HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-17 - Newport Harbor News PressI • • • WedH1dq, Aqmt 11, 11116 .... ' I at ISll w.t ..._ ..... Jil .......... Ollf. Clraalalloll 21,000 l>Wl'tkW .. . N~ Bwb. Balboa. 9&lboa ....... Oorou del Mar. 0-. II-. lApaa. 8oatb Lac- ... Batlastoa llMch. Barbor 1118 SAILOR SUES LARABEE FOR 'IMPRISONMENT' th• boat bold tcw two dl.P. Wat· _... ftlTD ~ uhore. Wooda W.. &1vm OllY&"eD " ~ plaint. th• .UOr wu oona-.d ID 1(.-1 Ut&&.. No MESAN RESCUED FROM 8w"M. who bf'o\IPt Ule trio FFA and Gran,.. :. :':,. ~UMrt= = :,m~ Allan Rmtlam · :l'-~~~1~h.'!~.U:: r':. Place at Fair· Fr-* C. ler, Newport, Clalms He Wm Locked In Gooclwlll Hold ~-:S~~= ~~ PA<DIO . n.-r (ftmlC)-RI~ TIDf BY GUARD. s ::~"'~';'1' M;:ha~~~ ::~ Jn Ora11ge county P•lr dlvl· p1a1nun be would u" to no Sul Q.. DU, ........ . , ftanulon only requlttd reat. alona Newport Ht.rbor P'P'A chap• ma1n ln the bold tar f9!!al,,.,_ ~ llletd l• ftwa .,,. Qua.rd.a u llmt.tt there were ter plecrd third for P'FA d\ap• ol UM t.rtp to lf...,.t ~ .. ..... OIK, --Ill Mr .• elld • • 90,000 Oil Ole beachee ovu the lel'8 theme booth, Junior depart· two or three weeb -• CarW .._ ~ ~ m• Ill * &. G. Wea• c:--glif .. C•renf week...end. The water temperatu111 me~ featu~ •;:~bli::_ ~:: !: would be pv.t ott UM .-1 at 8uata Z..W at.. OD1aa 11-.... wu ... 5 ..-.aurt Ucbl. The 30 • rt.nee 0• • llay It With Olpe Ila L&N:u Ba.Y· .-W ~ tlle ......,. Seek AJcl: Hmll •Id In H--_.._I ruarda on duty foUJ1d parent.II for ni. pl&laUft eMrpe b• .... t1l8 ., • *,., 1' .. ~. .......~ five io.t children llnd en• flnt toned oft tM boat. Alone ud Bii trdll 19 a mlt Ill ~ ... rtJ Ud'9 ... r u.. wwk· eoui et .. wlMe be became lnolved alcS to n ve people. unable to speak I~ Carter ..,... .... ' • I. .._. at ... _. aade •"1IUUlc cUMcult a.a4 1a a rtp Ude and Iba wltlt. to --------- SANTA .ANA (cx::NI) -Wealthy yacht.Iman and 1n .. c:la1ma It took him a ,...11; t. Dlll'Ot ... a,erae. la ,...... bft 1119 parda lluq IUldac 1' hU help. Ute GuaM l>&'ria Comer BE SURE INSURE ~ RaJpJa z. Larabee on )(pncla7 wu named ct. ftlPUat& tbe 1000 mu. kWMa ,....., ,_, CIDJ;)" one --. tllat la· burcl her crl• Ul4 went out •• ln Su Ula Cape and Newpert Beaeb. IDtta, wbe ...,_ud a11ear4 ~ Kt. and KN. R. O. and at the IJ&IM ~«an.om wt .. fend&at in a cemplalnt tiled perlor Court here. The a. came by _, of IA Pu. th• trwa UM l'(llftl ......... .._ Woeda. 111 eurmo, Oolta x..... snbbed an Inner tube -4 •tart· llAUlllCt; ltTA.NUT :WW'~. chuses were ... ult and batt.y ~ fal8e i.mpri80Dment. n-aero. tJM cult to KuaUa. 1a w ... i.-... o.a...,.. ind-uc1 .Joel.._,.., uaa Nt& way, ed. to 11e1p UM ,.a. ..:_~ o.tj,.,. Party Reatal Item. l'taiatltr n-11: IL carter at Callfomia ~ a a. worlled ,:.. wat.!: N~ mt.d fl'om1..-,ort Bartlor t11t· &ant& A.a&, c&lll• near Wlq Comer rot Wood8 to bre&lhln1 1111 It. <lout 'iup..,.7 O O.t B. CO<Wt HJ1., Coro,.. ~I lier Newport ._. ..-. SIG.'96 dam· Carter a a1lor under Lara· Aria., and >' te kla Rip lcboel · Wan •i.tnc fatellU.. •pin and then ,..... helped by eor... •• llu Barbor 6011 ape qUut LAnllee, owner at bee'• ~mud rt.I tlle d ~ tbe Na.y la JU!7, 1tM. T1¥ Woocta were -1mm1n1 off Ouanla Don Wallace and Doe ________ __, ---------- 0. 111 • foot nctq 11eboonw, fudant curMd' h-:::': aelMd bi: ~~~•Pl at N-· ~u:=\:l ~~nd::.h~ Doll S~ow lel Oooctwtll WU ftnt ~. the platnUft allepe he ~..S pain· n.11111 11n. 1a u.. 1111 'l'r'alulpa· .tuJ bKk 1njarlee 1n lh• ..-.rted for 11• • attle Yacht 1'aee to BonolWu. tracu. 6• ,. CLUID AftAOll .U a rNUlt of the lnJurlea, M p o.n.r clUm8 LArUee •ltacll· Carter ooat&ncU, b• ... Inca~ at 811 Irk e4 llim wldle CJooctwUl wu an· cited tor tour WMka. , cllond ott Cape Ila Luca.I Bay. OONnNJ:D TO HOLD The third doll .._. 9POft,IOred n..., lh• ~ t.t, of Lo'tNr Tiie, acoordin&' to the com· by Newport Harbor Blfh School LATEST HAIR STYLIN6 FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllEI SHOP p;;;;;;=================;;;; Summer ncrw.Uaa pncrun wtll be held Aue. n la CMta Ke• au.ao& TQ&ftl: BLDG. Last w... Of Our Sale! ~ OFF SwltMIHts DNIMI 2 Sllltts ., ... ~... T sw.ts S•artt ~ All Sales Final Park. All doll ..,..., wardrobe. Ml.BO c:ratt Md art entrt• mun be •• · •• ' --....___ ...! -----()pea Jl'rida7 mpta -~ Cred.lt Plu -It Pa)'9 to Buy Ira Co.ta ..._ made betoN ll:IO LID.. Uaat date. _;::=====~~====--=~·=-===-=-=~~===========================~ JudctA&' wt.lJ tall• piece at 1 p.m. An.r clOM at tM Judrtac pe- riod, th• lhow wlll be open for hvpecUon unW I p.m. All en- trtee may be claimed between a and 3 :30 Jl.m. A.ul8UllS In the Jlldl'lq wt.lJ be Mrs. Ros-For· tun• and Mn. Gary ft9drla-. With UM abow M&l1al actua· Ill)', the Junior l•rrtrwu of the 11U111mer l"KTW.tka pro,nm are In a re&J null. .Aadtea ud OUR NEW POLICY ~;"~~ u;-. u.:r~ do~ C''ANEST CAIS IN THE HAllOR AREA wardrobee. Other -a... aH plmln1 equally atanetlft di. playL Apprcndmat&l)r .. doem wardrobea wtlJ be ID&Mt&d .., tM1r Ju'ftllile ~ • VJ to Yi off! * Values for Women * Rose Marie Reid Jantzen Swim Suits, uutex Sw im Suits , Cotton Arinh Swim Suits, Solidi Cole Pedal Pushers, Cotton Prints-Solids Bermuda Shorts, Cotton Prints-Solids Shorts, Cotton Prints-Solids Skirts, Cotton Prints-Solids San Cloth & Poplin Jackets Blouses Sweaters, Woolen -Orlons ~autical Jackets, Wool F:annel Kedettes and Sandals * Values for Men * Swim Trunks -Aloha Shirts, Prints Woolen Shirts, Plaids & S~lid1 -Denim Moccasins Boosters in Navy & Natural -Tee Shirts Open -Sundays r .... ,n .... CoW'biey & Lester ' ' ' ' JUST llCllVID n. u.. of .... Yoa'veN..._s.. Cotton Flan•I Shlrh Lua• Beledlola Pop-Oven ud Re«alar 8tylee Bo11 -'to 16 .._ -8-11-L-XL LAY AWAY PLAN WASIMILLlll ............. Store llN~ Barbor Blvd. . 0-. ..... Ver101 Taylor . 01 Cr1ile wit~ U. S. 'Mi,~I•' . ···"' lad Check for $86 J~ c. u.tbwl'er cempla!a- •d to JIOllCe 8Murday t.b&t a cJIMk WU eub-1 at bia Ct'OWll ~­ War• •tore tor "8.20 Aq. I ud that the cMdl bu bouaced. H• nported the eMek WU made payalt1-to JI:. J . Buma, .i111-s by o . s. Brlrr• and en· doned by Buma. Uonberrer ted llM ,....,. llouPt ... p&lat. ·~ \bat bia wt.ft U4 already bou&bt aom•. but aot moupt to t1niab Use job. Sanlton• Ory Cleanert' National ContHtl WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEl,D &: CO. DREAM WARDROBE ..• ud a FU:E .._. trtp to 01aJmp for TWO • UNITED Ala LINT.8 l Plan now te •t. llM na· Uoul 0..... Wardrobe Can· Wt ........ bytlM ...... I.GM Dt'ritlon of EJMr.1 la- d a • t r I •a. J.nc., a.etm.U. OhJo. -.tr .,.... nae ._..._ laMW--•r1- •r ~''" ••..U09M to .,._ Mry 4ry CWlMllf ._...... ( ........ -.nten09: I Jmow I c-.n ll'\lllt knitone to de a bett. job on nu,thlnc from ehUdren '• dot.Iii• to fta..t enntnc ......,. -7.t It ec.ta 110 .,_.., .. , h '• -.. euy .. that Uld )'W lftlPt wtn & ''Mw )'OU" ' .. ....,uw.c tram aboM to a pi.mom. ...., ll&lNlo ... ...a to..,.....,._... &U •••rll1' ~ '"' ..,,....... by u... wodd'• tea .......... ,,.. ttJ'lll ,,_......, &a.a IN a ,..... trt• to au... lot TWO • Ualted ~ ••. wtUa • .,... botel, 111-.Je ud tUS tar. pUS for bl.::i11t. loft• Dry elaanlnf C6. ht addltfon to the nrtt prtae ot '1.000 00 DNUn Ward· robe, there an aa ot!Mr ~prUu.. CO!ltnt eforf• ..t•gut in 4 elofte Bqt-h-r lot", Jiii UDO CUANIRS 1712 Newport llYcl., Cost; Mesa. Liberty 8-4014 • • .......... ... Goat ........ PAUD-BIDLU llO&'l'UllY .__..., euum. ...... lit • ...., I-"--.... ~Mal ....... HERE 'AR.E. ......... allll, ........ ,. .... ........ LIDO DRUGS HARIOR DRUGS IALIOA DRUGS Mal~ i1so~ ~-:r-BelM'Ja •1 s. o..t -.. o.w ... Jiu 'JU s. ......... Balboa Specials for Thurs-Fri-Sat .. Aug. 18-19-20 TO CHEER ABOUT Buy Now & Savel •m1ijaS1f1!U:lHl• "LUSCIOUS" Hawaltaft Fnlt Salad Hot Roll -Cofhe 95c Ice c,... ... Aay fllnor _______ _ ~~ . . .. . I TUsSY MOfSTVRE CREAM = "°" sp = s111 ~--L&WIW=~--- lceller1 Colo•• $421 mcl Tweecl lclcle -llOW I ;:kkc~e-f4al Uqulcl Cream •OW I DOAOTHY~~ DIY SKIN CLIANSll ...... = $1.75 ac..:-$1.00 ~----DORO'nlY G ~--- SALON COLD CRIAM ...... :s1.11 -~ s1.oo ~12---COLONIAL D --::: ~ 82.SO DrJ Skin Clean1ins Cream $1.28 -d>LONIAL DAKES-RF.GUI..All $2.00 Extra Rich Nite Cream St.OG m G~t fSlrc Lar .. ·~ 18'.iw , Gj..._l_V ___ O ____ R ______ y~AL 1c ...... '° ...... la - -I\\\ --. LAVA SOAP IM'f9 2 for 21c ....-r 2 for 15c Ufi)UOR DEPARTMENT ABC BEER • ......... & DOllleltlc Dry ..... mcl SWHt • Dda1 .. ---'ri•• • ph71ida• ••J re1.Je i• ..n... -,u.uo .. - ..Hl•H 1.tforia1 ••• ....... ,. .... So, He you O.C... aa the 611t ........... 1111 .... - ... alwap llriet la.It,,..... ecri ......... pro.pc ... ,...._,..DCILD1. .:-... ' ~ l ! s j Ylllce•h ICI CllAM :=Ste 5» llatleC.... .. _____ ....... le a.at I>"'* Dlf Cele• 10. lfa a.I BolJday -·-······ 5tc li a.a. .... ··----791 ...... .,. ......... ... ....... DAVY CROCllTI LUNCH PAIL Flat, Child Size ·~ $1.15 __-9c IWI CANVAS ZIPPER BINDER I...,._..... heketa ICOTT •AnRTOW&U 2 mowi 35c tl:I Portable •• Mn.PL.UTro y · Laun*Y Cart IEX w Re9. $4.50 agon Silver Ripple Gin •noor l'D'l'll , ...... A--. ... Laite WhHh .... $4.95 s34' CLOTHES PINS ~kfioz ................ 15c DG.. ... WASTE I AS KET 39' $291 CllAKOAL 1119urns 10k8tc DIAPER PAIL Enamel $4 91 WAiti IASKETS ~ 49 =.,o:~aorG .1 :~DD'fm:.aa ~ =~ DUS.T PAN 33' fiWSDGS llOlidi&U- • COAST AC SHOPP&R PAU I we,. ecot.c~ tod&y by Joe Kc· ----------------------Dim .. ~ Sf :.~in;:.--...:!r J::r:-..::: Pl'" WINN~NG UVISTOCKaona 41rl Oil n..· ~":! -=.,-...r= MING $20.324 TO OWNBS In HI C Lea9• WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1955 BGl ~ .... opUoa to cam· .ucu.. ot ......... ..,. .. at Or-.. CJNdY .. ~ bome nm.a eturpd out STIANR LAD .. paet.o it &Dd abw tt wm • bl Nr tlrclqtlt • tiot.a ., atOPUT to owmn. "' .._t Newport 11ut1ot II.IP DUNI•• .... u~ po911ibae to c\oM a ...S •"1 UM ' ._ .. _, ~ ii/I nvt1m Gnw11'1 Ylklat WIM Fleet 1 .. Pl•••• ........ s.Mce Slat'--Cefe Oww lo• .. t o.t ly letcWor Jflttereoa Ntate .. MttJed. Kdtee ..., .W. tetaw M.Oll .... • ..._ • ....._ &ftftP -au. O Bueba1J i....,.. 8tr'UllW ta a ~ land etatod. pa. MM .-to,. pcM194, \.otal ua.noa TWmtr..... •~ ..._ UiOM 11' TtimaJ s... ...... ua. -ot .. ~u-~ 0raa -.. ttnt 1a .. -.. ~MUD&.,.... Mid at DA ..... ,... pom4. Wt. an llroolallan. ltudJ w.... n..s • ,_ D9ldpa. m .._.. Jul:1 VWn• rue 1a a Pick Up Ml•• tAltal. -.11. , ren, Jlm Reynold.I ,Jamie erown. Cr,.al a.. ~ ta * ~ of lO •trtu . •• .,._.. • ~ .... tetUld aiT ..... · '"8l at 10.11 t•to er, Brtan C&mpbell, John Wet>.r. hou.e .ta. he and hi• wtle lbe '%·mile cOUrM from Tl• rr.. ~ ctucu on th• "U you ar• caret\al ;you cu 11 J llpaaJde ot 1110 IUDp per ,._. ... ~ ..... -. John Mac)' trtpled and ~ "'1lrMd llome at l :IO 8UD· ldlls'• Port to Harbor hlud -4 mud t.lata where Udo lite 11ow ahoot a Ml'd ud Mft It la.ad la ~ ~rlMd two ~ p Schueler wu robbed ot a ~1. 4->' morntac. nblra lJl a Uttl• unct.t' a I llmlllt ¥our l•P -taup -anyhow • ---_... --e ~· lo nrtn,tnr tu• 11eat· you don't ba•• t.o ltass• mD• t.mpttns peolla• tllett fr'CD lld9 DINllD IA.I ~N ~ bomer by a ....,Uonal catclL ~-boJ --.e wu bom .,.._.. tw sun moet ot eeven mont.hl under lU poundl of meat." ear J'rtda.7 atpt Md eaJW N...,. .....v..v-•wv It.en Rarwila conUnuu to play 01.md&ie aad tlaouPl M WM OU.. •tnu ftntarleG ta .. * Of u.. ,.u 1 1 u.. .t.ep .rolul port BMcb poatce. ,,_ .,.. ~ oullt.&ndlnJ' ball tn th• n etd and ln a frlenda bou8e. ~ feUowtas order: J\J'I\ ~. VO.lie II about ep tab, now that &UILINt n&noN te, ,...,. ptclled tip after leaftlls I L Co rt I Ill at the plate. ~ to tM ponoe. Wbea ftll l>eBebdon. Paul 11...., ,,. .... 90\d ,.,,. Arellu. After a lpe11 tn a ~ ailll lb• Ileen• wttb tMlr .... One erry -I I 8 Topplnc pltchlnr perfomwic• the polloe pt Ulen tM lloJ ~ wtua ~ lA&ken. Jadl He •tart.ad Jiopplnf otf th• and the oil ftekla Vli.D• came wu trcm Paclfte ......... the wa• t.be Jlurlln1 duel between ....,. oa Ilia -.Y· II• ... put V-. 0... l>e'IOWIC, Doll .... ... an. beck about HOT when buk to Newport Buch IA lHI otbw from Loe ......... ftd' 01 E, .. ,. .. l111r1111 1 ..... ,... 'nm Brown of th• tlret pl•ce Oil IUa pute aad .. rt ..... -. ·-~ond wtua n.d h• wu Jmt • kid. but now h• and butt the su irtaUon and ,.,_ti ...,. DOUfted. • W VWV W GIUlt. and It.even lb.edd of the ~ t.VisM. Oeorse Du. wtU. ... ILu llO!d the Arche• and he plan• later tU cate. H• owna one of Brawa. Brown eot the nod J.1. -----------11t W.U.. ud..J..,,_ ApM. to follow the blrdl alon1 the two oriSfna1 liquor lie--lJl I •.--&. •-l.AJtTA ANA (OCINll) -Two Bbl •tod tut a made man1 ....,.,,.. well down Into Mulco. the county, h1I Deter baytq been ecord 9V9li ...... 1o..-. ..,ao,.. ot ... dlflmot luunDce trl..S. ~ wttb El· Fem Golf c ·--dar Vllt>lle I• what you m lfht call tranafered before. 8a.Jt waw ftlilabls NOOl'M ._. A. 0. SldNd Oo.. wwe lo*9d la dnd. G111n1 a local lad. ff• ... bom II) Ian· Vlllelle MYI Bob BllcMk>r. piled bJ the lnt-.tional a.me oomt blttl• ..... ~ an.. J(ra. OU'ber, • MV .. YW' klcal at s.--.A I 1-L t& Ana and hi. pa"1lt• moyed wtlo a. bUyln• The Arcbee. .... J'\ah AMocl&UollNCOrdltbelMfti---. Nllldent. ooatend8 ~ Eldnd Clea nl'W "'Ra ..... 1 to N.-port S.M:h when he wu .iranled "lo buJ tt for lbl or MftD •t alMoC>re ~ u W'tllP-Kr. ~ Ga.11* oeme out W:V-'t prtnte. but could ....Uy Ladiu Solt caJendar 1.l Banta t ,.ar• nf ..-. They cam• down Y....._ Batchelor 18 ccnnecled illS IA a t ee lbl. , os. Tbe llCl&lat1• ft:toriet& .......,..., "'-BeJTY ... be obMrnd. Bb• •tl'on&'fy dtonled Ana Country Club •late• quallt)'· on the •t4Ull traln wllllc.h uMd with tile 8obo 111 Nonralk, Tal· ftcaUJ ~ thUIUlU .-ma ~ • t.lm~ ~ u8'lls All.Y confld•U&I iNurance Inf roundl tor the Prellident'• to "41\ where the freeway now l.Ybo la Lakewood and 0ommo-wu C&Ulbt 1J1 1911 by r. 1Ce1J7 llCllllllt Jililr, Boa. 'W'Of'lle4 ta tbe lia iD \be operatkm Of her buel· CUp tournament from Aug. M to ta and . IN1tead of a IJ>rlY of au-dor• 1D Lons Be&Q and at on• ott c~ i.lt.nd wtt:ll rod aa4 llktNd lmm 1 Mt ~ ... MN. Sept. J plaY1n1 to a tull baacll- toe 1otn1 each way day and ttme ""' tile 8b&lnrock In Co-reel. OnlJ other flab noord 1111t.e4 ~ tued .Wt .,.....i Kn. BerrJ wu iDdicMd wiUl El-cap, on. match e&eh wMk. Entry nl1ht the old choo choo mad• •ta M .... VW•ll• la c<>lnl to loc&lly '8 a atrtped ma.rUa eausbl OuW, ~ • '8 -... ID· dftd OD a bw'1lar7 clu.rse. -rhe fee I• $1 and malchea beftn th• trip down ln the mornlns he.Ip IUm pt •tarted llere, but alt N.wport Beacll by 4, ~ ......,. CIUlltolner "°°* wtak:b oomplatat lat.r wu di..nu-4. Sept. I . A total ot M entrtd and beck In th• anemoon. ::. ~to°: J;." d::U-~ wt.11 um tn 1H1 wtlSeh Upped U"8 ... ~ Ida llen7 clatm. bl llldnd. u UW'ted 11,000,IOO are IOUf'hl for the event. TllAJN OSTO PIEa . ecalel at 882 lbe. .. -.... tuanw m.\ at • Jear opera&or la thl• COWlt7, Tomorrow It'• mctch YI. par. The tn.ta ran out onto th• • 1Ml"ed ~ pl'<'ll*dlq. la dotac t1nw tn Ule penltentlaey rrtday I• ru .. t day with medal woodn ,._ that er~ a bout Mesa Glrls Place R-..1-Ii!. d 'Ii Tbe plMDUff ...ta Kn. Oar-attw ooaYiotiona oe rrand tMft plaJit. Nat Tueeday 11 mo1t para; 160 tMt btto ute oceu. VUell• UUUI'" .-pee rap Mr • Me t.ada&' .-.ien Uld ~ eounta. Be now ii next Frtday U11 whiltle. A\11'. JI nean.. U&mtMr IChoolMrl from I ~ -~. . tMt 11P~ ..us ....... fte bnolftd la • ~t.o-ob-ta ru•t day. beet ball ot part• °"'°" UMd to land there and n rmr ~"' u .. Show Slated .... a t .............. tloM 9tr9ct i-uce Crial. nera. Au •. ao le eJ'Otl country. tll• n&lwa.J llaui.ct their careo-In the •·H home .conomlce dJvt· Into the hinterland. VUeUe and BA.NT.A ANA .AUO. 1J (OCN8) &.UlllCAflOM -CAI ~llt4j~ ACJllOU ftlOK. 811!AU KJITA AJr.& the ot!Mr 'boy• u.ed to f'O out alon a t Or&q9 County Fatr, Coete ~· County Juctc-. poaee ol· ...... to ftala -· Jolul McMillan, M .. stri. placed .. follow•: ncen. ldSMn7 patnllam Uld elty ..-..,.. wUrftq.r at that BaJdq powder bllcutta, A.lice otttd aJll ban been bmtod to wMeJI time, woold try to drive them Mendes, 3; plaln mutttna, lldllb lb• workJnp of a radar..,.... t..t C llat aq ..w.I c,.w1 around Horton, J ; drop cooks-. Ill._ at l&nta A.na ,.,....,.,. aa4 Mata m4el' the flat cara and s.t &W&J smm.. 1 and Dar\elM Korpn., I ; 8t. here a t a p.m., Aue. 2'-. NICll "'9CTIVI a.p.t 11, 19, », 1tll, __, thrwwh a..,.. 21 1111 ...... ., ...... ......., .......... ft'OID blln. rolled coolUel, ll&rJ Ann Kend-. Col. Romee ~ •tended "'nlere ..,. Iota ot yellow taU 2, and Alice Mend•, 3; bar cook· tile tnYltaUoa at lMt n!Pt'e eiucu· naallll cJoee In thoM daya, and I• Jll&J .. lmtth J. Un board of tile OraftS'e OowltJ r.. -UMim pUM up Oft tbe ' ' r ~--· _,, Cttl ~· ._ ......_ ._. Ulle co.ctwood," •YI' vn.ue. ADC•I or ~· cake, Juel>' ---:,~• v• • m ..... ..., -...,.- ltaee ... Jle'a Mft1 abo1Jt a Hand, 1, Dleea SlnlUI, J ; choc· &Ill' ~ S.'• caupt ealmaa ta bar· olate b\ltler cake, ll&rJ .Ann Mu-Th• n41.r equtpment sa U.. lat• -.. alOlll Ul• 0rqon cout and du. 1; 41loe Mendell. 2; 1r:11ee et d.-..&opment &lmed at t~ 8'M _,.. baa la Jdlaho. That'• 8mlt.b. ~; U.bt butter cu., J:Uem _IJ>Md __ Ul&' __ drt_v_•_,._. -----...._. -.e found out that a bird Smtt.1.11. I ; cup caJc., SO.. 8m1U.. -nm. B• WOQJd apot a bl.rd l: me c:na,t .,... so.. 8m1th, •. Tennis Pfa8ra111 aa4 wait tor It to take win&'. ~ ~ ::C-:: ~ ~""'°!:: C. WllacUr Nets Proves Populcw to .. 1111e M4 bl wt ot nap C.. ..__ Coat Won be ....... .,.. UOUD4. _..-..... TM l'f.wport Jl&rilor Hip Jlr() Dme F09 11111 ~ I aoMol a--~ '-all No 6ler b__, tor VU.U.. TMtt ot w# tr... a moDeJ prc;f11UD, wtltela coatmuee unUl JI• 9bol -. about W-. the clip aD4 doUdq n.lued at S300 .UC· • "-a RW1l beclM_. .......,. ......... tof7 ta Uld U... WU reported to Newport a.ch each week, ~ report. b94I to padlr It oat. It...,. ....._ police at I p. a ""4aJ ~ B)'d· R.eoeaU, tM toUowtllc jotfted tM DaJ Walker of Pamdena Walker cl&uee: Plcll Up Y.,. 11119 Acclcl1Rt aid the tblft oocurr9d trcm h1I 01ac1y a..w•. Bcmma caw.. car w1a1Je tt wu parbd at PopPJ Donna BUl"dAll. $'11td7 Wood. Md Oceaa Bhd. Jlemd• tbe mo-llrtaa llclnn&W. BID ~ and 111q, Wallrer eald a 1T Jew.I watcll aMlrt. Da.W Md ..._. Putle. wtlh a1l1p&Gr i.u. talald aad .... Of UlooM wtao ...... U"8 .... ~ JC. J-., l1J a pay ~ aport eo&t ant ..... Ude -..... adn IL ..... ..... taM 1'...,..rt wttll ........ HJ--.. Lee." ,......s to .......... ~ Jleacll ..._ ftMlr .._ w _.. la ._ -.. c:allllll. wu ue: . =-=_.,..,..._. __ =......_ ......... atsao,.... --... .._ 'IT'W .... -. '"'.!T".._ ~· --....... Gall .. Ollftl ........... ~ • -~ 19 1 d' llialta. JfarJ' .Alla Bra 11 I 4t, ... s. ... to -.AlJi.aoD x..a. ... oa.. ...., ~--~I 1ul11 .... I~ D'lc---. ....... b' ... ----... -, ......... , .. .. .... .. ......... lc111•111 ud r-................ . ... ..,................. --------_......... .. ,.. a.. .. .. .. ... ._. ... ~ 00 Oo.. -- _ .. _. - ta. ,_tr.s ftMaln. 'fte Ira& rod ........ --a ....,_ etatiea dl.ttleull ,.t OI a. ,_.. tor wt tM -_. .. ..-W'lllW ._... ._ AlpM llet6 at tM ~n to leara. .b ...................... ~ -., IMt 11~ ....._ ...S Olup 8ta. ID Colt.a )(Ma DILUD WNCH 11• ·~ -.,.. .... FOOD TO TAKE HOME n. --..... dlie y._ ..._.. CHINISI CASINO w~a.ena ... RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL.COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO !QIAU. ...... N ...... llwilt _. .. • ~ .... 01 11& NCMlaD ........ .......... ......... CCI uaa.. .. »-. ...... """·~---~~.~1~~ OOftA .... 1,.. ....... ..... 00901'.& ... ... .. o..t ..,. AOOllD'a LMKJJU'm.tm ......... .......... .. .......... MWl'CWI' mAm -o.ne ...,. CNICICIN Of.,... llA CMUNIC ITYU 61'\--. .... SEA TRADER cmK TUNA Tlmei)' ....... f• Ceel a arr ••••- c: SUCED PINEAPPLE..a. -:21• -:29' COTIAGE CHEESE -=~== .:11r SPAM WNCH MEAT :::!::.~-:::.-: aa· BISCUIT MIXES ~ '3c i:z·. 29' GRADE 'A' IUITD MOll1IOSI ISIA 'IA' •Ila ... , a M•wl ~!:=-~~~~:GUPEFltll SECllm ·=-- DIYIL 'I POOD llAllCll CAD ........ aeoeo-33 LAft !fl • .-...... C .. ..,... ....... "··~' trlk ~, .............. ., C.ffee Cake = 19' MILROSE COOKIES ~Del~ ... 1 ......... :1• Oolftty _.*'YI .... ..,~ . .... ·c..1111 ~~ IUL O&D fAlllOt• ...... v ........ PAJM.T 1111 PAQ. FIS H N ' CHIPS SPECIAL CAl'TAIWI GfOla =--FISHSTICKS • ~noZDI M ~ FRENCH FRIES AMd-1 •+' • -... •••>' llleh89l SUNNYBAllK MARGARINE •;::21• SALAD OIL :::· .:=29' :::!II' ILACI TEA =". ,...._ l• ..... ,tc .... ..................... Sci~-~ SLICED CHHSE PIESDVES DUTCM~aw-. ... L2AI All\~ "'•dM:-. .... "'l/f T1Ae .. •1 ........ ,, $t1ow4-ry. .. .. P.EANUT BUTIER ~' ~39' SANDWICH SPREAD ~ ... '°'II' ~19' ENRICHED FLOUR :~" ~U­ CHARCOAL BRIQUETS ~ 10: ... LUCKY LAGER BEER ..... ':1.1'' ..... :t.aa ............... °"" .. u.-.1 .......... 2~4t c NIBLm MEXICORN Wllo4e liWMh .. goWeft ccw" f'9fll tfl9 "'OtMft o.-t" """".._ .. ,, .. , ........ of,.....,.. t..ori • •• USDA CHOtCI ••• at Oft OCOOMIY .,.. bpertty .... if\ .. .... oy Meet Ael ... "°"'· ·euity~.....,_~ ..... 12:141 c --80'0a8 Dllllr• ............. C.....••..-.> ............... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa .Mesa PLENTY OW' PAUIMO ON 'A .. u.YmLOI .{ • COAST AL SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, AU&UST 17, 1955 l\&d been reternd to the htch•r court by Newport Jmtlce -Court. Crimln&l pt'OCMdfnp laa'N be.a au.pended. pendln1 Oat.' t.Nat· ment. 3000 MARINE AIR RESERVISTS START 'OPERATION VIGIL' AT EL TORO ·MCAS Knldlt Promises PersOnal Study of Freeway Problem The victim u ld .rut wu called to Ule defendant'• cu April 18 a t 0r&nl'• and Monte Va.ta 8ta., Coe· ta Mea. Sh• Mid the ~t exhl blted 11.lmeelt trora UM waillt down. MCA.II, llL TOJtO. (0CN8) -Ule ll&nta Ana mountain ranr-1 tarsei.. They will take b.ttcop- 'nd• ....Um h11b of Martn• COl'Jlll •lld th• Pacific Ocean here ln ter retreaher cour•.. participate a.tat.Ion tools on tb• • .,.,..,.._. SouU.em Calltomla. ln anU·t.ank e•ercl-. and .tu4f ot opentn1 day at Dlm91land ROii Au. POINT9 jet lnatrumenta. OAIU>mM <mOVS -ao.i.. ~ . 'It'll tr tr• .._... 1 l Fowler l)avdaler rrtday, only wt th more color, ex· Th• rotafui1 pattem of \n· On th• tu1M line rround c:rewa aor Qoedw\a J . llt8&itlt was ... -.dlr _,.. oUement and military macic! com1J11 alrcrafl repreMnt.ed Ma-wlU be workln1 'round the clock hl8,,...,...... aU.tka to * ._ .... ,..,. ...., -., oC8oe tor Mn. and Mra. JobA J'owler. O'rer 3000 marlae ~,. ~rv-rift• n1hter tq\WSrona trom near-to keep their powerful pat.lent. Gard• nww., •~ ._.. JMt .,... -. .._ ~I a l200 CUit Drive, a.re parwill of • lata. ridtni In Jeta, prop-type by o.Jcland and tu away T•· IA top flyinf condition. Sel.cted u ICIOa .. M retmm fl'Cllll dM IW4J' el U.. ......, llttuatiee Ill itrl baby, bom AUi· 10 ln Hoa1 tti'hwr cra.n.. "Oytq box-care" ""9M, from T9ltu. K&Mu and (1'0und 1ehool counu and lee· 1o.-aor'• eo.dlaw Ill ~ ._ Gudl9e sa .S-ol Jll'"10Ua H09pltal. and hur• tranllpOrtl, ..ws oul Nebruk' from Ml.n.l\..ota. Col~ turu will be atttnded by reMrve nu. ,,.. u. w'lll'd a.. wind -WfHUGM ·-~--I u · at IWIJIY llkJ .. oato Waitln1 1'\ln· rado and Wut\tn,ion, Lou.lalana penKll!nel. J'rld&y mpt to Baa«ltoe ~ • .._ ,_ ad 7fllS -.alllttt• I Y1ola Sale Plaftaecl way1 to bep tnmins 1n "Op· and Mtuourl. NNNIE\''8 M.1:88AOE c:o-ehainaaa o1 u.. 8Wl ~ wW .._ ~ mt.o tile •tua· eraUoa Vl&il", • nat1on-wid• teat With the arrlv&1 of th• lut tn kl• meaaal'e to the tni.11\lnc ,.,.......1 cammtttee .....,. ... ea. •W"'HI-apca ...-return Requ .. t of ~··Military Order of UM c:lUMll MariM'• eo111bat plane lbortlJ before dUllk, th• NMrv... Gen. Binney eta.lid: been wqtas a lllt---.S apt ,,_ tM aeuwaon ...te:nace ot the Purp.. Heart. 0 rani• readlNM. nucleua of Marin• Air R.Merw "aecurtty la not a mat ter ot WH· to r9loc&U tM pcopoeed CJu6m wtdoll I am attmdlnc INN lA County Chapter, to •11 'liola• In O&NKaA.La O!f UNI: •lreith from UM Wwtem Unit•, pone atone. The arm that wtelct. Grov-e f'r'MwaJ llOUdl ol ••a ~." TIM te&esnm ,.... llp Newport Beach Au,. JI wu r• On th• tllsflt line to ireet the ed 8tatu wu on hand for UI• them must be atrong; the eye Gardena VWac•· Id bJ t.b• pw. feJT-4 Aq. 4 to the ettr warnon were Major General ~nd ud clJm~ ph ... of th&t l'Jldu them dear; and the Th• win wu la .....,. to a TIM wire eulmln&t• a mcDUl llUll&pr. Claytaa c. JeroaM, ClOITUl'landtDI Operation Vlf11. will that dlMctJI them -lndom· teteirram Hnt to u.. F•• nor ot lllim.tft politkal aeuon bJ pneraJ. alrwatt. ,,_t Marin• Th• lnltlal phue -~' th.i. op-It.able." durlnr a prot..t IMlttq ol Yil· tM oommtttee munben wb• $1L.M SI....._ Jl'orce, Paetfto, and Br11. OentTal •raUoa. held tn Jilly &t Martn• ''Theae." he added, "are the ac· • .,.... jollM4 lll)' "ttrtul~ all ,.... IUUT U.W A. w. KnUer, llt&tloa CC!l'llmand-Corpe Air Stat.Ion. Chany Ponlt 4uJNd c.haracterl1lle1 which re- 14mt. et U.. 9lm Oudea oom· Next Sunday rt.lie ehoot at the •· H.C., -. at laded by oftr a&OO """ tr,lni.nl' 11Hlu to develop." You Wiii - Find Best In llWld~ to brias ...... '° the at· South CoUt Rlll• and Pllltol an.. Oeoera1 .A.rth\11' r . Btn· Mann• a1r ........... from the ~ t..Uoa of tM ~Y oommt.-Club ranr-oft Mac.Arthur Boul• nay, CC¥ft!Dander, Martne .A.tr ft.I. ~ -Uae ot tbe natJan. KICKOFF lllCft and t:M Pftl'IMW an all•· Yard out of ~rona del M.&r will a.re Tra111tns1 who tLrrlwd here l'or t.be nnt two wMk• th ... natJft route wtakJl tMy claUD be 8epl 11. Penor18 wtahtn1 a fTCl'ft hta headquarten ht OMft· ''IOllut. 1'• of Ute Alr" will ----- •Ul bllrt oalJ' a dri .... tn lhMter copy of th• matc.b Khldul• an -new JU. . ....., thla ....... ~-be prutidn1 Um•t..ied bulc Olymp1·c Fund and 10 hom• oompand to up-requ•ted to lean their name ,nbalated Ut. tqua.dl"Oll per'llOft· lld!Stuy 1-NI &n4 1Mmta1 •- raoU.C ot Tl ~ MW tn th• &lid &d.dre.. wtth the ehootmu· net tor "the prect.loll·lllre man-.-iqu. le> enh-e• th• M- path ot h p~ tr--.y t.er or rans• officer. NRA ap-lllf ta whlc!l the alt11ft ..... ,... ... pot.ltlal of th• eountry., Feed, D1nce "'°~ proved toumeya tar amallban rt· balldled." OLA.IAOOM WOILll Regidr1tion Set Sept. 1-1 for Ch1pm1n OR.ANOE -~ and orl.nt&Uon -k at Cbapmaa Ooll .... i. lll&t.d tor 8epL t-1. It wu llMOUIMled today bJ Jim. ery & Ow--. reptrv. N4'W atuirt.t. mould apply tor Mbn'-'on to Ud9 foqr..yw II· beral llJ't.a oollep .. t&r tn &d· 'ftlloe of orte.ntat.loa -Ir u poe. elbl•. Owena ad'fi.Md. Th• rert .. tr&r'a otnee i. open tor counal· Inf and acdemJAI ~ pl&n· nl.D&' cturtns """k daya trom I L m. to S p. m. ne only ..,. h•ld .ft,,. rrtd&,. Ml• Cleo Moore. mm .tar. l!latU.-te.ted pllota who ,.... Pl M d at 7:30 p. m. For turther 11'1· --.rin1 UM title ol "Jllu MA· member GuadaJcan.aJ and Iwo JI· lftl a e fonnaUon phone IAN Stal at rtne A.1r ~ • 1911", ad4ld ma. &ad pliot. Wllo llan juet ,.. Harbor JUl.W. a note ot RolJJ'wood it.amour to c.aU,. won their wtnp wtll spend nie LMrue or Ulllted Latin U.. arrtftl. IOftl' houn In t>Mtr WINrooma In .t.martdln CIU..n11 will hold t he Geranium Display at Fair Praised OM ot the out.tandtac topoe ot converaatloo at the Onnp County durlnl th• pUt ..... hal bMn the au b J« t ol et.a le, comal.y e.nd city nowera. 'nlrOusfloul tM attemoon UM tlM eky. They wtJl le&m mon Bouthem C&lltom.la kickoff bllrl· pltn• ....._ IU'f'htnl. J'br an'-about c:)oee air wpport, I.he M.-quet tor the Olympic tund com· val booN UMN wu a eonatut rlll_. "~ Jl'l!ldl.'' mitt.el at ll'ullerton'• Melody Inn patten. ol clreliac alrc:Ntt crnr T1M>' wtJl praetlce Mrial sun· Aue. 27, It. wu announced t~ay UWI air MAUoft. loeate4 Mtw'ea Mey -apSut ~and~ by Gabe BalUen-a of 12411 Broad Cops. Bank Agents Hot on Trail · of Slick Check Man St. DAHO& GOAL Goal ot th• l~ i. 11900, expected to be niaed by t. Sept. 24 dance at the Renduvoua. Bill Schroeder, mana,tn1 dt~tor of the H•lrn• AtllleUc J'ound&Uon wUI attend both kickoff and dance . A. ellck ._k art.let Wbo llu ,.._ pollce departnMnt. torcery. Al*> Invited to tb.e Olympic takell B&ak ot AJDertca f or a lleN the ~t •terf'<I U\e tund atfaira, BaltlerT& aaJd. ..tU total et ..... le CUJTel\U)' .._. __ bank w.artDc • ,,..t WIUI hla be tour Ort.n1• Coimty 01.,.,,,plo _.... ..._ lleev. rolled up. H• wu carry· .,-. J\aaa. Mr. ud MN. O"BlleW -... -----------al.ready -.Id t.be7 wW ate. .. Ol'llD ACD Olb., 011mpe &ell •.-W to attend tnclude Jla Do9&.ll-. Evelyne Kall. Bob &k.hanl9. Dor- othJ Poynton, M.al WhJttteld. Ow- • Cburchlll. Jl'rank Wykott ud Fld•I La Barba. Doaah111 1019 back to lb• 1911 ...... i. Bar- ba tboM of 112'. Wykott lt• and R.k hard• br1np ft up to lb• 1952 ev.-nt.a. l'ou r.ad th• other rellow9 WANT Ad; be will rM4 your• SALE! FINAL CLEARANCE lra•cl New Stock Perfect M ... '1 &· 1oy•1 Lestn svn. , ...... . J.11)() sHoPs CLASSIPllD DlllCTOIY APPLIA.NCD -Be · 111 di Pvt.a -o..l• -....... UDO C!.seraao NM Via I.Me -_._ _, AUTOllOBILE our- N.w and U9ed 0... NJOU&ft ftbLR'-...._ ......_ ..... Hll k_,.,. ~ --.. BAND .._.•I.._._ !ft'. M "" V1a t..Ne -...... - BABBDSBOPS UDO UIA VDIO llVO ............... --.... V1a Ude -..... - ISEA.V'l'T P.ARIDSI UDO ULON CW ll&AtJ"IT Hll Npt. ..._ -.... llM llOOU .BOO& Oil& , WI "'-U.. -~ MM c.uo:u.sa...., ... VIMOltJft' UDO D&tJ• Mal Via UM-....__ OABPE'n a Dail'DllD Dlo& IUmD • MM 1'la 1 Ma _.. - CATEIUNG &ICllA&D'a LIDO •• .__ HllVlaUM-....__ <Jot:ltlaa'-AM w • 7 I hi ,..... ""UDe =~~i=.. OL0'1'BINO -...... ..... lllD1'SU/9 -... -Ml&Ylal.Me-..... - OLOllllNG-W_ .. ... ... &lmQI .. Via •·hp _.., - LIDO r .&alllOD Nlt Jfpt. ..... -....._ 9'11 llllADDOOK'8 Nd VIA I.We -_._ ... Every Thing 'nl• 90Clller vel.tranl apply tor &dmJllllton prtor to rertetraUOIJ, U\• llOOIMr they WW receive t.bel.r auNtetanca aUowaDcM from th• V•t..rane Admtnlatratioa. Olnnl -.Id. Re•ldent.t or N~rt Beach attendlnr th• nower -.ow ban been tom between two ahllltt.a for iener&J lnlere.t In tM d~ flower tltld. One out.ataadlnc U · hlblt la IL dt.play of deUcate white r09e9 dubbed .. Snowblrda". eoufht lf'y N.wport 8e&dl poUce Inc an OJ*l c~pr boa. He pr .. pa.rtJciput.a. T11ey are Mra. Ann Uld Ban)[ of Amide& 91>1Clal -t.ld the t.eller wtUa & depo.it c.,. Couni• ot Ollna Point; Mn. Evelyn OJede of TulUn and Row· .,-.nta Ml the R&rbor ..,.._ The alip and a ebeak tor '305.lll 911• &rd O'Brien, a trainer, of San • 8U9pect pa...s a ba.d check tor ~ J. O. ~un4eon. 30 W. ;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;; VAQAJIOND 80t1U =·~-=---­oauo l'1'01ll:I You Need In WANT AD PAGES ''What could bt mor. tlttinf u an ottlclal flower tor N.wport Be&c.h and Ule Hari>or ana". Of Ml.._ and loys many Pf'OPI• have bffn )teard to _.,. "ma rk. Without t&J.I aom90ne .A. mOUM owned br MrL Rene wlJI com• up wtt.ll th• lmowledp P&lll ot 1740 &. Oc.-n Blvd. bH that both PU&dena and PorUand, two ehtld.-Jut WMlr. t.M Or-Ott. are k.oown u the clU• ot UICI County Health Dep&rlmf'nl roeM. "Whale mo,.," --e latormed Newport Beac!I pollt!e will chirp up, ''Whlt• row• 'trill ......,.,. Bttue W9" lll&rk H.ow· mildew and dlllCOlor in aalt air." &Id. !TOI s . <>oaaa BlYd., ud 111• NCOnd dl•play tba ua YI• V...... x.v.... 1Ttl M.b'Ua&r. lAc tor 1Dt.91W1t wlUI UM ,_.u. "n. -... ,...,_ 1a II'*"" J'Olll 11 that. ot Mn. a,--.. ut1M e& 1T01 lllnaar. reporta 11-8 of t12 PoppJ .Aft. Mn. .a.ow, -.I wu ~ t.o M IUmmou bu on• of UM ma.t deilltl'07 .. la 1• ...,.. 1'Uled dt.playa ot U\41 common Gal9I Collllnll lecl to Hospital for Exposure Count l.ANTA A.JfA AVG. U (OCNI) A 90-day tnatmlll.t la AtAllO&dero Stat.a Ho.pltal WU ordend ~ for KMJ.n.U. Rty C>at• Jr. 23. of nnmore, Who bu pl-.ded S'lillJ to aJXllll'ls lllmaelf \o •· 0 Mta Mua woman. Superior Court Judi• lh• CODI· milted Ot.le9 t.tter the detendallt aad ---feRalW. ..... pthiand • -...... .... .... pur. colon, loud an4 eott. 8be bu pranJwn.a wltb nrieipted a.aw. and oolored ._.._ aad ~ i.. ..... Uld molt.Jed ~ , Mra. 8lmmON bU -dlaplaJt 9l1l&lJ ud larll pr&AIUIU MM! a n-Oft• to thla .,... of dwuf pranlume that baa se.AIMd a wild tleld ot lntttelit at tb• f&lr. KN. Slmmone bu ("°'"' IMr plaau Ju-t a• a hobbytat.. IDie la not lD bu.tltD-and loTll f\owera and cult1vate1 t.h4tm tor h• own a t· lat•eUon. "ThtM plant.a wlll (TOW a.nywtu•f'e ln l.h• N~rt Harbor .,,..... Mr.. •~ l&Ja, "J.nd with IL lilt.le effort we could c()ver every hlu.tde and parkway and Va.c&l\t lot. WoWdn'l th.al be • &ood war to ~brat• BanMtt. ni. be nq1aeated ca.all lllT.415 on 8albo& Sr&nc.h BaU tor u. 111·ua check with How· ot A.metiet.A Jul)' n , rrpor1a vd BanMe 8'pecl aa ma.lu·r and ~-......... J. 0 . Omiundllo.n. Vtn Alm, oil.Ill lplCl&el ... eat KArJ'll'liMl£8 .....----Tr.o.. hnplM ~ ~ 1-LIOI 008TA IRS.\ llATl'a&U 00. 11.M N-.oi't mvd. ot the baDk1J1c coocena, lllformed TIM tllllplOt .. cleec:rtbed u tll. local potic. cl.nN1an tl&ft ~ n .... Uaree. 1.IO 1119.. medium build, out lllDCI 11161 oe UM chacll ,... dutl ~ Mir -d d&r1' com- ..... Cbeckl are Mid oa !Um by plaioa. ~~=~~=~==~=~ Oranp eo..nty lberttt'• omu. WhJtt.ler &ad Hennoea ~ dit-XAT'J' J. N<>aa, laclo nrw partmente .ad Cll'ltral Loe A.a· dept. c>me.r and doc"-lllt. victim -------------"l'• ~ not ao 111.ad a t U.. 6oc u I .. a& ~ lly d•· PLAYHOUND KIDS LIVI n UP M6 m.. pl&Y a UU1D1nc cam• ot .,,..._t .. ..... ..,..taJr.1en f ,,,_ 70u M.nn'& llffCL TUl• u.. Word et ._. dUl4nll attADdiac N.wport Harbor Kip lcbool lwlunlf' NCl'l&UOll Pf"Ol'fUD at tM Mt.h Ill. P&rlr play&TOWll durta1 th.le bot ...,...Oler. ,.,..,.. i. Dotblal U)le No- Cl~ .. Uw ..,........, u.t .... ..,. ..,.. ... le a.nd J ....... t.._ ...... N .. ao ... a...r .... ..,.. AlnericallO'' .... "Co.qwt Of Space" s-., lloa.. r... AOCU. • ..,.., "Des try .. .... IU111 ~a.a ••Act of Lcwe" lPORT~( ... ~, . . . , " . ledrWIMl "Pete Kely'1 ...... ,.... ...... ........,.~ Pesn a.... •• CUI Soope w~ .... "I• For Coyer" ......... , ...... C..-1 .. Vt.ta\IW. Tec"wlcolor fashion Clearance!, the Oolde.n A.Qnlverear)' ot ou.r ~~~~~~~~~~~~.:.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! town wtlh almple. ...., to cre-• DRESSES-SKIRTS-SLOUSES SWEATERS-ACCESSORIES • 1Mur"1 wm Nun ... '' Jw,.ill prices/ WHAT rl IT7 ~"'~~ ;oot1.S cren, trwd. T091' 11oU1e1 -4 .......... ,., QIC1I ----.... wpr. • -..Ptlf _,. -Ma.ft ................ ~ ..... WHIN AV AILAhl ••• ........... ~., ....... ~ ........ ,,, ....... .... ate lleautyf " W &TIC& BEA TICll.IJ 1•'-11, SOYl<:f •"4 WAIU }011 r~!o/J TU.M\ '' "' cun oo-,..... H.-.. HOW MUCH ••• ............... -• • • _, $1.11 for 21 lb&. WHERI... CG S G pu•a 'Wflm WllJW-. 110t1U -wm l'il&&D&D" OOlll'IZl'E IAUNDD8 ud CLFANl:U •·& .... LID 0 -·.. .. ·. Now ...., D•'t Mhs Tiiis .,... Sllew Next llt Anr•tl•• "Hew To le Very, Very Pop .. _.' -,,.._ a..ty" Al loxen Men'• Boy's SI.ti S1.'9 WAAlllLLa Ylllmx.ra. UDO IWUGa ...ll'laUM-.....__ ELIX7l'JU(J 00~ LIDO l:UIOBIO ""\'Iii ..... -........ rLOWDMI &IOllAaD'a UDO •• .._ ~ Al 21ii&iii1A.,. .... ~-u.. -..... II!" tomirr£Dr, e•a, fiWGIAI W &.mo _,.. Mlll'lllue.-..... _ ft.Ama••MDm . ==~-=-::!==~ l'UaNll'tJJm DICK MACPW .......... _...._._ QJJ"l'..,. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... a... l.t90 •a"SIT W!fA ..... 'DIDe ~ lll~W.._. ._,_.....,.. ''Tiie Cobwelt" "-J'?IMl'MI ~ bf.~ra hpt "S.v ... Aft91f Mell" Start. 8-daJ Hunter .•• Frootienmaa ... Adveotunrf Aw l9i-· ~ ~lP m YWtE ~ ...... ~-­INUHI ........... _....__ INSUM.N<lll .&8Dlft w. 0. 811C.. mo. . ............ _ ......... INTDIO&~ 111.A.JfCD "7'5Wecrr .&.IA NMVlaUle----- DICll MMJIW ... ........ _....__ DOllf mm•s• &. L D. :?: .=:------1 DPBOUDal!f G DJca •acwa ""~.,,.._ ..... _ WA'roll llD'&Ja YDf~ .......... UDO~ Mil ... Ult wumow oo+ a ---·---........ or • 1M • . ' WROUGHT IRON DINING TAILES 116. 60.00 YALUD 24 ,...,.... ..t ., .... • .... , 77 ....,.., ._...., lf'Clll trameel 8-97 ..... lope! .,... .. • OUAT •al•! ·······-·· .. ··-···········- . . COMIAL SBOPPD r.... of -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-Pl!SS PA6E I· PAlT I WIDNESDAY, AU&UST 17, 1911 , ..... 'eAV.._te .. ftT .. Ac-I ...... ! 3-PC WN4lflrt Iron Sedlonal .... 1 eo.00 Yal•ef U'• a &remHf-VALUE! I wartl794 '17 ....... ....., u.aa...-,..,.., Wldl ........................ . ..... ,.., ~ ., n.. ,....., T..-, ....... ,,111•qt ... --·--·- MODERI! I Pc. Moden Walllllt D ... Set 1.,. 100.00 v-.1 !. ..... cun~• ~ ~-:-:,i · ...,.. ............. wtUa I ._,._117577 ............................. .,... • * , r .....,. ., ....... '7 . ...... ! --·-·--·· HOUSt: & GARDEN FURNITURE:~:: .::~·.L~~~~ALLY! '100 ,ooo·· • co1or1u1 New Sofa Piiiows! EVERY ITEM OF FINE FUINITUIE! DIAPEllEI! FLOOI COVERINGS! =t ~~~' -~~~:A:'.·~t. s..oo SLASHED FOi iMMEDiATE ACTION! IUY NOW AT COST! IELOW COST! --.. , __ , --.. I lt'e ear 8th ~l I,_,. ~ow -' We're OVEB8'l'OCKED I We MUST 1 1 •LI SELL-OUT a llirse pen of W. beudlfwl to teniDg th• people of um .,. wttb I I -~ ltocll of ....... Wroagbt Ina ... America'• ftne.t fvnlture, tloor-covertnp 1 llodena farlture, drapedel ud floor CIOV· --w1 drapery braad 11nee r Now r A 1a1e Starts ...,. JM .. qmcnY .. POSSIJll.E r ...... Group Drmpe,,, Fabrics deelpecl to be the ~t .. oar •Un I I • I Yoa11 n.. VALVES Oii MOIT DDI&. 6 1aWory Ev lt.e ta tbe .to IF lcl ABLE FURNITURE '" NEVD 116ULAI 3.95 YALUDI c ,.... t ery • re I r ay I DU:•Ml:D PO&'llBLE I NOT BIN-SJ a-. .,. ,..rs-~ .. '-•97 a. prtc.llubed ud repre1e11ta V .lLUDI i Wll'BB•:1.o I ENnBE 8TOOK OOE8 l ·= ~~-. 1 _...:.!. .. ~ that are oar blrtllday gift to YOU! NOW! •• 10. Ill. 1 C.... upeetni tbe BUYING OPPOB- y oo can •ve up to 603 oa all type. • 1 TUNJ'l'Y of a UPE'l'llllE l We OUAJl.&N. of ..-. for tt.e bomel and Continues Daily! 1 TEE roa wUJ NOT BE Dl8A.PPOl1ft'El>l -----EASY PAY CREDIT TIRMSI , ~p•n ~· & ~·•·nit•• 1 AS LlnLE AS 10o/o DOWNI Smail Table Lmnp law 'n.f_priom .................. .... 22.91 to JJ.911 sr c::r .= =-...: ..::1 ~-.~~ Rall• MahDIJClllY .. IEG. 70.00 VALUE! Puft!l't tor r-r .._ ,.uo or otne.! 4911 ~~.:.~.~~~~~ PIEL CANE LOVE SEATS llG. 14.95 VALUIS! • .& Twrtn. V .U.171: I IASKD CHAIRS Don't Miu This Tremendo• Oppot t1111lty To SAVI As You'w Nev• SAYED l1fore! ITS TERRIFIC! c.-······-·-4'7 a. ................... _.....,._ .. _...., w ............... ,.,.... ..... ... v.-...... .... .... ..... .. .... lM .. ... S'"'7...-.-w:: .... .,.. ..... , ll'OWl .. t.-.at ENTIRE STOCK SACRIFICID IN THIS ALL OUT STOREWIDE SALE! SAYE Tiiis ii Tnlly S•••••• .. I SAYll I-PC. RATTAN . LIVING ROOM SET .llG. 2aG.OO YAWll CLOSEOUT! RATTAN SMOKE STANDS llG. 10.95 YAWDI ni.. .,.1'111111aLtnethe!8ten17 4 ...... I 1 ...... 1 Md ...., ' 77 _...,, N-! ~ •"r ---- RAWAN CWI CHAIRS llG. 10.00 VAWDI GARDEN & PATIO FURNITURE NOW SLASHED UP TO &.Ure JMllAI ll«.ll llOl'T 00! r ....... ..._ ... ..,eo11-..-.....1 'hWlel .,........ ...._, Umbrellu! 8e.dl eMll'll OM aml aiar-1 ....... 1 ......... 1 ~ 2 , .... .... 10.l .................... 1 HOUSE & GARDEN FURNITURE J017 WEST COAST HIGHWAY 111oc11 S1s1• ot n. ArcMs NEWPORT llACH Smml Peel Cane Tub Chain u. G. 5.00 VALUESI '291 ~ ........................ eMll9 111 .-.... , AM HOWi At t1111 ....... ..... .... ....... .urnnll&EI --- ue. 30.00 YAWi! 19" • -" d11raMe ~! ........ , • .-in .., a eodrtaU ..._I AU_.. .a .... ..a.t ......... ! . --···-...All ,., Unfrwned Picture Prlllhl llG. 5.00 to 20.00 YALS' 60% n-are_...., u.. n .n" type,.._., :.::::~"':''::r~-~--~ • I-Pc. WnMICJht Iron D•1n. IEG. 70.00 YALUll ---... ,_... -. .. ~tltl9 ! ~:: .. .,::·~ 39 . ... ...,. pea ,, ~~~.....: . ........... b99tMll'I! 1 A Yef7 .atnettve Mt . ··-···-······ -. "'"*I»,,_ O.U wttll • fof'ftlka 22'" top! Lure 9hel a... 16M . ~ COASTAL: SHOPPER H l!lcl111l9. IMtndio• %&-81tuatlou Wutecl -.....alel,e WuW D •• w..... Quality p • .:11n Barbo 1616 WEDNESDAY. AU6UST 17, 1955 CONTRACTORS Roy'• M•intenance a~.!.:,Y;-::;:··~UO:,!; V.::W~•·yr"'.°' .:-..,: nDWU6, f · ! ALL M.4SSIJl'ICATIONS Boue c•••s-n.. WU1llC ottl~• bookkeeper, re1taunnt 6: Ropr Cat• MartM at Pvtl. -------------------~ Cla. SS•lfi. 18d::·~=~~-:aca:,E w=~~ ~;~:~:tw::=::~;.=_ . apen.o.. ClauM T\l &Ad LDert)' ,_1111. 1ttc ~enc1 '02"-U.CS St., Npt KAN cw broker. 1'aaWw wtUl -... ' ao •t•-~ .. _ Bcb.. <~ Clty Ram H·...._ .,_ ""-__ ,_._ ::;.:--fTM'. .:=-.;;. LU'9 Expe~rdener •W4 to-;:;. no .;;;i. to ..u Al Tvler School wANT wwcw • apt. PNt• ~H n:111= ::. ~ t 1111 Mo.Bro&dwa1, Santa .Ana and CLEAN UPS couple. U 1-4114 or Ki 2·21t& t4ir at.. ea.ta ....._ u .... 11 11 -"--*-' _N_ou.._N_ewport ___ Barbol' ___ !2!!~---e!!!!!l.~L;:!,~;~.,!"!!'~-·-.... 1t1mChber11 2"2Jlp .. "' ,... ~ a.1eae _ A'!.:'! ..= :.:::.~ u:: .. ::..:. ..:. Uc ·.'-" B. P. o. E. VENETIAN BLIND in• ainting II ....... Waated earn SllO to SIOO a moeUt in quat•T An you .reat.16ia .. ,... . Ii 1787 ~ .., ~ a..... ...:=E. conJuncuoa wtlh born• dull• Urement r Do you waat eMecl .., ____ .-· 1 ,.-. LAUNDRY ,,_,___ -..-. H-WANTED uper1eced ......._ u l-6IM • II* lnoome in a po.&Uoa ot ~ -.__, ·---,, ..,._ 6 -KU1t N hat 6 ...... t Boan . and tru.tT We want matun ti. YI& o,.to -o.cna Aft. TBm JQIW r·¢hr ,.._ ...U.-~ ~ MIMI N 1J to I,. a ~ell AJ9l7 STANDARD s-Uemaa to •n• la....._t Jf-._. od. P•-•Ha ....... A....------------art... 1J .._ llUJW J'!D ntY. acoowita Wa .,._, Wnte P.O . .llNlt a. .Cam.;... llalted 11111irr • .... .,.., r '......_ mo w. o...a rr.t. llctO ST A TIONS ._ 11•. La CUada. ...._11 Only $1.00 Real Estate Scho •;.:: ~: .:::;t. in Santa Ana ol Work clcae "7 .,,....tment KJ:N 6: WOlmN pnpan ta _,..,. n.. Ubll't}' WT01 Ume for uaUIDJted oppommt or Klmber!J 1-111'-ppt.fc tn Real Mat.. New cia-HAULING U• truh or? At.. &m OI' MALI! _. J"l!MAl.JD lla.trdrwr to work la .... pleuant llllop. l1ftl'7 thine f\IJ'nlahed. mp.t r-rantee " on-•....... paid. KAJUO'I 8JUAT aft-Bar a.!CM. 110c4 Ru opellinC for ltatlon ~•n ~ 18-40 Oranr• Count1 5-Day---ro-Hour Week Hip 1tart1nr pay Jl!xcellllllt i:Mneftll Oood opportunity tor Achancemeat POlllTION open for 10WIC man to a.ill an ciJ"culatloa dept. Pw- m&11ent. full time emploYJftent. Not a wmmer job. Do not apply It not permanent SM Mr. Parry, NEWPORT HAR· BOR NEWS-PRESS, 2211 Bal· boa Bl•d., Npt. Beach. Barbor 1814. lltf A.nyt.btns, Anywhere Liberty 1-11'1 Mtfcpp PAINTING wMkJ.1. Al Tyler autructta1. lead ftrrt 9Yen1JIS "" and le &bout uaa. .-r-t flUd.. Call write DOW, I HOURS weM oan Mt JOU 1100 KO EXTRA ncce111:. ~ m. moaWJ to buOd a aecure bUa. ot J'OUI' owa. Mo tn...tment 1'yatt •·1101. tlpll Apply • ---------- CEMENT 6 BUU..OING All Kln4I J"llEE mrIKA TES Liberty s-e1oe M. W. ROSS LI I-Wt • LI 1-TU,1 2IO A~ o.ta ll- Mttc H .... , .. Al Tvler School 1111 No. -Jl'roadway, Banta .Ana Kl T·IUl·Ja 6-MD-Kll 1-16 13 ttc %8 •t•U.. Waated w A.NT cook fw nelnS meal. Muat be @ J1L ot qe or OY•. Call LI a~saa. tletl QIJUA YOU Aloobolka ~ Working Mothers wtD • .,. aa oppwtwJQ STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia and Oout HJpw&y Coron& d•I Mar C!l&pmaa aad 8pedra J'Ullertca l :SO to t :SO a.m. Konday " Tlwtada,.. 92ce Wnta P. O. ._ Ml Child care In my home da to ad.--ta our ftna. FOR RENT lfewpelt ......_ ~ ti.me. Newport Beish becaua9 ct our p~t •· ....... llanar ,,. pualoa procram. Y· t. YOUNG m&rrled man for tum. delhoery truck. Opportunity for act.an~ent l:xpet1ence not --.ry -Martin FUmlture Co. 1186 Hr.rbor Blvd. eo.ta x.... llc!H .. ..... Dec. D1tD11, Pol.t.ber'I. w. area. Liberty ~7S7j. nae 1tarUnS aUu7 le .. b'Pea ot aandere, Whealllv· ----------83c9S pod> .... J'OU wtD neetff ..... e&o. IA--.__.. aL&a, . tr.qumt Iner •-. too. AllllW'nON ALL BOYS BOYD'S HDWE =:t. -.Jom DOW tor· nm NJ:WB.-PRD8 la now tak1ns . Superfluon• u ... ..: Cru.<>RllD lAd7 wtab• da7 wwk TELEPHONE" 'oPERATORS carrter appUcaUou tor rout. la lllO w. OOA.IT HIGHWAY -~ ci..asq, cioqjll:tq. eatesi.q. theM nelpborhoodl:- r-wm, If-Bl:ill •tte Penn••'-.._. ... ,._,._ Kl 1-tW. 90pt2 -NA.Pf}!,_-,___., Balbo&, Wat Newport, )lalboa _.., -.... --...., 111'~ o. _...., a..... 1.e .. NeW'pOl't Hel,;bta, Corona du anm. ..... llJ"•wa ... ..., W .ANTED -MendlnJ -min Rm. 211 -8Ulta .Ana Xa.r and co.ta Mes&.. 1*M ...... Mo _.. tw1 *I aJteraUON. In m1 bome. t :OO to •:OO P.X. It J'OU are 12·14 yre. old, and ba" u..~ I._,-="~ . ..,. u Mt16 topt P .ACIFIC TELEPHONE a Mc:ycle. app11 &t th• et~ Tatlc Uon DepL, Newport Harbor ... CLEA.NINO 6: IRONUCO bJ ------·----NeW9·Prua, 2211 Balboa Bl'f'd., ----------day. J:xperlenced. Balboa la1an4 w~~,:~.,~--1:~ St.'": N.wport 8-ch. between 10:12 _________ i _ou_c ~B..Jtla Aw. P"t•rnd.. KI 3-eoM. Oout m,tnr&y. Apply &t'ter-L m. or 44 p. m. ooly ncept aoou. l2c:N Bat:urd&JL tic YOUTH WANTED t.o 1-.ra dra~ MZN, J'u1I Ume diab W'Uhera. ery It upboi.t.ry work. mu.tt be SNACK 8HOP. 2305 I t Cout OOllK11DU0u.t worker. LI 8·&618. JncllW&J. t2cN t1cea House Plans LmlllTT MSlll Elec. Tool Repair DU ....... DrUla. Sanden • QUICK SICl\Vle& etc. or call 2 lb• u MASSAGE EXPERIENCED IN YOUR ROME ! GARDENER . o._alEN MOTORS Dod11 ,.,.,51. Costa Meta 53 Plymouth Surbur· ban. All the extras, 21,000 miles -Im • meculete . SJ Chev. 4 dr. sedan. Auto. trans., r • di o, heat. 2·tone. A dandy. 50 Ford V-8 ! ton pickup. He•ter, sharp, sharp. ....... lllyl" Chev. ! ton p~kup- 165.00 LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4.11 N .. Jf.-port Jlhod~ Npt. Bdl. LlNrt7 ..... 6'ttc Servin&' t.lMt Jkt1lor Ana. 1A4Me oe1y OARDENINQ 6: yard work by F or &ppt. pa.a. call Ba.r. nt0 week or month. DANCING INSTRUCTORS ll&C'llANt c WANTED. Aleo Ju-Crosley station wagon Ihle Ir l'emaJe brlc&Uon m&A. l:Jccl.. worldnf 1445.00 da7 p AINTING PllNBJOHER wanta odd jobll Earn up to $160 per wk. ;;::Ooo~ppllo:n&~ 1880 N...,.rt Blvd. ts--Lo.t Mid read pert-Um• work. "J&Ck ot U JOU U"O IJlt.Wcat. M&t a.ad 1100 W. 0oMt Hytnray, N--U S.'Jt'JJ or all cw 11.&r. Olll, l6cll LlbertJ 1-tlllt attn I . Mc9t ml'lllUOlt _ ICXTl:IUOR att.raeUve and .,.. kloldq for ___iport=._:~-=· :cl::-•---;;;:=~t0ct~2~=========~ LIClllN&ED _ INSUJU:D LOST -PankMt blue 6 ntt.e t.n.de9. H&r. 1814-M. 11 a brlUlallt c.,... u aa 1utt'llc-_ Glenn Jo"'-.-.on maJe. 'rida1ty '" llar"*1t.e ~--~ ~:....·a pl3 llllln. C.D.M. Har. ltTl..J or UtT-W. KAl'f 6 WOKAN wtn do ,_.,..i -----·· ._ .... -.m ....... e .... , IOl • aut It. Newpcl't Beecla • tOen bouwwork. noor wutnr. wtn ITUDI08 ot DANCING an tn-ST A FF 0. D L. S 0 N . Barber 11'1 UUc ----------dow dean!D1. Fut worker i-tecS an you. U J'OU a.re - UROICNT --.. Wlltt.e. lM I!. 20th It.. Colt& arper1eneed we can ~ J'OU •NJa..a ud DQC". .. H H. HOT 'DR{)()K · --pup ~ M--. LI 1-2"3. pptf lmlMdMltely. l£ 1'0ll .,.. lllllt &L&Ol'IUOAL OOllTLU7l'o&I ' . • ~ IDtlllk:al can )8'l M...,.i .,_ ---------.._a...._ ...... Dl:PEND.ua.8 PLtJMllDfO Aq. I ..... 6 Madl. .,...,. ~ cran. ~ _._ ~ _.. wUl tn1n JOG. Ut •• d' &~ • ...,,.. ._. A"'-' . ·r -.... IDda ... .,,.._ f'CMl'Uoa .. SM••.. Ne Appiy w-1 •• ,. ..... _..,, '';==========;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;=:=:s ..,._ ........ ~ RSWARD IA...... ..... ,...._ Ae ntarh4 cb1M ~Via o,.rte Iii ta ob- ~ --=-~= 9W.ll LOft ,.., ., Az""1 ..., ** :::U~. ~ta~ Ban-IOtl N~ = CONCRETE 11.0CKS ... wWt Ml MMk ,...... ..... t-afl UI u Kl 2-0754 ----------&Aft at ... _., Or. C11. ... ---------mlCIUft.UIT -11.-..a ..._ 11. Bookkeeping Service ca.-• --.. ~ .r.w 11• weVLD w.. c.o • 11oo1s11..,.... "• ....., ..,. ..-... ''* ..__,... ctlWed. w_,,. ...._ la •1 ...._ •wNarMe, Bar .,._ Mart ..._ U WJOI -.,,....___ omaP.&JfY -1111 L ............ A.aa rom -curm:a Alm OOJ1oam mocaa ........a:>ro sn::m. ... atl'PPl..ID You Are Invited To Attend The "GRAND OPENING" of Ceir1•• .. M.'1 Newest I_.., D1lc•t•u• ' ourmef .1 _}~fchen ( Phone Ha 4466) Weclnesday.August17. 1955 Speclal1ln1 •: l•la111•••• '•c• llened ,.... 11 • t Dluen from ' • t I..._ f.11 ... S1af11d D1l1• ... Lacll11 for ,._ ........ tltpe "Mew• the W• Oout" Bon d' ... n"N for,.._ ,......._ I .-L.., lol'' ()ockW~ •-...,..., llaMll·IA a MW. .. •Ill y .... i.n·ltlll for.10......._..,.. · Local Dersvery Service from 11-8 • -C•tering Servic- o,. .... Speclall CNah-from .._ .,....., ............ ------~-tl.16 .. Pw-.U." a ......... a.-<W&e ···-· .16 (uea..IY• • tide .,._) : .. ·~a.;: ________ :: 'H: ~-9 ..... ...... ---·····--·---·--·--·· ---.. Lii . See You at The &ourmetl or Call Hart:.of 4466 We'll le There From 11 .9 Da1fy .A'ITmNTJ01fl Ba.r lllC).J, ..... OllO. tlpN ncH Ooecneton........,.,.. -=============;:::======:;:::=::::::;::::::;::::::::;::::::;::::::::::::::::::::::::~;::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~================================;::;::::::~ Meed • ••.. '° ,........ ,_ .,, r u.oa...,.~~--­n. T AM aboUt our rw-=bk ....... Kar ..... ...,,. hdT ASPHALT TILE ~wauni. Mtir-. l>Ytrtbut.on Who&.al4 prleq to Oont.raet.cn " T1le a.u.n LI S.7'93 68tfc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM l t.ut&U \.be &bove ch .. pe.r than lllOllt. Ai.o Ml.I Tile It Llnolewn. Moe·VJlion, • Je&n •~ Compare and ... - 8IU.. COKER Jla.r. 4821 or Lo"f lleaeA T....,L tttfc Paintinc 6 Paperba.D.cinl We do the work ounelne. . ,.,. ~--­Uceuerf 6 tllilun4. lat•llhctklm ~ lllrtamat. tr.. Call .Jollaale. LI S.2S8T Ir LI 8:5288 Sltf c CARPENTER Rep&ir Work o... rowr a... NMd ~ • 111a1c >sr C&ll mu. UNf\1 ...... All Wor• ~ '4dr GeneralC:ontractor UCZNBED New Work -Remodellns J . MILTON McKENZIE Barbor ()893..J Mtfc COMPLETE PAINTING • Paper Banitnl 8enict SUQICNJI O. 8AUMI>mW IOO llat ltnet. M..,ort -.el ---Ifft -... ..... u. C:ARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK HO JOB TOO UUU. B.O.~ 101' .. Balboa atYCL. ..a.a Bart.cw Hll lltf9 Painting, Decoratiq PaperBMA GEO. BURKHARDT LKWW> OOM'nlACl'Oll .,. "· 11tJl It.. Oaata x .. U)er1:y .... _... ....... ued w. ... ,_. a..& ..__ no wUI ... .._. TCllCOFJl'OW tie ..,_ .. wMt M _. TODAY! a.em tM _,, CIU91atlled°11W ....... ...,. • 4Jst Ladles ~ White Skooters .... 7.lt _______ ·--·-··-·-Sale '3" P11TeJ Blankets RefJllls 10.95-SALE-2 Pr. FOR ·-~,. Baby Dresses-9-18 Months .... 3.95 12.ft Reg. 2.95 . $1.ft ~. Assorted Slips Reg. L9S ...t 6.95 __ Sun Bras and Hosiery s3" ..... Sale POU PAllOT CHILDRIN1S SHOES y_. C...._-Te Cl1• ------,3 .. ._IM·I N1:Ul•U6 _ ...... .., ... .._. .... I 09 .. W- JlllMt .......... LedJ. Reinert' s -FifzPatrick ~ the .... fr~ at Newport tor the pmt 41 .,..., .. celebrat~IMJ their m1111Yr.w t wltll ... se exceptlonal bstal•I MIN ANb IOr5 NYLON SHllTS Reg. 2.95-1.91 Sale 99c MEN'S WOOL SLACKS Reg. -1L95 -16.95 • NOW 1/2 PRICI W AUONG SHORTS -NAVY RMJ. 4.95 -....... --··---NOW T MEN'S LINEN SLACKS MEN'S LINEN JACKETS MEN'S •RMUDA SHORTS •• •• ,,. c ....... 0"111 IUllDA YS 10 to I .... o--..... -iJ NIWPOIT llACH _ ...... ~-........ ~~ • ONCI A YIAll HOSIERY SALE .... 11 .. .... 20 lti 1eh a....,. ........ ...... _ A,,W• Clllb Oil* .... Sale Sale 1 pr. J pr. 1.tl -----1.6t -... __ 5.00 1.61 1.Jt -·-----.... ···--4.15 1.JI 1.1t _ .. _ J.15 a.. ... ASST. SUMMER SPORTSWEAR 1/3 to 1/2 off • announce their . GRAND OPENING THURSDAY, AUGUST lltll TWO STYLE SHOWS First Show for Tots and Toddlers at 11 :00 a.m. Second Show for Juniors ·at 3 p.m. • Jeri's will feature smart clothe1 for children from America's fine1t manufacturers of children'• wear. • ORIGINALS BY MILLA OF CALIFORNIA NAPPIES ANN SIERA JOHNY LEE VICKI MARSHA LITTLE MISS FANCI PANTS TA YLORED SLACKS OF HOLLYWOOD DON RANCHO PALOMINA SPORTSWEAR BONNIE FRANCES LINGERIE CARL TONA LITTLE SHIRTS TRIMFIT CANTERBURY SY/EATERS MAR&ARIT RUHL: VANTA MOI Ne.,°" 11Yd •. ---1llCI' o.11t.niut1 1-1m ,., ..... M Or••I'• Olimlllr Mm rj •a.-<_, .. "'9Wt)r ...,_. tr t' ... •• ., ..... • A gi~ with every first purchase • ... Gl=TS POI ALL CttUUN ACCOWANB IY PADNTS • en~ aomethfn9 special for the perenh, too! High Quality Printing, Ph. Har. 1616 Sbalte Hancls With Yourself FOR MAKING THAT llG SAU RISULTS COt.il FAST WITH YOUI CLAlllfl• ~D APPIAU 4 11..s WIDLY IN THI WANT ADS CALL HARBOR 1616 I: t Pleads wtt... wu ~ uaaW. to COASTAL SHOPPER ,.A&E 7 r-'1115 •P=~ ~are a_,, 8eott WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 17, 1955 · Jl'lnM7, Lee Carol ao,.rwandRo-------------------Innocent on ~: ~~.:E: all= Rdltlous Checks Passed Nude Photos E:t.;: .. ;;;. In Mesa Draw Police Probe li.NTA. A.NA. ((>CNS) -Ac· lhe attaell and bJa p1l191Ciaa Mid eu89d ot lurtnr a ll•YMJ"-Old be would not be able to appear Jl'lcUUou. cbecu pueed Clft Jo On A U(. I, 811e pu.rchued mbOM 8ult& .t.na rtrt lnto ltripplnc for ln court' betor. AU&'. n . 1-Sport Shop and X&ri'a Doe at 1710 Newport Bl't'd. and wrote ~ ca lhe pret.ue he would Halleck baa been la eoec Be»-Store, Coet.a Ilea. wwe Ul1I a check for 110.72. Coel& M ... pt ·ber' a .... line job, t>&Yid pit.al wtth tra.ctured alnall atne. w .. k under ln.,..UpUon bJ t.be Bank reportl!d the a l'COWll cklMd. O. J'ouat. 16. 111 IC. Pomona, the attack and bJa ph)'llAd&D aatd M-police depart.me11t. Bot.b police a&ld. lanta Ana. pleaded tnnocent and he would not be able to appear check.a -re written on eo.ta --------- waiftd prel1mlnary bearinr J'rl· tn court before A.~. n . M ... Baak and •!&'Md by Roae clay. The Martaea' bail wu uon· C. On-ln payment I« marcbaA· WbU• th• .... .rted vlcUm aat erated. but rrtday Del. lft. V. I. dae, nport.a abow. ln the third. row waiUnl' to l'i" Mclifani&'al atated b• would arreet .At t.be .S..... ahOp, lW~ New· her t.ttmony the auapect waived the auapecta wti.ftenr Halleck'• port Ave .. th• wapecl purchued the heartnr. He wu reprMented phyalcl&A wW allow hiln to ap· a pair of ala.cit.I. -.al•r. bra by Dep. Public Defmder Bruce pear. and a pair of undi• Jllly 27 lumner. · and wrote a check for 122.JI. l'awlt la tree on ball. ------------------ fte Dtatrtct Attorne)"a ottlce Pwse Pmlol•d aaid It wUJ Ne JitormaUon In Nonna Taylor ot U1' N Bria· BALTZ MORTUARIES Superior court &l'a1n9t J'au.t at · t :ao .. m. AU&'· lt. Tbe charsea: tot nported theft of her purae C08TA. I0:8A CBAPIC.L CHAPEL BY THJ!l BEA Two counta of cbtid moluUnr. whU. bar car wu parked bl th• 1TU Buperior A.Hnue S620 I:. Cout Blvd. T1M defendant alao UMrtedly drlv-ay at 1117 IC. Balboa Blvd. ea.ta ..._, CaUf. Corona dt>l Mar, C&llf. ftJ:med two Corona del Mar wom-Friday attemoon. Pollc9 laid 15 ~ LJbv1;J t.2Ul Phone Harbor '2 ea. Tiiey were clad IA balhln( taJ.ned In the purie _________________ __. amt.I, however. .... __ 00_11 ______ • -----------------~-- T~ieves T1ke ·cash, Clot~i•c from C1n Here Cai-clouUnl' t.bJ8"9 were bu9y Oftr tlle WMk end. Newport Beach police reporta lhow. Moet- 17 they were atter cub, but in two cuee they took pnnent.a. Kary U. Bruno of Loe A.nl'elea reported two wallet. taken from b.er car In rron t ot the BIU• Room, ~ one ccietalninl' 111 and the other Slt. Tille wu about 2 a. m . 8unday mornll\I'· Leslie O.Yia loet tuur ~ two bloUN9 and one maa'1 ab.lrt. n11led at 1120 from bJa car at CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING New Furniture ..... .. 0...... OWplete ... •f ....,_ • t-*111rw Antiques Restored CUSTOM WOODWORK no S3tll at.. Saturday mominc. BRENEMAN'S A.lien D. Smith of ICl Toro r• ported Saturday lh• t.bett ot h1a troUMH trom bla car at 20t.b and Court Sta. 6'0 W. 17fll St. Carl Ober&' of Sen Jaclnto told llWc· llf., n INVESTORS, Are You 60/· Earning Io For 25 ye&n1 we have placed 8~ Firwt Mortgage Loana for a private money cUentele h'om Cout · to - Cout. We offer a co~ plete collecSJon a e r v i c e without charge. Writ• for Ire • 4f!teripthie ,. .. pAJet. We -Ir• "° Pf"• -'~tatiou. ........... -..... ta. .. ..... u ...... , .. , ... N ...... M. • ltl-lf M iii '-"'• AM, C.IH...,le ..... ,. -ft• ,. .. , ...... Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL • COMMEICIAL SECURITY PATIOL Kl 2·7027 police be bad hle ear ln the a.ea ._ _ ~ a..Ml CICQn tronl J>llrklnl' Sot laturday '-================~~~~~=====~~~~~~~~-----• ennlnl' and aoma oae tooll Ilia - wailet containlnr m . M1ri1es Freei Pe1~i1c Victim· lecovery Here nr.. . MariDN ........ wtUl MAtanc ud ...._I' a.a.w a... )eelt JUJ7 n. .... ,,.. ~ ,_.. D. J. Do4p 1'llur9da7 an- wllm J. Pvley 81111~ depat.7 dUltrtet au-,. ataled la opea ~ tMt ll&Decll. Ulla 81 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Your NEWS· • PRESS Is Published Monday Wednesday /Friday • at SC.nta Anci Teat & Aw.-lft9 once a year • • • storewlcle LAWN SWINGS Ov n..t ~ ........... with ....... priq pM. heavy 4" wlllte hiap eoU .,,., .,.. - % oaly -l fellow ud 1 coral 79J5 R.e1. M.50 ···-···· .... . .... . .... ···-··-·- Deloe vat d7ed lawa llW'lac. Mme u above Giiiy .tu. .0 eoU .,nag ..... • 64.11 1 ~ .... 1 n.t. .,. 69.~ -·-- Delue ..-w .... ....,. luenprill1 ped. ... heavy frtap. fleektd -tnlal. 49.11 la plak, I"'"' or white. ~!{. 64.95 . FOLDING ALUMINUM CHAIRS WITH PLASTIC WDllNG 01 SARAN =&:~--··-·-·--···res· s.es 1 J5 Foldlq ~ wHla ..... IJ5 .,.. ud plMtle web ---··-·-·· res. I0.9.5 l'oldlq cWn """ &J5 pWa or pWd conr ···-·-··· .. ·-·······1'91· 1.9.'~ ........ daaln wttll 5.15 ..,.. oner ··-···········---···f'el. 1:96 REDWOOD FURNITURE 50" ,..,.... ... brella ......, jj.51 complete wtth ' beeem ...... MJIO .. CW. '--1'1 eomplete wttll hosed Md 15J5 ..., nt cl1ed ,..S. from -----·- Al ndw..,. ,._......,.. .. .., Wltll ftlUq De.S- ...._~,..... ......... ........... FrOM 14.tS to zt.tl • Olloman Pads 18 ll n ... ueort.ed eolal9 8peeiady 2.15 Priced "' ·-· .. -- a.Me .,... .. ,.. Md 8araa covend, k a p • k . :::121.95 . ········-1&.15 cw. .-.. boud ud wehed.. cottoa tmed. VIit dyed CUIVM la .......ted ~ 745 aec. t .t5 . . ··~··· • Ch.aw. ...... bolled ud .,.1w_ cottoa nu.ct Fled&- ed e&avu ecnier bt plak. •bite. &reflll or IJ5 ,.., ... 9.96 ... Chalrr Pach Chair ...... box.eel •• d weltecl. k6pok ftDecL A. .ortecl •at dyed e a a • a a "°""" IJI .... lt.15 -·-·-···· Obalr .-.. kapok rtlle4. plMtlcl ...... cov-9J5 ...... U.95 -··-. a.Lr peda. bolled 1 a ad welted. cottoa 4.95 nDed.. fleK. l.M . . llaay other .....U pMh Md plDow1I red aced t Santa Alia Tent & Awning Co. 1626 S.. ..... St la A. Pll. II 2·1141 r.-. r... ow-rr1. a ..... .._ -•ta 1 ,.,_ oe.,..,. 1, COASTAL IBOPPD '**'-of PA&E •.PART 11 ~NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS WE~ESOAY. AU6UST 17, 1955 Good Used furniture Compi.te bouae or apt tvnJablap B.troom. ll'riDC room. din1q room. Lawn and patJo furniture All kinda baby funllture Near Nu Fumiture Mart 2119 Newport Blvd. HU. 6192 . •.:-.-;• ... ;..,.....,w._. ........... ...._ ___ • SO.!::!ft!!:'!! Beacon Penmnnel Washing Machine Sl:RVJCJl 100% employer retained l·JUI' p&rant.ee oa joi. dcu Ul4 -.............. ,..~ agency (l'Ml'l Newport Bl,. O.ta 1111-. NO fee collected from Liberty M503 or Liberty applicant 8-4327. MUc We ban excell. openlnp for O.n'l. oftlee, Mech. !In,., Book· kee,er machine oper.. Sect)'· ec.o., nx oper., COit acct. A dom•Uc BEACON PERSONNEL (A.pney) Ntwp0rt s..cll J:LllC. REJ'RIG. II cu. ft .• perfect eondlUon, ta8. ltta W. Balbo& Blvd., Newport Beach. 110cll2 CONCRrl'E .MIXD, uMd (With· out motor}. For cuh. Ph.' Bill Coker, Har. 41tl or Lonf Bela. 7-11173 eoUecL llc:N UCEN81lD J'M1 •tale u.Jeamu ------------ or broker who la tamlllu wtt.h. n.-Fanltare for SAie the area and not afraid to work. BAY It BEACH REALTY 1111 [AtayetU, Newport Bch. tfe Sot a and Chair CAPABL8 lll&ld to do lronlnl' a.net UMC! but l'ood u D-· Ver)' dN.n In ttne Fretse COftr. O>nftfte 1eneral d-.n~ tn new Irvtne to comlort&lloM bed. 1-than Terrace home. twice a week, 1 )'Mr old. ONLY Slt.IO J'Oft muat wear uniform. Har. 6*. BOTH p~• • 111.,ea ...-..-. ORIGINALS AJ'Tl:R..NOON, Coclrt&ll, dinner ell-... It Coordlnatee. CUSTOM ORESSMAJCINO Ph. Hartlor IJll...R ltcJ Chrome Dinettes CLOSING a.at at a tr.cUoe of ortrtuJ pr1oe. 8ome at ~ ,..,, prtce. Don't mlM W• cloee ouL Modern Lamps NJ:W-20 at "' rer price. &om. ln palre. Lot. ot eln.f!• l&mS- and all brand n..w. You mu.l hurry to haw a food eelecUoa. ~tme. !~r_ 8'Je. __ _ BY THE ROOJO'ULL HT THE HOUSEJ'ULL BUY IT AT BAY THATS WHERE YOU SA VE BAY FURNITURE "WMl'I PJtoee .,.. held a\ a.y" -ALL NEW- LIVING ROOM OUTrlTI a.pc .... tclWlr mepl• wood arm ,.,.,. aota. plaUonn rocker, club ebalr, I Alp end. 1 OO(fM table, 2 rutfll .tl&da m.aple table lampe. Choice ot 1tman tweedy cover•. U2t.60 va.lue .......... at Bay 12111.60 l ·pc. wroupt Iron l'P· lft anappy 1tl&IUUJIC mod. 1t1Unc and 1tur- dy too. Lat.Mt color 1Cheme1, Ice pink, charcoa.I, bell'• or powder 'blue. lnclude1 bed dtva.n, loun,er. otwman, 2 •tep ende, 1 cockt.a.11 l&ble (plutlc toptl. I table lampe. Pl9.60 value .......... at Bay 11".60 l·pc. CUrYed ceaiter eecl. l"'P" eon· 111\.1 0( 8-pc. MCtlOnai With dUr• abl.: top l'r&de cover, 2 etep enda, 1 cocktaJI table, 80lld aah tumed Jep wtlh brue ferrulu, ._A .. ~...;llli..._le __ _ "PENNANT WINNER USED CARS!" BELOW MARKET PRICES 1963 DESOTO V-8 'door, Sedan. Jet black. Power ateerill&', pwr. bnkea, torque drive, .waw tire1. Local one owner car. Immacu· late ..................... : ............... -... ...... .... Only $1595 1964 FORD Club cpe. LlSbt blue, overdrive, heated, Excellent condttion. Look• new .... $U~ 1~1 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL 4 dr. aedan. En· gine rebuilt. P'ull power, original black tinJah. New aeat covera. Worth much more. ·········-··············· .. ····-·· ·····-· ... Only $1095 1954 PLYMOUTH station wagon. Hydrive, Radio 6 Heater. Sand and Green color. w.w tiree. Deluxe model ·········-· ... Only $1995 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 w. Cout Hirhwa.y. Ph. Liberty 8-3488 • 2 modem S W'1 llWil.chH table 31-ao.t., 8~ lampe ~-;;:..;.-.l.-.~..a...-----GMC $3011.60 value ......... at B&y 12411.60 WANTED to buy .A.ppros. 10 ft. BEDftOOM OU'ITITI OlaM dlnpy wtth or wttlleut I pc. l'J'O\IP lncludee II dr. trtple ..Sllnf 1ur. C&ll U M7lll. dru.er, 30x'8 bevel edJ• plate llpN mirror, bookcue headboard. 24 rr. LATE MODJCL ll!XPIUllSI Sleepmuter tnnerapr. nw.tt. 00 Cru11er. Xlent coadlUOll. J'UD)' yr. SWU'·> matchln1 box 11pr., equipped tor fllhJnf. Cllr)"ller metal tram• crown enpe. Sacrtn~ by own.. 12811.60 value .. _ ... .al Bay 11119.60 er. Har. 2408.J lkH I pc. l"'P.. 1Acludea 8 dr. dreue.r, 30d0 bevel edJ9 mirror, booll- cue hMdboa.rd, 2 nlte etandl, SWU'· lrul.erepr. mall A box apr. metal frame 1211.!0 Yalue ........ at Bay 111511.M KITCHEN OROUP8 T pc. ITP• lJlcl. l .J cf. Philco retnc.. bu CroM top treeur, mMt 4 en.per tra11, .tlelvea In door, butter keeper. H " Well bullt ru rana-e, • burner divided «>p. oven control 6 brCJUer, 8 pc. dinette Mt (Clll'ome or black) 3Qa40'' Mica top at•nalon table, • to&m rub- ber -t ch&lre '4151.!0 ftlue ....... .at Ba)' 13411.60 BAY F(JRNITURE AUGUST SPECIAL I We aHd ..,,..rat upr1pt p&AAOI tor ra11 rent.ala llatra tars• trade all~ce• made -UJ Sptnet pilulo or IEJectroftto oqan at 8BAJ'llR'1 MWll.o Co.( llnce 1907) U1-41ll N. l)'cam.ore, lluta A.Ila. Ph. Kl. 2-0.TI. BECHSTEIN. One of the worl4'1 sn&teel pl&llOI Ju.t lilt• new, Good tor 1eneraUoD8. Tou wtll be thrtUed to hear and J)la1 W. marnmcenl ln1tn.un•t. The low prt~ wlll ..iom..b >'°"' Ot.her srande a. low u f'96. DA.NZ..8CHMJDT Bir It.ore, 6)0 Trip le Checked Used Trucks '42 Chevrolet ~ T. Panel 'M OMC 1ii T. Pickup 'IU OMO % T. Pickup '152 Chevrolet 1~ T. Pa11el '151 Dodie % T. Pickup 'M Chevrolet % T . Pte1nlp, Hydra-Math: Trarui. '41 Chevrolet l T. t ' IJtake Body 'M OMC ~ '. C • C, Ouala 'Ill Chevrolet l T. Paiill '12 Cbenolel I T .. 17t" Wll, 2 8Pffd. 1:1& Ttree '61 Int,,mat1onal LHO, I lpeed l :zt> ,,,. 'M Dodre a T.. ' Yd. Dump, 2 lpeed. 8:215 llree. '152 OWC 10 Wheel Dump, 9:00 Utt" We are ovc1t.ocked oa uMd ll'\ICk.I, 110 ,....,.bl• otter re- tUMd. II wdta to ..iect ''°"'· .. ve Um• u4 1ftOM1 by IMlDJ ue nret. Drastic Reductions Up to CSO'iti '21 E. l7th -eo.t& .... No. Mall!, ... la Aa&. Opell W W WOODS Sectional, 2-pc. aet--ru.ttn a lrTtae rrtdar ~·· • • 0 E •t 8 GMO DllALIR • ON 8uioa:R DRU81:8, ee.ea-. T-CUaBION ill JQ19tft1seW/PY perf V9$, ti KI~LL 8PINllT piano. MalM>o 118·1t & 6Ua at. auta Ana rat-. ortp.i. • _,... mom ...... ft.tis. priced at JU)' tlalah. Ll 1-6'76. ltdl o,ea .......,. A.M. KAJWDI WllBB l•.IO -•u,tlU, 8Mpwom. GREEN 8IlOIONS Hlde-a.'*I, ------------'hue.II B~ f 1t61 lo. Oout BlYd., U.,UU Bch. Brand new-i100. Orr. )on .at .... 16(). Har. ..a. HAMMOND ORO.A.NB. UtUI uMCL ~ CMA:; or _________ .. _u._ MARTIN IOI Ab&&ofte. llalboa lei~ ~ ~=OWi: ~= ---------- KABOOANY Dtaett.e •t.. Wedp Spinet MocM, Wonderf\&I for STOP ;:c10:::.1.rutl'•· Wake = FURNITURE CO. •A_.b..... church W homa. VsrJ libenl 1116 R.u1iw Bhd. Cotta ,... ~--e&Ylna on th .. '--....., la· BALES •lip A ea.lb macblna. matched ,..U cue A C01mt., chalre, p~ .w.d, floor ru ~ter. buQoo • wtatt. raa. ehadN. CRZAJ', LI .. Tiit. llAIN Dale's Furniture Lnler\7 1-1111 TWO v .... 1' Ln hlrl\. J11te ot atrwntnt.. TA.Kii A LOOK AT 'nmml •• sm,.,.. R"VIAN T\TN'. ...... D~. NO N.. ,,..., rou'U 8TOP LOOIDJIO 6 llllAtll\al., wnt.e BOil M • ..... ...., 0.-..._ ...,. 'IO pty. I •· ' e,,"e ~ ....... tlfN 1P11C1AL llVYI 'IO 8tUe o.a.p a&A.UTIWUL aALDI mep&e ._. '•7 ClleT 4 4r. .,,,. om. dl8a. _ POup OltD:!'CT AL NJ wall M!f!! • ,.,..._ "-ital Nhlna. ,.._. AJJ thrff txcep. de.an and read)' ~ ....._. patio ~ 6 I n. • 10. ll&r OHM\. .......... lllaM. Ull• MW. ..,,. fl.II.-to IO· BANK TERNS. 1000 ........, aie.ao -Oou--t unne .a.--- . "'" a.w a..u. -. ! . !!!!!.~. au.na·a .. ....,.o.. <a1Wll07> TR.AN8PORTA110N J:mbc>Ned bulin.,. or appolntmmt _ ·-· .. -. ___ 116.ao 6 .,.IC> Ht-tU N'. 1~.a"'°"' ..,.ta A• cant1. 11~== ::-U. 4':..':' !"'':!!:"" P ADDLEBO ARDS ~l\t•• IUml»r1J a.-n 'II ,_.. t!.~~. l\l. $4.95 -.. ... ... lt'TJIO fltl:HT a ......... ,.._.,. &ow• NAr ttrndw olf .... let LEON WHJIE Wq.._. ~ .... .-.o.e. LIXI: lfew 1.1\ti n.-ue..o t6 p.r mo. Wt the klddMe ·u hrd oa-.. cal. tnu\8. LJ l-61M or U MOU lhfc Nl:W, automatic OV8. <:r. 110 H~\Ga AH .• H .... B..ch IMm. AU '-'ll rent appllee lf tor -.. ···-·-.. ··-··-···-·-f4t ···-····-.. · ''79.JIO ~ 1-4712. )'OU bu)' ...... • ... hnt 6.1fr, 8edan Good l'OR IAJ..m I _,.l dlUMDd A •ppbln nor a"4 l:menld • lift ~bor, Coata II-. ITol OANZ.8CKMIDT. 820 No. Mata. ni~ 6 niu pod -·---11' dtamond rtn1. Can Har. HM-M I n . G. I:. R4trtr. Xlent ooo4 fW ippl. Hell& 113. OoftM t.&b14 • U . 8~e lt n . MOltOANCll.4.rJ', ti In. beam. • ll.p. ~rude twtn e&eetrM. I ecoop bait t&U, _,... ., new, hll pnc. ma. Coat.act Joe )(Jen. c/o BeJdY• T.-Je 8hop, Harbor 261. ltpN 8anl• Ana. l 00 pluoe troa which t.o c.b001e. FRANK LE FEVRE 1]81!!0 CAJ\8 KAMMOM'D OAGANa. J\&11 Une, ltll M_,,.,n 1l1'P4. Freeh Hearing Aid BA'M'DID Mat.er IT .60 I Uuvw NC• 1%0. Har tTl·W. Call monllnp. 112ct4 We W.. UH Of'MD atams- G d D Co MEAJU.T N'9W "-Coral, mod· un eraon rug . era ,_ nabber 'au-.• cM1r MMa •~at Ballloa 111'1'd. • ..,._ MT.to .... _. .. or w...it end. 28' STBLCRA.n nahl... boat. &II modda. rt. pruUc. rooma. M~rt Beach H~. eon Come ln a.n.d play OD Ul)' modti. 12c91 The Ot•t C<lncert Orp.n, lbe ------------Home Model, U. ClnlNb Md UM '61 l'Ol\D VI 8 ...... epe. It.GOO mi. 1'lt1n atock pl,_, headllra, O. D., rad •• .,,.._l ti.c. w;w I ¥ v' Check these Used Cars atuy from a lucal dealer wllu ...W be ll•,.. l'OMOMOW .. -... .. w1111&11e..a.t"ODATI . ._ ....... ~--- ~ ... , .... 19&2 FORD Country 8l!dln .... ,.1nal owner. low 1'1llla1e. Radle, Huter A Fordomatlr. U t -7- .... l BE SURE! . BE SAFE! 111~' CUSTOM FORD V-8. 2-d~ Yordomatlr. power brakea, Ua .. •II ,, ... t hn1 OU\, Ilka "-· 7700 mllf'I. Juat r.lf' ... 11 to eet- le Nlate. 11~9~. Lt 1·1431 fat app't. 90oN BUY THE BEST 176 C K.EV 't l Df'luxe et"dan. ad condition. Owner. U B·flt112 91 ... Select a 0 8.AFE BUY" Used Car from our overflowing 1tock and save! ·~ DESOTO O.luxe 2·dr., orlrtaal owner. Xlnt condition, cl .... $600. Har 0692·R. 111cll 'M HlLLM~ N MINX convert. ... cellent condition. Or111nai OW. ar,. Har. 23U·MK. 111 ... ALL SOLD ON 3-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE 1()11•1 PLYMOUTH convertible, f4. '53 '52 '53 '54 SEE US TODAY! Willys . . . . . . Hard-top, new tlnlah. Radio, H•ter, Overdrive. Mercury . . . • . . 4-dr. Radio, Heater, Overdrlvt, E.x.cellent mechanically and real neat appea.rance. Oldsmobile • 91J Convertible • r .Ike new, Power brakea, Radio, Heater While finiah, new Urea. Mercury . , . . . . . . . Monterey Cpe, Low mUeqe, Mercomatic, Radio, Heater, Power Bralcea, full vinyl interior. -top, JOO<I condition. Prlv. put7, make offer. Har. 3878•M. IOell $1099 $1199 $2099 $2299 1951 Royal Spartan Mansion 3:1 rr. DlNETTIC, twin bade. \on1lder tradf', '20 W. lll 1\1atln, tlpt 11 rr. CtTRTUI Wr1(ht traJw. 1460. Har. 6441. JCvH .. 01 Via Lido Nor~. Ill,. Am FLOAT Traller like n-oa beauUr111 Lido Park lot neu b&y. XlenL buy.-Har. llN-W. ..... WILL 8ACRlr1Cll MODERN '6t Amerlran 31', 1 Bdrm. Tratw. May be w•n evae. at lot M Trailaway Park 1711 S. Jl. JD. way JC>l ~ mile Bo. of TU.u.. HpN . Thunderbird • • • • • $3499 1i PAN-AMERICAN* Paramount-Terry Kens kill '51 '50 '55 '&& 151 '51 rordomatic, Power 11eat, Brakea 6 atMring. Black Convertible. Ford • • • • • J'amed Victoria, New tiree, Radio and Heater. Fordomatic. Bnnd new finiab $1099 Chevrolet . . . . . • • • S 899 The wonderful Sedn't Full race. U.S. Royal Supreme tiree. Radio, Beater. Speclal interior. Lincoln • • • Lwcurioua Capri Cpe. Thia car bu everyth~ on it. Save $1400 • • $3995 Mercury . • . . • • . . . $2799 ramoua Monterey Cpe. Loaded witll extru. Dodge ••••••. · Ur. 8edm. 8rud ...... taa... ftnJah. &a.dk> an4 S..t.er. 0. ownft', Chevrolet . • • • • • Station Wqon. All metal. Clean, PowqUdt, Radio and Heater. • • • s 799 • . s 999 S.EE THESE AND MANY MORE at JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 900 W. Coaat Hwy. Open TUl 1 :30 Newport Beach LI 8-8H5 IJ ~ '66-46' Pan Amerlcaa 15-3&' Pu Al8erlan '50.,.1' Paramount., 2 bdrm. '116-ll' KemkW '&6-11' Kemkill M.UlT MOU -S.U, ~ mo DIIOOUMT °" noor M.ocw.. Port On.a,_ Tra11tt Sa.1-noo w. eout sip_,. P'laone ~Y M410 N_,ort S.ach ~ FOR S.AUC or t.rede. t.ra1let IDr c:ruiar e( ..,.i 'l'l&hlt. 8-- Jll', 2"' y•re old. oosta II.OM. ltdn!L, llilOWer, toilet. llot -.. ter. lc"91 refrtc .. JU &Dd '*" t11c lll'bla. 6 1111Jt .to ... UM4 f m09. 1.000 rMd mil.el. R.. a. Va.r., tH 1. w....,_ Aft., 1.. A. DV MMI. .... fl •4'W~ ...,._, M .. stra • ft., twta ...... 4tt.ft.tte ............. --., ..... , flf'tff. dO W. JA. 'l'Wt1a. .... HOU8m 'l"R.Ul..D. 111 ft. X.t. eoftdlt.loa. f&&O. Wer1"1maa 1111 8\lpenor, .,...,_ I H&rbor Wo- bUI ....... ~ ll89L '°"" TWO ..._. ._ tnller wUJt •• tra -...... u... a.o. an TUUa ..... N9Wl)Ort Rt.a. tOrH 1• MA Yft.O'IVl:ft t.raUer • to-n. UMd -1y ' mOlllthe, colt fllOO. Will ....,... tw IUOO • w1ll talc• .mall#r modem treJ.leir '°' my ooqwty and rou pay bUMI• <>t about 11&00. to racsne n.. ft&.nC. M IOl per mo. CooA&no. H&n-i-. 11191 Shore Parll. l Ttal uwt O.-t lltrJ .• Lot n . llpet 11ut1or 610. NUc LJ 1-:1217 lkN AU -.usppec1. nacty to IO· BR.AND N&W wtthln I boun l'UftDJnJ Ume. Coat 17200. lack· n .. forcee Mle A reeJ Mrsa&n at .... liar. HOe-lt. ITUt Spinet Modlla. U JO" lhlNl you cannot ,a.,, OCl9M ln and try the world famoue Hammond, -..y to play, ChonS Orpn. You wUl be utOl\lahed to ttnd JOU <"An play In ftftMn mlftutM. cu.tom -t oowr1. Pala' eft ------------------------FOi\ l.u&- DANZ·SCHMl.DT Plat10 6 ()rsaa Co. Home ot lhe Rammond, f\20 No. Main. Santa An&. wbtte. RMII)' /\lo. 1'b tnde 111118. a... rranlt at 2111 N'-· port Blvd., N-p Beacll IW' pt\. Ha.r. &<121 112c&1 11160 J'ORD Con.,.rtlble. er-tam wlth black top w w Ul"M onr- .._ t))()M wbo want UI• Wt BT IRVINll Twnee ..... Lale TRADE SMALLEST STUDIO Plano wtt.11 f\JU 18 k.e')'MVd ln t\n.e con· dlllon. Terme, H8.S5 doW1I and $18.17 per mo. at drtYe A h•ter, radJo. conunent&l kit. epot IJ~llt. priced t.o MU. Owner H.u 20~. t2ct4 Konkel's Interiors u~. ~ alipcovere. -· lloqlolftt ....... 8-dbl wuber It dryw. c.ur. lbope BeauW\1.1 70-tt. aus.. ICba•ar. Colo.nJal dl.n1nJ roont -. w1dl.e hll7 f OWld, Co anywbwe. WW bed9preada. N-pllofte Ll"-'1' .. Tll73 w E. 17th Fr.nch Provtncl&l bedroom ML take equity ln proputy or llDIJ... Dru.el pl.ne E&rl7 American ta· kr bo&t. 1220 W. Belboa Bl"f'd., b1-It cUJn. ~ tabl• A N~ Bar. 1032. ltttc 8HAFER'& Mualc Co. (lln.~ 1101) '21_.23 N. Sycamore, kilta Ana Phone Klmbel'lJ 2--0t72. etudlo t'OUcb. hook rup, IAmpe. It rr. ISTDJLCIUJ1T, equJpped USED PIANOI, pudl, ep&nete 'fl CHRYSLER Wln~r Con,...,. tlble clean 6 Xlent motor 1573. 8nu1 Hubor Tnlll•r Park TNLll• 3C Pl!. U 8-9080. 112pt4 Electrolux. f'ONUr, •tc. 19' pnee A 1-. Pllone~bor NtO. • 111p'3 '°' ·marlln. n.h1nr chair. (1ul \.nd u~bta. Good practice U-Aato 8ervb 11 rr. HOU8ETRA1LT.R ~lffpt ovt:l1ftwr, 15 watt ahlp to &hon. planoe u low u J126, IUI, lllT .:,;;;----------,- '-W1Ul R.etnr ... 1tove. Cheap. p..Uey • hud. Packard 120 b..p. Md u p. Euy tftTna. One onl7 Motor Overhau Allio lHT P'ord pll'kup. OXMI· __ _.__________ U.T50 116' 2650-W nctl famOUI maJce lplMl ellS'IUJ a.t.. ll~llrd. N_,,ort ~h. TWIN bede complete. headbo&nk, ___ . __ . ---·---d&mafed in ahJpmfl'll. Brand NO MONEY DOWN (art. ., toct2 2 c>i.t.. Dlte daad, 171:1. Oil WANTllD -eeooad lluld l&l1t1ah n-. Bis •• in,. • h h. d * TWO SIJIAL HEMP Ru.p. white. U -ft. deep treue. 1180. PaUo and ..a. ln food condlt.lon. Call OANZ·SCBXIDT Bl1 Plat10 .ot'· * wit t IS a u a 11 and 12 x 12. ww •11 =.;:oocs table 6 ~cb4:'~ _8_arbo __ ,_n_1_•_·'-·-----110pt2--pn Store, 620 No. Kalll., knt& e Cyle. $48.88 ---tely. Hu •073·J -evn. wal.nut, radio ~~ N"'a~ • ---"-., ..... _,_ Alla.. · C l:ltR tle -..--Pbonol'raPll conb&aat.lon. r. M.-.,.,.._ ---..r, .., "'......,and 8 yl•. ···-·---_.....,.oo or 8 un4a.>' llOcll 2 1100. J\~1. Ha.r. Hell. 111ct3 :!t;7or\;..~~~·t!:: ~= ~Do Cata, p ta lncludu ~th labor and parta. 8 l X IN. C1\Arl'8KAN metal ------------Na.,-~ Ulp'e cloe.1c, lzt>. ___ ..,P.----.._,__, __ fJ____ New r1nt•. wrl•t pins. V9"1.ve ~ a Jaw cJwck. mot.or, table BLOMD• mod. cu.atom made ta-P9ddlel. J&nt«ne and cabin MUST BACIUnCll ,rtnd. fltlln«• of main and rod 6atru117&. IAwco ICllJCtr1c Co. b1-. Lampe 6 book nip. J f\lllbal8 lamp, cheap. 22, Ute KERRY BLUI! Tamer pus-A.KC be&rtnl•· ~rt mot.or tune up. .. H. N_,ort ll!YG. !f.wport matt ... •Pl•·· nfrir., Thuma· rtQc, 17. Winch handl-. 3 for re111tered -U 1·202t or U to-day or 4,000 mUe l'\JU&n"". ..... u ......... toel2 dor •tqye. • bum•, I 0""8, .. ff..IO. Ja4. lOt Via M.entone, a.eM2. Hc:H (NO MONEY DOW~). Norse •-bumer ,_. Bpread 6 Udo !Ale w..ir m41 or er.t· REBUILT ENGINES ----.a.-aa. bot--. CllartnuM A Browa. POODLE PUPPU:8 -~re"'!! Har. 1428. tlc:ta _v1_.., __ e..aaaa ___ w_eeJt __ d_a_y_•· __ aa_pM_ AKC ,..J11tered ttnut champion -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAT- LOOK I J'Oll ~ -· la H. B•• at p.d.IJTH. Browa 6 blaeJc em&U BuJll In our own factory by ek:11led • -·---_,, 1 _.... ......-•• di machlnlat.e. Don't contend witll . • CU. J"J', • nlDJI)....,,., .... ~ 8t., 1ho,.. moortnl' m ll&l\IT'M, ,..,... WOft....o\U •· mw ................... ._._ '-w .._Ucm na Anletllylt. I · poaUon. nnt um. advert.LMd the middle man. Buy direct IUN01:8 8pt"lnp 6 m&ttni.. All 411Ulel· ft. oa.u. d1nfhr wttb oen. iaa. for dl.cr1mlnalln1 J>freon who REBUILT and INSTALLED O'X 6 M•rrlt ts" elieaft SM.llO lent tondltson. Hu. IH~ctl Mt•-..... 1. llOctl ~~ '~7~: care for the II~; 8KORT BLOCK a.more •O" late ,mod. Nl.IO a.rr. lll.A.LBOA Dtnpy, eompi.te l'ORD ........... -... ---·-1129.00 . ~elect U' ...._ .. .IO ODl>a 6 ENDI UMd tunltture A wttll DMtV ...., Dacron •II CHJ:~OLrr ..... ---~ 1141.60 Apt Ille ran~ 20" '2t.llO nauir-. ltored ln ,.,..... In _ _._ coodlUca. UOO. Ill to-.\ato. aad Traab PLYM. 6 DOOOE ... 1166 Proqerlty 31 l•.IO M\lft diqoee et at A.HT prlea. Ith';;" M--s CHRYS. A DE 80TO ··--1170 Harbor 781 M. -... --,...,... -.... omo NOT ~.PNS BTUDEBAIO!:R ..... __ 1170 ~~ 1 • Ilda 11113 CbeVToleta OLDS 6 PONTI.AC e -···-1170 a.dla auto uoaU. coe4 ITl.IO ftlll au.a. ""-•--and Ul!QfAH dlqll.)' No. 280 wtth I Blu .. WbJte •port cpe. BUICK ----1175 Luand..U ~ ca& .Nl.&O ..,._,_Mt oa. dMraD ..U It canvu COYer, Ol'ffn•Cnme ConHrt.. BUD80N .. ---1176 om 4utomaU6 latemodll 1".&0 """" W. 60I 8aata Aaa A.._, lib MW', MOO. Har OalO. ltctl Waite otter. Harb. l.ll07·J. ~Car ,.,_ Towtair -...aa automatle •.ao Newport H•pt.. CaJJ enntnr'L topt2 ~ .. c"' • OU"'• "' -tlcta 11-n. KA.BOO. PLANK C.A.llllf ~""" An A.rWW,•- R9'1UOl:RATOU ~t lat. om• ct. deu ......... ------------mmer. llleep1 '· bead, pllq, ST.A.TIM WAOON, 1111 0Nnlr7 Bloelt mwt .... t ow lt&lldal'da :: Mesa Woodcra~ :!." ! ... ~N~-~ ::::*:· ~~on~r:-= cJ:: .:::; ~:: ;!. fTl.llO UnpUllt.ee A~ hnitw9 INO-R. auto ::.·=~·.oot Rl.v ~:;a &ELI.ES ENGINE ~ecuma clte.nen. ..,...., tram Mod. I dr. deall --~ lUO M..n>OI' .u.AOOIUI .o.A. T, H "'" to 1111.1~. ._,a. --,,_ -ua hp. Cocnplet•. Mool"l.Qr tnchldH HLL OR TR.A.DB «iu!tr ta 'II REBUILOERS Oonlr Qlpboerd -·-17.N aea.r N""POrt H&rW T•t Olde ti Har IMO e.tt.r I. ir.:..-·· BI>wa. •• aw o.as•• u.e •• w1• ~..,.. a.. eu&o.. ....-. ato. _____ · __ · ____ •_Ida_ o,..NEWo.117 •LOCto T A•taTit.OBondedN -•wpa11 .... a.... .... .... ..... ..,. · JGawuMADte~ .... ~~-..' ~~ ~· 310 ~--t 3rd St. roa Mia -Olldlpc.t nt.. wtt.ll Ollllr9 t.e11.a rw 111uta.ra 10 rr. BOAT wt• ~. XJmt. ,,._,.... •• -......... ~-,... .. -~ ........... Call la 5-JTU. ti 1111 Bartier. C.11. U'-V .. lNI ODDd. fTI. Bu J.m. .... ..... LUfT.4 ANA --,- TRY AND STOP US From Selling These Cars '54 So Mere. Cheep! Monterey $2095 Hard top CoaYWUble wttJa ll A R Mercom.aUc and W, 8. Wall tar.. lt .,._ like a ctr.in! • P. 8 . Don't J9l tJM price tool 100-lt'a abarp I '52 Hudson Hornet Oub ep.. $925 '51 Ford F-2 Pickup sno '49 Packard f Dr. Stda.n $245 '51 Plymouth Station Wagon $795 '53 Chevrolet 210 '9Dr. Sedan $930 '52 Ford Vletoria -Fordomatk $12«) '49 Chevrolet 2-Door ~an $375 '51 Ford StaUoo W11a11 $795 THEODORE ROBINS YOUR l'ORD DEALER SINCE 1921 1100 w..i Cout HJcbwa.y. Newport Beach "'Ola dae ~ Mlle" UbertJ U.71 • ' 1937 Cl\tV. Coupe 16(). M22 CrHtvt-Dr, Ba~ tlc:tl Renta.18 Wanted We ...., apt. Uld ~ &II .. eeetJoU for llOUI WlllLer ... ,..re i.-. hna. or ~ u '°"ha•• a~. pbone tod&J The Vogel Co. HOI W ~ Hwy~ ftewport .._ ,,._,. Llb«rtJ 1-Ual IOI Mart.ne. Balboa talul4 Phone R&rbor "' 2"7 r.. <"AA.9t Ry., Coron• del Ila. Phone H•r~r 1741 UdJ> om~. 3411 Vt& Udo Harbor 49.1 12tte WA NT TO flENT -By R•pt. • <iar11~" 11r lopptr I bdrm. or -t 1111it1 a pt With JJ•lll.J• (;lean. "'"" 11101;'1 In !1,',wp•nt }Uhl.a. nr \/\rnna df'I M•r &rl'a. \.lnfurn. l)r pir'!. Yurly.~Nt>t l\Vfr IOI ~r month. tnrl. utll rtlrullaa l•d,. wru,. Roii J.u . th11 pepw . lllrH LOCAL MAN with ll·)'l'&r~t• d"hlfhl..r w•nt• l>tlerl1 and rnora tn rleell ebl11 home or r""t twe bdrTN With kJtl!Mn prlvll•• ..... 1.:xr .. llrnt r d"r"ocM. \Vrlte Mr. r."O Rutrh,.r. r n fJox K·28. tht. P"n"r lllpJI 2 RO RM rum. hl)me winter ~ >'""rly. J'r""'fer ranal w ith •tljll. Omt 1.-27 r n U11.1 pa~r 112pM YOUNG ernplo)'~d couple want t.9 ~nt hy Augir.al 2tl. I ntum. I h"'lrm Sr,. or Hlway. <:orona t1"1 M ~r l cll.IM, llO ~ta. W1U r1>n1t1tlrr J:llrllJ• a.pc. IVff'rmc .. ('All Hiit 281T·J &ft•r ti p "'- or Sat, morn 6 I~. Htte ftl!:TD\llD Wld~ WUllAI to ..... furn. 1 bdrm. JI~. In quJet • nlo n"llrhborhood. Cati U 8-:1166 •1PM WANT WINTER RENTAL, ,.... bedrnom f\lm11he'1. Couple w1tll small ba.by It tto1. R«.,...._ Pay to H O mo. u a.11u. ..,. I ' 11-w ....... -.. •1-w .. w te ._t .... ----~~------------- WANTED WINTER RENT AL ' ...... la I '9.tba. locae.d OD lJdo JaJa.nd, Wert • llq A"'• 0.. ~ .-r Catholic Church. w ....... '""•fMe -..t. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor "8ol Xft')IOl'l Blvd., Newport Beeeh =n...u Cabanas Marinas Lido p.,tn=•a, ~ 31st St.,. Npt. Bch. orn:u I> JIPth' »rtns . .A.pt.-Cabanu. UUlttitw paid. wttla YMht llip accomodaUou. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. • ~ C&J1 Har. 2992. 34ttc !I :'I!!: ..... ocmAJI IP9ml'r -llp'rd'W 1 -t .... ar nl ,.uo . ...-., Mil aaart. loftl7 .WW. •u.mmer and ... ....aaia. ... at nM w. o-a ,.._t.. JfMrport Sc& • eaJl llu. 191-W •<l4flC Ka& • 'l°IMldlr· ..,. B00KB. OOl'T.A.GD, APl'S. Deluxe Furn. Apts. One 6 two bdna., with teJe..ulon. A vallable for llW'lll'DeT or wtn- ter. AUIO yearly 1 ...... la H..rt ot aethfty -Lota ot parldq . 007 !!. Baltio. Blvd . Balboa ll&J'bclr llOI. ' MIUc DAY o& WEEK --------- t'BJI BLUll TOP MO'l'lll.. 603 MMrport JD9od.. 1Ul't ...,_ ..,,_ ~ 76t.fc Qaoiee •m•• Rlntal8 on Balboa bland 6 Udo 111• a..u • ..., or ..,.... It dillaa ·"·-~ VOGEL CO. l'Oll L&A.all TWO Bm4t1TIJ"UL MW Intae Ternc. uatu:m. VS.. ..__, S BDIUIS.. J baUul and I BSDJUa., 2 bat.JUI. Call B&rt>or 1775 or Hanor 64-'1. 1URL W. ft'ANLIJY, l\Mltor Int..~ omce Ooroaa &II Mar. Utfc tol Mutlle ........... lllaa4 -----------------------.... Sanor "' or 111.u1aor net rtJIUlf. I 1*lnn. aom.. by mo. or "-.Har. JT•R ot 11.&r. IOll9-M )'Tl)'. a.np. .AmL 8tipt. 16. 16tle 1117 W . Bay. Newport, Hubor ~------------~-------188t ~ noon. ITttc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Ola .... a-.. Blanche Gata, Rltr. 111 M&rlne ..... a.J-.0. lalaad. Bar. 1111 Tltfo Udo Isle AUG. 27 to .. pl 10. ~ «and aY&ll. lkpt. 11 for W\Jlt.er Sl~. ~.) I bdrm. ~cial tntmor, completd1 tum. Pauo. ftrepl , dbl. ,..,.. Jll Via Dijon. H~ "'78-W. toc4 ·-----...... U ltoz•aOl!lw BRAND NEW STORE and On'ICIC BUU..DING Oppollite Newport a.ch at)' Hall Elevator Complete Offlce !erTlce Parldng Available 3345 Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. Har. 4299 -or call Olympia 2-2130 collect. 91c93 DESK SPACE with phone 1ervlce $30 mo. I01 JC. Balboa Blvd., Balboa: Phone an..w~ eervlc• WM> available. Har. seoe. H ttc roa RJ:N'l' -Fumlahed office ln U80Ci&llon wtth an attom ey. Tax ~:iq>ert preternd. nu w. Cout Hl,fhway. Newport Beach, Calif. LI 8-41102. 88ltc M--llouz to Lou r LOAMI TO llUD..D. DIPROVS BUY, KODmaMDm. Oft ftm"JN.AN<::a w. B\11 Tnaat 0..- NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINOS .. LOAN A880CU'nOH UM Via Udo. ~ Bar. '200 tf• 57-Beal Estate Wut.ed 54-B '-eee Onoortualtae. w ANTED FROM OWNER. Ocean 99 ;:rs.;; • front cott-ce or S., l'ront OPPORTUNITY hoUM. WU1 pay all cuJI It ln· . te~led. Wrtte Mr.. F . Foy, Box Thrlvtnr boiaecleanl.nc bualntu. E -20, thl• new•paper. t1lf ........... OPEN SUNDAY 1-1 P.M.-400 Poppy J'or euy &CceM come round comv to Ml Ruel . Ill.Ip ll~ room. Muted ..olq. I bdnu.. -an l'Uffl room, J bat.ha. over· alMd J cu,..,...._ CompL J&ndloaped. jldvat• p&ll08. modem llJt.cllen Is dinlnr l&nal-loveJy vtewa. A.ak1.nr pa,ooo. Owner want. Im· niedlate otter due to leav- lnC the u-. Term• to 1ult. Exclu11lve •cent . FORD VlCRJUNDER. Harbor 4263. evea. Harbor 3177. 84Uc NORTHERN SAN DIEGO COUNTY .0 acre1, aec.luded 2 bedroom frame hou&t'. fireplace, Interior unriniahed. 1 beeutltul aetUng. Oak and Sycamore lree1, creek, alfalla, plu1 farm machinery. Tenn1 $14.000 Opportunity to malce rood mon· ---------------t y for r1Chl party. Kake offer C" Off BUYER FOR HOME EXCBANO~H acru, l~vel l1U1d. A.;i Beautiful oak ~ve. 3 bedroom to Box B-N. Ult. paper. 8tlto Private lndl~ctual ct.tree I • 4 adobe and cement block home. Dress Shop Balboa Island BT OWNER, XOPPl!lt D'l'TLll N9taurant. Good plnc buen-. The bHt of equlpmenL 8eatll U . .M.a1 conaldu trade tor mnall• ptac. or propvt.1. CALL LI t.·2811 atteraooaa. lltfo bdrm. home In Newport aN&. Pric-ID.000 weat ot 13th SL and Bo. Of Or· -- a.np. Opportunity tor outr!Pt Dora Carter • Alyne Highley or conu.ct Mle. BpeculaUft Rincon at Cole Grade R.oad1 price wtll not be considered. Valley Cent.er. Calif. Reply Box N-2t lhl• paper Ph. EaconcUdo 8878 J.\ -------------------•-2c_t• 89ptl ------------SUBDIVISIONS One Hoose or 100 w. bandle your ..i.. oeicrowa. V. A. A r. H. A. proce91.nc. 9" u. before J'Oa .... a deal. P. O. Costa Mesa How Can You Miss THI8 CHAIUCING home on land· acaped A: fenced eo x 130 Jot. 2 bdrma. ONLY 1776-0 wtth trm1. Balboa 1'0R UL&. -WtU loeat-5 - OARA.QIC 6 u::RVlCSi llTA· · Bos 1111, Balbo& t.land. Mctt Two <>c.an Front loltl. ZonM tor dup&a•. 19600 eech. TJON tall aftw t p .m. JJ et__, r..ta&e Jl!xrbMp 1-472~. toct2 * 481 0C IATE * AC'I'IW OR NOT. Tounc ll&U(>n&I Riverside County Coast Properties I01 IC. Balboa BIY'd., Balboa Barbor M511, WT end 4800. corporauoa with terrific llUC-SAL.II OR Tft.4.Dll toe be&cla prop. IN ~d baa o~s tor one erty. eo acN l.rripted .toclr Sh l!ff lndi.tdual cap&t>M of tn..un, rucb, I boamM. ldoM for bor-OreCU S •10.000 cub. n.t1rlAc parUlar rwponatble for lh1a opportunity. ..., "C· cattle or lm&ll com· a lot coat. a k>t! Thia OM I• n<> Jt acUve, -..rune -.1ary wUJ t>. mU'Clal lMlrd. J.aqu.tre 121 Pant· ucopuon, buif:t'1 ce.rtalnly on• $1200 .,..-year plua ,..war dlvl· m-Lr .. La ClulaM. pb. 87'"8 ot the nlCeil w1UI only a dendL Pany Ml.ect-4 abould o-6UO. 89ca ll&ndllll loft. It you W1U1 t t o .al)' net over '26,000 t\nt yr. TRADE 1 but. lid tn Sho llfb, thl• may • bf LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one Is two bdrm. apt.a. Short l-e..n4 ~· Miia\ fumlab f ood cbanct.s and PllNIH8UL4 PT .• "11'1l. 2 bdrm., a.dll reference. and be Mii'/ to 1'IRl'Z. BmDROOM 1 i._ b&lh. Lev.I. c~neroua •l&e and f.dvan· 1 buak le'• f&mt11 ma... l ~ i•t &Joa&' wtUL ror ,__..i ln· ca-.-• bu'bee\ae. ta J'&l'd. N. ~~~. =ped. On Driftwood A l..SO, Udo 8-• Md ll&y J'ront HOllM9 U14 a,.rt.awsita. UDO REALTY Al90Ci&te. 1400 Via Udo, lf&l'tlor ffft .,. beUL Patio an deck ttrepl., tern.., '"1t. ._ J-M, UW1 PA· ar1r'-t 8t.~M.OOOequlty LEE CASEY OJTICE dllle. p r. yrty. rental SHO, per. l.nclude pboe• 1'o. and brief tot Nnrport ..,_ r. P. '22.000. wine..-suo 1110. .-t.er pd. ...wna. All nplltll Mid .trtcU1 Pboee 1Umber1y 1.~. 18lfc Hubol' 479' or 1717-W. .A..U a.pt. ll. Wrtw ._ H-U CClllfld.,U&l. tlcN rm&. Cout Rwy. Corona del~ar Uli8 paper. or pbono eoUect E OR SELL au.mm ....... 80en .AJll'llQUS PICl'UJUI • ftA.MJD TRAD at' I Oww IL ......... a..-... ... .... • Reel Value BALBOA ISLAND LIDO ll!ILI: Sn Z11 ..a ,.._ ......_ ., ..._. ..._ tN&lilir, awt TIU.T. JtmNTAL I bedrm., 1~ ..._. 6 all '1100. 11.m .. ...... all• ........ ,_ c-.r 11010!. I bdrm. A-converUble Unlwa.. 1"1· .-tal. I lltor7 ..a., .,..._ c::aak1e 1ocatk1D.. ...... ...... M 1"8 ....,,. Jot9,. '"& 3'4P ....... _, wllat .... I "9U., toroM Ur twi.L -.. ta ... locatMe. .... \o x-M9t ~-.ca. -Aft., Loas _._ 'l'tl. _ _. .._..,. ,_. UaU .,.._ o.n.r. One A % 1l'a. o'4. Vsry modem ., •• Wnu.. a ktM ,i-... ....... 101.1. toe9I tkN ......... 1,. -uastoe -..di NnClt l1JIO llllake root. ~rtect 6 '-6l, St• ,,er -1--------------------IQ'fd... <>c.n V\9w. tlplt ~ Vae&Dt, quidl JIOMU• W.W. AANFORD. rult« CORONA DEL MAR NEAR NEW 8'on. cut to 11uoo for qwck • A•1al•t• -.le. Attucuve t.f'mui. P•rk • Mari.De. IUF. H•2 1 B. 1'\. ~. tanflara. .W.• PROPOSED CITY HALL a ••• ....... ~" 1 to II ---------------"-"_c 6 ,..,,.. ~. dbl Nut to cor. ltui • Pkoent1' la DOT S&nta Ana Ave. ea.ta Mu • Nf;W Modem UJllum .,.,..le I ~ ;..., ~-2 9 ~~ mo CoM.a K-. J bedroom bome, LIVE AND EARN or call Otrnu, Ha.rbor He4-W . Mdroom unit.a with ~ wd\anL, oc-.a "ew. Sii& mo. ~ oo.dlUocl. 1"-a ..all 83cH 2MT IC. c.t. lf'try. COM Cholc• ltut llld• location Oollt.a Apt.. tum .• studio. Jtaul ~la ~. l"Selt7 fU1dDc' • Mtea. Quiet 10ber peofle de· kJuUoa. WW ..... aL. 161 mo. r'OGID for Jqnrtcm I lte~ alr-.d. wm a.cc-ept child under ' •rr•on Por eaJe or tnde. on• yr. u 1-1.u. t2ct4 nfE VOGEL CO. c&ll __ , U M1D ~ M en. 6 p. ID. tltfc H&r. 1741 Har. H i7 A Nee, fal ~ by --~ thla moUl • tnUer p&l1l. Top J«&. Uca 10l lllp-y. lt'e a d&ndy ... be bouJbl trith S26.000 cUltl down. BllJ.allee on •MY '1em\a. t Jl"UJ\N. U1'fl1'8 bee.rt ot BaJt>oa, 2 bloclla to rwi 7.one. One door to Bay. A real -...,..,. J"ull pnce on11 IUl,llOO. Small down pay· m'nt ha.ndlea. Phone -BA r .JI06. ISLAND .. -tor \Mee 1"1· \ ...,,.. apt. • ---S75 SIJO SH& IN NEW V"°ut I lldrm.. ftDC<o, WI· --~--·-!-!-2 ... · _to_LIM _____ _ RUSS FORD ART C. KlSTLER 00. Har 112Je 2901 N.wporl Blvd. N_,,art l:kh 90d2 t bdnn. dlllA. . . ... -• I bdrm. 3 bath -- I bdrm. uatur. -- • AHi> W1"Tllft ~ .......... •• Mft -.n1. In· c.~ ~ta. NELDA GIBSON. RM.It.or *,....... .... ..._ i.lud. ~ IOI =t.a. no : ~ ~~ NO COMMISSION M-. Topu J·Tm. '" u No Appniilal. r. 8"-171'7. "'" ..u..a -ftD'D'f A.Ka ~·HR.EiC bclrm. U... untum. JCut OOK8'nlUCTlOM 9ide Coel& Me. PO mo. Option Call for J"ree to buy u dellnd Fut Commitmmta OA."f A. J.4COB8EN U ....al7 • Rtlll'6aa. ud t7alC. oa.1r UN7'UR.X. I bdnn, J bath dbl pnp. 1130 mo. y.-r round. Vwy clean u lktlccft Ba.1. N~ Beecll. Bar. net tJcN Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th 8t. 008'T A. M'D4 U 1-atl LI lo.au Udo Isle One ... two Wra. ~ta. tl-8-few a-t ft: •• • 0.....-. 1'wt)' cw ---.. ta&. Bar. MTI.. ROOV with prfnte Ila.th a ert· tn.ace. pennaftllnt, l40 mooUI. t.rbtrt7 l.-60M. toc92 OWE ... _,.._ -.t-by mo. • .. ~ OoPama dll Mar. 51 ..... OttleM t2cH ~~~~~-~~~~-- WI: IPZClA.Ll%IC JN LO~ll A nJ(A!fCll'fO O.N HOUas'l1lAIU:l\I Autoe,. hndture 6 8alane ltoo W. Coul Hy., NOW'pOrt Jkh. Ubett1 1 .. 1'1 ICY• LI ~ BACK BAY HOM1C81Tlt "-tnet4d. in.1. am~ t I n e -----------------d~Wnir• "°°° on.ly. BALBOA l8L.A.N1> S.y Front 2 ~ turn. ~ Ql.000- euy l.nna, owner arudoua. Mell• otter-Phooo - 4RT C. KI&TUrlR CO .. Hu. IHS JIOl New]IOrt Bl?d , Kewport Bell. ••t ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1887 Nnrport, eo.ta Mua u 1-16!2 ~-u 4-6803 . 428 Broadway f'OUR oc-front lot.a M426 ea. DRIVE by thi. 3 bdrm homf' Mun ba 10ld t orrthu nn. lo-'Iben CA1J an1 Realtor to •h ""' oU. tor In-unit. Mls'>t you thl• muJUple u.tinir #&I H lrMM. SullrnJt yuur dl1w1I pa7· Wh• ' I ment Ru 51116.. H llc Leon 1te, Rea tor U 1-5130 or LI s.-.0 11 9 2t"94 $7,950. New s bdi'm . bwd. noor11 213 DO you ,_ity ,.-ant a Bt'V ~ ~ Avocado, eo.t. Meaa. Phone Mallo offtr. URCT.:O.-r UMrty .. TIO'f. Tntc .MUST 8ELL.. beaUU/uJ &t'l< R11v nearly new lb&Jce fO(lf fnrrn houae. 3 bdrm1t . 2 be.Iha \.lor1· ov1 f(lrC""ttr vt•W nr Rllv 11nd mountaJne. Har. &l:>e. 91 c93 Lido Island 603 ORCHID Corona del Mar Open H oU.N 1 • 5 p. m. daily Be •ul'tl Is -UlLI u cepUoaall1 lllt!e 2 bdrm. home. 1Bedi:oom• art lart;e I Al.30 t i replace Is lot. of Ulo In kitchen • bath. Dble. iarace on paved alley. Encl. yard. Our ~x('lu~h·.-price ot only 112.600 with 11,.,.,. loan • pymll of only $87 .:IO per :no. m•ku thla 'mUl..Y AN OUT- STANDING BUY. A. REAL VALUE In exclusive Cliff Haven Betta 1 nil us rliht now and II· rang.. an appt. to lnapect thl• charming 3 bedrm. J bath hom" lncalerl on excluelve Kinitt Road. This truly top value home 11 iu~t I yr. old and h&11 w to w l 1<rpt>t. lovl'ly dn<~.a. t. a. beat - h1( ayalem. OWNER SAYS SELL Su, we have p rl<'l'd ll at below toch1y'H r<'phu·cmC'nl co111 You r11n 1ubmll lemll too. $62 MO. Why Pay Rent? Whrn you can buy lhl1 3 bdnn. nearly n-home on OTOVe Place tor Sl0.:\00. Mo. pymt.8 only 1&2 4 ~ ~ P'RA Loan-ta.x• • lna. •re Intl Tttla tn.aly tine home localed with permanent ocea.n view muat be teen to be &PJlnl· elated. Call now tor t'U.rther partJculan on r9'1. on. pymt. ~k Call now H11r. 2042 Har. !042 Frank James & Linwood Vick R. Reylt'·C. TraY\a. Rwie. Aa9oc. 112 Marln11 An -Balbn& J.aland Newport Heights \.\'E )iA VIC on• of \he bt1.t built 2 bfflroom honiu Ln }l;f'wport Hrlithl.lt T"P condition. Beaull- full.v la.ndac1f*'I. Thi.ii 11 JU•l J t !\,9:1() t'llll buy tor $2000 down 1"1'111 )'Oll m1111l ,.,.,. Trade I At.SO 2 ~room and den homt with ort•n view on onf' of lht )l4>1t romera tn the Heith .... &iaut1fully l&nd1e&ped. Owner wtll llade tor emallar borne In ?\ewport H•ltht.a. Thi. bo1M _... bUUt by MaQoU. ~ _,. ~-.. leot ~t.ertak. Be1t f.ddr.a lft the RtlJ'lt.a. (Pl .MO t\111 priee ) "ART" ADAIR REALTOR l&M ~"wport Blvd Coet.a Meea. C'&Jll. U 1-1792 COSTA MESA Bargain NEW J Bd. Homtt. l llbOO. $21:,0 down &lane4! M2 ~r mtl • Int' In\.... prtnclp&I a.nd ta.Jtee. Drive by 11133 ConUJ\tntal. Ill F'refod11m H omo l r•rt. Thf'n ('.1me In and cloM t.he d"al· Ocean Front 2 B. R. In h~. f'lllrll B. R. -.d· 'olnlnl('-l '~ bot~ r artJ1 tur. Inc c1u-1)••t11 dr11ptt and cur- lll.ln• -<1..n JC't bank io..n Of ~ Ji'VLL PRJC?; 1111 :ioG RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3~ 11 N~'JIOr1. Blvd . Nwpl &-II Rnbor 402 m.tc LIDO J br dm. a•r Afll w View Ell· Mlln11 UG &4M'l 3 hr l11n rm . f11Uy r •rpi'l.cl fAht11r,ua kit . tl'IJ' IMat IM J7 .llM> 3 br .• rump111 nn . family he>mt, lrrnnc r111ln, 70' lot 37.000 OOASTAL IBOPPD 1DdMloe ti NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.NESS -PART 11 • PA5' I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911 a ••• l°Jllllte .......... or Exchange 6' :.! acres h.lrJa prodnc"'1 a¥009do& I.am Beighta aru. Frost free. Ocftn 'f'iew buildini aite. Price $37.500. Will acb.anp $25,000 equity fot baaineM or residential Income HartMlr u.. 3 BEDRM. OQg?A MESA BOllE. large lot. fruit treee. Price $1,950. WiD .ahanp for R-1 or K zoned lot.. CLIFFHA VEN VIEW LOT. Will exchange for lots or improved Ml ~-Truat deed.a . NEW COSTA KESA TRIPLEX 2 bedrm. each. Ge.ragM, garb&(• d.ispo9ala, S2Ul5Q.. Enben,. for vacant or tmprom bud--or Kw lat.a cm small acreage. NEAL J. MARTIN, 2826 Newport Blvd. Harbor 3975 Realtor N.wport 8-all Ev. LI a..1n• BALBOA ISLAND ' Cozy modern -2 bed.rooma, flreplw -dllatltN covered patio. Ooee to GICllllDt beach and w ghopping center. · • 0n1,. $18,080 term. • • • • Choice 1tA8T BA. y l'BO?ft Spaclou. r; bedroom. 4 t.th boma. Large patio, private pier' ud ~ Prtee $85,000 ... WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And A .-odat:. Park at Martne, Balboa Jlland • PATIO PARTIES Will be your favorite 'Fwl 'nmlf m Gm --*'s Beet Buy on Orchid Aq, 2 B. R.a. !doe bath, handy kit., din. rm. 6 bop Uv. rm.. with ftrtllll... wood box, beam ceiliac. bl&' wiDdon. Dr. op.- on to bir. comfortabM patio. Idle.I flar Mc1oor ~­ ing. Priced RIGHT @ $14.950, with ne80D .... don and uwme G. L LoeA. BALBOA ISLAND ROOM TO BUIU> oe IMI I bttlm. home.._,. south bay -tam. -· .................. ---··-··--'1T,9M 2 BDRM. HOKE, ac, ~ JWil.. t6000 <'°'"1 • $17,000 INOOVE cute 2 bdrm. oottqe wD ~ l bdrm. apt., peel room ·..,......... •· ±s - lht. you ahould ... NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30e Marine An., e.lboa Ialand Phone Ba.rt.or 502 CORONA DEL MAR Expa.n.aive Harbor and ocean Ttew, 4 bdrm. 0.. Dining room. 2 batha. Hardwood A carp& tlOClft. Bargain at $46,000. Subm.Jt down. DeUghtluJ bautifully furn. 2 bdrm. 2 yr. old home. Neitr good beach. $17,000. Submit down. S.. lhls home at 439 Begonia. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertll9. Har. 1775 -Evee. Edith Maroon, HYatt ~ John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa llland LAJtOll MW 2 bed.rm. unf'U:rn. apt. ,... .... .WW • p&Uo. SUITE or om ca tM Nllt. tn-dJ'l'1dU&UT cw u a wi.IL All new NEW 4 bdnn. bouae. 129.'JIO. prtn• --------------- d p&la oa)y. llT Via Nloe. Re.r· llm\VLT C'OMPl..ETED. ' Mrm. bor 0711, after 8 KJ 6-ll<M. 2 beth llnmt Jmmfldlate rn•· 13ttc -ion J711~ ctnwn Tow J'ITl<'f' NEWPORT HEIGHTS A Ch"nnlng 2 br ru•llr, J"'S flrt . 11•M hr fln>fll""" Wf'll lan1l· Friendly Home ODtW .,.. ... "' &t Nl8. 92dM and beiauutul.1.7 Nmleb9d. l!Jl. TIDlU BEORM Beacb H ome % cellmt localloft tor .tock IM-olter, blk. to beach. Fine ~lion. 110.~ 2029 l hrl>or Blvd C<lllta Mf'IU' J.I 8-He I. ltvM IJI M718 .. H11r. 3064-M 92C'94 M'00\111~ ftml. or attoniey. LOANS f H ... ..,,.. dn •1 a ~ t MODmtN ....-n. apL. ,.,.~ ean be l'tl'lted QJ\J\lnt1tt1-4. tm· or omes ... .,.,., .. • · · p. a... -. ,.. -~ aftil med9at• ~· ._ • , _ J . M. MlLLJCJ\ CO. Bay Sborea "'1· m Jl.w OIOl-Jl. ~ orwo -11. -*' W. Bal-.0. Bl'ld. Bar. •OIU COR1''l':R lot &l)}clOO, 3 btlrm1 . I llDIOL I 11.A'l'R. puily tun.. p. a. palmer Inc. ConltructiOft Loans (N .. r the Newport Pier> 2 bath. 3 •Mw~ra. irr111. "J'lit. ...... .,t. S to lftO, 1\'t1. 1700 W. coul hwy. Ii 8-!673 MODERN I bearoom. l °' balb. ditlhw, 1111111 IAt1 of 1tC1r111e (J...ad 'f//f, ....... PllL omo. tk1M ._ 8()8 IA'"'-D 1'80 eq. ft. t\.li yr. old. Beau. patlM. Jlllr't. covtred. l)Ul· a. a nett -----;;;:;;:;~;;n;-;;;;;;--•U &A.ST OOA.ft BLVD. OPEN FOR INSPECTION door llv1n.: •l bt!t! Fum Oood . Of'nm r<>R ltll1n' Ollrw... ... au.or.. IAT .• BUN. AFTERNOON. terms '9<'1'Jl"'d -lt.2~ PT""'ncli.I :\ br . l bslh. car· f'i'lC'd. 1r p ldf'\' rm. l11t11 nr •lt1nll[•. bu uUfully lanltlM'llP-''1 and t•rr•nd 111.M>O 'Claire Van Hom RY.Al.TOR 1731 W. Cou t Rwy U 8-4277 $70 mo., yearly C'tfte 0..tw Looet .... ll'xH'. Ref. PODtlD MOa'l'GACD 00. IOt hllorton Ave., Npt. Ht.a. l:XCLUlllVE, • MO.,_ mcath. ................. Kl. l-a1ll 76tlo Q H. LATHROP S63r> !:. Coul -----------------· ~ ..... t.94. .... u tunL apt C11AJ1U.D & JIAAT, "-'tor .atf9 ---------------Rwy • roM. H ar !\.442 -vee la ~ P. A. t,fat pn. .,,._ -._...._ _....., -.J .._... H••bor ... an 92-n.4 ....., ""'· -DOTV., ... ,,_..,;..... -.·.-,·,-,-.,-,-~-ft ....... -LO-AHI--Lecw>a Yalu• -......., ""' .. I A-... Rat. 11111. .....-Md6 __________________ ....... _ ac-n View Lota ------------------I ..... or am~ OIM llJLIO. On• m.... Rate 6-6~,. 1-tOlttllO, both Cot' -... . U500 nm..rg BEDRM. tum. J YT· old. ••y -·-• ...... --._ .. ,_ 1 ....,... tt .... .,.,,. Quick poeitemion. $9~0 with One of the best locaUon11 In C"nrona del Mar -,..._..., ~•· • .._ ,_ l..._ 1-rmL 8\11....,.. tor nt-i.,... ~ .... la die BaJ ~ 8q. • ·· ·· .. ····-·-·· _,.,., 11811-0 dll . ..a.. • .., 6 &ttftcUft ,...ued tail ......_ • etnoe. I01 E. .,... ... OaiRa K-. lllDlk °' l~L&cun.lta ..c.luetvo ... _ '71100 4 bdnn. houM on ("'""" Bo11lt · ............. J bdnu. .. ,_,.11 ........ Jlhtd. ....... MM. Mttc mtalttple ..... Kew -old. .. ADJILI: IPa:N. R&A.LTOR AL TTI.Eft UAL IC8TATE VA.I'd on s o-tool Int l"h~'fl by ......... Ber. m1 or Bar. IO. -----------------------L w BW .,__ ... _ .,,,_,_ .,... md aft "1 ....,, *• nw · .,..._ ™ 11'4 Harbc>t', Colt.a M-LI ,_IM1 llll1 otf1ce nnly l&tto UDO Orrtell SP.A.C'S -Wlll ,._-pr.-a.a. Wntmga-. Barbor 58911 HY 4-&028. 87p1 t2c:t4 ------------------•blet ..-ea .Wtablo ~ &ltor-.. ......._ fi _._._ ATt'RACITVW ooema ft9w I Wna. •~Y•. enrtn"1's. etc. ApptOJL ,__ ""0 -•· or r-OUPLa:X. neu n"'. Two I lldnn. WATDrRONT. vaunt 1 ~ Iota, apt.., partiaJl,y flmL ea.tt&Me for l6Jd0 tn 1bopp~ .,,_ on Vla : =:T' .:or '!::~ unit.. l nicely tumt.bed. Dbl concnte bulkhead. can hlv• 8•• ua for yearly and 1tuonal ~ 176 mo. 1'1.1· N6 W. Udo. Call Don coi. eltel'!IOCIU A:a'110R A. MAY ,..,..... Near public trane. Only pier and no.t. S17.000. MJrbt rftlt.&la 1etb, c.tia X-. call t to I. oalf, Bar. ~ OtUc .I Slll,000 tenna. ~r ttrma. Har. to. ~ ---------------------~· LeM Owl $ f I J.M. KlLLllR CO. WAftllntONI' HOim pMr and • • 1 -rw a tr 1 "• _. ..,, -.. ~odem Store OJ '1 Ciel Uta llT&awww 0.. 102' w. Balboa BIYd. Har. 6091 noat. 2 IM>drm. wre paUo, Fitzmoms R lty. Co. -M • .... 11Ua ..... AM (Ntu the N.wport Plu) IM&r snu1iieta • City R&ll J'P i-r iot.I __.,,.. wdl lie._. FOil ltlllllr'T, frl ,_ -.o. PartdlaC n Pl.800. Terma. WUI coMlder Multiple U.Unf. RMI~ TOMORROW to lledi up w1aat be tedllU.. fOIC9d a1r beat. wit• --------------------Ct.Irr HAVEN, i.auUtul new L. A. Income J>l'operty tor t,-.de Blain• .. Broker eelll TODAY! Olecll UM _.. able. tuurm. ,...J e.tate. rtfta -aa•fJed .+.di .,.. ,_. "7 fQDla home J Ndncml1 I MtM. I•.· J . lllf. NILLEft 00 <&n tn UM daeltn.d eens. .... etc. in..uJR tOI E. Balboa BJ...t. W1illt an Nelly looldaf ta aiQ. 11000 T'ake lot ln trade. Har JOI& W Balboa Bl'V'll. Har. 4otl 313~ J: Cout R wy· Oon1f\a dtl Mar _,_ Hal'tlpr'20TO. tttfc 6159. Ht.to (Near the N..-port PW) llartlor IUll Ready for Sctiool ! I 4 bedroorna. 2 bath1, comp.lietely turnlabtd. Luse fenced yard • dbl gar. $26,500 MOST exqulaite ho~ and apt. on t.be laland N.-w -trl&rtltng ya.J ue. ExeeDerit financ:tnr- $28, 150 D 0 R I S BR A Y , Realtor Nona Hyer Clarence Lake Chet Saliabury 216 Marine Ave., Balboa lab.net, Harbor 20-Har. M Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE yur round home on Sea· shore Drive. Kllotty pine Uvinr room with dilUlll area. P'onnlca kitchen, 1 bedroom and 'h bath down, 3 bedroom. and l 'f.i batlu up. &Ud COD· st.ruction, concrete and pWng found&tlon.. 2 ear garage, emcloeed ya.rd. ExceU.Ot beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 N.-port Bml, Newport Beach Banor lOU ' OOA8'1'AL SBOPPD Edttlea ot 18! Reel r..tat.e PAGE 6 ·PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1955 $1450. Down --------------------Herw'1 a I bedim., 1~ baUI borne' ft ... r..t.t. D-llMI r..tale that.I w~ the pl"lce. I\a 11· "C"' THOMAS "C"' THOMAS "C" TflOMA.S "C'' THOMAS HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday 19f0 Inin• Annu• Charming 3 bdrm. 1 % bath home on beautiful pro- f-.ionally Janet.caped M ft. lot. l1te. liv. room and din. area, fireplace, F. A. unit heat, hdwd. tloora, garb. cU.poeal, w to w carpeting and drapea, completely fenced -EXCEPrIONAL VALUE - S18,r500 CLIFF HAVEN PRICE REDUCED on tbia lovely 3 bdrm. home, excellent condition lnaide and out. w to w carpeting Ir drapes, near mchoot., 4 % loan-ASKING $18,000 BAYSHORES Bermuda RANCH STYLE h ome on extra lge. cor- ner Jot, room for rwhnming pool ,3 bdrm. 13~ bath, prise winning k itchen, will auit mo.t diacriminating buyer. SEE TIUS TODAY! Owner will trade down. moet n-. wtth a nice yard and lawn irprtnkler ay.t.era. Full pn~ It?~. with balance at MT .60 JIM' month. !~s! ~rm~~d~:!'· ~~t •llrblly more than 1 :rau old. It• oa • lovely oomer w1tb alee yard. Prit'e la •10,500 wtth I'.~. ttnancl.nr at •2200 down. Payment. of '"' lnclude Inter- eat. principle, tall .. , • •tuur- ance. S4,lm Down Balboa COMPLETELY turniaabed. Ba,y vt-trom llvtJI&' room with ni. pl1c.. I bedrooma ptua larg. rumpua room. 1 % batha, prqe. ~.lm Down Balboa Peninsula "C" THOMAS, Realtor Point 22, w. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-5527 a Bl:OROOMS, 1 % bat.ha. ,,, .. "C"' THOMAS "C'' THO~ "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS place tn lars-ttvtns room wtth dlnlnc area. Fae• quiet land· ecaped City Park. LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Your opportunity to purchue, probably the beet buy on Lido W /A pier Ir •lip la u cloee u your phone. We will give full detalia over the phone and ahow any ~me. LIDO ISLE A Uttle MORE for your money than the UBU&I three bedroom two bath home on Lido. Thie fumiabed two yur old home ia ready to move int.o. The ~ $28,MO. with terms available. NICE LOW PRICE -For the neaie.t. cleane.t 2 B. R. home on Lido for $21.500 -Lovely patio -nowera kept in perfect condition by ownera. Only $7000 down -and you are in. • Open Daily 1-5 ~ 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LAROE Uvtnc room w1UI f'tN. pla ce. P'Ull d lntna-room. I bed- roome. 2-C'ar prap. completely ~ Good tenna. Prtoe $18.llOO. 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Bay Front Pier & Slip Id .... r..e.tl a • .,...._ a._. ....... . ......... Elton Barnett Realtor ffl No. Nnrport BIYd. ( 1 blk. H. m. ot HO.C llo9pllll) Liberty l ·I TTI Choice Location Belt JoaaUoe lll Newport Ra&ptl, I blll&. tram HJ..adlool Ita a cu.torn built quality hom. wtlh 2 J bedrme. A de.n and I llatha It llu lllect oak noon, Arcadia aud1n1 ctua c1oon oorer1ookln1 th• rear yard. Priee of nt.IW)() 1ncJudee carpet1n1. •Tooo down. Newport Heights Near aohool& Nice I bdrm. home, a yeara old. Hu ftNplu.. hdwd. fioora .. Cood loc:aUon. Price II ua.eoo wit.Pl snoo down. "We're Moving 3906 s;;;t;;;re Dr. Select l~tings a. ft. rumJab-4 beach aiouu For Selective Buyers! ~e?!: ~~t Lido lsle:- S1Z450 305 34th St. Larp home, l&rc• lot. t bedf'OOIM, I baa. ... separate studio apt. lllt.rior decontiol'• owa home aq It'• beautituJ. Udo'• beat a,. M.....,,, completely furn.iabecl Back Bay:- Near new I bedroom Ir de, I batllil. Bir llJl - Greate.t buy in the UM at -.noo. =z ' ' tenna. Home A Oara.s• Apt. ~'~1aarJec:r!~~;~ Opposite .Santa Ana CountrY ClutM- eona1der St.1100 down. will trade ~ Rustic farmhoUM on bis oorner lot-a ~ up or down, or t•k• T.01. 2 baths, &hake roof; pennanmt 'f'iew ot,...... club grounds. Unmat.Md ftlue at $10,000 and the ONLY one of lt1 ldndt-· to Irvine Terrace" • heart Of balboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. Three Arch Bay:- More and more Harbor area families are lrulpecling theM exquisite homes -n oting their comfort, con- Yellienee and central location. More and more famills who prefer a home in a re- llricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homa. Drive in today and aee for younelf the many out- standing featuree of thia renw:Jrable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace la Joc&ted on Cout Bichway oppoeite the new lnin• Cout Country aub. EARL W. STANLEY~ Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Hubor "48 r~ Further Information * Fer Recommendation, w• refer you to anyone who hold8 a Leuebold FAtate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay 8horM and Cliff Raven New duplu, 2·2 8 .R. Unlu .. F lrepla<'ea. Dllpoe1111. Fan11. up- per unit wall to wall carpeted, lar1e •un dec-k. newly f uml1hed. ua.000-11.M>O down. ocean front 3705 Seashore Dr. Fina t uml•hed ~ach home. lAFT• mom11. Enrlo~rt patio. B $4000 dn. $100 mo. A y v I E w one of the fineet ocean front bOllM9 ~ De.,... em Calif. cout. Architect-owner built. J W. rooms and studio, 3 bath.a, UIMIUl'JMlwd a• =~ view of the coutllne. Patio on land l6dil with lovely abruh. and tr... Uneq;:W ...... at $75,000 -"It'• prtoei...• Willard L. Killion, Reattor 3341 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE * * * * * WANT A HARBOR VIEW? r..ovely n~ 3 bedroom modem. 86'mt) toot-. deck overlooJrln1 the eaUN ~ --. ,,.. won't lut at _$~.SOO! Income $3,600 Price $23.SOO Nea.r n~w triplex in Cliff Haven -all two bed.. room apt.II. 3 raragea. Low down payme& tmd'" BALBOA LIVING BRAND NEW 2 story, 3-bdrm. A den, 2 fireplacee. Lota of cloeet apace. Carpeted L . R. Thenn&dor rt.nge A oven, Diabwuher, maple kitchen. Thia Iii nfoe for $33,500 2 Years Old 1 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished Corona del Mar Vogel Values REALTORS Ha.rbor 3371 AT ITS BEST 3 Bedroom• plue penthouae ru.mpu. room wtth bu-, 4 baths, large living room with alJdinc 1iu. doon, big airy kitchen and Mrvice porch. Located on the peninllula "point" and you can buy lt JUR.NJlllD). · THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3418 Vta Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. '971 or Har. '872 ~. Har. 2191-M Rar. 1880 or LI ~297 Looking For A Buyer For Your Home? What la a Right Pnce ! Where can You find a~uyer ! How much can the buyer pay down ! la a new mortgage neceuary ! Bay Frontage .a ft. Thia la an Ideal awnmer or yur round home for the executive with a Larr• fam- ily. $88,000. Newport Harbor Realty J im and Sally Newlin 515 E . Balboa Blvd .• Balboa Phone Harbor 1807 New IWinc. Bo. ol Hwy .. 2 bedrooma, furniabed home oentrally located betwflftl beacbn 6 abopa. Vtrry clean 6 attractively tunUabed. PaUo A patio tam1ture. hll 2-a.r pr. Excellent buy at $13,900 Ju.t a block 6 a halt from Ocean Blvd. OD a t()' lot. S bedrooms, 2 bat.he, .ep. dining room, lge. l.ivinc room. fireplace, Diap., auto· diahwuher. Beaut. ht:io PLUS attractive 1 bedn:n.. apt. (turn.) OTW 3-ear 1u. You ean'l help but like this custom- bullt home (and income). Pleue eall tor app'L We'N rather proud when we abow thia cozy 2 bed- room home jun north of the Hwy. Only 2 yni. old, fireplace, dinlnr area, at.tractive ltitch., good floor plan. All fenced A room for add'l unit at rear. Ideal location. Total price only $13,l:iO and low down paym'L 23(Y.) W. Balboa Blvd. Reduced to Sell! LOVELY 2 bdrm vi-hnme pha larf9 sueat ho\&M In N~rt Ht.a! Owner .. y'1 Mii: Only I )'Tl old Hdwd tlool"9-dbl. rar. Fireplace -FuJI Dininr Room BeJlt Loca tl(llft. Full price only 114.9~. J BDRM -Ea.al Bid r.ctueed from Ill.~ to 110.ll!W> G.I. Resale I BDRM In Belt location '2000 On-F'lill Pnce I U ,000 Industrial Lot For only $28,000 -t.ma. YACHT OWNERS ATTENTION U. your yacht over 90 feet! Let ua .a.ow 1'0U ~ four bedroom three bath boDM wtth 1• felt OD Lido Bayf ront aod a 7~ foot float Ample room for awi mmlng pool. Cuatom made fanatture. carpetlnr and draperi• included at SlJ0.000. ft.Iii property cannot be duplioatied on Udo I.a.. VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiwy, Newport Beach U~l How ia t..be buyer coing to pay the dittettnce ~ Turn your problems onr to a REALTOR -the m&n who hu made real estate bia tulltJme pro- feealon. Both Buyer and Seller abould aec:un the readily available couneel ot the penon beat qualified to •rve -the penon qualified to wie the profMeional tJtJe. "Re.Jtor." PRIC~,t~~~~!1!n~yd $6000 The Vogel Co. EXL.1\IT. clo.e•ln loc'atlon 140 tt trotltac'•· $16.000 with n~ dn Xlnt. tone Term Bualm.a • ln· du•trtal Ltuu l"l"onUni oo an.tA>I 66 Baker 8trHi.- LIDO ISLE 2 IM-drooma -br1t'ked p&Uo «OOd tlna.ncinl' pmt.a. SM pw mo. BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE .. t. • 8'llL l ·I 410 • 32nd St. Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR BeaullfuUy built home. 16 x 22 ft. Living room. bdwd. flnJ.. 2 lge. bedroom11, apaeioua kitchen It dining aru. More built-ina than 2 ordinary bou.eti! Dbl. garage, encl<>tted yard. flowers Ir prden apot. Original owner hu kept thia home in immaculate condition. deatre. unmediate aa.le. ONLY $17,850 on your t erm11 ~ Fineat location on 45' lot. Phone Harbor AA2 fnr appointment, but HURRY on thi1 one. STANLEY A. SMITH, Reattor 2M7 E.. Coaat Hwy., Harbor 882 CQrona del Mar 92c94 Corona Highlands ExcepUonaJJy fine home for l&rte family~ bd.niia. A den, l a.4 ptu. ~ bath.a. Livin1 toom bu view of hilla A eanyon, 85 s 100 foot lot. 2 -.r prage. 0n1y u .aoo down. RAY REALTY CO. 34'4 E..Cout lfw:y., Corona d .. Mar. Har. 2288 C A.C!l'o.a from Bt.nk ln COM) NEWPORT ISLE Buy of the Year. ' bedroom. pl\19 pnp apt., OD lup cboioe oor- ner. FiNplact, a batU, patio, barbecue, 2 ear pr., rttriprator wtt.b dell>,,..__ ....... and ...... tio wuber. On.a, ll0,000 dOW'ft ~ Solidly buUt •pt. over 2M7 E. Cout Hwy .. COM. Har. 1741 dblt. pr. plu.a room to bulld --------------- Har 1477 ~u er.tnew IK\Ond UC)ll .. ftonL r. P llt .760 Cliff Haven 111.:IOO HL'V8 TH.IB aparklll\f I bdrm. home. Lovtly Land8caped patio Quiel •t •<;. c r. lo&ft. •JH'lt. comfort 6 11Kunty. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYL VlA THOMPSON • .A.Moc. 280' N ewport Blvd., Npt. 8-c.b ltuy Parkinc Hart>or "10 Lido Isle ·0n Via Genoa TO' etreet. charming 3 bedroom 2 bath home and dee. Carpeted throughout with high qu.Uty c:arpet.inc including drapes and land- acapin1. Built oo a 40' lot thia one year new home i9 an noellent value at $34.500 and bu a $20,000 lou repayable at $1:56 per month. Newport Heights 45 foot Panoramic View Lot Unucell«t for oc-.n and Barbor View m.ooo. Not a .__ bold -Clear deed p-. Juat eut of 2320 Cliff Drive. _ LAJ\OE BACK BAY View Iota trom '6.IKIO up. Bay & Beach Realty HIM :"ewporl Blv!S. Ooela .. _ Call(. Uberty ._1181 Eve1, L.1 l-3168 REAL VALUES 117.7!'10 N•w 3 bdrm. ? balha, 40 fl, lot. Atroeet to •lr<Nl, all elec- lr1e kltchtn -Ml"l(f' n.repl&ce, carpet.. and l'lns~r1e.. Don't ovtrlooll thl•. .. ,..... A.a _,,._.tll ., ... , .... Uld ""1--..& --..... • bdrm&. J ..... ..... .. ..a e~aad ....... f/11 .. rlnMt., .., ...... llmttMw Uvu-«it. ~ ... ~- Ip~ and-........ .... •ri• -A.I .._ ........ I paua. w1U. ...._,.,.. .... K'.,,tnf --... , ....... .)() ft lut • 8pttla.I $12.000 ll4 T .. llll4m aaALTT DUPLEX J 6 I BR hardwood Tour~ ........ ~::un~. TU~1 G~aa~t 91~~~ BAY & BEACH REAL TY-Udo Offtee Dist. I ear Oaraa•· YOU MUST 311 2 Lafayette, Newport Hu. 3822 Har. Mt.,._, -tbll on• Low-down P"Ull --------------------· price onlyT•:e.oool . r-, T•~ 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth rip ex ONLY :a yn old 2 BR. ••ch l"Or· B•ck Bay Estate -(4 yni.-modern-rlJRNllB. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor ner I~. Modflm bulltina Kit· ED) five bedrooma, many atna. One tun aen, diui. Very neat. Bat llut •Id~ room for hontee pet.a etc S37 ooo with t..ma. Costa .. ~es• 0 1atrlot. CJOM to E"'YUtlni • • . , IVI u 2902 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 Thia 11 • St.nJ. EA..,. Termw 'Two ~parate houaee-2 Br. eac.b-Eutale ....,. ' FURN. UNrra)a.t klcallOft, --------------------NlCE B UILDING-Lot 121';()(). ~ Blvd. Income $120 mo. Price $10,600 wtth S3llOO 0 ·1 lot MdOO. '10,000 dowa. • ll260 &.Her HUJUtT °" lhl1 OCEAN FRONT °"•· down & ha.lance $80 per month. BA..L.804 nlHUMVLA Lot --··-.... -··--110,IOO. NEWPORT LOT -·---.iao. l·J llft. FURJf. UJO'l'a -..... INM. a..,.._.._.._.. .. ~. IT,900.,__ Homer E. Shafer R&ALTOR lOI McF~ Plllcle llu Ho--.e... Jiu. JUT·M HILL ca 'l'RADS ~ 81"1. ---tnccae - ..... '60 IDO. Sll,000 down - "1U \AM dee.I' looal I bedrm. bOMe .. dll.. pa.J'llM!llt. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lNT Jf~ eo.ta Mee& U I· 1832 Eve. LI 1-eeoa Take your pick. They all, ha've a nitw view and a B. A. NERESON Two 1 Br. homee on one acrw (taa.IOO) Oood Joe.. 1ood beach ! t ion nnr Meaa Drive. Sll.&00 RCALTOR 1. ' bdrm, home ·-·····--.. •· -·-·-.................. $22.'500 :!'~~~port B~~1ta .~;;:; c tor the family) $1500 Down 2 Br. home t tJ :.: yr.) fireplac.. dbJe. 1a.rt.p, Qoue a location. $9550. Balance on f' .H..A. lou $71..80 a. eluding taxea and ina,. I. I bedrm. home .. -......... -· ...... ·---···-·· ... $21,800 ( v ftY Lare• yard) I. 1 bdrm. bom. ...... -..................... -....... -.. SlS,000 coruy $4000 down) PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2&20 Newport BITd., Newport Bea.cb Har. 2313 TRADE WANTED Ml Aon ~ It. and/or • ft. rurtmer Ntn KlNoa PLACI: Del&Chttul ¥1-I bednn home ret1ced p.llo. w /W C&.fl'ela. room for lwlmmJnc pool Allow ua to •how you lllU. 1plc 6 epan ~ JT. old bMuty F' P. 1111.960 Me60 down. ORANGE OOAST PROPERTIES 1167 N~. Costa Meaa R·f Re.ldential &ot Mx.300 ··----IJ• G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. MGCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., a.ta W-. LJ 1-1801 t..J 1·1832 Eve. LI 8-tlOI L•d o H s BDRM .• I BA TH 1 .Ytv old-I 0 pen ouse Baell Bay arM, l tOO do'llnl. Bal. S?I. month. tnol. taa• • I.NI • 5-9 p.m. MoTe n,tlt ln. 'nt.la .. a rMI barpin. PboM _ For thoee who appl"8Ciata Us. nn.ut. ART C. KI8TU:R CO .. Rar. 122t At 123 Vta Genoa ll01 N-iiort Bl•d .. H..-pon Deb. Come and •amine the utma.t in be&atiful cs.tan U MnO ....,...10 LllL. or oft. 6 p.m. GREENLEAF-SEVER.TS REAL TY Udo Lot 31U N"'J)Oft Blvd., N~ Beach IO<'l~o~aao~.!:.ONU..: toct2 and quality home coMtructlon in a I bdnn., J Mala IHOR.llCLIPT I br • I MU!., 1-•· home. Can convert to a • bdrm., lf deatnd. lot.. 81ck:n ... C01J1p.i. me to Mll Full price $37 .850 92tfc !1-rbor 2Ml EV8: Llbe'lY __ s_-~ ____ ~1s.w. t od at ~ at 1-UiM rwpla.c. ment eo.t. UUOO. lmmed1at1 Harbor 8284 Coun., to BNkM • ~-------------------..::.__p~c-n_u_tton_._"_•_r._•~r--·~ __ a_•t_rr _____________________ ..;: .. :~::, ___ ~· -. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor ' BALBOA ISLAND A REAL HOME -a cha.rmlng 2 bedroom plua a su.t room and bath. Laree living room, and full dinJq' room. Hri. ON. BeautlM pat.lo and briclt BBQ. CIOM to ftDe beach. THl8 18 ONE TO BEAT. 8ee m we ban U.. key. I SHORECLIFFS PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP! Out.landing 4 bed- room 8 bath horoe with privilege of buying an ad~jning large view lot at a reuonable prlce. One of the few left. Let'• d1lcuu it ····-··-···--·'42.500 LIDO ISLE LOOK, LOOK, LOOK! Udo two bedrm .. bome, 26zH muter bdrm. $17,750, $S500 dn. will handle. Excellent terma. REALLY TRUE! , OUTSTANDING LOT -If you have been waiting for a large lot priced right, we have it. A 51 ft. JDut frontage on Eut end or Ialand. Newport Beach Ocean Front On beautiful 8euhore Drive. 2 B. R. hom~ and 1 B. R. apt. hnUalMd throughout. SEE TBI8 TO-DAY. P!llCED ftIGHT at $17\850. Low down J)aymeftt if de9ired. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VEMDRS or KULTlPLlll Ll8TING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 ......... ~----~~---------- p . a . p a I m e r r n c o r p o r a. t e d developers of Udo Isle Model Home Open 12 to 5 dally 204 Via EboU • Beautifully furnlabed by J. H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN VISSCHER T'bla stunnln~ • bedroom home 18 planud around a aparkling pool. The alidlng glue w.U., built- ina, and large lot make indoor-outdoor Uvinc mo.t inviting. Be 1ure to aee this ! Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. Ii 1 bath plua a 1h bath and small bed.rm. in garqe. Only 300 feet to perfect north bt.y beach. Thi• home ii in fine condition and it you would like a home t o UBe in the summer and have ws rent it for you ln the winter, thw abould be perfect. $18,750. Tenna. 57 foot wide building aite on Via Lorca $16,000 Beautiful Lido Residence Artiltically land8caped on very choice aite, 92 feet on CA!ltro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and 4!5 feet on Cordova Strada.. Enough room for pool it desired. Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanla for indoor-outdoor living. Thia home la Mt apart by Its charm, even in thia teetion of lovely homea. . $32,500 full price with tenna. Seashore Drive DOLACULATID ocean fft)nt hoine 3 bf.drooma-11h batha -completely tunlilhed in 'Early American 9tyle, aituated ma our ftaM bathing beach . Total price $18,500 Call Dave O.butn Shorecliff Open House Pictw.que one 1tory ranch 1tyle home. Lou ot UMd brick 6 redwood. Low sw~ping heavy •hake roof-8paeloua floor plan, includee 2 Ndl'oom9 It den -3 b&tha -2 fireplaces. Be&utitul ocean view -Juet a step to exclu.aive b&thlq beech. OPEN SUNDAY from 1 • 5 p. m. 2'8 !Mning Canyon Road, Short Oitf • Drive by then call Dave OlltNrn Looking For A View · NOT JUST ONE but two beautitul brud Dft' I B. R. -2 bath h omea. Both have an outstanding view ln addition to numerous other features, In- cluding built in ranges Ii ovena. Both houeea will be open Sunday, Aug. 21at. One ii priced at $23,000 the other $26,000 223 6 226 0eean View AW. Newport Heights CaJJ Bill F&m1Worth for further ln1ormation. Cliff Haven Let me 1how you thla Immaculate a bedroom home. located on a l&r19 Be lot and with planting ln a- c:ellent condlUon. Property ia ready tor oocupancy -----~~~~-------------------~~~~ New, Different and Dramatic Modern ln evf!rf detail, with many built-in feat\U"ee. In the llWUlet' of a Freoeh Traditional home with New Orleana wrought iron and louvered pt. to planted otf..treet entry. Nylon,viaco11e wall to wall deep c.arpeting. Sliding gla.u doors to patio. 3 bedrma., 2 bathe. 2-car garage plua amall car, boat or ahop area 10 x 14. A fine home you 1hould ... without delay. $3.f,000. . wit.bout any fixing. -v v Corona del Mar BEST INCOME BUY 1. CHOICE INCOME UNITS We have S 'deluxe income unit. all completely tuntlahed. All rented and located in best rental vet. on >hrlltmtt ID Corona del Mar, only 1 block . to ocean le beach. Tb-.re priced right. Priced to .ell al $35,000. Terma C'an be arranged.. We have the key. 2. HOMES-VACANT LOTS See ua for better buye In Corona ct.I Kar. U lt'1 • tor aale, we have It u.ted.. ' CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCVlllTION, Raltor NCT E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mu. Bar. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mu Bank) p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management ms Yi& Udo, harbor 1500 • Aile for Bqkiuon Santa Ana Heights Three bedrm. 1 bath on large lot. Back yard com- pletely fenced and laodacaped. Radio controlled door on double garage. Bargain priced at $11,750 and only $(200 down. Aak tor Kincaid. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales tuanagement I 1700 w. c:out hl&'hway -UMrty s.arrl ' Houston Values BILL'S BEST · BUYS 2 Unit Income! A AUU. DOWM-P41'JOIMT 111 A.LL YOU PAY ••• TlllC4Jt'I' PAY TBll R~, OM ot our tie.t nlue1. 2 Mpar&IA unJu, f\lmlahed. 2 ~Uo.. SOlr102 tt.. aot. cboloe klcaUon -...,. Uld 0-. J1e.eoo. f'too .,.,._ 9 Unit Income! Let's Trad• Ow1l.W wut ~ ......_ w or New 3 and • Bd. Rm. Homes- Mll lhta nt~ a bdrm. bom• on P~on in 30 dayw. Tbeae WUT'&Dl your In· a MaJlO k>t. Oil ........ _.,.. ..u,&Uoe. AU haft 2 bat.be., prbase dWpoea.la &Ji., ~ 11uilt-la ldtcb. and cboJce ot colors. Double ..,..... and .O..a.t nook.. a ettl Yalue, 1 yr. old. On11 P .000 down. MOM Oii '*· fw aT&ilable Oil .,.... ......... Prtoed .. low .. ·~~ klu1. hU priN. llO.OOO $8,315 with $375 down.. VALUE VALUE Worth Lot More ci.an 2 bdrm .. oa ~. 1 blocit A Whale of a Buy- ott N.wport lllYd . dbl• ra.r. A On a quiet realdentJal street-traffic free and clean POSJTIVELY THE BUT V ALUZ JN BALBOA. JlA.Uk>A <>CE.Ur FRONT. f Dita ,W. mu.tpt'I a putm o t. CCllll plet.el 1 hlrftlah. ed Mtd amp&. wppU.. for aU aput.menu. Nnr rtfr1pr&lora and etoYea. 11.emodeled "' IMO. "* net 1aoome ••• sae.ooo. fll,000 doW1L. BEACON BAY 2 bedroo 2 b th e&rp0rt. Only ~2·00,0 do~. l'Ull u a whlstle. Two bedroom.. hardwood tloor1, ' m, a pna. "'°°· n • • 11U7. fireplace. dining room and break.fut ..,._ Very home and 1 bedroom Newport Hts. $7900 neat grounda, completely cement blodl fenced. income apartment. EXCEt.L.ENT NE10HB<>Rnooo. FuU price $9.~ wtth S28C50 down 1 bdrm.. oa -er.. W /W car· ~t. •nclud.. R&aa• a twtrtir. H bo Hi hi ..1-a·, on a IOdO lot. 91lc.J ftlu.. ar r g anuo-Balboa Duplex! I OOASTAL 8BOPPEK l!'AUdoll el NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -,ART II · 'A&e 1 WEONESOA Y. AUGUST 17 I 1955 !-------------------~~-~---------.......... a aw!':!!!'! BALBOA ISLAND BAY VIEW 2 ulta, 6 bdrm. bcme, 1 bdrm. apt. Sheltered patio. Apt. turn. home partly. $10,000 down. Ba1111ce -tenu. BA YFRONT, Little Ialand eo ft. bay front&p, pier It float. 4 bdrm.. Balboan-Ensllah archltecture. BAY FRONT BOKl'.8 FROM $31 ,WO -up. A 'M'RACTIVE 1 BDltM. HOME. Owner want. action. Make off•. Cottage near So, Bay. 3 bdrm9., l ''1 batha, firepl., lge. living room. Attractive patio. TWO UNITS nr. 8o. Bay -2 bd.nD. houae 6 1 bdrm.. • apt. Beamed ceilJnp. S:SOOO dOW1l -Q2,D0t. Soundly coD9trueted f bdrm. yr. rQUDd home. Cloee to Beach . $7000 down. TWO UNITS near So. Bay, I bdrm. 1\t bath home, 2 bdrm. apt. Firepl., u cllent oondltJon. Attract.lH patio. Ternu rilht. LOT 40' on Marine .Ave., $24,600. BUSIN~ Bun.DING Marine Ave. '32,&00. Balboa Ialand'1 ID09t attractJve bol't. 3 bdrm. Din· , ing room. P lua eh._ 2 bdrm. apt. $38,000. nJUrr OFFERING, lmall 2 bdrm. boUN on~ phin. Fittplace, Floor tum. Furniahtd, built 1.N7. $16,MO -Submit down. • SEE US FOR BE.A.OOH BAY and BAY8HOU pro,..U.. BAnHORES. A. •aeant loll! BACK BAY View ' bdrm. llaJda room. Den. P'orward 1oM all electric lrltcha. Ao U"Chitect dellptd bCIM ot merit on a.l.moet an acre. Fully tum. AT,000. wm consider tract.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Har. 117:5 -Ev-. Edith lhroon RTatt ~ John lila=ab, Harbor ~. 226 Marine Ave., Balboa Jaland IT TOOK THREE DAYS • • • • . . To .ell the OPEN BOUBl!l we had at 118 Via 09Doe. The prlca wu $31,000 for th1a lonly new tour Mdroom home ..• But bold on a mlDute -We have 11-ted a Iarsw tour bedroom home Clll a larpr Jot ... No, lt'a aat new, but tt IUft Iii a lat ot w.11 built bomeu4•a1iet11m..., ... Weplu to • have open !aaa. mon ... tn the meantime tor deta.11.t c.n · LI DO REALTY A.moclatea Udo'1 Mo.t JCsperienctd S...S. Pel'90DIMll Bill Kempton-Joe Grohman Gene Vreelan.d -V\rglnJa MaNOll 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 An excluaive hom. area with fine beach and lar19 lot for mothtr Ir chlld""1, and dock space for a tmall boat for dad. Priced $28.500 furnl.ahed- Oood terma. Owner will llat.u to cuh. Only ••0 mo on baL 3 Bdl"ln9. -One or the nleest on ~A.Te. Beau· 2 Bdrm., Westside $7500 tifully Widacaped. (Thia la the only home we know of in the HJghlande available at UU. time.) llXTIU. 11.u.r LOT l'Oll OMJD ------------------------~ .. MOU UJf1'r ••. plua a ~ Pb. Har. 444 for appt. u Aug. t enant pay• $775 rent.&l. , FOR SALE OR TRADE I unit motel apartment. The finm unit of t.hia t7J>e in thla location. Income ln ac.e of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Nat door to the Poet Office Bar. 444 J!)r,.. Har. 305&-M -Har. 4248-R BALBOA -BAY ~ENUE . 4 Bdnn.:--2 b&tb8 -Stf>&"te dining room. Clean and ..-41 to move Into. ~ Block to 8Choo&; churchee A: tnasportatJon. A rMl family boaM. .. NEWPORT ISLAND -2 Unit Income lleparate Roue -2 bdrma., ll~g room. dining room. kitchen 6 bath. Extra It.all 11bower, Leun· dry room. Also 1 Bdrm. apartment over double garagt, ni~e clu.n \ ...... property. Apt. rented yearly. I Price $16.500 -$3.500 down. BAY & BEACH REALTY 1'-50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 12&4 Priced at $18,!SOO On • ao.J&O lot, can't ti. M&t. only • YT9· old. CIOM·l.n. JUll Back Bay--S 1 &oO dn.. b&la.ooe ilk• ""t. E ve Into. r.t.tti. LI 1~&481 Spacloua 3 bdrm home with bMuUful .tew. ~er --lot 88' x 135 • ln uncrowded area. AU rooma .,.. Lido Isle Special extra luge. Priced at s1~.200 -with~ tenm. On two tull lot.a. TO.SS. a B. R.. Owner leaving t.h1a area and anxiou.a to eell. 2 IMllb hom•. Lovely 1aM.I A pauo. Pl~nty ·9?'~ f(lr pool Pr. ONLY $37.600 ahOWll by eppt. M-1 Super .Value . FACI'ORT 2400 aq ft. on tadlO W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll Wte our friendly aervlce" 383 E. 17th St ., eo.tl Meu Liberty S..U39 lot. R.tnted at '13! mo. Room ---------------------------------to build tl.nOt.hH bulldlnc tor add. Income. 20 l't.. alJ•Y· Prtc. IJS,00<1, "1UI IJ6 da. A N&I bu;J. l:'fe lato ~ LI a-~I Avocado Grove t ACJ'lES 1'o.. 8aJI Dtqo1t Oo. 1300 ft. tin.. rn.t r,., II yr, o&d ~ 11 'tt'atel' llNlw • eprtnllc· a.r.: m .ooo. WILL T1tA.D11 for bmnM or tncome tn Rutlor Ev• Info. ae,tnour Ba.r. 8291-W Houston Realty Co. 6 .4 S SOCJ.A TES ll09 Center flt., Cci9ta M- U l-t911 or LI 1·7114 Y A.CTORY BLDG., 60lllO GOLDEN RULE VALUE 0 p e n H o u s e Sat.-Sunday 16th Place and !nine Avenue 8entJtu1 Provincial three bedroom plua tamUy room. Attached two car garage. Two bath rooma. .A. home you'll be proud to own. nnt home ln Amerka to feature a uw special Ugbting. Offer- ing thla home at $21.~ , ------------------------------Ortic• 20&30, on W. 19th S L, wtth Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 18M Newport mvd. Cost.a Me.a ( a.croea rrom Costa Meea Bank) Phone LI 8-8781. EY•. Hr ·~ · LI 8-210I PERMANENT 1A Y VIEW Very nice home on Bay A~ .• 2 bdrma. and dat. Large walled patio. Garage 8i.r..ed for apartment. Excell~nt buy at lm,500. OCEAN FRONT ftree bdrm. h ome. n"'IY remodeled and deconted. $15,500 unfurnlabed. $16.000 furniabed. BAY FRONT BEACH HOME 11n bdrm., 2 bath. large Uving and dining room. Tu. kit.ehm. Not new but wtU cared for. Twma ca.o be a.n-anied. • BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1000 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 9lc93 107 fL tront..,... Fm <*S. Paftd ~rklJlC. Aho 100 n.. a4Jotn1.nr av&llable. Barra1n priced at------------------~----------- f.M,600-or wW dl~ T9rm.a. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIF.S 185T Ne'trport. o.ta le.. LI a.1132 .... U .._,. ocmAJf J"ROMT 'ws9 Me Drift. Ai.aat IM1' I bdrm.. bame °" eomw )ot. l'uD price •t T .UO. Tenna. Mmt ... um C111•. 0p«n ll&Ada,J aft.emoon or phone - AJ\T C. KJ8TLD 00., Har. U11 llOl M~ ...._ Mewport .._ tocel OBOJC9 l'lllldmt.lal lot, TO s 180. .Alt uWltl-. ~Ted etnet., tnm. Welt •Ide Coe't& M-.. Otmer, LlbertJ' ....... t1dl ~ - "Sun Worshipers" 'Waterfront" wm Ion w. • bedlllL, 2 bath plua 2 bedrm.. 2 bath.,._ apt. loclted on floeet private nlmmlDf beach. . Pier aDond. i._ uw., roam. ..-11 beun ClillDs. tlnplace, Ip. st·-14 Jaal. Too ... to WI a\oDt, Ill'• look now. Plicld at OnlJ 112.000, ftM t.ml a'ftDahle. dSBORNE REALTY CO . 2323 W. c.out Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7M2 Har. &lM "'9. , • .• IOlr102 \i ft. a.c. u,,. tllr- ...., Ud ............. ~ .....,. .......... 0..0fthe -.it ... , ... 0.... loeaU.. flt.500 Uld pod UnlLL Balboa Home wtTll allfQLll J.P Una:NT! ICXCICLLJC1fT LOCATION, n-.r S.1 and e>c.a. a a.droom llGID9 w I t i. det.a.cMd ~ ....,un.nt .•. cut. u a~· ..,. Two ..,..._ They .,.. tu:mWied. t4o. Arnnp lo ... USS. •e at S17,&o0, terma. Balboa Beach Home ID~ BUCH B O:ltm 1'0ft TOUJ\ P'.uDLT. Yoo ahould ,_ ~ d.udy plaee . . . nJcelJ llans.bed and ~ ••• ....,. ....... Loe&t .. -"Ea.t 8&7 A Yenu.e, cloee to town ud ahopplflC, Only 112,500, ~dowi\. INVESTORS ! ATTENTION ! I am going to tell )'OU of a 10Sdm opportunity that hu never been offered. Located In the MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner hu appointed me hia IOI• aim tc ..0 the following propeaty. (1) POST OFFICE BUILDING to be &tnt.Md by No- vember 15. Leued by the U .8. Govt. for 15 Jean with option of & and CS more. ( 2) 38 UNIT MC>TEL. comp&.Wy tW'D1lbed 6 ~ ating on a fine return.. C3) 245 FT. OF BUstNESS, rroutqe ~ PM office building. Owner will aeU at once, or tn4I for .ubdivlaion land. F or lnlpectJou 6 dlitao. pleue aee Mr. Oaborne.. OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 w. Cout Hwy. (At Port C>ruc"•r Newport Beub LI 8-715e2, Hat. 11.M.,... Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelt.e llallJc of A.menca -------------------------- Ro. Or.eley .Al C.om.Uia Ed 1'" Jade Pinllham Jc»ephtne Webb TOO E. 8&1bo9 mvci .. 8&1bo9 PboM Harbor llTT. Bt.Jboa Pen.lnaula Point '1'11.r. ....,.._ and GuNt ~ fllllcUODAI Indoor -out.door UY· 1nr at tta beat. Luse Unnr room wlUl tlnpl&oe, bu ttltd\ftl. w/dlall......._ A dapoa&l. 84!pll· rate ~ porch. utrll lge. lot wtth ....u..d la brick paUo It * BRAND NEW ~ Bedroom home oa J&rre R-2 lot. 1 block tb ooean ! CIOM to tnuportatlon. Open for your iupfet.Joa from 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. 117 • 47th St., Newport Beach J. M. )vilLLER CO. 2~ W. Balboa Blvd. Near the Newport Pler Har 4091 92c:M aBQ. hll ,,_ only U2.000 ----------------------t.el'Tl\A Dl1'f'e ~ 1140 JJ. O«a.n JllYd. ftla QaQ, J. JI. MDJW co. -W ............. Hat.4001 (~ De Jfewport Pier) nOlfftllO CM TWO llJW A\' I M .... ... M•l. M100 a.ere wtUl Dlftl ...... ..... to lbow ~ ln Y&lue. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES lllT H..,,_t. eo.ta W... L1a-1w .... u ..... ---- $ $ $ Unusual 10 Ac. M-1 Jndut.rlal -$&8,000 BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. ml W. ODut Bwy. Lt 1-71582 It Har. 221 $ ' • 4 - I . I ], I I , '£~ .... , ........ , WITH SALLIE Aqa9t 18, 1166 Newport llartMll- Thnle Rlq Orea9 t To- morro" .lerl Blpee w 111 opm lier MW ~· Clotblac Store ••• Jabatl.· tote. toddlen 8P to .._ 14 •.• llo19 ud Olril both ••• Two ,...._ 9bowa wW pnvlew tile ...... la .... to eelaool pn for tM •· cc-tac MUC1a ••• You all bow ........ a& leM& 7.-r ..n fr! do_,... Wlalle play- ... wtua • to,. a& UllD TOJlud for tM .... two ,.,.., ....... 1.ed to ... miN of tile w n,.ty of a Ohlldl'ell'• ~ at or• unoq oar Lido llHP9 ••• 8o ebe upped Md clood ltl AC!l'Om &be •tr.et " New- pon Blvd. 8be ..... .... 9bop .lert'• of Udo .•• 0..- patulatioM .lert • • • ...,. all your tro.blee be llWe 09l9 ••• "A little .omethlnc for JOU ot munch on the plane" •.. The little eomethins conai8ted of the folio~ ... A Jars• picnic bullet, packed but ap- petmncly with delicaciee . . • A Undt Tuter, "hJch ia a box of import-s SwJ.m Choco- late. containing a variety of all the Lindt candiee . • • Gourmet'• Deli 1 ht Baby Meringue. about u blg u the end of your Utt.le finpr •.. Richelieu Cocktail Salami, little individual Salami to eerve with a dunk, ecrambled egp or pancakea • . . G~ vannl'• AntJputo (pick)ea. ::illvea, eapen., ~mixed vegeublee) :.. . l ~~ne Smok· ed Turkey UOCll1.&U ·-... ........... t,.. ..... huapy ..... ,.,. .. Dulllla C o c ktail • ......._ la White wi.e from ~ ~rk ••• Y...C• Sa· prnno Cockt&ll 1 .... bone (etrula. pretade ud •• bleadf'd ~ ·~ -c:n111chy) • • • ood Oarllc Flavored Bae o • Rbtcb ..• Old Moak O.- Oh• stuffed wttll oalo• ... Thea for a ehaap Old Moak 0'"9 oavee Matted wttla AachovW. ... Y OGlll'• Supreme ~tau Peppered 8ticka ... "Eat a bite now and then ... the lr1p won't eeem eo long" . . . Dano Superfloe criap bread . . . Richelieu River Smoked F.eJ from Que- bec . . . Demuic'• Salmon Hora D'oeuvree (lilt.le eau. aa1e•) ... Cra..-ford'• Uffill. 1t ••• Ro manoff Belup Cav. iar ... Hawailan Macadiama Nuu . . . Cbateau Sliced Smoked Salmon . . . Gour- met'• Delight liut Roeb (little ric. cake. with pu- nuta) Go urmet'• De Ii I bl Sambu (Utt.le c:Npi_ -~ Cak•) ... Oormet'• U.UCht 0yatu Rolla •.. Gounnet'a DeUght Tee Veea (Riee Stieb thia time with sucar> •.• "laat to wMt Jo• r wldiltae "Ith" •.. 0 . R. ....... ud Co. Enra Dry Champape, ..... Fra.ce • • . "YOU mlcbt. like • eradler" ... .IMIObe Coek· t&ll W*r Bl9etdt¥ • • . aallaY'OINCI to •here aay- t.ams .,..-°" them ••• "Just in rue" ... PluUc container Party Picka ••• Pullmatcb I>Wpeuer ..• paper naPklna "So'• you'll have eomethinc to keep to • remember me by" . . . A "ooden b o I d e r containins wooden couten ... .. Y•'U fMI ~::.;; wttla &MM,. ••• ,..,_ e>rtct-1 8•abd 'hrb7 . . . Alilo ...... ~==:.:;: rv+n1sd ud now. '** ----••II•'• lap). Sbo~Jou wiab to have a mack eel for a friend o( yours u a nYiDa away prM- ent •.. You to ~bt be able to find "llCmet.b.iDC a UtUe dilferent" hen .•. ,,. OOAftAL SBOPPD E4ltlo9 et NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -WEDNESDAY, AU6UST 17, 1955 :IS Yeusof SUPER MARKET INDUSTRY -.25fh ANNIVERSARY Super markets became recognized, as such, for their ever increasing efforts to fulfill the desires of the American family. Richard's, too, loined the In- dustry to better fulfill growing human desires. To make available the largest, finest selection of foods in the World. Richard's new "hot foods" is an- other symbol of super-market progress. Someday, super-markets may all be "cooking it for you.'' in easy take home containers, iust as you'll find "hot foods" today, at Richard's. ... _tcol -Mtfo-l fa t-'orit•" Alllweet ·~ 23· MARGARINE I "'lint for cs11"6119 or t11•&.'' GROUND BEEF 43. 0 A R Pure Ouae Orualated S•b ...... 45. n.. SUGAR· •Qlue d• ~r fovorll• •·•-O •-· ....... .....,,. SPARE RIBS TURKEYS ••...w toU• .,..,,,.,,.., fir ... "-' ,_,. ...... Br-.ldMt SAUSAGE iiSCiiits r· ._....._.t .. COUNTRY DILLS lb. ftt. t .0,. roll __ ... 11r .. ... ,.,4F Sdn ~ 0.-.,.._ w HW CHEESE _ _ .. -·· iliJNsCHWEIGER .. • 9lr f<lcW~ own /,al."/ TBUUDAY P...a. DINNEll 6 14C ROLLS ----··· ,., H>uND CAKE . ._.. ralDAY O,..T• 54 PEACH PIE __ ~ c IATOU>AT .. ..,...,,. . 3 25c COFFEE CAKE ter . WU CAKE -·· .... 97c Watdl tor UM lftlWI .ope~ ot the Pl.Jell· ard'11.Ado non.t lhopl Complete n on.t ia.r . "'" ,. tbe Jl&rtior Ana. Phone ordlr _. ~- 53. 63· Kror eolaU or .. Hrl•'" Royal A.89orted Jl1avon 3·-17· GELATIN Du ..... e.NAA 5ae IUnER .. ·-····-----• 17- JOMATO JUICE .. _ 2Jc ....... ,.. OILANOS 2 21' JUICI . ..• -,., ,,......,_ llOABT ll&U' 8WIM 8'l'ail......... II' DINNllS ..... :-.. 11 ... ~,... ..2 ., CUT c;OIN •• rw UI 0..-lda POl'ATO 2 29' PA mis .... 11... ,., "-Clllek-. ..., Of' 23' TURKEY PllS I ... "-ldllt P1N1l 2 23' LEMONADE.... ,., counby /,-u~ ........_ Sweet. Bed 'hWe GRAPES Fucy, 8Wll'lag 8be BELL PEPPERS U.' 8. No. l. AD Pa.rpoee, Bed .... POTATOES t.YHOX fl' ·--··--11 - ......... , « auT 1.21' FOODS ____ ... ._ -.. 27' CLOIOX .. _~ ,.._ ._a..r Dks;eA ALL ..,...... 25' AWM. FOIL ... _ .. • ,.. ,_ ......... 2 ·~, TOWILS _,... ._ lli1 2 ..... 19· - (J 2 •be. 19· 5 Ibo. 19c 0 At ...,.., IMo llar- ket. OM of tM Ullo 8l9of9 at the"'~ to Udo ... Nn.,.....Beee.11 ••• 8PIXllLI roa Abo~ 11, 11 ..r ao. 1111 rooo llAS'I' OF nm LIDO UOPI' ~ t . '