HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-10 - Newport Harbor News Press• J Summer c .. sance Sale Pol.i.bed Cotton, Ra~. Nyloaa ... Reg. to $2. •e $1.00 yd. Nbvelty Cottons ftc. to' $1.39 J ,.. ,_ $1.50 Sanforised Cotton Printa ftes. to $1.00 2, , .. for $1.00 (at the Corona del Mu .tore oolJ> ••• s.c. 881: J ,.. ,_ $1.00 Printed Drapery Y erdege ~·,...-~ ... 4fll Yn c.-()Illy le SNIP 'N STITCH Yardage Shop -....... 1117 E. o.et BWJ. ......... ~ ..... under new management ELITE Beauty Salon J04 Merine lall»oe hie ncj "Mr. Pat" of Santa Ana Complete Beauty ~ Permanent Wavinr Co&orin1 Styllnr Kanlcurin1 For Appointmenh Phone Harbor 1827 Oflt ... N .... Md 9 "'1Nt la the new I 001. Plastic Leatherette* nTU. ClJBTOll TAILORED Seat Covers to metch the new 1955 cars •UNOONDD'IONAU..Y GUARANTEED! °""9 .. WW., ......... o-. Y.._, a.. ........ ...,(' ..... JlA7 ~ 1l1Wt°M .... 79W ...t.. • /Jartine s Calico Shop I I I E. 18th, Coate MHe-U 8-20 I I 10 W_.rful Deys Clrculatloll 21.GOD Dbk& 111• .. N...,_._. .. ,._ ..... ....... Vorwa ....... ()Gllta .... ~ .S-tla t.pii. .............. "WHO, ME?" Y H, you .can sell that furniture, bric-a-brac, clothes you no longer went by using cleuified Ada ... iuat call , HARBOR 1616 PRJ:SENT, for your 11ebool MWinc. Woolem, Wool It Nylon, Wool and Orlon, Synthetic P1annel, Unem, Cottona, Wrinkle remtant cottom, It Corduroys. AUGUH15~26~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t e. •· 'HI 11:30 . u .............. .,, o-MfiM QiM C--.. _. MJ. T..._, PrioN ranp from 39c in 80 aqua.re cotton• to $2.96, $3.96 and $4.95 in woolen typee. 'ftte little Church ly The Sea c.. a...--' n .. ...,. .............. C:.lif. rw ~ ..... ., c:ww,... n.-RY 4-3490 w ~31 Y ean of experience •peak a for our quality and pattern&. a.-. ·-All .\f". r ti,.J . ~-Ottt'-11 STORE·WIDE ( .) 1/2 PRICE SALE IT AanNG 'i'BUllSDAY, TllE 1 lda 'l'ld\1 l&TtTaDAY, 'l'llE ll&la o•nua AOCD101UD lllb OOATS .... n.lrete ... ., ... llgg1r witft More S.lectioft Then Ever! ........_ .... .... llY .... SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10TH 25 to 50~ Reduction on all Stock Dres .. s lbathl119 suits skirts accessories, etc. STARTS MONDAY -'AUG. ITH Name Brand Summer COTTON l 1 /3 TO 1 /2 OFF DRESSES .._ .. ...., .. • • • GROUP OF BATHING SUITS RE.DUCED 1/4 TO 1/3 OFF • • • SUMMER BEACH HAiS & TRIMMED BASKETS 1/-2-PRICE • • • GROUP OF BLOUSES 113 TO 1 /2 OFF LIDO FASHIONS 34' I 9 Newport llvd. Newpert leedt 'YES ••• WE HAYE Mover/ Out!. • LMt week n moved Ma •UllMr ol RJGR QUAUl'V USED CA.88 bat •• , .. tldll ba" a lew more, ... tMy're r-.l •pa. prbd to eell q'8lc!llly. Cheak tile ............. ud bvr, '°" beet uheU-. TIM s.le a.. Ulla weell wL • JUST A SAMPLE OF OUTSTANDING IUYS ~~ CPE. 5109500· ~~ ~!'>.! $44'5 ~!i!'i.:.. ~29500 [~ s44•s ... s 9500 EO!C~.~27500 !=.!:!~·~ ·~ 5 ?~a -~1500 ~~~~~~· _5158°° [~!!~OLET s49500 [A]L~c ____ ~sr We Tracie for Anythlnt and Ever1•l11CJ! . IAVI UP TO 1700 EXECunVES CARS SAYI $600.00 ... "' • .,., ...... v ... ' *· n. _._*'•ii' I Pc•u-.--...-.. .................................... .... .. ............. ...... ... .._,, __ _.. ...... . SA YI $700.00 1111.,.... ...... ..,.... *· ...... ara 11ra1 I .... ,.... o.-ce ... _,..,.. ..... ....... """ -le ,., •::ct t_ ..... ,........._ ...... .... y ___ .,.. ......... .. le llr . .,,..,.. ,......, -· Lee .... .................. Roy D. Bryant Motor Co. DI... ... .... ·~IF 411 ..... lt. llalli pa I••• i.lalf• MM 1 • 2 COASTA~ SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, AU6°'1 I 0, 1955 THE SPORTS WATCH Jt'• e.lway1 a pleasure to report the inteue Interest en· gendered by the hundreda of Harbor younpten from 8 to 15 who are playing summer bueball. Like a recent call from Mra. H. B. Miller of 025 Buel Drive with 110me ideu which she ho~ will re.ult in chang• of echedule for the benefit of Corona del Mar Tout.ti C.tw to be cm band for th• (UllN. diamond doln1•. "AU th... younptera who Major problem for th• Toulb wa.nt to play aummer bueball Center Clua C bueball i..cu•. d-rve the aupport of adult.a ill Mr1. MIUer reported, LI lM dlt· the Harbor .area," Mr1. Miller flcuJty of obt&lnlni autnctent maintained "The reaulta will adult aupervl.llon for th• nlnu. ahow up fin yeara from now "Moet of the tat.JMra of the boya when 80 many juvenilea wbo have to work momlnp while the have not received auch healthy pmea are ~n1 helplayed t ai;~ wmmer attention wm fall toll th~~~o~ :,i: t MUI! ;~lnted to the delinquency problem." To co ..... e•, · which we .. y, Amen. ouL "Other aduJta who would at Did you know that aoflball 'Jeaat like to at tend the r;ame~ waa orl&'inally calJed kitten ball! and root for t~elr team• •r• un 1 didn't. until Ro1eoe Hovattei able to do ao. or Irvine Terrace, wutem dl1- 0AME KEGULAA trlbutor for Lo•1llvllle Slu11er Mn. Miller attend1 the ...,,, .. bat•, mentioned the &'&m• In a regularly, ahe aald-"But the recent Interview. To overcome 1a.ck of aupervlalon ten~ to ct.UM my Ignorance, Hovatter Milt th-younpter1 to loae ln· alonr Ule July l~ copy ot Ba.111 tere1t." Mra. Miller reported. and St'tiku, ottlcl1l newirpaper "'rd like to lie«! some service of the Amattur Softball Auocl- cluba take an acUve aupen1aor-atlon. Included ln the gu.ette Sal role In the Youth Center wu an article on the hl1tory of bueball prorram. Tbey need a aoftbell In col\junctlon wtth ,,fth bette r park to play at and more Annual Softball W"k. adult lnler•l In order to main,: FDU:MAN 8POaT t&Jn their own youthful lntereau. Klttenba.ll wa1 evolved by I.Aw· The •U(&'Mtlon advanced by 11 Rober, a Ktnneapolt. t lreman. Mu. Miller, which abe aald ah~ u a recreational ouUet when the Intended to br1nr to Harbor Bo)'11 amokeatera weren't on tire call. Club A thletlc Director Rod Mac-Th flrat aottball ever majle by Mtlllan'a attention. la to ahlft th• Ro:.r wu borMhlde covered. f 1-1 Youth Cent.er itamu to after-In. In diameter, wt(!\1111' about 1100.u next 1ummer. Th11 would oz Rober came up with stn working fatheni a chance ::,~:'nbalJ In lteD .. WILD CHASE 4 Teenagers Booked by Local Police P'tnt aoftball tO\lrna.ment • ..,... held took place In St. Paul in Auruat of 181~ when learn cham- pion• from nine ktttenbaU lea- iur• vied for the world llUe. Mlnn•poli8 Park Recreation Di- rector H . A. J ohn10n thou,:bl klttenball an odd name for the rame. So tn 1922 he held a con· test to aeek a n-name for th• aport. Dl&1nondbt.JJ wu UM monl· ker aelect.ed. The came went by that tag until formation of the A m ate u r Sort ball A»oclallon aome 23 yean aco. 8o now Y°" After a wild cllue at ttlfh know . ..,eed do"'11 Oout Hlpway at -:=::;;;;;:===::::::==; a:ao a. m. iaturqy_._ Newport ,. police finally fired two ahota at lb• nee,tng car to brtn1 It to a atop. PARIDJl • RIDLEY llOBTUABY FormerlJ' OILUJEL CBAl'EL llt ~ ,_ 0... --Ullart7 ............... Ottlcer1 Mid they nr1t came upon the rar In the 1ea.r p&.rk- tnr lot ~hind Chef• 1Dn.. '!'bey .. ld wh~n they 1tarted to qu•· lion t he four teen-ace boya about ~========~~~ their acUon1, the c:&r 8 ot a"'97. Offker1 Aid the7 chuad thea with r.-d llpt and alren. Dunne the chue. poUee a.Id the youth.I car wu irpeedln1 without llrlllta Oii. otnc.n aaad tht>y could he.Mt beer botU.. M- ill& thrown out of the cu duro tnr J.he ch•ae. When flna.Jly atop- ped. tAe four youlb,a. all from Norwalk reportedly made .. mnart aleclt" ,.mark.a to pollce. '!'be boya were 1~ and 18 yea.re Old. Compla int.a w1lh JuvenUe au· thorlUH were filed on them a.ltd they were rele&Hd to their par• ent.a. Senitone Ory Cleenera' National Conteatl WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEI.D & CO. . DREAM WARDROBE • • • and a FREE ro1111d trip to ChJcar;o for TWO OD UNITED AIR LINES I Plan now to enter Ule ~ Uonal I>na.m Wardrobe Con- lut apolUIOred by U1e 8an1- tone Dtvialon ot f:mery In- d u 1 t r I ea. ln<' • Clndnna tl. Ottlo. 81mply "-tall Titla ~•tM!ee ta ta Wonl1 or a- "/ 'fl"ltrr Bai•"~ to or4'- M ry dry Ckto"l"p fk'ew1ur' (Sample Sentence : 1 know I 'can truat Sanltone to do a bttter Job on everythlnr t roM children·• clothe. to ftn..t eventnr wear -,..t It coell no mor~!"l It'• Juat u .... y a1 that and you mlpt wtn a "new you" . . . •YWJ'lhl.q from allOM to a 1lamoroua n.,... haJr-do ... cuu&J to evea&ajJ ~ all a I'll a r t 1 T lltyled fw "f'1eld'1" by the world'• fortm09l ~ Tbe f\nt pr1 .. ~er alao feta a round( ttl < to Chlcaeo for TWO cm mt.lid A.lrliftee •.. wttA a da71I' a.oi.1, mea11 anc1 tut far. p&W for b7 Sanl· tone Dry ~J"-S.mce. ln &ddlUon t.e tll• nm prt• of 11.000.00 Dnam Ward· robe, Ulere an '8 other wondtt'fuJ prUea. Co..tut .torte A•~ J-1 • clONe 89J1l-Hor IOf1', 1111 Get,.. onkW _.,,. W... ... ...,ae .. ....._ ,.._ LIDO CLEANERS , 712 Newport lhd.. Costa Mete. UMrty M014 811 Co. Employees, Familia Hol~ 111111 Pi11i1 i1 · lre1 w1Ut radio-telephone wu on duty ortU• to report llJI)' ~ at \M park throupout tbe t•U-ca.Ila. X.... Prewlew Sale! LA TEST HAIR STYUN& FOR HOME 'PERMANENTS 11 ......... 11111 20% Dlscomt • .. X.. ' Gift Wrapplap Xmu Boxed Oarde Penonallud Xmu Caret. Aa1. 15 to Aag. SI Wiiiams StatioMrs _ 3430 Vla Lido -0.e of the Udo Sllope Speclah For Thun·Frl·Sat. AUCJ. 11·12· 13 DAN'S IAUa SHOP - LIDO DRUGS . HAUOR DRUGS IALIOA DRUGS "Oae of the Udo 811opa" S301 E. C.OUt Hy., Coroaa del Mar 716 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Mel Via Lido, Ne":port BMcb e Ye know tbat wlitee yo• telephone aa e111e1· •ency order, r•~ •Htl ii -rnJ. Y 011 can'"""' o• -delinry Hf'Yice. ll• -bet, too, we call for pretaiptioa1, «>mpou4 and deli .. r tbe aed.i0..1, .. -...,.. caa.r,... -m_J na-n. a.a c.vtM WAX PAPER 22c ARROWHl!AD AN• PURITAS WAHll ~~~ ---i Vincents ICE ... CREAM 1lll~ g~ a&AJn' DOV-.. lllP CONES U9UOR DIPARTMENT Ice Cold AIC leer 6 1l 01. caa• 87' Natwally FenMRted Pink ChampacJne ~09 Fifth Silver Ripple Gin •noor nrrw 2'7 u•rr~o TllH OlfLr 1 A ....,, lot dry lllkie! nlt IO#t, lueli er-. -ti. .. it c1eo-. -..U..-Utly, petly; -- ... ~ dt11t ... ,,...._ U• ply; -rcb · ..-.;.. ............. s-1t.,-. .... w. FOR DRUG NEEDS VU.I• 1Jc AIPDIDf TUUTI ''• 0... aaacvaOC111101a a.o.. hM ZDfC OKIN oarnmrt r. Aftlt • QIW-...,. •t 11 GLTC:SaDI IVf POllTOllU 9c 19c 1tc "• ONla-leo. Ucc:llAallf TUUTI .I-Liie. SJIOll IALTI ClftATS ef 12C MAGlfDIA 1141. • Wroq" lroa ...._,Alet.. eelen '·" \'atue $298 Waste laskets Hom~~ad ~II'• Re9. 1.29 ... .. .... 89c Nesco lread loxes Homea~ Detqn Klaat Deer-o.11.a J>e,t. Re9. 2 .89 ... -....... 2.19 8 Qt. Pnlyf'thf'l!'M tc 2Jc or J .... Plmtlc FllD ZIPPEI I Binder-2 Poclceh, red $191 cordove, brown ---- PAYLESS ........ tin C..,.,.I• ......_.Assoc. Parakeets A II ne..w.I ()eh,.. ... ---a H Y,•ll'"d If.'" llief:r $291 RexWa~ons ... OoaMe DIM ........... ..... r;-a-... ,. .... ~98 DIAPER PAIL -·· ... w1tll o•e~ c~n~r _. ......_u,11elatl!f_. s.a • ..... • ..._ $1J.tl IRONING BOARD ' All ..... .s,...... s5 ~9 M&.f.Uy......... • ........ , ............ ....,., U5. ..... Mt'f'Wll '' ~ roaocl, """'~ .. ,. ... r'IPCI or Matk trim t:n.DllM'I -Rf'C. I.ft DISH PAN 89c SOCKS . Dishpan Re9. I. 98 ............... 98' ~- Ivory COFFEE MUGS l'tf'lal. .... ..,. ~91 f't1rom,. round paUo T AILE "'C· l .M 8..iq;~~ 89< ~ JADtT'I oa ivon CEREAL IOWLS &.,17c ~ 00Arr-1cz aoz 2]c Water Jan ~Rfg[fyc;14tc I ·I ' ~ MARINES ON LIFE RAFT RESCUED BY FISHING BOAT You Wiii Find Best In Every Thing , You Need .. WANT AD PAGES J11ior Ni1e in Co111ty Second Plaee Finish Jllu1lol' ~ Clulll JU!Uor nln• ~ a W tray to ctM To.t In u.. Joaal9 tint round Onuic• Coarity JUnlor tounaana.t con· tllct at Buena Park °"" Ule week ed. The lourMJ l• a doubl• ellmlnallon atta!r. Befon eatertnc t.be tourney, UM Boy9' Club nine oopped M · C9d ,._ la lAq1M play .... btad &wt pl&c:.e J"lll.lertAa by de- f •tJ:ac OU.. Gron .. ._ ftree ~ ...... plaJ'9 by J er· '7 llWi-t. Jtwa B• and Ted 1.-. .,_. In fin r... la UM ..a to w.1r -. a...,.... b&ck. G I ¥•bee and ~Ball ..... ~ wtn. aBowtns oal7 -. .... ....__ WalW F1UIMI Ill ICellll ,.... c.. Dk a;_, a...._ a. Mr e...a-............. ...... .............. ..or I ¢ a Dltfia. a W .._ w-tJ. a-._, 0 Z' P. V.W-et i.. • sr' ........... Mid-... .... ......,. 11119 locUd ear wu toroed ope ... u.. a1ne -~t la .._ -.....,_ to take UM wU- let. lie me! ttT wu ....... ,._ It. Ylllt... leport ..... .,, 11111• ... 'nlilft et • pertUle ra.dAo &ad • .... .. ..... s '1• ,,_ • ...... oft tlM ~ W1IUe ---..... .... ... .....w to polloe by KuQp lllVU ot A.Jb&m· ._ ... Ula..--.-6EI Kcmla. n., _,. U. Jom a ••IMI at .... eel ot Ap&. ...... JJlrne ... So•glll ............ Lml 'ftr9 '-• acu e apsiu-Uy Mlpe4 lh-..Jfte to food and 9CllU ........... .. ................ 009TA ..... 1,.. ...... ..... a>llOlfA. ... ..... .. o..& ..,.. &OOSD'8 LA.OUJlf& mA.<Jm .. ..,......., a.uac>.& l8LUID ._._ ...... a &Wi'OC'i' 9&A.m -o..& 11w7. Announcing the Merger .,, ... Costa Mesa Bank .... ... UNITED STATES · NATIOIAL BAIK EFFECTIVE, MONDAY, AUGUST 15 • 1'lle 1W .... .,, p11'1GHL1Hti 111 f l&g ..,_ wtce .. c1arlaa1. Tiie 1101•• of ... UllltM s. .................... .,. .... ..,.. ,,.. • ., ............ CNlalt•• ..... .. ,,.., •• ...r ••••19' of ... Cale Mee. office. 1167 Newport llYd u N 1 r f D ~; 1 14 r F ~J NAT IUNAL B ANK • COSTAMDA CUSTOM UPHOLSTlllNCI ...... 0..... .,...., ..... ., ....... , ...... .. CUSTOM WOODWORK "° w. 17 .. St. ' .... Me. II c.ta .... -u..v MM1 PA .. J Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL: llCUllTY PATROL Kl z.7027 flllCll lfNCllVI ....... 1 t , l1, 11, 1955, .......... -.... t4 .. W.w_,. epen S••d1y ift IWa-. ................................... ,.- • ra•1dd.....,....,._W.. JAEK '°EESE •mmY 3ni VI ~~.':. 7- flOUR == ~45' ~89'. FRESH EGGS a:~ ... 53' DOG FOOD ·suTISSUE ·~ 5' ::5' =.:.:'"-25c .... , tr t ,._.,. s;.; ---~~-~·•••1 ....... ••Na .... BEVERAGES ,_ ,__. _, _.. ~ ..... ...... ..,,._ ...... .,......, ....... LAMESA .. .. 11 .... '°"· ~..-.1 09 . ....,,..,. .... . ___ ...... .... ........ .. 6 •::I.I•· .... .., ................................... 1::. ...... ~ t I r1•1 r;plr ........................ ••1'• ,.,., ........... pt4eef NEaARINES~ ~ 19-D •• d • .,...._...,_ ... ..._...._..,...._.., ...... GRAPES -· ,:.r 2 ... 25c ...... A..-..C-fild. sllL .............. ...,. ...... CRISP CARROTS •. 5c PlllEAPPLE •· 1•c • IOCKY ROAD LAYER CAKE •Mode the W<ry Yov'd Molte 11r kH o. .. w. food 39 ~-· ... 0 d•'·· c O.Vtly d·f9•11n1, ~colt1• . . .,,_.,,, .... CUP , .. ,,ES ,,..,.,....... .... IS• "'" o.-.,. ---"'J SALTINES ::::. ':.16' '.! 25< ICI CRIAM INOW STAR The "Ito I vy .. '" 2 !!:,'. 37 C VoAIMe °' Ch0<olo••' "" nae&llOCU ~ ......... , ... (,.,._,. UI 9 p.a.) ............... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ' 4 COAST At; SHO.PPER ' WIONISDAY. AU6UST 10, 1955 MISS PRATT REPORTS ANKLE 1500 PERSONS ATTEND KIWANIS BREAKFAST IREAK AS DOG JUMPS ON ~-R M1M H•lftl l. Pratt. tO, ot 1210 S. Balbo& Blvd. told po· Uee lbe INft...S & llll'okea -iu. 8atW'd&7 whea a boiler do1 J\llllp.c! a.a her and lmoclted Iler ~ \wte9. Sha aid eh• wu walkiq !Mr own doe In front ot 1023 It. Balboa Blvd. wh-the attack occur"41. Police a&Jd lbe bcaer la owned by M,.. ll:li&a.belh P•1• ot 1023 It. Balbo& Blvd. Tha dol' apparently Sol out Of an Mon tllllla JeOI ,..... -*...a ·~ fte 11ot ..... and ••· encJowre, accordJ~ to • ca~t&ker. t4 111..adut a C.-11-. Putt ....... JlllntT ot eolfM bad a ------------------------keard&T _..., ................ _.. ........ ot ... betn1 c p ~7-:i .e:: ,:;: .... : =i-.== ::=-d: ounty Utility ropertles ere alloat ITOO abMd. •• I •4 .,.. ..._ U. laaadle G&nM ott the • to Daw <Jardmr, •• , "" ... ~ wllidl one ot th• hotcake Assessed apoMO~ ~ artilM ,WU ~ and t.b9 r.uit· over 1954 Amount M.a chamb.r el ComJMree w.re ch FOf'l'ellt, aad W.t• Om TM'I>• DR. AOa9ltT a. WUM8, ...... f Ma 11 LL h) .. I ...... ,._ today &DllOW\ced It)' Prwiidmt OU· Uon Hal llattleld. Coliese _, \JM PM:ifto-"Show me .. """9 .. alt •11 Hkt .. ... bert IM1. c-mttt..-.,. cur-------------• ,.... ...... llOt -~ ta '9dty ... NDUy ~ Hlec~ ... ~~t to approvai 'ot -UM cbalnneL ni. .:ll&lnMa are: ....... ~· drew Walller: CMc .A. tt a tr a. Willal'd Jordan: a..n1.1p a a d Be&uWlealloa, Xra. Call& Vlele; ratn and C.lebr&UON, J'nalt: -.. MO; J'tre Protection and Rate., Author TUtU.. Mambenblp, Don HuddlNtclli; Pluni~ and ZoTU~. I\. J'. (Pete) o.ddel; Publicity, Paul Nlellen; TT&Mpon.auon, ltd atlt'OOl ar.; Upri« Boy Development. Tom MA'ITaaUU ..... _ ..... -TNDen .,,......., lllafJea l.Dlwt7 I-UN D'y• l.a1ce Jumbo Fried Shrimp 1 s..f Fish Fry UH 0-. From& MMH....,tl'ler ... Showboat to La••• .. u.e ...... PM&fte Twtc. O.U, -ll:IO ...._Md ,:ti ..... ........ fU6 -CWldra. -· ~ Th&. wu u.. Mil_... ......... Ille' llPlll made a hote&k• that fut ot UM .... aad OUdmr i. would -.e ..,._ llllY amall boy'a SACRAXl)NTO, Ueve• It WU .. ot tile --... dels,tlt. -------------------------fomla'a uUlity propertlea are aa· .ICN8)-Call·!cltlH, acbool dlatrlct• and otber <XMIT~~~OO. loc&I r overnment. wlll approx1----------_-____ ,,, Fonner Balboa Man Escapes Briefly froril Sheriff aeaaed a t 12.558,05,000 for pur- poaea of local taxation thl1 year. 1tate board of equalisation an· nounced her• today. The board ln cttued valuaUon.e In all of the 08 California coun· Ilea. Jn Ora.nge county, the aa· eeumenl amount• to U 7.068,8'10 mate $1,200.000,000. A ... amenta by the board In· cr~•.-4 nearly 10 per cent ·Over thoM made a year &&'O· Corr•· pon&n&' lncreuea ln local ....... menta approximated 3~ per e«1t. hUJI and bot ~ very beWI'-Banta Ana Mwiictpal Co u r t compared to '38,932.310 Jut year. vent," Heffner •Id. "Then he Judie Howe.rd Cameron for ar· which wu in 1nnuse of 20.87 Lagunan's Car in Crash on Highway at.arted to r'\Ul. I didn't want to raJpmezit. It ha.d bHll continued p~rcent. flNI at him." t.o tomorrow morntn1. Annualiy. lhe board of equal\· Hit and run damqe to her ca r Kettner hurTled t.o the aheriffa Bettner waa •~run1 Griner z.allon u11eAH1 174 railroad•. IH at Marg-uertte Ave. and Coaat otrlc• and reported the eacapt. b&ek to county J•U When lbe and elec:tnc c:ompanlea. telephone HJrh way wu "ported to police Omer, who formerly lived a l break c:ame. The .uipecl waa companies . l nd other concen\9 Saturday by c u ol Nola of Lacun• 4'0 1:. B&Jbo& Bl.cl .. waa arreated walllln1 be91de Heffner. aubjt>ct to etate aueaament1. Beach. Frtday by local ~Ice 111 tbe "I 'd bffn tryinf to• talk with The uUUUe.t have two weelu Newport officer• c&Ulhl up w ith 1100 block on riower Bt. Th• marab&ll'a office Mid ll 1n which to prot.Ml the valu .. th• au.apect, Ed&'t.r Georr• v .. i.ry 8A.NTA ANA AUG. I (OCNS) would have a rnlademeanor H· Ullgned to their propert.ie9 by ot Oovtna, north of Cryat&l Cove. -A. b~ eeupe attempt by a ca pe charr• ready tor Griner to the board. He Rportedly admlllted tM &eci· drunk drtvtnc INllP'Ct.. who for-answer In the momlnf. The et&te·-.......d ftlu-. to-det to polic9 but aid JM did not merly Uwd In Balboa, met "'1th Ortner reportedly a ttempted to gelher with cou.nty -awMd stop u he did not Wilk tJM dam· f.alh&r• h•ra today. commit .ulelde alter hi• Rtum valuea of more tban 118.780,000,· ac• .,.. wttldent to nqtl.lre him llberttf• depuU• rouaded up t4 county Jall by atabblll&' him· 000. bring the an-racate tot.al to lttop. IUc:b&.rd L.. Griner, lined now u eel.f In tn. wrist with hill bell property tax beM for the 1965· ------------ • trualent, aft.er he broke a-Y buckle tongue. He waa ditcove,..d :If tlacal year, before equallatJon, C••lll•l!.H COllll-lll .. lttff from ~P-Xarahall Louie Hd-by a jal.ler a.nd rU.thed td Oran,re to approximately Slt,S00,000,000. __ .. ....,. Iner and nect 11orth on Broadway. County Hoapltal. Ha condition the bo&rd annouac-s..• It wu pr-. CW.1• N-d Ttl• au.apect wu oollaHd 11ear wun't ..nou, aocordlns to U'9 dlct.d tbal. the taJl• a..t..S on ltll Bt.. and Broedway 1'1 two jail. tbla t.ae for 1upport of OOWltlel, Oomm.ltt. ClllaanlMn. tor C09t& •puU•. Gr111er had Jwit been betora Mi1or Injuries in 3-car Crash HIJlor lnJurl• were Nftend by 011t puM~•r BaturOay ta a tbree· car pi.up on Oout Rtpway In front ot a local club. L&u1' June Wellber, r1dUl.I In a ear wtUa 'nl.eodore Ward Webber ot Loe~­ plet M.ld aM would so to her OW1l doctor tor l cbec:k-u]). -Police Mld Jou o a.t.a o1 SU 0,1• Bt., Coat& M-. appanntl7 .iowed tcw a car 111 froel ol hlm when he wu bumped trom U'9 rear by W..,_..a ear. Webber -.Jd Im car wu Mt ln the rMr by one dr1'Ntl by J&IM9 Jlobert Pino ot Loas lk&ch. THI FINm • • • YET LOWIST PllCID Early &merteaa MAPLE F-U.RNITURE .... an'lw~•r• °"" hlcMys .. ' DocmeFunclGrows;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-----..-=-=------=; wltll Cc*• Sale Carot Do9IN l'lllld .,... apece ,.rtday, wba two ol ._. echool frtenda. 'na& B~ tlO Orcb14 Ave., and c.rtn1 CrMl7. >011 11"- vlne A••·· ea.ta Jol-, na a ab ..i. •l Ncbud'• Udo Kutl9l. The .. ,..,. Of cake9 .... -- lla.-ted by aoca and U.. f\lnd r1CMr by Ml. T\a& nporta. You Witt Find Best 111 Every Thing Yoo Need .. WANT AD PAGES I L•uHTf s.,,ite t/Jue ... •t 1wp;,, prices/ WHAT IS IT? lndJTid11&11y wuhed-we&J'tq apparel flutt 4r1ed by rut~red a.tr--tl&t P-• prof....,...,I}' lroaad.. TOW' clotb• and lln-an done up ONE Wllt.--no mhl·· UPL ao W1811&1JUy maru -raln.aott water, r •U. contn>Ded .oep&. WHEN AVAJLABLE •.• l«vtce Wltblo boun If us•t. becauae we do nwrytb.l.nr ripl here. HOW MUCH •.. It 5c • b.9ein buftclle too • only $2.11 ,., 21 -.. WHERE ••• casa pura UOOW-'C-.t R.tpwaJ .. 8&JlVlm Wll'llDf 9017&1 -WllS!f M&&WY OOJIPLE'l'Z L&tJNDEma Md CLl!AHDI ....... BE SURE -INSURE wt .. IUuaB ST.A.NI.El' ........... Oll'1 ..... &artier "'' .. u .. 0... lllP'""1 0..... ... llu members of the Newport Harbor Chamber of Commerce te~e this opportunity of welcoming the following persona encl establishments into the membership of thia orgeniution. They too cleclicete themHlves to the betterment end 9rowth of tit. entire Newport Harbor area: L .. t,U. PbolOf"P'IY ..., JllaliM ............. N. 'OIDI IJPAllLDINO Spa~ J-•lera ..., JlluttM, ........... CLSIE L eowa... Kopper Kettle ,,, ---. 8&1 ............. c. r. arm.No 'Tb• BaJboe.n JU·A Wert_.., ,,.,._ I.._. P"aANK JOK.~90N b land 8-uty lhop 12&-BMan-. ..._ ....... ~f;B H UCllAlll:& Jeck'• Barber Shop ... .,. ................ OLYDS Ju:Y&a 1n Blanche oat.ee· fl.al ~le Offtce ttl M.,._Aft.,...._...._. ooaoTll1' WIX ha Colrt'ber GIJUI ···~ .................... RaD lA.NaDOWN& IAIWCSowne'a Mel\a Wear 111 .......... a.a.. ...... DOS H. C AMEJION Dot . Bob -~ ••• ,,.,.., a.a. ....... fULDA C. BRl800& In Ne.Ida Olbeon'a RffJ c.tate Ottk. !'9111.n-. ............. NAJllOS llAJl~Y Book Shop of the IUaacl ••• 111..n ............... DO.U Md' AJILAND Ne.Ida Olbeon'a RuJ .....tat• otflce ............. Ba.Ibo. l•laM IOH.N V. LIEW La ,, ... IMAfttllanM ....... h&alM l.&LAND D. PllA Tf Lee'• Pttarmac:y IOI 111....-. Bait.a& l~ r. s. auo 11Uu..t:11t Leland Shell krvlrt H 1 Mertllf', BaJlloe lala.!Mt lllUTH D. "ILi.ME" Earl 8tanley'1 RuJ i:.rta l• Of nu na ........ ..,..,_ ,.._. IOIDI MeJ'lf A.a r;a.,.1 8tanley'1 1tul Uate Otttce na,..,.._,...._,...., l:DITH MOORE MA lllOOS t:.~I 8\a.riley'a Jlee.l Eltete Office 116 Jll.M18e. ..... l.a-4 l•JU llAJU'U8 Va,al>Ond HoUM Ill Mart-. 9111"'-hlaM BCTrY "'ATtlON O.y Tor• 111 Marta.. llala.o& l.aa.d PAT WA.LOJU>N Waldron "-Jty ........................ 11.4.&'a M.1,1111.a: GJPT 8BOP Offta .., .................... llOKllT AU.&H B&lboa laland V_..7 lllMartM, ........... llEB&a POWL&a Hal W1ll 8mlUl'1 "-! Eetat• Otnce ... ........ ...... ...... l'TAl"Ut1' llADPU:LD W. w. a.ntord'a Jll-.J E.atate ornce t ... PartrA-•• ..._..._. Dl<:S c&AXEll Union OU 8t&tklfl l"al1l • llfatt-.......... r:LJZAKTJI UDIA.'lllfl) Balboa bland Pa.t Offtce tt1Mu1 ... ~ ...... DON ,.a.uflLLIJlf V~e.J'a ~ m.taM Of8l9 ... ..,..., ............ 1.01• &. 8&&.LY hely Bludie ... ,Malt .............. LOUIU r . Wl&h& lCJm ot C&IUllnlla ..................... LOUlll FULLDf<Kll BecJn.i.a. tN ........ ..... ...... CBAal A JC, 11'1MWOW Inaul"&J\C. .. , ...,..., ...... ...... OLADa.~ M.D . 111---. ............ aaIAND ••no ~ .. .................. • NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of · Commerce Ill • P1 ..,, ,.........,t llay ~bebn. lecnWy llOO w. C1ur Ha ... ., u......, 1-1111 ,..., .. ••• l l . • \ ::Franklin-Kress Duo Plight Troth at Saint Andrew's ----------------COASTAL: SHOPPER · · PA6E After Church Reception r1c1a ....... w1Ut v nacicJt ... thNe quartioor •IMVea and 11emt-atr&lpt Intimate Garden Buff et ~::. c:~u:!i.!,en:;:te.Her ac- • Mra. R.alph Deaver played t.he A fan..b&ped bouquet of eert.e cladoU llrith 1'hlte 1tock Wedd.bl( muuc bUt backrround and larupur on the altar of St. Andrew'• Preebytertan tor u.. 1"9CepUon. ti.Jd ln t.11• ao-. clal ball wtlll tlo"1 aetllnr alml· church WU iJl lovely cont.rut to bridemna!da (OWD.I Of peri-l&r to that In the church. w&a winkle blue, and for'lned bae~und for the eight o'clock ot 110tt recorded aelectiona. Mra. nu..t1.1. on Saturday ot M1-Wanda Dianne KJ"ffe and Selim OUver Campbell, Mu. Martin r-Ma.n&"Old and other women of the 8t1rratt Franklin. church le11t reception aid. After· TM Rn. Jamu 8 . Mewart ud ~amaldl were the MJ11u ward a garden buffet tor mern· ,.rtonmed Ule .tqle rillr rtt• Carol Harker, Sherman Oaka; ben of the f&n\llln &nd weddlnS wtuell united tJ1e dau,titer o1 JDdlth Karl. J>u&dena a.nd Mar· party wu held al the home of Mr. and Mra. Geor1'9 JlAoMr4 suet Watkin, :DlcJno. Tbe7 were the br1de,.room'a parent.a. 'NEARLY NEW FASHION' SHOW PLANS DISCUSSED Ootba dooated bJ' ~ Oranre Coullty 9bop9 and ladlYidU&la 1"11 M modeled and .o&d at Ult "NMriy N .. FUhJoa l!lboW'' to be held Sept. IO, U :&o L m .• at U\e Balboa S.., Club b7 th• 0r&n1'9 County PbilbannOllic 8odety. Th1a ta tint f\lnd n.Ulnr etrort ot th• .ocl•ty oa behalf of OruiJ'• County PhJ.lb&rmonlc ll)'mphcfty orcllutra tor t.b• com!nl' NUOn. PMlna tor t.M ev•t .,.,. contlautd at a breakfut -1on ID tb• Bay Club. Xra. Gun.nine Butler, ~cket chairman tor lhe tubloe llmCMon, diar1but.ed Ucltet.a to tbe var10Qa ch&Jr· men p,._t, who t.ncluct.d: Mm•. Alfred B. Payne, l:lmera14 Bay; JOMph Klimek, Lacuna Beach; 0 . R. Winder, Bru; Edward Mlttleman, Fullerton and Mmee. Xelwood A. BerTY, Gertru<t. Mccan. Walter 8cboenteld, Kum Marlftla BrunlnJ, Carl eo.weU. Juliette MU111cn, Jamee C. N-lln and Edward H. Kelly, all ot Newport Be&eh. X..... of Nortla Hollywood aad fOWMd alike In' f\lU-ektrttd prln· ()()Aft TRIP tb• eoa ot Mra. and Xra. lel1m ce.. trocka of periwinkle blue Oolnr nr.t down th• cou t, ------------------------- Hentnc J'ranlilla, lHI Banta ~ ID cocktail len,.U.. t.be new Kr. and Mn. Fra.nklln •••••••••••• East Ed t ........ ea.ta w-. ~bad 9'aolt •l•fta and low wW tura about &Dd travel north em uca or Wuda wu lovely In her bridal necltllnu With boww and hem to Orecon. JJ'or th• journey the Visits Parents Mesa-¥.i/ ~ o.t wbJt• taffeta and lace lencth atrearnera at the back. br1d• selected a winter cotton u ahe wu eacorted by h91' fa· Cocktail hala of pertwllllrl• "1· ault In medium brown. double tbs down the center &1.ale, mark· 'Nt wttll DOM v.U. and ftubrum brui ted and with hJ1h neclclln•, ~ lly bouquet• and 1tn1le can· llllu with U lea... a.nd pink complementing the costume with ti. al pew end.9. and ct•en lD atreamer1 complet.d th• en.em· tanierln• hat. alllf&tor acceMO- keeptq to lier brld•CToom. Othar bl•. rlea u d Phalanopai.I cor .. ge. Sh• eudJ.-barned ln tall brandltd CJlrtatoph•r C&rroll of Tucaon, WU rradualed from Weatiake ••deJ•hra at each aide of the Aria. waa ,.roomm1&11 and uahera Bcbool for Qlrla and hu Ju•t altar. -r• All&n Greabam of 1C1 Ca· completed two ye&rw at Unlver · amra A'ITlll& tro. L&Jrd Jack.aoo ot Sacrvnmto 1lty ot Bouthenl Calltomi& whe~ Tbe pwn futuNd a laee bod· Uld .1&1111• M&DOlll of Oe)'aer· lhe ..,.. a membtr ot Spura. Aoa with told.Id ban48 of tulle .We. aopbomore women'• honor aoclety tinder aca.110119 of the wide por-OOOllTAIL noolltl and of Alpha Phl 110rority, of trait neckllJI•. Slmllar lace form· BoUl mother11 compllmenled lh• which lhe wu pr•ldent lut e4 appllquu on the •W1 tull bride'a euemba. Jn MlecUA1 whJtc Nmeaur. *1tt and, embroidered wtt.b Phal&enopail orchid• tor t.htlr Mr. Frankl.In la a Phi Beta ,.aria. wu u.aed tor th• crown ooraafH, Mra. Kr-echolnr the Kappa, rraduate of Pomona Col· wll!ch held tullne• of the t.hr• whJt. '" UI• lac" hat and accu-i.re. and wlll be atuUnr hi• Uered tlnr•rtip Yell. Th• brtd&l 110r1H worn with her navy aatln tbl.rd year at Stanford Unlver· llouquet wu a crucent aha~d dreaa. The 1own .,,.. 1ft coclct&il atQ' law ldlool where he hu &rranprnent ot Phal .. no119la or· lensUJ wtth Uirw-quarter 1leevu bMn elected to th• X..w Review Q.ld• and Ullu of the valley. and pencil llim *1rt OYer which board of edltora. . H1>1aor ma.Id wu Ml• Marjorie wu a aeml-t'Ull overaklrt. Mra. Th• couple will be at home 111 .Akervold ot North Hollywood Jl'r&nltlln wore a faU crepe ln Palo Alto. Harborites Wed . at St.·James Reception for Bodmans Kr. and K111. JOMP!l Bodman. who ban ~ acun In e.t.ab- Uchlnr Ole local Meth o d I • t church o•er a period ot many It WU late aftenioon on Saturday at St. Jameti Ep1-eopal yeara. were honored with a re- Cburch that the Rev. John H. Parke read wont. ot the mar-ceptlon a t the lut aervtoe which _. __ Mrvice which united Mn James William Barbee 429 they attended 1n Chrlat Church • .._... • • ' b)' the Sea.. lnille Ave. and Edpr Bradley Wit.mer, 2113 Cove St. The 'ni• Bodm&nol 11&" ion• to bride la the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Harrington Cbimn Feild Dl.Jton. near a.cramRt.o, Where -------------1 ot Loa Ansel.. and the brtd .. t»y Will •JleD4 tM wmmer ud "' ,, I.Mt 'Dine !at. lAMES l!ITEWAAT "Man From Laramie" elao IUdMlrd Toclcl ''TM Dam ltllten'' For Sf'OCllll 11 the IOll ot former p .... wbere lhelr daupter and )ler den&M, Kr. a.od lira. WUllam s. hu.eband, Mr. and Mn. Oeor&"• ------------ Wltmer, now of 2007 • Bayalde BaTT)', have a larS9 ranch. Mr. Drift Bodman reUred on J uly 1 alter Complete MARINE MEWS MARINE SUPPLIES 'nl~ llrlde wore pleated aqua Mrvtnr tor ta yean aa cu.t.odl&n chllton ln 1t.r .. l lmsUJ and plnll In Newport 8-dl lllem•tar'7 f•Uloar bat. 8!M canted a bou· achool1. . .-« t/11 __,... ....... aa dAd Iler Du.r1.q tbllr II ,._,.. .... tax ata.Mut, xra R. Pa.7M 'nuu'er. Mr& Ule c-.a. 1llM .... Mtlft n. JUtw .... ~ ln a ta dlurc.b -rtii. ~ • ,...t .. tmllld n.air Wu. ~· the four build1nc Protftmll la trocll u4 ~ Mt wu a ... ., addlUon to pureh&M of~ pree- Uld wtlJt. straw ent cburcll ati. a.od paftQs ott n. ~ .,.. ..... ted U\e moric-.• oa Ute ftnt al~ 1>J !&Ill brotber, Wl.W&m B. W\t• tner, Uld ~t.a wen uaw.<S b7 Andrew Madlaon Ruthedord ot Upland, l:dwla Alonso BarnM Ill Of aa.n Mui.no, Vlacal~ Jerrema Three C&ndles for Mike Smith Healy and John Oordoe 8mlt.b. NeiSbborlilood c b' l d r 1 ll and MOl'lllEU ATTEJ!rD t.b~lr moth .. llelped I yw.r-old Both moUlera _,. pt"Mmt tor MJlre Smith, eon of Kr. &Del Kn. the cer.motlY, Mn. FeUd ._..,.. ~nch BJDSth. 1121 MonroYia .... a l~ aWl -.ill u d Mn. A Ye., C:O.ta M-. celebl'&te hla Witmer ln ,.,..y beaded ltn-.i. blrt.bday laat Tlaaeday att.ernooa, •••••••••••• MJ• Ada M. HarrltlOll., profee· eor of economJca at C&rleton CoUere. Northfield, Mlnn., II lD Coeta ·M-for a mont.b'1 vatt wtth her pan.nt.a, Mr. a.nd Mn. L. D. Harr!JNla of 3M W. WU.On 8t. From hen· M!h Rant.on wW 10 to NorthwMtem Unlver· atty a t Evanaton. lll.. where ab• will be one of the 1peallera at an educaUon&l conference. Next Attraction WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, ·1955 .............................. IT Af FORD ia ION '"NJCLI ... DOC'" SLIDO'l'IUClAL OONTll.AOl'OU .................. ue~A...-x...,... ...... ~ORT~~~., .. ~. Now Sbowtar WILLIAM ROLDl!:M MICKltY ROONEY FILED&IO NAJWll "Bridges at Toko-RI" aJeo ''The Cruel Sea'' Swl., MOIL, Tuee. •ANE Rl'88ELL "Under Water" OORNl:L WILDE "Passion" .Starts Wed. OLENN FORD ''The Amerlcano'' ai.o "C011Cfuett of Space" Now Sltowl11t WALT Dl8lll'EY'8 .. . . . , "' - -Pia. - "Davy Crockett" 1Li11C of Tiie WM Fl'eatler" _______ ._ .._..._ ......... -__,_ ___ ____ 5 C1ulllt Iamedi&t.i7 alter th• rile a Aur. 2, at b18 borne. ~t tor p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;========------------;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ij ,.....,Uoa wu held at Newport Ult Ice CTMm aad C:alle a.ad / The SpecW MARINE SECTION In tM Friday Edition .NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS PRESS Barbor Tadlt Cha~ for 200 ru .. u. btrt.hday adh1tl• _,.. Mn. fto. Th• new Kr& Witmer attended bert Ha1Jlea, ftOWt. lt&WMD a.iata J(c:aka Khoola and wu and JIU\lee; Mrl. W&IW Balton, ~ fT'Olll UCLA where •h• John. Rand7 and Dlue; Mlle• WU attWated Wllh 'nlet.a Uplll· Buford. MrL 8mJth. Pv 8mJth. Ion eorortty. She la c:urHnUy aM the h-. tn&lurv W ~ Pull.U.nJc. TM llrldelf'OOTD at!MMSed Poly· t.cblllc IClem•t.ary ec.hool. Pua- d•a. )fldland acllool 1-Ollvoe MC OIJltornl& lnft.ltut. ot Tedi· noloO. P...s.na.. H. Mned lJI World War ll &Del Llloe Kol"Ull eoellkt ~ nnt lleut-t tn Ule U. 8. Air J'Wu, au.au•• DDOCt:a ~uac UM w.sd1A( wu th• reb-.r.J 41.nner on rrtday •ftftlnc at UI• bom• or lh• bndlrroom · 1 parent.a. Th• covple wW be at JM>m• at Ut anui. A ft. th IAUer part ot Ausuat &tter a hoMymOOft ln nortMra cautomla at 0.1 Monte Lod,.. Lalre 1'9Jloe and Brock· -1. At St. Joseph 'nllhna Maberry ot Colt.a Mt.• ., .. admJtted to SL JOMph Hoe- pttal on Aq. • tor treatJIMllL 111• .,.opl• .,..,.., 11" up tbetr lf· bel'Uee bUt under aome dtluslon. -Burke nn11fww1'k Munsingwear STRETCHY-SEAT BlUEFS BALTZ ~ORTUARIES Joa ..., to ,..,. -JOOr Min ... l Hor,_,,.. n"ll -t ~ wttb you. C08TA Mm&A CHAPEL lTU Superior A•enue eo.t& ~ o.J&t. Pbaee LDMrty a.1111 CHAPEL 111' TIDD BA 1620 &. Cout 81"4. Corona del Mar, c.ut. Pbaee llaJ1lor-u RESIDENTIAL.INDUSTRIAL.COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAJtGm OR TOO muu, -Miii It.. Newport 8-dt Bart. 1511 2 n. poach --pcmitift ~comfort. 3Tbe..,..... ~ b .. ..tf ..cljaltiftc. 4 OI l:ne comt.d li.Jbtw.iicbt aottoa, bit and 4.itilb9d to H1i1t ahrinkins. aa1ri•1. ~ s a.~ N&ic ---lie.ad raannteed to la.t the .. o( U. prmllftt.. ()pea 8-day l 0 to 6 OC&AN P'llOl'tT a& a.I Mreet One lbolr\ blocll from I.be If l'Wpcllt ,._ Newport 9-cla • WE on"E s• a OllEES ST .ufP8 Shake HanJs With Yourself FOR MAKING THAT llG SALE RESULTS COME FAST WITH YOUI CLASSIFllD AD APPIAIS 4 TIMD WlllCl.Y IN TH~ WANT ADS CALL HARBOR 1616 LIDO sHoPs CLASSIPllD DlllCTOIY ~OES-Bo1111llloll Part. -Deal•r -~ LIDO EJ.ZCl'ILl(l MU \'la Udo -........ "" &UTOMOBll..E DEAi D8 New and uNd O&N M CU&TZ 8TUDD• .... ....... ~....._ Ml& N..,._. .. .._ -.... llt 8&NK8 llAUot~NT•M '66' Via Udo -.,.,_ - BARBER SHOPS UDO liUIA V\NO lltJO .. 1Md'11"ell'• 8 ..... ,., - MJI \'la Udo -llarti. - BEAUTY Pill.088 UDO s.u.o~ or a&.&1'TI' Ml& Npt. Blvd. -Bar. 1111 BOOKS 80011. CASE 14.11 Via Udo -Sarti. MM OAllERAS a Sa,,U. VTN~!'n' UDO oaue• Mll\'laU..-~- CAIU'I:.""1'8 a DUPDUD DIO& llAOIUl:a IUOVla~ml OATERING &ICllAIU>'S LIDO wa.wm IHI \'ta Udo -Ru1Mi' IUa Clothlll1-Chlldnm a ....... n:ars or UDO ~ t:n A.~ Ntt Newpon ..._ CLOTlllNG -Jlea'a BeW aD>\\'1tLl/8 8BOP l"OS .... NJIVlaUM-..,._ .... CLOrBING-Wom.'a ... LA aa?li'm ... Vla~Wt UDO F illllON8 Mii Npt. Jllvd. -llMtw M"rt llllADDOCll'8 ..,, \'la U.S. -..... ..,, VAOAJIOWD llOOU Imported 8port.9wear MH \'la Liiie -...._MM DRUG 8TO&ES V"mCZN'rS LIDO Dllt109 ltfl Vla !Mo -llilDclr - E1..IXJTIUC OONTB&Cl'O• UDb l:LllC1nlO MMVlaUM-...._.M ~WEBS &IOllAAD'll UDO ••••n eon.c-Tab&e ~ta .... ~.,... Ule -llMtw ... FOUNTAIN, oan1. VDfODTa LIDO .. ooe MllVlaUM-~ .... "7IUftl'1J'D DIOK MAOllD NHVl&U..-..,._ .. GIFT SHOP &ICBA.IU>'9 LIDO M+•m MU\'laLYe--...., .... lNSURANCE AGENTS W. O. llOCll., aco. .... , ... I.Me -...... "" lNTE&IO& oa>ourou BL.ANCD P"l'.11Jl.a.ox 4'.U). MltVlal.Me-..,_. ... DIC& NAOllEa NH~&Me-...._ ... DOS aaacm'llOJlf A. L D. M~a ....... 600 \ i.a •.,._a -...,_, un MARKETS IUCBA.IU>'S LIDO llASUT H» na UM -llanor tat PHOTOO&APB STUDIOS OEIUIA.ILD'I' ITUDI09 Mii Vla l.Me-...,._ UM &EAL FSll%E LIDO U:A.LT1' il80ClA 1'D Lido 8 aJM • Renl&la MOO \'la Udo -Haftor "6t P. A. PALIO':R ISC. SUI .-1a Udo -~r INI \ ()Ol:l . 00 ... A.l'fT Ult \la UM -lluhr .. TI BA 1· A.~"1) BEACll U:Al.TT \ la Udo "'1dae Otf\f'.'e JI Ii ~a7dte -HarlMr ~ SA \'11\GS £1 LOAN ASSOClArlONS St;\\'POllT &u.ao4 l!JAVlN08 41 L04..~ "'8M>ClAT1011' A Savtnr a lnnltutlon l..oni Tl'rm Home t.oan. I HM \la Udo -~r U" St:R\lCt; STATJONS 1.mo RlC'HYID..O I Mii Nl'Wlt'>rt .. d-H&r. 6AU SHOES -Men't ftlOWELL'!!t 8TOU FOil llD HH \"I• Udo -Hubor OMI SHOES. WOMEN Rn.rs or OAJ..IJl"OMIA HIOVla~IU& l'HEATRE8 UDO TIU:A T1U: Con•uJt thl• p.pu for proJTMI \'la Udo at Newport mr4. ff&rtlor 111' l'OYS UDO TOYJ..A.'\"l> HU \'la Lido -Harbor HU TRA \TEL ACENCIES HARBOR TBA \'l;L AODfCT HI& ~f!Wl>Orl lllvcJ.-fl&t. UM UPllOLSU:&IMO DIO& MACU& IUt Vla Udo -ll&tMr utl WA T(,11 REP Alll \"ll"CE~T1' WATCH lll:PA.111 UDO oat:Oli' Mil Via 1* WINDOW OOVDINO Tf'IE AHADE 8HOP Nen to Poe& Offtce Bat ... .. ; • MRS. BOVEE INHERITS $60,000 FROM ESTATE (lp«lal to the Newport Harbor Ntwa·PreM) NEW 'YORK. Aur • -M,... Murar.t Keppler Bovee, ot Bal- boa Ialand and Jl:nclno. Inherit• about ~.000. subject to taxea. from her mother. the late Mr1. Marie K . l"Owler of New York. dale, N. Y.. ret moet of Ole re- mainder of the .etate. BANJU~&·a WIDOW M.n. Fowler, who died Aue. 11. 19~2. WU the wldOW Of tbe late J ohn Francl.a F owler. a former vice·praldent of the lnt4lmaUon- al banJunr firm of W. R. Crace .ESTATE, Jl71.0M and Company. The e•tate of the former por-She atudled palntinr at the trait painter &nd member of tbt. Art 8 tu d • n t • Lea.rue under American Women'• P alnt•r• and Georre Luk-. and alto In Parla. s culptora AuoclaUon wu ap· Her work wu ellhlblt.ed In New pral1ed here tOl1ay by th• Nt'w York and Vermont. In addition York State Transfer .Tu Depart· to th• American Women'• Palnt- ment. The net .value wu ~t a t ere and Sculpton AuociaUon. $173,009. she be.longed to the United Lode• The Balboa laland woman re· of Theo90ph\llla. celve• aome of her mother'• per· ---------- 110nal property and 'a three-Rattlftllllke Rollted eight.ha ihare, worlh about l~.- 000, ot th• total eatale atte.r Newport Beach police had a certain 11peelnc beque•ta are paid call from the life ruard at Main out. ln addltlon, •he will eventu· &ach Satur:d.ay for help In dla- ally Jtl halt of a $2:1,000 t ru1t poalng of a rattle anake. By Ule fund aet up tor hu uncle, Mu Ume otttcen r ot to the ~ach H. Keppler of :El~abelh, N. J . 1mall boya with big rock• had A brother and •liter-In-law. made the .nake ao unhappy M the J ohn Y . P'owlen of Scan-ldL O'Brien Motors 'DODGE PLYMOUTH NOW YOUI Newport Hwbor NEWS-PRESS IS PUIUSHTD 3 TIIMI Monday Wednesday' Friday DEUYERY GUARANTEED Delivwy of tbe Newport Barbor N .... rr-if ,uaranteed. Carrier boya will dellYer their papen be- fore & p.m. on MODd'y, Wednelday and l'ridaJ. If your paper is not delnwed by that hour p-.. call Barbor lite .nd your carrier will brine your paper. ~!'~!~!~f!!li!L! .. ~•1~n!!•--COASTAL SHOPPER PASE 7 Pain~ A hpertwac1nc WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1'55 We do the work ounelvea. JO,..,.. -..n- Uceneed • iw1n4. 8atWact1cle .,.,..teed. z.tlm&tAie tr.. Ol1l JollllaM, LI 8-2e87 6 LI 8-6289 81tfe • McCarthy's 1oocro GUA11A•11• CARS Dowt1 House Plans Classified-~-~B:-··rN:""· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday a11d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C-..tal Sllloppu A• rua la UM "'ed11Mda7 N_.....,_ t Uaea 1 lmerUoa $1.00 adcl'L U-. .%5 ea. 4 Unes 2 laMrtJou USO add'L llDe9 .%5 ea. 4 Unes 3 llllertioas 2.00 add'l Uaee .%5 ea. 4 Uaea 4 lmertiou 2.M add'L Dae. .%5 ea. Sltuadoll Wut.ect Ada wtU retth·e 15% d&M-ouat. ea.a. I• adnM>e -ay. MINbllHll AD 18 ' I.IS 1:8 All Claaa.lfled Ada m1111t be i-!d for C.... In ad\"Uee of ptlbUcaUoa. The publ.l.aber1 will not be ruponaible tor more than one lncorred lnaertlon of an ad. reserve the right to C'orreclly clualfy any and all ada and to reject any ad not contormlnr to rulea and resuJaUona. DEADLINES for placing or canC"elllng ao.la an· For Monday P ubllcauon -1-"rldtty II p.m For Wedneada y Publlcatlona -Tuesday J p m. For Friday Publlcation -Thnr8'1sy l p.m. NEWPORT HARBOR Pf'Rl.ISHINO CO. / UJ J Balboa Blvd., Sewpor1 S..ach, Callfonda. All Kinde FREE~TES Liberty 8-6109 .• ''• Jtt.t Gt!neral Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58tfc Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saw1, Drm1. Sanden QUlCK S ERVlC:E LEWCO ELECI'RIC 00. f!WI No. Newport Blvd .• Npt Bch. Liberty t-SSSS. UUc PAINTING INTElllOR -EXTERIOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~J • 3bt St. Newport S.ch 55 Cad. ( 62) 4-dr. Power Str, ............... $1000 SS Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ....................... 100 54 Plym. Savoy 4 dr. O'Drive ....................... 450 • • 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sed. Power Str ................ 650 54 Ford Ranch Wagon, O'Drive .................. 550 53 Ot•. 88 Sup. Holiday Pow. . .......... 650 53 Olds. 88 Dix. 2 dr. Loaded ................. 500 53 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str. . 500 SJ Pont. Ch. 8. Hydra. R & H .. . .......... 400 53 Ford Ra~h Wagon, Low miles .............. 400 S2 Pont. Ch. 8. 4 dr. Hydra. R & H ............ JOO 52 Kaiser DI. 4 dr. O'dr. Cash Kit ......... 250 e 52 Ford Custom 2 dr. acc ............................... 250 Costa Mesa Big Savings THEY'RE LOOKING FOR YOUR AD Harbor ant Uttc 52 Ford Ranch Wagon ...................................... 400 . on 1955 Dodge "Lancer" Herd top. Radio, heat- er, auto. tren1miuion. 6000 miles-a beauty. 1955 Dodte Custom Royal 4-door-Auto. tren1. Radio, heater, pwr. steering, power brake1, pwr. window1, etc. -4000 miles. SEE THESE! 1950 Ford V-8-~ ton pick-up. Sharp! Priced to sell. Chevrolet -i ton pick-up. A Teal Buy $165.00. Try Our Complete 8eM1lce. Paint Uld Body Dept.. Staffed b7 .....,._,. ......._._ ,, .. are "Tope" OpM ev~ ltM Newpori Blvd. Llbel"ty S.7171 when you advert.iae in the Cluaified Colurrua of the N~wa-Pttu. Thouaande ot people every day turn to Newa-Preaa Clualfled Ada to .. u.ry their w-c.a aAd t.Wr aeed•. They want to buy or rent or wll. They want to hire a helper, or find a job. And they tum to tbe claMJftcaUon that adftrtl-the.Ir W1U1ta. NEWS -PRESS Claalfied Ada Phone Harbor 1818 -NO Classified Index 1 t'unenl :Sou- l Card of Tllaaka • ~nl Dt~to,. 18 Buel-Gaidtl 11 Bllllcllq Jla&erilll• Jt BuUdla,r Servtcea 14. Per9088le 15 Sllan l' our Car JI -r,...ponaUoe IT Roo"-« J8 ee-t,. AJcla H HealU. Aw. !! Loet ...S F-4 H 8d1001., IMtnlctl- !t 81t...U-w .. ted ff l&fo.lp w ... w ae 11'-''•-• ae-A Swape ae-a Appllaaoell ll Wuded .. Buy S2 Fwaltiare fw Bale H ·A AJIUq- U 1lo6U. s-:::: U Jlaakml. 'T\' S6 Dop. Cata, Pete 8pedal N otleea . V' Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 KHb rter7 'DundaJ I p.a. Via Oporto -o..tnl A.._ Mewport ~ Albert B. Mattbewe. Dc&ltod RWer H Puultr)' n U\'f'sttK'k S8 8Pf'd&I AllaouaCRDeat at Aut04I Wuted tO Aul• tor~ .. A n'" a Partia U Auto ~"''"' ti TraJl4'r11 U Alrplaeea n Waat«t to ~at '8 Ap..._ a Ho-tor Beat '8-A Apt.a.. for Rfollt '3-B Hou-for flellt '8-C Tra.114-r SJNM'f' It ~ for Ro-et I tt·A Rnt Homft ... ~ & 8-nl I 50 lk•t. Mlw. SS 8toree • Oflkft U·A ~ Keatale I U 8-lw Oppor1-'Uea M M-1 t4t Loe.a M ll•M1 W-&ed 51 ._. f'.et&C. w-w M ....._ Pro11"11 -.4 c-••l'dal. ,..._,daJ II RH.I !Ala~ En ....... ........ Eatat. HAULING trutl or! Anything., Anywhere L1Mr1Y 1-21'6 Nltc:pp Bookkeeping Service ATTENTION! Contractor•. 8torekMper11 I Need aomeone to relieve you ot I thoae monthly bookkeepJ.na wor- riea ! Allk &!lout our rea.aonable ratea. Har. 4688-J. •~1 52 Chev. Spec. D•I. 2 dr. Sharp ............. 350 46e -n •. u. . •h -t10a -~111 $195 to $695 Low OMt -ll&ak Tenna C·ASH NEEDED 100 'ro FINANCING IMMEDIA IE DELIVERY ... Price '55 FORD VICTORIA·"V-8'' • • . S2495 '53 MG ROADSTER ••••••• $1399 Bet W .. ,,.. '50 FORD CLUB COUPE • • • • $699 '54 FORD CUSTOMLINE • • • • $1799 ......... lpeclal '54 PLYMOUTH 2-clr. hi Price '55 OLDS. "88" HOLIDAY • . • $3395 1 Toee a...., a.dllo, H~. Hydro. \\'-S-\\'. '53 FORD CUSTOMLINE ••••• $1295 ,..,.._, a.dlo. ...._, P'ordoma• \\'·8-W. % Tmw, Bude ~ Tu. '51 PLYMOUTH 2-DR. • e • • • . $699 '50 BUICK RIVIERA • • • • e ...,,.. '53 FORD RANCH WAGON 'T'. $1699 '52 MERCURY MONTEREY ••• $1495 lbrd Top ._eH•tle RMlo. ...._, 1 T-. m. hll VIMI laterior. W-8-W. '50 OLDS. ''98'' 2-DR. SEDAN •• $799 '51 INT. Yz TON PICKUP •••• $899 oo-...... t111.•, Y.-.., a.a a... MAflY, MANY OTHER FINE CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ' 11ll1mt Selectlow of Won c.. -._ ..... ,..._. MA·RK -o·oWNING FORD Inc. 225 FIFTH STREET LIXINGTON .. 2166 HUNTINGTON BEACH 00.U'l'.U. 15ROPPD Stitt s .. PAGE .f -PART I E I - N WPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1955 ~·""-H 11 .............. Good Used Furniture Antique Sale Tw1n bt<... beda, b ... uut\ll Ena· llMl walnut Md. IAmp t.abl•, .,.. ~ de8k, ~.. and 11\1.c.a p&eoea. . OONTRACTORS CARPENTRY ALL CLASSmCATIONS Complete bou.e or apt tum.iablnp Bedl'OOl!lt Uvtnr room. d.ininr room. IUCIUAD80N'8 TA CH T AN· CHORAGll, 11&,.Sde Drtn. 1!a1t ot a.i-. laland brld•e· Mc81 MINOR REPAIR WORK STUDT la .... U... .. .-trM- !fO JOB TOO UU.U. tor'• ... +'•"'-_,.,. a ••· ..a OODCl'Mtor wta • ye&r9 Lawn and patio furniture AU kinda baby furniture S11 IL 0. ~enon aper1eDel. Cl&IM8 T\lu. aad lOU E. B&lboa Sift.. Ba.Ibo& rrt. ....._ T:SO p.m. Attend Ont Near Nu Furniture Mart 1C rr. MOROANCR.AFI', 18 111. beam, 211 h.p. Elvin"* twin electric, 2 ecoop bait tank, ... .,.. ly llft'. f\lU prlCI SHI!. Contact Joe My.,.., C/o Baldy'• Tackle 811op, Harbor JIU. ltp94 Hubor MM Uttc --'oe tree. Beita aa,.ume Al ~ler School Har' 5S92 Newport Beach 2819 Newport Blvd. 1111 No. roadw.y, Banta Ana PAINTING • ftl. Xlllllllert7 2-d21 « Kl T·SIU M. W. ROSS U 1-3321 -LI 8-7823 280 Avocado. Cc»ta M .. lllfc CARPENTER ltepair Work Ootl8 Your Home Need Rep&lrtq or RemodeUAC ! CaJJ f!'r&Ak. J..Jber1,J a-tlM AJJ Work G\l&J'Uteed T4tte ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lnata.ll the above cheaper than lll09l. AlllO ..U Tile A Unolewn. Non-union, 25 ye&ra eKper1ence. Q9mpare and aee - Bn.L COKER Har. 412.8 or Lons 8-ch T~3. Uttc FOR RENT nm aa-. IC1ee.. onu.. ~ .u tnea of lander9, Wb..U.U· .-.. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. IUO W. OOABT BJOBW AT tto Chine P einting 0.,ud~O... Ot'dua Tau. ,._ ftOIM Llbert7 ........ t'tf• l8-8lt.Uou Wutm • Roy's Maintenance BOUMcle&Dmc-~~r•axJnr Wall wubJns-willdow cleutn1 VenttiaD bllnda. Upbollteey D:laund. rr... z.t..lm&tea Liberty &-1132. Experienc-d gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS L1berty 8-1M9 IOtlo Working Mothers Child care in my home day- t i m e. Newport Helchta &re&. Uberty 8-767-&. 83c98 CONSTRUCTION Jobe open In SANTA ANA For Jnua who are wtmnr to 1l&rt u \ ~o are 18· 1'3;H5,nd· uatN excellent ch&11cea to advance. Include pa!d vaca tion. and holidays, II· day wk. Co. paid penaton &nd d1Mbillty plan. HELPERS CAREER BENEFITS APPLY a..n-t7 ...,._, Newport Belt ~ CLILUO'HO • DWHINO b1 tba day. Eqlertuaced.. Balboa X.land 1030 E . First Santa Ana Mon.-Frl M COKPLE'l'E PAINTING It Papv Han~ Service ZUOl:Nll: 0. SAVNDICJUI IOO n.t ~ Newport BeMh Batbor 2171 or Ba.r. H'4. tic Painting, Decorating Paper Ranllnc GEO. BURKHARDT ucmMU:D OOICT'llACTOJt ITI W, 1Mll a. Ooltt& II.a l..J1*ty Mal ASPHALT TILE A.hml1am wan Tl'9 Kfl"L Dlftrilluton WboletmM prtc• to Oontnct«w .. "rue .. u.n pr.tft'T'ed. Kl J.40K. lf EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDl:NINO • JVc1 work by da.y WMk dr month. LDel't)' Hllt alt« t . ltctf PR.AC. NURS•. "1.&b CaM tor &1J or put Wint«. Comp. tr&Yeler. Xlat. nl•. C. Bymoada, aTO IAa OIJvoa. Lacuna Beach. ITplt SO. COUNTIES GAS COMPANY 84c89 . EXPERIENCED Secretartu for ceneral ottlee work, no book U.pl.JIS. ltetereneee J'*lUlrecl -Loca~ M&r Banta Ana Country Club. Kl 5·11T5. 89e81 -WANTED ti.Ill Um• 6 part lime itrt. for rennal otnce •ork tn Funl.lhare factory. U a.an. ltctl WANT a ~ 9Cbool or eoUep rtrl to live ID dW1q' Mhool. Salar7 boud • prlnte room. Har. 1111 1Tc8t LI 8-7"91 88tto ALBAOOU hit. U.. 14 mUe OIRUI YOU b an Jr I Uul\Nd upertenced H. H. HOLBROOK 8ktpp.r &ftil. ,.rt um. or W1U ban -opportuntty )T\y. ll&r. UJt-W, llplO to adYUce Ill our.lftrm. DEPENDABLS PLl7IOllNO WAMTS> _,...._ ~ beUUM of our p...-.df a· A....... JC.lilt M fMt 6 ~ Boun pauloa procram. Re,..u ......_ "$h"tr t 1J to I ,_ ._ ~ ca ApPlJ TM ltartlnC l&lar7 la ,.._: _._ -.,_ 11 --soar 1'11111 nlY, pod Uld you WiU receive ll01 .... ...... ...... .... 91.M •• 0-....... .... ,. ........ a .... loo. ... , ....... ,.,: ----------MAW • WOllAJf _. ......... 'J"Jl:Ll:IPBONZ OPJmlATOU "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY lnw aw"' door ,,....., .,... -Appty - dow ~. l'ut won... 1114 ~ No. MaJn lll'Mt W!Ute. lH JC. IOtJl at.. eo.t& Rm. 21 t -Santa ~ M•a. LI .. ..._ ppU t :OO to 4:00 P.M.. PACIFIC TELEPHONE THI! NEW macbl.n• proceiM ••th-...... :---W..W Tattc od. Reuonable pr1c.._ A_.,.. --~~ ...... _.;_.,,;,.;.-..;;_ ____ ------------- 2 tApe rMidenUal blind. P081TtOK open to r-1 etll&te A'l'TJ:N'nON ALL BOTI -Only $1 .00 .-man . Man who .nu put"' TB9 mcwa.PIU:SS .. llOW taJWic BUllde r.paired and reMll1t. time and work to build bu.Mn-. euner applJcaUou ttlr rout. m ~ Pick U? ud CS.Uftr7 tb .. nelpbol'hooda:- Worlc done 117 ~tmat Bos l>-1t Ulla p&~r. 17cli Balboa, W.at N~rt. Balboa Phone LDlert7 WlOl llCXPDUZNCED HO'l"EL MA.JD, 11., Ne-wport Belpt.I, Oorou 4eJ or Kimberly a.aT'-pptl'9 Mar ud COllt& M.._ 1tted:y work. KEN N'ILIC8 VIiia u )"OU an 1,2.14 -,ra. old, aftd llaw Akobolica AAoaymom Wrtte P. 0. Bos Ml Jf.-port a.ca. Calif. ..._.~•no SuperOuoua Hair Pfi nnt)7 •-•,.. rs-fW anm. ..... lb•www _.Mir Un. ............. .......,, .. a.LD l. -T~ It. & Udo'• ... "' ~ ... llTt MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME ! aervi,. ~ Harbor Arn. i...-.. only "' F'-9'tpt. ,._.. ea11 Hu. •7tli « Rar. OM. lllc98 L08T, ~ M.cll, f e.ma.le 91*1· ed. 1'TWJ' vouad WIOVt.h.. bod) tnmmed nenly. Llberal l'9WNd. Liberti 1-QSL 8Tc9t L08'l' -ltl.u.a s<>ld 8Wo'fa W'!Ut ..... ~Oft Mad "-'vd.. au. aMOJ llc:IO ~ Slam,_ cat. IUM. "Butdf '. \'ldn.lty of ~ aL Reward.- 81&-360( ~pt. L Npt. 8tp LOST C'atm l'wTMr' t 1111\aU dos) female, bl&ck ab&c17, pl&ld collar. i07 Heliotrope, Cof'Ofta d•I Mar. Rar. STU. 89ct1 Martna.. Barbor 1800. 17cH a blcyde. apply at tlle Cl.n:uJa.. EXPZIUllNCED J"RT COOK or ~Uon man. run um .. - SNACK IROP, >IOI Eut Cout Rwy~ Olm. ITclt Beacon Personnel 100,. ..,..,,_ nta1ned apncy NO t• cou.ted from aft)lleut BEACON PERSONNEL (A.pAcy) U »llat N~r\ Beadl 1Tcl9 w AITRllU EXPl::IUSNCl:D perm.en.,t Job -Udo Pmn Cale 280l 31at St.. at Udo Trailer P&rtl N "'1IOft" --.ch ltp81 .. Uon Dept.. Newport Harbor Newa-PnN, 2211 Balboa Blvd., N.-port Beach. bet•-lt>-12 a. m. or •·5 :p. m. only eac.,t Saturday-. tic WANT J\J:AL ESTA.TE 9AL!!8~ MAN or broker. P'amlll&r Wlt.h Hart.cn area. Top cornmt.l!on t.o one wtio want.. to mall• mmey A not &trald to work R0t18TON JU:ALTT l!Ot'C.n· a. at... Colta ~ u .... u _,,..._ H.ar. 62fl..W. lfc U 7f1V "U1"91Mnt tnc.ome tn&dt· qu&t.e1 Are yw ....u ... In .... Ur.meat T Do )'OU want add~ laccllDe ln a poa&Uon of dlpltJ &ad bwt ! W• wa11t mat11A reu.nan t.o .. rv. ln"9tment MICOU!lla lh1a ~ Write P . 0 . Boa 21, La C&rw:I&. pp-1-1 T IO 11Wilf•·&0• alDCRSl'il1' Wt• n-. 2 Miid ....._ ... ,..... Mlnn01t Cam· .,.. 6 llpt meter. Mat.ch-4 Patt.J Bers roll Ctube .. cart. Bar. 111• Sip'° ,.. ~ ,,.., _,,t Ute Met Konkel'• Interiors u~. 4n.pen-. •llJ>CO""rw. 11 • .,,...... 1" ... pMM i.ni.rv .. ma 611 .. 11th It., ao .._ .. ,,.,.. ORIGIN~ It' CABl"N CRUISJ:R No~ 270&8. l"Jlly equipped Chry1ler Karine Af'T'll!PlNOON. CoclltaU, dinner •nain•. 2 C&n rnoonnc JIUT Lt· dr ..... • Coordin&t... iton dock-8' Dlnshy can ~ C'UITOM DR.mUKAJaNO Men at BAT SHOR.I: Trailer Pb. Harbor 112t8·R l8c3 • C.mp doek--C&ll KE 11·3813 or j Rll 1-4036--0wner a t Tr&Jler lot Drastic Reductions : -:-:N°_0 ·_14_· _____ B_9c_91 Up to 60% I SNOWBIRD, Xlnt. condition, com· ON IVMXllJ\ DR.USES, Mp&· iat•. or1rtri&J. • eampi... plete with aall, $2T5. Hai-. 0380 89<:91 J.:AROIJ! WEBB 8-l!"J'. BALBOA Dlngby. complete 1 ... l o Goalt Blvcl., L&cun& 8ch. wtth nearly new Dacron 11111 t3ttc In perfect condition. $100. '216. BAR BELL arr 110 lbe. Like 8th SL, Newport. 89p91 nnr. Call Har J121 18ctl 111 rr. DUDLEY l'l~rsl&.M un- REMODJ:UNG. •lnkable. Honeycomb bOttom, Ooora. venettu bllnda, Col<htpot 12 ft. Atrts .. John.9on 211, remote control•, good con&tion. Alau CHOICE compae•, wlnd1hJeld, cover. P'or JUNK. Harbor 1632·M. 87c89 1kt1nc or flahlnr $79~. 117 Sapphltt, B. I. Kt.r. 2033· W RUGS-Whit e ahar-r our • x &-89p91 uap together to ma.Ile I x 12. t.l!:HMAN ctlnchY No. 260 with 3 ALSO rue pad. Total $34.811. Harbor 2323. 87p88 011. dacron eall A ca nvu cover, llJce new, 1650. Har 0380. 89c91 Fresh Hearing Aid WANT TO CHARTER, boat on BA'IT!!R.IE8 •hare but•. 6 t o 10 party cap•· We Give ISltB Ore.a Stampe city. Have p&rtlee lint(\ up. Rell· Gunderson Drtif. Co. •ble operator. Ref. call art.er S p.m. u 9-ea111. 87p89 Main St. at Balboa BlY , Balboa Ha.rbor 1116. Nttc 28-FT. M.AHOO. PLANK CABIN cru!Mr. s 1 .. pe 4, head. calley. ANTIQUES -Olcl tumlture, cut 93 h.p ... ~t tank. tl8811. 4J 10 glue. lampm, old plct\U'M, clocJu River Ave., Newport. Harbor etc. Buralna plore. Blc d'-· 3MO·R. lllUo count. to dealen. Charlie Davta. 1606 E . Anahetm It., Lone Bc:h. SNIPIC wtth &&Ila o\ dolly. Good ~-139. 28ttc condition $'400. 232 Vla. Eboll, Lido Iale. Har. 004•·W. 87c88 SO-B-Aptu..ee. 19511 "' T. FORD V-11 plaxup. Washi~~achine &000 mU-. K4&.,,,. cuetom ree,r burnpu, e heavy duty Urea. Trade tor cabin crulMr or caah. l·)'MI' f'l&l'aAUte -JoM ... Harbor f l". 8Tp89 aAd Oft uMd ....... Mll\l SO M'. ELCO eabta crul.Mr, com· (rear) !f..,,,art BL. o.c& 11 .... pl•tely equt11ped. 81 .. Jlll 6 '4300 Uberty s:-4503 or 1Jberty Kerbor flle". lfdt 8-4327. Mtf c a· WIZARD, Mtt'CUt')' Mark 20 P'Olt BA.LID -Ooldspot ref. wtth mtr. l9M model.e. llxcel. condJ· lion. $&()(). liar. 06Tt-J. 87p88 new un.lt, f'(). Call JCJ &-ITU. ti U-J'OOT ALBAOORll BOAT, to AUGUST CLEARANCE lip. Compl•t.. Woortnc tnch.1~ JllA.NOllB nMr Newport Harbor Tadlt ~r\ty II" --······-·--·-Jlt.50 Club. 11180. Harbor a110. O'K A Men1tt U" dean, tan U.60 •lie O'K 6 )l.ef'l'i" 41" top an. &t.bO r ADU.JlfEJ\ K f\. \Win .c~•. ltSFIUGDATOM .,..,. ftre lla1la •-ded. Al con- Colit., lllt nTY d ... T ct. ·-•..IO dSU-IT.TIO. u "4TIO &Ille ........ el. ···-····· .. ·-----'9.IO Gii YG'7 cJeaa. • cl. -•..ao Kal\Ct181' llJPl:lt T ~ B. P. DI· WAJIRER8 uU.t condtUon. tis~. 1m KU'- BendJ.x-worlU ok . ···-· 2600 bot' Blvd~ Colt.a MH&.. 17cat Kuunor. WTln~. lat• mod. H..00 OS Aul.om. late mod ... . 109.50 1• rr. a.uLBOAT, main aa11 • 'VACUUM Cl..E.AJQ;R.8 Jib comp!-., clUNd boat •1M. ..... ftl -··· H .!IO to llt.50 Orwy Mann. !lun• enJtne> s.vyw~ suarant-' u.n.mlMlon • r•'l•rM c..., re- Conwn.IMlt tenN ceUy °""hauled 1171. 1..n>6ry 8TftOO"J'9 HOWE, HOUMW&.ra ~at07. ~Teti llOJ Newport Blvcl~ eo.t& .w .. 31 rr. 19113 CR.JS C"RArT twin mcnw, crown 8pttl&.I. 10 tt. '1-WuW to 82 beam. auto pnot. n.dlo. elMpe •• ro.m rubber Jnatl~ OONCIU:'TID MlXl:I\. Wied IWIUI· 480 hrt. on •n('ln ... I appro~ out mot.or). For caab. Ph. 8W llfe Ja.clceta. Ha.1. 1104. l&c90 Coke.r, Har. 4128 or Lema Bdl. 7 ~ a..p. m.ot.or O.B. witb ~· T-6111 ooUect. Heh $11(). NonJUU llU\C.hOr. =· c baba. 100' ,,..... line PO ao.rd lad· n--....... tor 8-19 der U0.22" lite rtnr n . lAn· t•ru • Olm'*! lamp. Navy I rANtr BOUUI ITTUll mot& $90. M.J dodl. ue. a w111ca l1l&n4* 2 matchlnc cha.11'9 n o Mcb. IT 60. lnq. 106 Via Mrntone, R,C,A. TV t100. CM9t ot. draw· U do i..Je w..-end• or CR.Ht· erw t10.-1 twtn bed. complete Y1ew e-Mll6 WWk day1, ~pH • d\eet '35. J matb'-.. &11d ll h..p. Merwr)' )l(&rk 20 mo&.or. •Pr&. »O. Hu. UH. ITelt no Mal1pld, Oorona Ml r.tar BT PRIVATI: PARTY, Balboa X... Jfar ISTMl Mpat la.nd. Stove, retns~ chrome dJn· HAWA.DAN BA.L8A WOOD el I• Mt. d.rapel and matdlln« SUlU' 804.JU> llUll.Able tor 100 chair, davenport. cha.Ire., talll-. to 180 lb. rtder ~. Har. 49H deak, bookcaM. •le. HM. 111•. •Mil enda. llk90 tTdt 8TUIU>Y recondiUon .. d Mt :"alty FTUNCH PJtOV. t\lra. Loft WAt. built lriowtltrd. Pu'f~tl tor your eofa. cha.Ir • cott .. table. yo11ftl'lterw tlm aetUns Jaunt.. N-S. nconrlnS. ~ Beronta. Old but tully eqlllpped. u oo. CDW Bar. OTIS, Met() 8Tcamor. t ..e<>47 t't'ftllnp 8'rcst Mesa Woodcraft NJ:W 10 rT. SKIPP. Jl;Vl.nrude 3 11...p motor, 0&ra. c:uahlo11.a. err tiapeJnt~d • J uvenile rurnJture n oo. Rubor 1118t. 8'7ellt BXCA81:8, mod. d•lp. Alld· \or dooni, tMlJ. &Ml••. i.". TRADE 30", 38", O " .. ... SU.711 up lleaalltl&I T~ft. awl. itdMlonW. 4 dr. BaU\toom ch•l _ ..$1.M Complete lln• unp&lnttd fUrl\. llOft 1\a1I)' tOUDd, te &ii)WMt._ WIU and hwd. t.U\:u1ty ta property or mmal· Mlnwu and Deft flnl&bM 1-t. JUO W. 11a1-. 81Yd~ o...s.n t&Jta for &huttan Ntwport. Bar. '°32. attic 2121 Harbor, C.M. Ubert,y f-1M5 WANTED uaed Snlpe Mil. Har· LOVELY Maple roclcu . bor 212T..J. lk88 maplia dinette Ml. Blon'1e bdrm. Mt 19114 H f1 Mcbllcn.!t boet •nd • P'o-.m rubber matt~. Har !relier. 64 Mf'T'c. M.a r'k 20 mtr 6232-W 88c Good tor flallJn( or w•ter akllnf i.c1&. J201l Avocado St.. Colt.a DBL.. BED MATTRESS, 1pr1np , )( ..... lip90 dreutr wtlh mirror. $20. Plat- form t"OCktr, n-1)' upbolalf~ SPORTFmHJCJt Jf-tt. n~ motor, 115. ~ec. Iron with cord 13 Xlenl mechanical t'Ol\d. good Har •..J. atctl 11.ne.a. eully con"rt.t for plt11· 1t1r•. 11995 Kt ~1:1&0. 89c91 Dale's Furniture II Jl"J'. ITIZLCIUrr. equipped for ma.run. na1a1n, chalr. r\UI Chrome dlMtle Mt --ltt.80 outrtrrer. 85 watt ah.Ip l(I ahnre. lteaple dJIMtte Mt ----·-••• IO p lley A 11-4. ~k&rd 120 b.p. H ct Upr11ht l\lb 'Nf'O f?-Mser Uta '2.T80. Har. 2950-W. nett Apt. trlM 8ernla . -m.ao up ALMOST NEW a tt. Cb.rt• cratl Wedc.-ood apt. CM C.P. Uke nberalMled, 111 ll.p. Ev1.Dr11de new -······· • ···-····----t 7&.&0 motor, cont.rola. C1uU cran. UIMd apt. 111.M 1W1C9 -···-Nt-80 trailer. Bu. tlJI. lfp91 1174 l:lubor, eo.t.a .... l'Oll •ALm. • ...,.. moonnr No. U.A-~ . a., at Dtam_, 1llaJa.o. 1...., Uberty 1-3872 "°"· lktl ROUND~· table 6 • upbol. MOTOR., Mft'C\lrJ' M&rll IO, 1181 4lia.tr'8 wW 8tl&l lJ, ma!loc-d•k model wHJ1 motOT attaollment AD I ,.ecea 1100. LI l ·TaO for remote contiol. 11N. Bar. lktl ouo. llkll PADDLEBOARDS 28' ST&U.CRArf tlab1n• io.t. All equl,.,ed. N&4)< U. l'O· BRAND NEW w\thln I bollf'I runnln1 Um•. Cott '7200. Sick· n .. fotoe• .i., 4 ruJ llars•Jn at t4"8. Har. 3209·1\. l 'fltc AUGUST SPECIAL ! We n,.~ 1evenLI uprtcht planoe for Fall ~ntaia. Extra larre t rade allow.ncH made on any Spinet pll\:IO or lllectronlc orcan at SHAFEll'e Wu.le Co. ( Since 190T) Ul-41S N Sycamore, Santa An&. Ph. Kl. 2·0672. RCA VICTOR CONSOLE with 12" 11peaker. $31 dellvtrtd TARTAR TV CO. 2904 J:. Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. Har. 601 83Uc BECHSTEJN One ot the world'• greateat planoa .Just llkl.' new Good for 1enerallon1. You will be thrilled lo hear and play t.hl• m.,.nlfl«nt lna~ment. The low price will ••lonlah yo\l. Other crand• .. low ... $49!1. DANZ·SCliMlDT Bir Store, 620 No. M&Jn. Santa An&. Open Friday eve. ORGAN SPECIALS KAMMOND 8plnet orsana. like new. Btc n vlnp. --LOVJCL Y •Incl• manual electronic orcan In perfect conditlOA. San $400. Convenient tenna at - SHAP'ER'S MIU!c Co. (Since U O'J) 421-423 N. Sycamore. Santa A.na Phone Klmbttrlv 2·0672. HAM"MOND ORO.ANS. UtUe Wied. One only famoua euy to play Chord Organ. Ona beauUful Spinet Model. WonduflJI tor church or h.ome. Very liberal M Y1n( on th ... two lovely In· 1trumenu. DANZ·SCHMII>T. no No. Main. Santa Ana.. Open Friday Eve. SPECIAL BUY! BEAUTlr'UL SALEM maple Spin· et piano. Rent.al retum. Famoua ma.ke. Ult• a.w. lave 'lt>&.- ConveAltnt i.enn. at- S KATER'S Xwilc Co. (81Jle4 lt0'7) i11·4l3-N. ~camo,., ~ An& Phone KJ.mberty 1~72. l\J:NT a P""cUce ptano u low u p p.r mo. Let. the kl~lu learn. All term rmt appUu It you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIDT, lltO No. Mala, Santa Ana. 100 ,._ rr- whlcb lo ~ STROUD B all y fT&nd pl&no. M.t101. n-«dle pot"\ bench SGM> 606 &econ.ta. CDM Hu. OT~. UctO 11" MOTOJ\OL.A TV wtt.h AM • P'M MlOlo. a~ pbonornph. Rl.'<lueed to t llH. TARTAR TV CO. 2904 E Cotut Blvd., Coroea 0.1 Mu. Rar. 6t 91 83Uo IC.Dm.AU. SPINET plllllo. M.aho- J&llY tlnlah. LI 8~U':t Uc91 HAM.MOHO ORO.ANS. Jl'ull Un•. aU model.I. J'tee pracUce rooma. Cclme .. aOd P'-1 on e.ny mod .. 1 Tiie ar.t Coec.rt Oraa.n . thf' HCIClle Mo6el lM Church and the lpin•t ModtY. It )'OU think you caAnOt pi.,, come In lllld try the ..-1d tamoua Hammond, ...,. io pay, Chord Orra.n. You wUI M Mtonl1h4Jd to find you c.n plAy ln fHtttn mlnul••· D ANZ-SCKMIDT Nano • Orsan Co. Horne of Ule Hatnmond, 620 No Ma1n. kata Ana. RCA VICTOR Jl" Color TV ,.... celvu black and -'Ut.e \.oo.. TARTAR TV CO. ieo. & Clout BJyd,.. °"°8a del JC&r. Har. Mfl NUc sM.A.LLmSr nvoro Plano Wit.ti tun .~ la n.. oon• dll.lon.. T-nu. MS.U .,... and t 18 n ,., mo. at 8H A n::R 'I Miaatc C.O. ( 8'llcle JIOT) 421.,.23 H, Ryea.more, knt.a A.na Phone Klmba'ly 2-0S72. USED PIANOI, ~de. •pln.~ and upr1pU. Oood pnactlc .. pl.&llOll u low-u 1118, tut, 1187 and up. ....., t.er'lft&. One Ot'lly famoua make ~n.t 1llptly d&ma,f~ ln ahlJ'm4'ftt, Brand n~'. Bhr •v1n r . I>ANZ·SCHMtOT Rtr Plano ltOr· pn Store, 020 No. Matn. Sa.nu Ala. PLAYE.R J'IA.NO. 1100 .. ~ Bh•d C<lmt• Mea. I~ t.l~ny 8·8432. llipS9 35--Dop. 0.... Pet. -,....0 DA C'ff ll HUND PUT'S, • mo·•. R.fgiat .. r~d wtth A.K.C - t lOO n. -101191 F. Bola, S&nt& .\AL Klmberly 2·0291. 83<~9 BLACK 4 mo. old mlnlatur• poodle pupp1. Xlt'Jlt pedl~w. Har. 8267-J, 17cl9 F'OR SAL.It. Pu~b~d Ch.lhu•hua pu•n· 7 wll. oM CAii w .. •lc da,.. ... ID. 21 8 t. traJJer N11 3, C:O.l& M-. 88p S'7-Uvetltoc'lt rotJR YW.AR OLD pa.rt ArUl&/I Pll ,,.adlnr. plu. ..,.Specit. ..a-. •t.c. U &O. LI M47'. lktt ~forlWe JtlO OLDSMOBILJ: H -t-door ..... 89daa. radio. twatv. p• t&•proot tubN. etc. Hu .... -u.t care. Of1slnal OWMr. HM. 1111-w. 1 v v Check th~e Used Cars 9'11 h'OID a looa.I dM.kt.wbo will be bere l'ONOIUWW co t.ck up what be ..U. ~DA YI TRY AND STOP US from Selling These Cars So Cheep! 49 Packard 4 Dr. Sedan $245. 46 Buick -& Dr. Sedan $75. 46 Pontiac 2 Dr. &<!an $75. 53 Chevrolet 210 4 Dr. Sedan $930. 52 Ford Victoria P'nrdomatlo $1240. ·51 Ford F2 Pickup $720. S2 Hudson 41 Buick Hornet Club Coupe Sedan, Good Tlrtl $925. $45. THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE MARINERS' MILE" 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8-3471 AUGUST SPECIALS! 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air • dr. power lltMriAs RA H, WSW, power glide ................ only $1'2'5 1953 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook Club cpe. Radlo 2 tone paint, all new tirM ········-····-· ...... $1195 1950 BUICK ( dr. Sedan. Llgbt green, R A H Dynatlow ............... ·············-·· __ .................. $'796 1952 DESOTO V-8 'dr. Sedan, light blue, po•er ateering, Rlt.H. Electric windo"11. Only $1196 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PL YMOUTii DEALER 1200 W. Cout Hlchway Ph. Liberty 8-3'11 40-AutOll for Sale ----- GMC J'RIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS 'U ClmVROLST \oft T PAN'&L 'DI OMC '-" T PICKUP '81 C1m\"ftOLET ~ T. PA.HlCL '82 J'NTElUM'L. ~ T P'tCKUP ·o~ oooor; " T P IC'KllP '&3 OMC 11 T PIC KIJP, HYDR..A·MA TIC TRANS 'I( CKl:VROt..r.r '• T PICKUP HTDRA·'-iATIC TlU.SS ·u CHEV. I T e· STAKES '80 CMC 1 T. DUALS. F'L.AT· BED 'l\2 C~Ol..F.T 1 T PANSL 'llt VORD VA, l T Dl'AlA. F"LA TIU:: n '&2 STVnP:UAJ<F;R 1 T. 111" we. 2 sPF.£n 8 2:\ TDU:4 ·112 C'tfE\'ROLEr 2 T nr· WD 2 SPEP:n A 2A Tmf!ll '&3 C Jrr:YROt.r.T 2 T C n L'!. If!' BODY. 2 SPE!ro. 6 .2& TlRY.S .Iii DODGE J T 4 YD Dl'Mr, 2 ~PF:EO, ~ 26 TTIU:~ '&2 mM· tn \\'Hf:F:14 tit•Mr IN TOP CON[llTf(l'f ... the lar,.•t volwn~ truck dt&I· " '" o~ County tor tll• Met Ml9t'tlon ot UHd tNc'k• We l'la •• OY8T &6 un.lt.e to dlooM t tom. w e CU TY our OWTI COii· trect.t W.W. WOODS GMC DCAl.El't BUICK ··py Jl'Wderw'' ,,........ .. --·· TERRY'S BUICK 409 Walnut H11ntt.ns ton 8eacll MUST SELL 50 New Buicks Befort Sept . 10\h Com• In. Cl'lecll ou r dMl or c&JJ LExington 6-4588 Hdt lt~ P'OflD 4 dr •tattoo -f'09 -ft.AH °"" dnv tlntMI it.a. -•hlte •ldtw•ll nflOfl tuMI•• llr-rnu~t H ll perfKt cond 121~ Vince·• c;Afe 410 lht St . :'11-~t Bffcll Jfer Mal .., 41-Aato 8en'toe Motor Overhaul NO MONET DOWN * with this ad * e ey1.. $48.88 8 Cyla. $58.88 e1&-1t E 4th St , Aa.nta Ana TnrludM boU1 la~ &11d ~ ~ 1'111nt1av ,. M N"' nnaa. WT19't pt.na . .,... .. Trtaek llu'1quart"n f<>r Or&nlff' <'t> ltTln" flttlnr;11 or mal" and "'" ------------1 ~artnr.1. f:J1JW"rt motQr tun• u,. 195-4 St.~ V.Al.LET MERCURY. ~ay or 4 000 mll• ruannt-. all powl't' "qutpm,.nt \,.rm ... \all INO MONr;Y OOW"!'I o'llmtr. LI 1-3~3 or LI M223 REBUTLT ENGINES 61tlc -l-P to 11 MONTHa TO PA~­ lt11tlt In our own fM'\Ot"J by aklll_. 411 ,,,~~~~"~ ~ ... ~r··.,:b~~ madltnJN. Don't contend w i t) IUvl'ralt!,. :-;,.wport J\f'ach. U th• mldl!le men, Ruy dlr~t. 11·332fl a:-rA9 REButt.T and J'NSTALLED IP~ ~·oE 2 M. radio, hu tt r, ro1U> • . -· -·-· _ t ut 50 I !HORT BLOCK U~ No tu or llcenee. Own•r, CH.CVROt.rT _ --UH llO H•rbor 3!HO-R ~Ttfe PLYM .. OOOOP: --SJ&I CH.RYI. 6 O& 801'0 --t tTO l~M YO~n rnnv F:xc,.11 • f"nd , STl.rDl!BAKER ·--·-··· SITO fUtH o d. Spot II It r ent Kit Ol..011 6 PONTI AC I ······--J l 10 rnn-black top Prtred to •ll j etJJCX ---··--····---$)~ ownn Har 2iU 87c:H KUD80N _ ·-····-·-· _ ..•. tlT& ·u CADt WC-Coupe-rt;--vlii;. l.Aan Car ,.r,.• Towtnc rtrte<:l rnT11'ltl"n I Owntr, lllw N'l:W C"AR OUARANTEI! mllr11Je. P rh•at .. rarty wlll fin· 8Jl)O"k muat mf'l.'t i>u r a~4&.rd8 &J'IC'f', Har. U Ol. , 8lc8t Plu• t~•. Juket.I end otJ Jt4 7 BUlCK. 2 dr t'lf'•n Jnod I O~n lund•y 10 a.m. to 2 pm. runnlnr ordtr, ~&Uon1M.. LI I BELLES ENGINE 821i0 88rto )11411 CAOlLl~AC' 61 211r fin,. I REBUILDERS rnnd, nr1J paint ~ .. w I 1tf'.I 0 1vn [1111Jy 8 ln 7 State Bon<led t 1000. J"rl DW nf'r U 6 fl I i~, J9tA F'ORD, n~w mntnr It 11r•• Xlnt. ~m1r11I lranJ91'0rlAllnn, 1J911. LI I-~. ~ir-tl llM FORD Vtrtor1a. bllM 6 Whitt OOf'llt>, ll&n buy On.a OWfter A· I eond. Vwy cl•&11. Offf r? l:IW klt>M Bl'f'd., N~ .rt•r 6 pm. 89clll 18112 .-ORD Cowit.ry a.cSaa -;;::,. J ln•I Mrner. tow mm.,., Radlll He&tf'r • P'or&>matlc. U 1-7Mt 1 ltctl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8~:VTA AN A ~-------~~~~----~ ~I !iPARTAN ~)'al M.analon u ft twin 1>4l11•. dinette. lt1MI bell. hnm• ftubmlt oNer. ~ W l•. T tl,\ltn ltptl l t rr. JMJ .MAJJfUKE HOUAIC T'IUrt-Eft wlU. TV. HOO cuh Lol IOI. M\tnlM,U 'l"h.lkr Parlt :0.:ewJ)'>rt Beecfl. lt,eo I I j 4'7-Wanted to Betit WANTED WINTER RENT AL BRAND NEW ,._ ... FAW. ·~ Riverside Co~nty SALm OA ft.ADID fOC' --prop- erty. IO &ar9 1n1pted lltoclt .COSTA MESA It could be for you 00.uTAL SllOPPD ..._ .t · NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA .. I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1959 a •.ar..e.ae a._......._ 4 bdnna. la S bath8, looated OD Lido I.eland, West 8-1 A••·· or Ocean Frmt neu ~thoUc Chu~h. We haft a bonaftde taaut. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor STORE an4 Ol'FICE BUU.OING Oppomt. N8"pon l*ch Qty Hall Elna tor C.ompaet. ()(fin .. tlw Parll:ial A l'&Dable 134.5 Newport Bo••-4 n.ncb, > bou.... InqUlre Ill Oonl Aft.. Baao. 1*a4 Won AQC. 1&. .Aftw .All&'. Ult!!. ISi ....... Dr .. La OIM6I.. pL rn...~. nca CILUUIINO I Nna. ....U ._ Oil IOX1.JO Jot.. ~ and compj~ feeoed. On!7 fT, TIO wtt!l t*'1M. A RAMBLING 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach .,.,_4T11 Cabanas Marinas Lido Penimula, Eut 31at St., Npt. Bch. OITl:l'UI Dellsbttul 1.Mn1. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht llip accomodationa. • Dally, w .. kly, monthly, yearly. ror appt. "" """•&n. Call Har. 2992. 34tfc U-Trallen ti-Ar!-: a R009ee for Rent *PAN-AMERICAN* BALBOA ISLAND Paramount-Terry KenBldll '16-41' .... ~Mii 16-11' Pu Am T1oUI 'IMMl' ~t. 2 bdrm. 'U.U' XIMldll .... 11' XINlldll M.AJfY MOIUI -Eu)' T-• Bia DIBCOUM -1'10or MMela. Port Orante Trailer Salet noo w. Oout llJ&'bway ~ LibertJ MUO Newport Beach 16cN 2·WJDD:l. Tnilor, Xl.otll c:oadlUon. $100. Har. 02T•·J. 8Tclt Ullftam. yrly. ttntal. J 1lory helm• ln dlol~ location, cloM to 11&7. a bdrm1., a bath• plu1 d~n • lana.t. 11113 per mo. W. W. 8ANFORD, realtor It Auoclate1 Park • Marino. HAr. :zu:z 74tfo LIDO ISLE BA.CHSLOI\ and one A two bdrm. ..,_ abort term &nd yearly. AI.80, Likio Homt1 and Bay Front Hom• and apartment.. LIDO REALTY AMOCiatee !1.00 Vla Udo, Harbor •H• •89ttc ----------1'8-A-Apta. tor 8-t 4'7-Waated to Beat w ANTE> 2 w a bdrm. witunl. llC$M or apt. L&.dy wilh boy 11 It str1 10 p.rman.nt. Boa O 2t e&ro flt l.11.s. p&p.r. ltctl Deluxe Furn. Apts. Ono 6 two bdnn., w1lh tolevl1io n. Available tor 1ummer or W1n· tor. A.LBO yearly 1-. IA Heart of actlvtty -Lota or pulltnc. . THE BEAUMONT CO • TRADE Harbor 4299 -or call OLympia 2-2130 Collect. "l'llll&S -JlllDaOOK 1 ~ bath, 88e90 cabana 6 barbecue ln yard. N. Restaurant Doel year around bwltn-. in Newport Beach. Seatinr tor 40 at dining room tablM, phw '° at counter. ~ It. Tnldo ... 000 equJty l• Newport ana F. P. UJ.OQP. Pboao Ktmbtirty a-.&OM. ntlc ..... l'atate Balboa Peninaula Point '!'hr. bec1rlu. and Ouut bou.e- tunctlcmat Indoor -outdoor liv- 1.nc at I~ be1t. lArre Uvln&' room wtth tlrep.l&ce, bar kitchen, w /~waaber 6 dl9pollal. Sepa.- n.to Mrvlce porch, extra l"ge. lot Balboa Peninsula TWO bedroom f\im, homo.. Cloee to bay. '16.850 w1lb ft,000 down. Cilff Haven VIEW of ocean 6: hill.I from lhla 3 bdrm., 2 Nth home. Hdwd. noora, electric Thermador kit- chen, Jar1• double ral'p. Room tor .wlmmln.1 pool. 129,IOG- termi. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 28!!11, 2597 and ..eoo. Illneu forced cloeing 10 daya ago. Will ll&Cri.fice at $MOO, Cost $9500. Owner will permit you to re-open immediately under hia licenae unW deal can be cloeed. CASH IN on b&lanoe ot Summer Buaineu. wtth ....Uod ln brick paUo A ------------ BBQ. Full price only $22,000 term& Drtn by 2140 E. Ocean First lucky person to bring In check, get.a thla chance of a lifetime. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor t718 88c90 2602 Newport Blvd. 488-Bo...,. for Rent ~B..tn'M 9PP!rian1Uea --~~~~~~~-------, BIYd. T!\en CaU, J, M. KILLJllR CO. 2023 W, Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091 (Near 0!11 Newport PterJ Real Value HOMlll, J bdrm A convertible den, 2 b&Uui, forced &lr heal. One • ~ yr1. old. Very modem ranch type •hake root, perfect condJUon, vacant, quick ix-e· 1lon. Cut to $16,600 tor quick VACATIONERS Balboa Island ... 1 •• Attor-:;~ve1 tteo"!''· ~ HA VJC a variety ot n-nice-,~. ., ly tum. rent&lf available In BY OWNER, JtOPPl:R xrrrt.J: 230T Santa Ana Ave., Coala Mua Newport • Laguna. $30. wk. It renaurant. Good rotnc bu.tnou. or call owner, Harbor •661-W. up. Inquire 304·32nd Bl. Npt. Tbo be9t or eqwpnmt. Be&ll 8'. 83c94 Phone Harbor 1226. 77p90h May con.Ider trade for mnalltr ------------ place or property. SHOR!:CUJ'JI' 2 br,. 2 bath, lge. FURN. HOUSJ!J Sept. l , Twin bedl CALL LI 8·J8U attomocn., IOtto lot. 81ckn•• oompoa me to 1c·ll It bet! divan, flrtpl.M!e, comer ------------at once, al leu than replace· lot, good locaUon, 2 adult.I. 721 mant coat. $29,950. Immediate Poppy, Har. 0836·M. &eruc _M-__ ll_one_z..__to_Loan______ poHeulon. Har. 3209-R. l\9tk ~~~ ~~~ new lrvlnt NO COMMISSION Ten-ace untum. vi~w homee. No Appraiaal J'ee s BDRMS .. J bat.U and SALES -l\lll'IN.urca 2 BEDRMS., 2 baUu. OON811\UarION Call Harbor l T7:S or Harbor 4H8. Call tor Free EARL w. STANLEY. Realtor Fut Commitment.a Irvin• Ttl'1'&CO Ottlc• Corona dl'l Mar. 33tlc on R•ld.ollcee and Unit. onJ1 4~Booma for Rent Don I. Huddleston 'J'RR.Ell BEORM Beach Home ~i blk. to beach. Fme luoallon. 13600 dn., 113.&00 f . p. J . M. MILLER CO. 2026 W. &lboa BIYd. Ha.r. 4091 (Near the Newport Pitr) ------------100 rr. ON w. ltth ST .. acrop et.rfft from n-market and 1t.orN. Good lnn•tloent at $10,600 full price. Costa Mesa l FURN. UNITS. Belt loca tion, C-1 Jot 611x300, $10.000 down. BALBOA Pl:NlNSULA Lot • ·-... .. ... _ .. 110.000. NEWPORT IA>T • .. . . 13.l&O. 3·2 BR. FURN. UNITS on Balboa Blvd. 3 l&r&fW. Neer btach 6 bay, $7.&00 down. Homer E. Shafer R.EALTOR 106 McFadden Plare Har HO-Eve. Har. 1137-M Income Property :Z houua, l apt with Income ()f $23!1 per month On Goldenrod, cloee to IChooll., Solid lnveat.ment with no Yacancy factor on r11ntall. 123.900. Gordon Walker, REALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUILDER Dick tllllla rd, Pat PatU•on, Bob FRIENDLY HOUSE on the choice cor. lot of Oilt Haven ta being otte~. Thi• home ill quality conatruction and la not beln~ 11<>ld on a profit reLtq buia. Pleaae check th.. !'act.a: l . Three bedrooma and a den 2. Ru.tic Uvtnr room ovvlooldnr a t.ni.ly be&uU- tul patio. 3. Dining area with bl'Mktut bar. 4. Wood enerior and cedar roo!. ~-A very valuable conier lot which fa beautitUlly landscaped, complete 11prtnlrle!-aystem, etc. Do yoW'llelf a real favor and call ua for an appoint· ment to 11ee thia one. Priced to •ll at $36,000 with a $20.000 loan committment. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway., Newport Beach EYee Liberty 8-14.21 Liberty 8-34~ 1 * Sparkling Gem * w.t.rfront China Coves LUXURIOUS little ultra·modem home. lnU« on private be&ch at funoua China Cov... Lonity living room with fireplace, Ip. glaued doora open- ing on to •un drenched lanai, with million dollar view or Harbor. Bedroom, modern •unny Jd~. Houae at.reaed for 2nd .tory tf desired. You have not aeen thW tint otterin1. Be \be ftJwt. you'll Jove it! $29,950, $10,000 down (Exclu.aiw as-t-> . OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Oraftct) Newport Beach LI ~7M2 Har. 5154 ~ JDIPLOTl:D bachelor want.I •ln- 11• apt. Corona del Kar or Newport ar.a. permanent. wr1to Boll r 21 c:are of t hi• paper. URGENTLY NEEDED ltptO 80T I!. Baltio. BIYd., Balboa Harbor MOe. Ntlc BAT VIEW APT. aa Udo Ponin· INIL New • attracUvo panelled DYlllir room. ~ IMfflnL ror yearly 1ouo. Ph. Har. %751 or Ha.r. 80. BRANO NEW, Very Nice PriY, 173 E. 17th St. room wltb " balh It kitchen OOBTA KUA. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES prlv. CarporL l block f rom LI ~'64l LI ~eoa ocean $100 tor Aug. or $60 mo, 1~7 Newport. Coota Me.1& yrly. Har. 0498-J. 81kn LoANS TO BUILD. DO'ROVll LI a..ie.u ac... Ll &-6803 Gervai• -30U I:. Coul Hwy., -------J!----------------- Corona 11el Mar, Har. &Os:l~3S CORONA El MAR • • A Expanaive r and OMaD .WW, t bdrm. Den. creage Dining room. 2 batha. H.udwood la carpet. tloona. tlltto ftENTALS ol au pnc•. tor win· ------------ ter 6 yearly 1-. Ouetom9" walUnf. A. 'l'TaACnVm oc..a YI-l bdrm, apt., pe.rt1&lly tum. 8Uit.ablo tor eoupi.. fT5 mo. yrly. M6 W. ROOM tor workin&' man. Hot and cold water ln room. Prt. en- trance H per wffk, l?S-28Ul St N.-port. pptto BUY. XODl:RNIZll, OR JUll'DJ.AXc:m MOO.llRN S be<troom, 1 IJ\ bath, 1'80 eq. ft. l % yr. old. D a palmer inc JTOO "W. Cout Jl'w7 .• LI ..._,. J.tt.ta. o.e. M-. c.u t to a, ....... .._ a otta.. Bar. •· IOtto ------------ W o Buy Tl1lll& Deedil lmWPORT 84.LBO.A. BA vmae A LOA.N Aaaoc:::u. TION ... Via Ullo. ~ -· ... OPJilN FOR INSPECTION eAT. A BUN. AFTER.NOON. llOl J'ullert.on Ave., Npt. Ht.I. 7Wc .. ------~~---- Rentals Wanted Wo Hid apc. and...,... .... 8MUCllM t• DiOUl .... ... ,...,. • ....._ run. or ..,._, lt JOU b&•o a ~. ,.._. ~ The Vogel Co. 1101 W. C.. HWJ~ M.-,.t _. noa. UW1:J WM1 IOI M&rtne, llaJbo. 1'liaa4 ,.......,_.. ... NO. I B&A.OOl'f BAY -eumJDOr Natal .,._... t\lrll. apt.. aleep9 •• OYWlooittDc baJ. Juno Uth- llept.. UUL. SS>O. moeth. AUK> wtll tako i.onalioe tor .at.-. HU'. 2n1, ooun.., to .,_t& tStto UNFURH. pr. apt., 2 bodJ'Ooma, '100 mo. Jrly. 1117~ w. Bay, Newport. Har. UN b.toN noon. 87ttc l*S7 &. eo.,t ll)'., eor.& clal MM •n•n• -.. __. -._ .-7 -tal f>hono K&rt.of 1741 OM, _ _,..-• ., ,,...., T" • •-• Udo Ottlet. Mtl Via LNe N6 moaUa uW. lnclu4. 4...U. H...-"n ..,. AQC. 11. JOI o.r-uaa, Corona WANT TO LEAH Sept. 1, two '-' Mar. 11&1. .011. llldO or U..... Mrm.. f\lnUabd boUM. OILUUQNQ 1 Bdrm. apt. UlU. On or nev waterfront, Balbo&. lal&n4. ""PL. Bay 't'kw, tur- Wrtt.o JIOll 0-11. Utl9 ,.,___ nace. pr-. d1llp. Wllllel' or yr. ITpll rowid. Harbor .20. 19ctl FURN. 1 « J Nra ~ or apt. yrly. Couplt It boy I . Mr. Andre' Kl 1·1211 Mon. to rrt. llplt RENTAL r, SPECIALISTS Call--~ Blanche Gatee, Rltr. lllar.t...A .... J BDRM. f\lnL. apt., print.I p&Uo, auto. wuber, dl.tlmutor, pr. a..-Bay, prfrat.e beach, iun. boat Uo up. Wint.or flOO, ye&rly fllO mo. UW. pd. No ~ A.YUi Oc\. 11. Bv. lMO. lltctl CLI1'JI' RA VEN I m>ltK. apt. 1lllfllra. Ill. per mo. I BORK. apt. tum. 1100. ~ mo. Pb-.~~ nctl "11\N. 1 Wtm. apt bJ U. month. Anll. Aq. 17. IOI Mar1aold, BKALL omCJ: FOR RmNT, NO per-. ------------MU8T Ul..L, boautllut Back Bay LOANS for Hom-nearly new •hake root tarrn H02 Jtf.wport BWd., Nft70rt Bch. ,. • boueo, a bdrm1., 2 baUMI. aton· Hw. •711 Utto .,. -IO yr. 1.-... 2 et.or• or ottlcoo, one 2ld0. One 12.a26. Low ronL 8111t&!>lo for re-ID BOB UTI'LICR tail bu.ln .. or atTtce. 60'T E. •ll EAaT OOA.Wr BLVD. Co..riruction Loans B.i~ BlYd., Har. seoe. MUc Oonma ckl Mar ll&rbcw ll4ll LIDO omc::z SPACE -WUl a.p. POIRISR MORTGACD 00. nw.t ~ .Wtable f4lr attor• ....,. "* I-. r-.-la. 1-6.lM n,,.., •nstn•ra. etc. Approx. ..._ owi forever v1ew of Bay and lnCl'Wlt:aine. Har. 0100 88dO BLACK 8T AR CANYON, nnr Saddle Back Mt. a pprox. JO &el"M, marnlrlcenl •I-. 1prtng. Ideal tor hunllntr lodge or hideaway. $1800 or trade for Volklwqm . OWNT.R, Harbor 0861-W. 88c\t0 16130 l.n llbopptn,. area oo Via __,, __________ _ !:;. ~ ::. eoa. ~ Quick Cash Loans orncr: roR U1"t Clf'tc Olntor Loc&Uo:n. n~·- 180. per month. CllAR.Llt8 E. HART, R-.Jtor MIO W, Balboa Blvd~ Mpt. Bell. 77ctt Modern Store on furniture, auto, Mlary. $50. to $750. or more. One day service AppUc.auon may be made ID pol'- eon. by phone or by inalJ. CALIF. ACCEPT A.NCE CORPORATION 1at1 Barbor BIYd., 004i.a Mu& LI ~7Tlll -Open .l'rldaya UU I BALBOA ISLAND STEAL WATERFRONT I ~ on Ora.nd Oan&1, eaeh with 2 bdrma .. complet.411y turn. Near everythlni . S2~.ZOO F. P. Tf!rm.11 J. )(. MILLER. CO. 20211 W, Balboa Blvd. Har. ~091 C N~ar the Newport l'ler I UDO CHOI(;!) 36' LOT on Eut end ot lilt. 11 0.DOO. Har. '123. FOR RJ:NT, 170 per mo, Parkinc facWU•, forced &Jr b•t. WU.a able, tn.uranc1., rO&J eeta\o, ,Ull Ole. lnqu.Lro .oe IC. B&lbo& BlYd. a°""' 8alW'day-•tttc ----87p89 Harbor 1070. Iii.le ------------ aUllNl:IUI a: PROFDMllONAL "J>&C• at Vial.a Pla.co, 19\h 6 Pi.ceiiua, Coela M-. WW r.- mod.el to euH t•nant. Pb CIWl'ler u 8-2~1 lkll REAL ESTATE LOANS lnt.n.t Rate 5--6~ ~ Balboa Coves ll&lllioa hlud, BM. llTl Tldl Ooroo& del kar. lktl U-A.--8 rt !W ...... Lo&ne qulclMy made ta Uw .. , ~ &Dd Coeta M-. ~ or imaltlplo lmle&. New or °'4. lk ,.,. u4 aye bJ r.fteeedftC J"llV ~t IOIUL ll&a1.arl-•· ,_. Mo cbelp f• .......... 1 :zo• on Ule wattrtronl wt th -· walJ. Lovely moc1em home wftb 1&rfo llYIDJ room. lanel dln1n1 room, m od ern ltllcben .,..,th bUJUn ~-n.replace, pal.lo w1UI barboquo, landecaped and f1111ced. Price 139.000. ocs.ur FftONT -·~ 1 cw 4l4&-!:!9~:!8~,_~!!ll~fw~~·~tet!!_ __ 2 Mrm. .,.,... ....... ~ ~ be.JI court. lonlJ' 9'-. ll&ll\mCr and wtnttr ,_tale. ._ at TIN w. o-n rroat. w..,..i Bd1. • 11111 a.. 1m-w ..,.. xaa. • ,. a¥• .... Lido Isle "°" ...... "1th opUGa to ""' It deeln4. 8.uUflll I bdrm . 2 C-2 BLOO. Dal7 appr.a.J. P1aooo auta An& IOJDMrty a.-u or wni. ' NU. plwi kltaCJI • baU:i aod ARTHUR A. KAY =--~ ~ nr;..-;;::._1y1:t~ora~ Jilettcac• Loe.n Cota-. cm-.t CJLUU..1::8 JC. HART. ~attor MIO "· Balboa BITd • :"tpt. Beach 77('91 _,..,,.. P• "-c~.. mo. Ooaidelltal LU ~ Co. lt.t MbJn4 P. 0 . K9WpCllr't. Har NI loalal MafD 1 8utt& AAA • J.A&'una Valuee 6061 or 2806 J. It. 71p11 ~an Vlrw Lote In Oranre County for hlJh clu1 eubdlvlJllon. Ont of t.he choke •pol.I Jdt. FOR REl\'T-2 bdr m., 2 balh fur· nlebod hou11e in Corona del Mar. Rent It tor Aurwt or tor one y ur. Adull• Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Mulllptf' L1e11nr Reattoni l:halnue Broktr 3115 f: Cou t Hwy .Corona dtl Ma.r Harbor 21112 COSTA MESA Bargain NEW I 8d. Home. 0 600. '21(1(). down. Ba.lance J82. pN mo, Inc. Int., prlnrtpaJ and l.&Jln. Dti"'• by 1933 Co.illnent.aJ. In P'rMdom Homu t ru L Then ··om" In •Dd C'IOAO lh• <1111\I RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor '41 1 N-port Blwd. Nwpl. ~h Ha.r'bor 402 ------------· NORTHERN SAN I DIEGO COUNTY 40 ~. oeclws.d 2 bod.room f~e h~. flrtpla«, llJUrlOl' unllnJabed.. beauUrut aetuna. Ou and Sycamore lr-ffe, en"'k. alfalfa. plus farm machlneT')'. Term• 114.000 bath JW>mt Untuni. Available ROOKS, COTl'Mml, APT8.. Aue· a. DAY oa wm. oAM A. JAcoaaEN L1 ':!!r " >-&Olll&O, both for . $3600 CXCHA.NO~l4 MTN, Je.¥eJ land. ·~ eq. n. ... h 600 ~autlf\JI O&.k lrJ"O'l'e 3 IM'dmom ftm -.0. TOP ~ ... --------- --1-1.AcWllta U clWIJve _.. Si:'IOO l dob4-ftnt1 M'rnt,.nl blork hDmf! H..port 8t..s.. ,_t ..... The GENERAL CONTRACTOR ADELE IPSEN. REAL'J'OR Pnre S23,000 A.rdM&. T•ttc !fJ:W I 8ocl.roont. I l>ath UT5 DIC81t 8P4Clil r'rank W . H iii F rancia Birnie - HA.rbcl' 68911 HY •-6028. 87pl Dora Carter · Alyne Highley clown-Ml tno. llA.R.Olt8TY BUU.DJNO ~ lmnmer Reat8JI -W. A. TOBJA8, rM.llo r it-02 N_,ort BIYd .. H..-port Bet.I. l"OR IM-00 DOWN you can own a B&Jboa Ia1aDd a Lido tu. Harbor '1ll. l'ft.tc nice triplex ln a f ood out ~l• _,., 6 .._ 6 .....-... Ill II. 17th It., Oo1ta Meea .,._ __ ........ "111.L PA.RTtCIPATll 8)1(.,U.L w ... realdonllal oocUon. Each -..., • -•· -u.._... ~uae. -1 1'01\ u ..... & -• ..,....,ed otnce 111 b 11·• ln 1 Rincon at Colo Ora.de Road• VaJl•y C"ntu , C'allt. Ph. &Icon dido 8378 J ·I Hf)tl JTI .. N0t -ua -., ....,,.. u.oetaUon W1Ua u atto~ lra.cll or 11 u d vtduaJ unit.I unll bu 7M aq ft. Jlvtni area, Vo '-"!...EL co. ' f« ClOOt and 2nd T.D. Har. 6HW 2 bdrm1t. It a "e""'rale lO x 22 2 HIGHWAY FRONTAGES, lll'Te V CLOT BA. VllN. Untuna. a bdrm. T .. .pen Pfffw aed. JttJ W. Mdfl r-Kl acre1.1• -40 acre. 6 $4000 I ~ ._,. lllb9CI&., fonMd p&Uo. ea.. ~. Jfwwpwt llliliach. 1ar. O~f• tru. 6 fenced yarda. •n acre. s2:i OOO dn. ~ *""-.... ~..._-~ ~ prb. dWp. w1tb ~or.1-C&K. u 1-t101. 1ttto W.urr&D FROM OWl'f'ER. Oc.an lnc. 12700 1ear1r on lhe" 2 yr OR.ANGE COAST I ...--. ---...._ Anidable-._ J, ~ "-1"-W. old unti.. YP 120,7110 if fl<>ld by ,_.., lle.r. ~ • -· -..x 8__, front oot .... • or Bay Front owner. Phone today-LI 8-:1121 PROPERTIES 1 "* ,..., M B rt II 0-....'!=!~ hOUM. WUI J>&¥ aM cub ti l.n-87c89 j -:;;;;;:;:;;;;-:=::-:=-z--::::;;=::-=sz=. -t..wct. ""111.e Mra. r. r 07• 0oa ------------1167 Nl!WJ>Ort. ~~ Me. o•roidii. ,.... .,._ i Mrma.. RPT. i.-11. •100 ..,.... ,.,,._ • OPPORTUNITY .,._ tMe ~per. 11eeo DOODlAn: PO•maa10M, own· u 1-1932 E.-•. Lr 11.esoa -.0 .., Jltr. AftA. ... Bu. =::-.!, = ~.:: ......_ "!' 1aenn•nc .... ......._ n i.vtn1 et.ate. Brand new 4-t~W ........... at IOI Pinna .. ·-· ....... ".. °'' ........ ~ 9DOd ... M a.a :r.a.... 8en1oe bdrm. 2 batb homo. c. M.. Thor· Mrat-. ......, If .. ------------• .. rttM l*tr• M.ea. o8ill' _ 0Ufhl1 moder., can be -any-Lido Island NEW ' bdrm. hou.e, 129, 750, prtn- Bargain at $46,000. Sulnntt down. Delightful beauutu.llJ tu.rn.. 2 bdrm. J yr. old bmDI. Neu sood bMch. $1U)OO. 8ubmil dotna. ... t.h.ia home at 489 Begonia.. SEE US for BEACON BAY ud BA. YSHORE& prope..U... Har. 111ts -!:vea. r.dith Ka.roon, HYatt '"4222 John v._,h, Harbor ~ EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Dalbo& laJand BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE kt It IUIL. 1 -' 127 Sapphire Ave 1 ·• I llf f1NllH BICA UTrYVLL T t u r a. mOdNn ho111t1 2 bdnna. l ruU bath _ 1 I BDRMS. 2 balh1 40 fL lot. ALRO 2 beauUtul fUf'..At or t&m• Ele<!triC kllcb-. uad brlcll lly bdm11 It baUI uplft aJ1i1 W1th nrepla ce, ca.rpot.I 6 ~ •"pa.ra.te. enlrllJlC". O utd oo r ! A•kl~ 127.~ with k1w d(M't\, ahower-ace 8 1TI· Walled p&Uo, -- lnt.r-«>m. appOotnt.menll ot dt•· Unction. A•kln1 U7 ,600 )() ft lot °" wtd• t t ~IOlll to ..-. BAY & BEACH REALTY-Udo Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3132 Kar. 2999 Ev-. CLIFFHAVEN sum.err OOWN oa t.b.ia cut. 2 bdrm. home aJ:momt. new -unfUt"ll. . .. ____ .. ___ _ .. -. Sl.l,600 BALBOA ISLAND A cute b&yfront 2 bdrm&. -room to build Al.GOO Sum.mer vacatJoo 1 bedrm. home near lhop- pln.J ..... --· . .._._ .. _. __ ,._ . -·-.. Sl&,780 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland UTILE ISLAND EXCLUSIVE 2 Smart modem apart.meo..._tutefuUy funtlahed. Ea.ch with private patio la eeveral unique featur., combining the utm<>trt in livabUJty A comtort wtth choice "Little l.al&nd" location. Pleue call ua for appointment to show -We know you wilt be lmpreued! WM. w. SANFORD, And ANOCiat.ea Park at Mllri.ne. Balboa bl&nd Realtor Harbor ™2 rtllllf. I '*"-............. or .. .. ..... .... ....... ... SUBDIVISIONS Ume. SU.MO. Ttrm1. Dnvo bJ ------------Ne a.mo.. P1. Ju1t olf Santa Ttf/lr. a..... .AftlA. .... U. Dress Sh AM etroet. betw. l!!UI 6 18th Dz 0 1 ... -A ... ...... ilif w ..... "'"' 8' .....,, op One Houee or 100 .. or Pbcmo LI l ·TtTS. Open clpe.la only. 217 Via Nice. fftr· ------------------------~ bor 07111, after 6 Kl 1-2104. .... a.it ... _. ,..... -....... .,_, ~ H0VM all da, Sunday. 119<:91 .Alla,. IMt -_. ... ftllll Wo ~ 7ow --., ...,,..... -.. q t -0 CW•IQO'llQ I Miiia. ...... m ., 11.tOO ...._ 9. A... It r.11.. .A. pt'D 1 znco ._ OWJQa OWl:R.I MW IDcomo .. WI ••• .. ....... .... .. Ill ue ........ '" •• ft o.&, P. 0. ...... llDOd ~. OllMldcr UDO 'PA.IJIW, •m:rlrtrt ,_., '* • ..._ 0,. ~ .,.._..... ....... .8oa 111. ..,boa WM4. eectt ,.u.a ....-,,, boet °" 1ot. Mee fta U.S. ..._ MM ..... ._ II. 11 ~ • 1 ,.... .._... LI Mm ~ lktl w. ._ .a _. P ' Wt, COIWr------------1 --oiliiiilrr"JIE"°iiili~-... -. J1C _. .......... ttOO PUTI T011 m r11t.U .core llU~~P!!a~l_!•!tfla!!.!te!_D!!!'!!D'I~--' Oia&fl • ilia ....... &Udy, ~ * •tWD., ;;; "1IUf J Wra. ~ ..._ -----------..., ......., Oraqo OOunty BR.UfD JlllCW 1111'* aer ....._ "-kltea.a lllak tio w w ..,.. ' BDIUf. bo--. J b&Uw, mtum., JocatJona a.....uable. Wr1te Ooollte J bdrm., 2 b&U». tlocit. °""- pct&. ... fnllil ..... ~ i.ced .. yard. ,.,..... 1CJY·017 Ju Co.. .,. W, 8&Jboa. N--~IL ,.,... •.aoo oqw~ f<W ..... nll Ude • '" teo. JTl:f· comw lot. !08S o.ttn.ltat. port Bea.ch, PboDo l'l&r. Mtl·W. eao baftt. ....._ cw Aotm. Bar. -~ ... .,,L ltttl aa.c. )If.._ act0 1Tcl9 82k If .. 2 ACRES M-1 lft n . O!'f PLA.cmftlA. 8T .. eo.ta x .... ua.ooo -tnde tor M-port bone ~uaJ fthle . 9llr-. t.I l ·lut Of' ..._ LI M710 lttte 0 0 13ttc DVPLZX. near new. r.o t bdrm . uati.. 1 lllc.!y f\im.labed. Dbt pnp. Near Jl'lbtto t'Pl.ne. Onl1 115. 000 tMftl&. J . )(. KILl..l:R 00. 10M W. a.Jboa BJYd. Har, •otl (Hear ua. Ntwpor\ Pier) BbiiDmo TO a KOVJ:D tor eat.. 0...-1000 lq. n. In th'"" l l UCCO bulldlnp at 22ae w. Cout 111,:tl.,,_,, Newport Bch. UOOO total. LI I-JON. 11oQ NEWPORT INCOME One ot the neai.t llDIJI Income properiee tn U>e ana. t Unit.a. Furniabed. Blvd. front.are. C1oee to ooeu and bay. SboWI $4.800. yeu. ineomt. Sl0.000. will handle. Full pric• 127,&00 THE VOGEL CO. 1201 W. 0out ~ .. Newport a.ch ~ 8-Mli • z ··~ •, COASTAL SHOPPES Uldo. of 6%-Real l!'Atat. PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 10. 1955 Houston Values !-:!!'! ..... ._ ... ,....... "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Level M-1 Site " JI '76 PLACENTIA . ST. at 20Lh. OQly 512.600 with 29,.;, rlown. Wiii build tor f3 pu .q. f L ALSO HAVE 2400 llQ. t t, factory on 43~ d90. Rented at U 36 mo. Price • 516.000. ''I down. Don't mlH thl.9 one. BILL'S BEST BUYS 60' x 180' LOT Cosy three -bedroom, 1 ~:z bath home. only m montU old. Located cloee to acboola It abopplnc on new 4curbed and paved atreet. Sewera In and paid for. Immecliate poqe881on. Full prtc. $9,7:w> S14:W> dn. Balanoe $17.50 mo. HOME ENVIRONMENT 3906 Seashore Dr. I a. R. ~ beacll llouM All Olue Front Dldoeed Patio Sll450 ......... a •a1...._ ~LBOA Open House Daily--1-4 P.M. 404 Belvue LAM 2 Bdrm. A Den. Lup Pado Unfortunate Owner Movtq ln1aad Beautiful 4 yr. old home, quiet one-~ ~ .._. to Ocean A Bay. Nice patio and tlNpia.. $18,0CJ> -$4,500 On. for quick ..._ (Ewning1 Har. '13') More and more Harbor area familiee are inapecting theae exquiaite homea -noting their comfort, con· venlence and central location. l'~ve. Info. Lytle LI 8·260 • Mean• everything to your famUy -thia one la located in a prime neighborhood and commend& your investigation. Completely re-decorated in It out, H. W, floora, f ireplace. Dining room and tars• workahop. Thia will be a fast 1eller. Call u.a now. Full Price $9,950 $7,000 loan ua.lla~le at ~ mo. More and m ore familiM who prefer a home in-a re· atricted quality community are moving into t heir Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and aee for yourself the many out- standing feature. of thia remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exqui8itely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Imne Terrace t. loeated on'Cout Highway opposite the new lntne Coaat Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor .U48 For Further Information * f'or Recommendation, we refer: you to anyone who holda a Leuehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shore. and Cliff Haven PENINSULA POINT 2901 Ocean Blvd. Very nice 3 bdrm. home furn. in Maple. 212 baths. Just reduced to $22,7:SO. BA YFRONT BEACH HOME 103 Edgewater Neat, clMD and perfect for family s ummer home. S bedrooma, 2 batha, large living and dining rooma. nJe in kitchen. AU thia for $35,000. Call Ethel Shirley ..... Liberty 8-8476 Income Possibilities 1319 W. Bay Ave. Right in the eent« of a nice residential area. Bay view from UYing room. Fireplace. 2 bedrooms. 2 bath.a, double pnge. Room m front to build an· other eit. $6.000 down. Call Jenn Ben.nett evee. Harbor 212S Enioy the Terrific View from thia a cellently located loL End ot Via Marina. Upper Bay area. l2S1t1M. Very few fee lot.a avail- able. See thla and call ua for further informRtion. E laie Ebeling Llberty 8-6373 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1:506 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor l5188 88c00 ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Channing throughout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcove, J baths, nry large front. patio. partly covered. Lovely kitchen, diabwuher. dlapoaal, etc. FuUy carpeted wtth drapee Included PLUS 20 f t. Century boat. Only $M,7:w> and a wonderful buy. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME Brand new two bedrm. plua den-bedroom. 2 bRths. carpeted. Oven lRd double garage. Lovely kitchen with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Diapoeal. diahmuter a.n~ many other fine features Full price $23.000. We have the h y. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3'.18 Via Udo, Npt. Bcb. Har. t971 or Har. 4972 ... Hu. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or L I 8-:>297 CORONA DEL MAR a bdrm." den boDM. J bath.I; 2 1aragea, nic. patio: ftNplaoe. PLUS UnuualJy ohanning ltudJo a pt . with beam ceiling. tiled bath, JdtcMl>ette, and aun deck. Yearly rented at $75 mo. Full price $19,000 inoluding moat o{ fumiahinp. bnmediate po1an11ion. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2647 E. Cout Rwr.. C.Orona del Mar Harbor 881 87c89 LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME? I bdrm.' bath -View N~ loeation on beautiful Balboa PenJn.awa.. Elrtra Jara-patio eoclOMd for pnvAcy. W W car- petiftr and dra.,...._ lndllded. An the nnw f ... t-. @ U0,800. THE' VOGEL CO. UOl W. Cout Hhn.y .. Newport Buch Liberty 8-3481 • • Full Price $7,500 VERY NEAT 2 bdrm .• on 15-0ll26-0 lot. It'• on the wut •Ide. owner need• Immediate acUon, •ubmlt your down. Neat as a pin $8,200 CLEANEST 2 bdrm. In a rea, 1 block orr New port Blvd., dble. plUA ll(llr . lot• of extraa. 11\lb· mlt u.non ""· Good terms. Newpt. Hts. Area F'T N'E NElOHBORHOOD. l Ip. br. nn 80x91l R-4 lot, gar. On __.. ,.r P'ull prlre 57.900. 54-0. mo. lln balanre l!:xrl. va h1e. E,.,. Info Pl'tft111 L.J 8._,487 Houston Realty Co. It A l:UIOCIA TES M9 r.enler St., Costa Meta 141 11-6Pl I LJ "-7784 603 ORCHID. Corona del Mar Open for Inspection Thursday thru Sun. 1·5 p. m. 84! 11ure • aee thla exceptlonaJ.ly nice 2 brlrm. home. ( Bedroome att l&rll(f'l AllO fireplace It lot.8 ()( lile in k itchen It b&Lh. Obie. garage on J>4lVed alley. Encl. y 11 rd Our f'Xclu11lve listed price of only U 2.600 with Ci% IO&n It rymt11 or only 187.~0 per mo. n111ku thl• 'mULY AN OUT- ST ANDING BUY. 530 KINGS ROAD CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE Sat. Ir Sun . 1 -5 p. m. We believe thi• lo be l b. be.it IMly "" Kin{:'ll ROOld. 3 bdrm., 1 ~ bet h, w w cArpet. Wonderful view. S22.7 {nod t.enM. BM Mr. Ruu on thf! S>rem laee. Call now Har. 2042 -Ha r. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. P..ayle-C. TraV(l·C. Ru•. A.teoc:. TRULY A HOME .. Of d.iatinction with light, airy, apac1oua rooma. Perhaps this two bedroom hon1e on dead end atreet la what you are looking !or! Hu H. W. noora. fenced yard, eewers, and on neat tree lined and curbed street. Full price $11.500 with $2,500 down W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly eervice'' 393 E. 17th St .. Coeta Men Llberty 8-113G 305 34th St. Home It Oar ... a Apl. Nea.r Bay It lkach Needa Decora t.1n1. CoNidw 11,500 down, wtU trade up or dOWll, or take T.O.. 212 E. Balboa Blvd. New duplex, 2-2 B.R. Unit.,, P'lreplac•. Dllsic-1•. Faiu, up- per unit wall to wall carpeted, larr• •WI deck . newly tumllhed. 125,000--IT.500 down, 2 B. R. home on Bay ATt. Very clean. WaD to wall carpeting, plua Income unite cnw double pp. age. Bay View. Full prioe $28,500-Low c1ow11 payment. Owner aaya pt otter! (Ennlnp LI 8-T2ST) Four Unit.a completely furnJahed. Claee ~ lftlnr7. Full price $17.500 with $1.500 Dn. for quiet ....._ $150 mo. payment. Incl. tnter.t.. bMome ...,._. $200 mo. NEWPORT BEACH Immediate Poueuion--$19&0 down. I B. L 1iM!illll on R-2 lot. Overailed Dbl. rarqe It~ far apt. Bar kitchen, fiaptoM flreplaee, neu Udo ...... ping center. $11.~ -$1.~ dn. for quielr _.. I ~e.. phone Harbor 08-J) .. c .. TlfOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS B BAY & BEACH REAL TY UM W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Bar. 1JN HARBOR HIGHLANDS Here·a an exceptionally fine home in one of the top reaidentlal areu, beautifully landscaped, M tt. lot. 3 bedrooms, 1=% batha, lge. Uv. room with fireplace. din. area. hdwd. floors, dispoeal, w to w carpeting and drapea included -$18,500. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bdrm. on 60 tt. lot, immA.Culate condition, w to w carpeting A drapes, rdwd. fence, excellent location. near tchoola, 4% loan -Aaking $16,500. · LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT BETTER HURRY ! Enjoy the summer month• on the waterfront with pier Ii float for your boat - Thia lovely home bu 3 bedroom., 3 batha, ne_,.- w to w carpeting It drapea, nicely fu.miahed, near new appliances, ready for IlifMEDIATE OCCU- PANCY - Furniahed Price $55,000 ( Can be bought un!urnlabed) "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Be&cb Liberty 8-M27 "C' THOM.AS "C'' THOMAS .. C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS A y .V E w REALTORS ; Harbor 3371 2306 W, Balboa Blvd, Balboa Island THS LA.BT of Uloee hard to find. eolld built a pt.. over dble. car. • bu.nk room. On r-r of choice lot . Room l o build full unit In CORONA DEL MAR An Exceptional VOGEL VALUE 3 bednna. 1% bath home. Check th .. r..tm.1 Ocean view, 40' lot, high iround. 1'28 811· ft., hwd.. floors, w/w/ carpet and drapes. l'urnaoe. n,... pla.ce. Muter bath, very nice. Tlle floor. X.. muter bdrm. Full dJning room opena to briclr patio. L&rge kitchen and brealdut nook. e.r. vice porch. ~· bath, rta. &bower door. Ccnwed breezeway to large rarare and partdq ...... Cedar roof, walled yard. WE DARE YOU TO beat thia fine home at $U,MO -4 h'fci F1iA loan @ $86.35 ino. ~ -........ and intere.t. HURRY! Thia will Mll fast. CORON A IDGHLANDS -oorner lot. 90 x lJO. The beet lot available for only $10,800. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cn . Hwy., Corona cW Kar. Bar. lTil Bar. UTT ( Cloeed Sundays durinc Aupa) front. P' P 5Ul.760. 56.000 down. --------------------- 312 Ma.nno Ave.-Balboa l•land 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Balboa INVESTORS ! ATTENTION NEWPORT HTS. YUL" Mt:ST SEF: T JUS lovely 2 bdrm. honu IAtf.t• 1tv1n1 room with t1r~plart ••·f*r&I" din.Ins room. large Mrv1r e porrh, Beau- t1t111ly lllnd1Kaped. with tower· tnir tnle.•, fll>wcr• a nd •hruba, A real hoiney home rnr Jueit I te.9~$.1,000 du'"'" Newport Heights .ll'ST 10 mnnlh11 old, 2 bdnn. A df'n, 1 1., bllth. FA. heal, ahllkr root tJbL (CArllgt. h11llL In r•nr, • ovtn. [JtspoMI, \' N')' well lo Clll-.1 St f' th ... Lido Island w F.: HA VE a Ix-• ulitul a h<t1 '" hon1t1 on Plauo Lido, JWll 2 y n1 okJ One of lh!' hf'"1. locall••n• on 1~1t10 Call fnr •rpL to •4'e "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1116& Sewrv•rt Blvd C<1lllA M~a. C'allr. W 1!-3792 -·------- Open House 1-5 C'orona Ht~llll\mla 418 Riven/\ T"rTll{• 0...ITI• t •n••nu-. l'rir" r~lu1 NI 12000 Gordon Walker, RP:ALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUlLDltR Otck H llllartt, Ptt Pa tti.on. Bob ~rvati 3024 I:. Coul Hwy. Corona del MAr, Ku. ~1·8033 Corona del Mar !t<'ARCE R-2 lot l!loutb aide 54.000 View lot Corona Hgl'dl H .000. Shore Clift. lot, <'hole. l lS,750 Ot.bw tin• bkl111-altee anllable. RAY REALTY CO. M-64 E. CotlM Rwy~ &.rbor SMll I llCroN from Bank "' COM I WATERFRON'T, n canl. '11 lot., concrete bulk.hC"ad. Can have pier • n nst. 517,000. Mlirht roNlder termAI J . M. Mlt.LE.R (."(). 2oa6 W . S.100. Blvd. Har •091 1 N•a" lhe N ttw port ,,..1 1 $ 3~ B U Y 8 RESIDENTJAt. LOT. ~ tn on Orange J..v-. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 N~ Co9ta a.- LI 8-183'2 Ew. U 1-MOJ BACK BAY ESTATE-with permanent view. One full acre with room to build 2 more home. with unobetructed view, lf you wiab. !S Br. home It den ft yrs.) 2 bat hs. large plate glua windows. fire- place. etc. Thia home haa rul value. $37.000 2 Br. home, Hwd. floorw. large dble. garage, in aewer district. $7500 with $2700 down A balance $50. per month. J Br. home 110 yrs. I on 1•2 acre IA·l 1.onel Neat and clean $9200. M-1 1.one-INDUSTRIAL lot ~x 145 All utililie:a !good location on Placentia Ave.) . $4750 R-4 RESIDENTIAL lot 66x200 .......... $1950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McC&rdle 1810 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meaa_ u 8-1601 Cl...EAN AS A WHLSTL.E i. thl1 dt llc hltuUy colorful a '*'room P en U11ula home on 1 'it lot.a. N o thrlnl' nff(lf!d, Jwil mov1 In. Cliff Haven 110.000 BUYS TIU8 •pukllnr 3 bdrm. home.. Lonly land8ca~d .,.t10. QuJ•t 1t.. •~ o.r. io.n. epaU. comfort A HCur1ty Muriel M. Pinover Realtor I • I am going to tell you of a ,olden oppottunit7 that bu never been offel"ed. Located ID th• M.ARJNERS KILE . NEWPORT BEACH. The owner bu appolnkd me b.ia ~ qmt 6o .U the following property. (J) POST OFFICE BUILDING to be t"tnJabed b)' Jfo- vember 15. Lealled by the U .8. Gem. tor 15 ,_.. .,.ith option of 5 and S more. SYLVIA THOMPSON, A.eeoc. (2) 36 UNlT MOTEL. compi.tely her'llbhed 6 oper- £uy Parking ffarbor 4810 (3 ) COSTA ~A * 1t Special 2 Bl\.., II Wfloorw. f\acwtona t\repl. dl n.lna rm.. patio, BBQ. Ml18T 8E LL . 111.T60. LIDO ating on a fioe return. 245 FT. OF BUSINESS. frontqe a.djotniq Pott office building. Owner will .ell at once, « tn.de for aubdivialon la.nd. Fw ioapecUon 6 dlita.u. pleue see Mr. Osborne. OSBORNE REALTY ' CO. 2323 W, Coe.at Hwy. (At Port Oranl'el VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND 3 ~Pu! ~rmb~t~o· I~:~'~.:":°~ Newport Beach U 8-7M2, Har. 11.N ...._ For Sl 7.950 you can own a c.b.arming 2 bdr. com- pletely furnished home. 12 block from Bay. Tb~re ia room to build an income unit. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 wu t motel apartment.a. The finest unit of thia type in t his location. lllcome in ••eeea ot $12.000. MODERN t wo bedroom home with 1 bedroom apartment. Thi. hom. la only 2 ~2 yean old U1 choice location on t he Iala.nd. Aakln1 pric• $28,l500. Apartment compl~ly turn•hed. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A nnue Next door to the Poet Office Har. «4 Evee Hu. ~9-K • Hu. '248-R Ocean Front Hom/ $22,500 VERY ATI"RACTIVE year rowad borne oa !M- shore Drive. Knotty pm. Uviq room wtth ~ area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom MMt \.! t.tb down. S bedroome and 1 ~1 bathe up. loUd con- 11truct ioo, concrete and piJl.!l&' fomdation. 2 .., garage. encloeed yard. Excellaal beMll. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd.., Newport a.eh Barbor 1011 I BR . A ~111. w/w c&.rpet lhruou~ I b&t b.. P l.UI oomplet• llU'af' a pt. wfbay YI-. 1, .. patio. •o· 10\ . .. .. 139,6-00 I RR , I bath. beauty, W/w carpt~ I car p r. u · tot m .800 Claire Van Horn f\&ALTOJ\ l'Tlt W, Oout ""''" LI 1-4.277 Shorecliff s ~ i.e.. fw tbe prlo. la Shoreialltta. Oce.a '1ew. I bdrm, I beth. llU OO. Gordon Walker, Jl&ALTOft W. E. Fisher, ln1IU>D Dkll Jl\JMmd, PM PatU.O... aob Qerfta9 -ION S. eo.. • ..,. . ODroM ... Jlhr, llu. IO.,_.,J Restful View Home OIUYll 81' ... Ca!Jr'Glo, Oorona ~ PTMe ~ t!IOO for tut aellon ()pee lloua llundq J .. 8'1bmlt ,.,... Alao Trade Buis t.-ma. .......... Oall .. detata.. DAN A. JAOO.af LI ... 11 ltclll GOLDEN RULE VALUES BARGAIN $500 DOWN Nearly new 3 bedrm. home. S..uUtw lot wttJa ocea.n view. Monthly pymta LUre rent. r . P. '10.000 BA RGAIN, $1000 OOWN On beautiful quiet It., n~arly n..., 6 bdnn... I ~ home. Priced to aell et $12,800. Be the nan to call on theM - M 1 -BABGA.IN Corner Lot 1•0• x 12e' cloee l.n. Oa ...... $10,000 1'W1 pr;-.. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson lSM Newport Blvd. eo.&a .,_ (acrowa from eo.la W-lluk) Phone l.J M78L i:v.. Har. UM• U lol10I EASTERNERS Here la the Ideal k>c&tioa for you '° llltUe dowa and enjoy Swmy California. J• ~ awn&t• tr.. the beach. l yr. old -3 bdnn. biaUtitalt7 ,.._ niabed ln oootniporary n yUnr by ....._. .._ and HOUM qd Garden. W /W cupwti.a&, _.,._ made draptrie9 ud curtaina -tropiea1 ,._.. iocluded. ruu pnc. Sl6.ooo. • "°" ~ nu 1oua wtt11 p&Jll'Mla ot M2.~ incl. prin., lat,,....-._.• THE VOGEL CO. UOl W , Cout Biway~ Newport a.di iAwrt., ..,_ . ............ BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor" BALB.OA ISLAND WATER FR.ONT STEAL -TWO-eute houae. ._ tlaan 8 yn. old. One completely fumiahed, the other partially. Property in tip top ahape. UN one ID the .um.mer. Rent the other. It will carry tt.elf, at tht price of $24,0001 with $6000 . down. WOW ! WOW ! WOW ! A Balboa Ialand Lot IO' z M' for tht PRICE OF Sl,200. CLIFF HAVEN WONDERFUL KA.RINE VIEW -Ia youn from tbb cbarmiJlc 2 bedroom home. 'nle archJtect ll&ld "Let'1 build a Real Muter Bedroom" and be did. It.I 18'x36' with fireplace u la the living l'OOlll. Thia home bu the finest of conaruction, 2 tireplacee, forced air heating, and ia one you will have pride of owntl"lhip in. The PRICE ·IS RIGHT. So aee it NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 3ll Marine Ave., Balboa Isiand Phone Harbor 1871 or 1872 • UPPER BAY OPEN SUNDAY 1-'5 484 -21st street. I w. 1 % ba. on a large lot nestled among tall treea. Nicely landllcaped price $20,'500 and owner will car- '7 the paper. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN DAILY 1-5 615 Jasmine 1 unit in rear rtlllWd at $86. Front unJt lge. 2 bdrm. 1~ bath Ii den available for owner. Price $23,SleO. Euy ~· BALBOA s.t waterfront buy, •bdrm., l 'h bath. Pier and lltp. Prie.ed at $M,OOO. Owner a"J, WE HAVE THE KEY. LIDO ISLE . Here is an excellent value 3 bdrm. l % b&. @ $31.t500 J.arre lot and the owner will take $10,000 cull Md can')' the balance on euy monthly pa~ COSTA MESA I ti.drooma cJoee to •hooll Ii trwportatloa bu $l&oo 0. I. loan p&yaMe Me Pll' maath iDdudlnc WU. and hum.ranee. OwDllr lea.tn( Ill.I.tee must acrit1ce at fl.2,900. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2e02 Newport BITCL, Newport Beach HU'bcr 4718 v r Corona del Mar BEST INCOME BUY 1. CHOICE INCOKE UNITS Wt bue 3 deluu tnccae aita all completely turnlahed. All rented and located ln be9t reat.al .,... on Muguertte In c.orooa del Kar. only 1 block t.o OCMD Ii bn.cJt. Tit .. &rt priced rl&'bt. Priced to Mil at $.M,000. Ttl'IM tan be ~ We baYe the key. 2. HOMFS-VACANT LOTS S.. ua fol' better buyw in Con>na de! Mar. If it'• f<1r Ale, we have It u.t.ed. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PBlGID T. McCUISTJON. Realtor 1447 E. Cout Rwy., CoroD& de1 Mar. Bv. t7 (Ottlce located next doo?' to Corona del Mar Ba.n.Jr) ''Sun Worshipers" 'Waterfront" . Will love thJa a bednn.. 2 bath plua 2 bedrm., 2 bath cum apt. located cm flnelt private~ btub. Pier allowed. Lee. lt.tng room, expoeed *in ceilinf, fireplace, Ip. gl&llled lanai. Too much to tell about, let'1 look now. Priced at only $82,000, fine tel"'DU avatlabt.. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Rwy. rAt Port Ora.op) Newport Beach LI 8-75e2 Har. 15154 ev• Extra Big Lot Payments $61.50 Per Mo. lncl\Jdiq Tues, iuw' .. int.ere.9t, and Prine. on .the 1'BA Jou of $7f00. The a bdrm. !Mme. only a ,_, old and ia located only a fnr minute. t'rom the beach. Submit low down payment. Total prto. '9,SIGO THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Oout HJway., Newport Be&ch Liberty 8-M81 llvte i.n.ty ~18'8 ' a a-.1 r.taa. i>-a. palmer incorporateQ developers of Lido Isle Model Home Open 12 to 5 dally 204 Via Eboli Beautifully furniahed by J. H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN VISSCHER Thia .tunning • bedroom h"me la planned around a .parkling pool. The eliding glau walla, built- tna, and large lot make indoor-outdoer living most inviting. Be sure to aee thia ! ~ North Bayf ront In fact, 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 units nicely fumilhed, newly painted and decorated. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to each unit. Thia 11 outstanding in every way-see this for sure. It'• the be9t income property buy we know of. Full price including furniture $105,000. Terma. Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrm1. & 1 bath plus a Y:i bath and small bedrm. in garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. Thl1 home ia in fine condition and il you would like a home to use in the summer and have ua rent it for you in the winter, thi.8 should be perfect. $18,750. Terms. Watch the home under construction by INGRAM & COLLINS on Lldo Soud at the end of Genoa. 77 feet on the BAY. When you have seen enough, bring in your check. Full price including carpet· ing $69,500. Tenna. Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bed.nna. and 3 batha1 new wall-to-wall carpeting, very nicely turniahed, fine condition throughout and ahould be 11een if you are considering a bayf ront home. $55,000 incl. furniture. Tenna if deaired. 57 foot wide building aite on Via Lorca $16,000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 tia lido, harbor 1'500 Fresh as a Daisy INVESTIGATE View Homes • 2 out1ta.nding brand new homea offered at the aame time by that fine builder COURTNEY PLATI', both in Newport Hts., It both with excellent vieww of the entire Harbor. w /w carpeting, 2 bdrm & den. OPEN SUNDAY 1 • 5 223 Ocean View. $23,000 225 Ocean View, $26,000 Durin& the week, call Bill Farnaworth for information. Exclusive Shorecliffs Picturesque redwood and used brick exterior, low aweepini ahake roof, spacious floor plan include1 2 bedroom.a and den (or 3 bedrooma)-2 bath1-2 flreplace1, OCEAN VIEW. Juat a 1tep to beauti- ful bathing beach, near new home in top location. ~ Call Dave O.burn for appointment Do You Need? A Four Bedroom Houae ! We have a Beauty in Cliff Haven. Large comer fee lot. $37,'500 Call me and I'll make the appointment for you to See Thia Bargain -Hodgktnaon. Large Family Home on Lido • n. R. 211~ bath, choice locatio~ and deaigned for gracioUI living. $30,000 including carpeting and drapes. AD for Kincaid SUITE OF OFFICES for rent, individually or as a unit. All new and beautlfully turniahed. Excellent location for ltoek brolrer, accounting firm, or at- torney. Can be rented unfurnished. Immediate occupancy. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 2 Unit Income! nii. ·~ a bdr. home beau· utuJJy decorated ~4-Md out wt~ hwd. noon. n.r.pw:.. ftne· .. bacll )'ant wtth mcloeed ,.uo ocmibtn• to mu. tlWI tM top -.. tM ..t W&llted Jo. eatkln .. eo.ta x-... hD prto) Jut t1J,IOO wtth -i.. INSPECT • A flEASONABLl!l DOWN-PAY· MENT I.I all you p&y, your ten· ant wlU pey lhe H9t. On• ot our be.at BaJboa •aluY. t eeparste unit.I, tumt.ahtd. two p&Uot - 30x101 tt. Jot. Chol~ JocaUoa., naar .. Y and Oc.an. Jl&,950, ••.eoo down. ~· terw& Cliff Haven Open House Sat. & Sun. & BUY A HARBOR VISTA HOME COSTA MESA'S BEST VALUE ' BEDROOKS, 2 BATHS LARGE LO'l'S DOUBLE OARAOE FULL PRICE $10,500 Terme to Flt Your Pune 19th and Monrovia HENRY VAUGHN & TED HAUSER Exclueive Agenta 2029 Harbor Blvd. Upper Etay Area! OVERLOOIUNO Ill.A. COUNTllT CLUB. S bedrooma and den,.,._ llvtnc room &ftd brMktut araa. 2 rtreplacu. Seiin•te ,.,.,.e pr- .,. building With rumpua and freuer room and ~ bath. 8-u- tltul home t or only $17,000 .•. S4.000 down. 9 Unit Income! BALBOA OCEAl'l FRONT. f\m. ou.e ''Holiday Apt.." S unJt.a plu.e ma.na,er'• apt. Ample 1upply of • OOAST.AL 8BOPPD l'Aldne of ' NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E 1 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1955 I . ......... a ........ BALBOA ISLAND , BAY VIEW 2 untta, ' bdrm. home, 1 bdrm. apt. Sheltered patio. Apt. turn. home partly. $10,000 down. Balance -term.I. BAYFRONT, Little llland 60 ft. bay frontap, pler It float. 4 bdrm. Balboan-Engllah architecture. BAY FRONT HOMES FROM $31,500 -up. A Tl'RACTIVE 1 BDRM. HOME. Owner want.I action . Make otter. Cottage near So. Bay. 3 bd.rm.9.. l Y..a batha, firepl., lge. living room. Attractive paUo. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm. houee Ii 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed ceilings. $5000 down -$22,500. Soundly constructed' bdrm. yr. round home. Cloet to Beach. $7000 down. TWO UNITS near So. Bay, 8 bdrm. l ~ bath bom-, 2 bdrm. apt. Firepl., ezcllent condition. Attractive patio. Terms right. LOT 40' on Marine Ave., J24,SOO. BUSINESS BUILDING Marine Ave. $32.'500. Balboa Island's most attractlve home. 3 bdrm. Din· ing room. Plus choice 2 bdrm. apt. $38,000. • FIRST OFFERING, Small 2 bdrm. bowie OD Sap- phire. Fireplace, ll'loor turn. ll'urniahed, built 1941. $16,500 -Submit down . 8EE US FOR BEAOON BAY and BAYSHORE properiSM. BAYSHORES. A vacant lot!! BACK BAY View 4 bdrm. Maida room. Den. Forward took all electric kitchen. An architect deaigned home of merit on alm01t an acre. Fully furn. $37,000. Will consider trade. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 177& -Ev.-. Edith Maroon HYatt 4..a2I John Macnab, Harbor 5859. m Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand LIDO OPEN HOUSE 116 VIA GENOA Commenclq Tbunday, Aue. 4th From 5 :30 to 8 :80 p. m. uW .old. Brend New We invite you to 'f'l8ft one ot the laland'• mc.t out- atand.lng tour bedroom -two bath bGllML Full prlc. P'T,'500 (Large 5% euy paymeot loan avaiJ&ble) LI DO REALTY A..oolat. 3400 Via Lido Harbor tM44 (Aero.. trom Richard'• Market ~trance) l>fhoe by 1021 aiff Drive an1 Um. an.d ... UUa n-ll bdr. 2 baUI a.dwood Ru.tJo homa da- llll'fl*! Md built ttYr Ula molt d!ec•mJJIC ~yer ... THY:J'f LET US BBOW YOU Ula •S-· clou.I liV\nfTOOm -luJ• bed· roorra--41\d lll• panoramic vi- from U.. rooftop obetrvatory- Jlll.~ Liberty 8~7&1 eo.t.a Mea Eve Llbert'/ 8--4 718 linen and t>lan.bt. all apu . Nf!W -------------------- $2,000 Down I bdr. hwd. tloon . Dbl. rar. cholcf' netft\boe'bood. 80' x llO' >ot I 7"-~ Good UnM. Bay & Beach Realty 189t Newport BlYd.. Coat.a MM& U 1·1191 Evee. LI 1-3168 REAL VALUES Just Redecorehtd TWO BOR. HOME, tilled wtlb charm. larr• Wlrldoolrl. oodl•• of butlttn1, la.rp ftnC9d yard with pauo porch acroa b.t k Thia mu.t be tMn to ~ate JP'\lD pr1ee anJ1 P .IOO. tsme. Full Price $6,300 SOR THII OJC.A.Jt Uttlt two bd:r. bom-. Loeat.s Oft eut lid• cloM to llbo.,.... and trauportatlon. Vt1r7 ll•l aad eiean. 8-Ulll today, a tenna. Trade $ W1D BA VI) amvmuJ.. 'l'R..ULER.I to trade tor 9qutty ID '°"' home. ... W tod"'1 If JOU w.nt a t.rali.r. B. A. NERESON IULUJl'Oll 1 .. Jf...,.rt ..... ea.ta KM& LI l-18TI ...._ LI MlJO Lido Isle Special NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Home with 2 batliroom8- Garbage Dt.poui. Car Porta or 2 c.ar 0..,..,... Many o.lnbl• P'eaturee $375 Down! AA low a.a $69. per month. No.-under conatructlon. Tract Office -at 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCJA TES, REALTOR "you'll 11.ke our friendl1 eervlce" 393 E. 17th St., eo.ta Mesa Llberty 8-1139 . . Don't Be A Millionaire Live like one in t.hia LARGE 3 bdrm. Ii 2 bath Lido home. ~ bundant 50' lot. Coploua bdrma., colloual living room. Enormoua dlnJni area, bup abower, lmmeme patio, Ii ip&cloue ~e. $34.750 fl. BURTON B. BFCK. RLTR. & INSUR. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7582 6 Bar. 221 refrigeraton and 1tove1. R.- modeled In 19r>O. 14.800 net ln· come. Bffl actual value In 8aJ. 11ici. ••• JU,600, Sta,000 down. Peninsula Home! IDl!!At.. M ODERN HOME wit.I\ ' bedroom• and 2 bath.I. Ocl!&ll vt-from u,.t&Jr '*!room. Le•· u.tnr room w1t.b ti~ nn- plae.. 8u7 It t or your family .. W .600 wttb only le.000 do""11. Balboa Beach Home! WE WtaH YOU WOULD BD THJS cwt• home , .• loc•t~ on Eut &y Avenue. eloae to town and Bay bu .ch. In aplenrtld ron· dltlon and •lttpe up to 8 people .•. nlc~y rurnJahed, too, s12,&oo u.1y term& Balboa Realty Co. OpP<>Slte Bank ol A.nm1ca RoM Grttley Al Com.Uua ltd LH The Biggest Word in Reel Estate Business Today is ·s ERV ICE Every Member of tb.e MULTIPLE LJ8TING IER- VlCE belonga to a wi.Jque orpnlutJon. n... memben pool their merchandiee -boaaee. ..... a.nd other real property tor l&le -then work from thia pool each with bJa eeparate fadlttie. that ach Mlllns owner may receive the wmcea of maey REALTOR aaJee outleU throuibout th• wholil Harbor Area. Proven a fine SERVICE to .ellert and buy9rw &lib m providing a broader, orderly and tree matbt for all at no increued cOJlt to our cuatomerw. A SERVICE of tb@ Newport Harbor Board of Reakors U O -32nd St. Newport a.e. Jar k PtnltJlam Joeephtn• Webb --------------------700 E . Balboa BIXd .• Balboa Phone Harbor 1277 . $-------- OPEN SUNDAY 1-6 p J(.--tOO Poppy Yor ..-y acce"' come round t'Omet to 841 RAM!. NEWPORT Home A apartment on 29th St. S9SOO. EU)' t4nDL Costa Mesa Lovely home, new condition. plua rental. BroacS- way. 2 blockl to bu.ui... center. Real nlue 6 f ood term.. I Lot on Monte Viata, neu boUlnard, choice IOC&troa. uk about It . N.B.C. REAL TY $ l.ol TO a II $ I BDIUIL, I lle1', rA.. ~dbl. ---------------------... U.-. r& eptM•toa-.... HUI'• lh1nl' room. 1"an\td ceUinl'. a b<trm.., 1mlll .-i•ut room. 2 bath&, ~~ l lZed 2 C&r l&r&C't. Compl. t.uui.caped, pr1vate patio.. modem kitchen • dlnlnr la.na£-lcrnly mw1. Aakinf '26.000. Ownv want.I im• mtdlatt otfu due to leav- lnf Ult ar-. TenN to .WL 32Dd Ii Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Har. 14-0C Eve LI S. 7898 UN a.II eed ~ .,.elem pa&. Pl•t7 ~ for pool Pr. ONLY PT.&oO. ~. lnfo. i.,tle l ·INJ Houston Real+v Co. • AU0¢1ATd &of Ceatcr 009ta M- U~ LI 1-TTN $7,950. M.-I bdna.. lrwd. ~ Ill .A YOCtado, eo.ta Mea P!W19e ~ 1-TIOT. Tlttc WHERE A LOT BUYS A LOT Seeme llke only ye.terday that a litUe would buy a lot, but we juat can't hardly get them Yeeterdayw no more. We bllve a couple of lot. hidden away at todayw prices. better lee them. might be jult what you want But don't wait for Tomorrow, Tomorrow, NO Iota at &a)' price. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Rodie, .u.oclate 1822 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 277f P"ORD Vl:RRJNDE"R, Harbor 42$3, eveA. Harbor 117'7. Uttc BEST Ml BUT In On.111• County, 10 a.en ~. NOir.leO ~ J'u.t ,5000 .. aeN. ORANGE CX>il'l' PROPERTIES 1857 Nt'W'POf1. eo.ta ,.._ LI 1-lUJ e... LI t.4IOI • TOP INCOME Almost new completely !umi.ahed apL bldr. OD Balboa Penin.•ult. ln Tietr of Ooean on one aide and bouti!uJ Balboa Bay on the other. HospitaliatJon fotti11 quJdt a». Price $70,000. THE VOGEL CO. mt W. Cout Blway., Newport Bea.eh Liberty 1-U&l • '£~ lt•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE Tldder from Bett7 (Tbe Egg and I ) MacDoaald'• new book "Oalou la the Stew" •.. when.U abe de- ....tbee Ille OD the lalaad of Vuboa In Puget Soucl ... Where tbey ftnally bought a hOGM Md Ula9ettled dowa to pMolle&ee. lalud Ltvtq. 8boald you wlah to ehadde oa tbroul'h the alpt . : . . "Oalou ill Ute 8tew" ma be pca.rehued la oar Udo BookeaM acroee the atreet . . • If you bap- pea to have teM age pm aroud you.r bouee • . • I detlaltely reoomDWMI It to eue that "'What am I ! a motbu or a mome r' you're powtag throagb • • • Actually Wild Rice i.I not a true rice, but the cnJna of a perennial grua native to North America ... In Co~ necticut it ii called "bla.ckblrd oata" ... in Loui.llana and Wi.lconaln "!ool oata" ..• in Deleware and Penmvlvania u "lndlan 0 .U" aod "IAdi&D RJce" ... in Tau "Duck Rice and in North Carolina .. WUd Oat.a" . . . WUd rice doea not tut.e like rice ••• It tut.a like wild rice • • . The flavor i.I very definite and unusual . . . A UWe of it foee a lone way •.. Actually like to combine it with rec- ular rice • • • So that l let the flavor. but not quite eo In- tensively ... Tr)' um: 1 • t os.. '*'· WUd Bice ( almoet OIMl cap) ••• Wub very well ••• combine wlttii two cvpe loa1 &raba rte. ud ....... .. \4 pouad of melted batter • • • Do tbh oa top of the .&ove la a CMMJ'Ole Uaat you wW M.ke ud aene It m ... Add l~ cau Bein Cllleba C0990mlDe ud two ' m.. • cu. Bnedy wtae ~~e ce a aad .... u.e llqald • . . F1avor Ua ~ tap. Aceeat rat.her t.ban -.It ... Bake at W abo9' aa boel' • . • Thea add Mother 1 ~ --CbAellea c ......... aad IJak.e ...... lloar ••• Total balda& time of two ltoan . . . Do Mt COftr • ~ . Thlll le my pet to MrVe with fried chlc:bla. or .,.,_ b-Q'd tarby • . . wllla I do not MrYe PVJ' · · · 0-'t let Betty MacDoa- ald' • 1%.16 -.re you . • • tha&'• oa GoWn .•• Here oar moet upeaalve peck· a ge le SIM ... four oanee peelc:a«ie 6'7r Bell peppers become dreamy when 1tuffed with WUd Rice . . . Fitting accompanlment too for Chicken Liven . . . Saute 4 large onion• minced tn 1 cup butter ... Wuh, pat dry and mince 10 chicken liv. ere. Tou on top of the oniona along with 10 chicken heart.a, 2 tap. ult and ':I& tap pepper ••. Cook abouUS rnmutee until browned . . . Add 2 cupa wubed Wild Rice and e cupa boWnc water ... Cook pntly ovw a low beat. atirriq DOW aad t.ben .•• aboat '° minute. •.. until th• UqWd 18 abeorb- ed and the rice ii tender. By DOW you've dt.covered chiek· en liven and heart.a by the pound in our Delicateleln, hawn't you ... H.-re al Richard'• Udo Markt"t. oee of the Udo Shopa al the ~tl"UIN to Udo hie, New-port Beeitll. • , OOA8TAL SHOPPER l'AtWoll of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1955 lloocl lallk Dwton • ot•e \hi.I J'r1d&7-A~. 12th -1-T p.m. Amertcan Lta1<>n Hall. 11th and Bay Avenue. 2211 Pinta were uMd ln lut 3 mont.ha at our -. Boq Memorial HOllpltal. Delicatessen TU. eaome a.ot food. ureedj &e ... rr-~·· DeUcah 11• v .. 'U ftlMI ..UferMt Mbd-dlMee .-a da7. doupa. -a-. llM vecfltaMM toaetMr wt~ • eool ,.,....... ~·· ...... make • perfed .... .., daT ., UM! week. jAcK'CHEESE ~ 4fc Yoams'• ... ,_ OILUIPAONIC 'JGc: KRAUT ............. ~. h •L .i1- Yoaq'e 8ap,.......kMlwr 'Jftc: ICICU snx . l: ... .i1- a..... &dra 'Dll7 UIOK&D 4ac: OYSTERS •.• ... 1- r..rtt1·· CLtJB 4f)c CRACKERS_.,_.. .i- Fresh Farm Produce letty Crocker White-Y ellow-Devil1 . . CAKE MIXES Pecke9e .... 2 !I · NECTARINES 2 lbt. 25c MUiHliooas 6 ••. ··P 25c •/o41t tlW ... u..t V~ Calu 1Ugatr11 "' r~ Tolr" ~ ,ulcy, Valeada ORANGES Fresh laked Here TBU IUllDAV RiN6 ... cAK'Es Melll54c 6 rnr 14c Potate DL'iSO ROLLS ...... : FRlDA\' BOY81:NBE1tlt't' 54c PIE .................. ~ r ..... ~ 23c RYE IREAD ... ~ . . You'll find a Udo Shop • • • 8PECIAL8 FOR AUGUST 11. 12 Yd IS, 1965 a lb. bas 29c Frosen Fresh 8ea Pak nsH ·STICKS. Mla• .. Jt.W ORA.NG& 2 35c JUICE t oL tor B.lrdeey• Y~ or ~r GUl:S 2 'Mk IEANS •• _ for 1.1- TO THE FAl·R See the horses .•. '4 miles from the Hed:>or on Newport Blvd. ORANGE COUNTY FAIR-AUG. 9th-14th. Visit the home show ... flower show •.. art and other exhibits. Enjoy e cool refreshing cup of Todds milk at the Todds Booth •.• end re- member too ••• shop et Richard's ••• on the way. Groceries iiifrilt:. ___ ·-·--·---· 5~ C 0 F F E E .......... ·-··--···-·-.. ·-·-.. ---·-··-··-.. ···-·-··· -139 "" .._ .. -u-. 25c AP R I C 0 TS ......................................... Jf~~ .. · LAR GfE GG S .. ·············-··-..... :. _____ ._ s2c 8 &W Ov• 25C B A K E D .... B EA N S ... ·-·-·--·---.II- A-lt·D a.d loake7• SALMON s-.-.Ck Hdas T-i. KETCHUP N.W-Wavut7 WAFERS . . .. ............. ,. 27' ~OL 35' If--.·. Bo-4 CHICKEN 11 1 OL 37' r.,._ Paa Peamu& I UTTER Swf!l l.'111-l.M.e or \'aallta Uoc. 35' II"'· 37c FROSTING '4~ht<' t•ookJ"" HYDROX Extra Fresh Meats • Tlllrk J1.ic11 R1b1 of Bcrf' t:. s. Choice Staadhlg Beer _,_. ____ :__ .:.K .. 47 ..................................... .2-41c oiANGE JUICI: 35c o-am ... 18e I I 9 llUSH .. ~ .. 1.1-, cw-,... <--.. 2 25c DOG FOOD.._ fM I.AU Fadal ~ TOIL&T 3 't')e SOAP ... ~................. -~~ ... _ ...... RIB ROAST lb. 79c ••Htu-s 0 1tOtlln BnrhrC'ti' to11it•'" 84-n·e 1Uch&rd'1t U. 8. Choice lb. 85c • .RIB_ STEAKS ' .A It fl"QtlOl'1j/ ~lt'fll {M thldt~~lf'' i_',iii~il_T __ R~IB~S;=..-_1b_. 2__.9...__c "l'or l'OttNl,.,.t qwilUJI -,,...,,_,, K1 .. goei." JLiCED BACO~N~lb. 6_3_c ul'ollMil• --,,._, •• Rlcb.anl'a Leu Fneb GROUND BEEF lb. 39. • • • to flt your every need !