HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-08-26 - Newport Harbor News Press- BARBOR PR SSS I 48th YEAR-NUMBER ~ NEWPORT BEACH, CALD'ORNIA. J'lllDAY, AUGUST 26, llM • PRON!: HARBOR 1818 . I PUIUC llSPONDS TO HAGERMAN AID Since the Newa-..,._ broke the Hacerman atory, lette.re and packa&'ea tor the tam.lly have been noodtn1 the Coeta Mea Poat Otfloe. "Over 1000 have been recelvtd In thre. <.lays," report• Poatmaa!cr tt.ul OllJ. "It'• wonderful' CongTatulatlon. to you." Hagerma_n Aid Fouled -Up ALL A.BOA.Bl> -Mayor Dora Hill greet.a (from left) Councilman Ray Van Wag- oner, Anaheim. City Adminiatrator Harry Billings, La Habra and Councilman Howard Cornwell, P'ullerton, u they board Belle of Balboa for tour of Newport Harbor. Newj>ort Beach Council members and officials hosted more than 100 of League ol Otlea, Orange County chapter, Jut night at dinner ae88ion in American JAsioa Hall following ride on bay. -Staff Photo At the home today In Coeta Mee. are national ma&'uifte photographer. plua loeaJ and metropolitan new• and camera by W-lfare Bureautrats P •. E. Case Re-opened by -s1ate -"' State Okays City Plans on View Lots CHy Managtr John· Ballon by ttJephone thla forenoon dlaclOMd the State Park Commlulon hu approved the clty'e propoaal to acquire Block A-3', lot 23 of 4 -3& and Lot C. Buck Gulley u the price of 1~7.000 agrMd on by city council Monday. • • 'Rules' Prevent Direct Aid ·to Child Victims! By PAT MICHAELS Two Coala Meaa boy1 who "want to be Marina" when they grow up -but are unaware they both l\lffer a fatal malady and have· only a short time to live -wtll ftnd the U. S. Marine Corps Band from El Toro ma rching up to their front yard this afternoon. I from 1t•l• welfare t'Ulld&. na It hi llllle Tommy Hagl'rman'a tftmlly hu nevu bflen abM to birthday. He 111 13 today. atrord lu.11ur1n ll h a Mrthda1 Tommy, and his brother, Johnny, flllrly. will att aldt-by-alde tn wheel-<:h6lr1 LUJ1ury, Lile two boya bav• .ot •A th• clli.iena or Orange Cou11ty had. However, they have been lfln thf'm lh"ir fl r11t birthday wilntlll! and participant In more party. than thl'h-ahare ot ln&'edy. Mayor Clal1 e Nl'lson hu pro-Four yean q o. their o&du <'lulmt'd today "Tommy Hacer-brothl'r. Da vid, died of th• aame man Day" in the couta.J commun-dread d1--muacular dyetro- lly A grouJ'I or h6rd·'flg1rtm phy· wtuc-h }lft9mUy ~ leathf'rnel'k..~ have prepattd a dell-them. The di•-Wl'M:lced throU(tl c-ate c11ke t.1ercha nll. shopkerp-Uirtr bodlee Ion• after they were n~. 11nd Orange County c1tlvns ot achoo! ag4'. When It hit them. ha\'•' flOQdt>d th,. Hai;erman home they wf're 1trong, nonnal healthy wllh '''°" b1rthtf.11y carda •nd lndlviduala -Ju.t UJie an7 other IC lflJI boya. But today, tlwlr bodlu are Utmtles CommissiOn to Hell' Additional Evidence Saliora, i n a call to Ma admln- latraUve &Niltant, Mra. Dunca.n XcA.Jplftt, adV\.aed hu IJ'le matter wouJd be brought before Monday'• adjourned council mHUng at '4 p.rn. He .. Id the atate oNlct&l8 approved' tlle city'• contemplated &eqUJ.eltlon u a part ot tbe.lr mu- ter pl.n. The cowictJ Mond&r at 4 p.m. wlll meet to dlacuaa currtnt plana for development of the munklpal traUer puk. a rece.nUy cootronr- lilal t.ue. Vartoc.w plane .w.dy Re-opmtD, ot lmrtnca OD U.. J.ttaon ol :M ... port a.... been propoll9d. BIB'DIDAY GIJ'J.'I-Uke any other American family, the Hagermana ~f Costa Me11a had pr-.enta ler Tommy, at right, thia morning u hia thirteenth birthday was obaerved by Harborite9 and countlan1. Johnn y. 15, alao a victim of the aame mal- ady hia brother bu. ii at .left, while hi.t mother, Mn. Willella Hagerman, atanda be- hind. -ata.tt Photo • ~Cl PARTn:s BEFORE tw11ted They cannot urape N1'llhl'r uf Lhe yougaten had from th•lr whMlchalra. Thf'y ewr prevluu.<ly enjoyt>d a blrlh-haven't the lllrenl'UI lo tuni th1m- l111y party. Thtlr aub11 .. tence, and &rlvn ovtr on their beda. that of their hard-working mother, The two youtlw Nq\llre con- Mra.. W11leUa H&g-erm&n, eomu (0-UlllMacl .. r.ce I I Bet.ch to a.cquire b7 condemnation proceedinp th• property and right.of-way of Pacific Electric Railway Co. wu d»- clowt today by the C&lifornla Publio UtiliUee Comml-'on Time and p1ace ot u.. i.,q. will be annoaneed at a Jaw Exact Plan on Storm Drain Asked MESA PAIK IOARD TO STUDY NEW 5111 AT MEET SATURDAY date. iner wu.oe J:. Cline. -In a dW,.tdl to UM )If..,.. l>ep. Qty .AttJ' • .Iola ._,., Preee the PUC an.nouneed U.. Ill ~ ot Clty Atty. Karl he&tinga we.re reopened bec:aua LYIU\ n.na, now ta Eur.a. of IMuea raaed re,ardlnr the m..U.r wttb the Btata Landa public utU!ty atata. of U.. Pa,. ConuniMion. Mid DaV\.a •toppt'(I cl.fie Electric Laad Oo. and the In San P'nncUc<> ell route to Southern Pacific ~ OD.. dlllCUU the eltuaUon with P. E . nllJ>On<knt.8 with the P . I:. oftlcl&I&. U. recalled th• P. E. coun.ael had n laed point.I and MOU EVIpENOE authorlt1u to claim the P. E. By aetunr utde 111.1t11mlakle ot !And Co. and the SP .,.. not Ole cue.. the commlmOl'l aid pubic uUUUee and are oull1de furtller h•rlnp will M beid the Jun.dlcUon ol the publlc "fof' the purpoee ot n1et.l'rin&' ad· utWUee c:onuna..lon. diUon&l ntdence on Uw order NOT A &l:BU.J'T to 8bow cau.. wtiy lh18 oommie-However, Pmney aid. Ult. An exact ena-fnMrloC plan for a atorm drain acroe. the Oranp County Se.n.ltaUon D I a t rt c t I Ceo.ta Me .. ) aewer Hae nar Har- bor Blvd. Md Gl.altr Road baa o.t.a x-Put& 8-nt wtD p QYe.L_ mt.» "' propoetd la.1out of a. new.._ parll •tea&_. OfV1etorta at. oe a I.I ac:n t.rtuacle ot land tomorTOW mornln1. The mttUn1 wUI bll bll4 at 10 &. ID. at U1e home nr Orafll'I County Sup- •rrieor Bena ~. The pnpeftT, bcMtd9d by the S&l\ta Alla River. WU pur- dlued at a coa of iu.uo ftom Sanoy r. and Maybell B. MacKa1 under • cont.nic:t c&1llllr for '2000 down and three YtarlJ' pa,_'9 1t.a.rtiDc 1n 191Se. t>en reqUHUd f or wlllnl.mlan to --------------------------the dlatrlct ill Newport Bt.acb alon 9bou1d not. ~ '° bear nbq Uw u.. P UC Iii • ......, ct. tJi. pet1Uoa and to fbl U.. j\Ult ftn.lt.17 DOt a rellaff"' to &be Gity'a era. oompaa&tloft to b. paid hw Uw lllde ot u.. ..-... Be added UM lande. proputy and rtlbb d-city may need a oertlftcate of Cf'it>.d In the peUUon." convenlence and nec:eaalty 1hould The additional hearlnp will the proceedlng11 bave to go before C1t1 Hall .. pt. •. ,,.. cUetrict board WeclnMday lald O\'W d«U- lon on the da.rinac• r ft\l of w..r requeated by the Cit1 ot CoMa MN& and the Haa.orett llUbdivid· At •take la a rnJJOf' portJon ot the mulll-rrulllon dollar Halecreal .ubdlvialon which haa 42 ot • ,projected 700 homea under con- 1tnicUon al the corner or Harbor Blvd. and Baker St. The dra.J.na.re lituatlon hu to be eolved Ulrough anltatloll dt1trlct and Or&nge County eouro• before the current- ly un1Ultable &cruge ot the aub- dlvlaion CllU\ bt approwed by Coeta Me• city pl&.nnera and clt.1 coun- cil tor re11ldtneff. HARBOR SCOUTS TOUR LOOK MAGAZINE IN NY liy LU Mm'OJf N l:W YORK CITY -Delayed -We toured Look )(ag'ulna In New York City. We met Oeo~e Barlow who S. a trielld of Dick Richard. a.nd made arra.ngemente to meet tbe mayor of New York aty, .but the mayor wu called out or town ao we met the prui- dent of the city council. H. Stark, and he made ua feel welcome. nice <'ltar day, vtRblllty wa1 20 mlle11 and we tool< a lot ot pic- ture., up there. We flnlahed the evening by hl\Vfng dinner and then going to NBC to lf'e ''Dollar a Second" show and then over to CBS. be held before Commllllloner the Int.mate Commen:e Com· Matthew J . Doole.y and Exam-mleelon. MISTRIAL GRANTED IN TRIO'S LIQUOR CASE Dlstrld Afforney New Trlal or for Can Move Dismissal By 140K 9eS'l"l'NEll •Gould'• line of quntionlng and BANTA Al(A (0CN8) -SU· moved for mlalr1.al. It wu this ,.nor Court Juqe P'ranlclln 0 . matter which brought the mla- WMt Ulla afternoon rranted a trial Into shllrp focus. deftnM motion for mletr lal In SHARP WORDS Ula con.ptracy to obltruct ju1tlce The judge and pro11<'c11tdi' have trial ot Herman Pauee. Arthur been lnvolvtd In 1everal 11hup Gordon llldred 11"4 Takeo Takt· verbal exchMgee throughout the koellf. marathon trial Jud19 Wee\ eta.charted jurore The rra ntlng of a mistrial Who ban "-on duty nearly dOffll't neceuarlly tf'rmlnate the 14 •Mka. ca•. The judge hu 11umm0Md The judp IT&ftted Uw ml1trt&J attomey1 for a 3 p.m Friday lllOtlon on the rrouftdl Ulat ac-conference on further proceed- eumulattve mattera and yeater-lnr;a. day'a Incident Whlcb he termed The awnuea remain. The dl1- "lht at raw that broke the cam-trlct attorney can move tor a el'11 back" ha" demanded It. n•t trial date or to ca u11e tht It wu exp&atned by Ole p&· dl•mfsaaJ or the charge. tient. •low·epeaktnr Benchma.n D11t. Atty. Robert Kneeland tilat "a.nythtnr Ulat lnterler .. waa uktd about the 11tand of W1UI the correct compl!'tlon of a hia otrlce lh111 afttrnoon. He rf'· tl1a1 la rround• for m1111r1a1. piled c-ur tlr: "no comment .. TIU: 8TllAW An Informal poll or 10 ot the "Certain lhlft-' ha\•e s one In-12 Juror• attn thf'1r di~c-hs1 ge te tht recort1 which llhoulc1n't be 1how9d all In ravnr or 11rqt11llal. eubm1tted for their con111dera-C.RAX D .n·R1· CH.\RGF. tilon." The defend11nta, thrf'f' or l~ In· The ".U.w" to which Wtet dieted ln a gnnd Jll!'J probe of ftfel'T'9d waa a queatlon )'eatw-allered liquor llcenH 1tregularl- cta1 alterftOOll by ProeecutOf' Stan tit• In lh11· count}•. were accu~d Gould. lot the unlawtul tran~l'r of J11 p- Ttie la.nlty ~\ltCW" plied de-an.-Aznerican liquor llcenau to ten.. w1tnMe P aul 4n1elll10. a <>ranre County. • Loe AnJ•I• attorney. "'llh thla Pr.uee, auapended <'Ounly d"-~n: "lfav. )'ou hurd of or lrtct llquof' ohleC, aMertf'dly uaec:t .,.. you awan of Ult fact that hla ortloe tor prh-'&le gain. He • Marclt H . 19~. Mr. T&kt~ previoualy WU &41qUltted on a lloehl aa a apeclal adll\lnltt.r.tor almiLar claar19 tly a ltuparicw la Ule uta te ot Koht'I Watanabe Court Depa.rtment l j\U')'. flied a falea llA4 fraudulent ac-Th.la wu U.. lut ot triaJ9 eou11Un1 ot the Ht.ate." ITOW1."6 oat ot Ule l"Uld JIU')' Juq. Weet held the qu .. Uon Inquiry. Only U\ ..... Ol l~ tftdfet.CS .. fore jurof'I wu preJudlclat, have ti..n C011Ylrtf'd -RAy Ad- eornpound and Improper. The ct.-I dania, Ii. I:. Iii a c Ken x 1 , and ...... lt"911CJUel7 "Ject.ecl to Io.or.. ..... ' Drnlna.ce watera t.rom ~ "'\OuJJ !>(! carried by the 1tonn rlr111n onto Harbor Blvd. ahould approval be granlNl by the dfa- lrlcl and lhe county board ol 1up- ervlsor11. Costa Mua member of lhtt Stlnllallon dlatr1ct Arthur Mty- er• lndlcl\led today final decllllon he11 wllh the .11upervl11ora. ''The 1up .. rv11'Clra don't like thf' waltr to be dumptd on Harbor Blvtl., but All I ht> dr&1.n11ge water on the north 11llle o( Co11t" MtM run11 to Harbor Blvd. llnyway." OTllT.R8 L'i\'OLVt:O Thia morning we were up bright and early, little confused on how we 1hould 1tart oft to (CoeU•aed o. Pap I ) Spent •bout a half bour with him. We toured the UN building after we met the prHident of the HARBOR WEAtHR city council and our rutde wu 're.~ .. ~ ..--.. U.. Miu F. Go from the Pl\lllppinee lialtlof .,._ Mlft: who took 11 lot or intereat In tak- lnr juat our gl'oup alone throu1th the UN. The!\ attar lhllt. we came back and toured the city hall of 1'tw York City wh.irh la now under a Jillie racl' llrtlng. We learntd tha t l'ew York City wu the f lr•t capitol -a lot of ua Wl're quite 1urprlaed to learn th11t New York City w1111 the Rip Low Saturday. AUJ. 20 . 71 80 Sunday, Aug. 21 . 68 M Monday, Aug. 22 . .. 68 ~7 Tuellday, Aur. 23 . . 70 84 Wedneeday. Aug. 24 . 71 94 Thur9dcy, Aug. 21\ .. 70 9 Friday, AUJ. 211 . ... 17 55 tlr11t capitol ot the United Ststu. AT JSOO FEET! FAST MOVING I've had a llltl• troublt with Other member• or the aanltallon the boy• tryinr lo get them into Pilot EICapes district mvolvtd with grftnting of a fa11t mow . l"ew York Caty, th'! atorm drain right of way are you know, movea ra•t: I've h11d ··n 'Ch ule as W1Ula Wl\mer, chairman ot the a tremendou11 time kffpinir them boll.rd of 11upt>rvl11'lrll, an<I Jay movfn~ on ant1 off elevetrm1. Sloddarc.J. Newport B<'ll<'h ('lly through 11\llOml\t ilnea. etc. ll'I Jet Explodes councilman appolntf'd to the po.at bern wry hard !CJ get them lo by Mayor Dn1 I\ Hill. "Th11l Rl\'tll learn. to move when I anap my A M11rlne Rt11('r\'<' pilot f'Acaped Co11ta MeH nnly onl' votl' ll"l\ln11t finger~. W e went to Grand Cen-h " lnJl1 ry thl• morning when e ulled two outalde vr>tt11," Mt>Yer• ,Pin nt-lra1 Stl\llon and took 11everal pie· f'd out. turts. Wc-nt lo Radlo City MUJ11c h1• rejertlon aeat to u cape trom hi• F·9·F'-7 Pantherjet u ltcraeh-.. lt looka like to me that all Hall where "Mr. Roberts" wu f'<I 1n the hllla near Myforc! Road DlstnC'l e 11 a.okect to do ls give playin~. Then from R.A•ltn City lln•I Jrvlna Blvd .. Irvine ranee. ,. nght of w11y wnh no llabihty I thb wa• about 9 p.m. I \oo•t went involved " Mry"ra told the Ntw•-1 lo Tlrnea Square 1nc1 or C'Ollrat M11J Etharlan T . Benton, Mtm- Preu tOdl\y. "The City ot Cesta Tlmea ~quue I• very c-mwded phis. Tenn . mtmber or MtmphlJJ' Mu& hlla agrr~ lo take all re· lately. t:iable to park the ear. flgh~~t aquadron 12,, waa on a b ht . s t DI lrl e we had to walk. tralnln1 n trht when Ule CTUh OC· •p<>rm I ~ • o i • ct 11 1-HOt"Jl CR{TISll!: curred et 7:53 Uia momlftc. not h>lble, there I• no rea.on wr • J .... bJ It --the ahouldn'L JlV• them th• right or On Thuraday morning we took He • ect...., mH ,,._.. way." a crulM around M.a.nhattan llland cockpit a t J&OO t•t. and WU llewa·Preaa Cl~ulatlon Today Sl2S eo..ae. which took thrtt hour11. taken to 1:1 Toro 8llM dlepeaa&ry lt waa free arran~ed for ua by tor a checkup, tlut wu f'eported the Xew York Convention and only ~en up. Bulinua Bureau a nd that took Th• Pantber Jet ~ lat.o • ua under Brooklyn ltrid~e. around wtndr'OW of eucaJ.nltWI l"'9 &ad Lhe UN building And al90 down aheartd otf a quarWf' mU• al or- by a t'OUple of plera wher11 th• I.Ill'• tnea. It aploded .,.._ ll QI.IHI\ Mary happen,.d to be In 1truck the ~u..u.., ~· port. After we tlniahtd our In( tM whole 1"IDe Rance u cntlw -went •board the U88 UloUP •· lllem~ .._. eaplodecl.. tndepan~ wlak:h le t.be lll\lted P18C91 ol tbe craft -.u..s °"" State• • .,... ,......,..... liner. a halt nUle ,...... Ullll t.,..it. It le a ney be&ut1fu.I .tllp Uld Th• ...-. WM •found at U. -apent about three boun there. ti..N ol a bll' or&qe i.... more Wer• (inn a •ptcJ.aJ tour. After than a mile ~ ll"'tna ra.ad1 -ldt Ole tour. we went to the •be>¥• MJfor'CI .... llDll ~ ...... ....... ". ·-·-- Welfare Brass Opi1io11 oa Hagerman C11e SEASON ALBACORE CATCH SHOWS 72 TOMS CANNED 8MlllG4 ~ albacorw ...._ akll ID ~ nmotd at Newport HartM>f' .... NJ>Ort.cl todaJ' b7 W&Jtw ( ....... "'-"87 Thomu Here'• the vi.w of atate, county and federal otfielai. on local g1tta and J erry Bp&nfler, pe.rtnera in W~em C&anen. t.o Tommy and J ohnny Hagerman They reponed 2994 aportllfillbermen h&Ye bniut'ht • total of being "deductable.. rroni their 72 ton.a or albacore lo the HarboT'a only e&ml«y open f<>r this mother'• monthly welfa.re check. work, compared to the record JOO Top two daye of thl• aeuon CongTeaema.n Jamee B. Utt t-'C · ton1 cannt'd for 1portaflal1ennen came Aur. 17 and 11 when ovtr presHd ancer and indignation In 19~2. Th111 year'• ae.uon •tart-7 ton• w.ra d.Uvered each d11y yeatuday over the action. or wel· td Jut June end 111 now ctwtnd-for a recol"d two daya ot wtl&h· fan officers ID the cue nf Tommy hng wilJ'I the fish haVJn~ moved Ing-. One day aaw 222 aportaf11h· Hagerman. 'Thi• cue 1hould bt' farthf'r out. near Catalina and ermen brtngln1r Ulelr catch In In made an exception," Utt declared San Clemtntt 111land, auppotf'dly the cannery whlle the other .. w at hia Santa Ana orrtre bt'eau•e or dirty watu near•r the 204 MllverieJr for whJch the an- l 'Tr SEEK S ANSWER mainland. glf'U re<'elved elate nah and The congTt'll!man aald he had PLE:!'\TY TO f:AT (&me "''tight r-ec.ipta. a call In to health llnd weifart' CATCH ISC'RJl:A8E8 Stcreta.ry ·:r.rarlo1T Fol81>m-1111r· "Theae fl~urea mea.n we will Jn c1"1ntra11l. l1111t year·11 aea110n l M 0 I C I H bby be returnlno to the 11port11flshrr-ces11or o ra. \l'e a u p o " llaw only 17 tr>n• e1nne11 hrre -"lo 11ee what can be done." mt'n lH.351l cAna ot lllbscoi·t for while 1 mlnulf' 7 tons were C'•n· F ollowing Utt'11 call, he rt'pl\rt-h11 llht>lves." Lnni;mnor 11111•1, 11.dd· nrd In lh4' 19~13 llf&JOOn, Long- ed il did no goorl; heRllh an•I wel-lnl( this 111 lhf' blJtg<'~t albarrire monre 1111111 far<' ofrlci11la In the capitol put- catch lllnt'<' 10~2. lhl' banner ye.11r "Nvbody real1u3 how many J)f'O· ling the hlame on slate and rm1 ... He 18111 tt's pn1<slble immr 4 to ~ plr 11rt mvolved In albar0re fil•h · ty laws. Charlee SchopUand. form-morf' ton~ mav hi' cirni:ht ft1r 111g until you thin!< that tht 72 er California weltnre ehil"f, now ca nning 1>4>tort lhl' IMl<On end" t<m11 eaujeht "''1th rot1 11nt! r""' heart ot U.S. Welt11 re In W1111hln1t-He rtfull"d 111 J;lll'ltl hnw mnny represrnl11 a Int ()( weight," LonJ- ton, b11cked up local welfare I more tnn11 r1f 1tlbJ1<'or" w<•re mr.or 1111111 Althoui:h nu effOf't a g<'nlif oplnlon11. ca ught blll takl'n home, !ITTlokrd wa .. m1ulr tn t111ly th" numbf'r of "A welfa re worker ha11 to follow or put thro11i;:h uthn p1<11·r•11e~ 11lh111·r11 f' <'llll1tht. th"V 11 vrragf'd the laws.'' Thomu P. Oouj[lu. I by tl~hemltn Thnsl' "h" h1Hl from tO In 1 ~1 lb• n eh "'ll h chief of the Orange County Wei-I their fl11h rannl'd wl're (runt all 1 ~·1m .. running u high u 22 and (OOlltlJl..O Oft Pare I) over the Unlll'd StatH. 27 lbio. ~OF ca.&g -Plane encme of F-9-F-7 Panther JPt. foreground, WU hurlect balfmile throurh eucalyptua tree row in background when aircraft exploded Oil impact We manWaa 1 mOe trom Myford Road and lrvizw Ave. -Staff Pboto ' Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd J&mea l:ut traditional "first slice" at their wedding aupper in Thompeon Hail. The bride ia the former Mia Marilyn Lewla. -Ollerman Photo William James Duo of Costa Mesa Plane North on Honeyinoon Wedding and Reception in Methodist Church Spending their first weekend together at the Inn, Rancho Santa Fe, Mr. and Mrs. William Floyd JamH planed lut week to San Francisco for balan<'e of their hone-ymoon, the bride wearing a beige and brown ensemble and the orchid corsage from her wedding bouquet. Miii." Martl)'Tl Lou Lewi.•. llaqh· OOUIL~ 81NOM Delegate Convention Mesa l(iwa11is Home From Antytq bom• la.at week from a .. ,,_ .,..)u tour ot tll• U111t9d Stataa and Canada. WIWam John· IOft. 117t Park A ... , Coat& Mt n. •Umat.. lb.at he co"red about 10,000 OA h18 trip. Delepta t o th• Intama Uonal Ktwanl• oonv•Uon In Cleveland. Ohio, Ula tut tour day• of June, Jobnaon lett th• tint of th• month to vt.tt YeUowawne Park. Brye• Canyon. Mt. Rualunora and olllu potnta enrouta. He vialtN1 lo Mlehifan &nd towu aroU11d l.AJ<a lllri• before antYln1 for a wMk ln Clevaland. - 1'ollowtn1 lh• convention h • entertld canada a t Nlarra Falla and apent aoma Ume at London, Ontario, Toronto and OttawL 0th- N. T .. Loni t.land, Hartford Conn .• WMhln(t«I D. C. and I t. Louie. 111th th• Jut atop belna th• Oni.nd Canyon .. z.p.d ally lmprMalve wu UI• tour ot the h\11'1 Ford Rouee Rtver plant with mora lh111 '8.· 000 workara. and tM aid• trtpa from Wa attlnrton to hi.toncal Mt. Vernon and Alexandrta, VL Jaddln lecowen I:.. J . "Bud" Jacklin, ass Red· land• Ave.. ot tll• 11>9rUtlah Ina boat Vellron retumad ham• Aq. 19 trom Hoar Hoepttal to re- cuperate trom major atomach wrrery. Ha entarad th• hCl9}Mta1 ' • ()(![ ll cw: .. Ill.Bo UO~Uo TiifiCL ._ "4Wt ...... JULIA AN'4 M1M ftAYll ....oe , .......... _ .... ,.. ,_... ...... . .............................. ' er st.a.ya wen at Onelda Ca.artJ•. Aur . •· ON THE FORE-DECK of the Newport Harbor Yacht club for codrtaDa and din- ner-danclnc Tbu~ay eveninr. Left to right art Duncan Shaw Jr. and M.iM Mari- lyn Coleman, ho.teu for the pla affair. Bride and groom-4lect Leah Louiae Mac- kay and Francia Lee Coulter, Jr. were the honor gueata at the party. -Beckner Photo Engaged Couple Honored at Dinner in _Yacht _Cl~b Miss Coleman IS' Hostess to Classmate and Fiance . Mr. and Kn. rruci. 1-Ooulter and· Mr. and Kn. Colml&ll. al.a w-n. ud Mm ... Jack w. lho.- maker, Jam11 W. Marttn. Ter- r.ne. K&rtJ.n Uld Dou,a.. ltmm- REINERT'S . FITZPATRICK on the Ocean Front 41St Anniversary SALE STILL ON! BARGAINS GALORE! w. Give S&H In 11: .Mr. and Mn. AJIM:rt Edward Miu Loll Collln1. aao a cO\aln l~wls 'lf St. Charlea. Mo. u· of the groom', wu llOlol1t, elnsinc rh 1nirl'd rlnp and vow• with th' "One Alone'' and •'The Lord'• .,,n ot Mr. a11i1 Mr1. Raymond Prayer," while Gem l Brulna -. AJ&ert .IUMe. 211 ltcal Piece. orpni.t. Ml8'1 ColJlne later play- <""oata Meu, In a mid • attftmoon ed bac~d mu.le tor the re· <'l'1emon}' on Au1 . 13 at Commun· eeptlon and supper, at conclusion tty Methodl.lt Church. Coata Meaa. dedlcaUnr a 8010, "Alway•," to ------------------------- The Rev. JOHph Mt'Sl.ane offlt-1-"Marilyn and Bnt. the newly· Great Nall'.'•• bring you this Outstanding Sleep Value! llll'd and Marilyn WU etvf'n In wed•." ketplnf by htr brolhtr·ln-law, Ed· The buuUlul tiered weddin1 w11rd Coodm&n80n. cake t"tnttrtd the bride'• table at The bride'• fa\•orlt• plnll wu whlt"h place• were ma rked for the t"Omblntd wtlh whit• for churt'h couple, tht bridf''I lllater. Mr•. d ecoraUona. baaketa or pink and Edward Goodman1on and h•r hia- whlte gl&dloll and a ran ahtlped band, and the parcnta of the bride· &rran&ement of r;ladloll for lhe i;room. Fern!! anrt tlowera In pink alt"'· Thty were &1110 u1ed In the 11nll whltt rle<'oratcd thl• table "nd lounr:e ol 'Thompaon Hall whtre 11ml\llf'r onu 1l which the 40 a bufff't w9ddlng •UJlPf'r wu JIC!n•· JUHll . member of lh• famlllu and ed. cl08e frienda, wf'n meat9d. LAC& AND T ULIZ IN llECEf\'INO Lr.llE M&ril)'ll -lked to the all&r In a r own or Chantilly 111re and tulle over tr.tfel L Th• filled bodke had abort puffed 1leevu and small tumovu collar. B&nds of the lace were aet Into th• bouffant tulle •klrt. which wu In bellerina len(Ul. A b&nd or !art and pearl• held the IUulllon \'ttl and only om.t.ment worn wu a pair of ex· qul8tte pearl un1ng1, girt o~ th• br1d~oom. A white Blblt wu carried. on whh•h wtls a white orchid arrtl11gtd wllh llllu of the •alley. . MiN ICUM Morr1mon. maid of llonor, wora a bouffant frock of eott plnk nylon net, with head hand and noeepy of dttp pink llowerL UtUe Stephen Brown had a ptn)& roeebud l>outonnlere for bt1 'tl'tltta 1ult, and c11rried the rtncw on a whit• taffeta plllow. Pamala Brown wu a dainty ~ str1 In a pinafore frock of Wlltt. orpndy w ith pink roaebud ~ ana baaktt of plnk pet&La. The brother and 118tu are d\lldra of t he brlderroom·a cOUllN, Mr. and Mra. Alan Brown ., a-d&. Yor h r eon'• weddtnr Mra. Ja mu wore turquol111 llmtllr ht taffeta with autumn pink hat and 1tlove1 and cor .. ge ot pink roee- bud11. Mre. O<>odmanaon, wrarlng rra1 pohehtd cotton with white tlCCH · .oriea and pink ro1tbud cor1are, took thr place or her molhtr ln the ret"t lvlnr lint and the br1dt "1 twin slstrr, Mu. Gordon Venable.a krpt the guest book. Mn. Jam .. Brown 11 nd Mn. Alan Brown pre· 11ltl1>d Il l the punch bowl. The new Mn. Jamu WM edu- cated In Mlaaour1 11ehoola. Her hu1b1nd wu &"'duated from New· port Harbor Union Hl(h 8chool, attf'nded California Polytechnic Coller• and then urvea with lhe U. 8 . Army Air J'orce. The couple wlll be a t home at 1930 Chureh 8t. Now in Hollywood Mr. and Mr1. ll:meat Sattlf. who recently 1old their home at 921 Via Lido Nord. art now a t the Monttelto, Apt. 1008. 6'&-0 Franklin Ave., Hollywood 28. NEWPORT MRS. )YINIFRED BARBRE, Women'1 Editor PAGE 2 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 Hospital Stay Family Affair Mr and Mn. 'nleodore Long. SM Bay 8t . Coat& Mua. 11re parenll of a daughter. born Aus. e In Corona Naval Hoapttal. She W M named Vicky 8ue. hu bffn home now for two wetk11. new1 ot Ule arrtvaJ of their MY• enlh grand.on and ninth rrand· child. born 1n P alo Alto lo Mr. and Mr1. lAllter Dunham. Mra. Dunham la the Conner Roaemary Bowman who w&1 ln lhe Balboa I.Aland Po1t Office. The couple h .. lhrM other .on•. twin• ~nnla and Douelu, e, and Guy. a. T!lla t. Ule nm child for the ooupla and all Ulree member• ot · lh• family were ln Ula hoapltal a t tlle aame Ume. 8ft. Lonr of Ula U. a. Marllle Corp1 hu baan ln the hoepltal for four montha and will be Ular. unlll nut June. ncovn 1nr from an aut.om°"'le accldant. 7th Grandson for Bowmans Mr. &11d Mr1. C. ff. Bowman . 22• Con t Ave.. have recelvad 4 ACIE BECIEATIOI ABEi w4th IWimming pool-tennu courll- ..... ,.ICT ·-.... " .... "" handboU court1-picnk area- club hOUH-LIN~ Leag~ field ""' o l)b1J9* to relident1 of the new · • Englanders New ORTHO-SUPPORT Sleep Set • Cushioned with Alrfoam by Goodyear • Cover Reinforced with Dupont Nylon • Decorative Lurex Weave 2 Pieces 6995 Full or Twin Sin Fully Guaranteed 527 Coils to Give You the Firm. Healthful Rest you need Limited Quantities~Better HulTJ NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. 2620 West Coast Hlpway. Newport leach LI 8-11U , • • FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 19'5 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE J VIEWING THE FASIU0N PiJu.DJC at the Park Ave. Cafe are (I to r) Kn. Betty Watson, Mn. Eric Wet.bers, llnL Keller Wat.on of Oranp, Kn. Steiner Larsen of Los AngelM, 111'11. Helm French of San Fn.nci.co, Mn. George Blum- mer of San Marino. Showin&: the 1lim. dark ahee.th with white jabot dickey ia Pat Colrtello, modeling for Gay Top. - L Mull Photo FOR CHILDREN Give Museum Prize Pictures Now on eahtbtt at i..o;. Anf1•• Oo!Jnty ll-m tn r:xpo.tuon Park \ii a unaU Pfm'l&n•nl to1. Jeetlon of pna .. wtnnlnr watar• eoktn. rtn of the C&l.lfol'1!.la Wa- tes-Color locl•ty, wllleh tnelud .. th• w orlil ot art.Ulla ••U k11Cl'llm to °"9 Hartloor area. 'Dl•1 \.Ju:lud• Bu'M MIU-. ~ ~ Dot----Nbeol. held m&J\1 ,,_,.. qo -. UI• tTUI at. .,__ ... r-n"' ot u.. Pr.Mr\I. ar-dt·Dl)I;• .cllool; llotb. Ila Bl'Uldt Ud PhU Dtke an "~ted by two plctUTM., - Of Br.ndt'I belnr; a m09l de· !l.Ptf'UJ -.. ot tti. w..._ Ck'ffn ""'" OUIWI M"9 by Dnll Ko.a and Mtllard 8bffla, do ha'9a ~ rue1t t-.chan at tha 9Cbpol J"ruu:la D'ETlll•y, on• ot wMM p&lnun,a han1• In th• htrh 9d'lool ool141CUOn i. Nprti-.nted by a mod•m. Kl1hlt1ht of Iha ahaw ia Ejnu Hanaen'1 ma1t•r· tuJ portrait, ··0na or ua··. 9•lck SerYlce • "°" loller Shades ll&adard 8ll&de ClolM and C'ultorn lpedlllUt11 e Dr•J*"J' H&MW&N • Ven•tlan IWslda c~ ~·"' THE SHADE SHOP CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY Debuta.nte Ball chair· men were ho.teeae. at a. tea Wednesday, Aug. 24, first event with which they honored their Debutantes or 19M. The group will be presented at the Debut.ante Ball on Dec. 28 at Balboa Bay Club. Shown hen! are left t.o right a.round table Mn. J . Harold Caldwell, at whose home, 223 Evening Canyon Road. the affair wu held : Mrs. William Curlett. ball chairman ; ~frs. Howard Lawson, Mrs. Charlee Peyton. Mrs. Tod Oviatt, pre111ident or the auxiliary. and ~trs. Robert MacFarren. who wa.a in charge of tea arrangements. -Staff Photo Balboa Bridge Group Stages Benefit Event The Br.Ibo& Duplicate Brtclp ._....,._ tw 1'etar4ed a.ud· Club w.. •ucceuru1 In ...._1a1nr r.n ta tu nnit cl'latity puty over 1200 for the Oranre County wtl.leh ,,... held on P'rict.f ._. tq Ill Oleta x-. R,..Z Uld Jack Pow.ll; M,.._ Ealh· er Muoa Uld loadr. llrul; Mra. ff~ Efprt Uld Mn. A. o. DoubU.rr t7flll' with Mni. Ger- trude 0-aad Mn. Grae. ,.,..... ~ •n Uad flt .. Newport 8-eii ....... tM Pott Oftkoe Columbia SE AL-A R-K tN-G By Gl.NNY (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITH 'American Reviewed Demagogues' by Haarstad • The l'r!day AfttmoM Clllll> do- M\.tld 1Ui ball .for th• -tnc: ·-'id war. dup"'''• bride• ~~ oom.tnct tllid ... -~ by tllol rn-y brid,. 111thu1tMt.1 Wfto •ltM!dM. Record Club ------ 1 ·.·.-.-o·.-.-D--T·Y·P·.-.-.-,-.-T-H_M_U_S--,,-,-.h·.-.-,-m-.-"·,-H·.-,-.,.-,·,-,-.. -"-,-.-.·l I The roU011d ng book l"C\'H'W hy C ATAt.l!'.;A: S11!ed Into plctur· their dreamy tkrbor lile ett,.tel\\'iUiam Ha1tr1t11.d. Orani:r Co11st "'•que Toyon Bay for th" C•ta· ... ' ihio. Frid•)' .. ve the C11p· Coll"gt hbr11.r111.n. 1• of An1rnl'llll Una 11!11.n(1 Gue1t R•nch'1 ramtd l1tt·•no Betthcornbera Cluh will Dern&gogue" b~· Rl'1nh~nt Lulhin. TUe.itay night 11eak bake hold rorth with their ":.-lght In I 1'he !l'l'ln •kn11gni;:ur L• "" In· Whit a he11vl'nly 1pot: Trinhlsd" .•. •nd Sun1!11y 'i:.!lher l ter,..ortinj: on•• and full .,f h1.ortor· The gue1t1 who 1ul'lllllly rome tor • y,•eek or two. 1n mo1t c•lll!.I t1nn$ prfvlllilnr In Loulalana dW'· lng the tim3 whfn the •·KJns· ri~h" waa In power. The eventual IU!llUlin1tion or Loni' ~ tM dl~po11i!lo11 ot hil empln I• aleo retold b}' the euthor. The book le wr!ltf'n In a hlgbq ln!,tNlllng m•nnl'r, Ind wtll M ot especial interl'11t to hl1tor11n1 •s well u itenerel rM.dera. Htrh- ly recommended. Local ~ti fto ccintn· bUtad ~y •-P . A. Pill· mer, Richud'• Lido Muket. Bob'• Mullet_ la Bl.Ibo&. Hen· n..'1 Men•1 ~ wta-'1 Jew1lf)'. Be.y n.putrnent ltor., Kanm'1 Rfft&un.at, Villa M.,... tna. S.tboa Inn, Balboa Uquor Ito~ Balboa Herd...,.. !Itani, Gun4-Dnil' Store, now.. br' Norri and Una llacMa.etw. • R•ilio e T olovi1ion Oorson•l Service Hi-Fi • Farrell "Rip", Rippetoe Mike Smith cen n()t bear to Jt1ve 10 •lay Out the month end thtre lh'y 1 wer" getherl'd eroun!I the •p11.rk· 1 Jing pool lo\'ith thf'1r hO•t Bill and Bill \Vit1ner or Baye1t1e 11c11I ronnoh1t1on.11. \\'cb."<!f'r .llll ~'ll Dnvl', Corona d"l Mnr, \forn1•!1y 1 <;>f t he word I 1 A 1>opuh1r lead· of P11 1111dl'n11 I w1l! host 1 IAri:•· ~r or ur11 tu1· :.! 1 A ~r.,,.J.i,.r who l'OC k t11!l p11rtr 1n h·•nor ol thhll•' lll'i>kll '" 1u•k•· c1111ital or ...xi•I ptopU!JJT nl'lo\'l)'\.\'~dll, ll:orfll'lto; HrH I tlosco.:m ttn l Bild Ji:ll!n r111J1lll'KI !II• Ted \\'itmer. 1 rl ut"n<"<' E1ti.;:tly \\'hil'h dcf1n1uon -------------! W~ of Mut1r Pomte ._. RULi:'• or CALIFORNIA 1hot11 .,.. modeled by Mr8. John Broushton at t h• An· cl\orm Aweigh talhlon ahow In Balboa Be.y Club. Hert •he " w-.rlnr cu.tom •hot• by Bydn•Y'' t~ou.1 for itl ad· vui~ 1tyl1nr. -T•rry Borl1 Photo Riverside Guest M ..... Q. IClll.1 Porter J r. of Riven.Ide 11 9J1'!ndlng th• WHk .. houae su-t ot M•rl"• Pric., 3338 Via IAdo. I P11ul~n barbf'quf'inK the n1o•l de· llciou.• 1tf'lk• on f'e rth . . . with hb ch1rm1nr. aUracUvl' wlte 1 J!'ren buu.lng •bout -lni;:: that all thl'ir rue1t1 wl'rt hippy ... Il w .. 10 mu<'h run to rind ,... HuU {Mlw. Hotr>f'I!') crotty lb-. 1"UI her two daupt1n1 Mary itnd Anni', 11 nd two .Onll Dan e nd Pet;• had no\ ~ .. en her •lnce Marlborough fl ay1 whe'\ •hf' wa1 Ida Hull Lloyd .. ~he •nd her hu11b1no1 Romer w1lt 110011 lake oft for 1 Europl'•n j1unt .. , oth~r r'"ctnt ir;u1•ts h&ve bttn Mr. and Mr1. \\'Hliam Kirby of Bt.•con 81y, Mr1. Cethl!'r!ne Kit"· ter or Co1la MP11a with her daurhter K•thleefl and MJn Roa11; Mr. and Mr•. J1me1 Bn1sh, Mor· C O C K p 1 T SCUTTLEB\ 'TT:1 lhc author . 11tten1pl.! to follow ln Mr. 1nd Mr11 Lionel Sherwood of \hill y,•nrk 111 pur.·ly !In 11catle:m\c P1sa<IPn11 v11('a (1on1ng 11t the B~!· qul'at1on. boll B•Y Club .. lh,. \Vay11!'( Th<' Amer1("an ll<'•'nl', popul•r Harperll with lhf'lr l'KC lin . new t o 1n11n)· nil•concept1oru. hell had M&rwly •l Chl'try ~Vl' ". , ., llll !1h11re Of lnrli vidU•la rllf.t1ng Oolull• aM V.CI Hay celebr•lln• the d<IUnltion ot a dim&&,,..... th•tr 11th wNdlng anniversary Th,. twenU1th cointury. ~. •boa.rd their p•latinl sc11 Snn~ ~ff." ""'en !he grr,lo\·th 11nd n.urtur· ... Dick Powell end June Al· 1ng ur these lndlv1•lu11ls. Bnll11nt. Jl"°n aboerd P1~1fil'a at Chl'rrv I f'IO"'."' · 8ei>klng, un!ICrupulou11 • Covo; ... Verni and Bi•d c "wnrd the11e term• arl' 1ynonymo1ut .~·1'.h 1oo11 rd Burl' Tub 111111 Gibby thl' dl'•nsi;:ogue. Hut>y Long, Big ind F..d ~raft ~b(lar•I !.u<'kY Bill" Thomp110n. Bilbo. lite • few Dutchman . . OVER A?'D Ot..'T or thr Amen c11n dl"m&i.::ogue1 --------------lwho"e livl'11 •nd 1n1bil1on11 are noiPd in thi• work. Patio Party for New Yorker Rodgers Kin at March Field ~I Sgt. end Mra. Willi.er Rod· gel'11 and family l~t tM week 'l(l~ .............. ... -t. Mr. and Jin. IC. W . ftoot, .'.l:lti Senta Ana Ave, Srt. J\os"'" hA11 been tnnlterred trom mu.- "''Orlh Air Force Bue, Rapid City, S. D .• to the 320th Air Re- fueling Squadron a t M•l"Ch neld. Thl'y ar• pn!9l'11tly l'l!eldlnr In Rl\'tr•ide. Steak Bake at Irvine Park Huey L ong, the Loulaiua "K1ngtl11h". Is 11 perfect f'Xlmpht of thf' type or perlOnality the suthor 111ten1pt1< to rxpl•ln with 11·01111idl'ntble l'Ul'l'",~ Thl' SµfftRr· MR. AND MRS. A. L, CLOUD Thi• coming Satur<\i<.\' Mr. snd IJIRr r1i.e of Loni( ln & pollltlon S<1Vlf&l H&rtlo'r .,... tataili• OF LIDO ISLE have be<"n en· P.lns Ml'l...,•ood He rry, :,(I I Clitr or unch"lleni.:e1l >1nthonty in Lou· joln,d In a Sunday ouUnr Ulie tertelnln« their f•mlly rrom Hu11n11 ill \'l\'llily portrayt'd by the "''eek a t lrvlnf' Park. A ale&k Sheph .. rd'• TO>Vn, \\'!!'at Virginia Dti\·r. lrf' 'nlertllinini: "1 11 Pll · 1111thor. Thi' • rl'll•!rr 111 · 11bl<" to b11ke wa1 held at 3 p.m. ud tM , Fann1e'1 t wo Utile n1Pce•. 110 barbecu.. for t.lr. i nd !>Ir• "ff'el" 11.11 \.\'<'II 1.11 see th<" condl· l'hfldren enjoyf'd tram rid• and Betly and Anne Trun11 h11ve Frink E. \\'.,bb or Cu~!• Me•a othl'r &mUHmentl Of the p&rk. and h .. r 1l1<tf'r, Mra. )o.!arlP H<)lo\" betn vacat\oninl' "-'ith th1 Cloud• Cl b L h ParUclp&Ung In th• attalr all 11ummer and have t•ktn ~ev-land or :>ev•: York City, y,·ho 1·~ ll UnC eOfl were !ol t1. and Mn. Robert Thal· eral trijll to Cherry Cove, Cate-villlllng here !hi• ~urnni~r. Thf' P~111 P reitulentll' r1ub of cher, Sh11ron, Mlch•le and Ste--l lln• "·Ith th•lr eunt ind unl'le AlllO pre1Wnl will 0... thl' J l'rc•ld the \\·ornen'I' A11x1hary of C;i lum· ph11n: ),fr. end M:ra. Harrl- •board Quten Merry ... 1a11l R11ndRll11 of Corr>n11 <l<'l Msr nnd pit cnmp :'\n :Jf•. l'nited Sp11n1.•h Sllnborn. Billy. OIUI' and Mary; wP<"k the girl•' molher 1F1nnle'a Mr1. H11rry Lll.11 of Alton. /!I. \\'iv V.-t .. r•n". fl\l'l yr~tl'n;l11 ~· 11 t !>.!r. &ncl MMI. Woodrow HIM'.lley, •l•lerl and tather Mr. •nd Mr11. 11.unt or t.lr. Berry. who I.• on An U1e hnn'" nr !>1 r11. G111dy11 L Vl't· Bllrb11.r11 enft Pamel•; Mr. and Fr•nk Trume e rrlved from \\'eel extpnded vl11l t her• non. 62.1 \\'. \\'1 l!<On Sl . Col'!" Mr~. Lawrence Nelaon. Charlen• V\rg1nla for 1. 1hort viRil with Alt•rw11rd1J l'\'rrynnf' w11 i;:n to 1 .\l ... •8 A luno::h•'"" "' t hr G•ni.:· end Jeen. Gue1U "'<"re Mr. and the Cloud• '"'' •pent the week· thl' Ph1lh11rmonii.: ron<'l'Tl 111 Ir-h~lll Rr~taursnl pt('•'r!1'"d th e Mr1. Loren Gratn~er and dauch· end h•vinr • wondtrful \lmf vinf' Bo"·t. tlr111 of 1hr Rl'll :<()ll, 1ftfrnnon n1,...t1ni;::. tl'r. Wf'ndy Ann. of South Get .. aboerd Kathf)'n and Roi.II Ca9tl'n· ---------------------1 dyck'1 pal1U1l Glllant t..idy '\' et Cherry Cov1 . . , N EWPORT \\'ILL BE LI VELY th.la week·end when Dottie ind How•rd Ahm•naon 1ivp their an· nual cocktail party Sund•y 1ve ULTRA MODERN KING STUDIOS ~) OF BALL ROOM DANCING /(M~ THIRl'I THAii MllTI MORI HIRI THI IYll P~raon11 r Attl'n1lt'ln G1•·f'n E•ch lndlvl.d1,1al By Oor E11:pert ln1tn1('lon . A11..~ure~ You, of Mort fo'un e nd Grr11t ~r Popular!ly, .. ,_ Y .......... come a-. for a ,,... demon· ~ of ftolis honw "'°"'thap lhot giVft you o 9'' 9aW 12'' tondt-r 34" lathe 16K" vertical •iii pr~ or.d horito'.ntol drill ~ one compact """ deliY'ft'ed • llhfl ..... includinlf: -~ .... -"""-.""'°""-•2900 dowe IAIT ..... l440 Vi• Oporto Newport Beech i.. .. Udo Canter "WHEN IT'S TIME TO DANCE" CALL HARBOR 608 I • DANCE PARTIES EVERY J"RIDAT E\'t: CLASSES NO'V BEING E~ROLLEO HOUR.Si Mon . th1' Fri. 10 &. m. to 10 p. m. Sat. -12 ""'!" lo I p. m. • Mr. and Kn. Rob.rt Dl«ilm .. 1 NMra loott ud Rffst Luek; Mn. Cu1 S..00 Md Jrifh. Ubby La-: Kra. In.a Jloolaw and Jll'& 1114 .. llodertlWJ. Mn. Rita Knapp ..._ ~ .... Ot-. .. rt- .n.w. ... Aaol7 ,,,.....,,.: ..... A. D. lNtba-.,i 11114 at..J' Leua; Kr. and Kn. W . .A. ~b; Kn. o.ocy. o-tooll -4 lill9. S.O.S. Radio & Electric O. m. Inbl. 121 M.ri.. ""-· ........... d P1actnc t1'brd .... XI'. _, Jin. .... w. "'-dill Kn. I.-Hertior 0780 It's your way! THE STORY OF NEWPORT AND BALBOA Graphically told in woril1 en'il picturu. It's a feature y0<1'11 want to road and keep. Buy Hvor•I ooplH. Y- friond1 back iatt wlll ..,fay a, too. o .... ·t ..,; .. tltio ••• 1.i feature, ellClu1lvely in Saturday's HERALD-EXPRESS .. '"I.-.. a s r ..... •s 2 a •• i'819'" Ham r I• 1Mallll Dlwla ••• • • ..,., 1-1492 • ' (}overnmenl Gxcepl PAGE • • ltART I FllDA Y, AUGUST 261 1955 ''God 9r1nt us the serenity to Kc.pt the thi"91 we cannot chM<Je; the courage to chaf\99 the things we can end the Wdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) EDITORI 'ALS EYES RIGHT ~---lllllCl9owic,16 ...... ...,.Olf.~ ...... ._... .... ~ .,....~-----~ • Bureaucrats Would Deduct Direct Aid to Hagermans! The old uw, 0 Chu1ty beatm at bclme,0 appanntly ta out of vogue-at leut in Orup OoUDtJ-«> faf u state uid federal eovem.m.M>t welfare ....... an con- cerned. They appvently want to play Suta 0.-to thoee in n~ _!_ juat '° the redpimta wU1 ...,...,_ who'• giving the hand out, po9iblJ. Or lboUS,.. •Y politically! You think you've beard and Miil it all! lfell, not quite. • The county-wide popular outpouring ot gifts, cub, birthday c&rcU and even an El Toro Marine Band aere- nade -all ecbeduled to be given Tommy Hagerman, Coet& Mesa muscular dystrophy victim, today on ru. thirteenth birthday, bu nm into the federal and at&te 10Cl&l democratic "wolf." Yea, the "Red Riding Hood" of aweet charity dea- tined for the helpleea Hagerman children, both malady victim1, hu met the wolf right at their door. ~ thl1: Any cuh or otherwise tangible itema fiven the Haprman1 to make their seemingly hopeleu plight more bearable, lt now appears, will come off the monthly aum the at&te and federal government welfare bureaus allow them. ..You can't take it," they reportedly have told Mn1. Hagaman, motbeT of the two vtct.ina, "unleu we deduct it, that is." Wu ever CbNtian brotherly love more outraced! How tightly can bureaucratic !'f'd tape bind free men and women? Until they choke! The iron-hearted folk who would .trangle the moat noble of humanity'• virtue-love of their fellowmen- are thoee who pin.ch ott any auccor to the unfortunate becaUle it im't a direct governmental handout. Now we don't 1&y thoee who adminbrter the law neceuarily bad any thing to do with ita dnftlng. However, there S. the letter and tbe llpirlt of the law in moat legislation. we undtntand ou.r bud-working, renUe Coner-- man Jamet B. Utt S. tiytni to wring a conceulon out of the federal Secntary ot Health, F.ducation and Wel- fare by direct appMl to tlJ&t gentleman. It thi• acquieecence la receiYed before Tommy'• county -wide birthday party t&kee place tbS. afternoon we, the citi- aena, will ban IMll that rtpt hu bem done. There will be tho. few who mtght uy deduction of the family'• month11 .tlpend w only richt. But can thia be! How man.y ..U•m•ntnr folk have (iven until it hurt for orpnised and mors.m.4 charity! It ia time we had eome thinking people in bureau- cratic poeta. They who would choke off genuine brotherly ge1tu.re. by peonypinching at home, whilat great carload.a of taxes are extorted from everyone to be thrown al random in direct charity projectA to the 11tarving thia or that nation, earn themselves the title of niggard•. Harbor area and Orange County reaidenta are be- aeiged countleu timee a year for organized charities' fund drive donations. These are "deductible" on tax returns. But when the u.me folks can't givt". from the heart to their neighboni in need here at home, iiucb Wilks Couple Expresses Thanks for Police Aid Gratitude lo the Ntwport J had time to atop and talk to Buch poltc:e deparlmtnl ror IUI her; and from anmewhere ahe obtalned a faith that they truly klndne11ea durinr the lnvullga-could help peopl• la d&llc•r or tlon or lhe tralflc dtalh or Vicki accident _ a.a to tb• eat.ant W ilka, 41.,. WAI ticpru.ted lo of-ot taking the fallen blrda to the tlctra of the department by tht hoepltal •nd "pump them 11p" ao llllle a1rl'11 parent-. Mr. •nd Mn. they could live acatn. Nolllll Wiik• ot 417 Margueritt '"nlll you were not able to do Ave. tor her la her 1a.t despuate Th• child waa killtd when hit moment but maybe It will la- by a t'ar driven by William R. aplre you In your ottlmu dlNl- Kllitort ot 31 12 CXun Blvd. on cult teak• to know lhat m any July' 24 Sh• apparently duhed tine such faith and God In bl• l l'n•J<• th• 11tr~et In front of bu Heaven lllld maybe even ahe bom•. "\\'e w lah to thank you for your t rrnrt •nd klndne11 durlnf our tragedy A month ago whtn our little fir! WH atruck by a car and killed at 417 Marguerite. "Sh• alwaya had auch a alronr watchea over you. ''l do not know tbe namH of tbe lnvtsligating omcen but we want them to r e e e I v • our thanka," atfecllon ror police ottlcer1 dur· 81cnad. Mr. •nd Mra, Nolan tnr her lite ao many ot them WllkL Formerly the Nnrport.BaJbo& Newa-Timea and UI• Newport-Balboa Preaa l:ntend u 8econd.clw Matter at the Po.t;;ltk; la Newport Bwb, Calltomla uadar tb• Act of Manll S. ll7t. PubUAllM Eft'1 MCIMay, W....._,. ... f"*1 at Newpen a.a.. CaJlt .• b7 tllle !'l'EWPO&T llA.IUIO& PUBU!IBINO COJIU'ANY Telef•-RarMr Hll ~·to l'1IWIM Lepl M.._ ... ........__.. •f All KIMI a, ~el t111t ....... o..t el OiMl'9 0.. la A.el• Ne. A·ll1" ...... o.111 .... ~-,.,. ..... ,.. ~ .. 11..-r N ... .,... --.1111 &weta ... 11..-et °'1lllp 0omtJ N..,. ........,. BSN RllDDICX. PUBLURER WU IJAM A. M09l!I! Sdl\Gr 01\.MOND JC. ROUNTRD, Acti'.rtilllq Director CHARLES A. AJUUTftONO, J&echenlcal llupertntmdtnt I bundontlo mat-beut.s ••control" met.bods ahowd be ..,.... ._.. f:rom tbe hoUMtopt. loalal 1'Ql'br9 &Del their bomel lpMk of their cbarpl oollitc:ttftly u ••cue load.a" and the individuala u .. ..._" We wbm.lt 10me of them are too qulek to label utort\ID&te folk uder priDt.c! fonDI, too eag"'r to think of U... u aamben, not people. Before the Social Dlln~ wbo IDfDtrat.s the· Democratic and R9pabllcu putMa came Into po.ttion.a of allocating the peosile'e tu ftmda chartty lllcleed bep.n at home. Much of It lta,.s at bome. Slit the 8'1aft, politlcaJ iwleen-oD haft IUbverted noble bamu maotbaa which motivated aoclety to take can of tta OW1l by.dinct dwity. Th ... 80Cial do-cood- er1 took that pnvilece away, giving It to the atate. county and federal gowrnment.8 which u8td it lo buy votee theee put 23 yean. And that'• bow the "Welfare State'' waa born. That'• why the boy1 who 1pend your tax money won't let you apend the money they don't take from you to aid a family aucb u the Hagermana. Too much direct aid, multiplied thouaand1 of times, would throw these profeuionala out of their eelf-per· petuat.inc poeitioo1, 1inecu.ree which you pay for in taxe1. l• ther. no end to which bureaucracy, in all gov- ernment levell, will g0 ! When they atitle Christian Ion , our noblest human apnuion, they indirectly vio- late our fnedom ot reli&ion. In eo dolnc they tighten their throttlehold on the populace in the aocialist grip which would equeeze ua all into mediocrities, incapable of individual thought and action. How tu can politb fall? What depth ia left ? Costa Mesa COuncil Aids - in Getting Needed Signal Coet& Meaa City Council hu done everything ~· 1ible to obtain m.tallation of a traffic 1ignal at the dangeroua Newport Blvd. and BJ:iatol Ave. intersection -.ven before the city limit.a extended that far. RecenUy the council authorized the State DivWon of Hi(hway1 permillion to take ~ from gu tax monie. allocated for Co.ta Meu. u one-quarter of the amount nece.ary for an $18,000 1ignal there. Several aerioua accldenta have occurred at the intenection, the the lat.t l"NUltinc in a fatality oru.day morning. 'l'1le action followed receipt of a letter from the dh18ion of hJ&bwa19 reportlnc the 11pa1 wu under con1lderation and ...tins if the city would part.lclpate in one-quarter of the ezpenae. Orange County will alao contribute.~ and the ate will supply the reat. Mesa councilmen had previoualy attempted to in- terest the atate in aucb a signal for tbe benefit o! t he Harbor area, but could do nothing bec&w it wu out- aide the city limits. Hope wu apreeaed by eome council memben that a yellow warning blinker would allO be placed weal ot the Newport Blvd. interMCtion on the Briltol Ave. curve. Coeta Meat. police reported majority ot the accidents at the intel'llection involve early morning ve- hicle traffic carrying fiabermen and eervicemen. County's Famous Citrus Industry Far from Dead (Ed, Note: Whal'1 happened to Oranre County cltrua ! Tiie tol- lowtn1 arUcle ahowa It l1n'l a d-4 lnduatry) BJ IACK BOl:'ITNE& ...uy f or packer• to count an~ pad!. the oranru Into carton• or wood9n cratea by hand. Plant Fortman Jim Duffy and hl11 crew ha ve been 100 per cent on carton• thla year. Lut year 93 "114"1---~--­....... 1119"\.'(mo Ol'-.a ............ llCC>I 'IQJe • ~ lllo\.'f .,_..,,I 'V\e 'WIU.81T .....,,. .. ~ ..... --. '~----­........ ~ ... -. ....... 'T.e ..,_ "*'-°" ~ ~ -t4lllOIT WN Tiil llU.Uf C. ~ ~~ 'TllM6-400'9T-, New Veterans Group Being Established in Santa Ana A new atale·wlde veteran'• Or· try to teach varloua tradu to gan~ion i1 b<>lng formed ln n -GJ'11 who don't have one. and S•nta Ana. ll will have .. II.JI we'll let them earn their own motto 11nd foundation "Self Help wav al the a&me time by doln(' -Not Government Patt ma.lism." amRll eu Uy-accompll1hed Jobe In The organization 11 he I a r tht trade thty're atudytnr ·• El· ronntd by Robert O. Ellison. iten· llaon hkened th• program lo ap· era! manaicer of Veterana Indus-prcntlcuhlp tralmns . "But," he trfu, S'anla AnlC. r:tt1111m hu jual. said, "there wo_n't bt any Gl·Bl_!.I. returned from San Fnnclsco We'll 11ell the produc::b the boy1 where he confered with veterans work on and tht progTam will orpnl%atlon I e • d er 1 f rom finance Ila own way. W e won't throurhout the allllf'. need any government a id" Jl.:11· aon hope11 11lmllar pla n• will M NEW GllQt'P l'>"T.EDED 1n111 111terl throughout the atale "Wt 've decided." he aald on hi• by the ntw or111nlutlon. return. "That a new type of vet· •ran• A.!IOClalion Is needed. Since the daya of world war I, 11<>me veteran.a· groups hav• been cry- Inc tor more and more govern- ment a.Id. In ma.ny ca1ea, that a id WAI needed. But In other caM1. we've round g'Ovemment aellon toward veter1U11 ludlcrouA -a dra.ln on the t&Jtp•yer'a mon- 17 -"proteulonai veteran ... DllllOn la a tonner M&rfne who formed the non·protll Veteran• lnctuatriea In Santa Ana ln 1950. Since that Ume, lh• otpnluUon hu (TO'Wn Into a mllJJon~ollar· a-year rehabilitation aervtce to ronner GI'• It own.e a new 3· atory hudquart•ni In Long Bn<-h and an f'llpAndtd S11nta Ana fllcl· lily. WORK t'OR ALL "We l'Vt work lo any veteran who uks or needs a Job," Elli· !IOI\ aald of hu1 present organiza- tion. "We try to tea<-h the men to help lhem11elves. And bv do- Inc l!O, we've round tha t the ma- jority of former 1ervlcemtn are more lh11n willlnic to try to make their own w&y would many llme11 r11thi'r lha.n ask for Vet- 1'r1n11 A1lminllltratlon .11upport." Veletana 1r11lu11lrlr11 thua became the 1prl11gb0Rr<I ror tile newly- formtd group. ElllMOn Cllt!cl lht l'Ue of a re· cent employee 1111 a m•Jor fac· tor a former l11wyer who be- ca.me d1SRble In JService and couldn't u11e h111 leg11. ··Thal fel- low wanlt'd t" get back Into hill lY!'ll or work," Elli80n Mid. "Bul he didn't wnnt 111 bf' JlllmJler•'d. He wanlf'd to '""I he "''\!! do- ing th~ Job on h111 nwn ' Th .. Veteran1 lnr1u11tne11 hra1I ~eul th• man wnrkrd first a.. R 11nrltr In the 11&lvag" t1prriH1nn ""l'J'lll· rating U1e \<trtuu .. 11111menl11 do· nattd to us " f:~lPLOl·s MAS\' Vt'ltran• lndu11lrlu 1t11elf haa tmployert upward• or :'>00 other· wlae d1slllute veteran• or their tanuly membf'ra alnce ll11 lnctJ>- Uon. "Each one h111 round a aolld place in t1oc1ety," ht ataled. "Eilch man who'• come to u1 hu gnn• away happier a nd more 11e· cure -because he'• ea.rned 1\11 own way and haan'l r•lled o.n anyone elae lo aupport him." In addition to employlnc nef'dy and unachooled vet.a. Veterane In· duslr1u h .. dona tert thou111a.nd1 ot dollar• each yt'ar to va.rloua vet· er•n• proJeclll throughout South· ern Cahroml•. HI• contrlbUllona, acrnrdtnlt' lo F. S Goodntr. prul· dtnl of lht Snntl\ Ana Chrl1ll&n Strv1re Orl('anl:ullon. Kf.Vt that organ1z.allon "th~ real atarl. t ln- anl·iallr. whrn """ w ean the C. S.O " and lattr ma de ll po11.11blt to get tht orga nization "rlnr out or lhl' red." EUl.11on's new group hnpe11 to acquire a n Initial membtr11h1p or al h•ut I 000 vtleran11 t hrouithout tht 1tatr. lht'n apply for •n or· g-anlu.llonal ch11rler. ~O "PROFJ:~SION.U.S" Merk Twain once remarked, per r ent ot th• cranrH ahlpped "Th• d.ta.lla ot my death have out ot OCCA throurh Mutual been l"'"UY •ll&lr•rated." ,.. Orur• Dlltrlbutora waa In car- far u th• Oranre CooperaUv• tona. Thla 11 tn lint '41th the Cltrua .A. .. n. ot Oranr• la con-ueoclatton'• eye to the ruturt cerned. the doom ot the cltrua lnduatry In lhia county haa been Rouchly 40 P41r cent ot th~ RF.HARll.ITATF.~ SEIS rrntty eaagrerated by t be ftnn'a output r oea lo !:uro~ Within a few monthi; l'arn· "Our prlnclplt." he aald, "will be to derry lhl' 'profe11elonal vel· tran· and 1:11thn 11m11nll u11 thl' 11ame mf'n who 11too11 on their own two fert lo fight a.-:greuion 11n1I now "'llnl to 11tand on lhelr nv;n lwo ft't't and mf'rl !ht <-hAI· ltngc' that (Rc-e u11 In the po11t- war "'nrld" HI' l!Bid lht group ",II br a "worklni;" nrgRnlUlton which will vuluntetr \•11no1111 cnm- mltl"e" It> \leleran11 A•lmlnlst1 a- lion h1111r1t1l111 vrttr11n1 rehabtll· talion grn11p11 And !llmllRr orj?tlnt· z11t1nn• ~liln\' ftllow11 n~rd h~lp lo 11djt1~l to r1\'11!11n 11r~... h,. 1<&111 · Hut ~'011'<1 he 11urrn~t1I how manv th,.,... arr in th11 cuuntry or ours who think th11t govf'rn· menl 11111 111 a form or ·rehtr ancl Wiii ff'(ll!lf lo &t'CPPl It Sllll other~ rth1c111nlly tfl k~ 11uprnrt trnm lht rcnvernmrnt but wouldn't Ir lhev h11d 11nmtone tn turn to fur hPlp. oractu. Aa we atrolled through the Im· Inc hl11 way All the while the J pit t th .Jd I --' m-w.rehou .. Botch 11howed ronner a ttorn,._v·•l'tvirl'man re· .n • e O e ra... .n .. -on th• writer 1000 ca rtone of "Or-ot 1u bd1Ylalon1. the aaeoclaUon CRlne<I hi, !lt'1f-.111~11rRn1•e F:llo11nn made up of approximately 14 anr• King" fruit ta1tfed !or Eu· 1&ld. "lie went tl11wn 10 San D•· cltrua crowera hu ma.lntabaed Ila rope. "Orange Kini"' 11 the ... el('o, openNI R l11w Mrare and w1111 aame hl&h output. One ot the aoclatlon'a top product markelf'd back ln hu11mP11s Hl11 r<'h11blltt11· I I 111\dtr lht "Pure Gnltl" trade· lion dlrln't !'Ml the rnxpa,\·er!I a ,.a.on• • v roroua maaapment 1'91lrk. J!:•ch carton wf't'"""11 38'2 Which keepa the aaeocl at Ion "" dimP 11nd thr veteran hlm~rlf 1s abreut or ahead ot the timea. 1119· !IO prourt M hl11 11rrt•mpll~hm• nt at:VOLUTIONAAY 81D11 OVERSF.A8 !UIJPPINO that nnthanl:' <·on M'••r 11h11ke hl:s All of which brlnp ua to the About 80 per ctnt ot the over· aelf-ronfulenre A~aln " hub of tbl• atory. under the plant aeu abipmenta are In the 288 The 1urr··~~ nr lnt mAn'll E'n· mana1enhlp o( aofl • apokan and M• oranr1 gradu, the 11mall· duvor 1tnl Ellison tc1 thinking Henry Botlch. OCCA recently In-•l alsed. The ueoclallon AIM> then• wen• more ike him Bul atalled a revoluUonary n..r and aenda lta product to a ll polnta 1 an oritnnlz.al Inn or 11t11tt · wlill' wtume tllltr. In th• nation •nd Cnn1r1a. 1 1K.,,:pe w1u nl'Nlcd to h11nt'lll' ~11ch The ln.lt.alllnr of th• Intricate The OCCA Wl\l! rormtd back I caM-11 on a vnl11mt bMlll cont.capUon manuta.ctuAd by F . In 1924. Illl members ronlnhul<' 1 F:lll~on plan!! to throw the full B. Roberta ot Anaheim ha.a 9Pftd· to a revolvinit fund Thr All"""'"' 1uppo1 t uf h111 01,1.-n hui:e org11m· ad up old hand packinr proced· Uon 0"''"" lt.e truckt1 whaC'h 11rt z:\unn l>th1n•I thr n<-w mo\'ement urea to the point that p&eklnr uUJIUd by packlnr crew• in I "We' rt> t11L11blosh1ng a ~up or coata have bteft •Uced In halt .. mem ber gTovu. h11n1hrrnft r la11J1tll 111 thr Long Our nr~11nizallon will trv to rurni~h lhl\1 lrRr1~ri.h1p rnr th""" mf'n. All fM thr "prof P11111(ln11I VPl<'llln · wt 11r.n't l>Pllevf! he'll lut nrw loni:er lh11n lht olhP,!; lract1rl! whn cun11tnnt ly rlamCJr "•t mnrt' enrl more of lhr tn"r "'Y<'• ,.· r1oll11r11 Our or11:11n1utlnn Wiii Rh· hor thr~f' peoplr> 1111 I h•'V woulll 1'ny othrr cnnflolrnrt men" A mulmK or prri•r«"c llve mr m- bt'ni ftlr thr 111111 unn11mrrl or- i;:&niiat1on will be htlfl In Sant:i Ann m thr nf.'nr f11t 11r". F.111.;>lln 11l11tNI Olhl'r me<-l1ng' 11r~ hf'tnR hl'l•I lh!• llt::hOUl U11• 11t11t~ A' n n~ioull nf th>' S11n r rn nrlsro m"f'l· tnjt Boadl aplain.S: "I'd a y our The c.r&llge parkarlnJ Muon I Ouch ornct " he 111111<'<.I. "We'll packartns coat. baw tie.A cut rangea from May to NovPmber --------------------------- a t lee.at llO J>9f eent. Wher. -Grove p1ckPr11 work 8 ninl''.hour UNd to haft aa pecllen Oil th• day. Aver'3g~ In lhf' pl11nl l~ Farmer McCabe Wn'te n oor we now have only ""n eight hour•. ••Ith 30 mlnutH In . S • women. Jt la the only on• In op-• • eraUon In Oranr• County and rut breaka. tAe •tale. 'l\UaH Co\&llly baa ---------·---- llmllar machtnee. H--r, I Wnk you'll IM many m°" ot Ulem nut ,..ar." 'nl• contnpt.toa. wttll tbe ap· pean.nce of one ot Rube Gold· bare'• famed drawlnra. at.a•. welth• and tunn1la ~.. Into cardboard cartona. The machln• dlYldee t.be ctlnl• lato """ dlf· ffr«nt alsff al th• rate of l500 to MOO carte.. a 4ay. ONCE RAND OOUNTED le 4&711 l'CIDe 19J It ..,.. ..-. •Lea• H•• ••l11lt.era a ...,._ ... 1. an4 tllqU ... .,. _ ..... __ .. Some British Scientist has come up with the plan that monkeys ca.n be trained to do jobs that arc too co11tly for humans to do and im possible for machineM. •uch u picking of fruit from tall tree tops. Seems like a nght good idea, 'spedally if they can be trained to peel onions and scrape fish ... there'• nothing like a little leiaure around the house when you can get some other baboon to do a few of them kind of tuke. Farmer McCabe 5J.rom BRUSH COUN·TRY JOURNAL By HORACE PAUP (.._ N.W -Dia --~ R•NOe l'artlw wUI ._. .. tM ltttt.kMww W.torlcal tllda M Mia dredced •P I• W. ..., .._. ._. ... ~ eouc:,, la ,_., ,...,...) Burt.EB PEAll l.OOKOVT -At 8l500-tt. elevation this forest lookout ltlltion ln Bl1 Bear Lake UM aurveya territory from Apply Valley to Catalina, eftn Palomar being in sight from here. We have just returned from the Big Bear LU.e eowitry. On thi11 occuion and a number of othen I have talked with resort owneni. 'l'1le 11\odern day mountain ••au-it" S. nen worse than thoee of 50 yean -CO· Be demenm OODtiDUOUI amuaement and want. a "Coney hluMl amoac the Pina" There I• hardly an up to date ''ton9t roed8" to .... * p\11>- mountaln todre that doea nQt lie OGL aport a algn "Heated Swlmmll'I& Ia aar ......,,.. ol ..._ tnY• Pool for GueaUI." 11\f valley I.I Mid. la Ule .... -....o _,,.._ dott4Ms with amwiement parka tloOal 1'ol'Mt ID ta. put two runnlnc tuU blut for amiae-naoatU "'"8 ll&ft ..,,.. ..,_ oa- mcnl • hungry mountain vt.aitora. to'' a l'&DCW· ID OW' ....,. -u We p&netraled over a bundr9d of tn'ftl oa tM Borneo and All• mlle11 of forest roada, and jffp IA State Pu1m .,. ,_.,. never lralla and didn't pu• a hiker ln nan onto a •• ,...,..., dwft. I am thf' entire trip. We r ot Into aome oa th• out.Ide Jooldas la but l of the moat prlmiUve and beauU-~ I know wtlat U.. trouble ful toreat and mountain acenery II and that la that ~ acenclea 111 lh• t'nllre world a.nd r1pt In .,.. undtt·ma•IM'l Whal paraon- our own backyard. nel Uwy do baft IDut llta7 put DAY8 rs DE8EaT . la bJ ipOta tor .... pacd-. IDISI' ft <JL&AJlf . We have spent many daya down In the duert on th• Bor- rego and .An&a State Parka. Again evtry effort I • Mlnr made b:t the d~Mrt n.eort ownere to amuae thelr .,UHU WIUI • ''Con· •Y h lud In the Desert." To the cu ual duert v1sltor he aoon be· comu bored with tbe monorooy of the deMrt -nuy and peck• up to 10 home. We have been forlun:ite In having "nallvu" u friend• down In the Borrero and apencl daya wandering over the d~tterl becaUM it.a my11ter1u are w1folded to u1 by thou who know. Al10 I have apent many houra atudy111r the history and ar< haeololO' or the ueaa and for gueata who have accnmP41nled ua on aomr ot our toura ll 1• run bcea ute l <-an mak• point• or ln- tere•t "live", I really think that when a per- aon 1lar t11 off for a vacation In the mnunlllln11 or deat>rt they h•vc In the back ot lht1r head lhf' lllea lhty are gotni to enjoy the mount11ln11 or dt'sert just fnr wh"t they Ari', snd not !or 1JW1m· ming pool11. 11kl·ball. mlnllllure golf, <-orkll'lll bnrs. picture llhowa 11nr1 the Ilk• SOON BORF.O Artu they 1rr1v.-an<I thl' fll"!ll n"wnes~ ot the 11mt'll or lht' pint11 hs 1 wnm off I hev are boretl. Thl'v don't k now whiH lo dn. 110 the~ rev"rt tn their 11aual city amustml'nlll. And actually th• interior t•f a r1t'!l~rt or moun- tain b11r 11 no dlftf'tenl than nnl' on M•in Street an•I probably It Isn't 81! good . .110 why put out the ener1ory 11nr1 "'Jl"""" nt leavlnit homt'~ Thi ouio:ho11l Soul hnn C"allfnr- nht ire thnu11Antl' ut !!Qlll\re m1lu of rubhc ls n•!ll '1thrr fetlerally Or .. tlllP•OWO• .J Al 111 t!!ll'nt lhe1r main 1111e 111 f11r i<O·('&lled "waler- 11h,.tl1<' 8llho111:h we 11.1e Import- ing mo11t 11( n11r water •n•l 11h&ll cont 1111H• to tl11 11u V1111t 111 reag~11 are fl•••I up with prlv11I•· 111t.-rr11 a el1 l)c1 grnz1n1?, loiz:glnl( 11r mln- lnit A 1110 tlnllP<I w1 Lhtn thr1r rnn- tln"" s re nrra" prlvAl~lv uwnl'•1 by tho~c wh11 r 11•l10<'k gates or We pride ounelfte OB belnr the perfect rc....t and putl Yiat- lors. It .,. -.ou •• do ., only at po9t.ad &NU. Wben -picnic aU -dellrt9 ... w1D ... w. -Cllt ... -...... ~. but ratJMr IMft It fw U.. u.at per.on to -ft» • Mt tru• al CM .-U JQbbe1 tella a look at unorp ' 1 ~ "'ta can bead!" Mtw-. B a at ta 11.on Beach &Dd 8ea1 Be&cb. The, Juat a t.w mi* ~ obMne th• clean, ..U • kept Runu.n,ton BeACh ltt&t. Park -"ldl la SU• pervlMd. If •• an SolAI to Of4I' our publlo l&lld9 to ~ public Wblch ' we are a.i.o pNMrvlq for poi· ter1ty the pubUc muat be cloeely and eonUnuou.aly supu-riMd. And by the aam• token it .,. are ro- lnf to juatif7 th• •tUA~ ulde ot th-ta.a uempt l&nd.8 tJ.. caUM ~Y an for pubUo u.e •• h11d bttler U&e them. Sl!:l:D FOR NATf11lE Southtrn Calltomla 11 teeming wllh million• of nature·hunJl'Y rlli:tena who want to ecnjoy n8 · lure but lhl'y don't know how. At no lime In our history hu there been aucb a nttd tor th,. calm aerenlty of con~mplallnll lhe work1 ot nature. Jt'• a r ()<)'1 de111 ltkf 1tlv1nj.f I\ Jl"r•"n an 1 11- lomnhlle, 1f yuv a re It"'"~ tn glvl' hlfl) nnr you hA•I h .. 111 r Aht•W h1111 how to rlrlve It. lt II 11111" thlll WI the p11bhr dtm11nr1 that we hr allow.-rl In 11111' Anr1 ~hown how tn 1111e I h" p11hlo<' l11nr11 nm•• 11va ll11bll' h<-fnrr •· A1"11tlnnal 11rr .. 111o:e 111 takrn r.rr the ta" rolla. We ahould have unt1rf'1l11 Rn11 per h11r111 1 hnu1111nt111 or f•·•lnnl 11n•1 1tA1t rangnw tremrfl 1n lhr hlalory. (Mlogv Rnr1 h101tw\' or an area tn 111rer • vlM• 11n•I l"ll"h ua ab<1ut the l&nd ahoul u• w .. 11hould have mm r r 11blli' 111n11•1:rn11nda with mll~f'· 11m• ''' 11111 u rrA, ran1ttn t o II""' IN llll ~ .. An•I '"'"" br('llU,.,. with the110 thing• WI' nrNI h•·lp. It I• .. 1m1111t 1mpc1••1hl<' l•1 1.:r l lh,.m nn r.ur own Arul •inr ,. 111ul t11r 111. lo-t'a •flow the ' ('•HI"'' l1<lnnt1• In lhe Plnu 11nd on thr CJCJOnU" 10 wllher on lh<-vlnt BOUEGO STATE l)ARK -This roas114 f11m1Rhea me.quite aha.de for noon day picnic in lee of 1and dune. -Photo1 by Horace Parker I I RECEIVES AID -Ray Hartley, Huntington Beach, under blanket. received aid laet night when he suf- fered heart attat'k just u he left Orange County Chapter session of League of California Cities in American Legion Hall. He's in "fair" condition today at Hoag Hospital. -Staff Photo ..,._ T-. • Hal1tey Collapses SCOUT. TOUR ---------------NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . ,A&& I After LeatM Meet ., o.a..._. ..._ .,,. ,.... Ray Hartley, M, reUred raUway !nltn. Jaland t.o pick up the car ottlcl&l of HUJ1tlnct.oa Baach and and bt a.ck by 1 o'clock. Some-- a cue.t at lut nlrht'• Or&JIC'f bow or otbtt the aenlor Jeadtr County t"hapter. LAacue at Call· TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK· . ' REPORT & COMMENT h 1 overalapt and all th• other ruY• fornia CltlH banquet era. co. ot u at 8 and were iittinf In -------------------------- l&paed of• heart attack u be and ~. i!b 'll'&!Un ·on ua. 1 walked l New Yortt Noon Comment.Dtan Prod. Co. ranecta rumora of • hl8 wife left Am•rlcan Lesion ha.JI, down .:;,ut 1 :clock and foUJ\d Witter 6 Co. -SANTA ANA. buyout allho~h dtt.&tla and t.r1N police reported. that they had been walUnr theN AUC!I. 28 (0CN8) -Altho~h are laclrln&'. Only addreN J:~~· fo~d ~~ for ma for two houn and hadn't IOIDewh&t ml.xed u • rwult ot COPPEU 8TllONO macllately on ~Y wu .ven called u.. Thou.ht we wer~ I profit tak1n&' under cover of Copperw encoUJ\tered • wpply Tenlh St .. Hunlin(ton Bea.ch. How· ne. •U'tll(th, Sood demand penjala ln t k b t bl t h ld •~ ever, • check wtlh that city'• po-l'O th• atwl8, Mlected olla. a.lumlnum o atoc u are • • o o c-ed th t Till: THRU WAT to lht peak prlcH . lice department ahow • •tree . r.nd apecla.lty luu• which allow· Aluminum Mellon maanWbile FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 o,... 10 a.m. DINNEI SllYID ...... 1:00 p.111. D~CINO NIOBTLY num~r t hat or a vacant lot. I w~ picked the vthlclt up over I "d th• market. t. o move ahead In la aubject to rotaUon&l lnterMt at Staten I.aland and cam• ba"k th• early tndlnr, att.tntion 18 of renecunr Ila turtber lmprond nan ln•1.-.-..1 and we ara now . about 90 mtlu courae beinr directed to the •torm competitive """'IUon. H&v""" beet i~~~;;~~~~;;;;;~;i~~;;;;;;;;;~~~~;~~~ llrWU west or New York City on our dl8treueci Ntw 'll'R•Jand area and ..---.. B tt J h t N w -.. 1ubjec:t lo converwlon prtllaUH, Fatally •in Crash way to u a o on w a e ' nttded l·~r• ra--n"•trucUon n ..... Ka'--r • 'uminum -·da ont of ..... I·-...... w ..,. -~ ... ·-r--... ..u .. _ "'"' York Blatt ca .. • ' ' .. ru a.r a gT&ml tor hlrhwaya. bridrea. etc., batter recover!•. Larry lnrram. 17, ot 727 Bay-wbJch 111 a toll hlpway and which "'111 cr,alt' further cltmanda view L&Kune Beach, wu dead on very nice -y to tranl. A big Oh an a.lf'fady tight elftl aupply. North Amtrk an Aviation and · H H . hlgh-y -&l)d I think we will Curtl• Wright 1upplled Ole m&ln arrival laat ni(ht al oa.r a.· be tn BuftaJo about 8 or 1 o'clock STEEL DEMAN"D int.eral to an otherwi.e quJet air· pllal following an auto accident on the road between Dana Point thla evening. lntereat hu apUJed over to auch crall group. The latter hu of and San J u&n Capiatrano, police -------------aeconda.ry iMuea lnrludlng, Cruc· course bt>en aldl'd by Improved 1 $4000 IN GEMS Ible Stttl. Colorado Fuel and Iron urning. and • dividend lncreue reported. d Sh s wb·~·a· Norlh Ame ..... an •-dia· 1 tedl m &n aron tee I Co. Better &T&de ""~ ~ "" .. Ingram repor Y wu an • • 1 count iJlv 1ln11lar favorable nl'WI ployee o( the Shlpmatea Drlve-ln 01d1·1eld w.· d OW •lee a .,.. al.ao being well main· • al Lftguna Beach Early reporta talned lncludlnC"' U .S. Steel. Beth· from lls meeting due Sept. 9. anld ht waa a puunrer In a r ar lebem Steel, Republic Steel and OompeUtlon of • la.re• aelllnr J I T k Jonu Laurhlln. order enabled Olin Malhi.on to ln\•olved jn the cruh. ewe s I en, rain while We.stem UnJon re1pond· 0118 were featured by auch apec· ed to Ila J uly eaminr• report. HAGERMAN AID Poll.Ce Told'. laJUe. .. Texu ou1t Producing H&vtng been under p~ure trom Co. and Texa .. Pacific Land Truat It.a recent right• ofterinr·Weatem __ P althouch the larger lnte&T&ted Union ahould enjoy further re· CoaU.ued from • ... a &I" Tba 15-,_,.-old widow of Bar· uni ta are meeUnir a tock on slant, 24-hour attl'nUon. Their nay Oldtleld, famoua old -Ume atre.nglh. Stren(th In Texu Cult covery. molher, a.Jone, handl~a the erduoua auto racer, reported • 14000 ln view ot prooounc«t ~a.Ina taak -patiently helping tha two ~ burrlary to Newport p&rtlcularly ln apecl.&l rroupa and through hour-alt.er-hour of tbelr ea.ch police yesterday. Mra. Fu•ere Tells with the weekend ahtad, It I• tortuoua exlat.ance. Hulda B. Oldtleld ot 1828 S.° Pa· & IOl'lc&l to expect tape.rinr ott oYer The aame bnght. brown ey• eUtc, Oceautde. •Id UOOO worth p 1• T 1 balance ot the day which would that once 1hooe brl('htiy from of jewelry had been taktn trom 0 ice a e prove coru1truc:Uvt and aUqw for ht'allhy. amillnc facu are now the locked rlove compartmtlll at both profit ta.kins and evanin&' dulled by paln. But both youtha ber unlocked car. f I d N b up operation. lllll have the full menta.1 capacity 'nle bura1&rJ could hava taken 0 or er I Dow .IOllN l p.m. Ave,...a and 1ntell11enc• of othtr younr· ptae. tn Newport e.acA or any 30 Indu.atrlala ........ 4e2.81 up Sl.81 at.en of the aame qe. The)' art one of halt a da&en otbft 91JOt.I. Ralph Annand Fur-. i•. bar· 20 Railroad.I ...... _ 167.23 ott so.oe ju1t u alert, juat u quick to Kra. Oldtlald admitt.d. She Mid tender at Ult Blue Room in Bal· 115 UWJUea ............ 6e.1T up S0.01 gn.ap tor Meda of knowledge. lb• pl&ctd U.. j-.lry ln the boa. wu 8&turday arnat~ while 1 p.m. voluma 1,310,000 ••· Their birthday party will bt rlon compartment at 11:"5 p. m. coming aero.a the border t1'0ln 1,oao.000 Thuraday. aomewhat bizarre. St.ate and P'ed· Mon~ wtltn llht left bome. 'njuana, Newport police 1-nlad CompUed bJ .I. C. OAUIDE Grantlollo 's (formerly of Remtt) complete menu for the family PIZZA e SPAGJIETIJ e LASAGNA BOID:· KADE llAVIOU e Sl'EAJl8 e l&A. FOOD TOOD f'O 00 s11 1a1boa 11vd. BALBOA Harbor 4131 OPEN DAILY U NOON-11 IDDNIGBT. JIO!lf. I,.._. TIL IQD. CAPrAIN'S CAllN .• l'nl welfare offlclala ha ve lajd 8IM dron to U. home of her today. ni. Border Patrol, acting ne.e Wltur & Co.. 8eata A.ma ILONDE PAIR AT UDO THEATRI Sher~e North, leCl .-.na Bc-ll y Grable orrer UlJJtructlon In "How To Be Very, Very Popular" m new Cl.nema8cope feature al L1dp Thtalrt'. With tht 111lvery newcomer and long-popular blonde In the 20th Century-Fox tum ara Bob Cumming•, Ch11rlt'11 Cobun1 •nd Tommy Noon&n. Too Late ~o Classify 22-Lost and Found LOST Collie female, sable Ir MINIATURE white poodle dor while. Pedigreed. Reward. Ll at atud. LI 8·8970. tec98 8·8!504 . 96c98 !09B--A~ll&_!l_<!f'~~~~- 1t1 AClC CHEF. ~ burner flat tor rnni:I', ovtn &nd broiler \\'hll(' ~niunel Ar chrom!'. BA RC: A JN $~. Ll. 8-1039. 06p98 ~S-Boat., Supplle. 211 IT. FISHf ~G Boat without motor. \'t'.'ry rra.sonable. Mr Uartalde. 70-0 · 3l!!t St . l'\ew· port Beach. 96c98 HILLMAN Minx M1uk V. <I dr, aedan. new battery. elect. fuel pump. Owner leaving tor Eu· rope. S.cr1flce 11 l S600. 430 Ac· 11c•a Ave., Corflna dtl Mar. 96<:98 l\'F.VER USED 16 h p. Mrrcury Mark 20, out bNu'd motor Ll 8·6793 after 8 p. m. 96c98 18 Jl"f. FLATTIIC Sailboat. u 1la. I railer. XJnt. condition. $3()(). Harbor 2762-R. 96c97 19 18 PACKARD StraJght 8. good mn dlllon. LJCxln(ton 6-2456. 418 • 12th St., Huntington Bch. 96p '88-Bomee for Real Ht;NTINCTON Beach, good 1.hs· trlrt. 2 bdnn. ht>use, furn. or unfurn. Com tr lot, walll'd in y11rd 428 12th St. LEx!nicton 6·4373. 96c98 58-Storee a Otf&ce. BUSINESS BLDG. With paUo. 50x96 lot. S85 per month. 113 22nd St., ~ewport &-ach. KI 2·1498. 96c.10 TRIPLEX -CLIFF HA. VEN. S2.760 down. Two year old, % bdrm•. eech. tlreplace, patio, garbag• dlap., large wtndowa. garegu. 1torage room. Near Aehools. churches. shopping. $21.760 F . P. LI 8-6996 96p98 BACK BAY THRF.E bdrm Ir den gel ling hud t.o nnd now. Thia la lovely for 122.600. Harbor !H~. tetfc DELUXE LUNCH SI :30 a rn. -S:eG p. nt.. CHINESE and AMDICAN DISHES 3:00 p. 111. -1:00 ...... FOOD TO TAKE HOME The Same Prlce9 the Year Aroad CHINESE CASINO 111 Kahl St., Balboe down the law. No pruecta of daupter, Kn. Urry Kelley ln on a Up trom a TlJu¥A cab drtftr, Local 8tO('k u.t, Bid Md AU value can be given lhe youn«Rera Brwltwood. Ulen to t.be borne of •lopped Fu(ere. They report.ad Bank of America . .. •3-46% on lhl• birthday -elae an equal her aiat•, Kra. Randolph Houae tlndine 200 "benniea"-p&cltac-of Beckman lnstrumt'nt . . 21 " arnolont will be deducted from M rs. ln aimot. IJUla. Other atop• banaedrln&-and a quarter pound California Bank . . .. 68 ~..elh llaprm&n'• monthly "9'lbeilll81C. ~ e&ller_drtYt 'fftJ't IJL.8!J!la ot ~ ln_two r'4 aocka un-Disney •Walt> . . 38-~1 check. r.-011greuman J amu B. Monie& to eat. few ,..,UU ln demeat.h t'ront -t of the .... 'l"lraC we.item '!5Etlr-:-:: .... &f:.~ Utt -who jumped t.o lb• defenae Ocmpt.ca and for ahopplnr In pact'• auto. Glaupar . .. ···--.. ·-2~·3"9 ot the youngatera When the ordera N.wport Be9ch. M..nl. Oldtlald Mid Fu all ed1 pk ded guilt Hall Scott ~fotora . . .... CHS% of welfare omc.ra wer• revealed 8b• pulled ber car at ill• rear of rere 1 ec r Y th a bel1Z driny Inleralate Enginetring ... 10· 11 •\ -alt.er a conferen.ct With Unltt d mT J:. Cout HJ(bW'&y here. on dpoue';i on ° h 1 e f :m e Market Buket Com. ... .. 21-22~ Stat.ea welfat.• aut.borlU. In Newport Baach polict repc:ll'Ud :0 ;:8 ven c ~e 0 30 ~ r ~ Mayfair Marketa . . 9-9~ Wutunrton yealerday Mid In t.ba')' ware unabl.e to ltft ~ta e °" apen r ya Minute Maid . 16'4·16~ &mueft"lent. "It'• the l&w." tram U.. j..-.lry box. ~Tba mart~uanatcb~ ':n~~ Sec. First !'lat'I. Bank .• 69a.,,e3•-w PRFAENTB "'LOA.NED" mauon''w1~ ~::ient ach~-Thrifty Drug' . lO"'·ll'it Today. no preaent• will actually WELFARE MEN td f 'tedera1 rt Th aua· T reeaweet . 7 .,,-8 bt "fiven" to Tommy or bla broth· pact':-lw.6 Chr')'a~~ ~ beln~ bald Van Ca.m~ Sea Food .... 8'4·9~ u . The two helpleaa lndh1dua.Ja ill San Dleso U. S. Nat I. Bank,S. D. . 22·23 1'FW bt "loaned"' (lfla ranfil\r 0oM I ~ nnt ,..... ' Wl&ard Boal .. . ........... 2~·%it from a teLevtaton Ml t.o maguine. fara Dep&rtmt11t aid when qu... Tba auapact cla1med UU. wu b1a and booka. UOMd lt rttta stnn to doomed tlrst trip acroaa th• border, but •••••••••••- However, Ult blr...-W1ir In Tommy H-s9nD&D at bia birthday a.llepdly admitted haYUir UMd I.he olherw1M drab llvu ot th• party t.od&)' would .bt deducted bauadrtu a.11 alone. two boya will bt the party ltaelf. from ate a&d turnillled tM tnc· Entert.a1runent ran(inc from edy-«rick• f*mUy. Indiana from the Newport Barbor "Daa't blame•.''~ -'d. Buffalo Ranch to th• fa.med Ka-"It'• tadsal la•." riM Band wW parform for Tom-Tbe weltare cs.putmct ti.d my ud .1obnJ17. Oa U. "com· mid U.. law llta&ed u.t ~ maad paf __ .. pl'Ofl'Ul w1ll •-..--.& _., .......... "" be tu.mblerw from tM Santa Au tu family, under any dl"eum· YMCA. an educat.d chimp&IUIM ~. muat ba dtducted from from Anaheim and HYeral moUon U.. monthl!J' amount th• famlly plclun! rtlebriU.-none ot whom ..-!vu. wanted publicity about their ap-KUllT Bl: DEDUO'l'llD lPORT~~< .. rt .. , . Now Sbowlag BETl'm DA Vll .. Now Showing Van Rerun ''T•••••yilta'' Job Del'U Dtua Lyn "Annapolis Story" pearanct given OW. .. It an St.em bu a caah 'nlue,• K&yor Nel.an win read hJa Douitu atated, "St muat ba dt-"The Virgin '-'---n" proclamaUon to the )'OWlptera. ducted u Income and ~rca .,,_... Sun., Moa., TuH. Charlton He11ton And numerowi civic dJcnitartea from welfare aid." a.rt expected t.o attend. Merchant. th.ro\ll'hOUt Oranie A rroup of Collta M•• poUce County bad pled(ed to donate a offu:era will be on duty to help televlalon aet and numeroua ot.htr wltb th• atf'al.r. gift.a to Tommy Hacerman on h18 The party WU to r•t underway 13th birthday today-bia nrat at 1 p. m. and lul tbroulb the birthday, and docl0'9 •Y· prob- attemoon. ably Ilia tut. Hur.dreda of Oranc• CounUana "A televl.aion Ml woUld bav• to art expecUd to convet'I'• on the be deducted," DouglM declared. alte to wttneu the eftnt -and to "Il bu n!uon&blt va.lua.'' '\ hand Tommy and Johnny their The welfan ofncar atated, bow· "loaned" gift.a. ever, that lf the rtth already The bure event may brine aome pledced were "loaned" to the chll· happln... Into the barren llvee dren, hla office could not do any· of lht two boya. It lan't every-thing about ll. Clnema&ope Color by Delwra -111- "HELL'S ISLAND" \'l•t•\'h1loa Tf'rbn.lcolor Donna Reed "Far Horizons" .lobn Jrelaftcl "Fast And Furious" St.a.rtA Wed. ~ Cr011by GrM-e Kelly ncountry Girt" "Shot Gun" body who can hav~ the Marine "But don't try to 1llp It under Band much up to IJI front atepa. the coUJ\ler," Douglu warned. ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!~ !:apecl&lly, 1t thOM two boyl w.nt "The Wtlf&re officer WUI t\nd OUl to be Marlnt'I when lh~y "crow about It aooner or latll'r !f it te \.lp." g1ven to them." l[.J-1 -------:----:----.! . . 1 "" • -~ • l1 1 I •I f 111' ,;_ .•. ., . ' "A" 1d711 ·------------------- Now FIRST FALL HIT PARADE of FASHIONS FUNI FOODI FAVORS! PALI. FROCKS '°N'IOl'IT AT l:Jt DANCING FllJDA\' a IATl'llDA V SIGHTS Entertainment the •. .. .. _.n.....,_ PAITlll. IAN9Um. • CWI DINNllS l'mn TOW mEBVAftOft MOW H.w •d.. tit W... 1 •1rty MIO Mesa¥.} ---.. ,, Bart L&ne&11tu Lut Time Saturday ''The Kentuckian" la Clnema."knpe D&le Rnbertaon-f"rank l.onjoy "Top Of The World" Fri. and Sat. abo•· at&rta t :SO Sun., Mon., Tuu. Onl~· tO# TOOO'S CRtME \Ja~O WAS ~N BY Tl( U.S. ~ • 'M Jlf~ SEC~ POCU-Nll A~ GIRL! ---hoiise --mmn•--ST• smI'ft ... --IRllll ---·----·we ---·--·~· .... • .... , .......... ISJ- •-n.. Uvl11t Swamp" .. a-8c(lpe Next Wedlteeda~· A P'eetlll'fl \'oa Ha\•e 8"!11 \\iUttn1 P'&r "Mac It" ..ct "load To O..wer" The New Art Stegmann' s Colonial Restaurant & efoung6 Just Delicious Food! STEAKS Prime CHOPS e SEAFOOD • Ribs Lobster Tails 1'"1CE DINSER SEU;('TJOS POPn~AR PfllCT.8 Mariner's Mile-2332 W. Coast Highway across from Port Orange Newport Beech L I D 0 7lia.:b:c: Now Showing t:nd"' Tues. ROCK 'N' IOU HITS THE SCREEN FOR TH£ RIST TIME IN ON~· ~ -C..,·ha ..- IETIY GRABLE SHEREE NORTH IOI CUMMINGS CHARLES COBURN TOMMY NOONAN -Olll)ll ..... TlllDa. ...... °'""1 .... k•_,,..., .uMAll. T IOH~ Ali.o this Bii Hit .... ---~ ....... Slllfll'llOll( S<allW) Next Attract.Ion <••-Kf'lly a Cyd Ctiari- "lt' s Alway1 Fair WHtMr" plu.......CoMMI \\'lld11 .. ''The Scarlet Coat" . ·"' • Di's JIM. w. .. avan t...IMDS TD w•r I T I L ... CHAMPIONSHIP CONTENDERS LAn·y ANGLERS BJ• STELL (lln. Ray) HARSHA.LL rMda th1L •·who .. ,~ a tenale cu't keep a Merel." Kent Hltchock met u• at the d~k tor picture•. Glen obhg1ncty po_, w\U\ his problc>m Lady Angl4'nt and fUH• what ~ He act· U&lly 1n11led ~ut not until he •·11 • JO&df'd Into It. ll WU a be<:Uc On a recent charter for albacore, live Lady Anglers 1 day for him. but chttr·up Olan. hati a wonderful though somewhat anomalou.s day on board next year we ••Ill bf' on deck Chinook II, Glen Soden's boat. Mrs. E. A. (Thelma) Sild e, 'wttb you In mut·h Mttc>r flahing C S B S M . . form-we> hop.>. Mrs. . . I ea) :->encer, rs. Olui W. (Maryl Smith, Mrs. ------ Ferd (Hary Jo.) Lansdowne. &nd Yours Truly. Glen is a Ion~ o•xpertPncr I !'k1pl)C'r 1n the , anothrr JI): hook up 11nd 1n no :;11 1111'. 8 "'1 /1118 8 n•putation of time flat lhf "11lblta" wr1" b<lll· alwi.•·s docking With a larKe lnjl' alt a1 uund tht' bo8t It w1u ratch Cl·rtamly thla pa rticular 1 my llml' out on the trolllnl( line, d8Y was no 1•xceptlon. Some· also my cul' to l:'l a b111t In th' Boat Entries Under Probe 1 t11ne' the "Lad\· Tani;:ler11" do watfr lo hplct the Hchool I quick · gel the lead out. aa Wllnt' .. 11 our '>' picked up my ('l\8llng rod to by Po1·1ce t alch tsee plcturfl. ball up 1n1\ I d1~<'0\'t'red Mary Morning fiBh1ni= hail bet>n un· Jo. wes m1 .. sing "Wht'rt' Is slu•" I later at Sharlc h'lule. Tapfei t old poUce h• ~ •I• mlutnr f11h ip.ar on ~notber bo41t in the Harbor. The owner or the bo.tl 11&ld the •rt"U ~·u found floallnil In U\e water. Herold I. Johnson ~-... -t'ol_.,._ ........... A...-1 ....,, ... u..... .. !1111 \"Illa \\ a7, St!wport ...,. MAKl~I: l'PROLSTl'JIUNO ~ ftOAT OOVEU OU.BOA OA.~il 8HOP H.,MI., .. .i.:~o.~··..:a. l:!:leven sleek PC sloop. repreaenting fleeta from San Diego, Newport Harbor, Alamitos Bay, Los Angeles. and Hawaii battled it out in a three race aeries last week-end for the Kettenberg Perpetual denoting the the claas championship. Final honors went to the defending champion Dick Deaver of Balboa YC with Bob Lamar of Newport Harbor YC second and J ack Toon of BYC third. -Beckner Photo r vt'nltul, wilh tht exl'epllon of Need I uk ... Emt'rgt'n<'lts lRke I threi-j111: flllh on board. All wtrt' precf'dtnt-or do they! Sin<"4' ll A 11"1 '"* or minor boat, rntrlu 111ngle ,;tr1 ckea with no a1gna of la eVfl)"One'11 obll,1tat lon to gel In 11 bfoin1t 1nveat11ated by llO«'wport Your A u t b 0 r I a e d a boil hiJI trolling llnf. I wu fort't'd to police. SJ>t:LL BROKES bring 1n the nt1decled hnf Bv Tet1 R Tapffr 01 203 Driftwood TH ALCO ~ Suddenly th11 11pell was broken lhat tlITTP the llC"hool had d1sap· Road aa1d hi• boat. 1'"1aht.alla, wu Dealer a. tbe Barbor when Mary'• 1 HI K re.cbM('"""w'tth pt>ared Bl Anker v bhmk broktn into somtllmr since Sun. were wt' rl'Jlri;umdtd t-v our 1l 1y 111111 I 111h 11.'e& and • apear ....,._ art.c JOV ftber. Dick Deave.r Oe!t .center:.) of. Balboa YC .retainfld-hia-19M-PC class ehampionllhip in last week's annual series by virtue of two firsts and a fottrth place in the three races. The PCs of Newport Harbor also accounted for second and third places with Bob Lamar of Newport Harbor YC (left) second and retiring PC class prexy Jack Toon fright I in third. Paul l'ettenberg. builder and originator of the class, was on hand at the t rophy dinner to present the Kettenberg Championship Trophy which he holds. -Beckner Photo MARINE NEWS PAGE 6 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 TIDE TABLE Date Time Ht. Timfl Ht. Bls-b Low f."ri•IRy 7 .3 1 a. m. :i 3 0:12 a m. l l Aus. 26 5:06 p. m. 4.8 10:•2 L m. 32 fh1turdsy 8 :00 a . m. 3 6 1 :~ Lm. 08 AUjt'. 2T 6 ·10 p.m ~o 12:10 p. m. :l 0 i:>un rh.1y 11:21 11.m. 111 1 :•2 a . m. or, Alli? 28 f\·58 p.m. !\:I 1:02 pm. 2 7 Mo11c111y 11:41 a, m. 1 1 7 .14 IL nl. 0 2 Aug. 29 i .37 p. m. ·' ~ 1 12 p. m. 2 4 T1Jt'Ml8y !'1.00 a m. I :l 2 :41a.m. 00 Aug. 30 8:13 p. m. :~ 7 2:15 p m. 2 1 \\'erlneac1R\' • 9•20 II m. I g 3 :06 11. m. 00 Aug. :lJ R:~8 p. m ~8 2:49 p m. 1 7 Thur!lday !1 ·11 s .m. 4 8 3.30 a. m. 00 !"l'pt. I 9.22 p. m 5 11 3 ·23 p. m. l 3 DAYLIGHT RA \'1:->G Tl~E why f1t1hrrmt>n Are in a financ1ally. ~ow he11r this. In District 19. lhal"s u•, hlark abalones may be taken d11rini: seal'On tor lobsters within l mile of lhe 1horr11 ot Anacap11. SRnla Cruz, Santll Rosa Santa Barbara, San N1cola11, S11n Clemente and San Miguel Is· lnnd11. These abalonr11 may not be broui;tht to thP mainland or to C,llalma 111 any time • Th!'r~·s no bag limit on black ab8lont' taken under theu ruling• bul the ahella muat mea•ure at lea•l 5 111rhP11 in itrtaltllt d1a· mt''r r. ThP condition lni:-brou11:ht 1n toda y i11 a sad s1i;:ht to bthold. T hue fl~h are rele8Sln$1.' llle1r •1111wn aftr•r they hit the deck. Al Uw1 ratP, nt'xt yP11r·l' schools of t1~h will bt 11malll'r than ever. Thi" I• JU!!l one rpa.aon why the f111h 11nd game boy1 11hould 1mmt'd1.alely protect next yf111 '11 mackrrel schools by creatinii a sp•"-'lllng aeuon. l..~t·a get at It bC'fn1 e lt'a too latf. S OT FOR CA:\!' LAD~ ANGLERS SCORE-19 albacorp were caught by these five Newport Harbor La .. 4nglers above. From left, kneeling. Mrs. Earl ~e. Mrs. Ray (Stell ) Marshall &nd Mrs. Olin W. Smith. Rear row, Mrs. A. C. Spencer, Glen Soden, skipper and Mrs. Fred Lansdowne. -Kent Hitchcock Photo J @ (f • . ly w11nt to get your t ackle Into And here 1 another lhrfnl to ' something' big. the &rfa L'I 11uve m11ckrrrl spawning. !fhe m11Jc11tlr I with bonlla shark. Thty i.:we 11 Siamese c:al may lns111t on r1iih llpsnking good fight Rntl weigh ror h111 d1t'l, but mackt'rf'I J11hould up. Next 10 a awonlflah. they'r" t 'IBST FULL LAST N'EW 'ROCK SET FOR NAVAL GUNFIRE QltAKTER !'IOO:S QUARTER MOON Aug. 2:'1 Sept. 2 Sf'pl. 9 Sept. 15 hi? kept out of c11"ns for cats llJll " grra l thrill to Cll tch. wrll a11 people during the spawn· Coast Gu11rd oftlclal1 to· lnR !<l'IUIOn. FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS f'lu~cked your r11lend1r l11tely? Stpt. 1, opening ot the dove eea· iron. 111 nrxl Thursday. Better prim,. Bt'lJ11y. get your llrenau Knrf prl'pare for a banner 11hoot around Kern and Santa BsrbRr& Co11nt14'11. If thi-y don't jt'l't 11 colrl i<pell up then'. lhP •loveJ11 wilt bP thwk. F'l~h And GarnP 1 an \fll vu11 the IAt<'llt regul11t1nn1 u I lhPre h11ve brrn rhange11 in dove THE OLD SPORT And ll'• MeUow Boy puahing her way up to t.ti. dock with a full load ot mackerel The lltU«' purM Miner looked mlfhtJ sood ata&.mlng up lb• bay wttft her runwa.Jee bullflnr. Dick K.eller and HUTy B&rrin(t.on .tlOUAd ~ buylnJ 11-cad.I epon. 'nM• Mfllow 8oJm are ~ tt bot r ight now. UM 8ktpps. .. boM. Jolul Leal i. laid up aad eo le IUa boat 8W\Mt. 8ba -ma to be autftrinf from a bad M(iM. P.r· I h11p1 thoee two heavy loe.da ot. mackerel....,. '°<> m-ei tor Ml• I old (1rl. Many yMn ~o when heck I ""'"-" a pup and the ea.lendar ?'fad 1933. a b06t rAUl'.1 Union hlld 11 contract w ith Mr. Mt'lnt~Te of a llvl' ba it bargl' flX' l~ ton11 of NJt anrhO\'IN per Wt't'k ,,, .. ~O· In« prlre wu $:l0 a ton TN11ty , 11nchn,·y bo11ta arP haul· In~ for SlP to $2~ a ton Thlir will answer th• H• quu t1on f I ~~r;;;;;.-...~ •hnc1t1nJt. :-.m-x1>~ UKt: "'· That's the sad story WhHL hardwart' o!ts ln 11board J im T1 11m111Pl"11 He Crab 11nuck Water Skis Sales & Rentals Catalina Paclclleboards Small SaHhtcj PratM from $185.00 L YI.I A. HOSKIN & SON 2527 W. Cocnt Hwy. LIMttty 1·1373 Hert ".'! one for you. Whsl Los Angelfs poh<"ema n Ill 11 rmJ: to beat a ticket for fllltung In New· porl Harbor without a f111hing llcfnae or a boat regl1trallon T soum COAST co !!Jrd & Ne" port Bh·d. / day warntd m11 rlnera San Clemente Island artaa w ill be dangerous t'"I nav1gat1on :hi• week Ill u11ual Undt'r tire by nav11I born· bardmenl will be Caatlt' Rock today from 8 •· m. to mid· night and daylight houri ot Satu1-day and Sunda y. P)'Ta· mid Cove, which waa undt'r f!te ye1ten1ay and Wednee- day, hu no tlr1ng1 11lated to· d8y or lhl• w'ekend. WE HAVE 'EM Those 9•iet JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS All Sizes 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric ~in" Bank Term1 FACTORY APPRO\'ED SERVICE Complete Parta Stock See Us For All Your BoatiltcJ Needs skipper talttn. 'T1w boat ls moored locally. TEA MIPPt~R!' I Geurgt Koch or San Bernardino gta. p~ to ua. "I thoui:ht thHt you girls Wl'l't' l 1131d hit boat at lhf same moorin1 auppoafd t o ht g~rt flghermrn. wu brokw Into but nothlnc taken. Pacific FlberfJlau but you act hke a bunch of tea R_udolph Evana or AJ h&mbre Rid MOl W. Coul e.,.. wtU\ lemon drinker•. Nut time hll amall boAt, At Leut. w~ get the le1td out and gtl vour taken from the dock of U\e marina ft. U 1-UTS bait in thr watt'r" 1 supposi wt last Sunda y. Richard Brennad of Acroea f~·Amerioan MJrt. couldn't bl amt' hun for t:H>inir; dll· 2.:...1:x8:XAip~ti"~Aiv~'~· ~fo~uin~d~U\~e~bo~a~t~~~~~~~~~~ii;~~g grunllf'<i 1tnd his goad1njt' did have L; • p~ycholojtlClll t'fft'ct. We didn't have long to wait and were we ready -with a ll determination You can s pprt'clatt my tremen· doua u c1temt'nl when J got the I next jig 11t rlkt' with a charging bronro thllt str1ppl'd off yarl1s and yard11 of hne. Mv hands trem-1 bled and my knfe~ felt hke rubber I 110 wu everybody I else's). but I didn't m111t. TaJk about your "hot schools"'. We had one! Soon ev,.ryont' had a acore of 11lffk. 1hinlng warriors on board -19 lonir flnl' ln the 1 tlah-box a ll caught on 3-6 and 3 thread hnt'. TAKE~ .JACKPOT Mary took the j11ck·pot with a 18 pounlfer caug'rlt on 3· rtlrnd.1" Dup1lf the r11ct that Thelma waa coming dO\ll'll wllh lhf mumps. ahe bag~fd the highest ecore -6 albacorl'. But bt'tore we wound up this marvelo u.g per· formance. Muy Jo. ha• a pheno· menal and an expen11lvf flah 1 story of a ll f111h 1lorte1. In t he 1 procedure of gt'tUng a blut m I the water. " • vora~1ou11 feeding "alble" a reht'd a root out of the> water. grabbed her bait ana took· off like a 11treak of llghtc>nlng; jerked the rod and rt't'I out of her trembling h11ml. She ioat down weakly a n<I g1111pt!d. "Biggt'8l U\lng I evfr hook rd." STEU..'S \'EAR Suddenly conunir; up for 111r. •he turn~ lo "'" and c11ed. "Oh my l[O~h Stell that wa11 vour out ·flt." If you 114'1! a mo~!llt'r swimming 1omewhere out in lht cryst..al blue albacore haunts, traU Ing • ~aullful 3·6 ro<I 11nd reel. hook him PLEASE for Marv Jo'11 aake-juiot In c1111e her ~pou11e LEARN TO SK America'• Falfeat Growing Water Sport I ~~~~~~~t M11Ut• "'• ...... , .. w..., aldi"9 JIN Hutlor Bh·d. THIS NEW 'PLA YIOY' IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! An exquisite apeed and pleasure boat you'll be proud to ownl A. 11ngle bonded f1bergl1u unit . . . aeala end 111. M1de to teke rough treetment-lcneeleu tranlorr\ built for the moll oowerful molonl See the Pe~ .. Playboy" today. OTHll MODILS AVAILAILI 8EE THDI TODAY AT Ll't..r; HO~KJ~ & SOS 1%20 W. Cout Hwy. ~t!"port Bnc'b WE!ilT OOAST P1be,,..._ <Jo. l&IS Sewport Shel. Coeta ar- --· .. NEAT ICNOO& FOB NEALY -At the top, you 1ee the crowded atanda looking on u Bob Nealy neatly knocked the ball over the first bueman'• liead lnto right t1eld for a threcHun homer. The aock gave the SMITH BACKED LINKS SHOW SET FOR TV SEPT. 24. 25 HOLLYWOOD -NBC a.11-lo be hrld nn thr \\'eM Coast nnuncec1 pl11n1 this week to telr-1 a nil will rcaturl' 1111 lop women vtse Ute Women'• T'rote~ionol pro!e1-swn11.I gotr .. r s. lnclu<ling Golt Alll!Oclatlon toumamt•nt trnm 1 this ~·en r's lc111llng mnn~y win· t he Clock Countrv Club In Whit· lll'r. T'11Uv Brri:. and Howal1sn tier. Sept. 24 and 2~. l'ltlr Jnrk.1e Pung Youth Center Brave1 a 4-1 victory over the Par k In- diana ln the 0 League tournament at Costa Mesa Park. Below, a pitcher's eye VleW of Nealy. -St.aft Pho toe HARBOR ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sport. F.ditor NEWPORT. HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 ··~ FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 SAILOR GRID OPENER HERE SEPTEMBER 23 Opening fMlb.1111 ir;ame ot the 11e1t11on for Coa• h A I Ir- win's :-il'wporl H er bor High 'School Tar eleven will be un !hi' locnl gr 11J11on Srpt. 2'.l. a proc-t1ce ft a.v agaan~l E'(· c:e1J1nr. elnr~ at i 30 p.m A ft er a cond prart tf'I' cla•h wllh onl•bello I.here Stpt. 30. the S111lon1 w 11 l cr11ck open th~ Sunsl'l Lea· itue ht'1e aiznlnaL Fullert••n 1n an e&rly "bllf C'&me.'' Th" conteaL Is 1H hl'tluled Ocl. I in the lu~h nl'w Oren)':t 1 Con t College iotadmm :'\or· ma! s1le for next ~Clll'Qn s i;nml'11 will bf' the h I tz h acho'll turf Rtmaandl'r t f I he pr rp "late · Oct. 11. Cftlltorn1a ht'r P; Ort. 21. H11ntrn~ton Be11ch there: Oct. 28, Gu den Grove ht're; :'\n\'. •. S11nta Ana thl'rl', !':o\' 11, Orang!' hen!: Nov. 18. Anllhrlm th,..rr. THE TOPS old Caldwell, Ronnie J"uee. J:.rl Ltwl1, ·Bob Trapp and H&r~ll Vlneya.rd. Dod1era -Ronnie Cart. Guy Clark and Tom Zodda. Olanta - Biii Buah, Dick Crecn, P11t :tlelm- holti:, J ohn Hurhu. T im Tff!· Eyck and Steve Slmool!On. A:\t:ERICAS Xl.'\'E Tapp(•IJ for th1• Amert<:nn Lea- gue a ll-Mur11 Wl're: Indians - 01!.'k Butterworth, ~nla Carden. Benny Queener, Pettr Rabbitt 11nd Charita Taylor. Red Sox - Roy Dallon, Pete F e1<t.henton. Jerry Lawrenct, Gale. Lund. Dar· rell J\opra utd JUebard Wat.ea. BE SURE -INSUR& wttll MA UBIO'E tir.un.&'I 18IUNGClll OaJ, PltoDe JlarboF U'J' ssu E. OM.& lllPW&J' Coroea. ... 1 Mu Tab All-Star Teams for 2d · A Loop Clash witll t•e Sute Farm lml'llCt C111p•ie1 Ca ll 'Je._ The ever:t. whlrh "lart• Sert. 22. ta the fln1t of Ila kind .-ver • 1ckrrt on lhl' haitill nf all around bu.-oall 11blhtv ""'' not Ot 11pec1at tntPrest to loc11I aelectrd at'rording t•l polllllon. A penple 111 new11 that the tournPy LA!a gue Amerirsn llnd ~11t 1on:il LI R-1011 ~ will bf' ?MorN1 .by Lltlo l11lc All-SlJlr!I pl11yrrs wl"tf' this wtr k Boys' Club Sets re11ldt>nt F nrt•"t Smith, owner or a nnnunr,.d hv H111 bor Bov .. · ClulJ the Clock Country Club. 11nll thr The ~rcond • 11nnuol r111~-ir l•I'· a fl Coach.$ Meetl•ng Clock <"h11in or drh·e-ln rc-sll\11· riinu. Rmll h. whn I~ 'Inna ti nit lhe $~000 prize money, 1s 811'0 tween the twl') <'lUh'I i~ ~t'hc.,h1lrd for 1 ·31) pm. ~"PL 2 111 l ',,~t11 ~fl'!ll Park. SATIO'.'t.\J, l.OOP All peraone lnteru tcd In Har· paying Rll prom<>t1on11I t'X pPnu. h<lr Boya' Club Mldjtt'l Baaeball I lnc:ludlng the telev1s1on tnb for progra.m have been Invited to at -the two da~·"' of complt'lc ro\'er-Tabht>rl tor the !':aunn111 l~ll- r th H II I i:-ue llll·~ta1 s W!'rt" Rrnves L r:. Cairn• tt nd a · coachl'a' meellng at 7 30 a~e 0 e t'\'&•nt. r w1 • t1naLe , 1111 prOCt'tJs or lht 1oumnmtnl to Honn1e :'\u,::enl G11ry 1'11 k ens. p.m. Sept. 19 In the Roya Club 11 chll<h t>n's h•&!lptLnl D!'an P.·11~r. Rnnnte K)cs and 183 E. 17th St. acC'ordlng to 11thl~tlc-director I Pete Stodrlanl <;11rJlm1ls lf..r· Another Lido Isle reM1olcn1. non --~=-=-=-;;-:.-===:.......;;;.._=:;;;;;:;;;;;;;:::;;;;;:;;;;;;;::;;:::;;;;;;;::;.;;;;;;;;;;; Costa l\lesa Rod Ma cMlllllln. t E. Hrew .. r. Holl) woooJ aJverllll· s• "Ple1111e torwflr1I 11ny idea• you Inf rxerut1\'e, Ill in cha 1 SP nf thP may have for a bl'ltl'r oq:a niz•· toumnmcnl'11 JI 1 om o l ton tor ,, t ton to Ole C'lllb .. MacJ.filltan In· Smith. 1rnd will t11rf'ct the tcle· r 11st 11nol 11u~rvise the 11how for Ylled. hh1 11!1vert111ln1t 111tency a nll NBC., Amonr problffl'I• to be con· aldcred during the l riMlon wtll WATER llt:ATf:Jls I be po!lllbl(ty ot parl.1c1n11t1on In S•Ll S · ' ,. " SUVICf ••d lf'AIU Pony ot Babe Hulh Lel\.,1Je b&ae· J B. " ball tor older boy~; paid coac-hu I // / for C Lugue tt11m11 with \'CllUn· 0 1! t!Ch 0 t t eer help: 11 nt1 nr1t•nlz11l Ion nf 11 rJ.l'Mffl:'\O Doublt ·A Lt'a~ue tor lhl' btllrr 1u ... s 10 PU Cl NI OOWN b&1l payer1. '~o•• Hori><>• ~110 SOUTH GOff ST conSTRUCTIDn [0. REStDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-C-OMMERCIAl. NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO uur.r. 110 IOtb St., Newport 8-tJa lluMr 1611 FOR SALE Very To Qualified Buyen Choice Building Loh on Collins Island in Beautiful BALBOA BAY Bl G--every way but price! All lots 5000' or more Prh'ate plcn permitted with •pace for large bo9t. 66' .-162' frontage Iota. All utUltiea underground. Auto b~ connects "ith Balboa b1ud ..• Aa low u "°° . 1'781 froat foot. Pacific Estates, Inc. or o.o. llcNaman, Pr-. Bar. na :t 5 Collim bland, Balboa bland, Calif. ... roar brokn _( CLASS C CLUB . FOURSOME ENTERS THIRD ROUND TOURNAMENT PLAY: I M'R .UOR"I' 11119 Behind 3·0 In bottom of th.- fourth. °'-Park Gla nta te<'Orded alx 1tr&J1hl hit• '1111lh two out lo tie up I.he tuu le, J ohn Let· nqw.u, Grant Nalrft. 9111:r Pal· ...... J&mM ltuttuck_ Twr7 I.eh· ... Uld Dramua ,....._ ~ u.. ....... Youth Center Pair Ylctsloul with HI Giants. ,.. Som.t • trio of tam. .. tM tint lArry KJtt.. bolhr, trtpa. by frame. HJta by 0Ut.oa.. ...,.,. Dea O.~ ud Tom Markel aad Oatdw s-., Nwlud ..,_ aad Gary NJcll.,... two .... , .. -ted fw two ... ta a.. ... PM-4 U.. Park Dodpn to th• oeod.. Th f'lu.l two .... oa IUta cm...-ded Yietory Oftr the Youth ~ 9rowa Uc1 N""-4. IUchard O.w Carda. Ali.a u4 Bobby l'our Clw C cluba Wedn..sa)' mt1N tlalr4 road ecm-"* ....._. tor u.. 1-w' tq ~ eollected llotll hit.a al- petition of the )(ea Park tow'nallimt -two Youtll 0.. --.,, . lowed "1 Dodpr pltcMn Jorn ter nines, one from the high lc1lool -,, ud oee fNm JI.-llAJlll t1P I ~ Uld Tum Mvll•L Park circuit m•kfn1 the -.a... ...._ .,.. tbe Yoatla Bite 1t1 PlW.. ... Toedtar, aw.. alMdd clwallted a two-•·~ ·-1 mu moe..., ~ ~ aad ldtter at U.. Wlalte ._ u th• Center'• nm plac9 BraYM and ~ .... Olbl. ... flNt two ............... 8lwt .... Mlfla Moot ..... ,....,.. to plaoe hlch lebool Ol&nu and ... 1U1tnn fw .. WI.ate .._ ._,. • n.. .._.., Oreult tJae tJWd llPOt 111 .. Park White 'F llaltla .t > I& ta ... .,... IAlls l.edwW• ..... la U.. • ..._. ,... Paa! IAQeku. ao.. '-' .... ,... .a.. Ollie & ...._ 00.C ...,. .... fw One ...... a.Id, Dwtpt 'nppllla, Mike nae Youth c.ter Brave• took 'l'MJ' eddied te It la tile 91111-4 "'" ..u&a aad a IUt "1 ftull Pea. aad auwtopw PlckuJ" the 1tea..m out of tll• hot K.-• • ..._ 1t7 ,.,...., .._.., Dunate utded U.. flMI uar. ta llutl IUtter &ddtd two trtplu Park fifth pi.ae. Indian.I •·1 .U. "trtpk •ii.,.~ ...,. ~ Wl'd. Jack fWe1Mr sot two UMI a doutlle for tM Bnvea. Catcher Bob N.a.ly 1lamm ed a a. "1 ~. Jla ....... u4 et tl'9 CllM' tlan9 MU. home run Into rtsht field, ICOr> = "'~-~ ar....•a la T\aa.day pmal. U.. YOlltll. Hf C T I In( David CoM ell and J ohn Bur-flDr fear -o.tft> JadJw edpd th• MP eGl'IW II 1ra1 ahu d of hJm In th• UIJH mn'm Df I edlool Red a. S-1; the Park tn.ntnc. Tb• blr blow broke a 1·1 ._ M•N'llo "OIR1Nd u4 a.at. dSd Wl..t.M to ~ htp ,..,.., .__ deadlock with the I ndiana. ~ tw U.. a..s IClll to drift Khoo& Dodlw9 , .. : t.be Park • • wp . BlJBUNO DUO &II 1lft .,.... aaN Wlda,,1 Do«sen •utout u.. Youtll Oln· PNpplnr for u.. 0 MSdpt Chria AllderllOll aiid Connell .., • ....., a two and ~becSer ter CardJnale 12-0. and the hli'l Tournament now und1>nvay at ltlared hurllns duU• for the tor tha onl1 other Red &oz Khodl Bra"9 blaat ed tJn hi~ Coat& Me.. Park th• Ne"-porl wianara. nw Bravea t\nt frame knock.a. lcllool White Sox 21-0. Tha Youlh • tally came urOM on hit.a by la other Wednteday pm .. In Center Gl&nta won by tortett over Ha.rb<>r Hll'h Bc-hool Brana Fri· l&rTy Bl"Oft'ta&' and Pat 111.berty t.be C toum.y, U.. hS&tl ecbool Uie Park C&J'dinale whan they day blutf'd t he White Sox 20·2 which KOred Ander.on. Ander90n <M.aat. blanked the bllh Khool had only 1b : player1 a t the neld while t ht tndl11n1 and Dodger• worked rival chucker Rudy Veit IndtaNI T-0 and the Park White come ram• time. battled tn a "1lc1 and woolly 10· for a Walk to Set on Ula p&dl, SOK al\ll'f9d the ll1th ldlool Cllbe Plt~er Milce J'1aoeg1n Of the l 0 tie ~ run. In the flntt two 9•1 .• ~ten CUUaa. wbo Indian.I ,ave the JWd Sox OM · 1t.ama. meant..a 9.7 ~ct.ory for l'Q~ p&lleJ ot l~a run with tint frame wlldneaa, Backed by home l"Wll amuheod the MCOlld pla.oe Youth Center pm.. for the champion Gtantl bUt he and l\onny P'ulweller hurl-by Chrta P ickup, Mark Ritter C\&be over the elpth place Park wh• he broke ba pttdltn.( '."rilt. Id a oa .. hltter. Hit.I by Orey and Dwlsht Tlpptns , Steven Red Sox. John W ebeter twirled retum ed to u Uon to collaborate KacQlWvr.,-and Barry Hoald.n Shedd had ~••y hurllni for tha l;ie tri~ ~ lo.er Har· with nm Brown oa a two • In the fourth tied It up. Rival Brave vlrlary Bruce Woode old Crtm. hitter. Pitcher Bob McCl&lr hit Ted homered with two a board tor lh• A tl'lree-rua ~•r by !Uch&rd A doutlle by Jolm McOalhun HeN to tonie aero• th• trlum-llldlan11 to au ure that Dodser Kacn• and a two • ND dou)le aad ftft -ika ,..,.. t.be Olaat. pb&llt ta117. deadlock. • • BIDWELL'S BAUOA ISLAND Orily SALE of the Year! All Merchandise from Our Regular Stocks· IWIM TRUNKS l. 95 now 2.89 4.95 end 5.95 now 3.89 DENIM JACKETS 4.95 and 5.95 now J.89 Also a large group of furnishings, including underwear, ties, socks, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I • • • • • • • • • SUMMER SUITS In McGreCJCW and Other Tropicals - 35.00 end !40.00 Now 26.89 Sport Coats ... m.D111 -41M Jf-.. ---·--·--32.89 ' IUMMIR SLACKS • Wide range of colors, In poplin, linen end bedford cord. 8.96 now 1.19 7.95 now S.J9 6.95 now 4.89 • SPORT SHIRTS Short Sleeveal '·" to U6 now a.At 10.111 to 12.95 now I .It u~ to 7.96 DOW •.119 H .16 t o 17.96 now 11.n u o t.o 9.96 now 11.119 6.15 to 8.93 now Ut 10.00 Lo 13 93 now •·• T .&-0 to 8.96 now 11.at Sii.tu. now ... .... I .Ill Lon9 Sleeveal Sele effective •t Balboa Island Store only . Alterations not included et aele price . All 1ele1 final . No refunda or exchanges. BIDWELL'S caps and robes at remarkable savings!-BALBOA ISLAND STORE_GNLY! lldwell'1 lalboa bland Phone Harbor 2090 .. PA&E I· PART I -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, AU6UST 26, 1955 READY FOR IACE WEEK HERE Newport Harbor Yuht Club'• annual Race Week reratta to b6 held Aug. 27-28 ia really a family affair for the family or Vice-Commodore Harold Pearcy. Mr1. Pearcy, u welf u acting u crew, alao handlee the "chief cook and bottle-washer" detail aboard the Pearey1' Rhodes 1loop Whim. Son, Johnny and daughter, Marianne, equally adept at tillering Whim to her many Yictoriea, draw 11traW1 t>e. fore -.ch ae.riea to Jetermine who will •"t u akipper and who will be crew. The vice.commodore i1 temporarily "beached" with all the dutiM attendant upon hia poeltion u race committee chairman. -Beckner Photo Power Squahl RnlShes Sea Scout Training Class 11UJT1mer. tt 11eenui more Impor- tant than ever that Mfety prac- Ucea be followed. But lntorma· lion mUit precede practlc.. The Piloting COUrM puta emph&N Oii .re operation. · By I. C. P EASE rtn, Ray Don&Jd. Gue Van Dame, Jl&lboa Power Squadron hu Elmer L& L&nne, ch&trm&n ot juet completed another volunteer the Squadron'• PtlotlnJ couree; Mntce to the. l>oaling life of the QeorJL 14.lnney. Ph.lltJ> Smith, Issue $343,000 111 Mesa Pennlh are&. by fiving a concentrated Lee McColloch Twenty • eight •o ff-,_. · f courM In amaU boat handllnr to Sta Scout ea~cutlvn took the T' r . a .n..res a croup or Sea Scout •kipper•. coune. Coate Meu city building per· mat.ee and quartermaat.er•. Lait Thi• eame OOUl'M, wttlclenUy mitt amounting to '343,000 .were week aaw the final one of •lfht accurate and complete to prepare lakl'n out Aug. 19 tor 4:? hoUMs lectun. g1ven the Sea Scout men tor an operator'• llcenee, In the Halecreet 11Ubdlvl1lon, It Vo\IP by the teaching staff ot will be r iven by Balboa Squad-waa r._porU<I by Bulldlll~ Otfl· lh• Squadron'• Piloting couree. run and open to the public, be-clal A. J. Vols. College Me•• A. n-ruling made by Sea «'innlnc SepL 12 a t 7:30 p.m. at Company took out the permit•. Bcout H...Squartera requlru all Newport Harbor Yacht Club. It ranung the Hale Company H operatore or their boat.I to hold le a coW"M which bulldl ae It oontrector. a re,war Cout Gll&l'd lsaued op-ro. and 19 pruented In a man· The 42 dwelling• rep"'"nt thr erator'1 llcenee. To prepare tor ner which la undentandable to firat of 388 realdencu app""9d the Ileen.. examination, and to ewryone. It ill tree. open to both by the city In vicinity of Baker proYlde lnatrucUon wblch would men and women. and oontlnuee St. end Harbor Blvd. Location ot be accepted In lieu of a cert&in wMkly tor ten week.. . the dwelling• are along CoUere amount of upertence, the Oout Wllh the tncreulnr nmnt»er of st.. c;.Jway, Ktllybrooke • n d Guard recomm.nded the taldnr boatlnr accldenta reported thl1 s:iannon Lan•, and Wat11"' Aft. of a courM web u tb .. Squ&d- roo'1 PlloUnr courae or the eo.,_ otJered by tbe Cout Ouard A uxwary. The local croup h&1, therefore, attended lec:turee twice weekly Jinn by Balboa Squadron and are now rudy to DON'T IPOIL A 0000 1YPIWIJTll t.ake u. ----.._ ~ tr.e Coaat Guard. In1truclon w1'o pore th.tr lime to help prepare the Sea Scouta tor their exam ere: Com- mander Curtt1 Ooah, Joeeph Gue· I l c '1 )l fl H ) RANCH ESTATES by CLIFF MAY Created by your demand1 Cliff May, ·the ru11 ti on' s most outstanding, award -winning r a n c h h o m e de s i g n • r has brought to life a modern ranch estate that is spectac'Ular! IN TUSTIN The Fabulous "hi-Air" of Orant• Co•nty! This site has been named Orang• County's most beautiful new home development. 80' lots and highly restri.cted for buyers who want seclusion. Just 38 select ranch homes-80°/0 were sold opening day. See thase homes and you will be convinced - priced from $13,800 to $16,500. J-4 ledrooms 2 laths VETS -MO DOWN! .. (Only costs ClllCI 1,..0•11ch) From the beach go straight out Newport Blvd. to U.S. Highway I 0 I {First St. in Santa Ana). Go out I 0 I to Redhill (Just past Tus- tin High School) and turn right to the homes at Redhill and Ir- vine Blvd. ~-..-::;t ..... M. Hollltla .............. ,._ ._.,rtr 2-MtJ for la""'911tioft Kii ..... .. I ·' ' .. _...........,_ SHOP MONDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS 'TJL 9 :·'"jr•~:.'' · "'"'re· _'r M .', ~t \ l'~ f~tf I hl~~INL• .. ' Bring the whole famlly e • e outfit the young- sten • • • save extra at Sea~ Santa A~ For over 68 yHrs we've bee1' o u t f i t t in9 youngsters for 1chool, end we bow the Vel- un their perenh •wed•te. We p I e " "• d this event months eheecl, with speciel pureh.Ms et ,,,.._non sev- ing1 to brNtg yov epproved dyles, d.penct•W. qu.nty in beck-tCHehool Meek. Spec- iel pric• it. this eel ere ift effect ttwu September J whHe ..,..._I.st. Comic Books & Jumbo Penclls Gtalt Mell! by .. hof\d ond Mod fot Sean. Get yow P'llll! gift hi ony boyt' « 91rk' depor1wleftt. Don't watet They11 00 fopt. 15 Bicycles To Be Given Absolutely FREE Get your entry blank in any boys' A bicycle a day will he ti'*' an1---.1tlf! at 3 P·"'· dally fwv lclMcim,, S.,•• ....... W . or girls' departments. .. Contest opened Thursdey, Augud 11. A bicycle • dey will be given FREE at 3 p.m. every day thru September 3. Only one ticket to ••ch boy or girl each day. No member of Seers employees' immediete femilies ere eligible. W inners will be notified by meil and need not be present. apparel for children 3.98 Volw Poplia Kned Joel ... , gay colon, GMs' 3-6x •••• -••••••.•. 2.11 Woehoble Lined COfduroy Svrcoats, plaid lining, 2·6x , . , .•.•........ 3.91 lodr-to-School Cotton Dr...., f'9flch Mam1, wothfo1t ••• , •. 1.tt to 3.91 loys' Denim Jeans, W9dlr11 ltyle. tu1penders, 1-6 .........•.•........ 1.49 Girl&' Denim Jeona. boJI« atyi1, navy. Sanforized•, 2-6x •••••••••.•. 91c 79c Cotton Slipi, w+t"9 hemttifdied neck. U.Ox ..........••••••. · · · 59c 1.98 Volu1 lloyott Wathable Sllirta. ahof'f Jleevet, pocket. 3-6 .••.•..... 1.55 All ltylll pGf'ts •,. tops. mony colon, >iZfl range 2-6x ........ , ••••. He ea. P011fin Jocbts, lmpr99nole finished, lined. 3 colol'1. 2-6x ..•.•...•... 2.91 Nylon or Wool Cordi90ns, .fb knit er-necks. 3-8 . . .......•... 1.91 lright Cottofl P'ofo Shir11.. lf'ripll or patterns. 3-6x .•......... 79c •Mow. ~ave 1%. apparel for girls alld women CoMecf Caftoll GarW hit.. fOMY pan.ff. 24-32 ........ -• . . . . . 1.00 59' Rayon Briefs. tvnpfoof, double fobtic crotches, S-M-L . . . • . . . 3 for 1.00 7.98 Svede we-..., fuU lining, newelt foll shades, 10.18 ........... 2.99 19.98 "Short·ltop" dyle Jochfl, suede, shirt·cuff sleeves, 10-18 ...... 12.99 3.98 Volue Girts' Orlon• Skim, oll-oround box pleoh, plaids, 7 · U ..... 3.22 2.98 Value Cotton °'9tell, 6 1tyl11; pfintl, 1olids, checks, 7·1'. . .. 2 for $5 3.98 Volue Orfot1• Cordlgon1, rhinettone trimming, colors, 7 · 14 ....... 2.11 1.29 Value Bermuda Kne.hlgh1, foll sliade1, spun cotton ...•.......... tic Srooddott! Jomorettet, cmf'd prints, colors; 32-.CO . . . ..•••••• , ..... 3.60 1.00 Cotton °' Nylon lfOL Chormode quality, motf sizes •.••••••. 2 for 1.50 Contour 8ro1, built~ air foam for added fullneH, 30-38 ................. 1.50 5.98 Girdle or Pority, white nylOft net lS·ln. long ............... , •... 4.99 OriOll • Cordi90n1, beautiful colon, e<KY to woah. 3.C·40 •.•••.•.•••... 6. 91 Orlae* Pullover, to mofdl cardlgon1, rib knit neds .....•.•••..••••.. 4.91 2.98 Nyloti Petttcocm, rotebud applique and loce trim ..........•••.. 1." 3.98 Vo1ue Nylon Trkot Slipt. Locy trim, anowy wtlite, 32~ ....••... 2.99 1~ Orton• ~.., Jadcets. Ribbed CTl'W neck, Dolman slee .......... 3.91 TMft-A.ge Ke~e Shoes, loafert or aoddlet, flats. '910 M ·C.... S.91 12.91 to U.91 Cotton °'""'91, f« evwy occoslon. Mistes' and wom1t1's S.99 •0upoi.t ~ ,.., ''back to school'' miscellaneous bays SNrdy Watct.. tor ~ or IMfl, leoth• map ...... , ... 2.JJ plwt tn 2.39 Lundi kit, ~· Voe. Wt, blue °' red metal box .• -••.•...... 1.99 10 . .t9 ~ent 0.-LOfl'P, flex """· 18-in. fluOf, bulb ....... -•~ ••.. I .II 3."9 Value Coo .. ,.. lamp. Goad light at ony angle .. , ............. 2.66 42.95 full •i• 3..,-d l lh1, coliper·type ha nd broke , •. , •• , •.•••.. 17.77 U .95 Foot locbr, 3-ply wood, fou9h fiber cov•i"9 ........ , •••... 12.11 19.95 P'ono!N Rodkt, lightw9ig+it, eood reception. Batt. Htro ...•••.. 17.11 7.95 VolYe T,.,., "°"' .......-1,.dlcator. Wei9h1 2 Iba. 1 'ft'· 911or ....... 4.6' 7.95 Valve P'Ol"table Hotr Dryeft, hold or let on odfutt. atCJfld ........ 6.U U.N Value Clodl Radio.~~ outofftoticolly-4'1utt ltwff off 11.• apparel for boys and men 5.49 Corduroy Panta, zipper fly. Navy or brown, 28·3.C . . . . , ........ 4.66 2.98 Value Oren Sh irt•, button-down collar. Neck 14 to 17 ........... 1." loyi' Briefs and Shirts, toft cotton. S.oms reinfMced, .c.a. ~ ...... 2 for toe loyville Jeans, 8-01. denim, zipper fly, yoh bock, .C· 12 . . . . . . . .... 1.00 2.98 loys' Cord. Sh irts, yoke interlined with satin. All colors, 4-16 .... 1." Revers. Sh.en Gob. Jackets, woter repellent, slo~ pockets, 8·18 ..... 1.95 Boys' Cotton Flanne l Shirta, wcnhfosh, onf'Q plaids, 6-16 . . . , . , 1.77 Peg Corduro"f', Hollywood style. Newnt colol'1. Contrast trim. 8-20 ... S.95 Boys' Trou sen, partridge pattern. Brown.or groy. Waist 25-30 .. , ... , . 4.91 Cotton Ployshirti, solid colors or porterns, contrast !Tim, .C-10 ........ 1.69 Bayville Heavy duty Jeans, 131'-oz. denim. Triple stitched, 6-16 . . ... 2.29 Double-knee Jeans, vulcanized knH. Guaranteed life of pants, -'· 12 ... 1.69 lo"f'' Knit Shirta, woshfost cotton. Striped and portern1 4· 10 .. , •. , .... I .00 Boys' Nylon Dress Jacket, nylon fleece lined, 8-18 . . . . ......... \2.SO loyville Gob. Oren Jock.i, two-toned, lined, dr•u cufh, 4. 10 .. , ...... 4.91 Cotton Plaid Shirts. Convertible conar. Wear in or out, .4.10 . . . . . . . . . 1.39 Shon St.eve Prep Shirts, t0ft woven cotton, t 0.18 . . . . . . . . . . 1.69' S9c Cotton Arvyln, nylon reinforced. Latest colon , 7-11 ....... 3 for 99c S9c Boxer Sham, broadcloth, elostic waist, 4-16 . . . . . . . . 2 for lie Cotton Socks, 11ylon reinf0fe9Cf. Wo~fost, plain or pattern, 7-11 J prs. 1. 19 8.95 Wool Reven. Jochts. Maroon, blue, green, block. 3.C-46 .•... , 7.11 3.98 Cord. Shirts, 1pread round collar, 7 color1. S to XL ........ 2." 1.98 Flonnel Shirts, plaids, heat'1er tones. Weor in or out, S-M·l . . . 1.44 79c Pilgrim Underweor, "T" Shirts, briefs, shorn, sole priced ..... 57c ff, 3.98 Gabardine Shirts, stitched collar. light, med., dork colors . . . 2.H 79c Dr"' Sods, flex.fit oll nylon, rib pottorns . . . . . , ... 2 for lie 69c Cotton Atgylea. Authentic patterns! l righf colon, t 0· 13 . . . . . . . . 41c 3.98 Orlon• Sw90teri, 1leevele11, feel like cashmere .... 2.44 GalMlrdine Sloc:k1, with nylon added for extra wear, 30-.CO woht ..... 3.91 3.65 Wett.rn Roebuclta, hlovy deflim, reinforted seams, 30.J.C . . .. 3.33 Boys' Seorolite Sole ShOlt, .C mot. weor Of a n-POir FREf ........ 7.95 24.75 All-wool Sport Coats. 3 patch pockets, 2-hutton Style .....• , . 22.50 8.95 Volue All wool Slodcs, doted -It aide seams, 28-42 ....... , . . . 7:'tt 17.95 Steerhide Flight Jacket, zif' front, double collar . . . . . . . ... IS.II 9.95 a... Joel ... , printed 9abordi"9 r..erwt to llOlid. Mell'• ti••• ..... 7.11 .school classroom suppbes ''" Set, cltoicia of ftu&d Ink .... fountain pen « boll point . . . . ..•... 1.00 P'Ol"fable TOW9f' Typewriter, wltfl eonyint COM ond flff !oble 74.IO ,. .. ta ~ Sdiool loga. wittl lundt potbt, hoftdle °' strop . , ...... , .. , .... 11c 25< lootMaf fill• ftoper, good quality, Save 7c padil .•• , ............ lie "lig 5" Tablets, eood pencil 0t cretY9ft paper ........•• : NOW J hr 10c 2 and 3-Rlftt bMden, heovy flt. COftr, only ...................... He 25< Composition loob. "*°' type, IOVe 7 c ....•••••• -•••••. NOW 1 le New Scriplo Uquld \.Md ,encll, M-MMCll"J er09ll •• n •••••••• ' •• ' • 1.00 . 2 °' 3_.1"9 ZJppw N~. Wtyt cowr, 2 podcets .•.... , ..• 1.47 plft tn 13""-~ S......., ._. ceee. ~ In Gem!Ofly ••.••..... 6.11 171' S... '*"" k .·r T1l1pttene l(t 2.Jffl • , • -· --. . . ------. -~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS t"'RIDA Y, AUGUST 26, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE FOOD COOKED HERE-One of the tint buildings at Fairview State Ho.pitaJ Ui the huge kttchen building which i• 32:i x 200 feet on the~und floor, one story and contain. bellid• the kitchen a. commt.sa.ry butch- er •hop and all the necaaary refr:igeration rooDUI. There i. al.a a dininr robm for the workers. All the food for the entire pl&nt will bre cooked in Ulil build· ing and t nn1ported to the different ward and ha. pita! ceqter"I in electrically heated ~ DO&lllTORY -In thia apace there will be bedl for 72 children. There are eight llUCb 1pacea on each floor in every ward building. The dorm.itoria a.re divided by low walls and all the room.a and adjoining recreation 1p&ee11 'are deool'ated in put.el 1hadM and ornamental tile. -SWf Photo DINING ROOM -Ee.ch ward building has a food diaUibuting center where t.he food i9 brought in electrically heated carte and made: available to each of the four diningroomA. 'rhe picture above wu taken from back in t he d1ningroom and showa the bar ovu which the food will be paned. Fairview Use Two Years A way By BEAT aRll">TNALI, W IUI 152~ m Wlon &IMIAO)' ~~t: lmprov•m-t. ... lrvl-St•le Ho.pttal Oii th' north-II of Coal.a Mt:aa, 1.1 .1tUI a bout two Y'•ra •-Y t rorn r..Ct'h0lnc Ji. tlr1t patient. 1n:orJ - 1n1 to J ohn M. PatmaroU. d11trk t couatrueU"n ~u~rvl1Wr. r ro1.,<-u• \"On1plt>t .. t1 or und.r ron11true l!n11 to date !n~lu•I!! """ w ard build1nx. $1110.000: 10 1111 k itchen, '800.000: boiler- laundry building, 1700,000 a nd 1e wer and dr•1n1gr , 1200.000. Tht! .,.·11r.1 buildln i;: 111 th .. on'-" .1t ruclurt com11lorl l.'ft It i• or the mOlol n,.><J,.rr1 eppro,·ed ho~p1ll1L con~trucl l<)n a.n d plannint:. 11ccordlnJt tc. ThC1m1111 T 1ThompM>'1 , pl'Ojtorl •ur>f!r•·U1or It 1a llha(W'd hkt f m1r T'11 ra1hll11ng lrom a co111n1C1n ,· .. nlcr . E•ch 1' 111 a n 1ndl'f'"n1!t.nt un it. but \ht hub 11 t h .. <1!11tribuu n g cl'nlorr for the fOiK1 fo r 11\l four u n1U•. All food for ho1pi1111 p11.tiflnlll will ~ t11 kl'n lo the "''llr<111 from lhe n1111n k1tr hen on ,1ert r11•;1lly hfate<I ca r". The 11dv11 n l11g~ of the d'""lo:n of this "·111t1 building 111 '" rood dJ!ttobution, which .. n11hlf'1 \\•'1.< n1en to du wt)tk \hat l'lj;:ht "'·uultl dQ und"r t h" old 11y11\t"11\ <1( lndf'J'f'lldPn\ wardfl, The rPnt"r l'::u 1 1J1.~h""'"hPr and <>lhtt PqUlr m .. nl for ,fflrt .. nt handling uf IOOIL Th111 r nrnpleted "''a rol 111 for 11m11!1 p11t1ornta frnm 3 to ~ yta r. of •Jl!l' 11 n•I hiLll dorn11torll'11 f<,r ~i6 of thtm, ;2 to a dor- mitory. i::ll<"h d orm bu ita ov.·n re>::r~1Uon 11r .. 11 1111d l'IJthl 11!n Jtll' room1 !n "'"'11ch lnd l•potied pupil• can b<' ll'Qh1ted. 1r the ehlldrl'n ha•·e any rP11I lllne411 lht y v.:rtl t>e ta kf'n 1m 1n .. d111tely to the m•in hG11p1tal. Courtyal'dl rormPd by th,. 111<h11t.11g T'1 will h1• cloSi',J In for p\r.1)' pl"~•• f or lhe c hildrf'n. E11ch 1u111 ,.i...., h"~ It• O\\'n din ing roorn ar d offiCP. PasltL oolf1r1 1n 1n.111y hu;•11 hll•·e bf.pr1 u11ed 10 -d""''rale thf' Interior or lhe hul1.t1ni:,. "·h1.-h "''ith II • llk)'lij(htJri 1111<1 rll'n tiful nPOn JIJth!ing prrlll'l\~1< II IJriJi:hl 11 ppt•l f• anc~. Thi• ""ant bu1Jdlnr ls nne 1tn1y, \\·hirh "'"~ t hf' Mpprovt d 11fo,..1gn whf'n 1t11 pL,.n11 "' • .,,.,. t um e\l .. ut, but th .. '"''f'n olhf'r .,...._rd builr11111:.'I uf 111nul11r flu"r plan \\'Lii i<ol be tw<>·lllOry , Bt fo r<> thr big 11h1nt i·11n lw J'UI 1n u1>t"r111 1 .. n. 11cco rdtnr lo Thurnp,..,n. 1l v.·1 11 n., n"<'t"-"a ty t<l build tht l'l flcp and hC)ll- J)lt11l hlllhtlnJ'.:.'I. At l h!' P!"f'.'l<'nl 11111.., p\11 1111 rnr lht11t b11ildln1t-" MT<' nol 1·n1i1pl"t>"I ArrhL lt'<'!.'I At<' """kin!( on lht third ""\ of j•llln1'. Ong1nally 1t Wll~ pla n n,.tl t., hu\'l' .. ·n111 TbompMln r:i!Jed an OClujJUS with 11 one·•lor y lei:,~ Th•·I' 1111,. "'""' •' ol into e. nto!'l' ""ltd t ype nf h•1ild11l)": 1•1i;ht ~l'ITlf'~ h11:l ~ rre~Pn\ pl11n 111 fnr I\\'" bui],J1nj.:,., • 11< h l nur ~!"II".• lll h • I, "a~h \\·1th t h1't><' v.·1n~ ... nn o:Hrh 11lole n! 1·on1n1"n 1 • Oll't ,1 n1t·.u.···~. Neilhl'r 1•11ln111 ro h. n,,,. T ho111pwn wnu:.i 11<l1n1L 1t. hut !hr fcr hni:. they J..'l•V~ \\'II" thnt thfJI 11\•ll hS\'f' !h.,1· f1r;;:· 1 ~ •·ro~•,.d O\'Pr "'hat "the •1<'1111:,n v.·11J bl'. or ,.·hr;1 lh• y "Ill 1-.·r,.1 \'e plan• •o !hat ron.,ln1Cl\01t c an 11l •rt. A tf•\111 nf Si l m•!h<•n hs • h<"<'n 11ppr n•"td fn r lhP Pnlirf' pl11nt. hut n<> f1r11•~ h11• h<'Pll .'lf'l fn1· lht ho11plt11l 11n!l admini•l1s tivf' bu1h\1n):.'. Th,. 11ilf' of th,. hu1 ln1ni.::.~ 111 l .. 1.1 nut 1n 11 hU;!t .. u1r11". 2t 0fl ftrl on the lnn,t 11Jl1fl 11nd 1600 let \ nn lhe 11ho1\ 11•i11. Thf' planned C"lllpllrll.\' 111 3800 r1111cn l~ Oul~Hlr l h•· l'lli l'llf' wlll bt' hou11c.• for rl<W ton1 11nd "·nr ker• \\'1\h •;1111•i;l"1. flrr 1111\!on, gym · na111um 11111! "'"t"hnu~•' T hi' ff'll<'f''"lf 11;;.I rnn1r ln11 p lan" 11r• •180 out11ldf', •ltl'l'Uly cnn1plrtr tt bel\\'~"n lhr O\'al 11nd H,1rbor Blvd. Tht 7~0 llCT<'~ llhUL.• 1111 HHrbr.r Bh.,1. 1111rt llf'll helw~n W i\aon and Ad11 m1 S111 . runn111r rlf'11 r t" \l\f' ~an\u An11 Rh••r. DISHW A.SHER In each ward building food dis· tributing cen ter is a dillhwu h1ng machinf.. shown a bove:, with a st~! hood overhead to take away stea m ~-d ¢o.!S: _Th_ia ~ Eu_t part of the food diatMbut.ing 1y1tem which has been worKed-Oul to Keep -tfie big plant u.nit1ry and maJc:e it attractive, not only to patient., workera, but to the: visiting public. STt:AMTABLE -In the main kitchen v.·iH be :i huge Mtcamtablc in the 11pace ahown abcn·c. Overhead is a huge hood 56 feet long by 15 fNt widr. whit:h will c11.rry aYoay all the st eam and odors and heir kN'p the placr cM I rnough t o wnrk. On the noor can be seen the many 111team outlets wh ich will 111cr.·1cc the: table• whf'n in· stalled. OONSTRUC..TION -Now under conlt.ruclion at the: the laundry will handle all the washing for the: 3800 paUeatl wh ith the completed hospital is expe:ded to accommodate, u wt:ll u tba.t of the employees. STEEL WOBIER8. -TbMe men are pvt of cnw eniaced on MW State Fair~ view MenW Hoepttal structuni 1hown rlatng al right. Plenty of work nimain• to be done before peUent. will mo\•e in 90Dle 2Y.t years hence. Fairview Stele Hospital grounda la a boiler boUM uid laundry. t.he at.eel trameWork of which is allown above. Thia building Will :oat $700.000 when completed and .... ' ·-.. YOung Layinen Will Conduct Setvices at Lutheran Church Three laymen and a croup of )'OUJll Luther ~ are 11la~ed to conduct Mn'iCl9 and pr.eDt abort MnDO~ the next four SUDda11 at Nnport Harbor LuU..U Chun:h while their Put.or, Rob9rt B. GrcDJud. iii neatiicmbtc ID the mid-weat. Scheduled for Ude .._.., ldlool ...,....._t ol f Aug. 28) at both U.. l :IO u4 N..,_i H""'ta ocmf"tPU. l 1 a .m. houra i. J'ruld)'D llNa tbe put two ,_... wt~ U.. ..._ who will deliver an Mid...,. • da)' aoa.oo& ~ ~ \a• '111e Carou.wl ol LU•" u "1 dlr bl9 ~p. a. 1' a c:o.ta u aerve H lltur,at. Kee& ......_t. '9 manted and Hruza haa aerwd u 8undq U. .. lafaat daqlltar Xatllryn. DlrecMry of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES " o..u,. Oout eou..-.,..... uai. &ad ftnt ICudmt bod)' .,.... •d•t of U.. ldlool. be wtU IOOll •tel' CUlfornla PolytAelu\lc a t aaa Dtm.u to prepare bimNlt .. a te&CMr ol omam•tal hortl· cul tun. P .. F I&. AJldn"·• Pr~ ~ l~th SL • st. .udrewa Rd.. a tio ete aero.. from BJ1h ~cbool L.lbtrty l ·&TTS Paetor: Rt v. Jamee 8. It.wart Commuo.lty •tlle6t uo w. 19th s~. eo.ta ai... Llberty M6&1 Rev. JoHph W. Me8b&M The Cburc-et autM 10~0 Church St., Calta M .. Liberty 8-&Tll· D. G. Hunit, Mlnt.ter Cltrt•t Clturda BJ 'l'1M a- Com mun lty KethodJR Balboa Blvd. at 1'th. Newport Harbor ~229 M111Later: Rev. Roy Carlton SL J oachim Clnard a for Young Islanders Memben ol ~ Interm~ Youth r ellowalUp of t.bl llalbo6 I 1 l a n d Cornmualty Metbodilt Church on l uaday IV'elllnl wtJI be the CU..U Of Barbara 0 Nl'S at a paUo part7 to be held at tier home. 108 Jade AYI.. Bal• bo& Ialand. .u.s.unr ti.r 1n makitlr pre- para uone are T'"1 WaldeUch, Gall Oravu. DolorM Harper, and Nancy lbOoter. The poop wtJI uo Jlan a GATHERING FOR SERVICES AT rIRST 80t.JTHERN BAPTIST awRCH -8tatt Photo Back Alley Fair Labor Day Event Balboa Island Church Young People's Project Mre. P. r . Bain'' and Mra. i... Bolin Arr•nc 1ng for th• hot dor boot.h wtll be Mra. Clydc Shootft' and Mra. Mall' \\'aldellrh. Mra.. C. T. Coane Will Mrv, u <'alhln. McDonu d and· ul hia farm-hanca are pullinr out their • be8t blb-ov~ralla and 1traw hate thia Wffk. in preparation I The Schedule for the big Back Alley FaJr to be held Labor Day, Sept. ~:..j. S J at the Balboa I.land Community Metbodi1t Church. k. at t . anteS ''country-fair" theme hu been selected for t he event which At l :ao a m. Kol7 Communion: will bertn al 12 noon and con· 1 t :ao a.m. hmlly S.rvlce an•t Unue throurh I p. m. VaUerl• Lowen. and Burt C. Low· Sunctay School: 11 a.m. Mom lnir While t ht> day'• acUvltlea tr• 1 en: balloon.a an,d duta, Biil Fer7 Pray'r and Sermo~ ".A tonnula planned primarily for yout.h. 11n1\ Bandy Kn11pp. Cl1'h pon< · tor lnncr f't'I tnlly , • !her" will be attractions fllr 11 11 BetleJcan Gucnthf'r anti Robert FJ'C',.1111 Al 3 p m . Holy Bap· agu. Youths and adult• arc work· 1 Gurnthtr. zoo. Whllnf'Y Ba1ne11 ui1111 IM Sl'Ott RIC'hard Hiiiiard Ing log et her on lhl' plans. &jjel $t<'V<' F l'I ry. p111101 • tmn& j anti 11 t 8 p m . marr1a11:e hlculns; H EAD E\'E:\7 lllrti1. RoK.~ Erktrt, Chr~ll'r l':rl<· t11r Roy a n.I Lucille McG1ll ~n!'ral chalrincn art B I I \ trt. •nil Ge•1r1f" HOUM'r . n dnl{ Wc11nca.lrl\', Aug 31, 8 p.m, P'crry and p F. Buinu. In ch•r~e ball, Alltn Gur~ther. and ll<'htd·" S'nlor Choir rf'htarsal Thur8day, of rinanre will bt> Steve FPrl y ul .. c·ont1'1l, r ~ Balm•s Sept. I. 9 1!\ ll m. Pra yer Oulld : and Ott.I\ Hoeg. Chairman 0 t T hroughout the 1lny a catetert11 10 .ao 11.m , Hnly Communion and booth conitructlon i. Matt Wald!'· lunch and 11upprr wilt 1>41 Mrv.d healln1t l!<'r\'IC'I' Friday, Sept. 2, llch. Arrang1ng publicity are Call by me1T1ber1 or the Women'• Bo-10 a .m.. Junior C'holr rehtaraal. Gravu and the Rev. Donald G. clety of Chrl•llan undrr the l!•!'l· Sa.pp. er&I chalrmal'l•hlp of J.fre. Ted Bible Literature Committee chairmen Include: tlauMr. Cattterla workera will dacoraUon1, Whitney Ba In e •. Include Mre. Comellua Donker. ~ent rullni:-11 by the Attor· M w H t Mr Lona ney Gt'neral of California. th• Rou Eclc•rl. Na.nt'y Shooter, and ra. •YD• , un er, e. Hon. Edmund C. Brown, hav• In· Matt Waldf'llch . popcorn and ltm· Grlltl.n. Mra. ~alter Scllmld. Mra. I •'-·t ' B "' 1 ~ o BrtdJ t.erpretM the aw to mean .., .. on&de, Terri Waidelich. Doli;>nt• yron ... ea Y· -re. eor1• • .. .,, h H I Bibi t Q d man Mn Edward J'ruehan Mrs. w...... t e o y • may no Harper, and Gall ravea; can y, ' · ' be uttd In the publlt achooll for Barbu& Karper. DoMa Smith, Leonard Harl'rave, Mrt. Fount •-. _,,_ • M&r1· L. Lowe. and M rs. Clannc-rellstous purpoAn . It may be and Mra. ... pp, m ... a up, read In C'la11ct u lllcratun , but lyn l t\oot.er and Sharon Walde· Bowman. IU bl th.at rellR1ou1 prayera of any lJch; Q>Onr • toM, Nancy Shooter. Cafeteria hottH._ w faith may not be rt'peated ln 'the IChOOb . LESSON-SERMON The Little Church by The Sea 1te• Orange Av• .. Cotta M•• Llberty 1·1091 Jrathtr Thoma• J. ~evin n cular buatn... ...son tn whlell -------------------------------------------------- 'Christ Jesus' Subject in Christian Science they """ di8cula plau tor elec-'Th"_Good News·, tlon "' olttc•rw &ltd th• Lalilor a n -~ ~-=~::~,~:;. ':~ h Ii at B. I. Church bl .. ~.'°~:~yu.~~~~ ~~ Ule." (John 10:2&·21). nnt Baptld Church of Nn-pon Balboa Blvd .. 19th A Court Sta., Ntwport to th ,.rusats that wboeoever bellevetb In h.lm • or . on. u Mr ew.' .A TM MCOla4I la a .. ..w ol ..... ahould not pertab. b\lt have ever- Cornl&Uva t.o lhl..i from Ult Ch r I 1 l I a n Science t.atbook. "Selene• and Health with Key to the Scripture&" by Mary Baker Eddy ar• tb-word&: "JllU.I la the n.ama oL t.bl m&A.. •llo. mor• than all other men, haa pruentl'd ChrL .. l. the t.rut Id~ or G<ld, huJ. Ing th• aick and thl' &Inning a.ntl dulr<>)'lnl the powl.'r of death." (p. 4731. Harbor 3S63 Liberty a.son Pastor: Her~rt G. Jo~ M akah Indl·an ' L.-i ii.I mau aa ·~ Ooo4 N .... J..ua luUns lif•," 111 lh• Golden Tut llroupt" wW be preacbad a t the from John (1:18) for th• l.A&eon· J A l~ t :ao M4 u un. llUl!icu Sunday Senn-on on "ChfUt J~· te .be Newport Ha"'°r Lutheru Cburdl 2~01 Cllff Or .• Newport Helc bta Llberty 1·3831 Presbyterians afl. _/ilnnounc•m~n'3 a t ~ Balbo& Wand Co!Tlrnunity read tn all Chrtttlan Science Matllodat Church. The Rev. Don· churche• Sunday. ..... a...• ............... ,__ ... _ .................. __ '-'•' t :U -ll:M e.• .... 1tM ,. •. Rn. Robert Gronlund aJd O. Sapp Will speak on "The On one occulon when aome at Conference PAGE 2 -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS N"'9 Of t.bl J'at.blr." doubted Jesut &lid questioned him The adult choir, under th!' di· rn:icern\nr th& Chrut, he r•plled, 1-.y n...., J:M ,_., ... \.eelea ...... ...... '""" Let-..... '-'"· ....... -... ti AuemblJ' Of Ood FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 rectlon of LuUe Van Dyke-. will "I told you, and Yl' bellt\'W not: linr at the 11 o'clock 11ervlce the worl<11 th11t I do In my F11th~r·11 NUl'9f!lry care for &ma.II cbtldren ~~ml'. they bear witness of me. wtU be provided at th.JI Mrv1cc But y e believe not, btc&UN ye are Nin. Malt.ah Indian ~ " Ian <U.l ..A.) cbulU ~ ----------------------12nd I t. • JClden Aw ., Ca.ta M .. Liberty 8·3781 ~nr•nd M. C. Cl'Olllc, Put« lkwatla...aay AdYeau.t J'lewport Blvd. a t Bol8a at.. Nnrport Helpta Elder ftJchard 8eru Liberty 1-l~S oat of tM lar&..t dalepUon.I of laJ!IWI tram u y bibe. atteded t.bl nc.t N&UODal r.Jlowtbtp of Indian Worbn tr1ennl&l OOD· f..-.nce. SUDAN MISSIONARIES AT M~A BAPTIST CHURCH To Map tlnaaoe UM trtp to Z.. ta Park. Colo .. UM Women'• Aa- eod&Uoa of tbe ._,., ot Hat- loul Kllili ..... lded dNrda In N ellll Bay, WMIL, ~" a fmad- n.lllq dialler ea4 a eeooa4 a. 1116 .......... Oollla K..a .. -.... -:.:,:-•-:,:tt-. .,.__, ..... at.. w • Clmrell -lied.. ~ttl- LJberty 8-71'1 to ITO" UllOlll' tMel .,_,.., Ua• Kt .... KN. ...... mltalona.ri• from U. 8udaa In· tart. M.J.-o. ta m,.na. Atnea, will !»...,_-.,.. at the T:IO p .... , ...... '7 7WUl ...unc ta co.ta ..... rlrwt Ba~t Olnlrdl. 1,..W ....._...._and ptcturee will accompany .... taUr. w a t1 ... ._. _,. t.t• ,,... -..1 •• • Ab1ca. t« C101 of wMc:.11 be rec.ived a epectal clll&Uon '"°"' th• Br1UU IV'f.-mnelll. 'nl1a wu tor a.n "act of bravery and WIUttUl CUlplay of ·cowap 117 f1chttnc a wounded Jeopard 1lar.uadtd la order to ,roe.et an oMctr ot t~ Jh1UM IV'f• ....-t. .. --~ nport. .,_ att. 1'1nt CIMudt •I ClllW. ....... tM deleptae ntuna, a daapter 1301 Via Udo, N.wport BeeeJl at tM Jfatioul CouDdl ;,, .._. Harbor 2UI b)'t.-tan M• wtD be llart.e4. t'alY9,..... C-at, Pellotnldp Zbell ClubbouM. CH& Balboa JllYd. Mtntatu: Rn. F. W. Rini• '1m SoatMna ll&pd9t ~ ~ w. Hamilton, Coat& Mel& Uberty a.2tea Put.or: Or. Richard K. Po.1 r..roee ,'e1 ~ Oommulty ~ CongTegatlonal IU Hellotro~ A ... Harbor 6237 P aator: Rn . Edwin C. Oomkl ,.,,., llapUa\ Quell Banta Ana Ave. at MacnoUa Coata Ml'•a ~v. P. 0 . Nrumann Claarda of Oer lMJ et II&. CamMI H U W. l!l&lboa Blvd., Newport Hubor 021' l'athel' Btephm KU.y. Paator r at.Ur Oeor1• Parna.ua Aeat. Putor CIU'tlt LatMrea ai11tt~ et con. lleea (Mluourt Synod) Co•ta Mua Putor: Rn. Lothar Tornow 8L ,..._ Epleeopal 1101 Vl& U do, Newport Bu ch Harbor 1230 Curata: a... J\&lpb P•&M ... l.U \!.....,. 31~ MArtne, Balboa lllla.nd Harbor 02H Father Stephen Kiity, Pulot Fa th• ~ Pamuwa Aeat. Pallor Central Biiiie Cln aftll Oranr;• An . at 23rd 8 t. Co11ta Meaa. Ublrty 8·~303 A. A. Ka<kra. PM W Balboe .... c _ _..,. ........ . 1 lS ARal• A~ .. 8aDoa lllu4 Mlnlt tf'r: Rev. ~ ..,, Churell of Re .............. "gc1,nc11 ot 1118111 .. Lapin& 131'ach .A.rt a.a., 307 Clift Pr1v~atl '""" Rev. l r1 8 Turli. ,.."• C'llerda of ,_ ca.118 et Latt.r 0.., ...., rrtday M temoaa ~ .._ Coata Moe. ~....,. St.hop: Pct• ~t Sermon Theme on 'Emerson' 1'le a... P. 0. H......,., put« ol the church, wUl ,... at UM 11 La .... Ip eamce, Na toplo "l lrenfth· lllJae.\q'eL .. Catholic Shrine. Ul\lnnialllt r •laow.lllp m •eta V'·i•t by Ba~t a t 311 w..i Ba.Ibo& Bhd. wttla JO u. wonhlp eeni~ at 11 o'dock. ,,._ arr. Dr. a L ai.w. The aptalctr wtU be Dr. Frank 9apu.t e1ers1maa ud -=ntary A. Macintyre. W"°9e nbjeet wtll of ~ ,..,.,.... Jl'ltemaUonal be "JCmenon and Man'• Rtri· on.uaa tTai......_, ,,._,. • .__ tac•"· le oa a ·~" to ftoln&n T!Mre le DO 8W1.4ay 80ool an-C.tlaoUe lllrtM9 ~ llU· tll rtturn of th• Jk\t. rr.dertcll rope. R• .. 'ttlltJas aad ltDdJtns Rini' put.or, and th• churdl a. la l'r&nee, Italy, SpUa. ~Pl ap.tn on ,..,War ~. .., otJMr eoaatn.. 'ftll ... 1Ueb f&mOU8 llhrlnH U Lourd• ln r rance, P'atlma In Porttscat and It. P•t.t In Rema. Dr. Stuber. author ot Prttner OD Koman C&t.boUdcn. tar Pro- t Ntanta. •7• h1I approuh t.o the llllrlM9 le a aympatheUc OH and "for the pod of m 1 ICNl." VI.tu wtll M paid to UM VaU· e&11 and at. rruc1.a· tomb at Aa- t lsl, I taly, u w&U u t.o _, Roman C&t.bollo eathtdrW. Expert Professional Work Whert the lou occurs es the result of en accident , or following certain types of illneu, a funeral director must be skilled in his profeuionel duties in order to provide an unblemished memory picture for the family end friends. We have an ouhtanain9 reputation for ••pert profeuion•I work in these unusual ce11s, a1 well •• ln tho1e c•••• which do not neceuitate 1peclal techniques. r-ii' ~. . : ... fll • ' r-~ ....... L14J a11ltltl9d'lln1&1 ·1 PARKES~RI OLEY MOA.TUAA..Y .. o a&OMWAY coaTA Mal• C U•zwr.8'»3! .i.11a,-,. IA\IOA-:11 .. •DIM:OI•~ 1•ftJ.,llOO._, ~/ Nl'JJfOl1 .MAC" • COW:llfo .... ·~ l>R. J AMES w. nnno. JR .. CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE E mtat Holmes. founder, author of' "Selene• of M.lnd. M SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.m. 'u.aJor Church Md Nanery Can 11 LIL ae'" 1111 Tutc. MlldllW L.. A. puter-"ln Ule laity of all faitha u .. the hope of th• world." not of my theep, u I Mid unto you. My 1htep bear my voice, nnd l know them, a.nd they follow m•: And I JI•• unto them eternal IAOVNA. BEACH AST OAU.E&Y BY.at &-1IM I01 alll Dr. Give NOW to Your Hospital Expansion Fund Inquire Uvlng . Memorial Plan $500,000 Needed ~ • - - • AUthl\rllad Occupancy Load ,_ Normal Occupancy Loat1 For 7& BM Holpttal ~ , . - " - .. -- • .. r·-- 196% I I I i I I I I I • • ' .. .... j l --' I - Proposed Addition • H N 1964 ltN ~ I tJ lli4 1i I I l • I s I I i S l t I i I f I • l r I I ~ ••• ~ I • I l I """' • ' • ' ' • ' ~ -- ' If ' • , 1 \ -, -i 1 I .., I • ' .., If Monthly Maximum I Patient Load I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t . 95 " " ... fo fo St&tJltic11 Vital ~ Total Patlent. -19,535 Emergenciea -3,889 B&blea Born -2,364 Major Operation.1-2, 781 We've CJrown right out of our Capacity. t·Your Hospital must expand to continue ih Hrvice to you end your community! Study tbia graph. It shows our normal occupancy, Our Authorized Capacity. CapLcity Load-t.nd the Pea.kl to wbSch we have been crowded more and frequently. ror Good Service and Care -tor Efficient Operation HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL.PRESIYTERIAN Needs to expand with . e $500,000 public subscription. Invest in a livirat Memorial , Inquire about the plan. . ·- • McKenzie Attends Dire· plinary lo1r4 Meet at Port H1eneme C'llfta 'Me•• \'.•lln ~ ... , Ar\l befor .. necQtlty arUo.t of "''·n·i· )h:Xf'n&M Tuuday att,ndrJ a h•s .. vul of bvu11dl!" rulln"~ mMlln' of the Amie<! l''oro• 1 ThlJ' mark• flr•l tlmr Or•n ·- Dlacirhnary 8-rd al Poll Hui'· CCJ1..nt)' b.u ~n ancludrd 111 lhe notme. PurpoM of the boilrll la onre a n1onth •NIOn•. Mcl<t-'\Zte \o unre u a Ualtlon ~twHn Mid. Only olhl'r Onnjf«" 1>1•1'\ly n ullt.ary and civilian authorltle1. N'pte•ntallvr prurnl ...... Pu· TM dl8cu.Mon, MCKl'nrtc re· Hee Chl•f Vic Bll'wer\ of \A1t1in• ported. coecerned pollce problem11 Bear h. coece"'111~ m1lllary perllOllnfl. TIM l'J"OUP cooperat.. w1th lh• Tavern Ownera Aa110Clatlon. 11 ale liquor control board &Ad clv11ian and military police In an att,mpt to 1tratrt1t.en out bar pMblem1 Lor ....... Wll Up for Proceublt SANTA ANA (0CN8 )-Up t or proceMlnt l.n 11Upertor court hn• yuterday wu the will of Jurgen H. Lol'ft!U&n, who died A ug. 10 la Newport Beach. The decuMd"• widow Dorothy a. LortnlHD. 2008 I:. Bay Front. Balboa. peUUoMd court for pro- tl&te of the will. 'nae estate real property wu llllted at $15,000. NlemlK Colllslon Car in Here Minor accl4eril between two cara at 29th Bl. 11n<1 Newport Blvd. wu reported to police Wed· nMO.ay. Drivera 'Wtre John Roy Kullcoff of Huron and Aurelia Niemi« of 1811 W. Balboa Bl\'d. '"'' Niemiec car apparently atruck the Kullroff cu In the rear when the lallu wu atopped tor trattlc. -P"or th• flnemt ln Commercial Print.l.nr caJI Harbor 1ue. Job PrlnUnr Department. McCarthy's 1oocro GUAUNRID CARS Dowa 55 Cad11 ~62) 4-dr. Power Str, ........ -..... $1000 ... ------------NEWPORT HAilOR NPNsJR&SS -PART 11 • PAGE l LEGAL NOTICE I FRIDA y. AUGUST 26, 1955 V. WILLMES. a Notary Public 111 ------------- 111111 for t'hf' Mid County and Sta\e. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICI rHHlm-; thf'reln, dul)' C"Ommlulon• f(\ and •WOt n, peraonally app.aud PHYLLIS J . PATfN known lo Qie to l'.M' the peraon whoee name ta sull!\\:r1~ to lht' within 1ruitru· n1rnt. 11n1I arktiowletl~ to me lh'I~ 11he t'Xf't'utert t he aamf' 1:-l \\'lTNJl:SS WHEREOF, I h11ve hueo11ntn "rt my hanrt and a m~.r I my otr1ct11 teal Ult day 11n•t year In thl• llertlncate flr•t 11bov• wrlltt'll· a ROBERT F . WJU .. M~B My CommlA&J.on J1;xi11ru Nvvembf'r .18, l~M No 13~1 News·P•'""" e 128. 9 ·z. t , ie. 1866 ----------OBDINA..~t'E NO. 'JN n tabllaht'\J a prevailinr rate and 11Cale ot w.,-H ln a ccordance v.'lth law to be peld ln lhe conatrucUon o t.ht above enulled Improvement. That aald ratt' and mcaJe waa a dopt· ~ by the City O>uncU by Reeotu- \lon No. 084 o.n lht Und da.r oC Au.,un. 19611. and la on ftle ln the OUlt'• <1t tht' City Clerk ot aald ai, of Newport~ Thu Ui• ,aid ratu and ac&I• are hNin Nterl'ed to llld adept.eel ln Ulla ftOUce u tho\IP MJy a8'd _oom- P'-t.l.J eet forth MNln. and tM.t Mid Kale. u adopted by MJd Re- 1111lu\lon. la made a part •f t.l\1a notice by reference. AS OKDlNANCE 0 P TH I: OJUNTY or ORANGE. 8TATK OF CALIPOBNIA. PM>RmlT· ING C'AMPlNG oa rARlllNO OF TRAILER C'OACKE8 l 1P · ON Pl"BLIC HIOHWAVS oa pnn.IC OWNED LAND8. Th• Board of Supervtaor1 of the CoWllY of O~e. Slate of C&IJ· fornia. do ordain .. follow•: SECTION 1. lt ahall be unlaw· ful tor any pe..-on to camp onr· nlgtit or to park a traller. coach ovel'T'lght upon any public hlJh· way, 1ncludlnJ any pert of the rtght of way lhe~f. or upon any l&nda or e.-menu owned by t.he County of Oranrc-. or by any duly exl•tlnc dl1tJict of t.he County of Orange for which the BO&rd of Supervlaor11 11 the rovemlnc body. except upon w ch port.Iona the~( u may have been mpeclflcally dN· 1,,,.ted and aet aalde by tht> Board of Supervl.ora ror camping or tr&lle.r coach perklnc purpo-. 'ntl• Ordinance •hall not apply wht're a trailer coa ch I• perktd upon a public highway tor t.he purpo11e of meklnr emersency re- pair~. The contract.or aball. ln lb• per- fom11u1ce of the work and lmpro.,.. ment. conform to the Labor COd• of thf' State of Callfomla and other I• wa ot t.he St.ale ot C&ltlomla ap- plicable thereto, with the ~cep­ t Ion onlY ot euch variallona u m11.1 be required under the special atatulea purauanl to which .pro- ceedinp hereundfr are taJcen and "'·hlch 'have not bet'n auperaeced by the provlalona of lhe Labor Codt'. PreterenC!• to labor ahall be ctven only In the manner pro\'lded by Law. All propnaal• or bid• ehall be accompanied by a C'h~k payable to •~Id City of N-port Beach and cerUfled by a !'flllpon11lble bank for an amount which 1haJI not be 19• than teri \ 10'~) per cent ot ilie aclfTe(ate of the propo1&I, or by a bond for aaJd amount .,id ao J>'lY· able, 1l~rd by the bidder and two ,u,.tle•, who 1hall Ju•Ufy before any officer compete.nt lo admlnl1· ter an oeth, In double lhe utd amount and ovl'r ~ a bove all atatutory oempuon11 Bald propoaa.Lt or bldJI •hall be Chamben of lb• CitJ Hall of •• City of N-port BeMh, U00 W•' Newport B oul eYar~ N~ BeM:h, c.:.Jlfornla. a be&rUla wtU be ~t at which hearlna U7 ,_,.. eon owntn.f any r.aJ propert,y wtlbift lb• boundal1ea ct ~ t•r- ttlOl'7 ao propc>Md to be aan•ed bereln ~rtbed. each may app.ar uid object to th• propG9911 ...... Uo11 u4 uow ._. ~ wm t.en-tto17 ~ aot be eo annead. TM allena Ucl fWelalq a-hl- U. ... dub-and ,...w.r1:r ...-cl and adopted at a in.aUJ\I' of lb• City Coundl of lb• CtlJ ot N-- port Beac.b held Oft the nn4 .say of .AU(Ult, 1960, by the toDowlnc 9'0te. to wit: AYU, COUN~: Bl!NN&TI'. WILDllJ\. MACIU T, STODDARD, JUOBDC, IUJ>DP· HOP'. HIU:. NOES, CO\Jl"fCtLMENt NON~ ABSP.:NT COUN'CIU.O:N'I NOm DOJtA 0 . RILL Mayor ATTEST. MARGERY SCKROUDER City Clerk "EJUOlllT A " DE~RlPTION roa AS'NDA· TlON Ot' INT ADDITION TO IR\"JNE Tl':RllAC'F. ~ Ford V-8 Viet. Power Str ............ ·-·········· 700 54 P1ywMM1t11 Cl. Coupe, ~&H, 0.0. -·-··-J50 SENATE SUBWAY INTRIGUES EXPLORERS SECTION 2. Arly peraon vto- laUng any provl81on or thll Ordl· nance 8hall be puruahable by tine of not to u ceed 16()().00. or t>y imprlaonment In thr county jail not to excl'td e montN, or by both auch fine and lmprh1onmenL delivered to the Clerk ot the City ot Newport Beach. Callfoml&, on or before the Uth day of Septem· t>er. 19~. at the hour ot 7 3() o'clock P. M. ot wd dale. at thl' Office of aald City Clerk In the Cltv Kall of the City of Newport Be~ch. Calltomla, .a.Id Ume being not 1-than t,n (10) day• from the time of lhe flnit pubUcallon or poatlnr of t.hll Notice. Bl<a will be opened on aald day and hour. 'Ill• City Council rflllerve1 tbe right to reject any and all propoeala or blda. 1hould It deem thi1 nec-ry tor the public food, and allO the bid of t.ht bidder who hu been delinquent or unfaithful ln any former contract wtth the City ot NeWl)Ort Beach. Bectnntnr at • point In th• boundary line of th• C'tty of Newrort Beach. CallContla. 11111<! point bl'lng the lnterMC!· lion of I.he suuthffl)' lln• of the C'alltornla St•te Hlahway ORA-80.B. 100 feet In wtdth, All dtl'Crlbed In dttll recorded In Book 4117. Page 3, Otnclal Rerord11 of Oran&•' County, Celltornla. and a llne ly~ parallel wllh and dl•tant 2640.00 fffl northweaterly of the 90UthW91Jterly pralonp· lion of the •oulheu tl'rly line of BIO<'k M . u a.hown on a map or lrv1ne'• Subdlvlllon ,.... cordf'd In Ml1eellaneoua R.- cord Mapa. Book 1, P.,• N . Rttorda of Mid OranJ• Coun· ty; lhtl'lce norU\eulerly alonit aakl perallel line and aloni; Mid City boundary line to • point ot lltteneetlon wllh ~ northerly line of n ld Stat• H l&hway ORA-e0-8 : Ulence euterly alonr Mid northerly line and &Jonr .lb• northerly line of Callfomla ltate H!a'I· way. 100 fMf In width, u ,._. corded Apr11 H . 1H8 in Boole 11a. Pac-• •37. otnc1a1 Re<x>rd• of uld o,_,,.. county, to an lnt.ereecUon with lb• boundary lln• of UI# City ot Nnl'por1 Beach, a&ld polnt ot lnlerMC- tlon belnr ln th• north-..terl1 prolonptlon ot the nort.h- w•t.rly llne ot ATOC&do AH· nu. aa ~ upoa a mep of ~If• .......... 54 Olck. Super 88 Holiday, Power ............. 750 54 CheY. 4 dr. P.G. R&H ..................... -..... , ..... -400 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sedan. R&H, Power ...... 690 Pictured getting travel the euy way, underground on the Senate aubway are mem- ~n of Newport Beach'• Golden Anniversary tour of the Explorer Scout. of Poet 17. Lett to right, finlt row. ad\iser Lyn Barton. K1mt Harve)'\ Jo~n Van Dyke; aecood row Doulf Reddick, Bruce MacGurn and Randy Peeler: third row, Tom Baume, John Vale and Doug Unruh. Operator o{ the car is Fred Brown of SECTION :\ Thia Onhnance mall take erfect and be ln tore. thirty (30) day1 from and alter Ill ~.ie. and prior to expiration ot fifteen f 10) day1 after the pu-uce therepr. thLa Ordinance aha1I be publtPh'ed once la Ule Newport Harbc.r New•·Preu, • new1paper of r eneral clrculatlon printed and publiahed In the County ot Oranp, State of C&Ufomta. toreth•r with the namea or the memMrl of th• Board or Supervt.o,.. vollnr tor and apln•t °'' ••mt'. Wuhington, D. C. -Reni New. Service Photo -----54 POlltiac 8 Strch. Catalina, power ...... 650 54 Plym. Savoy 4 dr. O'Drive ........................ 450 54 Ford V-8 Co. Sed. Power Str .............. _ 650 SJ Olds. 88 Sup. Holiday Pow ................. -650 SJ Olds. 88 Dix. 2 dr. Loaded .... ----500 MESA GIRLS COLLECT $6. 45 FOR HAGERMANS LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF B\iSl:!'l."1;88 FICl'JTIOt'8 FIRM NAME The u.ndertlfned do hereby c:erUfy that th'Y .... conducunr a metal tumJture mahutacturtnr bualn•• at '18·311t Street. New- port Beach, CaJlfornl• .. under t6e flctlllo11a firm name of THINLINE MANUFACTUIUNG COMPANY and that Nld tlrm ta composed of th• to11owtnr J>ttlOO.I, whoae namM 1n full and placea of realdence are u follow•, to-wit : Propoeala mu.at be aubmJtted on the blank torma prep11red and rur- nlahed for th• purpc:lff and whJch may ~ obtained at the Offtc:e of the Ctty 1Cf11111"r In the City Hall. Newport Beach, California.. At Mid 53 Pont. Ch. 8. Hydr•. R & H. 2 door ...... 400 53 Ford Ranch Wagon, Low miles ............... 400 52 Pont. Ch. 8. 4 dr. Hydr•. R & H ............ JOO 52 Ford Rench W egon .................... ·--·-·-400 46a -47• • 4& • 4h -50e -51• $195 to $695 Low C09t -Bull Tenm RESULTS BJ BILL PRILl1'8 A practical leuon ln charity became part ol the Jlvea ot two younr ladl• Ill Coat& Me.a Tul'lday an.er th.y read a New1- Pr-•lory Monday aboUl Tom• m"-and J ohnny ll&_prman. mua- ~ d)'lltroph)' TtcUma. What concerned th.in waa lhat Tommy appe~Uy ta • victim of a hopelMI malady and did not have u much u a cake to look forward to Oft hia 13th btrthda)' thla Friday. Kra. Wll· ' ' • • -. OF COURSE - If The Product Is Fairly Priced, And In Demand, RESULTS ARI CERTAIN Mrs. Nina M. Slack of Upland, Callfonda, ra11 tMs ad. • Why Pay Rent WHEN Cute ana11 f\lnl. cott_,t wttb ,..,...... on R·• lot &&it126 raa be had for M60Q. Ol" 1 ... un· tura. An exeellent lnv .. tment. lpend JO'W ncauon and •Ye at Me J;. llHA It., Ooeta w- N~t S,.. dift. Tlpl(I a11d sold tt.e property for CASH • ... MST CALL YOU, too, can be a satldlecl aclvertlw by ..tnt The News-Press Classified Columns CALL HARIOR 1616 TODAY WJLLJB H. WARNER Chalrmlln of the Board Of 8uperv1aof9 of 0 r a n I • County, California Jeta Hasarma.n or 443·A E1.11t 18lh St., Coal& Meaa, la hard· pruud •Imply trylng to ktlt'P the boya with her untU they J>UI on. AT'l'EST: otnct bidden may obtain coplH ot the pla.na. pron1 ... and apectfl· e&Uona fOl" the CODtemplated lm- pro.--.t. ...-i tw w"6dl wtD be refunded lt the pla.na. prortJflll and apeclllcatlon. ao obt.aJned a" CARL vmNmMAH ll41J Via Oporto Newport Beach, Calif JOHN FRANK B. J . SMITH County Cle.rk and ex -officio Clerk el tM 8ou'\t of 8Upel"- VISOrl of Orance County, CaJI· fornltl. (8-\1 Bo Joyce Druck and Olorl• Mancebo, both 11. dec:lded to do _.eUUns about tl. They decided to io from door to door and J>flr· 10nally report Tommy'• blrthLl•Y pll(hl. They delermlned to Mk eo.t.a Me&& cllluna what thry ant .. uSed lo do about tt. J 110 W. 18th St. Santa Ana. Calif. ST A Tl: OF CALIFORNIA I returnld ln rood condlUon lo the Office ot the City Enrtnaer within fourlffn I 1') daya aft.er the ope11· mr of bldl. COUNTY OF ORANOlt )aa. ~ llESIDE~"T8 Joyce, dau,:htn of Mr. 11nd Mn. Junu E. Brewer-of 1993 Roaemary Place. Coeta Mf!13. aald: "We kDCH"ked on door11 and uked people who rui1wered if they had uad about the l wo cblldren auffering ftom mu~u· lar dyltrllphy.'" Joyce'• falh,.r had to remlnc.1 her what \hi' di· 11eaae ..,.If, but J oyce corrrcted hi• pronun('latton of ll. Wltneea our hand1 th1• 3rd day of Au(Uat, 19~. I ll CARL VENEMAN , a/ JOHN FRANK STATE OF C AUFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )•. On thl.1 3rd day of Auguat. A D. 196~. bdore me. ROBERT F . WllLME~ a Notary Public In and for th11 ••ki County and State, re- 1ldlng therein. duly commlaaloned and awom . per10nally appeared CARL VENEMAN and JOHN' FRANK known to me to be th• per110n• whOH nam• are aub- 1erlbe<1 lo lhe within lnatrument. and acknowledged to me that they elllecutcd the aame. l, B. J . 8Mlnt, County CMrle and u-officio Clerk of the Board of Superv1aor1 of Oranre County, California. do hereby certify that al a "l'Jlar meet1n1 ot the Board of Supervaora hrld on the 11th day of Auruat. 19~. the f0tt1oln1 Ontlnance contalnJns thret t31 aecUorwt wu conlldered Mellon by DA TEO Ulla 22nd day of Al.lf\llll. 1"6. M AflOl!:RY SCJIROUDER City Clerk of lb• Ctly of Newport Be&ch. California No. 13~N-1·Prfl.a 8/28. 912/19~ Gloria. daughtn of Mr •n<I Mr1. Manuel Mencebo o( 189 E . 18tb St., Co1ta MeM. Mldetl "If lhey hadn"t read about the boy:1, we told them one wu celt.•brat· Ing hl• 13th birthday and could· n't afford a puty "r cake t1nd did Oley want to dnr11tte any· tblnf? .. Jn v.1Lne111 whereof, I have btre· unto &el my h&nd a.nd affixed my official 11eal the day and year In lhl• Cerllf1cale ti rat above written. "Some of them t old u11 \o tto away.'' Joyce reported. "One wo· man aalc1 llhe wu too sleepy. But moat or them .-ave ua mo· COLLr.cT M .'3 Mn. Brewer 11&1d the Ktrlll left home on their colll'cllon cam· palm at J :30 pm. yeaterday and did not return until almOllt !'I p.m. But th•Y had collected In perinlu . nll'kle". illmea and one dollar bill approximately S6 4!'>. When Mr11. Brewer phoned Mr11 Hagenn&n to determine whal th!" jrlrl1 11ho11ld huy with \ht' money. Mrs. H•$terman 11u1tge11t· ed lh&t lhe ce11h be ~lvl'n to the boya, "They have heen wllllllni; 11ubac:Tlpttona t o l!Ome mt1irwnea," Mrs. Hagermlln revealrd, "llnd lhey would like 11om• mon1>y to do with at1 they pleue." Red Cross Asks Emergency Drive for Flood Area · I SANTA A~A (QCN'Sl -Tht Southern Orange County chapt<'r I ot the American R e d CrOl!ll I hu llll"ued an urgPnl "PJ""•I for tundlt. Cha1rm11n Ttod Slp1lmlln of Santa Ana announcf'd tin Im· I promplu fund -r11l111ng r~mpe1gn would be ln1tituted lmmt'd1alely to a id In dlauter relief. ll~IUI II.id the campalill WU requuted by n1t1onal Red Croll8 tteadquarter.. Two mlUlorl I• need· ed ovn the nation, Stedman M id. to help offeel a drain u11 tund• made by nooda and hurrlcanH In tlle eutem MCtlon ot the 00\11\ try. Gra~°" ClotMs Mr1. W. D. Graft.on ot IOI Abalone Ave told police Wedne1· dll.1 two pair of denim and on• pair c1' while duck lJ'oUlll'TI! W'1t taken f1'0lll her ck>Ul•~ltnt She aaJd Oley Wtre han(tnl In flllntl /t i ROBERT F. WILLME8 My CommlHlon l!:~plree November lt, 19611 No. 1343 Newa·Prua 8/&, 11, 19. It. 19GI NOTICE TO CR£DITOR8 No. A U108 Eatat. ot Vera L. Lawnnce. deceaM'd. Nolle• 111 hereby ffven by t.M under111~ed Mari&D C. Buahllng Admlnl11tniL:x of the Estate of Vera L. Lawrence dece&Md. to the Creditors of. and all peraon• having rlalma •l!"alnat the aald decnM'd, lo pruent them with the nl'<'!'llMry voochns. within six monlh• after the flnt publl· c.llon of lhh1 notice. to the aald under11lglled at the office of Ro· bt'rt A. F-8~tman. 12!\ E. Broad· w11y. r'lty of ('n11ta Mu11.. County of Ol'llnl(e, State of Ce.llfornia. which 11ald ntfice the underalgn· I'd nll'cla u a place of bu1\ne11 In 811 malter1 connected with mi.Id e9tate, or to flle them with the nel'e111111ry vouchers, within 11lx months alter the tlrat publl- c11t1on of lhie notice, In the of· flee of the Clrrk of the Superior Court of the Stale o( Callfomla. In and for the County of Ora11p. Dated Augu1t, o. 19~ MARJAN C. BUSHLINO No. 13i!'> N,.w1·Pre111 Aug 12. 19, 28. Sl'pL 2. 19511 Cl:RTIFICATI: OF Bt'8~ ncTr1101·s f'tll!ll ~AME THE UNDERSJONED da. )ler• by certify that •ht ta conducUns a ca~t and drapery bualnea at 2919 E . Cout Highway. Corona del Mar. California, under the ncU· ttoua firm name of Son Marcne· and thal aald firm ia com)>Olled of th• followlnr peraon., whoae natn• 1.n full and plaCM oc rMldtnoe ara u tollowa, t.o·wlt: PHYLLIS J. PATIN n1t I:. Cout H1Jbwa1 Corona de& Mar. Calif. WJTN1lU my band thla Jltb da1 c1' Aupat. 11161. !•' PHTILia ~. PATIN 11'1" A TC OF CA.1.rroRNtA ) COt'NTY OF ORANG.I: )M. NcUon. and that the l&ld Ordl· REt'OLUTIOS NO. u.t nance waa then puaed and 1dopt· A RE80LUTION OF l!li'Tr:NTION td .. a whole bf the followinr TO AN'NEX A~D 0 Iv IN 0 YOte: ~OTIC'E THEREOF A TES: WHEREAS. Ulere le altuated IUPERVISOR.S outalde and conUrou. to th• Ctty HEINZ KAJ81tR. C. M. of Newport Beach. a certain un· FmATHERLY, .RALPH J. inhabited territory within the MC!'ADDEN, WM. R. HIR-meantnr of the Annexation ot Un· SHIN AND WILLJ8 H . Inhabited Tnritnry Ar t o( 1939, WARNER 1ald territory being more parucul· MOES: arly hereinafter ducrlbed; Md, IUPERVISOR8 WHEREAS. lhe ownera ot aald NONE territory have upruaed themae,tv· ABSENT: ea u bf'lng dnlroua or having 8UPERV180Ra the aame annexed with the City NONE or Newport Beach: and In wttn-whereof, I have heH· WHEREAS. It would be tor the 111\lo ad my band and atnxed Ula beet lntereala tor the City of New· otf1dal aeal Cit t.h• ~ Cit 8up·1 port Beech and Ila clUuna that •"\Sora ot Oranie Co11tnty. Call-aald city annu ••Id territory: &J\d tomla, Ult• HUI day of Auruat, WHEREAS. Ule City ot New- 1~. port S.c:h cud on or about the B. J . IMlnt l•t day of AU("uat. 1966 •Ubmlt to (lealJ th• Oranc• County Boundary c.,m. County Clerk and u-ol11clo mlaalon a le(al deacrfptlon and Clerk of UI• Bo&rd of Sup-plat of hereinafter deacrlbed unln- en110re o< <>n.nre County, habited territory for Ila a pproval CaUfomta. pursuant to t.he provt1lon1 ot Sec- Publlah Newport lllLrbor JC-e-Uon 36002 of the Government Code Pr-ot Ule Stale ot California; and No. la..-1/'8, 1960 WHEREAS, on Auguet. 8, 19M there wu flied wilh the City Clerk NO'nOE INVmNO of the City of Newport Buch an HALED BIDS approval by 1ald Orange county IN THE •ATl'ltR OF THE Df-Boundary Commlaalon pursuant to 8TALIATION OF llANITAaY the provl1lon1 of aald Section SEWJ:M IN CUFP' DRIVE 36002 ot aald Government Code: A."11> 01'llEA 8Tlt&l:'l'8 AND NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RE· IUOHT8 OP WAl'. SOLVED by the City Council nt Pursuant to the provlelona of the C'lly ot Newport Beach thllt the "Improvement Act ot 11111 ... th• followtn1 declaraUon11 and belnr DIYl.llon T o< the Street.I notice• be made and riven: and Highwa ya Code of. the State IT 18 HEREBY DECLARED. of Calltomla. and to th• Reeolu· that prO<'ffdinp have been lntllat- Uon ordemi. the work. peued and ed by the City of Newport Bearh adopted by the City Council of Ult to annex Ule H Jd terrlt9ry hPre· Ctty of Nn.•port S.•ch. Callfor· !natter dMcrlbed. which •aid ter· nla. dlrecUn1 lhla noUoe. aaJd ritory I• contlgoua to the pruent eou.ncil hereby Invite• ae&Jed bid.I boundu1M of llLld city and which and propoaai. for dolnJ the work aald territory now la uninhabited and lmproTemtnt deacrlbed In Rf· wllhin the mean111g of th,. Annua· 1<>luUon ot Intention No. 431111 In lion ot Un inhabited Tl'mtory Act lbt abo•e enUUed ma tter. adopted of 1939 on the 26th day of July, 19~. and NOTICE 18 HEREBY GJVl:N laid RHOIUtton.of Intention No. that It la propoaed by aald Ctty •S&a 11 hereby referred lo tor a of Newport Bt'ach to a11nvc old dfecrlptlon of Mid work and Im-htrelnaftf'r dl'11crlbed urrt1ory to provement. the rradee to which It a&ld c:lty, which •Id wrritory ah•ll la to ~dona, a dMCr1ptlon of the 111 th-proceedln11 bear the name dietrclt to be ._Md to pay the ··n,..t A1.hllt1011 to lrvln11 Terrac" cCMta and •)>eftMt U..reof. th• AMeit". The 1peclflc t1eacr1ptlvn bonda to be wsu~. and for all of th• bo1111darte. or lht' lerrltory further pe.rtloulan contained In ao pro)>Olled to be annexed I• at· ~4 J\4eoluUon ol 'lnl•Uon. Re-tached hereto marked ltxhtblt "A·· terece 19 _...,,. further made to and by refer,nc~ madt' a part here· th• planll &114 aJ*}ftcaUona and ot. det&Ued drawtft«• tor MW wortl 1'lJR rm NOTICE II HERE· retwred to in iald ftt9olutioa o< BT GIVEN lhat on Mand1y. lh' lnl1t1Uon. Nth da,J of hptember, 1956 at Mlacellaneou Map Boole 20. Pap lt, ~ of aaJd 0r- an1• eo-mty, ttlence aoulh· WNterl7 ak>q aid nort.b- weaterly prolonc-Uon. alonat aald nort.bw..terly line and alonr aald Ctty boanda1'7 lln• to a point, aJd point ~ W.•a fMt 90Uthwwterty of th• tnWnectJon of the morth- w•terly prolonptlon Cit the center Urw ot Second 4 •enu.e u ahown tipon ll&ld '"&fl of Trad No. '82 and lb• aa1d norUlw..tmy Hne ot AYOC&do Avenue, thence &Jons -.ld Ctty boundary lln. th• ton~ rl)urwa and dMltancee: north so· 22· wut a dlatanca of 231.12 ffft, thence aouth 33• 38' Welt a dlatance or &7.t8 feet. thenC'e aquth 21 • 20 • 80" we11t a dl•tance of 91 87 fHt. then<'• aouth µ• 0 · 20'" \lnlllt a diJll&nce Of 123.40 rMt. t hent'e on a line beann, aout h 1• 30' 110" V.Hl lo lu Inter· •~lion With the northerly llln• of B1y1lde Drive. &O f"t In width ... dt11erlbec'I In Deett Book 830. P•J:'• 277, otnclal R~orde or 11ald Or1nr• Coun• ty. lh,.nt',. north 79• 43 ' wot along ""''" northt!rly llne and e.lonJ; Mid City boundary line a dllllanre of 134 80 f~t to the beglnn1n1t of a t1U1gf'nt l'llrvt . concave lo the nnrtheaat and having a r•dlu• Of 128.00 fHI : thenre alonir; H M c:11rve ant1 11lonir aaJd City boundary ltn" thru a rentral ancl• ot 9• 47' 1'15" a rtl11l&nt'e of 21.38 feiil; • thence alonJ 11&ld City bnun• dary line. north 29• Oil' w..i, a rtlJltanr e or 3211112 feet: thenre north 48• 40' WMt a <ll8t11 nrf' of 900 M ftot't lo II ta- t Ion 78 of th" b11un<l&rJ llne or the Ranchn San J a uquln u per map Book 1, Page n , of P11t,.nl Record• (If Loa An· l(olea County, CaJlfomla: aald ~t11 tlon 78 ~Inf aouth 98• 4S' 40" eut And dl•lant 220.&I r .. ~l from V. 8. Bulkhead lta- tlon Numl)er 104 H •hOW1l up- on • m11p of Harbor Un• °" fll• In th• oftlcie of the U. a. F.ng1new; thence nnrUlwYl•· ly aJonir; u ld Rancho line and 11lon1t 11ald City boundary lt11e 10 a point of lnterMC'tlon wtU. .. lint ,,.arln .. south oe• u · 611" ""e•t from the m<N1t aouth- erly comer of Tract No. 2701 u 11hown upon a map recorded 1n Ml..cell•nfOua Nap Boole H. Pa,• 9 and 10: thenC'e north oe· u · M-eut alons -.id <'lly boundary llne to the man l'Olllhl'rly corner ot H id Tnlct No. 170 1: lhl'nre northea.at- ~!ly ah>n l thf llOUlhetUlte?IV l~1undary tine of H iit Tract No 1701. 111111 alone 11ald City bountlar·y lrnr tu lh" rnoet eaalllrly e<irnl'r ot N.ld Trsct l'\o 11n1 ; 11a1d point of ltlleT· ~lion ~lnir In the eoutherly llM of afo,..m~tloned Call· fomla State HIC1\WAY. 100 t..t In w1dlh, thence nol"lh•estm1 alo~ Mk! 11011Ulerl)' 11.ne and a1n11r aalt1 (.'Hy bowvtary .,, th• ~nt or ~nntnr. 1-----------------------------------------------------------------··preiMn WIMo &&ken. C'N TlUI 2Slh daJ of 4~ A D. 1'66. before me. ao8TT NOTICI! U ,,,.,WWW OIT'ID' tll• hour at 7·30 pm. on ••lit rt•r that tbe C\t)' OouncU of the C\cy w u aoon ther.a.tltt u the mat· ot H....,art. ~ llM IMnCoton tAr .... lllJ9 Mud ~"It &be Counoll :-to. 1169 ...... _ ..... ._.. .. ..,_ .. ... PAGE '4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS %'-Aehool9. lntnedoll AiiSNTION 4LL BOYS - ~~.PRJ:llS la now taldAS earner applicaUon. for rout.a ln tJI-D•IPborbooda:- TRADE H-Muidc~~:.!_\' \ 4B--Aotott for !llalt AUGUST SPECIAL! . FRIDAY, AU6UST 26, 1955 CONTRACTORS ,-----------------------------=------~ ALLCLASSIJ"ICATlONS ORIGINALS \\' ......... 8t'Vel"ftl uprlg-hl r111n1'6 BUY BUIC&A tor 11'.a\t 1tnlau. Dir. l&ra;f I N .ArrERNOON, C«>n.a.U. dlnnu DIUYIRY GUARANTEED aTUDT tn ip&ft UJU for CODU'Se- tor'a u•mln&\JOIL under & fWD• ua1 contnctor triUl 26 1-" eirper1enee. 0...... T\.IU. ~d rrt . ....._ T:IO p.m. Attend ftr9t B&lboa. WMt ?il•W))Ort, B&lbO& 11 .• Newport H•lsllta. corona dtl Mar ud OcMt& Mea. dreUH It Coordlnatea. 1 CUSTOM DRE8Slit.AKINC Be&utltul TO.n.. a.IUL ~r hlly found. p a.11)'Wbe.n Wiii take aqu.lty 111 pNpert.y or acMI· Irr bOal. lHO W. B&lboa alvd .. NtwporL H&r. 1011. lttl<' t 1 .. 11.. allo\lo._n.·"-• n111de on any S1unt1 r I'\ 10 Ill Ele('l ron11: UI gan • Dellvsy of the Newport Barbor New.Preis la cuaranteed. Carrier boya will dell•er their papen ~ fore 6 p.m. on liond'\J, Wedn-S.y and Friday. U your paper ia not delinred by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 Pd your ca.mer will b~I your pt.per. Classified NEWPORT HABBOR 1~8-PR~ Every Moftdmy, W .. 11day •d Frfclay COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Ooallal SllOpper A .. nae la tM w.-....1 Jll..,._l'NN 4 LlDH l i.uertJoD $1.00 add'l. bee .26 ea. 4 Unes % laerdo• 1.60 add'l. U.. .!5 ea. 4 LI.Del 3 luerUoM %.00 add'l. Uaes .%5 ea. 4 U.H 4 IHerttoM Z.lO add'l llllee .25 ea. auua&Joa Waate4 Ads wlll ,...Jv• 15'!'• cn-uaL Caall •• ..t~ -.ly. lilllil'Dl\"M AD 18 ' U.''1:8 All C\aM1fted A• m-.& M paid for <Ja• la IMh ... ~ •f piabUcaUoa. Th• publl.lherl wtll not be re1ponalble ror more tball one lncorrect \nMT1.1on of an ad, ruerv• th• right to correctly cla .. iJy al'IY and all ad• and to reject _any ad not contormlns lo rulee and re,.ulaUona. y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet. every Thurtday I p.m. Vla Oporto -Central A. v•. Newport Be&~ Albert lL Matt.hew•. Efiltad Ruler HAULING truh or• A.nythlnc. Anywhtrt Uberty 8·210 16tfcpp li-Builcllng Se~~-­ "A.'s" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THE NEW machlne proceu mtlh· od. Reaeonable prlcu . A verace :a tape retlMntfil bllnd. Onlv $1.00 Blind• repalred and rebuilt. Free Pick up anll dtllnry Work done by appolntmant Phone Uberty ,.6701 or Klmberly 3-827'. pplfc CARPENTER Repair Work Ooee 1' our KOlll• N-3 9'e,.&nnl or~f Cati F'ruk. Ubuty 1-uM All Worll Guarut-.d 7ttlc • FOR RENT Skm Sawa. Elec. Dr111-, P<>l.lahera. all typea of Sander•, Wh .. lbar· row•. etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 21130 W. COAST HIGHWAY Wt>.rtY a-3~M. N~n Bch lltlc Painting, Decorating Paper Haopg GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED OONTR.A<..'TOR 171 W. 18th St., Costa Meaa Liberty l-M21 House Plans UBERTT M261 lOltc -'coMPLETE P A.INTING A Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. SAUNDERS 600 311t St~t. Newport Be&cll Harbor 297f or Har. 4'•8. t tc General Contractor LICl:NSED New Work -Remodellns J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693·l 58t!c PA\Nl\NG M. W. ROSS LI 1-3321 -LI I-712S 2IO .Avoeado. eo.ta Mua Ph. Harbor 6H8-R 88c3 al "HAJ.'F'.R"a M w11; Co I SIU('t 1001 1 111.123 ~ Rycamore. H~re·~ how Y<'U p rofit now ..... on tree. s.rta t.JIYllm• U yoo an U•H yr1. old, an'1 have • llACJcle. apply at the etrcula· ti~ Dept.. N•wport Ha.rbot Neww-.Pnu. 2211 Ba.Ibo& Blvd .. Newport Beach. between l 0-12 &. m. or •-& p. m. only except a&t~ t:SC Drastic Reductions 28' STEELCR.A.IT ftahilll' boat A.JI equipped, raady to So· BRAND NEW wtlhln I .bour1 runnlns time. Coet 17200. Bick· ne .. rorc• aa.lt. A real buT&1n at UH6. Har. 3~Jl. ITUc Santa AM Ph Kl :!·OCl7:! -irnd for yt'an to ~ome, Al Tvler School 11111 No.-Broadllray, Bui.a Ana Ph. Klmberly %·'22' or JO T-3611 ttc Up to 50'i ON SUMMER DRESSES, ffpa· ratea. ortstnall It aamplee. , MARGrE WllBB I Yl)ll P1M1l on UM trad .. tft df'BI China Painting onu.a ltM Bo. Coul Blvd., La,.una lkb. tat!c WANTED TO BUY balf equity BltCHSTEIN Ont' or the world'• ~attoal planU'I Ju1'lt hkf' n•'· Good tor 1tt'nerauon1. You wlll be lhrlllt'd lo l'lear and play thll magmh•'l'nl 111stnm1rnt T II• 1 ltiw pru.'t' vdll 111tnnl1h you Oth•r gnnda a.a low u f49:.. I 2 \'1111 Protll on th1 .,. ,_. mak• 0&1 anis Cnnl.nl a... Order• Taken Now Phone Liberty 1-M41 HUe Working Mothers Child care ln iny home day- t t me. Newport Height.a area. Liberty 8·7674. 83c96 CLEANING • IRONING by th• day. Experten~. BalbOa l•l&nd preferred. Kl J..e-OH. tt Do you have anl• tn -your planta ! la there a big drip -In your houH ! Nervu on adse! Temper run riot! Kouae falllnS apart! Don't jump oft the pier! Call Handyman Sl1m-KA 4821 Many do better work but none chars• le1111 ! 93p96 Swedish Mass~ge LADd:S,-by appointment 1n your home. J'ORMm\LY m u•UM at An"OW· head Sprlnp Hotel. PLEASE CALL Hubor '7M or Harbor 0292. ~pH TWO WHITE WOMEN WA.NT hoUH cleanlns by day or con· tract by month. Ji'Mt 1111d at· r1clenl. Rtferenua. Kimberly YOU wtll a.aw Ul opportunJty to &d'f&DC9 m our t\rm, McAUM ot our pr-.at ea· palUlloe p~. The llta.rt:lllf uJ&ry I• • Jood and 1011 wtll rttelve ft'aqUUl l.ncn&M&, ~. JoM now tor: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply --IH~ No. Mala• IU.t l\m. JU -Baota AJI& t :OO to •:OO P.M. PACinC TELEPHONE ror lho1e who want the bHl In amall ull boat. Mu.at bt' Konkel's Interiors reuonab1e and boat tn 1ood Vpbolatery. draperies, 1Upcover11, _d_1_u_on_._u_ 1·'1ell Mct8 Md.spraad.I. ------- New phone ,.,., srip & Rowboat Llbttty 11·70'13 Eatimatc1 S f R .01 1:. i1t.h st .• eo.ta x..a pace or ent a&cN American LA&1on :11&-16th St. USED BICYCLES NO TIU.DE·IN SPl:C~ Boye H "' balloon .. . ..........•..... $10. Boy• H " Ushtwelsht ······-.IU.&O Meet.inga 2nd -.Uh Wed. 8 p.m Pfttl DANZ-SCH.M.lDT Bis Blore, HO No Main, Santa AnL Open Friday Evt. LAROE Slt'lnway ·11·· Ora.nd plat10 In l>f rfttt playlnr condition. Wiil IAke good piano In tra<lt' SHAFER'S Mualc Co. I Since 1907\ 421·423 N. Sycamore. Sitnta Ana Phonl' Klmbuly 2--06n. REST a practice piano u Jow u S~ per mo. LC't the klddh·11 lea m . All 1em1 rent appUu Ir you buy later. DANZ·SCHMW T, :>20 Nv Main. 3 Y ou Pr<•tlt on th• HIJh ~ 1ale V•hl• \;F:T O\ffl F'JOURU on Profit Sharing Loni OeaJ. w~ are ~vlng today on 1955 Bukka 7S~c Girl• 26" balloon ···-···· -···· ..... 110. 20 rt. CA.BIN CRUIS&R 700 Oray Kanne mpe. Ball0tanll, bead, 1talnlua 1te.l f"alley, ""Pl :I ICxceU. cond. Moortns avail. n3oo. lnq. Lot ~. Municipal Tn.ilfr park, Newport or call Santa An11 100 piano. rrom which to choose. TERRY'S BUICK 409 Wa ll\ut Huntlnfton Bear h -------------Beacon Personnel. 100" employer retained &cency NO fee collectecl from appllcat We aaw ~ openlnp for TOP TTPU'J'9, atnoa, euc:uUve MCl"lt&n'. t7Jl&at • bookk .. per; don\aUC8 -part Um. 6 llH in, Rou.Mbof and in&int.caance man. BEAOON PERSONNEL (Apncl7) M ..-port Beach LJCll?lfUiI> real e.tat.e Mleaman or tlt"Oker wbo ta famili&r wtUl the area and not atrald to work. BAY 6 BEACH Rl:A.LTY 3112 Lafayette. l'!_ewport Bch. tfc PART TIME CUSTODIAN ror churdl In N_.porl Beach can Har. ~%2t or LI 8·50e4 M c98 OLrle H " llJhtwelshl .. . .. $12.:IO vlri. 26" balloon nearly new . $40. Ngwp()RT·BALBOA AUTO SUPPLY 2108 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch Har. U32 i6c:te Amer1can b&.nd booked owal !'\IP hll 6 4d boUI for S70. Sofa, matc.hln&' cha.Ir It occulonal chair fl5. Red mapl• cobblen bench Sl:i. All :dent condlllon. LI I · 73'11 Hcill LL\VNO STA.Tm muat aeU, 0. l l. elect etovt SM. chU4a Jars• l'Y1'1· Ml no, Chrome dinette Ml 120, couch $10, 2 chalra S5 t'&eh, rui•. lampl, odda ft endl. 421 Vlcton.., C. M. Hdl BUSINESS CARDS 2~ ror J3.25 500 for 3.7~ 1000 tor 4.7~ Forrest OU.9 MPH FrNE Ch1cker1nc piano $21160 dn,. s JIO per mo. al AIJ, BOAT Modal· PMU\c HIL SHAFER"S Mua\c Co \Slnce 19071 Compl•te '181. Don Peckbam LExington 6-4588 Lot :11 M~lclpal Tr&Uer Park '21·'23 N . Sycamore. Santa Ana Newport Beach. or l"tl. r.tse· Phone Klm berly 2·0672. URANllJM SOtrR 1'0UOH8 wood 8·1812. t6p1 JlAMMOND ORGANS. Ut\\e usril. ATTENTION ALMOST ..._, • .,_ .... tt On1 only !amou.1 euy to play I Have connrted pklrup. .....,. .. ........... o._,. •·' · Chord Ofl'I\. One beaullful rtriv• ~ HCOn. two atra Pram $40, I anowbtrdl P26 up, Spinet Mo.lei. Wonderful for wheell ft ttr•. Need aom. re• 29' yawl S7,&00. II tt. ak>op Sl600 church or home. Very llbf>ral pain 2i) houra on n-motor. VlKlNQ PORT, IMT W. Cout Hwy. LI l-l202 Meta aavlng on t hue two lovelf ln· Har. 871. H elle •lrument.s. H PT. SKil'I' ............................ sa:> DANZ·SCHMlDT, :1%0 No. Mala. U-Auto 8en1ce 3 H. P. lllvtnruck ·····-···--·----·--.M:I Santa Ana. Opm Ftlday Eve. BAY8B0flll BOAT RllNTAL'S 100 J:. Cout, Newport ~h. Har. OITt. • tllct7 3&-rr. SPOR1T11DR. n.w ·mo- tor eutly con'Hrted to pleuun or commercial. Trad• for prop· erty, car. or trailer. Kl 11·1680 &tter 6 p.m. t&c97 46-Aatoa and Trucka GMC TRIPLE CHECKED . USED TRUCKS Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ···-··--··-$48.88 8 Cyla. . ........ ---$58.88 lncludt1 both labor and part11. :le FT. SHELTON, 7 ft. 8 In. bum '43 FORD 11 T. Pickup New n ne1, wrlet pins. valve equipped for 1port or commer· 'llO CHEVROLET '" 'I" Pickup ¢nd. flttlng1 or main ttnd rod c1al, 115 h . p. CllRYSL!!R 'Ill OMC 1., T. Pickup bearlnce. EXJ>"rl motor t une ur. CR OWN 16 knou . '62 lNTERNATIO~ , .. T PU. 90·11ay or 4,000 mile ruar.nlee. 11-"49. Npl WOMAN for Cft!tral hOUMWork. !000 Emboast'd cards 4 9:1 Mall a..nd phone ordera tilled. n n . MERCURY 112 h.p. Gray '112 CHl:VRO~l w T Panel (NO MO:-.:EY DOW);). apttd 26·30 knot1, ahlp-1hore '63 DODGE a., T. P ick up I REBUILT ENGINES BOOKKE!:PlNO, payroll, P It L 11.ai.menta. Your office or mlne. LI a.uu t!X:H 80m• cooklnf. Pernw.nenl. St'pl. 111, live In or out. Wrllc Box 5 .34 Ulla paper, Hp98 CIRL Colle~ 1tudent want.a bl>Ud KEN A-W.Oan:H wented for full LEON WKITE l'. O. Box 88, Costa. Mesa L I 8-:H~ LI 8-4011 6 room wtu bt mothera helper. or part work phone LI 1·6'140 Lt 3.3221 MpH Hc98 SO-B-Al!_p11an_cee ____ _ LOCAL EMPLOYED, 1\ng\e man wHl care rot-your property In exchanc• for prase apt. or cottas•. bcelltnt rrtuance1. Har. 2027·R Mptl DEPENDABLE colored lady de· alru hou1ework. Uve ln. II day wtek. No cblldren. P\ea.ae call Lon& Such 311 2666 Hc8I EXPEIUJCNCED GARDENER WANT REAL ESTATE SA.LJCS· KAN or broker. l'amUlar with Har1»or area. Top commlulon to one who wanta to make money It not afraid to work. HOUSTON RJC.ALTY 60t Cm· t.er It., C09ta M••· LI 1-6911 -Eve. Har. 11211-w. ttc RllAL UT.ATE a.A.LUMAN W'Ulted. W. S:. FISHER. Realtor Kar llOl2 Corona d•I Mar 911c9T J:XPERIENCl:D druS 1\cr• aal• OARDltNINO ft yard work by day lady. apply in peraon. Turner week or month. Drue Store, 26d Wut Cout Liberty l .. lst alter f . lfdt Hishway, N-port Beach. ~c96 FOR SALE -Coldlpot ref. wllb new umt. uo. Call Kl 6-2742. tf Washing Machine SERVICJl 1-year suarantea on job. done and on UMd wuhera 2t88\& (rear) Newport Bl., Coeta M-. Llbert.y 8-4~3 or Liberty 84327. , 64t1c l>ZICP J'ft.llJIZZ Wl:STlNCROUSE 8 d uprlsht freezer. Perfect running cond. 6 yn old. Har. 37811. ll:lp97 USED AUTOMATICS rawo, !'lavy lup, cockpit C'Ovcr '64 CHEVROLET 1' T. Pit kup -UP to 18 MONTHS TO T'AT-' 2 b nkl h d R I 1.. Hydra·Mallc tra.na. l u • u · un on Y u 'H OM(}-~ ,. e tte -Emat Bu1ltjn .QUC owatacto.ry by Jl1u1W hGu-. ean !hr. StTt •ttn a .,11 CHEVROU:r 1 T 5 : maclunlats. Don"t contend with p. m. 9:1pi7 .112 CHEVROL£T 1~ T ~n:I the middle man. Buy dlr,.ct. 195-4 -llJ rr. LYMAN OB 2~ hp ·111 INTERl":ATJONAL L160, 2 REBUILT and INSTALLED Johnson autom. con\rol.t, •leer i pttd. IS 26 t1rf's SH<(RT BLOCK Ing wheel, cover. llke new $776 ·114 DODGE 2 T. • vd. Dump, 2 FORD . ·-····"···--· ····-······ Sl29 :,o Har. %e00. See a t So. Cout Co 11pe~. 8 2:1 tlro CHEVROLET • . ................ Sl<tfl :,o H<:ill '52 CMC 10 wheel dump. 9 00 tlrte PLYM. It DODGE ········--··--· SJ~.:, NEARLY N EW lDM -7-;;-h.p top <'Ofldllion. CHRYS. It DE SOTO········--JliO Evln-•d• outboard motor, M1k• la d I t STUDEBAKER .... -··-····-· $170 , .. ~ ~ We have the rse1t an e eanu OLDS ,, P0 .. "'"7 •c • •110 offer. Kar, 0304-J 98<:98 O '" .. .._ " -·········· • Boat-Motor -Trailer 1tock of used lrucks In ra.ngr BU1CK ·····-··-·················-····-· $175 Co. See us t>efore buying any HUDSON ·····-··-··--·······---··· $17!\ uH<S tn1ck and aave youraelf Loan Car Free T owing 1omt real money NEW CAR GUARANTEE W.W . WOODS OMC DIC.U.Sft 6111·19 E. Uh St. Santa Alla Open Sunday a .m. '?nick hea.dql.lartera tor o~· Co. 96c98 Block m111t meet our atandards Phaa talLM, a...Uta &Ad oO Open 8unda7 10 a..m. to 2 p .m . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Oprn Da.lly I to 7 State Bonded CARPENTRY • lllto Roy's Maintenance Bou.le cJe&a.lq-l'IOOr wuiftl Wall wublns-wtAdOW c!Mntnr Venetian bllDd& Upbo11tar)r T OUNO MAN for Usht factory 139.50 to $99.50 18' cuetom runabout 1peedboal 25 h. p . .Joh,_ motor. i:nahllS· any birch A plywood. Rull double t1bt'rglu1ed Compa ... Acquameter. much chrome trim. Remote control. Exceptionally clean 3'' channel Iron trailer. Ownt'r leavins laland Mull atU by Sept. 1. 17&0. B. B. lknder, 123 Via Zurich, Lido Isle STOP NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. MINOR REPAIR WORX NO JOB TOO SMALL H. H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING work. Phone Har. 4487 9~97 Delivered Lnalallt'd. guaranteed. Terrna avaHable. 96p97 TAKE A LOOK AT THESF. SANTA ANA "REAL Bt;YS"' K 0. A.n<!tl'llOfl A Prompt lAlund. J'rM EaUm&1M rosmoN OPEN tor aut.atant atorekeeper. Apply al City Corporation Tard or call Earl D06Jle. Hubor 3131 9~c97 Henderson's WANTED aa1l boel by Su. S<'oulll, rt'U onable pMCl' LI 8·3100 96ct8 42-Trallen 1014 I!. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Rapatr S."1ce Mamt&llled Liberty 4-UU. Pbooe: Hartlor HM ------------- 1'1C ·oo Ply. 2 dr. A good clean one, Automatic Washer Service only $6311 1951 Royal Spartan Mansion H&rbor Hao 13tlc Elec. Tool Repair itUl BaJbo& 81..-d., Newport Beacil Experienc' d gardener ~~~~~~~~-JIA~P LANDSCAPING FIRST CLASS aeam1lreu want-2648 New1>0rt Blvd. Co11ta Me.u ~ Call Har. Oe87 after 6 p.m. LI 8-7808 1 near Golf Courael 23 f t. •loop TOP 1ummer buy. S1200. O&lley, aux. en(tM. Slip 20, Rlchardaorl'• Yacht Anchor· 1.41''· 9ep98 ·oo Stude. Champ. E conomy. plia new paint. clean .It ml'chanlcally good. . . ··-U29 '47 Chev. 4 dr. new rubber -New pnlnl. motor gone o\•er -· \Iµ t,,p S329 '46 Pont Sta. wagon. A good bu.v 81<11 Bawa. Drt111. Sandera QUICK BJ:RVlCE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4:~ No. Newport Blvd .. !':pl Bch. Liberty 1·8383· Otte PAINTING Alcoholic• Anoaymoua Wrtt.a P. 0 . Boa Ill Newport Beaca. C&llf.. Pboet Harbor 4 7H INTERIOR -EXTERJOR LlCENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ~I • 3lat SL Newport Beach COUPUC available after Brpt. lit to CARE for property durtns owner• alMlence Uvt In. Local ttferenou. Wrtte P.O. Box SH . Corona del Mar. 1/28 Harbor 3\78 22ttc Bookkeeping A 1TE1''T10=--' COntracton . Stort'keepu1 ?\ef'd 110meone to rtllt ve you of thOM monthly bookkeeplnc wor· riu 7 A.al< a bout our rea.onable rau1. Har. 4688-J. 84c97 ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I ln1tall th• a bove cheaper tha.n moat. Alto Mii Tile A Unoleum. Non-union, :l6 year1 experlt'.nce . Compare 1111d AH - BlU.. COKER Har. U28 or Loni Beacb 7·11073. atttc ASPHALT TILE Alwnlnum Wall Tilt MfJ". Dtatrlbuton Whol-->• pr11t1 to Contracto,.. 6 Tiie Sellen LI 8-7493 68tf c Paint.inf A Papertwlslnl We do the work ounel'ftL JO 7eua ~·ce Ucen..cl 6 lmund. S&uata.cUOG SUUUt.eed. Eatlmat .. lrM. Call JoMaie. LI 8-2687 A lJ S-5289 81tfc CEMENT A BUILDING All Kinda FREE FSI'IMATD Liberty 8-8109 Somebody Wants Ul&t IAMd flll'nlt\11'9, br1c-a•bnC, etc., now taJrtas up..,... an,_.., ,..,...... J"bMt & _., wt Us Lil a4 la Maw. Pr.91 ClulHl4ld. Ju.t pliloM Bar- IMll' lfll • ~: .. l .....t to ,.... • CSUlllAed .Ad.'. ud • courtlOQa ad·tU• wtll ..., JOU writ.a &a etftcU-a4. f Superfluous Hair Pennuelltif removed t:rom tac. anna, lee-. l:yebrowa and b&lr une abaped-No more t1ndlas. ELL.mN L. BR'f 4NT ft. &. Udo'a 8&locl of Beauty Bar. 26Tt tie LOST In Back Bay ar~a. White leather purse. Haa ldentlflcaUon. sold watch It bract.ltt . Reward. Phone Har. 342S·MK. t3pt& LOST 1ma.ll yellow gold watch, black band pat. No. 2&0lll~ lJ\ vicinity of sure )O(t., .Balboa Blvd. Reward. 12' I:. Bay. Kar. 718-W. t&c97 Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Cuhien a.nd Meat Wrap- pera. Malle 180 lo $120 per wll. Call for appointment lo learn more about Ula t.ra1ninl'· AL TYLER Schoola 1111 No. Bro.dw.y 95<:97 pr tfc ~----------~ and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1659 NOROE refrig. ~ cu. ft. '2~. 214 FOR S ALE JS F"T'. DTNJ!Tl'TE. twin ~ti~. ('onsuler lr&d,. •20 W . \'<l T Ul!lln. 92p6 aotfc P earl, Balboa llland. t6c98 MOORlNG orf s. G11rnH, 111110 Al 29-ffelp Wanted batrots Spinnaker. 208 Purl. Balboa lllland. 96p . J lll~ STANDARD STATIONS DAVENPORT, 2 bdrm. ael.I, gu range, wuhlng machine, drape• ft epread.I to match • ml1c .. houaehold llema. Har. 3483·M. O. I:. DELUXE wringer wuher, C'onlplete with Umtr. all &luml· nu111 tub. Xlnt rondltlon $39.~ Har. 12941-J 96c98 ll·FT. PENGUIN. F"1bf'rglaued. TRANSPORTATION SPECIAi.. 18 IT. CURTJS Wrl..:ht trl!.lltr • $450. Har. 6442. Y.v,.• .. •2& VII' Lido Nord. 9lt(c Hu openlnc for Station Salumen Agea 11·40 t&p97 NJCW 21 tn. Wea~l'louae TV aet. Model #KSH Price $17~. and n • w UruverMl <lbl. electric blanket 131. Ll 1-7li9 t!X:97 The best, u klnir $3110. Call Har SMALL PHILCO retrlg. Like new 29~8. · t14c96 $100. 2:1i5 Arbor Drive, New--~ h I.I 8 Z:WSS tlkilS l O·F'T, POWER ~at. Cra y 7:1 hp port &c: · • engine, Xlnt. condition. Harbor 3279· \.\I. • 04p96 32--Furnlture for Sale '"6 Pont. Md. Good rubber. Good ------------ radio It run11 pretty good. only * PORT ORANGE* . . .• ... .. . .. S69 TRAILER SALES FRANK LE FEVRE USED CARS 2612 :-<ewporl Blwl e.nd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Orange County !).Oay__.0-Hour Week Hieb 1tartinS pay l:llcellalt Benetlta ANTIQUE cherry wood cradle, VELOUR bed da venport A rhalr. xlnl condJUOn tor planter. mas-· HO. talcea. 418 Tu.attn Ave .. stne1 or bablea '7:>. Har. 278 1"ewport He.icl'lt.. 9t p96 28° BOAT alur<ly, 113hp, alttp11 4, Owntr lt'avlng l!lalt' MUST SBLL THIS \\"EEK. $1860, or make ofter 41 10 River Ave., ?<;ewport. Har. 3:14<>-R. Hp97 Newport Borh Har 6021 9!X:tl& Newport Beach LI 8·44 20 ·:i2-a · Happy Home -. H~. &2-21' AIJoa 1 bdrm. -···. 112&. 'M -3tl° 1'&11 Ameriran . _ 8peclal ·s:.-41' Paramount -· .. A Buy '&~24' Tf'rTY . We'll Dul. Good opportunity for Advancement t!X:97 ------------ Apply STANDARD STATIONS Da hlia and Coul Highway Corona dtl Mar Chapman and Spadra Fullerton 8 30 to 9 :30 a .m . Moncky ft Tburtday1. ~---~~-----~ O'KEEFJ: It MERR.l'IT JU ranee Sood condition $126. Cold1Jpot retrig'erator 16(). Home tteuer. 17~ ft. uprtfht •talnl-1t~l ahelv .. 1226. See a t 983 Oa.k Sl. Coat& Mtu or rail L1 8·1648. 95d7 Sl:WINO M.ACHlNE U O, pr. 6 fl. LADlES. Rud our ad under door• with portholM $4, Decca claaaltlcaUon 2' _ Super Mar· record player U&. 7210 We1t ket Tralnlnl' .A.L TrLl:R 8chool• Ocean Front. Newport. 911p96 161 l N. Bre&dway, Banta Ana. FOR SALl: 2 uaed mtlal kneeho~ Kl 7·3611. Mel d•k.a. In xlnt. conrlltlon. Phone amCOND m&Jd. ellperl•ced ....,, . Harbor 29M. 96c97 It upat.aln, no cooki.nc. perm•· 'M FORD Pickup truck. laddera nent, referenca1. SH&. Harbor It palntlnf equipment. Wiii aeU 0021 t to 8 p.m. lkM tnick aepuate 1949 Republic RESULTS OIJT RDULTll nie N--.Pl'MI pubu.bea more Cluattled Ada UlaD &AJ other neWlpaper ln the area. Thia IMdenhlP wu att.alnad bec&UM N.-.-Prem Clueltled .Adi l'tt IW\llta! Call Harbor lfH, -., : "I wut to plac• a Cl...tnad .Ad.0 ' ud It.art &dY...u.inc Nl&.ilta eamUlC JOUI' . .,. Pl tut CALLON US • C. M. U 1·311\~. tl!'lp97 Fresh Hearing Aid BATI'J:Ril:S Wt Olva a.II Or.an ll&mpa Gunderson Drug Co. M.a1D St. al Balboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 615.. 98Uc ANTIQUES -Old furnllurt, cut sl&M. l&mpa, old plcluru. clocks etc. BarsaJ.na plore. Bis di•· counta lo dtalera. Charll• Davi.I • 1806 I:. Anaheim St.. Lons Bch. f&0-139. 2ttfc Movie Proiectors J'OJ\ ft.EN"r 1-Mll 16-Mlil J~·lOI ROBBY and MODm. AlRPLANB SUl'PLID Mean Camera Shop 1TU Newport Bl•d., CoM.& MM& ftaDe_lAvt.J_ ... 70'1. ft " CRIU>0B frame playlloua, ' a I • Ila. RM noot', door A~ Banar 1.u-.1. .... , Dale's Furniture Oftlc• deaka, . Large redwood benc:i .. 11. . S20up patio tablu It J JD.:10 ut Mu1cl Rtrordlngio. lnrludln~ Sacre<! Hymns. Good Selecl1on box 11pnnr;11 A Mattrease1. l'\~w It U11Nl - 1874 Harbor, CosLa M1•sa P'OR SALE D1w~nport and two euy chaJrs, 1 lge. cutting table. Har. 0Cle7 vr 2731 Con t Blvd., Coron11. drl Mar. 9ric9i NEW 9 x 12 maroon 11ha.g rug, rubber b11'k s:io u 8· 7638 951.97 MOIJ£RN 2 p(' aef'tlonal II''· nn. Ht Incl. tablu .l lamps. AlllO bdrm. ::et. H11th cha.tr .l ''port· o-crlb."" REASONABLE. 302 :>-tontr \'1sta , C. M. Ll 8-63~ 9Sp9i 1..0 VE S EAT. Nlrly AmerlcAll prt>vlnc•"I print s:.o, 411 Irvine Ave. Liberty 8·:12~0 9~c97 CHl"?\ESE HOOK RUG 12 x JS. lltllf' 111ed. Suhd maple bedalta!l. 1rngle. Har. 14:11·\V 96c9i SS-Boats, Supplies FAlRl..lNER 211 rt. twin 1crewe. fT't'Y tire bsll.I loaded. Al con· dlllon $i,i~. LI 8·67!0 83ttc CLE.AN Mooring Space Sl per fool for aaleable cru.Llrera. LI 8.6271 tfclO 19~ OLDS Su~r 88 2 dr .. 2 tone well equipped. Excell cond. N'ORTHJl.L anchor, 2~· chain and LI 8· 7200 9:)c97 10-0' new • .. ·· line. '30. Boarding ladder for J0'.40' boat. n o. New '48 BUICK RoadmMter convert· 1'11vy 8-day ahlp"• clock. $40. ' lblf'. r&dlo. 1poUlght1. llftguard. PartJle11, 1antf'm 11 and c11bln heater, new 1eat cow·•. nrw IRmp, r h r " p 22· lire ring baaery. it<X><i c:ont11ltnn S29~• 17 W 1 n ch handltll. s tor <>wner H.r. 2761 95r9T PAN AMERICAN l'aramount·Ken~klll TravelPZf'·Terry 47-Waatl'd to Rent ~,. -----J7 50 lnq. lOfl Via Mentone, Lillo Isle week and• or Cre11t· v1rw 11·8665 week day1. 8~p98 ':13 F'ORn V-8 a pus. cpe. 2'.000 milr11. OT>. radl1>. whrf'I covrr11. Rentals Wanted 16" CHRIS CR.AM' Crul11cr with ele<'lrk 211 h n Like new S \ •OO. L111o W ha rf. 3H8 \'111. Or11rto. 93p98 w .,., .. cu11tom srat 11w twin w. need apt. a.ad bou.e ID al ~lnrk pire.4, h"ad"rll fnr \M>llt'r wcUoa.t for botll wtnter .nd mllraite. Sno-iih1>e wh1lr .l ll 11 • yea.l'i •-· rurn. or unf'8r-. beauty lr111tle .l out. (Jnly $119:1. It JOU h&H a ,.ao9DC)', Take trarle. SF.E F'RA N'K •l pboM today 2612 Ntw1>0rt Blvll .. Ntwporl WA;-./T SJ.000 boat. Have $9.~00 Bru~h or Phont 11ay11 Hu. M21 The Vogel Co. rq11t1y in Santa B11rb11r3 Tri· 9!k96 1201 W. en. u.,,.., Newport && plelt. At f'Xtra lot. Totl\I Sl8.· .-STUDEBAKER ra111o noter I Phone Ube.rly 8-Ml1 ~00 Income U O!\ Molt Q 32 1 . ' • • 208 M&rtne B&Jbo& lllaa4 " o th1" pRper. ll:'>pll7 ovtrdr1Vt'. A·l ron,,ltlon. tlr,.I\ I Phone Harbor U. 13211. 7210 W. Ocean Front. New~ 2637 E. Cou l Hy., Corona cia1 111&1 S4-Moslca1, Radio, TV port. ll:>n9 I l'hone Harbor 170 --'411 CAOO.LAC 62, 2 door, u ct-11 Lido Otrlce, 34\8 Via Udo HAMMO!'llD ORGA:-:S. Full lint rr.nt1. P riv11I!' 11wn,.r l,.11,·1ng Harbor 49i I 32tte a ll moc.M11. F ree pracl1re roo~ tuwn S95fl CAii H11 r O!\:lll-J Come In and l'lay nn 11ny mo<lrl D'i• 08 Hl':TlfU:t1 woman wanl.Jll untum. The Gr!'&l (."un\·trt Or1t11n. lht ::--r. I "'°"II hou~,. by <Jct. 1:'1 Quid Home M•xlt'l. t~.!! Churrh and lh 1&4•J CHRYSLER Glub CJ)t' Ex· n,.lghbnrh<1'"1 within II blk1. of Sp1nel Modrl11. It you think C'"lltnl ll)llllJr 6: ll1t·• l\.fft ke p,.~ orric~ SO!\ l'trm11.11ent.. you cannot µlay, com!! In and uf ,••r Har 310 J 911p!18 lt,.fer4'n•·u \\'nl,. P 0. Box 32, try th,. world t:i.mou1 Hammond ..... , ... PORO .. I t:urona I.lei Mar. 94p9e ' t \1:'13 CUS'TY'>M L .. ~ c. • 4 ur. eR~>' tn pl11~. < "hord OritlUI. You ~ 1• ----l\.l11r1.1tor1 f"·mlum>1l1r. t .t. , "'•" f\\'t) BR• hrl1or "X"• llllV"ll 11,.•lr• will he a11tnn11hed l<1 f1n1f you • ,., I 1 '-· ·2~11 vwnn •\v.ir, ' ,,.•r'' I\·' 11.11n111lv "r v. Nuly lru11 ftoll\ ron play In flH,.,.n mi,n11tt11 !16• DA~Z·S Ht.UDT P1&11o 6 Orst.n -I Sepl. ••n 2 or 3 bdrm. hou~ ... Co Humt of the Hammond 19:'13 CADfi,l.,Ar <'J'(' dr VIII,. pur Pr•r"r"blv I><'•" h fmnt ll lh (Ar, a20 ?<;o M11ln, Santa Ana lJrc ~:1. 11\,(1{1() mll•·P. 1.;u .. r IWl'f II"' .. ~ .... ry. 11 .. x ,. !I I ! 'n l hll -~--------lnllfl Puwn br11k~11. ,.11t111riir pap• r li4 p~ USED PIA !'/OS, grend•. 1plnf>la 1>ye, pow" ~:,.erln1t 1111 J 11!•4 a nd u11ntht.e. Oood practrrt W1W lire•, hrdro t r""'· OrlJ.I GARAGE WANTED pl11no11 M low u 1126, S14t, f 187 owntr Har. 4401 96~'98 for lltrir•ir• 'I>"',., nf!a.r R11pphlr• anti up. E&llJ term•. One on\y 1 ., "' r~ flr1 lhi '" 1 .. 1,.n11. c1111 h mow make 1rint't 111Jhtly -For a d~ndable uatd car, H t Har 311iil rlll)'• (Jr 1111r l218 ·W dlllTlqtd Jn 1hlpmtnL Bra.nd your local dealer who wtU be he.re ,.,.,.,. , Mt to nf'W. ~1J •v1nr. TOMORROW to hack up what be\ - -- DA:"Z·SCHJllfl OT Big Pl11no 60f• aella TODATl Check the u.ted WANT Buh1>lnr •rt l'lr l hdrrn. '"n Sll'lrl!, 520 f'o. Maln, Banta cars In the c.lu1Ji!led ~lion to· 11p1 , w11trrfrnnt k i-roonl1 n,,.,r, AllL day. C.11 Davenport 11720 Mdl z •• s ti - 1·1 ; ' 1 ' r ' I , 1 I v v Check these Used Cars Buy from a local 4-.ltr wbo wtll be he.re TOMORROW to back up what h.e Mlla TODA T l GOOD U-AP!!-a Roaeea for Beat 43-Apta. a Bouee for Heat Cabanas Marinas Lido P eninsula. East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Dtligbt!w living. Apt.~ba.nu. Utilities paid. with Yacht allp .:CComodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reaervation. Call Har. 2992. 3Ufc -· .-_ -_ ----.~ ~ M-Bt161aees Opport.un.lt...._ 61-1<4>al r:"'''" r:.xrhan~ NEWPORT HA RBOR NEWS-PRESS - PART 11 • PAGE 5 1 OPPORTUN1_TY __ I _R" 'd ---C· -----ty· --FRIDAY, AUGUST .26, 1955 'nlnvtn(C ho11Mcln.n1ng bUllll\eN. tvers-t e-oun St=£&i Eitaae n::BMi tiltat .. Opportunity to ma ke rood rnon· SALE OR TRAT1£ rnr l>Mr.h prop-• ey for nght part~·· Make offtr er\y, 6() ac-re 1rngatN1 1tock to Sox 1:1·9', Oua pa per. 89tfc ranc.h. 2 housu. Ideal r"r hor- Dress Shop 13900 Handin Box 3~1 Laruna BeaC'b .es. r<~it-rat lie ur am alt com- macla.1 htr•I. lnq111~ 823 Park· man Lr., La Canada. ph.. Sylvan 0·~340 89e3 T RADE OR SELL Clear Iota In Escond1,10 Equity In 88c2h •2· dl'lt1xe houae tralln , t nat -------------tll'C'd8. ell fir 11ep11rate for ch~ar NEAR NEW lou . "flxtr-11p house" or what PROPOSED CITY HALL ha\'<' you. tt1111 u1rA Owner, looking for A Buyer for Your Home? What ia a Right Pnce ! Where can You find a buy~r ~ How mur.h can the buyer pay dnwo ? la a ne'ff mortgage necesaa ry ! How la the buyer going to pay the dJfferenct ! LOOKING for a "SAFE BUY'' in a USED CAR? "8-Apta. a Ro.._ Fuster. \ 72(\8 Hun lll\Klfln Huch 43-A-Afla. for Rent :-!ext to cor. 19lh It Placentia, In I lHvd . Ocean View lllplle .;;.::....;....._-J.---------Costa Mu a. 2 bedroom home, Turn your problema over t o a REAL TOR -the man who hu made real eat.ate hi• fulltime pro- fession. We Have 'em Priced RiCJht! RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Ca.II Edna CralS Blanche Gates. Rltr. 311 Marin• Ave. }Sa!boa llland. Bar. 1611 72Uc A 'M"RACTIV& OClllll V1ew 1 bdrm. u cellt nt eondlllon. Plus a 1m1all • \\' A~T $3 000 boat. Have $P,M>O apt, partially turn. Suitable ror •tore In rear. Plenty parking It <"IJUllY in Santa Bai b111'/l Tri· couple. 176 mo. yrly. 911:> w. room ror upan11lon. ln1med1a tC' plex, 4t extra tot, T .. tat s 18.- l8th. C-Ollta Me.a. Call t to I'>, po1111n11on. For 11Lle or t rade. !IOO l nC'OnlC' $20!'>. Bflx Q 32 Har . 80. 80tlc ('a ll ••wntr LI 8-6223 morning. t• 0 thlo; paper 9~p9i or .tlt.r ~ p. m. IUt.!c FOR SALE-ASSOCJATED SER-62-R.-al t:sta~ VICE STATIO~. 28th A ?-\c-\\·· ---._, ------- Both Buyer and Seller ahould secure the readily available c.ollll.llel o! the pe.raon bMt. qualified to aerve -the person qualified to U98 the profculonal title, "Realtor.'' "2" '55 Ford Thunderbirds .. ea. $3498 FUR..~. 1 BDRM. APT. NC"WpOrt Beach. Cla.e to U do abopplng, yrly. Je.ue JM per mo. to rt· sporuilble adult.a. Call owner LI AVAIL.ABLE SEPT. 10 lo June I, 8-:\:1~8. 9!1ell7 ~~1;! I~·~~ ~allN~:r.:~28 ~~1;~;~~ WANTED Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '54 '51 '52 '53 '53 '49 '54 '51 '53 Red, bard top & black convertible. Fully equip~. Ford Club Coupe . ... . $1398 Radio, Heater & overdrive. New plastic eeat covera. Ford Victoria • New tire8, F ordomatic . Vah·es just ground. New paint . $1098 Mercury 4 Door . . . . . . $1098 Hu new Cini.sh. radio, heater & overdrive -Good rubber. Willys Hardtop . . . . . . New two-tone green f inish. Radio, heater & overdrive, Vah-es just ground. good engine'. $ 998 Plymouth Convertible ... . $ 998 Radio, heater. Good rubber. Hy drl\'e. Ru ns good. Chevrolet convertible Radio. hcat<'r. <'XCellent motor. Good rubber $ 598 Mercilry Mo,.t. Coupe-•. • . · $2298 Radio, heater & Mercomatic . .rower brakes One owner. Dodge 4 door . . . . . . RadiCl, heater. New finish. One owner. • $ 698 Olds. 98 convertible . . $2098 F1illy <'quipped. Look!( like new. New r ubber. SEE THESE AND MANY MORE all REDUCED To Make Room. We're crowded at JOHNSON & SON LI NCOLN-MERCURY 900 W. Coai.t Hwy. Open Till 8 .30 LI 8·5545 Newport Beach Ll 8-5545 NOW-FIRST AGAIN! .. ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS WARRANTEED 25 Weeks in writing and may be repaired by a ny authorized interna tional repair Service Warran ty Dealer m t he United Sta~t!S, Canada & Alaska • • • • 19M FORD Club cpe. Light blue, n\'erdri\'e. h<'ater. Exc<'llent condit ion. Looks new S14ll5 1951 CHRYS LER lMPERIAL 4 dr. sedan. En- gine rebuilt. Full power. original black finish. Ne-w 11eat covers. Worth much more ................... -···--· ....... Only U 095 1954 PLYMOUTH •tation wagon. Hydn \'e, Radio &r Heater. Sand a nd Green color, wew tires. Deluxe model . . ..... Only S1995 LOU REED CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Coast ffigbway . Ph. Liberty 8-3486 * Star Fleet * 30 fl. cuatom bwll In·. rm • dtnfttll'. k it • bath. bJr111. F'\1tn· 111.he!l completel)', Ind. 17" T \'. 1•hlnA. r ullnll<'I•. f l<'. CABANA 8 x \Q. romp\. n1rrr. Al.SO µ11Uo furniture, :'\!'w 12 tt \\'lard 'T '11 hp. Ev1nrude mtr . l l'e at Lot '4. Nfw port Munlcl~I Tr11ll!'r J"ark. H11r. 0821-R P~pll -Oaaa1r111'd Ad• are ,..ad by follu •·ho Art really lookln1 to buy. 4~-Waot.ed to Rent WIDOW WA.. ..... '"TS TO LEASE un· rum. lit flour duplu or a pt. a. small p11t10 on or berQre Oct 1 1n :'\ewport Heig ht. or Corona d~ Mar. ~n chlhlren or p l'll. !'ar. •O~·W. 9!\ 117 WAXT YRLY. R.E1'1At.. 2 OT 3 bdrm. houae n.a.r north Bay on Balboa laJand. or '"111 buy, Write to Boll 33. 0111 pa per. 9~c9i WE NEED RE:"<I ALS-Fum l.8h· eel or unrv.nu.hed 10 Harbor 11 rrA. for the ""1nt tr R'" Rf'r he Ha.r. ~I~ P:'!lle fumla.ht•I gurat cottage. P riv. - patio. $60 month. 5 14 1,. Begonia Coron a •let Ma r. !H.c9t 48-~RoUM for Rent BAl.BOA ISLAND, Oct. to Junf. ca n be arra.ngl'<1 tor rchabh• I pe..rt)'. Ronlld'a A860c111.~d 5 ,.r. v ie" 2:114 NC'\\·pon. Blvd .. N !!v•· A RETIREf' COl'PLE port Beaeh. 96c98 LIVE t)!:'ol fif:Al:T IFL'L MARI· GOLU A\'E 1:-1 roRUNA L>EL 41 0 . 32nd St.. Newport Beach -Cttoice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island A Lido lsJe Small 6 cozy or l&rl• 6 deluxe 17!1 to $300 raonth Furn. 3 bedrm. 2 balha, Ilay Front. Garage, No pet.A. For app't Har. 1990-M . 113t.rc 55-Money to Loan MAR A:-O:U HAVE A.N INCO~IE TUO Balboa Bay Front Open House Bayshores Open House VOGEL CO. 208 Marla• Aft., Ba.Ibo& bland Ph. Harbor 444 or R&rbo?" 21!'>1 Rn. Har. l'TM·R or Har. 3059·M 84tto BALBOA. winter renl•I•. 2 bdnn. rum. houae &: l bedrm. rum. du- plex. 406 Hardlnf Ir ~5'1'. E. Bay. Call collect AX l -9367. 93p98 OCEAN FRONT NO . COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee SALES -FlEFlNA.NCE CONSTRUC'TION Call for Free Fast Commitments 1 -~ Sal. A Sun . 810 "'· Bay I · a Sat. A Bun. 21'1 l l CrealV1CIW BA YSH ORES. Sept. 8 thru June. 2 BEDRM .. untum!Ahed With Jge. Furn. 2 bdrm. house. Bay view. refrigerator, range. gar~re dlA· Encloecd patio, dlBp., Bendix posal. Z''i balh. 12 moe. leue waah .. tw1n A king aize bed11. SIOO per me). 8708 W. Ocean 2891 Crratvlew. Bay11horn. Front. 96p&e O~~'TifudJ1;sf ~n I Nrver bdorc have we orfrrrd 11uch a dellghttul 2 bt<lroom homr on th!:, f1n1•.!lt comer k .. •11llon. Yoo w\11 be amazec1 at the wfll de· 111g.1ed, ls rge o nd J1unny-brlght rooms, Jt a lsn has a n attr11cl1ve tlrl'place. tllnti:g rnom 11nd a j galaJCy of fl'11tu re11 that wlll I pleD.lle the mo5t dh1crlmlnot 1nr buv.-r. JN ADDITION. It hllll a d11~llng l bdrm. apt. ovtr Ptpll.· \ cloWI 2 C'llr garllge 1The apt. 111 ttn ltcl ror Si O mo.1 T H E MONTHl .Y PAYMENTS ON THIS PROPERTY WILL Bl!: $9": .:>O MO .• to qualified buyl'r. Call nnw tor further dttatl1 on 1ln. pml. t>\<' & &Irma. 3 bath• bdutitully rurn. w It h ha.nd ·blocked drapt'a w1w cer pelll. Helnley ahuttt're lhru ·out. l l \a a drel\m t•ome true I( you are looklnK tor Early A.mer. df cor. 2 pat.101. BBQ with elec . 1plt. pier and ellp, 3 car gar. with parklnr apace galore. Thia houae wu dl'algnOd and built for euy and rraciou.9 living. W W ca.r.,.u , d.tap.11• e nd Hl'lnlt'y lhutttn t.hnl~t. The custom • ma..te a ppoint• mt'nll! U'l! ln "x°'U"nt laat e. 2 paUu1. beeuUtul plantiJl«a, l'lec kitchen. Not over-prtoed. Shown anytime b,-appolnl• m,.nL 96e98 NICE l BDRM. duplex, luge rooma, gar. Will furn. tf \eaMd. 84!t 614 Jumln.e Sat. or Sunday. Kl 3·100. °" Har. SM4·M Hc9T TEACHERS ATI'ENTlON -F ur- nt.hf'<1 houN . 3 bedrooma. 1 •., bath•. mce yard. See arter Srpt. I. 821 W. Bay Ave , Balboa pr 9 2 OCE A!ll FRONT -Spactou• 1 or 2 bt.lrm. Enelos~ pat.lo. volley ball""C"ourt, lio'ffty Tlew. Summ a and w111ter rent.ai.. See a t 7304 W. Ocean Front, N ewport Be.h. or call Har. 1232-W a cept Mon. Ir Tueeday. ... S8p3 ROOMS, COTI'AGES, APTS. DAY OR WEEK T KE BLUE TOP MOTEL, 403 Newpor t Blvd., juet a bove The Arrhu. 74lfc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one A two bdrm.. apt.a. Short term and yearly. ALSO, Udo Homu and Bay F ront Hom• and a~ta. LIDO REALTY Auociatea 3400 Via Udo, Harbor 4444 89t re »4A-Apta. for Bent Deluxe Furn. Apts. One 4t twu b<lrm . with t~malon. Availa ble tor 1ummer or 'llrin· ter. ALSO yearly 1--. In Heart <"f acth·ity -Lot1 of puking LIDO ISLE, winter rental. Three bedroom. 2 bath home. Carpet.a, drapea, elect. 1tove A re!rl(., furn. Liberty 8-2173. llkl THREE 6 !"OUR BDRM. homes, $3~ down, bal. leu than rent. Going rut. hurry! W. A. T OBIAS, Realtor 400 11:. 17th St.. Coat.a Mua Llberty 8·1139 9~c9T FOR LEASE T'f/O BE.AIJTll'UL_ uw lrriM Terrace un.turn. view bomu. 3 BI>RMS., 2 ~th9 and Z BEDRK.8., 2 b&Ui.. Call Harbor 1775 or Harbor 4441. EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor Irvine Tel'TllCe OUlce Coron a dd Mar. 33tfc FURN. 2 t>earm. home, by mo. or yrly. Garage. Avail. Sept. 1:>. 1117 W. Bay, Newport.. Ha rbor 3888 before noon. 8'TU'c Lido Isle AUG. 27 to Sept. 10, $2~. (and avail. SepL 11 for winter 1125. mo.) I bdrm.. Pro9Ulat.l t.rat-S.Or, completely tum. PaUo, flrwpt, dbl. gar. 218 Via Dijon. Harbor 4678-W. 90d CORONA DEL MAR. WINTER RENT AL. Furn. 6-rm. hOUH , gar. A vaU. Sept. 15 to June l :S. Har. 37~·JK. 94c.98 FOR LEASE 2 bedrm. turn. 2 bath, garace, pier It noat., room for 30 rt. bu&t. 1125 mo. unUl J une. Courtuy to brol<era. 3806 River, Newport. Phone Lehigh 9·2115 9k98 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8·!'>541 LI 8-6562 WE SPECIALIZE lN LO"-NS It FINA.NClNG O!ll HOUSETRAILERS I ~·~: ·~:;" ;e;:;i:~ Loan• from $!!0 to $1200 or mort ' CALIF. ACCEPTAN CE CORPORATION 18H Harbor Blvd.. Co11ta MrH LI 8-7761 -Open .i'rldaya tlll 8 Cloaed Saturday11-lfc LOANS for Homes o" -20 n . i.ou. Construction Loans 81111 BOB SA T'l'LER %610 11A.8T COAST BLVD. CoroDa del KM Barbor 8881 Rep. POIRIE.R MORTGAGE CO. Matro Uta Ina. J'\mda Kl. $-5186 '8Uc REAL ESTATE LOANS lnt.ere9t Rate ~lfi % Lo&na qwckly made 1n Ul• Bay Area and Coeta Mu&. Slngle or mulUple Wlita.. New or old. Be wt. and aa ve by re-tl.na.nCUl( your pre.ent IOLll. M inimum ex- penae. No charr• tor prellml· nary appraiaal. P hone Sant.a Ana JClmberly H933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Mortgace Loan Corre•pondent Oecldental U te lnrurance Co. A REAL VALUE IN EXCLUSIVE CLIFF HAVEN Better call_us right {IQW "1td &r· 'ralige an appl. to ln.tipecl lhl• cha.rmmg-3 bdrm. 2 balh home located on t xclu111ve Klng1 Road. Th111 tup ,·atue h<Jm~ 11 Just l yr. old a.nd ha.s w to w ('llrpet. lovely dr11pu, r. a. hM Ltng sy1- lt!m. Owner 1ayx sell, ao, wt have pnc~d tl &t ht-low today·• replacement. C'oat. You 1•an a11b· mlt te~ too. FAST GROWING E. 17th BUSINESS PROPERTY This might be your la.st chanr e to buy an cxcrpllonally r ood bust· 1 neaa lot. son• C·2. 100 x 300 for A•klng $70,000 S hown anytime by a ppolnt· mt'nl. LIDO ISLE Corner lot , Special price $12.~ BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643 Har. 2999 Evea. · Upper Bay 361 -22nd Street Open Daily 1 to 5 p. m. Very modern 3 bedroom 2 bath new home. Ready for immediate occupancy. Large lot 60x330 with citrua treee. $21,500 With $4500 down Will coruiider trade on va.c&nt property or boat. Your hOlltaa1 J'ay Todd DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor onl:; S22MO. C l\ll ua now for 1 2602 Npl. Blvd. Newport Beach the location -------------------------- Har. -4718 Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REAJJ'I'ORS I R. Rayle-C. Travt5. <.;. ftu!>ll, Aaimc 31 2 Ma.rtnr Ave -Balboa laland1 Real Value CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE A TIRACTIVE CORNER DUPLEX :I07 E. Balboa Harbor 3606. Blvd . Balboa 86tfc BALBOA ISLAND-2 bdrm. turn. SepL 11 to June . Ph. LI 8·6228 H e98 933 Bout.b Maln S~ta Ana PP HO~tE. 2 b<lnn a. converUble den. 2 baths. forced &Jr heat. CJne cf< ta yrs. old. Very modt>r·n ra nch typu 11h!Ule rool. perltf't t·onditlon, vacanl. quick posu11· alon. Cut to $16.~00 fur qu1{·k sa le. Allracllve lt•rms. Each unit bu 2 bedrooma, fireplace, :;:t bedroom large. breakfaat area, handy kitchen, tile sinks, tile in baths, cedar roof. garage & laundry, beauti· ful yard. ::: 1 unit leased at $90 per month, .;;2 unit rented month -t o -month at $85. A very good VALUE at $22,500 -4:t.& % FHA Loan. Ideal for home & income or income. Lido Isle One 1\1\d two bdrm. apartment•. f'urnl:ohed. Gan .gea, Yearly or w1nt.l'r rentAl. Har. 56i0. 9lc8H MODERX furn. apt.. garbage 1llsp., ut1I. pd. -adult11, avail yrly. 1711. Har. 08!!3-R 9~c98 BAY FRONT, Ca.mat.Jon Cov• duplt>x. winter or year i-, 2 bdrm. Radiant }leat. p.rba~e d1sp. H<lr. ~206 93lfc O ::>:E BEDRM .. nkely turn. v.1n· ter. Adults Garage $!15 mo. Jl 6-36th :-iewporl. 93tfc t:CJRONA DEL M.AR Attr. 2 bdrm. apt., gar . a uto v.·uher. yearly Inc-. utll. Phone H 3012-R. 95c97 F\.'Rl". l BDRM . A.PT . gro11nd fl r $8!1 mo 1nd uding utll. ,, t1ullll. n {l pt>t11. Louise Apl.8 , Carnation ntar SPaVlew, C.O M. Har 4018. 9:Sp97 SEPI'. I . new Z bdrm. apL next t.n c-h1U1nel It oell'&n ~achu, f1rrpl111·1'. 1111rba~e dl11p, .t: p'a>tio :ior. 31\th l't , Hu . llfl24-J. Npt. Bch. 95c97 FUR:\. l BDRM Apt. 612 Be· i:-011111. C'oruna llel Mar. 9!1c97 BALBOA ISLAND turn., 2 bdrm. II rt.. fl rep I.. view. Sept. 8 lo J11ne 15t.h. '60 mo. Har. 642-M. 95e97 TWO BDRMS. tum. a pt. Encl. patio with BBQ. $110 mo. yrly. or 175 mo. wintAr tncl u tillUe11, 403 • 39th St.. Nl'WJ>Ort Beach. Har. 21H ·M 96c98 TEACH.ERa ATn:N'nON li'Um.. 1 bdrm. apt. Ma.nne An .. Ba.Ibo& tal&ad. No chlldttn or peta. Bu. 0641-R 91p98 BAT vmw apt oD Lido Panln· aula. :-> • w aod attrM:tive, paneled llv1nr room. hdwd nn .. 2 bdmu .. llf'Mlt!ut bar. Unturn. except fOI' new 1tov• and rl'fr1g~ For yrly leua $125 mo. Har. 1751 aak ror Mr Buller. M lle CW NA COVTi:, Baytront turniahed a pt. ~na 011 latTe, n rh1t.led patio tltt~ feet rrom hig h tide. Fumacf. •torage. prage a.nd phone. Avallablf' tor Jeu. or •1nt.er rental. Leue 112.:1 per mn EX<"f'llent \.-"lllllf' Ph HY11tt 4-2206 93Uc WlNTER -1 bednn. OCHll front, knotty pint, patio. ALSO 2 bt>d· room atucco, repc;e.d yard, gv· age. l nq. 3008 ~an F ronl. 96p98 AUG. 29 t o St:'pt. 15, 3 bdrm. 1, LOA.NS TO BUU.U. 1:Ml'ROV~ BUT, MODERNIZE, OR REF INANCE We Buy TJ'uat Oeeda NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS 6: lk>A.N ASSOClA TION H M Via Lido. Ph. Har. •200 U'I Up1•n 1 to ti THE VOGEL COMPANY 2667 E. Coast Hy., Corona del Mar. Har 1741 (Closed Sun. during Augu.at) Har. 1177 bath. Exlra lgl'. )lQllo, BBQ. ------------- 2:107 Santa A n11 A'''. CoNta Mesa or cAll Uwnl'r, Hu hnr •61H-W. 83«96 ---------~un decck . 's bl"k. ocean, block bay. A<lult..... Owner week<lay11 Harbor 2:1:'.>2 E vee Ir weekends Harbor :>009· W 96c98 53-Stores & Officell 2 s tore. or om cee, one 28x30. One 12x2!1. Low rent. Sult.able for rt· tail bus1neu or orrlce. 601' E Balboa Blvd .• Har. 3606 86tfc LIDO OFFICE SPACE -Will sublet apace 1u1table tor attor- neyf.. engineer!\, l'lC. Approx. l!lx30 ln 1hopplng area on Via Udo. Call Don Cole afternoon• only. H ar. '4650 59tfc Modern Store FOR RENT , 17!1 per mn, Parking facilltleii. f orced alr heat, eu1l· able. l1U1uranc-r. real cstitte. gift.a ~te. Inquire 408 E Balboa Blvtl H arbor 2070. 69tfc OFFICE FOR RENT Ci VIC Center l..j>callon. 2 I 'x24 ·. $60. per month CHARLES E . HA.RT, Realtor 3•20 W. Balboe. Blvd, Npt. B<"h 92C~I NEW, SMARTLY Fl'RNISHE D orh c• apace. 1999 Harbor. <:osl11 ~t.•n LJberr;1 8·3333. 9~ttc 53-A-Bu.4'ine88 Rentals DE SK SPACE with fl hOne 11erv1re SJO mo :>07 E BaJbOa Hlvd .. Balboa. Phone llJ'law .. nng aerv1ce al110 av&ill\lllt l111r 3606. 88t{<' FOR RENT -Jo'urnt..1hed otrlce IJl UIOCta lton with 1n lltlornt y. Tu ex~rl prer~rn-<I 2912 W. \.'out Highway, ~rwport Beach, l'altf. LI 8-6102. 811ttc M-Buslotea Opponwu~ CHILDR.r:NS CLOTIUNO SHOP. Wtll al'll at tn\•~ntorv a bout 13000. 1810 C. N--po-rt 8 1\•d dn arcade), Coit& Mtaa. 9~pi7 --------~---1 NEWPORT HE IGHTS, hy owner. Costa Mesa Xlnl . \'al11e, ~'J; )?<lrm. with xtra. 57-~al E!itate Wanted__ COSTA MESA Bargain Listings Wanted Tl-US H.AS BEE:°'i A t.;000 YEAR Mo11t or our good llsltn$:S are sold We need lot:i tn all sec· lions. AlllO homes or good \':thll'. Glva u11 a t rial, elthrr ""rhliil\'t or multiple l111tting11. WF. <.;ET RESULTS. rm. otr gar' \V.W. C'&r pet. d i•· I How Can You Miss posal. 1J111hmu ter. 220 w1r1ng, THJS t.:HAkMl:-IG home on land· thenno~tat control hu t Full I .11rap .. 11 A: tenred 60 x JJO lot 2 price $11).:>00 with $7~(1() loan. b<1nn11. O~LY $77:10 with trm11 l"E\\' :l Rd Homr. JO:"tM , 12JIYI •1"wn BRlnnr~ $A2 r rr inn. tnc. In\ , prinC'lpl\I llnd \R.Xfa. N.B.C. Realty Co. 32nd It fltr wport Blvd., Newport Buch. Harbor ~~l36 or J rn:-. WA:"T W ATEJURO:\TT M·l ::>:ewport l"hf nt w11\tlng Wh11t have you! R,.x Rf('/lll, Rrallnr. Harbnr 6166, 9 ltfl' M3 S1'nta An11. l,J 8·2023 9~r!l7 Best Buy in Town 3 B R 111un·o. d•1ulJI~ K!l rH~f'. n1rt hrt pla< I' l1tr1tl' t••rnPr lut, r1n -1 p<'l-. drllpf~. ffilrl<Jr lllnlo!!'. TPflo(, 4t \\'. M 1n1 ludt•d Pioli hacht>J.•r apl. O\'<:I' ~LI P.1(1' <IC'lllled al S:iO u1' 1 =-'11 .. 1v hicull'd only WO rt . frnm bsy. All thl11 ror only S":.'100 11n Homn E !-!hArer. Hullflr J111rll<lr JIO t:vr H111 11.17-M ,-\-.A-N-,T-EIJ Bny Prnnt Horne-. 11,;;;:. L•t' 'u1· \\'A;\*·r ~1 ~1 tor your dpt1\~ only. Wrtlr Bnx g .;M 11\IS h11sin!'~ .. ' Tlm·~ ynur WJf, Wl\nt p&J~f. 1Jflp!l8 II !'lo ti\' ht1fn hflll~o• \\llh II " ~ Thl'n ~re t hl .. 11n rt trnnt II> 11 "'""\ 11\ f.11 ~ .. 111 r .. 11 Hrx R"' h~. Ha rt."r ~ 1 !oil !i!lt f1 ---------------------------J,lftl) !RI.Jo: SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 \'.'t h11ndlr your 11al"a, el!<'r<1ws. v. A & F II. A . pruH:>Sln~. ~f·(' llS brr"1 C }'llU make ll dc:al. r () Box l :>I. B11ll>oa h land. 86t\19 rh1'1f"P 35' IN ('il:Ol ,., I nf 1 .. 111nd SI" '\•II• 2 h.trm hu1r r 11'rr"l lf• Ill reel $21 ~11~1 llu r t I :::1 111 f'hl. !i!l"oll ri:-; •1 A< HJ-: ;-.;, w :: hdrm h nUhof• hftrtl\\*M t f111u1 '"-~~;l A \"0<'8 •10 !'I ( •ISi ft ~f,.~11 P h Llllnty 8-: 07 i2Ur l..11gun11 \'slue~ 0 < ean \'1"\ Lt•ls 511'( 1:111 hnth fur $3"100 1\1)1111 •4 fl • $4:1•1() l.agunna 1•"<' h1J1lV•• $i"111(1 ,\ l 11-;i.~; II 'St:::'\, KF:A l.Tf rK Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE Sl 1lF, BEPORE YOl' Bt.:Y Completr· 1nv.~i1tl_r11l1nn11 Ir r«i-p••rt• Z H•·prt-St'nt non-ru taent lanoflm ds 1 3;, )rd. 1u\t'nn1t Anzuna & :>:cw l Mu.1<00 rh1on~ H:11 :1~:H-J ••r l'<ln lA• I (' H. Br< wn, Ht. 2 Brix 994. Tur Mn, Art7. 116, 10 F'rank \\' Hill Fr 11nr 1~ l11mlt' Ha rb01r 5'-9~ H Y t ·flll:.!b. H7pl H A \'E TllE :.! FI=-'E ST t•l'ln11ru1 l- 61-KtaJ Estate ~~~g~ __ J 13F.DR<>n~ 2 bs th11. plus ra m· lly r1,. m 1 I 8r<20 1 Pa llu. 2 c-ar 1o; 1u lllt'" • .... ~,, lt1 Jit'houl 6t 11l•n NI \'l\lue S 19 MO, To trade for 11u1t- •hle rrl'ltlrn('e or lnrom .. rror· 2 ,., t \' l'l ""' hor arPR rtr Bat k f\11y 21 16 S ~ycamort. fi,.n!a Ana 1\1 :'.>-269i li~Ml7 l e•I ~t«res lo U1P Hl\rt..ir Arell 12!l.f100, Might tr11t.lt Whit llR\'I' yt•u ~ Jlf'll Rl'(lu1. HllrlK>r 01716 9!Hfc RU CH HOM"E bdrm . l&rir' l(&rlljt~ 20 x 22 rt. 111,,~J ho mt. Apl,.nd1d • onrW l'•n S l :l .')01) $2800 tlown. r·11.11 \\"e11tmlnavr t 603 96p98 Balboa Twn Ocran Front 10111 Znn!'•I tor <111plt 'l'I' S9!100 n rh. Coast Properties 301 E Dalbo• Blvd.. Balboa Harhor 26!18, 2~97 a nd 4600. 90' FRO:'llTAGE nn Ba.I bo!! B lv'rt ln all~y-7 rtnt.a.J tnMme uniu 11nol 4 duuhl" g arag<'s m I. shllj•t 11111, h IJ1l 111N1 11nlm prove1t ~mul In "J"P•'•1111nrr att rn1·t 11·,. 11:0 11n ln\'r111111,.nt ptl<" pa1\I· • 11lnr11 11 01'1 tem1s at nllr n(flr,. 'l•f<O:>:A (1f:L MA R 1:orner lo\ with two tnc·u1nr 11nlt1< "" rf"'ar 1l'nt~1I at 112!> P1lr!'ll 1t l S1ni11111 llov. 111 .. ,ut that • WI-: llA \'F: SF;\"ERAL r11t11hll .. hP<I )lr••ri•ntole hU,.10!',.l<C'I< Ir! Chi' llnr· 1,,.,r l\le:t for !lale flnn t !111! t'l IO ''t~l 1ga t., 11eru1e you buy LEF: CASE Y OFFICE 2:'Z I E: (..oloL"t H1ghv. i.y. C'orona 111'1 M 111 l1111 lw1r 1113413 View Lot nn lllul t 'IPll!ll'hOM' I!~ fl'rt r1 unlllJ!" :'\" :l•l:l 1<1nrc~ Hwt I \\' .. ,, 11( f'lnk I lo1 u1e < 1wntr \\' 1-: T ,.nf:y, k , 41•41 Pai 1ftc; Ave. LvnJ? n,.arh Telt-phun" J;.nl( Bf'ac h 4-Gt•~6 or 666 2P I\ 9~p!! Dr1,•e h) J!fU I '«nl tnenlA.I, In fo'rl'1>rli.m Hnn1r:1 tract. Thf'n r •n11• 1n amt • 1 .. ..,. I h" •le11t. Ocean Front 2 ll R 1n htoU~•. "Xl ra H. I<. ~. JIJl!llllR I 11 l)l1lh11. J'11rtly fur. tor. < 11rr• tit, dr11ptr1 Anti rur · t&.1n 11 C-1111 l'"t 1J.1nk loan of S(S.')(10 .. T l.I. l'IUt ·1-: S l 8,:1flO RALPH P. MASKEY Realtor 3•111 :-.;, wp11r1 nlvol :---wpt.. Bell. H .. rhnr 41)2 811Uo OCEAN FRONT I 1r~ n ~ • & !-1111 l.ll\ • ·y I '" hr•tr 111 • • rn• r l'lt I yr11. tol•I, (-,,., J•I• t,.Jy (11rntehl'd. $Iii ':.0 Art C. Kistler Co. 2!101 "'•''I' rt If. I °'"''"'l•"rl Bl h. H·1 r. ~.~~I; \Al",\.'T 1 .n •. "" 1•· .... ".'''"· U\l.nl'r ltl•\'H I; •' 1"·· IC 111 I n•o,11 • 1~11m, ~ 11<''1 I • \',' tr1 \V 1.1r1 ·' 11, ... :t 11 •1•·111 c ~n b., "''en 11 ny I <rnl;.-$ 12,7011, lf rt1~• :!''1 It •! .,..,. J•J. l.:Otlll .Mr-11 l•Uo· .,fr "11r1\11 Al'lll .i t. 111•'" f'"ll !!1th Ao lf•ll• or l•l.un" dny 111 n1i.;t.1. I.I i.. 71171~ 114, 116 CJ! RESA t.F: l•1 v,.1y 3 l.1<'rtn J - '\ hn h• r~n1 1••I p11t1n. m•11l11 . 1111 \'•11 r•11ll v .... ,,,1 ~ Bl'Y ? ? ,<1. JJ , on l::lltheL •l.. n ca.r. M.ut ILuU.C.1. Ll.1.1...t:;:;:r _ Tu11lln Avt. $14 ,9~() tenn, :-.w~T !H:l~l •. lof'&ullCUI liMlk Hay ORA ~GF. C'OAST n•,.rly nr"' "h 11<,. '"'''term l'HOPF:f\TIY.!'i hn•11t' :l ~.-!rm• '1 hitlM f;lnr1 18:17 New·pnrt. Collla J.ltaA nu• ff'Jrf'Vl'r ''l"W ,,r Ray lltirl U &-Je32 ICve. U t-6&03 moUALa.ltla. liar. 61MI. 91'\Ll I I' I I I I J I ; I I ' ' I I -- '~~~~~~~~~~~~--------------------------------------~-------liiiii---------------------------~----~---'--==-··.--..-~~~~~ .. - fA6E 6 • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS at-a.I r..tat.e d-JIMI f'Atate SZ-Real f'Atate ------FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 I OPEN DAILY-10 a. m. to 7 p. m. e ANNOUNCING! ! e LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT Your opportunity to purchase, probably the beat buy on Lido W/A pier lz alip ia u close a.a your phone. We will give full details over th,. phone and show any time. LIDO ISLE A little MORE for your money than the usual thret- bedroom two bath home on Lido. Thia furnished two year old borne is ready t o move into. The price S28.500, with terms available. NICE LOW PRICE . For t he neatest, c1eanest 2 B. R. home on Lido for ~21.500 -Lovely patio -flowers kept in perfect rondition by owners. Only $7000 down -and you are 1n. BAY FRONT LOT On Lido Soud 45 ft. fronta~e. Priced to sell at $39,500 Plans included. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Sch. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Ha r. 1380 or LI 8-5297 . ---- BALBOA ISLAND BAY FRONT Fh·e bedrms. Prt\'ate r ier Three bedrooms & den Private pier ThreP. bedroomN Private pier . F our bedrooms & den .. $65.000 .. 60.000 ...... 57.500 40.000 • • • • TWO t;NITS Three bedroom house & a pt. .................... . $30.000 Two bedroom house & apt. . __ ........................ 23.000 Two b<-droom house & apt. . 19,000 • • • • Four bedrooms. 3 baths Three bedrooms modem Three brdrooma Two bedroom• . Two bedrooms ... all electric kno tty pme modern S39,500 . 26.500 ..... 22.500 ........... 18,750 . 16.950 WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor And Assoc1atf's Park at Ma rine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 BALBOA PENINSULA Open House Daily 1 -~ p. m . 2036 E. Ocean Blvd. Attractl\'f' Nrw 2 B. R. -Den -P 1 ba ths All electric kitchen -$22.500 Open House Daily 1 -1& p. m. 404 Belvue Lane 2 B. R. & Den, Large Patio Owner moving inland. BALBOA -BAY AVENUE r>uplrx. 2 R. R Apt. upstairs. 1 B. R. A!"l. down. Lge rumpus room. rnmpletely furn. Dbl garage, wonrlerful rental a l'l'lL $1~.500 -Terms. NEWPORT BEACH Cute 2 B. R. home -good location. Close to swim· ming, stnres & transportation. One bedroom very large wit h hits of wardrobr spaCl'. J I:.: baths on R-2 i!)I. -S11 .500 -Terms. BAY & BEACH REALTY H 50 W. Ralboa Bh·d .. BAiboa Harbor 1264 * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * ( 1 J-Amongst I he trees on Exclu:;1ve Aliso. this furnished older home is cute as can be. N1c<'ly furnishl'd and r!C'an 11s a whistle. Sl0,750 with only $2000 down. B<'ttrr hurry on thi!I one. F:vrning-R Llbrrty R-31 6 121-\"icw home on Cliff Ori\'e. Two bedroom and l'nnelro dt'n. 2 bathi.. Jo,·ely kitchen with built- 111 ~t1wc and O\'('n, raised firC'place. large living room, con~rC'd patio. \·1rw of the entire Harbor arra. S5000 will handle. Not 11 Jeaseh('lld . E\'enin~s ra II Hiubor 3589·J GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, Inc. Ha rbo r 255:? 3112 Newport Bl.. N<'wport :?G YEARS IN THE SAME LOCATION ,; v Corona del Mar DUPLEX So of Highway Only l block to ocean Md beach. Front unit has 3 bdrms .. 2 b11th PLl'S studio apt. R-2 zone. Paved patio. dbl. garage. and only il i.~00. Bt-tter hurry on l-htft ont!-! -- CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar. Har. 47 !Office located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) ; H A R B 0 .R ESTATES NEW 3 and 4 Bedroom Homes With 2 Bathrooms S ·3 7 5 down S69 a month. inc. int. $9375 FULL PRICE :.... Paved -Curbed -Streets · · · Large Lots -t: Sewers in and Paid 'tf Garbage Disposals * Aluminum-Sliding-Windows Colored·Rock-Roof '1:l Natural Ash Cabinets ~· Many other Desirable Features w. Driva north on Harbor Bl\'d .. turn left on 19th St. 3 blocks lo Meyer place. we·11 be happy to show you the outstanding value-of Orange County -but HURRY ! More than half 11old now ! A. TOBIAS, Realtor 400 E. 17th St., Costa :Mesa Exclusive Agent L~rty 8·1139 Cliff Haven 'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS A Million Lights Gllst"n Ilk,. <1111monda fmm th1a j mo<1ern V1Pw home of many w1nc1ows ThP Hai bor le a·t your feet f1om this bu.utlful nt>1trly new 3 bdrm. and fa mily room. 2 bath luxury home with extras l(alore. ind dl8hw&11her, bit -in range and Qven, PW1tche11 p11v11le ofr 1ce or worksh op 1n t'Xtra Jargf' garage .. It yo4 INCOME Cor ona de! Mar's finest combination commercial and residential fronting c;n Coast Highway located in the heart. of the City. Pride of ownership and assured income may be yours to come. Please call for price and terms . Ol·ea n fron t 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 BDRM fltrn beach collage All 1fl1111• front Good IOCll. Bl'lll 1w1mrnln); • 11ur f fl~h1ng Rapp. $12,450 5 Exqu1s1te Ray \·1ew .Hom~ by J ohn Chtrk, Quality Builder located on Harbor Is land Road t Near Harbor lalel Featur.e: e 4 bdrm .. 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. A den e 3 batha e Heavy Shake Root e :? fireplace• e Swimming--Pool °'it deetred" e Lot sizet1 average ~· x 125' e Restricted area e Clev«>r Provincial, Hawaiian and Ranch type homes e Forced Air Heat, Garbage Ditpoe&l .,. B<'autiful Paneling e Large Sunny Patio• e Expensively Landecaped e Wired for Hi -F idelity Muaio e Fine Cabinet Jnstallatlona e Built-in Ele<:tric Stove A Oven e Built-in Bar Ii Refri~eration e Delightfully d ecorated Shown by a ppointment only to Qualifted Qjenta For preview ahowing Call Joh n Abell want the f1ne11t In location and ('onstrurtwn «itll us to ue this ,.xqu1s1te hom~ ... S31.500 full ........._ pt Ice ~ BAYSHORES Home ~~~r. a~~~hmi.~~. Near HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Bay • Beach. cheery kitchens REALTORS • • • • ' • NEW EXCLUSIVE LISTING ! Exceptionally nice Newport Heights Two Top Values Nn. 1-3 bdrm. --rull belh hdwrl r1oon -f1repl11c" thermo 1•onlrolled g-ravily turn: ace -~epara e 2 car garage m the ··He1ghL1.. mo"t ue111r· 1&ble neighborhood .. , 113.500 full priC'e -$2.800 dn. and a I GI 4•, loan. i"o 2 Two bedroom lovt'ly with Sef>llrl\te gUl'Sl hou11e 11nd prl• 3 bedroom, P4 bath completely FURNISHED home. Just the perfect home for year around liv· ing, nice large patio, din. room, lge. kitchen, fire· place, w to w carpeting, in exceptionaUy fine con- dition, ASKING PRICE $22.000-Tenns. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Coast Highway, Newport. Beach Llbert.y 8-5527 ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOM.AS vat•' ba th m ba«k ... wall to-----------------------wall carpeting and t'lllra1 ga· Iott A:>:O LOOK AT THIS- Jll~t I l ~.oo •town and owner "tll •'IUT)' balance Al I'"" than rl'nt • ! Hurrv <>n this one' . . . . . Bay & Beach Realty 1696 Nf'wporl Blvd. Clulla Meaa. Calif T.J S·IUll Evea. LI 8·3010 l.1 8-7221 Ocean View Home NEWPORT HEIGHTS Th u1 1a one of the b(.1t located, M•t built homes In the He1ght11. H11" 2 bdrm.s. It den, fireplace. bc11ul1ful patio. larg... 11Udlnc gla1111 c1nor11. w w carpet11, dl"'llf\1'3, I"• b11lh. Owner w1U trad,. Cnr 11mllller home In a me Ill .~8. 2 Brdm. Npt. Hts. 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' Nice 2 Br. home, Hwd. floors, plastered walls, atucco eJC:terior. dbl. garage, lot 60xl25 sewer in & paid. $7500 w ith $2000 down & bal. $50 per month. A REAL BUY. D UPLEX 1 Br. each aide, dble. garage, good ea.st- side location. S9800 with term11. Neat and clean, small 3 Br. home on 1:.: acre, ideal place for horses, pets, etc. $9200 with $2000 down. 3 Br. home (21:: yr.) fireplace. large kitchen, dble. garage, Sl0.750 with te nns. Residential Iota 66x200 •.. Sl950 with $600 down. OFFICE -Rental (small) on Newport Blvd., $50. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. Mccardle 1810 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. LI S.1601 Th111 hnmey 2 bdrm. home wit h ----------------------- large llvin~ room. fire place, ..,p. rrate rllning rt'<lm, @erv1ce porrh Rnd be1111t1ful land11C'aping, Nln he yQur~ fnr JU•t $2000 down, Full prt<'e 115,950. Thl1 you will like. Costa Mesa Th111 humP 111 lc1111 than l year old, h1u 3 hdrms., 11, bath11. Large light h\'lntr room. dlnin1t room, brrRkfiu:l !lrea, nalr. hirch C>lb· mell'. w w rarpet11. hnk f Pnce in rur Only 11 ~1 down Full rm·r Jll~l S.11 ;50 Th111 you will likr. II ART " ADAIR REALTOR h\1111 :-J1•w1"1rt Blvrl. Ct110(ll ~lrM. C11hr. LI 8·~792 REAL VALUES 3 B. P. HOME on good St. clOl'e In :-J,.\A ron Blvi1 Lot lll:tl' 109Jl 125 Th111 111 I\ real buy tor ')Illy 111500 F:8.•y term•. Business Property If you 11re looking for a bu11lnP~ h•cat111n and home. don'l 1811 to "'' lh1~ ont. 30x32 bu~lne"" blfl~ in front Wllh 2 B. R. It htr.;!' rlen In lhe rear. I.At ~lit> :.1x13r1 Lrt us 11hnw you thl11 one today, E Z term11. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1!!82 Nt'w port Bl\·d., Costa MP~" Ll 8·18i2 E\'t ll, W 8-4120 80 Al'RES. lhAl will grow doll111s l or vegetabl1•11. Houae•. •hed~. barne. 4' well. Sutxlivl111on per· mil Wed acr0111 •t. :It''> dn . 11nd onlv SJOOO arre. ORA'.'\GE COAST PROPi;;RTlES 1sr,7 Nt'wpurt. Co•ta Mos U 8·Hl32 Eve. l..l l-4803 LITTLE GEM En1tll8h Tudnr cottage So, ot B\\'d. Corona dt>I Mar. Older but ttTtlll rhu m Hui: e 111 chetl ll\·.·dininir 1rt11, Won· 11~rru1 ror ('ntertaln1ng. 2 ~rmi.. den. 2 f1l"t'placea. a •·harmer al SJ8,600. Ea.II)' rnm& Excluah•e &1ent. FORD VER.RINDER. Harbor 42~ ,.,.,. •. JH7, 93Uc Corona Highlands Exceptionally fine home for large family-3 bdrm11. & den, l ·14 plus 1:: baths. Living room has view of hi1111 & canyon. 65 x 100 foot Jot . 2 car garage. Only $4,500 down. $26,500 RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona cicl Mar. Har. 2288 (Across from Bank in COM) Newport Heights 45 foot Panoramic View lot Unexcelled for ocean and Harbor View $15.000. Not a lease hold -Clea r deed given. Just east of 2320 Cliff Dri,·e. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 OPEN-NEW 123 Via Genoa 1 to 5 daily CUSTOM BUILT 3 huge bedrms. 2 baths on a 70' tree lined street. Gorgeous kitchen with built m Thermarlor. dishwasher and garbage disposal. 3 rar garnge. Large dining area. South patio. Nylon nscose car pellllt( All mcludecl al: $37 .500 Terms DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .• Newport Beach Har. 4718 SS SUPEREXCELLENT . s s Len! 30 AC. ~f· 1 INDUSTRIAL $6,000 ea. Terms. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2323 W. Co.at Hwy. Har. 221 4r LI 8· 7M2 tile. G~~hou1111 ror fuchalu A H arbor 1600 Evening Phone LI 8-MSe ~gonlaa, 8 x 12 workahop plu1 ----------------------laundry rm, Coruldf'r $1 500 dn,, w!ll trade up or dn or Ulke TD'• -Lee. newport laland 411 38th Street New Duplell, 2 -'l · bdrm. apt.a., knotty pine. use<I brick, hr~place built In range, H W floors, red· wood garbe.gr d111p bathf'1 ·s shower drP11111nc room. laundry. 1 very nl<'f' hnmf' with tn('ome -Kf'rwln orun front 3705 Seashore Dr. Beach house. "'·Ith blf room. It A'oo<l \1ew nr ()('r an, clc>11e 1n S4000 dn SIOO mo 1.,e,. B A y v E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2305 W. Balboa Blvd. CORONA DEL MAR Charming 'l b r, provmc1111. room tor uml. rlose to mk1 11. anl1 lr1n11p. R·2 SJ2,r100 CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 b r . f11 m1ly k1trhen 11nl1 Cllnlng room, terrific swerpm" \'lew 127.fl()I') LI DO l b.r .. rumpu11 1 m. family homr, tl'rrlflc pn l 10. ur lot S37 ,noo 3 h.r , <Ion m1, full~· rupetf'd f11b11loue kit , top location S3i Es~n BAYSHORES 2 b r. PLt:S gar 11n1t. knotty J11ne mt , 2 plltlCll!. bk(11f bAr $22 500 Claire ·Van Horn R~ALTOR 2i31 W. Coa~l Hwy. I.I 1H27i Lido Lot 30 FT PKl~IF: LOC'ATIO:-J n~11r C'l11bhn11se 11!,Po!'~l 1,.rm11 Hat hor 4678· \.\. 91lr 4 COLD !ffQ nAGE Pl.AXT CQMl'LETE plant. qu11 k ftrt'T.• ~ 111,,rage. lln•I l'l'l<ller Mnm~ Of· fire l.,ond1ng dn< k 11n•1 11!'111f•, IA rit" ••ff 11! llillkmir RJl'fl Rl'pll C'l'nll'nl • IJ.. lWlf" whlll "We' re Moving __ to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famiUea are inspecting these exquisite homes -noting the,ir comfort, con- venience and central location. Mor e and more families who prefer a home in a re- strict ed quality cQITlmunity are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Dm·e in today and st:e for yourself the many out· ataoding features of this remarkable community. Inspec t the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von H emert Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway oppoalte the new Irvine Cout Country aub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation. we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvme Terrace, Beacon Bay. Ba.v ~horea and Cliff Haven GOLDEN RULE VALLIE Own e r Mu st Give Away Mu!'lt 11ell this property this werk. Out or town owner "'ir<'s us distress call. 2 bedroom home with h;irdwood fl()ors -2 car garage. Ba<'kyard fenced . Home 1s 4 ~·rars old. Do you want to make " TERRIFIC Bl"Y ? ~re us at onte. Tak<'s around a $1.000 down ANOTHER BARGAIN $1 r,oo Down We have been romm1ss1nned to sell this 3 hedro"m homr with 2 i·a r gara~<'. Hard wood flnon~. Hou~ as ;ibout 3 yr Ars old . 1-:xrepll<mnllv luizr kitchen and bNirnom11. Rack A~~· ArPli. Full prire 1s only ~ 10,100 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson l'-!)6 Newport Bl\'t'1 Costa M('Jlla f arr<>Rs frnm Cost a Mrt>a Ra nk I Phimr LI H-6i61. E\·es. H11 r. 4366 • LI 8-2103 "Choicest Listings" Hr.mi's 11n J.1Jn Isle and in :-.;ewport Harbor are:i ""'" Bt..:Y 11.nd S ELL '. OffJCl'S irnd Steir('~ ror rent. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3~4 1 ~C'WJ•<irl Rh " w .. r11n <l"h''"' 1h1~ '''' $'.11. ------0<10 l•1rn .. tOJ •p11~11 •• <'1ty flall l Harbor 1299 95c97 URA :->C':f: l"OAST 1-'ROP~:RTJF:s 1E1·•:-'\,.w11t111. f'u~ta M·· • L1 &·I 8:12 f:v.. l.1 b·l\.'!H:l WATERFRO:>:T HO~IE By ()" n~t P1f'r, float, t11tpl1tt·e. T11 r1t!'-pii111o do"e to markets OPEi' HOUSE SAT. • SL·:-; 11 a. m to ~ p. m. S22.MYI 3411:'> Finl")' Avt •• Har. 46116·\\ K 111\p ? ? REWARD ? ? WatPrfrnnl h11m1· w1lh J•1t•r 1rnd ~lap w:intNJ NOW, ·11.,b b uy1 r \\a1tin~ , ~11 lllH'I l 11 SJ00,1100 . OSBORNE REAL TY CO. 2323 W, °'1u1t Hwy. f At P()rt Or11ngPl Ncwpnrt Bl'arh LI 8-i562 Har. 6154 evM. a-Beal r..tat11 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND LOOK-LOOK-LOOK-SEEING lS BELIEVING $24.750 i1 the full price of thia charming Cape-Cod year round home. Built fo r comfortable and gra- cious living. with fireplace. for<'ed air heat. spacious rooms -(inc. din room) Beautiful patio -A place you'd Jove to call your own. Good terms. Come in and let us 1how you. LITTLE ISLAND HOME 3 B. R. 2 bath attractively tum. $28,500. Terms HURRY for this. TNCOME. Two units wJth BAY VIEW. 4 B. R .. 2 bath home with 1 B. R. 1 barh apt. Patio. Thi11 charming place is a stone's throw from North Bay and can be purchased on excellent terms with very reasonable down payment. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS OCEAN VIEW Fr()m this almo«t new, close in, modern home. Two giant si~ bedrooms with two baths. Gleaming hardwood fl oors, used brick fireplace, glaMed' in aundeck. breakfast · bar & nook. three-way flood lights. A VIEW from every room, and lt'a under the market at $24.500 · * * * * YOU ASKED FOR IT! Beautifully designed. almost new, 2 bedroom ocean view home in Corona Highlands. Priced to mo\'e !a.al at $18.500. low dowu p&¥tnent, ao T , • * * * * LIDO ISLAND NORTH BAY FRONT PIER AND FLOAT 3 BDRMS. 3 BATHS $59,500 -GOOD TERMS • * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. CNl~t Hiwsy, Newport &ach LI 8-3481 OCEAN FRONT \"l'r~· nice family home of 4 bedrooms and three hath~. Beautiful new of Jetty. TC'rms can be ar· mngeJ or will conimter Los Angeles income prop· f'rty. Well priced at $29.500. ~F:A~HorU: CO LONY. ocean front. Cozy beach hnmc· 3 b,..d rnoms and 1 ' :! baths. $18,500. BAY FRONT Y1·:ir r11und home for family. Well arran~ed and ar- t 1i;IH':tll~· dr1·01ntrcl, 4 berlroom11 & four baths. T'ic- turr 1·:1ndPW!I to bny and luncl11raped terrace. PIC'r ancl fll-1<\t. f> R~DROOM .. two baths. Ideal beach hnme Ol<lrr, bu l in r:o>rcllc-nt condit tOt\. Try offer of $32.500. INCOME POSSIBILITIES l'f•nvenit'nt two bedroo m. 2 bath home with bay \'I<\\' nn ~··~· A\·t·. R1111m to build hou~ an front. ::;:;ooo down. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES \505 W. Balboa Bkd. • Harbor 518R 94c96 p~ a. palmer incorporated ! NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRt:SS -PARf 11·PAGE1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1955 developers of Lido Isle For a family who lives smartly and buys wisely! You'll enjoy all the wonderful advantage. of Lido living In this BRAND NEW 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den, 2 fireplaces, paper, paneling and colors tastefully blended, 30 by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen is fully equipped with built-in range and oven, disposal. dishwasher and fan. Ready to move into today, and only $33,500 TWO BEDR?.J., 1 bath, Lido home. Plu. aleepiIJ: room with 1"1 bath in gaBge Sl8,250 40 by 110 on Via Lido Soud, across from commun- ity beach. Perm. BAYVIEW at $14,000 Larger home on 2 NORTH BAYFRONT LOTS. 2 boat 1llpa, guest house, lovely terrace plus en- closed patio. Fireplaces in Living room. dininr room. maater bedrm. and entry. Bar, maid'a room. boat house, cupeting and drape•. $ll0,000 North Bayfront Home with pier for Jeue, 1 or 2 yni., :5 bednna. 3 baths, lovely yard and perfect beach. See what John Visacher, builder, and J . H. Biggar, fumlshing1, have done at 204 Via Eboli. Everyone tella WI it'• one of the moat beautl!ul homes in the area. Open daily 11 to 5. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via _lido, harbor 1500_ Shorecliff Open House Plctureeque one atory ranch style home. Lota of used brick It redwood. Low swttpin~ huvy shake roof-Spacioua poor plan, includes 2 bedrooms & den -2 balh1 -2 fireplaces. Beautiful ocean view -Juat a 1tep to exclusive bathing beach. OPEN SUNDAY from l -5 p. m. 248 Evening Canyon Road. Shore C\ifh Drive by then call Da\'e Osburn Looking For A View NOT JUST ONE but two beautiful brand new 3 B. R. -2 bath homes. Both have an outstanding view in addition to numerous other features, ita- cludlng built in ranges & ovens. Both houses will be open Sunday, Aug. 21st. One is priced at $23,000 the other $26,000 223 & 225 Ocean \'iew Ave. Newport HeighUI Call Bill Faml!"Worth for further information. Seashore Drive IMMACULATE ocean front home 3 bedrooms-11 ~ baths -completely furnished in Early Amerlcan 1tyle, aituated on our finest bathing beach. Total price $18,500 \_ Call Dave Osburn Cliff Haven Let me show you thla immaculate 3 bedroom houae, located on a large fee Jot and with planting in e't• cellent condition. Property is ready for occupancy without any fixing. Ask for Hodgkinson p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5:>73 2-Unit Income A IMAU... DOWN·PA YMENT IS ALL 'YOU PAY •.. TENANT PAYS THF: REST. One of our bell v..iuu 2 awpa~ale unJlJI, fumlahed. 2 ptlllOS 30Xl02 ft. lot. Cholt'e lnratlon ntar B11y and 0t'fan. l16.6!Yl. $(600 down. BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values MY GOODNESS!! Even A Blind Man CAN VISUALIZE THE VALVE on thla 2 btlrm .. eut1tde. 1 blk. otf Nf'wport Blvd., U x 16 bdrm dhl. gar , nelll a11 a pin, full prke 18200 with only $11100 dwn. --Sre thla one! BALBOA ISLAND QUALITY ISLAND HOME & ArT. One of the llland'a fine homes. S bdrms .. lge. dining rm .. 1~, baths, deUgbt!ul light living rm. opening t o partly cove~d patio. The attracll\·ely furnlsht'<l 2 bdrm. garage apt. with full bathroom earna o,·er $1800 per year. Extra a" bath in ~arage. Outat&ndlng buy at $38,000 with $12,000' tln. FIRST OFFERING. Small 2 bdrm. house on Sap- phire. Floor furnace, fireplac.e, furni1hed. built 1947. Small lot, only $16,500. Submit down. TWO UNITS LIKE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convertible either 4 bdrm. hoote with 1 bdrm. apt. or 3 bdrm. home with 2 bdnn. apt. Graclou1 liv- ing rm. leading to exceptional ratio. $10,000 dn. good terms. 60 FT. BAY FRO?\"T AGE. On Little Island, pier, float, or 4 bdrm. home. The land value ia close to the asking p 'ce of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A 'E. $32.:500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large Jo charminr 4 bdrm. 31 :i bath housr. Dining rm.. ern kit- chen. disp., dishwuher. lots of cupbo a and closet.s. Plus unuaued 1 bdnn. apt. over 3 car gar- age. Both units all newly furnished In Moderne. Jde&I for home and i.ncome or guests. Har. 111r, -Evea. Edith Maroon HYatt 6-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 63!59. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lalt.nd lido Waterfront Home & Income Take your choice of llvin' in a three bedroom two bath and renting the two bedroontA.wo bath or viM \'ersa. However you decide, livtn'g can be both pleuant.and-profitab~~in~ thi11 nur new Utlo bayfront home and income. Full price $69,:500 LI DO REALTY Aaeociatea Lido's Moat Experienced St.lea Penonnel Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene Vreeland -Vir,Pnla Manaon 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 9-Unit Income BALBOA OCEAN FRONT. POlll· lf\•tly the but "buy'' In Ba.Ibo&. 8 Wiil.i plu1 a man11ger'a a part- menr. Completely furnJ1hed. Belh. llvlnc room ln ea.ch unit. Remod,.led In 19:10. 14800 ntl Income. ~riced at 13:1,000 - $1:0.,000 down. After all our hunting here it Is! And it'• amazing what $1000 down will buy. Thia epacioua two bedroom -FURNISHBD -Hu H . W. floors, dining room, fireplace and top location in town. Sewer• In and pt.id for -Paved alley in rear. F. P. $10,&00 ... $6,800 loan committment a.t $57.50 mo·. N H A (Acrosa from Richard'• Market Entrance) ewport ts. rea -------------- Balboa Duplex! LAROE LOT . . . R OOM FOR ONE MORE l:="ilT.,. PLUS 3 GA.RACES. L'pJ"'r turnh1h~. all ha.Jc fumllur" tn lower a ll!O lncludrd In 111.t... IAwer ha.I bun completely mo<ltmlzed. 116.~. tenne. Balboa Home! WlTH SEF'AHATE SINGLE AF'ARTME="T IN REAR .•. p&lln hctwr"n ul\la . 2 garacee. Bnt h furn1J1hNl. CIOlle t.o Bay :lnd Or c11n. S~ thl1 dandy r rorrrl.v ;1 t $17,600, tenn1. Balboa Lots! A .. k ln M>• our t.hl"le R·S lot. ••• ~tile by 1ld1 on Balboa Boule- • vard. CloH to town, 1111,500 t~ all three. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoelte Ba.nk of Amtrie& Rou Grttley Al Cornelius Ed Lee Jack Pinkham J o1ephine Webb 700 E. B&lbo& Blvd., Balboa f'hone Harbor 3277 KIDDIES' PARADISE Neat two bedroom on 60'x135' lot on dead end atreet. .All large room• with plenty of lltbrage space. Only one block from grammar school in very exclusive area. Full price $10,9M .......... _ ................ with $1,950 dn. ON BROADWAY Large 3 B. R. home, bath baa tub &: stall shower. Completely re-decorated in and out. Double gar- age on paved alley. Sewers in A paid for. Full price $12,950 . ....... . ............. $3000 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervlce'' 400 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa Llberty 8-1139 Balboa Island $5000 down baJ hke rent for lhia attr. 4 Bdrm. home near bay. 2 Bdrm home plus gut.at rm., bath and 1 Bdrm. apt. Furn. $26,300 Cliffhaven ExcEL. 1 BDRM. on a 80 )( 90 lot. W /W rarpetlng. uwer In and p11ld. lncludll! goOli r11n1te a nd refrlc. Only 17800 -U O. rnn. on b11l11nr,. Full Price $7450 2 BDRM . only 6 yrs. ol1t good SO x 2~0 R-4 Int. 8111>mit ~·our own down on thl11 one. Jl 's a valut· plua 11eal. E\'e. lnfo. Pellll• Ll 8·!1487 Let's Trade Have II-acre avocatlo ranch No. San Diego CoUJ1ty. Wiii lradr for home or Income H11rbar art&. -12~.ooo. Eve. Info. Seymour, Hu. 6298·\V Ocean View Home NEWPORT HEIGHTS CLIFF DRIVI!.: ror .. 3 bdrm. homl' Big din. rm &nt1 tllnettf'. Very restful and inspiring. Price of $1~.000 .t: HllY tl'nnll. c. d. m. $11,100 Excellenl 2 b<lrm. home. only a MARINES · Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedroom• -Forced AJr Heat -Mauive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven ... actually every luxury feature and in Orange County'• finest location. Big Estate Sized Lota 11uit.able for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tuatln &nd Turn North at. Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May, Pr lf l t<'P lo markHs. Sp11ce fnr ~ar. ----------------------- apt. on Jot. 1~00 dn., 4.r'.-loan. Appointment nnly. M-1 0:-l PLACENTIA nr. 20th .. 63 •., x 2<10 with 24!)0 eq. fl, l)ldic wllh or without lease. F ull pr. SI:! 000 A-\ lnvqtment. A REALLY CHARMING HOME One of CORONA HIGHLANDS nicest. 3 bedmui .. 2 baths. beautiful kitchen with bu ilt in range and and o\'en. Separate dining room. hu~c den. Very attracth·ely decorated. E xcellent location. $31,500 terms. VALUE V A L U E WATCH THIS Channing view home. carpeted 2 Bdrm., ready to move right in $13,500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor Eve. Info. on a bove 3 ltrm• Ph. LYTl.F. LI 8·2642 Houston Realty Co. WANT TO TRADE FOR PASADENA? Pasadena owner of modrrn funti1hed 3 bdrm. home valued at $17,500 with equity of $10.000 will exchange for income property of similar price In Bay area. Call us on thiR. BEACON BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An exclusive home area with fine beach 1.nd large · 1ot for mother & children. and doc k space for a small boat for dad. Priced S2S.500 furnishcd- Gond terms. Ownl'r will listen to cash. Ph. H:tr. -t t4 for appt. as Au,g tr nant pays Sii5 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The finest unit of thi1 trpc m this Je>ation. Income in exceas of $12.000. THE VOGEL CO. 20 Marine A\'enue Next door to the Post Office Har. f.4i Eve1 Har. 3059-~t -Har. 4.248-R COLUMN FOR THE MOST carefully Mlect- td nluu 1n ..,ch ot our d11Unct- 1 y dlftere.nt HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA PENINSULA :"o/E\\' UF'F'ERlKG-mod. ProVln. :? bc1rm. only 1> bUt. to Jetty. Lon.ls of r11pboardl, ~.,.b, dl•P· <lhll'. garagr. Only 111,000, 11% lo.n, t 51.48 rno. CLIFF HA VEN l lMOO B UYS nns 1parkllng 3 bdrm. h ome. Lovely Jandte11J*! pat.lo. Quiet St. •~ 0.1. Joan, tor comfort It MC'Urtt7. Muriel M. Pirtover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON, Aaoc. 2tM Newport Bl9'4.. Npt. Beach ----------------------Eur ParklnC Barllor •1110 -' DO IT-TODAY!! See the beat buy in C. 0. M. South of the Hlny, 2 Bre .. din. rm., big kit., with brk!t. area, bath with tub Ii at&ll shwr. Liv. rm. & din. rm., carp. W to W, Located on a 45 ft. lot, fenced with Iota of privacy. lf you atretch jua-a·a.-l a litUe, you can Me th• watE'r -Honest. Jwit ~uoed S2000 -Hurry. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge, Aaaociate 1622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 2774 · ooRNa B.AR110a Bl'fd., a1e,ooo down or will ~ 2 bdnft home u da. ~eat. nu. property cl.tar • 1Goom• Qf ''~ mo. -OtnNn mu.t M11. Wonderful 5uy: ORA.."'\CE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Ne"'J>Ort. Coata Meaa U 8·1632 Ev.. U 8-QOJ SHORl:CLIFF 2 br., : bath, .... loL Slckne .. oompela IU• lo me_U at once. a~ Jee. lhl>A replace- ment COIL $29,960. lmmedlate poe._.,,, Har. UOML 69Uc 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 502 Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. .Formica kitchen, 1 ~m and 1 :i bath down, 3 bedrooms and 1 ~2 bathe up. Solid con- struction, concrete and pilin~ foundation. 2 car garage, enclosed yard. Excellent beach. ~ . EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 1013 GILT EDGE POST OFFICE Owner wishes to sell new Post Ofrice, 36 unit motel, and 2i5 ft. of busineaa front.a~e adjacent Post Office. Located on Mariner• Mile, Highway 101 E:'(cellent return.a on :,'()ur investment. Must be eold as 1 unit. Will exchange for 1ubdiviaion land, or waterfront home for part. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI S-7562, Har. ~l.M eves. .t: ASSOCIATES 1509 Centu Sl.,..Co11t& Mc11& LJ 8·6911 l)f w 8·778• Ocean front home In Corona dtl Mar on 60·fL lot. MARINERS ISLE' REAL TY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa lslantl Harbor 4781 96c98 Wonderful view. Shown hy Ul la ---------------------- otrlce only. OEAt:TlFt'L ACRF.:ACE In Or· a nire Cnunty 1111ll11blr for hl~h rllll<I auMl\1~1rtn Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Mul\1ple Lli1t1ng rti>altnr1 • aui1lnna Brnktr JI3~ E Cout llwy., Corona dtl Mu Harbor 21~2 BUSI=-iESS & HOME Clo8e In cnrner. Re t a 11 .ti wholesalr pal'llk<'tt .ft csnary, est~bltM1"" 7 yr~ 2 b-lrm. home-$12.500 full prlt o for everylhlni;. 01'.A:-:GE COAST PfWPER'nES 1867 Newport, Co1ta M f'M LI 8·1632 Eve. Ll 8·680:1 MODICRN I bearoom, l ~ bath, 1480 eq. fL l ~ yr, old. OPEN FOR INSPECTION SAT. It St::'-:. AFTERNOO~. &01 Fullerton A .... Npt. Hla. 'atta CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining roo m. 2 bath!. Hardwood & carpet noora. Bargain at S45.000. Submit down. SEE US for BEACON BAY &nd BA YSHORES properties. Har. 1 i75 -Enis. Edith )faroon, HYatt 4-6223 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Ball>'Ja Island TRADE WANTED Ml Acre Placentia St anti or 26 ft, Falrltnrr twin screw, for Lido house or lr1t. L1 8-6710 before l O a. m. or ofter 5 p. m. D2tto . ~ PAM I· PART 11-NEWPORT·HARIOR NEWS-PRESS RUOAY,· AUGUST 26, 1955 MESA A TOURNAMENT NARROWS TO QUARTET Top Losen' Spot Giants Toppled into Cardinals Bracket by llLL LOWE E9UALS COUNTRY CLUI RECORD AT SANTA ANA BAT CROWNS GO TO SIMONSON, COUCH .... S IU Lowe of S&nt& Ana eqU&lled the 9allta Ana Country Club tou.,_ record with a aiullna 6' W~y &ttcaooa.. The torrid t apper ot tbe tlualve Uttle •bite colt b&U c.ow-.d the front aide in 33 ·~ &Ad t.be bKkal~ bl Jl. Steve limonaon of th• 4 LM· &rd Wauon, R.cS So-. .349; Jerry l neluded In the frontAtde rapplnC were in,_ btrdtea. wtt..h rue Mld(el Bueba.11 champion· Lawrence. Red lox. .I•:'>. t1ve of the thi;hty fowl.a on the b&Cluide. Low'e'a 6' Ued llh.lp Olanta wae the lone llurcer B NatJonl -8le!lard R.laon, the record ut by club pro J ay Nunnally \n ntl. 'nle former who bouted a better U:lan • 800 Carda, .630; J llll Buahllnc. CUbe, Robl __ .. Cl Hollea. · .112•: Dour Trapp, Olanta, .:ioo: mark wu ~ held by Jack naon ...., a.rence ~tlln( aver&&• at re(Ular ae•· MartUi Taylor, Dodren •. tel : Al· Lowe, who ueed to perfrom on t.he Stanford liftka aquad, IOI!'• end IA the Harbor are~. u JOftN. Gl&au •• fU; o....y Mac· hadn't been playlnc up to hi• uau&l divot dic(l.nc •t&nf1t.rd 1tatiatlc1 rel-d by Hubor ner, Dod.1er11, .U l : John OrueU. prior to bumms up the frffJ\I. He wu atruttln( h1a atuft Boya' Club revea.led today, 81· Carda. .436; I t.ave Kolli.tw , In a touraome compoeed of Oeors• Ward ot Udo tale and monaon cop~ the A awat crown Carda, ·'2'; WoodJ' .-OOk1, Dod- George H<yi-on and Don Spencer of Santa AnL with a .810 percentage mark sen. .'17. The Harbor Boy1' Club A League tournament narrowed Lowe wun't ua.ctly preaaed In •troklnf 0\.11 ltla rtcord bued on 26 b&M knock• ta '1 ------------ round. Ward got a 72, Spencer an 80 and Hort.on a t 3. at bata. GoJn' Fishl '7 down to the four top clubs, but not in the exact order they ------------------------Gary Couch wnpped up the B ft f1nilhed the regular loop aeuon. Toppled Wednesday night LOW Na tional Le•ru• batUnl' Utl• llU'bor Bora' Club annouaoed in a teJTiftc tuule with the third place Cardinala w~re the HEAP BIG B with an exact .eoo mark. Couch a thr .... week elo.tnc for 'nC&tlon top 1pot Giant.a. 2·1. The 9eCOnd place Red Sox followed 0' th• Brav• bluted l l hit. hi P~ atartlJIC a.pt. I. Ubc>rj B d I Cl t h Pok ~ attempt.a. DaJ'. ~ WUl be S.pt. ie form to defeat the fourth place Braves ~. • ry son s u c e r ollowlns th.. '-oe --... At ta.at ttme. club acUvlU• wtll Tontrht at 8:30. the Olanta and In tlleir rMpecti•e learu .. wwe: fe&tur. football -4 b&aketll a S 1 . •luhed the fray away tn the M · A loop Earl !Awla caro. plaJ' FINAL CLEARANCE at Santa Ana Tent & Awning 1626 So. Main St. SANTA ANA ; • . SAVI ON RIST 9UAUTY MERCHANDISE B.-.ve; chaah in ~he loaer~I brack· venlh •tanu. Haroid Caldwf'll Keeps lnd·1ans on Tear m ; Gary Clark, Dods~ -·~2; __ • _________ _ et w th the w nner ta n.-on 1trolled, Vineyard 1tngled him to o 8 arya-·CUJI, rt~1tGe~~ ·'.~!2;; TJ~. -~."'!.. maam .... -~-.nobul t on 0 n•-wwhhoo Soeer ot tonl&'ht"• 8:30 &erap be· the hot corner a.nd Jeut'r bl11sted .-v .... ,... o,,_ .. ., ..,.... __ _ _.._.. ~ tween the c ard• a.nd Red Sock· hi• fourth blow of the battl• tor , 1 . .t 1 t . th final Hurh•. Gl&nta. .3IHI; Pat B61Jn· ta btnec' t.hu any mt.take he High Qualify Pri·nfi·ng-Ph. Har. 1616 era tomorrow night a t 8.30. All tbe crucial RBI. Leon Brydson a grands am c1rcu1 c ou in e . holt.. Ot.anta. .311 ; Ron Ja.ee. mak- Mld&et tourno sam,.s "re being The Red Soit won the na:h\ frame Wednesday shot the fourth place Indiana of the Meta Cart» .. all : Ott• Wr\d, Red Box. ------------------------·-"'!av~ at Co•ta Men Park to take on the Cards Friday B American League into a Saturday evening championahil' .375; Tim T9nJCyck. Olanta, .337: r ~ nl~ht on Lloyd Fortune's h ome · ..&A Roy Dalt.on Red Sox 33'7• R.lch- PITCH Dl'EL ru"n In 181t of the i btth. Fortun" battle for the tollrnament crown. The Tribal nine nip~.. · ' · ' Steve 81m.onaoD of the Giant• e nd Earl Lewi• of thll Cardi! en· 1a1ed In a ternflc pitching duel ~fore the l11ue WU tlnally lltl• tled. Each 1ta rtlng twirler bat· fled a even doun ballers apiece wtth •tr\keout1. Simon11on rapped OUt two Of the four hits (IVl!n up by Lewl1. The Cardinal• drew first blood Jn the third Inning. Newell Stick· Jer laid one down to 11quttze In Harrell Vineyard. In th• •llllh. B!monaon lllngled and 1tole ,..< .. ond. Card Catcher Ron Juaee·1 throw on tbe Uletl went through to unterfleld wh~n no one cov· ered Ole cu•hlon. Steve jwat kept runatns tlll he dented thr dlah, recetms an ualat from an .«r: ant outlleld heave. • QUICll ar.c-OVEJlV ~ rtcht bM:k. the Card• 11!110 1tnrled acroq a patr of the Giants, fourth place representative of the National B "" for ttle wtn. Duny Kerr talllu. circuit, 8-7. _ 1parked the quick gather by b1p-- Jt took hie b11t ~It to batten By u narrow 11 mnri.:-in. the I third ca nto jarred Sooee bJ' t.M Ung acroae l•o runa. Bill Arm- down the hatchu on thl' Bra ve ~atlonal 1A'a1tur'l' second place lou rs. The Giant• <'Ollected 1lx 11tronc homered for the Cuba in bid when the loeer11 came up with BrRve~ quallfte<I Tuesds y to go base knock~ off wlnninK mound•· the third. and Geo!'&'• AU8tJn a three-run 1ixth to deadlock· the ss:ain1>t t he rempa,1ring lndlan~ men J ohn Covault a.nd M.lk• doubled tn th~ acorea. Kerr and t1olnit•. Craig-Nairn doubled Tri1t l\l 6:30 p.m. Slllurday with a Lennie. PbU Mack91 ehucked the Brave Dean P~. Gary P k ken11 and 8·11 wm ow•r th•• lhlrcl plllC'e Cubs. Darnell aitd A I a a 8aft(9 Yictory. , Ronnie Kyes bingled otr winning Jn Tuesday's 1011ers' bracket fray. Bingltd In two run• wblle Al.all 11'\ the loeera bracket. Ula Pitcher Rl'ly Dalton's deliverll'I•. Ule first fll&ce Doditen slu1g,e<1 Jonu 1maehed a triple and t.&J• thamp Dodgera made three hit.a GOOD PICKl!:SS out 11n 8·3 triumph over the ae· Ued. For the lndl11.n1. George Brown oft Red Box tOMer P aul Fuller cond pl&ce Red Sox to 11111y in singled In two mukera and Bryd· do fM all their run&. Dlnlc l'elker, Picken• toe11ed a four-hitter the tourney running. i on dtd the rest with h.la four-on th• anthlll fw the wmnen, Tue.tlday to i:et the Braves past pw up but two btnglea. Mlke th• Initial 11udden-de11th round ov· EARS \'lf"TOR\' muter. Pa trlck wu big bun for t.ba tt..d er thP Indian.s. 8-4. JWnnle Nu· The Indians earned their vie· Nl!ST OF .ltOG8 Soclcen. doubUnr 1n two ~ gent waa the big Brave bla111er to~y despite lhree-hit hurling by Tb& Brave garnered thtlr erfll ------------ "'"1th a single and double. Ben Giant11 ou11t,· Dame\\ snd Dave in one buket by 11corlng m ruJY Queener of the lndi1na got two Jshmsel and a ~big 1even . run In th• firll at&nza.. then han~ hill! in three attempt&. Dalton u nlf'llShM a two·h1t job a1taln11t the While Sox Tu,.~11y. RJ vaJ twirler Terry Bagwell g"Ol boUt-blowr.-tkgwett lJIW OIA( Oir pitch era' union controlled llll ng11 1 by gwmg up two of the !1ve \ blows he a llowed to Dalt:>n. BALTZ MORTUARIES 17' l Super ior Avenue Coeta Meu , CallC. Phone Uberty 8·2121 CHAPEL BY THE 81!A 3520 !!. Cout Blvd.. Corona del Mar, Callf. Phone Harbor U ' r-... q ~-A e ~ ~~· ... ..... , ;:::,ir :.-r: d:-' ' .Q.._...( ~I.:\ I t. , r ~ (*\ 'I ~ ·' ... TOWN TOPICS • Water Front Balboa Coves Bremd..,. I b. r. I 1latll liMllDe. 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