HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-12 - Newport Harbor News Press• • I 5 Juveniles Held. .... HARBOR PRESS in Theft 'Ring' 48th YEAR-NUMBER 53 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 19M PHONE BARBOR 1818 M1rine Suffers B11k Injury in Dive from Rock Trail of Stealing May Point to Men 'Directors' Five juvenile.a a re in lhe countv jail tu1::1\· \vhilc New- . port Beach .police investigate grand thr: I ,r :i number of Qefylnf warning• from hi• fl'I· ao,, Marlnu, Cpl. Ronald Wolke. H a rbor boats and outboard motors. !IL Of Santa Ana dove off ro<'k8 Th• rlla!' broke when H111bor I &Cl'f•rll•ni: I C, r .. : :--..• \' I Mc T I Patrolm!Ul Bl"l.IC'I' Youni: ss~· s :\lani~RI, wit•• : •' 1 1 h. ht1y• "'" hetww n China Cov,. 11.nd Main I ~l rttr.ninl( arounti t hr Harhor I tlrtnot t1t'l1 ~ •1, •1• • • )'r'11m11111ry -..cA yu terd11y tnt'l 11h11lnw withnut·11j:hls 1rn·! g t\'e 1·h•I"" At< ""'"" .. ~II. ' ,,.~·, 111 lilt' ''""'' .,.ter. h,. r11ught llfl th,. lv\a: ~11~ b•a•·h· tllr ll• 'I •nr I ''• ff,. arp11r,.ntlv hrl bottnm 1n f our f~l nr w11 1n. pnhr " 881'1, and aufferert a rNi111bl" broktn Pr! 11nd h" ~~w two bl•\"< runmri: "'' ~lf\I , "" • .,11 •h"r n'"'" ""~Y· 1,h.,n tht .r or•t• ,., .. h•,,.•n rr-- \"rHan~ C'IUJ5tht thr l\\tl ho\li ""t" t •l\"t"t P•I -..,1, • lh• hi i •-... 1 •' o f P a11ar!PnR ttnrl t hr nth• r l.11~ I h" fl\.,, , vtfut h!o 11 •• I h back. Off11:erl1 11111'1 he Wll~ r 11r11 · AMJ:l'l"ll. llnrl lhf'y Rrl' rPpOrlPt11n :brh•l 11f rhf' fhrl'I' rlrl "l'\l\'f',• w111k lyud frnn1 th,. nrrk rlown hrt \i> 1tdm1llN1 takonc: thr nn1u 1111: 11n thr 'n'r fh ,11 th.-l11ul 111~1 Th Id h d , ~ k• from H. n"p1l1thlv Poer. ll w.11~ 11 I h .. 1 to th< 141 r"'' ''' mrn c!1re1•11ni: ey u " nvr rnm r.,.· " · ... · h h Lo · ftb.-igltt.1'18 bn&l flnu wll l f' mo r th th<'fl11 Rnol lhf' h11•11 krni:-ur 0 1 T lo 10 ftf't high tnlo 4 ff't'l uf I wnrth about $600 I e Walf'r. Wolke Willi taken lO CO· QUt>J;llOntng Of lhl'~I' lW<• hoya II tlnf,? rrponl'tl)lt• f.,r ln~s tl( 11 rona Naval Hollpllal. le11 lo the Rrr1·11l ot thre•• olher11, [ n11mb1•r <of Hat hnr bOttti< ---- LOOT RECJOVERED -'Newpo rt Beach P olice Officer Davenport, checks outboards and marine ge~r w hich local invest!gators have r ecovered with a rrest of five juveniles. -Staff Photo I NEW . Sl 00,000 LIDO BUILDING UNDER WAY Ground was broken lhla week for l.. '100.000 building addition In the L ido Shopping ~ntrer In the 3400 blOl"k of Via-Lido. Gordon B. Findlay Is the contractor on the building which will be owned by M. C. Thornburg and occupied by Barrow's Deputment Store. zan1ne Ntll !>(' occupied by Bar· row'11 wtlh the aecond floor avail- able ror off1ce11. NEW U DO STOKE -G ro und was brok en this w eek in Lido in.g modem store whOS(' architect's render ing appears above. will be part o! $100.000 development unde r way. area for this im pos- The Barrow 's store A;rangementa between the par· tlea were handled by Bill Kemp· ton of Udo Realty. The building v.-tU cont.Jn 8!'>00 aq. ft. of floor space and the main floor &Dd mn • Mr. 11n<1 Mr11. Roger Barrow flnit located In Newport Beach 1n 1937 and were actively engaged for their uncle, A. H. Fllrpatrlck. In the mlln8&'emenl ot hi• New· port Reach department etore. Later they OJl<'ned the •lore in Cb.ta. Mell& and lhen .10ld It lo the Relnerlll. Since 1949 they have been ranching al Gra111 Va lley. . -• • i " . . . TAKING THE STA.SD -J udJ?;e Donald J. Dodge. left, swears in Wilma Bak er. 17·year -old blonde b aby sitter f rom San Gabriel. She t estified during pre- liminary h earing in Newpo rt Ju~t1ce co urt Wednesday of R obert H. LaVC'rnc on a manslaughter char ge. -Staff Pho to DEFENSE TREND SEEN IN lA VERNE HEARING Counsel Dad at Questions Newport Dead Justice Boy's Court Ry BIU. Plll.LLIPl'I twren Johnl!On, Offirer Justin Bl'for .. Jud~e Donald J. Dodge Ep11tein and IAVernr. and a tlve bound Robert H. LAVeme O\'er minute rtC'•·s.~ to allnw the dl'fen11e during rrellmlnary hearing In lo e)(llmtne the tntnscnpt Whfn Nt-wporl J1111tlce Court Wedi)!'!!• Smith enterP<I the document In day afternoon, Ally. Jamu P. evitlrnc:-e, Canllllon 1<hol qurstlon11 Cllnllllon jtl'\Vf' lndlclllion of the &t J ohnson r<'gardlng L11Veme'11 trr nd the drfen1 .. wlU l rtke when w)'olte bRlhmg tmnkl'. lhe m1m11laughler 11uspert appe11r11 WEAKISG TRl'XKS In S11nta Anll Sup<'rtor Court. LaV1•rne RllPgec!ly w1111 we111 ing- LaVtmt', 33, SM Gabriel plaater-lhp t nink11 upon returning from ft Ing contractor. Is chorged with JIN.•im with l7 -ye11r-nld blond" fallll beating in Newport Be11rh b11by-s1t tPr WHms BRkPr of Siin July 23 of ln·lng Richsrd PerrPtt, G11briel Rntl Wilham [I. Snuth. Probation for Ridall Up to Injured Folk SA:'\TA Al~A AUG. 12 (OCNSI H the Injured persona 11&y they're willing. Supenor Court Jl.ldgr J ohn Shea la wllllng to consider pro· bation In the cue of an 18-year· od C~tnp Pendleton Marine who la accu11e<1 of felony drunk driving , hll-;rnct-run Md j(Tand lhf'fl. auto In Ne~·porl Uearh. !iarolrl nltl11lh1 wa11 brought be· fore J11di:e Shea for probation he3rlng. srnlf'n<'lng 11nd plea on three rhnrgrs today. The rttrendant h11s pl<'atled l('lllltY to onr count or felonlo1111 drunk driving. He hu d<'ferrerl plc11 on a 11imllAr rharge, tut-and-run 11nd s tolt>n 111110. K~OWS HIM \'EAtt~ 21. ClaN'mont Men's College 1tu-!.1esa resident &nd owner or the Rldall"s Atty. Richart! Hamilton dent. (Contlnul'd on t'ac,. i > Informed lhP judge h,. had known 1 Aa h111 only wltnf'll1 Wec!ne!Oday, the defendant all hl11 life HI' urged I Cant11lon of Loa AnJtelM called on ON JUDGE PORCH'. Shea lo cons1rler thr rfft'<'l a prl· Joe Perrttt, owner or a Loa An-son term would hll\'e on R u1alls' • ~::~:r :,d~~:·~~:..,&~:~~: vi:l~m~ Lann·1ng Ja·11ed m~~:r~,~~~~~,;~UC'l'd a Ma r- l'nc!Pr qurstionlng. P r rrett de· 1nr Corrs rrpre11enlatrve who In· l!cnbed arriving at 920 OrtlUI D I rt1rRted thi' C'orp.'I would be w111tng Front to •pend the Wl't'kend Wtlh as runk After lo lllkl' Rldall• back Into good relative. July 22. The lut time I 1;i acn 1f he waan't ust&11t'd a rel· ht' l!&W 1\111 llOn allvf' WU that eve. v· ·1 I D d ony Hnlence I nlrg about 10:30 p. m. He ""id ISi 0 0 ge The attorney told thre Judge Rid-I his 11on wa11 •llllng In the living alls h&d 11omethlng to 113Y "\\'hat room with hi.• ll\lnl. P &ttick Alvin Lanning. 28. of <·an he lltty '!" Shea llllked. "We 11n I SAW sos AT HOAG 1114 San Bernardi.no St .. Kewporl reel aorry for him. But rm think· t Beach. was lut night llrrPsl1.,I ing of thal roor girl !Carol [)Qllnt' Whrn Perrett Of')(l nw hia ~n 1 by Cost& Mesa police u ;i drunk of Cnrona <lrl Mur 1 lying In lht' It we1 at Hoag Hospital a t 11.20 IUld booke<I into Ora.nRe Counlv 1 1 th lh If J I 23 al lh all d · ho~ptta 11n1 e o ers you ran I Roof Burglar Strikes for $94 in Mesa Another In the ruh ot root bur- glariu In Coata Meaa occuned overnight at the Smut and Final lrla Company atore, 1484 Newport Blvd., Men police Sgt. Dean Pol· lom reported today. A total ot $94.94 wu reported mlaln1 by Manager C. S. Selby. Pollom Hid the bur1lare bored holes through the roof and lltted out a panel, a.llowln~ them to drop ln111de t he 11tore. They ranaacked the office. but there wu no dam· 11ge exrert that to the roof, Pol- lom uld. Jnvestigeltng offlC'l'fl expreHed bellrf theu were different bur· gl11rs than those Involved In other Meiia root Jobe In recent weeka. "They 11howed a different m.o.," Pollom ••Id. He adrted Smart and Final lnvu ligalora reported 0U1er Sm&rt and Final atorea have ~en "knocked over" In the Loa Angele• art'a by almltaT burglary Jobe. Rap Jails Leddy JOllf'ph Clyd,. Leddy, 21. 218 Onyx Ave , I• In Newport Beach city Jail on a charge ot pa ... 1n1 che('ks wr itten a1atn1t a cloted account. pollc:e reported today. PIERCE CRUISER SINKS WHILE ON RESCUE RUN Allemplln( to aid another boa t I lt'rvice yard and he left th• Har· In trouble 30 mllea out between· bor at 11 :40 a m. with Ha1l•t l in Ssn Cl•mrnle Island and Cat&llna Plert'C'a twin enKinr rntlHr. Bootn· Inc a.Jona 2tl m1lu nut. they di•· ll!IRrttl. rur11 .. r11 G11 il Humphrt y, rovered water romln& In the bo&l, local bo.<l srn·wr .1·•rd o~ralor 110 pulled to and atarted the pumpa.. &Jld Jnhn Hultll. 16. Coata Mraa. W•tt>r ca mr lo ioo fut lhl'y neort• ran Into rilfflrutt~· thrmat'lvea t'd to hand batllnJ. ~ho41r<I M11rk Pl,.rrr • 2fl·ft. C'rlllJI· But In 2n mlnulN lhfy dlacover- t r, r 111om1ta '"'htrh u nk In 360 I'd Pelomlta woulct not •tay afloat fathom• !00 they ••nt out a May O.y ~II It ell l>l'i:;an •C'rnrtt.11J? to tht 1 t ht mM'h'ea. The rran K20, owned Coast G111.rd. whPn thl' KOU opt>r- 1 tty John l 111lton. Glendala, ptcked ator a t 11 • m. ye11t,.rt'.la~· rf'<'•h'ed J.Jrt Humrhr•y a nd Hulett while a C'all from thf' 21 -n . rnvat P Pll'ro'a c-rul-.r went to t.he ltol- yacht Geor.:11 ownrrt hy Tra<"y tom. Harknes~ of R11kf'n!'fleld. ff,. r•· Mt•nwhll•. the Cout Gua rd ,.. )lOrtf(I hll C'rafl '1 engine froze Up, ported, th fl loral C'Utler fb1&1l leavtn1 him adrift. t owe<1 Georgia Into port at I a.m. The oreralor c11lled Humphrey'• lnday. Lorentzen Dies al Hoag; Riles This Afternoon Jurgen H. Lorent.en. 83. of 2009 Eut Bay ~ront, Balboa pauect away al lhe Hoag 111 .. morial Hospital Wednuday night attn a brief IUnua. Lorenlun 1Ufff'red a at roke Saturday and never raJlted. H" wu a native of St. Loula and attendred achool In Swtwr- land He wu a ~ate ot the Unlvt>r1lly of Berne ln engineer· inf. Ha entered t.he American F orei1n1 Service, nrvtnir In Swill ,.rla.nd, Llthuanla, Rome and Pa· lermo. Sicily. He waa in Govern· ment Hrvlce until 1928 when he wu lnjur.d In an alrpt.ne acct· dent •nroute to Ruaala from Swlt.urland. He la aurvlved by hi1 widow. Dorothy of the family home and Mra. Lore.ntun'a 10n and daugh· ter, Mn. Frink Lyon of La Jolla; a nd Milton E. Bacon of Oardner- vllle, Nev. He wu a life Um• worker on behalf Of Ule Red Croea &nd p&r- ltcularly worked on behalf of hll favorite charitJ' dur1n1 UM ... cond World War. The family bu eat.abu.bed a memorial ln the name of Jurgen Lorrnt.un with the Newport Har- bor ~d Crou Branch. A memo- rl11I Nrnce wtll be conducted at St. Jamu J;pllcop&l Newport Beach· at 4 p.m. today. Inum- ment will be at P'orut Lawn. HARIOI WEATHEI T-pl'rataree ta.. pMt wMk la tliie HatiMlr -we~ Hip Satu(day. Aug 8 \ . 'i!'> Sunday, Aug. 7 . .. .. 75 Mond11y, Aug. 8 ...... 70 Tue11day, Aug. 9 • • 73 Wednead11y, Aug. 10 73 Thuractay, Aug . IJ .. 71 Friday, Aug. 12 70 -. . . ~' ., :Z AI&) ;. ~~ .... ,. . . "'--" • ' • Low 64 86 $3 83 67 611 " Files Cycle Injury Suit SANTA ANA COCN8 )-Mort U.U •lt.000 cS&macM -.... llO\lfht In lvper1or Court hmt today by a Colt& Meaa mother whoH 14 · year-old d&ufhter wu lnjur,.d 1n a m~ycle aocjdeftl Deo. 6, 11!· 54. Lod&inc lh• 1111lt on behalf or J&llice Hoffman la Katherine "1 . Darline. Ma M.apolla St. She named Henry LouU Wulf, no ad· d.reea fiYen. u defendant. The defendant cla1Jn1 Wulf t.ook the girl for a ride Oft hi.I c~i.. Throu1h alle1ed wanton and care· IHI dli•lng the g1rl. thm ti, WU Injured In-lhe 1000 block W. Vic· Loria St., Coal.a Maa. The cycle &11Mrtedly all pl*f on looae gTavel and hurled the l'lrl lo lht ground. Coat& Me• pollc11 lod11y 11a id they had no report tiled on the accldrnt. STATE MONEY BRINGS MESA o·RAINAGE HELP p. m. u y ler e ege I jail after hP walked ur<m J u,li!e I gel a leltt·r r ei-ommrn111ns: prri· ''pePp1ng Tom" bea ting with a Donalt! J . f'todgr's frunl pnrch. bRlion 'rom the Injured rartiell 11llck wttlded by t...aVi>me 11l thre Ll'lnnlng r n10terl $2~> 1>1111 11ntl w11M lhrn I'll conlllrler I'.." tntrr~ecllon of l2lh St. i nd Bltl·1ordtrN! l•J appear in :o-;,.wno1l i d th h I bo Bl J • •· Shea ronl nue ,. c>ar ng un· NEWPORTER GETS WORD OF TRIP Quick action Is expttte<1 by j lhey a n:oe thi• l'Ofnlnr rainy Co.ta Meaa City Council Mon-~f'R~"n da.y night to t•\• a11,·111nt11i:~ of The ~111ple·Hamillon project "1U Chapter 20 m!'ntu v.-hlt'h w1ll j ~ m11t('he<1 v.-llh Orange County bnn1 n lltf to Meaa rn1dent111 monf'y. -Coff"Y" t?pMt.ed. The Sup· f rom major dr&Jnage probltmio •ennr A\'f' 11nd 18th St 11l :'\l'W· C1ty M:aneger ~orae C<\ffey to· J"'rl Bl\•tl. Joba will ~ mat ched day an.noun~ the atate had &J>' with ,,.,~ lll.lt fund!! whtlt' co11t JirOV'ed application for Ulf' of the of the Bltker St V<"llltr line 19 mon l• on four Mn a atrttl prn· m11lched w ith money borrowt>d Jecta. thrff "'hlch rrrtatn to fr• :n Co~ta M"~" s grnrral fund. dralna 1e dttncultlu '!'tie fourth projeC'l b for In· lllaJJaUon of the ut1m11t~ 11~0.· 000 Baker St . .., .. a ter ll.nt . Street projttt. are a t tnlHPf'ct1c10 of Maplt> and Hamill<>n Sis . 18th Bt. and N•~·pcrt ll!vd 11nd Sup· e rior Av• . .All hj\•e f\trnlahed lht' e<>Wlcll major dralna~f' h,.ad11•hea du• lo rroteJ!lJI Clf flooc1rd or nood- thrtlltt'ned rltliena. C'1t~· F:nt1nPtr Don SCluthworth ta Hf'>t'!ilt'l'I to rrf'H nt r lAn11 and •f'l'Ctf1r11t1on11 for th" · projecll Mondll\' n1tht. <>fft'lin~ a ch8n<'" to C1ffset tlood probll'm• befotr : .News-Press Clrculation Today 5727 Coples a "'. , J u11llcP court b<!fnre Judµ" Onrli:r lil next Frlil!IY mm nlng. C11ntlllon 1 next qut'llllon wa.• In Aug. 20 Jl"llre rerortrd I · reiiartl tn plll<t ht<ad lnJurlrs •uf· Judgr · f'totii:e Jlhnned the M"!IA IS,ft·n t:u PARTlf:I' fl'red by the heet1ng victim. rroi1e· poli<'" drpartmPnt 91 in 1:, p. m . Tht' injured pl'rttons Shea mt'n· rutor Ol'Jl. Dist. Alty J. Parlt'y but thto irnllpect hRd c!ol!ll JlJl"R I t'tl lloned were ~111111 Doane. lR. of Smith objeeled Arter a brief upon an ·wRI of nrrtrPrJ< They I Coron11 rte! Mar. motorcyclist Al· whl11prred huddlf' of the two 111 -old lhf'y locat"d him In " gi-ov,. ton Gnrdnrr. Jn. nf 1.ong Beach. tom"Y• with Juge Dodge, during of bamboo trf'tll on lhP i1nuth "ho aurr .. 1e<1 " broken leg whrn wh1C'h Cllnllllon attempted to !ride of the Dotie-" homr \\'hen ,truck hy 11 rar or"r&lt>d by Ru1· !-how the quutlon wa11 tmport11nt. or<1•retl to lf"l tn ht!I "'"'· J"'lllC'f' 111111; Mtt< ~hlch«>•I Campbt'll of Lii· Dotlgr .11u1l1lnt'd th,. objection. -11111•1, Lflnnlng did 10. thrn f Pll guna Br111 h owner of an exi'('n!lh'I' Cantlllon Immedia tely uked n at on hia f&ct'. r1tr thl' dtft'nc111nt 11llefte<lly 11tole. Ptrrf'tt If his llOn had t'l'er C'on-Rfport.s satd Lanning hll•I 11 Herbert C Tt11k& Jr 2~. of :'\or· 1 8Ulted • Pf!YChl&lnl't~ W hen dtoep l'Ul on his urrtt ni.tht wnlk 11nd M iu Doane s father. Smlth'11 objection lo lh111 quesuon ch~k lllld & bh1ck ew There Ridall• wa11 arre11tt'c! by Xrwport I V.'08 •ustalned, C1111llllon deeml11Md wu lot~ nf blnnd nn ·hl!l whttt' Brach pohC't aftn hi' usertedl)' the w1lne11a 11nd Smith refU11rd 11h1rt an•I tt wu rtppert '" bllrk r1lftred the car In l..11g11n11 BeMh C'n>ll..P)(t1mlnat1on. Ll'lnnlng tl)Jt1 offlr"r' lfnmeont tore north a lonir P11c1flr Coa.111 IU:LD TO AXSWl:R had r~ally dl'<'krti him but hf' Hlghw11y. rammed into cyt'ital J uds;r Dndire Immediately held reftlMd to ""Y who H WR• Gart1ntr. 111lfhtly Injured 11nother lht' tl,.f,.nd11.nt to &.nl Wl'r and J udge Do.Jge 1d,.nltfir'1 him u i-yrll11l and wountl up 1n • colll11on Smith announced the dl!trlct Ill· the man whn came on ht!l pirr h with T,.11k111 c11r al Poppy Ave toml'y would ftle lnform1&llon tn When DMirf &ski'd Lanning 11nd cout Highway. Corona df'I the rue a.g11in11t L&Vrme at 9 30 why ht h&d bt't'n In a fight. lhl' ~tu. MIH Doa nt' wu n dlnf with J L m. Aue. 19 In Santa Ana Su-1u11pect 11.11id It he<I 11omc-thln!f Te11ka perlor Cowt. Ball on L&Veme to do with lhe hmnr of his C'nllt , 1 THE BOX K<'ORE I wu eonlinued at '5000. offlceni reported. Lanning alltg· T he dtft'ndant'a 11te1red box 1 C&nUIJon'1 olher major point edly &dded he hl!rt spent s~o on aMre• one 1tolen car. two damag· 1 -. contained In cl'089 uamlna · drinks and w11 rt11lly "hlah." ed can1. two d11maJed motor cycle• . Uo1l of Newport BHch Del. S(t. police aald. I and t.m-ee lnjurell 1 Allen l.. John.10n. Aftrr a dt>bate Officen tl>ok him t o the ho•· J.fl• Doan• recelv~ multlpl,. with Smith ~ardlnr availablllty pit.al for treatment nf ht• bla<'k fract1.1rN. broken rib•. tflm bl all· of tr&nl'C'rlpl of a C'On\'ers&llon In •Y• ~fore u c11rtlna-him to ; rtn . broken ~lvt11 •nil othf'r In · Newport Beach poUoe 11-Uon be· Jail. I JmlH. First return fro m a to wnspen1on enroute acknowled ging the v111it nf the Explor e r Post 17. "Golden Years" car 111 this post<>ard reproduced from Newp<>rt. T en n. Members of the post have been lea,•ing tr.nk cts and advertisinJ) liternture for NPW· port Beach and it.a Golden.Anniversary a long the ir r o ut<' aero811 the country. Be- fo re they arrive ho me in Septembe r they will have coverrd 10,000 miles and ne:trly a thousand t owns And hamleLo;. JXGE 2 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1955 BA'ITER UP -Peter Stoddard, left, give1 biJJ mother, Ml'I. J ay Stoddard, center, and Derry Noga, right, a few pointers about baseball. Pete expects to make a real ball player out of Derry during his year in Newport Beach. -Staff Photo German Exchange Student Arrives at Stoddard Home I to 8llt'nd unlvt'1 ~lt\'. He hM his I 111irht!I on I hr u11:1'•'1 s ty in Cflt· tlnj;<'n to 11tully n11rll'•r phy11lc5. In tht' 11ame rat\' thrrl' Is alao the Max Planck ' tnst1tute. home 1 of manr worlrt-tamous J'hya1c1st1. He h11~ only nne request "h1le he1"' .. F:v~ 1 yont> "ho mt',. ts me ts to "peak " hlllt' slower and not hke 11 waterfall.' • he lllUJZhl'•I Dieter NOCJG of lremen to Enter Harbor HICJh School This Fall BJ PRTU.111 1. 1 ACK SON ll wu a notice on a bullttln bo~d ln a Germlln hll[h achool a year and hair ai;o Which tint caui;ht the eye nr ni!'tl'r Nor. of Bremen. Todav D<'rry. u he pr!'fer11 tn be cllli"d, Is ln New· JJ•'• t Ila rbor whtre h<> wlll be the f1ri.t A lll"rll'Bn F lrltl SPrvlC'I' ftoJ• 1~11 "Xrh11ni;t' ~t11tlrnl to a t· 1~11t1 :-..'t·w1'l0rl H.irbor Union H1a.:h !'1 hill'll He 11h••11tly 11ptak1 rX• -1Ji>11t Eni:JHh 11nd F'r.'nch. r>t>r ry wlll ht a mt>mbf'r of the, J1w Stnrlrl11n1 r11m1tv for the com· In.I:' ,\'<'Ar. 111aklnic i11~ home with t hr •·uunr1Jn111n. hlll wire a nd aon. Pf'll'r In 1 ·11ronll tlf'I M11r. ll'e ha. rl I O All\' \\ hn'11 mnr" f'XClted- f't'I ~· • .1·f'r ha• (n1 thl'nmin,1: ytar •~ 1<n Anwrit·11n 11t11dtnt. nr lht' !'toddatd,. nvrr lhl' U1nll of ha Y· 1n11; •nOthrr 11C1n "ll aef'm11 aa Ir f'erry h\11 11lway11 ~tn herf'," Mrs l'ltOIJtJa rti amrle•I WRITF. IH'S~t:l.OORF" "Jr Y•'" w11nl t11 gn In t ht t•ntttd Stlllr•, wrl1 f' t o n11~111'l· dorf," the nnt1r,. g11Jt1 "At nrl't J \\'IU!n I ~nlni: In \\Tit"" n,.rry U hl. "011 t hr n I 111'1" j Afl"r l • n r: th y f'XAmln11t1on~ a nti dt11c1111-1on r "rt•1'111 w l th AITierk11n Flrlt1 ~,.r1·1r" rt pi ts"n· ta llVf'll. O...r1 v "'"n I he C'hl\nr' a lMJ!' wlth 2:! nthn r,,.rm1111 11tu· dt'nl ~. In <'nmc tn Amrrlr11 tnr a )'Pl'lr'a atudy. There wert 120 llJlphr &ntl . It Wll.a l.hfl (lf'OpJe o( 1'rwport H1u bl'lr a nd lhr Storl· <1art1J< whn m11.111 It pn,.11fbl" rnr him \Cl C'Onlt n .. rry'.11 qultl l(rty f'Yt• anap With Anllrlp11tlnn wh-n hf' t&lkll 11hu11l h1• ftr11t lnvr, gunpnwd•r T'•• kl'tll. lie h"• hlll hr ,. rt ""'t nn bt-lnl! I\ nurlu r J'hY•lclat. ,, 1 hnu~h onh· I II t:e hllll al- T• '" • on11lr11t trrl a roC'ktt or h • ""'" .1r~li:n H-nnd ha• brn· It •'t \\ hn I• ~tlll In nrrm1111y hut ""r '• '" • mr t~ Amf'rt<"n. at~n Nlfl,f r11t 1t'rl II 40 rn'A'l'r tl'fr!l('C'\rr f• r nh•rr\'lrllt 11t11rJO. STI Or;;\ T l.l':Aflf:f( !'W-rr Y II! IVl flllhltll' &II Wtll U a "tll•IC'nl Hr ""'"m 11 mill' l'\'t'ry ,,,.,. at hnm" 11n1I Willi 11rth·e tn hux1n..:. h1111\<.t t 111111. 11nr1•,.r 11n1I C:t'rmRn h11ntlbRll H,. w1111 111110 11 ll'11..!1>r &m•'nlt' h111 frlluw 11ru1lPnl1. hll\'1"1: bl'"n 'll'•'IPol l'lllllll prl~.!ll· dr nl rnr t hrr(I yrn r~ real revolt. It waa epontaneous .. Derry wu born In \\'aldenbur~ near Breslau, 11. coal mlnJng rt· g1on whlrh has now bl'en given to Pola nJ smrc conelw!lon or Wort.! W11r 11. Follow ing lhe war, ht' and his family moved to Bre· men. ENT E.R AS SESJOR Local Men File for Firm Incorporation SACllAME:-;ro, rC-;\'SI -Ar· tlclcc ()( mr•11 purat1un for the LJ. Bn1I !". Bu1lrlt'I~ 101·. wh1rh will enirlfl:e If') the J:f'lll'ral build· lnir flrlrl, Wl'rl' nn fall:' with S<>I'· relllry or St11tf' FrBnk f.L J ordan H e hupea ll> enter Harbor Hll:'h herl' tn•lnv. •• I\ !lenlor anrl grarl1111t11 ln Junr> I The r11'm ·~ IO('l)rpul'llll'll for b~tore returning to Ct'rmany. s2:..ooo With stolk •l S IO pllr \\ htn hf' does rt>turn. howfvcr. i·alut. he haa two and 11. hall more Dlrectora a.re Lou11 V. West. yeara ot high ~hool aht&d of Tustin. JRme1 0 . Ouvcrsp1ke, him In Germany IM>fore he c-11n Costa Mt!la, and l't>IYln E J unu . entt'r the university. 11800 s Jo~ J<m~s HnAti Xewport Yes. he knows where he want$ Bear h. 120 '1· n. conc:rt'la patio with redwood pl1nler bot, wat, ind 111den liaht ·' ' 5 SUBDiVISION REQUESTS OKAYED IY MESA PLANNERS Costa Jo!eaa'11 pi.nnlnf C'ontm•-..iiot1 had a buay mttllng Monday n1i;ti1 •rP"'' 1ng ft\'e .ubd1''181on rflqurau fer am•ll ~ts of land. Amon~ them WM that of Ou·1d Vtm\llya al Wt'11t '18th 'St. a.nd Pi.eanua Ave., ""'l\lch hu hunr; fire tor ~,·eral mt'etlnp The other tour W"'~ for two-l ot par<'•la btlonglni; to M&mie E. Wyera at Or&nt;t St. and Albert Plart . C :'II ~ti· 11<)0 at 4M 8'rnard St : A. H(lll11tt'r and :>9t Vl<'tona St. a nd G. r.:. Maxwtll a t 19th and Placentia. A lhrff·lot 11ul>d1vl11on fe>r Cha.rite A Fowltr a t 0,1tlt and Ort.nf;t Sts .. w&a a l&o a)'prov~d. Now HEAR THIS! I Juvena l a the Ol"C'O !onally untn· I telltrtble 1011nd 11yatem. •1 F• II A aurvt y by Dr. Paul Vene-councl IOI y ela .. n, aountl f'Xptrt, recc;,mm'tnd· ed Uta city revtrt ba<'k to the old typ-of mt<'rophont, one be· to Try letter t·Neen H rh C'lty C'OUnt'JI mtlnber and that a new speaktr be I mounted at the <'ha.nber !!Outh Sound System wall and the ha11 1pnker bf' de- leted. The ··teedback" a lso wtu Heartnr. Ilk• -Inf, la bell•v· be deleted. All "mlku" will hlln j tnr b4l ~rhapa N•"'i>Ort Beuh I hand awltrhu. Eight rnlcrophClnt' I Citv Coun<'ll audJtn<'U In tu1 ur-atanda were ordnt 1 to ""n·e the \!Ml.I be able to undt'ntand ""'hat'a two apeakera due for in11lallatlon.' .. id Into the civic oftlelall' ml· crophonu .• An expert'• analy•ll BA.RNABY CONRAD, S. F. au-1 bf the a.eouatlc• wa• prtaented thor and ttll&urateur (on rt'tum tht' council Monday ntcht. ot 1tolen pfcturu J-"l'm glad to Upon recommtndatlon of the, set them back. Tht'y have a city engineer the 1um ot $200 aenttmentaJ value ot ttvera.J hun- was allocated by council to re· dred dollan." ·MAJOR CHANGES IN MASTER HIGHWAY PLAN PROPOSED OCC SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Orange Coast Coll<'ge i;tudents rccei,·ing scholarship awards Include (I t o r ): Jame9 Beam, Orange. Newport Balboa Savings and . Loan scholarship: Marian Boetrom, Huntington Beach. Richard's Market Homemaking scholarship and Harbor Pan· hell<'nir scholarship : Jng<' C:rundmann. Co~la Mes a, Costa M<'Sa Junior Friday After- noon Club scholarship ; \'aleric D'Amato. Corona del Mar, Newport Harbor Zonta International scholarship and Ddta Knppa Gamma scholarship: Gt'raldine Shafer, Costa Mesa. Richard's Mnrket homemnking 1'Cholarship: and Bill Martin, Costa Mesa, Junior Auxilhlry Newport Harbor Assistance League scholarship. FULLERTON (OCNSJ -Sug· gested major changes and develop· mente In a propoaed muter plan for Or&nge County highways were out!tnf'd Wednt•day. Adoption ot the map would mf'an a wldt nlng and extension ot numerous atreeta In Fullerton and the rut of north· ern Orange County. lanea In each direction. and a di· ~:~n~a.Ja~rl~~r ~w~~~~ ~~h~a~~ Harbor Department Answers 404 County Plannen .direction and a dividing atrip with· I Okay New CdM JOL'°T PROPOSAL The master plan hae bff.n pro- posl'll by the county planning com- m1ss1on, county board of aupervll· ors, and county road department In CO<lperallon with lhe planning anti development commtltee of the Associated Chambera of Commerce or Orange County. .MaJor changes Jn northern Or· ange County are the widening to 1110 f1>et f rom their preaent vuy· Ing "'idtha Placentia Ave. llOUlh from Orangethorpe A\'e : Brook. hurst Road aouth from Chapman A\'e.; Hlghway 39 llOUthwa.rd from Central A ve ln La Habra: a nd ~tiller St. in west county territory trom the north county boundary southward; EAST-WEST STRU:n; Enat-weat streei.. propo•ed to tie widened to 1110 feet are lmper!al Highw&)', Orangethorpit Avt'., and Lincoln Avt'. from Nicolas ea11t· ward. Lincoln would ~100 feeL Local englneera said a 190·foot right of way usually c for a sl'rvice r oad "n each •Ide. two ou~l~::~!c1~ ~~:d;~llerton area pro-Calls During Month of July R.d. Stabl poeed to · ~e widened to 100 fttl I lftCJ • are C)lp~a Avt .. now 60 feet; I A total of 40. ct.ll• were an· rowboats fount1 and dtstroy~ SANTA 'A~A !OCN8 ) _ z.. Spadra Road, now 80 to 100; ?"ich· 1Wered durinf July by ~· Har· and one offshore moorlnc In· tabllshmtnt of a commercial rid· olaa Ave , nc.w 80 to 90; Chapman l bor Department flrurea com· atalled. In~ 1table on the aouthwuterly Ave., now 60 to 100; \'alenr1 a ' 1ldr of Cout Hlchway 100 feet Drlve, now 40 to 80; and Magnolia piled by Hubormaater Ru a 1 T f p • aouthrut of Buck Cully, aoulh· Ave., varying. ICraic ahowed today. arant no enn1t eul Corona dtl Mar area. WU PROPOSED EXTESSIOXS These were divided lnto 18' Bulldtnir permit for conatruc· nearer today •fttr favorable ac· Fropoeed f'Xlenalons are Nlch· mlacellt.neoua eaJLs· 32 cueat vu· tlon of a ,12.920 residence wu lion on a <'Ondltlnnat permit re· olu Ave. f rom Valencia :'11esa ' quut Tuellday afternoon. Orlve t o Imperial Hlf hway: GU-1 sela accommodated; 29 rowboa ta taken from Costa Me-city The county prannlng commla· bert .Ave. f rom Valencia to Ocean l found and returned and 29 apted· bulldmg dtpartml'nt Wednesday alon Approved the ptnnlt requeat Ave .. L.'.l Habra : M"4r11olla trom Ing a rreall; 25 other complalnt1: by Joatph J . Tarantino. Location 1ubmlltf'd by Alfret1 BtllMUl. &04 Commonwealth Ave. nor th and 19 debrU ln1tancea whtre 1uch of the •t ruC'ture will be a t 468 Jasmine Ave . Corona del Mar. et.at. to Maller St., In Loa Angetu were dulroyed; 17 rowb<>at11 101t 16th Place. The ~table wnulJ fO Into an county territory; Chapman Ave. and not recovered: JG Clllf'a of A~rlrult11re dlstrk t If aanctloned from Nlcholu westward to Alon· &nd not recovered; by the board of aupervlsore nut dra St., Loa Angtles County; 16 casea of ualstance rendered Mesa Phone Permit Tuf'srl11Y· Chapman Ave. eastward f rom Kr· small boats: 10 as1l11lA to Jari;e A 20·hor11e ma11lmum •t one w mer Ave. ln Placentia lo Linda boata; 10 speeding complaints: Pa<'lflc Tr lephone 1.ntl Tel~· tlmt would bl' pl11rf'd on the "fl· Vial& Ave.; and Valencia Ave .. nine 11hore moorings 1n11taJled; graph Company Wednead&y took er11t111n. t&atward from Hlf hland Ave .. to six rowboat.I held for ldenlltlcA· out 11 Costa Mesi\ city bualdanl( Cyprus Ave. lion a nd return: tour cuu of permit for cnn~trurtion or 1t Oregon'• <:u.1!1tal Hlahway, t:. Before thepropo11ed cha.ngea <'11.n boa ts brok en mro Ill monrinizs, trst rrntr1• nl 17!ifl 01·:in~e ,Ave. R. JOI. pnr11ll•>l11 thf' PllC'lft r Ocf'11n become final, publlc hearings mu!t fnur r ... ,ctle r11l111: rnur al'rt'~ls Wnlrrr J Mn rktl w1111 nRm••tl l'nn· fnr -Hiii mrlrlf. acC'ordlng to the bt held. other than apeed; three d<'rellrt I trA<'tor. I :-..'11t1unal Automobile Club. Brin1 your old truclt in toJay! It'• worth a mint of money when you tracle it /or a new FORD F·lOO picltupl ll '• 8 n•'IV r"le for \\'p.!lt G,.r. mrtny to p.11t"rn h,.r """Y .. r life a rttr Amrr1C'8n n i-morrM'\' Hiil n erry fl't l\ \\',.H torrm11~11 &re dCllng \'l'I')' 1wll llr ~.Ii.I rPrnn· atn1ctlon 11 k"!'f\lng tilt' 011t lnn b11«y 11.nd th• peoplr h&\'e " gt11 1i1 fee.Im~ tow11 rrl 1\ 111rt11'8 , 1l11 rr· fltttert In the lut ,.\,.rllt1n wh"n t he r·ommuntt~t• had nnh· " 2 pet" <'~l J'hlll \'rllf' "A mRn hkP HIUtr wlll ntl'l'r t'nme a~tn," t.. wald. California•• GARDEN HO~f ES in Santa Ana But I.ha Matern part Of Ger- many 11 dlfftrt{ll. he ncounted. "You can telf'phone to &ny pt.rt nf the world frol'I\ Weat Ger· rnany." th• youth explatntd by v.·ay tif f'Xlll'Tlpl•. · but It I• ao dlffJC'Ult In l"lk In P:ut ~r­ manv." Th• Berlin revolt M July 111 anJ 17. 111~3 by Eu t ~nn&l\I La a d&y of rtmemt>.r&ll<'f which Is celabral~ In \\"t'Jl Germani·. "'Only Ru1111ian forru prt'\'t'nt~ the people trom onrthn>v.1111 Iha ~&.•ltm govl'mment." Derr)· at.Id. ''It h1p~nf'd when the i-ovtm· mtnl dt>manded the "'Orken work more for lell ma.ny. .. A few butldlnJ worku 1 wtnt tn 1he govnnmt'nl ant\ uk~ tht nil,. be 1bolltht'd."' ht rl'C',,llntf'd "Thty ••era not Wnkinc of a 3 BEDROOMS or 2 BEDROOMS and DEN 3 Beautiful Model Home. funlilbed by C. Tony Pereln 2 BATHROOMS 2 ·CAR GARAGE NOTHING DOWN for Vets ( uctpt 11111al com ud impo11nd1) Monthly paymen ts from .$65.11 ~lfl!ll!I._ include principal and interut Full price from $12,ISO LOC.-tTIO.\' °' Fa1m'eM1 A~•;;& Brnt~I Strrd o" Sanra AM'• '"Miro.cl• Mile' of Ntv, Mockm Homa .•• on f'<UJ' JO.minlltt dri~ /""" Lo~ Beacl& , ' no11 LOftC IEACH ..... T~ 5'. (c.da ~ 81'11.) .. ~ ... riPti-..-S. .. ~ ,. mod.I holl'lft, 10 lOlfC t i.ACM THEODORE ROBINS l 'Ot;a FORD DE ALl:R l!USCE ltit -IOS MAIU~~R·~ 1'Ul.f;1 . 3100 W. Coast Hkjhway Newport Beach Liberty 8-3471 TV et Ha hatl Don't Miu •Ford Thoatr•' kRCA (4), Thuraday, 9:30 p. m. • ----~.,. ~wis, pitcher for the H arbor B oyR' Club ~l1Jgct R eds. takes auc h a swishing 9Wat against O cea n View that you can't e\'en s<'e the bat. Truth ia, Lewis h it.a homers off his hands. -Sta ff Photo CLOSE WINS ALLOW CUBS I COZY FIRST Two clo9e vlC'torirs l'ttahll'd the.' Co1ta Mesa Ch11111 C 1~11 1;11!' 1 '11b11 to gain gmunt1 1tt11p the lnnp through \Vt'dne.!!day'.~ f1 ays. Mon- day the Cubs e•li:;;o<I tht Red Sox 4-3 &nd Wedne11r111,· they downetl the Whitl' Snx ~-:l The wins )(II"" lhf' Cub" t riumph.a ega1n,1 tht el' Jt>fl'nt~ A Giant vwtnry An•I H \\'htll' Sen< 1 •Pitt drnppPd thf' 1"'11 min a l 11' 1 tor second sriot · Past1ni: t he ,,,111111 f,,, th" Cuhs' ~fr•nt111~· wm "''"1 lhc R•·<I SllX werf' RAn•h• H•·t111 k C111l M11r11cella11. Jimmy C-rewf .. 111 anl1 I Pllr her J ohn :": n r l n n 11"11 ll'k rlm1tl'<I a tn ple R1rhn1 •I :>ot11nreb<l ll'd tht Rerl SOI k"I ~ :-."aytor &l<t> h url,.•1 tht' \'IC'lory over the While Snx \\'t<ln~•fl.1 v nnn a nd C'arl MArl'l'l'llfl'I k n,,<'k-1 ,.,, 1n C11h nin11 in thf' l!"rnnrt 11.nrt I t111r<I onnln.Q'" ft1r t hf' \'l<'tory A hi': lhll t1 flllITTI' 1Rl1\' f1•r lhreP run,e bv th,. \\'hit,. ~111'k,.r11 \\'fl• pp.·rt1 ·b" t hr hh~l!'t tnl!' hntir or R••rn1r Llll7., Cn!r hrr l;1ni: Rtl'I p,.·,. T"<"lll'r T11,.11rtn" t nr \\'h1I~ ~"x hl'll l th" Y11nk"l'll 11-:l I\ I rlpl" h\' Tri· p • ~1r('lrllllnil wtlh lwn •)n In th.-fir~t 11p11 rkl'.t 11 hie fo11r run f ,,,,. fnr thl' S 11x Thi' r.1A•1111 nH•\'I' I lnln II , ,,. rnr l'C!'o)nol \\'•••I· 1 n•.,<1Av tw llrkm:: lhl' RrllVI'• ll·ll ..$.Jc.11~ ~ t>l••w.< bv P1lPhe.t"-"j r.'""' !'\111rn 11nl1 Johnnv ~fftni:· \'.•·II .,.,..,,.,, nff 11 h1i: rnmP·from -1 1 bl'htnfl '"x-n m r11lh· tn lh" r,..urlh .In ... h,.r t'An11• th,. C.1rdln11l11 I ,. •·:·ti thp TlJZl'l'ft 4·2 Mon<1&y 11nd I lh · lnllan• !W'lllprl1 l h" Rr1t ~ox 11 • -, TU<'•<lll\' A hnm" run by I l'i!o hrr Cht':<lrr \\'1l•on In the 111 ·I prnw•rt I hP lllR' 1?111 Of \'IC'· tn1 \' for lhl' C'R1 •I• Ch..r l•'ll King hl;i•l,.ol 11 ho•m rr fnr the Tribe \\h•I,. Pat• hl'1 rlu•I'· V""' •l11m- " •'" 11 t11pl,. 11nrt .lnhnn\ T avlor " .1 .. 11hll' .l.<'>l).:111' •t 11111in1:• l h I "ugh I \\ •. ln··••IA ,. . 1·11t" 12 ·1 While I 1'"~ 1:11111ti< 111·1·1 111 .. 1i;:rr11 8·~•·• <'1 .. •lln111• 7 fl I , BIR\'P~ In·: <1 11m • i ·R. R.-d' f •' l\ 1n Y"nk· rr :l· 11 . T1<:r 111 :!·I':! I :-···'<I wrr!1 ·~ '''hPdulr ~tnmJRy I \\'IHIP ~n1<-lnd11rn• Ill A. 111.: I Rll\\'l'•-11rrt ~nl( 11 Ir. A. m. 'T'11r~tl11y Ti~l'fl<·<i111 11l11. 10 11.m.: n n 1::,.r1<-C'11h11. 11 • rn 11 m \\'e<1- ""••I•"' T1J?rr,.·B111 vt>ll. 10 "·m I • ~--~:-------11"-~-mr~--~L.~~~ -· Al..L THE WAY -A b ove, H arbor Boys' Club Midget Reds' Gary C la rk lashes out a sing le for the local un- defeated nine against O cean View. Below. he c r ossed the plate for the local lade' eighth run. -Staff Photo , l\llGHTY MITE -Co mplete with bat, ball, glove and cast is Ste ve Carlsn u , o ulstandirg pitcher for the Newport H arbor H1~h S C'hM l Class C League leadin g Giant s. Young Steve rc'cently brol<P h is wrist. -St aff Photo HARBOR ~~0~ BILL PHIL.LIPS, Sports Edito r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 PENNANT FEVER CAUSES BIG LEAGUE RHUBARB IN MIDGETS Pennant fever made ll11 pre.'lt'nce fr lt in HRrbor 11ru 11ummer bllseb&U pltl.y this wrek• wht>n 11 m1Jnr ltll,K\ll' llQU!lb· hie brnke oul In Midget uague r11nk11. Thr 1nr1rl!'nt occurreorl on e local d111mond durtng a ttll betw• rn a pe1r nr C-l•s" r d~..bailhng !ur &. fiu1. d.lvwan bul.l' .. Jn the be11l of bai1ebtlll trad1t1on. tht two 11mplre11 work- ing thP fray &rr1 \'rrl Ill dt!f!'rrnt conrlu.-111ni1 on " r ruct1ll 1Jlay. A younglltl'r who """" ntnnini: one of thr !Nim@ tn th,. a hlk.'nce of e n a•lult en1H h took h111 nunllgl'l't~I J"•l'llton tn heart. ma rched up to nnt> or thf> Ulllf"' llnll 1..t fly with 11 Wild !IWll•f:. Thill erupted a flur ry uf cha• it"!< 11nd ,ounlerl harge11 by mf>lll• rll AtlPnilmg th" ('ttnfltct Tn1luy, the 11rra1r had been pr• tty \\ell ironed out1 u cord1 ng tn Harbor Boys' Club A th- ll'ttr Ull"' lor Rort ~laC'~f1ll11111 "\\"h1 n you conq1rter th11t five p:111i 'mpf,., •'!''-arP l'\lnntn)t R. ynul h 1llamnn1t pr11i:r11m rnvnl"- rng PM h<·y~. · MocM11l11n :0111'1, "th" rhub111 hJ1 thl'l 11rl'f' arl' fev. lll•" far b<'lwN·n · .I PERFECT LEAGuE MARK I STEVE CARLSON PROVES MIGHTY MOUND MITE' FOR HIGH GIANTS Broken H•linCJ Wrist Mark Ends Seasonal of 15 Victories · The m o thers' choice as top all around player for the 1~kgue lead ing Newpo rt Harbor Hi~h School e1ua C Giant.a ia Steve Carlson o f 2908 Cliff Drive. Steve ia 8, th~ eon of Mr. and Mrs. N orm 11n Carlso n. A Ct er to111<mg I:\ \ltrtodcs and l week, ao theri!'• • chance I can loi.ing bul one hRll ~11m .. rn Ginni pitch In the tournament." the Mld- oulln;::s th1J1 8•"•-•un Sll'\'e hail tht' gl'I LealfUP mound maeatro declar· I tn1!<fo1 t une 11f falling oft h1a bike P<t tv.·o week!I' a r u Kl1d ll1 1'.il11ng his M11ybe It'• not too hard to f,'lttaa. nirht wrlsl. Stnl'P t h1.1 111 lhf' 1111gh· but Sll've na mu baaeball aa hill ty m1li>'11 pllrhlng r 11w, th,. a('cl· fa vorite sport His favorite ball- 1ltnl tn•IP<I h1 .. c rtrl'i'r for the see-playtr! W1lhe Mey11 "I j~t hkt snn tht way he plsya when I 11ee him on 'T'v." 11ah1 Strv.-. and laughtd 0000 HITl't:R Dukt Snider la young Carlaon'• cdilor ~hu\\'t'1I up rl'<'ently to sllool !avonte batter Oddly l'nOUjth. he a tl'nm pt<'tu:r uf thl' remp11g1ng ha• no mllJor ll'Af\JI' pitching hero. 1-:111nt ntnt' et thl' htlth 8<'hnt•I dla-rerhnps btta11.1•e !11"11plle Stl!\'t '11 11i.111 t y.w ng C 1rlNon ""• 11 rnnn1t 1w1rllni;: mH~r among the Midget I 11 .. 1111. ::ini: C1rnw an 1mmed1e1 .. 1 t...r1H:ue et>i. hi''• m ore_!ntereeted t.dl from Mr11 L 11 \'tt'1 llng of m hxshlng th11t hor11ehJ-nT.-f''l'm 43!-t l'AtKltnrt 1111\e Sh,. 11·1><111to1 11 prPll)' itnoJ hltlt>r,'' Slv\'e ad· · th1tl lltn<'e 511'\'P hnd hcen, .. u<'h 11 111llt••rt "I g et a hit just about tt am :ot11lv. ;11 l 1111 11f'1111on, m oth1•111 f'\'f'1 y gamr." Whet diamond p!'r· uf thl' G1:1n1 fl<'t'\\'tl' player• tot ml'r coulll uk for morr? 1 h1>ughl hP 1lc>1«•1 Vl'<I 1<11111' .!!per tal Rut hMeball I& not the onty null• I! .. ~J)(>rl ~ttvt 11 llHere.~ttfl In •· So did lht N '\I .. ·1'1 i>s11. ei;pe«i· Ilk•• rooth111t t oo. We play In the ally when It learned lhnl young front yRrcl. J like to play In the Carlson wu liO good, heo wu given llnl' .. ~pcti11l perml11111on to play CIR8ll HI• hobby 111 model 11lrpl11nr11 C 11ummer b11ll lu t year whl'n ht Steve maku hia own. wall nnly 7. Sttve htmll!'IC 1111y11 ht Thi' normal conC'luJing q uc11ll!ln ol!dn't '10 110 goort la~l 8t'l!Mn. "! porpert Ill bijf time balJplayeni 8!1 pitched for the Ret1 C'ox who ftn· th•· 11rason nura Its end I.a: "What ll!hed last,'' he confided wlll ~'Oll b!' doing thl11 wlnlPr 7" HE'S R•:AO\" Therf''11 no que11tlon about Steve'• BUMS BUMP INTO HALF GAME LEAD Edgln.: a half J&m• ahead e. the Co11ta Mt.11& Park B NaUo.-1 l..caJ{Ue, th11 Oo(Igpra bumped lh• Pfralel! 10-7 Wedneadey. 'n\la gave thf' Bume a 1euona.1 t'll!OOf'd of nine wins. five lo1111n comparitd to the Bra\lta 8-~ mark. Fu1ther frft<'turlng the pr-.v1ou. l hrt'e-way 1leac1l<x:k. lhe Olanta we~ up11et 6·4 by the CUti. Wed- nesda~', rl'duc1ng thrm to an ,_. rt'i-ord. DlNK IU:ADLY D111k Jo't'lk"r hurl.rt a three hit· tt'r for thl' O<Xlfl'1'11 ag'lllnat. the r m tlt'!i. Woc1tly B roolui hammer• ed h11111,. two ri.tn8, Rick Lock• wood 11n.1 Mtulln Tsyl11r one each to J'Uf'e lhf' Burns 11l the dial\. Giant J>1t1·her Du111 y Oam,.11 tn:oaied a three hlllt'r at th• Cube bul 1031 duo• to wlldneu. For th• Cubl!. Jim Hu11hlln.r t ingled acro1111 two ru116 anti llnl Armalmllt tr1p1- Pc1 to <lnvt' In one and set hlm.wlt up to tally. BOl.ATt:ll MJ:('OND Wllh lht B A nwr!C'an Ttgerw lllreaoly Cl'OWn<'d le~e champs, th, Red Sox bol•tel'f'rl lh•lr 11ee· ond 11pol slot b )tl downlnf ~ White Sox !'.1·3 Tul'!lday. The Ath· lrtwa mnv!'fl Into thlr<1 p~e tlf' b&Jlhlng o ver thl' Jndlana 17-4. J im Curtta Md Paul Fullu col· lllborateJ In to&111ng a t.hrM hitter egalruot the White Sox. CUrtla Steve hasn't gwt'n up lhough winter program. Harbor View of hurling morl' wins fllr thP Glant11 SC'hool'11 fourth grade te11rhtr8 will thta aeason "l might be able to have the lad'• lime ptttty Wf'll lakt the cast off my wrut next plannetl I doubled home l wo rune tor lt\• Red Sox In th• flrat canto. John aplnal the lndl&J\&. O&ry Dunn A GIANTS LEAP.FROG Mart.in a lllO hurled a thre. hltt~r lend Dav!' Loune war-. bif 11'1-.i with the mlll'e tor lh• A 'a. To FIRST IN CRUCIAL • Stanflin~T~~:ho~edneidey: B Nattor &I -Dodpn 9~1 Brana · r· 1 t I t ed th M'd I 8-:1 ; G11U\t.a 8-6: Plratee 7-7: CUbe A big three-run ina r ame eap-rogg e A 1 get 6•6: Cardin.ala i -11. e A.l'Mnca.n League Giants into first place over the Red Sox 4-2 Tue8--Tlrer1 11-3: Rl'd Sox 10-5; Alh- day. T he win ~ave the Gianla a 15-~ seasonal mark and lellca 6-8: lncbula 6·9t Whit• 8o'a. h n-d S ., 5 rd Yanke .. ~9. t e nc: Lox a 1 -·· reco . NeJrt _ .... ~ a...- Werlnl'l!dRy th,. CR rdlnal1 cor· v1ctory. Cardinals, CUI». Qlant.. I p. m. nl'rert the Brawe~ ""'I jump!'d over l . .EAOUt: ~ETtJP M.ondlly. Bra,... Dodswa, CUbeo l hem 8-4 for thml apot In the Slendlnra through WednMday: Ca.rdln&M, & p. m. ~. Play· l!landmga. The Carrl11 now poaae11a Giant.a l &·&: Red Sox 12·&: Card· ofta eta.rt 'J"tunwd.ar. I lln 11-6 mark rnmpilre<I lo the ln&la 11-6: B.reve. 11·7: lndl~ Bravea 11 -7. 7-10; Dodgi!re 6-11; Whtte SOil TOSR TRll'MPK 6·12; Yankeea ll-1&. Sle\•e Slmon11on anrt J ohn Hugh· Flnlll week'• eclleduJe: Monday ea toMed the G111nt triumph. glv· -Oodrera-Indtana, 6 :30 p.m. Red Ing up but four hll ... Jn top ot the Sox-Brave9, 8:1& p.m. Tuead•Y - -LhluL...'.Ilm 'I:en.Enk tripled home Cardlnale-Tank-._!:10 .m. Wed- Pat Hf'lmhola for the Olanta. U oyd nelldey-Whlll! Box-~en. e :M , Fortune 11mashtd a two n.tn homer p.m. lndlane-RM Sox. 8 :15 p.m. 1n lhf' fifth to temporarily put the Th11reday-<:.rdlnlll11-0lant.a. 8 :30 I Rert Sox 1heac1 · pm. BraYM•Whlte Sox. 1:15 p.m.. Jn Tuesc:l11y'• other g11mt. the Friday -Cardlnala-Dodcn11, l :IO While Sox edjtPd the Yanktu 6-&. p.m . IndlllM·Yen k-. 8:15 p.m. I Tern• Bagwell 11meahtd • three Pleyotta lltart the weelt ot Aug. n. r un ho mer for the· wlnner11. Beb4 I Niemie<' adtled a triple S f ball Pl l.A!'IHISC. 1.t:\\'t~ 0 I ay Earl 1.A-w111 p1trhfi1 two-hit ball ANAHEIM ({)CNS) _ Tontg1lt agatn!!l th" Brl'l\'ell lln<I l rlpll'rl and tomorrow. An.ahelm'• tine acMSll twn run11 fnr the Card11 Elke' aottbllller• play holt to Rob W11 rmlngton 1ln11hlf'd acro1111 Coolldre A r 11 on a at Ana· I a pair of Cardinal lll'Orta. helm City Park. Both ramee are Jllr k H otJl!eknPcht tripll'd In both I to etart at 8 p.m. --' While Snx run11, but hitting or The Booet.-r11 havi! won l& and Pete R11bblll and J,.rry Q u!'ener .lollt ju1l one lhla aeuon. whUa orf11tt that. J im Rutter llnd Jim playlnr 90me of the top l'luba Jonu a bsorbert lhP lo.. dei1plte In the Southwe11t. They already to!llllng a four·hlttrr Gltn Gard· holct, 3-2 and 4.3 wtna over the ntt and C'h11rllfl Taylor drew the Ell<.11. .... ...._tora-..&~sn lhrouP the•¥• ot a .....n.. than f« a rteh m1n t.o ..._ the Ktns· dam ot Ood. -Kat. 19:K. The uedle'• •>'9 --........ _.,,.,. lili'M ,,... Iii • ...., • ~ .A camel had to .,.. down oe 11111 kn.-to ~ the pt.a. We hllW• lmo1l'1l ria!I m• who Sot on their kDeee to ~ ttM Kinl'dofn of God. Ward-~ l..umbflr <Ai. HOO W. 0-.. IUpway Newport ~la -U •••II Midget Reds Advance in Mesa Tourney by Forfeit rd thf v1ctnry I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ BA1Tt:R nu·r:!ll Get thfl Newt!9t and Smlrieet • r.111n1~ -y enkf'l'll. II I ~ " m Th11111t111v -· Jmlian11-Car.lln11I•. lO a 111 Rrd Sox -\\'htll' Rnx, 11 I:, a. m. F rtohl\' Dodi:f'r!<• ln•llen•. 10 "· m . Rr11vl'~·Whlll' Snx. 11 I~ 11 m Wl'<!nell'!l\y. thP Al11e11 w .. re betlPred lnio a 1 0-~ d,.fPal by 1 W1nu111g up the Orange Count y M illget B aseball Coast La~1nR B<'11rh ''""Pile Pet" Rab· the Plastic new I 00°/. Leatherette• La Habra Swim Meet Saturday T.A HARRA 1 0C~S1 ('on- u •ague si:h e dule w ith a perfect unucf('ated record. the bltl"a triple and two ainglu and • • • • • 1 Richard Wet80n'11 double and pa tr rampa inng H a r·bu r Boys Club M idget Reds ~ol quick ad-of blngleio Th,. Btu .. 11 IW'ored 1 vanrenw nt m t he f o urth annual M idge t tourname nt at Costa thrt>r 1n the t1r11t frl\mf' on • Mesa P a rk yesterday. S tanton , !'el to t a k e on the Rede wa lk to Wayne Conn.ell. a .dnuble l · . . by P al Rtlmholu:. \\ 11tl!lln • rlou-m f1 r:-.t round ac tio n. withdrew from the compe tition. bl,. and the firitt "' Rabti11t's ~ Tii.· H···I .. I' .\\' "'"'", Into thl' J<on for th~ Rf'lh c.HTif' T1t('!t1lay !ttnjrle.. I at.tert<1 th.-111 ri:Plll 'w1mm1n1or meet ever to ~ hl'ld In the coun· t• Le Habra'"' Kfwani" \lub 111 s t A B t ,;.,' hold lhtir f1r11t 1\11nt111I SPA· an a n a ea s w111n1'r·, 111 "k· • hv •1"!"1111. ~a l· Ill Cn~ll\ t.f .. ,.g Pnrk w ht'n they S1nRle~ b\" llnbe :"1t'me11· llnfl urrl•I\' 1111:hl th"' tnni:lt' with 11l11 11gll1Pred the Oc-ean \·1ew nme J<"nl Hotlgsoln Al ong v.1th a LA· w1nn"r "'th,; 111111):•• · l-'111l11"1n l ll·I Thi' tnum ph merkl'<I the Rllna error at'C'011ntl'd for th,. fl· u Santa Ana tonk • romm&nrting game :11 8 pm. un•I• 1· the Ml'~a Rell' r1ghth .!!I ra1i:ht v1ctf)r)' of n•I 1oc11I t11lltts 1n t hf' sixth JOtll n· early leAfl and topplrd Sunahlne P a t k a r, ~ Alhl<·Lw 11111-el<'r Rod th•• 10 .. r """on. ze. Rabh1t t anrt Hl"lm holt1 hand· Acrtll 8.1. 1 MarMtll o~n .!!81<! the Harh<ll Rn\'11' 1 r..iry Cls1 k pll•'f'd 11 l-~·h1l 11t-ltd Blur chu<'ktnl! <'hOrl'I' A ll J nnlnr 'Wnml'n°11 n u tilnor l ~-:1..r;;:~~i: rh•mr1nn•h'"" th1ll 1Sunshine Acres Sanl a Ans pulled to a 11ubllt11n-1n th" t"11rne\', i:r1111g into the trrp.• tn thl' plsller Terry Bag-,..fr plliy with thr Nnrlhrm anrt C'lub RhiP" wnuld reph1re St11 nton I lA•·k with fivt i1inglu 1n rive The Harbnr RM1.!! enll'r play- llal ll'A<I In the 11ecnnd Inning whPn IO~l't s ht'>l r ki-1 wrll r11pprd n11l 11 111n1tle anrt trr· Centra l Mirliftl l.l'AJ.1111"•' tor two I A fl'11.t11r• nf lhA tWll·•lav 111<'<'1 I A:"AH EIM 10C':"!'\1 A tll'nrt11nrl' wtll be thl' holrttnit of th11 mf n'11 Al \\'l'r1n,.11rt11~. nlghl'io Jllth 11nnu:ll r hamr1on11hlr11 llnrt a lncRl 11 1re· lAitinn .run1nr Ba.!!Pb11ll Tnumey ~llp mfft. All actinn 11• '" IRkP \\'RS thf beMt fnr 8 WPekrl11y night 0 11tr1 .. lr11'1' R!lnny Myl'rl! tr1pll'<l In I ~l~h .. (°r\11.!!l IP~J:11~ l'l'A• rll' 1':111 I Lrwl8 tln!l Cla rk C'hll<'k· trams 1111\rttng Alig 2:1 deep crnler 11corlng thrf>e run~· Jn the 11lxth. Santa Ana atlde<t pl11cl' in the """"' IA H11hrll Hti::h I thrte mnrl' run11 by comhlning h1U 8r=~::o~~vl' r orne In froni 1111 , noon 't:hl' S11nrt11,· meet will bl' by Dick Elllott IUH1 Myera. Bohhy CIV8r th• Southl•ncl thu11 far. with hl~hltj:hlrd by the prP11Pnl't !If GenllfmM will! hit by thf' p1lchtr. H...-al •ntrles com lnit from Ha· ldll Lani;. I Sllnta Ana'11 MJ'ke lmmrll pllrh~rt wall. The Initial r11ce1 aUlrl Sill· Tht fRm!IUI swimmer flr~t won a lhrH hltll'r with Elliott doln1 urdey morning at 10. w1lh fmsl1 a C'hamplon!lhtp In 1921 Sh• cap-the catching. Ill the altemoon,, atartlnir at 2. tured the na tional crown 1n 1924. 81lll Bem&rdlno gav• a 11plend1d !IUT1day the um~ routine tllkl'I Her most recent tltle w1111 In pf'rfomance by defeating Vemc• In pie~ ~: Prellmlnarlt1 ln the 19.\3 Recently. ahe ha.a been Kiv· a thriller 3-2. 8en Btrdoo'a pltchtr momAnc and !Ina.la tn, the ,after-lni: 1Mtructlon In Hawa11. Bob Greer allowed but thrH hlta. Now For1nin9! WINTER LEAGUES T NIM Giid lrtclltfchlala SIGN UP NOW for 1st Week .......... I VAN'S ·BOWLING l lOS Superior, Coeta Mn.a BILL KLOTZ. llg'r. . featurinCJ Swift's Premium- ACJed Steer Beef • We Specialize 1n Cutting Steaks & Roasts t o Order • P"'"'lum Round lteak Rotlt'd Ramp Roast 9 a. m. • 7 p. m. dalh' 9 a. m. • 6 p. m. Sunday lb. ................................................... -... ·-····· lb. 47c Frozen Foods e Dairy Products e Bread e E991 !421 E. Coast Hwy. (next to Bank) Corona del Mar FULL CUSTOM TAILORED Seat Covers In 2 Color Combinations to match the new 1955 cars •UNCONDmONALLY Gl 'ARANTEED! f'olore are Whit•. tt.d. Btu ... OrHtl, Y4'11low, Oray, IUM-111 AU M"'a.lllo Colnr11 Ally eolor <'Ofrlllln.attae yoa want. Specially Priced For, ... Days at WI• ~f for J4f.N I PAGE '4 • PART i .-NEWPORT HARBOR NE~S-PRESS FRIDAY. AUGUST ·~. 195!:> !YOUTH CENTER IRA~ES GflAI OFF C LOOP CHAMPIONSJ.llP With )uat one same rema1n1nc on tti. Corona del Mar Youth Center Clua c Bueball 1Af.6Ue achedule. the Bravu bt-L'Qme loop cha mplona W~uday with a fl·7 victory over the lndla na That l&Vt' lhf' BraVf't a aeuonal ~ord of 14 wlna a1alnat a a1n1le l('tb1"•k cnmpa rf'd to the M"<'l>Dd IJl•ct Cuba' 11-4 muk The lndluna tl~llhl'd third wllh t ight triumphs. 11x lc>111e.$. A playoff betwu n the top ttam" h1 slate' I for nut Wt't'k Playorr wmner goo Into th' Harbor aru champ1on11h1ra In Co•ta Mua Park tht week of Aug. 22 0&\'ld Cunnell pltt hed the Brcwr va·tury afltr hu l'IUb •urged from behind with • flve·run la.st fl8mt. J"eti' F'lah<'rty smashed a homer tor the winner" for thrl'I' runll In tht' ••·coml. Grt>g ?.kGilllvray clout1•d onl' out of thf' park fo:>r two lndian talhea In fourth. It wu a ca.it ot who would uull&st "h1• 1n thl' Cubs 10·7' triumph ovn the Cardanal1 \\'to1lnt>111l1:1v Hutlen John Webster of the Cube &nd Kim Ov11<ll of th~ C'11rds gave up 23 wa lka betwc~n them. Sta ndlnl(s throul!h Wt'dnu day. BtaVf'S lt·l , Cube 11·4; tnd1an11 li·6 Ut)<l~t'n :1·9 G11nt• 3-11 Canltnals 2·12 e TRACK GREAT IN NEWPORT Ralph o~ P&11111. ont or th.- world'• greatut auto rat"inic dn\•t ra I)( all timt. will aJ. dru~ the Oranr,f County N .. w Car [1<~11ler A.uoc1atlon i.l lllll· boa Ba y· Club. M1•111.lay "'"111 St rt'.-11ang thl' ru·~d ror <'<>D· t anutJ tmphn111~ on Ca l1fvr· HARD Row To HOE ma's 1rarr1<· saff'ty proJ[n\ll1, u,. Pah11a lk•hr\'('8 .:un•td••ra· ' Harbor Jun·1ors Seek to ~~""~:~;~~:~:," ~~w~:~~~ • rHl'<'·•\lr pilot m•w 11·pr•'"""ta General Pet roleum 111 furtht'I • SOMEBODY GOT THE THUMB p · T ang lhe causr uf htghway Runners are heading in every direction as the Giants thumbs out batter going to first. Here a try is. in pro· rotect ourney Record ~i~l)~'ll~ea ":1~~~~u~~~·l1:. hit~ and Cardinals clash 0 0 Newport Harbor High School cess for a double play at second to &nuff the rally. C'olor of th• 1 9~~ EcoMmy Run m m. "Thf' Othn Sldt of diamond In a recent fray. The bases were loaded for -Staff Photo Harbor Boya' Club Juniors gained Bweet revenge for the Mountain.· ffi~~~h~~p~EmilN.~=m:e:·~m~~~~~~~m_._o_~~·------~---~-----~~~-==~--•fimround~~t~~h~~~CM Y•~S~~Ana -...; edn4 h Duri.!!J hl.8 27·ytar carN•r S uy i.•ng t e same club 9.7 Tuesday in the Onn~ Geunty a.a a.n e.uto racing driver. Df' GIANTS EDGE BRAVES IN CHUCKING BATTLE MESA MERCHANT. s EEKING Junior Baseball t ournament at Buena Park. Wednesday, PaJma held nearly every •J>«"td the local lada whipped their hosts with a 9·6 victory over lllle In Amenca. He won the SPONSOR FOR CLUB the Buena Park nine. !~~~na1~11·A~"0 ~1~~~~ ~~ LOCAL But now. In order lo protect Stl'Ond bue. champlonahlp twice. t.he C&nff· their oulatandlng record ot hav· The over • the • fence amuhH dl&n champlon11h1p In 1920. d Ing won all previous tournament.a t·ame In the flrat with one on. and the national dlrl·lrark Harbor arr&'• 11emlpro ba.ball Ing up my Sundt1Y"· a tten 1Dg lln the fourth with two on and crown tour tlmu. Jn 2889 club the M.-aa Merchant.a. are buebe.11 meeting, ktt>plng track In which they have enttred. tht In the trfjh with two on. Deel· racu In which he competed. I · of the players a.nd untrormK a.nd Harbor Boys' Club team hu to I ~ion by the umpire chansed thla De Palma won 2r>07. He aUU I currently looking for a aponaor. finan~ing the team. it's berom~ I d hlrd • wm 1111 rematmng game11 ID the lul one to a alnrl• an a l hold• the record fM havlnJ[ lt••d .... 4 N dt-I "'"' i.e .... """ d ...... loutloo. c-pl1i.1, ... fllh h•d w. ..,, .. t ... ~ ... , • MlW lt4rf1 ...... ,.,.. A••ileltl• N l•ac• .. Aw•v•t. Se.-e.nMt ., wl.., •• , "' .... ~. h•l•d•41 •••. \ '"t) Hl fl41\I C'all KarMr HOO ... • S&lttf ..... II C.1111llies <"..1// :a.. LI &-1011 ·~ .. ii W. L Ln41• LL CainM Torrid Stan of Steven Duel Tim, Sterlin.CJ Terrific Toss 1 Managt'r Ed Lane notified the a case of flndlng 11 sponsor or double • ehmtnat1on claM1c. They I out with no runs .coring, h.ow· led the ~alut number-or I News-Pren today. The loca l dla· 1 concluding the , Har™,>.r area were Kcheduled agalnet Long ever. lapa at the lndlanapoli• Me· mond nine 11 deadlocked for d~sn't w ant q1e: team. Beach P rocter Thur3da y. A wan Grt'en luhed out two hit.a lrf morlal Day race. Hl11 mark 183 II:. 17tt\ 8t.. , first pla.ce In the rug-ged Rio La.ne point ed oul that 8 apon· will st'nd thr m a.galnst the On· four at bats ap lnat Cine Yoat of 81S lap41 haa never t>Hn A pitching duel between two of the top hurlers in Hondo American League and hu 1or could .use the team M ad· tar-In entrv todav. •Tue11day Tht Harbor J unlor1 equaled. Cottta MMe . W d 'long been an outstandin g t own vertillinr and deduct the <"~st Caty Green "went bat crazv powt'r ~ th11 fracaa wu supplied ---------------------------Newport Harbor High School Class C Baseball League e · team ln Southern C8.llfomla. trom Income tax ... The way we re against Buena Park Wcunes11a,: I in t he fou rth frame when the lo· nesday resulted in a tight 2-1 triumph for the fi.rst place "I've reached the point wherf' ael up no .... " Lant said. ''I thinlr 1 In actuality. he bashed out th1~•· ea la 11cored 11lx runa. George Ma· Giants over the Braves. The loss dropped the Bra\·es out J no tonger c&n do evf'rythlng." about "° per yu r would ha.~(.-home runs. But one wu redul·ed I bt'e and Cart Bergeron bluted ' . • f Lane repor ted. "What with g1v· le cost of sponson ng the <'lub. I to a stngle wh."n the umpire i back • to : back homtn1, Mabee'• nf &econd place while the win was "1th of the season or claimed Gref'n neglettl'd to tag with two on. the red bot Gian ta. H • B h Ed 0 Torr1d Tim Browl'"and Sttr· Sta.ndlnga through Wednuday : unt1ngton eac ges range hng S tev• Shedd did the terrific Cilllll!I 14•1• ya n k ,, 11 g.:1 : 1nu 1ng Brown nt the Giant.a • A • L • J t .. merge<1 with th• vtct.or}'. Jn ~r;;:g·· ;.~~s ~~6dgf'~:rd~;~1 ;;~1 1n mer1can eg1on ournamen W r'1ncs1!n\1 11 other game, the Sox !»JO; J ndl&ns 4-11 : Whit!' Cuba clobllered the While Sox Sox 2•12. ANAHEI M. tOCNSI _ The The ar oring 11it ua ll1>n was ""' up l~-4 patt'tl by Tommy Hazlett'• G11mf'11 next week: MondA)' -i:urrl'nl 10th annual Anaheim on two walk• a.nd an error11. 11:1 and slam homer. NeO SaYiera in the nightcap. S11n Pf' d r o Hornets. Tornadoes Romp Neck and Heck for Crown son WATJ:R Wlo5'o SIM Wello Cl .. - ""I the win. White Sox • Jndlan!. 10 u.m .. American Legion J unior Baaeball bla•t••I Hrmet, H ·O. ae the 1011· • Brave.. Red Sox. 11 :15 a.m.I 1 p k ~· Tur~dav Jnhn Macy'• triple Tuuda y _ Tiger• • Giants. 10 toum a ment at ~ PA ma ar trs played thf'lr first gRme un· with the bags jammed aparked a.m.: Dodger• • Cuba. 11 :l~ IL m.1 charges no admission fee to epl'C· dl'r hght11 lhf' Yiu k•" s to a 10-t victory Wednesdav _ TI e~ • Braves. 1 tatori,, has no sponsor and tht 1 _ __. __ nvrr thr \\'hit!' Sox. T trry Ha.n· 10 a.m.; Giant• • gYankeell. 11 :J:l I br an<1 of bM eball 11 11peeded up • •nn W I JO wlnnlni: m oundsman. Thur d lndia ns·Cardt· ror the enjoyment or fans. No Elk Nines Play P1trh.'.!_ Bill n rnrkman hit a two ·~~, 10 .',;.: Rtd Sox • While: garnt' ill pt nniltf'd l() go over nm hnm,.r for Ole JhellaU, but 8ox. ll :la a.m. Fnda _ Dod&" thf' time llmJt !'If one hour. 33 rl,,.., .,,,u.,11... .....T m...tm.. y .... nut... Overti·m-e Ga me "°t ,,,_ ..,,,. .. U. Red 809 ... ere -~ JO ..... ; Bra- (l'lllrtl lhll Jnd111n11 !'1·2. White Sox, 11 :1:1 a.m. BIRD DOGS Eat h n ight there a.re 111 little FULLERTON tOCNSl Tornatl~a .e<i.1:'11 the l.Aktr11 ~3· 1 411 S1tfftC'l@nt Bombers and Hawks fl\ilt>rl '" show up for th,.lr pime., rr!l11ltlnir: m a ctnuhle forftlt all 11uc maJOr league acout11 1n the stnnd.11 a nd many time. more Anaheim ]l;lk11 r11 rrled lhr M g Tnrr1n~ lhC' nrj!'ht's lll'"l'lrini:-W illi thl\n H 1n attendance. Beach F.lks lO Inning" bl'for,. .lnhn Jll'nrnlln nf the Hornf'tll whn In Tue:1dRy nlj!'hl's gamea, Johnn.\I \111k11onn\•trh l''lUtrud ln stafhl'd 2!1 1"'1111:1 rlnwn th,. hMr Hunt ington Btar h lhrew a aur· the r un lhllt derldPd the 1.o ill· Tf'rry Hall rumpt>rl 22 rornt11 prlioP rallv by t xplod1ng with thrn111th tnr th<' Torn11•lt•t'll wh1ll' rive runio tn t h11 lltXth rnning t n ioue At A mrrige r ark \\'rdntll•lay Brurr l<>nipp •lepo,.1lPd 17 tn •Wl'll tie 11nc1 then .... ID the game In night. h u1 ""~Mnal t1wp toprmx tntal It> th .. 11rventh 6·!>. I K nox Boyd conn~tt'd fnr 11 26 t Ora ni:e h1111 things ll8 own way single to right 10 top ot thf' 10th Hrnrot 1n'.!I efforts moved him In· throughout lht' conte11t featured and wu promptly sacrificed to to 1rcond plar t' ID the tally cha11e bv "'"PP'' plav on the part of with 2211 Tr11llmg wtrf' Gene Huntmgt~n Beach. H o w , ver. secon~. from where ~e wall wild nr~·ant 193: .ltm ~flt Ider 1 RR: Gary l youn"' pitrht'r Bnb Smith tired pitched to third. Vuk1onnv1ch Grt'el) 174; Mike V11ile 162; Bob in t he 11xth mnlng a.nd the came up and dump<'d the bunt W hite !!ill: Rlr h P11laferrl l\nd Bob Bu ch crtw tagged him good thol permitted Ro~·d to race ~art1n H3. 11nrl TPTry Hall 12!1. SYMBOL OF HARBOR SAIL BOATS Mrll. Jl'lhn Neff, Newport H elj!'hlll. prttpared abovt f!or11l ""' htbll now ln county faJr'1 Florit ulture bmldlng. In thr • ut n n" r r!I Md am&ll'ur dlvl111on, thf' u hlbtt reprrN>nlio naut l• 111 nntur" of Newport :S.Ch. Mn. Nett placed second In corrr('I· p!lls rut flow~ ... division. '. SOUTH GOff ST CDDSTRUCTIDD ·co. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR 100 SMALL 230 30th St., Newport ..-. Barbor WS I Smith ga ve up four bues on acl"Ol'll with the ga.mP"' lone tally. followt'd by three h it.I BHI Lee Md Butch Lnr kabey arrountcd ror th~ five enJ!aged In the tight mound dut'I. run!! Lee gRve up f ive blow~ 1u1 did Lockabey. Lee fa.nned 13 Ana· hetmers, while LO<:kabty coJ;an•d on ly two r ival Elk11. Both llltles contrlbutect " double plt1y 1n t hr .Fullerton City Ln gue pt11yotrs. Sr-o:>ranJ[ r unclown Hornell 1671 I Henrottn :.?ll; \'alle 12: Martin 13; White 4: rll'nto II. P11nther11 1!\J I PnlafPTrt 16 : l<l'mper JZ: WISl"ISG Ill's The winntnJ[ run iu scored by Huntington .Bell a Jeddy Young who w&ll r reed home when Sob A v&ntz: drew a wa.IX. Ho11tetler 2, Daniel 16; J"ettlt ~ I Tornatl!'lfs 1~31 Lopeie 11: H11ll 22: Grt'en lR: St•hon<'s II. Laker:< f 4!l I J<mpp 1 i; \\'hit,. t 1; RPa tty 13; Host etlf'r-7 Announcing the Merger of .... Costa Mesa Bank with the UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK EFFECTIVE,, MONDAY, AUGUST 15 • 11te IClfM friendly, personalized bankin9 ser· vice will continue. The sloCJCln of the United States National lank has always been "The Friencly lank." Pa.,1 Crei9hton wnl be vice president and manapr of the Costa Mesa office. 186 7 Newport llvd UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK • COSTA MESA ~ c:.-:' ... -...... P,1 ·· r · ):-::_1 ' f • I ) le=--=-<, N, •\ And . ~if these \ <q_~..::?J(.1 ,. .. =· ... i .. .\ -· ~ ,, . '( -. / ._.: ~:.-:-QUAltTV 'FEAT-URES --,~·; . ...-' J ; · ~ : Raised found1tio11S ·(Mof Sbbs~ Cedar sllin&le roefs. \., ~.; Steel Slidi111Wilffws,2-CIJ G1ra1e. G1rllap . iA • : :: , disposals, ClotttespGtts annncinentm, Frt11t ~'\; >::; ;,"' If rnr li¥l111 rooiu;~.llO sq.~ lots. 40.lr 58 ,.,,•' 1allo11 Hbt Water Heater; Oak Floors.~ tftclln L· Cabinets, Plenty of troSits. Uh'usl fm in «1t11tea. r-f 1 ,., / -, Electric Heaters 111 batll. Rec~ Wool lnselltion, ..... ;· • ~ • ~ "ctosr .111 location; Alumi11111 Wiffdow -screens. 1 ./ Stwm.111 aid Paid For. ~ ·., '. · c~~TA . ~E~A -:& . 4' ~>>:---1 ;,.._; SUN~ttlNE HOMES ·. . '· : .; ~ . ..,..~;;_; .• -."Y'-WrTOfti'·'i WILSON j -· ---.· ;--.-f ,, ..... :.·-".,,_~ 8~~· . . -..... ; ... -. • ··. ·=.. ···· lvsr wpg(of''4r&Or ao.,fev '"; ... ~ .•. ~· · -. .'/· !.-k .......... r .-.......:· ') -FG'rnis'ftH M~ 9 to 9 1, •• _.. I £"'· . ,).' { ,,_... I·· : --- ·-· •.....,,, ' .. ,, ~ • -;,,;..,/' * I I I HOSKIN STORE ' BURGLARS. STEAL $410 IN DIVING GEAR Burglary of Lyle Ha.ltin &nd Son ~bialneu a_t 1220 W. Co&.at Hi('hway waa ~por'Ud tt• pollre W~ead&y by Oouc- lu Hoalttn1. e ... MARINE NEWS Dale Tl DE ,,.,. ... 8:3t a. m. T·A ILE nm. lA9 lO :lt L llL r ... u Th• United ~tat.. ~ed 8.H~ pu.eenger r a ,.. 11' lhl' Ul'\lon of Soulh Afn <"a dur1nr 111~3. AC• cordinr lb the Na t1onaJ Auto• mobile Clutl. ~ i.+----Orf1ct'ra aalLenta._ wu a1ncd b · Mllllni an unlock~ window In !.he rea r ot Ui;i;u1lding. Two dlvln&' rel'JI&~ and one combination ~rulator and a ir tank \'aJuf'd at $410 were atolen, Hoskin s&Jd Fnday 'Jlug-. l Saturd1y Aug 13 Sunday Aug. 14 Monday A ul!. t:> 'rut'.!Jd&y Aug 16 \\' edn e Ilda y Aug 17 Thursday A ll~ J 'i ~ i>:m. 7:37 a. m-:0- 8 18 p. m 8.19 L m. 1·19 p. m. 8:M L m. lft. u ~.• tt-- 8 J 4.0 i :oo t..m. U :ll-L l!r. 1:&0 a. m. l :OI p.m. 2:U t..m. 1 :OI p. 111. S:U a. m. 2:'8 p.m. S:U a.m. 3:34 p. m. 4:22 Lm. 4:11 p. m. • o.o IOU'l'B OOA.ST 00. .• U.. 6 Newpon lllff. -0u.1-~;;:~:;::~~~~ LADY ANGLERS By STELL (Mn. Ray ) MARSHALL Tuesday of this week is a day in August that five Lady Anglers will never forget. Mrs. Ross CDick l Greelt>y, Mrs. Harold I Eve) Graham, Mrs. Ray I Lily) Call. Mrs. Jim (Lucille) Karam a nd Mrs. Ida Naylor. m~tnbers who were booked on a club charter on board St. Louis J r., Dudley EUer1 aa Skipper. Thi• amall for an hou r 11nd a hair the fem- group of emlnt>nt f1aherwomen I 1110 bt>Jt•Ul to sag a11d !(row hun- left the dock al t a m. wit.h gry. bul Dud" was a halll mlln lhe serious Intent of connecting I -this w11s no orulnary t.lay of with albacore. rl11hing nu lellang down now 11n· II 07 p. m 11·30 • m IL~4 p. m . 10:03 a. m. 9 :38 p m 10:3~ a. m. 10 21 p. m. DAYLIGHT nas~ QUA.KTE R A ug 2~ FULL MOON Sept. 2 ·-~ 4.J 8 7 4.7 87 o.o •.o ~.2 8.1 SAVING 'TIME IAST ~UA&n:a Sept. II • tJ -O.• 1.1 -1.0 1.1 -0.I 1.2 -0,2 10 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART t • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 BOAT 00\"EU aALllOA CA?n' A.I SHOP .. "' ..... , lJ4' Hol ll Ntwtbw l lACH Yoa:r A at b or l 1 e d TBALCO FlbeJ'&lue Dealer ID tbe Barbor .... Brtq your ftber.. clue problema to .. Pacific Fiberglad ltOt w. eoua 8-T. ft. µ 1-H'ft ACl"OM from AU-Amertcu llkt. Since St. Loul• J r. Isn't con· tal thr 1whool was exhR1.ll'ftl'J side.red a pa.rttculariy !ut craft Fina lly, whf'n the ft11h h1tJ It took &bout 2~ houn to hnrt enough tht' t a ts wtre pu· reach blue w aters on the 209 m1ttet1 tu take a breather. but 1 b~k •~e ~ ml~ ~t not ~~~ t~lr ut~ h~ b~n ----------------_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At tn trolling tor llOnte tame counttd. H to ta.led 32. Mrs Gr11-Sh•t t w· d ,: - Without &etton, w1th the t'xcep· am a Evei topped wit.h a 21 I y 1n $ MARINE C .&RIURETORS lion of one flih l>Oaled. the out-j pou~rtl r. a.nd Mrs Gree I<'~' • ntr k " look wu grow1nr eomewhat dim. had the largtat amount -11r vt>n. = -S.-_ Pa1t9 Ft.ASH IS St"XLl<OHT Al.L Fl:EL GOOD Plague sn·1pe ITH. STROMBERG :-;ot any of the t ared fas htr GEO J MEACHEM Th't' a short Jast ance south a ga!" ht.d failed thl.'lr le1:al cal<'h _ • • brea~ wa11 11etn flashing In the 2-IS9 W Cout HJgbway Llbe....h. 8-J.US sunlight. Dudley quicklv Wht>eled I 101 but net>dlt':lll to 1111~· lhPy Race sk·1ppers . ""':t m that dJrectlon, cut ihe motor ~ert feeling prt'tly smug. Mr~. and drifted Into a school of albA· I Karam I Luc11le1 glanc.~11 Rt her core. It was a h 1 h on wra~t watrh an11 said. It Is l .4~ 11rea.ml! about ~~" oowat at w/ r . m . •n•1 it wtll take 1111 C'lost · • t.t'r 5 to three hours to get tn. how Ry Dl('K LEWIS black V.'l lh long-!inl!. :'\o sooner about 11? The decided the had _ Wl're the hvely ancho\'les cast h d It f >'.. N >:__,_ Tom F ro1t qualified Monday h I a or one uay. o u1e .....,.,,, out w en all five lanes began to ~reedy. After rationalizing Dud· I and Tuesday In the t'hmmatlon · run out In a ll dlrecUoM. The~ ll'y ai:-reed-th<'ar day's fishing races of tht' Snipe Nationa l Cham· SUCCESSFt·L 'fRIP -Lady Anglers above brought in 32 albacore T u\'.'s<h1y \\ ith SJ<ipper Dudley Eller aboard St. Louis Jr. in offs hore quest. Anglers from left are. Mmes. Ha rold Graham, J im Karam, Ida Naylor, Ross Grecll'Y and Ray Call. -Kent H itchcock Photo R"?"eeclv fish 11 11 but Jum~d Into • the ~al A.ctua llv some of them h11d ~t'n one of challenging ad· ploruihlpa al Atlanta. F reddy rtltl jump l'Ut ot. the 'A'llttr and vent~re and It doe. take itamllla I Schenck a.tao quaJlfled, rankinc grab th ball to tight lhe battling long-tins. lxlh lh 2t e . Tt:ey heodt>d for port. ., amonr a top boat. In The skipper, faced v.1th a pro· 1 wondt'r If they really know I the contut !or the Croaby·Memo- blem of preventing line tangle11. how lucky they are to mttt up I ria.I Trophy. Water Skis Sales I Rentals Catalina Paclcllebo•• I 1 we are 1<>meUmes alfecUona l('ly dubbed Ill! Lady T&ngters) ehoul-with this racing K hool ot the I Unbelieva bly light, ahlfty winda ed d1rt'ct1ons right and left with much IOU(hl "Albie&", &Ince t.hl• plagued the !ll'el tn !.he three-race whk h lh~ ital~ roopt'rtlted 100 aeuon hu bffn moat unpredlct· 1erles, and the l~ad would chan,.e per rrnt &bit'. Lucky -t h, word has a handa a dozen llmea ln juat on1 Jamlllar ring. Who knows, It may I race. Due to jullt one wind ahltt BLOOO 0 :-J UE<.'k happen to me. Next Um• when a boat might Jose u many u 10 Soon the deck wu gory with my,. reel click (T'indJI away like or u places! blood and white top-1tdera took &.n alarm clock, ru aay, "Boy I . on a brilliant red. After fishing sure Jove my old 3-3 lue od.. Several top-notch altlppera dtdn t -------------------------'-__ r_._ even quatl/y a mong the tlnit 2t boala In the ellmlnatlone, and the CASTLE ROCK AND 'COVE FIRING DUE Sa n Clement~ lslana wa · t~rtt w111 b4? da.ngerou1 to mar- lnen again lhle week, Oout Guard n ff I c I a I 11 reported . .:\"aval bomb1n1: a nd g-unl1r• Ill scheduled. Active toda y &.nd tomorrow from 8 a.m. to mldn hthl will be CNtle Rork whacPI alllO w111 be blaslt'd Saturday a.nd Sunday durlni.: daylll{hl hour~ l'yr&mld C'nve Is I" be un- d r r tar" tnday from 7 a.m . In ~ r m Authonta ... rrpnrt· ed now larger Drn1' m al any fll'h anti g am .. 11to1 e 11nrl gt't th,. low· rlnwn on tnhst<'r 1 rn r" Tl11•n ' a n<'\« w11v to mea.s11r<' lob:otr r" ltlO F11<h a~d f;:Rme g11y11 Boat, Outboard Thefts Cause of Search Here Two boat and thr ee outbo&Td motor th.etu Wt're reported to police Wednesday . Recovery of one boat and one motor wu madt', Mra. lrene Nel.-on ot 1oa ·0aya Avp, reported theft of a 18-tl. boat w lt.h a 2:1 horsepower mo· tor whJc:h the harbor dep8rlment later rl'rovert>d Charlt'8 P. Han-"''° of 608 South Bay F rnnt rt· port e11 l11s1 of ha~ nutboRrd which police rerovert'<I He ll8 1d the I t h1evt>a left anolhr r motor in h as lyiat w h<'n lhtv t•><>k ha s battle for the champlonahlp la u wide open u ever. Y ACHY CLUB CLEANS UP I ~~~:t ';~':'; ~~=~l ~;~m;~~~~: ~nn~ Thi• nrnrkPrrl 1<~oop flrf'l 111 11rtft nn a .1.1nat111n t11et . .John Leal n!'l s un,pr 'nagged A s mall 2 1 r lon loart wll• 11 W!ll< s hout h a~h fnr lhl' .I. t • HPrrym11n M l :J l!I E. BAI-I boa Hh I rep<•r tc"I lh••ft uf 11 12·(1 '" 1l anti I~ horsvpow .. r motnr fr<'m hi' pr.-ml~.,.. ll 111 11111 m1,,s1ni;:. I rHiot wN·k H" h<'att'1 1 h .. 111 off Ll!j.:111 ·1 Ho•a1 h -ll~f. Al. :\tl~S .Jim T1 r1mmf"l t(111k h18 Jll.' Cr11 h Ing wu tor s this pa.~t wrek. The weAther 111 hot rnoui:h. bnys, anl1 tht' Mllkl'll art llnmcthing to watrh for In I hi' Sa nlR Ba rbara rangt' ~weeping the field in the Rhode11 class during the Pacific Coast YC champ1onsh1p re- ~atla in San Diego last week-end were skippers from Newport Ha rbor Y:ir ht C.1ub. Shown here with PCY A Commodore J. G. J ohanson 1Jeft J arc St rat Enn~ht, crhter. who retained hia 1954 title, and Hook Beardslee with his second place trophY. R. H. Collins, also of NHYC (not present) placed third. The trophy prpscntat iCln tnr•k place on the porch of the San Diego YC, ho11ta to the big boat div1sio'n, follow111~ Sunday's races. -Bec.kner Photo ln ·""' to J:l't one ton He h11rl that l II••• nltl r-<·11 1lu1:. A I r.orgll. wllh ham I hat ""·11 Al 1·m1ldn·t mll.ke It we111:h FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS THE OLD SPORT low only han•I 1111··~ 1111 I htll lPr fly mnr" thl\n nnr ton. Tho,.e boy11 , 11coope. 11:1,·I.' • t1 an1:"'1 their rr llrement I Proof of tl11,. 11 -'k al" I;,,,. ~he rla n:. a hll 1 ·nucr5tant1 Lhey're brought In ap1or"\1111at• I" ::11 1, n i:mni: t•• work 11hout R.Otllhe.r JO the other t111y 11nt1 fltond•·d t h•• n-ar-~·rar11 lnogf'r th11n nrli:;tnally pl11n-, kl.'t for three d:t\·~ :-\n 11111rknt, no n«-d fa.ohtnJr:. llavo y .. u IM!en hl'r boy11 ! That PRH't:!il c-01·1.n ro -.t: goor1-lr1Clk1n1: rrrw on E arline? Eventually 1 hi~ \\'ft11lol rN•an 11n F:arl H"lland's 11port.1n· the. be11t· lncrpasr 1n fish rrar l'I' 11 111.1)' 1r1ke lnok1ni: rrrw In lhe neet. E 11rl fn·.. ~ <'11r11 to 1 .-rrur l hP 1! , ., Al:e workP<I all night to bring In only dont hy n••t.o, n11 ,.,,:i,11n.'I 11n.1 no 100fl ro11n1l11. l'n•lenatand hla crew hmll.3 to sr 11wnan11: f1'h hill If I rl'ally j.:('f'.'I for holtlogii. fVl'n for fisherm an I:. to lw """"ol nr1w 111 breokfa~t . hut 11l.S\nd hack hoyA. the time to !!ta1: 1 her hurt tuoloni;:a to daddy. Ard ITS A FACT, and Mre't why! Evinrudr Whul)('rtnR Power b• revolurinnited thr eotire &c.ld o( outboard dcsi(n, ma.nu£arture and JnMWI. lo an01hrr year your pr~cnt motor will IW' worth far Int 1ban 11 i.t rod~y. Anrf you'll h1Yc ''mmrt1 the boat" (or 1 whole v .unn'• fun w11h a Wh~nJ Pow<"r F.••inrude' Drop In-look 'rm ovrr-1ry thrm-1hrn let'• "tA!k tradr" Small SaHllMJ Pn11M from $185.00 L YU A. HOSKIN · & SON 2527 W. C-.t Hwy. L••rtt l-1J7J THIS NEW 'PLAYBOY' IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An exqulaite •Pft<f end ple11u,.. boet you'll be/roud to OWl\I A tingle bonded fibergleu unit ..... ,ta 1n ell. Mede to take rougli trHlrnent-kn .. leu tr1n1om built for the ""°t' oowerful mo10t1l S.. tt\e Perfe..-, "Playboy" todev. OTHll MOD&s AYAH.AILI SES 'DIEM TODAY A'l' LYLE HOSKIN a 80S JUO w. Cout Hwr. Sewport BNch WEST CJOAST Ftberirlaaa Co. UH Newport Blvd. Co1ta !'!,... Blackie Squ1rt"s ht>aded up the first run of the S<'ason on broacibillR when hP boated four m one day on J ean Louise. The old !::iouth Coast boat buiJder is hard at it to kerp nh~ad 11f the pack. A note of w11rmnJ:: tn 111° 1,,;y11 dal1rty Earl lhink11 h111 laltlf' da uirh· who 11.re trying t 11 h ll\. w11 ~ f11r I,.,. 1.0 Jll~I 11h<lut rii;hl lnb11lrr flsh1ng Thr IA w on 1rap11 1'1'.\'\KF.l<I AUVt: ha.' rh11nget1. the flrsl ma1••r 1 "" All w11.o r~rrrte11 attt.r ta.11t 1n ZO yr:ir::, l'nl1 the w chb1ri: 111 W<"'k s '"f'"" on tl,.er ll'MOn. h11nl· ____ 1 \!:Fo;;;r=th;;;e=B;;;e;;::st;;;R;;;e;;;s:;;:u;;;lt;;;s;;;i;;;n:;;:A;;;d;;;v;;;e;;;rt:;;:i;;;si;;;n=9=--P-ho-n:-~~;b ... o ... r;;;l;;;6•l;:.16 Anything l•l kt'<'J' that running I wit h pr11ctl<:ally an ultimatum that f11rt! Jtnint: ~o brother• Morris Anti e ll r ursr 11eaner• wall be on a 21>- \\·1111rr ~0111ler11 hoal"•I tn11 r an onr ton limit with 11 Sltl Jlf'r Inn rr1re t ciAv nl~n on their Lnui&l' ·nuur drop. That'1 for eanhne" Rnl1 111nr - l""PrY ,h k <'. """" ltl,. .. 1ttr:o1 "'•Ill· kt>r••I 1t·a lmpos~lblc tn t i.sh at ' lll"rr111l f111hrrman 1n tht'!I•• par t:. lhue prices, u you know and •n· 11 nd \\11• Al"" Jlll't aht•11t t h<' fl"l othrr 11lrlke 1• In lhf' offlnf{. r•'n~t11hll' :-;""'r"rt R.-Arh k t'"\\' Cnnn('rle11 Are 11 ftrr rhMp fnnd '"'11'" (II\ \ r An llJ O. ()( ro11r11e, for th<'tr dnir: 11nt1 •at 1 :rnrJ:" .\Ian t r mag ht h11\ e quit markf'I . bul 11n111e l'f the fl~" r e fa•hlni;: for tnickln,!;. h11L he'a l!tlll tncl~lry can I.HI blamed fnr th1,. S:"I !lah in hl.s hlnod (;f'<•ff;:e p11llC'd tum. Grredy Ill'!' o( modern r JP• · an his fl111t hro111lh11l n( lhr l l'l\llon lronlc f'Qulpment hy .oror11r nr lhr nn a '111•· ntr \\hf'n h,. '""k H•1rry ho)'8 18 11wet>pm~ lht' !''1111 • f Homr 011t to :01•11 8pawntnr f11<h Mt1 g1utt1n1t the HA \\'OHTH HEA ns 0 1 T m&rkl'l Rrn:i.11 Ill!< h<'tlrr M 11nrl for bot · Rt:Mf:)IBf:R WtU:'.\' tnm, ~b ll11wc>rth on All'r t I~ You olr1 tlmen v.111 rrmPmhl'r he111lrd Nil "'' 11 Jll.f!.1y "(lhtri:e when f1i1hmg \\'11.9 limltPrl to I hi' That llC\y 111 "'""Y" 1111 t•'P a nti 111 .t11y11 M l'l.lrh month t allc.I lhP w ht>n hr hrts t he ilo• k", t hl're d&rk «f l ht' moon. Th111·s 'cau~" II 11hould be "'"II" hnl f1•h11 fC nc>ws. ha.." to lie 1!Jrk t o ""'' the ph• lJ· i:;k1p!"'r ll11worth M Y" he q11tt f'h«rotL~ glo'~ nr tht "milk .. whtr h f111hanjt f('lr nlh\'11 l•"' ~, .. 111). lhe f1,.h cause when ll\l'Y mO\'c" Old Skip .l1•hn•tnn hn~n·1 m isted :"11w with rada.r, yl'u ran 11pot 'em en alh11t'<'r e ua .. un ,.111. •• he wu on the i:>rl&btul moon-Ill night knee h1Rh tc1 a Ian .1111 k ,· out ur brOAd daylttJht. 8Jtlll0 thu• ~···nr t1n .Jnnrn .lnnn •ntJ \\"hat·• happen•'•' I~ 1pawn1ng he's h11 r1I .. n 1 I • rr t.111• rt8h lltf' dlsturbrd and onre a nt't La.•1 t •· 1• \\lJ.crl._ l: "n lung 111 run l hroujth l he epawn, nt'i..t .. nnUJ:l~ 1t1 ''"' 11•• p11 ••• !leanrr yr:ir A 1·rnr> 111 kllle•I 1'PfoTe at 1~mbll'm m~\rl', ftn•I l1•l • put 1l h11t l'llf'A •q ua rrlv ,. frpll" I r t i .. !1ioh 11 n I Ir f •h aJ\•I llllme 1<1r llP MOIUI J:Alllr huyll 1u"I lhf' 1 .:ilrl• maa State I a bvlll prest>rnnjol • ur na tu1 al food Lei;r1~1RtUr•• \\hat thn · e1Ultr and aiding the f111hennt'n, then •·111.ht n"t • r •lid r"t \\ 11•: I•• •II' why dnn·t thty rrawt out from bl'· 1• 11t-• ln '""r', · hln•1 thrlr bA•1i;t<'1 end <"l"l'lllt' 11e11· "Tr.II•• IH. -•<'n• 11n•t ltm11• \\•birt II mof'f'. thf'V Tnt eannr rir• hll' o , ""'" o al Jhould abolish nt t flshtnr and a l· WE HAVE 'EM Those Quiet JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS 3 h.p. All 'Sins 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 2 5 h.p. Electric 25 h.p. Trade-in!i Rank Tt11M F'ACTOHY APPROVED SF.RVlCE C'omplett' Parts Stock All . · . . , See Us For Y Ollr Boating I Needs The Basin Shipyard announces New Owner I Manager "Spence" Service Department will Bob "Stu " Downey be managed by Stewart The Yard Will Be Open Saturdays 829 laysicle Drive Harbor 3881 I _J • • AGE 6 · PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -1-:1ght of t he t•1p ll'n N t'\\. port Harbor NC'ws-Prcss 111:wsbuys for t he month ul .July arc.· sh0wn a board thC' Is land Lad:.· befor(' ll-;n. 111~ Nc•wport H11rbor for Ca ta lina T 4t'srlay mc>!'ning From IC'ft, rC'acly tu go. are: Chu1:k Burgin, carriC't managc·r : Rn 11cf~· HC'dciick. Coron~ dC'I Ma r rarrh•1'. third pl:ll'<'. ~fikc Diekasnn. !-:anta Ana Hcr~hts. FRIDAY, AUE-ll<\T 11, I QSS Hobbt<' \'v 111ll·ruutharn. :'\l·wpor·t lh•ights: Roy Bl•nnelt. Cost a Mesa: Ron me Palnwr . Custa ~iC'sa: Glen Gardner, Costa Mesa. first place. Wayne Wa tson, Ne wport Beach and Dick lkdditk. currier manager. Two carrier s were unable l •1 ma ke the trip, Ron Jesse, Newport and Bruce J amit•son. Cost a Mesa, second place. -Staff Phot (> ' 'Navy lllmps Sample s.,,eg of L.A. Area l'\'\T '. ,\l\:\ 10C:'\S1 l"S l> .. r• lu>m thr I. T A In,. " d :-. .. n -.1 Ana ..ampll'd '?ll• p~m t. .,_,. fl a _,. belha ward by dU.. Of OM L.a. AnctlN ba•ln Oii •moe. Na vy S«rete ry Charlea Thomu ,.,.. •J)e<'l&I ~milulon tor tlle batmpe· UH In the ca.mp&lfll. !II• "' l l.nJ A n~l'IO ~t'Stl'hloty , _____________ _ .\ ~ "'•I' <>I i \ lt'Otlllt~ fl<IOI t hl' 1\a•tlll P\a)'Ms I .,_. w..a .1 r r•ullut .. •n foun1lU ton tn U1• Anr;Plt'11 ,·lm•h«'>I ab<ia1d the 111111- 111\f• ·>l111p. ,1 '1.1fl. t t'plttl' wit h te~t tubt•s rtnJ b ,•llles to ga lhl'r 1 sam1\J•·• ''' \r!l ·J<'rkmJot ;m1og ,-- W th St. at Nt'wport Bh·d. ··n. M-1• .._. Tlrkrle at Bl~ s.lla. .... All -1• ..-. flM N rwport Beach I T11p "°""r al 1h.-t'ln>•lde -Hot Do1• -Roaat ..... \'o....ar 1 L A\' A~N _HARBOR -Aa seen from the Wrigley Mansion H 11l, while on the Avalon Te rrace bus tour. Glen \.ar~ner, left. and Randy Reddick stopped here t o take p1cturt's or t o record the sight mentally while the other fellows were listening to the tales of the bua d riv('r. News-Press Carriers Have Big Time on Island Trip R.' DICK REDOICK ~wtr a nd m ade a rrangeml'nta for 1 ur.,•lny morning al about 10 them lo lake the A\•&lon Terr11.re o dn< k t here wel"" at IPai:t ten t•mr on ont of th,. a1ght~e1ne ei.c1tt'd r• n ple on th .. dock at Pott bu~~ea. Orangl' t::i.i:ht or lh .. m were ~lanagl'r of lhl' Avlllo n 111ghl· n"wsbo\'• llnd two w ert thru mun-:se~tng buases. "Jtan" Hambltn, a get a • ThPv w r rt> boart1tn)!" lslan<1 ru U8 on • quaint old bua wHh t.a1h-. b1rnmi for R IWO·hl)Ur rnus .. I ~ l~a.nva53 ~op. cwhtch took u s up • to \ :ataltnR llll&nd • I 1 OVPr t e 1ty of Avelon. llll through the city a.nd then along 0111 in;: the ninnth "' Jul~· l'"me I the coast road to tht manufactu r- iO-ocl<I l"ewpor t Harbor i-;,..,, s-1ng dl~t nct. l'rf'Sll 1· .. rr1eri< were n\•altng for l C'l ni•v r th 1 ..,. o e ll Ip came when top plHce ":llh lf'>fst compla1n1.•. t he driv,.r turned otf the m 1un n1rn1t new or rt,.r~. lUld mo.~l pn1ritll, road onto a road mar kl'cl "f'n· 1111 11<1t11n1t to a fun-par k"lf day on • vate." It Jed th d thP 1~1an1I ' up e IU l' Of • • I mOW)t~n lo thl' Wnglry man.~1nn, T hi' l,.n "'P bll\"ll who w1•re Pll· wher1.-the dnver ll'l ug oft to g1hlP (111 the t11p wne. 11tart1ngcl t11ke rn the \'lew at Avalon I\\ llh lop mllll : Gl,.n C ardnrr. I Whtie two 11r tht re11ow11 took I 1•1.-t11 -''"~!I. B rtzr t J11ml••!>on, picturr~. the Olht111 w11lk1•1t back I t'<•~t 1 !>1 ••11. Rnntly Rrdd1r k l"n · up t he rotad tn St'P 1f thP11• \\l'rt ""'" lfel .\tar .• J .. hn Bt"ck. :'\'ew-I 8 steps l•·aclrn~ to lhi> W n !(lt y p•1rt H~t)?hts, R• y 'Bi'nnPtt. C'osta ~lan~ion. Thp un\·er guara ntet'd -'1• •11. n.onnt" Jp~~e. =-:ewport. Ron- 1 thRl tht'rt' were, "'"d he 11tan.ed the I"'" 1'11lmn. Cn11t11 M f'l!ll. W11yne bl.13 beforl' lht ft>Unw11 rnuld <'Oun! \\ ·'"' 11 =-:1•\'f"•1l, ft11hb1,. \\'mti>r-them. l><l that will be ttw 11r11t 11 •'.1 1111 11 ~lb .. a lllhrn·I and "lrkto lhr'lg lh<y "·ill do on the nex t t rip. I I •i. k·••"n .:-nnt11 .\rin H..r~ht!i. After 4~ m1nult1 the bus w as \\ •' nil llJ:t •'<'.t 1t was the most back at the 11tat1o n a.nd 11 wu Granrlollo 's t formerly of Hem rt ) complete menu for the f emily t'IZZA e SPAOR£Tl'I e LASAGNA HOMt: -MADE RA \'IOU e 81T.Ak8 e 8EA FOOD YOOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Hsbor 4137 ort;s DAIL\" It soos-n MIDS-WHT. MON. a, .... Tit. IUD. THE ARC.HIS Cafe and Cocktail Lounge OPt:S 10 A. M. THROUGH I A. M. • Sewport Blvd. oo Cout R1fllw~ !"IT.~ORT B&ACR • t\h .,. CIOM'd CHI TllW..-J•I CAPTAIN'S CAllN • • lllDU't De" loaa • ~ PAUL 8UTl'O~ Ttte Dudac eve,.,. alpt (011cept 8 wt) from t : .. p.a. So Co\•er-No Mlnlnn- ARRl\'11'\G ~ AVA.WN -Excil£'mcnl rui>c as A\'<ilon Ha rbor becamt clCJser and the fellows anticipated the fun they wr re about t o experil'nce. Here t hev are .s11tin~ and sta'tlt.ling on the bow, with I fC'w olhl'r 11asi:;(•ngi-ri1 who came out.side lQ sre th .. popular resort s pot before le:win~ thl' watrr bMUtlful trip we hat1 l'Vl'r takf'n, 1 Lime lo IP&\'t' \\'e all grabbed j thr ""'lllhf'r w11• P"rfect, and mo.•l ha.rnbu1 ger11 on the w11y, and aev- .. r thP (di••" 11 h11d ne\'l'r bf'f'll to l'l'lll o f thP boya went int o a ll the ~·111 .. hn11 ht'f111e Red Rice. !<kif'· I drug stores. trytnK to buy corks J" r 11f 1.•lanil L•mr 14·11.• 11 re11I pal for lhtir llpearfishrng ~uns. Rf'd. otf the k 11IK h<·fOJP lhey 8TTl\'('d the 11k 1pper nf Island Lady, had DELUXE LUNCH hto111t• t h11t ,., .. 111nii: 81'\<l'rlll o! the \\arnt'lf thPm h•·fnre lht'v !(Ol <>ft 1 b .. , .• t\ "" i.:ut to du a hlllf' nav1-thP boat that 1r th1•y 1t1tln't Cl'I\ rr • h• 1•1" ! .. • , ,,. 111 .i17e " IHi ~e lo!••' m~ .. n the WO\' o\'er. the pron~" ''" t1w1r .i:un,11 he '."'' • ••I• t• u• ,, <111 1m11t11 1>rn1 1 \\'h• n WP a1r1vrd 111 tht> island w ouldn't let lhrm &boart1 ror t he ""' "'"" tit• '''"\ • ... Ht.<'""' •IP· 11n•t thP h"nu:o mnney the ftllowi; lnp home. . Jlt'n•h ''I"'" 1.; ..... 1 thf':111a1d "b11I·, hll.d ··11111 .. n horl h~•'ll J'Mlled ouL. _ .i;;,,.,ryone wu home ;11111 8fltr ~"'" JI,. 111r1 It••• sto 1•,11 .. 11 ll11\l j.J1illl lh• h11y• he11dr'I for t he bnat 1 · and before part1n.: the r1J:ht 1 l>r 11.1 • • • JI, "1 1 · ", 11 11111~. 1 •nu•i. .. 11111,. tn 11,1 ll lit Ill' sp~ar· tired bfy11 &~kt>d u1 to hold An· '' 1•n" n( 11. r rw.1 hl.-nd· uf 11~h111i.:. 'rn•t thP nlhr r hat( rltllllp-l'll!ll'r CaLa llna Conte~t. on!' that Jl:30 am. -1:00 p.m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHIS 3 :00 p. m. -S:OO a. m. FOOD TO TAKE HOME Tht> ~ame Pric-~ the Y f'ar Around CHINESE CASINO 1• "'" .. y ·••·I d o 111111 1 lt11t trn~ ht'eri 1 l"•'RrNt on t h" m111nla nrl . rrntinrr would l'Ollble them tn "l'""tf ll 111 u l "'I (' It Harbor .,.,.. w11tl 1 1 h 1 "'nt"nt th 1 d '''8 " .... •• •& )()& ,._ I I '111111~ ,,,,, \Jiii•· lllP """ !"\~ p~ Pl•r t11. r11r~ ,,~tlnK th P ~~~~o~n~:P~IS=a.n~;·~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jn,,•nJPllt n( t h,1 HHtlh'rt• ,, \\ h11 ~,it•li htrCJ (,q nl. ROd nutk1nJ,? th,. ~IBM r ................................... •--••••••••••·----- It Will ""l.1· I'" ••),o , ,.,j, .. I II\ thul hOltOl!l 1>11111 trip 11' \\'AS .\ il.\HU JU\ .\11 I lilts .. lhru· IJ">-" d,•1·1d1 d 11111111mousl\· t hat the bcn- dit'i; \\'t•r 1• lwtt .. r I h:in thr r:11ls ab11:i ni l~l.tn.f L rd~· ( 'at.1!111·1 \\,is t hrn ntll nf sight. :ind N Pwp111 t ll:-11 h 111 wa.s ;ihl';r.I Ill t hr mist and t lws" 1 hrf'" \\'f'rl' r,.nll\· ~"ll". From l1•fl . Rnhh1r \\ 111trrh111 ham. ~f 1 k .. I lwk:1.s .. 11. and H 1111111r l'.ilmc·i . wh.., sh'rl lnng<'r than anynnr 1h11:11 d 'Hasty Heart' Tryouts Set for Aug. 22 1 · f.Nr 1,. •II• I lir !'!1 "I · I.II• hl»n ,\f. f.,., 1 l• ,; ..,f •th It r• I• 1"-t'' '11 H•n H11 1k' Ii•• nl R• ''•t \\·hn W ll •IJJ"' lh· J11ru1'1111 .. n hR• ·'""' 1,11• • I 1l.11t ·1 \'-t•lll, f11r thP pntt~ 111 t "" pl.iv w tll '"' held ;\1011.I" 11nd 1'<tr• '"' An,1: 2~ a n·I :.',, 7 .Iii I " 111 'I p 1 ·•Ill· II" II (•11•11d·ltq• 'l'l•' ti>• tn > !';\ t I 1'111(' ll'd!'!'f'Ooll Ill r 1 ( I'll It 1111111~· wrriks lh• ~uool 1111 .. n - • lttl),.. ~ t ,1 ll \\.'I I' \\ I' t r , k 1• I it! h q I \ f ;•Jt U' l.1~t '~ • J • ' • 1nn1I\ •·h111it, •n ,·,r·n.• d•r !" ... , 111 • t-1 tl•• n P !l H.r\ 1 th• I Jn\, , f },..., nu,...... 1,, ., ~.:ru •, ;\I II l'h• ,,. I• A !. fl•' \\ II lu• qi 1 I rn P\'l'J \·II« t•l t •• , ... ""' hn lt••il Th<> Hll<I\ llf'All !IJ'l •llllh·U~ 3 -R• t •'•'llll'dy • 1!t 1111 I\ b\ Jnhn P:\ln1·k \\,II he thl' H art>• r n 1m-1 0\11011\' rl11yf'r~ fl!,l "'"""' llflnl nf the fo1 thrnmtni; """ s n n ( 'h011'e 1,t lhf' plll\' Ill' lh•• sf'11son n1't'.ner Wl!I.!! 11nnnun,•Pd t1•r1a,, ~· M11rjo rie H11rnf'll l'N'''''""t ,,, thf' ltl(>llfl · T l11 J<t>lf'<:t1on "' b.11h ht~hl~ •nt\>rlatnrni.: MU µ..11irn ant lhf's· lrlf'\11 ftlrt. IL Iii a pll1y that 9\'l'ry· •'nl' will enJn.v full\' · Sl!ltol Mr1 J~nrnett Sl'hl'1fulrtl f .. r 1'l'Od111 t11m In J.1t1• 0< l110,.1 Prllll!tP l'i)llsl ( ·, •lll'J::<' I 'hnf'• I. 'ih" H & l! t )' lfral t 1"<1"1 "11\ll llA1•lf Wllh l'tit' l'od1111,,11i. ••ff,11t~ "' lhP patlt>nUI 111 ,. t••11tJ1•'l 11 1\ 1111t t•h r1rl.t 11 .. ,. J'I' d 1n lh!' 1'1>tlth I'll< lfh Wht'n lJ , ' ••ndr11 1·. 1 '" 111.1k" f11rnd, 1 \\It 11 ,, •l .. 111 h 'I •I h t 11'11 youn~ ~cn!\h &»ld11'1 \I h11 h"tl br•., ~""' ,, tt :t,t"" h1.s p1 1 ,,, •n,i • •tn to J'ft'""•f't ll •U ti-,1 ... 1f th••.,,~- A .:r.·tt l J•·'--1'"11 u.. ' -.in "' 1t••' & ttnn tnr ha s fellow man ----------- rn11111(~ rhn·rr ~ I Rronk~ 't11t ... 1 11\lll "a lthr1111t- -----~ . The New Art Sfegmann's Colonial Restaurant & cf!o11119" Just. Delicious Food! ST.EAKS .• CHOPS e SEAFOOD AUSTRALIAN LOBSTER TAILS ;\'l('t Ill'\ '\"t-ll ~t:1.t:< TIO'.\ r'Ol'I 1:AR 0rRl('t .s Mar iner's Mile-2332 W. Coast Highway across from Port Orange Newport Beach 1~ lh{• P''"l'I" wh1o pl.I\' 111 tl I li('fl>l t• wr h;,il l••ft N1·wporl th~ F Oi' ~hi' )'1"'1111 ll<1n "f. 'H.111t\ r11p~1 hrtd lllRrle Arrangement~ for H .. a!'l w .. "di n<" d •'tl:hl i;:9111f u• 111 V1~1t GPne J ohnson. e:~titor me11 Rnol ""'' yn11ni.: \\111T11tn . I"' lhP ('11ta1tnA l11lant1l'r Hr gave I :\:• '. ,. ~a1 · 1• ·' ""'"hi •~ l ,.,,..w. lh• t•·llnwi< A l1rs1 ·dR.~.• tour of • t I J'l'I h•• ""111 ht' plRnl, 1ntrodU< ed ttieni to h111 HALROA Al Ouslr- A moll1nn twrnJ..hnl:' li1:ht~ lr11n~f"rm UIS!\ ~:rt,A Nil intn 11 dri>Am wnrltl 1 Snach er full MHh- 1 n IJ IS;'l:l'.Yl.ASIJ'S fahulouR r"~t11ur11nt~. o,.~ 10 •... ,. 10, ,,. ,..,, o., Open 10 a.m. DINNER SERVED from S:OO p.m. DA~CL~(; ~IGHTJ,\' t:~.JOY Tiit~ fTS 'Tll, IO P. M. Atlw/11 s 1.00 ... c1 ........ , .. Cltiltlru .,.,.; 11 .......... SANTA ANA FREEWAY IN ANAHEIM 65 th Anniversary ORANGE COUNTY FAIR August 9-14 Fairgrounds On '\r11purl Hht1. (HIAy . M ) al 1111' nnrth f'dl• ofO!iota ""'"· mlrh\ ".' 1-wtlA'rf'n l'lanta Ana and 11'.-wpnrt Bee.rlL Feature Displays -Fine ·Arts -Hobbies Agriculture -Horticulture -Home Economics Flower Show -Poultry -Rabbits NATIONAL HORSE SHOW JUNIOR FAIR HundrP11a nf ho,....,. In full "''m1wt It Ion al ( all· ,,;rnl•'• lnp •hon . t:l,i:hl u ,_,..n rwrfnrman1 .... t1111r ..lunlnr "h"" •. l>alh In i\r,.n11 l 11uni: •11rlt-ullurall•I• lhrnu1llnut OrMp 0.>4.tnt~·. nlllhlllnc cro1111. hom .. malcln1t Md u- •lork, "Ith annua l puhllr llvNt..,.k auctfoe • fl p.m .. t 'rlt1a)·, Aull. It . BOUCHARD RETURNS l '1rt1t,. '"II""''· rumhln,.d "Ith rnndl'm m n•lr, In 11lttl'r1n1t pa("&ntry '111,.rfut • '"'"°'"'· 011Utllndlna mw•tr , nrtainlll danclnr. ~l1ht1y at 11:4.\ p.m. tn rnm forlabJ,. Amphlthf"Atn. State Baton Twirl in g Contest -Pogo Stic k Race• Public Square Dancing -Daily Entertainment Commercial and Industrial Shows Band Music -Carnival -Fun VALENCIA ORANGE DAY Thunday, AUCJUSt 11 SincJI• Price Policy MaJn ,.,,. Mlml••lon P"n1111• t'alr \l•llon1 lo ., .... nd au ....... attN('"ll"-• la AN"na and Amplllth .. at,.r. Adufl• II ,/Wt, ~o t1h. < hlldr,.n undn lw..tye, He. Setarday, Attl'uat U . KIDS DA 'L AU rhlldffn und"r 12 IM'M mJ>anl,.d It)' adult wmlll.-d ,,.._ 1890 Parade of PrcHJrets 1911 l1 Too Late To Classify I • MESA WOMAN'S 'GOOD TIME' ' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE 7 FRIDAY, AUGU5T 12, t 955 $ $ 62-Kea.I Eatate ------- Udo Open House 123 Via Genoa 5-9 p. m. Bra.nd new 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Can conn-rt to 4 bdrm.s. tf desired. • Full prir<' S37.A50 Qua llty design Pd, finest con st ruC't 1on Courtesy to brokers Harbor 62i:l4 Unusual 10 Ac. M-l lnduetrial -$55.000 BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. LI 8-i562 & Hlr. 221 fl0c!l2 Bed. Spring & Mattress Complete $10 Washing Machines $12.95 up These and a thousand othC'r household bargains you can find in our buge stock red uction sale, 50r r OFF ON EVERYTHING ! ""~verything for the house -furnishings, t oys. radios, cooking utensils. clothing. dra1)('s, curtains s Dt:Tt:CTl\'f; STOR\' -Jud~e Donald J. Dodge lis- tens can•fully to testimony gi\•en by Det. Sgt. Allen Leroy Johnson. right . Th<.' Newport Beach police cletrrlin~ Wcd1wsday reported a conversation with Robrrt H. La\"tm1e, accused of fatal beating of Irving Richard Perrett. 21. J1.1ly 23. -Staff Photo DEFENSE TREND 1 skallvrud Girl lorn ('ontlo11f'd from t 'lrlil Pa,e · 1 • I ENDS IN SERVICE ·STATION Nell O'Dell. 397 Ramona Way, C<>ata Me-. wu a.rruted tut nicht b )' offl<'tr• J. H. She01n and Sam Ambw'l'fy, on • <'h11rge of hit an~ run dr\\·1nr and drtvtnr whJi. drunk. Th• ofrl~n hearrt a C'r'Uh at the Golden l:&l'I• Ou Station and ob1en·•rt M1H 0 '0 1'11 back 1nr away trom an oU cont&1ner. l.att'r o11he 111 reporttd t o have relUMd lo Jet out Of her cer or otherw1re' <'OO~rate w ith offlceni to whom aha I• 11&1d to hl \'e remarked that "It LI my nlr ht to have a r ood lime" H1rborites Win 11 Floric1lt1re Aw1rd1 at Fair Jn norlcultu,.. '"'dlv111on. ama · leur, at Oranr• County h it. 11 •~rdJI ll>'et'e claimed by Ha.rbor- 1~. Co«ta Meaa-Bay Cltlet Jl'\lch· •la Society placf'd third tor pr- den dube, feature dlaplay . I • Oo check1n1r the ru atatlon ottlceni reportPd not only S:>O da.mag .. to th• otl rontafoer. but that one of the ruo - hne pump11 wu knorkert frnm Ill foundation. Under <'Ul flowen. ireneral. Mra. Jol\n \', Neff ot Newport Bea<'h took H<'ond for coreopah1. Arlelth Halllnc of Cqata Mua first t or delphinium. SCORES AGAIN AT FAIR Royce Wins Sweepstakes in Vegetable Division Mrw. Vernon Malhewa of Co· eta Mua wu MCOnd and Mlaa Halllnr lhlrd for tuberou. be· gonlaa. potted. Mn. Clyde Sim· monda ot Corona del Mar wu lhlrd for rer&nJum1. Miu Hall· lng aeronrt for r loxlnlu Elaine Walker ot Cot ta Mua was fi rst for fruh flowtr a r · rangeml'nts, wMle Jane Martell ot ('oeta Ml'M pll l'ed first for C'or11age of fruh n ower1, nr11t tor fruh folll1ge <'Or1&ge and l!t· cond for wall plaqu... a rrange· ment With 23 award• to hla credit In Future F annera of Amenca agnculture at Orang e Count:v Fair, Costa Muan Woodwortl Royre wu •weepatakea w inner In the vegetable ' dlvtslon. In fruit• and pod ctasaltlcatlon he placed u follows: Beans. •na p, grten. 2, be&l)I, enap, w11x, 1 and 2: beana, Kf'n· Lucky Wonder. ~: eggplant. 3: bell ~p~n. 3; Pearsoo tomato t ; hlle tomato, 1 anti 3 : Swtsa chud ... 2: 11weet yellow corn. l and 2 f1rst for head lett11ct . lhlrd for carro111, long type and third tor carrots. 11hort type. UnrlH FFA Clorlculturt , F rank Bra~tf' of Costa MtM took first tor Stlloum ph1lodendron11. ,..,.. cond for Dlf!enbachla, th1rrt tor n owerlng plants a nd third for 1hrub1. DOS Mf:Rt:om1 EWE FFA did well In rl'glstered In J unior dlvl11on f lorlr ulture Mra. J ohn ?\l'(f plBC'C'd rtrst for fruit.. or vegetables. breedlnit a nimal• vdlh Don Mere· ~...,. ... • dllh's Suffolk PW,. <:hOSPn C'ha m-c1•t1• ' league pion. He fl.ll!O took fir ~t and third for ~arUng ewea, fourth s rolng to Ron Milin of Cost a I to eek More Mes11. BarMy t.:ur ttn took l!l'· :::p.'°r hi• y earllng ewe. range Gas Tax Funds Meredith. who 11 from ?\t'W · F1111 .. "'n • r; H 1: llwit1naton B•af'h, I H ll!I , l.aJo?Una ~h. $6100: L11 llabra. S6891: Newport ·Be&<'h, 113 2~1 . Ora..n1e. PNSi P la<'entla, I 148 t : San Clemmte. U 82A; Santa A11a . $0.020 ; 8.al Bea<'h, u:18: and Twtln, f l0.6. Now 8 howr \\lU,IA!'t HOLDES MIC'KE\' ROONF.\' t'RF.ORIC' Mi\BC1t "lridcJ•s at T oko-Rl'' &Ito ''The Cruet Sea" Sun., Mno.. Tue.. .IASF. Rnlll!EU. "Under Water" ('OltSt:L WlLDF. "Passion" Starts Wed. m.r.ss FORD "The AlftericaRO" • &leo "Conquest· of Space" MesaW --.,, LMt Tlmfl Sal .JA\tf:li' ~Tr.WART "Man From Laramie" bedding. E\'erything at sale prices'. t r 11 lox 111 111,1, \\' U.olbua Bini. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Skallvrud, ""~'" llr• l.11\'1 rr•'q w,r .. i.tu)IO,I:' :1221 Ha.rbor Blvd., Co1ta Meaa. lhp mu1n1ni: ••f J,1ly '..!l. It \\lS Ht nre pa renL1 of a girl born Aug ~ this t 11111>. a1'" 1dir:g l,., t<'st1m11ny pn Hoa~ Hospita l. In root, bulb and tuber clu· 111flcations Royce took t he fol- lowing; beet•. garrtt n. 1 and 3; 11hort carrotl, l and 3; globe radl!hl'll. 2 and 3; In vice crop•. gTten alldnf cucumben. I and 2: 1mall pickling. I. For sum- m er 14uuh, m a r k t t 111z.e yellow. 2. DESSIS BEASS WIS Ronnie Denni• of Co1ta Me11& took nral In gnen anap beans. port Bt11eh, g raded choice tor SANTA ANA AUG. 12 IOCJ\'Sl Uleep. 11ngle fat anlm al11, and -Although Orange County's <'ll 11'8 WM n11me1! seventh 111 showman· will share a SIM>,000 J:'M tu 111- llhip. Jn alngll' fat 11mma18 Rogtr location t his year, the county U>a-1 George and Ron Miller ot Cosla gue of C'1lles IMt nai.;ht d1•c1ded It Mella i;ra!ll'o.l' top good J erry v.,ll lletk mort fund~ nP''Cl ytnr I 111, ha~ Tt>dft Sharer or Newport Btach graded The e"ecut1ve botird or tht Lea· 1 "Th Dam lusters" Recent additions of disablC'd ''ett.•ran pnsonncl who have complet ely rcfurbi~hed , reju\'enat<'d and placed in top condition e\·erything in our store - mllkes this sale possible. Buy what the boys rebuild! It makes new jobs for the men who have bcrn dis· abled in the sen ·1ce of our country. b_v ~1111 . B1kf'r Rl:•I limllh, t hat low ir;ood. gue, meeting lll 01 ange tut m11:ht, e Stl up a c-ommltte1• to lw k into -- -• -.------ the poss1b11ltlts ot getting a big-Stana Sun. gl'r aJloca uon ellce next yf'ar. \'lll:ng rnr<'ft \\ .. ,, <( ~"1 Jrll'li<lng I -:~1'~·slh~·I ~~r\~:",nnPw~n~~1''~,,1 ~t~ J~~ SCOUTS txpoJ-11,i.: h11111elf I VETERANS INDUSTRIES (n_l \\ f 0 t \\ ,l"i i:t• ... t 8h• ti U :<t f'ht\S• Ill,.; •• , .... u ".,,11th··-···"' i.;1 .,IJ-WILL lm;.: up 11 ~'I• k fr.,111 it \ Mllnt l•>t 11 MISS HURRICANE CONNIE; TOUR MONTICELLO TOMORROW Prt111dt'nl rof thl.' l.A-11gul' an•I chalnnan uf the bo1trd M uyur k oy 1 Sea brltlge or Huntington lil'ach I llneJ up a committee <'OnlJlOl!<'·I of Tl£m.£! 402 E. 4th St rect. Santa Ana \\ h• r'' " h ·'•'•' \\ n' h1 II'~ huUt. nn•I rep .. rtl• Uv •t• 111111.: lh" \'1ct1m whu t,ll• r lli•"I By LYN BARTON _2_2-_Lo_s_t_an_tl_F_ou_n~.t~I ___ I S0-8-."e_pllancNt 1-:1.Ec 1n:i:1 w; !l 1·u ri . pr1 fr1·t \'1•n1ht11111. $J!'I 161'1 \\·. B11lb•M Hh·.t , :" l'\\ f" 'It H•'•\• h :rhr(•2 J11hn on F 11o l t ho 11' \\olS no hl(•O•l nn L11\'o11·'~ lrunlts 111 th~ 11mc pnl.-1• 1of11t er~ lll W th1• balh111g bllol July 2:.1. ;\fl,•r h:.t111111ny 1:1'' n \\'1·11n••s- 1ltly n.111 mni.: by prn~f·r11th•n wit· WA NTEL> -llf'rond hllnd 1111ilfl8h "'>'!!ell \\'111111111 uour.:las l'nce, 29-H«:.1£ W~f!l~----~-I 11n1I ,.111~ Ill )tOOd c·ondltlon C111l 1 11mbul11~<·1' 11ttl.'11Jant. uncl W llharn URGENT B"lli:tle pup n•'l'drn~ medl<'lll C'&rf' lo!'t l'\owpott 1111•1 Aug. fl whit!' & bh11"k. wli1tr '.I' Con ba,k. K 1tl• 11nl1111'pv REWARD LI ll·fi01 3 !10dl2 ON THE APPALACHIAN TRAIL, VA .. Aug. 12 - We've kept our schedule and despite some storming we be· lieve we bave missed most of Hurricane Connie. This Is t he nl'ws from Explorer Post 17 of 'Newport Beach which is sli~htly less than half way on iu 10,000·mile tour of t he United States. L11...•t n lg-ht W t> were given quite lla1bor 22 16·J. 001'!12 Rm1th. J . l'ilil• v !{m11h called :'11 1•!< l:ln ker '" t h; ~tnn1t when th(' heHnni; r .. ,.111111·d In the atlo•m<><•n. A lln11 t.1, 111 n J>lnk .~ummer dreM l\ltcl'I U11k1·r 1le~•·rtb1·d thl' midnight "Wll'n, hl'r fl1 ~l sight nf rerr.,tt • ll.l••Mn~ I 1w"-IC .. 111-.1•1,. the t il- 1 I•'( \\II rl •\\', nnrt thP r• Sllltant 'hn,.e d 11\\ n 8n1t1 .. a Wvd. a. i;end oft In my h ome town or \\'ru·wtlk. Va. TI1e )fayor and a hn.c1l or to\\'Mp••ople wer1;1 there. M11yor Geo rite A bernalhy wiahed u11 G<-d Spet'<J. We and the people of Virg1111a wrre moat unhappy Lhat we didn't ~et a chance to 11h"w our i;coulerll w hllt real At· !Mlle Coast 11urf1ng wa..<1 like. But Hurnca.ne C'onnll' t ook ure of MALE Cir 1-~F:MALE hslrrtre!llll'r tn w11rk In new. pl .. a.11ant •hop. 40-Auto!4 for Sale Ev81 y thmi: (t1m lshed. Highest --------------- s.r1111r1tntrl' & ,.,.,mm111Mlon pat.1. ·~• CADILLAC'. Apoln ~old. MARIO'S S MART SET-Har c pe. All extr1111. L"All ~11 0~. 00<:• • 1!'1000 milts P r!. pany. dub than l iar ____ ! 3i0!1-W, We!'k·!'nrl11 90<' \\'OMA =" 1•1 11t11y Wllh lt>en ll(C 10~11 C URTO;\! F_O_R_D-,-,-.s-. :::-l•••r, rh11rl T hrre n1te11 in middle of f'ornom attr. pow<"r bnik•·~. tlnt- wt'ek. Tr11n~ro1 ta tlon necessary 1 e.t 1:la118 rhru out. likl.' nt>w , Her :i;n:'I-\\' Call wl'ek <'ntl• 770<1 m11.-.. J u~i rrlr;i~r<l tn ~· t. fltlr 1 .. t.•tolll'. $1~0!1. LI 8·H 31 fnr --------------a pp t. uo,02 (; IX I:" rRA F"l'S~1AN m••tRI tilth". :I JllW chuck, motor. table &u 1111~S175 Lewco Electrh Co ~:16 :". =-:ewpN I Bl\'•;. Newprort ~arh. LI 8-~38:1 P(\c92 42-Trailf'rfl tlF. \Rll 8CRF.A." lhnl i nd the exrilemtnl ahe gen- "\\'bl'n llnb 1 [,,aVnnPI rr'1•ed l'r&lt'<I prob11bly mRde up for the I lir :-11t·k I 1 urn• d 1m11y. J h!'rtrO h11:k of a swim In I he A ti an lie. l 11• r· ,111 I k•· n """ 111 11nt1 lhe St:E lllSTORJC TOW'S men 1 l'nn•tt 1 /'R1il nnt tn hit him \\'e r111n" by way or Rl<'hmond 111 th• f.11 "· J turll" I urounil wh~n lllld ye8tl.'l'<la.y mom 1ni: toUrl'd Ap· Bill 1S1111th1 t"'·k t h•· ~Lirk Rway poma ttox M<l wr rt' g iven a tour F OR SALE or trurtt'. lrsller for and I 1h1ln t S•" tho• ••thrr miin. I <•f thf' McLl'an House whtre the rru1~r of .. qual \'\llue. 1111nson guc:-~ h1• ""!I dov. 11,' \Var f!,.tween the Stoles wu end- 23'. 2 1 yt>Ara old. C'nsts $3,000. Shr 11,11•1 Ll\Vt-n r r11n lnl•• the • 11 We mO\'ed on Into tht moun· Bdrnr . i;h11wcr. tnll .. t . hot w 11-11tr.•et rl\llm,::-tor t hl' · • "r' R.11d tRlnl'l\11 u clloru or Virginia and lt>r, ~rr••'I 1 rfrli:. j.?1<!1 and l'Jrc· t rying lo s1 1p pas~lng ('St 11. I tnund thr rolllls clogged With other tr 11· lights. 1 umt ~'"'."· .l!f'd 6 John~ .11 f• llowl'd :.11.;s Bak,.r l•• I \ a1 atwner• trying lo a void the 62-Ur al t;111late I mOll •• 1.UO? road mtlf'.c H B. Vas. the atan1I to de,.<'nl)<· the r•11h1 r In· 1 Hai11a~t ~11 the J'('nding 11torm. -------~------1)111 !';. \\estern A H , 1 •• A. DIJ ten{ew wilh L.aVr rne anot Snlithllll'rC Ill \\here lhry H y jost !or • l 3·~342. 9Qt'(l~ r,i::ir•hn;t the allei:rd btating. )uat. and youall for you, and get ,l,,hn•• 'h reportert J,Q Vt' me l!ah1 he rnr bring ttc. We •tarted In the BALBQ A 49--Room!t for R.-nt I J'.°"I mnol An d ,.,,11· rl'1I Ill 111 .. 111-'•t Appal111·hlan Trail with 11\Jt of the -----------------"' .. 17·\'•.or·· lol 1.1rl ~"'"I! l \ridt I ""."~ 11ntln \11k\nJ:' thr hike and two I HOO:\f with prt\·Rte hrith & rn. I nr1111n•I t he routl' to ha,·e things t ranrt'. r ••rn111nrnt, !> 10 m,..11, lt 'x1·1o~r hin.~• If ri>11•lv a t the end tor the arrival Llbf'rty 8-f•O!l!i. 00<!•2 1 c .\Lt.,.:u t"Olt c·o a•s ot the group. 1 Th" 11• le · \'f' T!'f"'' tP•I \\'1U1am I We hA \'f' checkl.'d lhe tmll <'IOR· Jock and Mange ~1t1nh11 •'-•}1 i:L:o\,.,,, \\1~o:i:1. Iv Lhr•illl:h thl' local scout.'! and BAY SHORES morning we will t our Monllcello, the hume ot Thomu JetfeMIOn. We will a l"° tour the home ot Prutdcnt J1me11 MonrOI', from there we will head toward Mount Vernon. We hOJ>le to arrive at the Relelgh Flottl tn1'0Washlngton, D. C. hy 8 p. m. Saturday. The boy a will g-et a «t>od V1""' ot their naUon'a capi- tol by night u they come In from Ale:u.ndrta on the Ftdtral Cau11e· DEATH NOTICE BETTY .JEAS HOt":>'F., SOS F wieral aervlces for M rs , Betty Jl.'an Houff and Infant 90n were htld today 11.t 2.30 p.m. 1n Parkee· Ridley .Mortuary Chapel, Costa Me.a&. lhe Re\'. Alexander Kader• pu lor ot Ct nlral Bible chun:h, Co1ta Mesa. o!tlclatlng. The 2~·year-old r Mldent of 1'36 Eaat 163rd St., Compton, died Sun· day and her chllrl wu dud at birth Saturday al Los Angl'I .. County HoepltaJ. Shi' waa a nall\·e of Au,u.ta.. Kan. and came to Costa Mt11a In 19~3 where lhe ra m· lly ruldtd at 352 Wl'.lt Wlltt<>n St .. but mo\'ed to Compton a 1hort time ago. rlty a dm1nl11tratora Kl'1lh Murdo• k of Ana.h~lm and Gl'<Jrge \\'c1m<'r or Urange amt l,;1ty M&nagers 1. '111 l -y . We &re hoping there will I Thornton o! Santa Ana and Ceor· 1 be no atorr.1 &nd that &II the ge W. Coffey of <.:osta Mesa to great monumo.'nl11 of our country 1 •tudy t he w ue will be e11J11ly t N·n alung lhe Mall. This y ... a~ s , ut of t he 1la.te·<'11I· I ran l!CarC'cly wa~l to l\l'llr the lectell 11u ~1txea 1a the i;a.rne ..,. In I OOYl! when lhty first ~e t he Ult 19!\.4. Fulltr ton Mayor (.',ct! Crl'w Wuh1r.gton Monumt'nl ftDd that I askeJ for the i<am e 1neU1t1<l of a.1- lT'fat •latu11 of Atraham l~lnc-oln location a.a laet year. Mayor Cl11re u he gaue acroir11 hlll country :-\el.son or <.:osta Mua f11vore1! '1111· from hla memon al. tnbut1on of funds on populaUon l!:VEK\'0!\'l'l WELL counla. Crew's motion went O\'tr, AJI the arroup ts weU. not even The hoard hut nlitht votM to a enlffle or a atomach ache. 111011 acupt thuo opport lonmenu: Ana- hu been alow to ca tch ue but I he1m, U6.9~6: Brl'a, 13446, Buena e\·eryone w!U ~ &ble to reach us Park. $6891 : Coat.a Mesa. S12,392; at the Raleigh tor the better part •••••••••••••• o! next wrf'k. Whilt we catch up ' wilh our history anc:.I our eowitry """Ybe .ome or U.e mall wtll catch up with u~. Bl'lt,.ve It or not. A 11 thl.' boy11 11&)", "Be 11ure nur p11rc-nt1 i:-et u11 r~g1stertr1 bat k lnrn 11chool for SepL<'mb~r." Boyles Have Son Th• Loula Boylu. 17 Bay 11· land, are parenta of a boy baby 1 born Aug. 10 ln Ho~ Ho~~l Company Comin'7 Fish 'n Chips Jumbo Fried Sh~p To G~ Surf Fish Fry 2110 (Hl'ao t •ront _,. Newport Pl«i>r i .DORJr// ,,,. ~ ~.I :tt •• t • '""·, 4f110ll •.-.l lflJI '.~·v STARTS SUNDAY "P.et• Kelly's Blues" ollUll'l 1 .... i.b f:dmun1J O'Brt•n l'•'lllY ·- In Clnema..~pil WarnerCok>r "Run For Cover" ..tan I nit .lam.-. ('acn,.y In \'i~ta \'i!don Tt<'hnlrolor ~--• •JOHN Kiii OPEN HOUSE I 11111: f >r the C'np~ 11!1 th!' whll' he I tore11ters and 11tarted near the G ""' 11 1 in1: 1'111.i:. ll'lwn l'f Burna V18ta on the 28· On e from Home 1 In Ill!• 11 "rltlllli t• •llllf my. Wll· 1111111 h1kr. The hlkl' ... ,11 be com· Ii 11• ~ •• th •I~~· 1.ho d 1 <111 i: )..'up I plP\NI nni1 lhf' ~II will ag&Jn S11r\'ll'c.r11 are her hu~bl\nrt, \\'II· bur L . HouRt: two ol1111ghtl'r~. Bet· ty ani1 Patr1C'la: tour ~on~. Wil- bur Jr. Randall. Clifford and ~============~~~~~~!!~!!!!~~!'lll!!~~~~~~~~~~~~!!~~!J Gary, Rll of thll homt. her mother 2601 Bayshore Drive SAT. & SUN. 1 to 5 P.M. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Lo\'t ly R11y \"1rw year rnun1I hom~ fnr r,.,npl• wtlh fa c1h11e1 tnr \'l!lt ing rtlat1\·e11 or frlen.11. LISTING PRICE-529.:100, I Jnhn. 12 :rn•I J iii, 8. C'~llilren ••( " 111 I. 1 \' r"' 11h,1 1 " It• , '1".: »I• • h .. a.rd lhe1r i;olden Chevrolet 11ta- t h• Jark 1'11rrel111 of 2621 13A' -111.1 111 •I t;1 kini.. I h•• ·'"' k 11wn v I tnn wnRon nel\r th!' town o! Nuh, •hflrr n rt\'I' ai r lll''"l'IJll ff' l'l\ .. 'r l"'q (J,.111 hlM Ill' no(~ llfll1d, '\\.hf'!l .J \"o.. ••f lhP1r '" 11.1" I'"' I' \\h" 1 •I t111:, I Rl·"i:tJ I'. trPll wn11 11. r1 MOSTlfEU,O NEXT :iwn~· tr• m 1 ... n11• thr l'\'l'nlnc 11( '''t", 1 · 1ioOll · ~in1th AA ·I \\'1 "~!'•'• l to ~ on our w11y In :'l'lrs. \'Iola Bh1nkr n11hlp of Comp· ton ; htr fath,r. ~eh•ln A. S tnne of Compton and a 11l~ltr. Mrs. Yearlle Woolery "r Lo11 Angele!! lnltrmenl wa.1 i n Harbor Rest Memorial Puk Cemetery 1\111: !I 1 .. ,.;1 11•1:.i •. r h11n 1111<1 11s~l~leol him I nur rnr by JO 11. m. Satur<lay 1 ::.· 1 11,1.1" n hn''" 1 a1e·I f•' t '·'' !rt1 · piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii••iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii li1111 • ,,.r nt•"t ••f the ,..h•"' tu .r ''' ""I nit r1cht~" ~mlth ~aid he<'RllF" he mu11L hn\'e mril,r«I I II ~ 1 l l'1•1 r• 11 n •1•11hle•I "Yts," Served From 4 'til 11 p.m. 1 11' tlh• llf hi• llfr 111r• ""'rt'"· h•' 11;<0( ·I FULL COURSE DINNERS ~~~~~,;~l:nl th~nr l!P;;;nr1:··· 1181~~'·"~,' a, I •:.11 I• I w .. tk:::.; in & w1 ,..,c,ly C(\n lnH·t th~ "kln du• a se. T"urn 11 .tir"•'tuin 1 Rlll te•1 ·I • 1 J.. 1·con11"" ~m1'h tol·l l.a- Th<' fl'lflp~· 11n:-wrn l•• th• nl\:n,. \'o rr 'J1,,-k is l•l.l •'k hr"" n 11: I •• ,.,.,. IRst 1 >3\\' nC l'errf'! t " New Hours 4 p.m.-2 a.m. a-la «a.rte DlnneA afirr 11 :00 p.m. \\ h1te 11nol hR!I R lnr~e \\ hJ!f' J :--I' h • no ludo'! h J \>'&JI 1tlll nn hll back 1 \\'t'k".: nwny TERMS I for pr,.,·1tw 8howlni: en II lln rbor 181'11>-<>r e\·enlng1 Llbel1y !l·M88.1 ''Superh Foocl" l .rarbor -lou.s~. -rtb. { /l.-4/awt/MJ wt. eoo'""' ~~ &D::rr!iiil e Lido Isle Bayfront ••e11td "•"' I t•e,._. f b•d-·oo"", ) bt•li\ !'lo-., -11 f•o• wetetho"'' C•'P-•• l fllct •'•'• f1eo,, -••o"• "~'•t• -....... t..-itrt dtr1t.. W1 ... ••• tfil t •o bl t1"1 ,..oct 01tlr1•l1 leytrol'lt ho~• ••• 1b11 h1 ~ .... 1, •• ,.. •• $69,750. CaJI Harhor 180t . --~----~ PARKING In Our Lot 2260 Harhor Boulevard • Coeu Meu, California DANCING E\'F.R\' SIGHT ex<'t'pt f'unday . BARNEY LANTZ & his mUS/C 9 to 1:30 a.m. Open 7 Daye A Wtek New Menu Includes Italian Delicacies May W • Suggest From Our New Features \"EAL 8C'ALL0Pl!lo, e LASAG!lo"A e Pl'ZZA. -A~ommodaUon• a'f'allable for PARTIES, IAN9UETS, or CLUI DINNERS PB0:-0-S YOt'a usi:•''ATION8 NOW Harbor llYcl. at Wlsoft Uberty 8-5543 " Now Showing W • .\ l.T lll~:'\t:\"''4 L I D 0 7 fta .. (tt "Davy Crockett" Next Attraction Kin~ 11f The l\·1111 f'rnntl,.r'0 ·, _..,_..,. ____ , _ __ ..,__. __ ..... ----·-- \ --~ ----.._-- PAGE 8 ·PART I -NEWPORT HAJtBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 I •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• LEE RESCUES SON • •· • • • • • • • • • • e e e e • e e e • e e • • e e •. • • • e e • • • • • • • FROM DROWNING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • e e • • • • e e e VETERAN Mt;J<CllAST-Years come and go in thi11, the second oluei;t, store in the beach area, but selling rem ains much the same, accordmJ' to A . M. Re ine rt Jr. sh own above lookmg al goods in his store o n Ocean Front. Reinert sayi,; he iR now doing businrss w it h gran<.lch ild ren of people who cam e to the same i,;to rr when it was estnblished. ll€' is Jooking forwa rd t o rem1wal of Parific Ell'ctr ic tracks ~ he believes it "·111 ~reatly 1mpro\'e the district 1tnd inc1dentaliy his business. - Staff P})ot9 REINERT f INDS MERCHANDISING ABOUT SAME AS WHEN STORE OPENED IN 1914 Milton K. Le11 ~Kued hll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • e e • e e , • e e e e e 8·yeu-c>ld eon S.Uphen from • • e e • e e e e e e • e e e • • • • e e • e e e e • e e e • • • • • e • • • • poulble drownin& off Coul e • e e e • • • • • e e • • • e • • • • ~ _ • • • a • e e • e e • • e e • e • f H1rhway County Dock ht rf • Wednuday a.ftemoon. t h' • • • • • a e e e e e • a e • e • · ~ • . • • • e • e e CC!ut Guard ru cue unit re· • • e e e • a e e e. e • e • • • t H d ~ e e • e • • e f po~:~·hen ettf'mpl•'d ..... Im· • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ F org1 t"' ar ware • • • • .• • •• mine in de.,rer wattr and • • • e • a • e e e e 6 , e • • • • e • 4 floundererl. H11 tathn pulled 1 • e e e e e ·• • • • • • • e e • • • e ~:r.o';!j,o",:',::;. wor.e for • • • • • • • • • • 220 5 W. Belboa Blvd. Harbo r I 16 • • • • • • 4 t • • e • • • • • • Newport Bee ch, Calif. . • • • • • • MESAN SCORE~ I • • • • • • • • • • •••••• I e. e e e e e • e e e e e R W• SJ • • • • • • • • I •••••• OJCe lnS • • • • • • • • Al Forg it Says . . . • • • • • • ••••••• I •••••• Awards \ ·1n 8 •••••• f I ••••• I. • • • • • • • "Lots Q.f Folks . . . • • • • • • • • ••••••• • •••• 'Ag' 0·1v·1s·1on 1, .·.·.·.·.·,·.· are coming in and buying Deck Paint etc .. etc. bee.au.. you juat can't -.·.·.·.·.· . keep boata in ahape unleu t hey're taken care of. and we 1ure can help you becau.e we h.f \•e a complete 1tock of P A1NTS AND EQUIPMENT Woodford Roye• of Coeta MN& 1 e e e • e e FOR BOAT OWAERS. • e e e e f tnok I.he moatut. with .t1v.e out t e e • e e f • • e e e I or 21 award• to his crtd1t m the I 11grtcultural rlh•l1ton at Orange • • • • • • 1'W.ant A G'rft Idea?. t • • • • • C'oun1y Fair He placl'd tll"llt for t e e e • • u u • e e e e shtep h>ty ft-l'rlt r rack. !lli1t for• • • • • e • Yc u needn't look any further. Mcauae a v it1it to oUr HOUSEWARES • • e e e • aatt. genl'ral f11rm equipment. 1 DEP sernnd and third for poultry, ml•· I • • e • e ARTMENT will aolve your problem. Evuything from Whistling e e • e e i·rllantous. anrl aecond for un-1 e • • • • • tea-kettles to wute buketl (the new plutic kind) and you'll be ag?'ff· 1 .e .• • • • I pa1ntt d MwMne. gentral tar!" t • • • • • t ably surpriaed at the variet y of items here. Come In. browae around. i'qu1pment. you'll surely find the appropriate gift at juat t he price you want to pay. • • • • • f'11ul Mana of Newport Bl'ach e • e • e • •• e e •• took a fm1t tor general rum t • • • • • • e e • • • equipment, m1.11cellaneous. I • DIVIDE HONORS • • • • • • 4 11 D . A L·++I R . . ? • • • • • • Two Collta Mt'11a hou1twlve1 d1· t e e 8 • e • orn g I e epa1r1ng. e •••• e vided honon1 evenlv with thrff Maybe you have a room to paper, aome touch-up p&1nting. or perhaps l'Al'h in th.; horucu"'1ture <hvunon.' • • • • • • • a plumbing job? -We have a very complete stock of Fuller Painta. ' • • • • • • decidiouJ1 fnlll'8 platea dl3play•. I • • • • • • • wallpaper, and of coune. you'll find everything for building and rt'· • • • • • • M rs. Dorothy Tn.lahelm took flr•t e • • e • e • \ · · 1-I f y h d · 1 · e e • e e e in crabapplu. first in El~rta pa1nng, too .. , ota o em, too. es, we cut and t rea pipe whi e you wait. ' iwa•'ht'.~ and ffcond on Bu.ru • e • • • • e • e e e e • e limn. I e e e e e e • e • e e e e e 4 Mn. Monn& F'lilhl'r w.u fu'Wl for Thornpi1on ttedleH gT&pe11, flrt1t ' • • • • • • • • ' 11 R b W C • • • • • • tor pt'U I , all other U\an Bartlett.II, I • • • • • • • • emem er e arry . . . • •••• 4 and third for .V&;lmore applu. I e • • • • • • • • a complete line of HOME APPLIANCES. Ranges, Refrigerators. Wuh-e e e e e e COMMERCIAL WL~Nt:.RS I ers, Dryera. Diapoaall•, (Hot P oint) of course -m ract FORGIT'S • • • • • . e Coata Meaa nurttrymen took • • • • • • e e • carry EVERYTIDNG A GOOD HARDWARE STORE SHOULD two or four awar<b in ft'atu,.., dlll· 1 t e e e e e • e e •CARRY -A ND A LOT MORE! • • • • • • pluys, garden turace, In floricul· • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • lure, commercial division. at Or· ""' ange County P'alr. Hollister Broth· t • e e • • e • • • • " t • • • • • t rs tal<inir flrt1t and E. V. Fr11%. j e e e e e e e • e • e , • • • • • 4 Evug~n Nur11ery, placing third.I •1p. S. y W 1 Q e e e e Third In lhl' country gardt'n l tc· I • • • • • • • • • • • es, e re pen . . • tlon wen~ to Wayalde Gardtn1 or I e • e e • e e e • • e 4 . until Nine O'clock every evening , and all • • • • • 4 C011ta Mesa. 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ day Sunday• for the convenience or our • • • • • • Hartlein Flowers of Corona de\ Pioneer Dry Now Serves Goods Store Head Yesterday's Kiddies 1111rt:s Hiit I'. t:. au:~IO\'AI. · ~"111e pe!'pl<' 1l1111'l think this 1:e H J.:U'"'I ~lt11e lrwut1un hut our b11Mn•'•H "' ~t{'atly. Jtc1nert 11.111.l "I 11111 l11ok10.; fol"\\1\1.I to tht' Mar took flrat for booth, (SH I ~ e e • • • • e • • e • • e • .... customers." • • • • • • t Page 1, Part 4 photo) f1'lr11t di· e •••• e •••••• fl • • • • • • •••••• vision, and Churchman'• Dahlia 1 e • • • • e e e • • e • e e e • • e e • e e e e e e • t Gardell.!l of COllt.a Mff& wu flnit·1 · • • • e e e !or dahlia.a. ~ e e e e e • e e e e • e e e e e e e e e • , 4 • • 8"' BERT BRINTNALL 1.rn., "ll··n tl ... l'aurir ~lert11c .J llnr11 Will bt· t;nnP. I think that •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Mer chandising along Newport Beach waterfront is w111 1w1r th111 .i1~t11c·t a 101" SC Courses Due 11till merc handising and no w h e is waiting on grandchildren Rc•1nrrt Is a member CJf Nrw-A 11Prit1 of evening courau for nf p rople w h o c ame d own he re from inland towns to spend •11•1 t H;ic bor Ch.imbt•r or Com· pet.roltum rng1net'r• are announc-. . nWH't' 1111°1 Ht'0>l'1 ve Officer O!!I· ~ by I.he Unlvuidty of Sou them their holidaya y ears ago. according t o A . M. Reinert Jr .. \,.,.,,,. Aio,.nr1at1nn lie 1i. retm·d California ror thf rall term be· who manages the drygoode sto re on Ocean Front at 22nd now. rcunng with a rapta1n's ginning Sept. , 191 Included are a•••••• a••• a••• a• e A a a A e. • e e ••••••••••••• S t . that A. H. Fitzpatrick st arted in 1914. ('lllllrl'1l ... Slon. H l' r•n~·s a littlr ·~eta! clall8U In 1ub1urface R.etneort nrwt c•me lo °''" 11,.,.. &'Olt, but ju•l tor tun. methoda, ,....rvolr eng1n .. rlnr. bor In 193!1 and menage<! his -·Aml'r1ean wtth them that "Somt people play like they elt'ctrlc log·g1ng, eerond&ry re· hihll n'.s ,.1 ,~1 ,. In ("nsu ,\S.·~n 1111• could .11peak Sp9nlsh. hall o J:Un pointed 11l them. l cover)' ot 011, advanced calculation 1 ti 1'l'1trl Hin ll<•r H , h"•I b<'•·n "l ll:l'l 1111 o! t.he 11:recn stamp~ •.11n l 11e..o whnt they ll:f'l out of melhod11 and 11tudlu of natural 10 Y""rio 10 S1>cuiitv 1 _ Fui;t ='a· for lnttrpretlni;," the J11 p told II ," hi' s?l'I "If l rouldn't relax iru and gasoline, accordlnf to lll>nAI bnnk in L<•i< AllJ:••lt••. him. 11 wultl<ln l Jllny" Dean Carl Hancey, High Quality Printing, Pb. Har. 1616 Then the war tn<•k Rr1n,,rt for f1111r yeario 11 nd whPn hf' c11m" h11.rk hf' r11me '" tl>P ='""-·port Rt'arh atore whrrP hr '' 11t1ll work In!". St:Ll .l:R'~ ~,\RT T11 t:~ ''ll was !'Ally then A II w .. hllrl 1 o do w1111 J?l't mf'1, hnn•h~,. an<I we coulrl ... 11 It. :-; .. w we have to f•Rhl for the ru:o1umeo '· gel· t 1n11: merrh,.nrl1~" 1s f'A~Y" BArl\ Croon th" war Rl'lne-rt went to w<>rk .for F'ltzpntrlck 11or1 then boui:hl half inlPrt'lll In thr •tore. A ftrr F1t7.rn1 nrk t11N1 Ri>1· nert bou11:ht lht' r<'!ll o! t hi' hold· I tnirio !mm the h«!m1. Rl'lnert W A'\ tn the 11rmv·11 OR· TV during !hi' four yl'ar11 nf Sl'r· 1 v1rr and """' !"'lme bu~\· tlm"" 11t l11nt1ln~11 I" ;'l;p"· G11mr A. l.A'Y· te. the f'h11trrinP11 11nrt J.11:1:on ff,. llRW M11l'Arth11r "'' Mhnre in l thf' Ph1hpr111P wntl1ni:. but ht ha'1 enou):h J•' n•• tn )l'l't home before tht' 1>11rto>n1ler. ~El<:tll\ORS ~ AR("F. WhPn hr ftr•t m 1>Vl'tl ti" thr lbrbor \\'1ll111n1 ~11111011 built htm a hmtl'I' 11t fledlanrl' 11nd Broarl Sl.11. In :->""'l"'rt Ht lithl!! 1n a barl<'y r14'l!I. =""11:hbnrs wt•rf' 11r11rce :\nw he h\·r~ In ~Bnt11 Ana ber111J~f' R mt'mbf'1· nf hl11 t11mlly nrrt11 11 lln••r rhmal10, Ml'rch11nd1•"· R• inert f I n d11 rh11niru 11 llttlt 1111 of the t jmp. 8Athlng 1ml!l! have iohr11nk 111,.lld· lly 11ince the lnn~r11 lh11t Fitz· patnr k 11tnrkE>1I whf'n H1'1nerl jc>med t.hl' 11tol'1', but l11lrly thPv have bt"rnme f11nc11'r. r.oodl' 1M morl' colMful than it 11.-f'rl lo h•• and thrre t!I " gre11tfr v11r1,.ly of m11ttriall!, hut the b11yerio 11rt much the nm .. Some S11nrlt1y1 Reinert fmrts the pl'ople Rrf' nni111er And d1rt1er 11.nd they 11pent1 It• mpney thsn the qull't. cleen patron11. On• Sunday he h3d a ~up of Mrill· l'tl.n9 whe> could not !!pl'Al< 11 word ot Engll11h. but t hry h11d s Jap11n· County to Receive $8.215,876 School Apportionment 8ACRAMX=""TO. -!C:-:& I Roy E. Slmp11on. 1tate llllperln· tt1ndenl of public lniotruellc:>n. to· day certified buic !lld aproruon- me.nta to ll<'hool dllltr1rb ~,th State Cantroller Robert C. Kirk· ~·ood. The tot&.l llpportlonmtnt. 11ub- j «t to ~villlon and t'orrectlnn tf nt1c"911Ary, amounta to $279.611!>.· 791. of which SS.21!>.876 P• to Oran~e county. Th• lfl~~ kglllaturf'. 8tmpl!Of'l I f)C\tnled nut. rhllllgt'd the law ti' prm·1clf' for 11n el\rlltr 11pport1on· 1 • mrn1 F0rm<'1·h'. f\tnd~ r~1rht\l f the sc.'hNla ab<>11t Oct l. ' 4Jst Ladies White Skooters ReCJ. 7.39 Sale s3" Purrey Blankets Regular 10.95-SALE-2 Pr. FOR ........ ~1988 Baby Dresses-9-18 Months Reg. 3.95 .. ... .......... . ....... .. .. .. $2.99 R8CJ. 2. 95 ... ·--· .. ··-··-... __ -· ... -.... ·--· ... -... -.......... .... ......... $1 .99 Ladies Assorted Slips R&CJ. 8. 95 and 6. 95 Sale s399 Sun Bras and Hosiery . . . . . . ~ POLL PARROT CHILDREN'S SHOES Yo. Clloice -To Clear ..... -................ -......... J ......... -.-399 Shes 8 1~ • S rt',i;:. ...;)(I to 6.9.> • "'• "., ... man~· otl'tf'r ltf'm!', too numf'rou to ht - p~ Mk th.-SalMi Lady. • Reinert's-FitzPatrick-on the ocean front at Newport for the past 41 years are celebrating their anniversary with these exceptional bargains! MEN AND IOY'S NYLON SHIRTS Reg. 2. 95-1. 98-Sale 99c MEN'S WOOL SLACKS Reg. 18.95 -J6.95 • NOW '!2 PRICE WALKING SHORTS_-NAVY Reg. 4.95 . . ...... NOW MEN'S LINEN SLACKS MEN'S LINEN JACKOS $299 MEN'S BERMUDA SHORTS • • off Colors -Navy l •icJ• Charcoal OPIN IUNDAYI 10 to S Oa .. 0-............. iJ NIWPOIT llACH Oat ................. ... - • ONCE A YEAR HOSIERY SALE AIHJ. 11 to AUCJ. 20 • ' 10 ' I days only 8tretcb HOISery Included ID sale - Applted oe Club Carcle 199. Sole Sale 1 pr. J pr. 1. 95 .. --......... 1.69 .................................. _. 5.00 1.65 .. -.. ·-·-·-···-·-1.39 ____ ,, .... : .. _ ... .:: ....... 4.15 1.35 --····-·-·-·-··-1.19 -·--.. ·-···----··-··-·· 3.55 Lacllft ASST. ·SUMMER SPORTSWEAR 1f 3 to 1/2 .off Please Note! ~It le aplllat ICor'9 pollcy to pe Greea 8tampt wtth .a. me becau8e of the expentie. However, for our An.atnnuy 8aa.-ONLY'" wUl pe Orem 8tunpt oe s.le mercbandlM u web .. otller replarty prtaed itema. ,; ' MRS. WATSON PRESIDE$ Orange· cJunty Thetas Hostess ·District Luncheon Here 11\et.&a from all tht Southern prealcaitnt of th• Oran1• County uaialull dlnctor ot admleeton• CaJUomJa area were t u en t at Kappa AJpha Theta Alumnu at USC ln ordu to devote her the annual luncheon 01 the Or· Clut: Mra. Wiiiiam H1ppard, Jun· time to her duUu u hoUMWtte. anr• County Kappa Alpha 11\eta lor put pre11dent or the Ora nge \\"h1le a n undtrl'r&duate at tht Alumnae Club, which w u held Counly Club; Mrs. Wilham Hol-,un1vera.1ty Mra. Wilcox waa aC't· AUf . 2 at lhe Bf lboa Bay Club. 11eln. general chairman or the 1vt 1n atu~nl affairs. holdlnc Al the •peakers tabll' were luncheon: M n . Robert Wilcox. many otflcu. culminat1n1 In the -led the follow ing women: who wu the luncheon apeaker., office Of vlce-prealdent of the Mn J ohn OllVl'r. alumnu Mrs Wat son pre111ded i nd In· student body. She wa a at.a cho1- pru ldent for D111tr1t·t~ 1 and 9: trodu..:w Mr11. Wilcox. M n . \\'11-en by the ma r u lne. Madenlot· which tndude Cat1rc11 n111. Ar11.-rox'a 1ub1ect wu "The N!tW Ap· s.-tle, u one of the oulltandin1t ona, Nevada. and Hawaii, M r~. pr<'lar h tu Colle1:e Edu11ct1on for I womtn •tudenta of the UnlteJ E. Chase Burn~. du t'Clor of thl' Woml'n". wh1<'h 111 t he tit le M 1 St11tu and atlended t he polll1 · 1 8 outhe1 n Cahforn1a F't!derat1"n of b111lt lll1 which &hf' tdlt1 and l c:al forum m New York City I Kappa Alpha The tit A lumn11e · I w h1<'h "' .1i-t11butf'd by the llm-aponl!()re<i by that maguine. A f· Mrs. G~rald P. Smith. ('h11rman w·r~lly 11f Su11lhern California to trr b<-mg gr1duated "cum laudt" of lht' federat1on·s 11nnual bf-ne-all anrnm1ni; "<>men atudtnt~ 1~ht' be('amf' caun,.ellor UI the 1>4'· 1 _:Jj,_e Pari Aenue IJa/f,oa .J~fanJ preaenh Fashion Show Luncheon Thursday, August 18 12:30 p.m. VERNA MlLLER SCHOOL OF CHARM AND F ASHION MODELING ltllfflDt 'a ftrat Shop Martlyn·1 Gay To&• Klm of ('allt. •·~"'orion 1.ornr'• I.a Rf'I"" .l••hnaoa , .. ,_.,,,." Well Known Chef Henry Jones' f lt: Mr!!. Richard Sp1l'er. pr<>111· j 1\ftl'r b<'mit nn 11 It&\•(' ul ob· reau vf tmploymf'nl of thf' una- dent or the 1..<111 Anl(f'll'" Alum· ~r1111>. Mr~ W1lrox hu rei·entlv vn~11y 1n ch1&1 ge of ttthJ\1cal nae Chapter: Mr11 J.(ell11r Wat .. on. I ,,.~1i:n1>tt fr,,.,, hr r poa1tton u~ placement. • ~ Park Avenue Cafe Fashion Luncheon $1 .25 MRS. WIN IFRED RAP.RP.E. :-ihc1Pty Editor I New Arrival Helps 'Convert' Texas Coupl e ~I I 111111 Mr~ J 111.:k Md 'hrr. 61i Poppy Al'(' Ill"(' r11 rl'nt11 of I\ i:1r1. I ht1rn .1111y z). tn Hoag )il)Spllal jNEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART II -PAGE I • he's nnw 111 home wllh her tN lher nd mnthPr. lhl' !n1mt r B"llY Mu· I lf'1 '""· 11ntl h1111 been n11m .. <1 M.<rty Sut11nnl' Plltemel 111nrln1othl'r. M1 • t:1R-1 'hen llllllf'll, t11•e1< 111 716 ~t,n· i:nM 11nd 11111tern111 grandp1<1 f'nla, :llr, anct M r,. ('hllrll'I' J. M1'&ter· lion h111·p Jlllll n•llJrnt!d homf' to ELKS GO NAT IVE -And so w11l t hefr wh·es, at t he luau lo be held Saturday, Aug. 2i. 7 t<> 9 p. m. at t he El ks Clubhouse. 'T is rumored there will be hulas by hubbies? After dinner t herr will be dancing to music by Ted Tracy's orchestra. Getting in the mood are ISliinding) Mrs. Albert Matthews. wife of the exalted ruler : Mrs. ChArles B. Lanning, wife of the loyal knight a nd in for eground, Mrs. Robert Tracy. -S taff Photo SEALARKING R~· Gl:SN\' (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) S~llTll ABOAR[) TYPEF: ;'l;F:WPOP.T rritt hlrv ... rt>-.·1 v11t111n1< are REACH S11tlt>•I lnln 11parkhnJ: i:u111g r.~t it• al\\a~s ... T \'pee :'l:ewporl HarbQT 11t.1ni; 111dt-that n111I 11 •'" "'II h<! ""'r) 111 1111aa magnsf1cenl y1u·ht El••tl 1 a fr•1m t ht tun S11n 1-~1Rn1 l~cn ... rhflttt'il 1Hr115J' I STH:ill'~ G1" ·' •'X• 11,•ment tn lh,. frten!lly l!lllht>rin~ r.bna1 d at lh1• 1~1111111 .. l."l w~vk wht'n 11n•t found that tlw~· wt'I•' l'tr&n· th,. l'HllUllHI t'n.tcrwal .. r SpP!lr· 11,.hen1wn h .. ld th.-1r • h1u11p1•1n· «era who needf'•I as~l!lt8111·c • • • llhlf'll ... rRn Inti• D1< k Dwyer "" hllppy to bl' ablt' t11 dire. l I whr, ~a' onr hf the nrt11:11l11 on them tn th,.ar 1ll'11t1n11t1on th!' thP r1°mm1ttC'e bo11t . P ruwlt•r ... Balboa B&)' Club ... he11iJ 13 1,.r ,1110 U\\1•n l'hm•h•ll nn the 1<ame I . I t Jl Yadll \\ 1111 hail tlnmtlt•d the Win· that E tctl"ll 1• rti:istere• 0 11• nini: trupt\\· ... lhP mntl bi>ou- dy Brunduon • · · Wtlrom r 1" t1f11 I a111t · 1~1~<'11l i.al\•rr utn I Nr;·~;~ BA y Cl .US ; Aft•'r hllV<' 1·wr ""''" I think we 11ho.ul\J d A a l)t .... Bii lboa HI\ v <.:.lutt alt t:i11P up 1<kln d1\•1n1t • 1, \\ 1n- ock ln1t "'e · nan~ tt•a111, the BIRl'kf1~h frnm a trollt>d up the pitr and rll11 into :-: .. w y ,,, k with " h1rnl nf 108 Donn" f Mn . Mari1hall I Duffield lb11 ... r t"hblt• fo•h ti< ken an four aun bsth111g on thr rrylltal white hnur11 • lh1 l'I!! ma n ll'IUTl I . . . reporte1 !I, t e I e v I s Ion camtra•, Aquaguardl!. 1tntl :-:et1onal A A.U: Spearf111h1nK <.:omm I l t ee, all gu,.,.l,. 11( the J ohn McNubb11 and lhe HAI Ro1wh1•11 Jr .... who had also a" tht>lr l:'llt>Sl11 thPlr daui::h· ten• ~herry Hoa<'h and Barbara Mc:'\abb . . . nthrr ('Omm1ltf't boaL" fro111 :'\ewpoa l W t'r<• Roy Roire>rs's f'lamba 11nd Charlie Haynes Opul11 Frankli n Hopps or the Pt1:<&dPna Mulrmen team "'"" "1mhvldual h•morll" Wtlh 11 haul llf :'13 lhll of 11ndtr· w11ltr deh1•11111•s SKU'ITLf:BU*l'"f· A fler a tJay ll Dl'I Mar, the 8111 Mt>1kll'jOhn1 of Balboa Jshuit1 dining at the Hurlt>y·Bf'll: al110 lhere. Alli:!On and Dick LovPl11nd "rn fa m11le" ... ~an 11n1I How1t· lanJ?l<'y t'nlt>r· t.ainmJo( al a ""11'8 Ill tht"tr L1t10 Jsll' Y1•llow G:it,• Cottage . . . J udge Llo1yd ;"1;1x 11nd his charm- 111.:' w1f1-Hclrn hosting their family on thrir • rt1!11er Lady N. a t 5.,.·a les • :-. F:l,.anor anrl Dirk [)wyer's C111lant La.Iv n•na.med T ravt'IPr al Sn11thcoaJ1t btcomini: FRIDAY, AUGU ST 12 , 1955 TELLS AUXILIARY OF GIRLS' STATE Miss Evelyne Louise Pca~c-. 301 Colltns Ave . g-a\'e an outstand1n~ report 0n »d1,·1l!rs o f Girls' Slate Week at Sacramento •rn 1\Jo111fa~· eveninR at a meettnR of the American t..<'~H'n Auxili<lry, Unit 291. Go\'ernor Knight addrf"~l'<'d l he group · nf ynun;:: drle::;:1ll'~ sent f"ach Vl'l'll' tn Sacramento where they study and pracllrr funl'11oni; of the state go\'ernment. Mrs. Harvey Peasr. mnthrr of the delegate. was a guest ns was Miss M:\dge Fulbright, 710 Larkspur A ve .. a Girl Statl'r t wo y£':m; ago. MiRR Fulbright attends school tn Altnn. rn .. IS home on lmmmer \'acataon. Mrs. Ross Owen Honored at Bon Voyage Luncheon Mr1. H. K. Mellor and Mn. R. I U1m McDon1ld. S t1ntey Stat111, M. Decker were ho11teaea a t a Leon ,.·ergu11on Gr11ce Wilcox, I •alla11. TPXAI<, aftf'r 11p .. nt11nJ:' th1 n \' tek8 htr .. to g1 eet the new a r- ' 11·11! Thry 11rt nol4 ·ronv4'11f'd' T""''"~·" rrporta Mr11 .Mr PhPf', and 1111 P Hlr1•111ty pl11nn1ng a transfer 1111 t h" Cnast Morning Rites at St. J ames ThP R4-v. John Parke will have "" Mrmon top1r al 9 :30 and 11 1 a .m. 81'1'v1rt11 1n St. Jamu Epla- ,.nra 1 Chunh. "Happy Ar" lhe Purr 1n HeH rl". Holy Commulon I~ Ill ~;:IQ A 111 On W1•dn.-.. •l11~· at ~:30 pm. the Arnlylr11 G111l!I 14•111 hav.. 11 din· ""r 1n Newport Harbor Yarhl Club • Jo-enJ 'Jour of!uau /aJkionJ 333 7 Newport Bird •cross from City H•ll • Everybody ReadS The C L A S ~ E-D AUGUST CLEARANCE! Yl off -AH from OW' ,.. ... , stock Stllnmer Cottom -Splnneritl Sweaters Dreues Skirta llo•... Shorts T Sllirts aurprlu bon voyage party al the Lena L1&hl. Hct man B&mu. Har-I Mellor homt, 1 UI Sllth St With old Cius. Herbert Mcpon1ld a net ' Mra. Rou Owf'n, 311 Rlllboa <:ovu, Irene Hol<l,.wnrlh. the IRlll'r from I u honor gue:1t. Annhrtm. ~lrnPs. f:l11ie S111trr nnrt t,,pen Friday Nliht1t -AU 8alea 1'1-.1 ... Mr. a.nd M~s. owtn and Mr. and ~11rv Welli'nll were unablf' to i t· Commwa.ity Credit Plaa It Paya to Buy la Costa II.Ma M'ra. Chrl1 F ol1<l ot IA>11 Angeles ttnJ~ j planed Tuelldoy tn H1<wah where 1 iliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllliillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliiilililiiiiil they wall vaca l1t>n for a month and return on the S S Lurhnt. Mr. and Mra. Hank r.rf'mtr anti baby will occupy the Owrn11 homt> In ab· 1enct of thf' nwntl'!I. P11lm tree11. h11la girl~. a boat and alrpla.nf', Rnct n11meroUJ1 !eta derorateJ the room11 and canula ta bles for lhf' lunr hf'on event.· Aa bon voy"Jt' .. "'ft :itr11 Owens re· cel\·ed a lrllVPI •hRrv, whirh 11ht will rPad to her fr1l'nds nn her return. Al ploy rir,.t pr lu was won by Mn Ralph Wat1111n. ~ernnd by Mni. Aahley l<nowltnn llnd Mrs. Walter, McDonaM rla1mt'1I consolatlon. Otht'ra prt1en1 were MmP11. Wll· From \.Vestwood Maril yn Cordially invitee you lo the opemng of her new gown •hop at 1767a Newport Blvd . Collt.a Men be&rh ••. al"n Doro thy 1 :ifrs Te<l l Tuman with ht'r darling llltle daughter .. ht>11r.t news of thf' Jmperrnl F11!<h11111 ~ht1w and the annivl'l·11a ry p11rly snit J oa.nnlf' W lnchrll'11 rut ting of th" btrlhda\' cake 11n<I knpw J.;rn K end&ll must have been FO very proud of the way the dub hu othf'r t1•11m1< thP ~ll11rm.·n t 1om PR sad• n.r. 8kmstn11 frnm l..a J,.lfe , I tolphl "" trvm l'om pl"n Rnil I hi' Ft I .a11.t»nllll" I tl\'1•r11 morr ""'I mnrf' .,l,.gan t ... w111t until ynu 11t'e the unique cabin Mra H. A Pt>rklns and ~trl! ... n VF.R A:'\0 OUT Hob<·rt Hob1n .. nn of We11twootl \.\HERE you will find dre-with the labela of t.cp ,.,..hlon D•· •11tTI,r• •.. 1uch aa Don Loper, Oeor(I& Bullock and a hoat ot oth ..... all the gown. are atunntnr however. whethn In the tow, medium nr hlg-h priced c1t egory •.. bloH omed 1n the 11horl 11e,·en yurs of 1l1 lite 1 sn Into r ute d11rk h111rt<I Gloria F'wkhns: who wa11 full of nf'wll nf .. Au· tumn An<'horagr" F'a11h1nn Shnw a t lhe Bay Club \\'e<lnl'MA)'. Au g. 10 •.. a l!IO he11rd new11 of lhf' Bay Club'a Luau. Thur11day, A ug. 18 from charming TMrot hy Yardley an.1 vw11rln11" Lnniane 1 18U Newport BtV«L Coeta Mf'M Uberty 8-S77'? fr11rn Fl111'1•ta . . . Strl111 l'•Jt11 r11 Go•I h11th 11p<•kl'n once. tw11·e h11ve w1111 aJ_.n a .-omm11tee h"ttl lnlld· l henrd t h111; thlll pow!'r bf'long- ed clown with lllf'IMpnlnan """'II rth 11nlo God. P&alm11 62.1 l August Sale OF QUALITY FURS At Genuine REDUCTIONS Complete Selection of Fine Furs In All Popular Styles and Colors Our labt-1 is your J:U&r&nte-e of quality Fu"' and •:.ri1ert Workmanship BUY NOW On O ur Convenient lay-Away Plan. A imall Deposit reservttt your .. ~. OLIVE Ml DULING FURS 218 N. Broadway Kl 2-1223 Santa Ana "" hei e fnr lhl' month. have bren 1<tayrng &t VIII& Marana un- til the\· ~"rt1rl'd a ho111<e nn 8 111· bn11 ll<lanrl A few fabulous atylu of Summer fuhinna may IM purchu ed at • lovely reduction. far the •tmple rea.on room mual be m ade for the nt-w Fall atylM wtllrh a r• 1tarttng l o come In ••. So do come tn and set' tor yn11n•f'lf you'll be pleaaanUy 1urpr1aed to fm!I JUlll "'hllt you want.. P S. 'Mier• an Acceuoriu , Un1er1e and Mata you'll simply k>v• • , • &o don 't ml11 ... Ull them when you com• In ... l I I . . ?IAGE 2 -rART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' Space Ship Detail.s · Told in New Book FRIDAY, AU~U ST 12, 1955 _li ·~---· MR. AND MRS. GAY M. HA.MILTON ) Mesans W e1d in Baptist Rites Miss Vergene Baker is ........ --i~Gay-M-;-Ham ilton A home reception followed the single riog ceremony in First Ba: ~st Church, Costa Mesa, which united Miss \"erger.e Grace Baker and Gay M. Hamilton. ThC' bride, w r.0 w~ g:\·en in kee,Ping by her father , is the daughter of .'.\fr. an.j ~frs. Oscar ~aker, 2375 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa, AT REC'EM'JO:o.; I Inaide the Space Sblpa, lateat book by Georre Adamaki, who watchea the akiea above Mt. Palomar through hh1 own large teleacope, ia one of the new booka on (f'neral informa- tion In moat recent collection tor the Newport Beach Public library. Adalflakl hu takl'n many Ieng• of 8randlnav1a., plcluru of 1tra.n11 1ky cratl 8pectallMd lnformatton v o 1- lhrough the puwerf\11 ltn1 Cit the umta are; Buhlrr. Amn1r1 n Sil· '.cope and ltcluru on the •ub-v~r, Bur&k, Ott line Th Inca Done Jt~l lO various graup•. In Bualnl'u; Downey. lnpr•w- New tlcllon lnrludr& !ht-rol· In\• You!' Gardtn Throuah l'\Cltl towing: Boyll', The Sragull <'n !\l~na1tment : Kreider. The Ba rn- t.he Sl~p; HllrhtM. Tl'. (l B. M11r· hoo Rod, and How to Build It. der: Llewellyn. Tr e Flame of Kurth, H<>w to Gel l..a.n<1 f rom H1n·c11te11: Poat. Mau R~g11n'11 I.A· L"ncle Sam , dy; Shaplrf', Thr Sixth nt June: r11r11r11nt. Pra.cll<'al rsp e r· Simon. Tht1 T\.•elvf' Ptc•tme-: cr1ft : Plrk~n. St"ing Magir; Smith. The C'ellar at :-.o. 6: H11ndym•n's Home Rrp111r 1111<1 j Waurh. Otrlctr11 11nd Gtntl<'men Home Workahop F.nryrlnpetll11 : 1 an!I Wilson. Th,. Man 111 the Ro11tf'n, A Gulde to thl' Rtl1~1on" I \ \ l>A~..;c f: at Sunn\· Hills II:ill, F'ullerton, 1s planned as an Ol'tob<.•r funi!-rai:>in~ ('\'rnt by Oran~c C1unty Fi>deration of Club Women's Junior ME'm- beri;hip. PrnN'PdS Wilt go lowa r.J a phys :'>lhc>r;tpy J'~Ol for crippled persons. [A"fl tr. ri~ht IH'(' '.\f r;;. Arthur ChrflRt or Anah"'im. general chairman; MrR. Otti:; Pitman n{ Bfra. drnirrian of dnor prizfls and Mrs. G. E. Smith of Newport Beach, decora- 111ms committ1'£1. -OCNS Photo Oray Fl1.nnel Sult. or .Amel'IC'A: ~hon,. Tnr h Y1111r , I NQn-tlcllon \•olumf'l! 111 thf' art.II Dog ;o.;,.w Trlrki,, \\'11lla rk. M111t· arc: D11rtr. W&lerrnlours: Duke. f'rn Acr unirv In Btnch Rl'~I Pa•sporl to Pa n11: Oammf'll, Twi· Shootm,::. W.f'!!I, P.<yrhlr•I Re· light of Pa inting: MscGow lUI, tte11rch Tod&y and "'hltfnrd. <'on· The Llvin~ Stage: PntolAky. Mu· rise P i<'llonary Cit Amf'rlc a n ale for Your HeaHh And Schole1, Gr11.mm11r a nd U11111111;e. Ju11ior Club 'Women Plan Dance for Physiotherapy Pool Fund Les Brown Orchestra to. Play at Sunny Hills L!oyd )hllory of Jl'uUrrton. preM· dent of Orange \ounty Fedtra.t1on of Wome n's l'lu~ Junior M,.m. bershtp 11nd Mrs. Clifford Holl of Santa Ana. Popula r l ,es Brown and his orchestra will play for the benc>fit dance t n °bc> gi\'C'll by the Orange Count y FedC'ration of Women's ('lubs, Junior Membt'rship, date of Oct . 7 at thr Sunny Hills Rerreation Hall in Fullerton. One of the hottest name bands in the trade today Les Brown will fea- ture Jo Ann Greer. ,·ocalist, and the highly entertaining Tlcketa tor the danre ~ill be minimum a r:rl llrl' l\\'allabl,. from any of the a bo\·e members. Master Point Bridge Game Slated Friday Butch Stone a nd Stumpy Brown. IS LA!'>'D l\T\'l.E An H awaiian theme hll:< bten rhosen tor the dance and the at· tire will be CttAua.l cc.tlu1111, The i:ay Hawaiian 1ttmo11phno com- \\'.l.LJL.1.h4 uciLwg m11»ii' of l.e'l Hrc.wn promises to makt1 the tlancc one Of t he most outstanding io11r1a.l evc·nts or tht> sea11on in Or· ani;u County. rrocee1lq trom th,. dance w111 ·go toward the building of a p hys10- theNpy pool for the crlppl~I pa- Uent.a ln Orange Coutlty. up ot lhe rommlttres and their chttlrmtn. Members present Included: Mr11. \\', R. Wlaely of Seal Beach and Balboa Duplicate Br lelge ("h1b Mrs. John R. Blackman of La will hold n Muter Polnl t 1po•n H1tbra. tll'kets; Mrs. M. J oaeph game on Friday evening lit the t-ot CllTdm-C·rove. M'T • ~l"'g"f -F..briJ-Clu~ HOUH-tn-Bet1.;. ...... w1H E. Smith or Newport Beach and play •ta rting al 7:30 o'clotk Mrs. William H. Roley or Laguna Mrs. KaU1er111e Smith and Mr.< Bi>ach, decorollon11: Mrs. Raymond Ginny Laux were east -west L. Teal J r. of Huntington Beach w1":!!!r• Jn t he recent tvenlng Rnd Mr11. Ch&rlea Roe., of Placen-game while north -Muth high Ha. aped tJ prlus; J.lrs. Troy Rob-1rorera were Jotr11. B. ?ti. Wiison t•rtllon or San Clem~ntt, flower•: and Mrs. Tom Bruff. The Oxford Comp11nton to Mu· Grnrr11I 111forn111t1"11 Is contsln · 11'1c. e•I In: A<'lam11kl, lnshle the Spacr L1terature 1~ rrprnt ntf'd by: Ship~; Raird. Theel' Harv t • t Baird, Represf'ntallve Amrrw11n \"P11.r11. H11rhan1111. Steel T rail• Speerhes: Carroll. l'stful ~n<l 11nd Iron Ho~u: CheHman, Trial lnatrucllve Poetry; Cook,. Rl'BI by Or<leal, Detective Storll'a of thr Yr1<r -Evant! C'n11111m" lhro1111'h lhr 19~~: Dolaon, Sorry to Be So Agr~. Huxle~·. Thi" Drvtl11 ot Chf'erful. Loud11n; 'Jones. Life on Other W<>rl<111: L#hnf'r. Symbol•. Sign•. Flagg, Roeea and Buckahot; Roffman. The Twrnllta: Amer!-and Sl(nf'ts; Lin, Lookln!f B•· y<'nd, can Writing In the Poatwu De· Miller. Pop\1lar Malhtmatic11: <'&di'; Hutchin.on, Talia of the Nllllkt, Th e Compl,.te Mercrdr11 RA1l11, <rtt\.): Stein. Flr1t Read· Story: P1111ley, 21 St11yed; Pt'rcl- er 11nd Three Playa lgift> a nd val, Our old-r1111hl 0M i1 f'lowera; SW1nnerton. The Georgian U tn-1'raC'y, Tht' PPllMnt C'nokbonk: ary Scene. Gifts from Rlcharrt Tregukls Law book• al"I!; Conyngton. al'I': Clune. I11ln of Splrr ; Lee, Bualne .. Law, <&ifl J, Curtla, U-p;;.;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;. on11 Under the Throne: A Study of the Supreme Court of the United St.ates and O'Brien, Pa.r- lla menta.ry Law for the Layman. History and T ravtl Includes: Bemlt11 The Unltrd SllltH u & World P ower ; 1900-lM~; Chld- 111')', Elizabeth I; Chun•hlll. Chur- chill: Hla Llfr In PhotogTapha; Coon. l~O Budget Vacatlon11 from UOO to $1,000; Crockett, Davy 'crocketl'a Own Story; Drury. An Editor on the Comstock Lode; Death VaUt'y, A Gulde: Gwyther, Capt&ln Cook 11nd the Sduth Pacific; Knight. -Hitch YourWa,gon; ScOll."'Damn- ed to Glory and Shirer, The Ch.al- r Program Theme of Rea P-TA Quick Service FOR Roller Shades St&nd.a.rd Shade Cloth• and C\atDm &rectalllt11 e. Drapery H&tdware • Venetl.an Bll.nd.I CALL HARBOR IH THE SHADE SHOP 6H Hnd St., Sewpon.ae.dt Beeld• the Poet Otftoe Do You Have You" Free Tickets fte OermM A tr ~l Haym U11ltlr11 up 1..1,,.rta; lntroducllon l'b New Z-land: Rame. Road to Tunll: Rent&. Marln11 In the C~traJ Solomol)a and Stowe, They Shall Not llrep. '°"' fort•h/1 Munsingwear STRETCHY-SEAT BRIEFS with the ,.,,, ,_.i llMI urd<ht1 ,,, Piii tlo-Ill.,.,, .,,,J sl A.._euy to wear u your utn .. ; l HoriMn.tal rib 1Nt irtNtGhee with you. 2 The Jl<'lllC'h 11•uree positive no-chafe comfor t. 3 'The no-cap ..e.rtlcaJ fty Ml .elf .adjuatinc. 4 Of fine combed lithtwei,tit cotton, lcnit and fl.ni.ahed to reai11t 1hrinkln1, aa11in1, atretching. !3 Heat-rairtant elutic wa~ hand ruaranteed to lut U. . life of the 1annent. Open Sunday 10 to 5 --~>Nr•r ~ DtflllloltT .... Nf ST'OA9 OS TH~ OCEAN FRONT at Und l!ltrt1et One ahort block from the Newport Pier Newport Beach • WE OIVll I A II ORE.EN IT AM.PS an! lhl' l: .. <groom i. the aon of ~1 1 s. S .. e Hamilton. 131 AJ l)('rt l'l,11·"· C'o~ta ~fel'ltL The 7 .30 p m . 1 it A wu per-formed by lh• Re'" l'. O. Neumann. Fifty f rlenda orter·e•t frllcila· tlona lo the young couple anol wr1 e sci:ved !rom tl1c wedding bu!!rt. Flower1 provided aettlng and 11 p- pointment. were m.cnbed with namu ot Gay and Verl'ertll. Dance committee membus met at the home of 2'trs. A rthur Chreal, 710 N. V l.ne SL, Anaheim, this week to dltcUM plana and ex- change ldeu for the bene!IL Mr11. chreat, who i• l'eneral ch.alrma.n ot U.. a-, •a--ac.dl the .. t ~fr:o;. Dale Drai-er or Capt.trano Runners -up east · west Wt>re Bl'\ACh, poater11 ; Mre. W . C. Petke Mra. Peggy P&radea and Mrs. o! Fullerton. orchr•tra; Mra. OtU1 Fran Hobson; Mr. and Mt !'. Vln- 1'1ltml\n or Brt•a, door pnua; Mra. cent Sha~: Mrii. Arch Mr Alllstc>r Roy Herald of Santa Ana, co-and Mrs. Mulon lior11n. Runnc>rs· ordinator a.nd Mra. Lyle Vtlott of up north -eoulh were Mrs. Peg- Anaheim, pubUclly. gy Johnson a.nd Arnold G&Mer ; "T eamwnrk Dolls Jt", l h I' y~ar's r -TA rnnvPnl1nn thrmc, will hi' 11tre~:ol'l1 ti~· Evt'rl'tt A. Rea school l'·T.A. 111 Its pro· I gram~ this commg yeu. accord-I Ing to the proeram committee I which held thi'!l r flr~t meetlnlf recently 11t t he home ot Mrs. for Frtt Award thll' Saturday, AUJ:. lSth 2 :SO p. m. ... at. RA\' FlEl .. DS, \'lsta Jrwrlt'r ~ \!erirene wore a 11.-ht blue •ult. tiny hnt with nose vell and white 111 • ,.,.,, tt•" She r11t'n('1i 11 Bible, o'r\\ ""''" \11th v.·htte saun a nd t op· p1•d hy 11 whit!' orrhld wllh 11alln 1;treameu . lier attendant, Mi.u Brenda Pelera, wore navy blue with pink and a dark pink orchid. .AJ..o p.-t ...... s-t.e Iba. Mrs. ll:dna Ma.o.Muter and Mra. C.rald Mccomber; Mr1. Ruby E11p:v •net J ohn Stewart. Man'fl Watch or Lady'• Blrthatone Rlnit plus Watl'h Rands -•ill ~ awardf"d F1•e•lrw ~ltllPr WR.S gr<>om~m11.n, \\ lllTt: ASll l'I S K ll1111q111•r !< 11! wh1tt• i:l11•ilol 1. whitr c111na1111n• •rn•I rink atnl\r,\'llls 1le- corat•"I tit•' 1·hurd1. \\ 1.· lil111i.: t11t1;<(C was r lt1y• ti h1· ~11.011 Lind1l \\'1rkcy. M1 1<. Jla:1.iltPn n/t.ql11te1t In wrl- t'Omini; J;ll•'l'IL• l\l thP RAkl'I' hnm!'. Shi' wnrl' for lhr N'ra111on a cos· tume or t•rthid ant.I purple whll~ that of J\trs. HnkPr roml'llned light an•I na''Y blt1t' A•1! h mnthrr~ Wit!!! whit" orrhl<I r<'r11>1gei< Both Mr. and Mni. Hamilton are member1 of the 196-4 graduatln~ cla.111 ot .Newporl Harbor High School. Xow honeymooning al 11n und11cloaed deatlna tlon. t hey will return to a home ln Coata MN&. Now at Mojave Mrll. R. H f F.mma I \Yt>alher· fnnl. 12·1 East R~y Avc . I~ 1111m- merlnK In MnJa\·e with a '1anr:h· t!'r. Mr ... Clyde He"mf!r end hua· ban ti. Gibson Child Borh The M11rv1n C!h80ns. 63:? "°"~t 18th St., Coala Me .. a, IHI pa1••nts 11( a !"trl haby born ;J uly ;l! s t Hoag Hospital. MAHONEY-KISTLER WEDDING SLATED Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Kistler, 2015 East Ocean Blvd .. are announcing the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Patricia Eliza- beth. to Si;tt. Francis J . Mahoney of New Jersey. lm·italions to the nuptials, to be held at 1 p.m. Saturday. Aug. 20, at our Lady of Mount Car- mel Catholic Chur ch, will be in the mail this week. Guc>sts will be recei\'cd after t he ceremony at the home of the bride's !Jarents. Miss Belinfante Plans First of Season's Symphony Concerts Brownie Scout Families at Park Picnic Conductor Says Europe Becoming Americanized I l'rl from the mo\'le!I that they Olrla ot Brownie Scout Troop .. t,. F.:1rer1all~· I talked of my No. 60, w1th their leader• Mni. w111k hi-re In Am('rlra. an•l of W, C. Fisher and Mni. JUch !What th•• r••al at:ltll'te r.r Aml'n-Richie, entertained their pa.rat. 'un~ 1~· and !an111iea v.1llh a potluck din· n :r.r.s ()F WORK FriC>da BclmfanlE', of Crystal C11\'C, pC>nnanenl con-"I ~rok" nf th" wnnrll'rf'ul n••r lut Wcilnesday evening a t ductor of thC' Orang(' County Philharmonic ~ocirty. hai; i<pmt. th<" w1lhngne!ls 111 -..·111·k tor Costa Meaa Park. 11 pt11'pMc, t ~1" 11nhrl1°•\·rtllli-ef· Attending t.he a ff a I r wtr. arri\'ed back in this ro11ntrv aftl r a two months' \'1s1t in f 11 th t 1 h 11 J " !I U peop e rrr a:-•• Wt lnl:' :\ft.!l~r<1, and Mmes. Eugene \Vine, her n ati\'e Holland. an1l already has rC>hrnr:;als u1111C'r-to put rnto cullnrnl w.1rk When l toll! t h1•m what we h11d flt'Mnl· r•amrlJ a.nd KE"nny, Mirkry Kel-way for the socic>ty's next concert. The first E'\'t1nt of t his pllshell musically l1rre In n rnni;:-i• 1~" 1.::11thy SJvl _ Jnhnny: oouglu 1ymphony i:r11up·s l!PCOnd 11eason t11·r in the Dutch unol~t ~1 · 11n.J < '<1\J11ly In just nn" , NII' th('y Hqui;t .. n, .Jen Kay. Jed and Nan- ls "'herl11letl ftor s 1tur<1ay, Atti:;. •IU• :ni: th\' w:ir and C'll""t" d Hnl· 1 c-0111.1 trnrdlv b"il""" Ir" "' • ~larv1n G1bl<On. Kathleen and 21 Al 8:30 p.m, 111 the ln·lne 111i;.J (n r Pn1.s anJ' u 1ndon whl'n 1 · ~hss Jkhnrantc pll\ns " \'&(IN!' Char!1•lte : V1r~1l Hal11 and Sua· Bowl. Lftguna llt>ai·h h,.r nNh-llt<'~ 1tnd •llR;,'11 :~" IJ"' ame and tight·hlllrt<'•l r r••p »•m ( .. r I" I-r•·d Youngblood. Frt'd<la. Lu- "A1lr r l'lght \ rar~ r foun•! ktwwn tn ::->1111 "''1·11rn1 I n 1111: hnr· I th" !1U!d1111r ~ummrr ' II\ 1'11. In· 111 1.1nr1 Darlene': Rich Rlrhlt', Bet· ..... '1 ·, I I 1t1f'll. Sh,. r1rH I '\ITII" t1I till' , .... n. rhr•lt'd n.moni:: otl't•r th lr\t'~ Will ty An n, Lary, Carn! Rnrl Bobby; .11.uro~ enonnous v J n11•r r u uz-• · · Willllll c F' h Cl . Bill ed",rrports Mil' .. Bellnfrmtc."An•l l tr.v l.n 19'1• and lh,:< wA s h•r b,.. mu.sit' b\' Ch11bn er, Schub1>rt l n • , .. f'r. ss~. the stran~c t hlnJ: Is that whllr ftnrt ,,,.,~ h11 c-k ti' h,.r f!,.m,. 1111~'11nt1 Khn1.chat11r111n, and Howar'1. there Is at 111 a ~oo<t bit of anti· CR m:ly Fin cc I hot 11 n •<' 1 -r;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;, American f!'ellnlo'!. the thlnKS t ht')' \\ h1lr lhrrp shl'l a ppenr<>•I with WATf:K llEATY.R~ BE SURE_ INSURE are copyinit am thl' V<'ry thing" Rlltllo Hollo.n'1, and wru1 tntt'r· SALES, SUYICE ••d Rf'AIU the\' crlttc1ze \Ill lllO!'lt ror?I Thlll ~iewr.J h,\' lhf' 11'1\•llnr( I •11trh J n I JJ I II 'tmc "f th.-ynuni; l'""l'l<' In nl'W!IJ'tlpers. , l iii,! ntY brst'' :;)\• 0e (/.:Jeclzl old partlrular. An1I lh<'y arr • razy 11111•! .. ,,, C't11mlrr11 r t the 1mrre11· Pl.C'!\IBIXfi for Amcrlran jazz. :\ltll'h mnr" !!l"lllf lhi\t Ill e hrl1I l hne (l( thl• TUMS 10 'U CVH DOWM ../ wtt.b WAVRICE !STANLEY ln1uran0f' OnJ:ci Phone Harbor 24'7t UIS F.. <~a8t Hlrhway Corona dtl !\far 10, 1 think. than wh1•n 1 ll'fl." cn1111tr)'. mNt of which 11re form· '~o•• Hub•• ~llO '" 1 ·~ n ERC1 RO l':'O > f-;....;;;;.;;;; ____ .;;;;;;;......;;;;;;.,;;_.;;::=====;;;==::~::;::;;:~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;====:;;;:;:;-;~g M1s11 Bcllnr11nte had been ac· Teacher in Arizona ?.Uas Agmis C'rlllg, 1676 Tullln Avr, fifth gracle tcarhe.r In l'\t'W· port Bca('h Elamentary srhnol, i• spending-the 11umml'r with her mothn and alstn In Wiicox, Artz. Gives Memorial A.a a ml'morll\.l t-0 her huaba.nd, U.. late Chules H. Jeffrey, Mn. fettrey. 'i07 Larkspur Avt .. pl&u to pruenl a b11.pt1«mal font and ·~union table tC1 Corl'n& del Community Church. The plccea "i II be dciilgned to faatch rr•ent cha.nee! turntah-..... -- .. \' • St,op & CORONA. DEL MAR WILL BE CLOSED ON SUNDAYS DURING AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER Our Regular Delivery Sen i ce Coven The Eotire Harbor Area On Saturday• Call Harbor 590 for your neeC:l1 . ' Wlnneu ot Muter Point. In Sunday afternoon'a ('&me were Sally Brown and A. D. Wt lherly playmr north -10ulh a.od Mr11. Tom Bruff and Arthur White ea.at -wHL Runner• -up north· •oulh were Ma.rahall Ketchum and Percy Crawley: }.f ra. Pe~«Y J oh11aon and Mr11. Arnold Gu.qr1 ; Mra. .Anne MltcheU and Fted Morrl.an. Dennis Hogland, president. I Many 1ubJerla of timely 1.n· 1 1 tneAt for 'parenlJI of l~n-egera were 1ugi:et1lf'd. and each pro· gram promises lo be well worth attending. J\1111. Charlrs Stanley. I program chatrm"n · rrported that year books will be printl'd and dt5trlbutt>d to Pach ramtly thla ThMe attending wer. Mn!. St~rilty. chairman. Mmu. O<>rdon Jmle~. Richard Scoutrn. Roy Fox. E. R. Carr, Hoirland and Ute nrw to \\'loners of Con~t.. Summer Clearance Ladies' Costume Jewelry Sl.00 Earrings Now 2 Pair $1.39 RAY FIELDS, Jeweler \\'. 19th St. at Placentia in \"i8ta ~ter Runner• -up 11111t -wut wen Mr. and Mu. Oouglu Graha.m; Mra. Edythe d'E rlanger and Ho- ward Brownell; Mrs. A. D. Weth· erby and Mra. A. H. MacDonald, Eut -w11t winnent In the Mon- day at~rnoon gamt were Mrs. Ivan Hooker and C. 8. Kerr while north -aouth high 11corera were M.ra. B. B. Morr111 and Mr1. Har· ry SchlUlng. principa l of J!:verett A. Rea '~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~-;~:::;-; School. Jack Putflnbar~cr ;. ---- RunneM1 -up u .st -wnt were Mrs. Oeorce Men1man and Mrs. C. S. Ph,Jps lying with Mrs. C. E. Irvin and Mre. E. J . MuraeL Runners -up north -11outh were GPrald McComber and Mra. Ruth Harbeson; Percy Crawley and MaM1h&ll Ketchum Beach Party for Speaker Groups 20. 7 p.m. at S&th Sl , Ocl'an Front. Al that time will be dlscus~ed fnr a m('etlng. \\' e11l plan11 Jnlnl I Vernon Alll'n pr~11detl. :\eel I Loeser \\'IUI tout master and El 1 Soule wa.c; tabletopi<'i ma.ster. Jeff Stormson c1! Co~ta Mesa wu gue•t of the evening. Speaken Wt're D•\\'1tl Worce11· ter, Vaughn Taylor. V&rnon Al-I Jen, Tom Soule, and Sandy Stein-1 1 er. Latter won the rup for hi" speech on the geologicaJ torma-1 lion a t YosemitP E,·11luAtnr~ were Eil Soulr. Ra:v L EclU:<P, Bob Prrrln, Bob Mc:l.;•ary and Chuck Ary. I :>:ext Tlte!ld"Y ""l'nlni; 11 t Har- Lido Toastmutera' Cluh. mttt-bor House the dub v.•111 holft tl" Ing Ill Harbor liou11 Tuesdav l'l!'mi·annual <'h.•(t1on ot officers I evening. heard an lnvltatlon read and "111 awartl the permllllenl from Mrs. :'\adPne Hill, president trC1ph\' r~r t<J tt.e f1v" w1nnrrio or t he loc11 t Toastmlatreaa unil, whn hll\'e aecul'rd thrr" rur" In lo jom in a beacti party A11r:. it' ~ __ --------I -~-;erl Clearance Sale 1 1 Poliahed Cot ton. Rayon A. Nylons ... Reg. to .. ? .. rn $1 .00 yd. Novelty Cottom. Reg. to S 1.3!1 2 yds. for $1.50 Sanforized Cotton Prints Reg. t o Sl.00 2 yds . for S 1.00 (at the Corona del Mar .tore only ) ... Reg. 59c 3 yds. for $1 .00 Printed Drapery Yardage BQy I )'&rda at rf'plar pr1r• 4th Yard Costs Only 1 c SNIP 'N STITCH Shop m'7 I!. Oout Hwy. Corou cle1 Mar 11 NOW AN EL.tCTRIC ·SHAVH DESIGNED ESPECIAll Y FOR THl NEEDS OF WOMEN ~o"·· for 1hc firH 1imc, an clt.•et ri c sha,·cr C)pcc1ally designed to~crvc the needs of w o m en. ONLY the Lady Sunbeam has a ~h av­ ing head w ith one cd.~c ~­ pecia ll y ~round to ~have rhe le~s. and the other edge c~pc­ ciallr ftround for underarm use. h i.s .small-no larger than a co mpact. Ends muss and fus~. nicks and cuts of soa p and h ladc. The Lady Sunbeam's g~ntl<'. sure performance gives you a new easy way to ket:p neat, fresh and dainty. Wondcrf ul 2l home, or for travelling. FOi SHAVING UNDH· /X"~"!ll \ AIMS LID0-3461 \'la Udo, Nett-port lkaeb "On,. of U.. U do Shop•" UARBOR-MOl f:. Cout Hwy., Corona dtl 11.ar BALBOA-716 E. Balhoa Bh·d., HaJboa , I Baha'is Protest Persecution !NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I I. PAGE 3. L•l<'AI 8 HhR •~ ht1Vf' ll'Mml'd di'· tails nf at lfK'llll'I' 111fh<'tf'l1 upon El11ha '' 1n I ri.n \\ hlC'h Ii rf' l>l>tnJ. •I ·•·u1111-nt1·•I 1n p1 .. pH r1H1Pn lur 11n Kµpn1I t1t tl ,. l'mlril :\11t1on11 by th•• ll.lhR'I JnlPJ llKlH•llRI C"lllnlll· May and J une. 19~. Colh>"'ln& the go''" nmf'nl 1 l1e<·r .. e. ar• li1t- f'd 1n the docun1 .. ntauon Baha'i wu dniggtd from hi• home and lohl tu ~llh!'r twcome a Mos lrm or be k11lrd Ht fll!<l m l\' 1111 r ep111 lPd hy H"r11c·e Hol· lo a ne111 by l.'i.ty for prctttctlon II'' ""' 1e1111 \' uf lht j'\11t1n11al 811· l1f th111 1·11y but.hPU a nd bakl'rt hll I Al<~• mbly 11'('!'1\'t'J tnlllt'Ul't111nB 111\l lo Hll On M A\ 17 lh•• lrem:rn go,•.-rn-brtatl or mtat to Baha'i• 111ent 1 epu1 tf'tl 1111 l'•lil't 011U11w· 1 "In "'"l'dler·n trim lnha b1111nts o! mi: th<' B11hR "1 Faith in Iran. Jjnd one town rursed thf' Bah11'l• an1I "1111 ll.c m1l1t1try f•lf<'<'ll parually I their rt'llgwu~ obAervr.nce1. ant.I d1•rn11llhl\.t'tl \tic> Bah11'1 atlrn1nl-stoned thr'1r housf'~. A number i;t1111t"f' hea.Jquurter11 In Tehran. of tht.'1r chihlren wtre rxpellrd I ~·,,r more than a rentury the from the st'hoota. !111h~·1,. or Iran have been nllh· "Jn another w .. et" r n town h """' Jl+'rs .. ruted under pru•UTe three men a ttackt'fl the daughll"r 1111111 frluti".ol -~1~ ltadera or a Baha'i, anti MhP was bfoa ten \\h11 h11v.. JepHrled from the and raped. ~;:11r111111I ll!11chln1t• of Muham· lllRd," Mr HOllf'\' lllated . "In cenlri\I Irsn Baha'i" we-re prevl'nted rrom prat't1clng thl'1r profeu1on, the maklnit of ro111: w11ter A number of Baha la lak· Ing their har\'l'Sl to market were beaten &J\d lh••ir h1rvt.11l plun~red. Four harvC'at store·' houiu belongrng to Bahs'ls werf' I ael on fir!!. as were their houses. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 llonal body. An Impart laJ inveatl· I uatlfll\ gallon of all Ul'f'Cl• or the 11t· coml'd ~ Will Bartines Calico .,...uy Shop I I I E. I 8th, Costa Mesa-LI 8-20 I I PRESENT, for your ~hoot aewing. Woolens. Wool & Nylon. Wool and Orlon, Synthetic Flannel, Linens, Cottons, Wrinkle resistant cotton.e, & Corduroys. ' Prices range from 39c in 80 equare cotton• to $2.95, $3.95 and $4.9~ in woolen types. Yean o! experience apeu1 for our quality and patterns. under neVf management GE'ITING THE SWING OF JT -These Lido lsle youngeter11 gave a polished performance at the recent Lido Isle Carnival and street dance. Her~ they are shown ll·~1rning the sl~ps as Chief Push-ma-ta-ha "Thia ctefi11nce of lnte1 national ~t11mi111 d11 of human nght11, and 11( the t-nhghtened modem con- H ienc ... rt>"llonslble for the United :",111ona Charter, of which Iran h I\ i-1cn:Hury nation. mUllt now bl' r halll'nge<I Th!! 11tat u1 or Ba- ha'u1 ll:< m .. mberll of an tnd!!pen- tlrnt r"hi;w n must be rl!cognized end prntPclf'•I." tht 11nnounce- rntnt a trlrmed. "In the same region tht' pop· ulace broke down the wall of the I Baha'i cemt'Lery. enterf'd 11, and I dug open a gnve Thf'y ca rried away the corpse and th!! coffin. EL I T rE chants and beats the drum. -Staff Photo I Atroc111r1 known to have been rnmmittf'<I upon Baha'i.. during KOREA -HO UND -These two young goals. tethered on Chapman College's shady Quacl, will snon be going on a mission of their own -to help st1we off hunger in h'.1irea. Thev compri11ed an exhibit of Heifer Project of SouthE>rn California Christian Churches. So far t his year , Heifer Project has shipped 200 goats to Korea. the Philippin<' [stands. Greece and Turkey, 300 cattle to Korea, Japan. West GPrmany and Austria ; and 30.000 Chickens to Mexico and Italy. Heifer Pro,1cct is sponsored by many denominations. Shown with thE> k1d8 are J elln l 'mbarger and Joyce \·an Kolken of Sun Valley -OCNS Phc.to IN occ LIBRARY mendf'd u a buls for under· standini; lht C-1.mmunrqt c:~nspir­ acy, it." hackitrounrt, 11nd J'l""!l•blt C • R 1 • l!Olutton Hrrf' 1n L h 1 m b I e ommun1st evo ut1on form fine Ill llbl" lo lrR<'e hilllOr• 1<'11lly the i:;1owth nr C11mmun111m, 1Petroleun1 I .to Variety -------' Adaptable 'l of Uses "In northern Irlln. the houae of a Ba.ha'i was attackf'd; the po- hce refused to take acl1Qn. Ntar- by, a Baha'i "u 11everely bP&len. and when uncon•ciou11 waa taken to the house of a Moslem. A ru- mor atarted that he entered the I Moslem'a house to wi_;ylay 11u11pi· 1 H..ive )'<•U e\'t>r n1vt one rif thn1<(' make 1111 sorts of play and sports c1on. He wa11 arre11ted and Im· tlelighlful peop4' who l!t'('m to bt• equ1pnwnt Cor your relexation, prisoned, and will be prosrcuted , a hit' lo turn lh<ll h11nl1s tn any·,"" hth.-r you truvPI or not Oil Is I "Two othl'r B11ba'111 were al· 1 lhini: lh"Y plt>a~,, .. nd make 11 ull th1•1>o" tl.in1t11 nnrt more. the~e tacked and ~aten. Thty wtrt 1 :-111·1 """ of ii".' You know, the 1 ~·1 ... 11r.· cwrr 2 300 prodUC'lS UC p<>Lro-'aftPrward.s place·J b111•kwa1 els nn I uf fl"'""" '.•:ho rnn put 881\J<• th• l1>UI\>. a111I c\'1.'I)' rir•'lillcl has a <1onkeys and le11 "'Ith ndk ull' 1 fine neenh·wnrk Sht''s d"inJ:. l:l'l "p,,rsnn11hty" l\ll its own. I through st'ven v1ll11i:e11. 1 I nut th,. ln,,ls. a nrl i<tart h111ll1in,11: Y~11. 1>-t1<.:1·um h.i~ a 11pht per· "Patu:ularly tr11gw to Haha'l11 n h11nk1•11se sort nf a won11t>rful !\'111ahly 11nd e111•h pl.'rson.1hty 1s throughout the w orld hs1.1 Mf'n ~pltt 1><>rson11 hty. Wrll pttrnleum wonderful tn know the tlesecrallon ot the hou11e of Ill LlkP lh&l iC Y'"' slnp lo think the Bab, the martyr-prophtl. hoh· about 1t est B&ha'1 shnnt m Iran. p, trtilf'iim ii<,. rn~hrun 811.i bt,11,1. Get-together for "Baha'i• have made ~uprc-mf' ly t'Xfl• 1 l Otl·ba'<i~ m1r.1dr fob· Glendale Friends effort to brlnl( thest Jlf'.1'51.'<:U· """ 11n into makini: atltlll'l•""· Uons to an f'nd through d1rer t bul11Cd-w1se clothes for the Amer-A 1 appul to tht Shahinshah. the p111 ty lo resume o d fnend· Pnme Mlnuttf'r, the Senate antl ships "'·'" ho111es.<ie<1 by Mn1 .Rob· bert Struthrr and Mn. Jamea the MaJli•. Thue ap~al havf' Beauty Salon 30 .. Marine Balboa Island ''Mr. Pat" of Santa Ana Complete Beauty Service Permanent Waving ' Coloring Styling ' Manicurinr For Appointmenh Phone Harbor 1827 1c11n woman and hPr !am1ly Othf'r J'l<'I mleum product~. sut'" u whllt Wb wid alcohols. ue lhe basi.s for ro11rnPl1c!I 11nd perfumes. 011 111 th .. perfr1•t housl'k"l'Jlf'r T'etr1tll>um-l1er1ved dPLergents and 1 lesmng compnunrl.• hghten your wnrk 11round the house: 1inrt nil hell"' supply the power !or the 1mrny n pphanrrs that frt'r you from ~o much hou11ehold drudgery. Kwtl wben thi-y enterwnect al gone unhtt<!ed. I f'Ocklluls on Ttil.'l!'!ay al their "Hence the neceulty of di· 1 i.ummtr hnmr, 302 South Bay recllnK an appeal to an mlerna· ~=======;;;;;;;;;;m;;;;;;=:;ii;;:;=:;;;;;;s:;;;;o;;;;;;;:;ia;; _______ i.IJ Front. ~~~~~~~~~-,::-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- A moni:; t h n i< e pre11ent were Mmra. Mor r1s Ell'll, l..ayton Tay- lor, Rllb<"rL J onr11, Ronalrl Bulow Clinton Anl1rrr, 1111 former Glen- dale re111dl'nll<. OJI put..'-t,n overalls and h"· come5 a farmer. Fertillr.n11, weed At Lake Louise killef'll, and runglcld!!11 1mo11t ot J.tr. and Mr". Walter Bllven which are oil producta) coa,x the ea. rth into ytrlding-the abundant orr'omCorona df'I Mar havt n-tumed produC'c which makt's you famtly a thr" weeks vacation on, o! the b'9t fed In the wnrld. otnp which look tht'm &11 fu norlh u Lake LoulM In Alberta. C11nada. Oil I• a newsp11perm.an. Carbon black 1Ul'1 other petroleum pro- ducts arP the ingTed1ent..s 1n the Q pnnler'll ink11 lh11t &rl' the V1lAI wens in Hawaii nmd or our grrat, rr~ prtsl' Mr. 1.11d Mrs Ross Owen. BaJ- 011 ta a h0Ucllty·m11ker. If you I boa Covu. ltft th111 wMk for lrll\'l'I, it funls your <'llr t r11m, Haw1111 where thty , .. 111 vacalton 1h1p, or plane; bes1dt10, 011 htlps for " month. SENSATIONAL NEW electr:ic shaver for worrien 0.. ........... . a. .-••t•l .. •••ect lin1 TH .. , ........... R • d b H d and lo '"' it.a 1:011 1~. If one 1 ari I evlewe Y aarsta 1:r&11p thr~r 1.to11l.~ lh1•n way11 a n I , ~ '~~~~~,8 to comb1H th!!m nn be \\'ilham Hllar•tsd 0 r 8 n i: f' 11·pL1CJn of History The Cl1111s Coa~t C'olleli;I' libr11r111n. rr'\'I"" ~ Sll Ui(i(IP Surplus Value ind the Thi' Commun Isl Rl'\"Ohlllon; An ('nntr11ct1r t1nn:o nf Cap1tRl111m. 1'he Son for Harveys. Qlllline u( Strnlc'~Y antl Tur t1cs. D1~t11LorshLJi or the Proltt11r1at.1 by H11rn1,1 II F'1•l1rr 1111 Cullo1w~ Th•• !-="1z111,. of Power The Dlc- Th1~ part11 ll illr work Ill fine of l1tl11r1<l'lip or lhP Proletariat. The the H0<wrr Jn~l1l11IC' S1111hc·• prl.'· f'rnlt'larrnn Dictatorship Under pftred 11111.l pubhAlwd st Slllnft>1<l Lenin. Jmperrallsrn. C:ok1nles. and UnlvPrxlty F:11rirl'l('mt'nt. St>c1ahMm 1n Ont' The malPrlal In thl11 work 1~ t •1111ntry. Strategy and Tactics of very recent a nd tlmely, the book I the Dlctatnr8h•r \Jnder Stalin having been compl!!l!!d m Msrl'h, Commum•m In Cotlnies a nd 19~. J'or tht> ltnKth of tht work Semlcolomea. ThP Cold W11r 1t I• very rompll'te. Riving 1n T'ute and Coex1iol•nce. Quut- capwle form the lmp<>rtant 1ttm~ 1on11 and Speculatlon11. relative to Comrnunlam. Other feature• ¢ the work The bflol< contain• th• follow· are 1 hronologH•11 rtlating to the 1 lnr: the origin of "commum11t" C'nmmunl1<t mnveml.'nl, and an and Communl11n1". Thi" bf'1r1n-rxrc-11,.nt bibhoJ,:Ta fiiy relating to n1n.1t• of tht> communl11t1r 1<1e11. lhf'• 11ubjcrt nf Cnmunl11m. I th,. Mat,.n11h•l nr Rl'11l111t <;on· Th1JO wnrk 1• highly recnm· "'-·------ DRAPERllS IAVI HALF SPECIAL 10 DAYS OML Y Ora~ )'Our 8 hc>droom ~ml' c-ompff'Ui for onl~· •199 Bsu~ed nn 1werage R room• ~omplete SHAVE MASTER One 1lde of the comb 11 ground to the correct finene11 to 1have the 1991. The other side of the 'comb 11 ground to f u1t the correct thick· Mii for UftderarM UM. TM other side of tfM comb ii ground to iu•t the correct thidmeu for _.rorm .,.. Now. for the first time. an electric .t..wr e~ dealfJoed to ICn'e tlfc needs.~ women. ONLY 1bt LAJy S..bu. hds 11 lie r'llg J,,.,t/ with OIH Mgt 'iptti11//y gt'O'""J IO ""'"'"" I.gs. MM/ "'-°""" + nptcially grwnuJ for lllHkrti,.. •u. It ii .naU-no larger m.o a mm- pact. Ends muss and fuss, nicks and cats of toap •nd blade. n.. Lady Sunbeam's gentle, tutt pcrformwe gives re*• new a_,..., to keep neat, fresh and dainty. Wondcrfal • ~ °' b ca • .. ONLY SW.50 Included: Large 12' Livmg l oom. Picture win- dow, Dining Room. Kitchrn, ~ervice Porch. Bath and 3 ~rooms. Custom -'ade to fit each win- dow. 32 fabrics a nd owr :!00 decorator color• to choose from. If you ll t"t'd more or le. ~ above rate 1till applie!4. euat.om·made '1191 rtra~riH 11' low u pr. Rrlnir your wlndof mMAuremf'nll wills you Whtlt\ll!f' pouible. BON rflARCHE' 5ny neat, fresh and dainty all-year long with a Lady Sunbeam Shavemuter. Its gentle, sure performance will always safeguard your pcr- IODal, feminioc charm. This electric shaver is es- pecially design~ to serve the needs of women. The Lady Sanbeam shaves both legs and uockrarma · wida equally perfect results. It is smaU -no larger chao a compact. Ends muss and '-, nicks and cuts of soap and bbde. Wooderful M home, or for ttavclliog. , SHAVING j uo• t~-\t;g :VINO UN DR AIMS ........ ..._. e••F•d-............ -ualcutt. t Alt C..t Hwy. C.Or-. del Mar door to Port TllMt" I AL ONLY $14.95 i , l·Ot'R CHOICE OF SIX <'OLOftl'I FORGIT HARDWARE SEE · IT AT YOUR SUllBEAI DEAlE~S Hamor ne I ., .. I l I I J 1 I - (}overnmenl f.:xcepl PAGE 4 -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 GIFT HORS!? BRUSH COUNTRY ''God grMt u~ he serenity to &ccept the things we c&nnot change: the cour&ge to ch&nge the things we c&n ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) JOURNAL· By HORACE PAK.KEil EDITORIALS l'Al<K l'HO(;fO·:~s -A place of beauty crPlted from harrl.'11 :::and dunrs i11 the new little park easterly of 1 he R:ilb1•:1 l'1rr hrad on the ocean beach Gracefully 1•lantrd pal')'s, \'l'f\'l'IY gref'n grass and areas of smiill ' Park Nea r Balboa Pier Grows in Beauty, Planting T here art' many people who f~I that all the City of Nrwpnrt l\rach 1s Just one bu~ public park. There arc many dcf1n1l1uns of what constitutes a public park as tht:rc arc people who think. One tl11ng 1s certiun. N ewport Brach 1s one of 1 he lt1\'t'hc·i;t, m ost restful spots on the face o f the rArth. Of M ursc we do not spe<ik first hand. But I hrrr are re11idt'nts her" who have enjoyed tht> Riviera nf Fnrncl', h l'at her of Scotland, the green of lreland, I hr b<'autv of the Alps, the treasures of R ome, th«> w 1nC'R <'f i•a n s. :tnd the 111r xp<'nsn·e 11\'ing of ::;outh A mrrn·si ns wrll i\R the lo\'eliness of air the South SC'aR. But all of them chooee t o live here. Each warm day and every weekend Newport ~ach plnys hol't to thoui;antls of \'isitors, guests, intruders. Thrrc :m• those who pasg throuf?h and ha\·ing pllSSed IC':n ·r t hi' i:t rand brtter for their vieit. Then there are I ho:-<' ltttr rbugs who should nev('r have been-permitted In p;111i1 f:irthrr than the co unty dump. T hi rr :i re people here. in Newport Reach, taxpay- NR Rm:lll :tncl lnrge who think that our tnwn s hould be ,111i:;t one big park -not for e\'eryone to enjoy but laq::rly for their personal satisfaction. There are p<'P!'le h<'rr who would like parks. new and m any. for thr rnjoymenl of the rcopl<> of this town -they wo rry n11: about other11. Thf'n, of course. there are reason- ablf• people -th<'y seldom Rre considered. F<lr th<' m os( p!lrt th<lse who think thiR a rea a.no 1 hnt Rr<'I\ should be a park with no r egard nr Aound r n ni::1dl'rat ion gh·f'n to the coal, support or tax Rt rue· t urr -:ire the MmC' peoplt> who would see a bene ficient fNIN·:11 ~o\'e rnm<>n• provide Rll their nec <iR from a 1rn~::1r Rru·k -not knowin~ that their demarnfa are F~,1011ym1)U~ \\ii h confiscation o f all p rivatp wealth, brlongm)!'.; anrl 1·1ghtR. T hrrr a rC' thoi;r v. hn wo uld like parks for the Ul'e nf •lllr t11wn~:·•·111•:l' this 1i; a Wt•rthy desire. H oW<'\'('r 1t 1~ a h·1nl NH' tu br111g tn fruition. \\ ,. b1•l1t'\'C' t hl'~C' i.ame people would rebrl at th<> thought th<lt th "~" fre<' citizen ar.d taxpayers s n ould c-a rry t(l a gatC' a n identification card to permit them t n us<' th<' park:-.1ust for the citizens of this town . But i;omewlw r(' thc re must be a re:u!o nable commo n gr11Ulltl. Our imc:irly ('d1t11r tlrscnbcs a park thus. '·A public park 1s o ne w h1rh ii< pro\'idr d for u!::le of thr pMple g<'ncrally by an l\gency or individual, entry is free or upon payment nf rras1mable comp<'nsation .'' Our editor says. "A public park is an area in which r rsidents o f o r vis itors t o a community may congregat e tC\~t·t h<'r or indh;dually for a recreational pause in their JreWPORT~ HARBOR .NE-W~6WKJ?RCSS (U. Not. -TtUa tlO&um. ~, Ho.-.(18 Parkn wUI dMI wttll tlle Uttle-kao-blatortcal fM'te lie baa dno4~~ up I• bl• .... 7 tripe lato U.e INMlk co1&11l r)' In ~nt )'Nr•.) F or ov~ 30 years 1 haw• shuttled back and .,rth by the old Good Hope gold mine on the road bet Wffn Pe.rrla and EIAino~. During that time I heard acoree.or atoriH about it. One wa.a the old mine WM "played out." Another that made the row1ds was to the effect it wna a g iant hot.X llt't up t<• rob the stockhohleor11 'rounj!rd whf'n 1 h11 trail 11'11 them Sllll anOUlfr said that mllllnn11 \•1 I h,. grsn1t1r <111tcroppl~• were taken out of the mint'. The whh'h miirkl"<I the ~Kn Ja cinto latut one l heard w111 to lhf tf-I Md f:<><>d R opr velll• But by tecl that therf' was enough v.·o111er rnhll' auay metho.11 a nd <'•nf\11 In th• old &hafts to supply th,. sampllnc; of •va1l•blt' 1mrl'•c• ore entl~ Pnrla Valli'\' wtlh water 1 u Wt'll u that foun1I In their lndefln\tl'ly. -I 'Y narroWf'•t down thf' "bllnC JIGSAW ... ~zzu )' nlUTOWl'rt dnw nth • "bind When I started writing up \hf lt•nd " It wu • i:aal da:v when retearrh on lhe old Temt-~•• 1 tht·y un..:ovt-retl r1rh icold ~arlnl( Tin ~tint, lhP .)l l:>-!IW puZl':I" of urt' t\11•1 r ••ttlt7•"1 thl'\' t111•I flnallv mmmit an the GllVllt.n Hills be· tltJOl'tl\'l'ff'•1 lh" htl ll~ "Mothrr g11n falling togr thfr by deirr e4'1<., l11•1<' ' A hllle hit here a n!1 11 hllll! b11 ~11.1.1:\0 l 'ROBF." lhfr<'. frll lnl,., pine-.. romp~t•ng /l:o"'. ram" th,. prohlem or mlll· " tlnv ~l'l:'fTll'nt. \llff H Gray or ml( I' or rcntun1•" thl' C'ntd11 ar- Rlver~lde with the D1v1s1on ur iaslr•• V.'h•'T•' " rnrk 111 !1rKg1tft1 )llne11 told me one of thflr mt-n around • c1rc\lh1r pavtment of wu worklnc on the Good Hope. nat atonr11 r rullhlnf th• ore had ---------------------------He put me In touch with T. E. bern peed by the Mexicans. M•-G&y oC the Dlvt&lon o! Mlnea che and hia Mf'>tlcan friends wt plantings enhance the p lace that will gain in popu- larity as time passes. It is a fine example of what can be c reated on the barren beaches of which this town hu m any milee. -Staff Photo activ1t1es. It malt.era not whether they play games o r s wim or j ust loaf: a public park offers space and sur- roUlldings in which folks may relax or play." Neither entered upon the premises that so mewhere the charges must be met t o pay for the park desir ed by "resident.a of or visitors to a community." The Stat e of California has solved this problem by erecting fences around the parks which have been acquired by the "ople for the people. l t chargea a fee for use under the theory thnt he who uses aupporta the upkeep and he who purchases has them a vailable upon the same payment as a user. Our mother used t o aay, "Children, a park is an area whe re a pereon c\n see his God in his surround- ings, h ear Him in the rustle of the leaves or breeze and commune w ith his c reato r unincumbered by walle man- madr." In .keeping with this last description of a park we commend to your f'njoyment, communion and 11atlsfac· tion the newly created park upon the beach at the east· erly eide of the Balboa Pier. It ie a beauty to behold, there for the satisfaction of the visitor or resident, w ith trec8 are leaves through which the pleasant P a- cific breeua may rustle w ords you can conjure up. Here is a park that we could weU repeat.every thousand feet along the 11ilver s trand along our m iles of orean front. Council Moves to Break Chambers 'Sonic Barrier' Newport Beach citizens who on occH1on throng the city council chambers until there is standing room only will be glad to know the counc il this week appropriated $200 t o improve the hitherto erratic sound Aystem ~rving lhe room. This la long in coming and it is t o be h oped peraona· with a\'erage cars will be benefited by the change or speakers and microphones. Could w e hope alM that t hoRe city o fficial• whose voic es are soft to begin with would amplify them sufficiently when speaking of public bu11in~ at the council meetings, our sonic bar- rier s would be broken indeed. While some foll<lf are endowed with ears sensith·e as radar sets, many good cit iuns here are less in tune wilh the occasionally mumbled official discussio ns. Inasmuch as the City of N e wport Beach as of this last assessment valuation ranks at more than $55 m il· lion it's a goo d move by the council to let the public attending their eeesions hear what is happening to t:ix funde on i&uce being a pproved or denied. We are glad the aum of ''not more than $200" has been gambled on the chance the public can hear jts elective and appointive o fficia.11 diacu88ing eity business. .. Faimer McCabe Writes. • • AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacA.RTBlJB ' ~ SACRA>tENTO, ~ ICNSI -,whether the CUI would be pur- l n a 38!p11Jtt' pl"" tor rehearing, .'IUt'd. thl' attorney i:eneral's ot tl c e Brown apparently cave h1a ap- makt• llOml' C1<U8llc comments proval lo further ar(Ument In I cuncemmit lhf t11i1pu111tion by the cue, •• the brtef flied w1lh RuS10l'll S. Munro. state liquor lhe department bli1ter1 the Mun· 8dtnJllUJtratqr. of the CaM' In San ro ded.slon. Munro, Incidentally, I fJl!'l(O c·ounty 1nvolvin1e Governor also 11 an appolnle• of the cov- 1.-"foodwan J . Knaghl's l'ampa1gn t'rnor. manaJtt•r in that C'Ounty. The brief polnlll out I.hat the Munro a <'ttuple of wel'k!' ago, attomfy c eneral'• off1cl' "I• ln· t11sm1sud 1 he cut', after which slstent about the c:orrec:lneu or quuUons of poht1nl import Im-our position In thl• c .. t. It only mel!lately ftrou. to presun lhe g00<$._ work" It wns 111moreJ that the cam-which wu done by the Welnber- paif.'Jl manaf.'er. Etlgar Hervey, ger committee which orl~ally wa.a alattd Cor appointment u a probed liquor llc:en.ee conditions. •uperlor judge whrn lht' new law "DU810l'8 PRAC'TIC!:S" JtOH Into effect permitting one "We hardly expectt'd to return more Judire In San Diego county. in 10 ahort a time lo the po1l- Howcvi>r. then rumon never lion from which wt Clnt began," were llUbstantlat,.d. thr brief eald. Further, It point.a out that the decision repruenta "HADY DEAi. ~ "dubloWI practke11," a.nil wlll Thf' cat':,., whlc:b C'h11rgel1 that have 11preadlnir effectl upon the Hervl'y WM Involved in " shal!y fut ure 1dminl111r11tlnn of tht AB· liquor llcense deal, nne ot :10 In c Act. Sa.n Diego count)'. C'OUlt1 become "The presfnt hren11r," H .V• lh!' a pohth:at football In J9a8 when brirf. "1" lhf prnrlu<'t nt thr the /or.,cuta hav,. It l.hat Al· Fourth •h~lrkl oC the 11talt tomey Genrr&I Edmund G. Brown board of equallzallnn, prevlmu•ly will oppoee the governor on lhe ht'adl'd by the now 11b11rnt Wll- nemorratic Uckel. The mere fact 1111m G. Bontlh; a pptcra 11nn for that Hervey was e&mpai C n It wu m111!,. by lh11 now lmprls· m&n&Jlf'r for Knight In San Die· oned Chiule, F. Af'rry. conct'rn· go rounty l'oulll be twll'lted lo Ing "'hOl't' 8C'll\1t1e11 you ahould m&kf 1l lnok like Knight wu be at lent mlnorlv 5uap1c1oua; dlshlnt nut llprc111I favors to his it wtu rrnrl'lll\f'<l hy nthf't pn- trll'nl!ll, all of which I• not good !!Onnel , 111nre ellht'r rl'llre1I, <!\"" In a ny pnllllral campaign. mill.'IM or ,.11:.pf'n!1f'I!, w~ n e 111 The 11ttnrnf'y 1tl'nen.l'a off\C:f', a ll'lss to unl1rritllln!1 thf &tlopted lhmugh Df'p11ty W1lllitm M. Ben· dec11uon wh1r h 11hmn " r ompletf' nett. h~ not bttn 11low to capi-Ignorance or rondltlon11 In Ssn talize l'ln lhl• pa rtlculu c:a.ae. Diego." Whtn the cue Wiii! dismissed. 80ROln t:Lf:MT.S~ Bennl!lt wa11 in the hearing room. P\Jrlhtr, the hnrr 1111yt1 "thl11 Rnrt WM <IC'n lrd llny nppnrtunlty l'Mf' pre11ent11 In high vl11lblllty lo llf~I". R• M11nro railroaded all the Mir111d f'ltrnentt mvolvrd the drr111lnn I hrough In a matter In thf' l'lher 30 '"'"'""· Th,. 10t11t"· l)f a l'n11plf' nf mlnutl'•. wide ;ury nt f'lectorl! J11Ul!<!'l1 ver- t'l.A RHl':RGA!'ITEn diN nn the 11h11bby b1111ln,.1111 nf Rerint'Ct. who wu In charge of infiuenet1 peddler•. Th,. nl'w Al· th1> lnvl'.11tl1l'11tlnn In San Diego cohollr Beverag11 ('nncrnl Rnarl! county 11ppeart1, nabberguted will h11v11 to an11wrr tn thl• JUry nvn tht> turn of nenta, and fol-If It. by Indirection, c:ontl nnu lowing the meeUng. announced abu11e10 It wlla •xpt>r trl! to <'Or· h~ wnu1!1 rnnff'r with AttomfY rect. Thi' l'lat,. J11hnuld .,,. Wlll'hf'l1 Gcnt'nl F.t1mum1 C. Brown as to dean. not "'h1tc·wMhr(I.'' Sacramento Sidelight SACRA~tENTO. !C:":S) -Il I• quite p<>11111ble I.hat eome-day, people arr1 1toln1: l" wake up and find out how mur h of the f ree· <1nm11 upon whlfh the country 11 h.1111'11. ha11 be••n taken away from lhrm. throuirh thr medium of special interesL•. lnbbylst11. and J'?"rt•up• ot f11vor1>'1 government fmployef'~ One ..,, the latl'1't etr11w1 In thf! wtn!1. an•I thel'e .11lr11w11 blown to- J:'!'th~r r an make quite a heap or hay. 111 l.hP :-"riling Into 11tate law of a Bpt'C1Rf prlvlle~e to tel\Cher11 Of Callfnrnia. This new law. whk h i ou Into dfe<:t next mvnth. provides lh&t the •·tind- lng11 of a p11ntl nf educato?11. c:ompo111>d of rrpresentatlvu of " 11t11lt-w1dc profrsalonal educa- tlonal &Mociatlon. may be ac- repte<I 111 court evid!'nc!' In s contHled t"llC:htr t1111ml~1<al 1'81'1! lnvolvtnr; compeltncy or fn n1>s11". ,.t~A<'HER!\' LORR\' It 111 80mewhat 1u1 ,..1•lnK to hear that teaching hR.~n't h,.en a profeulon as 1t always ha11 been con11ldered u nnf' nf lh" most out.atandlng, and valuahlr occupallona, tor certainly thnit,. who are entru•ted with lh" future of the country thtouir;h It.I youth a.re enUlled to be oC prnfee11lon1I et.anding. NORM AJ, CONCEPT Yet the normal c:oncrpt of t h~ 1chools, or at leul what hu btPn a normal conct-pl until the f'TA 1tartel! taking over, 18 thll t th~ 11Chool1 are the property or Ch,, people, who elect dlftrlct man· a«ement 11'\lch u boards of tru11· teea and boards of e•lucal111n Theae board• theorrtlC'llllV &rr rr · 11ponalbl1 to lhl' P•'uple ·Ill' lhr1r elected rc>prr11rnt11tl\'('!1, nr "r· pointed rfpre1t!'nt11t lvr11, lhP HJl· polntment" r11mln~ rr11m hll:h"r govt'mment11I nirnclrs wh1c h a rc> t'ler tc>d. The W oman'• second cousin haa been giving her man The California Tenrhers Au o-Thull. the Dilworth hlll 11ppt1r• elation which m11lntalnt1 a thor· lo be a move to take thr d"· who loaned me a vut a mount UJ) a number of thu,. arrutrH of mlter11.I he hllll collei:te-11. with burro11 f11m1BhlnK th• power to pull the twl'l'p. Thl'y aunk 01:1'8 FAS LJ!:Tl'ER 1ha.fl• on th11 ledce and IO&ded Than one ot my big brt-•k11 I.he htgh(l'ada ore on the *k• came. When H. M. Harford of of the burrn• to tran1port It to Perri• wrote me a kmd of "fan the arrt111tre,., T hey tlmbt'rf't1 ktter" on my Tin Mme Aeriell. lhr1r r rud" 11hllfl1t with Junlpn Ht I• a retired Realtor of Perri• poles foun.I In profu•lon In th" aad for nearly a. half nntury Rrell. Eurc·kll, ,.1 IAlll thf':V hat1 hu been actively lnterutrd In tnuntl rlrhr~. enough tor an l\f lht mlnu and mlnlnc ln the Ga-thl'm. v11an Hms. Being reUred I can F'or nl'll i:v tt'n yt1tt1 thrv alway• count on dropping In on workt'tl an JX'•<'t' l'\o huge fen · him unaMounced, cetttn.r tome times w.,re made becauae thrui ln!onnaUon or having him take were many working th• min., a trip w1lh me lnto tbe hlll.11. and their mtlhodll were crudr It all at&rted out on the bank• and alow. None or them had &'lV· of the San Jacinto River, maybe l'n murh lhouf.'ht u to who own· even prior to the diecovery of e<J l.be land, they all lhoui:ht tt gold In Callfoml& In the 1840's. wall "itov,mment" 1An!1 orrn lo Tti. early Mexicans and C&lllor-mining nit.no. kept a weather-eye Pftled AJlMEO MES ARlll\'t: tor t•e Yt'llow metal. and no ll Willi a hot, brlRht mo1 nlng doubt thry llOOn dlttCove~d that in 1883 an!1 the men were busilv by placer workinit I.he banks and Ill wnrk whf'n " larRe arour nf arroyo.11 of the San Jacinto River armtod horM'men rode ur Hnm" II\ ll ctrtaln c\rc11m11cr\bed &l'H, or th~ miners N!llCh!'d f(lr lhrtr gold In paylnf quantlllt's Muld l['IJM. but · Mache t1nt1 ot hf'r 1,.,.~1 be rec<'vrrl'd. Spnradlc111ly this hurls rr11tr,.in~i1 thrnt A Jlrn<'lll · placrr gMUnd "'"" workrrt fnr m11t1on """" rr11t1 hy th" 1~11rtrr m11.ny yurs. of th .. mountrt1 mrn "'"'ht> 1r11n- rl.A('f:R (;01.U !'Ol"RC'E 1<h1t r1\ 1t !nr h111 Ml'xlr lln hrlpru Alxlll( 1874 R ~·rrnrhm11n M A· "Th".'' ""' .. h•• hl'l:"fl · thr r h" lnU-re.t1tf't1 J&nme of th,. Mrx1-mm,.~ 11r,. nn pri\'.ol" r 1"rl'1 I\, can miners In lr~·ing to find thP th,. R:i1'• 11 .. S1111 ,IR• intn :O:tohrrrn tr Mllrce or this l\l•c,.r jtOJo1. Thi'\' I wh1rh 11111• ..,,.~n gt\'"" fn !'f'rtC'lan knew thtat ab<wt' a rnt11m lmr mrn hv thr l'nll"rl ::'"'"" c;n1 - dr11wn fmrn lhr €;ont1 H nf"' m111,. ,.mm,.r f \\'" 11 1• "" ro .. 1n1: to lhe nnrthr~t 11nd bf!low 11nnlh· nn!1 t hr\• frl\lv '" .1 hoolJr• Jo\ er rtrawn •n lhf' 10011thwt'11t rnlnr l'"•·k 11p llnrt IPH\, pelt rrt1 011:. Sy!<tl'n\llllcally ~Ill· \\'II h thf' uvrrv.. ho lnt111; AA""' <'hf' 11nt1 hh M"Xlr!ln rnhnrt11 h"· nf fnrrP II r m1nr•11 1r11h 1l't1 tr· J:lln fnlll'lw\ni: l ht' tnul nC i;• M •1•111no·,. w;ia 11..,.lrit• "" thP\' lrfl. It Wll!I h11rd llll>W llntj th~l'flllr8!:· ll"W tnRI'\ th••U•llnt1~ n( •f•'llAr• tng wnr k ~r1m~11m1>• th"\' wn11ft1 1w••r" 1,1k•n "Ill !1•111n1: th•• P"· ln~I' th .. trRll nnly In r1rk II 11p rmrl Wj> II """"r l<nn" h•it "'" asr111n In 11n ,.nl>n•f)' 11rw 1111 fl'· In kn '"' $~'ill 0110 ""~ takrn r>•1' l1nn In h11lh11n r • 11•r !n JllRll a.,.i n" :'\n l1nuh1 '"~n M11i-hf' w11a 111, .. •h11fl wn• "''rr I to frrl ''""r ·-' .... ·-. . ... ARRASTRE -Operation suC'h :is this wu uar<f in early w orking ')f the C nod Hopf' l\1 Jill'. Thui old p rint ropy fr0m Chatles N ordoff bonk . "Caltfom111.: A Honk fo r Tranllers rnrl s,.ttll'rs.'' ~hnwR l ndrnn making "little oneR from big on es" while AJ<oxican mm<'r "11up· crv1ses.'1 READERS WRITE 1·11111 !• t"• 111111 rll0prr1tt1nn 11x0 1••11 :rd '" 1 nr~11n11i111Jrin d11rlnl( 01 \ \ "llr lt•I enlfl't1 tt• J'rPl'lr1t'nl. Tl.11r.l1" "' lh~ ""r•llrnt rove"' ··~·· \\'1 "'', ,. ~d1I•· Tt> Win •n ""Ill •I f, r 1111r 1 ·r .. 1111 Bnok '" '4lt\\t'\' I \fl" r1 11\J)t'I' .t 11n ,..,. h 11\n,.r re thllnk•. Wl\ller NnllAI' Formerly the Newport-Balboa New1-T1mN nnJ the Newport·Balboa Prey -------the Dicken• for readin the newspaper propped up in front A l>forM'oiJable Loc:a.I b&Ut11U011 for Owr Forty J'eer1 ou11hl\· t-ffecll\'e lobby In Sacr~ I c1•lon out of the hanu1 of lh~ A Ult '\, !l:i~ m1•nl•). P n g Int fr e I! lhb law pt!Ople. and l~.1te It In the ('all· Mr~ \\'inlfre•l Bllrhr" l'8•l l 'r,.aldent ten yean they wua married he clidn't do that ... but the thrt'u~h State Senator Nel80n P . fomla T .. cher1 Auoc:latlon. In \\'omen'• E<ittnr D1lv.•orth, of R1,·~slde county. other worrl11. lhe tenure-prott!r te•I ~""' )l>l I H~t hur ::'\,..,,.11_1.,,.,_ wh•>. 1\lrprl~m2ly ,.nouih. hu us-teAC'hn ht1s <>nl' mor!' l'l'lllnt on 1 · 1 H h ( · 1 t 1111 11\' be~n on the 1hte of the h11 ~h111l when an11 If the b<ntrt.l :-.i~wr••rl l'" 11 B<'en J"'lll .. lt' nntll\ h1111 \nt'f1mp~t1>nt . 11nd cir-O!'tlr ~1 1' Ha 11ir .. t>n ~hlllf ••f l lw ••llo• • '" 1<11•\ 't:ut~r· 1-;1 Srront1·Clua Matt•r at the p09tofriC'~ tn Ntwport Btach. of hlm ever morning at tbe b?"eakfast table. SE'd the first l' ,hfomla under the Ac:t ot March 3. J 79. l'uhll'1""'' t "'r~· Mollda:r. \\'..._..,. and F'rtda~ at :Stw-port ~b. put e'"'ht yeare ahe can't 11tt him for the pa""r. ('altr .. lo~ lh" ~t:WPQRT HAIUIOR Pt11lLl~Rl~ic; <'OMPAX\' '6 r Tf'W9'olM KMht' Hll turning all thia over in my mind t'\'e r since and l think 1 The A~11oc11t. Inn, which prev1· 11t·u hl11 re. plarem."nr,. ou•ly lob1>1eo1 the 111Ate Into ad· TH£\ SHOl LI OW rn••1till"r1t ,,f 1" 111 111• a ~·111 i.., :-.;,, Ctuallflt•tl h• l'uhlt11h lAll'&l Notbe ... Act,-.rtt~nt. of All KhHh know Wh'-' men read th• m o rn'1ng paper at br<'a kfa.at t1'm,. o\lt um11l lllJt•'' t>-•a:<tll In a preo I Certiunly. I\ b•of\1 01 ur ... 111rll· h Ry U.-n,.., tlf lhr l'u.,.r1or Ooun of~ Oo. lD Arllon No. A·ll'701 J "' " ~ 2!•~ ~111.ve L11ughl,.r1 or t " rt'lt'a,e that the [Jolworth mea-lion or bo11rd ot tru•tffll ahc.tilJ 0 1tltlt'll \\ ··~t 1 "1~11 t•i t'Xprr·~~ :\l,.mlW'r C'allfomla ~~r Pabllallers A•"<K'lallM ""ml'N'r ?lit1tll'nal Ultortal AP<lclatJun lllo•m~r of Oranie Couat)' l\ew11 Sen IC'e BE:'>J REDDICK. PCBUSHER \\'tL.LtAM A. MOSES, F.dllnr OH:\li ):'\ P J.: HO\' STrtF:E, Ad,·erll11ln~ 111rer tor CH ARLES A. ARMSTROl'G, Med \t.niCAl SuputntenMnt all propped up in front of them •.• it's so they won't be aure KIVU "the ll'glll s\atu1 of know whl'thtr a ttachrr 11 c<1m· m.v xi ,.piud" f••r 111,. rn am· a rrofl'!!~lon t11 tr11r hlng tor the pett'nt, or 11 not rompetent, with· s cared half. t o dt>ath when they look at their w omen' a hair I r1r~t t1mt In American ht1tory." out flnd•nK It nec .... ry 10 flghl "Thi' bill." 18 Y11 Arthur F. Cor-In court a r1nd1 n1e of • "plln"l &11 do ne up lo curleni, and let' all them B eauty Creams ey. u ecuuve iei-retu~·. "I• real-of educ:atnni" apprnntrd from tht still on her face that ah e's afraid to -Waeh off with good I ly the oul&Towth of a number Calltom1a Teac:hen Auoclat1•>n olf' !'oap 11nd wattr. Fanner McC.b. (all rtfhta r~> ! or yean or uprrlment&llon b)' who m1y bt collt11-ruu or lht I lhe CT A in a plan to cloak th• vuy t•chtr oe t.rtal. t.achin« prof .... on tn cautomla Lone "a1to. tha t>o.rd wu di· lw1th ttlf·dllClpllnary aulhorlty vet1led of It• •uthorltf to releue ll&lnll&r lo that In t.he lep.1 &nd 1 • t.Jiu,.. teacher W1lhout a tr1&1. medlca.I :>rotH•lona." Tb\61 &lie ~ b&'" prtYUt~• whod1 Are not tt rtorrlPd to ~ 1.Jho wh•i h11ppen tr. be ,.mploy~l1 In f'rlvlll"' bu~lnr" •1r lndU!ttrY ll bt'R''"" to look hk" thl!l an lh• C11t11rt "'llh a few mm" al"P• hke t he lJllworth bUl. that thnr "111 be no vutl~t' r.f 11\I· tJiorl! 1· lf'fl tor Lh• npr-nt.a-1 Uvte ot ~ peopl•. Del l~osa Past or at B. I. Church 1'11<' H .. , Crn~ !'ollet 1 mini· .Stt'r o ( th,• C umn111111t ,. Melhud· lnl Chu rt. h nr Del HuM 1•·111 be !!pe&k1ng at both llie 9 3•> a nd 11 8 . m '"'fVICPll Su11cla\• Ol the I B1tlboa l.slRnrl C'nmmun1iy ~lt>th· 1 0(11111 C-h11rch H i" >'t>1-n1nn t(IJ'll<' I w ill bt> "Lord I \\'ant tu b~ s 1 Ch11Sllltn .. I Mr Cl'lllo;ll 1~ it l!l~Hluale of tht-t;n1ve1~it\· .. f A1 1'r.1Jn,1 1rndl I Bo111o n llntvf'11<1l v ~· hPol 11f The· OhJJ?I' H t' WM< "llJ.:llj:I' I Ill dr1111·h w ri1 k 111 A 111 • .i11i1 1111.J :lla"~"t·hu· lll'll• b .. 1.111· ,.,., "l'""J: thl' Del I Hn~R p.i'fl'Hiil1• tu lt~!"'J~ l lP \\'a~ R 1·lch 1<111.1l•• of lhr ffr\' Donal<1 0 . S11pp. p11 ... 1or 11( 1 h~ f,,. al <'11111 • h \\ ht'n th•'\' \\ 1•1 e st 11•frnt:. 1n H1t ... tPn Mr ('t•ll, 11 llll•l,Jl1' "'I" Ruth, anJ t\111 .•mall d:111;.:ht 1•r~ \1111 ho 11rrn1hni.; " I•'\\ d tl\' 111 their \•11ral111n ••n Ill;-1 ... 1 .. 11.J N~\VPOHT BEACH LJELECATE:->-Pastor Richard nttcnding the five-day Laymen's Congress. represen· ~t:'rns, of th<' :'\C'wport Bl'at·h ~<'venth-da\' Adwnt ist ting-every Adventist church in eight western states. At Costa Mesa Firs t Baptist.9 C.:hurt'h. nnd ~t rs. Serns at a w•'str rn La\'men's Con-llawa11. Alaska. and Western Canada. Purpose o( ~rC'ss at GlnJstone Park, Ore.. discuss ,·isual airl the Cnngrel>s is to prepare laymen to help meet the · h T shortaae·of trained ~inisters. Laymen will receive rqu1pmt-nt for u~e an ganng Bable' stud1C's wit ommy ,. -Tim , M llnf! Lnul', nay ><t thr Bavilla. Alaska Eskimo from the Arctic Circl<'. ~Ion· instrut·tion in all phases of religious counseling and 11 11 m wnr~h1p sP1,.1 .. , "' tht> I d 5 000 t Sllirilual guidance. F'1r't n11rt111t L'hu1 rh or Costa -__ th~8Jl __ 2_.ooo __ o_r_r_ic_1a __ d_e_k...:g:.a_t_c_s_a_n __ . __ '_·1_s_1 _0_r_s_a_r_e_-:---------------------------/ Mr~11.. th<' Rrv 1· c Neumann PAGE b -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST I 2, I 955 FOR MUSIC FUND S11m1ner Sere11ade by C. M. Methodist Choirs GOODWILL INDUSTRIES FILM TO SHOW AT ISLAND •Salute 10 Cnural{e," fl 30-mmute aound colored film 1 ~111111: the "tory of Coodw1ll Indu~lrlea. wtlJ be ahown 11t thr Family Night progr11m of the Balboa lalBnd Community ~1,.th11dl8l Church on We<1n,11day evening, Aug. 17. Th,. progr11m will ff>llow a poUuck .upper a.t 11:30 p. m Bnlh the 111111pt'r M d the program a.re open to 1111 people o( thl' 1 nu1ch 11nrt rommun1ly. Th .. rnm Wiii be l!hOIA'/1 by M isa Sylvia H . Benton, d1rec· 1 •1 .. r public r'l&t1(1n1 for the Sa.nt11. An a orhct' or Goodwill l nrtu"trlr... She will alao apuk briefly a bout the way In wbl, h th~ org&nlzatton helpa the hendlcappet1 of Orengt C'•mnty. Sermon Series on Psalms at Christ Church by Sea w1U hll Ve !IS hi., !Ubjec:t "Th• Glorious Churrh ". Tht> Youth Chmr Wiii 111n1; "Tht Vmc~ M My Sav1n11r's Love" Sundav Sch<>01 ro~u 9.i~• 11.m . Yo uth T rslntrig_,f1·oups will jmeel al ti.JO p.m. At 7.30 pm Mr. Nt·umann wilt h11ve !Ill h1~ • top ic. "The H1t1<lt'n Mann8" Th" Male Chorua will 81ng. ca tion. W1ldan Thomu will 111ng " baritone Mio, "Sometfmu I Feel l..lke a Motherlrs.~ Child " The junior high achool M \.!' wilt t l'aume its pros; 111m with a meeting at II p.m. al the church. Rt-porta w1tt I><' brought by those having at1rnd"d the junior high <'S'flP rluring lh<' ptl'VIOUS Wt'ek The ~~nior high SC'hOOI M ..... F will mrt't Al the home ur Bnb &Jlt1 R1chartl Mr Oonsld at 6 pm The m1d-wer k meeting wilt be-gin w1 th R pot-luck supptr in GOOl1ett HaU at 6 I~ p .m. W ed- nl'stla ,. .Mr C& 1 l.<nn will be m (·hnu~ hf r·,,"tR ~t••!--t\ C r.1u11.u• lllly ~ldhri·'l•t ( ·111111 h '"" 1111 VIH'&l l• n l111L hi\\ .. 1 .. ·n 1n 1 .. hrttr~Rl f11r t hP1r th11•t 11111111nl Sun1rr.rr S'"'' tr arJp '•• tu h• I., A111t. J!l 11t i .:o }' 111 •'1 'l !1111111"• n H .. tt. A (11•11\llt '"11111•~ will r111\')d~· fllll 11'1 ti t I 111 II fl d._,lt T hi' R""· Ro\' Carbon wilt be dents. I chargo• nr the tlevotionat and h.-• \\·h· n fJav 1~ D""' :-.1~· r1••;H hHll:' .ib .. ut ''The Greatest o r Due lo the &hoir bt>mg .va-study flf'llOd al 7 16 p. m . H.m 111.. l.11·-Ovt'I th<' (), • .,,. \\ •nol• "· on S11nd11y. Thia will ·--. ''''" llH' F11-.1 \\';11rm . A/l,1111:1'· I 1• t h!' ~··1•r1nd In hi~ l!t'r les or l1\1•n1 nr "1 '011ntv P eople ,, '1111111~ "n the P solmll (1unng ·CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE F:rnrsl Holmes, rounder, a uthor oC "Sclen<'e of Mind .. Th!' .li.111 .. 1 ( ·11' I \\di "1111.! Comn1union Rite fo r Luthe r a n s lh1" 11111nth ~Ir Carl80n will be r 1•111r111ni: 111 111:1 pulpit fottowinl? 11 ""·•·k ~11· 111 1111 hu·ult;v Bdv1:1er ·•' S in· .\lt•11dmn·, >1 .\{Pt ho•hMl 1 1111p (•11 1•1111or 1111:11 1«·hn'll st11· SUNDAY SERVIC~S 11 11.m. Junfor Church a.nd NuMif>n · Care 11 a.m. ""'" lrlN Turk, Mlnl11ln LAGl":'liA BEACll ART CiAl.LEt<\' fl\'att t-7'l84 301 c urr Dr. "Ti11 :O:J.i111 h• I ):., ,• 1111·1 '!.11lli 111.t L.1.i1 111 .. t •11 "1 \\llil f'"nl1). ti Ill\• l.ht•l 1 \\ ltl I ,. ,q 1•11• ..:1~1" ... r.s 11.th Jll11h11~ n 11 1 :-.•nu,, ... , :-:,.,,,.,r 1 'h•111 ''di I r, • 111 ~u1 h f IUplft Hf1• };1•1 vu (!'~ ur H uJv ( it ll\• - 111111111111 \\llJ h• hi Id 11' :\1•V.flllll I tl•thnr t .11lh ·1,111 c·11111 1h S1111d11 \ .11 /oi ·w I '" """ 11 a Ill ~~~~~~~=============~~~~~~~~~ f l\Hlllt''I '" '1\11-:hl .... , ''") l'hfO f o. •• r I :0-"111! ', 111.f • \\ 11111 1111, y , II ,. 1·111 11 11111•,1111 , \\'II ·God a ~ Soul' in T \Ir• ••I 11 " ~11111 l•'nt'•I l<l'I m1111 h, f'a1'111t H1 ·t1•1l H t~1nnhu1 '''ll 1,.. ,;, ft.,r, In thr It :1q•f .. .;'IH ,,~ ~f h• I. flf1 f· t f '" tft I•"· n •·f S1.1>t F n inhl\n 111117:1 tt1•···· .. ,., '• :~ .. , .. , ··~·· t ... , t >t n1 '' • h , 1.-..... , .... I' tr a~ I n• 1'1 t .. 11,.., .• ~u1t Lesson Sern1 o n t , .. :1;~11"~ .. 1 .~. -,: ,·1 • .. :~~~\ ~ , .. : • · !"'"' ·\ " t h· , , , , , , ,I\ , , , 1 • -: J ,,, 1 h..-r •' ,,h H· ,,...., \\ 1 h Lr""" ~"t ln1•n n .. tt l'h111rhr • l\a-, ~l lllPr And l'l\11"1 Tnltr(~nn n( """'' S 1 '""''''· ::11• I 11 •rpnrline hHl'l h 'n th1 1r """I Th,. 1; .. 1r1rn Tr-<1 f 11 111 T'<l\lnl'-f'l'llPnrr,; 111 R1hl" c ';imp t.l.'l Pl INld • ~I \' ""Id •h .. 11 hP - J".''"1 '" •11,. 1 "' 1 ,, ·"~11 .... Morale Problems .1"",. 1n ht~ • u\'1111 'n \I lhr t·m, .. r~i.h~I Frll••"-"li1r I T h-1ov 11( ~1111 Ill ol!'11llll1't"ll ·1 .~I~ Wt~t B11lhnl\ Rf1'o l . ''"l~h1r "' tn lhl' hf'l\hni;; .. ( lh• l11Al1 Gl'l"'ll'e At ll " 111. \,\Jtf h .. \'I' A~I !~'"" frri111 h 1• rwit11. 1,. '' '""" •rr11k1•1 I •1 V1 ink )!11..tnt ' r,. h1• \\'tln \\'Aq ln1 I •t •11' oil 1)1o I.: ilr e11h irt I 11• h ... Th·· ~1·'•"1' rrnh· nf lhr 1rmrl1• II " 11 """" .,f lr111~ nf th,. t· :-.; Sohhrt \'1. him 111 A•'• '\\ h" '"~1111: ('.-trr ~1t111 ~ ArP wrlr.1mr l\r.d .John Ahu1n l 1\ e..1• ir1• 1 l hr tl'mf'IP A•\(<'•1 1111 A111h . 'rhPll r .. 11·r ~11 111. :-;11\'l'I 'Ill" LPld h ,1\1' I nnnr . hilt ~11th A• I lrn \•• 1:11'<•1 I lh<'C In 1111' """'" .. r .l.-•11~ ('hr i-t 11( ;"o:~T-Hlf•th II••' up 1111d wi11k ... ,\11d h~ lrRr1111 .. up •tourl, Alli! \1/llk ... t. ltlltf t ntl'I• I 11 11h t hl':n 1nt11 the ll'm pll', '''11111 · 1ni: lln.t '"""'"~· 1111.t f'IMllCIOR c;.,.i. I A ,·t~ ;. :; 6 .~ I ' A l 'Ofll'hH l\1' j\11>:-.lj;" Ill s . I ""' e 1U11I Ht'11llh w ith "•'" ,,, thr l'r nrt•1rr• · tw ~1111 \· R.1kt'r E IJ\ t r11.t• Thi' :'1·1~n1·r 11! ''"'"~ 1 ••· V•'' .. 111' 1\\.tn """ P•'n •' t ~' •·n r"~ t h .. Fillh•r 1• 1wr(.-<t b.•c1111~ .. I h" :'qui, • r ;ll111ol ,.( t h,. ~r111l· 11HI m11 n 1• 1: kf. lhr 1!1\'111e l 'rln· 11pll' "' .. tt twine. and heC'at11e 1 hu• rt 111 mnn •• ~(l\'l'tnr I hy !':NII '""IP81! O( ... n.... b\ thr 111" M ~pint. nol IH' lht 80·• ll· 1 .. <1 'law.• 1•f m a11r1" IJ.1 3021. t'IKST l 'H l'KCH OF CJIRl~T :o-CIJ;~TIST )JO) Y1• l de, New,..,, le•<~ A b'•"<"' ot tliie Motf\•t Cfilvrch. Th• '''' Chvtc)ii ot C"''''· St••"tltt, a,. l•tto ... trr.iietu· (fl'-tU fh Stt"CI•• ~<hoot _ ' IS • ~ su~o.,. St•••Ct ---It 00 • "' ,, .... O•uo•r •••• 1., MMl1•9 --• 00 p "' h •G••9 h o.,. lt><•••d •I Ull v,. lloo Nt•port kttclt~ ;, oo•ft w•d d"' ftol' 10 oo • ... •o s oo p ... ""•d~•·•·,.. I·~ 1 10 oo · •"' .. 1 ~ ti"". '11d •• , .... 1 .,. ' $ •' r -~ '~ S -'-,,,.,., H ot .. ,. ~. lt\lbl>( I\ CO'd•ell• l"•lt•CS ta •fot•-.d .-. Cttiw~ctii Sff• CH •,.d .,,. O e r••• "'f ....... -----------. '. All ABOAR.D ! ~ ;j· noi& C~;\r c .J j ,,'!'ti • \ YACATIO• lllll SCHOOL 10 w owct.rfttl Doys AUGUST lJ to 26 ' •. ... '"" 11 :)0 U'llldllr .. DfNetioa ol ~ <Mt .......... _. IMMt 1 ....... The Little Church By The Sea C-. L..,i-.,., ri.,..,,11 lo9v1110 l~och, Colif. J'~ fnmlln\C'nC ~ <"h1ldr~o 1'1w-nf' Hl' 4-1\'l'I "' ~·4'>11 l '--f..., All ~••• Expert Professional Work When the loss occurs as the result of an a ccident, or following certain types of illness, a • funeral director must be skilled in his professional duties in order to provide an unblemished memory picture for the family and friends. We have an outstanding reputation for expert professional work in these unusual cases, es well as in those cases which do not necessita'te special techniques. .. -[if;-- ,~ .. ~~ Lady att~ndant ' Ye'W'i~ PARKES· RI OLEY MOR.T'\JAA.Y II 0 a A.OA.DWAY COSTA. ... ~SA. LI BU.TY 8-3433 B A l 8 0 A • Mteo. fSl.Ate> • l tOO tSU NE.WPORT BEACH • CORONA DEL ""'1tR. j uvenile delinqu ency wu j111t a ttnn until th ey acnt the boy d ow n the street to what they politely tu mcd a "tria1~in1 1chool.,'' T hen 1t bteamc real, btcauu 1h11 boy w u n t JUll a S1 Al"t1 c but a kid who had pla yed w11h your kid>. W hy. only last Sunday you h&d 11one f,,h1ng w llh h11 father So now •.. you wo ndered •hy. The boy tame fro m ll ROOd home-or did he? Th!r.e wu money enouRh, lu11ury enough. but 11 • 11 uc thJt h1\ pucnts ~omctimn left him IH <llY much 10 h1' o wn dc v1c o . :here .wcr\. hrs mother's club1 &nd his hthet s b}111neu . and •hey led &n 1e11ve 1oc1al life You nkcd yourscH why ... and 1n your h u rt you knew the """"er. It lay in thou J<JP• that had been ldt 1n h i• upbrinaan1- Rr c11 ch1nln , t hll t 1hould have been. filled wiih h11h, 1p1rllual gu1d•ncc , and 1ohd en· o.,. ._. .............___ tluring values. Th1nl11n1 about it. )'OU m~dt Suada1 ... l ood" ·-...... up your mind to 1tart tlk1ng your own-llHI• Moeder P .. 1_ • l·U I I ~u...i.,. .. i...~. "! :::• to church on Sunday• w11hou1 ,. -no matter T~"•ud1,. c.1 .... , I t~ how good tbc wuthcr wu for fish1n1. , ~'"'•" .. c;.1111 •• , • •·•• v ,;:u~~.,. .. J!::; : ,;~1 ~,.~ ... ,-,,~, This C~rch Feature Sponsor.tel by These Local Business Firms ' NEWPORT HARBOR BANK Reinert's Newport Dept. Stere Corona del Mar ROSAN INC. Seaaaft Di\ i!>ion & t"orf'i~o l\lotors Yincent•s Rexall Drug Stores Thi t'e fo(·at1011~ to ::,;ervf' You S ewport Beach, Balboa, Corona del !\tar Alice of Lido Beauty Salon Hair Sly hng for t ht' ln tlrv1d1111I 408 32nd (on the PO St.) llarhor 2844 RUSSELL W. BANGERT HJ 31st St. Harbor 4-U G RACKER & PONTING Harbor 2.>I THE CLOTHES HORSE "l'hllp of 01~t1rrllon" 215 Marine Aw., Balboa 18land Harbor 0;07 General Sheet Metal Works ShtfOt Mt tllf -H~11tm1t -\'Pnllll\lllllt 105 SOth Street, Harbor 2210 HARTLEIN FLOWERS 3403 E. Co~t. Hw)'., C:OM. Hart.or 5071 KOPPER KITTLE Balboa hla.nd NEWPORT CLEANERS 106 Tustin Mony'1 Shell Service 8600 t:. Coa.-.t Bh·d. ~&IH Gl'f'lea StamJ>N C:orooa del Mar Harbor 27JO MAR&ARD'S CAFE lpeclaUM Ill ~a 1'ood• 2614 Ne--port Blvd. Ordt ra to Go Harbor 2286 "Your Family 8tor• 8lnce 181'" Ott.an Front at 22Dd. SEASIDE MALT SHOP 2100 W. Ocf>an llaftw IU Newport &e.ch R. WASIMILLElt "Th!' Worldnrman'• 8 tore IMS-I ~:: Harbor Blvd .. JOLLY ROGEi Balboa Island BA YSHORE llCHFllLD F rn P ick up 6 Deliver, lith I. Cout Hwy. Boyer's lalboa Ullole•m Co. Linoleum -Tile -Ca rpet -l'ormloa ?301 W. BaJboa Blvd. HAL COLUER & SON SIGNAL SER. STATION F ree Pick up 6: dt'I. -Whffl B&l&nce !301 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5550 GEORGE M. GIAHAM Rur• and Ca.rpei. 122 A&at~ Avf',. Balboa lalucl Harbor 3256 HOUSE AND GAIDIN Complete Home Fumt•hlnp Dr1peri~1 -Rugs S017 \\'.Coast Hwy. Uberty 8·5411 MAC'S CAFI F1r1t on rl(ht toward HunUn(t.on Bffda 6204 CoiMJt Hwy. Harbor2W-a NEWPORT FUINITUll CO. Complete Homt Yumllhtnr• %620 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty S..W.I MARINE IEAUTY SHOP Ptl"tl0n11.lluf'f 8~rv1c1 In Hair 8tyllnL S27 Marine A\·e., Balboa lalU4 Harbor 161 MARKn SPOT ioo Marine Ave., Harbor 1000 High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 • .... • I ' t ,. ' ..... ~ . . I • . ') .I ,---------------------------------------------. ISLAND BUSINESSMEN ASK CITY 'UNPAINT' RED ZONES Dall)(>a lsl11n1t Bus1nt'M Association membn:; wt.nl the \ lty lO rt\ Urn tht' !Wt) parlunf fll:lrr.I nOw flllln lt'd rtJ and 11djolnlng the lll'ci••striun cr n.uwalk In tt.e mlddt_, or 200 blO<'k !lla.rlne A\'f , A l..tter trom the 1.$.."<>Clatlon to city cnunc11 .\lnnday night 8ugjtehtl'd a blinker traffic light be .. mplC\yC'd 111 slow traffic a11t1 t ht' u·,1aa" Klk be rtmoved c The n18ltt>T was r <'f• 1 red to the rity traffh' r11nan11t tee for M1·lut111n \\'1th th1• 1·rns~w&.lk In open\lion a car apace 111u:.t b. 1 .. 11 <•1wn f11< mit unr<'mini; tn1ffir 80 ~llfely m11v be ul>~t'I \'•·II. offlC"111ll'! ~Riff. 'BAKE OFF' DUE TODAY Mrs. Holling Takes First in Fair Cake? Baking Regatta J.:111 '" i rl'tall• n( • thr h1:hh• A Hnlltni: of ('ost11 ~ll'SA won romp"' 1\1\ l' \'al,.nr1R' ntan)::'I' r:ikl' hrl<t tn th~ '!11l•c~llanf011& g-i oup. I bak1n1: rri.:att11 at the Clr<i nlt "!.!Ml' than 1 1~ rnke.11 were Pl\· C'oun1 \ J.'it1r 11 ,., ,. 1 elt'11~,. I \'f'll· tc>rf'd In tht" • nnteJCI lhl11 mo1 n- t1•roh1 v .11 n<'nn with Jt1oli;1n~ 1··,m· Ing. The four winner" 1n fJ111r plrt,.•I In only two C'lllPJ:l'rl"~ dlfttrent c11tegorle11 will return M1 ~ Elsie r ampbPll of var· to lhe fa tr today for 8 b!Ule ott. den C1n\'e wnn first phtC'P ln thr wtth the wlnnrr rerf'1ving a n1•w cotftt! rake d1\'lfl1nn 11n~ !ll rfi. G 1 gaa r&nl'e of her choice. ---------------I 'VEEP' NIXON IN VISIT-. TO ANAHEIM, LA HABRA FRIDA"!, AUGUST 12, 19SS NEWPORT HA~IOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 : PA~ 1 THEY'RE OFF AND JUMPING · Mulng like kt.nguooa, Orange County young1ten t&Jre of! into apace in the Pogo Stick Racee at the Orange County Fair. QuaJi/ying race.a are held each day at 3 p. m., with the winners advancing t o the finals Saturday afternoon at 1 p. m. All young1ter. are admitted to the Fair free if carrying a pogo 11Uck. FUTURE FARMERS SHOW conoN EXHIBIT Finds Thrill: Disneyland Rides BiCJ Kids Go for C1"ockett Former Balboan Begins 185-day Jail Sentence Leonard P. Bonnat. County Elk Leader, Dies Sudd~nly Newport. Harbor Union HJgh School's FFA chaptt'r prE>p11rrd thi:o1 Orangt' Cn11nty Fair di~play on California's cotton crnp anrt what it mPon:-I" 1hr-;1\'l'rH~~e pl'rs0n. Al left. Rex S~inford. Santa Ana. studiPs the booth whH h w:is a war derl thircl place. theme booth, junior foatures displays. -Don Bush l'hot11 A:-.',\HF.IM t0C'X!'I ··w ow ! Sc art> I me' \\' o n a r r r 11 I n de Havf'n t 1tn11e th\ll ror 20 ~·ears." -rl1nl • whlll \'1rC"·l'rl'~1•!tnl R1rh· irl\ .:-;1x11n sa1•I yt,.ll'rd11y wlien J1e 11ll1?htP<I frnm \hf' lll usttr Toad'" \\ iM n •lt' at r>1:omeyland CHAIN REACTION COLLISION ON BRIDGE Ornnt:t> c·,,11n1 y's nRtl\'I' \'eep lookl'•I flt in his J:l'l'Y blUP 11ull ll!'l flh"tOJ:l 11 pherll Rnd the public altl<e rrnwll"d Around But hla m11.1n rnnr!'rn wa" the Wt'lfere of hl11 two youni:-1lau1thter!I, Tri· cfe., n1;1:.t 0. 1uat Juht>, 11geJ 7. He kt>p~· looking over his i<houlrler o.nd 1111k1ng 1lnx111u11 q11eeUon1 about thl'm Ht:l.ATl\'ES O~ HAXO But thPY WE-re w"ll takl'n ca~ of for. bN1it!P his wife, PstnC"la. the1,. \\:IJ ~ hi~ bror her· In· le..,.., T hum"" H van, an<l his wife lo wa'•h them Xlxr•n arrivt'rt a !rw mlnutu aftrr JO o·fl<ll'k at the maln Jtll.\f'. C"rowdii 1•njt1.1lfod him and al "'"' some tune bl'fore the H · r rtt •en:1r e mtn C"riul<l get him throui:h. Cam<'ra11 rluhed from newsmen enoJ amateur photo-- JTBpher• 11llke aa t he' vfce·prell· dent po~<'d. Whc]l i Da\'Jd H.alph Clock of Long Beach ran his car into the rC'ar end of a stale highway pirk-up truck Tursday on the Coast Highway bridge' at 1 ith ~t .. it set up a rhain reaction which injured one man, police reporteu. The pick ·up was pushed into the rei1r of a wash pol lrail<'r attached to anolh<'r st:ite highway truck. \'an Da\'id Robinson, Santa Ana. driver of the pirk-up. iii in Hoag Hos- pital under obser\'ation. Both trucks were parked in the fm;t lane of traffic to clean the bridge rails. -Slaff Photo H1~ d;tughters were obllvloua to e1·eryrh111g except lhe wonder ot lhu nde" 11nd the pre11ence o'r Oa\'y Crockett \Fus Parker ). Th•7 held ont• hla h&11d and llall• rd If he couldn"t plea11e go around with thrrn In fact. he almoet stole the 11how from the vice • pruldenl. Nixon returned lo hla pannta' home In La Hebra but from th• looks on his little .irlrls' !acu ht h11d a har<I time making It. Jn an Pxcluslve etalement to TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT SA:-lTA A':'A A t:G 12 tOC:"Sl ICO\'enng Expectatlon.s are that b.)o NEW YORK :'\OON CO.\f.ME:'\T-yPar'a end there ,,,JI bo ravoreblP Dl'an \\'Iller &. Co. -Aided by 1 news In the form or 11pTll.11 ancl continued dem11.nrl for the coppers. 111\'tdcn<t Increases for Mich lss11e11 eelectl'rl oils. steel!!. chemicals and 1111 Bethl1>hem Stl'l'l and l'.S. Slt>el 1pec1alt1e11. the market wu eble to rl'spiocth·el,1·. Joni's Llluithlln a~o move ahead in the eariv trading appear• ettractn·r. both ror In· Copptr11 hol<I well clo11e to the rome anrt generou11 yield 11t <:Uf· high• and while 90me modeat pro· rent Je,·ela. flt ta.king may ~ encountered, reel Among apeclaltlea better are that minor dtpa will preaent a KlllHr AlumlnllDl and Che.mica.I fa1'orable b11)'1n1' opportunity u which Is UfUng frnm conversion the group appears rapable of maln-preuure a nd S r.hl'rlng Corp. whlC'h ta t n Ing ie11der11h1p Krnnci-ott't1 openctl in new hlith 11ro1m1I ACF labor dtff1cult1t11 ar,. close to betng lndlllllrles reflects lmpr<\\'cd rate 1ettle1l, follow~ which the com-1 of car ordiors, propos11! to atock· pany will be In ~ltlo11 to ruum'e pile freight can, and pro1pecu capacity operatlona. j LhnL the $4 dividend wlll be well J ~'l'"IATl:D J'aES!ll'RE~ i-o\·erecl. a!tordtnr a yield ovfr Inflamatory pre11sure1 are 1112 per cent. rtrlectt l\ In the oil 1troup. with Al\!'<OKB!'I STOCK WE I.I. Standard of :"\c-1<· .Jcr~f'f Sorony, Stnclatr and Royal Dutrh firm. The ti1t\er hu hl'hl \loi thin a nar· row r11n1te during period& of Ht· Jing "nt1 is In goo<! po1ltton to work ahrRtl. Although the avlatlona a~ not making much progreM. the lead· tnr lsauea hold w<>ll close to ll lgh11 and are In po11llion to u 11ume A more aggrt1111h·e role u intereat rotatea. Steel• are being nhle1! by both replact'ment buying 11nd l'horl HowP Sountl ab!lorbs ,.tock '''I'll at the reak, a.nd la C'Onah1erP1l 11l· tractive In reC"ognlUon of the fa\·or· able t'nmlng1 outlook. Stone and Web81er ad\lanced to e new high s nd for gen,.rou1 yield or 6 7 per crnt has apJ'eal. Enrmngs for lht' year ere expe<'ll'd to to\'er the $2 dh1dcnd. Slnre it II under1tlood that lncomln, or.dera of th" en· ftnHrt.ng dlv\alon are at an excel· lrnl I rate, I he potentt11l fC\r fur· thtr'-lmpro1·tment In '116 11hould ellow the IS1111e to u ll nn a lower yield buts. N F WhJle the wnk<'lld may tend to ereson aces rutrlrt 11ctl\•1\v 11om~wl'MJ :. cl\'er 1 balance or thr ~lay u lntrrrs\ ro· D A t• tnlt'l!. look for 11rll'<"tl\'fly firm amage c ion I ~~a;~~:~lrla\a • 4~i29 Up 2 lJ for $70 000 ~~ ~~::~u... .. ... : .. · i:;·~t ~:~ ~-~~ , 1 r .m. \'olume: 880,0(I() n 810.000 Oil Thurlld&y. DIRECTED ACQUITTAL VERDICT ARGUMENT DUE Herman Liquor Pause, License Eldred, T akekoshi Trial Continues SA~TA AXA Al'C. 12 1ocxs1 I Prosttutor Stan Gowa wu to A rgumrnu fm a directed 11cqu1t· come on with his 11\dio or the tel vrrdlcl in the marathon l'On· picture efll'r H urwitz complet«f 11ptracy-to-ob1tnict·j1Utlce t rial "' b11 ar~ment. • Herm11n Pauae. Arthur Gon1dti Et-The defense contend• the prost· d.red and T akeo Takekoth.1 Wtre to cuUon. now realed. hasn't put 011 be re11umed at 2 30 Pm. t o.fay. aurtl<:lent evldtnre t,, pla ce the Atrf. Ma..'< Hurwitz. represt·nl· 1seue In the hands of the jury. 1ng 1 'aus,•, W~!I •1""1' 1~ his argu· The jury h1111 hef'n absent all mcnls when S~pcr1or Court JuiJi;e we.k-tlle 12th of tr lal-f>ut will Frankltn G. \\eat called a rece.~• b r&ll.... b k .... ... · .3 . e "" ac ... ionuay mommf . a t •· O p.m. ye11terd111 H11rw1u Ji tl w 1 al.to has mo\'ed tnr a mt11trln l tin 1 S:-o eat 1 expected to rule Pau~e·s l~h"lf. on the acqullta.1 mollona at that tlml'. \\'111t !'t··•n<>r 11n•I Arnolr! llrutt 11q:11rd (1>r Takrkoi;h1 11nd E l.Jro>•I l·~a. h Rt torn"Y ha"' J1f• ~entt>d his rturn ..,r ft('(}111tt11I 11rparately. The derentla.nl.I are rharged with 11nl11wful!y transferring J11panMe liquor llrcn3ea. Most County Cities Hoist Sales Tax to 1 Per Ctnt ORANGE !OC~Sl --Most coun· \'isor1 to get the allocstlon ot ty rlllea are rnl!'lng thl'lr aalea tnx ~ 111(10011 " year wa.a rt'llcllvaled fro11t one half oc one per cent t" lo 1Jlt1<1)' nlloratlort or gasoline tax 111onlel! nr'<t year. nae percent, It was rntnted out a t T hi• <'••mm11tee lncludl's City Ad· a l~ai;ue or t ·111<111 exel'Ulh•o ntet>t • mlnl~trn:1•r <jieorge \\'eJmtr. 0 1"-lng IMt night el ~'r1edemann Hall a.nirc . 1~1 1th ;\lurdorh. Anaheim The grn11p dlscu11&l'd t he new • .ty manRger; George Coffey, Co1- st11to law <'OllC'l'mlng aalu tax I ta Meaa • lty manager: Carl Tbom · ton. !'\anta Ana C'lly man11gtr and which alloww the c:ounllu to tax 1 n oy Seitbn I~(' maror or Hun°Un • up to 1 percent ln unincorporated ton Ueat h f arC'U IUld !-, per cent ln cltlee I with only a prtlHllt 'it peT cent Ma h• Sh p it t.a.x. c 1ne op erm A:'\AHEJM IOC'l'\SI F11nf'r· 1 Ht• rc-.i:n11111in wn due to re- al siorvlr,.11 f(lr f,f'nnarci P B<'n· •nil "' ~"' 1"11• lnJllMt• N<'"lvtd 8ANTA ANA IOC~Sl -Ro· nat, torm .. r A nii.ht im city Judge. In lln lllllOITI<'blll' 11c;cld•'t1I OCNS. l"1xon aa1d or Dl1ney- l1nt1: "Thi• riortalnly ts a par•· dtse for children." The rara'11ae. hf' rommtnted, wu only 11 amall p<'rlton of the growth of Orsnrr County hla. home arre "\\'hen I wu In this par\ nf t.he rountry --J wu !Jorn t2 years ago -lhts wu just a grea t barley field end orani;:t rrovea ,, He termed lh• county'11 ero..,..lh "rema rka ble" and eald, "l l'a JU8t remarkable to ~ee that all or th11 area now haa been 1ubd1v1· ded Into hcmea and we have ao many manufa<:lurinit planta and thla beaullful a muaement pai k " "All l cen eay," tile vh:e·preal· dent sta ttd, "11 th11 a rea hu certainly cbansed a lot. I'll have to come ba ck out here moNI of- ten to aee whal'a happenlng." hert 1... Or1ner. 39. formerly Cit wha.!' 11u<1dl'n denlh occurrtd 111 Balboa. yH terday began a 1&11· Ch1mb<'r.o. Ar1:r;. this werk. "'111 t, .. r(lnt111rll't1 1'1111urd11y 111 1n H m •1•Y )Iii! ltt rn nn <irunk-<lrl\•inJ? hv mf'mbers of the P:lk1 l.ndge, anrl <''<'3('f' rhlHl;f "' whi.·h t hf' •II'• l'll!'<l't! WM " 1:11nt'r w113 unl•'nrt>d \~'ednt'•· n1<'mbl'r for many ye11r1, yi<I th~ <lay by S11n 1a Ana-Orange Munt· Rt'\'. A. J <'u,.bffr. pu 1or of r1pA I Court J udge Howl\rd Cam· lhl' First ChriMl11n C'l111rch. Pl'tlll. Crlnl'r Wllh•lrtw his Inn.,. Elk" will hllvt rhaq:e nC \h~ rt'n\. plea on lht' drunk dr1vlnglcommllt•I Mrv1cu at Mi!lroee elltg-allon. He t ht'.n plenrtetl J:\111· Mau1oleum l ,. His op,.rator a hct'n~e wa1 Thi' dt'c-u.ed lt'avea hla widow, 1011>1r l'ndl'd f<>r thrl'I' months. Evelyn, ll nrphew. IA'onar<I V. ~e ~·aii 11wen h1~ choice of 11 1:}1111aa nf Anaht1m. 11nd & n1er r. $t.~0 fine or 7:i day• In Jail on Mi11 Rnte W1l1on of Torrsnc• ! t ht tlp11y driving rount : three The Bonl\ll r 11 hnrl b~en maktni: 111nnth11 on the tscape. 1h,.1r home at Ch11111bt-rs The J udge Cameron added no \1mt bo•ly was nnt lo Bar k8. Camp· on &. ctintenipt ur court cllallon bell nn•I K1n1lbar11 herP. Arrang<'· Griner lm•ke away !rom .Mar· ment.• fr•r h11rlal w ... 1 e m11.de fol· ahall'• ort1ce a.nd Then waa cllp· 1'1wlng Mr~ Brtnnat'11 11 1Tfv11I tured a few minutu later. from An~ona TROOP 5 SCOUTS HAVE FINE TIME AT ROKILI Bonnst. 11trvl'd •11 Anaheim'• city Judi.re from Ftb. ~. 19t8 to May 31. 19~3. He wu a long lime member of tha Anaheun Elks lA rJ,:o and hatt Sl'rvetl u Its f'X!lltt <I ruler and waa a put dllltn('t deputy. Bonnat ~·as w ell kn o wn throughout Southern California n11 a rorml'r 11upervlsor with th(' Jndu11t rlal Purl Supply Company. 87 RJCllARD WATSOX oveml~ht a t Dollar La.lei' and ar· now known &11 the Pacific Ught· We member• of 8c:out Troop I arTtvm<I be.ck In ca mp Thurmday &L· 1 •na a nd OM l!lupply Oorporall-. met at the Tar Pit at 9 :30 Lm. temoon. Jl:vuyone enjoyed the tine on Saturday, J uly 23. The Brad· turkl'y 11fnnl'r we hMt that night bury1 and their IOKd Jet t rlKht after fltln.ir rlrhytlrated IQ(Xf/l. l Mesa Baby Sitter Friday we hl,lrl II fi('ld d•Y or :,:Y _:::!>~~111.t~~;~0~.! ~~~ •couung abt11t1e11. in the a rte moon Robbed of $ 18 Cash we had a watf'r rarn1,·11. whlrh I stltutlon&I Riopre11ental.Jn .trom1 Tr 11 T 6 1 C A Coat& Ml'~a burgl11r took 118 Chrlat Church by the Sl'l I truck. I M cxip _ .. ~..°nT roo~ 0 Ollhl• tn currf'n<"Y ~d " rht'r k tor 17~ Th ..,. I h k u11. ,, .. 11;..... roop " lo win t e e reJJt wu 11tow..... n t .. trun • 1 r 11 ~ d J 1 •o I from 11 Men hou•t'Wlfl'"11 pur8" at ot the car• taklnl' WI. After every-It 1 iovl'nt•. ~atur ay, 11•1Y " · 238 A\IOC11do s;., C'MlA MtM. l>l!e wu aalvned to a ca.r Wt we rame home afttr ha\ nr a ,.. .. ....... .. 1 "' ' I d rt 1 ti t "e~nl'l!.,..,y Wut e aht wu haby headed for Roklll. won e u me a camp. sluing-11t Llrfo 11111', .Mc-M pallce After a nice drive. wt headedj rtparted .. up Into the mountains where Southland Cruise Mr•. Jnrz Laurette dllCO\'el"l!d Mother Nature greeted ua with lhl' monty ml1111tnr upon her re· a weL welcom •. lt WU ttie heavteet C-'ub to-· Attract tum ho~. rain that I h&\•e ever eeen, a re&J 1 . -------------- downpour. 25 Boats H WAIT o:s Wl:ATJU:R er• When we arrived a t Camp RokW Some 2:1 bo&U ot tht Soulh- ( which la localed about 10 m11ea land Crul.alns Club, tormerly What ls new LI opposed, beauae most are unwilling to be taught. -Sa.mutl Joh.Man u :osARD r . HO~'NAT FOR SALE ' J't&r old o~ .. o t 'ronl bou.e wtlll •pee.._.., .......... ..... -~ <'llan-• &ftcl "-"..ll. ...... .. i ti.th .. , % u r tt&r .. 111011 ai-op •f'"""· Mod.-.lly prtC'f'd at $?11,000 1111f11rnl~hl'd. Louis W. Briggs n .. 1tlt11r 11' t:. Ralboa JU~ .. Balbt>• Harbor 90 nort.heut of Redlanca) we waltad Souther1l California Crula I n r Ull the ra.ln haa eubaldad, then w1 Club, an expected t.o aall next at&rted to pitch camp. Jl took ua month on a weekend cruise rrom quite awhile to ael up camp a11d I here to Kona Kai Club, PL Loma . lo clean around our c.ampaile. I The crulaer11 will be accom· r===.====-1 Harold I. Johnson I . Propellar ~pa!,. j At au1mbly th.at evl'nlnc we panled lhe weekend or Sept. 24· were told about the camp and It.I 2:1 by Cou t Guard craft until rulu. Al It turned out we had Coot Gua rd Auxutary bo&U more boye present than any olher pick lhem up at the harbor en· troop--1~. PracUcally every boy trance, San Dl•eo. at camp had a KP duty at -ome· The club. open to all boet own· Ume during lhe week. ert a.nd lnteraated In having new Col1111111laa and Federal Arrory Plao1111 Harbor llO !811 \'Ula Way, !Sewport 8-cll BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CU APEL CHAPEL RY TiiE !EA One or the Junior ala.ff membera, memher". wu rorm"d originally 1 1-:-4.1 Superior A\ftnue 3~20 E. Coll.It Blvd. D.nn.la Cole, wa.s formerly l.n Troop for middle Income boat owner11 Coi on& dr l Mar, ca.ltf. :I, now In Post &. wbJch ls &Ito who wt11h to tnjoy family tn 1e t ·~!'ta .Mtta. Calif. aponaored by Ch rial Church by e :r:.:u:.:1:.se:•::.· -----------~=='=P=h=on~e-:=LI:-=b=e=r~t=y==8~·2::::1:::2=1=~---~P=h=,,~n-•""'="H_•_r_bo_r_•_2 __ :=~ the Sea. He wu In charr• of boys ----- on KP duly, who dubbed him with Uie nickname ot "Col1'·11law." The week wu spent swimming. canoeing. llo1'9eback riding iind on varioua 1coutcr1 t't project.a. TAJ(!: LO~O RlKF. On Wednesday, J uly 27'. about :10 boys cet out on lhe li·mlle hlke to Dollar Lake. The camp t ruck wu auppoaed to lake our cea.r to the 1pot where w1 were cotns to have lunch. T he braku on thl' truck gave out and ll went off lhe embankment at the 11lde of the road. A boulder kept the truck trom tumlnJ over w1lh our rear Therefore we had lo carry all our cear up a.nd back. St\'eral or the boy11 had to drop out biocau1~ of the high a!Utude. We 1\ayed yov're as close to tht stock mantt as your phonel ,,,, toll KIMBERLY. 2-1147 for market quotations (t.U ,, .. ,, .. ..,., ... ,.,, leeci,C.m .... J SANTA Ar;A fOC?':Sl -A Coet.& Mesa man and another l.OCAL !ITOClt U!'T BID a AS& riamed d1>fPndanta In a $70 .000 lla.nk of Amt>rl ra .... 39'.·4.21.. plu1 penon11I Injury .1am11~e 1u1t Reckman Jn1'trumtnl . 20 ~. from Santa A.na y .. attrday were C'11ll!omla 811.nk -......... ·-68 i, ·62 nted In Superior Court here. I Disney t Walt) ..... _... . 38-42 Lodging the complaint ap.lnat I Ftm Weetern Rnnk ·-.. ~31 , -~• i.. Bennet A. :->ereaon of C'o1ta Me·' muspar . ·-· :!""·3'• ea and Alf~d E. Brl1nra were I I-tall Scott )lot or• ··-.. 4 \e _. ~ Mr. and Mn. Selmer K. Brldlton. lntemai. l::ng1neertnr .. 9~·10~ The new legl.lllatun will be dt1· 1 Mllf:'.ll••11lum l'ru.Jur:s Inc. y .. cu111111.'\.1 at a Le11gue of Cah!Mma tenJay \<'Clk out a s 16 ooo Coet& t'ttlte con!erenro next month In ;\le~n city b111lrl1ng permit trom San F ranetaco. The conftrenre I the city hall ufflr" tor construe- prop-am wu ouUined lut nlcht lion 0f 11 muh1ne "hop at 19111 t>y \\'lnaton t:pdegraff . .Soul.hem PleC'rntla Ave. Unn Flttcher wu· CAll!omla reprenntatlve of th!' nanied rontraclnr . • Wanted! l'1tj1191 ........ 1 .... .r• .. • ...,, ""• ht•• <ll•ot• 1., DEAK WITTER· a Co. MIMIRS ~ l'OM! ITO(I( DCHANOI ~ ...... .,,, ........ Lee~ ..... ,....... .• ,_,_,_s-t~ 41AMO NIVATI Wlm 8outhV1l Oallfonlla ~1e or QtJea. 110 addreN (iven. Ma.rkft Ba.tttet Com ....... 19~·211.., The Brld.ttons clalm they were Ma~r Marktta ·-· ... .. . 9-l(l Alto d.1.ecu.aeed were gu t.u: al· J>UNnpra In a car dr1\'ell by I Mlnute M.nld .. . . .. ........ _ l6·16'-lo<:allons, which the ctUea will g el Ne~ •·Mn It C'olltded wtlh 1 Sec. F lrat Nat'l Bank -·· 61-6"\~ back. and melhod of <111tribuuon. ~ 'fthlcle at 11 :'° a.m. 'nlr1tty DnJI' --...... _ ...... •--·10"' It wu ct.cldt!d to UH Ute Ame Oct. e. lt!M, tn the 23(1() blot'k Trffrweet .. :.-............. _ T'0-7'6 method of dlltribuUOll u lut year. 8anta AnA Ave. C<'~lll Me"" \'a11 Cnmp Sf'a F<"'d . 9,.9,.,, hued on 1911• popuJat,lon !1gurea. Tht Mftn<1111n11 are · char~ IL', 8 Nat'l. Bank, IJ. D. ·-. 21 ·221 Tlle orlg1n&l ~committee that •1th ne11tpnt dririaf. Maret BMt ----2 '6·2 ~ wortt«f wtUl Ute boVd aC ~ A tot.al or 3·Ul.7~ motor vthlcl .. enler"Pd Callfom111. throuith border quar811tlno atatiorui during May, 19~. r'port..a the l"at101111l Auto- mobile Club. Th.ls tot.al. which w-.. 29.~i g-reater Ulan that for May or lu t Y•r. wu compriserl of 322.117 automobll.ta, 23.2-; 1 rnm· ~ ~ an4 un ""-- , .. ,, ... ,. .. •• 1 .......... . ..-c111 "'6--4" -, .. "f\l ,Uf h qltt• .. f ~l"i e•W M••'• C•ll "' -f.•• l•"'"" ..... fll ... ,P'.htt ti ,.., ,... .. ..., 111 ••· tlr-41 W1 ht•• • •Mdf ........ .., t--4 llttl•t• Call a.nor HOO 5l6 NO. MAJN ST. • SANTA .,.A • Kimberly 2-1147 TOll ftee tr... larb.a -N.wpott leoch -Cotta MMO 361 FOllST AVE. • LAGUNA BUCH ..................... C:W....• ...... l'.t• ....... •~· ...... ly~ *-,,,_I .-. ....... • '" ""-"• • i.,.... ....... • .... 1>1..-• '-""" ......... • s----.. d•... • ""-'"• \ / • . PAGE a·. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, 1955 BOARD OKAYS MESA SCHOOL BOND SALE SA~TA l>J'A cOCNS>-Or· I a11ge County ~ of Sup- ervltor• Tuead&Y attemoon a uthorlud the ul# of $1.7~.· 000 worth or 1ebool bond.a tncludmg $8000 worth or Coata Meu Union School 011· l trict Bondi. It ta a 1egment of $87:),000 voted Feb. 15. A total of $520,000 already hu ~en I Mild. ACTIVE MESAN Etta Roberts Views fair. I I HE WON IT ! -An oil painting. "China Street Scene," was chosen best of show over nearly 70 entries in the art exhibit at Orange County Fair. The color blind artist , here shown at work in his studio, 2755 East Coast H ighway, topped not only students with a considerable amount of training but professionals who were able to qualify under the amateur ruling. -Staff Photo COLORBLIND AMATEUR CDM ARTIST WINS OVER PROFESSIONALS AT FAIR Cameron Uses Brushes for 'Best of Show' J. w. Top Style •In 1 CamPron not nnly rel ognlu<I lhe f iu·t but IN'UllP11 lh,. n1une. \\ ITHUCT COLOR En:~ And how does a m11n who can- not tell color nw n&«e to palnt bt>11ut1fuf )"llct urc11 ~ 1 W1Ui the rxcrptlon of t hat a ll· Gift of a box of 011 painls nearly 60 years ago to young 1111p0rtnnt tube nf wh11e. the a rtist Jack Cameron. Corona del Mar. was cherished because hM piunted ·"II his 14 studies In 1 mil! with th11t 1111111" 60-vrar-old from his parents. but never used, during a long lifetime. g1f1 box. Using a. fairly. Jtmlte$1 Ry MRS. WIXl.FRED BARBRE until four years ago. Then his creative urge turned from I numbrr ()( rolors. he n111.rJ<a hla wrilin~ to paint111g he got out the box of paints attempted I po lette with their nRme11 11.nd at Age of 94 \ While moat people her own are I art at home playinr 1crabble, Etta Rot.erl.s, a 94-year-old Coal& Me1& rPs1dent, •pend• her t ime •t the I Or&nge Counr.,_, Fair, and 1he hu p't ml~d·~~ for over 20 yeM'S. • Fortunately for lttla . ahe Ii vea acro1111 the atreet from the Orange County FaJr and can b& obatrved dally. putting her but ·foot tor- wa rd. stopping traffic. and 1mart· ly l'ltrpp1ng a.c rO&I the hlrhway mto the Fa1rSTOund1. WATCIJE8 PAGEANT Etta doean't m1al a day of the Fa1r, achedullnJ her vlaita in order to catch the hil'hllrht• of ea.ch day'1 11Chedule. Th• fl1"9t nifht, ~~u::~;ed ~~~~lean~ thnlled by the gay mu.to, color· fuJ coetumu and dandng. Made ber tee! yura younrer ah• Mid. An erect • feet, 8 incbea t&11 E tta h83 no trouble in th• thronp at the Orange County Fair, haw· f'\'er. aa1d Etta. "I've neve r -n a more beautiful Flower Show in t he lut ·20 yea.r11, and the tncrMae of entritl at t.hl1 year'• fair t.a ctrt&JnJy impreaaiYa.'· Born In 1861, Etta Uv• alone at 115 Monte Vlata St .. Coat& Meaa. Her aon. Elmer Atwood, 11 • Coat& Meu bueneaaman. E tta enjoya tha ~ Jonr. yel· low benchu located throurhout t hP fa.lrground11, u ahe llkea to rest between attractlona, and alao ju1l watch lb• people eome and go. llTUDU'M MAOHDIEllY ' ' I J1queeze11 • Rl'h 11h11dt· 10 1111 ap· 1>111 f1r!lt r 11n,·1ui 1tnd hf\a now won pointeJ plllcl' • The Midway, W1th ill ferrta lhP hnnnr or "beat In •how" at firm. Jt wu Crom a d im and mil<-· wheel and other rldea, a1waya 11 ... .trl •·Xhll!ll "' 011111ge County ty photogn.ph of a "treet l!<!ene HI I tllS wan: llt:LJlS .,.;yee Etta a thrill, and 8t'9 ln-J aplUl that he paJn ted t he pktuM! Then, worklni: nnwnwa rd on hi• ..,. F"" h 1 k hi 1 1pecta the new farm machine!')' J11<1,i:1r11o: w1111 hv <r1l1t' Arthur which top~ t.he Fair llhow. picture. e 1 ar Pn!I 11 co or1t. a.nd lmplemenll each 7ear W1t.h M1111 .. r '""n•I ar11~l~ u 1x1 Hall and Cameron ~tlnds It mort' conven· Ufft'lt paint llpenngly and achieves cntic&I eye. • hapii bf' amaRd to Jeam t.h•t bee&~ ot h1-tnablllty to dla-Uc than would be obtained by a OnJy one ~ dla&ppotnta Stl;&t Jolon Vander Velde, wtlo wUJ .,_.. •-t to ...,.lie troon J>bototrrapha l an eflecl which la far more artl.8- r·11n11 r<>n ha.~ )"lflinted only four tlngulah color, but does do ~me beg-Inner with norm&J t yealght at thl• year'• faJr. SM caa vrar• ha11 ~ii bul two ln.~n11 In oil work on the &ef'ne and doe" lmag-who run11 the gamut In aplashinr rne.ke the are limit for ~ PoSO ·p.11nt111>.:, lh.ll h~11 Orh·ntal atreet lnary p1cturea. on tone11. If he maJce11 a mistake Stick Rac:w, a new feature at the a d \UI 1 h" Ir Onuige County P'alr wbJch J:tt& "I '.11' l• 'I I''"' • nt111•11 of prof es111on-I The Camerona had irpenl 12 114!11· n es ll wr11ng ro or Ill w e wLshea al art 111tis wh1fr 11 pA11tel. ··fkal"he<.i 111001 at Palm Spnngll and knew will p<>1nt 1t out a.nd he correct..s It. lhty bad •tarted about 70 s.-.• 1 ·· t"'•k 8 thirtt 11w11rd in that J ohn Hilton. The t.lestrt prunter C'lltntron wr1te11 !1cllon. arUcles • Y_e_a_rs __ ear_u_er_. _______ _ ohn•1 •n. an•t l1> lOJ"I it 1111, Crun· 111aw C11meron'a fin1t painting two nnd pcwtry, h111 .iuthored a book I - """n is r11l11rhhnol years ago at Twf'nlv !'int l'~lmB of <h1ldr,.n·s poems but ll h&a s h• H \\llHKt:l> I!\ ( llAtlCOAI. a &.:ene Bhowlng a .cobbleu 8ll'('1•l ne\'t•r bN•n pubh~hrtl Hi1t tll· uns 1ne omes d I f _ _. thu111a,.m J11 nr.w ,ll'l\'l'n to pam1111g J \\. l "11nwi.1n w1111 born In a.n II e-ruo """ hous.>11 in tw1hght H l d , . OH R , bl I h I' .:n err the 1·oun1y fn1r 11how r rt d Ch H u W O Yt'llr!I 11gn. eltl't"Clll to be "' It Scntl11n1i lln<l hlll talt'nl may. have I ue. n l e centPr, one rffl· guwn· t e eso <Omr lhrnui;h fRn11ty venel'I for t IMm&n. t on ~ave <'am-l ,. h f .. · 1 1 al nex v1·ar an., ope11 or more T he hilt.I 11n un..i .. whu WAii lln arti11l. eron & l'9.IOn n p Plte kmfp I award;, ype L1·v1·ng As " y111mg man he sll•·ndt•d the work. ThM!e months oito ht> had Jl"ullx· Art.• 1ir,. 1111111< 1n the winter a le1u•on from Lagunan Bt'nnett 1 "' t!•Hi--011 ill thr .. 1i1 t 'nlveraity lirlldbury In rna riMs. Give A Liffle fl111l1h11g in ::;l'ttlt 1.. working In IMAG.l'Nt.:S TllJSGi-4 ch11r1"1•11l, 11111 c1nly f11nn11I lrlllnlng. "I change the pk luri·, USP niy D<m11t111n11 rull .. rtetl from aJult11 \\·1111 n 11(,. <•f llltV<'I 11n<I adven-own 1de8.8, lmprovu•e. imngmP 1illent1mi.: Harbor Hoy11' Club A ture ahen1I Utl'I"' wa11 no more things," l'llya Cameron, who Is no ~11Rllt' Mfc1get BA1<l'h11ll J:IUTif'I! t 1mP f'•r n1 t. for hr Wl'lll lo na.c:t copyist. To J"lrflVe hill point al l:ostll Mella Pnrk hu~e re1111lt· Aluka llvln,.: with two young he quote& from "The w 111,. of 1111 In 11pprox1mntely $200 lo help c-om)"IRnlnn11 In 11. 11mall o•flbm at Ci1!nlu11." • Ide of Maurkt Utrillo Jiily frii· ~hamond 1•q111pm1•nl. Ob· L1tuyu Be~·. 150 mllo•s frum lht by Ro~rt Couglan. m which the Jl'C'tive nt lhe <'11ll1·c-tton11 Wi<it al nrare~l :1..i 1 IPm•rnl 11.-.r<! No tu re nuthor mentions the f1h.• of pie-· lt•asl a SMO bill. FAM enjoying .11atJl'ftl'1l his 8c>ul for thr bay has lures, 11nap11ho1.a &11d cJippmga kl'pt the HArbtir Brl'I\ 11ummt'r baseball ht'<'n 1·11llr•I hy t>11rf\• 11rlventurer11, by the noted pwnter and which prol'inm for YlHln~MPr11 were r<'· lit" mu1tl bt•aut1fut 11pol 111 the gave him 11ubstance for hill scen»!I. qur•lf'lt tu look for lhP bny who wrnld "ll 111. in the final analy~ui. tht> ron~lll'!I lh1 1111.:h lhto stanct1< rach IL '"8~ •hmni: th11< penod he lntllv1du&ht y or the arlil!t which n11.:hl with t1rkrt11 nntl a ran for rlnwe ll ,.pan of hur11"" hitched to counts:· he sta tel'. rlnn11t111n" ~------------~ "If you've alway• wanted a "reB-Or t area home", but felt that pr!cea wtre ~yond your purae thr n a. COl!la Me1a Sunllhlne home ht the &nlWer to your dreams", aid S. V. Hunaaker, bullder, toda y In dllC\JHlng hl• neweat home de•elopment. titu- ated In t he p ath ot cool, 11d breezes on the mua •pproitl· mately 11croe11 from Newport Beach. Described by Hunaaker u lo- cater! Jn the center of the South· IRnd'a work and play y ard, only 1 mlnutu from eKcellmt golf cour· 1 11 hu<"klnaril 1wt'1 th,. CAnbou I He m11.y Introduce In a p1ctu1e Tr111l fr1m1 A"h• roll l •l Ft F'r11ser. Mmrthlng which he l!llw in lht a •hstRn•" nr ~Oo m1ll'1<. m 22 ctAy11 se11, deep sea flahlng and thto finest beachea In all Southern Crei9hton Wallet California. theae a-. bedroom. 2 a frllt hP In''"" 1., rerllH Onent 3~ ye&ta ago. a mt makes It l"PllJ becau_'I(' hl' ha.s 8 )"lhOlll· <.()ES TO ORIE~T Jt!'1lph1C' tVt and IUl utraordfnsn• A r .. w yPara later Ca.mrron memory. ·Thill we.a demon11lrt1ted Wf'Ot lO 1 h.-Oritnt 11.1 P8rlner In when he met In Coron11. di.'! M11r a HlndmAr1'h. C'runeron Ir Co. of man w1lh whom he worked for " Kob<' J11~1n 1111 lmpnrt·txport frw wteke In 1909 in Sraltfl'. Thi' fl <if 111, \\ 811.,1 frnm his bath homu af'e avaUable to a 11nluc k••I ('Hr 1,,.,k,.,l in lhf' rr11.r 1hmlttd number &! qualll1ed Vt U or 11 ~··r v1e1• .. 11111"11 Al 17th l't.lon no down payment tenn1 (low and C:oll~t HiJ.:hWRy WM r<>pcirt · I impnunds only I followed by NI to T'''""" Wr1lne11ila\' hy 1 monthly payment. u low u W11ync Cre1~l11on or 17:11 Pn-1 $~!) JO. mnna Ave .. c n111a ~tr11A. Yrl these unique l!lun1hint _ Homes Rre qu1111ty built. year 'round f"'airlences offering such fin,. !e11ture11 1111 cedAr·11h1ngled 0 I roof1<, raistd tounclaUons (n , sl11 b1< I. genuine oak noora,. large 1 • AOOO ~q. ft. 1!1tei<. and two car K;1Jra~e1<, Hun.saker pointed out. I Slreamlined kltrh'ns feat urt 11Atural birt"h crtbl net1. garbege •h!<p0.!1Hl1<. Anrl elPctrlc exhaust fllnl!. Other top quali ty ft'alurea I rndude oversiu 40·50 p llon ho!. I WAlPr healt>rl!, plenty O( la rg~ <'h>~Pt~. rock wool tn11ulatlon Jtl"PI •tiding wlndowa with non 111i1t aluminum 1creen1. Sewers are 1n11talled Br.d paid. Ev .. n i uch 1 ttem!t 8!1 clothu)"lolu and lnclJI· l'rittors arr lnc-tuded. Thrfe fumi11hed mod'I homes llW'AIPd bPtween Victoria and Wll- JtOn. Jllltl wu t ot Harbor Blvd .. are o)"len for ln11pect1on 9 a.m to 9 pm Costa Mu a Sull8hlnt homts are rapidly and eully ac· 1 CMstblr !rom LOii Anpln by I turning right off the Sa.nta Ana frt~way a t Harbor Blvd.. and dnvtng l!Outh t-0 Pomona St. Munoz Son lorn .. CHRISTIAN'S HUT BAMBOO BLAZE T h,. RAymond Munou . 392 21rd St . Co1tl11. Mel&. are parent. of a boy baby born Au1. 7 al Hoa1 Hospital. ' IF YOU HAVE 'i Celebrated a birthday been on a , trip • e~tertained guests painted J>Ur house with stripes been promoted I .: bought the bed Washington slept in eloped been robbed had a baby sold your prize cattle been shot moved been married sold out cut a new tooth at 50 years or older • 1n a fight stolen anything -. ••• I . -. OR ·HAVE DONE ANYTHING AT ALL! That's News...:..AnJ We Want It Telephone. send a Post Card or come in to see us at 2211 lalboa llYd. Newport leach HARBOR 1616 Shown here a re three Balboa boys who witne.s.eed what happens when children play with matches. Saturday the bamboo nJongside Chri11tian's Hut in Balboa went up In 1 bla.ie and brought threE" f ir<'trucks from both Newport and Balboa 111tations. Police offic<'rs in Attend11nre :it thC' i;rC'nC' l'a1rl t he bl11ze wu ra1t1<<'rl bY youngstPr.:. playing with matcbe.. -~taff Photo by Dick Reddick Larson Plant ~ I Mra. J . LA.non or 304 Dahlia -==============================================='.:;;!~~~~ Avt. reported to police the theft nf pl&nt.t from ber pado. 81le ''alued UM io. at "' High Quality Printing Phone Harbor 1616 .,., ' • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE ... -~ • I l'OP GRADE BEEF -Starting out their lour of agriculture exhibits at Orange County Fair. Piratr Princeasea Sharon Glrnn, Costa Mesa. left and Der Dee Cunningham, Corona de!. Mar, learn about bref cattle from the11e Harbor High School Futur<' Fa rm- e,.. of America Chapter members. At left, Bob Bax- HOR~t: ~ •• u·,; -1' irst event of t lie fair'::; horse 11hcw, open to children 12 years or under, was won Tuesday by Mary Mayers, Los Angeles, on horse at .. .. ALL WOOL A~D CUDDLY -Pirate Princesses Sharon Glenn, left and Dee Dee Cunningham. get fine points of fat Jambs from Bob P errin, Harbor High School FF A Chapter leader ~nd alriculture ·~ trr, Newport, holds his 800-lb. Angus "Rollo." wilh which he t ook first place in lightweight clas~. In center, Fred Knowlton. Costa Mesa. holds !HO-lb Hereford "Mort" and at right. Jim Willi11mi:. Costa Mesa, holds his 735-lb. Angus "Blacl1 '' "-:-11· .. St,,fr Photos by Robert F. Willmes. fa r right. s .• rnll f1 y lined ricfing hall rail to watch I he children put their mounts through their paces. ............ ~ Instructor . left. Holding lamb a t left is Wallace Pinkley, Costa Mesa. while J erry LC'hman. anta Ana Heights, holds other lamb. 011C111D EXlllalT -On. of fioriculture building's charming &len'a ia Orange County Orchid 8n(!et)' e•hlbtt. abo\·e. whttre ~e Ott and Shuon study bloom• wbidl won aodety a tl¥rd place award. SAJ>DLE: ti' -Shar on Glenn talks over honse- manship with Art Spcn· cer. La Habra, as he rein 1 in hie Arabian stock hortie al rifling ri.ng, ' • SAMPLE HAHBOK t"A Rt: -Princesses D Dee Cunningham, left and Sb&ron Glenn sample tuna on crackers offered by . Lockwood at Newport Har- bor GT'ange No. 776 exhibit which took fi ward in ClaSA 20, lndl18trial growth of cities. Scrern in background shows aw fish, other denizf'n11 of dffp which move across as recording tells Harbor commercial fishing 11tory. Unique exhibit was designed, created by Karl McDougall. • BIRDS AUGHT -First award floral booth or Hart- lein Flowers, Corona del Mar, featured white pigeons atop rorner cubbard where princessei; Rtr<'t('h forth gauntlets . AROt"ND THE\' GO -Nothing like toppine off a long trek around the fair with a thrilling ride on one of the whirligigs thnl churn 11nd turn. Herc the princesses hold on to their h:.its. SWING HIGH. SWING LOW Princesses Dee I>ee and Shamn ha\'r fun At Costa Mesa Bay Citiea Branch. Califomill Natil')nal rur hsi::i Snr1f'ly , f'xh1b1t in flr.r- icwture building wilb doU in 1win1. Exhibit took second place awat_Q m clan. _, ,. 'JXSE 2 -PART 11 I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FAIRVIEW RANCHOS MODEL -Thi• type "Gar· den Homes" ia featured thia weekend at new D. & E. Corp. home community at Fairview Ave. &nd Briatol Fairview , Ranchos Homes Still Open to Vet Buyers ~· With gardtns and lav.-na plant· ad and growing. and now ln full bloom, Fairview Rancho11. new D. and E, Corpor111ton home com· munlty at Fairview Ave. and Bristol St. on Santa An•'• Mira· cle Mllo of new homu -fm1t -In Santa Ana to offer complPttly l11nrl11capttl hnmt """ll llrf' rr· portedly not affected by the re· ctnt VA 11nnounceml'nt. Thl'y art still 11\'ailA t>I,. to q1111llC1l'd vPttr· ans for noth1n,; 1low1' excPpt rn:<' ll &n•I 1mpo11nd11 11nll on rnr.nthly p11y111rntll frnm $6:1 11 th111 1nrl•1d •• p1m• 1p11I 11ntl intrr· O•I Ill'• "rfllnj:: tn llpnkPl"mf'n (or r '""""I" l..11 "" Co' 81\11'11 ll j:'l'nlll Hl'lm"~ '"'" prirPrl fr..,m $1 2,8:10: n\'t: R .\!'J(' ARr:As nr.,~nl' I bv Brlrli:trll anct Trnl· Ir r ri:,.rr1 ·••I lanol~rape a rch I· , ,. · • r·~ 11 \'l•·w Ranr hoa' land· • 'I 11~ 1111 111111'~ !lvt ba~lc artu I,_ pq, r1 n11ntl l'O\'PI", pa tiO g&r• 'r 11 pl11\' "n•11 11 nrt ~t>rvtct yard- ' 111 1t1nt1n,1?• fnr •aC'h llrta «pe· "IN It'd fnr hsrdlnf'Sll, r · :1' dtt 1· t•1 ~.int11 An11 1mll. , 1111111 llc rnn•ll!lr•ns. It waa ' r• tL :.101 ,. th11n 1~(10 ll(J. ft. nf lswn 1~ 1•hn1,.ol. Crnn1 e n•I rt a r. with 11prlnkltr11 ln1talled. Shrub• In profUlllnn dtcorate lht altu. while a.nnual p111.nttng• add color. Durable ground cover 111 u11ed outside t he 11prlnkler areu to keep hand wa,ttrlng to a mini· mum. CPntered In the rear garden Are11s I• a 120-sq. ft. ronuete patio with decorative n!•dwood dlv11t rll. and sn attractive red· wood pl11ntf'r oox anl! ~at tha t t11r.-11 the patio A gard .. n 11,;hl lnrreasu night enjoyment of the 1t11rdtn. ThP rt11r s res 11 alao fl<m<I lit with two light!!. SpeC'111l t,.at11rt of the la.nd· ~r11plni;: 111 a rompltte plot plan gi1•tn buyers of thtae three btd· room 11nd two • bedroom • and • a • den. two bathroom homee at the time of purchaae. OARDES PLASTISG · ThP pla.n 11howa txaC'tly how the g11rdt'n wtll be pl11nted and namu each planting and Ill lo- r11tlon In the whole decorative la.ndsc11.p1ng theme. lnclud I n 1 11h11de t r•es and orange treea. land~splnjt arc:hlterl3 explained. Surrounding the entire gardtn 11rt1t11 111 11 11-{t ·high genuine red· wood buket·wtave fenC'e with a MESANS RETURN FROM NAVAJO RELIEF ·TRIP A p111 ty n( tour Cos ta Meaana,l In the area. "Buldu food and ht ·•u<llnA t'"'o Cnata Mf'-polac. cJothtn4r, We -told tbe N aY&• t•f(l ·rr,.. rl'lUm<'rt rArl.v thl• wee.II Jo• badly n~ hear1nK aide for ' 1 11 rr1r tn 1·1o 1naty of Tuba childttn and an eya doctor. There 1· ·: \• 7 11rur '""''rying two 11re many caae,w of young e.nd old t•,, :.: I ,, !. • f '''"'Alt'•I fr)()d end Indiana g oing blind when trtat· 1 l11t h1ni: to1 1IP:ot1tlltl' :'\an1jl'l ln· J mPnt might help them." <.111r " "I'd like to t11k,. .off agaln for A' ,.,., "1111" tin P, ml'mbfra of t he reJt"rv&tlon nex t month," th• 1•11 I'' , in•IU1 ll'ol a i<un'PY t n Sloter 1111ld. "All we're w11.ltlng d• r .·rn ,-. "''" 1 nrr,ls nf thr Nav-1 nn ls mnre donatlnn11." N11v11jo n '"' Th· ,. wr1,. L• •· 11n1! Th• lm11 rnunc1l rt>prl'stnlat1,·t Maxwell 1 •·'••r .''•!• r: l'.llh ~t . l,ru Ru.~h-Yl'zzlr tnld thr party what the nt 111 •li 'l F. 1Gth :-:.t anol Jamc>s I NM'&JOs really Med 1., while !lour , ~:q.,·,.1-. -:o-: ('1•ntl'r St. LMttr la JWlllllOl'll. canntd milk. cannf'd 11 ;\1111.\ f'''"' •• F"l l!"llnl. !'lnttr a.n lll)Up and cofft'I'. Yeule 1ald, nf!h "T r0n l h1• Co1•" Rushman. a "Next month. after the rainy 11ea· ~,.h,.nl l<'Jlr hrr who hll!I worked !!On Is nvtr, l will t&ke you on • 1n A11znr.o. ~··n'"" A~ J:U[llP on this thrtt·d•y trip Into the b&C'k flr·l tnp tl"f the rr ... n ·at1on. country where thlnga are really • ',\'1• t nnk thl' (nn•l and clothing bad." t11rrC"tly tn lhr h"I:·'"~" Sl<>ler re· Coat& Mesa'.11 Rough Ro11.d er1 pnrttJ t1 .. !.1\ "\\",, roulrl havt Club sent the pt1rty to lnve11t1cate 11tnrr• •I 111 All\' hni:.tn &ntl found actual nred of tht lndlan11, rorry- &lJH\ ing f'•·• rlr It's re111ly pill· Ing the donation• from penon1 ful Th"s·· I nd111n11. •trs111te publlc throughout the Harbor areL Sloter N-llr f. 1\nn't rcr••n·e J'l'nslon money 1&ld auff1clant cuh to cover cuo· fn >m the i:n\'rmml'nt Their wtl· line would be n~ded for tht next titre 1 A~<'ll h111·e nn effective Arizona trlp. "Thoae who 1 0 r mrl'1o?l'n<y ~··t 11 p" along ·wm donate thtlr llmt and 5lolrr N1 \1I th" party te.l.l<ed to pay their own upenee11." Sloter m h~•· "it'•··~ 11n·I "'"If are people 1111.111. AMORITE REW ARDS SOMERS RUTt1 Some.rs' Cal·32 Amorita of Newport Barbor Yacht Club ...... on• of the three rtlltat wlnnere of the Pacific Cout TC ehaipplonshlp l'f,.atta In Sin Dt"F:o kut.r wttk·tnd. Strat En· n aht, aleo of NJn'C, rtpn tt ll In the RhodN claa1 v.·hUe the thlrd entry to retain hi.-11!!14 title w11~ Aah Bown of llDYC tn t.he Ocean Raclni dh'lt<1on -Ber kntr Photo FRIDAY, AUGUST 12 , 1955 I I ~JUDGE GRANTS CONTINUANCE IECAOse OF STALLED AUTO SANTA ANA, IOCNS) -Bttaua• her. car atalled and •he waa unable t o k~p her date M:mday, Pa tricia Ell.nor J'alr. 40. :120 lr11 Ave . Corona del Mar, &ol a conUnuanc. of hu bad c:httk tnal In 1uperlor rourt unUI nut Monday. Judce Franklin 0 . w .. t &"'1ted the c:ontlnuanu alter hearing from Atty, Jam•1 Monro. at 2 pm. Oep. D11t. Ally O.Wllle Chatterton went alone with th• poatponement. The dl'fendant •lao known aa Pa tricia Thomu II acc:u1ed Of pualng a U O bol\ll check Aprll II In a Laruna Jffach ~r· ket and another for 110 7:> ln a Corona del Mar d~• ahop. She haa pleade~ Innocent on both alltptlon1 HER RAZOR! ~a. lt'1 manufacturtd by Sun· bNm Corporation. maken of tht Shavemuttr tlectrlc ahavtr for mtn. r la~r thlU\ a compact. tt'1 rentk, aura ptrformance f'"" 'l''Oml'n a ne'A'. euy way to ke.p neat, fresh anll clatnly The Lodv SunMam la .. Id t o be e&ay to C'l;an and le ... ·ondrrful for u.e at homl' or tor travr llnc. It comet In • btautltul 11ft c ... which maku • handy etorage con· t..t.1n1r. 'nit. newut qUo&llt)' produl't by Sunbeam oftere women • C:On\'t nl· ent, modem 1"Y to l&.ff'cuard thflr perwonal charm. The Lady Sunbeam Shavemuler la ava llabl" In the Harbor ar.a wher•ver Sun- beam appllancu are 1<>ld. 'laleh.er loys' Opening Mart DH.n l\,....il anJ N o rm an Meadow• aNUm• thl' rolta of "bulC'hU Boy1'" 11• lhl'\' tf&ftl·UP u partn9ra In the o~r1.t1on nf Butcher Boy MHh nnt to th• bank lJ\ Corona dtl Mar. With ~d• ba<"k l!roun\11 of n · 11enenre In ma•t market optra• !Inn, both RUNf'll -and to«udn ... ·1 plan to f .. tura 1>J'ttlall&ed cut• of 1teak1 and rout• to or der. P:utern asad llf'n hel't will ha a fta tura alonr with t11lr\• pro· d11r u . froaan f!'O<la. hrH d and egg1. Jltsaw Stolen St. on Santa A11a'a Miracle Mile of new homes. They reportedly a re not affected by reccn\ VA announce· menta regarding down payments. New Sunbeam for Women Now on Mart AC'cordtnc to the manula.cturer. the I.Ady Sunbeam l1 unJqUe In ila rltld. ll la the only elect rlc 1ha · vtr tor womtn which can be U!!ed for the lec1 and undtrarma with equLlly perfect reault1. It hu a ahovir:g head with one eds• Hpe· cfally ground to lh•va th• It&•. 1nd the other edge Hpeclally cround for underarm UH. 'nll• 1martly 1tyled ladlu' ah1.vn hu many other fine feature1, dealer1 Amigos Viej~s New Flag to Fly Wednesday Newport Harbor'• A m I Co • Vlt JOI. tun-lo\'inc 1roup of civic lt1.11m, will hold their next lunch· ton mtftln1 on Au(. 17 at New· port Harbor \'acht Club. Theft of • portable jt&HW trom hi• unlockl'<i aar•&' wa1 reported to police W•lnud•y by T . Horde 8ffley of 1307 !:. Bal· boa Blvd. 1snat.rt by U\a late, beloved Cla ude Putnam. The fl•« w11 I be th• "l'\IHt of honor'' at the HNlon IA memory of Con1mndort Putnam. accordlns t.o Robert Gardner, president of U\a c-roup. decoral1ve gate to auure privacy In lhe patio. th.-11tr\'h"I' \'Ard. The play area hRs bl'rn ch:111,ntd to accommo· date morttrn play yard equip· ment And h&\'e rnom ltft. ov~r. Now for the tint lime. a11 tlec· trlc 1haver. especially dulgntd to aerve all the nffdl of women. hu been Introduced In the Harbor OC'cup~·1nr plact of honor on club mai.t durlnc-the AmlCOI ne- •lon v.•llJ be the official t lar dn · ClolhelJ>Oltl and llne1 u well aa lnc:lnerator1 are Installed In rtport. It le amaU In 1l1e -no .-· SCHOOL AND MUNICIPAL BOND$ We provide ready cub to build new echools and other public facil. ities. Since 1950, our bank baa organized underwriting groupa to purchase $32,506,000 worth of these bonds in Oranp County. SCHOOL SAVINGS- Every week our bank makes it pos- sible for school children to bank money right in their cla.Mrooma. This year more than 30,000 boys and girls in our county are learning thrift this practical way. BUSINESS LOANS Last year our bank DVtde 7 ,507 busine11s loans-totaling more than $25,300,000-to business people in Orange County who re-. quired financing to expand or to start a new business. Decieion1 on these loam were made locally. • •• .SURE, BUT LOCAL TOO! I \ Here's how Bank of America II' serves Orange County. ••• HOME LOANS Laat year we loaned more than SB,390,000 in home loam to people livin1 in ()n.qe County. In addi- tion to providin1 home• for the county'• fut-powinc population, thia money provided jobe for local familiel;.alel for local merchanta, income for local contract.on. PERSONAL LOANS · Lut year our bank made 24,636 personal loan.a-totaling more than $27,800,000-to Orange County resident.8. Thia is the spirit and purpose of our bank -a helpinr neighbor t-0 tho!e who require fi. nancial assistance. ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Las t year our bank distributed $17 ,600 to outatandinf high echool 11tudent.8 in ita Southern California Achievement Award• Prorram. A number of ca.sh awar<h, enrraved cups and certifica te• were pre- sented to participant• livin1 in Orange County. 1&unk nf Attterini NATIONAL l!~\1;/St ASSOCIATION •l•IU r nUAl O"OllJ l•lllUllCI CIUOlaf1I• INCOME Our be.Dk pays more t.bu s1.eoo,. 000 every year in aalariea and dlYidenda to it.a emplo1• and atockboldera in Oran1e County. Thia money buys food qd other neoeaaitiea from local mel'tbanta ... helpa pay city and county tua. SAVINGS In 195' our bank peid out cJo. to $1,000,000 in inter.t to-~ depositor• in our county. Th11 money haa contributed to the well-beinf of thouunda of Oranp County reaidenta. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES The men and women who work for our bank are alwa}'1! willing to help in community activities. They u e among the first to volunteer their time, effort and financial experi· ence in community undertaking&. STOCKHOLDERS The 1,904 ahareboldera of o.u bank who a.re residenta of On.np County are all part-owners of Bank of America and have a 90ice in the ·policiee of ow bank. Lat year tbeee sharebolden recei~ more than $.426,000 in diTidendl,. . BANKING THAT IS IUILDING CALIFORNIA •.• banking that is building Orange County ----· l.SO fott Cet'lttr StrHt 0 . E. Heneoft, Mfr. IALIOA IUICI 615 Eost 8olboo lou~rd H, M. Hollier, "'4fr. FUUDTOll llMC• Amerige ond Spodro H. N. Wonett, Mer. LAlllA IUCI ..cl 290 C.... lov ........ Seuth ' "· I. c.w.nt. ,,. . LAUIUIUllCI .500 West C..-itrol AV9ftue l. H. Lertoft, Mp. ....... _ 34'4 Vie au. t°'9fMIA.Wrlfht,#9. .. E IUllCI PUCIJfN IUJICI SAii cumTt 1U1C1 101 5outh E Comlfto I~ L A. Wlntetton, Mp. UITAAllAllMICI 101 Nottfl Main Str"' YOllA LJeA .... 4102 South Moin StrMt Pronk J. JoMt, Mp. 102 Nonh GlatMll s ..... 0 . Zioowold. Jr .. Mp. Wfff Santo Fe AV9ftve E. M. mrett, Mtp. I. 8. Wript, V.·"-t. & "'4Jr. ___ )•outh Into cUltoc!y at approxJ· I ma uly 11 ::o p m. Tuee lay ll•ley I LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE WHO'S DRUNK? ASKS MONK Butt.ona, 7-year-old mem~r ot the Bud Noonan family, t>23 Weatmln•ter Ave., perchte on Mr8. Noonan'• •houlder In New· port Beach police •\atlon where ehe re11C'\!ed him from ~carce· ration In drunk tank. Bultona n eaped from N oonan home Tuud11y afternoon 11nd WM C'aught that night. Police off\. cer1 took him to jail for aart keeping. He 1tayt d In drunk ta.nk till a new cu11lomer'11 ttrrl\'aJ cau11ed Button•' removt.l to pound· muter truck . -Staff Photo BIBLE COLLEGE STUDENT BOOKED AS PEEPING TOM charge by J. V. OKeefe of 25le Xewport Bh·d. Costa Mesa. t11ened a 1t1temtnl, according to -------------·------------ lnve.11g1tlng of!lceni. a dmlttlnC' of J uJy. 19~. blda or to waJve any lrre«'Jl•r111H h<' wu abollt lo rttlt ,1,n a window • 1 JERI HIPES or lnformaJltlH In any bid or tn of OK"e!~ 11 trailer. On atvfral STATE OF CAl..,fFOR:-\IA Ole bidding. Ot'CUIOn•. lhe •laltment conllnU· COv:\°TY OF ORANG!: \ tu. Slped: B. H. Pl!:TERSOX tr!, .., have l"okf'tl '" ,wmdowa On thlt 211t day of J uh· A Cl. Stcty, Board of Truattta aruun•I tht l blOC'k of E Ca· 19:1:1 ~fr ROBERT F •rprovf<I by b II St .. . ore me, • ,,.. Tl o • \.\'ILL.MES, & !l:otarv f'ubllc In and \\'lLLJAM F KfME:S Haley 111111 he wu working 118 for aald County &nll.Statt. rtsldlng Assistant !"upenntendtnt In 11 r a1pl'ntH1lu11ng-1rnmmtr months th .. 1 1 ,, 11 ,..._ f B I Ill aub.."•lll\" hi.I ttluriHIM at the erttn, ull y <'Om miss onr.. 11n1 '-nargt o us neu R bl C II ,. Ha a ll,. edlv told sworn. P"ra;ona.lly appeared JERl Open August 22. l9t>:I 10 00 AM r'r e •0h eg · f "took.in" In HIPES kno\\"ll 'o me to be tht' l'\o. 1342 News-Prua 8 :1,12, 195:1 o tr f'r~ is purpose n ., h b " w1nd1J\\ e was lo observe wnmen. P"r8on w ose name IA 1ub!l>'rl "" H u trl hi' had no defense a nti lo the within lnetrumrnt. 11nrl •• t' 1 ut tl ., a<'knowledgf'd to me that ahr "nt'\\' 111! Wl\.i romn n., a 11n. exf'Cuted the aam!'. ,Swih Birth Told Mr ant1 Mr8. C'harlu Sw lrt of 763 \"l('l<lrll\ l't.. Co11ta 'Mr11a, an· I nounr,.•I the birth of a baby boy AUit. II tn Or11ngf' County HM pital The boy ~lgh"d 7 Iba , 3 oz. LEGAL NOTICE CF.RTlf"f(' ATE or Bn~1,.-r~"'8 . f'Jl'T ITIOt 'l'O FIR~ ,.-A)ft: Thi' und<'rslgned do hl"rtby rtr· ttfy that thfy are conducting a gtnfnll rontn.1cttng b11mne~s at 434 Co~ta ;\lesa Stre<'t. Costa ;\lt>sa. California, undrr l he f1ctit1ous firm namr of CORSON &t Ml'.N· TEA:>: CO:'oiSTRL'CTION CO and thllt said firm Is composed of the following ~reone, who11e names In full and plsC'ell of ru1dtnce are u followl'I. to·w1t · OA V 10 C. CORSON 434 Costa Meu St. Costa Meu. Calif. THOMAS N. MUNTEAN 439 Magnolia Costa Mtsa, Ca.lit. \\'ltnr1111 our hanas this 20th day or J uly, 19M. 111 DA VlD C CORSON /a ' THOMAS N. MUNTEAN STATE OF CALIFORNIA I COUNTY OF ORANGE 1118, On th111 20lh day of July, A. D. 1955, ~fore me. ROBERT F . \\'lLL.MES. a Notary Public In and for the 1111ld County and State. re· •ldlng therein. duly ('Ommlu1oned 11nd sworn, ptrl!OnaUy a ppeared DA \'JD C CORSO:>: •nd THO:\f · AS N. Ml':'\iEAN kno"'ll to mr to be the per110nl! wflose names 11 re t111b11crlbf-d to the Within In- strument, and a cknowledged lo m e In wit ntss whereof. I havr hHe· unto 1et n\v ha.nd and affixed my orttc1al 11eai the day and yen In th11 Certirlcatf' first al)ove written. S ' ROBERT F. Wll.l~MES M~· Commlsl'l1on F.:xpirPI ?'\o,·ember l6, 19M :-;o. 1339 Xewa·Pre11s 7 '22, 29, 8, :I, 12. t9!'i!5 C'ERTrFICATf: ot· Bl'Sl:-;t:ss t'ICTITIOt"S FIRM SA1'U: The undersigned do hereby ce-rtlfy that they ire ronducttng a metal furniture manufacturing b11s1n1119 at 416-S lat Strttt, Xew· port Bea<'h, C'allforn111., undrr lhe flctrt1ous firm name o! THIN LINE ~tAXUFACTtrRrNG COMPA:-\Y and that aaJd flnn 1a composed of the following persons. who11e namea in full tend places of reaidence a.re u follows, to·wlt · CARL VE~MAN 302 Via Oporto Newport Bel\ch, Calif. JOHN FRANK l l 10 W. 16th St. Santa Ana, CaJlt. Wlllleaa our hand• thl• 3rd day of August, 1955. /8 I CARL VENS:MAN ;a/ JOHN FRANK STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE las. On thla 3rd day of Auguat. A.O. I 9:15, before me, ROBERT ,.., WIILMES, a Notu y Public In anJ for t he steld County and State, r · siding therein, duly comml1UJl01 •d &11d aworn. personally appeared CARL \C::-;EMAN and J OHN FRA!'\K kn0\\'11 to me to be the per110ns who1e na.mea are 11ub· scrl~ to the within ln.t1trumtnt. and acknowledged to me that they executed the 11ame. S OTICF. TO CREDITORS So. A 28108 Eatate of Vera L. Lawrenc:-e. tleCeUf'd. Xotlce la hereby given by the undf'rslgned Marian C'. B11shltn11 Admlnl.strn trl~ <>f ~hi' Estate <'f Vera t.. Lawrence deC'tUe<I. to lht cr~<lltors of. and 1111 Jl4'f1'00ll ha,ing elalms •itatngt t he sal<I drCe&!M!d, In pt'esent lhtm with the nee!'1111ry vouc:her~. v.ithln six months aftrr the first publi· ration of this nfltlce, to tht saM undersigned •l the office or Ro· bert A . F.astma.n, 123 E. Broad· way City ot Costa Mu1'. County of Orangf', Slate of C'allfornla. which 11&Jd office the underslgn- t'd aelecta t1S a plaC'e of buslnel'ls In all matters connft'ted "'1th uld estate, or to hie lhtm w1tll the n~uary vouchers. \\1thln .six montha arter the first publl· c:atlon of thh1 notlrt,. In the of· flee ot tht Cll'rl< nt th<' Suptrtor Court of the State of California. In &11d for the County of Orance. D•ted August. 15, 195!'1 MARJAN C. Bl:SHUNG No. l34t> 1'Pws-Press Aug. 12. 19, 26; SepL 2. 19:>5 NOTICE OF J~"fESDED1 MORTOAGF. Notice Is hereby (!\'en. That 0 . J . GARDNER. Mortgsgor, whoae address 111 2028 Newport Boulevard, In the City of Cost.a Mesa, County ot Orangr, Slate of California. lnt,.nds to mortg11ge to BANK OF AMERICA NA· TIOZ..:AL TRt;ST &.nd SAVll'>GS ASSOCIATION, :\tortgage1>, whost> &ddreu 111 3444 via U do, In thto City of !l<ewport Beach, County of Or&11ge, St.ate of California. A lhf'O:on a111dtnl at the South· , r· ,, --~~1, Rlhl4" C'>ll"J:e In Coo· ta x... wu ·early Wednesday 1 11, 1.,1' 1 mnty Jail by M<'.,a pohre on a "~eplng Tom" Da vid Ha.lf'y, Z2, of 140 E . Ca· brlllo St . Costa Mesa, wu arrut· ed by police after OKeefe took the tn wltnl'H whrreof, I ha.ve here· unto 11et my ha.nd and affixed my p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. nfflt' I a I .,. a I the day and year In In wttneea wherl'Of. t have here· unto 11et my ha.nd and affixed my offic:l11l ual the day a nd year In this Certlf1c:ate tlrst a bovf wrltttn. All flxturt'll tend equipment One •AS IS' Unotype machine, Serial No. 270i 4 and uceFao· rles with ext re. magazine and matrlce11 of a rertaln pri11tlng b~tneM known a.s GARDNER PRESS and loca.ted at 2028 Newport Boule· \."flrd, In th' City ot Costa Mr11a. County of Ora.nge, State of Call· tornla. and that &11 executed mort- i•JI'& or the &ame will be delivered and the conslderlllion thl'refnr paid at 10:00 o'C'lock &. m. on the Twenty·atC'ond day of August. 1 QS!5, at th'! el!C'row department of the SANK· OF AMERJCA NA- TIONAL. TR't:ST and SAVINGS ASSOCIATION at 3H4 via Lido, In the City or NPwport Beach, County of Oran,.e, State of cau. fom la. O'Brien Motors DODGI PLYMOUTH Costa Mesa Big Savings on 1955 Dodge "Lancer" Herd top. Radio, heat- er, auto. transmiuion. 6000 miles-a beauty. 1955 Dod9e Custom Royal 4 -door-Auto. trans. Radio, heater, pwr. steering, power brakes, pwr. windows, etc. 4000 miles. SEE THESE! 1950 Ford V-8-t ton pick-up. Sharp! Priced to sell. Chevrolet t ton pick-up. A real Buy $165.00. Try Our Complete Senice, Paint and Body Dept&. Staffed by Factory mechanics who are "Tops" ~n ennlngs 1680 Ntwport Bh·d. Ubtrty 8-7272 McCarthy's 1 oocro GUARANTIED CARS 1420 So. Ma.In, Santa Ana Down SS Cad. ( 62) 4-dr. Power Str, ··-· ·-·· ··-·· $1000 55 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ... -........ _ ......... 700 54 Plym. Savoy 4 dr. O 'Orive ..................... 450 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sed. Power Str. 650 54 Ford Ranch Wagon, O'Orive 550 SJ Olds. 88 Sup. Holiday Pow ..... -... -....... 650 SJ Olds. 88 Dix. 2 dr. loaded .................... 500 thla Ctrtlfl<'alt first above wrltt4'n !'>/ ROBERT F. WlbLMES My Commls111on F.xpires No\·t mber 16. 19t>5 I Xo. 133 New11-Preu 7 22, 211. 8 :I, 12, 191515 CY.RTIFICATf: o t• Bl'NL'lit:S8 Ff(,'TITIOl'S FIR.:\I XA-'lf: The 11nl1er11lgne<l doe., hereby l'"rtlty that she Is conducting a Infant/! a nd t'hlldrPn'a clothing bualneu at 3406 Newport Blvd., =-:ew port Beach, CaUfornla. un<!er the fictitious firm name of JERI'S OF LlOO and that aa.ld firm Is composed of lhe followinll" peniona, whnl!t' n11mu In full &nd pla<"M ot resl<lencr 11rr u follows. to-wit: .IF:Rl HlPES 8H \'letnrla. Costa Me:oia. Calif \\'ltntlll'I my h11nrl t h1111 2111t day I I • I I - /11 ' ROBERT F , WILLMES My Commllllllon Explrea November 16, 19615 No. 1343 News·P'rua 8/15, 12. J9, 211. 1965 ~OTIGE Of" BID NotJce 18 hereby given that the Bollrd of T rust"" of the Orange Cout Jr. Colltge Dist. of Oran«e County, Calif. will receive bid• up to 10:00 A.M. Auguat 22, 1963 at the office of aaJd 1chool dlat. local· e<t at 199:11 So. Harbor Blvd .• Costa Mesa, Cahf., al which time aa.ld blda Will be opened for: Cafeteria Canned Gooda and pro· visions. Specltlcatlona for above may be 1e<'urtd In the office CJ( Che Asst. SupL In Charge of 8 11.111· nus The Owner rt urvu th,. prl\'lltge of r ejeC'tlng •ny a nt'! 11ll Dt.ted Auguet P. l9S:I 0 . J. GARONER Mortg&,C"or • MANK OF AMERICA !l:ATIONAJ, TRUST 11.11" S AVI NGS ASSOCTATION Mort~aget No. l~H NPws-rr""" 8 12 !'i:I '. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 111 -PAGE l 1:!; ~!-!I .,.,._ FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport HRrbor New•Pre6a 1.s guarantttd. Carnet boys v.·m deli\'rr their paprrw' be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday, U your paper is not delivered b~· that hour plt-ase call Harbo!'._ 1616 and your carrier will bring your pnper. Classified CARPENTRY MINOR REPAffi WORK NO JOU TOO SJ.tALL H. o. A.a~et.on 101' E. Balboa Blvd~ Balbo6 Harbor 2460 Ulf• PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI l ·:l:lll • U l ·i823 280 Avorado, Cotta Mua Htto Painting, Decoratin8 Paper Hanstn1 ---------------GEO. BURKHARDT NE\\.PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS E!ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -n ·ednesdays LtCENSP:D CON11UCTOR 878 W. 18th St., Coeta M ... Uberty l ·MttS FOR RENT AU Claaalfled Ad• mu1t be paid for CHll In ed,·llft~ ot pobllc•tlon. Skill Saw•. Eltr. Drllll, Pol.lal\en, The publl.shtr.s will not be roponalble ror more than 'One lncornt'I Insertion of an 11tl, rt11!'i;ve the n1o1hl to rorrf'<'tly claaalfy a ny and all all t}'Pf.ll of Sandtr11, Wbeelbar· ads and to rl'J<'Ct any ad not confonnlng tu rulM am l rf'~lallonll. ·row•. etc. BOYD'S HOWE. Speclal Noticfoa I !!::-Bullctlog Sen ·lc:es_.___ 2630 W, COAST HJGHW4'f -:------------CE"'•ENT ,_BUILDING Ut>erty 8-343:1. Newport Deb Sitto " Newport Harbor .u °' B P 0 E All Kind• ' . . . FREE ESTIMATES 1767 Liberty 8·6109 ' )ltttl every Thuraday I p m. Via Oporto -Cent ral Ave. Newport Beach Albert H . .MatUlewa, Exalted Ruler U-Bulldln~ Sen icN Elec. Tool Repair Skll SllWI , Drtll1. Sa.ndera QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRiq CO. 4:16 No. !l:ewport Bh·d., Npt. Bch. Uberty 8·8383. U l!c PAINTING I::>:TE:RtOR -EXTERIOR UCE!l<SED -L"'SURED Glenn Johnston SOl -3lat St. Newport Btach Harbor 31i& 22tfc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 year1 experltnce Llcen!!ed &t ln&11red. Sa Uefac:tion iuara.nteed. Estlmatu frte. ClllJ John_nle, LI 8-2687 &'LI 8-5289 81tf c ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM ln11tall the a bove cheaper than mo11t. Al10 lfll Tiii' It Llnolt11m. Non-union, 2:1 yesn experience Compare and aee -- BILL COKER Ha.r. 4828 or Loni:: Beach 7·t>973, !<!lift• 29tt House Plans l.IBERTT 8~2Sl lOtfo Bookkeeping Service ATIF:XTIO:-;! Contra<"tor11. Storekeepers Nerd aomeone to rellieve you of thole monthly bookkeeping wor· ri~ 1 Ail< a bout our reaaonablt ratu. Har. •688-J. 84c97 ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tile .· 1.r!(T11. Dl_1trlbulor1 Wholesalr prlcu lo Contractora It Tile Seltcr11 LI 8-i493 68t!c CARPENTER Repair Work DCleill Your Home Need RapairtnC' or Ramoddlnc? Call Frank. Uberty s-ees. All Work Guua.nteed Ht.re General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Rem,Qdellng J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58tfc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service F.VG F.:"F; 0 . SAUNDERS H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Rtpalr Service Ma.Jntatned f'hone : Harbor •U• 2801 Balboa Blvd.., Ntwp0rt ~ .,., AJcoboUca Anonytnoua Writ• P. O. Bos 31i Ne"'1>Qrt Ba&dl. CaJlt. Pbolle llarbot '7t& COUPLE avall11ble arter Sept. tat to CARp; for property dw1.D• owntrs ab8f'nt'I' Live In. Local refrrf'n<''"" \\'rite P.O. Box SU. C'orona 11rl ~lar. 1128 Superfluous Hair Perma.nenUy nmoHd from taoe a nna, leC'a. Eyebrow• and b&Sr Une ahaped-No more tw..an1. ELLEN t. BR'f A.NT R. ll. U do'a Salon ot Beauty Ba.t. 2871 Ull 20-HNlth AJda MASSAGE IN YOUR HOME ! Servlnir th" Hert>or Aret.. IAdlu only For a ppt. pleuo call Har. •7tt or Har. 0292, McH Z2-Loet and Foand LOST -Mane ..,act Bulo.- WTlllt w11tt'h expan1lon b&nd Reward. Hllr. 3!160J 18c90 -For • d~datlle 11.1ed cu • .ee your local dealer who will be here TOMOK.HO\\' to back up wha t he acllir TODAY ! Che<'I< lhe Ul<'d r ara l_n the cla.111ilted u cuon to· I day. I LOST -rarakut blue 6 white !'.00 31st Street, Newport Beach mall'. \'lclnlly u 2 Karsuente Harbor 29i6 or Har. 4-H6. tfc c.n M. Rar 1971-J. eckU WANT ADS ... 13 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ....................... 500 SJ Pont. Ch. 8. Hydra. R & H ...................... 400 SJ Ford Ranch Wagon, low miles .............. 400 52 Pont. Ch. 8. 4 dr. Hydra. R & H ···--···-JOO 52 Kaiser DI. 4 dr. O'dr. Cash Kit .. ·-·--250 52 Ford Custom 2 dr. acc.-··--·---=.·--250 want to buy I ' I sell, rent or trade? CALL 52 Ford Ranch Wagon ................ ·-·-···--400 52 Chev. Spec:. Del. 2 dr. Sharp .................. JIO "--'71 -... 4h -~ . 611 $195 to $695 Low t'Oltt -Beak THWM Harbor 1616 ASK FOR Cl~SSIFIED AD TAKER " .. , / r ~ ~ • ~lT 111 -"EWf'OlT ~lOR NEWS.PRESS ~-=Mhtt=•~-~~=wt~-­FRIDA Y, AUGUST 12, r 955 Good Used f umiture CompJet. bou.e or apt fum.iab.lnp Bedroom, llvtnc room.. dinJ.nC room. Lawn and patio tumiture AU kinda ~by tumiturt Near Nu Furniture Mart 2819 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har e392 CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS IDCPZIUENCl:I> Secr1t&ri11 for 1enenJ office work, no book- Jteepll!I". R.t-c• requ.lnd -Localed near Sant& Ana Country Club. Kl &-117&. hctl ORIGINALS A7TJCJUfOON, Cocktail. di.nnu dr-• Coordlnet11. CUllTOM OREaaliLUCING Ph. ~ IHa·ft Pel Drasijc Reductions Up to 60% ON IUJOU:R DRESab, tepa- rai... or1finale A tample•. MAAOIE WEBB 19M lo. Coe.et Blvd., Lacuna Beh. '3ttc Fresh Hearing Aid BA'l"l"J:R.IZS we oa... lll:B ON• lt&mp1 Gunderson Drug Co. )(&bl at. at Balba. BIYd .• Balboa Harbor 61&. Htlc BAR BELL 8.ET 110 Iba. Like n-. C&l.I Hu 2121 89c91 .. PADDLEBOARDS 11 rr. MORGANCR.AM'. eB 111 l>Mm, 25 h.p. !:vinrude 1w1n electric. 2 ac:oop bait tank. ntar· ly new, twl price 197&. Cont.art Joe, Myerw, C/O Baldy'• T&i:lcl~ 81\0p, Harbor 231. 811p94 26' CABIN CRUISER No. 27G68 Full)' equJpped Chryaler Marine •nfine. 2 can moorlnf near 1'· ,.ion doclc-8' Dln.rhy <'an bt aeen at BAY SHORE TraJler Camp dock-CalJ J<E &·3813 or RE 1-.c>~er at Tra.ller lot No O·lt. 89c~I a-rr. BALBOA Dlnshy, complete with nearly new Duron 1811 In pt1rfect condition. SlOO. S21:'l, 9th St., Newport. 89p91 I TUDY ln IPU. t llne tor CQfttrac- tor'1 e11amlnat100 under a ,.n· era! contractor wlUI 2IS 1•n npertane1. ct..... Tuu. and WANTED t\lll time 6: pert Ume Frt. nu. T :SO p.m. At lend Unt &1rl1 tor seneral o!tlce work In ------------- S0-8-AfRaa.e. • 10 FT. DUDLl:T rtberstua un• ainkable. Honeycomb. b<>ttom, aeaalon rr-. Bep anytime l'Umltun factory. U 1-032. 1~ No:l~!a1~l1~<!. O_IR_La ________ l8cc9 __ i Wash in a Machine John.ton ~. remot9l c:ontroia. SDVICll compau. wlndahltld, ~er. For Ph. Klmbvly Soil,. or Kl T-3611 tic u Uns or fiahlnr •1'5. 117 1·1Ml' CU&l'&D~ Oil jobe done Sapphire, a. I. Har. 2033·W and on llMd waaber9. 2tll!A • 811p91 China Painting YOU wtU have llA opportunity l4 advance iJl our nnn. becaUM of our preeent ••· pan.ion pf'OSIVll. trav) Mewport Bl., Coet.a M.-. -------------Liberty 8-4.603 or Liberty LEHMAN dinfhY No. 280 .,tUi 3 8-4327. &Ute oe. dac.ron M il Ir canvu cover, like new, ••50. Har 0380. 89clll D&1 .... ~,a.­°"*'* Tue Now PbOM LDlvt)' ....... Tbe llt.artlnr a&l&r)' la rood and you will ...celn trequent tncr-1. too. FOR IALE -COldlpot ref. with new untt., J.c>. Call Kl g.21u. lf Real Estate School raiF;80~r:oP~TORS MUST BELL practleally new 12 cu. ft. Kelvinator retrl1. Xlent. condition SlOO r;_ 108 Diamond .A.ve. Balboa Ialand. Har 1ff9·J\.. -Apply - 90d2 in Santa Ana KSH • WOKl:N _.._ In _..,. &1' ~ No. Ma1n ltreet r ••r-• -..--llm. 211 -Sant& Ana Um• ''" unllmlt.s opportunJU• 00 p ~ "' ft.al l:ltate. New c!ueu t :oo to 4: ..... CL RANCE w .. kly. Al TJ1er tnatrucUnr. At-PACIFIC TELEPHONE AUGUST EA tend ttrwt enntnc tr" and IKnl 73lfc RANGES about tht• cr-t fteld. Call er --------------1 Proepent1 31" ..... ... -........ 129.!IO write now. ATI'JtNTION ALL BOYS -O'K 6 Merritt 42" cl..n, tan ... ~o Al Tvler School THJ: NICWS-PRUI la now takinJ O'K Ir Me.rr1tt 42'' top cVl'. 59.50 .-e'n carrter applle&Uona f~ route. 111 REF!UGl:R.A.TORS 1111 No. ro&dway, Santa Ana UI.., 11et1bborhooda:-Coldapol ••l'Y ole&n 1 ct. ··-18.D-O Kl T·l611·1tl &-Mf .. KI: 1·2613 Balboa, Weet Newport. Balboa Servel t ct .. -·· ............... _ 79.D-O ttc 11., Ne-wpert Heifbll, Oorooa de! GI: nry clean, 4 cf ........... et.110 -------------Mar IUld Coet& Xua. W .A.SHERS Roy's Maintenance aoue dMntns-rioor wax1111 Wall wubinr-uwsow c1ea.ntn1 Vn1ti&n bliDdL Uphot.tery luund. f'r'ff s.tlmau e L1bertJ '-UU. lltc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING &nd CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1e69 IOtf1 Working Mothers Child care in my home day· t I me. Newport Heirhta a.rea. Liberty 8-7674. 83c9I Cl)LORJ:D lAdy wtallH day W'OC'll cleanlnc. oooklnr. c.a tertq, etc. Kl 3-9213. ' toptJ W ANTJ:D -Mendln1 ..... minor •lteraUOfll. In my home. call U Ml15 90p92 It you ..,.. 12·14 yra. old, and havt Bendix-work• ok . . .......... 25.00 a blcyclf. apply al the Circula· Kenmore wrin1er. late mod. 39.~ Uon Dept., Newport Harbor GI: Autom. late mod. •. 109.60 New1-Preu, 2211 Balboa Blvd., VACUUM CLEANERS Newport Buch. between 10-12 Several . • $9 :'>() t4 $19 :'>() L m. or t-a p. m. only ucept EveryUu~ iuaranteed 8&turday1. ttc Convenlent temu WANT Rl!:.AL ESTATE SALES- M.A..N or brobr. l'amlllar w1 Ui H.al1lor ..,..._ Top oonunlmlon to one wbo wante to m&lce lltOl:llY Ir not atrald to work. HOUSTON REALTY ~ Cen- t• St., eo.t.a Xe-. U H91l -llft. Bu. &291-W. ttc LICENSED A&1 ..tat.. aaleaman or broker wbo la famlllar with Ule area and not afraid to work. BAT Ir BEACH REALTY 3111 Lafayetta, Newport Bch. ttc COOKS, w}llte or color.<!. Uve la w ouL Udo l&le. Top w....-. ,... ··=t --ut 9ept. 18 STROOTS HOWE, HoUNwaree 1802 Newport Blvd., Coet.& MN& USED AUTOMATICS $39 .50 to S99 .50 Dtlivered lnlt&lled, suuantMd. Terme available. Henderson's Automatic Wuber Service 2U8 Newport Blvd , Co.ta Meu U 8·7808 1near Oolt Couru• pr ttc Har -.w. '°P Sl-Wut.ed to Bal W AlT1\J:88 esp. not needed. are 11-ao. Day.. yr. ro\llld.-JoUy. Ro..-r Cate Manne at Park, Balboa Ialand. Kar . .so 90c92 WANT General houM kMper CONCR.l:TJ: MIXER, UHd (with· oul motor). For C&lti. Ph. Bill .COiler, Har. f828 or Lon~ 8clL 7-H73 collect. 89<:9f CLEANING Is IRONINO by the 1 Scandlnavta n I :I day week. day . ..........,__-~. Balboa Jaland II•• In or out. Har 0211-J . -------------~........... FRENCH PROV. tum. LoYe aeat. preferred. Kl 1-totl. tf ___________ 90c_9_2 eofa. cllair • coctee table. EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDl:NJJfO Ir yard wor-by daJ' -1t or month. MECHANIC WA.NTEO. Alao lu· bricatlon man. li:xcl. workln& Neede ~vennr. 506 Be~onJa. COM Har. 0716. UctO <'ond. -Apply In perllOn. -------------- TKWDORE Ro Bms roRD Mesa Woodcra~ 3100 W. Cout Hytiway, New- port Beach. 90c92 1.Jbert1 •·•ts• a(ttr •. Neff W.A.NTJtD MllJmen 4' J•l'I u - Unpainted A Juvenile Furniture 8KCASE8, mod. deetsn, alld- ln1 door•. adj. ahelve1, 24 ", ------------Mmblen lor fumltun factory. l:Xl'ERJl:NCED DrH • ~·lrner LI 8-t 332 89e91 wlNIH lntueatlng pert tlme ------------- employment, Alt<> uperlenced In n l111 • faAhlon ahow co· ordination. Writ• Boll D· 19 lhle paper. 88p90 SECRETARY like ne'lll', I hand mMI• lampahadee, Mln.oox Cam- era 6 ll1ht m1t1.r. Matched ALBACORE hllJI the H mile P atty Ber1 ,-olt Clube Ir cart. bank! Uce!IMd txperlenlled Har. 1171 Upi() Skipper a vail. put time or -------------yrly. Har. 112t-W. UptO WANTED Up!!rlenced wall~. Mu.at be tut It ~uant. Houra 12 to I p. m. Monday ott Apply 1tter 12 noon 8\JRF f1SH FRY. 2110 W. Ocean TronL UctO !9-Belp Waated Beacon Personnel 100~ employtr tttained agency NO fee collected from applicant W1 bave ellctlJ. openlnJ• for Gen'I, offtce, Mecll. En1 .• Book· kMper machine oper., Sect)'· 8teno., PBX oper.. coll acct. 6 Jom .. uc BEACON PERSONNEL tArency) 413·31•1 Newport Beach WAITRESS -llPl:IUENCl!D permenet1t Job -Udo Park Cale 2801 lllt 8t., at U do Trail~r Park Newport 8e&cb ltptl llano. bkkpr; bkkpr; eceowit.aat. &«10untiq elk~ roM.aurant. do- nieetJo 6 ren'L poeUJon.1, M- joba d&111. rq1.tt.er now. ll1Nm F AJUlAJ\ llJOl'L. AO'CY, 402~ S2nd SL. N.wpon BMcll oppoette Oty Hall. ltctl l'ot lhoea ~want t.be but Konkel's Interiors Upllolatery, drepertee, .Upcovers. Nd.spree di. New phone Liberty 1-7911 '31 E. 17th It., DI! LUX!: O'Ke.fe 6 Merritt tlOYt. Weetln(tlouM OYen "1th •land 4' c:loclt control. Lon aeat, ftrH'd• cha.tr. maple cot • fee table, I rup, ootl&(e cur· t.al.N I pr. wtlh red border 6 valance, f pr. w1lh &'1'Hll trim. AU Ulle new, Ht.r, 4422-W 19c91 Movie Proiectors l'Olt RJ:NT I-JO< lf.)(J( 15·MM HOBBY &114 MODmL AlRPLA.NI: IUPPLll:a Mfars Camera Shop 1712 Newport BlYd., Coet& Me:M Phone Llllerty l-70U. Pr µ ANTIQUES -Old tumlture, cut r tua. lampe, old p(cturee. clock• r te. Barfaine 1&.1ore. BIC dl.1- counlJI t o dealen. Chu lle Davi1, 1805 E .Anabetm l!lt.. Lon1 Bch. l&0-139. 29ttc MAHOGANY Dtaetc. 8".. Wed,.._ WOOc1 pe ranp. Mue otter. Har OU&. toct2 l\UO 6 Pad Maun J"rtue mOftth old. 1-tt t ·ln by 10-ft t-tn. Two wtllte Canadian health blanlcete. 30", 34", 42" . . .uoa up t dr. Bathroom ,cheeL . 18.911 Complete line unpe.Jnltd tum. ao(f and hwd. M'inwax and Deft flnt11hc1 , Order• ta.ken for 1hutter1 2121 Harbor, C.M. Liberty 8-l~S DBI-BED )(A TTRESS, 1prin(1, dre.,.r with mirror. 120. Plat· form rocker. newly uphol1terM 11~. J:lec, Iron w1tb <'Ord 13. Ha r 0049-J . 89c1U Qale's Furniture Chrome dinette Ml -·-·· .. $49.GO Maple dlnette Ht . $39.110 1' ct upriJht aub uro fnuu s1g:s Apt. alM Servele . . $29.llO up W~1ewood apt. 11&e C P, Uke new . ... .. . • $7:1.60 Ueed apt. atae ra.nre .. . S39.llO UH Harbor, Coeta Meaa ROUND m&JloJ. table 6 4 uphol. cha.Ira will teat 12, m•hox. duk All e ptecu 1100. Ll 8·7830 89c9l SOLID MAHOOANY ~n<I tablN , SUI, cockta il table 1211, Drexel dlnlnJ room 1ulte. table, 8 chra., credenu buffet, $200 Ha. 1891R. 90p92 S%-A.-A.ndqat11 ·-------Antique Sale Tw1n bru1 bed.a, beautiful Enr- ILah "''"illnut ~. t..mp tabln, coCftt table, duk, la.mps and mlec.1 pl"*· RJCK.UU>BON'I TA C HT A.N- CHORAOJt, B&yelde Drive, Jtut oC Balboa laland br1dJ1. Mc91 OIUl:NTAL rus wall hanslnJ I tt. IE 10. Har 0834 -R. 90c92 for dbl. bed. new. Har ot3f·R.. ------------- alt.tr t pm, 90e92 ~Sl!.::::!ll~oa~ta.~8:!!a~pp~h!'!. __ _ 1t rr. HOUS~ eleepa II' STEELCR.Arr ttehins b<>at. 28-J'T. M.A.HOG. PLANK CABIN crulHr. 8leepe t , head. galley, •~ b.p. • bait tank. 11985 . ., 1n River Ave.. N8Wp9rt. Harbor sa•O-R. lllfb ff.J"OOT ALBA.OOJU: BOAT, 90 hp. Complete. lloor1ns tllcludt'd near Ne'N)IOrt Harbor Yacht Club. '1260. Harbor 3390. Mtfc r .A.IRUNER 21 tt. twin .creW11, 1"1 tlre ba1le lo&ded. Al con- dlUon ST,750. LI l ..C710 13tlc 31 rr. lt!ll crua CJUrr twin ac~w. Crown SpeclaJ, 10 ft. beam. auto pilot, radio. eleep• 4. J'O&m rubber mattttue•. f 50 lira. on en11nu. 8 •pproved life Jac.ket.t< ,Hu. 1704. 88<'90 FOR SALE moorlnc In North Bay at Amet.byat St., ahore 1noonr:c nme location. 323 Amethyal. M.Adlaon 9-2Ml. 90c92 10 FT. TEAKWOOD row boat 6 oe.ra m. Har ~J. 90c92 7~ b.p. mot4r O.B. W1tb l'arrlaJ• '60. NorUllU anchor, 211· chain, 100' new line 130. Board lad· dar U0.22'' life rtna' S7. I.An· teme • Glmbll lamp. Navy I day clock, •211. I winch handlee $1.50. lllq. lot Vla Mentone, Lido bit WMk enda or CReel· view l ·S&M ...-"k day1. l:lptl H.A.WA.llAJIT BALSA WOOD SURr BOARD 1ultable for 100 to 1!10 lb. rider I~. Har. 498' week enu 83<:110 TRADE 8-uWUl 10-n. UUL ad4ioner. J'ully found. ro &QYWbcre. WW take ~Uity ln property or mnal· ler bo&t. 1220 W. B&lbo& Bl•d., Newport. Bar. 3032. 39tlc 195'-14 ft. Mobllcra.ft boat and treJler. ~ Mere. Mark 20 mtr. Oood ror tt.hlnc or weter 1kHn1 147:1. 220~ Avocado St., Coi t& Mesa. 89pi0 SPORTFlSHER 38·fL new motor. Xlent. rntchank al cond. good Une•. eully converted for pita· aure. 1199~ Kl :1·15'0. 8!1dH 24 FT. STEELCRA IT, equlppe<J for marlin, flahl.ng chair, 1tlau out rigger, 36 watt ahlp to ahore, galley A: head. Packard 120 h.p. '2,760 . .Har. 2660-W. 89c91 AL.\tOST NEW H tt. Chrla Crall t lberglllDl'd. JS h.p. EvlnrtJdl motor. control11. Chrla Craft trailer. Har. 2126. 89plll FOR SALE, Sbore mooring No. Bay at Diamon d Balboa lsland Liberty l ·r>9T2 cv11. 89c91 MOTOR, Mercury Mark 20. 1951 model with motor attachment for remote control. 1196. Har. 0380. 89c91 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American Lesion 21S·1Sth St. Meetings 2nd -Uh Wed. 8 p.m P RU ORGAN SPECIALS HAMMOND 8plnet or1an1, like new. Bl( nvlng•. LOVJCLY •Incle man\lal electronic orra.n In perfect condition. 8a•t Sf.()(). C<>nvenlenl term• at SHAFER'S Mwtlc Co. (Since 1907) t21-U3 N. Sycamore, Santa An• Phone Klmberl• 2-0672. HAMMOND ORGANS. Uttle UMd. One only famoua eaay lo play Chord Organ. One beautiful Spinet Model. Wondtrlul for cburch or home. Very llb4>ral H VIJ\C on th-two lovely In· 1trumenta. DA."'l"Z·SCHMIDT, :120 No. Main. Sant& Ana. Open F'r\da y Jtve. SPECIAL BU\'! Bl:At.'TIFUL SAUM maple Spjn· et piano. Rental return. F•mou11 make. Like new. 8eve 1166.- Convenlent terma at- 9HAP"l:R'8 Mu.Ile Co. (Since 19071 421-421 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Klmberly 2-otT.a. POsmoN open for )'O\ll\J man to ua1t ta clrcula tJon dept. P.,.. ma.nent.. tuU UJnl -.nployment.. :Not a aummer job. Do not &ppl.y it not penn&nent. s .. Mr. P&rry. NEWPORT KAft. .BOR NE'W8·PIU:8S, 2111 s.1· hoa Blvd., Npt. 8eacJ\. Hatbor Ult. • art (, with ~trt(. 6 It.ow. Cheap. AU equipped, r .. dJ to l'O· Aleo JIM7 Ford pickup. H eel· MAND NICW •tt.hln f l\oura ------------- l•nL 2lt-lfnL Newport Bch. ru.nntnc ume. eo.t S7200. Sick· RENT a praetlc. ptano u low u -aa.ttted Ade an l'9&4 by toDla wtto an Nally too111as to ~. ' (attw ei tod2 n .. t orcee e&Je. A reat barJaln M per mo. Let th• klddlu TWO A1&A.L KDcP Aup. wtli&a. at ~.... Har. H Ot·R.. 17tfc ;::--lN.7 AJJJa~ nftt appltee tt 11 all and U • U1 WW ..U &MOWBIR.D, 5rill\: condition. com· D~9CIDOD"I'. ao l'fo. )(ala. Mp&nt.17. Har fO'fl-J -..-. pkt• w1th -.1.1, UTI. Hu. OMO lulta AM. 100 ptanoe trom or Sunday IOc92 ltctl ftk:ll i. ...--. • v Check these Used Cars l:Suy from a locel dealu ••ho wtJJ be here TOMORROW lo back up What ne llell• TODA YI I TRY AND STOP US from Selling These Cars So Cheap! 49 Packard 53 Chevrolet 4 Dr. Sedan 210 4 Dr Sedan $245. $930. Buick 52 Ford 4 Dr. Sedan Victoria Fnrdomatic $75. $1240. 46 Pontiac 51 Ford 2 Dr. Sedan F2 Pickup $75. $720. 52 Hudson 41 Buick Hornet Club Coupe Sedan, Good Tirea $925. $45. THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 "ON THE MARINERS' MILE'' 3100 WEST COAST HIGHWAY LIBERTY 8-3471 PENNANT WINNER , USED CARS! 1954 FORD Club. Cpe .• med. blue -over- drh·e & heater, excellent condition .. . Sl •90 1953 CHEV BELAIRE 4 door, 2 tone blue, radio, heater, power steering Only $1325 1954 PLY. BELVEDERE Station wagon, It. green &: 11and. Radio, beater, automatic transmiaaion. But buy in town ... $1995 1942 MERCURY • door Sedan-Looks and runa like a '52 --..................... ONLY $t7~ LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highway. Ph. Liberty 8-3486 M-Muakal, Radio, TV AUGUST SPECIAL ! Wr neo!d 1ever11I upright pua.no• for Fall rant.a.La. Extra larK• ~ ....,,._._ .....s. Oil _,, Spinet p&Ano or Electronic orran a t SHAli"ER'a Mutlc Co.( Since 19071 '21-423 N . Sycamore, Sant& Ana. Ph. Kt. :l-0672. RCA VICTOR CONSOLE wHh 12" apeaker. 137 delivered. TARTAR TV CO. 2904 E . Cout Blvd., Corona dtl .Mar. Har. 6491 83tfc BECHSTElN. Ont tit the world'• ~reatut planOI Just like new. Good for 1enerat10M. You will be thrilled to hear and play thl1 mapltkent analrument. The low price will astonish you. Other grandl M low M S495. DANZ·SCHMIDT Btc Store, 520 No. M1un, Santa Ana. Open Frldt..y Ev." STROUD Baby grand piano. Mithog. nre<llc p<>lnt ~nch SMO 605 Begonia, COM Har. 078!'i. 88<'90 17" MOTOROLA TV with AM It FM radio. 3 apeed phonograph. Reduced to Sl5i. TA RTAR TV CO. :904 E. Cout Blvd., Corona del Mar. Har. 1'>491 83tlc KIMBALL SPIJ\'E'I' piano. Maho- s;any flnl•h. 1J 8-4474 89c9J HAMMOND ORGA!'JS. F'Ull un,., all rnodrla. Frer prat lice roomg. Come In and play on Any modtl The Greet Concert Organ. lhr Home Model, the Chur<'h and lhe Spinet Modtl•. Jr you think you cannot play, come In anrl try the world famou11 Hammond, -..y to play. Chord Organ. You will ti. uton111ht'd to find you Oii.ft play In flrtt'en minutes. "Sky R&lde"" Camp&lp la now on at TERRY'S BUICK •09 Walnut Hunlln~ton Beath MUST SELL 50 New Buicks Before Srpt. 30th Come In. Check our dul or call LExingt.on 6-4588 89c90 1952 F ORD Country SedRn orl· gmal owner, low mlll1ite. Radio, Heater 4' Fordonfatk. U 8· 70611 89c91 19f7 PLYMOL'TH ronv;rtibl,. gl1 lop, good l'ondatlon. Prlv. p11rty, make offer. Har. 38i8·M. 91lc92 OEMS NOT LEMONS 1963 Chevrol~lll Blue-Wl\lte aport c~. Crttn·Creme Converl Maki offer, Harb. 19:17-J. 9-0p92 OLDS. :IJ Super 98 aedan. Xtre, cle.an. two tone. power 1teerln1. power braku • every olhtr n · lra-loeded. This bargain from prl''•te part)'. No ea.lea tax - SI. 795 t..J 8· 1827, McBrld" 2944 Cliff D rive. Newport Bch 90c t9:iO OLDSMO BILE 98-•-door rleluxe aNllln. radio, heater, puncturr-proor tub"•· tl<.. Haa h8t1 u rellent rarr Orlitl~l (IWnn. Har. Hl76·W. 89p91 DANZ·SCHMLOT Plano .. Org&n 37-Llvestock Co. Home of th~ Hammond,1------------- 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. F'O\"R YEA.R OLD part Arahllln RCA VICTOR 21" Color TV re· cl'IVH blar k and while too. TARTAR TV CO. ln°"Y lfl'ldlng, plut equipment, aadillt, etc. S2llO. LI 8-HH. ~9r91 290• E. Cout Blvd., Corona d~I Newa-Prua Cluaified Ads ltar. Har. 5491 83ttc HARBOR 1616 Most Real Est.ate SMALLEST STUDIO Paa.no with ruU 118 ktyboanJ In fine ron· j dltton. Terms, S45 3:) do"'·n and Classified Ads $16.11 per mo. at I SHAFER S MUJlc Co. (Since 1907) Tht Ne,...1·Prr1t1 publ11h'8 etV· 421-423 N, Sycamo~. Santa Ana erlll llm"• u many rut r-t&te Phone Kimber ly 2-0672. Cll.Nlfled Ad• aa all ot.htr local pe_pera combined. t:SED PIA:-J05, cr.nd1. •Plntla and upr11thtl. Oood practice ptanOI u low u 51 26. SH9, Sl87 HARBOR 1616 and up. Euv !tnn s One univ r.mou• make sp1ntl •lightly Someb. ody Wants clam&&td 111 11h1pment. B1'nd ne...... Bir; •Vine. 'that u"~'! tumtturt, br1c·•·brac, DANZ·SCHMJDT Bii P lano 6 0 r-1an Store, l'l20 No. Main, Santa Plc .. now taktn1 up •P•~" '" your Alla. -ga,.11e. f'1nd • buytr with an 1d 1n 2\e"•· ~!!? OU., Peta PreN Cla.ulfJed. J u•t phone Kar· FOi\ IALll PurebNd Cblhauhua bor 1418 6 11.y: .. ''l "illlt lo pla.4e pupp7• 7 wlta.. old. caJJ wMk-a ClaM1Jled Ad. and a courteoua _,.. JM E . 211t It., TnLIJer No. ad-t&lter wtU htlp you write all I , eo.t.a M--. toptl etteclJve ad. ~uto. for SU. I U-Auto S.-n1c-e ~-------- GMC TRIPLB USED CHECK EI;> TRUCKS '42 CHEVROLET ~ T. PANEL. '61 G).tC ~ T. PlCKUP '1'12 l'H.EVROLET "9 T. PANEL '1'12 JNTER.'l"fL.. "I T. PICKUP '63 000011 "9 T. PICKUP '63 GMC ~, T . PICKUP. HYDIU-MA'[IC TRANS '54 CHl:VROL.&'r 'ft T. PICKUP HYDRA-lUTIC TR.ANS. 'ti CHEV. 1 T I ' BTUES '60 OMC 1 T. DUAL.8. FLAT· BED '62 CHJCVROLET t T . PANEL '61 FORD VI, 1 T. DUA.LS, FLATBED ·~2 STUDEBAKER 2 T. 183" ~'8. 2 SPEED. 8 25 TIRF:S '62 CHEVROLET 2 T . 1711" we. 2 SPEEt1, 8 2& TIRES ':13 CHEVROLF.T 2 T. C <> E .• 14• BODY, 2 SPEED, 8 :%5 TIRES '6-4 DODGE 2 T. 4 YO. DUXP, 2 SPEED, 8:23 TIRES '62 OMC 10 WHEEL DUMP, IN TOP CONDITION SM the la rJeel volume truck deal- er tn Oran1e Co111ltY for the beet eelectlon of ~ trucka. We have over 36 unlt1 to chooae from. We l'arry our own con- t.racta. W.W. WOODS CMC DEALER I 615·19 E. 4th 8l., Santa Ana , Open Sunday A.M. l'n,lck headquartera for Oranre Co Motor Overhaul NO J..iONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ····-···-Sf8.88 8 Cyla, ··-····-··--SM.88 Lnr ludu both labor and parta. 1'\rw nn11•. wrut plm . nlv. r;rlnd. flttln11 or main and rod bnrlnc•· Ex~rt motor tune up. ~•Y or 4,000 mllr cua ranlee. lNO MONEY I DOW !\:.).. REBUU.T ENGtNF.S -trP to 16 MONTHS TO PAT- Built in 011r own factory by aklJJed mach1n111t.a. Don't contend wtU\ the mtdtlle man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ....... -. ·······-··-...... -.... StH .:50 C11JCV&OLl:T ·-· -·-··--··· 1149.60 Pl.\'M •• 00001: .A·--·····--11~ CHRYS .• Oil SOTO ....... --sno STUDl':BAKER -· .. ·-·-·-··· S170 OLDS ... PONTIAC I ·······--i110 BUlCK -··-·-·-·-.. ----.. ·-Sl7!'1 HUD86 N -·····-·--·· .. "··"·-ll T!\ Loan Car f'rfe Towtn1 NEW CAR OUARANTEIC 8.lock muat rnMt our at.&nd&J'IU PIUll t&llH, ,u)tet.e and oil OJ>M 8111lday 11> a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS O~n 0..Uy I to 7 Stele Bond.0 NEW LOCATION 310 'East 3rd SL SANTA ANA 19&4 SUN VALLl:Y MERCURY.------------ aU powrr equtpm .. nt, trrml!. Call owner, LI 8·36113 or LI 8·6223. Mtfc 19M STUOE. 2 dr., r.111110, h1'81tr, S3lj(). No tu or llnnat'. Ownrr. Harbor 3MO-R. 8ilfc 1947 Bv,CK. 2 d1 . clean. good running order, reu1onable. LI A2t70 88c90 19114 FpR.D V1ctor1a. blue 6. white comb. Ra re buy. One ownl'r A·I cond. \'try clean. Offer~ 1:129 Balboa Blvd.. Newport af\l'r II p.m. 89c91 61 SP ART AN Royal M.analon 33 tt .. t wtn bed11, din et t.e. Ideal bch. home. Submlt offer. 420 W. l•l. Tuttln. 89p91 11 FT. 1942 MAINLl~E KOUSE TR.Alt.ER Wllh TV. noo !'a3h Lot 106, Mumclpa.I Tuller Park. Newport Beach 89p90 47-WanUJd to Beat -er PAN-AMERICAN -Ct Paramount-Terry Kenskill ·l'l:l·•:'l' P11n AiAtra" 51'1·3~ Pan Amt'rlca n 'l'll'l·H ' Pan•mtJunt, 2 bdrm 'l'l:!· 19' Ken1k1ll ':1:1-16' Kt'n11k1ll MA.NY MORE -Ea11y Term• BIG DlSCOU:-:T on Floor Modtle. Port Orange Trailer Saka 2200 W. Cout H lch1ny Phone Uberty 1-U 20 Newport !!each ~98 ----------HOUSE TRAJU:R, l:'J fl. Xll'nt. condJUon. 1!>60. Merriman I ;'!JI'> Superior, Space 15 Harbor Mn- blle Homea, Coit& Meea. 90p92 TWO whl'tl bOJt traller will\ u· tra 11tt whM!l.11 6 tlnia. $•n. 1127 Tualln Ave .• Newport H I• 9(kfl2 47-WantA'd to Heat WANTED WINTER RENT AL 4 bdrma. Ir 3 batti., located on Lido llland, West Bay Ave .. or Ocean Front near Catholic Church. w~ have a bonafide tenant. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., N~rt Beach Harbor 4718 88c90 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt-Cabanas. Utilitica paid. with Yacht alip a ccomodaLi<>rui. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or ttl!lervation, Call Har. 2992. 34Uc \\' A:-O'TED 2 or J bdrm. un/urn h<>uM or apt Lady wllh oor 11 6 inrl 10 permanent. Box r. 22 care ot tht• r•per 89c91 EMPLOYED b&ch,.lor want• ain· i:le apt. Cnruna 11tl Mar or :"twpnrt .111'8. pt>rm&ntnt. wnle Box F 21 r11rr• of lhh f'llP"r URGENTLY NEEDED 89p!!O RENTALS of 1111 prices, ror win· ttr & yn rly leuY. Cu•tonien Wfllltng p a palmer inc 1700 W. Co&~I Hwy., U 8·5073 Rentals Wanted We oeed apte a.nd hou..e1 ln all MCUOlll tor bot.h wUlter and year' a 1..... Furn. °' unruni. U you h.&¥• a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Cit. Hwy .• r\ewport Bel\. Pbone Llbtrt7 1-3481 208 Martlle, BaJbo1 Lal.and Phone Harbor"' 2M7 IC. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar Phone Harbl>r 17•1 U do Orn~. 34HI Vla U do Ha.rbOr 49i 1 a2ttc '8-AJ!~ ~-!f_oa_ .... ___ ___ OCEA!'i FrlO:\'T -Spacloua 1 or 2 bdrm Enclo1'"'1 pa Uo. volley bt1ll court, lovely view. Bummer and winter ren1al1. s .. at 731\' \\' 0 1 un F ront, Newport flrh. "r f'All Har J:l:l:l·W l'Xr,.pt Mr1n. It Tur•llday 811p3 ROOMS, COTTAGES. APTS. DAY OR WEEK THE DLt;F: TOI' MOTEL.. 4M :'\ewp<1rl Blv•I. JU111l above The Arrlw11 74lfo Choice Summer Rentala on Balboa laland & Lido l11le Small A cozy or 1ar11 .. d•IWl• 17:1 to 1300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa leland Ph. Harbor 40 or Harbor 2161 RH. Har. 171MS·R or Har. 30~9-M M tt• CUR<'.l:-0 A DEi~ MAR Jo~t.;R:-; 2 Mm1, evl'•ylhlns deluJ1• trom katt hm 1unk tn w w ur· P"I" Blk frnm rx-.. an. tnnf10 PW all lhi. A-TV t<)Q. yrly. Har .:\'2 fur a ppt 181:91 RENTAL t'J SPECIALISTS Ca ll Ed.na Crall Blanche Ga tea, Rltr. 311 M~rlna Ave. 43-Apt.4. & Ho\18" for ~.!'! )1.alboa taland, Har. 1171 tilt• BALBOA ISLAND t 'nrurn. yrly ,.,.nt•I. 2 a1ory h,.,m • In choice lt)(ation, d ()t• VI bay. J b<lmlf , 3 betha plu• d"n Ir lanai. 1180 per rno. W. W. SANFORD. fe41tor 6 -A~l&l.H ..)( Park 6 Manne. KAr. 1482 7tt.tc LIDO ISLE HA r HF:I J 1n anrl on' tlr tw~ bdrm. "I''"· l-ih•1tt lf'nn -.nrl ye:&t17 . Al~"'' 1 1.1•Ju llomr• anil Uay ,.ronl Hr1m"• anti apal'\m .. nll, L.1.DO REAL TY Astoclatet J4'Xl Via Urlo. Harbor UH ltt.to • .. BRAND NEW STORE and OFnCE BUILDING Oppoelte Newport Bea c h City Hall E Jevat-Or Complete Office Service Parking Available 334.5 Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal J'ei ' 8ALJ!l8 -R&nNAM08 OONBTRUCTION Call for J'rff Fut Com.mitmenla on Rffl~• u4 Unit.a only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St. COSTA MESA -· VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND For $17.~ you can own a charming 2 bdr. com· pletely furniahed h ome. 1.r:! block from Bay. Tbue ia room to build 1'11 income unit. FOR SALE OR TRADE . 8 unit mo tel apartments. Tht finest unit of thia type in this location. Incom e in excess o f $12,000; 82-a.J Eatat. -------- COSTA MESA It could be for you CHARMING 2 bdm1. email home on 1011130 lot.. Landacaped a.nd completely fenced. Only 17.760 with terma. Balboa Peninsula NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PAGE I' FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 Select Listings For Selective Buyers! Lido Isle:- Harbor t299 -or call OLympia 2·2130 Collect. 88c90 u 8-~1 u ·~2 TWO bedroom furn. home. Cloae lo bay. $1&.8:,0 w1lh $6.000 down. Large home. large lot. separate studio apt. h ome so it'a beautiful. completely turniahed. 4 bedrooma, 3 batha plua Interior deco rator '• own Lido'a beat buy at $39.l500 Restaurant Dou year around busineu in Newport Beach. Seating for 40 at dining room tablee, plus 20 at counter. IUneu forced closing 10 days ago. Will sacrifice at $5500. Coet $9500. Owner will permit you t o re-open immediately under h is license until deal can be cloeed. CASH IN on ba~nce of Summer Bu.ineu. Fi~ lucky penon to bring In check. gets this chance of a lifetime. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har bor 4718 88c90 2902 N ewport Blvd. Deluxe Fu rn. Apts. One • two bdrm., wtlh televialon. AYall&ble for aummer or Wtn· ur. ALSO y.arly luaa. In Hurt ot actl'rity -Lota or park~ •. IJtOT I:. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor aeot. Mtfc BAY VIEW APT. on Lido Penin· aula. N-It attractive panelled llYinl' J'l)ODl, 2 bdnna. For yurly IMM. Ph. Har. 2761 or Har. 80. 6~lfc A 'I'TRAC'MVE oce&n vltw 1 bdrm. apt .. partially turn. Sult.able for couple. 175 mo. yrly. 966 W. 16th. Coat& Mua. Call II to 5, Har. 10. 80trc NO. 6 B&ACON BAT -Summer rental Bpactoua tum. apL. alupa •. o-nrloolWll' bay. June Uilh- Sept. 16th., ~00. month. J.l.80 will take ru ervatlon fcir winter. Har. 2Hl, courtuy to •renta. 43trc VNYURN. pr. apt., :r bedroom11, 1100 mo. yrly. 1117i,t W. Bay. Newport. Har. 3SN before noon. 87tfc BINGLE APT •. Furn. yrly. rental 5:>5 month uul. lnl'lud. A v'tl 1I. Aus. 15. 308 Carnation, Corona del Mer Har. 4011. 88<'90 CHARMING I Bdrm. 11pl. lltlle l~l&nd. f0·1repl.. Blly v1f'W, rur· na~e. carb. dlap. Wlnter or yr. round. Harbor 20. 89c91 2 BDRM. furn. apt . private pslio, &UlO wu her, d!ahmu ter. f&r. 84:acon B11y, private beach. am. boat tie up. Winter 1100, yearly 1160 rno. U til. pd. No pe~ Avail Oct. 15. Har. 1240. 89c91 CLIFF HAVEN J BDRM. apt. unfum. $M. per mo J BDRM. apt. tum. 1100. per mo. Phone Uberty 8·3:i80 89c91 J'Ul\N. l bdrm. apl by th• month. Aftil. Auc. 17. 608 Marigold. Corona del Mar. 89c91 '8-8-llOUMe for Rftlt Udo Isle '8B-Ho119N for Rent VACA TI ONE;RS WE HA V~ a varitty or new nice· ly turtl1 rentalJI ~vallabll' in Jlfewpor\1 • Laguna. $30. wk. It up. Inquire ·304-32nd St , :'\pt. Phone Harbor 1226 77p90h FURN. HOUSl!l Sept. 1. Twin beds Ii: bed divan. flreplare. comer lot, gOO'l location. 2 adult.a. 721 Poppy. Har. 063:i·M. 66tlfc FOR LEASE TWO BEA (JTIFUL new Irvine Terrace unfum. view homea. 3 BDRMS .. 2 baths and 2 BEDRMS., 2 baths. Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor H48 EARL W . STANLEY. Realtor Irvine Tl'rr&ce Office Corona del Mar. 33llc ONE Bedrm. nouM unfurn $:)0 mci. u lilt uu prl. 223 12 SiLnt a Isabel, Co11ta Mua 9tld!2 49-RoontA for Rent BRAND NEW. Vt ry Nici' Priv. room with -.. bath A kitchen prlv, Carport. I blo<'k from ocean $100 for Aug. or $!)0 mo yrly. Har. 0498-J 89c91 ROOM for working man. Hot and rold w11tn In room. Pvt. en· trance $8 per week. 123-lBlh St Newport. ppUc 2 atorea or offices, one 2Sx30. One J2x25. Low rent. Su1 t11 hlt (Or n '- lall bu11nc~ or oltirt :io; E. BAiboa Bh·d , Har. 3606 86t!c l..100 OFFICE SPACE -W llJ 11ublet ap11ce •uata ble for attor· ntya, engml'ers. etc. Approx. 15x30 In ahopplni; arr11 on Via Udo. C11ll Don Cole a fl,rnoona only, Har. 46:'.>0. :i9ttc OFF"ICE FOR R~N'r Civic Ct-nler Location. 2 l 'x24'. •M. per month CHARLES Jo:. HART. Rl'&ltor 3420 W. Balbo& Bh•d . NpL Br h. iir9& Modern Store FOR RE:\1, n :i per mn. l 'arklns: faclllt1e11. forced air hrlll, i.ult- able, 1n11ur11nr•·, l'f!ll Nllalt>, itirts FOT leu• with option to buy I! 1 "le. Inquire 408 E fl11lhua Hlvrl dulr-.d . .' Beaulltut 3 bdrm .. 2 Harbor 20i0. 6!lt!c b&t.h bome. Unrum. Avallablt' BUSll'ESS & l'RCWES~IO:"AI. AUJ. 15. @pace "t V111ta Pl1H P J flth Ir DAN A. JACOBSEN LI 8~:~~~ Placent111 ('011ta M•·~" Will rt'- model tn 11ull tenRnt l'h nwnr•r U 8·22:it 89r!ll ~EW I Bedroom, 2 bath '27r> ------------- do'lnl-'et mo. 53-A-BOAIDt'M Rental111 W. A. TOBIAS. re11ltor SH E . 17th a t., Coela Me.a C-2 BLDG. Llbuty 1-1139. 89c91 4 RMS. pllll'~~cbo•n & h.1th 11n<.I CLUT HA VEN. l.Jnfurn. 3 bdrm. l\oUH, near 111:hoola. fenced pa tio. iarb. di.Ip. wtlh gardener. Leut'. AY&tlabl• S.pt. 1. Har. 4414-W. 87trc f:URN. J Mcirm. home, by mo. or · )'Tly. Oar•~•· Avail. Sept. 1:i. 1111 W. Bay. Newport. Harbor SSN before noon. ll7trc • BDRM. hou.M. 2 bat ha. unfurn , t•nced In yard. gar111te. lovely comer lot. 20~:\ ConllnentAI, Coata MeM. 88r9(l Udo Isle I EPT. S to Sept. 17. 123&. • anrt avail. Sept. 17for winter $126. mo.l 2 bdrm. P rovlncl11l lnterwr. completely tum. Patio, flrepl .. dbl. 1ar. 218 Via Dijon. Harbor .e78·W. 90<'4 • l rm. 2nd fir :-;,." ly •k• u111tt'<I 11ound proot C••llini;• 5;5 nio. 427 3lllt bC'hlntl r . (). ;-;ewp11r1 HRr -t.<l:H tu 2804 J. K i8p91 DESK SPACS with phrrne 11en·1re S30 mo. Mi F.. H11lbns Uh·d .. Balboa. Phont' s nswennit s.-n·ll'l' alto 11v11Jll1blt. H11r. 360tl 86ttr FOR RE:O..'T -F11rn1ahtd ciff1ce in 1L4'.•oc111t111n "Ith "" 11 ttornf')' Ta.x exr nt p1rfrrrf.'J. 2!lt7 VI coa~t ll1ghway. Xt•WJWlrl Bt'A('h. Cshf, I.I 8·610t. ~Stfr 5-1-Bus lnHi" OpportunJti~ OPPORTUNJTY Thriv1niz housecleanin1ot IHl~tn<'A!. OpPfH lun1ty lo mR!<I' ~""" mon· .. v ror ri1tht pnrl~ !'>l11ke 1)ffi.'r lo Box H ·116. llrn• pa pt r 81llf c Dress Shop $~ !lllO Ih1n•ll,.,. LOA.NS TO Bun.D. IKP~OVJ: BUY. MODERNIZE. OR RZFIN A.NC~ We Buy Tnaat Oeed.e NEWPORT BAL.BOA S A VfNGS It L.OA.N AS.qO<.:.lA TIUN 33M Via Udo. Ph. H&r. '200 tte LOANS for Homes 6~ -20 yr. Lo&na Construct ion Loans ::>EE BOB SA T"n.l:R 2:,1:, EAST COAST BLVD. Coron• Oel Mar Ha.rl>Or .. 888 Rep. POIRIEP. MORTGAGE CO Metro Life Ina. Funda KL 3-:i18:i Uttc I Qu ick Cash Loans on furnit ure. auto, salary. S50. t o $750. or more. One day service Applica tion may be made In per- aon, by phone nr by m11il. CALIF. A CCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Co11la Mu a LI 8-77~1 -Open Fndaya tUJ 8 Closed Saturdaya.-'1tlc REAL EST A TE LOANS Interest Rate ~11.i % Loans qu11·kly made ln thos Bay Ari!• a11d C•l8ta Mua. Sl11gle or multiple unita, New or old.. Be w1ae a.nd aavo by re·!lna.ncin& your pre..ent loan. Mlntmum ex· pen.ee. No charge for prellml· nary appral!lal. Phone :3anta Ana Klmberly 3-69::!3 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Morl&al• Loan Corre11ponOent Occ1c1enta I Lite lllaurance Co. 933 South Main Santa Ana • pp 57-Rt>al Estate Wanted WANTED FROM OWNER. Ocean front collage or Bay Front hoUM. Will pay all cash It In· lerest~I. Write Mr•. F. 1o·oy, Box j 1'~·20. thl11 nl'W8p11~r 88c90 SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 Wt' hlll'l'111' your aalrl', escrow1, V A .tr .~. H. A. procualn1 . SH ua before you m&ke a deal P. 0 . Box l:'ll, Balboa b land. 861'99 61-~al E8tate Exc hange ... -------------· .. ------ Rive rside County SALE OR TRADE for beach prop· erty. 60 arre irrigated stnck ranch. 2 h<>UMs. Jnqulre 318 C'oral A \·t He I boa llllantl before Aug. t :i. Arter Aug. 15th, 823 Parkm11n Or. La C11nal!R, ph. ~ Y lvnn 0-!'134tl. 119c3 TRADE THREE· BEOROOM 111 I.lath <'nbrrna & burbel'ue 111 y11r(f N Ori'enll'af !'It. Tredl' 19.000 tq11tl) tor :"ewport area r. P. 122.000 PtlonP K1mht•rly 3·:'l0:'>4. 89tfc 62-R.-al E"tate THREE BEORM Bl'ach Home 'i blk. to htAC'h. Fine l<>e11llon S%00 dn , $1 3.500 t. p. J, :\J MILLER C'O. 20:15 W. S.tlbM Bh•tl. Hllr 4091 I Ntar th .. :-ltwporl f'ln I MODERN two bedroom home with 1.. bedroom apartment. This ho me is o nly 21 ~ years old in choice locatio n o n the Is land. As king price $28.500. Apartment completely furnis hC"d. THE VOGEL CO. I Cilff Hav en VIEW of ocean It hill• fr<im thl• 3 bdm1 .. 2 bath home. Hdwd. floora. electric Thermador kit· chen. largl' double g aragt Room tor aw1mmm1t pool. $29J>00- terma. Coast Properties Har. 444 208 M a rine A venue Next door to the Post Office Eves H~r. 30~9-M -Har. 4248-R 301 E. Balboa Rlvd . &Ibo& l ~ar~r 2M8, 21197 and 4.6()(). ---1 COSTA MESA CORON~ DEL MAR Expansive H arbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm . Den. Dining room . 2 b a ths. H ardwood & carpet floors. Bargain al 845,000. S ubmit d own. Delightful beautifully furn. 2 b<lrm. 2 y r . old ho me. N ear g ood beach . S17.000. Submit do wn. See this hom e at 439 Begonia . Bargain :'\E\\' 3 Brl. tl11mt'. $9:'100 $2160 11own B&lan<'t $62 pet n111 .. 11u-. int , pr1nc·1pkl 11nl1 111xN• I 011vt by 11133 Contlnrntal 1n F'rl'tdnm Homf'~ t r111·t Thtn r"llll' an 11n11 clnflf' t hf' riral. Ocean Front SEE U S for BEACON BAY 1lnrl BA YS HORES properties. 2 B. R 1n hou~ ... rxtra B R 11d-Jomini;: 11, t>.n hs. f'artly fur. H a r . li75 -E ves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 1nr. rerJ>"lrr. drapl'~ and <'ur- John M acnab , H arbor 5359 t11ln11 C11n gtt bank loan or EAR L w. STAN LEY, Rea ltor 225 Marine A ve . Balboa Island UTILE ISLAND EXCLUSIVE 2 S mart m odern apartments-t as tefully furnished. Each with private patio & s e ve ral unique features. combining the utmost in li\'ab1lity & comfort with ch oice ··uttle I sland" locatio n. Please call us for appointment t o show -We kn ow you will be impressed! WM. w. SANFORD , Realtor And Associates $8600 r t:LL PRICE $18.~00 IRALPH P. MASKEY Realtor :u l l Newport Blvd. Nwpl. Bch. Harbor 402 89lfc Costa Mesa I l FURN. t:NlTS Best lncallon, C· t lot :i8x300. S 10.000 do" n BALBOA PE~INSULA Lot . $1 n,600 ~E\\'PORT LOT U . t:iO. Park at Marine, Balboa Island H a rbor 2462 I -----------1·2 BR. FlJRN. t:NlTS on B11ll>oa NEWPORT INCOME One of the neatest s mall income properies in the area. 4 Units. Furnished. Blvd. fro ntage. Close lo ocean and · bay . S ho ws S.j.800. year. income .• $1 0 000 w ill handle. F ull pn ce S27 500 THE VOGEL co. 3201 W. Coast Hiway .. New por t Beach Liberty 8·3481 Balboa Peninsula P oint I IN • Thru bedrms, a nd Gurst house-Shore cl1ffs functional Indoor oultloor hv· a lnl <'081.s 11 lot' Th111 """ 1~ n•1 Inf al 1111 he.Ill. Wr1:r living "X• l'pl1un but 11'11 t·.-rtamly onl' room with r1replar" bar kll•'h"n. M th,. na• r~I RntJ with nnl\· 8 w;d1ahwuher & d1spo1111I. Sep&· h11n1lf11I lrtl. 1r \'u11 \\.tnl l<> ratl' serv1l·e purch, extra h:c. lot bu11t1 in S h11r,.11arr ... 1h1 11 m 8 \' bt w1lh walh~tl 1n bnck patio & 1l. BBQ. Full prtre only $22.000 l..e\•l'l, R'• nr1n11• 8l:i" Hnl1 advan· tenn11. Drive bv 2140 E Ot•ren ll!R'eciu~lr s h11p"d On nrartwn<M l Blvd. Then 'C'a·ll. Rcilld. $!4.~1110 J. M MILLER t«') 202~ W. Bulhna Hlvd. Hnr 409t I Ne;;r lhr SewporL r 1er 1 BALBOA l~LA:'\0 Bey 1-'ronl 2 b.-drm. furn. A~kmit $:1\,Mlll en11y ter111~ ... \\'n!'r 11nx1nu~ l1111ke offrr -Pho11•· A HT <: Jo( ISTl.~:R Ct1 . Har 1'1:!26 :!9<11 ~ewport Blvtl. NewPQ1 l R1 h. !IO('!l2 Lido Island LEE CASEY OFFlC E HIHbor lilll "' 178i-\\' 2i21 E ('<1Hi<l Hw~· Cn11in11il•'I M"r \\'ATF:Kl'lt l l:'\T, \'R•.tnl 11, l1•l•. !"lllr rl'll' h111lt hr•11ol ( '1rn hM Vt! Jilt I' >111d flrr~11 SI 7 .0011 M 11:ht C'•)h"'hJt'r l~·• m' \\' AT t-:RFP.c 1:'-T llO:llE p1t•r and f111Al. 2 h· It ni largr p1111" 11»ac 111.11 l\"t" k C'ltv Hall F"r si:1.~11" T"• oi-w 111 rons1.1in 1. ,\ 1ri··~111_, p111pc1tv r11r tr•tle J :O.f MILLEH CO :!1•2"• \\' lla tti .. a IJlvll Har ~Mi l NF:\\' 4 bdrm hOllPP. SZ!l.7!111, p1 Ill· l'•Jlnli< nnly 217 \'1a X1ce Ha r- bor 11;11( RftPr 6 .K l ~-2lft•l - ________ s:i_1rc LIVE AND EARN Real Valu e Blvd. 3 g•ragl'li Ne111 brarh & bay. n .:ino down Home r E. Shafer REALTOR 106 ~rFad(len Place Har 140 Eve. Har. 1137·M Ac reage I ID ()~ang~ LOllnl.)' fnr hi~~ rlU8 s11h<ll\·1,.111n nn~ nr the r ho1cP srot11 I,.,, FOR l'!t-::'\T ~ ll>h 111 2 hAth (11r· na~hP l h<>ll~I' 1n r ·,,, nn" dt l M11r Hrnt 1t (or i\11;:11fll u r for <'0" yr111 ,\0!1111.11 Fitzmo rris R'lty. Co. I Mt1ltlJ'IP l.IJ!llllJ: Rl'Blllllll B11lllnrM< U1<1k1•1 ~ l:l~ P. C'OllJll Hw\• l 'nrt1n1t. •ll'l ,\IHr lln1b<rr 21~2 Income 2 hrttl·.... l '"' I :z3.i re r nurn I h. Property \\ti h Uh ftU\~ 11f On r,..i1. •·n t111 I '11 "' l11 "'' U11ul .. $.11111 lllVt<l!lll1.-nl \\1th n" \ .. I' 1111• ' '"' '''' .. n r• n1nl11. $.!:! !11\(1 Go rdon W a Iker , REAi.TOH W. E. Fisher, Bl"ll.l,ER A nllt fatl 1111••1m• b\' O"''nin11 th111 mot Pl .t I rn altr pA rk Tup lrwH lion !Ill ll i~hway JI ,. 11 d>0nd~ f'l1• k H1ll111r'1, Po.I f'lllll!llln, B•.b & rnn bl' h1tt11?'hl wit h J2ri.O()(l "•'I v111.• :M24 F.. CoaAl Hwy .. ral'h dn\< n n ihrnrt• ••n Pllit)i Cor1ml\ '1PI Mitr, H11.1 . !>032-:i03:J HOM~;. 2 11drri1 & tnnvrrl1ble "'''-2 h11th11, rorcel1 111r hPal. One & 1, > n•. old. \'ery mo•te1 n ranrh t \ rr 11h11kP ruof JI•'• rer l ULA CK STAR r A;-;Yo :iio. nl'ar 'ont11t 1011. ,. IO 1<11t (jllll k J"lJ11'•'•· Saddle Back ~fl . approx. HI lll•'n. l'•tl 1" $1ti,!'IOO fM q111tk RU SS FORD NORTHERN SAN DIEGO COUNTY Rrrr!<, mngn1rirent view, aprlnl!; 1111le. All1111 li\'U t••rm~ Ideal for hunting IO(!ge nr ()p. n 1 In !I IAfiO W "'"''' II\, N••wpn11 flr•h hu1eawav Sl&OO or trade !or l 11 1 1 !1-611 1 ~:\ f'! l~I 8·~'.>9." VoJk11wagen. OWNER, Jillrbor 2307 S11nlll /\Oil f\\'r C'n•tR '.\lrc11 ' "' y 08:i9-W, 8Rrlltl or c111t U\\ll'f Jfarl"'' 46fl4·\\'. 1>3c96 ;l urin~l . 'J I :A Tit I \'1'1\1 '•Id lia• k 1:.1v "''·'· $91K) •lown llnl ~.j~ 11 l•(i lh IJWI l3XI', & lnl" Balboa Coves 1 N ' on lht wnlertront with eea- " nll. LQv,.ly modem hnane with l11rge living room, lrrnlll d1mn1: room. m o J er n kitchen with b111ltin r11n11:e. fin•pl11ce, p11t10 w1lh ~rbf'que. lu111~caped and !rnced. Prll'e S39.000. CHARLES E. HART. Realtor 3420 W. B11lbo& Blvd., :-lpl. Bt'ach 77c99 La.fun& Valllff Ocean \'ll'W Lota 2-~0xUO. both for ........... S3MO 100 rT O:"\ \\ 1:>1 h ST R('Nl!I! slrrl'l fl ,111 """' nlArkPt Rn<1 ~lm P 11~hl in Th1!1 I• " IP.t J'tnrr-s ':"''-' IO\•~httPnt Al lu11~uo l'h"n•• f\ltT I ' I\ 1!'1'1.i':I: I 'II I t.11 :'1:!2fi $10 rj(10 full pl lt'r :.!'101 ;"<'\\ f"ll I 111\ol , Nr" I'"' I 11• h ORAJ'\t;r-; COAST !•11111· PROPl-~RTIES !~~,-; :'\rWJ'< rt, <"ni1ta ::O.tr'-1\ LI 8-1632 f:w LI ·6803 2 ACRES M-1 l i:i fol P:'>' l'l.,\Cl-::'\Tl A ~T Cn!'llll :ll"~d, $2~• •1"11 or tr11'1 t' for :-; PWporl h'lnlr' "'11111 I \·A hit' B11me 1.1 I\· I I :t\I 11r t\·e~ I.I 8 -Ri l n ' 89Ifr Corona del Mar SCARC'F: R·2 Int Slllllh •1•lr 14.~M \'If'\\ lu l 1 • """" H i:I "" s~ 1100 Sh•"" !'h fl• "'' • h..,1,.,. Jt:l 71'1• nthl'I !In!' Lldj; •. tNI R\llllAhlf' RAY REALTY CO. ''' IH rel' ~~t lur11'r1 2 bM!rnnm f1 1•m" h"'·""· (lreplrtl't , ml<>nnr 11nf1n1shrtl. b1-..11t 1r111 wet t Inf!. CIAk 11 nd Syrttmnre tr"e-". ('1•1l'k, 11tralt11, phi~ (um mu hrn~ry Tt'nnl! S 14 .Ofl() F:Xt'lfANGE-1-1 ll• ao •. l~\PI IRn•I BeallUIUI (•II k I( lff\'l' :I h••llr"''lll R1lobe ttnrt t'•'llll'lll hl11Ck hnm<' l'r1c e $23,(llW 1 Oo ra Carter · A lyne Hi~hl<'y Hmcon 11.l t'11lt 1 ;r11d .. l1rn11b Vallry C'"nl tr c·a ill. J'h. E8onn1lld'1 811~!1 J·I 89p01 2 HIGH\\'A \' FRO:-ITAGES. lu rit" MI llf rt'!&g l' ~!'l R• r~ll ~ s 1600 (>n A• r4'. n :..ooo tin O RANGE COAST t-6000 •q. fl. . U MO 1-La~unlta u clualve ···-·-$i:io<l ADELE JPSEN. REALTOR •tH 1-: ('011at llwy . Harbor 2288 PROPERTIES Back Bay:..:.... Near new 3 bedroom Ir den, 2 bath•. Big lot - G re11.te6t buy in the area !lt $26.500. Excellent t erms . Opposite Santa Ana Country Club:-,. Rustic farmhouse on b ig corne r lot-3 bedrooms. 2 baths. shake roof : J>t'rm.anent view of park-like club gro unds. Unmatched value at $19.000 and Three the ONLY one of its kind:- • Arch Bay:- One of the finest ocean front ho mes o n the South- ern Calif. coast. Architect -ow nt'r built, 2 bf.cf. rooms and studio. 3 baths, unsurpa.sSE'd sw~pin~ ,·iew of the coastline. PatiO"~OTI land side fillM with lovely s hrubs and trees. ' Unequalled value at $75,000 -"It's pricelest1.'' Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd~ - N ewport Beach A Harbor 4299 l Oppoaite Cit y Hall) RAMBLING FRIENDLY HOUSE on the choice cor . lot of Cliff Haven is being offered. This ho m e is quality con struction and is not bein~ soj.d on a pr ofit seeking bas is. Please c heck these F acts : 1. Three bedrooma and a den 2. Rustic living room overlookm~ 8 trulv b eauti- ful }>alio . 3. Dining a rea with breakfast bar. '1. Wood exterio r and cedar roof. 5. A ver y valuable corner lot which 1s beautifully 1 _ landscaped, complrte spr inkler system , etc. Do yourself a r eal favor and call us for an appoint- m e nt t o see t his o ne. Priced to sell at ~35.000 w ith a $20,000 Joan committment. THE VOGEL co. 3201 \.\', Cnas t H1way .. New port B<'nch E\·es Liberty 8-1421 Llbf>rty 8-3481 BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE !\-1 I & Sun J .. :, BF:Al'TlFl'l.LY (11 111 111n1l<'rr'I LIDO ISLE OPEN HOUSE :I BDRM~ l'flt. It llun. 1 • 4 227 Flrtnu 2 beth• 40 fl lc>l h1•n1• :! li.llm" I !1111 l\altl Al.SP': tw, ll'lfotl ~\l .. 8l ur r11m · 11\· l'>oll lt • t..• l'>o:h Uf'~lnl" Wtlh ~· pRrRt• ••nl 1 an • CJ ti t 11 "" r ~hOIWf'I II~":, yr.ti \\'Hllt•d plltltr. 1u1 ,,, '•1n1 .q 1p11•nt n•• .. nl~ nf <h1'· l':lt'rlric )utchen, Ull"d bt1rk 111 t pllh r r11rpet11 Ir rtraJ>"_nu . A~k1n11: $2i.500 with low down. 11nc I ll•n A><klnl( S27 /J{IO ~.11 fl l•1t "" \O.'ld" St rll'l11e tn ch1h BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 311 2 Lafayette, Newpo rt H ar . 3632 Har. 1999 Eves. OCEAN FRONT T a ke your pick . They all h ave a n1<'e view llnrl 11. good beach ! 1. 4 bdrm. ho me $22,500 (fo r thf' famtlyl 2. 3 brdrm. horn(• $21 .800 ( \' <'rv J;i r~<' ya rci) 3. I bdrm. hom1> ...... $18.000 I On I y $4 000 <!own l PAUL C .. JONES, Realtor 2620 N ew po rt Oh·d • Nrwpo rt Hf'ac h Har. 2313 CLIFFHAVEN SCB~tlT DOWN on this cute 2 bdrm. homf' almo st new -unfurn. Sl3,500 BALBOA ISLAND A cute bayfr ont 2 bdrms. -room lo build $31.500 Summ er vacatio n 1 bcdnn. h ome near 1ho p- ping .... . .... ······-·· $15.750 NELDA GIBSON , 306 Marine Ave .• Balboa I Aland Rea ltor Harbor 502 P!CmN8ULA PT .. Furn. 2 bl'lrm . 1 bunk Le'• family rm . t •. bath. P atio aun d.ck flrepl . dbla. p r. )Tly. ~ntal 1 160. winter 1110 mo. ...·atu pO A'fl.tl 8ept. 11. Write Box H -23 t.l\la paper. or , phone cnllect Cl\urchHI t-4988. 90cll2 IJ(lx :l:'l t lA&"'tn• Bta<'h 11'11'93 Fr11nlt W Hiii Francia Birnie OCEAN FROXT SPS•lwrf' I>nve Almoet new :.! btla n• hnme on c-o,rner lot l-.. 11 I"",. $1 7 l\:'JO. Tf'rm•. !'>lu~t ~l"r tr 1~ """ np<'n Sund11y llfl,.rn11nn nr ph<>n•• , H• 1 M~ trnm 011nk in COM I I 18:i7 Ne1'·port. Cl'ltla ::0.14'N. iiE.'lT ~I let ·y 10 11r11.nge County l..I 8·1132 Ev!'. LI !1·680:1 NEWPORT ISLE Buy of the Year. HOUSIC 1 bdrm.. de n. enclol!f'd ear port • patio. yu r le&H ~ Adult• pr.fered •••II Sept 1-tlO lllnJ'S?'ffll Plac•. Coata x... u t-1400. 90<t2 LIDO ISLE nu. V. RENT AL 1 bedna., l ~ beth, unf\trn. Choice location Nn r bfol't irwimmtnr bearh Harbor 11i1a. ~P:l --- Balboa Island BY O\\'Nl:R. KOPPER KETTLE rMtaurant. Good ,-mnr businu~ Ttrw bwt ot eq\lfpm8"t. a.&ta .i .. May <'Onaldu tralle for rrmllller pl•~ <>r rm~rt.y. CALL LI 8-2813 a!ternoona. 80tfc P'OR SALE. -Well l<>c11te-ct - GARAGE -' SF.R\'lIT. STA· TIOX r11ll 11f1l'r 8 JI "' 1..l ·4 7 2" !'0.-!12 Harbor 6895 HY •·&028. 87p l 00 )'OU r•a.U.y want a BU\"' ~ ART C. l\l~TL.J.:R t'CI 11><1 5226 ::0.!11ke otter. URGE:\'T Z9<11 :-.:e,• .. fltlrl Bh·<i :'\t'\\J'fll I (lr h Ml 'ST SEU... beaull!UI Back Bay fl(\('!)2 nrarly new ahake roof rum - hows., 3 bdrma., :r balha. pion · IMMEDIATE POSSE~!'1'J~. own- oua forever V1tw of Bay ud l'r !M"1n1t sr.-n. "BTlrnd l\l'W 4· mciuntaina Har :i166 88dl0 bdrm. 2 bath h<1m~. C' M Thor· Lido Lot 30 M' PRIM!l LOCATION n_,. d11bh1111H $9.S!KI tenm. fttrbor 467 .w 90c4 ou1hly modf'rn, ran i,.. •"l'n a ny- Ume. 112.i&O. Term11 l>n•e by 336 Ramona Pl J u•t otf Santa Ana •t~t... berw !!'!t h & 16th Sta. 111 Phonr l.I Ji :•··., \II" n Houae a ll day S inti .. \ ~lld!l 10 "' 1e (cim ,.r 660ll600 tt. Ju.a S"tf JIJ(} 11n •rrr ORAl'G E COAST PRO P I::RTIES DUP!.._EX, near n!'w. Two 2 twl rm. unit.a. 1 nicely furnlahed. Dbl carage. ~ear pubh<. tran11 Only I 116,000 term•. 185i !'ltwporl, Coe.la Mtaa J. M. MILLER CO LI 8·1632 ~\'e. 't.1 8·1803 2025 W. lklix. Blvd. J:lar. 4091 ~WIJER."' 3 t>earoom. 1-.. b&lh, 1'80 911. tt. 1 "a yr. old. OPEN P'OR lNSPECTION RAT. It 8~ AF"TERNOOS . !\Il l 1-'ullt rton Ave , NpL Ht-A. 7Ufc (Sur lh• Newport Pier 1 SHORECUFF 2 br. 2 bath. I«" tot. 81cknf'U compl'I• m• to .ell 111,. oncl', at. 1•1111 than rf'Jll•<'"· l'lt nt rc>11l U P Mn lrnmt '11atl' Jl'JUf',,.\on li•r :1209-R llPtfc 4 bedr oom . plu a garage apt .• on large ch oice cor- nt'r . F ireplace. 3 baths. patio, barbe<:u,, 2 car gar •• refrige rator w ith deep freeze. gae range and automatic wuher. Only S19.I)()() S6000 will hantil" GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY 3112 Newport Bh d . .' N ewport Beach H arbor 2551 E veA : L~rty 8·5405 i .. .. J . . . "We' re MOYf ng . to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area families are tzapecting these exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families who prefer a home tn a re- 11tricted qu.lity community u. moving into their Irvine Terrace home,. Drive in today and s~ for younel! the many out- 11tandlng features of thia remark~bJe commuruty. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is loc ated on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Reaitor • '1 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a ~aa;!t'ld Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Ba~J Shores and Cliff Haven PENINSULA POINT 290 1 Ocean Blvd. Very nice 3 bdrm. home furn. in Maple. 21/!! baths. J u.st reduced t o $22,750. BA YFRONT BEACH HOME 103 Edgewater Neat. clean and perfect for family summer home. 5 bedroonui, 2 baths. l~e living and dining rooms. Tile in kitchen. All thia for $35.000. • Call Ethel Shirley eves. Llberty 8-6476 Income Possibilities 1319 W. Bay Ave. Right In the center of a nice retiide.ntial area. Bay view from living room. Fireplace. 2 bedrooms, 2 bath1. double garage. Room in front to build an· other unit. $5.000 down. Call Jenn Bennett --.. Barbor 2125 Enioy the .Terrific View from this excellently located Jot. End of Via Marlna, Upper Bay area. 125xl65. Very few fee lot.a avail· Able. ~ thia and call u1 for further information. Elsie Ebeling Liberty 8-6373 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 88c90 ONE OF THE NEWEST LIDO BAY FRONT HOMES Charming throughout, 3 bedrm. and den-alcove, 3 baths, very large front patio, partly covered. Lovely kitchen. dishwasher, dispo11al, etc. Fully carpeted with d rapes included PLUS 20 ft. Century boat. Only $64.750 and a W<'nderful buy. NEWPORT HEIGHTS VIEW HOME t Brand new two bedrm. plus den-bedroom, 2 baths, carpeted. Oversized double garage, Lovely kitchen with built-in Satin Bronze Roper range and oven. Disposal, dishmaster and many other fine features. Full price $23,000. We have the key. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE • .. 3416 \"ia Lldo. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evett Httr. 2191-M. Har. 2998-R or L1 8-5297 o·cean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea· abore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Form.lea kitchen, l bedroom and 1 ~ bath down, 3 bedrooma and 11 :.i batha up. Solid con- .t.ructlon, ooncrete and piling foundation. 2 car J garage. enclosed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3U3 N~rt Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 LOOKING FOR A REAL HOME? 3 bdrm. ' bath -View Nicest location on beautiful Balboa Penhmlla. Extra large patio encJOlf'd for privacy. W, W car· . pet.tng and d.raperiea 1.oc.wded.. All the finer .. f ea- t urea .@ $(9,500. " THE VOGEL CO. ,_ 3201 W, Cout Biway., Newport Beath Llberty 8-3481 $1450. Down Hue'• a 3 bednn., l "' bath hom• Uult.t W<>l"UI th• prtc.. It. al· mo•t new, with & nice yard &lld lawn •prlnkltr ll)'•tem. Jl'uJI price 111700. w1U\ balan~-at 187.50 per m<>nlh. Best 4 bedrm. Buy 'nlla t bdnn .. 2 bath home la allshllY more than l yeu old, lta on a lovely comer wit h nice yard. Price la $10,500 with F.H .A. ftnanctnr at 52200 down. Payment.a of $7' Include lnt~r· u t. principle, t.axu, It ln•ur· ance. Houston Values Level M-1 Site HA VE 2•00 eq. tt. rar tory on 83 11 x290. Rented at $13:1 mo. Price $15,000, ·~ down. Don't mies l ht. onl'. Eve. Info. Lytle W 8·2!H2 Full Price $7,500 VERY NEAT 2 bdrm.. on 60x250 lot. It'• on the wet't aide, owner netda Immediate action, 1ubmlt your down. Neat as a pin $8,200 CLEANEST 2 bdrm. In aru . 1 hlock oft Ntwport Blvd., dble. plua car , Iota ot t xtru. eub· mlt $2.000 dn. Good tenn11. Newpt. Hts. Area TJNE N'EIGHBORHOOD, l Jgt br. on 80x90 R-4 lot. gar. On aew· ers-F'ull price i i ,900. U -0. mo. on b11l11nce. E xel. vain ... E ve. Info. Petitte Ll 8·6487 Houston Rearty Co. .l: ASSOC1A TES ~ Centrr SL, Co11ta Mttl& LI 8·891 1 Ll 8·7784 603 ORCHID Corona del Mar Open tor lnapection Thuniday thru Sun. 1·5 p. m. a. wr-. It aee t.hl• u ceptlonally nice 2 bdnn. home. t Bedroom a a.re largtl A!Jlo fireplace .t Inti of Ute In kitchen A b11th. Obi~. • carage on paved allty. Encl. yard Our t xclualve llllled price ot only St2.~ with :1•-;, lnM It pymll or only $8i.50 ~r mo. mak .. U\la 'n\ULY AN OUT · 8TAHt>tNO BOT. 530 KINGS ROAD CLIFF HAVEN OPEN HOUSE SaL & Sun. 1 -5 p. m. We believe thla to be U111 bffl buy on KlnS"' Riled. 3 bdnn . 1 % bftth, w /W C'&rpet. Wondf'rful view. $22,760-good u~. See Mr. Ruu on lh11 premlse11. Cllll now Har. 2042 -Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS fl. Pt.ylt·C. Travla·C. Ruu, A.Moc. 312 Manna AYe. -B11lboa Jsland NEWPORT HTS. YOU MUST SEE THIS lovely 2 bdrm. home. Large living room wllh fireplace. separate dining room, large 11ervice porch. BeAu· tlCulJy l1Lnd11caped, with tower- ing treea, flowers lllld ahrub11. A r .. 1 homey home tor Just $ Ul.9110-SJ,OOO down. Newport Heights JUST 10 -months olrl, 2 bdnn. 6: den. 11., bath, F A. he&l, 11hake root, dbl. garage. !mill In r11nge & oven. Diapou.I. \'rry well lo- caled. Bee thla. Lido Island WE HA \'E a beaultfUl 3 Mrm home on Piu zo Lido, J1111t 2 yr11. old. One of lhe best lncatlona on Lido. Cllll for appL to aee. "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 1&118 Newport Blvd. Cotta Mua. Calif. LI 8·3792 Open House 1-5 Oorona Hlghl&nc11 US Rlvtrra TerrllCl'· C>wner an.Joua. Price rl'duc~ uooo. Gordon Walker, JU:ALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUJLDl!R DlcJr HllUard, Pat Pal Uaon. Bob O.rn11 -302t E. Coe.al Hwy., Corona ct.I Mu. Har. 60&2-6033 I 2200 BUY 8 RESIDENTIAL LOT, cl09e In Oii Or&nst A Vt, ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES llOT N.wport. Colt.a M- t.I 1-lW £v.. LI l-68oa OWM11R OJTJ:Ra MW \acome unlta. food locaUaa. Coulk putla1 trade of bo.t or lot. LI MID~ atdl -· Choice Location ocean tront Bt•t loc6uon 1n Newport Hdrhta, 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 bllu. from Hl·achool. It.a a 2 B. R. rumalled bead! boun Elton Barnett Realtor •M No. Nr•'J)Ort Bh·d. 11 blk. N E. of H~r Hospllall Liberty 8·2712 t.J 8· 716e evu . cuatom built quality home v.1th 2 bedrma. 6 den and 2 baltu It haa eeltct oak fl(lor~. Arcadia 1lld1nr gla.u doon overlooktnr the rtar yard. Pr1tl' ot U9.500 tnclucJ1111 Carpetin g. $7000 down Newport Heights Nl'ar achool1. Nice 3 b4nn. home, Ii yeani old. Hae firtplace. hdwd. floora. Ac good location. Prtc. 111 $13,600 with $2800 down BILL'S BEST BUYS 60' x 180' LOT Cozy three. bedroom, 11 ~ bath home, only eix months old. Localed close to echoola & shoppin g on n('w curbed and pa \led street. Sewers in and paid for. Immediate possession. Full price $9,750 $1450 dn. Balance 567.50 mo. HOME ENVIRONMENT Meana everything to your family -this one is located in a prime neighborhood and commends All Ola.. Front J:nclOMd Pal.lo Sll450 305 34th St. H<>m• A Gar••• Apt. Near •Bay It Beach NHd• ~ratlnJ. Con.elder $1,llOO down, Will t rade up or down. or lake T DI. he&rt of balboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. New duplex. 2·2 B.R. Unlta .. Ftnplacee, Dt.poaal1. Fan.. up- per unit wall to wall carpeted. lure aun deck . nrwly tuml1hed. U tl,000-$7,500 down. your investigation. Completely re-decorated in & ~· from Octan out, H. 'w. floors, fireplace. Dining room and la:U-.~i.-105 32nd St. workshop. This will be a fast seller, Call us' now. 2 furn. unit.a -T yr. old bldl' F.ull Price $9,950 $7,000 loan available at $59 mo. F.P. $11.960-$2200 dn.-f71i mo. TRULY A HOME " Of dilltinction with light, airy, 11pacioua room11. Perhaps this two bedroom home on dead end street i1 what you are look ing for ? Has H. W. floors, fe-n ced yard, .sewers, and on neat tree lined and curbed street. ' Full price $1 i ,500 with $2,500 down · W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Me11a Llberty 8·1139 'C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THU~ HARBOR HIGHLANDS Here's an exceptionally fine home in one of the top residential areas, beautifully landscaped, 65 fl lot, 3 bedrooms, l o/.a. baths, lge. liv. room with fireplace, din. area, bdwd. flooni, diapoaal, w to w carpeting and drapea included -$18,500. CLIFF HAVEN 3 bdrm. on 60 fL lot, immaculate condition, w to w carpeting & drapes. rdwd. fence, excellent location, near schools, 4 ~~ Joan -Asking $16,500. LIDO ISLE WATERFRONT BE'ITER HURRY I ' Enjoy the summer months on the waterfront with pier & float for your boat - This lovely home has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathe, new w to w carpeting & drapes, nicely furnished, near new a ppliances, ready for IMMEDIATE OCCU- PANCY - Furnished Price $55.000 ( Can be bought unfurnished) "C" THOMAS, Realtor B A y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2300 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Island nu: LAST ot t.hOM hlll'd lo ttnd, 1M>lld built apt.I. o,,., cfble. Pl'· A bunk room. On rear of choice lol. Room to bulld full unit In front. F .P . Slt,T30, '6.000 dowa. Balboa CU:AN AS A WH18TU! la th11 dehrhtfully colorful 3 ~room Penln1ula home on t ~ lot.. No flxlnJ needed, Juat move ln. Cliff Haven $15.~ BUYS TIUB 1pukllng 3 bdrm. home. Lovely landlrapPd p!Llto. Quiet •t. ....,,. G.I. loan. ~la comfort A 1ecur1ty. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor BALBOA ·open House Daily-1-4 P.M. 404 Bfolvue Lane 2 Bdrm. & Den. Large Patio Unfortunate Owner Moving Inland ~autiful 4 yT. oJd home, quiet ont-way •lrfft cloa~ to Ocean • Bay. Nice patio and fireplace. $16.000 -$4,500 Dn. for quick aale. (Evening• Har. 4134 ) 2 B. R. home on Bay Ave. Very clea.n. Wall to wall carpeting, plu1 Income unita over double gar- age. Bay View. FuU price $26.500-Low down paymenL Owner uya g'et offer! <EvenJnc,a LI 8-7237) Four Unita completely furnished. Cloee to library. Full price $17.AOO with $1 ,500 On. for quick aale. $150 mo. Pllyinenta incl. interest. Income approx. $200 mo. (Eves phone Harbor 533!S) NEWPORT BEACH Immediate Pouession-$1950 down. 3 B. R. home on R-2 Jot. Oversized Dbl garage atreued for a pt. Bar kitchen, flagstone fl~place, near Lido ahop- ping center. $11,950 -$1.950 dn. for quick aale. ( Eve11. phone Harbor 0289-J) BAY & BEACH REAL TY U~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Har. UM CORONA DEL MAR An Exceptional VOGEL VALUE 3 bednn.11. 1 ~~ bath home. Check theet_~eatunia : Ocean view, 40' lot, high ground, H26 8Q-:-lt., hwd. floona, w/w/ carpet and drapee. Furnace, fl.re- place. Muter bath, very nice. Tile floor. Lp. muter bdrm. Full dining room open. to brick patio. Large kitchen and breakfut nook. Ser· vice porch. % bath, glua ahower door. Covered breeuway to large gllrage and parldns 1pace. Cedar roof, walled yard. WE DARE YOU TO beat thla fine home at $19,500 -4 'h % FHA loan @ $86.35 inc. tazea, tniaura.nc. and intere11t. HURRY! This will aell fut. CORONA IDGHLANDS -comer lot. 80r120. · The beat lot available for only $10,600. THE VOGEL CO. 29&7 E. <At.. Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 17'1 Hu. U77 (Cloeed Sundaya during Aug'\18t) INVESTORS ! ATTENTION I • I am going to tell you ot a golden opportunity that hu never been offered. Located in the MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner bu appointed me hla sole agent to 11ell the following property. (1) POST OFFICE BUil..DTNG to be flniahed by No- vember 15. Leased by the U .S. Govt. for 15 yean with option of 5 and 5 more. 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8·~27 SYLVIA THOMPSON, Anoe. (2) 36 UNIT MOTE JA, completely furnished 6 oper· "C" THOMAS •·011 THOMAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS 2llOt Newport Blvd., Npt. Beaeh ating on a fine retu rn. 'COST A ~The Best Town on Earth' BACK BAY ESTATE-with permanent view. One full acre with room to build 2 more homea with unob11tructed view, if you wish. 5 Br. home & den ( 4 yrs.) 2 bathe, large plate glaaa windows, fire- place, etc. Thia home h&.B real value. $37,000 2 Br. home, Hwd. flool"ll, Jarge dble. garage, in sewer district. $7500 with $2700 down & balance $50. per month~ 3 Br. home (10 yrs.) on 12 acre (A-1 Zone) Neat and clean $9200. M-1 Zone-INDUSTRµL lot 65x145 All utilities (good location on Placentia Ave.) .................... $4750 R--i RESIDENTIAL lot 66x200 ........ ~ ............ $1950 G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Meaa. LI 8-1601 * Sparkling Gem * Waterfront China Coves LUXURIOUS little ultra·m()dem home. Snug on private beach at famoua China Covea. Lovely living room with fireplace, lge. glaaaed doon open- ing on to aun drenched lanal, with million dollar view of Harbor. Bedroom. modem aunny kitchen. Howie ltl'Maed for 2nd trtory if desired. You have not seen thia tint offering. ~the first, you'll love it! ~ $28,950, .110.000 dOJrD (EzchaaJvt agect.) OSBORNE REAL TY ·-CO. 2323 W, Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har., 51M Eve. ... Euy Parkin• Harbor •1110 (3) 245 FT. OF BUSINESS. frontage adjoinln~ Post COST A MESA * * Special 2 BR., H WOool"ll, f1&11ton1 flrepl. dlntnr rm., patio, BBQ, MUST SELL ·---·--·-··· $11.7110. LIDO 3 BR.. 114 balh. lge. llv. room, rumpua rm.. 70' lot. ronm tor pool -.... ....... ... .. .. . $311,000 3 BR., A den, w/w carpet lhruout, a bat.hi, PLUS complete 1ar~, apt. W/b&J Ylew, Ire. p!Llto. 40' Jot ............................. ..... S~9.l!OO 3 BR., 2 bath. beauty, w/w carpel, I ear rar. tS' lol ....... $37.860 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cou t Hwy. LI 11-4277 Shorecliff s Nlce1t home tor th• price In 8honw:Jltf•. Ocean view. I bdrm, J bath. $31.~00. Gordon Walker, REALTOR W. E. Fisher, BUTLDl:R Die~ Hllllard, Pat Patuaon. Bob O.nal• -302t Jt. Cout Hwy .. Corona del MAr. Har. 8032·&033 Restful Vjew Home OIUVJ: BT 4U C&brillo, Oorona Hlfhl&nda. Price Nduced $&200 for fut a.ctlon ()pea Ho\l8e Sunday 1-4 lubmJt Tra.d .. Also Trade B&!is L«aoo Ht&. .ww home C&IJ for~. DA.N >... JACOB8EN LI 1·~17 Hdl .. office building. Owner will aell at once, or t.ra~e for subdivision land. For inspection • detala please Beil Mr. Oebom e. OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. IAt Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8· 7562. Har. 5154 evea. GOLDEN . RULE VALUES BARGAIN $500 DOWN Nearly new 3 bedrm. home. Beautiful lot with ocean view. Monthly pymt.t like rent. F. P. $10,000 BARGAJN, $100() DOWN On beautiful quiet st., nearly new 4 bdrm., 2 bath home. Priced to sell at $12,800. Be the F1RST t.o call on these - Mt -BARGAIN Corner Lot H O' x 126' cloae in. On aewu. $10,000 Full Price. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Coat.a Meu (acro88 from Cot1ta Me11a Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Evea. Har. 4366 • LI 8-2103 EASTERNERS Here la the ideal location for you to settle down and enjoy Sunny California. Juat ~ minutee from the beach. l yr. old -3 bdrm. beautifully fur. ruabed in contemporary 1tyling by Barker Broe. and Houae and Garden. W 1w carpeting, cuat.om made draperiee and curtaina -tropical plant.I -"' included. Full price $1&,000.1 1 ::! ,,_ FHA loui wttll payment.a ot $62.50 incl. prin., int., tuea. and ln•. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 w. Cout Hiway., Newport Beach Liberty S-14.81 I ( .... .-...a. ---BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND WATER FRONT STEAL -TWO-cute bnuae. leu thu 8 yn, old. One completely fumlthed, the other partially. Property ln tip top ahape. Ute one in the aummer. Rent the other. It will carry itMlf, at the price of $24,000, wttb $:iOOO down. WOW ! WOW ! WOW ! A B&Jboa leland Lot 30' z 85' for the PRICE OF $8,2:50. CLIFF HAVEN WOND!:R.nJL JUJUNE VIEW -h youn from thll cbarminc 2 bedroom borne. The architect B&ld "Let'1 build a Real Kuter "Bedroom" and he did. It.I 18'x36' with fireplace u la the living room. Thia home hu the fineat of conaruction, -2 fireplaces, -foreed air heating, and i• one you will have pride of ownel"'Bhip in. The PRICE IS RIGHT, So 11ee it NOW. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. Phone H&rbor 1671 or 1872 v v Corona del Mar 1 BEST INCOME BUY 1. CHOICE INCOME UNITS We have 3 deluxe income unit. All completely furniahed. All nnted and located In best rental area on M&l"g'Uerite In Corona del Mar, only 1 block to ocean & beach. Thee are priced right. Priced to -U...at $35,000. Tertn1 can be arranged. We bavelh~ey, 2. HOMES-VACANT LOTS See WI for better bu19 In Corona del Mar. If it'• for Ale, we have It lilted. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. MeCU18nON, Realtor 3"7 E. Cout Hwy., · Corona del Ma.r, Har. •7 (ottlee located nut door to Corona del Mar Bank) MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or i Bed.room.a • Forced A1r Heat -l4uaive Stone Fireplaces • Built In Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and In Orange County's finest location. Big E.tate Sized Lot. auitable for pool and patio! Drive out First .Street in Santa Ana Thru Tu!tin a.nd Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr ti "Sun Worshipers" "Waterfront" Wlll love thl• 3 bedrm., 2 bath pill.I 2 bedrm., 2 bath gueat apt. located on flneat priva.te swimming beach. Pier allov.·ed. Lge. living roo m, e~ beam ceiling. firepla ce, lge. glassed lanai. Too much to tell about, let's look now. Priced at only $62,000, fine terms available. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. 5154 eve1. Extra Big Lot Payments Sb 1.50 Per Mo. lneluding Taxes, inaur., intere11t, and Prine. on the FHA Joan of $7400. The 3 bdrm. home is only a year old and IA located only & few minutes from the brach. Submit low down pllyment. Total price $9,950 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway., Newport Beach Llbcrty 8-3481 E \·es Llberty 8-1646 • CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX OPEN DAILY 1-5 615 Jasmitie 1 unit in rear rented at $1)5. F ront unit Jge, 2 bdrm, 11 ~ bath & den available tor owner. Price $23,950. Eaay term.K, NEWPORT HEIGHTS •5 n. panO'tafi'lic view lot $1&.000 Nex:t door to 2320 Cliff Drive. Duncan Hardesty, Realtor 2602 Newport BIYC.., Newport Beach ' Harbor 4718 a _____ ._ .. _. _____ . ____ a_-_.•--eo1 ..... r.""•"'1"'1e ____ a ____ ._._. _______ . ..,a_ .. _ ... _r.i.~--"'----1 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART Iv. PAGE J , · /, , FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 1955 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle BALBOA ISLAND Model Home Open 12 to 5 daily 204. Via EboU Beauutully furniahed by J. H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN VISSCHER Thia atunnlng • bedroom home i• planned around a sparkling pool. The aliding gla.u walls, built- ina, and large lot make indoor-outdoor living most inviting. Be aure to see tru. ! · North Bavfront In faet, BO feet on the NORTH' BAY. e unit. nieely- fumiahed, newly painted and deconted. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to ea.ch unit. TbJ1 i1 outrlanding in every way--..ee thi9 for IJUr"e. It'• the best income property buy we know of. Full price including furniture $105,000. Terms, Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrrrui. Ir: 1 bath plu. a '1} bath and small bedrm. in garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. Thi1 home ia In fine condition and if you would like a home to use in the summer and have ua rent it for you in the winter, thia 1bould be perfect. $18, 750, Terttl9, Watch the home under conltruction by INGRAM &: View Homes 2 out1tandlng brand new homes offeN'd at the same time by that fine builder COURTNEY PL·-'.TI', . both in Newport Hta., &:-both with exceUent views ol the entire Harbor. w/w carpeting, 2 bdrm & den, OPEN SUNDA \. 1 -5 223 O<:ean Vie\\', $23,000 2~ Oc~an Viev.·, $26,000 During the week, call Bill Farnsworth for information. • Exclusive Shorecliffs _Picturesque redwood and used btlck exterior, low 1weeping ehake roof, 1pacious floor plan includt's 2 bedroome and den (or 3 bedrOomsl-2 baths-.-2 fireplaces, OCEAN VIEW. Just a step to beauti- ful bathing beach, near new home in top location. @.u Dave Oaburn for appointment Do You Need? A Four Bedroom House! We have a-Beauty in Cliff Haven. Large comer fee lot. $37 .500 Call me and I'll make the appointment for you to See Thia Bargain -Hodgkinaon. Large Family Home on Lido BAY VIEW 2 unlta, 4 bdrm. home, 1 bdrm. apt. Shelte~d patio. Apt. furn, home partly. $10,000 dowu. Balance -terms. f BA YFRONT, Little laland 00 tt. bay front.age:, piu A float. • bdrm, Balboan·En1U.h architecture.. BAY FRONT HOMES FROM $31,500 -up. A TI"llACTIVE 1 BDRM. HOAtE . Owner want.a aclion, Make offer. Cottage near So. Bay. S bdnnl., lY., bath•, ftrepl., lge. living roo m. AttracU\'e patio. TWO UNITS nr. So. Bay -2 bdrm, hou.e 6 1 bdrm. apt. Beamed ceilings. $MOO down -$22.MO. Soundly constructed 4 bdrm. yr. round home, Clo1e to Beach. $1000 down. T\VO UNITS near So. Bay, 3 bdrm. 1 \/:: bath home, 2 bdrm. apt, Flrepl., excllcnt condJtion, Attractive patio, Term• right. LOT 40' on Afarine A\•e., $24,500. BUSINESS BUILDING ).farine Ave. $32,500. Balboa Island's most attracti\'e home. 3 bdrm. Dln· ing room. Plus choice 2 bdnn. apL $38,000. FIRST OFFERING, Small 2 bdrm. house on Sap- phi re. Fireplac-e, Floor turn. Furnished, built 1947. $16.500 -Submit down. COLLINS on Lido Soud at the end of Genoa. 77 feet on the BAY. When you have seen enough, bring in your check. Full price including carpet- ing $69,500. Termo. 4 B. R. 21/~ bath, choice location and deaigned for gracioua living. $30,00U including carpeting and drapes. SEE US FOR BEACON BAY and BAYSHORE propertJea. BA YSHORES. A vacant lot ! ! Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bednna. and 3 bath1, new wall-to-wall carpeting, very nlcely furniabed. fine condition throughout and 1hould be attn if you are con1idering a bayfront home. $55,000 incl. fumltUtt, Terms If dealred. Ask for Kincaid BACK BAY 57 foot wide building aite on Via Lorca $16,000 SUITE OF OFFICES fo'r rent, individ uallJ or as a unit. AU new and beautifully furnis hed. Excellent location for stock broker, accounting firm, or at· torney. Can be rented unfurnished. Immediate occupancy, p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 8333 via Udo, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5:573 Fresh ' as a Daisy nu •p;eallng 3 bdr. home beau· Utully deeof'9.ted lnald• 1111d 01.lt wtth hwd. noon, ftrepla.ce, fenc. ed back yard with tncla.ed p&Uo combine to rnall:e UU. the top bu)' !ft !Jie mott Wllllted JO- t:lltlOft In Coet11 Men. .•• F'uU prtc · Ju•t 112.&00 with a:cet- lent terma. Cliff Haven Open House Sat. & Sun. INVESTIGATE • INSPECT & BUY A HARBOR VISTA HOME COSTA MESA'S BEST VALUE 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS LARGE LOTS DOUBLE GARAGE F1JLL PRICE $10,500 Terms to Fit Your Purse 19th and Monrovia ·HENRY VAUGHN & TED HAUSER Exclusive Agent. I_ . 2 Unit Income! A REASONABLE DOWN-PAY- ME!\'T I• ell you pey. your t~· lltlt W111 pay the re•t. On11 of our be11t Blllboa •11!Ue•. 2 acp11.rate unlt1. furnl,hed, t""·o pe.Uoe - :WitlOZ ft. lot. Cholt'e loc•tlon, • nt11r 811.y 11nd O<:c11.n. $1el,900, $4,eOD do"''"· Upper Bay Area! OVERLOOKT:-:G 8.A. COUl'l'TRY CLt:R. Z b~!rOQ1ns 11M den. IJ11. ll\'ln.t room 11nd brf'11.krast 11re11. 2 r1rtpl11ce~ Separ11.te l,ri;::• g11r· age b•nld1ni;:: \\'llh rumpu• •nd frr:e2"r room 11n'1 ~. bath. Beau· tlful home f<1r only $17.000 , , • $t/IO{l do\0.'11, 9 Unit Income! BALBOA OCEA."l FRONT. Fam- nu• "Holld11y Apt11." 8 11nlt.1 p!Ull View 4 bdrm. Maids room. r>en. Forward took aH elec-tric kitchen. An architect de&i~ed home of merit on almost an acre. Fully furn. $37,000. \ViU consider trade. EARL W. STANLE¥, Realtor ' Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-8222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. 225 1-farine Ave., Balboa Ialand IT TOOK THREE DA VS • • • ... To Mil the OPEN HOUSE we had a~ 118 V~ Genoa. The price waa $37,000 for this lovely new four bedroom home ... But hold on a minute -We have Hated a larger four bedroom home on a larger lot , .. No, It's not new, but it eure I• a lot ot. well built home and for a lot lea money., . _ We plan to have open house soon ... In the meantime tor ct.taila call LID 0 REALTY AMOfiat.H Lido's Most Experienced Salem Personnel Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene Vreeland -Virginia "fanson 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acro68 from Richard'a ).farket Entrance) Drive by 1021 Cliff Drive u y time end •ee thl1 new 3 bdr. 2 beth Redwood Ruatlc home de· •lgned and built tor the moet dl•cemlng buyt'r . . . THEN LET us SHOW ·you the llp!l- cloUll llvingToom -large boed- MOm-a.nd the panoramic view from the roottop obmerv&tory-"tze.~oo. 2029 Harbor ~lvd. Liberty 8-4761 Costa Mesa Eve l.Jberty 8-•71S--m11na1t r'11 11pt. Ample •upp!~· or 1 ------------------~--­ $2,000 Down 3 bdr. hwd. floon:. Dbl. KAI'· choice nel(hborhood. ISO'• 130' lot II yn. old. Good t...rrra. Bay & Beach Realty le!H Newport Blvd., C:O.t11 Meea LI 8-11111 Jl!vM , Ll A-31 bll REAL VALUES Just Redecorated T\\'0 BOR. HOME. tilled "'lth ch11rm. large wlndo"'·~. oorllr:11 or butltlru. large fenced yard Wi th pa llo porch acrou b11ck. Thl1 nn lllt bf! •cen to 11pprecl11t1. f'ull prtce only ,9,~, termJI. Full Price $6,300 FOR THIS DEAR lltUe two M r. home. ~•ted on eut 1Jde clO.!le to ehopplng IU\rt transportation. V1ry neat and ele•n. See Ult. todey, EZ lerm1. ,Trade WE HA vi: SEVER.AL TRAILERS ta lrlld1 for equity In your home. !!ff u1 tod•Y It you want • traller. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Nl'WpOrt. BIYd. Coeta MllM LI 8·1el72 Evu. LI 8-•120 Lido Isle Special Lot 70 • 118 $ $ NOW! You Can Reserve A New 3 or 4 Bdrm. Home with 2 bathr()()ms- Garbage Dispo8ala Car Porta or 2 Car Garagea. "fany Desirable Features $375 Down! Aa low a. $69. per month. Now under con1tn.1ction. Tract Office -at 19th & Meyer Place or- W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly 1ervice" . 393 E. 17th St., Coata Meaa Llberty 8·1139 Don't Be A Millionaire Ll\'e like one in this LARGE 3 bdrm. & 2 bath Lido home. Abundant 50' lot, Copious bdrma., collossaJ living room. Enormoul!I dining area, huge shower, Immense patio, &: apacioWI garage. $3',75!> BURTON B. BECK, RLTR. & INSUR. 2323 W. Co ast Hwy. LI 8-7562 Ir: Har. 221 $ $ I BDRM .• 2 bath, F .A. h•t. dbl.,----------------------1 gar. Ll'I'. rm. open11 cm to • beau-1 tltul 1&11.&J and Yery •pacloua patio. P"-t.7 lpM9 tor pool. Pr. OHLT PT.IOO. lift. ld:t. L1tle I-IOU Houston Realtv Co. .. Al!80CL\TE/ ~ CC!ter LI Mtll $7,950. WHERE A LOT BUYS A lOT SeeDl9 like only ymt.erday that a litU. would buy a lot, but we just can't hardly ret them Yeeterdaym no more. \\'e have a couple of Iota hidden away at todaya prices, better .ee than. misbt be jun what you want. But don't wait for Tomorrow, Tomorrow, NO IoU at any price. llntn 'Jl'hd' bl&nket11 all 11pt.1. New ~frtger11tor11 11nd 1tove11. Re- modelrd ln 19W. ''-800 net ln- «1me. B<!et 11ctu11t value In Bal· boa •• , ':17,bO{l, 'lb,000 down. Peninsula Home! IDEAL, ?\fODJl:RN HO'-fE \\1th • bedtoon1s 11nd 2 bath1. O<:P11n view rron1 Upt1\11lr bedroom. Lite. lll'lng room "'Ith r111g11tone nre· pla rr. B 11,1· It tor ~·nur f11 mtly , , '2J,b00 \\ith only $.">,000 do"·n. Balboa Beach Home! \\'E \\'!Sit YOU \\'Ol:LO SF:F: TITT~ eutt l1on10 ... lo<">1le<l nn F.a.•t B3y ,\venur, r!n9e 1n tn"·n and B11y bell ch In l!'p!end!<I <,'nn· tl1l1on and ~leer11 up to 6 p1-ople ... nl•·,.Jy furn!l!'hr<l, too. 112.bOO PIL•Y term,. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Dank •ii An1rric11 R 1'19! Gtf•P)"Y Al Comtllua E<I 1,,,,, Jack Plnkh>1m Jo~ephh1e \\'"t1b 700 F: l3&lhn>1 n1,·d, Ualboa Phon1 Harbor 3277. OPEN SUNDAY 1-:i r.~t.~M PorrY F or "IUY llc<'t""l'I tome round rorntr lo IH I ff HJ.ti Huge fh·h'llf roon1. be11 m"1 r:e!llng. 3 bdrm~. ~tna.ll gueat room, 2 hath•. over- 11!i:M 2 car Rlltl gt. Compl. l1U1d•C11f)ed, pr11'111e 11•tloe, mod"m klt(h"tl A. t11nlnK lanal-!Ol'ely ''leWll Alklng '2&.0"IO. Owner ..,,.•nt.1 lm- mp•ll11te orfcr rlur !•1 11'11\'- lng thr Rttll. Tern11 tn ~Ulf. F ORD VZRIUJ',"PER, ll'11rbor t28!, •V•. Hubor 3477 84tlc i 1-l."R!':. U!\"'JTS heart of Ba lboa. • 2 bloc.kt lo Fun Zone. One doOt to B11y. A real t leeper. F ull price onl7 111,600. !mall down J*Y· ment handleoi. Phont - N"' I bdan., l'lwd. tloorw. 113 ART C. KISTLER CO, I-tar. :'.i226 Aftleado, o.ca M-. ·~ , -. Dick Hodge, AMC>Ciate no1 Xewp<iit Blvd., x e .... 1>0rt Bch. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor The Biggest Word • 1n Real Estate Business Today is SERVICE E\•ery ).fember of the AI UI .. TIPl~E LJSTTNG SER· VlCE belongs to a unique or~aniution. TheM members pool their merchandise -homes, sto~a. and other real property for sale -then work from t his pool each \'ldth his separate faciliti~ that each sell ing O"''ner may recei,·e the services of many REALTOR •ales oulle\8 throughout the whole Harbor AN'&. Pro,·en a fine SER VICE to !K'llcrs and buyeni &lill:e in pro\'lding a broader, orderly and free market for all at no in crraacd cost te our custome"'- A SERVICE of t hc Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 41 0 -32nd St. Newport Beach NEWPORT Home & apartment on 29th St. $9600. EUf. term1. Costa Mesa Ul\•ely home. new condition, plu1 rental. Broad- way, 2 bloc ks to buslnetta center . Real value Ir: good term11. Lot on Monte Vista, near boulevard, choice location. uk about it. N.B.C. REAL TY 32nd & Newport Boulevard, Newport Beach Har. 1.00 Eve LI 8-7896 TOP INCOME Almost fl.ew completely furnlahed apt. bldg. on Balboa Peninsula in view of Ocean on one side and beautiful1Balboa. Bay orl"the other. Ho•pila.llzaUOD forcea quick aale. rnc,e $70,000. THE, VOGEL CO. 3201 \Y, Cout Hiway., Newport Beach t.Iberty 8-3481 ....,,.1 1-1eo1. TN• 3622 E. Cout H-.• Corona del liar. Hu. 2774 tocV 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... -~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~,--~--.:...'~~~~~~~~~-:·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I. .. PA6E 4 • PART IV -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY. AUGUST 12, '1955 An Open Letter ... ' To the ta~payers of the city of Costa Mesa! I • Do You W~t !o Pay Taxes_ To Build . Water Main~ln New Tracts? .. ff you don't. ff you want to keep your taxes loW. If you want ... ~ .... the city buclCJef spent where It will do the most good ••• we think you wlll be Interested In a proposal we have lust presented to yow city council · Here Is a letter we read to them last Monday. At this same meeting ordinances were passed creating a water clepa;lntent, a superintendent of the water clepae ltnent and money allocated from the general funds for construction P....,oses. A port Ion of this money Is to be In "Matching State Funds". Remember a tax dollar Is a tax dolls r9CJC1rdless of Its source. Nowadays, In rapidly CJrowinCJ areas such as Costa Mesa, Garden Grove and others, it is customary ta employ finns such as ours to make the necessary investments and provide water for new housinCJ developments and tracts. This keeps old residents of ·a community, who already have their water mains in and, probably. paid for, from IMlftCJ requirecl--throuCJh taxes-to pay for more water mains, pipes and construction ta provide the water for those who come in later. We befleve tile prcblem of impr,,vinCJ the quality and pressure of the water in areas tflat have been wfttlout adeqllClte MrYice for years should be considered. We are oH.rlftCJ ta provide this service to you, throuCJh your city council. Donald DunCJGn. your city attor· ney, has our proposal under study now and will soon be repottin9 on It before your city council. · · lefore the city cOt1ncil gets too far along with plans for a city-owned, tax-supported water department solely for the ~Mfit of home-purchasers in new tracts but supported by your tax dollars, we urp you to carefully cOMlder tile plan which we offer and to Ul'CJe your councffmen and city officials ta do the same. Do not nnh Into a water business which will obligaN your city to payment of hundreds of thousands of dol- lars. The tremenchHn investment required for a new city to install valve mains, build reservoirs, make MWD connection, and to purchase and operate pumps, trucks, repair senlce, the personnel and the hundreds of other Items are an expense and investment whjch wll place a very heavy burden on you as a taxpayer for many years to come. . Al we ask ls tills! s.rio-consl.-arioft of our ott.r. Due deliberation on the part of you taxpayers and yo. city officials. We will be 9lad to furnish complete information about our water plan at any time upon ,. ..... ,.We ... yM to cOfttact yo. COIHICllman and city officials, actvlslnCJ them of your opinion. A Private Orptlmllon Under Publlc Utllltles Commlssloli Supervision Supplying Water to Mcmy 11loulancls of Homes In Orange County