County 1or11t1ons a\011.Jlithle Wrlle Cookie Jar Co., 933 \\', Balboa. :'llew· port 8 C8('h, Phone H•r 3"111 -W 87rll9 Re2taurant Center ?'\ewporl Bc&cb. On It M t beer H ie. Mu1t It'll -dO<'tur'1 orcte1·s Total pne" rPd11ceJ to U f>OO -· yrl)' grU<11 SJ0,000. DA!': A. JAC'OBSf:!': Ll 8·11317 Associate Wanted FOR S~I ALL PROFITABLE USED CAR OJ'ERA TJON I &m exper1enc«-d rar man. r11n bl.ly or ,, .. 11. am looking for • partn<>r or ~c1'1l,, must have 8boUt S2&00. Ltih talk IL 0~1,r, "'rile Bo" B .J 7. thla newrrpapn. 86p88 Rentals Wanted 43-_A_-_A_J!_ta._f_or_Ren_t ____ M-Monex to ~ BAT VIEW APT. on LJdo Penln· 47-Wanted to Rent We need a.pta ud bou.e.a ln all eectiona tor bOt.h wmw ud year1 leue. Furn. or u.n/W'U. wlL New Ir attractive panelled NO COMMISSION livJnc room . 2 bdrma. F or ytarly No Appraisal Fee lMM. Ph. Har. 21111 or Har. 80. SALES _ REF'INANC'E 65t!c U you have a vacanc1· pboDe tod&J The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Crt. B'wy .. Na"'f)Ort BA Phone Uberty &-3•81 '°8 Martne, Balboe llland Phone Harbor «• 2667 It Cout Hy., corona del Mar Phone Harbor l H 1 Udo Ortlce, 3416 Via Udo Harbor 49il 32Uc WA:>..:rTO"° LEASE Serl. l, two or three txtrm. furnl11hd ho~e. On or nrar waterfront. Balbo&. Write Bolt C·l8, lht. pa~r.- VACATIONERS WE HA VE a Y&rlet)' ot new nice- ly tum. rent&la available ln Newport A ucuna. $30. wk. A up. Inquire 304·32nd St.. Npt. Phone Harbor 1226. 77p90b FURN. HOUSE SepL l , Twin bed.a • bed divan, fireplace, corner lot. C"ood locatla11. 2 adult•. 721 Poppy, Har. 06M-M. 66fltc 87p89 FOR LEASE -------------l TWO BEAunll'UL 11nr lrvine 48-Apts. & Bo09t:lt RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna er.Jc Blanche Gates, Rltr. • 311 Marine Ave. lJ&lboa l aland, Har. ltl7l 72t.fe Terrace untum. 'flew homes. 3 BDRMS .. 2 bath.a and ~ BEDRMS.. 2 b&Uu. CaU R&rbor 1775 or Harbor HU. EARL W. STANLEY, ~altor lrnn11 Tenaca Office Corona det Mar. 33llc CLJ1"JI' RA VEN. Unlum . 3 bdrm hoUH, near "1l!ooUI, f111ced patio. l'&rb. dlap., wll.h or w1 lltout cardner. Leue. Av&Uable Sept 1. Harbor 44 u .w. 87c89 SEPT. 1·15. •too week rum. 3 bedrm., 2 bathe. ruponaible adult.. Alao winter renta.I. 172S Pia&& de! Sur. BalboL 87c89 CORONA DEL MAR, all new 2 btlrm. apt. Ocean vacw, larg' llv· ing rm. It tllnlnK area. J alouate windows. Hdwd. fire.. knotty pine kitchen. llle dbl. sink 8.J1d wnrk table. garba11:e dap. Tile t ub .t: 8hower, glu• dour11 En· rloaffi carpeted stairway pr1vat.@ entrance .t: hall. Gar .. with 1tor-ruRN. 2 bedr'm. home. by mo, or 11ge a reL l.Aundry, auto. w11her J'f'ly. O&ra&'•· Avail.. 8epL lf>. & rl rirr. Av111I. ~pt. l , 308 Mar· 1117 W. Bay. N~rt. Harbor guerite KI 3·0758. 8it'89 3886 before noon. B7ttc OCEAN FRO:-<T -S padoua 1 or 'BAYSHORES. StpL 6 Utru J une. l bdrm. Ent'l08ed pa Uo. volley Furn. 2 bdrm. house. Bay view. ball cnurt. lovely ''le"'" Summer l;ncJOMd patio, dillp., Ben'1ix l\nl'\ winter rmt&l1. see at 73M wu h . twin It klng alze bed&. W Ocfan Front, :"lcwport Reh. :Ml>l Cr•tvte'W, Bayahore•. or rail Har. 1232-W except Mon. 88p90 & Tul'l"ffay. 88p3 48-AptA. I/ HonAH for Rent BALBOA ISLAND CHA.RM.ING 2 bdrm. ho111e, unf., a U carpetffi and draped, nl~e ya.rd. SlOO on leue. Open Fri· day, Aug 12. J l a.m to 3 p.m. Sre al ~1 6 Polneettla. Corona ~l Mar. NOnnandy 2-9S98. 8!!c89 • CO!'\STRUCTJON Call for Free Fa.at Commitment• on Reeldences and Unit.I only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8·5541 L1 8·tl562 LOA.NS TO B\Jl.Ll.J. OIPROVI: BUT, MODERNIZE, Oft REFIN A.NCI: W a Buy Ttu.t Deedil H'EWPORT BALBOA 8AVINC>e A-LOAN ASSOCI.ATION S368 Via Udo. Ph. Har. UOO t.r. LOANS for Romes 6"-20 1'f". i.... Construction Loans sn BOB SA TrLER 25Ui EA.ST COAST BLVD. Corona del ).iar Harbor 3388 Rep. POIRll:R MORTOA.01: CO. Metl'O Ute In.. Funda Kl. 3·518& Uttc Quick Cash Loans on furniture, auto, salary. $.50. to $750. or more. One day service Application may be made ln per- ann, hy phone or by mall. CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co11ta Meea LI 8·7i51 -Open J'rldaya till 8 Clo11ld Sat urday-ttUc 5.17~ ~tate Wanted I .. , 'GENERAL CONTRACTOR Balboa Coves 120' pn tha walft'fronl w1t.b ff&· wa.U. Love.ly modem home wtUt tare• llv1n& room. lanat dining room, m od • r a klt.ahell with bu\llln range, ftreplace, paUo with bart>eque. landKaped a.ad fenced. Prlce $39,000. CHA.B.LP.l8 r;. HART , Realtor 3420 W. Ba.lboa Blvd., Npt. Beach 17ctt La.cun& Valu• Octan View Lot.a 2 -~0x l60. both for . $3600 l-6000 aq. ft. .. .... $•600 1-Larunlt& VICJU.IY• ....... 17~ A.DELI!: IPSEN, REALTOR F'ra.nk W. Kill Francia BlrnJe H.arbor M9~ HY •·1)028. 87pl "C" THOM AS •·C" THOMAS Corona Highlands EXCEPTIONA L VALUE -Le•· llv. room, 3 bedrooma. llutwd. no0,., rood vt-. m rl. paUo . .,... N"llent flnanr tng, f'RtC!: RE- DUCED lo . Slt.760 Lido Isle Bayfront Lovely 3 bdnn. :S b&U\, 3;. yr. oltt home. ntwly dl'l'Otall'rt lnaJdt • out. new w to w C&11W1Un1t. drapea, nice wtU pl&nted pallt) with built-In bllr~rue, Imm•· 111ate occupanry, P J ll R antt FLOAT. tum.11th r d or unfurnl~h · ed. Submit terrM on u kJn1t pnce tumlah..S --· -·· .. . S~.ono ' Bayshores TWO ot the clle&pj!tlt ocean troat • Ioli left. Two for SllS,1500. COMPLETELY runNlS!i.!:D I HOMER E. SH.Al"!:R bdmu. atlra.ctJva liv: room. d" Realtor room. built·ln planter, fl~ 106 McFadden Pl., Harbor HO boautilUl pat.Ju. &bu.ndance ol Eve. Harbor U37·M. a&c88 black top t~ parktns --llt,:ioo BRAND NEW -BATSBORll IMME.DIA TE POSSESSION. own· DRJV&-Vlew Of bey, I bdnna., er INVlng •la te. Brand new •· ~ ba.UUI din. an a bll"C'h llilchfll'\ bdrm. 2 baU! home. C. M. Thor-bUllt-tn °tJlermlldo; ovm It ranee. o11ghly modf'm , can be -any-nlc' paUo, low down PJIDL t101f', $12.9:10. Term.a. Drlve by PRJCJ:D at 1297lW> 336 Ramona Pt Ph. LI 8-7976 ,_...... • 8ac88 Balboa 3 BEDROOM. 2 bath hom .. PLUS 2 rent-111 unit. fully tumiahed- 3 car (•MIC•· OWNl!R 8 A Y8 SELL -MAKE OPTER. - Harbor 3371. Mc88 SI !'I 000 BEST B UY tn Corona del Mar, Comer, one block So. of h1way, cltan 2 unite aon1latlng- of Wlf. 3 bedr. hOUM 6: tum. atud.lo a pt. Tenn1. Good tncome potential. Call Mt. Kohlatedt. Har. 21:1 2 £-. Rar. •tl07·R Ne88 TMREE UNITS, good Lncome. But "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22• W. Cout Hy., N--rort 81eG11 Llberty 8·M27 ''C'' THOMAS "C' THOMA.a BALBOA ISLAND STEAt; WATERFRONT 2 hot.wee on Grand Canal, -.ch with :l bdrlU.8., completely 1uru. Near ev•ryUw\I'. •~ r. P. TerTM. J. M. MILUCR CO. 2026 W. Blllbr>& BJvd. R&T. tOOl (Near th<-N'wpnrt Pier) Joc;allnn on Balboa Blvd. 521.llOO LIDO CH(ll<'E: 36' LOT on Eut eaay ttnn•. end of lsk. $10,000. Har. "ZS. HOMER r.:. l!IKAJl"llR 17pl!9 , R.altor 106 McFaddt!n P l., l:l&rbor 140 Eve. Harbor 1137-M. 86c88 FOR $6C>OO DOWN you can own a nlte triplex In a rood eut Costa Mrn re.eMentJ&l HCtlon. Each unit hu 7M 11q. ft. Uvlng area. 2 bdnna. A a aep&ral• 10 x 22 gar. Orance treee Ii fenced yard.a. lnc. SZ700 yearly on theH 2 !"· old unit.. FP $20, 75-0 lt aold by owner. Phone today-LI 8·~721 87c89 MUST SELL. buuutul Back Bay nea.rly new ahake roof farm houee, 3 bdnna., 2 balhL Glori· 0111t fort"ver vlrw of Da.y and mountal111. Rar. 51~. 88<:90 Ji.LACK STAR CA:"n'ON, ava.r Saddl1 ,Jlaclc ML, appms. 10 acrea, magnlflt'ent view, 11prin1ot. Jckal ff1f' hunting lod6re ur bldea••ay. SlllOO or trade ~r Volk.twa&'en. O WNER. Ba.rbt1r 0859-W. 88dl0 u BRAND NEW STORE 11Dd OITICE BUILDING Op~ite N.wp>rt Bwlll ~ 8.aU Elevator Compilte Offtce 8ervie4t Parking A-nilable 3345 Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. Harbor 4.299 -or call OLympia 2-2130 Collect. I "nf11rn. yrly. nmtal. 2 etol")' home tn choice Jon~tlo". 1'1011e t o hav. 3 btlnn.'I. 3 bath11 plua dt n & l0 n111. t.11\~ P"r mn. W. W. ~ANFORD. realtor k ""!<0('16\('~ P erk & M11r1ne. HAr f BDRM boUBf, 2 baths. unrum .. fenced ln yard. ca.rage, lovely corner lot. 2083 Oont1Mnta1. C"o11ta Meaa. 88c90 WILL .PARTICIPATE SMALL M-Buslnes.s Opportnnltie. 54-Ba•--Onnnl"tantdee trR<'t11 or b11llrt ln'1lvld11a.l qnll• ~;_..:;.~:;::.;:.;;_::;;.,..:;.!~;.;..:--....;;.-,.;;_ ______ ~_Ji.-___ _ 2462 74tfc ROOMS, C.'OTT AGES, APTS. 49-Roo1n11 for Rent DAY OR WEEK BRAND NEW. Ve~ Nlct Prlv. THf: nr,t 'F: TOP MOTF.I..., •03 room with ~. bath • lclll'htn ~cwport Bh·,1 .. ju11t abova Tb• Pn'" Carport. l blnck from Arr hl'!!. 74tfc llC"!'M 1100 for Aug. or S~O mo, yrly. Har. 0498-J Mc88 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small &, cor;y 01' large • Oehm• $75 to $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave~ Balboa laland Ph. Bar~ ••• or Harbor 2151 RP .. , Hpr, 17~-R or Har. 3059-M MUc !'MALL OFFICE FOR RENT, 13(1 per mo, 261•2 !llewport Blvd . Newport Bch. Har. 4i18 83lfc tor cost anti 2nd T.D, H.ar. 494W 86cll8 -----~-------WANTED FROM OWNF.R.. Ocean front rot I aite or Bay F rrint house. \\'111 p11y nil r uh If ln· tereated. \.'.'rite Mrt. F Foy. Bnx E·20, lhla Ot'WllPR~r. 118<·90 ~Real E"tatr &'nice SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 w, hanole your H ite, 'ttcrowa. V A . 6 F . H. A. prll"t'Sl!tng. S~ u1 bet.>re yuu make a deal. P 0 . BOJK 151, S.'\lboa Iala111.I. 86c99 STOR \' UOOK HOUSE, 2 bdrm.I., nl<'o•ly rum. & gar. AJ~u nle1ely run1 , I 11• tlr1>11m ga"'gll apL 11111. 1!•4!l-\\' 86c88 2 ltorea or offkea, one 28x30. One 12x2~. lAw rent SultablP fnr r<" tail t..1111ln-or office. ~Iii E. Ualboa Blvd., Har. 3606 fi6tfc ---------fj()-lnC'lm~tOPf>rty LJDO OFFICE SPACE -Will _ . ..__~---- L'.~~ rT P..'\'. J:nragc ttpl. 2 ti.Jr11111 .. $411 llH1 y1 l,v. Avail. now. H&r. 11190-W If nn 11nllwPr 1:1111 al 30!1 ~l1int1·ro, ll11lboa. ' 117c89 ~11blrt apace zu1table ror attor· 1wy1, enl(ineera, etc. Approx. l:lx30 In shoppln.r arr A on Vta U do. l:llll Don Cole a.tternoons only, Har. <16f;0. 59U'c HOME and 6 Units COOO IN COM F:, 136,000. 449 Ham· llton. off Harbor Blvd., Costa Mc.sa. 76p88h OCEA..'ll FRONT A PT Looking For Business Opportunity? We have &ame good money maken la~e and amAll with groRs showing a.n inrreal\e month by month. Owners have a.aked ua to handle di11Cret.cly 1<> drop in or call. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. CoMt H iway, Newport Beach Lr 8-34Rt DRESS SHOP '5900 Handlef'. Box 3.51 -Laguna Bea.ch 88c91 411('1A H1\'l't A l'I'. Nl'wporl lfar. _ 1'Wtl0 \\' Rllrll8 SMA Ll.~_'.ST ~Tl'OIO l'11tn11 \\1th Or~n Dllll.v S tn i State Bonded 4~-A-Apt~. for ~nt NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. OrFfCE FOR RENT Civic Crnter Loeatlon. 21 'x24', S60. ~r monllt. F TH!ff CLASS In l''"'ry res~ct. • uni\, plus gutiit •pt, Well rur· ni.t1h"tl lntCtme nvn $~1 000 A r<'AI huv Ill $12.~100 Sli ,MO nn & $304. 77 per month ---------:-;~:\\' 1(1 FT . !'IKlf'F. Evtnrudt' 3 h r 111or,1r. oan. cu~tnna. f'tC. $200 Hubl>r ~16!1 ~'""9 TRADE ~u!lful 70.n. •ux. 11chooner. F'ully found, l'O an~-whert. WW t11kt f''JWIY tn rropl'rt'· or sm&I· Irr bo'lfll. 1220 \\'. 8AlboA Al\"d., N81''J>Ort. Har. 3032 :ll>Uc J 4 F'T OUTBOARD BO AT Md tr11Uer Steoertnr: •·he•'I It ron- t rnl11 M&l«t nlff'r, :t08 r.r11nd C'l\na.l. Balboll blMd 88p88 (1111 Sli keyboa r11 tn f1 11• f'l)n· <lltlnn Terms, H~ :i~ rJnwn nnd I $16.17 prr mo. a l RAJ\IA ANA SHAF£R'_S Mu:<k Co 1S111• C' lflll';'l I -------------421 -42:1 :'\, Sycam11rr , Santa Ana Phone Klmbrrly :!-1167:? l?-Trallrr8 \J!'F,0 T'l A :\OS, grand5, .11p111rt1 1rnrt urnii:ht~ GO<'ld prRrt irr plM()tl &II IOIA'.., $1~. $119, SI Si 11n.\ up F.&Jli.Y ttnns. (lnC' f•nly C8mou11 make 11pantl slightly d•m114Ced in ahlpmt nt. Br11nn nrw, Big •vlng. I OANZ-SCHMJDT li1g P1a1111 &Or · ~811 Stllrt', 520 No Matn, SRnla Alla. *PAN-AMERICA~ ·.'r 'Paramount-Terry Ken skill W A !\'T'El' u~d Snipe !!All Har· - bM 2937-J. 86<.'88 PLAYER PI.A..._O. 2JOO Harbor ~~·4:"> ('llJ] Amcr1l a.n ~:,.3:1· Pan Amerk an '!)5-.i' J'aramount, 2 bdrm. ·e.~·1!1' Ken1klll Pleue CA.LL ON US Mwa -can ~Ip YOtt with your a dvet"Ua1na problem•. A t !'11\nf'd ('(')UrtN>UI lpt('lall~t W111 jt)At11y help yoa Pf'f'PU'• l'ffe<"llvf Rdwr· u.inr. Our MDI II to p mvtl1• 11oon'1 ad· •ntilllal eou.11.111 and hell> you r et out1t.andln1t tf'~ulla. NEWS-PRESS Clusified Aca HARBOR 1616 Blvd. Costa Me9L 8·~. LIMrty 8-3432. 87p89 TWO DACHSHUND P t:PS, 9 mo'11. R~1ured with A.K.C.- S 100 ea. -loatl E. Bo\1111. SAnt& An&. Klmbl!'rly 2·0291. 118<"1!9 ENGLISH SPRINGER SPANIEL 'M-16' Kensklll MANY MORE -Euy Term• BIO DJSCO~T on F'IOOT" Modela. Port Oranp Trailer Sale. 2:100 W . Coast Hlghwity Phone 1.Iberty &-400 Newport &-•eh 8~98 -------------. 2·\VHEE'L Trallrr, Xll'flt <"Ondltlnn. 1100. Har. 02i4·J. 87t'89 JlUJ'e 41 wk11. AKC. Good Pottn· ------------- Ual '1low A tJ1al 11tock 3111 I Plra tf' Road. LI 8-8610 ~6<'~ Bl.ACK 4 mo. old mlnlature p<'M)t JlUPJ'Y· Xltnt rf'<llgTH Har, 6267 ·J . 8icB9 • FUR1'. I or 2 bdrm bouM or apt.. yrl~'. Onuplt 6 bay P Mr An'1r.' Kl J .!\211 Mon 1 0 F'TI 88fl811 Deluxe Furn. Apts. One & l\\O holrm , with \f'lrvl11inn. A 111il1tloll' fot irnmmrr or "1n· trr ALSO yf&rly lra,.e11 In Hean of 11rt1nly (..t(lt • of parking :11'7 f: 811 lh<11t Rh•I'\ BILlb<111 llarhor 36(16, ~tllfC ---A TTR.AC'TlVI!; O('l"lln '1t'W I bdrm. &pt.. part1111ly rum. Slultabl• for rm1ple Si!! mn. yrly 9:1~ W. lflth. Co11t& Me-L C111l 9 to o. Hllr. 80. 8otrc Balboa Furn. Apts. DAY -W£EK -MONTH He&rl or town, ~ block to b&y. 1 blol'k to ocr l\n It pier. 917 E. Balboa Blvd. R•rbor 1729-J 7k81 NO. fi BEAc o§ BAY -Bummer rrntaL Spacloua fu rn. apt .. •IH~ 4, overlook1ng bay. JWll 16th- SepL lrith .. $500. mont.h. ALSO w1ll take N!eel'T&Uon tat winter. Har. 2'71, courtuy to llgent1. f lltlc lT:-O:F't.R:-J, pr. apt . 2 bedrooma. S\00 mo. J'f'ly. 11171$ W. Bay. :-:l'"'f)()rt. Har. 3SM before noon. 17\te CHARLES E. HART. Realtor 3420 W. dalboa Blvd .. Npl Drh 77r9f, Modern Store F('IR RE!l.'T, S'T!i rw-r mo. J'11rkini;: fllClllUu , forred air hfal. 11uit· able. ln~urance, real ,..late, J:lflll "tr. lnqulre 408 E . Balboa f!h·rl. H11rbnr 2070 69lfc C-2 BLDG. • RMS. plua kitchen A: bath Md J rm. 2nrt flr, Newly ner:oratetl. 80und proof celllnr111. 17!! mo. i27 3\at behind P. 0 . :'l/ev.-por t. Har tl051 Ot' 2804 J. It. 78p91 DESK SPACE with phone 1trvlce 1 30 lnO. !>07 E. Balboa Blvd .. BalboL Phone 11U1Wer!Jll 1Hirvlee al.to av&ll•ble. Har. ssoe. 86ttc DESK SPACE HARDESTY BUILDING Mot Newport BlYd., Newport Bch. GREENLEAF'·SEVERTS R'LTY. 3112 Jl.'twport Blvd . :-ll'wport Har. 2~!i2 Ew·11 • 1.1 8·:11'16. Bl'IL,DER Ml'ST SELL SF:W I :\· cor.n:: t'~ITS E X<"P:Ll,E:"IT BU Y. LI 8·4322 F.VP.:S. 86r 88 61-~!=~~~!'~~~~g!_ 'BRASD :\'EW Bar k Ray hom,. 3 btlrm . 2 h&I h11. t i,., t ov,.n. p lll. T ra<Jr $!l.M•l1 "l'flllly for aall boat. Cl'\lller or Ioli. Har 628-l. Iii r MP 6Z-Real Egate ------12.000 DOWN, 3 bttrm, wAll tn wall carprt.. 1 ~.. bath Fenr...i yard. J car irar•ge. 6 mo. old. F ull price S1l.6M . AL TYLER • J88t Harbor Bl'f'd., COl1ia MN& LI 8-ltl61. .Rllrl!I! HarboT 4718. 87ttc THJU!Z BEDRX BeWlh Homt ~ P'Oft RENT -1'1mlabed omce tn blk. to beach. P"ltie looatlon. aaoclaUon "1th an attorney. 13000 dn., 113,llOO t. P- Tu ..,.n Pft.fened. 2911 w. J. K. llILLl:R co. Cout JUPwa7, Nnrport Beat'h, 2026 W. Balbo& Bl.-4. H&r. •ot1 Cal.If. LI ~102. 88ttc (Nur the N~ P\er) FORGET ABOUT THE TAXES The rent from the 2 bdnn. apt. over RlC: dhl. ~· will more than pay the taxeR, in11. & upkf'ep while YOU live comfortably 1n the 2 bdrm. llnd den howie. Hdwd. flni .. 2 fireplaces, BBQ. garb. d1ep. Good heal & many extras make this a real HOME Ir a pleasure to 11how. Priced far below Rep'I col'lt R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor DICK HODGE. AMociate 3e22 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2774 Builders and Speculators 300 acre. available for 11ubdivi11ion JUllt ofr Hiwy. 101 • Ocean view from many hnmc i;llf'R. $600 11.n acre. $1 00.000 T. D. with releaee clauae can b9 IMUmed. THE VOGEL . CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, r;Jewport Bea.ch LI 8-3481 ~-------------------------------------------~~--------------------------------... _------ • I I I . - PAGE 6 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS a ·-... ....... I a.-Beal ~ a-a-1 btate a ~ONOAY, AUGUST I, l 955 ----~~~-------~--~~:;.;..;..--------~~~~~-----!!;a~··!!!..• ~ ...... !!! .. ~-~--~·_,~..._!!! .. ~...__.I Houston Values ONE OF THE NEWEST Balboa Island Choice Location 2 BEACON BAY -VOGEL VALUES I Specially Priced Units Two bedroom 2 bath home on 50' lot, eomplete 1 Br. apt. over dble. ca.'"-ge. Both unita have ray break· fut ba.r A both are nteely turniabed. BALBOA ISLAND Nearly new 2 bdrm. home with many extru, firepl., tum.ace beat, large clo.eta, beautiful patio. Furn. apt. over dble. garage. BOTH PROPERTIES priced $28,500. A $10,000 cuh payment will arrange the poHe•ion of either Now i• the time to get what you want, and program your living, your investing here in thia uea. Two unit proputiee otftt the pay u you go anawer for m04Jt people. THE VOGEL CO. >OI Marine Ave. Harbor fH NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Scoop $8,200. UOOO ON. buy• one Of the elean- ut r,uUlde t bdrm. hom• ln u .. a. Dbl 'J)IU. prap, lot.a of Hlru. l block otf N..-port Blvd., twu 1ven a nice enck>Hd out.1de ahower. Here's Another $7,500. •1 M>O ON., Owner muat move to deMrt -It'• on· the WHt-1lde, clOH·ln, I bdrm•.. only I yra. old. Cood term1 on balance. Home & Income ON BROADWAY Exceptionally nice 2 B. R. home, hwd. tin. All larre rooma, 1 B. R. rum. cottace with " bath, also l B. R. Ir bath oft prare. Exe Income In choice nelrhbor- hood. SH,1100 With cood finance. Evf' Info. Petitte. LI 8-&487 M-1 Specials CLOS IN • l:H' it 290' corner on PlacenUL Hlch Ir dry. 20 tt.. alley. ICa:c. buy for bulldlns or •P'C· Can be dlvtded. .,;· dn. Ir tlf'l'IU. LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Charming throughout, 3 bedrm. and de:i-.alcove, 3 bath•. very large front patio, partly covered. Lovely kitchen. diahwuber, di•~· etc. Fully carpeted with drapes Included PLUS 20 tt. Century boat. Only SM.750 and a wonderful buy . Wanted A Lido home or lot for exchange tor an exception- ally nice home in Northridge. 3 bedroom•. swimming pool and jullt two yeara ol~. Priced at $39,500. LET'S TRADE. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. plwi den-bedroom. 2 baths, carpeted. Oversized double garage. Lovely k itchen with built·in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Diapoeal, diahmuter and many other fine featurea. Full price $23.000. We have the key. COSTA MESA &e ft. trontA&":~oPiac.nlla. 4715. $2000 down, will move you in thia modem 3 bdrm. deep ror 11uoo. Only n iµ. dn. 11h bath home, completely fenced in rear yard with • bal. l!:Z. A real hlveatmt111t. patio. Fireplace, formica in kitchen, parquet noon, 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 B. R.. P'urn1ahf'd boch hou..- All Glut >"1on1 f:nrlOH<1 P1u11 $12,450 305 34th St. Homt. • Garage Apt N4!u Bav It Buell N etfl• r.i~N•rat Ing C-onaider Sl.1100 t1c>wn, will trade up nr t1nw n. nr 111kf' T Oa heart of ba lboA 212 E. Balboa Blvd. New d\lpl~x. 2·2 B R. Urflu .. Flreplac~. Dlaponl1. Fan•, Up· per unit wall to wall cafl)eted, larre 111n dttk. newlv tuml1hNS. $211.000-17.~00 down Balboa llland ~~ :~;:,t·Lytlt. u 8_2110 forced air h~t and double garage. Close to aehoola. See 1t today. Full price, $12,000. B Hous!oA~s~~~J!r Co. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE (l) (21 131 BALBOA PE~INSULA Beautiful 4 yr. old home, quiet one-way atreet cloae to ocean and bay. Nice patio and fireplace $18,000 -$4,500 down for quick aa.le. Wonderful Family Home - 3 B. R. Ir den. 2 bathe, fge. enclOMd patio, fo rced air heat. Completely furni1hed. ~.000 down -$25,000 BALBOA Cloee to Library " Newpt. Har. Yacht Oub. 100' · from beach. Year round home with fireplace. Iota ol aleeping room. Wonderful condition. Full furn. price $14,:SOO -Good terma. NEWPORT BEACH Immediate Poeeeaaion -$1,950 down. 3 B. R . home on R·2 lot. Oveni.led dbl. gar. atreued for a.pt. Bar kitchen , flaptone fireplace.. near Lido abop- ping center. $11,950 -$1,950 down for quick aale. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1450 W. Ba.Jboa Blvd., Balboa. INVESTORS ! ATTENTION Har 1264 • I am going to tell you of a golden opportunity that hu never been offered. Located in the MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner hu appointed me hia aole agent to llell the following property. ,. POST OFFICE BUil..DlNG to be finiahed by No- vember 15. Leased by· the U .S. Govt. for 15 yeara with option of 5 and 5 more. 36 UNIT MOTEL, completely furnished & oper· ating on a fine return. 245 Fr. OF BUSINESS, frontage adjoining Poat octice building. Owner will 8ell at once, or trade for subdivision land. F or inspection Ir detail• please aee Mr. Osborne. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. CoAst Hwy. (At Port. Orange) Newport. Beach LI 8-7562. Har. 5154 evea CORONA DEL MAR Ill( 3 bdrm. It den borne. 2 bath•; 2 garage•. nice pal10 , !ireplac•. PLUS &Ot Center LI 8·6911 COlll& Mua u 8-178' fast Growing East 17th St. Busines~_ Property WE HAVE JUST LISTED an u · c-epllonally r ood bu1lneu lol. ln Coeta Mtaa. 100':11.300' for only 122,000. Better call Har. 2042 It Me thl1 TODAY. Corona del Mar These two properties open for inspection 1-4 p.m. daily. 7~ LARKSPUR, charmlnl' 2 br., fireplace, enclo•td patio. Priced to aell with low down of $2,000. a115 MARO~RJTI:. rood lncom1 property w1th room to build ad· dltlonal unit. Cloee to atoree A tr&Mportatlon. Owner leavtnr town. M YI SJ!llL. 113.&00, xlnl. ttnancinf . AL80 otben In Cdlll .. low u $9,500. w1l/\ 11.000 down p&)'meftt. c.JI now Har, 2042-Har. 20t2 Frank Jam.es & Linwood Vick REALTOR8 R. R.ayle·C. Travla-C. R~, Auoc. 312 Marin• Ave.-Balboa Ialand COSTA MESA It could be for you CHARMJNO 2 bdrm. 1rnall homt on 60xl30 lot .. l.And.teapad and c:omplelely fenced. Only 17,760 ,,..llh lerm11. Balboa Peninsula TWO bedroom furn. home. Cl<>h to bay. Slll.360 with $8.000 doll'D. Cilff Haven VIEW or ocean • hllla from th11 a bdrm.. 2 bath home. Hdwd. floor•, electric Therma.dor klt· rhcn, la.re• double 1&ra«e. Room for awlmmtnr pool. 129,ISOO- t•rma. Coast Properties 301 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Herbor 28~11. 21197 and '400. 3U8 Via. Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Ev•. Har. 2191-M. Har, 2998-R or LI 8-5297 - • PENINSULA POINT 2901 Ocean Blvd. Very nice 3 bdrm. home furn. in Maple. 21 :i bath•. Juat reduced to $22,750. BA YFRONT BEACH HOME 103 Edgewater Neal, clean and perfect for family summer home. 5 bedrooms, 2 batha, large living and dining rooms. Tile in kitchen. All thi1 for $35.000 .• Call Ethel Shirley e•ee. Liberty 8-6476 • Income Possibilities 1319 W. Bay Ave. Right in the center of a. nice residential area. Bay view from living room. Fireplace. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath1, double garage. Room in front to build an· othet> unit. $6,000 down. Ca.JI Jenn Bennett eves. Barbor 2125 Enioy the Terrific View from thia excellently located lot. End o! Via Marina. . Upper Bay area. 12!5xlM. Very few fee Jou avail- able. See thi• and call ua for furth'r informl\tion . Elaie Ebeling Liberty 8-6373 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 88c90 Balboa Island VOGEL VALUES The Summer deal you have been waiting for Should be thia 2 bednn. furn. home. See the loca- tion, the furniahinga and you tell u1 the terma you want to pay. Buyeni with i•OOO -~ cuh will lib thi• home. We have another 2 bedrm. furn. home at S17.000. • Good t erm•. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Harbor 444 NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE A y v E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 .. 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. NEWPORT HTS. SIS,9~ Low Down Pay't See th11 lovely 2 bdrm. home. with l&rce Uvtnr room, tareplace. 1tp· •tate dmmg room. aervl~ porch. Th1a home hu that homey look and la In a. very (ood location . INCOME Trip lex 2 bdrm•. m each unit. Ju.t 21,, yn . old. RPntl11g tor $210 a mo. I This la localed In Newport Ht1. Low down p11y't. 4 Bedrooms - 2 Baths 1 Year old. All room11 are i.rge. 1&00 IQ. rt. Term1 1;an be ar-ranged, $8,750. 2 Bdrma. 2 "9 y,... old. On 20th It. Home j111t beln& r,deco· rattd. This I• below replace· ment coal. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1Me Newport Blvd. Coata Me.a, Calif. Ll 9.37)2 Cliff Haven LOVELY l&nd11c:11p1ng. J bdrma, Iota of <'llpboard .apare, rlt11h· muter, mere 1wltche11. newly decorated lnalde It out. PLUS Gl loan at $67 pt'r mo ht ll" make t.hl11 lht bt11l buy In town • t s 16.~00 Balboa Ialand B lb UnuAually charming atudio apt. with beam ceiling, tiled bath, kitchenette, and aun deck. Yearly ~nted at $7~ m o. Full price $19,000 including moet or furnU.hinp. IrnmedJate posaession. -----------------------1 NOT BEACH~-b~la. hom• 18 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-5 , o F t H th1a lnvely 3 b<1rm .. 2 b11 hou11e 4i4 Cabrillo, cean ron ome cm one or the rare 02' IOIA. J111l Corona Highland• " •tep from tht bay or ()Ct-1rn STANLEY A. 2647 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 882 Real Value HOM.IC. 2 bd1'11'1. Ir c:onvwtlble den. 2 bath.I, forc.d air heaL Ont Ir , yn. old. Very modern ranch type •hake roof, perlttt condlUon, \•acant. quick Jl<MIU· 11on. Cut lo 116.6-00 tor qulc;k 11le. Attrac:tl~ tenn1, Open 1 to 8 2307 San la Ana A Vt .. Colla MtM er ull Owner. Harbor ..,...w. 83cM IHORECUIT I tw .. 2 bath. l&'e. lot, .Slrkn ... compel• mt to eell at one•. at lu. than replace· ment c:Olt.. 129,980. tmmfl'll•t• poeHulon. Har. 3:ZOIJ-R, l!Pllo BUJLJ)JNO TO BE MOVED for 1ale. O\•er 2000 tq. ft. lo three 1tucco bulldlnr• at 222& W. (;ou t HlJhway. N't"'l'l(lrt Be-II. '2000 tital. LI 8-2033. 87c89 SMITH, Realtot Corona del Mar 87c89 Balboa Peninaula P oint ThrM bedrma. and Guut hou.M- tuncl.1on&l Indoor -outd<>or Uv- lfl« at 11.1 belt Laree llvlnr room with fireplace, bar kitchen, f 8. R. plu1, 2 bath, le•. hv. room Out11tandtnr view, day Ir nlrhL LIDO I B. R. It den, w, w cupet thl")U(hOUl, 3 bal/\1, PLUI com- plete &'&I'· apt. w /bey Ylew, lg•. patio, 40' lot $311,6-00 I B. R.. 1.. beth, 1,.. Jiv. room, 70' lo4., rumpUI room, room for pool 13~.000 w dlahwuher It dlapou l. Scpa.-LOT 11 O' tf'Onl&J•. beet k>c:oat.Jon. r&tl Mrv1Ce porch, U l t& ~e Jot Priced riSht. $221500 bf'llChu. U:T'S TALK ' Income VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- ahore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica .kitchen, l bedroom and 11:.: bath down. 3 bedrooms and 1 1:: baths up. Solid con- atruction, cohcrete and piling foundation. 2 car garag,, enclosed yard. Excdlent beach. !ARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport. Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 SACRIYICE tor cu /\ or the rtght trade. 10 unit. in excel. loc1t1on tor •eJUOnal or yrly rentala. Modem. In perfect cone!. Com· pletely furn. Ir equlppert F'ufly tent~ llO mllll m •k<1 app't 11'1 11hoW Muriel M. Pinover REALTOR with walltd in brick patio It ---------------------- BBQ. ruu pri~ only $22.000 ' B R., J, beth, btauty. A•k- term.. Dnve by 2140 IC. Oc~an 1111 · . •n.ooo SYLVlA THOMPSON. Aaaoc. 260' l'Tev.·port Blvd . ~pl. Beai-h E .. y farklni Harbor 41110 Blvd. Then Call. BAYSHOR.ES J. M KILL.ER 00. 2 8. R., PLU• room 0.,.1' rar .. IOJ6 W. Balboa Blvd. Kar. tOtl knolly pine Int .. t patloe '21.~ 'NMI' the Newport Pier) 331/2 Acres 0000 PRODUc:rJVE 80U.. Foot of M t. Palomar. C&1I be 1ubd1· v1ded. Only $1000 ~r IM:rt. WW lake ho..-In Oran19 Co. u dn. J)4lyment DAN A. JACOBSEN, LI 8"317. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 1-4217 MODERN I bedroom. l ~ b&tb, 1480 tq. ft. l ~ yr. old. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SAT. It SUN. AJl'TERHOON. 801 7'\lllerton Ave., Npt. Ht.a. T~fe ? TRADING TODAY ? Drive by 366 Lido Soud 6 unlta, 70 ft. waterfront. tChoice) Want Puadena vicinity or Lido lnaid,. Pleue 1ubmit. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport. Beach LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 ~vee. ' .. Lido Island !'TEW 4 bdrm, houae. 129,7~0. pran· c:lpal• only. 217 Via Nice. Hu- b<ll' OT.Ill, after I Kl &·2104 83(((' -~-----~-~ -W"KT!:RTRONT, vaca.nt, 1'1 1•11'. con crete bUlk.h!'t1d. Can h11ve pie r It flo.t. $I i ,QOO. Ml it ht J, M. MJU.ER CO. 2026 W. Bell:><>• Bll·t1 Har 40f'I lNtar Ole Ntwporl Pier J BILL'S BEST BUYS CASH TALKS 3 bdrm. homt> on 65'x157' lot cloee kl mJrt. RC>Me contains approx . 1200 &q. fl .. .ewer In at.reet. hi pricp $6395 -wilh $1245 down. CASH PIUCS $53P~ WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE? Cosy three-l>E'droom , 11:: bath home. 0017 lbr months <1ld. Located clOM to .cltoola and abop. ping, on new curbE>d and paved atreet. Sewen an and }1aid for. Immediate poueaalon. P'ull price $9,750 with only $1450 dn. -&Janae $87.!5(l.JDO, IN NEED OF AN EXTRA ROOM! We're otfel'mg t his four bedroom, % bath home for the fin;t time. Only a couple montha old. A.JI improvements a re in and pa.id fOT. F.H~. Flnan6- tng. F ull price $10,950. With only $1,MO down. Monthly payments or $70.60 iocludff priDoiplil. Aft. tercel , tax~ and insurance. G. I. RESALE On Flower St. in Coeta Meu. AD imptVt..,... 1n, has paved alley a.J90, M<>llt of the fam.tt.re IB this home stay•. ' Full price-Inc. furniture Sl0.600. 8ubmtt llOOO dn. SPECULATORS ATrENTION Nice lot 60'xl50' just off 22nd St. New paved and curbed street will front thia lot in near tutun. Asking price $1500 with $300 down Md ~ mo. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" 393 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 NEWPORT HEIGHTS OPEN HOUSE t2l Sat. & Sun., Aug. 6 & 7 from 1 ~ g New 2 bdrm. and den view home. Built-in oven and range. W \V carpets. Full price $23,000. 2:?~ Ocean View, Newport Beach New 2 bdrm. and den view res. Large hving room -<lining area. Breakfast bar -carpeted through- out. Full price $26.000 . ,, 225 Ocean View, N ewport. Beach . THIS MODERN STYLED HOME jutt pa.lnted, with 3 bdrms.. lots of cupboard•. large kitchen, fireplace, 220 wiring, double garage is for aale or will lease with option to buy wit h 1mall down and reu . monthly payments. Asking $13, 700. THE VOGEL co. 3201 W. Coaat Hiway Newport Beach. Calif. Llberty 8-MSl The Biggest Word '" Real Estate Business Today is SERVICE _Every Member of tbe MULTIPLE LISTING SER· VICE belongs t o a unique organization. Tbeae members pool their merchandise -bomM, 1toru, and other r eal property for sale -then work from t his pool each with his separate facilitiee that eeeb selling owner may receive the .eetwlicee ol many REALTOR sales outleta throughout the whole Harbor Area. Proven a fine SERVICE to eeUers and b9y.,. a.Ub an JJrov1ding a broader, orderly and free market for all at no increaaed coat to our C!Wltomen. A SERVICE ol the Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd SL LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE :-;at & ~un . t -5 -209 KORON NPw 4 bdrms. 21 -: baths c·:\rp<'ti; "nd draperies $30,000 A TTENTlON ~ Rrokers & BuilderJ Tc1Tif 1c Corner Lot , Term11 $12,500 Real M1,dern New Orleans Charm preva.1la an th11 beautiful 3 b<lrm. 2 bath homf'-45 ft. com er lot with 15115 sq. fl. in thP hou18P. Appointment.a worth your time to ~e. BAY & BEACH REAL TY-Lido Office 3ll2 Lafayette. r-.;ewport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 Evee. . CORONA MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean view. 4 bdrm. ~n. Dining room 2 baths. Hardwood & r i.rpel floora. RargAin at $ l5.MO. ~ubm1t uown. Delightful bN1utifully furn. 2 bdrm. 2 yr. old hom~. Near good beach . $1 i .000. Submit down. Owner will cons1df'r t rade fM larger full Vlf'W home. SEE US for BEACON B AY and BA Y~HORI:;.') properUee. Har. 1775 -r:\'rH. 1-t ltth MarM n, HYatt 4-6222 John Marn11b, H11rbr1r 5359 EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 2'..!5 Mann" Ave., Balboa lRland ' " I I a •n1w. UPPER BAY OPEN SUNDAY 1-5 484 -21st street. 3 br. 1 ::14 ba. on a large lot nestled among WI tree.. Nicely landscaped price $20,500 and owner will car- ry the paper. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN DAILY 1·5 615 Jasmine 1 unit in rear rented at $65. F ront unit lge. 2 bdrm. 1 Yi bath &: den available for owner. Price $23,950. Easy terms. BALBOA Be.t waterfront buy, 4 bdrm., 3~2 bath. Pier and aUp. Priced at $65,000. Owner away. WE HA VE THE KEY. LIDO ISLE Here is an excellent value 3 bdrm. 11~ ba. ~' $31 .500 large lot and the owner will take $10,000 caah and carry the balance on eaay monthly paymenta. COStA MESA 3 bedroom• cloee to achoola &: tra.naportation haa $8600 G. I. loan payable $M per month including taze1 and Jnaurance. Owner leaving statea mu11t aacrlflce at $12,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2e02 N.wport B1va., Newport Beach Harbor 4718 LIDO ISLE NEW f BDRMS. -216 BATHS 2200 llQ· rt. of deluxe construction. Carpets and drapee included. At $30,000 with only $10.000 down, lhil la b~ to duplicate. See it today ! ! ! ! COSTA MESA IDEAL FOR CHILDREN 5 MINUTES TO BEACH Near new roomy 3 bdrm. home. W 1w carpets, drapN, atove and refrig. Large nicely landscaped Jot. Redwood fence. A.uume the $7300 -41,:.! r;, Joan @ $60.50 per mo. including taxes. Insurance. interest, and principal. Price -$10,500. Submit dnwn payment. BALBOA READ THIS ONE TO YOUR HUSBAND Mo&m rambling comer home with 3 bedrma .and ' bath. plua a penthouse rumpus room with ocean view. Located on the famowi Balboa Peninsula point. Here'• one you cannot duplic.ate at thP price ot $28,000 a nd lt'a tU'rniahed. Call: THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coa.t Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Golden Rule Values B~RGAIN . One acr&-R4-274'xl58' Acroas from Hoag Hoap. Just ott Superior -High and dry. A real buy at $6500 BARGAIN Dri'ft by 2538 Fairway Dr. and then call about thill nice 2 bdrm. home. Needa little cleaning up. This ott ... opportunity. $1500 Down -$9500 Full Price M-1 BARGAIN C.01'1ltt Jot H-0' x 126' -Close in -On sewer. $10,000 Full Price. -Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1858 Newport Bl;d. Costa. Meaa (acroea from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-676L Evee. Hu. 4366 • LI 8-2103 WEST BALBOA BLVD. Two R·3 lot.a, near CathoUc Church . One lot with a 1 bdrm. furn. cottage & l lot with dbl. gar. Price $17,~ down, $6:5 mo. includes ~,...r interest for quick u le. BAY & BEACH REAL TY H50 W. Balboa Bh·d .. Balboa Harbor 1264 WOW!! ' 7 unita, SlY.500 ,Scheduled income $5250, or will trade equity for d-.r bom• to $15,000. OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At P ort Orange) Newpart BMc.b LI 8· 75e2, Har. ~lM ev~. .. p. a. palmer incorporated !NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS-PART 11 ·PAGE 7 ~ONDAY, AUGUST I, 1955 developers of Udo Isle Model Home Open 12 to 5 dt.ily 204 Via Eboli B<'autifulJy furnished by J. H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN VJSSCHER Thia stunning 4 bedroom h"me ia planned around a aparkllng pool. The eliding glus walls, built· ins, and large lot make indoor-outdoor living most inviting. Be sure to see this ! Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bed rma. & 1 bath plus a 1 .. ~ bath and small bedrm. in garage. Only 300 f eet t o perfect north bay beach. This home is in fi ne condjtion and if you would like a home to use in the sum mer and ha\·e u11 rent it for you itt t he winter. this should be perfect. $1 8,750. Terms. Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bedrms. and 3 baths, new wall-to-wall carpeting. very nicely furnished, fine condition throughout and 11hould be seen if you are consiciering a bayfront home. $55,000 incl. furniture. Tenns if desired. 57 toot wide building site on Vin Lorca $16.000 North Bayfront In fact. 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 unite nicely furnished, newly painted and decorated . Lovely patio giving maximum pri\'acy to each un it. This is outstanding in every way-see this for sure. It"& the best income property buy we know ot. Full price including furniture $105,000. Tenna. Watch the home under construction by INGRAM Ii COLLINS on Lido Soud at the end of Genoa. 77 feet on lhe BAY. When you have seen enough, bring in your check. Full price including carpet· ing $69,500. Terms. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 60 Feet on Lido Nord Beyfront 1..arge 3 bedroom hoUM, ma1da quart.en. IUISt apl, boat )lou.e, pier, float. J'loor to celliDI slaM ta The living room. Thia beautltul bome la delllM4 tor rracJoua Uvtnr. Sho"1l by appobltmmt. AU for lfodP1•woa Santa Ana Heights Cute 3 B. R., 1 bath home OD '"'1 locatad lot. Double ran.ce with radio controlled door. Com· plete price $U, 7t50. Aak for Klnoeld Custom View Home Irvine Terrace Built by MR. ROBERT PURBE8 for pmate owner who bu been t.ranafen"ed to the tut oout.. Beau· tlful ranch st~e -shake root -redwood -UMd brick. 3 bedroom• -2 full ba~ -dining room. Drive by 1524 Dolphin Terraee then call Daveo.bum. Outstanding View Home A panoramic view of the Back Bay and Mountaina ia one of the many teature. that ncommend tbla J'..bedroom-2 bath home u an exceptional buy at $26,500. House will be open Sunday, Aug. 7, 1 • 5. Call Bill Farnawortb for &d.dnm and details. Filling Up Fast Thia area will llOOD be completely tllled with fln• new homes and then you won't be able to buy a house like this one at th.la low pric•. 3 nice bed· rooms, 1~4 batha, a sundeek, and a beautiful view ot the harbor. Only $25,500 with a low down p..ymt. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., 18.les management 1700 w. cout highway -Ubtrty 8-M73 Want A 1/2 V Acre Ranch? v Corona del Mar Bargains Upper Bay Area! YOU B.AVll BZJ:K WAITING FOR 11118 BmA UTIJ'UL HOMJI • • • overlook1nc 8. A. country Club. 2 bedrooru • cS-. Jarse uvinc room and brukfut area. 2 nreplacee. Bel*l'&t. w-r-pr- ac• bu1ld1nr with rumJIU8 room, with horae corm I~. dog kennel~. 1 1. CHOICE INCOME UNITS 1a , ... ......_ .......... BALBOA ISLAND BAT VDCW 2 1llltt., ' bdrm. hOIU, 1 bdrm. apt. Bbelterecl patio. Apt. tuna. borne partly. 110.000 down. Balance -t.ma. BAD'RONT. Ltttl• lllud eo tt. bay front.are, pier 6 float. ' bdrm. Balboan-Engllah architecture. BAT J'RONT HOKES J'ROK $81,500 -up, GR.AND CANAL. J ou bedrm.. bom•, 1 tum .. 1 putly tum. Sparkltq cond. $5000 dn. $24,000 r. P. A.n •ception&l otter. A.'l'TR.A.C'I'IVE 1 BDRM. HOME. Owner wanta action. Mab ott.-. Cottap near So. Ba.y. a bdrma., 1~ b&t.b1, t'irepl .. Ip. u-nn. room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. hou.e 61 bdrm. apt. Beamed cellinp. $:5000 down -$22,SOO. Soundly constructed t bdrm. yr. round home. Cloee to Beach. $7000 down. TWO UNITS near So. Bay. 3 bdrm. 11.1, bath born~. 2 bdrm. apt. Firepl, excllent condition. Attractive patio. Tenna right. LOT 4-0' on Muine Ave., $24,50(). BUSINF.SS BUILDING Marine Ave. $32,500. Balboa Island'• mMt attr&et.ive home. 3 bdrm. Din· · ing room. Plu11 choice 2 bdrm. apt. $38,000. FIRST OFFERING, Small 2 bdrm. houae on aap- phire. nt-eplaoe, F1oor turn. Furnlabed. built 1947. $18,500 -Submit down. BEi!: US FOR BEAOON BAY and BA YSRORE properties. BAYSHORE8. A ncant lot!! BACK BAY View ' bdrm. Maida room. Den. Forward look all electric kitchen. An architect desipied home ot merit on almoet an acre. Fully tum. $37,000. WW con.std~ tr&de. LIDO Contempora.ry new 4 bedrm. home ot outatandinr deaign. $10,000 or le. down. Full price $30,000. Thia '8 a teniftc buy. EARL W. ST AN LEY. Realtor Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-&222 _ J ohn llacnab, Harbor ~. 22& Marine Ave .. Balboa Ialand Jllrge modrrn 2 bdrm. end den ' hom e Vl1th \\:t!I lo wall carpt!t· Ing. mu11lve r11 .. plaC'e, forct>d air h~at. 8l'p. pet111, Jnt~ of bulll-ln~. A relll B&t'galn at only $16.800 W1th Jllnt ttrn1.,, We ha\'e 3 deluxe ir1come units all completely furnished. All rented and located in best rental area on Marguer ite in Corona de! Mar, only 1 block to oceari & beach. These are priced right. Priced to sell at S35,000. Terms can be arranged. We ha\'e the key. freeat.r room M d " be.th. Nice --------------------- Artistic Modern I lf you hke rt"Sl rwollc modtrn then ll\Ja la tor y ou! 3 bd1 ms. larg e I llv1ngroom It dlnlngrnom open- lnR onto 2 s,.pe.ralt trorlral patios which b<'rom,. " rert or your hom .. through IAr(re plate· g'IMa l'1.ndow11 -1600 hq f t. Of living llrl'I\ In the bu t nftghbor· hood In :-lrw por t Height~ , , , Juat SH .9.'.>0 v.1th Low Oov.-n, 2. SHORE CLIFFS We have one of the nicest view h omes in Shore Cliffs. Outstanding view of canyon. hllla and ocean. 2 bedrm. and den plus maid'• room. Carpeted ww. Truly a bargain. You will be aorry If you wait too long on this one. Priced at $38,000. Ea.By tenns. We have the key. . . . ) CORONA DEL MAR REALTY. CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor Jand8C&plnl' and pitJo. ...,._, at 111,000, MOOO doWn. P · I "P · t" en1nsu a 01n Home! aP AClOUI ' BllORM.8., I b&lba. Situated OD 2 !&rt• oonier Iota. Extra lot 11falled for prtvaq With badmlntoa court. p&Uo. NtceJy l&lldlcaped. Beautttul c&rpetlns and drapee. Cul ln prtce t.o hO.llOO for quick -.&e. Terma. --·9 Unit 3447 E. Coast Hwy.. Corona det Mar. Har. 47 Income Property! Thi~ 11ppe11hng 3 b•lrm. h"me bl'RU· (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Fresh as a Daisy tifulty d"rorated 1ns1Je' and out l'amOIMI "Holliday AJ)U" on Ocean w ith Mwd f!O()rs. flrerlact', ---------------------Front, Penl.Mul&. 8 unit.I plUll fen<'ed bark yard with l'nrlnsed c 1 M v I v I m&nager'1 ap&rtment. Beddtnc patio combine tn mllk" this the I orona de ar . oge a ues and linen few all unit.I. N-,..... top buy In th,. mnst wnntert lo· trtgeratora and .WYelt Uirouc'b.- <'&Uon In Cn~to Melin ..• Full out. 4800 eq. It. U~ are&. T'n ce JUllt '12 ~00 with "X<"l'I· Remodeled ln 19~. 14800 net ln• LIDO OPEN HOUSE 116 VIA GENOA Commencing Thurwday , Aug. 4th From 5 :30 to 8 :30 p. m. until aold. Brand New . We lnvtte yo11 to visit one ot the hland'1 moet out. 1tandin1 four bedroom -two bath homee. P'ul1 prtoe S37,500 (Luge 5% euy payment loan available) LIDO REALTY Aaoclatee 3~ Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroem from Richard'• Market Ent.ranee) lent terms. OCEAN \"IEW INCOME PROPERTY -Choice come. PT.~. llll,000 down. --------------------- Two Sleepers Back B11y '\•itw LoCA7xHO~l6 :100 J\"ewpor L .Hta. Lot Ex<'el. Inca 3.8~.'.> Priced to Sell! 2 B•lrm In i?•>l\rl Eai;t,l•I" lo!-.\l1•m rln,... 1 .. :'\1•11 p••rt H"il:h'' l-'1111 prlr t J!l,;,oo 11 Ith Xlnr T 1>rms. Bay & Beach Realty 16!111 Nrwport Rll'<I . C••l'lll Mf''ll L f S·l 161 ~:q•~. LI 8·3lf•8 OPEN ~UND/\ Y J .l} p ~f /lH!) f'nppy ~·Cir t'AS)' 111·1 "~~ •om I> r1111n<l cornf r to M I 11 ~71'1 H UJ:e hvtnt.; rn• 111. 1><'0111('•1 r r11tni:-. :l I 1111 ~, !1"11\ll JillP-l ro<tl\I, :! l>alhl' I)\ f't· l'!17P•! '1 t'Ar j:Rrl\j:I' l°"'llrt 111nfl~c-"r" 1. P'",11" r s t 111s. n,.-..1r1 n kll • h· n & 1llnang ll\nlll lO\ rly \II'\\. A~i<lniz $211 •-10. U11 nr r want.I 1m · n1e•ll11t• off Pr <lut to It'll\"· lnj.i th~ 11rc11. T rrmll t o a•Jit. FORD \'ERJUNDER. Harbor 4Z6:l, locations at opposite enda ot town. ( 1 )-4 units on 2 lots. 2 sep. house8, 2 bedrooms each with fireplaces plus I 2) 1 bedroom apl8. over 4-car garage. (2l-Duplex-new. 2 bedrooms each, Ranch style, ~hake roof. S<'p. laundry rm. 70' lot , Iota of tile. Both excellent buys. FIR~T TlME OFFERED-':: blk . to ocean, 40' lot, 2 bedroom. 2 ba t h home only 5 yrs. old, nicely fin- ishrd, beaut. \'iew of hbr. entrance & ocean. The bldg. sets Rt rear of lot so the front can be devel- oped as you wish. Onl y $21.500. Beach Home! · Balboa loc&Uoa • • • J~ ' doon from Ocean. Dandy 2 bedroom home, 11.lrnhhed. ,.,...._, too. A -1 condtUOft. You muat - th.la W oN burtns. 1u.~. urma. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoett. Bank ot Am..-tca Rom C>rede7 HOME & INCOME MODJCRN 2 bedroom home, completely !urn.I.abed includinr deep freeae, TV. Splck A apa.n, like new. Dual funlace, hardwood n oora, breezeway to 2 gar. ages A 11eparate 1 bedroom houee rented. Walled in patio, corner lot• half, paved at.a. & alley. Nice aurround.ing, 2 block.a to Coeta Meaa bualne. dJ.a.. trict. Sewers connected. Beet cotl.ltrUction. Own~ eni going to Europe will carry the Joan. Good value. $20,800 .Al CorneUua l:d Lee BC EALTY Jack Pinkham Joeeph.lne Webb N. . • R TOO J!:. Balt>oa Blvd., B&lbo& 1 Phone Harbor 1277. 82nd •Newport Bou1nard. Newport Beach. !l&r. ltOI THE VOGEL CO. -w WA1DU"RONT, ..... tloot A$ 2667 E . Cst. Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har.17U Har.1477 ~~~= t::!tU\11 bQQdtna lite. · ( CloaPd Sunday& during Auguat) Balboa Island Near Nnrth Bay. delightful 4 bdrm. home 'fith playroom. Furnished $26,500. 2 units near north bay exc. location near 1hop· prng only 85780 down and all furnished. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A\·e .. Balboa Island, Calli. Harbor 502 ROMllR II. lll.U"llR ~tor 108 Mcl'addea PJ.. llMtlor' H O l:ve. Barbor l UT-M. Mell $7,950. Ntw I bdrm., hwd. noon. Ill .A"f'OO&do, 009t& w... Phone Liberty 8-TIOT. TNo Here's Real Value Opm aat. • aun.-1-1 $ Don't Be A Millionaire Li•• lib one In thia LARGE 3 bdrm. • 2 bath Lldo hom•. Abundant M' lot, Coplou.a bdrml., cono-1 living room. F.riormou. dJ.n.lng are&, bu,. shower, lmmenae patio, 6 11pacloua garage. • I'' $34,7!50 BURTON B. BECK. RLTR. & INSUR. 2828 W. Cout Hwy. LI S..7M2 6 Bar. m f \'U . Herhor 3H7. 84trc --------------------- I badnn. N.wport Bel.pt. bome, W .W. ca.rpetlq. Lc'e· OOWl"ld patio, BBQ, ~ pool, c:ompl r9decorated. ~. f1'0\U\da In bNt location. CIOle t" 1ehooll. F. r . '11.M O. 12~00 dn. NEAL MARTIN, Realtor H&r. 39711 or eVM. LJ 8·1774 A SCARCE ITEM DUPLEX, near new, T\Ato 2 bdm1. un lt.t. 1 nlct ly tumlahe<l, Obi. 1uqe. Near public trans. Only 118.~ term1. J. M. MJLLIIR CO. 202& W. Balboa Blvd. Har. •oe1 (Near the N~ Pier) 2 OF THE CHOICEST LOTS left on Udo. CO tt. on a.noa • 30 ft. R-3 on Lido· Soud. Call Mrs. Edith Ah.rena. Har. 0191 or write UI v._ ... "-8.. TlcllT COST A MESA COMMERCIAL PROPERTY On 17th SlrePl near Irvine A \'e,. Ccn ter of t ast growing residential area. Improvements : Front bldg. 2.940 aq. ft., rear bldg .. 616 aq. ft., aU utilities, excellent conatruction, apace tor parking. Lot 62x300 ft. $35.500. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coa.st Hwy., Harbor 2288 ( acroe. from Senk ill COM) Mc81 8PACIOU8 I BSDJUl. BO)()). Near17 new, 10120 dea d1nlnc room. stn.. ru..t rm. Enl'I~ P"'9C• • mhop, l&nd9CS~ Ln,, rencecs. p&Uo, 112.IOO. SIMI Pl"Mldet Pl.. Coeta M-. OWNER. LJ l-IOTI. l3cH Neat knotty pine and ah.l.n1J.e 2 bedrm. home. Con· ven.lently located near a good beach. Lup Uvtng room. "tun type" kJtchen with Iota of cupboarda 6 a big bar. UnUIU&lly apulcna paUo with an extra * bath A dnmtng room for bath.era. Well built pr· ap with room to build an apt. above. S18,'™> partly tmllabed WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aaeociatel Park at, Karine, Balboa laland -Harbc>r 2'e2 $ PAGE 8 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 8, 1955 PLENH OF WORK -Running a jw;tic~ court in· eludes a great deal more than a judge who can say "30 days," or "Go thou and sin no more." E\•ery day there are new paper11 to file, new names for card indexes and new citations to issue. Every paper and every dollar has to be accounted fo r and·this is don<.> by the young women shoV91 above, from the left, Helen Blethen. Alice·Stolarelt and Carla Donica. John ~kDonald. who has taken a load from the girls in looking aftl'r t.hl' cash, is shown at the right with Judge D. J . Dodge, the latter a veteran of 26 yean m this court. -Staff Photo NEWPORT JUSTICE COURT FEELS AREA GROWTH AS NUMBER OF CASES RISE Creates Disturba~c• SANTA ANA (OCNSl-PauJ Grieser, 39. 312 E. Victoria St .. Cost& ·Mee&. was arneted ln Orange County Superior Court Nrwport Btitrh 1ind 1·11~tll Me· S~:l~.50; 170. S21:>.2~ one M ,;,011• r hone call~ from allegedly created a dlaturb&noe. Ry RIERT RRl:\'TSAJ.1. I Small claims. 34!'i. $:1!10.10: 422. and nN1rlv t>Vl'rV one results In Dep. 3 F riday afternoon after he u llre i;s owing hy ll'Bf'l" xnr1 Comp211inl3 and w11rr11nts. :n~ •. the man rltl'l1. his own family, He wu booked Into county jail t19umts hul ur in JllStsre rr1u11 :'iOO, 11._ or t he tt)IJ;Tll'VP•I pally. Afler l at 2:30 on a charge of violatml' Wht'rt' J tuJi:e Onn&lrt J rxuf~t' Trll fflt• \'IOlat1ons. 2608. S~8. thP flt'N"lfl rited f1ntl11 out lht lh• Health and Safety Coda. flll'J't'nMio JU~t"'" t h•·y '""' th111 4!J!l. :>027. S82 :'iOO: 2214, SJ:'i.727 1u11011n1 1.r thr fmt he usually the t>nundeu• 11rl' )raping 11h...,1l \rlmmal. 106!l, $20 607 1207. m111l'l 1t Ill too rut. $33.48'1 : M4. S8.3Cl2. I Of t ht> trart1r flnea where the r or• in111anc~. lt>llll f1nt" for P11rklng, 6111>. M61. ~1i!l t·a1«•1< ntlg lni<te in Newport Bl'&ch nne kinrl of nffen1w or nlh"r 11p \\'11rranU1 Jl'llllPd nn P11rk1ni: tr1 rltl'>1 \' t hr <'It.\' geta 87 per tn May 1 br ou~hl in s 14 701137. rasel'. 2:'>1 . ~73. 2!1. fl'nl a ntJ the county 13 JM'r CPnl or "" aVPtA,:te or $11,17761 II \IO~T CASES l'P Ill( !hi' n!OOI'\', <'n.'1111 MPllA geta month. but :olnr l' lhrn tlh•r As the f1gurP11 11how every· 8S r••r r<'nl anti thl' county 15 brou11ht In Sl:l.86D anrt Junt S18.· thing m the lrgal hnf' hss In· rer l'l'nt ' 124.63. Jn olh.f'r w1•rds J 11nf was <'rf81!ed "XCt>pl par king ,.,....,~ l n thl' t'0111 t 1t~elf bus1nrsa up nr11rly 60 ptrt'ent mort than M11 ny nr the t'a rller p11rkin1t gnM 11l11ng u 1th almoMt monolo· the fnur mnnth av('r11.ge Rntl r11ae1 rtsulted fm m wet>k -enll 11011s rt'~ul111 1t)'. C11n1r11ry to gl'n· e11rhl perctnl 11bov1 May. 11nd hoht111y influxes, but perk· rral hc·hl'f J111l,1?P Uo<li::r Is R verJ l'\o wo:i•lt·r C'a rl11 Ponwa. ehie( mg Io ta have obviatPtl m11rh rif hum11n man. Ill' believes In thr e ll•rk. anrt hrr 11~ttl~tr.nt~. Hl'len th111. llgnlly Of his !'11111 l and llPt'tl tn B lethfn, V1vlrnnr W eavrr RJ\d Tol.al11 l or May and June bl'ini:: ll thnt pen11le in the r our l re- Ahce Slolarrk. 11r~ tired w hPn the h11tr year total rr1"e1pt11 up ~rert th11t <l1imlty. lllll being &n thry loC'k up al 5 o'rlock. Thl'y to $711,303.09, wh1rh ls 67 prrcent 1nhl'rPnlly <·11lt11rrd tnrllvldual he hAVI' rrrentlv (1111nt1 thr1r h1111i-of la.•t year's totRL llC"ll no nreJ for ll'ying t1J im· 1 nrss t<Hl IC" eat nn1I n full time Every one or the CllSl'll 1·11rr11·i< pre11s M Y one. Hr gol'~ on the ,.rM11nl11nt, John Mcnnnald, hall with It a Jot ot pnpPr work. Jf 1 theory thlll 0U1er men have bPl'n Rt!•lf'd tn !ht t'rl"W. J ohn 11 man 1s cit<>d for parkinl{ in , rii;:hlll and he "Xpect11 lhPm to M11l1ler 1s balhff th" wrong place an1l hr d''"~ re1:oi:n1ze hi ... HI' <'Rn bl' Im-I n1·s1st:ss 1•11.f:s l "P not appl'ar thP court hR• to ptcl'•lw· 1r hr re .. 111 It nl'<'"llllary. e u11tnt'IA hLll piled up 11(1 lhi11 write to Sacramento to get h1111 a rare ev .. nt. Aumm!'r t hat J udg" DO<lgt> hfll addrP11., and .11t11t11" or h1.'! •h l\'"r ' Tt-:u nuu .F. l'ILAl '(;HTER r ut of( b110 Vll('llliOn from WC('k hrens p, hll.ll to Ul8Ue It WIHllt nl A nron•rlrlnk*'r h1lllll• I( J11t!jte to werk until hr now has 1t Againl!t him 11n(! w1 1l•· him to Omli:r ,.,., -. n11 1 e11>mn fnr nthen 1<r ht•h1l"ll 1n 01 tnbrr. J11il1t" 0 011· th11L pfft>ct an•I thPn 1r h,; tJ""-" lu 111<1' 41Jcoh11I, hut ht 1s not a It" hn• hi-t>n h·in•llln i: th r loin! not l'how up hu to !WI' that th" 1rro11w r lln\l.1 \'l'I, hil reel11 btn<'h fnr zi; ''""" Thr i;:rowth w.irr11nr 1'1 srn·r •I In 1111 rt1~l r-r k,.,n1,. th" tr111l.il<' ~laui:htPr on ha.s bc,.n 1:1 ... 111.11 11nlll thr l1111t lhP (l<'p• r work <:Rn R!'l"'n11n1 '" th1' h11:h\\,.\'s nn<I J'•tn•l1·r~ over 1 r oupl" nr '"'nr11 \l.hrn h•' tnunrt ,niorP lh11n 1he fine. 1h" 11\1• hr h11" 1<1 l'ntori·r for the f11:11r1·s "~lnunllint.: C'ORRESPOSl>F.;\Tt: l:t:< 0 1\U "'".. t u mek.. lh"m more I'(· A b1t>llk dn\\n 11( ttir IN"l\roli.I Sin<l' th1• r11,,1 rof ~Id\ H 1•'-frt 11\'I' llr •1 kl'<'I' 1l11nkl'rl' awn~· for t hf '"'l!rio 1!1•1::. 1!1:11 and t h•• rord or c•1rrPJ1ponoll'm •' h"~ ti• rn rr"m h<•htnrl 1111t•1mnh1I<' \\ ht>PI~. firsl four m <inl h" nf lll~1:1 ):l\'I.' kf'(lt J1howmi: th11l 12:1 J'I•, " .. "' H11:ht n"w J mti:" rlnrl1:e 111 cnn- a ttnnd lt'ltl\ of th111 ~rowt h 1111111 hHve b<>Pn :<cnt nut. Hr,1•!•'• •1 fr lln): •1•n•fln1: d1 1111kl'n 1111\'Prit In t h•· fl'llllWln).: t hl' l 1~1n•J1 the ma ll a r 11mplrle lllP hA• tn lh 1nll r ... 60 rt:n·~ Tho 1111m l>t'r a re the numbl'r 11( <lll'I'~ antl he m:11ntamPt! nn all 1 """" '"' nf •II• h '"' , ~ ,, n•1w ncartn): amount. Of ftnP(I fM l!lf13, lhf'n thfll thl'\' will ht> M\'All1tlll" fi n lhr 711 111111 k ll lhl, 1f II I ('Rl'hCI! 19:'>4 11nt1 I hen fn11r month~ In I a mln11t P'• not11·e fnr lrwal 111 11111 11 1~ p1 nh11hl•· t) 111 •h1vo-1J1 • 1Committee to Study Transportation Fiim to Relate Chapman Co119CJ9 Story at Fair Problem for . County Hospital Cases ORANGE. -"Tht C'hapmlln No Immediate Answer to Fill Reel Cross Motor Service Role By JACK BOE'ITNER SANTA ANA. <OCNS) -How Orange County Hospital clinical patlent11 are going to be transported remained a pur.zle today after a meeting Friday afternoon of the welfare divi- sion of the Orange County Council of Community Agencie1 here. Tht' complex problt'm aro11e In BEC'OUr:s TAXl SF.R\'l<'E March whl'll the Red Croas lt was asserted thf Red CroN Sot hPrn Ort.nfe County Chap-M•n·1ce hu become a t&JCI au- ter board ot director• voted to v1ct and not 1n ket'ptng with the dlacontlnue lta motor 1ervlce to oclnglnal Idea of aldlnc the needy. the hospital. Board of Supervisors Chairman 10-Vl:AJl SERVICE Willis Warner dt'clared tht Red Cr Olls cha~tera In Orange county'11 problem In itetllnr Into County have fum1ahed tra.naporta-1 the tram1po1-tatlon picture "I• lion for both public and private what we can and can't do le- ag-fnclu for 10 yur1. I gaily. We don't have a complttf However. the vut (Towlh of anawer. The county can't apend the co1•nty'• population made 1t monfy for any r&M"a other than lnadviaable and economlally un-thoae claued aa Indigent ldtall· aound to continue the service. lute). How tar can we go! After hearlnf numeroua •ug-"We realiu the problem and geatlone on how the altuallon aren't tryinr to duck It. Neither may be aolv!d, the welfare di· llre we tllkinr on aomethlnf we vlston chairman, Ml'll. Hilda Red-can't do leplly." mond. wu aulhoriztl! to call the lt wu brought out by a Rtd dlviaiona · tog-ether to •elect a Cron apokum&n that 11~3 pa- commltlH &nd chairman lo .atudy Uenta r ot. motor aerv1ce from the 1111ue. July l , 19~4 to May 1, 111~~. The committee will compile I During that period, 31911 plckupa recommt1ndatlon1 made and pre-were made. Drlvara covered 33 • aenl a concrete plan at a future 800 mllu In the lO·monlh apa~. 1e111ion. No meetlnf date wu County Ho.1pltal Medical Dine:· aet. t~r John U.naon and County Wei· Oliver Lawaon, chairman of a fare Welfare Dept. Chltf Tom special committee lo atudy the Ooug"lu echoed Warner. Red Crou problem, explained the WUUam Hynde. member of the tranaport atlon load la rrowtnr Orang-a County Tuberculo11l1 and heavter lnonth by mont.b. He Health .Auocia Uon, came up with aa.td. the Red Croaa motor aer-eeveraJ auggeatlon1. vice• nrat job la to back up the THREE CLASSES armed forcea and fumiah lnt.nll· Hynda clu aed thoee netdlnf portaUon tor them. tra.naportation Into three cate· Collf'ge Sto1 y." a • olor-1>ound gor1ea I-the indigent. :!-me.Ii· motion p1c1ua . lo\111 ~ aho\l..n cally 1nd11ent 1 thou not quite !ht 1enf'1 al pubhr ffll th• first a ble 10 pa)• for hoepital treat· I thnt a l lht Orana e C•>1.mty Fair. ment\: a nd 3-thoee who h•ve Au11 9-H . Worth 8trni.rd. vu·•- acctpted tranapi,rlat1on tor 10 pr«-~1drnl t•f lht rolle1ite. Btal'Ofl Ion~ thry ''btllevr It la a God· Bay, announr ed t oday. g1vt'n right." Thi' h im will Ix-a future of Hynd• aMtrtO'd thl' fil'sl catr-thf' <:'ha'pn11rn ,.,..h1bll 1n lhe AJM· goiy wa... the welfare ilt>parl· culture tenl Othrr 11 pp;11ntment11 menl'a concf'rn. He Hid the third In the 30·rt w1olto uhlb•t will g roup •hould be able to take lnclud«' mu111I photo.-:nph1 anl1 l'&re of ltaelf. fl ia in the aecond • liff·lll!t' t'olo1 <'d 1:utnu1 or 1hr unit that. ~ynd8 thoui;hl the Chapman panlhtr think ing 1hould be rentf'red. Stu1len1 <·oun•rlon1 will man Accordlnl? to Hynd~ the TB the f'Xh1blt on a 10 a m. to and Hl'alth A1Hoclali~n 11tands 110 p.m. IM'hedul,. rn~ the duration rudy to pay on a prr mile bula of thr f1t1r. tor the roAl or the Rf'd Crou "We arr f'\'l'n fumlahinic· th• optrated atatlon wagons. I placl' wllh t'hl lr». "" ~opll' can "We'll b«'ar thr cost a" agref'd , 11t doW1l to view t he movie an!1 o n by th,.· Red Cro11a," Hynd. dt· 1 real thflr feet." Bernard uld. clared, "for peraona in group :'\o. 2 Only one peraon must be 1 tran11portallon ot patll'nta to th• n•mtd to certify who u to ret hci.pllal l1 "o\•frworkl'd " lhf 11erv1ce. ~he or he would be Allothn auagullon ..,.,... that Lhe only one who couM make thl' \•a n ou1 ag«-nc1f'1 form a tht 1ppo1ntment with lhf Rt'd tran,.portatton pool. Crou . I 0 t h t r • on hand Included HOSPITAL LAG aupervlaor He Ins K a I 1 er, Hynda claimed one of lhl' dif · Community Agf'nclu Prellldenl flcult,., the Red Croiu volunteer I Frank Gruenfeldrr. Mr•. Cather-drlv~r• have raced ja the Jag al lne J ohnaon. Sp«-clal R4d Croaa the ho1p1tal He al!Sel'ted volun· Commlttre m«-mber from N-- tetr11 havp dellverrd pa lien ta for port ant! C011ta Mesa: Edward T . an 8 a. m, appnintme'ltl and then Huh-. Nf'wp<>rt • Co11La MN& had lo wait unUI t he ft'Cktor1 got 1 bran~h of thl' Rec1 ero .. : Mra. around to taking care ot the j Maritaret B. BoyHn, eJlecutlvr CHU. 11ecret11ry of the Anahel1" ~ Mr11. Rtdmond. who was In C"ro1111 l'hllpter: Mra. t.ynn Wll· charge. ot the 11u 11ion, 1a1d llam~. exfcutive H<'ntlary of th" Hynda off Pr woul<I ra!ae ffi• old I Northern Orang,. County R4!d queatlon or p•ylnc volunteer Cron Chapter: Aaron Coif. Red •renclra. Croea field director · Ml .. Ma.rlha LayJJ'ence Wh1tta~er. repruent· T11;vlor. u ecutlvl' 'director a.nil inr the Heart A150C1at1on. uld Mildren Wehrly of the American hie organlr.atlon l11n't really to' C'ancfr Society: Miu Katherin enlfr Into a tran~portat1on pro-I Hanty, l'xreut1ve ctlrtrt~ of th• pam. He 1u~geo11tfd m1ny 0( the 1 county TB and Hulth \ _,noel· tranaportalion cues could . bt 11Uon: Mra Laura R. Warren, handlt<1 by neighborhood docn:m1 exf'cullve rl1rl'rtor lit Ute South• at a eavln:s. H e clalmtd the I em County Red croaa Olapter. 19M tn ~nrh r A•r· I' outl'lulr II~!' \\"llh ··;11•:.!' t11 i:i:rd In lhf'm will Clv1I. 228. JlOG:i.7~,. :WI Slfi22.· ,\t l1•11•l half tht' tn1H1l' r:i-.·~ 1:1•1 l" k1111"' lh•· Jllll~1· .111 "611· 10. 811. 161 :10 "'" h11nlllet.1 throu,::h l hr mnrl Pn,\' IW>tl,:t>" sold by ·our sales force • 1n July. were Harrison Pontiac con· SORRY MATE, SHE'S NOT FOR SALE "Just another rumor." was the comment of Bill Cagney when asked if he wa11 plan· 111111? to sell the schooner Swift to Herb Shriner, TV pe1'11onality and humorist. Cag- nr~· hlld Shriner out for a sail the other day. "We have had the idea once or twice," admits Cagney. "But when it romes to parting with the plc;turesque craft we just t>an't bring ourselve. to siijl on the dotted line. When l 1ot home yesterday I found my dau~hter. June. in tcan . She had heard the rumor t hat we might !!ell." -Beck· n('r rh~to t • 1n ti nu es sell more than to 51°/o of all new Pontiacs sold OranCJe County. "Shop 'em all, then see us." , Tl-IE REASON Best Deals-Best Service Dept.-A Reputation to Uphold 102 VERY SORRY High qu~lity, expertly conditioned used cors were sold from our lots. THE ~.eASON- A Care1'3Hy 5e;ected of t he Most ~opular Stock Makes w e were forced to turn down many dea4s b"owe of the poor condition of the cor to be traded Mi., but our used car buyers have gained confidenee i" the fact we try to offer only the bfft for local trade. AGAIN-You can still save, up to 5900 at HARRISON'S Orang• County's Oldest and Largest Pontiac Dealer 2INI I Sycanore PIM11e Kl 2-2175 'I '11