HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-02 - Newport Harbor News Press; SCOUTS SEE HUGE FIRE HARBOR ~RESS 48th YE.AR -NUMBER 62 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, SEPt. 2, 19M PH01'.1E HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS City Water . Low; MWD Flow Down Tem~rahtrH ~ put wHk 18 U.. Hal1M>r arM w~tt: Saturday. Aug. 27 Sunday. Aug. 28 Mond11y, Aug, 29 Tuudlly. Aug . 30 W~dnuday. Aug 31 Thuraday, Sept, I 1o~nday, Sept. 2 Kip LOw 71 :'18 89 :i• 88 M .. 70 !'l9 P4 84 119 87 88 67 I S..-pt. lat 99 high for yrarl. CHAMBER ACTS All-out Drive for Members Citizens Here. County 1 "'''~~~h"!.~!~~~!,h I Asked to Conserve Use ~~~'::~~r;:l;ir;~~ c;:~n~8 ur;;,~ Nrwport Harbor Cham~r of Cnm · Heat Wave Kills Mesa Chick ens Local Ranchers' Flocks Su ff er; U.S. Survey Due I nirrcC'. the camJ16lgn will ir;et Into L'rgent rcQ_!!eS~S to the people o r Newport Beach lo re-11.J< nut phue Thurt1day whf'n a ll • chamber mem~r8 wrll ti. askf'tl lo stnct their us('S of d o rnrst ic water 11upphes t CI only n ccrs-iwi . Thousands of Costa Mesa chickens were dead todaJ sary functions were made today by J ohn McM illan. cit y Pruldent Maune Stanlty an· in the wake of yesterda y's h eat wave w ith louea runnin1 watrr department superintendent. Altho ugh McMilla n said nounced lettrrs ha ve ~ .. n aent to into tho u sands of d ollars for local chicktn ranchers. A h · 1 46-0 member11. the new rnAter tntal. t <'re 1s no cause for undue alarm, w ater use must b<' cur-!uiklng their 6311111tan<'e rn this request for a Department o f Agric ulture survf'y of local 1 tA1lt>d bt-low of the cond1t1on or I or <'urrent consumption It \CIL11 be nPxt tnur of toc11I non-mrmbrr a n d O range County needs was made immediately by Con· t ~IMitRe fac11ltru nn thf' CoutaJ I t>as1ly d .. temlln~ that we h1iVt 1 bualncM houu11 Th• dr"'" ror J 8 , . u i\;cwport Beach 's Explo rer Scout r ost o f 9 young mC'n kept up their reput ation of I 3 I i;rtllbmlln amt3 ... tt It ..,.,, C'f 11'>"11 th• nu of lh• tM~ .. arra. Inn y to 4 d11y11 rea1>rvo1r 1·11par-1 m,.mbers, which bf'i:an Au(. 2, hu be fullh<'ornrnR qurl·kly, hr wai< in-tt'r. arri\'lng in t own in t im r fo r thingli t o h apJIC'n. Pictured 1100\'(' 1s th<'1r \·chide and It "u lt'arnr•I that lhf' C'lty or 11:.V· w .. mwit rons•rve our waler " Mtt~ HO paid ntw mt'mbf'n and ronned. Th .. Or11ni.:r C:ounty fa.rm ad'fU.. so me of the bov11 atop the ChC'\'r o let Stal1m1 Wa"'On watchina the g r"al $10.000.000 :-:.•w110rt BParh h.i~ to rut otf lta Crawlty continued. "Allhouir;.h 140 plt••g""· 11n·ordrni to HAY r 1 J 1 nr iotlllf'tl th11 momlnr lhtlt t1'om J ,., '"' ' • t k t M t It \V t o we can t11ki> a 50 11econd foot flow • -h bt f'Xtcutlvr ou tr Y °'"""" wt'rt lmttal Y 11et .. f . · Wh' · 1 d Th b d th f 0 · Ch' I in 8 "n e roro i an a er .,. ' · · • ..... nR"ennf'lm. r am r 1n thA lll••vv a1 •a 11l na11rly $40,000, :, to 10 '""1 cent or the county'• are an 1tmcr, n . e ovs ma e <' slop C'nroute rmn etro 1t to 1cago. 1 1 1 t 1 t 2 1 dlrect1y from the line 1f th111 be 1 ' -' ' ,., "' J nr ~upp Y Yt'M !" "Y 11 P· m. n · 1 • •«'•'re ar y, , b&JH•J on a New11.J'rtllll .. pot thtrk poultry pupulallon died u the r.- OCEAN A·BLOOM WITH GLOWING PLANKTON -------, llrd• r to permit the MWD re11er-comu nece111ary, Wlltf'r wr I n""J The ThurMIAy drl\'" will begin o f 10.,11 poultry yardl!' 11111t (1r yt,.trrday·11 11-0•rtnr h•at. Nab Gr.Imes rn1r tn the I rvine htlla above Co-be rs.~loned ror only th .. moat Vlllll rrom the I h11mh,..r OHi•!' on C:oo.•l ('nlHll J.lt!l& IC'mJ>t'rlltUr('• ......... 1 ~··si«ls FLOC1l HJT I rt>nll 1lel Motr to n><:nver. Howe\•tr US<'l' H1~hway al II 11 m. whtte 1111 put the 103.4.Jf'g mark yt1<trrday COl!t.a Ml.'11& poultrym@n eulll&!it- u 10 ''<'lock lu l night city ! Fl'LJ.l:llTOS REPORT nl"nlb!'tll h1n-e bttn aek!'d t o h I bbl d "" f'd vtuy1ng' 1.-11. Ht-.. t wu at v11'v"~ were aga.ln rt-ct""nl!d whtn FULLERTON t OCNS' A a·~mbl.. .i w r f! " pr.1 II t rrcor '"' df'R'. • .. "'" r~ "" I " a t "' at lh H bo t h~ .!-'red Mun11<1n ranch, 2021 D R 11u1•n11t11 of W•lttr II' tht ~tty re•· re<'Ord of 19.000.000 o· ... Unr1i; of rta• in., w " no "" e ar r On " ' .. ~ •t t •h h r k 1 t t Sunta A ns Ave, where from 300 Ope ap 1 "I vo1r h11d aunkf'n to a onf'·hour wattr wa11 u~td In Full,.rton ye11-" 11• "r """'1 ('r II " 111. Jll<'•'n "' D I f " -.. t Ba · ...._ 11•0 n" , 1 111 400 per •Rr,..<1 breedln• h .. na suppl)'. lerday, retulllng' In an-acute ·ism·issa 0 ,,i•w1~r ~· '"111 ' m l ,.. H "' h 1 1 JudR•' lJunaM J 1Jndiie·8 r rnnt WN« lo11t \'f'lltu da y. !:ach w11 a 'Reel TI de' by to Phosphorous Day Transformed Light by Night S RE8t~R\'OIR DOWS 1 ortaga n ma.ny hi 1 area hom"•· ood vs1u,•1I at from S:'I to Sl:'I and It e De a pottntlally dangeroua water porch I h'" mrf't'ury Ill at 103 In an lego Arrordmg to McMlll1.n, l h • ahort•"•e. tUld an C'me,...ency llU· . c1,.1. at in 38 a m . <'Ompared to will t&1ce y n r• t n raplact them. MWO r vol h ch -· ll th -.. ·• SI • R ... d 1 th H11 .. _ •t t Tht Mun110n hnuae. are air con· ' eser I' W I awpp H e lien Of t.he city council j&Jlt nlrht. ay1ng ap o, t g I\ e ruul ,, 118 t'r entire <'O&aUine hu been unable to An emergency water re~laUon fltfkr d1t1oned but trap neat• a.re u.ed \\'llFI" Al.In CrrmP~. '.!2. form<'I'· ly nf 1·11r11nn <lei Mur wn" lh111 Wl'tk lHfPlllt'd rn $1\ll 1)11•gn on 11 n11r1 ntw11 rh11rg .... N1•wrw1rt Be11c·h take In Pnough water lhrourh the le&!)et waa drawn up tut nl(ht. Pf:RRl' lllT H ARD nnd whtl .. ''hrckf'd five tinl"• " lint from the Or11nge County RH-W ith the a1d of the New•Tr1bune, Under Study Alhert l'l'r ry vr 13:'171 E . Bnkf'r , day, hen" dl .. rl from lhf' hf'lll rrvnir at Brra to ma lntaJn lta 9000 of the leafleta were dlatrlbut· St . out ol C'c•ala MeM , loM 11p-Today th" nt"t" ar" "1"~'1 anol lr vel. Although It ha.m Cllp6Clty of ed by e1 ran1er boy• early UllAI proxtmut l.'h' r10 11• r 1.·enl or his hf'ns are l11yinj( .. n wu·C'. Th"" 14 rll 8~· PH\'LLIS J . .JACKSO~ r 1)llC I IJl'partment Willi 1nrnrm1••! The ocean is in "bloom " in the Newport H srbor area. tnd11Y· 88"" Di~o J'ollcO! Chle! J\, E Jnnsm 1111id Grunts would bt> 204 acre ft"('l lhtre wu a net lou mornmr to every home and place 8000 rhrck~l\J!, mo~tlv layru ht b<' lipnnkl• '1 to.lay ot 42 a.ere f~t ye•lt rday. LeYal ot baaalneea In the ell)'. SA!'JTA A~A. SepL 2 cOCNSI lnfom1ed tht New11-Preu today.i EIRtn H11ll. a p:ru ultur~I ln:-11111 . A ccordin g to .cientists it 1s a prodigiou11 "bloom" w h1cb is f1l'd o n tom1y for twlnR' un11t-r thP Ill lhlll Llml' Is down to 137.8 ac re Grover Waller•, water •uperln· Ruperrf)r Court Judie John Shea Ht f'1tl1mat rd to111l IUM. ~n the trr.-at Orllnj(e C'o.ul Cnllr~" wrl ftet according tn 0 . L. Crawley, ten"enl n 14 m 'I• lo1:11~· tntJk undtr •ubmllllllon unUI ~1118 of pol.A'nt1al layer• and tu-down thr colltl:'e hf'M Pvny h""' hud or lh• MWO for ~· early today at two of the thnc II :30 a m. Sept. 8, a mollon to di•, ture fJS&' production at $8000. I yaaterday, ICHtt none. HI• honi .. five to 10 t ime• m o re. int~nse tiHin at this time latrt yur. tnflut'nce of nttrcottc-a 11nct add1c- ThouAAnd .. of H11rbor rriol11cnU pr t':<Pn1·,. ur plankl11n In .l!Hl'h 11 lion. a mllldeameanor . a nd vlsllorl' h11ve hl't'n '"pell· nmr1:ntrnt1nn ll!'I 111 ('Urr tnlly In \.11111til w.i1 11rri:-1n111lv bnr.ked bound h\' the phollph,,rnu!'-l)'fll' h>c 111 v.-1111 r' <'all.i'.• " · putnJ in !:i11n Dll'RO on a rrlony n11rrotrcs s low which ha11 b,.cn f'vidl'nl 1n odor". whl<h many lnr11l rf!llu1ent' chiu gr. Jans"n saul. County diatrlct.. Metropolitan -ter dlatrtct con-ml.. • manalaqhter ch a r IC • "\\'• tlo not ha~ adequate water J>Oln• at 223~ Harbor Blvd. ••" Crawley wamtd that atttn-nt nl'Cllora. It wu dlacov•-.. th• .01:1111•1 pla11ttrln~ l'Ontr•ctor Rob· h .. 1, 1 ,, «'QUIPP"'d wllh a 11r nnklln11t •y•t,.m •r I '"'"' ~ b I I prt1111 ure l'r'I'. ,.n y •·ttp 111nev. but h• "'' v. t'rf' tlout1rJ l'\'('ry h"•ll. conMrYatlon meaauru muat be city '" ret'e1vlng only !\O ~r cf'nt t"l l H. LA Vtrn,., 33. of San Ga nt' · "t1nd th,.r.,tore hA\'t' nu 11pnnklrng taktn, not only In :-Jewport ~ach of 1:. nornal rnta ke throu"h the Jla.I.,:,. Shea rnnttnufd th,. La· •"•ll'm .. Out or b<olw•·f'n !\000 a n<t 8000 h1y- but on the entire coe.atllne and aJI llnea. " \"<me 11rr,.12nmenl lo thr H nlf' J \\'h• n ht" IJitol" b•'l'"" ll••l'lm~ n" 1""" th1tn !'Ill Wl're I011l. Hrr ~ the bay 11nd at the be&r h thf' h1we bt't n ft\\'llrf' nr In lht' pasl Th' ~Ul!f'4'll lUrlll'd hlm!Oelf In J'lll11l ftw nli:hlJO, lL h111' b('(•n vuo· f••w •111\'I', "The ndt1r • 1•11tl'10 from Int 111ly !or .vlilirtcrtn In Apnl. 1954, ble In tht oc•n surf in the pal't 'the pl11nt lr!e cll'1'11y1ni.r In the Nt-wport oHrrC'r!I rPported. He few clsy11 a11 11s rommnn n11me. wa1r1 : l'N111r~n·1t llAl•I "II l!'t ""'Ill to st111e h111t111t11I f,.r 90 rlnya "re<i t rtlt " fr.,m p111rif1ea 11on <•n•• 11 l'ome in 11n dfort I•• 11h11ke the h11bit, ( 0 C C I Id it;itr 1.11 \'. me 1em11n11 rree (ln •111 ""t nu1 n11•llv Ilka wat,.r, Mr • o ranR• ounty. raw ey to J\.,1 ma t 1ummer P'"ak dally •1v• r f1om th .. h .. 111, l'e1 rv • 11n· llall ,.,.111. hui yestrrday thry the New1·Prr•, "From the rat. uaage I• 7,000,000 lfallona. b11ll. ll\c 1 .. t1 the Orlln"t: C'uunty ti11ro1l"· ' ••KR""'""' O"" "Tll • .,. •·ert gr11teful for ll. Or. \\'. E. 'f>tquegnftl pr,.fr~r up 11ntl l\rl' trnppl'J In 111\me tht>y u1tl nr zooloJ:Y 1.t Pomona l 'olltRe which m11 ke!I a frnlh or f1111m c•n --------------- a nd c:un ently trachln~ 11. 1111m· thl' sur lllt •• tn tht plankt•m 11r- mer t 1&1111 a t K"rch•.Cr J.1111 In<' c11,'' hP s.11d LAboretory rn China C'11\'I' P'(· UKt: WllAU: l>F..<'A 1· plllmed the "bloommg" 11 pl11nk· "In th" 11~i:rc~atc-. 11 1s com· t on. parable lo a lar.:e wh,,te d<'• II)'· t 'OOO 0 .. \\'llAl.t:M 1111:. · Dr P equegnal c•xplalnt"I. Safety Council Honors Stanley The micro•• opt<' sr·A hf P ls I The prufrssor 11a1°I .11Crenl11t1< Alllltntbl\'lnan F.,;t 1 \\'. !'>ta nit)'. fl'!Oti f\f .... hllll'!O llnol amall (C~h Are ftritt l\W8 rt' n( lhfl JH~&enC'e "fath<>r" uf thl' oifl\'t•I lralninJ;' a like tn lhl' ncl'lln. lL 111 to th" nf pl11nkton by th•• "Pllf'llr.<nre pni1eram rn C.ihft1tnll\ srhnn lll, ae1. whRt lhl' Jtrni<.W 111 to lanol ,,f l!lllf" He ~rwl tlu~ ruun<l. Wiii to be honorl'cl ln1'1<y Rt the and me11dow1. l'hrnkton II' I he I flat. 1•lr11r JPllv·hk•• ...... , hf,. np-_, t f 1 ~ ""'''r" th mn111 hl,v meellni:-11r th•' T1a!f1•· Ktnl'r ... erm or mwr1111cnp11· nn· pr111e1 in . • 14'J>Orl ~ Divlriiltm or thP r.rf'Rlf'r f,r,q An· Ima.la and plant11 wh1l'h 111u free I flrl'l two week~ of Aujtu1<I i:rlt'll Rflfetv C'nunril Th" 11,.,.810n PUBLIC BEACH SUPPORTERS TO ASK TRAILER PARK VOTE Clt1lt<'n11 backtnr tht u•• or the rlty'• I railer park a ru fiir publlc bn cn purpo11t11 todlty annnuncl'd they will publl11h 1\lunday .. notrre of Intention to flrrullltf' ret1llons. calllnJt un <'lty council to put the m eu ure on th,. ballot, th .. N"w•· Prull learned at nooa today. Thrs followed counc1l'1 det'111lon Monday to Oe\'f'lnp lh,. munldpal t ra iler park Into ll largt>r r.rnl11I rlf'lll, 111\'l•linic thl' bay fr<int betwt .. n t he park and 11 public bU<'h 111 np. t Stt n1ap 1111 Edllon11I P1.~1. • ... ... I I . r.n 't1 .. n D.-1uortmt11t They :<AIJ tilt'}' J.a\• rnC' '" lH'C-U3t'd of beating wrr,. MWnllll"'J 14 11h ,01,.1111r (:hi< k· \ff:S~I SU 1.0St:S 3'WI Jrnng Rlrhnrd Pf'tl"f'll, 21 of L/u• .. n 1 .. _,,. '"'IUf'.'lll tu ''"'I"'~" of lht Al th .. Raymnn1I Mr:•11"n.tr rlll'l1 h, Anicelu to d t11lh v.•1lh a board In 11,, 1,,, .. n•I 1,,111 hin• has h<••t mMh· 1!"01 :-;anta Anll A \'f'. l'llmP l11yln11t Ntwpnrt Beach on July 23. ••I 141111 1,. r ul·Auol-foll 111,. b<•<h .. ~ pull"r" 11r,. In arr <'nndrtlon"d Dt>fl'nlle Allorney Jamu Can· lnln th,. i:rounil, ,1 hr hatJ i1urti· hnu~1·" but 3011 wrre l""t yutf'r· lHlnn, Lo11 A n,trelr11. argur!I todll)'. ctl'nt ~rullllll dll~'. •'ll<'h v11lt1!'d Rt &l"OUJltl SJ. "Tilt' p<'ople 11re relying on lht Thr•y •lrl' b!'llllt tpnnkled today. <lf'frndanl'11 ronfe1111lnn 10 l'nnnl'rt l'nry hrrl'<I " lra•·tur •·rew who I ·.111i;:re1<11mAn Jame11 8 . Utt tn- hrm wllh the alleRed off,.n"4' The ill.I! 11"f'JI furruw" 11' '"'"' \'Ai nnt tla\• t't1mnrun11 l\lf'd to \Vaah.Jn~nn h,,, .11w1 not permit t h11t And •~nil nn hrs pruf'•'rly 11n•I hlll\"•I Hnol th1• U• p1rlmenL or A,crlcul- lh•, i<re bound bv that f rom the lht' h••11•" turr lh•· ..,nous 111tuallon f•ced by prtlrnunary h.-anng " BAO I:\ 19:.~ poull r y r11111rr• n( Oranra County. I C'Antillon clttd tw11 pfe.viou" ! Pt>rry ~lll•I fl,. hHol h1·1·n 111 lh~ A•·•·orohnJi 11> t'll, Y."uhtn~n ( Al'••ll tn bRrk up hi• 11111n11 ch,l'k1•n busm•"" HI h1.• 111 •·~· nl nril1•11•ol nn 1mmP1l1at" aurv•y of floating 'Thq· "1'' ,.,.lolnm "''11 lhi~ fir"'"" hd1I et the llrltmore Hotel lu~l:o.:tl cl~~~:~:.~/~~·~~~n~~ ~~:.lhll r~·;;, :~~~·~~~·~ ... ~I~~~ ~~~~ lh19 norm. BRINKMAN CONVICTED ON t on. It w ill give & b1n-h1111111111-l rhl' 11•111th 11r .. 11 ('t\l.f \\lltl'r mntn~ \\'illlllm B. ('ll'VI'~ 1'r11ffu: DI· ren11e g-low al nri:-ht wh<'n Lia.· It hn~ 1 ''"'" '.'nm flt• Al <IP pl h.!1 .. 1 vil'l'1n Vire P1 f'llirl1·n_1 for the lo· ;-.;., .. ye wilne11A 11ccount8 to the l11r11l111n ror I hrt·•· \'••&r1' Tl"' unly 11t1111"ll"· ""l"nl of crl!(Jit faollitl•• &I'.·• / ted cnme were produc-Pd by prevrouio 101'1\I h•·1t v. fl\"' l'l'rry n• "''' I •nrl 81ln1<11b1llty of .. tab- Lhl' t 11slr1rt Attornev 111 the pro'-hn1I ""P"n"n' •·J hr AAhl, WA• in h•l11111; 11n • m "rlP;"f'nry 1<rea ln San lrrr.l'.Pr)' hearing. l\rnlillon •<>n· Otltobt'\. 19:'1:1 11 l••"ld·hr<·11kmg 1•1°1.; .. "" 111r11n.1t" rounlJr11. W ith· t• nolt•I lNllJlt'ralur• 1IR~ lrnt HI thkt 1111·"· 111 ,. n•>1ll<'r of 2 h1111r11, Conirreea~ ~TRosr; ~t'SPIC'IOS hr h·~I ••nly 1r. '"""I """' I'll 111111 .. 11 that Aflal.t&.nt ut~l r l•I Altor·nry Rob1•rl Knee-T11 111·1,1 .. 1 l r• 111111nd1·r uf h•'" SI .it" A·lm1n1~1rnlor K . Hlnclcl~y lrrnd dP1·lart'J, "There 18 a very rtclt k, I'"' r~r .11111 ho> 14 n• n .... 111,1; ,,( I ti .. 1 ·sr IA 1111°1 or1l,.r"'1 Iha Wr· i<tronr: 11U1p1c1on of manal&uir;h ter b;>nt•k th t h· l1111i: 111Y. 11f •hi. k• 11 ,, ' •· 'l''"~1t·1t in th1a l U I' 11nd lh11t II e nough t o Cllj!f'll ll•ln\ H.-""'' t 1lu I ~ 1 •IP! l.t)AS t":,ClLITl' (Contlnuf'd on l 'arre '' d11y·,. h•"I "" '•Xlrl'IWI\' io•'"'' A••111•l1ng I" I'll, \ht lt"ovem- t urtled by boat11 or 11w1m111!'1 • II T t•l' w"l"l'''l ••>.J•ll11n•·1I lhal NII t h11ptl'r llf the :-;1111on11I Sale·' 2 It th• .tamt ma~rral w hich J:lnw:1 ' pl:.nkl,,11 n.-• .i r. rtito7,., :-'ilrn· lv <"nunril. l'A1tl Rl11nll'y woulfl In tlrefJlee a nd lli:-hlPmni: hui:• ,., n 11nd phu!'J>hnt" 1ue in hm11 .. ,1, bf' hnnort'J for llJ><ln .. urini:-Ulf' Reporta from ll\nmmtr11 that en11•11nl" un the surf A~·· watt•r 88 h·j.tll'IRlwn whidi lllll IP d r I Vf'r I DOPE PEDDLING COUNTS wattr In the bA)' rrrently Ion• 11~• 11 h \ J'l<1nkt11n \\ """ "'II .om· I"""' ·•lion II r P<IUlrP•I 11ubj<'t'l In SANTA. ANA tOCNS)-VaUl'hn , 11\Jrned their flyn . left A tri.•I" m.11" •h•• .,., ··~pl;11n<'•L tit~\' •It "I' t C'Ah fnr ma .11chool11. sranl<'\' wa.11 Le,. Bnnkma.n, 24, of Co.ta MM& In their m outh. <'8\llOed 1111 llt h· 111 "''''I' \\'al• rs wlwro· lhl' n1tri .. 11 1•11 1 ••spon~ibh• '"" t.·i;i11lnt1nn ~'esterday wa io ronvicted on two ln1t 1e11.eallon and F lit ktn• ·-• on £•·n e nd ph,,sphalt' rn tl1••1r ho· I" 1111 h J•r11"1de'I flln•t• f,,r hrhllld· I counts ot peddling m&rljua.na. th~ body werr \'l't'rfr" I In 1'1•· 'I•• 1111> t1•l•·i1~1 .. 1 b\' !IP• ,I\· This th<'·Wh•"'1 l rRinuH: ''1 • r h '10111 1 A Superior Court jury dellber· QUPftll&t. '•~ l>t ""!!ht up In lhl' ""' '·" 1• .,,. lhniUJthniit the i<l-ll" &led approximately onr hour In The proteaM•r Ill••· "'J•larn,.•l ('nntlnu,.ll on l'as:I' ~ 1 ·1 .. v, • "''I th" \rt Pr 11n iHh QniVing al the Vl'rdict. -__ A••• 111hJ\• '11-1r11 I r"1''""ental1vt' I 8 1 k . tlo M rt II r n man • A mey a. t HARBOR SCOUTS TOUR \\'Ill I"'''"" I\ ~flt'CIRI 111mmPndn-Th k d f b ll l1nn for h111 t111frw imf<'lY nmpson Ill! e or • pro a on lldul'v .. menls frnm the \\'p•lem hr11rl11i:-d11t,, 11nd 11ald hf' would ln~u1 A nr" lnfnrm1111(1n S<'l'Vl,ce. 11rgue for a new trial and &l'T'ellt o f judgment. LINCOLN TRAIL AREA Judge Kl'nnelh E. Moniaon .. t LABOR DAY Ott. & 11.11 the dale tor Thompaon'e mnt ionll. prnnouncemt'nl of jud~- REGATTA DUE 111• nl 11nd prohatlnn hearing. Ha Ry L \'S BARTOS l'pnn nur Arrn·l\I 1n i;l'I 1ni;:f1l'ltl SPRlNCl'lEl..D, ILL. I Dt'IBy1•l) I we 1'lh" lt"d on \\II h I h" 1111-.l f Srnut Our boya are a pp&renlly J:'<'ll lnJt <'e>un11l 1rn I h11\'r l11•1•n put In 11 homesick. Tht'Y w&nt In know fin!' ll11ni:nh•"' 1•n thP1r '"'\n ra mp when achoo! wot 11t11rl nnol for \\'r 1111'" "l'l""nan .. nl • with th•· t•ertaUl that thty will h" rri:u•trr· Rot11 n• ('hit 11nd I\ mr•1<'11i(8 from ed for lhe cla1111u tht~"<I llkt. lh"t lh• 111•cr..ta1 ,. tn the L:•l\'Prnnr of la a health)' 1lgn. ( llllnnr11 t11 .. 1 ht> Is ex pr• rrni: 11.q, We'va finally touncl out wh11t a ..:t:t: l.IS<'OI S l'UI 'T tl\ rural phon• H r\'lce ls Wt tn('(I \\e hn11' \t.<1t t!I th••°"""' S11lf'rn to call th• ~ew11-Prt1111 11nr1 •II•· RtlllP l'Ark whr r,. th,. :-;,.w Salem C'OVered that t he phonf' ll\'A1l11r•le \'1lh11te c« lnr111,..1 T hrco r!'I Lin· wu a 20-party lint Rnd thnt hy t•ntn" rount r" \\'I' h ll\'!' ~f'en Lin· th• Ume everybody g ol to lr•l••n· <'11ln'11 ~'"'" 1n """' ~11lr111 \\hPrr tna we would be unnblr t o hf'll.1' I h" r ond11· tr<I' a ri111 lnrr~h1p \\"rth I provldin& """ could get 11 <'nnnt<" \\'111111111 nerini: \\" hll\'\' \'1Altrd tlon. Y.'e 11•a1ted until Wf' r•t111ntJ th,. h"'"" of \\'1llt11m l111n1 1ni:ton to town. Lln.·oln 11 l11w p11r1nt r 1 Annua l jo11nf f I • • ~ -1111\ I.Allor '"" K• ~ , .. , will ''" hl'l•I, «!111 lrn.: 11 1 I p. tfl. R1n11r<lrw b" .'.'f\\11ott Ha rhc>r 11n.t R 11lbn1< _\'Arht rluh .... B1tl· hon Ynrhl Chrh race rom· n11tt1•e ,will hnn1ll11 thP lnriie h•1111~ Ulltng lhf' tnan,1:ular llfr11hore °"""n rour~e wh1l" :'\HYC' •hr'<t~ lh11 'mnll boat r1M,e8. An lnf<1rm11l •l1111ri> \\,II be hPlil Ill ~HYC !'1111urct1r mght Troph1P11 w ill be pr'· 11.-ntf"i r11ct winn• 11• al BYC' Mnn1l11y follnw1a$ 1111 pl"'tUlll and 1 ~'11lt11 bl'inJt rt<'t 1vt <l. c nnlinued Brinkman In b111I unlit t he Oct ob<' I' proce,.dlng11. f'ru!tr< utnr Dr \\"Ille C:hatter· Inn l\l't'\ll<<>fi tht dt'reod11nt or ped· illtng m1111J•ran11 In un.tcrcnvf'r nf- r11 1·r~ ''n two o•r.1,,lnn11 In Nf'W· port 8 1'111 II Brlnkm1111 t'hRrlt•'d he wu the \'11 llm of e "rram,.up". Ht •aid 1 h t knew the otflctra and wmt 1 11long to cooptrate with them tn I ntrhing bt-ach a..-"pu1htn " of nnrcotlc~. I I Tht hlond. well drNl~<'d rtrftncl- :1nt wu nn tr111I on1·~ prP\10Wtly •ll th~ .. "'.'r. 1 h11ri;rl'~. Th~ jury , wR~ to ~~rt'r I Dour Reddick and all th.-boys I It wu from Uit'rt' thilt w r un· have recovtred rrom t her r t old11 1 der;nnk lhl' htke or t :re Lin<'oln I olrre !Ila 11on 1f1Pr he aiUrl and 80re throat.a. E\·er~·body marlr Tr111l ori.:11n1~r.1 b~· thl' lornl Rny CAMPING OUT fnund lhf'm nn the roof of hi• the 23-mlle hike on the Uncl'lln !'>1•n11t• Jt I.• 11 23·mlll' h1k~ 11n1I n1rn'• •tore In t hr Lido lhoppln« Trail In JOO<l &hllpf' 1i .. 11t''" nh' 1111 the l\o\'S knrm· l hlll 11·dwell Nabs .... a. He ioalol f'l\Ch of the boys TOl"R LAKE FRO'.'o"T !hr)· h11d a \\;1!k \\'p lr"I h11t'k rn· h••d a f111•hh1thl In ht!! hAnd Before we Id} Ch1r11p:n wr n:n1!,. ''' i-rnnl:"fu l.f 111 :1h·•11t II rm lll•n keta "Pr" 11111"1 fount! on thf'' a nolhn tour along Chl•'tllr<'. lake 11"-I lht :'I ~l I 01:t lol th t' r 11mr Juven1·1e Tr1·0 r .if The thlrJ boy WU fhtln•I front IUld t.he Outer l'M\,. Th.-..., het • w~ art put 1;p I n the a.rea . boya In tum remarkM th11t thty Tht• h<1y1 wlll phll't' a wre11th on s R I Ma.rfea R, !lever ot 3620 VI& C'Ouldn't underiotafld Wh\' 1111'1'' the tomb nf Prt'<"llltnl tA n1·oln to-011 tore oof ()porto llad told poll('• that fivt ahoulc! ""fr hf' a.n y dtfflrult v ht>· I morrow. Thrn lhl' mtmhen or thf', , blanket.a, f1&11h llghta a.nd c:lpr· tween :-'ewport Btnch &net lh•. 1 locaJ RotBry C!Jb "'II ti. our ThrH ~ewporl H111bor bo\'I ttl .. wera ta.ken from aua boat t'OUnty fl\'H l"llr H11rbor I' II jt?'i'Rl 1t11t.1 .. ,. for II t our nr thf Sllllf' 001.' 1 t rffl'• of llJt" u; I t .... u 13. m~ at tht U do Amu dock C'lly hkf' Chr<'IUtO rr l 1 " .... .,,. ,~11r1t11I, w .. "r" 11\(lkln~ f,, .... 11r<1 ,,, Wf're r h•rJ('l"d b\' l''l.re Wl!h ll"eS· Th• boye told pollre thty toolt pl11h wha t tt h111 rlont..., 'h 1hn11-th11t tlmt 0\'n•11 :hrn r \f'r)"n'" I• ru~rnl{ 11ni1 h11q:l111\· '.\lnr •l,;f th~ ltem1 from t.ha boat a.nd In· 1&nd1 or pr<'perty n14 rt-t• 11nd j fln" l•>nkrni; '"""r•I h,.,,,. a.nil ,l,..hn R1tiwf'll 11•"1 h'..01:' R1 .. d l,.nrl~ to llJ>ftld UM Uibl • U.. ec.-el mil .. o! !ront.a&c•. Cah!ornta. , bro"&"bl two ot Ult boya IQt.o the j root et • ...... \ ------------------------------l),cup ,.,, nitht n• w 111 tr~111.: t•1 m• 111 1oi:,.n• , . .,.·111 f'r<'"'" a n f'mrrK· I ~::Jln'.~~~·;,.;''~:"~:~~~:;r,,','·;~~"~'~:·1 ;;~'~·~l I·~~~" ~·,:,:11~~r~nl1<h1:n~r~I~ I that lh1ro heat w.1\'f' I~ Jl•nn;.;-t•• hi t 1 r \' rnr•,.r~ If '"i.:ulA r rh11n11l't. nf h,.r r11iht In thf' P'" ko>ft)o•"k !'h• II c r • 1 '"'' •ln-•hl" t" r••rf' ,,.,,th th• I <1111< ov .. r It "h••n th,. Jlrh • .. f • 111.:~ n• ''" ~----------~ ~-De Molay Officer Installation HEAT VICTIM ON COASTUNE 8un.aet BeM'h l'MCUe .quad and halt tne tnwrapt"ple Nllb.cl to the aid of U\a di8tr981td Frank A.dltma tamtly of Baldwin Park yuttrday wh-.i •-,.ar-old P"rank Ada.ma J r. collapePd In t.ha heaL Pictured above are the raac:uen uain1 their lnha· lator, u the motlier. ROM. kn...,111 at the cnUd't tut, lt-f't. Jn the door of Ilia pick up tnick I• F ruuc Ad&m1 trylnr to com- fort t.he otdtt ~ ot Ule lJttla boy, Mvy, ac• I . n. cb.Ud •actd • "'"17 Mb waa ruahtd lo th• <,,omm11ftttJ RoepUal, Loni BNeJL Adam• •Id h• brouiht tit. tun07 to U.. baacl'I to...,._ U. tat.. ln.&aad Miat at the~ Min•. -ltatf ..... Scheduled for Sept. JO at FAC Edward Anol,.1•••n i:rnnd~"" .. r Mr 11nd J.l n• 1-; L :-;1 .. l• II' "1•·1 H I ~~I Modrna Ai r "Ill Ii· 111•l11ll•'>I 1\;t the .Mtxlh n1ttJlt• r f 1 ~tu ~li•r uf the 11r11ni;rr ('1111•1 c·r.rq ;• 1 • •1 ll't .t ,,,. t.1••lf.\y n • ,.,, 11,0111• .. •·l•"n tut hr JlUbh1 11n :--.,t 1th,\ • \••n. 1ni: S"f'I 111 >11 i.. f• a. rn lh• I-r1 t.1y Aftrrott;n f "l•tt1 II•,··'•'• I M•'"' (t1ht-'I u(lu t"IJI' ltt l11• IU;,'Ull• ,, I ' luof<' 1t,.1i .. 11 lt"IC"' io"n''" ·" .111.1 .. .;.irt c ;u~l kn Ir 1w " r oun• 1lnr T nn :"1'1 ,,., • •· ,.,., 1111 ff'.,''" .1•·1r~ 1<111"(1'1 t1<·• J 1J1l••r l•Jtt 1t0 1 1•('\\R\'IH" t\fl\"!i\1 ht•I "''• ior ·"'' \~tru d K rnn"!h r:1 1••\.\• .r •• fc1r "tf'\.\aril H Jll\Ar U r ;r,u •11. oralt.11 , T er r\ I 'HIH~" ' 111u ·r .. J } ... \f'h \r P>a~tarf'r t-I''" • •,1t ... ,. u nun .. 1 H1<h111 I 1·1., .. , ''"I'"'"' lo" I M,.lt hr1 '"""" .,r l-,1,i.. .. r,o• ~, 11 •ta.n1t••<I t •• 1.,rc1 A ll\u H'1:1, ~. m .. n,.r . F r11nk 1;1""i.:""" fir•• I''' "l'l»r-: 1•·1 141 1 \\toi:I• ., •r,I lrrrt•,.rt''' '•''"' ~,,,,.r,u,._t. , •.. ,.1 ''''"''"lt ~t i•it.n lh1n,., 1•1 1Jr"'""l'1 111 (:fll.•H atfilo JI,.,.,,, ! !'h f I• 1 •tJ•lur llriu ,. S1rt1 .. 1~ •1x• 'I JI• .,.ptr>r, H•rn"rd ~I· "\n1• •• ,,.q Pff't'f'J'lt11 \.\'1<ll "1 H ••" 111 l I I ·~ lon1n f'allc v.Lna ti.I.' 11'1111 .. ,111•,, n • • t" mnn\.,.lt rtfr1 -~,m~l1l' '-'I i f,,. ~,.,, ~<I h)· lhl' l"lt J.lnl11v M • 'h"r •I 'I I A UH'"h•I In\ 111t• 1nn " ,. , .,... r• I lo •II m"mbf'r• 1n•I rn•wl• nr J '" Mola7 to a tt911d lilt rttM j News· Press Clrculatlon Toclay 5835 Coples , ~~~~--, ..... --·----- 1 r • • FAMOUS VISITOR AT NHYC -The world famous BCientist and inventor or the vacuum tube, Dr. Lee De Forest and Mra. De Forest, were gut>sla at the Lido Iide home ot Dr. and Mn. A . 0. Beclnnan lut week-end in crlebratinn or Or. De Forat'a 82nd birthday. An enjoyaLle part of their visit in Newport was luncheon at the Newport Harbor Yaeht Club on Sunday durin~ which Officer of the Deck J . N. Congdon, director. of NHYC, joined them in \'iewing the busy Race Week evepta. From left: Mn. Beckman and r;>r. Beckman. president of Beckman In- strument Co. whose Helipot Division will soon be under construction adjact>nt to the Hoag Hoepit&l aite; the De Forest. and Dr. Congdon. -Beckner Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 I SEALARKING By GINNY (MB8. EDWilD LESTER) SMITH V1ltntJn1 and ramlly at>Oa rd AL FOR GIT HARDWARE 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport leach WILL BE EDW ARDI 1hoe1 an priced accordin1 to a i z e re1ardl... of style. ·~ to 6 .............. '6-'7& 6~ to 9 .............. 8.1& 9~ to 11 ............ 8.9& IS~ to Large 6 . '7.96 ' • undmtonrls jjoullf fHt . :~ to do Wfl Two Stores to Serve You MHS. MICHAI:;L JAMES BLAKE -nee MISS MARY BARRETI' -Curtia Studio .ABOARD TYPE!:: Sailed Into plcturuque An.Ion once acaJn tor our weekly "trip to market" tro111 the Jsthmu1 ... traditional, buuUtul An.Ion, hoet to tour ff'neratton• ot l!louthem Ca\tfor- nJ& ;y&chllmft •.• In tact vaca.- tlon dreamland tor yachll from alt o·orer the land ..• tht1 ll'lonth there have been IO many boat• In from San Dlero. l!lacrt.mf'nto. Santa Barbara, San P't&ncl•co. and n•n IJ>Olted oM trom Hon~ HI! Ginny, lrled to find you but I the 1hore1 ot Avalon enveloped you too fut ... what a epot' I TyJ>M a.nd crew never flnlah lff· Inc the 1lfhl.a atler all I.be week-, ly errand1 •.. but we did man· qe to walk up th• hill to the beautltul Catalina Vl1ltora· Coun· try Club for a luah 1teak dannu . after which we took that n~1t· lnr J'lyinc F ish Ntr ht trip on OPEN ON LABOR DAY -clRCUS IOOTERY Mary Bairett Wed at Mount Carmel lulu. CATALINA Jl!ILAHD YACHT CLUB sparkled In the momlnc •un wtth Ill crtq blue and whit• nauUC&) u terlor and It• newly redecorated turace , . . hospit- able club manaren. VIYian and P'rffman Huttuer -re bU1y ret Unr ready for tM club'• &11.1111&1 Labor Da y 8e&combera ~ to bt (lven lh1I year aaturday lept. 3 .•. many NfW]>Ort y&cht1 are expected to erulae OYer for the affair .•• O.Orse Nichole. enter- Wnment chairman 11 proml1in1 a lulu ot a luau ••. upectfd ... the Mwle Atnnbauch• °" School Boy, l\lchard Belden'• Whlrlaway, Fan1tle uid Al Cloud on Quffll Mury, Mildred and Howard 8l&nc1' W. I C ATA L INA Vtll T 0 1'l 8 COUNTRY CLUB: Whal an ln- tereaUnr aad quaint tovn1 _ta A va- loa ••• •peclally the gaily lltl· ed beach COtt&(H WhlC'h hne th .. lonly little 1treet. . . . Seated wtthla the atiuttered exqumtely decora ted d1n1n1 rvom ot the country club or columne<i. palm decerated pa tio. you tul u ' thourti you are In the heart Clf It&Jy or lpaln • . . and there WU n e more breathtakingly t>uutlf.lll eight than the flaming I torela·llned U1n of ateps llll we detc•d" for the trip back to the boat , .. nottd recent :"''"" port vtaltora had been the Merle AfOerbauch• who have been at, their Avalon home tor the tium· 1 mer, l\ewty-wed1 Macca and Ow-I en Carter, the Fred Her1horns and Mr1. and Mra. Bob Coultu I ot Udo lite. E11sign Michael Blake and Bride to Go North Late summer hu gained in popularity over June tor wedding• and ont> o( the most important waa that held yH- terday at high noon in Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church when lovely Mary J oan Barrett became the bride ot Michael J ames Blake, Ens .. U.S. N. The Rev. Stephen Kiley was asaiated b\' thP R••v. Gcorgt l PunuMu& in the 11<ole111n High ry'i. C'Ostume She C"arrled Peace Mu11. 111nl( by !he M1trhell BroyA 1 roireA with llllt's nr the valley. Choir. wh1rh unit ell I ht' olaught"r I Ill~· ~rri1~·11 ll lM bt tng <"aught In ot Mr. an•I ~1 i ~. Jamn s ,,·h'estrr I the Aatln Bt1 t"&mn a, 11.nd a fine Barrell, 27:2 BCl\l>hMf' n rive.1 Bn!lrnb,.rg I a r ,. handkerchief and th,. ~o>n l)f Mi 1<nol ~Ira. mot•lt fnr her hy htr rn 11t,.rn11 l J 11mu Rh•kl' I r s .1n r.111)1 IPI i:r11n<!mnlhtr, Mrit. P. G. Putorf't A STIQt E .SA Tl S ,,f Puluth. Marv "'"" ,., '<•r1 .. ,1 In the Ill·' The brhle was prt>l'l'ded by her fr r 11110! L:l\l'n 111 l1f'l'J1ln1t hv h,.r fnthi-1 fltr brnlol i:own "•'" ••( hf'trloom pm<! ,,lk an111111!! aot on t The f1ll1 1I b• ho r h•tol hn~( alrr\'fll .. nJ p111 lrH1l ""' klonr 1111l· 11n,.t1 \\1lh rio.•1111~1·.i l>omttllt' Ht'- \'t'tnde ldt f ~ t " 11 I,-., 1n1111 .. ot a r11 n.br1 bun.I 1 :t• ··t A 1 .. r~ I 1llu- ,.. -n '"' I f:··~\"•t , ' 11 t 1( lhr r.1th!',ltr1I l1J1n 1111.t """ • "ntm .. ol h \ 1\ J l.t11 111 i 1p ! ) 4 t' f I "l1JI t•1t In • • pt•ll l~ lln•I ft''Jllln" I.Hi.it \\hole k l•I l!l•IVP~ ('•'111l'l"IP•I ~l'I· 0. C . Federation Meeting Slated Orange C'n11n1y Ff'•ll'rAtlon of \\'omrn'1 ('Iulo~ will hut(! Ila first ml'eting of the '"~r nn Friday. flf'pl 0. 10 11 Ill ttl I hf' Ml'lh111hat church. t'tnt1ni 11 nol 10th St~. Huntlnfton HP11rh. Mr ... l,f'WIA 0 . Ant1rf'Wll _will rrrioh.11' 11n1I !\fr11 Albl'rt S~·l\'11\. prr:o1.t•nl of tht hoaltU 'l11b, "'I ll )11\'P the Wtl· come a ttPndant". nil wea ring root em- n111t1 itrN•n nylon orga ndy detall- ' t wnh ioquare n~cked tucked. f11 letl tx><!lcts w ith cap aluvell anol boucrant plf'3ted skirt• In wnllz lrngth. \'elwt <"umberbund• "ere In rmnald gr,r tn and plc- lurr h111s nf naturaJ st,-.w had rt"rl< grtrn velvf t bowa and •11 .. rtn1rr• which ftll to hl'mline• a n•I ma l<'het1 accts.onrtea In color. ,, JI c11rr1r11 tx>uquets or lone· stemmed Eo'hpH roeee. ATTt:~u BRIDE Tht group lnclu<lad Mra. Let F'<11 .. 11111n, !ltst .. r of tht brld4!· i:r .. .,111. a~ n11111on nt hnnor : M iii· ~ .. s Mlt~u· !loll. N11.nc-y Brlrard. I Shor.in Swanton, Marcia Avttr· hrt•k a.io brtr1f'Am11td" 1rnd St1111\n l't'rf'll1 -,Mlnetlt nlect of th!'. bn<IP. RI JUnlor bnde11mald. The IRllu W••re'I n (( whit" or1t11.ndy with J:rPl'n c-umMrbund. nl\tural l'lrl\w h11t w ith 11tr•11.mns and c11rr1t1l 11 nnlll'KllV of Goldllock I1)!ffl'8 !'harlee Butt 1u1ai1tf'd the brli1e· i:room ani1 ~11eat.s wrre u1hf're<1 b~· R11·hard Gravelle Ot org• Kr· ll'lle11. J 11hn anfl P•tH Barntt. brotht rt of the bride For her daughter'• Wf'ddtnr !\frit. B11rrttt waa gownrd In nary blua p anne •Ilk .. u n w1lh match- Short rvports b\' ll .11rm•n wtll be !ollowP•l h'' "Ptakfr or tht morning Dr Gm• M Da,·11 11f f'hapman C"olltilt Hit 1ubJecL "The 1'rAJ?f'11y of r rttr Pan '. "-"Ill tie keyrd tn ln1lrr11h1p nr. Davta ts l l'rrflllrv Clf thP :"'a l1on11l A•· Ing stf'f'l bud trim O~"tr lace. A anC"1at1on ';,r ll1ble ln,tructora. I btadl'i1 hat, lonr whit• giovea and \'!Cl' r rPei 'tnt nt t he Armt'nfan corARge r-f Carol A111hn1 l"OMI C'hr11t1a.n 1'8lr .. tine rumm111 r1 and ! \n d •lephanohe complemented hM Ju .. t i •turnt"t frnm twr-t e costume. Mra. Bla'lle wo" ""'H~ of -111.i,· in lht Hol\' T.llnol ~oft llUl'df' g-ray •attn with nower ~nt1 -EuT"f" "" hiu bt-cn · ll!IS(lrl· I trim at the neckline, pleat.d 11'1 11111 r rC'f P:c. r ,,, ri hg1on11 at "Hin hill and Carol Ambn( ,.... ('h11pman ('nllt .11• 111nre 19:10. llnd •tephanot11 <'onare. :0.11 .. r:~., ~·· t' ,rnruu,, .. ta tr rnrRcn _ or:coa r • !Pral11l11 1111•lttnr a nd cha.lrmM j In lovely contrut to ll'ff• 91 "' 1n •l!tuti •n• will tnlk In tho> the ma!da' (OWll• were ohurall 11 :1° l n•••:1 • ., · Crrll F.xr r rt11· ! •ll'C'Onlliona, all In tonH of pld. t 1 '"' a r •l "Il l lln.!'wr r q 1to•ll""" Tll.11 hukrt• e1f champa,ne •pl· .1 .... 1t thr·r "''rk rr .. m <'•llb rr~· 1ltr C'hry1anlht'umua. Lady Jane 11!,!•r.tl' ,C"ladtoll and r oldtn 1tock 1tood l.•1r··~rr:i tf'l'rrv11 Unn• 11hi1111 l /\l e11r fl aldt of th• 1lt&r aad ~ o : .. t •' •• ~'T' 11 " • '1 !\h • th,. •t I• Alt11r 1-nrf! lar1e open-~ ' :O-J • ·~., 101 "1 f''r 111 t n1 h,·k~·, "! p•m1lsr t1n>A·er1 A • :" I Rf''l1 h 1 p,,. r~ct'h !n1 ltnt fonn•d on • the df'd' ot Newport Har'bor Yacht ctW.. (UHta procHdlnr to the cardtn terrace a t Ula water'• edf e for champap• and then to a -ted lunclleon. Cake wu cut on the teJTace &ftw hmclleoe, the bride'• tabla belo( decorated with Ecll,ae roeea &11d llllu of the vallty. Small ta.blH were center- ed with Ldy Jane Jl&dloll and deck eoh111'1J11 were •twined with IY)', 110.Noa ouun Among out of toW'I\ ruerta Moore on Fairplay, tht MarU.n were Mr. and Mra. f'reder I ck Pollard& on Cad-o-let, the Eurene l'ertlll·Mlnettl of Delano. broth· Roaenthall on Kickapoo and Don er-In-law and 1l1ler of th• br1df'; Walhbum on Clearlne JI among Mu. Wilfred A. Gravelle and other11 ••• New membera. Mn. Miu Allee P'tuaran of 81" Fran· and Mra. Ted J\. Tapfar of 0cw- olJ1Co. ona del Mar were on their l'Uh The ntw Mn . Blake allendtd Talea enjoylns Aftlon and the F11ntrldr;• l!lacrt d Heart Acad· club terrace . • • BALBOA ISLAND (Ulllll l! lut week were lh• Dick Berle and the Gene 8herman1 who had a wonderful time with the popular, Wiifred &rl• a.a their hnsl11 at \heir lowly J11land a bode. OVER emy a nd wu gT&duat•d from MANY l\'EWPOl\T T ACHTS Untvenlty of l!louthem Cattfomta. at Anton •..• amanr them the •htre •h• ••u outatu1dtnr In Tiburon 'llriUl OUuly and Hank muy campua a cttv1 tlu . l!llle wu i;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .. named HelH ot Trey. won the Elizabeth Von KlelnSmld award and I• affilia ted with Kappa Kap- pa Oamma. Her huaband 11 a Kappa 8tp1a Md a paduat. of AND Otrr use. After a fnr c1&,. ll\ aouu..ra Calltomta th• couple "111 p to San Franeleeo wlle" ~ BlaM 11 allipM ~ duty. Pot Luck Picnic for Triple Link 15 memtlel'I and fantWN •f tll• Triple U.k Clu~ ot Ule J\t"9U111 met lor a pot luok r.cai. at Coeta Meea Park, Mon ay ..... lnr. 8ept. H . A abort MlUHI meetlnc wu held wttll Mra. Wal· ter Bird. pruldeat. ,,_.clla,. Tiie neat meettar wtU tie htld die fourUI Moaday ..,....,, hpL M, at Ule honle et Ml'I. JlanJ fteu· ret. lit new. IL OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. Perking Tickeh Velideted, All Sent• Ane Parking lots THI PINDT ••• Yn LOWm PRICED ...,.,......_. MAPLE FURNITURE I •••• 4'l'JW~.,.. °'" ........ ' MBlly a big drnl htl8 l>el'n made through a 1mall cl&11Alfled ad. SANTA ANA Hill S . Main •c-rou fro'" S••'t IUmlNrly 2-... l COSTA MESA iu t:. nua itT. t.•twt11t Alpflt lt•t t 1t4 T'htlftt U~rt1 1-1171 High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 --------------- CLEARANCE .~ Now Group Values to 14.95 . 795 of Cotton, Values to 22.95 . 1095 • linen and Values to 39.95 . 1995 Silk 2995 Dresses Values to 69.95 . • Final Reduction BATHING SUITS-Rose Marie Reid Cole of California DeWeese and other1 Values 10.95 to 22.95 Now 7.95 to 11 .95 SH 0 RT S-Values to 9.95 . . Now l.88 to 3.95 SK I RT S-Values to 19.95. Now 5.95 to 11.95 B L 0 US ES-Values 6.95 to 22.95-Now 3.95 to 12.95 All SalH Final -~o ~fund• or u changeR LIDO F AS.HIONS * One of thf> Lido Shopa .. 14419 Newport Blvd. ·Next to Standard Service Stetto" I • ' C~RlSTY HOUGH of Lido l&le modela a yellow organdy dreea with hand et'nbroidert'd motif trom Milla of Beverly Hilla, one of the originals now on display at Jeri'• of Lido. -Maggie Price Photo I NfWPUR I HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAS& l FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 NDGW Fashion '-5-1-f-P -. -r-- , Luncheon-card "e 0 a•n •n9s l Event Planned Thelma PR~~fock Hope At the ml'f'Uni-of Concllll• Parlor m . N.D.G w .. plam were complelr.J for a luncheon, end party and tuhlon 11how to be \'a~abond HoutMI Ra.lboa l•ltand !19 Mart-A\·e. h•ld S•pt. 16 at the C'oata Mf'ea "=~~=~==::::::::::::~ Amerlrftn lA.,non Hftll. -The rommlttu, heldf'd bv Mr•. ,_ __________ _ Jack Wiison. mclud"• M m r11. Harold Grah&m. John JarobHn, G. 8. Bui ler, IArry 8 f'rg.ron, Theodore Elman, and Hrlt'n Col· llns. Th• affair will f•alure a buffet tunch•on. Procttd1 wtll iro to °'" parlor' 1 ll'f'lt&r• work and the Children'• F oundation o N .D.G.W. Mra. Rudolph 1 Naomi I Peter- eon. p~ldent. announced l,hat a Bear flag pre1entat1on c•r.· mony wtll be h•ld Sept. 21 at 7 p. m. et the !'l•wport S.ach Girl lkout HoUH . Quick Service FOR Roller Shades 8 ta.ndard Shade Clot.ha ud CU11t.om Speclaltlea • Drapery Hardware • Venetian IWDdll CALL llAllBOR IN THE SHADE SHOP UI tllld•St .• Newpon Beeellt 8-ade tbe Poe& Ottlee ), Bride-elect iS Honored .. 1r/ at Miscellaneous Shower -·~~ B.IRTHDA.Y EVENT at the Shore Cliffs home ol Mr. and Mra. Al Tiffany found their daughtt-r Suan u hoete. on her 11eeond natal annivenary. 1'rom left foreground and counter-elockwiee are Stevie Bulton. George Sattler Weds N.Y. Girl at Sausalito Miss Mildred Shurtleff Is Bride in Church Rite It wu in a four o'c!1ock candlelight lel"Vice with Mt· ting of white !lowen in the Presbyterian chu.n:b of Sau.aa- lito that MiM Mildred Ruth Shwtl~ff •changed rings and Vow1 with George Herbert Sattler, Jr. of San Auelmo. The bride, given in keeping by her couin, Melvin Lewia of Oakland, I.• the nl.ce of Mn. !Illa IAwl• .of Buffalo, -N1 Y. and the ltl ....Mar ~ witlt ~Iii• ""°ther brlderroom I• the eon of Mr. a.nd u beet man and ru .. t. were Mr.. G. Herbert Sattler. t 1T lap· -ted by Jobn McCarty of Mill phlre An. Valley aod Sdwta lleMllM ot Mildred wu low.\Y la a wan• S.U..Uto. Jength gow11 of whl~ ChanUDy After the ... _, a reoep- l•ce over eatln. 'lbe ntt.ed bodice Uon wu held for Tli ~ 'lb• new Mn. latllw wu rra- wu dtta.iled with lone aleevu and duat.4 from Buffalo Seminar)' Diane Mellott, Susie Beeaemeyer. Debbie MelJott, Su1ie Tiffany, Diana Barrett and Allieon Gothard.- Terry Boria Photo LEGION AUXILIARY HOLDS INITIATION FOR MEMBERS New member-a were Inducted by th.e ritual uam of the American Lt'gi<>n Au.xllla.ry Unit 291. The rite followed lh• • aoclal meetlnl' >t which time Mr.. AJbert Leutwyter, preAI· d•nt, welcomt'd the lnltlatea who Included: Mra. Dolph Barnea, Sherman 0.kea; Mr1. V. 8. Conratt•. Lone Bu.ch; MIUt'I Je.ntt and J oan Boello, Sandra and Jacquline UtUe and Chrlaline John.eon. Mra. Robert J. Bnrr• and Mra. Andrew Barr wne hoetu.e• at the ntl"Mhment period. Mn. Leutwyler pAeentf'd cltatl0111 lo Mmee. Ralph Bond and Roy 0.hrq tor memberehlp; F. H. Joyner, Pa.n- Amedcan, from Alrlerlca.n Lt'g1on Awclllary ot ~pe.rlm•nt of Callfomia. The l'an-American l ravelogue deacnbfnf' an lmacinary 'ri91t to Panam•. The Amenoa.n Legion Awullary belJevu one ot t.he &TMle&t bUTlerw to lnt•mallonal und•r· •tandln&' • ll'"Or&ooe C>1 the world. tt:e IUlde, 1.. peopk, reaourcee and the peopl.'1 probl.eme. Plane wen completed tor Ute ... tuon abow 111d ca.rd party to be held Aug. J1 In UM Am~rican Lef1on Kall, llilh 8t. and WMt ky An. Huabulc» ma ciaete are tnvtt~d.­ Tlck.et. at the door, time T:30 p. m.. Prooeede ro to the nll&btltt&Uon pnlS1'IUL JEWEL CEREMONY DeMolay Mothers Elect and Install Officers M1h n"ckllnt, wu buttoned lown the back with tiny eatln coveNd button•. A cap ot lace u d net trlmm•d In •ffd pearla oonnned tullneea or her flnrertlp 'ftll and "he e&rnl'r1 a white prayer book on which wer• white orchlde with Hilu of tt1f ftlll'y Ind •Un etreamer11. uuS f~ A.Uepa7 Ooltep, M-.4.tll.. Pa.. tnftled eaten· .... 1y ta l:urope &nd durinc th• war Mf"Nd with U.. New Tork City Blood Bank. Her hllollb&nd wu JT&duai..d from Jl'Ula.rton New oltlc•r• were elected end their help during her term and Junior Coll•c• and C&Jlfonila IDat&Ued when the Mothere Ch1b Installed new otflcen In a jewel Maritime Academy, ffrved u of Onull'• Cout Cha.pter ot De· ceremony m which each received lieutenant commander d 11 r 1 n r llolaJ held a dinner Heelon al a corMge In color emblemallo of OOLD&N TONP Ml• June Dton ot Ban Fran- elaco. 'maid of llooot and M1M Mary rruer ot Al&Neda. brtdee- m&ld. wen rowned alike In Upt fltttnr ruffled froclu of told aet and carried •P~Y• of chryan~ emum• of pden lhad•. Robert T. 8atd•r of OOnlna Artists Show at Marineland Thetma Paddock (~. P'Nd• tkl Hope te OH 0( UM .uibtt- lnr artt.ta 111t UM .A.111Utt.-a..,'- ember llba. 9'>QllMN4 Ill Martn• Jand ot tbe Paclfte, PUo9 Y..,_, lier entry wu a porU'Ul ot Mu1aa DIJ9Dy, 'lhe South Bay Comm\lnity Arte ~Uoll 18 ,.-ttDJ thl• .,Aquartaaa", .,._ _..__ ..... to.utlMllot Loa ....... 8ftd ....... ~ ..... . J_, ., .... llilll' lnd•d•d ...... W'• ._..,.. K ... tai Roea. IAl'lllr .......... Donald Goodall 9M .._.,.,. n. Camp. Jam .. ,.,.,.... tooll h J300 prime ln e0e fw a modenl. "SUD U'9 J.r- ........ 't" and 1180 water eoloP aw9ld ...... to Jan 8tu.y ~r .... ......._ .. Oeor,r. Gtbeon.,·who .._ 111Wlb paanttq la tJ\e B..,. w ...., tooll u h-.ble men· tllL Jblttl IA111ner M.,.n ot Hu-- W 'Illlllnd bad an on "NI If ht LJ*". and Phill9 Rept.r 8kel· .......... ~ ''DampMm." Showen Honor Bride-elect World war IL IA PG.t&. her office. Ml'L Badd Rlns. H tirinc pr-.. The new group lncludn MmH. KIL&. Y ALLEY lident. t.hal'lked member-a ror Ed S•delml-er, prnldent; l!Carl ~ lh• recepUon the couple )eft fw a honeymoon In Victoria ud oUMr pe(nla ID C&nad&, on their retum wm l'Mlct. at n .. , Vs.ta Drtve. MW Valley. Kr. uid Mn. 8attl•r and - Robert honored tbe bridal couple al a pre-nuptial dtMer tn 8t. Fruale Taobt Qub, ... l'Na- d.llco. TM lt ,...... laoluded mem• ben et th• weddln&' part.y, Intl· mate tntndl and out ot town iu-u. '"'-1 were -ted at a toac table ••tered w1t.h chryan· Utemunu, uten and •napdracone a tall ehadee. ANNOUNCING • • • HOLLY VISEL hu uJ>f'ned a !iltudlo of DRAMA TIC ART & SINGING at lffl/1 APOl.F.NA-BALBOA 18L.UiD DO YOU ... nnt k> alns. act. •s-k wl'll, ap~ar pubUcly! ! ! Mre. \'leel bu bad lit Yf'A"' •xpertence hi te-.achlntr th•"" artl fnr eont"ert. enterta.lnment and cultural -· A vallable for Proc-,_. Call HARBOR HIO·R for appointment ULTRA MODERN KING STUDIOS OF BALL ROOM DANCING . aa~ . \ "-t• ,.... P9ll • ~ .,........ L-1_ ....... Mlee Kur Biarntt. JT-!. ~ ' • ..,..._. Dlrtft. -boetw· .. IMt ,..... .. ~ trt•dll II ..,. bnde • iNect. 1'M daqh· w et .. 19mee I . Buw .... ,... ,..... 11• .,... wtaa a.. Mkitl· \ Ml,._..lnu.~taOW loMlr ., lllNnt OIRDll ~ .. Iii JM)OD. ..... .,.,.... ~ (Ollllll)' .-Mat, -~-a l"OUll ot ,_. Mboobnatee °' the brtde- eleet.. ran,tn1 from MCOC1d 1T'9de *"'lltl hip echool, at a beach part)' 'nlurect",y noon _. b« Bal- boe hom• MJee Mital DoM and •6 Kepp•' Kappa Ga mma torority 1l11t•n bi:oul'ht k tt('h•n uans1h1. s;•rtir•t~ and 1upphe8 rnr th" n.,,.. h"m• at a llllower btld 111 lkverly Hiii• l-4'40 Vie Oporto Newport Beech in the Lido Center Penonel ~Oil Olv"' Each Individual By ow ...... ~. ANUn• To.a 0( More ,._ ..CS Oreet« Popularity. "WHIN IT'S TIME TO DANc&·• CALl HARBOR 608 I • DA"°9 PAM'Ule mVERY J'IUDA T JCVli': et.AM• JfOW BllDf<J EmtOLL1JD • HOURS: Mon. thnl Fri. 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. a.t. r-12 nooa to 6 p. m. Honoring MIH Betty J o Mr· "This b Your Life" pro&Tam con- Danl•l•. d1tug-hter or Mr-a. Robert ducte<l by Mr11. L. F . Whittaker. Dan Taylor 2000 F !deral Ave .. MrA. Fra.nk Catching read two Cona M•,11a. a 1 11 poem1 WTltten by the l'flnd· ~ m ace aneoua mother ot the brtde·to-M, Mr-a. 1hower waa rlnn at the Hunt· Fred ' Colman of Coeta MeH, lngton Beach J'lret Churcn ot "Edr• of Tomonow" and "Bin · Chrtat, Tueed&y evenlnr, AUf, 2ll, •ln1• on the Bride'• Houae". by Mmea. P. W. Elllott, Mur-1 M:n. Catchlnr al80 read a •pe· Ke1tereon. l'rank CatchlnJ" and cl&l ~m. "Weddlnr Wlahee." A Jo. "Axton. selec:tlon of old·fuhloned I 0 v e aonr• wu 1ung by David Raml- Amld a rarden aetUnr In the res, accompanied by Mr-9. Ever· ti.lboe lalaDd • Two delightful new rooms have been decorated end furnished in The Islanders Shop in Corona def Mer. ai <f I 1 _ Come in and Jit ~browse throu9h our many ..... -.............. ·--room settings. dlnlnr room ot tlle eburch. beau· ett Au~r. Miu Taylor wu U · ei1tld In op•lnl' the mouAd.1 of ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;! tlful handmade clotb1 covered two tablu, the J'lft table adomed with buketa ot dahlia•, heather and chryeanthemuma in .Y&J1ept- ed colors, and tb1 refrubment tablt. In front of an Ivy • r.overed wall. Ml with tall tapen and at H ch irlde ot th• cryltal punch bowl pink ver~na. whit• nowere and lacy JTUnery, pruenta by Ml .... Carol Taylor. r Ruby Clark. Kathy Hayne1 and .!'T'ancu ~ntry. Jolnlnr In the ahow·er "''re Mr. and Mn. Richard Mille, Mre. Su' Struben. Mr-a. Kenneth C. Wolberth, Mn. Cora Du&'dale. Mr-9. Leroy Puton. M.laa Bertha Pann. Mr and Mn. Victor Elll· Back to School Special! Effective 'til October 1st Important events In the hon· o_tl, Mn. Jamu Hunt. lb• Ray orH'• life were broucht out In a Nerll•. Ml11 Connie Denny, Mn. Ouatk•y. vice prttldent: J . T. Tatum, tr.-rer. C. R. Gam- mon, JleC.-.tery and E. 8. P'i1h. chaplain. MNI. F. 8 . Hulett "A'U appointed publicity chairman. Mns. Rini' waa preH11ted a cup and .. ucer u reminder of her term, Mta. Ouetkey won the 1pe· ctal prise. Ed Huron. Mr. and Mn. Fred Colman and Miu Jl'ra11ce1 Oen· try. Other guut1 were MmH. C: I:. •• r Permanents { For Children under 12 yee.n For ChJldnn over ll yean s7so Thi 11'0\IP wm m•rt ~t 'f at lh• JUnr borne to make plane tor DeMolay lnltlatlon on Sept. 10. Att.endt.nr the wuion were Mmu. William Melcher. John Racer. ou.tkey, Tatum, W . 8. Fr• e I y, lledebneler. Haslett. Jl'ran1t OlU&'ow. Carl Thomu, Rlnr; and It. T. Elman. Malone. ~rtha Cnley, N . E. Tucker. Frank SchUlh, P'red J....ock Gerald Hagen. R. C. Kurr, Eat· eUe Rffd, ElmPr' Benaon, R . D. Taylor. J. W. Pltole. P'rank Groo- ver, Mallie Payn... V. P". Roe•· now, MH•r• and Mm... Jrranlc C.tctrins. Pyrol Elliot, T. A. Wor- thy, David Ramire&. N . 8. Yo· der and Joe Axton. Aleo Ml-• Connie Denny. El· l•n Hagen, Unda Jenner. Ad&)! F1t&patrlck. Maq~aret Worthy. Berta Tovatt, Mr1. Muri Keeter· ton, ftev. and Mra. ll:Yoerett Au,_. and the honoree, Betty Jo Mc· Daniela. A Most. CompleM Une al BldtJ ~ Balboa Inn Beauty Shop IUJUL'l'1f 9IDTll Balboa Inn Aroade -Harbot-I I 7 VILLA MARINA September Weekly Specia/1 ASSURE YOU OF DINING. PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES S1111day Monday T11e1day Thunday Friday Sat.clay 4 5 6 8 9 10 Throughout the above calendar wHk, we wiH fHture ROAST TURKEY DINNER for $1.75, or you mey order our FRIED SHRIMP DINNER for $1 .50. Continuin9 with their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners et e greatly reduced price during specified perioCfs es indicated above Villa Merine restaurant offers weekly speciel1 Buffet Luncheon Deify $1.25 Menu Service Available AQUARIUM DINNER DANCE Scmwday NlcJhts 7:30 P. M. to 12:00 P. M. Ducl&8s from t:lt p.m. tio l:tO ..... .. a... Ollart• ..... _ CIZAA OON90llJIU SOUP DU IOUR ID!AllTtl OF t.rn'UCE TOSSED 01'.EJ:N IAIAD BROAD BREASTED TOM TURKEY, Apple Dneetn1, Giblet Gravy, Cra.aberry 8&uce ...................... ----·-U.00 WHOLE BROILED LOBSTER, Lemoa Butter -----·-·-S.60 BROILED Cl:NTER CUT 8WORDTISR .............. -..... -1.00 ROAST PRIME RIB OF BEEF, au Cl'M90n ........... _ .....• S.'75 BROILED NEW YORK STEAK. Bordelalee 8eoee .... -'-60 ~ T9a. lllllr .._..., lee o,.., <aull11te w 9..._lleftF ...... DDU:aT Ne SXTaA -lltrrn:r llE&VlOIB .... The New Ho_, .... play for Satwclay •••lllt Cit v-. Mari• For v.. ......... ,... •••• ..... HalNt JtJO. A'drte" lntertehtt at ff,• Hemmo"Cf 8:30 p~ "'· 'tll 2:00 •• "'- Nightly ex~•ptincJ Monday VILLA MARINA FACILmES FOR PRIVATI -EN11RTAINING ARE INCOMPAR..•111 e AVAIL.A• E FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTID N M1lt time 109 plan a dinner perty. hanebeon. buffet or cocktail party, k> celebrate a birth· cky, anni~. mi....-it. 'ftddinr. rwn1o11, hom-.oomin(, boa voyqe or "what not," pleue call Mr. McGW at Harbor 3830. He will amiM you about menu., Mnice, decorations, aettinga. etc. hr emall tntlmate croupe « tor larp pU....tnp the tutlttiee at Villa Marina oannot be llUrpuMd in U.• Hanor .,... r ... l, • •' { PA6E 4 · PART) -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 1oat le<JlttnltioM Upper :-,·,.,.·port B•y This fol· low1 rtl'ant c1tauon1 INUf!d b)' Harbor Ma•t•t Ru111 Cra!g Ln •ill llutanca1 Wh•re boat• had no Record labor Day Crowd Expected In Harbor Area FRIDAY, SEPT. l , 1955 Nffded hi U,,.. ~y LICiAL NOTICE Sammy Lee to -------1 ~!tor day wHk-.duio )Ian number• palnlf!d on them. bttn ad\'\Md thtlr boat.I mutt l\auon, Cralr 1&1d, !1 tha t the Ali<ltratlon number1 provld.-un· llav• r•flatraUon n11mtt.r• -I•-dtnlable ldtnUfleatlon or craft t..bol' Day Wl'ekind In Newport 1ued by cowity .-r otnc• wl\leh mtcht IM' lnvol\'ed ln watt r Harbor threaten• 10 bt th• l&rrnt l ':'~':;:Y..,;;;,.""..;'"';'Y:._;-;;.~'";;;;'...;'"'"';;;;..;'';.;;";;;;';""•""C":;.· ----------on record. bl.&l'd on tarly atT\vai. TODAY'S ·N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT None,; TO caJCDITOlll NI. 4 Jlt• 1-:tt•ta of Vera L. Live in Mesa polic1 Nport. HMt Inland alrM.dy hu driven thouaandl htri!. ' "~·= ....... , .,._ ., ... Home, He Says Too Late To Classify undrr1\ped Kartaa c . Bullill!W J'ORT CAIUON, Col.o., lepl, 1, R AdrnUilltratrt.-ot th. Eatat9 cii tOCNI ) -Olrmpie cbampton.1----------------------·IWallace 1"tes V•ra L. Lawrenc. Mc...-!, to lfajo1' 81..t1.UJ1J 1-, b .. fDl'Mk•n -Loat aad Foa4 '8-A ta. a Houeti fi>r Ren\ !ht Cf'ldlton of, a.ad all ,.._.. Oud• 0.-1 for Cmta lil•aa. •-2 lla1•inC' cl&Jm a •s:atut tM .aid -.JJJTM ~yo-~~·~ :.m:: YELLOW faced blua Plllrll.k:e•t 2 BDRM. ho\l.M, unfuni . Water Set Tuesday df'eeaMd, to p,_t Utetn IW'ldl Iott lat• ,. .. tarday. Har. 209:1. paid. Trly. leate S6:1. 1111 40th t h• nect1sa.1y vouehtr1, wU.llkl ~ ottel'ld a hOfM at COlta. .ikJ St. Har. 4M4·W . · 19t:2 1.111 n1ontha an...: ~ nnt publl· w ... whl.ch ha w\11 buy u h. can J\.111 military rrave11d1 aervleea cation ot Ull• notll'1, to U.. Mid afford IL 2 BDRM .. furn or unturn. newl)' will be h"ld for Lt. Col. J . Klnc 11nd,r11rned at th• office of: Ko-n. --to-•-<liacbo&rC'fd a.nny ~ WuW dt«Jrated hou•. 2en Ora.nr" Wallac1, 61'1, U.8. Amiy. r1t1red. bert A. P'..a1tman, 1J:S E. Broa.4-ialdlcal offi<l41r ..,ld a1-lw will Co.ta Me.aa. 99r:1 of Lido TraL!er P1rk. at For t --.... W.ANTllD w.ekly wwmr • "'"•)".City of CGa•• .. e ... County not .. , 11p bl.a practice Na doc:· lronlnc "'·my born•. Alllo MW· WATER FRONT, 2 bdrm. low•r. R01teran1 National Cemete.r y . ot Or•n1e. State ut Ca.lltoml&, tor In Ganlen Grov1 u ba orir· In(. C&n plek up 6 d•llY•r. tncio..cl ~Uo. UN ot pier and San Pt110. a t JO;JO a. m. Tue1- ¥>"hLr h .. id otflc• tha Wldtr•l('O· Ina.Uy pl&nnld. He •ta ttd h1 now Mra. Hath.a-y. IOI Paint. A,,.., tlot.L · Wlnl•r Arita.I. Adult•. day. Until Monday n1111t, friend• ·.~· 110•11,l'ct:_a•,•,.• pl,•ct ot<odbUli:i~~ rl~ lo pr&ellc• ln Banta Ana. B&l\iooa. ttpJ Sl00 ptr mo. Har. o&H?·J , t9c2 may call at chap•l hot I Parkn-" ,,_ r. onnK ... ui .,_ wu "~" rrom buy\ng Ridley Murtu1u·y, \\'hie 1 hand!· Rllld ••tate, or to tilt them w ith two hom. In Garden Grove r-.-Inc arran1ement1. t h• 11.c .. uary voucher1, wtlhln ~nUy ~ of bl<! Korel.ll ll/\-29-:~~R:•:l"~'-W:.:.;an=led::::::_ _____ , SS--Boata, 8appliett Colontl \\'1tlal't! d!rd \\'~ctlte•· ••x month1 att•r the fl rlt publL-ce1try. He pl.n1 to amv•, tn Or• d&y . nl1th l al his horna after an cation ot U1L1 notlcr . In tha of· a.nae Coun,t7 ln Novtmber. ACCOMPA:-lJST f or Hill\ 8ehool SALE or tradt-Plyv.·ood fiber-f!xtend1d Hlnt111, Bom 1n• New flee of th• ClPrk of thr Su~rtor l ·""'-..;,-"';.:...;; __ .;..;..;.. ___ , choril l{Toup1. I hra. • day . &1•• boat appro•. 14 fl. 118'• Jhity, he h•d llved In California r;.,urt of the Stala ot California. FIREM •N'S HOME Mu"' be 11'.N!d tight rl!'ader. Ap-__ •_O_•_•_•_•_· _H_•_,_._,_,._•_-_w ___ 9_9_'_21 a!x year1 and N•wport Beach th• In •nd tor the Count)' or Ora.n~. "" pll' :-;,..,..,,..,,.l H•rbtir HillJh SChl. Jut five. He. enli•tld tn tht N•vy D•t•d AU.fU.lt, :'!, 111~:1 HIT IY 1• .& 9m= or Har. 29~9-J •tler 11 p.m. 48-B--HoUMlll for ~Dt ln 1908, thtn \n the Army In M.ARl.AN C. BUSHLINO ~ tfc2 .:;c;:_..:::::;=:;..;;;_;..;:;:=:c...-~ I 1911'1. recel\1ni; hi• d\Jleh11rge A ug. N o. l34:'! New1·Preu Not evtn tlrtmtn'• }lome1 ELDERLY W omlll!. !not lnvaltdl PENINSULA POINT 31, 19110. .Aug. 12, l9, 26; Sept. 2. 1106 &re Immune to bl._..., Richa rd would like companion to Pare Lovely turn. 3 bl'dmi.. 2 b•th. Dect••f'd WI• a m•mbf>r or .. '.' C .. S maid'• rm. Of de•lr.-d). Dl•h· u-.... E lk • -• o · ... "OTICE 1-. "Tl.SO r.c}I, otla ... t · horn" on Balb<Nl J1land. No NeWpott n-ruur • . ........,,e. r1-... ·~ •• C<lolla Me11-1., .,dilcove"'d i.1t h k lau d y Small waahir, dllp .. waiher· 6 dry.,r, ent Chapter 138 RAM ln New SEALED IUDl!I nl«hl. .At 9:06 p. n1. BerRch. '"•")" wor or n r . H Lire. encl. paved patio. BBQ. York and K l•mf't 'Tfmplt, Brook-u lary lo rl1ht permon. ar. .Avall, sept.. 15 to Jun.-l:I, S\2:'! I!\" THE llATTEll Ot" THE IN· a 1·olunt«r t!rtman !n Co1ta 2!28-M. t Dc2 lyn. N. Y. Survivor• Include the s·r . .\LLA.TlOS OF lllAHITAJll. ~IU, turned \n an akl.rm mo. Har. OllO-M. 99p2 widow. Mra. F rled11 I,, Wkll•c:•. l\t:\\"ER8 I!\" CUYY Dlln 'E when hl1 re.trlrerator motor .AVAILABLE Sapt. l:'i. Charming • d1u1ht1.r, Mr•. Robert Sutliff A .'\f) OTHF.R STRl:lr::T,l~SD ('•Urht f1r1. Thna tn.1ck1 and SO--Ml.eellueoUA 1 bdrm. baytront furn. hou•t-. nt ~·1orld11, 11.nd ll •l ~ter. Mr~. \\'. RIGHTS OF ~"Al", i R Y t t JU t It l!ri! tighter" rtspondf!d , SODA J!'ounlaln, 1tooll, countar. Prlva t111 bea ch. SIOO month (11'1 • • "1 0 ino ~ Pur•u&11t lo the prov11 o! accordlnr to Ralph Le•, lirt carbonator, r ondola•. •l'low ca1· Y"•r• 1 .. ue. Jd1111J for couple or the "lmpro"em1nt Act .,, 11", prevention off!crr. Da.maie •R. wall fixture•. Har. 010. H cl .ehool teach•rs. Har OSD2-R. Clai're Servi'ceS i,.1nc Dlv!1lon 1 o( the II ~lll wu cont lnHI to f 70 to 11'11 99eJ 4 lntrl.c Jam tnim. tttll. &l. to!·-------------------------lifchddm Pl&cf oecur"4 J&.i liNTA. AN4-81:PT. J--New p,..vall o~er ti.lance ot lh• day nlPt at l :a<l o'clock. whU. &n· Tork N-CommMt--CompLled pro•·ld1n1 bue for turtl'ltr J"l· othw wu note4 at th• tntrance by a c. Canida, D•an \\'Iller A (TtM. to Corona dtil Mu Milin Be..._'h et co.-.U u.ual th• market I• doinr lh• a&m4I time. ~tra police ""'r' Ule UDPJ>Kll'd by ad1·anc1n1 un Dow .lo-1 p.m. ·~ put into -.cUon lut nJ1ht i nd sood volume In Ult race ot a )onr 30 lnduatrl•l• .. ~ 471.3' up l .l& Capt. Walter Dy.on u~t• to ''" week•nd. Jn1·e1ln1ent buying \11 \he zo ltl.l.la · ·····-101.3• lip 0.41 addiUonlll men worklnr tonii;ht d(ttl\11'\aLlnl" tnrluence '°''Ith lht 15 UUJftl"1 • · et.25 up 0.03 d ' • k d ' pm. val.um• tl0,000 ,. .. &n OY•r ,.. wee en . qualit y i...u .. •Uppl)1n& lea,1 .. r- ''Tra!Clc her• tlowtd h•vlly .JI ihlp, lrtehMiln.&" unllll of the 1tffl. l,OT0.000 on 'J:'hun .:l•Y· Loew.I. 8 tOC'k IJ1t ftW ... A.air: <lay Uld all 11.l(ht yMt•nl•Y and avlll.UOll, oll, chemlt'al, n1bber IU!d tu t nirht," Dyll<»\ u.Jd. "A p-e•t motor l'f'OUJMI-8 1lllk of Alll•rica ... o&J~·"'6 '-.; bl' t I h d d I k'"' Bttkman hutrurn•nt ··-···-····-Jt nlllll r o peop e. un l"I' 1 any L'f\'E!l."'T'O • ISC'UA.St: C..lllorn!i bank -· .. -. &1-e1•-. way, were 1lffpln& on th• bl'ad i , ln ll)•l&tt•r. commtrc• d•part· Dl1nt1y i \\'l!t l . __ S811..f.Jl,_ or Jn lh.,lr t:•t • and In l•nlll lidt ment •Um •tN that th•~ h•v• Flrit \\'e•tem &nit "* 55~'1,. nl1ht," h" &tided. U )'lnc lhl• I• bffn no appr.clabl• lncr•u e ot Olaupar -· 2 ~·''• ...-.in1t ('1\y ordlnanc•. tnv•nCorh!ll d..-plte • 1ubatantlal Hau Scott ~totor1 4 \-r. lnt rl'&M In 1ale1 over the s.1.111e lnttnllal• En,-tt1eerln1r 10 ~ ·11 l. )ierlod !11~l year,•• no <luubt al<lei.I Muket Ba•k••t (.;'o. . . 21·2>'. DISM1$SAL •~nlln1ent. G.,neral Motono. Un1on Mayf1.lr r.firk,.ta ... . ...... ,. __ t -111 C1rbhlf . U.S. Stetl, B ~·. G00<I· Mlnut• )l•l•I , l?"-17', C..thn1NI rr<'lm •·1n1 P .. 1t rlt'h, Cit.)' S"rvlce, a~ f1rn1 Ul1•1f r S.curlly t11t Na t'l. Rank 1it14~:1 brlnr It to trial. \\'• a ren't at-thl, \ntlu,nce anil a ppear aniong Thrifty Dr11t; • 10-11 tempUna to prov• .. n off~n•e bf-· the bl'ttt 1Hu•ted iuut~ to tll· 'l'rt•IWtcl _ 7•-.·l"- yond • r1aaon1.1il• douht 11.t t ht.i ttn•1 {htlr c•in~ Van C•t11p s .-a Food 11-1•., 1tar1. The m an took the law s .. 111n,-prtuure Uftf'<l from U.S. Na t'I, Bank. S.D. 221,i-2SI,,. (nto ht.I own handa to a ppr.-hend l 00111111•, which aided the alrcrt1rt Wlz.a.rc\ Bo&lll :l'!r.·'.i a m111dem1anor offender. The •«lion Boeing and Gru1nn11lJ\ fatt the vleUm had mulUple heiad 1 ..-fre 1111a 1.ble to ext.,nd their -For th" tlnr1t tn Comm1ttl1l fr11.cture1 11how1 Ito wa1 unri!'uon-&•In•. 'T'hue 1.,.u1111 continue to Prlntlfli" call Harbor 1616, Job able fottl'.'" entail only minor d0¥>'1Ullde rUk• PTlnttn1 Departm•nt . Thi! que1U.;iri for the j udce to at current tevtl. Boe\1'1( •PJ>t•ra Ir;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; detgrmlne accordinit to C1.nUllon, U pt>C".la.lly wall 11tuated •ll'lct 11 "wu the force appUed ''"•-on-•lrhUy lower aamlnp around St abla under lhe. c!rcum.ataflce.." hava l>Mn dll COflUnued tor th• Thf a llomfY palnt..d a pklure mo•! pe1rt, and there &rl' •..,-y of 11. l!ltle man trying to .uMue fl!.\'Orablot pr011peeU that eunlrl(I a till' man, CantJlloii MJd the 1,1£'. l'Ollld 1how a r.,\1tl\'t ly •harp ln- t!n• ¥>"&• • lM pounder and •1°"'1 t•reue in tt&T. 6 fl 2 !n. The d~fendant wei~h8 !STP:r.1_, l'il'PPOllTED only 160 poun<1s H .. a•Atrted l..i-Alleghenr, Ludlum Improved AL FOR GIT HARDWARE 2205 and H11rhway1 Code of the State motor and r-.frlrarator. O)f Ca l!fornla . and to tll• R..olu·j-------------·l !S~Z-=!Funll~~lure~'!.!fo~•!:..!S&Jo~~---1 LIDO ISLE uon orderlnc the work. pUHd a nd New 3 bdrm. tum. $180 month. v .-rne d•dn"t thlnk h• ('fluld l.ll ke • ~rartlon•ll.y fol!ov.·!nc an artkl" th• d!"eflftled w1thoul the A.ld cf in th!' \\llll Strei'! J oumal re· Slafed Tomorrow t he •lick. And he a.dded, "Th""" ga rdlng th" put grov.·th record i1 no e\'idencf he 1tMJrk th1 victim •.ni.I potrn\!11 !Jt Sta lnl•1111 Steel. W. Balboa llvd. Newpott leach DllHJhy Coy., G-CARVED Spantlh dining table o ldop<~ by <ho Cl<y council ot the 1 •• ,. ,,___ •• Avail. Sept. 10 lo Jun• t . Har. "" &t In. IQ, ..,_,, 8119-nlll\ .,..,.et 2 Cl<y ot Newport Beach, Callt or· 6278-W after ' p.m. ll~p F uneral 11.r"ic"" for P11.u! Ho-1.,x<:e)'ll by h1.~ own adnliMlon." l .~. :l"•I and Bethlehem1 St.,tl bJ1rt Cliure. ~9. nr 261 !:. 11th Perrett aUeg('d)y wu ('llught 11.r... •nit "'tll •upported <' Oii'-to St, CoJ1la Ml'llll, w1U be held a t window PttJllng by La.V~rnf'. the hitt h~ r,.riertlnit both thot light 8~R81 F.state 2:3() pm, tomorrow in .;hapel of supply pre>1r>trt" fnr rlo1e t o c•t>•· Theft or a d!nshy from the In . Ion(. SS~ Bp&l!Jah hod •I&, d.lr.Unl' tlll• nollca. Mid •O-rt. crui.Mr B.erto moor..:! at chafn Sl:i each. B""""' leather Council h-bJ ln'llt .. Haled 'btd.I Lido Arm• dock w .. reported to ch•1r • t oot 1 atool 13:1. Blue and propo1al.I tor doinl' the work pohtt Mond&y b)' J ulea S.rman rnrduroy uphol.!lt f!red divan b.ct "-"--":O:'-'=:;:;oo;. ______ I P•rkes-Ric!ley ~fortu ary ehapel. r11y operat1onJ1 Wf'll Into Iha nf'XI and Improvement d•crlbed tn Re-of Btv•rly Htll•. 0W111r. He 1a1d J2~. H1r. l6:i2·J . S~2 Poppy. tolutk:i'n ot Intention No. oll66 in a carcvu COYt r ..... allO t11.ktl'I "c2 S395 DOWN The Re\". James !t. 51 ,.v.·art will Child Struck in .1·e1r 1.nd pol.,ntlal of both dl\'l• off1ctatt. lnterm,.nt ... 111 be a t i.len•I 1ncre1seJ1 Rnd a spl\\. t he •bov• ent itled matter, adopted ¥>"Ith the boat. I--------------H11.rbor RrJ1t .\fau"oleum. Balb C lk Jn,·r~tn1,nt buying Is el'1denced IMKEDIATlt POSlll:llSJON. 4 ~Ir. C\•lre dlt!d "'.-dneaday at· 0G rOSSWQ in Genf rll ~lotor1 •l'ld the major 011 the 28th day ot Ju.ly. 191'16. and 1---------------~A-Apt.. for Rent bdrm., t bath 110 m.,1. run prlc• ternoon of a heart a tt11.ck. He r uhbt>r pro.iurr.r.• 11.td R•1<1lutlon ot lnte'!!Uori'No. o&lM I• henby t•f•rred to for a dr1crtpUon ot Mid ..,or'lr. II.lid Jm- provemaet. U.. .-nd• lo wb.lc.h It ti to tie doa' a d.-crfptkm ot the di.trdt to N w•1111 to s-.J the co.tit Md ..,._.. tMrtot, tllr bo,.. io N ~ and ror a u fUrtlltt fVllCUlan -tamed ill aald l'tMolutloe et Dai..Uea. "9- fereflttl II lutnlbJ further tnlldt t.:> the plaNI &NI .,.cttlatlONI and detatll'd dnwtnp tw Mid work referrtd lo In Mid R.Olutl(ln of Intention. ... ,8 '--rn In Clinton. Ohlo an(! Minor !nJunea Wt're 1uffrre1I Gulr 011 Corporation re1 pondl'd TURN. Studio apt. Rtuona.ble. 110 llOO ~ uv M d b B H • r Perm1nent centlam1n prererad. 202' Harbor· Blvd. LI 8-4781 _ hall lived ln CKllforn1a ~ yeara. on •y Y ,.van lll"Vl'Y. ·1• 0 In •nnounrenirnt that 11. "''Ill ron-Puadena ,..ho Willi 111ruek v.·hile 11tn1rt "' ~11nt a tom 11maaherwhllc 1100 Jalftll!le, COrtma del M.ar. 1r:ve•.) Ll 11·4711 ~r Harbor Co11ta '-1"'" ZZ ~· .. ars, . •• 1 In lhe t roa11walk a t 8J1lbo11 li\l'd, Amerltan \'11eo1.-trnprov-" ff'I· ttc2 :S06tM: 99cl 3h Hf 11.,rvcd 1n the '~""Y n .,.__, up-well. \\'orld \\'11.r J and V.'llll 11 member llrld Main St., pollc• rr por t .. d. 10¥>·1ng a price ln~re1111e fnr Cl'\lo· Thi• deep water come11 to BALBOA JSLAND. nim. 1 brm. NEWPORT HEIGHTS by owner, of N~rt Harbor Am .. n ea n IA-T he Cllr wh!r:h •truck the boy ph11nc. the .urface tn the 1prinr. It 11 •pt, Adulti. Nt:1 pet.I. Ava.llabla :a bdrm .. fireplace, pa llo. db!. glon p 0111 291. He waft fOl"l!ITTllll wa1 driven by Bruce P~IU!p1 Hn· Union Carbld!' 11d\·11.ncl'd 1mp~•- cold and rleh In naut,..,n1. Pr. aept. 11. Rea-able. Liberty rar•re. fenced t\ llllldac•ped yd. and then ..iperlntendent of South tra, IT, of Loi Anael... 111•ely inlo new hl~hcroun(>atl.he P~11•p•t expla.lnl'd. The 1un 8-T62•. H c2 ~')"~ o. J. S15,000, U 8-2377.92c2 Co11.-11t COn1lnietlon co. for 16 Hotra told offlct r1 he madl' !he openlnl{. Ftf'\ th1t .any 111lnor heat.I lt to a temperatura ju1t -----------------------------lve•r• betor" openlnJ • tae d boule vard stop at th" 1ntfr .. ct1on wea knu1 win prnvlrtt furth.-r r1"- nrht for thfl plant.I •nd anlm1i. .lnr,. at the home llddrc•• \ n and then 11t11.rted up. Hf! aalrl hr orable opportun1t1e1 tn ••1me '" It lit dl't'lda and mulliply. 43A-Apta. for Bmt 43-A-Apta. for Bent ~f•n:h. 19:-,4_ 1lld not ~l'e the bo~' or knnw th•I po11l11on11. "llomltlmt• th• popula.tton W"IU Survlvnri Include Ula widow. ha h•" hlt him \V1ln,.~M"• 1111rl Tha mkrket'1 perfornianc• 111 OCEAN A-BLOOM c O..tta.., ,,_ F1nt r.,.. WILL BE OPEN ON tABOR DAY NCYriCE 18 FUR'I'Hl!IR OlVICN lllll t th1 C ity Cou11d.1 ot t.11• CHy or :-Ot wport Beul\ hu J\.ntoton 11tsblllllld a pr...all~ rw.t.. and ~.,.,,_~:!_ ~=·t~,o~r•1;_"' -~.·.~d .. : Mri. Effie M. Clalrt : a d•Ufhlt r, Hotr11.'1 cir v.·•• !ravell!ng 11ln\•.'!y, very con1t rucll\'e Rnd a b\llty ,r ............ " " "" Mr•. P"ral'lcj!fl Morrtll. Coita Me-Bevin Wlla l•k•n to:> • n••r))y the te .. ter• lo hold w,.11 ntar t)a "8m~~~ ~"on th1 LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT APT. 111 : th~ •l•ter•. Mr•. Verd,.1 ''~0~"~"~'';•~0;'~"~"~·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~h;~g~h•~'~";"~"~'~"~'_;;"~'m~~lo~";';;;"";;;;~;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;j ·~-. A.a th• plull J)"lpul•tlon Coop.tr of Ho!t\'\lle, Mr•. Rut h II -~ of wac• la •-rd .. e. W1U. l•w to tie pa1d In tM ~ Me,.._, tllt Ul9\&I population 1:vaii1 of Loa An&":l•a lll!.d Mr11. m.e-,a ... " h iila. ln Jata Au: Geora.a ~· o! L&k••ooc1. a.nd pt &ltd hpt.mtMr then 11 LEA.SI:. Tutetully decorated, fum, or unfum. et-. «T•ndt h!ldren. o thfl abov1 anuutdl lmpn'f'em&l. -....---.Uon Qd th• pro: 2 bdrm., 1 bath (mcloeed tub A ahower) all electric Thatu.tdr.taand~-edopt-oe. ltM'tll ta .... _...,. •l'l• Ji:itohen, W/W c·-1n1. Patio. y_,,_,._ 6: gar· "" b7 tJt. QIJ' Ol9k'tJ llJ' ._,. ~ .. IUMltMr ta II .. _... .__._...J hcker Saw Taken llon No. 4SM Oii thl :nnd d.aF ot "bloom." ap included. An.ii. on or about Oct. 1. OWNER Robart Berke,. "-1£JU•l. lM6, aM .. • tua la tM ""!'!l.r. Je&r IA&o math curra"t Har. 3224·W 99t!c ci.y • tab!• 111"" told polltll WU tUt1n ...... tr om ron1tn.1~thm 11 otn ca or l he City Clerk ot .Sd bt-ou(ht w atn ..,a.nR•r and rich-a hoWIA unll~r 1'11y ot Newport Be&eh. '?bat th•.., In nut n.tlllo and -.lpL Th1 l ~----------"'"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""20""6 0'0°0','-80'0·--------"°'~.I 1111rl r•t• a.nd 9.:altia ... MhUa ,___ '-W...U..-h•Ylly but rrftl'Tlld to and .eClptM flll das. It ltlould ...,.. ta tllt riat' r- nn1 L<"ot u thOUl'h l'Ully Mid tom· daJI," Ula profe.or 11.ld. pl~l ,.lY "'t forth be?"tln. and that P~t ~ad on• of U.. ••1<1 teal., .. &dnpt.i! bJ .-id It.-....,u-. In pl&Dlllton ('""- .... 1u1 1on, 11 mada a part of tM9 mu .. I pot'!lrlinc. ''P1arilrton un• l\n! ii::• by rtftrence. oa7pn aad wlU depltt• th• OIQ'· The contr11et01" ah&JI, In th• lit?· pn .upplJ' In th• _t.,.," ha ••· rr1rmant'e of Ult work and lrnpro.-a-plalned.. "It e&11 r•t .., fi'>ncen· menl. rontonn to lht Labor Old• trated It W'\Sl Nu• tl!a death of ALltA.C'ORI: U:.4. \'t: of the Sia t a or Cll.llfom la and other rl•h." l11 w1 nt th" State Qf California ap· pllrab\e lhart to. wtth the •ctv-He Mid it J\u u.ndoubl«tly di•· cour•1f!d the alba('or• In lh1 !lon nnly or 11u~h "•rlatlon1 u m ay he rl'quJ r .. rl unrler tha apeocla.I 1l1t1tff11 pur•u•nl to which pro- rt ,.rt1nr1 h,.r,.unrl .. r 11re taken and ¥>·h1rh h•v~ not been 1uper.-ctd by .. lhl' rrr•\'i,.lona or lhe Labor Cod•. f'rl'fl'r~nr" to l11hor 'ah1ll ba irtvlfl nnly In !hot manner pro\1ded by 111."· All pt"l'n•al11 or h1d1 1h1ll bl' llrr(>t11pll n1 f'rl hy II r hl'!"k J'l.)'l bl• Ir> 111.1<1 City r>f N'e .. ·por\ Bt 1rh lll!.d r,.rut 1t'd hy a re,.f10n.•1blec b11 nk for 11n 1mn11nl ""h\r h 11h•l1 nnt btt 1..-1 lh•n t l'n 110' ~' ptr cent of th• •.ll'Jll'r",irate of the prn~1l. or by a hond for lllll<I 1n•ount and so pay· 1hl•. 11i~~<t by the hi<1<1'r i nd two llUTttl•ll, who •h•U Ju1tify b11fo?T •nY offlctr oomptl•n\ 1'1 admlnl• Irr an oa th, tn double \ht 1ald 11.mount aod ovtr and 1hove 111 1tatulory r11emptton1. Said propoule or bll\11 1h11l be drl\\'l'red l o th• Cltrk of th1 "Clt)' of ~•¥>·port Reach. C altr.,rnl1, on nr before llle 2tth day rt! St ptem· bl'r. IP:I~. at the hour of 7 .JO o'rlock P. M . of aaid datt. el thf! Oft1c1 of •aid City Clerk In the City Hall of tht CitJ of Newport Bt-ac.h. Calltom la. ••Id time betnr not 11'111 than t•n (10 ) day1 frorn t h• lime .:of 1he nrst publlratlon or po1Uni of t,,11 NotJce. Bldt w t!I i,. r.renl'd C"Jn -.Id d&y •nd hour. The ("lty Cnuncll r1111tr'f'M ihe rll'hl to rejeet any and all propou.l• err birl1. 1houhS It dwm t.1111 ne-ee ... f)' •a. a 11earctty bom• out m1ny local fi1htrmen. .,. by On Ute other harcll, Dr. Pequ .. - pat rapl&!ntld the tmportanct of p:1.11kton In the ,.haln of lift H• -.Id It t1 the ch!tt tood of 1ardlnt1 a.nd 1very animal nOlt!dR It In '°mt [OTTn. Utl11 "9h fMd Qn it •nd la~r fl1h reed .:on lltll,. fi1h. Evt.ntually m..n teed1 j on fl•h '"\.\"ltllout l!, 111 would d1 .... I H1 rtCOU.ntld a n tnter.1tl!lr u-. of 'h• ri.owtnr bl~luml­ rl'l"l§e quality of lll• •ea Ith! dur· !nJ 11'14 war. He 1a lil thl Japan-I r•, llrld llll'r th., United Stal •• •xtrAct.-.t the t wo chemical tn·j ,rrffll•nt. trom lht plank ton. dr1.,d them thl'n mJx,d t hem t o-1 rether •K•in an!t mollt•fl•d lh1 m1 xtur•. By rubblnr a bit oo the i p11.lm of a h•nd, hP Rll(tl, trOOp9 ~ould rtad me"l!l:f~ f rom the re· nl'Cu•d rtow. R1 TB 1-'0ft. l\A.IT P"rl111"-ti1li.rmen rub thelt bait Into the .. m. •Ubltlll\Ce '"'hleh t hey cet from tl•h. TIU• mall• lllelr b&lt slow In the water and attrac:t1 M•ll . Some dttp water fl•h have I tl'lt!r ~ buill·ln nptt aa Jlll rt ot their anatomy to lure th• nah I • which th•y fetd. "R•d tide"' I 11 an underte• pl\~flt1men• rarely -la tMM _,.,.. In weh conct11tr-&UOfl. f(!r the pubtlc r ood. and a lto the I·------------- hid (If th• bidder who hu ~ LEGAL NOTICE .,,.hnqu.,nt or unfalthf\11 In &111 I·-------------fnrmtr eontract Wlth th• Clly et N,wport Be&eh. T'roJ'('MUa must bt 1ubmlltl'd Ob !he blank form• pre119-t'l'd and f\lt- n,,heod f(lt Ille purJJO" a.nd which n11y bot obtained at t h• otnt:a of !he Clly F.nl{'inter U\ th• City Hall. :-Oewpart Btar h, California. At -.Id Ottlc• btrldt rt may obta tn C'Ople1 o:ot th• p1an11. pron1u. and •pec:ln- ratlon• tot lh• cont•n1plated Im• provem•11l. dtpotllt tor wl'llell will b. rtfunded If t.lla plan•, pron!• and •p«lf~ • olitalft.M I.I'll rt tumed l• rOod t-ondlUo• to Ult o tnl'• o1 u.a at1 ....,_ within fourt.-(to&) •11 d\• U.. Of'9- 1n1 of bll'b. 11A1T.D thil JJMdeJM' ....... l t~. MAROllRT ICllROUDa City Clwk ot th• CHJ of ~eWJ)l)rt BoMch, r A!'fl'i I'll• ~n lJ,'\.0--S-s-l"'rea. ...... t/2./1f~ I hrm K•. ti VJ'fll'SD STA.TU M.Aa8IL\.L •• &A.LI! ............ ,.. Dllb'teC ... ~ By v1nu. of a.n Onifr oe sa1 .. .._.. •t f1fl ta. UaJtad atatM / 0111.nc:t coun tor th• aGuth•tn 1 Dtltt";ct of Calltomla . • Q9 1~ da7 of Septembotr. 1166, noUc• 11 ._lly 11."-' U..t l wU& .. u b7 . 1 puW!c. auction, tor cuh, oa TU ... di.)', t.n. lJth dlly Uf kpttmber, lMI, IC. 11:00 1'dock .A. M:., •t ft.,ron'a T&cht laltt, :SlOI W•t Cout Htpway, N-port BMch. a.Mt--. U.. KO'l'Ok BO.AT ''OOftO'ftlSA .A"', hw .,..in.._ Milar., machUlll'J, boll.Ut. tacltll', appsnt. ~<"19. Md runt- tuN, M lbto DOW It-. ROBS.RT 'tli.". W.UUC Ua.tted Ital• Marahal 0.tld~ a.pl:..-nblr t . iNI. N1. 1116 -N-&·Pnla 1/1:/N RANCH ESTATES by CLIFF MAY Created by your demand• , • , Cliff May, the nation ' 1 mo1t outstanding, aw a rd -winning ranch home deligner ha1 brought to life a modern ranch estate that is spectacular! IN TUSTIN Tiie l'obtllotos "lel·Alr" of Oranqe County! This site has been named Orange County'1 mo1t beautiful new home development. BO' loh a nd highly r11trf<ted for buyers who want 11clusion. Just 38 1elect ranch home1-80°/0 were sold opening day. See these homes and You will be convinced - priced from $13,800 lo $16 ,500. M le•ocsnt1 2 la!ho VETS -NO DOWN! I Ollly costs olld lmpo•ncls I From the beach go 1tra i9ht out Nowrort Blvd. lo U.S. Highway I 0 I First St. in Santa Ana I. Go out I 0 I to Redhill { Ju1t p.,t T u1 - tin High Schooll and turn right to thoBl:h~o~m~o~1~a~t;R~o=d~h~ill~a=ndJl;r·;,;~ vine ~vd. •••9* M. Holl11"' • Sant, kDclen I'll. Kmll1rfy 2·l4t1 fw lnfonllatlon I yoo -.1111111-tllrs - cai,tt ..._? All-Wool Pile WeVWfl ,.. AfMric.11 by ~d•'Phi• C~Co. SCULPTURED WILTON CARPETING Lot'rlb tao~ tnlJft •• , bl' like d1>llar\ m,.,re ... II_,..., ..., rDOft ! A hct¥1. diruf"K'.ti•c. 1Jlrte-11in-.cn\1,.,flsl -..! pik wi1fl.,.. ~ \Q'oll ~ign cre.ilt< a ~tunl"llfll 0"11n11• Co1,.1t11't Lillrf~tl r 1-C•,••r•"ll Mto•• --.:::-:::-CARPET -WORKS 1 622 So. Main, Santo Ana k I J . lfU ,\ kl 1-ll'll O ur Clea nin9 Department '° , ""I'/" I '" ,/,, II' I• "' '1 I• I ' 't " "•/ "' I '11 Ruq , C arpet1 and Uphol~te r ed Furniture \\•ll·tu.\\•11 t:ar1~1 ( l,.a11,.fl In ~·our llom ... ('all Kl ~-lfi15 T'Jl>A \' • l NEWPORT MARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 D D L h d ___ F_R1_0A_v._se_PT._2._19_ss___ • • a~ ea The New Resigns from I College Board Art Stegmann's COMING TO JOHNSON & SON AGENCY First of t.he 1956 ca~-th1s new Lincoln Premiere coupe is entirely new from the ground up. Th(• unusuall v luw :;ilhoul'ltt-1>f this new Lmcoln series highligbta a new kind of styling -large spacious. y(•l lithe and graceful. Jts overall length is 1 1:: fetl. mure than 7 inch<'s longt'r a nd 2 1.: incht's lower than 1955 Lincoln.a. Dt>veloping 2 5 hurscpower, its nt>w, low-friction \'-8 engine haa 9 to l compreaaion ratio and uc•liver~ 401 ft.-lbs. of torque. at1sunng out1:1tanding performance. Lincoln is fi rst to inlrouuct• a group uf safety features including retracted steering column and safety-flt'x steerinK wheel, triple-strength t1afety door lockP and optional safe- ty b<'lts. The model abon : Wiii be uisplayed on Sevt. 1 i , at JohnM n & Son. Liocoln-Mercury Dealers. 900 W. Coast Highway. THIEF EXCHANGES OLD BOAT FOR NEW The thid w ho stole the 10-fl. bol l uf Barry von He- merl, 203 Via 01Jon, w a 11 con~ldrrote to a point. He left an old wooden row - boat In Its place, von Hemert told polk<'. H e 1111.ld hl1 boat walj taken from 1t1 mooring 11t Via Dijon and Via Nord. CHAMIER MEMBERSHIP DRIVE -NETS 140 PAID TO DATE Tb.rough TUuday, Newport Harbor Cbamber of Com- merce membenihlp drive had netted about UO paid and UO to mend In chKlu, ll wu &n.nounced oy Hay Lan,.enh,1m, chamber executive Meretary. ··And we bava not covered a quarter of our field." IA.r.renhelm noporled. Working TUeaday, L&ngenhtlm addl'd, were two teama from t.he .Arche• to R.lverwlde Drive. A• a N!eult of their effort1, 17 paJCS memberw entered the chamber and H proa- pecta aireed to •nd In checka. COURT REPORTER- D . 0 Law he.id. I rust.-e of 01 · an&e (',1;1·1 Colle.:•'. tuu 1ubmtt· ll'.! his rc~1.:11at11111 t>ffer t1\·e 1111- meJ111tely Ut"·h1•1lJ h11a b.'en 1 memb .. r 0r thto ):tl\'1•1111111: bn11r11 since lhto oollei:e <il~tm·t waa "Ii· l.11.bltsheJ ul! J•HI. '.,!';". l!iH, Ht> r~1111le11 1<! s .. 111 ~e ... ·h Prior h > ~"I v1ni; lh1• < '11lli>i:1• Dlatr1r1. l..11whr11.t Wl\8 " ml'mlwr of the Hunllni:t nn 8t'!1rh L'nhlll High Sl'l1cx1I B1u111I or Tru~tet~ for mAny yPar.. ~·or tlw pa..'!l sever11I yc>i<r~ he h1111 b••1>n rt mtm- bo'r nf thl' l"t>1tl B1•a1·h r11y Cuun- cil Bl'lll Sf enographer for Teddy and Harding on 26th Year In 11ubn11tung his rt>:>litn.ll1on, Lawht>11J slalt\I. "ll 111 with a fl!elmg ot 1h'l'I' rt·i:ret that I can party and fonned the Bull find 1t nPt'U toary tu ll'nnlnate a n Moon . It wu White who itufft>d assoc1auo11 in whic h l ha\'e t1k- 1br: coplu of a apeech Into Ted-t'n irreM P• 1,1,., irntl which hu dy'1 poekl't, subl!equently •3 \'lng offrred m.. much ple11auri• The SANTA ANA AUO 31 (OCNSl -P1pe-smokln1 Wllllam IB 1111 White ot Newport Beach today stsrted h111 28th year a.a a re· porte~ In Orange County Superior Couru. Roou vell'1 life. Three judgu with whom While wcrk'd have died ov•r the 2:1- A t •-d tnendsh1ps tormPd With Board n a ~mpt w&11 m a e on F Rooaevell'• life bul the bullt'l 1 and acult~· member• will be amacktd Into the 11pl'ech roples lonl?' rt'ml'mbert1l. and I hope. year •pan. e Y e. ttme. mad . b Wblt I may be 1 <'ntWt'd from time to They were Superior Court Jud-Jn the eu t White reported the .. 1 shall follow with Btntcre In· ge11 James L. Allen. department famed Leopold and Loeb murder t erPst, a ll the &cllvtllea or the 2; ~rge K. Scov•l. department trral. He al11<> worked the LL college llnd wish fur conunutd J ; and Homt>r G. Amea, dtpart-M ... ey m urder ca.e In Honolulu. $Uccesi for board mtmbers and ment 1. . W h 1 t • reported Or an I e faculty 111 they admln111ter the The .Ughtly rotund, buehy County'• moat widely known en-11.!falra of I.he college of which ha.Ired White hu led a life In min.I t rial -tht! Overell mur- 1 we a re ao proud." the public 9J>0tJlfht. Ke wu der cu t . atenoerapher for two men who LEAVES nLM.OOM County Supe r r n t • n d e n t of velt and Warren B&rdlng. mlCSdle weet. White came weal to ed he hu Appointed Robert L. Colonlal Restaurant & efoung• Just Dellclous Food! STEAKS Prime e CHOPS e SEAFOOD Ribs l.pbster Tails NICI: DINNt:B SELECTION POPl I.AR PRJQWJ8 Mariner's Mile-2332 W. Coast Highway a crou from Port Orang• Newport Be~ch F or raervat.loaa -Hal'bor %7Z8 FAREWELL- became pnaldent-Teddy Rooae: After 13 yeara In the eut and S chools Linton Simmons announc-1 BULL MOOSI: DAYS work In tllna With M&ck Sennett, Ntblick, who res1dl'" In SunH t WhJte w u with RooHVelt In but that didn't laal long. Beach. to fill out the r emaunlng I ~;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:it Chlcag-o baek In 1912 whm Ted-"I didn't go for t.haL White term of Lawheatl. whkh termln· GOLD COAST WINNER Gahriel OlllJlnlnl'a Mar1e Amelie. flying the burgee nf Newport Harbnr Yllrht <""lub and jull rl'<:l'ntly r"lum ed from Honnlulu, ca plur,.'1 the Stllff-C-A>mmnl'!ore·io Perpetual Trophy In NHYC'• a nnu11I Gnlrt \n!Hlt Raa IM l S11turday. In a field of 25 enlr11nt11. Mu ir Am"h" wM f 1r:-t to f1n111h and t1ut on co~rcl1>d \lm .. by 2•,. m•n11lr1 O\'l'r 0 1 .. rtefender. Walt Elllotl•11 E11cap11d,.. H11n·ry Snm"r"' Amnrlta plarf't1 thlrrt with Andale, i<luppertd b)• Lf'o Brnzlm. 1n fnurth m11k1ng 11 clr11.n _.,.p tor NlJYC bo&t.. R"• l<ner Phnln Mesa Elementary Workshop Slated Curriculum on Tuesday T hr 1·111111ul11ni \\otkshnp for luon. Gtr1r1 al H•>C1lq11111tl'r~. !'11- 111 tf'lll hl'r~ In lhr ('ustll Mt>11a pr1·n1e !'nr11111:11Hhr AlhNI f'ow- l lnmn • ll'llll'nl;r n · 111 l111PI 111,;1 nrl l'r!\, In .fnran. will lw hr·ld ot tl11· 11111i11orl1m1 ... nllowlnfr Jun. hl'nn Rn•l " 1o1rn-. . 1•1at mrl'!tn~ 11( .. 11 1 .. 0. hf'r~ nt n ( lhP !-; A Jl1•11 1<l'h1111l. TUP,llj,ltt\', Rt•fl Si ):(\('II o'A(t' "n.I, t hl' mlllllr, g ,.l'f II, hPJ:ll1n11lj: Ill fl II I'll • 111'· !arl." Rll•I Rll•ltl'l-\'1~11111 Aid n111ter· 1••111ltn,.: It> :-1 1,. Ar1111• 111"1'•'!<. 11t111 •lt~plll\'i. 1111.i .11., 11<!lto ons \\'Ill 1•11r1 1t·11l11n1 • •••rtlin»l111 •HHI I:• 11-b•• 1nnlin11r•t f1nm r h•' mor111 nl! l'Tlll • l1111n11i.11 ,\ ft1•1 1ntmol11cl• Ar i 11nd m usic di~l11y11 or the nry 1 rr1111 rk~ I\\' F\ "' 1·: I H,.,. 1111-wor k nf tht• rh1lrlren tn I hf Coii- P"rlntrntlrnt, 1rn I d1~1 '"Alnr1 of II\ MeRR llrhf'>l"I• wlll be fl'a tured "fl•·\•rlor1n.: l1111111v" rn C'h1l<ir•n" at thff<> 1uiolona. hv :-1 1~ 11 .. ~l'•'t•. ~11 , H"h'n HPf- fr rnAn. r•,..111 th.-llh1 r~11 11f ~:1 .. mPnl •"\' ···hi• •ll•n \\Ill :-r•11k tin Spannan in Cra1h • !'1111 """'I r .. 1>rl111 i:. t ( Ille !'to-An ,teen R. McG111rf', 11\ n( ri>ol l"t11 tr• ~,,., ll••t trrnRn •~ ,11 11111 ~~ml-1 RJILlto, Incurred 11hi:ht l11Jt1rh • lni: n11 1•·nAI 11• \\rtl A• intrr· ,,\uJVlll\' 11ftrm (>on \\hrn A rsr 1111t1nnA I f11:111 ,. in • hu '''"" Au-''"'"II hv J .tm"s H. Mcta ure Jr. lhnr • • •1 .iw I~·• k ~ 11n I n1ttr"'~ HI .cbn 1.r Rialto rolh•l!'•I w1lh nn l'•lrwa1 1,.n 'Ill' 1• r1r•1tl<'t1t "fl ''"' o11wr~ ill Tu.11\ln Ave. nr&T thr ."\Al 1·•n.1I ~;du• 1lt11n "'~"<I· 11.-rm ~1 The womAn was t:tk~n 111 11\n llnl ,~~· .. ·11l" 1h111111111n ••f 11 a 1lo1!•11 Phil 11 Spa.rman. Nl\!l••nal Yrurh111 k11 In 1!'11\ shr 1 11<. ;ir,o Av1wa1l1>, Coi<l:t Me!!&. 1.nd Sfl\'<'rl •~ 1·1· 1111 rrt.<I\ '• 11• •I or-Hair\' R ne :\!altos. 16. Ontario, flct•r on informi<tron-111111 rolu1.a-l""re operaUng the olbtr cars. Now Open E\·ery Day In tbe ·Week Edwin Edicks Honored at Picnic Sunday t.fcmber1 of the Edick family of Costa Me1a helCS a pirnlc Sun- day a fternoon 111 the city park as a farewell lo )tr. and Mrs. Edwin Edick and their family. who are lea\'ing 1mmed1ately for SU111nville where Edick el(p«tll to go Into busme1111. Edick hu bPen "'1th t hl' Highway Garage alnre he grai1uatPd from high srhnol in 1!130. nwnlni; It for •a grester p&rl nf the time. A mon1t tho .. who attended the pk nlc werl' Mr,.. Gertrurte Edick. C('l"t.A Ml'M, mothrr oC Edwtn; hrr two d&ughll'rs snrt their fam - lltes. Mrw. Rnbert Halnea of Co11- ts Mellll and Mr11. E dwnd Y.·11- klnl!On ot Van Nuy11; her brother. i:;t11.11Jey Eaatrnan at Costa Meaa; Floyd Wrt~hl nf Huntington Bf'ach, Mr. and .Mra. Lloyd El- m rr of G11rdl'n Grove 11nd Mr. ll1lrl Mrs. Lnren Elm•r of Santa Ana. dy broke aw&y from the Republl-,Uhrted. "I h&d ldeu of being a lea July l , 195i. a director." BUI pl&D8 to ratlre In four "One thing a Jlrdle doea la Open DCRM' Locked years and "WT!te a bout aoma of keep an unfortunate 11tuatioo I An open door diacovered at I my exper1encu ." trom aprea.dln~ " -Peter Am ell. Garden C • n t e r Nunery. 3035 Cou t Hlfhway, wu locked by police J"rlday afternoon. Eddie l Wix of 3111 I,, Martna An. re- ported the door open. Offlcu 1 lllld ll wu unltnown lt anytbl.ng wu mlulnc atnce the ownft' la away. County Can Have 48 New off-Sale Liquor Permits 8A CR..UlmNTO (OC'N8 ) St.ate alcoholic beWrq9 coab'ol Director RuaeeU 8. Munro a&4 µi1,_weck ~o.---Ott-Ale ltquor Ileen-will be laMJed In Onnp County at tha •tart or nut year. The n"" ttcen.. wnt be 11- •ued tor the thted prtele ot 18000 required by ~ a.cl ot t.be 8t&t.e lepl&tare paued •artleT. ntl• 1u11ion came In the wake of wlde-spr.ad IJquor reform•. The law becomel effeeUve Jan. 1. Granrlollo 's (formerly of Rem~t) complete menu for the f •mily PIZZA • SPAOHETI'l • LASAGNA HOME -HADE RA VJOLI • STr:AKS e Sf:~ FOOD TOOD T O GO 511 lolboa llvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPEN DAILY U NOON-1% MID?\,OBT, MO:S. 3 p.m. TIL MID. Nmir 8howtn1 · BING OB098Y GRACE KEJ.LV -rhe COllntry Glrl" 8Tt;RU..._-G RA YDL"'( "Shoh)un" AIA:S LADD "The In Twffdle D" Takes DOCJ Show Honon Munro lltaled the n!'w ltcmAu ------------- McConnell Story" CinemaScop• WarnerColor c1.n be luued becaUN of 1n- cr1>aa1>d population In the Orange County area. State Jaw pennlt• In hla llral Amencllll Kennet on11 off-1&.la liquor Uceruia !nr Club compellt1011. Tweedle Dl'i'. u ch l 000 of populaUon. The catc- ""''llcd by M1. 11n1f Mrs. Kirill KOry al8o includea off-N I• be.r Flctin~hn!f of 2106 Serrano lt>Ok and wine ltcen.ee. winner's dog and or pos1le lleX The nl'W Hcenl!f'll Will b4! the beat of bned. The show wu held tlrat llllJl!d In the area •nee over the Wffk-end a t San Diego. 1939. I BALBOA t he CAn AIN'S CABIN Th4' PAt·L SUTT<)~ Trio 0-cltlit e\·ery nlJht (eXN-pt 8un.) from 9:30 p.rn. X n Conr-:"o MlnJmum 10 Open DINNER a.m. SERVED from 5:00 p.m. DANCING NlGllTLY Sun., Moa.., Tuea. .JA.MEl'I 8Tt:W A.RT "Stratec)lc Air Command'' AU:x GnS!ll"l;~s "Captain's Paradise" Start. Wf'dntflday "The leachcomber" aod ''Tfmberiack" "Pirates of Tripoli" PAl'L tQ;JliREm PATRICIA MT.OISA Now Showing tAld" TuM!. by ROSSI with all the Gourmet Accompaniments ITALIAN DINNERS Ch to ROSSI CAFE Coroew clel Mar .UZ5 L C.. .s_,. Bu. 1180 Mesa-¥i/ . ,, '1MARTY IS I sweetheart." -Arlnv f••ftlll Ht 'I -,at!' imJ of 1"7· .. Pl 7""' 4'ned u{ ptmrt ! "Mab toOm foe my friend MAR'rY --1 • DELUXE LUNCH 11 ::10 c.m. -S:OO p .m. CHINESE and AMERICAN DISHES ~:OU I'· m. -3 :1)(1 a. m FOOD TO TAKE HOME Thr San1P l'rkc>o;; t ht \' f'ar Around CHINESE CASINO J 11 Main St.. BaJhoa .. 11 REAL MEXICAN FO 0 D ~t.e&k• for TIIOH \\lie o.lra I If you preft>r to at.a~· a t home to llH your fuortte I I ~e,·iftioo pr~ try our bond Me:Jdcan dJnnen or I iapecial ordf'n to take out~ They're reedy to eene. ' PIU\'AT!: PART\' BOOM FOR 1.AROF. P ARTU:S COSTA MESA I Block flutll of 8u ta Aaa <: oantry a.• L:R-.rYaU.. l'IMM u 1-2403 I -· -- ~ .. , .... ........ '~ROADTO DENVIR ~_Ill rAYI · MOU FREEMAI "0.Hl!r'' l :M • l :tO "llartJ" 11:00 A 11 :Ill -------------8tarilt Nest W1-dnMd&)' RIU DOUBLE OOMEf>t' BILI. lUd'e Ila&. l'WlL 1 ;'6-"Jroquoll T,.al" R9mpll,..J 8oprt -'OU ~ -Aldo ReT "We're No An11el1" 8tut8 ~at \\'edneeday .., a.llM'I R...u..t R...u .. GIRL RU8H" "D---._ ........ H--·· Reek HudM>n "0?\"E DE8llLE" _._ In , ... -~~~~-~~~~~---~~~--~~~~~-'~~r-~~-~~-~----~-~~~-~~~~~ -........ COACH AL IRWIN IM GOOD SHAPE FOR 8TH SEASON WITH SAILORS Maintains Tan Past Hopes of GettlftCJ Top Spot Barrier A• ror Lor-.nta.n, lrwtn 1t.ated: "He can be the be9l willpan l'n ewr had.'' "n\at mMAI Paul abo11ld be plenty pot.nt. for lr· win bu bad Bob Tbom..-_ all· Cir a t the flan" poet. Thomp· By BILL ,PHDJJPS eon. unci. ot the Tan' pree.ent 11 Newpolrbor Union High School gridiron proe-. h&llbac.ll pro-r>eet Buddy Thomp· """'l• a re in •• g •ha""' aa Sailor football Coa,ch Al Irwin llOll, once •n•,.ced 13 at'r!ala In r~~ r-a row In one ball cam• and °""'' when practice ta underway Tueaday afternoon, Tar atock outet1nd1nr defen11vety. u Sunset Lea e dark horse should lmme<iiat~ly zoom. But It i. lhe h11lkln1 Deem• Th111 111 Irwin'• tl(hlh k&30n at f\lad that lr'WlJI ta~ aa "a Mm M>LIATHS INIOLL AT OXY A pMI ot Co&c~ A.I lrwln'1 Miit llMlll• from l&et rrW -. OklUI Tbomaa &IMI Dklk Mtr1'mch, .,.. earorun. at Ocddent.al thl• tall. Both an&d• the AU-8Ul\Mt LMru• clefeft.ltve eleven. Tackle M1rkoY1ch u rn•d the 111cond bell percent•a• In converalon1 made by a prep player ln t.be nation laat -IOn. Dick nudrecS 21 out ot %• nlra·polnt at· tempta over the cro11bar. REVEN GI! I DODGERS SURGE INTO B TITLE CONTENTION 8attling b1ck from the losers' bracket. the t\rst pla<:t 8 National League Dodgera won five atr&ight fraya to ~h championship po•ition through Wedne11day nliht'1 f&IMS One more go remained with the fourth place National lndian1, th~ crown to re•t of the victor'• brow. The Doct1111-. were dveat~ by • a t ht'ltu of the Sailor •levt n, bat·k on the cndlron. (\lard on real collect pro.peel." Deema. a und while the Tars have e lway• the bulcetball team. tOMed the .rrowlnJ boy a t 200-plua Iba .. I• t11rurt•I In the annual fall p!ill· 11hot and threw the dtacu1 In only In hll 1econd year ot toot· •"" llmt1. his rhlllfU havt been un· t rack. 1wam back1troke and tree· ball. It h la potential conUnuu to a bl" 111 '1 oi<'k put th" top •pol atyle In 1wlmmlng a.nd wu dfVt'IOp, Gary rnay prove lrwln'a Harbor Reds Win County Midget Titre the lndlan• In thrll' flN!l outing •t1H k a galn1t th• undeleatt 1t of the toumty, Theruftn the tourney lndlana Wed n • 1 day, Trlbt mov•d unc1etutfd to th• t'ra11hlnr a homer In the tlral <"hamp1on rontenll<>n 11101 ••hile , Woody Brooke 11n1led In th,. tht 8u1111 buhed over tht' R...J I ""1nn1n1 pair of t&lllee In th,. Sox. A th leucs, r.tant!o, tht' Brllvra lhirol aa Fl'lk«>r and Andtr"l'.m 1\1"1111 \' and tht' lnd11111,. Wed· rhuck1>1I • no-hltt•r at th• Trlbl' nead•y for a 3·2 11quuker trlumpll. nlWAHT IU\'AUI The Bum pll.<'her 1trut'k out 12 Thl1 lhwar tl'd U1r 1td11k1n11 "" _·_•_rn_or_•_· __ ...,_ ______ _ bu r 1 .. 1 of Anah .. im and Fulluton I catcher on tht baHball nint'. irea tut lo dalf'. coRt;AT SHAPt: I After .ttrving .. u alalanl WEDDED auu coach at COP In 11141, Jrw1n en· Tu, Irwin 11 marned but, no, l>e1·ply tann•!I u rt8ult of • ll•Ced In th• Navy u Chief Bo· ht hun't launched a &rid aquad 1<u111111t"r "~nt U\Structtnr Harl>Or suna Malt While still in the Mr· of hla owt1 u yt t. The preMnt Brt'a k1J ... h .. w ro >1wlm. the wiry vice, ll"Vl'ln wu awlmm!ng and family conal•ll or wife Loli and l rwin m1i.:h t ~1 111 be playmg for hnd Coot ba ll coarh a t Union Col·• daurht..-1 Claudia, 11. and Mar· Amo11 Alunz.o Sta(i:g'• Colle(i:e of ltgl', Ny In 11143 rla, 8 r s.c-IC11 J:t Id mac-hint , judging Culmination of lrwin'a naval Loia, from Oakland. wa1 1lx 'rom hill •'•m•hllon But that wu duty cam" u Lt J c flliht deck month• behind• lrw1n at Coll•!• bad< 111 111:111.411 that Irwin aervtd oct!C'er on lht n•w IAxlngton of Paclf1c. flnally catchinr up .. ~ f1u1ih '""' string full b a <" k a.lrcra!l i·arrler which Hw 33 I with Al •ft•r he wtnl l11to th• ,rnrl lh• 11 1wrform .. d u vanity month of aervlce In rombat suvtce. Th"Y wtre married at lt"\Jllril t•>r lhr"r 1t aaona under watf!rl . Wauker1n, 111. Al hean't r•1T11l· Fonthall'8 Grand Old M an BEST £LEVEN led It. MAN Ot' Tiit: llOliR -With approach of Newport Harbor High • chool football &t>ason, that means Coarh Al Irwin takes over. This is the College of Pac1fi<" J::"raduate's eighth season at the Sailor grid ht'lm. He received his football training under Harbor Hlgh's own Ralph Reed and the Grand Old Man of Fontball. Amos Alonzo 8tagg. -Staff Photo HARBOR \)O~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor "AGE 6 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 TAR VARSITY GRIDS OPEN "DRl[L MONDAY With 13 lettermen among them, Newport Harbor High Sdlonl's varsity Tar grid guya got ready for the l~ foot- ball sc"1snn ~·csterday when team physician Richard Altman lune<l rn on the ir indi\•idual tickers and Coach Al Irwin and h 1:; ~taff b\·gan handing out equipment. Jrw1n 1111 a na11vl' MOn of New· port Beach: that Is. if you don't l(t'I lt'chnkal. Hl8 mother a nd hrother Ralph, now a Costa Mt· .. a bu11ntssman, were bom here, a nd his father wa1 a loea.l bual· ne11Aman. But Al cam• Into the world In li'rt11no ~cauM hie par- "nt8 were on vaeat.lon at the time. Th11l wu back In 1911. IS HlS BLOOD Sp<>ru wrre In Jrwin'a blood from lh• hut. Ralph Ratd, now a thlellr director at Harbor High, wu Al'• roach. lrwtn wu ruO- ONE MORE Single Win Needed by YC Braves One more victory alter Tu.,· day night'• 7·2 triumph over th• Perk G1Ml1 meant th• C ba11e· ball tournament crown few the Youth Center Brave•. AU th•Y had to dA WU down tM °'-"' again. Two 1tral(ht wina for th• Giant• lut night and tonJcht were necuaary to deny the Youth Center nine the title. ll••:t1<••( h11Ck an1 .. ng th .. prOI!· fl•• -..... , :-1.1111 J,11 ,., .... lH-c·foot, ..!711 l'"illlol•·• .I 111 'I• •~ Hill f!lr 1J,>. "'" ,, • c:u111 I J\ Jlln1.,r. Sa m had 1 • ... 1· !' , ... ,1 11.111 .. rr .. rt• li~!!I l!~a­ ~. 0:1 "lll'1t c'lo hr okt' h1x \'ollar bone o\ loll•• ~lll( lloi,: Dupl~ Grant Nairn'• t b r • • hitter, the Giant• wue never In contention an.er th• ..cond et.all· &a. The Br&vu «ortd tour ttmee In that frame on four walk•. a hit batter and a two • t.11.r by Larry Broerlnc . Homen by Don Ander90n and Pat P'laurh- Oave Tamura; Fullb•ck C:harlle ~rty In tht firth accounted for Berry: ..... ntu1 Ja c-k S1111th and the final three runs . Bob Alltn, Endl Paul L<tr• nlzen ~'A'ITf:R T unJ 8111 Lamb, Tacl<le~ L111ry Biovr moundimtn Dave Con· Harper and Slt>Vt' Watch .. r . and nell and Chris McLachlln 11c8 t· i;u11rt1 C:ary Dffma. tHrd seven hllll and allowed on ly S"rl<llll practice It.art.a at G 30 twu alrolla. J1 m. ~onday. Charfed with whip· In Tut'11day'1 other r am•. the ping t htt p1gakanner11 In lihap.• for p111 k While 8011 edfed the Park 1 ho> oµ.-ning practice t w111ll' with Dotll(ers IS·S. Pilcher Pel• Toed· 1 Y.xl'l'IMur St·pt. 23 are Irwin, Col· ter·,. gn,ndtilam homer In the I lo·;;r ur Por1f1c; L1t1e COa('h John first canlu got th• White Sox l.rll• 1111111 It 11 "''•·r florn la~t .\l .. f:c•W<in. COP. B11ckf1elcl Coach off LO a fast alart. Lang Ladwig'• •· ••• n I ll' ~'"" \• r h0•1 k Ueorgt l>un 81Jml'. L'SC: l:Ja<'kfll'ld ~Oll<'h.1 .• 011blw. 10 J,11 \I• h •· " , h11111 •• of Ju1n111g 'It h ..... ·l1 t • 11 ,.., ,.. :1~ ( :utu •f5 Gary I•""'" :.:"..! t: .. ,.:,·r E:u I) :.! IV 11nd I 111 k '\ .. 11 ... '· 1111 111 lilH hurlnl( lh1• !".111.,1 '"""·"<I "'nil u ~ the tlflh. however, wa1 " h111 1 11 d!hn• k• .1 .. tin Hnrkin~ J V •uid HPad Seoul 8 111 Bum11u of t 11 ry < ·, 1 "" ,r.,1111 1 :rnurr Ano rtl'('l'SM8ry to drive In the ty1nic l'rpp«r.JlnP, anti winning run after the Dod· ------------..... ----"er• bounced back with four AL FOR GIT HARDWARE 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport leach WILL BE OPEN Don Box Lost to Fullerton Grid Eleven markfn In the :lfth OSE OS TIUPU John Markel'1 triple with on• un plu1 111x walk• did the damll&f I '" B losing cauw . But Wednesday night the Park 1 G1anta entertd the champlotWhlp bri\t ket by sneaking put the F'l.'.L.LF~HTON. t OCNS I ... \Ill• r· White Sox t I· 10. Johnny Urtlng· ,,.,11 paced the C1llnls. both pit· t"n H11:h S1 hool'lil van uty luotball • hlng a.nd batlUlg. Ht blu ted a rpmrtl'rba .. k Onn Box, 18 hlH to ht1m4'r and dnublf. l he grnl tl'Rm this fall. He hll3 Ji>·' IAdw1g kept t he Sox iJl the cidtd tn go to ~c:hool '" Arlzooo. rt ay ~,th a homl'r and lwo dou· whHI" l.ui pArenll llre currt'ntl~ blu . al<1t'ol bv To.dtu'• aln1le II\ '"1= in Tuc30n, Only a JUnior. ""'' rtoublt' he h11a twn 8t'&110n11 left In prt>p ranki< I I PO!'.~lblt . rPplacernent for Box la Set 3 Tar Tiits .Ji mmy :"nrton. up from lhe I JllOIOI \'8rl'1ly. "' 11 one of l 1 in occ Stadium I l~ttrrn1rn ~C'hfdUll'd tn return thl& >"t>&r. Newport Harbor H11h'1 flnit Box brokf' Into th" fi'.JllPrtQn football game of th• aeaaon &g"lll.n· H11th hntup whlll' only a frt'sh· ~t Excel•lor will ~ held in Or· mnn. DarrPIJ Rohe11_, 1111ffrr"ri "" angl' Cout Coller•'• lu1h new Plr· 1DJt1ry in ttn ruly S11nsrt Lc111=ue 1 ate Bowl which ... ca 7330 pet· fray Rnrf Box look nv'r H,. r,. sons. Coach Al lrw1n at111ounc.<1 m"an"d Al lhf poAl through l"r.t today . Tbe prep club i. elated At'MOn. fQ r 7 .30 p.m., llept. 21. R<'lurn1ng bar kfitld lrttermen I AlllO Ml tOT' t!w ooc atadium I "t Fullerton High include Nnrton, 111 F'ullerton. Sept. 10, and O&rden Gf'Orge Sm1th, Kfn Worll'y, Sonny Grove. Oct. 21. 'nlla leav• onJJ t)wt'ne. Dewey l.Andry and Ronni' two home cam• on the Harbor F'uJtno. I High turt thla fall: C&Womla. Antloc.h Hlfb School In North· em CaJltom ta afforded Jrwl.n hl1 flrat tulltlrne coachlnr u•lrn· ment in 1948 aa well u the beat eleven h1 haa ever mentored. And 1mall wonder. 'Mlal aquad contained a bl,. three of Duane Putnam. tint 1trtnr Unnnan with th• Loe Anrel• ft&ma: An· relo Ma.rcbettl, d•fen1tve end for the Ba.tllmore Colt.a. and Jeu Cone, captain ot Stanford'• In- dian ~d• a few H&10n1 aro and now coach4n1 With run Mfl'rltt at Pomona. Thu• boya mopped up under lrwl.n'• direction, u1lnr the dou · bl• wtng-. It wu 1t Valencia Mith. Irwin'• 1eeond ca.chine chon, that h• ahifled to the~ T. He'• been lnatructtn1 leam1' In va.rlaUon1 of the T ever alnce. OLD 8T08Y To date, Jnwin'e beat Sailor •quad waa h.la fln t one, in lllft. u.uir hi• ttrst atrlnr about 15 rnlnutu In •a.cl! contH t. Jrwln whomped •lfht foea by one 1lded "She kttp• m• In ahape with work that h.,. to be done •round the houae Mfore the football Mil· ton 1tart1," Irwin confided. NEWPORT IOWLDS IASH CLAREMONT Newport Be a c b Lawn Bowlen defeated Claremont BowllnJ Club U to ea by wtnnmr thrH out of four f&mU Oft the locaJ l"Hl11 P'riday attemoon. The team of Al Oxland. Watter Wood and Bruce ff ... .. won Ulelr ram• b t.o 10. Joe Stamp, Lew r.tttt and Harold Shandley won 27 to 12. Bill Brlmt. ICd Wlli x and Roland s.u., loel • hard touaht pm• 17 t.o 21. In the do\lblu Walt P-r· eon and r.ct Munet snana1ed to com• throUfh ln UI• ttnal l:inda for a 21 to 20 Yictory. acore1. But P'\lllerlon, lut rival 16 DOii y.,.,._ on Uie Kh~uJe, knocked the n• Tare ovtt to cop the loop crown. IANTA ANA. COCNI) -New Jt'1 been J'ul.lertOfl or Allahelrn Coad! DoQ Davia fl"Mi.d 11 let· dolJll' trlclr• Ulle that '"' •lnee. tal'IM9 at flr11t footNJJ ,ractlce lnrin hM de•Hloped Mftral for Sant& Ana Colli,. In Munl- feod footb&U caper9ra h ..... but elp&l Bowt. DaYla and Une Coe.ch none ·)'9t .... to t11e .tandimrd of Joba Ward 11611 ~ U.. ~ hi• boya al AnUoclL Amonr ~ type ~ckfleld ab1ft from th• T .. .,. 801 Wllittma.n at (\lard Into u.. •rs. ..... end Bill Sclimldt at h&lt, both of whom made all·eonf•r.nc. at Po-SenatM' leel Lost rnona-C\aremont. and r.ct M•yer. flrat 1trlnf center at Ban Joae J. a. Ootrln, Box. T02. -.Jbo&. State In r-t -.ma. Another lrir three cun• Ir- win'• ho~• for the SaJlorw Ull• 1uaon. 'Mley ar• J'ullback Char· II• Berry. End Paul LormtRn Int~ poUe• he had tio.t a Senator reel with new men •J· loD line J'riday aft.moon. and Guard O.ry O..m1. BE SURE • INSURE lllPE NUOUV8 ''Berry la lb• bfolbtr ot Bob who wu all·cob.ferenc:e for the 1 Tari ftve yeara a eo." Irwin .. Id. "Charlie OUJ'bt to M u &ood."' sACI< TO SCHOOL HEED~ Men's Department Angeles Pe99er1 . ........................... 4.IO White, Bladt. Navy u.. Blue. Charooel, Tu Nylon Jaclceh-Fleece Lined MachJne wuhable, Navy Browa, CharaoU ... 14.tS Sport Shirts. A lar9• aelection from ..... 2.99 All Wool Flannel Slacks from ..................... 12.95 Boys' Department Gold Rivet Jeana .............................. . Denim Slacks, Heavy I I oz. wei9ht . u. Blue, Charooa1., Tu -8 to 1! 2.91 2.91 Socks ........ ~ ..................................................... 4 pr. 1.00 Sport Shirt1 .................................................... frolll 1.91 THE MAN Alway• top valOM la Mena and Bor-Wear lR3l lS'"·port Rh·d. 8 Ii H Green St.&ml>fl OJM'ft Frida,\' Costa MN& Charge Aocoaata ~It• 1'111 t P. M. ON LABOR DAY IAltcrmen In the \Jne Include Oct. u , and Oranr, 1'0¥. u. M~u~ S~d~~ Tum B~~~;=======~~=~=~~~~~=~~=~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Armond Corona. Dick MouJtrit and Cu l Pennlnston. RESIOENTIAL-fNOUSTRIAL-COM~ERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAJtOJ: Oil roo IMU .I. UO ... at.. N..,,oft .._. II.nor 1111 Now Forming! WINTER LEAGUES Saturdays -6:45 p. m. Mixed ......... Thunclays -10:00 a.m. "larty lw•" Ladles Triol VAN'S BOWLING liOI luperior, Cotta Ilea lllLL &LOT'L, Jlp. Unable to win the annual Co- sta Meu Midget touman,.nt chunploMhlp 1t th•ir home park. the Harbor Boy1' Club Rt'dS lll'•lned -•t rev•nge th1a wel'k u they knocked over thl' tou1·ney cham..,._ Buena Parir;-3-0 Tuu· day, th~n edced pest Fullerton All·Bta.r• 4.3 W~Hday to cop thf' Oran,-e County Mldlll'•t crown. Buena Park, who became the tint county club to knock over the Rect. In tourney play t..,.·o WHk1 •JO. tell vtctlm to Roy o.lton'• on•·hlt 1h\ttout Tuellday. Not a rival runner made It put eecond bull. a11:oe RAP I ll wu a Sood one to wtn •Inc• Richard Usult or Buena Park t~ a two-hitter at UI• l'tedl. o.Jton'1 double and o.,.,. Ham- mond'• lll~le were wtnclent to do th• t rick tor the Reda, how· . .,.,., WednHday, Dalton had to come rlrbt b&clt in relief ap.ln- •t J'ullerton to hold t.Ae &11-etara Ill check ln the flnal two frarnH. Sln(I• by Terey Bap•ll. Dave Hammond and St~• SimOll- &eeoWlled tor a bir tour-Na In· ntnr tor th• locaJ lanupera in the tint for a f · 1 lead. f1 orn ,&0om1ng lhrough 10 the tourney lltlr undefUlt>d. O"vld Rau "''" th• b111 run for lh• Burns 1'uPa•l1 y n11h1. H• slammt'1I oul rive ban blow• 1n l lw llm•• at bar 111 thf Doc1gen11 rnqpptd up tht Bravea 19·1 Tom A.nd.rM>n u 1d Dick F«"lktr hurled a on,.•httter at tht' Bravu wh1lf' tht 8 um11 b111•_hfrl out 11 h1t11 with J3 w11lkll antt'rllpt'rffd . HOT HTRP:AK • Rau conUnufd hi• hot hit Let's All Go! The 40 boy1 pla ytnr In to- nlrht e A Learue All .. lar fame a t Coeta ·weaa Park .nu attend tht torrtd Hollywood-Loi Anrelea Cout Ldf\le ball pme at WrlJ· ley J'leld Saturday afternoon. It Nfflclent traneportaUon can M arranred, Harbor Boy1' Club Ath· 1 leUc Director Rod MacMllllan an- n6unced today. 1 Tomorrow th• young1tere wlU meet at Hart.or Boye' Club at 10;30 a.m. a11d wfll ~ retumed to th• club alter the pme. MfdJtt playorta Jut week when they rame~d • wtld 11·11 win over the Harbor Bo)"9' Club BluM and th• rt1ht to repruent Cout Mtd(llt LAacue. Buena Park WU the Central Ml d c • t LM.ru• champ• and J'ullerton Nortlta"' Mldr•t champe. Starter Earl 1Aw11 ,.ave up ;==============. alnfletona to the all·llU.n In the fll"lt. aecond and roarth. J'uller· ton collected 9'x hits to th• trio of l>tnrt.. the fted1 rapped ott Mel 8a1'Ulou. • ~~NS 'nle ~ rM~ed th• eounty W .&TE& llE.lftU SAUi, IUVICI * l»AIU Jo-fl:::!olJ TUM$ It Plil ctNT DOWM ..._ H..-.me Harold • Johnson ProS'Nlar ll..,.ai. ColwnW.. aM FMtral I .t&"Ne7 ho~ llarllior IH Hll \'Ula Way,'Newport a..dl "'!I dadd v.' mMJrf ••• he' 1 getting "" l)bm* an th. Mc.o Hol..cf'•lt I• ti.ndl.I COITA MllA "-'-1 •sucl•..._A, ........... ....,,Lee Ttl 1L1u la.tr 1-1 .. tf E SAVES BY MAIL and 'f'#EY pay tlte posta'le ! .... where his savings earn , ...... ·-· ----------- 4 DIVIDENDS YEARLY! SEPT. JO DEC 20 (I" Time fOf' ChrittMet) MAR. 31 JUNE 30 DIVIDE?fD8 4 TIMES .nARLY m-.a ar-W eamln~ potru for your Savlnp. tr .adlag quarterly dMdenda to your ~ eoaat, JOU get eompoancl earning• -a bt1 bo09t fw JOUJ' 8&\'tnga. ' . ~·,'I ., ~ .. .:.1·!· £ 1 . • • • d . ' ~o ~ , NEWPORT IALIOA SAYINGS and loan A1toeia+i0ft r. A . ,.A c.••11. ,.,. ... ,. 1164 Vt. Lido NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE Tel.phone H.rbor 5220 2407 EAST COAST HIGHWAY at MacArthur IOlllev•d CORONA DEL MAR Savingi Deposited by Sept. 10th Earn lrom Sept. f 1f ' TROPll\' "1:'\Nt~n -Randy Wright, right, received Burl Johnson Memorial Trophy he holds at Balboa Island Yaebt Club awards ccrcmoni<':4 in Balboa Yacht Club thif' w<'ek. From left. Felix Bangs. whose son. Bill, aided in S('lllng up J ohnson trophy donation a.nd Mona-Rae Barlow. runner-up on t rophy. -Staff P hoto 37 PASS SQUADRON CLASS AS NEW SCHEDULES TOLD Seamanship Class Makes ca ... Sw,.p: Piiot Instruction Ready fl~ I. ( f't:.\SY. I may bf> t.lken Immediately a fl•r I t nr<1llment 11 nett11...,.. llDtla ... lllld Wetlllll ar8 .,.._.. '"1 t "hn I''"" the ('()11\lnS 10 wN>k• r 1101 m~ ""''r..-wm be .Us· I~ IOt Ul• )a,'14 lprl.l\S ~II\ aean1an.1.h1p, or for COU1'9118 tJa wea l.her. •ntJlnt 1n.-'81AnUee or adnnred r1totl~. OoralN9Mr C'llrtaa Doah ot aaao. 1*"4. Ueut. Commaneltr Jamee lldwud8 of Newpclrt Bt'ach or by maU Co Balboa r owrr Squadron, P. 0. Box S9:'1, C'<'l'Ofta del Mar. and llOUl'C'.. of addltlonl.l Information for th"9t, who tMlva turthtr qu- ttona. As ::11um•ln>11 "''" t'r & I'" p11rl' tor p1ln1in1. I• a mo111 uwfuJ onti, Ill· the open111g ''' tall <'"llr:(t~ Sl'pt. I rlud1n,1 lht llhearn.hl~dlolnf ttthfnlqbou~ of aa ety, e an . w o Ul --------------12, '-'Ol d 18 fl'""'"'tl r1om l 'nlted power 1.1\d Mil bOai., detailed In· Sllittll 1'11"' tr S1J11srm1n hNdqu.1.r· I 11trurt1on in rucu•. communloa· tert in Nl'w J l.'rSl'y, 11111 thl' moat t1on1, rou1h weal.her handli~. rrcen1 sr1wn~ n~h11• 1·:11s11 pu8e<I th• anchonnr. hnu &11d knota, and I.I June ex11n1111a11on. 1no rwr c·en1. JU•l gent>l'91ly paclud full of all Th111 18 s11111e k111d or 11 record fnr kinda of "k.now how" for any Pft• AlbPrl Jlylfll t, 1nlif rurlor, a nd tor Who 1 oe• aboard any boat. any· the 27 111,.n and 1n womtn who whne. A new cO\lna In ~an· now are l'ntllled tt1 be celled Uoll· •hip will btJin alao on Sept. 11 men. tl 7:SO p.m. it .tile Girl Scout A n;ow , ours, 10 ptlntang. the • h~. and 11 open lo all men who bulr ro1111'r, wlll btg1n Sept J 2 a,,. meml>t're, ha v1n1 J>U&f'd pilot· Ill 7 30 r m. al NI'" ron Harbor I Inf. and t o all women pilot• Ylll'hl <:1111> Th111 Ml1rlll' hu lJI C'IA88 MEM1ll:R8 bt> J<u.-rr.,sfully pa,.,,,.d brfore eny Bf'lll Ill', Beftry ~mard. M"rton ot I.hf' 1111\'an,e r our1u rnay be Bullr1. Perry Clark, Thl'odore t11kf'n All fourN-1 are gh'en by Clarke. S"m On .. 'Jllng, Lauren<'t> \•OIUJ\t,.er an~truc1or11. Fleming. Mui i'unrh t n>cl'nlly COl 'Rl'it::o. f;XPJ.Al~t:n drreueJI, Franr1~ G1bl&n. Don The aeRmanshap <'OUr.<' ""hich r.11lt'11ple, Scott G1llup1e. Gror1• 1 Gurr J r . \\'11l11m HattnbtUJ'h, l'oar A a Uao rhea 'l'HALCO ,,.......,.. Dealer la the llarbor &nlL Brta1 yoar ftber.. slue proble .. to .. Pacific "*tl•u ™' "'· c...e lfwF. .... fJ .... ,. Acro1a from AU·~ IDt. Larry Stump New Commodore _M_A_R_I_N_E_N_E_W_s_·~~:::.~:~!:;: !~~~~~~ na1 d l'alttraon, Howard Peteraon, Of Blye; Awards Presented Murray Robuta, Gene RoN , Rlrh· NEWPORT HA RBOR NEWS-,RESS -PART I • PAGE 7 ard sauter. w 1111am s chworer, FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 l"te1ct1ng Thayn, Jr .. w omtn who RRODICS VlCTOR -Dl11playan1 none ot the Jltler11 11uppoaed to haut1t 1. gal within !\ w•ek of h•r wedding, Marl11nne Pearcy, with her u•ua.l complf'te equ&ntmlty, iklppt.red the f'~arcya' llhodel aloop Whim to 11l1lt anothrr victory In New1>1•rt Harbor Yacht Cl.,b'a annual Rare Wtek RP)!:\llta. -Beckner Photo At the 11nnual tl'nphy pr(>!l .. n· Pventio. In paddleb<>Rrdlng. tro·I t.atlon of Balboa hlnnd Y11rht phies to John \';tlll'ly. Wf"ndy BIRlr. Jim Brldgin:tn. Mary Lou Date Club held Tuesday evening I n Lloyd, But Twiet. 8lll DeWlll, Jo·, B11ll>o1. YM'ht Club. Commodore anna Jevne. and J ohn Harnnrton. I Mich ael B11um won th' l'wfunroe In awtmmlng, to Richie Llovd, Memor\111 Trophy fnr the A I I· Vik i Newberry. Jim Br1dgm11n. I around champ1on~hlp or lht ~•·a· Cerni \\'lllte, George ff au 11 ,. r. 10n. Runners up were Mary Lou Linda Pru ton and Bill Lanrjahr l'rlday Sep1 2 Salurda,v Srpt 3 . Lloyd, John H<'rrlngtnn. J 1 m I u 1nso HOSORR ' Bridgman, R11ndy Wright. R u hf(' ln di\'lng, to R1r h1e Lloyd, r I Lloyd. Biil OeW1t!. Wend.v l!IAfr. Rohrs, Jim BrMl!Tlllln, Carol \\'ii · J.l<ind11y Riil .JJ'wfst and Mooa-RAe Bar· I hems, Jim Jone~. Jeanne Jonr,, Sept.~ S11111f11y Sept • Jo"· nar k Brio~an. In fancy d1vin1: i u,.,ihiy 17 1r thr <'••mllln·lme ~Prlea. Ulr •n Jr:rnnf" Joni'~ In rowini:. to BR lhnll Oini:I.\' c J_,,..., Rtu l J nhn· \\""n•lv Bh 1r. Steve ~!ump Rrpl 6 ,.,.n t1n1·h" 1111• w .. n 1>1· P.:rndv \h:irlnltr !'lump :O.f11rl'hAll \\'!'dnc•5ilRy \\"ra;:.ht \\llh :\l•-n i·H '" p,,Jow \\"n~ht. L.oln11 Kennrdy ancl LRr· Sept 7 riinnrr·up F or LI••' Snow IJ 1 rd n· Stump. Chnm1llr•nl'h1r nn•I :\hrrnm Kirk 1 • Tn thi> arouncl·lh!'·il'll\nt! row J\leonan11111. W1nnf'r wa .. Juhn 1 li>r· ovt'rall wmnPr.!1 weor• C'arol \\'II· rini:ron 811·1 Mak .. H.111111 r un· 11a m~ anti J im Rollins 1 1 nl'r·11p t Offirer;1 tnr l!utnml.'r 11e11...cnn nf Jt'IX ~F.RIF.S J!lri6 w ere a.nnquncl'd R.!I follows: I Trnphif'N. fm•I an•l i;econd. In Larry Stump, commodore; Dick TI111r11day SPpt. 8 TIDE Timi' Rl&b J0:04 a. m. !):.'18 p. m. 10:30 a . m. 10:3i p. m. 10 r.!1, a . m. 11 20 r m. 11.31 s. m o 09 o m. !:.>in pm. 1 13 a. m. I:! .'>!I p.m 2 :i2 11.m 2 C:5 p. m DAYLIGHT lll:n .chrdl \\'rll!hl was fir:<l. C• n1 · ~ur1•r. n.K8T QU A.JlTER Sept. 23 Fl:LL !\100.S Sept. 2 TABLE Ht. Sl !'l.8 S.4 ~2 II.II 4 7 6.7 • 1 11 11 3.~ 3.1 ~· Time Low 3:~~ L m. 3:!'i9 p. m. 4:21 a. m. • 38 p. rn. •.47 a. m. S:22 fl. m. :\ lS 1.. m. 6:13 I'-m. 6 0 a,m. 7•16 p. m. 6 19 a. m. 8 3~ p.m. i 06 a m. l ll 1:\ p m SAVI:'\G TIME (f • l.t\ST SE\f Q1JARTER MOON Sept. 9 s~pt. 15 p11111~d art : Mud1.mu Jan10 Bel.llle, Mer· ton Butler, Keitt\ Cordrey, Sam JU. Downing, Peter King. Howard Ptttrl!On, Ralph Tandow11ky , Field· lnr T h1.yu , and Goldie Joaeph a nd Phtlha Hird. 0.1 J.O 0.4 0 8 0.7 01 I l Oi 1 8 0.8 2 1 09 2 !'i 07 BOAT N'OT NIAE88AJlY Ot th•• 1 roup 1<>me hold opera· tora hrenau, m1.ny have been at &Pa tor year•. 1<>me have no boata, but hke to feel they have loOma knowledre of whAt. to do when aboard, in 1.1\y atatus. HOONevtr, accordlnr to lnatruct.or Rylett &11d hi• atatf of u auLanta, the c:lua unanlmoualy a.cell.Im the coune of value and an added factor tn their c:ont1d1•nce t1cnd competmra when &bi\a.rd any boat. Those who wish to look forward to the opportunity o! taking thll valuable 11Pam1U11ht p cour11e, 1hould enroll s~pt. 12 1n t he plloUng rr;urae at Newport Harbor Yacht <'lub flt 7 :30 p. m. · :-<o e.dvanced -'Jn..!r ownm traded·-la• ... Whhperin~ Powsr f.ll'tar•d•. Many malacs ud ... .....,..., rerondil1oned -~ .aa- Call on us.. If .,_ -_. • mocor, ~" OW' .,..._ ... • • -£\O'lllrudc. -.# ....... .... 1998 Harbor llvd., Costa· Meta UIM'rty l·tOIS the J uly 3erlr11. Balboa din~hles, Brldgman, vice commodorl'; B iii W/?nt 10 J111ndy \\'rli:ht and Jl!sry DeWltt, rt'llr comm odore and Lou L1cw1! In J uninr Rnowb1rcl11. I Jtanne J onell. 11erretary • tre1.·1 j!f' V11ncf r1 ""' t wax ~· ninol ond Munroe presenled the Munroe -------------""'!!!!ll!!!'!""I ________ ... ___ _ .Dill t..lo.YJ th 1pl l'•·n1M s n .. wl:ll• d'!t t r~h.Y ..!' n_!J _mect11111 rcllrlni: Com· y d I' D WE HAVE 'EM CONORATl'LATIONS -Commodore Mike Baum. left, offers his be•t wishes to John Herrington. win· ner o( Miriam Kirk Memorial Trophy, Snowbird tac· ing. who received cup at BIYC awarcis meeting this week in Balboa Yacht Club. -Staff Photo 28-lot Subdivision for Me1e1 Approved SAN CLEMENTE Polkln~ton Cons1n1ttlon Co·,. FIRING TOLD 2A·lot 11ul>l1l\'l.qJon on both •Idea of I \\"e3tmlnl!IPr A\'!'., betwren Palmtr 1!t~ Knnx Plnrl', waio a ppronrJ l.: S. C'oa~I Gus n l hiH• nn· by Cciot a Mesa Cit v Council on, tlf1t •I lnc8l mnran.-.rs of <111n· Au 22 · I iters from pracllc>e bomb1n1t f ti18 wu hel,I ui1 al tht prevloua •n two San Clemente li.lanrt ml'tllng of the Costa Men coun· RrPas this week. At CaPtle rll tn see If thl'rr w aa not a eh11nrl' Rnrk . ~tnnrtav thrOllJ:'h f'1 1· to ei1trnd •tr,.l'll! In the llUbdl\'I· dny frnm 8 am. t<> m1t1n1)!:ht a Inn t hrn11,1th 11f1Jolnlng prof'(' rt'" 11ntJ Sadturc,lajh'l nhnd !"un•loy --------------·-durrn1t 11y tJ: ou rs. Hom• From Europe Mt11 Bert Clrv1denr.-. J118l r,.· t urnl'd from an ,.xlen111ve tour of Europe and v111flln«i rel11llvu acrou the country. llpml the Wl'ek fl\0 Ill lhl.l 0 PR1'h :\Ull', 4 100 Sraahora Ori vt Wh'n the 0 1c11r Clrvtdrnce farnily returns t o town 11he w ill rom e back wnh a fri~nfl to apend 11CHne "1.lmti AL FOR GIT HARDWARE Z205 W . Balboa Blvd. Newport leach Pyramid Cove will br 8 dan~Pr ~pot Tue~ I:.~· Rr.tf \\'ednl'~day. 6 a m 111 i, :io J> m, an.i Th11rsd11y 6 a m. to • pm. C11hfnrn1ana paid $11.521,000 In !late sl\le~ tax nn a 11tomot1ve parts 11nrl "rc .. ~~oril'R In l9r13. r t· port-lhe ;:"l;ational Automobile Club. J'cl1• Cl<'b l11 J<t. ltandy 11111 sc· 1110,l<1re ;\l1chael D11llm pr~sent<'d an Q 5 amage cont! 11nrl M1k•• B11t1m th1rt1 other awardl!, and glrt11 to adulta I In t he J\UJ:1l~t R• rte~. l311lbna whn had helped with the 11Ummer Commercial Boat dlni:hlr11. fll •l pla1•e t111phy to program. Mr s. J o81'ph Ticek, Mra., Mary Lo11 1.1n,·d. """'>nil 10 R11ndy \\'.\'man Willlsms, and Mrs n or<· Damage to I. commercial f\all-"'n~hl In J un1"r 8ll0Wb11 1l". Rall aid 81'rlow. U owl flr~t. 1 ".11111 \\"1llm1111J !!•'-CQmnU>dor e·eltct Larry Stump 11\1' boat moored of!shore of ~ con;! 11n1i G1·nr1:1· \'nndlf·\'url thl11J. pt t.'Sl'ntcd a gifl of ·appreciation Amerh:an Lt>glon Hall wu report· 61 niur 811owh11 t111. ~hkr Uaum to Mr. &nd ?.1rs. Gene Baum. ~r· ed to police Aug. 23. ThC' boat 1.9 f11 st. Ball ( ·,.hrrly i.eron<I 11.nrl 1 nl11 uC ti1c retlnnjl' commodore., own co by Harold E J ohnN>n of John H<'rrin~tnn thud Raum Is ~atlln,it rhalrmRn tor the f'ull!'rton In nirc i:i-•ups 11 ophirio wt>rt dub. J oseph Beek, founder and Ortlrl'• II fttlld lhP b<'W nH>orin«i awsrdctl rnr rir~t plare. m• dais honorary statf commodore, spoke hnr waa ea..ql orr. the fln<'hor for ~econol nnd third In ull '-l her to the a.,sembly. thrown into the watrr and the County Het Valuation Put at $655 Million by Auditor cabin door ripped frnm Ill! hinges. The door wa:-found floating Ill the wstfr nearby. Too Much TY? Don11lrt Go1don of 600 E. 15th St. notified Ntwpoa-l Beactl po- S.\XTA A':\A Al'C 31l 10C:'llS) 200.000: Juvenile hall llnll fum, lice Tl\urerlay attunoon lhat he In an ann11111 finallclal 1 <'l"Orl to $2,000,000; Fullerton aml Santa took !\ blank pistol awsy from the 11tl\te cunt1oller, Ornnge Coun-Ana y~rds and 11.grtculture 1111 ora-11 boy. Cori1on aalil th!! boy wu ty'a i otal n,.t ,·otu&tlnn w11s 11rl Lories, ~J~O.ClOO; pnrl\11, !2:50,000; ~hooting the pistol at other boya al $6bf>.156.770 by A11d1tor Lu and a.lrport building and ~ro11nd1, at th11t a ddre111. F:ekcl. S250,000. 1--------''------ Tot 11 I 11.,scssed ••alunlion was S687 4:17 100. hlll exemption!I wrre Mesa Police Arrest I ll~t rtl ot $:12,300.330. • l1111rte 1"111('8 R<>lvent rreolll• were Pair on Drunk Drive I lnl1h~11 nl M~ .. 07,450. Out:'lllle rat· H'S ~Ul\'l'lll I 1'1'tlll8 ran !7,960,180 tor 11 $Ml.7G7.630 total. Sl'l'llrtd t<1x roll lot'll waa eel u Sf>72.~02. ltlll, unsrrurcil roll, $Jf>,6lla,SO•l !"late Ronrtf nf 1-:q11ali· 1.1llvn B!'lill'!l!lments t otall!'<l H7,· ll:J8 870 Erkrl's rcpnrt Is !n l>e 1n the controller'• nfflrc :\Inn 111y T he coun·" it bulc ln x rate tdoplc•I Tllt'll;l11y Ill $1.41 p(·f ~100 of HBtlll'ecl \'lll118tlon. A ~-rc>nt an· cr Pue 111 ll•l.lrtl u ro111l tax In un· 1nrorporatr I lPrrltory Total county propcny \'a lue v as ll~ted Ill M 6f>O,OOO. l"ourthouar hall of rtrord~. 11n11l'X ti) tht> ~n11r1· houaf. l(ara11:e. g-i:vund~ :i.1111 parl:· 1ng IOll CROil' 10 $4,000,1100. Jllll, U 00,000; hosp1l11I anJ ram1, '1,· SOUTH COAST CO. Urd ~ Newport Bh·d. '1\vo rlrivera repor tl'd "under !he Influence·· were J81lf'd by Costa Mesa roJke Saturday nli;ht. Gc•>rge Elmer Reed of C-oron11 was ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;==~ picked up by Officer• R M. Healy I and D. J . Gardner a t 8.~~ p.m • \\'ea\'ing through traf!lc on Xew· port Bh·d., and later 111 the nlf ht omrers \\'1lh11m 811,·age Anti O • E: \\'all!rr io oppP<I Gonion B Hurt ot Boron tor doing th• same lhing. MARl!\"l: l'PROL~TERL~O BOAT CO\"ERS B,\LBO. A CA.~\'AS snor ._..,bo1 101 "'. llot ~· NEw,Otl llACH MARINE CARBURETORS Repaln -SalM -Part!' Zt:SITH & STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2-&S9 \\'. Coast HiJ:hway Ubert~· 8-13-&S Water Skis Sales & Rentals WILL THIS NEW 'PLA YBOY1 IS ALL FIBERGLASS -AND SPEEDY! SMall Sailing Prams from $115.00 Bl OPEN ON LABOR DAY An u quialt• acieed tfld plu&oN boet you'll ba!rcwd to ownl A 1ingle bonded f1bl'rgl111 unit , •• Nlh '" t ll. Made lo II~• rougli lrHlrnen·-~.,eeleu lrt"lsom bv1 : for It-• rr:>1t co-rlul mo .. ral 5ee the PerfettMr ""•yboy'· todey. OTHH MODllS AVAlLAlll SEE THUi TOD.Al' Ar ~u# ~~/(7Jlf/N'Hf LTI.E llOllllS A SOS' l!'?O W. ("oa't Jhly. :-i "" J>"rt 8"arh ' . WUT ee>.AIT rn..rr&Me Oo. U93 ~ "" port Bh·d. <Ala•• .. _ LYLE -A. HOSKIN & SON 2927 W. Coast Hwy. Uberty I· 1373 witll tllt State Far111 l1sar11ce C1•p1~l11 <All u 8-1011 ' w , L l.aa4fe LL Calnte lSS E. 17th St. Coat.a !leaa Those 9ulet JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS AH Sins 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. 25 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Trade-tu llAMTtnDI FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Completa P&rt. Stock All See Us For Your loatlnt NHCl1 PA"GE 8 PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 -1 ... ,r. •• ' I PRACTICAL LESSON IN CHARITY '• Gloria "fancebo, l<'!t. and J oyce Druck. both 11 Rnd residents of Costa '-fesa, de- cided to do somf'thing for Tomniy Hagerman. 1'-fcsa muscular dv~lrophy victim, ---.--~ftrr rf'adtrr~ a bout~htm -tn··the Nl'Ws-;Press: So they "'C'nrtrom .. donl"-to dQOr astr- ing for donations. Here t hey show resu!~ of thei r t \.\'o-gi rl drn'(•. -Staff Photo ' .. 1250 Registration of Day Pupils Predicted at OCC I 1>1Pn ""'II rnmrt<'IP th,. r nll•Jt• rur.then1llt•r:< ~:<~n11nat1rin. At tn~ ,;.11m• t1111e. ••n Thun1d11y, rtt11rn- 1n1: .o.1u•ttn1.o. v.•!H rompl@le th•1r ror m•I rei;:111t1·11t1on . r-; .. w atu•Jr'nt!l "'Ill be Ab!• t'l care tor fin•! . r1·~11l~t1on on Thura•ll!.y 1r1,.m oon or 011 l"ri<h•y "" pn•re1::i11tr11t1011 ror th• f11\I ' Pr11regi11tr11t1on f'IO•m1.n1t lo n• S'pt. 11. All r)1U11te! wlll mret eccord-11'rtll l'lU•.~ed tl':e 1000 mark ye11-"'Ill be Kil·en nn f'ri 1l10y Ill II 11..m. i ·nl«.\" Or .. Jri.m"-' \\•. Thornton The1t11 ex11.n11n11t1on1<. l'f'qu\r .. d of J1 . •J.-... ,,,.,.,11dl"nl. predicted • 11.IJ nf'w 11tudrn111. 111~1 thrf'e houri. ing IO the fRIJ !f'meill.f'r "rhtdul .... r1n1J ,.nrolment ot al k'-'lt 12."IO They m ..... t be ron1pletN b<e!ore IM!!lnt11nt.: pron•ptly 1<t 8 •· m . dlly•lllneo •ludenl.8, At lhe ••me r.1{11tretlo11. Monday, Sept. 12. Dr. Thornton l1n1e, h~ urgl'd pro11pecllve 11tu-On Thuradl )._ Stpt. !I. •t 9 • n1 . l'l'llmtd h1 te co1nl"rl would ce1·- .: .. n1 11 to ~,.e 1 rnuselor Ill \ht fre11hmf'n 11tud~n111 "'111 111\!'ll•I 11 llunly find inany clllllM'I c\ottd, I <'<>ll•'J.:<' 11nir1"t111tl'ly. 1nn1:t !Klme wt!con1111g br .. 11k f11.~t 11nd JIAl!l•rn-1 . I ~"'"~'• .,..,II hoe f11\e,1 tn c11p11c1ty, hly In !he 11ud•to1iuru. Altf'r ni<'o~t· an'1 woul<l mt"" •om" of t11e mOllt Th,. l'l"~111tr11\!(•I\ r11.len<l1tr for Ing ro!J!"J:C 11nrt ~tude11t-bn,1y 11t1-J 1n1port1t1'1l pnrt~ or the work of f lh .. coll .. ~e 111 "" follo.,.·11 · nun11t r1t"'e o!ric .. r~. tht fre,h-th" ~•·lll•'i<l\'r. I HOW DO YOU DO, MR. PRESIDENT PrMident Lincoln look• u though he were ready to g('t up and wal k to the White Houee, wu the comment of one.of the memben of Explorer POBt. l i when they viait~ the ahrine of t he immortal Ci\'il War Preaident. The bo\'I were thrilled with the rt:ading of Lincoln'• 1tttond inaugural Rddre~11 cut inl(l ihc mnrble of one aide or the monumrnt. They f elt it "''a11 trur torll\):J..\'l'n :i .~ 11"r.1·l~ . 11'!1 \'1•a rs 1tgo. Rent Newa Sen'ice Photo ,I -t NOW IN PROGRESS ••• Sale Ends Saturday, Sept. 3 at sears in santa ana ... , _/ Shop at Sean Santo Ana tomorrow and loin In the parade of valunl Sp«ial purchaMtl Drastically reduc.cl pric"I E•tra-special .avings in ewry clepartnMintl Sean Santa Ana Labor Doy Value Parade •.. another NOtOn why you can thop ot Sean Sanla' Ana aftcl Savel ------------- ESCALATORS now being installed for your shopping convenience wearing apparel for w0111en and girfs I .ff loyan SUpt, 19Y!Ol'I 1Dte Of lhMt 11r.lon pl.otinq trims. Whit., pink. 32-40 -------------:----- Gingh•rn 5hlm , cotton chedl1 ond pMJ!dt. ~f of color1. 1~18 -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ O.nhn J...,,, doublti4"tch.d, copptr r!ftled for eidro Jturdine11. 10-20 . ,l ... lc J ...... tailored Ii\ lecrl+ter-look plo1tic for outdoor weor. JO.JI. Wh! .. , Ion or bl1.1e ___ ·----------- Cotton Dr• .... datil:~u•d for t+ie .... omit foll wear. Junior 1j1e1 "Shrvg" Jock ... , 100% ioh Orlon. Ch-from -' colon. $-M·l. ----------------- 1.91 Nylon ,.ud1•r Slipt, 2 ttyie1, • .,.. .. , or .,ylon loce trim. Whit•. 8-1-' --- 69c Nyl on Ponti•, ele»tic woi1t; double crotch; ela1tic leo;i. Pink and white. 8·1 •----------------- 3.91 Ponly, ,.onty Girdk, CKtion fret rtep·il'I 1tyle. Medi .,;.., around legt. S to XL ---------------- 59c Nylofl SI N!ch Sotk1, Helo11co 1tretdloble yarn. Wh it., po.te\1, 1po•l·to11e1 Pr. l .91 Nylon Glov", doublt-wo~en. 1c0Uoped cvff, -' coloi-1. 61; ···--Sporty Cotuolt, ioddle 01tford1 ond loofer1. Oown -to-eortft comfottl Wome-n'1 si1e1 --------------- Girl1' and ~· a.1ter JMn1, elottic oll-orovnd. J poclteta. Sire1 2·6X ------------------· Jeon• with Doubl• Krtfft, •lo1lic bock. Ooubl t rieedle .... ,. with clo .. ditches. ]-6 --------~------ Sut.,.nder J-n•, girl1 ond boy1. aor tod:ed 111 bock. Novy irolor. 1-6X labor day val111s for 111111 and boys 3.-'9 Corduroy y,..,_., ... 01hoble, lonQ-w eari1111. Chorcool groy, navy. -'·10 ------------------- hy1' Sporf Shim , wo1hf011 ln•n·typti cotton. Choic, of popvlor po1tel talort. -'· 16 ---- l .91 0...lm Sladit, conti11110v1 woi1t-bond. drop belt loops, rip- per fly, cuffitd bolt°"'"'. 8·16 ... ------------- 1 .49 Swim Tr.1nll1, elo11ici1ed brieh or cotto11 bo11er otyltt. Si1ft 6-18 _ ----·---·----·----. --- 16.95 Hon.hide J•dtet, fvlr royo11 lini1111 quilled IC11it cuffs. 8-18 ----------------- 1.91 M.n'1 Sporf Shim , IDliO., foncie., a ll ux1I, ol! good-too•i11g __________________ _ 1.79 lafld Topt, triple atitched for •Jrtra 1turdi11111. i 8.J8 -------------------- 1.1t Chumbror Shirt, dovble 1tif,h•d "'oin MOml. l•JIJ· 17 Holl si1•1 4-Stur l ittwitl, tou;+i .S.Oro!ite .ale1, nylon 1titchi11~. White, with blod: or brown .addle. 8'"-'·-' ------------- Gold land .. ,.,.,,.," 1turdy, !hie• 1ole1, light wear. Si111 7 to 11 ... I lo D wid!h'------------ 1$.00 t....,.w "N!Mtof', blaww cooled. For 2•2 tlide1. ....... 100- • 2.77 1.44 1.66 4.88 5.98 3.98 1.61 4411 Z.99 4911 1.33 5.98 14c 1.49 1.49 2.77 99¢ 2.38 1.99 11.99 1.99 1.59 88¢ 4.98 Liii fix-up, paint-up Mtds for lalior day 79.tS land Saw, 12-ln, ff-. bock ore c01t ill orot pie~. Mo-ring ports .nda.cl -------------- 56.00 Jut""'°"l•Mf', 3 high apeed 11MI 1m1 ... ..._ Solid 1i..I cv• head ----------------- 49.95 S.n""'.f'olither, twin orbit heud1 ~mulol• hond rubbing. No 1wirl mork1 ----------~------- 6c A1pholt Til•, 111a i1Mili1ed bkitk or btow11. SNp-by-1t1p In· 1tru<tio111 f, .. ------------------ J .29 loll looflftf, 90-lb., 100 .q. ~-roll, "'U-weother protection _______________ _ 13 . .SO Aluminum C•rt0piM, -'fl i11che1 ..,.;de, Canopy ~ brotk· t ll o•e rvll·prool olv111il'lu111 -----------L - Adiu1labt• lullh'l91, iron roilintt in -' 011d 6 ft. ~ftt1. folJ to in1toll · 4 ft, 4.79 Steploddff, S-h. St.pi ore 1tnl braced. lightwl'ig+.t, d.- pe nd able 1trength ----------------- 5 . .59 Motanry Pifli1h, 1eody ll'li•t d liquid pla1tic 011d latex llol poinl ----------------Go/. 4.19 Latex flot ,.oinl, for roller or bru1h. Wo$hoble, 13 color1 _______________ _ 5.19 Hou1e "•int, te1i11 "'i!dew. tolori -~-----~--- Whit., 11 _Gol. 1.St loll1r und l1•y, t o1y lo vie with lot•• boie point ond oth•t thl11Md poinh ---------- super values for lllO!Orists and sports111en 24.95 a.it "'••ti t S.vt Cove", snuO lit, Ribbed plo11ic vinyl t•im. c;, .. ,. or blve ---------------- 12.45 All1tcit. la"•ri•t, chem·MI p\0~1 , •. 1!ow dried. Se,..ic• <o rd guoro11~e ____ ond old bortery 79c Motor Oil, h•oyy duty , , • bulk. lop vrod• uude1 • • in yovr container ---_ -Gol. Sofe·T·T,..d TirM, life-rime 11uorontee agoin11 defect!. Each, in 1et of 4, ond-' o!d lire1 on your (or Al\1fat• ln9inN, foctciry rebuilt. For moil cor1 ond ""'cl" ... ond old "'1gint1 ------- All.tote Mufflert, gi¥e1 tvll •11gi11e powtr, no 1ocket. ~O•d '41 · '53, >Mrrury '41.'48 ------ Gen OperotM Shutgufl, 5 1hoh in I 1e(ond. lo,,el or>d recr •v•r Of9 int.rlodtld --------- 2 I .•5 .22 ColilMr lok Action l•peate1 Shotgun; open -· beod from 1igh11 _ _ ~ _ _ ----- 65.00 5"6fvun-12 Gouge, full or modified cho~e. Tubular ,,.og· oriM . Wulnvt •lock ----------- l lfte •nd E-· 21-indi thr-H11ed barrel. 8011 action r•peOltr. .270 or .30;<>6 __ _ 22 C.t. levulvef, model 18. S...inQ out cyl ind er. i'.djll\tob\e reor tight. 4 or 6-i11. borrtl -------- 19,9$ hL.,. Sl-.pi"I .... !<lied with 7 lb1. docron. Monr•u pocket. HX~" ripper -------------- labor day HYings for the home .... 44.99 43.88 4Y2:. 2.99 11.511 4.U 3.33 4M 3.99 4.88 1.19 21.U 9.34 66¢ 12.47 II 9.911 8.19 89.95 16.88 49.95 89.U 29.911 18.77 11 .J C•. flt. C.lthpo4 l.tJ~,, compi.tr. ovfo"'ol•< d•frosl· 289.88 Ing. 50 lb. frnnr t+wtt ------------- k..,moN 1lrot119', chair fr ... 26-lnch roll, 184.·· Adjintab\. dothft bar·--------------ILll Pt1mil y-Sll • k..,.,..,.., 7-lb. wcnlli!"lg copocity. Wo1h control lllt:8 .. clul'rll, .,...... tof.ty r-""o .. -------------- J.Sptff '11..,., 33\.\4.S-71 ltf'M. l-a-life 19.911 259.tS O.. l e n(ttl, 20--lnd. Vlti-laho OYen, '"'°"'•I-broil9<, 199,U 01miu111 tipJ*:I l'leedf. _______________ _ utillty o~ TV Antenno Kit, rt11ry#liitg 1011 r.Md for • prol-1onol 7 M. 2.,.tS A"'9Mcltk Woth.r, wotll•i. rinMI, ipir>i ck>tt.., dn1 199.88 ;,.h>ilotiM .... -------------' oufoll'IOfi'lUy 21.tS Ta.,... l lnMVl•rs, 16 ai ., 7Jr:t.S fvnr cooMd Iii'"" laell.er 23. 109.tS I(....,. Dry., J tMtperotv,. .-lecti°"', 9-lb. dr\lf'l'I, 146 - corryi"'ll co•.""·" F.f.T• -'-e;aoe, -. ---------------..... S.tS Lyrk Tn1..t Kit, fvely liMd _.,.. Ntrv-"""'• UI ~ '1!" .... )'Oii »elk ~ ot II. AH controh 011 top, ti""d 274.111 Oft inside of •~-----------~~~~-~ ·r -~~=·~---'°'-°"-'""-· ,_ ... _• ________ 3 ,_ ,.. !!."': :::-:;. ,_4:ub!...,.., 9kiw. kll f\cMjity .au11d 1yt· 111 .. ~~~'f'J*'·tilMllpFaof. 1716 k . Main k . ' ,. ' _., NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBE~ 2, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE TEEMING WITH ACflVIT\' -The boat yard and Non-Calm floats were real busy places during the two day11 of Newport Harbor Yacht Club's annual Race Week regatta. >.tore than half the 254 com- petitors were in the s ma ll boat classes which raced off the clubhouR<'. -:\II Photos by Neal and Jacquie Beckner FIRST EVENT -St.a.rt of the Gold Coaat Race at 12:30 p. m. Saturday initiated the tw~da y11 of Race Week competition. Some 28 boats in tlie Ocean Rae- .JOINT EFFORT -Mr. and Mr11. Keith Lumpkin of the Voyagers Yacht Club were mighty proud of th<'1r \·ictory in t he nine boat Albatross class which raced for the Walton Hubbard Alhatro~s Perpetual in NHYC'a Race Weck aeries. Commodore Harry ~fann presented the award to Mrs. Lumpkin, able crew oC Picaro. LARGEST fl.Et:T -35 entries gave the Snowbird flet>t top hononi for t hE' big"j?'('sl turnout of any clu11 in th(' two-<111>· Rnr. \' •·t-k flrJ?.\ttn ~kiprrrrd 11nil crewed <'ntlrcly h>· llh• JUni urs L•f NLWit0li Harbur ing Md Arbitrary divisions Slartl\d in this f'Vt>ot whoee course runs up Orange County's "Gold Coast" to Seal Beach, and return. llANDSOI\IE .um llliGE -It took the rombined efforts of Commodore Harry Mann and Vice-Commo- dore Harold P earcy to present the StHff · Commo- dores' Perpetual trophy for victory in the a nnua I <;old Coast Race to Gabriel Giannini who. with hi!' 60-ft. Marie Am<'liE'. trium ph<'d O\'l'r " fiPl<i of 2:l ('nlries. and other yacht cl ubs in the bay. these youngatera romprise our most enlh1.-:insdc i;nrl untiring gToup ALWAYS OUT FOR A RACE -The International Snipe Claas can alway. 'be counted upon for a t\lmout. With their National dtampionships in Georgia only a few weeks ago, and The Metcalf Trophy series only last week at L.A. Harbor, the Snipes had a fleet of 10 boatll for Rau Week. _, LEllMANS BY THE DOZEN -The always-active Lehman lnterclub Dinghic11 scored the second largest entry list of all the 23 classeR in Newport Harbor Y1tcht Club's Race Week. There wer• 28 of these lively little tr n f POtC'rs sailinh thr"e 'racea in the two-day event. ·-. " . -~ f' l - NOT Fom;()'f'Tt:N -While Mom a 11d Pop and brother and s1strr ;in· out battling winds and tides for honors in NHYC's Raec Week series, the young. young R<'l have plenty of excitement of their ow n to k~p them busy. Fun and games and, of cour--..e. the inevita ble hot dog and lmttle of pop on the yacht club beac·h arc :rn annual feature for the youngslcris. COVETED AWARDS -The distinctive Commodore Soiland Memnr1al trophic11 for Snowbird competition during NHYC'11 annual Race Week serica are trea1mred by the fortunate and 1kill!ul winners of the event. Senior staff -commodore Shirlry Meserve wu prvent a t Sunday evening'a ceremoniea to pre8<'nl the trophiet1 to Jim Warmington. rinst: John Shamel, 8econd : Tommy Gate8, third: Craig Cadwaladrr fourth : 11nd Rill Cobfrly, fi fth: all of Newport. Harbo( Yacht Club. '·· I ' (}overnmenl Cxcepl :J.rom \ -~ - It; ~.w - .~-. AFFAIRS OF STATE a1 llSJfllY c. llAOAJITlllla IACJUMl:NTO, tCNl l -Oftt I thlnr about tll• California reft• 1tltut1on, It 11 not. lll many I•· 1tanc: ... ep«lfi<', and one ot U1• l1t11t dl1coverle1 a)(llll thll 1111• tnvolvn the power of th• (OV'· •mor of th• 11.&te of Cellfo"'ta to call •~laJ eleC'tlon to flll ncand11 OC<'Urln1 In tlle at.at. l4tfl1l1ture Article JV. 8et'tlon 12 of the conatJtutlon H)'ll that "\•lhet1 v•- ca.nclu OC<'Ur In either houN. tl'I• Oov•mor, or the per.on exercl.- lnr the funcUon1 .r the Gover- nor. lhall '-'• wrtt. of electloa to tUJ IUC'h V&C'anrlll •• nat·E WUT It 11 ueumed, themor•. that when a va.cancy oc:cul'9. the r- 1 •mor 11 obllptltd to lNu• 111eb a WTit ot ' •l•ttlon, end provide th• people ll'I the vacated dl1tri<'l th• opporturlty to beve repr ..... -· . , L _ ...... -· _<!._ __ _ ~·z ' • 1 • . ; I ·---- tatlon. I! not In the l•ftllature ltMlf, thf'n a t leut on commlt- teH and the many other thl11p a lerhlator do.. wh"' lertllattw aeulon1 are not belnr lltld. But the con1tltut1on n•rlec:t1 to ••:v "whtn" the aovemor 11 1up- poMd to r ail tl'le elecUon. ud Oovemor Ooodwtn J. Knl1ht hu apparfnlly Interpreted Ulll n•I'· lert to (Ive him the authortl)' I.ti call aurh an election when and lf h• chootff. . ~!-~~~ • _1 .. )• ... L........l NEW ]'&AU.'Dl PABX FRONTAGE -Ground plan aboTt ahow1 divia.- ion of public beach from propoeed new municipal trail• park front.age. From 19th St. at left where boat atorap la de.tpat.d, to l&il boat ramp'• 20-ft. .trip la 320.ft. beach for publle, tbm '4>0-ft. lltrip to trailer puk fence which runs perpendicular to Mean Hu~h Tide line. Between park fencee liM 360 feet of beach, pha 150-ft. of boat front- ap and '50 feet of dinghy 1torage frontage. The wcvemor haa decla~ that he w1ll nt1t r all a n t lf'ctlon In a Vllr llt l'd tll1tr1rt until ao requut~ bv the boerrt t1f ll'llPf'rv1aol'9 lft t he !'ountlee of thf' dlatrkt. Th• rountlts, ot rour-M , mWlt fnt1t the f'IN'tlon bll11, whlt'b are not ln- <'Onalderable 1n thue <1Ay1 of ln- c..-•tnr populatloaL Th• Democratic putv lnt.r· pret. the 1overnor'1 a ttitude H &11 attempt to malnta.lft the fte· publican balance of ~·tr In the le,Ulature, Md Ulf'rtfort, LI at- templlnf throuJh the •lat• •U· pl'9me court to have the r ovtr- nor call electlon1 In three 11111· tr1ct.I, In whJch ~publlr1n v•· C&llc1.. l'lan OCCNrted, and '" Which. the Dtnleenta hope • member of their party would be elected. PAGE 2 -PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIOAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 LABOR DAY MAGICIAN ''God grant us t he 'erenify' to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to chen91 the thin9s we can end the wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS A void Labor Day Crashes A national iMurance company Mt.imatee more per- sons will die u a rewlt of Labor Day weekend ~uto accident. than will loae their llvM dwing thia month in construction, manufacturin1 and mininl acclduta throughout the United Statee. The firm'• 1tatiatician1 eltlmate 430 Labo"r Day highway ueera are doomed compared to the annual average of 425 indiatrial accident& during the month. With thi1 sobering fact 1n ~d lt behooves u. all to drive carefully it we mu.t take to the highwaya over the Labor Day weekend. Actually, there la alight recreational need for any Newport Harbor resident to go elsewhere as we have just about all the warm weather sporta one could desire. But e\·en if you stay in the Harbor area bear 1n mind the major street. and Coast Highway will be clogged with drivera, some of them 1n too big a hurry to be careful. Particularly mu1t we all be doubly careful of children, beachbound, who many times cannot resist the urge to dart into the narrow local street. from behind our jampacked cars. Caution la the keyword. Drive carefully and be on deck to read your N..,..Preea llon- day and Wednesday. To See Progress, Remember It wun't 1uch a very long tiDW a10, mon nvyone wbo read1 thi1 can remember when .•. ... the iceman wu u familiar a alght u the milkman on 1uburban street.a. ••. Penicillin, sulfa, and other antibiotica were 1n the teet tube 1tage, or unheard of. ••• radio wu a wonder, and rood reception rare. • • • dellcioua 1pring and summer fnlita and vere- tabJ .. were av&ilable in season only. ... televiaton eeemed like a college profeeaor'1 pipe dream. .•• Ure trouble, fuel and water pllmp lmperf ection1, and rear axle breakage wer. common dreada of motor. fat.I. E ntered u a.cond-clul Katwr at the Po.~ Sa N.wport 8-cJa, California under ila• Act of March a, 1m. IUIMIOIUPl'IOM &&.mt : 1'_,.n Haner N...,.,..__ 'l'lt·WMlllJ L Orure County, M.00 pu ,_,, ..... .as .... , ~ U..--. ' Out.£ch of o,_,. C.-t7 •TM PH ~_, ' BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL ., HORACE PAUJ:R Ky Int.eat In SoOd, old fllibutering wu renewed eome montU ~o when I read an editorial in the San Diego Herald by J . Jud.on Ame. written over 100 yeani ago. Fllibu.terinc wu a kind of "off-eeuon aport" for the early Cali!ornian when there wu nothing el.le to do. Am.. I.ft hl• editori&l l\IR .. t. wltJa a lltUe proddtar by UM DOG younr mm lhould be rtcnalt-wtf•'• family he becaiM tnt..et- ed to lftnd• the MaJcan ltat.e ed In Sonora polltt~. Ht made of l onora and Utt ber to the a deal with O.neral Peequetra to atatua of an lnd'J>eftdent ltatt, t'Umllh blm wttb llOlllt anned thereby trfflnf her from t b • American volunteer• Wbo W'0\114 thraldom ot Banta Alln&. help him defeat hi• rtftl, O&n· The C&UM Of all ~ O\ltln&nt da.ra, for the f OVU110fllbtp, In wu. that W illiam Wallter, with return Crabb and hll •• W'OWd ., lhlp·load of YOlWltMn. wu on be 11nn mlnlnr con...SOU and 1'1• way to Le Pu; thl• wu tract. of land alonr tM llortWn late I.ft the year ot 1161. border. But whJle Crabb wu BLOW &l:TllEA T raJ.mc hl• •·army'' and lllU'OUt.t Then be&'an a 1low retreat up Puquelra defeated O&ndara and the pealnaula with the Mexican no 1on,er nMded Crabb aor Ml "author1u .... yelplnr at )lll bffl1. men. I.ft fact h• wanted neUalaJ On Dec. 1, 1161 Walker Ml up to do with hlm. --~-----------------------hi• h•dqu.artel'9 at Tor K cKI• Crabb and hl1 erpedtU. .Ued heft In EnMn&d&. Al h19 .. pre• mm Ian J'ranclaco to laa P9d1'o conference" he lilted b.lruelt, WU· Where they dt .. mbarked aad oon- Uun Wallter, .. ,....._t ., u.. tlnued IOUthWVd by aJow n....,. uw repubUe, rr.s.tdr z..r,. Ulroup Warner'• ft.ancl1, TUm&. wu ~ et ltat.e; Jolla M. do9n the CamlJlo del Dlablo l4 COURTHOUSE BEAT By 1ACK BOE'ITNER Jeniactft. i«n\U7ot War; Jlow. Oa!lorc&. They were marchlnf BANTA ANA (OCNS)-Netd· ard H. lnow, lecnta.ry ol NaTJ: Mtthely and merrtly a t 0 n r led W1th er1t!cl1m becauee of th• Olatie. H. OUman. CaptaJa ot tllroup the wheat field• on th• countr1 dJvtded treatment ot the kttalioft. But an tJlle s. u -ouuklrt. ot Caborca when th• Harbor Blvd. near Disneyland. ot.ber Nl"J. Kaie&llll rtnt rtred upon Uiem. l'Md commlHlonfr Al Koch Wtfi- wut tlilocked .. wu a ...,. lll:Tl"JlN nRE needay too)! th• 1tand In hi• &rUcl• IOml four ,...,.. lat.er • They returned the fire Md the defenM. M&,1 J, 1•T la the laa Dt.,o Mu.le&n1 "boled·up" tn the local Koch, In & comprehensivj> re· R...W wtalell Nt.ed Uiat a II•· church fen prolectJOfl, th• .Amfrl-port. centered hie thln'klng on l"1 ~b'e IUI~ .,..U• cana Mlected a thick • walled four key polnta: l -Bued on Uoa ol -. JOI men 11a4 btee adobe bulldlnf acroM the itrtet Or&nJ'I County rrowtnr at ta m1•1cncl ))' ......... near 11.-. and the Mlplnr became Mr1ou.. pre1111t Ht.. only a coneervattvf mol&Ue ta Ma.leo. With the hated A.Dler1caaa 11umated of the tuture tnt.ftlc JlfO U'OILT 1..-T "holed-up" In th• adobe cua tn S. needed to !how that th• capa- 'ft!A klnd ot took tM "mport" Caborca th• Mexluna ptbend ctty of th• road without a di· out ot tw~ f« me. A tor mu .. around to pvticlp&t.t Ylder lltlp will be tJtceeded wtth- iood. clean tw~ .,..U• In th• tun, both military and ct-ln thr.e yean: divid ed throroughf11re 11rf th,. ltft turn pocket lan,.s t11 r;1vt'n protection to lefl·turnani:: 'llr' a.nd pe<tutnans' u•j> II( •ll\'ltln~ u reru,e lslant111 111 v.1•le 1ntf'r- 1ecuona. OREATr;R CAPACIT\' The divided trtatmfnt m11k,.~ !or i.rut .. r c-a paclty, arc11rd1ng tll Koch, and hi• 1tudy lhowa lh• nftd tor handllnc lncreaNd traf- fic volume on Oranr • County road1. Hl1 annual traftlc count• reveal atarUlnc fact•. For lnatan<'e. a tabulation thla yu r et Harbor and Weatmlnattr 1howed 1100 Vt!· hlclu 1outh bound pH hour 1t the peak of now. County road traffic h.u been 11dvanc1nr at a r•t• 11f about 11 pu cent • yur over the IHt dtcade. However, durtnr th• put 12 month• It hu Jumpetl up 4!1 Pfr cent. A count at Euclid and Katella dlac:lon d a 14:1 per cent hlke. Uon ta 1111""'4 to ..-..p the ope Ylllan. After a number ol eantw-2 -Efficient road dulgn la po91Uon wtUt no .U.rt. aad wtila •ee• wtth h11 mm Crabb decided needed now. and the divider 1trtp very f"' CUll&ltf• altlMlap Ute to W!Tm.der enn Uloup many will allow th• pracucal capeclty nau"' llltter M&97 ,...._ U .. ,. In fa.or of f1ptJnc tJaelr to be SO per cent to ~o per cent thlnp pt toup. 1'0U -a1wa7t way thro\lfh the Meldcan Un ... 1"91ter than po111ble without a IUJ'Ttader, and ot CIOUr'M Ule a-hlH promt..e llad been madt divider: I -The accident nite em1 tbollld pl1.7 U. pae falrl7 to Crabb, they were to be di• will be rreaUy reduced where b7 unanntq ,..,. and fUnlllhJnr armed and allowed to reure divider. are lnatalled: • -Traf- the aped!(IOa wtila aa ll900rt to aerou th• border and the wound-ftc llpal ln1tallaUon a t inter· the llorder. J'roe11•1tsoa. a r • ed were to be cared for. MCUOftl ot wide atreell 11 Qot read, and prot.ta .. t '-l ta Ule Lat• on th• nlrht ot April I . pracUul without l1land1 on which me&nUme J'W an ~ tor 11:!7 leavinr their anu behind llpal Urha can be mounted. Koeb'a department took count• aat ..._., ...,._, Bat la Utem th• men aurrendered oae ALL ·cosSIDEllED at alx main lntereectlona In tht cr-allb'1 .... U. M..SC.H ..-bJ ·one to be u curely bound by "If au facton are coiuldend," county thll year. They were tha pa.reU, 19' ~ II tlle ,... Ule enemy. Koch .. plained ... it 11 apparmt eame one tabbed In 19~0. From &Dd U.,..., GI ,,.a. ~ awa1 TROOPS 111.Al'ORTDJ:D the dlvtder will be a benefit to th• total number of vehlclu p u · and lltTP\r.. tlle •Un •· Next mom.Inf in frOUPI ~ enryone by aldlJlf traffic to now line throurh. the lnter1ect1on1 he pedttSGL about 20 at a time th• men· ... .,. ln a llf• and orderly manner. ani•ed at a county-wide aver•c• I ,_..,. ,_..I... a JSW. .-.ot In the back by the Mui· A.lid. the added road npacltv wm lncTtut. H• ha• e6mpued tht ~.. •utW ~·1 WUA· ean. In the cemetery aome 200 11.,. local IN•lneae more Potfn· 19~-511 per cent.are of lncrnae ~ ..,...ti• lato 8oeor-, JVd.I from the tcleala or ch\U"dl. UIJ tu1tomera .. With the 19M-64 booat and 116T' ))' "°"" R. ,...... wtlldl Afte.r Crabb ti.d beea atcUted Oil Ula llfet y feature. Koeb th• YUt upwr,. In volume 11 11'NI wMt 11 ..._ et \Ilda b1a head wu Mvered UICI pre-eJa1m9 001 third ot th• accident. clear. bloo47 SU.. Mned in a jar of vlnep.r . .All on Harbor BIYd. between Jan. 1. AVDAOI: DfOlll:All: w..,., cnMa, llU WAJUr, WU ila• bod.I" were •tripped ud al· ltM, and Ju17 IO, 19511, could An,_., lncnue over the 19DO· a T--•-~ 1*tll uul .._, lowed to lay unburied la U.. aa. po111~7 lla'f't btea prnent.ed by N period on lunday, 11.l per to laa ,.,........ la 116f, • WU 'ft• only •W'Yivor wu a 1 .. ,_,.. a dtftcl..S roadwa7. In Ulat period cent; Monday, 11.I per cent: w cc...t\&I la Oalltoml& poUUu old boy. named l:van1 W-.. IU• U..re w.n H uctdent. north ot 1N4·511. lunda7 , o .a per cent: &ad mimed a delqtlter of th• wu l!plt.red by th• M_..... • K&UDa • llart»or and Ht IO\lila Monday, 4T.I per cent; 1904-65 Aleua fuallJ, ~ WU --account of hll youth. et K.ateha en tll• artery. KO<"l'I hlku tor tntenectlon1 on major marclallJ ~t &a 1enera T!U• roup and tat.al tnat.-n,uree ft•• ot UIOff coll111on1 north-eouth 1trteta: Euclid and and OllltonlL 111ent ot Crabb and hll ftltbue-DOrt.h ot Katella and '8 ot the Katell&. Sunday, HUI, Monday, L09Sa --~ a.AO. teren. Mn'ld .. a dete~t t• en .. Utat occurred .outh of Ka-114.8; Brookhurat and Ch•pman. Ht WU deteatH fw a ... t 111 any larp-ecale nllbultm.n, .t-tella mlrht have ~m 8\•j>rt~ S11nt1ay, 8118: Monday. 97.7: H er· the Unit.IS ltaltl' kl&Le, llO be-temp~ In lat« ,...,.. mt. Meld• wtth the divider. hnr 11nd Wutmln~ttr. BUJ\dAy, Inc It looee._de &ad U ~ .. Wirtttorf, Ka.la al•t1 teaturu In th•' 37 3; and Monday, .MI. Sacramento Sidelight OTllEB \' AOANCTr;~ Th... are the 3Mh. the va- cucy caueect by the <letah ot J\oecoe L. Patter90n: th• Ulh and 7SUI, Y&Canc1 .. CIUHtl by r.- llgnaUona of D&nlt'I J C'rttdOtl and LeRoy J:. Lyon, Jr 8ACRAM!:NT0-(CN8) -A couple ot yeal'9 "l'O· when Sen- ator Ha.raid T. Johnaon ot Placer county conducted an ut.enalv• 1u rvey of a dult educaUon In Call· tomla, a few chanrea In th• at.ate law Wtrf' efff'cttd lt1 fkmln"'' &Orne ot the couraee otfertd wh.lch Dl1trirt courta, ho1A•ever, han were coMklert<I unnecoMary u I tumid tlown J>f'tltlora tor wriu fa r aa the heallh a nd welfare ot lot mandate. a nti appu la to th• lht public la conC'fmed. suprt mf' court from thue rtfull- Tht wl11hu of 11 11l•le Jegl.ala-ale Wf're r•f1111td a hear1nJ by lure. however, which II the direct that body. CoMeqUenUy, Dem°' fj>pruf'ntaU''' ot the people of eraUc bla·wlr• have taken th• the it.at e. appear to heve UtU• luue et.r&tpt to the euprem• pffect upon thf educaton , who court In IUI effort to have a dt- 11re never at a loa to d~ up termJ.n&Uoa of Ule mee.nlnr of new way1 and me&n1 of expend-tbe coratttUUon. Ing the taxpayel'9' money. While tJae l\lprtme court can- MORE EXPDllllE not "order'' the rovemor to c&l1 A1 " ruult. the adult educatol'9 an election. Lt nnerthal-caa Are at It 1gaJn. ln Sacramento, Interpret Section 12 ot ArtJcl• v. h1ch Is the aut ot atat• rov•m· JV, and u did Att.omey..O.eral n tn1, ant1 a city In which many Edmund 0 . Brown, hand down &11 it•>Vernmtnt employfet retire Qn opinion or what It bellevee to be pPn11lon1 contr1butfd at Jtut part-th• mtanlnr ot the 1tcUon. Tb• 1ally by the taxpayer•. the ad1:lt point Involved, ot cour11, I 1 P<tur11tor1 are oHerlnl' a courae "when" le the pvernor rtqUlnd At further expfnH entitled "re· to ca rry out lb• ordere of Ult urement reedlnesa:· con1tlt11Uon. On checklnr with the adult tdu· j LITTLE DIJl"FDS1fCI: rnllon tl!'partment. It waa deter· Co 1 bl 1 t ... nee va !Y a •rt.la ure cou-mined thst thl11 C'o11r11e 11 for the 1 be IO depleted of meniben U..t purpoee of outlining recreation and It could not operate, Width l9 not h<>bblee tor per.one who are re· the cue In Ule p,_t lllll&llce. ttr"<S, or who are contempla t1nr I An~ on the other haad u.. &be 1 f'tirement. een<'• ot halt a d~n !~lat.ore Thua the la.xpayer ret. It two could male but lltU• difference ""YI. tlrit he helpe pay for the In thf nn!t tlUtr11mt of left1la- p!'n111on. and se«ond. loot11 a n a d· lion tlll1t1nsl bill to 11d,·ll!t t he r,.tlrtt1 employee how t t> ·~nd the money. Whethf'r ~h• move ot Ule O.· mouats In taking the matter to \\'HAT TO 00 I the 11uJ1rtm" rourt 11 food poll· Appartnlly, the thtor y 11 that ll<'11 or not remain• a quutlon, lhe rfllrNl lndh·ldual doun't o the final l1ecl1ion. If the court know wh11t to <I<> with himself or t1"ctdf'~ t11 h"Ar lht! matter, mls ht h,.r11tlf when h,. t1r 11he rearhH rf'dl't11nt1 111 th,. l>f1lf'fll of Oovu- th11t long-expfrtf'rl dlly when It nnr "night wh11 ln11ttad of belnr 111 n11t nj't'f'll.!IBry lt1 ~how up 111 the att11 rk"d 1n th,. ntxt r amruin off1<'e 111 8 11 n1. 11nt1 lhtr!'forf', IL 111 a gt1''"m or v.ho rtf;i11td to r11r· 11 the obllfallon l')f the 1tale to ry out lh• con111tut111n, m1 r;ht r lve an adult education ~ourlt'. In l Wfll be prelHd u " 11)\'PrnM which lhe Pith of future activity I who attempted t11 u ve •"m• may be ducrlbed. monPy tor the ta11.r11 y"r' Jt 11 lh11 type of coune which hu urned educaton lhe quutton-11 throufh elementary. JUnl11r hlfh a ble name Cit 1oclal11m promoten, echool. hllh echool. Jtanlnr rol· a nd It 11 further Indication that lep. and coll'I•· 1't1llowlnr whlrh the tducatlonal 1y1tem contem· 1 there 11 provtalon for r raduAt• platu taking care ot the public 1 atudenta and then h!'Jlns th,. Jonr "trom the cradl1 to the gra ve " yeal'9 of adult edUCltlon whlrh th• For e<'.luC'allon now 1tart1 wllh the child care renter. movea tor-1 ec:hooll •rt conUniil nr M 'k •II ward to the klnderrarten. a.dvanc-durlnl' the Ute UP""' anry Speaking About the Weather It you think it'• hot In the Harbor area. try SantA Ana'a 106 deg. temperature of Wednetlday or A.nahr1 m'11 109 of yeaterday on for 1ise. And if tboee don't con- vince you, drop into Loe Angelea tor the lOO-plu11 degree heat with 1mog, vapor-locked cara blocking the free- way• and to~ !Itta In the area amoklnc up already dirty uiee. Yea, we're all mighty lucky to be al thr cooler beach, even\.'lt the thermometera touched 9~ deg. on Balboa hland Wedne.day afternoon, 88 deg. in our Harbor Muter'• weather aback the 1&me day or 83 der. In the aha.de of Newport Ocean Front yeeterday. We rea.lile there'a much talk about the weather and very little done about it-except by thoee fortunate folks who in time gone by escaped inland heat and 1mog attacks by moving to beautiful Newport Harbor where the year·round climate i1 aometbing to write home about. Pleue pua t~ Iced tea. 't LEGAL NOTICE C't:RTfnCATE OP Bl'lUlQ:N f1f'TIT10l'~ P'llUl SAME THE UNDERSIGNED doee heA- by certify that lh• 11 con ductlne a rarpel and drapery bualnet at 211111 E. Coul fficbway, Corona del Mar, Ca lifornia. under lbe n cu- lloua n nn name of Bon Marchi' •rd that aald firm ll compoeed of tlle fnllowln1 pi>r10na, whoet nam11 lr;I full and place. ot r11ldence are u follow•, to-wit : PHYLU8 J. PATIN 21119 II:. Cout H1Jbway Corona ct..l Mar, C&Jlt. WITNE88 my hlU\d thll 26tb d•Y of Auguet. 11163. 1•' PHYLUB J . PATIN STATE OP' CALll'ORNIA I \:OUNTY OF ORANGE JU. OM TH18 ~U\ day of A\.ISUll. A 0 . 1116~. before me. ROBERT ,., WJLLM!:8, a Notlry Publle In and tor the Mid County and State, o .11ldlnr therein, duly commluion- "'tf a nd swom, pC'rlOnally a ppured PHYLUS J. PATIN known to 1111 '" be t.ht pu1on who1e name II 1ubecrabed to the w1tlltn ln1tru· m.-nt, and acknowledfed to me that 1he executed the 111lllf lN WIT NESS WHEREOF'. I h•"• hereunto •et my hand and a ffixed my otflclal 1eal tile dly a nd yu r 1n thl1 CerUJlrate tlrst above written. •' ROBERT J'. WILU0:8 My CommlHlon Elllplru Novtmber 18, 1908 1'o. 1361 Newa·P n 1111 ~ .,., 9/2, •. 18, 1116:1 LEGAL NOTICE a&80LUl'ION NO, Uft A Ul!IOLUTIOH or INTll:NTIO!lf TO A.NMU A..~D 0 I VI N 0 NOTIOlrl 'l'llEJUX>F WHllR&A8, th-. '8 1lt uateO outatde e.nd conupw to th• City ot N....,ort Be&ch. a a."rta.ta un- lnhabtt.-d l•nitory within lh• meanJn1 ot lb• Annuatlon ot Un- inhabited T•rrltory Act of 1939. aid territory beln1 more perUcul· arly h•daattu dNCrlbed; and, WH8R£AS, the 0W11er1 of aald territory b&Y• Upt ... ed tbemMIV• • u betnl dMlrou.a ot ti.ms I th• aame aMued with th• City of Newport Bead>; and I WHEREAS, It would be for lb• bt9t lntarwt. for the City of l'f•w· port Bach and lt1 clUa.en1 that Mid city anae& l&id t•n1tory; and WH~&A.I. the City of N"· port Beath did on or about th• lll day of AUf Wlt, 1966 aubmlt to th• Orange County Boundary Com· mluton a l•c•I ducrlpUon and pla t or berC'ln1ftC'r duerlbed unln· habited t erritory for It• approval pu rauant to th• provl1lon1 of Sec· lion 36002 o( the Government Code of th• State of California ; and WHEREAS, on AUIUll 8, 11163 there wu flied with the City Clerk of the City of NC'wport Beach a n approval by aald Oranre County Boundary Comrnl.Mlon pun uant to the pro\11Mon1 ot aald Section 36002 of Mid Government Code; LIGAL NOTICE Record• of Oran1• County, Ca111omla, 111d a line lylnK parallel with and dlltant 2110.00 feet northwMterly ot th• IOUthwnterly J)l'Olonra· tioa ot tit• ..-Ul-.tfl'ly lln• of a:ocll N , u 1bo~ on a map of J.ntn•'• lubdl'f1alon re· corded ta Ml1eeuan.ou. Re· cord Mapa, Book I, Page 18, Reoordl ot Kid Oranr1 Coun- ty: Ul~c• north ... terly alor\J 1114 parallel JJne and alon£' Mid City boundary Una to a point of tnterMCUon with th• n«tberly Une ot l&ld Stai. Hl(hway ORA-40-B; thenre LEGAL NOTICE dlfm wa111 for each cralt or type of workmen needed to •ecute Ute c()nl raC'la which w1ll be aw~ the iuce..tul bidden; -d th-pr .. vallln1 ratH are contalned In aald 1pecincat10ft1 adopttod by the Board, and ar• u follow•: CLA88lnCATION: APPJU!NT1CE8: May be employed In eorfonnlty wltb kUon nn.a ot th• Calltoml• Lebor Cod•. CA.RPi:NTE.RS: Carpenter ............ ..... .. .. . . .. -................ i2.tn Flootla)•er -............. _ .. , ........ _.... ..... ..... ............................ J.10 Mlllwnrtit _ ...... _.... ...... .. .. _ ........................... -............. .... 1 to Saw F llC'r .... ..... ... ... ~........... ................. ........ . ............ t" Table Power 81w Operlotor ... -.......................... -................... M CEMENT FJN18HE~8: ~ement Flnllher .. ... _ ... -.. . .. -................. . . ....... 2.12a Cement Finlaher (CompOlltloa or )l(utlc) ........................ J .94& Cement Floor Flnl•htnr MfChlnt Operator ..................... 2."a IRON WORKERS: ttetnforclnr Iron Worker ... ................ .._.. • . 2.8& M'etaJ Pan Setter ..... .... .. ... .. 2.~ Metal Pan S•tter Worklnf Foreman ............... -... ·-···· ..... 2.06 Metal Pu lktter H1lper ......... , .............................................. 2.17 Structural Iron Worker ,... ............... . ................................. 2.111 Fence Erector . ..... .. ......................... -................................... J .83 LABORERS : Laborer1. ~ncral or Conatrucllon ..... .... • .•. J .20 Operator1 of Tender1 ot PneumaUc and J!:lectric Tool•. Vibrating Macb1ne1, and· almllar mech1ntcal toola not 11peratC'IY claultled herein ............... _, ... _ .............. J .U )fUler (H111d or Marhlnel . .. ........................... -............. 2.'Ull Motorman . .. .. ........................ _ ..... J.•3& Cemt1nt Dumper (on l yl1, or lare.,. mlxel"I and handllnr bUlk cement I . ·-. . . ....... . .... . .... _ .... J.41 Aaph&lt Raker and Ironer . ... .. ......................................... 2.•1 Buggymob1le Man . -.. . .................................... 2.41 Concrete Curf'r -l mpervlou.. Membrane .: .......................... 2.39 Dr1ller1, ICorC', Diamond, or Wason) .. . . ........................... 2.611 Drlllera •All othera1 ................................................. J.'8 Gu fr Oil Pipeline Laborer .................................................... 2.IO Fla~an .... ......................... .. ................... J.20 Cuard and or Watchman .. .. .... ~ . 2.00 Gae It Oil Plp•llne Wrapper-Pot Tender and Form Man 2.u NOW, THmiu;J'ORE, BE IT RE· SOLVED by the City Council of th• City ot Newpart Buch that the followlne declaraUon1 and \'art&nNI I H..,.... notlcu be made and (1Ven: , 1ul.rly alone aald northuly Jule and aJon~ the northarly line of CallfOl'nla Bt&le Htih· WI)', 100 feet la w1dth, &I re- COC'ded April H. 19'8 In Book 1n, P.,• 0 7, ONld&I Record• ot 1&ld Orange County, to a n lnttnecUon with tho boundary lln• ot the City or Newport Beach, 1ald point of lntene<-· lion belnr In the nort heutC'rly prolonrat1on ot the north· wu terly hne ot Avocado Avf'- nue u 1hown upon a map of T~ct No. 882 recorded In M!acelJaneoua Map Book 20. Pare 19, record• of 11ld Or- i.I'll• County, the.nee llOUth· we1terly alone II.Id north· weeterly proloneaUon, alon1 Mid northw11terly line and alone uld City boundary line to a point. Hid paint belnjl' S3t.43 feet 1authwesterly ot the lnt•Aectfon of the north· w11terly prolonratlon ot the center line of S•cond A VC'nUe u lhown upon •\Id ma p of Tract No. IU and the aald northwettn ly line of A voca<1o AvC'nue, lhance alone aald City boundary line the following counu and dl•tance1: north lo• 22' weat a di•tance at ~31.1 2 fut, thence touth 83 • 31!' w11l a dl1tanc1 of 37.911 ffft, thence IOUth 21 • 20' &0" wut a dlltance ot 111.87 fol. lhtnce IOUth 38° 43 . 20· WHl a diltance of 123.fO ttet. thtnce on a line bearing eouth 1 • 30' 60· wut to tll Inter· aectaon with the northerly lllne ot Bay11de Drive, 110 ftel in width, •• de11crl~d In Deed Book 830, Page 277, Otflcla l Recorda of •aid Orange Coun- ;tY; lhl'nce north 79° 43 · wut alonr H id northerly line and ·along aald City boundary Hnt a diltance of 134.60 feet to the be&1nnln« ot a tangtnt curve, concave to the nort.heut and ·havlnc a ra01u1 or 123.00 feet: 'thence alone aald curve and a lone aald City boundary Jlne lllru a ctnt~I an,;le of 11• 47' ~-a dlatance of 21 38 fut: thence alonr H id City boun- dary llne, north 211• 00' Wtlt, a diltance of 328 62 fttl, .thtnce north 411' 4&' we1t a dl1t11nce of 990 ()() ffft to Sta- .lion 78 of t he boundary line ot Gu 6: Oil P ipeline Wrapper-t Inch pipe and over ........ 2.:1• Sewer Pipe l.Ayer l l'xcludlnr C.ullct r) . .............. . 2.51 ~OTICE or Pf"RUC KJ:AJUNG IT IS HEREBY DECLARED. Sewer PIJ>4' Caulker • uaing Caulk Inf toola) .................. 2.311 Notice la hert by gtven that thC' that procffdlnce have been Initial· Plannlne COmml11loa ot the <:Hy ed by the City of N-port Bearh of Newport Bu~ch will hold a pub-to 1nneir th1 aaid territory here· J1c heartnr an the application of lnafler ducrtbed. which •ald tu · Mr. and Mra. JI.: 0 . LA WR!:NCE rttory ll conttcoy.a to ~ preaent tor a varta.nre-perB'llt No. 2'6 to boundar! .. ot a id d ty and which pC'rmlt · Projection of the .MCond aald t trrttory now 11 unlnh•blted atory f'ave11 over dty property 2'· within the meanln~ of th• Annua· 2" on lot 1-bloclr 3 tract Balboa Uon ot Uninhabited Ttrrltory Act i.·1and 1700 8o. Bay Front, Bal· of 111311. Sewer Pipe Caulker t CC'ment joint• I .. ... . .................... 2.126 Ta.rman and Morta rman .. . . .... -........................ J .25 Window Cleaner ............ ·-· ... -................... _ 2.3& OPERATfNG ENGINEERS A Frame Boom Trur k .. Air Comprul!Or Opt'rator . . .. Boxman or Mliter Bux Operator t concrete or uphalt ~am) • Concrete or Aaphalt SprC'adlnJ, MC'Chan lcal Tarnpln( 2.81 2.411 or Flnl•h Machine Operator . ..... ....... .... • 2.111 boa h land. NOT1CE II HEREBY OIVEN Notice I.I hereby further elven th 1 l Concrete Mlu r Operator-pa vtnr type ........................... 3.08 that Hid publlc hearing will be at t 1 propaffd by llld City of Newport Beach to a nnex aald held on the J:lth day ot Sept 11166, hereinaft er ducrlbed territory to at the hour of 8:00 P M In the l&ld city, which lald terrttory ahall <'ounclJ Cham~ of the Newport In thu• proceedln11 bear the name Beach City Hall, at whlrh Um• 'Finl Addlllon to Irvln1 Terrace ind place any and all per1on1 In-Annu". The epecltlc dHCnptlon tert1ted msy Appear and be hu rd of the boundartM Of the temtory thereon. 10 propoN<I to be annu:ed II at· Concrete Mhcer Operator-mobile mlxfr .................. -..... 3.08 Concrete MlxH Operator-Skip lype .. -.... -· ...... 2.88 Concrete Pump or Pumpcrtte Oun Operator ... -.• -....... 2.8!1 Heavy Duty Repa irman .. ,_.,,, .. .... 2.90 H tAvy Duty RepaJrma.n-Helper . . ..... ,................... .. ... 2.34 ElC'vator Hobt Operator ... ..... ....... .... 2.81 lllghllnt Cabltway Operator • .. .. 3.08 Material LoadC'r or ConvC'yer Ope.rator . .. .... . . 2.49 RAY Y COPELIN, Sttretary tal'hed hereto marked Ellhlblt "A" NirWJ>Orl Bf'ach City and bT rduence made a part here· Motor Palrol Operator. lncludlft( any type ot fKIW•,J blade 3.02 Oehkoah or Tourneapull Operator or DWlO . .. ... 2.1111 P lannlnit Cnmltllulon of. Paveml'nl Breaktr Operator _ ···-... 2.81 No. 1M 3 New1·Prt11• II 2 6_:1__ FURTH.ER NOTICE JS HER E· BY GIVEN that on Manday, the :MUI day of Septem~. 1~& a t the .hour of 7 :30 p.m. on aald day, or .. IOOn l hereaftt r u the mat· t.tr may be heard In the Council Chamber• ot the City Hall of Ult City of Newport Beach, 3300 Wut Newport B o u IC' var d, Newpart Beach. CaJttornJa, a heartne will be had at which heartnr any f)er· 11<1n owning any real property within th.1 boundarlu of the ter- ntory '° propalt'd to be annuC'd herein deecrtb«<t. each may 1ppear and objrct to the propoeed annexe.· Uon 111d 1how cau.. why 1uch ter ritory 1hould not be ao U\J\txed. Ro.. Carrier DrlvC'r . .. ...... . ...... -~ ................ 2.8! Roller Operator ... .... .. . .................... 2.81 \'artaftNI I H...ntlJ , 1iOTICE OF Pf'1'1..JC' KY.Alli.SO Notice 111 hereby (lven Lhat the Plannlnr Comml.ulon of tht City of :-Oewport ~arh will hold a pub· lie hH rlng on the 1ppl1C'at1on ot DEAN A. KEPHART for OLENN WARFORD fnr a var1ancf-No. 248 to permit Rn r yard 1tt-baclr of 5 fl . . R I <flit rlrt on lot 2 lraC'l No. 948 2033 anl1 2017 .Balhoa Blvrt !'\nt ,,.,. 11 h•• rby furthtr ''"'n Ul•l H lfl f'llbh1 n,an nf w1U bt hell1 on lhl' 16th 11i1y of Sept, 1tll:I. at tht hour nr 8.00 PM. In the Council Ciuunbl'.-. ot the NIW'port S..ch City H•ll. at which time ind plao Any and 111 pert0n1 In· t.iru tf'<'f m.11y appear and M htard Ulereon. RAY Y COPEl.L'l, 8C'Cretary .StWJ>Orl ~arh Clt7 Plannlnll' CommlaJIDn No 136' New11·Preea t/2/611 T O'Brien Moton Doc14Je-Ptymouth Costa Mesa See TheH Pkkups! 19.~ Cbe\TOlet ~ &oa H~Low mileage Uke MW 19:50 Ferd V-8 * toe C! H~r-Ex~ptioeally cleul J9S'7 Chev. ~ ton Body perfect -Sharp l 1680 Newport llvcl. Costa Meta u 8-7272 AL FOR GIT HARDWARE 2205 w. lalboa llvd. Newport leach WILL Bl OPEN ON LABOll DAY Tht above and fore101nr R.eeolu- llon wu duly and recularly pa&Hd and adopted at a me.tin~ of the Ctty Council Of th• Ctty Of N-- port Buch held on the 22nd day ot AuCUlt. 1906. by the followtnr vote, to W1t f:! AYES, COUNCILMEN : BENNETT. WTLDl:R, MACK.A Y. STODDARD, HIGBIE, RIDDER· HOF , HILL NOES. COUNClLMEN : NONE ABSENT COUNCIL.Ml!lN ; NON!: ' DORA 0 . HrLL Mayor ATJ'EST. MARGERY 8CHROUDER City Clerk "EXHIBIT A" DE8CIUPTION FOil ANN'EXA· TION' OP' I IT ADDITION TO IBVINE TERRACE Bertnnln1 at a paint In the boundary line of th• City of Newport Beach. Ca llCornla. Mid paint belJtt Ut• lnteraec· lion ol th• .autherly Une of tha C&llfomla State Hl1hway ORA-60-8, 100 1Ht In Width. 11 deecrl~ ln dffd recorded In Book 4"7. Parll 3. Offlrlal the Rancho San Jauqum aa per map Book 1. Pare 47, of Patent Record• of Loi An- 1ete1 County, Callfom1a: H irt Stat.ton 78 beln1 .l!OUlh es• f3 . 40• eu l and dtat a.nt 220 6:1 f~l from V. s. Bulkhead Sta · Uon Number 104 .. 1bown up· on a map of Harbor Unu on m e In tl\1 office' of the u. S. Enrln~r: thence northwuter· ly alone M id Rancho line antt al""' ••Id City bouMary lln• to a point of lnter1ect1011 with a hne hu rtn1 11<>uth 39• f2 ' ~-wt1t from the m01t aouth· erly com•r of Tract No. 1701 u 1hown upon a m1p recorded In Ml1C•llaneoua Map Book 62. Pagu 9 and 10; thence north &e· 4.2 ' 118" eaat alone •aid City boundary llne to the moat aoutherly corner ot 11ald Tract No. 1701: thence nort.heaet· C'rly 1lonr the 1<>Utheutfrly boundary line of H id T ract No. 1701. and alone said City boundary line to the moat euterly corner of aald Tract No. 1701; Mid polnt of In ter· M<:tlon belnr tn th• IOUtherly line of aforementioned Call · fornla State Hlchway, 100 feet in width, thence norlhwe1ttrly alone H.ld .autherly line and alone 11kl City boundary to Ule point Of be(lnnlng. No. 1340 New1·Pree18/28, II/I , 1~'5'5 ADVE RTIS EMENT POK lllD9 Skip Lo_aOer Operator-wheel type ·-·-... -... -" ................ ~.t& Sl'reed Operator .. . .. , . 2.85 Statlontry Pipe Wrappln~ a nd Cl•nlnJ Machlne ()per. 2.81 Surfau Htaltr 111d Planer Operator . .. . ......... 3.08 Tow Blade or Grader Operator ...... .... . ........................... 2.81 TrAct.or Hl·Uft Shovtl Oper1tor . ...... ......... . .......... 3.06 Tractor Opt rator -Bulldoa.r. tamper, 1eraper or drac type ehovel or boom attachmenll . . ... .... ..-... 2.M Tractor Scraper or Draa-Type •hovel-tandem .-....... _, .• J .2' Trtnchlng Mv hln• Operator ..... _ .................... J .to TRUCK DRIVERS: Driver• of Dump T rul'k11-leu than 4 ya.. water lev•I . J .SO& Drlvtr• of Dump Truclu-4 7dL bul i.. than I yda. watrr level ... _ .. s.ua DrlvC'ra o1 Dump T rucka-8 ydl. but le11 than 12 yda. wa t•r lr vel .. .. Drl\'era of Dump Truck•-12 yda. but 1-than 18 yde. wa ter level . • . . • . . 2.386 Driven of Dump Trucka-18 yda, or more water level .. 2.8811 Drlveni of Truck1, legal payload capacity 1-than• I tona .. 2.306 Driver• of Trucks, lei•I P•>'load capaclt1 bttween I and · 10 tona DrlveriJ of Tn 1ck1. le111l payload capacity bttwMn 10 and 115 ton• Driver• of Truck11. legal payload capa.cJty betw.-. 16 and 20 ton1 Orlvtn of Truck1, ltgal payload capacity of 20 ton• U36 uea or mon• . , .. .. ···-... -............ . 2.8811 Dtlven ot EuC'lld type Spreader Truck1 -··" .......... -........ J .8811 Drivers of Oump1ter T ruck• . . .. ........ ···-··-··· ............ .l.llO Dr1vrr1 of Tra.n11lt-M.lx Truck.I under I ydl. _,, ....... -..... _ J .M6 Orlvtr• of T nl1\•lt·Mlx Truck1 3 ydl .. or mor1 ............. J .8811 Gu It 011 Plpellnt Worklnr Truck Drl•er, lncludlnf Winch T ruck a nd a ll 11tu1 of Truckl ........................ 2 . .aa Bootmu1 .. ·-.. ..... .................... 2.'8a Dumpcropte Truck, leu than I~ ydl. water lnel ............ J.811 Dumpcrete Truck. 8i,. yd1. water level and over ............. _ 2.8811 RO.ti Carrl•r Drlver--Hlghway .. .. ............................... J .'66 Water T ruck driver-un der 2&00 rat ................................ 2.:Ma Jnduatrlal Utt-T ruck Drtv...r . .. ......................... _ 2.306 Water Trurk Driver-2300 gal. or rnon .: .......................... 2 MO Truel< Crea.Mr and Tlreman .... .. ............. _.......... 2.418 Truck Repatnnan .. . ~ .. .. ..................................... 2.881 Truck Repairman HC'IJ>4'r ........................ _ ........................ 2.411 \1l 11rehou.eman-Clerk .. . .. ....... .... ... . ........ _ ............. -2.313 ~·~•IOI! \Vorlcer ............. ... ...................... .. .. 3.J6 Brkklayer and Stonemuon . . .. ..... , ...... , .......................... ll.40 ffrlck Tfncl!'r .. . ........ -............................. 2.40 Tiie Laytr or Setter .. _ .................................................... ll 08 E L!lCTRICJA NS : P:lectrttllln--OenC'raJ Foreman ...................................... l .112 Nolle• I• hereby elven t.h•t Ole Board of Trull..-ot the Ora.nre Ji;lectrlcal Foreman . ... .. ............................................ ll.H Cout Junior Coller• Dl•lrtct of Ora.nee County, hereinafter referred Electrk lll 8uh-F"orrman ................................................... _ 1.38 to u the "Ownu", wlll receive up to. but not latu t.h&n 2:00 P .M. El•ctrklan ... ... .. ........................................... 3.20 September 23. 1906. ee•led bid• for th• awarct of contract for aecrerat· Cable Spllc•r ............................................................ -.......... I .II() ed bid• tor a Science Building of about 20,000 aquare feet, of concrete LATHERS: llab, grade hf!ame. and cal1aon1: 10lld brtc:k and wooct·•tud-a.nd-pluter Lather .. . ........................................................................ 1.44'11 wall•: ltHI framing 11nd wood roof conatruotlon; u phalt Ule and cera· Fortma n Ulthn ................................................................ a.7'76 mlc tile tloor1; acouatlcaJ tile ceillnJ'•: compolltlon. tar. and cravel PAINTERS: and copper roofing; aluminum projected w1ndowL Such blda lha1l be ~gular BM.I.lb Painter _ ......................................................... 2.70 r~lved In the office of th• Owner, In lh1 AdmlnletraUon BuUdlng . BMJ.11h Swing Stage .................................................................... 2.t& Oranre Cout Coller•. 1119111 South Harbor Boult vard, nev Colt& Iron, SlH I and Bril1(• . .... . ........................................... 2.116 Mua. Oranr• County, California. and ... •hall be opened and pubUcly Iron, Steel 111d Brtdre Swing Blq'• .................................... 3.20 rl&d aloud a t the above atated lime ill 111• BcMlrd Room ot the Actmln· Spray Oun or Sand Blaeter . .. ............................ 2.11& latratlon Bulldlng . • Spray Gun or Sand Blu tw 8w1nr Stage ........................... 3.2() Each bid muat conform a nd bt r11pon.1lve &o Uill lnYi&.!Uon., the Paint Burner• ................................................................. 1.10 plan•, •pecltlc&Uon.e. and aJI other documenll compr1.11ne the pertinent Paper Han1erw -...................... _ .......................................... _ 2.8:16 contract document•. Cople1 of the Contract Docummt1 are now on Carpet, Unoleum .............................. -..................................... 3.01 t111 and open to publlc ln.epec:Uon In the N.ld oftlcee ot th• °"11er, and GluJer and Cutter _.. .. ...................................... -.............. 2.68 ot Richard J , Neu tra 111d Ro~rt l!l. Alexander, Archltecta, Jocattd at Plutertra ........... -............................ _ ................ 3.4376 23711 Olendal1 Boulevard In the Ctty of Loi An11le1, tn Mid County Plu ter Foreman ........... _ ..................................................... 3.'6711 and Btate and m ay be obtained at eltller place by depblittne Sll().00 Plu ter Tender ~ .................................................................. ll.18711 tor each Mt. 'Mii.i depoelt wlU be retunded If iM Ht or ~ ot Con· RoofC'r F oreman -......... -..................................................... a.tu tract Document• delivered art returned In rood IOfldltiOft Within five Roofer .... . .. -····" ................................................ 2.87 day1 after tll• bid openlnc. 1 Sheet Met.al Worker .... ....... .... ... .................... ... .... . 1.00 Separate contract bllll T""l be nc.lved for <Jenera& CoNltr\ICUon, Note : All ot the above craft• 1ubject to trtnc• benetlll. PlumblnJ, H•Unl IU\d Ventllatlnl. im.crtric6.1 WOl'k, and lAbotatory OVERTIME RATES FOR SOC BASIC TRADU : Incidental tAM!a! Equipment. Unit prlc11 requ..ted for •caftUon, ooncrete. It.Ml. etc. cr&lt Involved. CompletlOft Ume nqu•ttd to be aet by bidden. A tta\emlnt of flnan· Ovtrtlm• llhall be paid tor work ~formed in exc111 of tbt ,..war olal eolldlUon and d•pollt ot 10% ot th• total bW b7 cerutled oheclc d&7'1 or week'• work and at th• rate tor o•erUme Of the craft bl· or bld bond or cuh!..-'1 check ti nqutred wtth -.ca btcs: ~ and YO\ved. mat1r1&11 bond and peirformance boDd nqWNd et caatrector Mleo'-4. Holiday• 111 herelD referred to lh&ll be cte.ned "° be N.w Tear'• ll:acll bJd aha.11 be made out oo a form w be obteintd at •uwr of Day, Decoration Day, lndependence Day, Labor Day, Annl.ltlce Day, th• laid ottloee In which th• Contract Docwnenta are cm tu•. Thank.lclvtnr Day, and Chrt.imu. Ir an)' ot t.h• above "°'*11 fall Eac:h bid llhall be aceompuj'ed b)' a certified or tub.1er'1 cbeclt on Sunday, the M011d1y tollowtn1 1hall be oonlldm"ld a l..-J Jlolld&y. payable to Ui. Ownw, °" •t.Wa.ct«y Bad Bond ln taYOr of UM Owner. It 1hall bl ma.ndatory upon the Contractor to whom a oontract uecut«'d by th• bldder u prlnctpa.1 u4 a 1&tWMtory •urwtr ooinpany Ill award~. and \lpon au 1Uboontrac:ton under ttlm. to pay aot Ital u lllntJ, .. aa amov.at not &Ml lb&D '-pwcmt of U. tltd. 'lb• clleck t.han aald 1enera.I pA vaUlnr ratN ot ~r dltll\ '"«• to all ~ or b6d -..S -.ii lie ,,._ M a IU&ftlll" that ~ bl•d• wUl execute emplC>y9d In the aecuuon of th• contract. U.. C.trMt tt It lie awarded to Ida Ill conformtnty Yllh Ute Contract No blddn may withdraw hil bid for a .,.nod ol. IO IMya .n. U.e Doel-.ta 1194 wW ~ U.. IU.ret1 bond or bellm u •p•ctlltd dM• aet f« tM openinr of bl"-. · ~ ..._ ftft da,. llft• ....,._ ... ot t.b• awvd ot lll• contract Board ot ~. e>raq1 c.out Juruor i. tM llMtcls. Coll-c• Dtltrkl. <>ran,. Oouat.7. Cablomta TtM Owner,....,... Ute pmotlep ot nJ9c:tJ.q' IPl1' and all! bld1 or 8lped: B. H. Pll19aOM. ~ te waJv. an7 l,,...ular1tle1 or tnforrnallU• ln an)' b'1 ot In Ute bldd.lnl" Putlllah September 2 Md 9. lMI Pursuant to t he Labor Code ot th• Stat• of CallfOl"l\I&. lh• 1&!11 Op91. !C'ptemb« 23. 1~:00 • M. Bo&td of T'ru.et"9 11 .. uctrta1ned the r•..-.1 Pf"f&lll'll rat. ot per No. 1J6a N..-.,.,_ 'I N~WPORT f:iARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 3 U-BaUdlaf ~me. ~IDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 I FOR REN1'; Sk ill Saw1, 1:1.a. Drtlle, Pl.ht.,. au type. of Sand• ... ~ row•. etc. 1 ' WANT AD will cost you BOYD'S HDWE. :!:? - J630 W. COAST IUOBW.t.'I' ~ Llbert7 WW, H..,,ort Ma llt1W only $250 and it will run in •II 4 iuu•s .. A Mini"'um •d is 4 lints. ,... ttc.tw 1616 Newport Barbor N...-Pl'Me Monday, Weaeeday MCI Friday edltiou, Pl• the eo..tal Shopper, w--..,. .... DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preaa ia guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their pape.ra be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond,y, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Ewery Monday, WecMelday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays Ceuta.I ~pper A .. ,_ la tM W ....... T New.f'rfll 4 LIDH 1 la.ertloa Sl.00 add1. Unee .!6 ea. 4 Unee % luert.loa• l..M> add1. llnee .25 Mo 4 Unet1 S luertlou %.00 Mld'L llnee .26 ea. 4 u.ee 4 luerUou i.30 add'L Hnee .!6 ea. Sia-doe Wutecl Adi wW ,_," JI~ cneeoa.t. CA&ll ta Ml•-oa.17. lllNDIUM AD lS 6 U.'\'F.8 DEADLINEa for placlnJ' or C&Jlcelllnl' Adi are: For Monday Publication -f'r1d&y a p.m. P'or Wednud&1 PubUcaUona -Tueaday 1 p.m. F or rrtday Publication -Thuraday 1 p.rn. )."EWPOaT llA&BO& PUBUSIONO 00. 1111 llAIMa Bl•._, N_.pon 11eM1a. C.Wonla. COMPLE'I'E PAINTING A Paper Hanging &me. EUOJtNJt o. 84 VNDERa &00 l11t Street, Newport ~ Harboe' 21171 or Har, U'6. U. General Contractor U CICN8J:D New Work -Remodellns J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J MU. PAINTING M. W. ROSS u 8·3321 • u 9.7123 180 Avocado, Coeta lt.hea MUW AJcoholiar Aboqymm11 Wr1t.e P. O. Bas Ill Neowport BeacA, c..ut. Phone Barbor '1tll ... Superfluous Hair Permanently n movC'd tl'Cllll face anna. '8p. Eyebrow• UMl 11.aU llne ahaped-No more t~ .. ELLEN L.. BR TANT R. &. Udo'• 8a.lon of Beauty Bar. 11171 ... ZZ-Lotat and Found LOST 1 ladlu golf 1hoe. Ph. Liber ty 8·2i8J. 17c:t9 LOST, a pair or areen rim bifocal 1un g lu11e11, grlfn len1. Reward. H ar. 2186-W. Nd LOST-In Cos ta Mua, Ladl• Elgin diamond 6: platinum W?U\ watch. RewarJ. Phone Harbor 6793. ltp1 Super-Market AD ClaMl1W AA11 m111t ~ pe.14 tor Cull a. .nuoe et peM.U-. TRAINING n. publllbar1 will not be ¥e1PGN4* tor _,.. t.h&a\ OM 1ncon.ct.. CENTER ln.aertton ot an ad. ,._,,,, th• rteht to correctly clulUy any and all Grocery C&lblera and Meat Wrep.. &di and to rejecl any ad not conf<N'm1Jl6 to N.le1 and ,...w&UODI. pen. M&>ce 18() t.o U20 per wta. Classiflecl Index Special Notices V' Newport Barbor B. P.O.E. 1767 )( .. ta • .,.,.., Thunda1 • , .. Vla Oporto -Ollltnl .+.•a. N....,art .-.ca. Albert H. M&lthewa, :llaal'-4 RW. U-BaJJdl!J Servloee Palntinc • Paperhanctnc W • do the work ouraelna. IO )'Mn experttn~ Uoeued A IMUred. Bau.ta.cuon cuarantHd. z.t.lrna.t.ea tree. C&1I Jobnala. U 8-2681 A LI 8-528g 81ttc Adams Plumbing Rep&ir -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION llJ c.cJJ Pt&c•. Costa )( .... Liberty 1-1627 Mc12 ASPHALT TILE .Ahamlnum Wall 11~ Mtcn-Dt.trlbutora Whol.-Je pric11 to Ooetr&ctora A TUI a.tten LI 8-7'93 SStfc ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM CARPENTER Repair Work 0... Toar Bo&e Meed ...,..._, • n .,...,, OIJI rr.aai. LDllV ...... All Won o.aruteld Htfe CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO BKALL B. o. A.Ad.Inoa 1016 S . 8&.lboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2460 latte: Elec. Tool Repair BldJ Bawa, Drilll, Sa.nden QtnCK 8ERVICI: LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 4M No. Newport Bl•d .. Npt. Bch. Llbert1 l-838S. Ulfc PAINTING INTERIOR -EXTJ:JUOR LICENSED -INSURED Glenn Johnston ll01 • J11t St. Newport Beacb Harbor 1178 22Uc: Painting, Decorating Paper Haqinc GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRACJ'OR 171 w. 18th Bt.. COlta MIA Liberty 1-1828 NOW OPEN ,.actory Olltrlhutor STACOAT Paint • Vaml1h11 Hlch Quality -Low Pric. Lalut In Polyvin1l1 Wlllt• .. ·. s a 111 Oolore • ... S 4 12 NEW&OLD ,.urnlture Flnlahlnr Antique fr Modn n Zolaton• WaU Paper & Draperiea to m.atch Pa per Hanrtnit For f'ttlm.tu call Aubrey Ellsworth Liberty 8-7951 CEMENT A BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty s.e109 nu PAIN.TING? Cal.I POP'S non-union lhop, C.n UM 11-C\l.ltomfr•. Oruee County 10 7ean. K1 l~ttl or Ki J-3111 &tler 11. THANk8 t7pl l Call tor appointment. to leMQ more about t.hl• tralnlnc. AL TYLER Schoola 1111 No. Broadway JC 7-MU 9'c.I Reel Estate School in Santa Ana Kmf 6 WOllllll'f ,...,.... a .,_. Um• for wi.Umt'-4 opport\IDIU. la a.&J llatat.. N-~ wMkl,)'. Al 'rylft IUtr'Qc:tlq. At- t.nd ftnt ..-., ,.... aad ...,. &!»out th1I l"&t ft4tld. Od • WTlt• now. Al Tyler School 1811 No. Broadw1y, Santa AM JO 7-1611-Kl 6-34111-Kll 1-1&11 tle Chine Painting Day ud Drent.n1 a.... O~ Taken Kaw Pbone LibertJ' ~ CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY In 1Pt.r• Ume tor _,..traoo tor'• fXIJTllnatlon under a S"•· trill cont,.ctor wtth U ,..n experie,nce. Clu~• Tuu. and l'rt. ev111. 7:30 p.m. Attend tint ee11lon free. Begin anytim1 l~ No!lr!~~·ay~~~L Ph. Klmberly 2-U28 or Kl T·l611 .,. 28.-Sltuatioa1 Wutfld CLJ!:ANINO • lRONINO b1 tbe d&y. Experienced. .8&lbo& lalaad preferred. KI 3-8098. ti TWO WHITE WOMEN W~ hou•• cle11.nlllr by day « con• tract by month. Fut and et- tlclent. Reterenc.... Klmber'b' 6-21149, llp& EXPERIENCED G~NER OA.RD!:mNO work bJ c1111J WHk or monlti. Liberty 8-4139 alt~ •• Mell Roy's Maintenance HOUH cleanlnr-noor W'Uinl Wau wuhlnc-wllldow ~IDS Venetian bllnda. UpbO'-ter'J In.lured. Free Elrtlmat.e1 Llbarty 4·1332. Experienc' d gardener LANDSC~ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1~9 DO YOUR OWN, I'll help. l •• day or wfek. <'rmrrete i,,oc)I walla, atone ven,.,.r, patloe, ca.r- peUng or whAt h11v1 you• R.· 110n11hle l.J fHl:t711 llepl WORKJ:-;r; MCJ'fllEH!i, chlM rare In my hnmf' •IKH :-;,.wf'l'lrl Hla. areL LI 8-7ftH llllcl -----------COLORED I.ADY wlehu hoUM work by th,. '1•Y· < 1 .. a.n1nr &11d eooklni Own t rAnAportaUon. KI 3-~2~1 Mpt -<:aJl Harbor 1811 io ~ ,.. i-. .M -""' ..... .• , PAGE 4 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOit NEWS-PRESS ~~9'~-­ FRIOAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 v v Check these Used Cars I 'O-Autoe Hd Trw.b r:-\\"ulN to Rot ~<-Wanted to Rut ,,, _______ ·-·--·---------- B_., WuW Sept. Clearance REt~RJCERATUR~ Muy from • loca l dt"alCr lll'hu Ill' II ~ llUt l'UM\IRRUW to back up what nt aell• TODA\' I AREN'T YOU HAPP\'" ~1" '\ Ul" •H: :-<uT, 1hl t1t1\\ .<l:OuJ1• Iii<.... )'Oii ~ \\"r I RENTALS WANTED STANDARD STATIONS RH op.nine tor ltaUOll au.men .,. 11·'° Top $ $ $ PA. TINO POllTION8 for male A female h•h> ln eYery lint of bualJMM ara com!n( In dally Plulco • ct. pert. ..ond. l lot.)() hrv.J 1 rt. tl~an . 70.00 <"-aldapot 6 ct. 1nod cond. . U .&O w .. c:nc lwu.N, •I•" ni11.t 11k :rt.IHI W ASnt:RS f'tlr'dalre autom . top cone. lt.00 G IC. a uiomallc. late mod•I 11t.&e1 Launde1.All . St.00 NOW-FIRST AGAIN! , : O\\ ,1 ... 1 an.t :i .. c I \hi' rvur11 \\ lla\t 1rJ11<t1I our 111•1'•1 •Al p1 11 W~ n<'Cd t t'OlAI h8llllglS tCI ~Rll!o<fy lh~ C'Onltant Mmand11 of new peopl<' cnmint: in\ci lhf "ru Call Dunt'nn Hardet1ty. R<'allor H11r 471 8 Orallre c ounty 5-Day-40.Hour Week Hip .i&rtt111 pay E11callnt a.Nl!t• Ooocl Oppor'tUll I l' f 04' Ad•·aftMIDHl .AppJy Pl.SAIS come \o our otfk H to repi.r tor the localltr 11eare11t lo )'our home you wllh to -111. Low fHa, H It M E mploymtnt A'cy. 222 E a•l Oeatcr 81. Anaht'lni llendl11, runa o k. tt.80 <ANOF:! O"Keefe 6 M tr11tt ,,.. o\'an thumo Weatln1ho11.1e. e:te t. model '9.6(' t•mtr, ls tt euo '9.:'lO ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS WARRANTEED .. , S \\kl. S:!OO. anJ •'''ell 01011 -'•bA "'"'" on thl'1r wav \\ • wan tv '"' ·, ,.a..:y ei• • omt .. 1111 i tt 1 1 t it! "~t'al on • 11 .. e\l r•r \\ • hA\t •"' rr"I thal &It nr•r :I• •b.)'a otd I iuoJ • 1<r1. 10.. St1 th1,. \'.t't>I! •l Joh11a11r1 4t Son L .:11 o!n M,.1 rup. 900 W Coa111 H1glH\ :I\ AS!\. FOR OIC'h.. lh• \ \'HOw.;SA LER ! ICS7atooa 1-11:17. Mcl Ropu, a pt 11u 2n· . ~TANDARD STATIONS DeJ1J;.a ar..i Cout Hicbway OorOCI& del Kar C-l\11pmAn ud lpadra 5\lllertoc • 8:30 to t :30 am. M"l'l<1ay • Th&&1'9day1. Uc& LADIES: Rtad our acJ nnd'r ,•laulflcatlon 2~ --Supe~ Mar- kel Tralnlnl' AL TYLER 8:h'>~b HU l N. Broadway. Sa nt• Ana. .KI 7-31111: llt c8 !STROOT!' HO\\"E . Houuwarea 1402 Newpvr.. Bh"d. Coal• Mua S~Fur.lturei for Sale 25 Weeks in writing and may be repaired by any authorized international repair Service Warranty Dealer in the United States, Canada & Alaska l'H8 PL.YMOUTH 4 111 Rebu111 motor mstalled year ag•J 426 Rlnnldf' A \"t'. ~ twport Bur h Llberl)" 1>·3328 98, I 19:'l3 J ACUAR Xt-;120 mn<l Roa<I· r lr r Pr111·1 new SELL m TRADE fnr rnl property \121 \\" Say Ave. Ha r 1296-R 98pl Ca~s Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS -·-----------~ Delightful IMog. A pt.-C.banaa. Utilitlea pala. with !"EEO SOM!:OME to care for rhlld a mo.-my borne. Mon - Fri.. I ·•· Sta rt S.pL f . 2063 Maple An .. l"oata Men. LI 8-39~ ~p2 YOUTH W .ANTED to learn drap- ery It upbolatery work. mu.t be (OneetenUoua workn. LI 1-11&18. lltc2 OIRL8 YOU w1U have an opportunity to advance ln our firm. becauae ot our prurnt ex- pan1lon proJTam. Fresh Hearing Aid BATTl:Rll:S We Olve MR Qreen ltamp• Gunderson Drug Co. Main l!lt. at Balboa Blvd., Balt>oa Harbor 616. Ntlc ANTJQUES -Oh.I rumllurr. cut glua. lampe, old plcturu, clocka t'tc, Barra1n1 p lore. Bir di•· ('(lunl.3 to dulrra. Charlie Davis, 1806 E. An"'elm St • Lonr Bch. 6~0-139. 2ttfc HOLLYWOOD tM!d Blnfl•. brand nt'\v. 19:1-4 Norg• Deluxl' atove, Mabo1ony dlnlna table. LJberty 8-8428 after 5 p.m , 97c99 8TU010 couch A c atrll'I tablr boll\ In r ood condition Vr:ry re&llOn•blt . Har. 1825 ~7c9t Dale's Furniture H cf Frigidaire. derp tr.u.e -- Like new . Sl93 Late fTlodel Servel retrif ..• 11215 Lr•· at leclion uat'd rlecl. rd rlr - eraton ... ... . .•........ SOO • • • • 1952 CHEV BEL AlRE Sport Coupe. Radio heater, Powerflite. 2 t ont gret>n. lm- macuJ1tte car. One ownt>r. Only $1095 1951 STUDEBAK ER v.s Coupe. Light green. Low mileage. Automatic transission $ 595 '' C:AOILLAC' con,•ut1blf', (fOr(I'· ou11 hlu.. 8' \\'hlll' Ont)" l\7041 mil""· or11tln111 ownei HYatl 4-U60 98pl 41-Aute &rviCf' Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ···-·····--·······-· .S48.88 8 Cyls. . ............ ·--···· $58.88 Yacht slip accomodatlorui. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation. Call Har. 2992. 47-Wautf!CI to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apta u d llO\laea in ail McUona for both wtntrr and Y•ar'• •-· F\lm °" unrurn. U )'OU hava a vac:&11cy, Rental' I Tbe atartln1 aaJary 11 l'ood and you will n crlv. trequent lncreuu, loo. J ob8 now tor: TELEPHONE OPERATORS -Apply - OAS STOVE. apt alat, S.rvt'I refrt1 apt alr.e. FumltuR • odda It enda. C)f£AP. Call Sat ONLY Sept llrd. U a..oo&. SeveraJ apt. elu ra11gu $39.MI up O'Kttre It Merritt ran1e. Uke nrw. ftEAL GOOD COl'fO. 1116. Several office dealu. 1874 Harbor Blvd., Coata M•• C>n:AP FOR CASH. U ke new. 1952 NEW YORKER 4 door Sedan. 2 tone brown. This ia a honey. 1''ully !oat.led $1295 lncludu both labor and parla. Nt'w rtnu . wr1•t pin•. vaJYt rrtnd. rt t t1n11 of malJl IU'ld rnd boring•. !:xpert motor tune up. 90-da y or 4.ooo mlle gueranlte. phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W C.L Hwy~ Newport JJl!!t Phone Ubert7 l-S48l ~'t"H:'\ISKED HOUSE, 2 bednna. 2 hath• Yearly leur. Slnfl• p r. A:>:OTKER RENTAL tf\at la mOllt unusual-• bdrm., 2 bath houN In' beautiful lol'atlon: lovely patio. dbl p race. • tTctt 1 !110 MONEY DOWN) 61' ~ No. Main Sti.el Rm. 211 -Santa Ana 11:00 to 4 :00 P.M. PACIF1C TELEPHONE 13ltc OA VJCNPORT, 2 bdrm. ael•. ru ran1•. wuhlnr machme. dra pes 6 apreada to match It mlec:. houee bold ltema. Har. 3U3·M. Frlrldaire. pa atove, chrome breakfu t aet. modern bedrm. aet. wrou1hl Iron bed-dtvan, gu apaca healera, atralrhl chain. LI 8-71169. 98c1 1954 PLY.MOUTH Station Wagon. heater. Hydrive. DeLuxe model Radio, $1995 1954 FORD'Club Coupe. Low milea~e. Light REBUILT ENGIN~ -UP to lll MONTHS TO PAY- Bullt In our own ractory by 11klllt'<l machinlel..I. Don't contend w)lh lhe middle man. Buy direct. 208 Marine. Balboa LaJ&nd Phone Ht.rbor •44 2687 E. Coaat Hy., Corona del "4.&t Phon• Harbor I i 4l Udo OW~. 3416 Via U do FOR SUBDIVlSION Orange-County 80 arru In t1ctt For tboH who want the be•t Konkel's Interiors Upbolatery, draper1ea, aUpcoven , LAROE WINO CHAIR. r ood con· dltlon, nMCI• recovertn1 176. Har. ''°°· t9c2 blue. Overdri\•e. $1495 LOU REED REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD .. .. . ................. -·~-·· 1129,:;0 Harbor '971 li2fto WA1''T B•l'ht'lor apt. ur 1 bdrm. apt, Wtllerfront 6 gT'Ound floor Ca ll Davenport 67720 98c98 ---------·--- Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Multtpl• LuiUn1. Brokua Bualneu Broker Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency bedapreada. • N rw pbone f'rff rwo v-H tn. hl1h, rtru of Emporer H 'USA.N TUN. Rare • btauUfuJ. Write Box M 28 C/0 C.hla paper. tkl CHRYSLE~·PLYMOUTH DEALER 1200 W. Cout Highway. Ph. Liberty 8-3486 CHEVROLET ·-·-·····-······· 1149.~ PLYM. It DODGE .. -·-·-··-··· 1155 CHRYS. • OE SOTO ...•........ '170 WA:\"T!:O RENTAL-BAL.BOA ISLAND 2 or 3 bedrma .. start- In& Sept 6 or lltt'r f<lr 3 weeks or mo LJbt'rty 8-1634 99p2 l1 3~ E. Coaat Hwy., Corona dtl M.r Hllrbor 21112 NO fee collected from applicant Wberty ,_7971 Eatlmat.• 2030 Harbor Blvd., Coet.& M.U. Hcl3 Movie Proiectors FOR RENT S4-llulcal, Radio, T V --------------IPI.N!:T SPECIALS 46-Aut°" for SaJe ------------- GMC STUOEBAKl!:R ... ············-S1 70 OLDS 6 PONTIAC 8 -·····-S\70 BUICK ...................................... $175 H UDSON ·············-················ . $175 Loan car P'rH TowlJ\g We Need RENTALS Wl:-O:TER rt'nl&J tum. 2 Mrm A 2 bl•th1. At1Ul l11 only. 2tO• 'Mira- mar Orlvt', Blllboa 9irll9 .-HA-Apt.A. for Rent We have cxcell. openmp for PBX OPERA TORS. Top typi•u, .tenoa. ex.ec:uuva aecRW)', typ- l•t -bookkeeper: dom..Uca - part time A live In, Houaeboy and m&tntenanct man. ,_MM ll·JOI 3&-MM HOBBY and WODmL AIRPUJO SUPPin:I Mears Camera Shop FIJRLlNER H l C.. t wln ac~w•, l"Y fire ba1.i. l~ded: Al COii• dltlon $T,7l!O. Ll l-6110 13ttc BEAUTIFUL blonde Hallet a nd Davi. Spinet pla110 rental re· tum . Uk• new. Save 1126. Conv. terma. LOVE LY acaho1any Gul- braneen Spinet piano ln perfect TRIPLE USED CHECKED TRUCKS NJ!:W CAR GUARANTEE Block must mt'et our at.a.ndard• Plua lalCU, sa.aketa a nd 011 Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Harbor arf!a. Wmler or •11mmtr Tenat1t• walling. • REX RECHS, R ltr. 2307 Balb<?a Blvd. Har. ~1!18 ll~ttc Deluxe Furn. Apts. BEACON PERSONNEL rJJIUIT c~u aumatr.. want.· ed. Call Har. OM7 after I p .m . llcl LIFE INSURANCE Representative Leadtn• Ha.t.lonaJ firm wUJ tis· t•"1 .... >lf8'11uaJtt1 caftdtd&t.aa. 2a to llO tor poatUone u repre· Nfttattvu . 8uec...tu1 upe111ne. 1'utred In banlctn1. bUatneaa &d- mlnlatrallon public Ntatlona, aalea adnrtl.tnr. law, con9Unter credit, or lndr~ndent 11\aanea.. SPEC. APTITUDE ~ THOROUGH TRAINING HIGH SA.LARY A.ND COMllISSION STRONG LEADS NATIONAL ADVERTISING LIFE INCOME IN 20 YEARS Rtply Box T-3!1 thla nt'wapaper. 17cH WANT Jll:AL ESTATE 8ALE8- MAN or broktr. Famlller W1UI Harbor araa. Top comml•lon to one who wanu to make m oney It not at'rald to work. HOUl!ITON Pl!:ALTT !109 Ct'Tl- ter St., Colll& Mua . LI 8·8911 -~. Har. 52t~W. ttc A 'ITl:NTION ALL BOYS - THE NEWB·PRl:SS la now t&kln1 carrier appllcaUona for routu In l1H1.. nell'h borhoodl :- 1'112 N.wport Blvd.. Costa M .. nae. Liberty ,_'TIK2. Pr tt BOSINESS CARDS 2IO for 13-~ *for l.7~ 1000 for t .76 1000 hboued card• 4 9ll Mail aad J!ftone orden filled. LllON WHITE P. 0 . Boa 81, ea.ta 111- LI 1-1100 LI 1-4011 Httc CLl:AN condlUon. Term.a i60 down and Moor·,ng Space Sll .10 per mo. SAVE $200 on allptly ueed Kimbal Spinet 11 J)"r foot tor -.leable cnilaere. r tano Jn perfet't condition. Con· 2401 ~· ~~\. ~Hl_Vw&)'r _ veniant..1.Uma-&t.- Newport BHch, LI ll·f721. HcJO SHAFER'S Muak Co. (Slnrf! 1907> 2~ ff. P. ORA. y SEA ICOtrr Ul-U3 N. 8yacmore. Santa Ana o. D. tor atiape. lllO Vtktq'e Phone Klm~rly 2--0e12. Port 2M7 Cout Hlrhway. tTc911 NATURAL CEDAR laminated btautltul cancte and pAddlH. flll lnquJre -t.""-l ot •OOt .River Ave.. Newport lk&eJI. Har. l&Oe-W. tTctt USED PI.ANOS, l'ralldll, eplneu and uprlrht.a. Good pntcllce planoa u low u $125. SH9, 1187 and up. J:uy term._ One only famoua make ~ llllpUJ damaied In llhipment. Brand new. Bii •vin1. M W d .t...&.. H rr. Fil!IHINO BOAT. corn· esa 00 crarr muelaJ or pJeuur.. R.bullt en· DANZ-SCHMlDT Bir Plano ltOt· pn Ston, 610 N o. Maln, 8ania AZIL U ap&&Dttd A Ju"Nnlle J'umlt ure rtne. .ttlp t.o ahore, .A·l con· 24" Bookc ... ·•···· ... ········• 17.MI dlUon 11.&00. 11 ft. 11&.ll~t. USED TV SALE 36" Mahoe. Wardrobe . . Jlt.76 maln•&ll A Jib. n-pa.Int job. Maple Nlc-nack . ... SJ.~ complete 1116. Call LI 1-3907 U O It up Completa Une unpainted rum. 90ft Ncl JO". 12" 6 ie·· recondlt.loned. and bwd. -------------30 day excban,• prtv11erea. MIJ\wax and Deft l'llll•hu ' h.p. Clinton bait motor and TERMS. Orders takm tor abutter• pump $30. 3902 River ltreet. 779 W. ltt.h St., Costa Mua 2121 Hatbor, C.M.. Ubert1 8-1145 Newport Beach. Nptt Liberty 8-8'78. 98c1 lt62 21" CONSOLI: TV 1125. 1'' BIRCHCRAl'T outboard. ac· 8ECHSTEIN. One of the world's Blonde with doora. Palr of chan· C'f'UOrlta, n; h.p. kott Atwa· -tNt planoa Juat like new. ter. ReallOnable. Phone Harbor •· -nel back barttl cha lrw, ruby red llllt -W or H e al 213•4oth SL, Good for renerallonA. You w1U boucl• UOO. •OO Holmwood Dr. bt thr111Pd to heu and play thl• LI 8-4167. ttp2 Nt'wport. Mel m1C11Ult:rnt IJ\atrument. Th• 8Ac .. JKMCE 18 ... Cabin tvn.-low prtce wt.II aatonlih you. BEAtrrlTULLY TOOLED Wut-n r• · '"'" ,,,~ ern aaddle 6 accea110rlea. 38 Crulaer with ballamaUc 11 h.p. Other s-randa aa low u 1495. apec.laJ revolver It bolater. 2 Scott Atwattr outboard com· DANZ-SCHMIDT Bl& Store, 520 mahojr. 6 wro~ht Jron bar plete with controla. '400. 3406 No. Main, Banta AnL Open •tool•. Har. 1181.J . IKl<:I Finley Ave . N.wport Beach. Jl"rldaJ Ev ... Har. ttN-W. ttc2 ------------- ORIGINALS Arn:RNOON. Cocktail, dlnntr di'..-It Coordlnat-. CUl!ITOM DR.a8MAKJNG Ph.. Harbor 121&-R Ilea BEAtrr. BL.UK Pllill8U.N kitten, maJe. 110-ellvtr and black. 16. Mothn pedlJTeed. faUlf!r non- pedlf rt'ed. Phone Har. 2189-J, evee. 98lf JOlN TH!: SCHOOL BAND SNIPE. completely recondlUoned, RENT A BAND INSTRUMENT r ood a&U. 11Wln1 «ntW board. •• low .. Ill per mo. wtt.h rt'nl- ce<iar 132:1. 2306 Paettle Drivt. al to apply on future purchllH COM. Har. 30M·R.. ltpl a t- lllHAP'tR'S MWllcCo. (Slnce19tvt1 '21-US N. Sycamort. Santa Ana Phone Kimberly 2-0872, TRADE Beautltul 'TO·ft. aux.. 1<:boonar. Excellent tor charttr. Want proprrty or am&Uer boat. 1220 W. Balboa BtYd., N-port. Har. 1032. ltttc Balboa. WMt Newport, ll&lllo& ------------ DJ!:LTA SH.APER, 12" planrr routu1 It other woodworklnc machlntry. LI 1-2633. 98p2 It rr. 1'1CI.LOWI It llTEWAl\T Jaunth ST•Y marine In A-1 8bape. J'ull cover. foam rubbl'r r-uahlona, • new prt""""en S731. •210 Rtnr Ave., Newport Beacll. Har. M&-J. Mctl RENT a pl"9ctlc! piano u low u Sii per mo. Lrt the klddl,.1 !om. All term rf'nt eppll,.s If you buy latn . DANZ-SCHMIDT, 320 Nn, Main. 11., Nrwport Hel(!IU. corona del Mar and Co•ta Meaa. If you ate 12-14 )Tt. old. and llavt a blcyc~. apply at the Ctrcula- Uon ~pl., Newport Harbor NftW·Preu, 2211 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach. between 10-12 a.. m. or •·I p. m. only u cept Stturd&ya. t!c PART TIXE JANITOR to kttp .A\lto A&•c1 cJ..a. Sne>np or early momlnp. lkpe11anced preferred. CO.Laet Dkk John· -el .lohMoa 6 &on. Unooln Mvoury. fOO W. eo.. m.aa- way. !f~ ~ tlcl DJUI Wdllml It~ WUt· ed. lllu4 hu.. IOI Marine A•e .• BaillM 1*1141. Mel l~CID> ouu.. ... tl to IO, c1aJ llllft. Tllll Plft.A. Tiii, 407 21Ua It., N"'Jl9rt .ae.cA. attar I p.m. Hct lecRL&ry ·~·• ..... Ol*I: lt•e>-bk'~ open; Bk'ltJll"., AP., T1P9 ·········-· UJI Maar otMr-~uau opee. JUN• J'AM.AA. -.·1. 4"tq .. 40l~·llM It.. M_,..-t ...._ I &eroaa A. ,.,_ CllJ' Ha&I) lerJ ~c t• a-w .MOCGN o.J•, RTatt ""'°"· "* tor Mel tlcl DISH W A.8HJCft, maa. -WU.S la able to war•. Da1 or n111't.- JNO co.et ff'IPway, N"'POft -..a. tlel -0.LNtned Ad8 U4P Rad by tolka ,,..tie ..,.. rMllJ )oolda1 to llllly. -.. GOLF CLUBI Maa<irel'or Irons. wood A baa". 1914 model 112!1. HYall •-teto• tspl '3& FORD Pickup tnick, laddtu It palnUnJ equlpmtnt. Wiii u ll trUl'k meparate. 11'9 J'ltpubllc, C. M. Ll l ·S615. tapl MAGNAVOX eornb. record and radio. Pronad&l cabinet. 3 al>ffda. Aleo fancy wicker fUm- ttu .... 34' Ho. Coat BIYd .. La- l'W\a Beach. t k l I A.IL BOA.T Model: Pacific lUt. Complete ltH. Don Peck.ham Lot 61 Munlclp&l Tra.lt.r P ark NtwpOr\ lkadl. or Ptl. &dlt"e· Wood 8·1812. 95pt Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent Amtrw&a lAltOn •t5-16Us I t. Sant.a Anr1 . 100 pl1n03 tmm which to choon. 10" W!:8TINOHOUSE Tel,.vl11lon In (nod l'Mdlllon. Prlt-1 U S - 108-29th St.. Newport Rnrh Har. 0839.J. 98c1 CONVERT YOUR piano to an organ. UHd Lowrey Org•no In tlne condlllon. 1396 TPrm11. $40 8:1 down and SIS 411 per mo a l - IHAF'ER'8 Mualc Co (Binet 1907) 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa An• Phone Kimberly 2-0872. Meeti.np 2nd.~ Wed. 8 p.m HAMMOND ORGANS. Little ult'd. !!0-~B~:;A~~P.f!!!•!~!'!!~-----___________ P_R_tr One only famou• f'lllY to play USl:D AUTOllA.TrCS Chord Orran One buutlful $39.50 $99 50 !'--II~ ...... a T v Spinet Model. Wondtrful tor to churd1 or homt. Vf'ry llbl'r11l 1 BAXKONI> Ol\OANS. J\&ll line, aavlnr on then two lovely ln- l)eltftl'ltd tmt&lled. ruaran'"4. all aocle&a. rr... pr&Ctlc• rooma. •trumtnt.a. T-.. &¥'.uur.. Come ID ucl play oa ea1 medel. l>ANZ-BCHMlDT, :'l20 No, Main. --nie Onet ooacm orru. th• Hendersonls Hoaae )(o4tl. lhe Cllliu'Gla ud t.M Santa Ana. 0pc'n Frt.lay E vt. Sptnet Mo4ela. U JW thlllk ----- 1'* ftlllllot play, com. In and 40--Aa&o. for Sale Automatic Wuber Service l17 UM ww\4 f&.DICIUI Hammond, ----- "., N-port Blvd. Co.ta 1i1-..., te ,..,, a--.a o.pa. You SACRIFICE! LI 1-tlOI CHw ao.r 0:>1.1ree> wW tie 89lClldlMd to nM )'Ou WI: NllD TH.I: ROOJI(. w 111 .. 11 ,_ tic m.a pl&J I.II tlftee11 millutH. eur ·rio Mere. club co..ape, "4Jlu, l)AHs.aclDODT Ptaoo 6 O~an 11 .. , ... u4 onl'drlve tor 1'211. r<lA 8ALI: -,,.Cd*pot ,..,_ wttll Co. Roma ol tht Kammond, 1Q..a.a llrH1 aak for Lllck lh• MW \mit. 160. Cell Kl 1-1761. tf 130 No. lllaJJI, 8ulta Au. WM>l.aler at Johnaon It ion, W athi~~achine J·JMr pannt .. oo Jo"-dcme u4 oa U9ld _...... 1"9~ ( r-.r) lf..,.i Ill.. o.ta ...... Libaty MaOa or Liberty ~. e.tte r T\', R.C.A. J i ... Zuellml coadl· tlon. Jut "'-ta r llC'CIDCMtlonrd, 175. Llbtt(T ,_Tl... Npl 'tVOH IH COJ!f'lWT. oeWda't ... , tw •1111 WW tau JUI. N- il'' w~ tu.a. model TV wttll 1 .... 111 ... IMIUl-U l-11Tt . tltl UllCOln Mel"\'ury 0.alrr. too W CoHt Ht1hway, S e1111>0rl Beach . ti. CADILLAC • dr . n><'ent over- haul. "J,000 mllee '295. Liberty l ·Tlll. Mel 116t P'LUTWOOD IO 8p.cia1. SMTtnee. 1'y own•r. ffar l!IOO ' 98<:1 • BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Ont' 6: two bdrm . .,..Ith telri·l•lon RENTALS NEEf\EO-Ocun front A vallable for aummr r or 111•ln· " bay tront hometi or wti .. t trr. ALSO Yt'arly ltu.- WE ARE OVERSTOCKED AND Mt:ST UNLOAD AT ONCE WE HA VE 36 USED TRUCKS IN .&TOCK TO ~HOO&J;-f'ROM. INCL. AU.. POPULAR MAKES lJlJ PICKUP S. PANELS. STAI<· ES Al"D DUMPS. NO REA· 80 NABLI!) OFFER RJ!:FUSED. NOW IS THI!: TI.ME TO SA \"E SOME 'R.l:AL MONEY WE O~n Dilly I l o 'T Slate Bonded -ha ve-yl)U A l~ TYLER. 607 E. ln H~rt nC ac:Uvlty -Lot.a of ~ parktn1. Bal:f= Blvd. Har 360/\. 98Cl l\07 E. Blllbo. Rlw.l . Balboll NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. 8 AN'TA ANA Wants 1 or 2 bdrm. hou11t pa rt- COl'PLE MILll ll)("t.lly t mpt. -1Hllrbor380&. letrc ly tum w e h11ve a ppllancu It Lido Isle r; ARR Y OUR OWN CON-_4_2-_T_ral_._ten _______ _ TRACTS. aome tum. t'lo-.. ta 1'iel41riort City Hall preft rre<1 Need lar1tf' gar11gt. Write Box. t ·311, 1h11t 0 11" llnd two b<1rm a r artnun1a. P"l.trn111hrct C111r111tP11 Y•11rly or wlnlt'r nnt•I. Har. ~1!\ w. w. WOODS GMC PEALER 8111-lt E. ~th St. Santa Ana O~n Sunday A.M. T rul'k Hudqusrte"' for Or11 nge Co The · '56 Lincoln is Coming Sept. 17th In Johnson & Son 900 W. Coast Hwy. Lincoln • Mercury Dealer CHRYSLER-Lall! Ot • door u d. Wlnd&ar. fluid-matte drive. R.t.H It ex.traa. Ex.rf'll. rond. throu~h­ out St76. Or1~. nwnt'r. Carefully driven. Orh•• It 111d ltt )'our mechanic chttk tt ovrr Liberty 8-71'8. 11.,pl HERE HOW! s A\" E: We ba Ve H Veral 'ood Ul\t'<l 1 r 11ra th11l have bttn on our 1111 Cor about 30 da y" Will aell fnr llt,·cra.I h11nrtrf'd dollar-untlrr .narl<f'l prll'«". 'C>2 Ford Ran<'h \\"11gon 113 W11ly1 Hardtop "62 Mer<'. • donr-'63 Ford 2 lfoor "!\ 1 lludae-61 Chryrdet ~ }l'lor<t We prefn •"ll1ng lo p11h- hr at helnw r,.11111 • •t htr th11n whlllt'81llt lll"m ln tle•ler11. ""k 19:16 • 21' Cu.tom Built Terry "NEWPORT" Model On D11ptay Star1.lnr SEPT STH HERE'S SOME OF THE FEATI.TRES: F'Ull 1117~ d11vt'nport or hu1e-a·~d end urhol11lcrl't1 ro<'~rr or t'llllY l'halr P LUS FuU a1ae double hfod or rull "1z,. twin~ PLt.:~ 2 l&rlt! wardmbt>,., d1f!11t nf draw· I "'"" and 20 ft of nvf'rhnd nbln\'t. paper. llR1t ~H.ARMlNGLY 1' U RN 18 H E n 11tudlo apt. Furnace heat. r11n· tr"l. Avallabla wtnttt month• '60 month. fWO BDRM. cottage. 1tood hut. 1 <"ar 1t•M11tt Wlntt'r SS& mo. Ali'O Rayfront rPnl1tl11 av11llabfl'. 1;r11r1> llaytnn. Rt'nl"I P ept WALnRON REALTY 3')11 M&r\nl' A'·e Harhor 23t . 11Rc99 ----------WEST f\A Y A VE tlupt'°"· 3 1*1· m<•m. 2 tiath. f11m. S 110 ml)nlh ~ r11rh· or w1ntf'r 141!1 W Ray A\·e, llalbnll 911p12 ---------- PLUS I RENTAL y L&r1e "para !,. •hOWf!I , h11llff typ,. 1 S EC IA LISTS tollt!l at1d lavatory 1 P PLUS Call Edna Crall Vt!nled floor rurnaN' 12 fl of Blanche Gates Rltr. gl4u11 wln<1ow11 nn p11t1n 11ld,. anti 31l Marine Av:. many nthl'r nul~lAmllng fl'aluru ~alb<>a bland, Nar. 1871 72Uc FAl'\TASTIC BUT TRUP: }--Choice Summer Rentals on Y<m can ..... 1111d order thla bt'itU- tlful tn 1ler only 11t Balboa Island & L1du lsle Port Orange Trailer Sale!' Small • cosy ur 1ar1• It delws• 17!1 \u 1300 month VOGEL CO. tlt'llH ONE BEDRM., n1t·,.lv r111n win· !er. Ad11l111. GMAjl e $',.'I m'l. J 18-3Sth Nflwporl "l :ltfc LARt;F.. I ti.drm •pl. unfurn. Jll.-p. 1tn\•fl r<"frlg .\ 1er•l•· N,.11r L1!1n 8hnpptnr; Cl'nl,.r. yrly rUltllJ, A nil 8,.pt II• HHr :l~. ll7Jll I BAl.liOA JM.ANO, Oct. to J unf'. Fu1n. 3 btdm1 2 batla. Bay Front. n11rn11", N n I""'" F'11r 11pp't Hu. \HO-M 113tfc A TTltNTION '. ' Sl .MMER. fr'INTJ!:R RtntAl NrWJtf•r1 Bl'Ml'h Cnm 2 M1 m. 11rt. ""ul. Sept. •. i;:ar .. u1ll. lnl'lud- ,.,1. Nl'llr BaJ, Bt11rh Y•r'1. \\"N•kly $!\.'I, Wlnt,.r r•I,.• Si:\ l'"r mo, Yf'arly JSl'J Mn, C'•IJ I.I 8-1409 t7rllll BA I.ROA ISLAND, unrum. I bf'd· room l'&ra«e apt. l.arJe .Uvtnir r1mn Ir gara1• JM r-r11 leu•. Hnr. 41146·W. 98r l BALBOA ISl..A ND, '1lnt.u r ent• al~. 2 txtrm SM . rro .. l hfldrm. 5i6 , 1nrl 11UI. 12~ Ag"ate. On prr ml11f'• Slit. AT-1-.110&2. llllpllt -------------~-2200 W. ('ou t Hlithway Ph11np Llbfrty 8-H 20 :-O:rwport B('Rl'h. fl7 t99 U:-Jf'l:RN. 2 bNlnn. ape.. NO. 111n. 208 Marine Ave., Ba.Ibo& l•land on '"""" Rlllho11 laland. Call Ph. Harbor 4H or Harbor 3J61 Hi1r 2 44."I. 9"'1 Ru. Har. 1786-R or H11r. JO:•ll-M -------------- 84ttc "'trRN 1 tltfnn. 11pt. on BAY rnme. Sunny Acru Trtlll,.r Park I----:;.;;..'---------FIVl?l<'T, .RALDOA ISLAND. rlo11e to etort"a & trlUlaportallon O<"EAN f "RO.:"IT -Spaclou• 1 or \\'inll'r rf'ntal J.l &-~~1. 98cl TRAILER . f'AI "F:. chlldrt'n wel· A> :>:t'wporl Blw1 11 4 F. \\ 1lM1n. 2 !)(!rm EnrlnM•<I p11lw, vollf!Y __ _ __ ------- -C'ul'lll\ Me~u 98rl I 1>1111 rourt, lovely ntw Summu l~f'll • AHMS Af'A.RT'MENTS 6 --a nd w1ntt'r rrnlAI•. S••• at 7304 :\IARl1'A 1<11y r1ont a})'rtmenta .lnhnAAn & ~on 1.1nrnln Mt'1 c11ry * Star Fleet * 1 w. o"""" Fri•nt. 1':1'wpnr1. H"h ror I""""· 34(111 Via Orono. Mtfo ncnler, 9un W Coast H11thw11y 30 ft 1 h 1 1 I or l'&JI Har 12:\2.w f'X""Pl Mnr1. ---- f<lr Dirk th,. Whnltaaler at ----__ ----ru~ nm 111 t 1\' rm , 6 Tu"~"'" Jl.'lr3 ON ~ Rl'~DRM. tum a pta .. eom· ASl< FOR DICK rtlnettf'. k1t . h1'th 1><1rm Furn-, ____ -_ _ __ _ r'~'"" r"•tcror11·~11 M01tern 1t THE \\"HOL.ESAL.ER. A rtal bu~· 011 a u1ed CIJ r. \\"e havr t1l'Vtr1tl ~oort 30 day uaed l'&ra and w11nt lo move them. Priced conalrter- ahly untlt'r lht market. See 111 900 W <.:out Hlghwsv John .. ,,n & Son. l..lnt•oln Mercury. \'1111 ra11 ••vt We would relhtr yn11 111.-1' than .,.holeioall! them. Your (Aln. Set' us llO<'n l~:'>3 :\l c; Tl).2. Xlnl condll1un l:'l.<hlV miles. Tunnen. A llrt' ,:uver. wind w1n1re $ U ll0.-214 33rd St . Newport Brarh. 11111"1 The '56 Lincoln is Coming Se1-1t. 17th lO Johnson & Son 900 W. Coaat Hwy. U.ocoln • Mercury Dealer 'tt OLDI M S«Sanelte. lmmacu· late. JCJ\ftne A llrea A·I. New paint, e1.ctrlc w1nd1llll'• 1ood mll~e. aooo. Har Jl*-W or J I 7 Coronado. ffc l~h,.rt compl .. tl'I\". Incl 17"" TV, ROOMS. COTTAGES. APT~. litN?r enc111•ttn1t ~1 utlli11n1 Sl'i:'> l'hlnit. ,.ulln~,.l~ rt•' r· A BA:"' A DA y OR WEEK 1111 .v1 Jy tor w1ntu. Harbor 8 x JO. rn1npl f11r11. At.SO t1llif\-\\ «r :ll7 r11ron•do, Bal· patio r11rmlurr :-;,.w 12 rt THF: Bl~t ·r. TOP MOTF!I~. 40.1 1 ''""· 2 l•lkJI, from Telephon4! Cn, W1iard 712 hp £vlnru1le mlr ~PWJlNt Rlv'1 , )11111 above 'rht 9111·2 SN• Al J.111 4. :-\1"11111 t Munu 1p1tl A rrht11 7•1fc ---...-Trl\1ler P11rk H11r 0821-R 2 UPRM . l!'URN A.,r., private ll!lp9 • LIDO ISLE I I pa\10 auto. wa..•hrr, dlahm .. tl'r, -------------RAt'HF:IJ)R 11ni1 llnt' & two bt1rm 1(.11 Ur1,1 u11 &\'.private be&r.h, Spart.an llpl.11 Sh•.rl t..rm otnd yPa rly. •mall h<111l 11• up Winter SlOO, 1951 Royal u /llA~O. Ll•lll Hnmo 111111 811y Frr111t yily f l'l'I 11Jll 11tll Jl'I. No ~ta. M 1\\1111. ()fl I~. lla.r. 1240. t1k2 anSiOn Homt'~ 11n'1 11pnln l'nl~ . LI DO REALTY AK11oc1..1trs t.Mu .1-: :I 1n;uRM. r111-n. duplu 3:1 rr. lJlNi:TTE. !Wiii l>t-d•. Con•l1ltr tiacJt 420 W ht Tu@lln • • 112)'6 * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIF.S 2200 W. Coaat Hiway. Newport Be.ch I.I 8·44W ·~2-u · Happy Hom.-le211. 112 21" Aljoa 1 bdrm 1126. 55-SA' Pan Arnrl< a n 8~1111 "llfl--41' Paramount A Buy Harbor 4H4 119\fc hllh~·l ti.. ...... 3 t.f'.11 .... ,,... 1 1, "f't r "nal frr,ntait. 8iii.ll boat •I•• I< A ulo "llllllf'f, 1taraire 11 HI "'" 1ucl. utllltw . Available ~~111 1:1-Juty J. Har. 1&47-W .11 .. r e JI) pm. "tfo l • .illt'f, """ •""' .v., llrt\ll t"A:"AJ. rf{u:->TA1;1t 1..-.rce \ I :,i,.j,11 I >l:l I \\' Hay A\·• . ~alliua 1 .... 11 '" t 111 n apt. wt• h aun Orck "' 11 :l 1;:, ""' 11111111 .. In• l•lt.l"'1 until rr s :-l!:W 'l h·te,111. ""' y I I· .1 111_\" I lt11 t :\'147-W .11 .. r e·a11 tr•l'll\"f! 1111111 .. in f'lrnlture 1i:I V '" "llo ~•vnlh 3114 i~n•I ~1 ~"""r,'r~ I tti:AI. NJCElbdrrn apt., oorn: U <'h 'P ' J1ldt ly turn Neur llSUI and 8•1· ll<"F:A:-J FROl\1 '"'" lslvd ', bl k <••,. •n or bey. "-H ' Terry We'll IJul l> AN AMERICAN 1 2 I Hl:ORt>uM 11p8l•lr1 duplu Pnuv f11rn lnclui1lnr ranr" r,.fr11 • and rar1>t1c• l'll11p Wall , •• ,, lflll ART 1• Kl1'4Tl..l:R, 0,. Har 62211 Paramount·Ktn.tklll Tra\'elue-Terry ~\(C 36 rr. 19M Fl.EP.:'t"WOOO, load- •1' With •tru bl8 Cati.na. I tkJ ruma.ce I JrHt by Y••1 ~ 180 by LO\'El.Y NEW 2 bdrm. fura-.-apt. winter. t71)1 w O<"~•n 1-~ront 1 hlk to at.an or b&)' oe Bal· -"f'wport ttf>2 b<1• Rlvr1 near 1hop1, ·~, 1100 m,,n1n Municipal T'ra.ll•r P ark. Hunt--CWlltled A.di are read by follt.e Al\T r KISTUD\, Co. a&r. 122~ lkJ \af\Oft BM.et\, lpate A4-0. ~ who an rully k>oJWll' to lluy. .-.... ' 7 I . I II I .. 48-A-Apta. for ~nt ' CHINA COVE, Baytront tum~ apt. Open• on larre. Hcluded patio fllt.Hn tnl rrom h igh Lide. Fumace, ato...,... prage and phone . .Av1Lllabh for leue or winter nnlal. Leue $l2.5 per mo. E:xcell.-nl value Ph. HYatt t·220G. 93lfc BAY VIEW apt on Udo Penln· aula. N ew and attractln, paneled lMnr rooap. hdwd nn .. 2 bd.rma.. breaktu1 bar. Untum. except 1~ new atove and rt'trlc. Far yrly leue ll25 mo. Har. 27151 uk for Mr Butler. 65Ur FURN. Bachelor apt., private. Good k>caUon, uUI. pd. 721~ Poppy, Corona del Mar. After IS :IO. Har. oe36·M 97c99 B~A ISLE. Blnsle apt. Year around. Reliable 80ber adtllt. SM. utlUlJH pd. ATla.nltc 1·0366, or wr1le 1128 Lorain Rd , San Marino. 98r 1 BALBOA, w1nter rentala. 2 bdnn. f\.lm. houae a, 1 bedrm. tum. du· pl•. 4()6 Hardine • 4.lli l, II:. 8-)-. Call collect AX 1-9367. 93p98 UDO ISL.IC, winter rental. Three bedroom, 2 bath home. Carpel.I, drapa, elect. atove It re!rlg,, tum. Liberty a.nT3. 11ac1 FOR LEASE TWO BEAUTIFUL new Irvlne Terrace unturn. view home1. a BDRMS., 2 bat.hi and 2 BED.R.KS., 2 batlul. Call Baz1>or 1716 or Harbor t«8. l:AR.L W. STANUl:Y. &&ltor lntne Terrace Ottloe Corona dal Mar. aattc CHANNEL VRONT turn. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, hdwd. floora, pier, float, patio, BBQ, rowboat. Sept. 10- J une 80 1100. mo. 360-& Ma.rcUJ1, N-port. 98pl ---------------------~ THREE tldnn. f urn. hoUBe. dble. gar. fenced front It back $7~. water pd. A va.II. Sept. 6 to June 30-110 318t St .. Newport. 98pl Lido Isle 2 bdrm. Pr<w1ncl&l Ullerlor. c.:om· pletely f\Jrn. Avail Oct. l tor wint!'r $126 mo. PaUo, ftrepl., dbl. gu. 218 Vie. Dijon, Ha.rbor 4678-W. 90c4 3 BEDRM. F lfRN. Balboa. tire· Store Buildina Modern. Sl6 Mo. Sultabl• 'inaur- &llC•, real eatate, lift.a. etc. Parking tadllllH , F A. Meat. l Call Her. 2070. 69tfc Dl!!SI( BPACl!l •'1th phone aervice '30 mo. 007 E . B&lboa Blvd .. Balboa. Phof\e answermr urvlc• alao available. Har. 3606. 86tlc FOR RENT -Furnltbed office l.n association with an attorney. •rax expert preferred. 2912 W. t:out Hlrhway , Newport Be&ch , Callt. LI 8-11102. 88ttc Dress Shop. $3900 H&ndlu Box 3:H Laguna Bt'fl<'h 88c2h NEAR NBW PROPOSED CITY HALL Next. t() cor. 19th It PlaeenUa, In Coat& Mea&. 2 bedroom home, exceUent conditlor.•Plua a amall \tore ln rear. Plenty parklllg It room tor expa!Ulion. Immediate possession. For a&le or trade. call owner LI 8-8223 morrunge or alter 5 p. m . 9lllc OPPORTUNITY Thriving houaecleaning business, Opportunity lo make good mon· ey tor right party. Make offer to Box H ·H, this paper. 89t!c PRICE REDUCED Sl,000 on busy Uttle Corona del Mar cale with. new fountain. You can make It here .It be happy. Term• - LEE CASl!!Y ofnce. 2721 E. Cou t Hgwy. Har. 08~. 99c2 M-Monez to Loan NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO:"\STRUCTION Call !or Free Fut Commitments on Realdencu and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th Sl e ANNOUNCING! ! e • • • • • • • • • • Clarence L. Cooper, Inc., Developer 5 Exq~ Bay View Homea by John B. Clark, Quality Builder located on Harbor laland Ro.d Featura: 4 bdrm., 3 bdrm., or 2 bdrm. It den 3 bath. Shake Root 2 fireplace11 Swimming Pool "it desired" Lot aluis average M' x 125' Restricted area Clever Provincial, Hawallan and Ranch type homes Forced Air Heat, Garbage Diapoaal . Westi.ngbouae. diahwuher e Beautiful Paneling e Large SWlDy Patios e Expensively Landaca~ e Wired for Hi • Fidelity M:uaic • • • • Fine Cabinet Installation. Built-in Electric Stove It Oven Built-in Bar & Refrigeration Delightfully decorated \ ,,~ I Shown by appointment only to Qualified Client. For preview showinr "' Call John Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 Evening Phone Ll 8-5388 ON MORNING CANYON ROAD In Shore Cliff.s 1nfurn. for' $36,000 ( place, recru tlon room, double . __ pr~o.. nq_j!!l•._ Winter rentaJ. Har. 1336·R. --98rr COSTA Ml!:8A A truly charming view home of 2 bdnll8., It den with lovely patio. 2 used brick firepl.acea, beamed ceiling, birch paneling, forced air heat. Exterior of redwood and uaed brick with shake roof and 2 · car gar. 1500 eq. ft. of hoUM Ir the lot ia 60 ft. Wide and 155 1t. deep. .Age ill 2 year.. Tua $378.96 --LI 8·564 l LI 8·6662 RAYSHORES unfurn. 1 ADORABLF: 2 hrlrm. hun-re-d farm 11n119.. Chnlre i-nrner Int Ent•loHtl paU(l Will lea~ tn r.-11ron111hlr lC'nanl (nr" S200 pPr mo. Ownrr. Harbnr !\6(\l'I. 118r I WF. SPECIALIZE IN LOANS It FINANCING ON HOUSETR.AlLERS Autoa, FurnJture .tc Sat.ulea LOUIS ·w. BRIGGS, REALTOR 714 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. 80 99o --('ORO:'\" fll!:L MAR, n1m. l bed· One Day Service n>11111 hn11,.,. SRO 1110. nn li-atu'. COSTA MESA rrde•'Or&te<t. Near M'llOOlll, ll tor-l..o1U111 !rnm $50 to 11200 or mort "" elrrps 8 612 011.hll& 9~p99 BA I.BUA ISLAND· 2 bdrm. rurn· lllhP•I house. Oml..ng runm, en· rl"ll"'1 p111to 11nfl 11;11.1ai::r ~"Pt '" Jun.-:ltfl Ruby. Pik2 l l~l •RM f11111 . rrart lrl\lly nrw knotty pin". 1<n111·k bar. C1rf'pl11 ce. patio. fumRce ha11t, ~uonahle 112 <i:unrt, R11lhn11 111111.nd. ll9r FTftN. 2 l>f'<lrm. hOltlf', by mo. or yrlv. G11r11i:,.. Av11ll 811111. 16. ltli \\',Bay. l'o:('wport. .H1trhnr 3888 b .. fore noon. 81Uc . ---('Ol'<TA Mfo;SA. N.-w ~ h"drm. hi>11111• 11nturn. (fnrh. rll>1p Thl'r· '''" 1·11n1 I olle•I hfllll GIHnj:e. $All nin (lxJnrd 6·46~1. ll7c•99 C'll~trl,FTF;LY flJl'n :1 bo•olrm ''"111" 1111•1, •h .. he11, W••hlng me.· • l•h1!'. di n1•r,. l.A'a•e nnJy. Take 2 r htlo11 Pf1 ovrr 10, 2138 1 lnton A \'C. C'Mlll Mt'!!8 97c99 FOi 'R Mrm . 2 ha~h home. very nirr Yr,.tly leMe. Sepl. ht. 1·1m1e 1" B11y. Olht>r rentals 11\'R•I. Rrpl. 10--«107 E . Balboa RIWl , Har. 3606. 98cl -FTRN. 2 bdrm. hOme plua gut>.11l rnlta&o on canal wllh float. ~,.pt. 1n tc• J uly 15 $1,400 on kue. See Hl 4108 R1vtr Avr or 1'1\li OXfor<I •16·161. .98('1 LIDO OFFICE SPACE -Will 1111hlet 11p11ce ~111table ror a ttor· n!'J!I, rni:merrl!, rtr. Approx. l :-ix30 In shopping 11rt11 on Via Udo. Call Don Cole attemooia only, Bar. •erio. 69tfc OFJ'lCli: FOR RENT C'lvlc Center Loe a lion. 21 'x24 '. $60. per monUl. ('H.ARLF.S E. HART. Realtor 3420 W. 11slhoa Blvd., Npt. Bch. 92cl5 NEW, SMARTLT Fl'RNJSRED office 11p t1('t'. 1999 H11rbor. Ct•1t11 Mt'11a. Ubertv 8-3333. em<: BUSINESS BLDG. With paUo, ~x96 tot. 185 per month. 113 22nd tit~ !'lewport Be&CJL IC 2·1'111. HclO CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mel!A LI 8·77lH -Ol>fll Fridaya till 8 Clo11ert Sstu1"(11lya.-tfc LOANS for Homes Ii" -JO yr. Loe.M Construction Loans sn BOB 8A 'ITLER 2516 EAST COAST BLVD. Coroaa Oel Ma.r Harbor a88& Rep. POIR.LEP. .MORTGAGE CO. Metro Llte l.na. Fune1a IQ. 3·518b f8Uo LOANS TO ~Ull...LI. lMPROVJI: BUY, MODERNIZE, OR REi'INANCE We Buy Trust DeedJI NJ:WPURT BALBOA S A VINOS A: LOAN ASSOCIATION !366 Via Udo. Ph. Har. 4200 ll• REAL ESTATE LOANS Intereat Rate 5-61/2 % l..olUUI quiclUy made la the Bay Architect'• former home. Beautifully land.caped. delightful patio. S bedroom, 2 bath. FR.A financ- ing. Easy terms. Only $14,500 Call Liberty 8~ ( Evee LI 8-7056) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ·~ 15th aod lrvtne, Newport Beach 99e2 EXCLUSIVE KINGS ROAD Permanent view, 3 bdrma., 2 batha, din.inr &reL Beautiful kitchen, built in range & oven, diapoul, forced 1.ir furnace. Large lot. over al.red awim- ming pool. shake roof., bree7.e way, 2 car garage, extra parking space. Decorated by THADEN, SmaJl down. Waldron Realty 308 Marine Ave., Har. 234 OR SEE YOUR BROKER Arn and Coat& Meaa. Single or 58--IW.al E8tat.e Service mwUple unJta. New or old. Be Southwest Farm wl" and eave by re-fin&ncln& your present loan. Minimwn e.x· peNll. No cb&rre ror prellmJ· and Ranch Service nary appraiaaL Phone Santa -BE SURE B!JFORE YOU BUY Ana Klml>Uly 3-6933 or write ARTHUR A. MAY Complete lnveaU~&tlons Ir n porl8. Mortgage Loan Correaponde.nt Occident.al Life lnsura.nce Co. 933 South Main Sant& Ana pp 57-Real Eetate Wanted WANT WATt::Rl-RO:'\T M·l - Newport Client 111·111tl11g. w·hat have you': Rex R"ch11. Resllnr, BIU'bor IH66. 9!t!c W ,.NT T O BUY Hou~e on BAL- BOA ISLAND. Abo11L Jl:l,000. Write Box V·3i. lhlll lll'WllPlllH'r. 90p SUBDIVISIONS One House or 100 We hanJle your 11lu, u crowa, Rrp~nt non-ruto1int landlord1. a:1 yn1. covert.ng Artsona It New Mexico. Phone Har. 843-l·J or cont.a.ct C. B. Brown. Rt. 2, Box 094, TueMn, A r1%. leclO Riverside County SALE OR TRADl!l for beach prop- erty. 60 acre Irrigated 1t«k ranch, 2 hoUJ1ea. Ideal for hor- aea, reg. cattle or amall com· mcrclal herd. lnqulra 823 Park· ma.n Lr .. La Canada, ph. Sylvan 0·5340. 89<:3 DESERT P'OR BJCACH l Bdrm. hOlll!e on Lp. lot In Palm VII· !age-Trade for 2 bdrm. beach home. Box 20& him Deaert. 9Tp99 LITTLE GEM English Tudor cot~• Bo. of Blvd.. Corona ~I Kar. Older but rreat chann. H u r e arched Uv.-dlnlhg area. Won- C1erful for eawrt&tnlnf. 2 Bdrm:i., den. 2 flrepl&cu, a charmer al 116,500. Euy terma. Exclusive ~ot. FORD VERRJNDER. Ha.rbor t2'3 eve1. 3'77. 93tfc It's Ranchy s B!:DRM.. 2 bath, a car r~e. Drive by 411 Irvine, Newport HLI. then call ua for detaU.. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor •34·32nd St .. Newport Beach Harbor 8691-Evu. LI l-IM2 98cl 80 ACJU:a farmland. Juat $1000 acre. 29% down, between Co.ta Meea .It Santa Ana. ORA.NOii: COAST PROPERTIES I 11torea or oftl~, one 28x30. One 12x2~. Low ttnt. Suitable tor re· tail bualn.. or ot'flce. 1101 E. Balboa Blvd .. Har. 3906. 86ttc v. A. & F". H. A. process~. See, 82 R.i .,...._ .. _ u.a before you make a dM.l. P. O. .__ 18111 Newport, ea.ta M- LI 8·1632 E ve. LI 8-4808 Box 151, Balboa Island. 8ec99 LOOK AT THE RETURN Oil tlUa una.ll plec.e ot rental property. 4 un.ill completely turru.hed. Near Oc:ean & Bay with BIYd. frontage. Showa $4800 year. $10,000 wiU headM. P'uU prke $27 .500 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway. Newport Beach LT 8-3481 CORONA DEL. KAR Funl. 2 bed· rvom. llv. rm. 1°"'", new w.w. I.A~ Val1.1• C!arpet. prb. dlsp. Lota o1 olmet Ocean View Lota •pace. Ocean atde Of HJ1h-r. 2-60X1&0. both !or ····-····· 13600 f31 Feml.t. •1 UOO. See 70\&I' 1-4IOOO tq. ft. -. ·-··"-HllOO bc'oker. Hpl 1-t..a.cunlta exclualve ........ '7500 ·BACK BAY THRICE bdnn • den rett1n1r hard to find ft<>111', Thia ta love\1 for S22.500. Httl'bor ~I~. Httc BY OWNll.R I b4Klnn. cuatom houae, fonced. petlo, ww carpet. I tire plai::t, near Country Club. 2&12 Club Mtaa Pl. 1,1 1-20611. 97p99 ADEL.Ill IPSEN, REALTOR Frank W. Hill l'r.ncu Bll'llle Harbor 1181111 HY 4·11038. a7pl BALBOA. attract.. mo4. beach· type home. Ocean ,1.,, from Uv· lnr 1Wm. picture w1ndow1. 3 bdrma., bath plu1 dbl. pr. Fine locatJon. ar. swtmmtnr baacbea. Good lncoma opportW\lly, M118t be aold at once by non-rea. own· fir dlnct. Come anytime. 1229 W . Balboa Bl. tSpl j f FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I · PA6E S • * SEE BEFORE YOU BUY! * f NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN FRONT 117 ·•7th St., 1/'A blk. to beach. view, new. 2 bdrm. modern, large lot. room for additional unit. $3.500 mov• you in. Open daily. 1-Bdrm home, aleepa S, completely furn. A fenced. on large R-3 lot-room for 2 additional unit.a. FuJI price $18,000 with $G,000 dn. Will conaldtt looal late model Cadillac u part payment. Two hou.ee oa one lot, lesa than 1:.: blk to beach. One l·bdrm. with fireplace, one 2-bdrm. Both com- pletely tum. Full price $27,500 te-rm1. Ocean tront lot R-2, can build 2 unit.a, full price $8,7~ 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. WATCH THIS COLUMN P'OR THlD MOST oaretully aelecl· ed val.uea In each of our diaUncl· ly different HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA. PENINSULA ffEW OFFERING-mod. Provin. 2 bdrm.-.Iy 1"' blk. to Jetty. ~ of cupboard•, garb. dlap. dble. l~e. Only $18,ISOO, O?"o Jou. IOU8 mo. CLIFF HAVEN Ull.DOO BUYS THIS aparkllnr S bdrm. home. Lovely landaeaped patio. Quiet St. 4% G.I. loan, tor comfort .It aecurity. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor SYLVIA THOMPSON, Assoc. 2804. Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach ll:aay Parking Harbor 4610 Lido Isle Special , ONLY $37,500 BIO TO' LOT, 3 yr, old home. 3 bdrm~ 2 bath BEAUTY with U•. rm., dinette A: one bdnn op.n to a colorfUJ danal Wlth Yer)' spadollJI paUo beyond. Am· ple apace for pool or bide. m... Info. Lytle LI S·IMJ Houston Realty Co. • ASSOCI.A TES liOI O.tw 8t. OMlta Meaa LI a.au LI a-7784 OPEN HOUSE 1-5 P.M. DAILY 21112 Circle Dr. Baylhoree. N.B. BINCL. PA TIO, BBQ Ir F'IREPL. £.peclally dulrneci for outdoor living. I bdrm., 2 blllh, xtra ahower. Comp!. t urn., cor. lot. \.t bJll.. from No. Cbe.nnel. PTIC'· ed to aell. G. H. LATHROP. l63a E . Cout Hwy., Har. 6-&'2 E vee. 6680. 99cl Ocean View NEW HOME Ir lncoh'l'e or (\1eat houae, both f\lml.lhed. PatJo. All conveniences Incl. garb. dlap .. gara«•· OPEN DAILY 227-48lh St., Newport Beach. 99p13 ISLAND PARADISE for sale ·or trade! RUSTIC twin cabtna ne1lled on B&rtera Island, Booth~ Har• bor, M.alne-Oah, aw1m, boat, re- lax or clam 1n your own private cove wlUl complete prlvary. Comfy cabin• wtth flreplacee Ir nature& own lce-watu piped from deep 11prlng8 lo ('llblns. Sell nr trade-$215,000. Write to· day Boa-361, IAguna Beac·h. 98c99 SACRIFICE. water front home wtth pier • float. Larg11 paUo, fireplace. By O'A-'Tler. Price re· -duced to 11ell. 3\0ll Flnl,y, New· port Besch. Hllr. -&698-WJ<. 9Pr2 FOR SALE OR LEASE. Newport Beach. Bay trontare.. 400 fet>t Wrlle to N. Slnger. 260 S Bev· erly Drive, Beverly Hilla. nr phone CRestvtew 1•0181. 1!9cll CORONA DEL MAR rwo HOUSES on cor. lot. Both 2 be<lrms. a: flreplllru. l ha.a f,a, heat. Both leued. $21,1500. Very choice buy. ALSO 8 UNJT8 FURN. FWI prtce - 1116.000, $7200 lncome. Out ot town owner aa.ya aell. G. H . LATHROP, 39M JC. Couf Hwy. Oorona del Mar. Harbor 64".2. Ev-6680. 98cl LAGUNA BICACH BY OWNER. hear Jb(h School, atlr&OU\'e 3 bdrm., 1 a,. bath11, flraplace. kftott7 p.lne tntertor, the.rmo•· tat heat. $13,800. 1110 Orat'ellUld Drive. HYatl 4·4394. 1111<.1 DO YOU WANT M·l tor your buaAeN 7 Dou your wtte want a pr9ltf Uttle houae w1th lt ~ ? Th.-n 8" thl• 110 tt.. front lt.t a 1ttal a l $11 .000. Call Rex Rec.ht, Harbor 6166. ll5lfc NEWPORT HEIGHTS, by owner Xlnl, value, J bdrm. With xtra. nn. ott rar.. w. w. carpet. d~· pclll&I, dlahmuter, 220 wlrtn&. thennoetat control htat. Full pr1ct UO.aoo with ITIOO h1an llU 8a.nta An&. LI 8-2023. 98c 1 ' J. M. Ml LLER CO. Near the NeWport Pier "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famillee are inal)ICtinl these exquiaite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more famille. who prefer a home ln a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Te?T&Ce homes. Drive in today and see for yourself the many out- standing features of thia re.markable community. Inspect built the by model homes, Macco Corp. furnished exquisitely by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace i.a located on Coaat Highway oppoelte the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. ·EARl: W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further lnformaUoo * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shotts and Cliff Haven LIDO BAY FRONTS New 3 B. R. & den-Delightfully fum. Pier Ir float. $89.500 -70 ft. frontage. 2 yn. old -Lido Nord -3 B. R ., 3 bath, very well located. Low price of $59.500 with pier cl float. On easy tenrui, can buy you a lovely home. LIDO INSIDE HOME 2 B. R. ~lua 1 B. R. Ir bath over gar. Comp. furn. Excellent borne or-iacome -$28.500 FOR A LOW PRICED HOME You can't ~at thi8 lmma('t1late 2 8 . R. on 35 ft. beautifully lsndscaped lot for $21.500-$7000 down. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8-5297 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air Heat • Massive Stone Fireplaces • Built in Range and Oven .. , actually every luxury feature snd in Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Sir.ed Lota suitable for pool and patio! Drive out Fint Street In Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf SHORE Cllf f S DELIGHT May we show you a refreshing home that feature• a large living room with beamed ceilings, panelinr Ii lge. fireplace, 2 spacious bedrma. & den with ftre· place, 2 gleaming baths. Lar~e 11unny step-saving kitchen. It BE'l'IER HOMES Ir GARDENS have not made a portrait of the garden, they ha\'t miued a bet, charming & colorful for your pleuure. $49,950, excellent fina.nclng available OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. CAt Port Oranp) Newport Beach LI S.7562, Har. MM evM. I Har. 4091 3 Beautiful Units On Balboa Blvd. Corner Lot TWO UNITS oomplet..iy fUrn1lbad. Permancit ocean vt.-, Ju's• au.n deck, 1 C1oor from oca.n, lt blk. to bay. Owner leavtn1 .,_, A re&l b&rga!n at $23,960 Exc.llent term&. 81C!!l THIS NOW. Waterfront Pier & Float TWP BEDROOM HOME, PLUI i bdmL apt. above doubl• ~ BoUi furnlahed. Near Udo 8h~ plq are&. Only $23,500, Out· •ta.ndl.nc term•. Ownw ""'7 aiWaua. Art C. Kistler Co. 2t01 Newport BtYd.. Npt. B&acb Barbor em. tk2 • WATERFRONT DUPLEX Pier & Float . . • a b8droom apt. • 1 Bedrm. Ir guellt ap' • All furn. • 28 ft. Corne!' Lot All makea lletl8e • $26,500 Harbor Investment Co. N.-port Bmt at 8oth et. Barbor 1800. CLIFF HAVEN ONE or TBOIBl SPACIOUS 3 bednn. homea, hdwd. tlra., large fenced yiard. only S3&00 down! Poua1lon before ~bool opena. Stanley A. Smith, Realtor 2641 E Coast Hwy. Corona del M11r HarbM 882. 99<-2 A 'l'TRACTIVE LARGE SHAKE VERY MODERN L&rge plt·lurt< w1n<1ow, 3 bdrm11. • le. brkk p11.l10. Family 11ze din · tnr: nn., larite tile kll('hm w ith bu1lt-l11 dltunir llrt!ll. 2 BATHS, 11la.ll 8hl)wcr. lot11. of lilt, pull- m&n. Beeutltully IMd11ca~<t llll 410xl:'IO, fPnc•ed, private ~ley. Extra hug,. l car 1tar11ge 22x20. VACANT 11:.: YEARS OLD, like new. Priced low to sell at $16,:>00 Very attractive tem111, open afternoons. 2307 Sant& Ana Ave., Cost.a Mesa. Owner . Har. 4664-W. 97c11 SHORECLIFFS LOT t1 Level v Bl~k from Ocean t1 Prnnanent View t1 R.""-n•bly rrket! SELECTED PROPERTI£ Harbor ~794, F.vu . Harl)Or 17870 • By Owner - A Bargain I 3 BDRM.. 2 balh home. Lovely corner, 76 rt. lanii.caped lot. Bnek yard comp!. fenced. Y.A. Unit heat. hwd. fin., carb. di.a.; w to w <'arpet and dr11pe". $17,500-Tenna lt,98 Irvine Ave. L I 8·73~~ 88p1 ------------------. 119.ll&O on Kin«~ Pl&C"f'. :J bdrm., l ~ balh. Car~tlnr plltlo Uivtly 1..ovabte .Llvuble. <Jnly H'-60. Jow11. • URA N,pl!: <.:OA~·r PROPF.RTJl':s 1861 N.wpc>tt. C'n•u; Mua LI 1'·16~:1 1-:vi:. LI 8-6803 10 Acres ON TUSTIN A VI:., produclf\¥ oranirll 6 avocado grove, GOO<! terms. Call UI tor othe~ a.cruae. DAN A.. JAOOB8mN, R.-lt.or 434·32nd Bt., Newport BMdl Harbor 14t1-~u. LI 1-4317 98r l PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS ti-ae.J ,.. .. a •• , ........ G-.... .!:!?_ .. ____ !-~~·~-~·2 .. ~_.!!!I! .. !.....----a •• ,,.... Cl ......... FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 a •• r...... LIDO ISLE OPEN Sunday It Monday -123 Via Genoa Exclusive With Us 3 bedrooms, 2 batha on a 70 ft. tree lined atreet. All electric kitchen. 3 car guage. Sout} Patio. Loaded with extraa $37.500 / On Same Wide Street 3 Bedrooms, 2 baths and hobby room. 2 car gar- age. Extra large patio. $34.500 unfur. or $36,000 furniahed. ALSO t 3 Bedrooma. 2 batha on 44' lot. 2 car garage. South 11 Patio. Excellent value at $31 ,500 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 4718 GOLDEN RULE VALUE Owner Must Give Away Must sell this property this wet-k. Out or town owner wires us distress call. 2 bedroom home with hardwood floors -2 car garage. Backyard fenced. Home ia 4 yean old. Do you want to mak~ a TERRIFIC BUY? See us at ont;e. Takes around a $1,000 down. ANOTHER BARGAIN $1500 Down We have been commie&ioned to-ttll thts S bedroom home with 2 car garage. Hardwood floors. House ia about 3 yean old. Exceptionally luge kitchen and bedrooms. Back Bay Area. Full price ia only $10,700 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Co.ta Meaa (across from Costa Mesa Ba.nlc1 Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' 2 Br. home Hwd. floors. Stucco and plaster. large double garagP, lot 60 x 125 sewer in & paid. $~500 with $2000 down and bal. $50 per month. (real value). BUSINESS ZONE -Nice 2 Br. home plus 3 rent- als. 72 foot frontage (approx .. 1'-' acre) with room for morP units or trailers. !b22,500 TWO -2 Br. homes on 1 '..! acre. plus adjoining ' ~ acre all for $12.500 with small down payment. This is a good tn\'<'slment. Present income $106 month. ATTN.: BUILDERS: 8 largP lots all sub-divided U5.600 with good terms. Small office for rent -Newport Blvd. S50 month. G. N. WELLS, Realtor Roy R. McCardle 1810 Newport Blvd.. Costa Mesa. LI 8-1601 CORONA DEL MAR R-2 lot south of Highway. Bei-t buy at $4.500. COSTA MESA Mx142 lot on Mesa Drive. Back Bay View $6.500. Commercial on E. 17th Street. 6:.:!x300 lot with two well built buildings 3556 8Q. ft . floor area. Excel- lent location near Irvine, $35,500. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona del Har. (Afroaa from Bank in COM) Har. 2288 CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor ahd ocean view. 4 bdrm. Den. Dming room. 2 baths. Hardwood & carpet floor11. Bargain at $45,000. Submjt down. ~EE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES propertiee. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon. HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 225 Marine Ave., ~alboa bland WATERFRONT LOTS Fee title. Absolutely top location. $444 to $750 per front foot. Call now for immediate ah owing. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W, Coa11t Hwy. (At Port Or&nge} Newport Beac-h LI 8-7562. Bar. 5154 eves. , u WANTED NEWPORT HEIGHTS Owner Must Move! oc..a froftl Corona del Mar 3906 ·seashore Dr. Vogel Values A Rr!'IRED COUPLE UVE ON 81:.AUTlFUL MARI· OOLD A VS:. rN CORONA DEL MAR AND HA VI: AN lNCOMI: Thi.I very attractive 3 B. R. hou.ee wu built to be owner'• permanent home with all of the utru not found in the uaual Spec. Ro1&M but bu8lnem nectMttat.ea moving tn1ana lmmediately. Hand· pegged hardwood floon throughout. Large family kitchen, built-in atove and oven. dining room with built-in BBQ, unuaually large bedroo11111, 1pa.cioua walk-in cl09ell. 2 Bathrooma. twin bulna, mirron, Iota of tile. Beautiful wood pan.,linr throU&'bout with hand-hewn ~wood e:rterior. Largti comer lot. Owner wUl coruiider vacant loll or tru.at deect. u part of down payment or will finance to meet qualified buyer'a tenna. J BDIUI. tun. bMdl «>l'-1• All rtau rnint. 0ooct 1oca. .. PLEASING MODERN TOO. Never bdore have Wt offtred 1uch a dellchtfw 2 bedroom home on thte flnul C'omer locaUon. You will bt amued at lh• well dt· atrned, large •nd tuMy-bn (ht room1. It. a.I.to hu an allracUve flrtplace, dining room and a galuy of featuri!a t hat will pleue the moat dl1crlmlMllnc buyt r. IN ADDITION, It hu a d&rllnc 1 bdrm. apt. over !Ip&· clou.a 2 ca r cua1e. (Th• apt. ta rented for 170 mo.) THE J.IONTHL Y PA TM.J:NTS ON THIS PROPERTY WILL BE 597 .60 MO., lo qualltled buyer. Call now for turthtr detail.I on dn, pmt. flc IRI~. CORONA DEL MAR South of lh• hlway. lmmaculate 2 bedrm. • den home. Ct.II Har 2042 now tor appt. to IH . 530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven One year old, 3 bedrm., 2 bath. Out1tandlnc buy at $22,760. Xtnt. terma. C&ll now for appt. LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. Corona del Mar-One of thoae "hard to ret" bulldlnc lot- Ju•t U1ted at JU.TOO. •we can all!O ahow you ol.hen1. M. L . S. Lilting Price $26,500 BALBOA ··Bay Avenue -Income 2 B. R. home, large living room-1 B. R. apartment over garage and bachelor unit attached to carace. all nicely furniahed. $5,000 will handle. Bay Avenue -Duplex 2 B. R. up, 1 B. R. down plua large rumpu. room. Completely Fum.iahed. $5,000 down -Firm price $18.!SOO We have yearly and winter rent&la. IDl.IJlediate occupancy! BAY & BEACH REALTY '1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 12M ' .-lmmins • 1111rt rtalll.na-1\app. $12,450 305 34th St. Home 6 1•r. apt. tumi,nld. N .. r B&y 6 S.ch, ch11ry kitchen• tUe. Oreenhou.H tor fuchalu 6 l»,on1u. I x 12 worklhop plu.a laundry rm. Conald•r 11&00 dn .. will trade up or dn. or t.ake TD'e. -lAt. newport 11land 411 38th Street New Duplex, 2 -2 -bdrm. aptJI., knotty pine, uMd brick. flreplae1 built In ran~. H/W nool'9, red- wood prtia1e dlmp.. bather'8 ahower drualn1 room, laundry. -• very nke home wtth Income. -Kerwin. ocean front 3705 Seashore Dr. Beach houaa. with blc rooma 6 2 B. R.'e corner fireplace, lg. Uv. rm. entry apece in kitchen, 2 car prace about ~ block to mariDlt. abop.. Total price of $13,!SOO incJudN atow, nll'il· • auto wuhe.r. Houae now rented on mo. to mo. buia at $100 mo. South of Highway, Harbor & Ocean View 2 Bdrm .. 2 bath home on .0 ft. lot a lt.oDt'• throw to Ocean Blvd. Ideal aituatJon for cu-ta or t.D· ager in lower bdrm. with eep. bath. Very attn.clttft interior and excellent condition throu«bout. Small down payment will handle It total price la ooly $21,500 COAST HIGHWAY BLDG: 2 Stora It 2 apartinenta. Good lncom• NOW with hicher income poeaib&e if you 80 demred. TIM apartmenta are turniabed and tht Doctor"• ottloe9 are fi;iahed in .uh Wood -natural fmiab.. J'oned air beating, etc. Tb4 total price la only SU.TIO. Pleue call for appointment to aee th.la bJds. u4 1et the income .chedule. A 1ood inYe9tment. CORNER DUPLEX E. 17th BUSINESS PROPERTY Thi• mlrht be your Jut cbaaee to buy an excepUonally eooct bum-VOGEL neu lot, zone C·2, 100 a SOO for only $22,600. VALUES MAIN OFFICE ~ ::-.~~ -:.-:.·:_~ .. • B • With garacee 1eperatin1 the 2 B. R. (-.) mUt.. Both have fireplacee. The property la In nceDmt repair. One unit ii on a leue; the other on a moetb to month buia ao the new owner can have po•11 1lon if d•lred. Out of atat.e owner bu to ..01 (Which meana an unuaually eood buy). Total Mk· inr price ii only $22,!SOO with mA financin1. Wbm you .ee it you'll agree it'• on• ot the belt looldac unit.I in town. Call Har. 2042 · Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Rayle-C. TraV11. c. RUM, A.Noc. 312 Marine Ave. -Balboa hl&nd Upper Bay Area! &VERLOOKING 8&nta Ana Coun- try Club. 2 bedroom and den. Large llvln&' room and br.aktut are11.. 2 flreplacee. Separate Js•. gar•r• bulldlnc wtlh nimPUJI A tneur room with % bath. S..u· tltul home tor only $17,000 ••• U OOO down. Peninsula Home! IDEAL, MODERN HOMKl WITH • BEDROOMS and 2 bathe. Ocean view trom up1ta.lr bed· room. Lare• Jlvlnc room wll.h flac•tone fireplace. Bizy It for your family • • . 123.500, UOOO down. 2 Unit Income! ONE OF OUR BEST VALUES. 2 paU01. Cloae to Bay and Ocean. bolh tumJahed. Both In Cood condition. 30xl02 tl. lot. S18.8llO U600 down. Balboa Duplex! * * * ONLY ONCE IN A BLUE MOON Can we offer you a bargain like thia. 3 bedrma. plua penthouae with bar -• bath.a on choice Bal· boa Peninaula comer -FURNISHED for only $28,000 ALL THE ADVANTAGIS ot cuual beach living. '5 minutes trom Bay or Beach, yet on a Beautiful comer lot in CLIFF HAVEN. 3 bedrma. It den -2 ba.t!w---Oalr tloon. Ruatic livinr room. Beautiful patio and prise land- t1eaping. Real quality conatruction. Hard to dup- licate at the uktns price of $35,000 NEW DUPLEX 2 bedrm. each -150 ft. from beach. Sliding glau doon, large wardrobe.I, o~ beam cellinga. Cloee to ahoppins diatrict. Full price $19,950 * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coat Hiway, Newport Beach u 8-3481 # LARGE LOT ... ROOM FOR ---------------·-- ONE MORE UNIT PLUS J GARAGES. Lower hu been modernised and heavy furniture In both Included In 1al1 price. Beat location for bol.h Bay and Ocean awlmmlnr . 518.1100 wll.h term11. Balboa Lots! ASK TO SEE OUR 3 R·J LOTS on Balboa Boulevard ••• cloae to b1111lneu 1ec:Uon. 5 Ul,llOO for all 3 .•. may 1tll one aeparate- ly ·'C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS LIDO WATERFRONT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION-LOW DOWN PAYMENT Completely furniahed (or unfurniahed) charming 3 bdrm., 3 bath, new w to w carpeting, almost new appliance•, lovely encl. patio, barbecue, PIER It SLIP -Owner will conaider trade. LIDO'S BEST BUY at $5.'5,,000 Balboa Realty Co. Commercial Income -Corona del Mar Oppoelle Bank &t America INVESTORS ATI'ENTION ! Conaiata of e nmt&l Rou Greeley unit.I, 2 atoree and • bachelor a pt.. Examine the Al Cornellus Ed Lff · t t 'blliti f th' f ' rt Jack Pinkham Joeephine Webb 1nve. men J>OMI M o ia ane prope y. 700 E. Balboa Blvd .. Ba.Ibo• Phone Harbor 3277. REAL VALUES 2 BR. HO~tf'.:, M·l IOnlnJ. Would I be Ideal for light mf(. SElt "C" THOMAS, Realtor 22' W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty S-M27 "C:' THOMAS "C:' THOMAS "C:' THOMAS ''C'' THOMAS THIS one today, It won't lu t. ---------------------- Price<! to aell. l NICE BUILDLNO LOTS. Eut aide neAr the Country Club. Good tllatrlct, I lot 50al40, 2 lolJI 110"23•. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 11183 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Mia LJ 8-1872 l:vu , LI 1-4120 $850 DOWN BEACH SHACK, !.\ block to ocean. 180. mo. Full price "860. LOT on "th SL. near beach, Ollly $3000. Lut chance tor low price homeelte. BUSINESS BUILDING oo New- port Blvd. S~O down. Stt ua for full deWl1. N.B.C. Realtv Co. . 3:.lnd 6 Newport Blvd.~ kpt. Bffch Har. 111139 or H06 View Lot on Bluff. (Ll.uehold) M fMl trontqt. No. 302 Kinp Ro.d, Wellt of Pink Hou.ae. Owner W. E. TenlCyck, •<Ml Pacit1c Ave .. Long ~ach. Telephone Lnnr B .. rh •-eOH or "8·298. 911,.,0 SEASHORE ORIV1:. R·2 BH.ch lot. 1, blk. to surf. 12&00 cul\. ORANOIC COAST PROPERTIES Sewport, C<Mlt£ M_. LJ 8-1532 ~ .... u • ...,, Its "peachy keeno". This BACK BAY BEAUTY bu everything you've been aaking for. Shake roof, artiatlc ranch home. Soft and lovely colora thru out. Size ? ? 3 bedrooma PLUS <X>NVERTIBLE DEN. Only $22,950. .Euy terma. Muat be abown by app't only. El Retiro Eastern Home A .ecluded corner -"A peek" of a view. Such lovely treea. Location Newport Ht.I. Ideal for you young decoraton, or retired couple. Not a shake roof fannbouae and ill older, 80 what? ! Re.tful and rugged. Lot alone worth $7,!SOO It you can't put a price on thoee tnee. Opportunity knocka here. $18,900 See thia ! ! REX RECHS -Realtor 2307 Balboa Blvd. Har. ~lM Eve. LI 8-3835 SS SUPER EXCELLENT SS Level 30 AC. M-1 INDUSTRIAL M .000 ea. Terma. BURTON B. BECK, Rltr. & Insur. 2321 W. Cout Hwy. . . Har. 221 It LI 1-7&82 A ·Y v I I E w REALTORS Harbor 3371 2~ W. Balboa Blvd. M-1 OFFERED AT NOT YICBTER· DAY8, OR T O M O RROWA PRICJC-BUT TODA TB-ACT QUICK! ! DO YOU want a pretty little Provincl&l Interior home on 109 trontqe! T YOU CAN llave your·buaineu In the rear-&nd wllat a location! Don't waJt on thll. IlJI 511,llOO today 6 term•. You'lldoubl• your money! REX RECHS- Realtor 2307 Ba.lboa Blvd., N-port Beach Har. llM-Lla•• your number- IC,..•. Liberty 1-IUI. LOTS:- NEWPORT HEIGHTS VDT nw 1..1:rr. cooct loca- uon. 50lll27\t-1•950, l1rm1. BALBOA PENINSULA ONE OF THI: NIC£8T 1.01'8 left. 110.~ lh\s one. NEWPORT WJ:U.. LOCATED Jll-2 LOT-Near beadl • b&y. aaaoo. HOMER E . SHAFER a.al tor Harbor HO--l:v1. Harbor 11J7·M Costa Mesa How Can You Miss TH18 CH.UUUNO home on land· llC&ped • fenced eo it JSO lot. 2 bdrm•. ONLY f7TllO with trma. Balboa Two Ocean F ront lot.I, Zoned for duplu•. fNOO each. Coast Properties IOl &. B&lbo& BIYd., Balbo& Harbor 2111, 2197 and dOO. Best Buy in Town I B. ll. 1tucco. double pl'•I•. nice tlreplau, J&r11 corner k>t, car· pel.4, drapu. mirror, rans•. rtfc. • W. M. lncludld-PlUJI b&ehelor apL onr ra~•· (ltued a t $60 mo. I Nicely k>catld only 100 ft. from ..._,, AU tllt. few only f7llOO dn. Homer S. Ahafer, it.Jtor. The Vogel Co. 2687 E . Cout Hwy., COM Har. 17t1 Har. HTI Balboa Bay Front Bayshores I Bdrm11. I batha bl&utltully tum. w l t b hand -b&ocked dr•Pft w /W carpet.a, HetnJ.)' ahuttera Ulru -out. It II a dream C!ome true lt you u. looklns for J:arly Amer. decor. 2 paU01, BBQ wlUI elec. •pit, pter and •llJ>. J tt.r JU· with parklnc 1pac1 caJore. Thl8 hOUll WU deelpecl u4I built tor ..., and pe.dOWI llvtn1. W /W c&rJ*.I, ~ •nd H11nl1y ehuttJln Uuu.at. The cu.atom· mad• appotat· mint. an la a.oeUent. tut&. A.Jlkln1 170,000 Shown anytime by appoint· ment. ' 2 paUoe, btauUtul p&anua,s. •lee kitchen. Not OT1r-prieed. Shown anyUm. bf appoUit· mant. Excellent Income Duplex Located cloee to the Lido Shopping aru on a qw.t at.reel. Completely and newly fumiahed. Lower uD.tt 2 bedrooma, upper one bed.room. Both leutd lhow· ing a fine return on the fulJ furniabed price ot $2',000. Upper can be made available to th• Dnt' owner. Exclusive with ua. See it today. LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 BAY & BEACH REALTY-Udo Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Har. 3643 Har. 29" Ev• Looking For A Buyer Fo[ Your Home? What ia a Right Price 1 Where can You· find a buyer! How much c&11 the buyer pay down T Ia a new mortgqe neceuary? How is the buyer going to pay the ditf ereace ! ' Turn your problema over to a REALTOR -the man who bu made real est.at. hia tulltime pro- feNion. Both Buyer and Seller abouM aecure the r.dlly available counael of the person bNt quaJ!n.d to tterve -the peraon qualified to u.e the prof-.ional title, "Realtor." Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 410 • 32nd St. Newport Beech Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on S..- ahore Drive. Knotty pine living room with din1D1 area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1h bath down, 3 bedroom. and 11, :i batha up. Solid con· 1truct1on. concrete and piling foundation. 2 ear garage, encloaed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor . 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1011 llaAor 1'0 Sw Har. 1117-M ---------------------- f.ac> MO. INCOME. 111.000 dn .. lmpn>ved rom1r. Harbor Blvd. Take local 2 bdrm. home u dn. payment. ORA.NOS COAAT PROPMTJJ:a lUT N-port. Coet& M ... LI t -1•H EH. LI ....OS DO you ree.JlJ wut a BUT f f Malle otter. Uft0£NT. MUIT n:J...L.. MautU'UI Back BaJ IM&l'tJ .... aMJte root tum lllouM. J bdrml~ J bat.M. Olorl· oue forenr Ylew of a.., ud mow1t.alna. Har. 11¥. tilt NOBODY WILL BELIEVE IT! There have been NO Iota So. o( Hiway near t he Ocet.n for ao long. we might be doubted-but we do have two right now. Zoned R-2 on quiet, tree lined street. You can not lteal them but they ARE worth the price. No call.&, pleue, just bring your check book to R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge, A.-ociate 3622 E. Gout Hwy., Corona de1 Mar. Har. nu .. I' , BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND $10,000 HOME A INCOME. 2 B. R. "home -and Bechelor Apt. Both unJta turn!abed. $8000 down. 8-t location, nr. No. Bay and village cent~r. $2(, 750 Xlnt. Tenna. ChU'Dl. Cape Cod home. IArp Uv. rm., dinln1 rm., kitchen, 2 apacioua bed- l"OOma, 1 ~ bath•, plua gueet room and bath, chum. lanct.eaped aunny patio with B. B. Q. Hou.e bu F. Plaee, J'. A. heat, beaut. wd. floon, and ii built tor gn..cioua Uv!ng. Double garage. A home you'll be proud to own. 80. BA y FR. FIRST OFFERING. Charmine • B. R. home. Pier A float. Pnced right. COSTA MESA Bnalnw property. E . 17th St., Zone C-2. 100z300 $22,500 DON'T KISS OUT ON THIS. BLANCHE A. GA TES, Realtor VDIB1l!RS or MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1871 or 1672 CHOICE LISTINGS TblM piopll1Mll an am.one our cholcelt buya. Homea for ev.ry famSIJ: Bee them before buying. 5 b9drooma OD BA YJ'RONT. Older, but & sood f&m· UJ home. Partly turnJahed. • JUlt reduced to $80,000 I room home on corner lot 40x90. Two bedroom. and dm, 1 ~ bat.hi, fl.replace, hardwood !loon, large walled patio, double prap ltreued for apartment. Permanent bay view. $25,000. Tenn.a Two bedroom, 2 bath home on Bay Ave. N ice patio with BBQ. Room to build another houae. $SOOO down Good older 2 bedroom hou.te and bachelor rental. Near town, library, tran.aportation. $12,tsOO. E:ltcellent term. can be a.rnnged. Back bay vie1f JOt. Ou ol tbe fR fM lbta tn the area. 125z1M. 118,000. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor ~188 97c99 t \ C-BetJ r..taC, C-8-1 r..tate a-•a1 r..tate NEWPORT HAAIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 ·PAA& 7 _......_.,;.;..;..; _ __......_ ___ , ------------...-....~-------RtlOAY. SEPT. 2, 1'55 p. a .. palmer incorporated developets of Udo Isle North Bayfront Large Family 7 In fact, 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 ualta nlcely ' furnlahed, newly painted A decorated. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to each unit. Tb1a ii out- atanding ln every way--4ee th.ii for eure. It'1 the Mat income property buy 1" know of. "111 prioa including furniture $10~.000. Term.1. For a family who li•ett anartly and bu)'I wiMlyl You'll enjoy all the wonderful &dnntagea of Lido living ln thia BRAND NEW 3 bed.rm., 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den, 2 fireplaces, paper, paneling and col- . on tutefully blended, 30 by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen is fully equipped with built-in range and oven, dis posal, dishwasher and fan. Ready to move into today, and only $33,500. Bayfront with Pier and Slip 3 bedroom.a A 3 baths, new wall-to-wall carpeting, very nicely tum.iahed, fine condition throughout and abould be 1ee11 il you are considering a bayf tont home. SM,000 lncl. furniture. TEsnm it demr.d. Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. A 1 bath plus a 1h bath and amall bednn. in garage. Only 300 feet to ~rfect north bay beach. Thia home la In fine condition and if you would like a home to uae ln the summer and ban us rent it for you ln the winter, th1a should be perfect. $18,250 Tenn.a. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 .ta lido, harbor 1500 Then be certaJn to ... thia ma.t attractive bom.- BUilt Mpeeially for a family with four children and deaisned M> mother and father can have (UHta and privacy. The cb.lldnn even have their own livins room, what could be more perfect than that. Nice patJo, nJce yard, four bedroom. and three bath•. Priced at '31,'500 and 1"th terms made to flt you. Aak for QW Farnaworth Picturesque Provincial Spacloua Brown.ell dealp include. enonnoua Muter Bed.room IUite with Hia and Her dreuinr rooma &nd bath. Guest room and bath~sy den, 2 fireplace• -lota of uaed brick and red-Rood. Heavy ahake roof --0eean view -Just & step to e;'ltcluaive bathing beach. Price $36.500. Open Sunday from 1~5. U S Evenin1 Canyon Rd., Shore Cliffa, Corona del Mar. Drive by or Call Dave Osburn • ·Back Bay Beautiful Early American Home. Two large bdnns. and a den plua 1114 baths. This is one of the cutest houses we have seen in a long time. You will fall in love with it the minute you 1ee it.a low banging heavy shake roof which accentuates the warm cozy feeling of the entrance. It'a too bad a houae like this ever ha.s to be sold but eell it ••e must at only $24,760. For details call Joe Kincaid p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hJ&hway .-liberty 8-5513 Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS Cheap Acre EASTSIDE Onlv $11, 100 CORONA DkL MAR I bedroom WHILE OTHERS SLEEP home. Only • •l•P to 81Yd. 1bopa S3&00 and s&uo mo. buy1 It. You can pick th1a one up for only1 $1000 dn. Spac- tof HELIOTROPI!!. Rtpe for ioua 2 bedroom-F1.JRNISHE.D-Hu H. W. floona. fl.xer uppu. Bp&Cil '°" pr. •pt. dining room, fireplace and in top location. Sewen Newoort Heights tn and paid-paved alley, full price only s10,eoo. C>CmAN \rm:w I bdrm. 6 dm home on beauUful cor. Jot. Dri" SCHOOL DAYS put ~14 Clift Dr., SU.000. I S600 dn. maku it a plek up. M-1 $15,000 ™O 8Q. rr. Bid(. OD UJ.o. ~· COMMERCIAL ACRE -can be cut lnto 2 ao·x300' Joli. 6 year old nice 2 bdrm. knotty plne paneled home and workabop or JUMt hoUH. Onty $10,600. Room t.o build uni.La. Exclusive Listing E. 18th St. BALBOA 'ISLAND QUAUTY ISLA.ND HOME 6 APT. .One of the Ial&nd'a flne home.. 3 bdnna., ~e. dining rm., 1 % bathl, delightful llgbt living rm. openin~ to partly covered patio ... The attractively furnlahed 2 bdrm. eanie apt. with full bathroom earna over J1800 per year. Extra ~ bath in 1ara1e. Outatandinr buy at $38.000 trfth S12.000 dn. FIRST O~ING. !mall 2 bdrm. houN on Sap- phire. flbor furnace, fireplaoe, furniabed, built 19'7. Small lot, only $16,500. Sut.mn down. TWO UNITS LIKE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convert.Jble either f bdrm. home wtth 1 bdrm. apt. or 3 bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. apL Gracloua liv• ing rm. leading to exceptional patio. $1 0,000 dn. 1ood terms. 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Ialand, 'pier, float, formal • bdrm. bom .. The land value is close to the asking price of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE AVE. $32,MO LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot , charm.inc 4 bdrm. 3!1,i bath houae. Di.nine rm., modern kit· chen, di8p., diahwuher, lot.a of cupboard.a and closet.a. Plus unusued 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car pr- age. Both unit.a all newly furniahed in ModerM. Ideal for home and income or gu•ta. Har. 177~ -Eve.. Edith Maroon HYatt ~ John M.acnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine Ave., Balboa laland "IMMACULATE" Heft deacribea our newest U.Unr of Udo'• mnart.t two bedroom hom&-lt'1 done 111 Provioclal decor. Replete with those 1mart interior window abut. t.w.-u.aed brick nreplace. Full pri~ only $22, 700, term&. (By the way tt'a a very abort walk to tM Oubbouae). LIDO LOT Forty .foot front.ace and ia throu1b atreet to ltrMl w :mo. -Altlo- We have a small Lldo lot $8,000. (We beUeft th1a to be th• loweet price of any available lot on Udo l.lland). --------------------ali.y reu. Bell wt~ or without i .... ot Sla& ptr mo. Placentia Dear Old Golden Rule Day>-Thla lovely two bed- room ia only a 1>loclt away from Harper School. All large rooms, hardwood floors, dinette and brealdut area. Completely fenc~ Full price $10,900, with $1,~ c!own. 2 INCOME ROUSES plua .nice t yr. old 2 bdtm. home. Rdwd. tloora-lovely tlreplac..-doubt1 gara,ce-worklhop-ph11 extru . 631s'x300' lot-cl<>H In. Wiil eell 2 Income house• tor SJ2,000 - S3.000 dn. or all I homu for se.ooo dn. 8 1!:1!: THIS TODA y ! Full price 3 houwe •u.ooo. LIDO REALTY Av.. nr. 19th I t. VALUE V A L U E li:ve. Info. Ph. Lytle LI l-I042 BROADWAY VALUES Large 3 bdrm. Bath bu tub I& atall shower. Com- pletely re-decorated in & out. Double garage on paved alley. Sewen in le paid for. J'ull price $12,950. With $3000 down. BEACO~ BAY, 2 bedroom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom income apartment. An exclusive home &re& with fine beach and la.rge lot for mother & children, and dock space for a llll&ll boat for dad. Priced $28,500 furniahed- Good term•. Owner will listen to cash. Ph. Har. 4« for appL u Aug. tenant pays $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The finest unit ot thi• type tn thi8 location. Income in excess of $12,000. Har.™ THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue Next door to the Poat Office Eves Har. 3059-M -Har. 4.248-R * EXCLUSIVE KINGS ROAD * Commanding an unexcelled view of the entire Harbor area, th1a apacioua, almo.t new Mode.n offers the ultimate in gracioua living. It bu three unuaual bedroom1; family room open· ing on a cover.ct patio; atudy, a truly beautiful kit· chen with all the built·ina, and a living i:oom you mu.It aee! Price : $34,500 $7500 down. Shown by appointment only. GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY, Inc. Harbor 2552 3112 Newport Blvd. Eve.: Llberty 8-3186 Newport Beach Special-$8200 0000 I bdrm. home on rear of 100x330 Jot. Plenty ot room to build. Owner nee<i. only 12600 • I» down-Exel. location -E&1t· CLOSE IN 1lde. ~eln1 I• bellevlnr on thl.I one! 2 bdrm., hdwd. floon, 6' cement block wall en· bdrm. In Newport Ht.I. Area for $7900-Lot 11 80x90, Only $40. mo. on balance-- 2. blks. from ocean! NEWPORT BEACH NEAT 2 bdrm .. db le. 1ar. on alley. cloees rear yard. Bbq, and outdoor fiJ'eplace. Newly decorated inside le out. Walking distance to mkta. & downtown Thopping. Full price only $9950. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly aervice" •oo E . 17th St, Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 Only '2&00 down, jW1t thin.It--------------------- only $10,600 fum lahed! Westside Bargain! s BDRM.. 1 YT· old oo 64 x 110 lot. Incl. 1arb. di.Ip., w /W cu- petlnr . fenced and landacaped. drape•, built-ln brkf1t. noolc. better than new! Only Sl0,500 4 "1" loan. only S&0.50 per mo. on b&l. ltV1. Info. Petitte LI 8-MST Houston Realtv Co. 6 ASSOC:l.A. n/ &09 Center 8t., eo.ta Men LI 1~911 or LI 8· 7784 CORONA DEL MAR CHARMING 2 br., provlnclaJ. rm. fol' umt, clOM to m.u1ctl8 and tra.ntportatlon, R-2. _ 112.500 COR. LOT w fl\lce ~l. over 1a.r. R-2 14000 down, tun pr. 110,000 • BALBOA ISLAND Exclusive Little l.lland -nearly new -• bdrm., 2 bath, t.uWully furn. -Cbarmlnr patio -a few atepa to Eut Bay. $28,500 completely fumhhed. Close to Sboppioi Center-Cozy modern-2 bdrm. covered patio. $16,960 tumlahed Outstanding value -2 unlta, $3000 yearly income $5000 down WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park at Marine, Balboa l.lland Harbor 2462 · And Aaaociata S B.R. A den, C&llJ'Oll Tt1w, pro--------------------- VlJlcial ···-··--···-···-·····~·· S2T,500 4 BEDftOOM, puoramio ocean view -............. -.... --13'.600 "OLD SAL TS" BAYSHORES LIDO WATERFRONT, PIER & SLIP I B.R.. PLUS pr. unit. Im.. pine ~ lnt., 2 paUoe. bktat. bar 122,600 Three bedroom•, 2 bath8, priced to aell NOW. $f9,500 Top Joan available. • OPEN HOUUI 8und&y 1-6 A TTENTION: Builders and Contractors CLIFF HAVEN New Subdivision . . . Laguna Beach Lots 2 B.R., xl.Dt. loc. Low down 119.950 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7M2 Har. 51M eves. Claire Van Horn ft&.U.TOR 1711 W. Cout Hwy. LI l-U7T -------------------- A place for dream home. by the l>Mutif ul ocean. Lot.I llll't LEVEL and have a gorgeoua OCEAN VIEW. Streets are pav~ and all utilities in. Near mchoot., church, bu. and new Alpha Beta Sboppinr c.ter. Pricea $tw)()O to '7500 -Tenne DOSS REALTY CO. 392 Glen.neyre, Lacuna Beach HY 4i 506 or HY (HOO 99c2 -• I KULTIPLll UMrr arI'll. ONE .A.CRll on Vlctori& St. lt'• 430 ft. dttp. Priced to 9ell -QnJy p46(). OR.ANOE COAST PROPDTIIC8 1167 Ntwport, Coat& J.feaa Ll 11-1432 Ev1. J..I 8-4JSOI II.A. VJ: TIDl 2 FINEST COl\ltruCt · ed Ito,. tn the Harbor A.Ha. IH.&00. Mlr ht trad•. Wha t hav1 )'1'1\l ! 1'l~ Plech1. Barbor 6158. t &Ue Balboa Island $5000 down bal like ren$-for th~ attr. 4 Bdrm. home near bay. 2 Bdrm home plua rueat rm., bath and l Bdrm.. apt. Furn. $26,800 NE(DA ·GIBSON, Realtor 300 Marine Ave., Balboa I.eland Harbor 502 Eastside Duplex l YRS, OLD. Hdwd. floora. 2 brm. each. 2 caragu ln betwMn. Clean. $3.000 dn -.Slll,2$0 tull pn c1. -$5,500 Full Price BUYS A CLEAN, well con1truct- ed 1 bdrm. house Sep&rate 1a.r- A.aoci&te. Lido'• Most Experienced Salet1 Personnel BW Kempton -Joe Grohman Gene V~nd -Virginia Mamon 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ~·· W&ll to Wall carpet.. ao·x --------------------170' lot. 8 Months Old l ~ BA TH-2 bdrm. and den- Wall to wall cpt. Knott,y pin• panellnf . Natural wood doora. Cute! $2,800 dn. Sll.000 Full Prtce. Best Buy in Newport Heighta REDUCED from 118,000 to 11'. 9~0. Ocea.n v1ew. 2 yra. old. Wood 1hlngle root. Hdwd. t1oor1. Fire· p~ 220 V extra lnr• kitchen. Full dlnlnf room. Plue 1 Large rue.st houae With full bath. Dbl. p rare. 8 1!:E TfflS TODA y : WUI take S1.500 dn. Another Special Newport Hu., Sl,500 Dn. CARPETED U vinCTOOm. Hdwd, floora. L&rge kilehen. 2 bdrm. clUA 7 yr. old. Lovely n•i&hbor· hood. Guut bouae ln r.r with full % bath. llncloffd patio and bbq., et c. But ot term1I Choice Location F.ut.aide NEAR "V'lHITJD KING'' HOME. Beacon Bay FIRST Time Offered Beautiful 2 bdnn. -den, 2 baths, d.J:eam kitchen A brkfat. bar, dining' room, lge. llv. rm., wonderful patio. F. A. heat. Lwrurioualy furnilhed, fully carpeted. Immense wardrobes, 2 flreplaeea 6 BBQ, laundry with waaher & dryer le dMp freae. Terrific term.a. HURRY ON THIS ONE f View Lot Cliff Haven Lp. deep lot. witb 52 yr. leue, located Kinp PL, with vlew of Harbor, 11urrounded by beautiful homea. One of the few left. Buy now, buUd thw Fall. Offered at $f500, term•. On "Little" Balboa Island Perfect location, 3 bdrm .. 1 :v, bath, UnDMDM liv. rm. with firepl. Cloae to Eaat Hay. $28,:500, term.e. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand. v SHORECLIF f S Har. •781 98c1 3 bdrm. Hdwd. floor1. Sep. dbl. JUST LISTED cu. Alley entrance -patio - trMI, •tc. Full prlee sn.ooo. Ocean view home, located on comer l6t. Ttro Jars- G.I. Loa.n. A real va lue! WUI bednm plua lovely den Built around naved patio ll· talre small dn. · • · ,,_ • fl Beautifully 1and.acaped. aprinlrle?' sywt.em.. Com· ... Bay & Beach Realty 1496 Newport Blvd. Co1u J.leaa. Ca.ill. LI 1-1161 i:VM. J..I 1-1158 VIEW HOME Newport Heights L&nd.lcaplq . Two bedrm. 6 den, patio, i.rse g1.rar•. Many ex- tru. (Not 1-holdJ. Undtt HT,000. pert down. be.lance truat dNda. Owner, LI .. 137t l:vu . t 7c" ONE OF TBll1 LAIT F l:ll LOTS "1th Wlobltruct&ble Harbor A Oo.a ~ oa Cutt DrtYt. New- port Hta., JIGO(). ORANGE OOAST J'IWPl:J\TIEa 1157 Nft'JIOrt. Colt& 11 .. Ll· a.1u2 Eve. u 1-MOa pletely fenced. Carpeted wa.11 to wall. AutomatJo carage door opener It many expen1ivfl ftatUJ"M. Thia home priced to mell quk kJy at S37,MO. Shown by app't only - CORONA DEL MAR R~LTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, ealtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del ar. Har. (1 (Offloe located nest door to Corona del Kar Bank) (;' TRADE WANTED Ml Acre Placentia St. and/or 26 ft. ll"aJrllner twin 1erew, for Udo houae or lot . U 8-6110 before 10 a. a or otter G p. m. 82tto I I .... ' ; Back Alley Fair Labor Day Event A center of huatling act ivity th1a week ia the Balboa Jal.and Commun ity Methodiat Church where young and old a.like ~ h ve oiled up their aleeves, gnbbed hammers, saws, aci880 d pule-pot to put on the finishing touches 'ror their ack Alley Fair." The Labor Day event. which will teuure carnival attra.cllon1 for the cha lrmanahip ot Mrs. Slt•ve all agea. will op•m at l2 noon Smith. and ronclude al 8 p. m . Booth• will feature balloon nnrl A :r.oo nt vuloua wild and tame darta, awlng ball, eponge cos ... 1nlmal1 11nd "The Bijou Theatre" make-up, fish pond, popcorn, lt>m · onade, hot doga, and candy. havt bffn added lo thl11 year'a Proceeda wlll be u aed !or the pre11en1a1lon. pantonage fund, the rede<.'or11Uon Caftlcrla lun<.'heona wlll be of Dearborn H all, and youth 1t.:· IM'rv~ t hroughout U1e entire day UviUea. by mt'mbera o! lht Wom11n'1 So· General chairman of the fair ciety or Chrlatlan Service undtr la Bill Ferry. Evangelistic Youth Group to Report at B. I. Meet A team of college youth• who have ;uat relum f'd from a 1ummer of evangeh!llc work In Central and South Amenca will be giving a report ot 1t1 act1 v1tlea when It meell Thursday. Sept. 8, at the Balboa b land Community Mtth· od1•t Church. Commlu1on chairman la tht Rev. Thomas R. Pendell, m111lster oC the W111Jey Melhodlat Chua rh, San Diego, and former mlnl11 tn of Christ Ch urch by the Sea. BACK ALLE Y FAIR LAYOUT pl&na are being made by lhia group at Balboa Ja. land Met hodist Church. The affair ia a Labor Day event and featurea amuaement for all a ges. Left to right a.re Roee Eckert, Allen Guenther, Terri Waidelich, Mn. Norman Buck and Gail Grave.. -Staff Photo The Rev. Donald G. Sapp. ho1t mln11ter, I• aa o a mtmber of th1> group. The JTOUp, IJ>ODIOred by lhe Southern C&llfornla·Arlzona Con· ference of the Method1at Church, wall report tq' the Melhod1ML Ser· vice ProJecll' CommiMlon. T h a comm1111ion'11 f1r8l meeting of the new yenr wilt be held at the le· land <.'hurch frnm 10 a. m. until • P• m. Dr. Harvey Seifert. professor at USC School ot Religion, will also ttport on the 1955 European &l'nt· lnar. a tour which the comm1111!10n aponaored thJs •ummer for church- men 1n th11 area. During the noon hour commis- sion membeni and their famillu will enjoy a barbecue at the Pen· dell'• beach homtt. 1565 Ocean Blvd. Sermon Theme at B. I. Church The third In a Mrlea of aermona on "The Good Newa J • 1u1 Brourhl" wtll be preached lund&y at the Balboa Ialand Community Melhodlet Church. The Rev. Don· aJd 0 . Sapp Will •peak at 9:IO and 11 a.m. on ''Th• NeW11 of Pe~." God's Children Sermon Subject PAGE 8. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 2, 1955 " The adult choir, under the direc· lion of LMll• Van Dyke, Will 11nr an anthem. Mra. Nora Tiilman.)' wtll .. rv• u oryall18L Brook.I BlaJr wm be tll• acolyte. Biblical. u surance u to man'• ldtntlty 111 given In the aelecUona from the Klng Jamea Veralon of th• ~Ible to be rod durlnr the IAAM>n ·Sermon on "Ma n·• In all ChnatJan Science chul"ChH Sun. day. Lutherans to Hear of Texas Trip ISLAND WSCS TO STUQY YOUTH WORK AT SES~ION "Accent nn Youth" will be the theme ot the next meet· Ing of the \\'omM 's Sodety or Chriatlan Strvlce ot the 'Balboa ll'IMd Community Methool11t Church· ache<luled fM Wednee· day, Sept. 7. Member•, In their t lrat meetln&' ot t he new year. wtll aa11emble for the buainea1 atMlon at 11 a. m. Communion at Mesa Baptist Al the 11 L m • .erv1ce of the P'\r•l BaptllJl Church of Coel& Meaa. th• Rev. P. C. Newnan wtlJ have u hla 1Ubject '"lbe Sona 'ot Ood." lsa.1ah ltft no doubt about the tat.herhood of God when he aaJd1 ··DoubUua thou are our father, thoui:;h Abr11ham be Ignorant of ua. and lsratl a cknowlt dite 1.1.1 not: thou, 0 Lord, a n Q\lr f11th~r, our ttdeemer: thy name I• from t ver· lut ing" f83:16l. Mary Bakf'r Eddy add1 the ap. pele.llve Mother to man·11 htavenly parents In a rorrtlallve pUl&ge trom htr texlhook, "Science and Health w llh K.-y ~o the 8<.'rtpturt.t, "Father-Molhrr I• the namf' for Delly. which lndlc:atea H.11 tender relatlonahlp t.o HI• 1plr1tual crea- tion. A1 the apcM1tl• n pruaed It In word1 which he quoted with appre>ballon from a clllMllC pof't: •For we arr all.lo Hla off1prln111· " (p 3321. The Goldrn Text 11 f rom Ro· man• 18 14 1, "All mAny u are led by the ::,pint of Ood. lhfy are the IOU or Ood .. Directory of HARBOR AREA CHURCHES IL AD4N"'.. PrHb)'teriaa Cburcll lr>th SL llt St. Andreow11 Rd., acrou from H1i:h School Llherty 8-3773 Putor: Rev. Jamee S. Stewart Community Mf'tbodlat 410 W. 19th St., <.:oata MH& Wbt'rty 8-~or12 Rev. Jo8'ph W. McShan• Tbe Cb0ttb of Chd1t 1~0 Church St .. Coata Meaa l,,.lberty 8-~7 ll D. C. Hunit, Mlnlater Qrtet Cllarota By The &. Community Melhodl•l a.Jboa Blvd. at 11th, Newport Harbor 5229 MJ.n later: Jtev. Roy Carlaon Bt. loadW:n Churcll 1"4 Ora.nge Ave., Costa Mua Llberty 8· 1091 Father Thomu J. Nevin .,,., ll&pll•t CharcJt of Newport BaJboa Blvd .• 10th 6: Court St.a., Newport II.arbor 3~53 LTberty 8·3072 Pallor: Herbert G. Johnaon !fewport Ha rbor Lutheran Cburcll 1501 Clift Dr .. N t'WJ)Ort Height& Liberty S.-3831 Rev. Robert Gronlund AaAembly of God Und St. A: Elden Ave .. Coat& Mel& Llberly 8-376 t Revirrend M. C. Cronic, P &1t.or 8e\'tnltt·da7 AdveDlbt Newport Blvd. a t Bol1& St , Newport Helghl11 Eldl'r Richard Serna l.Jbt'rly 8·1!'132 ("huttll of the :Sazattne 1~ An11ht1m, Co1ta Me-1111 Putor: Rtv. Clive Wllllama Ll~rty 8·7181 11rwt Clluttb of Cllri•t. 8clt ntl•l 3303 Via Udo, Newport Beach Harbor 2421 t 'nh'f'l"ll&ll•t Commualty FelloW'lhtp JCbell Clubhou!c. !Hr> Balboa Blvd. Mlnlatrr: Rev. F. W. Rine• "1l8T C'H1'"RC'R OF CHRIST 1'CfEXl'tST UOI Vie l •dO, N •• ,,.,, luch A b'•"'"" c l•t ._,,,~·1rr1,... ~.... Ht J. '•' Q..,.c .. et C"''''• Sc••-.tht. '" I••'•"· ........ dun•th. S..ofe• St~ool •11l a. "' s. ••• , ,.,.;<• -t ' ....... . Wef .. •••y E•o•i•t t.fe•ll"'I -t-00 II'·"'· INd••• ••-te<e!M ot Ull Vlo Ufe, ... ..._... luc~ h •HO •••• dt" ... ... ..... • "' •• '00 p "' ........... .,.,, ... ... ti .. •"' te I .. •"" '110ay ••H 1 •• t $1o1•C11111w r : • ~ ••• M; ..... ,. , n.. Dwb ( ' 'O'O • 't l11t• fttS to •flft "d -.. °'"''",,_ s.,...A:.. •"• ••• •~• , ... ,,... - Four hlr h 1ehool youth group membera will .. ch preaenl fl\'e minute reporu to the Newport Harbor Luthtran conl!'J'l'gatlon on their Luthr r League acllvltle11 11t d.u.p!C&te aervlce.LSun,da.)' at 8.30 a.m. and 11 a.m. With P utor Robert 8 . Oron· lund vaca tioning In the mld-we1t. the young people are t11k ing over on one d four Sundays fllled by lay-1peaker11. Flr11t 11peakt'r wlll be Mary Lee H11yden, who wall rlill· <.'UM local Lea&'l1e acUvillea 1nlt In- troduce the remaJnln« epttakera. Mary I.-l1 a Harbor Hl!fh jun- ior. a Co•lA Mna r u1dent anrl Ill prn ldent of lhe church youth group. Youth who dunnr the summer attended church oampe and vacation church 11ehool wftl report on tbelr acllvtllee. Special m1.1.11c will be prut>n~d. Arranginr the procram wall ·be Mnr. Clyde Shoolt'r, lf!Crt-tary ot youth -work, and 'Mra. P. F B1unu, 11rcrl'lary of children'• work. Sunday School convenu at 9 :415 L m., Youth Tra1nin&' Oroupa m~t 'Ill 9:30 p:m. -and Uie putor'1 In· atruction c.lua at 9 :30 p. m. The worshi p 11ervlre a t 12 noon "-'ill be led by Mn. Al 7:30 p.m. the ordinance of the Lord'• Supper will be obeerv· ed with reception of new mem- t>era. Communion meaaa.re wlll be "The Banquet of the Lord." Wed· nMd&y at 1 :30 p. m. I• PraiH a.nd Blbt. Study Hour followed at 8 :35 FounL L. Lowe. The 12:30 luncheon will be aerved by the Lydia Clt'<.'le under t ht chAlrma.n11htp of Mra. Walter Schmid. Mrt1. Tt>d R.. HauMr Ill prt'.!!1dent or the Ofl'SJllDtlon. UPPER BAY p. m. by varloua prayer rroupe. 8f'cond youth ~u will be Beth Sta nley, reporting on the Leadtrahlp Tralnlng 11ehool ot the California dl11trlct held at Covina In J une. Bf-th, who altoo h\'ell 1n Col!ta Meea and le " Harbor High junior, 18 league ~relary. First Services at New Baptist Chapel Sept. 11 The Woi\ien'a Mlaaion&ry Union will meet Monday, 8ept. 12. The prog-ra1n wtll be In charre of Mra. Gordon'• circle. BAHA'I FAITH Kay Maller. 1peakin11; on T..uth· ,.ran Bible Camp ht'ld at Camp S,.ely In J uly, will be the third 11ptalcer. Kay. jlllt recently con· farmed, wm be a freahman 11t Har· bor and ta 11llo a Mo an. L&11t of the youth Rroup to re· rort will bt senior Jack Smith, llOn of \011t11 Me11a Counc1lm11n Bert Smith and centtr on IMl year'• H11rbor High football team. who will teJI the congr,.gaUon of experlenctta the Leairueni ha<I el the International Luther LPagttt' Convention held at Tcxaa A & M Collegt Aug. 23 to 28. Allemlrrt by o\•er 4000 youths from tht United Statu and Cana!la, the convention featured 11 1000 vol<'t' chona. two 111nrlae matana aer· vlcea, a Texu barbe<'11e. rodeo Bnd ghoet town arranged for tht' out· of·1tate v1.1ltort, daily churrh .11er· \•icu and an11plrataonal mullngs, climaxed hy a two hour commun· Ion •ervlce with 5000 youth And vlaltor• partl<.'lpatlng 1nd ovtr 40 mlnl11ter1 officiating. Local leagueni a ttending. moet ot whom traveled by a 1pec111l Call!omta dl1lrlct chartered b111, were: Ma ry Lee Hayden, Sharon Briggs. Rou Ma.rle Rueger, Boh Creighton. Charlotte McOann, 8Pth Stanley. 1tnd \J11ck Smith. The League will m~t at i p.m. In the Parleh Ho11ae with the •even convention delt g•le!I rnn· ducti.ng an lnfonnaJ panel on lht lr convention experltncee, D1v1n,. 11trv1c-eii will be1tan Ill the l'pp<>r Biw B•pl1sl C'hAp,J, corner n! S E Pll h'Vldt !'I Ro!li1 &nd Cyp1 'Ill! St , Santa Ana HeJ1tht11. SundAy. Sert. l 1 Meet· lng11 11re scht'<luled R.11 follow11:. Sunday Srhool. 0 :1:, 11 m. I C'la• 10 tor all •1te11 ); mom lnR wor· 1h1p 11ervlcc. 11 a m. F.venlng llf'I"· vlre At 6 o'rlork ; Bap1111t Traan- lng l'naon. 7 p.m. On 1'hur11day 11t 7 30 pm. I here wall be en hour or Bable Study and pl'Ryer. On Sunday. St>pl. 11. at 2 :30 pm ther,. wall ht 11 ded1cntlon servif't> or the Rro11nd11 Rnt1 the tenipurnrv ch&pri. A !lpt'rlal prn· gr11111 fr11tt1nng thr choir!! of thll Jo'1riot Bnplt!ll C'hurr h or Co"tll Meaa has bet'n prf'parrd for this oc-1•a111on. Corona del Mar I Church Service TI1e eermon topic tor the duph· cate senirea of .wor11hlp a t Com· munily Church, Sept. 4 will be "Hidden Tre11.1111re" with the Rrv. Edwin C Oomke occupying the pulpit. Reception of memben will be held durlng the l l o'dock 11er· vlre . .Betty Shannl)n and Adrle.nne von Ehrenberg 11pent tu t week a t Pilgrim Panr11 tn Yucaipa, the Con· gregallon11I Young P tt0plt'11 Ca mp. They rep1 c11rntect Corona dPI M11r rhurch d11r1n1: a week of 1"11tler· ioh1r l raanlnl't. Orange County CFO Unit to Meet at Saint James The Rn . John N. Parke. rector mat .<Juratlon bt-gan. He allendtd of St. Jame1 E placopal Church. PrlnC'elon and Genna! Theologl· will be the eventnr speaker at the cal School In :-\l'w York City. For Orange County C.F.O. meeting on 11lx year11 he l'en·ed 111 rector or Saturday, which will bt' held In St. Jamee Church. OreenCleld, St. J ames Church. 339 \'la Lido. Mnss. \\'halt' at St. John'• Ch11rrh. He wlll speak on "Learning to WorC'uttr. Ma.a1. he \\'&• chaplain pray With Power:· of the Memnnal Hn11p1tal. Follow- A fellowahlp hour beg1111 at • ang hl1 work "Ith the Orare pm. At 1 ·30 Ml1111 Jeanette Dnggi<. Church, :-torwootl, Mus. he bf.. wUI lead In med1tat1on1. Prayt'r <.'ame an Jnfantr\• t'haplam In g roupa "i ll be held from 5 to World \\'11r II 11n<I WM 11tAt1oned 6 60. followed by Pol-lurk aupper In Europl'. a t e p.ni. lA·J ahould brlnr hot For n ve aummer• he a ttended <11•hea. K·O aalAd.a and roll.a, and the Cenev. C F.O. camp at Lake i.,z dHffrt I All 11hould bring own Wlnnipe111 ukre. ="""' HAmpshlre table 11erv1ce and 1ervlng for 111111 where he &Hiiled Wllh prayer p.raon•. irroupa, a• youth trader and wu Following •upper Jl:rn1• P errle chairman of th• Camp Council of Puadt'na will ltad the g roup Rin g. Through the J'l:ew Eng land 11inging. Mr. Park• Will 1pe11k at statM he hu bt'1>n a cll\'e In lead· i :30 p.m. Ing "quiet dayw 11nd tcachlnK 11nd Aa a chapl&Jn In the Order or healing ml111lon1," St Luke rounded by the late Jnhn His wife 11 Joan Lff Cole daugh· Gaynor Banka, kn Diego and a ter nt Richard F.. \ole, Duhltn. chaplllln In World War U , anr1 u Ireland. pr•ldent of the Melhodllt a leader kl the Campa Farthut <...'hurch In !re.land. Th.,. hne three Out In N t'y.o H&Jnp!!hlre. Mr. Parke .ans a nd a dauirhter. haa had rich, vital uperlenres. Ht Mrs. Lff Bolin. S.lboa llland 11 a nAth·e ot Caltfom lA for hi~ lit r:cnt'rlll l'h11trm11n ·nr th& me.t· f11thl'r w111t \'ll'U n' 011' Churrh uf Ing All lnlareatt'd wW be w-1com· Ani;ei.. Pau.dena and here Mt Cor· t t<l. The Rev. a nd Mr11. Fred Bartel, founder!! of the Zenith Avenue Bapl.1.St Sunday School. In Santa Ana Helghta and the Rev. P. C. Neumann. pastor of the Jl'lrat Bapllat Church of Co11l& Meaa. will receive 11peclal recognition u we¥ ... the many willlnr worker• who, through their g1fll of time and money. made tltl11 occaalon Poi<lllble. The public 111 Invited to a ttend. The Rev. Frederick A. Dav1(1, graduate of the Eastern Bapt11t College In Philadelphia. Pa. and the Northern Amer1can Baptlat Theological Seminary In Sioux Fall1, S.D. ls the church eJ<ten1lon pastor repreunlinK t he North American Bapllat Conference of Forut Park, Ill. who Will be In charge of thla JleW chapel. Pr•yer Disc:union Study "Set before thine t yea God'a unerrlnr Balance and, u one •landing In HI• Pru ence, weigh In that Balance thJna action• every day, every moment ot thy ure." Baha'i Wrlttnr •- Frlday, 8:00 p.m. JH Roc:M1ur Stn!f!t, Cotta Meea,. Ca.lit. Phone LI 8-1588 -LI 1·1111 Harbor Ollo-.1 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE E rnest Holm ea, founder, a uthor ot "Science ot Kind." SUNDAY 8EBVICE811 a.m. .lanJor CbUJ"Cb and Nanery Care 11 a.m. ~"· Ina Turk. Mbdater LAOL"NA BEACH AllT OA.LL£&Y BYati 6-llM I01 CWt Dr. ANYWHERE Those from the surrounding area who prefer our service in time of need will be glad to learn that we do not make any extra mileage charge when serving fa.milies living in the erea around Costa Mese. Our prices ere the same to ell, end they include ell the usual features of our service. Lady attendant PA~~~~~~?LEY _. Ll1111n 8-)4.ll u ~....,. _ ... _ ----••l·~·...,. ..... .eo .... Nf..aM ..... C09CIM Ill\ ... l ... 'Labor Day Sermon at ·Christ Church th• dtnctlOll ot Mn. A. 1. ftutt•r For Universalist.8 ''The Work of Mani' II the H r· Church k hool mffll at 9 :30 a.m. ea.ch luada,y With cl....,. for children, youth. and adult.a. The ~ar youth ftllowwup mtelinJ • for lhls Sunday eventna have been poet'poned bec&UH of the holiday weekend. Y out.h will meet at the Unlvenallat l'"eJJowahlp mael• at ~l~ Wt'at Balboa Dh·d with Bun· da.y khool a t 10 3Q and woruup IM'rvlc.'t' al 11 a 111 Thi' Rt \' Fr.ilf'- r1C'lc. Ring ... r a.11tur of the 1''•11ow- •hlp, will prl'al'h !\11 a Labor D I)' thtme, hi• a1chJt~:t to be "Some· thin( Ntw Haa Bten Added." mon-theme aeltcted for Labor rtruJar time the follow1n1 Sunday 8u.nday , Sept . t.. at Chriet Church I evenlll&'. Sept. U . By the Sea In Newport Buch. The Rev. Roy A. Cariaon, putor, wilt -----------------------~.---. •peak at both 1ervtc•, 8.30 and 11 a .m. The Sanctuary -Choir will return to Ile rerutar place In the BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CH.A.PEL mom inr aervke alter a vacation· lHl Superior Avenue tlrne during the month of Auguat. Coal& .Meaa, C&llf. CHAPEL BY THE SEA ~20 Ii:. l.)out Blvd. The choir hold• It• tint rehearul Phone UbeTty 8·2121 on Thu~y. September J, under '"'--------------------------- Corona dtl Mar, Ca.Ill. Phone Harbor '2 'Moat anytbinc worth doing, ian't u1y. A man'• job, for example, i1n't eaay. Often it'• compliut-4...and danrerous--witb-pr(lb;. lema a-plenty. m onraar roa Al.I. ••• AU roa m Clll7lat Tiie Chwch,. ltle .,..._~ w .--Mr1IY l6t lh• ~ ., cbaroc.., Clrld Vood e111-1i': II " o 110r•houae ol •Plt•t...i ...., Wuhout • •1toeg Chunll. -'::~ d .. _oc, 11or ci•illMboft c-. IUrY••• There o1e fou.r •WMll ••oaona why .,..,, ,,.,_ •llould ol!end ""'ie.t requio.i., d It ian't ea1y, either, to be a homemaker. A doMn 1lril11 and more are needed. not to mention endle11 houra of monotonous taalta. Yet,•man or woman, u1ually you're urged on by a dorged determination to "do it- or elae!" POii lh• Cllutch. n,.1 :. ·~r; ror h11 0"'11 toke Ul ,_,; h I c~t~dr.'"' •<Ua 131 t or lite .,.,': r .............. ,. ... d nOllOol 10 But when it comu to livinc a life that'• commendable and above reproach. do11 your determination 1till prod you on? Do you dare 1tand for rirht arain1t all odd1? Then your place i1 in the Church, where others feel exactly aa you do. Join them no w in worship and work, and your deter- m ination will be atrcncthened.. your faith renewed. or Ilia eote -' the Cluuc:h i .. 11 wh1d1 _.., Mm ._.1 d • Iorio.I 8UPJ>Ot1 I'!..., 1 WI - church ,..lelr -.d .:.'IO 10 l iblo dolly 1'0W I Da., ._. ~y._ ...,, ·· "'-•...., I I U 11 .. 4.,, ... &cdfflaetM • .:,. ~=· I Cor111tllleo1 a 1 .. -n, ........ ,,.,Cer1.111i.. • ...... p ..,.._,.IJT~ I M4 I rl4o,, " .... t•• Ill 1•14 • • ....., ..... _ Ill .... c..,-n.ltr.• nu. •• .. t• ••· 1.r-.,.., et ........ -. .. .. . . ' ' . . _....;·..---- This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms The Island Patio Rntaurant SOO Marinfl An. Balboa Island CUSTOM AUDIO PubliC' Addre11 -Hl·FI -Tape Recor dt'r~ •13 29th St. Nf'wport ~ach Harbor 1506 GEORGI M. GRAHAM Rue• and Cai pet11 12i A1at.e An. Ba.lboa Island Harbor 3256 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realton Bay Front Speclall11t11 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226 Marlo's Smart Set Hair Fashions Complete Styllll&' Permanent Wavinr and Tlnllnc 340'7 Eut 9out Hwy. Harbor 5104 NEWPORT FURNrTURE CO. Complete Home Furnl11hlng1 %620 W. Vout Hwy. Liberty 8-1113 Freel 0,..,.,. Chevron Service Tlr. -Battertu -Acceaaorlu Complete Lubrication 2100 W. Balboa Blvd., Ne"·port Beach Harbor 1515 MAC PELLETIER'S Newport Beach Pharmacy 2108 Oeeu Froet Newport Beach Barbor~ UNl(i>UI CAFE Br•kfut -Lunch -IJlnnrr •10 12411 St.. (Aeroee from City HalJ) hie CIMwch-THE ARCHES Union Oil Dealer MOO W. <loMt Hwy. Newport Beach u 8-9083 ILANCHI IENZ Th• Tam ll'lop Chart-Aae&mW.-Block • lNt.ruct I08~ MartRe Aft. Harbor 0880'• Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon %515 E. Coast ""'J" Harbor %181 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Under the New Managenmtnl of Mr. Pat 304 Mariu An. Harbor 1821 H. H. HOLIROOK Oe~ndable r tumblnc 2801 W. Balboa Bh·d . Harbor 4624 DICK MACKEi Ora per1e1 -Carptl~ Uphol1tery Complete Free Decorating Service 3420 Vla Udo II.arbor 41%8 . ··---------------------------------- MAD MOORE NURSIRY Cul Flowen Pet 8uppllu Balboa Bh·d. at 2 hit Newport Beach NEWPORT HARBOR BANK An lnrh!prndenl Home Bank Corona df'I Mar The Port Hole Breakfast HOVM Midnight ln I) A M 2217 \\'. Coast Hl"·ay, P\~·port Beach STAFFORD & SON Elf'ctrlcaJ Conlral'tor1 I IO Rh·f'nidf' An . Nf'wport Beach Uberty K-1459 Vincent's Rexall Dru9 StONS Thrl'f' ln<'Allon11 lo s ,.1,,,. You 1\f'wport Beach Balboa Corona df'I Mar Laurie Woodworth Piano Co. Complf'l t' Lmt' of New • 1;•e<I Planoe 2610 E. Coast Hw1. Hart.or 3382 Newport H.bor News-Press The <.:omplett Hl)mt New1paper nu w. &lboe Blvd.. Newport 8eMll •