HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-24 - Newport Harbor News Press• co llldcl Set to ... cl THE E·L·A·S·T·l·C·l·Z·E·D LINE Joba J . Rudd WedDMday took out a f'1't Oolit& X.. city IMdldiqo permit for eoutnacUon ot a IU'8C• Ul4 .-room at ' that give1 you the Flt of your Life • 21Cll ............. CUSTOM UPHOLSTERING THE "GLOVE" BY "' Black SueCle Navy Calf Black Patent +-the elasticized r.,,. thOt Ats and Ats and ftts ~~ ~ .. - Owple• ... ., P'Urb • • ... .. Antiques Restored CUSTOM • I WOODWORK BRENEMAN'S 660 w. 17th St. Bids· Ne. n ,. Ooeta liMa -ua.rty l~l I Priv1te Police • MERCHANT Mallin: SenCI your children back to 1ehool in · our properfy fitted Edwards 1hoe1. PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL •• .,_ l I · ...._ C1•a C1da MeMi o,.. Friday ......... CALL: COMMDCIAL SICUllll'Y PATIOL ·II J.1027 i:--"..:! lllASHING lllDUCTIOll -,IALI CONTINUES! SAYE! VE! SAYE! Doon Opell SAVE! SA 10 A.M. HEAVY UPHOLSTIRY FABRICS v ........... ,...., ............ -·-···-·········· ·-·-·······-·-· .............. . ........ _ •1•7to •2•1 Sm I T• le Lamp lases .... 22. ts to J2.t5! sr ~f-~wtll~·-~ c:r.: !:!.~..:' .::::! ~-~ v.-Plastic Upllolstery Fabwic1 • llDJ. fUI VA.LUU! ........ .,... 'C-IT ... !O.- .... l W ....... fl •MIH .. 11...._ 97c ~ :..-=.. ~-........ ~.~ .... _ ,.. Sraca I PHI Cane T• Chain llG. 5.00 YAWES! $2,1 n-e ..,.. ... -.& ,..,... ...... C!M.I" t8 ov •t.dll AM NOW! At U1M1 -.WM& ..... nw ..,... ANTWID:aK! . ··-·--··· C -.t ._.. ,.._.! l'"9 ..ti I UG. J0.00 YAWll 9'7 .... 9Ml ....... ···-···-·-··· ...... ,_ 1 .................... l A.D ..... f HDUSI & GARDIN FURNITURE ' 17 WIST COAST HIGHWAY 1 .a s1a1• of n.. Ara.s NEWPORT IEACH MAKE A NOTE ., To Buy, Sell, Trade . THRU WANT ADS Call HARBORl616 lf ............... ..... ....... Ooroaa del ....... c.ta ..-. ~Soda~ ................ WANT ADS GET RESULTS ON RENTALS Your Ad Runs 4 Times w .. kly In Claulflecl , .High Quality Printing Phone Harbor 1616 ' • Enlt•nders New ORJHO.SUPPORT Sleep Set • Cushioned . with Alrfoam by Goodyear • Cover Reinforced with Dupont Nylon • Decoraflve Lurex Weave 6995 Ml ., Twill Ille· Fully Guaranteed 527 Coils to Give You the Finn. Healthful Rest you need Umftecl Quanfltles-Better HulTJ NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 West Comt ..... ,,,. Newport l1adl u 1-1113 Jane Chadsey Weds in Oneonta Church, South Pasadena New Mr. and Mrs. Limb Jr. to· Reside in Alhambra Headin1 the recel~ line in the gardena at Oneonta Congregational Cbu..rdl, South Pasadena, Mr. and Mn. John Richard Umb Jr. received telicltationa from 300 guest.a who had witan Ill their maniace at eight o'cloek on the evening of Aue. U. Dr. Henry DaYid Gray, putor of tbe church, 1u rformed U\e uremony wtaic.b unltNI KL19· Jane A . Ch&dMy, shed UM1r 80ft Upl on the daugh ter Of Mr. ud Mn. Bow-bride'• a tunde.Dll, all ot whom ard B. Chadaey, UM lharwood wore laYender cotlcn trocka ln Road, San M.ariAo and 1'78' Plua ballntaa Mqt)\ aad b-.clband1 of df'I Norte, Balbola, w Ute eoa of pink ·ve.lnt trimmed witb pink M r. anti Mn. John R. Lhnlll of flower• entwined with n.t. They Pas.f'lena. earned pink net tau on which Jane wu ('scorletl to the WHO carnaUona and V&NSa or- n ower decked altar and r iven In chlda, while the flower Jlrl car- k•eph1r by her fattier. HeT l'<nnl rled a white bUllet Of ptnk car- WH ot ChantUly lace ln roM" nation• and feru. pattern. wtUI klllg llleena. bat.au Jn the entoune• were Hra. neck line and bouffant aklrt which Donald BaUcll (Carol Dlmm lck ) fell to a --.p trato. A II.ale of of B urbank, u mall'oll ef honor ; matrhlJIC laoe t.riO\rned wtt.ti Mu. Robert H&nq (Betty Per- pearla and aequlna held the fin -kin.I) of South P--.dena and «~rtlp l.Dua(on nil. Al*> of .un&-Mn . Harold Xl1ler (1'Yette A10- Jar lace llftd 11et waa the fan at.enl) of Paaaden.a, a .ororlty Whlth ah• carried u back&TI>und 1l1ter of the bride at Lm An1elea t-0 three p1\alaenopata orchlth1 ar-!tat• COU.p. Barbu'& Bnmntr, ran1ed with at.ephanotla and pink feathered carnation&. PASTEL SHADES 1'111 note of pink ech;). the a lt ar bouquet.a ot f!adlol;p-atock and carnau oiu, wttll blue del- phinium tor eoatn.t.. AJitlt rib· bona were 1a ,..__ mid candlea Ride Showboat to Laguna ... -........ Twlee IWly -ll:IO a.m. ud 'J:OO p.a. Adattll fl.15 -Ch91"ft 15 ce11M .. .....J ......... _. •. ~ . Sanitone Ory Cleaners' National Contest! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIEID & CO. DREAM WARDROBE • . . ud a nlZ romd trtp to Ohleaco for TWO oa nxrn:n Ma LINES l P1aJI DOW tA> eet.w Ule IMI· Uon.al ~ Wa.rdrobe Ool'I· t.l apcmeond "" Ute 8aal- t()ne Dt..uton of Jtmery In- d u at r I a a. Inc. Clndlm&U. C>tllo. ..,.,. ...... n.M .. ._ bl llW9"1aor Liiie ''I '"Jn '"""~ lo oNf.. '-'lf '"' ci ........ , ~ ( lampie Bent.enee: l Dow J ca.a lru8t 15anltoM to do • beUw job 011 ~ from chlldrell'1 clotlt• to ftnte\ eY.ninl WMI' -,.ft lt coeta no mor.!") lt'a Jlllrt u-.. u tM.t ud J'OU m!Pt .ta a....., J'OU" .•• eYW)'t.b1q ,.... ..,.. to a (lamorom a.w llUr-do •.• c-.J to ......... .....-.-.nd all 1 m art I 7 lltyl-' for "J'teld'1" "" the world'• foremo.t d-1pen. nu1 tll'lll prtM wtnner aleo (et.a a round t.rlp to Chi~ tor TWO on Uldted A.trbll• ..• wtua a cla.19' bot.el. meai. and tut faree pa1d t or b7 Sanl- tona Dry Cl~ S.rTtu. la addition t.o UM ftnl 911.-ot 11.000.00 Dnaa 'ttard-- robe. there an le othv WOndtrfuJ prl&N. OOttluf .tArb ..t•fUf Jlf ~ cio.. • .,,~ lttll. JIU ,,,.,,... ........ trr~ .... ,, .. .,....._ LIDO CLEANERS 1712 Newport llvd., Costa Mesa. Uberty M014 • UDO DRUGS HA..lllOI DIUGS IALIOA DRUGS FOR SOAP & DETERGENT YO&UE 1 ·•LU. ::.~·= 4Jc ~ s21• • PALM L SOAP ~--7c un10c ~uquet ....._ .. 7c un10c -----------,UENEX ... 5-$100 -~ICOTT TOI.ET 11S5lE 10-atc ~ ~ ~~s -~.OU. omM9 11c WAX PAPll PAYLfSS FOR DRUG NRD8 II OI. • Citrate ~ ~~_Illa 12c ..-.u.v~~.....-.. , ...... Spec .. • 0. , ...... .. n.n._ M., S.t . ....... ~ ... ~ Tma Salad JV- .......... o.n. i:t ••• , _ _2t 1"'!'!!!11 N......,F-r..-.i $2.ot ... MmWR11 ..... Dry c ..... Shady Grove ... --·a- Special iltJJU1'Ullf RAIO &10. '1.96 VALlTI LAWN CHAIR S..wr I Au'tcl. Costume Jewelry Yz off $679 -av&JQ:JIC m •Aa.11• SUMMIR SPICIAL 90DT fOWDSa AllD cm.oa•• s1 No.LAC SOFT SET s110 Sale•hv.....-Gluse BG. lit -11 o.rwcs l11r .,.let J..,37c ~ 111 -II OVllC:S • roo'l'ID leer Glass 6r.A9c -~ -·~Ws 3-stc ------... ., • 1"IMao MIXING IOWLS . ..__, ......... ....... 149 CHARCOAL IRl9UETJ'~ _ '~ ~ ~~~---..... .... , Broner Stec* Grlll ·. .. s ... Grlll ..... ....... Sand Chain • 4 ~ \':11~~ .............. ••mlests . 1s• 1" 2" ..1" WADING POOLS l9CJ. 5.95 Davy Crockett pool .... -4.IO l9CJ. 3.00 Rouad Pool _ .. 2.25 R9CJ. 13.50 71"x65 .. x12" _ 10.20 19C). 8.95 60"x60"xt" -6.72 19C). 2.98 40"x6" 2.23 • IRONIM& BOAllD ::...--:.:~ 0 $5'9 11 ........ _,W_ L ........ ....... ...... • ... 09 $1.951 Nylolllrlefs 3'100 • en.i.y &a__...., a pliyaic:iaJI ••1 ,...Jr I• Mri-.t..,11~­ Detdltu Hrferlnt 1114 a4cfd .. ,,. .... lo, Ne your Doner at 1he 6r11 11111u1io1 o( ill11111- 1ed .... ,.. ltri•1 .... p,. acriptJot11 hue lor promr .............. .m .. , • FIRST YEAR MESA PD RECORD PROVES TOPS a&u.p&r ao.. 11101 N.wport 1• rink •t 1nt 9aperiot ..... I.QI to tM rtU •'ftl'Y alt'ht JMt COASTAC ~ An .• Santa Au, llberrlt'e dtp-Coat.a 11--. betweea I p.m ad week, but had alwaya puked WEDNESDAY AUGUST 2_. PAM I utiM wue told Batu:rday. 10:30 p.m. nut to the ma1ft door uaW J'rl· • ""• 1955 Inc:Juded tn t.b• miulllS ltema St.wart Mld Ile bad "-"P day nlsbt . ...,.. ... JS.ft.. Mn. bwl ud --------~-----------~ ~----------------------------------------.. Two 8ru ..,.. .... wcs -, four 1'-ft. llllDI u4 deck.a. u-. Me•l*t -.c1a an ~ ---------- ment OftF th. w11llnt U +v la c.tol A ~ ftn ~ at ....... ~ 4111'1-··· Conld Felons 100 Percent: Lucw.'1 O&lleJ, 10I ~ K. L Rallllitt o1 110 BIMD& Place -.uNd no -...... ttnmm V1eta told police ,_..rd&J • M.._ ~LllK TNffic Fatality reported. An -a1M nn m • patio 1IDlbnDa ~ .wa.a rrom tn ..... ~ r-car owned by IAl8ie .:. Dua..... frc9t ot bl.I lllome. By IULL PlllLLIPtl drm under 11 deta1Md. 36 procee-berser ot 1-Ana'elN al.lo c:am- ni.roup the dfort.I ot Collt& Md Ulroqb juveaije court &Ad de-ed no ~· yutuday. '"'• -.r I --loll G h M-'• youns police d•partment clared ward9 ot the court, &Ad th• wu parked at Poppy An. -4 ... II -· COlftpoeed ot u tulltun. emplo7-~ hudlwd b7 U.. police de-ODut JISpwa,y. N I p ff Ml and a .upplement.ary torce p&rtment on Informal probaµc>n. rw , ef'lll ot 11 uattonn ,....rw OOlJMI ot-"Majority ot th• juYen.Ue cUM leacll City Co.de ... 1 liORAlOIMTO (ONS> _ a.- nc.ra. UYe• ~ve bell MYed, prop· come from • broke home,'' Xe-La d for W 1 .__ areta.y of atat. 'J'nnk M. Jor-ertF Joee bu been prennted and Kenzie reported. ''Th.la tndlcat• • aler .... dan ~ announced IMU&Dce ot th• traffic llltuatlon controlled, a deftnlte pattern ehowins lack • notar)' public oommlMioa to Ctllet' Art McKansle pointed out ot famUy P'OUP and .bolM 1uper-SANTA ANA. (0CN8) -Su.-Lee 8ollD. l2lO a. S. .-ro.t, Ill the tint &llllll&l department vlalon." pertor Court .Judp :Robert Oard-~ &lu4. 1 1'9POf'l. 8~1•1 Hrvlce calla annrend ner rrtda.y approYad the ~ ---------- 0Uutand1n1 in flrat Y•&r acU· by the deputment totalled '1'02, ment of STU. tor land cond9mn· 'Yity trom July J, l9M t.hroustt lncludlns medical ald, doe bit. ed by HUntlastca 8-cb -the Pl'-~ WrnmlCJ J uM 30, 1906 were JOO per cent and requMte to check llom• ot lut&U&Uon of -ter .._ ID the niimWU W"J• cc;>nYietton record on all t•lona v-Uontns cllbena. A trattlc edu· dty. ,,__._ ... Bl---. booked. not a a1nri. tnttlc t•· cation pnitnJn.,,.. a1ao wtlpted ConA->oellice &e:tioa W ~ ~ I""._,. tallt7 wtthia UM Ilea& city llm· wtth otncen Sivillc talkl at all broqbt ap1Mt Daft Kendity. 1 JI. 8tewut ot ~ tll, ud orp.n!AUon ot a pro· rrunmar acbooll to the lltudmt It ln'fOlftd 20 pteo111 ot land .._ mW..S Oosta :w._ police at 11 cram ot jwlto~ traate pollc• ot-body and P ·TA l"roupe. c...ary tor the complettoa ot U. p.m. fttdq n.!Pt ot U\eft ot nc.r. cturtnr the Kbool yeer. Ji'or eontroWuc tr&ttk: at ecbool -'-' ma1a. hie whit. J9!H Auatia. Healey ln'll&NOTH OF FOllCI: croutnp durtn1 the achoo!")'..,., ro.dlter troni the Jlart>or Rol· Numerical •tr-stb of th• McKellSle reported.. member• of u....z--Cane. G0119 f Jlc•--• rted includ the junior traffic poUce otflcera ._ •--t -r-orce. -• repo ' • received w .. k1y J>&DM donai.d by hU8 KarUatue °' 106 Ntntb ed thne wlltorm MfSMnta. Alne the X-Th•ter. 8L told pcM1oe ,........, .,_. ltub patrolm• aftd OM MCNt.al"J be· oape ...... ta11im · from Ml car eid• the chJef hbn .. lt. How· OaDDU.Y FLOW nu. parked Oil Jla1' Aft. .,._ ewr, the 15 NMrve• purchued "ObjecUft ot our trattlc COD· u oil dodL th• O"llnl equtpmeat and -donated trot 11 to prannt acddente and ________ ....;.._ __ , a Uital ot 4l!OO man houra ln cnaintaln an orderly now of Yebi· unltorm patrol and' h&ndUns cle• u4 tratttc," Kclten.IM _.. Gtas1p• I• _,.,, epeetal evente. Jn CUM of emerc· plalned. "We employ \he pnndple N '9Lt-... $1727 ency when no resular of'ft«*W of Mlectln entorcemmt. funct.loll· ell ,....,, .. wen ·•..Uable, ~ -re ~ on tbe baela ot Nible patrol called upon to wor1' nsutaret\lttl ~d lauanee of clt.aUOM at loca· a.A.NTA .ANA (OCNa) -., .. at city compenaUGa. Uone abaWtq llllfl ~ ac-boata. paint ud boat Mrdwan llq\ttpment con.lilted of three cldent rat•." tot.alllns flm Mft .,._., etolen D'lobUe untta COl'ltainlnl' thrw·-Y Breakdown of &rl'eete made bf °"" • ve"od °' ...._ ~ tM radloe. part of the OYW&ll or-M•• pollu departmmt trom Juna, ---------- an1• County communlcaUon •Y• 196' to June, 1966: J'elony (U) tem which not only COl'llMCU lo--Homicide l; robbal"J '· rape a: cal unit.a but aao kMJ19 the U JW'Slary e: telonloUll --Wt e; couaty deputmente In contact. Mll felonlM 3; narcotlca 3; cbeck -•Wttb FOLLOWS PATl'EllN otfenM8 2; tdony drunk dr1'111& 2; "811\c• tble It th• nnt necal felony eecape 1; hit and nm l ; year ot the pollc• d9P&rtn1mt." auto thett 2. :,-;. M~ eald. "we are unable lll~. dnU1k drl-~~2:;!, :;_~ ~ ...... Item. to ahow • yevly compart-. But ...... .. ...._......... ,.., • CoMI B O .Ul II P'BI Untterm Crtm• report. tndi· peace I ; .....Wt and bat._,. 10; ' ... oroM Oil1 eate eo.ta ~ tonow. tM rn· ln4-t expoain l ; ftlTUCJ' •; ......_ &011 -i CT'tnl• pattM'll." Uquor Yiol&Uon 2; petty tllatt 4; M-pcliMCNI• rude 16 feloay pmbJJns 2; wun.nta '9; nn.de- &rrMU and lllooJt-4 211 on mie· me&n<>r narcot.lca 2; ft!lns falM dem.anor ch.aly•. a total ot 121 report l ; tllapl entry 1. prtaonera. Not oalJ did u.a Mpart-Juvanllea (129) -ButTIAl7 10; ment obtain 100 ~ tekmy auto tlleft 11; ~ l ; petty t.beft conYSc:Uon but a18o coaYlctkma on U ; .... ult S; fla'tlt.Jac I ; drinkbC 221 ot th• ns ms.daamanor eom-5; maltdoae ~ 11; cu.rf .. p&aante a.u.cs. .Sol&Uone II; WW'a)' If; mtael- On the tratlk aide, 11-ottl· l&naoue 11. RIB STEAKS .. 79- t tr9 inv•US&ted SIT addeate -p;;;=========-221 property daJnaC9 ud et I.II· Jury. A total of l ltT tramo CIM&- llona were 1-aed wttll UM found sum.1 1n court anc1 -~. a aot l\lllty verdlet. BE SURE -INSURE .... llAUUDI ~ ... .... Oltr ..... _._Mt& .... s. cw-~-­a... ... .: BEEF UVD ~~ .. 39- POB SAUSAGE ':!'! :::: ·~ 39- I VvmflL& CA.am JUYeaUe ·~ ,.... ,,. eMJ· IALT"i MORTUARIES 008T.A. MD.A CllA.PllL <mAJ'ml.. BT TBm aA 1741 ~ AY•\M -a 0oMt ...a.. Collla ...... Ca!lf. OonlM del Kar, caw. Pbon• Ll1Mr17 1-JlU .... llutlor .. FINAL CLEARANCE at Santa Ana Tent I Awning 1626 So. Mal• St. SANTA ANA • SAVI ON PllST 9UALll'Y MllCHANDlll aa eacma ••••• 21' ........... 009'r.& 1IDA .,.. ,...,.... 8IK oomC>N A DCL 11.ul ... o-t ..,., ~ LAGUlf.A m&t.Cm .... _...._, a••eoa ISLAND ---·-aawwww mAm -o..e lllrJ. REINERT'S FITZPATRICK on the Ocean Front 41 st Anniversary SA L -E w. GIYe S&H ...... STILL ON! IARGAINS GALORI! s.~,. 10 .. 3~ ICED GOLD CAKE IMJCll·ll'YU ...... 33c ...................... Mixes -"' ........... JR ... ....,. .. c.tsrt • a s tw ,.. °' ...... == ~ Zic L...I. ..... __.. ... lie n-_ ........... .... Kitchen Craft Aour ::'~~45c..._eec wlll....,._. ..,o.., ........ ....,. ........... . _,NCI,- CHEESEJOOD I , ............................ Dt ... .... CHEE-ZIP :-:= -;23' .......................... GOID MIDAL LONG SPAGHEI II !:19':]7c CHOICE BEVERAGES FIDELIS WINE .: ~~89' °'Y .................... _.. SCHLITZ BEER 6'!:-l19 61:::1A1 w...-"Y RJPPUa "T LeW ~ PARADE MIAVY DUTY MIDI -:;45• Chtl ...,.._All._, Mt fW 9Ul9'Aa-cteonl WHITE KING •:'9 ':;30' WHITE MAGIC -=-n .... 29c VIA HEAD'N TO THE LOW SCHOOL COST WAY •• Wortdllpma'• More That'• rtcht -huaclreda ••• foaad It .. ..y .. park a& the trleadly home- ... et.ore \ Slllrts _....... I ~rtpt •• ,._ -·······-· .. -..... -...... _ ... • SantorUed to ll-.Y tiL 2 Money back 1.t th... • are not t.be f lneat Jeane you aver had. • sa.. ts -JS --·-·-·-... 18941 HarMr lhd. c ........ NtCll IPnC11VI ...... 21: 16. 27, 1911, .................... • '" ..... llY ....... ........,. ....... .,..._ llMltrlahll._....., ....... ..._,_~,,......, .......... ih lnini1 M ..:0 ::;,,i,.; NrW 30.-m.r.-·-----------• fte lllM IAa• ~ .. .... -.. . ..,, __ " ......... __ ....., ·==~·-s NJ,.--.--~ MARGARINE ~. ro11.wr,,._d. ~22' NIBLETS CORN llNG :,~ 6i9'-~~~ 63c 3-lb. 3-lb. ca• can NU-MADE DYONNAISE REAL OlO P:ASHIONED RA VOR ~: 27' . ~: 49' . ~45' LARGE, FULL CLUSTERS GaOWN lft Colifornio'• fo,...d ¥tMyol'fl covl>fry ... •• PEARS PEPPERS MELONS CAL1'0INIA IAlnlns fre•h, 1w .. 1 'n' jvicyl for 1Pft00fh. ..ol eotll\I In .. lod1 llM "01 l•H CALlfOINIA WONDU Thlct..wolled h ll1 fOI' .. 104., 1tv1'in9 ond tondwlche. NOMYDIW, 'DllAN y..,r ANO CAIAaAS Choice It ... I ft'OU llOt1U ~ I -. te I ,..._ (FJ1da7 ....... , ............. ,.... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or P .u&ID!fO ON t.A8Qll PAV. LOI - ) ' PAGE COASTAL sHoP~R Wells Sentenced WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1955 to Prison Mesa Drea S~op M111cer Has Pine Pilferu W~ile at Work Nscotlcs for Count BANTA ANA (OCNI) -Don· aid It. Wella, Z2, 177 Albert Pl&ce, Coeta M-. Friday wu -t.enc.cl to P"-tor the t~rm prMCri A tot.al of l14t.IO wu atolen dreu rack. Removed had bun a f rom pune or • Coeta KH& dreu JHther ~llet coot&J.nlnc $90 •hop 1tore manarw Thur'8day af-caah and~ -ca.eh&ble chKk ror ll'rnooa while llh• wae walllnr on cU11tomera. MHa police re-S&C.80. •lrned by Tbomu Sh~n ported. VlcUm wu Blllrley Lu-and endoned b_y BtU Inrli1, and cllle Hurt11<>n or Midway Ctty, • Na.y coloNd anap coin purM manarer of Ballard'• Apparel. c0Ata1nin1 llpetlck, perfume, a nd by law alter ple&dlnr rullty to marijuana poawulon. Superior Court Jqe John Shea pUMd Mntence after denY1nl pro- betJon to the defendant. 1829 N-port Ave. •1• aadow. Welle wu arr•ted by •laked out Newport 8-ch police J uly 11. Otnoen .a.Id they a&W Welle pick up a JMaek&I'• In an alley. She told police her puree wu 'rwo blonde juvenile &lrla, In left on the counter by the cub th• atore at · the time, were re(later. It wu found under a eoufht by ln••U.aUnr officera. Two othera we.,. booked alolll' with Weill When ofncen mhook down the awipecu' car. Halecrest ~ampus Estates Plan for Nursery School They werw Gordon Wetabarpr, 20, and Carol Crtbbe, n . No com· plalnt wu tued &l'aimt the latter and cb&f'IM l.l'alnat Wetabarser wered~. You Wiii Best Every Thing You Need 111 WANT AD PAGES Youths of 2 Boys' Clubs to Visit Harbor Area Kids Boye' Club of tbe Barbor ArM Thureday momlnc the Kilo boy1. wW b09l two broth~ Boy1' Clube who are all sood b&Hball playen. UU. week from PaJm 8pr1nr• and will hav• an ellhlblUOft match with trom Hilo, HawaU Twent)'·n•e one of lhe Harbor 8o)'ll' Clube' GO boye from the Bllo, Hawaii, Bo19' buebe.U t eema. The rame will b4' Club W11) a.mve ~ Loe Aftl•lea to• htld a t the Co•ta M_. Pu)t at ntrht. They will 'be g'UMt.t of the 11 .3() a m F.:arllf'r or later In th• Puadena Boy1' Club on WednH· lay th• boy• w111 eltba so awtm- (lay on a trip to Ml. Lowt mlnf at Newport or t.alc.e a boat On Wl'dnt.lld.y tht (Tt>Up wlll nde on the t>Ay or both depe11dlnJ vta lt Dl•ntyland. Then they wlll on how tht rt.t of their IK'hedule c:ome to the Boy1' Club of the work.a out Harhor A~ll to 1~d th• I Vl'nlng On ThurlKIAy, ~AO. abcMtt to 1>oy1 l)edd~ down on lht mate In the rrom th• Palm Sprlnp Boy.-' (llub JYmnulum. In the urly pert of I the t Vl!nln(' the JTOUP wtJI •llmd •111 v\alt lbt' Bnva' Club ol Ule a wf'lnf'T bake at ~ltber Corona Harbor A rM for a momJ.ns etop- rttl Mar or Ntwport BMch. wer to 10 1w1mm1n1 at the bM.cb. . Bart K. Baker, D. V. M. announcea the opening of the Animal Medical Center 14141 Harbor Boulevard Santa Ana Kimberly 2-6550 For the tre&t.ment or Large and Small Anlmale W. G. Lamkin, O.V.M. Paw lla&Mtct., D.Y.K. AMOCiates ulHHlry wric• tltl11x1 ••• «~pric•I WHAT rs IT7 lftdt.SduaU1 ~ ~ nutt drted bJ tuc..s a.tr-llat plecee p1'CJl...,..ul1' kolled. Tow dot.IMe and "-.. dolM ap Olf1I '"'~ miJI • upe, bO UM1111U1 m&rlu -IWuotl WU., ,..,_.. eOlltroWed _,,.. wt tlN AV AllAlll • . • ...,._ ..... ~ II -W9' tieo.uM ..... ...,........~ .... HOW MUCH ••• tt 11 • a,. a•lr b.cle too WHIR!... ca• a • only $2.11 for ,. ... pura .. l&aYICS Wl'l'lllN BOUQ -.. '111:.N ~~ CO~ IAUNDEllB ud CLEANEll8 HARBOR LEGION PAIR RATE ANAHEIM HONOR Newklrt. Fllapah lck Collect OrcincJe County All·Stc.. Spots A 17·yMr~ld Oceanside boy wu booked for poNUalon ot bffr yeeterday mornlnf by Newport police when he au.,-edly tried to hide th,.. can.a of beer under a parked car at a drlv .. ln, The lad denltd ownerlhfp of the beer. fMI lllMAIClt Jln.410. 11 "'di fV He ........ e••I"•" lille ... t••r -· ,_ 1.-..,, .. ·r..,... ... 1 •.SOO ........ ,... ,... .. , c .......... , .. , ....... 111 10.1 ..... z.,.,,.. ••••hrl •"•• e•elle•I• '" ...... o. ...... 409-s ......., ..... For ~ yKr1 we ban r= 8~ Finrt Mortgage for a private moMY client.ele from Cout -to · Cout. We offer a com- phu collection 1 • r v i ce without cbaJ'se. Writ• /rw I r • • 4~tcri,Hw ,...,i.ld. ... -q "0 ,n- -i eoMcft.Hotle. ~1..-...1~ ...... w..4 , .. 1... ... .... •. • Cl ..... ly .. 11 II ........ ~ ......... _ .... _..... ... • (HANIH STATIONS I SHUTS O" SOUND .......... ........... ''"' 11101101 A![ TV/ ...... II NUIVM. C-.,. ••4 t•y "I ..... 'oTV ,__.. .. i. • lie• ef 11tiM llOHT '9()1111 YOUI LUY CMAll. Nit _-., • ................. •"""-™" -· ••••• ,., ~ •• c1 ... ~ •• ..e ,,,, .... '·•· .... '··~··· .. . ~ -· ""' cw.t-.. . ........ -•• oJI••••• ••• -- IN '"8 ~ UMI °' JIN'nt OWAUft TV ,... M WW Al I S9t• I« t 7" _:=EA~S~Y~T~E~RM_S~·-··----~@~~ STEVENS & SONS 18'79 Ral"bcw ..... Ooeea .... r-. 1AertJ 8-UOl .......... .-.. ................. LA TEST HAIR STYLING F.OR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllm SHOP ~/. ~t;; """ DIUGS e LIDO-MCI Via Udo, Newport ae.dl -0.el ................. BAP"()P mt E. Cwt HWJ,. Oorou del Illar • •• .,. T1I I:.. ..... ~ ... High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 1616 YOUR WILL T•--. mal...,. ...... ~. MUflcl ,,.,....,.. fet cerryl"t ... ,.. ..... f., .... Mw.1 I. Canf•ll7 MltcC '°"' !Hcutor ao4 T,...., n. tn111 .me. of ~1 U.S. Nadoaal Beak, wfrh tbt 1periaJ· ._. bowl.ct ..... erperience ol ha canlWly cniMcl .... nabltt ,.. ., evoW die ct.lay, eoet.ion ... .,..._ ti ... actHI Iott d11t ohta ,.. .. ,. ........ paieecM ~liaa °'· ....... .,.. ... n.n by 1 fritod or nlaave.. YOU ........... .,,.. OWD .,, ... , of .. Jue ! Come ia and diKun U.!. Natioml u.. ~ u it woiaJd applJ llO JOU' OWD ci~ .•. dwe M\09 you.r attormy ...-. or ,.,,,. 10U' will. lo ...... che -........ ,_, , .... ,. MONIO'lt.\ :U: '1-ru-~·I• coetA .... MOM""'°' • (AaoN .... ...,....,.. .... ~ UNITEO STATES NATIONAL ClANK 1167 ... ., ....... c ......... _._ ................................. ..... • LIDO sH0Ps2 .CLASSl•llD ! DlllCTOIY OATEBINO &IOllAAD'8 LIDO ••am HU Via Ude -11arttw - Olotlalq..('!h'Mlw A 'bbta IE&l'a or UDO ~~~~ OLOTIDNO -Ilea'• ..... BIDWELll8 UIOP roa 11S11 MllV..1.Me-.... .. CLO'l'lllNG-W_ .. ..... L4 &KINE ... v..•ehp ....._ .. LIDO r AAlllOJl8 l&JI Jlif4. ..... -....._ lftl S•ADDOCra NUV .. U..---lftt V40AllOXD 90t7D lmpol'ted ........... 1611~1"'9-..... ~ oauo~ vurcmrra UDO mu• ... lV..U..-....... ELECDUO~M LIDO m.a:muo NMYlaU..-...._ ... n.o.- UCR• """8 UDO ••Aft ~-~ romAJN, om1, ,~, .... ...,.. MaftaU..----- ........... Alamm OJP••am fttJWWW Mll \'1la ..... -....... ruaND'UU DIC& llAllBM .... ........ _....__ . OD'T_. &JrOll•aD'8 UDO ••am Mii \'la ..... ..:.. ..... - INSVUNOE AGDTI w. o. aum. Dfo. .... n.u..-......... IN'IZIUOll DIX>O&UOU llL4l'CSIC "71'B'90Jf A.I.a MllV..U..---- Dlo& 1140Ka au• via u.. -...._ -DON CllEIOlll'OJf £.. L D. ~-=-------......... f &lmAJID'8 MDO ....... I MD\'laU..-...._~ l'llOTOQ&UW fttJDI09 e•••wpr tiVDiUe ',$ MJa Vie ...... -....., .., &UL DUD ___:J ~-=·!~Z'" ., ............. _ ........... P . .A. p+r ._ Df(). __ ... _....__ ~ OOIR.6.lrT • ~ ........ _ ......... au A.JrD wm =·•• vi.·~--=om. ~ llll -----.... VING8 A WAJf ~ A.180CUDON• .. uwrowr M•ao&~~ • L04Jlf •MOC"f•Dl1/6· f' 4 .. ~. r.etllllltlaa • Loq ,._ llamel.- .... \'1la &Me -........ IEllVIOID l'h9-• LIDO..,.._. ; al.l ...... t .. IL = ~ IBOD-.._.a lllDW'EU.'W ..,... ... -MJaV..U..-..... .. •OE& WOllU ~ "" o.u..DOmll& Mlt vaa •tt. 11&-. i l'lfUD.D ~ LIDO nm.•ft.W :' ~ u: i::.:r .Q' ., . .......... ~ TOYS ; UDO "IOT1.U'D ~ MU V .. U..----9M ~ l'KAVEL AOENOID ~ lhllAJUIOll TM\'& .&~ -...... _...... ...... -·--.: OPBOLWl'WNO ~ DIOll llAC&D Mii ........ _...__" WAT<lll &R.a . Vllf<En"8 WMIC:m --~ uoo oauoa i Mii Wta U. 4 I .'. Complete I MARINE ! NEWS I I~ MARINE SUPPLIES C11 • ....... ..... Ftlday ..... NIWPOIT HA..UOR NIWS PRUS .......... , ... __ • I $ 'b,._ ITAffO•D 6 ION '"Nm.a ud DOC' , SLllC1llUGU. <lQNTIUCIOU .... ~._, .. lll..._ .......... N-.-n ..... We Give S&H Green Stamps • VJ to ¥2 off • SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, AUG. 24 • Sportswear For All The F1nily Molt Complete · Sha I• 1ar Area • ••••• Ha•·· COAST Al SHOPP~R W!ONEIOAY, AU61JST 14. ins Columbia Record Club ~-I Ra Clio • • Televfsion • Personal Servke Ht-Fl • F•rr•ll "Rip" Rippete>e Mike Smith Mn. Ri+a Kn•pp 322 Merine · Ave . Belboe Island Harbor 0780 Harbor 4482 .This . IS_ PROGRESS Are YOU with the LEADER? Check these clrculatlon figures of lleWSPIPerS In the Newport Harbor Area. as published In the rate book of the Callfomla Newspaper Publishers Assoc. ' '( Ofru:f al enCf A'uHientlc )' ... ...... Jilly 1914 New. 1914 "" 1tll .... NeWf*f Hwbor News-Pren. 4600 4700 1300 100 ·~ 1st Compelllln '°''' sm 5626 4781 996 GA.IN 2IMI Com,.tlllve P If,, 3450 3450 J450 000 Not. Tiie SNadr lllCNClle of "111e Preu"- Proof that there can be no substitute for honest. consistent service to this area. as rendered by THIS Newspaper READ THE BEST • CUY THE BEST . 2111 lalboG llvcL Newport ..... Hallor 1616 COASTAL: SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, AU&UST 24, 1955 Laguna Art AsSociation Holds Officer Election &Bf UM We Mt . .utmar ...,....._ wru bt ai.u:rMd oa Aus. • at 8t. .Aad"9'1. ~rtaa Cburdl to ~ 9P'.MY. -ot Mt. ud Kn. Co1 Watt. ot ~ Watcll&DC tM M* .a.et u.nwnp her lllU7 ,um .,..: KmtL lhweU Kaoa, ~ Btrt--. Co1 W&tU, J. ID •• Aabtn. Micbul BW, Rlcb&rd Braee, Jam .. J'lutler. Jack lmtUa. R&.lpb Kephart and the »1- Marjorla KMK. Helen Sanda, ~· Raean. Jo.n M&ttllucc\ and Jan" Hume. Miller-Crane Vows Said in St. Andrew's NEW YORK HOME Lovell-Bogen Vows Said in Altadena t.'ry, Miidred r. Brown; treJurer, H. A. W•terbrook. Home in Downey After ... ~. LUt 'l'UI09 and With Jf• Torfl Qt7 their dee· I Ol'dlida and atepanoua. Her IU· pmat.e aort.b.. Un.&UoQ. Newport Bel.ch bODa)'• ter, Mn. Joeeph Roeener Jr. ot -· ... _ ... ~t _,. ..... ur __ .. ...,_ ,..,.._ ... ,. Puad-, waa matron ot honer. 'nl• &nnual meetln& of m•mbeni ot the Lacuna kach Art Auoe- laUon wu held on Saturday ewn- lnc al the Art Oa Uery. Th• follow- ln& .Sate wu elected; Th• t ra.1Ur.r, Mr. Wutubrooll. cave hl8 f\n&nd&l n port which abowed lb• ueocl&Uon In aplendld flnancl&l condlUoD, and the en- dowment tund -.adUy tncr ... 1n1. Tbt curator, O.WtU Jack.on, r• ported that picture a&IH were the larpmt 1n many·,.., •. 8endin1 rttta but not pruallt ....,.. Mn. A&rvold. Mn. Tr.1MA1. M! .. , llllrley Ruae, Lauria Crt..U and Ann Morrie. ~-• & •·--·• -..... JllOClllll'W -• ..... -·-..,..~ _,,. Kr. Bl"OOk LoveU, brother of Ult wedding Trip North Col~ C1tMrlin~ o!~ ~ Lonll &H tnjoytq a two WMU poom. .uved .. bMt lll&ll. td Ulli.....ttJ' ot ~ Laa motor trip t~ their mar-'n\e bride completed her atucMN Dtrectora lo eerv• for two yea.-., Mra. Charla 0 . Bradley, E . L. Fem1ten, Adolph Krock and Leonard Scheu. Oftlcera· to Hl'W for one y•r; preetdent, lAOnud 8heu, t I r • t v I c • prwldlnt. John Blll1ham, a e c o n d vtct ~t. J ohn Solomon; MCr• A color theme ol. yellow and white lent accent to the ~ ... .,.. ,..... -"• wu nae-lwusq tn Alt.aderl.L at UCLA Graduate Bchool la JUDL brtde'a brunette lovelineae when Mm Judith Crane Mid l.tfwat.t4 wHA atcma Alpbl. lot.a. Thi brtde, t.ti. former Barbara Tb• l100Cl'I la UI• eoa of ttt. Membera .ot.t u approvtnc the purcbue by the cHy ot ucun.a BMch of the m&1n beach' front for Improvement. Birthday Party for Veterans at Legion Hall a.. Jauallud 1.ttmdlld P-..dtD& J.-.n Bot-. caaupt.tr ot Kr. and PbWp N. LovtUa ot Hemet Od "I do" with Wa.lter F. Miller on Saturday at four o'clock ln cttJ oau..., United It.alee Mlll· Newport Beadl. He le an ateor- the altemoon in St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Church. Dr. t.al"J' .A.OMlelaf end '9 comp&ettnc Kn. Robert Boc'u °' Udo Iale ney, aniJ wu recently hon~ bia td Uae UCLA. and Loa A.nplea, wore a Cahill with a acl\oau.tllp tor ·•pa6il Emery S. Hudlon, aaaiatant putor, performed the ceNo \IC& at b&llertna l-.th rown ot white atudy at the Food and ~ lnlU• lllOOJ' wtUc1' unU.td u.. d&upter 'nit ....-will be M 1i1ome ln oL ~-. ••d Kra. Tb--"-J . ,,..__ •. OuaUl.,., daushter ot Kr. aDd Kn. Down.,. 1ae-. Htr boUquet wu ot wbit.t tute al N-York Unlvenity. _.. -__,,, ......... Et.rt o.tU wu now. prt. All • The )'OWi&' couple will ..-1.S. ta UI H&.M1 Drtn, and tht eon ot 1• . -------------------------N-York dUf'tnl UM conU"C ,_.., Mn. 0.rtnade R. Killer, Temple wort yellow ~ froocb tn Sherrill Hough Repeats Vows City and Walter 1' KIJl•r Whit-ldenUcal atyl• and tlted wnatha A hur• blrUlday c&ke and uer' · · • of c:hryaan\Mntuma. Btmilar flow. party aunoapbert h11hllfhled the Th• bride, who wu ll•en ln era ftl.ltd lb• bulleta wtllch tbeJ ent•rtahunent tor tM dlMbltd wt-marrtqe by bw father, wore a carried. ' •l'Af& trom Lon1 Buch Veterana pwn o.t all-over whit• ._ with 1VUUam Pratt of Ill MOftle _.... Admlrultration Hoaplta.I Wedn•· tilt.ct bodice, cap aleev• and tull Id u best man llU\d uab•t'll were day, AUi-11 at the American aldrt. Her finltrUP v.U of UllM&on E14ene Tappero of Ill Monte l.Dd Lesian Hall l &tb St. and Waat wu beld by • coronet ot maUbtnf John llYana ot Ian Dl•o. Bay A••· laee. She e&n'itd a colOD1al bou-ror the otN"'°"7 Kn. Crane be::n~ W:. -z::~" .;;::~ quet of whll• roe. and UUN of wore ~y faille wttb cymbidlum at Mt. Carmel AWdliary, Unit Jtt, b .. ded by th• valley. c:ora&1• while Mra. Miller wu Mra. .Albert IAutwyler, chairman; 811TEB ATl'END9 rqw"MCS ln ten1 net O"" t&tfeta. Bridesmaids in Rainbow Hued Gowns of Taffeta thOtt autftinf -rt Mm•. Ralph Mi• Marraret Crane attended Her COl'K(I WU a1ao of C)'!llbt· Randel. Robert J. Brtrra. Ken-her 111.ater u matron of honor and dluma. neth J oh.ftaon. CeclJ lnna, Adrien brid-.ml.lda wen Mn. T>ito J . AT TAHOE Noel. l\41ph BotMia. And-s.rr. Ct-ant Jr. of Nortbrtdp. Uter·in-A.ft.tr t.h• rectptJGa. Mid at th• church. tht n-Kr. and' Mn. WW. Wt for • wtddUac trip to r. H. Joyner. and M1-Kmn.a law of th• bride, ud Mn. John Je>Maon. Sandra Ltutwy'er. W. zn.na of San DICG-Jane BrkJNmalde gowna in rainbow colors lent 11>9rkle to Oueeta .,.,.. DoU7 et-ert of ------------------------the ctherwiM a.ll·white aetting in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Udo Trailer Park, who playa the ptano to entertain the men and Olmeb on Saturday for the wedding or Mi .. Sherrill Ann Florene• Buquor. 2e-02 Wiiiow H~ and Stewa.rt W. Dillingham Jr. Altar flowera were Lane, Coat& Mu& .. wtut. llt.ocb and gladoli and aimilar flowere tilled the two The afternoon entertainment In- ._._., buktta hi with l&JI · eluded card playln1. llW1mmlnr. ..---' w ch, Via Lido, and Ute eon of Mr. and and J~l l"ll&xiof. ..adlla ..... nanktd the altar. Pewa Dtlltn h u Nat "-Ital party w1U bt o6 tM ... t.w a.t.le were marked ~~.!~art I am of 8ept. 2. ~"jjll" membel'll are Invited wttll wtdle rtbtM!u. to attend end -what Unit fte Rn. BttplMn Kiley perform-LACS • T'Vu..& 291 la doln1 for the vateru1 .. ad tbe doUblt rtn1 11.x o'clock !herrlll'• bridal s<>wn waa de-P. A. Palmu rec•Uy donated ~ which united th• d&urb· •lrned with lone tono bod&c. of 20 deck• of carda and a check ter ot the 11arr7 M. Hoqha, 801 Chantllly lace IU\d bouffant aklrt to be uaed tor the boi pltal part· 3 TIMES · WEEKLY • Your MEWS· I PRESS Is Published Monday Wednesday Friday of tulle. Tulle wu alao UMd In lea. double layel'll for the veil, held by a braided coronet ot th• aame ma· tertal 8be carried a whll• orchJd arr~ed with white camaUona. lull• and aatln ribllion. Have Parts in Pilgrimage Play Ml.e9 Karen Klauaner wu m&ld of hon.or and brldumalda were Mr. and Mre. Leon&rd Pfttn have t h• M.laaea Anne Buech, Pala)' Jo Important part.I "' tbe Pltcnm•re Bt&le, Connie Maniold and Kalb· P lay at HoU,.,..,,od. v.... Penn lten KUM. Tlley wore d..-. ot (Loulae Arthur). da urhter of Mr. lrridMCent .Wfeta ln blue, plnk , and Mra. Huold Arthur, 22• 48lh ,..,.., y.Uow and JTten r•pecUvt-St.. playa Mary Maadal•n and Mr. ly wltb hata and a11oe9 dYtd t.o Penn t.Un UM J*l't of PonUu. mat.di, and eanWd llouqueu ot _PtJa_u. __________ _ whlle camatlona. M t'lowtr f1l'1. CbrUty Houp preceded htt" Wlter. wH.rin1 a 10116 frock of pink n.t and taffeta. O&OOIQIO:N Charlee Robert DUJln1ham l.nt but man &id and 1uuu were UllMr.s by Tom Noma, Don Klr- ctwr. Robttt Cunntnch&nl and Ted rruer. Wedcfu\a mwdc lncludtd "Ave Marta" and "Panla Anrellcue". Ou•ta Wtf'e nctlved al lh11 ffoUC'h home Oii Udo 111• where the b&aqu.t ta!lla, wtUi Ila wed- dlnl cake IU\d 1'*1 pund1 bowl. WU Mt ~ lM pool. For the occukin Mn. 8"cla wore a 1"1-Mil'e drta9 W1ta ptnll acc.M90r1ff and 1lamelJla cor-ca. Mra. DllUnJ11am WU 1ownlld ln mauve l.affet& and cllOM an orchld Laguna Lions Set Country Fair Oat. ~sun• Beach Uons C'lub m•m· bu• are promlJlln~ plenty fun al an old faahloned country fair \o be •lllJed In Jrvtne Bowl In thl'lr dty 8ept. I and '· TMly are promlaln1 aJI lrtnda of door priS4NI from baaketa of «TO<"•riea to quartf'rw ot bef'f 1u1d maoy A"•mu to enttrt&Jn both th• KTOW'll llpll ~th• klck. runcta rrom fonner country fair• the L&l"J\& U ona have ataced ._... J'Ofl• to put llshta on the football neld. t\mllah the pubUc library. bulld a -1mmtnr pool. t.o Boy and Olrl S<ioull and for atreet •lirna. AT OAIUllltL ' Soll Alb Letters Th• c:ouple W1U bon.ymoon al Carmel. San J"r'&llCacJo, l.A)ie Tahoe and La.e Vecu-ror Ole trtp th• new M..., DilllAlhaln wore a coraJ matcblf\& -•ter IU\d aklrt. wiU! avocado ~ duatft' and e.cc-- aorlra. 8be la a Pl ~ta Pill fTOm tM UnJv.,..ty oC Anaona, whlcb i. aJ.ao hlir llu.abt.nd' • univ arlll ty. He la atnllated WIUI llfma Alpha F.pellon fraternity. Bridal Shower is Honor for Miss Bergeron A bridal courtesy hononnc wi. Patncla .BeT1uon wu the mla- ctUa.n~ abown hoalMMd by Mra. Andnw L. Knoll at the home of her mot.her-In ·••. Mra. It, L. Knoa. 208 IC'Al'l.lnc Canyon R~. Pat.net&. who ta t.be daus hler of Mn. lklyU"OG, 17W Plua deJ 8ur IANTA A N A 1oci-=s1 -Son ot the dttuMd WaJtu Wiiey W•nr. ttO Sl. J amea Road. Newport lkadl, F'rtday ptUUoMd Superior Court here for letle,.. ot admlnl1lraUon In thf' u talt ot Man on Hodra Werrum. Alao knOW11 u Mrs. 'Marton Hodrt• W~Yer. 11he dltd July 20° Cwra D._•pp1an Carl Noeckrr of 212 E Balboa Blvd nou t.td poll~ at 11 30 p "'· J'riday tha t a clll'!1rra valUl'd al llto had 1>4!"11 taken from h111 car "'bill' It w..,. parked a t lhr rear of that addl"Ull. MONTECITO RITES FOR DEDE WILCOX By GINNY (IOI& EDW ABO Lala&) SllD'll Mr. and Mn. Toby Franklin Keel.inv WUoox of . 1~ Via Lido Soud, and Ptaadeaa a.re unoanclng the marriage of their daughter Mary Vlrsifrla (Dede) Wilcox to Lt. JackllOD Robert Eddy, aon ot Mr. and Mrt. Howard F.ddy of Loa Angel~. The marriage took place Friday, Aug. 19 at All Saint.a Church by the Sea, Jilon.tecito before t.he immediate families. A. champagne reception and but!et dinner followed immediately after the oere- mony at the ellt&te of Mr. and Mrs. Roy l'ranklin Wilcox in Jiloot.eclto. grandpue:nta of the bride. The young couple are boneoymooninr in Carmel after which ·they will be travelling tor the next three yure, both in lhia country and abroad wbll• Lt. Eddy ia completing bia aervice with the air fol'O&. ROCX 'N' IOU HITS ntl SCUIN .ol 1HI MST .. c:....... •• -· ... . --IETTY UAILE smu llORTH •• CUMMINGS CUil.ES COBURN TOlllllY NOONAN ----,.ca.a .._. ......... .. _""""' .....U,f Dll$OI Nat Attndloa ~ a..a, • ~ a.rt..e "It's Always Fair W•tlier'' ~ ...... '"11te Scartet Coat" THE. FINDT • • • m LOWDT PllCID l'ArtJ' ... 11- RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL HO JOit TOO LAROI: Oil 700 ••1.1 . ........... ,.... . .... MAPLE FURNITURE .... an'JWl.,.. Opell Fridays ... ' .. ACTON-COZAD NUPTIALS ANNOUNCED FOR SEPT. 6 The forthooming marriap of their daughter, hy SU&&DDe, hu been announced by Mr. and Mn. R&1 ,£ Coad. 392 E. 19th St., ea.ta Meu. ....:1liM Coad wUl become the bride of Mr. William S. Acton, 90n of Mrs. Daiay Acton of Ana.helm, on Saturday, Sept. a in th• Anaheim Bethel Baptist Church. • The brlde-e1eet wu a member of thia ,.r'• graduating cl&u of Newport Harbor Hlc~ School. Her ftance la a sraduate of Anaheim Hlch School. J'ulleJton Junior Oollep, and Biol& Bible Collep, Loe Angelee. He will continue b1a atudiee at the Talbert Seminary ln Loe Anpl• where he ta pre. putnc for the miniatry.1• Mesa~ --.,, _., ..... "11le Kentuckian" I ••• ----·-Siii 811111 II Imm ..... .. ... -- .,._ Uw9t I•••" a.0 11 .... Nat W•111&7 A f'Mhft I'-......... W ...... rM "Mwlf ... a.cl :'loacl To Deft•" To Oregon Mr. and Mn. Jam• Van Dfk• of Coron& H11)\landa &NI enraQtt t.o Port.land, or.ron on t!Mlr u- nual vacation. ~ORT ~~:"'-.~, . . , . . .. BtartaWed. BrlTE DAVIA .. ''The Yirtin (i)ueea• Ch1m1lleope Color i.,. o.tue "HELL'S ISLAND• l't I , •or x ....... ._ ..... . .., .......... .. .... 11.\M ~ .,.._ L11l• ............. Story'' 8-a.. MOii.. hN. , .......... .. ,_, AINI F•lom'' 8tuta Wed. .._,~, cm-....., "Cao IJf CMrl" "' ''SW ~ .. .. ' COUNTY SUPERVISORS OKAY RECORD' BUDGET rax Increase Proposal Draws Cqmplaint from Farm ....._ IANTA ANA IOCNS) -With onl7 minor ahlftlng of flKUrea 1n tbe overall proposal. lh" Or· anre County Bo11rd ot Superva· aorw Friday approved a rf'C'Ord JJ0.179,824 budget tor 19~[>-~. Th• 1upervlaor11 have 1.11.'lf'r· mined It will ta.kt a ba.llc tu rate of Jl.fl or U .42 per $10-0 ot &MMMd veluatlon to 1upporl the budget. Thia would be an In· <'re ... Of 17 or 18 cent. ovn the previoua year'• rate ($1.241.' pared down by '200.000. ll would •llll mean a four-<'tnt ratt' re· durtlon, accordmg l1:1 thf' report. Super-..llOl"I took no acllon on lhf' commilltt'• tax rate re- duction rt>quut. ANOTHER l'LAS lt. furthermore. waa 1urgeated by lhe committee that the gen· eral rf11erve be malntftlned at $700.000. rather than 8pproprull· Ing another $2:'>0,000. Another plan ottered by the unit was to put u:io.ooo ln the hotpltal capl· I ,HOAG'S FEM ·KEGURS IAG ALLEY LOOT Showt.nr how to ....Uy a,1- tate llM .U.1a. the Hoar Hoepltal kerllac team wound up the aeHOn by 1naggin( tlv1 trophlea ln Thul11day Momtnr Early Bird Bowling Learue. Marjort. Ktlley waa tabl;(>d mol!l Improved per- tonner tn the lftlpln tumb· Unit loop. Other tropblu went to Sharon Houaebolder for high· 1'8l game of th~ 11erles, 210: <'on111e Meredlth ind Pot He11114'180n for hlghei1t t.~r· ll·.8, 609; and Margaret Mor· rlit tor bettering 200. Rf'niainder of the l••nm rona~trd of Vivien Alll'n, Joan L111go, Roberl& He1lh and Carlyne Rorera. 'nle tax hike propoaal drew a <'ompl&lnt from the Orange Coun· ty J'ann Bureau'• tax C'ommll· t ... Spolceaman C. J . J.Wrk1. exe· cuu.. MCretary ot Ule bur .. u, contended the rate could be 11ic· f'd MVen or elfht ce.nu. The bur· eau had no objecllon1 to a 10 cent ratae In ta.xea. tat ouUay fund and allow. tht' ------------balance lo be budgeted next yt!ar. The nur1u 11ehool and dormitory aren't llCheduled to be C'ompleted before July 1. l9:WS. Superv1aor• have 1ncluJ4'd $MO· 000 outla y tor the ho11pll11l im· provtmfnl In the bud«•t Til OOMPIAJNT Auditor Lea Eckel• la expected The ccmmltt.ee'a report went to recommend the tax rate Aug. nn: "Wt ltnd, howenr, that four 30. No reduction wu Indicated department.a ha•• under -eatl-by •upervllOrt aner Friday's pub· ma1*t Income, or overbudreted lie hearing. eJq>endtturaa for UM·~. Theae Lut year'• buditet totalled are th• buUdinr tn.pector, re· $18,1~9.670. It wu $2,020.264 un· corder, planninr commlMlon and der ·the upcoming year's, A tot.al munktp&l and juatlce courta." ot $8.3~1 .002 t. to be ralllf'd from The bureau tax rroup con· Mcured t.aJt roles. duded tM. budset bu underMU· AaHued .a.Jued tor the county mated U.. tab ot the four de· Ui ~.l:wl,770 aa araln1t $:199,· .,.rtmat.a by about »06.000. If 196,UO lut yea r. Lido Isle Men Combine Skill and Skillets as Gourmets ni. Lido J.e&t men tonned tllelr Ober, Oeor1• Sliver, C h a r I e 1 Wine Md P'ood Bodety lut Lamb, Leon Ware, Ralph Tan· June with an Italian dinner eook· dowaky. Redfield Dinwiddie and Pistol Range Offers Traps for Practice Shotgun 1hooter1 from the Harbor uea ca n get In .Orne pracllC'e al tbe South Coast RI· flf' and Purtol Club ranirl' on MAcArthur Blvd. out of Corona del Mar. Trap ma tche11 will be held Aug. 28 and Sept. 2:'>, atarl· lnr at 10 •-m. Nominal entry fee. wlll be In t!ffttt The trap 11 In optrallon be· tween noon and 3 p.m. on Sat· umay and Sunday. Ordlna rlly there ue 1utflclf'nl hrlpers al lhl' r1n1te. on Sunday tn begin oper1t1on at 10 a m. But to H · 1ure tra p oswrallon, arrange· m'nll havt been made to havt a puller and a loader on duty from noon unlit 3 p.m. Tri p ffell are $1 pl'r 1ound to mtmber.1. $1.20 per round lo non· mf mbera. Tra p 3mmo 11 avail· eble at Uie ranre office for 12. 18, 20 and 410 r•u1e I"'""· WELCOME MAT OUT--..,. Mesa Chamber, BuDcDng Finn Make Offers to Lee MISA OWNllS DOG rT ON DOG TA•S? ~~i. .... pert Of ea.ta )(.. todaJ nmtnded u.. ....... Uaal dot~ .... ... oJlued tw all .... ..u. °" olcllr. Dos ~ ~ out uc.a.. an Mh18ed to Coeta Me• will ti. flad to ed U.. doctor. p to tbe ~ Mil • ..._ welcom• Dr. lammy IAt u a The vole• of a L&k~ but-tact Ela,,..... c1u .. n, It d•vtloped yut.rday llMlmlan who hu l.nYHted hen· Kalle alld ...,... ....... when Gllti.rt Beal, pre•ldent of Uy lD Garde Oro•• p~rty wu .a.t U. ,_.,,. ... the chamber of commerce. 11ent added to the othen. i.""9p0rt aho ,.,,_... COASTAL SHOPPER PAGE 7 WEDNESOA Y, AUGUST 24, 1955 DEUYEIY GUARANTIED Dallftl"Y of the Newport Barbor Newa-Pnaa iJI puuteed.. Curler boya will delmr their papen be- fore 8 p.m. on Konda7, W~ and Friday. U your paper ill not delhwed by tbat boar pleua call Harbor 1e1e aad JOV carrier wm ~ 101ll' paper. the tamoua athlete an airmail "lAt and h1a taml)J ea.a li.e u.. ct.)' Md purrt ,.. a ittter ur(in( hlm to come to with me until he ttads a tiou.." .MW ..-tnlillE wMlia wW c1a· • Co1ta MtM and -for hlm11ett M id Peter 8 . Kruner of Lake-.,_ ftMd .. far trsn• •tlliil what a tin• city It will be to wood. who II buJICUng a new pro-__ animUl ___ ., __ ... __ JCllllP_b_·_••.·_ SSI lln in. teulonal bulldlnJ bare at the At t)le 1181111! lime Joseph P . comer of Verano .Ave., and Cea- Oul'iin aent Or. Lf>e a telegram tury Blvd. where Lee bu &l't'an(· 11left af H. ,.,. for WHtwlnd Builders which ad to rem an enttn medie&l 'n..ft ot .._ paU9 .-...ia ------------------------- rea'I .. followa: aulte. tl'olll ... 7ard ... npCllted to ~n ... a DBOB NEWCIP£WN:!•s "We have beaulltul homes In "He'• ju.t the type at netpbor poUoe,..........,. bJ MN. 1\'Uli&m i"~ffCU &a.ma o-~ beat eHlllde re1ldentlat dlatrlct I would like for myeell," Kruner Han9)' ot Ill .._ v..ta. lva.v Mo114:fi W ... lclaJ GH Fri.a-. of Costa Mt-sa a vallable to you. added. Allefed retu-.la to tell --------------· • -r Please at>e thl'lle when you come Garden Grove relidenc• to the Girt' ... s-1 OOASTAL s OPPER -Wedneedays b11C'k home " OJymplc <'ha mp and fam9d war I -.-... la The hou~<',. he has to offer. hero made Kruner want "to buy 'nleft ot a lfrl"• ~ fr'oal <-.... ...,._ A6I na • tile w......., N_.._ Guerin atale11, •rt three--bedroom h1m a howie and &1ve It to him." ber ruar• tn u.. put two day. 'la. l IMel'doa $1.00 add1. be. .U ea. homes w1Ut h1rdwood floor11 a nd Lff told Kraaner that he In· wu report*1 to poUoe ll&turdaJ '....... 2 '-'*-lJW) add1. II-. .U eL Bil modem convl'nif'nC'u lnC'lul11nr tenda to occupy the new medical by Mn. John Bunabam ot• lll02 'l..lmm S ~ 1.00 Mld1. lbaea .U ea. r..11·.,d draft heall"I: and ventlla· aultt a bout Nov. 1. W. Ooeaa J'raat. '1Jaee 'l.....uo.. !JW) adcl'L u.e. .U ea. t 1on. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=====~ .. ....._ WuW A.de wUI ..-H 11~ a.-a.1. C'aalll ta advMm oal) In thf' meanume J. C. Reed. lllNIKUll AD 18 ' UNE8 pruldent of the Gardt n Grove M c rth'i' Chamber of CommerC't 121 pro-c a s DJ:.ADLINE8 for pl&cJnc or cancelltnr adl are: ml111ng Dr Lee he would per· For Monday PublfcaUOll -Frtday & p.m. son1111,· 11ee to 1t that he found For Wednellday PublicatJona -Tueeday 1 p .m . " ho1~e in Carden Grove. "There · ' For J'rid&y PublicaUon -Thunday l p.m. hi plenty of room In our town I 00~ Nl:WPO&T llAllllOll P U.llUSIONO 00. for 11u1·h " fin<' citizen and well o GUAllANlllD 1111..._1t1"-t Newpon 8-la. <'alUoraJ&. known American " he telegraph· .t.11 OnmW.. ._.-* .._,... tw Cull .. .....__ et pollll~ Police Arrest 2 Runaway Boys Two uupee boy• from the Cam p Hondo Boy• School ln Hon: do were a pprehended by Newport pollee Saturday morning neu Cout Hlghw1y a.nd Balboa Blvd. The lade. 14 and 10 years old, fina lly admitted lo pohre lhl'Y hltchike<l to Newport Be a c h from Compton and alept on U11 beach Saturday n11thl. They were turned ovtr to l.ynwood _police. C A I 5 n. ~ wU1 not be reeponalble t or more than Olle lnrorT.ct t--uo. ot an ad, ,._"• llM n,tlt to ool'TeCtly eta.tty any and a ll ada and to reject any ad not contormtnr to rulN 1U1d resulationa. Doww 55 Cad. ( 62) 4-dr. Power Str, ----..... $1000 55 Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ...... -............... 700 54 Plymotlth Cl. Coupe, R&H, O .D .......... 350 ltr .. Notiem y Newport Barbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 M..ta .,,.,.,. Ttaunda7 I p.m. Via Oporto -C.ntral A••· FOR RENT 8kill 8aw1, IClt c. OrHla, Pollahera. all typea of Sandf'ra, Wh .. lbu· row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. Newport s.a.cb M30 W, COAST H.IOHWA T Albert H. Matlhewa, Exalted Ruler Uberty 1-M~. Newport Sch •tto f'd by .... ral ot tM lalt'• maat· Howard Lewl1. "' chlt!h and fPUrmMa. Pattern· r-•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 54 OI•. Super 88 Holiday, Power.·-.. ···-750 54 Chev. 4 dr. P.G. R&H ... -... -.. --.... -. 400 54 Ford V -8 Co. Sedan, R&H. Power -···· 6t0 54 POfttiac 8 Strch. Catalina, power .... _ 650 54 Ptym. Savoy 4 dr. O'Drive _ .. __ 450 HAULING Painting, Decorating Paper Hangin& GEO. BURKHARDT ed alter the 80C'fly of tlkWrly Hilla th• Udo rroup w111 m"t moe~ oe t.bt third Wedneaday nl(hL '"'9 ~ m..tll\1 In J uly l•tured a 8p&n!Ui mee.J with Anos con Pollo tPa'ella1. a Valeadaa dltekea • rice dl1h. 'Ea.di It.em on t.be menu waa ,... pr-t&tl'Ye ot nrtou.a lp&nlAh provtn~ trom the Cutllllan eoup t.e UM G&WclaA Ill I I o D de91Tt. Dana 1-lt elbow .. tll.m.a ot llullftP.. .. ...... fo&low1D1 ................. u..a.. ._.. ~ an 11111.U.ed \o 00 .. _,,..., ftl9 .,.._.. are Y\a- net Jlaly, cllldat .t--.rd: Wal- t.er ~ ~ ct. 1Wa1M; Jwrei RleMrdll. pOUcit)' c~ mu &ad .,,.~ -ta.ct ,.._ ,.-ta.1tw. Otlilef'8 acu,,. 1a UM elub .........., an OoL Matt ~·s BEST "~IE.NO IS • MAUKMOTOIS CMaYl~IJl P\. V MO\ITM rowt•·~C•UD USfOCAR! -USV OH TI« *lUT EASY °" THE EYE. • 54 Ford V -8 Co. Sed. Power Str. -·----· 650 SJ Olch. 88 Sup. Holiday Pow. --·---·--650 53 Olck. 88 Dix. 2 dr. Loaded .. --··--500 SJ POllt. Ch. I. Hydra. R I H. 2 door -···· 400 53 Ford Rench Wagon, Low miles ·-·:·--400 U Pe.t. Ch. ,. 4 dr. Hydra. R I H -JOO 52 ,_..Ranch Wagon --400 .. -"• ...... ao. -at. $195 to Utl Low eoat -llull T-- t rub qT? Aityt.htnc, Anywher1 l.Iberty .. 2146 Mttcpp u ....... , 8enliDea "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY TRm NEW maeb•H procw -Ul- od ..... .,.,ab .. prtcea. .... ,..,. LICl:NIED <'01''TAAt."TOR 171 W 18th SL, CNta M111& l.Jberty 9·9828 House Pians WlUt.RTT 1-e2~ 1 I Otto COMPLE:rE PA INTI NG 4c Paper Hanging Service EUOl:Nll 0 . SAUNDERS llOO ll1t BlrHt. New-port ~arll Harbor 2t7• or Har u~ lfc 1 -.. rxta1rtae• W1M. General Contractor Only $l.()() UCZNBICD JIUada ,..,.u.cl and nbu&JL ..._ Plclr up M4 dellftr1 New Wotlr -RemodeJlnc Worti ._. by appotntmat J . KILTON McKENZIE ,.._. UM'tJ MTOl u • ..a.._ n.n•J &otf er 1Dmbert7 a-arr.. pptl•~ ___ r_~ _______ "°_o CARPENTER Re~Work O...T-" .......... -·-1 *•' Call ......... LDMir Mll6 All w.-o.rut.d 'TMlll CAftPENTRY MINOR REPA.lR WORK NO JOB TOO ULU.L B. o. A.Ddm 101t &. Balboa Bl'fd~ B&lboa Harbor uao NUc Elee. Tool Repair Sldl 8awa. Dril1a. llaaden QUICK IDVICZ LEWOO ELECI'IUC 00. 461 No. Newp«t BIYd,. Np\. Bcb. LlllertJ' a-au. tttf• PAINTING l'.1'fTl:NOR -JCl:'lmUOR LICl:ND:I> -IH9UIUllD Glenn Johnston 001 • Ji.t Bl. Newport a.cit lla.rbor 1171 nttc Bookkeeping Service ATTENTION! Contract.on , lttore.k .. pen N~ .omeon• to re_lle,,. you of lhoe. moot..bl7 bookkeepLog wor· rlN ! Aak about our reHOnabl• ratN . Har. •tu·J. 14c97 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I 1n1tall lbe above cheaper than moet. Alao u ll Ttle It Unoleum. bion·unlon, 16 year1 experience PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI 1-UJt • LI I-TIU llO 4 TOC&do, eo.t.a ,._ 11th H.H.HOLBROOK Dl:Pl:NDABLI: PLUMBING ·~ R.epalr lentcle Maaata189' no..: ..... 6111 ll01 llllaJtio. B)Yd., Jf.-port a-ca ... Akobolk:z ~ "rtt.. P . O. Baa Ml 1'_,on a...c.. C&llt. ....... llarttor 4116 !.!::B_.ty_~ -----Superfluous Hair PennancDUy rwDIOYed from ~ e.nm, i.p. i:J'Mr'OWll Uld Uir l£IMI e&pN' .lfo rDOl'I ~· a.t..DI L. BRY A.NT Ill. &. Udo'a 8&lOG ot B.euty Bar. 2111 tf9 LOST In Bal'k Bay area. Whtie leather pul"ll. Haa ldenU/lcatlon. r old watch .. br9c4lel. Reward Phone Har. 3423·MX. 83p90 ,~s ttiE WANT ADS OomJ>&r• alld '" -BILL COKllR Har. 482A or Lona Beach 7-6173 lllltc ASPHALT TILE ~um Wall TUe 11.fa'n. I*trUluton WST amall yellow r otd wa1-;h. hlack be.lid pal. No. 1&0011H 111 vicinity of Bill'• )(kt., Balhoa Blvd. it.ward 12C I': Bay Har 719-W '6<'117 Super· Market TRAINING CENTER want to buy , sell, rent or trade? CALL Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER Whole-..1e .,n-to o.tne'°"9 • na. leu.n LI 8-7f93 esttc Pallltiq 6 Paperbaqiq We do tbe work oanetftl. IO,_,.. ..... ~ Uorw • u.ancs. .. " ................ ........ tr.. OaD J·P-'r Lt 1-2887 • Lt 1-6288 lltf• CDO:NT 6 BUILDING AD m.61 nD :ml'DIATD l.n.rty M109 lttf __,., a depee:'aNe 1INd ear, ... ,..,. ~ ..... w1llo wUI .,. ....... TOMOIUWW to Md! up wlaat tM aalla TODAY. Q9dr UI can la Ute dUltl1ed Neu. ' • ..., CJronr7 ~rw and .... t Wrap ...... MU• '80 to •120 "" wk cau for appotnl.ment to ·~.,." mon Ulout uu. tra1n1nc . AL TYLER Schoola 1111 No. Broedwa7 KJ 7 .3~1 t .. ('8 Real Estate School in Santa Ana ..... WOllD ....... la.,.,.. .._. r. W!r"1C appxtwU-ta._......._,...,..._ ---·.Al TJW ~. A~ ..... ant ...... ,... ... .,. aa...t UU ,,_t n.wi. oan or ..,.t. now. Al Tvler School .._ ____ .......... --------------------..... -----------------------·------------------------..... -· itu No.aroedw.,. 11ania Ana •I a T·l5U·ID 1-a • .._n a.a~ • ' • COASTAL 8ROPPEB P..dltioa of ____ .............. __ _...... ____ .!!· !-~ ~ ~llMlo.TV .AUGUST aPIX:lAL I PAGE <4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 1955 ORIGINALS TRADE We ..... ....rai uprifbt planoa l«W rau ra&&.la J:atn lar~ tnde allow ua.. aad4 on ~ lptaet ~or IClectronic orrui at ~·e M\lalo 0..( Since llOT) tll-dl N. llJcamon, ..... ..... ft. ID. l-Oe72. Clearing The Lot CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS AFI'ERNOON, Codlt.a.U. diAnw dr ..... It CoordiAatA9. C\18TOM DRJ:aSllAJCMO Ph. Harbor oiM-R 1W Be&ut:llUI To-4 -. 1tr••· hllJ foaad. ... ..,. ....... Wiit talte eqllit)' la pc.,.-t7 or ...a. I.er ltoia&. lDO W . ..._ ....._ H..,.-t. Bar. IOll. INe 8 TUDY In apare lime for contra.c:· tot'a ,.xamlnallon unr1er a ft"TI· eral oontl"&C'tor wit h 2a yean experienre <.:ta.aac:a T~a. a.Dd Fri. evet1 7 .30 p.m. Attend tlrat Mu.Ion frM. S.11D &oyUme A 'I"TENTlON ALL BOY 8 - THE NEW8-Pl\E88 ta now takln& n n1er applk&Uou for routea lD thue oe lshborhoo4a:- 8alboa. Weat Newport. Ba!bn& h ., N-port Heigtlta, Corot1a del Mu and Coat& W... It you are 12·14 yn . old, and havr a bicycle. apply at the C1rcula· lion Dl!pt.. Newport Harbor Newa-Pn u , 2211 Ballloa 81vd., t-;ewport Beach, Mtweu lt-12 a. m. or •-• p. m. Ollly aeept &twd&.YL Uc Dr.astic Reductions Up to~~ ON SUMMER DRll8US, llep&· ratu, oril1n&ll It Mmp&ea. MAJlQIZ WEB8 lllM So. Cout Blvd .. IAfu.na. Bch. 13tlc 28' 8TDLCK.UT ~ boat. All equipped, r.u, to ,.._ B~. One ol the world'• BllA1ft) Mmw WSthtft t llour. sr-i.t p&ano. Jut like MW. l'UJUl1q Ume. eo.t •not. lllolc· Ooocl tor s....Uo.ne. You will n-foreee ..i.. A ...i Mrpla '-~ to bear aad pl&,J Wa at 14"8. Bu. ne.-ft. ~ mapUlcent lulr\lment. T It e asvmr Ullad car ~ tndioat.e UM ft!u• ottered. laeM> STUDE. Al Tyler School tilt l No. Bruachny, 8anta Ana Ph. Kimberly 2·4128 or Kl T·3611 t:t. China Painting Day and EvenlJl& CluaM oroua Tuan Now Phone Liberty 1-6148 Htte ------------ 28--Sltuatlou Wut~ Working Mothers Child care ln my home day- t i m e. ,Newport Heights area. Liberty 8-7674. 83c96 Beacon Personnel 1009'0 employer retained a, ency NO fee collected from appUranl We )lave ~X<'tll opentnr• for Sec"ty., Steno.. Genl. Ot!Jce, lhloa, eo.t Acct & llrht howie- kecper-llve In. BEACON PER80NNEL low ,..tc. wW ut.oQlab )'OQ. r AIJU..iNmR • tt. twm ...... OUMr-snnu .. 1ow u J"5. J'or thOM wllo wet the be•t l"Y fire ba.u. 1-4M. #.1 OGa• DA..NB-acJDODT ~ lton, U0 Konkel's Interiors dltlon •1.1ao. u M110 aa&Ai No. MAiA. a.nta .ua. ope J'rtd&y J:ve. Upholatery, draperlea, alipcoven. SNIPll, u.J.la It doll7 SoOd condl· ------------bedapreada. Uon "00, 231 Vta ~. Udo New phone 1 rr.t z.ae. Har. OO«·W. tSeM 95-~ CW.. Peta Uber\y a. 7873 s.timat.ea .a1 a. 17th st.. Co.ta M- UcM 11-FT. PENGUIN. l'tberrluled. n.. be9t, uktnc PIO. Call Har. 2161. NcM IJU8H ll:Tl'l:fta, I Jno'•· AKC Olamplon m. II dam. RM.eon· ab&• ..... Coldbrook lAk-ood. Toney f-1t71. tlpe6 20-FT. POWl:R boat. Ora,r Tl lap e.na'ine. Xlnt. condlUon. Harbor NEW NORWEOIAN llLXHOUND S279-W. HS>M PUPii $15. II up. Toy Manch- ter terrlen P6 It up. LIChifh 9"'711. t3cil 28' BOAT aturdy, tahp, altep11 t . Owner lea~ atate. MUST 811:1.L THJJt wmmx. •1eeo, or make offer. 4110 RJnr A,,..., N awport. Har. 16.o-ll. Mptf '6-Aatoe for Sale Recal Club OOUpe S285. 19'9 CHEV t Door Deluxe $495. 1951 DODGE I Door, lAt• modfll-Low Price S695. CLEANlNG A. fRONI NO by lhe ,13•31.al day. Experltnced. Balboa bland 1Agen1.:y1 Newporl Beach WlC HA VE an overnow from wr• home In town. Squared mirror, 24 ll M . SJ2.&o. '18 Bwedlah •tMl knlv• on board, '7.00. 2 badminton raequeta. l frame, U . Unflnlahed van.tty It etool, slue top, $6. rrutt jars, vanoua. un· flnlelwl etcrace box H x 11 x 18. M .00 Antique t n.ank, $2.00. Child's vamlehed rocklnr chair. 12. Pair a11to tor lite•, new, $6. Call Har. 3319. Hcte 30 FT. HUNT Eirp,_ CruJ.Mr. RIQ9d tor Albacore. HYatt HlllO. Hell BUY BUICK 1953 FORD CUSTOM • Door. A Black Beauty preferred. KI 3-eote. tr U C.,..,.,S.,.D ...,, "" real ealate salesman USED BICYCLES 25 PT M.UIOO. Planked Cruletr , no you h ave 11nla ln -your planta? le there a bl( dl-l p -In your boUH ! NerYu on ect1e ! Temper n111 riot I HoUH talUnr apart! Don't jump oft th• pier' Call Ha.ndyman 811m-HA 4828 Many do better work but none charre le1111 ~ t3pH Swedish Massage LADIJ!:8,-by appointment In your )tome. roRMJ:RLY mUMuae at Arrow- head Sprlnp Hotel PLEASE CALL Harbor 479~ or Harbor 0292. ~p91 TWO WHITE WOMEN WA NT hoUM clMnln&' by day or con· tract by monlh. Fa.at and ef· fl<'ll!n t. ~erencee. Klmberly &·?9411. 9~p1 BOOKICl:EPlNO. payroll, P It L atatementa. Your offl<:t or mine. Ll l ·'IH 95cH EXPERIENCED OARDENER or broker who I.I familiar w1th lhe area and not &lratcl to work. NO T'RADl:·lN SPl:ClALll Boy• 2t" balloon _ .............. ;··-···•10. wtlh Mercury marine fltt44 S.re I how )"OU profit now BAY Ir BEACH REALTY 3112 La.ta.yette, Newport Bell. tfc Boya 211" llfhtwelfht ......... S12.00 motor, It trailer. Reuonable. e.. at 2135 unton, C<>fta ac-. -ud for yara to conw. WANT REAL !:STATE 8ALE8· MAN or broker. P'amll)ar with Harber area. Top eommlaelon to one who wanta lo make money Ir not afra.id to work. HOUSTON REAL TY ~ Can· ttr St., Co11ta Mesa. U I-ell 1 -Eve. Har. 6298-\\'. ltc if EAL ESTATE SALESMAN wanlf'd. W. It. FISHER, Realtor Har. ~32 Corona del Mar 95c:97 (evea It S&tuntaya). tlpN Glrl• 28" balloon ................. -... 110. M rr P'tllJUNO Boat withovt OlrlA 20'' llghlwelpt. ........ '11.M rnotor "ry reaaonable. Mr. Ctrlt1 26" halloon nearly new _$40. GarUllde 7*-311l Bt. Newport Bead!. tacta NJ:WPORT·BA LBOA AUTO SUPPLY 2109 Newport Blvd., N.wport•.Beh Har. 2132 94c91 CHU.O'S frame playhou11e, 4 x 8, $36. Hu fioor, door Ir wtndowe. Harbor 164:1-J. 114.clll EXPERIENCED druJ 1lore aa1ea S0-8--AP.,pllu_ciee _____ _ NORTHILL anchor, 2!' chain and 100' new ~" llne, NO. Beudtns ladder for 30' -40' boat, $20. N- Navy U., ahlp'a aloe._ $40. Paddlee, lantema and cabin lamp, Cl b. a p. u · life rlq '7. W I n c h bantUe•. I tor 17.00. Inq. 108 Vta Mentone. Lido I.ale weelc mda er CHiil• view 6-8e65 wffk d&Ja. 16pte lady, apply In pel"l!IOn. Turner "OR s • • c I... r --'th r A...., -o ... pot re . ""' 18. rtrDJ8 ..-.a •..., ,.._,,,,r wj• .. l>rug Store. 23 42 Wut Cout I ••o eau Kl • "7' .. t1 "'~ ~ • .,,....., "' new un t. •• . u·• .... eledrlc ,. Ja.p. LU&e -•1100. Highway, Newport Beach. 9:k!MI --221, cu. tt UPRIGHT FREEZER Lido Wharf. 344f Vta Oporte. YOUNG MAN tor light factory uaied 4 monlAL Cuh, i.nna or Uptt work. Phoalt. Ha.r. U 67 9:X:97 t,..de. lf\'aU H l 2T .t3ct!) 23 rr. SLOOP, tap 8\lllU'Qet' ~ POSlTJON OPEN td"r 11.M•llllnl 19!'U Ol880 N re1"1r. 11 cu n., $1200, pll•)' ...... •l'IM· IUp 1torekel'per. Apply 111 cuy !Jke new. LI 8-&11>-826 at. 20, RJcha.rd.an'e Anc:llor.,.. Corporation Yard or nil F.arl Juno Rnad. Newport Beach. lnqui.n U& ~· Ndl Doane. Harbor 3131 90ct7 1131:111) F()fl SAL& lO fl. hddl• aoa..s WANT Q ,tot '°6t. lla'le ... &00 Sl!i.~ U 8-mt Hp Washing Machine 1. You Preftt on the trade-la dee! I. Tou Protlt on the Buy 10U make. I . You Prollt cm the BIP a.. aale Value. arr oUJt n auiu:a on Profit Sharing Lona Dealil w~ are ltivlng today on 19MBuJcb TERRY'S BUICK 4ot Walnut llw!UJIClClll\ Bead! LExington 6-4588 FIRST CLASS .. am.tr-want· ed. Call Har. 08417 after 8 p.m. 90cll7 ~lm\VJC!l' equity In Banta ~ra Tri• GMC ' p1ex. • extra tot. Total e1a.. $1295. 19M DODGE OORONET V -8 Club Coupe Local Car-<>ne Owner $1365. :~ PLYVOUTH Club Sedan $995. 1~1 l'ORD CUSTOM Club. W ;aw -Heater ~ $695. Roy D. Bryant Dodp-Plymouth Dealer .01 Kain LEX MM1 Hunt.lniton Beach OARDICNlNO It yard work by day SO-~ l•J .. r ruarant.e OD Jobi doae Md on uMd wuhve. ..aa" l,...,.J Newport 81., CO.la M .... 000 Income '*· Boa Q 11 TRIPLE CHECKED c/o Ulla paper. toptT USED TRUCKS 11N MAROON CWltom line Ford Mr~ J'onloma.Uc.. 1\ • H. on• ......,., ~ble. LI 1·72IO. ..... week or monlh.. Liberty 8·tlat attar e. Mc9t MAHOOANY Dtnette u t, Wf<lge· Wood KU ranre. Make otter. LJberty 8:t~ or l..lberty ~7. Mtfc: SAIL BOAT Model: Padnc 14ft. ~ Sl• Doll hc•·r '61 1'0N> \6 T. l'IClrup Roy's Maintenance w~ cleullns-11oof' ~ Wall wuhlnf-wtndow eleantns VtneUa.n bllndL Uptlo'-l•ry lMured. f'ree Jeat.llnat .. Uberty l-l:l3l.. 11.tc Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-16:59 30tlo MAN It WOMAN Will do 1eneral llooaRWortc. t1oor waxtn1. wt.n- .._ ~. raat worMra. ni\&. l M a. IOUl It.. eo.tA X.... LI a.21&3. pptl STANDARD STATIONS Hu o~ntnr for ltalloQ 8&1Mm•D A.sea 18 • •O 0Tan1e County ~Ot.y-tO-Hour Week fllfh llA.rllng J'llV l::xoelleat S.nenta Good (lpportunlty for Ad 'f'IUIC.m..n t "ppl.)' llTANDARO STATIONS X>elllJa and Cout HI~ hway Corona dt l Mar Oapman and Spadra P'ullr rt on I IO to 9 30 • m Monday It Thurlda y• YOU w11J II.an an opportunity to adY&nee In our nnn. ~a..-. of our prett:nt u:· pa.na!Oft pro,-,.m. 'nit etartlnc tal&ry LI •ood a.J\d YOU wtU rttelve trequmt tn~na .. e, too. J obi now tor : TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - llU '°' No. )fain SlrMt l'lm. fl 1 -Santa Ana 9.00 to ':00 P.M. P ACJll'TC TELEPHONE 73lfc WOMAN for baby allUn(t It d .. h. -Nie. home wtlh prt. room A board A •~ mo. Lido I.le Kar. 1897-J . '3d 6 Har 08T&·J. tldO 0 . E WASH'!:R. nml·auto. wrl111· er type. Utlle used J&(>. o. E. ~tr1$trator. 8 ft. freuer top. Little Uffd SUl. Rattan-type aofo, good ron<I. J.3!). Vornado Dl':ICP P'Rll!l!:Zpj Lot 61 M'ullktp&l ,.,...,_ ...... 'IO ~ .. T. ~ WS8TlNUHOUSll: e ~( upn chl N_,aort ~ or ft. ~ '11 OMC ~ T. Ptclrup freuer. Perf~l't ninnln• l'Oftd. wood ._1111. M.i 'U DOWWWA'llOMAL .. T PU. 5 yrrt oltl Har. 3786. tOptl WAN"t'm> TO BUT bait equt-., :: ~ ~ Puel t11LUflUM 80U1t DOUOU .t.:I IAM'nOIN <l~,k t•n larre~t new sw S2--FumltUJ'tl for Sale 2502 Circle Dr . B&JI Sboru. ~ELOUR be<1 da"tnPort It chair. -----------U-d!) '90. la.II• 418 T\utlft A9'9., DA VE:NPORT, 2 bdnn. N t.s. cu raJ\ge. waahin1 machlnf'. drapH Ir •prudl t.o match It ml.c . boUMhold ltemL Har. 3'83·M 11111'97 YOUNGSTOWN cabinet. •Ink A dl.llhwu her. Eacel~nt condition. tH3 l«publlt', Cc>sta Mt"'· L1berty 1·718t ll•p NEW 21 In. We.UnshoUM TV ... t. Modtl # H.&H Prier SI i~. and new Unlveraal dbl. electric blanktt J39. LI l ·Tli9 t6c97 LJKE NEW, Slngu con110le S70. Allio anUque cherry wood cradlt, xlnt ccmdttlon tor planttr, mer;a· 1111•• or b&blM '76. Har 278 11~7 O'K&ETE It M!:1U\l"M' cu r~• r;ood condlUOn S12~. Cokbpot refr1J.,..tOr S30. Rome frH ur, 17 't t'l. Upr1.bl ft&l:nl ... 1teel •h•h• UU. S.. at Ill Oak St , Coal& M-or call LJ 1·1848 11~117 WOVL"l;G, MU8T 8EU... o rly Amencan 110fa ~ A brtdre lamp, \\'eatnn Holly ~. white enamel rol11nr flrop leaf kllt'l'ltn la bit St'e Sund•)' after· noon ONLY 04 Bf'I Vue l.Ane. &lboa Pmlnaula Point. 88<' N~ Ht1Jht• HpM Mesa Woodcra~ Unpalattd • IU...alle Furniture Mod. I dr. dull ......... -... tt.t~ Sf'Cl. Bk. ('UM fr11m .. ..... b 4:1 Com~r Cupbo&l'd ........ . tT.t~ Compltte llll• unpainted CW. llOCt 11nd h•d. Mlnwu an4 Deft tlnlahu Orderi tallef\ tor 1buttan 2121 Kubor, C.M. LJbeorty a.11-45 Dale's Furniture Office dl',k~. Larite redwood bench ea. U Oup patio tabl~• • $19 !10 Ml Good Selection box 1prlnp A Mattrn~11. N~w It t.:11ed - 1174 Harbor, Co1ta M- F'OR BAL Oavtnport and two euy chaJr•. 1 Ire c.utHnr t.a\11•- Har 0887 or 213\ Coaet Blvd .. Corona del Nar llktT Nf:'\V II x J2 maroon •h&c n.as. nibtwor back. SlO I.I 8-7831 ll&d7 In ....i1 aaJI boat. Muat M 'M ClmVJWJ.sT ~ T. Pklnrf, reuonable and boat In rood H,.sra..KaUo lrUI& CllMltl•. NdT 'IM OMC "T. C6C, ~ ..... .......ud~ ....... drt1'9 Dedt'9 NOOn. tW'O ..tn ~ 6 t1NL Heed.,....,.._ ,.U.. IO llloVn oe MW lftOlof'. Bar. tT1. NcM .. rr. aaan .-.. -· • ·.a aaavBOL&'t 1 T. ~ a IL P. IMm ... -·------'U CllllVROLm 1\6 T. ,..... I .... _ .. --e.--c-BA TSHORE BOAT RENT.u:1 '11 IHTICIUU.TIO!fAL LllO, 'ti.& ~-Ulllrl'- 100 JC. Coul. N.wport a.ch. speed. •:• .... .. J 0 h I Har. oe1•. Nc:t1 'M DCl)Cl9 • T. • rc. o..p. 1 Motor ver au ....... ! ..... 38-FT. S.POllTTWIER. new mo- tor .. .u,. Cltll""" to pleuun or eom...-clal Tnde ~r proJ>- ert)'. car. er uaner. IO a-tMO aft~ I p.m. NetT 28 JIT. SKELTOM, T tt. t ln. bMm equipped for aport w comm•r- C!lal. l I & h. p, CID\ T IL.El\ Cl\OWN 1& lmcta. 22 '"1'. )o(J;RCURT 11 2 h. p. OftJ •P"d 25·30 knoll, aid,...._. n.dto, Navy tc p, coollflt ....,_, 2 b\11\ka. head. RUii "'17 H houn. Call Har. 11 Tt alter a p.m. N .. 7 .. CIMO 10 .._. ._,. t :OO tt... ... -..... We ._,.. Ulle l&rp.t ud ci.u.t ...... ., ..... tnacb .. Orup 0.. ..... ....,... ~..., ..... truell and .... J9lllWlt ..... r.a...,.. W.W. WOODS OMO l>m.ALD 111-11 a ttil IL auta AM o,..~ .... TNlll ~ ,_ 0,...,.. Oo. ... NO MONZY DOWN * with this ad * e eyia. ____ J43.88 8 Cyi.. ----·--·SM.88 DtcJ,.._ botJs labor ant1 parl• N-rtna' wrl•t pine. _..Ive crlnd. ftutnp of main and ,.,d bewtnc'a· Drpert motor tune up tQ.d&J or 6.000 mile ru•n.nlee (NO MONET DOWN I REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAT- Bullt tn our own factory by tklUed m~ Don't contend with U'!BUJLT and INST A 1.1.rn STOP tM ·alddle man. Buy <ltrl'Ct HAMMOND 0 1\QAKa. UtUt _., l:&OJtT 11LOCX One only famftl .._, t. ,..., TA.D .t. LOOK AT 'n!IZSll roflD UJt.&O Chord Orpn. O.e ~ "lUL\L Jn.TTr -St'9 II() Spinet Model. w....,., fW ~m 6 rX:mom 11611 church or home.. Vef7 11-.a 'IO PlJ. I e . A roM cJe&n OM. CBRT&. 6 D• aero __ SlTO •avtnr on tll .. twe ...,.q a.--tJ . ---'611 8TUl>DASJl:R I STO •trumt11t.L 'ti ·~ ClllMmp. ~. Pl9 OU. II J'OMTlAC t -JlTO 0 Al"Z-8CHXIDT, Ille Ne. Mala, MW ...... .,_. It ...,.t.anlcallJ' JroIC1[ SlT!i Sa.nta AM. o,.n n14-J.... ..... Ult JIUl)e()M 11T5 ·n ~. • u .... rub'*' -N-Lou eu rr.. Towt.q pUllt. mew ,._. ..w -tip NEW C.ul OU~ t.p ----------... F'L'tE Chiekertna pU.ao ....... UO. per mo. at- SHAF'!:R'I Muc Co. (a&Me JIOT) 81:\1\'ING MACHINE SlO. pr. 8 fl MODERN 2 r<' al'rllonal llv. rm. O l-423 N. lycant0f'9. 8anta AM door• •1th porthole& H . Decca ~•\ Incl. tablu It l"mp& Al.o Phone Xlmberly l-otT1. ... ._t. 8ta. ....-.. A Sood buy ---·-----------•1N lnods m~ lnMt our •t.&Adarda Plua iu., paleta and oll 0,. ~ 10 a..m. lO I p.m. record player· 126. i210 We.t bdrm •<'I HIJ h ch11lr It "port· Oc~an Front. Newpcirt. 96p91 n·crlb" REAiONABt.E 302 f'OR SAL.It 2 ueed met.I k neehole Monte V111tA, <:: M LI 8·8~8!1 dulu. In iilnl. condluon. Phone ~~ Harbor 2964 96C"97 LOVE EAT, l'a rly Ainn 1ran '36 l"ORD P1c-lnip trurk lat1dtra It pa.lnUns "qulpment. Will af'll rrnvinclal print •~o. 41 l I nrlnt Ave. Wberty 8-6H O 9!k97 tn1C'k Mparate 11Ht Republtc LIKE NE\\' HllO orlr lnal Contour C. M l..I 11-ll!lll t6p97 chlllr S1211 Kl 3·003 after 6- CROSt.ET ShclvadM re.frig. S50. Wut1nr howie, elec. ranr~ 175 maple ~retary l!'IO. m•hog M"Ctetary I SO H1r. HM·\\' 93c!IO 1000 Emboe.eed bu.in .. or appol.ntment card•. t 3c93 BF.A l-'TlFlfL 4 poater mahog. lwln beodroom ttt Include. lwd11, b<>ll ~prlnits It Inner ll)tTln1t mAttr"H"I! Ilk" ntw. ctlt11t ot rlraw~.-. It fl~aiuir with mirror. \"en· nlr" al'l but nted.. re· tlnl~htns '300 L1 8·1'0411 113C'll~ RENT a ,...Ct.let JIUO U .... U S5 per mo. lAt Ole ldddi• leam. All term ""'' a,.U.. ti 10U bUy later. DANZ..8CRMJDT. 110 He, Maia. Santa Ana. 100 ,...... frem which to choose. LAROE Bteiftway "II" Oran4 piano In perfect pl&JtnS cendlUon. W ill take sood pluo la tra.de. SHA~R'S M\lllkl 0.. (liace 19071 421-423 N. Sycamore. 8-nta Ana Phone Klmberly 2~72. TllAHIPOftTA110!f 8PIDCLU. ... Pottl. .-ed· Oood rubber. Good rMto It NN1 s-t~ cood. on11 ....... _,,, .. _, ........ _ ........ _,_._, .. , .. . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ()pea l>aUy I to T ltata Bonded FRANK LEFEVRE NEW LOCATION UHD CARS lt12 N~rt Blvd. !f..-,ort BMcb Har. 6021 tDcH lt!H Ot.Da luper U I dr • 2 tAM well equipped. l:Kcell. coti4. LI I · 7200. ll:SCll7 ·u BUICK Roedm .. ter connrt- lbk. radio, apotlla'btt. llleruard, l'IMler, n-aMt covera, new l>atte.ry. rood condlUon Ut~ Owtler R&r. 2711 16ctT 310 East 3rd St. U-Tnllen 1951 Spartan Royal Mansion H rr. omrrn:. twin ~ Cona1dar trade. ''° W 1t1 TuaUn. 112pe 11 rr. CU'RTIS Wr1"1t lraller s.uo. Kar. Mn . Ene.. u e Via .. v v Check these Used Cars lhl;f h'OID a 1ocaJ CSeaJtr _.., WW bt .._. 1'0MOlt.ROW to btck up wbat be .. u. TODAT I LOOKING for a GOOD ·~ "SAFE BUY" in a ' USED CAR? We Have 'em • Priced Right! "2" '55 Ford Thunderbirds .. ea. $3498 '54 '51 '52 '53 '53 149 '51 Red, hard top Ir blaclc convertible. Fully equipped. Ford Club Coupe • • • • • $1398 RadJo, Heater Ir overdrive. New plutJc meat covere. Ford Victoria . . . . • . • $1098 New tires, FordomatJc. Valve. juat rround. New paint. Mercury 4 Door • . Hu new finiah, radio, beaw Ir overdrive -Good rubber. • • • $1098 Willys Hardtop • . . • • . S 998 New two-tone green finieh. Radio, heater & overdriYe. Valvee juat ground! SoOd enciJ:ic. Plymouth Convertible • . • . s 998 Radio, heater, Good rubber, Hy drive, Run. good. - Chevrolet convertible • • Radio, heat.er, excellent motor. Good nib~r Mercury Mont. Coupe .•• Radio, heater Ii MercomaUc, Power brakea One owner. 0 s 598 $2298 Dodge 4 door . • . . • • . s 698 RadJo, heaur. New flnlah. One owner. '51 Olds. 98 convertible . •.. $2098 Fully equipped. Looka like ntw. New rub~r. SEE THESE AND MANY MORE all REDUCED To Make Room. We're crowded at JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 000 W. Cout Hwy. Open nu 8:30 LI 8-5.'S-t!> Newport Beach LI 8·5M.'5 NOW-FIRST AGAIN! ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS WARRANTEED 25 Weeks in wr iting and may be repaired by any authorized international repair Service Warranty Dealer in the United States, Canada & Al~ka • • • • 1964 FORD Club cpe. Light blue. ovtrdrive, heater. J!:Jlcellent eondltion. Looka new $149!5 1951 CHRYSLJllft IMPERIAL 4 dr. 9edan. En- gine rebuilt. Full power, ortaiul black flnWl. Nw ... t ooveni. Worth much more. ---·--··-----········-·-·· .. ·· . Ollly $109~ 19G4 PLYllOUTH atatJon wagon. Hydrive, Ra.d.lo A Heater. Sand and Ofeen color, w.w tlree. Deluxe model . .. ...... -.Only 11995 LOU REED CHRYSLER·PLYMOUTii DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway. Pb. Liberty 8-3'88 LADIES. Reac;l our ad tm<ltr eluattl<'11t1nn U -Super Mar· ket ,.,.a1n1nt; AL 'M"t.F.R flt'hol• Jell !"' BrN11o1w11y Banta An11 JO 7-3311 94d $4.95 LEON WHITE 2 RF:D dlY1ln• a11d one etudlo rou('h. ftry ~nable. Ha.r. 121i·R H c95 HAMMOND OROANI. P'ull llne, all mooela. Free pracuce rooma. Come In and play on any mocs.i. The Great Concert Orran, Ule Home Modtl, lh• Olurch uid I.be Splnet Modtlt. It 10U think you eaanot pa.,. eome In ... try Ute world famou Bammon•. ..., to play, CMrd OrpA. You trtn tie ut.onlahd tAt tlnd )"1111 can play In tlttMn rnilluteL '&a FORD V-t I pua. cpe. a .000 mu.. o·o .. radio, wheel OO'f'en. W jW, euatom aeat cov . twin lltodr ..... Medfl"I ,.. better m•t ... e. llno-etloe while It It'• a beauty tnalde A out. Only l lltcl. Ta)ie trada. en nu.NX at 2tll Newport Blvd .. Jlf_,,art ~~h or P!»oee da,. Bar. eotl. Udo Hord. Httc U-Tralls9 ..;;;;.. __ ;:_~-----------~~------•1-w ....... Beat MAID roR MO'Ml!t. 2400 We.t Cout HJ!fhw•y, ?l:ewrort Rearh u 1-3()111. 93C'9:1 llmOO!fD tnalct, •~rienc9d ~• 6 upet.alra. no COtlkl"I· pe"'1•· .-t, retere"c•. '228. Harbor IOtl t to • pm. • t4clle ~i:;; a de&lendaMt UW1 w . Me • l'oGr local de"le.r who wtll M her• p IAl\\JV to back Up trMt ht 19111 TODA.TI Cttedl tla• YMd ~ -" tM .su.uw eecu. '°" ·- t.l Ml&O or LI l-'-011 92tft' MATCHll"G d1ven pnrt. ('hair It Fresh Hearing Aid SA.T'T'&JUEa We 01.,. SltJI Green 8tampa C'O(f~t ta bff' M11plt flnlah Red 11pholalf'ry I 100 Her. 111\1 93<'11!1 Gunderson Drusr Co. M-Boets, suertes Ma.Ill IL at 81.Jbo& 81...d.': Balboa 12' B<'o4Jt .. . lf5 Harbor 31&. Httc 14' Jnl>Mrd Launch Both irood condition A.N'MQUl!lB -Old rumtture, cut Jl& • 311th Newpo" ~acl'I glua, lampe, otd plcturea, etoelu 113ct6 etc. Ba.rsatn• plora. B'S ..,_ ~tt to d~alera. CbarUe DaY1•. 1eos 1:. Anaheim et.,. Loar Bdl. ll0-1 tt. Jttte ROW BOAT It P!Vlnrude motOr, '12&-3712 Chanel Pl"' l'few· port Ia1and. ~ DANZ·SCKMlDT Plano a Orran Co. Home of the 8&1n1nOnd. !120 No. M&111, Banta Ana.. USED PIA.NOB, fl"&Ada, 9S1lnete and uprtfht.a. Good pracuee planoe u law u SUI, IUt, $111 and up. ICa8y t.nu. 0.. onlJ tamoua ma.Ile llplMt llJpUJ dam..-ct 111 lllJpmet. Bruwt new. Bir •Ylllr. DANZ-8Cll.JGDT Blf PIMo "°'" JUI 1'°'9; PO Ho. MUI. ... &a AM. ... ''T ITUDDA.JCD. ndkl, b•t.r. O"vdnff. A.·1 oondttlon, u,.., .... mow. 0c-.. FTont. K--pon. t5pM ltol cao:v. &m,AD\-• dr. ..._ ,_... JU61. ,o-r link· • • ~ 1-. UWI 2,000 .0.. Owner, LI 1-4141. tact& * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALl'.8 ud SUPPLIES 2200 W . Cout Hhny. N8"pOl't Beach LI 8-4-420 '112-14' Kappy Homa -.. 1825 '02-ll' Aljoe 1 bdrm ......... J 125 'M--115' Pu A1n.rtcan __ 8 peelal ·~· Parunount ---A Buy . ..._,., Terry ···-·-·-We'll De-.J. PAN AKJ:IUCAN * Star Fleet * 30 ft. cualtm\ built -llv. rm , dl.nella, kit •• bath. bdrm. F'Vm· tatted completely, Incl 17" TV. china. euUnMll, etc. CABA:"J A 8 x JO. comp!. furn. ALSO palln l"Umlturt. Nnv t2 ft. Wlaa.rt1 7~ hp. &Y1nn.ade mtr. 8H al l.ot •• M~wport Munlct,.l Tr&ller Park. Har. 0821·1\.. .... Parutoaat-KaMdll TN,.,_ 1Wr7 ~ ... .,.. ,..., 'f llllka IMto Wtllo .,.. retJJy *ldllC .. WJ. WTOOW WAN'N TO L£A81: Ult furn. ht floor duplex or a pt. It amall pa tio on nr before Oe\ 1 In Nnrvort Hi&t(l'lta or corona t1~1 Mar. :-Jo ehlldrtn or pate Har. 404ol· W. t &ct'l WANT YJU.T. RENTAL. 2 tr I bdrm. hoUM nHr no""h 817 oe Balbo• lll&nd, or will buy. Wntl to Box 33. lhl1 paper. t &c9'l Wl!l Nl!:E() RJ:NTALS-.-Urnlalt' ed or unfurnl•h"ll In Harbo1 area, for Ute winter Ru ~Ju Har. '&tMI Nttr '8-Ait!= a Bow for._, a-Arte= a...__ for But ~a Otnw a aee1 r..eate lcoRONA a aee.tbw.e ~ lllOl'PD l'AM;toe of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E I WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, t9H . Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31.st St., Npt. Bch. onms DeUchttul Uvi.DJ. Apt.-Cabenu, UtillUee paid. wt th Yacht allp accomodatlon.e. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. J'o,r appt. or reeenatkm, Call Bar. 2992. Mttc Rentals Wanted w ..... ._ ... .._ .. .. ....... ,..~ ..... ... ~·---JVL Cll'~ JI ,_ ..... .....-q, ..... t.oda7 The Vogel Co. 2 BEDRM. rum. Duplu. 1 blk .8&)', turnace tMat. watu • p.a pd. M& mo. on lea.M. 262t Bu.view Har. 18U·J. 83c95 ATl'RACT'IVE oc1&11 view 1 bdrm. apt., partially tum. Suitable for couple. S76 mo. yrly. 9M W. 18th. Coeta Meu. Call 8 to II, Ha.r. 10. 80tto orncz roR RDrT Clvto Center LocaUon. ll 'X2''· seo. per month. CHAIU.E." E . HA.RT, Realtor 3420 W. Balboa Blvd., Npt. Bch. tle6 NEW, SMAR'n. T J'URNIBBmI) otttce 8J>&Ce. 1999 Harbor, Coeta Meu. Llbart.v 1·3333. 9't.fc DESK SPA.Cl: with phone INll'Yice $30 mo. G07 Ill. Baltx. Blvd., Balboa. Phone iuuwerlnc eemce al.lo available. Har. seoe. Nttc FOR RENT -Fuml.ahed office In ....oclatlon with an attorney. Tax eXpert pr.terred. lt12 W . Cout Hlrhway, Newport Bea.ch, Calif. LI 8~102. 18tfc 54-BalDeee Op~rtmaltlee OPPORTUNITY Thrivlnr houaecleanloK' bu.alneu. DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE • ATTRACTIVE CORNER DUPLEX F.acb unit hu 2 bedrooma, fireplace, # 1 bedroom large, breakf ut area, handy kitchen, tile ainb, tile in bat.ha, cedar roof, garage Ii laundry, beauti- ful yard. #1 unit leued at $90 per month, #2 unit rented month -to -month at ~-A very good VALUE at $22,500 ,....-4 ~ % FHA Loan. Ide&! for home It Income or Income. THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E . Cout Hy., Corona del Mar. Har 17·U Har. H77 (Cloeed Sun. during August) OPEN-NEW 123 Via G~noa 1 to 5 daily LIDO LIDO LIDO BARGAIN HUNTER'S -YACHTSMEN LIVE LIKE A MILLIONAIRE ON A SCOTSMAN'S BUDGET! BAYFRONT Full Price! Lido Peninsula for only $4500! ! 35' Kit Regal Imperial Custom built mobile home. UOl W. Olt. llW)i,. Hewpon Bcb. ~ UWt;J I-Mil IOI KaitM, llan.o. Ialud Pba99 ......... BAY vn:w apl on Lido Pe.oln· Qpportunlty to make good mon· 11Ula. N • w an.d attractive, ey tor rt1ht party. Make offer CUSTOM BUU..T 3 huge bedrms. 2 baths on a 70' tree lined 1treet. Gorgeous kitchen with built in Tbermador, diahwuher and garbage disposal. 3 car garage. Large dining area. South patio. Nylon viaco.e carpeting. Al! included at: Why pay $50,000 to $60,000 for a Lido Bayfront when you can have this luxury living for $100 per month, with your yacht right out in front. IMT &. Cout B;r,. c.or.iea del Mar PlloDe ~ l'TU Udo 0Moe. NII V1& Udo llartlor "11 UU. arrmED worn• wante IDlf\u'n. nna1l -.... b;r Oct. 18. QUtet n.a,1lborbood wtthln 6 blk.L of POlt Ottl-. $66. Permanent. Rctenncee. Write P. O. Box 12, Corona 4el Kar. MpM TWO Becbelor -eC\IUvu dMINi monUlty or JMl'IJ leue from hpL on I or I bdrm. houee. Prefenhly beach tront. dlb. pr. _,.,.. Bos P 11 c/o tht. pa~r. 8•p98 RENTAL { SPECIALISTS C&U Eda& C!'aic Blanche Gates, Rltr. 111 Ma.rine An. IN.Ibo& lal&nd, Bar. 11'71 Tftle AV All.A Bl.JI: SEPT. 10 to June 1, turnl.lned cuut cottac•. Prtv. paUo. 16(), month. 814119 Beconl• paneled llvtnc room, bdwd nn., _to_Bo_x_H_·_9'_._th111 __ pa_~_r._a_e_u_c 2 bdrm• .. breakfut bar. Untum. ••cept tor o-atove and refrlg. ror yrly leue 1126 mo. ffa.r. 27M uk for Mr BuUer. 83ltc UNJ'UR.N. 1 bdrm. apt. Qulet- NewJM>rt Beach. CIOM to Lido llbopp!JIC. Adult.a only, Yearly leue JM ~r mo. Owner Llberty 1·11168. 93c96 CHINA COVE, Bayfront furniahed apt. Opena on laJ'l'e, Mcluded p&Uo tltteen ffft from hlfh Ude. Fumr.•· •tora&'e. &'A.rec• and phon . Av&11able for 1-or wtnter rental. Le... S126 per mo. l:1tce1lent value. Ph. HY;itt 4·2208. 83trc '8-B--110.-. for Beat Dress Shop $3900 HandlH Box 351 Laruna Beach Uc2h NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL Neitt to cor. ltth A Placentia, 1n Co.ta .Meaa. 2 bedroom home, excellent condition. Phla • nna11 •to"' tn ne.r. Plenty pe.rtc:tnc • room for upanaton. Immediate poeeeesion. For Ml• or trade. call OWller LI 8.ftn momlnp or attrr II p. m. tlt1c $37,500 Terms DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har. 4718 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach ._..---------~--SUBDIVISIONS One lf ouse or 100 We handle 70\lr aalu, ucrowa, V. A. • F . B. A. proceast.n&. SN ua before you make a deal. P. 0 . BOit m , Balboa Ialand. 86c9t COST A tvfESA Bargain NEW 3 Bd. Home, $91500. UlGO down. Balsnce 162 per mo .. Inc. Int., prlnc1pal and Laxea. Drive by 1033 Continental, In F~dum Homu tract. Then c:>me In and cloee Ole dea.I. BALBOA IILA.ND. Oct. to June. Ocean Front CHILDRJ:NS CLO'nUNO SHOP. Will aell a t 111ve11tory about 81-Beal Eltat.e Ex.change J'Um, I bednn. 2 batha, Bay J'ront. Oar&&e, No pet1. For app't Har. lttO·M. 93tfc 13000. 1810 C, Newport Blv•. Cln &.re&de), C<*& K-. llOpeT BALBOA. wt.at.er rentab, 2 bdrm. _~ __ M_on_e ... z_t.o __ Lou _____ _ f\lm. hoU1e A 1 bednn. fum. du· NO C0'-6'6'TCl!CllJON plex . .oe H&rdln « A 4.111 1,\ E . ~ Bay. C1.IJ collect AX 1-9~T. No Appra.laal Fee ilpll8 BALES -RJ:FINANCID Riverside County 2 B. R. In hou•r. rxlra B. R. ad· Joining-1 ~ lxllha. Putly fur. Inc. carpet.a, dr•Jl4!11 ud cur· tlllns -Can get b&nk lo11n or $UOO FULL PRIC E $18.~ CLYDE MEYER Harbor 1671 or Har. 2525 P S: 35' LlDo Bayfront Lot, pier It slip $30.000 51' lot on Yella at $15,500. Both under market. 93c95 WANTED A RETIRED COUPL.E LIVI': ON BEAUTIFUL MARI· OOLD AVE. JN CORONA DEL MAR AND HAVE~ INCOME TOO. Ntver bf-tore hsvr we otte~d euch a delightful 2 bel.lroom homl' on lhle tine.et comer lucaUQn. Y ou wlll be &ma.zi>tl al t.he well de· s1g11ed, large o.nd aunny-brlght rooms. It al~ has an attnrllve tlreplare. dining mom And a KILlaxy ''' fraturf11 lhlll wlll pleu e t he mosl diacrlmllmllng buyer. JN AOOITJ0:-1 . It hu a darling 1 bdrm. 1;1pt. O\'t!r "P•· rlou11 2 car rarage. IThe apl. 111 ~nted for 170 mo I TH E MONTHLY f'AYMENTS ON THIS rROPERTY WILL IJE S97.C>O M O .. lO qualiCI~ buyf"r. C'all now for furtht'r delall• on BALBOA• PENINSULA Open H owie Daily 1 -5 p. m. 2038 E . Ocean Blvd. Attractive New 2 B. R. -Den -1~· bat.ha All electric kitchen -$22,500 Open HoUH Daily 1 • 4 p. m. 4°' Belvue Lane 2 B. R. A Den, Large Patio Owner movinJ inland. BALBOA-BAY AVENUE Duplex, 2 B. R. Apt. upatairc, 1 B. R. Apt. dOW!l, Lge rumpua room, complet.e.Jy f\lm, Dbl prap, wonderful rental area. $18,500 -Tenm. Corona del Mar. Hc98 TWO BEDROOM furn hou.e. yrly CONB'l'RUCTIO?i Call for J'ree SALJll OR TR.ADE for beach prop· •ty. eo acre lrrtcated 1tock nneh. 2 ~. Idul tor bor· .... ,..,, catl,\e or llllla.ll com· merd&J herd. lnqu1n &21 Park· m an Lr., IA Canada. pb. By In.a 0-6340. l9cl RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor dn. pml. "'"· NEWPORT BEACH Choice Summ~r Rentala on Balboa btand 6 Udo I.ale lmaD 6 OC1S1 or larf• A deNM IT& 1.o NGO mcmu. VOGEL CO. 2UI M&tt!M An., Balboa 1l1alld Pb. Karbor '4• or Harbor 2151 ~. Har. l'TM·R or Ha.r. l():)t·M Mu. OCEAN P'RONT -8pa.cloWI 1 or 2 bdrm. Slldaeed ,.a., "'Mir llaJJ .-rt. loftl,Y ........ ·~-a.nd winter rentaJa. ... a.t '73M W . ~n Jl'ront, N.wport. Sch. or caU Har. lDl·W •oep\ Man. ,.~"lday. lllpS ROOMS. COTT AGES, A.PTS. DAY OR WEEK THE 8LU£ T OP MOTE4 403 NewJM>rt Blvd., JI.let above The Atthu. T4ttc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR anti one It two bdrm. a pt.a. Short tum and yeuly. Al.80, Udo Homu and S.y Front Kl)mte and apartment.a. LIDO REALTY A.mociatea MOO Via Udfl. Ka.rbor 4U4 Htlc MAN Y ext r ll1>nt w1n tu rmtai. ava llablr. S... Orn• Dayton WALDRON REALTY JOI Marine. B&lboa Ja1and Bal'bor 244 It H.arbor t3'2 Ilk Deluxe Furn. Apts. :>n• • two bdrm., w1th t.i..WO.. A •a.U&bl• tor •umm«r or win· te-r. AL80 yearly 1..- IA 8-rt ot acUvlty -LolJI ot parklfta. OOT I:. ~ Blvd . Balboa Harbor NOi. Mlle Udo Isle OD. and two bdrm. apvtrneota. PUl'ftWMld. Gens• T A11y °" win!.« rwnta.l. Ha.r. M i & tlctH MODERN lw"L apt., pr-.W d.Lsp., 11t1L pd. -adu It., eval I pl)'. f71. Bu. 0886-R t&c97 llA Y FRONT. C&matlon Covt ctuJtla. wtnt.er' or ,._,. Jeue. :I bdrm. Radlut beat. prMp dlep. Hu. UOI tattc ON I: 'BSl)IUl. n1cel)' f\l.na. W1n· ter. Adwt.. Oe.Taa• SllO mo. or winter. t09~-38th St. on Newport lala.nd. Har 1~7-MK. t 3pt & CORONA DEL MAR Partly turn. 2 bdrm. home, ttreplace. patio, den. bar kitchen. pet.ti A child· ftn ok. 1126 rno -8HI Poppy. 113ct & Udo Isle AUO. 27 to tkpL JO. U M>. (a.nd a...U. ..,._ U tor wtat.r 1"6. mo.)S...._ ........... ...__., compl.UIJ' tum. PaUo, ft('9S>L. dbl 1v. 211 VI.a Dtjoa. Barbor t111-W. 90e4 am.TAUi 4 B. R. 2 b&.. tum. bomt , beauUlul patio, avail Sept. l, $200 mo. &Ill: U8 tor Reot.aU -Ba.r. 3808 -GOT Eut Balboa Blvd Balboa. • • tk90 Fut Commitmenta on RMid•ncH and Umu only Don I. Huddleston TRADE OR SELL Cleu lot.a In Jacondldo. Equity In U ' deluxe hoUM trailer, truet d-S., all or eepe.rate tor cl..,. lot., "fllltt·Up house" or what 173 E . 17th St. haYe you, thla area. Ownu, F09ter, 17208 HWI~ Beach 008'T.t. MDA Blvd,, Ocean View. tlpM LI t-~1 LI 1-1642 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WI: BPllCJAI l7JI! JN LOANB 6 J"IM.UfCINO OH HO~ A.uloe. hnlitllN • lalarl• I B!lDROOX. 2 baUaa, pl1111 fam· Uy room (1.llt20). PIUo, 2 ur ,...,_..,, cJoae to ec:taool • 1lDr•. Vahle llt,000. 1'o trade lw IUit.- a.ble nc'I I or ...... ~ erty Ill Barbor ar. or Back Bay. n11 a. a,_... a.at.a One Day Service A.Ji&. Kl r..ntT. tactT Loau t1'lllll S00 to U• °" mON WA.NT '3.000 boaL Ha" lt.&00 equJl)' Ln Sant.a Bartlara Tri· CALIF. ACCEPT .A.NCE plu, a e:xtn lot. Total Ill,• CORPORATION 600 income s~. Box Q 32 e/o U.. Jl&llU· t 5pt7 11191 Barbor BJYd., Coeta ,._. LI S.TT51 -Open Fr1da1'8 UD 8 CORONA DEL M.A.R. WDITER Cloeed 8atllrday.-Uo G Reel i'Atate RENT AL. Furn. O·rm. hou.e. ~. ~~.J~pt. 111 to Jun:.~ LOANS for Homes 00 YOU WAN'r M ·l for your b~r Do. your Wile want a P"llY Uttle bo~ With It~ ! Tben "" lhla l 10 n. fronL It.a a atea.l at 111.llOO. Cllll ~ R4ch1, Harbor 6166. 96ttc LEA8E. NEW modem 3 bdrm., 2 bath unfum. home. &•l nelfh· borhood. 1 blk. to beach. UGO per mo by y•r A vall. Sept lit Adult•. no Pf'U. R.efertncn nqutred Owner. H•r 3!128-M. 3130 Seavlew A v*. Corona (!el Mar. e•ci OCEAN FRONT I BJCDRM., wtturnlahed with IS•· retn.netor. r&J\l'W. &'Ubace dta· ~ 2 14 bath 12 moe. leaM 1100 per mo. 8708 w. Ocean Jl'ront 96pH LIDO 181..1:, wtntl'r renta l. Three bedroom, 2 beth home C.rpeta, dra~ e.lect. stove It refrtr . tum. Uberl.f 1-2171 96c:I THREE It FOUR BDRM homl'll, 5396 down. ba.l. 1-than r f nt Oolnf fut. hurry' W A. T081A8. Rultor 400 I: 17th St . ~ta Mna Uberty 1-llH J'OR LE.AU TWO BEAUTITUL new Imat Terrace UJl!urn. view tiomu. I BDRKS .. 2 bat.hi and 2 BEDRll.9., 2 llat.ba. CaU Harbor ITT~ or Harbor 4'48 EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor lntne Ttrrace Otflce Corona del Har. 33U'c FURN. 2 blctrm. bome, by mo. or JTly. CJance. Avail. Sept 10 JllT W. Bay, Newport, H..-bor a.. before noon. 17tlc .,. -IO yr. L.-M CoMtruction Loans m BOB &A'!"l't.a •U &Aft OOAft BLVD. eon.a del Mar a...nc. .... ...,. PODUll& MORTOAQll 00. ...... Life 1-. ~ a. MW MUe REAL EST.uE LOANS w.re.t Rate ~'7'J ~ Real Value HOMJC. 2 bdrm. • eonverUble den. 2 bat.ha. fol"CM atr bea.L One A ~ yn1. o.ld. Very modem ranch type ehe.ke root, 'J)f'rfect con.dlUon. vacant. qwck ~ 8'oft. cut lo u e.aoo t or quick -.le. .Att racun termL Open 1 to 6 UOT le.At.a Ana Ave.. Coet.a M- 01' call Own•. H~r teeie.-W. 83c.98 Loa.Ila qulc:&.lJ made I.A UM 8&1 A.rta and eo.ta M-. B~le or mulUple !ID.It.a. New or old. Be wt. &nd •n by re-nne..m111 7our ~t loaA. MJIWnum a · ------------~ No clll&rs• tor pni&ams· View Lot Mr/ •ppraa.l. PboDe laata AA& IClmMrlJ' M.U or wrtt.e ARTHUR A. JU. Y Mortpse 1.-n ODCI ., aadmt Occldental Ute~ Co. 83S 8ootJJ M&IJI 8allta AM ,, LOA.N 8 TO BUU..O. OllPROVJ: IJUT, MODl:RNIZ&, OR lllCl"Il'fA.NCZ We Buy TnLlt Deedl N'SWPORT BALDO A 8.A VDfG8 A LOAN ASSOCl.A 'nON IHI Via Lido. Ph. Bu. UOO . .,. 5'7---r.tate w..w Listings Wanted on Bluff. 1lA&Hhola1 118 teel frontac•· No. 302 KJn&'• R-09d. Wut of Pink HOUH. Owner W. E. Tm.Eyr k, •<H 1 Padflc A Vt , Loq »each. Tele11bone Lon« BMc.h ...eoee or 886-288. ~pll DO yo11 rMlly W'lllt a BlJ\ .. f 7 Malt• offer. URGF.1'1T. MUST 8&U.. beauUtul BAck. Bey nearly nf!w •hue m<Jf f&rm hoUH, s bdrm• . :I bath• Olorl- OWI forevtt •I.-ot Bay and mounLaJna. Har 0104. 91)lf ~~~~~~~~--~~ Best Buy in Town 3411 Ntwport Blvd , Nwpt. B<'h Harbor 40: 80l!c 80" FRONT AOE oo Balboa Blv'd to e.lley-7 rental Income unit.II and 4 double garagu In L 1hapco -mudl lol area unimproved - rood ln appurance-atlr•rllve u an IJ'lvatmenl-prlr ... parU· C\11"'11 anl1 lt'mll Rt our ottlce. CORONA DEL MAR comu lot W1Ul two lnootlle u.nU.1 on rl'.ar ....... at 11.a Prieed at 110.IOO How about lh&t ! Wll MA VE REVERA L •tahllehl'd pro!llable b1111ln~ea In lht lf&r· bor a r.-tor M lf, llon'l f11ll lo tnv~Uptt" brforr you buy t.EE CASEY Ofl'FICF: 21i1 E. Cout Hlfbway. Coron11 ~I Ma.r Harbor 01148 91k'll7 ------------4 Acres-$4500 Acre 8.IZE 284x64W R-• z.,,n,. o n Wtl· 110n lit. at .Harbor Blvd A REAL VALUE JN EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN Btllrr t all u11 r ll:'ht now t1.nrl ar- ran;:t an •PJll to IMJ><•C't th111 •'harmlnK :1 b<ln11 2 beth home l•><'lll <'tl •Ill t"Xrh1111ve Kings Road. Thi• top v11h1 .. h<1m" la juA~ .I yr. nld 11nd hu w tn w carpet lnvt>ly •lrllpell, f 11 he .. u n" •Y•· trm. owner .. Y• MU, llO, we h•Ye prtc..S IL at brlnw today'• ~pl•<'• ment Ci>411 Y~1 can .ub· mlt t«rTrul '"''· FAST GROWING E . 17th Rt SINF.,.c;.<; PROPt::RTY Thi-m1~1\\ be your l<l't r han• r In buv 11n ""'""Jll1nn1<lly R"'"t bua1 nu• lot, .nnt l1 ·2 100 11 300 fnr nnlv Ui 600. t'•ll WI now f llr th@ location. CalJ Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick 10 acres-$5500 acre RE.ALTOM M ·l ZONE on ma in lh<>ro!are. R R11yf,..(' Trllvl• c . RUM . A~ BOTK OF THESE PARCELS a.re chea~r than clln • Act now-! 31l )fllr1ne Avf" -Balb()a .lllland Tomorrow I• another !lo• 1.nd •not h,., pt'ic«>' RUSS FORD 1600 W Cout H.,.,<V. Nf'Wl'Orl Bc-h t..Iberty 8~141 E •'M. LJ 8-36~ CORONA DEL MAR Channln1t 2 b r , provlnt 1&I. room for 11ml. d DM In rnkt.N amt lnu111p R·J U 2 llOO 93<-911 CORONA HIGHLANDS Costa Mesa z 1> r family lcltrhen ani1 dlnln& room, t1>rr1flc ,.,._..plnit \'l- 127 M)I) How Can You Miss u oo THJS CHARMJ.NC h.,me on 1 .. nJ· 3 b,.. ru111p1111 rm f11n11h· twmf . eca~ a fenced 6(1 x 130 lut 2 l•rn flr llfll lll -;-n Int S:l7 000 bdrm• o:-;LY $H~O with 1r rn11 Balboa :l l1 r <.11n nn fully carpetl'll Cabulou1 kit . lop lorttlon U71Ll\U Two ~ Front Iota z.,nf'd fo r BA YSHORES dupln •• I~ """h 2 b r , PLt ·~ ,.,.,. unit. knotty Coast Properties 30 1 It. Ba.lboa B{vd. B&.ltwla Harbor 26&8, 2.1191 and 4800 p1n• Int , 2 p.l lOll. bktal bar '22,!IOo Cute 2 B. Ri home -cood loeat.lon. Cloee to .wtiD- ming, stores Ir transportation. One bedroom ftl')' large with lot.a ot wardrobe apau, l 'h bat.ha -on R-2 lot. -$11,500 -Term.a. BAY & BEACH REAL TY 14:)0 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor UM Looking for A Buyer For Your Home? What 1.a. a RJcht Pricer Where can You find a buyer! How much can the buyer pay down! la a new mortgage neoeasary ! How 1s the buye:r coing to pay ~ difference! Turn your prob~ms over Jo a REALTOR -the man who hae made real eeta.te bl.a fulltime pro- reaaion. Both Buyer and Seller abould aecure the readily nvallable coWUlel of the penion best qual.lfled to M'r\le -the: J)er"llOn qualified to uae the profeeek>n&l t1Ue. "Realtor ." NewpOrt Harbor Board of Realtors .f 10 • 32nd St. Newport &acb Upper Bay lGl • 22nd Street Open Daily 1 to 5 p m. \·cry modern 3 bedroom 2 bath new home. Ready for immediate occupancy. Large Jot 60x330 wttJI c1lnu1 treee. • $21,500 with $-4500 down W tll cons1du trade on vacant property or boat. Your hoatea: Fay Todd DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Claire Van Horn I REALTOR 2602 Npl. Blvd. Newport Beach 2i3 1 W 1·,.ut llwy t..J 8-4217 ------------------------- Har. 4718 FIRST SHO\VING Little Island REAL VALUES 2 3 B. P. HOME on ~w.l St • d 11P<1 ba lhl. f " fum111 "· 111 m 111h,..d, tu :-O:t wport Blvtl. Lot ••'fA' 1()(lx ln<'hnlln1t 2 ll"'lt 111 .c11,.~t 11r t 12:\. Thi• •• • real buy ror only ' I Balboa Bay Front Open House I ·II ~•l. 4 Sun tun w Rav Bayshores Open House I II 11...___ 1'...,ort. tSttc It 8aow for Rat THJ8 H.Aa BEmN A OOOD Ym.ut MOit of our f ood u.tinp are eoJd. We nMd Iota ln a.ll MC· tlou, A.lao homH ot sO()d Y&J\.19, 01•• u a tr1al, elt.htt ncluell'e or multJpi. ........_ W1I orr IUll8t1t.ft. S B. R... 1tucco, double p.rage, nice fireplace, la.rre comrr lot. C&T· pet.Ii, drape.. mirror. ra.n~. r"tr. • W. M. lnclu.drd-Plu.t bai'helor apL over P"'I'•· I leu l'd a t 100 mo.) Nicely located only 100 tt. tl"ona ti..y. A.JI UU. for only SiOOO dn.. Bomrr E. Shaltr, R,.&Jtor ~ H O Eve Har. l 137·M f11rnlaht1I, SllOOO fin SllOOO Euv Lerma Waldron Realty Bus iness Property .') Bdrm• 3 balh8 ~auutully turn w I l h ti1111rl • hl'IC.kl"d llr•J>''• W W 1~1'f"'I". J.if'llllPV 11h11 ll"rt1 lhni • oul It la 11 1!r,.am com• trur 1( you 11r• 1.,o kln1t for Early Amr r dttor 2 r11t1<111. BBQ "'•t h f'I.-. 11p1t pl!"r llnd •llp :l • •r ~sr wtlh JlArlcrnac •r11rr lt'•lnr- S..L 6 SWl. 2() 11 l 're•lVl•W COIWMA. Dl:L KAR Attr. 2 bdrm. ap~ pr .• uto WUll•r. yearty I-. -f' ftaM II IOJ.1.ll. NetT hriUf. 1 BORK. APT.. sT'01md t1oclr, 181 IDO. ~ 9UL .t.d\IJU, DO pet.L Lotldea Apta., canauciri ,,... ._ ..... , C .D.11. Ku. 60M. tapeT l'tiiX 1 m>IUI. .A.PT. If ..-port ..... Oc:we to Udo ebopplq. ,...,.. ,__ • p.r mo. to ,... 1111 sOh ~Cd OWllfl' LI ....... .., SIP'I'. 1. ..., I bctra. ._ nnt .. dlilDMil • -~ "...,._.,........._.p&Uo I06 Mal ft. -· .....,,, lfpt. 8dL .., Wft,N. 1 8DftK. Alt-Ill ... .... Qm,u dill Mar. ...., BALBOA JllLIJfD tura.. I lldn1. apt.. f!Npl., y\eoW, llept. I to Jwte lit.II. HO mo. Ru. M2-M. llk:t7 ROOM tor worklnl man. Hot and ooAd watu ill room. Pvt. en· tr&Me 18 per -k. 12S-nt.h Bl NrtrpOrt. ppttc I .._.. or omc.e, one UdO: One 12da. Low nnt. 8wtable tor re- tau bUlltn ... or ottlce. llOT IC. 8&UMaa BlYd.. Har. ~. Mtfc UDO ornca aP.ACJ: -Wtu llllMlt .,._ ftlt&b&e tor &tt.or· ..,., .......... etc. Approa. 16&10 la elboppi.n. ArM on Via Udo. C&ll Don Cole ...,_. oely, Har • .a!O. 6tde Modem Store roR R&1ft'. •11 p.r mo. Pu1dnS fad.UU•, toned &tr lil•t. iru!t· •ble, ~ r'Ml ..tau. rtfla etc. lbqu1re tOt S . l!llaJboa Blvd. ~ IO'TO. tlltlc N.B.C. Real+v Co. llDd • :K..pun ~.-&,,,;;. ... Rw, 6111 fl' MOf c:LOlla m. a ~ kit a 01Dnma cMI Mar. AlAO ..n lnooaMI ,..... "· ae... 4*0I mad prtee -~.llln. ........ ......,, tn' W. Verd\Co A.ft. Bm11uk. Tllonnrall 8-0lll. •IJ*I II' YOU JC'l:JCD CAAJI A .... a ,_, bupla .. a t.brM bedroom boa.. rra BOLD. Oo.t.a x .. or Ma.port a.p .. ~Ho ..-1.&. Wrtte Dom ().I(), Ud.I ...... llaee& WAN?' WATEJU"ROl'ft' M·1 - Newport. cnent WlltttftS. Wbat hue you T R.-~ Realtor. Jlart)or 81N. ttttc LIDO lSLE Choice aa· lot , IUt end ot t"hu1d 110.600. 2 bdrm. home. •l'"t to atl"M't. 821,600. Ha.r. t 123. HJ)M l'7t60 Olf -. 4CRIC N-I bdrm. bouM. b.a.rdwood noore. 213 .A~ St., Coeta )Cua. Ph L1bertJ I · 7907. Tlttc 1Ac'una Va"- Ocea.n Ylew Lot• 1---'0sllO, bolll ,. -··· -lllOO l~ Ill-IL ------~ 1-L&cunlta ucil.llllYI -· -· 17600 AD~ IPU:M, RE.ALTOR P'raak "· llW Ff'lndl BtmSe Harbor MN KY .-aon. tTpl KA.VS nig I n:NJ;ST COMtrvat· eel .c.or. l1I lM ~ Ana. 129.llOO, ~ ~. Wbat ban 1""J T a. Radle. H~ Stat. Mttc Ir ASSOCIATEg 3f>8 i\tll r1nt U.lboa l•IRn.t HarbOT 23• It 4392 P~p VAC ANT. lmm~late poN~u1011 Owner ltavlnr; •l•lt Brant! nt"w t bdrm .. 2 bath home. W lo \\' l'arptl. lhorourhlv mod~nl. f'>•n be ~ any time. Only 112 750, tenna. • 338 R.monll Pl . Cost11 M•L Juat off S..nta An11 St If you •r" lunk lnit for & bu11ln•"" l<N 11tlon and hvrn e. don't foll to ,,.,, Lh1~ one. :10><32 bUMlllt'MAI hlllg In fr ont "'1th 2 B. R Ir l.1~• dt'n Ir thl' rPa r l"'l 11~· ~.4111:1:'1 1..-t 11io 11hnw y11u lhlio nn .. t 0<111.\· E Z trrm• B. A. NERESON RF:At.TOR b«.,.. tOUI It llllh or phon" 11182 Newport Rlv1I CO'lla M• All day or ntshl. LI 8·71178. it4r96 Ll 8·18i 2 !o~vp1 Lf 8-412() A-lctnt 170(>')() fiho.,. n •nvt1rn• by appoint "'""' Thill h <>Ullf' WO deAl(lll!d a.nd built tnr ""Y Mt! sn.ctou• livlnt v.: W t l.Jf\f'l.I, draper! .. '""' H,.1nlr y Ahllt lf'rl lhru-OUL Th• • u<olt:1m • n1•d" •ppolllt • m rri111 ar<' In r1n-ellf'nl ta.1•. 2 ,,.,,,,,., b,.1111111111 planunr•. ..1,.,. kit 1 hl"ll ·""t over-prll'e<'I, ~1111"' n 1111vum.. hv appoint. m~nt LIDO l~l..f•: ('ornn lot , i::i1)P('i11 I pr1('r J 2.1)()() --L~E GEM OJ':E H UNORll:D rr on E 17th BA y & BEACH REAL TY-lido Office i ~ ~ J..I S t. Coeta M,.AA Propert \' will Entfl"' Tudor t'Otl&(e 8 0. of r*nt while waHlnK f\ltur~ b1u1-1 31 12 Lafayette. Newport Har. 3&43 Har, 2999 Eve.. Ulvd., Cm-on& d•l Mar. Oldtr neN developml!nl. $1 2,~ hand· ------ but ,,.,.at ('t\ann, H u It. 1... F'or turthl'T df'tall1 C"•ll l "T.W PORT HF:JCHT'R. b\' own.,. I C:I R!';flA l~l: lovely a bdrel, I a~ lJ•.-dtnln( area. Won· Har. 2042. 2 '• b.ith11 '""r"d, pauo, lnftllat• derlul for Wlt•rUJIWlc. 2 Ftan.k Jam-Unwrl()(I Vick Xlnt. vaJut-, bdrm wllh •lra ed fl'• or\ Ealhet> at . ,_, Bdrm.I,, dm, 2 (i l"tpiacetl, 11 1112 Marin•, Balboll flland rm. oft rar • WW. ~arpt,t. dll• Tll•lln Av• 114.960 "'""9. charmtr •l IJl.600. Euy 93ct!I poeal. d1ahmu tu, 220 wlrt~. OFtANOI: COAST i....... lladu.elve ac-t. P'ORD I thennoelat control heal. F'ull PROPIQlTIU vw.J:NDZR. Harbor 4263 -caJl Harbor 1811 lo p1e.ce J'OW' price 110.IOO W!UI 17&00 loan. l~T Newport. OolllA .._ ...._ HTT. ,.t3tfc Ad on thla pap. 1143 8-t.a Ana, LI a.JOU. NetT U l-1&31 ~ U ..... \ ~ ·- OOAJl'l'AL SllOPIT& Edltio• of D-8-1 'r..w. ft;--~-~-·------~:.!P~•!!..' _!l'A!•!!•L---~·!!;:=•!•!!..' ,!ll!ltr!!'r!_ ___ _ PA6E 6. PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PREss,--------- WEONESDAY. AUGUST 24, 1955 0 PEN DA IL Y-10 a. m. to 7 p. m. a •••r..tatie LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Your opportunity to purchue, probably the beat buy on Udo W /A. pier It aUp la u cloee u your phone. We will give full detail• over the phone and ehow any time. LIDO ISLE A little MORE for your money ~ban the uaual three bedroom two bath home on Lido. Thia furnished two year old home ia ready to move into. The price $28,500, with tel"DUI available. NICE LOW PRICE For the neateat, c1eanest 2 B. -R. home on Lido for $21,500 -Lovely patio -flowere kept in perfect condition by owners. Only $7000 down -and you 11,re in. BAY FRONT LOT On Udo Soud 4:S ft. frontage. Priced to sell at $39,500 Plana included. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eve11. Har. 2191-M Har~ 1380 or LI 8-5297 BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT Five bedrma. . Private pier .. . Three bedrooms & den . Private pier Three bedrooms Private pier .... Four bedrooms & den ............. ·-······· • • • • TWO UNITS . $65,000 .. 60.000 -57,500 40,000 Thr~ bedroom house Ir apt. ................ $30,000 Two bedroom houae & apt .......... : ... -........ . . 23,000 Two bedroom houae A apt. ····-······ ............... 19,000 • • • • Four bedrooma, 3 balha . ···-·-----·-·--·-··· . $39,500 ThrM bedrooa:ia ............... modem .............. _ 26.!500 Three bedroom. ............ all electric .............. 22.500 Two bedroom. . .... ..... knotty pine .. .......... 18, 750 Two bedroorm . . ..... --modem .... . .. 16.950 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Aasoclate1 Park At Marine. Balboa bland Harbor 24&2 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * I t 1-Among11t t he treea on Excluaive AlllO, thi1 furnished older home t. cute u can be. Nicely fumi11.hed and clean u a whbtle. $10,750 with only $2000 down. Better hurry on thit! one. Evening• Liberty 8-3186 (2)-Vlew home on Clift Drive. Two bedroom and paneled den. 2 baths, lovely kitchen with built· in atove and oven. ra.iaed fireplace, large living room, covered patio. View of the entire Harbor 11.reR. $~ will handle. Not a leuehold F.venang& call Harbor 3589-J GREENLEAF -SEVERTS REAL rY 1 Inc. Harbor 2552 3112 Newport Bl.. Newport 25 YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION , CONTEST HOMES HARBOR.· ESTATES NEW 3 and 4 Bedroom Homes -With 2 Bathrooms S 3 7 5 · down S69 a month. inc. int. I S9375 FULL PRICE -tt Paved-Curbed-Streets -tt Large Lots "tr Sewen1 in and Paid "tr Garbage Disposals "tr Aluminum-Sliding-Windows Colored-Rock-Roof "tr Natural Ash Cabinets "tr Many othet' Desirable Features Drive north on Harbor Blvd., tum left on 19th St. 3 blocks to Meyer place. We'll. be happy to ahow you the outstanding value of Orange County -but HURRY! More than b&lf .old now! W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor Exclusive Agent 400.E. 17th St., Coata Mesa L~rty 8-1139 *SEE BEFORE YOU BUY!* BALBOA ISLAND WATERFRONT WATERFRONT w/pier & float 2 two-bdrm. homea, completely furn. ShoW11 good income for summer le winter -come in for detaHa. Owner wants to deal. Attractive 2 bdrm. home w/lge. patio. Nr. mlct. A: City Hall. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION. 3405 Findley St., Newport Beach. OCEANFRONT PENINSULA POINT BRAND NEW 4 Bdnna., 3 bathe, magnificent view of ocean, bay, and jetty entrance. Completely furnished, lge. Jot. ONLY $29,500. HURRY ON THIS ! 2 Bdrm home on lge. R-2 lot. rm. for another unit, leu than blk. to ocean, close to transportation . OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION 10 L m. to 7 p. m. 117 • 47th St., Newport Beach BALBOA BALBOA COTT AGE 3 B. R., 2 bath home on extra large lot. Beautiful, 1pacioua patio with BBQ, plenty of room for swim· ming pool, Bay and Ocean View. Price, completely furniabed i1 $32,500, 1ubmit t.erma. On lge. lot, rm. for anoth~r unit. OWNER SAYS SELL! Let'1 try $8750 with S2500 dn. OCEANVIEW • Bdrm. 1 :l bathe. lge. lot, lge. patio with wading pool. Full price $15,:500. Good t.erma. J. M. MILLER CO. 3025 W. Balboa Blvd. Cliff Haven A Million Light. Cit.ten llkl' diamond.a t l"'Om lhl• modnn Vh•w home ot many window• 'rll' Harbor Ill al ynur fttl tmm tl\U t>.auurul n••rly new ll bdrm. and tually room, 2 ~th luxury hom• wtlh extral 1t•lore, Incl. ltlllhwaaher. blt .-ln i:-an~• and ov•n. switehN pr1val11 aftl<'• or woTk9hop In extra IArJA JArare. • , lt )'OU w•nt the tlnHt In loc:a tJon and <'orutructlon call ua ta -t.1111 n qu1•1t• home ... h4.llOO tull pMNI • • • • • • Newport Heights Two Top Valuea No l I bdrm -tuD bath - Mwd. noon1 -t1repl.M!f' - thermo cont.rolled rn"1ty t'l.lm· ar t1 !114'pa.rale 2 u r prac• In llle "Ht'lirhl•" moet dulr· able nt"iirhbortlood •.. '13 000 f•1ll prh'" S2.&00 dn and a 01 • ...., loa.n . . Near the Newport Pier ''C'' '1110MAS "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS INCOME Corona ~1 Mar'• finMt combination commercial and residential fronting on Cout Highway located in the heart of the City. Pride of ownership and &Mured income may be yoW"9 to come. Pleue call for price and term.a. BAYSHORES NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING ! Exceptionally nice 3 bedroom, 1 % bath completely FURNISHED home. Jut the perfect home for year a.round liv- ing, nice large pa.tio, din. room, lge. kitchen. fire- place, w to w carpeting, in exceptionally fine con- dition. ASKING PRICE $22,000-Terma. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M27 N o 2 'T'wo l>Nlroom lov~ly w llh "C'' THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS 'IC'' THOMAS •~P•,..l@ .(llt•I hoUM IHld rn· vat, ti.th In back ......... 11 to --------------------· wall f'&J"J)4'tll\r; and f'lltnu P · •or~ A No V>OK AT THts -'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' jWOl I l ~ !town &nd C>Wnf'T Wiii <'&IT)' ti..tan" at 140~ lha.n Nice 2 Br. home Hwd. n oon plut.ered walla. ,._,,l ! ! Hurry on lhl• ane' ' ' • • • • • atucco exterior, dbl. garage, Jot 60x125 aewer in 6 Harbor 4091 93c96 ocean front 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 BDRM. tum.lahed beach cottace. All 11a.u front. Good IOt'•llon .. Belt '9wtmmln1 It lrW'f tllhlnf . S12,450 305 34th St. Hom• A IM'· apt. tumlalled. NMr &r • Beech, dlMry kttcllen• llle. a~-tor tuclulJ.u • batronlu. II x 12 worlcahop plu.e Jaundry rm. CoN Jder J l500 dn., w111 trade up or d.n. or l&lle TO' a. baatt at Mlboe 212 E. Balboa Blvd. N-duplu. 2-J B.R. Urllu ,, rtr.pLa.c-. D~ Fam, up- per unit waU t.o ..it carpeted. lvp 1n111 deck, n-ly tumlehad. n&,000--17.&oO down. SOLD , pe.Jd. $7500 with $2000 down le b&J. $:50 per month. A REAL BUY. 3 Bedro~m 2 Bath Ranch Style Homes Bay & Beach Realty oc-.n fr'Ont 3705 Seashore Dr. IRVINE & CABRILLO -COSTA MESA 1584 to 1650 aquare feet of luxariou1 living. Large garages-Hca,·y shake roofs. Natural wood kit- chen cabinets. Built-in rangee-Garbage dispo8('r. WA ii safe -Oothe. hamper -Forced air hf'at - City 11ewera -Distinctive de111gn1 -Cloi.e to l!r hoola and 11hopping. Sl9.650 to $21,750 Tract office -lrvine and Cabnllo Harbor 41M 93p95 S S Have Beach Claustrophobia S S SHUDDER! Then see thia 3 bdrm. 2 bath Lido Isle home. All room11 ao large they aay ''WELCOME STRANGER" $35,000. Tenn.a. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & · Insur. 2321 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8-7582 6 Har. 221 SS SS 93c95 v v Corona del Mar DUPLEX So of Highway Only 1 block to ocean and beach. Front Wlit bu 3 bdnna., 2 bath PLUS lrtudio apL R-2 aone. Paved patio, dbl. ,.,.., and only $17,!l()(). Better bWTJ on th• one I lfJ98 ~ewpc>rt Blvd r 11 .. 1a M~M. ("a.lit U 11·1 Hll J':n.1. U A·3010 Ll 1-7221 Ocean View Home NEWPORT KEJOHT'S Thia 11 Ont of the ~ locet.ed, bN1t built homu In the Helftlta. Hu 2 Mmua. It den, flreplac•. bouun11 pau a. lllJ'l'4! 111.ldl.nr ir;la.u doon1 w I w C&TJ>f'la. dnii-. l ~ balh. Owlar wlll ,,..de tor llm&Il• hom• "' ame .,... .. 2 Brdm. Npt. Hts. DUPLEX l Br. each aide, dble. ga.ra~e. good eut. side location. $9800 with tenna. Neat and clean, amali 3 Br. home on 'ri acre, ideal place for hor.ea, pet.a, etc. S9200 with $2000 down. l Br, home 121 :: yr.) fireplace. large lritcheo, dble. garage, $10,700 Mlh terms. Residential lot.a 66x200 .•. $19~ with $600 down. OFFICE -Rental (small) on Newport Blvd., $.'50. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCa.rdle 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Meea.. LI ~1801 Thi• homey 2 bdnn. home W'llh -------------------- larite llv1nc room, nreplact, aep- ~rate dlnlnr room, .. m ce porch and baauUrul landac.pll\«. aan be YOUNI for Juat 12000 down, F'ull pnc. 115.960. Thi• yvu "Ci II 1i 1te. Costa Mesa Corona Highlands Exceptionally fine home for large fam.ily-3 bdrmt. It: den. 1 :i~ plua l"z batha. Living room baa view of hills 6 canyon, 65 x 100 foot lot . 2 car g~e. Only $4,500 down. $26,500 'nMa home IA '-u.&n 1 ,.._ o&d. hu I bdrm1., l ~ bat.ha. Lal'l"J 11¥hl llvtn• room. dlninr room, RA y REAL TY co. brnJ<:tMt ......., natr. birch oab- ln1l&, •1• cupeu, llnJl tenc• 8'U4 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 2288 In l'MI'. Oftl1 J llOO down. rulJ (Aero• from Bank in CDM:) price Jut Jll,Tto.. nu. JOU --------------------wiA Ull,., "ART" ADAIR Newport Heights JU!lALTOR HIM Newport 81..S. ao.t. Meae... Ca.lit. lJ 8-1712 45 toot Panoramic View lot 80 ACR.l:a. that w11J ST"OW doUan nr ~--lloUMe. alleda. barna, A W9ll. lubdi't'Woll per· Unex«Ued for ocean and Harbor View Sl~.000. Not a leue hold -Cleu deed given. Juat ..-al 2HO Cliff Drive. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO~· "'1t ftled aoroee 1t. •-r. • .. Md only uooo aa a. DUNCAN HARDESTY Re It PRICE T . McCUlSTION, Realtor ORA.NOii: COAIT a or 3447 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar.' Har. 47 PROPl:RTll'.8 • , (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 1807 Nf'Wport. Costa Mea n- - __ _...._ __________ __,.t--____ ,;_1_..1_11_-1_SJ_2 ___ 1:_"...:.··_u __ t-UO __ :s __ ¥0_2 Newport Blvd., Newport a.acb • I • •f-:: Har. 4718 ~ac.h boUM, Mt.Ii bt( t'OOITl.8 6 cood vs-ot octan. d OM In S.000 dft. 1100 mo, P'or th-and otMir rtn• proper· ti• CalJ - B A .Y v I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2306 W. Balboa Blvd. Lido Lot IO rr. PR.DO: LOCATION Mar clubf.louM H .l&O. wrme. Harbor 'f71-W. toe' COLD STOl\AOIC Pl.ANT OOMPLS'l"I: plant. quick "'-e, 1to,...., and 0001-T room .. Of· fl... LDIMtlftf docll u d IJCaJe• L&r,.. on .t pukLnc .,... "'9pa.-•t coet twt.. wtlat .... cu d.U...-ttlJ• for~.· ......... OIU.rfO& OOABT PIWPiiltlli8 . 1161 Newport. eo.;a M- U 1-1812 ~· U MIOI a •• ,......_ ....... "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famWe. are tnapeedlac theee exquiaite homes -notinc their oomtort. ...._ venience a.nd central location. More a.nd more famillea who prefer a bome tn a ,.. atricted quality community are moviq Into tbllr Irvine Terrace homea. Drive in today and IN for younelt the ~ oat- atanding featw. of thla remarkable oomm--. Inspect the model hom•, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnilhed by Martin & Von Hemert ~ Terrace la locat.d on c.out Bia'hWQ" Gllll a•• the new ln1ne Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor~ For Further lnformaUon * For Recommendation. we refer you to u,.. who holds a Leuehold Eat.at• in IrriDe T.,.... Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cl1tt Ba.-- GOLDEN RULE VALUE Owner Must Give AwaY, Muat aell thia property thia week. Out or town owner wires ua diatreM call. 2 bedroom home with hardwood floors -2 car gan.ge. Backyard fenced. Home ia 4 yea.n old. Do you want to make a TERRIFIC BUY! See ua at once. Tak• around a $1,000 down. ANOTHER BARGAIN S1:5()() Down We have been commlaaioned to ..U thia 3 bedroom home with 2 car garage. Hardwood noon. Hou.ee ia about 3 yea.n old. Exceptionally larp kitchen and bedrooma. Back Bay Area. l'uU price• ooly $10,700 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson ISM N~wport Blvd. Co.ta )(eea (&el'<* from Coet& lleM Bank) Phone LI s.e76l. Evea. Har . ._·LI 8-21ot LIDO OPEN HOUSE 122 Via Ithaca Saturday and Sun., Aug. 27 · 28 1 p. m. to S p. m. Four large beGroom ...... Ru1e lanai, two bathroom.a. Nice patio. Ju.at Imagine 2587 aqua.re feet of Uvtnr area on a roomy 45 foot lot plu ...... Two car prap for only $33,950 (below replacement colt). LI DO REALTY ~ Aaaociatea Lido's Moat Experienced SalN PenPOnnel Bill Kempton -J oe Grohmul ~oe Vreeland -Virginia Man.aon 3400 Via Lido H4'rbor #44 ~ AcrOll& from Rlcha.rd'a Market Entrance) CORONA DEL MAR Beaut.JfuUy built home. 16 x 22 rt. llvin&' room. bdwd. nrs.. 2 lge. bedrooma, apacioua kitchen • dining area. More bullt-lna than 2 ordinary hOUM9 ! Dbl. garage, encloeed yard flowen A garden apot. Origipal owneT hu kept tha home in lmmaC!ulate condition. det1iret1 immediate aaJe. ONLY $17,860 on your tenna ! Fi.neat location on 4~' lol. Phone Harbor 882 for appointment, but HURRY on ttu. one. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 2M7 E. Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mu Harbor 882 92dK BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OWNERS have uked u1 to di1poee ot thia lucra- tive delicateaaen, barbecue and lunch counter buaineu due to t heir having an a«ident. Nine montha groaa 1how~ over $19.000. Two people can operate thia well equipped at.ore. AakiDr only IMO() For thla and othen, call or Me THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Llberty 8-3481 Newport Beach Evee Uberty ~ "Choicest Listings" Homea on Udo Ia&e and in Newport Harbor area w~ BUY and SELL ! Otficee and St.on. for rent. WILLARD , L· KILLION, Realtor SSU N9Wp0rt BlYd. Hari>or 4200 (Oppoeiu City Hall) 96d1 - .. a Dur.we BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor _:•!!;:~8!!!Ml!!2l'il~iltll~~·~----·~::!·~-!!..!·~--!~te!,_ ___ !a~R~M~l!.21'Ata~~t.e!._ ____ , OOASTAL SHOPPER FAJUoa oi NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E 7 p . a . p a I m e r i n c 0 r p 0. r a t e d ; weDNESDA v. Aususr 2•. 1955 LOOK-u!~L~1s~~~~E~I NG SM,7150 la the full price of thla channin~ Ca -Cod ,...,. round home. Built for comfort.able d gra- clou.t living, with fireplace. forced air heat. 1pacioua room1 -(inc. din room) Beautiful patio -A place )'OU'd love to call your own. Good terms. Come ID and let ue ahow you. LITTLE ISLAND HOME I B. R. 2 bath attractJvely furn. $28,500. Terna HURRY for thia. INCOME. Two uniu with BAY VlEW. 4 B. R .. 2 bath home with 1 B. R. 1 bath apt. PatJo. Thia ebrming place i1 a 1tone'1 throw from North Bay and e&n be purchued on excellent term.e with very reuonable down payment. BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1671 or .J672 VOGEL VALUES • MAIN OFFICE * * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS OCEAN VIEW J'rom th.la tlmo9t nw, cloel ln, modern home. Two liant Ilise bedrooJU with two bath11. Gleamlnr.. hardwood tloon. utd brick fireplace, glaeeed In !IQDdeck, b...utut bar 6 nook, three-way flood upta. A VJEW from flVW'J room, and it'• under the market at $2~ * * * * YOU ASKED FOR IT! S.ut1tully &lefgned, &lmoet new, 2 bedroom ocean .._., home In Corona HJghland.I. Priced to mow fut at $18,~. low down payment, ao ..• * * * * LIDO ISLAND NORTH BAY FRO~T PIER AND FLOAT 3 BDRMS. 3 BATHS $59,500 -GOOD TERMS * * * * THE VOGEL CO. ll01 W. Cout HJW"&y, Newport 8e&clt Lt W"81 OCEAN FRONT V.-y nice family hoJM of ' bedroom.1 and three batha. Beautiful view of jetty. Terma can be ar- nnged or will consider LM Ancel• income prop- erty. Well priced at $29,500. BASHORE OOLONY, ocean front. Cozy beach home. 3 bedrooJD.1 and 1 'h bath1. $18,500. BAY FRONT developers of Udo Isle For ' a family whc lives smartly ' and buys wisely! You'll enjoy all the wonderful advant&p9 of Lido UWir ln tbll BRAkD NEW 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den, 2 fireplace1, paper, paneling and coloni tutefully blended, 30 by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen i11 fully equipped with built-in range and oven, disposal, dlshwa1her and fan. Ready to move into today, and only $33,500 CADILLAC? We have a 1954 F1eetwood •-door Mdan in perfect condition to trade on vacant prop- erty. 57 foot building aite on Lorca, $16,000. Terma. 40 by 110 on Via Udo Soud, across from commun- ity beach . Penn. BAYVIEW at $14,000 / Larger h ome on 2 NORTH BAYFRONT LOTS. 2 boat alipa, gueat house, lovely terrace plua en· closed patio. Fireplaces in living room. dining room, muter bedrm. and entry. Bar. mald'1 room, boat houee, carpeting and drapes. $110,000 North Bayfront Home with pier for leu e, 1 or 2 yra., 5 bedrm1. 3 bath11, lovely yard and perfect beach. See what John ViBSCher, builder,. and J . H. Biftar, furni.ahing11, have done at 204 Via Eboli. Evwyone tella ua it'• one of the moat beautiful homee In the area. Open daily 11 t o 5. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1333 via lido, harbor l~ Shorecliff Open House Pieturelque one 8tory ranch style home. Lota ot uaed brick~ redwood. Low nreeplng bet.Ty lhUe roof-Spacloua floor plan, IDcludee 2 bechJ>olM Is dea - 2 bet.M -2 fireplacea. Beautiful OCll&ll \'few -Ju.It a .tep to exclualve batbJnc beach. OPEN SUNDAY from 1 • f5 p. m. 2'8 Evenlnr Canyon Road, Shore CUtta Drive by then call Dave o.buni Looking For A View .NOT JUST ONE but two beautltul brand MW 3 B. R. -2 bath homes. Both have u oatataad.lns view in Jddltion to numeroua other t..turt., In· eluding built In rangea & ovena. Both ~ will be open Sunday, Aug. 21st. One 11 prloed at $23,000 the other $2e,OOO 223 Ii 225 Ocean View Ave. Newport Height. Call Blll hnmv9Jih for further tntormatlon. Seashore Drive DOIACULATE ocean front home I ~1% batha -completely furnished In Early American 1tyle, 1ituated on our finNt bathing beach. Total price $18,MO Call Dave O.bum Cliff Haven Let me ahow you thia immaculate 3 bedroom boUM, located on a large fee lot and with plutmr In a· cellent condition. Property II ready few occupulCJ without any f.Udn&. Ask for Hodgk.lnaon p. a. p•lmer incorporated ole halllOD co., aale. management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty ~3 2-Unit Income A SMALL OOWN·PAYMENT 18 ALL YOU P .A. T • , , TENANT PAYS THlt R.SST. Ont of our ~•t valua 2 ttpl.t'&U unit., tumlahed. 2 paUoe 30Dll02 ft. lot. Cholcf location ne&r Bay a.nd Ocu.n. Slt.teO, 14100 down. BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values 9-Unit Income B.ALBOA OCEAN t'RONT Poll· Uvtly lhe but "buy" In Balboa. II unit. pha a manarer·• a part- ment. Oomp~1 "'"1w.l. •t.11 . ......_ ,...,.. I" each watt. ftemodeWI l.11 1960. $4800 net tncom.. Prtced at '3!),000 - ' l !\. ()()() dOWft. Balboa Duplex! LARGlt LOT . . • ROOM FOft ONE MORE UNIT . PLUS I OARAOES Upper fuml.lhed, all bHlc fu m ltun In lo-r al.to laclwled In ale. 1-T hu bnn complet.ely moda"'lud SIS.~00. tenna. Balboa Home! Wmt 8E"ARATE 8 I N 0 L Ji;: MY GOODNESS!! After all our hu.ntins hue lt LI! And it'• amninc what $1000 down will buy. Thia spacio\19 two bedroom -P'URNlSHED -Hu H. W. flooni. dining room, ttreplaM and top location In towu. SeWVI In and paid for -Paved alley ID~. F. P. $10,600 .•• $6,800 lout ooaunittment at '67.'50 mo. KIDDIES' PARADISE N•t two bedroom Oft IO"sllli' lot OD dead end 1treet. All tarse l"001m wttla pleat)' ol atorap apace. Only one block from grammar aebool in vtry exchalve area. Full price $10,900 ------.. wWl '1,900 dn. ON BROADWAY Luge a 8. R. home, bath hM tub" ata11 ahoww. Cornpletely re-decorated In and out. Double pr- ap on paved alley. Sew_.. ID A pa.Id for. Full price S12.950 --·----·· .. ·---53000 down. W. A. TOBIAS Even A Blind Man CAN VJ.8UA.l.JZIJ THll VAL~ Oil Ulle I bdnn., ..natde. 1 Wk. ott N.-port BJYd., H • 18 bd.nn dbl. rar., neat u • ptn. tu11 ,..._ 9*900 wtlh onlJ f lllOO ctwn -a.. thJI one! Newport Hts. Area llXCZI. 1 BORK. • a IO • to a.t.. WjW _,.,........,.la ... ~ bd\*9 pod ~ and ~. Onl)o ..... -.40. --~ Full Price $7450 t BDIUI.. ont1 I yra. old. food IO • lllO "-' lot. Submit )'OW' own dOW9 Oil tbl.a on .. It'• a •alua- plue deal. EY .. IJl!o. Pa<JU.. Lt a..Nf Let's Trade Ba•• t-acn avocado nncb Mo. 8911 DI-SO Co\llrt;1. WW treide for home or tnoome H&tW ar-. -ua.ooo. .... I.II.to. Be)'moW'. Kar. 119t•W • .......... a._. ........ BALBOA ISLAND QUALITY ISLAND HOME A APT. One of the laland'8 fine hOIUI, I bdnu., Ip. dmiq rm., 1% bath8. delightful IJPt Jhing rm. Openln« to partly covered patio. Tbe attractiftly tumlahed 2 bdrm. car-.• apt. with tuD bathroom earna over $1800 per year. Eirtra " bath in cance. Oat.stand.Jnr buy at 138,000 with $16,0000 dn. FIRST Oll'FERINO. 8ma11 2 bdrm. houae on Sap- phire. Floor funaace, flreplace, tundahed, built 19'7. Small lot, only $19,500. Bubmtt down. TWO UNITS LIKE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convertible either 6 bdnn. home with 1 bdrm. apt. or ~ bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. apt. Gradou1 liv- ing rm. leading to aceptJonal paUo. $10,000 dn. good temul. 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Uttle llland, pier, float, formal ' bdrm. home. 'n1e land value la clC* to the ~ prtoe of f78.000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Larae lot, clwm.lzaa 'bdrm. ay, bath houe. Dintnc rm., modern kit- ~ d.lap., diahwubet, Iota of cupboe.rda and cloeeta. Plue unuued 1 bdrm. apt. Oftl' Sear pr- age. Both unita all DtWly twimbed tn Modeme. Ideal for home and bloome or sue-ta. Har. 177'5 -l:'nL J:dith MarDOn BYatt ..an John Mamab, Banor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22t5 Marine Ave., Balboa llland LIDO BA Yf RON TS Home and taeome 'nS feet Udo N ord (30' le not ballt on) $100,000 -Alao - Near new home -lmmaculat. all new cu.tom fur. niab.inp, four beaut1fu1 bedrooma, five ~ appointed bathroom&. LaTiab deep pU. earptttnr. Pier It aUp. TbJa bome bu no evidenre of ever bein& lived In. We have t.M by. Full prto. Sl00,000 Completely tumial)td. ~·· A(ent. LIDO REALTY Aaocilt. Udo'e Moe m.p.ritDCltd Salee P.-.oftnel BW ~ -Joe Grohman a.. Vnq I 1 -V-.IWa ....... 3400 Via Udo Harbor 4444 (Aero.a froa lUchant'• Karaet Ent.ranee) INVESTORS ! ATTENTION ! I am ~ to t.11 10u ot a coldea opportaJq tbat bu never bem oft...S. Located to U.. MAJUNIJRS Mil..m. NEWPORT BSACR. Year round home for f&rnil,r. Wtll u·n~ed and ar- tlltically decorated, 4 bedrooma It four bathe. Pie· tun windowt to bay and luciacaped terrace. Pier and ftoal APARTM.l:NT IN REAR .. J>Al•o M\Wfftl unJt..a 2 c11~u Both furn~. CIOM to R~y a nd ()(oran, IM th11 ditnc1y proprrty . &t 11 T.&00. ltrm1. and ASSOCIATE!, REALTOll "you'll like OU1' frtmd.ly .e.rvlce'' Tbe OW1Mlt bu appealed .. lat. ...... t to .... the foOawtnc PfOPW tJ · Ocean View Home Cl> POST ornCE IMLDINO to .,. fintu.d b7 No- NEWPORT HElORTI B BEDROOK8, two bat.ha. Ide&I beach home. Older, but in excellent condJtion. T17 offer of $32.500. INCOME POSSIBILITIES Convenient two bedroom. 2 kth home t1dth bay .WW on Bay Ave. Room to build bowie in front. ~down. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 180G W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Lots! A1k to Me O\Q' th,. .. R-:l lrH.1 •.. .idl' by •Mia °" 8Albo11 &111 ... ''•ril Cloee to t own $19.~ for all thrM . Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Benlt of Am,.n r a ftoe.t 0 N f'll'}' A 1 Comellua Ed I.At Jack ptnkham Jo1t'phln,. Wt bb TOO E. Balboa Blvd . Balboa n-Harbor 32~i 400 E. 17th St,, Coeta Meea Ubert;y 8-1138 "Sun Worshipers" ''Waterfront'' Will love this 3 bedrm.. 2 bath plua 2 bedrm., 2 bath gueet apt. located on flne8t priftte .wtm.mmg beach. Pier alJowed. Lge. llvfnr room. apoeed t>.m ceiling, fireplace, Jre. gl&ued lana1. Too much to teU about, let'• loolt now. VALUE V A L U E WATCH THIS P riced at only $62.000, fine terms avallable. OSBORNE REALTY CO. BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An ucluaive home a.re& with fine buch and large lot for mother Ir children, and doek 1pa1,;4: for a llD&ll boat for dad. Priced $28,800 furnl11hed- Qood term.a. Owner 1Vill U.ta to cub. k Har. «f for appl u •-.. tenant pay1 ST15 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE • unit motel apartment. The nn.,. unit of this t;Jtpe in t.h.ia location. Income ln exceu of $12,000. THE VOGEL CO. COLUMN FOR THE MOST car~(ully H lect• t'd valut1 In Neb of our l!l•llftet• ly dlfttrfnt llAMOR ARCAI. BALBOA PENCNSUL.A. rn;w OFFERJ="G moo Provtn. 2 bdrm onlv ~ blk to Jetty. Lo11d11 or n 1pboarM g11 rb. dlep. dblt 1arl Jf'. Only Ul.900. 1-.:. lna n S!lt.•I mo. CLlJ'F HA VEN Sl:l,600 8 '\'S THIS aparklJn( I bdrm. homt Lov!'I\' la11dec'af*i .,.uo. Qult t St. •'. 0 .1. loan, tor comfort & ee<"11rlty. Muriel M. Pinover 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. :Sl~ nf!I. Balboa lstand $5000 down bal like rent for tht. attr. ' Bdrm. home near bey. 2 Bdnn home plua cueet rm., beth and 1 Bdrm. apt. Furn. $26,300 Cliffhaven Channing view home. carpeted 2 Bdrm., reMSy to move rt1bt in $18.~ 208 Marine Av911ue Realtor Nat door to t.be Poet Office SYLVIA THOMPSON. Aaoc. NELDA . GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor :502 __ 11ar __ ._ ... _4 ____ 1:v_._e_ar_. _aoe&-__ M_-_H_ar_. _•2_•_8-_R __ 2804 N~Wport BIYd . ~pl. Reach ------------------- ICu y Parklnr Harbor •810 o F t H DO IT-TODAY!! lee the beat buy in C. D. M. South of the Hiway, 2 Bl"I., din. rm .. big kit .. with brkft. area. bath with tab Ir stall ebwr. Uv. rm. Ir din. rm., cup. W to W. Located oo a t6 ft, lot, fenced with Iota of privacy. JI you It.retch jua-1-1-t a little, you can ett the water -Honeet. Juat r-.duced l2000 -Hurry. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor . Dick Hoctce. A.uoclate lal 11. C.out Kw)' .. Corona de1 Mar. Har. m• COR?<ER HARBOft Blvd . St~.000 cean ron ome down or wtll take 2 b<lrm home " dn paymt'nl. Thi• prOJW'rty $22 50() clo r A tn<"om.. or $4!\0 mo ' Ownrn mu,t sell, \\'ondf rlul VERY .A.TI'RACTIVE year round home on Sea- Suy. shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dinlnJ ORA~GE 00,..ST area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1h bath PROPICR'TU:S t~7 NeWJOft. ea.ta MeM down, 3 bedrooms and 11h bath8 up. Solid COD• u l-1$3:1 be. u MAOa lltrUctlon, concrete and pillq foundation. 2 car SHOl't.ECLD"I' J br., I bath, Jp. lot. atdm-eom,.U me to ..U a t one6. at ,_ than nplace- ran.re. encloetd yard. E:Jr.cellmt a.ch. EARL W. STANLEY, Re•ltor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Be.ch Hart.or 10U rnenl <*L SJt.IOO. lmmedlatt pc • .--. Kar. -.A. lltle __ ._. ______ ,,_, __________________________ .....;. ___ _ Cl.D7 DIUVE cor .. a Mnn.. ham• 'Hmbw la. I.AUid b1 the U A Ooft. for 18 ,_,.. -411\. rm. an4 dlftette. Vv-y with option of I ud a mort . ..c.naJ and lluplrtq, Pr* •t e1a.ooo • -..y t•n:na. (2) M UNIT ~~ 001Dpa.t.ely turnlebed A oper.. atinr on a fine l'tt1lna. c. d. m. $11, 100 ~ent t bdrm. home, e.l7 a IMS) to market.I. 8pac. for p.r apt. cm lot. A100 dll11 .,.. 1ou.. Appotnt.m91t onlJ. M-1 ON PLAOllN'nA nr 20UI.., II '6 w 2tO w1tb uoo 9q n.. blq , W1Ul er 1ftth0Ut 1-.et. h1l pr. IU.000 A,1 lll•..i.menl 1:-r.. lnto on alloYa I It etN Ph. L TTLE LI I-IN.I Houston Realty Co. A A.180CIA TE8 aot Center 8t • o.t.e W.. U Mtt1 or Lt l ·TTU Ocean front home In Corona de.I M.a.r on 80-t't lol Wonderl\JI Yle-w. 8 hown bJ t.hle oft'lce 01111. Bl:A UTl1'UL ACRJ1AQll ln Or- anre Count1 w ltabl• for hlfb ct .. eubdh1..t0fl. Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. )(ll)tJpl• u..~. Bueln~• Broltw UM E Cout Hwy .. Corona del Mu ffubor 2Ut BUSlNESS • ROMJC Clo" lll cornrr. Rt l • 11 It wbolaMle r rtlkU l It canary, Mt.abtuhe<I yra. 2 bdnn. hom-u2.~ tull prlc. for everyU\lnJ . ORA~GE COAST PROPlllTila 1M7 Newport, Co.ta M .. U 8-1882 En. U MIOI llODl:IU( I bec1room. 1 'I -~ HIG .. , ft. 1 ~ 1". old. OPSN J'Olt IMara.."'TIOJf I.AT .• SUJf. A.J"IDJf()()Jf. 501 P'ullartoa AYe., ~ ~ , .. (3) 2'5 rr. OF Bt.JllMESS, &oatap ~ Paa otfic. bu.Ddinr. OwDlr wtU .n at oaee, or tnAle tor abdJYiaioa Jud. l"or la.lpectJOD A deWla pi... w Mr. Olbm'De. OSBORNE REALTY CO. ~ W. eo.t BWy. (At ~rt Orup) Newport Beech U 8-TM2, Har. 51M ..,.._ CORONA DEL MAR Erpanalw Harbor ud ocean .S.W, 6 bdrm. D-. Dtntar room. 2 betM. Bt.rdwood 6 eupit flocn. &a-pin at "5,000. lutmtt dowlt.. SEE US for BEACON BAY ud BAYIBOW ~ Ha.r. 1115 -m... l:d!tll Marooo, nau .._ J oha K&eub, Barbor S. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:5 Marine 4"-t Balboa Ialud M-1 PROPERTY On cholc. ~ • sood ~Un pllee worth tnv..UptiDJ. PIWt ..tabllebed laooet man than carriea ~11 ud tat., wtda STOOO .._ THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout B1'J., N.-port a.ch LI M4&1 .. TRADE WANTED ICNW', tor Udo home or Jot. LI M710 Won 10 a. m. cw aft.r B p. m. • ll•O MAlllT WITH SALLIE AUCU* 26, 1966 Who WOii tbe WlaJte Kial Bbeem Dream Home baDt by the Meea Bullden la Coeta Meu T Col. W. T. Con•taer, Saa t'ruolllco • . . No rm DOt allowed to stve the aame cboMe., ..,, the ~ of the wt. men . . . Col 0-.•teer, , l ,.... old, .. • retUed Army Col. •.• Became of Illa .. be took thfl tl8,000 cull IMtNd of the home . • . Re Md Illa wUe U.O Uve la a hmll9bed aput- mmt wttb aa AD Dectric Ktteben. eo be tvMd over the Bllle•·Wedpwood 0.. ........... ...,f ... D1 • • • Tiie .._t weekJ;r .... to .... ... .... Soy Bodpa. Placeetla wbo .. llOW ..,.,..uq • .. ...._ • tredpwood 0.. a.a ... U JOU wt.la a hlll Id of tile ...... of tbe wt.men. Witte to Wlalt.e KIQ s.p Vompuy, en E. Pint Sheet, Loe Aa· &WaM ... We're a su1Dea Pie and you out there are the onee who can make the esperiment on ua .. 'CCMdul . . . Da!Uold Buttar bu come out with a new pound pack. cut into 72 individual MMnc piecee . • • Bepmiq thia Week-41Dd thia new P9Ck la bm.u t.ted by 10 market. in C&Iltomia .•. If you'ft wiiahed to buy your butter in 72 iDclividual patU. and hope to continue ... join the butter patty fan club now! ..• J:>artsold will lreep up with the C&J'\'1n1 u l~ u you Jreep up with the buy. Inr ... l'lleda Bllllfaaie'• .,._ , .... o•• a ....... , ... "It '1 been too ion. b9twws concerta. .Frieda ••. We Or- anre Count)'UDI can't wait until nezt Saturday wi.a you will once man conduct~ Oranp County S ony • . . under tlM .tan the Lacuna Bowl" TUM 8 :30, Saturday, Aupn 27 ... For once you pt 90m~ eood tor nothing ... Tb.1a concert put on by Oranp Oounty'1 PhilhannonJc Society .. abeo- Jutely tree . . . I -duWa sot 109 .... T Doel 1oar ••*I -balf-wtttedf ......... r...-. • .._ ...... , ........ w II eM .. .W , ... ftdlp ... ....... E9"w' ... S,,.... .. • • . l'Alluse '709' CIOOll· Ill& ' .... h,,. . . . a,.,. VlilelAa._: S-..Jl--.-aat o. ...... , ... ,.. ................ . .-.... a C!11f of 0 •a• a .......... wtul a...,.w. .... a.&wcmla~laell ........... ..,"* ~-,:-=... ~ .;.ay ~ • _, ...... lmowwl .. p.e ta. .... ..... -=t a re1t I Enr ........ p6eee of ....,.. __. a S,-. lb1-.ea&I Wowl .._.aft'Wai.dtt -podl .... di Meoa .. ........ Grape Vine Leav• ... KUd1y pJcltled an imported from Greece . . . EKotk yee I Bat they come rtpt down to euth when wrapped a.round a bot dog and brol.led . . . Be ..... to tJe with ltrinc or bold wtt:b toothplcul I need not tell you what happened to a bot lea! . . . Cut in bl~ liaed P*-. . . Cooked rro..n '1ah Stieb too or cbeeee rolled bot-dog me acqulni a TCA. (Tope Cull.nary Art.I) decree . . . Wb" ! When they're wrapped in Grape Vine Lea vea and broiled . . . You can a.i.o cook rice to the .ia,e where It all coou to- ptber (you know ... muahy) and aeuon with tomato or any favorite aauoe of your own ... roll and wnp in ... If you have not already p"8ed ... the purpoee of thia la to eeD Orffk Grape Vine ·Li.•• .. U you were Im Hoeolal• tile Grape VIM Leaf W- _.. woalcl be .W LM· ... ud wnpped .. ,, LMvea ... II you woald .. to ... te IOllle ...... JWm11boyltlaaeaalm Wllkh Taro Lesv-. pork. Mtterflah. .aJmoti ud -" are oomblllH ud wrappf!CI .. Tl Leavf!9 ••• And we don't lot1e our leavee in the fall ... he.re at Jliebard'• one of the Lido ..._, ai-pon a.Gil, •• .. ' . . OOAl'UL IBOPPD ~of NEWPORT HAUOll NEWS-PtlESS -WEDNESDAY, ~U6UST 24, 1955 • ..tltoe~• • fa-"'" ooff..-1111111 Bl'OI. w.._....., .. , ... r...... Me KING CRAl _ .............. 11 ... 01- .. hk. ~ <loeldq HiMP ...... ·-·--··--.... ·-···'°L 7tc o.qa ... .....,. ...._ llock .Me LOISTER T AILSity,-. 77- ~~o....,.. 47c SALMON ··--... -... ~ .. .... laeb& • ....,. &e EM L 'Jc:. CRAIMEAT .......... " .. v.J- COFFEE ~. 79. ···~i--rto-" MARGARINE lb. 2 for 35• WESSON OIL ,. iUiiii Pa&~.: 6tc WCK!as lb. 23c ....... ,. • 2 'Mk IEANS..... ,., 1.1- JUiCI ....... OL ltc •• " u.,.w 'Mk APPLE . u ... 1.1- 011dw , ..... ON10Ns _ 3 ,.1tc /ru~ ,..J m.ab .... 8-47 -Phaap ll•tJ i~Cui~ SAuCEst DUNll SAUCE .. I OL .. PiANUT5 .. L UC ~ , __ P-.er 75c PLATES .. ___ .... . .. ~ -')Ge TISSUE ---·~pit. 1.1- iL£AcH ~ .... 27c Ueo~ ._,....... CAl'OfZD HAM 129 A1u 81SF _. OL 2 ')Ge TAMALES for ~1- RABBITS lb. 59. IJ .... ~ CHUCK ROAST t1.1La.t. ..... ._ POT ROAST A.4t lb. 4tc SUcED1ACoN ....... ~ 65c You'll find a Lido Shop • • • 11PJaAL1 ~ A1JGUaT 16. M _. 11, 1165 \ •1• 49. I ev-en 'lteptu#;e co-uldn't d&. h et! I ,_,/ ' \71/~ ~·-'- (J 0 Neptune'• jewel.I can't compare with the delie&· dee you'll find at Rich· ard11 . We've all t h e bounty of the aea and much more. You'll like our moilt trMh greena and tender choioe meat.a. Superb fNtta and crilp inupri8M from the Deli· cau.en. Come, visit Richard'• ... and let temptation be your f'llde to r.1 •tlDc pleuure. +•> c:-> ''cf1 • •• te flt your nery •11d I UDO IBOfll