HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-05 - Newport Harbor News Press. -- ·' HARBOR PRESS 48th YEAR-NUMBER S3 NltWf<JRT BEACH. CALm:>RNIA. MONDAY, SEPT. 5, 1955 PRONE BAJlBOR 1818 HARIOI WIATHD 0 Cl • w . ===~::: cean a1m$ .·oman as TueedaY. Aur. 30 ...... 70 &t WadnMd&y, Aue. si.. •• •• 15 0 000 Fl • k B h -~t_f \-:;-_;~ ~ 1 ·. • , · oc .. eac es DAUGH11R FINDS FATHER Mesa Woman Has· Reunk>n with Father Never Seen Minor Thefts Largest Labor Day Crowd on Record Reported Here Hit Harbor Area Over Holi41y Lifeguard.I were unable to revive Mra. Viola Marie Ooud, 30, of Arcadia yesterday afternoon after they reecued Beveral minor tbefta were •·e· her and her husband from the 1urf at &600 Seashore DrivL ·• wo weeu aco lira. John Prteat. 19'9 Continental St .. Col· ta Meaa. auddenly rot curloua about where her tathar mltht be and what be mlg'tlt be lllce. Mra. Prleet had nner -n htr father. Ha wu In the lill"ft&l corptt alt&ched to th• lint Oa•alry Div .. 7th Re.glment, and away from home whe.n aba wu bom. Her mother wu kllled In an accident and &he wu taken to Old Mexico where aha wu ratMd by a.couatn. Burbank. ported t o police over the weekend She wu the first drowning fataHty in Newport Beach for Sunday lhl'y were togelher for by local r n ldenta and holiday the three-day Labor Day holiday. the !lrat time. vlalton . Guard Dave Comer aald •he and auffared a brok•n ter and mU9da The father'• name •• Blair ,.~rlta .... Claw10n. Mra. Prlut had to write. Robert Wolverton ot 203 Sap· her huaband. DarrtU Kenneth Injury to the other ler W'bm a to El Paao court house to deter-phlre Ave. aaJd two b&tteriea were Cloud, were both on a raft when kayak wu touad .,.a1Nt tllm In ,_1 f hi durl Sal a wave epllled them into the the aurf al 30th BL Ha wu tr•t-mine hi• flret r;.arne. from the mar-,..., en rom I cu nr ur· 1 watu. Funeral arrangement• tor ed at Hoar HoapltaJ. rtare license bureau. day nf&'ht or early yerterday l Mni. Cloud are pe11dlnr at Balta HIT8 StlllF RIDE& Mra. Priut. al.eo 1uddenly found mornlng while parked In front or Mcrtuary. hel"Hlt po11eaaed of a cha.rmlng Mra. Myron Bchell of Whittier 1tepmolher and Clawaon with two hi• home.. LAJIGEST C'llOWD _. treated at Hoar Hi»pttai tor lively grand1on11. The. latter, Lon-Juper C Balley of 308 Rialto Ut:guardll ullmate.d a crowd of a dlalocsUd &houlder and a!M'&I· nle and Ronnie Prteat, were mor~ r•ported the thdt of two hub I 150,000 tor the lhrH d&yll. Police Iona. She aald &he wu di'f't~ oft lb.an willing to gel acquainted O.ptaln Wa.lter DyllOn. a vtteran her boat at lhe je.tly and hit • with their new g-randfather. They capa from hla car ye1terday while of ~ yeani of pollct work In Ntw· aurt rider In the water naart>y. clim~ over htm, mUNed hl11 h&Jr in front ot hla home. Two hub port Harbor &aid he thought the Ufrruard Bob Moo,.. t'Ut a and he theirs. cap1 were ai.o taken from the crowd and traffic waa one of th1 apHr from the hand or Da.W KEUNJTm AT 1A8T-Mn. John Prieet, Coeta Mesa. atanding, ye1terday WU re- United with her father, Blair Fritz Clawaon, Burbank, (teated) whom she had never •een. He hold. h1a grand.on•, Lonnie, left and Ronnie Pneat. Third boy 111 un- Mre. Prta.t rot fut actJoo when 8be finally 11.&rted. Biie WTOte the poatmut er a t BJ.a.lrniU.. Pa.., where her fat.her wu bom, aad uked lf any 0118 then kn-hi.a addreu. sai. found out that her father'• fatber aad brotlMr .Ult live In Uw Penuytftni& town and the poatm.._ let-il«r an ad- d~. 2tl.t W.t Vl.etoly Blvd .. Clawaon, a typical ex-t'avalry-car of Mra. Theo Combe of San I blggut ht had evtr H t'n reneraJly Newqulil, 20, of Wl\ltUer af\er man, hu been with the comme.r« Marino while It waa parked In 1 throughout the entire town. Newquist wu Injured wtlUa 1kln departme.nt for m&ny ye.are. Mn. front of 1211 Bayalde Drive yea· "You couldn't ret another ha.IC dtvLnr at Buck Gulley. He raa Pri .. t la apparently lucky when I doun can In town," h1 aald yea-a itteel barb Ullo hla left Index It comee to picking up fathera aa ttrday. terday. tl~er. ll wu re.mo•ed at Ho.r -ideoiiUed. -Staff Photo ONE DEAD, ONE HURT SATURDAY IN TWO COAST HIGHWAY· CRASHES he ta acuve and doe11 nol ahow Report of a ur. •nd tube thert Life.guard Captain Jack Jonu Hoapltal. hla neam eu to 80. from the trun.k of ber car wu .. Id yeaterd1y hill 30 literuard11 Unda Ann Mallar. T ~'·year-old ----------------------------m•de. to pollce yeaterday by LU· I made eight n!llCUN. admlnlatered daurhter of Mre. Helea MaUar ot Se • f c nine flrat aid• and returned IS PHa~na wu cut Ill the tonann rvlces Or •1ty Perm•1ts llan Eaker or Fruno. She &aid child l their loat pal"l!nta. Sa.t-by a ...... door which. brok• when th• car wu pArked In front of 611 ren ° •• a.award Road wh n th th ft OC· urd.ay ·they made five ~uta. U cloeed, her mother l&Jd. Tba acci- M I Se e. ' e tlrat aid.I and returned four Ion deal happened a t the Wa'"9 Mn-.. o•en t Hit $689 789 curred. I children. .el lhe WU tre.ated at Hoe.r I •• ft I Worth ~ ol I06 Pol.n· Rona.Id Grieve, 14, ol Paaadtna H041PltaJ. f T Mttia toad police 7ea~ two Asleep: Strikes In lured at~emptl!.d a left tum onto Poln· 11etUa Ave. a car drtve.n by Char· les Lee Robinson. 24 of Peoria, DI. etruck him from the rear. or omorrow f A t ~: .::iec1 ~~ i:mho~ Me.mortal Hnlca. few Mn. or ugus F1'9d Jen.ainp ot IOI Mort.It 8e,y Claire Newman ftocere, at, of Loe Front Mid klll &ealr Ill _. pr-MESA BUILDING HITS NEW HIGH-$1 ,658,979 Woman With to permlll tNUed durinr ... WM llurJtuiaad et two ,.clt· AnreJe1 and Balboa Jal.and. ..,u ot round alealt and etx pint.a ..... J ·-r did a U t·urn Augu1t, • total ot H89,789 In • 11• on~ ca • • die.d l"rWa,J al St. Jobn'• a.o.pit&l. -h••Meft wu recorded by the of boyHDberrt-.A. fl'ollen pie and Two early D'lomlnr traffic 11maahup1 on eo.at Highway here Baturd1y launched the local La- bor bay holiday toll u °'11 per· 80f'I wu taken to Hoar Hosptt&I with major lnjurl• and anothe:r d ied of lnjurlN . ~ad from crl~ tlcal lnjurlu ta Walter Mansel Mueller. 27, of ~ Beach. "1· Ytatlgatlnr offlctn a td he ap- parently tell uleep while driving a converllbl• one fourth mile ea1t ot Tu1tln Ave., and crubed lnto the rear of a parked car. Phyalci&na 1&ld he 11utfered a b&&al 1kult fracture and a broken le(. The parked car waa register· ed to !:meat A. Merritt of Ma- dera who wu in a ret1tau rent 11t the tlrna of the crash. Both auto1 llUffered an estimated SlOO damage. pol.Ice .. td. ln fair condition at Hoag 18 Francia Louise Jone.1. 54 . of R t- ver1lde. She wu pa111engtr In a car drtve'n aut on Coast Hlgh- w11y by He.nry Va.ndyke Jones. ~ of tpe aame 11ddre11S. Aa Jonu went Into a aervtce atatton on Santa Mon.lea. W1ll .._ !Mad at a oae box of berT1e8 -•taken out th rth t •-·-k city building departme11t. <'Om· e no we.a comer, a ... "" • p.m. tomorrow frolJl tha Be'f'erty of the freuer, he. u id, but Jett t th b lldln th ca pared to Auruat of 1964'• 78 per-comer o e. u g, en · VI.Ila Community Church, 286 S. It 11 1 8 In the. garer·. Bot'" ca-•• and d ... _ ..... t all m .s ts y ng l~l ,201 ~ " • .... ~ reene •.mvu,... a cemen w • lllm Drive, Beverly Rllll. Dr. J . freeur wel'e unlocked. Coata Ml!A bit ta bulldlq p-.k port J:lementar7 DIJllritt 18· cro111ed an allty 11.nd came to a K. Stewart Will ofttdate. ServlcH For the first elrht month8 In t I I t behl d the aervice I \954 the total bulldlng permit Two hub capt1 we.re taken 'from du.ring .the month of Ausuat u room IChool at l&oo Santa Ana , th" car of Bud McNalr tn !~he grow1nr cocnmunlty conttnu• A.,...; UnJted Btat.. Nation a I ot hl.i home at 820 Or~hld Ave. 1 to muahroom *1th aubdlYialoJl.a. Bank of eo.ta w-. 1111.m •t 11 op n a 0 n . will be conducted by Oatea·Klnc•-valuation was 15.5l9,51 1 a 1&1taln-at11.tion, a total of 200 feat from ley and Galea Mortuary, Santa point of Impact. MonlcL •t thl~ year'a f lrllt t ight month•' M.9~.198. Sunday police aald lnduatrtal df'velopm•nll and an-the trtanrt1 of Newport Ave. a n<1 A native of Nanklnc. China. Mn. ftocera bu U•ed moet of her life In Southern Qallfomta.. Bhe and her huaband, Jam• K. Ror· era, bou,shl thelr home on the la· la.nd tn 19211 and b..,e lived here 111!.UOn&lly ever al.nee. ' · nPxaUona. 1'UlldlnJ on&ctal A. J. Harbor Bl•d.; Harbor A ... mblv Munwhlle, Costa Mna'11 Aug· Vola nported the AIS\llt, con-of God educaUonaJ butldl.nc 1t u11l bnlldlrg permits reached SI.· dtr SlOOO. wtth 23 pl'rmlta fill'<! •tructlon evaluation et ,1,868,911. 1007 W . Victoria. Ste.ti•; Galaxy 1158,979. against Ntwport Beach'll tallltd $1141!\. with 20 pennlt11 P 1 hi h for th Mna oc-Conetructlon Company llld1llltri•I all-time high of 11.712.499 ot tor repalr11 over 11000 reachlnf.' rev ou• g e building• at 132"'40.6'4 Tennill· Sep~f!n1~r. 1961. The MeH per-168.100. Six cabana perm It "I rurl"l!d In April of thl11 year when al Way, '27,000; and American mlt11 l&l!t month were 11n all·tlme amountl!.d to 112,800 ant'I lhrff I th;,.~op :U~~l wa~u~l~'!i9;·77~~taJ Helicopter Inc., ~ putJUona TOURING SCOUTS SEE LINCOLN HOME; FETED Probation for Sybil Chestnut on Narco Plea SA="TA ANA (()CNS) -Sy· bll Elise. Chelllnut. 19, La Habra, Jo'rlday wu pta ciid on three yeani straight probation arter ahe pie.ad e.d ~lily to po~l!l!!llllon ot Marl· Juana. The 1urvl•ora, In addlUon to her huaband, 1.nclude a ion, Burt N. of Loe Angela8: a daughter Mr1. Beverly R. Manh, Loll An· gel .. ; her bn>lhera, Re(fnald R. Newman. Camarillo and Wlleeltr F . Newman, San Pedro. Mrs. Rogera wu a member ot the Beverly Vial& church durlnl' recent year1 and toolt an active part ln lta affalr1. Alao ahe wu a member or the Beverly Hilla Woman Club. She. belonp to Chapter FD, P.E.O. high. new commercial permit• totale.d j pe<I t ti t th at 118 1:. 18th 8t. by contraetor La11t month'11 cit)' pl'rmtta eaw $78.200. Five repaln to commer-um con• rue on or e year Talcott and Jay, IH.000. 20 11lnglr permits total 1431,134 clal bulldlnr11 tallltd S1850 and ~n th~~uli1 M 0~a Pt'~;"lt~1N1w~ __ _ to lrad the calejtorles. One two-1 a private r•rare ptrrnll totaled S~0~9 388 a e c Y family unit permit was for U8.· $1500. whllf' three ewlmmlng · ' · 300, whlll' three three-fa mily un-1 poot11 •howl!.d ff&()() In permit Ill PERMITS It permit.a a.mounte.d to S74.000. vatun lion and five. alma reached Talef'n out wne. 64 lnduatrtal Rcpa11 .. under to dwelllni• un-'30!10. permit.a, '213,401; 47 1lnJI• dwel· Edythe Mayo Hurt In Auto Colllslott llnf,' )'tnnlta . .-39111808: !'JO com- mf'rclal, '942.1172. anti ~n mul-A lacf'Nled rtrtit knee Oft AUlf, By LV~ BARTON Sprtnitritld. lit (Delayed) We. tlad a terrific day hert ytste.rday. We pla~ a wl"l!ath on the tomb of Ahrah11m Lincoln. Wt, met the r ovemor of th• 1tall' ot Ullnolll and the 111!.Cretary ot 1!.Jlle. Our plcturl!l! wn• made a nd ran on the tront p•Je of the Illlnol1 Bt ate Reglater. Mr. Robert Kahn. pruldent ot tht Rotary Club of Springfield a nd Walttr Han90n. the club'• pro1ram·chalrm11.n were our ho1t11. Th•y lltayed with ua all d11y. WI! told them about N~rt Beach. they 11howe.d u11 SprtnJ(l,ld. USCOLN'8 ROME Tht' Rotarians t()Ok ua to Un· coin'" h omt . the only home the P resident e.ver owned. where he liVl'd from llH4 to l Ml. It waa the 11pot from which hr t'Onducled Jlta campalltll for the prnldfncy a nd tha tut place hr lived before. df'pultnit for the White HoUN. We m11de a 11top a t the office et tht Rtg'\onAI Scout execuUn to ptC'k up our m11H and JlllJ>l'rl from home. Then we drove the road alonr tht Lincoln Trail over whk JI we had hlktd 23 mllu. "nle' drive wu much ea•ter. Wa wue rtce.lved a t the St11te Capitol Bulldlnc and g1ven a gutd· -'9d tour ol the H OON of -Rep,.. Wftl&Una.· The guide Hked the boy1 "What le the title or the praatdtnr ofncer of the RouM ot JlepraMntallna !" Wu ht trur· priMd wben Douf Reddick piped up ''Tba Ueut. Oowmor." It wu rtpt and acoordlng to our ucona. that ii the third time Ulat anyone hu e•tr known. MSrr 00\"DNOB Our 1uld• pointed out Ulat Ill IUlnola. u ln •• ata-.. Ule Democrat• alt left, Ud Ule Republican& rtpt. la tlle leg1alatUl"I. to of th• on th• on the ""°"' . Ula le~alaturq orneee we wtnt to meet Oo•emor Wit· IJam G. Stratton. and thfti the Meretary or 11tate. Charle• F . Oarpentler, with whom we spent an tiour. Mr. C&rpentier occupln tht Nmt office occupied by Ste- phm A. Do~&lu when ht wu campaigning-agalnat Linc o In. Mr. Carpentier preaente.d l'llch boy with a broMe. bust or Lin- coln aa a meme.nto of the oc· cul on. The pre.tty brunette mother of two WU arrelltt'd by Nt'Wport Beach police Aug. 11 when they found a Jar of m11rljuana tn a car In which the. dete.ndant waa riding. Superior Court Judge John Shea told the formtr Fullerton High School •tudent. "it's more. tmportll.llt you be a mother to The family uk• friends to creatl' a memorial to her at their re1pectlve favorite charltJu . Mr. C11rpt'nlltr the.n Introduced ua to the tre1J11Jrer of lhl' State of Jlhnole Mu. Warttn E. Wr1ghl. In the cu1tody of Mr. Wright Wl' entered the gTf'At vault of thl' state and each boy wa11 1tlven the privilege of holding and h11nd· Ung one million dollar• in cuh, Of course that wu 11mall pota- toe11 u the vault only conl.!llned 11100.000,000. Thi' vault ill eight years old and It la felt to be second only to P'orl Knox IO far, aa 11ecurlty Is concf'rned. your children than behind bars." Penistent Thief A proba tion re.port quoted the ()lvnrf'Pll dtf1md11nt a.11 11&ylng. "I Not unce but twice Mary Ntw- should have been 11 boy." Sht''~ 1wangtr of 316 Amethyst report· a hot rod enthuatut and workJI I e.d the.ft of pl'raonal clothlnr to as a w11ltre11s. police Aug. 211. MOYE OYER. 'HONEY- COURT TOt'R Mr. Kahn, pl"l!sldent or I he Rolary Club ot Springfield then eacorted us to the Supreme Court Bulldln(. He 11 clerk or the llp· pellate dlvlll<ln and he briPfl'd u" on state law and pro~edure ror Bees Have Own Air Cool System to Cope with Heat eome time. "Go to the ant. thou elqgard: constdtr her w11.y1 and be wl11t," or In cue of the he.al thla paet We have bee'I really lucky In the reception we havt hal'I. Evny one hu ~en "° klnd 11n'1 ex- tended themlll!lna to scqnalnt 119 wt'ek It was the btt that ahould With the hletory or their towna have been consulted. for beu an and atatu. tmag1ne a croup or txptrt• on air conditioning, ac- nlne Callfomlana being re<"elvecJ I cnrdlng to A. T. Shaw, who main· by the governor of not only OklA· talna 11bout MO 11tand11 of beu. home, but rutnola, to uy nothln' Out tn the field w1lh the aun of OUT own California. We &rf' alJ shining 1town and the thermo- appreclatlve and the boy' have I metl'r cllmbinit 11bove the 100 continually e1ttendtd a con11rlous deitree mark In the 11h11de, the effort to be well behaved gentle-lnaldt or one of thoee JltUe while men. boxu the beu Jive In will have wt:LL BERA \"l:D a ateady 66 degree tempera tun "The.y make a heavier 1 bodled honey up where It 111 hot than they do hert." aay1 Show. "Beu have not done llO well In thi8 11ectJon this ye.ar becauae thel"I was not enough for them to do. There la too much DDT and 1n1l· ptlur t!pray on the bean11 and It kllla beet." Show ha1 be.en In the btt bUat- nua for 31i year11 aad move.a hla hlvu from place to plac~ for UM dual purpose of making heney and polllnatlng the planla that produce the nectar. At their adU.lt co'l'panlon J ftl'I F~ Ml' BROW they have. In Illlnola ..... e have How do they do It? By ran-PILOT SETS DOWN the.. commenll votuntttl"l!d to nlnlf. I ua: At the end or the Lincoln I A bunch of beu la delegated PLANE IN FIELD Trail the eemce atallon Attend· I to at&nd al ••<'h openlnr; In tht ut told ua we were tht but hlvf' Uld wa,•t their wlnga. They dl'MMd rroup on the trail thlll gf't a to. hold on the noor 11() 7-.r. (~t. bave been H OO the wing waving d~n't tak" 8CO\lt. Oft t.be trall thla year l A t them away &nd enough of them Mr. Uneoln'1 born• we met a I will create a brtt&e lo keep the ecout uecuttn from SL Loula, t.mperature down. Mo.. who told ma that O\lr f'l"OUp Tllty not only keep th• hlv.1 of boye wu the bHt mannettd from heallnr around the Hit- and beat d,.....a 1roup ba ud bor ania whl're tt 11 compa.raUve- ene.uatered. 17 cool. but thty do It up around But that 11 all f or today, In Bakerafleld whf'ra Shaw haa 300 Sprln~leld th" wutbn 11 C'OOI htvu worklnr at polllnaUJll' cot- and b&lm)'. ton and where ll ...U, 1•ta bot. Emergency landing of ht11 1ln1le e.nrlne plane wu madt yuterday In th1 field near tha ._.,.ter reaervotr norOI of Corona del Mar by JohD lhtl· field of Santa Monica. He told police the lhlp ru out of ru and devaklpad car- buretor trouble When ba Mt tl down. Bhelfleld wu nytq out of Lonr Buch airport. He took otf when refueled. 2 MEN IURNID IN ILAST Lauren Bftkman of Brt&, forerrowtd. a. In .. r1oue oondltlon at Hoe« Hoepltal today f rom bu.ma IUffered wh• accumulated ru ln the bllre In Penny Ma.rie lplu-d off ChrtltJ&a'• 11\at moonnra. A IAo bumtd wu Joaeph L Mcllannm. N , back- rround, of 'rf'mple Ctty. They l&ld they had Jut 8lartff Ule motor ""h~n ther" wu a nuti. Both men Jumped o•trboal'CL -Bta.tf Photo .. , llple dwelltnj!'. 1108.hll. 30 wu auffered by rAyt.h.• Mar- Pel'mlt11 ft>r rtose to a million Ion Mayo. 31, ot 420 A•oeado dolla r1 wt)rth ot ronlltructlon were An. wht'n lhtt car llhe WU drlv- taken out durlnf a one week lni wu Involved In an accJdent J)«'rlod hu•l month J O Ftay v.•lth another at Cout Htfhwey Con•lnJrtton Company Im t ook and Acacia Ave. out a S437,394 permit for the Drtvtt of the othn car waa ntw Cn11t11 Mr1111 elemf'ntA ry Cordon Gene Chue of 123S W. 1ehool at Pl1cenll1 Ave. a nll \\'II-Almond A St . Oranfe. MIN Ma· 110n St. to •tart th' bill rolllnlf. yo aalt1 11he wu r o1nr weat on Btlll.DERR 1.181'1:0 Coa11l Hlchway whe.n ah• bra.kad Followlni Wt'rt permlt11 l.Ak"n I for a re<1 llf,'ht. Police H Jd hf'r out by C. W, o.-vore of Gardt'n cmr 11truck tht Ch111e car which Grovt'. '29!1,13._ for lht' ne.w N,.w. wH waltlnit to make a left tum. MESA MASTER PLAN READY FOR COUNCIL Industrial to Meet Need Cited; Group with Irvine Offlclals Co11ta Meu'i< mutn pl11n 11< A rommlttu With Robert Wll- 1 flmshe.d a1 t:ir 1111 the pl11nmn11t 11on .,. r hslrm1n wu named la.t oommluloo 111 concerned 11.n<1 w,.tk to matt wllh lrvtna Co, rta·~~· to 1111bmlt to the council otrtc-l•b to 11ee If It would not at IL'! rnettlng Tt1r11day night,. b" J>f1"11lbl• for Coata Mua to accontlng to WAltf'r Wtlmer, annu 11ome of th" lan<1 around ch11trm1n ot the commlaalon. , the Munty MlrJX>rl. much 1 ot Mf'm ben of the commh11tton whlc-h ht 1lreat1y zon"d tor tn- have been holdlni epeclal mf't l· du11try lnK• tvt'r 11lnce the projl'cl wu . Weimer dM1 not expe<'.t the laid In their Japa. Thf'l r m11p haa I comml11111on lo con111der the maa· been debatect lot hy tot unlll they tu plan al th,. mH Ung Tuuday feel that u far ea they 1rt con· I nig·ht. He plan• to uk the coun- c:emed It cannot be Improved. ell lo aet a •peclal meetlnc when 0000 AS P0881BU thf're ·will ~ time to 10 OYer Not that the membl!n con1lder the plan In dtt&JI. t.he aonlnr pertkt aa It aund11, but w1th limitation• du• to topo- l'f'&phy and a1tabl111hed atrte.ta. IUbdlvtliona. 11Cho0t11, lnduatrln and other phy11c&l feature, they bellne It u neu perfect aa po•- llbk. I Mo1"t lnduatrlal aonlnr 11 de- ltred by membera for thf' arta eul and north Of 0ranp 0out Colla,.., but wttll the old airport ac,..... ltW Ued ap by the army the comml.ton waa unable to ftftd a..Oabl@ irpace In the cit)' llallta. llewa·Preu· Clrculatlon Today SMO Copa.. ,'' ' . • .. f MPLOYMENT RA TE UP; INCOME LEVEL HIGH HOME WARNING ISSUED . AGAINST 'HOT WATER BATH' CANNING Local Firm's Report Polnh ~ : inti : Continuing Prosperity for 1956 GA RD EN Consistent gains in ~ploymmt art.and out u one o'f the moat important developments in the nation'• continuing blgb • level prosrerity, the Newport Balboa Savinp and Loan--------------------..;..-- Association report.a in it.a quarterly Busineu and Real Ea· PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT H~RBOR NEWS.PRESS tat. Trends. MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 The lllJ>umbfr lAa\le pNdlct. WMlr lllto th• ovarUme aone with an alt-time record for the Amert· out addlllf help. and tJie rioniul. HO can economy In 19M with the ~:c~~~. fl'Owtll of labor pro-.. 11'5 W • 1 • expun1t1on mnmtntum In rt cent Whtn such a lag provea too mnn'h11 C'arryin1t on r lnto 19~ lonii:. su.inel• and R-1 Eatat unl•1111 b'aet hy problems of rrtrllt l'T•nd• polnU out. the failure ot f''<Pllll•lon, debt and pr1C'e ad· employment llnd bnce pun:h- vanrea. ~ Inc pow-er to grow In a ballUlced UNl:MPU>YMl:NT DOWN relatlonahlp to producuon may •Tot&! clvlllan employnu n t hilt a r.covery 11t an early at.are. hes gont btyonll tht 6!'1 million Rut In the lut fn11r month•. mark I frnm 60 ~ 1n ~l11rch 1." thf' recon11 ~hnw. th' plC'kUp In job• r ub11cau on aay1, "a nd unemploy-to the M million tot11l c1n1e ment la down to leu than 4 per about crnt of tht work forre. SOJ\IE Sllll.L8 SC'ARC'r; "f'tr~n•l lncomf'.11 Are 111 •n Noting that unemployment hu all-Ume high 11nd a re tending to cte1•llntd 8tudlly anti now h a 1 mon upwarrl The averai• work· lrvPltd nut to about 3 7 pt r r ent Wf'tk hu lf'nRlhC'nrd with 11nmt ot lht• work forrt. thf' quarttrly lndu.tnf"s paytnir ovtrt 1me retC's. i1ayi there may be numrrou11 job• "Rt ta1I Mll'l' h8\I' malntaintlt which tmployera wlll be unable the high levf'ls whlrh were Ml to fill from the prul'nt &TOUp of tn the !lprlnr and con1umus con-perl'nn& lll'4'klng work. t1nut to 1pcnd in r ecord volume. "In a penod of emrrrency with Bu.11inei111 ~prn•!ln~ 1" MIM lltlmu· coat-plus contrsctll," It 1dd1. "em· Jilting the l'llrrrnt f'Xpanlllon with ployen may be ahlc to utilize lncreaaN bnlh for lnvrntnrtea end workera whoae abllltlea do not tor plant an!l equipment." match closely tho11e required by C'OSCER"" l .r!p;l!ilF.St:n the JObS. Thi• Is not th• cue But In the Jnb field, ,.-brre. In during periods of highly rompet· rrv1val11 f~m 11 rttu111on an In· ltlve msrketa. crr1111e In t nlployment lags be· "fndeed, the eC'onnmy may Ill· tllnd upan11lon nf output. lhn1! rf'adv ht near 'fUll' tmploymtnt wu concern u latt' a.a tut apr!nc unrltr rompttltlve pe•r et1mt' con· over thl• problem. dltlon11." At that time lndu1trlal pro· t'REDrr IMPORTA..,_.T d ucllon h•d lnrrtllM'd JO per ('ent Jn euch a 111tua tlon. with rtalnf frnm the 19~4 low. manulactur·· rlemand for good•. hl1her prlcu lng employmr nt lt111 than 4 per could lie ahead, and the New· eent and nonar rlcultural employ· port BaJboa Saving• and L o a n ment IMa than 1 per cent. Auoclation conclude1 that It I• Such a lag la attlbutw to tul· lht reepon11blllty of monetary ler UH of worker• not laid off authorities to a pply "Ju.Ill the in the receu ion, · bul who had right amount of crwlt rtstralnt Idle tlme on their hande; lh• to avoill Inflation yE>t not reatrlct tendency to lnr r('lllle the work· output " MAKI LA WM STOOLS A lft of Ian 1teola Mda • wata'rfl'oOf ,._. u au J~ the eaJoflllm~ ot l>Kbard llY· aad twe No. 11 ftat.Me( • lna'· ft• atoola DI.IF alto M ZS.S indu ..._ to Join ued liadoon. • aide aad end nila. tJ• fnr Make ll 1 ea ' tra.., aa N .. 11 1ertwa. lK bacMI 1oa.s abown, D1ln1 l~ by 1-11\Ch at each le Joint. lumber and roundin• the enda Add the dow.i bneea. rh1- of .th• aide rallL Cut a dado 1111 and ptnalnr ~~i&.t.?: ' lncbal from th• ad of ...U with one a.,_., · 1llM nil. aad a matebins llalf· ulL lap at tM top of eeell 11-lacb Tbft utend tJie end bolee ot ltf. Four lncliea from the bot. Heb aide raU thro~tll the laf tom of each le bore a 1·lllch Joint. • dowel holL Tbre9d ud WMYI tff·lacb Then bore the K-lneh hol11 111anUa "" t.broucll th• lrsme for the rope maah, u aho-, llol• to form a mub. mateblnc U.. Wea in oppcllllte Th• ... t 11 et foam rubber railL or other •at.vtroof cuhlooo Auernbl• the tt.ool, ueintr lAr maWial. (' tefLCNI .... &...-................. .......... 87 IACll IUSO P'eocl A.U.O,._Elqlert SANDWICHES. I rueu If all the plecu of brud UMd dally In makinr aandw1che.a for The Man At Home. who will csrt lhem to hi• work. we.re lllld end to end. well. It would be. pretty lonll(. P'OR Tiii: 10NI>9 I os. cream chteM ~ cup honey peanut butter Blend the cream cbe-with the honey and peanut butter anl'I apread on the bread, add a lel· t\Jce tw It you Uk~. )ft'SHBOOM DELIGHT 1 cup conked ham IUM left· o•erl diced 2 bard bolled •IJC•· diced ~ c-a.n Campbell'• cttam o t muahroom 111>up , M j x Lii tncnd1enl8 thorourhly and apraad on buttered bread. S-dw1cb "lot.ell: U you bavt I.at over meat., don't juet cut oft a allce and allck It on a piece of bread, lnatelld: add a lltUe bone· radiab and chill a au c • u a 1pread; m t• •om• cheua and add 111>me mayonnalM t.o ~­ Inc conalatency, nlt and pepper, a.nd apread th• bttad with thla before 1.dd1n1 the meat; llne your aandwicb bread with 1llvtl"9 of onlona. cucumbtra. tomatou . etc; .. before llddlnr meal or cheeee. Any or al1 of tb&H help, Remem· ber to wrap tb• aa.ndwlchea car.- fully. llnd they'll be rtrht when be •lta ~ to eat. AIMlcore Tuna Must be Sterllllecl In Pressure Cooker to be Safe ' BJCRKELEY'. -HoiaewlvNhe&t Ma)' not autflclel\tly ~·· who ha•• been buytnr tuna tal·lr•l• the content.a ot a larrer bacore) direct from the flshl'r· J&r or can. men In CLlltOM'la cltlea were Merrill advlMd bo~"9 who cautioned today by the S tat e have already eanned fl.ah by the Ha&llb Department not to bomr-hot v.·a ter bath method to do the can tlah unleu they Ute a pru-job over apln tn a prH•ure cook· aure cooker. and thtn only If the er, It thla ta l.mpoNlble, aatra cooker 11 operated rornctly. prtcaulton1 mu.t be taken whea The warmng wu ll'1mert by the the canned ti.ah La to be eerve~. department upon l!'arnlng that He llated lbe minimum aaf .. some l>uyera have betn m11taken-guard.a aa fol.low9: ty advl•ed that the "hot w11ter • SAF'EQUAltlMI A.D)'JUD bath" I• & •a!e method of can· l . Empty the canned tuna Into nlnr nah. a pan of watw and place It di· BOTl'U Sl'I TffRJ;AT reclly on the bumer (not tn a Accordlnr tn Malcolm H. Mtr· double boiler). rlll. atate director of public 2. Brlnr to a boll. atlrrtnr oc· hMllh the tieadly poison of botu· cu lonally, then boll for a full ham Clln develop In a ny meat. 10 mlnutee. r11h or low ·aC'1d vf'get.ablt which 3. Do not tule even a morHl la put up by either the h ot of the rtah beJore It bu be.en water or oven technlQUN ottenbollt d. Afterwarda It may be cool· uaed for tTulta and other •C'ld rd rtown and ulM!d tn a a lad or tood11. Tunll can be 1terlllzed only u ndwlch. wtth a prauure rooker, in which None of lheee precauUo{IJ 11 a minimum of 10 pounds pru· neceaaary with fruh or <roun 1ure 11 1u1t&1ned tor t 10 minutes. tuna, alnce botull•m comu only More?ver, No conta iner lergerfrom foods which have been Im· t.han one pint abould be uaed, uproperly canned. PA110-Sbe mixes c«mtnt In limited ltaldta wl\Jla "the lloes" l1y1 llaptOBe1 ln altneUve l""fll· lu palltrn. If too n111d1 cement la tills .. at a Uee It may ....-. .. ltefon ue. Teamwork here reta Jolt done In a few ho•n. -Tiie do-lt-yourttlf trend u lum- ine into a "do-it-toitelher" move· ment becauae the housewife has joined the team. · Hardware and buildmf mat.., rials dMlers report that aalet in- creasingly are lO women who com. lnto their ahops and yards for "'tlandyman" material• and tool•. Women who b«fore mer~ly planned the work for their hus- bands to do, loday p1tcl) In with the aclual work of pamlln1, wall- paperinf. !lying noor tile, puttin& up wallboard and c:e11in1 panels. lnst.allln1 insulation, buildl.n& pat1<>1. barbecues. and lawn fur. ftitUtt. A 1TIC -Wlfe .tapls mtaenl wool lnsul1Uoa lilaakd• la place betwun attic foot walls wta.lle hubby Install• otllen behrttn raft.en. luulaUnr aplut summer hut and wtl'lt.er eokl la ant Rep l.n lln.lsll1q aa • ......_ atUc.. Make a .. ,....1erit amall toJ 'eatU·.U .•. tack a aboe bq at an ~to-,.._ bal1bt on the play room door. *"lpa lmpror• the Im· portanc. of neatneu on tM 70uns-nan ... •Y• TOii work. GARDENER'S CHECK UST 1,. J'all bulb plan Uni •&IOO 11 on: try daffodil•. tullpa. fr~e.lu and 1<1me of the olb· er lovely apr1nr -flowerlnf bulb tlowt ra. 2. Clean up your rarden now. Spray t or aphlct11. 1cale and other ln11eet1 domr damag-e to 1hrub1 and 11hade lreea a t thla time. 3. Protect the rootln& llrtll of rhododenJron1, anleu a nd camelhaa with 1 one mul<'b of lf'lf mr>lct. Inch '· Set In r round C'ovtrs now. fa.11 and wlntf'r rt.Jn1 wlll help eatabllah thtm. CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e Rl.l·e ut 1lmputy your C'ODCrt1te work with a load or pNdalon-mt.ed c>ement .•• prtpared to your ordtr at. • .. ,111,. Uberty 8-2213 BAY RF.AD\' MIX L"\O. • • • 711 W. 17th St. COSTA MmA JAMii f<t,:1d'J Mixtd Cone re le WILCH'I READY MIXID CO NC Rm iaa o,__.. ""' ... OOSTA KESA U ....... Q.a.q a HWJ •_4& ._...,....~ Lu. MUI Here'• decorator beauty plus econ- omy. Deep par- allel g r o o v e 11 create striking pattern of highlights and.. shadows. It's Exterior fir plywood CEXT-DFPA) made with 1oor;, waterproof glue.. so you can uae it out· doors or in -for new h o m e e or remodeling. Has all the natural warmth and charm of real wood. Eaay to apply. Eaey to finish. See 1t soon. WARD-HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. UOO W. <.:01MOt Htihway St"'port BMM-h-U 8·Hll ,I '••' 'I, '.I 'ltl lol l • •1 l" • 1 ., .. 1 I I 1 ., ... 1 .., A li* I I (•If• I I ' i •I •'• + f o I'• D. RAY Imagine the amount ot bolOJ· na. punut butter, and err a&lad u.ed to coat two piece.a of brud! Give a moment'• thoufht to the l&tlure to wrap aandwlchee prop· e.rly with a reault.ut dryne .. that even t h e r m o a-warm milk or lhermoe·cold coffee won't help! ClllC'llES' DELUXE 1 can cl'llckfn < 11mall) Workini lo&etber fell Jobs done futer and aavtt money. In addl· tlon. women express sat1sf1ction in doing their part to Improve lhelr home'• appearance and liv· 1bl11ty. BASEMENT-Bee room r•b aeouatlcal tilt cdUq. Man cran• neclr to aet Ul• la place, wllUe little woman does the euy nt essdltlal Job of 1pplylll1 ltlobl of acUimn. &Del JwMl1ar Ules to liub&nd. General Contractor & Builder PEG BOARD IS DESIGN AID Brightening a drab corner can bring a sparkle to a room, a"e in this "Capsule House". The designer gave this corner 11. change of pace by iMtalling ''peg-board" panels and neatly hanging on them gaily painted ahelvea bearing books and objects of art. Tn~a even a wall-hung telephone stand. The perforated panels, metal brackets and fixtures are available at local lum· ber yarda and hardware stores. They can "Brighten the Corner Where You Are." LUMBER IS 'RIGHT Supply of Lumber High; Grade Selection Is Good Tnday'1 home buyers ha've the r l1tht tn expti-t tht b('l!t house! •ver b1111t. """nnllntr tr> the :-\a· tlnn11I Lumbtr M11nuf8clurers As· 90elatlon. Lumber I• tn plent1ru1 t!Upply llO lh11t "the ni;ht i rad!' tnr the ''The lumber Industry w&n t11 homt"<>wners end homrbullder• to clrarly ,unrler.itand th11t lumber Is avRllablt In aH 11lw a and K"radu therefore making It u11ntctqary to Arrrpt 11ub11t1tute m11terla.l1 for any de.strffi end use" rii:ht ute" I• 11v11llabl11 fnr prof!et: ------------- Firm Incorporates con11tf'\IC'llon. thf' u~Q<'l11 tlon re· ported.1,... llACRAMENTO, (CNS! -ArU- Sandwichea. ll La po1ltlnly tu)' to make food -.ndwtcl'IH- lhOH that will taste a little dtf· fere:nt. that will be fnab when eater:, that will make the man look forwud lO bl.a lunch pall lnate.ad of looking back. Tbere'a only one· word of cau· lion IA the preparation of and· wtchN, wbetber tor dad or for the children. &Dd that La to make cert.aln that JOU• UH ll propa- wrapplnr to tnwr• thetr trull· n .. : Bara.n wrap or IC&lMr foll work mucb belt.er than wued papa-, and the aaadwtdlea arrtH u trub u wba they were made. No•, tor eomethinr dltfereot: PATI: Sras.A.D ~ lb. llrauucbwetcer 1 lbep. ma)'OnllaJM or your own J'rench · dl"dllnf JUiee ~ ltmOD "' lip, ealt 1 tap. .A·I auca pl'llO ma!t. lt da9tnd lktn the lh'&WUIChwetr•r. cul lllto ~.. cuMI, and put all In· fftdi•ll la a Wartq, or other, w.dor &Dd 111-4 tMrou(hly, about 1 mtnuta. ~ WITH AL'llOlfDtl ,,_ lb. rrated abarp ch• ... I tap. llherry wine ~ lb. lbaved .imond.I. browucl Blend the thee.ta and the wine, then add the almond.I, a nd m1Jl tho~hlJ. Let at&nd, prefer- ably, o•el1llfbt. MfoA apraadln&' Oft ,.,. brffd. a.ulED ll&A1f Dl!LIOBT 1 cup cold baked be.an• ~ tap. aall I arnaU dill plckln, chipped ltbmp. ~ · tn1 addition. aound C'On1lrucUon t ecchntquu have bee.n 110 v.·ell ea· tablll!lled that today there la no o ruse for a poorly built hou11e," ' atutted ou..... dlc.t clea of lncorporaUon for the Put t!le beau t.hroufb a ricer, °''" u aoclallnn N ld. Lumber produrtlon In the tint tlalt of lhl• year hu been at th• hlg-hc-et ratt In the 21 ytera 11lnre the u~latlon began pub· llahlnf monthly eallmatee of pro· ductton. lh• l\L.M A atatw. "LumMr production In relation to howilng 11tJU't.a abowa llJI ample 1upply," th• auoclaUon aatd. Coa1Uln1 Floor Covt rtnc Com· tbm ad4 all other lnrredienu, pany, Inc., to opera.le ln Ol"Ulp Md Mend into a apraad . .A lltUe County, are on file with Sacre-etUll MUc. or pr.pared m1.14tard t.ary ot State J!'rank M. Jordan . ..._ .. tht. aandwtch. merelJ The firm I.I IAcorporated tor I~· ...... • th• .,,,_. llltcea. 000. Dlncotra are • Oaranca A. ~ and Do~laa W. Jamea. Oolta MML and Emaet V. Bodartlarf, 01 Weetml.Mter, Newport a.a.ch. 1 tbap. cbullley butter M1x the chicken meat with the chutney, and do It llt htly ao the meat. doun'l break up. Spread on buttered bread. Women are cautioned not to at. tempt heavy work. Light jobs where lhey act as handyman'• helper are advLSed. Primrose Give Immediate Occupancy for Varied Colors New Tustin Estates Homes Ttae moet wtdelJ planted pr1m· 600 Cout Blvd. ooaos A DEL MAB PROSE HARBOR &'781 MAX W. POPE Inc. OF.SUlAL CO:O-&RACTORS "We Arrange F1nanclng" ro.,. 11 the 11n1llah ..• which Immediate occupancy hu be.en lo 118.:SOO, they are offered to wtll rrow In all but du~rt condl· u sured buyers at the Tustin lo-vet11 for no dOIA.'11 payment. Uona. Prlmula vulprli featurea cation on the Clift May "Ma~a· The 1.:ll ff M11y Tustin E1ta tes tlnrla flowera of white, yellow. 1lne Cover" bomea by a 1pokes· are locateJ a t Redhill and lrvlnt. red. purple, or blue H t amldlt ma.n for the builders, George M. To N e lhe f\Jmlshed model•. vi· c!'rinJded leave•. The juliae by· Holstein and Sona. .s1tora may drive out Flr1l Sl. In br1da are crouu between the Situated rn ll suburban com-S11.nta Ana through T'\111t1n to RESIOF.STIAI. e COMMERCIAL e OE\.ELOPME:\& 407 Bolu Al'C, Juat off N pt. Blvd. at 1 &t.b Newport Beach Uberty IJ.Ulll mlntature caucu lan epeclu and munlty with no through 1treet1, Redhill. Tum left on Redhill r====""!!========:-'"!!:==...,,~~===~==~ the l!n(llah. Roeettu of leav• the homu sre w1lhin minutes of Avr., whlrh h1 Jwl put the Tua· surrounc1 noweni In 1hadu ot shopping centPrs Md 11110 El tin Hlr h School. red, yellow, blue and pure white. Toro Mul.ne f\Me. The polyantha primrose 18 mott On large. e11late 11lu lots, the often thought of u the typical three a.nd four bo>droom-two bath prlmroae. The1e carry flowera In homes are of ll rontempnrary cluatera on atlff atem1 above ro1· ranch dN1lgn. Featuru cited by ettu of rree.n buel leaves. Both the 1111lu agent 111 t 18rge 1tone the wtru1a and polyanlha prim· flrepl11cei., panc~!ng, forcec1 a I r roeta need d1v1.alon evrry other hut. natural ktlchtn cabinet.II, Locals to Attend League Meeting OUR PHONE HAS BEEN CHANGED-THE NEW NUMBER Liberty 8-2276 • A deleraUon or 1avlng! ._,. year. Utt t he clump, waab the bullt·ln ranre and oven and mu· d1vt1lon1, cut back roou t4 four ter bedroom "suite" with 1ta owll soc:tatlon u ecutlvee represrnl· lnchea ud plant at once. Work bath and with a patio entry I Ing Newport Balboa Saving., In· j In rtcb humua In the upper 111>11 R&nf1nr In price from 113.800 eluding r . A. Palmer. preshlrnl: and e.,ty a mulch of the aame I Wnlter S. Spicer, v1C'e·presldent. I material after plantlnr . type come from the Pyrr nnu 11nd n .:1lph r Ma.skey. dlr~CtQr. 1rnrl Other vartetlu of prlmroM• tll· ruountalna of aou\hcMtern Eur-W. Stephen Smith. 11ppralur. dude the warm cllmate prtm· ope, lh• H1malayu and Slbcna will attC'nd the &3th F11undf'ra An· STAFFORD & SON Electrical Contractors 110 Riverside Dr., Newport leach "°~ from IOUthem Chlna. Th• nl\'traary Convention of the \'al· three llJ>&CI• in lhle group are llA'rfRE88ES 1tornla S1<vlng1 and L .. a.r t..eagut obcanlca. lllnanala, and maluold• .,... _ Hometi _ Tralltt9 I which will be h11ld In ~ I F'ran· commonly cLIJed fairy prtmroee cl•ro Sfpl. 12·H . l';;;;=========------....:=-....;;;;-..;.;;;:;__..-;;;m1;;;;;;;i~ and tA&ted u an annual. Thtff lrreplar 811ape. -------------------------- are f ood pot subjecll!. The al· Llber17 8-ISOS pine typea of prlmroeu are at COSTA HESA MATTRESS 00. their beet In rock garden lltu· 11$0 Serpor1 Bh·d. atlona. Th• many l)>eelta ot tbla ARCHITECTS Ma-.n of Amerlca11 lwtllale of Architects l1untlry service deluxe ... 1t /Mrg1in prices! WHAT IS IT1 lndl.tduaJly wuhed-wearing apparel fluff dried by flltered atr-rlat plecea prot ... lontJly Ironed. Your clot.h .. and" llnef\JI are done up ONll Wiit-no mix· ups, no unatrhUJ marlu -rain.aft water, r•nU• conll'Olled eoapL WHEN AVAILABLE • • • 8'"1ce wtWn boun If UfTe\l, bacau" we do enrythJnr rtrtn here. "Our doftlHUc lumber production Many a blf deal haa beftl made wa.~ 33 per ce.nt (l'f'Ater In the through a mi.U' clualfled ad. • flrat he.If of lta.5 thin for the ~~~;:;~~~~~~~~=-~~=========;;=~ii 111.me, period of 1950. the record t J. Herbert Brownell William Bluroclc Philmer J. Ellerbroek Raymond Kent 'Hervey Frederick Hodgclon · 1 ' G1or9e Lind HOW MUCH •••. It is • b1rg1in bundle too ' • . only $2.15 for 23 lbs. housing )'M T. Lumber Import.I ~re up II par eent In the n rat hLI! of 19~ o\·er lht tlnit hilt of 1950. "ARI.net u. .... hlCl"fU re In tn1pply. the hnu11lng 1t11rt1 r8t• hu dropped 4 per rrnt •• ' ROBERT FORBES ... ., ... PBO?CI: B.Aa80& 1101 WHERE ••• Rtch•rd Pleger casa pura "8U\'1C& WTnlI."4 BOCU -"'"UN ~"U:DED" OOllPLETE LAUNDEB8 Uld CLEANEM Hart.Den MDt Newport a.ell • ·- LIDO sHoPs !youth Stabbed 'NEWPO~ HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I· PAGE I . I .-. . MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 by Gang While Welnber«Jer Geh CLASSIFIED DlllCTOIY APPUANOl'.8 -Bouebold Put. -Dealer -8ervice LIDO a.&Ol'alO NM \'la U. -ear.or 61t1 AUTOllOBILE DEALERS N...-and ueed Cara NIODa'l'Z 8TUDEBAllt:ll ..... 8enicll Pal1e MU Newport llh•d. -Har. 6 10 BA.NU ..... ef ~rlea NT a HA "" Via Udo -Hanor 1411 ll&BBEB 8BOP8 LIDO 8.BA. VINO IWO la ....U'a 8to,_ for llleD IOI Vla Udo -Hart>or l!H BEAVTY P ABLOBS LIDO SALOS OF BEAUTY Ml.I Npt. llh•d. -Bar. tall BOOKS llOOK. CA SE Mii Via Udo -Hal"bor U06 CAllERA8 a 8appllea VINCENT LIDO DRVO~ Ntl Vla Udo -Harbor IOOI CARPETS & DRAPERIES DIC& llACXl:Jl a.uo Via Lld-ll&rbor usa CATERING BICllAaD'8 LIDO MARJU:T Ull Via Udo -Barbor t811 ClothlDg-ChlJdN. a 1atuta ttBl'S OP' UDO M06 Ne1'-pon Bh·d.. CLOTHING -Hen's Retail lllDWELL'l!I IUIOP roa MEN NII Via Ude -Banor oMI CLOTBJNG-Women'e BetaU LA D:INE ... V1a ........ ~ .. '510 LIDO FABIUONS Ult Npt. Blvd.. -Barbor NTI 811ADDOCll'8 MU Vla Udo -llartM>r 1111 VAGAllO?ll'"D BOUSE Imported Spori.wear NII Vla Lido -llafboi ION DRUG 8TOBF.8 VINCEN'r8 LIDO D&UOS Ult Vla Lido -Barbor IOOI ELECl'BIO 00.NTllACTOBS LIDO .ELECTalO NU l 'la Udo -Barbor 011 FLOWERS IUCllA.aD'll LIDO MARJOlT • Con-.-Table Arrancemenll UUVlaUdo-~saa FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINcrNT"s LIDO D&UGS Hll Via Udo -Harbor IOOI FRAMES & ALBUll8 GEJUIAlWT STUDIOS Mii \'la U do -Uanor «Ot F URNITURE DIC& MAOK.ER MIO Vla Udo -Jlart»or utl GIFT SHOP RICHARD'S LIDO "1.AIUll:T 1611 ,... Udo -Barbor nu INS URANCE AGENTS W. O. BUCK, L"\C. UOO \.la Lido -H&rbo.-U« INTERIOR DECORATORS BLA..~CllE F'UUU:RSO!ll A.l.D. Ul8 \'la Udo -Harbor 6SSI Dll.'K MACKL& IUO \·la Udo -Harbor UH DON CREIOBTON A. L D. ~Import.I JOO \la Malap -Hal"bor IS%1 HARKE1'S RJCllAJlD'S UDO MAIUD.:T USI \'la Udo -Harbor %8%8 PHOTOGRAPH STUDIOS OERHAJU>T STUDIOS UHi \·1a U do -Harbor ''°' REAL E5rATE LIDO REAi.Tl' ASSOCIA TI:S Udo Sah~• A Rent&ls UGO \.la Udo -Harbor "" r. A. P ALllDl rxc. IUa vla Udo -harbor 11100 \10GEL COXPA..~Y WI Vla Udo -llafbor 011 BA'f A.~D BEACH BE.A.I.Tl' Vla Udo Bridse Offt~ 1111 UP'a,t"tte -Harbor MU SAVINGS lo LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NEWPO&T BALBOA SA VJ?liGS & LOA..,.. A.880CIADO~ A B&Yin~• Inatitutlon Lonr Term Home Loan. 1Ht \.la Udo -Barbor 6100 SERVJC!; STATIONS LIDO RICHFIELD HIS ~t'wport Blvd.-llAr. '8!1 SHOES -Ilea'• BIDWEIL'I ITOU roa IUN Mii , ... Ude -a.....r tMI 8HOD, WOMEN RULE'S OF CALU'OL,,A ..... ,,.~ .... l11UTRU I LIDO 'l"llE.An& COGMalt Ulla pe.pu for pro r. 1 e rn \1a U6e at 1'-.wt ftlTd: ...,._tlH ron LIDO TOn.A .. 'fD H U \'la lJ4le -Banor m. DAVEL ACENCIE8 llAaBOll TJlAVl:'L AOE~CY UH Newport Bh·d.-RM. 55!6 UPBOLSTDING DICK llAC&F.a CROSS FOR CAPITOL PRES Representative J ames B. Utt, third from left. accepted a "Cross of the Prayer of Life" fer use in the Prayer Room of t he national ca pitol during special services yesterday at the Silverado Community Church. At left are Dr. C. Jefferson Hurtt, putor, and Joe McGonigle; who designed and holds the copyright on the crosa, which depicts the Lord's Prayer in ham- men!d bronse. At right are Mra. Margaret Healink, who did the brome work on the crou : Leon&rtl Ship· man, representing the church Boy Scout troop; Mra. Florence Lobdell, Silverado Chamber of Commeroe, and Mra. Geneva Dozier of the church board.-OCNS Photo Poultry Loss from Heat to Run $1,000.000 SANT A A-:o;A (0CNSI -Lo1- ae11 Ln Orang e County's poultry LndUlllry will run more tha.n $1,· 000.000 as a rtlJUlt of the bllater· Ing bea t w~ve_ Thl1 waa the predlcUon of f&nn poultry adviaor John Hiller- man &Iler a 1tudy In the stricken areu .FJ'lday. He aald loMtll run about $:H>O.OOO now 11nd anothel" l :I00,000 will ahow up In the tuture. ProducUon In the next two lo four weeks probabl,y wtU be re· duced trom 20 to :IQ per cenL Checo at lnllivldual raru:hea ahowed 109Mll ranginc from 10 to 20 per eent. wtlh the a verage around 15 pe.-cent. Oran1'9 County's poultry popu- l&Uon la 1et at around 2.~00.000 annually. HIU~nnan explained the rat•· era who kept their bird• well eoa.ked have experienced little lo.. Tht Hunllngton B • a ch du.mp hu been worked overume la handling th e dtf d birds. Hlllennan reai<>n..d the wou t I• ovt'r becau1e "the h4'.n11 mJ1y be setting UMd to the ht'.al by now." Lou In the rabbit lndu11try waa u tlm&ted at rt'.lalively low. Gas Tank The~ Told Theft of a gu tank from bl• 1!1-ft. boat moored, a~ 1116 W. Bay Avtt. w1u reported to pollee Satun1ay· by L... M Helnlem of 1018~ W. Bay Ave. DEATH NOTICE RARRll':T L K-'STOS 1-'uneral eervicee tor Mn. Har· rltl Loulae Ku lon, 6~. of 306 North Parton, Santa Ana. will be held tomorrow at 11 a m. In Park· es-Ridley Mortuary C..:hapel, COJ1ta Mesa with the Rt'\', Chsrlt'11 F . Hand orttcia tlng. Mr~. Kaat on rt1rd We<lrreaday Jn an Orange Hoaplt.al after an t'X· tended lllneaa. She was a nauve or R ichardton, N.D. and li\'ed in Sa.nta Ana for 2~ yu r11 She wu a practical nurH and a member or tht America n Lutheran Church or that city. Survivors are • da ughter. Mrs. Rem11rd E. Burton. Coata Mrsa; a eon Even Hecll:enllable of Rich· mond Annell.. Calif. a 1lstn , Mr11. C. c Mcca rl of Iowa, thrtt brother11, Otto Kuton of Santa Ana. Cu1t.av K1111ton ot San Frnn· claco and Fra nk Ka11ton of l\lon- tana. alllO thrt'e irrandchildren. E ntomhmt'nt will he In '111rbor Real Mauaolt 1101. AU.Ct: ~. C AIS OCNS, KWIZ COMMENDED FOR ARREST AID TO SANTA ANA SANTA ANA (OCNSI -Santa A.na Pollce <:?lief Edward J. Allen Friday officially commended the OCNS -Radio k WJZ Santa Ana News Bureau for Its put In the aJTUt or an alleged fortune teller on Monday. In & l<'lter e.ddrl'N l'd to the Santa AnA otnct,'Cbief AUen l!t&ted that through the cOOpc'r&Uon of the new1 1en1ce "the police department wu able to llt'cure .u!flclent evtdence and tt!e<t the arrut .•. " The chief'• letter alao stated ''Uu1 I• the t ype of coopera- • "tlon whtcb-ta-ol Inv~ Wlllilltance to law en!orcement and. we want you to know tbal It ill appreclat.ect lo-a people'• govtmm tnl, .uch u ours, law enforcement can 111.1cceed only when e&ch c1Uuin dJacha.rges hl1 lull duty.'' "Ple&M accept our appreclatloo, tor INCb cooperauon." Allen'• ltttu conlinu~. "and be Ull\lred that tt wtJJ conUnu1 .. to be M'Clprocal In ..U m&ttcra of publlo lnterut." CEMOERY ANNEXATION Admiaion of Memorial Park Under Study by · Mesa Council Mayor Cl&l.re Nelaon and mem- ber• ot the COela w .. a. Planning Commleon met Saturday wtth L. H. Matlhla1, m anager, and mem· bers of Harbor ~Ill Memorial Park at the park and dlacuan d pou lbllltle11 of the park being adm1tttd to the City ot Costa Mell&. Matthlu ahowed plan1 a nd 1ketchea (Gr development of t.m memorial park which he expecl1 Gerald Hurt in Hichs Crash Three were hurt In a three· car mishap oo the Santa Ana P'reeway about fSe f~ l!OUth of Q apman Ave. Frl<lay &ltf'm oon. Driver Ot-Tald E. Hld1a. 28, 307 Avocado St . CostA Meu . lll8· t aint'd major lnjurieio. Pauen~ra Robert J. Lovin•. 22, and Jerry AIC'h. 19. of C&mp Pendleton. r ldlnfr with Pfc Carl T . Ca mon. 21, 1111ffere<l Ali ght lnjurle11. All were I.Aken to the Orangf' County Hospital. Driver of the other In· volved 1· a r was Charles M. Brown, S4. <•t South Gate. Woman Head in Injures Fall Po1i1lbl1.1 1·onrW1sion, " cut on thP right slJe of her bead. akin· nPd rtg-ht hand and right knet' were Rurterei1 Saturday by Mr11. Rugh (:rrgg oc Garden Grove. whm l'he Cell over a pipe, police Mid. l"h• wu treated by a doc· tor. I Ortll •n !Mild &he apparently to have approved a 1 bLda fOf' anne:UUon. Walle.-Welmer, chair man of the planning .commJu lon. uplalnt d to hlm the city ha.s no proVJslon !or cemeteries and tht park would have to ~ Admitted undtr 11n R-4 claftlCkatJon Md a land uee vulance '1saued. At preaenl the memorial park I• working under a county A ·l claaalrlcation and Katthtu atat.ed every lime he wanu lo m&J<P a change or add a building he hu to. go to the county for pe~l11· ston. Thl1 11 w.hat he hopet to avoid by coming Into the city with a pla.n for the completE'd devrlopment, although he admits It will be years before the buJld· ings are finlllhed. NO PERMIT? Mesa Buildfrig Code Case Set for Thursday "Either we do 90methinir about this or throw the Co11lA Meta buLld1ng code Into the dl1<:ard." WU the opmlon or Judge D. &.. Dodire Monrtlly s ftemoon In re· vlewmr rhari:es a i:-ainsl \. L. Tripp, 743 West 20th St., of building a house wlthoot a city ptnnlL Judge Dodge then eet the cue OV4'r unlit Srpt. 8 LO lfl\'9 A.. J . You Save A.Un Mau<U Ca.In, 76. dtl'd s.pL tripped over the ptpe ""11ch bold• J at Rancho Loe Am1,u1. She .-... a • by • piece of lumber sepal'· 1lded at 26i3 Ea11t 220th Place. •Ung the p&rkJng .,._ 11t MaJn Long Deach. Sht WU born la Bt'l\Ch. She nnack her MAI\, theoy I Bradtord, E~land a nd bad lived 1'4'port..d. 10~0 on your In California l~ ,..are, In t..onc ,---------Bt'ach tor the 1am• lf'nJth of 11m1. Affterba....., • 8h1 la IUl"\rt\·ed by one -.on. 9Y" T'homa. F . Dyf'r of WMlmiD•ter ?.lf'rle ~ M Yaw1 and one brotlltt, ~rrw 1:1111: of Rn9d. t"'1ay '"" ..-pwatlnt 1 Lon~ ~ach. from & hMrt att.adr tll a kn BervleH \l"'lll be h91d tomorrow Cit go ho.plfil. P'TWn~ repon.ed at u • m. In Bala , COii ~• ?.!i'M he wu t.altt11 Into 0-. ltaDa Kai Ctl.aJlel w1lh U'9 Rn. Joeep'1 W. O ub l!l&turday ntpt • 1111 boat Mc!ban• of ColnJnunLty MeUlodlat &:ho.>lboy by l"l>rT'Ml 0 . 8mtth, Church c-Cflclatlng. l ntnment will Udo hie, who wu ·~ Mar· b@ In Harbor RHt Mf'N 9f'lal r ark. by In Ma ~ Tol1IOC&. legistr1tio1 for St. James Day School Set September I at PRINGLES PrMCripti-rilled 'Ul 10 p.m. Film! w... ..-roll of lllllldl and .... .., ..._ 111, ao, 11•. u o. Ill lfott with ua for de\•elopiaK ..,. prlnU.1, ""• wlll rtvf' you • re11 or n.e ........ ran. 11 .... r MM PrllltA a& No btra ai.r.o H ll<ltJa aDVICS Mrs. Bents in National Sail . Events Finals Mrs. \\' t... Rl>nls of Fort Worth, T••xu. who, with h c r hUlba.nd, waa a itUest or h e r aunt. Mrs. Earle Ft'nton Hayden. 1074 Va.n Dyke drive, recently left by d rplane A ug., 28 for New York City. where she wlll bf' a contt1tani 10 the !lllllh ot the women'• na tional Millni; cham- pionship for the Mrs. J ohn Fran· cl• Adams trophy. M.t1. Beni.., who II! the daugh- ter of MT!!. Harry J. March of Balboa and Loa Angele11, won the preliminary t"vent In tht' Fort Wort.h area. then ca ptured a vie· tory In the dl•lr1ct champlon11\Jp at H OUiton. Thl1 gave her the right to go to Tampa. Fla . wbett ehe and her crt'w of two ot her young matrona awn t ook tint place, thu1 g•lllng the g~tn llght to the flnal1 In Ntw York. which ran from Augu11t l!O to a.pt. 2. Mr1, Bent•. knov.'n tn h e r f11t>nds H M11rcla, ~alnrtl her a&illng u perlt"nce In Newport Bay, where her husband won nv· merou1 trophies In the 1 a m e sport. Volz, Co11la M Uil building offl· clal. ll cha.nee to ln1Jpect the pro- perty and decide what could hr done l o bling It up to stand1trd requlrr men ls. Volz d,.clared he had nevu been called to lnept'<'t the pro· perty and !hat when he. went to the place he wu unable to get In 11.nri that wlndow11 werf' painted over sn U1at he cnulrt not Mee In. Beiudu being built without 11 permit Volz ea.Id the building 11 ton t'lo~e to thl' property line. Thl11 Is the second c&lle that the cit v has brought airalnst buJ\~r, who do not talce nut lken1e11. lo ~he previous case the bwldtr ws11 fined S 100. but he went ahead and complele11 the building j11.11l the same. Judge Dodge mentioned Uus cu e Mnn- day and requeat"d Volz to deter· mine what could be done lo force I.he builder to bring t hf' houlle up to etandarcl. "A man ro11ld well r1oy SlOO, or even S~OO In fin1'11 Ir ht' rould gn ahead anrt 1111,·e .more than that In aub • .!'landarrt ron· 1tructlon." opined the judge. THT. OROA..'ll 1'0U CA~ Pl.A\' AT o-:o;c r.: the wo8Clernd - HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Tbe Wbole FamJ..ly caa Play It Wltllout Le110111: Come In a11d Prove It to Yowself r We .-0 ta.t .. 1" .. come la Mid t ry \he new Ram=.., Spbld Orpo..-.Now A..0.W. Mii Via LWo -llarMr 61tl Reptrauon of o&d and new klnder.,arten 9lYdell\a and a 11 W&'l'CB &EP&lll etudmt• at l l. Jamee O.y B<hool former etudentl •T• eot ~ DANZ-SCHtMDT to come for ffl'iatrau on •· VllfO&MTll \l'ATCB ll&PA.Ja will be hekS nlday, h pt. II. t F\r1l dsv of 9Cboo1 w1ll be Moll· = ~·~ ~ a. m. io • p. m. th• Rev. John da\', Sepl. 12. I Park•. rPctor, 11nnoun~. .\t r l'erke announn '1 one nnr WINDOW OOVEBING r.ew children from sndo one I lt"ttC'h\'r fnr !hf' atatr. ~fr~ Anllr 11IJC aHADI: SHOP thro11a:h ''• 11r• requlr,.d· to • "m• Mitrf~rrrn who will trarh the 810 PlA..'110 & OROA..."l STORE ~ .. "" for A1J Modell Hammolld Or(IUll IU !-61 .. ~m le Poat Otftl'f'--ll&r. II' with !ht r p111 rnl~ n• th•,. muJt f• 11rth i..r11•ll' Hr • 11 t 120 1t\I· 61t No. a&alJI S-la Alla lake an entry 1 .. t. II• ••"I ~tit<'l denll are •peot..d I.ha year. , _____________ .., ____________ -' • 30 Day Sentence, at Main Beach 3 Year Probation I 1'11l1l .• h• '• 111. ,,, k.r11= " "sng I SANTA ANA IOCNSl -Rich· 1•( ~l .. 'lll 111 '"'"h' \Ill" l't&rlt'<I an t O 'Vrtnb4'rgtr, ~3. IU~ E. I" ftl(hl on ~I 1111 ll1·.1d1 111 c • .. ronn B;iy. Ba lboa, Frulay waa aentm · .t .. 1 Mal' •''" 11· ~ .. 1u11111,· 111vm1ng • •o d 1 ,11J ,.tablll 1 •t ·''""" 1,.,, Paik Ct!u lo " ays" n Ja.Jl and put tPPnni;er 111 11,.. "1,111111,11 on thtte years probation an...- Tnk,•n tn 11""1! l losp11.11 Salur· hll ruilty pie!\ on a bad t'heck ti.iv w .... .l,1111 .. ~ Arthur t..'lark. 16. charge. l't.~rk v.a~ ,t,.lolw1l "1n the' stom· Superior court J udge John 8h4'a 1u•h, 1·u1 "" 1 ho· uri•<'r lt'ft 1<houll1· pronounced 11enttnct . Welhberrer • 1. had ,. 11h1tht 1•ul on hl.s bat'k wa• 1entence1I to 30 daya in Ja.11 I •II th•• hll~t' u( hi~ nt'{'k and a In Newport Just1<'e court on two h11e '"''"HI 011 l lu• lt'f\ Mhould•r bogu1 checks-SJl'I a.nd $40 onM • .. "'''"" ,,, poli• \' ' -to Ka.-am'• Rotaurant WhUe Thi' st .. lllil• h \\Ou nd w1<a sutur· the defendant wits bt'hind ban '"I 11n J th<· \'uUlll ti ansfrrr~ to police found he al~o had paued h11~p11a1 111 ~fontert'\' p a rk, aevtrul othl'r phoney llhc<cks. h•»•111t11I 1tt1 .. n1lsnt1< rtr0rted Wembug•r adn11th•1l ly I n &' I f-:11111111•1 .ln11ws Vanct". a tHn· about other r ht cks which WU"e Ill-!<' (11Pnd frnm Mnntt'rey Pa rk. passl'd 111 Hunt111~tun Buch and t11hJ 1)((1( o>r'I h1• WH!I Involved In l.aj;Una e.•ach BE SURE -INSURE lhr fljiht Vrtnl't' ~Aid e[Rht l\lt'XI· 1·a.n!i 111,1d" n•111111 ks about i:1rl8 h•'· C.'la1k an1I four Otht'r \'011th11 wr1e \\'1th Latrr Vanr;. An•l 1 \\Ith 11.AUKlE 8TA...'nX \' Clark g11t Into a fli:ht lnvolvlni: , lluur&lk'e OD.ly six ot the Mexh•un11. Pllone Harbor U1' PARKES• BIDLE'f llOBTUA.RY Fonnwl.1 O&AUEL 08.ll'SL llt...........,-c-ta .... LIMrty I-NU ... I-MM •Water Front Balboa Cove1 Bnuid IM'W a b. r. ! ti.th hom... ,.,.,,. clf'\'t'f d 1 .. l&"O. l ' Olar o" n prh ate bt•M"b, w!Hom you l"&n bave a plArf' to kt't'p your boat. Rt' 1 t r l c t e d $29,950 Tht' 11u,.per l who AllP>:l'dly dltl 1116 E. e..t m.taw-r !he Mllbblni: was rlescribc>d a a ~~==Co~ro~na~~de~I ~Mar~~~=~~!!!!!!~!!!!!! merllum helj!'ht, Wl'lghinR l:IO·l 80 with brown hair rut Into a duck taJI Liated 1111 wttnulfll of the fight were companloM of Van<'e a.nd Clark. They we re Jaznu Wln· l'lton Fleming. 21, Robert Charlu Love, l~. Donald J ol\.n Eliot. 17. all of Montert'y, Park. and Don· aid Dean Schulze, 20, Huntington Beach. T~ Cars in Res End Crash on 101 Minor damages occurrerl to two cars Saturday al Coa.sl Highway and Poppy 1\ vi'. wh-.n " car driv· en by Roy <.:Hffor.~ Mynck of San D1ei::u ~trnrk the r!'ar enrt or a ra 1 11r1\'en bv \\·111tr r G. Plga~o or Turson, · polu ll said. The l'lgaRO car wu apparently 1topped and walling for tf'l,fflc when struck. Mike Into Jones Falls Plate Glass Michael J ona, 8. ot 10011 He· Uotrope Ave. WaJt treated &t HOA.i Ho11plt&J tor cull under hi. armpit and on ha chin au!fered when he !ell thtough a plate clua window Saturday. Hub Cap5 Snatched Ne.II F. Wolcott of Loa Ang'elu told poUce two hub caps were UXC!n from his car while parked In front or 10~ E. Bay Ave. Saturday. \\'ATf:R HEATERS SALES, UllVICE o•d I U AIU Joe p~~6JofJ fUMS 10 PU Cl lfT DOWN P!lo~o Horbor SUO --DEBT-- COLLECTIONS Aococmta -Note. -Clalma of any kind of debta-anywhere ln America. "No coUectlou -No fee." We ad\·ance a u coei.. CRE DIT Butll:AtJ of Weet.t'rn Orange County formerly fit BID'tlMI of Newpprt . Lapna Beada and ta H.eaa. ICK Riverside Ave., P.O. Bolt IN NEWPORT BEACH. CA.Lil". the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desftn a11d C011structloll COROXA DE L MAJl PBO!\-Z BARBOll lU Sanitone Dry Cleaners' National Conteat! WIN A $1000.00 MARSHALL FIELD & CO. DREAM WARD ROBE ... ud a l'BEE roond trip to Chlcqo tw .rwo oa UNl'.DD AIR LINES 1 P1&A now to enw the •· t1ona1 Drum Ward.robe Con- t.t sponeored by th• Sant· tone Dlvaion of E~ry In. d u 1 t r l e 1 , Inc., ct.nctnnaU. Ob lo. SllDPb' F1aJall ThJ• Seoteaco • 16 Word• or Le<le "I pre/er 8attlt1»1e to or.U- "°'Y d111 cl~nnlttg bccovu,. (Sample Sentence: I know I can trust Sanltonf! to do a better Job on e\·erythJng 11'om c.h1ldren'1 rlolhe• tn flneat evening wt'ar -Ytl It C09tll no mort!") It'• juat u easy u th•l a..nd you mi&'hl win a "new you'• •.. everything from abou to a glamoroua new haJ~do ..• caauaJ to even.Ill&' wear-and all 11 m art I y atylM for "Field'•" bv the world'• for,mo1t dulgner1. The !lrat prlu winner aleo get1 a round t rip to Chlrago for TWO on Unlle<I Alrhnta .. 1 W1th 3 days· hotel, meal• and l.1.XI fart'I p11ld fnr by Sanl- tone Ory Clcan1n1t Serv1ce .. Jn Arldlllon to 1 ht first prize of $1 ,000.00 Dl"t'am Ward- robe, thtre a r_, 2IJ othet' wond4'r111J pr lu-11. Cn11tu t 11tarl1 A w!11&11t 111t 4 r/011r,11 Bepl1"111br r 30th , 19&6 aei your otndal •try blank ud comp•~~ dela.U• frnm LIDO CLEA~ERS ~· 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Liberty 8-4014 -··. • • 1 TARS SUIT UP FOR FOOTIALL And End Paul Lorentzen, left. Ruita Newport High School grid Coach Al Irwin, right. Irwin ia deoendin~ upon the veteran flankman to fill one wing post for the Sailor eleven. Local prep uniforms were handed out Thursday. First practicP drill ia 11<:heduled'for &:30 p.m. today. -Staff Photo GROWING BOY Whatcha trying to do, coach? strangle me? This was reaction of Sam Jarvis, 270 lb. · Tar deJensive guard prospect, when he was accident- ally huded lightweight ahoulder patis instead of the largest varsity size. Jarvi11, of 223 Via Orvieto, a.kip- ped football last aeuon at Newport Harbor High after breaking hia collar bone while aurfing. -Staff Photo HARIOR NOW HEAR THIS, PIRATE CREW Bue football veteran Larry Grassfield. left. All-Eastern Conference tackle tut 8e&.· 90n and moat valuable player and All-Sunset League lineman ln 1953, leta out-of- atate prOlpect John Ashbaugh of Jeannette. Pa .. ri ght. and other Orange Cout College grid newcome,.. know practice sessions are 11et tor 6 :30 p.m. daily. -OCC Photo FULLERTON-BUILT STREAMLINED FALCON THRILLS AUTO ADDICTS By CLARENCE RAWUS08 OCN8 STf.FP' WRJTER J'uu.llRTOh. (OCNS)-Wtlh the ro&rin1 aound of dual ex· hauata. the powerlul •uf"l'e• of a 2~·horeepower enrln•, and the low. rracef\Jl llnu of a lllrta m- hned body, "The Falcon", com· pletely deelgned and built b y Robert W. Berry and hi• eon. 8111 of Fullerton. would Ulnll any automobile enU\u1iaat. lh11 r enltr ot the derk h1! 1 1lHrlnlf, a tum radtw A larre tnmk wa11 inch1dl!d In 111 feel la needel1. Tbe the plans, and the drlvt'r'1 cock· wheoel turn• thr.. 111<! pit 11 reinforced by a weldl'd turna. lock to toclc. ateel atructure whlcb 1upporta Braku ant ot Ula aelf~· lh• door1, wind11h1eld. frame and Inc hydraulic type with IN.Splft• inatrument panel. The hea.dllghll a1on «'00811t1n1 of tubular ~ are rl'C,aud into thr front 1ur Jrllf 1pr1ni•. roll 1talllU&er IC acoop. proVlding prott'cllon 11 n d front. torque rad1ue roct. la the otfl'rlnit better 11trt'amllmng. rt'ar. a Hotchkl111 type drive. an• In es11m1t111g pntormance of a hra1·y duty double acU111 ...... thl! ca r. Berry 1111d he expe<"ll! a pla.nr-type ahock abeorber. ,, I 'i \)O~ BfuL·i>HJLUPS,·Sporta Editor -.- The lpOrt car, ju1t complettd, ~1)tltlt fr'Om th' grounl'f up trom an Idea 1kelchftd frtt-hand In 11161. tor speed nf about 140 mph. Tlle d ream h&1 finally eome while It will 1cr,.ler1te to 9~ .t~~and th~ ramll>: lrul 'fl:MdA__ mt>h • f mm • rtmtd~tt-.n -r mirr ,. ,... u gn to make tull uae ot It. t11nre or • qus rter mile. - PA'7.£ 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 Berry ha" h11d a great 1nterut ln a11tomob1lr.1 l'Ver 11111ce hi' can reml'm bPr. He <1rov" rosdaten ~ 1DIAMONDS OF SENTIMENTAL TYPE TAKE OYER MESA PARK A great am<>W1t of planning and work went Into the M ii· atruct1on of the eell • dttll'nl'd automobile. Draw1ng1 had t o be made and loft lines l•ld out to full 1cale alze on paper. It took from February through May, 191'>4. Actual ronst ru<"tlon of a full- 1lud muttr plutw mockup be· gan in June. SOUTH CONn 00. Hrd A Newport llhd. • '\ HEAR ANYTHING, DOC! -Team physician Richard Altman tunes in on the tick- er of John Gr1\Uer. veteran Newport Harbor High Sehool halfback and linebacker. Ph~icals, to guarantee the prep grid candidates can 8afely pl:i~· football, were given in the high school gym ThufB4ay. -Staff Photo Miss Medes in Fo1rlh Term as Derby Treasurer BUMS. BRAVES GRAB .TOURNAMENT TITLES .J j • Ml• '8ell•r1r .. Mt'df'I CYl Coron" ""' Mar will ti. Mrvlng her fn11r· th tenn u All-Woman 'l)'an11con· t111Pntat Air Race, Inc. Bosrd of D lrl"Ctor1 tN'Mllrff when the Joining the A League Cardinals H champion• ol the Harbor Boys' Club Midget Baseball toumamenlt! with com- pletion of the contest.a last week were the B League Dodgera and the Youth Center C Bravea. JOl h annual ''Powderpuff Derby"' FlghUl\J bllck from the brink J)odj!'er moun~mt'n Dick Ftl· ._ h•ld "' July. 111:.e. Mra. Bett v e>t de fut c1u1t'd by a f1r11t jt"IUTII' kf'r 11 nl1 Tnm A ndenK>n 1truck · lM"' 1~ Dodger1 !!Wt'pl through out 12 1lnl b11llerw and allowed H OIUIM, oh&.lrman °' the nine· I 111x 111r&11thl iamu to overhaul only one hit. a alngle by George •·omen board. announced the rft<"t lhr tndurns, 3-2 Wednesday night Brown. .,11 at.art July 7 at San MlttPO 11nd 11·0 Thurlday. For the Youth Canter Br1vea. an<1 tem\Jaat.e July 10 at f"lint. I ~OT A L0!\8 I Larry Broe1 ing got Ul•m off to J.fk h. Undefeated In lourn•y eom~ a qU1ck atart Thurllday night by ;\;orU--a llalt ot the 1l&lt will 1 tlllon, lht' Youth Ct'nter Brave11 I bl11tlnj!' a two-run homtr . Chrla Me atart of the race ft>r thl' 1 ropped flvt 1tralght gvnu cul-. and Don Andenon w.r-. on b&M flM!t time. Th11 will be Ule H O· 1111n11t1nir In a 4.3 virtor:-r over on -lka, onJ time Mlchlran bu ~n h')lt the P&rk Olan• few tlM C Lea-T1Ul'~ANT TAL y to the TAR. The !MCI tlnl1hed IP• cro'fVll. 1 L in Detroit i. 1Plll. ..... _ Dod••• bad n h Winning run tor the 0 ch&mpa • ,,.. ,. '° If t a ram I! In th1 fifth rram1 whvi Harbor area MidKel League bu eball wenl eentirnental at Costa Ml'JIQ Park Fnctay night, one the A 1-rue All·Star 1ame markt'd •nd of the youth diamond ~uon. Attention wu tht'n t urned to another l.YPe diamond, that oonnected w1U1 wedding nnga and 1u r h. Coachea Harold Stl'('k "' the A League Bravt'I and Joe J one!'! of the B Gianta pru~ntt'd John Lane w lth 1n 1ward of an all purpose set or Revf're Ware. You .tee, J ohn hu a wed· ding del«' with Mi• Suzan Ba.lew of Laguna Be&< h Sunday. Sh,. v.·a.• on hand for Fnday n1rtit'1 ae.aaon endtr and wu ln- lrodur "d to the f11na The award v.·u 1d1hllonally madl' In recog111llon of lhf' m11ny hour• of work J ohn Lane 1111 put In to ml\ke the local voulh b&Atb4111 prognm a llU<"Cf'H. A1 an added token of •P· pl"tt1at1nn for Lant>'• f'fforta, thP •ntlre <'Olll'Ct1on taken up .•t t"' till Y.'H pl"f'llf'nt.-d lo him. DIAMOND -SWAN SONG Americans Rap Nationals with 7-2 .Victory Melody MOU>8 CAST Complelln«i the mAttPr In J.,,u. ary. 19~. mold.1 wer .. c11.1( tor the ar t11a1 ron1tructlon of th' car. Thl1 flnftl •lt'p began In March. and the rl'11ult of mont h• of 11nt1c1pat1on wu rt'allud thl1 Wt'ek Thinking of lht' Falcon u a bird that rt'pre&en111 both apart anti 11peed. thl' ram1ly rhn.<e thtll Ht' 1lready hu t'QUlll~ hl11 u - n&mf' for th" <'llr long befor• It pt>rienrf'd f1ther·1 performance 111 v.·as ready to bf' unveiled. White drsg 11trip romptlltlon. the 11,.tk·lookinit roadatf'r w "1 F"uture pl11na ft re nnt com pl alt 1t1ll only a de"•P' on paper. tht' u to whether l hft r aJcon will I fa.mlly searched ror a n11me that b.. muketed Howt'ver. 100111111: would be truly rtpreunt111tve or w~.11 madP to l°'t'pmdur" th• cus- the powerful and grarerul ma<"h· tom <'Ir on a hmlte<1 buu•. lne and una.nlmou•ly declt1td I POWP:R PIX~ "Falcon"' would be th" cholre. Sptrlfk'llllon11 llhow th" enJrin• Nelghbor1 and friend11 ru1l11ed to be 11 mochf1ttl Bulrk V8 w'llh a major proje<"t wu underway In 1 an N1t1m11 tl'<1 brakf' hor8l'power thf' g3r11ge Al the Berry home., of 2:10 Berry aall1 the c.a.r we1j!'ht1 with the wholl' f1m1ly 11pendlnir approx1ma lely 2:100 pound•. glv· many of It• 1par1 hour. there. ing an almo11t 1<1"11' w"lght to O&n Moore. Long Br11ch. 11110 powtr rrt~lo nf 10 po1md11 pH got Into the ar t when hP helpt>d I hor111"power unit. with the plHtir IAy11p work for With a wJ\""'b"ae of 100 lllch•11 the unique a11tomob1lt'011 body. and and d1rrrt • sr t1ng quick nun Rapping out Harbor areA Midget baseball eeuon's swan Sam Ha.nt11el!1Tlan. Long B,.ar h. H lllatt'd with the p11nt111g Slat for Oil song, the National A League All-Stars defeated the American The only portlon of wt>rk tha t I • I 9" A League All-Stars to a 7-2 tune at Costa Meu Park before wu con tracted wu the uphol· Hunt1n11:ton Burh High llC'hnol a full house F'riday night. •tertng, done by Kal-Kullom. Ful· roo1b11l1 1r ht't1u1, tor 195:" Sl'pt Alco fr &tur1n1t the evrnlng'11 tht' 1lxth added two morf' 1 ttrton. Returned from the uphol· 23 LAiruna Bl'll<"h; Sept. 30. Tu.II· arl1 v1t1r!'I werr p1tsent11tton o! Serond Amtrir11n t ally <"&me In atery. l!hop, th" lwo ·Inned red I tin. 0<"l. 7, Corons ; O<'l H at lroph1n by Newport H arbor Elks thf' 11lxlh nn a walk t o Wayne and white Individual bur ket •Pal.ti F'Ullerton. 0«'t. 21. :-;""'fl<'' t Har· Lodge tn rir11t and 111"Cond place Connell and Bape11'1 two-bar· ~nth mat<"hlng panPls llllct «'l rpet· 1 bm , Or t 28. Anahrlm. Nov 4 Mo'-•• Mcwtoc+ Loo.. 011 sou11d hwproved reol Mtote & buys lrUtlf DMCk. ................ ~."'' ........ , ..... rMa Priv1le Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMBCIAL SICURITY PATIOL Kl 2·7027 I.am membe r1 '" A. B and C ger. Ing made an lmprPs&lve 11lght. at Garden Grove; Nov. ll, Sant& l.eagut' Men P ark toumaml'nl Steve SimonllOn ind Earr IAw· 8LUll USES A":n11:::_:r.;~·o~v~.~18~a:.'.l~O'..'.:r;an;gc~e~.;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ play. Le&gue &w&rd p11tchu Wl'r" I• toeaed the N&tlon&l triumph. Streamlined ftaturu a re 11een ,- pre99nted lo the top four te811ll through.out tM car. w ith low-rut 1n each loop by Newport·&lboa dooni, roll up wlndow1. a wrap- Savtng• and Loan 11nd meda.11 rnr LaC)VftCI HiCJh Football around wl11dllhJelct, ~d a fin In fi rst ana eecond A League team• wue procured thrOUl'h donation• of ,par,nt1 and rans. lllEC'OSD VF.AR ThU -. eecond year the 'P:lkll Lodire h111 awardrd engrllvl'd tro- phlu . Max W. Popr made the preuntation1 during pre·J(am• cettmonlu. In lht! 1l1·1tar onnfltct. th• American11 got of! to 11. one run lead in the tlrllt when Chari•• Taylor w11lkf'd trnd J"rrv I.Aw· ranee und Ttrry B1gwr11 · alnglttl WIS ~ARtHS Th«' ?l;11t1 nnels bll.t!ht'•I nut thtlr w111n111g m u gln In tht ·~one! Bill Bush doublet!, Rnnn1t> Cul s ingled &nd lhe11r l\'11"·~ were mixed up 11m1d a hll b11tt!'r. a w11lk and 1n ern•1 Butch V1nt'~·111 rl •11 glrJ and G11ry Cl11 1 k 111pl"• 1n 1 ho:> rourth tor a ?-;at1una1 111111:l•lon S1nglea by Bob Hes• a nd Tom Allen ln Footbllll elate t o r Lacuna Beach High School U1.l.I fall: Sept. 23 1l Huntington Beach : Sept. 30. Coronad<>: Oct. 7. El 8•"1Jndo; 0 <"l. 14 al Matl'r Det; Oct . 21. Brea·Ollnl18: Oct. 28. La Habra; Ned. ' al Valencia; Nov. 11. Capl1trano: Nov. 18 at Tu1Un. Tustl" Grfcl Goes Tl111tln HIRh 8chnn1 irrid 11rhe- 1'11l": Rrpt 23 111 OrAnfill': SPpt. :rn 111 Huntington Bra r h; Oct. 7, San111 F'e; Or t. 14. Plux X; Oct. 21 al lA H11br11. Ort 28 at Cap- l!trann: ;>;ov 4, Brea -Olinda; S ov. 11 11t V11 lenc11. ::'\ov. 18. I LA1tuna Beach. Mater D•I Schedule P'all football 11late for Mater Del High School: Sept. 23 Ill C8.pl1tr11no; Oct. 7. San G11br1tl Ml1111ton; Oct. 14. LaJuna Beach ; Oct. 21 at Pomona-Catholic ; Oct. 28 at Ch1.mlnade; N ov. •. fll. P'rancl1; Nov. 11 •t M,ary Star ; Nov. J8. Bellarmlne·Jf'fftrllt)n. JOHNSTON E'S Mesa AlltO Wreckers UM A•to Pana and Aaeeaeortee %075 Placeatla Ave. LDiertJ .. ,.u ()Mia .... Res-In • M•bl Dtt • p 0 0.M IT AFFORD 6 ION "NEUI and DOC" Et.r.C'11UCA.L OONTILAOll099 Phone Ul-'J t-tt'N ll0'8"enlde .&..... N ........... Ride Showboat· to laguBa on the S..otlful Padllc Twice Daily -11 :SO a.m. and '7 :00 p.-. Adults Sl.!5 -Children 6.5 "91lta S Boats unlnit E,·~ry 20 Mlaat. Bay & Ocean Rldea •.• Sft owboat and ~lie of Balboa from Fuuone Dock. ne•t to Fttf'r:\' Landla1< Balboa. All IUdf'e. Adalte 8.'k>--("111fdr.,. Uc Th• Nlntty-Nlnu. Inc . 111 In· 11tr1ctty uphill battle .!un ng 1 he Bob :'lieAly Wlll WAlkt'd with lhe t..rnatlon11l orlJMl.a&tJon of lh'en•· B go. after wff,rlng 11. 7-11 lt'I· •·I women pilot.a. have epon11ored back by the Imllans. Tht' Jndisn• b811'" bulgtng with Bravu lo ~ force in a l'<'Ore. The Giants e ~ t hl' rau .tnc1 ll11 Inception 10 remained undl'feated until thr llcnrerl two In lhr fourth on. lhN!e )'f'Ar1 "ll'o. They ftnllnNI the racl' Oodgera pined reven11e w ith thf' ~.u a~~~ ... Ith th• 11;!illtlon of Mntrlb11t1on.I! \\'t'dnf'8d&y night w m 1n ron:t Wlllkll i1nc1 11 hit by Biiiy Acker· rn1 5)r,' from the 111ar1 11ncl tl11111h rltltll th• Tribe Into one l•~t frav. man. ,~~~«'-, rop Pi~SfdL Anll yulo111 alrrr11ft romp1mle• 1 BATCH OJ' HIT~ . Thi' nthr r C1ant run rame In' AVl\ILAll .. I 11nc1 allird lndu1tr\e11. Slnirles by Bob Nnm s. Rirhard t h• firth 118 Grant N11.1rn 11ingled All ORA"'I crt. Mnrf' lh11n ~·O atrrrafl. flown t..cwkwf'Od, W on<lv Brook s. Tnm 11nl1 l'C'flrrct on a wllll throw. Win· h\ lhl' lnJ1 Wflmrn pllo111 or the Amlf'Nl(ln, Gary . M•pit'r, 0 11Vll1 nln11 p1trher~ ror the Bravea ,.n•111lrv. l'ntf'r thf' f'\'rnt ~vrn; RAu anl1 Martin TiwlM llrcnuntr ll , .. rrP <"hri11 Mr l..11r hltn snd Davtd 'rar It 1io cnn~ll1f'rPtl the n1111nn·i1 rnr r 1i;hl Rum run•. In the four t h C'onnrll "ho II""• up two hA,.. I tl'p ('l\'il111n a1·1at1on romrt t1l1on Inning Thur~o111y lllChl I knock• RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO URGE OR TOO •uu. UO IOtJa at.. Newport.._.. ....._ - / .. , ~ ............ t. ... lleartJ -0-.... .......... -.. ~ONDA Y SEPT. !i, 1955 -t I I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&l I PIRATE TURNOUT DRILL GIVES BUCCANEER MENTORS BIG LIFT Tbl1 ~UM B\MI ua1flanDI wW be mon colorfu l. a ,......., peell h.as lndlrated. The OOC .,,.. wlU atrut onto U¥i fteld I.a ..,.._ let jeralea and r'9d helme\a. Bil· "1f'tf, lhll 1...on. wtlt M a ..._. dard ai&e. R.ouo &NM>Wlced. wtU. banda Ina.Id• ad.Ju.Uni to iAdt..S. dual head ai&e. • 10 Lettermen Among 47 Grids as OCC Preps for Fint Fray Head football Coach Ray Rosso and his staff received a shot of hope over prospects for the Oranr;t Coast College Pirate grid team this fall after a look-see at the 47 pig- skinners who turned out for the squad Thursday night. "Tht-Y'r• enthualuttc." waa the way the coachH uplalned lt. "J_.as~ Yl'•r we had a lot ot false enthwlum -yelllnr and auch. Thursday night the boya were more lnttnt on setUng down to lhe bualoeu at hand." The bualnasa at hand 11 escape from the p ld doldrum• whlrh capaln d th• Buccaneer bark In Ea1t~m Conferenoe play Ju l y .. ar. ~1Tu:t·!ll or 10 Al a nucleua. the OCC coach- 1n.1r at.art have 10 r~turnln1 let- termen. five back• and fl\'e llne- mtn. Thuraday night, Roaao went to work with nine mda, Line Coach Bill Poore with 12 line· men anti four untent and Back Coach Bob Otborne with 25 backs. :Sat11n11ty. thal'e jul!l lo many bar ks. RolllO Is ronrldent a sut· firlent number can be converted to tht forward w11ll ant hor11ge to balance thlnl:'I up a mit1. But. 11.1 luck would have ll. flrat In· Jury or lhe Sl'MOn. occurln1t r l,;ht ott thto bat Thur11d11v night, was 1ustalned bv a llntman. Ce nter Ph!hp Joni's, a transtl'r from Tuas A &nd M and a for· m•r La~na Beach H111:h play,.r. broke a tlnrer on a mapb&ck ALL U;Tl'l:RMt::S The returning lettermen lo the new Bue irnd edition are: Center Ma.son Fenton, Tac-kle Larry Grau fleld. Enda J1C"k Kenntl1Y and Dvinv Muon and Guard Rnn Sewell. ll~emen. Back• are Dirk F:lme-r 11t qu&rter, Mike Hua 11t full, and Gl'Orgo Holden. Alli Mr· Ken&le and Ken Rel'd, haltback11. OsbomP lookt1 for ~eat lmprovt'· ment from Mr Kenzle, an1I El:o· ner. performlnjt' 111'.!IJ'llll' lnj11rle11 last yt11r. 111 eppart'ntly r t'11r1y t o go at full strength now. Veteran Gordon Crawtord 11t guard iii also l'Xpe<'tl'd to give a boost to Bue 1toek. Newcoment who 11pecl a 11 y f'd In at 230, with Quarterback Bruce Knipp th• llrh.tM t al in. DON"r FOOL. BOV .Barton, 18, llanda alx ffft and wW not be one to trifle with 11houlc1 he make the cra<11 WIUI th.e Buca. Brure wu hoavywelfht boxln c champion at Newport Harbor High. Six other Sallora •limed up for tho Bue itTldlron cru1" thla aea· l!On. They are Centt'r J ohn Eg- i:trt. Tackle Harold Holbrook, I Halt'ba r k Dirk Campbell, End Charlea Rt'lch, Center Kenneth Mar k and J im Onspach. O.ra- J'lll<'h, Wt'lghlng In at l H , hu no htJ?h 11c-hool football experience. L&rgeat number of prtp pro•· pt'Cta a t OCC turned up from Huntlna;nf11 Be&ch. nine. They 1u4!', In addition to Sueu, Al Kep· linger. Bill Harrl110n. Ma.nuel Tor· rt1t, Jim Hurd. Lawren<'e Hoff. Roi:er Kl'nntdy. J nhn ::'l:&gle ·a nd' Harry \\'llllam!!On. LAOt'SA I.ADS F'rom Laguna BPach cornea J oni's, hy way of Tnu A and J\f, Mika Smith. who wa1 out1tand- 1ng u a prep, and fYnlnllllt R ob- in Moore. with no high achool rl11skln txpl'rienr ... Ml sm 11•~ WITM GINUM Z8llll • TOP TUNING Me4-IQ10 IUC GRID HAND SHOWS TWO OF A KIND Newport Lawn Roll Club~. Tin Newport ~h lawn bowlers Wdneaday !oat to Rlvenilde here In the be11t two out of three Kl'eene matchea. In a special match v.•1th L&lf\U\& Beach, Wal- ter Ptar!IOn, Mra. Pearson and Harold Sh11ndley finlahed ln an 181; to 181~ Ue. caught the coiu:hes' "Yl'll lnclulle AU-Sunset League Bob Sues1 ot Huntln~on Be11ch. rtturnlnir 1f· ter a yl'ar out of 1chool; Kf'nny Wood ot Garden Orove, all-con· fer~cl' center In 1954. and Pat· rick P&tln. 2~. who was an all· around a thlet11 a t Anaheim atV· t'ral 11euona a go. Patin has bffn out of 11chool awhile, but Roa .. n Somo good looldn1t boy11 have ,hown up from out-or-11 tat'· Thtrt''a Aahbau~h of Jea.nnl'tle. f'11.; Flint of N. Phoenix. Aris.; Erneet J ohMon. 21. 187. a nn- ICY h&lfb11rk from New Bern, :'\ C ; Ron&ld Bobinllky, 22~20~. who p ined 1tat1 recognlllo at Ha.mmond. Ind . and Oougla l· lon, 21 . 185, l'X·•ervke ma.n from N. Pho,.nlx. Ariz. , ... TIA't'MOll Ko"'-1HJtt. 21-¥. C.-. IV ' wllll z.,.1tlo TOt TUNING, loll .... UHf/VHP ... -. Me......, .... ....... o.ii..-..w... Orange Cout College football Coach Ray Roaso, left, goes over Pirate equipment with identical twin candi· date. Terry and Larry Livingst on from Montebello Harbor Area _· Men_ Ca_pture .. Shoot Honors Next· trap ahoot of th• South &.at Rlfle and Pi1tol Club wtll 1119 held Sept. 2!1 at 10 a.m. ~onr; wlnne,.. ot the Aug. 28 trap 11hoot were five from New- P,rt Beach and lhrM from Costa Kua. N~wport Beach victor. were Redman D. Jarrell ot 30 Btacon Jlay, A. M. P owell of 3111 Poln· attia. Norman W . Dulworth or 6U Hau l Drive W. B . Thummel. 'T03 P oinsettia and KeMelh D. K u.ater of 608 Al Dean Place. no~ ~RA Top thootera from Coeta Meaa WPre A rthur H. Meyera of 346 .. ltlh St . Woody Mathewa of USO Orange• Av•. and M . C . Btnlth or 2oeo N~port Blvd. Other wlnnent Included: John onerman of 201~2 BpNCe. Santa M& Hellfbt.. Jack Bundk k of Oranca. P aul Van SlaUn• of Tua- ttn. Oacar Hurley ot Puadena. Mid from Santa Ana. I . M . Mc- Calla, W illiam It. Reinert Jr., P . J . R uaaell. Clarence o. n em· la(. Richard Rider and Denni• Hayden. 1&5 ('0¥.Pl:TI: A • total M 29 matche• were held wltA Hll entnea competinf. Match winner• were handicapped u much u 20 yartt. when com· pellnf qaln.et non-w inner•. The 8outb Coul RUie and Pi•· tol rant'• le louted out of Coro- na del Mu on M~Artbur Blvd. and le open to the public. Platol and rl fJ• matchu are held once each monUI a.nd amallbore rtfle tournament.. approved by the National Rine AuoclaUon o t America. are held every Jl'rtday n1cht. Drill for Orange OR.ANCIC (OC'NB) -Oo&ch IDddle Eatoo'a 1911~ <>nn11 HI P&nthera ltarted th• lone hard Lr.at down th• 19~~ 8unaet Lea· JU• frld race road today u prac· tlce unru rled In eameet for tll• openlnr pm• l!lept. n aplnlit Tu1tln. "We rannot upe<"t much thl• ~mpa1Kn;· Eaton M id. HUGE LOCAL FISH CATCH WORtO-MARK? Joe Patteraon of New·port Beach may have snagged a r«ord·breaklng G1rtnl Black S,.a Bus last Monda y, lhl' Balboa Angling Club told the News-Preas. A day after the catrh, the huge catch was weighed In al !lrt lbs. Patterson land- ed the morater In th11 kelp bed1 ofr San Clemente on the Loltatun. uaing a 130 lb. teat line. Unleu aome Jarrar black .. a baa1 hu been landed 1lnce Jan. 1, and If the line uiwd teala out at 130 lb., a Balboa Angllnj Club apokes- man -Id Patteraon·a haul would be a world record. ON THE 9·T Green Goes Sunset Loop Fall Gossip The oc~s rootball roundup ot Sunset Leagi10 entMu c1ltcloaed th• tollowtn1 lntereatln1 fTld not.ea today: HunUnrton Beach Hir!l School will make It• bid for the mo1.- 1kln dtadcftn with a 1lg11t, tut team runnln1 out ot what Coach Ed Goddard calla the Q·T. Santa A na frld tutor Letter McNlrht S.n't opUml1tlc about h l1 eleven'• chanca. He u~ru : "We've rot a lot of creen klrts. eapeclally up front. Tru,., we have 1om1 pretty fair ldll1 com· Ing back In the backfield." Claire Van Hoorebeke aJeo bu a "«"een" routine aboUt bU de- fend1nr Anaheim champa: "Our aquad lll anen and need9 rota of work." Garden Grove. nl'W to the aun- eet loop. ,eta an extra week of double dl111-over rut of the lea- f\11. Con.etrocuon will delay th• open~ ot ecbool there on• WMk. Coach Don A nry, former pro tackle with th• Wuhln(toft Red11kln11. expecta lo put th• add· ed drill• to good use. WE HAVE 'EM 11lose 9•iet JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS AA Silel 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric 25 h.p. • Bank Te111111 l' AC'I'ORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Part. Stock All S.. Us For Your Boating Needs High School. The twins have a gridiron heritage to live up to. They are brothers of Cliff and Howie Liv- ingston, profeaaional football stani. -OCC Phot o rme team -George Barrera. Prentis Porter. Dave \\'altus a.nd Bob Rumell. Other lellt rmen due to report a re: Aga..n1t Rlveralde, the win- ning ttam w u compoaed or Wal- ter W ood. Lew Pettit and Mra. FJC Grid Prospects Brighter LETJ'ER..'\fl:S Brlma. Loalnr; team11 const1ted or Tom Rodger, J im Stro&ler. Ed Al Oxlt.-"ld, ~ WU~ &n4-AlcJt& Patrick, Don\\"604-..rli! Don Tan· ~fftrtoii, and Biii Brima, Al ner. Ruervea from lai1t ytar'a Wlll1on and Roland Balley . team are: Dick ::'l:ohm, Clive Fm· champ, Alex Baca , Gerald Lind- strom a nd J . A. Brophy. Barren1. 20~·pound guard. w111 FULLERTON\ (QC::'l:SI -Ten an All-Ea.stern Conrcrent'e ~•- lettermen from the 1954 aeuon cond team choice last year. The were on hand for Initial root· year before. he w1111 a membn ball drtlla Thursday nwht ln nf the All·CIF first team, from " Fullerton High. Fullerton Sladlum. I Porter, 203-pound center and Under tho giddanco of he&d linl'bncker last 11cawn, Injured his co~ch, Bud Dawson. and hi• two I ll'g midway through tht' 11eason. hard -w orking aMl11lanl3. Gene I He was rtn a ll ·lraguer from Ful· Martin and. Oran Brer land, the ll'rlon. and expcets to enjoy hie Hornet.I had 11n Initial turnout be~t sca3on. ot 110me 60 player.. I La!<l year, the Hornet• won "Pro.1p«t11 appe11r brlgh t, r ~Ix of 11 gameio. but .. ncountered now. than they dlt1 a year a i;:t1." the worst naaon In hlatory for Dawson related. "as Just ai1t let· pt'rsonal Injuries. Barrera wu lermen 1howed up Jut season." I '" and out of moA of the &amn Veteran• returning tor the I with ll kntoe Injury. MJrrrnt eampllljtn Ari' the fol· OPl:RATIOS lowing regu1Ar1 from lut yf'ar'1 During the ort-seaaon. hf' un- tltrwent an operation. Porter re- ceived torn llrament.a ln the Phoe· nix conlest. and didn't play dur· lnK the final rames. A p81!~lng atlack wu f!'alured In o.ll games last year. Top throw· er wu Dick I.Arion. H e not only aet 1ome dozen echool record•. but t1atabll9lled a national mark for yards rained on h.la tosaes. Having no adequate ba.11 car· rler11 last year hurt the H ornt tl In their conference. Thl'y woa the p&l.'llng crown, but r&nked In lut apot In tho ruahlng depArt· ment. L&raon haa 1lnce K!'aduated, u have the two top end11 from last 5t'lllion, Bob Dunlvant and J im Moor!'. So an entire rebuilding job 1~ In 1tore for the Hornet•' C'08Chet. It's Logical. YES. IT'S LOGICAL TO ASSUME YOU WILL FIND THE MOST COMPLETE NEWS COVERAGE of ALL Harbor Activities IN THE COLUMNS The NEWSpaper Receiving These A wards • A.''~TAL CALIF'. NJ:WSPAPt:R Pl'BJ,J,_KT.R~ A~~()('. AWARllS COl\'TEST I• Frbru&ry -2nd pla.re for bffr newa photO'I. ( dalll"" OR ''""kllP~ l In F'ebnaar)· -i nd pl~ for bPwt front JM&Jte, (wttkll..-. all'Ml hunorabll' mention, (M't ua.lly Srd plal'I') fur ireoeral elt'l'llen<ll'. • ('Al.U'OR~IA A1'4SOCIATIO~ Ot' rRF:S4' WO!\n::s ro:-.-n:sT \\lD.llN'd Darhre'• Soclttr P"«""· F IRST rLACE for bH& Y.om,.n'1 df'put,.,..•t (wttkllu and ~ml·\\ttkUl'S I • NATJO:SAI, n :OF.RATIOS OF' PRt;S!' WO!\fF.~·s CO~TEST Fl,..& plaee for bf'llt womeD!t department (weekllH and wml·wrekltt-e) • THETA IHO!WA rm ,\\\'ARD The Publl•r·a llf'w-e atorv took Rono,..ble MtnUon. annuaJ ThPla 81rma PbJ ll&trt& Tableia A•-a.rd Coote9t tnr (weekly nl'wtlJlape") • 'MATIO:S-AL AWARD ... , 9M of phot., b)' Faltthlld Graplalc Equipment Co. Fiiiing nut the roater are John Glu.,, Tu1lln fullback, and Levon Bard11lty, who played tw1> yura ot :Savy football with Treuure !Jlland, from Nttdlu. N IOHT DIULLS f~LI hl.s 8 ge ahould ma ke a big Roaao a nnounced practice ae•· dltference. alora. leadin1: up to that Sept. 16 P1rt1te Bowl dl'<llC"a tlon 1tame TOl"Tl:O TWIS!ll with E. ConlrT CMta. Y.1.11 etart -Montebello H~h l'Onttl~ .. ~ about 8 :30 p:m. ctally. pair of ldenUcaJ twtna, Tel y and Larry Llvlnii-ston, who posi1eu 11 football bt'Mt&ire to llvl' up t o They are brolhl'rl of Cllrt llnrl Howie Llvmgaton. prore111lon11I gridiron atar1t. Cliff 11 now with I the Ntw Ynrk Gia nts. Hov.,lt played with tht' Ghrnta. Redsk in-. •9era and Bt an over a ten year I perloo. Winter Storage loats or Trallen for p.rtod Other prosperta which may fl1'1rc heavily In Pirate football fortunea for the coming aclll<'>n I are Gt>orge Flint. Artzona prt'p Sept. 15 • June 15 11hot put eh&mp. from North Phoenix, Ariz : Fullback Tony Baca a nd Quarterback Jim Conn from Brea-OIJnda fintt 11lnng, and John Aahbaugh. 22. ex-aer· Vice man from J ea.nnttle, Pa. I !'\ewport Harbor H igh 1ubmlt· 1 led both the ht'fllPst and lht lightest men tum tn1r out tor the OCC equad thl1 fall. Bruce Bar- ton. guard and linebacker. weigh· I --- .. ............. , ••. u t· etKf!d -OllAl"llfod HARBOR PR:ess iiils.!!5=il~ lOWIU Pll<l IYll IOI A Zl•IT11 TOP.fUllH COISOUt ...., 259'5 GIANT 21H SC .... .....,uo~ ..... ....,....,._ .._ ,,__... ...,. " • w1 CJNDlAM•Pkture Y• ............. ,,.._ ............. CINiuNS w...i ..... ~ ........ V1rt. ·"'~ ................ . .............. ' ,, ...... ~ -· ._,, ... -llAUSM. SftClll "I" ClllSSK ...... ~ ........ _ ........... c.-. '-· z..-~ .... NOVID le ..,_ ,_ .. ,....... - SteYHI & Sons 1811 .. r'N •vd. Coeta lleM PhOM U 8-UOl We 8-Tlee AD ...-. ........ SUBSCRIBE TODAY ONLY 50t MONTHLY CALL HARBOR 1616 -CIRCULATION DEPT~ • [}overn~enl f:xcepl PAGE 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES$ MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 ''God grent us the serenity to occept the thing s we cannot chonge: the courage to c:hong• the things w• can end the wisdom to know the differen ce." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS Water Shortage Shows Need for Greater City Facility The water ia low in the rettervolr. How important ia that statement to you! Do you know that if Newport Beach had 1uffered a fire, like the one that waa raging in San Dimas at the instant that Ne'Yiport Beach'• water reaervoir wu down to one hour'• aupply, that the fire would probably have raged unchecked for many houra until fire engine& eouJd have been rigged aa gang pumpe to uae sea water! Do you know that at no time does the City of New- port Beach have more thap one day'a supply of water in the reMrvoir ! On you know that we have lf'U water storage than we had 10 years ago with a popula· tion at ~aat :50 per cent greater'! It ia true that our water system, certainly our fire department, ia in better shape than al any time in a quarter century. But. Newport Beach haa grown and ia continuing to grow. When Newport Beach acquired ill lntereat in the 30-inch diameter Irvine-Laguna water line along the coast we abandoned the high level stor- age tank at Magnoha St .. and 15th St. on the Meaa. The tank waa and 1s in need of repair. Although sold it ha.a not been removed. Thia hot spell whirh has seen urgent warning iasued tor the conservation of water from Fullerton, Anaheim, Orange and Santa Ana and the Metropolitan Water Di.strict too, as Wt'il as our ·local department, should be accepted as a red flag by the City of Newport Beach. Now ia the time to act. Either the Cit v of Newport --seaCh sho'11d ~pand lta atorage facilitie~ to protect the interest of Ule citi- sena and to safeguard the population or dispose of the department to a private utility which can a.nd will. At t.h.ia time there is ample land yet unused im· mediately adjacent to the present site of the reeervoir in Corona del Mar. lt ia reasonable to presume that the city could either purcha.ae or condemn sufficient of thia land tor such \18e. We could follow the lead of Laguna Beach 'and erect a concrete reservoir that would be aater, stronger. and let1a costly to keep up than our preeent wood rooted estabnshment. Certainly there ahould be more atorage on the westerly aide of the river. If high storage tanks are not needed concrete tanks can be poured similar to and immediately adjacent to those praentty instal\ed at 15th and Maconlia St. The city has enough land there to utilize. IC not. al this tim~ there is sWl sufficient vacant land nearby to be acquired by purehaae agree- ment or condemnation. IC an over all wat<'r facility improvement program for the City of N<'wporl Bea<"h 1s to be made the entire Har- bor area should ~ t aken into consideration. It is cer- tain there wonld be greater strength for all the water agencies supplying the Newport Beach Township if all were interconnected and had the others facilities to lean on for emerJ{ency. Although there have been crou words and lack of <'OOperation between some of the agen· ciea in the past, that 8hould be forgotten now. The City of Newport Beach, the City of Laguna B<tach and its rount y water district and the Irvine Com· pany are all sharing in the co!l.stllne water line and in the MWD rea<'n·oir In the hills inland of Corona del Mar. This group should be willing to carry their coopera- tion farther and it might be possible to create a retiervoir u large. or largl'r, than the existing MWD reservoir. at a higher point in the area for water storage. This would protect the City of Newport Beach and all the parties participant. Although our entire city can be fed from the Co- ron.a del Ma.r reservoir by gravity flow, it might be wise to have ample storage on the west side. construc- t-ion of which facility the three or !bur Mesa coblpanlea, all public agencies, might be willing to &hare. But. co- operatively or singly, the City of Newport Beach abould move at once to multiply ita storage capacity. ) Complicated Traffic Irurtallation, thia pa.at month, of a sign at Harbor Blvd. and Adams St. directing Corona de! Mar and La- guna Beach traffic down Baker St., baa further com- plicated the traffic problem at the intersection of New- port Blvd. and Bnstol Sl. Thia intersection has been the tcene o.f 10 many bad accidents that the atate highway department re- cently notified the C0&ta Mesa City Council of intentions to put a atop and go light there and uked the council to share in the expense. If the highway department wished to shuttle 80me ot the down the coast traffic around Co.ta Meaa &nd Newport Beach to M~Arthur Blvd .• it would have been a good plan to have waited until thia light ia installed. Just what Newport Bea ch and Coeta Mesa merchants think of detouring traffic around their atore. ia not known, but it is not probable they are happy about iL Besides subjecting the aouthbound traffic to dan- gers ot the Bristol St. int.er11ection the detour bl longer ;.ind alao forces drivers to maks a left hand tum on Harbor Rlvd. at. Baker St ., a completely risky buaineu in a ru8h of traffic as that i11 a M mile an hour high· way And moat drivers using the boulevard better that speed. Liquor Licenses Should Be Issued to Property Owners There seems to be a great mental strain taxing the capacity of those bureaucrats of the State of Call· fornia now charged with dispensing liquor licenaee. It seema that there are about 40 licenaes to be iasued ln Orange County, the problem ia by what formula. We have a s uggestion to make. Issue the licenses only to the owners of the property in whose prem.isee the licenses are lo be used. Thia as the method follow- ed in the ~late of Oregon and elaewhere. In this matter licenses are "anchoroo down" and vest pocket transfers cannot then be accomplished. Trafticing illegitimately in the papers cannot then be accomplishe.d. It then would not be possible to flood a great per- centage of the licenses for one entire county into an area where "favorable police admmislration" waa avail- able. Owners of buildings, who would then be also the ownera of the licenses, would cea.ae to be the bait of irresponsible operatora. It would be the charge of the property owner to see that hia invntment would be protected for the long range aggn.ndizement of his property. Al this writing we see no need for more liquor licenses in thia city. There ill frequently a long liat of stumblers over corks talLied in the log of the police department here. There ia a l!ufficient availability. But if and when new licenses are issued they should go lo the owner or the property--and he should be told that if charges are lodged against the license be<:ausc of the' conduct of the establishment -that the landlord is liable to ha,·e a ,·acant bistro in perpetuity. This co\.id be rffective en forcement. -~ Industrial Use of Atom Offers,.Deterrent to War A deterrent to war which is more powerful than the atom bomb is fast becomin~ apparent. It's the indW!lrial use of the atom. At the recent Atoms for P eace Conference. scien- tific. economic, and political experts from all nations exhibil<'d their eag<'rness to industrialize th,e atom. There is increasing evidence that the Soviet Union intends to use the industrial atom as a strong instrument of foN.'1gn policy. The world for some time has looked f'nviously at the American standard of livi ng. -a standard which has been achieved primarily through private AmC'rican industry in a free enterprise C'c,onomy. Hung~ people& itnd f>f!OPles--wlth IOWStandards or living are anxious to emulate QUr ways. Extensive in- dustrialization r.f th<' atom ran mean abundance for many o! them. Giving private American industry its free a hand as poasible consistent with U. S. security, especially by lessening some of the bureaucratic secrecy surroundi ng the atom which experts 11ay is unnecessary, can be a positive aid toward peace. Thoae peoplc1 which are given a chance to help theDU1elve11 by American industry are more JiJ<clv to copy our economic system and our form of govern~enl instead of communism. THE Everyday Is Labor Day COURTHOUSE BEAT BRUSH COUNTRY. JOURNAL By BOR.l()E PAPA While visiting the WW Scbmidta ln the Arl'uttt Creek Country oa the edge of the Morongo Valley, Mrs. ScbmJctt 1howed ua a beautiful atone bowl. I conllnually mania& at the beautiful atone objects laboriously chbelled, stone againat atone, by our early California Indiana. About \be C-. 1 think MI have really -n tura dn.t« lAJIH hold ot UloM Wiie II."' aomet.Mnr elM pope up and have dnmk It and th•)' •tart tl'lla atone bowl tope anythln« I "paMlng out " Th•)' ar. 'UMe have ever Hen of Bout.hem Call-curled bac-k Into the ~r •· romla. Indian art, ln the way Of cloaure wh,.re they l'f 8lUS-f~ •lone work. undt'r the 11Uper"'•l1lon ot .ame of The lnalde diameter o( th• bowl the """llpt'rta:· The rfft. ot llWI i. about 12 lnchea, and It mual be group ronllnuu t•> danc:a the at leut 8 lnchea deep, dli.eled out taal•ll all night Iona In ~ ......., of (T&lllt• wlUI th• ln1lde beautl· 1 ~ fully pollahfd a11d thl'! oterlor 0000 Ll1C'k C'HA.aM nl<'f'I)' worked. It muat ""~1'11 Whlle l hl'! boy1 are "paMed oul'" ovn 7~ pounda. Why Mich an -wh1$h m11y lut for two to tour omatf' bowl ehould be u~ tor • dsya -lhey uwaJly *""" of mortar puuled me. llO t Mnt a to0nu animal, who from theo on picture of It lnto the Soulhwrat t>eeornts thrlr 1oocHuck <harm Mueeum for Dr. Karrin(ton to Md whl<"h they muat newr kill nor look over. Hta l\IMll w1thnut eat. Thi! l'lder mtn IMlp Ul•m actually Heln( UI• bmwl ..a that make up a 110n1 ett.ber ai.out It mll'ht be a "toloache mortar or tha animal or 10me otw object bowl." In the drea.m and UU. becom .. aEUOIOUI CEUMONY lhelr own pr1vat. -C· TIMe Ule7 11\e toloache ceremony wu tbe are t.au(ht o:hft' MCNta ot l .... heart of the •tranr• Ch.lnr chlnlch tribe .uch u ftre .... uns. C"UlUnr rell(lon ot our early Southern off tonsuH. dancl~ oa nre an4 Calltomia lndi.uw. nie root of lbe like. OU..r trib9 80fll'8 are the common J lml!On weed 11 drifl'd, t&Ufhl them. (TOUnd and prepared and the Tht pt'riod Of lnlllatlon may p wa tery r11trart or It wh .. n drunk on tor " month "' loncer while hq a narcotic effect on the dr1nk-the b<iy1 teke thtlr "de(rff.t." er. Durtng 1nl1 time they are not te Jn tti .. o rly lnlllan r&n<'hertas l'Al meat or Hit and the final lht)'a wu a C'trt:'ular area, •ur-rttl' " a bl& 1and patnllna att&lt ro11ndt'd by .. bru11h wall. utlrooted In the "anWiall with eir~O"f which y.·u the village's temple or u to the meaning or It. ""amkh•ll. At lntt'rv1l1 1tOmellmr• Many month• •co I waa uk .. years a p11rt , the paha' or <'t remon-1r I f'ared to visit one ot lh• olt 1&1 chief may decide that thtre IA "lnlUaUon rround11 " I jumped •• enough ot a new crop or young the opportunity We made our SANTA ANA (OCNS) _ Il Tw h d boy• 4Uld olhr.ra ""'ho have never '"""Y lo the homut~d or two 014 0 un red and •nenty·•lx puUc1pated ln the ceremony to lnd1an brulhere, eomewhere ln lhf "'"' a alulln( 100 outside Tbura-tract map• wer. recorded l&1t hold Ute._._ j bruwtl counny. A.tttt tallttn,.-ant day. County R«order R.uby Mc· yur; 'lUZ• llle year before. Thia Tbe oeremonl .. are alway• held gl'lllng acqua.lnted tor a time the# Ft.rland wiped bead• of per•plr1l· year promlee• to lop them all. at nlcht and only male member• I otrered to •how m4P the Cl'remonlal tlon from her forehead u 1he In 1plte or drainage problem• to ot the tribe may drlnk ...a. The gTOundl. 'J'ha p&rUcular Mttln• dl11c11111ed how the rapid g-rowth be aolved ln the weetem cOWlty •acr~ mort.an ti.Akel.a and bowltl wu for both the boy•· tol0&ch9 ot th11 county hu bffn renKt· areu. • are dur up 0from their hldln&' I <"er,.mony and the (trt.' m&Ad·bak• ,.d in hl'r work. A r ood e11ample or the boom placN , painted an<I made rea.dy Inc cen-mony. Mr11. McFar.land, lonl' woman In the county I• renected In thl' tor lhe ceremony. Another •mall-1 AMPIVnlEATKI: In an Orange County elective of· amount ot reea taken In by Ruby er bru11h enclo.ure i.. erected nnr In one ot the boulden ntar lht rlre, hu never held any other &11d her 24 -<'o-worke,... : the luger "~tell In th•• thl' ceremonial !lite I oheerved a num• Jl'b, She waa bom in Santa Ana, "Why during the ' whole yeu -.I 11 prepared ~d thl' actual ber or tiny bedrock mon are whir" 11ttended elementary .chool1 here. or 1938 w,. 0~,'Y han~led 148.791.· drlnk1nc or the cl'ncocUon tllkf"s I no doubt were Ulltd lo (rind lh• lAter she completed hf'r high 3:1 In feH, Mrt. McFarland I place. Only thP lnltl&teA a1-e al· J1m110n weed root. Then 1n • ll<'hool and bu11m e111 training In .mlled. "In th,. 19:S. • !i!i tl•cal 1 1 lowed within thl• enclo1ure This small ampblthntr,. a.tllp a rocky Redondo Be•ch. year we took In '3!12,01$.9!1. We 1 drug> of the Dalura •peclea La hill, bverlooklnc the countryll~ Rub}' achieved lhe rank or handle almo.t u much In ' • powertul and many Umes the par-ror mllf'll a.round we found ._. ch1tf deputy recorder in 1927. In month now •• we clld In an en-Uclpanl..I dll'd from drinking It. I rock• p11f'd up Into cNde Mat6 llHO the board of 1uperv1110r1 ap· I tire year back In the thlruu . -'NIM.AL C'llATl'Ell tor the •pectetort. On t.11• fat-• pointed her recorder, She'• been Without our mt~hanhed deplrt· A1 the peoplr 11t In the larrer of th• huge rranlte bouJdera form• voted tnto the office H t"h elec· menl1 we wouldn t have room to "'MnklA" one ot lh• ceremony I In. f • bar kdrop for thf' am phi• tlon 11lncf'. put •II the •mployee• nrc•&1&ry managera announc.1 lo them th•l lhutre were lnnumerabl,. dr11w- TREMENOOt'S RISE , to do the Job ·· I "maal 11 comlnr;." Soon a hootln" ln11 done by the «lrl lnlU• .... a fter ''The thing f've noted most I TAXP A l'F.R ~A \"JSOR and chatter of many anlmal8 are the "aend-b&.klnr" c1>ttmony during my tour ot duty Is thl' She added. "In •dtlltlon to the heard tlnd the mf'n and th8 lnltl· 1 The lndla.ru were teu(ht by the treme,ndou!I lnereaJJe In work," advantage11 <>t rreelnr; thl'! record1 atu entf'r th .. wunkl11h crawllnj\' Ptldrea to t ip their h~ll or nmuve Mrs. MC"Farland eKplalned. "How· of f'rrora. reducing the operating on their hand• snd kn-. The them In crmetl'rlu, church, etc. ever, we don't hav. 11 larre a llt&tr and apf'etllng up lf'l"Vlcu ., men who have alr!'&dy pertlclp•t· And even thoui;h ll'IHe two In· crew as we had 1:'1 yeeni ar;o. merh•nluUon hu ruulted In ed in -i utter the cry or var-d1an bf'othent are devout O.thollc:a Mf'<'h&n151Tl, that's the answer. 11ub11lant1~.1 <"Hh 111vlng11 lo the loUll e.nlmal1. The aacred mor-they unconad ously tipped their Jn 1948. we 1tarterl the photo· taxpayer. tara and buketa trom the 1mallf'r h&t wht>n lN!y entered one ol 1t11t1ng prcx:ctts. Before that 1l In 1940. wtth 17 employees on ll'!ncloaur• are 8uppoeed to march thue aacred ar1>u ot the old w1u long hllntl 1uid then typing." the payroll. Mr•. McFarland·• alonr; with the oel'emonlal party. bulhen. Indian rell«'On. And I The r e<-ordcr'1 orrtre lnllt.alled um r e recorded 29.88!1 documents N u doubt aome trick "'&a u~ to eeu(ht myntr l&lklnJ In a hu11kr - a complete line of IBM equip-at a total fee of $42,497.90. Lul rrutkf' them "much &Jong.'" wh'11per. lmprt'Ned by lhc nmalM meat in 19!13. Ju a re.ult, four year IU,187 d<>1·umenta were fll· The put)' now 11tand8 up and of the '"'"'"''"" whlc-h pmbebty r•rLll now can accompll•h wbat,ed Ill a $3~2.C>et.9!) fee tlsure. with the boya •lart to dance the 11 .... nnt !>fen UIW'd for at l•a.t a 10 uaed to do. That wu brourht Callromla law provldea tor t he tant.h. About th111 time the Da· t·rntUr)' home with emphuia when the recording of more than 300 aep-· writer tourf'd the recorder ba.se-arate lnatrumenta artectlng land ment o!t1re11 whlrh hou1e lhe tttl,.•. Each mu.et be eumlned to compllcatt'd JBM and photo11tAt· 1 find It 1t 11 entitled to be record· Ing irear. ed and then mo11t accompl11h th• .Mr1. McFarland'• opera lion pro-act1 lo complete the proce11. rt l!sn an average or 660 docu· I Actually. Mn. McF a r I and menla a dt1~·. Ten year1 ago llhould bear three llUea --coun- JOO documtn'!I wa11 considered a 1 ty recorder, rf'~atrar of land U· big day'• work. j ties and regl1trar of vital 11tall•· Th,. recm •h 1' .~ ln!tk 111 to re· lice. cord all lt~R I reel ~t&tl' paper11.1 ON('r; LOSO KASD C"hattel1, marriage, divorcn and From the beginn1nc or Or•n(e births. I County on Aug. 1. 1889, until Ruby. who ltvea In, .Garden I J une, J948 all lndJcu were writ· Gro·;I', la In an Ideal position lo ten In Jong hand. Thi• wu k~ep her flnJ?er on the throbbing switched to ty pewriter and con· pul11e of Orange County. 1 tinued to Jan. I, 19!13. whtn el· J MAP TRACTS RECORDED ectrlc punched carda were uUli· All 1ubd1v111on tract maps are zed. The mecha11lcal verlrlcaUon ~coroed.. .Durloi; July .a tot.al oc. or punched etrd~ has --nrtually 33 lract map!I were worked eliminated error. thr ough the recorder'• office. Or· 1 Mr1. McP'arland'1 hu• band, ange County. lnrldt'nt&lly, nms Jamu, la a mighty popular f\IY about a JOlh or Loa Anl('eles around Th&nkag!vlnr time. Ke ('Ounty In mOt!l of Ila recording ralaea turkey1 on JO &erl'• at function.. Weatmlnater and Newhope. READERS WRITE Augi111t, 31, 1115!1 Mr. Bill Mou11, Editor. quency. INDlAN CEREMONIAi; BOWL -Thia beautiful bowl chieelled from granite with rock hamment could have been used in the toloache ccremonie11 by early- day Indiana although playful Siame11e cal isn't giving it much thought. -Horace Parker Photo The rour who voted agalNJt re- tumlnK the whole b11y beach to our cltl.un•. . •. rldlculou•l)' In· .1111ted th&t the traller dweller& our nation. What klnil of arro· SeptPmbPr lat. 19511 I Newport Harbor New1-Pru11, Nfwport Be.ch. Calif. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dear Sir: from far away place11, • , . non K&nl. df'bernng •nobbPry I• thl•. Mr Bt'n Rfl<Mlrk ta11 payers, mind you, •.. mu1t that our c-lty nfflc'lal1 11re f'n· Dear Ben: RelfEWWP'"'OSRT2apeARRBeORS S • --------------------c•::i· n:.1,;;hi:;kmr"et:~v:~n~~~~~ Fanner McCabe wn·tes . . . Thia obvlou•. 1ly. prearrtnKl'd de-cl11on, got a vote or 2 to • and wu duly N'COrded. <Jeeplte the Formerly the Newport-Balboa News·Tlm• and the Newport-Balboa Pre. l:ntered u Seeond.ci ... Matter at the Po.tottlce ln Newport Beach. Calltom!" under tho Act ot March 3. 1879. .. bUlhed E\·t'ry Mnnd&y, \\'t!dnnday a.cl l"rlda,T at Se~"J)Or1 8-C'll, Calif .. by tile ~F.WPORT HARBOR Pl "BLismso C'OMPA.''Y Tf'lf'pll-Harbor 1818 Qlalttled to Publl"b l~c-aJ Xolleft UICI Ad\•rr11tlell'lenl11 of All Kind• By Decne of tt11'! SuPf'r1or Court of OrMce Co. la AcUos No. A-snn Mf'lll~r Callfonala Sf'Wllpaper ......_" Alleodatloe MemlNr ~atlonal Ed.ltorW AIMda..._ Mf'IDIM-r of oraar e C'o-ty ;s.,.. s.ntoe BEN REDDICK. P~U8RER. WJL.LlAM A. MOSES, Editor OIUIONO E. ROl'NTREB, Advert.IAlnC Director CHARLES A. A.R.VSTRONG, Mechanical Supertnt.andent ' Read about a woman who went shopping and got ao interested in her Bargain Hunt in· that she layed down h<'r pocket book with neerly ~12.000 in it. and fo rgot whc-re she put it. I hear that a lot of women !ihnppers do that very same thing. That's one reason why I never give my woman O\'er t hree or fo ur t1ol1ar1 &t a time-. Fact.a is, " rt-llt~r ha.11 t o be mighty careful about giving money to women ... it sometimes &po1ls em. and neerly aUua takes a WC'Ck or two to ~llle em down wh~n thf'y',·e been on a big spending spree. Farmer McCabe (all rl(ht8 fffened) "Freedom and free tnstitutiona cannot long be maantainf'd by any people who do not understand th• nature of their government." ..... Woodrow Wilson. vocal protest of all lhf public. whlc-h auended lhe 4 p. m. meet· lnf, Monday, August 30th expect· lnl(' to ae• ju11Uce en.&cted. 1 Thi• lhametul 10rt of tnckery hu bPen utlll.aed prevloualy by the admlnlatrallve group. but If they !>elleve that their un1erupu- lou. chJcanery hsa not been noted by the local public:. th•Y are iolng> to learn that It 11 a dtlu•lon, when cltlr.e,n11 cu t their vote. concemlJ\r the cau1e or 011r ba)' beach. Tiiey an ro•nr to be mad• to ~ua.e-Uiet the bMcb In quation, belonp to the local lnhabltanu and not to th• «>WtcU mmibeni and their henchmen. PeUUon1 and 1nte"1ewa. ha·.e ahown that the majm1ty or our peopla ••ant Ul• Tralltr Puk 81\ore Un• to be UMd u a com• munlty beach, for the enJo;pnent ot au local rK~Uon lonn and parUaular11 u an all1 to •lop u. ....-4 Cl( Ju...U. ..a&a- have a private beach .. , . a pr!· deavorinc to Corre U1< lo accept• vale parking place for Ulem-What 111 tht m&lter with lit :'\ow that w~ have complet..; aelvu a11d their sueata .•.. a u • people or rrtttlom lllvlnl{ I.hf tlr11t phue ur our Mem.,..r• pr1vate moor1nr area for their Amerlra, lhat we alt and toleralr l'hlp C•mralr;n. whlrh aa yOll boata, • . . a private 8WlmmlnK such nonaenae 1 1 know wu moil 1ucru •tul. w • 1ecllon of water, and a fenced Who are thue unpleuanl aria-would like to l•kr lhl• opportunl~ In space, llO that we, or poMI· tocrata. who muit bf' roddled a.nd ty to u ·rr,.,.s lo you our alncere bly they will be 1t(Tepled. I pampered whilf' lhey monopollu 11ntl Kr•t,.tul 11pprf'rlatlon fnr the In tact. we are a.uured by t.h• our beach! Evict thl'm and rent 'fllf'n11l1l 111pport you g11ve u1 alt; l)>Ok-.man ot the clique, tha t trailer 1pace lo real Am .. rlcana l!urlng lh!' drlve '""'' for ynul! thl1 I• needed to ~t theae house· who will be 1lad tn fthare all tin<> rnnlr1bul1nn to 1111 IUCCf'Ml leu caravan wanderer1 to rent of the ~&c.h, with ua. I h~ puhllRhlnjt lhf' Hllnor Roll OIS trailer Iota. u d t.llat they wtll l':tw Mem1J,.r1 f11llllwln1 each o~ not. undn any clrcumitancl!. Some ot the pretent lnmatu lh,. flvt 1111,., y.·or kM! ahare any part of th• ~ach with of lhe park are aald to have Your well concf'IVNI a.nti volu~· ..... It ltra \ r1 r hocged Ult area rnr yur11. pre· tar)' 111r1111rt in thl• r"""''"'l w u1. • uHe u ra, u • 1 ipe 0 •en ting many other1 from K"l· · ..., rambltl"ll mu1t be rontlntd within I tine ln and brltfly enjoymc lhlll •n 011t.ttt1U11llna-l'XIWl"l ple of th~ a fenced arena t4 anobbllhly pleaunt locality. Thllr~ lhould bf' conllnu .. 11 roo p .. ratlon f'Xu•llnr; bf'- d"'ell apart. where we may lll.&I a time limit tor rental!! lwetn llur or1e11n1r. .. t1nn1 tor the at them. but on no account mull do•velopm .. nt and lhf' ~tl,.rm~t' we mmgle with them. Our Clll•na mu•t algn petl· or th•" tcTHt community totf Thi• altempl to dLtorlmlnate Uon• .,,d YOle '!Vhen the. time wh1c·h we l<iitelhrr ue contlnua.l-. .,..inst u. w an. tn.ult ta t.lle oomu, to end the domln .. nnr ly l:levotlnc our full efroru. wllole communJly. What • tare• and ooaah1Jl(. We m\lft a. rtd The Officer•. the Dlr«tor1 -' It t.a. that UUt la nalJ.7 happen· ot dYicriminaUJ\r l"NPL The the f\111 Membflnahlp ot t.ha N~ tnr here In ou.r muela ..-ted port Harbor Chamber of Cam1 4em~Uo A.merlc&. U.. land ot denoeratk 14-} ol Amert.ca. mttce •lncertly Uulnk you. • all raoee. and that lt la taklnc m1.111t not b9 l('llored. Cordially. plaCI, heh IJl Newport lleadl TCNra. tnJy, Kay lAnrenhalm ' _. M .._. .._ t111' ltlrt ._ ftioe•• MM.-.. , Mes 11...c.r. T . .......... MR. AND MRS. J ACK HANSBROUGH NEWPO RT H ARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, W0;tnen'1 Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDA Y SEPT. 5, 1955 MRS. JACK H. WOOD AIR FORCE--COUPLE -Pholo byZimm ... MRS. FRANK EDWARD WA'rl'S -Don Buab Pboto \ Watts-Bergeron Duo Says Vows • In a 2 o'clock ca ndlt light ceremo11y In St. Andrew'• Presbyterian ctlurcb on Sunday, Aug. 28, lo\!ely Patricia Bergeron plighted troth with Frank Edward Watt.A, the Rev. Jamea Stewart officiating. The bride ia the daughter of Mra. Bergeron, 1711 Plua de! Sur , and the late Mr. Arttfur J . Bergeron. The bridegroom ia the eon of Mr. and Mra. Coy E . Walt; iio Ocean Blvd. ..,.. 81\e wu r1'l®atecr tn>m Patrlcta wu MCOrted lo lh• Newport Ha rbor Union Hl(h • APORT / (Ll/11)11/A ,"/, 'W4A' • '• • •'I•".'' • ....... McConMll Story" c1a .... 1c.,. w .. .co1or "Pirates of Trlpoll" PAUL llS.HalW> PA TalCJ'IA lll:DDI A WAVES SPECIAL c..., •••• $10.00 171, ,..,.. .... _. New Locatloll 357 N. Newport llY. Crouroada Villap Center Bldg. oppo1ite Hoag Memorial Hotpital Liberty 8-2412 Gll n; B.aul'I S~op , WED, RETURN NORTH Wood-Klein Vow Exchange alter. decked with white .tock, School, aa wu her hu•band. He g1adioll and .,_by'a breath. by her attended Oranr• Cout Coller• brother-In-law. Lowell C. John· and Mrved with th• U.S. Army. 11<>n. She wore a Ca.hill r own of :~;;;~;;;;;:;;~~;;;;;;~~~~~============~ white organdy appllquad with LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME Betty J o McDaniels Is Jack H ansbrough Bride In a mid-afternoon exchange ot rings and vows on Aug. 27 in Finl Chun:h of Christ, Huntington Beach , Miu Betty Jo McDaniels became the bride of J ack· Hansbrough In a ceremony performed by the Rev. Everett Auger. The bride ia the daughter of Mra. R. D. Taylor, 2000 Federal Ave., Amt'rlca. Newport Beach branch, tor five year11 and 11erved two and a ha lf ye11r11 In the W AF or th, U.S1 Air Force. Her hu11band wa11 JtTaduated from Plqya Cen· lr11I High Srhool 11nd wu em- ployed with the Clllun11' Nation· aJ Ba nk and Tru11t Company ot that crty, 11erved for four yeara with lhl' S Air For ce Band. da.l11le11. The aame nowen ed(ed the .coop neckline and th• tull skirt ended In a rN"P train. A J uliet cap of orrandy and dalalu confined th• tllu•lon nnrert.lp veil and ah• earned a white or· chld 1uJTounded with 1tephanot..la and pln k roeebuda. OOW Nl:D IN PINK The note of plnll waa 9Cboed In a aetting of white flowers and satin ribbon•. aglow in the light of tall candelabra. Miss Darleen Klein repeated vows with Jack H. Wood on Aug. 27 in Costa Mesa Community Methodist Church. The Rev. Joseph McShane was au isted by t he Rev. Cbarlea F. Hand in the double ring rite which m gowns of the bride'• attend· n11t 11nd itlovr~. Mr-ii. Wood wu anl.11. Mr•. Lowell J ohn.on u icow ntd rn mauv.-rOH lac.-11nd I matron or honor and Mmea. Don· n('l wlUl hat and acce1180r1e11 tn 11i.t T1abmg of ~1no and An· PERMANENTS DAN'S IAalD SHOP Both the blide and 1room are u nited the daughter or Mr. and b.u.-d at Mllthl'r Air Forcl! 8&1e Mr11. David Klein J r. o( Carden Co.ta Mua and Guy P'. McDan· .,_akeu containlnit pale yellow I where they w1ll continue to at rve Grove and the son of Mr. and l!'ls. Hawthorne. gladioli. whlle atock. pom-pon until lh'Y are releaaed In No-M'ra. H J. Wood. 212 Flowt'r Sl., Betty J o w u u corted ~o lh• a ltar and rw en In ket plnc by her rrandfalher, Fred 0 c.i .. ma n. She wore Chantilly lace on r aaUn an walU len(th with tilted bodice and long 1leevu . A J ull't cap or lace and seed pearl.e held her elbow lenfth veil and 1he earned yellow PoUy roau w ith 1tephanoll1 and b a b y'a breath, the center cor .. r• wom chryaa.nthemum1. blue dtlphmlum vember. Th~y w ill thrn 10 on an t Coet& Mua. and n']>t!OphJla wtth huckleberry I exlen1lv.-hon•ymoon. Darleen. ucorted to tht altar leavu and In the background by her fathrr. wu charming rn three tall branched candelabra. her bridal gown. a R.andia ori1t1· Forerround WU O( low palm• T ea and Shows nal of lace a nd tulle. The lllrap- and terna. les• bodJce of lace wu covered Mra. Thomu Bushard wu or-I t ·A rt Gal} with a brief boltro j acket of laC'r. pniat and Mr11. LoUlff Lacey,, a ery 11hort lllttVM and with 1ma ll .iater ot the bndrjtroom, aang turnover collar. The bouffant bal- "Bflc&uae", "I u~" You", and I Membfra' 37th annual prize l'r1na lenr th aklrl wu a man of ·~· Lord'• Prayer" The trsdl-show will continue through S!'pl· double el1grd n.rtrle11 from wall!l Uonal Lohengnn and Mtndel11· ember at LA guna Be11ch Art Gal· to hemllnt Hearl~haped pearl later with her roln1t away dreu 110hn wedding marchu w" r • lrry 11nd two one m11n shnw11 will earrings. r irt of the b1 icle~room, of nowered pollabed cotton. played. I be hung In t he foyer gallPry for ltt theme for the eweelhPart Mlae Carol Lff Taylor attend· . Ouuu were received at lh4! 1 the monthly tl'A thi~ coming sun· brim. tdgf'd with pe11rl1. whtl'h t d her ai.lf'r. She wore pu t.el church 110Clal haJL Lending aid day al whlC'h tht1 prt !lidf'nt and confined thv •lbow 14!ngth vell fTHn lace and net In ballertna with detalla were Mmea. Frank board or <.lrr,clor11 will be ho1ll. a nd for thl' weddin g-bouquet. lenrth and canled •lmon Rink Catching. Merle Kestf'rson and P., F'utur<'d arll.11ln . who wlll be The latt.-r wa~ a htar l11haped camallorui with (YPllOphlla and W . Elliott. Mrs. E W. Coleman. honoreJ al th!' !I'll, are Hilda framr or lrhP• of the vallty eclg-· rreen 1l.reamera. aunt of the bride. cut and 11ervtd Br111tow who •vOI imow, 1andricape11 ed 'with net &nd unler'd with Bud Stepheuon, cou1ln of the the cake while Mr11. P. W . El-1 of r at1forn1a, th•• OrejC'on roast llLlle red rO.!ll'l' and jt'ardfn1u. \rtct., wu beat man and ruut.e Hott presided al lhl' punch bowl.: and :-;ew Engl11nd, and P rwl Lea-AQ1.A A~O RO!'(I': were ullhered by V. E. RoH:now IS AIR FOR.Cl; therl'. dP11Prt p111ntf'r. Mra Elnnor Hendrrl!On of and JeJTy Worthy. Th• new M ra. Hansbrough wa~ M1l'a Brl11tow u11e .. the pal4!ltt Gardt>n Omv~. ma tron of honor. ror her daurhter·a nuptial• gTaduated from Hunt I n g t o n kn1fr terhnlqur exclui1lvely a nd wore • bonrrirnt gown of aqua Mra. Taylor wore a crepe dre11 Beach Union High School Sh' ha11 1lev1>loped ht'r own mdivlduaJ taffeta and nylon nel. Brldu - ln peacock blue Wllh duaty pink wa. employed at the B11nk of 1tylt Shf' hell be('n in major malda. Ml11~~~~ Dixie Walktr and camationa to match her hat and 11how11 m l..n8 AnJtel~s 11nd the M11ry G1tanrt~ ot Santa Ana. wne acc.-ortea. The bndegro o m'1 Southlan•I 11rr11. h11~ won numer-gowntrl m ro~e pink t11Ueta ind mother waa not pruent for the Martt•n Luther 1Ju11 awards. net. Hr 11dp1P1 ·~ of net matched r ile. L.e1.tthers 11tu1.htd at Chicago gowns 11n1! had whit' blo111om11 1-------J!IDESP-flAlW&M 1 Art lnttltute.Jnaku tua ho ai.. the -.11.-. Thflr n~~ ·-·1 F1·1m to Show Palm Spring~. ho --·on numtrou• 1 O( yellow anrl d11rk aqua 11h11tter-Church decoraUona were ..., 11warl111 11nd p1unt1 the 11f'H rt rx-ed carnation~ clus lvel)'. Chsrlott• Klein of Modulo. at Mesa Church niece 0( the bnde. WU tlower At the District Officer "MARTI N L U THER." the widely heralded motion picture which telle the 11tory ot tht , Cracker Barrel BJ CARO EA TOS church reformation prrlod will be I M rH. John h'.. F.llioll. 900 Eul ahown Sepl 9 Ill 7 :JO pm, In O~r11n Front. attended the rectnt the F irst Bs ptiat C'hurrh of Coll· I Mr1l11ton11;y Tl"\lning <'Onferencr ot ta Men . Ma gnolia 11.nd Sent& lhe W. S. C. S .. Southern Callfor· The pilot of the 8. 8. Michigan, Ana Avu., Co~lit. Mr~ll. No nta-Artzona ror.ftrence, held at Newport Harbor'• moat unique charge tor a dmist1lon. Redlanrl11 over a period of a Wl'ek. •hip, 11 protected thl1 •ummer by The hour and 4;, minute tllm Mrs. Elliott 111 retiring after irrv- grrl, wearing a floor 1,ngth gown or aqua nel ov'r taffeta. while flowerll in hPr hair and carrying " b1111ket of rou petalll. Gene Otten of Sanlt Ana lfl'nl bf'Rl man 111'1 11nd guull wtrf u~herad hy J11mu Wood. brother or lht br1t1e11room. 11nd Orvlll.- Amburrey. The latter two al8o 11erved u rnndlella-hle n , F'Or h.-r tlaug-htu"11 n11pll11I~ Mrs. Klem wor t a t uC'hsla 11nd black nylon print with fuC'h1l11 hu had wide <\ialrlbution In lhe-J Ing tor four ynrs u vice pru l- a beach umbrellll aff1.1ttd cloee to atru and will be ioeen F'rldsy dent ot the San Diego dlatrlcL the wM el • · · T'eoplt on na rTOw· for the fir•l time by a •trictly -::;;miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;., atr"ted Lido who have a couple church group. The dr11m11tlc por- of caddies have brour ht tiny trayal w u photogra pherl In ltll electric vehlcln for aUll'f tran•- portaUon on ahort ahopplnc tr ipe ..• Two f Oll fnthualuu were ••en on Cou l Hlfhway head~ tor the llllll1 In lhelr caddy cart ..• So all odd -balla don't hve In La(UnL entirety "on location" In Gn- many. Productd by Lclui1 de Rochemont A~ralel'. the film I hu been endon1ed by churchu ot nea rly all protutant denom· !nations. The production hu vn- Ulled record upon record cturrng Ill two yea r history. and la now UM Art Cent er of our a rea• • . . belng llhuwn throughout foreign \\'•'•• even c ot a "drffe rent" countrtu In 11 different lanr - eton , TH E CRACKER BA.JlREL uaru. a t 121 Ap te Avenue, (lhe ferry ------------- •trMt). Balboa bland. run b' two From Oregon nlaaed d t.,..ctera. lClly and 8and1 Enntid. 'lber9 you C&ll rm your art needa. obtain prt.nta or onrtn- U.. or dOM around the pot-be!Ued Ill-. lcorne W1nter). .At T1UI CIU.CKllK ~ klboa ltiluld. • What d'1a mMa A.rt Olllt.trT We l'IAYe plenty of rood artiMe r1rtlt her.:: I:. &. (adY.) Kn. Georr• ~ldner. 217 83rd I St ., h.u returned from Orerop where ah• visited rel&tlvH anll frlenda. Lut WHk -. lpellt at Ontario "1th Mr' dau&'hter, Mrw. Mona Moore . Inglewood Guests Mr. Ul4 Mra. Paul rtenpr and daqtlter miaroa of Inr lewood I were ru..u for a wm ot Mra. P'ren&n'11 brothtr, Shtldon Smith and tamUy, Wtat Oc-.n l'roaL SPAGHETTI by ROSSI with a ll the Gourmet Accompanimenh ITALIAN DINNERS Go to ROSSI CAFE c ........ Mar ml E. Cout 8 1')'. Har. 1180 (CL09ED TUE8DAY8) a llght1>r ahade. Both mnther11 I drew Knox u br1dumald1. Th•)' ;;;,;=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=: wote coraaitu ot crum and ROid were a ttired an pink nylon dolled shattered camatlon1. SWlM with acoop neckllnu. bouf· 0 Mr11. Prent1~·e Thompson wu rant ballerina length •klru and pell_ 10 organist a nd J Malcom Reid wtie appllquf'd with dalalu . 1tani: "Alway11", "Tl'nderlv", and Tht'y wo. f' pink tufted vetla and '"The Lord'• Pr11ye1 ·. Cll1T1t<1 noupy1 of ptnk ro-DINNEI 11urrounded by white ca rnation• WHITE AS O n :1.u m The uncluary wu aJomed with white gladloli. C'hry!lllnthe- mum11 and carnat1on11, 141th ferna and a~ler11 at t hf' k n<><>llnR bench. Jn the vtalibule wtrf' a1 rlln!tl'- nlf•Otll nf 11mll11r flOWfl'll In whlle 11n1I yellow. a nd bound wrth pink ribbon. SDVID RDbert W a tts a1111J1led hla bro· ther 1<11 beet man and uaber• fr 5 00 were Rlch11rd Runnell, F'rank Olft : P••• \\'allze o( San DtefO and James Smith of South Cate. fi'or her daurhter'• wedding Mrs. Bt'r·g.-ron wa1 gowned In While i nti Vt>llQw Wl'1 .-Hi!'lo turquo1!1e lac.-with pink orc hid UJt~tl in Th11mp...on Hall, whert• a. corsage to match •('r acceMOrle~. 12-hi)'•'r cake torp••d wrth reph· Mrs. WatUI r ho11e a 1hu th dre1111 l'lls ur tht' br uncllt' br 11le 11nd or belgt' brocade. lendlnc l\cctnl r ed·h&1r1>1l 1p·uu111. well s~rvt<l bv wrth b1 own a<Te1111m l ~11 and prnk MrJt. KAte Ust1k nf Mode:<t~. orr htds, fl llnl of lhe btllll', 1111J Mh111 Thl'I· . um AllPn 11r l'o~tll M ,.~11 M" Ruth Arnulrong 14811 .. org~l11l Charle11 sparmsn ind M"" Vlr-1tnr1 ~.en Mor11lts u nR For '10 11 1tin111 C-ompton pr,.llulrd 111 thr I Alon.-.. 11nt1 "Youn Is My H.-art punth t11blr. Alon!' M111" J udy Wh,.len ur lllrnrus A T C'l.l 'BH Ol 'ltE wall 1n 1 h11r.i: .. u ( i;rftii 111111 Mr•.• <;uest' were received at the Vfl'lmll t~r•w•• """'n 01 thP 1:,1;" dubhouM where ~ardenlaa bntltl'gronm. k!'pl the jtUr~l honk l'Utrounded lha c:alle 1nd no.ted _GRA~fnlO'tJIF...R 1 •n the punch bowl Mr1. Jamu !>mrth wo n c ar e or Oie M r~ Ge-0rgr11 Ann Gr11v.-•• l"us-lgut'l!l book la Ml'•... n1atrr nhl 1uant1mo:her L&s Ve11:11io, Bryce Canyon and O( tht br 11Je:;:1 uum. anJ t.he l Zion Nat1on"l Park ani on the IJ1 l1h"A two i.:rl\Jldmntfieri<. l>oth honeymoon Itinerary. For the M MorleMn. •:0<>11 tn the rPCPIV· tr 1p the new Mr9. WalUI donned Ins: lintl' w1lh 111" l>rnlel <ouple J e.-p 1urquol11t 1hantunr wlUl 11ntl p111,.nt~ F:Rrii \\ore " Carol I white accu11ortu and ore.bid cor- Amlrng rn"f'butl • 1n .11n~r, - For the hnneymoon. 111 an un-11!'-l~ll=•••D'l'l:=I 1hsrlOArl1 •lr•lillR 111111. !ht nl'W Mr" \Vond wor ~ a tl'lll hh11> dre11s 1.nd lhti' ro•P an<I i;ar·<Jenll\ cor- MJ:f' f1<1m h"r bridRI b,1111quel On their 1ttur n !hr rnuplt wlll he I 11l honw 11 1 1Vill2 Dorothy Avr llUt<IJIMrJ:> ~~ <="-:.;... '7" 'U.' •• (?'/_ --( '. . u .• <-,'"'P /. -, ' \ ~ ,· ,/ BALBOA DANCING NIGHTLY Back to Sch ool Speci al! Effective 'til October 1st Permanenh For Ch1ldrf'n under 12 year11 For Children over 12 yes u A Most Complete Balboa Inn Line of Beauty Alda Beauty Shop MARILYN S~HTH Balboa Inn Arcade -Harbor 817 -',,-,.,_,. HAQ00~ '>llU GRr <lrn Gruvr _____ 1'.._~~~~~~~~~~~~'......'.~:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=================~ PAGE·2 ·PART II -N&WPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS " MONDA'Y SEPT. 5, 1955 DIUYERY GUARANTEED '.!=lleaaty Al&I __ _ Superfluous Hair QDU.a Freah Hearing Aid Cl.&AJ( Mooring Ss:>ece YOU Delivery ot the Newport Harbor Newe-Preu 11 suaranteecl. Carrier boya will deliver their paper. be- fore 8 p.m. on Mond,y, Wedneeday and Friday. lt your paper i.I not delivered by that hour pJeue call Harbor 1818 and your carrier will bring yov paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Weclftesclay a•d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday1 Coutal 9'opper Au NII ta .._ WW ··~ .N ..... 1'1'e81 4 Unn l ln-.ertfOD $1.00 add1. llDee .26 ea. 4 Unee 2 luertiou UiO add1. Uaee .26 ea. 4 Unee 3 inMrtlou 2.00 add'L Uaea .%5 ea. c UDH 4 lneertlou l.60 add'L llaee .25 ea. sat11adoa w-t.M AdA will receh-e 11,r. ~L OMii la adYaacle •~· ML"'llOICM AD 18 & UNU DEADLINES for pladnl' or canoelllnc ad8 are: For Monday PubUcatlon -Friday & p.m. For Wednuday Publlcat.lona -Tueaday 1 p.m. For Friday Publication -Tbunday 1 p.m. NEWPORT BARBO& POBU81QNG 00. Hll BalbM Blvd.., New)Htn ~ QaWorat.. All Cll.ualfte4 A., mut be .,.Sd for Cull la advutle of pabUcatloe. ft• publ.laben wUI not t>. reepo.naibl• tor more than one lncorrect tuertJon ot an ad, reMM'• the rtrht to correctly clu1lfy any and all ..S. and t~ reject aD1' ad nol confonntns to rul• and resutaUona. Classified Index 1 Funeral NodcM t card or Thuake & Funeral Dll'fftoN 10 Bwil .... Gulde 11 Batldla&' Mater1&11 11 Balld111c 8enteee 1• Peraoul• ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I ln.Bt&U tbe above cheaper Ulan 11101t. AllO HU Tile A Unoleum. Non-union, 2& yeara lllpertenee. Compare and ... - BILL COKER Har. 'Ti il or Lonr P1rman«11tl:y ranovea from ra. • a~ lep. Eyebrow• aDd h &11 UDe .. ,.o-No mwe tweu1n1 a..L.&N L. BRYANT fl E. U do'• aak>o ot Beaut7 B&r. %61t> th iZ-1.Mt and Found LOST, a pair ot ~reen rim bifocal 11un 11 ...... ,-reen lena. Reward. Ji&r. 2186·W. 118cl LOST-In COllti , Mu a, Ladlea Elfin dlamonrt A platinum wrlet watch. Reward. Phone Ht.rbor &Tia. 98pl YELLOW faced blue ParalcHt le>11t late Y"terday. Har. 2095. D9c2 LOST at LJtlle Corona whit• bcl1- ket purM with rreen wallet In· •Ide. Name Mary Schoent,-~tl. Reward. Har. 3fl60.R lc2 U-8ebool9. lnatrucUoa Super-Market TRAINING CENTER . Grocery Cuhlera and Meat Wrap- peTI. Mak• 180 lo 11 20 per wk. Call for appointment to learn more about thlt training. AL TYLER Schools 11111 No. Broadway KI 7-Mll 94c8 Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN 6 WOJidlN prepare In 1pare Um• for unlimited opportunltl• In Real im.t&te. New c1UM1 weekly. AJ Tyler 1n1truetlnc. At- tend t1nrt ... ntn& tr.e Uld learn about t.b1e STMl fteld. cau or write now. wUl un an opport\U\i!.1 to advanc. ua ow nnn. beca'-or our p...-t ... ,...._ ,.,,..,..... Tbe ~ a1uJ "' rood ud JOU will ,..1 .. trequeat Ulc.re&Me, \00, JC>M DOW for: rELEPBONE OPERATORS -Apply - &1' ~ No. Mal.a It.net Rm. 211 -Santa Ana t :OO to 4:00 P .M, PA~C TELEPHONE 73tlc Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO fee collected from · applicant We have u cell. opening• tor PB)W OPERA TORS, Top typllU, ttlh01, executive eecret.ary, typ- 1.lt • bookkeeper; oomeatlc• - part time A nve In, HouHboy and m&lntenanee man. BEACON PERSONNEL t Arency> US·31Jt Newport Beach WANT RIC.AL ESTATll SALES· MAN or broker. FamUlar w1tll Harbor area. Top comml•lon U> one who "'ant. to make money Ir not a fr&ld to work . HOUSTON RULTY llOll C.n· ter tit., eo.ta He1&. L1 MIU -En. Har. &218· W. Uc A TI'l!NTION ALL BOYS - THll NEWS·PRJC88 11 now taklnr BA'l"l'DID "• .01 ..... an. at.ua119 Gunderson Dru2 Co. Ka.la at. at 91.l'-..C. 8-lbo ...,._,Ill. MU· A.NTIQUU -Oki 4"\ttun. cu· r1ua. Lampe, old ptcturu, dock etc. Barsa.tna plore. ei. dla count.a to dealers. Char lie Davi• 1800 E . Anaheim St., Lons 8ch .aao-139. ittfc l'or tho• wbo want UI• be•t Konkel's Interiors Uphol1tery, draperlea, bedtprud1. 1Upcovera. New phone Uberty 1·7973 2030 Harbor F ree l:.ltlmetea Blvd.. Coel& Meta 99cl3 BUSINESS CARDS 2&0 for 13.~ :'100 for 3.7~ 1000 for '711 1000 Embo .. ed card• •.~ Mall and phone ordera filled. LEON WHJTE l pw toot tor •** cnUM" -.01 W. Cout ftllhftY lewport Beac.b. U ...,,1 ~ll AL& or trade-Pl)-wood nW- ,-J&M boal aps-rox. H t\.. 111 Iii •Olh It. Har. •Ot4•W. Itel IC~ONlC Oft OA N. JOO. Ea1y Terma. DANZ·ICHMlDT. ti20 No. Sant.a Ana Home of th• mond Of'l'&ll. &ave USED TV SALE 120 Ir up 10", U " Ir 18" reconditioned. 30 day ax~• prtvU ..... TERMS. 778 W . lllth 8t., Coata Mee& l.Iberty 141171. H <' l HAMMOND 0 R 0 AN I . World tamoue. AU modelt. Aleo eever- at bar1atn11 ln 111ed or•an•. You can eave on thue flne or1ana. DANZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 No. Main. Sant.a Ana. P. 0 . Bo1t 88, Collta Ml'1& u 8-0160 u 8-4011 J<tJN THIC SCHOOL BAND HUc RE!'.'T A BAND lNSTRUM:l:NT ORIGINALS AJITICRNOON, Coekt.aU, dinner dreaeea 6 Coordinate•. CUSTOM DRESSMAKING Ph. Harbor &2&8-R 88c3 a1 low u 16 per mo. wtth rent· al to apply on tuture purcllaM a l- S HAFER'S Mu.tic Oo. (Sin~ ltOT) 421-423 N. 8yca.more. Sa.nt& AM Phone KimMrly 2--0872. $:'1 PER MO. RICNTI sood Pf1'C• BllAUT. BLUJl PERSIAN kitten, t lce piano. Let t he ldddlee learn, male, 110......llver and black. 1~. All ttrm1 rent lt you buy later. Mother pedlrrtt<I, father non-OANZ·SCHl'tfIDT. &20 No. M11ln ped.lrreed. Phone Har. 3789.J, ~Ania Ana. 100 plano1. Home ev•. 98lt ot the Hammond Orran. ~------------10" WESTlNOHOU81: T111 ... 11lon. carrier appllcaUona for routea In ------------- tb-ne11b boTboodi :- Balboa, Weat Newport, 8-lboa h ., Newport Helfht.e. Coroa.a del Mar ud Colt.a MIT&. GOLF CLUBS MacGr~or 1rone. wood A bag. 19:S4 model 1121!. HYatt •~o. D8pt Jn (ood condition. Price •u.- 108-2Pth St.. Newport lleiach. Har . 0839-J. H cl l'M TAKING OYER, SEE 15 IMre Your Cv H Trauportatt- 1 'f Rooftq Beach '7-6973. ltttc Al Tvler School 1811 No.-Broadway, Santa Ana KI T·31lll·Kl 6-Me .. D 1-21!13 tic It you are 12·1' yre. old, and bave a bicycle, apply at Ult Clrcul&· tJon Dept., Newport Harbor Newa·Preea, 2211 Balboa BlYd .. Newport Beach, between t C>-12 '311 FORD Pickup truck, laddera • painlln,-equlpmenL Wut H ll truck eeparate. 1110 Republk, c. _w. u 8-:s&111. 98pt S P INET PI.A.NOi. Wonderl\11 buy1. tlonw •llshlly d&maced In ahlpment. !Untal NlUma and trade ln1 on orpna. Mirror Type 8plnell u low aa 119~. ELiy terrna. You've heard ot police dogs? Well, I'm starting out from ecl'fttch, and there's nothing purr-BOnal about that. wise guy. J noticed this C<>t<ta Mesa Police De- partment had no mascot , see, so I moved right in. Naturally, I'm working the kitten-napping detail. And l'\te got the tail fo~ it -~? -Staff Photo 18 ~auty Aid• to llMJtll Alda 11-Balldlag Sen'leea .. n 1-t udJoad H 8dteota. lmtraetiea 11 81\u&U-Waat.ed tt Help Wa.ntH IOM•-11....,_ IO-A 8wape lt-B A,.u..e. 11 w-t.ec1 to Bay P&lntlng • Paperh&DPis We do ~e work ounelvea. 30 yean experience Llcenaed It tnsured. SatiafacUon cuarut.eed. r:.t:tmatea free. Call J ohnnie. L m. or •-& p. m. only ncept MAGNAVOX comb. record a nd China Painting DAl'\Z·Sl'HMtnT. 1120 ;'\n Main. Sl.\nla AM llnme of the Ham· "'''"ti Orcan 8aturda711. Uc radio. Pro\1nrlal cabinet, 3 • 11pee<U. Al1111 fancy w1rlc'r furn- Day and Evenlns Claa.a PART TIME JANITOR lo kte-p l llure. ~46 No. Cout Blvd . La· Ordu• Taken Now Auto Agency rll'Rn. Evenlnga or KUii& Real'h. 98c 1 Pbone Liberty l-6848 94u c l'&.rlv mom1ng11 ExperlPnced 1 ____________ _ ---------'-------prefer.red. Contart Dick John· SODA J;;'r-unlaln. 11tooJ,., counter, PROGRESS .REPORT ON RECORD COUNTY BOOM ti Fanalhare for SM H·A. AllU.OH LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 81tfc CONTRACTORS 11011 of Jnhnson At Son. Lincoln carbonRlnr. 1tnn'1olRe, •how r H- Mercury 000 W . Cout High-I "'· wall flxturl'll Har. !H:i. 99c2 CO!'IYERT YOl R piano to an org11n. tiH.t Lowrey Orcanc In fine l'ondtt Inn, 139~. T1>rrrui. UQ.8~ down_ and Jl6.lll pu mo al- Latest Figures Show New High in Building; Population Hike •• no.u. saz:.u:i-" Maaleal. o, T V 16 Dora. Oat.a, .... M Poultry l'1 Uvestoek 18 8pedal AADoaee111e11• It Aatoe Wuted 60 Aatoe fer Sale 60-A 'l'h'M & Putl U Aato llerftM &I Trallen &I A.111'luM9 n Waaled to ._, &I Apt.a. & RoaMll fer ._, Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodellng- NEW CONSTRUCTION 182 CecU Place, Coit& Meaa. Liberty 8-7&27 lk1 ASPHALT TILE ALL CLASSIFICATIONS w 11y. Newport-Beach. • 98e1 S .... ""Y 1n ti t t -------------1 WESTINGHOU~E elect. rangP, • v.., apare me or con rec-OPPORTUNITY tnr rtllahle nea t d ock control Ir tlmrr $75. Cros-tor'1 examination under a gen-1 hi h h 1 II enll contractor with 211 yun appear ng lo: •r 00 or co e((e lf'y Sh,.lva«1or ~frig. S~•O. Ms pie experience. Clu11e1 TUea. and ~tudtnt, w1lh car to make gOOd I Secrttary $!10. Har. 35&&-W Fri. evH. 7:30 p.m. Attend ftret rnrningll. A~~IJitlng Fulll't Bruah l r 3 De11lcr, pa.r t t\m,. Kl 3·2100 ror .eu lon frff. S.rtn anytime a ppt. lc3 Al T ler School ----------i SO-B-Appllance11 .'V INTERMEDIATE Steno· Clerk • --------- 11111 No. Broadway, Sant& Ana Orange Coul CC1lltg'l'. lmmed-1 P'OR SALE -Coltl!Jpot ref. with .Aluminum Wall Tile Ph. Klmt>.rly 2·'228 or KI 7-31111 late Op,.ninir. Split 11hlrt. 1·5 new unit, $40. Call Kl tl·2i42. tf Mf(TI. Datrlbuton Uc pm. & 6 :30 to 10 30 p.m. Mon -1 1------------- Wholnale prtcea to day thru Thured1y. 8 a.m. lo W h• M h• SHAFER'R ~tt11tr Co. (Alnre JDOi 1 •21 ·423 N Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone KJmhnly 2·M72. SALE 2nd Anniversary °"" Miii'~ Srlnet By Baldw1n 20'f nrr. SA!\'TA ANA cOCNSl -An Or11n1te rounly pro&Tt1111 report on the fir•l half ot 191111 •hawed a ,.urge towar1I new record1 on most all front.a. f.8-A Apta. for S.t have been remand onr the Blll· f.8-B Boa-for llMt monlh ~rlod, m()ll( golnr for 411-C Tn&ler 8paee subdtrilion pu.rpoM9. 41 ao-for a.a Contract.ore .. TUe Sellen 28-Sltuatlou Wanted 5 p.m. Fri<l1y. St11ttln1t Sal11ry, as 1ng ac 1ne LI 8-7(93 68t:!c -------------$2fl2 prr month. Arply In per-'l!:RV1C!l CLEANING It IRON1NO by the &an to Bu~lneM Otrlrl' a t Col-1-year ruara.ntee on Jobi! done °"" Small Sttlnwa'f On1nl1. Two Styli' .. R ' Stelnw•)' Or11ndl Ori,. l':ew Balrtwln Ona.nil, San 1800. Th" tf'(>Ort, the third nf It. k ind put out hy the county undn the direcUon of R. I. CCu~l Mor· rl• revealf'd new hl~h• In 1111b- d1vl!llon """ b11ilt11ng 11rllvltll'•· A t the l'nd nf June, 21 ,000 rl'lll· dPntl11l 11nll11 wtrl' 11ndPr C'onstruc- tlon In lhl' rountv-a 50 prr rent hike nv"r the numMr unrl,.r w11y a t thl' l'nl1 of 1954 11nrt 11n .. qu11l ~r<'entll~l' ovec the a mount of unlt11 rnmrleted Jut yrnr 1·p 200 PF.Rf'EST Looking bnl'k lo 19:'i3. lht bulM· tng boom during the first 111x month11 or thl1 yra.r wa., 200 P"t t:f'nl upward ovllt' the ('nn11truc- llon 11t U1c encl of thnl year. The report brouJ(hl out lhlll the ahltt In 1111bdlvldln1: efforts to the Pomon& V11llrv hnd 11u~lrle<l anrl buildlni: oner more wa11 driv· lng forwanl In th11 county. The Rmnting J:TOwlh of t he coUAty wa1 pointed up In & tchool enrollment atud\' whlrh •howed about 70.000 11tu.rtiits, an lncrf'A~e of l 2,000 over lh• R!evlo11s yl'ar, •t the end of March. POPULATION RISE Mld ·year population In the ('OUAt7 wa1 tabbed at 381.9:'i2 &ood for a net lncre&.M of 33.600 •Ince 1an 1911~. On an 1nn11nt ba11l1 the population growlh •~ 80 pl'r ctnt over the '4i 900 gain r ecordl'd In lfl:H. County spe1 ltit ci•nsus hr~sk· d own T~veals Snntl\ Ann 111111 oul h1 front with :.ll,010, with Ans- helm closlng gro11nl1 to :10 M9. In third place Is Fullerton al 27,!H6. 'nle otheni: Newport B11arh. 18.· 639; Costa Me1111. li.320: Orani;e. 12,4113 ; La Habrn, 96611: l.Alguna Beach, 11661, Huntington Beach. 6871 : Brta, 0202; San (1eml'nte. '43&: Seal Beach, 31103 : Placentia. 2190 and TUslln. 13118. Total unincorporated v.a pop- lllallon wu esllm•lM Al 1117,7:'19; In the clttu , 214,10:1. NEW INDU8TJlY llxt1·ftn new lndlatrlal pl&nlt Invaded the COU11t7 dw1nr th• flrat .ta monthll ot thla year. Then of coune. tNre wu Dia· n,yl&nd, a 117 mUllon dollar nn- ture on 1110 acra In louthwNt Ana.helm. New NtabllAhmtnlAI by cate- i-oriee: Food and ..,-rteultun.1 pro- duclAI, tln plac.. eD'lploytnc Ill ~none; ~trot.um. cbem t cal and pluUc11. elKtit pla.cu with J 111 employ!'a, metal Md m1111u- facturea. 2~ placu with 41:'1 em· ployea: woe><! productl, nn pl&CM ..,llh 811 r mplo)'98; clothinr and textile product.a, two locauou employing •2: paper produclt, two placH ual.J\i 1110 worken; electrtcal manutacturu, th r • • eompanlea emplo)'1nr 211 per- 11lona, clay and ria. pro- eevrn plaeea "1th IO worll• &11d bulldlq pl'OC!Ucta. etpt ee utll.1&1q to emplo,.a. REMOVE Ol1'1lt'8 J.. tot.al ot 1140 acl'll ot oitnll • An encoura..t"g n o t e wu U ·A Rellt B-e-· &t·B 8-& Boa.rd 11truck In the water department. 00 &ellt. Mbc. \\'tll Irv.la throughout the 170.-51 8&oree a Otne.. 000 acres In the county water 5S·A BMlr •• •ee&alll dlelrlcl have "1Jlained nearly con· M BlllibMea OpportwalU. 1tanl Index weU. meuuremenlAI M M01M7 to LO.a d111clOlU! a general lowering ot 1141 MoM7 w .. ~ about a foot or eo. 5'f K-.t l:lltate \\'uted LEGAL NOTICE CEA'l'IFICATI: OF BU8INES!I y FICl1TIOC'S POUi NAME TRll UNDERSIGNED do h're- Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 by cerllfy that lhl'Y are conduct-Meelt every Tbund&J I p . .m. 1ng •·boat repair bU11lneaa a l 2703 Vla Oporto -Olntr&I A•e. W. Coaet Htrhway, N e w po rt Newport Beach Bearh, Ca.llfom1a, under the rlcU-Albert H. Matth .... Exalted Ruler tlous firm name of AL Ir FRAZ ------------- BOAT YARD and that a&id firm 11 compo•ed ot the following per-.;.U-,.__B_ull_dln;;_:i(.__Se..._ni_cee ___ _ 11011~. whose namea In full and place• ot residence a.re .. !ollow•. Elec. Tool Repair to-wit: EL.MER .1. LARSON 721 W. Balboa Blvd. Balboa, Callfornla F . H. HOLFORD 111~ S. "A" Strel'l Tultln, Callfoml& WITNESS our hand• thlJI 28th day of Ausiat, 1966. , a/ ELMER J. LARSON /al F . H. HOLFORD STA TE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF ORANGE )M . 8k11 Saw1, Drtll1, Sanden QVICK SERVICB: LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. •M No. Newport Blvd .. Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-8383. '4Uc PiiNTING INTERIOR -EXTERlOR LlCENBl!D -INSURED Glenn J ohnston -ON ~-day---Of-Auguat, 601. • 11.lt IL Newport-~ A LI 19511, btfor e me, ROBERT F. Harbor 1178 22ttc WlLLMES, a Nota ry Public ln and tor the aaid County and Stal., re1ldlng therein, duly commlaalon- ed and 1Wom, personalty apptared E L.'\t:ER J. LA.RSC~ and F. K. HOLFORD known to me to be the ~r110n1 whoee name. are 11ub11Crib- ed to the \1\·lthln Instrument, and acknowledg'd to me that thtJ executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto eel my hand and &!fixed my ofnclal aeal the day and yea r In lhl1 Cerp ticate ttrat above wrltten. /s l ROBICRT F. WILL.11,(ES My Commlalon l:xplree November 111, 19" No. IOI N .... PreH lj2t, t jlS, "· 111, lllOI NOTICE or INTllCNTJON TO CIR<JUIATS PETITIO~ NoUc• la bereb7 (lTm that the undtnirned lntendll to cdttulate a peUUon for an l.nttJaU•• meuun to be placed on th• ballol to amend th• Charter of the City of Nsw· port 8-ch to provide for the pub· Uc UH of the fuU frontare of UI• Clty owned 'l\'&ltrftont property tocat~ bftwttn 19th Street and lllth Street upon lhe bay, to a depth of at leut 811 feet from the mean hlrh tide lint Th• proponent& ot thi. meuW'll belteff that thla clty-owntd water· front property lhould t>. rNel'Yed tar Ule UH of tbe public and com- munJt7 ud that no portion ot ~ waterfront ahould t>. ('ranted or Mt utde for Ule excluAJve "" oC &A1 penon or rroup. CtU1en11 Commltlff for Parto 11nd Playrround• No. 80e N.,...Prem I! ll ·M Painting, Decorating Paper Haqtnc GEX>. BURKHARDT LICllNIJ:D OONT&ACTOR 171 .w. 11Ua •t.. ea.ta w ... Llbert.J 1-MJI NOW OPEN STACOAT PaJnt A Vaml•hu High Quality -Low Price Po Iva-Tex. La\Nt In Vinal• Eirtertor 0 Inter10T IUI pl. NEW&OLD J"u.rnlture l'tn1ahin. A.nUque It Modern Zola tone Wall Paper 6 Draperlea to matd\ Papu Banfinr For ..Umatem a.II Aubrey Ellsworth Liberty 8-7951 -For a depen~• \&Md ear, ... J<NI' &o<:&l dealu W11o will be ben TOMOl\ROWt.obedl upWllat M alll TODA.TI Cbecll Ule uMd .,. la tM d&Mlned Mdjoa to-•· CARPENTER Repair Work Doeit Your Rome Need RepalJtnc or R.emodellnS T Call J'nnk. Liberty ....... All Work OU&ruteed '7'Uo CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. o. Andenon 101' I:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 2tll0 13ttc CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATF.S Llberty 8-6109 PAINTING? 2ttt Call POP'S non-uni.on lbop. Can d&•. Exn.rtenced. Balboa. bland ltgl' 111 Atlm111l11lrnl1on Bldit. and on ueed "'aaber-. 248114 1 ,,,-19910 S . Harbor. Co11ta M,M. (rear) Newport Bl., COllta Meaa. preferred. Kl 3·11096. ti I J c2 Llberty 8-4503 or Liberty TWO WHITE WOMEN WA.NT WOMA:'IT WANTED tor it"neraJ 8-4327. &Ufc hou11 cleaning by day or con-I cleaning ha!( day f'Br h wttk. lracl by month. Fast and er-1 Corona del Mar. Har. 30&7·W S2--Furn.iture 1or Sale flclent. Reference•. Kimberly l r3 11·2949. 95pl I CHEAP FOR ('ASH Llkr new. DISH WASHER a. wall t~l!I want· Frigtdalrl', f.:1111 11tnvt', rhrnme Roy's Maintenance M . l!llanrl P11t1 0 300 M11tlne brukfMl lll't mn.t .. m bednn, ROUM cleanlnc-l'loor waxJnr A ve., Balbo& 151and. 98r l lll't, wrou1thl Iron b.-d-<liv&n, li?'&I! Wall wuhln•-wtndow cleanlnr 11parl' hnterl'l, straight chalra .. INEXPERJE,.~CF:D GIRL. ai:e 21 w 8.7ft69 98cl Venetian blind a. Upholttery to 30. day t1hlfl. THE PrRA TE, Intured. J'ree Estlmatea 407 28th St., Newporl Bearh. Liberty 4-1332. ltlc artl'r & p.m. '98c l Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS • Liberty 8-1659 30ttc Secretary • 1teno., wagt open; Steno-bk'kpr.-wage open; Bk'kpr., AR, Type .. . . $238 Many other positions open. JUNE FARRAR. Emp'I. Ag'l'y., 402 ~·32nd St, Newport Beach. (arro111 11t. from City Hl.\ll l 98c l 1..ARGE WIXC t:HAIR, good con· dlllon. needs relO\'enng S711 H&r. H M 99c2 CA HVEU Spanl.sh ol1n1ng tahl!' 66 tn. 11q. SM. Sp11n.~h buffl't M In. long $3!\ Spanlell ho11t <'halr11 $1:5 e.ach Brown te11ther rhalr & foot 11tonl S3:'J. Btut' rorrturoy urholllll'rr I tl1v11n hrd s2:1. H•r 16:'12-J 3!\2 r"Pr~· l'11ed 8plneu fmm 14&0 Many othen grully rf'durM Laurie Woodworth .Piano Co. 21110 ~. Cotult Highway .Corona del Mar Harbor 3382 lc3H HAMMOND ORGANS. F'ull lln,, ell mod,.18. Frte practice rooma. r 11ml' 111 and pl1y on ttny mo<ttl The C tl'Al Concert Organ. th• Hnml' Mll'1rl, the Mlurrh anti th" Splnf't Mr-lltl1. It you t hink yt•u c&nnot play, come In 111rt try thr worltl !llmOUll HAmmrintl, eMy to pl11y, Chord Organ. Y(•U w ilt he Mt11nl1hl'd ti\ find you rnn pt11y In flftern mlnutu . OANZ·M'HMJDT f'lano 6 0 ... an C"11. Homr of the Hammond, 1\211 Nn. 1'-loln, Santa Ana. fl:lc2 TV, RC.A. l7''. Exrl'llenl condl· 00 YOUR OWN, I'll help. 1 hr., ---------- day or week. Concret e block MECHANIC for General Motors _S_O_F'_A_._C_l_u_b_r_h_a_•r-.-O-rl'_$l!_f_n_1o:_la-l-ile tton. Juat bl'en recondlllon.,d. A chair. n11y hMI, 4 'O((ef' la bl.-. $5!• 00 Llhl'rly 8·7146 118p3 walls, •lone veneer, patios, <'llT· Deal"· HYatl •·1084, a!lk for penterlng or what have you 7 Mel. 98<'1 R.euonabl•. LI 8-83711 98p2 u.. new cu1tomert. Oranre -------------County 20 yean. Kl 3-9181 or WORKING MOTHERS, ch11d care Kt 2-11931 after &. TiiANK8. In my home days. Newport Hu. DISH WASHER. ma.n. Wltlln,; "' a ble to work. Day or nlght.- 2030 Coasl Highway, Newrort ,.,,. 116 A r>nlrn11 St.. Balboa hl1tnJ Hai 3730·M. lp3 wn:o-; IN C'ONTEST C'OU\lln't I t'll fnr 11711' Will t11k11 $12:'1. N""' 21" \\'l'<ttln,;hcrn•" I 11 hll' mO'l"I T\' "11h ll'J:ll M"' Amith r.r R-717P PRr l 97pll area. LI 8-71174. 98cl Beach. 98cl i l!2:~-A-~f.!".lue1t ___ ~-- House Plans LIBmn wis1 1ouc FOR RENT Skill Bawa. Elec. DrtU., Poliaber., all typea ot Sanders, Wh•lllal· row•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. USO W. COAST HIGHWAY Liberty W4a&, Newport Bcb 28Uc COMPLETE PAINTING &. Paper Hanging Service EUGENll O. SAUN'DERS llOO 311t Street, Newport BMch Harbor 2978 or Har. H411. tfc General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693-J 58ttc PAINTING M. W. ROSS LI a.sau • LI 8-7W llO A YOC&do, Colt.a M11& 88tfc tt ........ AlcoboUca Anoaymoua Wrtt. P. O. Boa Ill H twport 8-c.b. C&Jtt. ~Barbor UIO From t.fu.t day fol'W'aJ'd I wut be r.ponabl• fOT no dlbt.I other Ulan nv own . Wnnan c. lldu 1p COLORED LADY Wiahu houae ACCOMPA:"lST for High School TWO \'1111es Ii in high. 1i:ltl1 of work by the day, cl'anlng and choral group1. 3 hr11. a day F.mrorer H'L'SA;-.( Tl"!\'. Rall' cooking. Own tran11portallon. Mu1t be irood 11lghl ruder. Ap· & brn11t1f11I Wr11e Hnx ~I zg Kl 3-9283. 99p2 plv :'\l'\\-pllrl H11tbor Hili:h Sehl c o l hll PJ\ll£L--~ WANTED v:efkly washing It or 1lar. 2t15V·1 arter 8 Pm Ironing In my home. Alao sew-99c2 83-Boats, Ruppllf>S Ing'. Can pick up & <1tllver. ELDERLY Woman 1 not Invalid I Mu. Hathaway. 303 Palm Ave., would ltke compa.n1on to 1hare BalboL 99p2 hom~ on BRlboa ll!land Nn Swedish l.Aldlea, -by your home. Massage appointment in heavy WMk or laundry. Smalt 1<11lat)· \o r ight p1't8on Har. 2128-M. 99r 2 26 FT FJSllJ:'\G BOA 'I" rorn- mrr1111 I or ple111'1111 <' Relmllt en- g tn!', ~hip tu ~hute A-I (on- dltlon $tr.oo 16 rt .. 111lbnat, maln~11 1l ~ Jlh, nl'\\ pAtnt Job, romplete $11:1. C:all I.I 8-3!l0i IJ8r l Sl'INl-;T :-l'F:C'IAl~'i OF:A I 'TffTI. htonrl., H111lrt an•1 -rn.vrr !'J'lnet ptal"m -rmtat t um l.lkl' nrw ~11\'I' 112:'> C'nn•'. lo 1111!! LO\'~;l,Y ~t11hoi;11ny 1;u1 - t11 •O•• n SJ•lnl'I n1n n•1 In J)l'rf,.,.l • "n•lll l••n Trrm • $~111 <lnwn 11nrt 11!1 111 l"'' n1u SA\'~: $21r0 on ~lll?litly 111l'ol K1mb11l Spin,.\ r1111n .. ii\ J'il'Tf~rt ront1ltl11n l''ln- ~II AV~:H ~ M U~IC ('o. I .!'\ln t't• 11107' t21 4~:1 :-\ l'1 ;11 IW tl '° :-\1111!11 Alll\ Formerly ma11aeu&e at ArrowhUl1 Sprlng11 Hotel. 14' Alltl'Hl'HArl' 0111hro11r1t, 11r. Phone l\l11tl,1·1ly '.! flfii2 Top $ $ $ PleMe call Harbor 4790 or Har. PA YING POSITJO:-;'S fur male It female help In every llnv or l'1·~11orle11, i 17 h p l'rntt Alwa-B-ABY r:RA!\,'l l ~ I () I t1•r tfrn,.onahle Ph11n1' H11rhnr · P"t'in · 11 1 0292. Sllpll8 businel!B art coming In d111ty. 11~9-W or """ Ill :!l:l-41\th SI S ~!)~. 1: .... 1 ton" Anti Atll<>n. H•i:i:· •1 > 1 "• k <>f \' on1lnrful 1..tiir1-I pl.<llf•~ 1n Ornn~~ C'n11n1y, T1•rm~ S9-Relp Wanted STANDARD STATIONS Ha~ C>penlnr for Statton S11le1men Agu l8 -40 Oranite County 5-Dl\y-40-Hour Week High 1tArtlni-pay E:rccellent Bentflh GoQd opportunity for A<h'&ncem,nt Apply STANDARD STA noNs Dahlia and Cout Hlchway Corona del Mar Cha pman and Spartra F ulltrton 8 .30 to 11:30 11 m. Monday It Thuudaye. H ee YOUTH WANTED to learn drap· ery A uphol1tery work, muat be conaclentlou. worker. LI 1-6618. 99c.2 PLEASE rome to our otrlcu t o rer\Jtler for the lorallly ntarl'lll to your homl' yo11 w1~h to work. Low feo. H & M Employment Agcy. 222 Eaat Cflller SL, Anak11~lm KEy1tone 3·1337. .. I Hcl LADIES: Read our ad under rlu•ltlcatlon 2• -SUf>Pt Ma.r- ket Treln1n1r AL TYLER School& 1611 'X. Broadw1y, Santa Ana. Kl 7-31111. 94d 1952 21" CONSOLE TV S125. Blonde with door• Pair of r han- !Jllr I SACRJFIC~;. I b fl Cllhln I \'l'l' <.;n1lser with hAll11m11t1r 16 hp Hl'l\tt Atwater 0111ho11rd com- plete w11 h C'unt 1 ot-U ·,u 3411!\ Finley A vt , Nrw(>Ort ll"•ch Har 4698·\\' 99r2 S:'\lPE, compJ. tely rel'ond1l1on,.r1, good 11&11, 1w1ng 'entl'r lJOAttl, ceder S326. 2305 l'a11flr I lrl\'1' C'D~ Har 30J8·R w11,:z TRADE B~utltul 70·ft. au x achooner Exr .. 11• nt fnr rli&rt,.r \\.int ptnpf'JI\' nr 1maller ""13l 1220 \\' H11lhoa Olvcl., ~f?\\'f)<•rl 11.,r 30S2. 39lf1 nel back b11trel chalrw, ruby red SAIL BOAT Model: Pac1r1r lHl. bourte $1()0. t OO Holmwood Dr. j Cllmplele $198. Don P~ckhl\m W 8-•167. 99p2 Lot :'II Munlrtpal Trailer f'ark BltAUTJFULLT TOOLICD Welt· em •addle • accllMOMu, 28 1peclal revolvtr A llolat er, 2 mahor. 6 WTOu.fht tn>n bar l lOOll Har. 1111..J. 99c:l 'Xewport RPach. (1r f'h. E tlge· wood 8·1882, 11:.pl YAlflWNl:."R. cltAI\, loaded, Will tratlt LI 8-&7 10 a m. or p m 83lfr rtR.ST CLASS Hlnlatrese w&11t· DELTA SHA.PER, 12" pl&ner It rf. ALUMINt:M BOAT. Uk1> ed. C.11 Har. O&ei alter e p.m. routen A other .,,.ooc1worktnr new. $100. 20ll2 Mtratnll{' Bal- 118el m&eh1nery. Ll 1-Haa. Np2 boa. lp3 DA!'T7.. s niMtn1' ~r .. 111 r11no An I I i11:1.n S1111 ", '1:!'J :-;,, M"'"· SMnl11 "''" ""'"" flt th' Jh1n\• m••n•I fl1 i:11n FRE~: TO <.;()Q lJ llOMES. Part I• 111 I 11• "•I I" •~·•n n1 .. n h •• 11 :rw l•lnn I ll11r 1411-.J ~B--Ant~ for ~air K111 .. n1, Balho11 lo -~---------~-~~~~ 111~1 1 ~t 1; Tl• MAHI< 11 In U· ,,n~nl "• ni11ll• n !'ll11tMlv mf\111· fl"•l 11''\" r r II r"•I C'• 11 hl'h •'""" JO ,. 01 • i rm H11r 31127 lp3 ;'.i i MJl:11('1 'RY RPOHTR t''IUPf', ll'I"', 111111<1 11 white " w. Ur11•. l~&H . lr.1p1~r 11pht1l~l ery. $800 ~l!'I R"rllnr.rt11 Sl'wport H•lf'1tll, 1..1 s :inrs1 ortr-r 6 p.m. l ei tll'1J Ul..l>S 811JX''' 88, 4·1'lr. 2.-t.one \\' s \\'. r'Jwcr 11te«>rlnr;:. lmmac. nll'll" I hrr>1191hr•Ul r rl\'lltt pe rt1 $1 <,;r, 2'153 H11rbor Blvd. Coct.& M eAL 1 pl • - v v Check these Used Cars _,,..._a IDeal ~ wM wal M tl.,. TOMORROW .. _.up Ra& be Mis. TODA.Tl ..._ ....... ~ NOW-FIRST AGAIN! ALL OUR USED CARS & TRUCKS W.A.RRANTEEI> ! Weeks In wtlttng and may be repaired by &DJ. &•thori.zed international repair Ser vloe Warranty Dealer in the United &tat., Canada & Alaska • • • • 18 au:Y BEL AIRE Sport Coupe, Radio ~, PoweTtltte, 2 tone ~n. Im- ........_ oar. One owner. Only.-...... $1095 1961 !rn.JDEBAKER V-8 Coupe. Light green. Low milll.p. Automatic transission . $ 595 19e2 NEW YORKER 4 door Sedan. 2 tone brown. Tht. la a honey. Fully Joaded .... $1295 19M PLYMOtrl'H Station Wagon. Radio, beater. Hydrive. ~uxe model ........... $1995 1954 FORD ClulS Coupe. Low mfteage. Light blue. Overdrive. .. $1495 J 4 ~i~-_;_W~a~n~tf'CJ..;:_:.to~lleD~~t-------•1~-"'~•~n~t..S_::..;to;.:....;.Be_;_n_t ~~--l .a,g..8-Rnuae.rorBeat FOR LEASt:: RENTALS WANTED We need rent.A.l listing• to aati.Bfy the conata.nt demanda or new peopk coming into th• area. Call Duncan Hardesty, Realtor Har. 4718 .'3-Apta. a HollleS for Bent ~Apt6. a Bouee for Rent Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanas. Utilitiea paid. with Yacht slip a.ccomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. TWO BEA l:-tu ·l:L new lrrine Terrace unturo. vlt-w nomn. 3 BOR.MS., l bat.hi and 2 BEDR.Ms~ 2 bat.ha. Call Harbor 1773 or Harbor 4H8 EARL. \\'. STANLEY. Realtor Irvine Terrace ottlce Corona df'l Mar. 33\.fc J BEORM. fo"L'R~'l. li.tlboa, flr~­ platt', re.•reat ton room, otouble garage. no pets. WU\ter rental. Har 133&-R 98cl BA YSHORES unfurn. ADORABLE 2 bdrm. barn·rt>d farm hoW1e. Choke corner lot. F.nctoa~ paUo. WUI teue tv re11ponsl.le tenant tor S200 eer mo, uwner. Harbor M611. 98<:1 ----------'J BJ.~l> R!\' HOUSF.-~: .. w - port 11111 I vr 2 d l lld .:->.-wly dtt11r11te<1. R.-f. F'e1111o•..t y<I. 1'111111 A Vllol St>p\ 8 '$9Q mu ~.38 l ~n~·-----Ip:? \\'l!l:TF:R RE!'\TAI. S.-pt tu June 3 t>.,drm fu111 $6,<, 1111• 11~ F: Balboa Blv•I Ow11t'r 31111 H t'&\h· t'r H11a1I Long l:!Pa• h Ph. :111- 3697 Jp9 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal F ee SALES -REFlXANCE CO~STR liCTION Call tor Fr .. • Faat Commitment• on Ruldencu a.nrt UnllJI uni)' Don I. Huddleston l73 F.. 17th St. COSTA MESA LJ 8-5~ l Ll 8-6562 \\'E SPF:<.:lALl:lF: IN LOANS & FINA.:-1\rNC: ON HOUSETkAlLERI:! A u\111•. Jo"ur 1111 ur c & :-ialu111•11 One Day Serv ice Ll•"" f I •1111 , .. 0 I u $I :!Oil vr lllVf• CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORA Tl ON l>-911 '11lrllor lih·<.J . i '•"'la l\l•·:.J Lt l!·77~l -U(h'll J.'11.111\A toll Ii ('Jo:tetJ l'Rt111-.IJY" If• For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34.ttc ~EPT Jll to J un.-I ~ ~ btlrm. ~Real t :1Jtate St-n kr huu51: $6~ 311 Al\11ra.Jo P l\wi', 48A-AptL for Beat 48-A-Apt.A. for Bait LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT APT. LEASE. Tastefully decora~ed, furn. or un!um. 2 bdrm., 1 bath (enclosed tub & shower) all electric .kitchen, W /W carpeting. Patio. Laundry ti gar· age included. Avail. on or about Oct. 1. OWNER Har. 3224-W • 99t.fc BCboa. Har. 0190·\\' h :I 1-·uuR bdrm , ~ blith hom,., \•rry nl~e Yearly letu1!!, St•pt Jst C'lo@e to Bar Othtr • rt>11l11ls avait. Sept. J0-:!07 F. Hlllh1111 Blvd., Har. 3606. ll t' l FURN. 2 bdrm. home pll.UI g 11i-st colte.ce on c&n1tl · w1lh CluaL Sept. 10 t•l July J5 $1 ,400 un tease. See at 4 108 R1\ler A\'<' or call Okford 416·1&1-98cl , rENlNSlil..A P OINT Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE SlfRE BEF'URE YOU Bt;Y Complet•• '"''••11t11:al1<Jnt1 8t rt'po~tll R•'Jll P~e11t non ·rcstat'nl llindlor<h•. 3~l yrs. 1..ovl'nng A rtZ.ona. • New MeJO\.'O. Phone Har. 343.f-J or 1•onlat'l C. B. Brown, Rt. 2. Box O!H, Tuc."1n, Artz. 96C'IO Riverside Count y SALE OR TRADE Cor btach prop- erty. 6(1 a<'re irrt.:lltt'd •l ock NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGt l MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 62-__ Re__..;.al_l!'Atll __ .. _______ j 62-R...a.I JA&a&e LOTS:- NEWPORT HEIGHTS \"ERY FE\\' t.EFT. 100<1 loca· lion. 5l1Xl2~ "r-~•960, temu. BALBOA PENINSULA Ol'\E 0 1-' THt--: NICEST LOTS ltft. $1 0.500 -8ff this One. NEWPORT WF:l~I~ LOC:ATED R·~ LOT-l'\l'ar bt>aC'h It bAy. 1350(), HOM ER E. SHAFER Realtor Jl111 llur 1441 tJ:ve. Harbor 1137-M CLIFF HAVEN 31 O~E OF TllOSE SPACl Ol lS bt'drm huml'S, hdw.t. flr1., largl' h·ll<'t'<I yar.1. only S31100 down' I 'ol<!ft''(lll1tn btfon1 achool opena Stanley A. Smit h, Realtor !tl4i E CQasl Hwy, Corona d<'I Ma r lh•rbvr g :: 99c2 ATTRACTIVE LARGE SHAKE \"ERY MODERN 1-nrgt plcturt window, 3 bdnna . .ti 11;. brh!k patio. Family alze din- mg rm., luge Ule kitchen wllh h'Jilt·1n dining area. 2 BATHS, llta.11 shower, tot.II ot Ult, puU- mfu. Beautttully l1U1d.al.'llpe<I lot 60x1:io. ttn4.'td, private aJley. Extra larg,. 2 car irangl! 22x20 VACANT 3 Bea utiful Units On Balboa Bl\'d, I.. 'omt'r Lat -rv.·o U."l:IT~ 1·1•1'\l'lt'lf'h' f\11ntahMI. f'f"rm11rwnl "' f't•ll \'IPW. lar11t •un tlt'(k. I •l"4•r tr~11n <'<'••an. ·~ hlk lo b11y. \IWfll'I 11'11\'lnjil ., ..... A rea.I b11~1111 Kl $Z:\ Pl\O F.'\reJlrnl ll'r 11\A, SJ.:J,: Tiil~ !\'O \\, Waterfro nt Pier & Float T\\'1) IH~J 1IH.10M 111 l l\I ~:. l'LI 'S l wrm. ttl'\ "'""''' 111111111"' i;t\r1i;,.. Huth f•rn1si.,.,1 :'\1•1<r I.I.tu ~hop· fllnlC e.rPB onlv $~:1,riuo, 11111 - st""rtlnJ( 11•1 m~. 1.. 1.,.. n••r very 11nxto111 Art C. Kist ler Co. 211<\I x ... " t"-ltl Rl\'d,, !':pl. BMch Harbor 6:?:.ltl, lltc2 Lido Isle Special ONLY $37.WO BIG 70' 1.0'1'. 3 yr. old home. I bdm1. 3 bat.h BEAUTY With riv. rm , dm<'lle .l one bdrm oJ)l'n to a colorlul 1.8.NIJ wtt.h V!!TY Bpl\•'IOllS pallo ~yond. A.In• pie spare for pool or bid&'. ltve. Info, Lytle LI 8-26'1 Houston Realty Co. It ASSOCUTJ:& ~09 Centtr St. Cc•t. W.. W 8-6011 LI 8-TTN r..ovelv rurn 3 bl'rtrm.. 2 bath m1u n's rm. (If dealred). Dish· wuher. 1.llsp., wuher A: dryer. Lgt' t'nc:I pavt>J pa Uo. BBQ Ave.II. Sl'pt 1!'1 lo June 16. Sl25 mo. Har. 0110-M 99p2 r~h. 2 houses. Ideal for hOr-11 •• YEARS OLD, like new. M-1 LOU REED 43-Apl'8. Ii Roaae. for Rent ROOMS, COTT AGES, APTS. 43-A-Apts. for Rent UNFURN. 2 bdrm. up.11talr.9, g-ar Rp:. Yearly rental S40 mnnth 317 Alvarado Place, Balooa Hat . 0190·\V l c3 8<'~ reg. <"•ltle or small com-1 • • d I ll $l6 500 m\'rC'1al hncl. lnqu1rt-823 Pe.tk· Price ow to se at , AVA ll..ABLF.: St'rt l!"i <'harming l bdrm IJayfronl Cui n houi-e. man Lr . La Ca.n.1da. ph. Sylvan Prwat1• hta< h $100 monlh on o-5:i-to. 89'3 I Very attractive terms, open afternoons. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97c11 OFFERED AT NOT YE9TllR• DAYS. on T O M ORROW• PRJCE-llUT TODAYS-A.OT QUICK! I ~ CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH DEALER DAY OR WEEK years 1 .. 1ut ldedl for couplt' or lll"h.,ol tt'1tchPrs Har. 0692-R 162-Real Estat4' ' I DO YOU want a pratt1 UUh Provincial lnt.tt)Or h.ome an 109 lrontare! ! 1200 W. Cout Highway. Pb. Liberty 8-34.86 T HE BLt;E TOP MOTEL. {OJ Ne\\ port Blvd , Jwt above The A rchu. 74tCc 99r2 --- 19'8 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. RebWll motor lnatalled year .,.a. 421 Rlvei-1lde Ave, Newport &ach. LIMrty 14328. • 81cl U :IS JAGUAR XK120 mod. Ro&d- 1ttr. Pract.. new. SELL or TRADE tor rnl property. 1121 W. Bay Ave. Har. 12N-R. t&pl 1:1 CADILLAC convertible, r orc•- 0111 blue It white. Only 15700 mtlu, origlnAI owner. HYatt 4·&e&O. 98pl CHRYSU!:lt-Late &l 4 door ud. H gh- W1nd.lor. ttuJd-mauc drive, RA It txlru. Excell. cond. throu out H 73. Or1.r. owner. Cardu d1 1ven Orin It and let 10 111ffhRn1r chfck It o\•t-r. Ube 8·iU6 II lly ur rty 8p3 Ion 111:13 M G TD·2 Xlnl. condlt lll,000 mllea. Tonnta\. It t rover wind wings Sl250.- S3rd St , Newport Beach. 9 lre 2H &cl '6 Cl • 1.LLAC 4 dr .• recent ov haw. ;2,000 mil• 129&. Ube 8-713'J II er- rty 8cl 19M FU::ET WOOD 60 Spec S11<"rlrt<'f". by owner. Har. HIOO 9 lat. 8cl 41-Auto Service Motor Overhau I NO MONEY DOWN *'with this ad * 6 Cyl1. . .. ---···-·----~8.88 8 Cy!l!I. . ..................... $..~.88 ln<'lur1ea both labor and par New rtnaa. wnat .Pina. nl ~nd. tltUnrs or main and bearinf'I. Expert motor tune 90-d&y or 4,000 mile JUAr&n ta. Ye rod up. tM. . (NO ){ONEY oow:-:1 Y- REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 15 MONTH8 TO PA Built ln our owu factory bLlkW -m11dmrt1U. 170n, contend w1 the middle ma.n. Buy direct.. ~ th REBUILT and INSTALL.ED SHORT BLOCK 9.~ FORD .. .. ............... ·--···· 11% CHEVROLET ..... ·-·-.. -·--114 II.~ 15:1 PLYM. It DODGE ···-·-·-S CHRY8. It om 801'0 -$ 170 STUDEB.A.KJ:R ........ ·--·-I 170 OLDS le PONTIAC I --·-· I 170 BUlCK , ................ _ .... ·--·· .. -I 1711 HUDSON -........... -... -..... -·-··· I 176 Loan Car Free To'A ·inc NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mu1t 111\.Mt our atand&rde Pha taxea, gukeu a.nd ol Open lllDday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.. 1 BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open D&i.11 I to 7 atat.e Baoded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St . BANTA A.NA Wal-J'R..ULl:R ap ACI:, dUJdru coma. 8WU1y Acne Tr&IJar Park cio. to ~or-6 ~ 6 Nnrport Bml. 11' Ii. WI'-. 00.ttX.... Md * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Co~t Hiway. LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one It two bdrm. apt.I. Short term -.nd ye.rly. ALSO, Lido Homu and Bay Front Homes and apartmmta. APT. UNFURN. 2 bdnna. It pr. on secluded 111n-et 2 Blka. from 11chools, l!hOp1', tr&nl'I .It P . 0 E. Side. C. M. Avail Srpl l'I Ll 8-3588. 11'3 u oo l SLE It's Ranc hy :-lew 3 bdnn. tum. Ste<> month Avail. ~pt. 10 10 June to. Har 3 6278-W ttfler 4 pm 99p2 -------------OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 P. M. DAILY 2:>72 Circle Dr. Bayahorea. N.B. YOU CAN bava your "'-'-ln Ole rear-and what a locaUonl Don't v.•lllt oo LIU.I. llJI Sl l,000 today It t..erm e. You'Udoobla 70\U' money: Newport Beach LI 8-4420 LIDO REALTY Associates 3400 VI& Llrto, Harbor 4444 89tCc 2 ROOM. .FURN. *bt lor apt. l or J adult.a. S7:1 mo. on lease Ort. 1 t-0 July 1 uUL lnc:ludtd, OFP'ICE J'OR RE1''T or $100 mo. on yr. leue. gar. Civic Center Location, 2l'x24', BEDRM 2 hath. 3 r9r ~3f8f!" l lrl\'e lly 41 t 11\'lnt>. ~ .. wpurt H t• \hen call 1111 tor •tetalls. OJ\); A J A~llBSl::X, Rultor 43•·32rul St... -~ewporL Be•ch H11rbor :16&1 -F:\01'11 l.J 8·5662 I 981·• 1 E~CL PATIO. BBQ It FIREPL 1-:aptc1llllY draJgned for outdoor 11 ving. 3 l>tlJ'm.. .2.. bal..b., x lra shower. Compl. !urn., cor. lot. 1, blk. from No. Channel. Prlc· "'I l•> 1wll 1-; H. 1.A. THROP. 3•1;!:1 E . Coul Hwy., Har. MU Jo:vta l\61HI 99ca REX RECHS- Rea.ltor ·:12-u · Happy Home $693 ':12-29' Roadmaater • $1 89:1 -------------Private beach It <lock prlvlleitt'S, '60. per month. No pets or ehtldrt'n. SN.con CHARLES E. HART, Realtor SO A<'RES !armlan1I. J ust S3000 tt<'lo 29', J u\\n, brtwern Cu1ta Meea & Santa Ana. 2.307 Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Har •. Ml>&-Leave your number- l!:vea. Llbcrty 8·38311. 'M-24' Terry . Spec. Price '!l!~--41' Param. 1 bdnn. . A tlenl 'llr>-•HI' Pan Amerlcan Du1count IT'S NEW 2 lldrms . very at· tractive-modf'm C11mlture $7:'>. monlh. 304·32nd St., Newport Bcac:h, 99pll Bay near Harbor Jiland. Har. 3420 W. BaJboa Blvd .. !lipt. B<'h. 276& lTJl"C ------------9-2c_~ PAN AMERICAN P1tramount·Kenskill Traveleze-Terry 8~lfc ~ FT. 111115 FLEETWOOD, load· td with xtru. 8xl6 Caban&. Municipal Trailer Park. Hunt· lngton Beach, Spa<"e A40. 99p OCEAN FRONT 2 BEDROOM, up1taln, duplex. Pa rtly turn. lnctudln( 'ranre. rt !rir .. and garbage dl11p. Wall furn&ee. $100 by year: '80 by winter. 6708 W. Ocean Front, Newport. 99p2 1951 Spartan RENTAL v. Royal Mansion SP!C~~;s 3 3 rr. DINETTE. twin 1>4'1'11 Bl h G Rlt Comnder tndt'. •20 W. lst anC e ateS, r . TuatUl. 92p6 311 Marine Ave. ------------~boa bland, Bt.r. 1671 72Uc 47-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apta and hou.. ln all aecUona for boUI winter and Year'• I.MM. Furn. or \IAfW'n. It you ha•• a vac&nc:y, phone today WATER FRO?l.I. 2 bdrm. lower. cnt1011ed pllllo. Use or p ier a nd float, Winter rmte.t Adult.I. SlOO pt'f mo. liai-. 4367-J. 99c2 l8A-Apt&. for Rent A 'ITRACT1VE ocean view 1 bdrm. a.pt., partJaJly tum . Suitable for couple, $7!'1 mo. yrly. Wut 1ldt or cost.A Mua! Call 9 to 6, Har. 80 JtCc NEAR WATB:R. one bdrm. furn. apt. at 304 •• 34l.h St.. N t'W- p<>rt Beach, clo11e to Richards Available after Sept. 10. Yrty $11-0 mo. Har. l<>M·J. 1c3 LARGE 3 BEDRM. furn. duplex 11pt. Canal frontage. Small boat dock. Auto. wuher, ~arage SI JO mo. incl. uUllUe1t. Available Sept. 16-Jwy 1. Har. 364i-W after & 30 p.m. 99ttc CANA.L FRONTAGE. .L&rre 1 bedrm. furn. apt. with 1un deck. S73 mo. Utilities tncludf'd until July J. Har. 3647-W alter 6:30 pm. 99tlc R EAL NlCE 1 bdrm. apL, com- pletely furn. Near l:ilh and Bal· hoa Blvd. ·~ blk. ocean or bay. $60 mo The Vogel Co. llOl W. Cft. Hwy .. Newport Sch. Pl:lon• Ltberty 8-3t8J 208 M.arint. Balboa J.aland Phone Harbor 4U Deluxe Furn. Apts. .RT C. l<l8TLER, Co. Har. :1226 One A: two b<lrm .. with tetrvlalon. A A\'allable for 1tummrr or win- ter. ALSO yearly leuM. 99c2 LO VEL Y NEW 2 bdrm. furn. apt., 2"7 JC. Cout By., Corona del M&r Pttone Harbor 17 4 l Ltdo OW~. !41& Via U do Harbor 4971 32Ue We Need RENTALS Harbor area.. Winter or lfUmmer. Tenanta waiUur. REX RECHS, Rltr. In Heart or 41ettvlty -Lots of parking. M'7 E. TialhoA Blvc\ . Balboa Harbor 3606. 86lfc A Lido Isle Ont s od two bdrm. aparlmenta . FurnJ11had. Garagu. Yeerly or winter rent.al. Har. M7:5. 9lc6H B 2307 llilooamva-. -ltirr.~"6 ONE BEDRM.. nicely tum._ wtn- 1 bll< lo nrenn or bay on Ral· boa Blvd, near shop•. etc., $100 month. RT C. K.ll'\TLER, CO Hu. :1226 99c2 1RN. Studio apt. ReM nnablP. Permanent l'entl#man prefered. :100 Ja-mlne. Corona del Mar 99c2 ALBOA fSLA~D. F'Um 1 brm apL A.dulU. .:-\o p\!\!\, A\'allal)le Se pl. 11. Heuon11blt LllM'rly D:>tCc ter. Adult.a. G&raae $5:1 mo. _R_E_NT_A_LS--NE--E-D_E_D_·_O_c_ean--!-ro_n_t I ll6-J6lh Newport. 93uc C 4t bay front home-' or what , I..ARGli: 1 bedrm apl. unfum. 8-7624. 99c2 Hll'\A COVE, BayCronl fumi11 htd Open~ aecluded have you. AL TYLER, !!OT E. Olap , 11love reCrlg. .\ gai-age. Balboa Blvd. Har. 3606. 98<'l Neor LtJo Shopping Center. COUPLE-Man loca.lly empl. - Wanta 1 oi-'l bdrm. hou.se part· yrty. rental, Avail Sept. 18. Hnr. 3639. 97pll apl. on large. patio fifteen !eel from high Ude. Fumare. 11torage, garage and phone Available for te1111e or winter rental. ~ase '120 per mn. Excellent vnlur Ph. HYatl •·2206. 93tfc ly furn. We hllV<' appllMCt• &-BALBOA ISl..A.ND, Oct. t-0 June. aome fum. Cloae to Newport j Furn. 3 bcdm1. 2 b&lhl, Bay CilY Hall preferretl. Nffd l11r1?e Front. Gara.gr, No pet.II. For B AY VJEW apt on Lido Penln-r arage. Write Do-c l'·36, lh1s llpp't Hu. l tl90·M. 113tfc paper. \ll\\{ '8-Apts. a Houae9 WEST BAY A VE. duplex. 3 bed· room. 2 bath. t um .. $110 month y-.rty or wtnter. 1'19 W. Bay Ave., B&lboL 118pl2 Choice Summer Rent.ala on Balboa hland & Lido IBie &mall It coc, or W's-a: dela• •1~ to saoo monua VOGEL CO. IOI Mtr1ne A ft,. .Balbo& lllAad P1L. Barbor 444 °" Harbor 2151 Ree. Bar. l 188-R « Ber. ~-M Mtte BALBOA ISLAND, unfurn. l bed- room garage a.pl, Larre living room It tare.g• Me yearty ltue Har. 404&-W. ll8cl UNFURN. J bedrm. apt. $86. mo, o n le&H. Balboa Ialand.. Call IC&J'. 2H6. 98c1 FURN. 1 bdrm. a.pt.. oo BA. Y FRONT, BALBOA lSLA.NO. Winter notal LI 8·1381. 118cl UDO A.R.Ma .AJ> ARTKJCJn'B le MA.JUN4.. 8&7 flul\ apartmelJI tor leML 1408 Via Oporto. 118tCc ())lJ: BllDIUl. Nm. &f'U~ aom· pWety redeoonted. Mod9nl ol: l&J"f• tllclud\ni all \l}WUu $6:1 mo. yrl)'. or winter. Barbor 1oee-w, or llf Cnronado, Bal- boa. I btM, t'roll'I ~ Co 11u.la. :'\e w a.nr1 Attr11cllvc. pan eled ltvini.r room, hdwrl flr11 . 2 b<lrms., breakfAlll bar. UnCurn. except for new 11tnvr an!1 rrfTIS: For yrty lf'IL~P $1 :?fl mn. HAr. 27~l ask for :\1r Rnllrr. 6~\fc 48·B-Housee for Rent ----BALBOA I SLE. atncte apt. Year around. Rella bit !!Ober adult $5:5. utllltt~ pd. ATl~ntlc 1-036!\, or wrlla 1128 LoTAln Rd. Snn Martno. 9d LIDO ISLE, winter r.ntal. Three bedroom. 2 haLh home. Carpet.a. dre.pa, elect lll0\'4' ... retrlg . furn. Liberty 8·2113. 9:1cl BALBOA lSLAl'-L>· 2 bdrm. t um- h1h1'd how;e Don Ing room. en· rloscd patio and garage. Elept lo June. 318 Ruby. 119r2 NSW, SMARTLY F URNISHED orftce 11part 1999 Hai-bor, Costa MeM . LJber~y 8-3333. 9Ufc BUSI NESS BLDG. With p&t10, l50x93 lot. H:I per month. J 13 22nd St., "eWl><>rl Beach. Kl 2·14118. 116<:10 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18:'>7 ?l:twport. Co11111 Mt11A l..l 8-1632 Eve. l..I IM~l\O~ l.ai;11nl\ \'atur• Ocean View Lnt.9 2-:i11x1s11 h<1th tur .. • S3600 1-a111m 11(1 rt. . U :IOO Ocean View i'\F:W HOME A Income or ru-t h11tU1e, both rurn1ahed. Patlo. All 1·onvenltn<'!'11 incl. Karb. diap .. ,.tu11gcs $23.!IOO BARGAIN ac- c·ount lllnelll!. OPEN DAfLT 221 -~oth St., Newport Bea.ch. 991>1~ Coda Mesa How Can You Miss THlS CHARMING homa on la.n"· 1caped A lenced 60 x 130 lot. 2 bdnns. ONLY $771'>0 wttb trma. . Balboa 2 1torea or ortlcea, one 28x30. One l2.x2:1. Low rent. Suitable for re· tall bu1lnus or o!flce. :l-07 E . Ba.lboa Blvd .. Har. 3&oe. 86t fc 1-Lagunlla exrlu•1ve . . S7500 A DE.I.Jo: J PSE~. RP.Al.TOR I LI'ITLE GEM F'rank \\" 11111 ~·r11nc111 Bl~it' Eni;ll•h Tudor cottac• So. ot Ha.rb<lr !189:'> _ H\~:>O~S~\ Bh·d .. rorona del Mar. Older Two Oc4en Front Iota. Zoned lo• du~ 19600 •rh. Coast Properties S B "Id" BALBOA. ttllrart mt>d bt>1Hh • tore UI 1n9 I 1ypc homl'. u run v""' tron1 11 ... Modern s~ Mo Su1tablP insur· Ing rvum. picture Wll\UOWll 31 am e. · r••al f Slltlt?, i:•fts. etc'. bdrma., bath plus c.Jbt gar Fine Pt1rking tscolltlu F A. Heat. loc.tl1on nr sw1111n11n.i: llea1.ht'I Call Hur. 20i0. &9Hc <.;oo•t Income nJlP'" lunl\.)'. ~1111'1 ~ aold at !mi:e by nun·re&. own- DESK SPACE with phone eervtre JJO mo. 1107 E . Balboa BJvd., DRlbon.. Phone an11werlng service s.110 available. He.r. 3&06. 86t!r FOR RENT -Fuml~h«I om re ln AMOCla71on with an attorney, Tax eXpert prefer.red. 2912 W. Col\Jlt ll1ghway, Newport Beac•h. Callt. Ll 8-&102. 88t!c Dress Shop S3900 Handles Box :l!H l~ai;una AeR< h NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL er rtlrrc-t. Corne anyt1m" 1229 W. BAiboa Al. 9111'1 FO R SALF. OR L EASE. !"ewporl ReAl'h. B"Y frontage 400 f P<'I Write tn ="· !'.in~,.r. 21\fl F. Bl'V· erly Prive, B,...,.,.Jy Hill,., 11r phnn& <'Rr11IVIPW 1 ·~1111 mkl\ 10 Ac res ON Tl"STCX A \'E.. prndul'tn1t orange &: &\'OCado g rove i :l)C\11 terms. C111l 118 for 1..l he srrce~P OAX A. JACORSP:N. RPl'ltor 434-32nd St . Newport Beac.-h Harl'>or M91 E\"<'I! LI 8·6317 9 f l S395 DOWN ~\J\fEOJATl': PO~~"IO:>;, bdrm, 2 ha th hoin"• f"11ll prl1 e SI0,300. l 2029 Hnrhor Blvd .I ~-4761 t E\'• s 1 LI II·•';' J)C or Hsrt.<11 I 306~ ~I U9r I :lh but wesi1 chann. Huge 301 E. Dalhoa Blvd~ B&lboa 1111·hl'•I h\' -dlntn1 area. Won-1 Harbor 28M, U.97 and 4llOO. <l,.rful for entert&lnlnl'. 2 BdrmJ. rt<!n. 2 fireplaces, a Slll,960 on Klng1 Plare. I bdrm, • h11rn11•r at $16,600. Easy J 'I. baU1. CarpeUng, pallo - term .. Exdu11t\'e agent. FORD Lovely --Lovable -Uveable. VERJHNDER. Harbor 42&3 Onl'1 S8960. down. evl'S 34i 7. 93tfc ORANGE COAST l"'ROPJi:RTlES SHORECLIFFS LOT 181'>1 Newport, Coeta Me.a 1 Le\'!'I LI 8-1&32 E\·a. Ll 8~80S 1 Rlofk from Ocean , Permanent V1t'w 1 R~1111<1nably Prket1 SF:L:b:CTED PROPERTIES llarhor 4ilH E•·l's. H11 rt>or 178i·W 99c2 CORONA nEC. )fAR Furn. 2 bed· rn<1m. !11•. rm. H x23. new w w. carret. it•rb. <1111p. Lote oC cloeet 11p11rf'. Of,.An ,.l•la t\f Highway. •32 F"emleKf. Stl,500. SM your bruku. 118p1 COSTA MESA Architect's former home. Beautifully lan<iseaped, delightful patio. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. FHA financ- ing. Easy terms. Only $14.500 Ca II Llbcrty 8-2664 I Eve11 LI B-7056 I EAR L W ... STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport 84'ach • Ntxt to cor. 19th &: Placrntla, In COlta Meaa.. 2 b<>rtronm home. C'X<"tllfnt t·ond1t1or.. Plus a small 11t nr,. 1n r .. sr. Pl••nty perking & room for ""panslon. lmmedl11 te 3 By Owner -A Bargain! !----------------_____ oo __ c_2 __ DORM , 2 h11lh homl' Lovely _,, p01111,.111on For !!Air or tree.Jr , «'orner, ::, ll. lllntt8r11 red lot 00-lncom.-~rty ~._lnfomf' Property Back yard fumpl. rcnrc1t. F .A ---------------------rell nwner LI 8-622:1 mnrntngs "r ert.-r ~ p. m 91\Cc -------1 OPPORTUNITY 1 t;nll heal, hw.J flr11 .. i;11rh •II~ . \\' to w <·arpf'I 11n11 rlrnJI""· St 7.500-TcrmN Thrlvlni: houscdr11.mni; b11ll10<'!IS. I !•!111 Oppo1 tun1ly lo make R•><•I mnn-' lr11n" A\'I' I.I 8·i3~1\ r\' f111 11cht p11rly. M&ke """r 1----------fl'-f'I ln 8 11)( 11-!•6. ttiu• P"P"'· ~!1tcr ~ PHWJ.: IU:ntTF:n $1.0r'tO on h1111y hllll' C'u111na cit I Mar r·efe with MW fountain You t an ma.ke It here A be h11pry T,.nns - LEE <' A~EY ofhrt 2721 I!!. Coa~l I lllr''Y liar O.lli6 P9r2 ~"-o_n~'-· _to_Lo_an ____ 1 LOAN S for Homes o"° -JO rr. 1A6ll9 Construction Loans SEl: BOB !A 'Ml..l:R 26l6 EAST COAST BLVD. Best Buy in To wn 3 B R. 11tur1·0 do11bll' JtRrll J:", nlr" f1repla rl', l11ritl! rnrnri lcit r11r-, l'<'l.-. 11' "p• > 1111 n l•r 111m:r. r,..f.,: & \\" M. or.dllol•· I l'hl:< bBth••lor apt 01 <'r ~1rA1t.. 1 l!'U "d 11t s:111 mu 1 ='I\ <'IV 1.,. 11l<'tl urh· )110 fl from b11y A II t hi A for only S7 ;.<I() •In Hon1t-r E ShAtn H,.11l111r Harhnr 110 E\C H11r 11:1 ; M ('ORONA DEL ~tA n r w u HIJl 'SES 011 rnr. lol. IJ<Jlh 2 l1<>clrm~ & f1r<'pl&r••• I h»I' fa l1t>11t. Both Jea.1•11. S4!1 !')1"1 \' ery 111111 t h\I~ Al4qo * BALBOA APARTMENT BOG. * $17,000 income, per annum 22 t;n1ts with 9200 sq, ft. of living area, all in lat. Class Condition. Top high ,..nw lor11t1:m. $24 .MO Down Tot11 I Prir<-: $.Ii.~,()()() For further infonnAtwn en II CRF:ENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY. 1r-;r. 3112 Newport-Blvd .. NP.wport &<1rh Hnrbor 2!>."'>2 l-~\'('8. Liberty ·31 ~6 2!i Years of Lcarier~hip LOOK AT THE RETURN OCl:.AJf J'RONT -8piloCl<Maa 1 or 2 bdrm. 'Zcloeed paUo. volley bUl OOIUt. loftl7 Ylew. llwnmer * Star Fleet * and wtnier rent.ala. ... at not 10 fl. cuatom built -llv. rm.. W. Ocean Front. !'lewport Bch. ll9c2 2 BnR.M., Jl"UJU(, A.PT.. private pAtlo. auto. wa.ahtt, dlahmuter. gAr. Beacon Bay, pr1vate bench. amall boat tie up. Wlier 1100, yrly. 1160 mo. utll pd. 1 • petJo A vail. Oct. 1'. Har. U O. '-eJ F URN. 2 bedrm. llome. by mo. or yrly. G1mtge. A\'1111 Sept. 111. Corooa dPI Ma.r ff.arbor 3888 Rep. POIRlE.R MORTOAG• col W.tro Litt lm. hndli IQ. WlM '8ttc ' 'NITS Pl "RN Pull r rtce S51$,l)r)O, '7200 1nrome U11t nr town (l\l\'!ltr ""Y" •~II C 11 LATHROP, 3113:'1 E Cor111t Hwy I .On thte amall piece of rental property. 4 unlt1 comr letely furniahed. Near Or.can 8t Bay with Blvd. frontage. Showa $4~0<1 y1·a r. ~ JO.(I()() will handle Full price S27 .500 dlMtta. kit.. t.UI. Wrm. "1m· or call liu'. 1.232-W eoept Mon. a.had -.pletAllJ, IDal. tr• TV, __ 6_~ __ 1_. ______ UJ>3_ chJna. m un.a.. *· CA.aANA. ' BDRM. ~. untum. Water I x JO, oompl. ftln. A.L80 paid. YrlJ. 1--. $60, 118 40th paUo t'Umlt~. N-12 ft. 8t. Har. •S&•·W. 99c2 Wl1a1d T'• hp. lC'rinrUda mtr. Bee at Lot '-N.-port Munltlp&I Tr&Jltr Pa.r11. Rar. 0821-R. t6pl I BOR.M .• t um or unturn.. n«wly decoratrd l'lou-. 2&29 Onn~ Q>ata MH&. fl!lr 2 Wl:>;TER RENTAL. NEW 2 bdrm. rum. apt • ;ru. Utll. pd Nee.r !'hopping centtr It bfly. Si~ mo 1 """· 178\-M lc3 I 11l7 W. Bay. Newi>ort. H.ubor LOANS TO BUlLC>. OlPROVJ: C'orvns 1lrt :'\-t11r. H1rt,.1r 1'1442 BUY. MODmNJZS, OR l F.Vl'll. 3680 91kl I REFINANCE "• Buy Trust Oeeda SACRTFJCE. W&tPr front hn111e rlelely tum . Avail. O~t. l for l'fSWPORT BALOOA SAVl,.GS wllh pler 4: fJ01t Lari?" f"lllto wlnlt'r U 2ll mo. PaUo, fir-.pl .. 1 A WAN ASSOCIATION flr•ptac r Bv owner. I'm r If· dbl gar. l18 VI& Dijon. II.arbor 13841 Via Udo, Ph. Hu-. UGO l1uced 10 ~u 3"°6 lo'lnlty. :-:n.'· 467$-W. toct Lia port ~arh. HAr. 469P.-WK. 99c.2 38M before noon. 87tlc Lido Isle 'bdrm. ProvinclAl Interior. corn· THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport Be.ch LI 8-3481 1~ -- --.. - PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1955 r a._....._ II •.ar.-.. LIDO ISLE Exclasive With Us S bedrooma1 2 b&tha 'OD a 70 ft. tree lined atreet. All electric kit~hen. S car garage. South Patio. Loaded with extru $37 ,600 On Same Wide Street 3 Bedrooms, 2 batha and hobby room, 2 cu gar- age. Extra large patio. $34,500 unfur. or $36,000 furnlabed. I ALSO \ 3 Bedrooms. 2 baths on 44' lot, 2 car garage. South Patio. Excellent value at $31,500 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 4718 VOGEL VALUES MAIN · Off ICE * • * • ONLY ONCE IN A BLUE MOON Can we offer you a bargain like thia. 3 bedrms. plu1 penthouse with bar -4 baths on choice Bal- boa Peninsula corner -FURNISHED for only $28,000 ALL THE ... ~ .... -------- -- a ••r-... II 8Mlr..tMe II ••• ...._ t * SEE BEf.ORE YOU BUY! * NEWPORT BEACH OCEAN FRONT 117. ot7th SL, 1 :i blk. to beach. view, new, 2 bdrm. modem, large lot. room for additional unit. $3,50() movea you in. Open daily. 1-Bdrm home, lleepe e, complet~ly furn. It tencecl, on large R-3 lot-room for 2 additional unita. l"ull price $18,000 with $8,000 dn. Will conaider local late model Cadillac u part 'payment. Two housee on one lot, le.a than ~ !? blk to beach. One l·bdrm. with fireplace, one 2-bdnn. Both com- pletely furn. Full price $27,500 terma. Ocean front lot R·2, can build 2 unlta. full price $8.750 202S W. Balboa Blvd. WANTED A RETIRED COUPLE LIVE ON BEAUTIFUL MARI· GOLD AVE. IN CORONA DEL MAR AND RA VE AN JNCOME TOO. Never be.fore have we orttred auch 'a dellghtlul 2 bedroom home on thl8 fine.st comu location. You wUl be am~ al the weU de· ~1g.1ed, large and •unny-brtsht rooms. IL alao has an altra.c:tln fireplace, timing room and a g11.laxy of fl'a turee that wlll pleaae the mo11t dlscrlm1Mt1n1 buyer. IN ADDITION, It hu a darling l bdrm. apt. over •pa· clous 2 car garage. (The apt. ta rt'nted for '70 mo.) 4T HE MO?iTHLY PA YME.NTS ON THIS PROPERTY WILL BJ: $9';.60 MO., to quaJitled buyer. Call now tor further det&lll on dn. pml. l'lc. IRIS, CORONA DEi.AMAR South of Ule h1wll.y. Immaculate 2 l>Wrm. It den home. CaU Har. 2042 now for appt. lo aee. 530 Kings Rd., Cliff Haven One ytar old, 3 bedrm., 2 bath. 011tst1Llldtng buy at $22,T60. Xlnt ll'rl'NI Call now for appt. LOT ON OCEAN BL VD. I J. M. M I LL ER C 0. Near the Newport Pier ~1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Owner Must Move! Thia very attractive 3 B. R. houae wu built to be owner'• permanent home with all of the ext'ru not found in the uaual Spec. HoU8e but bualneu neceuitatea moving inland immediately. Hand- pegged hardwood floon1 throughout. Larg~ family kitchen, built-in atove and oven. dining room with built-in BBQ, unuaually large bedroom,., •pacioua walk-in cloeeta. 2 Bathrooms. twin buina, mirrora, Iota ot tile. Beautiful wood paneling throughout with hand-hewn redwc:Sod exterior. Large comer lot. Owner will conaider vacant Iota or tni1t deeds u part of down' payment or will finance to meet qualified buyer'a terms. M. L. S. Li.sting Price $26,500 BALBOA Bay Avenue - Income 2 B. R. home, large living room-1 B. R. apartment over gara_ge and bachelor unit attached to 'garage, all nicely furnished. $5,000 will handle. Bay Avenue -Duplex 2 B. R. up, 1 B. R. down plua large rumpua room. Completely Fu:rniahed. J5,000 down -Firm ~rice $18,500 • Hu. 4091 ocean front 3906 Seashore Dr. 2 BDRM. turn. beach cottac• All clua front. Good loca. Be1t awlmmJnc • wrl . fiahlnc-Rapp. $12,450 305 34th St. Home 6: rar. apt. tumllbed. Near Bay 6: Bea ch, cheery ldtchen1 tUe. Oreenhouae for fuchaiu • berontaa. 8 x 12 work.ahop plua laundry rm. CoiuldeT $1600 dn., will trade up or dn. or t.alte TD'L -Lee. newport t.land 411 38th Street New Dup!u, I -I· bdrm. apt.., knotty pint, uaed brick. tlreplace built ln ranre. H/W floora, ~­ wood cart.1• di.Ip., bather'• llhower dreutnr room, laundry. -a very nlct home with lncomf. -Kerwtn. ~-. ~!!~~!! .. !_ ___ _!G!::~•!!•!!l!.,.!la!*!!!!e.!!... ___ _ Corona del Mar Vogel Values PLEASING MODERN 2 B. R.'1 corner tirepla~. le. MY. rm. •b7 mpaee ln k.ltchm, 2 car rarac-about ~ bk>ek to marbt. ahope. Total price of $13,500 tnohMS. ltOft. ~. 6 auto wuher. HoUM now rented Gil mo. to mo. bul8 at $100 mo. South of Highway, Harbor cl Ocean View. 2 Bdrm., 2 bath home on'° ft. lot a .tone'• throw to Ocean Blvd. Ideal alt uation f01t sue-ta or t.m- ager in lower bdrm. with Mp. bath. Vwy attnclttft interior and excellent condition througtlout. lmaD down payment will handle 6 ~ pit. Ill aalr $21.500 COAST HIGHWAY BLOO. . 2 Sto~ 6 2 apartment.. Good IDoolM ROW with higher income poulble If yoa IO dmre4. Tbe apa.rtmenta are fumiabed and the Doctor'• otftoM are finished in Aah Wood -natural tiniab. hrced a.ir heating, etc. The total price 18 on1J 181.T&O. Pleue call for appointment to ... th1a bldf. an4 get the income .chedule. A. fOOd ln•letmlllt CORNER DUPLEX With garagea aeperating the 2 B. R. (IL) lmita. Both have fireplace.. The property ia In "'*""' repair. One unit ia on a leue; the other OG a month to month basis so the new owner can have po•• sion if desired. Out? of atate owner bu to ..UI (Which meana an unuaually good buy). Total uk· ing price ia only $22,500 with FHA financing. When you aee it you'll agree it'a one ot the bemt IQolUnc unita in town. The Vogel Co. 2667 E . Cout Hwy . ._ CDM H&r.17U Har. 1'7T / 1·'C'' ntOM.AS "C'' THOKA.S "C" TBOKAa •'C' THOMA.I LIDO WATERFRONT lMMEDlATE POSSF.SSION-LOW DOWN PAYMENT Completely furniahed Cor unfurniahed) charm.ins ADVANTAGES Corona d_.I Mar-One ot thoH We have yearly and winter rental•. ,~,,._ 3 bdrm., 3 bath, new w tow carpeting, alm08t new appliances, lovely encl. patio, barbecue, PIER It SLIP -Owner will conaider trade. Immediate occupancy! of casual beach livin.g. 6 minutea from Bay or "hard to get" bulldlnr Iota-. , Just listed at $14,700. •Wt can Beach. yet on a Beautiful comer lot m CLIF~-31110 ahow you other•. LIDO'S-BF.ST BUT at SM.000- ncea.n front 3705 Seashore Dr. Commercial Income -Corona del Mar RA VEN. 3 bedrms. & den -2 batha--,-0ak floors. -- Rustic living room. BeauUful patio and prize land· E. 17th BAY & BEACH REALTY 14~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Har. 1264 • scaping. Real quality construction. Hard to dup-' BUSINESS PROPERTY hcate at the Mking price of $35,000 Thi• might be your lut cbance to buy an excepllona.lJy cood bu1l· nut lol. zone C·2. J 00 x 300 for only $22 500. NEW DUPLEX 2 bedrm. each -150 ft. from beach. Sliding gla.aa rloora, large wardrobes. open beam ceilings. CIOH to shopping district. Full price $19,950 . * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach u 8-3481 Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Rayle-C. no.via. C. Ru.111, Aaeoc. 3Il Marine Ave. -Ba.100. llland Upper Bay Area! ----·-------1 OVERLOOKJNO Santa Ana Coun-* NEWPORT ISLE * Buy of the Year. 4 bedroom, plus garage apt .. on large choice cor- ner. Fireplace, 3 baths, patio. barbecue. 2 car gar., refrigerator wHh deep freeze. gas range and a~matic washer. Ont¥ $19,000 $6000 will handle. GREENLEAF·SEVERTS REALTY 31 12 Newport Blvd .. N('wport Beach ~~r~l ~~= Ll~~8~~ 25 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- abore Drive. Knotty pine llving room wit.la dining areL Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1 :: bath down, 3 bedrooma and 1 ~:z baths up. Solid con- atruotlon, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage. encloeed yard. ~cellent beach. try Club. 2 ~room and den. Large llvinc room and breaktut area. 2 flreplacee. Separate la•· garage building wlUl rumpua It freezer room with " bath. Beau- llrul home for only $17,000 • , • $4 0()() down. Peninsula Home! IDEAL, MODERN HOME WITH 4 BEDROOMS and 2 bath1. Ocean view trom upatalr bed· room. Large Uvln1 room With flagstone fireplace. Buy It for your family ... $23,&00, l&-000 rtown 2 Unit Income! :>NE 0 1-· OUR BEST VALUES. 2 pat1oa, Cloae to Bay and Ocean. bolb furnljbed. Bolh In 1~ ronrtlUon. 3bxt02 ft. lot. 1111,860 $4600 down. Balboa Duplex! l.A RGE LOT • • . ROOM FOR ONE MORE UNIT PLUS 3 OARAG~. Lower hu been modernized and heavy furniture In both Included In 1ale prtce. Betl location tor both Bay and CX•ean wwtmmlng. $111,llOO wWi term•. Balboa Lots! ASK TO SEE OUR I R·I LOTS on Balboa Boulevard ••. cloM to bualnea &eetlon. 119.600 for Balboa Bay Front 5 Bdl'INI, I batha bMuutulJy tum. w t t h hand · blockfd drapee w /w carpet&, Heinley lhuttera th.ru • out. It II a d"am come tru• lt you an looking for Early Amer. decor. 2 patloa, BBQ with elec. 1plt, pier and 1lip, S car rar. with p&rkl.n( ..,.ce p.lore. A.Jiklnr 110,000 lhown anytime ~ appoint· ment. Bayshores Thia hOUH WU d..trned and built for euy and pac!OUI livtnr. W /W carpet.I, drapertu .nd Heinley 1hutt.et1 thru-out. TM cuatom • mad• appoint· ment.a are In txe9llent tute. I pa.tJoe. be&uUtul pl&ntinp, elec kitchen. Not over·priced. Shown anytime by appoint· ment. Excellent Income Duplex Located cloee to the Lido Shopping area on a quiet Beach houu, wtth bl&' rooma It cood view or ocean, cloae ln. $4000 dn. UOO mo. -Lee. B A y v I E atreet. Completely and newly furniahed. Lower unit w 2 bedroom•. upper one bedroom. Both leased ahow· ing a fine return on the full furnished price of $24,000. Upper can be made available w the new REALTORS owner. Excluaive with us. See it todav. ~-. H~r~ LIDO CORNER Lot special at $12,500 _2_~_w_. Ba1_bo_•_B_1v_d._ BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3112 Latayette, Newport ·Har. 3643 Har. 2999 EvM. SOU>! SOLD~ SOLD! 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1,265,395.00 Thr u Multiple Listing Service WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST carefully eelect- ed value• ln each of our distinct- ly d1llerent. HARBOR ARE.AS. BALBOA PENINSULA NEW OFFERING-mod. Provtn, 2 bdrm.~nly "'JI blk. to Jetty. LoadJI of cupboa.rd1, ga.rb. dlap dble. garace. Only $18,600. 11% loa.n. $111. 48 mo. CU:FF HAVEN u:uioo BUYS THIS •parkllng I bdrm. home. Lovely land11caped patio. Quiet St.. 4% G.I. loan, tor comfort 6: HCurtty. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor INVESTORS A TrENTION ! Consilta of 8 rental unita, 2 store. and 4 bachelor apta. Examine th• inveatment poeeibilitiea ot this fine property. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach Liberty 8-M2T "C" THOM.AS "C" THOM.AS "C" THOKil ''C" THOMAS LIDO BAY FRONTS New 3 B. R. Ir den-Delight.fully tum. Pier It float. $89,500 -70 ft. frontage. 2 yn. old -Lido Nord -3 B. R., 3 bath, very weU located. Low price of $59.500 with pier cl float. On easy terms, can buy you a lovely home. LIDO INSIDE HOME 2 B. R. plu1 1 B. R. & bath over gar. Comp. turn. Excellent home or incom-{ -$28,500 . FOR A LOW PRICED HOME You can't beat tbia immaculat~ 2 B. R. on 35 ft. beautifully landscaped lot for $21,500--$7000 down. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. '972 Eve.. Har.-2191-M-Har. 1380 or-LI-~ Its "pe~chy keeno", This BACK BAY BEAUTY ha.a everything you've been asking for. Shake roof. artiatic ranch home. Soft and lovely colors tbru out. Siu ? ? 3 bedrootD9 PLUS CONVERTIBLE DEN. Only $22,950. Eu1 terms. Must be shown by app't only. El Retiro Eastern Home EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport BlYd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 ~'. ' · • • may~ ~· .. ~-Newport Harbor Board of Realtors Balboa Realty Co. 410 32nd St. Newport Beach SYLVIA moMPSON, A.asoc. 2SO. Newport Blvd., Npt. S.a.c:h Euy Parktnc Harbor 4610 A secluded comer -"A peek" ot a view. Such lovely trees. Location Newport Hta. Ideal for you young decoratonJ, or retired couple. Not a shake roof farmhouse and it. older, ao what? Y Restful and rugged. Lol alone worth $7,500 It you can't put a price on thoee treee. Opportunity knocks here. $18.900 See thia ! I OPPORTUNITY Ff RST TIME OFFERED 2500 eq. tt. butineu building It goin1 t>.iDeu on Newport Blvd. near Lldo Shopping atta. Only SH, iOO. $2.200 down bu)'ll thia whole dee.I. lock, atock It barrel. mo ... ma.JI• thie forced •Je irn· pent.iv•. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (At Port Orange) Newport Beach. U 8· 7662. Har. 51M ew.. lc3 • .. ~-- Oppoeile Bank ot America Ro• GrMle, .AJ ComeUu.. l:d 1- Jaclt Plnkham J<>Npbtn. Webb ----------.-------:------ TOO !:.. Balboa BIYd., Ba.lbo4' Phone HarbOr HTT. View Lot on Bluff. ti.-.eholdJ 98 feet tron1.&ce. No. 302 Kinp Road, W•l of Pink HoUM, Owner W. E. TenEyclt, 6041 Pacltio .. be., Long Beach. Telepbone Loni Be&cb •-eoN or ~-2M. 96pll SEA8HORll DR.IVI:. R-1 Beecll k>t.. ~ bUL to aurf. QOOO OMh. ORA.NOil OOArr PROPICRTIES lMT N9Wp01't. Coeta X.. t.l 1-1112 E'Ye. LI .._ NOBODY WILL BELIEVE IT! ~lie been NO Iota So. of Hiway near the OCean fo IO long, we might be doubted-but we do have wo right now. Zoned R-2 on quiet, tree lined stree . You can not ateal them but they ARE worth the price. No calll, pl .... , juat brtn1 y ear check book to R. L STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodp. Aw>ciatAI Mii I:. Coelt Hwy,. Corooa c:W Mar. Har. 277• -----"-----·----- $850 DOWN BEACH SHACK. '" bloc:k to oc.n. $60. mo. F"~ll price $686-0 REX RECHS -Realtor 2307 Balboa Blvd. Har. 51M Evea LI 8·38M LOT on ~tb at., near bMch, only ---------------------pooo. Lut chance for low price B~=~: BUILDING on New· CORONA DEL MAR port Blvd. 1960 down 8" 11a ror full detallJI. 5460 KO. INOOKJ:, 1111,000 dn., lmpro•ed comer. Harbor Blvd. Take local I bdrm. home u d.n. p&JmenL ' OR.ANGE OOA.tt PROPDTI&a 1867 Newport. Ooeta ~ Ll 1-lW ' S •e. LI ... Expansive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 bathe. Hardwood It carptt tloon . Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. • SEE US tor BEAOON BAY and BAYIHOR!lB propea- Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HY&tt ~ John Macnab, Harbor t53eG EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine A. n ., Balboa Ialand • , ii - ' • I 62-BeaJ r..ta_te - ---_8t _tjleaJ ....... . ....... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II · PAGE I . THESE ARE GOOD ' I MONDAY SEPT. 5, 1-'55 a .... , ....... Theae propertie. are among our cholcat bu)"I. Home9 tor every family. See them before buying. p. a. p a·1 mer inc or po rated developers of Udo Isle BALBOA ISLAND OCEAN FRONT 3 ~rm. home. newly mnodeled and decorated. $15,500 unfurnlahed, Sl&,000 furniahed. VIEW OF JETTY -One of t.he finest homet1 on the ocean front. Ilneaa force1 sale, 5 bedroom• on BAYFRONT. Older, but a goqd fam- ily home. Partly furni1hed. Juat reduced to $30,000 & room home on comer lot 40x90. Two bedroom.a and den, '1th bath.&, fireplace, hardwood floon, larp walled' patio, double garage ·~ for apartment. Permanent bay view. · • $2~,500. Terms. Two bedroom, 2 bath home on Bay Ave. Nlce patio with BBQ. Room to build another house. ~down Good older 2 bedroom house and bachelor rental. Near town, library, transportation. $12,500. Excellent term• can be arranged. Back bay view lot. One of the few fee lot. in the area. 12:sx16.'5. $15,000. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1&05 W. Balboa Blvd, Harbor 5188 1c3 VALUE BEACON BAY, 2 bech-oom, 2 bath home and 1 bedroom • income apartment. • An exclusive h ome area with f ine beach and large lot tor mother & children, and dock spact; for a 11mall boat for dad. Priced $28,500 fumished- Good terms. Owner will listen to ca.sh. Pb. Har. 444 for appt. u Aug. tenant pays $775 rental. FOR SALE OR TRADE 8 unit motel apartment. The finest unit of thi1 type ln this location. Income in exceg of $12,000. THE VOGEL ·co. 208 Marine Avenue Next door to the Poat Office Har. 444 Eves Har. 3059-M -Har. i248-R -··-------------------- GOLDEN RULE VALUE Owner Must Give Away North Bayfront Large Family 1 In fact. 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. 6 unitl nicely tumlabed, newly painted A deconted. Lovely patio giving maximum privacy to each unit. Tb1A la out- 1tanding in every way-eee th la for sure. It' 1 the beat income property buy we know of. Full price including f urntture $10:5,000. Terms. For a f amtly who lives mnartly and buya wiaely ! You'! enjoy all the wonderful advantage. of Lido living in thla BRAND NEW 3 bedrm., 2 bath home. 12 by 12 den, 2 fireplacee, paper, paneling and col- ors tutetully blended. SO by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen is fully equipped with built-in range and oven, disposal, di11bwaaher and fan. Ready to move into today. and only $33.500. Bayfr~nt with Pier and Slip 3 bedrooma & 3 baths. new waU-to-wall carpeting. very nicely furnished, fine condition throughout and should be seen if you are considerin~ a bayfront home. $55,000 incl. furniture. Terms if desired. Want A Lido Summer Home? 2 bedrma. le 1 bath plua a ~ bath and amall bedrm. in garage. Only 300 feet to perfect north bay beach. This home is i.n fine condition and if you would like a home to ll.lle in the summer and havf' us rent it for you in the winter, thia should ~ perfect. $18,2:s0 Ter1ru1. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales man~gement 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Th~n be certain to aee thia moat attractive home-- Built especially for a family with four children and designed ao mother and father can have guest• and privacy. The children even have their own living room, what could be more perfect than that. Nice patio, nice yard, tour bedrooms and lhreto batha. Priced at $37,500 and with terms made to flt you. A1k for Bill Farnsworth Picturesque Provincial Spacioua Brownell design includes enormous Muter Bedroom 1uite with His and Her dreasing rooma and bath. Gue.et room and bath-cozy den. 2 fireplaces -iota ef used brick and redwood. Heavy shake root -ocean view -Just a step to exclusive bathing beach. Price $36,500. Open Sunday from 1-5. 248 Evening Canyon Rd, Shore Cliffe, Corona del Mar. Drive by or Call Dave Osburn Back Bay Beautiful Early American Home. Two large bdrm.a. and a den plua 1 % baths. Thia Is one of the cut.eat houses we have seen In a long time. You will fall in love with it the minute you see its low hanging heavy s!take roof which a ccentuates the warm cozy reeling of the entran<'e. It's too baci a house like-this ever has to be sold but 11ell it we must at only $24,750. For details call Joe Kincaid p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-M73 Houston Values BILL'S BEST BUYS Cheap Acre EASTS IDE COMMERCIAL ACRE -can hf> cut Into 2 60'x300' loll & ye.ar Onlv $11,100 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bedroom WHILE OTHERS SLEEP home .. Only a 1tep0 lo Blvd. 11hops $3~00 and S68.80 mo buy1 IL 6a. HF:LIOTROPE. Ripe tor fhtl'r upptr, Spare for gar, apt. You <'an pick this one up for only $1000 dn. Spac- ious 2 bedroom-FURNISHED-Hu H.W. fioonJ, dining room, fireplace and in top location. Sewers In and paid-paved alley, tull price only $10,600. home on heautlful cor. lot. Drive SCHOOL DAYS put !016 cnrr-or., i111,ooo; • $31rn0 dn. makea It a pick up. Dear Old Golden Rule Daya--Thi1 lovely two bed- M-1 $15,000 2~0 SQ. FT. BMg on 63x290. 20 alley rear, Sell with or 11..-!thoul lease of $1 36 pPr mo. PlacenUa Ave. nr. 19th St. Eve Info. Ph. Lytle Ll 8·2~42 Special-$8200 GOOD 3 lxlrm. home on rear of JOOJc330 lot. Plenty of room lo bullrt. Ownf'r ntet111 only S2~00 room is only a bloc.I< away from Harper School. All large rooms. hardwood floors, dinette and breakfast area. Completely fenced. Full price $10,900, with Sl .950 down. BROADWAY VALVES Large 3 bdrm. Bath has tub & stall ahower. Com- pletely re-decorated in & out. Double, garage on paved alley. Sewers in & paid for. Full price $12,950. With $3000 down. • old nlre 2 bdrm. knotty pine p•neled hom~ and workshop or guut houtf'. Only U0.&00. Room • lo build unit.I. . Exclusive Listing E. 18th St. 2 INCOME HOUSES plua nlce 4 yr~ oJ<1 ..2 bdrm. home. Hdwd. !loon-lovely tlreplace-double garage-workahop-plu.1 exlru. 631;'x300' lot-<IOH In. Wiil af'll 2 Income. hoUMll ror 112.000 - $3,000 1ln. or all 3 home1 tor $6.000 dn. SEE THJS TOnA y: Full prtce 3 hou&u Ut.000. .. Eastside Duplex 3 YRS. OLD. Hdwd noo~. 2 brm. u r h. 2 gsragra In h#tween Clean. S~ 000 dn . S t~.2~0 tUll price. $5,500 Full Price BIJ\'S A CLEAN. Well l'On11truct· f'd 1 bdrm houu. Scp11rate J&r- 'QUALITY ISLAND HOKE A APT. One ot the llland'a fine homes, 3 bdrma .. lge. dlnm. rm., 1" batha, delightful light living rm. openini to partly covered patio. The attractively fumiahed 2 bdrm. guage apL with full bathroom eama over $1800 per year. Extra'~ bath in ~artge. Out.ttanding buy at $38,000 with $12,000 dn. FIRST OFFERING. Small 2 bdrm. house on Sap- phire. Floor furnace, fireplare, turni1hed. built 1047. Small lot. only $16,MO. Submit down. TWO UNITS LIKE NEW WITH BAY VIEW Convertible either • bdrm. home with 1 bdnn. apL or 3 bdrm. home with 2 bdrm. apt. Graclou1 llv· ing rm. leading to exceptional ratio. $10,000 dn. good term.a. 80 FT. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little laland, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value la cloee to the ulcing price of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32,!500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot , charminl 4 bdrm. 3~ bath house. Dining rm .. modem kit- chen, disp.. difthwaaher, Iota of cupboards and closet!!. Plua unuaued l _bdrm. apt. over 3 car rar- age. Bo~ units all ne•ly funtiAhed in Modeme. Idea.I for home and income or guHt.A. , Har. 1775 -Eve11. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ~'IMMACULATE" Belt deacribea our newett U.tinr of Lido'• ama.rt.t two bedroom bome-lt'1 done in Provincial decor • ~plete with those smart interior window abut.. tera-uaed brick fireplace. Full price only $22. 700, terms. (By the way it'• a very 1hort walk to tbe Clubhouae). • LIDO LOT Forty foot frontage and h1 through atreet to ~ $12,750: . -A»o- -We have a mnall ttdo lot $3;000. (WI bitten Udl to be the lowe.t price of any available lot on Udo Ialand). LI DO · REALTY A.uoclatea Lldo'a Most Experten* Sa.IM Penonntl Bill Kempton -Joe Grohman ~ne Vreeland -Vlrginla Mauon 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Acrou from Richard'• Market Ent.ranee) I . I Must sell thl1 property thia wef'k. Out or town owner wlre1 u1 distress call. 2 bedroom home with hardwood floon -2 car garage. Backyard fenced. Home is 4 years old. Do you want to make a TERRIFIC BUY! See ua at on<:e. Takee around a $1,000 down. down--F.xcl. location -Ellllt· CLOSE JN tide, acelng 111 bt'lle\'lng on this .. one! 2 bdrm., hdwd. floors. 6' cement block wall en· agc. WaJI lo will carpel•. 60'x ---------------------- ANOTHER BARGA~ !1500 Down We have been commiaaioned to sell this 3 bedroom home with 2 car garage. Hardwood floors. House ia about 3 years old. Exceptionally large kitchen and bedrooms. Back Bay Area. Full price is only $1.0,700 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa (across from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -Lt 8-2103 bllnn. 1n Newport Ht.a. Ar,.a for $i900-Lol 11'1 80x90. Only 140. mn. on balance-- closes re~r yard. Bbq. and outdoor fireplace. Newly decorated insi<le & out. Walking distance to mkts. & downtown shopping. Full price only $9950. W. A. TOBIAS 2 blks. from ocean! and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR NF.WPORT BEACH "you'll like our friendly 1ervice" fl."EAT 2 bdrrn .. dble. gnr. on alley. 400 E . 17th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 Only S2~00 down. ju11t think-----------------------only $10.000 fumh1hed ! Westside Bargain! 3 BDRM .. 1 yr. old on 66 x 110 lot. Incl. garb. dlsp , \\' \\' car- peting. ftnl'ed ILlld land11c&ped, drape1, bullt·ln brkrat. nook, btllcr than new! Onlv SIO 500 41, ~ lo&n. only H O 60 per mo. on bal. F.ve. Info. Pttltte LI 8-M8i BALBOA ISLAND Exclusive Little Island -nearly new -4 bdrm., 2 bath, tastefully furn. -Charming patio -a f~ steps to East Bay. $28.500 complet~ly fuml.abed. ATTENTION: Builders and Contractors Houston Realty Co. Close to Shopping C.enter-Coey modern-2 bdrm. covered patio. ,.. $16,950 tumiahed N S bd• · · & ASSOCI..tTES ew u 1v1s10n . Lots 609 Center St.. Coat.a Me.I'll Laguna Beach LI 8~911 or LI 8·71114 A place for dream homes by the beautiful ocean. Lot.8 are LEVEL and have a gorgeous OCEAN VIEW. Streets ar e paved and all utilities in. Near schools, church, bus and new Alpha Beta Shopping CE>nter. CORONA DEL MAR CHAR.MlNO 2 br., provincial. rm. for unit, cloH to m&rket11 nnd tran11portallon, R·2. . S 12.:;oo COR. I.OT w 1nJ ce apt. ovtr gar. R-2 $4000 down, full rr. S 10.000 Outstanding value -2 units, $3000 yearly income $5000 down WM. W. SANFORD; Realtor Park at Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 And Associates Prices $5000 to $7500 -Term1 ~--------------------~ I B.R. A den. canyon vltw. pro-- ,·1nc1a1 . . s2;.wo Balboa Island DOSS REAL TY CO. 392 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach HY 47506 or HY 44409 I 99c2 GILT EDGE POST OFFICE Owner wishea to scll new Po8t Office, 36 unit motel, and 245 ft. or bu.sinesa frontage adjacent Post Office. Located on Mariners Mile, Highway 101 Excellent returns on your investment. Must be gold as 1 unit. Will exchange for subdivision land, or waterfront home for part. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W, Cout Hwy.. (At Port Orange) Newport Beat'h LI -i562. Har. 5154 ens. ' BEDROOM. p&noramlc ocean $5000 down bal like rent for this attr. 4 Bdrm. vtew -.... . ,,_ .. ,_ .. __ $37 ,000 BAYSHORES home near bay. J B.R., PLUS pr. unit, Jc.n. pint Int . 2 paUa.. bkC1L bar 1:12,600 OPEN HOU!E 8und&7 1·6 CLIFF HAVEN 2 B.R., xlnL loc. Low down $19,9~ Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2711 W. Cout Hwy. LI 8·4217 MULTIPUll UNIT SITE. O:tt ACRll on Vlctor1a St. ll 'a 630 tt. dtep. Priced to Hll -Only '3460. OR.ANGii COAST PROPERTIES 1807 Newport, Colt.a Mtsa Lt 8·1632 ~e. LI 8-6803 :-."£\\'PORT HEIGHTS by ov.,,er. 3 bdrm . tlreplace, patio. dbl garage, ft need cl lanr1ecaptd, yd. .,-, 0. I. Sl~.000. Ll 8·23ii. 92c2 2 Bdrm home plua guetit nn., bath and 1 Bdrm. apt. Furn. ~26,300 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine A\'e,, Balboa Island Harbor 502 CORONA DEL' MAR R-2 lot south of Highway. Bei:t buy at $4 ,500. COSTA MESA 50x142 lot on Mesa Dri\'e. Back Bay View $6,500. Commercial on E . 1 ith Street, 62x300 lot with two well built buildings 3556 sq. ft. floor area. Excel- lent location near Irvine, $35.500. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coa.at Hwy .. Corona del Har. Har. 2288 (Across from Bank in COM) 1 i O' lot. 8 Months Old J 1~ DATH-2 bdnn. 1n1I den- W111l tn wall l'pt l\no1 ly pine panelln~ :\'nt11rnl woorl Clonr11 ut,.• s2.81t0 nn. $11 ,000 Full f'n'"· Best Buy in Newport Heights REOt;CED from $18.000 lo $16. 950. Ocean view. 2 yre. old. Wooel ahlngle roof. Hdwd. noor11. F'lrl'· place. 220 V e.xtra large kitchen Full dining room. Plua 1 1arge (Uell houae With full bath. Dbl garage. SEE THIS TODAY! W ill take $4~00 dn. Another Special Newport Ht1., $1,500 Dn. CARPETED Uvtngroom. HdW<t. tloora. Large kitchen. 2 bdrm clelU\ 7 yr. old. Lovtly nf'lghbor· hood. Guul house ln rear with run % bath. Enclosed p1t10 anl1 bbq, etc. Be11t o! terma! Choice Location Easts Ide NEAR "WHITE KING" HOM"F. 3 bdrm. Hd wd. tloor1. Sep. dbl. gar. AJley entrance -patio lrec1, etc. Full prke $12,000 O.I. Loan. A rtal \•alut! Wiii' lake small dn. Bay & Beach Realty 169e Newport Blvd. Co1ta Mea!l, Callr. U 8-1 lGl Evea. Lt 8·31~8 ONE OF THE LAST FEE LOTS w1th unob1lrucl1ble Harbor & Oc,.a.n view on Clift Dr1ve. l':ew· port Ht.a . $951)(). ORAJ\GE COAST PROl 'ERTll-:S Beacon Bay FIRST Time Offered Beautiful 2 bdnn. -den. 2 baths, dream kitchen A brkfs\,. bar. dining room, lge. liv. rm., wonderlul patio. F. A. heat. Luxuriously furnished, tully carpeted. Immense wardro~s. 2 fireplaces & BBQ. laundry with wuber le dryer Ii dtep tree&e. Terrific terma. HURRY ON THIS ONE I View Lot Cliff Haven Lge. deep lot, with 52 yr. leue, located Kinp Pl, with view of Harbor, •urrounded by beautltul homes. One of the few left. Buy now, build th1a Fall. Offered at $4500, t~rm•. On "Little" Balboa Island Perfect location, 3 harm .. 13~ bath •• lmmenae liv. rm. with firepl. Cloae to East Hay. $28,500. term1. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Marine Ave., Balboa Island. v v SHORECLIFFS J UST LISTED .Jlar. 4781 98cl Ocean view home, locat-ed on comer lot. Two larp bedrma., plus lovely den. Built around paved paUo. Beautifully landscaped. 11prinkler system. Com- pletely fenced. Carpeted wall to wall. Automatic garage door opener & many expenaiv..-featureL This home priced to Mil quickly at $37 ,500. Shown by app't only - CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T . McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. -'1 (Office located next door to Corona dcl Mar Bank) 1857 Newport, Co1t11 M Pioa I LI 8·1632 E\·e. LI fHlkll:l ---------------------- LAOUl'\A MEACH BY OW:'\f:rt :'\ear H l&h Sc.hoot, attract1,•e 31 bdrm , J 1, b11th11. tlrf'ph1r,. knotty pine Interior, therm()~· tat hl'al.. 113,800. 610 Gracf'l11nrl Or1ve. HYa tt 4·4394. ll < I !'l"EWPORT HEIGHTS, by ov. ner. Xlnt. ''&lue. 2 l'ldrm. wl~h xtra rm. ott rar., W.W. carptt, di.a· pout, dtahmuler. 220 w1nn~. th~o1tat control heat. Full price $1Q,600 wllh S7600 loan. 643 Santa Ana, LI 8·2023. 5181'1 LIDO BAYFRONT LOT. 35 FT. Pier & Slip Privileges -$29,500 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 le.I ' PAGE 6 ·.PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~ONOA Y SEPT. 5. 1955 LEAVE KNIVES AT HOME, BOYS School dPska will get t1eratched and have to be re- fini~hed and here are J. M. Chnstiensen and Curt Lighter getting the t ope cleaned off before the de11ks can be revam iahed. They do not guarantee to take out in itial& cut in too det>p. -Staff Photo PLENTY OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES READY More than 250 items are canied in the stockroom at- Newport BC'ach Elementary School t>istrict ware· • houae and R. D. MacGregor ia shown above•opening CHECK FOR SAFET\. -All of the achool busea have to be gone over enry summer, engines repaired and running gear checked and greued. Bill Lace ia ahown repacking Horace EnsiJCD bua wheel bearing. The heavy dual sits on a special dolly which mechanic• in the achoo! garage made to handle the heavy wheels. With it thr.y can alip wheela ott and onto uJe$ with a minimum ot effort.. -Staff Photo cartons as he gets mater ial r~ady for school opening next month. .MacGregor is head maintenance man for the school sy1tem. -Staff Photo Dl\llDING LOT J'o,;ewport Harbor l'nion High School ha.a a new parking lot that will accornmoda.te l 04 cars and D&n Meinhardt ia shown stc:'ncilling the numbers on the 1tall1. Along the curbi of Eut 15th and ll"Yine at.., µ>ere are 170 more atalla gM ns a tot.a.I parking pla6ee for 274 11tudent and t.cti.r .. ,.. a t the echool. -Staff Photo Hh Wallet taken rohc. ncenuy by Noel Rf'nkemu Shaw Home l•rcJled Theft or h11 wa.lltl from hl• un· I of Wut Covina. He •aid no mont y Bur1l&ry from l ti.t.r ham• I . . Sh11w !>f 1'>10 ftjv.,.ci. AY• 111· nf nat11.al1nn <hecl~ u..n WM M lockrd r11r r11rkf'1I In rrnnl of 4391, \\·as In lhf' wallt-t, only tdtntifir a· 1719 r1111h wu r"pnt11'<l to f"llt• t '.,hi• meAIU ot t ntry to Ula Hel.iotn pt> Al• "u rl'ported to lion J'IJ"'rs.. Aui; 22 by M1 anr1 Mr• G.ori•• ;,. •' "-· Laferty Takes Skin Diving Honors at Luau · FLOORS READY FOR MANY SHOES Poli1hing all of th~ ech ool floors is one of the la.at job1 at all Clarence Young is shown at that job at Horace Ensign school. protect.a the finliah and helpe the floors tu t . -Staff Photo of t he schools and Poli1hinr the wax Moag 809&8 &vei'Y year the-scbool•-add. book-..to .their books for the students to study and Mrs. W. C. Saucennan i11 kept busy during the summer getting the books uncrated and clusified. -Staff Photo OCC CLASS SCHEDULES SET FOR SEPT. 19 START shooting, Tuuday and Thunday 7.1(); Welding, Mondlly and Wed· ntsdsy 7·10; Woodworking, TuH· day Alld Thuraday 7-1 0; T hurwday 7·10. • Accounltng, Monday &nd Wed· neaday 7·9; bookkerpmg. Tue8day . and Thursday 7-9; busmus law. A c:ompr chen11lve achedule or \\ edntsday 7-10; Japldary linter· M d 7 lO I d ah tr I in clulN'a for adult,e hu been ar· 1 mediate I Thursday 7·10; (begin· on ay · • ea er Ip a n ~ Juhn Larri t 1· M Balb<>a •m• th" tl'nrh~· ror lhf' i:r.at,.•t •r- J('rf'R•ll' •ktn •ll\'lnJ: cAt r h of f1ah Aui: .lb 1•rr !'lall Crt"ek. ~ o u l 111 Lai:11n" Bra .. h It waa • tourna.- m t-nl ~r\Oruoretl by t ht Nf'wrort H111b<u Mab 1111•1~n•'l~ 01'1·1· l(\ll P•'"'"""· llll'lllbt•1 • and ~Ut'l'll<. lit trnilr1I lttf' t"Vf'lll whlclll 1·ondurtt'•I In 1111 Hawaiian I u a IA Menu lnl'lmlt-tJ bubf'qurd C'hlrlc t ll a nd "l'"•f'tlh~. ,•11r11, HAwa 1l an punch. tr111l3. shrrn1p E 111 .. rta1n1u1·111 w11~ bv t ;111j.lf'r Jackson ar11t M il~ N .. sbllt of 01' angt . Bob l'll11 k of An11lw1111 preal• dent of lht C'IUb, W811 nll18lf'r of ceremontf'~ A111I tn rhara• or t b• luau. HI~ 3·~'1'Ar·nl•I daur hter Morlha. "on thf' pnu fnr the b4'11l dru.~e<I laoly John Milin of Balboa . l rf'ullrf'r or the club, woa tht-prlr.e for the bu t drUHd man. -For thr tlnut In Commercial PrinUnJ call Harbor 1811. J olt P rlnt1n1 Department. SAVE SAFELY At Or•nge County'1 LHding Home Lendin9 Institution CONTINUING TO PAY ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $10,000 ranited at Oranite Co1ull College nlngl Tuuday 7-10 , Photgraphy for eupn villors. Monday a n lo 11tart the we•k of Sept. 19. Monday a nd Wf'dnuday 2·4: Mon· Thul'l'lday 7·9, office ~m~chmea, It wu announced today. I day a nd Wc.o•lniaday 7·10. Mon· Tuuday and Thuraday •·9: office Rrg111trataon "' open to all day and Wednellday 12:30·2. Tues· practice. Wednesday 7-10, real adulta For the majority of class· day and Thurl!d11y 2·•. weaving t stalt-law. i -10; 11ho1 lhend Mon· es. whl'rc.o no ff'f'8 11re ch&rji:ed. I Monday and Wrdnuday 9-12: d11y and \\'pdne~I\}' 7-8·30. 8 J(). ~g111tra llon will take piece dur-Monday a nd \\'ednuday 7 • 10: 110. t~ ping, Monday and Wf'dnea· 1 mg the first mttltnl;' or th• C'laJUJ Mond11y and \\'edntlld11y l ·4 ldav 7•8.30. 8.30•10. All Accounh Opened On or Before The I Oth of the Month Earn From th. I at durlni: the week of Sept. 19. tl I W RITISO ('LASle · I wa.s lltatrd Jn d11s1<rs whrre a Creat1vf' writing \\'edneaday 7. nominal mate1111.ls fee 11 chari:rd l O, Engh!h rdruher. Tuesday Say It .With 1 for niatt'rlal:<1 which btcome the end Thu11'day i -9; F~nch, Thuri<· • 1 poBaeiunon or studenui. regutra· day i -9:30 and Tuesday 7-9:30; lion will begin Sept. 1~ at ~ p.m .• public 11pe11kmg, Thur11d11v 7-9 .30; 1n the Stud,nt. Center. These publicity writing tor clubs, Tuu - rl111111ra arr furniture rd inishing, day 7-9; reading apetd laboratory. upholstery. painting. aculpturlng, Monday 1 -9: Spa nlah, Tuu d11y ceramics t atonewa~). oeramica and Thur11day 7·9; Monday and 11nd porctlain, china painting, Wednesday 7-9; Monday a n d jewelry, lepldary, photography, Thursday 12:30·2 :30; blueprint wtldlng and woodworking. resdln~. Wedne11day 7-10: car~n· OP F.N TO ADt'LTs t ry tapprenUcel Tuuday end >to••tt -., Wit• Party Rental It.em• 340.J E. C°'ut IIµ., <.:oro11a del Mar Harbor 5071 LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION %U ~Av•• Plao11e1 HY •-ll '71 LAGUNA BEACH BALTZ MORTUARIES The schedule or rlas11es open to Thunday 7-9: lathing 1epprPn· adult.I tncludts: elementary and tke ) Tuesday a nd Thurllday 7·9 ; advanr erl elgebra. Monday and I COSTA MESA CHAPEL CHA.PEL BY THlll IEA We1lne11d11y 7·9. Callforme Hill· m II cabinet ia pprentlct l Monday 3'"20 "'. "·--t Blvd. nd \v-·•-d 7 9 h I ' l H I Superior Avenue ., ""' ...,... tory. Tuesday 7-9:30: diemistry. a nu1U ay • : 11 ec.ot meta Costa Meaa. Calif. • Corona del Mar, Calif. Tuesday and Thur11day 7·10: dog (apprentice) Tueaday and Thura· Phona Harbor •2 o~dlw«.M~~y7~endT~~;d;Q~~7~~~:~W~:~t~e~le~v~~~l:oo~;t ;r=o~u~b~l e~l ~~~P~h~o~n~e~L~lb~e~r~~~~8~~~1~2~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ dav 7·9: <Inver education. Thur11· day 7·9: itrography. Monday 7-10; gf'ologv. Monday 7·10. lntroduc· uon to Ph1loaophy. Tuesday 7-10: 1 parllamrntary prac11cr. \\'"dnes· d11y 9 30·1 I 1t m . penal code, Wedne11n11y 12·3 anrl. 6·9. petro-I leum producllon. :\londay 7·9: 11wtmm1ng. Thuri1d11y i · !I anti TuMday 7:il', Vf'lilCIP coae--=a-=ncr-.__; accident invultgation. Monday 12·3 and 6·9; voC11t1onAl nurinng. Mond11y throu11:h Thur11d11y 7-10. Furniture rrf1ni11hm11:. Monday and Wl'clnesclay 9-12; Monday and W•tlntsdny 1-4 e nd Tursday and Th11r11d11y i·lO; ~ardt'nlng 7:30· tO; lnlenor drror11t1nn 7:30·9 30; 1 lampHhecl., makrng. Monday I ·4. F ride y !1·12 and 1·4 : parent e<lu· cation workshop. Monday 10-2 11nd Tue11dll~' 10·2. mgm11k1nit. MondHy !1·12 and 1·4. ThursdR)' 9·12: Srwing Monday and Wed· ne11<la,1· 7·10 11nil Thur~dsy 7·10, tallortnR T11eio.111y a m1 Thnr!ldlly 7·10: upholstrry. Monday a n d Wf'<lnudAy 7·10: Mondoy 9-12 anii I ·• w .. dnt>s(lay 9·12 lllld l·•· 1 Turlld11y and Thun1d11\' 9-12: Tut1- d11y And Th11r11day I ·4 Turaday 1 an<! Thur11d11y 7·10 and Friday 9·12 a orl 1·4. Vocational ca tr rin1 and pu t ry malong. F rida y 9·12; \\'edrm1da y 9·12. Thurlld'lly 9-12; and Montl11\• 9·12 DRAMA ('l.A88 Orama Monday. Tu•-1ay and Thurlday 7 30·9 30: · mualc a ppre- ciation Tueeday 7·9. fundamentalll of mu.1clan1hlp Monda y and WednMday 7·9, paJnUn1 i ba1lcl TuHd.-Y and 'TI111r!Klay 7·101 pl· ano (be1mnln1 1 WMllHday i-9, Plano flDtermeliiate 1 M.ondayT-t ; SNlptunn1 Tueeday 7·10; Wom· ~n 11 Cbonaoa TUffday 1·11: Cfta. 1111• • 11ton--.rel Thurwday 7·10; cf'r&mklll aad porcel ain KOflft)' 7-lO; 'nnanday t-12: ctltna paint· inJ Wed.fteeday 7·10: J""1ry •· unelillc. T11und&J 11-1 2: Jewelry ina1rtn1 1bertmd.n1 > TuNday 7·10; ta'1Yan~I 'TI!ur9day 7·10. ,. .. ~1- ly UsinCJ CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Your Ad Appean 4 ' times wHkly in Classified 1 )' float was meothod I Tu~ed&J I ~lJ llft4 1 ~, jeWalry V~l~nal,.__._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._._.-.' ..