HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-16 - Newport Harbor News Press' • Ensenada·Newport 'GOiden Voyage'! ·-~ ,it.; RWPORT .NE-WS 48th YEAR-NUMBER 68 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, BARBO II PRESS • FRIDAY. SEPT. 16, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 Reverse of Famous NOSA Race Request ' To Be Made .Huge New - By BILL MOSES A "golden voyage" to Newport Beach durinK ita eoldeD anniveruty yeu wu auggtated y•terday at the tint .,._ Ilion of the citizen committee planning next ye&r'1 fe9tivi· ties. by featurtnc eoli:t.n annlvuaary :costa Mesa With Dave oim.t.ct u chairman, cup11 and trophl• iJPOllll'hUl\C' the • ma)OrltJ of U.e conun.ltteem-clly'e 116-yeu hbtory. m.ellnl' 1n city l'laJ.I hea.rd a we· With the dt1'• birthday otncl- ptUon that lnftead of It belnl' ally due nat Beptemtwr, that the Newport·Enaenada Race nt:ct month will be daitgn1.ted u &nnl· K o.y the coune be rrt"•rwd. r:n-veraaty month, accordlnc to pre· Mn&da·NlrWpOrt. Thie me&n1 dls-Mnl thlnklnf, Olm1ted reported. cuuton with 1'ttl'p:.rt Oce&11 Sall-Ftnt project lln~ up I• lo set iftC AINO(:tatlon offlcllll, Oln1sted the ch!ldrfn con1ciou1 or their M.Jd u he Petched .oine thOJJhltl cl\y'1 heritage, he •Aid. To that Wlde.,. .C:udy. n.. alrbt of 12U-13:i efld the annlver .. ry ('Ommtttee yacht• 1."11'1.n( here lnllead of w1ll lnVite Dr. B .. ll Peterton, Or- dep&rtlnr would crMta ,nat Inter· &nge Cout Coll11e pre1!denl, Su· •l . perlntendent Sld Oavldton of N~- ' -, Subdivision Tract to Run Between S2 and $3 Million Submitted "We want tl'I• world to know port Harbor Union H l1h School -have the nnr.-t Hubor of ti.JI •nd Suptrlntendent Roy A.nderaen kind and we lnlef'ld to prove It of Newport Beach Elementary durln1 our annlveraaey ye..r wllh School Dl1trict to !he nelll meet· heavy emph&.111 on our m&rlne and Ing •et for SepL 211 at ' p.m. PLAN GOLDEN YEAR -City of Newport Beach's golderi anniversary committee met yesterday at city hall to discuaa ideas for next yt-ar'1 fete. From left, around table, Maurie Stanley, J . M. Webster, J. H. McN&lly, Dave Olmsted, cbairman ; Lea Steffensen, foreground : City ~tanager John Sailors, Mayor Dora Hill, Theo Robins. Unable to be present ..-ere com- mitteemen R. L. Patteraon. J. A. Beek, Lee Wilder, P. A. Palmer. -Staff Photo )'llChllfll 1.CUYitiee,0 ' he l&id. Th• IOC•l eauc&!Orl Wiii bl .. k. J . M. Wet.ter. commltt111 m1m· ed to have their ttlpKtlve .tehooll blr, 1ubmlttld 1. 1J1t of uveral cooptrate wit h the golden anni· yacht clubl and their officer• 10 venary yeu by conduct!n1 ell.I· th1 (rOUJ19" coo~ratlon may ~ <lent euay contMU on Newport linld up In advanc1. To thl1 end Beach hi•tory. Pris.ti will bl NEWPORT FISHERMEN RESCUED BY U.S. NAVY Between $2 and 3 million worth of new horn« for --------'----------------:c o11ta Mesa are sttn in two plats filed this week at the 'CLEAN BUCKET SWEEPDOWN' FOR Bl BRIGADE TUESDAY 11-fesa city hall. One of these platM included 171 homN to be built by the Hunny Investment Co .. of Temple City, north of Wilson St.. and the other 73 homt'tl planned by Or11ni:;t Co1u1t A<'rt'" In<', ot S <'w-kno"·n 1n co~l• P.lea11. for It. 1Ub· 1 all club. will be .,.ked to cooperate aw&rded W'ln11er1. $51,114 Suit Filed Personal Property Against Leininger Bill 36 Wells, Houn: Bob Farrel Nearly Sunk Drift SweepeMI man your brooms '. Shr.nd by for • ;-]l'all '""'l'!t'P port Ul'llr h. (\11·1.tuin11r and 111 just l'Omplt U111 dw•n fere and art ~ That'• lht ll':xt for S.llbua IaLand bulll· The 73 J"tl 11 rf" Included In a 1he Sun1hine H omu , lllS of them, lll'M aection m<'rcha.nt& Tue.day noo.in v•htn they are earh I tract wluch Lita 79'.? f<!tt on B11k"r el>to on \\"il,on SL, at f"omooa 6L •r h.,tuled to do their part1 ln cleaning up th .. Marine. Park St. and .. x1 end11 82~ fPtl Jtu1t l'••H Or11n11e Co•lll Acre• \1 a projPct •nd Balb(,,). Ave•. "-'Ith mop1 and buck1•\11. ur Fairview Orl1·"· I Qt H.01· Gre .. nlt'Olf Jr.• AN0clattc1. llAJon'A ANA 10CN8) -Tbe Cua hra t.undry and OW'lllr Huch Lel(lln1er, lOlS Via AnUbe1, Lido I.all, w1r1 lbf defendant. In • eonipl&blt '°" ~•Ion of peyonaJ property nled ln lluper- SOr Court ...,. yeift.IT'dl.y. The plalnUtt "lftl the A.meri· ._ lAWMlrJ MM'blMry Co. ot ................ Aceordlnc" to th1 plal.Autf. IAlntaser eaeeuted 1. condiUouJ • ..,, contract COYeriq the CMt. ., '-dry .p.pn"'t ..-rtedly 8Dld aad ..at.... to ldDl. ni. aot.e ..n. tot.1.n.t 18. Ou ftOle WU fOT 11"2-U., Ulil r-i tor StMJ thll ,...urr eon- ~-They ... ,. """'• tll• GUNS DRAWN Poiice Search Shore Cliffs for l1r_clar An .U-out poUet dnpat wu lllr'own around the llbon Ctitt•· Ccinina H1p11.n.i. w~, by Newport 1.nd Cotta M-police tonowinr burfl&ry ot SIM from U.. Jamea Thornton 1'om1 at 302 Driftwood Road. It 19 llttU belnl' ta•••Urated by local pottce, the -.pect remalnlnr at 11.rre. A c.:11 to police brourl'lt •Qlll.d an wllh riot gune and many of· neen .... 11.o -rched the whole plley I.TM tor hour• be for 1 d.cld\nf th•lr q111.rry had fled. J. c . M&nnlnr of 307 Drittwood ~ told pollc1 h• .. w an Un· Identified man l'O lnto the Thorn- ton home and 1merge In 1. few minute•. Mannine 1.11.ld he followed th• man unUI UI• •u.p@Ct 1t1.rted to run and dl11.ppeared Into the bru1h of Buck Gulley bf.tween COi.iil Hlghw11 and Momin( C&n· )'On'"""R<IT<r:" Mann1n1r-11atd the m•n diecard~ a whit• 1port11 coat ln the bru&h. rtrst daJ ot ettry month, 1t&rl· Ing NOY. 1, llllS2. by Seas The m111.1 cll'&n·U p prolt"ram i• 11poruoored by the \11.!ln-l Appllc1\lon h11• 1!rtady been Thl• Comp1.11y plan1 to build a tin• bui!nee1 IUlllOCll tlon which .,.,.1 nt& to brighten tne faC'e or lh" fll!!d with the city for annex111ll)n group or home• on tM trtcl lo The plllntirt &l!•r• Only one note &nd 171.71 on 1.noU\er note h••e been pl.Id. It I.JI allepd ~7,· 398.2' 11 due on the equipment. are11. 11.rter iummer'a bu~y ~elll!-On. Nrw t mah <'•n• wlll:,.. of thi1 tract. kno.,.·n Ill llak<'r A n·~llt'll for 518,000 to 12<1.000. , np1t&t 1on No. 7, to be In t ht' ..,1t y "'OllK. DI'!: 800S AT BEA ABOARD 't'HIC UBB "Bever1I time1 Bundey nlrht 11ought from city council but th~ gl'oup .,.·Ill po.!lt lta own Oct. 6. I '''ork 111 r:iq'>l!('tl:'d to •tart Oii CAVALIER _ {0.l•yed) _TWO we Lhl'lught JNe woulll , i fnk be· &ign• r eA,dlng. "HPlp UI kttp our oaland c:enn:• !§0,lE JS :\lt:SA them .,.·ithln so to II() da,-.. ec- eommerclal ti1hermen ot Newport cauae of the large a mount of That !!Vtnlfls the aMOcl&t ion .. 111 met't al P1rk AV<!. The Hunny prOjl!("'t extenW 2310 cording lo Greenlell. Repoqe11.1\on ot the machinery or 1. '68.SM.Zl judpmt I.JI IUlled by plalflUff.., Beach wer1" reacued Monl1•y by w1ter we were taking on." CA!e to Aft 1 film 1howlng gTowth ot O!'Rnge County feet •lonx \\'·lllon St. we11 t of ri.. j Hunny Inveatment Co. l'lom"• OCC Stadium Dedication. Game T onlght thi1 navy 1ttack transport after NO FOOD COOKED l·----------------------------[c!!ntl11, by t60 fe~t to B11nn lng lw\ll be two and thrff·bedroom• beln( found I.drift ln turbulent He 111.Jd he snd hla partner Plt1ce. Part of thl• Ira.ct 11 al-re•1dence1 and WI.II be In the 110.· w1ter1 of th• outer Sant.a Bar· were unable to prrplre food MESA TRASH PICKUP tt11.l1y ln t~e city hmlt1. The ~ an<1 111.lSOO price brackrt, Lt b&fa puiia,re. They were loc1t@d aboard becau1e of lick ot fl.lei , Hunny C'omp1.11y \1 1 lready well .,,.._. reported. ln 1. 1TnalJ ti.o..t ln which they and rough lll.ll. He 11ld ha 1.nd .. :.:::. -::: ":.:ro.: ... ,,, ::.rz~f--::~;;:~~~~:!i 'STRA.IGHTEHED OUT' Rezoning of 11• St., l&ad ._, F&rNJ. -• .,.attm fl.lied befort they we"' ~. both Newport Be&cta. -n. 'I'My drifted Oil. 18th s 1'111 _,. •boa.rd their craft On board C&n.ller the men t Judilh Ann In which they bad were n.&minld and pronounced In The trl-llh tltuatlon In Co&t11 1vl nJ:' aa thr !1"1111<h pl<'kup crt>w 1 0 been at Ha two weekl en11.&ed U" h •-&I h -• "good ah•pe" by medical oUlcer ... eaa •• .,.,en 1tr I( t1nn • out In Cosl11. !ofr~a. The 111.11itary dl1- ln &bl.Ion• diving. Their cntt l.L Jo&eph Pennllf (j.Jr.). He went wt th the help of Selim H. Frank· f lrlct <'Ontr11clll w1lh Price of M s ht WbeD Orange Cout OoHep'I dtvlioped en1"ln1 trouble iuly wtlb the llfe boat crew which lln'a one· man campaign, Arthur f S•nt1 An11 for the 1'feN. tresh esa oug - •--Coafirenc:e footb&ll pt. Sunday morntnr whm they wirl w.,. commanded by En1trn Cher· H. Mryer•. chairman of the M11a rolll'<'l lon. pl)'ln111 the r. ft y of ...... pautnr n-.r C,.t1.Un1. llll.lld. Bir· '' d trl t •-• • h rate. tm.ke th• neld tonll(t\t nala to th• ahori failed &nd thl IM M1.tthew1. aan •1'"Y IB c . repor cu tou1y. Cost11 ~fl'~ ,.. o pay1 the con· 1 .,..In.It kit Contra ea.ta In the Sa.nt.a Barbara current drifted Welcomed 1.~ ahlp, the p&lr Due lo comphunt1 from re•i· tra<'tor. I A petlt ll'.ln ,,., .... fl],.(! i t Co•t• •-• ..,.,,_, Uonao Club -d cll.ll· """' outtlted with clean. dry I 11en~. 1tley11r1 11\d th' unitary I Goon Bl"~lNP:SS M•>• •• ,,. H•ll lhls rnom ln< '°' .... .._ •· • them away from th• 11\and. 1 · • on MADOR WU.THiil ..... Saturtlay. Sept. 10 ... 7J RundAy. Sl'pt 11 ....... 13 Monday. Sept. 12 --70 Tut'.!ld 1y. Srpt. 13 .. ,. 711 \\'rdn<'MIAy. Rl'f11 14 .• 74 Thl'nd&y. 8epL 15 ··-13 F nd1y. Sept. 16 611 Low .. " " '" ~·" .. .ic. they hope to add to 1. ....,, clothe1 provided by lhe er-and d alnrt h11.d rc111i: .. t1 "'thlni;: were "PrH'<' rl'l'llb:ra hf' ha11 • $.ISO· rC't Hn•llf: "01 E !8lh St betwrrn I -.on, -ullilonn• &nd a l1.11h SIONALLl!D wrnr MlltaoR (lvtn a hot met.l of navy chow, slipping and we w~re 1lrrady 1n 000 hu&lness hf'r .. :· 1tley~r1 re··or•nge a nd Sant11. Anl Avt• from Elk MW poo,000 .t&dlwn a...,. wtn Wh111 1lght1d by tb09t a board •hcnrer1 and ahavea. •cllon wh,n Mr. Ft&nkl!n dl•·rportrd "'An<I 1hllt he r11.n't Ju11t rei 'denUal t o C·l lui::ht lndu•lrla.li S ltr.k with Uie 1art• 1.114 .,..cly C.Y&ller 1.t 3 :1~ p. m. Monday TO Rl.:!'ro"U£'lVOU8 tr,buled hi& m!meogr1phed letter.'" lr ave It up to h!11 pickup crew• N r I I Will Host Scouts Vlll:b'lp u ftl'9l. TtcUm.. --_. Judith Ann waa taken In tow ~Y.NDS CO:'llPl.Al:'ll 0 nin ' a~ 11. .. tn neceN•ry lo 1h11g the pel1t1on .. ·ere J ohn th .... t -· -m• 10 mlleo from rr t H h I .. d!1:_rkt. th<' ew,.. re•~ ea.rne. . I Troop ·182 Dotdlc1.Uon ot the 7360-... t catalina. Veins I. lhlny coffee by Cav&ller'a lt(e ti.o..t and pro-Fn1nklln'1 Jetter. which hi' cep· Blt-p~ !o lltrali;i ht en the troublr.'1 Klnibl(' of B11lbo11 ind Neill Moi.r tln Bue Bowl. with bM.uteoua Donna can lid and a piece or broken ceeded toward Newport Be•ch Uon"'I "A m e.mo concemlnll" bet· ont 11.nd h1111 • public rP11tlon• of 2196 N11.tional Ave., Coat& ~l ellll., Ne..,,'T"1rt Jl1rbor Elk1 Lod«'tl Shurr, Ml• CaUforn11. lfl the mll"T'flr. th• d1at.re.ed tlahe""en 11.nd • r'ndnTOu. with C0&41t ter government." compl11.lned of m11.n ><I work lo follow up com· Hoth mt-n iaiu lhl'V ,..rre ch•mbf'r iw lll ho"t th1 member• of 8c(IU\ U t t _ _. na1hed the waning sun'1 rlflect-Guard craft 1UZ111I10Qed by ca--&lleg•dly nnnr work done by the pl1lnU." of commPrre n•enibf'r&. T n10p 182. their commlttM:ml'n Mlea nl•tn• con e• • 111!• v•nK u ed NY. at lh1 na..-. b"&l!....,rt I .---Mryer• went on to 11.v th•1 d t d t dtnner Monday Plr1le queen tor th• fe&tl•ltle1, .,, -r-Ler. ' tr1~h p!ckup te1.m1. n111ny <ompl11lnll received wire E . l lilh SI ~ V p1n Newport llh·d. 11n 'a B a • k IS rnll .. dillt&nt. Cava.lier ill part of th• Lon( to Orangr A~· ... wAa rt<'en!ly 1"1!· llil(h!. ta ldleduled tor g p.m .. the klc • C.pt1ln r .M.P1.rk1r. command· Beach·b&Hd 1.mphtblou1 1qu1dron '"\\'r •ppreclated th• leller." unju~tlfled. He related •recent wned by ~te&s city 1·ounrH from l Th1J1 .. ·111 bfo lhll! kick oft mret-o!f lmmedlat1ly tollowln1. •R• d --• n t k 1 ~l,yer11 Acknowledged "bec1u1e It ca..e whe.re lraah anrl ,.,,_,,, u..,,, or e • .,,,. of cer o the dee commanded by C.ptaln \V. J . b k 1 d b h I R-4. ~uburOOn r<"11!dent1 al ar""· to Ing f"r th" nrw ll('f)u!ln11r Atf.llOn . A ed I ulet j1nl11 U. V.'all w-.01 d (j ) ' G lb ac ti ua up an roug t ntte.11· hid bren put out l'ly one Me•a I h fl'&J n ""' .c 1.Ct1 ...... an ·I · o a ra.lth. USN. She WM rn· Bill")' P"elll!Ure to brar The only f "d 1 . b Be C·l. \ll;"~t hu11lnes' 1h1tri('\, .tftr r 'r1nr\p11.I ~~•kl'r tor t • even· wlttl larp white num,r&h and chan ... cour11e &nd rwady a lite g•ged In r outlna tr11.in!ng oper-thi . llh M · F kll . e111 cnt n a 11hopp1n1t ag, · Ion;: l1r11.wn out d"hllle• in b;,th !ng w11t be 8111 Rpur11r,on. wrll arm band11., •porting: white ptnta bolL Wl'len reuhed "by tb1 rea· 1Uon1 with Capt. Galbraith em· ng v.roni: w r. r1n n 1 forf' the coll ~ctor Arrlvei!, dog• !\ 1 I I a nd known In n11t!nn11\ •rnuUnJ rir· ·~th o •do otrlpo "'d •·pp<d or! -·o po-y. ""•llo "·ld th·-• criUcl11m." ~leyer1 i ddrd wryly, hid 11r11Uered !hr contt.nl•. The r >" p i nn ng com1111M Oil l ' 0 C l tl ""' -· ...., ._u • L 1.U won barked when thll re1eue occurred. ••wu lhlll It w well founded'"' counrll n1e,.llng1. I c na 11nu rAnlll"e oun Y ICOU nll' with ecarlet 1'111.d.1r1r, the prob-[-----------------------------1.3 · rr1il1ent I C'CUM'd the collector t ori Th th Id f tSth St. In offlrl11 I. Whitnty Ba.Int•. memb<or 1ble 1t1rlln11t" P !rat1 \lneup. u Mryera u ld he 11pent • tlH'ent "'hllt the dng11 dll1. the ~1:;: be~w:('nf> Or11.11g~ 11.n•I 11r Tr0o1p 182 wit! rttelv• hla lndlc•ttll by Colch Rily Roaao, Monroe Announces Purchase forennon with Kenneth Prier. and "Sn v.·r gl'l pl.~nty of unfounded Santll Ane A\"t'S, 11. practlcl\llY •"11-Ell~I~ .!\('0\JI IW"rd at the d\nnl'r. .,..Ill be: two nf the men c.urrently •er-comp!aint11. too. Meyer• 11ld. c•nt pro~rty. n n the Or·an,11" Thill 1w•nl la on1 or th• hl1he1t Quutuba.c:k Dick Elaner, H1\f-A•·e. corn('r \1 l h<' t"lrphone bull<l-1 l'l bl' ln•de In ecoutln1t. ~~:n:~l~~E::::M·~d G~;; of Martinez Oil Property SMITH CONTESTED DIVORCE ~:~::~~ad~:;~.·~;~: ae~p~~I(';~ ! Willcut DallC)hter t.lvtngeton, Tacklu Geor1e 1'1\nt RECESSED UNTIL MONDAY Ktmble and MArt1n rtportrd lh••y Thr Oon11ld \\'lllcut., 2111~ Or· and La1Ty Gr1ufleld, Gu1rdl R on SANTA ANA. -(0CN81 -The announcement wia made had 100 pt"rc-nt ,.;,-n11tu rr~ n1> Ill" a nt:"e St . Cn11la Meu . 11.re p1r- Sewell and Borden Granirer I.lid Arn1l1am1.ted A~rican OU, Inc., by H. Lee Monro.. Co11t.a Me11., 100llth Bide of the AltM'l and 70 "nl& e<r a irirl baby born &opt. Center Kenny Wood. (F\Jrther hu announced th• purchl.M of chairman cf the' bofLrd of the ~reent on the 1>orth Ahlr . 110 Al Hn11.g Ho•plt1I. dPta!l!I 1n H arbor BporU 1ectlon. the flxtenelve Chico Martinea Oil Sant& Ana and LI• Viga1 cor · !A.NTA ANA, fOCNS)-AfJl"U· Smith Mnlee the •llejfatlona. P1rt l , P1.1;e e .) property ne11.r Baker1fleld. pori Uon. mrnt1 In • conlr11\ed 11ivorre 1ult Ht• 11.Bll!TIB thl' plaintiff brc1me tn- -------------------~------------------·-----J Monroe •taled the tran!<llction Involving • Newport &•ch m in !\Pbledrd to hrm tor Stt,032 an• r"..-;ITTil'!"!"T~T;-~--""'" -,.-lnvolve1 10me 10 producing we11,1 and wife tod11.y 1tood In n!C"11.' un-on part hu been paid. He claim11 ~ • 11.nd aome fou r million reiervel tll Monit.y. th" pl•inliff employed hl1 1trvice1 barrelll of crudr oil. Miriam S. l'iimlth 11.nd R obert W . 11 •builder 11.nd building <'nnlrFlc· ;. F urlher -xplonllion o! lhr Smith of 527 Vii Lido SO ud, Lido tor. 1 hu.irr tra<'t ..,, ... ~ Ali o llf"E'n by I&ll! ~e locked In lhf' ('Onlm \·rr11y. On June 73, 11151, Sml1h r.ly11 M(lllroo! whe< stale<\ llOmr JO ad· l.hiled 11mong lht' commun1t~· thry .,.·en· n1arrie<1 In M"'li•'O. d!tion11l.wPllJ1 will be plunged In· pm~rty : 111 ,llQO, 1111 Jrvlr11• <'oo ~t : H o..,,"e\'rr. he cl11l m11 It hnd nn I• 1!111 to the eocine 11ept h ol 7,200 fret Country Clt1b membershir In f'ff,·1 l b··c11tl-'.lP. hi.~ \•'ifc 11t11l WAii In COOl'l'tAt ion with mijor oil S mith'• nam~. A S.'JOO ou!l)o1 rrl ..... 11 1" n:ennPth r !'=.rl'lnHIH ll11r- FACADE OF NEW POST OFFICE Pictured above-ii the way the main po.tt office for the City of Newport Beach will •ppear when it ii completfd on Riverside Ave., at Avon St., in the Mariners Mile. Deei.gned by Roy WatkilUI of Ora.nee County Drafting, the new post office will occupy 52 feet on Riverside A:Ye., extend 101 feet in depth .Jong Avon St. Central post office oper1tio111 for Newport Beach ud itl Balboa and Balboa Ial&nd ill· tion1 will be conducted fl-om the new main po8t office. It hu not been det.rmined whether the exi8ting-post office on 32nd St. will be m1inWned u a 1Ub-IJtaUon or DOt. 'ne new JK*t office ii 1uppoMd to be rudy for occupancy by Nov. 1. producer1. motor. esUb<)1 I. 1300 .,.•ort:1 of tinr ~-,,. ht."n111n i nd hullo lrr Pre,,ent ...-rl l!I on the prop..rty fro:r:l!11 f•IOdi'I. 2~1 l"'r crnt lnt<'tf!.•t "" ~:l l•I thr"y lhf'<l 1n N"\\"l"'tt •re pumplnl! froni R drpth of 800 !n Harl>«r P>'l rk 1!ome11 Anl1 two ll•••,.·h n• 1n.1n 11 11'1 1'"if•• until o,..1 to 11 00 fl'rl. 1•ulo11. !•'1•1 1•·,;.i Un11nprnv1•1! lot w11.11 T hll ~lnrtinrt property la lo· 1'1r&. S1nhh r hu11111 11hf' lo n! h• r 1~.,,,~...,, "!1 l.1<10 lllif' fnr !t r"J"'rlt'<! ca trd in the hug.,_ Bellridge fi~ld,l m11le $7000 to i;:··~ hin1 ~1 11 r1 , .. 1 1n $16.u<lll 1•1\111 "' ""h1<l1 $1 3,1"'11 "\>."II"' tori Kern <;ounty prOOucing !It<'•. the b1nl<llng bu11111"•"' •n•I th11t h" thr f'lourrl olf'• Bu1ld1111: nu1t,,ri ~ls ~fonro"·"' oftice .j11 locate 1 111 h1111 t.,fu11ed tu p11y <'on !rn•llrl~ h" f•ll 11"· 1~l i•n •I 1101•• .. r .. n J22 11•111 Co!\1 !>1 eAA. He ~Id the major· nWP11hr r noth1ni; i-\h r11 hn11~•K1t -11 ······!:r;; !•1 lhr •l~ttrHIH nt ••f It~· c.f l!!<)("kho!1lrr1 In !hr cor· rd her f11.thr r hl'!p1••! .«••\ hrr hu•· ,, lud1 ).!r,,~, "1111 tu~ 11n•I $2!! l"llJ" poral!on 11re Nl'\O,'JlOft Bt'Ath 11ntl b11nd 11f1 In hu.~h..-;o~ h"'''"''!,J an\11 A n• rr111drntl!. Pickett Girl Born ~Ir. 11nd ~Ir~. \\'dH111n P !rk(tt 207::.•, \\"~llacr St .. Cn1H11. :Mf'M. llre p11T""n!~ uf 11 ,tlrl t>orn Sep! 9 11 Hoag llo•pital. News-Press Clrculatlon Today 5838 Coples UPROARIOUS? Council Ired by Hurley-Bell Operation lfl•l 111' 1 IO·r.• f,,, , ;·.· j ·•I•· ' d• • p;in n.rnl l(I 'r111'k 'l""'rl n11 •ll"Ji"'I L,.,. \\"1ldr·: hr••Ul:h\ up 11.,• rn>U '••r " 1lh \h·· 1 •rn>•r 1·t·,.1 i.:1ni: '"'r •·tn · hnn • r 1 ti" Hnrley-1\rl! \"••If•~ nu 11,,, <10~~:·11• •till 11n•l !Mr "·•rk1ni: 1'1t Ill !\fl pl~•• !I> h, "' dl11,f ii• !••• ,, •·.J II .. ,.,. on1I I' Ill i:• r"l••I. uprnwn .. u~ · \\ 11•1• ! 1111°1 hi'< 1'• ,,,, 1n~!1111• r .. 1 !lo~~ •' ;i,11J.: 11~ hto!lo dr'1\'t to- 1!('1t.rr ,., I \• rou11<·1! '' .,on and h'>1n nnt1('•·'1 11 l'••;•N thhl• •••uple 't"n1hhne •!""" th•· •1 • f'" \\"1 l•lr r 1 ,.p .. ! ,; · • 111•·n to " 't .,.,' l1r,h! "\~ 1 ~ .. \n•tlll\ II >" ht ' AJl<I ll'O!f·•1 ~"I I 'h!"!llrh~nc<"~ and olh1•t un" 1 ... 1 .... ~"'"• 1r\1\·11ir1 t•J.:1 nc: 1•1 .• .-.... 1:1-1,, 11: 1 >• ~ "I , ,,. ' fl••' k• J ,., ln• ... -1~ A'·!lMt•·nt 11 ~11 \fl"IH!ht•••I , .. ,. ::-11 v ,.,.,,·111 1 m••''" th .. Ir ~ltlf' !hi' Hurl• 1 A• II (".if~ •n I 1 !~ .. n n<'h1t>~· r"1Xn1i: 1•11 "'"'' rl\'·'> i t ... ~Il l" nH1rl81.'CI ~'""'<'h\ 1'1:'1'1 I>\ " J "<,u1" l1!1Jo u I 11 :<t "' ... ., · •1 ... 11 •. · h l";.: ur 1111d \'ICP!'.D Cr s;::-:.')OLS BECKONS ,, :n I\ ""I " "I"'' ,j I• r I " ' .... 1 .. 11.! h V\ thl" Wf'l'k Whf'n 'I·• ••11.•.1 ! I '' 111,.,, .. •••I I ·• I'"' •di ln Iii~! 1l rad1 nn•l ku"" ' .. 1 • hul ~1h1 .. 1I 1 1,j .. 1 Anf! tl,"1 1 •Ut i;: lfu•ll ••II "he r ight. he ffilJ f"' h1• i.11 hll1 tLo r-•f\1111'.J \•, k •• lu. r11c,\1Ll'r J O(>(\ hyt wHh '"""'Ii,.,\. '" lh. """ l'l• 111• ~ ... ' i,,.,,. 11.. Th .. y ·~ th• •<t:\~,,f ~Ir I I ~:~ l"I~· .~1 rt""" 1 ~11 t-: .. ~t ISlh SL, Ca.ti. ' 1 · • ' • • • • , Beta Sigma Phi Rush ing Plans I DANCE TEACHERS were feted after a trip aroWld the country when Mr. and Mra. H. J. SwanM>n entcrta.incd at a patio barbecue at their ho me, 606 Begonia A ve. Here (I to r) are Mn. Swanson, Mi88 Sandye Swanson and MiN Jo An Burdick, the latter f rom Anaheim. -Staff Photo EARLY BREAKFAST at B&lboa llland home of the Francia RlleYI uw theae tteldentl join Tue.day In fund-nilling venture for Balboa bland Community Methodi•t. Church. From left, Woody Barfiet't. Mn. ' Clair Barnett, Ted Hawier, Ruu Lund, Riley, the Rev.· NEWPORT HARBOR Donald Sapp, church putor, Mrs, Riley, hoateaa, •landing, Mn:. Sapp and Walter Schmid, Break!aal wu 1poneored by Lydia Ci rcle of the WSCS. -Staff . h1I ruel&lq ............... •t ttm .....;u., ot Mu &p.u. ottapt•. lhta e1rma Pbl • .,.., n•*1•Y nliht. held •l tll• bom• or ~ll,.. i.<(lui•• Oliphant, laM lXt>•n BJyd . S.lboe. The ~e.'Jld&nt. Mra. JM.II 8 . QIMM nbtrr)', aanowu:9d U'MI ftr•l .,..,.11.t wtU .,. 1. l1M1clwo• for ,,...,,,bert t.a4 their 1uttta &t 1 P· m. Wlldn ... ,. ol Mat. Wf'f'.k al the hnm• Or Mr•. Lya. Po~. Chtf Drl\'f'. ?.ln•. Huth Lewi• v.•u appotnlf!'d f'T'O&r•n1 r l1e1rn1a n A <"hec.11 waa a•nl t o the l..'y1u c >"lrbroal.11 F oun- d•llon, 11ata project tor tbe 90· rorHr. whl~h ,..,, touftdld l••t ye•r b}' • S.t• St«m• Phi ch•p· tw ln Whittler. A. a.:.1101.~tp n u Men •t up by ).lu F.ptllon. •• •nnounctd by P.lr•. John B. J.lerr11l, fhalrman of way. and m•ana •nd wrvlc•. rr r a d-n·tnc 1 1rl a r t •tudent to bt Mnl to the Brandl-Dike .,._. mer School or Paln1ln1. Next meetmr wilt be a.pt. U at the home' ot Miu M•rlha Oeh- lerkln1. 920 Clay SL Photo A.A.U. Women Cafendar Party t1on ahould call Mrl. Ce rl Stnke, I~~~~~~~~ Kl 2·:.?iD7, ....::ond vlce-pft':lldent in chari:e of mem~rstup. or Mr•. F. H. Glockner. Ll 8-11222. n1- preuntalh'e In !he :\'ewport a.r- ea, concerning t'lig1bllity. Aa flrMt activity of thP ye11r 11nd lhll r arly l <! '>l'tJCorne Oe'>I' nu:m~r1. 8ant11 A11a Branch of the A merican A1aoclatlon of Uni· vertity Y.'omen 'l'•IU give • brunch OC t. a, frorn ten to Lido Isle Special MRS. WINIP'RED BARBRE, Wom en'1 Editor twtlve. at Ult hom11 of Mr1. L. - -------------------------•IG. Connelly, 62~ \\'. Milin 8t .• Graduates of 3311 ('ol\ei;e1 •nd unlvenltle• •pproved by AAl1'V who hold degree• 1 hat meet the AAU\V l"l!qulreme nt of • bll.lllC fOWld•Uon !n t he llbf>ral •rlll are eltflble for memberahlp In the ••M>Clatlon. '>l'hh:h now ha11 over 136,000 mPmher11. with 1. !11 0 branrhe• organlu d In e very 1t11te lmmMll:IWfl t Biii., I •/1 It&. C\19tom IMtllt throul(ttout. iu..i..,... t!d paUo. Too _,. fMlllrM lo lilt ...... Good •t~t -Clu~ F•r•I· tan. tacl. Ubtnl l11rm1. Dance Faculty Is Feted After Trip A patio party WU held Sunday itt the home o! Mr. and Mn. H. J, Swan50n, 606 Begonia A ve .. for faculty mem- btr1 and !anl;ilie11 who jWlt com1leted a c ross country teach- ing tour f or the National Auociation ot Danct" and Affil- Jated Art.i.eUI. The tour alllrted July I •t th1 Bta tler Hole! Jn Loa A.ngale• and continued nn to Hou•ton, Chlc•go a nd Boaton, and 11nd11d with two lll"t l!kt In New York City. !n each cHy faculty memMrt pre11oentl'd new routine~ "nd Idea• to hundred• ot te11chPn1 at the con11trvatolra.· 'nl.itre wu a Mm· tnar In connl!f!tlon \\1th e•C'h con- M:rvat(llr tor •rlvacfd 11tudl!ntll tntereatP'd In ll!achtnr or profe.1- •lon.11 dancinllt". Tho&e attendinlt" th11 party wPre; Arthur 8Prgh, lnle.niat!on· •I prt11ldent. Loi A.ngele.1: \Val· ton Bi1tllt"er11tatr, San P'rllnclsc:o; Apq \\'ard, Lo• A11rele1; Jo All Burdick, Anah,.,fm ; Francia BowJ- lnr . Long Beach; Dorla Martin, North Hollywood: Melvin K•l•er, Arcadia: Paco Lucena. San Fer- nando; Evelyn Le Mon11. P11&· flena; Claire F oatt.r. Brld11:tport, Conn. and Dorothy Jo Swanton, the hoateu. Alao Jo. Thorn, Lu Veru; Mr. and lot ra. H . J . Bell!n. who have juat moved hrr1 tte:ently from Gary. Ind.; A rnold M1rton and Mark, \Vally LeMon11, Ivan Bowl· Jng and aon Ma rk. Mr. Foater and aon fU chard, Mr. Swanll0'1, Sandra and Don. SEALARKING By GINNY (lllll8. EDWABD LESTER) SMITH ABOARD TTPR : V.'Lth theltlon couple) who wera JUUi.a of &Ill a. m. 1unr1ae C'll.lltlng Its Betty'& cou11n GU Martin and hi• hu• ·1 tha •live blu'e Wife •board Nlbba JI ... having ra.y o r ry crul1ed over !rom th11 841boa Bay Catallna water1. Type11 and crew I Club wher11 the wllCltllnK dinner Mid a fond farewell to their aum· had been held th11 night bt'tore mtr hom~ 11.t C?l11rry Cove and •.. and Mr. and Mr•. Stephan Mlled homt"•ard to Newport. Henkel (Denny Dolan) aboard WO!'DERFUL ME J.l QR IE 8 t he!r 1loop Lazy D. t rom the San flo.ttd with u1 ... th• lu t or Diego Yecht Club. (8ttYe and whJch waa th• tabuloui Labor Denny h•d been 11\&rrltd a ll of Day Olnrhy Par-.da with many one Wtt'k) N t!WpOtt yecht.a f'nlerln1 their NE\V )lARWAY ac1n1 of par· co1orl\llly decorated runabout.a to tle1; Great run to be aboard lh• cornpeta tor the 1tr1nd prUll \Vayn11 Harper"• lovely new cr1.1l1· which wu finally captured tf'J er Marway and help them ctle· the Ja.ck Rlley1 aboa.rd th11 Nt utl· brat1 two family bltthdaya ••. Ju• dlnii:hy 1'l-tth Jll.Ck dtarulll!d both a rr.ir.1 took pl•c• at Cherry •• a ftl"'O<'!out ctrcu.e ll"n (the Cove where the Harpen •pent p11r&ctl! theme thl• ytar belnr I 11evcra! ""eellend1 th\1 1umm•r ''The Clrcu11") •. , MCOnd prt1e away from I.heir home In 8hor1- .,,.,nt to Adontll MU>!\11 u a dog C'llff11 . · . lh11 flr•l party hoaored trainer with htr t"'·o da.rllng I their 10n·ln·l11.w Merli VerBurr b!"ck toy F rt'nch poodlrft, Fr•n· "''ho WM fOUt lltlnc tor the week· cine a nd CoqueTieS • ·1rlCk"'"""iWr• ll'Tld with hie wU•.-fthe--formet- fnrmen In the Llenod1f1 gaily Jo Harper) and their daughter decoratt'd dinghy dr\\·,.n by 1h11t Su11an ; a.nd th11 following week· •uper pilot . Bud caward. end Dick Harp1r'1 WU• Be• •M In l.h11 ltmal.lrht wben Ille wu a H A. RR I E T A.ND Oll:ORGI: Warway (Utat with ber hUlballd Pnerer'• Llnpha act..:!. u com· and ehlldren. OVER AND 01.J7. County P-TA Clinic Slated PAGE 2·. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 •coon y,,,, H,.d.,hu" '' "'I T WSCS SESSION 111111 ot th11 Jntormatlon Clinic to A be •l•l(P'd by Fourth Diatrlet CC· ---------------- PT in th11 A.n11helm Hl1h School auditorium on Sept. 22. 1'hl1 will be an "excha.nr11 ot ldeu" typt; program replacln r the cuatomary workahop. All offlcer11 and chairmen of lhe dl1trtct will be on hand to dl.-cu11a que1t1on11 or 1urreatlona pttt•inlng to thalr department.a. while Mrt1. J ohn Vernon and Mra. R. J . Gr•ham of Santa Ana a nd Mra. C laude . Croaby ot Garden Grov11 .,..lU UT"\111 u a 1cr11tnlnir committee. Wleldln&" th11 gavrl will be J.l r•. Ray E. Fl.nit}" of We1tmln•ter with Mrs. Huold O. Island Church Women Hear About YouthGamp Som• 20 children and youlhl who had a ttended vacation chu"rc:h aehool and camp presented IL pro- cram tor th11 Womnn'• Society of Chrt.Alan S ervlc:a o{ the Blllboa I• I an d Commun:ty Methodlat Church. on Wednead1y. Sept. 9, Th. Pl"OIT'ffi WU plannt4 by Mn. Clyd11 Sbootar, tec:T'tl&I")' ot Boyvey of Newport Buch &.111•1-youth work; and Mra. P . T . Daine• Ing •• chairman of the day. All aecret.uy ot ehlldren'1 work. Mra. P-TA. worktr• are urg"'ed to bring Robf>rt U lnau and Mn. Holly written quoettlon• In order to fa-Viael ..,,.lated I.hem. ctrftate handlh111: of the prorram. -R 1 u lh I I• -• Due to th11 ever lnt rf'aslng I a ng er exper nce1 "" membership of Fourth District llUftlmtr can1p wer11 Robert Nealy, tha need for an otttc11 to care Terrt Waidelich, and J udy Nealy. for It. elerlcal need• \a great. Camp IOfll"• were 1unr by thOH Seven.I proapectiv11 l\tfa ani no.,, who attended e&mp. Vacation beinc Jnve.1Ugat1d by a eomm1t· church school actl\tltla were r .. tee he9.d11d by Mr"ll. o . Ruuoell lated by Jackl11 Painter and Jlmm7 Northcutt of Garden Grove. Barnett. At Hoag Hospital )fr.1, Clau1 V. Bac.ktl ot f24 Short 8t., Cotta )( ... , 11 a t Or· anp county botplt.al fen" .urrrry. Th• qUlllt hour wu led by Mra. Fount L. Lowe, who save hlg-h- llght. ot a ft':cent lpl!ech given by B!ahop Ger"ll.ld H . Kennedy. FoUowlq I.he l1.1nch110n, aetv'lld by Ule mamber"ll ot th11 Lydia Cln:IP. Mr1. Balnt'a -.·u p~•tnted a birthday ciLke. In the bua!ntlf 1e111lon, which wu prealdtd O\"er by lolrll. Ted He~er, p!ana wen! announced !or the Lydi& Circle breakfaat, held at th11 home ot J.lr1. Francl• Riley, 208 Abalone, on Tue.day. NewcomersClub Slates Potluck Th• Newcomer• Club announc· e.1 It.a !lret set • tor et.her for Sept. 17 at Orang11 City Park, a pot luck 11upper alated at & p.m. wlth br1dg11 and canuta to tol- l~. Madi up of eon.a Me.. and Santa Ana couple1 •·ho ar e new ruldenta, t b • g-roup u1ually meet.II at lha Santa Ana YWCA for pll.y. Anyone ln\11rMted may call U &-H01 tor In.formation.. THE FINEST • • • YET LOWEST PRICED Early American MAPLE FURNITURE ••.. angw~ere Ope• Fridays lllltll 9 m itt.ff boat ln th• abHnce or the ----------------------------------------------------·! official Fairplay 'l'Fhlch could n ot b9 pnMnt bt!C&UM of llln._ In HO'll'&rd Moon '• family . . . and you ahould have lelSI th• Llnaeha dl,,.tly! Beln1 an otftclal bo&L It could not of eourM 'frin. a prift. but It ,,,.. to cleverly done that the mutu of CU'lmonte1, Duka WoodWU"d, prwenttd tha Pfltf· ar1 'lrillli an honon.bl11 menUon award . , , tll• dinghy wM nued wttb "'cln:I» rr-k•.. . . Ot0r&"• Pnec-r U • very beauUfUI a.nd •le,.at ''be&rd9d lad)_.', Ha.rrtett u ._c1a.morw. .. inrord aw&llO'll'· •r"; boai SUd Norm• (Mn. Duka) Woodward .. a pr.tty pink lllld '1ack~ UP,t rope ...... and tlMI two dal"lln( Pt"•pr elllldRn. Linda and Tom· m1 u ll&N badl rt<ten ... Jude· aa ~ta and W&7N Har- per, and J.uett• and B)'Talll &.kk had quit. a uma• d.cid· tn1 "WM '1tould Neel.,. UM ehlldl rtn'• aWVd. • • . tmally spott..:1. pntt)' lltU. plnk·pWMdi Chari c...taadyck dl"UMd u a "1'1Y1nr tr.,... artlat"' rtdJnr ln the pl· ly decorated pink motif Gallant La.dy dtnrhy lklpperlld by Ga ry Caward and awar<t.d them "tin t"". 1',BBI Il HOX!:Y)!OON 1h!p. Much excitement at C?lerry Co\•f' OVt'r lA.bor Olly ,,,•hen t h• ('()Vt' wu choaen· aa a honeymoon apot fnr 11 pa.Ir ar ne,..·leywed• . Mr. llnd ).fr•. Lee \\". Thom1.1 {Bitty ToddJ ~· tour -day dun· • Be ture tD visft tbe 1-itilul boa.. .... be"'8 bnllt -oll..-kttchoaoond llAnOllAL HO•WllK the Home Buildins lndmtry'1 annuaJewat S€-pt~mber 10-18 TALI: llOUT ICONOMYr ~fodero electric ni.n gt:S generate inten~e beat f.t, and CODCe"Otnte ft m the oooldng. without bating the kitchen arthe cook. It takes jusr •short time-lll'Kl a very, veiy few cenls worth of elecblcity-toc:ook-canplete, delicious meals for )'OW" whole family. ELECTRIC COOKING IS TODAfS BIGGEST BARGAIN! @ _ \ \ ' SllTIEll Clllflllll EllSll CllPlll Tu.1tln. SecUon le9.der1 "'111 n:plaln the natur11 ot Ui11 vtr\ou• aeetlona. All former m embllr• wUI a ct u h<1•teMe• to the nfw 1nd proa- Pt<'th·11 ml'mber11. Any 'ol·oman who 10i•lsh11 to be· come a m._mber of Out 11•aoci11· Back to Alaska "lelvln Smalley . .1on of Mr. and J.fr11 ... Hap" Sm11 lley of 340 Avo- c1do SI., Cotta Mellll. left rtiel!nt· ly for Flllrb1nk11, Aluk11, \\•here ht "'ill bll employed by a <'on- •lructLon compan)• un\11 Christ· ma.1. He likes Ala11ka very much. having ••orked there rrevlou•ly. To Kansas City Mr1. H. V. Cra!c of Kan ... $27 ,500 Call tf&l1Nlr I ... City, 111ter of Mn. Opal Good- ger of 2(18 Ftowtr Sl.. C01ta M-. Jett for her home Jut Tue«111y •fltr 11~ndlng a month In th11 Vlclntty \tl11ltlng Mt•. Good· l(t r •nd h11r 110n'11 111.mlly, t he Jam .. Cni.!11:1 of Santa An•. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tl. 9 P .M. Parking Tickoh Validated , All Santa Ana Parking Loh HURRY SHOPPERS ~ \ Televisions, llJMf Bfntf Home Appllanc" ... .,,~. To make room for 1956 '/ , Merchandise. · SPECIAL TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE We will take your old TV Set In 01 down payment re- 90rc11Hs of how old or whor shape Ir's In. ALL 21 Inch Console Only 21-lnch Table Model Only Big NAME TV'S 169~~ No Down Payment, Easy Terms No Paymewt Far 45 Days Dleeount to SC!lnb People Tfllen.11111 A1 Lo• A.a $19.95 Oa. and Eloet"o .... N A.a Low At; $15.00 [J Autonu.tto \\"a&Ml"I A1 Low A1 $32.50 ~ A• 1-A.• $59.95 RELIANCE Home Appliance Service Company 2102 NO. MAIN ST. Kl 1-1161 Kl l ·llOO • SANTA ANA • 'I ' ' • . .. , • ' ' • NEWl'ORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE l FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 195~ e.equ&lntld '*"''" plunM tDt'. UI• te&eh•tl °" ()(:l. 6. F'in1 P-TA m•unr 'fll1U bfo --------------------------IOcl. 12, T:SO p. nf."ftn ll'I• tchool sudltorium. 0.-ert wlll M Mn.'· 'Constructive Teamwork' ::.. "'.::: .. ~· ::. ·.::::~ ":\; wt.It c~ Harbor View P-TA Themel;=;;;==== 9tilcll Service "Thf purpoH of P ·TA l9 no,t pu11dp&tloQ, '--m1"1' bOll' t• for pat·enta lo find fsull With pn,.,... chUdrm. tors"rydaJ prob- 'tchool •nd teacher. IU>d not for l•ma. more ~ ~ uad 1teacher1 to tell Jlllfil'nU how to mon elm.• ~nv. . ..... Roller Sh1des '• fcontMI the chlld. but r•ll•er to To toll-Ulrou&'b. ti.rent edu· set 1. ,r.n:iup to think 1nd work ~lion Jnonilill eemlna~ are b&- to11eth•r". ••Id Mr1. Rnberl 01-\q planned ..which wiU dMJ W1lh ander, pruidl!nt of Harbor View .-..dlnr. 1r&dln1 and other par- 11ehool P -TA al I.hf' firwl board U-t wbJ«:tm. ltuldard Dade a.u.. U4 C'llltom lptd&IU. • DRp9rJ Hantwv. e V-.Uan ._.. ' '\ ~....._ ... mP(li~r.-••hen plen1 """'" made Kn. J. JC. 8t&llman led a d»-1 for l ht }'"'''· cu.ion oil Idea• tor th• tcbool THE SHADE SHOP I Ali• Cc11 dan Afl.'M&h•-"1 out11n~ MnettL Mn. Lyell Butt~ UI ........ N..,.n _,.. progrr.m• for the yf'ar. b&ffd on and Mra. W&rT"en Cloemenc. •- --1bL the1ne .. I.!:!!!'~ork Do\:ll l'f,''~·-~~~-·~-~~·~·~·~,.~-~~~~:!~:!;;:;;;~~,,,~=='""""'p'.,.,;;;'°'""~-~ • •• ...... J .. -..j-... 'MR. AND MRS. DAVID LEE LYNCH -~rhardt Photo Bride and Groom Will Continue Studies at OCC Lynch-Pleger Marriage at St. Andrew's Church . ' .. •• -· L. JUNIOR EBELL seuon opened Sept. 11 with a tea at the h om e of Mrs. Freeman Fisher, 236 Driftwr.od Road. when the executive . board h onored new membeni. Mrs. Nonnan Watson, pret!'.i<lent of Southern District Junior Mt>mbershtp. i8 pour- ing tor II t or) Mmea. Roge r Hannaford, te a chairman ; Fret>man Fisher, Junior Ebell preaident and Thomas Woodward, treasurer of Ora n~e County Fede ration Junior.. AIAO pouring during the afternoon we r e J.tmes. Don Hayton. BaKil P eterso n, Arthur Neeb, Dean Gorton, William Cullen. F orrest Allinder. Edward Kelly and Mel Berry. Mn. Wat.son will speak on the Federation convention on Sept . 29 at lunc heon in Irvine Coast CJub. -Staff Phot o OCC CLASSES OFFERED IN MUSIC, DRAMA, FINE ARTS COur.u In muak:, drama and th1° tine art. wttl con&titute a definite portion of th1 adult eduf&tlon ottering at Orange eo..1 CoU•g• et.artiq Sept. i11. In urder 10 rind out w al ~nnta d!'Ml rt<I progra111 que11tlonalre1 "'"",. ""nt out at cJo~e or l_ut 11.'l\ool yo>&r. Out ot :':126 H.nl out. 192 wer~ rrturned. Thrn1e lndi(&t9d ~ Mn intt'rf'lll !n n1on audience ·---"' Harbor Women Sail to Orient Drama will be taupt by O~n Brook• Monday, Tu@Mlay &lid Thurlda.y •veninp from 7:3o. 11:Jo m ti>• chapel. "'u~lc Visits Kin on appttct.Uon. \allg't\t by E'u•taee RoJu . will ba gtv<1n 'l\Jellday PUBLICITY WRITING EY1M for Women's Calendar of Clubs ev•nlng's troni 7 -11 ln room :S of. th• Mu•lc Building. Fund•· preu chalrml'n or cluba. Sept. 30. T J t t I • I'·"'· Boo111 B.Jo:ll. Orao.re Coallt aun Q owa m~ta.111 ol rnualclanahlp I& t o bB taught by Mr11 .. Lewl1 Klddtr, Coll~i;r. ALL PUBLICITY PEO· • Mond•Y• &lid Wedneaday& from 7 -11. PLE PLEASE ATIEND. I Mr&. Manni• I . Und or 481 Pa!ntlnJ', by How;._rd Clapp. will be a <.:la111 ln •l1menl'fY PHILHAR1'1 0 NIC, "N 1 JI. r I y Santa Ana Ave .. recuiUy rttum· tech.n.tquea 1\.lelday• &11d Thund&y• from 7 • 10. A berJnnt.il' New" ruhlon 11how. Balboa Bay f'd from a UlrPe month.a trip to ci.. la piano will meet W'dneadaya from 7 ·II with Mra. Bar· Club. 11 :30 a .m. Sept. 20. Iowa to vlalt rel&live1. A nl'phe"' bar-a PouLllboc.k &11d u lntermedlat• piano c1 ... will m!'et DAR. SOUTHERN California who live• ther". COi. Roa1 P . It will be "Mr. and Kn." on the Orange Cout College Mond&ya from 7-11. lc:ulpturln&" will ba taught by Pel,fl*ul divi111on. Nev.'JlOrt Harbor Y•cht F'ru~<'r, 11 1,11vln1: .oon with hl& enrollment list thi.I year fo r David Lee Lynch and the for. Ott Tu..o.&y1 from 7-10. Wom1n·11 choru• wlli meet with Club. IO •.ni. Sept. 20· ram!ly. accompllni@d by hi• moth.· \YOMA l\"S CJVIC Leagut', Villa er, tor thf'<'e ye~r.~ In Gt~a. M · R""""ll Pleg wh hav •·· honcymooru··· a't Mra. J . 1A1lie 8tett .. n.aen 'l\Jl'lld•y morntnga trom 9-11 111 the mer ana u--= e r , o fl ~n .. ., ~!11.rlna. 10 a.m. Sept. 20. Harold Villltinr; tin t Jn Arizona before an undiacloeed location ainct their marriage in St. Andrew'a Oornmuntty Chureh. Corona de! Mar. Gl•llKOn park• • recre•Uon p11neL. foinK to Jowa, Mn. Und w1nt ClaMH an open to •II •dull• with l"f(ialnUlon durin.r REPUBLICAN WOMEN'S Club, rrom thl're to Denve r. then to Pretbylerian Church, Ua rim mffUar of •ch cl.-th• W1!ek or Sept. Ill, flW all 10 a. 1n. Lido Theatre Sept. 22. Iowa to atart home. Her brother, Tha d&U&tittr of th• Rlcllard ed In ott wtllt• 11t.111••k with th• &bol'• clUH& t:Xttpt p11.lntln1t and a.culpturing. Reg!•· STEPHENS COLLEG~; Alum· C. F. JohnllOn, who workt'd for Plel'•ra. 601 Dall.II• •-·· .,.,. th• matchi.Dr lt.&L trauon. tor tll• l&tter wiU s tart •I IS p . 111. on Stpt. 115 tn the n••. 7:30 p.m. S •pt. 20, Mr•. th• telephone__t.simp&11y tor U .oa or' Kn. Jlhu•ll Pruitt, JOll ..._011~: .... ni:::la i.c-:: ...... 1:::: 8\Udfflt Ceatar. L.oeon J'onea homa. 1ttl2 8lln J'u&11 yea ra betot,. retlremant. ma.di! Beto St and D vtd Lyn h r .,_ ··-1--------------------------I St .• 'l\J•lln. the return trip with her •nd will con · • c 0 for tha cand.l•lll'ht ciaramony. SUMM.!:R COTrON ell.rd party v\1lt here for a waek or more. Puad,n&. e11changed rln11 and Marlon Warrell of t.. C&11ada. ADULT EDUCATION or Ebel! Club. Am@rican Ler;lon vow• In an eight o'clock cere· uncle Of the bridt'. who &190 ung H i ii, S<'pL 22 , 12:30 p.m. F'ln:t n1()(1y pl'rformed by th• Re•. at lhll' weddlnJ of h1r parent&, lunch!'on meeting. Ocl. c. 1 Jame• 8 . Stewart In 8t. An· Niii ''TI'I• Lord'a Praytr". ZO"'TA CLUB.eonferenc!'work- dr,.w'1 Pre1bylerian Chvreh. AT VlfUW(Jft Arts and Crafts Classes !!hop, Earl St•nley horn,., II Rud· 9PECIAL GOWN o-i. -re ~l..t ~ UM r1'r Road. 7:3(. p.m. Stpl. 22. . . ' I . ' 'I' ' '11 I ' • ' ' . ' ' ' . ' l 11 I I I I I · i' • I / / '' JI I j I, . . ' ' ' . . -. -· ' J"tee Lectur. Entitled CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS CONSTRUCTivE MISSION :J/i~ Part Bal/,oa !JJ/anJ Fall pre1ent1 Fashion Show Luncheon Thursday, Sept. 22 12:30 p.m. VERNA MILLER SCHOOL or auall AND FASHION llODJ:LINO ··How l,o Coordla&l• Ya. ••--•Or•••ot.•~" EUc-·· 0.,-or.,.. ....... ..... Altop ...... o.111. ........... .. .,...,..... ,._ lfort. Perk Wol K"°"" Chol Hoory :b.' Av.nue Cefe p...wo. LHnrt11a ,, .. Maria, whe wu .coned ud church Joung• wh-tJJt bride'• B • M d occ YOUNG REPUHLJCANS dance. 1 1\'UI in keeping by her fa\her, book w .. kept by tht groom'• eg1n on ay at Irvine Coa1t Club. Sepl. 23. \ wol'9 embroldered.-hltany1on net &later. MIN 9hana l.Jllcb. S Ar..'TA A!'IA !:BEW.. club-1 cvt'r blu1h pink tatfeta. De1dgried I For the •eddtns trip the new A wtde rans• ol art.a and eratta I ry, lt111.t 'NILX method 'l\J!'JldtV from ho•:•~. f.uhlon llhaw by Rankin'•. in a new blouse? •nd mad• by her aunt. Mn. Al· Mra. Lynch •o~ • black ud cl....,& will bt open u f'&rl ot lh.t II a. m. to l2. and 1·4 : and voe&· S!'pt. 26· 9:RO p.m. brunch. trl'd Ple1ar. It had a ntt1d bod· whit• •ult with red velvet hat •dull education oft•rinl' at Oranre Ilona! j<'welry Wtdne&day11 7-10. PUBLICITY \\'RITING cl&M Ice with wlda 1quare ntckllne, and black acceaaorll'a. She ,... .. Cout Collt'I'• &tarting s,.pt. 19, It Tv:o 1;l!INl<:'ll tn \11.pld,ary "'\:I be 7·9 p.m. Sept. 27. Or&11ge Cout hrlef llh~evu and • flared 1ktrt g?tduatt'd trom Newport Harbor d tod · · t di t 1· Colll'KI' Room B E·8. w1lh ahort train. Tht embroider· Untori H lgh school.•• w .. hll'r w-c;_~=~:u::~atone~~rt'J will be l ~~~-~"r~~,;~~ :n~ ._"~~~~ LIDO ISLE WOMEN'S Club • ed c&D wtilch held tll• &hort •ell huabll nt!., M•klng their horn• In taught by WUlia.l'T\ o. Payne.llnlnK claM 0 11 'l'lill'J1<lAy froni 7-10. Lido Clubhouu, 8tpt. 27, 12 noori, •t brid11.I n1111ion wu deld-ed N•'""""rt Beach. both an contin-t 7 0 c p h ti• •• t hi b luncheon 11nd rarda. .... ··r-'nlul'llCSaya rom • l p. m. era· hotognip y w ""' e.ug X and m11de by another •uni. Mr1. utnr their atudlf;I at Oranr• ·•·• u bot h R •-H -0 c•· '' ST. JAMES Altar Gulld •llver mk• and potc~n wt aug t I o.,..rt 11'1 em9.ll. &llllf•• w1 M 8 8 211 F:•lw11rr1 Corn,.llllOn of Alladena. ,... ___ t Coller•. d w d d lt'a, ti. l'rt rewer hl'lme, 1 ......,_ by Dortnie Hotkln• Mon aya trom I n1ttt "lond11y anr1 I' nPs a y The Jailer •I"° de1lp1ed the cap 7 •10 and Thur.d.aya from 1 a. m. aft@moon& from 2 • 4: Tul'•dav an(I Via Koron, 2 to 6 p.m .• BepL 28. wom by th• maid or hortor and Motherst'ngers to 12. China painting will be Thursday afternoon• from 2 . 4 : J UNIOR EBELL. Sept. 29, lr· th~ h11.t worn '-th• bridt'• d d w d _, v!ne C<'..l!Ul t Club. mother. -O ,,, h MEMBERSHlP T!:A. C.thoUc Wednead•Y• from 7 • 10 p. m. nlnll,'• from • -I . "ea\·ing '•ug I Linen? Pure Silk? Cotto11? Corduroy? Lush feather-weight wool? And too-a French Gilet? We hove them all fior:Je Balboa Island "T taught by Mra. Octavia Payne!'" Mon ay and e nc ay eve. llJMT.Jlt A'ITENI>" N A ed" d Y.'oml'n'1 Council. 2-4 p.m. SepL OW er 1te Jewelry courae• lnclud@ Jewelry lby Lee Barkley wil l ht taught 29, Vlnc ... nt SAl•mad a home. 27~l~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::liii======~~=~::::::~===::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ Mi• Su11l• Plt'get. who t&ITlt enamellnf' 'n'tuttd&y momlng. ll·IZ. ~ond"Y lllld \YednM(!ay from II Via Lldn Soud. lj ------- from Honolulu to terve .. htr Forrtat Pond: jewelry making. a. m. to 12: Monday 11 nd \Y .. dne•· -----·-------al&tar'1 rnalllll at honor, wu sown• Harbor Molht'ralnJv•, aponaor· 'l\!Nday 7-10 and ThurMlay from ld•y from 7 -10; and Monday a nd td In Jade cryalalllnt wttb match· td jointly by N@wporl Harbor T-10 p. m., ~rf• Barnett. j!'Wl'l· \\'ednt11day from I · 4. lr'I' cap &ad lhaa1. P-TA• &lid Or&llJ• C.OUt Coll•~· Dal• ~ or 9&rlta Ana I• now •n accndlttd cour11t In tht' Mtu\t edueaUon department. T sd E Hrftd .._ bmt mu a11d f\M&la ue ay ve ••r• UBhll'tid by Richard Pitier, Memben • r • from Nl'WpOrt Beach. Coil• Me• &iementary • eouain o1 U:.• llrld•. and Hennan dL•trlct• &11d Harbor High school Club Meeting Ri..ela of. Loa Anl'flei, JL•t.rict, and a" under the di· For tM ...-ncmy Mn. P~ger ""°"' charcoU lafttt• emllonllder-rf'CUon or Mra. J. Le11I• Sterrtn· Mn. Andy o.ll11ao, 1002 A11•· lien. Rl'hl'&r•l• are htld each ad tn ptak; wtUi ;.walad pink 'l\J-1ay, bf""'nlnc-l'!ept. to, at h.1!m St .• Co1la Men, tnlerta!ned ......._ hll.t. Mn. Pruitt •aa l'OWft· 11 •.m . In th• Corona del Mar the Tutad.&y tvenlnit Club lut \Y lll!am W&l"t',.n. ~6~ \\' .Ylcturla " P rt'M"nl •t the n1eeUni: "'tre Mmf,., J1Ck Brrmt'n. Howanl Stellw1<11:,n. Au~11tin<' 011troalcl, Arma.nd P 11plneau. Lee \\'illt&m•. M•rbl'lll' Papineau. \Vayn~ John- IOn, \\'HUam W~rl'n and Andy Galluzo. Comm1&nily Chu reh. week at her home. Mr. Y.'llllam All molh.tra and P ·TA mtm· Warren won th1 door prhie. F H 't ] G•me1 wtra pl•yed durln< tht' fQln 0Spl a ben lnllrMted In jolnlnr. ~rtl· Open Pairs Tourney Play Balboa Dtlpl!cate Bridge Club w ll l hold an Op'n Pairt Club Champion1blp toum1ment on th.e l tollowlnK three aucc,.1111lve Mon- day afternoon• "'Ith play 11t11rt· ing at 12:30 o'clOl·k. -winnefl of tht r<'etnt mut.,. point gaml' Wll'rl' Mr11. P@ggy John$0n 9.lld !1.1.n . Merle McCom· b!'r pitying norlh • aouth, and Mr•. Charle• Boardman and Mr•. South Pasadena DARs t-o Attend Function Here cut&.rly thote who hav• had chor· •vffting and r1ftt1hinant• Mrved. G@r•l!I Bartlett of Coat!!. Me 11a 11 work and who can •\lend rig· 'nit ne11t m"tlnl' wtU be held lhu ber n rele1111t'r1 rrorn An11.helm T.1bby LI.wt Jn e11Jt • Wflll ularly. m&)' eaU Mn. SteUtnHn, S_•_P_t._10_,. __ ,._•_h~_e_°'--~~-·Ho11p1tal. _ ~~t-•o_o_. ___ _ Oil ,....,., &ept. tolh. \he ~.,. Calltornla council nieet· tnr ot omctn of 'I'tl• Oaughten or u.a A.marifllUI Rffol:utlo" C'tlap- .... will ba held at the Newport llarbcr Tildi! Club. w1UI Mrs. lhdll AppetlOll Roua, ttalt ft'· ..,..1, prw&cllrlr. A ol-.. tD. ~lN'y law will bB held at 10 a. m. followed ti,-• period or ln11tructt011. on th• -nona1 p~m ot -.cU"f1tt1111. Luncheon will be NrV&d and at 11111. tonclu.&lon. thert wtn be • prcrnm of llP'f&kan. AailMI' th& otr\ctta and ehalr• ,_ !min Orill.Ollta Park Qlaptar, Bout.ti Pa..dana. who wt\I att•rtd ~ Mrw. L J . Wlr. Nf:'tnt. Mra. ~ B. t:>im.moor. n -r.r-t. Mb. A._....,.. Mn. T. O. Polkliek. Mn. 0-.. C... "-• --"'-Mn. A~ L. 8Mllbona, •W ehat""ari or ••uoa.l o.tanH, W1U J1Yt lnatrurtklll In Mr •.-part• mMll. ""'Ila Mn. J. ....rid Ha1JllN wtn 11198 ,..uaqieta • ............. Har. 2084 for fl:lrU!er Inform&· ..... Mesans Note Wedding Date Mr. .nd Mr•. ll:lmw I:.. Slnllll. 2131 Conllnentlll AY• .. ONta Ml'· M, eelebrat.d lhtlr !.SUI w.dd.t"&' &J'lnlvarMry on Sept. !), Labor Day. A quiet oblarv.nct ...... held with l:ltl&UY'M and tr1mda l'lalt- tnr th• hou.&• during th• day be· cauaie of Mra. 8mllh'• recent n - lun tn:-th• ti.o.pltll.1 Wl\•n -.e hlld betn Ill for 10ma tlma. A cotWn. KrL Kay Ha"n Md -Cllfford tam• trom El Mont&, and Sant• Ana rlaltor1 Wtrt Kr. and Mra. Sheldon McPhal"&Olt Mid Kr. 11.nd Mn. ffa."7' BoM. At Arrowhead Mr. and M~ Carltoa Vu.ra WW mptnd Uta ••II'°"' •t ~1 ~. wlUI Mr. Md ..... CvttOll M•ta .Jr. ta eb&ITti el. u.. -·,. &bow .............. o1-.~-. McCulloch Guest M~. Goldl1 John•ton iof Loa Nelsons Have Girl ' .-,.., T AK~ OFF INCHES Tiie Easy Sla•ffer Way If You Are • • JOl>W, .. -J • ,..i ..... • loW NOT ... I ....... .. ......... .. ..... ,,,, .• __.. .... ,_ .... t. .. ..., ... ._ .._, .. STAl.Jffff SYSTtM -• '-'!Ola ..... M .. St..,._ ._. ................................. ,.... ..... , .. lflCIW """" RJI 1'M. ... ,_, ........ --_ .. _..,, Ar·~--••+rm.- classroom cottons OPEN eUNDA.1' , ... oolorful and -.!y for tho .,_., tdwlCI tet in nr Wirior - 3'1-to 139 pc yard Bl c •u •• 1•1 tr aom NIWPOIT HACH a. .. o.-r... ........ i ........... _ . ..,..... .... ~ . ws ens • • • www ftAllPll OPIN SUNDAYS 10 TO I I ' AnP"· .111Blfr .. r Mn. Cl•renc<' McCullnch . 400 C11t.11 l1na Dr_ h•~ bPtn v1~1 Un& II.I 1h<' M<"C""llorh llom1 rw .. .,.,.al cl&)'a. Mr. and Mni. Kirin N'tlll.Of'I, 111611 M1rlt' St .. C.0.ta N .... Al"t l r.-rr nt ~ of 11 rtrl baby bom a.pL •-------------------------------------..J 11 a t Hoa1 Hoapttal. 'L.-------------------------------------.--' # PAGE '4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 FIN FACTS· TRAIL TIPS 1Lillevick lllth ' S11pect of '55 Drank Driving in Local Co1rt I t By THE OLD SPORT John Ullevlck. M. ot JN9 l'u.I• &l'ff.lted him at 1:16 LID. loday lerton. Coata Me... poated U~ at 23rd St. and Newport. UJM-1 cuh bail and Jud(• Donald J . Vick won lh• dublcMAI IMIDor of Dod&e eel Um• tor plea on a beinr lOOth drunk drtYl.ftS _.. drUnk drlvtnr ch&r&• for 9 a.in. peel th1a Yffl' In Newport Ju. lept. 21 after Costa Mua poUce tice Court. You don't want to be aalting Hal Toombs where all the doves are. Some fella told the 1bedt of the Newport Beach tackle store the dovea were in Mexicali. So Hal hied himself down there for & big 1hoot. When be got there, Just Delicious Food! The New Art Ste,9mann' s COLONIAL RllTAU•AllT IEAL MEXICAN FOOD /LA P0sTA] & Lounge' Hal found nothin' but black birda a-aettin' all around. Slee Dl.nner 8ele.cU-at Popular Prtc.. And the doves have left Bakers-) you many, many dollar• and WP · ·~ W2 W. Cout Hwy on Mariner'• Mlle U you prefer to 1tay at home to Me your ta1'Gltil teJevilloa program try OW' boud lleztc.a di= .. - epeclal orders to take out. They're ....t7 .. ._.... ne1t1 too. A ~oupte ot cotd nt&"trt• you -out ~of jall-; ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ and thl' birds went aouth-bul Another word to the wlae p. not to Mexlc-a ll ahouJd be aufflclent. Boy•. you D<'er u aaon t·losu Sunday. In are takinr too many chun1 and tht' Snntu Barbara range. hun ting I not. payinK any a.ltenUon to lhe 1 Is 111111 KOOd for the old timer. le(&) limits. T hese P11mo clam• , who know the ropu . The deer are now between 10th and 36lh are big 11r.d thP boys llrl' bringing AUi. a!On&' the ocean. out 110me be3ut1ful trophy heads MORE 'l'BA.'i EVE& ror lhelr .tens this }'l'ar. lb • There ue more clam• 11 year , ~"LEF.T LAID l P than ever before. The• lllUe tel· Open 10 a.m. DINNER SEIYED from 5:00 p.m. PIUV "'tE p .&.&TY aoo• roa u&O& PA&TIU Ull Newport lll•cl. COSTA MESA __ I rhf'r.' ~ a lone mocktrel boat lu .,. a pet project of the t1ah rt11htng thl:i week. ll"• the He and p.me boys. To be !era.Uy Crab which had an order for taken. clama mu•t be ~1) lnchea 800 pounds of ~leaned and smoked and 10 clama 11 the llmlt. They I ma.ckt'rel. Thal 11 a touch way to &ce not to be aoJd under any BALBOA make a hvlng -cleaning 800icondlUon. "-==========~ DANCING NlGBTLl' FULL COURSE DINNERS Served From 4 'ti 11 P·•· New Hows 4 p.m.-2 a.111. pound• of mackerel. Due to the I - influx of flVI' purll8 •elners, the ~---------~ 1coop fleet 111 laid up for the Ip 1• G b MUSIC FROM POP TO NOSTALGIC ln I.hi" Hubnr Houije loung<' nightly except Friday and Satur· ct.y, you will find pert Jn Lant.z prcaldlng at lhr piano a'ld or111n. Jo ta well knnwn for ner fabulous n ;x<rtolre. ~uaranterd to pleue yow11t and old alike with lhe" latest ''pop" numbeMI or rcmlnlacrnt melodlea from "way btlck when.'' The Harbor Hou11<' contlnuu Ila policy of da.nclnr on Jl'rlda.y and Saturday from 9 p. m. -Beckner Photo tu~~I' ~::~k boats-thou are the 0 ice ra broadblll fiahermen -are 11UH lead•nr the millionaires· live•. Combatants Alert with Bob Haworth at the harr oon J?'Ol eight laat week. Art K1lllon wit h Nl'ptune threw the Bl Fl Iron Into six broadblll. Oordllo as ows y with Paul Drveny at the helm and Junior on the other end of the big Iron al110 picked Rlx out Wh t a.lk d out of of the deep. en wo men w c I CAPTAIN'S CABIN una'• amart aew loan e TIN! PAVI, HVTl'ON Trio DancJng every atillt (except 8WL) from l :SO p.m. :So Cover-:So MtJUmum a-la ('a.rte DIAaen after 11 ltrl ,.... AnENTION- Deadline for Trailer Fees These boata were all fl.shlng the Hurley Bell at 2 a. m. Wednl'R· betwel'n Encinitaa and La Jolla. day lo aettle their differences 0~n They report eeelng many marlin• th<' atrcet, they wt re not u - and blr onu . servant u they might have been. ----------------------- W88TEK TIM:r; No sooner hdd Robert Bruce 2260 HuLor Boalenrd • Coeta Me., Oz" W NOW SHOWING THE DRAMATIC STORY OF A CRISIS ,. [NA WOMAN'S LtFE I 1 ......... 11 ..... w GLENN FORD ELEANOR PARKER .... STARTS WF.D. Humphrr~· ft(liart "The Le~ Hand of God" Also • "Robben Roost" IUd'• Mat. Sat.. l :45 alarll ftroa. "Love Happy" Newport Beach and Oo11ta Mrs& police a.re wa1tmg until trailer ca.ch llcen5('11 become rtellnqurnt before start1nr to f'nforce the new ala.le law requiring rtg111tra- Uon ot all tra1lt'r coacht'~. whtlh· Several lobattr tUlhermen and Fergu.90n, 31, or Olendonl end boats a re ready to leave. But Ca.iter Braxton Clark Jr. of 381 ont unluck y 1<:ent haa 151) 1llt'pl Bayside Place vu hanged blow1 traps. And you think you have than Newport ~I~ movtd In to 1 ~~~ ~~Q~~L I There have been many changes 1'"ergu!lon plroded guilty Wed- in the la.w11. Better check with nnday ID Newport JuaUce Court your ncarrst fiah and game agent to the charre of fighting in public tor the 1lae or wire for t.rap1 and paid a $50 tint'. Clark ta.lied And how to me88\lre lobster un-to Appellr for a.rr&lgllm~nt and for· der the new rulu. Thia will aave felled hla $50 ball. er in UH on t hc hlghway11 or ----------------------- not. The law went Into rrrect :~~~r-~!1~~:~\?}t!~~ Orange Coast YMCA to Attend :~ ~ta~: p~~t c!~t a~~ ~~: Y Day ·1n Hollywood Oct. 29 'l&!Uatlon or I.hr v't'h1cle u rte-• tennlned by the departmt'nt of motor vehk lu . PenaJUu lmpo!!ed Announcement t hat the Oran,e YMCA program and worked for SO days arter th• feu ar<' dt'lln-CoMt YMCA will attend Y-Day the orranlzatlon In San Dlero quent amount to l 00 ~r rent In Hollywood for the fou1 th yeu while &'Olng to college. • ot the regiltraUon fee and ~O pf'r wHs made thie week by Duke Cox reported t hat preliminary cenl of th.e llcenM fH. Cox. 1:eneral 11ecretary. loe&J plans, particularly reg11rdlnK The state dtpartmenl t11tlnml<'I Art Linkletler will agllln be lram1portat1on. llNI "In the work.I that 100.000 lrailer coacb u><era 1tar and muter of ceremonlu at and wlll be announred !IOOn." In Calltornla have Called to meet the twenty-third annual Y • Day Orange Coast "Y" young11t,.r11 the regtat:TaUon or local lax re-In Hollywood variety 1how, which from Seal Bea.ch to Corona del qulremenll. causlng ll large 1031 an expect~ 2~l0 Orange Cout Mar ·will join more t han 10,000 ot revenue to local rov~mmenll. "Y" youngsters and adulll will other YMCAera from all O\'e r attend Oct. 29. California, .Anzonll end l"evada Thl11 will be Unkletter'11 eighth to aee the variety ahow 1n the E~ ~.~ : t lrlil atralght year as a Y-D•~· enter-morning at Hollywood Bowl and . . ~ _ tainl'r llnd organizer. • the UCLA-California. Homecom· , . ,f.IYA!b?.Z . : , . : A board membf'r ot the Holly-Ing_ footbllll game l.ater In thr • ~ ----wood "Y", he grew up In the ColiHWD. NOW SHOWING ROBERT MITC'Hl"M 8Rl:Ll.EY \\'1~..,-,;Rs In "The NiCJht of The Hunter" -plu._ RA'SOOLPR M'OTT a.pin•' "Ten Wanted Men" Cnlor by T~lulJN>lor Now Open Ev Grando/lo 's (formerly ot Hemet) #I; complete menu for the family PIZZA e SP.\GBE'ITI e LASAGNA HU~l f:.JIADJ: RAVIOLI e STEAKS e 8EA P'OOD TOOD TO GO 511 Balboa 11vc1. BALBOA Harbor 4131 OPES DAILY U NOON-1% MIDNIGHT, llON. & p.m. TlL MJD, Mesa .,,, HELD OVER ENDS SATUBDAY -LOS A-NGELES (OUNTY ~ ... _.~,.. ...... 1-4\JM,,....~ Al.00 "'CH<> lllART · RAY · USTINOV .... Jt. .... Colo< by TECHNICOl.CIR l:W4 ~ · BA5l ~·lfO 6 CNro..l _., l>Jl.T DVGOAN --Ml~CUATIZ !t -~ 111/1.NAl.O M..:00\.IGAll. _,_ ..... .., ............... -:.-...~ ...... - _.. ... DIRK BOCAal>€ • llll.JIU£J.. PAVLJ)W K.~ MO&I · DONMJ> 5'ND£N &AT ~· MISSllOKllT1llOft~ More Laughs Than "Mr. Roberts" ~~~-----------. SEXT Art'RACllON Onn"lrl O'( nnnnr "FRA:SGIS Of 1'llE NA\'Y• Ton) ( urU1 "THI: Pl'&Pt.E MASIL .. ----,_ M wraE fAllltrt f ~._!"A;SHOW t • , -·-HOISi 1.ACIN6 DAllT ,..... ............... t 61ANT MIDWAY POMONA leptember 16-0ctober 2 ror0 n-sen·atiOM -Harbor 2'726 VILLA MARINA DANCING =~:YN10trn BARNEY LANTZ & his 111111it 9 to l:IO LIL Opea '7 l>aya A Week New Men• Includes ltalla11 Dellcacles May We Suggest From Our New Feetures \'F.AL SCALLOPINI e LASAGNA • PIDA. A~od&UoM a~ for PARTIES, IAN9Um, or CLUI DINNBI PHONE YOU& RDERVATION8 MOW Harbor Blvd. at WHsOll Liberty l-114J High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 September Weekly Specials ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thunday Prlday Sat.clay 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Thi, week we will feature a TOP SIRLOIN STEAK for $2.50, or you may order our FRIED EASTERN SCALLOPS for $1 . 75. Continuin9 with their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners at a greatly reduced price during specified periods as indicated above Villa Marina restaurant offers weekty specials Buffet luncheon Daily $1.25 Menu Service Available All Afternoon SEE FOOTBALL IN COLOR on BIG TV SCREEN in the Villa Marina Lounge Saturday, Sept. 17 12:15 p.m. Miami vs Georgia Tech Spectacular Show Monday, Sept. 19, 5 · 6 :30 p. m. ''OUR TOWN" with Frank Sinatra The New Honey Bees play for Saturday dancinCJ at Villa Marina For Villa Marina reservations ph0tte Harbor 3930. Aquarlum Oin ner- Oance Saturdays 7:30 p.m .• 12 mid. -Dancing 9: 30 p.m.·2 a.m. No Cover VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e AVAILABLEFORLARGEORSMALLPARTIES The next time you plan a dinner party. luncheon. buffet or r ocktall party, to cc·lt'bratr· a birth- day, anniversary, engagement. weddm~. reunion. home-coming, bon voyagP nr "what not." pl,.ue call Mr. McGill at Harbor 3930. Ht' will adviM you about menus. 8ervlcl', dccflralinn~. Rrttang._, etc. For amall intimate groups or for luge gathering11 the facilities &t Villa Marina cannot be 11urpaMed In the Harbor area. I ' • - " ANAHEIM SPEEDS UP DRILLS FOR OPENER A N AH EI M. jOCNSI -A ' n•.t 1•me on lhpt. 10 at L.u cJ&mp!ng dOWJI on c en•ral Item• I Vt111. It It aaptet..S that tM prevtou1ly takt'n tor gr&nt4'd. CclonL1lll' eoo.ten Club MU CQ\lpll'd wllh a 1erie• of rul•• to make an-anremanla lmmtdl&tcly cavern eaeh d1y'1 practlrt wu tor a can van tor th• populal' La.I A.nah1Jm Colonl1t Coarh Clair• V•••• t noountar \'an HoorabU1'1 way of Joining Van Hoore~k• h.. ekmped otti.r Sun.tel t..a gue tr.amt !n I OOv.'?1 on 1 few llama W'tlkb O.· spl'edup of drtl11 thta wrck. peel · to r.qulre !om• 41.M:!plln•. A1 klnk1 and knot• of thr 1uch u r•ttlnr dretoMd and onto n r1t '"'l!ek of drtlllnr be&&n to Ult flt ld qulcltly. All drUi. -r• d!Mppe•r, new meuuru were to be apeeded up -d run wtlh t.bcui;:ht of to l"t t.he mo1t out NI •Y• toward uYlnc Ume. 1'""h1t·n ",.e do In the pmM !M Rr:AD\' D F.t"E.S!tr: Th• Colonl.lt.1 will cmicent ra l• hea.,Uy on dt fitnH nt.ltl wttk In preparation fd'r Redland1. The dN l&'TI " to conctr\lrate on defenee which Redl•nd• w 111 throw a.-.in1t th• COloel.IU LI U\1 n r1t attempt at 1oet1ou1 work In prep&nU~ for this lnltl.J l'&ffi•. '"Pl"'IYiouely we'W11 Men dnot· !n1 a lot ot Urn• to condltlonin.-. Now we'r. rwdy to plan our d• fen1e. •pt'Cla\Jy for Rfdlanda." aid Van. Van Hoo~beke I.I worldn1 w:iU\ the enda a nd bacllfteld blockln1 drill•. J ohn Wallln tlil ortn1 the line candidate• so'l'er.i 1peclflc tundamenta l• cieftnll•• play. ' . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT I , PA&E I FRIDAY, SEPT. lb, 1955 More H ... c..,. 1.-t will eo t..-." ..W Vaa. "ot COW"... WI ha._'t .... t Muell tUne OP offanM. bUt 0.. S. Iha ru,uu bcr on• ~rblldl rtpt _, Th.rt ot two b\19 • .,.. from Mt .... parked Oii Main BMd; .... -------------l nportltd lO pour• w~..., Robert Ur.a ot Aa.nta Au. F6@TBAll LAGUNA ARTISTS -Here's probable first string lineup rot· Laguna High th1a se.u on: Unemen fl"om !efl. P. Griffin, D Allen, G. Hill, D. Powt ra, M_.~r-avarro, A. H1\3 rio, D. Shield•. Back11, R. Kretsinger , 8 . Allen, L. Brix.Py, S. Ramtiey. B. Saru- o! each daJ'• dr11lll. Th• ti.me I• "'With a line that la lnupar· abort btlore, th• openlnl p me tenced llnd only o~• ."'"k before at Redlandll 8ept. 23. th• ffUOll Opt'M, 1t·1 ~MU"Y !'LAN CABA\'"-" to rit tti.. practJc• rolUnc Ilk• A naheim ,-rldlron tan• have clockwork," •Id Van Hoo ... bak•. b«n maklnl" lnquir1•• about Un: "It we bos clown In U... drtlll. Ven Hoorebtk e he.1 been pay- il'l.1 clOM attenUon to O.OrlP 0.. nL Ill• quarterba.ck who will allip tn lO the 1pot vacated by Paul Orover. watari. • ' Lt. Col. Leland C. 1.lcA ulev of 124 Via Mentone wu a member of the 1-farine Corpii Rele"'8 Rifle and Pistol te&m which competed In the National Rifle and Pistol matches 111.t Camp PerT)", Ohio recenUy. The 28-ma.n reaerve team waa the tint Marine unit to be outfitted in t belk! old cam· campaign llata in almo!lt 15 yean. KICK.OFF Don Grids Go at Citrus in Opening Fray SANTA ANA. COCNSl -San- t.a Ana Coll... OQn• traftl to AzUM. for flnt STldlron cluh of tha ..uon tonlghl eg11lnll Cit.rue. Coach Don Davie told member• of the SUila Ana Second Gu••· 8l':r11 lhlii wesk not to expeel any mlracle1. but b• think• h• Will have a 1plr1 ted equad. MUSCULAR TRIO JOINS SAILORS· A trio of big muscul'..r boy11 jQlned Coach Al l rwtn·~ T11r STLd equad thia Wf'ek. •ll thrf'e of them tacklt'11. But best part 11bout It a one of U\e ladi! 11 a f rr11hn1Rn ll ntl the other a 1opt10111or.-. \\"hll"h (lvt1 the Sailor coaching 11t1Lff a e hanee to bring then1 aloni: for futun U!lot'. Thfl new men: F red Barker . 190 lb, fre1hma n· BQb Cro"•e. 180 lb. llOphomore. llJld NOl'l l..yOilll, 190 lb. tr~n~ft'r trnm lndlanL Srver11 I player. conUnued 1 0 Ra.In that faJ11 over Drath Val· I ehlne •• potent11\ standout• for ley In Cal!fornla often l.'1 coniplrte· ''• -·,g•d <O ,--, 11chedU\6 fee· 1 -. I " •" ...... ' y eva poralt'd •n::f<'.lre ll re11rht111 I Su!<&ll \\'r1li;:ate of Corona dt'I :\l:.r c1ugh1 thlll 310·1b. b1Ack n1erlin d1unnf a month's ~·acet 1on in H11,.•s.1l this 1un1mer. Te\'i • \\"t'11tgQte. htr rathl':t, >Uld Su.tan"• younJ("er 11lster k.ok on wh!1e SuM.n admln::• ber catch. ··c.orr• ha. been dolor very DOODLEBUGS ROAR AFTER'· WIN -ON HUNTINGTON OVAL A fl•Ld of S:I of Cal lforn!•"• le,,dinK mldgtt auto rac<!'rl 111 ... 11ured for lh• t1r1l of th• day· llJ:hl racing programs 1 t Hunt· :o;mlgton Be1ch Legion Stadium Sunday 11flernoon, a cCol'dlnJ; to Billy Centr<!'ll an<'! Snrm Hell. l>ot h for mer drivers. '""ho ere pre· 1entinK !ht thO\O' Billy Gl\trl•tt or Burbank. l!/:14 t hiunp. ind h!s n1ejor rival. John· ~y ~loorhouse (If Costa :\!e11.H.. hllthQlder in 1963 who"a hot on 1 Garrett"• tral!. will l'"l'new Ulelr 1, r oint feud OVl':r lh• ever·threat· ening ch•ll,.nge ot many new· CO!llft& Ill l h<' tloodlebUI{ 1fll"ld. These. bo)·~ 1ncludt Bob CurU'l er ur Re,1111.nd~. a clQse Ul lrd1t In point ~tandlni:s: Don Edmonds of Anllhtim. "·\nn,.r of two main• rl'cently: H11rry StQckman. Bernardino Vf't eran. and C11meron or South Gate. 60 Hopefuls in C Grid Turnout \\'1th 'o C g11ddeM1 out at Ne .. ·• po~t Harbor High th\JI •tMOn, Coach EmJI Nl'eme hopeii t o ached· ule a pri.ctlct game, probably ""it.h Laguna. ror nei1l week, A nuc. leu11 or the kids have becen work· lnJ; out !or two '""tek11 A.nd ere prl':tty fl'lr alonr. ""\\'e havs a. re .. · aophomore1." Sterne reported, "lll Ulfl rest are frosh."' T r!ala 1ta1t . •L I p. 111. "'lth Ult f1rH\ rice, .II tht'li'<!' · l•p trophy dn1h •t 2::10 p. rn. A 30· la p rn ain he"'!llnt1 the 1ho"'·· A1 a.r1 add&d attraction a ape· cial tar• .,.,u bfl !ield for younl{· strrs (If the Quartt'r·Al ldgrt Ra.-. in~ A1111oci11Uon for kl<i!I f ron1 ~ to It yes.ra of 'K"· The track le ' loclltl'd jURl off H igh\O·av JOI and I A\"enue :J9. llOUth ot Huntington 1 Bearh. There"• p\fnlr (If f r" t wit~ tlle State F•• In• Act Capa1ies <.all ·-.a_ LI 8-JOll ~I i i Lut 9f'U on in sun ... t League compelltlon, the local fleaw•tghll! deadlocked With Fullerton for 1ec· ond bt.hlnd .A.nah•lm. Th•Y Ued 138 E. 17th St. •• East c-c-J. c. .. .u.... u.. aw a.- DEDICATION PIRATll ITADruK 0.'L Adm. •1.00 W1ill B. .. o.r. • -u ...... lJ .... FRIDAY. SEPT. 16.· 8 P. M. GIRL'S GYM SUITS Official Typ• Boy's Gym Shorts & Shirts-Gray Athletic & Gym Shoes from $3 .50 ·~ SWEAT SHIRTS AND PANTS- Blue & Grey Single or Double Hooded Sweat Shirts GENUINE LEVIS-for boy'• & men -plua many more ICbool Deeth - ALL AVAIIABL!; NOW AT • Balbaa Island Spartln9 Goods m Martne Ave. 46 B Gridders Out for Squad Anaheim, but lo&l one to mlM out C08ta Mell& Te.rs could rnana11e only ooe tie I :'~"~"~'~"~"~";.:'~'d;"'~';_;'~"~~;;;:p~l~o:M~h~l~p~. -\;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;.;._;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ while losing rern1under of thelrll fray11. H owevrr, thl'"l'e of I.he a<>tback• "·ere by on• touchdown. coa.i:h C."ll•t \Vulft greel•d 46 B Th.tt from Car football proR~ct.e lhi.!! ,.·eek at Ne,.•por. Harbor it!gh School. mo.'ltly frt'•hmen a nd 9ophon1ore11. Firat &l"ileJuled gaine "'ill be vdth Montebt-llo here St'pl. 29 &t 3 p. m. Thtft ot hi• Balboa Blue1 and " wallet eontalnlng i s w111 re· ported to Nl'"llort Bt'aCh p<>llce rtctnUy by Lars GllJlt.r.el. of Paudena llJl(I 403 .N. 81y Front. Wulff will 114 aa111ated I.hit •ea· .on by ~ilk' Pelglnger from St.In· font. He •aid the ltl':m1 Wt'l"fl taken La.'lt •eu nn, th• lightwt'ight from his unlocked cAr. Muns ingwear T-shirt ROY CAR'VER PONTIAC N ew p ort B eac h ROY CARVER PONTIAC N ew p ort B eac h • A Name Worth Repeating lng the Don• thl• fall. Don Wh•· the ea.rt.h, report.I thfl National len, 180 lb. tullb11.ck, appear11 lQ Automobllfl Club. be powtt runner In the bs.ckfleld.1---------------11 Gii Rodriquf'i:, 17:1 lb. halfback. could b ~ a 11urpr\ae packag-f' ·~ut Citro• tontfbt. FOR NO 0 NE Davl1 111111 ha.'ln"t mRdf' up hi• ~------mind reg-&rding three quarttr· 1-t1a.clr-01U1dtd"t"1-Tom -Baldwtn. BUT NO ONE- Ed Payne a nd Bob Hanin~on. Matt McCalls. or Or11.nge . 210. n111\" havt the ln11idt> tre.ck 11.t een.ter. but he h•• Bob Hllllah•n. O\O·en Rro"'TI An<l Rt!I Comrlt to beat nut. Tht Dons return to their home fi eld n•Jtt Friday IQ 111.ke Ml 611n Jll"Tancteco City ColleJt. Troubles Beset OranCJe Panthers ORANGE. IOCNS\ With rir!M'Uce rolllnl Into ettond week of the 1chool lrnn at Oranltll High Bchonl. the Ps.nthera are •11J'l(ed tn tntan11n .. d dt11llnp a• tb• opening (I f th-e 19!1!1 • !'14 .,.,1!on near•. Ace blockln1 back P ete MPI· do'\l.do tam• down ""1th " bad cue of potllOn os.k u did Dick M11 aon and ~ry Buwen. Den:tt1 Richmond. n11AAy end pro~. bru11ed hi11 che11t t n b\ockt111 drllla. 'e ut all \11 not black amgn1 the Oren1~• '" 11on1e of the boy1 &Tl' tw11;Lnn.n!E'. to look ro.t h~r ioh11rp L• 1h~ 1f"•11lona roll 11 h•nk J."'t"atk Mr 1do\O"ll at fullt>u"k 11nd ;\l ax Danow an!! Can 11.da'1 Ken ~ult. at lh• t•llba11k Mot have looked 11nu.'lu•lly toad and thf!Y •~n1 lo ~h"". pron11'io" ot h&vlnl( 1 tt"•I l(OOol t ampal11n. Th• battle fr>r the t111lb11ck P""li"n bf>\,.·ttn Darro\O· :\1 111 11 ·~ <1e•••lnplnJ: into a very 1nt rrt •l1n,.-: '1&:ht. Both bo~·• have II tool an11•u nt <>f fll(l\bllll llA\"'"r .. ~ .. '"''" 11 r,. r·1~h1 n li' e11 r h othl!r h••" . l More rolorf11l end n ciunit !ti.., rvtr. iht 181h Annu1J Loe An11!11 Counl)' f air h•1 mt•Y hi1hli11h1 fct • 111r1l, 111c h •• ""Ar11 1n Wrt1trn Li•·in1;· ""Mt11ctn Vill11e,"" K..dditland Rock· n Ship. 0.ily l\arin11 and 1pecioil !port1 I•·rnu. Com· for11blt Mcrro co1cht1 pro•idt fi n. econom1<""1I 1r1n1pana1ion. T1~t 1t11u· l1r ""'ic' 10 Loo An11t lt1 i nd 1p«iol buwi from 1hc Mctl'O Ct111ch Depot. 6,h k M1in Sf . d,rt("I to 1hc f 11t. 11•ounch . NYLON-ttinjMTrd nrr•btmJ bolds itJ ~!_jflf'r1vr.' Pull it ••. StrM<li it • , • WMl:i it ... WCftf it ... Only the M urWngwt:Br T .#lirt hM this pnt.cnt.td Tl(.'('k hAnd thAt fltllyw fl:it. trim nnrl hnnd110nie. I.el l'CVf'ni l in .-hite and ot her ~ r W11 Ol\'P. S&-H 0'"11 Stampti FREE PARK.I.NG at &ar t:nt rance Open t'rida~·,. ·01 Sine einert's DEPARTMENT STORE 1818 Newport Blvd., Caola M- ROY titan CARVER PONTIAC Beach Newport • DON1 WAIT • DON1 HESITATE • COME IN TODAY ROY CARVER PONTIAC 1400 W. Coast HIC)hway Phone: Liberty 8-3466 NEWPORT BEACH '' I "- J • • j SAIWRS SHAPE UP -Above, Quarterback Cl!<'r!!e Scbuitt poises for p&88 while Fullback Dick Cox fleftl and Halfback Jody ,Fenton set up blocks, Center is Jack Smith. In background, from left, are Student Managers Jerry Hulbert and Steve Souder. In action picture at right, Backfield Coach Bill Bernau. left geta out of path of Halfback Glenn Buford (carrying baill and Tackle Ronnie 'fhome, leading blOC'king. On the ground are Bob Villagrana, offensive end, blocking out Greg Adams. defensive end. Tackle Steve Watcher y,•ith nose guard l is rushing the ball carrier whilc 1-'ullback Gl'qf.gc ~iilliken run~ at far right . -Staff PUBLIC ATTENDS GRATIS SCRUM Ad11n11 with_. hip 1>01nt •nd Llnl'· backer John Grauf'r with should• er lrOUble. . ' • Phot os ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HARBOR \lo~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor . AMONG TAR GRIDS TOMORROW EVE Tackles Jrwin • In Bi9 Problem Faced Sailor's Sunset Bid by lcoutided, ""''"" we J:Clt on ly a -.·l'k'• uAe out or • l><'rfl!'l·tly ntw rop .. :" At:KIAJ. RAK.KAlit: Burns •nd Bt'rnau ho+.vt' Dffn W h N t H bo H' h Sch J strt'!l.lllng lla Mln& In lhelr b•Ck· hen you attend t e ewpor ar r 1~ oo f,,.111 "''or k the pa..~t fe,.,. day•. Sailbrs' free int enpuad football KUme t omorrow night under "\\'" h•d the p.11."111n,,,-laat M"a•on." the arcs at Davidson Field come 7 :20 p. m .. keep your eyes 1 llurna a1thl, "bul were not •ble on the tackle•. That is the big problem fact!d by Con.c h ~~11~~;1.~·('i!'!o~h;:,~~~K~'ot all th" Al Irwin and his Tar mentoring staff. The backa .. r.. •lso gt'tlinJ.! ""Olek Nabor1, tran1plated from atrung 1lrill1ng tn takinK \o.'hlle wffk. Re1na•n<.lf.'r of th" fir~\ quarterlHlrk~ are expenmt'nt1ng ~ard to cover loae of Dick Over· I 1 · 1\rlng grou11 lookf.'d 1 kl! t 11s : ! with th" revt'ra~ pivot whi~h I •P_A_G_E_6 ___ P_A_R_T_I __ , _N_E_W __ P_O_R_T_H_A_R_B_O_R_N-EW--S--P-R_E_S_S• I !;;":,he~, h:he"'·a:e~~Jui:..,~~ 1':a:~111; 11e~:~.·· :1~1 ~:~!~~;....~'!.':: ~~:J the bill ixu .. r. Burna re- FRIDA y SEPT I b 1955 pro.iact ," Irwin report~\ "P hy-6-10. 13•. Junior; ii:Ult(I~. J.-rr~· Th,. flu bni: ten1pontrily hit ' · ' 11\cally. lhe-olher boy• are re11t1y. S1m11el. 6-7. l!\O. junior. a nd G11ry F'ullb11ck H1rl1n P11ulf'y ind '-----------------------------l but they have yrt to turn 100111! IHem•. 6·11 , 19-0. juni<.1r. 11nr1 Ctn· T•ckle Bab 8':h11.fer V.'f'dne!lday. WETZEL NAMED MANAGER AS MESA JOINS COUNTY LEAGUE their pounUal.'" ter Jack Smith, 6-0. 1~. arnlor. Othtno·h1t, be~tde• Ov,.rby at KEY TO HOPES I SEXT IS' LISF; l•rkle. the only two men on lht So the tack le •pot. become poaltion to Sailor hope• in SunHt League thla aeaaon. ,,, th• seco n d atrlnrf'r• inclu•lt'd 1 :_ar ".'.,_11penaary roll are End Greg J.:nda, Bob Vlll11gr11na, 6-1. 18S. mophomore. and Bill Lamb. !\-11 ,\ BE SURE • INSURE -tbm"' mduJua ...... "'"" pool ...ae1.- fM r1rl£«1qff o1u..- H ........ 1~7. junior: guard•. Dennis 0.le· with bout. ~-8. 162, junior. and Jim MAt.:KU: l'ITASLF.l' I• tt..ltil• COl"l4 ..-... Bento. ~-8. 164. junior. 11nd Roy ln•u~ 0.11 H..t.. I A , ............ D1nle!J1, ~-8. l&O 111!-nlor. Phune Harbor '!474 _........._,"!:...., ... Co>1t1< ;\I""" lo1,.rr h.-1nlll 1\Je11d1y ni~hl J•.1ned the OnnKP t "oun!y \\'inter L1•11i:;uP "''h1rh launche1 11~ bll11ebttll 81!1J1on 0 1·t. 2. uu .. 1ne1111 ~lf11111gcr Ed Lene announced th11 \o.'eek lol t'111b<•1" <>f th .. lv<>p 11re Curona. El l\lodena Or1ong,, Sal'l\1. Ana 11n.t Full.,rlun. "''ilh po~~1bly Pl11ctntla 11.nd another Sant• Ana n1l1•' vr ~:1 Toro Joining up. Tho• ~lo·rl'!1ant.!I lll't' in rrf'lf'C~ or l''°Otganl:ung, l..8n<' n'· pvrll"J. with Bub \\'et z ... !. jul't 1·,.tur·ned 1rom • •'l!LllOn or pruft's.,1un11l ba,.,.b11U with rlh• Class C Ogilcn. Utah R.l!'d8 nf the ('1ncinn11tl ch11ln. t aking 01•tr aa managt r. Riehl now, trane:pla.nted guard and Texan Dl<:k N1bon, 5 -10, 188 lb. 1tnlor. I• flnt 1trlnj!: 11 lon11 w ith Larry Harper, 8'-1, 172 lb. 1enlor. Behlnd them •re aen!n1'11 J im Taylor. :1-11. 1112. and J im Rumaey, 9·0. 173. That wu the way Irwin 11nd Une Coach J ohn McGowan "'tre worklnj.': lhtm on two ll"lll of lint• runninr throu11h pl11 y.' thi.'1 The two bllckfleld unlt11. which SSl6 E. eo....1 Hlc:hwa1 Tl'lep11on... LI•rtJ a.149! S.ck Coache• Biii Bernau an1! ~===~C.§~~M~~ .. §'~,..~-~'~==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j Don Burna h:l\·e been drill!nK thi11 wet"k. look pr .. tty ,.,.,u ut, GOB OF GUTS -Certain to see at;tion for Orange Coast College Pirates tonight is Bruce Knipp. quarter· back for the Newport Harbor Hii;!h 8ailor11 last sea- Mn. Although Knipp weighs in at a mere 133 lbs .. Coach Ray Rosso has referred to Bruce ns ha\·i ng "a barrel of guts" 11.nd being R •·smart si~nal-ca\ler," -OCC P h.oto HORNET ELEVEN OPENS GRID SEASON TONIGHT "\\'l' "'" tert11ln of Uon Cnrtrr. \o.'1\h two yean1 pro 1·1<pc n••t10 "<• ... n•I Al Hu111ngton uf Nt\o.'p<lrt Be11.ch 11lonr with 1 hr Ora n ~e 1.•n11 ~t ('olleJ.:"' b11th·ry or Jt'rry Rice and Tony l.on1h11.n lo." Lllne ~111<1. Hr 11<ldPd th11I other OCC pl11yer11 Wert' el<JWCl,.d v.•hile \\'tlZl'l ~'fln pl:r.y anyplare on the tnfk>ld. NIGHT OF DECISION Pirates Lack Weight of Vikings in Tonight's Go Thie is the night of dec i•ion for Orange Coast College where Coach Ray Rosso's Pirate grid ell'Ven i11 concerned. Just· what their chance• are in En.stern Conference com- petition this sea.son may be pinpointed .by what they do with East Contra Costa's hefty but shifty Vikings im me- dilll<'l . ..-after dri1ic111lon of lhl' ne"'· Bu(' fnutbnll •tad1urn •t 8 p Ill , B11M>J on probublf' atartlnr; linr- up11. the \'1kin~! ou\\•·r1~ht lht BUCl'fllll'('Tl< with ~ 19~, 11.\'('rll~e u1 the hn.., i·on1p1<red to 188 for ry Tai• nt F.11.st Conlr8 CC111l•. Tate lole• 1 round 29~ lb~. tllk· Ing title aP. bi1:-Kr 11l n1an brP.nd new OCC l urf ... ·1tho11t r lo11e oppo11it1on, I.AK\' ON PY.<'K. on the. tonight the l\l t'sllmrn. 11nd 182 to li6 tn FULLERTON. 10CNSl-Fullerton Junior College Hor-tht backflelO. Actually. the-ln-vadera coul(I ber f up t.hb d1 fftr· nets' eleven opens its footbAll season at 8 p. m. tonight rnre by •r ver11.l pound" ~hould against the strong San Diego Knj~hts Coach Rud Dawson th":V <:hoo~" t" r"pl11ce FrRnk PJ1.- Par kjng t he mo't Wf'\rht for the local pig11klnner1 \o.'111 be tackle Lllrry Gra11fltld, 22:'i. lhe All-Eaatern Conferencl! llne•man will deploy his Hornets in a ~prcad formation 11gainst the •hll 11. 11l ~11111 11 B d C't . t . h T tt k I l.l<i llTt:~T ;\IA~-or er I Y" s raic l 9 aC' · _ P1Hllll11. •1.1 111:h !l't!t n111n In lht from 111at year who wu almo1t edgt'd fron1 •tartinK tonll'ht by """'·comer Jack A•hb11u1th. Urht· e~t men QI!. the forward will l.l't giv.-~ ,. r1,..xihl1lty tnr gur.l'd rull- out~ ind nanktr p•~11-~n11j.':i;:-h1 ii: whkh Rollll(l like11 PROftA ftl.F. MT AHTP:RJoi H<'rt'11 the Plrl.\P 11t11rlrr11 ""Ith g11 me numbfor1 : Jeck Kennedy 166•. 2~1. 6-Q. 1811. 11ernnd r"11.r OCf', lrft Pnrl; Terry Livingston !Ml. 18. 6-l, 178, up from l\lontt· hello Hii:h, rl j.':hl "nrl: G~rri:e Pl int 1 ;01. 18. 6-4, 20.'.:>, up from North PhOt"nix Hij!"h, n1:h1 t11ck· l": l..arry GraufL•ld 1i3!, 19. 6-0, 22~. All ·EC \a11t ae11110n , left t11 ck- lt: Ron Se\o.·e-11 1~7 1. 20. !'l·ll. 178, •econd )''11r OCC. right ru•rd: Borrten Gr11nger t :>t&l. li6, who ju~t turne<I out !111't ,., ..... k. trom Huntlnrton B.-11ch. lefl gu11rd: Kenny \\'ood 147f. 18. ~-8, 178, up from Garrlen Grovt, cen- l.,r: Dick E\1.nt'r 1301. 18. 6-1. 17~ •. !'econd ye•r Ill OCC. quar- terb1ck: Biil lolcKen&ie (371. 23. ~-9. liO. 1econd year OCC. right h11lfh8~k : GtorKt Hnldtn 13.'.:>l . 23, 6·0. 180. AU -EC l1111t 1ea110n; left h11lfbar k: 1\1\ke Hui r•o1 , 20. ~-10. 180, A.11-EC hut yt11r, fullback. P robable Vik1n.r; a&.arter1: End• Harry Haley ~231, 180. and BUI Rl'i lzal !21 1. 16&: Tack lt1 Cliff Carp.,nello 133 ). 2()0, and Larry Tate t2:1J. 294 : Gu.arda Martin Murphy (381. 193, &nd Frank P•· dllla !49. 14 4; C"nter O..ry How- l!rton . ! 39), 1116; Quarterbark Gu11rd Borden Gr&nger and Cl!n: Marv McKean 120f 186: Half- ter Kenny \\"OOll. t•ch tlpplnr back• Manuel Tar~go !30l. 1~. the__]'ol~o .!!:__!Ill. _a nd J llT\.!'!!'klnen H J. 17~; FUii· Ro11110 h111" hi11 two heavy men. b&<:k C•I Porter !45).2"04. F lr11t atr!ng 111 Qu11 rh•rb1u:k Geor· KM!ln!C'a Ke Schuilt. 6-0. 170. 11enlnr: H alf-MIGHTY MIDGm backa Dave T11 mur,., !\-7, 148. ~en- lnr. 811r1 J ;,hn · Hopkin,,, ii-8. llH. Sunday, Sept. 18 af'ninr. 11ni'! f."'Ullb11ck Ch11rht B•r-I On"'""",. lll, Snulh of Hunt. 0.--.rh oft ltitrfl_,. t .. ) ry 6-1, 1'10. ~eninr. t:lt>HT t:\·t:STN .... 7.~ l.Al'li OY RACING On !he fecOnd u111t ia Q u10 rt,.r· .,..,., ftaN", t :,_O p.m.-Tim.-TrlaJa, I p .... 0 ·o Adulta, II.Ml .... MludH!ta. &Ck' bar k Grne Hubbard, ~-\ . I o • .,.,...... l'arktns _ Kkl• r 11.ser I'! y,...... junior . H11lfb11•·k.• .hid~· ~·.-nton. PITM'nlN by HUI C&ntn •ll and :Sonn ffaB '•·&. 1~8. •enlor. 1111<1 Toni Ni-llUNTINGTON BEACH t~EGION STADIUM qnr\\e, !\-10, 1~6. 11enfor : •nrl l"ull :=============:;;:;;:::::::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;:"';::;; b11ck V11n r nrn,.roy .. '>-10 16:-1. iun1nr. Rf::r\I, 84'HlMf.R Prob11 hly the h11.rde~t tackle nf thr 1ie11ll(>n tn dat.-"'"'• m11dt by Hubb8rd. Srhu1tt'a rlo!lf!et n\·1.I for the R1c:n11! r11lhn11: 11lnt. Hub· b11rd took on lhe tac kling durn- my with euch venii:eance th• olh· .-r night th•I 1hl' .._ in rope broke and H uhbilrd "·~nl 'kldrl1n~ nn .h11 f11t''" in the !llr t Hb in· jurlea r equirl'd minor fir•\ air! de.1pHe 1 1lnppy 1n1xtur" of blood and dirt lh•l al f!rftl H-l!mtd to cQver Ge:nt.'11 far ... '"The b11(1 p11rt 1bo11t it," Irwin Pro Go on TV The pro foolb81I fray btt"'·ttn the hlgh-fly!ng Ph\111d~lphi11. Eag- le~ i nd !ht' inJu r y·•!ddled I ~ Angeles Rania will be teLtC8•l in· to the-Harbor 11rr.• at 8:30 p. n1. tomorrow nlrht. Sit~ of the <:on- te11 l la Unlvt.r•ity of 0..nver Sta- dium ln Denver. Cola. Outstanding" perfonn .. r for thf Eairle• I• Dick Btel~kl, Murrland j fullback who performed 1n the Colillll!um &l{llln•I UCLA la~t 11~11--- Before y OU Buy ANY CAR the deal Compare CHEVROLET CO. with MILLER Our sale1 Ml the Three rt'!11rn1n!! lt'ltfrn1en 11rt l Th" Horn .. 1 ~· lln.-nvers.:~ i11 Vi k in~ for ..... 11 1,i ... ·all h.iUinl:' th<' d~ to bP Jn l h~ 1t1rtin.: hn•ur an lmpt.-AJU\'r and i;1g11nt1<' Zl9 ..,.11,. Ill \~~ :iccniding to pro- for th' H~t .. 1111 ...-•11--Ju. a 1poim • ~a.•UL__lhe ~Jf' l1n•l .1Q"•ni f i.K!!r'""· Jl.ut _;HJl\ll'l&" other re~tr\'e f'rark10Jo! !hr 11\a1tln11:111.ver11gr 1n the n11hon 11nd •1~-1~u11.i.1~-t•"tt'•I 11 1, J\1 Roo-, -2:1~. lineup a rt 11hc fre11hn1.-n f1v"l tloubt••ll•· one nr the ht>1•"1P•! 1n ~tlln Rl ~"n :l'l'., Tnn Dniiitl l&l romlnl{ frno1 \\'h1ttlt'r tH ~h rr>llf'Rla\f' r 1rrlc11. 110,1 ~:ot \ldlri 190. orr::<1il ~G 1.ISt: Kl\.AI. ~P4Rk On ltll' olh•·r hand. Padilla Gr11ufitld 11nd Georgfl F'llnl. 205. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiji-jiiiiiiiiiiii-jiiiiiiiiiijijji-iiiiiiiii •t ta.cklea. gotnr a111ln11t the Vlkt'a mu11elemen of Tale and Clift Ca!J)l!nello. 200. Both lh1 Buc1' guard• are 1t1ht. Granger~ 176. and Ron Stwtll. 178, 111 are th• endll, Jack Kenn.<iy, 180. and Tt'rty LIV'lnr1ton, 178. But thl.a Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa «ea Star\111.: rlAnk!'r• II r .-l{Pn llli:hl ll:htini: lh" t-:nii;:-hl~ Il l• ror11t'9 from Crockett, and If Grt l{ory. 17.". 111 h'ft ~nd ,.nd 1Jt<'k will hP Att p,., ..... cu. "''ho th11t·11 v.·hen• the)' rro\o.' Nu~·11 like 'Rnnn•e Rnh.-1'1~. lfl~1. Ill 111:ht l pln~~ ••not. h~lfh~·k ;onrl fu\lbRrk. Dllvt'y. "'"~II -1 1'11rkl"11 11r1• C'harlif :'-lrM111tr~· A ri i• th.-hnith• 1 rif l'hRTlle ~l on· t h.Rn m11kin1:-up for Pl· .11'1{), Jl.nd B<•b C'h11 n1bf>r11, 22!\ Pnv.rll Pnd fnr lh"' ~:.n ~·ran-dUt11 "• J:.ck nf ht'fl i11 Tackle Lar· are UP 70°/o this year C"h•mhtr~ rl11yed hij.':h •chOf'l ha ll , ci~co 4p,.r11 1111,, rnrni"r h.-a ··~ .. i";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I 11 Montr""lln, 11 nd 11t11rr.-rl 111,.t I "'""i£hl hox,.r. SPECIAL PAINT THE REASONS : Our cu1tomer1 ,e11110n fnr thP undrft'Rltd USC I h I h frr>,.h. n L " )l••I *' R t y.-1r~. !he Gua rds 11re ltlttnn11.n Gt"OrRt' Hnrnrt~ hll\'I' "'·nn lht'ir nprn1rfi;:- 811rrrr11 11.nd nrwcnmrr. Tom TrA• I f1>0\b1111 l.'ll mr ,. of lhl' ~""""'"· l"~•r· ('\'. Barrt'rll. 213 pounds. m11de !he 1 tn~ !hr r11.~\ 16 )'tll r.~. 1h .. '"1- .il-conft'r.-nC'P @!"'("nnrt ttam lallt Inv.· Jarket1 recorrl fnr thf'1t np- 1 ~t~n. 1'r11rv, 210 poundi. 111 up .-n~r,. 111 JI hlghly-lmprt'~ll".t' ll-3 frnm \Yhitl!;r Htj!"h. mark Pn!nt111 f'nrt,.r. 1.-tt1rman l11st Th" IHsl t1111f Fullerton JC yr11 r. will O!""n a.t crntrr. The 1011! !hrir t•ptntr v.·1111 1n 11H6. to 21~ pounder. \o.'1111 11. formrr 11tand-Glrn•l11lt. In fact. \ht. Hornf'IS (Int a t F''Ullerton Hlgh. lo~t thrf'" in a row, I011lng In 46. ROBl:RTS !lllTA.Jtn 1-0: to Pa .. de:'la In 194:1. ta.O OpeninJ •t ta!lback f or the and tn 1944-to Chin(). 13-12. hornet.I 11 D11rrell Robert.. H e W1U p«iblbly M altemalln1r wtch \\'hitller High'• Gary Campbell The win.lt'"ack1 art Dava \\.'II· t•l'll. lettermfUI. lllld Bob Ba<:h· man. t«im "'hlltlf'r . cu.,.. Fln- C'ti.nlp. reatt\•1 llut -.on, 11 to "Pl" at fullback.. TtllotS It , •• Cl"41 DOW"4 ...._ 11 .. -Ull "T' ires properly con give you up to rototod 25 % more mileage ." •• Cow hiey & Lester I-S_,....-t llhiL. C-ttl 11- PhrNH! LI 1·1117 • SAVE$$$$ * SPECIAL * u. s. GRADED CHOICE I ~EOFBEEF perlb. 45c Apo! -Wrapped -Qulok f'rose• 8upply Lbnlt..i ,.,.... Df'Jk·f'I')" HARBOR MEAT CO. 418 30th Sr. Harbor 0718 luet off NMfpert Bh·d. N•wpon-h , I SEPTEMBER ONLY * * * A~ 1..0\\. AS Guaranteed Expert Preparo- tion Expert Applicotion e .. t Motoriol * Thermo! Boked Enamel 1n Oven * Export Detoiling NOT A FAST HURRY UP JOI, A QUALITY JOI UKE WHEN YOUR CAA WAS NEW. OVJ:ll 1000 llA'l'l.8FIED CUITOlll:B8 Torw ...... ,...h .... -"- found thot they hove mode o be++er deal here at home. Trade-i,, anowenc• was hig her-terms were lower. Servfoe was more convenient and more seti1fao- tory. Wo hove found !hot mony people who have bought from us were 10 satis- fied thot they referred their friends to us . If you need a new car-used car--or truck -pleas!_ come in and let'1 +•fk sensibly about your needs. Miiier Chewrolet Co. Chevrolet Oldsmobile 1000 W. COG1t Hi.tiway "ffOO .f'..et of Automoh0f' Row'" Nl:l\'PORT BEACH • ' • • ' . • • . . SHARK HARPOONED NEAR SHORE A mothtor lhtrk who wu havtnr younr one• c1.m1. too c!OM lo 1hor1 oft 3&th St. kit Wffk and wu harpoonfd by 1kln dJ\•er1. souvenir 1tr-ker1 lmmedlately went to work carvinl" up tht :1-!L mon1ter. Here Amold Beckman of 11:1 Via Cor· !lova, Wit, aldld by Davi Hllner of 123 311th St., hilt wb1t'1 ltort ot the nnny till)' -Statt Photo ColorltrfeY- H-lhelASYWay with fullor'a free Exterior ColorPlen1I Ji~..:::=i Good color srylio• (111 make a bi1 dilfcreace ill dae ~aUl)' ~ t1.UU Of J"l!Mll bomt! \Vhnbtr you .... Y frtme", iNCCO or muonrr, die~'• • Dt'W g_.J~·blnd Fuller Color Piao ro giw ir pcrfca c.olor humooy wUb pu gudeo aAd 1UirowMiin& laod· ltapc ... the ,.,. WIJ to good color atyling! fuller'• orw tOft-tooed cnt- rior colors cu ml.kit 10"" bou.e IO beautiful it will bt the pride ol JOW' whole atighborhood. Come iii ~ 'IXll'toW for your Fuller Cob PSaa folder aod depend1ble p1iatia1 Wormalioo. n.e,·tt free! -.. A llOfn lllAu. PAINT ----....... ...... .......... --....... , ... .. ---... ni-. llC"«o ·l'UUD•·~ ........ ___ ._ ... ~ ..... , TOUI •UUll PAINT Dl&Lll A Fuller Paint for Every_ Need! Courtesy to Volume Purchasers. • Fullf'r Trim e PoN'h &: Dttk • Pure Ptf'parcd Decoret Enamel Int. Full Color Fullf'r-Glo AU C~u Vaml.'lh • M..-lne Vam•h" Paints forn1ulatecl for Coast Tracie. FORGIT Hardware S & H Green Stomps 2205 w. lal .... llvd. Heollar 116 °"" S..clays " CG Seamanship Class to Start MARINE NEWS Tl DE TA IL I o. .. Tin>• .. ,,_ H11• • ,_ Fr1d1y t :::H a. m. ... 3~" L m. ... .. _, ... _ ... _,,_ c-....... .... cu~ mfttln.I' tar.1Pt at T:IO TWl., ~ .......... 0- o'clock a t Udo i.le Clubhou.e for hi• car patkld °" Oclila ,...... akippl'ra. and o~n"er•. wUI 'oul• near lh• Newport rt• .... n- \Jne rulu ot the race. WllHani.1 portf'd1 to po 11 c • -.pt. I W and Keith Cordrty, dlrtetor ot Ron-.ld Doi.I of An•tr,e+m UYC, will brier yachtamc. ni. nee aet1vtt1t1 cu M ._ frwa tM CO.... dt.l Nu *It. A Sol.IUI S-ln-dinnw tulOI .W Herold I. Johnaon Pros Har..,.... Sfpt. II 10:08 p. m. ••• 4:06 p. m . Saturde.7 10:21 a. m. '" t :l& a. m. ••• ••• . be Mid lunda1 nlsht • UYC fllr F1r&t UU!Ual IN.man I ft&ee, p~tatloe of tropb* wtW UTC IJIOlllOrf'd by Udo We Y1.cht Club COftl.lrlodON Jil. A. AJ14,e..._ bl tor lhe N'-""J'Ort H1.rbor Ch&mbl!r I ctiarse. Oto""=M·· .......... ..... "fl::. .. Sept. IT 10:411 p. m. ••• 4:1t P·~ 0.3 1111 \'llllt. \\'a,', N9'rpNt ..... Sunday 10:&0 a. m. .. , 4:12 a m . ... Sept. 111 11 :30 p.m. ••• 6:211 p.m . o.• Monday 11:111 a. m. " 6:07 a. m. ... of Commerc• pe1petual trophy, ~~~=========~~~~~~~~~~~~ "'ill be htld Sunda> noon on 1 trl· ll'i Sept. 11 TU_,.y 0 :11 L m. S.pL 2~ 11:1111 a. m. Wedne..:l.ay t :lti a. m. lept. 21 12:21 p. m. Thurmda y 2:62 a. m. . Sept. 22 l :t t p. m. D AYLIGHT --:) @ 1:13 p. m. ... 11:32 L m. ... T:CH p. m. ... &:M a.m. ... 1:11 p. Ill, 3.0 11:1e a. m. '·' 9:46 p.·m. SAVINO ~IME (f • " 2.0 o.• ... 1.2 2.9 I 3 1.ni;ul.ar rourae off lhON!, Unn "'1lli1m1. LIYC r1re rommlttae ch&lrma.n, &r1nounced tod&J. About i~ oc:.an 1oinr ,.uhu 1 1.r1 tnte~ ln th& MM'& wl\tch 11 1. oompelllh'& U•t of iteain&rll.bip In racing 1kllla. Yat"hll. ha""'c a 20·fl. or longer waterline 1.r1. 1.U- g1ble for lht race wh ich ... 111 fflll· u1re 1. 1Jmu1ltd man over~rd ~&eut! for t&rh 00.t, 1.mon1 other thin&•· An o~n·tr,aboard ti.di ....... AlllOIMJ MIHl•t ru&aT rtn.L LA1IT NZW 1 QU-'R'l'ZR MOOS QUAJITER llOON ~ Caroline :Zwtbell. 31 Beach StopL 2S Oct. l Oct. I St"pt. 15 Drive. Lido Tralltr Park. Inform-, ------------------------11 Id poll~ on Sept. l 1he hlld Jo1t I" her purae 1t Norm'• LAn ding NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 7 SOlJTR COAST CO. !Snl & Newpon BIYd. R,9 ·1lur1.11t. The pur•• cont11ned FRIDAY SEPT 16 1955 J22, lhl .. 1d, I • I Only 6111,0IO Tons of Sardines Populate State Coast Waters .. rdlne1 1pawntod off th• CaUtor· H.UllNI: UPUOUTEJLINO condition• are fa\•or1blto. the •r· ft.\.LBOA. CAllo'\'AS dln-. l.ndu.1try may IL1t • catch of SHOP IACIU.KZNTO, (U.P.)-The 1t1t1 Dlpvtment Of F\th &nd Oam• 11tlmate1 lb&t only I00,000 tom of -rdlMI make up th• en Uni populaUon of th• 1pecle off th• Calttoml& coaat, 1 ... than the total flah cau&"ht In on• ot th• pre-war boom,......_ nl• ('OU( Jut Yfllr and Ir toconomlc I ~ llOA.T oovzas "ll;'"' "' up to 200,000 loll.I In th1 oomlnr \ l:M' llot If. MIW 11 •UCH ln a&rdine l&ndin11 ln the ltM·M •R~U;~;~~=========~==========~lll MUOD WU du1 to I.II \nflUX of ;;. Th• Dep&rtment aald th• 1urs• 11.rdtn• lnt.o California wallr1 from th• aouth. &r1d wu not du• to 1.11 1ncre1.11 In th1 total eoutal popul1Uon. 'Ib& 1ltu1.tlon for the com1n1 .e&IOJl look& rood. th• Department aayt. Jt -YI 200,000 t~ f.00,000 MARINE CARIURETORS ~&'m. -Sales -Part! a STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 1439 w. eo..1 w1h ... y Uberty S-!MI. First Showing CLOSE-OUT t 1966 JOHNSON 'a&BlmU OUTBOARD MOTORS All sa. 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p . I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Thde-lu BaU: r... FACTORY APPROVED llDVICll Complete Part. 8t.ock All See Us For y oUr loatlng LINCOLN Unmlltakably the finest ln design . , • lht longtsl, lo~·rst, roomitsl Lincoln o/ all tirn r FOR 1956 Unmistakably .••. the 6',lest in the fine-car field Unmistakably the finest ln performanre ••• s~arhtadtd by ntw 285·hp tngint l<'ith Unmlstak1bl1 lh• llneot In appolntmmll ••• rxprtJStd In 29 rxclwiv• Linco/,. tnlr rior cofor comblNuW1t1 • I Wbeo you 1ee Lincoln for 1956 you .,.·ill see for the llnt lime io 11'1 1utomobile •.. sculpturt in Jtl'l'I. la 1bae lowest. Jonaeat. mOfil spacious Lincolns '''Cr built. every lioe and plane unile in a clean, harmonious "'hole -pure u 1 bird in flight. You 111•iU tee how Lincoln daira joinl func1ioa with beau1y in every detail. You v.·ilJ 1tt 1ha1 ca1chv.·ork throuahout is in the grtal Lin coln tradition. 111 two cott1 plttt ly nrw ltrits: Li11co/,, C.4PRI. Q11d rht n •t11 mort ma111i/ict11I Lincoln PRE,\f/£R£. 1ht hiahtst usablt pol<'tf (lorqut) of any car Htore iJ tbe bts1·1"t'rformln1 car on the road. Power? The new 285-hp Lincoln ctllin"' v.·ith Turbo-Drive dtlh·er' in11ant ufely·minded retp00K in every 1iruadon. Road- ability? lbe renownN Lincoln 1u1pensioa tyttem hup the roait with 111M1wervin1 confidence. S1fe1y7 Lincoln bring• )'OU, In addillon lo t•·try known po.,.·rr asJis/, lhe retraettod 1teerin1 column i<ith 1afety-f!e1 11etrin1 "heel, triple-1!rm11h 11ftl)'·f'I~ door lock1, tu,..i .,·ind-- lhield 11'11 in tho line<ar Deld. option&) u fety belt1. J""el-lik1 toucbea tbroupout .•• dticontor f1bricl and leather1 obcailllb11 la DO other b car. Lincoln for 19l6 brinp tu owner the !nm ('IQIDplimea.t or all -the complimeot of. hlvin1 cboll:a the; belt. fDI' lhi1 U ncol.n Oft every camit WU buDt to b1 the belt. You will feel tbil ii the Cir you belOOI in, wbethcr you Jflldllall 10 lt from • car of lower price or ttep up to it from ano(ber car at 1be wn1 price. You.r Lincola dealer 1wait1 the privilep ot lctti:na you ptOVI thie few younell. +Unn;iistakably ... LINCOLN SEE IT AT ••• JOHNS~N & SON, Lin 5,1n ·Mercury High Qualify Printing-Ph. Har . 1616 1 900 W. Coast Highway N~PORT IEACH .. Ull1rty 1-5545 Acna ,,_ .., cw. • PXR ... mt ,-::~!WVORT RADOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. S~PT. 16. 1955 OPE LE ~ To the J;axpayers of the · City of. Costa . ~es~ TE R .... AND YOU •••• AND YOUR . MONEY Last TMSday •Jtht your C1ty cot1ncn-y-otec1 to colltlnue with tlteir plans to create-a I t Water D.,.,,....... As tmpayen y• wil not benefit from this expenditure of your tax money, now or for 111any years to come. TWs -ter •p• uuwllt Is beieCJ created to furnish service to the nearby annexed .... to ... City ( 2 Mies Mith) ( lllown as shaded area on adlac•nt map). Each odclllo•al a•anatloll d ,..,..,. ..... money for water mains, ·maintenance, etc. We of the Dyke Water Cmnpany da not understand why the city officials of Costa Mesa wallt to spend ........ of thousands of dollan for this water system when they cotlld have the saMe senlce withovt one cnt of expense to the city. As a 111C1ner of tne fact, the City would make money the very fint year on the offer ubmltt9cl them by this company. ., Why not let the developer or subdivider pay for these improvements 7 They put in tlw streets and curbs without expense to ya.-WHY NOT THE WATER SERVICE? Let the people who are CJOin9 to make the profit pay for the water systems. lenwmber, these proposed homes are not built yet so there will be no tax revenue avalable to the City of Costa Mesa for 2 or 3 yean. H the City Officials of Costa M~ were really sincere in their Intentions to render a sen~• to citizens of Costa Mesa, why wasn't the question of settl1HJ up a water department brOllCJht before the people for a vote 7 And if the City Is CJOirMJ into the water bllllneu, why not one system to cover the entire City? So then, you as ta~· payers WOtlld receive some benefit. RememMr: YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR SERVICE FOR SOMEONE ELSE. Yot1 are already payilMJ for yO... oww water se"ice, be it CJOocl or bad, through shares., .assessmeiuts, etc. Wiiy sltollld ,.. • your ch ... • buy a water sysnm for someone who has not evH arrived In Costa Mesa yet? It appecun to us that the councilmen of the City of Costa Mesa are stubbornly try· irMJ to colltinue their present policy of cleprivin9 YOU, the taxpayer, of IE TT ER DRAINAGE, CLEANER STREETS and OTHER SERVICES YOU NEED by ning tax rnoney for a water department to Increase the slu of the City AT YOUI EXPENSE. Or Is It possible other commitntem have been made by the City Councn that IMlt be kept? It has bHft the tendency of all types of CJOVernments to enter into all phases of pri• vate business, at your expense. The privilege that ricJhtfully beloll91 to the private Hterprise system. For some unknown reason, CJOVernment officials, especially in city CJOVernmellts, like to make their .,..ires larcier and lar9er. Dyke Water Company, a private utnlty under c~ntrol of the Public Utility Commis· sioft, se"es nearty 20,000 water consumen in rapidly expandin9 Oran9• County without ONE CENT OF TAX MONEY • . . . . .. , -. ' . • We wCHlld like to expand our operations to include Costa Mesa. The larfler our sys· • ~E;~~~~H~!:. tem, the more protectloul JCHI have at)Clinst any H1er9ency situation, and the lower our own operatlllt COltl. , , · Petition. write, call YOUR COUNCILMAN. AT ONCE. and .express your opinion. .. - W • believe a public hearing should be held ·so that you, as a taxpaying citizen, wlll have the opportunity to express your own opinio". An Informative booklet outlining our offer and other information affect. ing the taxpayen of Costa Mesa will be sent free upon request. DYKE 11165-Penn Ave. P. 0. Box 68 Garden Grove,· Calif. LEhigh 9-2171 A PRIVATE ORGANIZATION UNDER PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SUPPL YING WA YER TO MANY THOUSANDS OF HOMES IN ORANGE COUNTY. ' I I # . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER .16, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE • • \. I "NOW GET OUT BEYOND THE 8URr' -Life- guard captain, Jack Jone., give. 80me good advice to candidate. before the ~g of the awn.mer ee.a- aon thla year. The boys, 18 years or older whn Pre moatly high school &nd jun~or college lads. undergo rigid competition to qualify for guard service -All SWf Photos by Phyllia J . Jackson Lifeguards Pass Rigid Trials to Qualify for Newport Squad IT ISN'T EASY -Swimmers are clocked. lt'ft. as they finish the 880-yd. dash. Thi?y must swim it ITI lesa than 19 minutes. Second phase of the trial is a run-swim-run trial of 200 yards t·ach. Above. Tom Lang. now serving as s. lifeguard. carries Fred Still· ings. another guard. in through the surf in practice. Right. top, the guards take their weekly mornin~ swim across the bay. Right. bottom, Jones drives a truck-full of guards to their beach posts at the be-· ginning of each day. Lang hu already taken hiR tower position in the background. During the first two weeks of guard duty the boys receive intCNli\'e training in bay reacues, paddle rescues. surf rescues. inba.Jator technique and first &id. The 30 guardJ! me:eLw.ee.k.ly for fint aid training and dJscus."lion of problem• s.nd review of re11eue cases . -I IN AND OUT -Hopefula plunge into the aurf to begin the 880-yd. awim. Thla ia the first of two qualifying fetee <before a man can ~ome a guard. After the awim in wate~ which ia atlll winter cold. candidate. gather around a fire on the beach by th" E'>tlboa Pier. ·----·......... --...... -- i (}overnme~I PA6E 2 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 UPHOLDING OUR RIGHTS "God ~rent u1 the 1erenity to eccept the things we cannot change; the courage to cheinge the things we can eind the wiadom to know the difference." (A. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY By EDITORIALS JOURNAL HORACf; PARK ER City Council Commended for Water Plan Decision Any <AU!omla communlty'1 future can be termed brisht normally It it bu ample water 1Upply to proted it from fire, to Irrigate ill land, quench it• reaidenll thinrta and do their waablng. H owever, Newport Buch, already bleued by a bounteou.a Providence with unpar- alleled buuty of eituation topographically and fair waur aupply, promise• to be even more advantageously torti· fled for the future, thanka to city council'• wise deci11ion ot Monday night. We apeak of their prompt, enthuaiutic aupport tor the Irvine Co. englneera' propoaal for a joint venture on Darnaite No. 2-a re8t'rvoir planned to store 600 acre feet of water a short distance inland ~d east of Co rona del Mar city limit.a of Newport Beach. With eome 300,· 000 cubic yarda of earth to be removed to form what will be the large11t water 1torage aite ln the county and a co1t of something over $300.000 to the cl~y, auuring our future population, arriving at record pace, of water to drink and to apare. The reaervoir will receive ita Metropolitan Diatrict Water from the north part of the county on a gravity feed and will dlatribute tbia aupply on a gravity feed, which ma.kee the project m08t economical ana eminently eound. The lake formed by the reservoir will have 29 surface acrea of water while the 11ite itself ii -40 acrea. Our city nearly found itaelt with a eu:ioua water abortqe during the ~ent record heat wave. Thia could not occur with the propoeed ~rvoir, barrtllg an act of God beyond current forMight. The dam will be conatructed eoundly, we are usured and with the best engineerin1 bra.iDI the city and Irvine CO. can gather topther. Wh11e there may be aome who would think $300,· 000 la ~tly to the city, bear in mind the ruervoir at Bra coet many time11 u much for a project which will contain leu water. With our city growing In territory through an- nexation o! Irvine Terrace and !ta extenaion, plua Upper Bq• huge acreage and the ai.zeable Harbor Highland.I unita, we mun have aufficient utllltiea to aerve the new residenta. They will pay their ah&re of the coat which will 11ee1D minimum, we believe, compared to the number of peraona paying for the new project and hav· mg benefit of it.a uee. We cannot keep mOT"e reeldenta from moving Into California'• m olt ideal residential area. So, the beat thing to do i11 to prepare f or their advent: the new water reservoir is one eound method of achieving thi.a objective. It is likely the new etorage supply of water will be co mpleted during t he city'• fiftieth year. This will be a happy timing indeed, a r.l civic birthday preeent for our golden annivenary. While commendin1 the City of Newport Beach and Ill elected and appointed officla.la, we would certainly be amiss if we did n ot comment with all greatfuln~ u pon the offer of the Irvine Co. to make available It.a land, i~ engineering facilitiee, tta eye to the tutu.re for COURTHOUSE BEAT By JACK BOE'l'l'NP the benefit ot all who 1urround ita land.a. We of the City of Newport Beach can be moat proud of the city otflclala who atated In 1ubetance, "Thi11 great plan can protect ua and our nei1hbora tor m ore than a quar· Ur-century •11 Certainly Irvine will benefit too. But the company la provtn1 !ta put faithful 11tewardship of that-whlcb hu been created through aeveral generationa, by lay· Ing the plana for the prot«:tion of the generationa to come. Water ia the lite line and m ost valuable com- modity on the market -almost as dear to ua u our 1mog tree air wafted over the 1alt cool watera of th~ blue Pacific. · Constitution Day Great thing• 11tand t~ teat of time. The United Statea Con1tltution hu 1tood the teat of time, for it wu 168 years ago on September 17 that the Conatitutlon came into being. The yea.rs have dimlni11hed neither its vigor nor It.a value. On the contra.ry, ita f?>rce and influence are great- er today than ever before. Diacuaalng thia great document, Bryce declared in hie "American Commonwealth" that it "ranka &hove every other written conatitution for thf' intrinalc excel- lence of It.a 1eheme, ita adaption to the circumat&ncea ot the people, the aimpllclty, breVJty, and preclaion of ill language, It.a judicloua mixture of definiteneaa in prin- ciple with eluticity ln detailil." In a world where liberty and justice are being de- nied to vut numbers of people, it is vital that we keep ~ight thia beacon light of ho pe· -our Constitution. And we muat do it by practicing the principlet1 of freedom and talmeu which it set. forth. It is not enough to de- mand the recognitJon of our own nghts; we mu11t respect the right.a of other individua.la. Juatice, like charity, begina at home . Speaking of Price Tags Suppoalng you walked Into a store and saw a price tag~t $1 on an Item. You wanted to buy it eo the dealer asked, "Well, what do you earn?'' You told him and he added from 10 to 30 per cent to the tagged price bec&u.ae you are m the $3000 t o $10,000 income bracket u mo.t people are. Maybe he even added 92 per cent because you 1tre in the top income bracket. You'd figure the true buying coat of that item sure 11hot up. But exactly the a.me thing happens t o buying cost.a today because of income taxes, only you pay di· rectly to the government inatead ot through the dealer. The added coate go for government expenditurea. It le not invested in machinery, exploration. and re· aearch by individual Amerttana eo mo~ jobs and a h igher atandard of living will result. Taxes toda.y, like buyln&, co.ta, m m rybody'a bu11lneaa. QlNWCfW ~M Of SPEEOi OF ASSrMBLY Of PETITION .•• READERS WRITE CK NOC. -nl8 eo.I_. "1 llo,... Pvlror \\Ill ct.al 1111111 ta. U.U.lmowa lala&orte&I fa<ota be llu cl,..... up In Ill• mHy trtpe .. to die a.ck -:mt.,. .. ,_, ,......., One of the thinr• that maketi hlatoriral reseatth so lntereating la that it la llke a detective or niy11tery , story, with youraell the participating detective. \\'1th the tt'<'h· - nJquee I have teamed during the put few ycim1. I am rcin- fldent I can authenticate or debu11k nearly an~· 111stor1ral event, penon or plae. In South· In the San ll11'1:1• otrire My em Caltlom1a, provided 1 am hunch pall1 off l•'r 1n f1r"l'""'f J1va aioush time. vault1 were the 111"1" of the or• A Jood aample In qu.UOn, l,Snal 1urvey1 nf the r11uha, Te- la th• old Wolf StON In Tern .. D\MWa and Ltlllt Temf•'lllll Rlln• cwa on whoH walt. h_,. a choe. Moat lm11<1rt .. n1 wu th• plaque d&lmlng-that ln lh• .tore tact that u lattni: h11lld1n~' 11nd waa aimed the Treaty of Tam .. landmark1 we~ pl111nly mark...,. cul&. between th• Ind1a11.1 a.nd On 'the map Of th" t.1ttlt TP· th• r overnmtnt In 11&2. It wu mecul& R.andln " Aflllllrt I• dr•""" claimed by the commttt" In and the notation "\\'olf'JO Slnr ... " <'har1• of thla h.Lltork&l e\'91lt Thia map wu madl' in J uly, that the treaty wu .trned Uiere 1172. Alao th• rllnrher ,..as thrrt, and Ulat Loul1 Wolf built the for on a location M"rOft~ th• river edobe ~n 1846. from the Wolf fitl'lrt h1 m11rked At that time the eminent Cal· an adobe with the n01 attnn "HC'll· lfomla hlatorlan Ml• Aurora man and 8tmenft, fonntrly Apl1 Hunt of Whittler who Wl'Ote the i.ou.e." We now know th11t the acholarly book. Th• Army of the tttaty wu •l(Tll'rt 1n or nu r th• Paclnc. challenged the 1tatement Apia houH and Wf' knnw Ill! lo· that Wolf built the adobe. She cation and It llOn t th11 \\'nlf had taucht achoo! In Temecula Store. durln1 World War I. and had Th• nax\ QllHlinn now to an· made quite a 1tudy of Temecula -•r I• when wu the WC1lf history. Her reaaon for dla.llenr· Adobe 1bullt. We know 1t ext11.ct lnr thl• 1tatement la found In In 1812. Undtr a m•irnlfylnr Elllott'1 History of San Dlero JIUI we uamlni-d lhc...JUA!l Fii September 13, 19:16 for expenditure on lhe undealre· County, In whlc:h h• atatea that the Temecula Rancho l'l'lllde ln Mr. Ben Reddick able or queattonabl• onea. There Wolf came direct to San P"ra.n· January. 18:19, In CAl'l \\'htre the Newport Harbor New1-PreH wu no way I could rUmln1le claco from France In July, 1162 adobe la now l11t'ftted, there v.·u 221 t Ba]boa Boulevard any projrct olhtr thin by vtto-11nd c1tdn't rnme to San Diego a "neld'' no c1oubt ti lied by the Ntv.'])Ort Beal'h, Cahfomls Ing lhe Pnllre btll. county until t8:i7. lndlan11 SO we c11n u11ume thal our Ben: There •till remain A numb!'r I pftp;('0<,on~ n111.o I th~ adobfo wR11 ron11t nicted tomt'• This Is In ruporuie tn your of bu1c pollcy question. •• 10 I lattr round that 11r1:11rl1ing ~o lime after t8:i9 Our nut 11u· lell"'r 10 one dated July 22. and beach an d park acquisitions. the l'f'naus report& nf Aui;. 3. I thrntlc•led lorl. Is I hat th• yC1ur more reevit ll't ter of AU)!:· whlrh lhr lA'1t1~lal11rl' hl\S not M· 18";"() Wolr listed his agt' al that allnbe had bel'n u11tc1 u a Bullt r• Ulll 2!'/, J1dc1rell3t'd IC'\ my -Oepno 1• ll"rmlnl'd: an<I It ,, my ron11td1·r· time al! JB )'l'lll'l! By l!ht11'll' field Sta~P Sl11t1nn, mentel S!'cretary, Mr Th!'<l,lr•rr "'I nr1ninn. wht'n llw Omnibu~ a11th111r11r thi-)'Nlf of his birth• HTAGY. ROt'Tr. H Jenner. with referl'nrl' to Park 8 111 w1111 twfOrP m,. for ron· 11hriul I be lb:\ I Thl'rf'fnrr. If h" The f1r11t BllllerflrlJ Slaft• ''Tin Can Beach." I sl'!er11t1on. th11t 1t we11 pr emtlt\lrf' built thr 11r1ohr In 1816. he must alarll'<I from Tipton, Mo on Stpl. I hurtlly ajtree with your 1 lo 11ppropriate 11\q::e 11mounhl nf hrn•• been <111ttt' a prt1·odou11 16, 1~8. and t he II.Al at.age p1111· vll'W• concerning the !lrplorablP money for a mnJor beach 11n<I rhlld con11trurtlnl( An 11<lohe 11lnrt Pd through VJ'I A ngelu on Ar rll condition of "Tin Can !<-·., h," p11rk 11rq11l~itlon prngrnm betorl' whtn only 1 :! yeAr>' C>M. ()bvlous-~. 1861. u a ruult of the C1vll and roncemlng the dulrablhty 11( It hCll•' bns11' pollry qul'sllons hftd ly Wolf didn't b111ld th•• 11rl1>bt' \\'11r. Sn Mmellme belWf l'n 18:\9 havlnlf the Stale acquire Uu• hi-en clu1flrr1 hy le~hrlatlon. Jl'\lr-tw wos to11 ~·ouag and still in an<1 1881 the olrt Wolf Adobe w"" property at the earhut posetble 1 hermort', ll 111 my firm vlt•w France. I constructeJ, and th,. re 111 little date In orclrr that It may be t hat thi-alloratlon of f\111!111 for :"llow thn e were thrH quu· doubt In my mind that tt wu ('lea~ed up not onlv for thl' bene· acqulaltlon 11nt1 <1t"velopment nf tlnn11 left. \Vho butlt thr adobe'! ronstruc-ted aa a Butterllelt1 flt ot lhe ~i·ople 0 ( OrAngc <'oun-benche11 anti p!l rk~ 11houl1t hr· W hr11 was il tmlll? \\'as th<', Stage Station Arter the Buttt'r· ty, but lllso. lll'I ~·ou havl' lnl'll· made purll111tn t lo an orderly, Ti 1'>1\y nf Ten1rcul11 11li:nrJ In ol '! f1 rlrl St11i:r11 a ba.nc1nnf'd th11 roUl'I, catcd. for the benefit of all nf lon,-term proeram workrd nul In II fnnk me neerly lhrt'r ~·rars 1 Wolf undoubtec11y p11rcha11ed the the people from the Inland rom· al'lv11nre by the Sta ti' Park <"om·, to f111,1 the 11n.'!w .. rs to theae building ualn& It tor a hotel, ea· muniUt1 whn are surh frequent ml1111lon IUH1 thl' Olvlslon or q11 .. 11t1nn1. loon, and •tore. vlsltr.rs to lhla Ullll&(hlly iree, Re11che11 and Parkio , 11 nd that 1 ln the i-a.n Diego H<'rald of l Thi" Wolf Store I• th~ fa mou1 I would like tn mske ('lear to lhr!lf' 11genrll's 11hn11lrl work rlo•c· Jan 10. 18~2 111 11 lnng nf'WI A11rtsel Store 1n Heli-n Hunt you, hOWf'Vt'r. jUllt whst the prr,.. ly With lhP ApproprlRll' lntcr1111 ilrm 'ln tlw ell:nlnit nf thl' T1<'11ly J1t<'kson'• novtl, RAmona whtre ent AllUllltnn Is with N'"fl""l 10 rnrnmllttt• nf th11 l..e1Zl.1l11t11rr In nf Tf'mt'n •l11 Thi' lndt11ns llJld lhe Allr1U1nliro p11wne'1 hi• vlolln. Mr11 the Slelt 's Ahlllly 10 IH'quirt' th•~ 1•l3 nf\'lng lhe ha~lr l"'hry qll'!lll· i;ovf'!nnwnL 1rp11>11entllll\'r:c 1111-Jll<'klWln 11taved fnr tomellme 11t prnptrtv without riirther leJ;lst11. lnn11 An•I In r11tnhh11hlr1g ""'"h " "l'mhletl Rt th,. r11nt'ho nr P11hlo lhl11 old 1vlnb,. aa a lt\IHt of tho live ertion Al lhr prr!lrnt time proi:-r11m Art•. 11ntl p~rl nf the n1,..•tlnir Wolt'11 while """ wu g1lhrrtn1r the tlnly 11pproprlat1on frC'lm whll'h Jl Iii 111 .., m · npln1on thttt ti I' wre Mn•hl•IM 1n th,. 11•l11h,. nf matl'tllll for her nnvf'I. •Sil It I~ mnnrv r ould lJ(O ma•le """llllblr allorntlon or Star.-f11nil• for llr· l'abln Apl'i lh" C'l111 t nt the 11 f11 mou• 11tr1irt1Jre In lt11 t>10»n to 11~qulr~ "Tin <"Rn B!'al'h" 111 q11ti<11tnn Rod •li-wlnpml'nt nr TtlllP<"Hlai< Arror.tmg tn rhe nJ:hlll, Pvf'n thnuiih th,. Ttf'lllY the rtrn11lndt>r nf the $15 000 000 Sta tr b«'R<"h 811c1 rar'k prnJrc·t" news 111 nutnl lhf' trratv wu M Tl'mtruls wu nnl l!lgtl"d tn which wu 11pprnprll\tl'•I from tht' 11hnultl hi' lh1 n11irh lhf' reinil:1r rnmplrtrt1 nn J11n. 3. 18.'•2. Rnc1 II ~ener11I F'un<I hv C'hllfllPr 1122 bu.lccl rr(l('r,., 1n Arl'nrdnni r arr .. r•hn1Z 111 lhr 11111 .. on thr WHO Rt'ILT ADOBI':! StalUlU Of J!l Ir> Thr m'lnt'\' With lhl' ~\"sl i-m nC r rtnrl ttei<. 11~ II l'llt V II \\ ll.S Ji1n r> In 11ny \\'ho built thfl 11dnhe ~ \\'i-m11y made avallable by that a pproprl· Is r1one In the rue of othr r rRp· f'w nl "" '"'"' kn""" t•1at the nM11111e tht\l thl' R1111,.1t1,.M In· allon, howtver, l'lln only be ex· Ital outl11y lmdgetln1?: anol th11t trtllly Wl\J'I 11l1Zn"1I tn nr n<'ar lh• Lerull f\lmlthed Ute lmrttu•, penr1ed tr tt 111 matrhed bv non· auch allocat1on11 11hould not b(' nn a.dnh,. of r .. hJo Arl11 Ill lhe \\'ni t but you may rt1t a1U11Jrf'd that State monlH, uniter ,.pt!clfk a bul1 of comretltlnn 11 mnnJ.: Adobf'. 1'11! formrr hom" (If P11blo the In<llana ot Temecula dJd the tt'rma of the act. Al!lde from membi-ra of th e vi;l11IR(o11P Apls 11'bor. Jn br14'f thla allow• ho,... th11 11pproprtallon. thert' 111 no through IJ)Klal blllll. I Ql.P:!'TIO~~ RF.:\IAIN hlstoriC'al ruearrh I• conducted. money avall11ble by which the For thl' re11son11 1t11tl'd RMVP Mflll' months went by. 11nd 111111 sklmmln,; over the nundredal ot State could arqulre "Tin Can I w1111 and am mnvtnrl'1I thRI the lhrte c1111'J1tlon" had not been houri devoted, llunt1r11da ot mu .. Beach," pendtnit furthrr leg1•1•· without p~Judlce to rh" mA tl\' 11nswr1 ed. Then r h111'1 a h11nrh I travell'd, and falae lead• that ha4 any uaera arreated here that lncldanlally '117111 .noot five c11p11 uve 1pproprlatlon. fine beaC'h a.nd park rroJ"' t~ to go thro1111h thl' flll'• of th• to be ,.llmlnated. that lll• c&UH have beat lllt h.abltT & day. A11 you know, Senale Bill Nam· whlrh were lnrh1'1•d In th<' Om· RRn Oleito Counly Rrrordl'r on of hl1tory be 1erved accuntely FEW BEAT HABIT QuuUon: How do thl'y get the bter 1729, referrM to u lhe "Om· nlb1111 P11rk Biii. th,. p11b1i<· tnt.-r· the 1'1111n1·!!' that whf'n Rlvl'rl!ldt' and tnithf11lly And eome day, Answer: None that I know of. narcotic from the powder form nlbu1 Park Bill,'' In the 195~ 11e"11· e11t dem•ndl"d that T wlthhC'IM 111•· C'o11ntv Wl'll mt out of p11rt of 110mewh.-re we'll find by whom We haven't had too much auc· Into the blood 1tream ! 1lon of the Le~lsl11lure, l pproprl· prov&l of Stn111e Bill li2!l 11nd San Cll"ll" County fl"rhar11 ,nmt 11 nd when lhe adobe wu built _______________ .,. ___________ c ... alonr thoH llnea. A rreat .Annrer: A rerulAr hypodermic •led SUS.932.500. to be t xpe.ndl'd also nf the varlou.. ~l"p11r:tl1• 't!illi< of the r11rly m11p~ h11d 1rmalnel1 1tnd lht lOtnry will be complete. period of time la required. You kit conal1ta of a nePdl!', bent In 11perlfl•d a mount:1 for t he pur-for lnrllv1<1ual b"""h And r11rk 111'· Jam<'1' Broad belt, •lender hard· hlttln1 chief of the can cure the phyalcal deelr• In hHdle apoon, cotton Md eye drop· poM ot ecqulrlnit 11nrl developing velnrmrnt. whlrh wl'rt-hf'fM(' mt> Sheruf'a narcotic detail, leaned badt fn h1a chair and pro-30 daye or en. but the mental per. The spoon ta u1ed to "cook" I a number of new St.Ate Beach 11t the clo•e or the 1955 1,ei:1i.- dHlre takH year1 If It ever i. the powder mlxod with a amall and P11rk proJKlll . a total of 18 l1ture. nounced himself ready for a b&n-ap of qunt.Joftl. wllJpped. portion of W'lter. After It'• heat· ll"parat• proJecta being covtred At the time r vetoed thl' \'/Ir· Atll'r worklnir wlt.h l(t. Clint topthar. The habit I• mental to the ed the eye dropper 11 u11ed to by the appropriation. Th• Omni· lou1 bearh anr1 park blll11 I hAtl Wright for a Y"'llr and a half, mom OAR LOAD larrwt derrae. TWo federal ho•· draw th• n.arcoUc tTom the apoon bue Park Biii cC1ntalned only one the usuranct11 of the St11te Perk Broadbelt wu eleVllttd lnto the When I came to work In the pltala are Ht u p 1pecltlcally to It'• •trained throuirh the cotton Item of approprlaUon-the Sl~.-Commlulon and th• DM ,1nn e>f depu-tme.nt ,... ,..." able to talle t.nat addlcta. A pereon can be and then Injected Into Uie Yeln. 932.m-lthoup tlll• Item wu Beachu and Park11. u well •~ top role rt'cently. Hla office la on a much hJsber cue I~. And H nlenced tlltTe by the federal u.ua.Jly In the arm, through th• earmarked for 18 l'Ublldlary ob-the Director ot Ftnanrr, th11t ltlp11<1e a l lh~ county jail. Wrirht we •Umulatod ot!Mr ctl.y dtpart· courll or go there on hi• own needle. The .tuft It 1tralned 90 jec:ta. work would begin lmmedt111i-1y in now he11ds up thr ~heritr1 nlpt m911ta, too. Every com:numJty llu accord. The latter period of troeat-It won't clor the needle. One of the • objects. aet forth deY•lop a aound, lon1t·term tw-srh crl'W. Qiu•qtlon ar~ dope viola· It. problem. It'• bard to aay ment nriH becauae they come NOT AD JOT . In SecUon 2 of that bill, author-and park acqulaltton rrn1.'T11m whettler any one aecUon hH a and So u on hi• own accord. D DRIO Ind the Dlvlalon of Beachea and with a 11y11tPm of prlorlt1I'' 11n1I lion• nn the 11rau•1t• Ill th• COWi• rreater problem than any other. TbOM committed, of courM, mUlt Question: h ma.rijUana habit Parke to acquire for Stat.a Park wt-th a reromm•nd~d Mt or po-. ty aM 111 11ny rl"rlaln area pro-Quenlon: what &c• Bracket lt&y tor the tentence time. The tormlng? We'Yt heard It lan't. p11rpoae1 ''land In 0 "11ge County llclu t or the Ugl11laturP'I\ rC'ln· 1 duclnir ninrt 11 rrrtols than any produced the rrtatut number of 'ho'l'ltsl• are located at Ft. Answer: It'1 habit forming juat known u Bolsa Ch ica bead\ pro· elde,..uon. Al the time 1 with· other? An11v.·er: I'd MY t here 111 narcotics nffenJE'rs~ Worth, Tex .. and Lexington, Ky. u cigarette 11mok1nir. The pereon poeed park •Ile. con11l1Unf ot 115.-held my approval of the1<11 hlll•. doesn't becomt addicted, however, 460 lineal feet, more or lea•. of I l11wed a public 11t11temtnl l h~I a •light tncreu•. Although tt'a An11wer: I'll say the majority What lh4' percentage of cul't! like In lht use of heroin and beach frontage end auch upland the Budret whlth I shall ~11hm11 u •o1.F STOR .... EXTERIOR -Th1'11 photo from •'-• h _ _. to tall Arrea•--e inn of our a rre•t• f11ll Into the l• 111 there 1 don't know, but It'• I " • .,, Yh> ~ ~ · ..., &r rt inc " 0 · 0 oth•r oplat ... ' acreare aa may be necusary." to the LeJ11lature nHt MArr h about the 11•me u thl1 time lut through 2l •1t11 fTOUp, very low. Broadbelt wd mo1t Qf t ll • The Act ur-mark,.d $7150.000 of will contain 11peclflc recnmmenrl· 1 Barnett collection ahows the old etore during lt.a hey- year, Wher• ynu have aomeon• Qu~11tlon: 1 do male offen~ei:• on Q'::i:u~~~tf~Y do thry lllart dope ta tuMeled Into th la county th• total ll!)proprlatlon for th.11 at1on1 for a 1ub11lli.nllal be~ln· day wilh bottles, jolly fellera and ~1. Photo WU out looking for violatora, the excee fe.ma e ! 1 from "aouth ot the border." Some purpose. This money wu made nlng on 11ut'h a be11r)l 1n11 rnrk taken during the 1870s. problem lncreuei. When Wrlrht A.newer: yea. on about 1 to lOi .,, 8EX NO MOl'IVI: opium hu befn uncovered but available undrr the provl.slon1 of acquisition and developmrnt rrri· I -----------ratio. In tacL lut year our book· · Antwer: Thrilll aoma UmH. tratflc I• aoout 150-:IO betwMn th• Omnlbu1 Park Biii. without gnm. wu -.•orklnr by hlm1elf, for In· Inc• ran almo•t u:acUy one wo-U1uaily thty are people who art marijuana and heroin In · t b t 1 matc.hlnr by the Slate. A• 11tat,.r1 11bnve, on• of the "Tin Can Burh" proj,.ct. anr! the talion of r.commendaUon1 for Ill it.a.nee. lie wa.a unable to make man to 10 men. lmmatW'a and emoUonally dl• county. BecaUH the parl< bill nee ... hlgltly du tr11bl" proj•clio wh11 h St1te01J lnab11tt~· to <Jo 11nythlng llC'flll laltlon by the Statf': and It Use numb.er ot &rreltl we did QueaUon: han you known ofl turbed. Cont.rary to a popular be-The narcoUc boas and hi• u · 1&rlly contained but one ltPm •or wu lnctud•d In the Omnlb•1~ about It Al the pre11ent time, would be hl(hly Improper for me 1 uet, UM of heroin and martjuan& '11tant Richard Ttmboe, .,, or k appropriation. I did not have the Park Bill wu the acqul111\lon nf ptndlng further action by the to attempt to perwade Hy ol ' doetn't •llmul&te U.• Mil urr-. clOMly with city Jl('llce. The dep-legal pow,.r to ellmlnat, any ot Bol11a Chica be11ch propolll'd park UJ11la ture. the other deparlrtlenta. boerdl or JfBWPORT~ BARBOR Just tba oppolllte, aarcotSca UH uUea ro Into ctttea often t.o Ue lndlvtdual projfcta from the 1lte; and I have ~'" def'ply M n-l cf'rtalnly can't &(Tee with rommlHlona to become ln"olved teducu th• ... dMlre. It hu make arTeet.8, with the help ot bill while 11llowlng others to re-rerned with the lmpor1nnre tri your auggf'1tlon that I 1ho11ld In aJIY way ln llll• matter. U' ~ws p RCS s been arsued that man,Juana aUm· the local autllorllle,.. main. Unle .. I approved the m · th• Stat• nt lt!"urln1r lhlio prn· cA.11 a meettnr; of th• Public Utll· r have tull confidence tn the -•• --n cloea to 100 per cent of project.a. my only authority wu r11te, for the .ame reaioon11 11• Landa Commlulon, the State mtu lon to formulate 1&tlafactory .I,' ~ ~ z ~ untaott.ea ea drtn, but ,... contend Broadbelt and Wright han tire a ppr. oprlatlon, Including all I JX'rtY 1t th• e&rlltat f''l"111hl" IUu Commlu lon. the St • t • ability of th• ltate Park Com· Que1UOD: What'• th• iolnc U.eJr narcoU~ arTMI• con'ricted to eliminate the 11pproprlati('n In thou Ht forth In your l!'ller nr Park Commlulon, the St ale reeommmdattont With rupect t.o Former17 u.a Hewpol't-B&lbo9 H ... nm.. price around b_.. tor heroin and chlrtn1 th• put ytar. tot•I. or r•<lucc ll In th,. l11ttrr July 22. Htr;hway CommT11liin. the ~-the lnclualoa of Bot.a ctttc& "-ell and tM Newport..B&lboa Pr.. marijuana T "We've been pretty lucky alonr event, each of the 18 1111h111<ll11ry I \\'htn your letter of Julv 22 partm,.nt of Public Work11, Hd propoaed Stat.a perk alt.e u • AnrtrV: Oeaer&Uy, dependins t.hoH llnea." Broadbelt exclaimed. amo11nta making up the total r"ach"d thl• ornct . Mr Jtnn•·r "anyone' el~ who r11n exert any part of th• Ital.a Park and Bead! on the lftde, U.1 '6 a cap tor ''Hope we can continue." would hne been reduced pro wrote and Informed yo11 1h11t I alight dl11play of rommon 11tnff." proinm whlcb 11 now belAI ..-Ota M4 80 centa for marl· Re eald hla department now rata. wu away from Sarnun~nlr•, And A• you muat realli:e. lllf Public coMldered by the Stat.a Parll juall&. Aa • ....,.. berota Wltr, LI at near "top efficiency." Some of the proJ,.rlll 1111thor· that he wu lhrrernre r"ferrln~ Utllltlea Commlaalon I• an lnde· Comml..tan tor lnclu•Oft la tM Gdt tht Woman & a.rt.,. Grinder here awhile baclr. Only C09t ninety dollan. u the u.!Nman pointed out. BOWIOIU nw, after ftft moot.ha' uae, I calculate that t.h1q eat. up onr a 1umdnd dollarl worth ot gnib a month. J"aet II, .. alll't bad a sood meal of "left oven" atnot n'ft had the Wac ... I wonder lffen I ain't been toom. • tst d by Senate Biii 1729. such aa y011r letter to the 01.-.rrnr nC ~nde.nt Commlu ton eetabllthtd Budiret to be lntrod~ tn the lhlll coverlns "Tin C'M Beach" =-:atural Reaourcu with a rrflll"•l by the State Constitution, W1~h forthcomln,; -1on or th• Lap would make rxcelltnt &tlrlitlon~ that he reply dlre1.:lly tn yn11 In 1peclflc func:llona relating to the latur•. A.J•ln, then. let me a. to our very nne Stat• Beach and ronnecttnn with lht 1llt1111 of rerulatlon of public uUllttu In aure you that I will 11" m7 Park ,y1tem. Olhen . however, Bot• Chica beach. I have rr11<I California. In th• l&ITlt way, tht full 1upport to Lii• acqulatUOft bl require much more 1tudy and ln· wtth_ eon11lderable lntt1 re1t th• l"l· State Land.I Commlulon w a 1 the 8tatM of thl• proruty et veaUgatlon before It can be de· ter which "''U atnt to you In c:r~aled by th• Slate 1And1 Act. Ule earllut poMlble date, Md termlned that It would be In reeponlM! to Mr. Jtnntr'1 tn n•· an1I ronlll.'ll-' of lht l.1 .. utl'nn 11t thnt I will 11 prirnvr 11ny ltrm of Lhe public Interest to lnve•l luge mlttal, •llt'l'ed by Mr. R. E. Mii· Ccovcm•ir th,. ll!t f't tw ••t F'1n11n• • 1 n11pr»pr 111 tll•n " 11h11ri1in1C I he 11c· aum1 of State tunda In lhem. ler. Admtnl1tl'llt1ve Srrvlre Offl· an.1 the Sfllt'" «nn troll rr. fffr U;~ •11.i~1t1•1n hv II r l'\l 11lr rir 'T1n <·11n Had I reducitd the $15.932.500 ap• cer of the Dlvl11lon of Bearht11 purpoal' nf rx"t• l~ln~ n'im1n1 .. tr11-I l~"l1fh" v.hlrh m11y rl'arh my propr1ttlOll. ... wu my only al· and Parka, and your teller nf t1ve ron rol o\·rr r•rt"1n Jsnrh ""· rt,.,l< 111!,.r ni-t'f'lllHV lr~1l1 llv• tern&UYa unit• I approved the AUJUlt 2:'1, addruMd to Mr. Mtl· lnn,irlnir tn lh" St1tr, hut Ml JAnd11 ,n11,.tmrnt btll w eliminated the enUre ler. ta reply to hJ1 communlr11· In 11ny Wll\' rrlatr;i tn ~·~·· \\'Ith ktntl,.•t amount, 111cll action 'Would haft Uon. From what hu been 1t.ated Bea.ch and Park pmJrrt!I Th,. t!n· left lnlNf<ktent turid• for many abon, I am tun 101J will now Urt matter In whtrh you llft ron· ot the duirable projf"ct•. and at !D'~d that Mr. Mtller wu ~med I• untitr h• ""I~ Jllrl"11r· r•1ar1nt1 I r~.:•rd~ f·nrl1t1lly, <lf011W1n r..,veml)r the aame time, would hu ·e lert ~ly_ sttemptln1 to expla.ln to tlrni of the Suit" P11 rk <'nmml ~· <;JK vp ... larse ao amount available I y<>11 OW pr19111\ 1tatu.1 of the 1ton. 'llVlth reference t4 lh• tormu· CC1 HOllorM>le DeW1\l H.-. • , ii Speci~ I Meet iof Mesa Board Due Monday /'SECOND NOW IN IAUOA' S9UADRON SAN BERNARDINO BIUl>oa Power Squadron'• teachlng11 ot bo&t llllfety and klndred cour11u now hu apread lnla nd to s..n Bernardino In a big way. A •peclal meeUnf ot Co.ta Commander Curt Dosh Informed the New• . Pl'ffA l68 Meaa Union 8chool DIJJtrlot Boa.rd ot Tru•teea wUI be held at T:30 per110ne ~glstered Tuuday nlght for a P1lntlns clua whlch p.m. Monday in the bwttnNI ad-the Balboa aquadron hu egreed to etatt, laUl( Harbor area ministration otflce at 1761 Tua· itu1lructor11. The rroup ml't Tueaday nigh• In San Bernar- tln Ave .. Coata Mesa. 'lino VaUey Juhlor College and wlll meet ~Itch Tuetday night ~ Porter Named to Directors Ellil N. Poner, tJ, ot 1148 fttld· landa Olive, ONta M-. wu thla month appointed to the ONta )II.a Sanitary Dwtrict board. npladft6 Fl-ed Allen. Allen. former New.- PN'u reporter who ta now edltln1 the Garden Grove New11, realp ed wnen h• ~Uy moved troiq NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE l FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa.J>reN II guarant.ed. Carrier boy. will delivu their papen t... fore 8 p.m. on Mond,y, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue ~ Harbor 1&18 and your carrier will bring your paper. .luperlntendeAt Everett Rea re-In the tuture durtnc the coune. por1eJ purpoae o! th• HUion wu The "Second Balboa" aquedron, Dosh aaid, con.tlit.a partly Costa M•aa. '-------------------------------------------------..J to accept ~aUon ot Edwin ot pereona who ha\•e boall moored In the Harbor. Porter la marrtf'd wit.la thrM chUdren, two boya 17 and I a.nd a g1ri, 15. He nma the Oranp Cout Trailer Supply at 1110 N.wport Ave., Coit& Mlle&. Edick . who la movlnf from the ------------------------------district, to appoint a new board clerk u replacement tor Edlcl<, and t.o dlacUlll appointment of a new board member. Rulanallon ot Edkk will leavl' the Me.ea 11ehool board conal•ting of only two duly elected tr1.111eu, C. Chisholm Brown and Al Ogden. Pr-nt bo&rd pruldenl Bradley Sc:hwar& w .. appointed to fill out the term of Tom De Forest anJ the Rl'v. Ro~rt Gronlund ..-re- cenlly nameJ to replace R W McClella.nd after reslznation•. Al the Jut board aeaalon, Rea 11&ld, "It'll too bad auch a situation hu developed, but what can we do about It?" Severa nee Sees 1956 Johnson Motor Line More powerful motors, ('olor and 1tyllng are the trend ln the m1t • lne 'lclil, said BUI Severance fl! South ( 'oast Co. alter view· Ing the 19~6 line of Johnaon Mo· tors durlnlJ a cloeed circuit tell'· CRiil In Hollywood. · velln". v.•lth poll11hed 1teel trlrn and conC'ealed control•. A closed circuit telecaat 11 one which 11 beamed to 1pec1f!ed lo- cation.a only a.nd cannot be view- ed on TV aet. owned by lhl' fl'n· eral public. Same Sewer Smell A atrange odor In the area wu reported by Kenneth Samp- son ot 2:'121 Bayehore Drlve at 10:40 p.m. yesterday, ac~rdlng to Newport Beach police. Inveall· gallon ca.u11e<1 ofllcera to expnsa belief the odor was from the 111>wer u the 11ame 1mell waa ln other parts of the city. Born In 8. Dakota. Porter ha.a Uved ln California 3:1 yMra, Ule put five In Co.sta MeM. Therel 'Caps, Take11 ..; Jack A. There! of 400 Vl1ta Daya told pollc• M(mday four hub caps were taken from hls car In the Elk'• Club parkln( lot. Al.lo on Monday night'• agenda, according to Rea, wilt ~ resigna- tion of a teacher and replacement tor ume, dl•cua1ion of enrollment problem• and dlacuulon of a build· Ing lnapector for Rea School. The telecut wu the first to be uaed by a marine equipment manufacturer In introducing new prnducts lo Ile dealers. Original· Ing In New York, It was seen In 18 US. cities by 1ome 2200 r-------------------------;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:=; Johnaon Motor dealer&. Severa.nee WELCOME TO WELSH GIRL M~T Dor~ Rtn -XolfC!ayntfht maae-&p<>Tn or ffitroa-ucinr Mi• Lynn B&nner •• left, new 1enior student at Newport Harbor Union Hlfh School, ahown aboye looktnr at agenda when the flt! appeared to audit city councll meeting. Ml11 Banner, formerly of Walu, hu moved here with her parent.. -Ste.It Photo TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT NEW YORK NOON COMMENT -COmplled by B. C. Gar1id1 - Dean Witter A Co.-SANTA ANA The market quieted down In to· day'• trading. with interest ron· fined prlmuily to Individual luuu anticipating or reapondlng to new development.I and expectatlona. The more 11peculat1ve rall1 are pre· ll<'ntly active with Chicago. Mil .. St. Paul re.ponding to the po1sl· tulltiea of a rumored merrer on be.nef1t1 which would be derived Hall Scott Motora .. _ ........ 6·6 ~ lnteratate JCnslneennr .. 10IA·11 ~ Market Baaket ........ • ..... 21~·231i Mayfair Marketa .... .. ..... 9-9~ Minute Maid ............... 17"'·17"~ Sec. Finl Nat'L Bank .. ~91ia-63 %, Thrifty Drur . .. .. 10-11 Treeaweet .. ...... ·-·--.......... 8 ~ -8 % Van Camp SU Food ........ 11'·8~ U.S. Nat'I. Bank, S. D ..... 23·23" Wlurd Boata ... ... .. . . .. 3-3 % DEATH NOTICE stated. Severance revealed .th&t John· um'11 l 9:1& ou-H>oard-line -16-in· elude nine models In eix 111.ze.a, ranging from three to 30 hor11e- M-'RY NUTGRA.SS power, and would be in a two· . I lone combination ot "holiday Funeral 1erv1cu wlll be held bronze'' and white. tomorrow at 2 p. m. In Parkt>s-, Rldlry Mortu&ry Chapel for Mr1. · 'With th• increase in family Mary A. Nutgra.u 79 of 262l boating In recent years." he .said. orange Ave., Coea Meaa. Dr. "there hu bt>en an emphasla on Richard ff. Pou wiU ofticlate. larger, roomier boi.ts and heav- Mr• Nutgn .. dll'd 'l'ueeday at ler load.l!. The 30-horsepower mo- her ho.me atter an extended lllneas. tor. whlrh replacea the '2:1'. has She wu a native of Chaplin, Ky. bet>n developed_ to provide more a.nd came to Co.ta Meaa In 1952 carryin11: capacity In crut11er1 and from nortda to make her home runabouts and tor water llkiing." with her daughter, Mra. Jacob E . I Outboards now are built to Webb. She wu a member of Cen-meet every Individual or family tral Chrlatlan church and th• In-need for the small water fi.ShE'r· dependent Ordtt of Foreaterw In man up, he commented. The 191'>6 Indiana. · Johnson line includes motors or Survivorw are Mt1. Webb. other 3, 5%. 7 ~. 10, J~ and 30-horse· dauchtera. Mra. Raymond Smith power, wlth the l:i and 30 avall· .uid Mri. Catherine Baas; a JIOD, able both In electrlc·slartlng ftnd Alfred NutgrUI. all of Jl'lortda; pull-cord models. Most of the alao four grandchildren and tour new motors. he was in!onned. a.l- rreat • rtandchlldren. Interment ready are In production. "111 be In Harbor Rut C.metery. Rndy about late autumn wlll be a fancy ver111on or the 30· honepower motor, called the "Ja-from conaolldalion ot facllltlM witb ------------------------------------ Too Late To Classlfy Chicago and No. Wut Ry. Bolton a nd Maine reaponded to th• ex· change offer of Income bonda tor LEGAL NOTICE the prl'ferred, while Baltimore and ------------------------------------------------------------------Vari&oce I Heartnce NOTIC'E OF PUBUO l(EAJU..SO Ohio had the benefit or lndlcatlona 28-81tuatiou Wan~ SS-Boats, Sunni} ... that good progreaa 11 beinr made -------------_____ ....___..~ ... c;:.:..__ ____ _ 'With It• refunding program. WEEKLY IRONING or complete 1" H,P. BRIGGS .I: STRATI'ON GM RECO\'ERS laund"Y work, a1ao alteratlona, gu motor with clutch $~. CeneraJ Moton recovered from YMlerday•,. eelloft and Chry1ll'r a b- 90rb11 stock well. The latter la within euy striking dtatance of lta formn high tor thla Yl'&r, and a penetration would allow tor fur· ther worthwhile progreH. Reterences. Mra. Hathaway 303 Snowbird dolley with haul out Palm SL, Balboa. 6cB winch A 1talnl-1teel cable 1711. So. Calif. Blble Co;,ll•&'• bu DE- PENDABL'IC YOUNG PJCOPLIC AVAIL. tor PART TIMll EMP. Such u houM work, bs.by ail· Ung-, prdenlns and chaulfeur. Pleue contact Mr. T111.1man- Kl 6·1178 l c ll LI 1·33'42. 8c8 CHRYSLER Crown 1·1 gear ~00 I CYL. BUDA diesel 17:10 GR.AT marine di-I, larre porta, to m. m. lnjector1 .... S16llO Phlhp Morri1 and Timken Roller Be11 ring advanced Into new high rro1ind and remain attracUve. Chf.'mical• have been conaolldat· 29--Re!e Wanted • CAPITAL gear V-drivH ..... 11711 Ing their previoua sa1n1 quite well. YOUNG, mu.t be attrac~ve. ex· including Allied Chemical and Dye perlenced waltreu. The Arche&. and Union Carbide. the latter aided 33S• w. Ooul Ht1hway. 6c7 by product price lncrn.11ea. Olin ------------- MathlHOn demonatratea good ab- eorptlon power juat b4!Jow the hl(h. and appeara ~hind the group. Hlir;her priced l1111uu firm Include Mlnnl!l!Ot& Mlnlnc and Mfg., 011- lettf', Montgomery Ward, and US GENTLJCXAN for part time work u hoal de!k clerk. Experience not nl'cuea.ry. Excellent po•i- b1hllu. Balboa lnn Hotel, Bal- boa. k't Pipe and Foundary, which hu SO-.Mleeellueoua been aided by demand tor the new !Hue. Among epeclalty 111ue1r 1tWIN BEDS, blonde dlnlnr Ht, Greenfield Tap and Die 11 firm. coffee table, new chair A otto- RlGHER EARNINGS man. Table lampa Ii: automatic wuhlng machine, reuonable. - M.ARINI: SURPLUS CO. 2~41 8. M&ln, l5anta Ana Kimberly 3-3410 8t'8 LOVJ:L Y 2 BDRM.. untum. home, carpeted thruout. Dbl. p.r. avail. Now 1100 mo. 418 PollUM'ltla. Open 'I\te1. from 11 to I or call Normandy 9898 6c7 A• a manufacturer ot cutting Liberty 8-7640. 6c8 ------------- toola. the record level of lndu1trlal -------------~tlvlty le expected to brinf earn· LEICA 3·B CAMERA With cue A 48-A-Apt.. for Reat Notice I• hereby given that the Planning Commtulon ot the City ot NeWJ)Ort Beach wlll bold a pub· lie hearing on the appllcalion of KELSO-MUNSEY office bullding for a variance-No. 247 to permit: The waiver of otf-streel puklng requlrementa. The normal requlre· menta ror thl• property would be 20~ parking 1paces; the a vailable apace provide• room tor 16. Thia will be needed If tentative plans tor a amall 1tore1 development, on the lower level. are Incorporated Into the final structure on Lots 22· 23·24 Tract 1622 and localt'd at 34.2•·3428 Via Oporto. Notice ii hereby further given that H id public hearing w ill be held on the llllh day of Sept. 19M, and 20th day of Oct. 191111. at the hour of 8:00 P .M. In the Counell Chambers or the Newport Bea('h Cll7 Hall, at which time and place any and all person• Interested may appear and be heard thereon. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary Newport Beat'h City Planning Comm1slon No. 1366 New"Preall 9/l6;!1:1 Cl:RTIFICA n; OF 1'USJ:1"1:8S FIOTJTJOUS nRM ~AME THE UNDERSIGNED does here· Inca to the H per ahar• level, new coated lllmar J.I 1-$86. which provide. excellent coverage Ll 1-33•2. 6c8 cf t he $2 dlYidend from which a return of 5.2 per cent ii avail· 3%-Fanaltare for &.a. able. Flnancl!l9 are excellent, which -------------au11ut. the poulbUlty of an ex· DBL. BllD orthopedic mattrue A '85 cute 111e. apt. livlnr mi .. bar by certify that ahe la conducting a kitchen 6 dlntnr ana.. l adult carpet and drapery buelnes at 2919 720 Mar6\Urlt.. lO a.m. to 2 E. Cout Highway, Corona del p. m. pla.... 6c8 Mar, California. under the tlctl- t ra. Being NlaUvely amall. there 1prlnp. Make offer. ll08 W. M-Balilaw ~tlea , la a.I.lo the potential of a buyouL Hamilton. Coeta Men. Ll l-41M ;::zx;;::;.::;; · lnt~eat 111 rotat1n1 from the re-lc8 WA.NT ,3000 boat or have '9tw>O eent volatile at«k• to aecondary eq1.11ty 9ant& Barben trlpMlt A luuu, and particularly thOH with SS--Boata, Suppllee extra lot, total $18,1100. Income new potential•. Thi• ahould alJow $2()6. Conalder half of equJty tn for maintenance on an orderly N AV l 0 AT l 0 N CLASS, Coata tlou1 firm name of Bon .Ma.rche' and that eald firm I.a compoaed of the following peraon11, wb0&e namea In full and places of reeldence are u follows, to-w1t : PHYILIS .T. PATIN 2919 E. Coaat Highway Corona del Mar, Calif. CHRYSLER PENNANT WINNERS Come see our tremendous Ml.ction of Quality Used Ca" at rocli-bottom price .. All thoroughly Sofety-Checlied 16 woy1 ••• oll bo<lied up by Chry1ler'1 Sl9n of Quolityl Save Hundreds-Huge Savings On three E¥,Cf ~Ve Cara 2 Wlndsora -1 New Yorker 1952 Cfll'ysler New Y orlcer ..................... $1295 ~an. 2-tone Brown. Fully equipped Local one car ownu 1953 DeSoto v.a ............................... : ... _ ........... $1495 4-door led.an. 2-toae Blue. Very clee.n car. Power at.eerln,;. Radio & bat.er 1949 luick Super S.danette ..................... $495 Radio, heat.er, ~ynaflow -A really clean car 1954 Plymouth Station Wagon ..... -........ $1995 De-luxe model Automatic transmJ99lon radio, beat.er 1953 Chrysler Club Coupe .............. _..... $1495 Ught green. Radio, hater, power at.eerlng. 1952 Hudson Hornet ................. -..... m ....... _ .. $350 •-door sedan, W.S.W., dark green Rydromatlc, Radio, Heater, Immaculate throughout 1951 Mere. Sta. Wagon ..... " .. """"" .......... $995 Radlo, over-drive. New tlree. Motor over- haul. Exoellmt wood. Only MANY onD:R8 TO CB0081: FROM LOW DOWNS -LOW BANK PAYMENTS Ali Can Carry the Crown WUTUty Look for .... °'"7 ..... "8tp ., ~tJ" ...,, Lou Reed Chryller-Plylnollth Dealer 1200 'f!. Coast Hlthwey-U I-MN Class· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS EYery M011clay, WeclMsclay a•d Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday• 8peclal Notacee Newport Harbor Painting, Decoratin1 Paper Banging y B. P.O. E. 1767 MMte every Thuraday a p.m. I GEO .. BURKHARIYE Via Oporto -C.ntral AYa. LicmNU:O OONTR.ACl'Oft Newport 8Mch 171 W. 18th St., Coat.a M.- Albetl lt_~tb•"'· l!lultfd Jlultr ____ LI_be_rt_y_a._ae_28 ___ _ -J'or a depend.able uled car, ,.. your .local dealer who will be here TO.MORROW to b&clt up what he aell.a TODAY! Chec.k the Uled cara In th• clauitled HCUon to· d.ay. General Contractor . LICENSED New Work -Remode!lnf J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 0693.J 68tto MILLER'S ''Lucky 7'' KAR KORRAL Orange County's Largest USED CAR LOT \ 700 W. Coast HICJhway 1954 FORD Y·I Forclor S.clclll --$1241 B-WSW 'l'lree 'et black ftaleh Full ie.dler lnt.erlor 1952 CHEVROLET lelAlr Sport Cpe. $11,1 B-B-PwrGUde %-Tone p&blt New 'n1'M 1952 HILLMAN Conwertible R&H ...... S lfl 35 miles per pUoa 1951 OLDSMOllLE "98" 4-dr. Secla11 $1141 R-R-2-toae pablt U. 8. Mut.er WSW Tires 36.000 actual milee 1 tSO CHEY. Stvllne Dix. 4·*. sedan S 791 B-R-WSW 'l\ree, Seat Conn. Thie one Is hlith -bot you ahouJd Me the earl 1951 MERCURY Clb. Cpe. R & H _, ... $ 891 Overdrive. New WSW 'l'ttt9 Loe.I oee OWllfJI" I 11tnm over l>&lance or the a11y. Mua. Pnottnr c6eat11l1 l'atur bual.nue ~ wor1dnc partnu. Dow JoDN 1 p.m. Avence. method8. Complete couree S30 Write Boa Q·3t U"9 paper. LI 8·3672. 6c8 6pl WITNESS my ha.nd thl• 2Gth day ot August. T956. ';~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~aa::::;&~il /I/ PHYLLIS J . PATIN I• 1tl0 IUICK Conertible, R & H ---·-S 491 o,-tlow WSW 'l'lnll, Nf!W Top 1911 PONTIAC Chleftaft Dix. Cl. Cpe I 761 B A R, • Bydr-=eUe. 8pot.leM t 30 Indu•tr1al1 .. .. 482.08 up 0.112 --------------------------20 Ja11a . 164.19 up 0.66 16 t.:tllltlu 611.61 oft .19 I p.m. Volume: 1.3110.000 v1. -------.-------------------- l .730.000 on Thurllday. Local Stock UtJt Bid &ad Ask Bank of America .. ... . 43"·46 B«k.man In1trument -·.. 21 '!, Calltomla Bank ............ 56~·8014. Dl1ney (Walt) .......... --~ .. ·•OH. Ftm We1tern Bank ........ 67·5'11.t 01 ... par ._ ............................. 2 ~·3% DEATH NOTICE WD.LIAM ROUIUOA."' Jl'\Jneral aervicea tor William Randolph Hourtran. 87, of 128 36th St.. will be held Saturday a.t 10 a.m. In Baits Cost.a Meaa ChaJ>«I with the Rev. Charlee Hand of· ttclating. ' Mr. Houri6&a wu killed Sunday ID an automoblle &C!Cidant tn Liberal, K.an. while he and 1111 WU• and am.all rranddauJtltar were on Ulelr W&J to N-Jetaf'y. Kn. ltow-tsan and the child w.,-• In· JI.Ired but returned home Ttlurlday. SurvtYOni Include bia wife. ~· an: two aon., H&M")' I:, of New· port and Rfcbarcl R. ot N-Jar- Ny; one ctauptv , Mn. Wint Tn:a. blood ot N.wport Bea.all: thne u· t4ll"ll, !:llabeUI MeClaup.11.a, Mu- pret Malone and IC a t h • r I n • O'Hara. all of Ntw hl"ffY: al90 nJM sr&ndchlldnon. Interment wtll be WI Harbor 9'•& .. meter)'. * FOR SALE OR LEASE * M-1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SANTA ANA 21,000 aq. ft. reinforced conlltrucrtion, elevator, all pbaae power. 4 in. water ·~· Located on 4.2 acree Yfitb S. P . apur. Excluaiw Yfith OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout HWJ. (At Port <>ruig.) Newport Beach LI 8-7562_ Har. BlM WK. SHIP AHOY!! WATER FRONT PIER T9n1fto .-i.ome. ~ bdnna., • ~ • ..a '° wan oarpettn1 "d"'I* IDeW. $48.~ OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. c.o..t Hwy. (At Port Oranp) Newport Beach LI 8-7!582, Har. !51M eves. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OJtANGE )U. O~ THJS ~th day of Auguat, A. 0 . 19116, before mt', ROBERT 1'. WILLMES, a Nol11ry Public In and for the said County and Sta te, realdlng therem, duly comml11lon· ed a.nd 11worn. peraonally appeared PHYLLIS J. PATIN known to 91e t.o be the penon wh1>1e name Is 11.1becrlbed to the within Instru- ment, and• acknowledged to me that •he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I have hereunto aet my hand a nd a.ttlxed my offlcl.al 1eal th• day and year In thi• Certltlcate tint above WTltten. /I / ROBERT F . WILLMES My Commta9lon JCxptrea Novem~.r 16, 191111 ?fo. 1361 Newa·,Prlt!s 8/26, 9/2, 9. HI. lllM SOUT~ GOH~T conSTRUCTIDn CO. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LA.RGI: Oil 'ft)() IMU.J. no JOUa St., Newpon 11eM1t -.... ma 1911 S1UDDAKER Y-8 Startfte Cpe. S 561 RA R, Overdrive 1tU CHEVROLET Styli• 4-clr. seclall S 641 RA 11. Spotle. Interior! Good PaJnt! 1Mt MllCURY Cl•b Cpe. R & H ... -S Ml Overdrtve. Lot.a of mJfe. tn this onel 1911 DeSOTO Cntom Cln. Cpe. -s "' l•tatl • TRUCKS • 1952 FOID i TOii Plck-llP ·-....... "_ S 141 Loob a r-. Ike aewl 1952 CHIYIOLIT i TOii Plck·Mp-S 891 n.t.,a ..... attPM. h-8-t CoMldoa ATTENTION ALL URANIUM HUNTERS 1941 WILL YS i TOii Plclc ......... -... --.. ·· S 491 wttb 4-wbMI clrtve Try Tiie No Doww Payment Pla11 et Miiier Chevrolet Olsclmobile KAR KORRAL 700 W. c ... t Hwy. Newport 11• .. I PAGE~· PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRE.SS ~-Rtlit Wanted FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 lZ-Bulldiag Servleee PAINTING M. W. ROSS u a.sa21 -u a-1w 280 Avocado, C~ta Meaa MUc Rd. Ott Spreading Driveway• PARKING LOTS Su!)·d(vliilon1 our specialty. We furni11h any type oU t.o your 11pe· Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from race uma, 1.tp. Eyebrow• and nalr llDe ••pe4-No more twMllln•, llLLllN I.. RRY A.NT R. E. • Udo'• aaloD GI S-Uty ll&r. 2111t mi n-Loet uad f'oud LOST large black male cat from In1ne Terrace. RKW ARD. - Hu. 2291 4p6 clflt'alion. Larr• Job9 -amaU ·FOUND on beach, en&'acement JobL Free •llma t•. A1ao wa-rln&' and wedding band, Phone ter apreadiil&'. M~em equip-Oxtord 6-eo88. •pe ment. L.l!lxln.&'ton MOOS, OU· -------------· more 8t Pa~ R unllngton Bch. 5tfc Z4-Scbool8, lnst1'UCllon PAINTING INTE.RJOR -EXTERIOR U CENSJCD -INSlJRED Glenn J ohneton !>Ol • 3111t St. Newport Beach Harbor lll76 22Uc COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EU CE NE 0 , SAUNDERS !500 31st Street, Newport Beach • Hubor 21178 or Har. H46. lfc House Plans LIBERTY 8·82!51 lOttc CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES Llbert.y 8-6109 29tt Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 16:.I Cecal P late. Costa Mesa, • Llberty 8·'1!527 98c l2 FOR RENT Sl<fll Sawa, Elec. Drill1, Polilher1. aU type,1 of Sanders, Whee.lbar· rows, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HICRWAY Liberty W43S, Newport Bcb 28ttc BION RICE, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTORS Residenllal. Commercial. Arldltl1Jns. !5pl8 ASPHALT TILE Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Cash,lerw and Meat \\'rap- pers. Make J80 to J120 per wk C3ll for appointment to ll'a.rn 111orc about this t rnJning. 1 AL TYLER Rchools 16.l 1 No. Broadway KI '1·3Sh Real • 1n 94c8 Estate School Santa Ana MEN A WOMEN prepare In spare time for unlimited opportunillu In Real Estate. New cluae1 wee.kly. Al Tyler IJ\ltnlcUng. At· tend nrat evening tree a.nd learn about thl1 creat field. Call or write now. Al Tyler School 1811 No, Broadway, Santa Ana Kl 7·351l·Kl :l·3469·KE 8-2513 tk China Painting Day and Evenlnc Claases Order• Taken Now Phone Uberty 8-Mf8 fHtte CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS. STUDY In spare tlme for contrac· tor's rxamlnation untler-a gen· ernl contractor with 25 yeara l'Xperlence. Claa!!U Tue~. and F ri. eves. 7:30 p.m. Attenrt fir1t session free. Begtn anytime Al Tyler Sc hool 1611 ?Ito. Broadway, S'lnl& Ana Ph. Klmberly 2-4226 or KI 7·3511 lie BIG DEMAND HIOH PAY PRACTICAL NURSES MEDICAL SECRETARY ROME STUDY STANDARD STATIONS Hajl opel\IP&' for Sta tion 8alumen Age. 18 • tO Orange County 5-Day-40-Hour Week High 1tar llr.g-pay ~~cellcnt Benefi\11 Ooo<I opportm:lty for Advsn~ment App'y ST ANDA RD STATIONS Dahlia and Cout Hll{hW•.)' Corona d~I Mar Chapman and Spadra FuJli:rton 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Monday .It Thursday•. STENO : book·keepe.r ; g1m'I. ofc. elk. typist ; restuurilnt. Jomes- t1c, male: machuust: electronir. tmgineer It teen, offtl'e trainee. J une t;'ttrrar Empl. Agcy .. 4021'.! 32nJ,~~t. Bell. opp, Cit)' Hall. WANT REAL ESTATE SALES· MAN or brolter, Famltlar wlUl Harbor a rea. Top commllUllOn to one who w11.nts to make money & not afraid to work. HOUSTON REALTY 1109 Cen- ter Sl., Colll4 Mesa. Li 8·6911 -Eve. Har. 6298.W. lie YOU CAN ADD $:J~1 TO $50 A WEEK to your present lncomt'. l'art·Ume Rawleigh Busineu now vpen; iUso full-Lime. See at oncy (or tull..Jac1.iculau . .Roae. Watkins. 207 Geneva St., Hunt· ington Beach. Or write Rawleigh'11 •i07 E. 19th St., L. A. 68 Pr 9 30 Beac0n Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO fee collected from applicant We have excell. ,openlnga for PBX OPERA TORS, Top typlsta, 11tenos, executive secretary, t)'p· l!>l • bk'k r.: retail o!c. 1upply salesman, houseboy It Foreign motnr~ mer hanlc, nlte cJ e 11 k c1erk, (maid Ma.intenance man. BEACON PERSONNEL <Agency) U 3·31st Newport Beach STENOGRAPHER for contractora uf!lre. short.hand required. LI 8-11:19 for interview. Mr. Ro11. i&c6 GIRLS YOU will have on opportunity to advance in uur firm, because of our present ex· panslon program. Alwn1num wan Tll• J.Ucn. DIAtributoni Whol-.le prtcu to The starting salary la good and you will receive frequent .increases, too. Hlch achoo! not neceuary Many Jobs now tor : earn while they lea.rn. In! mall· RS Contractora 4k Tile Bettera ed. Write now. Unite<l School ot TELEPHONE OPERATO Nunring, Dlstrkt O<rlre, Lomita -Apply -LI S. 7493 68tfc Cal. ~c1 51'~ No. Maln Street WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & waxing 28--Situatiou Wanted etc. Roy's Maintenance RESIDENTIAL & OFFICES Rouae c1eantng-Floor w&Xinc LI 8-1623 Wall wuhing-wlndow cleaning 3C1!5 Venetian bllnda. Uphol.!!tery Rm. 211 -Santa Ana 9 :00 to 4:00 P.M. PACIFIC TELEPHONE 73tfc CAPABLE WOMAN SITI'ER !or t hr every Sunclay mom ing - Ph. Har. 2312-J. 8c8 CARPENTER In.-ured. i'ree EsUmatcs ltfc WANT MAN ON YACHT fordeck Liberty ll·1332. and general maintenance. Full Repair Work CLE.ANINC a. IRONING by the day. Experienced. Balboa 1818Jld preterred. Kl 3-6098. U time. Wrlle references, quall1'- catlons 8t: expected pay lo Box D·4!5 thla paper. 8p8 ~MJ...,..naneous I S.3-Boat.. SuppUet I M-MuakaL Radio, T \' •~I-Auto Sfon•k-e Fresh Hearing Aid .c u:AN ____ E~~~~~ T~r:~ A s. save 1 Motor Overhaul BATTERIES Mooreng Space DANz~son.iwT. ~20 No. Milin. Wt Give Sllll Otten Slampa SI p~r fool (or aal .. able crulurs • S.anta Ana Home of the.-Ham-1 Gunderson Drug Co. '.HOI w l.'ulllll H1i;hway rnond Organ Main St. at Ealboa Blvd ... Ba.Ibo& Ni•wport D1!3t tl, LI S-0271 96"11 ORGAN SPECJAL Hubor 6HI. 98tfc TRADE LOVELY USED HAMMOND Spl· net organ In ~r<ect con.lltlon. Big aav1ng. Convenient terma at SHAf.ER'S Music Co. cSm<'e 10071 '21·423 N. Sycamo...,. Sa.nta AM ANTIQUE German ruu~ic. bo)t, Steinwa y Squa~ Jil;.lno * !). piece sectional. Cal\ after 6 p m ' liar, 3M3 •ell Lovely antique dining •('t, vc>h'l't I 81"\UllfUI 70-fl. aux.. llChOOnt'r, l':ll.Ct:llcnt for rhartc1 \\'ant property or !mailer boat. 1220 W. Balboa ql\•(1, .!'\eWp<>fl Har. 3032. l~Uc upholsteretl, china Nblnet $ZOO. I Jl'AlRUNER. dean, loatle•I Wiil Old loveHat $10. Sound movie trade. Li 8-6710 • m. or p.m. ou\ftt $17tJ. Playl'r pilLno $200 j 83ttc .\nUque walnut tables from $20 , BALBOA !,\;LAND north ..... Lovely rnre olc1 Vlctorinn c·haln . ...., Sc't ot 6, Unuaual 1inall pll.l mooring, near Sapphire. No orgsn $175 Wood atovea rrom 1179 $llrn. Boat also ror llllC", $6, Old phonogreph 512, Nice $35. Har. 478t days. 4c6 Phone Klm berly 2-0672. Quality Television SERVICE I lnme Service tll 9 p 111 776 \\1. 19th -LI 8·8fli6 8r l8 highboy $1 i . TV l t'l $211.GO Braaa betl1 $20. Old sideboard $20. Rare uhl Chtnrse screen $:.!00. Lar~e l'll'<'. fan J20. Flat top uffice tlesk $39.50. Mahogo.ny :ie.-retary $69.M . Anllquct duk $2~. Old b"<I set $60fl Music box $125. Hangtnl" lantp1 $30. Old telephone ~7 .r)(). Ma.ny pieces antique furniture you refinish A ,.,.19,._ Fish pole11. Antique ruru, OUTBOARD MOTOR. ucellent rnn.!illon. 3.:l h.r $3:1. LJb<'rtY 35--Doga, Cats, Peta .lovely old china, brau, copper, silver plerea, etc. We oleo buy A swap. Branl.' items in. <.HARLIE DA VIS 8·7211~ 6c7 SIAMESE rat, adult, altered ff'· 36 FT. DIESEL. commen ·W aporl tnale-. rree to good horn~ Har ti11her or work boat. $2750. Cllll 2439-ll. tc6 Har. 2000·M 5c7 SNIPE NO. 9332. Exd. 1ail11. - Traller & 11cce11Sorlu $:126. - Har. 3873·WK after 6 p.m . 15p7 --------------- BOAT STORAGE BRUSSELS GRlFFONS Al\C reg. Champion blood llnu perfect small dof for the be.eh. Bar· bacon pupplee a vail Kar 0061. 6e7 40-Autos for SaJe GMC NO MONEY DOWN I * with this ad * · 8 Cyb. . .... ~ _____ $48.88 8 Cyla. . ...... ·-·-··----·SlSS.88 lnoludu both labor and p&rta. New rtnga, wri.t plna. valvt Jrind, ntUnp of main and rod bearln,... Expert motor tune up, 90-day or •.OOO mile ruarantee, (NO MONJlT DOWN), REBUil..T ENGINES -UP to lG MONTHS TO PAY- Built In our own factory by UtWed machinhtl. Don't eontead with the middle mt.n. Buy dt"'°t. REBUil..T and JNSTAU.ED SHORT BLOCK f'ORD -· .. ·--· .. --··-··-·-$1JUO CHJ:VllOLllT _ .. _,_,_ attt.&O PLYM. la DO.DOI:···----$lr.6 CHRYS. A DIC SOTO ..... -$170 STUDEBAKER ··-~·---$170 OLDS la PONTIAC e -··-·-·-$1 '10 BUICK ___ .......... _ ....... _ $1 '15 HUDSON -·-·---·-···· .. ·-··-··· $1'1S Loan Car Fr .. Towln&' NEW CAR OUA.RANTEJ: Block must meet our •tandarda Plus tuea, pak•tl and on Open Sunday 10 Lm. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE 1805 F;. Anaheim St., Long Beach Phrlne 850 139 REASONABLE nearly new 80 ft, _adwood picket .tenc.e. ln. 8 t 11ectlona wllh posts $711. Liberty 8·S768, llc7 ALL SIZES, reu<>nable ratea, AP· ply al yard offlrl'. SOUTH COAST COMPANY, Newport Blvd., 11.l 23rd St .. Newport Bch. 2t1 c REBUILDERS TRIPLE CHE KEO Lop.en.llaUy .8 to 7 SIA\.t Bo11dtd YOUNGSTOWN dbl. alnk, ~1,2", matching • drawer cabinet 271t •· l:l3·7th St., Huntington Beach . LExlngton 8·7013. 6p7 W_IN_T_E-=R=---S-TO_R_A_G_E_1 -USEDTRUCKS NEW LOCATION 42 c m::vRoLET ~i t. paneJ 310 East 3rd St. Boats or Trailers ·49 CHEVROLE1' suburban '!50 STUDEBAKER lit t. pickup $65 !51 CHEVROLET '2 t. pickup ':12 CHEVROLET t'i t. pickup SANTA A NA 42-Tralle"9 W'£8T BAY A VS. d\l,pla. I bed· room. 2 bath. rum .. ltlO month YMrl.Y or wtni.. l~J W. 8-Y Ave., BalbOa. Np12 Cbolce Swnmer Ratalll oa Balboa ll1and • Udo laJe 8m&ll A C!OS1 w ...,... 6 ..,_. an to .-.. u. VOGEL CO. !OI M&rtne A.... B&Uloa lilllul4I P11. Harbor ••• or ..,_. all Rea. Rar. 1 TM-A or Bar. I09-K ...,. 3 RX. HOUU: nlcel.J fllrn., ellM. $60 mo. lo June Jtl or MO. mo. yearly 1-. Kl 7-tHI Of' XI 2·1232. ltfo BALBOA 1.SLAND, f\lnl. ....._, tlreplact . AvaU. Sept. 21, aJ.o 1 bdrm. apL Adults, 110 pets. fteuonable. U 8·'182'.. lc7 BALBOA YRLY. Lovt'lY duplu , 2 bdrm. hara ... 6 2 bedrm. down Ito. Lt.rce 1 bdrm. tum. apt. 6 .-. ruce nel•hbortiood Na. .tllO winter renlala. AJ Tyltr, I07 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA -1 bdrm. beaut. ,..._ apt.I. on bay front. UW. ..... private beach. waJltlns diNaee abopp1q. No cl\Udren or ,_., • $85 to Ito. HOUSTON REAi-TY 1509 Center SL, Coet.a Meaa .L1 ~IU! t'"'9! Har. 52H·W. as. EMPLOYICD WOMAN to Ill.are nice.I)' furn, home, TV, auto. wuher It dryer, etc. UO per mo. 9e<> Oopood, OQlta Meo after 11:30 p.m. lp8 BABY CRIB and good mattress. Matching chnt. total $30. 288 Mont• Vlata, Costa Mesa !5p7 for period ·:11 oMc ~ t. pickup Sept. 15 -June 15 :g! ~~V:0'~~~c\~Ppic1<up *PORT ORANGE* WINTER SPECIALS Hydra-maUc tran1. TRAILER SALES SMALL FURN, APT. $50 for Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8·?.!M 18-MM 3!5·MM HOBBY and MODEL AffiPLANE SUPPLIES Mears Camera Shop 178:.1 Newport Blvd .. Costa Meaa Phone Liberty 8·70t2. Pr U AS 18 -Gaffera A: Sattli;r stove, S20. Large mohair couch·rhalr sel, Sl!I. Buggy, $7.:101 &thi· net tl!. S3. lron be<hlead, spring1 $10 Bec.1 couch, $10, :J706 W. l!alboa Blvd. 4c8 DRAFTING TABLE " draftlnc machine. Excellent condition, $17!1. Phone Har. 4686·J or LI 8·"84!5. 4p8 SO-B-Appllances ~-~~~~-~~ Washing Machine SERVICE l·year guarantee on joba done and on uaed wuhert. 2488>,i (rear) Newport Bl., Co.ta M..._ Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc ORBON 1UJI alze k itchen stove, In good t•ondltlon, $2!5. Llberty 8·674-0. 4C6 USED AUTOMATICS S39.50 to S99.50 Dellvered lnalalled, guaranlt:cd. Terms a vailable. Henderson's Launching $1.2~1 Fenred · \.uarded Storage Space Outboard Marina 202 E. C'oast H wy. Harbor !5130 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American Legion 21~H:>th St. Meetings 2nd. 4th Wed. 8 p.m PRtt WINTER STORAGE Boats or Trailers $65 for period Sept . 15 -June 15 Launching SL21\ Frnced -Gua rdt'd Storage Spare Outboard Marina 202 E . Coast Hwy Harbor 6130 6cl2 22 FT. MERCURY Express cruls· er, 3 moa. old. SS radio. Speeds 2..10 m.p.h. Ra,·e $5000 In boat. Will 11acriflce for $3950 terms or trarte, Owner. Hnr. 12Hl·R. 6c8 ----------- 84:-Mu'!_icaJ..! Radio, T_V __ _ MAHOG. combination COIUIOle 21 In. TV. A..1'.f It Ft.l radJo and 3 spt'eJ a uto. phonoguph. Cost over $600 new, perfect contlltion. Nt!w pict11rt' tube with guaran· '49 G~C "4 t. natbe<1 and SUPPLIES rouple. 1 child o ,k. Furn. nna. ·o• GMC -,. t. pickup, Hyd••· 2200 w. Coast Hiway. Hot and cold water, prtvat• matk trans. ~ entrance It parklfll'. 81n&'I• $211, '52 CHEVROLET 1 t. panel Newport Beach LI 844.20 dbl. $30. VIKING RO'l'll~ 901 'SO DODGE 4 yd. dump, 2 ~peed, '~2-H' Happy Home .. ... $:19~ E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. kl:.1 9;00 Urea '!)2-29' Roadmaster ...• $18911 ------------- 'S3 FORD F600, 12' ata.ke '!55-24' Terry -.. .. Spec. Prlct '54 DODGE 4 yd, dump, 2 speed, 'l\!}--41' Param. l bdrm ... A du.I WINTER RENTAL 1 bdrm. turn. apt. Beacon Bay $711. Harbor 1383-W. 8p3 8 2!5 Ures 1 ·11~_.6' P1tn American D!Acount 'St FORD F600. 2 11peed. 8 ·2:1 t lru PAN AMERICAN ------------WILL RENT 2 bdrm. complele.ly Se+> the latgest volume truck dea ler In Orange County tor the cleanHt 11elecUon of u1"d t rucks. We have over 3S unlta to choolle lrom 11t prlce111 and lerm111 that c1n not be matched W.W. WOODS GMC DEALF.J\ 616·19 E. Uh SL Santa Ana Ope.n S\lnday a.m. Truck hcadquarfers for Orange Co. llc6 OLDS club rpe, Hydromatlc. ra· dlo, heater, new WW ttres &nd n fety tulles. Runs good. Xlnl. 2nd car for family. Will 1ell to hlghei1t blddPr a bove $22!5. Har. 5000. •c6 -·-------------FORD --'!>4 VIC'lOrll\, Fordo· Paramount·Kensklll Traveleze-Terry S:ltfc 1951 -Spartan Royal Mansion 33 FT. DINETTE. twm beda. Consii.Jer Tustin. tl'ade. 420 * Star Fleet w. l st 92p6 * 30 fl. custom built -llv, rm., dinette. kit., b&lh, bdrm. Fum- l11hed completely, Incl. 17" TV, china. e11Unaels, etc. CABANA 8 " l O. eompl. tum. ALSO p11.llo furniture. See a t Lot •. Newport. M unicipal Trailer Park TOpu 2-6•111 9Gpll matte, powtr ateering, power 'Ill Roadmuter. 20 ft. Ilk• new. braku. power aeat. ele<'. win· toilet, 11hower. lav .. elec; ref. A dows, rallto, heater, conltnenlal hot w11ler heater IJH.9!5. With kit. l 11,000 miles. A. t <'Ondlt Ion. or wathuut -rxlnt, c:aban•. St>e Private party. $19711. Har. 38t2. owner Lol 37. M11nlcJpal Trllil· 4p6 ~r Pk., ~t>wporl 4p6 ':14 httlf·ton CHEV, truck. AlllO BY PR.IVATE OWNER-Spartan- '48 GMC l nt<:>k, half-ton heavy ettt, ~9:10 • 31 ft'. tandem wheels, <111ly. Both good cond. Private o>lectrlc brakes, 11hower and toll· psrty Har 41\Rfl-J or LI 8-4/Hl'i. ets. retrag ., heater. good condi· 4 p6 lion. Munt aell a t once for cuh, --------------Pnc<'d rtgnt. Call 11t 221·19 St. 53 OLDS, 98 H<lliday, everything Newport Beach. · 5p7 1111tomatic Har, 1833·R H6 MERCURY 11port coupf', ':12. 47-Wanted to Rent fum. home, fireplace, W.W. car· peting, lovely back yard willl patio t1> couple. Harbor 2678 or U 8·.67&0 atter 6. tea LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one It two bdrm. apt.a. Short tenn e.nd yearly. ALSO, Lido Homu and Bay J'ront Homu and apartmenu. LIDO REALTY A.nociatea 3t00 Via U do, Harbor Ht• Hllc HS WINTER rental to July 1. t;'um . 2 bdrm. 933 'iii W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport. •Jlfl ATI"ENTION BltAUTY OPERA· TORS. Jt you &1'9 Jookln&" tor a •hop A home combined 1ee thl1 2 bdrm. !urn. home wHh well equlpped beauty shop.. Yearly lease $1110 mo, 20ll.1 Tustin, Co.· ta MeaL LI 8·4t1a2. 41'8 LIDO ISLE YEARLY untum. 2 bdrm. A 2 ba th home. Har. 1013. 4th' BALBOA JSLAND-P'um. 2 brm. lower duplex, ftlce yard a nti pntio. Winter $715 mo. utll paid. Har. 515118-W. •tfc Doea Your Home Need Repalrinl or Remodeling 1 Call Fr&nk. Liberty 8-49!5t HOUSEKEEPER -baby care-Automatic Washer Service ·tee $276. 776 W. 19th, LI 8·8676. 6c8 Mus t aell, going abroad. Can a:-range terms. Se11 at 1211 N. a .. y Front, Balboa llllancl. 4Cll Rentals Wanted 48A-Apt:A. for Bot All Work Guaranteed 7't.tc ASPHALT TILE LrNOLEUM 1 lu t.all the ab<1ve rheaper than mosL Also llell Tile & Linoleum. Non·unlon. 2.~ ~·rars exp<'raence. t:ompare 1tnd 11ee - BILL ('01{Efl m ... 4795 or Long Ueach 7-!5!17:1 89Uc Painting & Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 years experience Licensed 8t insure(), 8atlsfactlon ruaranteed. EsUmatu free, Call Johnnie. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saws, Orllls, Sanders QUICK SERVlCE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 456 No. 1't•wport Bll·d, !';pt. Bch. Llberty 8·8383. Utfc PAINTING? Call POP'S non-union shop. Can llM new cW1tomt r1. Orance County 20 year•. Ki 3·9161 or Kl 2·!)931 antr !), THANKS. 97pll CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL H. o. Anc!eraon 1014 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 24SO 83tfc 14-PenolWs Alcoholic• Anonymoua Wnt. P. O. Baa U1 N~ ~ c.IU. Phone Barbor f'M 1.JKE TO HEAR FROM R. E. North Dakota realden~. Julia Sando GN)rl('e. •28·12th St. Bt.g, Bearh, C'altf 6p 15-Shal'f' ,. out Car WA :O."T RIDE or Will take rtderw to Weiot Los Angtlu. U.C.L.A. atudent '-Ion.. \\'eel .ti Frida)' u ch wk, Arrtvf' 11.pp~x. t a.m. l""''e a pprox :i r m H11r 37MM :lp7 Experienc 'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS live m .. LJ 8·S251. 6c8 26'8 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa EXPERIENCED drug at.ore aa.I• lady. apply In peraon, Turner Drug Store. 2!542 West Cout LI 8-7808 tnrar Golf Course) pr tfc Liberty 8-1659 aottc _H_lg_h_"'_'a_y_._N_'_e_w_p_o_rt_B_e_a_c_h_. _s.:...c8 18 CU. F'T. COMMERCIAi,. type tleep frl'eze. a11klng $M. Ownr·r. Har . l216·R 6c8 Swedish Massage LadJu, --by appointment in your home. Formerly maS1tu11e at Arrowhead REAL EST A TE, broker or ulea· man for Balboa ltlJ&nd oU1ce. Exrcllent opportunity. Write _S_2-__ Fu_rnJ_tur __ e_f o_r_S_a_J.;.e __ _ Box C·44 t hl• paper for appt. OVERSTUFFED chair 8t: davl'n· 6c8 port, xlnt. construction 8t: con· Springs Hotel. BABY S lTIER, dally, mornings, Please call Harbor 479!5 nr Har Hnr, 3279-.1. 6c8 dltlon. Any reuonable offer ac· Cl'pted. Har. 109:1-R after 4 p.m. 0292. lea \VANTED 4c6 -~-----------~ OVERSTUFFED CHAIR. Mag ic Chef 1tove, !Junk beds with aprln111 A: maUresses & other LARGE home or church elertr1r organ, new. Cllmalt' proof. very reasonable. HY 4·7lH , 6c8 HAMMOND 0 R GANS. World famoUJI, All modals. AlllO aever· a.I blh'g11in11 tn used org&n11. You can save on the~e fine organ5. DANZ·SCHMIDT, 520 l"o. Main. Santa Ana. JOIN THE SCHOOL BAND RE!\"T A BAND INSTR1JM.ENT as low u S!5 per mo. with rent· al to a pply on tuturl! purchase Ol- SHAFER'S Music Co. (Since 1907) 421·•23 N . Sycamore, Santa Ana Phone Kimbl'rly 2·0672. DANCING lNSTRUCT10N. Latin It American-In the privacy of your own home. Mature college atudent. Well quallfied tn•truc- tor with excellent rd Harbor 21:17-R evenlngll or Box 436- Balboa b land. llc7 Boy 12 to 11 y1•A rs ot age for route co\'ering-the tollowinr slreel.J! on Balboa bland. Dia· mond, Ruby, ColUn.a, Turquoi•t, Topaz Ave. Thi• route la open now and pays well. e&n Wa.Jter A. Parker after • p.m. Har. 1616 mlac. Items. Har. 600 204 -------------- Pearl, B&lboa JA land. 4c6 $1\ PER MO. RENTS good prar.· lice piano. Let the kiJlliea learn All terms rent 1r you buy latn. 6tf DA y WORK DESIRED A C'OOk· YACHT deck • uaL •nstneer. in&". Own l ranaporla tion. Color· Write &'fvlnl experience, local t'•I woman. Kimberly 3·9283 6r8 reterenc• .ti phone number to -------------Box 8-61, this paper. 4~ EXECUTIVE 1e<:retary, 311, per· 1onable, fut. a ccurate, drpend able. 17 yrs. cllverslrted experl· ence wlth top executlvu, de· sire! poi1illon within l :l mile ra· i1iu.s Newport Beach, Hafflor 3986-R after 2 p.rn. 4c8 COLLEGE girl wa.nta ro1Jm and board. Will bnby !It~ for part payment. KEiiogg !H 788 aftl'r 5 p.m . 4c6 BADY 8ITI'ING by hour. day or week, by mature womsn Har HQ4·M 4p6 LADDCS, AVON XMAS aalu •tart now'!\ Make S2 hr. near home. Vaceiclu l.n Ca.ta Mesa area. Kl 3-9391. •c8 • COOD hoWltkeeper cook, while for J adult.a. LIH In or out. LI 1-2Aa. •'-" WANT capable adult woruan ror bU)' alttiDS" for occulonal after· DOOll• A: evellinp. Corona d.el Mar ana. Phone Har. llMIO, 4c8 LA);S: Read om' aa under cl i!lcat.ion 24. -Super Mar· ke Tnalnln&" AL TYLER School.a Mesa Wooacraft Unpalnted It Juvenile Furniture Modern II dr. deak ................ $19.915 Student <leak .... .. .............. $14.95 Sectional Bkc&IMlll from ....... $15.46 Complete Une unpainted furn. aoft and hwd, Mlnwu and Deft tlnlabea Orden taken t or abutters 2121 Harbor, C.M. Liber ty 8-1845 0000 TABLE TOP GAS RANGE, old but clun, $115. Rug II x 12 S 10. Div&n $2~. Old chairs. Har. H90·R be(ore 9:30 a. m. :lc7 NEARLY NEW, allgtitly uted Cood furnJture. SecUonal davenport. matchlnc large coffee table, matchlnf lamp t4lble, matching lamp, yard awing. U !50 value for IJl:lO. Private party, 230 Dri.ttwood. Shorecllff~. Corona del Mar. ThurJ1, It Fri. !I to 7 ::Jo p. m., Sat. !I to 11 a, m. 5c8 EXPERIENCED GARDENER GARDENING It yard work by day week or month. 1611 N. Broadway, Santa Ana. DBL.-HOLLYWOOD BEL>, txcl. KI T-3:51 t. INcS cond, $20. Har, 28H . 6c7 _Libe __ rt_y_8_..a_13_9_at_t.e_r_8_. __ a_u_c SO-Ml8cellueoaa Z9-B!1f. Wanted PERSONABLE YOUNO MA:-.i for e\1entnr del!k cl"rk. Har. 1968. llc7 SI't'TER for elrlerly womM. Pitrt time 5 day• w~k. 327 lalanrl An., Barbo&. Har. a•eow. ~c7 -Claultled Ads are read by folka wbo &re really looking to buy. -Ca.II Ra.rbor 11118 to placa your Ad on thJa pare. .. For those who want ua. but Konkel's Interiors Upholstery, draper1•, .UJ>CO"n. bed.tpr.ada. New phone Llberty 8·79'11 2010 Harbor Blvd., LEICIA :.ir 8UMKICRON lenM MS model. ll&!lt mew. ca. • lm.te lloo4. Ont month old 1400. C'all betw.rn 8 .ti t p.m . Ha11lor UH-W. tel $1150 TAKES LlmOlt new 21 fnch co1U1ole Motorola TV. 2 older 11 yle bedroom 8el3 I <lrup leaf oak kltdten 11et. Or wtll sell separately. U 8·40it, 6c8 I PIECE BROWN SECTIONAL with W?'Ouiht Iron comer flu• top tabl• $40. Yellow chrome dinette $23. Bed-davenport and matctuns chair UO. 3 mstchln&' ch.._ ot drawert IJ2!5. f93 E . 18th •L. eo.t.a w.... le 8LOANm DA nlNPOJtT. I JoOM ~uahlona. dmm tmtd $1111. - Har. IW•W. kl DANZ·SCHMIDT. ;,20 Nu.1 Mttln S1mt11 Ana. 100 p!ano11. Home of the Hammond Orl!'an. HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line, 111 models. Free practice rooms. Come in and play on eny mocfrl. The Great Concert Orga n, the Home Modrl, the ('hurch Md the Spinet M<>clels. lf you think you cannot plsy, come In and try the world fllmous Hammond, ea11y to play, Chord Organ. You wlll be 1111ton11heJ to find you can play in tlftetn mmutu. DANZ·SC'HMIDT Piano &: Organ Co. R ome of the R &mmoncJ, 620 Ne. Main, Santa Ana. SP JN ET PIA..~OS. Wonderful buys. Some slightly damagrd In shipment. R<"ntal relllm11 anc.I trade ln1 'ln organs. Mirror •rype Spinets 11.s low 1111 $19:1. Ea.~y tcrmll. DANZ·SCHMJDT, ~o No. Main, Santa Ana. Hom·~ ot the Ham· mond Orran. BEAUTIFUL BLONDE MIRROR piano In perfect C'Ondltlon. Terms U 0.82 down 8t: SH,42 per mo. at- SHA.FER'S MualcCo. (Slnc~1907l '21..f.23 N. Syramore. Santa Ana Phone Klmberly :.l·Oll72, BABY GRANO, Special. Only $ '69l'i. Goad tone and &(;Uon. Btneat • t o c I< of wondertul rrand plllnOI In Ora.nce County. Terms. DANZ · SCHMIDT Great Piano and Orpn Stott. &20 No. Maln, Banta AnL Home ot th• Harn· mand Orp.n. MERCURY 1953, Monterev 2 cir. hard t op, Merromatlc:, R & H, tubeles11 WW tires. Tint glus, original owner $1895, 011yJ1 21 IO Harbor Blvrl , eves or week ends 306 Iris. :lc7 ·50 .FORD Club coupe $:.!75. equity plu11 payment.a. LI 8·2019 llc7 54 MG TD Mark 2, R 8t: H. Tinted ghu11. Slightly modltled Exel cond Muet !It'll lmmertl11tely - Har. 3627. 5p7 We neeci apts and bOUMa l.n &II aecu ona for bOth willter ud year'• leue. Furn. or unfuML 1t you ha ve a vacancy, phone today The Vogel . Co. 1201 W. C.t. Rwy., Newport Bch. Pbone Uberty 844.11 ..r 208 Marine, Balboa llland Phone Harbor Uf 2667 E. Cout Hy., Corona de! Mu Phone Harbor 1741 Lido Office, 3'18 Via Udo Harbor •971 32Uc 1955 PLYMOUTH Belvedere 8 cyl. DESIRE 3 or 4 bdrm hOUlll' l<> hard top sports coupe Power rent 1n Tustin area, Will trade steering. power brake11. radio, ltk•• rental 1n C'orona clPI Mar. white wall tlrc-11, Like nPw -Hur. 4:i32. W , llc8 $2SO-O. Har. 2H6. t.c.GJ ____________ _ COUPLE-Man JoPally empl. - 19:13 PLYMOUTH 4-.:lr. Exel. c:!On· 1 Wonts 1 nr 2 !Jdrm. hou:1e part· dllton. Pr!V1te party. Call LI ly film. We hK''" appllance1 A 11·6201 tleys. f>ci ~<'me furn, «Iris" ln Newport CADI LLAC '47 conve1tible Com· pletely rebuilt motor, Plutic; t11p, W \\' t1re11, R & H $1\il'>. !"aty Hrlll pr ,.fert etl NPr<I large g11rng<' Wn te t~ox U·36, W • papl'r ll8tt 1111 r. 19611 !5c7 WA NTEO TO RENT -3 br furn . 1!•~10 F'OR IJ Pant>! aitrfing truck. or unturn. 1tou11t'. Clo11P to S1tnla Ac1·••mm.,rlfll1Qns for llvlng. !"nil Ana bu~. \.&II I.T 1Hll24 2938 Hin 3208 llfter S p, m. ric7 W. Coul Httehwny, ve Hnvc>n __ I Motel. 6p7 2 ROOM, FURN. bKhelor apt. 1 or 2 adults. $75 mo. on leue Oct. 1 to J uly 1 uUL Included, or $100 mo. on yr. !-. .ar. Private beach It dock prtv1lege1. No peta or chJldren. Bee.con Bay near Harbor lalud, Har. 2768 lTFC LA.RGI!: l bedrm apt. unturn. Dl•p.. 1tov• rettlr. • rar&e•· Near Lido ShopplnJ Ccte.r. :9rly. rent.al, Avail l ept. 18. Har. 3669, "1pl1 STUDIO APT. tum. INltable tor one bualnn• pet'ltOn. 808 Lt.rk· 1pur, Corona del Ma.r. '-after 4 .l-0 p.m. kl CHINA COVE, Bayfront tunmhed apt. Opens on larce, MCludtcl patio fifteen feet from btati Ud«- Fu m ace. •torac-e, p.rqe and phone. A vaUable for 1.... or winter r ent.al. Leue 11%5 Pff mo, Excellf"llt valut. Ph. HYatt 4·220ll. tatto For couple 11eekln&' eountry quiet & ~pacioumHa. Near town, l- borm. apt. .f'arUy furn .. ocean vlt w $75 mo.. yrly. 956 We11t 18tn St , CoRta Men 8 to I . Call H.,r. 80 ftfo, CAIJ 1940 7 )>a.'!."ngl'r g1md mn· . CORONA DEL MAR. r1 2 tnr Sl OO H ar. 2654.w ~.c·7 WlJ\'TEK RF:~TA;.!' wante•I In , • yea 1 • lhe Harbol' arc·a Tenanl11 wall· bd. m. duplt x e.nd l·bdrm. &pel'l• mt1nt. FurnJahed Incl. uUUU.. Harbor :H09 2tfo Bt:ICK 'l'>~ Super R1v1era. 4 new !ub••lea1 Urea. New nickel 11lver 1 bullery. 4 bbl. carhuret.or. Own· "r will sarrlfl<'t', Going ohroad, lnl!' Ph1Jnl' 1n vottr va~an<'l<'s lo· clay REX 1u;<'·1-1s , RuJtor, 2301 \\'. Balboa 81\'(J. Har. 01116. trr $2300 balanrl' 11n payments H Harbor 0818·\.\' 5ci 48-ARl!· ll Oll~8 ~ R4'nt_ 113 CHRYSLER Wtntlsor. ortgln11l owni>r. Lo11.ded $109&-$300 dn, ltrma. R nr. (1718 or KI 11·2104. 6c8 1949 LINCOLN 1port aellan, RAH o'Jrtve, WW tlte11 8t: iJr, llghlll $47~ or tradl' for trailer See Krutz, 1660 Whlll1er, Coata Mel!a. llc8 WINTER RE!'\I ALS F'um 1 b<lrm hou~e $66, 2 bdrm $71'>, nr"'' l hclrm. apt., flrtplace, $70. H11r, 6293. 1008 W. Balboa Blfd. 2tfc CLlF"F HAVEN, Twu bedrm, un· furn. Trlpl .. nea' 11chool1. Y&rd m•lntalned, wa~· pd. Oarb. 1h11p. fan autvm. hPat Owner 272 Broadw1v LI 8·2i76. 2tfc RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cr&11 Channing Harbor Haven Apartment.a • Patios NEW 4 ROOM, 1treet level. Near achool11, •hoppln& dl11trlct. Qulet. pleuanl. exclualve. Oarbq-.dia· po1a1, laundry, •torace rooma. lflU'&C'e, 182.110 up. Occupl• en• lire etreet. Good auperviaton. Mgr, 1!101 Haven P lace I Block South vf Hl&h School ALS(J FURNISHED APT!. WINTER RATl!!S Otte RENT FRl:E Apt. to mlltdlt qtd co<Jpl1 f'>r .ervlctt. Ha.t. UOI k7 CORONA DEL MAR ltudl<> a pt. 19l'>3 VOL'WS·\">'AOEN, 11un roof, aeclan, raMQ. A·l condition, Uc. No 1Z366Q9 Private party - S!l95 Har. H 24·M. Long-Bearh 666·279. 6r8 Blanche Gates, Rltr. Furn, $6& monlh, plu• utJ11tle1. c all u 8_.1117. 0c1 '47 CADlu...AC ' dr. Nda.n, mQtor .t. hody tn top condition a•oo. Har. r>2•6·R. 8c8 •8 CADILLAC e2 -• dr. -.c.i· lent condition. Good Ur•. new t>l11.r k flnl•h STttl. H1r 3t'1'9·J tea 311 Mum• Ave. ~boa lalanO, Bar. 11171 7:.lttc ROOMS, C'OTI'AGES, APTS. DAY, WEEK OR MONTH THE BLUE TOP MOTEL, 403 N ... 'port Blvd., Just above The Archea. T4ltc CORONA DEL MAR BEAl:TIFULLY F1..'R:O:. Studio apt. l blocl< rrom ocean, fir•· plare, b&r Slllt.bl• tor bum· neN per1on 1Jtllltl~8 Incl., 1•r M5 yearly. Har. aMO. tc7 . I 48--Ae '· Roaeee ~r But '3-AJ!t.. a Hoases tor Rent 1 ~ B~~ opp~rtimJtl.!!_ 62_-_Be&J_. _r..a_ta_te _____ a_-_11ea1 __ r..a_tat._. _____ _ "TTENTlON BEAUTY OPERA· Cabanas Mar·1nas ;~~s· 1~0~~: ::!~;::~n:e.to~~ "We' re Mov·1ng Z brlrm. turn. home w ith well .OPEN HOUSE equlpp&!i beauty .11hop.. Yeuly Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OPTERS lelUle $1~0 mo. :?003 Tustln, C09· to , ... ·1ne Terrace" ta Mi's&. Ll 8-i8~2. ~NI I f ue Marguerite. corona del )far BETI'ER MOVlt FAST on thl.t Immaculate 2 bdrm. home. Fire- place. hardwood ftoo,.., Load1 ot tile A <'Upboard• Shingle root. Nw.r bl'at •hopping A lN.n•· portatlon Delightful lncloeed patio that you muat aee to ap- pred atc. Tlll• one really epark- IH. Beltl'r hur ry, •all!lman on premlae• to 1.how you a round every at'tern°fn. Good til'mT. Delisbttul li.tnc. Apt..C.buu. Utilities paid. with Yacht lllp a.ccomOdatiom. DU11, weMI)'. monthly, yearly. ror appt. or rwnation, Call Har. 2992. Mt!c Bachelor's Luxurious Peninsula --View On Hideout o{ qay Piano-Cu9toPl furniture-Large Living room with bv -dlah.• -pot.a and pana -Bunk beds and bath dowutalra for guests. A couple might be happy here also. $160 month, years lease PHONE Carter Darnell, owner, Lehigh 9-2158 during day or Harbor 2121 evenings. 4c9 434-Apta. tor Beat 48-A-Apts. for Rent LIDO ISLE BAYFRONT APT. LEASE. Tutefully decorated, furn. or unfurn. 2 bdrm., l bath (encloeed tub & shower) all electric kitchen, W /W carpeting. Patio. Laundry & gar- age included. Avail on or about Oct. 1. OWNER Har. 3224-W 99tfc '8-A-Apt.. for Beat BAY VIEW 1tUdlo a pt. f urn. Bal- boa bland. Garage, TV, $70 mo. Utlllllu Incl. Winter. Harbor 3999-\V. l'>c7 -!EARLY up11tai,.. tum. apt. Z bdrm. EiUler 3 men or 3 ladies. 11'>0 month.-225 20th St., New- port Beach. 6p7 YEARLY LEASE. NEW unrum. 2 bdrm. ga.r. apt.. plu• launary rm.. 11tove A refr.. $8:1-7107 Seohon Drlvt, Newport. 6p6 Furn. Single Apts. Console 11tovea Inc1lvldual r efrlg . \lonthly or weekly rate11 l :ll~ So. CO&l!l HlghWBy Lag'llna Beach HYa.tt 4-0042 4c6 48·8-Hooses for Rent WINTER RENTAL lo J,une. 2 bdrm. rum. $i0 mo. Utlllt11•11 po. Garage available. 121 F. Balbon Blvd., Balboa. :'>c7 WINTER RENTAL S1•pt. tel J une. 3 bedrm furn. Sufi mo 11~ E. Balboa Blvd. Owner JI 10 Heath- er Road. Long B ellC'h. f'h. 3fl- 3697. l p9 WINTER rental. 3 b<.lrn1 furn. duplex & carport. 1220 Balboa Blvd. Har. 4942-W, 4p6 3 l:IDR..M., P ., baths !urn. housr. Avail to J un11 l:'>th SlIO per mo. 57('& Seashore Dr,, Nrwport. Owner, J. R. f'OtnWt'll. iOO Huena Vista Way, LG.gun& Beach. HYatt 43:'>46 4p6 NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee S.A.U:S -REFIN A NCJD CONSTRUCTION Call for Fr'H Fast Commitment.a on l\u ldencu and Unit. only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA LI 8-:l:H I LI 8-6562 WE SPJo;CIALlZE m LOANS &. Fl.NANCI.NO \JN H0l'SETHA1LERS AU\us, Furniture & Salllrlt's One Day Service Lonnll ft om $:JO to $1200 or mvre CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 11!98 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesn L! 8-ii51 -c..lpl•n Frhlays llll 8 Closed Sn tur1);.iys-He YO~ CAN BOR.ROW MOR~ TAI._£ LONGER TO REPAY PAY LESS WHE~ YOtr BORROW THE SA.:-:TA ANA MORTGAGE WJ). Y 205 Spurgeon Bldg . KI 7-4 f68 OcJIJI LOANS for Homes 6"' -20 yr. Loua Construction Loans SEE BOB BA TI"LD 2515 EA.ST COAST BL VD. Corona del Mar H u bor 3888 Rep. POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite Ina. Funda KL 3.::.185 48t!c L.OA.NS TO HULU>. !MPROV.t: BUY, MODERNl.ZI;. OR REFINANCIC • We Buy Trutt. Deed.a NEWPORT BALBOA SA VINOS • LOAN ASSOCIATION 3368 Via Udo. Ph. Rt.r. 4200 lfo TRUST DEEDS for th<• PRIVATE INVESTOR 6', l(I JO'~ return SANTA ANA MORT(O.,.U~ CO. 200 Spurgeon Hldg. Kl 7·1168 6cl8 58-Real Estate Sen-Ice Southwest Farm and Ranch Service -BE SIJRE BEFOR!C YOU BUY More and more ~r area famille. are inspecting tbue uquiaite homea -noting their eom!ort, eon- nnience and central location. More a.rid more families who prefer a home in a re- atricted quality community a.re moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and aee for yourself the many out- atanding features of this remarkable community. Inspect model Mac co exquisitely furnished the by homes, Corp. built by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For RecommendatiQ.D, we refer you to anyone who holds a U&.sebola T..Sfale in rrvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY.-11-5 243 Ocean View, Newport Heights Stop by and see this 3 bdrm. home with a terrific Ocean View. Has 1 ~4 bath. Field stone fireplace In a large bright L. R. Sepe1 ate dining room, very convenient kitchen. Full Price $25,!'lOO. Se sure to see this. LIDO ISLAND Call us to see this beautiful 3 bdrm. l~,1 bath home on a corner lot. All the modern convE>niences. "ART" ADAIR, Realtor 1666 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif. LI 8-3792 HOW .ABOUT THlS ! A perman- ent octan view borne. Located at 360• Ocean Bh•d ., cor. Orchid, C.O.M. 3 nice bdrma., 2. bat.hi, large Jiving rm., dream kitchen A luge break!ut nook. See Catalln,a from most every rm. You h11d betll'r come A see tor yourself. OPEN F"OR INSPEC· TION A PTERNOONS. • • • LOVELY 3 B DRM., P•,. BATH home (H OO sq. tt.l r,39 Jrvtne, Newpt. Hta, EXCLUSIVE LIST· lNG. • • • 100 FT. FRONTAGE buslne111 P11>~rty on cut 17th Sl. A ref.I good buy at $22.600. Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. ~yle-C. Travla. C. Ru.u, Auoc. Sl2 Marine Ave-Balboa lllland :'>c7 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST carefully nlect- ed valuem In each of our dl1Unct· ly dlrterent HARBOR AREAS. CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATE 3 bdrm., lotl of cupboa.rda, di.lhmuter, ~poul. mere. awltche•. BeauUlul land- acaplng at a price that maku .-enae. 4'/o C l. loan and only $11'>,600. BALBOA PENINSULA ITS CHARMING INSIDE A OUT! '"'4 bll<. to Jetty, Modem Pro· vtnclat, 2 bdrme., loll of cup· BAYSHORES boa.rct11. 6'!-loan, S5U8 mo.- p·ooo MARKET with meat coun· Roomy, Early AmeriOB.ll. 2 B. R., Only $18,600. ter. On good comer In growing PLUS gar. unit. kn. plnl' tilt., CLIFF HA VEN bkfst b&r, 2 patine ·· ·· .122•500 RANCH TYPE TRIPLEX-Com· Orange County city. CloH to CLIFF HAVEN 11.'hool1. Excelll'nt opportunity. 2 B. R.. x.lnt. location-tor ule un!urn., or for Jeue turn.. Lo d.n. 45 ACRES M-1 on main highway ln Orllllge Co. CORONA DEL MAR Cl.Ile 2 B. R., provincl&l, room for unit.. dON to mlrt1. 4k tnulllp, pletely modern-built In anten• nu, thermo heat, garb. d111p., ~prlnkler 11ystem, 2 b<trm•. In each apt. A low, low down pay· ment • you're In b11111ne111 with a home plue lnC'ome. WEEK. MO. or YR. OCEAN FRONT. Z bdrm. apt .. furn .. elec. retrli;. or 1 bdrm. apt. tum .. fireplaee, g .. r., patio, elec. ref- rig. Ph. Upland, YUkon 321-164 or 323-t 93. 4c6 OCEAN FRONT, 3 bdrm. t11rri. houn, i 1, bath11, gar , fencPd yd. Sl-00 per mCl. Winter or $1 35 yr. leaAe. Avail. ;-.lov. l UUI. pd. Also 2 bdrm. garage a pt , •leep• 6. $715-$85 winter. $95 yr. leue. Avail. now., utll pd. 1708 Wut 01.'can Front. ~6 LIDO ISLE. 3 bdrms., 3 bath& home on annual ba,~ls. Healed swlmmrng pool. Slip !or 40 !t, boat. Beautifully furn. Exqut- 6l te l.n11tde planteri.. shrubs ..iround patio & pool. :l oor gar. $800 mo. Inquire 4 I Balboa Coves, Newport. 3cJ6 Complete tnvcstlga!lona &; r<'ports. Repre11ent non-restaent tandlordll. Fitzmorris R 'lty. Co. 3:) yrs. covenng Arizona A: New R-2 . . .......... -· Aaklnr $12.600 Cor. lot 2 nlce apt. over gar. R-2 Muriel M. Pinover Realtor BA YF'RONT 2 bdrm furn. apt. Pier • float for 30 f t. boat. l.eue Oct 1 to June J. Private bl'ach. 417 Edir;t'water, Balboa. EDgewood 2-2384. •c9 SINGLE APT Furn. $31'> per mo. Yea.rly r11I•'. •nd . uti11Ue8. 309 Bay Ave. Balboa. Har. H6-W. 4c6 •9-Rooma for Rent Mexic:o. Phone Har. 343~.J or Mulllple Liatinir (Onla.ct C. B. Brown, R t. 2. Box Brok ere 994, Tue.son, A riz. 96c10 Bu11tne111 Broker I 3135 E . Coast Hwy., Corona rlel Mar 61-Real Estate Exch~~!._ APPROXDtATELY $r!lll0 cq111ti 5-room home near l"CLA Wciil- woocl VIiiage exchange f Pr tn· cvme or C ·2 Costa Mei.a or \i· clnlty. Owner LI 8-3870. ftlt Harbor 21:12 $4000 down . Full Price SI0,000 SYLVIA THOMPSON Assoc. BACK BAY Z60• Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Euy Parking Ha.rb(>r 4610 Choke lot on Sterni. Vista. 70xHO $6500 2 B. R. & den, l' bath, complete Jdlcnen. lgl' atrv. porch, patio, 1ome view .. . . .. $19,950 Claire Van Horn GOLDEN RULE VALUES Deluxe Furn. Apts. 2 ROOMS, tollel & showl'r. No hou.sekeeplng. Private entrance, 706 Margue.nte. Corona del Mar ~p6 VERDUGO WOODLANDS GLENDALE Newport Heights $7600 REALTOR SM.ALL HOME, large Jot. BeauU-2731 W. Cout Hwy. !u1 surroun!Jlngs. :--:eeds dre1u1-LI 8-4277 SALE or l..EASE INDt:STRIAL BLDG. -2000 sq. ft. Ctoae·ln, on al'wer. L&r~e lot. Fenced. A real bargain at $H,!500-te.rm11. M-1 CORNER One 6 two bdrm., with television. A v&llable for eumme.r or win- ter. ALSO yearly Jeuu. In Heart ot acUvtty -Lotl or parking. ROOM, private home. pnvat" en· t ranee, atljol ning bath Men only. Coron& tlt•I J\tar. Har·hor 1326-J . 6c8 ing up, sa<'rl!ice ror q11lek u.Je. COSTA MESA LOT H::1:0rE36:-1boa Blvd., B&l~~fc M-Storeit tt Offl~ LARC:E BF:A t 'Tff1'L MOOE RX H OME $25,1100. Take smaller 1101110. lotJ!, or buslne~s propl'r1 y In Beac•h Area for Sl6,5(l() equity. Also roniilcl!.'r boat to $1 0.000. Al\getus 9· i296, 8 tn 5 6C8 ~l5x23' ON MONTt:: ~ISTA near Orange SI , cno1ce lot. Houee or ap&.rt.menL,. N.B.C. Realtv Co. Lido Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. a partments. Furnl..ehed. Garage•. Yearly or winter rental. Har. 1'>6i5. BUSINESS BLDG. 62-Re.aJ Estate With patio, ()Ox!!:'> loL 185 p('r ORANGE COAS'r PROPERTIES mont.h. U3 22nd St., :'\ewpclrl haJ! several f"hoice Hack Bay Bet.ch. Kl 2·1498. !16cl0 rt>atri<'lrd home elles $6000 to NEW, SMARTLY FIJR.NlSHED $8200. Two wll11 Waler vl11taa. ORA NG£ COAST 32nd • Newport h!vd., H ar. M36 or H O:'> Costa Mesa How Can You Miss ofClce. PROPER'l'1ES 7c20 1999 Harbor, Co1<ta Mrsa. Llbt>r•y 1~7 Newport, C'osla 1\·tPsa -------------8-3333. !Htfc LI 8·1632 El'e LI 8-6803 TH!S C HARMING home on land- sra pt'1l &. fenced 60 x 130 lot. 2 hclrmi1. ONT.Y $i750 with trms. FURN. APT 1 bdrm. 108~ ·25th Street. NPwport Beach. Call LA.nbert u-3686 or •ee owner Sat. or Sun, only at above 11<1- ClreH. Ad11lt11 .\ l chlld only 5ci WEST BA YFRONT NEWPORT. Mod. tum. 1 6: 2 bdrm. aptl. Utll. paid S50 to $611. Clot!e to 1lore11 A buues. Har. 0499-M. !ip7 f8B-Bo11M9 for Beat FOR I.LU...-: TWO Bl:A.UTI.Jl'UL new lmne Terrace unturn. Yiew homea. 3 BDIUU., I bathl and 2 BEDRKS., 2 bat.ha. Call Barbor' 1 '1711 or Barbor •us. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Inine Ten&ce OOlce Corona dl'l Mar. 33tlc WILL SHARE new 1pactou1 ocean Yl.w hom• Wltb yaunr woman. Very reuon&ble. 436 De Sola. Corona del Mar. Har. 2387-J. ftp I BDRK. J'URN. BALBOA. ttr .. pi.e., 1'9Cl'MUon room, double ..,... .. no pet.I. Wlnter rental. Bar. llM·R or Bar . .012. 6p7 ""1M'l'Dt ftmNT ALB, J.-1 bdrm. bonM9 tum. ne&r ba,, B&llloa I~ 6: UO month. Call Harbor llH-M. 6c7 I BEDRM. HOME, COit& Me•. Partly f\arn. T-.r\y JMa HT moaUa. LI 8-4..138. lc7 UNFU1'lNISHED 2 bdrm. home In B&yahoru. Immediately avaJl- able on yea.r'• ll'ue. $126 mo. "C" Thomu . R'llr., Lt 8-:11127. 6<'7 Store Building By Owner -Model Homo Modt>r n. $65 Mo, Suitable insur-3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Lov,.ly cor- ana . n•al estat.... l(ifl:oi, etc. lll't', ~5 fl. l:1n!l1wape<l loL Bac·k Parking f!ll"tillll'i<L FA. H1·at. y11nl tompl. ft'nte<l. 1-'.A \·nit Call Hur. 20i0. 6!1t!c heal. hw1l. firs •. ga.l'b. J l11. w to w -1 caqwt ancJ drap••s. 2 11tore~ or offices, one 2&'<31!. Une Sl 7 500 -Terms l2x2:'>. Low rent. Sttilallle ror r"-11!4!1 lr~·in~ Av~ .. c .M. Ll 8·i389 tall bu,,lness 01· <irtli-e. l\Oi E. · :Jp7 Ba lboa Blvtl., Har. :l6'Jll Rf>Lfc ------------- THE BEST Dl.'PLEX $13.:5-00 - Balboa Two Ocl!an Front lot11. 7.oned f or clttplexts. $9~00 elll:h . Coast Properties :1111 E. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa Haroor 2658, 2697 and •600. 5S·A-Boslnf'88 ~ntals DESK SPACE with phone aervlf"e $30 mo. l'iOT F.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Phone answering srrvif"e also available. Har. 3606. l!fltfr i:;..e this 1111mac111_a1e littral:tive 1 Doc. tors Attention A: well loi'at ed hu11<11ng In :\ rw- pnrt Heights. A rt•1tl b11y! liar 4 l;:'l:IT MODERN BLOG. on JZO' ~·lM. flr8 x l:'>O' Costa Mesa bi.alnUA Jot. FOR RENT -F urnished omce Ul auoctatlon "';lh an attom('y. Tax expert prete.rreci. 291 Z W. Cout Highway, :-.:('wport Bell('!\, Calif. LI 8-6102. 88tfc M-Bosinese Opportunlti~ NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL Next to cor. 19th 6: Placentia, In Ca.ta Mesa. 2 bedroom home, excellent condition. Plus a small •lore In rur. Plenty pa.rklnr A room for expa.n!!lon. lmmedlat.e ~•ton .. For 11ale or trade. $395 DOWN IM.MEDIA Tit POSSESSION, 4 bclrm , 2 bath h<"!les. F 111J price $10.600. 2029 Harbor Blvd. LI 8-'761 - (Evr11.I LI 8·4718 or Harbor 3060{, 99c.l.3h 2 BR. HOME at 1 br. apL nea.r Bay & U do i;hl>pptnK "l'nll'r $10,500, t enn1. Wiil ta.lee lot or T.D. u part payml'nl. HOMER E. SHAFER Har. H O, Eve. Har. 11 37-M 7:'>29-M call owner LI 8·6223 mornl.np -VJE--W-H_O_ME __ O_N_CL_l_F_F_D_R_.- or &ft.er I> P· m. 9ltlc NEWPORT HEIGHTS ORANGE .TUl CE .l c13te aha.ke P'OR 8AI.E OR W1LL TRADE ltand. Coa.st Hlghway z~ miles thlJI 2 bdnn. A: den home 1 a.,. eouth of Corona del Ma.r. Year baUl, very conv. kltrhen lhat round bualn ... , Mk tor Norm. opc.n11 onto lhe patio. Gla&Mtl In sttc dining room, !lr,•plw:e flush 111 PRICE REDUCED $1,000 on busy little Corona de.I Me.r cafl' with nl'W founta in. You can ma.lee It here A be happy Terrn1~ - wall of L. R. W W ca.rpe.t..s. One of t.he beat buut home!! on Cll!f Or. C't'l.11 owner al LI 8·3i92 daya or LI S·MM evenlng11. 6c7 LEE CASEY office. 2:'21 E. Coul -Clu stlle<I Ad• a re rclU1 bv folks Hgwy Har (11146. flc 7 who are really looking to b~y. Good Professional JocaUon. Ideal l11r noctors, Denliste. medical or X-ray h1b. Or other profuslonal use. Plenty of parking. Pr1c._ $31 .MO. Trrms. :o\F:A L .1 MARTI~. REALTOR. Har. 3975 LI 8-17i4. F.AR~t LA..'fD betwen Coata Me.a & Santa An&. Bldg11., bArnll, wa- ler Wl'H., 80 acre11 priced et $3000 an 11cre with 29"'o down • immediate posl!C!lll lon. ORANGE COAST PROPERTLES 1857 Newport. Costa Mesa LI 8-1632 E,·e LI 8·6803 Ocean View :-.:EW HOME A lncome or ,.ue1t house, bot.h furnished. Patio. All convenlenf"PS incl garb. dlap .. 6&ragea. $23.~00 BARGAIN ac- <:ounl llln~Sl!. OPEN DAILY 227-48th Sl., New·port. Beae,h, 99pl3 CLIFF HA \'EN. by owner. 3 bdrm. homl', 4r G. 1. lo&n. $611 pllymente tnclu. tuee 6: lnlur· a.nee, dbl fV., sprinkleni, patio, ftnce<!. $14,960 or le1111 for equ· tty ln cub. LI 8-23n. •ce REAL VALUES ~ ACRE RANCHO 2 br. home. Approx. 9 years old. Lot1 ot out bultdlrig11. nice A: clean yard,- Fa.mlly fruit. Lot 1lze 66x330. Let us show you thl1 one today. NICE BUILDING LOT 60 x 2~. $2500. B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Blvd. Coeta Mesa LI 8-1672 Eves. LI 8·4.120 OPEN HOUSE 1-5 P.M. DAILY 21572 Circle Dr. Bllyahores, N,l:J. ENCL. PATIO. BBQ It FI.REPL. Eepeclally aeiigned ror outaoor living, 3 bUl'm,. 2 bath, xtra shower. Comp!. furn., cor. lot. •s blk. from No. Cllannel. Prtc- 1'<1 to sell. G. H. LATHROP. 3636 E . Cout Hwy., Har. 5442 Eve•. 6680. 6c8 CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUSES on cor. Jot. Bolh 2 bedrma. a. fireplace.. l hu t ..... heat. Both Jeued. '21.1500: Very <'holre buy. ALSO v A CANT LOT, 1-0Ulh or High- way. We alao handle exchange. It Income properly. G. H. LATH- ROP, 363'5 E. Cout Hwy., Co- t ona de! Mar. Harbor 6442. Eves. 1'>680. l'>c7 View Lot on Bluff. <Leuehold> 98 feel front.age. No. 302 Ktnr• Roa4, West or Pink HoWI•. Owner W. E . TenEyck, ~1 Padtlo Ave., Long Buch. Telephone Long Beach ~096 or 668-298. 9!1p9 LITTLE GEM Enrll•h TUdor cottar• So. ot W. 17lh STREET -Cloe&-ln, on sewer. H 0xl 26. You r m.n·t beat this al SJ0,!500. R-4 ACRE IDEAL location 11cro11.• rrom Hoag Hospital -J ust off Superior R oom for 14 unll11. High an" dry. See this at only $6500- tenns. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO . T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd,, Costa Mesa t acroM f rom Costn Mesa B&nk) P hone Ll 8·6761 , Eves Har. 43~-LI 8·2103 $6..~60 DOWN buys de~lghlful view home. 3 bdrm11 .. 2 baths, natural wood cablnell!. W.W. carpeting. forced air heat. fireplace. In· •·lo11ed cement patio, 11wlmm1ng pool area. 119.9:'>0. full prkc-, • on Kings R~ad ttJo! ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Costa Mesa LJ 8-1632 Eve LI 8-6803 A 'M'RACTIVE LARGE SHAKE . VERY MODERN Large picture wtndow, 3 bdrm11. A lg. brick patio. Family 11Ue din- ing rm., large tile kitchen with buJJt-ln dLnlng area. 2 BATHS. 1tall shower, Iola of Ult, pull- man. ~autlfully land•oap('(l lot 80x160, fenced, private all••y. Extra large 2 car ~artge 22x20. VACANT 1 % YEARS OLD, like new. Priced low to sell at $16,500 Very a ttractive t.erms, open atternoon.8. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa, Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97cll Blvd., Corona del Mar. Older ONE TEAR ROME NOT TRAC71' but g-reat ch&ma. Hur e S..o 2 br. home, nimp. rm. • arched Uv.-dinlng &Na. Woll· ~tlo kn. pl~ At Ute kiL a t· 2281 dertul tor enterta.lnlng. 2 Elden, Coeta M-. Dlchondra. BdrmJ.. den. 2 flreplt.ce1, a bl'rrler At trHl•. l blk E . &f churner• at 116.600. Euy Nt<wport. Blvd .. c1'}H to rnkt.3. A terma.. J:xcluatve agenL FORD I .Choo!.. &leij)I 7. 110,000, 12000 VERRINDER. Harbor 4283 dn. Lib, ttrm• to right party. •v•. 3t 77. 93tlc •JIG NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PASE I FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 a • ..,,...... • ANNOUNCING! ! e aattnce L. Cooper, Inc., Developer 5 Esqula!te Bay View Hom• (only I Jett) by John B. am, Qm.Ut7 BaUder locat.d on Harbor laland Ro.d l'•ture.1 • 4 bdrm., S bdna... or I bdrm. A 0- • 3 batha • Shab Roof • 2 fireplacea • 8wtmminl Pool .,, demed" e Lot 1.lue a•erap tJl'I a UIS' e Retltricted area e Clever Provin~ llMrailla and Ranch type hollle9 e Forced Air Heat, Garbage Dl9polat, W eninghouae diahwuher • Beautitul Pa.neling e Large Sunny PaUoa • ~ Lanc!8Cape4 • WI.red for m • Jl!dellty K'8do e ~ Cabinet lmtallationa • Built-JD ELectrlo 8toft la OftD • Bullt·ln Bar A ~ • Delightfully deoon.ted Shown by appointment only '° Que'""!' Olmlil For pnvt.w .,... c.n John A.bell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 E-rening Phone LI 8-8188 CLIFF HAVEN 8U Cliff DriYe OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. Three bedrm. le den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landecaped front and rear gardena. COSTA MESA Architect;• former home. Beautifally landK&ped, delightful patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA ftnanc- ing. Euy terma. Only St 4,SOO Call Liberty 8-26&4 (Eves LI 8-TOM) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms· Forced Air Heat -Maaaive Stone Fireplacea • Built in Range and Oven • . • actually every luxury feature and in Orange County's finest location. Big Estate Si.zed Lota suitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tu.st.in and Tum North at Red Hill Ave. George M . Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf LIDO ISLE 4 bedrms., 3 baths, spacious liv. room & den. Choice cor. location-a wonderful iamily home. ML 6260 $39,950 BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bedrms., 3 baths -Separate dining rm., charm· ing lanai & den Plus attractive 1 bednn. apt. $11,000 down CORONA DEL MAR Fine 3 B.R. home, excellent location-a good value. $15.~ WM . W. SANFORD, Realtor Park at Marine. Balboa lala.nd Harbor 2461 And Associates Open House SUNDAY, SEPT. 18 304 -306 Dahlia, Corona del Mar ft uni'-', 2 fumlahed, gara~s, garbage dispoaat1. PRICE $62.500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave. Balboa Iala.nd Har.502 ' • PAGE 6 ·PART g_ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS J -llHI Eotato _._. F•lata -a.al l'Alata n-ltaal -ta FRIDAY, SEPT. 16, 1955 ------------------------------------a. p~lmer p. incorporated r VOGEL VALUES RELAX developert of Lido Isle Large Family? 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME "ST ART LIVING II In IRVINE TERRACE Fully tumisbed contemporary home Two bed· rooms and den -Two baths. Lar ge corner. com· pletely enclosed. Patio with garden furniture. Beeutifully landscaped. After frw month" of ocru· pancy, owner must move. Price $29,500 Exclush•ely bste<l with Earl W. Stanley R~ltor Shown by appointment -Call at IRVINE TERRACF. TRACT OFFICE Opposite Irvine Cout Country Club, Highway 101 or Phone Hubor 4448 Corona del Mar Vogel Values HOME & BACHELOR APT. Excellent location makes this 2 be-droom home e\·en mo~ desirable. Kitchen bas dining area & is wired for elect. range. Attracillve & comfortable living r oom. Patio & BBQ. Bachelor's qtrs. hAs separate :\-' bath. The pnce is "right'' at $14.500-and we have a good loan committment. Exclusive U you want a large lot, plenty of light, largf' rooms and an o\·ersi:zed garagt'. here's the 1nswer! 3 bedrms. 2 baths plus :i , bath in gara~e. Carpeted, draped, furnished by a decorator. Beautiful patio. Available with or without furniture on vPry attrac- t1\'e term ·. $30,500 ind. carpet. drapes. 11tove. re- frig. & laundry equip. $4 1.500 completely furnished. Larg er Home Fi ne rt'snlt•m·~ on one of Lido's best corners Modern in every df'tail, with all bmlt-m features. 4 bedrms., 21 .: baths . lanai with ba rl>ecue, large centra l patio with tropical plantin~. terrific master bedroom Ru1te, ,·ery larj!e livin~ room and dining area . B1'e11 kfast room. laundry room. boat house. J ust about e\·erything a fam1lv might desire. Price $59,75V Modern Charm, individuality, tranquil 11tmosphere all blend perfectly in this fine 3 bedroom 2 bath heme. You will enjoy every minute in the lovely livir:ig room with its cheery fireplace. Very nicely furnished by Barker Bros. Carpeted ~tnd draped. F urnis hed price only $32,950. Terms. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co.; sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 .. Then be certain to see this most attractive home bu ilt especially for famil y of four children & design- ed so mother & father can have guests & privacy. The c-hildren even have their own living room.,"What rou\d be more perfect than thl\t ·~ Nice patio. nice yard. 4 bedrms· & 3 baths. Priced at !37.500 and with terms made to fit you. Ask for J04" Kincaid. Shorecliff Open House Picturesque one story ranch s l ylf' home. Lots of used brick & redwood. I.ow .sweeping llt'avy shakt' roof--Spac1ous floor plan. 1ncl>l(Jci; 2 bedr•1nmi:; & dt'n -2 baths -2 fireplaces. Beautiful OC<'iln ''lt'W -Just a step to exclus1\'e bathing bt>al'h. OPEN SUNDAY from l -5 p. m. '.?48 E\'('ning Canyon Roarl, Shore Cliff~ Drive by then C'.1.ll Diwe Osburn $1250 Down And you can mo,·e into this cute 3 bedroom. 11 ~ bath home. Less than 1 year olci too. Rest of all your monthly pymts. will o nly be ~6i.50 Prit'e S9500 Large Lido Lot • BC'au tiful 50 ft. corner Strada lot ............ Sl7.500 Building plan available. Call Bill Farnsworth p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-~73 Two Outstanding Peninsula Homes! Ocean View LAST ROUND-UP NO. 1 DOCTOR'S HOME WITH 4 bt>drooms a nd two bath11. Situat- ed on 2 large 1.:ornl'r Iota • . . walle\l tor privacy. Badminton court. patio and nicely land· 11rnped. Beaulltul carpei. and drapr·11. $30,000, lem111. 1 :: BLOCK TO BEA".:H Brand New 0Pn.and hu f XCee<k>d 11upply when th<'lle a1e all gone that's au $ 3,000 JOx 118 R-2 "''' ran g1\'e you a padrnge llC'I\\ home anJ lot. Ul's talk INCOME UNITS SOUTH of HIGHWAY ~o. 2 sPAc1ous MooERN _ • 2 Bedrm. home. Extra large lot. Plenty of room for additional unit. Only $3500 moves you in. S 4 :'lltil R-2 ideal 1l11plex 11elup, nt>Ar !!tore hu~ .. I'll' 2 bedrooms each, modem . year & a half olo. Lots or tile, wood panel. 14x14 sep. storage r·oom, sep. laundry room Income : $2700 pe r yr. minimum. Total price of $24.950 includes auto. washer & dryer, 2 refrig .. 2 bit-in range & ovens. Front unit com- pletely & nicely furnished. disposals. etc. "It's a dandy." Be sure to ask about the liberal financing. ATTRACTIVE MODERN 2 bedrooms, fireplace. patio, BBQ, 20x24 garage. Attractively decorated. Total price only ~13,500. Out-of-town owner will consider a low dowu paym't to qualified buyer. Please call for appointment. The Vogel Co. I BF.DR.OOMS. 2 liA THS. Oct>an view from 11p11l11\r bedroom. Lge. llv111i: roum with fl!l~11tone f1re- ph11•e PPrfe<'l for lar gf.> family. ! ~;;'"~;:~;'""Duplex! :"fo:F:llS A l.I't'Tl.E F IX"IN BL'T WHAT CREA T POSSffilW· TlES. 2 bedrooms up and 2 <In. Fum1llhN1 C:nr11gr11 Firepl&l'f'!I, rn1n1ler1<11 It p1f'r. $37.!'iOO. term11 2 Unit Income! $46(1\1 DOW:-: A:-:O THE TE:'lt· A:-:Ts \.\'ll.L PAY THE REST tor this •Jandy 2 hec1rom home with a 11rpamte harhelor and lUle 81' lhe <11ckens. loo. Both fu1 n111hed, Bay ant1 01 t'Bn loca- tion '" D&lbl•a. $16 !l~O Ill thl' pnce . . Kt'f' 1l. Balboa Cottage! $12.500 full price 5 Completely furn. units. Fine l('lcat1on. Top con- dition & income $10.500 moves you in. $32.500 full price. Ocean front Homes Completely furn. SleeJ>fl 5. Plenty or room for 2 additional units. $17,500 2 Bedrooms, completely furnished ~17 000 2 Bedroome com pletely furnished with nt w furni- ture. R·2 lot. $20.000 Good terms on all of these · J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 2667 E. Coast Hwy .. COM Har. 1741 Har. 1477 _____ t:t;n:. :-:tcF.LV F L'RNIS HEn It Near t he Newport P ier J.OCA TEIJ OX BAST BAY SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! -72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1.265.395.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service of A VENL'E ... cln11e t o Bay- ~~2rt5~1~ u$k1lc;0~:1~~~~~n~~::I ~~e:~ v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS f\ p<'nple 111111 In goncl l'nndillon. Upper Bay Area!. . uvEnt.ooirnw ~. A cuunirv 1. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished ·1ub 1111d 11 pip. :.i bPd111ums 11n(1 A best buy in 3 separate units, close to ocean. Ex- 1.len plus & lar"e 11v1ng room cellent location for rental~. This tthould sell quickl y with bre11kriut a rcli 2 f1replar· es L11rg1• gRrllgP with 8 r11mpus at $35.000. l\n<I frf'l''Tl'r room ll n!J ii. bath. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT S 17 .000. $iOl)I) down Balboa Realty Co. Located on choice St., 1 unit furnished & furniture ..... included in price. Consists of 1 bedrm each. dbl. Oppos1lr h11nk of Amenca gar. A b<>sl buy itt S17,500. Easy terms. I H Oiii. t:recley Al t~ornellui1 Ed Lt'e 3 Ja('I< f>l!'llch11m .Josephine Webb' • iOO E Halt>oa Blwt . HAlbOa I Pho ne Htt r bor 3277 LOT SOUTH OF HIGHWAY $ 6 950 Near Seavlt'W. Soulh 81d' Lt-v,l-011r hut deal $ 'i'.9fl0 3!>xl 18 R-2. LA>wl, ha., huge tree for I>. uo. $ 8.000 C.nyon 111dc view lot. 101.0.•· Ul priced lot an the Hig h· land~ $ 9,600 View lot 40' front, &O' In rur. pcrl.,l'l l lrvel du· pltx Int with ysrd to 11pl\re $1!\ 000 Top nf lhf' wnrld rn Cll· rona H1ghland11. unmllt<:h· Pd YIPW S 17.~ On Haul, A 11lupcr, vltw of l'1•~on1I bl'l\o h It. Ottlln 1 S s.rioo BBr k Btty. shop a round ftrlll then <'0"11' In •net bu\· thr bttl!l dl'lll 11va1lable • ALL. E XC:Lt;SJVE WITH RAY REALTY CO. 3411 F: l'na.~l Hy .. Cort11111 f'lel MRr Harbar 2288 1 Arrr .. •11 from Bank tn COM I 1/2 Blk . to Lido RIGHT NEXT TO LIDO SHOI'· I l'll"'G -DOCTORS. SHOWS 'J.. bdrm. apl. with gllt'!!l room lint! l:at h, dbl, 1:81 kO('m for fine ntow home .in lronl of 30 rt 1•11 f'a\'td 11llry $1'•:>00 $8000 •In or urrer. Channel Front LOT i 2 1l Fronlai:e A ;:,. Bulkne1111- t>rl With frnt' \ ll'W of h<lAll' 11nd h1·a1 h $1 '; nno 1-ull pncl' TPrm~ Newport Harbor Board of Realtors BAYSHORES "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Yes they are hard to find but wc have onP' L<'V<'I, zoned R 2 full price $4,500. S2.000 down wi ll handle. Better hurry exclusivP with Ufl. 1. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED Ocean Front r LOS E 1:-; ~N SEASHOHE Ort\'P l bl.Ir m h1,1r 1 rni. flrt'placto Li:r I pl111 .. j!l.•:<11 winrlnwll. 1111 r. J.HlOO lln $100 mn or oftn 410 32nd St. Newport Beach Ocean front Home $22 ,500 VERY A'M'RACTIVE year round home on Sea- shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining areL Formica Jcjtcben. 1 bedroom and 1:: bath down, 3 bedrooms and l l~ baths up. Solid con- 11truction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 rar garage, enclosed yud. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Buch Harbor 1013 ANNOUNCEMENT We a re pleued to announce the association with thi1 orflrt or NONA HYER. WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor 11nd A~~OCIATES 1306 P11 rk. Ballxia ltlla l"d H11r 2462 r. PRICE REDUCED I BF:Al"TY 11n.t (;HARM fa ll thu1 lnvrly 2 bdrm .. 2 b11th home 1lr- lll!l'"etl for gr11c1011s l\\'mg. Beau· ttr111 20x2:\ f l. p11neled II\' rm w ith l~P. f111,g111 ont' flrepllll'f , floor to ceiling gla!1s 'loo rs on· I to patio, lgt. rntry hall & gue~t .-Jo1et. din. room, very 1111 rllC'· ti\'(' kll C'htn Wllh btlllHn OVt'n ~ 11tove. l!>x20 ft. muttr bcrl· room. lge. rlouts. msny b11llHn futurt'll, be11ut1ful deep piJe \\' to \\" t'llrpi!llnc througho11l 1 ba throom. too>. a drrorator s r holre or tnteruUng v. 1tllpaptr11 and th• Ullt' of hern age woodt'n ah11ttt~ nuke11 for an extrem~· ly <lf'llghtful rntenor A HO~ff: UW!IJER'S DRF.AM FOR U :Sl.' S2• 000 Termii. Business .Income ('ORONA DEL MAR I l?l:VF:~TORS A'M'F::O."'T'ION! r on· 11t11l8 of 8 ·11nll1. 2 1t11rfW an•I 4 b11rhrlor 11ptfl Cherk !hr r<>~· r11b1hllr~ of 11'1111 fine lnronit l prol'f'rl ,. "C " THOMAS , I I ~~' v. L'n~eH~l.t~~,-.:•r\ f\1-111111 l.lt-f'rty 11·:'1!'127 1 ''C:" fh0~1 AS ''C ' THOM AS T his immaculate ocean view 2 bed rm. and <if'n home. 2 baths. carpeted WW, and dr11pes included. Yard has sprinklr r system. fencE'd complE'tl"ly. Auto- matic door opener in garage. Many other fine features. Truly a good buy And only $37.500. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 4.7 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ' TREES -TREES "&" plenty of elbow room on this 130' wide lot . Nice 2 B. R. home. fi replace. double garage "&" little gU(·~t house, $13.500 3 8. R. home. service porch, l •04 b!_ths. f1replacP. hardwood floors. forced a ir heat. double garagt'. large lot . redwood fenr e. n1re l11wn & ornnge tret-s. $14.500 with terms. Heaut1ful rustic 3 B. R. home and d 11plPx l all shake roof) 2 B. R. each 11ide. A-1 location, a very good buy at $30,000 with tcrm11. G .. N. WELLS, Realtor lSlO Nt"wport Bl\'d Cni;ta Mel'a LI 8-1601 Bayview Realtors 'ol:\Ofl W. 8all'Jll11 Bh•tl A REAL HOM E 1 HK STL:<.:<.:U, I '. httl hs f11 r ph11 t'. floor furnllo't!ll, h11r1l\\tm•I floor 11. 1200 l'l(J ft l.l.iriie-Obie g11r11g·· IOlJ! or I rmrnl. llll'e front 11nt1 rC'1tr y1111l11 all frnc ctf and ra,·"<I a lley All t urn111hr.J 1nrlurt1n,:r r.r11nit Plr.no All thlio for $61\JO <ll'IWl\ I Ir l\'f by 234 Br<1A<l10. 11y I ·1111 1111 or ,.,. .. ,·our I hrnl<l'r HY ()\\'!"ER lo1vPI} 3 l11h111, 1111.t ~ UPH hCl•l~I' lldwol fir~ '"' pill•'*' L'.t•ni .. nl blr" k wall ff'rH,. 11111111, l1ar·li ·q, h~h poml 1n•I w1ah1111t w~ll :SI<.., r 1'11111fl'ntlu I 1h~lnn. nr11r srhrxil" R-2 llll~ H"&.41<ll1ttbl" Mr Uonv\'lln, 11711 c·lr•y ~l II•~ \\'O!\'DER~TL HARBOR Bl.\"11 rorntr. Jmprnvro with $4~ "'" lnrom~ i 1:i.nn<1 <lo" n ORA NC;F: COA~T l'ROPERTU:i< IA.'7 ~""port loiot• ~''"" LI ~-1 ~2 i;:,.,. 1 ... 1 ~-~N'IJ P ier and Slip Full Pri<'e $89.500 BALBOA ISLAND 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BA YFRONT HOd Pit"r and Float -Full Pn ce $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BORM.-3 BATH & MAID ROOM-BA Yl'RON'I Pier & Float -Full Price $70,000 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMlll With Guest Apl. -Full Price SM.000 3 BDRM . -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMJC With Guest ApL -Full Price ~.000 3 BDRM. -2 BA TH -BAYFRONT HOMJll Pier and Float -Full Price $57.~ 4 BDRM. -2 BATH -BAYFRONT HOMJ!I With Guest Apt. -Full Price ~3.500 2 UNITS -2 BDRM. EACH -BA YJ'ROMT Full Price $42.500 2 BDRM. -1 BATH -BAYFRONT CO'r?'AGE Full Pric• $31,500 4 BDRM. HOME -$39.MO 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. HOME -SJS,MO 2 UNITS -$34,500 2 UNITS -$26,500 2 UNITS -$22.500 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,:500 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,9'50 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,000 BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$32,500 BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE AVE..-$3e,500 . VACANT BUSINES~ LOT -$24,tw>O . MOTEL, APT. UNITS $12,000. INCOME FU LL PRICE $89,500 See us for choice property in Beacon Bar and Bay Shore Area. THE VOGEL CO. 20 Marine Avenue. Balboa Island Next door to the Poat OHice • Har 444 E ves Har. 3059-M • Har. '248-R WE'RE LOADED! ! with Good buya, All Exclusive, in COM. See the.e, Qn(' of them might suit your need1. 2 B. R .. 2 ba., HW firs.. F. A. hnt. garb. ~p., firepl .. paved patio, fenced yd. Only a fe-., atepe , to Main Beach. Only $22,950 with good termL 2 B. R , & den home. 2 fireplaceA, bw fln.) Blg, B11 rooms. 11lus a 2 B. R. apt. over Jg. gar. .All on 45xJ18 lot. At least $3000 under rep'l oott @ S23.500 2 B. R . plus lovely encl. lan11i. lovely fenc4!d yard. only few steps to town. S1:5.~ with Jtlnt terms. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Hodge, Aaaociate 3622 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar. Har. 2774 ISLAND RETREAT Locat('d on a corner lot on one of Newport'11 very private islands. this fou r lx'droom, 2 level home i1 ""e (')f the outstanding buys in the Harbor area. Ther<' is a \'C•ry largf' li\'ing rw1m with massive fire- plaC'e. a roomy kitchen w1lh it cheerful break!ut room. }rnr<lwn11d fl oors. 2 bathR. plus beach 11hower , a 1:1econrl fl uro r l'Un deck. PL\ S A LOVELY P AN- EU:D APARTMENT WITH HATII. and 2-car g&r. $6000 rlown $19.000 total price GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY , Inc. Har. 2552. E ves. L1 8-5405 or LI 8·3186 3112 Newport 81\'d. N('wport Beach Closed on Sund~y BALBOA ISLAND [)1•lightful yr. round 2 bdrm. h<1me with income apt., dhl ~1:1.r., JUt\111 near the bny 1urnl11hPd $27,50<) BEACON BAY I '~NI brll'k. Rbutt('rl'. JlrC>\'lflCull paperR It wood d1·<·0r'ate th111 charming 4 bdrm. hf1me full carpeted, clnRete galorl' an1i n11mrro11s l('aturu plut1 a bey ,·ww. $40,()()0 -7' NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Manne A \'enue Balboa llllanri Har. 602 ·~-· , l COST A MESA Off ICE CLIFF HAVEN Truly an Outatancii6 PROPERTY of unuaual design, a brand new family home full of warmth and charm ... 3 B. R. 2 bath ~wood Ru11tic with a kitchen you can't resi.at. Plu1 a Panoramic View f rom the rooftop ob1Wrvatory. Full Price only $26.500. Let u1 ahow you tbia today! WANT A RANCH? WIT HORSE CORRALS -dog kennels -large modem 2 B. R. Ir den home with wall to wall car- peting, mualve fireplact, forced air heat, separate patio and private yard on 11:1 acre, fenced rech cloee to the country club. Price! You'll be 1ur-· priled ! $18,800 with just $2,500 down ! ! ! CHOICE LOCATION Eutaide NEAR ''WHITE KING'' HOME. 3 B. R. Hdwd. ftoora. Sep. dbl. pr. Alley eat.ranee, patio, trees, etc. Full price $12.000. G. I. /.A&n. A real value! Will take mna.ll down. LISTINGS WANTED . 1896 Newport Blvd., Cotlt& Men Liberty 8-1181 For evening in formation call: R. F. Geddea, Mgr. LT 8-3158 B. DeFir LI 8-7221 A. Tietz LI 8·3010 M-Bell Har. 2483-R BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND ACT FAST. Because thla cute 1 bedroom home bu parque wood flool"8. Bar kitchen, nice bath with full tile ahower. Vented heat. Double gar- age. AND AT THE PRICE OF $13,950 IT WON'T LAST. BAY FRONT STEAL charming 2 bedroom honey. moon home. Fireplace. Patio. Completely fur- niabed. Shore boat mooring. Lot alone worth S~.000 . This Is the BEST bay vaJue at $31,000 ONE TO BE AT -For that large family a 4-bed· room 2:\ i bath home. Close to fine swimming beach . The priCA!l $25,500 SHORECLIFFS EXCLUSIVE AREA -Out.lltnnding 4 be-droom 2 bath home. A top location with privilege of buy- ing an adjoining large view lot which ia one of the few left. See us t oday as this is our EXCLUSIVE listing and the price ia right at $42,500 LIDO ISLE BEST INSIDE LOT VALUE -Thi" outstanding 1 lot haa 52112 feet frontage and ie located on Eut end of bland. The price $15,500 BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OP' MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1672 LIDO ISLE Just a dandy tow prleed homf'" 2 B. R., lovely patio. Many colorful flowers. Immaculate rondition. 35 ft· lot -Only $23.MO Ve1y eaay term1. Another good one-On Lido . 3 B. R. • 2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot. All the rooms are large. L. R. 24x30. Patio 23x24-Appr0x 2086 aq. feet This is worthy of consic1£-ration for $35,000 HAVE Y01J The desire to live near the ocean with an un•u~ . ·pu~d view of the beach and Rurrounding country aidE' -of BO why not look Al this 3 B. R. home that will stand the scrutiny of the moat discriminatory buyer. A home built with emphaaia on comfort Ii con\'enience and with it.a large pla~Toom & patio - is ideally suited to entert.aJning. Priced to eeu· fur· ni11h ed at ~57,500 This two bdrm. cutie haa zip and a flare that you will Uke. It1 detailed for comfort and has a 41 1 ""r loan payable $7 .08 per mont h including taxes & in•urance--S4,890 down. Full price $15.000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO QFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 E\•ea. Har. 2191-~~ Har. 1380 or LI 8~297 ACREAGE ACREAGE MI Industrial 2~ -30 Ac. $6.000 up. R~aidential 10 -308 Ac. $3.000 up. BURTON B. BECK, RLTR. It INSUR. 2323 W. Cout Hwy Har. 221 & U 8· 7~2 6ce FRIDAY. SEPT •. ,,, 1955 .......... . .......... ,. BAY AND BEACH REALTY -REALTORS WITH THREE OFFICES TO SERVE YOU NEWPORT-BALBOA OFFICE I l Bay Avenue-It's Worth Your While BALBOA PENINSULA To aee thia Bay Ave.• B. R .. 2 bath home. Forced Air Heat. Nice kitchen, Iota ot tile. Full dintnr room, lar(e Uvinr room. Patio. Owner will consider trade for We.twood home, aame priee bracket, or would take small beach cottage and aome cub tor equity. r I Unfurniahed pnce $23,9~ Have loan commitment ot $14.500 BAY AVENUE-INCOME Duplex - 3 B. R. upper 2 B. R. lower, plua room &: bath attached to garage. Show• exc. income $6,500 down. hll prlee f-urniahed $26.500 BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE 3 B. R. -1% baths, hdwd. floors, Sandy buch, pier and alip available. LISTINGS WANTED LUXURY AT LOW COST -De9igned for comfort, nicely decorated. w 1w car}>f!ting: built-in atove 2 B. R. and convertible den : 1:\4 batha. just completed and ready for occupancy. $22,500 -Good financing. $5,000 DOWN -moves you into 3 B. R. 11 ~ bath NEW home with built-in stove. copper boo<!, w w carpeting, patio, firepl,llce. A real value at $19.000 OWNER WEAK AND WILLING- maHT take as low as $3,500 down to qualified buyers. 2 B. R., cutie, with large L. R .. fireplace. Nlc. lcitchen, patio -CJ01e to Jetty. $16,~ -Unfurniliht>d. INCOME-TRIPLEX Furnished. Owner will consider t rade local or Glendale. LISTINGS WANTED 14~ W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor l2M T. Cox LI 8-7237 K. Oleon Har. 4134 For Evening lnf ormation call : W. Bradford Har. 0289-J J . Kimble Har. 5335 Gloden Fay, Mrr. Har. 1856 E. B. Chaae Har. 660 M. Chlll!e Har. MO R. ,Telfer LI 8-3i96 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS .......... • •• 111 ..... ,· • LIDO BRIDGE Off ICE HOME AND INCOME Here II that rarity -a duplex that llhon a ftDe "turn· 2 B. R. lower, upper l B. R., both leued. upper can be available. Located a block trom th• Lido Shopping Area on a quiet 11trfft. 1 ~ yn. old. Newly furn. Excl~vp with us. Full pttce $24,000 TERRIP'IC LOT atreet to 1treet $12.~ ' YOU'LL FIND IT HERE 3 B. R. 2 batha of real charm, 20x20 livinr ~ Built-in Holly range & oven, diapoaal, fan and maDJ fine featur~. 2 yn. old and ~ bloek ft.om Nord Bay. Only $27,500 Looking for a waterfront nur Lido r Here ia one with 111.ip FURNISHED 2 BedroerM SpoUeaa Double Garap $27,600 LISTINGS WANTED 8112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3&43 P'or Eventnr infonnsUon call: R. C. G~ Mgr. Har. 2999Dick Norton Har. 408a-W W. Lee Har. H9-R Tom Campbell Ha.r. 29" Helen Baum Har. 1218-W Ann Hutchin.on Har. 2280-K Whew!! THE SUMMER CROWD HAS LEFT and the younptera are BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values BALBOA isLAND FIRST OFFERING. Small 2 bdrm. turnJahed hOUM back to echool. It .... more ONLY TWELVE LEFT than obvloua that Ula popular- ity ot lovely Lldo hland co~ Yea we have sold over one hunclttd of tbtae fine tlnuu to & . ow. h uldn' But •••• LIDO IS AN ISLAND and there'• ao much and no more •• , An· otb~r 11Ummera' end hu cata· lo&"Jed anolhu bus• ll&lu vol· wne of born• and lot.a -lhe A 11UppJy la yet turther dlmlnl•b· ed and conaequenUy •&Jue of the 8outhlandll ma.t deelrablehom .. 1lte Rul !:1tate movt up yet anothu notch. homea since August lat. Why a o t we at valuai like t.hia. Three bed.room, 2 bathrooma, large living room with dining room, garbage dispoaals, aewera, curbs, gutten1 Ii paved atreet.a. Fuli price $9,375 with only $375 down. LITTLE PAINT And a little elbow greaae will cure this wel: built two bedroom. Decorate and aave. Has hardwood floors, fireplace Ii dining room. Top location. Be· inc offered partly furniahed for only $1,000 down. D 't W •t Full price furniahed, $10,600. Ua!urniahed $10,000 on a1 •••• .••• unUI It'• loo late and then CUTE AS A BUGS EAR m dulge In the d11blou1 pleu ure Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, 11 ~ bath home nt t~Ut.ng your frtand11 · • • · on new curbed and paved 11tr~t. Naiural !inlsh "Why only 11. eoupl& oC yt11.r1 ago I could ha ve plcktd that mahogany paneled kitchen cupboards. Immediate lot or house up for a fraction po88e8Sion. Priced at $9.~ $1600 down. $67.50 mo. or whal they want for It now." Becauae In a few more Yt•l'I G J. RESALE you can tt.11 U!em the am• 1tory • &J'aln. About. "the Ume 1n 1966 I Hw an Ad tor a Lido Lot tor only $8,000. and only a •o· Lot tor $11.1100. and a nearly new home for 122,760. and how 1 could haYe bou&ht a lovely I unit lncome on L111o for only $•&,000 w1th euy tenn1, too," . :ow WE WOULD LOVE TO run our ad ot only a yHr ago. We aaid a~t the eame thlnr on ta.BOO. lot and U&.800 home and $18,000 lfteome property. Completely redecorated large 3 bdroom on finest street in town. Hardwood fluor• and carpeted, breakfast and dining room, fireplace and large double garage on paved alley. S7.200 G. I. loan on property at present. Full prire $12,950 W .. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIA TF.S, REAL TOR "you'll like our friendly aerv1ce'' 400 E. 17t h SL, Cot1t& Mesa Liberty 8-1139 NOTHING P USHES UP VALUJC --------------------- like the a rrival of more " more people. The hundreda of 1ummer ruut. -trluidll and Tantera loYed flVW'J mblute of their atay -man1 nave l>oUll'lt - 0Uler1 have returned home with the Idea of rearnn,1nr their a!falr1 llO that Ul•Y ean buy and live here too. TIR: EX'l'RE"ME HEAT of the In· land ar .... comblned with amog and Ule den•e tratClc, 11 pwih· lnr the populaUon our _, and Ri:M'EMBER t.beN la JU1t •o mucll and no more. There rs a home ar llom..tt• on Udo for you NOW. For Lido's Best Lis~!ngs Lido Realty Associates HOO VI& Udo Harbor HH R.IDICULOUI LOW PRICE ot 1'600 acre tor K·l &ef'MC• tac· OUR BEST LISTINGS LIDO NEW 3 bdrm.s. 2 ba. all electric kitchPn. 3 car gange. 70 ft. street $37,500 LIDO~O Year old 3. bdrm11., 2 ba. Ii hobby room on aa.me wide street. $34,500 AND 3 Bdrm.I., 2 ba.. on 4"'' lot. $31,500 Others u low u $18,600 ACRES 2.88 aues. 198 feet on Monrovia, 630 feet deep. Between 16th 6 17th St. $13,700 VIEW LOT 45 ft. view lot. Overlook:tnr all of Newport Har- bor area. l"ull price $15,000 WINTER RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor •718 2e02 Norport Blvd., N"'J>Ort Beach ln& J hlrhwaya. ~ady tor de----------------------veloprnent. Sult.able termt on tbY "' a.crt pl.,., OJlll.Al'fOIC COAST PROPERTIEa 116T Newport. CM.a Mua L1 1-1en !:ve LI 8-8803 BA YSHORES, cute J bdrm. home la1"19 11\'lnK 1'001'11, fireplace, In· cloeed paUo. Detached dbl. f&r. Priced tor quick 1&.le. Ha.r. 2960. &c8 DOCTOR8 HOKE I bd.nn., CUI· t.om. t\rtp\ace, modtrn, la.nd· 8C!Aped. N e&r San&& Ana Cou.n· lr)' Cull. Call Or. Peabody LI 8·206t -Ma au Meaa Piece. Coet.& llML Oc7 CORONA DEL MAR Expanalv1 Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dinillg room. 2 baths. Hardwood 6 carpet ftoora. Bargain at "45,000. Submit down. BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. home, laip rooma. Pro- tected patio. Attractively priced at $2-l, 750 SEE US for ~EACON BAY &Dd BAYSHORES propertle1. Har. 1 'fr5" r-E,·ee. Edith Maroon, HYatt f-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand ' t Full Price $6950 on Sapphire. F1oor tumaco & tlrepl&ce. Built ln 1947. Small lot $16,500 Submit down. coon EASTSIDE 2 BDR.'.\f .• •Ing. Gar. on •llty, only 6 yuni old. Room tor another unit on Ulla l'>Oxl27 lot. thl1 18 a 1111e~tflce! Newport Beach Furnished! ONLY SI0,600, WIU\ $2500 down, S70 month on balance, double gar. ll'1 only 2 blo< kt to ~ach. 5Pf' thl11 one tol111.y! Newport Heights ~TLL PRICE $HOO -2 bdrm .. •thle. gar. on a nlct 60 x JM Int. itnni1 11ru.. g"t dftl\Jle on lh•,. nne' Westside Bargain! 2 BDR:'-r .• only & yre. old on a M x250 R ·4 lot, full price, $71'>00 "'Ith only $1800 down. Good lerm1. Eve. Info. on thtH Call PeUtte, LI 8·5487 Lido Isle 70 x 89 LOT 3 BDRM , 2 BATH BEAUTY only 3 yra. old. On 11ouble lot. Spac- TWO UNITS. Modern 1 bdrm. apt.; older front house. Show your abllity at "do 1t youreelf" f21.~ TWO UNITS LIKE NEW Modern 2 bdrm. hoUM, with guest room Ii bath. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. Income $4,800 yrly. 60 FT. BAY i'RONTAGE. On Llttle Island, pler, noat, tormal ' bdrm.. home. The land value ia cloee to the uldnr price of $78,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE AVE. $12,600 BUSINESS LOT MARINE AVE. Cl $24,~ LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. L&I'ie lot, eharmln1 • bdrm. 3~ bath hou.e. Dining rm., modern kit· chen, diBp., diahwuher, Iota of cupboarda and cl06et.&. Plua UDUIUed 1 bdrm. apt. over a car IU. age. Both un.ita all newly furnish~ in Mode.me. Ideal for h ome and income or sue.ta. Har. 177:S -Evea. Edith Maroon HY&tt ~ John Macnab, Harbor M59. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand lou. h1.n11I A: pauo. Wonderful --------------------- family hnme Room tor pool If VOGEL l1t:1lrel1. $37.~00 .• ~ dn. &~ be.I. ML 6239 VALUES • MAIN OFFICE Back Bay GOROEOtJS NEW VIEW HO.ME. A II blr; rms. Restrtctei1 ana Rod\' O('L 1, $28,7~0. See and cnmrar" M-1 C-0r. $11,200 l&l!' l'LACE:-.'TtA F'RO="'T AGE- blw 16th & I ilh St, Can 111vlde. M-1 631/:zx290 ' w llh 2~ ~q. ft. Bid•· rented at $1~. price - '18.()0(). Ocean View Special 3 BDRM. LAROll OLDICJ\ HOUSE OI\ Clift Dr. Level loL A pickup at 110,000, E·Z temu. Eve lnto. OI\ lb-Lytle LI 8·26U Houston Realty Co. * * * MOST WOMEN HAVE SMART HUSBANDS Who .,.ill Immediately recognize the terrlf\o value In thl1 cuatom built rustic farmhoUBe type home. The 1deal floor plan features -3 11pacioue bdrma and • large cheerful living room with •lid.ins glul doon opening onto the lovely patio and the luxurloualJ. landscaped grounda with more than ample room for a large swimming pool. You will love t.beee ud numerous other out.lltandlng f•t""9 tncorpor&W in this lovely corner Cliff Hann home. Prtce $34,500 -tenna. f r -0--0- . THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hlway, Ntwport Beach LI 8-Ma 6 ASSOCIATES --------------------- 1109 Center 8t., Cotta M ... LI 9·&91 l or LI 8·778' REDUCED TO 81tU.. Owner aa.ld, "Brtng price down. MA.KE It a bargain we want 1ome one to enjoy tho h11.rbor " ocean view. to live In till• new a bedrm .. 2 bath luxury home. Sell It for $3000 leN than lift price. Keep It open every day, 1 t.o 8 p.m. except Mon. 6 Tuel. untU eold." Bee 1420 Kinr• ~d or Call- ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1807 Nnvport, Ca.ta Meaa LI 9·1632 Eve LI 8~3 SHORECLIFFS ne&tly new IJ>9C· lou.a, quality, ranch type horn" I bdrm.. 2 bat.ha, den, walled patJo .. lre. dbl .. rar. l ltu&tf'd on ca.nyon. wtl..I\ be&uWUI view or ocean • hlll.1, w.w. carpet· tnr. All mod.em appotntmenta. 1 blk. trom bdclit Owner Ha.r. 2102 -240 Momtnr CanYon Rd 6cU INCOME PROPERTIES Year old duplu on peninwla. Two bedrooma In each unJt, plua an additional guest room. Ccrntr fireplace., rood heat. diapoaals. lncludd Ben- carpeta and drapee in upper. $28,500. Would trade on bayfront property or accept vacant lote u part payment. Triplex in Newport Height•. Beautl!ully decorat.4. Two bedroom.e in each unit. 0 1.poaa.1, fan, TV an- tennae, sprinkling •>"llem. $6000 down. Duplex near hospital and propoeed aboppln• emtw. One ot tew lncome unit.a in a good rMidential area. 18 month11 old. Nicely planned two bedroom antta. Ocean view from upper apartment.. $22,!500. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150:S w. Balboa Blvd. ~ma ... "' • ST. ANDREW'S COUNCIL of Pre11byterian Men elec- ted officers and committee chatrmen at a dinner ses- sion in the social hall. Standing (I tor) are Webster Jones, Jesse Spratt, Milo Lacy, Paul Williams. Lee Rivera, vice president : Henry Brainerd, ~cretary ; Jewish Atty. Defense in "Jesus on Trial" Sermon The First Baptlllt Cburch of 11onment for hi• faith 1tnder Hiller Newport Beach, 19th and Weal 11tlrred ao many eectlone of the Balboa. will be the setting tor re-country. The RPV. Herl.Jert Thnmp· enactment ot "Je11ua On Trial", 11on will act as .ludge. and the Sunday at the 11 a.m. aervlce. Thl11 audience will be the Jury. preaerrt&t1on I• conducted aa a ,- court-room .cene and hu been acclaimed u the moat unique eer- mon In America. Two prominent Hebrew Chrl1- tlana wtll dramall:&e the hl.etorlc event. Thl1 11 not a pl•Y or a film. but a court-room scene. The def-attorney will be Emanuel Schwarts. A.B.,-well-known Jew- l1h 9VU1Jellet, and the proeecutlng I, attorney will be the Rev. 0 11cu Stern, whOM lll••tory ot lmpr1· U niversalist Family Service EMANUEL SCHWARTZ .. DtuoaUon lncludN Religion" wtll be tlleme ot Rey. Frederick Rtnp'1 dl1eourM on Sunday mornlnr at th• Unlnraallirt Com· munity l'aUo1Nl!Jp. Tbe nrmon, 1U-..1nr the need for rellgl1.1u1 educ&Uon. will eupplement the Rally Day prorram which 11 be- ln1 pl&nned. Children a.re Invited to bal1D a cour11a ot 1tudy ln rellgtoa which will stve them a better under1t.and.l.n1 ot them- Nlv.. and their world. Sunday School Registration at St. Andrews A1 part ot tM program chi!· dre.n will be introduced to a num-Annual r egistration of l'hlll.l- ber ot .ong1 and Will -elides ren in the Sunday School ot St. ahowtnc 1eenee In the Canadian Andrew's Presbyterian Church u Rocklei. acheduled for l he following ReUJloua liberalll are urged to tlmu: Sept. 19. 21. and 27 at take part In the acUvltlea of the I p. m. &nd Sept. 21 at 10 a .m. l!"ellowahip which meeta ev~ry Puent previews will a lso be Sunday at th• l:bell Club Houaa. held at each of these times to 1115 W. Balboa Blvd. at 10:30 introduce the tam1hea lo Mle a .m. fo/ Sunday .chool and 11 1tudy material tor the coming a .m. tor momlnr worehlp. year. An excellent tum -11trlp- AdU.1t d1.ac:u.Jon thla comlnl' "God Speaka To You"-hu been Sunday wtU be led by Willlam 1eeurf'd for these meetings. Wiiey, of Coat& M-. In the ab-Through this film the parents MllCa of Dr. J'rank Mcintyre. will 1ee how the Bible ts pr~s­ Mlaa Kathy Hofmann and Henry ented to the children m the Hofmann Jr. will welcome and church achoo! beglnmng at. the teach th• younger folk•, while nunery age and progressing the ml.nlllter contrlbutu to th• through the school. The parents' relictoua education procnm wlth macuirle1 wlll al&O be distributed a children'• eennonette each Bun-at thla time. day durlq th• period of worshJp. A.r\Y family that wlshe1 to re- At Costa Mesa Baptist Church gister children In St. Andrew's Church acbool should plan to at- tend one of these partnl pre- vlew1. • / Officers N ained by St. Andrews-Council .. Koral lnte(Tlty 11 the veat· Bntnerd, ..cretaiy; Ruudl Cuth· eat factor ln tbe dlmunltlon ot bert. treuurer. Alao chairmen of crtme and thla mean1 tho lm-• t • n d l n c commltteea. JeMe &)ortance of. reU&ion under-(ird· Spratt, project.: M11o Lacy, evan- . inc all. of life" 1&id Robert Knee-gellam: Webaur Joni'&. miaslona. land. Orange County dlalrlct at-and Paul Williama, membtrahip. tomey, addreaeinr 100 members The eon1UtuUoa, prepared by ot SL Andrew'• Council ot Pree-Jamu Pennq, attorney, waa byterlan Men. at Uwlr opening adopted. Jt wu baaed upon the dinMr meeting and ottJeer elec-1tructure provMSed by the Na- tion Monday night. Uonal CounclL Sunday Services at Corona del Mar ( 'l'v.u r l"rh1 ~-('11 ,w1! '" ~r<'lt11"9 \\'di !II' ho')\I Kl t. o • "" h al l 6.30 rm t'Very Sundet~ t'Vflllna. Junior PF , In PtlJrlm Hall, •• "What la Th• Church!" will be for elenif'nlar\' l<'hool ith 1111J 81h the aermon topic choaen by the grade 1turtent& a nd St'ni1•r r F .. Rev. Edwin C. Oomke, mlnleter in Sociel Hall. lndudr 3 high ot Corona del Mu Community .. 1 d J tor 11• 1t11 Church tor mornlnc worehlp next ecuoo an un c.i ~ge • Sunday. Duplicate Ml'Vlcea are denta. Both ir·oupe are oren to held at 9:411 and 11 a.m. I the community. CHURCH OF IEUGIOUS SCIENCE · Erneet HolmM. founder. apthor of "Scien'c ot ?ollnd " 8UNDA 1' SER¥1CES 11 Lm. .lulor Church ud Nunery Oare 11 Lm. &«ov. Irie Turk, Jllalat..r LAGUNA llEACB 4.&T G.U.U:R\' H\'aU '-'7!8' IOT Cliff Dr. Ru&aell Cuthbert, t•aJlurer; Harry ~nour, president and Dr. Ewing· Hudson, assistant pastor; seated are Henry Brainerd, secretary; the Rev. Jamea Stewart and James Garth. -Helen Horr Photo Kneelahd 1poke· on "Crllne and Slllsfn1 ot -n. Lord'a Pray. • Punlalunent". abowtnc that a t er" eolnpleted tile Miiiion. first there wa• an attempt to ---.:..----------------------------------- make the punllhment fit the ,,..--------------------------------------, PAGE 8 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDA y I SEPT. I 6, 1955 OCC BIOLOGIST TO SPEAK AT LUTHERAN SERVICES Dr. James McCauley. professor of biology at Orange Cnast Colleit<', will b" the last of four lay-speaker• to ad- drel!ll the Newport Ha rbnr Luth~ran Chul'ch congregation, !lervlng a.s liturgist anrt spraker al dupltcate services Sunday at 8 :30 and 11 a. m. A member of the church council. monitoring chairman nf the church'11 s tewa1'd11h1p prog1 am and a member ot the choir, Dr. McCauley will speak on the relation between 11t·1rnce and rl'llglon. Dr. McClluley 1s mart1ed and the father ot two daughters. Jane 'and Ma ry. Ht' rt'ceived hta Ph, D. degr~ In 1954 from Oregon ,State College and be~an tt'ach- mg a t Orange Cnsst l11s l fall. lie hill! also servt'd a.s advisor to the Lutheran sturlcnt group st,he college and Is a Costa Mesi\ res1denl. Bidden to sent to those who are candldatu for member~hip 1n thl' group. Thc•se include Rol'll Eckert, Mar· N Cl geret F1·Ph11n, Ronald C11.rL Allen ew llb I Guenther. S11ndra Fleer, Donna Smith. Wlutney Balnell. George •. , • .. . , Hauser and other high achoo! \\ clfrE'par. ll .. oc1al ('\ !'nt plan-~·ouths of lhl' community. They ned by the Sensur Youth F ellvw-\\'ill be guests or older memben ship t1f lht• Balb111L l slanl.I Com-or the organliat1nn. munity Meth.,111.~l Church, wall be !'Janning the aff<1lr a re Ron St. Claar , M'lrilyn Shootn a nd Sharon crime, but thie wu retribution. Now the main Idea -m• to be rehabilitation of the wronc-ctoer and thla I• better. Dtnner wu eerYed br the Wo- men'• Feltowehlp and the Rev. Jamea S. St.wart wu muter of ceremonfee. l-Awi• Kidder led in eommunHy •inl'inc. with Jamea O. Garth at the piano. Elected and Installed www the followtnc offlcera: Harry Isenour, prealdenar Lee Rivera, vlce pruident; Hanry Church Rites at St. J mnes- The Rev. John Parke w 111 preach ot "Woret.lp, the Heart of Our Pariah Lite'' at both 9:111 and 11 a . m. service• at St. Jamea Epl.copal church. Holy Communion 11 at 8 a. m. Young _ P~ple'a Fellowlhlp re- sumes meetings at e :30 p. m. Acolyte. meet Wednllday at ~:30 p. m.. Sunday achool tea.chera on Thunday at 7 :SO p. m. Prayer Guild la at 9:15 L m. Thursday, Holy CommunJon and healing 1ervlce at 10:30 L m. BAHA'I ... ,,. ' ; ,.~ ,,.~, •t r . ( , Babal Temple, Wllme«e, l1L FAITH Preyer Oiscuuion Study "Be 1eneroua ln ~pertly, and thankful in &dveralty. Be worthy of the truet of thy nelpbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face." Baha'i WriUnca- WedneMay, 8:00 p.m. '1« Rodaeeter 8tre.t, Ooeta Mee.. ()allf. Pltoae LI 8--1618 -LI l·H15 Harbor 8870..,, 'P .... wbfffl twirl aplntt .,th• sky •••• C!Uldr• munch lone streamers of pink and white cotton candy ••• and there are applH OD a stick and priat competitions, to uy noth· lai of the animals with their blue ribboa eward1. · The Pair ia part of summer .•• when crowds tbrortr the old rrounda on the far aide of th• railroad tracks and rirl1 bold banda with their fellows and older people amile, and 1ounc• onea literally have a field da;. held at the home of Henry Ff'rry, \\'atdeltch. 311 Crystal An· .. from 6 tn 9 p. m .. ~~::::;::;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;==============; Sundoy. Sepl. 25. ;;: God.smiln on fetlowship-1ach u thiL And In· Hit' Church. he off era the crtstnt fellow- abip~ of alL Hert men may join tortther in prayer and wor.hip. ri•inc thanks fOI', bleu· inp. ftndiac eoaaolation in wrrow,· renewinc tbei.r 1trenrtb. naftirminc tbeit blppiaaa throach·faitb. The hiF,h 11dwvl youths plnnnlnK the act1v1ly have not )'l'l revealed the Sllfnlflcance ot thr1r pal'ty'11 na'Tle but U1ey have flnnnunced that specl11l Invitations have been At Church Retreat Greg Wrii:-ht. 2!ll0 Chff Dnve. is one o! 34 stutll'nlll on1I nine foC'ully m<'mb<>rs !mm the Asso- l'tatPtl Collej?l.'S or Claremont who attended the annual fall retreat or the College Church of the All· soclaltcl College11 hPl•l Si'pt. 13· l:> a l Hal-Onft Lort~c. ldyllw1ld. Announc:inCJ 6 Classes for $5 For tho11e of JOU wllo wtall to Earicb Your DeUy Uvlal by UM ol tbe PrtncJpt" of ReUrt-8deDee \\T.D!\"'ESDA YS, 8 P.M. Sl:PTEllBEB 11 'l'llllU OCJ'I'. II Laguna &acb Art Gallery, RYatt '-'1!84. 80'I Clift Drtn BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MESA CHAPEL 170 Superior Avenue Costa Men. Calif. Phone Liberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THI! 8li 1820 E. Cout Blvd. Corona del Mar, C&Uf. Phone Barbor '2 This Charch r=.,ature Sponsored by,. ""se Local Business Firms ...__,... __ _ CUSTOM AUDIO ELnE BEAUTY SHOP Publle Addreea -Hi-Fl -Tape Recorders '13 29th St. Newport Beaeb llarbor 1506 Under tbe New M11.n&ge11m('nt Qf Mr. Pa.t Harbor 182'7 "'Ood la the Midst of H l1 People .. t• 8'l'lllOD theme of the Rev. P. G. N•menn, pN&ChinJ at 11 L m. l!lunday ln nm Baptist Church, Oalt& Jia1&. Be a witness to GOD'S work In actlonl GEORGE M. GRAHAM H. H. HOLBROOK llmld&y 8Chool la at 9:45 L m. A* t:to p. m. th• Putor'a lnl'truc- Uoa cJa.-and BapU.t Tra.t.nlnr Ulllkln CODT-. Wonhlp service a& 7:10 p. m. Wlth the paetor pnedWlr on "'nl• Chr1etian'• W'ar'fan.·· PniM and Bible 1tudy croup meet.a Wedn•day at 1 :SO p. m., ,..,.. sroupa at 8 :30. Materiality Is Challenged In Sermon ft9t IMll must woreblp the one God only and not put hi. lrult tn material thinp l1 the keynote ot UM LNeon-Bermon on "Matter" to be rea.d ln all Chr11Uan Science cburchee Sunday. -rake heel1. a.nd beware of eoftt.ou..n-: tor a man'• lite con- .uteth not !n the abundance of the thlnga which he poueaMth" la a Blble aelectlon In th• Leuon- l!Jermon trom Luke'• Go 1 p e·l (12:111). Pa.nacea from the Christian Bclence textOO.k. "Science and Hee.1th with K•y to the 8cripture11" by Mary Baker Eddy read : "Sen- 1u&I t:nauru flre laid up Where moth and rust doth corrupt.' Mor- tality I• their 11oom." "To a!ll'er· taln our progreu. we muat ltam where our .Ufection1 are placed and whom we acknowledJe and obey u God ... 'The obJecta we puraue a.nd the spirit we manlfHt reveal our .standpoint, and &how what we ere v.·tnnlng." (pp, :Z41. 2311). The Golden Text from l Cor- inthians ( 10:14 ) C'aUtiOnl. "My dearl.y beloved. flff from Idolatry." GOD'S man tor tbis hOtJr! STARTING Tonight 7:30 P.M. SANTA ANA FREEWAY AT LA PALMA 2 MILES NORTHWEST OF ANAHEIM Servic" 7:30 P.M. Nightly, Week Doys-2:30 P.M. Each Sunday Sept. 16 25 -~~ ly Th•~" ~-~~igl~ 2!._Q~ ~ "'-u •·i'61 Ruga and Carpets 122 Acat.e Ave. Balboa hla.nd Harbor 3256 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realton Bay Front Sp«tallsts 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Barbor 6226 Marlo's Smart Set Hair Fashlo111 Complete Styling Permanent Waving and TlnUnc 8407 Eut Cout Hwy. Harbor 5104 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Fumlshlnge Liberty 8-1113 Fred OrCJeron Chevron S.nlce Tiree -Batteries -Acceseorlea Complete Lubrication 2100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1515 MAC PELLETIER'S Newport Beach Ph&nnacy· 2108 Oeean Front Newport BMch Harbor 5 UNl9UI CAFI Breakfut -Lunch -Dinner 410 nda St., (Acroee from Qty Ball) lnlle Church-THI AllCHU . Union Oil Dealer MOO W. Cou& HWJ. Newport n.eb u ~9()81 • . n.. lllalld Patio Restawallt S00 Ma.rlae Ave. ILANCHI IENZ • The Yarn &bop Chart-.u..nb,._Block It Inatruc:t IOI~ Marine Aft. U.rbor 0880 Dependahle Plumbing Z801 W. Balboa Bh'd. Harbor 462.& DICK MACKER Drapertea -CarpP1i1 -I 'phol11lery Compltte F ree Dt'cnr-atlnJ? Service S420 Via Lido Harbor 4328 MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut nowe~ -PPt 1!uppltu Balboa Bh•d. at 2lttt NEWPORT HARBOR IANK An Independent Home Bank ·Corona del Mar I Thf Port Hole Breakfast House • ,1 Midnight to 11 A. M. 2217 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach STAFFORQ' & SON Elt'ctrlC'al Contraclor.11 110 Rlveraide Ave. Ne"·port BM.ch Llbflrty 8-1459 Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Three IOl'atlon1 to Strve You Newport Beach Balboa Cord.a del Mar Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon 1516 E. Coeet Hwy. Barbor 218'7 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Coffee Shop-Open 24 Houn IN6 W. Oout Hy. (at Balboa Covea) Barbor 8820 Lawle Woodworth Plano Co. Compl«e Una of !(-.tr UHd PlanOI %610 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor S382 ~ .. \.