HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-22 - Newport Harbor News Press) • ..... _,; -·· HARBOR PRESS 48tb YEAR-NUMBER 57 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1965 PHONE HARBOR 1818 3MenSavedB U • t dB t in Ocean by ar nreg1s ere oa ' Island Lady rct'":~N;r:~~~;~w:;~;;:~: Owners a· t Upper B . y 1 urday between Newport Haroor and Avalon when Bob Rice. 16. ~:~ha;.~~~ J:~:d !:'ddy;h~lg~:,: • WINNER'S CIRCLE -At con clusion o f the five-race G old "S" series for ch ampion- ahip of the Snowbird Cla.As. sailed last Thursday and Frida y. the skipper& and cre ws of the 15 competing boats w e re feted w ith a dinnr r and tro phy pre<ientation at Newport Harbor Yach t Club. Winners are shown here with (L. to R.I Commo- dore J oaeph Beek, sponsor and originator of the Gold "~"'series. who stands behind the huge perpetual tro phy. With their "tak<>-home" trophies are winner John Hultell, of Lldo Isle Y. C.; second place Bill Cob t>rly. C1f Newpo rt H arbor Y. C.; third place Bill Twist, of Balboa I sland Y. C.: and Gene Baum, the hard- w orking Race Committee Chairman. -Beck ner Phot o • • ·ere cllnging lo the hull or thl'lr I "inking boat and Wl'lving 11h1rt.a ______________________ .;.. ____ _ NEED . AID I" HELPING FIND DOG WHICH BIT YOUTH tor help. POLICE Skipper W10 Young C'hllngetl f the count' or Jala.nd Lady to pick up the men. They u ld th!'V were headed tor Long Be11r h Wht'n strong wavu 11plll a ~um in the boat. Two of tht men werl' identl- flel1 a11 Robert r.. Morru1on 11n•l Jr>hn Jeffries. The third man WBll. unidentified. Newport police aak the hrlp or all Newport Harbor t t.'aldent11 and v11•1 t ors in trylng to find a black a nd whltr lll•m~rtl m11ll' flog with long ha.1r, a la rge bl11ck 11pot nn hi• bl'!rk 11nd 111 r111;tht ur.I!. The unldenll!1ed dog bit Richard Al"8n Boektn, II. of Studio City Saturday afternoon. UnleM the dog 11 found In l4 daye to dl'lermine whether h,. hu rablea, young Rl<'ha1d will have to undergo thr palnrul Pai;teur treatment. Numbers on Hulls Showing Registration Necessary AU-out battle between t he Harbor Mut« and' tb• Count y uaessor o n the one hand an~ visiting boatmen wbo have not registered their amall c ratt with countl• at ortctn John Hask~ll MONTER-EV PRODUCES ~uc1~:. AAffe~ Top Snowbird 120 BBL FROM NO 7 T~~~~~!~ ~ J~~Ann Jor "Boeken, tatller of tlle victim. Mid the dog wu lying In lhl' l!J\nd by A blanket 11nd btarh towel on the 9'1uth aide of the Balboa Pavilion at 3: I~ Satu1·d.11y afternoon when lhe biting uccuri ed. A 11rorch !or the dog by poll<'e 1 hu provM rutllr to date. wu being waged t oday. Harbor Muter Reuell Craig reported I hla patrolmen have warn- ed hundteda of boat owner• whose boata bea r no re(lat.raUon num· t>en t o obt.&in them from their rounty ueea10ra. Thtl. he -1d, hu been 1olng on all •ummer. lncly, mall• note ot U.. OWMPo ablp on the lndlv1du.a.I'• tall l'OIJ, "Thi• I.a why man1 t!oat ownera do not wiah to have UMlr .._. re(tatered-'.' CrJ11 -1d. Sk H wu ~ft' in Newpor': Harbor th1a lpper ere • • , morning after being reported nvtr· !' • l c!ue snd lhe object o( A Co1111t 011 Lease 11·d Producing at 120 barre ls a day is Newport No. 7 well Guard ~<'arch Roy AndrPws. skip· I \TEED OFF-But thla weekend, with the mollntlnc toll of lnjuriea to water 1ku.•r11 In tr ppt'r Bay and correa· ponding re!uaal by aome ownera lo gwr their name!! or home addresa· e11 to their v1ct1m1 or olhera ln- ,.or,.l'd, the Harbor Muter crack- e<I 1lown He or.ler.-J own~ wholM! bo&lll 'fhlch do not bear regh1tra· lion ml01ber1 3 In. high by l '~ In. wl,te un thetr hulla "out of the WAlt'r " They were cited ILEPT P'a()ll BAY Meanwhile. boat• wtthHt ,....._ traUon nwnben wUJ be rel'llMd uae of Ute bay, be ..sd. T!M ooun- ty ordina.nce compllu wtth llt&t• la w approved ln 1918 or lHI, h• said which on11!T11 all boata operat- td ln the atate'• tnland or l#ri· torolal wa iera to be re(telered Y.1th the ownera' county ...-or. Cralg Mid recently a.II OOUftt;T ot· rlclaJa lnvo:ved orderf'd Jllm to OoaunodoN John HukeU of Lido Illa Junior Yacht Club to· clay held a record title u champ- ion Snowbird •kipper for 1065 following hi• willll of four out of five races and a 11~cond plact tn the Gold "S" •erlf'a over the w eekend. He received the Guld .. S" trophy from CommodorP J . it.. BeeX a l Newport Harbor Yacht Club where a dlnnf'r wu if nm eonteel&nt•. Btu Coberly, NHYC. plact'd 11e· eond a nd Bill Twtat o! B&lboa Jal&nd Yacht Club took third In tJI• aerlea. Fifteen entrants 1131led five hard-fouiht races In the two- day Mrles. hvorlng w1nt1ward- le•ard couran, the rl'l ce com- lnlttM. headed by Gene Baum. de•lpated three m ch courH11 Thur.day and two Friday. Oood breezes prevailed both 4ay•. At tbe trophy presentation dinner Whe,.. 1klppera a.nd crewa and rac. otflci.Ja were guest.I Of Beek. the entr111ta were com- plimented on thl'lr ,;ood 1porta- 1nanatllp. Baum uld Rukall'11 perform1uu:e of four flr11t11 and a lll'COnd waa the top record to date. Commodore Bffk. before pre- •nttn« trophlea, trsced put Win- nen alnce the flrat Gold "S" meriea In llM9. With the 19~5 Mrlea ended 111nlor Snowblr.I aklppen are prepanng ror tellm race1. The junior 11Silors are 11i1ll batUlng It out for the right to t-epre11ent their neet In the "JJ" Champlon11hlp. 11pon!!Ored by the lloulhem California Y11chtlng A1- 90elaUon. Thia aeriea wlll bring l,he rour top Snowbird 11klpper11 under th!! qe of 13 logeth1>r for four round robbln tllCH Au11:. 31. Comm!'ilore J im Webster commended Beek for hla eerv1ce to th!' Snowbird sroup here by "11tlmulatlng gre&l· er competition," SI..., lniured Drl'ffra J ohn s. Slu11hn, 44 1 H l P omona St .. Cost11. Me.M. anti ~rce W. Talbol, ti. nf Santa Monica were lnjur!'d when their can tangled Saturday 11t Hunt- lng1on Bf'aeh Blvd. lllld A tl&nta Ave . near Huntlnton Beacfi. Bolh were treatP<l Ill Hot1 g Ho~pltnl Talbot wu bellnf'd to be the mo.11t l!l'rlously hurt. th C . . f N Be o· per for lhe Monroe Brother11 bo•L f -A. B on e 1ty 0 ewport ach lease to the .Monterey 11 !'Aid he broke down near !-ll'!n I or 1r ase Company . The well is localed inland of the Coast Highway Clemente wa11 towM to port laat just w esterly of the Banning Bluffs in W e st Newport. night. I Dead11·ne Set F'rl lay 160 barrels ul crude wu several monlha. At fir-at the com -Judith Ann wa~ due '" F'~ll-ly night or SAtunlay mornini:-. \\ hl'n I pumped Into the hole ~Curt' A pany w1thd1~w !mm the hole lllld l!he was late, a Co1U1l Guanl alrrt On Aui: :11 Ill 3 p m 1 .. !lead· 11em !I o! r. .. w . pN!11ratior.s were ,,ank w .. us NOii. 8 and 9 because wu put out for her. lln·• ror f1l111~ or bids ror oil d h or the "shortage or equipment." Hnd mmt'rlll exploration undt'r ma e 1gh up in the ea.sing . The The "a f1ng w~· perforated on • ,, _, 1171 Dlff'll If th" ftH'Jnl'f ~l\nt11 Ana Air Pl\.~e now O<'C'upied by 50 Golfers Enter Family Tournaments 011 w .. recovered and t he well uvcra.1 d1rterent occu1on11 produc-Skull ln1·ured produc~ at 20 bari'<!~ Ill\ hour tor lng "not hing but dlsappoantmrnt." thr Oinn~I' C'ountv F\u r Crouml<, a lime beto~ leve!lng .. rr at an f'lnully thf' company decided to M H • b Or11nge eo1111t Colle~e 11nd the 400 F ifi v golf era tel'<! oft yeatarday appa1enl 120 barrels. According w1thf1111w from lower regions In as an II y ll<'fl' PU <'el ~till remaln1ni: with In tht> !lr8l annual father-son a nd lo E . £. Pylea"ot Monterey, the 1 lhe well and ~rforale in lhel thp r.overnment o! the tlnite<l company hu ttbanduned the lower know1. production zones that are B t • B ~Htt!t•ll. Arcordmg to Mrll. R. C. !alher·daughter mat<'h •I Irvine strata In thla well fe!'hng ~hpt fur· producing !or the other well• ln l oa ID ay l:layhlll'. m11nai:er or bu111ne~11 11lr-Coal!t Country Club. ther exploration 1a nccell8&ry. 11 the t1ty leasr. r h .. v1cr" or t e fl'ul'ral lf_!!Vernment Jn the fathl'r -10n flight low The controversial No. 7 well ha.s I Plans rsll for the Immediate Po11slble fractured 11kull Wll.ll tn LoH Angelell. ~· ' b th t I t Id bl t t Cll t N °~ h 1 &'l"OM winner• were Don Harwood cen e op co cons era f! !ICU · 11 arl on y n Pwport .,..,ac '"ll!fcrP•I Saturday by Biii PinMy, General Servicu AtJminuitr•· and •on Denni• .With H>2. They tie bul ant.I derrick talk at ounil well No 10 and other• in Imme-21, of El Monte when he wu In-tlon huit adverlisl'd lo Ins., lhe Southl'm Callfornlfl for the pu t tJ1at1-11ucctu lon. I jured while water skiing In Up-<'nthe 874 acrl's or the former both shot '1S. Jn low net. wtn- per Bay. He I• undrr obat-rva· bA11r undc!r whf('h thr government lion at Hoag Hoap1lal where his retolne•I mln1-ral right•. Th111 1n· condition la reported aa fair. clurle11 the 60 acrea In the SeJ · Man Overboard Sinks at Sea After Local Boat Fall Pinney told police he fell from eJ'l>t roJm rallrol'ld y.11rds nncl wart>- h111 wtttt •Ida and wu •t ruck ~· properU.., the 240 acrem on the b.-4 by • -t. ot 0ra.n.-Coa.i Coll•&•· °'" 100 WOODSMEN ners were Roland L&cerlof and aon Stev, with 139. Second place low net "A(lll Ued by Robert Hankey and aon Tat.l and Jamu WUl.I and aon Davld, bolh team.a ahoolJJ\S JU. Jn the father-daughter mrhl. ~farshall ShatJdock a.nd daughtrr Gail \'on Hoffman took fir-al In DO:'l''T LIKE IT Thia. he reported, lrntaled a nu mtwr nr lho11e af!ec·ted. They ap- pMret1 thla morning in Judge Oon- altJ J . Dodge's Newport Juatlca Court where they entered a plea of not guilty, he aald, adding lhe plea wu euggealed by the county marine u1e11sor A• of Jo'~b. 21 . 1939, the county board of aupervl110r11 adopted an ordinance whJch requlre• all boa.ti In Orange County to carry NS'l•- trallon nwuben on t.be bulla. th• HptraUon to coma h'Om the u- Hll80r"• office. Thia omce, accord· make ownera HJUlter their boat.a and aupply numbera. Th.la follow- ed rec~t boatinr aocJdenta In which boat operatora NfUMd to give lnformaUon jual u lhey would be ttqlllred to war. they In an auto accident, Crate Mid. Part of the troubk I.a 1tammln,c. Cralg aaid, from a JOC&l boat mar· Ina opera tor wtlo hu luued number•, black pencllled on th11 bo&t bulla, wtthollt h•vtn«' any legal rtght to IMue them. "Not even Uw Harbor Maater'• otfice can reswter boata or riv• wt aumben," be -.Id. MdtftC that la the am I w°a Job. COMMUNITY CHURCH SEEKS Search !or lhe body of E. J . An· 1 Anderaon wu dru11rd In hea vy :teraon. -47, of Long Beach waa :lothlng and h ip boota when he I H b B abandoned ye11terday morning by went overboa rd. a r or oys a United Stat~s Cout Guard phme I t'l~Kr:RMES'~ !'\TOR\' • !H 11·s 111u ... o! the Or.LOJ:I' County Fsir i:roontls. under wh1{h w,.11,. 1·u11ld IJ•' "hlplltO< ked !1 om l hf' 40!1 .1 • ··~ whlt'h lhr l.!O\'t mmrnt ~till h· Ids t itle to outright In the 1 .. n1e rA ll 1l .. 1:-<> pro· \'ltf•ll thnl 1hil1ng "'"'' br er· • 11111p1·•w<I uniler the i:overnm,.nt llllP•I .r n,1 from p11vl\tl'I\' owned 111. • Tt1e hid" m111t br ftlP1! with llw t:. n"• 111 ~f'r\'11'1'11 Adminislrn· thm t t!f1C1'• 111 l'llhc r l.o, Ani:• I•• ur ~11n F r11nru•ro. ~;,·lln~\~'l';~·hR~:·rtL.o~~a~~ "~I;~ LAND FOR FUTURE GROWTH d1tughl<'r Nancy wtth JllO. Low I nt't 11Cc.ret1 were !lgur~ with a out of San Diego two hours aftpr f'11htrmen on lhe boat told po-EnJOY Lore the man fl'll overbollrtJ flom the h~e .. n111I which holda a ahding sportf1ahlng boat Jet 1. f r111lln1e In place wu not In po11-• s• c. A. Kowlton. skipper of the , lion Jll~l prior to the accident ID 1erras boat out of :-Ol'wport Hai bo1 . sa1tl bul had been replared after An- the arc1dent occurred a bout 18 JerllOn fell In. They llAld t he victim miles o!f lht> jetty. or half way be· wu attn working wllh hie hne al tween Newport Harbvr and A\•A· tha t end of the rall. Kowlton 11ald Ion. a piece of tbe man'11 leader waa Several wtlneaaes told police thty round In th• pipe rail In place o! saw Ander11on fllll overlx>llrd while the n111I. he W M trylnR' to throw out hls Police lnve11tlga t1on di11clo11ed line. \\'1tne1111e11 al110 tolel PQlire the Ander110n camt' to California from mnn harl bet'n tlrinking and thr Utah In June. He leavea a wife In rsil on the boat JtilVt> wa\' with Long Besch. hill weight when he leaned ag11.ln1t -------------- It. Brinkman Stands THRO\\' LIFF. .JACKETS Kowiton and witneMe• said 1 T •al Second three lift-jackl'U and a rope were I rl thrown to Anderson but lhat he1T• D R made no effort lo lry and rt'ar h 1me on ope ap them. Robert Hakt'r of M2 Rl\'tr· I SANTA ANA. Aug. 22 (QCNS 1 ~tde lJi l\'e, tvlJ police he qutl kly 1 -F or the serond time Vau1thn Lee \t npped to the wa111t and do"e .'" BrlnkmAn 24 of Coata Mu a !ecf'ir; !l!trr Ander90n when the ''irum a Su ienor C~urt jury here on made no !'ffort to rPalh the hft' 1 1 Jdl he 1a~kPtl'. He 11a1rt JUSl bl'fore hP 1 1'Jl<' r1·1 •ng c TRell reached Anderson. lhe man turned ~ .. 1, n11111 or a jury to determine Camping 11euon h1 draw111g to a close for m 11ny members o! \ht' Boy11' Club o! the Harbor a1e41 some of lht> lurk.est one11 wert' r&mper~ at lhe R. M Pyles Boy11· Camp In the High Sierras. ThPlll' boy1 have hAd 11. two Wt'tk11 11tay a.nd will rt'lurn tomorrow night, Enjoying the Pylea Hlth Slrrra Camp are M»wi Guanco. .Jim Berkheimer. l'ft'1! Mc~1llan 11nd Waller F errington. Arriving Fr111ay al the Boys' Club are the Ill.lit o! the ca mper11 enjoying the Green Oaka Ram·h Camp near Vista. RC>l(t'r Du11.rte. J ohn Bontatl. Terry Betkhf:'mer, Randy Gehre!I anrl Pierre Sch11rH1• will be thP late~t l'lrrl,ah!. Pre- \10U.ll ca.mpers al Green Oak" ranch have been Jim LennartMn Guy Grlewe. Drew .11nd Jnhn Xf'eb R'lbert Gilbert Gordon Thomas. Bryon Ovl"1ton end Jern· Tomb on hill 111de and 11ank. Brinkman'• gi11I~ or Innocence wu expcctf'd lo be completed late tht11 llrtt'rnnon. tfe 111 on trial In De-Danny Boy pa1 tm1 nt 2 of Supulor Courl. Goes H.B. A JUry in 0Ppl'lllmrnt 4 recrntly ,Aground at w11s unablt• to 11rrive at a ve1 dirt. H -b k hamhc11p Ami low gro1111 aroru Al 11 mtetlng or lhe Board ot laal year completed 11.8 $40 000 were rtgured "'lthout a handicap Tru'"t"'"' of the Corona del Mar atll11tlon. comprising two .tonea. Col! pro Art Roux an;I Dennl.11 Commun1tv Church. It wu de· with clua room• on lhe f1r1t H1.trn•t10•l. pret11Jent or the junl111 I clde<t to seek ~ .. creio of l11nd floor and a meeting ha.II and kit· goH t1MOC1at1on at the rhtb, 11r- 1 ,omewhe1 •' in the Corona dl'I chen• on lhe MCOnd n oor. ra ngefl lhe tourney M.111" dlll t h t lo hold a:1 a 1 e.oierve Thi' rhurchman Mid eenral Mesa Children Cheerful Despite Hopeless Outlook I ror lhl' future rxplln~1on o! the 11.llu were being coneldered but rh111 rh. arronllni: to Harvey a !ora tion In Ule vicinity ot lh• Pc111>f', t1 ustct chalnnan. new grammar 11chool waa rer;ard· 1'1•a11e !ltlllt'd the rapid growth ed a' the m<>11t tavorable If aa.m1 of the rPlig1ou!I r rntl'r makts It could be llf'CU~ btfonr th111 •P· net·e.1111a 1 y tn 11cq111re llmple parently rapid d,.wlopment nt R'roun1l for th11 irrowth. de~plte the Corona llel Mar area -r- the fllct thl'lt thf' church only look that .ectJon llr r AT MIC'HAF.~ • ... ~b~t .. "~~; ·~3fh01":irtt~d~1~' ~~i.·~ HARBOR w~THER Register Kindergarten Pupils Fr lllB_\'. But It won't be much nr I\ ('t'leh11111on fnr t he <.'Mta Men Temp.·ratun-11 t~ plWIC week In the Sept 8 for Mesa Schools \OUth h••• a11,.1• hHI flnanclRllV h11rct-lfarbcir area "ut: • prf'~~i-d mother ran't 11trord a 'l'\t>w pup1l11 entering klnller1rar· 1 rt'ltl~tt>r before thlt !late party or pr.•11enu I H16b ''°"' ll'n in Cl'~lll Me..~a '"'honla m111t A II klndrrgarten pupil• mulll All a mntl• r or f11.c·t. the mother Tue~y. Aug lS 73 S4 reg111ler Thur11Jay l'tpl. 8 bf'· I ~ :I year11 o! AJ:e on, or befor•. o! little Tommy Hai:ermlln, can't W1>tine11dll)'. Aug. Ii 72 S2 twl'en 9 a l"1 a nd 3 p m. acrord-Ott. I. 19:1:'> and a birth cerU!1· rrmrmbtr "h('n the boyl! ha,·e had Thursday. Aug. 18 71 62 in~ to S11pl Everett A Rell r 11tf' fir ho~p1tal ctrt1f1ca te muat A h1rth•luy p.irty Tommy lint! hi~ Fnd11y. Aug. 19 . 71 flO I Rf'g11l11r rll'IMJell 1ttnrl Monday. be off,.rert at thf' lime of rr1111· 1 !'i-ye111•111.i hrothl'r. Jt1hn1l\'. ar<' Sat urrt.11y, Aug 2U . 71 60 Sept. 12. but 1\ nol nP<'Pasary for trat10n A II r hlldrPn enterlnr; flr•l both doornrd All the rPsull 0'r m1111. 1 Sunct11y, Au~. 21 611 ~S pupils who hllvr previously at· 1 irra tlr mu11l be 11111 yf'&r1 of •a• r 11l.11 1ry,t111phy T hf'y hll\'f' Sf'4'nl Mon<111y. Aug . 22 . S7 ~7 tended Cost& Me,•a 11rhool11 to by lht ~rrmbf>r dill,. .. 1he flll'l fmo ,\1•11rii 1n 11 whrel ---------------------- chA11 lht'11 \nlC' ex1,ten<'r ctrrl\•f'<l frnlll ~1111' f11111m·11Jtl 11ld Thf' two ll<I\" a t•• R1 tt\'P with thf'1r h11nrt ... hilt 1••1nnot 11111\'r 11rn11ntl I l'RyY rel'! er11 n pp••rt nail· Brinkm11n contendPd at the lut i •tuihled limber .. from !hr :1A-rt ~t.\ \' llA \ t: C'AKt: tr1A I hr W!U trapped by narrot 11 "J ''abin 1·1111~,,r f\ann~· Hov 11(l1'1 · Thr llH•t IH-1 who t t lt>S tn m8k<' orftl'Pl'll Int ii m11.k1ng two men· ~ho> "'' nt 11i;:r•'Unrl ~1111<IA\' ntl1 th 1'11•1.< m<'• t f1n.1n• 11111\' rn ,.,.,,,,, 10 Ju11na 'R11y!'l " Ht llllegell he !"' H11nt1ni;tnn Be11r h i-<h" brok!' kNp lhf' 11i.y11 \\Ith iwr 11nt1I they 1 kn••w thr ••~!lcrrl'I and Wl'I~ out to ur 111 thP ~11rf. 1·n1hrnt.:"' •nt? ht1n· pn:c!'l r>n M t>l tn•l:iy 11he thoui:ht R l'OOf!l'rll(<> l\llh thl'nl, Th!' A!IMl'r-dtMlll e f hnthHll RI R11l:-11 Ch11·11 n<'11thhor 1111~ht h11kr Tnmmv 8 ln l l'IW \'lnl11llon11 r><'"llrrNI 111 BrArh, r•nkr II••\\"' rr, l'hl' wnl'n'l ;111 r, • Newport H!'Rr h. Tl!" <le!tnd11nt Lewi• w111 111111~, :!!'!, .. r 11 .. 11 f Tw11 \'1'11rir 111r11. llttl" .lnhnny 11nfl hull b •••11 ree nn h111I. P"ndlni;t Gnrdrn~. ar1•1 R1t•h1ool K \\'1"11· lltnl. Tn111111~· j..l!ln•"I .S•lltl•' lltl':U!Ul'P ot •IAu, 2~ tif 1•..-11. "I 1:'11117.I' I R nm •' \\h•'n ll IA!• 1\nl:!'lf'll n<'W~· lgrnup Of \''1Uth~ Wh" t11Ap:l'fl pt1p1•1 lllrrol 11n .tpJ'l'lll for llllill r>n Baby Girl Killed rlebri.s n11t of th!' w11t"1 ;i ... 1r twhnl( ''.\I f1r•I." Ml'll \\'ti· in Crash Identified 1-1••111. H11i:rr11111n, 443-A F:11111 16th The 2'.-monlh-nlJ bahy 1:111 LA Youths Booked ~t tohl l )(':";S tn•lay. "they rf'· • Ptl'Nl " lo1t nr m111l from !Ill rnr 111\11\' II~ ~::ii;:l·1,,I anl1 ()klnAWll. k1111 .. 1 F"rtday in a trurk·auto col· T\\·o l.n11 Angele11 boy~ 16 An•I h111on bPtwrrn H11ntinirton Be11rh Ii ·'""" nltl. Wl'ff' btl<>keol f,.1 11nd Sun~rl RrArh. hu been lt!ent· hr1ni: <lnmk ye1tter1IA\' hv :";<'w· 1hed 1111 Rnbin I.~ n Kn1ehnl( r•'1 l Beach police wh1<n I ~v "'"',. .11111ch1e1 , ( th,. f"on Knl<'lini:• "' 11111nrt 111 lhP B:ilh'A .... 1 .. \\All· Az.uz:A . 11rrnrit.ni; tn ('ahfom i.11 in,.: ""''"' nf thl' B11lhn" l-l11 n I Ht11hw11y J'Rtrol rf'porU. I fPrry ~hi' wna 11 p11..1~rn11:er In a car Pohrt ll81rl one bu\' W A• tn11 in wh1r h J ill Mnntgomery an<1 rlrunk lo book Tht'\ '"'t" I•'· r'At1w Hl'rm11n. li-~·f'ar-olrl Lonit l>'lll'l'rl to lh,.1r p11r .. rt• Bt'.lll'h g1rll'. Wt1' both lnJurPd The ('hrl<l l' bmly wa~ laktn 111 1 Smith's Mort1111ry, Huntlnr t on Be11r h, I f, ti nO\\ ~PY J l1l J:f't 8 (Pl\' lel· tr .,· Mr• Hlljtf'Mnl'ln ISlOllf'll Rn npfM'lll ,, ~ mn1 I' 11 II I rnr the \'0111 hll ''Thry lhhk f!'rw1u d tn ~ell 1n1t thni-" l'1 lr1 !I, AA much," 11he l'&ttl :'l'r1thrr of l hP l1<1y11 k now about th,.1r lllltf' \\Ith tlrath It may .-nml' 111 any t•ni" rfnctou ""Y 1 • \\t ,,,-'n krf'p ll from them.· llhe i<"' I "\\'" "11n• tn keep lhrm n~ rhl'rr!11I 111 1""•1hle until . . .. f:he t1n<'1m't fln1l'h th11t !lf'nUnrf' 1.IKt: TO llRAW -.. THIS IS THE LIFE KNOCK AT PINZA sum Sgt. Earl Stoneb&r k •• attend· lng a two-week concentrated Cal- ifornia Tt>Cntc81 ln1tltute P•ce Otticefl! tralnlnit couree at the \Jnlveriuty of C11llfomla at lA>ll Antl'l,.11. Thf' rnur~ •tarted to- News· Press Clrculatlon Today 1821 Mr~ Hnittrman l!ll ld the young- er boy llkl'11 to draw and pa.Int. "But we can't afford any mater· 111.11," •he 11.ated. J ohnny favor11 m-.Uinf'a and book• to whlle away hi• lonely hou,.. In the whe•l chair. "It'll be hard on the road after living like Ezio Pinza for a w eek ," was t h e ch or ua voiced by membera of t he EJtplo r e r Post 17 a-;. they lrft the s w1.rnk suiteR o f the Raleigh H otel on P e nneylvania A ve. in Wuhington. D. C. 1'1l'tur e<l hvrng 1t up are m embeni o f the poet in their titting r oom . W ord home tn fam ilies uf the boys 11tate that it will be ha rd t o get bac k into the routine of thinj!"A without the maid t o tidy up the apartment. From left t o right in t b t-pirture. Doug Rf'<lrh c k, Doug Unruh, Randy Peeler, L y n B art.on, and Kent H arvey. Shown rapping thf' <lnnr of lilt Ello Pina.~ Suite O<'CUpiM by rart o! th• 1'1'1emb4'n1 of the Explo,.. ... Posl 17 wh.lle at the Rdelfh Hotel In w11~hmgt11n i• Tc1m Ballme. For fur1hf'r ad- vrnturu of th" tnun"g nwn.h,..,. nf Newport Harbor '• Explo~r f'1>11t Jiff page 1, part 2 ot todl'ly • p11per. • , 1 day and end& SepL ::a. t Coples ''Th•Y watch t elevlalon. at ntahu," 1hf' 1&Jd, "But t.My can't 'el too murh nut nf that " IC'wU.llM -..... I) I -·' I Sherrill Hough Repeats Vows at Mt. Carmel '"t·~,.. 1'\1tr1,., Ru., t.1ur1• C"rt .. I e n•I An.1 M m n1. Bridesmaids in Rainbow Hued Gowns of Taffeta Brideem&id.e gowns in niinbow colora lent •park.le to the otherwise all-white 1et.ting in Our Lady' of Mount Carmel Church on Saturday for the wedding of MW. Sherrill Ann Hough and Stewart W. Dillingham Jr. Altar flowera were white atocka and gladoll, and 1imilar n owera filled the two pedelJtal buket., which, wllh tall candelabra. fia.nked ll'11 alt&J'. Pew1 ot the center alale were marked with wb.lt.e ribbon .. The ReY. Bt.ephen K.11\y perform· ed the double rill&' &!a o'clock C..MDQD7 which united ll'le daurb· ter ot the Harry )(, H OU&'M, 801 Via U do, and ll'le aon ot Mr. and •Mrs. Btewart Dllllnpam ot La Creacent&. and Laa Vegu. For the 'trip ll'le new Mn. DUJ1n1ham wore a COt'I mat chlnc aweater and aklrt, with avocado ~een dualer and act'el· aorlt.. She Is a P l Beta Phi f rom the l 'nlvers1ty of Arizona. whkh la a.lllO ht'r husband'• 11ntveralty. He II aftlll1led with Sl«m• Alpha Ep1llon fraternity. LAC'E a Tl'LLE B •dal Sh SherrlU'a bndal (Own was de-n ower is Ho nor for Miss Bergeron algned wtlb long tol"llo bodlcP ot ChanUUy lace and bouffant 11k1rt of tulle. Tulle waa alao uaed In double hlyf'ra for the veil. held by a braided coronet or the 11rn\! ma· terl&J. She carried a white orC"h1d arranged wlth while camallons. A brld11l rourte11y hnnorfng Ml&~ tulle and n lln r ibbon. 1'11lnc11t Bt'rgt'ron wu the mi._ I IAVI IAFILY At Orante County'• LHclt"9 Home lAn4lnt lnstftutlon ' CONTINUING TO PAY PER ANNUM AL( ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0.000 All Accounts Opened On or Before MHS. ~TE\\ ,\l:T v:. l>ILLL 'GH A M JR. -nee MIS::) -~laggie Pr ice Portrait Mlsa Karen Klau&ner w1111 mRl<I rrllaneous ahowt'r ho,.leued by of honor and brideamahls were MNI. Andrew L. Knox at the home the Mllllll'a Anne Buach, Patsy Jo Inf htor mot~er·ln·k1w~ Mr .. K L. Beall', Connie Mangold a nd Kath· Knox. 208 Everung canyon Road. leen Kuse. They wore dre.<1aee or f'atrlc1&, who ~ the daughter of lrrtdeacent t&ffet& In blue. pink, Mrs. Bergtron . l 11 1 Plaza del Sur rose, yellow and green rMpecllve-anrl the late Mr. Arthur Bergeron. ly with hata and ahoea dyed to wlU be married on Aug. 28 at St. match and C"arrled bouquet• of Andrew's Presbyterian Church to whJte 'camatloni. All nower ctrl. Fr&nk Watt.8, aon of Mr. 4llld Mni. Chrlaty Hough precedl'!d her 111,eter. Coy .watts of Balboa. .• The I 0th of the Month Earn From the -'It LAGUIA N R. ANL> ~IR.'. JOHN RICHARD 1.l!>IH JR. -Em<.>l'lt W. Bruuks Pl1ut11 N12\\'PORT llARl30R 1 A. L . Auxiliary Initiation wearlnr a long rrocit of pink net \\ atchlng the bride-elf'<'! unwrap and taffeta hf'r many gUta were: o'aooMSin:."f Mmea. Everett Knox, Arlbur Bergrron, Coy Watl.3, J a m e 1 Charles Robert DllUnrham lent A1hen, Michael Hill. R ichard best man aid and gueall were Bra.ce, Jamea Pe.rker, J ack Smith, ushered by Tom Norru. Don Klr· Ra.lph KephArt and the Mlu ea cher, Robert Cun.nlngham and Ted 11\tarJone Knox. Helen S&nda, EUit Fr&HW~dl· 1 ln 1 d-A "A Ra1;1n, Joan Marinucci and Jann FEDERAL SA VIN6S & LOAN ASSOCIATION Jane Chadsey W eds in Oneonta Church, South Pasadena ~rr.~. \\'IXWP.F:O 13.\RBrtE, \\'omrn's Editor PAGE 2 . PA RT I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGYST 22, 1955 New M r . and Mrs. Lin1b Jr. to H.eside in Alhambra Heuding thl" n.•c:eiving hnc• in the gardens at Orw1111t:1 IMONTEClTO l{lTES 1 r~OI~ l)l~l)E WILCOX Cnngrc·~:l lional :1rnreh. 8outh Pa!'acicna. Mr. and :\tr~. J1•hn l!ic:hanl Limb J r. n.·rcivl'<l frlic1tat1ons from 30U gul·!it., '' 1111 had wJtncuod their marriage at eight o'clock on ·lhe evening / 11f Aug. JO. Dr. Henry David Gra~·. pas tor of t h<.> churl::. l' '•Jm\• d 'hf" '• / ,., H•n\' \\'htC"h ' t I ;\J.:t ... Ju \ ~, ·1 •. ul l\. ~· lt1· ,. II· .. •' \\ ., ..... •·. •II .:htt'r •f Mr and M• Hu~._,mrmbt-r •t l '•lt'\ 1.,•1 ~--.,' 1 I U Cl .,,!i,. ,. J 166 !'htn••o0<I '"11" r "'"111"n s I • 11 t • ~ I' « 1: • t S'·1 n ,,,,,"'I nr I r: :1 Pl.,.-. I l f"lh h,.r n! "• t I' I • r \ •. ··:- •I I ~ ,.. J, "' ,, I I " ,, " '' I fj • I t:, ... \I • ' 1 \I all .I I• .I I• t: l.1•11! •' 11 "' ~'' I.tr h \• ,.., "·1.1:a~1 • t t f 011fh I f : l t t l ' t\ t I \t ~., I "''''ne "''·" • 1 ·•1•tl 1-. t• .. , ,, .• ,.., .t!llt 1t t•I \•.t11 J 1 I .. • .t J fl l'I •. ,, ... "' I 11,t" 1,1\• II "' ()11. ' 1'111 .\11• I II 1• I .. ,. t ktt p11tj.!' t1V lit r t1&ll1• t JI•• ,_, \\ 1 4 : If\ lt·r• l"t u.1 1 1 1 :..; I ... \\R~ u( <"h•lU di\ It •• '" 11 •1 1 ,\. ,, R hi•U•\tl ••n 1 • f•lll•l n, \\II·• lo l~" '1 •. lill• "11•1lh " 1 1·11· •l;l 11•· • \•di ""<kllno hnd I>• ull.11L~1,11 \\f11o11 lo · at 1,. "1•' n1 ~"I ~ .. 11• 1 ,,,,1, f• ll Ill I\ "l\l'<'ft tr 1111 1\ h1oloo •I ,,1,1 ,\, ,\Ito~· tlot.l llH\11111111( It••• 111111111• I \\lih j ---- rl'lll 1, "'"' ~~ljlllll' h• I I I ht• r JI· R•'u" 11111.-11" ,. i ,,: , ··l ... , .. B1.rtl1d", '' 1)~11·t~r lsH I ll'.' Rf I t I. t \\ ,, ' l , • : I tl ( l J ... . - \\ hh h >hl' ' tt I It 1 i• ~ li i. ..... u an I t 11 lllrl '' 1hti1• I I I ''1 ' '' fo r v ctcra i 1 ~" I "nl:•'" "'. h "'' 1'ht1111•l 1. ;111d j'lllK I . ff'A ·"'",.,~~',";,1 1~~;" .. ·' 1nt Legion 1-Inll Tht> n 1.-, r I 111· "' h••t~d ,.,,..1 '\ hq· .. .--t 11 " _, , • d, "l'"r hilqt~''' '' .~ .• .: ' 1 1 .• 1:v ·•'l 1111·1•• h'.hl,.h nn1 rt1r 1l1•1•,,.,,t 1•1 •l•·l .,,,,•1'tr••'···t '''~'· ... ,. " I I 'l ' I • rh1mum • " • · 11 •• t \• t ,h '"'r . , ,,, ':.: I 1 h \. '•' ..... I nl' we,,, 1'1 I •I f\n l • 1n II 'I \ 1-h1 t I h• r •" I 11' I r , , 111,-" ,,. ,. I '·'"''.. II t f \\I \\•It" J,\\1 1 ,4 • f ., •• , , I I •II· r•n • I • I 'h ... I I• .. '• ) 1•1k \. \ t f 111 t • t ,. I. I' -'" , ... ' l 11 'H )' I ' I ; , .. II 1·•11 \\I \' t ... ~# I I 'I 'l \. I • 11• .\ 111 "ti t t' .\ • f \' I J I' "'' l ,,. f • 1 I t .,, ,. t' \ . I I n~ c;1.~:\ Y urns. ;::m .\t:n LESTF:R) s mTn ~tr. ont.l l.!r.i. '1 ... Ly 1' ri.uklin l~t:uune Wilcox ot 7!)9 Vin Liclo ~1wd. 11nd Pasad~na are announcing th.-r ,-,,.1" , 1· ,: .. u~hlt r .lary \'1rginia ti • 1 \\I! ~ t •I.: ."1c.\::.cm I~•1bC"rt l:::ddy. son (lf I : . ! ~ ~ . . : : I .y uf [p~ A ng-el<'s. . '~ / 11 :'. I I I .II t I I " \\ti .1.' t' I . I 11··· i'n•lav. Aui;. 1!l at •, ( 'i.•: 1 "" it•:-, .1 • .'.\l1tnh .·t•1to bl'forc t ht.> '. 1 '11mp<:cn" r N·c·pt1on 1rn<l , I 1 :: :< .~ •• l•J:: :iflrr th<.> C<'re- • , · • · , , : :r ;ind :\Ir~. Hoy Franklin 11 : , ·11•· ,:.!"·"· ,t~ 11 f t h<' bnrlr ', I: : , " : , 1 1 ·, r_ 1:1 ·:mo1111111g 111 C':i rmrl .tlt.i,. '1, • '· I 1l.1n ll111g fnr t hr nrxL till,, , 1"11 . h"' !1 111 t ' :~ t'111111t ry and ttbroad wh1IP I.' 1..: , 1 ·, 1011 t1t11"• h ~ ~c n ·i ~with th<' :-11r fnrr". NE\V Y()RK I-J OME Lo\1el l-Boge11 Vows Said i i1 A ltaden a \". f , . .. ,, . ' 'I I. I ' .. , t • \\,t ~ IH tlf"'' nf hnr"nr. ~' t. ·: J. ,,.,,, h t• 'f'• ,.,, thr I • \ t , ... I I ',, T h ii• Hu:.1•i1 11 I 1 I .. IUtht 8 ., l 1 '. \ 1 ~· ftd 1 ,.,. ~ ' , 1 n .fun,., ' . I 1 II , ' 1 I• •11•1 11 ntl ' t•, 1 It I' 'II I. I . '\ I ... I • .:. , •• I '! \' .. . .\: \• rre CR;nAll• n' hll I \'111..!.1 Oii• 'I ch111~. \'hrl•• 1111' II \\•r 1:111•11 J: 1 I! I ' ,f ... It 1 l '1 :.I · "' I I. h I I I • I \ • l • II ·• t "' • • r• · · • p-.... ' •• .11 11t1nr· 1 I' I onnr<'rl : r "r"t'l11I , I• 1111; ln~t!· 11r •I 11 \\I UP I 1•1<• t t•f p nk • 11· I • '11 .I I II • I. I I ' I • nMt1on11 11n•I f('1 11 ,. ' f! d· la t"o•• .. \• 't;. I' If t In thr 1111m11.1 _ .. ""'" \I•• 1· fl .r ~'" 1 " I '1 l\1 • ,-I f'<ln,.kt )11u-1h ti 1rn l f l t1t11 n i .t ~~. •ft ~ 1,..,, I.• 1•, •f Burhnnk "'" llUlllltn of II•""'· '·I-·~ II• .. J I l \' "'·'"" .. r :Mr.,, R nlo,.1 1 ll1tt.•o011 •B•l1' f'ot 1 .. Tt ,,11 1 l '.11k, \\I•-• t•ln'" II• kln1 1 .. r i-: .. 11111 1·:i~11.t"11•1 •rn·I 1 rt • 1 , , I•• 111111 1hr 11wn 111 I lllrs. H1<11,l.t )1 ll"r 1Y1"l11' ,,, ... 11 t n••' l '11q•t .. 1 :?!ill:? \\111""'! 11ten}l u( l'H"'i.t1lt•JHl. " lh H •!•1 I , , ...... t, ,,,, . ..,,, ~l~trr or 11 ... h11''" Ill IA!ll .'\111-.· I· I . ,,11 111•"•11 • nt,.1ln1:uw•11l l't• :O:tnte l 'oll,..:r. 1~11111.1111 H111111 ' ' ' , ' 1•!1111'•1: 1'\\'1111n in i:1Rui;hl• r "' \Ir. 1111.t :'-Ir• .r .. -. 1•1• 1 1•' 1.-!11x111i: Hru11nrr ,It ,.( ~11t1 :'-l-it111n, "t -.. ,. 11,.p1ui1 I' qt· \\1:1 h r firt\\l'r i;:11I !" J' : \I 111 .. 111 ... 1!1 .11r 111v1•· I J-'"r11nk L tn1h ''"'"' "1·~ h1' .,'t, .. · ard ~,,,, ,,.\,tl \ ·ut .Juhn ( 'h"''""' ,. :.= 1'1 ~~at 0 " t· ,\ l'.tlntc·r r"-'' •'h' v •I• P '', • hroth• t" H'4 h• ·l 1 "' 1 · .,, " \\• n· :. it -. 1, ~'lrr! ft1r lhf" ,,.,, 1 •n I broU1rr •I ti<' I rt' \\'1lhni ' ·~' " 1 , ,,r C"11rrb ••n•I 11 1 It•,· llenn· f ( Alt.o ···n I I •. ,. :'n.i•h • I ... r I r~r the h· 'l'lllll I trt· nf s .. ulh 1'11• Hh n.1 HI' I P·•nnlol i'' M11lth• \\" < ( 1;1rn l.1 It ;\fr/I ('h1<1 lr11 ''''" "· • l"n;::An· \' l•t 11'111 \\'1111• r R• • I \\ •~ g ln1l't ,: , an r •t1·n111e I C11·,. r• t rt'n~r In m11Jnr n((rn,r• "• I la~t yl'llr. lhr :'l:lll•• 11111 J\llTll T~ \C II The """ \I J I. h 111ten1lt'ol h1ft , Club I rrurt.io lhll: r '"'" 1~n11 1:nd1111t,.c1 nr I " ,!I Ani;f'lrl! 1 I hnm1r11ll'• 11n ! 111110· t h e ( t ll " «'rt! th" to11 h· LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PER MANENTS DAN Is BARBER SHOP RAl.llO \ THEATRE Bl.DO. f\ \I.DOA OJ>f'n T """day t llru Saturday I I o In•• nJ I 111 .. l\·r. ~I II 'h I I r I. 'I . . II I I It I l}\1• j •11 \ ft' ' •.-'.\' .,,, • f( \"• 1·,vre i• \" 11.: r "·I It• \\ 111 rrJ11'1P tn ' ·•I. o'11 rrn.: ''·" p111111111: )'f'•r · When Amt-rlcan Legion Aux· 11Jary mtels torught 111 American L1.-g1on Hall. the dnll team or t;nlt 291 w1U ln1llate new members. Included 1n t he group wlll be Mmu . Robert Olander, William Tft;hl', Andttw Barr, and from out of town, Mme•. V. S. Conrad of Long Bt>ach and Dolph Bamu or Snc1 man Oaks, also :M1Sse1 Janl't 11nd Joan Boetto. To Oregon Mr. 11.nd Mrs. James Van Dyke nt Ccrona Highlands e re enroute 10 l'ortland, Ort'gon on their an- r:ual v&catlon. (') !!t ~ AftDUe Pbone1 HY •·11'71 '"" ng m ua c c u "" ve Hume Marta" and "Panll AngellC'ua", I Sending gltta but not pl't'~nt LAGUNA BEACH Gue.ta were received 1t the ~re Mrs. Aarvold, Mr11. Tmbing, 1._ ____________ __ Hough horn• on Udo lale where the banquet table, with Ila wed· 1 -:p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ding calla and teed punch bowl, DON'T SPOIL A GOOD WU Ml bealde the pool. For the occulon Mra. Hough TY'IWRITU wore a gtty·belge dreH with pink acceuorlea a nd glamelll& corsage. Mre. Dillingham wu gowned In mauve taffeta and choae 1n orchid coraage. AT CARMEL The couple w111 honeymoon a t Carmel, San Francisco. Lake Tahoe ·-· T l•rn1n'1 uperl•naid .. rvlCM'lefl d1tatHmbl• i nd rebuild .. ell ,,. .... w rller •o '"• "''""' I PfflflCAUene •o 1uure '"' flnM• INH lbl• epeu · t1on1~ Mein "· Kl l ·IMI 0 0 0 0 , ____ , ·--------------------~ ,, f'IH r··· -----., I I llCIPI I $4 ''°'°'"''>' ... IO W911 Ot(l~lHd • Servel ~.~~ Ice-Maker Refrigerator hold s pl e nty-~ kee ps everything in its place ~ 5trvtl Gu Rdrigrtatr>r gathen in <'''"' the hi~~t! wttk·md ahnppinir;. And there'• 1 pla('e fr>r ev~n·1hing-inrlurlrng "bal~y" l•ft·oiers. Look over !hf ftJ1l11rea. And remember. with SerYtl, you rnjny the 1iltnce"of c., rtfr ii:rr1tinn. I IOOILU I I llre•d "••· Co"'PINf1 •~ """"" I low 1>11•. full·COIOt boolllet 11w1 ,... -1. I p41 lo• cMllod dl1~u. •~•. drl11h I l~d dHMl1t 1111•1 SerYel'I b41. .......... I lo.ClrclH . co.t thll boolrlll -"'9M ...,, I S..-Vel C11 l!efrlp re!Of deelef. L----------· SOUTHllM COUNTIU UI COllPUY • .0 Only ! GAS9 gives you a refriprator different from N~ge~Tappan-O'Kfffe & Ma111tt-Wec1tewoocl Gcnl•1111 Jake's Appliances SALES UIERTY 1·5594 -SEIVICE 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA SHE'~ OUT TO CHARM but he hasn't capitulated .\ l'l. p,,·eryone cJ!;e did however. when the young· ' i>tcrs mollcl<-d at the fashion show opening of Jeri'• of Lido. -Staff Photo I~~~~~~~~~ !Laguna Art Association !Holds Officer Election MR£. WALTER F . MILLER -nee MISS J UDITH CRANE -Curtia Studioa Miller-Crane Vows Said in St. Andrew's The &nnual meetini: of men1be1 11 purchue by \he city ot Lacuna or the Laguna Bcat•h Art Assoc· Beach of lhe main beach fl"Ollt tor 1atlon wu held on Saluula~· P\'l'n· improvement. -----------~ ing st th~ Art Gallr ry The follow· lni: slat!' \H ts f'l,.rtcd. • 011 ectors tu sen •e for two ytars, Mrs. Chai les 0 Bradley, ~-= 1~. Fr rnnt<>n, Ado lph 1-\rOC'k and LeonuJ Sl°l\C'lL Offtf'ers tn serve for une ye11 1 p1 r,1..Jent l.<'onard Home in Downey After Wedding Trip North I'd Unl\'!'rlllty l)f C"111if.i1111.1 Ln~ Sh\'11 r I r ·' t \' l r .. pn·s11lent, I Angelt'A C'Kmp11~ whi•I •' 11tie , ,111 John !311\j("ht•m. s •' 1. u 11 •l vu.:e afflll11tt'd with 81g111a Alph:l lnla., p11>i-1dt'nl, John Sulnnll)n, aerrt" Her h u1band ttltemled P111111de1111 t11ry, .\11ldn ·d F llio\\ n. 1r .. 11~111·rr, City Collegr, trnllt'•I Statt>B .\1 11!· H. A . \\'~lei 111 <mk. tary Academy 11ncl 11 1·omph·t r11g ' A 9'>lor ~of y9"°w and white lent accent to the his l'd1m1t1nn Rt 1·1·t,A 1 The 111•u1111 11•r .\I r \\'•·•tl'rbrook, bride'• bnaDltt. lovelineea when Miaa Judith Crane aaid Th,. .ourt~ 11 111 ti .. "''""'., in ;;a,.• h~ f111n•11I r"J"•rt which "I do" with Walt« ... Killer on Saturday at four o'clock tn Do-A•ney. __ 1 •how...i. Ule ~··1•011 In •Pl•ndld ~ In 8t. Andre • p b · Ch h D }inam ial c u11il1t1un. and th.: f'n· the W a re8 ytenan UrC • r., Think not tl\11t I 8m t•nm,. tn ''"" 111enl fund Sl•'d •hh' tnt:I l'lil<1ng Emery a Hu.ct.on, ueiatant pastor, performed the cere-1 brlnj( ~ace on th .. "Ill th I otl'll Th I 0 II .J k wMilb uni ad the daucb comt' not tu M'nd ,,..,,,, bul a .. C'ura or. """ RC' !Ion. re· ~ aDd llra. ~~Cran~ wore yellow cryatalllne frocks tn sword Mal 10 31 Thi <'hn~· hA~ p11r1 .. 11 that p11 t 1r.• 11al••!I "''('the 211 &...i Drl"9, and the · llOO ot ldenUc&l atyle e nd head wrulha confusf'd m1toy mind• ~'·'"" h I\'•· 1111..:• ~l 1n 11.11ny years. M o.trwSe R. KW T 1 of chrysa nt.Mmums S1m1lar flow· lmatcinl'd H·· wa~ ilf'''"l"'I ~"t.·I\' ~t .. ml,1 rs \'ul t~I :uc appro,·1ni: the Cl:, ... WalW F . M~, =t~ Ull tlll~ tht' bAskf'U wh1rh lhPY,to peare 81.,. anv p1 11 e . to le th lier carried. mtn a lway11 lo lum thl! "lh<'l A nd ,.udll••nlr lh"'" we!I w1tb · WUllam PTatt of El Monlt urv· chef'k; to 11tt evil an•I not rrbuk,. l he ani.:• I a.m1111111.i .. "' thf' h"av;;n- Tbe 1IRdta, who WM siYlll In ed aa beat man an1t 118hf'rs wert It: to pa!l.I by on th<' other 1tltlf' Iv hn~t. 1, ll!'lnl: .;c.d an•I !laymi:. mantiic-.,. bw tat.bar. wo,.. a Eurene Tappl'rO of El Montf' a ncl when mf'n ere llMllultr<I and rob· <;101" 10 i,;, .. J 111 thf' hii:hi •l. &nd ..-ot all-onr wtllte lac• with John Evana ot San Die1to I .. ..,., Ha bmu .. ht on 'Hl1t r1 t1~1t1x11m ·---~ ~ ,.. ' nn P8rln p!'lli" 1.?••>d \I.Ill t11w11rd n tt.d bodtee. cap aleeY• and full For th• c-e,...mony Mr11. Crane ju~t bttAUl!f' Hr \\nlll•l nnt bf' llrl· mrn 1111;, 2 n 14. The llll-'11lflC'· aklrt. a. flnewUp Yell of Uluelon wore 1tray faille with cymb11l111m f'nt tn t h,. fAC't 1•( hYP"' n ' 11 n1I Rn•" , 1 111 .. tm lh "' 11 hRbr m wu lleld bJ a coronet of matchln« corsage while Mr•. M1llf'r w1u f'Vtl. laoe. 8he carTied a colonial bou-g'OWTif'd In tern net nvPr 111 rtt'l11. quet ot wtilte l'OM9 and liltH ·of Her coraalt'• "''"" •l!IO of rymh1· the-•-. J dlumll. l,1>\f' your rnrm1r11. M111t hr\\ ·-.. ~ 5'44 . Th11t 111 11 h11 rrl ~A\'ln" \\<' aurl'SA ATl"END" AT TAHOE ms y hste thrtr M'll "'"~ ~ 11•1· Arter th" rec11pt1on. ht>ltl 111 "'"'n " p1'f1'111t'lll 1~ "'"knm,.rt httr k lh,. rhurch. thl' ntw ~r. 11n1I "1 1.~. by lhl' fllth"r whrn h" 1111 n• M11lr r Ifft for a Wl'dding trip to 111 rn11ncl 11nt1 11b11nt1nn~ h1~ "''" ""''' Ssn Fninrisco. Lak" T11h~ 11nt1 a nd ronu·~ hmnr point.a norlh. ------- llt•lhlf'hf'rt'. 1n ... nlani:• r hs~ J::ru"''" \\llh th• o'1•r.·1111r~ H•• IS lhl' hnpr or tht' \\111 t I rn.t.1y Tlw lnrlur ncl' nf 11 rh1l.t r;in h,. rn111 r11r<'d w1lh n11 nflw1 1h11 ''"'I th1,~ rArlh. HP 1 h11.• 11111<1~ ~ 1·r111 n1111nn~ " rtec,.nt pl11LI' fn ll\P In WAVES SPECIAL Complete s10.oo t7SO ,.,.... .... • New Locatiotl 357 N. Newport llv. Cr088ro&da Village Center Bldg. oppoaite Hoag Memorial Hospital Liberty 8-2412 Glln; /Jeaul'I S~op Mill JiCa.rsant <::Tan• attencled her uter u matron of honor and brtdeamald9 we,.. Mra. Th~ ~· Crane Jr. ot Northrlcll't, 111ter·ln· law of lb• bride, and Mra. J ohn W . Ew.na ot San DltlfO. Jane Guetlley, d&qtlter of Mr. and Mra. l:art 0~, WU flower s1rl. AU The brii11' 111 A 1 rad1111te nf tht Cona('rvatory of Mwnc. Ol><'rltn Colltl'I'. Oberlin. Ohlo. ani1 &tt~nl1· Thi' II; rf•alf'"I or I hr•r .. \II\,. -ht Cnr 13 l:l M11n.' hnl" !11• • whom thty ''"'''" Ht11\•1•n 1~ 111.od• up of ~n'><l nrl;:hhni ~ whn In\'' onf' snnthn 11ni1 llr" rh11n111hl r I f'nnugh to (IV1•rlook ,nml' In p• I ftctton~ GO EASI Smiths Receive for Bridal Duo Spillanes Retq_rn From Nbrtliern Honeymoon It wu Mr. and Mrs. Van Clothier who playe<l thr p~r. ot CUpld by introducing the young people. and who were I thereby moet delighted of guests when Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith entertained Aug. 14 for their aon. Robert Mathe11nn Spillane and hi11 bride, the former Mis11 Marlene Ann W<'ssel, I dau,titer of the l!ldward O. WH· Ml9 ot Lido tal• and Whlttl•r. P'ranklin Wolf•. M•esrs. anrt Mm•~· The lmtth home, beautltuJ In the Lowry Lytle. Ayron Re~·nnltla, r..Mon ot New Orle111a, waa d~ David Bhlltr. Karl Kott. Jerry llPttul aettbir for cocktall• aerv· Shipke of Anaheim, Mr and Mn 1 ed ffoom II to 8 pm. "a nd on". Howland Pad11ock, Mr. and Mn e Canal Front Loi r)n,. n( I"" '"" , ,.. 111111ntnj!' ,. 111,.rt 1"111 In;~ I :i I h c ';in' I 8('«l Inn :;!C\ !'' fl >< I n11 fl P'"' P"'. 1t1111,..i. 1nn<'•I R ·~ $I 0,000.00 Color th•m• ot the houat' i. Ei1w11rd Wf'.uel. Mr 11 nt1 Mrll Ktn· ller"Pltuda pink and whit•. and the I ny F•"ther. J ohn H Sp11lsne. I buaet table. Ml bellide lh• pool. I J'ommy Smith a nd ~tr. an<! Mn., wu Hntered wtth a beauUM old Van Burt n Jarvu1 ~ Bb.tfield 11lver eperrn• ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;,;.;:..,. ______ ....;:=::... ftlled wtUI ftmaUone ot Bermuda ..... llM7 ot Ula rueete C&nW trom LIM .Aq91-. olllel"I ware looal ..._.. of the youn« couple ..... U-. ~t Wirf': llf. &n4 Jin. Morpo Maree ... Md Mr. and Mra. Morpn Ma· ,_ m. Mra. Marte Verhl'yta and I lAcmard Lyona, tM WendtU Ktal· • Mid Geoly• Hall•. Col. and Mn. k y It Wtt.b r:z. -~ ........... ..., & Oeelf ., .. c.,.._., •• • kMl Bart K. Baker, D. V. M. announces the opening Animal of the Medical Center I .f 141 Harbor Boulevard Santa Ana Kimberly 2-6550 For the treatment or Laree and Small Animal• W. G. Lamkin, D.V.lif. Paul Harkrider. D.V.M. I T r .t·!:'! DRIVE-AWAY .. u,,..Y OF A N•W 1955 OLDSM~BILE iAV~ UPTO $18800 GO WllSI •v . . . ~ ~-· - 1ROCKET1 ROU I ml ........ .._. ................ , ........ ......, ... _., ..... ,_ 111 c ' I.._,.. ....... -°'" ..... ,_ ... a.4 ....... ...., ....................... re Ill YOUI NIAlllT OLDIMOllLI DIALll MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 W. Coast H ... way. Newpmt l1•dl u..rty 1-2261 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE l MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 ~------~ ~------- ACTON -C 0 Z AD NUPTIALS ANNOUNCED FOR SEPT. 6 The fortbeoml.q m.arriq9 ol their daqbter. J'ay Suanne, bu been anD"'lDCed by Mr. aDd Mn. Ray L Coad. 392 I:. 19th St.. ea.ta M-. Mm Coad will become tbe bride ot Mr. ~ S. A.ctoll, eon ol ltln. DUiy Actca t:t4 An•Wm., Oil Saturday, Sept. I m the AneMfm a.tW Bapt.ilt Churcll. The bride-ei.ct WU a ....... t:f4 tidl ,_ra graduating clue of Newport Harbor RJch School. Her tiance ia a craduate of •naheim RIP School. J'ullerton Junior College, and Blola Bible Collep, Loa .Angele.. He will contUtp9.Jm etudim at the Talbert Sm>lnary ln Loa ...... when be 19 pre- parin1 for the miniltry. Have Parts in Pilgrimage Pl&y Mr. and Mra. Leonard P'ftln have Important put. IJl the ~ Play at H oUywood. Mn. Penn (LouiM Arthur ), d&urhur ot Mr. and Mra. Harold ArUna, 224 48t.b 8t., pl&ye Mary Macdalen and Mr. PaM tall• the part of PonUua Pilate. You read U.. o~ hUowa w ANT Ad; IM wtll --4 }'OUl'9 ' You lawe 10~ .. PRINGLES PawwwtsMar-..._ie,... Free Fiim! Wida_.. .. el MMC ... ......, ..... in, -111. 11t, lll ..,. .... -,_ ...... ... ... ..m-. ...... stw,... • ..aa ., tile -.... na. ................ a& No &Ura a.rs. H aoua uaVICa Senitone Dry Cleenen' National Contest! TD OllG.&Jf 1'00 Cl.uf ft.41' Ar ONCSI tlie •r I rN _., HAMMOND CHOU Ol&AN c .......... ,.. ... lttoY....tf ............ ,.. .. _ .. ... *'7 tlie ..., F iwt ...... Orp9-.N .......... DANZ-SCHMIDT 810 l'IA.."'O a O&OA.Jlf 8TOU a ... ...,._. for il ..... -.. Orrw Ill ....... WIN A $10 00.00 MARSHALL FIEI,D & CO. DREAM WARDROBE .•• ud a ~EE roUlld trip to CbJc!a«o for TWO • UNll'ED AIR LINES I Plan now to eat.er U\a na· Uonal DrMm Wardrobe Oall- lalt ~by the Bani- ton• Dt-n.lon of J:mery In· d u • t r 1 • a, Inc., Ctnctn.l\aU. Ohio. 91mpq ...... ftlle. .... Im 16WOl'lle°"1- "'I .,..,_, ,_.._ .. ..-M-_,.., ~, ,._. ... (lampli9 ._,__, I' ls.Dow I can trut Bantt.one to do a b«Uir Job oa nwythtnc from cbtldr.'• Clloth• to t.tn ............. _,.tt ~DO DION!") .. ,.. ...... -.&and ,_ miPt Wla a ....., ,..,.. .• .•. ~ rram ...,_to • ~ -balJ'odo ••• -ato ..... .....--nct all •mar ti 7 et7I«' for 'TWd' .. ' by U\a world'• ronmo.& ~ TIM tint pn. WiDDer a1.eo ~au a round trlt lo Cll.lc ... o few TWO oa ni&ed Airlinea ••. witll I d&7~ bot.el, in-.la and WU tar.. paid for by l&nl· tone Dry CleaninS a.me.. In addWoD to the tint Pfi• ot si.ooo.oo D..-.m Ward· robe, t.IMn an • other woad8rtul pn... OoWM ....... ·~ ut 4 a'°"8 • .,...,..,,_,. IOt~, 1'U LIDO CLIANERS 6H No. Mala IM\a A..-1712 Newport llvcl., COlta Mesa. Liberty 1-4014 We Give S&H Green Stamps • SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24 • Sportswear For All The. FamUy Most. Complete StOck In lay Area • JOI ..... St., I••• Hou..., 509 ..... PAGE '4 • PART I --NEWPORT HAR BOR NEWS-PRESS MONQA y, AUGUST 22, 1955 HOME : anti : GARDEN ___ ...... · .f 11 rsEH:~lslluEa:::·:::·::::~y ~ MU>y diaastrou• hom• fi...., would never have WHAT DOES IT !lfft~O! -Wally Gerhardt. left. tastes a concoction of the Lido lftile Wine and Food Societv while Ralph Tnndowsky assists with a s uggestion of this and that. -Gerhartlt Ph<Jto gotten out of band if the occupants had immediate acceae to a serviceable fire extinguisher, the Home Builders Institute advi11es. U a home fire brea.k1 out, the time-'lost in waiting for help can mean the difference of small or large losa of property. Home owners are urged to equip their homee with fire \ IS nu. MUOD'• wallpapen .,.. IO h!Chly lmactn&Uve, It would~ t.Mr could 80lve almoat any decor&UJ\I' problem. Lee lolln Geh Notmt Pennlt Uau.MllNTO. (CNI) -... cntary ot l tat.e ftUll ... Jor- d&D tock7 anaounc..t a-n.e et a eotary, public .._ •• ,.,. a. IM Bolla, 1110 L J1a7 .,_t. ~ l.a.u.4. llftric w ..... ,. ,... ,... ...... J'abrto wall ~ '9at are UQa like wallpaper tab ~ wuhinr wit.bout UJpJlllll' • fad· tnc. T)'Jl" include coai.d m..U• aAd canvu tabrlca, slaM, .,.- dWlt&, and Ulln wood ..,... &'lued to a cloth bue. ••c1t111 N 1w· •1IWl11 •1t1rl1l I Lido Isle Men Combine Skill and Skillets as Gourmets recipe calls for rive tablu poone ()( .. tt ! t:PICFRl!:'S ('HJCKES 1 broiler, l'U l 8 tbA'p. Oii In quartl'rll. extingui&hera aa part of the ob.ervance of National Home Week, Sept. 10.18. According to e.xperts, only a amall percentage of American homea are equipped with fire-fighting device.. Home fire extinguishers should not be con· aidered u a aubatltute for common aense aaf ety pre- cautiona. The preaence of extinguishera should not encour age any delay in calling the fire department WlUl tbe bomemaket'1 need fOC' more apac., Mpt an4 a fMlinl' o.f wide~•. wallpaper pattern.. now do much more lhaa make 'a room loveUe:r. They do apeclal "jo1>3·· within a room or trom room to room. >J abown ailc>Y•, the tradlUonal-ln·feelJ.n& papen can 80lt.e.n the eever. l1nM of modem t\1mltun and (Ive warmth and dram& t.o a dark t oyer area.. The 1.1'10 h lf' men formffl tht'1r I m,.m,,,.r11 The officers Ari' Vin- Wine and Fii<)(\ Sor1ety lut 1 rent Heal\'. ch1er 1le\loarl1 . \\'al- Jun• w1th an lt&Jlen dinner cook-I tcr G!!rhs.rfll. rh1tf dr rulslnr: . j Jerrt'I Rkhards. publicity rha1r- I <'UP Almadl'n 4 •mall pePled 1:? pllttd oltve. 1 tiip. basil Sautemt tom at on 1bould a home fire atart. To (Ive llfht t.o •mall dark room., there are tnc~ nwnbera of upeo·•paced pattern.a on lirht ba.c:kg'!"Oun!k. And, 110nte of the new "t.reW_.. dealina create a fHltnc of Wlnlte •J>Mle. Seml·acenlc pattema 1uch u llsbtly Aketched br1.drea.• oourt17 bWJdtnsw, tre. and toll-.• cany th• eye far lnt.o the "beyond". f'l1 by 11everal or \hf' l•lt "' mut-man i<nd 11<lvtrl mnj: ront11r t re-Saute th• chl<'kel1' In oil until I tender, remove from pan and adl1 lht real of the Ingredient.a to the pan. 8tmmer rive mlnUlH, then pour over the chicken. HERE'S HOW ••• er chler1 and gourmet11. Pattern-prt11t>ntauve Other11 act1v11 1n th!' f'l1 arttr th. e 90<'1ety of .Bevtrlylclub kadrr11.hip art' Col ~fall .H11t11 lht J.Jdo a-roup v."111 m~t Ober. Ceo1 gt S1IVt'r. Ch 11 r I e 11 , L&mb. lA(IO Wue. Ralph Tan-monlhly on the third \\ ednl'l'Llay dnw~k ,. RC'df•<'ld Dinwi11!.hr anl1 MAKI A HACH IAGICHST 'nlen are pattern. with rich color ace.nu on .otUy tu- t&&red ll&bt b&ckgrounca t or "blendt'd'I room M:bemea. At.a theM papen can be Wied to Mt apart a arped&l a.rea In the llYins roca t~ tei.vsewtnc or for dtJlJ.nc. night. Th• 1ttond m~ting In Howa~d l,,ewl11. CIOCKt:S lll:USH A foh.hnr . ad1uatable back· rttt for beach or lawn use i1 made of lumber *-inch thick. each prop. I...n an 18~·bleh piece ot l ·lnch dowel in tli• lower bol-. allowlnc it to a · t.t>nd * Inch beyond the prop1. Pin the dowels in plac. Yitb 4-penny flniahins naila. Bon dowel bol" 14 inchu from the ~P of the b.ukT•t tram•. In- sert • 20.Jncb piece of dowel throacb the frame and propa, pinninr it t.o the frame, but allowinr the J>TOJl9 t.o rwinc. •1atute J uly featurel1 a Spanl11h meal with Arroz ron Pollo tPa'elta). a Valenda.n ch icken • rice dl1h Each Item on the m rnu wu re- pruentatlve vt var1ou1 Span11ih prov1nrt'I trom the Caatillian 11•i11p to the 0 &1Jlc11\n me 1 o n de11ert. Dana Lamb' ahowed t11m1 of buJlfagbttnr 1n Muaco followtnr the meal aert'ed ln the Lido Club houae. ~"rt'atlona are limited to ~ HEW IUILDING Two New Mesa Firms Ready for Opening ' C'onalrucUQll ta neartnr com· plelloa on a U\,....unlt eonuner- r 1nl bulldlnl' at l7Tt, 171t -A. and 1781 Newport Blvd. It i. owned by Mr. ud Kn. Mark ~L 8f'&bo&rd rta&noe Oo. ot De.la· ware i. .iated to open lta ot- r1rP1t In the buUdinl' at 1711 Xewport Blvd. about Sept. J. The 11laft will be under lbe mt.na,.._ rn,.nl of Robert Kennerly. Fun 'n P'abr1c• will occupy one n( the other W'llta. and wlU opt'n l't'pt. l . The atore wm be oper- Al•d by M. SltUI, Fern M. Seier· 11en and Jacquelyn W. Libby. 11 111 l ACK IUNO You can do wonderful thlng.11 wllh chicken, and with the a vall· ability ot troun, chicken partK ti I• no lonl'er necf'a.&ry to pui • chue a ..mote bird. Buy th<' pt•rt" and go rourmet In a fabulous manner. All too onm we think of fned ch ic'ken u party fare. Actu11ll)'. ther"'' nothing ruter than 11e1 v· lnr; chlcktn breuta, and tto It In twenty mlnut.u . All you no•f!d •lo 111 removt lhe 11klr1J1. brlni: to room temperature. pound wtl h " malltl until uniformly thin lhrn cor1k Herl' IHI' At'VeraJ w11y11 to l'OOk rh1rk"n brea stB. Jn bultr1, t1hn• oll, JXlBrh1>d In Ted or whl\~ wine. or rnll In " bt'alrn f'g jl, lh1•n 1n brt'nd cnUllbs 11n11 11a11tr or frv 1 can jellied cranberT)' aauce 1 up. curry powder Mix the two toitether. chlll and aerve with roast chicken for a new tote thrill. FASCY CtuC'K ES 2 rryer11. rut up l?Ut t<'r milk 11el\110ned flour I can sllrtfl mu11hroom11. medium 3 cllpll hot crtam .. it and pepper BrO\\'n the rhlcken In butler. thl'n dip In milk, then In flour and pla ee an a CUM!role. Pour ov"r the mushrooms anll C'ft'llm. nrltl 11alt and ptpper and bakr st 3!10 degnu until th" chlcken 11 lender and the r re11m form1 a r ich sauce. Jt may be nt'Ct'aaary to adct a little more rrf'am durlnr the cooklJl«. CHICKEN W1TR UP.ulAG\'8 1 <'&n a.ape f'aCUI 1 c:an pimiento• l can 1lfced chk ken ~ cup g-ratt'd Chf'<1llar chef'H 1~ rup milk o·an rondrn.ied crt'Rm of ,·h1d1en lllJllp IA.v the 1111p11raK1111 In a f'llAM'- rolt' lop With J'lmu•n\O!I, 11h rt>d r h11·k,.n. pour over milk an•J 11n11p. tnr with rhf',..,. ant1 bnkr until rh'"'lle mPlt!I Ma lt• two 20 ·by· 24 ·inch fra'mH, u1inr lumber 2 inches wide. The lone aidu of the baM frame are double thick- nesa1 the inner board1 notched for backrest adjustmtnl. Faa· ten alJ frame Joints With c lue and 6·penny ftnl1hinc nails. The backrt1t board1 extend I inchea top a nd bottom. Propa are J~ by 2 by 1' lntht't. Bore 1-inch dow~I bolt• 1 Inch !rum the end of The canvu ... t ie futened with upholatery tack.I to the lower eda'e u1 the bac:k bo.rda. Fall Blooming Annuals Plants Are Ready in Local N11neries Roon we'll be en)oyin~ lhe zinnia bloom.11 In 45 dsys: plant warm rolor11 or fall -blooming It In full aun and enriched •oil <'HlSP'~"'t: ('ltl('KJr.!\. annul\ls . . g lad that they A free-blooming. buahy annual 1 c>up 111w l't'lt'r\' lrnj!1ht'n nut tht' bloom1n1: ""l!Mn I• the AJrlc&n dalay l&rct.otllt) 2 1 b~p. pt'ilnlll nil 8nrl dtlay tht' Rrl 1val of th" lr~ll which beara a:llvery·wblte pet.aled 2 o•ups r.hlt'kt'n hrf'Ul" 11111•111 ('nlnrful wtntt'r ir11rf1,..n •·,t fiowtra with blue cenlen. Hy• rood for n montha' bloom wtth ,.------------r ~ Bingle and double daisy-like flow-r ~~ 7tl _J :~ ~~ed::O~~:uo~r:n!i :::; I~ I • 'J'AA. I ~~.!>'bl ~!.era- cotora. ll1 addition to It. long l "/""" .. ., bloomtng ~nod the plllardla la natural for thia a cut flower. n e w "grooved" Outst.andlng In tht' annual f1tm· fly Is the ~tunla. Hybridizing or the flower haa re1ulled In t. wide v&rlety O( color11 and blossom forms and lf'vtrt.l horcltulturaJ var1eUe1, too. The r egular 11nr te petunia hybrlda bloom• ln soft pink to vetvety-retl, 11llvery-blue to purple and cream to pure white. H orticultural nrletlu ln· elude Nana compacta. dwarf alze, exee llenl for pots: :-Zana erecta. a g ood bedding plant: Grandl- flora. amootb t'dged but deeply lobed nowera: Gn.nditlora auper· blaafma. vetned and marked, ru!- nad and ' nutt'd n owera; double1. double-nuted, ca.rna Uon-llke, very choice. Crow yow-p~luni.u from bed- ding plant• for gnateat aucceaa, partlcularly when work.illg w1ll'I the doublea. Water carefUJJy and 1Upply li('ht ·but regular fertilizer. Pinch ,..to encoun.~e bulhy growth and remove fad9d tlowua. Ready Mixed Concrele A qaidt, _,. war to man a m1n1ature t~lb• for houae plant. ••• 1J1jp otf the hook of a wire coat hangv, bend the 1'eSt ol tM wire 1nt.o a loop. tarairt the ~ Into the pot. Exterior f l r plywood. Combine• line. texture, decorator beauty. Made with 1005r waterproof glue (EXT-DFPA), 90 you can U9e it outdoora for al ding, carport.a. fences. Indoors, t oo, for paneling, builtina. CUta application time, aavn money. See tt ! WARD-HARRINGTON LUMID CO. uoo w. C-t Bll'll'111'&1 l'\f'1'"POrt 8-dl--U A-141 1 IAMIS D. RAY General Contractor & Builder llOO..& lll•d. OO&oNA DEL Kil PBONS llAABOS '"' •• A. • L:~ GARDENER'S CHECK LIST • in ~·our oleep fryf'r only1 <'•>Oke•I · A ft1\·nr1l•• In the f11ll annunl l'rids are avlttlable in yeUow, • 11llr1·~ r11w 1,,n,.:irrlf' , '""'" 111 the zinnis A hol·\\<'alher 1tprlcot. ltrtll cotta and white. lAp. 1ugar annUAI tht zinnl1< blo11rn .. 1n al-1 The African d&lay will add •pta.h- YOUR NEW HOME, WIU 1. Pla.n tor a winter vege- table p.rden -Ula f11 II Taina w111 help lt on lt1 way. Plant cabbage. cauh· flower, bftta. turnip• and j!'IU"dt n Jl4' u . I . Perennial plant.II rl11mp11 that U f'\ r row111'r1 111lo11ld ~ Jlf\.ed, dlv!f1Pl1 llnd rt•· lf't. I . (Jood ..n~(. < olnr 11rfrl'I. • Uona •;e-·~k. r 1l)rn<t11l1111, hsh.v prtmroww. v1nh1 .. 11nrl pan,,le'!. '· :"ow'• a COO<! t 1mt tn ~N In thal new lawn. C:et the lf'f'dbel1 rrepan-tl llf111 .sow- f'l1 hPfOtl' \hP fl\ll r!llnll come. .. Bright rolor &11d 11nrt frll · .,-anr e i. provided by lhf' wtnter-Oowerlng 11w<>t'l pea Plant It now. CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR rT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e Ha\ f' u' "'1np1Uy )'our ron<',...11' "ork wl&.11 a loMt of pf'f'C"l!1lor.-mlxfld N'mf'nt .•• prepared to roar ordf'r at • aa\iq, Uberty 8-2213 BAY RLU>l" aux n.-c·. • • 711 W. 17th St. QOSTA Mm.A Be \'t'UAlllf' 1n your 1 h1 r kt>n c'c>ok<'ry: SrrvP wnh "autt'll pint•· apple rut In fanry 11hape• and lay on a bf!\1 of no11 ton,., or ~nvt rooked bru11t.s on t op of cooked bror1·oll rnvPrf'd with c-rt'11m 11a11ct navort'd v.·1 th iohnry, l'prlnklt<l with g'T'ated chl'e11e. i nd brotl 11nlll l'hetl'f' mt'lh "nrt \'nu h11vt Chil'krn P1v11n' l'ITt't"'f'T.O Clfl<'K~S l.t:(;!' •up nv1t era , 1•11p 'hreddl'd whr11I 1~p. huttrr tsp. rnratry I rgg ynlk '• lllJ>. lemon rlnd l can l"h1rktn brolh Remove lhf' bnne11 anl1 trnr1on1 from the chttken m"at and stuff with the above mb ture. Pll\CC' In II r.OV!'r<'ll ra~~Proll' Wtlh thf' rhfrkcn hllll h Anti b1' Ill' At r,O •J<'irl'rll for 11n hour <lot'R\l f:T f\ROIU'.O CHH'Kt::-.- brot!P1 11ph1 1n h111f 1 etl?' I rur lllad <111 2 fl cupi< Vln"J:•• r tbs p 11alt tsp. po111tn· ~··n-.1111ni: 1, l~p prprrr Blend alt or th• 1n~"•llPnt1 ... ,II and brush broiler h11lv1·~ w1tt\ thla mlJtture Turn t\'f!·ry trn 1111nutr1 1m d 'unllnllf' hn11t1n1o: tn about 30 • ~O n11nut"' ,.,, ... t'h1r kt-11 will bt> rf'11tly y,.,..' the 1 • ~hl'es r11nncd pme1trrle mma .. v<'ry rolnr hut hlu~ • . . cs of culor In a.reu along drivea. 1: rur rh1rk• n t-r,.1 Ir-a mt its hah1t or s:ro" 1 h \'Anti! j on alopu. lt la good for cut Ung t t•p rornst&r<'h from uprif:hl to apr"" lmJ?. or 1 although the flowt,.. cloM a t I t •r . 110~· 11A111·r the :r.mnin t>lt•l;;on~ ,·nr:"'' \' tnan~· "'!!:ht. l 111r j!'tni:··~ 1 hortir ult11rRI vttnl'l11,. )IA'"' bem Two old-raub1onl'd flowf'ra eaav Fry lht' celery in the pranul devf'loped Giant~ or l'11htom111. tn J;THW are lhe bachtlor b•tto~ oil tbtn add chlckrn. wugar. pine-l.1a nt DRhl1a F lowe1 "" t 'ttC'lu~ and 11wtct sultan. both varieties "l'J'lt' ,.hre11 111111<1 rhukrn broth. F luwerrd The~e gum flnwl'tl' or the cenlaur<'a . .Bnchelor button Sllr 'Ult warm. M"anlunr. make r1vt 10 111x inchu '"'"'"'~ 11n 11·rntaurca cyanu111 blooms In the .auce of comitarrh. 11,1, ""uce stronl!' hr11nrhin1t th r" t root traollt1on:i1 bhtl' form but is also pl11nt~ a\'a1l11blr tn rose·rmk. purple and and (lngt'r anti add '" 11th••r. 1ttr white. lt durll best In cool wf'ath-LD aplte or t be Cemeat 8bortace 'till bubbles. r I t l!f'rvr "'"'~ rlct I >w111 r form.11 "f thr zinnia er Swc<'l sultan icentaun & moll-\\'e Ant M.aJdnr Every Poealble Cffp;RRY PIE 01:1.WtlT Hr1 e \a my ravoritf' 11•rr1rr for rherry pie and yo11 •:in "hip It up In 20 mln11t t" • J t.~ rups F'F'V oren21> 1·••1k1r11 irralt'd 4 tb3p. butter jar Reddy-Fn1lt , h.-r1, pl,. mix 'hl'rt\' h11t1t•h M11kl' " 1111,,\ of \hi' cookies nnrl bllltPr ft1111r 1n pw m ix top· ped v.·1th 1 01. or the br11ndy. Bake 111 :t'>O .1 .. g1 ee11 20 m1nulea. remov!' 11nd fl Ame tn bsl11 nre or rherry b11tn ,,. whf• h hll" bf'en J warmt'<I ROBERT i:row from llV(' 1n1·hf'S lo line and EfJon to Sadat)' the s~ of 8 ha JC reel hii:h Si•rn" nf 1 hr d1nl11 I bt'ar11 thl,.Ut-llkl' blm1M>m1 our GrowllaJ CommuaUy. Olllll(' varlt•tle .. lllP RAh\', L11fput. ~~Sl'~llac. purplP, while. yellow., WFor ECoocLreteC-HOaU ·{'sa. I Tnm Thumb. Rl'o • 111 !I 1<111 11•1111 tn thl' zinnl& famth 11rr C<Jldrn Annu&I g-a1llard1a or blLnket C<'ntuf\', bro:id 1wi111,-..1 in orangt nower is a ion~-blooming flower, I READY MIXED J Allll t>ltJ i;:old, Fln1.11laJ,1 scarlrt, lwu•lNI pl'lllll', f11'1 ,. 11ratli'l fJO\\'· MATl'KESSES CONCRETE "r". T'.tngrrine, n • romc-nnd·(11t- ai:aln unn1l!. retld1 •h ornng<' The FORBES Boet.a -ffome11 -Trallr,.. lrrt•r;ular ShapPtl Uberty 8-UOS COST A MESA MA TIRESS CO. Zl~O .Newport Bh·d. I~ Cniamerclal 'Way COSTA MESA I.I ll-MJ2Z Qubtcy & H"'Y U #A Huattnrton 84-b. t Les. Mlll9 -1 MAX W. POPE Inc. or:~"ERAI. CO:\'TRACTOR"' '"We Arran.:e t'tnancinaf' luilder ~n·lng All Oranr11 County l'HO:\'l: BARBOR 3109 RF.SIDE'.11,-1:\1. e COMMERCIAL e D!:\'ELOPM.E~"T 40'7 Bol1a An. 1utit off Npt. Bhd. at 16th L1unrlry service deluxe ..• Newport 8eAcb Uber1y 8-%2111 . at IMrg1in prices! WHAT 1$ IT? ln1hv11lue.Jly "a.•!lt'<l -wrarmg s pparl'I nuff dr1ell by flllertd 8lr-1l11t PICCl'll profustona.lly lroneol. Your C'IQth('I and hnrns a rt' dunt' up O:'llE 11nll-no mil'· ur•. nu un1i1 hlly mark1 -ramao(t wat•r, gt'nU• t'onlrollt'd eoap11. WHEN AVAILABLE • • • Service wlll'lln houn tt urient, beca u1e •·• do everyWnc ript here. HOW MUCH ••• It is a bargain bundle too WHERE •••. casa . only $2.15 pu•a for 23 lbs. ARCHITECTS Members of Amerlca11 IMtftute of ArchitKts J. Herbe rt Browne ll William Blu rock Ph ilmer J. Ellerbroek Ra ymond Ke nt Hervey Frederick Hodgdon George Lind 1100 "·eet Cout B11tnn7 "St:RVJC& W'ITlll~ BOt'U -"'BL'f NEED'ED" OOJIPLl:l'E IAUNDEM ... CLEANDl8 Ric:herd Pleger IT ~ur AS LONG AS YOU THINK? IE SUltE YOUlt HOME IS IUILT WITH MATPIALS THAT Will OUTLAST THE MORT6A6E - WIU MAKE fT WORTH THE MONEY YOU HAVE INVESTED IN IT IF YOU SELL ASIC THE SALESMAN -"IS rT &-ENUINi LATH AND PLASTER?" -KNOCK ON THE W Al l TO IE SUREf GENUINE LATH AND PLASTER INSIST ON IT WHEN YOU IVILD OR IUY Southern California Plastering Institute l '•A\•·~~.·., ',t(ii 1\" 1r,• A 'I ,• 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PAGE 5 MONDA y I AUGUST 22, 1951 TINY HEINZ SON DUI HOME TODAY: WEIGHT INCREASES Today will be a ,.,-i 4')' for llr. ud Mn. R&y Hana. 111 a It., tor their Un1-. trtll be ...aac bame flDm ~ HOISJ>l l&l. Mark WUUaiti, ftnt child few U.. Balboa llOl.ll*J, waa boftl on Au,. t . welplf\6 t lbe. 1.2 oa.. H• UI beliD p1l:l1nc \he r-.- qwred number or OW\CU befor• betn• allow'ed to lea10e U.. hoapl\&l. Th~ wUl ai_, be a WPkxJme fl'Olll l'f""dpa"'*', Kr. and Ml"ll. A. 8. Hetu of U do Iak WELCOME MAT OUT- Farrar Booked 01 Dr11k C~arge Ai-Ac a -• *-.k Gtv· .., oout wm .. fMed rrt4-y by 1~ 8tMlq J'Vn.r-, ... ot 4• Oc*llm'od .... Ill ,...,. port ,,___ Ouun. •N.wport ponoe wr.tAld ~ rv Satud&.Y wtMa tbq aid th•1 obeerftd ldln drtn Ull'oup a atop cp •t Westmlmt« Aft. Ud N~ Bl9C. Otftoen .aid ... cromecS Ui. wtalte Un• llum.I'> 0'&8 u.m.. J'anv polt.ed UIC) ball. CLASSIFllD · DlllCTOlY APPLIANOl'.:8 -Rouehold r.ru.-n..t•r -8rri09 UDO l!LIWR.IO NU Vt. Udo -11artior 4'79' AV'l'OllOBILE DEALERS H.., and UMd C&r9 NJVWD ftODD•n:a ..... ...... ..... Mll N...,..n BlVf. -Bar. Ill Mesa Chamber. Building Finn Make Offers to Lee Can 4m. by llut Lee Km· 8A.NKS kel of 121 ~ 30th It. u4 Barnet ..._ •f A...nc. 1\,. a AA 'nlE RADCLIFFE -This 1s one of models now available at Halecrest CamJJUs Es tates , new subdi- vision at Harbor Blvd. and Baker; Ave., Cor.ta Me11a. New tract wtl1 feature nunery echool for community now &·building. Hale Co., wellknown county building firm, bu launched construction of the tract. Halecrest Campus 'Estates 1Mesa Dress Shop Manager Has Pl f N S h I Pine Pilfered While al Work an or ursery c 00 A total Of $1'8.80 WU 1lolen a Navy colored 1map c:oln purse One or thf' tealur11 for h&p· 1 $1~.000 ra.nie and lnrlutle three from purae of a Costa Mu a dreea containing llpeUck, perfume, and pier living avallabll' to rf'sldtnte and tour berlrooma, two <'If gv-ahop •tore manager Thureday al· ey!..~adblowd. J .II ...irt In "{ ' • 7 31 · • .. o on e uven e •• 1. of Halecret1t Campus Ena e11-al •1te1. Iota which average ,4 temoon whUe ahe ,,..., waiting the store at lb• Ume, were Harbor Blvd. and Baker Ave . l'q. ft. Major conatrucllon tea-on cuatomera. Meu police re· b b l eaU atln ottlcera. CO•ta Meea, will bf' taclllt1e" tor turu Include genuine lath and aoug t Y nv i f a community nuriwry l <'hool, to plaster conatructlon, cedar ahake ported. Victim waa Shirley Lu------------- be orpnlze1I by the mothel"ll In or htavy cN.lbed roek roofs, floor clUe Harrison of Midway City, thP aubdh•hilon. tt 111 pl&nned thl\t' to cellln,; fireplace•. alldlng glua manag1!r of Ballard'• Apparel, the nursery school wilt be 11f't up door•. lustrous oak noore. com· 1829 Newport Ave. MESA OWNERS DOG IT ON DOG TAGS? Coeta Kee. wW be tiad to welcon1e Dr. Samm7 LM M a cill&en, It developed yeaterday wh~ Ollbert Seal, pre1tde:1t GI the chamber ot commeroe, -t the famow at.hlete an al.rma1l letter ur(ln1 hlm l4 come to eo.ta Mua and Me tor htm8elt what a t't!I• city It wUl be to live In. At the Nme . Ume l°"Ph P. Guerin eent Dr. Lee a telegn.m for Weatwind Bu\lden w\\ich read u followa: "We have beautltul bom• tn ~t ...uilde rMldenUal diftrtct ot Coal& M.... aftllable to you. P lea.e lee theM when you come back home." The bouae1 be hu to ott•r, Guerin 1tai.a, are UlrM-bedroom homu wttb hardwood floor1 and Shute Gould of Loe ~ l'4' l'i• Udo_ ftarMr UN tan&1*1 ym.rd9y la rr..t of •t• Newport BJYd~ pollc. reported. MRBD 8BOn LIDO &BA. VIN8 lltlO ~ ..... r-II'!..--.. ...,,... •• .._.,orll• ""8111 ._..,. V..... IUI V .. U.. -a..... 1111 "'Lee &ad laill funily -Uvt hlla )lartlaque of 106 NlDUl with me until b• ftnda a houee," St. told polloe Y•i.rdiy four hub BEAUTY PARLORS 1&14 P9ter 8. Kr&111e~ or L&kt-e&J>8 weH taken trom hi• car LIDO 1!1.U..ON OP' BF.At!TV wood. Wbo la buUdlnc a new pro-whlle parked oi> Bay Av.. 11.,. Mt.I Npe. lllvcl. -llar. ta11 f..i.onal ~ 11.-. at the an oU dock. comer of V.,,.no An., and ~-------------800¥8 tury Bh'd. w1ler. Lee hu arrang-llOOll OA8Jt ed t4 ,..t a.n e ttn medtcal Ulftbrela Stolen M.11 vi. Udo -tlarl»or '*' mttA. K. I. R&bbm ot s10 Buena OAJ1EBA8 & Sapp&. cam>rr TO NAnON VI.It.a told police ye1terd&y a VINCIENT LIDO DltOG8 ..B•'• Ju.t the type of neighbor paUo umbrella wu stolen t'l'om tn Htl \'la Lido_ Harbor IOOI I woUld lUte for mYMlt," Kruner front ot hi• home. added. Allecwd retuaa.a to u U O&rdea Grov. realdenc• to the .------------ Olympie champ and ta.med war P ABKE8 -RIDLEY bero ma.cl• Kruner want "lo buy llOBTVAB1' him a hou1e and give It to him." Lee told Kruntr th.at he tn- teda to occupy the new medical auitA about Nov. 1. Formertr G&A'CEL CBA.PJtL 110 Broa4'"'1 I-Coe&a .._ U11ert7 a.MU Md 8-HU CABPL."TS & DRAPERIES DICK MACK£K IUO \'ta Udo-Harbor Otl CATE.BING JUCRAJU>'S LIDO MAR&..ET USS VI& Udo -HAnor I HI Clotblng·Chlldrens & Infante 'ERl'8 OF UDO all modem convenil!!IO" tncJudinC .-------------------------. tn the communltv C'1ub Ho11~e partment bath~. bullt·ln \Vu tem Sh Id 11 h ••hlch I• beln« provided by the Holly deluxe range and oven, e to po ce er purae wu Poundmuter Fred Davt'n· Hale Co .. developefa of Halecreat I bulll·ln Weatlnghouae dlahwuher 1~';..?~. ~~ count~r b~ lhed cull port of Cost.a Meu today Comlng In AU!tU•t U06 .S8!'·port Bh·d. forced dratt ti..tl.nc and wnW... UCll. Ca mpus E.atat u u part of the &11d Waah -n • Dry Laundromat, r_-... wu owi un er a reminded Mesa ruldents th&l • al're recrutJon center deatgn-plia many other out.et.and1n1 tu-~·~ rack. :;emoved ta~ be~9~ doc Ucenee1 must be pur· •d for the exclualve UM of real-t uru uaually round In more ex-~er d wa e~b~ nhng k t challe<I for aJI dog1 3 months denta 111 th11 planned community. pen•1ve home•. an • • c ec or or oldt r. Dog owneni with· ln the meantll'D• 1. C. Reed. prutdSlt of the Ovden Grove Ctlamber ot Commerce ia pro- ml•lng Dr. ~ he wouJd per- eon&Uy aee to tt that he found a home In Garden Grove. '"J'beroe la plenty of room In our town tor such a !1ne clUaen and well known Amen can." h• tel.egTapb· In addltlon to the club hoia•. There ~ no down payment for UG.80, alfDed by i:oomu Shn••n out Jlcenlltll are advllled t.o the recreation center, which will vetrrana ucept ror normal lm-and endoreed by 8 111 Inglis. a mt go to the city hall or con- be called HaJecreet Park, will In· pound•. Non vrt.s a:e oCferl'd tact Davenport. elude a large 1wlmmlng pool, homu for a lllW down payment Three Can -•. n Main and 11payed femalH wadlnf pool for children, an ad· ot only $999. Th~ site ot H~e· coet U . ftrnale $J, jolJUnc play(TOUnd, picnic area, crest Campia Estate. at H1rbor Davenport a I • o rtporled ed tAe doctor. .. well .. handball and t•nnla Blvd. and College Ave. ,, jiat Fender Bender the city had purchaaed a court. and a Utt.le IAacue bUe-north of Orange Coast College new panel truck which will ball rteld. a.nd convenient to the Nev.-port A thret • car pileup occurred animal• by the poundm&llter. T?Wi att.ractlve feature hu re-Balboa beach a nd Harbor. Major Saturday al 31,t St. and New· be fixed up for tr&n!porllng aulted In brlak wu at Halecrut hlg.hway11 and freeway• Of!er port Blvd. when the t lrat car WI\!! ------------ TM •oice of a Lakewood bue- lne1111man who ha.s lnvu ted h••· lly tn O.rden Grove property wu Campu1 Eatatea with 110 J\omu tlme aavlng, ~ommutatlon to 111 •topped Ill the pedestrian crOllH· bel.ng IOld In the tint ten day•. near by bw11 ne111 and reneatlon walk HO!JIU an priced ln th• SU.000-areas. W~er RJndlllbacher of Pua· Local Police Catch 2 Young Car Clouts added to the other1. Picked WrotlCJ ParklllCJ Place Fullerton Tax Rate Stays Same Despite Budget Rise dena told oftlcerl! he stop~d a l the crouwalk and was 11l1'Uc:k in the re .. r by a car Jnven by J o· aepl\ A Dunch1 of HunllnRton Park. Dunch1 11&1d b111 c11r was puahed into Rindh11bacher'l!I when etruck by a cur driven by John Emory Kty11 ot 110 Agate A vt . Two Pacific Beach youtha were arrested Friday by Newport Beach police when thc>y were caught rtd· J . H. St.ftf&rt ot Maywood hanJed going through cars In the noWitd Co1ta M-police at 11 Ntwport area. p.m. l"rlday nfgbt of theft of Officers eaid Robert Cary 'I'ye, hia whlte 19M Au1Un ·Hett.le, 19, and Richard Allan Naughton, road.lier fr'Oln the Hazt>or Rol- 20, atJmltted burglarizing th• ler rink at 1728 Superior Ave .. autos. Police 11&.Jd the yout!UJ were Coal& )(eaa, betwttn a p.m and aJso clout1nr can Friday ln Co· 10:30 ,,.m. ruLLJ:ll'I'ON (QC:NS) -The menta, $21,000; brld(ea. S•2.000; tu. tor Jl'ullaton ruldenta and •t.orm drains, ue.111 , elinat.. Girl's like Stolen tnduatr1• will ttmaJn at $1.11~:1 SS0.000; water malns. nrw well.I Theft ot a girl's bicycle Crom per $100 ot &HHMd n lue, the and booater reaervolni, $273,· her gar&&'e In Ute pa.at two !Utys a&rne u lut year. 3&3; park development. $25.ootl; waa reported to police SatunJay rona de! )Ur. They U11ertedly took 8~ M.Ml !le bad bee IO- monl'y and jewelry. Ing l4 the rink every nicht lut AdopUon of the bU41et by the and airport land additions, $17,-by Mra. John Bumh•m of r>~2 city council rece.nUy re'ft&led no 000, tor a total of 14~.074. W. Oca&n Jl'ront. The youtha u11e<l a ~re~· driver week. but bad alway1 pvked to pry open wind ..,uip on u.e nat to tM m.aa door unW m- ean. dq alaltt. l&1 atru.ctut. cb.ane•. but a bud· p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~t tncre&M of SMS.031 tor a total of $2.•te.9' 1. The tu Late includu a 1ceral fund ot appl"Oldmately 80 cent.. 20 cent. below th• lepl llmlt. U1ed u & bula tor revenue trom tu tunda WM an eatlmated aa· aeued value of S~~.000.000 for th• city. U Is a Jump of ap- proldmat.aly $:1,000,000 more than Ju t year. w..,Jor illL'rH" In the budget le tor capital tmpronmenta. They are ctl,y ball addlUona lo adminl· aCraUve and enR"tneutn.r depart- · DEATH NOTICE !!!ABAR MALLARD Banh ltll~n Mallard. 77, of 1195 Oranp Ava., died UU. mom · tn1 at the Altadena Ho.pit.al al· ,,..r a Unprfnc 1Une ... Sb• wu hom in Chffbl". Enfla.nd, and h"d Uftd tn tht. country tor I 48 yean, tn Coata Meaa for t hrM y.an. She came here trom Puadma wher. 1h• had rHlded tor 23 yeara. su""'°ra ..,.. her hu.band, r:f'Ol"(e. ot the bome &dclraa; two f!Ona, ,,,omu M&lJard of Pua· •lena and Wutnd M.allard of <'oat.a Mea: one •later. Mlaa Mar(&re\ Olbaon Corona de! Mar. lllO ftv. rrandch\ldren. Se~lcea "111 be held W•dneeday 11 1 2 p.m. ln Balta Mortuary. C'oela M•a Chapel. with the Rev. Donald 0 . Sapp offlctaUng. Internment "111 be ln P'alrhavm Ctm ateey. "9one Operator hi Aid to Dahlbert) Alutne .. of a tl'l.epbone opera· tor probably saved th• Ille of J'hlWp c. Dahlberr. 39, 128 '2nd ~t .. Thundey when he h•d a heart attack. Hearln1 a moan lhe oper&tor ralled police who took Dahlberc to H~ Hoepltal wbere he wu treated and dl1chaf(td to h'1• ;:~~;:to luHd I John J . Rudd \\'Ni.needay took I out • $4 H6 C:o111a Meaa •·tty I bulldlni Jlf'rnllt fur rnMtructton Of a gtrllj!'f' 11nil nnf' rnom 111 2103 Fetli•111I Av .. Wizard Boat Permit Wizard Bo•t \\ ... 1nuJ11)· took ' OUl • a $4800 COii la M""I di)' b111ldlng rernlfl lul in•tnlll1t1un of An ln<lll:<lTll\I f\111\l\\ p I\\ 21)7~; 1 Halt>or Blvd. I . ::-· Greatest Floor Covering SALE OF THE YEAR leautlful TICJht~ Woven Coffon loucle All Colors Long-W earinCJ Viscose Broadloom All Wool Braided Throw-RUCJS 27x48 Multi-Color Finest AH-Wool Wilton Broadlooms Over 100 Pa"•rns- to Choose from -- Reg. 4.95 3.50 Sq. Yd. Reg. 6.50 4.95 Sq. Yd. 5.95 Each All At Special Sale Prices Asphalt Tiie 4!c Dark Tile l'Aor_h ~l'W Cork T<lftl! ac Asphalt Tile F.xtra SPf"C'laJ f'A,cll Standard Wt. 1" Inlaid LINOLEUM -._y .. Aluminum Wall Tiie lak.o-Ptostic ba••• Finllh-tnstallecl . .~4 ~. above Tub 3 Wa• Complete 44.50 KIWANIS Thanks You! Newport Harbor Kiwanis Club wishes to thank these mer.ehanh and edabliahmenta for their unselfish cooperation in our project, whereby GUM-BALL MACHINES ere per.mitted to be installed. The proceeds from the aalea in these mec:hinH ere used in Boys & Girls work such aa SEA SCOUTS, FUTURE FARMERS, BOY'S CLUB, and UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILD WEL- FARE. Our sincere thanks to the followinCJ ~·. BICHAR.08 llABK.EI' MIS Via Udo ISLAND PA'l'IO ........ A.ft. NEWPORT MARINE SUPPL\' CO. 11'0 w. o-t.........,, TUaNDl8 DRUG 8'l'OJUC %6'! W. OoMt ID~ SHEU. SERVICE STATION HOOE.C-t~ BALBOA CLEANER.I IOI E. 8&lbo9 Bh•cl. BASIN SHIPYARD 8t9 B&yalde Drtve WFSl'EB.N CANNERS nos.....,.,~ LIDO PENINSULA. 81DPY A.RD u 1' 'lbt! Rht111• SEAFOOD VARIETIES itJ8 N~rt Blvd. RAGANS RESTAURANT !.$J5 E. Cnut BJ1llwa..v BALBOA BA\' CLUB J%!l W. COM& Bigbwa,.Y WARD & H.ARIUNGTON LUMBER 00. ssoo w. Clout BJp~ VINCENT DRUG C. D. M. UOJ E. Clout ffl«bway ALL-A.MERJCAN MARKET C. D. M. S4M9 E. CoMt HJgll-7 BANK OF AMERICA en r;. a.Jboa Blvd. MARKEi' SPOI' ZOO Martae A..,.. CHRISTIANS RUT ~25 F.c!J-at.r .JOLLY ROGER zoa M&rlat1 Ave. BALBOA PRAB.HAC\' '118 E. Balboa Blvd. FUN ZONE ARCADE Pun z_,., 8elOoa NEWPORT HARBOR BANK US& !:. c-t RJrtii-1 HARBOR MANUFACfURING •IZ 29th "4tn¥t n8HERMANS GRO'ITO CAFE '4>1 Main S\n-et BALBOA MARINE HARDWARE 8%9 Bayakle Drh·11 HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAi. IOI l'loo. .Sewport Blvd. POUCE DEPARTMENT U6 lhd 8\tftt LAUNDROMAT 181'7 Villa Way BBOEBINOS SERVICE STATION JJOI BaJ'lilde Drh·,. IO. OOAST OOMPANY %110 :Sewpon Bh·d. ALL!AJIEBICAN MARKET, NEWPORT MOO W. c-t 1141a.._,, rLOBENVE BAKERY I06 lla&a 8tniet OOA!n SUPER llARKF.1' IN'7 I:. Ocleat Hl«hway ROSAN INC. HOI W. Ocleat W«bway GUNDEB80N DRUG 111 lla&a 8&l'Mt, a.tM. IAUNDRYETl'E '11 lht 8tnoiel BAYSHORE TACK.LE SHOP ICK \\. <:out Hl1h"''"1 NEWPORT PHARMACY 1108 W. o. .... an t 'rol'lt BALBOA MARKF.T 101 Mala l!fln-t'l nRE DEPARTMENT n ,\ !t od s 1,_c 1Jl\LBOA MAJUNE HAKDWAR~ US1 W, CX-t H&Pwa7 C ti• Fl c· • SEWPORT nTRNl'JTRE Camera Dlsappean oas 1ne oor over1n • '?flt?o w. 'out tuctiway Carl Noeck"r or 212 E lklbo• 1 TllEOOOIU:: ROBINS, •·ORD 1100 W . ~ Frnnt Blvd. nohf1ed pohcf' 11.t lt Jo p.m U 1-2216 NEWPORT VABIJ;J'\" STORY. Jo'rtdl,)' that • c:amtn1 valuC'd at S4l C----St. ttll w. OH-a f"?ttnt CLOTHING -Men'a Retail BID\\'EU.'1'4 SHOP t"OR HEN It!& \'ta Udo -llarbor Ol'8 CLOTlllNG-Womeo'a BetaD I LA REC\"E I &00 na MU..C-Harbor UJO UDO t'ASRJOS8 t UJI Npt-BJ\'d, -Harbor M'fl ~llADOOC'K"S SUJ \ la Udo -Harbor 3&'7T \' AGABO.SD llOl 'SF. lmportt<.I Sport11Wl'Ar M28 \"ta Udo -Harbor %ON DRUG STORES Vl,SCEJ\T'S I.JOO oaCG8 Ull Vi. Udo -Harbor JOOS ELEC'l'RIC 001\'TRAcroBS UDO ELEC'TIUC NH \'ta Udo -Haner ,,., FLOWERS IWJILUlD'8 LU>O MARKET Coruc-Table Arra.n1omenta USS \'la Udo -Barbor :sia roUNTAIN, GRILL VINCEM'r8 LlDO DKl'G!'( Mil VI& Udo -Harbor SOOS ftAMF.8 & ALBUMS OJtRR• •DT 8TVDI08 Mii V.. Udo -lllM'IMlr UOC FUBNITURE • DICK MACU .R MIO Via Udo -llaftior &Ill GIFT SHOP &JCBARD'8 LIDO II• •lrl"T IUS \11& Udo -Bart1or U%1f INSU.RANCE AGENTS W. O. Bl:CK, CSC • MOO Vta Udo -Barbor UU INTERIOR DECORATORS I .BIA.."VCBE Ylil.llERMO.S A.r.n I "18 \'la Udo -Harbor 6SS6 mcK MACKER I SUO \ la Udo -Harbor U28 DON CRE.H'illTON A. I. O. Malaca lmp11rt• I 600 \"I.a Mltlaaa -Harbor Ut'J I MARKETS RICHARD'iol UDO MARKET SOS \'la Udo -Harbor 28211 I PHOTOGRAPH. STUDIOS ot:RHAROT l'!Tl"lllOlll · HJ8 \"la Udo -Harbor ''°" REAi • .:STATE UDO ll.£.&LTY A&SOCIATES U do S&Jee A R•nlal:'I HOO \'la Lido -Harbor UU I'. A. l'ALMER l~C. USS \'la Udo -l\&rbor J 600 \'OliEI, < OMJ'A.'>l' NHS \la IJdu -llarbor '811 R1U ' A.'"0 Bt;A<.:11 RF.A.LTV \"ta Lido Rrl<lce Oltll'e SI lt l...aFay1•ttfl -Harbor 1M1 'SAVINGS It LOAN ASSOCJATIO.SS XY.WPORT BALJWA lilA\DfOCI a LOAX A:-41'\0CIATJO~ ., A S11v1n1:11 Jn11tltutlon Lon( Term H<>me LoLIUI llM \'ta Udo -Harbor - SERVICE STATION8 UIJO Rl(.;HflEU> ltl~ Se"'i>urt l\ln l.-Kar. 'llt SHOF.S -Men's RIO" t:u,·~ i;.nmr. •'OR MEN llUIJ \"la Udo -H11rbor 08'8 SHOl:;s, WOMEN Rt 'LE'"' OF CA UP'OR~U U JO \'ta Ud-HA °'6~ rHEATRt:S LIDO TH.EA.TU C<mwlt th1a pap.-r tor program \'ta Udo at N~ Bh-4. llarllier 11 " lroys 1 UDO TOl"LA.'\' D 14-61 \'la Udo -Uarbor ltN 1l'RAVEL ACE~CJES R.ARBOK TRA\EL ACiL'\'CY NJ6 ~ewpon lllvd-11&1. 11&6 UPDOL8TERINO IJICK MACIU':R MJO Vla l.Jdo -Hamor 41111 WATCH REPAIR \'l~CJ:~'T'A WAT('tf IU·:rAra l.IDO Dftf"fol' Mtl Vla Udo WINDOW COVERISG THE 8RAJlP: l'llOI' Nut lo Pnat Ottll' .. -11:.r. 88' fl~ had ~C'n laktn from hi I _.,.... Costw Mesa 8~,"1>1'8 ur whllt IL wu parkl'd at the 3ttl r:. c,...1 fll&lt"'a1 ~el the& addnea. ........... ____________________________________________________ ,_, __________________________ ,_, ______ ~ ... ----------------------------------------A (}overnmenl f:xcepl PART I· PA&i NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 "God 9rent WI .. MreMty to eeMpt tM ffiings we cannot change: the courage to change the things we can end the wisdom to know the-difference." IA. Anon.) EDITORIALS . Chapman College Filling Need in Educational Plan Chapman CoUec• r.t ~ ii fillin1 the creat need ill t.hia .,_ tor a four-yeu liberal &.rt.I college. Now winding up lU tint year of operation; it.a enrollment is rapidly increulng. Advance enrollment at the college for th• year beginning ~t. 12 S. already !50 per «*it greater than the total enrollment for thil put year. The •w1un• MUion enrollment thi• year hu been double that of any previous Chapman 1ummer MMion and the eveoing .chool enrollment ia akyrocket-tns. Moat of the atudent.a enrolling for •ummer and nentnc cl...ee aN Orange County school teachers who an studying for degrees and tee.ching credentiala better to equip the.m.eelves for thia important profeuion. Cer· talnly the college could provide no greater JJUblic aervice than the training of badly needed school teachers here in rapidly growing Orange County. With· a tradition that goes back to the formation of a college by a group of church members newly arrived in the Sacramento Valley from the eut by wagon train in 1860 and a record of 35 yeara of aervice in Loa An- geles, Chapman College hu a sound educational pro· gram teaching basic American principle. in a Christian atmoephere. It ia truly another great aaeet to Orange County! But, like all private colleges, which have ncf bottom· leas barrel to tax. money in which to dip, Chapman Col· lege need• financial assistance in order to exist and grow. It needs gifts of money, freely given to help the youth of our area to make Orange County a better place in which to live. County Cauldron Is Boiling The stronghold of Orange County'• political dic- tator is being beKiged from many aidea. The West Orange County area comprising the aupervieorial dis- trict of Willia Warner i.a a-boil. Sun Garden Village is frothing and raging at the 1upel'Yiaor who bu flatly refuted to answer their question• and whom they ay bu put the individual benefit of a few penonal property holding friend• ahead of the betlt inter..t.a of all. Particularly have the villagers uncovered a politl· cal abenan&gan. They have found that the ea-called half million dollar drive-in theater in their community wu built with a buildlag' permit for $M,800. 19 Ulla how tvon are given out! Will the tax uaeuor use the leuor figure for tax levying purp<>11e9 ! Ia the in· veatment of the theater more important than the inveat· ment of four .core familiea in their homes when con- sidering fl'eeway alignment, or Ml then another con- sideration! Theae are quntiona to be aMwe!'ed tn the Finit NO COMMENT By WALTER CHAMBLIN .JR. Wuhlncton -Yo11 can be wura that the El1enhower admlnl· 1tratlon I• solnit to Mntlnue 1111 effort• to curt111l 1rovemment rlea, dry cleaning planll. cobbler shop1 1,nd coffee routing plant• ... 1111 In cotnpetltlon with prl· vale bu1tnu11. SuperviJlorial District and they will probably plague the man who hu carried the board of 1uperviJlon around to hia inaJde coat pocket for many, many years. In order to get in on the battle againat entrenched political bouiam in the district a group of ''Tri-City Leaders" ia malting movea toward .elf determination- • new term for .incorporation-at citie. of the 11ixth clua. So vidulent ia the fever that there i.a a trio of "Tri Cities !" One group, Weatmin.ater, Midway City, and Barber City. met lut week wilh a special conaultant to inform them on the huarda and uaeta of a city operation. Another "tri-city" group, Stanton, Cypreaa and Loa Alamitos a.re projecting an incorporation that would extena to the Los Angeles County line, aeaward to the Cout Highway euterly to Wright-Brookhurat St. Their inland or northerly boundary would be the city limit.a of Buena Park. StiJl a third "tH-city" amalgamation conaista of Garden Grove and a major portton of all· thoae in pre- vious mentioned tri-city areu. Particular addition to the Garden Grove projection ia Sun Garden Village. It wu an area included in the Ul-fated recent effort at incorporation of Garden Grt>ve. It voted heavily againat incorporation and wu credited ot blamed for the fail· ure of the attempt at creating a city. Now the group of Sun Garden Village boosters have come up with a petition, 40 aigneni strong out of a pouible 600 voterm, ukin·g to be included in a new effort to incorporate Garden Grove. All of this adda up to what! The elimination of another large portion of the domain which Superviaon of Orange County have tn· deavored to rule or ruin for their own personal atiafac· tion and the aggrandisement of their frienda and call Boya. How do the auperviaor9 stack up! Number 1, Willi• Warner, with three incorporatioa. under con- sideration be aoon would be added to the list of thoee rulerm without a domain. Number 2, Ralph MacFadden. hia domain ia largely hilla populated with llD.&11 anhnalt. No. 3, Wm. H. Hirstein ii being ~nt to the hilla aao .with the expanaion of the limit.a of the Oty of Orange and of Santa Ana. Number 4, Cy Featherly, he hu kmg been diapoueaaed and confined to the court houH and club acrou the street and now even the club ia moving away. Hia district is &11 city. Number 5, He.ins Kaiser, Costa Men is extending lta boundaries inland to an eventual juncture with Santa Ana. Laguna is ex- pandin~ up the cout and down. Newport .ae.ch bu ta.ken the b.ck bay. Sooa Ka!Mr will be oonftned to the rep~dtation of Coney laland, a portion of the Upper Bay left out of the city for county administration. With cities expanding, growing and being newly created, and with the county government having leu and leu to do and lees and leu to administer, what are the auperviaora doing! Voting thenuielvea an increased budget and raising the taxea of courH. ed notice that he would Ignore It • unleu directed by the courll lo do otherwl11. More propoaai1 , • . In addition to the 14 planta ••. are exptcted lrom time to time. And e&ch time 1uch a change la propoatd you can be 1ure there will be anll·admlnl1tratlon blaat1 from the New-Fair Dealera. coat or top manarement. If they had to pay thee• ex· pen11u . . ... privately-operated bualnelffa have to do • • • they all would be toeing money. Not only that, but the Federal Trea· aury allO ta being deprived ot huge arnount11 of taxes which the companltm would pay Jr privately run. And bur In mind that, If the competition with Industry. DF.FENSE Dt:PAJlTMENT HOOVER OOM.\l.18810S government go't then tax.8. that Now the oerenae Depart ment Th• Hoover Commilllllon found might mean IHI taxe1 from Y0\1· TllS ITAWTDIG lllOAft BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL =~RAarA~ cu. ..... -ftM --"7 ............. wtll .... .... ................... ,..,.. ..................... ~ .............. ~ .. --· J-.r&.) At intervala over a period of aome yean I have ~ a trek to the Santa Ana Public Library to either bonv. or aead in the libr...ry a collect.Jon of boob on Joaqula Murieta.. the famoua California bandit. And, of coune. Major Horace Bell in hia "ReminU.Cenc.a of a Ra.npr" tel1I ol tbt lallinr of Murilla quln killed or captured. l'or nesr- • and Three·flngert'd Jack by Cap-ly the three month period Lovo taln Love i nd hll! Ranr er•. But and hi• Ran1t4!ni 1courf'd the after I wad~ throu1h all thl• State ot California tor 11,y un· 101 y mua' -dt' reatllnc ·1 am more lucky Joaquin. On July lft, llN confuae<I than evu . It 11n't be· with time runnlnr ahort. Love cauH I 1m a great admirer of 1,nd hi• Rancer1 ran onto a fT'0\19' lh• .a-ailed .. Robin Hood ot El of Mexlca.n1 neu Pa.nooti. P .. Doralll\" th1t I read and reread we1t or Tulare Lo.kea. ln th• tht m11.tn1al. h11t rather 1 am enaulnr lla...t. the Ranrera tr•· trylni: to flaur• out who and umphantly obtained the hdd of wtlat thl• "haracter actu111,-wu. a eo-calltd Joaquln and p,,_.!"¥04 • Th• other dJly I ran acro11 a It ln a jar of "aplrlta," and la llttl• book publl1hc1I by th" Uni· another jar they put a th~ venlty of Oklahoma rreu en· ttncered hand of the IO-ilallecl titled, "The Ufe a nd Adventures Three · l"lnrer«t Jack Garcia. of Jo•quln Murleta The Celebra· Wltb their (ri•IY \rophlH lb• ted CaJlfomla Ba.ndlt,'' by Yel-Ranren rode to Sacraraento. col• low Bird (J ohn Rollin Rldlfe) lf'Cted to da y1 wape and tbo re- w1th an Introduction by Joeeph ward. and tbe leatllaton were M K.nry Jaclt1011. And tor two enthralled with the raeulta tbey buck11 the prlc~ ot Ut111 book the voted another M>OO buck• for ~""'::'...::.=_-.=::.:.~~~~===:~~~=~~==~=~=~-myatery of Joaquin Murleta un· Love and hla ll&n1"er1. .... AFFAIRS OF STATE By llEN&Y C. llacABTllUR IACRAMl:NTO, (CN8)---0nce PAaTIAL FREEWAY aratn the time for oonalderaUon From &acramrnto to 8a.n Fran· of the annual atate hlChW•Y bud-claco. it 11 a four·lane hlsbway. c•t for major con1tructlon hu putlaUy rreeway. But from Sac· arrived, a.net the Calitomla HIJh· ramento to the Nevada county way Comml•lon today la con-line. then are only abort .,c:Uon1 1idarin( the requeeta from varf:" of tour·lana road, and It la ln OUI MCtlon1 of the It.ate for new thla area that heavy truckln( and lmpf!>Ved ro&dl. . operaUoM continually llow up, Ttle C!Ommlulon flndl ltilelt In and hinder normal travel apaedl. the position of dealinr with re-Ttlum, the nffd for a tour·lan• qu11ta which appannUy wm to-hl•hway acrou th• I 1 e r r a tat much more than th• approx-Nevada la not a matter for di .. lmately IJ60.000,000 lt will apelld cu.ton. u au •&TM It 11 a cry· on at.ate lll(bW&J9 nut yu.r. all tnr need. of whlcb brlnp up th• quaation Therefore, It the taxe1 paid by ot wtteUMr or not th• law• (OV• the trattt u:s 40 aJlo- •mlnl allocation of bl(bway caled to cth: hi,hway,w::;: nee· fund• are out-dated and neecl e-ry Im rovementa b&b I BOme thorourb revllllon to per-P pro Y mlt tM ltate to rat lb• mo1t could be taken care of In a rea-eonable length of tlma. Comput· out of lta peolln• tu and other tnr Ute tu would not be dltfl· motor vehicle tu money. cult. u traffic counll are made POP171ATION L\818 frequently, a.nd a •Ult.able ••ti· Under th• p...ant 1y1tem of mata could be arrived at throurh alloe&Uon, tunct. ro to count1e1 tbla medium. on the buta of population and wiqe. Up to a point. the com- ...._ la <*Upted to IPlftd U... fUadl In UI• counu .. to which they are allocated. Thia 1yltem, however, la tar trom equitable lneofar a1 actual hls;hway ueage le ooncamed, and If tund1 were a.llocaled on thla bull. very IOOfl the moet used highway• in the state would be brought up to 1tandard, and then money could be allocated to th• road• that are UMd In leM vol· uma than th• major hlghway1. Buch a 1y1tem. which could be eully wor1ced out after lepla- tlve approval. would provide th• beet 11rv1ce to th• gTntut num· ber ot people, wtllc~ aftl'I' all ll th• primary object of govem· ment. An example could be taken with U.S. 40. for lnttance. from Ball l"ra.nclaco to the Nevada county line. At the pr-nt time, lhl1 highway which I• one of the rno.t heavily t"veled In north· em C&llfomla, la being lmprovtd on a piecemeal bule. Similar counts on other tleav- Uy traveled h11hwaya throu(bout tM .tAW mapt ...._ tM .... wu e·nn greater and that more tundl we.re avatlabl• for thOM bl1hway1. The more UM(e a hJgbway hu. the more tund1 could be allocated to lt1 develop- ment. POLITICS ENTERS Indlvidualat who eu,pat th1a ay1t.em, however. point out that It 11 hereay ln1e>tar .. preeent pra.c:Ucoa are concerned, due to the constant pu.tttnr from ueu where road 1 have a les1er amount ot tratnc, a.nd allO, where the YOte• are ln the atate la(lllature. ObvtOU1ly, no Hmllor or UNmblyman can be expected to vote for a l)"lt«n which might work to tba detriment ot hl1 own district. e'ffn thou(h It woukt l.n the lonr run. benefit more PfJ(>- ple, and provide better tran~rt­ atlon on a atate·wtde bul1. However, It le, at taut, a rood qu•Uon, and one which may r• celve eome notice In the future. fold1. NEVER IDE.NTlnED LITERARY EDITOR The only ny ln the olntm11tt Mr. Jack.on the editor of thla wu. that no one actually ldaltl• IJtUe book had been the literary tied the "bead" u t.bat of J-. tdltor ot San P'ranc1aco Chron· quln Murteta, In tact the con• le.la 1lnce 1930. He wH a well· ceraua 1eenui to bot It wu oom• known critic, author. a.nd h11U>r· unfortunate, unldentJtted Maxi• Ian and no doubt 90m,. Ume can. A.8 to ·the tland It wu ~ along hi• literary tralll he qulen aabe ~ "ant•lled a. rat In Ule Murleta Rids;• with thf1 •k•tclly back· yam." irround then wrote hie llttl~. John RolHn Rtdge or Yellow bloody volume ot 10m1 to pasu Bird, wa1 a half·breed Cherokee on the llf1 of Jo.quhl Mllrlet.a. Indian aiad waa born In O.Orrta It I• cJajmed that t>le1' ..,.re In 18.27. When the Cherokeea about 7000 volum" publt.tibad. were moved trom Geor(ia to yet today then 11 only on• Oklahoma.. hla tamlly wu on th• known ln extatence betonatns to 1lde of the tacllon that eubmltUd a Mr. Streeter of New J-y. to be.Ins; moved and were oppo•· fl'rom thla book wu ptrated all ed to real1ta.nce. Aa a result he the 11Ublequmt yame about Jlur- aaw hla father murdered In cold leta with even a Hollywood ftlrn blood. and nearly his entire ram-production. lly wiped out. After kllllnc a P'or early Amertoan. Unadult.r- m~n. he ned "° Ca.lttomla a.nd •ted •'corn" that ..-a pull th• after knocking around the mlnea old melodrama the "Drunkard" wrote ot Joaquin Murleta. to •ham•. you abould reed thl• BA.Norr llAND8 account by Rlds-. 1 don't thlftk Jn 186:l and 1863 there w-there 111 a pac9 wtwre ''11lood" a number ot bande ot Mextcan la not mentioned at 1....t two to buldlt• that preyed on the min· thn!e Umee. and the dMd bodlu er• and th• country.Sde. It Nern-a.nd 11lll throe.ti clutter up thins• ed that every blg·ahot Mexican .omethlnr terrible. bandit had a .umame or "Joa-MANY llA1n>IT8 quln" and Jack110n hu du( out The bandlta ramble up and at leut five of them. Th• legilt-down the etate tut.er thaa JU tatun ta llU tl)ed t.o otr• a planM. llom• 1tatl1tlcaJ eoul. r-ard tor the capture of "Joa· abould count the number of quln" dead or alive. But It wu deathl Ridge dqlcta lll tu. book pointed out that thla wu a 1111.y and I'll bet the populaUOll ot th• procedure. orf<!rtng a reward tor State at that time 1hould be a a man who had nl!ver bffn con· mlnWI number lf be Ill O()rrect. victed or a crime and al..o for a with Thrae-flngared Jack bavllls man who no one knew tor car· to work over eom1 ah'Mdy doad ta1n. It alllO meant that nearly oorp1e1. eV1r7 Mexican with a name ot About lt~ certain tnta,..•t• Joequln m ight l!nd up with hi• trial! to aet up a Stato Park to !Ind in a jar of whlakey, and be known u th• ''MUrleta State for which hud _"hould th1 re· Park." ltdlter1allf the San Fran- ward be pald 1 clll<'o Chronicle quUhld tba Idea REWARD 01,.'l:Kt.:O with a IUfpatlon tor a ''Dtll~- A1 a com prom lie, 1n act wu er Dell." a.nd "capon• Canyon." paaaed whereby Ca pl1ln Harry lo let'• not lrid ourMIVH and Lov• could m111ter 20 men for make a 0.vl'y Crockett lesend to day• and eearch the 11tate for out ot an ethl'reaJ thief, bandit lh• Joaquin•. Govrm or Bigler on and murderer Joaqaln Mun.ta- hJ1 own reeponalblllty poeted a whoee name i. mimpelled .... reward of a $1000 tor any Joa-It he did eidlt.. There will be a lot of nre·and· brlm1ton1 eplt"heta h\lrled 1t the admlnletratlon by New · F1,lr Dealera who want th.-itovern· ment t o run pract lcally every· thin~. There may even be a Supreme Court rullnir on whether the Re· publican 1dmlnl11trat1on or the Democratic ConirreH haa the gre11ter power In d,..cldlng what to do about gnvernment actlvllle8 comptttnr with private ln'1u1try. propoe"• to end these govern· abou~ 3,000 cud or government 8o you have a pereonal tina.n- ment buslneeaea in H plants •.. bualnua operations In direct com· cial atake In the controverey ti.- and hu so Informed Conrre11. petlt.!on with 1ndu1try, Theae are tween the Republican admlnlatr&· Some membere of Congre11 are belag reviewed. tlon and the Democratle COil· s t U OUHd. They nol only wtnt the Few people reali7.f that these rreu. a c r.,a men 0 government to continue th... \ Sidelight But, .. of the preeent. Mr. Eieenhower plans t o pro<'eed fUll 1pee<I ahe11.d ... unleu and unlll ronfronted with a Supreml' Court red light. Thl11 Idea of takmr the itov- emment out of bu11i11us 11 bulc '1th Mr. El11nehower. He believes that the government whould do only thoae thlnra that muat be don• , . . anct which cannot be don• u well by pn.,.t• bu91neN. Yet the rovernment baa bean enr•pd In manufactunnr paint and rope a.nd ln operaunr b&ke- and other bwilneN e.ctlvitlea but bualneMu conducted by the cov· Aleo . . • and thla cannot be ~ ~' ~" they &cctu1e the admJnletr~tlon ~lmmenl aredexempt ffrom tua-repeated too often .•. don't for-1------""'""------------------- of planning to def Con e on · · · an moal 0 them pay get tll&t It wu tt>. private •n· IACllAMllNTO. (CNS) -Ac-that nmtually. the board of . Y gr ••· no Interest to the federal govern· ternrlM ay1tem •.. a.nd not 10•· h I The Democrat! c j t ·.. tlon of t • 1tate board of equal· equal 1&tlon would order the In-. c ongreu, u11 ment on capital In vested and no emment buain ... on.ratio"• . , . before th rece t adj t.. l r-·-taUon ordannc lncreue• In the cre .. ea In tho.. countlH which enacted ~e-'•I t~ ou~lbmltlen amorttution of the capital. ad-which hU broU(ht th• n&UOll to ....-ment roll• of 14 Callfomla were below the etate • wide "'' " on pro ng vanced to them. usually pay no It.I preeent plMt ot laduetnal ~ the Deten1e Department from rent, lln•I pay nothlnc for UM l"1ty llDd --,. counU• markl momethln( of a anrace. which la. th• board ending 11ny Activity ot thl• kind . _:::===============r=-=.,_.= .. ====-new atUtude on that part of the a&)'I, 28 percent of UM market . . . 1larted more tha.n three -boU'd, which heretofore hu for Y&!\&e of th• property. years ago ... without tlret JU•· 1111'5 I Fin UM moet part Coll• alonr with Caltfomla'• public: uUlltlu en-• ifylng it before both the Senate U.. county ueel90n of Calltomla tar the picture few reduction• In and House ApproprlaUon1 Com· la ftxln( lha value• of real and tax• In eome of tll• countln ln- mltteu. The legi11latlon provided penonal property. volved. What thla reduction will that. It t>lthn Committee eay1 !flU'I)' ten ,..,.. a.so. the le(· amount to cannot be 1pac:lflcally .. No," th~n the government uU-tllatare found It n-mary to outlln.cl at the pr'tlRnt tlme. aa vity unnot be tennlnll.lt>d. adopt a law wtllctl apeclfkally In· ratH have not u yet been nxed. But Mr. Elaenhowtr took ttle 1tructed the board of equallsa· tTfLITY TAX aATE po11itlon that thl1 requirement ' tlOft to Iner .... ....-menta. But It work• thl11 way-public placed an uncon1tltutlonal re-A98U80U l'l'llONG utJlltl• are .._Md by ttle atate etrlctlon upon the powen nt the H01Aftr, &Manora •tr• too board of equalisation on an ap· Chief Executive . . . and he """ 1troe.i, and at •••I")' biennial Ml· prollimat.e ration of &O per cent lloe alnce, the leicl11lature ha1 de· ot market value. HoweYlr, ttley layed the ·effective data of It.a al'9 taxed by local 1ovemmentl law. Thl11 meant that county u-at UM rolnc local tax rate. ae~•on were on top or the heap. Theoretlca.lly at lea•t t h I• •nd were dt l11ylnir the equalt.sa-ll\Mlll the utlllllu ha~e b,.en t1on plans which were develop.-! p&)1nr more proportionate.I than by the s'!nate Interim c9mmlt· the private taxpayera, w..: .. U· tee oC loca l and C'ounty JOV•m· ..-nent ayerar.. J:I per cent ment1 heailed b~· Stnator Bm r. ot ma.rket value. but who pay1 Hul5t, (lf Imperi1l c o u n l y, th• Mrne rate H the ut1llty. which made exten~lve and com-· A 61111 ttb J....a ......... ._ hr O.W l'9"J' y..,. prehtnatve atudlea or UMMOf ConHquenUy, whatever utility prad lc .. throuchout th• atat.e. ooacern11 may receive u reduc- q.llfW .. ,....... ...... !f ........... ,. ........ All K1lldl By ~ fll *9 Ill_. o-t .C Onllir9 0.. Ill Aotl• No. A·ll 'Ml • ..._ c.IH9lllla !few 0 •• ..... ,. ~ .... ..__ !f ...... -...W A111datloa ....._ el Orll9p 0.-1)' N_. hntao BM UDOICI[. PUBLDIBl:lt WILLlAlll A. xoeaa. J:ditor ORMOKD E. ROl.JN'l'llB. .Adnrtllinl Director CRA.RLll:S A. AJUd'l'RONO, Mechanical l11pertnt.adeat 8U88CIUPl'ION RA '1'1:8: New-port HutMlr ~e11n-Prt-M. Trt·Wffkl1 .. 0.,..... C.-ty, ..... pe, ,_..; ..... , mee.; tt.13 , ..... -- OWW4'1 o1 o.-.aro C-tJ '"·" ,., ,. .. , • TIM l•atll&tun, 11 0 w •., • r. Uoaa. would appaa.r merely to be aped that tollowln( ,,._.... ot ... n~ thlnp up a little. th• blll. th• eounUH ahould b&VI Oriatn&lly, U.. conception of tutftclent time to re·adJUlt the UM •tat• eouUtuUoa W"U tbal ...-n•nt ratH. The m-..e • av~ pay an equal amount of not Ill effect at UM p..-t tllne. t.u.M. llnc• the bectnn&nr of tht a.nd th• bo9rd on lta own ordered •tat• eovemmaal, however, fav· tM lncre.-Ill .-menta \ft orltlam tor -• hu araated un· the U count1e1. ~ payment&. enn within OOl'NTY llAIU>8BIP9 counU.. Onr UM ye&n, much Undoubtedly, the bowd'a order ot OU. 11.aa Min oorne\ed, IMlt ot Aq. 15 wtll work harMbipl there •Wl nma&al a )ot to 10. on 10m• ot u.. u eounu-. tt Tlte NI.rd'• order, Gl -· wtU not all of them. la eom• ta• baVI DO ~ • tilt• llltuaUon. lt&DOll, tu bUla b&•• bee• par· w!Ucb Itel wttolly wtth eounty uaDJ made out, llDd a rr-t .. 111an. ..,.. are 1le1t1d amoat ot worll wW Ille aeee1· ottlc•ra. .ary to eft'tet tt>. rm.ton•. How..,.,, Ulll boUd'1 actJon I• llOWWftr, ......,.... of th• 1tat• at Jeut a ltep towa.rd .. ua.lia-.... ..,... ,_ _• wa,..,. uom oe ......... -.a.. FAMOUS AFl'ER DEATH -Thia .. post.el' wbioh advertised e:ddbition in Stockton on Aq. 11. 18. Bandit'• notoriety held public attention. Farmer McCabe -Writes •.• Well Congreu baa cl08ed it11 ahow fer the reel ol \be -year a.nd already over half of the membership ls otf ca cruiaee to Foreign Countries under guilea of lnvellt.ig.._ inr .omething or other rthat'a one way to get a free ... cation). 1 reckon we have more or the wide9t travelled. beet paid and leut worked Lawmakera than any otW country on the face of the earth. (all~-·-·· . ' .' ... .. GOLD COAST DIFINDD Amore th• many n.elnl' honora which NBYC llt&tf·Commo· dor'8 D. W. ''Walt" JCWott bu been called upon to detend la the 19M Oold Cout victory chalked up by hi. ramoua Oa.1·32 k:apade. Walt, juat. ~enUy retun1ed trom the ~ mu. Trail>P&cttlc Junk•l. wUl be at ~ hebll of l:K&pede when the •ta.rtlnl' &'Un aounda on Baturd&y, 911J1al11.nc the 1165 nm- ninc ot the popular ~wlH race for octa.n raclnl' yachta. 'J1'e Gold Cout la one of the many feature event.a of Newport Hvbor Yacbl Club'• ermual Race WM!t ltttea wblcb at Ult. Um• numben IDOft than 200 mtrt .. In the oee ~ d1nrhlel, arn&11 boat, and luse boat dtvlaloDI •• well aa lb• oce&11 rac· In&' and arblll'ary clueu. -Beckner Photo COUNTY SUPERVISORS OKAY RECORD ·BUDGET Ta lllOHle Pr~plllll Drawl Contplal11t from ......... MISMIS PLAN SICOND UUEF JAUNT POI NRDY NAVAJOS cw......._,.. wc(U.Q!M*-' ..... .... -au 1-.t trty • * MaftJo ,_..... ... ~ ~. Alta.. .. two tiiti ...... of........._ ....... , h: ~ ......... rrtdQ ~ .. the.._.., ....... om.. 1 ....... '°" Ollder ... Co.ta ........ .u ..... ... NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I. PA$E 7 MONDAY, AU6UST 22, 1951 Local Shooters . Take . Top Honors In SundaJ ·Matches -...C te tM lCa~ ..... IDTiW to altaM tlllll ....... . ..._ , 1 1111 u.. mm. wtll -... _.. -.a ......., A-.& • IMG&elW ......_. ......._.t.d tWr owa U..ti· .... ta U.. f11t1n. A eeccmd nJW ,._.. .. wa...-.... --al ~ 'Olut IUtle ala ..... Heat ei.oot wU1 M Ultrd llANTA ANA (OC'Ma)-Wltb taJ ouUq ,_. ud allow tbt ........ mot.er ..sd.d. la tM --lllloot. __, a -.pt. 11. It wW alM only minor at\lltfnJ of ftpree In .aanoe to M lladpt.d .m .,.az. Dmmore .,. '**' ti. ,._. MM& Jll ..... H.. 1 1.-l're&t el lie ...... be~ mMclk. the overall pr~t. the Ol'· TM aureee .UOOl ud __.t«Y NIM lit. Lee LMUr or Ml wife, ,,....._ al IAeltJ ...,. Olllta ._ e.oll ant. OuillW ------------ anre County Board of 8upe"1· ann'\ echechded to lie oompteted or ._" • _._ tD emiaot at tM a.ta ~ ,.._ Nert. of o.la X.. toolr _. IO ... rn~ apprctw.I a HOOl'd Wan J\IJy 1, 1111. dllLtz L ... DMlr •OWilbC ., 8eata AM '20.179,Ht bud,..t tor ltNNMlt. 1vprNon baft taduded "90-' toolr UdN. Tb• •uperyl1e>r1 have det~r-000 oullar tor tM boqltal 1m-· UP TAX TM erate ..... ..., to aiu1111 tile i. U.. ...-d matell ant ple8I mt..S It will take • llulc tu pl"Oftm•t Sn UM Wctpt. .A.oad& ,_ ''*· !kt wu our ,,.. woa -., Pratt. llm Jlllllla of Marvin L11k in 11111 Tr1ini11 r1te of fl.ti or ll.t2 per 1100 Aaditor lAI Jacnll '8 apected apeelfte ...... ,_....,la ...... H...,.-t ..._ fOlScle ....,.. Of Ulllelled YUuat.lon to Npport to recGIDIDlnd tbl ta rate AUi'· An IL Cit of tM ta... 0 Onan ftll toolr ........ Jett row.a ot Alrmul. Kan1a T. Luak U8Kft. t.be budset. nu. wo\IJd be an UI· ao. lfo NCIQeUoft wu Indicated 0 R8r J ~-aid. 0.-. dll Kar. t.btl'd.. ot 111 Xanpld A..._ Corona del c,.ue of 11 or 11 eeata °"'~ the bJ INpenUoft alt• "'1U.7'• put). ,..._ u.. ....... w .. ,_ Tt.e tldrd ln&tcb aw Browldq Mar, la pwtl1 au.dins tM 16-p~viCM&a ,...,. .•. rat ....... ). Uc beeJ1as. a .... . L. .ot.a. ..,.. ............... tab ftnt. ~ eam• Sn aecCllld ~ Buie TraSra.tas c.m, for The tu hike propocaJ m..r • Lut ,..,.. tludc•t t.clall~ e.. II 118 ~ OTZ'b'" ........... Uld Dim Wr4.,,.. toun!I matdl Nanl .A.Yi&Uon lpedali.t 1taunc-. oom~t from the 0nn.., Ooun· tu.W ,570. Jt wu 11.M0,1&4 un· • UM tu. "I tMU Wft ........ wu a time an mat.cb wtlb act. be&d al Naval .A.Sr at.atlcm Loe Ala• fy rann 8'lr .. u·a tu oommlt· dar the upcomlnl' ,...... •. A total Co fta& · 1 tM .......... 1 11 -......_ .. L. V .......... Hewpaet a.eh po. mlt.OI Lonr ~ te.. &pokeaman c. J. Marlu.. ... Of sua1,002 .. to be n1Md trom me WI w ..... aid. .. ~t. ftnt, Powell· Lull. IOft of Mr. and Xra. c. I:. cuUve -ret&ry of the bur .. u. l9CUred tax rol• • MCODd. Pratt UWd. Lulll, wW be qualifted tor ad· contended the rate could M •lie· A8IMMd n.lued tor tbl county l'ULLDTOM (OCl'fa)' _ A a&mll mllllAB na t.be aantall matQ. Pratt ftllelm•t lo AYi&Ucla l:Jeetran· ed Mven or •l&'ht ccill. The bur-11 '455.1111,TTO u ap1ut lltt.· city ..a. Ud _. tea llu 1l9ill mo.r .... m.., wQI u.. tea tooar ftl"llt IMIDor'I, llrpn1AI' ..e-kmDaa Third ClUI. uu hed no objecUOM to a 10 190,00 l&lll ,..ar. ' propowd top lato "'9et Oct. L r.-T lt ~ JGDt.ed eut tM oed u4 ....a UWd. Lee C. A (nduate of Newport~ c.e.nt nJ.M In tax... At a city «!DDel1 mllttns 'rue. ate ...... la '10 ,_ .... ta Smltll WU eboot muter. UIUoa lll&'h 8cllool, Newport ~AX VOMPLUNT H .... •1oa FDnU ctq atctat. tJnt nedtns .... rt+-•nm-D7· ,... ..,.,a. ,. the .......i top abootan undtrw-8-cb. LuU jotMd lb• Ha..a Air The committee'• report went "" en aa ..._.. edopt!nc t.be ..._-Ult .-WW.... aow Umated tMir allOSty ud out..abol "'--"•al Naval Ail' 9t.&U. Loe on: .. w. nncs. bo•nn. Ui&t four llACHCOMI AllA ta&. ud .A.pd! ... Pi> •metel7 tM&r H1t -tmpoMd handicap. i!&mtt.o1 on Jun• 10. He a. cur· departmall tiave under • Mt!· a.tore aay fVtW aetSoa ma U00.000. A.IDallc UMm WU Capt. Wal NllUJ ut.1rned to J'leet Aircraft mated Income or overbud~t.ed Newport Beach appean to be taken, a pu)aUo bMrtq lllllPt. Of lM 11 .._ la U.. <>nap ~ H...-port a.ch poUc. de-Semce Squadron TTl at NaY&l .Atr G))endltune for 1956-M. The.e be fertile ,.round tor beach· be Mid. C"'lraaect1-echldWed O..q LMcue ol OU.. • p&l'tm•t. wtto aboota In top 11\Ut Station Lo• Alamltoe. are the bUlldtnr inspector. re-comben. ll tor a.pt. t at a p. m... la u.. BrM. ~ ••'m, Uld ter clw. Powtl1 and Pllebua ai.o All &'Taduat• of th• ..,., corder, ptannlnr comml..ton end .u an example, Klcha.tl city ball OOWld.1 cum-.. An. Baatmct-8-cb Mft DO .a.e bulc t.ratnlnl' camp retuni to clTt· municipal and ju•Uoe courts." Lovtn1 of 215 w. Wlllon &t~ tile a..rtq, appr'Oft1 ol a .. ta&. 11teft Cit tt.Yev.. llan atatua at lb• end of the Ttle bureau tex fT'OUP con· Co1la Me... who doee not OCIDd UM! ftna1 nedlas wva14 •-coune a.nd conUnut lbtlr tralntnir; eluded the budret has undl'retU· claim to be a be&choomblr. malle UJ.e tu r.Jtq. · It 11 aot p09llble to fomld a ~ TIMft o1 Mr patio umbnlla u memblr1 of Uletr Nnal Alr mated the take of the 'four de· fourid trouser• complell with tram -Jard ... Nported to RIMrY• Squadrona one WMkend partmenta by about '305,000. It waflet J'riday afternoon. He -W• hNSl,,JJ MONU lnc poww 1IPCla lajQltliM. ,.,.,..,., police JUtercla.>' b7 Kn. WUJ.lam eacb month tor two WHkl durtnc p&rld down by '280.000, It would turned th.em Into Ule poll~ ope tM bJl wtll 19n· aftd9~. -DnnGMH llUft7 of ata lhalDa Vl.lt&. tutun 1umm1n. 1Ull mean a !our-cent .rt'te re-department. ducUon, . acoclrdln&' to lbt report. Ott1cer1 .. td the troUMrl Supervl.ton took no action on and wallet bore tdlnUnc&- the comn'llUee'• tax rate re· lion of R. L. Wheeler of ductton requeat. New York. A1'0'111J:R PLAN --------------------Laguna Lions Set Country Fair Date tt. turthermore, wu IU(gtated by the committee that the gen- eral re-TYi be pialnlalned at '1~.000. rather lban epproptiat- 1•1' another •~.000. Anothtr pJaa otfen4 -,. t.bl Wiit waa to Lacuna Beach Uo.u Club mem· put '860.000 1n the hC>jJJ>ltal capl· blr• are promlalnl' plenty tun at an old fubioned country fair lo 1 be 1tapd ln Imne Bowl In their city Sept. l and 4. They an promlllng all kinda of door prlu• from buketa of gTOUrlH to quart.en Of beef and many (&l\'IU eo entert&in both lb• f1'0W1l upa and the klda. '1cA1ley S~oots for Mariles in Perry Matches Youths of 2 Boys' Clubs to Visit Harbor Area Kids Funda from fotmer country fain the La(l.lna • Uona have •tared Boy1' Club of the Harbor Aru held at the Co•ta Meea Park at have gone to put urtit• on the WAllHlNGTON, D. c. _ Ueu· will hOlt two brothtr Boy1' Cluba 11 ·30 a.m. Earlier or taler In the football field, tumleh the public llllant Colonel Leland C. Mc· thi. week from Palm Sprlnl'• and day the boy1 will tlthar So awim· Hbrary, build a awtmmlnf pool. •utey, of 124 Vla Mentone. New-from Hilo. Hawaii. Twenly·fl ve ming al Newport or take a boel lo Boy and Olrl Sc:out1 and for boya from the Hilo, Hawa.11. Boya' ride on the bay or both den.nding street algna. port Beach, bu been 1electtd u Club wlll arrive ln Loi Angelu to· .. ~ a member ot the team Which nlfbt. They will be gut1ta of the :m how lb"t reat of their 1chedule ------------ rep..-ted Ule U. S. M.arlne PU&dena Boyl' Club on Wednu-work• out. DEA TH NOTICE Corp1 ReMrTU at th• ltll:S Rine day on a trip to Mt. Lowe. On Tbunda.y, ale<>. about 60 boy• and Pistol Matchea a t Ca.mp On Wednetday the CT'OUP w11l from the Palm Spring• Boys' Club "Perry, Ohlo, on Lale• Erie, be· villtt Dlen~yland. Thtn thty will will vtlllt th• Boy•' Club of the lblnlnl' Saturday. come to the Boya' Club of the Harbor Ana for a morning alop· A clalm1 officer with the Vet· Harbor Area lo spend th• ... enlns ovu to so ~ al the beach. 8TJAB.AT TABL&a Stilnt Tabler, 6'. ot 132 &ut lkb 8L, c.o.ta M-. died AUS· 19 at bl.I home a.fttr a abort Uln-. He was born In St. Loula, MD., lived l.n Callfoml& for 26 yeen, In Costa Meaa for nine mont.tu. He wu a retired Nleaman for Petroleum Producta. eran1 Service Center, Santa Ana. bedded down on the mat. In the Colontl McAuley hu been ahoot· gymna.alum. I.n the early put of lnl' for a bout 30 yean. H .. wu the evemnc the group w11J 1llend formerly captain of the U . S. a weine't ban" at elthtr Corona Naval-Marin• Bue lhootlng team del Mar or Newport Beach. Pt Bremerton. Walhl.ngton. Ht Thun11d•)' morning the Hilo boye, "Wu alto cept&ln and lbooUnl' who an aJI good bueball playera, member of the Manne Corp• wUI have an uhlbiuon metch with ltuerve team. Wutern division one of the Harbor Boy1' Clubl' llO ~atclMN Jut ,ear. ~I t.uma, The l'U'ltl wW be 'nle Colonel wae eelected for titam memberabip on the baal• G of 1\18 record tn rtne competition. lasspar .... .., •1ect1on wu made by Reeervf' otnclala lier• In Waablngton, D. C. Nets Thieves $1727 SANTA ANA !OCNS> -Five boat11, paint and bo•t h11rdwar• totalling 11727 h11ve been stolen • A 17-year-old Ocean11rde boy I ovtt a period of wtek1 from the wu booked for poeae111lon of beer Glaup&r Co.. 19101 Newport 1eaterda)' morning by NewpMl Avt.. Santa An•. llhtrrlf'1 dep· police 'when ht aJlecedly tried to utl~• were told Saturd11y. lllde three ca.n1 of l)et'r under a I Included In the missing ilf'm& parked cu a t a drive-In. The lad wne one 12·ft.. II-In. hull and leer Jails Boy denied ownel"lhlp of lb1 bffr. faur u -rt. hull• and decka. t • • i, MESA CHAMIER'S NEW NL falDAY J:lalne (Mn. Everett L.) Spew.rd of 192 Jlai8ola . ...,. a.ta Meea. Ull• WHk took over duUee al eo.t& X.. 0 t 11 ot Commerce office. l~ I:. llUi Ill,. eo.ta MMlt. a. ' JI n1 Mr1. H•len Bell, capable ch...., n..~· ... II .,....._,.. Ins ~ jobe. ~rdiq to Chamber Pnlddmt ow-t a.al. -...,, ftlM Coast Guard Tells of Opportuni~ies Ualted Sl81u Coast Guard an· nouae. o~nlngs for m .. n be· tween the egu of 17 and 211 itnd rx·•trvlce men In good health. There are ratings open for rx· urvlce men and rapid 1dv&nce- ment 111 promistd young 1>nU11tPU. Information mav be had from the Coa11t Ousrtl office 11t •02 Fed· er•I bulldlng. Los Angelu 12. He I• eurvlved by hla wtfe.. Ruth, of lbe home addr-; a 90ft. &Ut· rat Jr. of Vlaalla and a llater, Mr1. Mariam l!lebulf&n ot CN· c:ago. Serv1c:M will be held ~1 In Olapel by lbe Bea. Corona del Mar with Sea Fartnl' Lodi'•· r . 6 A. )if. ottfctatlnf. Interment will bl In Harbor ~t <::metery. Going on now! Once-a-year Uprice aale! Dorothy Gray ckansing creams SAWN COLD CREAM thewflll .... whlte-au1 .... " aldla .... twiee .. ei.. Stock up NOW on thia famoue cream and pey leaa than the price of m1ny leu electi?e cleuaera. Peacetime atomic laboraaory .._. prove Dorothy Cray SaJoa Cold Crcamcleu1e1upto2~ tm. more elec:dftly. 12 oz. i•-r'llll•l1 J.$0 -Sak L75 .-.. ............. ,2 s} DRY SKIN CLEANSER with do.hi.whipped ...W..t oil.a •.. lubrieasae u It cl......, 1101. ,.,_,...,.,.,"" -s.u L7S 7 memb'ers oftl;e Newport Harbor Ch'amber of Commerce take this opportunity of welcoming the following persona and establishments into the membership of this organization. They too dedicate themselves to the betterment end growth of the entire Newport Harbor area: 001' PlllLLIP9 Don·• Candlaa •Palm Stn.e.a.a.. WU I.UM TBOl0'901' Btlr1 Markel ... W.a.lllloellmL..,._ RED 108&1'11 Tnder Hom Shop ... ll.elll ...... Balboe OltANT P'ULLEA Amoc:l&ted 81rv1ce Bln. 110 I: ....... Bml., Bal~ ALEX O. 8A.IAZAR Nana'• Taco1 Ill ll:d,.._ter, llAllloa llTZPILUID: II. ()()OSWELL llt.phanl• Beauty Salon 111& .... luTd.,llallloa Flt.AMI 011.ANDOLFO Grandolfo'• ~urant 111 E. ..,.,_ m.11., a.Ibo& ED0.&1' o. LEI} Ill L8tnet. ~ I . I:.. PDl1UIAM 1• J:. ...,_ .......... B. PAYN& TBA TD 1,.. J(tr..., Dr ...... llAJlT PJUcr; Balboa Houu ot BMuty IOI !:. a.I~ BIYd •• lleltt- DIUIDT DF.WJ;S IOI Ila.ta 8tred, BAiboa !:. O. !:LLSWORm Ed'1 TV Selu A Strvk e 111 Palm 8t~t. llelboa DA..'f DETWll.ER Dan'11 S.rl> .. r Shop 101 E.. lt&lhoa BIYd., Balboa IDA PAT BF.ROr:R Surf Apartment.a 1000 E. 0-Front. Balboa OZOROE L. IDCK1' Bamboo Rattan Olft Shnp IOI E.. BAiboa BIYd., Balboa llR.8. IU.alL VN 811JTH Balboa Inn Beauty Salon BAiboa lea Attade, lt&l1"e VEUA MAY BA&.R~OTON The Pink Parlor 80t E.. OcM.a P'rollt, ....... DON A. O~DE&80l'f Guncknon orur Co. JI, llala 8tnet. ....... JORN B. DEt:CDlf Vl.ldq Boul •1~ ..... -.c.. ..... Bf;RR WllJTE S.lboa Hu'1war11 11 l I:. B&lboa Bh•d.. Ralboa EOOE!\"E R. ELLIOTT Elliott'• Tuaco &00 r:. Balboa BIYd., Baltwi. IOSEPHL~l: WE.BB '700 !:. lt&lbna Bh·d., Balboa &LBl:RT W. OOR~-.:ut;8 TOO E. lt&lboa Blvd., Balboa n :o OHATT '718 !:. Ralboa 8Jvd., Ralbna ROOD llANNAFORO S.y Departml"nt Rtnr11 IOS Main ~tr-Nit., ftll.lhoa HAROLD HANNAFORO Fun Zone Arcade IOO E. Ba7 AYI'., Balboa LEE 801.JN 1%10 ~. Ba7 P'roftt., ..... l•land lllA Y R. AllCJIER Toy Shop 116Y, 11.artM AYe., Bal~..._. llJL a JOl.8 .• O. A. WESTPHAL Herbert A part.mertla Ill E. ~Blvd.. BAIMe lll:NaY I:.. Br:CBTOLD -W. 0-t B"7~ Npt. 8& NEWPORT HARBOR Chamber of Commerce Hay Lul.gtnhehn, 8ecretary Ubetty I· 1155 Newport hacll • ) -. PAGI I • PAlT I -NEWf'ORT MAllOlt NEWs.t>RESS MONDAY, AU6UST 22, 1915 • I . ·~, \ . __ __...__.a..;..&__ MESA ~OUNGSTER ILL -Young Tommy Hager- man, Costa Meaa, would like aome letters from any- one who bas the time. He'• se•ioualy ill at the family home as ia bis brother. -Staff Photo YOUNG GARRETT BRINGS IN MARLIN SO LlnLE CASH TO CARRY, BURGLAtS HAM UP BREAK-IN , First marlin of the season brought' to gaff and weighed in ·at the Balboa Angling ~lub by Jerry Garrett, 17, of Pasadena. Skipper on the Jeramar ill from which the marlin wu caught ia pict11red at right and he is Bob Davia of Newport Beach. The 1541fi lb. marlin was tawen at the 14-mile bank on medium tack.le. Thia is the tint local marlin and first marlin in American waters for Garrett although he broupt to boat a. 700-lb. fish in South American Waters last year. -Photo by Kent Hitchcock '.,,,, Burglars got ,110 little cub frol!' break-in ,fl'"'l:Aa Sea Eat.a Gate at 1662 Newport Ave., Costa Kua, ove.ni.l.&'ht wrsneaday that they tilled 111 by pll!ering a SlO um from lbe cafe refrigerator, according to Mea polie. report.a. Cuh taken amounted to $3.60, ll&Jlll&'er Fred Raymond 8mttb calculated. CENSORED STORY TELLS MARINE POW REACTION Heath Arrested in Waterfront Police aaid 60 pennlea were \aJcen from the cull ressau and $3 Crom the music mac.biiae. The hot ham wel&'lled ill &a 9~ lba. Burglary or the ca!• -.. reported at 8:'6 a.m. Thuraday by Waitreu Llnda Adair of leM~ N.wpoft Bl'fd. Boat Theft Ring J D. · Ch k Sa~~~%.;:~en::a ~~~~-to ::~ ury 1sagrees on ec ., p A.'I' lll<JILUlL8 EL TORO KARINll BASE, fOCNS) -(OICN80Rl:D) -The United atatee Kartnem ban t&lcen the 14!Ml--on we from t.be Prut- dent-reprdlnc th'ftlmed •name, ranlt and Mrta.l number" -oalJ Information to be st•• 1t O&pbar- ed u a pri.on.r of war. Membera ot the Kartu Corpe Air R_,..,. -pruently OD two weelu m.nwven al El Toro u part of UWI year'a ··operation Vigil" -b&Ye t&lcen part In a unique and 80m-bat bitter re- heana.t 8ome 30 pllota and groWld llMlllbera ot tbe corpa were aent into the billa behind the aprawllqc Karine mt.ntry bue at Camp PendW.on. Their objective wu to dodi'e "acgreuor patrola" -a aUmulat.d enemy force which .... rt.d.17 hm capturtd & put of the hue-bue. AO'l'ING PA&T The men were actlnc ou.t lbe part ol downed pllota. Their job w.. to 1el lnto "friendly" handa at Uw oppoalt.e end of eiJt m11ea ot NRed terraln. Howevl'r, If lbe men were captured-and the wily Marine omcen who heaJed the project planned th• tut 110 few would not be-they were to tell thelr captora only thtlr name, r&nk ud eerial number. We were at&ndinc at the •·ag- er-or" lnterrogaUon headqu&r- ten wbu the firat prleoner1 were broUJhl ln. They were two cap- t&lna. Oll4i from Olathe, Karuias and on• from Minneapoll8. The ag. ,-reaaor.-playl:ng another part or war-b.ad been elven the job of J'8ltinr a.a much ln!ormatlon u they could. ju.at u they would from captured enemy under actual oombat con<'ltlona. . FOREIGN l"NU'ORM~ l However, lbue eggreaaora wPre ~ dl'MMd In foreign unUorma. Pl&y- lnJ-&nd that Ill a redically inept word-lb• part of th• Interroga- tor• were Lt. Col. Frank Walton ol th• Loct Alamlto11 Naval Air 8tatlon and Ofttlt. Hulan Trent of Burbank. Like almoet all those putictpaunr ln the problem, the two '"re w,tek~nd warriors of UM Marine Air Reaerve. Col. Wal- ton la, ln civilian life, a deputy c.bief of poUce In Lo11 Angeles. He Jmow1 how to h&ndle prl110ner.11 ~ he'• In ch&rge of penal ln- .UtuUona for t.ht city. Women reporters hlld been care-- tully kep~ away from the ecene of the it.terrogation -and for rood reuon. Some might con- aider what happened to the men bNtal -but it wu not brutal, wben you co01Jider that It might •W the livu or one or thue men 1l8clar a ctual combat condlUon>- ar U.. llvu of thouunde of otherw .t.o U'fl necN.1sarll)' dependent up· -t.beln. aAUFOO't MARC'H .,.ou:r •me·· anapped Col. Wil- ton. Tbla wu (tve.n a.nd the pr1~ner llidded JU aerial numbfor. But he c9da'& .,.,... tut hla fHt were lllleedlq. S. bad been marched for &bout a mJle-barefooted. Earlier, bla clvlllan-tender feet had been almost rubbed raw by the roll of boys said to be Involved heavy beot.a be WON. in looting Newport Beach water-Charge Against Mrs. Fair front when he wa1 arrested Sun· "Whal Information do you want day. He la booked on am1plcion of to Jive ua!" Cal. Wlllt.on uked. receiving atolen property and be- The off.leer repaat.d tu. name. Ing held tor lnvestlgatlon. SANTA ANA (OCNS) -De· the7 could ot.. the bait. Tbe He added hla eerla1 number. nu. mal<ee & total ot five boya llberatlng approximately t l v • jury bepn deW>eratiou at 11:01 "U you won't coo--i..·· Wal· und t f t l' d t ..,. to .... __ _._ ..---er a.rre11 or 11 ea ang proper-hour Friday & Superto p.m. a:n re um.,.. ..... ..,U&.,.. ton •pat, "we'll find way1." ty value ot which may totaJ u 1 ' ' ...._ at ·~ .,. .,...... ....... The capta.in wu atrlpped of bla much a.a Sl0,000. DetecUve Ser-Department 2 Jury -U.. clothlnc. He wu taken_ to a b&rb-geant Vincent McManigal haa lo reach a verdict on t.he (Ullt ------------- ed wlre at.ockade. There he etayed been reviewing therts 1111 rar back or lnnocence of accu.ed b9d p D 1,. while the colonel and tbe c&plaln u July :I nnd thci Investigation check pal!ser Patricia Elinor Tho-Cllll8 i.iel'l¥Pl8 .... •• lnterro1ated other "prt.oner1." 11 contanulng. A abort while later-typical of mu Fair, 40, 1'>20 lrla Ave., Co-fo GL I Id r ona del Mar. we Y -1.RCe all thOH lnte.rrogated.-tbe Minne-MESA K I DS 11 m b ht b k Superior Court Judge Kenneth :;'01'~ ~h• c:te:gat~~:I a c E. Morriaon discharged the jur-BAM'l'A. AKA. .A.110. • (OCMll) '"Have you anything to aay ?" Continued from nr.& Pap ora shortly after :I p.m. H• Mid -The deflDM tocl&7 WM to pt Col. ·Walton uked. "What org&nl· Johnny-who waiJ 15 last June he would set a n~w trial date It. Jonc-await..s turn a& ~ utlon were you with?" 10-dldn't have a h1rlhc.lay party Aug. 26 and ordered the defend-Ing the •Yldenoe ill U.. _. Th• answer wu the aame to elther. ··we 1.hc.J gel a cake from ant to return to court at that t1pl1'9eJ'"ti>oblrtrUot ju8Uoe trial ol th . hbo h h lime. Hermaa Paul. Arth\11' ac.dra e&ch queatlon. Th• weary officer e ne1g rs. l oug ," 11hc stated. . ICldred aa4 TUeo Takekntfb.L gave only hil! name, rank and aer· ··u made the boy3 real happy. Mrs. Fair, mother ot five chll-Superior Court ludp J'nDkJla iaJ number. This wu no game. 'lie But it would be nifoe If they c-ould dren, was charged with passlng 0 W..t .._ to 1nltraet jUftll'll wu a autferlng man. ••1 thourht have a real birthday party befare a $20 worthlesa check in a s.outh 0~ docwnenU" JI• .... auow.d M aome: of the reservt11 would crack they · · · •· Laguna Beach m~:ket April ·9 ntdence thua tar. 'nlm. .A.tto'r· before lbla." one of the men ot August :16 lookll bleek for little and l.ssulng a Sl0.1.> bo~s check Walt Steiner, npreeenUDr ~ the acrr-or patrol aald under Tommy Hagerman of Costa Mesa. at the Petite Ville Shop, C'orona koehi, WU to ti.sin the def-. his breath. -----------del Mar, April 12. DOESN'T CRACK Beach Towels Taken Tbe. prosecution also alleged ~al ii 111 It• tlftMD~ WMllL But the MlnneapoUs officer-a Theft of tour h<'ach towels eight other ball checks were put The defendant.a .,.. ace19ad ol tribute to hie Marine lraJnl.ng, both from the beach yt•11terday waalout by the dde.ndanl unlawfully ~ J'apan ... In peace and war-did not crack. reported lo . pol1ce by C-Johnson Mra. Fair contended she Intend· Amertcm liquor li~ lato Ulil He w ... ordered to do an hour'• of 302 Onyx Ave. ed lo cover the cbcckt1 before OCJUDty. - push-upa -& torturous exerclae done m the bluing eun. When brought before Col. Walton again. he repeated hie name. rank and 11erlat number. only. The qulntet ot newsmen who were allowed to cover th.la top- eecret inten:ogallon were amazed. Even Col. Wa.lton-aa tamlllar u he la with Interrogation of prl· 110nen-had a amlle for the brave officf'r from Mlnneapolia. Other otflcers-captured In the unique tut of aklll and mentaJ control -also refused to talk. They gave only what was required-and hu bee.n required for years by t.he Marine corpi1. "Only name. rank end 11erlal numtwr:· The prisoner• were put m li·fl. d~p pit.a, under a sweltering aun. Tht>y were tempted with cool wa· ter. food and comfort. Mo11t didn't budge. COMBAT COSDITIOSS Everything In the teet wu taken trom actual combat condition•. Each torture-like ch&mber that conflned tha men. the way they were bound by thumb a nd little finger with a thin string -each had Ill pattern laid out by con· dltlons 1ervicemen found ln Com- muniet prllKln c1tmp11 In North Korea. But the tralnl.ng-that which the week-end warriora of the Marine corpe received durtnc .lb"f month· ly drtlla and thel.r annu&I two- weeq traJnlnc-pald off. Th• men didn't crack. evtn under th• t&u&'ht reallam ot th• 1ltuauon l&id on them by the "'&l'~Ml<lr1." Preaident Elaenhower can be confident of hi• Mulne Corps - Md Its reRrv••· When and If they're ceptured. lb•Y. ~·Ill give only their name, rank &nd Hrla.l number. BALTZ MORTUARIES COIT.A. MlllA CllA.PEL ITU lgpctor .A..-ue ODlla .... o.m. .... IAlrtr Niil CBAPllL BT Tllll HA auo s. eeut ...._ oa... ... 11u. o.ui. .......... \ Police ~rr•t Z l111w1y loys TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Local Firemen on 2w ...... 11 ... HOU AT CUii CAUSES FALL ; ........ ftl'IC ...... ~ ... _ ...... tkm °' a.. .. f'al41i JWd a..o.ule II T ,. eenl. AVIAftOJQ nail AYlatiana .,. ftna tlac!hadiJ\C mcll ._... u Horta. Amerku. Clean-Up. Paint-Up SALE CONTINUES! l'allt, W n,..,, Toell. Ho•••Dhl Hadw .. , I~• 1-.p11 .. •••n. '1111.,.. ...... Plcalc S1ppllll. MCllly ...._ .,. .. ,,d,.._ ................. _.....c11 •• w.. 0 5 u YH, we ~ogive S & H 6re•" Stamps on ••'• Merchen(f i11. We are open every evenin9 'HI 9 o'clock f• your convenience. AL FORGll HARDWARE s 2205 w. ...,. llvcl. Newport 81adl H•bor 116 I I I I NEWPORT HARBOR ·NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 . PART TWO, PAGE ONE MEMBERS OF NEWPORT BEACH'S Explorer Post number 17 of the Boy Scouts of America had one call to make when they arrived in Washington, D. C. It wu to NAtional 8-3120 -"Congressman James Utt of California, please," they said, and the doors began to open for them. The first stop wae the legislator's office, Suite 322, Old House Office a·uilding, New J er- eey and "C". Above they are pictured around his desk STATUARY HALL proved to the members of the traveling troop that California i8 well recognized in their Nation's Capitol Here they are pi~tured before the stately likeness of Father Jurupero Serra, founder of the chain of Mi.saions that graces the west cout and of San Juan Capistrano in their own Orange Countv. The Chai.I) of M.imiooa ..tabliahed by Serra extends from San Blu in Baja California to San FrancWc<>. Left to right liatening to Randy Peeler recite eome of the exploit.I of the famoue pne.t, Doac Unfub, John Vale, Kent Harvey, P..-wl~MtAm. -· with Congressman Utt saying, ''Boys, the fint etop should be the Wash.ington Monument. Take the eleva- tor to the top land.Ing, climb two flights. and then view your Nation's Capitol." Around the desk. left to right, Kent Harvey Jr., Doug Reddick, Randy P~ler, Doug Unruh, Congressman Utt, Explorer Advisor Lyn Bar- -~ ton, John Van Dyke, Bruce MacGurn, John Vale and Tom Baume. And so they went to , • W A8BINGTON'8 HONUllENT looms high in the background aa the members of the 10,QOO mile tour poee u typical touriet.I i.Q the facade of the Lincoln Memorial before ucendine to the tower !?f the N~tion.'• Jiigbett structure. Lyn Barton, ad- vt.or of the Explorers takee a picture with the towering monument in the ba.ck- gro118d u the boys poee left to right, flret row, Tom Baume, John Vale, Doug Red- dick, John Van Dyke. Rear row, left to right, Kent Harvey, Randy Peeler, Bruce MacGum and Doug Unruh. After you've been to the monument.a, Congressman JJtt told the boys, take in the Supreme Court building. All photo. on auignment for the Newa-Preu by John de Joeeph, RENI NEWS SERVICE, W•hlngtoll, D. C. • PRE8JDl'.D OVER BY an emmineot Californian, former Govemo~ now Chief J.u.tice of Supreme Court of the United Stat.. After visiting the atately struc- ture, drinking in the ru.tory of their nation'• strength throush ite Supreme Court, the membere of the Jamboree Tour adjourned to the broad park laying between the Capitol and the Suprem. Court in order to "bone up" on 110me Capitol lore be- fore entering the Capitol and tt.. marble balla. Pictured int.&Uy u.tenlng to the readiJlc of Lyn Barton are the bo)'IS, Jett to richt. Tom Baume, Bnace MacGuro, John Van Dyke, Randy'Peeler, Douc Reddick, Douc Unruh, Keat Harvey and John Vale. ••BDE IS A STATUE of a very young man who wu one of the reuona that you boya come here u citizens of the State of California and not of a separate Pacific nation," _said Lyn Barton, left. advisor to the boys. The young men are pictured ail they learned the 1tory of Tbomu Starr King, Californian. whose likeneu aleo graces statu- ary ~ in the Capitol. It wu King who preaehed from hie pulpit in FOUR PAYS of reveling in their Natione hi9tory and glory about to ~ behind them, membera of Ezplorera Post 17 are llhown departing the Capitol of their Nation on another leg of their 10,000 mile tour 1preading the word of Newport Beach'• coming Goj!kn Annivereary Year. The boye were in Philadelphia over the week end, New York today and thia week and soon at the Jamboree at Fort Niagara. Start- ing from the back row, down, Kent Harvey, Doug Unruh, Tom Baume. John Vale, Lyn Barton, Bruce M~cGum, Doug Reddick, R&od:v Peel~r. and John Van Dyke. Next atop, Annapolie and Philadelphia. ·the nret Unita.rtan Chu.rcb of San Francisco uf the benefit.I to be de- rived u a Jta,te rather than a sepa.rate Nation for California. Re 4ied at .0 in San Franciaco in 1864 . ..... I \ I TIURD IN TOl 'RNt:Y -Here are the Harbor Boys' Club Midget Reds. From left, 1landing: Barry Rock- well, Earl L<-wis, Cary Clark, Coach Rod MacMillian, , HARBOR REDS SETTLE f OR TOURNEY THIRD HARIOI lunch of lelh Come Too Late as Anaheim Cops M Triumph ,~~ BILL PIULLIPS, Sport.I JCdJtor Three tripl• and a doul>l. thudded ott the bat.a ot Har-PAGE 2 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS bor Soya' Club aecs. apin.t Anaheim at o.ta u-Park MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 Friday afteinoon. but they pro'Nd too ltttJe too late u Ana· helm huni on and raWed to an 8-6 trtumpb Sn the fourth annual Coet. Meaa Midget tounwnent. Tbe def eat meant Pistol Range reltpUoa to Wrd pl&c• ID th• Offen Traps INVESTORS, J erry Lawrence, Terry 1: t;.:W(·:I : ml nichard Schliche- mayer. Kneding: Steve :.:1m• 11"<"'· P,oy Dalton, Gary Pickens, Butch Vineya1 d and Ua\ l' I bmmond. -Staff l'hoto HOAG'S FEM KEGLERS IAG ALLEY LOOT I ShOwinJ bow to Hally a(\- tate the alleya, \la Roar Hoapllal keslin( team wound up lt.e aeuon bY an&gginr twe li'Ophlea ltl Thurllday Momlnr Early Bird Bowling Ua(Ue. Marjorie Kelley WU tabbed moat Improved per- former In lhe lenpln tumb· line loop. Other trophin went to Sharon HouReholdcr for high· t>st game of the 11erte~. 210; Connie-Meredith and Pal Hendeoraon for hlghul 11er· IPs, 609; and Margaret Mor- ris for b11tterlng 200. Remainder ot the conelated ot Vivien Joan Lln,o, Roberta 11nd C&rlyne Rogers. tram Allen. Htath diamond cluato tor \M 1\-s. and a chance at the Cl'OWll ~nat f p I" Buena Park la toul'llty ftna1I or rac tee ktulday for AAabetm. Bhotiun ahoottn from Ult ll18T ••l"Ell'PJQ Harbor area can cet In eome Don Orotht ... breulnr alonr J>"cuce at the S outh Co111t Rl· with a ti'H tram. ahutout &galnat ne and Pistol Club r11n11:e on ~ Reda J'rtday and a 7•1 MacArthur Bl\"J. out of Coron• dal Kar. Tnp mlltchea will be lead, hued OD a four-run aecond held AU(. 28 and Sept. 2~. 11tart- and a lll1'ff-run alath, before the Ing at 10 e .m. Nominal entry fee.a loul IMI• •tarted larrupln&'· Then wtll ti. In effect. Steve 8Jmonaon belted the ball The trap 11 ln operation be· far · O\'eJ' tht cenutttelder'a head tween noon and 3 p.m. on Sat- for a triple \Mt acor9d Gary urday and Sunday. Ordinarily Cl&rk. there are sutfklrnt h!'lper11 11t Grothe mllnaged to qul'lt that the rant e on Sunday l o bl'~tn outbreal<, but came the final on· opl!ration at 10 a.m. Bu t to Ill!· to and the rival hurler appeared aure trap n1"4'r11tlon. arrsngeo- to be on the ropea for aure. Four ment. have been mad" to hll''" a markera made tl'acka aero•• the puller and a loader on duty from dllh for the Reda on auc<"uatve noon until 3 pm. lrlplu by Earl Lewl11 and Gary Trap feet1 ue $l J"t'r T"Und to P icktna and Roy Dalton'a double. member1, $14:) per round w nM· Juet the aame Grothe manag.cl membera. Trap u nmo ta evt1tl· to feotch the third out ahead of able at the range ottiN1 for 12, the tytnr teore. l&, 20 and flO p ug"e Kt•n~. Are You Esnlnt 6°/o For 25 yean we have placed &" Fint Mortgage Loana for a private money cllentele from Cout -to • Cout. We otter a N m- .plete collection a e r v i c e without charge. Wrlt11 • /or / r a• dnrnpflt'f' po"1plll1rt. We Milke "n J>t'T· IOM4J 10!6mtat~. friolorl1•t• 1111 .. 'f""•"t' I l••"• f•l•ltlh~•d 100 1.0t N. I••~ SI • Ml,.,lto•lr J 1111 s .. u ...... c.111 .... 1. Ori•• 1• ••• l<M P••il•t let .. --"'' BJFF DALTOS -;::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::::;::;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:::;::;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:::;::::;::::;::;;;;;:::;::;;;;;:~ ln all. the Anaheim apple· knoc:kera llamm9d 11 blow. ott the ottertnr• ot Dalton. Harbor &ya' Club clouUl'I could collect Ride Showboat to· Laguna on the Beautiful hdftc rHARBOR LEGION PAIR 1t1 TE ANAHEIM HONOR • only aevui, and but four of thoM did d~C•· Twice DaUy-ll:IO a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Adult.a $1.%5 -Chlldren M cente Newkirk, Fitzpatrick ColleCt Orange County All-Star Spots I I r, ... 1.~t111~ twn selections on ~he O~nge ~~ty All·S~r tram in thl· 10th annual Anaherm Jun10r American Legion l ~a:-Pball t nurn:im<'nt. the Newport Harbor Legion nine was I today lll'l'l'l'in~ for its.third and toughesbfray in ~he to~rney at 7 p. m. Thurl'<UtY 1ught. The local lads go agamat winner ,,f Sat urd:1~.-ui~~ht 's clash between powerful Huntington Park :n t ~ 1n 1; '1>1" I ~ Roy Daniel acoreod the flr•t run T.11111• I 1 r 11,. 111l-st11r11 wtre on Paul Lorentzen'a t ingle tn lhe .11111 .\',•\1k11k. :.111!1"1 uf '"'"tour-f1r~t Inning. But it w11a ln the 'n• \' .shlll••llt 1•1l«hln~ pPrt1111n11n-third and fourth 11tanzu that .., •• 11•1•1 • • • ' .••1ur111top neq.ny ;>;ewport H arbor hit lta ba1e F11~pnt , ,, ' knock 1lrldt! . ... rr:o\1, '11Yrt::-.-11t:1t BREAX LOOSE Th ·. '", 1• n.1;hl Liv• Hnrbor Two were out In the third '" · -·I, '" • I 11'·•111 <r ive! 111 a when the locala broke looH . Jl'ltz· ~O~Tp,~,,,~ .. ' ~·" & ~ , • >, • I• Start. Wed. BE'ITE DAVIS .. "The Virgin Ci)ueen" "HELL'S ISLAND" I Yl:'ltt: Ol'T! -Umpire Carl Bergeron g in·~ Da\'I' I l.11·1111011.i t i i . • t .1 1 b at first ba11c>. The action took place as Harbur 130~·1·.' t'lui> r?nl-i we1·c dmpJ>i!l~ a Costa MC'sa ~lldgl't tournament fray to Bul'na Park 3-~. -!"laff l'h11l.1 ·• • •11 • •I • r I 1 ",, c nn(enJer !or pa tr Id< doubled, etole third and ,,.,. 1 ruw11 with ll'1 8-0 c~ aoored Oil Lol'ellt&en'a •ln&le. M hJ)lhly rnLN Routh P.-.d-. N..tdrtl deu-led. Lo~'­ :-;. "ht\k ~'""''"' ""t tour hit.a, dtnlUltr the dlah all the way ·"""'"I .s• 1' 11 1111.i walked three. from tint. Dave Buckman .troll· T9cllmAoolor . ~ i uPSlA~T n C~8~ ~~t ~~T C'~A~,1P M~~~E l.a,.e lrnv• I.a 11~a1nJ1t &e\'en for tht' T 11;»1.s T 1p•r l,ikhtr Tom C:11im.i11 i:alnci.l i.ume• m('11isurt of ~a 11sf;1rt111n from the fray by b la11tlni: two s lnglts and pro1'1bly the Inn._, ~L hom... 111n 11ma.11h eeen 111 lnn1I R d1am1m1I play to clate. CWUT FOJ~ TRIPU -Steve Simonson of Harbor Boys' Club RC'ds finds the range against Anaheim and charges into thirrl b11~e for a towering thrcc-bagge>r. Howe\·er, Anaheim won the game 8-5. -~taff Photo Charles Faces Hurricane Soon J,eadln~ hPaV)'Welr ht conltnd· r rs Ezz11rd Charlu, fonner title hnlfilor, and Tommy I Hurr:lcane) .I ffkson mrt>t In & vlrleQ go All$< ;11 at Clt\'t>ll\nd Arena. Clenll\nd. P h: ... Jark•on n11bbed a 11n11nl· nl"llS no.I from Charles Aug. 3 l'l :'\'Tll('l1~1· w ith •rvl'n 11tralsrht v.i n1 . 11 .IRrkll<ln \'I< tory C'Ould ••t him u p f.,r " hP,\\')'W('lght eollmlnAtlon BAL.BO~ b<>ut with Bob Bal<l'r. f"hnrle1t mu11l Te\'Pf'C his J RCksOll IO!lt in nr1ll'r lo stay In lhP nmn1ni: Tht' t:c·rhamp hu 11ppMre•1 In l 1n 11tt·11p1t, w.ni:; ·-. 110, drc>pj'•ng 11 drawtnr in one. JOH~STOSE'S Mesa Auto Wrecken l '!It'd Auto Parta and At<'"•11orlf'" 20i 5 Plactntla Avf', U~rty 1'1·1013 Co1ta Mtu Open 10 a.m; DINNER SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING 1',GHTLY Th<' /\ 111er1c11n lndians oullast- rd thr !..,rate !'l:ntlonal11 for a &-5 t11u1 nl',\' ll mmph Thur1;tlay. J ohn ('11\·nult anti George Brown hurl- "'' a f1veo-h1tlH ft1r the win. Co· Aus.-b's Be:~· \'RUil 111nglrd erroM two vital 111n~ uml Jami's .Marlmdalr got tw11 b1n~l('!I In 11 pair or al bau. Lowers Beem on T crrid 'Tigcm; I rAJR OJ,. WlX~ Fntlny's r<'l1ult11 found t he GI· Rr.ls b1•atmg the Rril Sox and Tr" 1.1<.'>ll < 11. the B th1• U1 .1v('s the A's, hnth by 6-1 ~,,,,, n 11 1 .. L•. 111 • 1 o~l the st·o1<'11, ai. lhl.' :-.::11lona1 Lenguer1 B .i\iHt 1.1 :1 '. i ' .::1mr1on don11nn t rd. Dub!~· Darn tit and I g11n11• D'l\'l1l lqhm!lrl rb11rl1Pd the GI· fli;n < 111 I or the 11 1'1• U~s<>ball I , • I afternnN1 ,, I · i thllrt 1n lh·· :. • 'h1b 8 11nt vu tor~'. Jt f! ~m1th stifled I h11r~11:ly n\'81 1 Rppns for U1e 8ravu . f1m~hing Theo t;uhs an•I Brllv<>s clash to· ; • I pc-11n11nt monow Ill r. fl m. The G1ant1 will rhnl!P, thr l' h~ \ • . •••:<I 1'1111) meet w lnm·r bf tod ay's Indians· 1 "I I. I Dodgen1 cnnleat Wednesday al tn lh" lo11of n' ,\l 'r:·. I C~··r~o· 1\t; r" "t.1 n t ,. hl\)l.1 b11li,:1n1.; 11 finale C1.i. . I I .'\ J' m 'foJa:· ;< Olhtr I) p.m. game <'oh t."· l 1, bcl\\'<'rn the Tiger! anrt A'11. ·.,th \he The Hr tl Sox fec•e th" lo11tr of 1111-11111 lh<' l n•ll:ln•-Dntl~crs !ray at :> ·,.,, 11 .rm. L11m .. 1row. •• • •• -y.\,.,. ' ....... Evt-n In the t ou~hest nprr:iting conditions, you •an I"' i>url' ~ 1•11 r d1!k rl'n!1.1l :ind tr~rnissinn gears nrc fullv pro:· :1-d ajtnin-t \H.1r by kl'E'pin~ the C8ie8 fillm \\1th H! ~I Multi S1n 11e GMr Lubricant. It ~·ithstan 1'<; the estr cmc pre11ure1 thAt de. \•clop JO sp1rnl I ·1·,·d nnd hypoid getll'I. RPM Multi- Sel"ke Gror Lubricant forms a lubricating, weu- rcsisting roaung on sear teeth. Thia lubricant atanda up in h1sh ofl('r:iting t1 mpcrnturt'fl, rW!" oxid11tion. And it n1nt::1 i11" an nnti-foaming &gent that helpe control rxp:m~1"n and prt'vt'nl IMkage. f or eitlra irear •protrt:tion, ordoc RPM Multi-Servk:e Gear Lubricant I-Oday. ftt l1ftt111Gfio" '" ony Stander• 011 te"',.~Y ti Colifon1i• "MIHt, rtll CLAYTON THOMPSON l&n W . .satboa Bh·d. Harbor 155 e<L Newk1rx tallled on a w1ld pitch. WMAT A WOND•R LOCAL DILIVlllD PRICI Old11nOltlfe "II" 2-0..r Seden ..... •246500 ..... _...., .......... • l=OR JUST A S:llW DOLLAR8 MOR• I For the dieer joy of driYinr-tf far oo oitMr ~ a "Rocket .. and take to the roadl Fat here'• a oer whll 1 •eo. Ahead" lilt that eenda yoar apirita _,.,._..,,.Wf"/ ror tbt moat uhilaratin1 ICt.ioe of all. Id the mJcltty "Jloebc• En~ ud B1dra-Metic Sape Dme• 11a111 row away'-a bunt ol nnooth power that meaoa new .. 1tty in uy eituU. yoa ,mttt. So come ID-pc oar pa'"'°' •w•laal • .,_. preemt cu and check our low prieeal 'There'• t dirilliilc "Roc:lec .. to fie,,_, poc:k.tl ..,,.._,._..._ .. 1 ROCKET 11 0 . L-C> S M 0 Ea I L-E , .. cooL .............. .. AIR-COllDITIOlllD OlltlM081UI --------Y*T"" •oan IOOW' ••• AT YOUI OUIMOtlLI MAUl'll ------- MILLER CHEVROLET 1000 West Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH Uberty 1·2261 • I ........ 1rs OFFICIAL: GIANT NINI BUNTING IEARERS OF HI C'S NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II· PAGE l MONDAY, AU<?UST 22, 1955 Cha mplona of th• Newport Harbor Hip lkllool Mlq.t C' &i.eball Ltt•ru• wert o1ftcially the Olanta t.od_, wttb releue ot final at&ndlnl'a by the dwtrtct .wnmer rec...a.Uoa department provam under Athlelle Dtrector Vern Au.a. ne Gilltlla ~d a record ahowtn~ ot 10 wtna, two loaMa. 111 pmu Thuraday, th• Cardinale downed the IadJ&n. 8-t •nd th# Red Sox beated th• Whit. Sox 6-2. BaUery mat .. P1tchrr Biil Brockman and Catchu Randy Nlerowald bomend for th' lnd.1ana, but lh• b9ttery ot Harold Man Oil the mound and Randy Warren IM.hlnd th.e plate l'ot lht Card vtctory. Sitndy Eastman Wlla wlnnlnl' chucker for the Red lloa. Today all the C nmea ent.u the Colt& Meaa Park C tournament which luta Into September. Hip School ll&nd· init•: C1entJ1 111·2: Card.lnab 10-&; Tl&'en, Ta.nln!ff, BravM 10·8; Cubs 9-7: Dodger• 8-9; Red Boa •·11 ; lndl•na 5·1%: Wh1tr Sox 2·14. BIG MEN ON BAGS No lt1rtli11 Ch11ges Occur in Meaa C looe No atartllnr cbarlr-ln Coata W.. Park C l.Aal\M llt.aadtnga were cauaed by °'"" ..-m•• played Thuraday. 'Ille IndJ&n11 beat t.be Cardlna.la •· J. the ft.Id 8oll upaet Ute White loll &-1 uid th• Tanllffe downed the "npn .. ,_ Hila by Rlcban:I M&Jlcebo and Steven Ver Pl&Dck unleaahtd a four-1"Un fl1"9l trame fOf' the Red Soll. Arter that the hurllnf of Harold Crim kept the Wltlh1 Soll at bay. Rudy Veal not only did a nlt'e hunk of chucklnc for Ule lndhuia but ellO led the Cardinal aplal· tertnr wtt.h a brace of two-bait· Giants Capture A Loop Crown with Rnal Win • gera. Jamta Norrid aulated Ve•t on the anU11ll. The Giants conclusively proved themaelvee the big men in Harbor Boye' Club Midget A League baseball ranka Thursday by defeating the Cardinale 4-0 a.nd c&pturing the loot> championship. A loa. would have left them dea.dlocked with the second place Red Sox for the diamond diadem. Steve S1mol'l30n an" John Slun1nc by Mike Buford, Pat and Clinton Smith 11ni1 Je1'11e Flores proved efftcllve for tht Yankees. They more lhBn otrstt two double. dellverl'd by Tlgtr Pl~her Paul Grrgg. St&11dlno: Cube 14_.: Gi a nt• 13·4·1: Wltlt• Sox 11 ·&·1: Dodpra t -T·l : Brave•. ln1ll~ t-11: Cardlnaa 7·1·1: Red Sox 8·11; Yank ... ~ 13; Tlcera 4·14. BE SURE -INSURE .... llAU1l101: ttT.un.sY ........ o.t.Y "'-Hanor !t1& UH It. 0-.& RlpwaJ 0...... .arJ Jiu MESA UPHOLSTlllNG .,, ........... ~ llH N"PL Blvd.. 0..ta 11- U)lwtJ l-4Tll --DIBT-- COLLICTIOlll •--.. -N.._ -a.a.a eC -1kla4ot~• AllM>rtca. "No ~UectlOM-Ne ,_.. "'• ad~ "" ---CREDIT llUllEAU or Weetel'll Oraace CoaatJ fOmHlrl7 Credit Bu~ " se .. -port BNcll, l.aclUI& ..... aad c..e. .._ 106 &h•e .... A•e.. P.O. a.. Ill. NEWPORT BEACH, CA.Lii'. DANDY YANKEES -Thia vel'8ion o'f the Y&nktt ball club ie located in Newport Harbor High School C Midget League. From left, standing: John Macy, Ronnie Noble, Ricky Johnaon, J erry Adam. and Mike Sbucter. Kneelingi Chris Elms, Jamie Cam>ll Brian Campbell, Jamie Crowner, Terry Hanson. Randy Riggs. Cal Preston wu not present. -Staft Photo Hughea •lated mound dutlea In tossing a lhrtt·hltter at lhe Cards. Harold C11ldwell got two h1ta In three 1r1u fnr the loHra. ns Al. t'ISISH Finstl l!t"ndings wound up like this C1Rnt11 16·!'1: Red Sox 1:1· 6. CMdinals 13-8: Bnt.Vtll 12-9 : Indians 9·12: D o dge r• 8·13; ANAHEIM TOURNAMENT TABS ALL· STAR TEAM Private Police • MERCHANT ;;LA MNG TIGERS -Really not ao vicious since they play in Newport Harbor High School C Midget League ba.«eball ranks. From left, at.anding: Dennis Bond11, David Lagerloff, Jim Sullivan, Dale New &nd Steve NEW TEACHERS LISTED . FOR NHUHS THIS YEAR Attendance at Newport Harbor · Union Htch School 18 expected to be In excua of 1900, Supt. llldnty David.eon bellt'vea atter dUng the 185~ Individual atudent prog-rama that have betn proc-· ed durtnr the ~mmer. Inqulriea from the large number of new r..Sden\a In the dlatrict al90 point. to . the jump tn enrollment wben achool opem Sept. l 2. Sl:deen new teachera have been added to dla t.eachinJ llalf u followa: M.A. from Sunford. She taught In San Juan Capl8trano Klgh Ju t year. OCCIDENTAL MAN l!:dward Newland will teach hlatory. He le a gnduate of Oc· cldental. Lewi• Palmer will teach Eng- li1h. He graduated from U.C.L.A. and h.t did work at Lo9 An,elea St&te Colleg-e. Mr. Palmer hu lau~t lh• put two yeara In the Baldwin Park R ieb School. Myron Pellinger will teach hi•· Oltnn 8--lt ,,-.d1&&led from tory. He received hla A.B. and Banta Monica City College and M.A. from Lonr Beach St ate U.C.L.A. He wlll teacll commer· Colle1te. Ke aerved In the U. IS. cla.1 aubjecu . SU.tt played on Army for two year!!. thl' varalty ttnnla team at Ml"• Of.Ila R&ml~z will tesch U.C.L A. and lll'rved durin1t the Sp"nt11h. Mt1111 Ramirtt 11111 gradu- war In the U. 8. Navy. ate ot Lor,.tto College in Colo· FBOll MASSACllJ;SJ:Tn ra.clo. Earl Boyd C'Omea from Chel-Cil Ro.ech wrn u"ch hlatory. ae11 HIJh School In M&NAc:hUHtla He received his B. A. from tht whrrt hf' h&a bffn hud of the Tf'XM Collet;f' ot Minta and t1111 math41matlc.t department. He I•' 8 .L.L. from the University or a aradu11te or the UnlvtT11lty ot Tu111 Md he did gnduate work Maine and h.. a Muter11 De-a t Lo11 Angf'Jtit Slat,. CoJleR•· ,,.., from Boaton Unlvtralty. HI' H,. •erved for two yur1 In tht w ill tM<''h mathematlca. U. S Army. Mrll. LoulM> GrtesMt" attended John ROH will teach 'hl•tory. Pomona and r.celved her B. A. He h ... an A.B. from lhl' College Thatcher. Kneeling: David Kendall, Randy Prior, Ted Barker and Ron Hoffard. Sitting: Pat Sullivan, L<-nnie Bonda, John Williama, Scott Smith and Gary Pow- ers. -Staff P hoto . MESA COUPLE FALLS OUT OF CAR WHEN DOOR FLIES OPEN How not to get out of a car was illustrated about 3 a .m. yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. William Hun.zinger, 2335 Eldon Ave., Costa MC'ea. On thei r way home they stopped at Eldon Ave. and then made the right turn ontd Wilson St. Doing this the car door on the driver's side flew open and they both feU out. According to the report of Officer William Savage of the Costa Mesa police department Mn. Hun.zinger fell out first and suf- fered minor abruions, but wa.s able to go home. The car wandered off by it!'lelf and "nded up again8t. the fence in the back yard of the Donald Gutric:lge home. " White Sox 6·111: Ysnktu 0·111. ANAHEIJ.f. !OCNS) -~med Today Ill ll·JO pm. the Glante to lht' 10th annual Junior Amer- open lh• A LeBK'Jl' tourn•ment lean Lt~on Bastball tournament In Costa Mt•.!11 Park 81t"aln11l the Orangl' Counly All • Sta r tl'&l'll lest pl11re Yankees A 11econl1 were: tourner l'llnles1 1.• al&ted 11 8 P1tchl'ra· Ken Enrl1tht. Fuller- p.m, belw••en tht third place Car· Ion. Sl~n Herpe<'k. Lagun11. J im rtmals 11nd the 111xlh pl11rt Dod· Newkirk. Ntwpot l Hubor; WaJ- 1ttrii I 'Y w .. 1nack. Garden Gon-e; Bob ln olh«r t•nnrtudmg A Lta"1e Shqlz, Anaheim : Tom Donalson, confllct11. the 8r11vea b11shed tht Huntington Be•<"h: Bob Geer, WhltP R11x 14-7 Th111sday· and San Bernardino; Dkk PeterM>n, F"r1day the C"nrrl11 eciJ:l"rt the' Dod-j Upland11: Bill Oaul{'herty, Fon· ger11 :l-? whlJP lhr Y11nkte11 rose ta.na; Jne Poller, San Btrnudtno. And 11n"''" th•· I nd111n8 13· 12. Catrheno· Jerry Fishel. Fulltr· TA"SUt:'.\I TOSS ton: 1 Dave Beebe, Huntington Pete Rtnddartl an<I Grtr.v Prck· 1 Beach: Ken Meadow•. Orange: l'n& tus~··d in tandtm to mufnt l Hsi Ren1ff. Uplanda. Ftnt: Kent WhltP Sox ~lu1t1ter11 fl)t the Pembroke. Fullerton; Blll John- Brta.•,.s R1chol"'t Lennar<l a.nd Ron I :"'111:1•nt fum111hed tht powt>r tor the Rr&ve allark. Le<>n11nl rnp· P"tl two lnple11 anti 1t rtouble snrt :"'ugent a !rlplt anJ 111nglt Single~ b~· Ron Jt>Ml't 11.nd Herolol C&ldwell 11rcounlf'd for I two run11 to •park the Ca rd llQU<'r ker over the Bums. Juset I end Earl Lt'Wlll CO·RUthored tht' Card win e11 b<1lh aldt'll <'Ollec ttod Jury Trial Set for Faust on Molesting Raps JUSt two bsni;lu. SANTA ANA tOCNS1 -In· Ed F"r1 dPtle'11 three run homer nocenl waa the plea of David C. dtc11Jed tht' 11111ut' In favor ot the Fau11l. 3~. ot Santa Ana when Yanks m the lndl11n 11lugft'st. Pete Lomt>.rdo •lac> <'l rcultfld for Ute Tanke. .. C~ps Witness Hit-Run Crash Manurl Jurado of Hunting-ton Bl'arh wu ar~•ted by llheriff'• officer~ al Mt1111 Drive and Bay- v1ew St~. after they wltnelffd a hit a.nd nsn accident lnvolvmr the J ur11do auto and t""•o pa rked ran m front of 2380 !'\ewport Blvd .• COl't.a Mesa police reported 11t 8:30 Friday night. Shenffa Off1cera who aaw the erc1dent Wert' Jame• Pond and Vinrtnt Avery. They aald Jurado wa"' traveling norUt on Newport Blvd. when he atruck the parked cars belon~lng to Kenneth Edaon Mier11 of 2!520 Wutmlnater A•e., Co.i.t.a Mc11a, and CaJvln CoWdgw Huclson of 1929 Federal An., Co11ta Mesa. Jurado left the ecent w1Uiout alopprng, th• offlcera re· ported. Jur11do wu booked tor drunk dnving and hit &11d run lnvol.tnr an unatltndtod vehicle. HI• ear wu Impounded. he wato •rralgntrt before Superior court JudK• J ohn Shea Fnday on two child molesting chargu. Jud1te Shea Khtdult'd • jury trial for Faust Sept. 19. The defendant wu represented by th• public defendtr'• office. He I• out on b•1l. Faust uaertedly lured a 13· year-old Santa Ana girl Into poa· Ing for semi.nude photo• on lhe pretenae he would g"l htr into a modeling cal"ffr. He &llO took picturea of two corona del Mar women In bathing IU.lt.a Tllree Minors looked for lffr Drinkf119 Carol Frank Evana Jr., 18. and two juvenHu were arrested at a drtve-ln lot about midnight Saturday for drlnkln1 beer In a car. Officer A. l. Johnaon report· ed he found atx botUes of beer In the car, lhrH open. and lhat Evana claimed It wu hla, bought tor tilm by a Mllor. AddreffM of the trio were raot rt•en. SWITCHEROO prox1111atrly s1 1 In tire~ Wert-Son Asks L.tters ne11da.y. Me1<11 police rrportt<I. Blair 11md lhe two s1111peclB SANTA ANA ~OCNSI -Son &YAM tried to ltr\)te Capt. Dy- IOO when placed under an-e1t and had to ~ handcuffed and forced Into the police car. One of tht juvenUes wa,, &lllO belllgerant. the rf'port ahowa. Con Gimmick Worked with' Mesa Recaps The old con ""'1tcheroo glm· mlck apparently cost MrVice ataUon operator Richard Blair of 28&8 Redlanda, Co•ta MeM, ap· brm1.,ht 1n tln ( lrl t r • n ( the dece11aerl Walter Wiley · ,., .. ' 1 e 1nr re· WA .... R ...... _R8 P • t hf M I \Veavt'r. 61 0 St. Jamu Road. •• ........,..&,.. a.r ll 11 • esa IH r\' co 11t11t1on. S4LU. HlVICI ...... ,", .. l'ot-Mtlllf1...-t wUh lh• repa ir job, ="t>w·port ~ Be11ch, Friday petitioned they botij!hl ll rPC8p Then. while ~llptrsor Court here for felt.tr• • J n I ~ 11 t h" llttf'ndant w 11i< bu11y pla!'lng uf 11dmlni8tr11t1on In, the eatate 06 PLV~clN'hOtO[d the re('11p and wAilin,1e on lhP ~118 1 ot Msrton Hod1tt11 \\ arrum. Al110 u..a pumps. the i<uspecll' allt'Rertly known u Mrs. M11rlon Hodge• !llMS It ,.. CIHl OOWIC 11hov<>d ll new rf<'llp llhcl thr old _w;;;e;;;a;;;v;;;er;;;.;;;";;;h;;;e;;;d;;;leod;;;;;;;J;;;u~ly;;;2~0~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,..;;;;;.,.;;;;;;;;H;;•';;'-;;;;;;;";;•;;;;;;;;;~~ repalrec1 llrl' lnlo tht' auto. r SCHOOL f u c LA Sh 11 h of the P.aclflc ""d 11n M.A. from ,.rom h ' · · · e wi teac Sta nford Unlver11Hv and •t>rved l:l'\l'llM. Slw h&a beeJI t.&chlng Tl'nc . • 1 •'--O&r HJ Sc Robert Houae w!U teacb 111 the tP'horree yeara In the U. S Air n ..,,. d11111. gh bool She When It w&l! 1111 over with. 1 Blair reportec1. he wu out the old tire, traded In for $3.00 al· lowance, and a new r~ap valuert at Sl3 68. The su1pect1 ~ot Utrtt Urn for the price Of one. ao- 0-0rdlng th• Bl11lr. VIA HEAD'N TO THE LOW COST WAY ce la a f"ldUate of Kan... Cttv blolofY departmenL H• ta a &'"d· Joh~ Herman RoUtll'dg• wlll Junior CoUege a nd received h,.·r uatl' of Ptpperdlne College with tf'ldt mathematlca and aclence. B.A. and M..A.. from U.8.C. an M.A. from Long Beach State. Re gnduated from Tex ... A. a nd Miu Dian. WeeU&q wtU \each He h:f been Hrvmr M a . ran,.r M. he alao attended Humbolt In the Gina' Ptlysical Ed. dtpa.rt· P ... Mnger can paid more th11n ;at~ra lit In T011emlte National State Tf'ache1"9 Collere and U . c .. ment. Bbe Ml a (?'llduate ot N-· 181 million in tolla on roada. •r · Berkeley. For the paet alx yean port Barbor Untoa H . 8., att.nd· bndge., and tunnt l11 in the Urul· Paul Lawhorn will teach bla· he haa taught at Anlkr110n Hip ed 01'&llp Oout Coll• and ed Statea In 19:>3. rl'J'Ol 18 the tory. He la a p-aduate of Whit· School. rr-clu.ated froaa U.C.L.J.. National Automobile Club. tier Colle1e with an M. A. trom William Straw will t.acb Bo)"a' ~~~~~~~::;;;;;;;;::;::;::;:;:=;::;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;_ Lo~ O.ac,b State and wu two PhyalcaJ J:duc:a tlonal and drtnr r ~ara In th• U. I . Nuy. education. H• 11 a gTaduate ot MIH Jaa Ann Newbur1 wU1 b• Fullerton Junior CoUere arid Lo9 In the Encli.b d•p&rtmea t. Sh• A~I• State College and ~ ~lved a B. A. de(?'M from In the U. I . Army. N orth••t•m Unlnra6ty and an Mrs. Mary Lou ltaJ will ~ ........ e ¥'' PM e '''C IT Af FO•D A 1011 -ma..a ... DOC'" -.cralOAL OO!f'ftA.OIQM ~ ........ I .. -111 MtWIMe A.-If ........... 1~1 li1~1r~ 111111 Co111p11y L••••• D11I .. .-C1•l:werl1.-.-.,n •• ..,. • -' SO UTtt .~ OflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RISIOiNTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAl "° 108 'ft)() LABGll ca ft)() ••r.1. ................. ....__ • 1H41 HualNr llYcl. at .............. Wortdapn211'• 8t.c>ni ~·· ft&bt -hundrede have fomtd tt 90 euy to park .. the frlendly horJHo. Hice et.ore ... 11!1111tMa 1 ~-~t ··-··-··-····-·· 98 Jea111 1Sa.otor1Md to •t&t ft&. 2 Mone, t.cJl It th... 89 are aot tile ftJMlll ,_ you ...-bad. ... U-MI --··· c ........ PATROL aon. San Bernardino; Junior J11ck110n. La Jolla. Second· Boh Centleman. Santa An11 : Allan Story. Anaheim: St,.ve Kriner. Carden Grove: Bill Cnmn. S11n Bernardino. Shortatop: Mike White. Fuller· ton ; Dennie F1upatnck. ~ewport Harbor: Mike SIA~lt', Garden Grove: Lou Ertle, Santa An11. Third Cul P t nninrton. Fuller· Ion: Joe Avllll . Anaheim; Kf'n Pureell, Oranire; Bob McGregor. San Bern11rdlno. J.11rry Srhnabfol, I Santa An11, Outflf'li1· .T•ck Hart, Garden Grovf': Ronnie MeyPr, Santa Amo : Vern Wuver, Ana- htsm; Bill Coopman. Huntln.(111n Beach ; Henry Mory, Coron11. Mike Jewett. Fullerton and HARBOR BOAT PATROL Coa chu tor the .quad are Bucky Walttra. Fullerton; Cecil Doyle. Gard1>n Grov•, and Bob Brand. Anehtlm. CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 ••••e••••ee••······················ • • • e • • • e • • • • WHAT'S • DOING T. M. H1mbrook. your TtfephoM M1napr Ht Newport 8udt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••ee••••••••••eeee•••············· "A VACATION FOR TED" T. M. Hambrook, your local Telephone Mana1tr, whoee pteh a.. appea111 at the top of thla column, la prteenUy enjoying a weU earned vacation. When aaked where he waa rdi"I' on vacation, Mr. Hambrook replied that he wun'l leavtn1 Ute area. .. Attw aJl, everythlnK la right here at n>y back door. 1'fahlnc. awlinmln«. play- ing 1 olf and Jiut 111Ung, aounda llk• a pntl,J' good nctitJon to me." Ted Hambrook tnjoya life neu the beach with bJa lo'NQr wlft. Jane, hia daughter Mary Jane, an;J hla .on LH. The femtly moved to Ute buch c1llea iJI 19'7 where lhty r .. lded aboard &heir crulnr Enlerprlat 11. Mr. and Mra. Ham brook are both vwy acU•e In civic and community actlvltlea. We who are ll'ft to carr1 on Ult Job want to Wl•h Ttd and hla family a wondut111 vacat'°n ... ,.... a 1ooc:t lllTI• 'BoH', wr'll be 8eeln1 you." Customer's letter describes thrill of telephone conference call "Dear Sirs: Recently my brother arranged a con- ference telephone call with fne and our two aia- tera. We each live in dif- fe"9nt parta of the coun- try. The operator let m e know about It at noon and aaid we would all be able to talk to each other al the Ame timt That nlcbt, right on time. it WU carried out perfectly. Jt wu u thou11;h everyone ,.,. .. right In my kitchen, It wu IO clear. I do want to thaak all who helped 1t••.cur.•1 a.w1~oa make t.hla thrllllng expe~ce f!088lble. • -Mr1. Clora B. WiJoo. We certainly app~iat.e letlerw like lhla. for they tell ua we'" suceeeded again In making lhe telephone 11tlll more uMful to 1°"' And that'• the mO«t important put of our joh. Pacific Tel.OM worke to make your telephone a bigger value every d1y. Take llfe easy with extension phones Can't yOM pirhmi tht> cmtl'ettMrtlc• of altca11.• h11t•i"'1 a tclr.phntt• witlt11t ,.,,,.!I rrarlt 1 Yot1 rould re· lo:r Ofl thr patio or porch , /or iPI· J1ta11ee, ll'tthOMt /\at'1ng tt> mnu• to on.w'f'r a rol1. A"" ""' /\ telfoo. phOIU!ll 1111/w! /ll>tllQ r<l(Jnt,kitc~, oftd anv tJI hrr rr1t>m l/<JM ..,,. a Int, yo11r ttlf'ph<mr orra"'1r.tl'!Mlt /fW' ra'1/ 11• inf/ I\ r11mplrfr Yo11 J11J1''1 l•me ond ro11ntlr,., ,,trp1t. Co.•t: Lr1t:J titan a nttkr/ 11 tlou f11r M<"h addUaott0l pllo~. A "d rl"mnn~, too-if yov'r• pla""i"g to t)tl1ld or rrrrtodr/ -Owt 11·~ "41JY 0 1td ·-·"·"'· to 19\CIMM buiU-i" telqllotv 1/'IMflg a..n mtlld• '" WOf1r ,-..... 1'My'll '"4ki! y0tir ltom~ e"Velt mnrr mnd'f'n o"d /iu- .W.. r or '"" odtltce ()fl bvilt-i" tMrlft9. or fl\()f'9 /oct• obot.t .,,. ....,..,..., ceD ro-r telqlw>tw butMH ofl're . ' LIGAL NOTICE 'PAGE .. · P. !lT 11 -1''~\'/:'0RT i-iARBOR ~~EV./$.f:'{ES:; 1 1-f>rr·•~:"!\I" -----------1 MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 1 -Akohuhc. Anon.v1;1;,~;- c·r.RT1t"tc-ATt: til' Wttte .,. 0 a .... :1111 ----·-------- ORIGINALS v' •' Check these Used Cars Rl":oi&Xl:1'4S S.u n ; Nrwpori Ekacl\, \:altf, The untJ1•r• l:'•tt'<I gent1hl pa rt nf'r'1! of th" (11111 hl'r t'lnaf1• 1 th·• lc na t"d .111 l>•·t•h.'' («'1l1ty aa tol· DELIVERY GUARANTEED Pbone Harbor 4111~ U r STANDARD STATIONS H1u1 OPl'l\lnf tor Stttson s·~l4'1<ml'11 .o\F'TERNOON, Cockl&U, dinner dru.11u A CoorJlnatM Buy from a local de&.ler w bo WUI be hue TOMOIUlOW to ~k up •bat he eeJ\a 't0t>4 Y I C'l"S'tOM DRESSMAKINO low~: Delivery of the Newport Harbor New1-Preu la !!:;&e.utz Aid.!' ____ _ Al(u 18 ·40 0f'llnge Cuuntv 5-Day-4().Hour -Wffk Hlr h •tarting pay Excellent Benefit• Ph. Ku bor 02&8·R Nc3 F'retl \' I" .. :111• hrrtt otorr • g uaranteed. Ca.rrier tSoY11 will deliver their papera be· ~ .. ne1111 pa itnrs tht•t-m h.u '"th· fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly. Wednesday and Friday. If your Superfluous Hair nm\\-n fr,.n1 111.-J>s.rtnt't ,,,.1111• bS Permanently ~moved front tart r onir11t•n "•m.<ent tnr the fl'" P'•l<t I paper ili not delivered by that hour plea se call Harbor anna, aera. Eytbtow• an~ hair GoOll opportunity tor Advancement ror l'nJ!.11•1111e 1n uthl'r bv .. 111•·~11 l'n· 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. line ahaped-No mort tweeldnr t ••rpr l~(A I ELLEN L. BRYANT R E. Apply Thi' 111in n .. ml' t.n•I •t \'ll' of lht '!:::::====================== Udo'a B&Joq ot Beauty Bar. '.?~~6 ~;.:t~~~:~t~~~;~;·::.::1 Class·11·1ed !%-Lod and Foo.ad Uc STANDARD STATIONS 1\1 1~1)111 ,,f :.!IW2 t•n111•1 llwhll'I•)'. ~l'WJ'C>ll Bt11i·h t"nllfornlll and LOST P•lr ot Arrow wat~r 1-lu · Oahlla and Coaat H11hway Corona del Mar Chapman and 8padra Fttllt>rton 8.:10 t o 9;30 a.m, }.fonda,\' .l Thurtldaya. t'la;1lrv r; 011:-.11111 uf 71'.! f1tlttl,.-.t l I with full bl&ck rubber I •" Or !l;t'W JlOr t Rtll!'h C'llllfnrnlR. Left Ill Bal'k Ha v Or. Co ~kt I I club •kl ranip. r11:1ny art,·tn "'" o\:'\!BITIOUS woman over 30, marn1>d or widowed. wlahln1 lo .,un l~O to UOO a month tn rl)njuncllo11 wlth home duu .. 1.1 8·:1114l•. 112cll4 ot \~'111117.~·:f);.:" han•1" th" 2N cl.1y I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Rewan1 nffcsetl. Woo h • Rio• k· STANLEY (; ARlflH I~ I Har 21)90.J. . 9:.?r9~ .11,1-1 z-; un1 ~o1 :-. Every Monday, Wednesday and . Friday , ~TATF: OF t;Al.IFOR:'\'IA COAS S O dn I I.OST In Back nay area. Whitt COt':'\T\' O f-' ORAN<a: •l>ll I TAL H PPER -We esdays leather purse. Hu lrlt'nllt1t•fi t1ur1 Thta 28 day of J uly, 19:!11'1, ~-C'outal Sl\oppt"r Ad" run In th" \\l'dft~a1 .Sr",..p,.....,. I gold watch It bra<'eltt. ll<'1•·a t1I GIHLS 00 d Phone Har 3428·MK. !l:lpH5 I YOU eonaJly appeurt'd t>etort' thr un· I 4 LlnH l lnw rtlon ~I. ad 'I. lint11 .25 f'lt. d era1irnc<l Nota1 y Pub.hr J ohn 1 -' I.Jn~ 2 ~rt ions I .• ;o add'L llnee .25 ea. I will have &n opportunity BrU1b1n and St11nltv <: n 1 lab111, 1 4 l.Jn~ s ln!if'rtlons ,:?.00 add'L lintw .25 ea. 24--SchooL., Instruction to advanct In ou r tlrm, known t o '°" lo bc th .. pi<rsoM ~ Lin!'!\ .i ln!M'rtlons z.;;o add'I. lint>~ .25 .-a. because or our preaent ex· 'lll'hOff nomell are ~llOS< I llll'll lo Situation \\ •ntrd Art11 wlll """"" •• 1.;47. dlllfi>Unt. c·u h In &dvanc"e only. China painting panslon program. the wtlhln c1or11ment 11n<1 •l'knnw· The 1tarttng aaluy 11 Jellgrd to me tha t tnr.v exrt'lltl'il ____ Ml:SIM'1'~ AD JS • LISt:s Day and Evt'nln& Cl&aaes good and )'OU 'll'iU receive Ordt'r1 Tukl'n Now the same UE;\ DLI !":ES ror plal'lng or, cancelllng adll art': frequent lncreaaea, too. H. R R1nir For Mondtty PulJUca Clon -Friday 5 p.m Phone LJberty 8·M~S DHtc J obll now for : Sota,ry Puhlh' ln en~I for F'nr \.\"et.tnc•u:Ja,.v PubUcattons -Tueaday 1 p m. ------------Tr•:LEPHONE OPERATORS ll&ld CounLy and Stull' ,..or ,..rlJ 11y r 11bhcat1on -Thureday l p.m. CONTRACTORS My Comm111,.ton Exp1rl'1 :-.-t:w1•0RT llARBOK p 1·e1.J:oOU.SG co. ALL CLASSIFICATIONS Oct. 30. 10:18 %'!11 &ltKia Dhd., .Sl'wport Beacb, Callrornla. -Apply - 5 1' •.; ?1;0. Main Street No. 602 l'\ewa·Prl'U 8 1. 8. 1:1. 22, 191'1:1 CERTtFICATE or enusr:ss FICTmot·s FIR~t SA!'tt: The undPM!ip:nert d., htrl'by C't r · U!y that tht y a re cvnducttn$: A marine tlber1tl~.s manufar.tu11ng bu111neM al J02 • l6th StrPPt. l"osta Mf'sa, Cfthtomla., undtr the ftr· tlttous firm n11mr of MARIN E F IBERGLASS J'ROOUCTS 11 n d t hM 11111d f1nn IA ('ompo~d ot the tollow1JI~ J>"r80ns, whOAe namea In 1\111 and phl'PS of rt!tldt nre arc u follows. l c>-w1t : LAWRENCE A. ~ELSON :'107 Clubhoullt' Newport Beach. r aur DONALD R. JOH NSO:.t 21 :1 Wlllon rllflt• MeH, Oaht UAN W. SANDERSON 3:10 Oil" <."111la .Mu&, C.Ht Wftneu nur hand• thUI 28t h d11 y ol J uly. 1 9:1~•. s LA WR ENCE A. 1'Ji:L."0N "' tJONAU> R. JOH !l:SON s ' DA:-.! W. SA.NDERS0:-1 . RTAT f: O F CALJFORNlA COUNTY OF ORANGE )Ml. nf lhla 28U1 day <It July. A. o. 1!•~. 1>ero1 e me ROBERT F'. \\'lLL!l!ES, a .Solatv Publlr In Rnd ror the aa.Jd County and State. rio,.ldlng therein, duly commlaalon· "•I s n!I •worn ~r10n&1Jy appeared l.AWRENCE A. NELSON,•DON· ALD R. JOH NSON and DAN W . RA.'IOER80 N, known to IH to .,. the f'C!~N wboN na.mu &re aub· iu:rl bf'd to Ute wtUtln ~rument, •tnd •cknowled,-ed to me that they f'X"cutec1 the aame. Jn witness whereof, I have hr rr- unto l!l'l my hand and a rtlxed my n<r1u .. 1 11elll the d11y and year In lhl• Crrtl(1cai.. fll'et above written 1 11/ ROBERT F . ~S My C-ommlaston Exp1n•1 November 16, 11166 No. 601 !llewarPre1'a 8 11, 8. l~. 22, 19:'1:\ NOTICE or ftID S oure 11 hereby g1\•en that the Bot.rd of Tru~tt• of lht' Orang e' <"out Jr. College Otat. of O rMll{t County, Calif, W1D receive blll• up to 2:00 P. M~ Auguat 30. J9~J0. lit the ornc:e ot Mid achoo! d ial . lo· r at.d a l 199:11 So. Harbor Blvd .. Co.11.& Meaa, Call!., at wh1.:h t 1m" aa.Jd bid• -..'1U be (lpeneJ ror : Fluot'e8Cent a n d 1nc11.ndu crnt light.a, w1t.h one-year "nd or 21'100 hour nunJmum guarllllt•·t. Spec1C1· c-at.Jon1 for ab<lve m11y be secur••J In the office ot tht' A:o...,,t Supt. In Cb.:ge ot Buslneu. Thi' Ow n. Special Not1ces Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Afcets every Thuraday 8 p m Via Opurto -t:entra l Ave. Nev.i>ort 8f'ach 12-Bulldlng Sen·lces ---------- CARPENTRY MTNOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOU SMALL ' H o. Ancert0n JOU E. B11lbo& Blvd , Balboa Hubor 2'!10 83trc STUDY In spare lime for contrll<'· Rm. 2t I -Santa An& lor'1 l'Xamlnatlon unl1cr a (rtn· 9:00 to 4 ·oo ')> M. cral contral'tor with 2:1 ye11r! PACIFIC TELEPHONE l'xperlence . .!:'laast'a Turs. Rnd 73tfc Fii. l'Vl'll. 7 .30 p.m. Attend f irst 11ess1on free. Be,;tn 11nyt1me I ~I F.N. Full time dlllh wuhert, Al Tvler School sNACK s Hor. 2306 E. com 1611 No. Broadw1w. Sanl11 Ana I Hlghwa~" 92c~ Ph Klmberly 2·4226 or Kl 7-3511 SECRETARY _ Medical over 21. t (c No medical rllp. needed. 51,; Albert H Matthews. E:x111tN1 Ruler R-e-a-1---------d1ys. start u oo. u 8-5103 Estate School 112c&• Classified Index I Funrral .Sollc-r• i c·ard of Thanlu ' F'unrral Ulf'f'ctor• 1f) Roo•l,,...A (juJde 11 RuJldiJl« Materi•I• U ftulfdlnt; 14ervlrP• 1• l'rraonal" U ~lulr.-1·11ur <'ar 11 T11UU1portat lu11 1'1 Roonn1t I II Rfoauty Allb !O Hf'aJth Aid• 2! I ..o1<t and f' ound !4 '°'"hoola. ln11trucllo11 !It ~ltuallona w .. nted :?9 llr lp \\ant r d !'II) Ml,.rrllanruua SO·A '°'"•Pl' :IO·R Applla.n1·r• 3l \\ antl"d t <1 ffu,- S! t •urultur\" for ~air !'l?·A Antlqu~ 33 Boa... !>lup11llr• H Mualc-al, R.dlt\, T \' M Do,p. ('oh , Pru M Poultry s1 u v ... tM k Sii M~la.1 Annowa-ent • Auto. \\anted 40 Aotoe for tla.if' *" n.... rarte ti A•Co Serriff U Tra1Jfon U Alrp llllltt n W1111trd to Rl'nt '3 Apt•. 4: H <1UM'I> for Rl'at •8·A Apt•. for Rrnt •8·8 Uou11e9 for lh•nt •&-C TraUr r Spa('r '9 ..Room• for Rl'nt •ll·A RHt Hom"" 41 -R Room ~ B<1ard le> Rrat. MllW'. U '°'tol"f'" lo Offlrn ~!'l·A Rm.In•·~• Kt ntala r.• Rualnru OpportunltlH M Monf'r to Loan 341 ~onf'y \\'anl,.d in Keal f"J!llat.. \\a nted rr ruer"C3 l ht' prl\'1lege uf rt- jecting any &ml all h11l11 •1r lo w11 lvt' 11n\' 1rre~ll\nl1r11 or lnCn1 · mo:n1u in uny b1a or In the b1J · dln.r. ~'1\c-d: B H PETERSON Se<'t y 8011r•I of Tn111tl'1:!' AdVf'rll!.f' A ll~Ulll 11'1 llT!ri 22, 195!\ Open A\Jgll~t 30 19!15 2 00 PM. No. 6n:i Nl'WS·f'r('s.! 8 1~·22, 19.'i!I 'FOR RENT S lclll Saw•. Elec Drtll1, Pohahert, all 1y~s ot Sande'rs, Wheelbar· rows. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HJCHWA Y Liberty 8·3•35. Newport Bch 28tfc in Santa Ana :l!Ai..E or F E MALE ba1rdre11er to work in new, pltasant ahop. Every thing furn iahed. Higheat f(Uara ntee .tr commluion J>11id. MARIO'S SMART SET-H u ~1 04. llOc4 MEN .tr WOM.€N prepare In 8pare lime ror unlimited oppvrtuntl1c' I In Rea.I £state. New classes weekly. Al Tyler 1nstruclln(. At· lend ti rat even mg I r('e and learn a bout this 111'eat field. CAii or WOMAN ror baby 1ltlln1r i dlah· write now. f'S. Nice home wllh pri. room Al T 1 S h l .It board It $50 mo. Lido tale. Elec Tool Repair Y er c oo Har. u 91.J . v3cll0 • I 1611 :-:o. Broac1w11v. Santa Ana j Sk1I Saws. Ortlls, Sandera Kl 7·3:111-Kt 1'1·34S9·KE 8·2:.013 gp;CR~ARY -Steno., 1teno-lY· Q UICK SERVlCE I trc 1 1 plst, 1leno .tr figure work, gen'I LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. -------------office boOkkee per, nata urant .tr '4~16 t\o. Ntwport Bl\ld. :'\pt Bc:h.1 Super-Market domullc. M&I• acc'l, • boat Liberty 8·8383. H tfc TRAINING bldr. n les. I J U:-O"E FARRAR Employment PAINTING CENTER Agency •021't -32nd St., Npt 1 Croc"ry ("asht11" ancl .Mein w rar· Bch. tnppo11te City Hlllll 1:-0.,.ERlOR _ EXTERIOR p~n Make $110 tQ Sl20 per wk . 92c94 LICE NSED -I NSURED t.:all for appo1n t1,1en.t tu l~a1n 1 , • more a bout l hlll ti·amlng 1 OUNG m arrle<t man !or turn. Glenn Johnston AL T YLER S h 1 delivery truck. Opportunity tor :>OJ • 31st St. :"ev.·ror t Beach 1611 <' 0-0 s adva ncement Elt!>frll'nce not Harbor 31i6 22tfc X n. Broa1h•ny Kl 7.:i:.1 1 nrceu ary -Martin Furniture I 94c8 Co. 1885 Ha.rbor Blvd. Co•l• B k k ---Mua. 92c9• oo eeping Service 28-8Jtuati6aa Wanted A Tt'CNT!ON ! ConU.ctore. S torekeeper• NcNI eomeone to 1 (lllcve you of those monthly bookkeeping wor· r fu ~ A11k a bout our re11aonabll' A'l"l'Dn'JOH ALL .c>Ya - TBS NmWa-PBDll '9 110W tUdq c&.rrter appllcaUon1 tor routu ID theae nelghborhoodl:- ratea. Ha r, 4888·J. 84c97 j ASPHALT TILE I Working Mothers Child care in my home day- t i m e. Newport Heights area, Liberty 8· 7674. 83c96 Balbo&, Wcat Newport, B&.lboa 1~ .. Newport HelghUI, Corona del Mar a..nd Costa Mesa. LINOLEUM CLE.ANJNG .tr IRONING by the lni.11111 the abo\'C cheaper than I day Experienced . BaJbol\ Island molll, Also sell T ile & LJnoleum. Non·unton, :l!'> y••ars ('.Xpcriencl' preferred. Kl 3·609e. U ! Comt>are 11nll see I BILL COKER Har. 4828 or Long l>o ~·ou ha,·t an\JI In I l~e11ch 7·!1973. 89tfc your plMts ~ It you are l2·U yrs. old, and have a bicycle, a pply al Ula Clrcula· lion Dept.. Nev.'J)Orl Harbor New1-Pre111, 22U B&lboa Blvd., Newport Beach, between 10-12 a. m. or 4·:1 p. m. only except Saturdaya. l!c LA DlES: Read our ad under da.sa1Clcat1on :u -Super M ar· kl't Trttln lng AL TYl..ER Schols 16 ll N. Bro11clway. Sa nta A.na. "' 7-3:111. 9•1'8 I ASPHALT TILE Alumlnum Wall Tile Mfgrll Dl!llrlbutor!I \Vhul~Mll' prlt't's to I Contrartors .l Tilt' Settn11 LI 8-7493 68Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 years ex!)fr1ence LlcenllCd A lnsurl'd. Ss t111ract ton ,uarantt'ed. Eatlmalea free. Call J ohnnie. LI 8·2687 & LI 8-5289 8ltfc -----------------------~ CEMENT & BUILDING Alt Klnc1~ FREE E!.5TIMATES Liberty 8-6109 h there a big llnp in your how"'·· Nen.·1·~ on trlgl·' Temper nm riot' Hou!e fallm~ apart' 0()n'L jump Orf the )11er' Call Hanrtyman Slim HA 4828 l-fany do helter work but none rharge 11'•11 ' !l:lp9~ Swedish Massage LADIES,-by AppolnlmPnt In yn11r home. FORMERLY ma.ssru11e 111 Arr1JW· heal1 Sp1 tn~io flutrl P LF.AAE C"ALL HRroor 4iQ!1 nr HArl>or 02(12. 8.'ip98 EXPERIENCED SECOND ma id, exptrlenced n rve &r upstafrs. no cooking, perm•· nrnl. rercrencea. S2,:I. Harbor 0021 9 to & p m 94c96 Beacon Personnel 100rc employer retained agency NO fee collected from a pplicant Wt1 have l'Xt•rll <•Jlenlllgs for Sc>c ty., Strno., ~nl, Om ce. S.Ur.11, C:osl A, .. l. &. light hOUSI'• k <'<'Pl'r-hvr 1n. Drastic Reductions Up to lSO';O ON 8UMltOCR DRl!Ul:I, eepa· rat.a. ~ • ample&: ltl.U\GDt WDB lt5e k Oout BhO.. lAf'1M Bch. llttc CROSLEY 8Mlvador ntnr. '50, w~. elec. f'Ml'9 ST& map&. 9'C:Nl&ry ~. malq. aecret.&17 ~. Har. asee-w H ctl 1000 EmboaMd butin-or a ppolntmtnt Carda, $4.95 LEON WHITE U 8-5160 or U 8-4011 t 2ttc Fresh Hearing Aid IL\TJ'J:Ril:a W• Olft 8ldl Or.. lt.ampa Gunderson Drug Co. Matn 8t. at Balbo& Blt'd.., Balboa H&tbof 1115. 98ltc A..\'TlQlJES -Old f urnitura, cul g lau. Jarnpa, old picture.. ctock1 etc. Bargalna g-alore. Big dis· oounta to dealer•. Charlie Davia. 1805 E. Ami.helm St .. Long Rrh. ~0..139. 29trc For tboM wbo want ~ Miit Konkel's Interiors "PENNANT WINNER USED CARS!" BELOW MARKET PRICES 1963 DESOTO V-8 •door, 8edaA. Jet black. Power ateerinc, pwr. bra.kea, torque drift, wsw ti~. Local one owner car. Jmma.cu. late ... ···-. . ....................... _ ... _._ Onl1 $1~ 19M FORD Club cpe. Light blue. Oftl'drin, heated, EXcellent condition. Loolta new .... $149& 19~1 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL • dr. eedan. 'J:n • gine rebuilt. Full power, oricfnal black nnisb. New 11eat coven. Worth much ' ............... Only $1095 more, ........... .. 19M PLYMOUTH station waeon. Hydrive, Radio It Heater. Sand and Green color, www ti~a. ~luxe mod~ .......... __ Only $199~ LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOl.rrH DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highway. Ph-.Llberty 8-S.86 S2-Fu.m.lturfl for Sale BY THE ROOMFULL liY THE HOUSEFULL BUY IT AT BAY ll·F'T. PF.NGVTN Fl~rJlaued. The be•C. 1'11lclng $3M Call H111r 29~. 114cPfl Uphotnery, draperte.1, allpconra. THATS WHERE YOU SA VE bedapruda. 20..l>"T. POWER hoat. O..-y 71'1 hp englne. Xlnt. con•llt Ion. Harbor 327ll·W. 94p~ New phona Liberty 8-7973 431 E. 17th 81., WE HA VE a.n overflow from large home In town. Squared mtrror, 2• x 38, f l2.00. $18 Swedlah 11teel knlvu on board, ST.GO. 2 badmlnt.on racquet.I. l fratne. JC. Untlnlabed vanity It aU>ol, &'Ju. top, 111. Fruit Jara, vartout, un· rlnlabed •tone• box &2 a 18 x 18, H .00 Anllqua trunk, $2.00. Child'• varnlahed rocldnc cha.Ir, $2. Pa.lr a uto for lite., new, $8. Call Har. 3319. H c96 USED BICYCLES NO TRADE·IN SPECIALS Boyt 29" balloon ... ... _ ........ $10. Boya 28" lightweight -...... 112.11-0 Glrla 28" balloon . ...-. .. 110. Gin. 28" ll1htwelght _ ... I 12.:>o Olrll 2&" b&lloon nearly new . U O. NEWPORT· BALBOA AUTO SUPPLY 2108 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch Hv. 2132 9'c96 CHILD'8 trame pla.Jllou.ae. ' x &. ... BM tloer, door A: wtndow9. Harbor 1&1!'i·J. 114"96 WILL SWAP my 21 In. Blondt' Magnavox TV In good cond. !or pair ot Hollywood twin bed.I. LI 8·1310. 93c9~ FOR SA LE -Coldlpot ret . .,,.ilh new unit, l•O. Call Kl 11·2742. tr -22 1 ~ cu. fl UPRIGHT FRF:EZER uaert 4 month!l, r l\Jlh, ter11111 r1r tr&de. HYatt i8127 93l'9~. -1951 CIBSO="' rttrti:-l l ('II (I like new. U 8·6310 62:1 S l l\'cwport lir arh 9:lt 9:1 Washing Machine SERVI CIC l ·year guarantee on Jobe done and on uaed w a.aheria. 2488 ._ (rear) Newport Bl., Coat.a Meaa. Liberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64.tfc CO:"ICRETF: Ml.Xl::R. used (with· nut motn1 1. For r11,.h. Ph. Bill Coker. Ha r. 4828 or l.ong Urh. BAY FURNITURE -ALL NEW - U VJNG ROOM OUTFITS 8-pc. matchlnJ mapl• wood arm grp. Sota. platform rocker, club ch&Jr , 2 1t.ep end, l cof fee table, 2 nt!Oe ahade maple table I.amp•. Choice of amart tweedy cov're 13211.0-0 value ......... al Bay 12111.~ 8-pc. wrou(bt Iron ~p. In anappy 1tunni.q mod. at yunr and etur· dy too. L&t.t color achemu . Ice pink. charcoal, beige or powder 28' BOAT aturdy, 93hr. 1lel'p .. • O\ooitr leaving tllttte Ml'RT SELL THIS WEEK. l tltl\11, or make offrr 4110 tll\'l'r A\'r NtW[>()li Hu M 40·R 94p!l7 30 Fl tll'NT l':Xl°'l"M C1 111~I' Rt1u:e<1 l nr AlblH'Ol f' H\'11'1 4-0250 93r!•!I 2:'> Jo"T MAHO<; Planlc rd Cn111<•'• with MPrl'llry 111,,nnf' f111 .. .t motor. 6 trallt'1 Rr1u1nn11bl" See at 213:1 l'mon \"0111 .. Mr"', 1evr11 6 Sa tunl1w1 !l'lpW• blue. Include.a bed divan, lounger, 2& FT FISHIN\. Un111 wi thn111 ottoman, 2 1tep f'n<h . l cocklall motor very rr1111t>r11,bll' ~l 1 tabla t pluuc t opel, 2 table Gu1111de 1110 :11'1 ~1 '.\'••v.·p .. 11 tampe. Bl'•l'h !1;t1·:1 I I Ull.00 vaJue . at Bay Sl99.50 I ~URTHll4L i.nrhor. :.'II' rhllln Ill ti 8-pc. CUf'Ved center •ect. ~p .. con· 10-0· new a," line. 130. HoA111ln •· .aJ1ta ot 3·pc. aectlonal with dur· lndder for 30'-40' hna t •?•• :-.;, , abi. top IT6d• cover. 2 at.ep ='"vy B·d" ,. ah I fl, ,.1111.~ s•11 enda, l cocktaH ta ble, aolld ••h Padl1lt>ll, hmtr rM 111 1 , ""'" t urned leg11 wi th br&M ferntle11. IA.mp , h e 11 11 :.>~ , ;p 1 'II. 2 modem 3 way 1wll<'hl'I table Si . w 1 n ,. h han•ll 'I f" lampa Si :ill lnc1 Jflfi \'1,1 :'\l<'1\1111lr SJ~9.0-0 value at Bay 1 249-50 Lido 1,.1" werk Nt•lll .,1 c1 ~Al BltDROOM OUTFJTS I v1r-w 6-116~6 week d11y1 llllr:•• 8 pc. rroup lncludu II dr. triple --- dreaaer, 30x•8 bevel edge plate 16' t.:HRI~ CRA.,'T C.:r•11llrr \\Ith mirror, bookcaae headboa rd. elerlrtr 'U1 h p L1k4! new $1tll" ~ ~r. !Tl4llt. UO Udo Wha1 r, 3446 V111 Ornn .. yr. suar.) matchln.r bmr spr.. 1':4r»r• metal frame ---- S269 ~O value • e t Bay Sl99 50 2:1 Fl l'lLOnP t"I' " ' 111••r h•1\' 8 pc. gTJ>., lncludea 8 dr. dre.t111'r, Sl:lOO, 111111'\'. 111,,, rn:;1n•· ~hr 30lt40 ~vl'I edge mirror, book ·! 20. H11'hA1d11J1n . 1\ndwr".I'' cue headboitr<l. 2 nlle Rta.ndio, 111411 11>· 3211 ~Rpf'hll • !l:I• (l~ gwir. lnnl'rspr. mlllt .. box l!lpr.1 metal frame 1 34---~mdl'al, Radio, T \' S2t9M value . .at &y Sl59.:.0 ------------- KlTCHEN G'ROUI's AUGUST SPECIAL ! i' pc. fTP· Jncl. 8.2 er Philco WP n•···<l •e'·.,r111 11p11g ht vte11101 re!r1g., h.83 cross top fN'U er, fur Fall r••ntH l11 ~:x1111 IHrt" meal It. cr1s~r trey1, 11hl'lvu in 1rnde 11Jlow'fln""-miulf' on •n1 dvor, hutter k~per. :;;,,,nf'l ,.,1,. Hl or Elt>f"I rcon1r <•ri •n :16" \\'ell built ,::a11 ra.nge, 4 111 !'IHAF'EH'11 Mu111c <'11.1 ~lnr• burnrr dlvidcrt tl')p, ,,,•en rontrol 111071 121·42:1 !'.: Ry<'nm111c, cite brou.,r. :i p.:. dlnl'lt•· 11tt S1111t • Anll. f'h Kl 2·06i:l 1 t.:hrome ur black I 30x 10" M ir a top ••xt .. ns11111 111t>lr 4 r11am rub-OF.CHSTEI N On11 nC thr worlll'• 1:r~·lllt>J1t p1am•-. Ju~t llkc n-ho'r liClll l hlllrM $4:1~ :10 \'llU<• at B&y S341'.:,G G0<.U ror g• nerat1on,., You will BAY FURNITURE 427 E . 17th -C-oiil" Me11a Between Tu1lln It Irvine Open Eves. til 8 I be thrtll('d lQ h,.ar and play thia I magnlfl• • nt lnslnimt nt. T h e lnw pr1r ;o "111 11~trml11h you. Olhl.'r grlifl<la It.I J11w u 1490. OA NZ-SCH MJOT U1& Rtore, :,20 :":v. M:un, Snnta An" O~n Friday i:;, .. \'F:UJUR bed •lavc:nport & 1•halr. HAMMO:'\h llKCA NR. Lillie Ulll'l1 J60. take11. 418 Tu1'tln Ave . Ont> 11nl.'' famou .. ••A1'Y to play .:>;t'wport Height.II. 94p96 Chord Organ. One beauU!\JI ----------Spinet MOlleL Wnn~rtu.I tor TRADE church 11r home. Very llberaJ n Ymi;-on lheH two IOYel1 In· 1trumentJ1, McCarthy's 100~0 GUARANTIED 29tf GARDENF.R BEACON I'ERSONNEL 7-!1!173 rnlll'rl. .Rfff.!14 Doou11r11l 70·U. a ux. erhOOner. 0 Al'>Z·8CHMJDT, ti20 NI). Ma.In, S11nla Ana. O~n Jl'Tld&)' £'y• --------~---------~ 1'"J NP: Chlrkl'ring piano s.29.&0 d"·• CARS JUO So. Ma.In, Santa Ana 55 Cad. ( 62) 4-dr. Power Str, .. 51 Ford V -8 Viet. Power Str. 54 Plymoutfl Cl. Coupe, R&H , 0 .0. 54 Olds. Super 88 Holiday, Power. 54 Chev. 4 dr. P.G. R&H 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sedan, R&H , Powe r 54 Pontiac 8 Strch. Catalina, po wer 54 Plym. Savoy 4 dr. O'Driv e 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sed. Power Str. 53 Olds. 88 Sup . Hol iday Pow . 53 Olds. 88 Dix. 2 dr. loaded 53 POftt. Ch. 8. Hydra. R & H. 2 door 53 Ford Ranch Wagon, low miles 52 P0ttt. Ch. 8. 4 dr. Hydra. R & H 52 Ford Ranch Wagon . .. 4& ... ,. •• •& . 4h • 508 .. \111 S195 to S6f5 Low coat -Jlaak T•nna Down $1000 700 350 750 40Ci 690 650 450 650 650 500 400 .. 400 ... JOO . .... 400 CARPENTER R epair Work Dou Your Home Nrrn Repa111n1 or Remo<1tllng ? - -Fully fnund. go s nywhl'rl'. wm GAROEXINt.; A-yar1l """' k bi· rtay I Agency) S?..,,.....FumlhJ~ for Sa.le take equity In property or 1m&l· Wf'"k or "'"nl h · 413-Jlsl Newport Beacb __ In bn11l. J 220 \\', Balboa Blvd., LI.__ 1 ° ~1JO f ~ oo gn f f K E .... .,.\V •2 .. 0 1 1 c-1 l'\rwpnrl. H11r. 3032. 3Dtlc .,. r y ,, . ., 11 '"' " nor " l..lCE:-.;SEfl real est ell' salesman ' "r. .. '' rsr J:tn& · on 11111 ------nr hl'l>kc-r who Is r11mll111 r with r hlltr $1211 K l 3 '047:\ >1 flr r ·" If> FT. MOn GANCRAF'J'. 68 in. I Call F rank, Wberty 8·811:>4 All Work f;1111rantt'ert 7 lttc w o t·1.p hk " 111 '1" H .. ,,~krrpini; th,. area 11n1I n111 arrattl to work. fl:tt'{l.~ l>l'l\111, 2:> hp. r,,·lnru<le twin 1" m~· hrom .. RPll•nOAhll'. H"r I HAY .. REACH REAi.TY BF:AlrTIFt'I. • r n!ltrr 111ah111: rlr•tnr. '..! l'rtW•P ll!llt t11nk. n•·ar· O:lfl(I n7p!l l :1112 l..Rfll.)'f'lll', .:'\'Pwpnrt flrli. tfr lv.-in ., .. ..,,"I'm ,r, Inc htl!Pl\ hl'd!I. ly nf'W, !Ull r rlc11 S97l\. Contart , __ _ I House Plans Roy's Maintenance - ---bnx Npr111i:11 lfl lnnrr "!lrln2 ,/o«i Myer11, '" n Bllltl~"" T11rkle :'\!AIU i.·oH MOTF.L. 2400 West 111/lflri ~~"" ltk•• n•'W, r hr•t nf Sl1op, H1U oor 261 89pl44 C'n11"t Highwlly, J\'('wport Bcsrh llraw~Ni Ar thr•~"r with mlrrnr. ---------- LIRF'RT\' 8·62~11 HOU8e elrRnlng-1-"lnnr wnxlng \\'1111 "n•hm i: \\ 111.1 .. 1,· cl,.an1ng 1011c \'1•n1 t111n llhn•l•. L'phnlstrry -----j ln~11rrt1 ... l'<'ll Esl 1rnatrs "'OMPLET B P Al!'iTl NG j Ubt1ty 6·1332. llfc & Paper Hanging Service L . • • • n·ci::;-;F. O SA l':>:nERr-; uXpCrtenc d gardener :wn :;ist S t1t'l't, .'.'1·v.111_11 t Hen t L.AJ'.;DSCAf>ING lln1bnr ::ti~fi or II 1r H l6 If• and. CLEAN UPS ----G I C t I Liberty 8-1659 enera on ractor 301rc 1.1n:: :~Ff'\ I ------------ New Work -Remodeling j '!9-IMp "'aotf'd J. Mii.TO:'\ M· l.-J-:NZIF. · --------·-·---- HRrb"r llii!'J.J ~"it fc l>A~l"l~G JNSTRuCTORS ~fRle & F('male Pain tint~. Decorating I Eur n up to $1 50 1)('r wk Pn per Hang10g Ir 1 •II t•rc 1nt .. 111,,.nt. nu t ~nJ 1,l 11-:IMl.1 P3< fl~ Very nlr" '"'l hut nr~''" rr· --------------WANT KF:AL !:;STATE SALES· fln1,.hln~ 1300 I I 11-104!l MA :'\ or brt1ltl'I' .F1tm11J11r v.1 lh 93cllll Jfarl111r n11•a. TtJp Cnmmlssl11n _2_8_E_l) __ <l_1~-·11-ru--and _v_n_e_atudlo to cone who wa11t• tu m ake monl'\' & not aJra1., to work eouch, vrry re~nable. Har HOL'~TO:" REALTY !'109 ('('n· ll7i ·R. 0JcQ5 --------------~-tl'r St., ro~la Mrllll. LI 8·891 1 MATCHlNO r!rtv1>np11rt. rhaJ1 & F:ve HRr. 52n8-W. tfc com• .. t Rble M.11rle flnlPh lted POSITIU:" open tor youns man to u slat Ln c1rculatJon drpl. f'er · mAnent, full Um• e.mployment. Not a 1ummer job. Do nnt $pply If not permanent. See Mr. Parry. 1\E WPORT HAR· BOR :-\£\\'S·PRESS, 2211 Bal· boa • Blv11.. Npt. Bea~h. Harbor 1618 8\ll f uphol11trry Sl OO Har. 19~8 113cll5 CR.IC&N 8tMMOI"S Hld•a·bed. low M&t ain J:l-0. Har. 4'82 aoe .Ab9lon•. &..Ibo& lll&nd. t2cH GEO BURKH"RDT ""1 1•!,vr an1I •11' lttCJklnll Ir oA -Mt..-Ou4'0Ulll • 11' :111·1i,.nt , At• t r "• u 1 ln•t• u,-~....-lll'L""' • rr. o. IC. Rems. Xlent cond. '36. Corr.. tablP 18 Space heater '7.llO 3 throw rur~ uo. tlar JTl·W. <"all mornlnp . t2cH l.ll~l'N~J..I" 1 ·11="TH '1 •111R ''" •·1i>"'"''h•• r tntl'rv1"' .. ,1 (If ;;.,M_A_H_OG_A_:'\_'_Y_n_1n_r_t_1"-,-,-1.-W_e<_J-,-,.. 87.!i \\' I th ~t <'M'' !\t ... a hr11.n• 11 nio.~ .. , lh•n the lo'r:-;1: wood 21.11 r .. nlle. M11lce oft•r. l,l txorty 1-56211 • Tl'1•108 ot l•AN1 ·1:-:a ... II" Har 06i:i-J t SdO -t,., .~,.J \n ' .u tt you att \; It. WASHER. H mJ·auto. '"11\J• l'r l)'Jlf'· U tU. u.Md 150. O. &. Nl:ARLT NEW R.OH Coral, mod· ~"" foem rubber founie chalr J'7.80. 8-••u or ~tc md. U 1-5297 H cH PAINTING . ""'""""<'~ \lo . CllJl pie('• '\)I.I 1mml'<ha tftly. lf 1011 ..,.. 11nl "llr "• Will l•" n y1ru ..,.fr11H •1t1t, 8 rt. l~au t.op. ft.A-A.atique. l.ltl~ U•~<I 1 \2:, RAttan·t)'])e -·-------M. W. ROSS U 8·3321 • LJ &·i _,3 180 .A ~ado. Coata Ml'_,. Mlle Appl\' helw"n 1.111 J> m .\!'"'·'-'" •"n d&y. aoo H1tbnr eot1 \'11' ,Orortn _ Sf'\l rnrt ~·01 _.. "'''"· J l'(>d conoi LU . Vornado •t.-•lt f"n lllrl f'•l nl'W ,.40 2M2 1 '1rr lt n r . AAy ""'",....•· ~ TWO V~ 14 tn lllJb. ittll ot F.mp,.ror M t:SA:'\ n;:-; R11 r,. If t>--1111tlnll ¥.'Tiie """' M 2' C:/O 0U. 1191*°'• tipM 28 !\TEF.LCRA FT f111hlng beet. .\II rqulpp•"I. rimcly tn go. UHANU NEW WIUlln ~ hours r unning Ulllt'. Coat $720-0. Slck- nPI! force• n.le. A real bargaln at U fl95. Hu . 3209-R. 87tJe F AIRU!'i'ER 2& ft. twin 1crew1, gTey t ire b&lll loaded. A I con· dlllon S7.7!10. LI 8-8110 S3ttc W.A..'\"TED lo buy A pprox. 10 ft, Glua dlnrhy with or without ..111n, s ear. Call U 8·6713. 112p9• 2• rr LA TE MODEL EXJ>RJ!:.SS Cru111er. Xlrnl condition. Fully equipped fnr tt1htnr <'hry11ler crown engin " R&erlfl,.. by own· pr. Har. 2•03·J 92c9• 12' Hoat . --·-·-· .. MS 14 · In board Launcb Hol.h 1toocl aon<llUon J HI · Jet.ll N"'}l'lrt 8-cb Hdl!'i ROW BOAT It ~ mnt.oT, S12&-8712 Ctlanel Plaee, N-· port I.ela.ntl ll:\p9~ ----------·-----SNIPF,, aatl1 • dolly iroort con<il· t 1nn 140", 232 Via F.hnll J,1r1n h Je. HAr. OO.•·W. tadl~ I 110 per mn. al SHAFER'S M u,,Je Co. (Sln~ltOT I 421 -423 N. flycamore. flant a Arla Phnne KJmberly 2-~72. RF.NT a PQ'f!!o' Dlmln u low u I~ per m<> lAJt Ole kidctt• ll'11m . A II term rettt ~ tf you buy later. DAN:lrl'ICHMlD T, &20 No. Main, ~11.nU. Alli\. 100 pl&nlll9 trom whlrh tn r hno•t. LARGe; St.Unw11y "B'' QnQd piano In perfect pia.ylq condJUon. Wm W e good piano 11' trade. SH.Al''Ji:R'S Mualo CO. 181.nc.1907 I 421-423 N. Syca.mor11, Santa .Ana Phone Kimberly 2-0672. ------------HAMMOND ORGANS. l"WJ llnt , a_U mocic'la. r ree p racUc:e room1. r ome tn ._nd play on u7 modrl. Th11 Great Coocert Organ. th• llome Model. th• Church and lh11 Spinet Kodtil. IJ J OU think you can.not pta1, oome IA &11.t try the world tamoua Hammonll. •uy to play, Chord OtJ'UI. Tou wW be u tont•hed t.o tlnd you oan play In Utte.G mtnutr .. DANZ-BCK.Mll>T Plano It ~an C'o. Home ot the Hamlnonll 620 No. Me in, 8uta .U... USED P IA.NOS, ~rud9. ~•le and upn1thla. Good prul1c1 ptanoa M IOw u $121, $149, l 18i and ar: .....,. tenn•. Ona nnl)' f Arnoul maJce &plrwt •hr1\t11 d lll'ft&C""d ln •bl pm f'll t. 9 t"ll n d T'l"'W 811t MVlnlt DANZ-8(."fflofiDT Bis P!llM •n r· 1?11n "l"rr , fl 20 No Main, 811nt• AI'L , \ ' I I I I J I ' 4i-\\'antt'd to R.-nt 6't-KeaJ Eat.at~----------NEWPORT HARBOR NEVIS-PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE S KP!ftKT Bl.l11: Tl'rr1n pup11 AKC- rel'l•terl'd L1 ~-202:.S or 1.1, •~2. 112rl!i I ~--MUST 8ACRIFJCE I MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 Balboa Island PRICED to etll -an11 only J6000 62--Beel We G B .. l'AtMe BRAND WANTED WINTER RENT AL NEW POODLI.: PUPPIES I AKC rtg111tl'ri!1I fm rst 1·h•rnplon J>f'dlicrf'e. Brvwn & blat•k "mall rninature.11, with w11mluful •l lll· p<MlltlOn. r ll lit time adVf>l llllt'd I for d1~rnm1nutmg perM>n who wanl11 It will 1 ar .. for lht' but Ht.r. 40';7-R 9:.!dll Jf\IaH SrrTERS 3 mo'•· AKC I Champion 1111 t' It dam Rra111>n· abl• :10!13 r ol<lbrook l-"k""''""1 4 b<lrms. & 3 baths. located on Lido Island, West Bay An · .. or Ocean rront near Catholic Church. We have a bonafll..I(' tl.>nant , DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Nev. pnr1 Blvd .. Newport Beat·h Harbor 471 ~ Ton-"v 6-19711 ll:tp9~• I .. 0 11, r ~~p~~!!~·~~_ .. _,..?!_R•·nt 4R-Apts. I; HOU8f• for Re~~ WA NT good home for thorobn•d ma.le <l11<'hllhun1I BIRrk 111111 tan c b M • 2 y ra olt1 Sm all. Ha .. had 1111 a anas ar1nas ahol.I. Har. 2009. llJplH NEW NOR\'>''E GIAN t:LKHOUND t PUPS JM .l up Toy M11nrhea-1 ter tarr1tra U :I It up Ll!:hl«ih 8·•218. 93cll:I 40-Auto& f or Salf' ------ •6 P ONTlAC , 4 <Ir SI00-2:il4 I l\'ewport Blvd , ~t'"'J>'" l llt h 92p91 '48 CHRYSLER Wlnd~or C'tlnvf'r· tlble clean 6 Xlent motor '370. Rnug H ar bor Trailer Park Trailer :.c Ph. U 8-9080. 92p94 l9ri:I CHEV. Bl!:L.-AJR -4 dr at!dan power g lide, power br11k- •• A aletr1nf le81 than 2,000 mUea Owmar, Ll 8·464 I. 93c0:1 l 9!'>0 P'ORD Con vl'rt1ble. crram with black lop w w tir·e11 over- t1rl•• A heater, r•vllo. <'Ontlnental kit. 1pot light. priced to Kt"ll Owner Har 2425. 9 2<'94 Lido Peninsula. East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS ~ligblful living. Apt.-Caban811. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodations. Daily. we.:!kly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc ''7-\Vanted to Rent --~~~~~~~~~~~ Rentals \\'anted We ntt!d apt.5 and houau ln au eect1ona tor both winter and J'tat'a l•ue Furn. or 11nfum. lt you have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W Cal. Hwy., Newport Brh Phone Llbf'rty 8-3481 208 Marine. Balboe llla.nd Phone Harbor 444 -18-A-Apl'i. for Rent Deluxe Furn. Apts. One It two bdrm ., w llh lt levtslon. A va1lablt' for eumm c•r or win· ttr. A LSO yearly l'UNI. In Hu rt Of actl\1ty -Lots of parking :'l<l7 E Balboa Blvd . Oalboa H11rbor 3606. 1!6ttc Lido Isle 2667 IC. Coast Hy., Corona dC'I '1<Lr f'hone 1-iart:o1 I:'~ I rlnr 11nf! IWO bflrm llpl\rtllll'nU. STORE and OFflCE BUll..DING Opposite NeWJ>Ort Beach City Hall Elevator Complete Office Service Parking Available 3345 Newport Boulevard THE BEAUMONT CO. Har. 4299 -or call Olvmpia 2-21JO collf!Ct. 91c93 48B-Ro09H for Keat ------------ r OR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFt:l. new Jnnnt Tt rrace unturn. view 1\0111<'•· 3 BDRMS .• 2 balM &nd 2 BEDRMS , 2 baths. Call H&rbor 1;;~ or Ha1bor H IS EARt. \\'. STAl\L.E \'. Rt•allur Irvine Tnnce Office Corona ll~I Mar. 33ttc rTH:-\ yth' 1117 ~F\ti 2 b<'<lrm hum,., by n1u 1•r C:lragf . A \'Rll. St'pt 15. \\' Bay. :Se\\ por t, llru hor bt'fore noor.. !!71 (c l'l ll~t l:>:A-l >EL MAR, \\'l~T8H 1n ;:-;TAL. F'urn. O·rm . houae. .:ar. Amil. ::.-lrpt. 16 to J une 1:1 H1r. 379:i-JK. 111<'96 l'"Fl'RN. 2 bdrm huus ... SG:i 1ml. \\ah r p11id. 4 hlk.S. from tluwn· l'"''" Costa MMa. LI 8-1397. 94c96 1,~;As~:. :O-.'EW ,modem 3 bdrm., :! hath 11nf11rn. home llr8l nt'11th· hnrhootl. I blk to heiach. $260 prr mo. by yern A \'llll. Sept. t!I, Ath1lls. nn pets. Refeoreni-e1 1 eCJ1&1rt'<i. Ownrr, l-l11r 3628·.M. :l l :w Sr&\'1cw A 1•r ., Corona ctel . M11r. 1'4r9 NO COMMISSION' No A pprai.W Fee SALES -REFINANC!l CO!'\STRUCTION Call ror Fr~ Fut Commitment. on Rnldencu and Unita only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th SL C0$TA MESA LI 8-~Ml LI 1-6:582 WE SPEClALlZE L~ LOANS A FlNANCINO ON liOUSETRAlLERS Autos, Fum1ture It Salarlea One Day Service Loa.na from f:>O to fl200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Men LL 8·7751 -Open Fridaya WI 8 Clnl!t'd Saturdaya-tfc 19:13 MAROON Cuatom linP Ford 4-dr . i;•ordomallc. R 4 H , one nwner, r eMOnable. Ll 8· i2811. 941'96 Lldo Orrlce, 3416 Via Lido Harbor 49i I :i211c F'urn1shrfl Car11i:r11 Yrnrly or \1·in1er rentaJ. Har. !167!1. 91, GH .53-"totttt Ii 011_1<' __ ,._s __ _ LOANS for Homes 2 RDR~f~f~m hn~ca "'·inltr nr LARGE new 2 bt'drm. untum. '"I t d 1 k • h 1 a pt. "1th ocean Vlew & pa110 l·RA:Sn;M SOUR DOUGHS A'M'ENTJO~ .. &\'II conver • P <' up, ,.w fr I yeally, prrter 1·nnal "1th 11hp, t1rwe Dndle rtton, two extra Box L -27 r 0 lhis paper P2p!l~ Corona Highlands Har 6689 whe .. 1111 It tiru Nefd aomf r•·· 1 __ ll 2< Pt r <ur11 2<I houra on new motor RF.TIRED w11IOwl'r w11ntio to rent Ha r 871. 94c'lfl 1 tum 1 bdrm hous.-. in quiPl -I A nice nt'1ghborhooll. <..:1111 LI 41-Auto Service 8-6166 9:.lr04 -I WANT W l:'>:TER RF:="TAL. Two Motor Overhaul .,.droom furnl~hl'd \ouplP with 11m11ll blltly & dog Reftrenre~. l'Ry Ill $80 mo L1 8-71113 NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * I 112 P 11 • 6 Cyls $48 88 RETIRED woman WIUll>< 11111111 n · --------· I amall house b)' CJ< t I~> Q •11•:. 8 Cy ls. ···-----··--$58.88 neighborhood • \\ 11 h111 :-.. Iii kit O! $70 mo., yearly :'llF:WLY decorated. wrll furn. apt 111 Triplex F . A . hi l\l 1:r11 tl. •h~po:<al. Ailulls. H11r. :'\fl611. U2l94 A TTRACTJVE ocenn \'ICW I bdrm. apt , partia lly tum. Su1t11ble for rouple. S7:i m o. yrly. 9~5 W. )6th, Co1ta Mtn. C11ll 9 to .!'I, Ht.r. 80. 80tfc Sl'fTE O F' OFFIC ES rnr r~nt, ln- d1v1rtuaJJy or 1111 a unit All ntw and beautifully tum111hNI. ~x­ •·l'Uent location for 11tock brQker, a ('l'OUnUng firm. or attorney. Can be r•nled unfumlshtd. Jm- mediete occupancy. r-a . patm('r inc. 1700 w. coast hwy. It 8-5573 6~ -IO JT, U.0.- Construction Loans SDI BOB liTTLER 2616 E..UJT COAST BL VD. Ooroa.a deJ Mar B&rbor 3818 Rep. POIRIER MORTGA.Ga CO. IUUo Ute Im. J'\&Dd9 Kl.. Wl86 '8ttc 92c94 57-Real Eetat.e waited -~-~~~--~~~~- OFFICE FOR RE;>.:T C1\'ic Center L<x-al1un. 21'x24'. J60. per month. CHARLES E. HART, Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd .. 'Npt . B• h. 92c:i w ANTED FROM OWNER. <>ca.an front cott.aga or Bay Front hOW!f . Wiii pay all cash lt In- terest ed. Write Mrs. F. F oy, Box E-20, this "9\Hpeper. (11t! lnC'ludca both tabor and puts Polit Office SM l'e1111anPnL. BAY FRONT, Carnation ·o,·e New ring11. wrist pins. valve R ef•renrell Wrltr P 0 Bo..: :t:!, duplC'X, wlnti-r nr Yt'llr k"1ite. 2 2 1tri.nd, ntlln&a o! main &nd rod corona dt'I :\1ar 94p!l6 hrh·m. R1td1anl ht'11I, g11 rb·•~" l\lores or n(flce1, one 28x30. One l:!x2!1. I.ow rt:'nt S111l11blr for r<'- 11\il h11s1ness or office 607 E. Aalboa Blvrl.. Hnr. 3606. 86tCc CASH BUYER FOR HOME Private t.ndlvldU&.I deslru 3 -4 bdrm. home In Newport a.rea, west ot 15th St. a.nil So. of Or- ange. Opportunity for outright or contl'llcl u .le. Bpeculatlve price will not be corulidered. Reply Boit N -29 lhla paper bt&rlnge. Ex~rt motor t une up. ---I di;,p Har !1206 !131 11· 110-ds or 4,000 mile arantee. T._,O B&chelnr l'1t<l 11l1\'f'~ olr~1rl' -.-.----.,-. -. • y . ru monthly or yearly INtHc from 0:-\ 1': BEORM · "" • f\ furn. "1n- 1NO MONEY DOWN). Sept . on 2 or :l hdrm hnU~I'. t.-r. Arh1J1 .,. C11r111:t SM ,!1'°· REBUILT ENGINES P referably beJ•rh fiont illh ltllr 116 361h :-\"WJl'lrl !l.,ttc -l!P to 15 MONTHS TO PAY-nt'ccM&ry. 8o1' I' ;11 <' o l hi~ 2 ar.nR~I F'urn Dupl"X I blk Built In our own factory by •killed paper 94p96 Bay, furnar .. hent v.·atr r & J:a.!! pt1. machlnl•ll. Don't contend with S6ri mo. on le&M. 2:12 1 Seavlrw th8 m iddle mllll. Buy direct. "3--Apt11-~ Hno!llt:!t H111 . n123·J 03l 9~ REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK BALBOA ISLAND F O RD .... _ ........ ·--··--··· U 29.50 See ua for these yrly. CHEVROLET ............. -....... 1149.~ 1 bdrm. apt. $7~ f'L \'M. 6 DODGE .. ·-··---··· ll~:i 2 bdrm. dlxe. Sl30 ('HRYS. & DE SOTO .. ·---·· 1170 3 bdrm. :t bath S17;, ST t.:DB:BAK!lR ··~· .. ····--.. -$170 2 bdrm. untur. . , $1'<5 Ol:DS '-PONTIAC 6 -.......... '1701 A ND WIN'rEH Bt; ICK ........... -·-·-··-·--·· ......... $17~ $50 and up -we hH\'e many, 1n- Jll.DSON ..... _ .... _ ............... · '175 cludinf bayfront• Loan Car Free Towing .!'\EW CAR GUARANTEE NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 M11nne AH' Balhoa Jslanll. HArbor ~102 BAY VIEW spl on Ll'1o Ptnln· ~ula :-\ "w lln•I a tt1 111 ll\'I'. paneled h\'l:lR' tuQm, h•lwtl flt 1 .. 2 bdJ ms . hrenkf11~l bar. t.:nfurn. t'X<'l'pl r..r llo'\\ 1't•1V•' Rn·I I r fr11.: ~·or "1 ly 1 ... 11i;" S1'!~ m" Har n~.1 n~k fOI Mr K11 lll'I 60lfc 1;:-.:FTR:\ I iid;'lll 11pL <.jUll'I :'\tW(H1rl U1•a• h l'lulle lo La.lo 11hnpJ1inir ,\dul1s only Y>'all\' lel\5•' S50 per mu I hvner Llh• 1 ty K-305& U~1 9:i CHIXA CO\'F;, B11yf111nl furni~hed LIDO OFFICE S PACE -Will sublet space sultablf' for attor- nrya, englnecr11. ftC. A pprox. l 5x30 In shopping aru on Via L!Jo. Call Don Cole atternoon11 only. Har. 46:1<>. 59tfc Modern Store f'OR RE:>;T, $75 J>('r mo. Parking farllltl~. fvrced a ir heat , 11ult- ohlc, tnsuranc••. rest ealate, g1!ll Ne. l nqu1re 408 E. Balboa Blvd. I larbor 2070. 69Uc :St-:\\', SMARTLY J.'UR:'>:JSHEO .. rn.-e ,opAre 19!•!1 I larl;or. l'1•11ta :\t•••• Llberly ,...3:1:;3 94Uc lllll<'k mWlt meet our at.andards PIUI tax<'a, gaakets 11nd oH Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE R~BUILDERS RENTAL v apt. Op. n~ nn lfn i;t•· ~··• l11d<'1I 53·A-Buslnl'SA Rentals p1tl10 (1f1,rn (• N fro111 lu i;:h 11<!;• ·- SPECIALISTS F11n1111·~ .stQ11ti:•·. h:ir.li;•• and I •~:SK SPACE with Jlhone service phone A \'111lnbl1• fu1 l1•11~r or S111 1110 Ov7 E. IJ11lb<oi1 Blvd .. Call Edna Craig \\'lnler r1•nl11I. l..en.sr $12fl 1•r mo F:xt·ellcnt \·'lli1" Ph II \"111t JfalooR Phone amm't:rmg t1l'rv1ce ;Jlsu 11\'l\lllthl•'. llur. :10110. &6lfc 0 1wn Dally 8 to 7 Sta te Bond1J NEW LOCATION 31'0 East 3rd St. Blanche Gates, Rltr. •·2206. ~.11 r .. - SA!':TA ANA 4 2--TraUe."' 3 11 Marine Av~. l:Safboa Island, Har. 1671 72tfc 4H·B-llou~ for Rf'nt ---------AVAIL.ABLE SEPT 111 \o .l une l, furnished g1wst •·ut \MJ:"•• 1'11v ------------.. ~--BALBOA lSLANll Ort l'1 Furn 3 1)(-drm. 2 hAlh• Jun!' Rav F rr1nl. Carsg" No pet!' J.'••r FUR RE~T -f'uml11hC<I office In a11soc1al1on w1l h an uttornry. Tax t'ltpt>rl prdc11t•d 2!)12 W. CoaAt Hai;hway. ;-.;.•wport Heach . C"ullf. LI R-610'.l R. ltc I patio. $60 month 614 1: llt"l(•l:i1R ··--------------l"omns tlet ~tar U.ft µs i:PAN-AMERICAN * C hoice Summer RentaJe on · · Paramount-Terry Balboa Island & Lido Isle _a_r_P_l_H_n_r._19_11_0_-M ____ f111f, .)I B~<i_!~!J~_Qp~~~!l~- BALBOA. w1mer rC'nlal.•. 2 11<1~ rum ho1111r & 1 hr•hn• furn d11- r1~x 406 Hnrrlln~ k 4l!I 1.. E Bl)' Cnll cnllr• t 1\X 1·9:!!17 Kens kill Small 6 co~ or large A dt luu $7~ to '300 month H:tpf1!1 OPPORTUNITY Thi 1n ng houi<rclr11nani: bu~tnC'lll'. ·:;:1-46' Pan Amer1cun M ·36' Pan Amnlcan ':111-41' Paramount, 2 brtrm. ·:111-10· l<ensklll VOGEL CO. 208 Ma.rtne Ave .. Balbua lslanJ Ph. Ha.rbbr 444 or Harbor 21:11 Ru. lbr. 1786-R or H11r 30:.~·-M Opportunity t u make i;oolf mon· !'\' for ri11ht pnrly. Mnkc nfft>r t11 }lox 11 -!lfi. t h1~ p;q"'r 89tfr 'f'\.\'O RF:OROO;>.f turn ht•ll"r ) 1 1~· _ '!1:1-111' Ken11klll M Wini• I' ~0[1 1, :tlllh :-;l 1111 :'\c•wpor~ JA1l:t11d. HMr 1 ~•6';-MI' MANY MORE -Euy Terma RIC: DJSC'O\I'.'iT on F loor Modela. 64ltc - fl::p•1·, Port Orange Trailer Sales I OCEAN FROXT -~p.ir1ou11 I ni 2200 w. Cout H lirhway 2 bttrm Enr losi-ol . 1•1,110 'nllr\' f'hnn,. 1.Jht'rtv 8.~ 120 h11ll C'Ollrl. lm·rly '1rw !'1111'_'.1'1'1 N~wpnrl B"lllh • 8:,reS lln c1 w1ntrr rrntnl~ Sr" .11t ,;t114 __ __ _ ___ \\' Orr11n F rttnt :'\t'\\'P''l I 11. •1 1951 Spartan nr rnll H!lr. 12:1:!-W e'C1 rpt ~T •n & T11rs1lay R'-1 1 Royal Mansion ROOMS. c.~TTAc;i.::-;. APT~. a:i f"I' f'\I NF:TT f; I w in hN!IJ DAY OR \\' EEi\ r .. h,.t1!rr l tA!lr 420 w l~l THr: Rtlr~ TOI' :0.lllTl,:J .. i ll:l T11111tn 92,..1 "" :-:rwpnrt Bh'<I, JU'! nlu,.;r Thr l 8 1--r. Cl"HTI~ \\'rli;:ht trntlf'r , Arrhe" _ ";~ti<' Sl:IO. Har ~442 Ev~• .. 426 Via l.1<to Xord. Pllfc LIDO rnLE BACHELOR An1I on<' &. t\\•' h,11111 AIR F•J.OAT Tuller hke nrw (ln l 11pt.11. Sh11rl l tnn 11n1! yP111 ly ""11uh f11l Li.to Park lol nea r 1 ALSU. 1...ido ll111nes ..r1tl 11.1~ I' •n' h11v. Xlenl bu" Hu. 31P6·\\' Homes and lq :irt1111•nt!'. 11:!..tH LIDO RF.ALTY As~oc1t1ll1S f11rn $1\11 11 A1l111t co;: ~''• ' M·"'' ~-~727 r'1 "l'"r '" '~" .(. c • n ~ • .,,,.. t ~, ( • • z ';'C\2'! "' t ~•:!r"• I :! h•lrm """· hn1 r•n nit ~ ••• ,II I I I,,. II I II I 1 1 111 11 Jh t., 1t• t lld - ~ 1 :?;. t1 ,. r.1 r, ''"l'l •. \q,11·, Lido Isle A 1 ·1~ ':7 ' ' ,.. 1 • 1°1 '. ·,11 • , 1 I 111·11 I S"N I I (or • .nt• r SI'/",, Ill•' t 2 l><lr11 ~·rm·111 I 111• r1 t• t ""nrtrtr h· f11 1n l'.1!1 • '""l'I •It.I i;.11 ':I · \.I "1• 1 11 11 ... , •'i7(~\\" '•11 1 CORO:'\.\ I JE L ~l.\H ------·------I I 2 R R hNI•". 11nt11rn ,1, •,. 'vll-L "'AC'f'l '"'J,...E "fODER"'' , 9 34<'0 \'11\ Llfln. 11.t: ""I 111 I l -'~ \ r \ " ,, ·I 1-!llfr I ,\. rd!... I If• pill• I ill• A.1nl'rw11.n :t 1 ', i n ,1nn Trrulr r. 1 ~·' r ~ ;. " J\f11y h<' "'" n l'\"'' at 1 .. 1 :u XE\V :O.lo•1P1n w 1111•1 •· 1 11.11" :! B1.111d ,,,.,, <11.1 .. , 1 1: 1: Tra ilawl\y l '..rl< 1782 ~ E Ill· tx-.Jruw11 unit..-""th ~"rn.:•~ 111r11·ri '" in •1 • <11~. 1• • w11y lM '• mtl~ !'!" <•< 1'11,1111 c'hnl<'l' E.11•! , • .,,. I., 111· n ( ,, '" AJ'' • "•• I. J, P:.?!'!'~ Mi'"" <.1u1~t sul.it•; p .... ,,1.. I• I I • .1· n \\'1 I II • 1' ~ " -Jilft11I \\ 1JI lh ··1 • i I l I Ht :t" .. nr \ 1 1.1 <1.:-11:1:? n:i,111 T HF. \"OCFL I ·o '" ?lll\7 r. ,... "" \ Dress Shop J l!IOO H~nr1lrio Ro\ ,,!1 \ Li!J;•lnA l!C'1t h 1\ :'\Tf4t ·r. PH'TL:IU : & ll"RA!>fE •lll~IO(''' OWll•'I 111 ;\lllM 8Pll :" •r r1f 1< P l-1111 f'I "" lnl'l11'1"ll -•nrk le. all SI 11111 R"nt $21) 92c94 CLOSE IN, a va.cant lot. iA Corona de! Mar. ALSO am all l.ncome prope,rty. Give detalla and price Jn Jetter. Mra. France11 Healey, 13U W. Verdugo Ave .. Burbank. TH.omwall 8-0311. 9 3p9:1 If' YOU NEED CASH 6 ba\•e a real barg.tn In a three bedroom home ITS SOLD. Costa Meaa or Newport Helg-bt.. preferred. !'\o agentll. Wn11 Box 0·30. this pllper. 93C'95 'SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 We ha.ncJlc your 1all'l1, e11crow11. V. A. It F . K. A. proces..'lfng . See u11 l>l'fore you ma.ko a deal. r . 0 . Box l~J. Balboa Jatand. 86c99 Riverside County S ALE OR TRADE tor beach prop- erty. 60 acre Irrigated stock ranch. 2 houses. Idell! !or hOr- l<CS. rf'g clltlle <•r 11ma.ll ('Om- IO"rrtal hl'rd. Inquire 823 P ark- man Lr. La Can11d11., ph. s~·Jimn 0·~34 0. 89c:3 TRADE OR SELL Clrar 1 .. t11 m ESl'onrttilo. E quity m 42' '1rl11>ce ho1111e '"'ll"r· lr1111l 1lte'1~. a ll or 111'parRte fnr dea r 11)11', "f PtPr•llJ1 hc111~P" or whRl h111·r you, lhlio 11 1,.11 nwnrr. F'n..,ler. 17208 Hunting ton RPB<."h lll\'d., <kea.n View, 91 p911 -------------News-Press Classified Ads HARBOR 1616 ;\!ost Renl Estate C1nss1f1ed Ads l~A-Apts. for l<rnt Hui ---------------17 I I 11 tt• ,· \l.L W b·2&1:1 1t• .. 1·11·1<1n• l!~tl.: I LITTLE GEM ;\illl•EK="' ! ,.,, 11 1•1 1.:>1 ha.t• •tu·1~ ut:? J '" ..-!itU"' u\ ul 1 Rt •RM '2 h11'h hon" hr·•'ll·t 11 s.·,..._~lone~· to Loan .\·riv s-;~ Hu OR.'l:t·H :•~, •I pt: A\&11 S••l l I t.1:111 II" ~r:t: 1·~ flll Hrn1111, ll1n Thf New1·l'1 ru p11bll~h" ,..,, .. .r11l tlmNI u ma nv Jl'lll i-Hatr 2 :..~:~': ~,,; \ ~1~; .. '".:.'.~' :·'.~ :Iii~ M i F' .. o t R11lb"11 Hll'•I H11Jh,111 !l:\1 Pl\ HARBOR 1616 C'lll Ml!lrd Adll u •II t•thrr lor.cl 1 1;l'rlllot \\ H•" t11" r . ..r•1 ~ pa.,.,.. rc>mbm<'rl Hllr i.1 llZ rq TllRF:E b>lm1. h"""' tmfor" EH~I 1-_ ----.,,,., '""•t.a )llr<& 190 m" •'r1 "n -('1111 Hllrbc>r H51 6 1n 1 '•• ~ ~1•U1 lo buy 1f d..,.1re>d Ad on thia ~·· DA~ A. JACOBS&.~ u 1-1317 WA ~~ ru BCILl.J. IMPROVE B\JY, MODERNIZI:, OR REFL'JA~CE \\'e Buy Trwt DHda NEWl"URT BAJ..DUA S A VINOI • LO A.N ASSOCJATJO~ 336' \"ta Udo Ph. Hu . 000 w En1il111h Tu'11•r cc1tta1tr So of Rh•rt , f'oronA dtl Mu . Olr1er h111 gTf'&I chsrm. JI u g e 11 rrh~rl llv.·dlnl.nir aN>a. Won· ttr rful fl'lr t'nlrrt.tnln ir 2 Rol1 m rlPn, 2 r1"'pla.c:r11, a charmer at 119.~ E8.•y trrmi.. EllC'lu11lve llJl:l'rl. f'<)P.U VERR.DiDER. H11rl>o r 42M evea. 34i7. 83Uc down! Solidly buUt a pL over dble. rar. plu1 mom to build aecond 1.1nlt 111 tront. r. P. 118.1110. Balboa NOT be&chy-but a homa 1a thla dellpU'Ully colorful 3 bdrm. Penn1naJJ.a home oa 16 " 1ou.. No t1X1J1C awded. Ju.t ·mo,. In. Cliff Haven $16.GOO BUTS TRJS 1p&.rkllnar 3 bdrm. borne. Lowly landacapt-d patio. Quiet Ill. t r.'e G.J . loan, •peI\a comfort 6 a«vttY.. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON, A.aaoc. 2eot Newport Bhd., Npt. Beach Eu)' Pvktnr Rut>or 4610 Newport Heights W1l HA Vil one ot the best built 2 bedroom homu Ln Newport Height.a. Top rondlUon, Beaut!· fully landecaped. Thh1 ta ju11t St:i.9:1<>. can buy for $2000 down Thia you muat -· Trade ALaO J bedroom and den home wtth ocean v1tw on one of the ~at cornr.ra In the H eighta. Beautifully landscaped. Ownr r wtU trade for 8mll.llfr home In Newport Htllght.s. Thls home wu buUt by M~ellolt, drsignl'd by Ellerbl'OC'k. Select m11t er1a.ls . Best &.rldreM in the HelghlJl. ( $31.:100 full prlr' I "ART" ADAIR REALTOR 18641 Newport Blvd. Coeta MfM. Calif. LI 8·3792 COSTA MESA Bargain NEW 3 Bd. Home. $9500. S2150 down. Bal&nca 162 per mo , inc. Int., pr lncipaJ a.ntJ taxu. Dr1ve by J 933 L'ontlnental. In F'l'ftdom Homea t r&rt Then corn. In &Ad clo111 lhe deal. . " Ocean Front 2 B. R. In houM-, e xtra B. R. ad- joining-1 '' bl\lhs. Partly fur. Inc. carp<'ts, dr11.pe11 and cur- t aln!I -Can get bank loa.n of 18500 FULL MllC'E '18.500 RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor MU Newport Blvd., Nwpt.. Bch. R.artlor 402 88llc LIDO 3 br .. den, e-ar. a pt. WfVlew. Ex- citing $3!1,500 3 br.. din. rm . fully carpeted tabuloua k it .. lop loratlon 37.~ 3 br.. rumpus rm , f&m1ly home. teorrlflo pauo. 70' lot 37,000 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Ch11m11ng 2 hr . ru11llc. prg nrs . used br. f1replacf , well land- liC&ped -14 .2iJO Provincial 3 br . 2 bath. car- peted, 1ep. ldry. rm.. luts of 1torage, benullfully landscap1•il a nd tt rrvod . . .. .. 18.000 CJaire Van Horn I REALTOR :q~1 W . Cout Hwy Ll 8·42i7 4 Acres-$4500 Acre SIZE 26u660 R-4 Zone on Wtf- aon St. al H l\rbor Blwl 10 acres-$5500 acre M-1 ZONE on mn1n thorofarc. BOTH OF' Tll!::SJ.; P ARCEI.S arc r hcaprr thnn 1l1 rt • At t now ' Looking for A Buyer for Your Home? What " a Right Price f When can You find a buyer't How much can the buyel' pay down ! Ia a new mortgaie nec:euuy ! How ill the buyer rolng to pay the difference! Turn your problem.a over to a REAL TOR -the man who bu mMle real eetate hla runtime pro- f easion. Both Buyer and ~Uer abould 1ecure the readih' ava1lable counsel of the person bfft qualified t~ aerve -the person qualift.d to uae the profe88ionat title, "Realtor." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 -32nd St. LIDO ISLE 2 ~room. -bricked patio gOOd rlna.nclns pmta. JM per mo. 117,760 Now 3 bdrm.a. 2 batha. 40 fl lot. atreet to atreet, &II ele~­ l nc kJtchen -large flrtplace, c&r pet11 a.nd dr11perlfS. Don't onrlook thl1. :l-0 tt. Int -Bped&.I SJ Z.000 Newport &ach BAYSHORES OPEN HOUSE S&t A Sun. I.~ 2Ml C'r.Sl\h'\\ Bayahur•S An tKPrtSllllon "' 1h1ot1n11 1con 11nrl rrt lno•mrnt 1·um .. I rur :! bdrm,.. 2 b11U\-w a.JI t(I w t11f •'llrJl"IU1g fuld dr1>p••rt." l\f t llr ftnt'llt, AIM Hl'lnlt·y 11h11tti>r• thru -011t r111<tom mu.11• """ ~prt-11011 a'ntt m111ch111g <lntp l'rll'll All l'lt'•. kltl'hl'n, :l 11•11011 wit II ll .. llUI Hui l11nr1· ~< 11p1ni:- ~x. lui-1v•· \\1th BAY 6 BEAC'H Rf:ALT\' \'our hoateMu H rh-ri 1l1J11ni BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayett~. Newport Har. 3622 Har. W!lll E\'l'R. l Upper Bay 361 • 22nd St.reel • Open Daily 1 to 5 p. m. Very modem 3 bedroom 2 bath new home. Ready for immediate occupancy. Large lot 60x33Cl with citrua treee. $21,500 with $4500 down Will corudder trade on vacant property nr boat Your hoete•: Fay. Todd DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Npt. Blvd. Newport Beach Har. 4718 PATIO PARTIES Will be your favorite 'Fun Time' in this week 's Best Buy on Orchid Ave. 2 B. R.8, nice bath, handy kit., din. rm. & huge liv. rm .. with flrrpt.. wood box., beam ceiling, big windows. Dr. opcna ~nto big, comfortable patio, ,ideal for outdoor liv- ing. \ Priced RIGHT @ $14,950, Wlth reasonable down and assume G. I. Loan. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge. Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har 2774 $ S Have Beach Claustrophobia S S SHUDDER? Then see this 3 bdrm. 2 bath Lido Isle home. AJl rooms so large thl'y s11y "\\'ELCO~fF. STRANGER" $35.000. Temt"l. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. LI 1Vi562 & Hn r 221 SS SS ll3<'!)5 T omorrow ts another da.y _and ---------------------------- anolhf'r rri<'•" RUSS FORD 1600 W . Coa.•t tlwy. Newron Reh LJberty 8·41141 1-:vr11. LI ~-~a!l!I 9:11•!!~ Real Value UOMF., 2 lid1111 tt 111m rrl1hlr <It'll, 2 balh~. (•llU!•I 11lr hPut Onr & 1"2 yr1< 01'1. Vrry n1vdrm rl\nrh t.\"J)e 11hl\ke rnnf, pPrfel't rllnt11llnn. v11rnnt. qui• k po~11<·•· 111nn. ( 'ul tn $Ill ~111i fnr 'llllrk 11Alc. A tlr11rt1ve lt'rme. !Ip• n I l ri ~ 2307 Santa Ana A\'" < ·msta :\Tu a Jr 1'1111 U\\'n"r. llnrhnr 4r,1; •• \\' 8:tr96 Newport Heights 45 foot Panoramic View lot Unexrclled for ocean and Harbor View $15,000. N ot 11 lr1u1e holc1 -Clear df'f'd givf'n. Jm1t r1111t nf 2320 Cliff Drive. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Bear h Ha r. 1718 Costa Mesa 428 Broadway How Can You Miss BACK BAY HOMESITE Reatr1Cl• d, lrvel. tunong f 1 n ~ T lf IS CH ARMDtG home on Lant1· ftl'll p~rt • frnr et1 60 x 130 lot. 2 dwr lllni:.1 S6000 only. bolnn1. CJ;"l;l.Y $7';1\0 w ith trma OIUVF. liy th111 3 M rm 11 111<' Then ca.II a ny R.eallnr lo ,• h1ow you lhl• mulUple IJ~t 1nl" .:rl\114 Leon White, Realtor ORAN(;b; COAST PROPERTIES Balboa lfl:>7 NC'Wpnrt. {'o~t;1 ;\"'"" 'T'WI) l')(-e11n F'ront IOU. Zoned tar Ll 8· 16:'12 F.v ... LI 8-68<'3 dllplexe1. '41~00 •ch. 0:-.:1-~ Hl .i!'\DRP:l> ,.-r nn >-~. l ith St. ~ ·oela .M••111 l'ropert \' will' r ent while wa111n11 t\Jture buie1- ne.11 dPvelopm• nt S 12.~:l(l() hantl- 1,.1 Jo'r•r IUrlhl'r dtt•11!1 Call Hor 2042 1-·rirnk Jaroe11 L.tn~"'°"' \'1rk :11 2 Marin•. BAlbo>B h lan•l 9:l('9r. MODERN 3 be<lroom, 1 \, balh. H M •'I ft 111 > r. 111'1 OPE=' FOR 1."Sl'f':CTJON llAT It St.:!'\, A FTf:R.."00, .... ~01 F'ullerllln Ave , :"pt Hu 74ttc Coast Properties :!IJI F: Balboa Bh•d., Balboa Harbor 2i;:is . 2.:197 and •&oo. U DO ISLE Choir• 3:1' Int. _.t end ot laland. 1 10,6(10. 2 bdrm. bome, nnet to 11treet. 121.600. Har. '123. HpM SlfOREC'LJP'F 2 br. I bath, Jge. lf?L 81rkn-compel.a me to ..U •l 1)11'"• at lt'A than ri!placl'· n ... nt Miit. 12t,8llO lmm~t.e ro-.&1on. Kar. aJOt-R.. aeuo U 8-~1 60 qr LI 8·401 1 !t2tl1l VACA:'\"T, lrnmedlul 11 poAlif'IUll<oll <iwner l~&v1Jl&' I LAt"' U1 & nil nrw 4 btlrm, :l batb horM, W tr. \•: Cl\rJ>f'l. thof'OUKbly modt m r· .. n be eMD any UDM. Only $I:? 7M, term•. 336 H.amona l'I . <:Mt• M~ JU1t of t S-.nt.& Alla !ii betwwn 16th A l 6t.h or I'""'·" rta1 or nle'ht. LI 11-7976. 114r 'lll Lido Island l'fEW 4 M rm. boua ... 12St 7~0. pnn rlpl\)11 rmlf . 217 \"ui ~l•t'. llAr· bnr 071', 11~·..,. 4 Kl 6·2lli4 131f" PAGE 6 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS J C-Ral r..tate _____ n-ReaJ r..tate n-BMJ r.ta'8 MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 ---------·--· ------------------- n s.a,........ Sale or Exchange 6 ' 2 acree high producin( avocado•. Lemon Heighte area. Fro.t tree. Oce&n view building 1itt>. Price $37,500. Will uchange $25,000 equity for buaineH or reeidential iDcome Harbor area. 3 BEDRM. COSTA MESA HOME, large lot. fr\Jil treea. Price $8,950. Will e.cbanre for R· 1 or M zoned Jou.. CLIFFHA VEN VIEW LOT. Will exchange tor Jot. or improved Ml zone. Trust deed•. NEW COSTA MESA TRIPLEX 2 bedrm. each. Garages. garbage dispou.l.a, $24,SM. Exchange for vacant or improved buaineH or M zone Iota on email &creage. NEAL J. MARTIN, Realtor 2826 Newport Blvd. Harbor 3975 Newport Beach Evee LI 8-1774 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * ( 1 )-Amongst the trees on Exclu111ve Aliso, lhi• furniAhed older home i• cute a.a can be. Nicely furnished and clean u a whi•Ue. $10,750 with only $2000 down. Better hurry on thia one. Evenings Liberty 8·3186 12\-View home on Cliff Drive. Two bedroom and paneled den. 2 baths, lovely kitchen with built- in stove and oven. raised fireplace, large living room. covered patio. View of the entire Harbor area. $5000 wiU handle. Not & leasehold. Evening• caU Harbor 3589-J GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, Inc. Harbor 2J52 3112 Newport Bl.. Newport 25 YEARS JN THE SAME LOCATION BALBOA -BAY A VENUE 4 Bdrma. -2 .bath& -Separate dining room. Clean and ready to move ioto. 1 z Block to school. churchee Ir tra.naportation. A real family home. NEWPORT ISLAND - 2 Unit Income Separate Houee -2 bdrm•., living room, dining room, kitchen It bath. Extra etall •bower. Laun· dry room. Also l Bdrm. apartment over double garage. nice clean property. Apt. rented yearly. Price $16.500 -S3,500 down. BAY & BEACH REALTY H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 BALBOA ISLAND Cozy modern -2 bedroom•, fireplace -delightful covered patio. Close to excellent beach and near •hopping center. Only $16.950 term• • • • • Chojce EAST BAY FRONT Spacious 5 bedroom, 4 bath home . Large patio. private pier and float. Price S65,000 tenn1 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Assoc1ate11 Park al Manne. Balboa Island Harbor 2462 CONTEST HOMES 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Ranch Style Homes IRVINE & CABRILLO -COSTA MESA 1584 to 1650 square feet of luxurious living. La.rge garages-Heavy &hake roofs. Natural wood kit- chen cabioel.8. Built-in rangee-Garbage diapoaer. Wall aafe -Clothe. hamper -Forced air heat - City gewen -Distincti"e designa -Cloee to 91Choolll and shopping. $19.65() to $21.750 Tract office -lrviM and Cabrillo Harbor 4184 93p95 A Friendly Home *SEE BEFORE YOU BUY! * BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT l WATERFRONT w/pier & float .,ttractive 2 bdrm. home w lge. patio. Nr. mlrt. & City Hall. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION. 3405 Findley St., Newport Beach I 2 l wo·bdrm. homea, completely fum. Shows good income for summer & winter -come in for detaih1. Owner wanta to deal. OCEANFRONT PENINSULA POINT BRAND NEW 4 Bdnns .. 3 baths. magnificent view of ocean, bay, and jetty entrance. Completely furniahed, lge. lot. ONLY $29.500. HURRY ON THIS ! 2 Bdrm home on Jge. R-2 lot, rm. tor another u01t, leu than blk. to ocean, close to transportation. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION 10 a. rit. to 7 p. m . 117 -47th St., Newport Beach BALBOA BALBOA cerr AGE On lge. lot, rm. for another unit. OWNER SAYS 3 B. R .. 2 bath home on extr& large lot. Beautiful, apaciou.a patio with BBQ, plenty of room for swim- ming pool, Bay and Ocean View. Priet, completely furnished is $32,500, submit term•. SELL! Let'• try $8750 with S2500 dn. OCEANVIEW 4 Bdrm. 1 H~ bat.ha, lge. lot, lge. patio with wading pool. Full price $1'5,~. Good terma. J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Near the N .:wport Pier LIDO LIDO LIDO BARGAIN HUNlER'S -YACHTSMf N LIVE LIKE A MILLIONAIRE ON A SCOTSMAN'S BUDGET! Lido Peninsula BA YFRONT for only $4500! ! Full Price! 35' Kit Regal Imperial Custom built mobile home. Why pay $50,000 to $60,000 for a Lido Bayf ront when you can have this luxury living for $100 per month, with your yacht right out in front. CLYDE MEYER Harbor 1671 or Har. 2525 P S: 35' LIDO Bayfront Lot, pier Ir alip $30,000 51' lot on Yell& at $15,500. Both under market. 93c95 603 ORCHID Corona del Mar Open House l . 5 p. m. daily Be 11vre • au thta exceptionally nice 2 bdrm. home. \Bedrooms &re larr;e) AIM> t1replace A lot.I of llle 1n kitchen A bath. Obie. gllrage nn paved alley. 'l!:ncl. y1Lrd. Our u rhudve price of only U2.~ wHh ll';o loan • pymll of only 187.!l-O per mo, maku Una TRU LY AN OUT· STANDING BUY. A REAL VALUE In exclWlive Cliff Haven Beller call ua right now and &r· nu11e an appt. to lna~ct lhl• churning 3 bedrm. 2 ~lh home located on exclu11ve Kings Road. 1111• top value h o m • 11 JUlt 1 yr. ola and hu w to w ,.,.~t. lo,•ely d"'J>ell· r. a. hl'1t- lng ay&tem. OWNER SAYS SELL So, we have prlu d It al below tollay'a rf'placeml'nl cost. You can aubmll trnn1 '°"· $62 MO. Why Pay Rent7 When you can buy lh11 3 bdrm. nruly new home on Grove Pl~ ft'tr 110.~. Mo, pym\Ji only 162 • 1~ •;. FHA l...olln-tuu A Ins. •re incl. This lovely home located with pel'lna.nenl oc~n view muel be seen lo be app~· r1atc>d. Call now for further p11rtlC'1llan on rPq. dn, pymt, etc. Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick Rl!!ALTORS R Rayle·C. TTav1.t1. Ru.ii., AlllOC'. 12 Mulnco Ave. -Balboa llland 3 s Costa Mesa F URN. t.;NIT8. 8-t location. C-1 lot ~!!x300. 110,000 down. BALBOA PENINSt.;LA I.Al . . . ........... -... -110.~. l'fSWPOR'I' LOT ···-·-· .. M,100. l · 2 BR. FURN. UNrrs °" Balboa Blvd. I r ararff. Near bMcb • bay, 17.~ down Homer E. Shafer Rf:ALTOR 108 Mcf'adden Pl~• Her H O-Ev•. Har. 1U7·M 'C'' 'nlOllAS "C" THOM.AS "C" THbMAS "C'' THOMAS HARBOR HIGHLANDS OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday 19-iO Irvine Avenue Charming 3 bdrm. l~. bath home on beautiful pro· feeaionally Jandacaped 65 ft. lot. lge. liv. room and din. area, fireplace, F. A. unit heat, hdwd. floors, garb. dispoa&l, w to w carpeting and drapes, completely fenced -EXCEPTIONAL VALUE - $18,500 . CLIFF HAVEN PRICE REDUCED on tbia lovely 3 bdrm. home, excellent condition inaide and out. w to w carpeting Ir drapes, near achoole, 4rt: loan-ASKING $16,000 PAYSHORES Bermuda RANCH STYLE home on extra lge. cor· ner lot, room for awimming pool ,3 bdrm. 1 ~~ bath, prize winning kitchen, will auit moet diacrimlnating buyer. SEE THIS TODAY! Owner will trade down. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W, Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty ~27 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Your opportunity to purcbue, probably the beat buy on Lido W / A pier & slip is u close as your phone. We w ill give full i:letails over the phone and Bhow any time. LIDO ISLE A little MORE for your money than the usual three bedroom two bath home on Lido. Thia furnished two year old home is ready to move into. The price $28.500. with terma available. NICE LOW PRICE For the neatest, c1eanest 2 B. R. home on Lido for $21.500 -Lovely patio -flowers kept in perfect condition by owneni. Only $7000 down -and you are in. BRAND NEW 2 story, 3-bdrm. & den, 2 fireplaces. Lou. of cloaet space. Carpeted L. R. Thermador range & oven. Dishwa.sher, maple kitchen. Thia ia nice for $33,500 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evea. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8·:5297 BALBOA ISLAND Harbor 4091 93c9~ OCMn froftt 3906 Seashore Dr. 'l BDl'l.M. tumlahed M&cb collqe. All Jlua front. ~ location. :&Ht .n.•lmmlnJ A 1ur t tlahlnJ . $12,450 304 34th St. Moma 6: JV. apt . tumlahed. Neu Bay • lkacl\, cheery kitchen• t ile. CrHnhouae tor tuch81U 6: ti.1onla1. 8 x 12 workahop plwi laundry rm. Con1ldu UllOO dn., wtll trade up or dn, or Lake rn·1. heart of balboa 212 E. Balboa Blvd. New duplex., 2·2 BR. Unit.a .. P'lreplacea, Dlapoaala, Fa.na, up· per unit wall to wall carpeted, larre 1un deck, newly fumlahed. 123,000-17,llOO down. ocean rront 3705 Seashor, Dr. Beach house, wHh bl• room• A •oocl YI-of oce&11. cloee II\. $4000 dn. 1100 mo. F or thee. and other flnf propn· tlN Call UI . B A y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2~ W. Balboa Blvd. Reduced to Sell! t..OVELY 2 bdrm view home plu• Jars• (Uf3l houa, m Newport Hts! Owner eay'1 11ell! Only 2 yr• old-Hdwd floor dhl. gar F ireplace -Full Dining Room. Bt•t l...o<'at 1on. Full price only 116,9~0. 3 BDRM -ICul Sld-reduc'd from UJ ,3~ \() 110,850 G.I. Resale 3 BDRM. In &1t Joeatlon 12000 On-Full Pnce 112,000 Industrial Lot EXl..NT. cloH·ln location H O ft. frontage ll~.000 wll.h 29't dn. Xlnt. lonr Term Buain•• • In· dwitrlaJ Loeuea Jl'ronUni nn Br!et.ol 66 Baker Street•. LARGE BACK BAT Vl•w loll trom l~.500 up. Bay & Beach Realty 16H Newport Blvd, Coal& MtH, Ca lif. Ll~rty 8-11111 Ena. LJ 8·3U8 KJNGS PLACI: OeltJh tlul vttw 3 t>.drm. home. a P•lra.llt Lido OPEN HOUSE On a 70 foot wide, tree lined s+.et 111 Via Genoa Open Sun. 10 a. m. to 9 p. m.-Otber daya 4. to D p. m. Lovely 3 bednn. 2 bath h ome ready for immediate occupancy, including Juxurioua carpeting It drapea. MASSIVE 1tone fireplace and a good 1i1e den or hobby room. The \JnUIU&I Ule or glaaa and ihe large paUo riVM thi.8 one year old cuatom built home a brtgbt and cherry atmosphere for California living at ita bMt. Two large awimming be&chu and a boat g•rden ue juat a atone'a throw from the front door. Price $34 ,500 be« t..-ma DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. t118 tf LIDO OPEN HOUSE 122 Via Ithaca Saturday and Sun., .Aug. 20 -21 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Four large bedroome-Huge lanai, two bat..brooma. Nice patio. I J uat imagine ~7 equare feet of Jlvioi area on 1 roomy 45 foot lot plu11-Two car garage for only $33,950 (below repl&cement coat). LI DO REALTY ASBociates Lido'a Most Eltperienced Sales Penonnel Bill Kempton -Joe Grohmui Gene Vreeland -Virginia Man.on 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acroes from Richard's Market Entnnct) Corona del Mar Vogel Values New li•ting. So. of Hwy., 2 bedrooms, fundabed home centrally located between beachea It 1hopc. Very clea n & attr&ctively furniAhed. Patio 4t patio furniture. Full 2-car gar. Excellent buy at S13,P60 Just a block & a baJf from Ocean Blvd. on a 40' lot. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, sep. dining room, lge. living room. fireplace, Diep.. auto -dishwaaber. Beaut. Patio PLUS attractive 1 bedrm. apl (furn.) over 3-car gar. You can't help but like thia cuatom· built home (and income). Pleaee call for app't. We're rather proud when we ahow thia coz:y 2 bed- r oom home just north of the Hwy. Only 2 yra. old, fireplace. dining area, attractive kit.ch., good noor plan. All fenced & room for add'l unit at rear. Ideal locat io n. Total price only $13,250 and low down paym 't. ' The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., COM. Har. 1741 Har. 1477 CORONA DEL MAR ~autifully built home. 16 x 22 ft. living room. hdwd. nrs.. 2 lge. bedroomlJ, apacioua kitchen Ir dining area. More buill·ins than 2 ordinary hou.ee! Dbl. garage. encloBE'd yard, flowers & garden epot. Original owner haa kept th111 home in immaculate condition, desires immediate sale. ONLY $17,850 on your terms ~ Finet1t locat ion on •5' lot. Phone Harbor R82 for appointment, but HURRY on thi• one. STANLEY, A. SMITH, Realtor 264 7 E. Coast Hwy . Harbor 8R2 Corona del Mar 92c94 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OWNERS have ask<'d UR tn dieroae of thi11 lucr&.· tive delicates~n . ba rbecue and lunch counter businetJs due to their having an accident. Nine months gro88 shows over $Hl.OOO. Two people can operate this well equipped store. Askin~ only ~6500 For th111 and others. call or see THE VOGEL CO. 3201 w Coast Highw11y. Llberty 8-3481 Newport Beach Jo:\'Cfi Liberty 8·3580 Ready for School! 4 bedrooms, 2 bath•. completely fumiabed. Lari• fenced }'ard It ~bl gar. SEU. OR TRADE ROOM TO BUILD on' thia 2 bdrm. home near H&r-bor Bl•d. comer ~· _ south bay -furn. ... -$17.~ 1'111oed patio. W/W "arpet.t. --------------------- $26,000 MOST exquu1ite houlK' and apt. on the i1land - Nf'w -stftrtJing value. Ex~llenl financing- S28.750 D 0 R I S B R A Y , ·Realtor Nona Hy.r Clar@~ Lan Chet &liabury 216 Manne Av~ .. Balboa l1land. Hubor 30-Har. &4 '426 ·no mo. l ta,ooo down or ~ BDRM. HOME. exc. location. Furn. •4000 do-wua tu• ca..r local 1 bedrm. • .. u llome u dn. p&yment. $17,000 ORANGE COAST INCOME cute 2 bdrm. cottaJe wUb frplce.. 1 PROPERTIES 11111 N.-port. C<>l!la M•aa bdrm. apt., guest room 1ara«e--ezc. financing ....:.... U 1-1'32 Eve. u l-'803 thia you abould Me. r1J0m for 1wlmmln1 pool. Allow ua to ehow you lhla IJ>IC: 6 apan 2 yr. old M&ut)•. r . P. ll9,9M 16960 down, ORANG~ COAST PROPERTIES l &6 7 Newport. Cdlrt.a M- U l-1132 ltve. LI a..803 roUR ocun rront lnt.t ™2~ .. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor M••\ .,. IOld toi•l.tln 11ne 10-Udo Lot cal.. tor ll\<'<'fne Ul\I~ Mlp t 30S Muine .Ave .. Ba!bola llland 30 rr. Pft.DC'I: LOCATION l\tar TRADE WANTED Ml Acre Plsr.ent1a ~t. and or 26 ft. fo'u1rlin<'r twin ~re.,,,., for Lido hnu»e or lot. 92t.fc tnidf HR1,bmlt ynur down pay· Phone Harbor DO'.l I eJuMM>u.ee ''·"'°· ternu. H.arbor m'nl ar 111&1. nuc .. 11.w. t0c4 ,-------------------------..--------....:.... __ .:.;_:.=.;. ____ _:.::;_ __________________________________ ..:._::,:::.::_ ________ ~:!,_----------r----~----------....:.----- ' MONDAY, AU-UST 22, 1955. VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE ._ __ ..., __ ..... ____ _.;;.;11-~R~lll~!'At;;.;.l'a-.;te .. _ .. , ___ 1NEWPORT HARIOR NEW>PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E 7 p. a. pa Im er inc or po rated ,• .... .... • .... r.tue * * * * * WANT A HARBOR VIEW? Lovely new 3 bedroom modern. Seventy foot aun- deck overlooking the entire Harbor area. Thia won't la.at at $26,500! Income $3,600 Price $23,500 Nea.r new triplex In Clitt Haven -all two bed· room apta. 3 garages. Low down payment handlea. BALBOA LIVING AT ITS BEST 3 Bedroom.a plua penthouse rumpua room with bar. • bat~. large living room with sliding glus doora, big airy kitchen and service porch. Located on the peninaula "point" and you can buy it FURNISHED. For only $28,000 -terma. _ _ YACHT OWNER5-A TTE~TION i. your yacht over 90 feet 1 Let ua ahow you thia four bedroom three bath home with 139 feet on Lido Baytront and a 75 foot float. Ample room • for swimming pool. Cu.tom made furnitu.re, earpetlng and draperiea included at $135.000. Thia property canno~ be duplicated on Lido Isle. VOGEL CO. 8201 W. Cout Hiwy, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 OCEAN FRONT Very nice family home of f bedroom.a and three batha. Beautiful view of jetty. Tenn.a can be ar· ranged or will 'consider Loa Angeles income prop- erty. Well pric~ at $29,500. SEASHORE COLONY, ocean front. Cozy beach home. 3 bedrooms and 11 ~ baths. $18,500. BAY FRONT Year round home for family. Well arranged and ar- tt.tff?alJy deeora~l -4 l.>edr.ooma & four ba~ f'ic.._ ture window• to bay and landscaped terrace. Pier and float. 5 BEDROOMS, two bath1. Ideal beach home. Older. but in excellent condition. Try offer of $32,500. INCOME POSSIBILITIES Convenient two bedroom, 2 bath home with bay View on Bay Ave. Room to build house in front. -$5000 down. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES ~ W. 8alboa Blvd. Harbor ~188 94c96 v v' Corona del Mar BEST INCOME BUY 1. CHOICE INCOME UNITS We have 3 · deluxe income unit. an completely furnJa1*!. All rented and located in be1t rental an& on Marsuerite in Corona del Mar, only l block to ocean A: beach. ThetJe are priced right. Prioed to lell at $3CJ,OOO. Terma can be arranged. We have the key. 2. HOMES-VACANT LOTS See WI for ~r buys in Corona del Mar. IC it'• for l&le, we have It lli!ted. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PIµCE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 8"7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Ottlce located next door to Corona de(Mar Bank) developers of Udo Isle Model Home Open l2 to 5 daily 204 Via Eboli Beautifully furniahed by J. H. BIGGARS Built by JOHN VISSCHER Thia 1tunning 4 bedroom home ia planned around a aparkllng pool. The 1Jidlng g1aa walla, built· ina, and large lot make indoor-outdoor liVing most lnViting. Be sure to see this ! Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma, &: l bath· plue a 1 ~ bath and amall bedrm. in rarage. Only 300 f~t to perfect north bay beach. Thi1 home i.s in fine. condition and if you would like a home to use in the summer and have us re.nt it !or you ln the winter, this should be perfect . $18, 750. Terms. 57 foot wide building aite on Via Lorca $16,000 Beautiful Lido Resi~ce Arthitieally landscaped on very choice 1ite, 92 feet on Centro Strada, 60 feet on Dijvn. and 45 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool it deaired. Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home .with lovely Jania for indoor-outdoor living. Thia home ia aet apart by it1 charm, even in this .ection <>f lovely home1. $32,tsOO full price with terms. New, Different and Dramatic Modem ln every detaU, with many buJlt·ln teaturea. In the manner of a French Traditional home with New Orleana wrought iron and louvered gatt:a to planted off-atreet entry. Nylon,viacoee wall to wall deep carpeting. Slidini clua doora to patio. 3 bedrma., 2 bath1. 2-car rarage plwi amall car, boat or shop area 10 x H . A fine home you should a~ without delay. $M,OOO. p. a.-palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Seashore Drive IMMAC'lJLATE ocean front home a bldrooma--1~ batha -completely furniahed in Early A.mN'icu atyle, altuated on our nn.t bathtn.1 beach. Total price $18,500 Call Dave o.burn Shorecliff Open House Ptcture.que one story ranch st.YJ. ham&. lAta ot UMd brick A: redwood. Low neepm. hea.vy lhake roof--Spacioua floor plan, lnclucm 2 bedrooma 6 den -2 bath1 -2 ttrepW.. Beautiful oce&n view -Ju.at a 1tep to exelUltve batbJac beach. OPEN SUNDAY from 1 • & p. m. 248 Evening Canyon Road, lhore at.tt1 Drive by then call Dave O.bum ( Looking Fot A View NOT JUST ONE but two beautiful brand new 3 B. R. -2 bath ho'P'ee. Both ba'ft an outstandin& view ln addition to numeroua other feature., in· cludtnr built in r&nl'ea le ovena. Both ho\llea will ~ open Sund'Y, Aq. 2ltt. One i9 prlef4 at $23,000 th• other $28,000 223 It 2~ Ocean View Ave. Newport Heifhb Call Bill Farnsworth for further tntormation. Cliff Haven Let m1 ahow you Ulla inunaculate a b9dJ'OOlll hOuae, loe&ted on a lars• fee lot ud with planting in u- cellent condition. Property II readJ for occupancy · without uy tlmng. AU for Hodgkin.on Senta Ana Heights Three bedrm. 1 bath on 1.arae lot. Back yard com· pleteJy fenced and landtcaped. Radio controlled door on doubl• prage. Bar1aJn prt* at 511,7~ and only $.UOO down. Aak tor Kinc&ld. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hlgh1'•1 -liberty s..8157S . -. Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS 2 Unit Income! 4 ULU.L DOWN-PA. TXENT ll ALL TOU PAY ••• TENANT P.A.Y TRJl REST. One Of our beet valua9. I MPtnl4 Wl1ta, tunU8bed. 3 patlM. 30a102 ft. Jot, ellote. JoeaUon near »ay a.nd Ocean. $18.~. 14000 down. Let's Trade New 3 and 4 Bd. Rm. Homes-ownl'r will IQkl' eastaide Int or &ell this nice 3 b<11 m. home on Possession in 30 days. These warrant your in· a 6&xll0 Jot, On sewer:s. garb. vestigation. All have 2 baths, garbage diapoaala diap.. ctra~s. bulll·in kJtch. and choice of colors. Double garagea and exhaust nook.. excel value, l yr. old. ail bl __._,_ __.. _ __. 1 Only sa,ooo down, SMUIO 011 bal. fan• av a e on aome mUUCllO. ..-~ •• ow u • '11 '""4 loan. Full prh:e, $10,500 $Q,375 with $37!5 down. Worth Lot More Cltan 2 bdrm., on eu tside, 1 block off Newport Blvd .. dble gar. A: carport. Only $2.000 down. Full price $8200, lt'1 ,. .. buy.'' Newport Hts. $7900 EXCELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD, l bdrm.. nn 11ewen. W / W car- A Whale of a Buy- On a quiet residential atreet-trafftc free and clean as a whistle. Two bedrooma. hardwood floors, fireplace, dining room and break:tut area. Very neat grounds, completely cement block fenced. Full price $9,950 with $2960 down pet. Jnclude1 RangP <It RefrlK. H b Hi hi d Il'1 on a 80x90 lol, Exeel vn.lue. ar Of g an 8- 0nly ••o mo on bat. 3 Bdrma. -One of the niem on Irvine Ave. Beau· 2 Bdrm., W estsid~ $7500 On a l>Ox2l50 lot. can't be beat, tifutly landacaped. (Thia ii tht only home we know of in the Highlands avaJlable at thil time.) Priced at $18,500 only 8 yn. old, close-Jn. Just Back Bay- $1&00 '111., balance like rent. . Eve Info. Petitte LI 8·0487 Spacious 3 bdrm home with beautiful view. Corner Lido Isle Special On two tull lot.I, 70x88. 3 B. R .. 2 batti home. Lovely lanaJ & patio. Plenty apsce for pool. Pl'. ONLY U7.500 Shew.,, by appt. lot 88' x 135' In uncrowded area. All rooma a.re extra large. Priced at $U5,200 -with good terma. Owner leaving thi1 area and anxioua to me~. W. A. TOBIAS 9 Unit Income! POSITIVELT THI! J!llST VAL~ IN BALISOA. BALBOA OCEAN rRONT. I untta plua rnana.cer'a apvtmmt. Completely tamlah· e4 and ampi. 1Upl)Ue1 tor all aputmenu. New retrtpratora and at.one. Remodeled ln 1950. t•800 net Income • • • $33,000, 115,000 down. Balboa Duplex! LAROll LOT. ltOOM FOR ONE MORE UN'lT .•• pl111 3 rarqea , • , 80xl02~ ft. lot. Upper tur· niahed and lower hu been com· plet.ely modemJud. One ot th• betlt Bay and Ocean locatJon1. 118.~ and rood term1. Balboa Home WITH IINOLE APA.l\TMENTI VALUE FACTORY 2400 Ml f t . on 63x290 and ASSOCIATJtS, REALTOR ••you'll like our friendly 1ervice11 393 E. 17th St., Coata Heu. Liberty 8·1139 VALUE M-1 Super Value lol. Rented'•t SJ3~ mo. Room --------------------- EXCELLJCMT LOCATION. near Bay and Ocean. 2 bedroom hCllM ., I t b detadled •tnsl• apartm.nt • • • cut• a. a bug·• .u. Two pre.cu. They a~ turnl.ehed, too. Arran,e lo ne thla one at 'lT,600, terma. Balboa Beach Home BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An excluaive home ~a with fine beach and large Jot for mother &: children, and dock spact for a 11tnall boat for dad. Priced $28,500 furnished- Good terma. Owner will listen to cash. Ph. Har. "" for appt. aa· Aug. tenant pays $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE .J 8 unit motel apart.ment. The finest unit of this type in thta location. Income ln exceH of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Next door to the Poat Office Har. «4 Eves Hae. 3059-M . Har. 4248-R Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTI\'E year round home on Sea· ahore Drive. Knotty pine livtnr room with dining area. Formica .kitchen, 1 bedroom and h bath do"'11, 3 bedrooma and 11 :i bath1 up. Solid con· st.ruction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage, enclosed yard. Excellent beach.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 8113 Newport Blvd., Newport.Beach Harbor 1013 t o build a nother b11lld1ng for add. Income. 20 fl. alley. Prtc .. 1'111.000, wtth '1 dn. A re11I ~uy. Eva Jnro [,,ytla LI 8·2542 Avocado Grove 9 .ACRES No. San Dh!KO Co. 1300 ft. tltv.. frost free. 8 yr. olc.l lrff1. 12 water thare• 4t sprlnk- ler1. 12lS.OOO. WJLL TRADE for h(Jmu or income 1n Harbor area. Eve Info. Seymour Har. 5298-W Houston Realty Co. .I: ASSOCIATES 509 Cenltr ~t.. Co•(11 i\lrsa LI 8·891 l or L.l 8-7784 FACTORY BLDG .. 40x80 GOLDEN RULE VALUE 0 p e n H o u s e Sat.-Sunday 16th Place and Irvine Avenue Beautiful Provincial three bedroom plu. family room. Attached two car gt.rage. Two bath roorrus. A home you'll be proud to own. nrat home in America to feature a new 1pecl&l li&hting. Offer· ing thi1 home at $21.950 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Co.ta Mel& (across from Coeta Me.a Banlt) Phone LI 8-6761. EvM. Har. 4366 • LI 8-2103 OWce 20x30, on W . 19th St., with 107 ft. frontag~. Ft'n<:cd. Paved parking, Al~o 100 ft adjoining --------------------- availa ble, Bargr.in pric~d a t 1'5.600 llr will llh·ltte. Term.t. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1851 Newport. C:o1Ha Me&& LI A· l 832 Ev1. LI 8·68-08 CHOJCll ruldentl&l lot, 70 x 100. All utUttlu, P•Ved •lreet, treei. Wast aide Collta MeaL Owner. Liberty l -48M, 91cita THJ\D BEDRM.. tum. 1 yr. old. Quit!( poeae--. lt.0 WIUl nuo da. AL TYLE"R RE.AL llSTA.Tl!: 188' Harbor. C08t& M-Ll 1·1881 tlc!H "Sun Worshipers" "Waterfront" Wiii love thia 3 be<irm., 2 bath pl111 2 bedrm., 2 bath guest apt. located on finest priva~ awimming beach. Pier allowed. Lge. llvinr rooin, exposed bum ceiling, fireplace. lge. g1Yaed lana.1, Too much to te.U about, let'• loole. now. Priced at only se2,ooo, t'bi• tenna available. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. IAt Port Orange) Newport Beach LI S-7562 Har. a1M eve1. IDEAL BEACH HOME FOR YOUR F.u.qt.Y. You 1h<>Wd '" thl• dandy place ... nicely tumlahed and decor&ted . . • aleep• 6 people. Located on Eut Bay Avenue. close lo toWl\ and lhoppln~. Only 112,500, 16000 down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppolit• BaaJr Of A.ln•rle& Jltoea OreeleJ Al Comeliua Ed Lee J&ek Pinkham JOHphlJI• Webb 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa' Phone Harbor 3277. FRONTING ON TWO HrWAYS 46 pha acrn M·l. 14~ acre with llbt1'1 terma. Bound to ahow lncreaM 1n value. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 Newport. COila Mtu LI 8-1632 EV .. LI 8-tSOI Bay Sboru OORNER lot to.100, I bdrma.. 2 bath. a llbowen, (Till. •pit. dl1hw, dlap. Lot1 of 1torage Be&u. pauoa, part. covered. oul· door Uv1nr at be1tl rum. Good tarm1. EXCLUSIVE. O. H. LATHROP, MM &. OoMt Hwy.. CDM. Har. 6442 evu. Harbol' ~. t2c94 01.llT HA VEN, beauutut n~ horn• a l)edroom• 2 bat.N, ue.- ~ Tua lot l.n tnda. H&r one. t2t!o I BALB~A ISLAND QUALrl'T ISL.Um HOME 6 APT. OM ot the laland'• ttae homea, 3 ~ .• tp. dininc rm .. 1% batM, dellchttuJ U,bt uvm. rm. openlnr to partly co.....S patio. Tb• attnoUwly turnlabed 2 bdrm. pnp apt. wtth tuD bathl"oom eama over $1800 , per JMr. l:Ktra ~ beth in praae. Outatandin• '"" at Sll.000. wttla . 115,0000 dn. , nR8T OJ'J'ERJNQ. lmall 2 bdrm. hoUM on Sap- pb.lte. noor turnaee. fireplace. fumlahed~ built 19'7. lmall lot. only Ste.MO. Submit down. TWO UNlT8 LIKE NEW W1TH BAY VIEW Conv.rtlble althe.r • bdrm. home with l bdrm. apt. or S bdrm. hOJD9 with 2 bdnn. apt, Gracloua liv· lq nn. leadlnl to aeeptlonal patio. 510,000 dn. lood term.a. eo rr. BA y FRONT AGE. On Little laland, pler, float, f onnal • bdrm. home. The land value ia cloae to the uki.ng price of $78,000 BUSIN~ BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32.000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot , charming 4 bdrm. S~~ bath house. Dining rm .. modern kit· chen, dlsp., dis hwasher, lots of rupboards and cloeets. Plus unusued 1 bdrm. apt. ov<'r 3 car gar· age. Both units all newly furnished in Morterne. ?deal tor home and income or gue$ts. Har. 1776 -Evea. Edith Maroon ffYatt 4-6222 John Macnab: Harbor M69. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lsland LIDO BA Yf RON TS Home and income 75 foet Lido Nord (30' la not built on I $100.000 -Ah10 - Ne&r new home -immaculate all new custom t'µr· niahin&a, four beautiful bedrooms. five expensi~~ly appointed bathrooms. Lavitih deep pile carpetiai. Pier-& •lip. Thia home-ha.& no evidence of ever beinr lived in. We have the key. Full price ~100.000 Completely fumiahed. · . ExclU1ive Agents LI DO R.EAL TY Aaociatea Lido'• Most Experienced Sales Personnel Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene Vreela11d -Vlr~inla Manson 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• MarJcet Entrance) INVESTORS ! ATTENTION I • I am going to tell you of a golden opportunity that bu never been offered. Located in the MARINERS MILE, NEWPORT BEACH. The owner bu appointed me hiJI aole •gent to tieU the following property. (1) POST OFFICE BUILDING t o be finished by No- vember 15. Leued by the U .S. Govt. for 15 yean with option of 5 and 5 more. (2) 36 UNIT MOTEL, completely furnished It oper· atinr on a. fine return. (8) 2~ Fr. OF BUSINESS, frontage adjoining Poat office building. Owner will sell at once. or trade for subdivi.aion land. For inspection & details pleue see Mr. O.bome. • OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 bat.M. Hardwood_ Ii carpet floore. Bargain at U:S.000. Submit down. SEE US tor BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properti-. Har. 177:S -Ev~a. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4.a222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Ma.tine Ave., Balboa Island M-1 PROPERTY On chol'Ce It.net, a 1ood 1peeulatlve piece worth invee1tigating. Preaent Ntabliahed income more t.h&D came. paymenta and taxee, with $7000 cub. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bea.ch LI 8-8481 93c95 ~--~-~---~~-----~~~--- Corona Highlands Excepti.onally flne bomt for large famlly-3 bdrma. le den, 1% plu.a J,i bath.a. LiVlng room hu vlew of hilla 6 canyon, 6:> x 100 foot lot. 2 car garage. Only U.600 down. $26,500 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Cor-On&-del Mar. Har. 2288 (Aero• from Bank in COM) PAGE 8. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, AUGUST 22, 1955 • Sybil Chestnut Pleads Guilty on Dope Count SANTA. ANA IOCNS) -Sybil I!. Chutnut. 19. ot La Habra FM· day pleaded ru11ty on a m1Lr1juan& poue•IOI\ cba.r&e and uked Su- perior Court Judie John Shta for a probation he&rinJ . Judge Shra aet the p,..lty bru· netl1'1 time tor heUU\f and •n· t.anclr.c at 9:30 •· m. Sept. 2 Miu Chestnut wu arruted by Newport Bf-arh JXJllce Aua. e. She 19 In CUltody. ~l:nnel~t°6~ft .~ede~~:he~~'flRST YEAR MESA PD lt would add lo Ule destrab11ity of Co.ta }(ea property ftoin an . ~~~e:n~:.~':1';.~ ;: :u.~~~ RECORD PROVES TOPS ad~~~y apoke of lhe orl&ln•l <'On· . cepl• of a mutu plan but Don l Dungan. ctty •ttom ey ... l(s ... 11 Convict Felom 100 lawyer he wu not auppoiled to have any opln1ona and thla u1nr Traffic h• didn't have any. Mesa Skips Percent; Fatality Mayor NelMn lntroduc:ed thr n-member of the pla.nn1nc com· llllll!lon. George Toblu, who r .. • R~· Rl l.I. PtUl.1.11'8 • Out1tanding in f1r1t year acu- tuaed to commtmt •• he had not Through th" •trort11 of Ca.t• l v1ty from J uly 1, t9:H through had ume to study the queatlon. M,.J<a011 voun.: pohC'I• depa.rtment June 80, 19~ werr 100 per t'enl H. c. SampAOn, another m!'ml>er cumpoaed of f t fullllrne employ-tonvlc:tlon record on all felon• ot the comrnJuion, 1alct ht belle\ .. l'•... ..nct a supplementary force booked. not a 11ngle t raffle fa· ed a con.illtant would be 1 jt'OO<I nr 16 11mform reserve COtllll of-tallty within the Mua city llm· 1 idea In that he would ma.ke lhf'nt flr1•111. llvl's hove b~n 11ave1l, prop· Ila, and ot'ganlr.atlon of a pro· I Wells Sentenced prove the anawer• they had ar· .. , 11• l1J~t1 hftll l>t>l.'n prennte<t and i:ram of Junior traffic police of· rived Ill. w. L. Dunn. planninl'? ttw I r'lt.tr•r 11lt11atlon controlle~. t lcera during the 11ehool yl'ar. to Priso'n for reprelM!ntatlve, aald be la worklnir ('hid At t Mt'l<t'n:tll' pointed nut STRl':SClTll OF l''ORC'F. N • C t hud on the muter plan and wtllj tn the 1 1 ~t annual dtpartment Numer1t'sl J1t1·enrth of Uie GrCof ICS OUn have It rf',ady for the counril soon. 1t•porl. fot-ee, t.lcKen11e report.ed, tnclud· !;ANTA ANA tOCNS) -Don· I 1•d lhree uniform 1ergeant&, nine •Id E . Welle. 22, 177 Alti.rt Place. H1.gh School Teachers to Meet patrolmen and one eecretary ~-Colla Mesa. Yrlday wu 1entenced s1du the chief hlmaelt. How- to prl.on tor the term prucr1bed t'\'tr. the 1:1 re.Mrvea purchaaed :;'ar:~:.n:'~~!:~:~~' 'u11l' to Sept. 5; Registrat ion Next ~t'~:t~~·no:q~~e~~ndh~~;i_at~ Superior Court.Judge John Siie• New teac:hers ln Nl'wporl Har· t "ill require ... rvicn of the l'n· unltonn pll trnl and handllnc paased Mntence after denyinc pro-bor Union High School will 111 ~ fa .. ully will t11k«1 pla<;e u •J>l'cial events. In cue.a of emerg- batlon to the defendant. ro1tuw:1: ency when no regular ortlcere Wrll1 wu arreated by 11ta.ked mst in the board .room at t.111' sentont, Tuuday Sept. 8, J to were ava1labll'. reservu were out Newport Beach police July 18. school at 11 a. ni .• Monday, Sept I 4 r m ; juniors Wednt11d11~·. 8 .30 ca!Jed upon to work reruler 1hlft1 Oftlrf'ra &a.Id they aaw Welle pick 5, it 11 annow>Ced by SupL Sid· I to 12 a. m : •ll'lphomoru, W~nes· at city comperuatlon. up a package In an alley. ney H . Oavidaon. All memMrs day I to '4 p. m.; freshmen-Equipment conalated of thret' Two other• were booked alone of the faculty wll.1 meet Tues· A to L-Thuraday 8:30 to 12 moblll' units contalnlnit three-way with Wells when offloen •hook day at 9 a.. m. In the aoclal room H m · trr~hnwn ~t lo Z-Tbura-radios. part or the o•erall Or· :town the •uepecta• car. of the gtrla' gymnasium. day. t to 4 p. m. Claues eta.rt a.nge County communication 1y .. ftll unit. t.ut al.o b•PI tlle l& county dlpartm .. ta la contacL n>U.Ow.a PA'ITll:IUll ''A'-.._.. iAt UM ftnt tt.ca1 )'HI' of °'' poUce ~-t." Mdtmae -.Id. ·-.. are llDAbM to t ho• a )'M.1'11 compa.neon. But YBJ Uniform Crtme report.I Indi- ca te Ooeta w-follow• tha 11n- tr•I crime pati.n:· MM& poll-m made 3• felony arr•ll and booked m on mta- demeanor cha.re•. a total of Ul pr1110ner'I. Not only did the dep&rt· ment obtain 100 pett•nt felony conviction but al.a convlctlona on 22:1 of the 223 mllldeamenor com- pla.tnta IMued. on th• lra.tflc aide, w-ottl· Ceni lnY•ti.at.ed 287 acident.I - 228 property de.mar • a.nd at In· jury. A total of 1187 tra.tflc clta· Ilona were INued wllh Ute found guilty In court a.nd one recelYlna a not rullty verdict. l tJVENIU: CAAM JuvanJle t! .... found 129 chll- dtt'n under 11 det1Lin9d, la pr-- •ed thto"lh JunnJle court and d ... clared wa.rd9 of the court, and th• balance handled by the police de- pa.rtment on lnfonnaJ proballOll. "Majorlty of th• juvenile c .... rome from a broken home." Mc- Ken&J• reported. "Thia lndlcat• a definite pattern ah<J'Winc Jack of family poup and b9me I UI*"' vlalon." ration ~ waa ~-tMUpt.I with otnoera rtriAI talu at Ut fl"U'lm&r lldloola to UM ..... , body and P-TA poupa. ror controU1nc tntf\c a t ldlool croeainp du~ the ~ ,_,, Mck•lil• reported, member1 ot the Junior tratnc pollce otfleo.ni f'9Celvecl WNkly pa-. doeated bf the w_. TttMter OaDEaL l' n.ow "ObJ.cUve o.f our tratnc con- trol la te prevent M'Cld«lll and matnta.ln a.n orderly now ot Yahl· c:lt1 a.nd traffic," McKanlle ax• plained. "We employ Ole principle ot eelectlve enforcement. r~uon• lnr on the buta of vt1lbl1 patrol and 1-ua.n« of rltallon• at IOt'a• Uona ahowlnf hlJh frequenry ac· Cldnt ralM ·• BreakdoW11 of arl't'1t1 madt by M ... police department fron1 June. 1911'4 to June. 196l! F'11lony 1341 -Homicide l ; robbery •. rapa 3 : 1urrl•ry e; telonloua .... ult •: MX felonl• 3; naroottca 3; rhlC'k otten.M 2; felony dnink dr1Vll\I' 2 : f•lony ..cape l ; bit a.nd l"\IJI 1: auto theft 2. Ml.edumeanoni t 277) -Orunu 1111 ; drunk drtvlnJ 4T; dl1turbln1 paa.ce •: .-ult a.nd battery 10: lnd~nt upoeure 1; Y~a.ne, '; liquor vtolaUon I ; pett7 theft •1 pmblinf 2; warT&nta .. ; mi.ct.. t me&nor nan:otlca 2: n1tnc talae report l ; lllepl •try 1 . Juvenile• Oltl -Jturclary to: auto theft II: anon J; pett1 theft H ; ... ult I ; flfhliftJ I : drtnkll\I' ~; m&llcloue miachlet 111; curfew vtol&UoM II: nmaway 2'; mlacel· 1&neou1 n . PLANNER TALKS First apeaker at the lunch- eon called by Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce to discu.u employment of a city planning expert to help make a Costa Mesa muter plan, was waiier Meimer. chairman of the p1anning commiaaion. He ia 1hown standing above with Gilbert Seal, preaident of the chamber. Weimer aaid the com.miuion had been working long houn on the muter plan. but we believe a few thousand dollan inveeted in an expert would be money well 1pent. "You don't go to a plumber for an appendectomy," wu hi9 way of ex- preeaing it. -Staff Photo Thry were Gordon Wetabarger, RegtitratJon of 1tudent1, wMch I:, pl I:! tem which not only connech l<>- 20, and Carol Cnbbtt, 23. No rom-p;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. plalnt waa tiled &fall\lt the latter Special Hrvlce call• &n8Wered by the department tot&lled 702. lncludlfll medical a1d. doc bit• and requMta to check horn• of vanttonlnc cltlzen1. A. traffic edu· . and chsrgea against Wetlbal'l'er were dl1m1111ed . YouftCJs Hn• Soll . M.r. and Mr1. Thomu Y~. 22.0 VI• Palermo, welcomed a b&by 110n Aug. 18 tn Ro14r Ho.pita!. NEED FOR PLANNING CONSULTANT DISCUSSED AT MESA CHAMBER MEET The question of hiring a planning con.aultant to expert Cotita Meaa'a D1&1ter plan wu kicked around at a joint lUncheon of Chamber of Commer('e mem&era,c~ycounCil­ men and th~ planning commiuion y.terday noon at Har· bor Houae. Peter Gedde1 preaided on being introduced aa cha.lrman of Ute pla.nnlng commit· 1 been caretully ecrutlniaed a.nd he 1ion committee by the c:h11mber belleve1 a con1ultant can be of • pr11ldent, Gilbert Seal. certain amount of benefit but only It wu 1uggeatcd that the axpert to a limited degTee. eould be paid tor from 1ub<t1vi.lon Arthur Meycn1 u.ld he believed feea. whlt'h are 110 per lot and the commlallon would not nece•· Waltu Weimer. cha.lmian of the aarily come up with • plan that planning commi11slon, all.Id that u would be con1ldered perfect, but the fef'I were 1uppo1ed to be tor he believed that it 10 experta -re •treet work 1nr! the muter plan hired they would produce JO dlt· Involved a grut deal of 1treet ferent plana. Bob Wll.aon closed v.•ork 1uch a plan might be feu· for the planning commillsion and Ible. Mid he believed the city ahould OOFFH COMMENDED pllll\ for 20 to 30 yun ahead and Welmrr thanked Oeorce Coffey. city ma.na,.er. for a fine job on the or1rtn•I muter plan map, uld that the comml11111on had done at Jeut 7~ man houri on lhe pla.n which he 111d would be ready' for eubml11S1on to the council Sept 8. Welmrr wound up by declaring hlmaelf tn favor of hiring a plan· nlnl' con11ultant to check the com· lnlMlon llnd council flndlnp. Ba.mey Fra.ncque 1taled he wu a little acared whfn he t int re.al· lsed the comm1ulon waa rupona· Ible for rtana for a 540 to I~ million operation. He felt a crON MCtlon of OJlnlon In the t'1ty ahould be rletermlned In regard to the ma in polnu nt lht muter plan and lh1t a.tier thrlt It would not be out or ordrr to h1wt an expert check th~ pl11n. El. L. P11ttrrsnn 1111ld 110me peo- ple had uked him what he knew about city planning. "I do know what our r111hllc will buy and that we cannot dl"locatc our street• and zoning-or the public will not accept It." TRAfTR STt•ort:D 'He 11111d ,,·try !l·ar reo t r11rt ha• not conalder 1mall, lmmedlall bene· flta In 1ellln1' up a muter plan. Tom Del'orrert datended the em- ployment of a pla.n.nlng expert If only lo lake the beat oft local of· tlcla.1.1. He feared people mlghl cla.lm that the muter plan wu d11lcned to benefit some of the men In charge of lta lncepllon. He aald than a.ny pla.n that la adopt· ed by the council will have to be 90ld to the public and 1Uch a Nie may prove dltt\cult. MAYOR'S 8TATEXl:NT Mayor Claire Nelaon believed the people of eo.ta Meaa a.re better titted to judre what 11 good tor the town than any outalder. al· lhough he admitted a conaultant mlgl\l take eome of the pre111ure off the council. Bert Smith values the opinion ot the pla.nnlng comml111lon and the city councU above that of a planning' coMultant, he told the gTOUp. He thinks the planning comml•lon hu done a wonderful job and bellev• a muter plan "'111 ta.ke a lot of burden• off the council. Ch•rlee TeWlnkle alllO 'voiced hla !&Ith In the pla.nnlng ULTRA MODERN commlulon 11nd 1ald he wu glad I the mo\•e for a muter plan had I lltJIU<I QJl & loca.l lev{l. A, L. Pinkley al.a 11tated the pla.nning commls.11lon haa done a tremtndoue job 11Jnce the city 11tarttd, but he dld not lhlnk It would be a good Idea tn hlrf' a cnn1ultant Ju1t so the council could duck the luue. Counc1lma.n Bruce MarUn felt that It 111 a httle t&rly to de· ctde on a planning conaultant, t.bat the planning commlMlon'11 11ludlea will provide a wonderful background fnr U1e maaterplan and that Ill! edoptlon would pro· vtde the council with ready ma.de a.nswtr1 lo many quut1on11 w1t.b which It 11 now confronted. OOXSUl.TANT SEED Need for a pl•nnlng con:1Ult1U1t wu c:'lted by J . W. Harrlaon. who c:lted what had happened ln San Marino and Puadcna u ruult of j hlring a.n expert and downtown Loa Angele• where lhey did not. Costa Meaa bualn-hM not deve- loped yet. he aald. and 80 per cent of hia bualnM1 cornea from out- aide Co.ta Ml'•• while 70 pl'r cent ot Coeta Meaa'1 trade gof'll to Sa.nta An11. he claimed. I "You wm even find Coeta Mtaa merrhante over there l!hopplng," Harn11on declared A. P. Walker, W. T. Jordan, P.:. H. Stroot, Karl Bumttt and O T. Everaon were all for employing a con11ult.ant. Thry oplnM It woul<1 be money well 11pl'nt. even Sf 8~ per cent of the lntormallnn the ex· pert turned up WH obvlou• to Coat& Me11an1 the other l~ per cent would be well worth a few thou- 111nd dollsra he might ro11t. They wanted the community to g row In an orderly fuhlon and that lh~y 11hould be more llber&I minded when considering the clty'11 good. MORE FOR f:Xt•t;RT Roy N . McCardle also wu 1troni . KING STUDIOS 3440 Vie Oporto Newport leach in t he Lido Center PthOftal A tt-.tion OI•• Saoll lftda'lkiu.1 By Ow ~ llwtructor'I, AMuNe You CJ( Man r. ud ar.t« Popular!t1. "WHEN,. IT'S TI ME TO DANCE" CALL HARBOR 6081 • MJifC8 P Alllllll SYDT J'RIDA. T EVE a..AUll:I MOW B!:JNO JtNROLLJl:D $ $ $ $ Phone Kimberly 2-2375 For Your 1954 FORD • • • 1954 CHEVROLET • 1954 PLYMOUTH • 1953 FORD . • • 1953 CHEVROLET . 1953 PLYMOUTH • 1952 FORD . • • 1952 CHEVROLET • 1952 PLYMOUTH • 1951 FORD . • • 1951 CHEVROLET • 1951 PLYMOUTH . 1950 FORD . • • 1950 CHEVROLET. 1950 PLYMOUTH • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19SJ PONTIAC • 1953 IUICK • 195J OLDS ... ' 1952 PONTIAC • • 1952 IUICK • 1952 OLDS • 1951 PONTIAC • 1951 IUICK • 1951 OLDS • 1950 PONTIAC • 1950 IUICK • 1950 OLDS • 1949 PONTIAC • 1949 IUICK • 1949 OLDS We WHI Continue to Make Deah °" tlte Iasis of the Above Allowances on New 1955 Pontlacs Until Sept. 1 .--------------------------------------.. More Cars Must Go This Month The Reason Hsrlson sells 51°/o of all New Pontlacs 111 OrmtcJe County. LCl'ge Allowances -lest Senlce. Phone Klmberly 2-2375