HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-19 - Newport Harbor News Press\ • DEAm SCENE -A baby was killed and thre~ pereon.e injured when the passenger car shown abo\'e hit head' on with the oil truck in the background today about 2 milea wetit of Huntington Beach on Baby Dies in Truck- Car Crash Unidentified Tot Killed as Vehicles Smash Headon HUNTINGTON BEACH, Aug. 19, (OCNS)-An uni- dentified baby was killed in a crash brlw<'<'n a light passen- ger car and giant oil tanker on Coast Highway midway between Huntington Beach and Su11set Beach early this afternoon. I kPy 11.nci P"a1son or Ana.,,e1m. The I tr1vtr or lhe trurk 1 !'•'el\'e<I 111annr According lo repnrt.!I of C'al -lnJui aes &nd was ~1,.,.n t>niergcnry fornla Highway Patrol orrirn I hO~p1lal tr·t'atm.,nl • • :COUNTY FREEWAY PROPOSALS TO STATE HARBOR PRESS .. ........... CINUlatlo' Toclay . 5825 Coplea PBONI: HARBOR 1e1e 48th YEAR-NUMBER 56 NEWPORT BEACH, C~RNIA, l'RIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 .. Highway 101-A. The injured were rushed lo a Long Beach hospital. The passenger car caught fire. The truck's front end wu ao bad.\l' damaged it required a tow car for removal. -Sta'Tf Photo Probation on Ridalls Set at 10 Years SANTA ANA AUG. 19 (OCNS ) Harold W. Rlda.l.la, 18, a Camp Pendleton Marine, today wu plac· ed on 10 y.ara prob&Uoa and .- dered to ma.ke full re1Utu.lllon for a wild Sunday afternoon •pree 1n which be admitted two felonloua drunk driving oftensea. ChaT'fN of aulo theft and hlt- a.nd-r un againat t ha defendant wl!re d ropped by Superior Court Judge J ohn Shea. Judge Shea uld da~ca In th• cue probably w lll run bt'l ween $8000 and $7000. "but we-aren't certain how much." l'ITRlT K CYCLE RidAllB WU 81'CUlled of attllllng a ca r m Laguna Beach, lt'lltlng north on Cout Highway. &triking a motorcyclist and wlndlng up In a collil1ion al Poppy Ave and Coul Highway. Corona del Ma r. La Verne Gains Delay Before Entering Plea BANTA ANA. (0CN8)-0n re· quest of h1a c0W1 .. I Robert H . .La.- Vern.e, 35, of 8an Gabriel., accused of Manal&urhter, today pined a two-weelt delay In entertnr pl..._ Atty. Jarnea Ol.nUWon told su- perior~ .JU41p Solul ..... u..t "I 've ju.It racelved the p ,,.J.lmlnuy hearing tra.necrtpt.. I haven't made up my mind whether t o ar gue for dll!mlaaa.l under Section 995." Dist. Alty. Robert Knffland re· lucta.nlly qreed to the deferral ol plee... J udge Shea told ContlHfon to be prtpared to argue !or d11ml11N.I of the chargu Sept. 2 If he expecu lo follow that procedure. The detendanl, fret on bail, la accu11ed ot clubbing Jr"ing RJch - ard Perrelt. 21, ClQremnnt Mrn's College 1tudent, to dea th with a etlck In Ne.,..'])Ort Beach. La Verne allegedly ca up t the victim window peeping. LOCAL -MEN BACKING COUNTY TV s·HOW! $160 RAISED FOR CAROL IN HIGH SCHOOL BAND CONCERT Newport H•rbor Union High School band. or which honor graduate Carol Doane wu a member, ral.ed 1160 f"rom Ill Tt11111day nlrht band ('oncert. benertt performance for thf' Corona del Ma r girl, IW'riouely inJured recently In •11 auto- mobUe accident. Clinton Sawin dll't'cted lhe band. The one act pl&y, _ "The Clod," wu directed by Buge Zerbe and Mra. !:vana. Taking p)rt In the putormu ce-were Mllce Vaile. Mlkt L&ne. Ma ryo Tale a nd Don P earROn. NEW CLUB Mesa Teachers Ebell W to Meet; Kids omen Follow Sept. 12 Dick Richard Tells Plans to Present County ·Storj Plans for an "Orange County Hour" on a Southland television station were aired today u the News-Preas learn· ed articles have been filed to incorporate McDonald-Harp& Production at $:50,000. Stock is at St par . but none _baa yet been aold, according .. to M. S. Bernard. a director "ho drafted the incorporation papers. Ask Permit . of Planners Wllh leading Orange Counly er: B\'m ard. Newport Harbor buainuamen aa d1reclor11 a.nd &d-rf'llldl'nt with Santa Ana otrl~: visoni lhe lele\'l8ton ahow 111 ~-Mike 1.k O-OnR ld, pubhc relallona 101 plan ned to pr't'Mnl Orang!' man now employed at th• Santa Co u n l y' a cultuntl. andu11trial, Ana Rl'g l11ter and Daryl Harp&. eportlt. agrlcu!Lural and other tele\'11>11\n Jl1lll sr player, band Elementary achoots In c o11ta rac('tl to the world or viewers. One le&dt'r a nd enterlalner . Mesa w lll opPn fbr puplla Mon-Southland td evll1lon atll.llon Is re-lllrhud and &mard told the day morning. Sept. 12. ported "lnlerrated.'' New•-P rl'lll thet H•rpa and Mc- l"ew kinder garten pupllll will FUOI DlRF..<:TOR." Donald are working on the formal regiater Sept. 8 f rom p a . m. to ot the ahow which will ~nt Di~ctor1 for the new r1nn In-h Uk o 3 p. m. and must carry birth 11uc we • nown r&.11ge County or hOllpltal certifica tes. elude Henry H. Schleuler. Santa ewnl4 u the Newport-EnMn&da Plana for a new E bell club hoUM Ana. owner or Pacific Plumbing YaAhl a--" • -""'" y~•i al of On Friday. S•pt. 2, n-·· t•ach-' ....,... · .._,._.a ...... v ~ ~-~ Co. and acU\'e Santa Ana Cham-A o at the 515 B&lbo& Blvd. 1lte of eMJ will meel wllh Supl. Ev·-tt rta, range County Symphony: ~·~ ber or Commerce ml'mber: 0. W. Bo d Ci 1 s U·" the pruent club hoUM were ad-Rea and at.aft mtmber.11 at the Y an r · cout a c YillH ; and vanced Jut night when Mra. Free- man Fleher put It up lo the plan- nhl&' commlaalon for permla.lon to build without proper parking apace. "Dick" Rlchftrd, owner of R.l .. h. lh I d th f la f o Rea school for an Indoctrination ....., e myr a o er ace o r-ard'11 Lido Marktl and director of ,.._ t 11r Program and tour ot '"e dl•trlct. a.nge ....,un Y e. "' Marlnera Bank, among other ac-P"'•U<J s••v1r • In the all•rnoon u•1ll ·m··t with "0 -""' ~ -~~ Uvltlea: Donald B. Todd, owner or -. di t their prlnc1pala In th•lr achoo! 'ne rec ora or ''&dv._,,.. .. will v Todd• Dalnu . Santa Ana; H. R. k 1• .. -·t t " U" o buUd.lnga. wor w ... .., .. pay o ae ranga Brtnkerho!t, manacer M co-owner County, c~ar Mch tdevtalon ahow AU leacheni will meet al Rea of Rerat Pale Dlatribullng Co.. for vl-lng. The one-hour talent Al the club'• four loi. are In School T\Je.llday, Sept. 11 and Santa Ana ; Lee Huenjaerer Jr.. •how will ~ eold to a 8outhl&11d an R-3 sone the club will r~ul~ that day and th• nut will be Santa Ana .,_,,ker. i taUon and c09la an etltirnatPd lit a \&ff permit from the comml.sslon. devoted to workahop pfOIT'&DUI. Blll Spurs.on J r., pioneer Santa 11000 per hour by ~rd. No ~§:~~Ei::i~I Knowland to NAnayrealclor anMd couAntyyclVioc le&dR-•poTn.oor .. yGet huRE*E" lllT&"Til'd. tt&lM would require parking ror ::~~: ~·h~~l :~~e l~~o::~ll~~~ oAfddCrheassmbersMeet HARBOR 'S EXPLORERS lhe 1enfor group. while the junior Ebell group h118 had lo mret l'lse- where. , A number of augge11uon11 wu By LVS RARTON I p11bllr reh1llon1 lie•d Monday we made by memlier!I or lhe ('Omm1:1-A:\'AHEIM AUG 19 (OCNSl 40 MILES F'RO~t PHlLAOEt., art 11uppQllt'(I to meet the Mayor s1on during the d11•ru!l~1on. 11mon11 Senator Wiiiiam Knowla nd, en-PHIA. A \;G. HI The people or 1! ="'tw \'nrk antt tour the bulld- them lh•l the club did nol net;! gagt'd to spf'ak al the nexl month· ="'ewPIJrl Bnrh 11ure havt frttnda ing or Look ma11;azine u gueela oH-atreet pa rking-any mort' than ly mrmbenhlp banquet or the i •JI Ovl'r the 1 ountr,\'' \\'e are to 1( 1>1rk Hl('h11rd " fnend R ichard two churchPs in lht immediate meet with the Hot11nans or Phil-Hurmel v1cm1ty. Anot ht'r wa.11 th11t the l"lub I Assnria ttd Cham ber& or Com-adelph111 l<m1Rhl. Thty are tu1 mng TO !'IF.t: l'IHOW teU It.ti Vllluable Jot11 11n,1 1.-i• me1• e. g11vl' hllle lnrormatlon re-:>Ul 11pC'< 1al bt; 111111P of th,. PfCurtl! Suntlay m11;ht \\" will 11ee the 'ome Parlrlc Elt"ctnc property 1 ga1d1ng the 11ubJecl or h•• address "' Ori 111 \\'11~h1, I '1 l'i.11lent 1>f the •huw "Un•1tk lhr Ba nk" on NBC •&id to be available oth•'r thllJI t o Inform the ••· Jltewpurt-lilllb-111 Hol1tQ' f'lub. nur an•I Wt' will proba bly bave a Mi11e C&rol Doane. l.i. of Corona rtel Mar, a plll!llenger In a car (!riven by Herbert G. TP11k& Jr., 2~. or Norw11lk, 11uffered Jlt'rtOUI lnj11rir8 In the cruh. ----.-_..,..,------------------------1101'1&Uon that at wou ld contain 1pon11r\r1t Membr111 of 1':xplnrl'r tf11111re or 11pp<'11rlng on It. At thla Cycle r ldtr Alton C &rdner. 30. if Long Beach received a broken lt'lf. The Cadlll&c which alltitedly (Cnntlnuf'd on P ai e 1) Fullerton. Buena Park Youths Held in Thefts "up -to -thf'. minute 11ew11 from Post 17 11n• trym.ir tn m111nt11ln •l11f;t or our l rll\'eb we rould wtll wa~hmgton. CJ. c" our IO\\'nll J;•llld 1 Pp11talum on our ilfl11rr1 to bre1tk M>m•·body'• b&nk Jm·itallon11 ror the banquet. lo 10.000 mlle11 of tour 11111 rrplt'n111h our11. At le811t If we be staged in the ufrlrerll' club. Sunrtay WI' will llt'f' lht Yan~~ ·.,n g1>t aloni:" thl' show u group US Manne Corpll air llt&llon, ~amt> al! j:;lll'llt'. ur the Coca Coll• "''" l'houhl 11t11n'1 a good chanC'e El Toro. J1tarllng at 9 p.m .. were ~omreny a nd •''' Ed Saynl ll11 (<'ontlnuf'd on Pa,te 71 rece.ved by 11 e v e r a I hundred I cham bers 11ncf membeni of tht Glenn Virus, the pa~enJ;er rar : T he baby ••:lls a pparPntly nn thE' a pparently swerved ar ross the hllr k sr11t of the 11ulf>n1ohr/f' an 11s double center hnt In the highway ba;.iouwtll' ll wa.!I killc-d an~tllntly. and cra•hed headon into the ml George v·ibert tanker. The c11r wa11 tlt>mohl'hcd Mesa Youth Now MlllOrl Accused of Stealin9, Sale of Stolen Small Boats, Gear Here association to<IRY requeating that resl'rValiOM for the banquet be made e&rly 111nc.. lhP club la equlppttl to h11ndle only about 250 persons. and caught Cite. F lames weae PX· I o· I H lJn&"Ul•hed by an oil {lt'ld (Ire in Air Force 1es a ome; Continuing' to widen the ring or' comphunt to be IMUl'd by the 111.!1- truck from Huntington BeeC'h. boys that haa b(oen f\C'CU!led of trict a ttorney' a otrlre 1111r1n~ the Driver or the cl"r was MIM J ill I .11111 En1crso11, !!On of ~rr an•1 R •1 s t d lhf'ftl a long the waterfront , polk t> d!ly Md 11ald It wa11 entirety ro ... Mon tgomery. Long Bearh. P M· Mr• RKlph E rn('l'llOll. 5IO \\'l' .. t I es a ur ay orr1cers yesterday arrellltd Elvin I sible they would be b1ultt1 nut. In ienger In lhe ve-hlcle was Mu'" I 20th St. Co!ltll Mt>llll. lert Turs-Allen Spire11. 18, 8922 Whittaker which t'vent they would probl\bly Tem!>"raturr~ put "'ffk i. the 1 HARBOR Wf.A THER Patey Ann Herman. Bolh ,.11f!l'rf'rl 13 ,. fmm f.1>1< Ani:efrll for l'ni kcll Srrv1rP~ rnr George E Vlbrrt. Ave .. Fullt>rton &11t1 Roy \Vmflrld be arra111:nPd Monda)'. Harbor arf'a "en : major lnjurie• !\nd ar" m Long · _ ,. 7!l. 11 111nrr commndor" nr New-Pari1h. 19. 51141 Homewood Sl., I Spiru allegedly 111 lmphcatt-d In Hli h (,ow Bu <'h Communlty Hol!pilef. Air l'on" Hnsr for h1t.ir triu n-,J'ml Harb-Or Yachl Club. who Buena Park. 1takmg oae orthe bo..t .. 1nthrl'f'· Salurday.Au11; 13 71 641 Dn\'er or t he tru<'k WM Elli~ ang. Ill' enh~lt>rl ,oome tam·· ago. re-lh"d nt his home. 16011 E1111t Bay Sp1rr11 is held ror gr11nd theft rent series of lhf'rtll lh11 l hM been unday, Aug 14 71 63 lrt'lan Routt 1 Box 38 F:l'f'Qndailu. reivnl not11 e tn rep<•• I th1"' \\f'ck Fi.1nl. \\'Ct.lne,.day, will hr htlrl and Parish for rece1\'11,g tincl ~II-checked back lo Ju ly !I 11n•l wh1rh Monday. Aug. 15 72 92 l'he truck \lo'U regtJ1tered to Ship-II!' will ht, 1um1an thir·I · h111l' , S nturlfay Rt 11 a m in All Ing 1tolen property. pnhcf' behrve may ln\'oh'P loot Tul'sd6y . .Aug. JS . 73 64 f;111nt~ P.p1 .. rnpal l'hurc·h. r~a-This morning the boy• h&d nnt v11lued as h11tn u 110.000. f'a ru1h W"<Jnesday. Aug. 17 . 72 e2 .. GEORGE £. \.'lBE.JlT o1,•n11. with the R .. , . .John P11rkl', l>E'Pn arralgned or a dale set tor will bt' rhsrgrd wllh hlrltn.i: 1om,e Thurs'1ay. Aug. J8 71 e2 1 ••rt1•r nf SI .J11nl<'!1 P.p1,.cnpa l 11rr11 ignmenl. Detective Sergeant or the loot 11nd l!t'lllng 11. police Friday. Aug. 19 . . 71 90 1 'hurr h. offlC'lal an$!. Turnl'r 11n<l j Vlnc1•nt Mc.Manlgal expected a 11a1d. I ___________ _ S\l'Vf'n~ M11rt1111ry. f'R•n•lr nA. I~ In I 'h11 rir•· of srra~ngernr111 .. A nalh e "f G111<r" ('Rn111le, Mr. \'1b<'rt. 11n early rr•1•l·••1t ('If :-;ew- p111 I 11 n1t Bulbo11. r11 H ''""'" here 1n l~ltl. h 11Hani;t :. h•111i" 11n the J'i'llln•11IA Jo"i nt_, In l !1~0 Hf' wa11 • n,. or lh1t·I' ln!l{I 11111rnl AI an dt'- \ • l11r1ni: ,'\.,·wr1111 Hiu bnr Yarhl l'h1h ~II • \·a bPll \\'\II 11n l't<ll,Y •"Ill"""'"'" C\f l/w 1'1u·111r Co1111t Ya,.hl1ni; A••ll<'1•11 .. n l'ur I n It n11111t M ha:< life hr rl', ~1 1 V1hfort w.1A 1111 11rdPnt ya1 ht-man. 'n1hn11; Sll\r bn:its and 1:ir1ni: hill ~· hnon· 1 I !'1 RrA lll"111 ht' \ reJ:11l1>1 r.--1o1,.n1 of :'\•wport A· .11•h the p11 ~1 111ne-''''""'· h<' ':i t 11\'l'•I In J 'a-~:1t1e1111 ~Inf" 1914 p11or 111 hi11 ni•we he1" an l!l49. HP rr111• ,, Al lht' 8 \:t! nr as and 111uvi>1I tu C&bfom 1A f1om Der.- ' "r h~w1n1t · ~n ert1vf' In bual- n".. tht'rl'. While 11 Oenv<'r re- •1d1•n1 he w.. • J\nl11hl Tt mplar a n1I member or the Shnnf' Tem- ple. Hf' moved to ~nvtr from Mnnlrt•l 11'1 1901. He """' 11 mem- ber of the Overland Club. P••· dt nL Mr. Vibert I• 1urv\ved by hll widow, Pauline of lht' homie ad- rlrtu, h111 llfln. John A. Vibert of &-I Air; hl11 d11ur htn. Mre. Em• I ory MooN Balboe: a 11l1ter, Mra. ~leredltb Roun~. Montreal: Ma .rnndrhlldren Gf'<lrrrey 11nd C'hr11- l.ula Moore and lAuri. VIII«\. \'OtJTlll IN .IAIL -Two mon .-pecta ill theft.a along Newport Beach water- front are in th city jail t oday •waltlnr Uftipment. They are, abcwe at th• left, Etvin Au. ~ 11, of r.u.ton and Roy Winfte&d Parilh, 19, of Buen.a Park. Spiret w eh~ wtth rrand tbd't •and Pari9h wttb recetvtnc and eelllnc etoJc 1ooda. -l&att Photo RIPE WATERMELONS ':_ The.\' u.re riart icularly good in Virginia when it's hot and l hl'Y arc given to you off a farmer'• t ruck. Here i.i thr e,·idencc with 1<>me of lhe boy111 of Explorer Po11l 17 receiving one from a truck and othera eatin~ t he heart from a n- other. Left to right. John \'an Dylr ~etting the melon. Tom Baume, Kent Harv<'y, Doug Reddick and 1~~ ,. . ...... . WHEEL CHAIR CAMP!:RS -Activltiee 1ponsored by Orange County SocJety for Crippled Children and Adults at Irvine Park give handicapped young people oppor- t unity t o take part ln a 1umm~ day camp program of 1peciallud recreation. Traditional Home Setting for Rites of Harbor Duo DONATE PAY Kappa Deltas " Barbets &·Beauticians and Families at Patio Party Aid .Crippled Children A ,.Uo party ud b&Tbecut OJUNGE COUNTY'• ualoe '-">e111 wm contnbute a m~r portion Of their ....-u tor 11trvlc .. to enppltd chlldn'n °" "Union .8&rbeN Day tor Crtpple4 Chll· dnn!' wblch hM Mell 1tt tor Aus· ut. e.eeordlnl to an umounaamenl today 1tJ ~•• >.. a"'""' and Jam .. 8. 8tanph.W. ~-et t.eeat. · !fo. 1'41 al\4 J'fo, 041 ff· 1pecUvely, J .umfymen "'.a..rber• Unlon. Mutra. Brown and ltanph!U u.ld lha~ the event In be)\&Jl ot crippled children It beln1 1pont0r· ed 1tate·w1de by the Callto ... 16 Sate Aaoelatlon of Journeymen Barbera, Halrdrea•111, Coemelolo- Ji•la and Propr1eton with which the local union la atnllattd. Mo.t of the •t&te'• 10,000 AJ'L barben and 1>eeutldan1 wlU pvllclp&te, they added. All.&~ U. ~ ..,.. 11 the wu beld lut IW\day at t.bt Hent ha.a '-a Mlecttd, lt w111 not home of Mr. and Mn. Harold be dacloetd untU jlut pttor t.o Ju Boyvey, UH WMl Bal~ Blvd., baP,penins, UM7 -14. N.wpan lhM.h by membtra or J::af)l&ininC tMt tM uni0ft'1 In· tll• Onftl'9 County Kappa Dell.a tel"tllt In rth&bWt.atloa YI to ... Alum-.. .... tberr tam1u ... leetlon ot cnpp&td eMldnn u ben-J'ollowtfts an &ttenioon ot ettcl&rill of IU chartt&ble proJtcl, 1wbnmln1' aad pm... barb9cut union otttclall 1&14, "Wbllll we dlnnH wu aervtd In Ult patio help erippled chJldrtn. we maJte It by th• .boet.e., .. 1attd by Mra. poulblt tor many ot them to be-Leoll&J'd Bal~er, Mn. Joeephlnt come cap•ble ad\llta. Wt beJp Strahle, u .d Mra. Theodc>r9 John· Ulem cievelop the ability to work. IOL Thi. la a prosram eloee to the T\ckeu .,.,.. dlatrlbutt>d for heart• of lht membera of O?TLll· Kappa Delt&'a MUKular Dy1t.ro· IMd labor." phy benettt to be htld Oct. 22 AU t\ancll eontrt11at .. Oft UaJon la ta. Beftrl.1 Bilton Rotel. llla.rMrl DQ few cn,,a.c Clllld1-PriM W1.DDer9 1n the attemoon ot pmt11 Win ....,.,..,.. MlUer ot .nu be donated to tM Oranp h1Wton. Tommy Wbeat of Ian· Oeunt7 ·8otlet7 tor Crippled CM· ta AM anct Douclu K.lrkpatrtcJt ...... .U\ilte, Qe JooU ~ "'Oudea Oro'ft.. lea.I .,.,.,......__ au.ta fftei .... r. Ana ... ,. ------------------------.-.......................... Mr. .ad X... a.ors. Wheat and 1' NEWPORT HARBOR ,... Md Ttlln WM&t; Mn. Jo-•pbln• 8tlU» Md Wa.rna 8t.ra-hle;· JiO'L J-. Ala&nder and Jaielr .u.ancs.r1 Mr. and Mra. Petn \'aa 8clberpe Md Mr. and Kra. Ceell Katlu. R¥borlt .. p....- llllt ...,.. Mt. and Mn. Leonard Balmer, Kr. and lln. Theodore Jallnme and XS. lleliln W'Uk· tuon. MRS. WINIFRED BAR9U, Womm11 DUtor L Am• Debutante Ball Group To Be Feted at Tea A ta honortns thla YMr'1 dtbutant. and thelr moU.... wtll be held kq. 24 at th• bomt of Mra. J. Harold Caldwtll, 223 Eveninr Canyon Road. ThY I• nm pt·toretber of ti.a 1' sh'la who have bMn lnvited to make their bow to eoel~ at the eecond Annual Debutant.e BaU, to be he.Id Wedneedq, n.c. II at Ole Balbao Bay Club dau11tter of Mr. and Kn. llq&r under .,on110rah.lp or tbe N-· l''reder1cll Hlrt.h; Ml• l&lly IM· pott Ra.rbor Auitlllary of the IH Pn1ter, daufllttr of M11. &Ad Children'• H ome Society of Cal· M.-.. Lawrtnoe J oeerh Pftater; lfomla. Ml1111 Ml'llnda Lalthold, dausllt• Mn. Tod Oviatt, auirlll•ry .,,..... ot Mr. and Mra. Moreland lAltll• ldent and Mrt. H. Payne Thay· old: Miu JMnn• Daune. C..- er, Drbula.nte Ball cha irman, tl'ndyC'k, daurlltn of Mr. aa4I ha.,. announcfd debutant8e and Mrw. J . l\o• CUtendyek; aM tbelr parent.a u follow1: MIN Cora Vlrsfnia ... ten, da~· Mlle Ann Olbaon, ct•urhter of 1"r of Mr. &ad Mra. J'\lll« C.. Mn. Ne)da Otbeon: Mln Claire P_•_t_•_rw_._. --------- Loulte lmllh. daughter of Mr. &Ad Mn. Clarence Loul1 Smith: MLN l:ltsabeUI Ellen Beck, dauJll· ter of Mr. and M ni. John T . BeeJt; Ml• Caalandra Soulb· wick Hoyt, dauJllter of Mr. and Sad Trip for Mother and Son Mra. Jamee MitdleU Hoyt Jr.; .,.,.., Maml• 11a.-, •u. at., MIN au.an Carolyn Bet.a. retumed Sunday rr.a Topella. Kroeger-McLachlin Vows Are Recited in Whittier as 1gas teachm. Mr1. Kroe1er teachH PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • santa Ana. her huiband In Car· FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1911 ' · Circle Works dauJllter or Mr. and Mr1. ltan· Kan. where .ti. wu ealled - Jey Eup1te Bet.; Miu Taja To-the d._th of her older IJOft. Ot- hlll. dauihter of 't.Jie Gaylord hum ~r. 8he dron to Kanau htnc Tohllla; MlN DenlN Nad-with 6rhwn'• eon, 1tatlon9d at la Nllea. daushter of Mr. and Ian 0¥10 Nan.t .... wtult Art Mra. Kenneth Lincoln NIJea; Adair, brolller Of the ct.ceued, Mi• l:ltsablth Jiil Howell. dau1h· made Ole trtp by plane, ll .. ter ot Mr. and Mr1. LllW1"111ct mother• r.lum1n1 b:r tratn and Hobert Howell: t.b• rnndlOft, •'-"'11 to 'Ii.St Illa · Ml-. Marpnt J ohan Hlrt.h, mother. will retum later. den Grove. • Bridge Club St.andinr before the fireplace in th~ home of hl• grand-Sponsors First mother, Mn. Amoa C. Maple of Whittier, where hie mother and other members of this pioneer family said their vow•. Charity Event Ted Kroeger, 11!) EAet Bay Front and Mrs. Marilyn Mc-1 b . Balboa Durllc11te Brldgf' Clu Lachhn, 210 Agate Ave .. exchanged rings and vowe. Dr. wlll hold a Charily P1rty tor aU t nrll• perfonnl'd the • IC ht Kroegtr 11.nd Mrs. Maple com,pll· brld1te pl&yl'n1 on l"rlday evenlng- o'tlO<'k cul'mony Cfl the even· mtnll'd the bride by ch0011ng at the Friday Afternoon Club ln of Au•. 18. gowns ot light blue, weulng Hou11e In Co11ta Mua, with play 1 with them orchid c:oru1e1. startJng 11t 7·30 o'clock. Both du· The bride wore a pal• blue M B I II oo Jmll frock w llh blacll nlvel ta. John ew ey A en. l pllc:alt b r Id II:, and C'Onlracl 1!:11.st Bsy-Front. aunt ot the brldJte wlll be playfd durtng the doch• and Nrried a bouquet of bridegroom. aided with l'ntl'r· 1 t'Vf'ning. whl&e rladJoll and •tephanoll1. talnlng u did C&thy and Charlts !:ntlre pro«'ttds fl'om the event lhr .on Chrt•. t . •tood with lhe Kroel(tr, sil1ler and brother or! wlll bt' turntd over In t he Or· eouple u only attendant the bridegroom. A roualn. Mn angt County A11oclatlon tor re· Th• nfw Mrw. Ktoegtr hu no Stewart Carpentl'r of San Fran·j tarded Children In b" u11ed •t ttlaU.ta but tis member• of hl'r clsco wu down tor the wed<1ing. a 1chool tor rl't&rtled children huab8nrt'1 family -nl pn!eent with baby N1.kL and ha11 been whlrh la loc11tC'rl In Garrll'n 01'0Vf'. fnr !hf! weddlnr and reception. r;e11t or her parenlll, lhe Btwley The Frldll y Artrmoon Club of The home wu decoratf!d with lena. ShP returned home Wert· COil!\ Ml'llll ha" don11ted the uw white 1:lad1till 11.n'1 lar11:I' «'hrye&n· n111da y. A1110 prl'sent were Mr. nr lhl'lr hnll fnr lhf' rvenlng. lhemuma, a1Tanged with m11gno· Md Mrs. Robert Maple or Bal· Mrs. F.<lnll M11rM11~ter nr F 11ll1"r· Ila leavu. boA Island. ton hu rontrlb11lt1I a S25 mu· Parent. ot lhe brtde11:room. Mr Afli>r an En11enll.da honeymoon chandlsr ort1er rrom her 11torl', 111nt! Mni. l':dwant H KrOf'gtr of the couple will b~ 11ol home al amf nlrk RIC'hard or RIC'hard's Jlndlo Wf're Jlfl'1tenl. Both Mra. 210 Agate Ave. Both are 11chool Lieto Markr t hA~ <lonatf'cl a bat· SEALARKING lly OINMY (MM. IIDWABD LESTER) SMITH ABOARD TYPICI:, AVALON: kel of r;rocerlu to help ralH (uncle. flpt<'lel rffrf'shment• 11frvtd al lhe p&rty will be tuml•hed by mf'mbera of the eanta An•. L&· g'\ln& Bearh and BaJbo• Dupll('&le Bridge clubs and cotfrr will be furn111hf'l1 by n ick Rlrhard There w111 be many door pr I z e 1 awarded. GOODWILL SAILs SATURDAY for Bazaar M INER CRUISE Lu AmAcu area. met T\at9-0N GIRL AR 1 :r-~~t\~·::·.t':: The Marlner 8hlp Nala.d ~ H.wport Beach S. tUlns Jerry Bell wu eo-bo9tML Plaal lt1 1t.nnual crulae t.o Catalina Idand Aq. to-11. Thlt 1-.r were made tor boat...U.1 UK the en.UM l• reall)' ,oln1 lo be tope. Ullnlll the Ob1 Martae,., W.l.C.8. JunclMlon on .. pt. JI at tor Ralph Larabee hae .-.rouai:r ofttNd OoodwW t« the ClllUt Churall by the Ilea. cruh1e and le ,otn1 &Jons to Mlpptt tlle bls ICIWMlller. Work WM eontlnued OG lttml Th•re are 81 str1a and I adulta ~. lnchadlnf Mr. tor Ult Cbrt.etmae bu&ar. Mtm- and Mr9. Larabt-e, Uletr cook and the -:rew. Included amon1 l>frt wtte delept6d to &rTa.llCe a 1ympollum on l:'verlu t I n s the 31 Jirl1 ue 18 from the NaJad, • from Arora ot Lacu.na Peac. a t t.be nnt meetlni;. The ~ach, 4 from Marcua l lltut of Whittle~ and tour from book la by aenral cUtlerent au- Movl of Newport Beach. UIOIS. GoodWill 11 leavln1 Saturday tnomtns from Ute tuunt-t Neat ... On .nu .. Oft lept. dock lf.l OIOO .nd will arrive home Sunday at 2000. 20 at the home of Mra. Cecil Po..U, 2129 J!:ut Balboa Blvd. SOCIAL WORKERS Family Service Nanies Local Area Chairmen Mr9. KlrtU J'eeUnpotf will be oo-tio.tMa. Captllrano, Ban Clemente 1t.nd ~-Capl.ttrano e.&ch·Dan& Point. -.. Family lemce A.oclaUon of Oranc• OoW1t7 la prepart.nc lo ••· lablllh a profeulonal couiuelllnl' tervlc•, •tatted by lralntd eoclal Jam• II. Bryallt; \tunu~on worken, to deal with l1tdJvtduaJ Beach, Mnt. Bernud Muon. and tun.Uy pro~em11. Theae local chairmen plu lo It. bM.rd Of dJl"ICton ,.p,....,.ta Boysl Girlsl 'n Tiny Totsl " IAYI nl 111'DD Tm 1111.W. ;F~(?_... .TREASURAMA. e ANYONI UHDR IS IS IUGllLI. ro ww. JUST 11 lUttYt 1• NOTMNO TO WY, NAM1. WlfTI. OS COlOe-IYIH '""" rors CAN WINI · e COMI IN TOOAY fOll AN OfftQAl 1N'1rt ..,..; ()pee . to. Fr1day I to t • m fl& FOi 1MI AKINO. .. -.... , -· ......-...._ BARBER'S · BOOTERY C. O\ta Me\a '\ ,1. rr \• .. ~ . -~ Wt Oh•., Or...n SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -Ap· polntment o! four more loc..1 chair· men tor F•mlly Service A.uocl ... lion of Orange County wu an- nounced A ug. 18 by Mr•. f'ranlr e._kuui of Oran••· publle reia.- UoNI cha.lrman, who llettd eba.lr- men tor the areu. call a .. r1tl of JnMUftl• for Ult :al:J..::MC=Uo=n:•:_:of:_:tb:•:...:COU=n:t~y:_· ---~======~~======~=======~=~ pu~e or tonnln« local work.ln1 AppolntmenUI were made u fol• lows: Cotta Meea. Mra Gunnlnf Butler; Garden Grove. Mn. Harry Lou.la Lalct; We1tmhutu, Mra. W\.lta °' l'amily ~ AMoe}a.. Uon, to aultt with promot~ th• county·.nd• proaram of J'lf.lnlly 9ernee. st wu atated. Appolntmenll followed eloaely the annOW1¢.em111t ot chalrm• Mleetlou tor 8allt& Ana. 8&D Juan STARTING THURSDAY Nl'wpnrl and Cela.llna are auch wnndtrful cotnpltm.nl• to earh othfr. tPlat It Ofll)' """'' fojt1ca.I mariner In a email nutboArd whom the,y had re10C11ed In a fog at wa . . . Admiral Roland Smoot and bla Charmin, wlfl' Th" f()('a I c:nm rn ll l~ 1n chi\ rge p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-. nt the err&nr;l'ment1 for lhl' cha.r· . ~UGUST 18TH that our 11umml'r ''aca tlonlata ahould l&kf' a trip ti) the hl!1nd ~urln~ their hollc11y 1ta:r st lhl' Harbor. Luckily tnt UioM who c1o not tiave lhtlt oWI\ bo&t11 or 'for those who want to cul llWllY th11 rt· eponlllblllllet Of Ultlr yarh~ for Sally a l Cherry Cove aboard Com· lty evtnl lnclutlt'a Mrs Gl'Orge mrnpac and bl>lng roy11lly t'nlior-1 C'uroll, pr1zt"ll: Mni A <: Doell· '"''""d abo•rd the NfWport yachts burir. ufreiohmf'n~. Mr11 Hf'nry Llfl'loda 11M Falrplay . . . lhe Eg11:ert, Arl'An1tf'mf'nll!, Mra.-Sil· Autumn Anchoragf' Fuhlon Sho"'; ly llr<>wn. tlrkttl'. at lJle Balboa Bay Club a wow . Muter Points w111 be awarded w1lh orchl_dw'p;olnir\.tn rute Gloria lhf' wlnnere ot l1uplle1lf' bnrlire .,ckllntr for all h"° hud work and thl'rl' wlll be prl:r:u ror the ... O VJ!:R A l\'D OUT. Contract brldr;I' playf'rl. a d•y. tbl Jalant! t..11'1y, from -------------------------- 8H.tpOrt Landin,, tlld~s llC:NlSA to A.ftlon Mth day In nothing flat. Ba.lbo&'11 Marr, !Mr. Wllllllm' !mlth de«'lded lut w~tk thl\t thl• wu Ju•t th• llckrl fnr htr llO C'1l up a p11rty of rrleMa encl .. t tortPI on lhl• lovrlv !~land Ladr. 'Mle ~nup lnrlnt1N1 Mar111n ••d la.ck OroUI of Ian Marino wl\o •r• r.nunr on Jlalboa ll· land for tht MUM: and Dinny and Don CUUtr and youn1 Don Jr. tl'om Chapm&J\ Woodis who ant rwnttnw Mari-•nd 8 111'11 Rtd Bam Oottap on U11 Penln11ula. Once tn Anion thty rNlly .. did Ult t<t'tl'n", lunchlntr at the Chi Chi. "motor 1roottn1r' 'to the Country Club a nd juiot ti.forft di'· putu,. time, taklnir th• u rll ln1r a-1 ... bottom boat tnr a boul1 the palatial Phoenllt ""fll"lnl'rl hy 11and•OTT1', ro1ml1'f l':rl •1~ 1~11 r - 90n, Ion• etandlnr ruldent of Aft.IOIL ,.,.. ,, ... bottom boat WU nJ. I.ct to C'apaclty u It rn1lffd about onrlooklnlf the f11ntutll' unclentoa pl"rtfnl ... a new at• I traetJon hu l>Hn adrll'<1, D11vt'V ' .Jaft" B•rJI'. a Ill'& .,,ed·draped no.t "'tllr hwtte aguarlum1 •tork· td wtUI rar. t lah ... 1nd •bof!rd which the divert put on an In· te,..Uni •how lnrhu11nt a P"t I Jo1-ter wlln wavfd "1ro<>rlbyl'" to I UM audlenc:f' ... anrt what run to .. the dlYfrt unt1n th11 b<>11t fffdlnr Ult flllh. Ju1t bf.fore "'f toolr ott tor th1 Av•lon dork o~ •tr•ln 11nd waved lfl\Odbye to our Nl'wport f'tif'Tldl •• thry ~td "Lad1" tor tht trip back a.om •• C 0 C X P I T 8ctrM'Llt1!1trrr: '"'9 lllT!ory Moort1 of Balboa n · C!9t10rllnlf aboard their ya cht a t tM htllmue . . . Jtan and John Oi.a. of Lido J1le dlnlnl at Ule at. Oathtrtne and c:ruletnr on ~ Sta Det• to C"htl'T,V Coft .•• .J\Jdy and John Humdall and dMfttt.,. Jane "" f(l r Bermuda ••• BIJI and Toby Wllc:o" home ft'om Jfonolulu •""""ff f<ir Santa Butlara . . f'\c'lttfl' •nd M('lv.·ard A l\ma.nllOn home frl'm Honolulu Harborites Will Attend Girls Collegiate School CLAREMONT -Two l°\fW· lawn11 11n<1 Jllrl1l'n-". 11wtmmlng rort Bearh fZ'lrl" will 11t1 •nd Clrl11 rn.,1. ltnn111 cnuru. and playing Colle(late School • nt Claremont I fleld1. when the boArdltn, 1t.nd . d1y G1rl11 C'ollf itflll" wlll hav" a tchool opeM It~, 83rd year on new heulmll'lrrl'll u wtll u a Stpt. 22. nl'w rnmrus whrn thr •rhool Thev are R.llchtlle anc1 Bar· 11~n11 th" f111t tl'rm. Mlall Gent· b11ra Goold. gT8ndd•urhter1 of ~fl've Hul1,.,,n, for mor,. than 2~ Mr. ttnd Mr•. A. B. McCollum. yf'11r• 11 \t'Mhl'r •nrl arhnol ad· I 840 Lido Nnrd, Newport Bt ach mln1,.trlltor In D&llll11, Tl'X , hu Barbara Goold I• a 1Pnlor. and 11ucceerlf'd tomll'r headmlHtru ir Rllr hellt 111 If.ft elghUl grade 1tu· Mr11 Vlr.:lnll\ Trr vttl A ,-rl\d11111r dt'nt. of Mnunl Hnlyokl' t'nlll'J:'" and The llt'Cond oldut' gtrlio colleg-t ~nuth<'m Ml'thl'Wll,.I I 'nlVl'l"811 y,, prrpare lory school In SouthPrn M IM HudMn "'U f<>rm,.r ly a.•· California wlll ttart cla•e. on a l'Olated with lhl' H <> r k a1l11y bl'autiful new 20-aere eampul Srhool In n11lla11 ju1t north o! Claremont. with The Goold 1w1tf'r1 will bf en· ramblln, .ICnJll11.h manor • 1tyle rolll'd 1111 bt>arr11nr; stut!cnla •t bulldln11:~ 1tp11rlou1 tr~ ~ 1hadtd Girls Collt'i.tla t,. Select~ colors plua Old Colony dtpt"ndabtlJty ml'11n lo11g·l1Sting, new ~•uty (pr )'Our home. And SeltttOMI 408 colors arc (M'•hannonlU<f for IUrt results, m.Jte color selection sim ple! niJ. )'f'at, more than twr, prott<'I ~hat 70'1 hive with fine Old Colony palnt1. C.D on ua today. We11 ~glad to help you. ~===~ ()pea rrtday t\'e 'ttl • p. m. ll'f' (In ~,. Stampe enil1tn1 In to C'hrrry Cm·• on ~ [~~~nti~~::~om;:~::"'.r O~=· ~~~!!miii', , T'S HO_ US~AllS Utelr Oeof'J1a 81'11~. hl'ro1 l'lf lhf Ma.on "'"Ul an albacore aboard (la i-nda. C'&Ulhl on a trve Somsthing New Has Been AJcleal "'" ha\•t Jui& compleW eur ,.._ bulldtni fl•penlloe prosnaa la 10 ,._,..at th111-ilon. Your patroeatre and falti. l• oar aMlltlM le _. cratJrylllf Ud •pp"'°'&ate4. Proudly 1Ve Announce A Complete Ladlft Custom Tallorflit Depa1 tmeftt t 'nct.r the M .Wf!ll IU~ntelMI CJf Oftf! "' ,,.,. Wett't 1Aedln1 Deelpen ... ~ Uke av .._ •• ~ ne,ie. ... a.n1«'fl e~ dMt wome1a of Onita• Coant1 ... "-• ......... ........ IHD&lltp .... 00.VM'CCle , .... ..a7 ..................... ~····-....... ,.. be ..... ,,_ ........ flit. .... au.en .. ._ ..... ... ............ ... ._ Ul1tthe If 8'11111Mr a Fall Fabrffa f"'9 ._. r-....... Forwt.mM'1 MUlbuk-1.-hmu w. L. DoqlM .•• all EilclM4'1J'IMetl OSCAR TURNBULL --·· Mufti, Ltd. Mn N...,,.rt amt. Ill &-Ma 1-.x .. 111a.A.~a. courM btt'l\'"n Nl'wport and u.. x..,.,. 8IM. COlrtA IDie\ 1t -...... u.. ...._.) _.. -.rtna a loat._..._ __ ~~-----------------------v __ _;, ____ ..,111..,. ______________ ... ____ ,._..,._ ............ -....1 \ • 10 AM Y:1 to Yz off! * Values for Women *-~ Rose Marie Reid Swim Lestex Suits, Jantzen Swim Suits, Cotton Prinh Cole - Swim Suits, Solids Pedal Pushers, Cotton Prints-Solids Bermuda Shor:ts, Cotton Prints-Solids Shorts, Cotton Prints-Solids Skirts, Cotton Prints-Solids Sail Cloth & Poplin Jackets Blouses Sweaters, Woolen -Orlons Nautical Jackets, Wool F.annel Kedettes and Sandals * Values for Men * Swim T run~s -Aloha Shirts, Prints Woolen Shirts, Plaids & Solids -Denim Mocce1in1 Boosters in Navy & Natural -Tee Shirts --Open \ Sund11s ............. 2930 W. Co•t Hl .. MIJ 101 U I-tm NIWPOIT llACH ~ ~. • tl9 I ' MRS. LEE CHAPIN SAMMIS -nee MISS JOAN HOWARD -Ray Huff Studio .~~-:---~~~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ Th4' ray coloni, precl1lon fashion Clearance! marchlnf , and 1t1rrtn1 mu.lio of the Shrine will feature th• day'• acllvlUu of Shrine Olly, Sept. 9. At'tlvlUu Of UI• 8h.rtn• tnclud• a parade. the Ohanten, tll• Pa· trol. th• Motorcycle !Aoort, the Wrtclclni Cr4'w, and the Orlen· t11I Band. • DRESSES-SKIRTS-BLOUSES SWEATERS-ACCESSORIES e Lido Isle Beyfront I to .... -I -,, 4 ... ;. '""'· J ll>otlt ho"'• -11 ,... weterit•,.t, Cerpet ••d ••••• """ -••••• '1t•p••<• -•••Y tmert de1lt • We bell .. e tllh to It• the Mott detiret.I• le,..,o•t ho"'• •••ll•ble I• ttrle eMlte .,. •• $69,750. The personal attention given each individual enures you of quality instruction. For more Fun!-and better_ {>encin9,-<all or come· in today. * Dence Perties every Friday night. * ·---· . } Phone Herbor 6081 l••O Vie Oporto Newport Beech ' .... -.. • the new ULTRA-MODERN King Studios of Ballroom Dancing If you have wanted to learn how to dance or felt that you needed a brush up in your dencing, then KING STUDIOS is t6 90. .. FRIDAY, AUGUST 1q, 195~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PAGE l All Sail)ts Episcopal Church Was Setting for Sammis-Howard Rites b&Aka, Alallila. epc*e Of Ule Or• ., sa.nluuon and "'°"'°' of th• fa.Ith In lM terrttory. Robuon. who 18 hllnd, pr-nt- ed halt hour ~Ila.la ot •1d•h• dlwraltled. siuak-al numbfora ~­ tore and alltr th• epeaker. R.nb· uon 11 on a ahort "'81\ t., th• ttat• and II malclnJ 11\l'lra.I ap- Pasadena Young People to Make Home in Carmel 1 or Tallll1lan roeea. cruated with fl'&)' lace a.nd woni pearanc .. durlnr hi• 11.&y. Peter Grav~ O'Bnen alood over roll t.it.tt•ta. Mra. Banke. who came to C•I· w1lh th• bndefl'OO"\ and u.hert B01'll ,AT UC lfbrnla to ·att.,,d wu1ona of UI• were Robert Arnett Jr.. Robert •tale ronvenUon ot the Order tit Schow. Holme• I:. Penn J r .. John Th• bride wu fT&duated f'r9l"I l!Htern Siar held rt!<!lnlly In WUllOll J r. and Lt. Rupert Rlclt-We.trtdr• Sdlool tor Glrll •and O&kla.nd. hu bffn ma.klft.I •peak· Talisman roses were combined with carnations and glad-sen. Unlvendty or CaJitornJ., Berlle-~ apparancea In varl()U8 olUu ioli in echoing shade. to fOl'm floral letting in All Saints Mr• Howi ro rhot1e ror her ley ~ampua. !~• '! • Kapdpa ":.!:. before retum to her llomt th• I ~ f ddi pa am... ..lllll u. &n • -latter part of Aucuat. Episcopal Church, Pasadena, ast ni,., .. t or the we ng of daughter's wedlllni; a c own of )bdrinaa • debutante of 19!13. Her Misa Joan Agnes Howard dauahter of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson di>ep Allee blue brocade and r.or-h u • b • n d wu (T&duated trom · • 0 • • Hge or creamy rymbld1uma while souU\ Puadtna-San Marino Hlsh Wlldom allow. notKlns to bt rood Arthur Howard Jr .. of Pj.sadena to Lt. Lee Chapin Sammis, Mra. 81tmml• wore nAvy net en· !k;bool and UC at Berkeley, WH that will not be ao forever; no m&n son of Mr. and Mrs. For;J' Woodruff S&JQmis of Sout h Pasa-.amuated with P!il Gamma Delta to be happy but 11• I.Mt nHd• dena and Miramar Drive. Balboa. Similar flowers were in Has , Vacati"on and Skull anct Keya. H• 11 to no olber 11&pp1.11 ... tllan wtlat tie eontrut U> aqua i.iown11 M the and fell to a chapel tr1in. A cor-be •lltloned at J't. Ord and alter bu wtlhln him.elf· no 111an l I a louthem Callfomta honeymoon ' bride's attenJ ant11 wh«'n l('UUl• onet of ace he d fullnns or the· d Bt"rthday be and hla bride will be at hom• w bt ,nat or powiertuJ that a. not were received by the pool In long Ved ot br!dal llu111on. The I an near Carmel. '1UM!ter Of l\lm1elt. -lleneca ground• of the Hunt111gton-She1 a-en1emble was rompleted by a ton Hotel. ra,.nde or Eucilarl11t Ullu wtlh PERJOO GOWS Hiiu of the valley. Joan wu eacorterl to the •I· A Qt' A C'KIFt~os 111r by her rather and repealed Attending the bnde were Mia. with her bridegroom worda of the Holmra Erv.-1n Penn Jr . matron Th• ee blrUidsy dlnnera Jut Wttkend notrc1 the 1nnaven1&ry CD M of Albfo rl F: J ohn11011, 400 W. Wilson St and lh• enc1 of h11 c• vacation • 1ve F.pl&eopal l!ervlce u r•ad by the of honor ant1 bnduma1dll. Mrs F'r1dav evenlni: lhP Joh1UK>n1 Guests Program Urgently Needed!1 Vohaateers '°" Newport. Harbor Poet Groud ob-- wn·~ Corpa. Expwt- t-nee eot e«Hu,,.. • Call Har. MM or U 8-5080 Rev. l«lbfort He-nry. She wore an Robert Clark T11y lor. Mrs. Peter Ill tended a bu thday ihnner at the A fTO\IP of !rlenda ·and fol!OW· exqul11te perloc1 1tyle gown of Htrmln Z111chk1>. MUIM'S Janice A. A. J Ohllllon homt 1n Lo« An· flfl Of the a.ha'! fallb ratbered white ~u c1e sole. Alencon lace Lauren<'e Cowing, Dorothy Dfsne geles; on Ssturdsy Mrs. Ceorire at the J. A. Macdonald home. ar<'tnted the portra it neclcllne Hur:h•s and Jean Patton. They Branrlel ot Pasadenll "''al! hoeteu ~21 Larkapur Ave.. S.turday which formed 11 V at the back. were gowned 11hke In aqua chtf· et a b1rth1l sy luncheon at Marino rvenlnJ .. Several vlalton attftld· An d topped the tmy 111'1'\'l'll. The ton t1tta1led "''Ith full. bllll.-lns House, San M11rlno. On Rund11y rd tht gatherlnr. Raymonst Rob- 1111me hand-run Alencon wu U!!ed ll'nglh •11kirh and bodices with evening the final dinner wu eson ot Jeckeon. Mich .. preaented "" applfque on the 11klr1. "''hlch <'owl nPrkllnes 1A0hirh werP deep given by Ml111 Charlott!' Skinner a prog,..m of piano aelectlona wa• l!Ottl)' pleated Ill the wRlst al thr back All carried 11hr1we11 M 2~2 Wtt lnut Pl , Coeta MeM. &nd Mra. Zoro C. B1.11k1 of Fair-~~~~~~~~~~ This IS PROGRESS ( , Are YOU with the LEADER? Check these circulation figures of newspapers In the Newport ff111Jor Area. as published in the rate book of the California Newspaper Publishers Assoc. (Official en Cf Authentic) Newspaper July 1954 Nov. 1954 Jvty 1955 Gain Newport Harbor News-Press 4600 4700 5300 700 LOM 1st Competitive Paper 5779 5626 4783 996 HAJS 2nd Competitive Paper 3450 3450 3450 000 Note Tiie Steady Increase of "The Press"- Proof that there . can be no substitute for honest. consistent service to this area. as rendered by ·THIS Newspaper ,.. READ THE BEST -. CUY THE BEST HARBOR PRESS 2211 lalboa llYcl. Newport ..... Hwbor 1616 • . ~ I L .... PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 . ----=--- HARBOR EXPLORERS IN CAPITOL Newport Harbor's Explorer Scouta, above, carried the City of Newport Beach fiftieth anniverury mes- sage of goodwilJ to Senator Thomas H . ·Kuchel of Anaheim Wednesday with the aid of Congressman James B. Utt. Santa Ana. Post members shown above with Sen. Kuchel are. from left, kneeling. John R. Van Dyke, J ohn Vale, Douglas Reddiclc and Foster B. Macgurn: Standing, from left. Douglas A. Unruh, Raymond K. Harvey Jr.: Lyn Barton, William R. Peeler Jr. and Thomas A. Baurne Jr. -----------------------------------------~------- 'ven by Clartnce Selvlc• Cox, 30. Lo11 An1tele". Jnve11t1gatlng otfl· TERRIER BnES l cers 111u d CO<ldlng drove otr In Gunderson Plea to Change his own vehlt le. LOCAL CHILDREN Garage to Dwelling Denied ~~:,:~ .. ~i:~rJ J.~!:~:::~~lra;r~ "':h~:e • .' h~~.r:0 ha,~~er:~. ~.·:; Application of Victor W. Cun· 1 over wi11lt' the building .Jep11rtment $700 to lht' <'ox car. wh i<'h waa T u••lklay. 11r,ordmg to pollre c:1<p11, valUNI al S49 9:1, w ere tak· en f rom h1a au to while 1t wu parked al O range Count y P'8.lr· grounds. Harris Girl Born I ;\I r un•I Mrs Jal'k Harns ot Tuatm AvP .. Co111a ~lt!sa, became partr nu of a llaui:htt'r AllJ: 16 der110n ot Tf'mple City lo turn an m11ke1 a r heck on reporlf.'<l t'Xi!ll·, rpmu\'o·d lo " "ervirP 11tat1on. ,~eporu which •huw lhe tlog ~x1stlng icarnge at 124 Agate Ave . 1111 vtolatlons of the buihlmg rrnlt• irn.t S:!!\O 1" lh .. 11ghl 1t'itr of lhf' lnlo h\'IOJr quarter1 W&I <lerued J . Goode·a &j>pUcatlon to pern11l other be.loni;:1 lo Allan Cro•ketl. laat ~l b7 N.wpel't ~ Jllaa• a ,...,. yard .,.ana-. on • .0-tL ------------------------l'T!le Miramar, and Lhftt It I a t Sl J oaeph Hospll&J. Th~ youn(t'1ter we1~hed In at 6 lbs .. 9 oz. nlnl' Co~ lot devt.loped the fact that he wu St rt c • hu been q uaranllntd Appllratl~I ot Donald W. Ay· bulldl.ns on an alley 20 fl'l't \\1de ewa ar 1n The v1cl1m11 Wl'lt' All~• n11, 609 \\ t llt Balboa Blvd., tor which 11 against the law. c h 3 H 6. and P t>nelup ... 8. doUl(hlt'r/l j ~lcrn mvla, lo<"<tleJ ln Los Ang<'· and Tom \\". Henderaon, U29 Doi· Lane. but tha t allll d~.s not makr I t ='ialivnal Autuinobih· Club tu have an addition lo an exlstlng' rarage The alley bu been renamed Way ras • urt Of Stuhnr Pan s, liM Mllll· I It's Cvunt y. lll rtpor ttd by thr phtn T l'rrnrt . to permit an tncrtu· il anything but an allb . according N A h • mar, a nd F rank Marshall. 8. dftle prun•i.,.1ng an·! par ktnl! anti I'd roof O\'erhang Wtre a pprovrd, lo Bert Webb. city engm ecr. How· ear na e1m ~2i Brlvue l..ane. rtlnJ!i par klnto; &II It" importont Apphr11llon of t he Cla ir Clax· rvtr, thtre are alreaily a number lnJul!tn• 11 Inns. 127 42nd St .. tor perm1..ulon '' howw1 on the alley, so the per· 1 SAl\'TA A':'o;A fOCNSl-Thru Stober Da11nftter j tn bu11ol 11 llnubl,. l!"nllt" """ hf'hl mil wu (T'&.nted. pC'r110n1 rect>ived mmor lnjurle11 -~ -------------- Wrdn•·!ldav night •n a two-car The Mtlllln Slubi:r~. :162 Ea•t THllYES TAKE 2 OCC Students Score 3 Times in JC Design Stutlrn1.. ft"lll Oranse C:oa111 COll('j:t' """'Pl l•l t1n11. 8('('0nd and thinl pl1111·~ 1n the archi· leclural ohurtmi: 1hvlslon tor JUn· wr roll<'g1>11 Rl lhP Orange C1Jun· ly Fn1r. II WA~ ri>Yell .. d lr1tlay. The high 1·ahb11• • f student woi k l •'{<'l\'i"I J<pcc1al <'fl l11mtn· d1111on r1om Jlldi:e~. It w11s dis· rlo11C"<I H1bb<•11 wmn'ra 1n tht Jlln11tr <nllo•i;t rump< l11ton wtre Rodnt\· l.autrr. S11n~tl Beach. first. J uhn u .• 11..... ="t-w porl Brach. llf'l'••n•I, llnol Emir \"ilia· !obos. Ura ni:<'. third. LAut rr, a l!l:l!'o J:lllJuale won h1~ ftrlll 11\\Al•I fo r the moJf'I of tht' Facult~ l·rnl..r now bemg 11 1•1 d .,.. •· 18th St . Costa ~h·sa. 111 e 11a1. con11lructed on the Orange Coast , . ., 1.!0ton at art nlla ftn .. ttut " ~ cam pus by bu1ltllng ron111rurlion 1 A\'Cll · l«IUlhea.sl ur An8hrlm, the f'nll!' 'of I\ l(irl baby b<lrn AUJ! 16 PADuLE BOARDS llludents. h11thwoy pnlrnl ~aid. at Hu8J( Hosr lt11l I LR11t year Lauter W&R lht' lc>p· lnJUleol ""•'It' n 11\'er .M11rg 1s L ----'T'wo paddle boitnJl! wert wmner m t h•• :-iewp<irt lialboa A•bro .. l!l. Monte w . Asbr11. 'l Gerrish License stol!'n f111m the Red Cross 11 Sav1 ni:s nnd Lo11n An-hllecturol i '"1" Yo aml~ Sut' Asbru, 0 month~ . . . . . . . 1 1121 \\'<•s l <"•htlll H1ghw11y. It Conte~t. •II o ( 811 Vt'r•lc St Anaheim I l)A l{A,\lf.:'\TU, i L:-i:o; St.'•· wa11 rf'porle•I l11 :"l'wport Student11 mo.\· nnw 1 ~.,111t,.r for t They wrrr t11k...,1 to Orange C"oun· retary ot State Frnnk M. Jmu11n '"' t I 1 Bf'!lllt \\"••dn• 11d:"· bv Jnne architectural draflinJ! , h•llKl'S at I ly Uusp1tal. 1 0t ay a nnoun<'•'• 1ssu11nc·t.' or " no· Orange Cout taught t1y Ull<'AI' Opf'nttor nf tht' other c11r wns lary public romm1<0111on lo Huth I Baker. 7o;,3 Monro"18 Rt. Taylor. Those Wll!htnJ( tu Pnroll ~ubd1v1tlo-r :-.-rd J Stewart. !'i2. ;\I. Cerrl1<h, 161!5 San lit>rnnrdmo I C.:t1lll1~ ;\l<'.'lll should lee a coun!lelnr nl lh•· 3061~ Fr1 nlrR( A vtt . Corona del I Place, Costa Me11a. ln a dJ1tion to t he µadllle college a3 11oon 811 posl!ibll' m or· ;\fn.r . . hoard11 11nmf' one had olrag · dt'r to outline th••ir ptOl(rllm~. SIP\\llll 11 r11 r a~sPrledly colhd· Sch• kl 'C T k to;•'•I a ~mall bout from the college a uthorlllrs slal~d. <"011n-"" With th .... Ar l'f o ne driven In e aps a en W8 ll'r 11nt1 dtOpfWrl il on the l'rlora are on duly Mnndn\'l! thn1 1by Marlls A1<h1a All the womnn l Gary Sch1nkle of 12L Primrose! pier. brcflk mg off th~ i rn· F'rl<lay<0 f n1m ·9 tu 4 · •IRrltd 1•1 h'fl turn onto Struek I Ave . Placentift, told Costa Mu a ter board Codding Hurt 2-car Collision • 1n C t>urge liu1 ton C0Jdm11. J3, ur 23 L RochPSl< r !':t Costa Mes.•. 1ncurre•I mmur tnJUrtts Tues.lav night as result uf a trnt11· "" Clflent between the tor<'1gn r11r ht• was drt\•lng and a sedan dn· A'"" piJh<'l' Sunrtay h1i. spoked hub· 1 -------------- Repeat Engagement ReturninCJ Once Again by THE PIRATE I Popular Request 2Sth St. at Newport Bh·d. Newport Beach Tap Bttr at lhe t'l~11lde -Hot Dop -Roa.t 'em i·nuneU • Arthur ''Madman'' Walsh & Company Opening Tuesday. August 23rd * 2 Shows Nightly * DINING DANCING SUPPER CLUI tMESAN FOUND GPILTY OF DOG 9UARANTINE VIOLATION rrecs Yo1111r ot 174 Orove Plact, Collla Mua. wu Mon· day found JUlllY on two counta of vlolaUOG of dor q11&11U1- lln• by Jud&• Donald J . Dodre In N-port Ju.Uc. Court. Younr wu fined $100 with '7& atapendtd for one ye&r on condition thtre la no turthn \•lo)atlon ot the Mua ord.ln.ance pertalnlnr to do11. Bitten, accordlnr to Poundm&1ter F red Oa\·enport, we.re rnerve Costa Mtaa pollctman, Richard RUNMla, and· John Speaker. Ht aald Youn1 w u ruponalble for vlolfUns do& quar&ntlne In r•card to two dora.. ont a "b&rklnr" doc. lb• other a "biting" dor The barkJn1 dor excited the bltlnr dOJ Into acllon la.at July li. Oav,enport aald. :wizard Making Pools in East Under Contract Fabrication of tlbers lu rein· ' forced pla.st1c 1wlmm1n1 JlOOI• for SawirJ Named .: President of Musi~· Group I IJealers ot the Cinderella Glau Pool Co. In Wllcoruiln. M1chlcan. Clinton Sawin. 2212 Cliff Ort~. lllinoll, Ohio and adjolnlnc areu hu been elected pre.ldtnt of the hu been started at lhe SL Joeeph. Southern Callfom1a School Band Mich. plant of Wiurd Boat•. lnc 'which headquartera hert I and Orcheetr. Auocl&Uon, w tll rl!'- Th1i. wu announced today by pruent the rroup next aprtnr at H\lrold HauOslre. pruldent of ' th• na tional convention of lruitru- Wlsa.rd mental mu.le teachera. to be held The dec111on lo fabrlc&tt' pools ln St. Louts. at St. Joaeph wa1 reached after the return of J ohn A. Stone. ren· eral manager ot Cinderella. from an extended trip. \•l1lllng dealere In the central a nd eutem parlll ot the coun try. On hi• eutem trip Slone vlsltt(! the W lurd plant In Michigan and ln11pttted poola al· ready belns fabricated thert. Philip Jl11ley, prealdent of Pad· dock of Callfomla. of which Cln· dnella 111 a 1ub1ldlary, •lated the Wizard plant In Michigan alllO would be utlil,ir.ed for the atora&e of hltera and conatrucUon kit.a uaed In Mnjunrllnn wllh the In· atalla lion of l he Clndtrella pool&. Although no ·~lflc quantity of pools to bC' con1tructed at the Mlch11an plant wu &(Teed upon, It wu Stone's opinion that a m inim um of 600 would k r..ciulred durtnr the flrat year of the n- opera Uon. Wizard'• Colla Mee& plant h u been produclnr the Hlx30·ft. poola for C lnde.rella alllce April thl1 year Carpenter Permit Charles Carpenter Monda y wu laaurd a Coata MHa city build· lni: re rmll for construction ot a $906<i residence et i:H Bernard SL . -. +f41 ••l~V'I ~'"9 NO\\' SHOWING "Pete Kelly's llHS" '&Ml LC'IJh t:11mund O'Britn .... ~u· •- In Clnl'maSoope W&J'Df'rColor "R1111 For Coyer" atarrtn& "'""'" Cqnt'' In \'istaVlaion T~hnlcolor Newport Harbor Union High School band. under direction of Sawin. hu been entered tor eJrht yeara or more In band featlvala, recelvtnc 1uperlor and excellent raunr1. The band and orcheatra uaoclatlon sponaor• two of the.ee fe.Uval1 each year. one tor coun· llea, th• other rertonal. A1 prealdent of the orpnlaation. Sawin wu on the Hollywood Bowl committee which arranged the Public School Night prQ&'T&m a t lha Bowl In mid-July. StnnHr's 'Caps Gone T ommy · Ray Sumner. 21:12 SE Pa.llMdea Road. Coal& M-police Uiat mlulnr hubcapa afte.r • 17. of noutlrd he WU visit to TUSTIN PLAYllOX -,.UNE UP Tiii: ODlL8" 11..-a llevue ne.keta at •• 8aOa. 11a1. AD 8eata r-. •Ult ... 8o. "C" 8t.. TuUa Dance & Show In Person Nat "King" Cole Sat. AUCJ. 20tfl RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Adm. •t.60 Plu.11 Tall th• o~ County ra1r•-.tur- day n.lpt. He Mt value of the almulated wire wheel dlaea at $1U2. Now Dowtq o-.. r...a ''The AMerlca .. " ...., "Co11e1•11t Of Space" Sun., Mon.,~ Audie Mu""1 "Destry" .... kirk Doqa.. "Act of Lowe" Mesa~ 1.1~ .,, Lut nme Sat. llkMrdWWmaril LAW"M lleeall ''The Cob~eb" ...,....... ....... , O..ra "-let "S.YH A""' ....... 8tarta 8Ullday ffuogr ..•. Prontienmaa ..• Adventurer I 'P.!IP!' ... ..-~ \ ~LP '- ®Ir ~ ~®~ .......... _Mlllll THIATH L I D 0 '/i(a·,:t'll. Now ShowlnCJ .. . Don't Miss This Great Show ._ -·--·-...... .. l<ld'1 M.t. Seit. 1 :45-"The DftfMrado .. Ne•t lit Attract~ "Hew Te le Very, Very Poptllar" -"That Lady .. l .t .. r NEWPORT HAftBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I -PAGE I ILADIES, YOUR WALLETS! Villa Marina Plans Color TV Aug. 22 FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 LIDO TOASTMASTERS NEW OFFICERS Permanent awards fo r achievement in pulic speaking on thrf'e or more occasions were pr~sented to these members of the Lido Toastmaster a~socialion during their regular meetin~ at the Harbor House Restaurant last Tuesday. Al.so on agenda for the evening waa annual ~lection of officers. From left: Sandy Steiner, publicity chairman: Jim Pcnn<'y. nt-w secretary; Bob McCleary. new vice-president : C. R. L'Ecluse. new pres1dC'nl. Seated: Hugh Mynatt and Neil Loeser. present secre- tary. -Beckner Photo HIGHWAY COMMISSION GETS COUNTY'S ROAD PROPOSALS 19 Recommendations for Freeways, Ott.er Routes, PN1ented Officials ~AT 'K.INO' C"OU: In l'f'MMIR TO RENDEZVOUS BALLROOM Rhythmic royalty com,.,. to Balboa th11 week·end. An· nounr rment rrom RPndenrou11 81\llroom a•lv111u lhnl :'IOI.I "King" Cole will be the te11- t11re attraction for a danrf' l\nfl ahow schedulecl tor I ht' Re\'ommendalion11 tor 10!1 lltllle highway improvement prOJl.'Cll , :in- cluding 19 for Orange County, wn e :rnbmltted to Ole State HJ,rh· way Commission yulcm1ay by Frank G. Forw'llrd. San Diego, cha1:-men ot the Southern t.:all· fom 1a Council's regional highway committee nt the Cal1fom 1a Stale Chamber of Commer<'e. He pre· unted them In Sacramento lo tht- highway rommtu lont'r1 In Sacra· m«>nto. A llat f0Uow1. ltemlzJng the pro· jecll proposed tor Orange county. but although listed numerlr ally ll 111 not Indica tive of 11.ny priority. The ll•t; l. Stale Roule 2-Thill ls t:S Highway 101. which run• from the extreme northern end of Orange County to the Capi.lt rsno Beach area, Intersecting the Coaat High· way In that vicinity. Thia part1ru· lar ,.commenda"llon ret«-1"11 to the northent ~lion o! thi11 route which nm.t through the cities of 1 La Habra.. F ullertt>n and Anaheim ncr11n front 1tanrf'ry Snt11rt111y rt Lt recommended that this mutt>, nlithl 11tarUng at the Los Angele11-0r· ------a nge County Un•. be \mpro,·ed lo 'T • 1 Set nut ll'M than 4 Janes and that ap· w1norama · I pro\'al be granted for a re1oc11.t lon f Se t 4 at 10 be built to freeway ata.ndardl! or p • I to by p~s thf' Cltll'll of Fullerton H t• ft6 Beach .cnd Annh«>tm ant1 to Join with the Uft lft .... I Oft Santa Ana F rttwey In the vlcln- A nnual "T'wr nt1rama" a l Hunt· I 11y of Santa Ana. lnKton Be11rh will lw ho•ld sun-2. State Route 176 Thi~ route day. Sepl 4. W llllnm H Gf\lh· 1i1 commonly kllown &11 ImrerJal enne. M'rretary-munai:"r of the Hlghwlly. ll 111 recommendl'<l thnt city'11 rh1tmhi•t ,1r 1 1111irn••t ,.,. 1<n· 111nl!l<lcrat1on he given. for I he ron- nouncl'cl tmlll\'. 1in1111t1on of cuns1ruct1on ot Stlllt• All twln11 °ln th111 countv a nt.I Rte. 176. ell!ewhrre hll\'• bt'••n lnviiet.1 Lu J. Stet" Roulc 62-Thl~ route Ill c:ompete In 111.. •'i ~hlei•nth 811• t·omn10nly k nown a ft St1tlt.' Htfl'h · nulll southern t'ultrnrnl!l "Twin· I way 39 M el Is lht.' extension n( nn1mn> hr Mid Hrg1111ri.tlon wll? Stille Rte l i l northrrly or 8 urn11 bl' hamllt•ll tw 111.111 111111 JUtJging Park. connerting with Stale Hlr !J( twtn~ b\ lhu \'1irloC11< t'&lt'· 'l. In the \'l<'lml\' o( IA 1-f(lbfll It • ll•'l'I will 111k,. plRl't' brl"'''"" 111 re<'nmnwn\lecl th11t tht' p1 nl(1·1111 , I 11 m 11ntl 1~ :1n p m In the 1( witlentng anol lmprm·1ng thr.-. u•n 111r 11mph1the11tre. H unung-route be continut'fl. Ill nO\Y known In Oran~" c 'ounly u OrangNhorpe Avenue. A lrffWB)'. now comm.,nly known u lhe Hous- ton St. Jo~reeway hu been IUlopted and 111 partially under ronstruct1on for the rt'locatcon or th111 route. It LI rl'cOmmended thal this reloca· lion anJ construction be cont1nut>d 6 State Rte. 174 a nd 2-The combanlltlOn ot theae two route11 con11t1tute11 what l• commonly known u the Santa Ana Freeway. Thi• roull' I• now lhe ma.In con- struction project of lhe State Hich- way l.Jt>pl. In Ora.nge County, and It 111 recommended t..la.t th1.I con· struct ion progra.m continue. 7. Slate Route 171-Thla route i1 commonly known u Hlchway 39. The plam1 tor the con•truction ot the Santa Ana Freeway (State Rte>. l741 do not provicH tor a dl- ret t cnnnecllon with thla major Sltlte Highway. rt fa recornmendN that proper traffic lntercha.na• raclll lio•s be built a.t the junction of lhest two major Stale rout.ea in the (.'1tv of Buena P&rk. ~ S1au." Route 178-Tbla route "' knt>wn 1\11 U ncoln Avenue. It t. rPromml'ndt'd that thll1 highway be wldeneo and Improved to higher stand&r-0 bf'tween the Loe Angelee County line and the Santa Ana Fr<'eWil\'. 9. Stin e Route 170-Tbl• high- way ll'I commonly known u Loe AlamHos Blvd. Jt a recommended 1h1tt It he wldtned and Improved from tilt• Los Anfelee"Oranp County hnP 11outherty to Carden GI 0\1• n1111lt'vard. JO Sr lilt' Route 179-Thll route '" known 1111 Garden Grove Blvd. inti ruu1~1>l'I through the centt'r of <:anlrn Grn\'e. It I• recommended th11I thltr h1J:".1tway ~Improved lo a 4 lnne 8tandard with adequate pro\·t..i1nn11 for traJflc and ~dea- 11 rn n r<arc>t y. Thl11 11 recommended '~ i<n lnll'ram project durinl( the plnnnuig iitage of the Garden GtO\'e Freeway which consUtutea the nr-<l rl'commendaUon. 11 SlatP Route 179 (Relocation) ·1 Bt•ll(h Th<' .,., ... nl .1nn111tlly 4, St11te Route 111 -Thill route Ill ,,,.~ i;(urt'.'< (If tw1n-. from 811 1·,11nmonly known "" the Brea t.:an· .. ·• 1 thl' ~lair Rn I n.1t11111 \'On Road and pasua through tht' City of Brea. connecting IA Ith 'ltate Rte. 2 In the Cit;. ot F•1l-1 Weber Owns Bobo's l"rton. Jt t:i n>Commendt'd Ui11t Its THE Bob H1u1·ht'lor, n••\\' owner of rl'IOCatlon anJ 1mprO\"Pml'nl tn The J\nhe11 18 not 111 prl'!ltnt con· freeway 11landenl:11 be appro, .. ot nectr•I "11 h Bobo'• 1n :-;orwlllk, w1t b the approval of the reJocat1un ha"'"!?' ,. .. 1.1 thnt prnrerty 10 Wit-uf State Rte. 2 to by pus the U11n1 \\'o•b<•1. 1:i1 I 1j1111t m Ave .. I l'll il'S or Brea.. Fullerton IUlO Ana· Co11tl\ "'"""· 1<0111e st'Vf'n months helm. ago. 6. State Route 17:>-Thl• roUtt' 2 TURNED IN TO POLICE ' Wom.·n rontinu.-to k-wt> thr1r wallets a.round One wu brought to :-;pwport &-a, h Police Of'p&rtment !rom Clown Hut, 200 Palm St , Tue~day rollta1nlng $40 1n ca.ah and a l'h«k for $140. It wu Later p1~k ·d up by Cynthia Smith ot P an.den a. I The New Art Stegmann's Anothrr pOrae '"•ll brou,eht In bv Jean Baldwin. 4111 Goldeni od Aw . whlrh hart k"yll. 63c r.nd ll card ot Rosina Lara:' Chin<>. APPRAISERS REPORT Dana Point Cove Value as Small Craft Haven Told . j SA:-."rA A~A IOCl\'SI -The three pllr'<'f'lll or land 80Ught for county boatd or 11up .. n•1:1ur~ Tll<'"" j thr d"vtlopment ot Dana Point'• day afternoon roi1nJ nul fl om 11 n t'O\'C' a11 a icm11ll rratt h1trbnr Woody Holder of V1Ua Marina loday announced an ouu1andlng bit ot r ntertalnmt•nt tor p11tron1 nt th• bayalde re•taura nt. On Monday the VIiia will preaf'nt a televumm prog ram In color fMm :> p.m. until 6:ao p.m Origlnat1n~ In ~ ....... Yo1k and seen he1'CI on " 21 ·mrh 11crrtn I the rolor tl'lt'l'ttst wlll be ''Th<' Producl'r'.11 Shnwr1U1e" ff'11turmg "The K ini; llnd Mrs. Candlr " Holder expleined the prugram will be v1f'wed In th" Villa Ma· r1na lounge 11nd 111 ~rv(ng u a lt'l'l for rons1.ter1tt1on nt futurf' entert111nment te11turea llUbJeCl to l•>c.·11.I jt'11est'11 arcf'ptance aulhoritallve 80 111 11' lhtl \'illllt' or, The 11'31 rlllllll' appra lll81 firm McGavrans Sued -This relocation 1~ commonly re· the lht ee parcei. are worth a to- ---, ur Goode an<t Goode ut11na t<'d t er red to iu1 lhe CarJen l:ru\ I' Lal mArkrl \'llhtl' of $43.5<IO Bar· f $15 540 • Freeway and ha.. r<enth· IH•1•n bara ~ll•ltlleton'l! p1tt.. of land or ' In arlopted bv tht' State Highway wiu. teb~d at $10.000~ Arnold Comm1si.1on . AC(jUl.3llWn or 11,:;hl"· r. \\'1lkm"4m'..i $8500 11 nd :-;,ck Auto Collision J(-way and t'vn.st ructl(Jn of thlii A Malla11, $2~.000 I j route are recoromendell. lt 11 al.so Ar l'Or•hng Lo lhl' r<"s><>rt by SA!'\TA A~A 1oc=-:s1 A recomml"nrfed thR t th .. c>xt<•n911)n Goo<lc nnJ Coodl'. lhl' intcn•en· Cosl8 ~lN•a couple and their Ji· of the Garden CrO\'e 1''reew1ty mg Janda between the Lhrre par· y<'ar · olt.1 son 'l'lllerd11v were route easterly bt>tween th1• Santa eels are ownt'1I by t he MUnty-118JT\t'f1 deftnd11.nt 11°1n a s1i-. MO :n ' Ana Freewav and Stall' Roule 43 thll'I giving lht> owneNJ a prtv-J"t'ri<onal lnJ11n· 1n11t (lie<! In Su· 1Tu.atin Av~nuel be al.lopted by ac,\' whlC'h could onl)• ~ <lupll· renor Court 0 htr,.. the R l"'hwav Commlasion. r lltl'cl by ownership of the entire Hazel l'. Tnwer has brOU"hl .. • l'OVt' I .. I 12 State Route 1:>8 This rnult' ... · th•• 11cllon 11g11lni<t Charif'$ H 111 k~own a" the Rl\ll n1rgn 1'"1 Cl'· 'he lnts havr mairnlflC'e nt ~frGavnm snd :111.1 part'ntll, C<18· • nrPa11 v1rw11. thl' report 11e1d, with c ''I c . .. 1• I M wily This proposed frf'e\\'"" will h i<na · "c IJ\ rnn An.. Rll inr · . · I e C'alm, 11heltered <'Ove Ideal I MrGavran not replace a ny existing rlH\11 in for 11wlmmtng llnr1 goM tor 11mall ' Orange County· howev1>r It wall .__ The 11u1t has grnwn nut of a · • .,.,ntJJ the vr11r 1u·nunl1. It 18 ell· Ill · bet , d 1 b l{Teatly alleviate thl' ex1sllnJ:' trAt· fl"Ci111ly a't1art11 blt> tnr lnbster rloh s101 n, llrr"'"~ ;.ahn l r MvenG y fie problem on lhe CoMt H lgh"·nv. ri@hing 1 e fl R n &n•· ' ar e11 c .av· Surveys and acqulsatlons of right•· s ran Dec. 17. 19M. at :"l'wport of way are now progresajng It i s urerv1s01 11 approvrrt the re-, Blvd. 1tnd Rochn tr r SI • f'o11t11 -· port anrt ordered it ftlert. M recommended that thlll wnrk hi' --_ • t'lla rontlnued and coruitruc:llon be pro· The plaintrft acr11~P11 ~frG8\'· I ''\ded tor as soon as pr11C'11cablf'.' Curb Painter Sought re~ nt c11rf'tP11s and llf'glig .. nt T · I I dnving . 13. Stale Roule 43-has routP A n111n who paints house num· -• in Orange Count~· Is lfnown IO<'nlly b<'1s nn curbs and then t'l·ies to B rk by thP namf'll C>t Tustin A\'enue ('OUt'Ct for h111 work W AS reported u e DauC)hter Born and :-ll'Wpnrl Bl\'11 A freewft)' to police Tur io•l11y l>.V Mrs. E. E. Mr. a.nrl Mrs. J c>i<Pph Rurke. route relO<'etmg part or this roulP Staph•ton. 432 ~lornlng Canyon 2199 l'allon11I Ave. r oata Mtsa. has !>Pen aoopted by thr St11lt' Roai1 l'Olt<.•e wtre unable to lo- a re parcnti< ot ll glrl baby bom HJgbway Comm1MIOJl Jt Is rerom· c&te him. A l.lg. J 1 1n H 11ag H0ttp1l8I mended that wnrk 11rOC'ttd &!I ;;;.=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;;;;:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;;;;;;;; scheduled. U . Stale Route 184 -This h1~h· way bean the naml' ot ~iacArt1111r Blvd. and ta now an adopted f ree- way route It 11 recommended that lh1a roa.d be widened IUJd Improved to a • lane div1ded atandard and that atudy be made to reloca te It to the cut to allow for expe.nlion oC the Ora.nee County A1rport. 15. State Roule 80-Thla la US Klghvpy 101 Altemat« kJtown locally u Cout. Highway. It II recommended that tt be widened and Improved from Loa A.ngelH- Onnge County line through Hunt- ¥on Beach to Sta te Rte. 0 . 18. State Route SO-Thl11 recom- rnend&Uon lncludea the conuiiua- Uon of the Cout ~bway. It 11 recommended that It be wict.nfld and relocated from Stale Rte. 43 through Laguna Beach. 17. State Route l8~Thi.B high· way pueea through Laguna Can· ron and ls known by that name. It hu recently been adopted by the State Highway Commlulon u a freeway r oute. IL la reromme-nd· ed that rlghl3-of-w11y acqult!ltlon and col\Jltruct ion p r o It r e s " as Open 10 DINNER SERVED a.m. from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NIGHTLY Grantlollo 's (formerly or Hem<'l I complete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAGUETl'I e 1 .. \SAGSA HOME ·KADE RAVIOLI e STEAKS e SEA f 'OOD 1'00D TO GO 511 lalboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPE~ DAILY ll NOO:S-1! MJDXIOHT, :'lfOS .. ~ p.m. T ll. :'lflU. scheduled. I J8. State Routl' 64-Thi• route ----------------- 11 known a.11 the OrtPga Hlghw11v -=::--••••••----, and cro1111es throuith the mn11nt11ln· :>ua a rea In thl' southern pllrt nr Orange County. l t I!! recommrnded that tbl.I hlghw1ty bt' v.·ldt'nt'd 11nd Improved. 19, State Roule 2 -This rerom· mendatlon pertain$ rnrtlN1l11rlv tn lhe area around Capistrano Bl'11rll Thl11 route has been referrNI tn In the northern e.nr1 or the County It Is particularly recommen<lrrt that consldl'rAllon be glren tor the Interchange of this route with VS 101 Alternate and the new propo11· I'd Santa Ana F'reew8y In that vicinity. CAPTAIN'S CABIN Laguna'!4 itmart new loun~e- Dllllrlnt l'Vt'I')' nlithl (Hrf'pt S un.) from 9 :30 p.m. Xu ('nw•r-,'\o ~llnlmum another "first" Colonial Restaurant & ofo~ng11 Just Dellclous Foocl! STEAKS e CHOPS Prime Ribs e SEAFOOD Lobster Tails NICE Dl~"EA 81:1.ZCTION POPULAR PRICT.8 Mariner's Mile-2332-W. Coast Highway acrou from Port Orang• Newport Beech You Are 1nvited To Attend The "GRAND OPENING" of Corona del Mar's Newest Kosher Delicatenen ' ourmef 3 _}~fchen 3707 E. Coast Corona del Blvd. Mar (Phone Ha -4-466) Wednesday.August17. 1955 Specializing In: Businessmans Lunch Served from 11 • 2 Dlnnenl from 4 -9 "Nl"W Oii the WHt Cout'' "The Lobster Roll" You'll Lo\'e it ! ! ! Kosher Foods Seafood Delicacies Lunchf'9 for ~·our boating tripe Hora d' oeuvrtw for your Cocktail Parties Shash-Uk k Sbi11k-l\a-Bob for your IJarbecue J•artie• Local Delivery Service from 11-8 -Catering Service- Openin9s Specials ('hickenH from th(' Rotlsirrit> "Pn-Als" Homf> madt> Chf'4>"4' ('akl' . ( ndusi\'e in this an-a) Sturgeon . Kosht'r Com•'<! Bf.ief . Pastrami 'a laml See You et The Gourmet! or Call Harbor 4466 $1.1'5 .s~ lb. JS.MJ lh. 2.89 lh. 2.89 lh. J .S!i We'll Be There From 11-9 Daily LIDO VILLA MARINA 'i[-.J-, . -:---:-----:--:-~~~l ' .j ~;, -•J ,,:,, I .--'~ . l. ,,, ;-•-.I,;,/ •1 •· j rooo , GROG •.• , ,. .. · ,.. 4 · MAl>u: ~ a11 . -----------;RESTAURANT -Now Open Every In the Week presents COLOR TELEVISION REAL MEXICAN 1 jLA P0St AJ I If you preft>r to ttay at home to .. ,oar favorite t.folnlslon propua try ou boxed lle.dcaa dJ.nnen or 1 ,.pedal onlen to take out. They're ready to .ervt. PRIVATS PAllTT SOOM FOil LUW& PAATID Hll Sewpon ~ COSTA MESA I Blodl Soe~ ol ... &A ~ CoUlr,J CIM f~MO;:_j l ··---·::aa--- Is Open for Business From Four P. M. Broiled Steaks Lobster Chicken Barbequed Ribs 3450 Via Oporto Mxt door to the Eks Club No 'hit-phone (can't I~ onr) Monday, August 22nd 5:00 p. m.-6:30 p. m. in the Lounge ·* * * * You are cordially invited to witneu "The Producers Showcase" in color direct from New York. Mondey'1 feature-presented 1n color on a 2 I -inch screen at Villa Marina -will be- "The KiftCJ & Mn. Candle" laysl• Drive at Marine Harboor 3930 ... r: s~ 6 . ~ART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 l •, ,') ONE OF NEWPORT HARBOR YACHT Club's most popular young couples. Bill and Marcia Mae Bents. are "back home" for a short vacation Crom their present resi- denct> in Texas. Neither of the Bents' have let their sailinJ: abilities go to waste in Texas and Marcia Mae particularly hu made her mark as one of the \'ictorious crew which swept the southern states for the honor of racing for t.he Adams Trophy for women in Rye. New York early in September. -Beckner Photo SYPHONY MUSIC IS ANNOUNCED Music by Wagner, Schubert, C'narbr\er and Khatchaturian will be featured at the Orange Coun- ty Philharmonic Society's next concert, it WBJ' been announced by Frieda Belinfante, musical director and permanent conductor of the orchestra. This first performance of the 1955-56 season is to be held at the Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach on Saturday.jug. 27, at 8:30 p. m. Admission to this event will again be free, u has been the so- ciety's policy at its previous concerts. Included on the summer program will be Wag- ner's Overture to "Die Meistt-rsinger," Schubert's Symphony No. 8 in B minor . the famous Unfinish· ed. "Espana" by Charbrier and the "Masquerade Suite'' by Kha.tchaturian. This music. all of it melodic and colorful, is ututely chosen for out· door liete.ning. and Laguna's handsome amphi· theatre. which the Festival of Arts has made fa- miliar to many visitors as well as local people, should again prove an ideal spot for symphony listening. The society's orchestra. thf' only fully sym- phonic group outside of the Los Angeles Philhar- monic whlcb U. profeuionaJ and regularly active in the area. hu ~n In rehearsal tor this performance 11ince Miss Bclinfante'a return from her visit to Holland a few weeks ago. Panhellenic' s 'Surprise' and New Chairmen Membership Tea Plans of Greek Letter Group On Friday. Aug. J 2 when lhP Harbor PanheUeni c ex- ecutive board met at the home of Mrs. Harold Boyvey. 1139 West Balboa Blvd .. for a dessert patio party they knew a I 11urprise was in st ore. In addition to the business at hand they had planm'd a ~tork sh•lWPr hothiring one of their mrm ho?I" M 1 • M 1.; l',1111P111n I nf C'n11ta ~fl'~ Ho•Wl'\'•'I lh" 'lt:\ttlt;K Tt:A "llrpnllf' h81 kl II.... .11111 lll•lr,l'I •>I ~:x1 • pl f11r I hAl 1nrhl<'11I lht' I Jntw pllllrn.i Ill Hll IPf'"RranoP •llPt'lllt~ J'l<l•P•"'"" l\l•Ol•llnl( ll• Al thP r111f\· \'1111ng Mn,.lt•r J nhn lll hl"thtlf' l'r•·hllllll"I\' flhln!O Wl'rt' rut In lw• Rl'P•'Jtr:lnt·t' Ill H11A1? Hni1patal n1Rdt> f•or lh1• mt>mbetllh1p ll"ll to _ --bf. hef1I Srpt 28. It 1 ... hOpPol thllt New Course" are for Planned Girls Club Hll womrn tn th110 arPa who arf' 11ff1hnl«'1l w1lh national G~ek lf'll• r ~ .. rnrrti1·11 will pfAn to Ill· 1 .. n.1 unol i:r1 111 q11a1nted Mr-,i \\'eltt•r H11trh Will 11 .. rve "'" l!••n- •'ral cha1rn111n of lht> nffR 1r, 1111· .. 1.•tt·d b1· membl.'rll of the boanl. Mr11. K l'nneth Cn1>lln1t 111 In 1·h11r~e or membra "htp Pla n• for " n4!'W APrir~ of Mr8. Boyvey told of th .. deep cour•""· 8ccrptancl' of 11Pw 110-•ppn>clatlon Pxprt'Jt.~ed bv tho11e "•Uon•. anol lntcJlt C'tlon or n 11fl u socialed w ith the F:x~epllonal and p1tlntln1t rlnnt' by thf' 1tirli1, 1 Chlhlrf'n'11 F'ound11t1on or OranJre Cnunt v for the r11urtt'•ll'8 11hnwn w11s the main orrtrr or b1111ineS3 lhtm · by F'llnhelll'nl~ St'vt'rnf 11t the eXt'd lll\'I' b<1n11l llH't'llng p11rllt11 Wtrt' 1(1\'l'n fnr tht> rhild- oC lht Harbor A11•11 C:lrb Club rrn during the )e&r. 11s wrll u Mond11y f'\'f'lllng at tht clubhriuae gifts of rfrord11. puuleJI. g11mes. Plan,. Wt'll' nl~o 111ll<'UllSPJ for a color <'hart,. an1I projf'cl~ made rummaite Mle an the fll'll. of fell to !>@ lll!t'd fnr lt11rn1ng A new mo.1t'ltng clu11 will ~ u well aa fun. •lartt'd IJOOn bv ·Mrs. ~llhf' A 1 CHAJR~A.S Gu1taf11on. 4:,p . F. 20 St.. Costa I T ht' followinit t"ha1rmt'n .,..,.r, Mua. In the patio of hl'r home r11t1fled: Proirram. Mr9 Ralph rorirnrrt'nt rlAHf'• wrfl be given I Mll'htl11en; 11cholat'll?l\p, Mrt1. !'a· 111 lhr C'IUbhou11t. The board U ·1dene Copt .. n; co1Mei<y. Mr•. Tbo· lt'ndt'd 11 votf' of ~hank!I lo Mn mu B F'ro~ hol!te811. Mrll. Mu Hurwlti:. 1614 lrvfnr Ave. t Hatch; mtmt>.r'ahip. Mt11. Cooling: 1 for lht ll!'e of ht'r pool two af. public relalion1. Mr11. e arl Vt'n·' 'tt'rnoon11 A Wt't'k. It w1111 noted 11trom: tt'lt'phont' M M K I t~at tf>O ic1rl• J1•1I U!ll'd the 0 C • Cameron; projeci., ~n. ·Joh~ I C pool !'nd with ll11 rl0Jtln1t. Mrs. Kf'eler; way11 and meani. Mf"I. Hurwlu 11 orrtt l'uablrJ contln-R. L. Krp~ and Mr .. Richard uatlon of thr 1ummw 1"immtn1 Hiiiiard. prciKram. Thoee lltt'ndlng wert' Mmea. R . ~1'.iplu of lht ntw 1la»-H. Lenker, Be I t y J . Stroot. pamtlni: work of the rrafl 1roupe Hatch. Coolllll!'t Kttln. Keppen. wtre dl11played. Sf'veral of the Froet and Hilliard. K•rl11 have ehown a special aptl- tudt for paJnttnr. reportf'<I "'"'· Hal--,.___ .A --s....ft Earl Piper. executive director of _.. ~ ~m'W' the club. She announced that Mr. and Mn. John 'ffh1er. 1033 mou.ntJnr 11.nd framfn,( pictureaj Unden Place. Costa Mt'M an- would ti. the nut projKt of tht' pattnt1 of l! boy born Au1t. l!'I ,.f'OUJMI. a l Hoa1 H~pltlll. Merger Planned by Churches Two of the na.Uon'11 major I Christian denominallon1 -the 1 f'ongrf'1tatlonal Chnsll11n Church· e11 11~1! an earlier mergerl anli lhl' EvangehcAI and Rrfortned Churr h will M llhlted in a. cere· mony June 2:1, 19:17. markin11: thl" chm11x ot more th11n a de· rade of negot iations. The m e r g t' d body will bt' known u the "United Church of Christ ·· ll will have more than 2.000.000 membt>r•, 1.263,000 from tht' Cong-re~11tlon11I Chri • t I an ChurC'ht11 11nt1 77r1.000 from the Evan~t'hr11 f 11nd re r or med Churr h Garcia Dauqhter Mr 11nd Mrs. Manu'I Gard.a 189:1 Whitt1f'r St . Cn111a Me:J&. be<'11mP part'nt~ of 11 d11.ughter Wcdnl'8d11v 11t S11nts Ana Com- munity Ho~p11111. The new 11rrival w11lght'li In Ill 8 lbll . 121, ox. Gafford Son H•r• Mr 11ntl Mrs. J9mt11 Gafford, 2016 S1<nl11 Ana Ave . Costa Mesa. a l'f' pa.rent• ot a boy baby born Auir 8 1n Ho11g Ho11p1lal New· Office For HARD OF HEARING An important. announu- mf!Dt. for thotie who nt>ffi lleartn~ Help. MR. ROBERT RIORDAN hParin~ IUd expert with 9 years' experience In helpinK the hard·of·hearln~, 1"ill be In Costa Mf'Sa Saturday, Au~ust 20th, from 10 L Ill. to 5 p. m. Ht> will hf-a\·a.llabw for consultation a n d achrice 4'bout your O\\'Jl hNrlng problems. Come la and tee Ute new, improvf'd ALL-TRANSi· TOR A C O USTI CON HEARING AID .. 11mall . . • tlny ••• only s99so f Bod~ terma u low .. SIO down. bM. lnOllthly. Thronson's 1115 Newport Ave. COlta Mesa Liberty 8-7711 ~Form in Features Time' Exhibit Met Collection . African ceremonial ma• k •· eum of Art i111n bf.en supple- pnmillve Eskimo a11d CentraJ rnentt'<t by unique !21Kta h orn American 11Culpluru. a n c I c nl I loclll public and pr lvate collect· Ion~ for th11 frff exhibit apon!Klr· Egyptian bu· reliefs. clUtll'af C~-t'd bv lhe Los Angt'lt-• Munll'l(>Al cia.n and Roman •tatuf'.t, medi11· 1 Artic Departmt'nt eval wood carvings. ant! conlfm· Tht very llllt' ot the uhlb1- porary 11tont' and tn t'tal sb11tr ac-11on. ··1<"orm 1n T1mt'." hu bt't'n Uon11 and moblle11 arc 1111 to ht' borrowed from tht' show orlj?lnal- ~en 111 Uw "For·m 1n Tlrnt" rx· ly organl~l'd l11at yl'at by Srrlpp11 hib1l at lht' Munirlp11I Art C al· Collegt'. ll• 11c11lpture head. Prof. l«ry In Los Angt'lt'1· R11rnlld11ll Albt'tl Sttwart, hu worked with Pa~~ert Is order In lhls httero·' ~fen~:thMu~~~~at:;,:alo:i;~.~·:~~ geneou8 panorama or :i.000 yt'11r11 l Af gerd J . Rudis. city art coo1·d1· <1! st'Ulptur•. however For this Olltor. to 1n8Lall the display In unusuaJ exhibit provlfles a ><<'I of thl' IOnJC gallAl1y atop lht> hill In fa11elnallng <'Ontra1t11 11 ho wing BarnsJull Park at lhe com er of how styles In art. and thP l'<'·I Vermont Av... and Hollywood p1·01.1uctlon of form11. have chanl(· Blvrl. The gallery it>1elf Is a re· ed undt-r lhl' impact of l!Ul'\'t'llJ!IVt' mar k11\M building. designed for centuries Of time. l'Ufture. 1111<1 the city IR!lt year by thP world· relationship with othl"r pe<>plt'"-I ramm111 llrl'hlll'<'l , J.'ri.nk Lloyd More that 20 works lent bv Wri1tht. No?w York's Mtlropolltan Mus-I Hours for Utt' show. which con- C'ATALl.SA <'KERR\. TRF.t:l'I CAROLI.SA ('HERR\' ('A."\.~Rl' ISl.A~D Pl.St; t'l .AX Grf'l'n or Rronu- l cal. to<" -5 ca.I. Sll.60 I cal. Mk--:I r;al. U .!O l 1t•I. M)c--:I ca.I. SS.to I caJ. Sl.l)O -l ca.I. H .00 ~J.~T ~-::.~ tM t:. l'Jth (nH r lr\lnf'I -----..-- " Unueti ""'°""' I~. A.. ta. ar. from I lo t p. m. T\Med&71 throU&h Fnda)'a. aad trom 2 to .; p m. Saturday1 and llQMlaya. There 11 no admlNicm cnrc•· The pll1ry ll cklMd cm lllonda1S; Master Point Winners Told Mu. Maxjnt Sur~•n and Rae• Wilt pla)'LnJ eul·WHl. a11d Mr•. Arnold Ga.uer and Mra. IC. T. McMuua Ln north • llO\lth poal- t100, were wtnnera of Muter Point& in Utt re<:ent tourn.ament htld In Balboa. Runnen -up eHt ·weet wer• Mni. Arch McAlll•ler and Mn. Peggy Paradis; Mr•. Robert Ro• and Mr•. Vincent Shu: Mra. Chulea Boardman lll'ld Mr•. Gi!orge Carroll; Mra. Ginny Laux and Mrs. Carl Benaon. 9•1ck Service FOK Roller Shades Standard Sha.de Clotb.I ud Cu•tom SpedaJtlH • Drapery Hardware • Venetl&.n IWDda CALL HAJlJIOa II& THE SHADE SHOP 41% Ulld St., Newpen llNell ..acle the Poe& Otftce lluaaen • \Ip DOl'th-aouUl ..,.. ._, An..oo. au• ta a.ta,.._ Mn. RU"7 lllp7 ud AJwMd Quo. • at T:IO o'dodl fW lta an& •r; Andy Vandn D\DMn ud CMl'it.J Party, _... lllQ ..... rr.d Morn.on; Mra. 1 ... Ward cat• br14lw and ~tnict ....... and Joha ltewWl. will M eQjoyed. AU ~ ,.,. Mn. llob.rt ftOM ana Mn. C ... are Invited. S.. Irvin wen .... l • wMt wU\· ---------.----- Mf'9 1n Monday attvnoon. prM ToWMe•d &lrt ... while htp ecorel"I north.aoutll wen Mr.. PeJtY JohMor\ and Mn. .,.,le Mc:Comber. RuMen· up ...i · w•l .,.,.. Mn. Ivan Hooker and Mr-. Rutb Day; Mr.. A. o. Ooeeburc and Mn. E. J. Marin• •·act-&ftd ...... OleltM Delmar Tew I e a d et OMCa M-. Sunday -acomed a '-'Y pl lnto th. tunUy at V. a. Naftl Hoeplt&I. Ooroa&. Munet; Mr. and Mra. W. A. ;::::::::::::::::::::::::;;::::::::::;;; Bt.tnitMrr. RWUMr• • u p norUl-.outh were P•n:y Crawley ud Marshall Ket· chwn; Mra. Anne Mlt.cb.U and J'red MonUoll; Mna. HIUTJ lchll· 11111 and Jack Pow.tL On P'riday '""~· Aus. lt. the club wUl meet at lh• J'rt· BE SURE -INSURE .. llAUUCI& -~ l&r IHK Glib • .............. ,, .... &. OltMt ......, Oel'.-... ..., Christian Abel WOODCA•Vla Announces preeent worbhop and residence now at 503 Eut Bay Ave., Balboa -1 ~ block trom f'e""f Landing. Specializing ln carved wood algm tor ho~ or boata Figurine•. church carvinp. bar-room plaque.. _A __ ~_oc_a_f _n.._ew._~f!.aP-.er . > I I .,., .. . . ~ .. ~ W of the Newport Harbor News Press are always striving to make this Newspaper tJie leader in,Local News and Pictures. the many awards which have been won by the Newport Harbor News Press, we are proud to have been chosen FIRST IN THE NATION Weekly or Daily by the • NATIONAL EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION Best use ~f Photographs contest. Further proof that this Newspaper leads the field in its efforts to give to its readers THE BEST IN LOCAL NEWS AND lOCAl PICTURES. I I Published and delivered 3 times ev..-y week. MONDAY WEDNESDAY -FRIDAY Only SOC per month .;-- Subscribe today - Call Harbor 1616 Circulation Department 2211 ..... llYcl. Newport hacll I, Mother and 4 Children Evicted Here Whm a woman with tour younii: g1rlll to 11upporl 0 :1 a total tnrome ot 1160 per month h•• to pay $7~ rent on a place 1ultable to rnlse hrr children In Newport ~each. sooner or later end1 Ju1t <lnn't mf'l't. That 18 whet wal 0111rovtrr<l by Mrs. Vrona lAlly thl11 week. W 1lh her rent aUe1edly two dav" overctue. Mr~Lally and her t'hilrtren were dlafloeHUed. Land· Joni &an SmoUch. report~ly a resldt-nl of Lo• Ang:elu. belped ' carry the I.Ally'• poueaalona out or •:l8 Newport Ave. and atacked t.hc:m In front of the hoUH. Then he locked the door. "'El.FARE AID DENY OLYMPIC CHAMP GARDEN GROVE HOME Raclal Former Issue Twice 111w..ts Swim Instructor Local 81 O,..p C"eonty N_,. """'•"" fom la and took • .t111 lnternthlp SANTA ANA AUO. 19 OCNS> J ttalnlnJ at the Oranse Count~ -A famed Olympic champion Hoepllal -la quoted •• aaylng and former llWimmlng ln•tructot he'll flfht the lhue ae a m11ttu at B&lboa Bay Club todey re· of princlp&I. "l wu ralHd In rvealed he had been tttueed per-that area," he a1111ertedly 11ld. mlNlon to buy a home In Oar-"I belonr th.,11." den Oon on racial 1TOlinda. dur-M&anwhlle. comment from vu- Inf two Rparate attempt11. lou1 1eclton1J Of Orang• County or. sammy ~a.n Army m.c:I-bWIM<I over the uaerted ratuaala. teat capt&ln on duty at P'ort Car-Board of 8upervl10rt Chair· 90n, Ooto.-mac:M t.he charJH In man Willia Wamer allo tuueO an a cop)'Tlithted article which ap-at11TY 1tatemf.nt. "l'm ~rtalnly peared In the !Ian P'ranctxo 11 u r pr I • e d," Warner 1tated. Chronicle Today. "Tb1rl''1 no irovemment au- NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I ·PAGE l F~IDAY, AU8UST 19, 1955 MARINE SECURITY CLAMPED ON NEWS OF ESCAPE TESTS EL TOl\O MCAa, A.ua .Jt . (Oo-1'1~ admonlahlnr them t• rt, .. N81-'1111 Uhlled ltatN Mal'tl\t llnly Mmfl, rank and Nria.I num• Corpe rlamped a Up\ 114 ot ... tH-r tr nptur.11 by enemy fore.. The four repot1erw -apeel&U)" rurlty on aclh'lll• Of the Ma~e. ~ected to cover U.e top MCr..t Air Rteerve'1 eecapa and nuton acllv1tl11 -had to tum CIOl>Y in tMt ln which an OCNB reporter to <'tn90r•hlp. Public lnronnaUnn participated yffterday. ortlc-.r1 ft>r th• Marlne Air RI'· 1erve Mid thty rauld Mt ttll Reporten Bob Oolden1teln ol when the copy ·would be releue<I ~lated '"""9, Jullui H&1t, ol or tt It would be. at alJ. the Loe An ... lee l:aamlner, Dewlly Un1e of "1• Loa A.q-aa.. 'nlMI •nd Pat Michaela Of ~ Own· ty New1 S.rvlce wens Mked to writ• U11lr copy before leaYlna El Toro folio~ t.he t8llta ,..... terda.7. Thl teeta wen held ln the wa.ke of Pneldent Dietl· lloW«'• encuun order lo ..met- \\'ATER REA ft&8 SAlU. .. ... ca ••• • ., ... ,., Jo• .§:ti6!o/J tllMl II PU CIN1 OOW.C ,.._. H•tNt IUI Fortunately, the Oranre Coun- ty WeU&re Drpartment heard of thtt mother'• pllght and located IL temporary root to place over the unrortunale famtly'a bead. SUH, the beat that could be found wu attached to a bar. "hardly the right place to ktep four yo11n1t firill." u Mn. Lally put It. New1 aerv!cea and Chronicle thorlty tor 1uch a reruul. We reporter• tmmedlt.tety 1warmed (the board or 1upenrtaor1I wUI Into OTance County to "dlf up have no part In any 1uch &('lion. the fact1" of the atory. .\. 1Ubdlv1der can put 1uch re-r-----------------...;,~;;;.~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;. Dl.8POS8ESSED FAMILY -Mn. Vroni Lally, a dtvorced mother with four young girt.. to aupport, looka bopeleuly at her poaaessions after being dispossessed from h~r Newport Beach home this week. With her, not quite understanding, are from left. Tena, 7; nine month ·old Debbie in bet mother's arms, and ~Ua, .JO. -Staff Photo "T'm trytnr to be 11elf-aupport- lng." t ht womed and wan Mrs. Lally eald. •·But I couldn't find a chupe~ place to live. I ~elve child aupport money from tbe ch1ldren·s father, and l'•e , bttn taking in Ironing. We mana(ed to pay our rent Ahead of time !or six monlhs, but 1 can't afford to pay S75 rent." WATER Cl 'T OFF Mrs. Lally 11ald th!' water com· pany cut off her water when she waa unable lo pay the bill. Thtn the flnnl blow tell when the dl1- possesslon took pl&ct'. "I got Lff aald he had attempted to gU\atlon1 ln deed rutrlcUona .. but purchaM one home for a price whether he cln enton:e them i. ot $12.000 and another for 121.-another thlnr .'' 000. He aald weamen at lhe two •or;nNrTELY tracta ha visited retuMd to It'll rP(()ONllnTlJTIOMAL the bomu to him because of hie Plannlnc Dtr9Ctor Harry Berch. ortentat coloring. explalnlnr •arloua aonlnr Jawa In Rt;Cr;n ·u lUGH HOXOR the county aid of the auerted Th• ramed Olympic ciivu I• ot retu.aal •'t.he only place where Korean descent. He twice won thl1 kind of thJnr crop11 up l1 ln gold medals -In 19•8 and ,19S2 prtnte deed reatrktton1. But -ror his Olympic diving 'blllty. then'• no euch lhlnir In county He allO wu the recipient of the ref\ll&Uon1 . . . n ·1 detlnlt1ly Jtunn E. Sullivan 19ei3 Memorial unconatltutlonal." Trophy aa the man who contr!· Chronicle Reporter Micha e I buted most to' American amateur Harrta. In 8&.nta Ana to ch~k 11porl11. During 19:14 he w111 sent out t.he 1tory for hla n-•paper, on a 20.oeo-m1111 goodwill tour at aid he unconr.t th• Item d~ A.ala under the ausplcu of the Ing a talll w1lh trt1ndJI. ··n•a un· State Department. fair." Hama aald. According to the Chronicle re-Hurta lbowed OCNS a copy ll<':lr(>(t when the landlord bege-: lllon tn buv IL $12 ooo home tn · port, Lee wu refuMd ~rmla-ol an acc.p~ ~h LM t'arrytng my things out,'• 1'• a Oarden Grove t~ct known •• made WIMD be elftd b.lt 8ul- ll81!1. "l called lhl' police • id I Anaheim VIiiage Home fair by llv&n tlopll.7 lft 1164. Thi &·ft.- th.-y told me I didn't have to Je&ve uJesman Gordon Tripp. The news-tall ~ld911t.al I• CT&duate unlees he had a court order. But paper quoted Tripp as 11&yf.ng aald "I 1ta11d before you, proudly I can·t fight men.'' I "90me of u1 could loee our jobll but with humbwneti, u ll halt- Jlf rs. Lelly added: "l would lllce 1elllng to a non-white per90n." to get a det'ent job -waltru1 Lff. who LI upected to be re-plnt oriental from 0 <"C.ldent.a1." work, Ironing, hoU11ework, any-l~ued from military aemce had thing. I'm doing the beat I can planned on aettlng" up medlc:aJ w ith four young chlldren to take practice ln O&J'den Grove. Re Is Ll.ght Manufacturin• Permit' PROBATION C•~:'~~lldrtn lncl\lde nine month ~f:i~t. ·~N:0~-=: h~r:~ • old Debbie; Tena, 7; Either, 8, made a~gement.a to leue of- Oo•tlnllM front Fin• p... and Cecelia. 10. tr anyone ln the flee apace 1A the areL nranted Balboa· Island F1·rm Harbor srea would 11.ke to coa t&ct Th• eecond hou.e TAe wanted U wu etolen ttom MrA. Mildred Mra. Le.Uy recardlnc a Job, Ille to J>Urchaae, according u, l&tet l t.h kl Camnbelt ot • ·vun~ t>-ac.. wu can be reached thro"""' nel1hbor1 """""'8 lnve-1-uon wu •-ated Perml11lon to t#o plant• lo do compla ned at par ng con-'' ...,.,,_ • ~ " ..... """" •• •-..,.. h I d•moll•h-" Ill Uberty 8-1254. at a private deYtlo.....,enl ne-• light manuracturlng In C-1 tone. dltfons In t e district are mpo•-~ Q ...,. ,,,.... .. J~:!!~~~~~~~~~:i the comer of Atwood ancl ·111m-wa1 gra~ed lul night by the eible 3Jre&dy. FA\.OR rttOBAnos planning comtnla~ton. R. T. CC>Ok Appl1t'atton l)f N. Lindberg tor Fi t M 1• wood In Garden Orove. The aale of the Harbur Engfnef'rlng Co., permission to bulld e. laundry a.nd Ju1lge Shea noted alt Injured 1rs ar 1n price wu $21.000. Lee reportedly 102 •2 Marine A vr, . d<'t'lnred he toolhoul!e at the re1tr or 613 Or-rarl1t11 favurrd rrobauon !or the wu refuae<f by developer C. E. pnly dots exprrimrnt work at his chlll Ave., Wilt continued, but per-1e(endant. Rld&ll.11 previouaJ..y had J ohnaton of Westm\J\.1ter who •oma "nd nav•r hU mor· lhlln ml11lon WU granted D1wld I. Niel-of Season Kl4 he could not .. u one or hl9 .. c a ~ "' ~ pll'aded (\lilly to one felonloua h lo --· _ .. tlve emplnyea and thoee only .11en to ratAblillh a no-tee 1>3rklng omu a .. ..,.or ... pera<>n. wtien he I• brini.rln~ 11n Invention lot at 401 Holmwood Md 412 :trunk dr1vinc count, He pleaded 'llt'ATS OUK OOUNTRY' to perttr tlon ()n a pilot plant bulii. Wi>.!t.mlnstt'r WU granted. 1'1lJlty on thl' other slmilar charge Brought Here The sportlnr clwnplon-whoae John F. Lll'b, La F u:all\ Dress , thla mo111lng. wife, Ro1allce, ls-~xpecUng their M rg. Inc, 3021'J M11rlnr Ave., ha.JI I c • • The judga direct~ th• probaUon flnt baby thla weak-waa quoted oprratrd power m1chlne.11 at this omm1ss1on :>!lice to gel dam.,e tot&la "and U a&Y1ng tl'om Fort Car90n ''Thia addrr u for five years with a mu- 1 A 154~-lb. marlin. nret of th• doean't hurt me, It hurts our then we'll work out how Rldal.la' " R • -Id tznum of tour employee. ee-.-lo be brou(ht lb Newport COWltry. owever, ......,, u he on an R-3 lot at 217 Camatlon ;lered Rld1l11 to .eet u lde a mini-t.he Oran.-County l&rea. e Canel Front Lot One of t.he tew re· mainlnc waterfront Iota In t.he Ca.n•I 8ecllon -211.68 ft. x 100 fL, pier per- mitted. J10ned R-2. $10,000.00 c·au tt&rt.or I toO hlectecl 11.•tern •••f AIM -Wnapped -9ulck Proun N. 1'. DebnoaAco 11 .. k Porterloaee -U. 8. Graded Steak licle SELECTED EASTERN BEEF Fore Quarter Hind Quarter Special lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. S7c Sfc 35c 32c 39c Load Up Your Free%er HARBOR MEAT CO. 418 lOth St., Newport leach Harbor0718 -Permlr.alon to build four unit. Okays 200 allotment can be applied:' He or-Harbor, ._.. caurht thia mom1n1 auu wanta Jo "put an)' roou" In t l o. lh ,_,_ on the 1'-mlle bank on medium • -~-.. -wu born In Call-#< ve . wu denied when nelghbora mum o .,o a mon from .... ___ .. ,.., ~la.rlne Cari>• pay, atartlnf wtlh tackle by Jerry Oarntt, lH~. -----'------------------------------------,1--------------- SCOUTS TO NY Acre Annex . lh~:~;~ ~h::·=~v:· "one of :--::~d8.:~u:0wh~=l~.· ~: BEST BUY N EW ! _ _ , -" • lhe tougheat cuee I've ever Jera.mu 11. It la owned by ,._ o..u... from ""' P.,. Annexation ot more than 200 faced." He epeclflcally ordered all father, Marvin Garrett. Puadena. e.crea &Ions-lhe l'Ut 1lde of Irvine medical expenau or Ml.u Doane "'1lh nine of ua In Une. Ave., north of Newport Harbor and Gardner t11ken care or by the Skipper wu Bob Davl1, Newport · Wedneeday attemoon we toured UnJon High School rrcelved ap-derenda.nt. He Indicated t.hea Harbor. Mount Vemon for the third lime. proval or the t'lty plannlnc com· would be handled flnt. The ftah wu wel&hed ln at they t'loeed up part of ll on the mlulon lut night. The judge commented lhal Rid-Balboa An1lln1 Club to whtch nut cl&y and on the 11econd we 1 1 1 bo 40 both o ...... 1 The 11 le nc udu a ut acres alls .hu B""nt 38 day11 In Jail "and arretta .,.,Jonr. t wu Just rlldn't rave tnourh time. (50 h hi h 1 "~ o t.•' fl i~-• nf high 11c ool properly w c 11 l c&n't tiff the purpo11 of any younc arre • I n t ..,.... mar- we c:11d It a,aln. The boy• were pruenlly being used in the agrl-more time In jail." tin but he caught a TOO-lb. marlin lhrllled wtlh Ill beauty, 111 pre- culture program and reereatlon laal year In South America. 1erv11tlon, anc:1 the wonderful purpoeea and 120 ecrea of lhe. ---------------------------thlng11 lhe people of Vlrg1nl .. have Irvine e11tate, u welt aa all of done to r•tore the entire grounda. Harbor Highlands addition. r he boye are hatching A plot t<. Too Late To Claaalfy tr11r Myford Irvine Into 1ett1ng Rnl<ltnta of Ha• bor Highlands .. p,Hl auch a ptau on hi• rolllnr have petitioned for the annexnlion. 1111118 In the Upper S.y. the petition carrying n11meii of PICTt:llES ON WA\. i'O per cent of the properly own-G2-Real E8tate ers, But Webb, city engine-er told w .. 11~nt 90me late time at the U S. Marine Memorial In Ar· Ungton which II new .. at atatue In Ule ll:atlonaJ Cemetery areL There i. rttreated the "Fl11t Ral1tn1 at rwo Jlma:• a beaulltul aet up. We took a Jot of plcture1 an('I have dlspatchM them a ir mall to the NtWll·PreM . We went to thl' aoo )'N terday. n rl\lned alt day u part or Hur- ric&ne Diane, up to now ahe la a rentle woman. We want to the Ford Theatre lut 1nn1n,. We al.1<> 11Vrnt to the h OUM •<'roll the 1trHt "'here Uncoln wu taken alter he "'as 11hot and where ht! died. Today la lht fttllt clear day In a'bol•t a week. We took a real !lllil'k t11m early thl• momlnir bl'· fort! 1ea'f1n~ Wl\111hln,lftnn lln/I JrOt to the Jerft'r1100 MPmnr1111. Wt' then t'ame on up to AnnApoll-' 11nd •t're tre&t!'i1 In Ill 1n11r nt Anna- pol11l. t he tr ~. :-.:iwy A('lldt'my. \\ ... 9'•trt re&l1y al hnme 111 Annn· poll•. We ll'llrnt'f1 nt .Tohn P1111I JonM. "'" llllW th" l•bltt from tht u.s s. Ml1111011rl 11rnn wharh th" ,,..~,.. of •nrrf'n'14'r nr !hr J11p· ane11e were 11\.ifne-l. w .. 111~ •w the n11.ir ot th• t• !:; 8. i\fnnltor th• nnt Iron battle11hlr of our coun- lry. PART~ OF RO~B \\'• &l!IO aaw parla nf lht first atomic bomb t hat wu u rlnrltd In New ~oleo. Thie waa a ,,.,..,. ~ l'DUMWn. 8ev•r•I of the bo19 eom- n)ented that It v.-u on• nf tht i.t m1JMum1 they had •"er been IA. \~e lhen etarted out 11.1t11ln on llUr journey. We dt<'lded to phone horn• here at 11. 1pot 40 mllu 11011th of PhUad@lphla. We are fl~Mln~ tonlg:hl and all day S11turd11y In t.he dty of "Brolherlv Lo,·e." We "111 leave l'arlY" Sunday for N l'W York and have lhl' lntorm11t1on trom Mr. IJA)'ol u to the 1t•lt and lime to pit-It up our tlckl'la. the <"ommlulon. The next 1tep wHJ be for the $ $ H B h city council to consent lo clrcu-ave eac Claustrophobia SS latlon or a petlUon for Ill! electloi~ In H arbor Hlghlandt and If the election canlu annl'ullon will follow. LUAU nuns Battle of Bay Club Draws Gendarmerie What .today wu billed u "The 811.tt.le of the Bey Club" hy lor11I wag• we.io reported rm Newport Bea.ch police blotter with a aa.11• fir f1!'t~. w111t!'r~. gur11t11 nnll 11 di· rPrtor jnlnang to atl<I ust to la11t 111g.h1'11 1t111u at the rlub. Th~ rlramntl3 prr~on11e were t111t · rd on thP police blotif'r. Jt 11rem~ B1'b H•J!d"n. ("nmnn drl Mar nil operllnr. look excrpllon t n aomr- lhl~. Thr Bey Club 11t11rr took u cepllon to him 11nd the b11ttlt' wu joined. Pollre were callel\ an<' Oftlcen H 111l a.nd Ale11ander N'!IJ>Onded to find the m1111e~ement did not feel iratt f'nough tn •Ill"" • complaint agaln"t Hlp on, bl.It t.hty did reque11t that he luve lhe preml1u. wtllch he did without utalltance or Pf rwua.llon. Followed 10 mlnutu of quiet at the police 11atJon whf!ft Brt. Vlrwu Phebus wu fa.Ced Wit h an Irate Higdon who wanted to •lcn a com- plaint., he aallf, aplnlt K. T. Ken daJI. whom tie deecribed u man- agrr of the Bay Club. SHUDDER? Then aee t.hia 3 bdrm. 2 bath Udo Isle home. All roorna ao large they aay 4'WELOOME . STRANGER" $35,000. Terms. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7562 & Har. 221 $$ $$ t9-Belp WuW WANT Ahort order wllltrf'll!. Har. 728. cook, alao 93c 93c95 48A-Apte. for Ren& UNJl'URN. 1 bdrm. apt. Quiet- Newport Beach. Cloee to Udo 11hopplng. Adult.I only. Yearly WOMAN for b11by 1lttin1t 6 dlllh-Jeue 166 ~r mo. OWner Liberty ""· Nice home with prf. room 8-3M8. 9Scta It-bn11r!1 .l S:IO mo. Lido Isle. - Hlll". 16[•i·J. 93c9:S CHINA CO\.E, Bayfront furnltlhed O. t;, W ASHF.R. eemJ-lluto. wrtng- •r lypt. Utlle ua«d ICIO. G. E. ~r111tt'r11tor, 8 ft. frttrzer top. Lillie 11•1'<1 $Vil~. RattAn-ty~ 110ft1, .lfood cnnd. '35. Vornado deek fill\ -larrut -new U O 280:.Z Circle Dr., Bay Shortt& 93c9S 15' CKRJS CRAFT Cruilltr With electric 2.CI h.p. Like new Ut-00. Udo Wharf, 3449 Vt.. Oporto. 93c9S 23 rr. SLOOP, top awnmn b\ly 11200. plley, aull. engine. Slip 20;--RJchardllOn '• Anchorage. Jnqutre 329 811pphlre. 93c9S apt. OpPn!l nn large. 11erluded patio fifteen fttet from high ttrle. JO·umare, •tora~e, ~nrage anrl phone. Av11ilablt for li-a'e nr w inttr rPnt:al. Les~e ~126 pl'r mn. Excellent valu" Ph. HY11tt •-22oe. 9Jtrc lF YOU NEED C ASH A ha\·e " real ba.rrain In a thr"e bedroom home frS SOLD. Costa Meaa or Xe~'J>Orl ffl'l1ht1 preferred. No agtnta. Wnte Box 0 -30, this paper. 93c9:S UTILE GEM Higdon cl&lmed he had ~en 11n11tten In the mouth with ll flat and wanted re\•enre. Sft. Phrbus dlo m&1111.ge to find a ellfbt ~Dop. Cat., Peta .Englll!h Tudor cott&Je So. of Bl~·d., Corona del Mar. Older but &'M!•t charm. H u & e arched llv.-dinlnir area. Won- derful for entertainln1. 2 Bdrms.. den, 2 flrepl&eel, a °"6r1Mt at 115,CICIO. .., tenu.. &xGa..lv1 ...._NU> 11Cratc:.b.. or urahled ...ta~ on qw MORWI:~ m.aOtnm fftcdoe '1 Ja• •• Me left e&r, ao PUH 181. It up. ~ Kanea... he petllUMled m,.... t.o ltt the ttr ,..,._. Ill 6 \IJt. l..Ailti VSNmfl>SR. H.,._ ... A gnat iuw eor ftW Ill• YOUNG IN HEART BEST TRADE ·IN-, TOO! Look how much more Plymouth ,rivf"8 yon at 118 low, low prire compared to othf'r ran in it1 fit>ld l Morr ~ize, mtirc comfort, 1-inrr it\• nir.<.F:~T, ROOMtf:ST of all ~ low·price rar•! \lore lt<·autr, l'inre it ha~ the ~EW~H STYLl:\G nf 0 ti ~ ! 1111' Tfll' TWO F::"'Cll'\E -the thrifty 6·<"ylinrfrr PmH•rflnw 117 or the mighty 167-hp Hy.fir~. mMt p<mrr(11l n! 11l11ndnd Y-ffs in the low·pricf' 3. And rr member, you would pay a!' murh aa S~ ~ for many .. medium·price" CAI!I actually am11ller thao Plymouth! Ri~h Mle8 volumf' for your df'alf'r mf'tllnl a flood dC'al for you-and Plymo111h de11l rr~ hAvo het-n 1ma~h in~ Fall''4 rt"'·nr1l~ 1hi" ~··111 ! Trn alr nnw- >'•ll r rll'nler i>' rl'aal y to p:i"· )"" tlw 1~-1 po"~iltl~ nl!11\\1HWt' for your Jlrf"lr11t rnr. Yn1 1'1l fZ•'I tlar <'Ar tli:it's lrnrlinll it~ fi,.Jrf in valur, "i1li Fnrc\\ ~1111 J,11n 1<: &lyling lhat will k~p it "new" for yean. Tli11•, "hrn you tr1trlr 8j?8 in, P l vmt111 lh ·" I "':1111 \. a ncl P''flll l :irit y "·ill a11•ure you of a high resale ,·aluc. Sec your Plymouth dealer today! -------------------------------------~-----------_.._ _____________ ---------~------ L·ou REED & ASSOCIA.TES Everybody i. ftae. IOOd lll&IUl, not evm a touch of homMlckn..., Of courH •II the '°' .. tlaft ~ kept a•'f\llJ..y bull')' on thrlr tour matt"' Nit for tM Mnc. knd re-' 9-42JS. 93<'~.. .. new hi• qut•l come dayU11tt. -----------"---e"_"'_·_3_4_1_ .. _____ •_3_uc 1200 W. CMSt HICJ"way NEWPORT . IEACH • ' PAGE I· PART I.::_ NEWPOlT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, t955 HA VE ANOTHER ORANGE -F.dmund F . Ducommun, Beacon Bay, left, bJa daughter, Pat and .on, Jean, at right, ply Jean Pierre Montjotin, 13 • year -old French foeter 110n of the Ducommuna, with fresh Orange County-grown orangea, a faTorite fruit of their young houaeguest. -SWf Photo • DOGNAPPING REPollTED IN MESA; CHIHUAHUA TAKEN J. dQl'DA,.,... WU npal'tH ln Coll.a ..... Monday after- nOOll by Newport Beach te&eher IS&lly J . Lamkln of 111 11th IL, Newport Be*b. SM Muned Me.a police her 2~ moalh chocolate browa maJ. MaJcan Chlhuahua., v&lu.d at MO, waa taken horn Uw front Mel of hf'T car af 1722 Newport Blvd. while IU mlatrM9 -. aboppiog. Robert B. McDonald, an f'mployee a t t.he B&teway Stort there. told lnveeU1alln1 offlcen he ... w • youn( ctrl, ap- proximately 16 yean of age, ca rry 1uch a dos' from the atore. He ,.Jd the Sirl cta..d the dof Into the 1tore, picked It up and remarked &he knew who It btlon~ t.o. YOUTH CENTER DONATIONS HELD AS /TAX DEDUCTIBLE TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT C~1pm11 Starts week lriwe for•,• 0"1112 • Br & 0. OAUIN ,....,.._. npll 11 .-U ~. OllLANGI: -~.-.. OoUlp IJ.NTA ANA AUG. lt (0CN8)-~ .... Mlped u. ..... bl· .. a.unchlnr • un... • .... MSW TORK NOON OOMIOINT-t.-..t cdnU.uee to rotate la U.. OUllpaip to ratM SM.000 to "v Stocki an bacllt .... ud f\lli"• ~with 0-era.l ~ up all bJU. for Ill tlrw\ ,_,. ot -.. ·-Boeina'· and Nort.b. A.meltoaa operalloo on It.a new <>ran,. c:Mn· witbout.1 lmport&nt cha.n(H In tM tracUoaally better. pua, Wortb Bem&rd, Yi" pnal• •rly lndln(. Var1ou. new1 tn· eoppen haft cau&et.ed.. altbouP deftt ol Newport Harbor aanoun· nuencea are •till renected In Kenecotte holda ""11 awatUns oed today. tu~ l•u• u J"ood J'&IT StotN. newa from ~· ... ~. Sa•· "Pnp&rtaUona for a rr-t\J tn~ which n....nnded to th• announce-lnl "-llUbject to a faltl1 C!reued atUCS.n\ bOdy_._ ... ~ t.be ·.-&harp COlftC!Uoa Ra4&o Oorp. bad batroduoUon ot addltlVflll.ll cou.- ment of 'plan• to 1et up a n-been 11Ubject to l'eplacement buy-ol 1tudy ha•• made tor peatw nnn to develop tarre 1eal• lhoi>-m1 and at CNJTent MwJa would QPU&&a than could be ttnaae.d plJlr center.. ap~ to •tall OlllJ 11\odtnte b7 OW' lone tun. contrtbuton," Mak wtt.b fa YON* recoftrY Benard -.id, "A.ltMu(tl 'We Mft ACJl'-Brlll .Moton utended It.a propeeta. operated u ecooomJcally u po.- gain ln acU" de&llnp retlectiq •bl•." expana6on via ·~ul1ltlon •f two RenecUon1 upon llM lmpc"Oved MOU KDDSD CclotrlbuUona to NeWJM>rt Har-, other Youth Cfllter dl.rectol"I are au~nnarket chalna. while the 2nd quart« n,urea of ltone • Up to Aua 11 the ooa.p lila4 bor Youth Cuter In Corona dd T. Duncan Stewart, repraenU.ng newly U.ted foremoet dalnee hu Webeter bu attracted buytn~ to NCeiv-S l l lS:IM)O· ln ,ui.. aad an Mar are deducUb{e from income Corona del Mar Chi c Auocta· allO bffn very well F'Hl9J"4. tJ°le l-. Al undlntand \bat &ddJUonaJ m ,817 la ...._. to tax. It wu UUIOUftcecS today by Uoll; ·Mn. Al S~ncer. Women'• The latter company baa a "91'1 orden of llM elll1Mertn1 dl up UM ,...r lftdlnC AQS 11 A. K. Pbdpl, M!Villor to the Com· CMo ~e. and Al Clemen<'e. favorable gTOwth record and la have tmprov-S ~1 pt"OllpeCta ta tM black Bemarcl ~ munlty Youth Cent.er of Newport Buaineumen'a A.MOclallon. Howald currently on a $J dlvtd.nd rate factoT a worthwhlle lmpro°""'ent au.to.. ft~ and 'Wt.....i Hara.or Board of Dlrec.'tora. repreMnte community churchee ·of a!fordln~ 1 reuonable 4 per ln net nut year. Meanwhile, clU-. tnt.e.l'Mtad tn tM .. ...,._. The Youth Ce'llt.er hu bffn at· corona del Mar. cent return. mal11tenuoe ot llMI IWMl"OUI II mmt ot t• ndt fWr'" umptlnf to MCUre from Ule fed· -------------dividend 11 conftMJIUy expected -OU I q ,_.. ual r ovemment exempt ltatwa on DR a.TH NOTICE Inc~ In bl<',tle tulft1 le from which a ftl'7 ,_ttOUe ._., liberal aria con.,. Ila Oru11• federal lllc:ome tu. Phelp. Nld 5°" renec:ted In Amtticu MachlMJ')' pel"Clllt retum ti aftllable. On OOQnty .,.. blilns urp4 to COii· t.Qday be baa now r.oelved notice and J'oundry, which la a bell.. a ~ld .,.... alone, UM '-'• la en· trtbute to Owpru'e ~ tD from the u . s. Tru.aury Qepa.rt· V. G. (81UP> WOLFE ftclary ot thh acUon while Intel'-UU-S to ..U 1IAlt*' ud appean thia ttu...-...-eunpUp.: national Nickel advan<*I to a "Utte attneU" both for tnc:ome In It.a ...S t• ~Ual la· ment U.t w ch donallona are de· ORANGE. IOCNS) ~ V. G. bl-'-ln belated t , come fr'CMft ..,.._ta Md .. ,,.. ducUt;le ln Income tax u ch&rl· (Sklpl Wolfe. •~. and Oran('• n-•" ~n.ee 0 and ITadua1 ~ ... -Ila •cellent •lit month Nporl to m .. t ~ at opuatlclm. a..p- ta.ble contrlbutlona. f'llldent neuly all bl• llfl, pro-and adnnce In copper prfc.t. oaDW3' Y ILUWll mu OolJec9 i.I aot dttfWwlt h'om BOLD BALL OAKES ...U.en t for hla 20·30 Club acUvl· otblir -vate _.._ ._ _ _. u.-· t DJ:llAND STllOHO LacJdns BNedtJI and volume and r• ---11119nl Grant. Rowald ch&lrman of the et IU\d hit creation of "Sa!e Y ln vt-ot the w.akeed. wou&d 'not .. ,....,....,, Ha ett.ad a naU.., direct.ore, repo.:Ud lhe Ha.rbor SalJy·'' tor ldlool crouwalka, Demand ' for U.. American antlcl~te &DJ broad tnapronmlftt. wSde ..,,...,. llbowlq that prtftt. Soya' Club and NewpoTt Harbor died Wednelld•y a!temoon at. the Rather, t•J the Ha wtJJ ooatJau. ooUer-aero. Ole eountry mWlt Hilb School awnrner recreation C'tty of Hope, Duarte, where he I __ _. ._., 111!!..-las ord.-ly wtt.b apecf.alU.. proridb\s ftlWICle al»out lltAH thelr opent- department have .conducted ClUI had been • patient for three ~ r• .., t the ma1n tndlns lni.r.t. .... budc-UI tl'Olll l1fta ... •• C l.Aq'Ue bueb&JJ pmea tor week•. I ...__ for 5c1L---.1 dowment Income. younpteri there thrOUJhout the Cit.UM of Mr. Wolfe'• death ft ,..... ~ t p.-. veS-Dow-lew IDl1'0LLllKNT 111' IUDUl\er. Other current. project.a wu beUeved to be leukemia, bUt Han-y Uddlcot. and O.Orse SO rrutu.tnala ........ •H.IT up .U Advance llll'Ollm•t at a.ape which have talce.n place at the •na:uto~•Y 8 1' ;_0 ~ ~enrl 17 Parker are l•vtnr UIJa ~ 20 Ra.Ila ........... _ ... J6'.3' ott .41 mu f« UM ,...,. ~ a.pt. YO\llb Cent.er lru::lude twice & wee.k m n an na pr ' for the ... t with plana to 1t&J't 11 UUll t ... •• lJ alnad uceeda -llO a.rt c1uMa conducted by ~-. Jim 1910, Mr. Wolfe moved t.o OT· t • ............. ---ott .22 1 •:1 per _.. anrc with hi• family •hortly at pre-medic ICbool bl -.Ptember. 1 p.m. volume Dow • Jon• cent lb• tot.al •rollm•t for U.. Ray and a BJble School conducted ler hi.I birth. • U~ote tlnt.Md a liberal &rte TI0,000 vi M0.000 Tbureday. put colhpJe&r. 0..piUA'& -. ~~~ur!i the Ooeta w... He held many high office. _in :;:-:P~I °::,. Parc::'t~~ i-a 8t.ek u.. _ .. • A.all ::b:::' ::;n~ = .. It ha.I been eAlmated that we 20-3o lnternaUonlll. been a atudent there. Tb., are a._.... t Arn r1 •1 u .. eed roxl t 1 ..,..,,,. to fin Survtvon Include hla wtfe, Bet· ~ ... o e ca -... -·· .. ,.. • .._ mer ,e• on. n a pp ma e Y ~ .: ty. of the home in Cathedral going' nnt to Watertown, N. T ., &.ck.man Inatrument ......... 21 'i Attu payment ot U'li• ye&T'• lab the Youth, Center bulldln&', City; one dauptn, Deanna, hi• Parker'• home town. C&Jttoml.a Bank ............ ~%-42 bill.I. tbe next project a t Q\ap- Howald aald. 'The Youth Center mother, Mn. Neleta Wolfe, -------------Dlm\ey (Walt) ............. 3M2% man will be the p&tntlnc ol the ha.a been dedJoated tor UN by all grandmother, Mn, R. c. Burkett, LyOll loy Hit by Fint Wutem Bank ........ U~-64 10 bulldlnC• a t a C()jlt of $26,000. orsanlaed youth ~!?9 ln ~ two •latera, Mr1. Nancy ROM Gluapar ·-.................. -.. ~-2~-3~ Th• palnllJlf wtU be itarted u Newport Harbor area. Chick, •II of Oranre. and Mn. car; Hmts Sllght Hall Scott. Moton .... ·-·-~"'-'% 9000 .. lhe SI0.000 l• pled(ed. UQUESTS POil UU o. Verne Hodaon. 29 Palma. lntenrtate Enrtnawtnc ·-, ... 10~ &.mud lafd. Howald added he hu many re--J'Uneral eervlcea are pendln( a t Scott Lyon, 3 ~. 306 Amethyst Market. Baabt Com ••..• 20~-22~ ------------- UCOMMUNsf YOUNG FRENCH FOSTER qu .. ta from Girl Scouta and other GUJo1ty Funeral Cha pel. A.ve .. 11 reportect to ban run Mayfair K&rketa ...... _..... t-t% Loses Her ..... ., D ~:ih~:~ ~u':.ie E~G --lrt--for ___ D_U_ft_ftl _____ ~~: ~-[!~:~~:::~~~::. ~1,..~!tE~::·:~~~~~~~ n.=0.K:thpo~~Y 8;;. Center bulldlng, the Rotary Club Mr. and Mn. Robert Dunn, 310 St. l'ree.wweet .............. -.......... 1%-1% left a b&lket of clolhln& to wuh SON ENJOYS SUMMER .IN BEACON BA y ~~~r-~.....:~.:.: ~.::~r:m "'..':; '1: £:i:t:.=· ~= .:.~· .. ~ ~~!~;~~:: : ~~;~ lli·~r.::i~i·~~~ ------~------------------_,...----~-----------------------ByBILLM08!:8 Beacon Bay hu a little more Continental flavor these summer day• ainoe the arrival of a bandaome young French youth, Jean Pierre Montjotin, 13, of Aubenaa who is the guest of bit foeter parenta, Mr. and Mn. F,dJnund F. Du- commun of San Marino and Newport Ht.rbor. ~ Ducommuna. who are re('U· from Paria with anot.haT French Jar. IUO-Ume -~'-.au-. a ~ 41auSlater ., --here. bfoeu1111t 7°'°'I' Jeezt -otb• Amntean tamfl7. They had from Jl'Tallc• bJ plane l..t month. tun on the trip but when n ch They wanted him to IO&k up plenty went hJa uperate way the going of Newport Barbor 1un11hlne and became a little for~gn. even Jn a good California t rullll, vegetable1. land noted for Ill hoepltable, milk and meat. They "adopted" tnendly people. Jean tour yean •re> by underwrlt· Sl:SSITlVI': NATURE In&' throurh the FOlttr Parent lntervieowtJJg Jean ln your brok- Plaft hla yearly expenlH. en French, 1upplemenled by Du· 'n\ey thought a IOjoum lo their commun'1 chlldhood French (which leued Beacon Blly wate~fronl the foater parent polllhed up for home mlsht brighten the life and Jean'• visit) and Je&n'a aurprl11lng· h.alt.11 of a young11ter whose rath· ly r ood English, unfold• a 1en1ltlve •T, a l&QCUage profu10r, was kill-nature. He's an a.lmoat too thin ~ by the Nul1 durlnit World War a youngster, a condition which Il while he worked with the hoapltable Ml"I. Ducommun, molher l"Nnch Underrround. of three 110na ·and a daughter, MOTHER AGREES wanta to and ls c:on-ecllnr with can f11J In converaaUonaJ rape with a little French. TELEVISION ADDICT Like many American chUdTen, Je.an la an avid t elevlllon fan. Aaked what progra.ma he like. w1th hJa Umlted Engllah, Mrw. Ou- con\mun laughed. "He'• Ilk• any American boy," 1he aald. "the type wMela a p,,_i. to .u ~mencaa boya-lhe Weetem ahoot 'em up-. Rlfht now he'• &baleen handa twtce with all of u1 before 11ytnc rood night. There'• a my1t ery. ahow on and he doun't want to go t.o bed!" Jean will be at the Ducommun reaidence. 8 Rudder Road, unUI the fa mily returru1 to San Marino Sept. 16. After a few day1' pre- parations for the trip he wlll re- tum to his 'mother, brother and 111J1ter In France llO he <'an enroll at school for fall tnm. He doun't know wh11l $tr•!ll' It would be In this country but he'11 In the sixth In France Aaked If he wants to return to Newport H11rbor another time, Jean beamf'd and 1ald: "Beau-Jean'a moth,r. a French po1tal plenty of rood food. 11erv1ce employee In Aube'na.11. wu But Jean Ill a little different coup!" aJI for the 011C'ornm11ns' lnvlta-from the uaual 13-year·old. He'• ------------- lion. Sh• hu her hand• full with been reared and educated In Fran-Hub Cap Thieves Jean'• younru 1l1ter lllld older ce where a cblld'a mJen la mo~ Pia Folk brother. The family formerly lived mature than the average Amert-gue Local In Liiie. France. can youth. He llke9 aalllnl' a.nd Mra. Ouper .Antlata, 1~27 Weit At\er the first week or two of ftahlnr ln about that ordu. He Balboa Blvd .. reported to New- atr11ns:e facM and placea wore off. dOffl\'t IWhn u he bu an ea.r-port Beach pollce that two boy1 a thr1vln1 crop of freckle1 and drum which wu ruptured during about 18 yura old took four hub tan wore on Jean'• face. He atop-a World War n bomblnr. ca p• from her Dodite late Wedne1- ped uklnr for table wine with hi• But Jean 1A having more fun day night. m•I•. g&\'e le.1111 (If a.n argument u the aummer wane.. He'• mak· Manon Wallaef'. 1512 Weit about drinking milk. "' 11howed lftS a few tr1end.a on Beacon Bay's <Xi'an F'ront, telephoned police a marked a ppetite tor rrnh fruit• IOUth bayfrontage. Only trouble lt I that two boys were 11teallng hub which an known In F rance but they have 10me dJtrlcuJty under· caps from a rar next 11oor. but tlnanclally prohlblllvt . at andlnl' each other. He wouJd like the boys werf' gone when police Jean flf'W to Ne .. , York City to mfft 10me local younptel"I who arrived. Serving Ora.nge County with Complew lnve.tment Facilitia BOARD ltOOM DOW JONES NEWS TICKER TRANS·lUX STATISTICAL lllRARY DIRECT PRIVATl WIHS COAST TO COAST '°"TPOLIO ANALYSIS W• cordially invite you to use our lnvestmcnt Pacilibtl (~ ...... ~.,-.. ...... ~ .................... ,_.._ .... ......... S16 NO. MAIN If. • SAM'A ANA • ~.ty 1-1147 TOU ,,_ "-..... -.... , ....... -C.... ._ let,.,. .................... a.._. ..... , .................. ' ......., ........... ,.,,.. I ............. ,....._ • '---............................. .._.1 .... .,._,. • ' THE WILD FRONTIER HAS A NEW KING! Great Pe1tun1 beck up Cbeyrolet PerfonnarM»: Body by FWwr-BoU·,,_ ~-~ R9or SpriJlll-Allli-Div. BraAi,.,-Ja.VoU El«:trM»l Sya"'-Nirw Eqi1te-DrW. CAcNc.. The new Chevrolet bu proved ittielf all K-1-N-G in today'1 toughest driving competition! Starting at the Daytona Beach NASCAR • .. porwore<t trial1 Lut winter, the new Chevrolet l1ffJ)t Mid• aU competition in it.I claM in acoelerat.ion t.esta. And aince then what's happeoed: The lau.t ftcw'ea on band 1how that eo f Chevrolet haa piled up a total ol 196 point. '° lead in N ASC~ Short Track ~ by 99 point&. Second place· held by a medium-priced car. And Che+rolet'1 nearest · compet.iton are ruanin& ftfth and llVtntht C<>IM on in and try America'• real, ~ID.jun 00..... ol tM year! 1"'11 ........ ntlYWllllt ............. ,.,,.,.., ... •. , ... ..,..., ... ..,. "' MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY NIWPOiT llACtf \. ,,... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS • • . AUGUST 19, 1955 ' . nBER GLASS SHEETS -J ohn Dinsdale, center , movC9 a resin · impregnated fiber gla111 sheet out or the hanging rack, aa Larry Bersch, right, look11 on. Herb Jenk11, general managC'r or Pacific LaminatC's, holds a bolt of fiber glass cloth from which the sheet came before bathed in ret;in. Resin Study Spawns Fishing Rod Firm By PtlTu.JS I . .IACllSOS Development of an adhr1dvll!: for met.11 durinK \\'or\d We.r II a nd modif\(atlon of thll!: formula 11.11 1.n adhtll\'e for fiber 11 .... led Herb Jenk1 of C<111t1 Meu. &!'Id hll two p•rtn,ra Into the tlllhl•C rod bu1Lne111. Jtnk•, • ehemlat. Uld•ted In dt veloplng tht ml't.I a<flesi~e. ln the development IUld re1ee.reh (k,partnill!:nl of U. 8. Rubber in Detroit during tha war. Ht ~1une a!ftltatr<I with Con- aolidatoM Alreraft In San Diego whl'Tt the proj,~·t wa.. fu r- lhered. \\'hll.to lh•r•, the dev•lopm•nl turned lO .. fil:wr j;lasa adhe1lve. "BORN" lN Oll.ANQ.E An.•r ~ ~. 1 fl~·man p artn .. r-hlp wu tormrd and Pacific Lam\natu w•• born ln an abandontd lrrlg•llon 11hflck In Orange. The 1m1ll finn 11tart1•d turning out tubular fiber glaaa tl.ahlng rod bl&nka which W1'Tt! aold to rod manuraetu rer11 tor eompltUon or to •porting good.I Jobber• lo be 'fini11hed by do-lt•your.e\t hobby\atL Ttoe nnn branclled oul Into Ila OW1l k it.I, 1upplylng every· thine but 1JUide1 IUld Up top. Thty lnltalled the rttl -t•. han<ile• and !errulfll, tumlllhed th1 blank• and !he 1poru.m1n did the re1t. They a~ COfl.llnllN maklnl" blank11. A1 giau rodJll beran to come onto the market more gen· erally, 1'a.c1t lc Lamint1.te1 turned to making it~ own Sila-!ll!x ron1pleted rod. Thl!y 1J-.;i made 8U1·f'MK bl.lnk1 and hobby!1t k 1t11. U nder the l'l•me P•clfle Lamlnat t•, Ult firm m•kem blank• for other 1n,.nufactur,.r1, but the blan.ka do not Jll•teh U1t dt1lgl'I or quality of SLla-fiex roda. WSIU:RKAN" DUHlU "We h11d no prtt00eeivtd lde1111 of wh•t 11 rod 11hould be like:· J enks 1111uL •. ...,., relietl on •he want. of nit flllhll!:rmtn."' HI!: Mhl it n<'rf'llilitall'(I 11 li("r,•t d eal of r'~a ri;h, corr,1pond- f'nr r 1111d glvlnr 8W•Y of eirperin1ent.I rdt1. to fishermen for trial. SECURING . MANDRIL -The tai}ered mandril I• ironed onto a pattern of fiber glue by Eddy Timer. When he ~ell! a aecure bond between mandrU &nd PATIENCE ~.....,..0.1. -Ferrules are mounted into place by Blanche Keya. She glues them to the end of rods by ha.tine: the apecial formula n-in and tappinc 1em>1e Into ...... f'Jor1da. .. Our bu1ineN theory," he u.id, "•• to m•k• the but. not to tum Qut the g-reat••t volume." Makil'll a flrat clu• rod Im an l'll&ctlng •klll. ft 1t.rt11 with impre(TIQtlng f1bPrglMll cloth with the pl111tJc rr.un. The cloth com"' Qn a boll •nd I• ailvpry whit• in color. Thr-.ada 1oi:n1 In on• dtr..::tlon •rt nine tim .. 11 the lhlrkntL~ ot thr1'11da goinl in the Qppo111te direction of w••vr. Thu 1110"·11 1tre11tPr fl(xlb1hty. BATllS OF RE~L'\; The rloth In long \ll!:ngthl 11 paamed through 1 bath of r•1Ln, then hung up in 1h•et1 to dry. Whf'n dry, the ahee111 are eut to atze t or the vanM taperM me.ndrila uatd 1n makh'liJ' diffll!:r•nt 1ize1 and d•1lgn1 of rod ... Mandrill! ire rtr11t wuoed Ind \IW'n (Ol ted, with th• pl11.1tic realn. The mandr11 I• iron•d onto on• t<lg., or. the clQth unlit 1t ..Sher''· then bolh mantlrll a.nd cloth p.<ttern •t• placed in 1 !lpt<"i•J machln• whl're • quick 11!1dinr niov"ml'nt "·rapa the cloth around the t1per'°" m11ndril. It wul'l't long b.\tore Ult bu1!neiw grew r1ght out of It..~ bulld\ftC. A. llU)Ye. to \5M) 8Upt"r1or Ave .• Co1ta )11'8'1., wa11 m11de where U.1 comprflf l"""W for ffV•nLI ye11r1 befofi' bulld- \ng It. pn-l !lpaclO\la building 11t 19111 Pl11centl11 Ave. ''Thf're •rt dlffertrit rod de1ip1 for dlffer<'rit terrltor\•1 of the "''orld."' JtnilA e-.;1lla.lned. "tu wen u for Oifferent type.a o( fl1h1ng. He 1111id they make rodl for fre~h 11nd 11ltwat'r · fiehermo;n ln pl1ce1 •• Jar ,.., .. }' N south Afn ca, Cllllada and fUforll!: t11e rod ll<!CliOllJll are baked to fu!'t th,. pluUc tl'•in >&round ~v•ry fiber of tht ;;la,.. (lolh, lh'y 11.re wrapped "'Hh ctllophane llP"'. Thi• form1 a •liit:hl preuur. •nd ac:U • •11 a mold for lh• hllklng operation. Afler biking, the cello· phane la 11tr!pped off In • aanding m11chin•. No 11o;.am 111 de· t K t..bl• In the hollow at(Uon1. nNJ8ll S"'IPE -Afi.r the final poliah~. Cheatu Cable banp ml 1oD11Ji. In a regular forMt and wipet each one with the 1pecial plutic reain. Tbey art rtven 1 final Mkizii' tor iht.t extra IJ*ial prot.ection and appear&DOL t 'ISJj;lll {'OAT UST After f 1n1J pqlillhing, ll l11t ftn!1h CO!ll nf rt111n i• "'Lpt'd on the rod Aeehon1 before the}' ;ore baked ags1n. The cork handle• tor lhll!: rod• •r• mad• lron1 ha!f-lneh rlng., of 1pecle cork, slued together to length. The handlea 1.re 11h1ped by a modifil'd lath" "''hlch 11 GUl!l~d hy • l•mpla.tf'. F'frn..ilel! ire mounll'd on !h.· f1ti11hffl rods i nd KU!dl'a arf' glued !Ind wr11pp~I. When per.110nalJzed rod1 "'" in <Jrdr r. Nick 01".la, pl11nt 1upe!~ntend,nt u1u1Uy dot1 the Job .. 1th h1a 11te11dy hand. Th• firm h•• made a 1pelcllll)' nf 11,. pr•stnl11t1on tOlb whjch anr eu11tom made and per11onal1zed for 11p,.ci1l g1rt11, 11uch •• th• recent Sll11-fl•• rod ardcretJ for Prt1!dent Ei1t nhower. Ed ~lu~n i~ th• p1rtner in rh•rge. or t1rtory production 11.nd Kf'n Bl'nntll '" lrr11urf'r. In 11.ddiUon to ft1hlJ\I' roda, Pa<:lf!c L11n1 lr11 ltf! i11 11upply1n11: mo111 nf the high aehoola In Southtrn C.ihlornia "''Ith •·1ulUng p<1lr1 mftde from tiger 11 ..... MID THE nNlllRED PllODUCT -ICd If-. partner in the buaine9B and factory productJon mu· a,er, lric9 out a new rod lo the finn'• 83-ft. ••'"I ' PART TWO, PAGE ONE fiber, be run. it through the 1peclal machine behind him to roU • tapered tube aecUon. -All Staff Phot~ WELL IN' RAND -Cork hand grlpa for fishing rod hand.let are quickly fuhioned on a mocUfied Jalhe by Genei M.l.llow. Varied abaptd KriPI ·are made by using one of a number of templates which guide the machine. SPECIAL TOUCH -If it's personalizing you want. better see Nick Onia. Pacific La.m inate's plant 11up· crintendent hu a steady hand when it comes to adding the reci pient'• name or an inscription to the rod. Some of the la boratory equipment used in the plant for te.atihg is also shown. • ~· ..,-• r , ' ' • •• ' ' ' pool tn front of the building. Rodi · are coMtantly undera:oin1 teatl for feel .nd fieaibility. . . '' (}ovemmeni J.rom ~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r--------------------------------------------------...,.--------------------------------------------------~' 'AGE 2 ·PART II NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS FttlDA Y, AU6U9T t •, 1955 "God grant us th• serenity to eceept the things we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the di~ference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS City Should Plan 'Bowl' on Shor~s of Upper Bay Workln1 now in Upper Newport Bay la a dredge sucltin1 tand and lhell from the bottom of the vea deelgnated the county water p&Tk. Thia operation t. one that 1hould make more uaable an area of the Upper Bay that bu been lon1 neglected. Such operation. ·though will continue and. properly planned, could brine about luting improvem~ta for little money that are badly needed. Particularly do we have rderence tQ.-.the ~ in tht. community of a "Bowl" or amphitheater where mualcala. playa and other public recitala could be held. We commend to the study ar the Beach. Par¥ and Rt'Creation Commiqion or the City of Newport ¥each thP Greek Theater 'br Griffith Park: the Irvine 'W3owl at Laguna Beach: the stadium at Orange Coast Co~ege: and the rM:ing atadium at Hunt.lngton Beach. All ~eae are flpe examplM of what can de done with a plec;e of land that Jaya properly. There will be in the next fflW yean conatan~ de· vetopment ot the Irvine Ranch Janda around the Upper Bay. Now 11 the time for the Qty of Newport Beach offlciala to ait down with the company'• aDd mak' de. ct.Ion• u to areu that can be developed for dry land puk1 and water parka too. It would eeem to us that aomewbere.Jn that rreat back bay area could be developed a "natural ~l" wherein protection could be afforded lrom atrong winda. A "natural bowl" site muat be there aomewhere which could be reuonably and inexpenaively developed for concert.a, muaiciala and other cultu.n.\ performance. that would be a luting enhancement of the way of life ot the twin ck.ie• around the bay In the Newport HarboT area, aa well u all of Orange County. · It might be well to conaider a water front •it.e where barge• could be uaed to aimulate "revt>lvins ltagea." Or where the atadium or bowl could be uled tor apectator enjoyment of varloua water aporta and e&mlvala. West County Area Irked by Freeway Plans Now Afoot There ia quite a bu.ale in the We.t Oran1e County aru about the propoeed location of the Gard~ Grove Freeway. The. county hu agreed and th;dugb eome channel gotten the state to agr~ t o put the freeway southerly nr Garden Grove Bh·d. where it will require the 'removal and demolition of aome 70 houses. Reai· denta of the area. Identified u Sun Garden Village, proteat loudly. The Vlllage reaidents contend that with a reaaon· able routing of the !reeway along the lines of ita original route, juat northerly of Garden Grove Blvd .• It would destroy no homes. Or if the route wu chang· ed ju11t a little and still run through the Village only a handful of home1 would be obliterated. In the routing of this freeway once again there appears a trio of names that consl&l\tly ahow up in one intereBt or another when thinga are quietly &e· complished In the county. Senator John Murdy at one meeting bragged that he wu the one who obtained the change of route. Willi. Warner t. being e&1tigated in no uncertain term• for hla put in the county approval that would decimate Sun Gar;den VUlare. And all the READERS WRITE Aur . te. lt~I\ I Ulnl' down at lJIJlc on the ehore ~ar t•nt lf' Bl'nnlt, Mo11H a nd of Lalre Cbapala. 'n1at'1 pm· 1l11!f: nounced ll:·Hte·HEEK. Ilk• a I'm doubly aorry. now, to have Munk wilh the hlccup1.) m1~iied c:omlni:-to Cort'!I C"ounlry Il"s & wonderful lttllf c:olnnv thl1 1ummer. now th11t l read or rtllred follu from the US. \he aJbat'Ore are around. Lut and we flljoyed 1t&)inr at La year, u you rem1>mbt•r. l nrn\'ed PoMde. Sta. ls11bel. where one but Ule &lblu didn't. Tn!-lenl1 nf ireta f!itcellent cottagu and Lii l''>ing n•hlnr. we dl'<'l tltit to tour one can eat for a mere four Mexico lhl• yu.r and It waa al· buck• a day. And the <'ooklng'1 mo11t worth ml~~lng thr r hl<'ken almo11t M good as that of Pape. ()f th• aea. We left Dotter Gret· and Mama Roeal. chen Jn IWrlmtr achool at the I can hearUJy recommend tra· In1Utut.o T1cnotortco In Monter-vel In M"'lco'a lntenor to any· rey, wh•"9 abt la leamln1 Span· one. Prtcea art low and th• peo- s.b. 'nlen wt "111ted Torreon. pit ..,., "'70ndertul and helpt\JI, Duranro. Zac&tM&a, Acuuca.11· and you don't need a word of at.ff and Ouad&la.jara. betoni Mt· SpanllJ\ to pt by. (I Jtnow, u f while the third party, former rancher, La aat.lafted be- cau• the former freeway route wu removed from ita tran1rre11Jon acrou hi.a land pennlttin1 tt to be de· veloped u a choice 1ubdivi.aion -tt t. now vacant. At any rate ~ougb the Newport Harbor ana can offer a good pro~ to the State Ri1bway Com· miaion and the State Diviaion of Ri1hwa19 and tM State Department of Public Worb -1top worrytn1 boya. The Newport Harbor area and ita ai.t.et cltiel of Newport Beach and ea.ta Meu would be, ob, IO happy if you would just concentrate oa the improvement of the Newport Freeway. It wu deaignated a Freeway more than a decade ago. The St.ate hu owned th• right-of-way tor almost a quarter century. The, real· dent.a would be happy to .ee it improved in the manner that Highway 39 wu imprtrfed-provide adequate ac· ceu and make all happy. Yea and the area would be happy to aee Mac- Arthur Blvd. Freeway improved to ita Intersection wit~ the Newport Freeway. It la acrou open ranch land.e and certalnly moniea would be uved the State by dol.nc the job now. And. ob ye1, we would be to very happy it the state would ret off the dime and erect that brl~ acrou the Upper Bay that wouid permit the rrea~r availability of that area .. Ofcoune we may .ee th.Inga with a warped point or view, but actually State of Callf ornJa work could even be commenced, in thiJI area at leut, on the San Diego (Sepulveda) Freeway. Really, now, we doubt if you would have nen one complaint on moat of theee projecta and we are •ure that no aupervtaor would 1et in the way. No frienda to be MrVed -and. after all, the state plana have been of record for, oh, so very long. . New Traffic Signals Will Aid City's Traffic .Flo~ Recent aeuiona of city council have aeen authorl· %&tion• for new traffjc alpa1 iutallat!ona, particu- larly at the Coast Highway entrance to Shore Cllff1 and on Newport Blvd. and Via Lido lnterwectlon. And they are badly needed. Moat of U• don't realise it unUl we hear the thou- sanda of dollan mentioned. but traffic ' aipala COit the city and the atate plenty. The intricllte electrical mechani11m1 are deaigned to aid the aafe flow of traffic at proper intervals. With Newport Beach buntln~ lta le&m8, growing In all directions. traffic is a problem to which we all contribute. And one which we can all 80lve by our daily driving. Recent weeka have eeen nuty accident. occuring inside the city limits. With the increue in auto transportation through Orange County to the Southland's finest beaches here, we are bound to have more traffic problem• u the montba go by. It behooves all of ua tbeae days of summer crowd& to watch our driving. With acboola opening all over the Harbor area in a few weeks we'll all be free of •wn· me r "daahes" by many youngsten into the atreer. but tb~rers another problem: acbool buues. State law re- quire. all drivera to make a full atop and remain •ta- tionary while the achoo! bue1e1' red warning light.a are flashing. This -precaution protect.a all our children wh o may be loading or unloading. Remember to look for the new traffic algnala which wiU be installed on the hjghway and on Newport Blvd. And obey them. They are your inauranoe of your 11.fety if you observe them. JOl lo1l In f'Very major elly we vl1lted, and .omehow JQt back on th1 r1(ht road acaJn earh time l Thi' Nevn·PrHI I• looklp .. btt· tl'r All 1he time. Con~tuJaUon. on a fine Job Of work. Reprd1, Brick l E.I. l':ote: Brick Calnea will be umembered by ma.ny New• Pr""" 1taUera .. a Pap 1 col· umnl~t ot aome 71&r1 back be· fore he wtnt on foretrn dut7 ln TexM. -W A. M , Ausutt lT, 18M Kr. Ben Red4lck Newport Harbor N..n·Preu Nev."JIOrl Beach. C&lllomia Dear Ben : Lyn Barton with your 110n Dour &I'd the othtr Hven member• ot thtlr unit have been eo.Jo1'Jll' Waahlnrton thla week. 'nley ut really teeing th• town. 'n117 went lhro~h the White Houae on a ap.cilal tour thla momlnl'. h&Yt met with both Senatoor Knowla.nd a.nd Senator Kuch~!. and climbed Wlnltred Barbre Women·• ICdltor of Ntwport bor New1·Pre11 Newport Harbor, C&litomla the many (too man7 for me) atep1 Har-ll&din&' up behvfftl th• two ahella ot th• C&plt.ol doma to the top. Dear Wlnttrtd Barbre: My 1lncere ocnrratulaUon' to you for tht tlrlt place honora yau won ln th• 185a WT'lttr'a con· te1t 1pon1Qrtd annually by lb• N1Uonal 1'td1rat1on ot Prua Woman. To b&•• o.ptured the t1Ue1 tor "8-t Wom.n'1 Depart· ment par•• In a ..Uly n•••· papu'', and ''Belt Women'• Dt· pa.rtment ,..,_ ta a bl·,....kly newepeper'' la a double bonor and Zofttlana ... rywbere are proud to haft )'OU u a membtr. Beat wt.Nae to 7ou ln all your tndtaYOra and much IUC!C... In rour elloMn prot•alon. llneerety J'(Nra. Alldra II. l'ranctl lecon4 't1ce preetdent. Zcmta lntemaUoul A pholol'l'apher aceompa.nltd them moat of the day ytattrda.y and really did a fine Job of picture l.&klnc with them. I bav ... ntvar ... n a (TOUP of rounl' fellow. lllct thla who are u trtll behaved a.nd yet at the aame Um• who enjoy lhtmMIV.. IO muCh u UI• membtra of thl1 unit A. number of people •round here b&H remarked about It. n la al.lo moet nfreehinf t.o ftnd how cratetul and apprectaUn tTU)'One of th... boya la of tbe ltforta ot the mercllanta and othen ln the N9WJ1C>rl &r• who ban btlped to make their t rip po.lb! .. Al fflt'J' opportunity the7 tell about t.b• many wonderfUl people trbo did ao mucb for them. Toea Orecory took them all t.o l\U\Ob at the eon,r..ton&l ,........ 4q, Md I neJl1 WNi lie tnjo)'ed U.. U.. eptllt With u..n u m\adl M I a.aw ~ 1*11C wtth t.Mnl 11.poe w. .uu. n llM ~ Mia & ,a...ur.. u4 I •J0194 pu1.lcna1· lf'l.J llleetll\f ~ten. ~ 11 ~ t&1nl1 & ftM bo)'. .. pel"90a&1 rtpr48. Cordl&ll1 10lln. • J .ua:a a. an, w. c. Sacramento Sidelight Of C&Utomla. thtreby over·look· ln« Ult need tor recr.aUonaJ fa· emu-. a.nd th• po11lblllt1ea ln Central C&lfomla, botll In the Sacramento and San J o14u1n val· .. , .. IACRAMENTO, ICNSl -Ap· siarenUy. Governor Goodwin J . Knlrhl la experienrtnr the heat from more than one eectlon of th• atate because of hi• veto of Sein&te Bill 1729. which In lu ftn.a1 form, appropriated $ 15.· 112,600 for Ul• acqul1ltlon of a Th• meuure th• rovemor ve- toed. therefore, re1Ulted prtm&r· Uy trom the fut that a lot of aert., of 1ta te beachu and park•. ..n&tora a.nd aaaemblymen have Th• r ovemor found It necea· loat faJUI In the ability of the d1Tt91on of ~acbea and paru, Mr1 t.o make a public announce· and Ule •t&t• park commlulon m•t re(&rdln( the veto. and ex· to ,tv1 the atate a wtll·roundtd plain bla perogatlvu under the I sy11tem of parka lQ provide for iaw. the normal recreation purrull11 or NOT nu; CASE the people. '"The claim haa been widely circulated." ~e 11&id. "that If 1 bad not liked aome or the lttm•. I could have eliminated them trom t.be bill and algned it any· way. Thia la not the cue." He upl&lned further that the mea.1111re conta ined " alngle ap- propriation, u required \mder the con1t1tutlon. and that he had the power to either reduce or ellm· tMte the tol&J amounL "I h&l1 no powtr to choose bfttween the H veral project..t hst· ed," the ~ovemor said. "a.nd if any ~e tot&! appro- prtaUon had be~ approved. all projttta -dulrable or other· wlee -would have ~en entltltd lo • proportionate 1hare of the monf1-available." And while the dtv11lon. muM plan11. "With their head' In tht" C'louda''. a.a one lt"gl 11lator who does not wl11h lo be quoted tlf'· scribed It. there 111 nery lnrtl· <'lltlon that 11omt of the chmctr spots are fallin.: Into the hand• of "itplf!llen. •nd wlll he re· moved from the reopll' nt the state. BEHISD THI': T"n;s In 11ddltlon. ma.ny lel11l1tor1t are dl!!J){l"td to believe that the dtvt11lon 11 behind th" tlmu In developlnir th,. already acqulrc>d faclllt111 for the uae or Ult pub· lie, cnn1tderlng the thou11nda of people who a.n.nually art turnl'd away from 1t11te park camp· (T'Ounda on the theory that thl're I• "no room" to c~p. BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL (k Hot. -ftAa _,_ ~1 ao,_ l"Mlr• wt11 ..., wt .. ... ................ W.tone.J fecta ................... ...., h'fpe .. , ....... eoolltrJ' ......... ,...,..., For ten yean, •tarting ln 1899. the Good Hope mlM waa tied up In litigation in the couru of California and then New York. W. J. Mcintyre. Rivenlde attorney. l't'prHente4 the former owner Jamea M. Slg&fua ln thla tourt battle. It wu Mr. Mcintyre who employed the englnHr John Gold· worthy. to make a cart'rut rtport of the Good Hope, which wu Introduced u "defendaht'• 1 AOlll('t'LTt'llAL LAHI> uhlblt H ," and whkh ahowtd of Tho fact U\at •• have avail• 209 MmplH t.aJu•n the averaa• able arncultur.l la.nd proMblJ u aay value wu 122.!\l, allM> It •Jcnpt1n1 100 acrea -ca,.. allows the •tu of the vanou1 of poaalbtlltlee, for JH'IWtb oe ledJU and vein•. 1 eucalyptua lrH1, aa well u • Rwr.or hu It that the Cood fLlfa. ma.kH our propaeltlon • Hope .old to lb• Haverlll Mu.a· po1IUv1l7 eate one, a.a •• caa chUMtt• Corp., tn 1993 by SIJ&· make the laad la tW'O ,.,. (111 for bf'twun $300,0QO and worth more than all we wtU $400,000 wu purchaaed b)' an apeod In min• de .. lop«IMftl UMI ...-nt for 151,.tua alter the ten equipment." y1v1 ot lltlr1t1on for 1:10,000. Thia venture a1N'-tell ~ llptu• returned to the old Good In 1919 th• ta.did old lady who Hope with fre1h .11nUlu11um to wu.onc• th• 111tt.1nn1 and Jf'Olld h . th Good Hope. -• purekued by "open er up aaaln.' Hie en U· J . F. Hook ot Plnil &t & tu alum waa rudely dampened aal• for 14e>o. a.nd the madlU\· wl\•n be waa lnrormed that lll• ery 10ld aa Junk.· ln ltU llhe .... t•m •rent bad ··nown the wu purchaaed trOft\ Mr. Hook by c:oop" wtth money .entru•ted to Mr•. Velma L. Teater of lM him and wu eomewhere 11nuth Anselu. Th• T•l•r9 ha•• lon1• ot the border. Uen• were fore· ed believed In her potlftU&llUH. clOMd a.nd tht old mine really In 1932 Ult min• waa ~ waa ft-Yen th• coup de JTIU'I 1rr. b7 the Oood Hope Dtvtlopmen\ aofar u con.tructlve drvelop-Co., w1lh a 1 ..... from UM Teat• .. nt waa concerned. era. Th• main a.haft wu clMred NEW P1tOCE88 and ,.Umbertd to tho IM·ft. About 1900 th e "'OR'de level. A IO·ton mill IA1t&lle4 ua- 11 n w c,~ Inf amalpn:atlon, leachlnr a.nd proce .. tor recoverln.r f Old waa flotation treated M'ttral thouaa.nd developed. The t&lllnta In th• Ill· tona of th• old d U tie &rT'O)'O ~low the Good Rope ump u '" u Mlll ed d ~ nnr ore. Several hundred ouncee were &Hay an auae of Sold were reco"red btfore ot the prev1ou1 pr1mtllve melh· tlna.ncu and the mtne..aafety ,.1• oda ot recovery were found to ulallona cloaed It dow'n once carry nluea of about 111 pe.r ..... 1 In llM ton. Oltly about two-thlrda of the --n · &'Old waa recovered by ~e old OPENED IRAl'T 1UTialic&matlon method Betw~n From 1947·f>3 the Panamlnt 60·6-0.000 tona of talllnJ• wtrt M'lnlni Company opene4 th• old rl'tre&ted by C'y11nld1zatlon, Rnd 1 1 m ain •haft to the 116-fl. lenl l11y 1p1wed out eL'!l or the hl3h-llnd 1unk a n1w 50·ll. ah&ft on way In a h111te tailing fan, now the ""uth end of the propnl\'. llftrr ovl'r a half century It 11 \on., to three mlnen were acllv~ hrromlni: overR"rown with br1111h. I at thl• time In explorallon an<I Rf'twren S!'>0-70.000 In bullion w11~ lfevtlnpmf'nt work but lhtre wu reronrtrf in this operntion. no actual prnductlon of told. ln 1910 lhe "Good Hopi' :Mlnu ISACTl\''E LATELY Comp11ny" Wa.t formed with c·Rp· r th l t ·-... It.al etork vslue of U .000.000. or e pa.I wo "' u•l'f'• Thlni.:11 be)t11n lnoklng lip ror the yu r1 thrr@ hu Mf.ln no 1et1. old Coool Hope, pnhap• I.he'd ' ~·tty on lhf' propnty. All thtt come bark to her formf'r glory sha!t11 are ln&eceN lble "'1th bad· wlU! ntw nplt&l. From their bro-111 cavf'd collar•. No mae:t\lnery rh11r1 wh1C'h I ha ve before mt remain• and all l•vela belo.r the lht'y 11um up the pos!!lbllltlu ..., 6'>·ft. levtJ are flooded and can follows· "\\'" ha,·e wh&J. 11.,l'm i< llMtlmelf fo be raved. Such 11 lln lllmnf't c(•1 ta1n poulblUty of thl' llld ltOr)' nt what 11 prob· makm1t a p:rt at mine out of the abv the IAri;:t11t productlv• r olrt Good Hope propertlel'I Mr. Bum· mint In Rlvtraldt C-ounty. hsm ln hla report. made before If lhe J Ovtmment ahould evrr tht sggreulve operstson of tht "\;p" Ult J>r1Ce of J Old, whkh 111 mint. ahowed a.n ort body block· 1 c:onala.nlly beln1 asttall'l. look ed out which ouirht to yield I I,· for renewed Millvtty arourid th'! i:I0,000 Afttr milling 11ome thrtt old Good Hope Mint . And JIN · fourths nt that ore bod,v they I hapa th• old mine who once 90lt1 artu11lly rf'<'m•errd about s1.e,oo •• I for a pa ltry 1•6-0 W111 nnrt ag111n ono In v11 l11e. holrt htr proud hf'ad on high. The gonmor then went on to aay that hla sdmlnl1lrt.tlon. throurll the wtate division ot beacbu and parka. plan1 to pre- nnt an orderly, C'Ompreben•ln prorram of recreaUnnal deve.lop· ment to the 1958 budget ae_11ton ot th• lerl1lature. There •rl'. f(lr Instance 118 camp unlt1 at D. L. Bll1a Sts te Park on Lake Taho~. but lht park conals~ of more than 900 ac:~• ot land. which lhf' l!llltl' I r-it•rJnlllB•• parlc comml1llon la kel'plng "In 1 POLmOIAN8 8U8PICIOU8 Benatora and uaemblym e n rrom the lnla.nd reglona of Cal· lrornla, howtver. are apt to be 1omew}lat 1u1plclou1 or a11y prn-rram l\Jbmllted by the t lale di· vl1lon ot beachra ind parks, which In the pu t hu centered It. development In the. rtdwooda. th• Sierra. and a lonR' the bMdle• tl• natural 1late". r erhap,. keep· I Inf areaa In their natural 1ta1e 11 a good Idea, but with Ult In· J creuln~ population of Callforn· la. IJld the lncniued demand for I recr.atlonal fac:llltlu. fl would appear lhst at least the choker iipob could be m11de a\·&ilahle to lhl people •M pay lh• lHH to tupport the atat1 p&rk 1y1wn. I "Is It Hot Enough For You?" ~,, ,,,,, ----= o--- I : . l:lft• ff•I hi " throwinr '°"' .. I '"t to \he •PP•tl~. landwlcbu tlllnr 1\ tht s:uy "ho ">'' "it It Jt'o"idt In 1 tuttful wt.y a wide Jlot enour h for Y"t1'" on one of ••rlety ef n11tritnt.. Whtn thtr thOM 1corchin1? tl3y1' 'A'ell It'• contain chfftt, mut. fowl, P•t· natural to ~ 1 little ltritabl• n11t buUtr. or on• or the other when Old SoT 1~ M l doing him1tlf. prottln fooda, th• fslllnt It tht Whtn you'rt O'erhoted rou'rt 1ubttaMe of \he mul. 11nromfortablt A1 If td~>" And on Th• bread, elthtr t nrlchtd top of that /ou'rt probably 1110 "''hl\e or wholt rraln, prov1dtt oft' your fH . hlth •111lltr prottln, lmportan\ Therf't nothinll' rou tan do ""°''""of I vitamin• and lr•n. about th• hut, but thert la aomt· A bt"tr•l9 le HMntlal to the thlnt 7ou o n do about beint ofr enjoyment and Y1h1t of tht aand· zour fttd. lt'1 all right to tit wlcll 111 .. 1. 111111 and other d•lrJ lltMl7" during• hu t wna ht drlnkl ton\ri~v\e mh1tr•l1, vita. ,.. • ttlo11ld11't st.tl"''e younelt. mlna and earMJlydrate. F ruit Tltt bodJ ttlll netds It"' mlnltnvtn 41rlnk• ,,...141 ~tamln C. lted d11J1 i"tQul"mtnts of food In· '°"" tC' ... Mar bt 1w"'9ntd ctv41nf thotc high in prowln, artlfl~llr w 11•1& talorlt lntalra. .-ttamlne aftd minerals. Wht\het \lie ~n4wlcll It tar. The n•l"t and most Mnafblt rle41 111 a t.ne1' bOI&. Mf"t'M at 1 .,., to malnta m thut nutrl· "'&&•rant. er .. ten a& llomt, ttlt \ltnal re,11 irtmenl1 durlnr a fNt.orJ worker. d(e wortcer, "'" ef tlot Wl'lthtr II to m1\c• flrmtr, and llomtbody &Jil<t Ull Mnctwichu the main c:oune of r .. t 111•"4 thal t.ht .. nd•lch '90' 1r1ul. dote 111ore ttlu aaud) t\unrtr Suictwlch H tlnr I• toeltt, In llot ... t>i., -It p~ld .. ••I· •OTt e11nvenit 11t, and ltas time-uablt ·nutrlellta,.......,., fer MftfVaiar and It 11 elto 1atlaf1·_ rood llealtA • BATrERDl HOPES -Today bulldiT1g1 of the Good Hope Gold Mine. between Perri• and El1inore. weather dl'jectedJy 'midat dump1 and taHln111 of morP prot1perou1 day11. -Horace Parktr Photo . . ~ Poet's Corner NEWPORT HARBOR, CALIFORNIA A harbor blue from ekl~ above. And boabJ Rline at dock Reflecting 11tem within the .ea ) While ne1ting round the clock: The haughty yacht, mid cargo tare, E jecta a new paint light. ThUA, glou y glint of flair11taJf glare Wavet ~nnant. u In night. The old. the new, liM hf'rt at bay Awaiting muter hand•, To •teer them Into myaterieie Ot atrange and for.Im land1 . · Eula Fortner Turner "The poweni not delPgated to the United State. by the Constitution, nor prohlbltP/1 by It to the State&, are reetrved to thP ~tate,. res~ctivetr. or to the ~­ r>le.'' -Tenth Amendment. · - CHAMPIONSHIP RACES THIS WEEKEND YACHT CLUB ~ DOCKS BUSY A three-race aeries Saturday and Sunday will decide the 1955 PC champion of the Weal Coast and Hawaii. Included in th e racing fleet will be entries from Seattle, Los Angeles, San Diego. Hawaii, and N ewport Harbor. Defending champion is Dick Deaver of Balboa YC and his Challenge, (No. 21). The races will be a iled over the ocean course starting from Bal~a Pier with one race Saturday and two on Sunday. A trophy presentation dinner at Balboa Yacht Club will follow the conclusion of the races Sunday -Beckner Phot o Scenes auch u this will be the order of the day during Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• annual Race Week ev.-it on Aug. 27-28 as speetators watch the small boat aailora rig their boat1 for the two days of highly competitive racing.-Beckner Photo .MARINE NEWS POWER SQUADRON PILOTING ''SEAMAN OF THE YEAR' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 - TIDE TAB LE Date T1me Jlt. Time RL mrb 11 08 11 m. ~J Low 4:55 a. m. -02 COURSE STARTS SEPT. 12 RACE SET SEPT. 18 By I. C. PF.ASP.: boating world who can ti. de- A rrl'e cour11e In 11m111l boAl pended to obaerve lhe laws. op- h11nrlhng and open to lhe public erate their boats wllh courtuy will bl'Jopn Monday, Sept. 12, at &nd cautfon. "Ignora nce ia no ex· Nl'wport Harbor Yacht Club. cun ." IS more true on board and This c-ourse. l(iven twice ye11rly at 11ea thAll almost anywhere 20-mile to Test Jetty Crews Coune from Skip pen, CASTLE ROCK AIEA UNDER FIRE Martner1 are warned San Clemente laland "''Ill be dan· 1erou1 to na\•1p tlon thla WH.k Cout C11ard ~Is aald Cutlt Rock will be under naval bomberdmt'nl t.oday f rom 8 a . m. to mldnlaht a nd dunnr dayllg-ht houl'9 &turday and Sunday. or•. L«ln Ware IUld Koneth Km~aley. Two trophtu are on Ole ll!)• tor thl• one, to be awarded, on potnt but•. at the end ot the I ~···· ··"·· --~ Harold I. Johnson 0 eo::~~ t:?\:> ......., ...... nt 1111 \'Ula w_,, Newpon ~ NEW EVENT ~ 'Night Flight' ~ of LIYC Draws ~~~~tJTB~· N~2:.~AST~"~..,...~00~· ~ Kids' Interest • ;::· ~~~~;:·:.).~~:~ .~:: ;11/t!Jne f avonte Fllg-ht.'' What •tarted out aa a ' fimmlck click~ Immedia tely In· ~ -' to Mrlou• competlllon u evl· ,,-/. denced . by the 17-boat turnout Jf//~.d'. for th• tryout rart' Jut wttk. w Th• 11printa are being run ev· ery Tuuday, 8 p.m., trom the ......, Udo Clubhouae dock . for Snow- bird aklppera, 18 and under. Crew1 are optional but lifhta required. Wlnnera ot lht' tut night were John Haakell. f1rat, Randy HUI, aecond, and Cra1c Ca4walader Jr., thJrd. Victonou.a NI r h t l"llrht~ra at lut Tuelday'a In- augural race were John HukeJI. flrat, Lee CrlHll, aecond, and J im Warmington, lhlrd. Thlrtt'en Snowblrda and two L4!hmana were entered. Overall orga.nlur of the aerlea 111 Burke Sawyl"r, Fleet Captain ot the Snowb1rd1 tor UYC J u- nior•. On the race rommlttee Is Dick Swet't, lnatructor ot junior acllvltla a.nd LlYC board dir'11Ct· Sowers Boat The~ Mr11. J. S. Sowera, 3706 Chan· Friday Aug. 19 Saturday Aug-. 20 8und•y Aug. 21 Mondey Aug. 22 Tuesday Aut . 23 Wednesday Aug. 24 Thursday Aug. 25 11.03 p m. J J ·40 a . m. • 6 5 04 p.m. :i J 5 :28 a. m. 0 9 0.3 by Balboa Power Squadron. <'On· el.w. llm1rs w~kly ror ten wet'ka. and That there Is definite llablllty Is concludi>d with an examlna-lnvolvt'd. some uninformed oper- u on. Mtn who pau the course atora do not reaJJZe. The P ilot· may M com-membt'r11 of the Ing course inst ructs 111 to habi· Squadron and women are there· lily, n>ll<'Ut', sa/ety pra<'t lcu . a ids aftt'r entitled to take the ad-to naviga tion, rulea of lhe road. v11nce couru s. yachting t'tlquette. Manianshlp. B MRS """•rr OBER ntl Place, rl'portt'd to the poh<'t' Y • lnJ'1 Mond11y that btr llll,,·ft. row 1"46 J'I m. J2·H p n1 0.33 II m. 12·111 p m. J :3ta m. 1 ·34 p. m. 3 :02 ·"· m. 2:29 p. m. ~:M a. m. '0 5 :1 I 2 5 I J II II 0 30 3 ;~;") p.m. 1 7 5::.t p.m. II 57 a m. 6:42 p. m. 6.27 a. m. 7:14 p.m. 6:ll:J a. m. ll.05 p. m. 7:27 a.m. 10"48 p.m. 8 :28 a. m. DA YLICHT SAVING TIME FLK!ilT FULL QUARTER MOOS Aug. 2:1 Sert. 2 LAST QUARTER Sl'pt. 9 • MOON St'pt. Ill 1.0 0.9 1 I I ll I 4 2 I 1 :'> 2 5 ' 4 29 LADY ANGLERS By STt.:l.L (Mrs. Ra)•) MARSHALL A t<'a m of nine sleepy-eyed Newport Harbor Lady An~lcrs climbed into two cars last Friday al 3 a. m. and The cour8{', k nown u a Pilot-charu, dead r ttkonlng. compau 1ng Cour11r. will be ~l\•t>n by and the rulu and procedure ot Cha lrm11 n Elmtr La Ulnnt a nd as.,1atance at aea. a 10lart of 1Mtructora, all chosen ror tht!'ir •kill In the several sub· I Jl'f'tll h11ndled In the r lu11 periods. Hours 11re from 7 ·JO t o 9 p. m. TO AID BOATISO SAIL OVER POWER! The old saying "Sall ovt'r Pow- t'r" 111 actually not always trut'. It will 11urprise both the n il boat man and the power boat All ln11truct ora are volunteers. man. when it Is learned there Thi' Umtt'd St11te11 Power Squad· are situations in which 11ail does rnn11, of which Ba lboa Squ111lron not have the right ol way over 1M 011P. 111 an org11n iu llon, on a power. Why not find out lhe n11t1<m111 11cale, of men devoted to "know how" and be •ure betort' lht' c11u11e of safrr, more com-you take a boat out, or evt'n It petl"nt boating. you are only a crew or a guut? The Pllot1a g cour11e Stpt. 12. Why not be Informed? And here wm be found ot value to the ex· 1._ your chance to get It all In p<·rlPnrtd boating men and wo-a capsuled cour11e, which pro· ml'n. In lhRt It refruhe11 their IJT-• f·rom w~ t o week, In 1nrmmat1on on sur h lmporta.nl a slmrle plan. bll3e<l on a Cllrt'· 1111hjrct:. 1111 motor boat law and rully pr11pared United Statfl""Pow- C'n11!'t G1111rd Rri:ul11 tlonio. legally 1 er Squadrons outline, whlc-h 111 rf'quu t'fl \equ1pmt'nl. <"ommunlca-lht' rtt1ult nf many ytars nr ex· t1nn... tfre-J'lrf'vtnt Ion. 11 ghlll. perience In the teaching of this r hArt11 11n<t r<imp11JC11 To to lhe coun!e throughout the rount ry. nnn-hunt own<'r nr t ht' lntxper· If you want to know bf' nn h11nd headed for OcC'anRidC". No -we hadn't flipped our lids, the lrnr"d m11n nr wom11n, the couri<P Sept. 12 at 7:30 p. m. 11t :'\('w· reuon for traipsing off some 90 miles fo r alba core. when 1~ 11 ni>r l'111011rv rrerarsllon ror port Harbor Y~chl Club for the . . . . hnallni:. t>1t ht r t111 11k1pJ'll'r. crl'w t'nrollmrnt 11e11111on. they are in local waters m abundance and close m t oo, W88 j or guPi<t. In tht'lle d11,.11 or In· ASSt'AL 8Alnsr..c1·r: that our rtrutnt1on Wl\l! •t i<tRkt" 1 h t h ,1 . 1'1'ea11rtt nrt1v1l,v 11t 11ea and In Actually Wt' had blood In our -YPl! n .1 ~l'e-timt rup Y " n~<'r ~~11 nur hai l)"r~ · Balboa Squadron will begin ll11 and WI" w•·r~ ,1 .. rm1t1'ly nut lo '"'oh ··d and our lur k hat! b n , advance cour11e1 m St'plemtw>r. bt11t thr Ocenn.~1rtr te11m in the I with 11" nn twn previou1< r~ournll· 1 ('O,\ST (;t ARO AGRF.F.l'i thoM course• which 11re only opt'h M!<'ond half of nur l ntf'r C'lub 1\1· me-n ts Our tea~. gnt 0 h to 11 Tiii' C'oal!t Gullrtl hA., RIVl'n the to men and women who plllls Pl· berort Tournament. whlc.'h h11d tn 1 h•'ad l'lllrl by .ric mg up 1 "" ITU\· 11r111111lron rrmt ~f'll 1lll ferv e n l lotlng. All!O the annual barbecue be fished-off out or Or,.an11ltl!' Tn JunlY, nr the Jig strikes. but fl.!lh· blc.~111n1i" in the knowled~P that I will be held at the p icnic g rounds our c)lagrln, thl' Or1•1tM1tl•• t c-.1ni mi: was 1<low 1111 mo~nin~ llnd we I tho!IC who t11 kt" tht'i<e courses., m the Buffalo Ranch Sept 15, was lndlng with 18 04 point" nn WPle b<•coming "~Il l"" hrlii<rnt~ra~-u11e 1111fo p111cti<'es am1 provide a according to Commander Cur tl11 the flr11t halt of the tq11rnr y when Pd-Wh t'r<' Wt're lkOBP obt "1", 0 0 8 I l'1111>ll of men 11 nd women In the Dosh. the two tet1m11 h11d flllh•·ll ln our evrrybody was tu '"If a ou · a rta on board H11ppy Lanlllng11. "Pat1t>nce 1l' 11 virtue," we we1 t' I i•ome ni<ht lo the point. ReJ1ult, Aug. ;1, I rewarded In the rarly 11ftem oon 1 whrn th•' point" wrre addt'd up Arr1vin• at the olix·k 11t On'11n-wlwn 11 Jilt ~tnkl" wa~ rollowed by 1 . • 207 0, poln•; " N our 11corr "3., . • ...,, aide at the a porlntcd llllH'. our a ho1I on the l!ltrn. ext on t be Oceanllllle with li 2.08 point•. glv- Oliver Born in Grandson Honolulu Who is the "Seaman of the Y~?" On Sunday, Sept. boat had bet'n tJtken from old 18. an unparalleled sailing eve.nt, the aeaman's race will Harbor Department dock. Jt con-. · · · ' I lamed a guollne tank and fir. determine the identity of thlB number o.ne skipper by means utlngulaht r. of a tight ttst of deft boat handling over a slated 20-mile -----------• course. Launched by lhe Lido Jal• Yacht Club tor their m•jeallc cham~r of commerce trophy. the race la open to all ocesn-g olng yacht• In NA YRtJ and SCY with a 20·fl. or mort' water-line and ee.lf·balllng cockpit. The race 1tart.t and flnlahea In the le. ot the Harbor jetty juat oft Corona Del Mar beach. Two Cou t Guard cutter& will be on hand to clear the a rea. .ACl'ION 8TA.JlT8 Yacht.t mu1t. be at anchor, aall1 furled, a nd crewa below deck un- run In July, alwaya a crowded ccmpet.ltlve month for ocean race- ra and arbitrary. handicap boat.a on the SCY A muter calendar. Pt'r· mlaelon hu bf>en granted by SCY A to move It to September which provided not only a good open date but better winds. DINNER DANCE The day will be climaxed by a South Seu dinner dance at the Lido Clubhouae at 7 p.m. for race particlpanta, crewa and famlllN and'LIYC membera. The perpetual trophy Nill be a warded at that Ume. til the atutlnr run aounda. Then The race hu allred up much t.b• action r..Uy ~•lll In irear. The bost must bf' rt>e-r .. d on '"" w!de-apread lnlerML KARINE UPBOL8TEJUNO BOAT OOVEM BALBOA CAN\' .A.9 SHOP H .. i-Jr7 JH ,, .. St. -Hlwlbu llACH Your 'Authorised TUA.LOO F1be,...._ Dealer la the llubor area. Brtag yoar fiber. Klue probletm to ... Pacific ,..,..._. .... w. Oeeat • .,.. Ut1tt'7 rt11/I wealher le( before roundlnt: the So,who'11 It g-olng to be! Sklp- rnAr.c un 111e <1ownw.nd 1e11: lhere pera Of ocean ract'ra. arbitrary 1 ... llartter IUV1L will be a "man overbollrcf ' Incl-I handlcap)M'ra or slow crulalng Pb .• LI 8 -14'71 Acrou f rom All-American Mkt. lent. The aklPJ'l<'r will~ r,.m11r-<t buckets-all have a chance to be ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1..Jbe~~rty~~~~2081~~~eo.t&~~~ll~eea~~ td elthl'r jibe or come about to "Seaman of the Year" In 19:111'• r, rftrieve a ring buoy. but inder mOllt 11ingular a&llln( evf'nt. •all and with the crew 1Wlmming Entry bla nk, dinner reatrVlltlon WE HAVE ·~, M for It! torm11 11nd full detailed race tn- F'lnlllh time I• tak~n In the an-formation will be malled by Sept. chonagt' areR after lhe vellllel la l . Slip11 will be a\'allable for vl11lt· 1 anchored, aall11 furled and cnw• Ing boata. For further lnform•tlon. Those 9'1let again below deck. An otrklal race contact Linn Williama, 121 Via I :ommlttee obHrver will be aboard W11zJen1, Newport Beach, Harbor J 0 H N s 0 N each yacht. 48:H or Keith Cordrey, DUuktrk WORKING CAN\'A8 S·323e. ~-----------~ OUTBOARD MOTORS Boata are reatrlcted to working oanvu. no •plnnaker11, Genoa jibe. Probate Davis Will mluen etayl!ll.U•, or overlapping SANTA ANA (OCNS) _ Pro- salla except It regular canvu . According to Unn Wllllam.a, b&te ot the will of Henry C Dav-Al Sises frlrla atqpred down thr narniw 11Cene . w1111 t he b.11t lank, and be>· 1n1t us a le11d of 34.12 po1 nta for atalra buried under p!lrllphf'nah11 hrve 1t or not It stood up under th!' day. Aftr r dl'ducting our lose ot a full-acale picnic phll r111hm~ preMure without _anyone being !If 1 04 points In the fil'llt half gear thllt only A Lady Angler J'IUllhPd in; rnend.~hl p <'t'&llt'S Wht'n or tht' tournament 1u1 prevlou11ly need•. Upon th•lr two by four I hne 1s a n 11lbacore l11vol\·rd. mt'ntloned. we won' by a margin of U YC race committee chairman. i11. who dlt'd July 28. wu 110ught and Keith Cordrey, director. In-In Superior Court recently by 11tlgato1"11 of th!• unpre.cedented hia widow, Laura G. Davl11, 2021 1 contt'11t, thl11 111 a race tor the bene-Bayside Drive, Newport ~ll<'h. flt of all handa to lmprO\'e a11 HONOLULU. TH. (FHTNCI m11nv JOaillng c-onflH 1nn11 1111 po~-Per110nal propt rly w1111 eatlmated 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Bank Terme FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE A baby boy weij!'hing 8 lbs. 8 alble. With al leut one ep180de ot at worth lu11 than Sl0.000. ou . wae born July 211. to Mr1.1 a man O\'Nbna rfl during the Hono-1 • Onrl11 M. Oliver, wife ot Marine lulu n et', many aklppera now ag-Maal'IC. DaUCJhter MSgt. Edward J . Oliver Jr . at ree that more should bt' done to I '7 .. Trlple-r Anny Hospital here. I r racllrt all such cont!ltlons O<'cur-• The James Maag11, 818 G<lld· what la known to them 1u a h111d-SlmultaneoU11ly mo•t Jines on both 111 02 1 i.. tng -we •looct tht'rt In horm r t t'&ml! r11n out like mad a.nd lht' · po n · MSgt. Oliver 1.8 the tlOn of Mr Ing under cx:un racing rnrod Avt, are part'nta or a J!lrl and Mrs. Edward J. Oliver nf In put yean1. lhe LlYC cham· baby born Aug. 9 In Hoac Ho11- Co1ta Meu. Mr•. Oliver 111 th11 her or commerce r11re h1111 bN•n piUll. 1hoplnJ our lnauranct' wu paid battle wu on. m~e ~:t'~=~~~~~:',a:?lt~nj~~~ up) to cat.ch our bo&t F r:,111ky Ml1111 Arched rods and wt'llvmg ln and efflci,.nt OCt'an•idt' team WM a which waa pltchm°' funou11Jv, and out w•• t he prnct"dure to a void " J -tough victory which won u• lhe pl"lylng you ••ould m11kr It when t11n1tlinir hnl'll It w~ fabulously trophy for ket'pl . Thia long fought It <'flme up f<'r a 11pllt l"'('nnd. fine flshln~ If you didn't tangl(' over trophy will be preaented at ALL ABOARD and a blltrr traJ.!PdY If you did. our Annual Trophy Award Ban- lnc1dt'ntally, we 11ll man1i:1•d to You wert' 11 clt>lld duel\ 1.' s our quet 1n J&nuary, 1956. and will l t't on ·board without a r11~11altv llklJlJltr hllfl to help you untanirle takl' • permanent. place In our a nd took otr for 11 two-hour ru~ your 11"" rur your fish would be ~autlful trophy cue to remind u1 to reach OW fi"hing Jl'rnunds 1 dlllqll\•hhccl • of a glorlou• victory won from a daught11r of Mr. and Mrs. Tom· my Ellkue of l!IO C Ave .. Lub- bock. Tu. The baby, namtfl Ed- win Kent I• the aecond child for the Oliver fa.mily who rulde 11t 1028 Aalapapa dr , Lallkal, Oahu. T.H. Whe,. ~ trolltnr llnu W l'N! put I t.OCAL.."4 \'IC'TORJOl:M group of r ala with lht' ·fighting out, an atma.phtire or t'Xcltement In rai<e you are becoming bort>d •pint or a Trojan-pluck and f ood Howard Boat Taken bov•red o•er both tnm• ...... slnct I will 11horten this up a bit and 1port11m&1U1hlp. MARINE CARBURETORS R.>palrs _-Sales -Part!' ZEN1TH It: STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2489 W. Cout Highway Uberty 8·1MS 1- Oral Howard of Cornna 1lrl Mar has nollfle~·ce th11t hit< JO-root white a y w ith hill!' 1 trim row boat •a!I lRkPn from Its mooring In P1r11te Covr. !fr Water Skis Sales & Rentals THEY ALL CAUGHT AUACORE It wu a happy fishing party that came back from eea Tue.day afternoon, for every member had caught an albacore and moet of lhe.m two. They are shown above left t o right. Frank Cuoeli. Alhambra; Louis LlJ*hulta, Loa AngelM; Sadie Mandeson. Loe Angeles: Bill Nealon. Bellflower and J. H. McWilliama. 417 EHt Bay Ave. They went out 30 milet ~n ~· -Staff Photo .. I 11ays he w811 tolrl that two mrn put the boat mt., 11 11t11uon w11· gon 11nd rtrnve away with ll 1 ~~~~~-~-~~~ J Close to two billion dollars ln motor Yt'h1Clt' replacement par I.JI l were &old In the United St11t•11 In 1953. accord1nir to the ~stlonal Automob1l(' Club. Catalina Paddleboards Small Sailing Prams from $185.00 LYLE A.a HOSKIN & SON 2127 W. Cwt Hwy. Lltet1y l-1J7J All Complete Parts Stock See Us For Your Boating Needs THIS NEW 'PLA YIOY' IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An exQul1ile 1peed and ple11ure boet you'll be/roud to ownl A 11ngle bonded f1bergla11 vnil • , , •Htl an all. Ma<J. to take rough lrH lment-knN leu lren10m bu1ll for lhe f!'\0'1 oowerful motoral See the P~t "Playboy" toda'(, OTHH MODIU AVAIL.Alli SEE THEM TODAY AT LTLS ll08ilDf a IM>N UMW.C-IBWJ. N_,....._. WE8T OOAMT ntM>ral ... C.. UH Sewport Blvd. C-ta 11- t. PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, Al:IGUST 191 1955 PLENTY OF BASE RUNNERS But not enough scores was pretty much the Rtory of Harbor Boys' Club Reds' 3-2 defeat by Buena Park Wednesday. Above, Richard Sch1ichenmayer of the Reds races home ahead of Jerry Lawrence I rounding third) while the u~pire and Buena Park ~atcher watch an infield pla y. The runs didn't count llR tht- third out was made. Below. Reds' Gary Pickens leads 11rr first basP wh il<' the Buena Park first sacker covers the bag. -~5laff Photos HARBOP. \)O~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHILLIPS Churned up in the sports wake: Mrs. C. G. Preston, mother of Bay Shores mermaid Linda. confides she hopes : t o interest civic leaders and organizations in staging of summer Rwim extravaganzas in Newport Beach harbor.' Certainl y Newport Beach would be perfect for such ~w1mfesla. 811d look at the rapt.d Th1J< bean)! lh,. fln><I wr<k "'/ IJ'l'Owlb ot auch &tfaln 1n H1&11l· Harbor area llVmmer b&MbaU I~ Beach. Oceanalde, ltll81Son play among the youngstera prior Beach and othe.r I•• likely 9J>Ol3. to Involvement ln thr nnnua.l • Realde11, why 1houldn'l Linda's Costa .Mesa PArk d11\m ond tourna· hnmt'lnwn lo!et 11 chBnt'I' at ahow-ments, l wanl to exp1tioi< my ap· 1ng off the te,.n-ager'11 out8tand-prec1atton to th•· anany people Ing apluh talenla ? who have 1·ont r1 buted vitallr lo THAT BAD DAV :'llew11 · Pre1110 11port.11 C'0\'1·n1ge. ll"ll alwap1 up:<ett rng to mem-1 Chief crerhts i:o 111 MacMtlllan.; bers of an undefealed team to 1 Vern Allen, director or .Newport I finally hav, that IM1n11: dlly thAt I Harbor Union H igh Scrhool 11um· mu~l come to u11 all So you c.-an mer recrenllon p rogn1m. and his lm&!(irw the cnn;.ternnllnn amonJ: 11~S•llll!J1t, .\11!'Cll \\'11111" Blanken· thf' HR1·bnr Buv,.• Club Red• bue·' baker. bn. II t<'>lll1 wlt,;n 4'\"<'rylhtnK M C'k· I Hot.I and Vt>rn 111·neruusly lUl_W fln"J 11i:at11..;t them Y.'.'<lne!lday to It thsl scnrl' sheet!'< werr avatl· afternoon ri l l"n~ta M<'!lll Park able !or pal'k 11p on 1111 the anrl Ht11'n" 1•111 k P"ked out a 3.2 I p mes played at L01J11tn Mei<& win. Thry 11ut htl till' ,•nrmy. 1 P11rk, the htRh >'C°hool 1rn1I ao t but wh11l licked 'f'm wa11 11 hull 1'ewport Harbor Youth Cl'nler. ,l>~!lsrl of rnl11<·u••11 snit !!Orne 11t11rt· H urbor 8-0y11' Club and bu1<1ness ""'llni:-Htll'mpts to run 11\P hai:11 offk,. of !hr ht~h lll'he>nl we-re b11r kwnr.t. lhr;,wn OJl"ll 111< arla y 1<t11l1"n~ for Arter II was all m··•r, Coach I the frays And. rt:ll• II. n»l en•1u11.h Rnol M11r :'ol 1ll1t1n. wh11 al~11 hap· creodlt c-an be rn11,.,.1 :1l1•n1: '" the CUBS, A'S, GIANTS penio t n fill 1n hl11 11p111 e ttm" •• ma.ny scorekeC'pt"rs. cmH hc11. 11m- a thlet1c dtrectr•r or the Boys' pirrs nnd parents u.-hc• t'ontritrnl· Club. s<'nt hli< rltari:t'11 to 11 lone·. cd to the h•ll ~rhtd" 11r11.i.:rnm all ~k~;rtovo:r ":~!<ahcil~~~k.th~..r~;1~lg~~I ~!~; t~h~hl~~l'.11f .~:1~ A";.~~·t ~::,\: COP TOURNEY FRAYS ballpl11ycm1 wtth hla pru ence. I kcds th1• gT~atut . I Rod 11ugi:•'Sl l'•I · "Take a plrturP BIO A XO l.ITTl.t: o! this 111111 entitle it : ChewlnJ: I Edil!P LaBRrOn nH18l ,..,,. thc Out Se11sl11n " Then as he st11rt!'d hamlwrlttng on lhl' wi.11. Esperi-Thi:' Harbor Hoya· Club B u s-Richar•I R i11on 11lammed & homer to le&\'•• fur. lhnt p11rt1~11l11r chore. s lly after .,b11ervlng f(alph Gill"(· gue tourna.nlent at Cost& Mesa with two mer~ on tor the . C11rd11 hf' Addrol. l J:lll'l!ll 1 11 have '" 1 helmt In ucuon 'l:la TV during-P ark got 11Jl(lerwa y t htll week In the firs t canto. T he A " rip· de':'t-lop th~,'r characters now thal It.he llll·lltar gam •• at Chicai;o 18,.1 with the rub11. A '11 and Ga~nl.11 ped. loose a 1:1 run innm.g. ,,..e VP loi<t wt>ek. Be<"BlllH' that w/ls rertain· wannini: games Tueaday and \\ ed· Crack mg out lhree hits rn four \\'ell, the.l's the way it'~ dvne 'ly a &reat Rame Ute little giiy n~silay tn nao ve into the second at bat.a. Roger Zteiter pacl'd the You c.-an't develop a w1nn•r'•l called !or the Washington R<'ll· rounrl 11f ,•pmpelltion ajfsin11t Giants lo a 14-8 v1rt r,ry ovf'r the character; they won't li11ten. Bul sklnll against the Los Angel•'" l<'l'd+>d ( l11b11 ~erded teama tn· r White Sox, Larry Lawr•nce got when ll'a too la te. we're Bil will· Rllml W edneaday night In the ch11l1• !hi' B Amrriran Tigers and t hr re for three for the ln11uR. lnJI: to have -ome advice : Colllleum. He pitched 'em dlu:v R"d Sox an t the B National Du!l t)' Damrll r hur ked t he Gia nt Welters Set in Wednesday Mill Gotham welterwelfbt.a Danny Glovanelll and Ray Drake trade blow. In next WednNday'a ten round mal.D event t•lecut. The ecrape la adleduled to 1tart at 7 ;15 p.m. for that thr!lllng three point \'tC· 1 Brnvrs amt Dodgera. triumph. tory over Glllma.n'1 guy.i. Tuesd'Y thf' Cubs c-lnbbet ed In ~c-ond round games. the But J"m not l'eneging on my the Yankees 11-4. Don Horneman Cubs take on lhr Ti(;'er.s. the pr1'd1ctlon thAt Gugllelml will be and Jim Buahllng hurled a four-A"s cle.11h Wtth the Braves and =""· 1 bUy 1n the Rerl11km~ pr11-htlt»r niiain~t the ln11trs. Catcher lht' G1nnt~ m~t th<' R!'rl Sox. ff'ulonal football 11lol come m id-Bill Armstrong i. ho w e d how The tourney ron linued throuith season. You 1ee. Eddie ill a go•><I s t1 nn1r h11.1 arms a re by, Jashm i.: the munt h wtth the A Lea~ue Utlle guy, but Ralph la a good out a triple an<t. double for th" and C L<-11gue tnumamentll Rf'I · big guy. The good big guy al-Cub rJouterl!. Grnt> 1..aPerll' rRp· tin!( underwRy Mnnrlay a.nrl run- way11 edgea Uie good IJttle g11y. ped out a triple a nd 1lngls for ning Into SeptPmber. wl\atever you may have heard the Yanks. about the bl.gger they are, the \\'1·<1nc.•day lhe Athletic• romp· Browns•49ers Oft TY harder they fall. Or ahall we i:o ert "ver thl' Cardinali 18·7. Joh n a.Jong With Rod a.nd ju11t develop Martin mounted the ant • tul! character! to to~l! a t1ve-hitlt'r for the A'11. Crowd-pleu1n1 OiovaneUI Jump- ed into naUonaJ noUce when he defeated Vince M&rtJ.nu. Danny bu anawend the ion1 31 tlmea. dropplftS th• duke tour Ume,. cop· Singleton for Don get'ond round. Galll'!'Oll t'a.me w ith In an Inch t>f a no·h1tter. Ht• gnve up a htt ln Dave Hellnl'<k of No1w alk. f1r11t be tter tu f tH·e him. 111 the nlghtr ll p. Hollyw nud wun ovel" R lrhard Rf.t>d , of San Bernardino 7-1 SundBy telec.-asts or profes11fon11I footb11.ll games this sea.son gets underwhy AUJI:'. 28 al Z p.m. when the Cle\·('la nd Hrown-San Fr11n - t•1sco 49ers bump 11k ulls In l\eznr Stadium. Roy Storey fs ~Ill It'd to ,f,.11cdh1• tht' play-by-play action. Form1>r T rojan barktleltl 1<t11.r Ara- mlll Dani.Joy Is expec.-t ed to see ac- lion toro tht' Brwn11. plnr the nod 28 oult.nc•·and goin g A ;-.;AHEIM. tOC ="S I -ER~t one drow. He'• knocked out an l ..Qs Anjleles rattlt>•l by ravunte even dozen. :-o;orwalk wht'n 1'1tcher Don Gal- As an amateur boxer. Dra.k,.e de· ·l•ro1 tuned a one hitter, leui..1- ff'atf'd current U1htheavy wn1end-Ing pitching pe1 form anc.-e "f the e r Floyd Paltenon thrM llmea. ___ _ Hta ov•nill r•cord 11howa 20 win• In 2' flrht• with four 1088•. H• hu four k.ayoe. Card Win Betters Third Place Spot A 4-t victory over t he Tank· t o Tu .. day bettered the Ca.rd· lnal third place poetUoe In Coat& MM& A Lu.cue bM9b&ll. 'nie wln pv• the Cardi a Ndord o1 12 W1na ap.tnat .. .,. loaMe. Earl Lewis &nd Ron J .... al'larrd monnd duUu, holdlnf the '\·a nk11 tn " p11lr or blow•. Jru tt t'olleC'lf'·J two of Ult three Card ... ,,... l ··' I HARBOR REDS LOSE; BATTLE FOR SPOT iN MESA FINALS , TOMORROW LC.Cal Lads Muff_,Away Season Mark to Buena Perfect Park 9 Errors and careless buerunnmg Wed.nt'&day cost the previously undefeated Harbor Boys' Club Reda a 3-2 set- back to Buena Park and left them fighting to reach Coeta Mesa Midget Baseball tourney finals Saturday night for a revenge-battle against this aame nine. The loca.l lada lashed ,out seven base knocks comp~ to three allowed the rivals, but five big muffs mealed up lht! one-aided macing. ! ________________________________________ __ RED SOX STUMBLE: A GIANTS SURE OF NO WORSE THAN TIE Assurrd of no worse t.h1n • deadlock for fi rst placf In A 1..eBgu• c.-ompettlioA, a.II tht> Gl.a 11t11 had to do wu win yesterd..iy·s g amf' with the Cardinals at Ca.ta Mell& Park to • lt•l'll th" l""P ('rown. T h!.'1 situalfon c-volved when the t ied· tor-lop-spol R1·d Sux tlroppt•\l a ~-z ttlt 11> the lndlans \\"~Jn• ~duy Th,. H+>tl Sux anLI r:1a11111 wert' kr10llt'd with 1:1·!'1 rec- ords unul the Sox setbal·k. Charht: Taylor unol Pt'te Rabbitt team<ed to stifle Re<I S ox bats with JUS\ four h1t1< cui the Tribal Tvmuhawkl'rs 11l11pped c•ut fl\•t' blows. Tnmnty Zotlda. Dods:er pltther, 11V1le lrnnw tu epark a f•111r-n1n Bum rally whi• h brought <ll'frnt to thl' White Sox fJ-:t League sla.ndmgs throughout Wednesday: Giants 1!5-6; Rl'cl Sox 1:)·6. Cllrdlnal11 11-i ; Br11ves ll·ll: Indians 9-11 ; Dodger~ 1!·12. W hite Sox 6·14: Yankees 4·16. COME OUT EVEN Giants Suffer Reversal; Win One in Hi C League Th• basepath boo -boos hu1·t "oa ch Rod Mac-Mltlten's mlnwne l.he moat. fn the t1flh fnime ror lnalance. a rally whk h tncludt.'d f~r 1tra1ghl emaahte by Rtd ra ppt"rl! resullC'd in but a 111n.-:le tcore. It all wound up tn a· ~·•ird double play with men on H cond and t hird and one out wht'n Guy Clark'• Infield rolh•r ~- 1ult ed In a third out pickoff at third. REAL SPEEDY IA ttle Rk h Lisot te' s fut be.JI had the R•d• swishing hugely at air remainder of tht' t ra y arter the Buena Pdk ~lider took over mound dutln f rom Gt'fte P.er\dn1. St•ve Simonson atarted for the Rt>ds. i tvlng u p all thr<'e runs on two 11ngle1. hl.•o walk• and two rrrora In the first two 11ta11%&11 Earl Lewl11 took over In the aerond and tossed near-per- f e\'t one·htl ball thertart•r. lH \"E OP::\"Tl4 Dll ve . Hammond S<"Ort'< I the rlrst R1•d run o n h1:1 first fra nw SlnJt"lt'. followe<1 by J er ry Law- rtnce'a two -bagger. Lawrencl'. P IC'kena a nd SlmonMn flllC"h 1·nl· l':t'lt'd two btngles, Othl'r tourney re.sull.s. Tu1•si.Jay l h r o u IC h We1lnesd11y OrllnJ:c> blutert La Habra 17-1 Tl1l'sdA\'. ellmlnatlng La Habra from the double-10113 crown vytnf;ll. The lo1<er1 wt-re pr,.vlously clobbt'rf'd by a simll"r 17·1 11rorp b,,. A na · helm . Fullf'rton's Bra~" clnwne<t Ga r· •lf'n Grovp 3-1 Tue11<1R \' A walk An<1 thrf'e llinf;INI In • lhf' rlrl'l lnnlni: i:avf' thP Rr>H'es thrlr w1nni111t run whrn twn talllt'I Despite suffering their sl:'Cond luss of the season. the d~ted the di&h. Newport H ar bor High School CltlM C Giants broJ<e even in A SAHt:l.\I \\IS gamc•s t hrough Wednesday. After a 5-4 reven.al from t,he Allllhelm edgel1 <k .. an Vt"w 3-Z T1tr11<111y. Thr ln11~rl' •lroppf'cl Tigers Tuesday. the first place GiantR edged the Yankees th,. con fltc-t in the 81xth wh<'n 7-6 Wednesday. Giants l!'lth t numph of t hl' sum-1 they pPrn1llled 11 wAlk. 11tn1tl+> Tim Rrtm n. 1 <lkm,. .,, , 1 Ill' mer. ! a nd <'Omn11llt'd a pair n( m1sruP5 ,,. In 11U1e1 gt1 mt'11. thf' Dodgen ' 3ll Anahl'tm sc.-ored t wtn·. G1e '.lr m-.11nstay "'""" Sll'\'1' (',1rl·11nmbr.sll·ll thr Cubs ll ·Z s nd the The Br11ve1< got by Orani.:e 3-1 sun brvkr ht!' w11t l. httt lrtl bnth T1i;:<'r:; t•'.>Ok th" Braves in cam p Wednl""dav. Nll'k Avt'r!lll Rnil l/f' gamt.'11. Ra ndy T'tior NI·:• •I h11u ' 6· I Strvt' Hurwitz hit a grand-S tC'wart i<~IUlhc•d trlr>les to llfHHk for tt.e 71gc~ wh('o Ornr11i.. ~·:mls I ahcmmer for the burn!'. Prior add· a three run Fullerton ftflh Oo:v- h111nt.'rt'u with two on. 1'.< nny erl tn hts hot mound 11tr~k by le Chas•· t rlplt'd and J t'rr l..llW!' Nrwland d11111r rt on<' "'' tho· "JI· toMtnR a one·hltlt'r for lht> Tlgera, 111ngled him arro:i" for Or11ng"'" cmt with onr nbo11rd r"r l'le nabbing the \'trtory ovl.'r Steven Ion,. markr r Sh•dll's offl'rlng11. Anaheim 11qureJted 11111 a 111· The Ynr.k1< alli•• !!''' t h•· Jump l..e11gu•• a•1111cttngl! through Wed-umph nvt'r Fullerton Elk" 2·1 on thf' <~1an1s. b111 r. ~1x-11111 11tllv llC'~dAy t;1ants l ii-2 . <..:ar•hnals Futlcrton had loi1t only nne pr<'· 1n thr final fr11mc· -~'lllf'f'7.••tl Brnwn I !l·6. Brn\·c~. Yankeei; 10-7; Cubs, v10Ull fray in H played this !Wa - l ~n<I h1i. teammA IM into th1· win Tli;:ert; 9-8; Oorlgf'NI 8·9: Red Sox, ~on that to Hatbor Boyr;' <..:Juh l rolumn 111('11ln It mArk•"I the :lndla.nl' 5-11 ; Whttf' Sox 2-13 Rl'd11 2·1 in the tounrnmvnt. But ir11ve A1tRh,,1m two rllnl! In th<' fifth. Mel Sarthou r.( Fullerton Braves Force Bum Deadlock Fort'mt thf' 8 N&llonal l.A'ag,1e Ood~t s tn to a Cinal trey for th11 ' champh>n3hlp. lht' Bra w.1 alam- m l'd theo Ca rchnaJ11 1!)-3 Monda~· tu dl'adlcw k tor tor apol w ith t he Bum8 Both cl11b11 had ll·!'I a,.al«lna l r1<cor,cts pnor to their dtc-1d1nic d uh yl'sttrday att•r· noon Bllu1llng Ca rd hurlera ro_.-11 hi t.a, the BravH tucked t he Mon· 1tay mHtlng a w.y with an 11 run hut tnnln(.;_ Danny Kf'rr t'hucked the trlumph. Jn Monday'• other pmt', thf' Cub1 beat the Olanta 12-e. ,,_.ht· Ing for a aec:ond place d.adlock. the Cubs have won ahr out ot their Jut IM'ven cont•ts. J im Buahllng. Btll Armstrong a n1t Don Horaman eat'h collect4!<1 two btngles •Kalnl!t the Cta.nt.. Standings lhro11i:h Mon da y: Braves. Ood11:ert1 !l·!'I , Cuba 1-11. Olanl..tl 8·7; 1-~tratl'A 7·8: Oard· Ina.Lt 2-lZ. Top Fe111s Play HUF.NA !'AIU<. 1 0C:"'>~I Southt>rn t"11liforn111'11 top ff'lll 1<oflb11ll pl11yN11 11rP «11rrt'ntly !rt 11rtlo11 h"re m t he Southern PaC'I· fie Rri;ton11l c-hamplonahlpa. at.art• tn~ 111 8 p. 111. each night. Win· ner ot t he tnurney wtll be crown- e•t S unday night and will ent•r PorUa.nd championahlp tn f&pt.,. '°"' •bm* ~a ftOimm#tg pool · onJ dubltowt fM reftdetau of the new Halutt~ Jn heautlfal COSTA MESA Harfi« Boulevvd 6 BaM!r Aw. .s.ia.---~llel Tf'h•phnnt• l.ltlf'rt~· K-7'9? I PLANS FO-R 4TH BOWLING ;i'~tdP~~::o~:h .. ,;~al~~d h~t lonb:tt~~; ;a~ll;n~;·~r~cl~n~n~l)~'~o~n~e~h~1t~.:;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;::;;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1CLASSIC START AT VAN'S Paying a prize Jun uf S~2:\0. finishing atop the 33 ha ndicap the· thir.I annual c .. sta Ml'su Sm· I winners with 13iZ. Tr a1hng were gles Cla/js1c at Van'< B11whng Fred Rlctlll. llurbank. 1361. $300: conclutlc•I Sunda v niitht There I J ohn Lindqu1,.l. San Diei:o, 1324., w en• t>:H ••ntn~.~. Hwludmi.. one $200, Paul Bently . Riv•r11lde. I who flew m·,.r rrum Honolulu and 11310. 11911, D('lfl Thra ~hPr South won JUSl ahuur Pn•Jll~h 111 ''"v"' Gato:. J31i. $\if,, c.-ost 11f ti .. : t11p Mt.'n·!'I lugh 11rr•atc·h . Jerry Mor· 1 Ha rry lwhlcak1 of Lung H1·ach rnwttc. Lo.• Ang+>lt'.;. 1299, $300: I copr "d hl-"h ,.,.,.h pn7.•· "' i:.oo Wllhnm F uJt. Honolulu, J 28i . --1 $:.WO: HBnk Lauman. P ico. J2M. Pedro Pops Oilers 1 swo. First 111n:l' 1:am e" w('nt . to I Wt!n f'13ll or F:I Monte with I AN AHF.Dt. 10C:-IS1 S11n 61t l. 1u~con.J th1'1'e i:amcs lo Al P Pdro p1'0\'f'd a 1·onten<ler fnr the St1mplr of Snntri AnR with 679. Anshetm Junior Am('rlcan Le· Si~ glon tourney I ltlr Wedne!<(lay W ilma G1111lroy of Collon took nlJ:ht by c1vr rp<1wrrlng Huntmg-ladies hli:h handicap with 1258. ton Bea(:h 6-ll ~an l'e<1ros Pit-S5Q. Hlith game went lo Dunc-an C.-hl'r Hob ~tttllAt1l'\' hrld the ~!<'Cloud, Lo~ An_gf'll.'ll, w ith 268. Beal:h hatlC't 11 "' Jllst thr "" hlt11. S2.~. \\'11men's high game rnllt>r Huntln~tlin wrnt hilll',.,. 1tnt111 wa..~ Oelorrs Emmon" M A rt··~iu thr fourth frAml'. Wllh 222 for S25 Santa Ana entert>·I the t hird Addition or PtKhl more all•:V" r•Jund by posting i; 6·1 win ovtr in the 11e11r future and ability to Antelope Voll"Y behind Frank a ccomorlale m ore bowler11 h1111 th• Carlrr's efft>rll\'!' p1trhmg r·:ir· sooth11ayers mum1urang t hat the ter held the oproa1llon to two fourth annua l Chu11lc should be hits. even blgl(cr and better yet. So much better made So much more value (Oppo111tr Pnrt Oruce on Marln•·r·~ Mii<') OUR CLEANEST CARS IN THE HARBOR AREA Car WaxinK -Polish Open Dail~' 'TU 5 :00 p.m. 2244 W. Coast Hwy. NEW POLICY Slf'am CleaninK Sunday8 J :SU p.m. • Uberty 8-4112 I T'S time yoa took a 8tadebabr trial drift. That'• the one way to pt the complete ator, o( Studeba.k• quality. Yet priced with the lowest Come in and compare You'll find a new, sure-footed peoe in UU. car ... plua action-power for any need. You'll ride rela~ed in the euy-roin1 comfort ofStudebeker'• apaooua interior, cradJed by the Miracle Ride. Come in and take your triaJ drive now. Com- p&re Stude~. nlue (or nlue, We know you'll a,,_ it'• the llmart car to buy. oi~ ............. ... ...-.-......... -4 ekilled .... est· lul .... build lt.W....bet-..... ...,,...,... USED CAl-USID TIUCk IUYUSI :::. ': C,rtl/INI USB un a• mos -1 STUDEBAKER ~e Aln~ ccvi ~ ~./ STUOUAICll DMSION OP S1UOllAKll..f'ACICAID COIPOIATION ... OHi OP THI 4 MAJOI All.1.-UM PIOOUCHS Of CAIS ANO TIUCKI JOE NICKIRTI, Local Dealer J6J6 Newport llvd. at lftfrance to Udo Newport ... .......,... Harbor 510 \ I NOTHING BUT JAM-PACKED ACTION That's the story of Class C Midget Baseball, wherever it'• played. These scenes occurred in Costa Mesa Park recently. Above. Indian runners appear to bC' madly circling th~ hassocks. And so they are. But the truth is. none of them ever reached home plate. The White Sox won on a 13-0 no-hitter . BC'low, you get the Red Sox centerfielder·s view up the middle- second base, pitcher. catcher. The outfielder didn't have long to view this, either. B11tch Ortali, the Brave batter, bashed a triple off the next pitch. Staff Photos · ·~ f. 9 . Giants Pant Down Neck of Mesa C Cubs I ny Lt>!!ingwPll In virtory. Meantime the Cu~ pitchera au· j lhorert a one-hitter nf their own i "lt'Ain~t the Bum.,. Wayne H ou11t· knf'cht snrl J ohn N1tylor t rod the 1 rubhPT for the Cubll whilP team- ma I<' F ranc1!1 Brown busted a p:11r of lwo-boggers. ('0~0: BACK The un•lrrdog Tigers ramt Thi' Coi•tR MesA T'111k Ch111;1 C , bai:k Wednesday to lowcJ the r.u•n.t~ st,.rttd bre1<thmg hntly, boom on the Braves 7-3. Bruce down the nt'tk ur the front run· 1 Kammel t1nd Pnut CN'gl( barned ntng <'uh~ Wednl'sday by blink· nv:\I battPr!I with two-hit tw1rl- mi: th•· Tiger• ll-0 Tul'8uay and . Ing, 1~r Ynnk11 4-1\ .Wcrtnl'sday. Thf' SLRnding!ll through \\'rdnNulay: l llb:< rlR)l'<l onl) Ollt' gsme d~Jr· Cubs 14-4 ; C iani.I' 13·4-l: Whit" mi: ·lhl.' twn r11w l'pan, <!owning ,s ox l l -~-1 ; Dodgrrs !l-i-1: Caril- thr Doctgeri; 9-I lnAls 7-7-t: Br3ve.o1 8·!1 ; lnt1ians Making 11 twn-m11n 11how ot It. I; -9; R ed Sox !1-11 : T igrrs 4-13; lhl' G11rnl11 hn~rn· o ( P1td1er YAnkc!ls :1.1:1 1;1nnt Nairn and ,~al• hrr Bob _ O:<k1n prf'lty writ did the T tg<'rll • • m :'\111rn rhurk•'" onP-h1t ball Chfford Chairs Gone 11t ·,.m •nil homrred 11loniz with I Four wo11<!en kitchen chair!! nrr O~kln. missing al the Paul Cllfforct RH1 RA~:" hnme. 208 4 It h St. They w err A~arnt<l the Ya.nks. Nairn led 1 taktn ~···<1n,.~1h1y l'VPn1ng a nd Giant big guns by blasting two I are val11P<I a l $2 N1t'h. polrct' rr· doublea and l.:aming with John-1 ports state. BUMS BREAK TIE; BEAT OUT BRAVES With Oink Felkc-r throw- ing a two.h.ltter, the B Na- tional Lei1Jl11fi! Dodger& c1UT1e from behind for & 4-2 pen- nllnl winning triumph over the Braves. The dec\11lon b rnkP a first place tie be· tween the two tea.ma. SucrPssive !!Ingles by Gary Mngntr, B o b l'\orrl1 and Mnrtln TRylor tallied the winning runs ror the Dodger11 In the third Inning. Phil Macke~· of th r Bra ve5 gsva up only four hits Jn the contest. RHse Son Bitten Howard Rl'ese or 369 Costa Mesa St.. notified Mesa pollC'e Tur11dRy night that his son Mel· vin, JO, wa.11 bitten by a dog owned by Capt. Carl Cnon ot 416 Costa Me~a St. Three i:litchPl! wrre taken in the wound by the family doctor, reports show. AT LONG ·--..---·-· I , II I ft. , l ~ , , , t I ~ . / t . ~ --.. -LAST! ZENITH TV with FLASH-MATIC TUNING NO CORDS-NO WIRES-NO STRINGS j I Just a flash of light across the room · j 11 ,. • Changes Channels • Shuts off Sound f ~ ~ .'~ • Turns on Set • Turns off Set ! ~ ! ~ ,f While Pi cture Remains on Screen J · \ \ CALL 101 STEVENS-Phoiie U 8-2301 for I Pu11g in Golf Go Competing in the $5000 C111l·k Country Club Jad1e~ PCA Oprn· Jnvitationnl Golf tourne~· !'pOn!<or- ed by F orest Smith of U 111l Isle will ))<> !80·lb J,11·k1l' f'uni.; of Hawa.11. The 111\l<s go will nan Sept. 22 throui:h 2~. Procerds gn tn the Chilclrrn's flospllnl. J\11><s Pun!:' I• one (1( the top mun;•y winners omong the gal golfr11<. f LOCAL REDS RATE 6 ALL· STAR 9 BERTHS Midget Tou~y All-Stars with Champs at 2 p. m. Vie Sunday Six members of Harbor Boys' Club Reds were today named to the Coat.a Meaa fourth annual Midget To,1,1rnament All·Star team. All members of the all-stars. except for I tboee on the championship nine, will take on the tourn~y crown holders at 2 p. m. Sunday at Costa Mesa Park. Named to the equad from the Reda were Catcher Gary Pickerui. tnl<• t ht' !Ille tinul~ with Bul'na Pitcher Roy Dalton, Third 8ue· P11rk l<>mor row m~hl. man Oary Clark; Bbortltop Jerry 1"'1r11t li!!ltnt' Satur<luv I~ 11rh;od-I l.eWTf'n~. and OUUleldl'rs Ttr r y uled ror 6 r. m. 1H (·o~tH Mesa I .BapcU and Dave H &mmond Pnrk ~huuht BuenR Park lou.1 Guan.ntetd no' worae Uian a. thlrtl 11 "~"111.J fray would t11k" rl11.re for place tlnlab &t this •tagl' or t ht>. the crown •it 8 p. m. Otht•r all-1 tournament, two more wlna todav 1nar l'hrn .. cs: , and tomorrow eo~ld aend the Red.ii Gttrd1'n Gro•·· J 11n Gurt.•rrez., 1 Davis Now Head Don Grid Coach BA!'\TA ANA (OCNS)-Sign· I'd earllt'r In the summer a11 cn- football coach at Santa Ana College with last yur's ht'IHI coach J ohn Ward, Don Da via, for- mer bead coa ch at El Toro, has returned to Santa Aha ln time to hur of his a pp0lntme.nt as head coach for the approacltlni:- J:"rr<l1rrm sc11Hon. Undrr t hr new set up which was tasked for '~ forrnrr head Coarh John Wald, Oa\·1s will hanlllP hntl c·nachlng rlutirll ion.! the bal'kfh>ld, while Wsrrl 1 P· sumes h111 Jnb Ill! u sista.nt l'Oc11·h ::nol moulder of !he Don's fo1·- • 11tC'h1·r . J 1111 Mut.1 .. ·1ch. seconcJ b t11ll' Anaho.'1111 Glenn Ht•rnt-1. 1·atlhrr. LJ1ll l31elefrhl, first base: U"n Grnlh"'. •>t1ll1f'ltl, Oen Ram1- rl'7., Ulllily Fullertvn Ex\:l11rng•· 01,·k KU1g. l"ltll h1•1 . .Mo I Marlhou p1tch-1 er, Ett.rl Ruoko.>1, !Wf'lJl1•1 bll!!P. Bob St.1·eet, outf1t>ld. U"tn"~ -J im 1 Hnr keu, p1kha: Jere Low!'. fm1t bast; Doyle Chai<<'. outfu•ld. Fullerton Bt'llV•'s-Lee Stewart . pitchl'r; Jve Uf'lgwrg10. shortstop ; Nark Avenm anrl Don Stewart. outtielo!. Buena hirk E<I Brb- «'Ot'. first b111i.· E<I 811C'h. third tmsr, Gl'nt~ P1•rk1ns ;in<! J un Corn- w Rll, utility.· Lap1na Beach-J1>rry 1'h'.Manu11, SPCOn<I h>1!!e. 0l'l'8n View John BorCl~. th1rrl baM". Ed Singleton, 11hort1<toJ1. !fob Ho~kin11. outfield. Hununi:ton Beach --Cl'orge F&r- quhar, uutt!l'ld. wsr<1 w nll. ;\ JOb 'he hrlll mnny Goode Hose Stolen \'ear~ un<lt•r formrr Cnftc•h Bill Con!{. 1 A n"w 50·fl 1:1 <'en hoise w1111 01w1:< ha11 been In loWI\ t hi,; takl'n Crom the lawn 8 t 1507 1 8umm.-r t11k1n)( cours.-s at the Sercnadt' Teri-a1·P. Mr C \\·. University of Iowa 11nd 111 back Goode rf'portert to Newport Bra<'h ~ in Soulh~rn C'alr!omia for two J pi1l11·p WcdnesJ11y. She volued It I Wl'l'ka o! reserve tralnJng. Ill $10. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PA(tT II · PAGES FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 LET THERE •E LIGHT It "~ f'arly this 11Wnmer when 1nmeonr llllld that In .!'tlf:&rd to O,slR MeM Park's b&llt'ba.U diamond, & little dimly lit tor Midget Lea.gul'nr playing the honiehlde g&me beneath the a.N"ll. It took considerable Umt, a .,., ... <! of dough, one light pole bent llkt' Don Newcombe's C'Ur\'e ball, patlt'nCe And rnrt.ilUdl', but, by golly, there a re now twn light t'lweni llkl' thla ready for Harbor Boys' Club bueball t oumamenlll. -Sta!! Photo --~ -We've boosted our trade-in allowance for this big midsummer selling •• event. It's our Summer Bandwagon Sell-a-bration -and you're lucky.1 Come in and see how lucky I s1759oo S1a q lind•• bu•i"•" 7 doo•. Suoo••••d lo<ol d•h••••d P"<• lt,.,, ... 1101~ o"d l0<ol IOHI ••"O Come in for the best deal of your Zif e ! ! ~'ii, e Eliminates Annoying Commercials t \ ,._,_ ..=.==:...~~.it Now..:..---/~ ' ~-----~-... --.... ____ --_.,.__ _ _.............,_ ............. ....,_. -· •• .. --~ ••~# • --- [ ~ ~1.1:·-:==-S~EYENS aad SO~ 7co.-';)l~ 1 -~~d~ IJ l U7t R~r Bh·d~ ~~;.-:lH~.' -~~= THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since l 921 3100 West Com+· HICJitway Newport leach Phone LlberfYI a.J471 ---------Oii ..,..,, JI.lie , I .. ~I I • """· Island Pastor Begins New Sermon Series In h111 f1r1t 11ervlce following 11 two • week vacation t rip to Christian Science Sermon Will Be · on God as Mind Salvation Army Needs Clothing '.'\ortht'rn Ca ll!ornla, the R ev. That God is supreme in wiaJom and gives this wisdom Donald G. S app, mlnlater of the to those who truly ask it is the substance of the Leason· Ralb<>a l11land Community Metho· . . ~Ju of awnmer clothing and play equipment at the SalY&l6on Army Social Service Center that eervu thia area have been merioualy reduced by hot aummer days. Brigadier William J. Pa.rkina, manager, hu appealed to local reaidenu to contrjbute cutoff artic1-to enable th• center to conUnuo to nu dl.ahH. matt~-•. bed~. ~It• need.I ot &e.u -fortunate famlll• chen Ulftulita. homo appU&aeM. IUld to ma.k• pc>Nibl• a 90Clal re-aUverware. atovM. Ndloe and ..... hablUtation propm tor n~Y cellaneoua Item~ · rhA Church. will begin a ac-rlea1Sermon on "Mind" to be read in Christian Science services or Sermons on "T he G()Od Newa Sunday. - Jc.>lls Brought." The tint sermon. "The l"ews of the Kingdom:• w1U be preach· ,.,1 thl11 Sund11y a t 9:30 and 11 a m. Othtr topic• tor the 1erlu will be ''The News of the Father". "The News of r>t r 1tOn11·'. and ''The New• ot J oy··. Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES It. AAdrew1 Prnbytertan CburcJI J6lh St. A St. Andrews Rd., aero .. from High School Liberty 8-3773 Putor: R ev. JamH S. Stewart CommuDJty MetbOdllt UO W. 19th St .. Coata Mesa Llberty 8·•~112 Rev. Joseph W. McShane ne Chunih of Cbrta& 1050 Olutch St., Cott& Meaa Llberty 8-11711 D. G. Hunt. MlnJaler Chrtot ObuYdl By The Sea Community Methodist Balboa Blvd. at H th, Newport Harb-Or 5229 Minister: Rev. Roy Car!Aon • St. J oachim C bur<'b 1~• Orange Ave .• Cost.& Mesa Ll bt'rty 8·1091 Falht'r Thomaa J. Nevin J'lnt Baptt•t Church of ~~wport Balboa Blvd., 19th • Cour t SU,. Newport Hubor 35113 Liberty 8·3072 Paator: H erbert G. J ohn.eon Newport Harbor Lutheran Churcll 21101 Cllff Dr .. Newport Height.I Liberty 8-3631 Rev. Robert Gronlund AaMD\blJ of God U nd St. A Elden Ave., Corta Mesa Llberty 8-3761 Reverend M. C. Cronic. Paalor &evenUHlay A.ClveDU.t Newport Blvd. at Bol11& St., Newport Height• Elder Richard &>nw Llberty 8· 11132 ('hurch nf the xa.r.arene 1 ~ An&belm. Co•t.a Meaa Pu tor: Rev. Clive W Ull&m.a Llberty 8·7Hll Flnit Chun'h nf C'h rl•t. !llclentl1t 3303 Via t.ufa. New11Qrt Beach Harbor 2428 1'nher..alh•t Commualty t 'ellow11hlp Ebel! Clubh(lUllfl, ~1:\ Balboa Blvd .. M.lni.eter: Rev. F. W. Rlnge F1rat &out.hem Bapd1t Churrh 6110 w. Hamilton, Costa Mesa Liberty 8·2483 P11tor: Dr. Richard H. Posa Corona dC'l !\lar ()ommunlty Churcll Congrl'~atlonal , , 611 H!'liotrope Ave. HRrbor r1237 Pulnr : Rt<v. 1-;dwm <::. Gomke Finl Bapll&l Churr h Ssnta Ana Ave. 11t Msgnolla Costa .M•·sa Rrv. P . G. Ncumsnn ('hurr h nf Our I.ad~· nf ;\It. Citrmt'I 1441 W, Hnlboa Blvd., Newport Hnrbnr n714 Falhn Strphr•n I~llfo'y, P11~t(lr Falhe-r Grm I=" l'amaasua A!""l. l':iMor Chrld l.uthr ran Churc:h nf l'o,ta !\fe .. I Mil'llOlll'I Svnod I t.:1•!11Jl· !'.l·'~I\ Putor: Re~. Loth11r Torn1Jw f'I. Jami's F.pliw-optil 3208 Via 1~td1,, Nt"\\'f'Orl Buch Harbnr 1230 C11n1t4': Rrv Rslph Po:oe ~'. J (1hn \"l&nlW'y :tH\ MA1'1nc, Ralbof\ hl11nd Hubnl' 02H F11thrr Slrphrn Kiley. P1111tor Falhn GrorJ!e P11rn1111su1 A:ost P11~tnr C'ent rat Blblf' C'hllr<'h Oran i::e 'Avt'. at 2:lrd St. COit& ~tu~. Liberty 8-!'1303 A. A. Krders. PllJllOT . Balhoa bl&11d CommunltT Metholld 11!'\ Ai::11te A vi .• Ba.I boa Island MmletH: Rtv. Donald Sapp Chur<'t1 nf Rf'll(101111 k tfont'e "SC'1f'nce of Mind" Lag1in11 Bf'lll'h Art Oa.llery ~07 Cliff nrh...-HYatt •·728• Rl'v. In~ Turk. Mlnll!ter Sermon Theme, Youth Event at Christ Church The Golden Text quolH P1ual wr1Unr to the church at C:orlnlh 1 and 11aymg. "Who hath known 1th., n111Hl or the Lord. thal h~ I may lnstn1ct him ?'' (l CQr. 2;16). In ~ letter to the Phillpplana ht allmon1shu, "IA"t thl11 mind be In you, whll'h wa11 all!O In ChriJ!t Juu11" I Phil. 2 :ri J. "A Sonr of Repentanel'" will be the 1l'rmon aubject at Christ Churc:h By tht' s ea In t\'ewport Ae a conelatlve to the lattl'r Bt'ac:h on Sunday mominjl;, Aug. quotation Mary Baker Eddy 21, The minister, the Rt-v. Roy st11tes In her uxt·boClk, "Sele.nee A. Ca rlson, will ipesk 111 both and Health with Kt'y to the morning aervlce11 ot worship, 9·. Scr1pt11re11": '"Having one Ood, so and 11 a .m. This discourse on etnt' Mind. unfolds the power that tho Fitty·flr•l p11111m o• one of heals lht' strk, and fulfils lheat' a 1erie• ot summertime sermon• sKylng!I of Scripturt'. 'I am the on the me81111gu ot lht Paalms. Lord that heah•lh lhee,' a nd 'I Mr. Carl110n points out tha t the have found a ransom.' When the Psalms are a ~ource of rellgloue divine precepts are understood, Inspiration that haa influenced they unfold the . fou ndation of g-reatly the worllhlp of Christian foillowsh1p. In which one mind 111 people. I no~, at war with another. but all Mn . Willi• Fields will alng a have one Spirit, God. one mtt'lli· 11opra.no aolo. ··o Lord Most Holy" I gent 11011rc-~. in accordance wilh by Franck at both 8ervict'I! th!Ji the Scriptural command: 'Let Sunday. Spe<:lal muelc during 1 thl11 Mind be in you. which w11 August la provtded by 11<>lolata aa 1lao in Christ Jeirus·" Ip. 278). the choir director and choir a re I J on vacauon through the month For Unilversalists Senior HJgti Youth group w ill be hoat to a delegation of young people trom the ChrUltl&n Church in Ontario thla Sunday even.Ing. The vlaitlnit youth• will be at the beach for the afternoon. and will meet at tbe church for a briet evrnlng wor11hlp 11ervlce be· fore returning homl'. Un1versalist Fellowship mee\8 at ~l:'i West Balboa Blvd. each Sumlay at 11 a. m. Or. JrnLnk Macintyre will !!peak on "Letter From thl! Co11moR", Tfie R~v. F'rederlr·k Hingr. minlster. will be bar k the first Sunday In Septembl-r, Book Review on Program for Christ Church' WSCS Hot1pilal A11x1llary, reported a re· cont number of garmente mended 11nd bandages made by her group of workers. and handicapped men. Ho l&ld all n-colpta fl'om .a. ArUclu collected by Salvation of recondlUonet uttcJH U.O.. Army Red 8bletd trudn are re· acluaJ ope...:Un1 coata an retunl• condtUoned ln the center'• work· ed lo lh• homole• and .....,... ahopa. provldln• tooct. ahelter a.nd capl*S me~ who ~. akS M tinanolal aid to mm wbo a rt' un-lbe center. ' able to obtain employm•n\ In Brtpdter. Parkin& urpd to.I priva te lnduatry. I ""ldenllt tp telephone ChamlllW , Brlga dltt Parkin• aa.ld that t he of Commerce Uberty 1-1116 to r enter alllO need• di.carded but bnnr a Red 8hleld t.ruck to _.. allll unble furniture. 1hoH . lect cutott artlcl.a. GIFT OF ELKS LODGES -Fumi Shioya, General Hospital patient, is lifted by mechanical hoist into station wagon given to lhe s,1ciely for Crippled Children and Adults by the Elks Lodges of Orange County. Ope;ating lift is Mrs. Richard Gregg. swimming instructor. Rides provided by Easter Seal A~en~y are only means of transportation a\ailable to many handicapped persons taking part in special therapy and activities offered by lhe society. auJ Announcemenf~ Jews to Study ·~ Ethics of the I -., ,,.-, Atomic Age A i: 1 (t of $125.00-0 from lhe '"J1trob Zl11kinrl Tru~t for Chan· t .. blP P urpo11u·· to the Jewish 'rhr•Jloglt'a l Sl'manary of America 1 ~,.w York City I wall make po•· Haarstad Reviews Book 'The Blackboard Jungle' Wiiliam Haaratad, 0 range Coaat College librarian. revlewa: The Blackboard Jungle by llvan H unter. The etern11I queetlon ot juven· lie m1ebeh1vior aa carried to a school altuallon ts the tht"me of this very popular buheller. Sales or lht' book h11ve been high, &$· l!lste~i. no 11oubl. by the current «nd cnnt rnver•lal movie of the sttmt' name. The b0<1k attt"mpta to brine In· to resdt'r focus ont ot the llO· c1ologlca l problem• of Lh• day. The plot la concerned ""Ith the trials 11nrl trlbulat ion11 of younit navy vetl'ran R ick Oadler ln hit first tearhlnjl; aullCJlmtnt at :>:01·th Manual T radu ' HI g h aerviu durlnr World War U . A ... tt'r th• war h• rnac:tuated from Hunter College. Hla ttr1t job .._ vto11.11ly ran him back(TOUJ\d mater!&! for thla book, &1 U\e Job Wllll tt'achlnr In a V'OC&tiaftel h igh tt'hool. T'he book 11 ttmety and ot ,_. era.I lntereat. WMther lt11 p&o• 11 overdone l.t a quHtlClft the reader muat decide for b.lln..W. Youths Attend Baha'i Schqol The Baha'i summer eclloo1 '8 <HyMrVl.lle cded lta eullon U... .-eek with a moat IUCC..tul --aon tl wa1 reported by Richard Mirkovich of Coata M-. Mlrk· ovtch and a fnmd. Da'rid Pulley of Temple Clly. ""'1l to Ule · tehool by bua &11d re.turaed wttll another youth &Ulo l'Mlcttnr l1l Southern C&llfonta. As program for the W oman's Society or Chrl11tlan Service, Christ Church by the Sea, Mrw. Mabel Stanley reviewed halt of the book . ( Love the Trail. life 11LOry of Helen Splinger. written by her husband. Bishop J ohn Springer. This story of pioneer missionary adve:nturea cover11 60 yea.ra ot exploratton and estal>- llshlng ot mlaalonary stations and 11chool1 1n South ~ frlca a nd the Belgla.n Conl(o. a.nd will be com· pleted a t the September meet- ing. Subs tantial cuh (lfle were voted for 110<•lal and welfare work at Plll.M Community Center In Loa Angeles and the new Meth· otll11t Colh•ge at Anchorage, Al- MkR. PAGE 6 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 •ulJI" thr openlnJ! In September or an ''ln11l 1lute for Ethic11l Stu· dll's '111 th~ Atomic A'e ·· It I.a b1H1NI on thl' 1·onvu:uon that "the n11'1st J'l"rplexlnR and urgent prob· School. The IChOOl, a city VO<'&• lional type, haa terrHlc dl1K1plin· ary problf'ma with the 1tudmta. Dadl~1', w ith tol•g-h eervice In the navy behind him. doun't thlnk any 11chool disciplinary ~roblem would prove a bother. North M.a n- ual proved · to be more than 1lm· ply bothersome • It wu frlJhl- tul. The gamut ot 1tudent vlo- lt'nce was run rrom -s:ape al· tempt or a voung teacher to a mur<!erou11 atta ck on Dadltr. Mr. Huntt'r. the author. I• a native New Yorker. wllh navy The Ba.ha'! .chool II \a lklfto- ma County on tho rim of tho redwood country and ta attended each wmmor by B&ll&'ll · ud lhetr f r1end1 from &11 o....,. t.b• United Stale• for atudy of re- ll11ona, pray~ and medl\&Uon In the mldlt of beauUtul a \I r - roundlnp. The bo,a choeo to •pend their va.catloa ln aata ll'Ol a.nd ltudy a.t Ula ecllooL Precedlnlf the rl'vlew Mrs. J phn K. Elliott led In a worship Mrxjce which had a1 theme "The Royal Highway". Mra. A. J . Rul.· ter <'onducted a 110ng 11ervtce wllb M.rw. M. K . Jv• at the pl.a.no. The program follow~d lunch · eon. HTVl'd by Newport Heights Circll'. Mlllll ClAnt Kohllltedl prulded Al the hm11ne11 lntt'r1m. Mr11. Mamie Foot•.·~ delegate to Hoa11: A r1umber nt membe,.. pla.n t o attend the work:chop anti l("hool of m1s.sions to be h11ld al Red· landi. University lalPr in the month. Greetingw Wt're r ead from Mr•. J ohn U'Ren and M111a Cynthia Miller, who are touling Europe; trom Mn. J . A . Bodman a t Dix· on, Mra. George A. Goeldner at McMinnville. Ore.. anc! Mr11. S. H. Weatherford. 1ummenng In I Moja vr. "Let ther" be light." Is the pt-r· petual demand of T ruth antJ Lovt'. changlng ,<;t,1101 Into nrrtPr anrt d18· cord into lhe muelc of the t1phl'rCll. the What's News in World of Religion By W . \\'. Rl':IO Th,. N 11. t t o n a I Council ot Churchell 111 11pon10rlng a "'Nation· Al Conference on the Churches nnrl $ocl11l Weltart'". In Cleve· l11.n1l. Ohio. November 1 to ' lt has been called ••to consider the role Rnd function of the churches In the field of 1ocla.I welfare.." Mrn 11nd wome.n with special lrA lnlng-and expert en ct' In the rnternationsl Chrii<llan Unlver1Jl· t y In Tokyo. Japan. P rior to lhlM 11ppolntm,.nt. he was &l!ll"· f'll'I IP pn.>f Pl!.•or O( 11;engraphV Rl Wf'1<tern ('<11lr,::e. Oxf<>rd. Ohan. Bom '" ShRng-t unl('. Chin11 . Dr Hun11; t1ltfo'nded Fukl,.n Chri11llan Unlveriilty. rhina. He conllnue<I hi.I educnllon In t he U nited Sta les. where, In 1926, he was g-ranted 11 B. A. degne from the Univer~1ty nf the Stille ot New York. From 1928·32. on a fellow· 11h1p by thf' Ji'ukien Provincial Buruu of E ducation, he a ttmded the Univer111tv nt t.~·on11. Fnnre. and g-rA1l111ttec1 with a Docteur e11 Lt'ttru c!rgree. C'Ht"RC'H con••cn. Th WorlJ Cound l of Church· Jrms of our llrnl' lie 1n the neg-I BILLY GRAHAM, evang-ellat-FQ RM ER PASTOR AND WIFE'11•ft1•d tlomRfllll of l'lhll'l1 and "Many Hollywood atara aro th• th!'olngy" mo11l mlftra ble people ln the HOUSEGUESTS O.F MRS Cox Arlm1ral Lewi~ L Stra111111. world. T'hey are rich, aucceaful • r hllJ rman of thr A tom1c Energy and popula1 But tht'y a re un· 1·omm1ssl(ln end an ornrer of tht' happy becau11e they Uva apart ~rmmnry. "8Y~ that "thl' Atomic from God." Mni. F ran<lle S. Cox. 22311 Par1f1c Dnvt. hB•I !IA hll11>11: guuta le..et wet'k the Rev. an•I Mrs. W llll11m He11sl'll "' Hollywood. The .He1111ell11 r1•sl<led here from 1936.'~0 'Whrn M r. HPs..rl Wfl.A pa11tor llf Chr111t Ch11n·h by \hi' Sc1t. ('nm- munlty Methodist. He I• now as110cl11le putor st First Melhod111t Churl'h, Hollywood. Elatnt'. eltlrr daughtn nf the c-nuple rrt11rnt"rt th" ftr!'lt of .July frnm Honolulu where ahe serve<! as d1rr1•t01r 11( yo11I h work nt Han Ill Mrmnnal Church. haR fH'C'f'J'lr '1 s pln l'f' pn th" 11lAff nf \\'1•11twO<Jd Mt'lhnd111t Ch11rl'h 11nil 1nr•k 11r h'• """"" AUii; I~. The Hes,ellll "ptnt I WI) \\'t"Pkl'I In Hnnnhllll w11 h their c!l\Ul:hler !><'fore 11he ret11m 1 d l n lht' 111111nlAnrt A l!"C'Onc! rtaughter. M11 rth11. 111 1~nrh1n11: En,::ll~h Anrt nt hl'r sul)Jt'l'l!I 1n fl 11rlll' achonl 11t S1n~11porr 11011 I he ~r·n Billy wu gr1ulu11ted Jut yt>R r frnm ll('LA, 111 nnw H11t1onPd t.t San frr1111< 1i<1·0 with the U. S Air Corp11. ASSISTANT PASTOR Asr,1' nt'•'tl:< on ethlrBI renal11· -------------- "'Hf1f._. T h" 114'n11n111 v will conrl'r tel· 11nwl'h1rs nn r,;_cert1onal &tuflentA "' rt hi<'l'I. theolniry Rnrt phllo11"phy "'ho wall dcv<>l<' all their time In lhr.~,. p11n11111~. In R<ld1l1on. lht' 1r• 11111tr "ill p11bll1<h tht work11 • ,r pr,.i<rnt an'1 r11t111 e ll<'holan. I •1 l.."Lli!'l Frnk<'l~ll'ln,, nnte<I Jrw· 1•h th<'lllOJ:IPn And ~PhnlRr. Ill rh11ncrll11r or th" ll<'mln11ry. Church Events at St. J ames ~li ntlR.v ~rv11'rA Hl St J 11m e11 1-:""' 11p11 I ,~h111rh Vis Lll'ln a.nil L.af:i\'l'llt> A\i>. bri:ln With Holy The Little Church by The Sea I .... f IR ta M:uelf) ,,. .. L & W""• Ito.. 9rnjl, ,_ ........ lft""~ ,. w-w. - -........ ,, t :41-11i00 •·•• .... 1:H P·•· ..... , ....... , ,,,. .... . 4tl Looi .. ._,... ,_ MTATT ............. Cejjf, 4-Jfft .. ~" --- BAHA'I FAITH ~r.t- Preyer Oiseuuion Stucly ''The word of Ood ii tlk• •nto a tr-: It.a planttna rn>uad muat bf' Ule heart.a ol t.be people; cultivate It Ulroup the bwtb· er of wtldom &11d utterance. 10 that lta root. may become ti.rm. and It.a branchea 11UrJ1U1 tho tlrmam1111t." Baha1 Wr1t1JI ... rrw.,., l :ot , ..... •« RocbMtw .,......, ('oeta Jlf'M, C.U.f . n-LI 1-aau - u 1-nu Harbor OITN • Rev. George Reeves Jr. and Bride \Vill Go East l('i1r11;n11nl•tn Al ~ :!O II rn . ('nn- t1n11r· w1111 fRrnfl\• 1<fo'rV1<'e and 1 !'111mh1v ~··hrK1I RI !I :JO. morning 1••1ty1·r 11nd i>•·1m•m 11l 11 n'i;lock . Th4' R,,,. John l'arkl' wilt have 11s sc1m11n thrme ··H11ppy A re th<• l'NH'PlllA krr!> BALTZ MORTUARIES Rev, G('orge :>: Reeves J1 will ' bor A 1 PR t hroui;h the "'11111n1<1 r c-onl'lude h1~ 1111mml'r w11rk a t :r:onlh!!. Tht:' wrrlilmi: nf Robert P N er r;,,., ~111 "ntl M1•i< R1trbar11 E11rl .,. •lutP.t f11r '1 fl m \\I' !11""111 \" ;~ (ol1• fl!y fllr thf' ~'"'"' <'hnar , "hwh will h11vr ll I"" I v o I 6 :!I\ p m Chrl11t Churr.h hy the Sea th•" Th~ y1,1111i; 11111pre w ill lr .. v• Su.nday, Aug 21 He hi\~ l!ervl'd I \ahtorn111 11n Mnnd"Y A11i: :::t 1111 u 11lst11ht mml~lt'r 11111·11111; the ffH' N"w Havrn. C-onn whr11· !'>ll aumm•r month11. F.arllrr in the Rervr5 "'Ill ront1nur hill lhr"I'" summer hP WAll united in mar· .l:l<'BI Atutllel' • al thf' n 1\m1tv rl11ge to Bev~rly Ann Bliven nt Srhnol or Yale L'niversllv Thi' !'••rvt• "~ !1•r 'fh111••dll\', St BRr· \11''11'n1<'w"i; •1R\', will be the Ull· 11.11 m".-1111 ~ of the f'rayrr Guild p1111t YP81 hP hn~ i<t 11111NI Il l th•· "' 11 1.-. " '" 11•1lh Holy C'om- Pa<'1r11· SC'h(l(ll nt R"flc,.,n In r1111111nn 11 n,1 IH'Hllni: 11ervl('I' a t Corona llrl Mar In a lovt•l.V wetl· cling performt'd by hu1 fBlhrr, Dr. George N. RPE'\'Pll s,.. They have bren a ~ home In thf Har· B('rkclP\". 10 in a m J 111111•1' Ch•1lr r"hN!llllli 111 11l11tt'c! COSTA MESA CHA.PEL 1 Hl Superlpr Aven~• Costa Mesa, CaJlt. Phone Liberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY TRll RA JalO II. Coe.at Blvd. CoroJI& del Kar, callf. Phone Jl&rtJor •I CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Ernrat Holir.ea, founder. author of "8clence ot Kind:· SUNDAY S.ERVICl"Ji 11 Lm. .lunlor Church aad Nunery Oare 11 Lm. R .. v. lr1• Turk, Mlniet« LAGl.NA REACH AJlT GALl.r:&Y Hl'att '-1114 111 Clltr Dr. I problems th1t the <'hurche11 fact' 1n this field are to br in the delegation. Two thouA&nd official delegatl'!I. c:ons11ltant11. and vi11l- ton from thl' Council'• member romm11nlons. slate 11nd loca l cnun· rlls of churrhe., and C'hurc-h worn· f'n from c-hurrh 1lpon1ored weld welfar .. agen<'lu •nil lnst1tut1onR from 110clal a ction g roups are to be 111cl11'1ed. ea. rrpresentlng rn<.\llt of world •hip. llnd pl'llm<Jl4' lhl' rrl'oncill· f'rot t'11tantism and the Orthodox allon or thf' n11tioni< ·· ll Riso PRT.SRVTP;RtA:-.-~ •·hurr llPR of E11rnpe. hM 11ent to urge" th& d Hirr he• "to hid lht'ir Fnr unto you 111 born th111 il11y 1n '"' 10 11. m ~·, 11111,v the city of Devirl 8 SR,·1our wh11 h 1s Chnsl the Lord L11kf 2 l l Hr save11 1111 throu~h !all h H1111olr•·r\1> o~ m1lhtmA h11.ve appropr111tf'•I th1~ S11v1nur By taklni:-Him 111111 <•111 live• v,oe l'l(l are 11avf'c! from Fin 11111'1 hRVe f11Jlne~S Of JO)". Surpasses Babel I Or l"onalti L H1bb1t1«t. of Phil· Patriarrh Ale)(1, •11 Motteow. the members n.•,11i.:n1ZP thl'1r poHtl· arlelph111.. PXf'CUtl\'e nf lhe Board head of lhe RuMian Orthodox ral rel!ponsib1:a1r.o;. and 11.IM to I n( Pcn11t(ln11 of thto Prec11byter111n Churrh. an llppe1tl '"t o the gov-ftllk Chrlsl11tn trr hnicurns and a<!· Church In thr US A 111 In EU· 1 ernmentll anrt peoplei1" behind m111111trat11rl\ t11 find a vocstlon in l"npe tn Rtui1.v homN t'br the tht iron curtain t1J help nllevr> the urvl<'e of t · :". a izcnc1e11 en· R£rrl He will visit homu In pre!!ent world tens1ono. The rloc-1 th I.I G • B t I d J t d o ument urgu "the 1tate11men gaged In meet 0R e nee "' • • · · •ftlh ri an 11n re an . en· ot cnunlnc". thu11 brln~ng a m11rk. 11nd Swt"rlen, Including Pro-and the leaders ot public opinion ChrlRl1a n temper nf lcwr Rnd un· te,.t11nt. C11tholk and Jew\sh Rnd lht! pres" to ttfraln from cll'l"l\lMd1ng to tx>nr upon the Im· h(lrn!!A. On his return he will r e· words llntl •ctinns which •r• de· mensely difficult taJOk •Jt m11t11al port " propo11ed prngT11 m to the sijn'll'd to inflame enmity and u 11l11lanr e 1n tht' Pnrnunter or BoBrd nt Pt>nsinn11 to provldt' ha tred." llnll l'lllla upon church different C'ul111n•11. 1and1 to unate hnmf'!1 f1)r rrt1rer1 Prt>11hyttrl1n lr11.rler• "In thosl' rountrlu be· in ll <'ommon ministry or reton· mini-tu• (Wf'f'tl wh11 h ten11 ii)n rxli<tll to Ii 1 1 1 lmln"" ('hn~t 1111 I~ TOKYO ''11<1t one M Ol.hl'r. llf't' that tht>y n 11 ion 11 pn•1· ll .. the Hope of th,. Worlrl."' may Jtl'lln a belli>r unilerslflnc!mg Dr. F'rNter1ck H11n1. a notrd of one another. M d of Ute coun· ARP: HO'\'ORt:n Chtne~e 11<'hnl11r. h"" hel'n namtd I trit's In whlrh they hvo, anrl thus Twenty-five rn1iis1nnn1 '"~ 11 nd 1 h h '--" f f II miiuuon ll'a(fPr~. Bl'tlve In rur11I 1 professor of 1i:eog-raphy 111 the stren.-1 en l fl uvnu• o ,. OW· Tt1stin Group Protests New Catholic Convent SA:'\TA A~A 10 C N S I Wh•ther thn~·11 b. a Ca t)lollc !1pokum11n for the a.ppllcant I\ 11ntLP ry t11hlet rnntalnlnJ: the rarKl verl<C nr the Book of Gene· ~•s 1n nwrr th~n 40 l11nguages hl\.' hr ,.n ••nr11Mrl In lhl' cornPr· "t"n<' "' Rn llfr11•(> b11IMln1t belnir bt11lt m \1nc111natl by The r roc· ~or 1rnrt G11mbll' C'nn-1p11ny. Not A Problem Chur<'h of ,,,. ... ,. C'tlri•t ~l•tera· convent In th~ u c-lu111ve ., Lat ... r u.~· ~a.Int• notlheu t Tuetm a 1u . will be a l';,.ve1 11 I l"tt •r. fl\V<1rln1t the ronvf'nt .,.·era road by planning dlre<'tor. Harrv Bergh Tho Tus· 1 in H•111thl• A•odal1on opJ>OtH!d It developmrnts nvt'1 ~ .. 1111. were l'f'- f'entlv hon11rcd with ··c'1t(llions for Dl~tlng111i<h<'il s .. rnrl'"', wht-n Agr1cult11rnl M1111q11n><. Inf' .. r:· 1•rnlly obio~rVl'il the 2Mh annl· ver11a r.,v 1;f 11.~ 111 ganlznl1nn, A.M t.!I a n lntlrpl'n•ll'nt )ll'"UP of rhurrh IPa der11 a nti m1s.~1nnarae1' r·oncem· I'd with th" 11<tven<'l'ml'nt or agi-i· <'ulture anc! fo1e~try throughout the world. It hll.'I uel11tt'd ml1· ~Ion agencll.'& In rttrnillng-and training mf'n snd womtn aa "practical fann te&<'hffll." From the start, make your wedding an occa · sion of long remembered good taRte and difl· tinction. Invit ations set the t.ont' of formal perfection. Consult Ufl on any problrm you may ha\·e. Traffic is bec.omin9 somethin9 of a problem: in fact, it is a very serious problem in most places. It is not a problem, though, for those who call at our mortuary, for our private parking facilities are large enough to meet any need ... All who call at ou'r e1tablishment can park their cars within a few steps of the building. FrlJ av Artemoon· ('l11b H01111e j matter lo be • detf'rmlnt'd In a ('c~tll }.ft'AA J,l bt-rly 8·:17881 publio he&rlnf at I pm. 8 1'pt. f . B1~h'-'1' · Pl'ler lll1 lt"bout Th~ 1·minty pla11111nr cum ml•· ~•on vn A l•ft· 1i .ut th• healin( FIRST CH•'Rt'H Of' ('HHl~T .t1tt,. Rftt'r hea r1nl[ wv~a.I pro· ~(·IP::io.TIST ,,.,b from the noor. ))OJ Ylo l •do, pjt •po•• ho• A t •· o' "• " ·•• • · ••• '"" Submitted p&afte eel LI Jot. th• Cf\111rdt •f C .. thf. $<1f"11itht. 1,_ l o•to", ,.. ..... • ~...... devolopment to io ln on the S..•4ey ki.o.r - ---• '' •· "'· l'(IUlh-euterlv lllde f1' AM Hill Sv•411f S.,.fu -_ -II 00 I "'· • w,,._,.1y h••'"' ..... ,,,.. too p ,.. Ave. about O• ft. nort.MAlll of ..... 1 ........ i.e.to4 .. JJIS Ylo LIM. Skyline Dnvo, ...... _. .. ~-. ,, ·-..... "'" •••Ill 1ooe ...... ta SOI ._,,.., w • ., ... ,.." ,,_ P IAJ111 <Jrtg-ln111ly called· for a 11'98 •·"'· le 1 4S '"' • J.id•w .... 1 .. '· kln'1er.,arten 1n rnnn«tlon w1t h S11 '":i•'f r r-. 1 .,, S -C ov·!l t'o d•"" ,.. The ••l>ilc ;, •"'"'""' l••it1111 lo •"••d tht' eonvrnt The ld('a ha• b"t'n :::...°'""-k..... ••41 ••• "'• '"'"'"' drop~. howeV'f'r, ._accorl'tln&. to a ; Tho convent, a TM!dt"nce for nu na teachinJ al Mater Del S<'hOOI In Stulta Ana U d (lrl• preparing tor C&l"ffMI aa nun•. would be opotted In the m1<1l't of the "elusive mnall H tatu dl•lrlct. Tho Sltte-r1 of St Lo11l1 eeek the valia.ncf'. Otho S. &<lka. i nd A.llC'e Boolu of TUcaon. Ans .. •r. the land owner•. A m1x1mum of M 11i11tera wo111rt b,. living nn th,. premll'e~ A totl'I ot 6 •, ll('r -1 11 involved At Costa Mesa First Baptist ''The Ct111.uan·• Batanco" la MmlOft l!Ubject of th1 Rev. P. G. :-leumann. preachlnf at the 11 (l'clock Ml'\'fce on Sunda y In frlnt BapU11t Olurt'h of Colla Mua. , In 'th• •v•nln1t Mr. Neumann Wiii 11dd'rt11s the young peoplt, hl11 theme lo bo "Rf'1 r•Uul Re· ver11". Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 Balboa Blvd. Hes. 1616 Lady attendant _ ... _ ----91 .~UTUUE PLA \' AREA-It dOt's not luuk much like a recreation park yet, but Smellmaker. Inc., is dredg- in out Upper Bay at the rate of 2000 cuhic yards every 24 hours. six days a week to make land for the play ground of the future,_ As shown above the new aoil is being piled up awaiting bulldozera which will epread it into the play area Heinz Kaiser has ~ dreaming about for so long. In the background in the ciMnnel is the dredge which pumps the sand, shells anrl so on along with a lot of water onto t:he upland. ln the foreground is 3 rotary screen through which the dirt is pumped to take the shells out. Some of the time the dredgings carry too much clay to make them screen easily when the machine is by- passed. -Staff Photos Harbor's Real Old Timers Are Upp_er Bay's Shells Shellmaker, Inc. Operation Dredges Thousands of Cubic Yards for County Dy BERT B RL,"TN.&LL There are 1ome old timers around Nl'wport Beach who rl'· membt'r this and that. but the rut old tlmt-r!'I are the ahells lhal ure being dredged out o! the Upper B11y to make the county'!! recreation park flll ad· joining Coa!'lt Highway. I nhabitants Of theae ahelt. wer"' llvlnJ?° a round theae part.a eight to l O mllhon ~·ears ago, geolo- glsl!'I C'lalm, according to Bill Bo· land, manager of Shellmaker, ln<'., the company that has the dret11;fog contract. The story golu that there la a fault nmning &long the line or Upper Bay snd at one Ume It oprne<f up and let the ocean run bal·k toward Santa Ana. Cocklea &nd other kln~ ot aheU fli<h founrt 1l a good place to hvl' but after a. few centuries i;1lt from the upla.nrt began to !Ill In encl smothered the ehell· fish. so Jlll!t the llhells are there today. ThP shells are a 111de Issue to U1e Harbor'!! fine new recreation area;' ·<ir \'Ice ver11a. depending on whether you are talking to Heinz l(alser, county 11upervl110r. who hM been planning the play ,;: round Cor ~·ears. or the Shell· m11ker c1Jmpany. the time when they have lime to grind them. The pre11ent contract calls for dredging 311.000 cubic yarda of till and the company 111 ahead of schedule on the job. Sheumaker hu been on the job , In Upper Bay tor 3~ years and sells ground shell to poultrymen all around the county. Ground shells are fed to hens to help them make new shells for the hen fruit. one-shell game that everyone profits by. The company run1 the @hells through a router to get them thoroughly dry bf"fore grinding, and from the grinder they go directly Into 100-lb. bags. About 800 tons are ground a month and thfl company employs 23 people. Besldu the local job the C'Om· plllly owna alx other dredgers which do contra.ct work up an<t down the coast and manv Inter· lor jobs. One of the us~s thP\' find for clredgers Is to clean :r<tit rteposlt11 from behind power dams. Lakt>s hrhlnd power dams grart- ually fill up. no matter how large tl'ley a re, the larger the 11tream of watPr the more silt it usually r arr1es. A fl er the present contract 111 flnl!ihed plans for the rtC'r eatlon area c11Jr tor 300.000 more cubic yards of fill and opening a cban- neJ around the a reii to the 11wtm- mlng lagoon whtc-h' Ill bernit dredgt>d now. DRY FOR HEN!; -To rnake the shells grind easily Shellmaker lnc. puts them tf'lrough an oil burning furnace where they are thoroughly dried. From there they go to the grinders and then into sacks to be sold to poultrymen whose hens have to have lime to make f gg 'shells. Kaiser &UCC'"l'ded in getting abnut twice as much filling done fur the 11am" hioney by making a rteal with Shellmaker to do the job snll take 011l lhe 11hella. As 1esult the county 1s getting lt1 drcdgin" done for 23 cenla a cu- bic yanl. At Uie same time Shl'll· maker la piling up 1hella against hold Is the bail boat Billy Boy at 3 a.ITT. of a momln&-. The eager· neu dii1played by tho!e getting baJt from thla boy outrlvals all the 1'V and radio publlclt~ Must have been 500 fll1hermen waltlnr the other morning tor their anchovies outalde the Ha1·bor. r~ ~.:::E'fi~ BAG FOR MARKET -From grinuers the cockle lhell.a taken from Vpper Bay in mak)ng a fill for a county recr<'ation area. drop down a pipe into 100-lb. t>.ga on an automatic weigh<'r. BiU Bonquill6 ia abown abo\'e ~wing the top or the bag with An elec· tric machine which puts chain stitches on the bag which !tw bUJbands ·can sol~. FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS By We wish to make a 1econcl re• ?Qrt on Roy E . Warren. He hu re~lred his fourth breakdown on h!.I' C·Brat and la out on her again but hasn't ca11rht a fish yet. V\'hat IUC'k ~ THE OLD SPORT Some of you Santa Monlcant of 30 year11 back wm remember I.Alm· bf'Oll Hldge, now of New-port. and hla old fantaH Coral. She'll In ~au­ llful ahape a.nrt he's ~one out to ma.ke another million. A nr! him In hi• Hventlt's! There 11.re m&ny boata In with All things considered, boys, the albacore are a.a good plugged holds (loaded. you l&n<l· • tubbera!) but due to harr! feelln~ now as we'll get all year, I'd guess. Things are popping caused by tho11e boys going out I around the Old Sport's dock of information. when there wu e11ppo11ed to bi-a \\'hy It wns only thi.'1 we-ek !ht> 'trike. we'll !lklp boat name" for 'Fl~h irnrt Gome rommlMion mark • fast ti;oat Alert. He brought In lhl11 time. I two nf our h1r11J women ""t a II · five ewordtish but the local mllr-We understand the pr1ce of alba- crn:<t' hC'ro11se the\' WPf'C !1~hlng ' kct th111 week wa.a glullecl IO hc ~ore hu gone up $20. We hnpe it I for mackerel i.n -l:'uddv'a boat, ~·ent back to San Dtegu to 1ell k"eps goinr. \\'ardcn I>rcker, being ·a 1a.1tes· em. . The old man o! the mountain, ma.a. ~a\'C''1 them SIUO each bv A !!kipper you re aJwaya glad to John Leal, aeema to have the e<lgc lea.Jing thr•m In to buy a llcens"e Sf:e Is C&rl Mrlntel" !'! the boat )n the maC'kerel boys this week all at $Jo per (npy, As mentlon1>d in Anna M. He stopptrt by to plug hla boa t Sunaet hu been leading this C'«lumn ca1 lier If vou don·t I lhe sportfl11hlng &s they are really lhe paC'k. Earl Holland reportJO nn<' haw I he proper license ~:1111·11 wish t loop1~g the albacore !n hi• boaL or the IMgest achool1 of markerel yN1 did! Tho~" gal~ dictn•t sePm HcrP 11 J;ood ne"·s: :it the year. He brought In a heavy 1 to nppr<'clate llw \\·ard<>n·1 escort Paul Conno111, the Legionnaire. load or them on E&rllne u proof. 11o•n·1re. but that'11 life' I had a "bon venture" on hl1 Bon But even 110. aeeme like the-mack· ./\not. her cmbilrra. ll~lng moment 1 \'entun. He really tilled her up I ere! don•t wt>lgh 110 mu<'h this last Saturday-a local commercial with alby. year, boya. fisherman r aulirht a 4:10-lb. broad-I One or the 11lrhl1 the Honorable Don't fall overboard men and •bill without a hcemie &11d beet U\e Chamber o! Commerce ahould be-r11 see you at the dock. F'tsh ·n Gamers by three m1nutee ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;:;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ lo bu~· his hrrn!l!'. You l'lhould ha,·e seen h1111 wall< out 1u1 the Wllnltn 11·11ll<r•I in' Hr>w clo8e can you 1 come 7 I A~D TH.\T'S SOME! FrN•man H. F:8Jlton. Cott.& MeM I Md hts good boat Flora. 1topped by tn tcll w1 In 30 day1 he'a 1old S1 2.Cl00 worth nC albacore. And 1 he'a only one man, but what a man' Then there'• Art Killion, that fine operator of the wat Nep- tune who brouKht ln five bro&d· bill and report.a more bn>Mtblll tn local WRteni than he'a aeen ln the tame th• tut th!"ff yeani. Th" wondtrful roller• profHIOr, ~Obert !:. "'llll&ma, San JOM, la hR\'lng a b&ifner eeuon with h1• b11ltleW&p. Robbin. whtd\ wm I ~oubte h11 .alsry tor the ye&I' With I'll~ 11tby catchea. 'then. comee Bob llllworlh. llf •i.t at. -d bl& RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO URGll OR 'roO pur.r. -IOta. &&.. Newport 81Mb ...,._ 1611 -----------------------------------------------.1 \ NEWPO RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 t .. turM rattlr lo9nd .. 1IOIMI 1vaU11blt on the!M! tenns. l'a'o full bsths Ar• ropula.r. Other quality teatun•.. Include c~ ahinfl~ roots ac~l~ attrao- U\'-c arctiJtectun. Jl"loora an ren• ulna oak with ralMid toundaUaa. tno 1l11bsl. l'>atural blrcll hu been uaed In the roomy kltchea <"llblnet.1. Dl1poaal1 are teatul'9d In Ult! elreamllnt1t kitchen• that &llO offer ele<"trio exhau.t fana. Practical feelurn Include roomy cloaet3, rock "'Ont tnwulatton. 1tH I 1l\d1n1 window•. with al• umlnum llt'l"Hnt, &11d •O-llO p UOll hot waltr heater .. Atwen ue Ill and paJd. I I FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 19ss FIND MESA JUVENILES DRUNK SO HOME THEY GO TO FOLKS It took Officer Willi&m Saunders and a doctor four hours to eober up a drunk Costa Meaa juve- nile. 12, Wednesday night. the boy (Jn.Uy ad- mitted he stole two bottles of wine from the back of a Costa Mesa liquor 1tore ju1t to see what it would be like to get drunk. "My mama la going to be awful mad at me," he giggled. Officer Saunders found two boya trying to load him into a car for the avowed purpose of t&k- lng him to the bay to dunk him in lUl effort to get him sober. A juvenile girl was with them and she had been drinking, but was not out cold u was the boy, police said. She had made coffee for herself and the boy and it wna spilled ov~r both of them. The girl would not answer questions until-Offi- cer Saunders suggested she was on her way to the juvenile home. She had been In juvenile home and did not want to go back. All four children were finally taken horn<'. Sunshine Homes Well Located in Harbor Area klndl'rg11rtemi at PlaC'cnth\ Ave. and Wilson St. with <'on~trudlon 11cheduled to befln on Sept. l . Due to theae !a.rtora, year 'round. qu11lit~• • built Costa Mua Sun- .!!hlne homes a re l!Slrt to havr excellent reaale valut. he 11&ld. A llJnlted number ot qu&llnMI vets may buy 3-4 bedroom home1 In this new development on no down p11yml'nt tenn11 1 Impounds l)nl~·) a rrordlng lo the bulldn. :O.fonthly payment. are u low 11 $M 10. 1'1AsY Fl':ATl0Rl:S F11rnisht>.J mo.St.>! hom('s rPvral witll tlle State Farm lnll'IMI c-,.1 .. CJ/ ·.:a. US-1011 l~ ii L L c:.ar- lSS E. 17th st. Costa 1'1eAa "Costa Mea11 Sunshine Homes. between Vl ctorl11 and \\'ll.!!on jt111t west of Harbor Boulevard. 11re located fnr bnth fun and pr11<'tl- ca ~H1ty," !'<. V. Hunuker. build· er. 11111•1 tort111·. Thi.a unique com- bln11l1on. Hun,.ak~r explained. de- rive.!! fr"m tho tact that Co11ta Mella S11n!lhine Hom<'s are be· llevPrt to be one of the Vt'rv first "vets no down" dew•lopmente lo· rated only minutes from tho tln- t:<t ~arht's in all So11Lhern ('al· Lfom la, excellent ROif courses, STENCIL DUPLICATING AT ITS BUT and deep Ilea fll!hing. \"A Ll'F.S IXC"RE,\SfXO ~ TM~ llOST ~TU STDCa. DVPUCATOft CWR DntKDf ,...,,, • .-ilob•ed .... --..... ~ ...... lob ....... ti.. _.., oad ..... --..... YOW Wboe pnAWIO CQD be -cal IM o 11...-.,; do --'··--=e __ .,_..__ ·--·-mil· - "These n!'w hom1>11 11re Jn I\ In· calP of rapidly lncre)l.!!lng real es· late V(llues due. ui the ever dr- veloplng growth of thlll 11re11." Hunsaker emphu lud citing for example. the excellent school sy!'I· tern. and pointing out that a C'On· tract had been let to build a new school of 20 rlaJ<.,rooms and two 902 N. Main St. Kl 2·2365 ~.:..::...:.:.:=._:.~==============-==============-======' And aU these QUALITY FEATURES Raised f1111..U11s (Not Slabs), C1nr •"Ill• nth, Steel Slllln1 wllldows, 2 Car Gq1, Sdlp 1111111111, Clttllts,oles '"' lncl11r1ters, Frnt • mr llYlq roo111s, 6,000 14. ft lots, 40 er 50 pUH Het Water Heater, Oat floors. l ire' lltcll• C.lllts. Pl1atJ If CllSltS, u hust fllS 11 litclln, (ltctric Huhn I• badl, Rock WNl ll11lltlt1, CleSt II llcatiH, Al1•it11• Wi1dtw Scr•s. Sntn 11 lff Pit' Fw. 3 FURNISHID MODILS OPEN 9 to 9 SMOG-FREE 11111 ·. OCEAN-COOL llEEIES ARE YOURS TO ENJOY IN EVERY COSTA MESA SUNSHINE HOME . Just west of Harbor Blvd. • PAGE I . PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 T'IMltwlplOll ArnsteCI oa Prowlillt C.-t RAJ~ ., TI\ompaon. se. 612"9 remi.e.r A ft.. wu e.creeted by Newport Beech pohce ottlce,.., Joeeph H Shetlln and Robert Brocln• Wedneeday nlrllt u d cl\a.ra'9d wtth prowttnr and •& DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of tbe Newport Harbor Newa-Preu ia guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond,y, Wednf.llday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. 1a 8ebooll, l..tNetloa CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS S'nTDY In spe.n Ume tor contrac- tor'• e&amlnation under a s-· er&l conu.rtor w1tb 2& yean npen..,oe. C1a.UM TUea. and 1'\"I. nu. 1'30 p.m . A.ttMd tint •Ni011 frM. S.p an,ytlme \ !9-Btlp WuW STANDARD STATIONS Hu <'~nln6 for Station SalMn1en Agta 18 ·40 vaCT*ftCY· W1tet\ ~ed yNtMday be-~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ toe• Jlld,. D. J. Dod1• ln New· port Juatt.ce Court TtlOlllpeof\ plMded DOl fUUty llllld WU held tor trial AIJC. 23 at 10 a . II\, Al Tvler School le 11 No. -d"roadway. l&nta Ana Pb. KlmMrly l ·t.221 or KI T-3&ll Uc Oran1r County 5-DAy-4().Hour Week H11h 1tar unr l"Y Ext'rllenl &.net\\• Clood opl"(lrlunlty '"r Atlva nrtmtnl A courteoua dn·..er 11 a Mf• drtnr. accordlns to tne National A.ut.omobtle Club. Classified Real Estat• School r in Santa Ana Appl• STANDARD STATIONS O.hlla and Cout Hlrhway Col"Ona del Mar C'tlapman anrt Kpadra Jl'111lt rton UGAL NOTICE NOTICE or INTEN'ftON TO ENGAGE IN THE 8ALlt OY ALOOHOUO .a£VE&AOE8 TO WHOM JTJ"MAY CONCERN: NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Mo.clay, Wednesday and hiclay COASTAL SHOPPER -We4nesdays 0-.tal ~Ada ru IA tMI \\'edaeeday N-..Pr81 t U.. 1 luertJoa $1.00 add'L llaee .t6 ea. t Unee 2 lmertiou 1.50 add'L U.. .%5-. t UDee S lmertiou 2.00 add'L llaee .25 -. t U.H .t lmertiou 2.30 add'I. llnH .25 ea. ta:N ll WOkl!N ,,...,_.,,. tn apan Umt ror unlimtted opportunltl• In Real l:ltllt.. N"' c&aaeea WMldy. A.J Tyter liutNod.nl. At• te.nd Ont 8"ftins free ud l•m a bout lhl• ~t nel4. Call or v.'Tlte now. Al Tyler School 1411 No. Broadway, Santa Anll Kl 7-l~ll-ICI 6-UU-KE 1-~13 8 '30 to 11:30 am, Monday It Thurad&ya. IJct AMBITIOUS woman OVtr ao. married or widowed, withins to eam $~ to '200 a month In conjunction wtth home dut ... U 9-6K4. tJcM lloUce It hereby J1ven lh&t ti!· teen day• after. the above date, the undeni.nrd propoeee to ae.11 aJcohollc bevera1e• at theN p,.ml-. dNCrtbed u follow•: 81tuadoa Wuted Ade wtU -h·e u,-. dJIW'ount. Cull la ad\•uee olll7. llL"llUfUM AD IS 4 U.'\Y.8 e Uc SECRETARY -Stco., .teno-ty• plat, altno It fl«Ure work, rwn'l o!flt't bookkffper, re1taurant A domutlc. Male acc't. A boet bldr. ealo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~-"3• Weet Cout Hl1hway Newport Beach. Puraua.nt to auch lntenUon , Ule undtraiped II applylnr to the De- p&rtment of Alcoholic Beve~e Control for IMuance of a.n alco- holic ~verage license tnr the1e preml1es aa rollnws: AU Ola•I~ Ade muat be pe.ld for Cu!I la advaat"e of pllWl~Uoa. Tba publlthera will not be re1ponalble for more than one Incorrect lrulerllon ot an ad, reaerv• tb• rfghl to cornet ly cla•lty any and' all ada and to rejtct any ad not conforming-lo rule. and re~&Uoiu. Working Mothers Child care in my home day- t i m e. Newport Heighta area. Llberty 8-7674. 83c96 Jl'NPJ FARR~R Employment Agt>nry 402~~32nd Ill . Npt Bch.. 1 oppo.lt e Clly Hal II t2<'M , SCHOOL IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER Trl. On-Sall! ~nera.I Dr. Donald E. Pehlke t left) newly appointed Dean of Student Personnel at Orange Coa.et College, talk• and adviaee with Jack Sappington regarding a program or couree11 for the achoo! year commencing Sept. 12. Sappington is a 24•year-old veteran, married, live11 in Orange and ia ready for a second year in preparing for industrial art11 teaching. Dr. Pehlke· comee Crom Boise, Idaho where he was Deart of Guidance at Boiee Junior College and moat recently Chief Phychologist for the State Department ot Health. Coun11eling and pre-registration of students will con· tinue all during Auguat at Coa.et College. ... Anyone deelring to proteat the iuuance or auch lic:ense may file a verified prolul with the De11art· ment of Alcoholic Btverllg'e Con- trol. st S11cram.-nlo. Calltom l1, ~tallng grounds for t1enl1tol as pro· vlded hy l11w. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OCNS REPORTER BEING 'CHUTED -INTO 'ENEMY' LINES AT PENDLETON If Pat Michaels Doesn't Evade Marine Forces, He's Prisoner 1 Ed. Note: The reporter who Moore, "'Mley'U be lucky." He .. found" William Bonelli In Ari-pointed out lhe pHota wllJ have 1.-0nll tor 1n OCNS exclualve In-lo dodfe welJ-equipped troopa who terv1ew. now 11 trying to find hla know how to track through brush way out or "enemy" territory snd deaert. The men wlll have to anulh or here I. live orr the land. The estimated By PAT MICQAEL.o; time It wouuld take tor any one SANTA ANA IOCNS) -Acl· man to get out of the area- lnK quickly In lhe wake ot Preel-dodging the hunting Marinea- denl Eiaenhowcr·11 directive order-would be upward from 38 houra. Ing men In the service to obeerve A 1peolaJ prlaon compound. man· a atrlct rode ot cuaduct whlle prl-ned by "the tougheat Infantry 11er· aoner1 o! war, lhe M1torlne Air Re-gea.na we could find," wlll be eel '"""e training program 1wung up to hou.e thoae untortunale trom 11erlal conc1•nlr1t.U<>n lo con-enough to be captured. c:,.ntration rampe. DETAILS SECRET Th1A ref'Orlt'r wu one or three """,.men lo be aelected by th• Aclual deWla ot what wtn h&p- publlc lnfonnatlon .wr or "Mart.-pen ln81de l.ta. Jlriaon -P are rom·'-the Marine Air Reeerve NCret.--none ot th• pUota even Training Command-lo parUclpetr know ot It.a exittence. It la known In a full-~<'llle tleld uerclse de· that the Marine aer6•anta will be 81gnt"d 111ong the Pr~ident'e or· wearing enemy unltomw and will den have vanoua psychological torture Ml.~T ESCAPE ~-rr :levicea at their command. A group ot 12 airmen and the "The prieonen will be peppered thr~e newamen will bl' "parachul· with quealloiu." Col. ¥oore aald. f'd" Into fore,.t Areaa of C11omp Pen-"They are only aJJollled to tell dl,.lon M1n lnl' Bue near Ocean-thel.r name, rank and ~rtal num· 111dl' ll will be the job o! tti. ber. The eergeanu ba~~· ordere to r:rour tn "u<'apr .. through Mar· Jet out ot them all ~Ible in!or· lne Infantry llnrft l!t'l 11r to cap-matton by uatng almost any meant l ure them-juat s11 f'nrmy patrols thort of violence or physical tor· would hunt downed fliers In actual lure." Th• pilot• wUJ be uked to combat tell what organisation they belong lain upttt..e ot military lnf~ma· lion or whkh they might have knowledge. HOT ASD XOUT.utl' A special detenuon nil bu l>Hn eet..eblished In the make-beJleve concentration c11omp, wherein the temperature w111 aoar into an act· ual 120·130 1legr~e11. "Thoae in· rantrymen plan to actually eweat 1ome lnform1tl1on Olll or them," Col. Moore H id. Paychologlcal mean,. or gelling the men to talk will rouow a pat- tern well·planned by Marine offi- cials. "An officer Wiii be II.liked to tell whal we want to know," the colonel elaled. "If he doesn't we'll tell him he can't reJoln hi. oul!lt, can't wrlle or receive any lellera, and that we'll kttp him an prn1on until he talke." All pilot• participating are week· end warriors. "\\"e exl)ect some or t.bem to breall," Moore told. ''They'll tttl that ll'e J1111t a g1U11e. and they'll tell whal we want lo know. but by judging how llOOn they break. we can tlnd how Jon~ a mlU\ can take 1lm1lar punhh- ment under actual combat <'ondl· Uona." ln hi• executlvt> order, ls~ued Wednudsy, the Pruldent Mid even clvlllana wtll have to practice prh1oner ot war t>vuion tactic•. •You can never telJ who'• going to be a priaoner ot lhe enemy." Col. Moore u.td. "That'll why we'rP taking the three clv11lsn reporten along." It ynu don't hear from me. you'll know I i:rot <'aught. "Lt thl'y eiware. · l!llld puhllc In· to, where they are from, the namu formation otrll'er. Lt. <.:ol. Robert of family membeni and about cer· ~~~~~~_._~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Fullerton Rubbish Collection Turned Over To Private Firm FULLERTON I o<:NS I -The flrsl 1lep an turning .ome ph .... or city busmeM over to private enterprlst "."" takt'n by city coun· <'llmen Tuud11y night when they awarded a ronlrart lo Santa Ana commercial <'nmpany ror ruhb111h cnllecUon. a one-year contract. It waa Ult loweat ot !Ive blda 1ubmltted, the othera ranging up to $1.26 on the 1&m11 bul1, A lower bid on two and tour year contracUI were o!· rered by another company, but councilmM remarked they are f11.mmar with the winning com· pany and de1ir1 to 'tut' tht pn· vale enterpr1111 collection with only a one-year contract. Pause Recess Trial for • In Week SANTA ANA OCl"SI -The conspiracy t o obstru~l JU1Uce tn· al or Hermsn Psus.. Arthur Gor- don Eldred and T&keo Tltokeko- ahl 1tood ln rere111 today and wtll continue at 10 11. m. Monday- th• tourtecmlh week. J'lut •ec llon of th~ city to be a!tected will be a 2000-home •~• In the eo11thwul parl. Il wtll cover an area bn11ndrd by the city limit• on the 1n11th and wut. And Nico· lu Ave. on the eul. 1oulh ot the <'rel'k chsnntl to Brookhuret Ros<1. then north tn the Ssnl& Fe Rllll- road tra<'kl we11tw&nl. Superior Court J wlge Frank· Un G. We11t Tuu day &!ternoon denied mollon1 for directed ac qulttal verdlrt11 on behalt or the LT. COL. H. V. HUNTER. 61 • defendants. Ht slso d • n 1 t d Thfl bid WU ror 9() C'entt1 per month per acllvt water meter on Loa Alloe. retired engineer, now Stanford ttndergrad -"I expect many retired men, trained on the technical slde. to rtturn to um· versllle11 tor cultural etudle~ that wtll help them enjoy life." & pro11e<·ut Ion mo lion to reatore a pile ot Cox documenlJI Into the evu1rnce. The trio Is &ccuted ot. unlaw· fully tr1U111ferrtng JapanMe-Amer· lean liquor llcense1 t o thl• county LARGE UHMAN TURNOUT DUE The ever-pl'W'Ot Lehman dtnpiM will be only one of the many di.nfby, amall boat, and large boat ct.... taming out !or Newport Harbor Yacht Club'• an.nual Race Week ~rie. on Aq. 27-28. -.Beckner Photo • RORERT W, BACHELOR No. 1347 Newe·Preo 8119(56 SOTICE TO CllEDITOR8 No. A HIOI Eatate of ~ra L, Lawrence deceaat>d. Xotlce 11 hereby 11ven by the underalgntd Martan C. Bulhllng Admlnlstratrix or the Eetale of Vera L. Lawrence dKe&Md, to the Credltora or, and all per11<>n1 having clAlma &g&Jn1t the 1&1d d~eaaed, to pruent them with the necraaary vouchers.. within six montha after the tlrat p•1bll· cation of lhla notice, lo the aahl undeniicned at the office or Ro- bert A. Eastman. 123 E. Broad· way, City ot Coat& Meea, Co::nty of Orange, Stale of Calltorm&, which aaid office the underalgn- ed aelecte a.a a place ot buslneea ln all matters connected w llh said Nl&te. or to tile them with lhe neceNllry vouchers, within alx monthe alter the rlr•t publi- ca tion of lhla notice, In th.e of- fice or t.h4! Clerk or the Superior Court ot the St.ale 0( Callfoml&, In and tor lhe County ot Oranse. Dated August, 5. 1965 MARJAN C. BUSHUNG No. 1345 Newa-Prua Aur. 1.2. 19, 26: SepL I , 11156 CERTD-ICATE OF BVSL~E~ nOTJTIOU8 rJAM NAME The underalgnt'd do hereby cerWy that they are conductlft& a met&I furnHure manutacturln1 bualneu al •16·3Lat Street. New· porL Beach. CalUomla .. under the !lcllllou• firm name of THINUNE MANUFACTURING COMPANY knd that aald firm 11 compoff.d or the following pereona, wh<>ff namee in tull and plac11 or re.ldence art a.a !ollow1, to-wit: CARL VENEMAN 3'12 Via Oporto Newport Beach, Cahr JOHN FRANK 1110 W. 18th S t. Santa Ana, Calif. Wltneaa our hand• thla 3r• day ot Auguat, 1955. I•! CARL VENEMAN ;I/ JOHN FRANK STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE IN . On thla 3rd day or Augu1t. A .. O. 1956, before me. ROBERT F. WILLMES, a Notary Public In and tor lhe aaid County and State. H · tiding therein, duly commJMioned a.nd sworn, peraonally appeared CARL VENEMAN e.nd J OHN FRANK known to me to ~ the peraona whoae nam~ are 1ub- scribed to the within lnatrument. and acknowledged to me tha t t.hey executed the same. In wttne111 wherl'Or, I have here· unto aet my hand and arnxed my official 11eal lhe day and year In t.h1t Certifica te tlr11l &bove WT1tten. /'II ROBERT F. WU.I.MES My Commiaalon Expl~• November 18. 1966 No. 1343 Newa-Pre111 8/6, 12, 19, 26. 1961) O'BRIEN MOTORS Dodge-Plymoutt. Costa Mesa 53 Plymouth ban. All the 23,000 miles ma cu late. Surbur- extras, -Im- 53 Chev. 4 dr. sedan. Auto. trans., radio, heat. 2-tone. A dandy. SO Ford V -8 ! ton piclcup. Heater, sharp, sharp. "Real luys" Chev. t ton p~clcup- 165 .00 (" Crosley station wa90n 145.00 1880 Newport BITd. us-mi DEADLINES for placing or cancelling adll are : For Monday Publication -Friday 6 p.m For Wednuday Publication• -Tuesday 1 rm. Yor Friday Publlcallon -Thur11d1y l p n1. :'\EWPORT HARBOR P\'BUSHISj)>'C'O. .Ull BAiboa Blvd., Newport S.M'll, ~lfom.la.. Classified Index l~Bulldin.: Sen 'ICf!ll ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM CLEANING It IRONING by lht day. ExperiPnced. Balboa Jlland pref,.rred. KJ 3-8098. tr YOUNO married man tor turn. c1rllvery tnu:k. O rportunlty f"r • •dvan<'rment Experil'nc11 not M C'l'aary --Martin Jl'Umlture Cn IM~ H1trbt>r Blvd. Ooela Ml'M. t2cH ATTENTION ALL BOYS - 'IIHE NBWS-PRESS I• now takln~ earner appllcallon1 for routee la theu ne1ghborhood•:-l ru .. ra1 NotlC'H % ('ard of Thank• • t •unf'1111 Dtrecto ... ID Bul'ln.,.• Ciulde 1n111all the above cheaper than mnal. Alao •ell Tile It Linoleum. Non·unlon, 26 yu.r• experience. Compare and ae.e - Do you have anta In your planlll ! l• there a big drlr In your houee ! Balboa, Wf'lt Newport, Balboa 111 .. Newport Helchta, Corona dfl Mar and Coal& MN&. 11 Bulld!nr Matl'rlaJ• 1 % Rulldlq Sfon1cea 14 f'f'nona.I• U f"llaril l 'our C'ar 16 1·rM•portatlon l'7 Roofln.( BILL COKER Har. •828 or Long Nervee on edre! Temper run riot! It you art 12·1" yr1. old, and bave a bicycle, apply at the Cll'C\&la- tton Dept., Newport Hanor New•·Pre .. , 2211 B&lboe BIYd .. Newport Beach, betw-10-11 L m. or •.a p. Tl\. oaly acept 8atUrd&)'11. tto 111 Beauty Aid• !O Bt&ltb Alda U Loat aod· Fouad U lkbool1, laatrucUoa H 81tuatl-\\'-tad H Help Wutfil Beach 7·11973. Sette ASPHALT TILE Aluminum Wall Tlfe Mtrn. Dlttrll>ut.oral Wbolea&le pricee to Contractora A Tile 8ettne HoUM f11.lllns ap&rt ! Don't jump off the pier' Call Handyman Slim-HA 48211 Many do better work ljl1t none charge 1-! hp96 10 lll-1laneo111 SC>-A Swapa LI 8-7493 68t!c Swedish Massage Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency 30-8 Appllaacee 31 \\ utt'd.. to Buy 31 FunaJture for Sale H·A AaUqUH SS 8-t11, SupRlletl H MW1lc-al. Radio, T \' S6 Do1•. (;at•, Pet• M l'oultry 37 LlVflfltO<'k SK ISpttlaJ Announcement 39 AutCH1 Wantecl 40 Auto. for Sale "._A T1rf'lll Ii Parh U Auto l'k!n ·lce n Trallen ts AJrpl-ee n Wan~d to knt. '8 Apt•. Ii Hou.11e11 for Rent '8·A Apt•. for Rent '3·8 HOU88 tor Rent ~ Traller IS.,att '9 Roome for Rent 49-A Rot Hom"" 49·8 Room & Board 60 Rat, Hlac. u st.o ... a °'"°" 51·A Bua!net111 Rt>ntal• ~' B~ Opportunltlee M Monf'y to Loan M Money Wantfil 57 Re.a! t:•tate \\ ant«od 80 ID<'Onlf' l'rojH'rty IO-A CemmerclaJ. JnudiutriaJ 61 ll#at t::~tat,. F.nhange 6! Rf'al E•tatf' Spedal N ottce. V' Newport Harbor --B.P.O.E. 1767 Meea every Thul'llday 8 p.m. Vla Oporto -Ce.ntraJ Ave. Newport Beach Albert H.'Matlhew1. Exalted Ruler lZ-BuJlding Sen·lces CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL R. o. An<!enon lOH E. Balboa Bl•d.. Ba.Ibo& Harbor 2450 83trc FOR RENT Sklll Saw1, Elec. Dnll•, P oh•her•, all type. ot Sandert, Wheelba.r- row1, etc. • B.OYD'S HDWE. 2830 W. COAST HIGHWAY Liberty 8-3435, Newport lkh 28l!c Elec. Tool Repair Skll Ssw1, Drill~. S11nder1 QUICK SERVlCE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4M l'\o. Newport Blvd., Npt.. Bell. Wbcrly 8·8383. 44Uc PAINTING I:"olTERlOR -EXTERIOR LlCEl'SED -L'\;SURED Glenn Johnston 601 -3 I Bt Sl. ~t'V.'J)Ort Beach Harbor 3178 22lfc Bookkeeping Service A 'M'E?'-'TIOI" ! Contractors, Storekeepere Neell eomeone to reheve you or thoae monthly bookkeeping wor· riea 7 Allk about our reaaonable ratea. Har. 4688-J 8'c97 RESULTS CET RESULTS! The New1-Prua publiabu mor:e (.:lualfled Ade than any other Mwapeper In the area.. Thia Painting & Paperbangin& We do the work ourselves. 30 yeara expertence Licenled It lnwred. sau.racuon ru•nuilttd. t.ADIES.-by appointment In your home. NO fee collected from applicant P'ORMERLY l'll&MeUM at Arrow· head Sprinr• Hotel. PLEASE CALL Harbor Harbor 0292. 47116 or 16p98 We have e1tceU. openlnp for Eatimatea tree. Call Jobnnle, LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 Sltfc 'CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnd1 FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 2ttt CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Home Need Repe.lnnc or Remodellnc r Call Frank, Wbert1 1--teM All Work Ouarant~d T•t.te House Plans LlBERTY 1-8251 lottc COMPLE:l'E PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGE:"E U. SAUNDERS SOO 3Jsl Slrcet, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. •H6. trc -------------Sec'ly., 8te:no., Otnl. Ottlet, EXPERIENCED GARDENER OARDENING It yard work by day week or month. Wberty 8·81311 llftrr I . Hett &a.le., Coal Acct. 6 llpt bouM· keeper-Uv• tn. BEACON PERSONNEL d3-31•l LICENSIJD real Mtate aJesman PENSIONER want.a odd jobe or or brok•r who I.a fllmlUar wtt" the area and not atraJd to work. part-lime work. "Jack ot all BA y It BEACH RICALTY tradM. Har. ll!IM·M. lllp93 3112 L&layettt, N.wpon Bcb. U• WOULD Ilk• to do. Bookkeeping ln my home. ~uonable. Har. 0390. 112p94 Roy's Maintenance CAPABLIC rn&ld to do 1rontnc and general clee..nln,r In new Irvine TerT&ce home, twtce a WMJc mu.t w..,. wlitona. liar. 6NO t lpN MAID f'OR MOTEL. 2400 WMt Cout Hlfhway, Newpor\ lkach L1 8-3083. 93<:15 Houae cleanlnr-noor waxtnr Wall wublng-wlndow clunlnf Venetian blinda. Upholstery lnaured. Free bllmatu Liberty 6-1332. 1ltc YOUTH WANTED to learn drap- ery It upholstery work, mu.t be Experienc'd gardener conac1enUou1 wortcer. LI 1·6618 LANDSC~ING tldJ . and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8•1659 General Contractor _______ 30_u_c WANT REAL ESTA.Tl: SAL.ES MAN or broker. Familiar with Harbor are&. Top comml•lol\ to one who want.a to make money It not atl"&ld to work H OUSTON REALTY l\ot Cen ter Bl., Co-ta Meaa. LI 1·4191 LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J ~Uc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO, BURKHARDT LH..."E!'JSED !:ONTRA<.~R 878 W. 18th St .• Costa Mesa rAl'NT1NG --1 M. W. ROSS LI 8·3:121 • LI 8·7823 280 A voC'IHlo, Co1ta Mell& 86tfc 14--PeMJOoala AJcobollca Anonymoua Write P. 0 . BCD 311 Newport Beadl, Call.f. Phone Barbot' 411~ Uo ·0 1•rLE avallttblt a.!lrr Sl'pl. ht to CA Rt:; fnr prnptrty during nwntrs Bbstnl'f!' Live an, t..oc&I l'<'fereni:"~ \\'rite P 0 . Box :lH . Corona tltl Mar. 8/26 ~~uty -~~·------ Superfluous Hair. PermanenUy removed f l"Om ac. anna. lep. Eyebrow• and halr llne ebaped-No more tweestna . ELL.EN l... BRYANT R. It. u'do·. Sllloa of Beauty Bar. 2678 tie ?2-1.A>At and Found --------- LOST pair or Arrow Wlltr 1kll1 wllh fllll bla.r k rubbtr toe• Left Ill B,.r k Bay Or. C'o Ski <'lub •kl remp. frlrtav llrtPrno<m Rrwartl otrerf'd. Woody Brooks. H1tor 2990-J 92c94 LOST In Bsrk Bay area. \.\"hilt lea ther pul"lle. Haa ldenllfica uon, sold watch It brt<'f'let. Reward Phon11 Har. 3428·MK. 93p96 29--H~p ~~)~-~~~~- 6 HOURS wrek can net you 1100 MO EXTRA INCOME, lncreaa· Ing monthly to build a 1ecure bus. or your own. Nn lnvt1tment Hyatt 4-7301. 91p93 GIRLS YOU will have an opportunity to advance In our f irm. bec&U84!1 of our preaenl ex· p1.n1lon prognm. The starting 11alary la itood and you w111 rectlve frequent lncrea.es. tno Jobll now fl)r : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - M 4"' No. M1.ln Street Rm. 211 -Sant.a Ana 9 00 to 4 :00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 73lfc WAITRESSES over 21 -THE CASTAWAYS, 17lh St, Qt! Cout Hlfhway. Apply 1f~r· noons. 92c93 -Eve. Har. ~2118-W. ltc P OSITION open tor younc man to aa•llt In circulation dept. Pe.r manent. full time employml'nl Nol a 1ummer job. Do not 2pply I! not permanenL SM Mr. Parry. NEWPORT HAR DOR ?>'EWS·PRE88, 2211 BaJ boa Blvd., Npt. e.acb. Harbor 1618. t1111 r ORIGINALS AFTERNOON. Cocktail, dinner dre111u It CoordinatH. CUSTOM DRESSMAKING Ph. Harbor 6~8-R l8cJ Drastic Reductions Up to ~<Viti ON SUMMER DRESSES, aepa ntee. orif1nt1I• 6 .. mple•. MARGlF. WEBB 1968 So, Cout Blvd , L8JUn& lkh 83lf• MEN. F'111l tlmf!' d11h wuhen SNACK SHOP. 2305 E . Coast H ighway. 112c94 MAHOGANY Oln"ll" ~l't, Wflf1~t wood It"' rttnjte. M•kt orter DANCING INSTRUCTORS Male Jr Female Earn up to $150 per wk. tr Y">U arc Intelligent, neat and &llraclivt and •re looking tor a bnlllanl career u an ln.11truc- tor, 11u~rvl101, Interviewer or .Har 0676-J 113c96 -F"OR SALE 3 o ral dia mond ta aapphlr" ring "ntl Em,.rald a diamond rtn1i <"•II Hu. 14~1)-M ror appf 112c11a 1000 branch m11nager then the KJ!'IG Emhn"''"tl hu"n"~ •1r •PJ'l"llntm,.nt STUDIOS or DANCING ere In· <·u oll• teruted In you It you •rt $4 95 exptlriencM we can pkc~ yo11 • 1mmedlate1y. Jr you are not LEON WHITE up we will t rain ynu. LI 8·~.t~.o or LI 8-4011 112t tc Apply between 1·10 pm , Monday -Fr1day 3440 Harbor 8081 \111 Oportn N~•port ~,.rh 92dH SECRETARY -Medical over 21 N r, mt <111111 4'Xp. ""~"'I. ~ 11 day1. St•rl 1200 LI 8-r;IO:l ll:td14 Fresh Hearing BATTt.:RIF.S Aid We Give SltH Crrrn Sl1mp1 Gunderson Drug Co. M111n t;t. al li•lbnll Blvll . Belboa tlarb<>r t11:. Htto -1 •HI r!'.t. .. :Y l'h1>h•,.llr1r I "t nir I~. \A, 1 a1 1nj!'hm1~r .. 1 .. , r•nll" Si~ ma1.t• ,,., 1 ~1"1 \' $'.It m•h">I: leadenblp ~u attalned ~aute ,,,. a-booi.. , ___ _.._ N.,..._Prtm Cluel.fted Adil pt -~------....__ ... _,..._..:: __ ...;.;;~-· rwuit.I MALE or F"EMALE halrllre_.r lo work 10 nrw. plla..ant ~h"P Evt!ry th1n1 rum11hed H11he•t guaranl.ff It comm11111lon pa.ltl. MARIO'S BM.A.RT BET -Har ~104. t0c4 IW'11 .-t111 ) J',IJ lh• ·1:~6·W 93('fift O&JJ Rarl>or 19UI, &ll)' "I want to China p aintin9 pla.ct a C1&.Ulrle<9Ad." and a111ort D&y and ~ a..... WANT cook ror even11\1 mnl. ad,..rt.t.l.nc "wlta comtnr your Ordera T.,._ Mow • MllA be to yn. oil ace or ov.r. __,, nc-~ Ml'f HU. C..U U M&N. tlcN - More Cla11ffled I• S.Ctioft Ill ' 1 I - • t IO-IOaeellaaeou1t ------·-·-----8ALES ahp It ('H h machLne, ma tched wall c&M It oounw, rhalre, phone 1tand. floor JU heatu, bamboo It whit• roller elt&dM. C HZAP. U 1·7M9 91ctl A.NTlQlll!:S -Old f urniture. out l'l&H . lampe, old plcturu, clodu etc Bar1!llN1 fa.Jore. Bir dl.a- <'Ounta lo c!ealera. Charlie Dav11. 1806 l!l. Ana.helm Sl., Lon( Bch. e&0-139. 29 lf c For lhoM who want t.he but Konkel's Interiors Uphel11ery, drapenea, bed.sprndl. 1Upcoven, New phone Uberty 1·7973 431 E. 17th St., Free l!!atlmalee COeta Mua llllc911 Movie Proiectors FOR kENT I-HM 18·t.OC 3:1·JOI HOBBT and MODEL AJ.RP'l .. U ll: SUPPUD Mears Camera Shop 17112 Newport Blvd., COolta Me• Phone Liberty 1-7042. Pr ll ~A-S,:~pe ______ _ \\I ILL SW AP my 21 In. Blonde MIJ111VOX TV In •ood Ct>nd. for p11r nf Hollywood twin beet.. LI 11·1310, 93c96 ltAJl;G!:S O'K 6 Mnrlt 42" clean $!19.M Kenmore 40" late mod S:i9.:'>0 f'r1e1rt11lre tll'cl 3"'' <1elux S89 M A pl 111.1.e ranee 20" SZ9 60 P ro11per1ty 38" $29.~ S2-F'unaJtaH for Sale ----·---- BY THE ROOMFULL HY THE HOUSEFULL BUY IT AT BAY TIJA TS WHERE YOU SA VE BAY FURNITURE "W'here Prlcu are held at Bay" -ALL NEW - LIVING ROOM OUTFITS B·p.:. mel chlng rnaplt wc.od arm grp. S'Ma. platform "°''ker, .-tub ch~lr, 2 11lep t'nd. I cofftt table, 2 rurtle ahade maple li1ble lamp1. Chol ct' of •mart l WM-dy. rover1 '3211.00 value . at Bay $~19.:10 B·pc. wrought Iron 1rrp. ln •nappy 11tunn1ng mod. etyllng a.nd etur - dy too. Latut col(lr echemu. ice pink, charcoal, bt'lge or powlJ~r blu~ lncludu bed divan, luung.,r, ottoman, 2 atep tnd1, 1 rocktall table I plut1c t opa). 2 table l&mpa. ~$319 5(} Vallie at Bay SI 99 :.0 11-pc curved center ~l. grp . con- a11ta ot 3-pc. aecllc>nal with uur- a bl., top &'"lde cover, 2 1lep t'nflli, 1 cnektall tablf!, 110hd Hh turned leg11 with br&M fl'rrulu, 2 mooern J way 10W1tcht'1 table lamp• S3:i9.:IO valu" Al B11y $249 :10 BEDROOM Ol:Tl'ITS 6 pc. g roup Includes 9 dr. I r1 plC' dressrr. 30x48 be\'CI e<1ge ph•le mirror. bookcase headboard. Sltepmuter lnnt>rspr mRtl. I 10 yr. guar.1 matching bnx 8pr . mrtal frame $289.110 value st Bay $109.:IO 8 pc. grp., inclu<il'A 8 rtr. rtrt'~Sf'r, 30x4-0 bf'V•'I f'dge m1rrnr, book· c11.'M! headbollrd, 2 nllc -t•nrl11, guar. lnn•ricpr. matt .l box apr. ml'tal frame '219.:10 value at &y $1:19.M KITCHEN GROUPS ' M-~aalcal. ft9dlo. T V ---- TRADE AUGUST SPECIAL! Be&utltul T().lt. aux. 8Chooatr. We nHd Mvera.I uprlrtit plana. tor YaU rental& l':lltra 1.&rse trade allowa.ncee made on any Spinet pl"-.'\O or Electronic or~an a t SHAJ'ER'a MU1lc Co.( Sine• 19-07) 421 .... 21 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana. Ph. K l. 2-0872. F\llly found. So &A,YWhue. WW • t&k• 9QWty la property or llMAl- l•r boaL 1220 W . B&Jbo& Blvd., Newport. Har. SOU. Slit.re UI FT. MOROANCR..U'T, 88 in. beam, 211 h.p. Evlnrud• twl.n M-Dop. Oat.a. Pets el.clrlc. 2 tcoop bait tank. nur----- ly new. fuU price '976. Contact ).fUST SACRIP'JCE Jo. .Myen . c/o 8&Jdy'1 Tackle KERRY BLUE TeMitr pup1 AKC Shop, Harbor J61. 19p9t re&11lered -U 1-2023 or L.1 28' STEELCRAFT flllh1ng boat. All equipped. rudy to go. BRAN'D NEW wlt.hln 6 houn running time. Coat $7200. Sick· nu11 torcea nle A real bargain al U 9911. Har. 3209·R. 87ttc FAIRUNER 26 tt. twin 11crew11, grey fire balla la&ded. Al con· tlltion '7,7:10. Ll 8·6710 83Uc WANTED to buy Approx. 10 fl Glu~ dinghy w1lh nr without tailing gear. Call U 8-8713. 92p94 24 FT. L.ATE MODEL EXPRESS C'rull•rr Xlent coodlt.aon Fully tqu1ppeJ for f1&hing Chr)-.ler u nwn engln,. Sacrifice by ow11- f'r. Har. 2403-J 92c94 I 12' Boal . .. 14' lnl>Ollrrt Launch Both gOQd condition 118 • 38th Newport Bf'ach 113<'9!) RU\\' BOAT .l Evin rude molnr. $126 3712 Chanel Place, Nl'W· pnrt l11land. 93p06 SNIPE. Hll.~ It <lolly goOd con<11· 11nn $400, 232 Via Ebolt. Ll<lo l~lr. Har. OOH ·W. 93c95 30 Ji'T HI ·NT P:xprflM Crul~'r R11tg•r1 tor Albacore. JfYatl •·6260 93c96 8-&662. '92cll4 POODLE PUPPll':S AKC reglatered tlneal champion pedjgree. Brown A black small minaturu. with wonderful di•· poaltion, F lrtl time advertl•l!d for dlscrlm lnlll1ni; pe1 11on who w1U1t1 A will care for the b.,11t. Har. 4077-R. 92c94 3 KJT'TENS to be given away free. LI 8· 7&6:1. 93c IRISH SETTERS, 3 mo·a. AKC Champion alre A da,n. Reaaon· able :19113 Coldbrook Lakewood. Torrey 8-1979. 93p96 WA:'\'T good home for lhorobred rnale dachshund Black a nd tan. 2 yn 01<1. Small. Hu had •II 1hol11. Har. 2009. 9Jp94 GMC Trip le Checked Used Trucks ''2 Chevrnle.t ~ T. Pen•I '!\O GMC 1 t T. P1 C'kup '.'H GMC 12 T. Pickup ·~2 C'h .. vrol"l 12 T Pant'I ':'>3 Dodgt' '2 T Pickup 'M Chevrolet ~ · T. Pickup. v v Check these Used Cars Buy fl"OID a loc&.I dM.ler wbC> wUI b9 beN l'OMOR.ROW lo Md! Up what ba Ml1a TODAY I BE SURE! BE SAFE! BUY THE BEST Select a 11SAFE BUY'' Used Car from our overflowing stock and save! ALL SOLD ON -3-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE '53 '52 '53 '54 SEE US TODAY! . Willys • Hard-top, new finish. Radio. Heater. Overdrive. Mercury 4-dr. Radio, Healer. Overdrive. ExceUent mechanically and real neat appearance. Oldsmobile 98 Convertible "t • Like new, Power brakes, Radio, Heater White finish. new tire11. Mercury Monterey Cpe. Low mile?.~e. Mercomatic, Radio, Heater, Power Brakes. full vinyl interior. $1099 $1199 $2099 $2299 WASHERS Bendix autn ""'"IL ronrt 1.Aun<1er11l w M kll ok GE Autnmauc late model S79.!IO 1:19 60 $99 :I() $29 60 7 11(. 1rfl. int I, 8 2 cf. Philco refrig .. has cr0811 top frt'f'7."r, mP11l .tt rrillpl'r treys, alvlv .. 11 In donr, butter ktepu. 25 F'T MAHOG. Planked Cru1~e1 wtth MHcury marine flll"'1 motor, It trailer. Reaaonable. See al 21J:'i Union, Coat& MeH. 1.-vu A Salul'daya 1. 93p9:'1 Hydra-MatlC' Trans Thunderbird 't8 Chevrolet t T . 6' Slake • • $3499 Bendix a utomll1I' RF.FRIC ERA TOR~ Coldapot 6r f GE 6 t'f clun St'rvel 1pl 111u \' .11t·uum clean era, $9 9:> to S19 96 SJ9 M $69 60 $79 :l-0 36" Well built i:as rang... 4 IJurnH <11vldf'd top, oven l'Ontrol 4' btOlll'r, ~ pc dlnC'tte &el 1 L'hrome nr black I 30x40'' Mica tnp l'Xten11fnn l11ble. 4 fnam rub· bf'r seat chalra S4:19 60 value U Bay S349 50 BAY FURNITURE STROOTS HDV.IJ;. Ho1u1ew11rea 42i E lilh --Costa MeM 1802 Newpnrt Blvd. Coit.a Mesa BelwHn Tu1lln It Irvine FOR SALE -t•otdapot rl'f. With I Open Eve~. til 8 new unit. S40. Call Kl 6·2H2. tt -. l GRF:EN SlMMO~S Hodt-a·bed, USED AUTOMATICS Inv• ""et .!llH S~O Har. H 82. $J9.50 f Q $99.50 JO& Abalone. Balboa 18111;:~94 Delivered ln111.aJlld.. g uuanlef'd. 6 Cl . Fl. F"RlGII>AJRE. Sim. Term• available mons Hlrle·A ·Berl. lov• 11tal, box Henderson's Automatic Wuher Service 2643 Nswport Blvd., COfll& M"8 U 8· 1808 I "~"r Ci<>lf Course\ pr lfc 11prrng11 .tt matlre11s. All exc-el· 1.-nt condition. H ar. 23t 4·MK 9 1d l3 ODDS It ENOS ulld furniture & mllltrt'ASel. $tore(! In C&rage. M'1111t dlll(>o114' r>t &l ANY prt~f', HRrbor l783·M. 91r 9J 22 1, "" fl l'PRIGHT F"REEZER FOR SALE-Dining room al'l 11n11 11u0l 1 ninnthl' C'11.!lh, termll or I vnuth bed, •o:s Santa Ana Ave . l1a11e HYall 46127 93c9:1 Newport Hel~hll. Call evenings 19~1 GIBSO:S refriit. 11 ru fl.. hk" new. LI 8·6310 626 St Jam,.~ Rl)lld :-; .. w porl B•llch 113c96 Washing Machine ~F;RVlCF t-~·ear rw.11nTee on Jow done a.no on Ulll'd wubua 2488~ tre&rJ Newport 81., CO.La Mee& Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8-4327. 64tfc Sl-\\'ant4'd to Ruy --~~~~~~~-"'~~-~ CUNC'RE:TF. MlXF:ll. 1111e<1 I with· nut 111nl(lr •. F'or <'llllh. Ph. Hill Cnk,.r. Hs r 48:.IR nr Lonit n.-ti 7 ·!11173 1 olltct. 8Pc94 St -Fum ltnff' for Sa.le Sofa and Chair 9lc93 Mesa Woodcraft Unpalntf'd & J11venll~ Furntturf! Moo. ~ dr. <l~11k 19 95 Sl'cl. Bk cues frnm 5 411 Cornf'T Cupboanl l i 9l! Compl.,te hn~ 11npa1ntl'd fum . 11ofl a nd hwd. Minw~ 11nd Deft fln111hc11 Orders lakf.'n for tihUlterl! 2121 Hubor, C.M. Llberty 8·164:1 BY rRVINF. Tf'rrare OWnl'r Like nrw, llot (l<11nl ranJ:t>. Dtn<llx wuhrr & tlr.v.-r Calif li hnps Colomnl thn1ng rt'Ulll A<'l , Whl\e Frt'nch PrJ \'lnt·111l bedroom set. llrexel pint Eatly Arneriran ta- ble11 .l rhairs, mndt>rn lulJlrs It 11tudio l'OUCh, honk ru1t11. ln mps, F.lrrtrolux, ro::11tn. Plc. '• price lit 11·~. Phone llattx>r :l!SfW 91p93 T\\'J:"\' he•ls romplf'lr. hca •l1Joa r<111. 1 "•Pd but Rn<od 1111 nrv. \'"n' l'lt'Bn 1 2 <'ht'J!t.<t, nlte 11llln<1. S1:'l GF: In fin,. F lf'IZ" rllver C'nnvHt~ 14-tt 1leep frf!ez.e. Sl:IO Patin Io comf nrtablt' IJ!'tl tA-11.. than rr'1v. oo<l tahle a: bl'n<'hl!ll, s 1 :'> t \'f'Ar nld O:"\'L Y S!l9 ~O f'()R Snhd walm11. ratl1r> Ir :t· .. ,-w-eit BOTH PIECES rhnno1rr11ph ronblnllllnn, F' M - Chrome Dinettes C'l,OSl ~G Out 111 11 frarth•n nf nrl11n"I rrh I' Snml' Ill I J rl'I? pr1n Don't muA thl11 clM" out Modern Lamps N EV.: 20 at ., n>K fllll'f'. SnnH• In p111r11. J.o t11 M slnglt' lamp11 11nd 1111 br11n(I nf'w You m1111t hurry to hllVf' a f(<l()1l 1l'lect1nn. Sectional, 2-pc. SlOO. Rugs. Ha r 2369. 9 1<'93 BLO:"\'flF. moil r1111lnm mll•lf' lll· blP11 l..11mp11 &: hook r111:11. 2 mRtt &-11pi:s . rl'frlg .. Therrna· tlllr 11t o\'e, 6 b41rntr. 2 oven:oi, & N01r~~ 4-hurnPr ~.111<. Spr.-n<I .t blll~t"r" C'harlrl'\llle A: Hrnwn Hllr 24 2:1. 91 r 9:1 Dale's 1..11 rite rrrlwornl ht>nrhe11, Furniture $2011µ lltblf·~ & $1!1 [>II llt'l 26 FT FlSHlNG Boal wtthout m•>klr very r•uonabll'. Mr. Gurla1de 700-311l St. Newport Br11ch. 93c9:i NORTHILL 11nchor, 26' chain and 100' new ~ • ltne, SJO. BoardJng laddtr fnr 30"40' boat, U O. N'w Navy 8-clay ahlp'1 clock, S211 Padtlles, lanterns and cabin 11:1mb11l11 lamp, cheap. 22' lite ring, S7. Wtn<'h handlea, 3 for $7 60 lnq. 106 Via Menton!', Lido Ille wef'k end• or Crt11l· Vll'W 8-8666 Wttk days. 811p9!1 FOR SALlt m norlnfC In N. Bay at A methysl St.. 11hore mooring 118ml' loullon. 323 Amrthy1t. 8· rt Gl1111-. dinghy with oar11. $85. MAdll!On 9-2861. 90c93 28·FT. MAHOC. PLANK CABIN cruleer. Sleep1 t . hl'ad, galley, 93 h.p. It bal~ tank. $198:1. u 10 River Ave, N•wport. Harbor 3:140·R. 81Uc; 10 F'T. BOAT W'IU\ <1olly. Xlenl. r ond. $7:1. Har l&M. 92r93 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent Am"l'lcan Legion 2tl!·15th St. Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m PRt! M-Musical, Radio, T V BECHSTEIN. One of the world'• itresteal planoe J ust like new. Gnod tor gPneratlona. You will be t hrlllf'd lo hear and plt.y thla magnortr .. nt lnstn1ment. The hlw price will e11tonlah you. Other gT!Uld• ,.. law a.8 $49!i. DANZ-SCHMIDT Big Store, :120 No. Main, Santa Ana. Open F riday EVI'. HAMMOND ORGANS. Little u~Pd, One only f&mou1 ,.a1y to play C"'hord Or~an. One beautiful Rplnt l MO<lel. Wonderful tor church or home. Very llberA.1 11av1ng on t.hue two lovely In· 11trumtnt11. DANZ·SCHMIDT, !>20 No. Main. S11nla Ana. Opt'n Friday Eve. 1-1:"~~ 'h1l·kpnn1t pia no $29 llO dn .. s 111 ~r mo al S HAFER'S Music Co (Sine" lllOil 421·423 :>:. Sycamore!, Santa Ana Phone Klmherly 2-og;2. RE:"\'T a pMctlce piano u low a..s S:I per mo. Lt'l th• k 1ddlc11 h•n 1 n A II term rent apphu It you buy IRler. DA NZ·!'lCllMIOT. 1120 No. ).fain. RantR Ana. 100 plana. from Whlc•h to ChOOH . Body ':14 GMC •.' C A C, Dual1 ':12 Chevrnlel J T Panel Fordomatic. Power seat. Brakes It steering. Black Convertible. ·:n Chevrolet 2 T . l 79" we. ,51 Ford 2 Spet'd. II: 2:1 Tl ru $1099 '!H International Ll60, 2 Speed 8·2:1 Tlru ':14 Dodgl' 2 T , 4 Td. Dump, Famed Victoria. New tires. Radio and Heater. Fordomatic. Brand new finiah 2 Spet'd. 11·2:1 tlrea. 'SQ ·:12 GMc 10 Whtt1 Dump. 9.oo Chevrolet ttrn • • s 899 W• are onr1tockl!d on ulled trur k11, no r•uonable otter r•· fu11ed. 35 unlta lo M"lect trnm, Save t ime and monl'y by af'l!ing u11 flral. W. W. WOODS GMC DEALER 815·HI E. 4th St. Santa Ana Opt'n Sunday A.M. TruC'k Headquarter• tor Orang• County STOP '55 '55 '51 The wondel"ful Sedn't Full race. U. S. Royal Supreme tires. Radio, Heater. Special interior. Lincoln • Luxurious Capri Cpe. This car hu everything on it. Save $1400 Mercury • .. Famoua Monterey Cpe. Loaded with extru. Dodge . . . . . . . . 4-dr. Sedan. Brand new blue finish. Radio and Heat.er. One owner. $3995 $2799 s 799 TAKE A LOOK AT THESE • '51 Chevrolet . $999 you'll STOP LOOKING '60 Ply. 2 dr. '50 Studt Champ 'H Chev• dr. A II three u cep, clnn and reedy to r o. BANK TERMS. TRANSPORTATION SP~ '38 Fnrd 2-dr. Run• J'ood. R t. rear fender ott .. ·u F ord Conv. ul. tran1. for . '48 Pont •·dr. Sedan Good rubber It run• lrood S79 FRANK LE FEVRE USED CARS 2612 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. ~021 92c93 SELL OR TRADE equity In 'tl2 Oltla 98. Har. 2560 •fler Ii. 92c93 48 PONTIAC. • dr. Sl00--2:114 .Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. 92p94 '48 \HRYSLER W1nd110r Conver· t1ble cll'an It Xlent motor $376. Snuit Harbor TrllOer Park Tr111ll!r JC Ph. U 8·9080 92p94 41-Aoto Se~ Moto r Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ·········--·---$48.88 8 Cyls. -····-·········-··-·$58.88 Station Wagon. All metal. Clean. Powerglide,, Radio and Heater. SEE THESE AND MANY MORE at JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY Open Till 8 :30 LI 8-5545 900 W. Coast Hwy. --------------- Newport Beach LI 8-5545 "PENNANT WINNER USED CARS!" BELOW MARKET PRICES 1953 DESOTO V-8 4 door. Sedan. Jet bla~k . Power steering, pwr. brake.a, torque drive. wsw tirec. Local one owner car. Immacu- late. • ·-·-··· ··-··-·--··----····· . Only $1595 1954 FORD Club cpe. Light blue. overdrive. heated. Excellent condition. Looks new $1495 1951 CHRYSLER lMPERlAL 4 dr. eedan. En· gine rebuilt. Full power, original black finish. New seat cover11. Worth much more, ... .. . ...... . . ... Only $109:5 19:>4 PLYMOUTH &talion wagon. Hydrive, Radio & Heater. Sand and Gr~n color, wsw tires. Deluxe model .. . ......... Only $1995 LOU REED . ·. - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 1 ·PAGE I FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 W AN1ED WINTER RENT AL 1 bdrma. & 3 baths, !orated on L1Jo l shrnd, Wtat Bay Ave. or Ocean Front nrar C'nth<'h<' ('hurt'}\, We have a bonafide tenant. DUNCAN HARDESTY. Rea ltor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Rc1H h Harbor 4718 '3-Apta. & Rouse" for R.4-nt 4~Apt"-I: Hnu"ff fo r R.4-n t !iO<l!SSUZC:: Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St.. Npt. Bcp. OFFERS Delightful li\'ing. ApL·Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For app~. or reservation. Call Har. 2992. 1951 Spartan BALBOA ISLAND Royal Mansion 1 IJtlr~i"f' "~: fnr th•"• yriy. ST!\ 33 FT DINETTE. lw111 btrl~. 2 bilrm. olxr. -...... Sl31\ \oni11<1n trad,-. 420 w 1 ~t ~ h<:lrm. a balh . .. ·-· .Sl7~ Tu1tin. !12p6 2 bdrm. 11nf11r ...... -... Sll'i -----------.=·'--' -A ND WI N"l'!lR 18 FT c-t·~TIS \\'rli.thl trall..r S.~O •n<1 up w~ have many. tfl. $4:'10. H11r MU E\'l'S. 4211 \'la clud1n~ h11 ytr11nt~. Lido N nrd. 91lfc l1R F'LOAT Trlltlf'r hk" nrw on hnut1f11I Ll<111 P11rk lot nur bay. Xlent. bu)' -Har. 31116-W 92r94 WILL SACRIF'IC'E MODERN '411 .o\.Jn"tcan 31', I Bdm1. Trailer May be ll'l'n evu. at lnl 34 Trallaway Park 1782 S. E HJ· way 101 ·~ mile So. of Tu~tln. • 112p9• 47-Wantf'CI to Rent Rentals Wanted NELDA GTBSON. 'Realtor Joe t.18rtn, Ave. RAlhn11 l1<lanr1. Harbor l'I02 no11h"t1 hlllh11. $1'Jll I h•lllll", 3 bedroom•. l l,, nlr• yrtrd s .. ~ llftf'I' 821 W. Bay Av". Balboa pr 9 ~ RENTAL r', SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cft!J Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Marin• Ave. ~alba& laland, Har. 16Tl T2tte W• need apta and bc>UM9 tn &I MCUona for bot.ti 'lrillter and ,...,.. • 1-. l'Unl. ~ un1uru.. u 7ou ha .. a •acw1. ~A-Apta. for 8-t pboo9 toda7 The Vogel Co. Deluxe Furn. Apts. HOl W. Cat. Hwy., Newport Ilda. One 6: two bdrm., wtlh tel .. vl11fnn Pbon• Llberty 1-"81 Ava~leble for 1umm•r or win· IOI M.utne, 8&Jboe la&an4 ter. Al..80 yearly 1..-. Pbooe Han.c. U. 1n Heart of M!llvtty -Lota of IM7 JI:. Cout R7., Corona d4ol Mar pa.rk1nr. f'llOIM B&rbor 17U 607 E. Balbt>A Blvd . R11l1Jn11 Udo ~. MJ.e Via Udo R&rbor MOe. llll1fr Harbor ••'71 lftte WANT TO RE1''T -By Sept. 20 Garare or upper l bdrm. nr 1tudlo a pt. with garagr. Clean, well locatt'd ln Newport Htthll. or Corona del Mar a rea. t:nfurn or riert. Yearly. Nol over ~ per mnnlh. Incl. ulll. Chr1i1t11111 lady. Wnte Box J-2S. lhla paper 91<'93 LOCAL MAN with 11-ynr-old deughter want.II boa.rd,and room In de111 rable home or rent two bdrm!' with kllr.hrn prlVllf'i.tNI. E11rPlll'nl tefl'_!'~nCf'. Wnte Mr. Gto Butcher. c o Box K·26. thl1 PIP"' !1Jp93 Lido Isle OTle ant! two bdrm. a parl rnl'1llA .F'urn1MI~. CarR1ff'll Y•arly 111 winter l"lrllal Har. 6876. 911 i.11 STUDIO APT. furn .. I Ulta hl .. ft\1 bualneat penon. Trly. ren1 .. 1 $1., mo -ec>8 Lark.spur, Corona ''"' Mar afler •:30 pm. 9 1.-!1.1 LARGE n,.w 2 betlrm. unf11rn Apt. with ()('4'1ln vi-6 pAllO, Corona H1ghlande Har 116811 92('94 MODERN tum. apt . pr~" cll•p .. vlll. pd. --a dultJI, ""1111 yrly. S7!1. Har 08.~3-R. 112rn4 2 BDRM. !um. h(lme winter or - yearly. prefer l'lln&I with ahp. 2 HURM. 2 BATH. parUy furn. Box L-27 c;o thl11 papl'r. 9:1p94 itaraire apt S 91) mo. y rl\I. c:eraJil W. R1lrhl11 J'h. nfflr" Hllr. 83. 92t'94 RETIRED w lilowrr w11.11ts lo rPnl furn J bdrni houM, In qu1tl ------------- & lllCP nl'•"'hborhood. C°81l (,J $70 mo yearly .... .. 11-!1168 112p94 NF.'r\'LY <if'rnrlltl'd, wf'll furn. "'" WANT WIN'TER RENTAL. TWn In Triplex F A. ll 11l Ji:llrh bf't1room tum1ahe<I C'nupl!' wtl~ "'1'"fl011"1· AiJultll. H rtr. !'1:14\li 11mall baby A dog. Rtf Prenres. ____________ 9_2_r_1H I'll)' tn $80 mo. L1 8·iP13 g2p94 REFT:"\'En AUl'rne .... rn111,I·· ,,,. .. II e nil',. hOu•I' or apt 1<1 3·36111 Mnn. thr11 F'rl J11.y11 113c AITRAC'TIVE OCf!IU'I '\1Cw 1 bdrm. 11rt, partl"llY furn Suitable fnr rtouplt S7:'1 nh1 yrly M~. W. 11\lh. I ·,.111a M .. 1111. C-1111 9 to /\. liar 1\11 .llfltfr BAY FRONT. <'11rn11t1nn Cov .. 48--AptA. ll Hou~ for ~..!'..!. 1111rl• x "''nlrr "r v,.11r I"""" 2 IJ•l1 m. lt1111l11n1 hl'll l J;RrlJll l?" Choice Summer Rentals on t11i.p. HM ~.21W1 P1t tr Balboa Island & Lido Isle -. - . -OS ~. Hl-.l •P.M . nlt1•lv r11rn win Small It cozy nr large 6 dl'IWle 1,.r Aol.,llv <;.ir~i;" $~•:'! ,.11, S7!'1 lo $300 month I Iii :101h Nrv.1"111 !l:llf• VOGEL CO. l il11-:1 ·H~1 Ti1·1 ·1 .~;x .• 111k 'I"" 2011 Marine Ave .. B11lbt1a l~la n'1 f11111111" 1\1•111 "'111.-r k 1:1111 1•t1 Ph. Hllrbor 444 or Harbor 21:.1 I 1-.•, "'" .. 11 '""·"' 2'o2 1 S•'>•Vll'W Rvi. Har. l786·R or Har. 30r1!1-M 1 Jln1 11\:!'t .I ll:l.tl!'I 64lfc -------------1 B" \' \'II-:\\' "l•l "" L1tl11 1'••11111· OC'l-~A:"\'FHC1:--'T SJ""'""!<l 111 "11 "" hr1ol 1111 r1 !1vo , T·\USHION In rOlll' tre1ze w grf'y ninu editing. Rei: priced at $289 :\0 11ll1thlly 11h<>pworn Bran.I nl'w-StOO. Of..F. Two Chr<•m" 1ltnl'llr ~t'lll S34 :10 &. 4!1 :10 LARl ;t::: SlPtnway "B" Ora.nd plann m 1w 1 (rel play111i;r rnnd1tlon \\'111 t11ke KO<WI pl.uin In tra1le SHAFF:R'S ~l111tc t'o, tSlnre J!ll1i 1 421·423 l\' ~yrnmorc. S!Lnla Anll Phnnft Kl111bt'rly 2-116i2. Include. both labor an<1 parts. l'<\'W nnj!!I, Wrll!t pins, valve Jo:Tlnd. fittlng.11 nf mRln and rod bearings. ExP"rt motor tune up. 90-<lay nr 4.000 mill' guarantee. (NO MONF.Y DOW:-ll. 2 bdrm. F:nr tn .. .,tl )IB!lto v11llo•v J• •n,.l•·d ltv0111· '"""I h•IV.'•I flt •, CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER hnllM11r1 '"''rlyv1 .. w :-:11101m•·1 ·• '"""·" t.· nkr, .. 1 1t111 1·nr•11 n MARTIN FURNITURE CO. llnl', A II mMlrl11. F'rPf' pr actice room8. Mo<ltrn fl!lk drop IPAf <110111~ ro.1m HAMMOND ORGANS. Full tablt with ch111rs 4' sttrver REBUILT ENGINES -UP lo HI MONTHS TO PAY- Bu1lt In our oy.ol\ factory by 1kllled mRchln110ts. Don't contend with the middle man. Buy direct. 18811 Harbor Blvd C'oela Me.a I Wberly 8·:1131 so1 ~o Wf'tlgpwood apt. 111xe 11tnv1'. l.IKE :\'E\\', automalh' nven. 1·r S i 9M ~-----------~ UK£ NEW S260 Oril('lnal Contour 8 FT r.. F; RC'trlit. Xl1•nt r nnol chair $12:1. Kl 3..(1423 aflt'r 6 -1 $:1!1 C-nff..,. lllblr Sil Sps<'t 93c9:1 hrattr Si !10 3 !hrow niit~ J 20. Har 171·\\' C-1111 m nrnm1ts C.Hll.DRl:NS dbl d~aur n•rt111 I P2c94 r.painl~ $10. U 8·:1278. 93c ----------- Bl:A tmP"llL 4 po1ltr mAhoir t""1n bedroom fft lncluM1 bfodll, bolt 1pnnr• Ir lnntr apnn1t matlrH•u like new. chl'n nf c1rawen 6 d~ .. er with mirror Very n lct wt b11l ne9<111 rt· tlnJ1hlna 1300 LI 8· 104!l 93!'9:'1 NEARL.Y NE\\' R""t c .. ra.1. mod- ern foam rub~r loungP 1 hair $4 i .:10 s .. e eves t>r wf't'k l'nd. LI 8·629i 92c94 SOLID MAHOGA:'-:\" en<I tAblC.11. Sl:I, COl'kl11U table S2~. t ir,.xeJ dln1n1r r()Om •ultt . tablr, 6 l'hr11 .. r reJ•nu buCfet. $200 Ha 16P7R 90p93 2 RED dlv&n1 and on• 1tudln c60ch. Vf'ry nuonable. Har. 12n.R. 93c9!'1 !2-A-Aatiqoes MATCHING dannporl. chair • cofCH table. MApl~ flnl1h. Red uphol1ter-y SIOO. Har. 19~11 93c9:1 TWO vue.-. 14 In lllgh. l('tfU nf Emperor H'UsAN TUN. Rue It bu ut1t11I. writ• Box M 211 c o th11 paJ>tr. 9::1lpll4 Come In Rnd play on eny modl'l. The Crt!Lt Concert Organ, the H nm .. M0<lf'I. the Church and th" Rpm•l Modeb It you think REBUILT and INSTALLED .\'uu l'annot play, cnme In anti I SHORT BLOCK try lhr wnrld ramou1 Hammonrt , FORD ............ ·--····-·-···· Sl29.50 "'"'Y ln pl11y, C-hord Organ. You CHEVROLET ....... ·--·-····· .. $149.:IO will be astoni•h•d to find you PLYM. A DODGE ···-··········-·-St55 Nn play In tlfl"t'n mlnute11 I CHRYS. A DE SOTO-·-·-·-Sl70 DANZ-SCHMIDT Plllno A Or,ran STLL>EBAKER ..... ····-·-···-$170 Cn H ome o< the H~moncl. OLDS It POl\"TIAC 6 -·····-·· SI 70 1120 No. M•ln. Santa Ana. BUlCK ..... -.. -······-·· .. ·····-·····-$17:1 HAMMO~D C HORD O R G A 1'. Rea ulltul canoe. Waterfront 4()(\6 River Ave, Harbor 1606-\\' P3r USED PIANOS. 1trll nd1. 1pln.tts And upright.. Oood practlct' planoa u low u S123, SHll, Sl87 a.nd up. Euy tenn11. One only fll mou1 n1ake aploet 1llfhU1 dam~ed In ahipment. Brand ntw. Bir •vtn1. DANZ·BCHMlDT Big Plano AOr· pn SlOA. 620 No. Ma.Jn, Santa Aria. Kt. "DSON ·····-·· .. ··-.. -· .. ···-··-.. S 17:1 Loan Ctlr Free Towlnc NEW CAR GUARANTEE BIO<'k must mttt our 1tandard1 Plua lute, 1t81kela and oil Optn Sunday 10 a.m . to 2 p.m . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ~ Dally I to 7 Stat.. Bond.cl NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8.A.NTA ANA 1200 W. Coast Highway. Ph. Liberty 8-3486 I 11nd wontrr rl'nl11l!< ~ •• ,. "' 7·i1·11 •·x •'J•I '"' II""' "'"v" nn•I '"'"c -----------------------------\\' Ol'l'An F t .. nt :"f'v.p1011 l~d. ~· .. , \•Iv 1~ .. •1• l l'll\ lllfo. lint or t'l\ll lhr 12:12-W ~XI ~111 ''"'' :'.':°'d h II ,.,, \Ir 1<1111 .. , 11!\lfo 46---Aut°" for Sale ---------- '60 DESOTO DelUXI' 2-dr .. oriitlnal owTier :Xlnl rond1l1on. cl•an, 4i-Tralk"8 1-It Tt~>· "'I 'l - IX·fi-lfou"IM for ltl'nl ~PAN-AMERICAN * ROOMS. COTTAGE.'. APTS. ------------·· --- nA l.f\llA l:•l.1\ :"\'fl f)1 I t • J11nr Paramount-Terry DAY OR WEEK ,..111n 1 11 ... 111 .. 2 """ '· 111 v Kenskill TllE nu·F: Tn r MOTF.L ·4'1'\ F•· 1,. 1;,.,,.1.. ="•· 1 .. ,. h ·• $600. Htlr 0692-R. 9tc93 -------------- :-;.-wpnrt Uhil. Ju~t t lJO\I• Thr ni I I fl 11 lh'"' \I ll'l'f• Archu 74tfc _ _ ':'>3 HILLMAN MINX cnnv•rl. Ex· etll•nl condition Or ig inal own· ':'1:'1·4:1' Psn American er Har. 2344-~H<. 91c93 M-3:1' Pan Atnerlr en --------------'M-t l' Paramount. 2 bdrm 19:'1!1 CHEV BEL-A IR 4 <1r 'M-19' Keneklll l'f'd1111 J>'lWf'r jllltle, powtr brak· ·r.!1-HI' Keneklll e. It 11te,.n ng le~• tha n 2.000 MANY MORI!: -Euy Term1 m1lea Own,r, L1 8·4641 9:tc9:'1 BIG Dl8CO\,"NT on F1oor Modela, ---------1 '63 FORD vs r. pas•. cJ>t. ~4,000 I Port Orange Trailer Sale.a ml. 'J'wln •lO<'k plpea. hea<1er11, 2200 v.~. Cout Hl1thw1y LI DO !~LE BAr HEl,OR ant1 •tne 4' tv.o Mtm 11pl11 ~;hMt 1,.rm 11n°t yr 1'rl)' AUiU. Lido H<Jmt.1 a nd Rsy Frnr1t Hnmes an<I "flllMmPnt11 LI DO RF.ALTY Al'soc1atf'R 34QO \'la l.1'1ro. Hsrl~ot 44 44 l!!lt f• 0 . 0 , rad., wheel <11..c. w w Phone Ubuty l ·U 20 rustom ~Ill covl'rl-Paint oft Nl'wport Beach 8~r98 ~F:\\' Mt1 ,.1n unflnn lll'f'~rA'" ~ white. Rullv nl;~ Take lrade ----b .. rt11111m unit~ w11 h i "I"~' •1111" Su Frlln~ "t 2612 Nl'W· 19~>6 MAYFLOWER lrafltr. 30·fl. • " j ChlJlll' F:1ut ~'"" llJ• Kii• n I .. 'o• port Blvd., Ntwp. Beach Qr ph. Uaed only • monlht1. co~t S3800. M,.11 <.!u•"' ~·h••r r" ,1,1~ •I•· Har. 11021 92('83 1 Will aacrtflce for '3200 or ..... 111 1'lr"" \\'ill •H l""I" , hil 1 "''"' r 1960 FORD Convertible, cream I with black top w w urea over· I drive A heeler, n dlo. ccmunenllll kit. •pol light. prlctd lo H ll ~ Owl\er Har 2t2:1. 92c94 1 tak .. ama ll"r modem tralltr for ''"" rr Li ll·'ill:li "t• 11• my "qulty and you pay balanre llf about 11600. lo Pacific F l· nance a t SM J)f'r mo. Conata nrt Jian11en. 8"y S)lore Park. lilh and Coul Hwy, Lot 11. ll l p93 :St-:\\ L V t ot-;1 'IJHA TF:I • I 1, .. ,11111 l•1rn "Pl . YI l\' A•1ull\ $'<~1 "'" lnrlurl wet .. r • i-111 3:1 •, 11 .. ,.. • l)n Hay Har Z369 !!:lo lo~ I llALRI•.\ 1.<1111'1 "'"'"'~ 'I l•lll• t .n .. t , 1•r A• 1 '•"'•'"' '"" rt f•I" 4 I) llKI 111111 /. 41 .. • ~ l11n· • 1 ll • .. 1'1u·1 \ \ l ''1~17 Sl :J "'I T\\'1 I ftl J oltl 11 tM '•1111 I • llY ) !-. ,,,. "'""' .. , 1h(t , ·out. );t ''" :'\•'"I"''' I 1111•1 lf•H 1'.117 ~II\ ll l1 "" '"'\\' \'111 ~Ill :i h·lr111 v'llfrf'I, 111' f 1rn $1<11 11 l'tPf•1 I"""'" At H•l•JI• • ·''"~" " :li:li t '••UL t • ~• ( '11~r 't 'J 7M~2 flt I .1 11:.lf·"• 1 '111(11:'\ \ I 1~ I. ~I AH I' 11 llV 1•11 :! l1ol1n 11 ,.,, .. I r• 1·1 11 .. p111 1• ol•n 1•111 lttt•fl"lo l"'H '-11101 ., . ., , \I • J U'1 11 n 11111 l'•1f I•\ I ' I I -- I - PAGE 2 • I-ART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 6Z-BMI Eatate FRIDAY. AUGUST 19, 1955 REAL VALUES DUPLEX 1 o\ 2 BR. hardv."OOd 1~;R;~ BRAND NEW flllOrl Tiie Kit. A Bath. Stall Shower 6 'J.Vb. Good l:ut ah'lt' f>lst . 2 car Ca ri ge. YOU MUST Me thla one. 1.ow-rlo"''n Full price only 119.000. Euy Terma STORE and OFFICE BUILDING Opposite Newport Beach City Hall E le,·ator Triplex Complete Office Service OX LY 2 vr11 olrl 2 BR. •ach cor · ner Int· Modern bull Una Kil· ch"n \'trv n tal. Brst Eut aldt Otslrlct. • ·Cloee lo E very th lnit Thia ta a Stta l. EMy Terms Parking Available 334h Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. :'1."IC'E BUILDING Lot 12500. 00 x2:\0 Bt lt tr H t:RR Y on this nnr Har. 4299 -or call Olympia 2-21::10 collect. 91c93 488-HoUM'a for Rent FOR LEASE TWO BF.AL'T rFUL new Irvine Terract> unrur.i. vlt>w homes. I BDR~fS , 2 ba ll1s and t BEDR~1S, 2 j)aths r ail llarhnr I i7~ or lierbor U48 EARi~ \V. STAl'LEY. Realtor I rvrne Tl'tTRr e 'Otrlce C1Jruna drl l\la r . 33tfc f l:R:->. 2 t•C'•lr n•. hHn1f', 'by rnu rir yrlY. t;1u lll;!' A\'atl Sr pl. Ir>. llti \\'. Dri ' :->1-wpr1rt. Hi.rhor :\1186 hrforr noon. 8itfr Lido Isle At:O. ZT ,,, Srpt 111 $2:'>0 1An•I a vail. SPpl 11 fM w 1nt• r $12~. mo ) 2 bllrm P rn\'ln1·1al in1err,,r. r nmp1f'tt'1y furn. P 111111, f11 r rl tthl g ar. 2111 \'l1t OtJon. Hat l>or 411711-\\' 90r4 CORONA DEL MAR 2 n R tioun uMurn 11tnv«> .t. r10rrl1t. F1rl'f'lsr... dbl i:ar $100 mo R r&n'1 new durll'X 2 B R '" ''"rum . o<'t>~n vt .. w._ Jt15 mo Apt • rum . 111 11dln. F.xrd lnratton . Will l~ue l\l SM mo. THE VOGEL CO. 2M7 r;. C"i;t. Hwy. C'DM Hu. 174 I H R1 14 71 ---------------- RF.:XT i\ l~S 4 Bl"RM . 2 hath homt'. hu ut1f111 petr!', 11\'n ll SC'pt I. Sl~O mo S P:F. l"S 1 .. 1 HentRh• -Har. :Ill~ -M7 El\l'l B111boa Rlvd R11IM n. 9;!dl:; THR.EF: bdrm. h n11111" 11nf11rn. F.11~1 111dt r os lll Mesa $90 n 10 Optw n to huy if \lrlll r<'tl DA.-.; A . J ACOBSE:-\ I.I 8-6317 U~FUR:-.'. 3 bdrm. l hath dhl gRrai:;e. ll!iO roo ytnl' ro11nf1 Verv de..11 33 n cacon Buy !'\"~pnrl Rl'll l'h HH 2:1119 92.:91 $1 IT F: u 1-· OFFll 't ;~ f11r rrnt ln- 01,·111u.1t1y <1r ,.,. "' unit. AU Ol'W •n<I bea utt(ulty furn 1ahed. Ex- • .. 11 .. nt hw a t111n fnr .etork brokr r . 111 ' .. untint:" 111 m . rtr ><llurney. I 11n h~ 1<•11ll'd lllltUlnlllhf•I. lm- 111"•11•11" fl<'<'up11n y. I'· a. palnwr rnr. 1 /1)() w. rna!tt hwy. h 8-5573 9:?194 CWFICF: F OR RF::-\T ("l\·1t' Crnl"I' l..<'w11tlon. 21'><24'. $1;0. per nwn1 II. C HARLES !'.:. 111\llT, R ealtor 3420 \\' n a lbo.-Ul\'d . ~pl. Bt·h. ';';r:J& 2 •torr11 or nfflcu . 0111' 211x30. One J'.!x2~ Viw 1 <'nl $u1t111..tle tor rf'- t a1I buAlnPll~ or 11fflrr :107 F: RR1h!'a Bh·rt . Ma r :111116 116tfc Ll!JO OVF"lC't: RPA<.:F: -\\'ill 1111hl"t !'Jlll<'f' Pllltnl1lt• for &ltor· n• y~. t•ni:111r<'I • t tc-. Approx. 1:ix30 In !'hnppln~ area on Via Lido. Call r>on Cnle a!lernnun11 only . Hu . ~6:;o. ~9trc Modern Store FOR RF::-T. l<fl r"r ntl'l, P1.rk lnJ: farllltte~. rorr <'ll air hr11t, 1n11t- 11hle . 1n~uriinr•. rral "lllAlP, gilts f'lr. ln1111tr1• 40S F: n a thoa Hin t I lu bnr :!•liO 6!1tfc 53-A-Bu.o+in""S R<'ntals UJ-~SK S l'At 't·: \\tlh ph•>ne 11en ·1r " J:IO wo !IOi E llalll111i Hll·it H11lb1.a. I 'hi 111• •In"' ri 1111! s•·1 \'Ir" lll~n ll\&lfRhl" l h1r 36nti lifitfo FOR HE:XT -r ur 111~hl".t om r e In &•l'"<'lllt1nn w 1•h Rn Rttc>rn,.y T u ,...,r,.rt r r"r"rrtrt 2!>1 2 \\' ('n11 •l ll1J;"h w .1y ="""'Pnrl Bl'1• h \11hf. LI 11·111•1:.! f.>.1f, ~BwdnNs Opportonltles B. A. NERESON * A 8 S 0 r I A T F. * RP:ALTOR A<'.11VE OR NOT Young n11t 1ona1 11152 :>:twport Bll·d. Coata Mesa r 11rpo1al1on wn h tt r rlf1c 11u1 Cells I LI 8-1672 EvtJO. LI 8-41 20 b11t'k1tround h111 opening ((Ir ont 1ndlvlr l11al i-11pablc c>t lnvPsllng. LIDO $11\ n.10 <'&.Sh. Retlrln~ partnl'r reio1.,ina1ble ror thla o ppnt limit) • 3 hr 1lrn. i;11 r 11pl w view. !:x· Jt 11c·t1Ye, st11rt ln.r; 5alary \\111 be l'llln~ $39.~00 ~!'12"11 per yN1 r plus rr~11l11r 111\'I· 3 hr , t!m 1 m. fully rarp,.tl'd dt'ntl!I Pa rt" '" lr rtl'•I should f&bulnus k ll . top toc11l1011 37.~I) .... ~riv n•·t r,. c-r $:?:1,111tfl fll sl y r Mll.!!l fumlah g oot! 1'h11r1u·1e r and 3 hr . rumpu~ 1 m . fllm1ty home. l'rt'•t1t reftl<'n< ... ~ lln1t be t'1.u1y to 1 tc·1r1r1t· pu\111, iO' lol 3i .OOO J;"t'l lllong-with. Fnr personal In· ~ t1·n·1l'w wrlle llmc 1-21. this pa-NEWPORT HE IGHTS 11·~11m" All rt>pllea held atrlctly 1111ed br fll<'place, well lamt- pl'r l nrlucle phnn~ Nn. 11nct brief I Chn rmrng 2 hr . rll:<llr. p1•g firs .. 1'nnf1Jentlltl. 11 l r93 11ct1pl't1 -14,2[)0 l'rn1•1nr 111t 3 br . 2 bath. c&r-Balboa Island ' fll'l• ti. 81'1' Mry. rm . tnts or 8lnr11i::e. beautrCully llln•lbrll ped BY OWNER KOP PER KETTLE I anrt t••rrncerl . 18.M O r<'11ta 11rnnt. Good l"Olng bus1ne111. The best or e1111tr mC"n t. SPatA 34. Cl • V H Moy rnnsl!ler trllflt' fnr 1m111ter I a1re an orn rt•r " 11r pro perty REALTOR CALL LI 8-2813 a f'lrrnnnns. 80tfc 2·;:u W <.:oa11t Hwy . L.I 8-4277 --------------I _:\~_M_o_n_.t",_. _to_l_..o_a_n __ ..__ 14 Acres-$4500 Acre NO COMMISSION No Apprais al Fee SALES -REFI NANCE CO:"STRUCTJON Call for F rte Fast Commitments on Ru1dencu &11d Uruta only S l7.F: 2114x66n R -4 Zone on \\ii· son SL. at Hat bnr Btv11. 10 acres~$5500 acre M·I ZOXE nn m arn thororart'. BOTH CW T H E:SF: PARCEL.S II.It r ta .. nrwr 1h11n 1hrt! Acl now ! T omorrow I• anothrr d•Y and 11n<11 her prh e ~ Don I. Huddleston Russ FORD i 11100 \\' Coast ldwy .. Newport Bt h. 173 E. 17th St. 1 1 Llbrrly 8-ll lH E n•11. LI 8-!1~9!) COST A M ESA fl:\r90 LI 8-5541 LI 8-6562 \\'E SPl!:CIAUZF. lN LOANS &: FlNA l'CING O!'\ HOUSETH.Al LE RS Auto!!, Furniture A $11tnrh•s I Costa Mesa l Fl 'R:-\ t ' xrrs. B t>st ,,,ration. t,;-1 lul MixJno. $10 000 down. BALBOA f'ENf!'."SULA Loi ......... $10.!)00, One Day Service L(lans from $:'.>O lo $ 1200 11r more :>:F.WPORT LOT •. .... _ .. 53 l~O. CALlF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 HarbOr Blv1J .. Cn11t a Meea Ll 8-:"7~1 Open F'n ..Saya 1111 8 Closl'<I Saturdays -trc LOANS for Homes :1911 -20 yr. Lo&N l -2 BR. F URN. UNJTS on B•lboa Blvd. 3 «•ragt'•. Near' ~ach It b ay, $7.~0ll 1lown Homer E. Shafer HEAL TOR 106 Mr r'111lden P lat'e Hsr H O E n:·. H ar. 1137-M Construction Loans 1 Real Value SEE BUB SATTLER H(lllfl:;. 2 bt!m1. & convrrtlble 2:11~ EAS T COAST BLVD. 1ten. 2 hath5, f(lrrert air hu t. Corona Ciel Mar Harbor 3888 IJnc & 1, y15. nld. \'ery modtm Rep. POfRfEP. MORTOAGI: CO r·:rnr h type sh11ke roof, pu fect Metro Liie lna. Fun<!1 KL 3·[)18!'> r on11llton. ,-acs nt, quirk po1u1- 48&{c 1 e1.on <:111 tt1 $16 500 for quick _W_A_N_S_T_u __ l:J_U_lLl.J ____ Ut_t_P_i\jij{_.,... I rm It'. A t11 nr1 Ive t enns. BUY MUOERNIZ~R Op,.n 1 to ~ 'R E FIN ANCI!: :?30i Sllnlll Ana A "e , C'o,t11 Mt'll& We Buy Trust D tedat I or call Owner, Harbor 466,-W _ NllWPURT BALBOA SA VTNCS 83c-96 .. W AN ASSOClATICJN I S ELL OR TRADE SJ66 VJa Lido. Ph. Har. •200 lfi.rhnr Dtvrt. corner 1nromc - tto $4:?6 . 4!'>0 mo. $ltl.OOO rtnwn or -------------will lake clea.r local 2 bedrm. ~7-R4'al E~t.ate Wanted \.\'A:>:TF.O FROM O\\'~l::R. Orr an frnnt r ot t:ljtl' o r Bny J.-ro;"tt hOlllll'. \\"tit pny n II <'&Ith If 10· I~• l'•t rrt \\'r 11 .-~Ir• F F n;'. r:ox F. 2fl 1111, nr\\~J"l (lrr f•ltr CASH BUY ER FOR HO~IE r1 , 1t •· lnrllnd1111I rte11ir""' :1 -4 h.Jr 111 hnnv• 1n :'\!'\\ p<orl Ill t'8, """~t llf IM h S t. 11n1I "o. u f Or- nni;r nprnrlunlty fnr 0111 riilht "r 1•onll'\1c l 11&1<' ~pe-c·11lat l\·(' r 1 ICI' W iii ll•Jl hi' t•11ni<ldP1 NI. lt f J•ly ~·-'< X -19 th15 par• r !IZ1 Pl t 'l,IJ~F; I:->. a \'llranl lnl 111 ( 'r1rf\n1 •11 l ~ta r. A 1-11 111111111 1m•r1:ne p1nrr1ty r;,,.,. •l&tH 1l11 11n<1 prt<c m fl"\!1'1. :OIT 11 Fra1w r11 H eat. y 1:i11 \\'. v .. 1.t111:ri 1\\'e . llur hnnl< h umr n11 ctn. paym ent. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES l ·"~i Xcwport. Cl'lt>ta Meu LI 8-113:12 Eve. LI 8-6803 3 Ul>H~i • 2 UA TH J year oltl Dack ll11y areu. f.!100 1111wn Bat $i!>. month lnC'I IRltf'll At 111• ~trw~ 11g ht In. This IS 11 r tal b11r1wt11 Phnne - ART C KJSTLER CO . Ha r. 6226 290 1 Xcwpo r l Dl".J. X ew pnrt llr h 90c92 S7!1:11J ON 11 ACRE !'\PW 3 bdrm h"ll'•' hardwood flnnrs. 283 Avo('8ti n SL. C<•sta Mrsa . Ph LI brrty 8-i Oi . ';2t fr .... 8 I (.) t •t · T ll11rn\\Alt i..11.111 ~i:tp9r1 ,,..-us ni;~-PJl_?.! '!.~'-'~-_ O:'\F. 111':-\DREO FT nn E. l i th SL l '11~t& Mesa. P rOIJtrty will rent w hite wa1lini; future bui.1· nes11 <11'\'l'lr•pmrnt. $1:?.~101'1 hAntl· '""· F •r lllrthrr detnlls l'All 11.tr. :W I:! OPPORTUNITY Thi 1vrng hvh•,.rli-nn1n r.: h'l!'lnf'l'!'. (lpp.,1111011.' t.i mike~""' nc1>n- C'\' (o>r 11i:hl pnrty. ~lllke nffrr le' BCI'\ H -!l6, I h111 ra l't'!. l-\llk Dress Shop J!'!.900 H11n<1lt1 -• Bf\X 3!'11 Lag 11na Bu r h ANTIQt:E l'lC'TI."RE ~ME busane~•. Owntr 111 at tell. f:11rnf1rt F'lll) pric . dud~11 1tock A-a ll 11100. R,.nt $211 m onth. Jnqul~ 11t 1-;3:, P•r1!1C' A1·e .• Long ~ch. Tl'I. 3~ 6:.4 P2cP~ NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL Nut to cor. l!'th A Placentia. ln Coeta ~tC'1111. 2 Mdroom horn•. u cellrnt t'ond1llon T'lua a amaJI 11tore In rur. r lf'n ty pArkln1 Ir room tor •xpan..ton. JmmN!l11te ro-.aton. Jror a&Je <'r tr11dfo c&Jl o•·n•r LT 8~223 m•rntn,-w nr., llfl•r ~ p. m !U ttc '· .~Rral E!itatt' Srnice SUBDIVISIONS l-'ri1nk J.uiws Lmwnod Vick J 12 Ma11ne. Balboa Is l anti, 9:tr9S DO vou rf'allv w11nt a BU Y ? ? One House or 100 I ~t~ke M f l'r: t'RtJE:"T. ~u;::;-r Sl::LL. beau11r11J Back B•IV \\'e, hl\nr11r ynur 11a lr~. f'l!('rnw~. nenrly new sha ke rrinf far.;, \ J\. cl F . H. A. prncPMlnlit. S •-e I hOllHI'. ii h.trm11 . 2 b11th11. Olorl- 1111 berort' _l'l'IU mRke & <lea1 P. n. oue fo1 "\er •'1"w or B11v 11nt1 a.~x l!>l, Balbo11 h land. 86r99 mountaJna. Har. 61~6. • 91c93 f!_l-R4'al Estate F.uhang!_ Riverside County SALE OR TR.ADE for bearh prop· rrty 80 •ere ~alt'd stock r&r.ch. 2 ho~•. Jdeal tor .t:or- Me. r t'i; r attle or small com- rrrrc111I hl'r.1 Inquire 23 Park- m a.n Lr .. La Can•e11. ph. Syl"'11 0-!'1340. 89d TRADE OR SELL Clur lo t11 1n E!C'<>ndMn E quity In 42 .i .. 111-(e hr-.ioe tra 1ll'r. truat rt~"1~. a ll !'Ir '"rM.1te for cll!'ar lot.I!. "fl;v r·11r ho11•1!" l'lr v.·hat hll''f' ynir th1' ArtA Owner. rlll>t "~ l i~l'lll Hu1111n gtc>n Bu r h Rh·rl • lr ,.11n \'1'°" Pl pllft I l.-11guna \"alllt'I Ocr an \"lf w Lota 2-60x1 ~0. both for ~ ..... _ S3~00 l -60t10 8q. ft .......... ~ .. -· . 14600 l-Lagun1t a ex::.lus1ve ........ Si 500 ADELE IPSEN. REALTOR Frank W. Hui F rancia Birnie Rarbor 6896 HY 4-&0211. 8i pl Lido Island N!:W ' bdrm. house, 129,750, pr!n· r lpll.ll ontr . ·21 T \"la Nice. Hu- bor 0718, after e KI G-2104. Balfe MODERN 3 l>el1room. 1-. bat.h. 1480 flq ft 1 1, YT· old. OPE:-i FOR l:SSP!lCTI0 :-1 SAT Ir S t."N. AFTERNOO:-: ~1 F'ullr rton Av,. Npt. R te i 4tfa \ . Here's Your Country Estate 'tts; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooma -F orced Air Heat • Maaaive Stone Fireplace.a • Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and in Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sized Lota auitable t or pool and patio ! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein Designed by BALBOA & Sons, Builders Cliff May Pr tf ISLAND Cozy modern _: 2 bedrooms. fireplace -delightful covered patio. Close lo excellent beach and near 6hopping center. Only $16.950 tenns • • • • Choice EAST BAY FRONT Spaciota 5 bedroom , 4 bath home. Large patio. private pier and float. Price $65,000 term1 WM. W. SANFORD-, Realtor And Associates Park at Marine, Balboa Is land Harbor 2462 PATIO PARTIES Will be your favorite 'Fun Time' in this week's Best Buy on Orchid A\'e. 2 B. R.s, nice bath, handy kit., din. rm. & huge liv. rm .. with firepl., wood box, beam ceiling, big windows. Dr. opens onto big, comfortable patio, ideal tor outdoor Jiv- ing. Priced RIGHT la' S14.950. with reasonable down and assume G. I. Loan. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge. Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 OCEAN FRONT Take your pick. They all have a nice view and a good beach! 1. 4 bdrm. home ... . .. . .................... $22.500 (for t he family ) 2. 3 bedrm. home ........... . . ....... $21,800 (Very large yard) 3. 1 bdnn. home ............. . ............................. $18,000 (Only $4000 down) PAUL C. JONES, Realtor 2620 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 2313 CONT~T HOMES 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch Style Homes IRVINE & CABRILLO -COSTA MESA l4 1584 to 1650 square feet of luxuriou11 living. Large garages-Heavy shake roofs. Natural wood kit- chen cabinets. Built-in ranges-Garbage dispoaer. Wall safe -Clothes hamper -Forced air heat - City sewers -Distinctive designs -Close to schoola and ahopping. $19.650 to $21,750 Tract office -Iryine and Cabrillo Harbor 4184 93p95 TRADE WANTED M 1 Acre Placentia St. and/or 26 ft. Fairliner twin screw, fo r Lido house or lot . Lt 8-6710 before 10 a. m. or ofter 5 p. m. One of the best loc11tlona in C'orona del Mar 4 bdrm. hOll8t on Ocu .n Boule- vud on 60 font Int. Shown by this offlCt' nnty . See u1 for yurly a nd 1euon&I rrntai.. ~ittmorris R'lty. Co. Multiple U1ttng. Rtaltor1 Bua1ntu Broktr 3136 I:. Oout Hwy .• Corona dtl Mar Harbor 21G2 1'0\."R oc .. n f'tont lot. $6825 e&. Muat be aold t ortlher ftne lo- ca le for Income unite.. Mll'ht trllde S ubmit your down pa.y- ment Har 81M. 92Uc 92tfc OPEN SUNDAY J-6 P.~.-600 P onrY For tMy arreM come round <'Omer to au Huel H uge li\'lng room, beam~d ctrll.ng . 3 bdrm1 . 1mall ~uut room, 2 bath•. over- alied 2 ca r rarage. Compl. landt('apt'd, prl\'lll t' patios. mo<lem k ltrh,.n .It dlnlnf l11.11&l-lo\'ely v1ew1 Aaklnr $23,000. Owner wanta Im· mediate otftr due to lu v- lng the area. Term• to 1u1t. .l:xchalve arent . FORD VERRINOER. Harbor ~283, ave1. Harbor JC17. 114tfc 8HO~J1'F' 2 br • 2 bath, lge. lot. Slclm-compela me lo trll a t once, at leu than ~plae&­ me:nt coeL Ut.t&O lmmtdtat• po111-lon. Hu. 1209-R. 69tlc 603 ORCHID Corona del Mar O~n HoUH 1 . 5 p. m. dlllly Be 1urfl It •ee th111 exr~ptlonally nice I bdrm. home. I Bedro<'m" a rt targ-t l AIM h~plllrl' A l1n a of tilt In kttrht'n It b111h. Ohlt gar11gt' nn ra,·t'd a llt'y E n('( yard. Our ex,.luslvt prlr e of only S 12.l)OO w1lh :v;. toun It pymta of onl) S87 :10 per mo mA.kU t hta TRt:LY AN OL'T- STANDI:-\G Bt:Y A REAL VALUE In <'xclus i\'e O iff Haven Btttr r ca ll us r 1.ght """' aml llr· n nitt an 11 prl to 1n•Jl"•'t lhls cha r m1111: Z bl'<11 m. 2 ~lh hom,. loct1lf<j nn exclusive l<1ng11 Ro:1d This 111p \'11luf' h n m t 11 JUlll 1 yr. 0111 11n11 ha.11 w l<> w 1·u pet. lo\·ely dn1pu, f •· hu t- 1ng 1y1tem. OWNER SAY S SELL Sn. wt hll\"I' prlred It at below lllf1t1y'• rC'plllr l'mf'nt r nM You 1'1111 s11bmtt lt'rms tC\n, $62 MO. Why Pay Rent? Wh rn you c11n buy t hl1 3 bdrm n,111 Iv """' h11me nn Gr<we Pl11"' tn r f lO -.oo. Mo. pymtii nnly $62 4 1,,.., FHA Loa n lllXf'l' " ln11 e rr tnrl Thtll lol't ly h n111e 111r11ttf1 \llllh rennant'n t nt'Nn ''IPW m u11t be ll't'n tn tw 11prre· clalf'd. Call now for fur ther parttrulani on req. dn. pymt. t tr Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R . R.lly lt·C. Tnlvla. RuM, Alllll'\(' 312 M11.rln1• Avr. -B•lboa I.s\11.nd Balboa Island PRICfl:J) lo 11ell-Rntl only $:'>1'100 down! Solidly built II pt. 1w er dble. gfl r . plus 111nm l 11 budrl l't'('nud unit In front. F P $1 P.7~0 Balboa NOT bf'arhy-but a hnmf' I• thlii dellitht rutty colorful 3 bftrm. r ennlMul11 horne o n 1 & '• lnt.s. No ftxlng n.!t'drrt, Ju"t mOV<' 1n. Cliff Haven $1~0600 BL"YS THJS apnrkllng 3 bdrm. homf' Lo'·ely la nits• ap~d patio Quirt sl •·, G I. lua n. aprll• comfort &. 11e1•11r11y. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON. Assoc. 2604 :-\ew p<>rt Bh·d. Npt. B~uch Eu y Parkin~ H ar bor 4610 Newport Heights \\'E HA \"E one n ( l h" hr •l hullt 2 brdroom home11 1n N<'wport HC"lght11. T np rondlllnn, 8 1'aUlt· fully lan<111cAptt1. Thi• Is JU1tl $1!) P:io C'an buy tc>r $2000 duwn Thia you muet te~ Trade A l~SO 2 bed room &11d t1en home w ith oce11.n view on on" nf I he brl't r11rnrr11 tn t l't' H eli:-h ti< Beautir,µtly l&ndsra(lt'rt Ow ntr writ trade for ~mailer home In Newporl H elgh te T h111 hnrn!' WU built b\" MellN l, oll'Fl~lll'd hy Elltrbr•1C'k. S el<'t 1 m a tr 11 ti~ Bl'-'t a rldre11s 111 the lleli:hls. 1$31.SOO full p•lrt I "ART" ADAIR RF:ALTOR I 1\1;11 :Xr" pllrl 811• 1 Co11ta Mt8a . Ca lif l,1 8·3i92 COSTA MESA Bargain :-\F:.\\' 3 Rt1 llnme, $9SOO $21M dr.,,.'Tl. Balance 162 rer m n , In<' ~ Int .. r rlnr1 pi1I anrt l11xri1. 1cr ,,.,. h\' l 93:1 C'nnt1111'ntl\ I In F'r,.,.'1n~ Hom"" t r~• t Th~n r .,me In 11nrl rt..~ llrn d!'A I Ocean Front 2 8 . R In hn115~, t'xtr11 R R 11•1· Jr .. 111ng -11. bl1t h~. 1'11 1tly flJr 1nr <•H pl'lt., 1lr np<11 nn1I 1 ur 111111 • -\An 11:~t lnnk 1,,11n 11f S6:11111 FT LL l'HICF: $Iii '100 RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 34 11 :'\ewpnn Aln l :>:wJil fl• h Hubor 402 li!<lf r RA<'I< RAY HOME~ITP: Rt 11t rlr t• fl '"'el, 11 mnn p: f t n r dwelll11 i;11 lf\OOil only. ORANG!:: COAST PROPERTIF:~ 1 ~;" :>:t,,.pnrt. ""'la ~1"1111 U 8· 1632 E\•e. I.I 8-68C•3 428 Broadway DRl\'E bv lbll 3 M rm h11tn" Thl'n I'll It &rw R t a It or In ~hnw Yl'IU th1• multiple ll•lln~ k ll l H Leon White, Realtor LI 11-SISO nr ·L I ~,.. fl2r 9" ' Sale or Exchange 6'-: Rcrf's high producing 11\·ocadoa. Lt-mon He11ht• area. Frost free. Ocean \'l<'W building rJtf'. Price ~3i,500. \\'111 rxch11n~r S:?~.000 t'quity for bualnea or reaidenlial inrome Harbor area. • 3 BEDR~t. CO!=;TA ~lF:~A HOME. h1r~e lot. fruit tre-E"s. Price $8.950. \~U e.-.change for R-1 or M zoned lots. CLIFF1iA \.EN \'lEW LOT. Wall t>xchange for lots or improved M 1 zone. Trust deeds. NEW COSTA MESA TRIPLEX 2 bedrm. each. Garages, garbage disposal•. $24.850. Exchange for vacant or improwd bu11mrss or M zone lot. on small 11creagl'. NEAL J. MARTIN, Realtor 2826 Newport Blvd. Ha rbor 3975 Newport Beach Eve1 LI 8-177' Looking For A Buyer For Your Home? What is 11 Right Price! Whrre can You frnd a buyer! How much can t he buyer pay down 7 Is e new mortga~c necessary? How i.s the buyer going to pay the diffe~ce ! Turn your problems O\'er to a R~ TOR -the man who has made real eslnte his fulltime pro- fession. • Both Buyer and S'-'llrr should_ S<'cure the ~adily available counsel of t he person best qualified to serve -the person qualified to use the profeuional title, "Realtor ." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 41 0 -32nd St. Newport Beach LIDO ISLE BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE 2 Bt'drn<>ma -brickrrl pat1n .:0011 <1na n('1nir rmu. $~~ rc·r mo. Sat & Sun 1 -~ 2:111 Crrst1·\C'W Rayahurn Nl!'w 3 bdrm~ 2 hnlh11. 40 fl lot, •,.1, ... t t .... t r .. •t nll """ - tr1c k 1ll'h"n -t..r11:e f1r-•plltr l'. c·arpl'!" i1nt1 rlra,,e1 I~• Dnn'l overlook lh11. An t xpre1111on nt distinction and refinement come true. 2 h!l rn11>. 2 balh-wall to wall • ll rJl<'lln~ n11d dr11 prrle11 or lh" I 1ni'.-t . 111110 H l'llllfy 1hutter~ 1h111-1111l , i u.,tom mode b"d- ~ri-.. :r<ls antl rnlltchlng tlrap- • r11" -All r 1"r kllcht>n 2 p11l!04 w1ln hi>autlfu l land- "<'"Jl'ng. Y.:X1 h1~1\" W1lh ~O rt. lrit -Spcctn l 112.000 13AY ""OEACH REALTY Yuur hostt'l'l.,CI Hr lf'n Baum BAY & BEACH REAL TY-Lido Office 3112 LafayNlc, N('W!•Orl Har. :1622 Har. 2999 E \·es.. Upper Bay 361 ·22nd Street Open Daily 1 lo 5 p. m. \"ery modern 3 bedroom 2 bath new home. Ready for immediate' occupancy. Large lot 60x330 wit h cit rus lrPcs. $21,500 with $·1 ~00 down Will con111drr trade on ,·ncant property or boat. Your hn1>t1'l4S: Fay Todd DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 1': t •l Rl \'cl. Har. 471 8 A Friendly Home • ·- Ready for School ! ' ·I bedrooms. 2 bat hs, r 11mplt·t1·ly fumtshl'd. La r~e frm·cd yard & dbl gnr. $26.:1")0 MOST "X'lt11i;1t r hot1Hr and :ipl. nn the 111l11nrJ - NPw -st::i rtltng n1hw F:xri·lir nl ftnirncing - $2 .750 D 0 RI S BR A Y, Rea~tor Nona Hyrr Clarrncr LnkC' \het S11l11;bury ...,., ~16 ~1nrinr Avfl. Halh<>a IJ.d11nd, H a r bor 20-Jfar. 61 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OW:'\EHS h :wP ii:-k1·tl 11s t11 d ispose nf th111 lurra· t 1\(' cl1·lw:itrss1 n, h 1rbN 111· :i:1d lurw h c•11unt<'r l>ll;o,lll"l-S d1t fl 111 1 l11·rr '1 :1·. ·n ~ a n a1·('1dflnt . .!\:rne m«n(hs grn!Ui Rhr1wi1 It\ f l' :--1<1.ono. Tw<1 r eoplt' (';\0 np<•rnte this wr•ll l''}Uif1 r 1·d st11rr., Ai1kmg onl y $6500 f'11r l hrc;; ;rnd 111 hr r., call or i1•·(' THE VOGEL CO. '.l2fll W \011 !'l H igh w.1v , LTbPrty F.-3·1'.1 !':rwport R<'ach F.\ es Liberty 8-3580 ~ ------~----~ Newport Heights 45 foot Panoramic View lot t:oexcelled for orran nnd Harh'•r \'1Pw ~l !l,(}()(J, ~I'll j\ f('><Jf..(' hr.lrl -( 'k>I r dN d g 1\ ""· .Just Ca.lit or Z320 C'ltff IJn n. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 1'\Pwport Bl\'d . !\1'wporl r.r vh lia r 471R II I I I a a.a r..tate n-Re&1 ir..tate -------e ANNOUNCING! ! .. 6 Exquialte Bay View Home.a by J ohn Clark. Quality Builder located on Harbor laland Road (Near Harbor h ie) Featuru: e • bdrm., 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. & den e 3 bat ha e Heavy Shake Root .. 2 fireplaces e Swimminr Pool "i! deeired" e Lot aius average 65' x 12:i' e Restricted area 11 e Clever Provincial. Hawaiian and Ranch type homes e F orced Air Heat, Garbage Disposal e Beautiful Paneling e Large Sunny Patio• e Expensively Landscaped e Wired tor Hi -Fidelity Music e F ine Cabinet Installations e Built-in E lectric Stove &. Oven e Built-in Bar &. Refrigeration e Delightfully decorated Shown by appointment only to Qualified Q ients For p~view showing Call J ohn Abell HAR BO~ I INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone LI 8-5386 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and m ore Harbor area families are Inspecting these ~quisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venrertle and central location. More and more families who prefrr a home in a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in t oday and t;CC for yourself the many out- atanding features of this remarkable communJty. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway op~site the new In·inc Coast Country Oub. . ' EARL W. $TANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSI\'E AGENTS Phone Ha.f-bor 44~ For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven SI-Rea.I Eatate 6'2-RA-al F.l"t•te 82-~al fAtatli &i-Rea.1 r..tat. ----· ---------"'\ ... -. . -------------------------------- *SEE BEFORE YOU BUY!* I BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT 2 two-bdrm. homea, completely furn. Rho4 s good Income for sumrn~r & winter -come in for details. Owner wanta to deaJ. W~TERFRONT w/pier & float Attractive 2 bdrm. home w, lge. patio. Nr. mkt. & C'ity Hall. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION. 3405 Fin~ey St., Newport Beach. OCEANFRONT PENINSULA POINT r BRAND NEW 4 Bdrms .. 3 bat}\s, magnificent view of ocean. bay. and jetty entrance. Completely furnished. lge. lot. ONLY S29,500. Hl.'RR Y ON THIS ! 2 Bdrm home on lge. R-2 Jot. rm. for another unit, less than blk. to ocun. close to tramiportation. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION 10 a. m. to 7 p. m. 117 -47th St.. Newport Beach BALBOA BALBOA COTT AGE 3 B. R., 2 bath home on extra large lot. BeautJful. spacious patio with BBQ, plenty of room for s wim- ming pool. Bay and Ocean View. Price, compl£'t£'ly furnished ls S32,500, submit terms. On lge. lot. rm. for anothr r unit. OWNER SAYS SELL! L<.>l°s try S 750 with S'.!500 dn. OCEANVIEW 4 Bdrm. 11:.: baths, l~e. lot. 1!,;l'. patio with wading pool. Full price ~l:S,500. Go~d tPrm~. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Near the N ewport Pi~ LIDO LIDO LIDO BARGAIN HUNTER'S YACHTSMEN LIVE LIKE A MILLIONAIRE ON A SCOTSMAN'S BUDGET! Lido Peninsula BAYFRONT for only $4500! ! Full Price! 35' Kit Regal Imperial Custom built mobile home. Why pay $50,000 to $60,000 for a Lido Bayfront when you can have this luxury living for $100 per month, with your yacht right out in front. CLYDE MEYER Harbor 1671 or Har. 2525 P S: 35' LI DO Bayfront Lot, pier & shp S30.000 51' lot on YC'lla at $151500. Both umlt·r market. 93c05 $4,000 Down Balboa COMPLETELY furnl~11hM l311y view from Jiving room w1lh fi re· pla ce. 3 bedrooms plus lurge rumpwi room. J ·~ baths. garage. $5,(MX) Down Balboa Peninsula Point 3 BEDROOMS, 1 1, baths F ire· place In large Ii\ 1n~ 100111 with d1mni: arr11. F;iru <\Ulet land· scapt'd Clly Pat k Open Daily 1 · 5 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LARGE lh'lng room wllh fir"· • place. Full 1tlning room, 3 bP<l• room•. 2·C'8r ,1tar1t1tt'. romplelely rerlN:01'ated. Good term1. Price ;18,000. ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN HOU~E Saturday and Sunday 1940 In ·inr Avenue Channing 3 bdrm. P 1 bath home on beautiful pro- fessionally landscaped 6S ft. lot. lgc. liv. room and din. area. fireplace. F. A. unit heat, hdwd. floors, garb. diapo&&l. w t.o w carpetina and ftrape.. completely fenc<'d -EXCEPTIONAL VALUE - SIR,500 / CLIFF HAVEN PRICE REDCCED on this lovely 3 bdrm. homt>. excellC'nt condition inside ancf out, w to w carpeting & drapes, near schools, 4 '; loan-ASKJNG $16,000 BAYSHORES Be rmuda RANCH STYLE home on extra lge. cor· ner lot. room for s wimming pool .3 bdrm. P 4 bath. pr i7.e winning k itchen. will swt most ciiscriminating buyer. SEE THIS TODAY! Owner will trade down . "C" THOMAS, Realtor Harbor 4091 oc~an front 3906 Seashore Dt. 2 B. R. F urntllheit besrh houat All Glus F1ont F:nt'lo1<od Patio $12,450 305 34th St. Home .tr Garage Apt. !'\ear Bay It Beach !li~e<<b nf't'Orallng. Conalder Sl.~ nown. wtU trade up or down. or laka T Os, heart nf balboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. l'\ew duplex 2·2 13.R. I "nits .. Flre11l111·t's, I •1•rmool~ 1-"Ans. up- per umt wall lo Y.all Larpeled, lar i;e 1111n dr1·k. ru·wly (urnlshl."(I. i2z,OO<>-S7.~00 down ocean front 3705 Seashore Or. l!'lne tuml11hM h~nrh hnme. Lerge rnom-. Eni;ln•e<i pa l lo. S 1000 <ln. .. 100 mo. B A y v E Corona del Mar Vogel Values 1112 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa 22-1 W. Coast Highway, Ne:wport Beach Llberty 8-5527 "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS w REALTORS l'\C'w li sting. ~o. of Hwy . 2 bedrooms. furnished home C'£'ntrally locate<j b<'twei'n beaches & shops. \'ery clean & attrarti~y fu111ish£'d. Patio & pat io furniture. Full 2·car ~ar. Excl'llent buy at S l3.950 Just a blork & a half from Ocean Ri vel. on a 40' lot. 3 bcdrnom!l. 2 baths. S"P· r.inin~ room. lge. li,·ing rnom. f1rt>place, D1sp.. auto -d ishwasher. Bc•au t Patin Pl.L'S attra('tiv,• 1 bcdrm. apl. (furn.) over J.rar gar. You can't help but like this custom- built home (and income l. Please call for app't. We"re rather proud when wt• show this coz~· 2 bed- room home just north of t he Hwy. Only 2 yrs. old. fireplace. dining ar<>a . attrar tlve k1lch .. good floor plan. All fenced & room for add"l unit at rear. ld£'il l location . Total price only $13,250 and low <lown paym't. The Vogel Co. 2667 E , Coast Hwy., COM. Har. lHl H:tr. Hi7 Bay Front Pier & Slip 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished I Bay Frontage 40 ft. ThiR is an icleal summer or 1 year round h11me for the exccutin• with a large fam- ily, $58,0~0. Newport Harbor Realty LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Y1Jur opportunity to purrhase. probably the best buy on Lido W A pier & slip 1s as cluse as your phr•nr. We will gi\"e full details ovrr the> phone nnd !'h11w any time. LIDO ISLE A little MORE for your money than the usua l three bc<lroum twi1 b:ith home' on L ido. This fllrn1 shed two ~·l·ar old h•1nw 1s rr.uly tn mm'C' mto. The p11rr $28.500. with terms o\'hilable. NICE LOW PRICE For t hr nr~ t <'st . r l('a ll('!<l 2 R. H. home 011 Lido for S21.500 ..:_ Lo\'('ly patio -flowers krpt in p<'rfcr t cond1t1on by own~rs. Only $7000 down -antl you arc in. BRA::'\D ~F.\\" ~story. 3-bdrm. & <len, 2 !irep!Rces. Lnti; of rln!>r t i-pat•c. Carp£'ll'd L. IC Thl•rmad1ir rangr & "'l'n. I >1!'hwai::hr r. nl'lple kill'h1•11 Th 1s lS nice (or S3J.300 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ' J im and Sally N('wlin I 515 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa THE VOGEL co. -uoo· OFFICE Back Bay Estate -( 4 yrs.-mocicm -FTRNISH- ED) fi\·e bedrooms. many extras. One full acre, room for horses. pets, etc. S3i.OOO w ith terms. Phone Harbor 1607 Two separate houses-2 Br. earh-Eastside near Blvd. Income $120 mo. Price Sl0.500 wit h $2500 down & balance SSO per month. Two 1 Br. homes on one acre (132x300) Good loca- tion nur Meo Ori\'e. $11,500 $1550 Down 2 Br. home ( i 1 ~ yr.) fireplace, dble. garage. Close-in location. $9550. Balance on F .H.A. loan $78.80 in- cluding taxes and ins. R ·4 ·Residential lot 66ll200 .............. . $1950 G. N. WELL5' Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Coata Me.sa. LJ 8-1601 Costa Mesa How Can You Miss nus CHAR~IJ:'\G hl)tne on la,•1· 1ca ped & f~nc-etJ 6•l x 130 lol 2 Mrm3 O~LY i 77M with li ma. Balboa Two Ocun F"ront IC'lt!I Zoned rnr durlt':<ea. SP~M f'ac-h Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Bh'd . B11!h(la Harbor 2408, 2~t'1 and 4600. NEWLY C'O~fT'LETED. 4 bdrm 2 bath home. Immediate po•· 11esalon. 1~9:> down. Total price 110,000. -2029 H11rbor Blvd. Costa Me8& U 8-4i61. Eve. LI 8-4i18 It Har. 3<>64-~t U ce• 3416 \"ia Lido, N rt Br h. Hnr . .J9il o r Hnr . .J972 E\'(•s. Har. 2191-~f Ha r. 13 0 or LI ·-529i BALBOA ISLAND ROO~I TO BL'ILD on this 2 b<lrm . homf' near south bay -furn. ::-t 7.!l:>n 2 BDR11. HO~IE. exc. locat1on. Furn. S4000 down Sl i ,000 INCOME cute 2 bdrm. cotta!{e with frplce., l bdnn. apt . RU<'1'l room garage-('XC. fin11ncing - l his you ahould see. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave.. B~boa ls.land Phone Harbor 502 Harbor 3371 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. Reduced to Sell! t..O\'EL \' 2 bJ1111 v1rw I nm e pl'I~ l11r~" 1;11" ... 1 hnu~,. in l"ewr"I t 1 HUI" Uwnrr n y s sell' .Unl.Y 2 ) 1 s ulrj 11\lwJ. f ll'I' 1 •-'lhl i.:ar . 1-"ll "f'l«ce --F'ull flln111;; Hnr•m, ll··~t Lo\ 11 luin. Full pn• ~ only $16 !•:JO 3 13nft~I I':~ <l ~j 1~ rc•!Uc C<l f mm $11 :i.w lo ~111 0:1<> G.I. Resale :'I RORM In R .. ~, IN'llt111n $2000 On-F'ull P1 INI $12 OOH Industrial Lot 1-:Xf,'.\"T 1l••''"·tn I 1nt111n 110 (t frontAjll' $l:i 000 With 211 "~ 11n .'\Jnl l••l•lt Ti:1 m UUaancu & In· 1h1•:rtol r ... n ... ~ F'l •ntinr:: "" H11•l• I && &l<~r Sltl•••I• I J.,\~Gl:; 8AI"" BAY \",ew 1 .. 111 (r11111 s:. ···~· '" Bay & Beach Realty I 16!16 Xtwporl Bh·d. C<•dtll Me.ea. Calif. -,LlbttlV 8-ll6l £·.-ea. Ll 8·31~!! ){J:-;cs PLACE o .. 1u:hlful \"ltW J bedrm hnml' I .... r ,tJ p!llll'I \.\" \V .aq-·11. MOm ror sw1mmln1t f"•OI All w ua ln ~Mw ym1 t h1" ~r1r. • "r-n I :: yr oM tir1111t\• f" r l l!I 9~1) I $6!;~0 11ow:i. I ORANGF: COA~T . I PROPERTIES l~i :-;~wpurl. C)(>lt, ~tea& l-1 6·1tl1J E:vt. I.I 6-6 031 Lido Lot JO IT. PRnrE 1.'"IC>.Tro=-:• ""'-.f d uthl" IU S!' ~J l~rm• Hiuhr,r I •a:~.w. p .. r, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I It • PAGE 3 FRIDAY, AUGUST 19, 1955 62-Real E.tate Lido OPEN HOUSE On a 70 foot wide, tree lfoed street 111 Via Genoa Open Sun. io II. m. to 0 r m.-Otht>r dt1y11 4 to 9 p. m. I..,o,·ely 3 tx>rlrm. 2 bnth home r<':•d? for 1mmtdiftte occupn nr~·. 1nduding luxurwus t:a rpc-t 11n: & c1 ra p<>s, MASSl\"E i;10ne fil'l·pl:H·e ond a ~ood 1-otzf' d£'n or hobby room. The unusual UIH' of ~la11s and the lurg~ pat io givts this one year old custom built hume a bl'ight and cherry atmosphere CM C .. ll1forn1a linnt; <.it its best. Two large swimming b1.•ar hl'IJ and a boat garden arr JUl>t a stonc"s throw fr1•m t ~w front door Price S3 1 ,~00 best terms DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. N<'wport lka<·h Har. 4il8 tf VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * * * WANT A HARBOR VIEW? l.ov£'1y nrw 3 bedroom mixh·m . S1•\°Cnty foot Rlln - dcc k overlooking tlw entire l larbvr are:t. Thil-l won"t last at $26.500! Income $3,600 Price $23,500 Near new triplex in Cliff Hann -1111 two bed. room apts. 3 garageR. Low down puym<•nt handlts. BALBOA LIVING AT ITS BESJ I 3 Bedrooms plus p£'nt hous<• rum1•us room with ba r, 4 baths. large linng room with Jo11id111g ~la..>s doors, big airy kitchen and scn ·ice porch. Located on the peninsula "point" nnd you cn n buy It FURNlSHED. Fc.•r (1nly s2q,ooo -tC'rmR. YACHT OWNERS ATTENTION Is your yacht O\·er 90 foet '! L<·t us sh<iw you this four bedroom lhr,•c bath home with 13!1 k et on Lido Bayfront anti a 75 fol'Jt f111;il. Ample room for s wi mming p1111l C'll!.lOm mad1• furniturr, rarpC'llng and drapo·n~·:.-1111.'!ucleod :it $1 ~J:i.001l. This pronerty c.·annr1t-bt-dtlflhc.·at1·d <•ll Lido Isle VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast H1wy. J'\1•wport Tlc·ad1 ' . LI 8-31}-l ---- LIDO OPEN . HOUSE 122 \"1a lth1c.\ Saturday and ~un .. Au~. 20 ·:?I 1 p. m to 5 p. m Four lar~e btdroom11-H11~<' l.tnlli, 1 v. •> h11throom11. l'\ ll'e patio. J ust imagm<' :?5, I bC}Uan· feet uf In lllR 1.rrr. on n roomy ·15 foot lut 1•lt1s-T\\11 1-.1r ~ara,.:1• I Lir only $'.33.!150 I be 1,,w n·pl:in tn• nt ,., -11 LI DO REALTY Assorw t ·~ Lidu"s ~f•)Ht Ex1 •1 t wnrcd Sa!1·>1. 1'11.-onn• I Iltll K{ m1 •1t •n .Ii ,. <;1 ·11111:1 11 l.1111· \"r1·1 land \"11 ..:111 i.1 ~l:1 n-.11n 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 PERMANENT BAY VIEW \"C'r~· nice h11m1 ":1 !::1.\0 1\\ :: I 111.. "'·I d1 n. 1.arJ:i1' wall"d p :ill11 1;.1 1:.ig•· ,.1 1··~:-·d l11r •q1.11lrn111t. Exe elknt bu~· ~l ~:!:i."1110 OCEAN FRONT Thr1'r hdrm, h11m•', l11'W l.\' rr•rnod• 1 ... 1 ·ind d 1·v1rall d. ~15.51111 unfw111 ltl'd ~l •i1t11 1 11•00.i I If BAY FRONT BEACH HOME F1,.,. bdrm .. :.! ~ath, lar~" li\'llll: :and d1111n\; lnom. Till-k1trhfo n. Not m·w b11t \\'•ii 1 111 I r .. , Terms 1 an 111· an at lo:' I. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1.505 \\" Balbon Rl\rl Ocean Front Home $22 ,500 \.ERV ATTRACTl\T, \"N tr I M in I hr•mr on ~a­ shore f1ri\'P h.110\ly f'llll' lt\'1ni.: ff1<1m With <IJn tn~ arNt. F"orm1ra lu rh1·n. I hPdrc,r,m 11nd • bath down. '.l bf><lronmR .1 r.<l 1 t , hathK 11r S•1lirl rnn- stru1 ti n t .,,, :• •,, :11 ii 1 ll1r .: I 1111 I t1>1t. ~ car garage. • n1 lcJM J y ... 1 J I ;\lell• Iii b1 ·;i· h t EARL W . STA NLEY , Realtor 311hewr'c1 rt Bh·d , Newport Bc-ach llnrb<ir 1013 I 11 I ~ I .. -... -~ - PA'GE 44·PARTI11-~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS C-._, btat. 62-1'..eal F.Ata~ d"-Real Est.ate ~-Real Eatate I! Beal PAtate G-Real Eataat p ._;;,.:.._,;a .;.:..;._. --p-a--1 m-e r-i-n_c_o_r ...._~ o-M~ .. a_t_e _d ~~--!BALBOA 1sLANo FRIDAY, AU6UST 19, 1955 .. • ... !'aat.e 1. 2. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND • A REAL HOME -a charming 2 bedroom plus a guest room and bath. Large living room, and full dining room. Hwd .. fil"I. Beautiful patio and brick BBQ. Cloae to fine beach. THIS JS ONE TO BEAT. See ua we have the key. SHORECLl~S PRIDE OF OWNERSlilP ! Outatandlng 4 bed- room 3 bath home with privilege of buytps an adjoining large view lot at a reaaonable price. One of tht" f"' left. Let'• diaeuaa it ..... _ ...... _ .. $42,500 LIDO ISLE LOOK, LOOK. LOOK! Lido two bednn. home, 25xH muter bdrm. $17.750, $MOO dn. will handle. Excellent t~nna. REALLY TRUE ! OUTSTANDING LOT -If you have been waiting for a large lot priced right, we have it. A !51 ft. Eut frontage on Ea1t end of Island. Newport Beach Ocean Front On ~uti!ul Seuhore Drive. 2 B. R. home and 1 B. R. apt. Fu.rniahed throughout. SEE THIS TO-DAY. PRICED RIGHT at $17,850. Low down paymeat it deaired. BLANCHE A. G~ TES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LIS'J'ING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1872 Corona del Mar BEST INCOME BUY CHOICE INCOME UNITS We have 3 deluxe income unit• all completely tumiabed. All rented and located in beat re.ntal area on Marguerite in Corona del Mar. only 1 block to ocean le beach. These are priced right. Priced to aell at $35,000. 'Terms can, be arranged. We have the key. HOMES-VACANT L OTS See ua for better b uye in Corona del Mar. If it'1 for aale, we have it li8ted. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coa.at Hwy., Corona del Mu . Har. -47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) developers of Lido Isle ' Model Home Open 12 to 5 daily 204 Via Eboli Beautifully fumiahed by J. H. BIGGARS Built by J OHN VISSCHER Thia stunning 4 bedroom home i1 planned around a sparkling pool. The aliding glaas walla, built- ina, and large lot make indoor-outdoor living moat inviting. Be aure to see thi• ! Want 'A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. Ii 1 bath plus a ~~ bath and small bednn. in garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. Thia -home is in fine condition and if you would like a home to use in the summer and have us rent it for you in the winter. this should be perfect. $18,750. Terms. 57 foot wide building aite on Via LQrca $16,000 Beautiful Lido Residence Artistically landacaped on very choice aite, 92 feel 1 on Centro Strada, 60 feet on Dijon, and -45 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool if deaired. Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with lovely lania for indoor-outdoor living. Thill home i11 set apart by ita charm, even in this eection of lovely homea. $32.500 full price with terms. New, Different and Dramatic Modern in every detail, with many built-in teaturea. In the manner of a French Traditional home with Nt>w Orleans wrought iron and louvered gatea to planted off-street entry. Nylon,viscose wall to wall deep carpeting. Sliding glus doors to patio. 3 bedrma .. 2 baths. 2·car garage plua small car, boat or ahop are& 10 x H . A fine home you should aee without delay. $34,000. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales manageme~t 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Seashore Drive IMMACULATE ocean front home 3 bedrooma-11,:1 bathe -completely fumllhed in Early American atyle, aituated on our finest bathing beach. Total price $18.500 Call Dave Osburn Shorecliff Open House Pictureaque one story ranch style home. Lots or used brick & redwood. Low sweeping heavy 1hake roof-Spacious floor plan. includes 2 bedrooms It den -2 baths -2 fireplaces. Beautiful ocean view -Just a step t o exclusive bathing beach. OPEN SUNDAY from l -5 p. m. 248 Evening Canyon Road. Shore Cliffs Drive by then call Dave..Osburn Looking For A View NOT JUST ONE but two beautiful brand new 3 B. R. -2 bath hometi. Both have an outstanding view in addition to numeroua other features, in- cluding bui)t in ranges & ovens. Both houae1 will be open Sunday, Aug. 21st. One i11 priced at $23,000 the other $26,000 223 It 225 Ocean View Ave. Newport Heights Call Bill Farnaworth for further information. Cliff Haven Let me 1how you this immaculate S bedroom houllt", located on a large t~ Jot and with planting in ex- cellent condition. Property ia ready for occupancy without any fixing. Ask for Hodgkinson Santa Ana Heights Three bedrm. 1 bath on large lot. Back yard com- pletely fenced and land~aped. Radio controlled door on double garage. Bargain priced at $11, 750 and only $4200 down. • Ask for Kincaid. p. a. palme r incorporated ole hanton. co.-. ~ales management 1700~ w. cout highway -liberty 8~73 Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS 2 Unit Income! A SMALL DOWN-PA YMICNT 18 ALL YOU PAY ••. TENANT PAY THE Rp;ST. Onfl of our best value11. :Z uparalfl unlUI, fuml11hed. 2 pat1ot. 30Xl02 fL lot, choicf' IOC"a tlon near Bay and Ocean. S16,&:>0, S4to0 down. 9 Unit Income! Let's Trade New 3 and 4 Bd. Rm. Homes-0wner wlll leke eut..alde lol or aell thla nice 3 bdrm. homf' on PoaaeMion in 30 days. These warrant your in- a 64xJ 10 lot. On uwer•. rarb. vestigation. All have 2 bathe, garbage dispo1ala d...,... dra,,.., buUt·tn kit.ch. and claolce of colon. Double pragee and a.hauat nook., u~I value, 1 yr. old. Only u.ooo down, $80.~o on bat. fan11 available on some models. Priced ae low u H1% k>an. Full pnce, '10.000 $9,375 with $375 down. Clean 2 bdrm .. on eut.ollde, 1 block Worth Lot Mo re A Whale of a Buy- ----------------------ofC Newport Blvd., dble gar. It VALUE V A L U E carport .. Only 12.000 down. Full price $8200, l t'11 a "buy." Newport Hts. $7900 on a quiet reaidential atreet-traffic free a.nd clean aa a whistle. Two bedroom1, hardwood floors, fireplace, dining room and breakfut area. Very neat grounds. completely cement block fenced. J>OSITJ\'EL Y Tffl!: BEST VALUE JN BALBOA. BALBOA OCEAN FRONT. 8 unit• plus manager'• a pertmtnl. Completely furnish· Pit and a mple 11uppliea tor &JI aµartment11. New rdrlgeratora And atovt'e. Rlmodeled In 19:'.>0. 14800 nt l Income • , . $35,000, $15,000 down. BEACON BAY 2 bed 2 b th EXCELLENT NIClGHBORHOOO, , room, a l bdrm , on eewerw. W/W rar- Full price $9,950 with $2950 down home and 1 bedroom J)4!t. lncludu Rang(' It Refrlg. H r bo..t. H 'ghl d . . ll'1 on a 80x90 lot, Excel \'elue. a lj J an S-InCOme apartment. Only S40 mo oo bat. 3 Bd~. -One of the nicest on Irvine Ave. Beau- An exclusive home area with fine beach and large 2 Bd tifully lancl8caped. (This i1 the only home we Balboa Duplex! LARGE LOT ROOM F'OR ONE MORJ!: UNIT . , . plua 3 garage• ••. 30x1071~ fl. lot. Up~r tur· QUALITY ISLAND HOME & APT. One of lh• l•land'• fine homes. 3 bdnn• .. lge. difling rm .. P ~ bathe, delightful light living rm. openin~ to partly covered patio. The attractively furnished 2 bdrm. garage apt. with tun bathroom um• o\•er $1800 per yt>ar. Extra 11~ bath in p:aragf'. Outatandinr buy at $38,000 with $15,0000 dn. FIRST OFFERING. Small 2 bdrm. hou~ on Sap- phire. Floor furnace, !ireplaC'e. fumiahed, built 1947. Small lot , only $16.500. Submit down. TWO UNITS LIKE NEW WlTH BAY VIEW Converti~e either 4 bdrm. home with 1 bdrm. apt. or 3 bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. apt. Gracioua liv- ing rm. l~ading to exceptional rat.io. $10.000 dn. good terms. 60 FT. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little Island, plt>r. fioitt1 formal '4 bdrm. home. Tht" land vtJue i1 close to ihe--aaking price of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32,'500 .,. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Largt> lot, channinr 4 bdrm. 31:: bath ho~. Dining rm .. modem kit- chen. diap.. diahwaaher, lot.a of cupbo&rdl • and clo&et.a. Plue unu1ued 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car C&r- age. Both unit.a all newly fumiahed ln Modemt. Ideal tor home and income or gue.ta. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt U222 John Macnab, Hubor 5M9. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. B&lboa I1la.nd LIDO BA Yf RON TS Home and income 75 feet Lido Nord f30' ia not built onJ $100,000 -Also - Near new hom~ -immaculate all new custom fur- nishinga, four beautiful bedroorM, five expenalvely appointed bathrooms. Lavish deep pile carpeting. Pier Ir slip. Thia home bu no evidence of ever being lived in. We have the key. Full price $100,000 Completely fumiahed. Exclu1ive Agent• LI DO REALTY Aaaociate. Lido'• Moat Experienced Saleti Penonnel Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene Vreeland -Virginia Mt.raon 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Aero• from Richard· 1 Mar1c:et Entrance) INVESTORS ! ATTENTION I • I a.m going to tell you o( a golden opportunity that has never been offered. Located in the MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner hu appointed me bis aole agent to wU the following property. (1) POST OFFICE BUILDING to be finished by No· vember 15. Leased by the U .S. Govt. for 15 years with option of 5 and 5 more. lot for rl'lother & children, and dock apace for a rm., know of in the Highlanda available at thi1 time.) small boat tor dad. Priced $28,500 furnished-Westside $7500 --·"' Priced at $18.500 Good terms. Owner will listen to cash. On a !IOx250 lot. can't be t>eat. n1a1t .. d and lower hu bttn com· (2) pletely modem~f'd. Ont Of the 36 UNIT MOTEL. completely fumishf'd Ir oper- ating on a fine return, Ph. Har. 444 for appt. as Aug. tenant pays $775 rental. only 6 yr11. old. cloee.1n. Juat $1500 dn., b11Janc<' like rtnt. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The finest unit of thia type in thia location. Income in excess of $12,000. Har. 444 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Next door to the Post Office EvH Har. 3059-M -Har. 4248-R Evt Info. Petitte LI 8·!1487 Lido Isle Special On two full loUI. i 0.88. 3 B. R., 2 bath home. Lovely IM.U A: patio Plenty 1p&o. for pool. Pr. ONLY $3i ,ll00 Shown by I appt. M-1 Super~ Value P'AOTORY 2100 llQ fL on 63x290 Back Bay- Spacious 3 bdrm home with beautiful view. Comer lot 88' x 135' in uncrowded Area. All room11 are extra large. Price<! at $15,200 -with ~ood term1. Owner leaving thia area and anxiou1 to sell. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" 393 E. 17th St., Costa Me&a Llberty 8-1139 lot, Rf'nted al 113:'.> mn Room --------------------------- BALBOA -BAY A VENUE 4 Bdnns. -2 baths -Separate dining room. Clean and ready to move into. 1:.: Block to school, churche1 & transportation. A real family home. NEWPORT ISLAND -2 Unit Income Separate Houae _,. 2 .bdrms., living room, dining room. kitchen lz bath. Extra sbll ahower. Laun- dry room. Also 1 Bdnn. apartment over double garage, nice clean property. Apt. rented yearly. • Price $16.500 -$3,500 down. BAY & BEACH .REALTY H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 CORONA DEL MAR Beautifully built home, 1& x 22 ft. living room, hdwd. fln., 2 lge. bedroonu, apacioua kitchen Ir dining a.re&. More built-ins than 2 ordinary bou.aea! Dbl. garage, encloaed yard. Oowera A: garden spot .. Original owt)er hu kept this home in immaculate condition. desiree immediate aak ONLY $i7,850 on your tennt! Finest location on il5' l<>t. Pbone Harbor 882 tOf' appointment, but HURRY on this one. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 1647 E. Cout Hwy., Harbor 882 • Corona de! Mar 92dH to build a nother building ror add. Income. 20 ft. alley. Price Sl:'.>.000. with •, dn. A rut buy Eve Info Lytle Ll 8·2542 Avocado Grove 9 ACRES No. Sa n Diego Cn. 1300 fL t>ltv., froat free. 8 y r. old treee. 12 Willer share• & 1tprink· ler11. S2:'>.000. WILi. TRADE ror homl'11 nr lncom. in llarbor &rf'&. llvt lnro. Seymour Har, f>298·W Houston Realty Co. It ASSOClA TES M>9 C'tnttr St.. Cn..tl\ Me11a LI 8·6911 or Ll 8·7784 P'ACTORY BLDO., 40x80 Office 20"30. on W . llllh St, with 107 fl. frontage. }°Pnce<I Paved GOLDEN RULE VALUE 0 p e n H o u s e Sat.-Sunday 16th P lace a nd Irvine Avenue BeautifuJ Provincial three bedroom piu.e family room. Attached two car garage. Two bath rooms. A home you'll be proud to own. First home in America to feature a new special lighting. Offer· Ing this home at $21 ,950 Phil Sullivan & 1856 Newport Blvd. GeO. T. Everson Cost.a Mesa (acrou from Costa Met'la Bank) Phone LI 8·6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -Ll 8·2103 parking. AlllO 100 rt. 11r1Jnln1ng ----------------------- available. Bargain pric-rd at 143.~ ""'111 d1vldf'. Trrm.. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1837 Newport, Ccwita Me~& U l-1632 Eve. LI 8·6803 CHOICE ruldenUal lot, 70 x 160. AU utlllUu. paved 1treet-. t rtu. WHl lldt Cotta MN&., Owntr, t.n>.rty l-4M6. 91c9!1 THREJ: BEDRM. furn. 1 yr. old Quick p<>MHS1on. $112!50 ••Ith 11860 dn. .L TTl...ER REAL l!STATI: 116' Harbor. Cotta MM& U 8·1Ml t2d4 "Sun Worshipers" ''Waterfront'' Will love thi1 3 bednn., 2 bath plu1 2 bednn .. 2 bath guest apt. located on finest private swimming beach. Pier allowed. Lge. living room. eXJ>09ed beam ceiling, firt!place, lge. gl&ued lanai. Too much to tell about. let'1 look now. Priced at only $62,000, tine terma available. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7~2 Har. 5154 evea. ,, ' bt>llt Bfly and Ocean loca tlona. Sl6,500 and rood terma. Balboa Home WITH SINGLE APARTMENT: EXCELLENT LOCATION, near Bay and Ocean 2 bedroom home w I t h det.ached •Ingle apartment •.. cute -. a bur'• ear , Two pntg!'1, They •re fum l11hrd, tC)I). ArTMJrt' to IH (3) 245 FT. OF BUSINESS, frontage adjoining Po11t office building. Owner will sell at once, or trade for 1ubdivillion land. For inspection & detail11 pleue 11ee Mr. Osborne. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. tnle one at $17,500, tenTUI. ----------------- Balboa Beach Home IDEAL BEACH HOM'E F'OR YOUR FAMILY You 11hould aee th11 d&ndy pl1ct •.• nicely rum lahed and decorat~ ••. 1Jeep11 6 people. Located on Eut B11y Avenue. cloM to town and 11hopplng. .only $12,:'.>00. S5000 dov.'TI. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo1lte B&nk or America Rou Greeley Al Comellu• Ed Lff Jack Pinkham J<>Hphlne Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .• Ba.Ibo& Phone Ha rbor 3277. FRONTING ON TWO HIWAYS 46 plue acno1 ).f.J. U :>-00 arre wllh liberal ttrm11. Bound t o 1how inrrea.ae In vaJue. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES J8!1i Nfv.1>0rt. Coeta M'eaa LI 8· 1632 l:ve. LI 8..fS-03 Bay Shore. COR:>:ER lot 60x100. ~ bdrm~. 2 ba th. 3 1hower1, crlll. aplt. 1t11hw. dl11p Lota or 11torage Bea11 patlll&. p11 rt Cf'IVtred out· flocir ll"in( at best' f'l1m. Good teMnB EXCLUSIVE. a H. LATHROP. 363!1 It Cou l Hwy, COM. Har. M42 evea Harbor 1'1680. 92<:94 CUFF HAVEN. beaulltul new home 3 bedroom• 2 bathl, 12t.· M>OO Take Int In trafe. Har 61:'.>6 92tfc CORONA DEL MAR -Expansive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 baths. Hardwood It carpet floors. Bargain at '$4~. Submit down. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORF.S propertlee Har. 1775 -Eve1. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island M-1 PROPERTY On choice street, a good speculative piece worth Investigating. Preeent estabhahed income more than carriM payment.a and luet11 with $7000 cuh. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coul Hwy., Newport Beach LI 8-3481 93c95 ------------------------- Corona Highlands Exceptionally fine home for large family-3 bdnn1. It den , 111' plua 1 :.! bathH. U ving room haa view of hilla & canyon, 65 x 100 foot lot. 2 cu gara1e. OnJy $4,500 down . $26.500 RAY REALTY CO. 3U4 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona dcl Mar. (Aero.a from Bank in COM) Har. 2281 l '