HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-19 - Newport Harbor News PressCENTURY CLUB FETED AT SCOUT BREAKFAST Mrmb4!ra ot the Century Club maintain 8couUnr. chairman Au•· ot thr Oranc" En1plrr Scout tin Sturt,.vant told ot thr «TUI C.,uncll , -r• f«'ted at a Saturday I growth of the youth population momln~ brrakfut on tha barbe· or the county. In 19!\0 thr Seoul I . HAUOI WIATHB ~ ............ .. Harbor ar"a "rff: Tu~11y. Srpt 13 WedM11day. S..pt U . ':'4 Tiu.Nday, S1•pL HI .. ':'3 l!'riday, Sept. UI ....... iO YEAR -NUMBER 69 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, MONDAY, SEPI'. 19, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS C'Ue rrounda or the buffalo ranch. counril Hnl"d 2M'O bovs at coat I 4Sth The Crntury Clubbera are tho!!e of St."i pu boy for " 101111 budi:rt who havr· contrlbut~ 11 ~ or or S39.6~ Jn 19M thr rouncll ~---------------~--------------~~-------------~-~~--------~------------~ Satunlay, ~l'J'l. I 1 • Sunday. Srp1 18 .. Mond"y Sl'pt. 11 70 f P a:. :':i~r•al~:·;~·s~~~ti'~;t~~r•;~:n;! ~:g:~r:.~: ~;e~O~ ~:::50s/o~I 1100 MPH IN NEW WOMAN IN SUICIDE C<:>unty '1urlng thr current year. co1!1l or Sll. Thr buclgrt tor 19M . I Hosts to the attalr wrrt' the Sll11 tevan 1!8 was ,, w t Id Sf\' 000 Ith CAR-"10 DAYS" !cnut anrl Scouten or Orangr •n Anl lclpatrd Scout mPmber!\hlpl TRY UNDER TREATMENT C-0unty. Pre1ldlng over th# 10-of 84~ or a C'oat or lt111 than One hundred mil<'!! 11n hout •Ion wu Aualln Sturtevant. or· $10 per boy. equai. 10 d a v a m Jilll to t(inator at the Century Club. 1 Thl11 Sturtf'vant rompared to • Judge Donald J. Oodi;e. R ich· WORK PRMENTED cn11~ ot S2500 prr youngster for ard t.. Hobb•. 20. or •:I To•o CJrt throurh the rount v prob&· found out Friday. Work of Scoullntc WAI pl't'unt· tl<'n 11epartmE'nt after a young· He had a Ot'IV rar tn wha, h ~ by repruentatlvet or lhe var· ater Rel11 In troublr The Scoutrr he wll11 clockeJ sree11tni; up A brokl'n marnace a pparrntly 1 Hoep1t11l tor trutmtnt Her )\ua· waa ruponalble for a auktde at· 1 band. Louu1, la a Mrv1re 'stat!ton tempt by a Loe Angelea matron Opt'rator an Loa Angelu. loua organizatloru. wlt.hln acoul· rrlol"•I proudly that lt'ss than 1 MacArthur Bl\'d and paa!lt'<t tng. An overnli:tit C'amp had bC'en per rent or th1• Juveniles rver anolhl'r car on the shouldl'r 1 thl• roN>noon In a Balboa hOlttlry. Offlrer f'on B1mlull who ln- creatPd •t lhe rntrance to lhr broui:ht Into J uvrn•IP Court ha'1 ao the state patrol ptcke<t him picnic area on the buff11lo ranrh f'ver h1td any connection with r up. The JUdi;e also took his pohce reportC'd. Shr waa in critical veaugatt'd t hr r ue, H id lhl' wo· I condltlOft a t noon from an O\•er· man h11d made a Niii lo Loe An· t dOM of plU.. gdea but when I he ronnectlon 111•u bv Troop l82 ltponsorrd bv tht Scoutlni: In any or Its forms. dnver'• hcl'nl!t' Newport Harbor Lodge of Elks Tht' adminlstrlllion "' l ht and with Ken Dutro u Sroltt· Scouting pmitrnm 1~ •·nnducte<I mutrr. A WAtch tower wu rrrrt· bv a vPrv minimum of p1ud prr· ed rrom upllng11 by Ttoor 19 of sonn,.I F'1tndi1 for thr molntrn- 8anta Ana under thr iruldllnre ane!' n f the ~r1111t proirr3m 11re of Bnb L,uxembourgf'r. Sroutmu-dt'rt\'"•I f• nm the \'Bn1rn;1 Com· ter. Membf'rt of the Orl1rr of mun it v ('hrsts. BPt'llll~I' many the Arrow d.emonatraled lhelr che•t!I tnrvrr no~ ""t"ht<I thf'ir aklll at Indian Danrln~ i:oal oul •ltJ.• mei•ni1 h:wt> had to Mra. Kathryn Oagoff. 1102 N. bad a rlerk had Ulr party rail bar ll Talks by ~•mbert or the Sl'OUt be U,•H'ol In ('0\'l'r the <!efirlL troops were givM with Mlrh· O\'ERf'();\fl:'\(; Ht':FICIT ael Hi>nry ot P&C'k 182 rPlat1n11. It w11M 'Poini··<t out the tun1I§. "What I '10 1111 a 8 (ly Srout''. f'Ooper11tinn 11nd ptrson111 !lt'f\'tce ~nn111 Cole tolrl l)f h11 .-xper· g1v,.n by mrmbrr11 of th•• C"en- k!nrr11 1111 ll Lllntl F:xplnrPr ~r1111t tun· f'lub w1114 f1llin~ a 1:1e11t with J')avu1 Grant tl'lhnl( Clf the pl'OpnrU<>n of tlle tletl«tt Mr m· work nr I he SP11 1-:xplorer.11. I bt>rll of thl' Century L'luh w1•1" t:'\<'1<r:.uuso SY.t;o rarh prMentetl with ll i1mall 111a- Tn 11tn•.1111lni: the Mnllnuinii 11n!1 tUl'lte "' a. Srout bearing thr lncreaslng need tor funds to I name of th" Century Club. I SPURGEON TRIO -Three generations of scouting· took part in the program of the Orange Empire Coun- cil during a breakfast session Saturday. Pictured &bo\'e arc Wm. H. Spurgeon Jr .. left, of San!.a Ana, a member of the Council ; Wm. H. Spurgeon. Ill, right one of the pnncipal senior scouters of the Newport Harbor area: and in the center Wm. H . Spurgeon, IV, a member of Troop 182. sponsored by the Newport Harbor Lodge of Elks who led a aalule to the mem- bers of the Century Club who are assisting in the Scout program this year. The trio an> admiring the small Scout statuette that was presented to each member of the "Century Club" in recognition or his work. -Slaff Photo 'NOT AN INN ' I Vennont Ave . who rtg1atered yra· tor a bettu connl'C'tlon. terday u Mr8. Kathryn Snow, a Al t hat time llhf' did not &Ila· woman Ill her thlrtlu, wu found wer Jnvu llgallon ~howc-d ah• wu • unconacloua in bad by a maid. a unconaclolll! Shi' lett two notM Mn Westering nearly empty vial ot ffdattvra giving martial dltrlcultle11 u lha • nearby. She wu ta>cen to Hoag reason tnr hrr attempt, police a&Jd. ean't Find 'SEAMAN OF YEAR' HONORS .. ~!~1~?.:~~~ WON BY WAYNE HUGHES DOWN Flt:J,D F'Olt COAST Bill Harrison, halfback for OCC, takes off on a down field ramble al Saturday night's football season debut m newly dedicated Piratr Stadium. End Jack KPnnedy (66) notes Harrison progress. -OCC Photo a houae at 2681 Wa n r ly Drive "Seaman of tha Year" tor Udo Trinket •kippered by Ctlrf Tlxk• which she vl11ta occulonally, told tile Yacht Club'• f\rat annual of Wln'ard Yacht Club. the police ahe la 1ett1ne tired of Seaman'a Race la Waynr Hughea. being hoat In absentia. •kipper of Ialand Melody, Bal· For the put •Ix years, ahe aaya, boa Yacht Club. who a180 won the prople have bffn uaine her hoUH Newport H a r b 0 r Cham brr or at varloua tlmea, apparently let-Commerce perpetual trophy In ling themarlvN In with a key. yHterday'e ocean racing. Trophln were awarded at U - YC tollow1ne a dinner p.....Sded over by Commodorr M. A . .Ander· aon and RaclnR' CommlltM Chair- man Unn Wllllam1 and Director Krlth Cord~y. :5000 Attend OCC Stadium Dedication; See Tie Game Kiwanis Kids' Day Plans for Mesa Disclosed They are nice, nut people, ahe rind•. u thry alwaya ma.ka up the I Finl In Clua A Ocean R.aclnr Ttmea •. tor the etmulat~ rNC\19 beds and don't leave an cl arel wu Symfonl, aklpperrd by Al ot the man overboard portion t b th lilt uny d 1 Adatna, of Los Angrlu Yacht I of the raru havr not bHn eoftl· 1 u 1 or o er er aro . Howrver. durlnr the put four Club w1lh &rena !n aecond place putf'd u Y!t. Pirates Nipped 13-13 in Final Sta9e of Debut for , 7350-seat Grid lowl Coat& Mrsa K I wan I • Club. wttka the vlalta have become much I aklppered by Jim Kiiroy of LIYC. ------------- whose previous Kids' Day pro· I more numeroua ao ahe hu u ked J1'1rat In Clua B Ocean Racine gram brought a national award, I !'\"~"port Beach police to keep a for which he won a rold cup 111 11taitlng anothl'r big runfr11t I watchful eye on her place and &ff wu Huehn, with aecond place B~· BR.L PllJLl.JPS I PE. summ«1 up general ferllngs Saturday al Col!t1t Mesa City IJ thry can ttnd out who 11 ualng taken by a:eor r• Pearaon ln Gyp- 1 One nf the J:rtntrl!t crow<b ev· 11.monJ: those present when hr Park wtth 3400 elrmentary achoo! a good hoUM ..without pay1n&' any ay for W in ard Yacht Club. Com· er to attend 1t N1•wport Harbor rommen!le<t Ole collegr board of chtlrtren evprcted. 1 rent. anr In third In thla clua wu sport11 rvent. 6000 per80nll, Fn-1 trui<tef's for their forHIJ:ht In <iov nll!hl vlrwrd an rxrltlng , having the stadium construct ed. F.venl..t! will Include pony rltlea, 13:1:\ ttr foothllll gamr hPtween l Reprr.11entlng the Lions Club at roller 11kntlng. movlel!. liw1mmlng LIO WOMAN HURLED FROM OrangP Co!Llt Colle~e P lratu and I this, the sixth annual Lions Club 11t OrAnRe Coa~t Colll'gf' pool &nd BA A 1 thr V1kini;:~ or F.nst Contra Costa grid clal!lllc, wu E'1w11rd Milum. tports and prlu aw11rt1~ at th'f' durinl( ilrdtrntlon rrrrmonlel!I n( PreFident Louis Conrady of the puk. F'lmds from thC' Affair wlll CAR ESCAPES SERIOUS HURT munHirl'rtl S:IOO 000 P irl\lr Sta· board of trustees otrlc1ally drd1· 1 go to the local K lwsnls Youth · I dlum. catrd the 11tructurr anl'.'I, prettily Servtc:-u progr11m. I Coeta Mraa poUce \oda y marvelled at tha fortunate two-:vear rolle~" football 11t11rhum Ina Schurr, Miss C11h forn111 of len-rrnt K id11' Day button which e11eape 0 ane · m t, . r ' t J 0<-ner1lly tabb('IJ u ''the finest cfad In Pl rate Miss r cg1tlla. Don· 1 AdmlMlon lo all event11 111 A f J H Kl bl 17r,6 Mlrama Drive who wu in thr count rv," the wondrrfully 1 19!'i!I, opened Pirate StAdlum. mnv be purchu"Ci lhla week at dN(ged from her car foUOwtnr • two-rar colllalon 8& w'CS&y 1 rnn:<tn1r tr•I Hur Aowl !(Nill! 1:1:,n I Thrllls 11n1I chil111 of thr youn,.-r au ·rlrmentMy 11ehool~ 11nd at the at E. 18th 8t. and Newport Blvd, She wu thrown clear of 1 prrMn~. M t h<'rl' wos plenty .,f I football !lt'UOn 11horUy afterward park on S"tur1t11y. With It will th• car she wu drlvlnf except for har lee• whJch be<:ama en- 1 rt>Qtn IPft Over even With OCC'~ had the hugt' throng llCrea mtngll go " llheel Of )Mtructlons. lang1ed ln the door, }r&Vln( her body dr&ffl.n&' \hr paftmCl first hui:•' i;lfcliron crowJ. and cheering aa Coach Ray Roe-Amu11e11Jent places will be oprn aa the car duc:rtbed a aamlclrcla attn Ule tapa.cl. 0Pdlcallon oC lhe llA&b •urtken ao'• char~ea. clad In eya-catclllnl' trom I to 4 pm. and w111 Include H .,.t.al f ......_. ..ct bowl with Ila arclll'd. «Teen plit· itearlet and white -llorma. jump-Co1ta MH& 'Mltalre with feature She waa treated at Hoar oe,... or sktn turf m111 k11 a mllf'st one an ed Into an urly J"lld, only to I cartoons and the tllm "Plunder· contwnona received from pevament bUma, poUca &aid. Driver gmwth nr thr Harbor area aa have It evaporate In the Clnal erw " Thl're wlll b4' csrtoona at of lbr other ca.r waa Ntcholu !Carl Henntsv, 62, or J N Vic- well 1111 Ornngl' Cott11l College. As mom!'nl11 of play. Main School and at Hal'pf'r School tor1a St., eo.ta MN&. Dr 881111 H. f'eter11on, dedication Jnclurted on thr program wu a J 11rk t..ondon 11tory filmf'd u Cl"remonlrs malltr r of ct'remony an outi<tandlng student pageant "At1vrnlurr11 nr Martin F..flen" Ph 11 • J k L p pmnte<t Olll F'tldoy mi:ht. the Ill&· 8l haJft\me. "A Colli>ge Servu 11tarr1ng c;•, n Ford 11nd n atrr y II ac son eaves ress Ilium r 11n hr l'XpAndl'd ,., " 20,· llll Community." Undrr dirl'cUon Trf'\·nr. 11IC11 rart'10n1 I 000-~tllt "' rurture by closing In nf Robert Kest and \\'illi&m 0 . Thrre will be all klndl! or races. • lhl' rn1J 70nf'S 11nd 8•ldtng a l!I'('· Pavne, the art. mUl!tC' And &pet'c-h mntl'lllll llnd !l<'f!ball Al thr puk. for fta rd en ft rove News D1t1es ontl 'leck. departmrnts comblnf'd to trace "''1th Rill J nhn11on in c har!CI' P•my Q Q The •lcdwutton rrrrmonlrii fol-the rls• ot man from pri>hlatorlc rult'll "'111 bl' 111 Bii\' SL 11nrt N,.w. I l••wr•ll pl<1vini: uf the :\"ationa.1 l1mc-11 to Davy Crockett, Walt port1 \\'1!1an1 Courtnty auprrvls· Antho•m bv the OCC' banJ under Disney \'ersion. Int( torlal J1<taff &l'AOCl&tr ot Newport Ph\'llb J . Jackson, valued edi· d11" t1u11 ~r Howar.I Kay d11r1ni: Thi' Alma Matt'r wal! 1111ng un· <'ll~ta MP1111 G11l11' rlub will M'll Harbl'r :-.:ew1-Pru11, will end hrr unf11rllnl( of lhr t.u t'' Amcnran der <1irPctton of Jamr11 S. FtU · rrfrCFhments Ill Hnrp"r Srhool lhrN! • v .. a r. four . month caref'r fi111t at rleldhou•e end of thr 11l11· gP1"11ld Jr. 1 For rurthrr dPt111ls ftnd G 1 r I Scoul11 will ""II l'IOft I h h: · k t th '11um. \'.'cntlt'll P1rkr ni1. 1 h111rn1sn I or thP s:nml' ttrl' Harbor Sports, t <1r1nk11 11n1I l'Rndv 11t both Ma.In rre 1 11 wee 0 anawn e .. r OCC' tllvtllinn of hl"alth And Part 1, Pa~r 5.) School 11nd tht p.1trk. call of Inland Oran~e County n~w~paperlnll,' for the Garden I 1Sammy ·Lee Tours Mesa GrO\'<' Ntw1. "Phyll", u she la arrectlonat('· 1 ly known lo hundreda of Harbor· ltts Rnrl her News-Pres1 col· I lrA,;11e!. will start a vacation &ll to Find New Residence l'f t .. •Uy be tore 1 rpnrt1ng lo (;;\I· fin:im•,ng the h•)tl~r·hunl 1ni: <'"<pirli· ,..,,. Ctt•ve Nrw11 next month . Olvmp1<' ChampH•n. Sammy l.!'c> art1vr11 111 Or>lllJ.!(' ("nunt v tnday to hPgan t hP JOh nf hOll'\f' h11ntlni:; :'llaJor J,...e l\rrl\·er1 m So11thl'rn L'ahfnrna11 yl'i<trrtlay umlrr lhP t1n11 for l hi' sonn-to·bt·•!i~rh11rgecl n rtl 1· 11111 Jnr :'llay•r lf'r wn~ twau• t11rnrd rt11wn whl'n hr u:lrmntetl to huy n h••ll~P 1n C:ar1IPn Grow• Real· IOI• f'lnhnrd th!'\' roul•ln't .,.II Du: tn~ hrr time 11n th<' :'\rw•· Pre~s ... ~,. hall nr,.n hrim f' 11nd G:irden pll!:f' r dllor. wlrr "'lator and In nrlt11tlon to ~l'ntr11l n"""" \ and trn·ure l'll)rtl'" 11 n'1 J'"lt'" tt'· rrrt i·l~ h;1 • rnnt I ltl\111' I " n11111hP1 him the propi•rl\' ""' ,., ... r.r 1t1ir "' <>•r::<tnnilin2' n,.w~ llntl ff'lllUt" Knrr;an 11nrrcl1~· l'IC'llll ·~ ;\111ny or lh•'l'I' hll\'P ' I.rt• 111"1 '" \\ II. rt \• ·'" 1.l.1\' hn .. ., m "" f•111· P'""' .. n,. or lhl' Frazer Will Probate h.-hOP""' In l1nll " h"u~•· ''''81 !'t3n •n:J haU111111k• It( th•• :"• w-· Car Clouters Get Fat Haul in 3 'Jobs' There wu a spate ot ear rnb- beriu over the -k r nd, thrff bavtna-been brokf!ft t.nto and bur· ctartsed. . ni. car of Phil' P. Aru!~ 11r Loa .A.ncelu wu broken Into while pa rked al Chr11llan'a Hut and a field g1au, pair Of Jl&nlll &ad two llhlrt.r taken. Clint.on Sut.maa rtllfJl't.ed '" pollc. Ulat hilt CV wu broltan lnto a t 211 Via Palermo a nd 11 -pie e-wlUa IJOI wot'Ut ot (fau and dllft&ware were talu'n The ca.r ot o. Maisie, 3UI Slr"'.. phJre A" , yielded J!500 worth or men'• and -·· cloUllnr . he told police. Rosalie l1achecl at Dana Point; 1 Folk Rescu1cl I DANA POINT. Sept. 19 IOCNSI I Coast GWlrd headquartf'n at Lorlr Beach tnd11y ftnnounr l'd the 1lnk- J 1ng or the 24-ft. •portltl•hln .. I yacht Hoaallr orr Dana Point yn- t11nl11y Sf'\'Pn J'>"MIOn• all Un• ldrntlfle<t W"r" ""'" rl'itf'tted. Coa11t Guarrl 11uthor1t1,.11 •lated the crart v.·1111 11111rov•rf'<1 on th• bearh, 1000 y11rc1~ w,.~, or l"'lanll Pmnt A l11rgr hnlr w~ fo11nd In th .. hllll. R~llC'll" otrlr .. n 1111'1 H YPO f)f'r• !ltln11 wrrr 11boar!1. 8111 r"portl'dly \\('fP l'lkf''l nrf bV flllhlni bo8t t'1•r\' I~ Th" ewn"r of lhf' V""MI Throttle Blamed in Rear End Collision Mrs. ~rint-w"ll Passes Suddenl v nf(:n llf'3•. "" h.h lr.t•l'•I 10 r,. . !',\:"TA A '-A Ill";'\~ I 1'1 A "" k tliru11! .. Y.•8 11 11pp11r .. ntly Mr~ R•·r!l:A I t ll:ilh flnl"tn111I l'nftla ~nn 11" .. ,1, ,.,,, ''I' " :<.,,. ,..,01,. 111 lh" :'\°f'\\:t·P1,..,. luit• .,r 'h" "di<! 1.i .. i-; I' 1,.1,, 1 ut 'I" t ,.,,.,. •·~ 11n 1111•1<.I• nt Y.',.!lnl'•· d.r.1 ~11·!'1 .. nl\· In ('••"la ;\lt>qll F'n-"'"'h• ,I r• ...... 11• ,, II n'h hi> 11 .. r11 t'l'l.A'.!I r.111•tt1AI•• f',.rart· 1':1•11dr1111 """•IHI /\11 .: .1 \I •• d I\' '" ('. .. ~, H11thWfl\' 11n'1 s .... II)\· n·~h· ~hi' hrt1l h"•n ~!rtt kl'n •Ita l an thr •'1'•lllll' ",, ll"'' ,( .lo11111nh•m wh1t h 8 \\'11111 · !ll'llj!ht Ill ""I"""' •••Utl 1 ..... ""'" 1:· •·I r~1, ... r,.portod W1•h R •'f tc .. :'111•'111 ll'tl't• ho111 •; rtl .... ,, ~f:t-l('I ~ n .. ~1('1'. lll'r 111~1 ""'" lo\' • n"1•h•\\ \\11 ... u , ,, I I' :--;. t. ·n nr ~"" Oirito "llt·llt1 ~II~ rlrnllnnll h;iol 1'r1•n D • D k H t tt t\ .11 11 .. """'" <oho1ol \\A• tn II ~''"";:.,"" f ,f,, !'\u I 1 l lf•ll'• •lwlrroltlrrffhl•<'"r l ll\'111" 1'1 t tlaf .. 111 I lti rt.onlt• 11l or1s ra e ur fh• f..t,I 11( t11P1hllrt1r:1t Al l-I.I\'• l'\r0\\f"l l H .. 1 t .\(.,.,1 ""' '"""'! ,.,i.; 1111ol I•\"'~ 111 .11111,. lo &Vlll!I TIME FOR CHO\\' -It was a long li1'C up when the scr\'in~ of breakfast began for the Orange Empire Council of scouting S.1t11rdny mor ning. P1cturr<l abo\·e in the line up is a portion of the mr mbers hi!1. -~ta ff Photo 1;1 •, l-:11 I 1<;1h ~: (',. 111 :.t»•ll • 111·: 111 1 Ill t'un•nll 11•·1 ~!.1 1 lhl'n 11ol1111nt,lt'lll• r '" Iii" \\Ill I" f · ••11~<11;; th" 11>.r 1,(" '°"r '1t lV"n ~h \\"II •• \\i(I' lo( nrrt H11n1-1n SA Collision .,, C1;ind l ';rn11I BA ll!llll 1~1111111 .... n~l f""i'"''' "' •h· '""'',,~,.I• '""'"'''" l•r:'.an lJl"F:l)WhO f!1\11 ~;''\\_Q•1 1I• 42c; ~di11H'1,d :i-t A(f Pt ~f ·~"' Jut k~Ufl ROtl h fl MH'thPr. <'"'flrlH.tt••tJ 11 ~~:!1+1 1 \t ' '1••J+f f•d fut· ttHfl1r ~II" \\A~ h·•n In ;\l u ha~nn t111rl '-\:'\'.!,\/\'.\·;,•Ill':"'!'• p.,,. Ma• l.l'Wt~ ~ rN~l lr .l~<k~11n. ---- h ' 1 i 1 '" ' • • 1 I· n la"t • ln•s 1• I' l •r d1r ~1; I Ii ' :!'-th ~! ..; .I •Ill•• fl,I\' !'chtml '"" 11'l01V .1f qi' llpt.l Jlr~h ~1h1o ·I 1\llt•I• \:1•11.p11I l~1 H h "-Uff1•111d l'IAIOI l tl••I hou~·iH th111r rrf"~11nl hflM)f' STEP RIGHT l'l' -lt was buffalo sataage and scrambled eggR for the rour scort' members of the ''C.:"ntury Club" of the Orange Empire Council of Boy Scouts who met at the picnic ~rounds ol the buffalo ranch Saturday morniniz. Purpose was to pay tribute to the membf-rs of the Club who have contributed at lt>ast SlOO each to the caURl' durinl?' the rec<>nt campaign and to gin' a report on the financr11 of the council. _Pictur.-d »b11\·e is a portion of thr lineup at brra kl ast bemJZ srrv- ed by Scout and ::icouters •lf t hr council. -~taff Photo \\'llll ,..*t.-1•id1r.J tl fl In f',,11p1 1 lll j1tl1'1.(F'rJd.H• lllJ:.hl\\'ht•f1 lill <'rtro11 ~tU.'<hflft' nrh•r , \\'r °"I ;'\'••\\'• 1'1111\n 111 ~0"\\'f"ll t ·"" Yuri< 111 ""''' '111• """ 11tlm~ w1H poll 'l'h •\ '"'II '"r.111111<· If• 11\'P t.iayor Proclaims Kids' Day Here Next Saturday whr1r ~hf'''""" ,, hul""'"" ;ltl•! ''"'" I " ht'-Alld·lllll \ri11.t .. 11-.... ...:l1'•ll• I """'I r• \ tfP lttql1111•tn1't Tt11• lftl 1t1•d "''"'"" "··~ Utl<t>n (),, •• f1' 1!,,. thttlt•·r 1t1••n.twtA lfl :0:.f•. It t• .i n·I "' .,, '":.:• , .. ,,.t."l J1f (It 11\!•' ····1111f\' l 'I•' ... c·h1h \ I It• ,,t1tl11 A tln l'1•t1Ul\1ln11 \· Jf11-.p1· o Ir·~· !"111• 1r1·· 111l1 h.J I Rli I·\· l:tl "r •" ti \\al• drl• llh ll11'11 i.hr ~l•-~ .);,, k""" lhl~ i r;ir WI!" ..,lr1 l· h<lll: "' t' •·I 1 ~!•·~A Rn1J ""'' r• • rd ;11 1··••11 nt 1if th.-1:1oup !';hc- '1''"1,.,1 lo la•ld ,, '"""'''"""Al h •I ,.11f'<'•tl II f'l•'•lh11· l111l1lillP\ .i~. '•A• ""l"•li•I In 111r11.b•1~h1p lht• lt•1u n: 11•1 t lt .1~h lqp !'h• \\.•Iii \'dh ,t1IHt -i-P'h•1p .\I \ .,r 1>"1 a JIJll 1 o•I • v .,.,.. ,. ,., • '' 11.1 • 0~1·• • , ft1• ;• Al 1 ,.ntl<tn " J'l ot. htniA11c1n k1·ynr1nn1e !"· r'' ::t 11f11tn tf' f''' t, 1 11,1 ,.,,., lh,_ ,., •• ,,n a~ 1'1d.-I 1ny tn :--;, wpi•rt H•·1t• h 111 t 1 •1111• 11•• "' \• h •tit 111.:li•••ll th• .!I ~ .... t I An.1 Ill n... 1<1111n11lt•l1r frlllf'm1t\', ;\It" 111:11111.dl w11~ n 1nr111bt-1 l'"l'I •• Tau Alpha IT l.A 1h11 1'· (011J•Hl• l tc•n \\1th),,, .ti Hh I r t '1'lt1 •I 1 '\ • "' 1t• ~ .,• h lh " n• nf f ·11,:t 1,11t•l I 't 1•-.ct" 1 •~r a.•n l 'hui i·h fh,• "' ( hlvr t u• 1 Ut t• d "t ~ 01111 lht' 1'1111111 1'l11h 1n TllC'Plltll 1:11•1••1 :O't ll't' P"lhl Hrnu! A 1'' 11"~ '""' Amons l.\t1lant: ., hc1r1••t • !>oh• .. n:•t ''~\·e·I an h•lnnrJtbl~ K1w •• n.-.•l'H•K,t1\1L•,r ·ri ... ,., .• l•l1&i1 •fl•• ,1,,n.1 ,,, ~"'' ,J1u 1t •n l•'ll•' • ,,-t·• 1, t••Uttl ••I o'\1th tt "' rit•· ..,nd f.tad.t ,\111 1111.,1n 1'1 ih in It .,.,,.,.' '"f''"" .,rf th<' H1•h1p r1.n:rnn "''a (,.,,1111~ !It"'" tn th,. ~·,, la ;\II '·' :-; II\ 111•1 int 111.11 ·'"'" 1"11""1 n111m.-n'.1111\ And I!• ·1 ~hl tJ< T11hlr a w111 111 « ••n· ~IA\'OJt')Oo l'ftfM LAM-\1 10' ''" • • ''""'''' I!·\',, 1o11'1 1;1rltt \\"HJ.;n .. :A!'\ th••• 1t11,."' u! ~· ~· .. , 1r 1;,, ••• ,, f(, .. , If# I h• r •~th ... .\ :-. 111111 '''" ,., •. th .. n .. nlltlll'"' .. n ti• "'" ~HnlN ,ff<' .\l:s 1;,,.IJ:• \\ t'Rlllf"'ll .\:'ill f»•I '' "'11111 illl<I ;\11 '\ I.Ii ~ \·oii. ~ o( Sultl· ,, r \\'.1~h l "tl'JIJHllttfl ""t Vtl \_1 l '<1l-"·R1dli>~ ;\IOI · KinCJ Leaves for W8 • t:elt1 al u:11 ~. Cn•1:1 ~'" .. -Veterans Meeting News-Press Circulation Today 5862 Coples <'<•1 A lh•1 l B 1'1 ni: Of I I 2i \\' Bo\ A \'I' H fl A ••'l<'l"le • In th" rP11 t •~t alr l1rm• or B9lboa Bay Prop<'t tic~ ll'ft !;11nd11y b~· mlh· t11rv a1rcrn1t In rnmpan\' with 1 nth~r W('l!l Coa11l rtpre11ent1tlvr9 , to 11ttl'nd " nat1 .. n11I convrnt1on I nf :.11ht1u v Clnler of World \\'al'll. Col King I• rt'preM"ntlng Or· a n$ir County. Amonc t.ha apeak· er11 to br hn n l "l th" r,..n,·entlon will bl' \rlniln l Cunt\' r halr· -------------ma.o ot th• Joint Ch1eta ol Sl&tf. ,, ~t Blauert S.rvinCJ iR Helicopter Squadron port Rra<h IHP \ '"Illy illl• "~1.:.1 .,, 11~.1 :1 \!'> II • (·Ill(• •P .. r lh4 tn nur ynuth 1tnt1 ,,.u,Rr.tt. .. ttu 11. ht \ '' ti• J•lu \ 1tl•• ¥.ht t h,, f1 ,,,. ,,. p<>tltlnt f' "' e1tuU r!>tl(H ap1t.l11.n an ,., , ... ,.,,I" ''·' tt'I ,,, .q niatt,.11 J>l't la1n1ni;: t11 111 .. '"'II 1t.1 •• :'\'• 1\\ T H 1 ·1t1-:1-' •Ill': I t10n A or our 1 halllrl'n <1 1111.1 . I\ 1111 '" .. r tit• 1111•hor11y \\'HF:Rl-:As •1nl' or lh• r 11n•1p:tl .,,,,..1 tit ff .. ,,. \I I\ I ' r Ill" ('I!\' lJ\111kl rat.tnji! h 'JI n11tu n :.n ! "''' 11' ~· •• ,,,, •• ~I Ii• ,, I., •lo h,.,, t.v ,,,.. :-.A:-0: YSIDRO. 1 P.'HTNCl-G,.17 , nmm11n1ty tr.Ill\' 1• th .. t1111l•hn1: ~.jt,11 ,,,. :--,. 11 !tt\ l'"f't• n.i ... r 24. K Biau•·rt 1111 m·1n 11rprtnllce, of our ~·,111th 1n1 .. 11•o'f1il 11n•I h••r,• 1 ,, l\1·! ''" '" :-;. "l"•f t n ... ch a nl1 \':-.N .•r,n of Mr 11n1I Mrtt John ahl" , 1tizt11.• •I,, • .i 'I '"·"" • 1t11.• r1N 1., aupport E. M1t1•ht>ll or -;~:, l't'rtlt'r St . \\'111-:tU:Ali It IA t11t1ng " .• t "' ti•• "'""' '"" ,,, lhtN .... ,. a.nd to Co.,ta Me1111. 111 •• rvani w ith Heh-n111ke """' , ... rtort 10 k""P 1111 , hit· f •w•11r11<I• t" 11, .. '"'"tor thf'ir ah!ll· C'Opter Ut1llty Squ•dron I. h&lll'd clr .. n from bl'1nir rr .. v t .. 110\' fqflll 11••• Hi .. ··"·'·"' tlir • \1'01 M lllll'C'tNI llt the R.l'am Flelll N11"•I Auxtliary or <ltlln'lllrnr\· 11nd 10 ''"''''' 1ttl I:'\ \\ IT:"I".~~ \\ 111-:l~f:OP', AJr Station here. 1(1)1)11 And prr11,., "'"'""''•11• A111 • 1_01·<-9'••••1111•1 •l ""•' h11n11 ant! Blauert rtported for duty here a t h"lf!lng our ynuth \n 8• ,,,.,\,. t 1iu~--1 lhr """I 11r th11 <.:1ty of In August from the Naval Tram· 1 the bentrllA orttred by rhr A111rr-:-O:cwr·•rl l:cw h tr1 11,. 11 rflx~ lhta ini:: Cr ntrr, San Dlr('O If 11n WI)' or lift 14\h d11y or Hl'pteml>,.r In the year .,~fott entrrtnr the Navy 1n M"y \\'llF:H.F:AR throuch th,. Joint et-of 011r l"'r(I N1nrtl'"n Jlundrett II'.'•~ he att.~nll"d Newport Har-fu1t11 of Kiwanla lnlemat1onal and 1u'lt1 F irt)"Fl\·r bor liJl b lcbool. I lhe klcal KJwania cJub, a _, .hU I OORA O. HILL (}overnmenl f:xcepl UJh.al .!Jt :Jrom PAGE 2 • PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY , SEPT. 19, 1955 "God gront us the serenity to accept the th ings we connot change : the couroge to change the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) EDITORIALS OCC Stadium Breath-taking in Conception, Initial Use Five thousand persons were greatly thnllt'd in our Newport Harbor area Friday night. They were the fortun. ate ~rsons who rolled forth thei r comm'tiiilty spirit and pride and joumeyC'd to the new Stadium, of Onng~ Coaat College lo root for the home team. T here was not one person-from Orl\nge County- who lt>ft the stadium, late or early, who was not thrilled. Firstly an• out-clt1ss<•d, out-played team of Pirate footballers playe<t thrir hrarts out. Until the last two minutes they had the game won-and even t hen they tied the hea''Y weighted East Contra eosta Junior Coli1 lrge terim. IL was goo<! ~INln sport all the way. Orange Coa.sl began with u determined drive t o make the first score 1n their new stadium. They s ucceeded. The Pirates scored so quickly that every one was breathless. And then they settled down to hard, driving football. Half-timr intermiRsion was a new trrat. A na rrative of the history or our area was g1v<.'n over the stadium loud speaker!! by the College of Speech. Greensward characters acted out the narrt1tion t o the accoMpanlment of the band and occasional chorus. All was fine. but the thing that stoic the show was the stadium ilself. lt is 1t new concept of a sports 8la· dium. We ha\'C ~n privil<.'ged to make pictures on the playing field. t.ak<' notes in the press box. and give a run· ning coni.owntary from the radio booth of many sta- diums. but never ha\'<' we had such a choice st'at. Like the thousand& of our fellow townsfolk we en· tered the big new stadium for the first tim€' Friday night. We settled quickly onto the bare boards at the south end about one-third the way up. But what a treat: We had the illusion of ~ing right in the middle of that field. T he stadium was created by the simple method of h&uling t he dirt out of the center up onto the edges. The grandstands were then shaped a cro88 th~ mounded earth and formed in cement. It is the most utilitarian structurf' of its kind e\'er conc<'t\·ed. The i500 seat Pir· ale Stadium wai-1 built, equipped. and auxiUary buildinga for the public. school and team use created, for ~296.650. Why is it so different, ao great ? \°t•ry simple. The football stadium waa created for that purpoSt'. Therefore, the running tract wsa left out. Const'qurntly tipcclators sit about 100 ff>et closer in on either side. The ends of the Stadium are b<.•wed in to gw<> even tht' farth~t removed s[l<'Ctator a line of viaion to the farthe11t corner ot t he field. The persons in the center are in the Ct'nter of that arc and st.Jll have choice seats. ls lhrre going to ~ a track team at Orange Coast? Ot courae there will be. They have their own track and stadium bleachers crutcrl from the back of the east 11tanM. Trackst.-rs will use the same shower, locker, and dreuing room facilities as footballers but lhl'ir track is apart from the foC>tball firld and the ble&che" seat 650. The l!aJne press boxes. public addreu system and facilities are available without duplication. Our hats ur off lo the board or t ru11tees or Orange Cout Collegr, its administrat ive sWr and tht' architects and builders who did the outstanding job on Pirate Sta· d1um. And <>h. yes, congra tulations to you of the Orange County Coastline. Newport Harbor Union High School District and Huntington Beach Union H igh School di&· trict-you paul the bill. Particularly three <'beers for that fi~hting football team. Go get 'em ! Mighty ch.•,·eo th~se pirates! 'Golden Voyage' to City f rom-Ensenada Commended All crrJit 1s due the city's g11llf<'n ann1 ,·rrsary citi· z<'ns committee for grtting off 1 o 11 n~·ing start on plan!> tor thiR municipality'!! fift ieth birthday yt•ar. due next September. News-Prl'ss r1•ncl<'rs Frida~· notl'd 11 Png<' 1 story whOflE' bann<'r prodriimed a rC\'f'rsal of t h<' nnn1111I New- port-Ensenada Yacht Racr. making t hf' course. Enc;e. nada-Newport as a fitting krynot<' of thr c1t y'11 golden anni\'ersary. Now for such a suggestion to be adoJ)trti successful. 1"ormerly Utt N~·B11lbna New11·T imta a.nd the Nt"''llOrt·Balboa PreAA A 0.-Pf'Ddable Loe-al lmtltullon for Onr t·orty l'ea" ly it LI up to civic leaders to confer with Newport OcMn Sailing AMociation oftlciala and obt&.ln thmr coopera- tion. It should be pointed out that If NOSA acreea to at.age the race from the revene direction, the ueoc\a· ' lion bu the chore or convincing yachtsmen to make the cruiae down to Enaenada, t.hen return the "uphlll" route. While all aailora who have made the uphill run home to Newport Harbor have commented that the return la rougher than the downhill cruiae, we rffl the welcome they and their Mexican compatriot.a would have here would aoften whatever rough apota the trip mjght af. ford . We say Mexican compatriot.a u we think thia year it would be a fine gesture to invite certain of Newport Harbor's hoata at pa8t Ensenada fiestas following the race there to join festivities here after crewing on the boats. Granted many Mexicans might rather dnve up than sail, the fact remains we think our good frienM in En· senada might welcome a chance to be tetect-here and we think our lo<'al yachtsmen would be happy to return some of their many kindnesses in the put several years. Naturally, this suggestion means planning suitable entertainment for the Newport-bound yachtllmen and their Mexican compadres. But this ia no real problem for Newport Har bor, accUBtomed to entertaining thousands in a s ummer season. Our yacht clubs are constantly holding t rophy pre· aentation dinners for the many boat races sponsored here. Our accommodations would be quite sufficient for \tiaiting Mexicans, we think. The whole i~ea of reversing the couree for jU.Bt this one year and letting our Mexican neighbora join. in the anl\iversary celebration with possibly a "Cinco de Mayo" themed fiesta here ia quite exciting. Ensenada'a activities after the annual racing clauic are formidable. We trust the NOSA officers will give the change of course serious thought, favorable action. Thia would be & nice birthday present for the city after which their uaociatJon le named. West County Phone Service Improves; Ours Still Lags Residenta of the west county area of Orange County thia week have results of their organized demand for im- provement or telephone service there. Largest target of their diaguat was the facility of the General Telephone Co. and the facilities for Jong distance ot that company and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. An investigator of t he California Public Utilitirs Commiuion was aent into the area and he revealed " startling neglect of facilities in the Weslmir.ater area. For inatance, he pointed out that only one-fifth of the calls to long distance were answered within 10 seconds although the P.T and T. says ita standard procf'dure is t• handle 9l.per cent o~ all calls within 10 seconds. The investigator of the state commission also found that only 22 trurika were available to handle all the long distance calla or the Westminster Exchange although sim- ple examination should indicate that 40 lines were needed. It was also learned that only 82 switchboard j)oaitions were available while 98 were needed. So au~denly has remedial work been ordered that the switchboard posi· l ions are being flown by air from New York to Anaheim for installation there in the offices of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph. By organized complaint to the utilities commissinn the people of t he west count y area will get new facilities. A new building ia being erected at Garden Grove, a new buiJdjng at Anaheim, another new building at Otan~e. Still Newport Beach rcmalna at the bottom of the Ust for aervice improvemenL It is still the only exchange in Orange County with manual operation. There is atilt no definite commitment aa to when dsnl service will be made a vailable. SHORTLY SAID Our U. S. Constitution is a very short document. Much power has been left to the state and local gov- ernments and to the people. This close-to-the-hearth power is a first line or protection f or freedom. Support and protection or state and local govern- ment.11 is one aure way of supporting individual liberties. READERS To the E<iltor , Ntwport Harbor New1-T'r•~~ Our Sir. On beha lf ot the Offtnorll ll.lld WRITE !:nte~ u Sf'C'On<l·ClaH Matttr at She PMtotttce In l'\twport Buch, m,mbers of Blllbo& r nw,.r Squ At1· C&llfom la unit"r thf' Act of J\faN"h 3. 1879. It la obV1nu11 thl\t evHy b11sl· ntl'll dollar ln the &rPI\ lt f'llrt 1111lt wa ltr. Therrfore an\llhlnir t hat 1<ervr1 the 1<11lt water nrtl· vliy In & ronl'trurtl\•e m11nn!'r ~ft\·~• all who lh·e here WI' al11n \l.i~h tn thank \'OU for \'n11r fine edit oria l of lu·t FrldA~:.,. paper in hthalr <•f a11fe hO•tlnic pro· g-ram9 of lnstrucl1nn. Pablle.IM!d r.\~ry M onday, \\'ednMday aad Frlda,.r at ~ewport ~acll. eaw .. by tlwi XEWPORT HARBOR r1·nLJS RISG COMPAXl' Tf'lrpbone Harbor Hll Qaalln.d t o Publll'b 1.rr•I S otl<'f'9 and Adnrtltfmeaita of All IUDd• 87 l>N:J'oN of die SOPf'MOr C<>Ur1 o f Oranre Co. lD AcdoD So. A·!l'7ot lbmber Calltomh• StW!lpaJW>r Puhll8hf'MI Ak-latloa Meinkr Satlocaa.I l:dltortaJ A•MldattoD Ml'mkr of O~e County S ttn 8en i<'e RE~ REDDICK. Pt;tJLJSH"F.R \\ JU..I AM J,. MOSES. Edltnr OR~f();\'n E. ROl.:>."'tREE. Ad\'f'rlli<mg Dlrf'<tor CHARLES A. AR:\fSTRO X\.. M,.rhanlcal Su~nntendmt St"B.~RIPTIOX R \TT.~: Sl'wpnrt Harhnr Xf'wio·P"'""· Tr1·"HktT In Oranrr C""unt~-. 16.00 ~r f Nr: J3.0() 'h m oit.: ei-SJ U1JM m~ Outalde of Orance Count)' fl.00 ~r ftv ' ... ron we wish to again exrr,~s nur a pr rtclatlon ot your 1uppnrt of our p rO(T&m of lnatructlon In ufe and competent boatlnic, 10 \'ita l to thJa marine area.. ltnrollmtnt at the large~t P l· lotlns clau In our history 1tood at nurly 200 men and women al tu t Monday nt11:ht'1 opt>nlnr 1H· lion. a nd "'e 1lnr er,.ly ftl'l that your year • rounrl g rntrous ".,. oprratlon w ith ue In ma.kine the public: aware of our pr<1g-ram. la \'t ry l.arc1ly ruponalble tor r•l· t lnit tbf' lnatrueunn pro1ram And the re<tJlle who want lt tocelhtr. F or your r r co1011tlon a nd your eorulatent gfnero11" uat of your apace •·t -thank you ~inorrtly • J C' Peue for C'nm m anrler Curt Dosh TMut. C-ommander J llmu Ed'llvari11 Jr. S.C:"t.ary Albf'rt Ryl~t TTtuurtr A lv\n !!l~ncer Public Rf'l&tlona Officer I. C. Puae I AFFAIRS OF STATE By RENRl' C. MAcARTiflJR SACR AMENTO. -(C~S I -I mer AHl'mblyman Sta nley T om· Fo rthromlng ·~elal elections In lin1111n 1 R l. will •lltmrt 1n takl' aeveral Ca)1torn1a 1!1slrll'l11 lo fill 11\'l'r lhe scat n! the lat!' Sl'nator I Vl\('nnnu In lhll lt>gl.'1l11ture r llUS· J Clnrl'nre \\'arrt. ll 111 ll4'l 01111cl· t t1 by dea th•. a ppo1nlmenta t o pated Tornhnaon will ha\le a Rt· olhtr otrlc-e, and rnl~&tlon11 In· I f'llbltl'lln opf"'nl'nl. but will bat· dk all'll thl' t rend for a t1mr 111 lie ll l•lll \\It h J J , H nlli111t·r go1nR tn be on 1trtct pa rty hne11 I DJ. who II! 11. r11 n, her, c1 vlr l"><•l· Jn tht past. when a l!Pl'l'll\l Pr. y11r ht11m11n a nd •11n nt fm mer elC'l'tlnn r a mr up. l'hn1ce of JI<'\'· Senstor J amrs Holll11 ter. BRU.SH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PARKER (Ed. l'\ote -Thia roluma by HoraN rark<'r "111 dM.I "1tl' the UtU&-lulOW11 bJ11tnrll'al fal'I• he baa dN'd,-~ up In hi• maa1 tripe lato the b&rk C'OUntry In rfflll'at J'Ml'L) LOS CO\"OTF ... ~ CHArEI .. -At bRse of hil1 on which this chapt'l stands fi\'e Indian C:htf-fa were Rhot by a firing squad of 20 San Diego Voluntf'era Chriatmaa mornin~. JR51. Thi:' Chi('fs were made t o dig their own graves before the volley ended the Garra Revolt. Pllrt of t he glittE'r and glamor of our Weatem hiat.01"1 is lhe signing of treaties with the Indians. We have all heard about t hem. but it wasn't until I received a photo. static copy of the Treat y or Temucula through the courtetY of Congressman Utt, that I had really read one. Thia treaty e1 al cand1 l11trs 111111nlly wa11 hanrl· T omlmimn':o lnnR rxpvrlo·nl't' In ell t o the people of lh" distr·1r1 thr a~l'mbty protiably w ill )!I\'•' lnv4'lveil, him a dlsl•nl t Arlvsntai::e ovtr Ill the C'pllom t ot falllf'hood• and '!'>fttrshe.JI wu <'Vtntually hanS'td Wlillt< ttiP p lrture mRy chans:e nls Dtmorrat1c op11onent. anct hl11 1 prom1•t's f\ltr fol11lt'd by a llO·cAll· and Carra ahot. before fll1ni; il11Les a1e rinsed. Plt'l'tlnn wn•ilrt iend In lllrcni:lh<'n lt>d re.~pnn&lble clvlllzerl govl'romPnt the prt'aent 111•t ·up ln•llratrs at the dwlndlini: ranlci< nf the Ill'· on ILl1 Ignorant and prtmltl\'e f M· CHIEF8 EXEC't~D least three nt four fo rthron11ni: riubllr ans in l hl' upp<'r hnii ..... p leL The c:ulmlnallo n of the rovnll electlon11, Lhl' party line will be Howt vl'r. fN "<'Mtt'rs pr,.dlrt this 1 That reprnenl&tlvu of the gov. h&.,pened on Chrlatmaa D ay, 18!11, follow!'ll l race ls no clnr h. l trnment o f the United Slatu with I Wht•n M11 jor H rlntulma n afttr di'• ('OATl4 \'S, SEDGWICK Socramrnto cnunl\"11 F.lghlh Ato· ton~11'1 ln chee'k 11hould perpetrate fellllnc thl' l ndW\n1 a t Lo• CnyNf'a In thr Fourlh a1111crnblv dl11· "''mbl\• d l:<tru-t. \'~<'&!Pd b\' th<' 1mch & fr11ud ovt>r e. century ago execu ted f h•e of thf'lr chltfa. Thl'y trlrt. to fill 11 v11c11nr" l'l\UM'1I hv 11ppn1ntml'nt of r.tordnn F ll'lll'\I tn lihoul11 m11ke all of u" hang nur were made lo !Ilg their own l(TaVf', lhe death Of f>O pul11; A11l'f'm bl\'· lhe 1111rt nnr rourt b<>nrh. ma\' head.II In 11ha.me A nd this Is just and at 10 11· m. on C'hrl9tmaa m om· man Don Hobbit . O!'nln<'r11 t Ar· bl' " thrte·mnn rnrt·. with twn 11ne of 18 surh bog1"' trf'al1 .. s In· In~ & firln1r r 11rtY o f 20 America n• lhur \\'. Coau. 11 formrr lll<~«"ffi· 1•11nd1rl11t••8 110 th1• n emrwr1111c \'Olvlng ll\'l'r 139 t rlbt-11 o r Jnnl11n.1 put t hfm '" It. blyman. will fl ~ht it nut with ~1<!P nam nomkh • R l , rrom1· in Callfoml& 11nd nf'.(nl lat<'rl by E\'en though the rt<volt apJ>f'&Y'• H11rold Srdgwlclc. A Rf'pubhr An ntnt tn rl\'IC Affnir11 and for mer· thn-e commw1o ner-<1gent11 <>f the rd to ~ eo1led, the "whllH " In of Oroville. IL°. R. J untnr rhl\mbl'r nf ("4'm· Indian Office. I Soulhtm Callfornla wer,. ec arett. Coatti h•u IH'ruied lheo endorJ<e· m,.rr e P~"ld,.nt. wllt be thf' Re· 1 But rl<ling fut to their rtar ue ment of th!' la bor union" In hi• publlcl'o candidate In lhe 'ral'f. FEARED llEVOl.T came Or.' Wo&en<'rart oneo of I h• d f,.trlr-t. whlrh rnni<l11~ nr Runr, I UE'IOCK TIC° , lllf: 1..-•I,. ""t the "lltl?I' ,.-Mm • lhrf'f' Jnttlan r omml.,.1nnl'ra fnr Rutlr r 11nlj Yuh& rnunlt• • T l.<' ' P•'11n•I l 't~10 tu 11-'r:/ th•• 1111!111n l'"\ltfHl'l'llll rompll'le w ith t hf' "i;lll • state·Wldl' labnr puhllritv hur••au, I On t he Df'1t1ncr&l lr ~ult Will br lribM n f th<' rntrrlor h1Hl bl'rn l'l•n-Irr Rn1l JCh•mnr" 11n!I a hn1?1111 o~r&ll'•I by lht rahro rnia l'tntf' .lrl'll•· Flu~1111 ,· S111•r11mrnl•1 nt · 11111 tin..: 1l••pra<1111 1"n"' e1?aln111 th•• I rrltty The Tem,.culll Indian& hAd Ff'd1>ratlon nt l.&bnr i.•.•llP<I 11 r<'· IOmC'\'. \\hn rnn lll!Rtnl'l ... l<'l1"' "'t11: .. 1 11uhfr<1ll nl••ni: tlll' ""':oil n11t 1r\'nlt,.o1 11n T tml'u1l11 w11" MP· ltal!e thl" wl'ek <'ntlor11lnJt ('n8 t11, In lfl~~ lln•I ll<1W 1~ l\lltmrt•nl? C1r•111 lt••r w11ii h• l•I thnl lhr 1111 Ill l"l'l f'll a.~ thl' 111le fn r trnltlng n11t 11nd p<1lnll'd out that nm nf fll ln romr hnrk tn "'10 R 11"11' ht' trih·,. m1i:ht r11\·olt 111 1111y tlnw Iha trraty, All th<' JnrllAn trlh,., vott11 In th,. Jei::·hl11 t11re durtnR nnl'I' ln•l Fluharl\' hv """ V4'lr. In :-.;,.vl'mbt't. !~!'>! with th" f'X · f11r m 1le11 a rounit r a m t In for t he lhe 111!5t 11e11S1(1n rlllPrl ns "i:m•I' re<'"ll'•'•I thl' rn l1tr•PnlC'nt of lhf ""'"" thr\I < .. 11 .. , t1nn 11r '"·'''-" flom lrt•11ty ~11ir)l1ni:-. Anfl "bao1" filr lnhnr, ("'n11ts wn~ fll'morrntll In ~:irr.~'?1""1 '' l'nlln· 111., ln•hnn .. b~· ~h· ri!r HJ<r1•7thy On!' 11l r1tn~r t h ins:". """ord1ni:: tn nn lh,. "g(IOlj" 111•1" Ml llnlP.. l\'. 11"'1 11' 11 1"~1111 1 h"mllll Mar· nf 8110 J>11•i:n 1 · .. w11v w 1• 11n11111·, lh!' ncw:<rnr"'r 111·1•n11n1 r.f lh11 \\'hill' thl~ m11 ~· en•lo•11 r C-nnt ~ Rr i•lr 1<nnl h<'r ~-.rinm,,~•n sl • ,. • 1"tt1 A nl .. nlo <:Arn• I\ rrnmlr.•·nt 1111'"11n, \\'111.f'nrrn rt 11.-ruioN! J uan to lh,. h!'Arts n( lhr lnh«r unl"n tnrnt'\'. mH' "''"" in lhr rllrr 1-111.·r ,,f 111 .. Int :ii lmhRn" tn n •\1Jll. Anlon1". theo L'h11'f "'hn hn!I <'li p· mPmber~. It rnulrl hll\'I' an l\1J· Ma,.Brl·:"' Ill \\'•·II· knnwn 111 !'!ll'rA • A l ;\1!11:1 I 'a)lrr1I •· "h11 II Ill nnw t 111 rd • ::i ri 11 11 nd n1 l'I'"" t hr rf'\'nlt V"r.11e 11f!trt a !< fitr All oth~r vnt"" m t'nl" fhiK t>ll'rtllHI '"11 h .. h"111 \\'.11 nfr~ Hnl !':prl.1s:~ f••ur "'hll•• 1n l hC' bud .... r h1wlng 11rnl r<>•ir· tir,. cnnrnntrl. S,.r1gw1rk I~ l\ Oer ~. n11 n W• r" b1ut11ll~· m11nlrrt'<I ,,,,. 1rrs 11mnng t hr •ltffer,.nl T11l11n wtll known Anti pnpulsr m!'r· AnO!h"r l'lr r ll"n Is lll'hNllllPll n">-l mi.mini: \\'Arn .. r·ll H11nr 'l wA11 1t1lo<'ll. ln r xnt<' 111,.m tn rt\'Oll • ChAnt In Orn\11lr . nn•I hf' h1111 thl' Drr A In the F irllt Sl'n,ilnnAI All:u I.rd I )1.1.f .. 11 ·d 11nd hi l In ,\ntn111n nf <1111r"" '1Pn1r .1 11 t>ul 11dv11nt11~t or er.mini:; frl>m lhr th~lrtrt, Whlrh rnmro~('~ l.R~<tn llltl.!". Th· ln•h ll. l h1·n rt• I I . \\,.7r nr rnrt t hn11s:ht him l:"lllll\' 1lllml' rnmmunltv 11s (nrmror As· Mo<lnl' And Pl11mni1 rnu~1"~ Oe· f..,M ( '11w1t"• 11n nr. 11 ~·••II t11·<\.~I 11( r 1 lltmblym an Hobbit ft lll o n CM I a n or t Ill r11ct•, \VamC'r'11 Hot Snnng!< tu rlan Anti · It ll d d t t h ~ A lrr reRl 1ng l h,. lrf'Aly a t lf'1U1t rl'11ult1ng f rom the dea th of Da le ,. 1 Th 11 tln7.rn t lm<'ii. J nnw flnrl a nother TOMLIS!'IOS TR,. IC" Wllllam•. are not u yet av&ll· dtrldt on future rltw npml'nt,.. f' quirk tn It. Appartnlly lh,.llt thr,.. Jn Sllnll\ B11rh11ra r nunty. for· 11.blt, t rlhtl were l\rOUllf'•I l'V"n "11 far ha rblngtr11 <>f peart , the three In· ew11y 1111 Yuma Anti I\ numb<-r or o11an C11mmlA11lonl'r11 for \allfomla white 11htrphtrdrr11 wt'rt" murd,.red ln llllll had worked nut a "tre.aty down on t he dt11,rt. fnrm " ln which •J"l'Ct'll w ere left l\IARTIAJ, l..AW I ln th,. ll'XI tn fill In lllr a mnunte nt hl'ct """''· hor"t"· p11ntalonn• On Nov Zi. 18."ll MllJOr F lt%· and the like<. gnald with & group of San Dlri:;n Sacramento Sidelight Voluntt"l'r1' hl\11 lf'ft rnr th" ltl'lll n! I no,;n" TRl':ATV llOS F. war. Marl111I 111.w hl\d ht'en dr· Ro arlrlinir ln1rnll lo In jury, nnt Con1ttquently. G<>vtm or Kni1otht SACRAMf.~XTO, W=->S l -Ap· parf'ntl~·. the lrgl\li7.rt1 thlr\'l't\' whlr h h&a markrfl thf' r nursc Q( lht' .!SIA le d!'fllll lmPnt of • mpl"Y· m"nt fnr th,. IA year11 l'1nr~ thC' st111e ftlArlr'•I r 11\ In~ 11n•·mplnv. mcnt ln~ur11nce henl'fll~ 111 ~n1n~ ttl be a llowtd tn rnnttnuf'. w ith only perfunctory l'h<'l'k• 11i:-am,.1 the a.mnunl "rhl.•rlr1f" rrnm lh,. fund. 1'1Arrt1 In S11n Dll'Jrn , n g11rr1son n ( onl.Y WM tht """r "lnJun" 111 .. nln• r<'ceh·rit 10 msny complaint• tha.t 0~-· "" " t l 11nlt11rr" plar rd At El Mnntr 110'1 a l)n1n111 lrtnl,V nf nt'itrt , tht\' hanrl· '"ror r<I y. he w111 tlrrd of ht l\r· ,... ,. Inc 11hnut nurlcl.'tl. 1Ulo1 mn\'ed lhl' Mo m 1nn11 nr S101 ni•rnnrtllnn NI him a tnnllt "unnr1Rln11I fqrm" brj:M l'nnstrurll"n nr l hl'lr fan11t11• to "1un rr,,h11lil_V "v'ry l rlhro hat1 him to the b11nlclng r1<'p11rtm"nt " "rnttnnwn'>'I fnrt." Whll'h t hl'Y 11 hltl~ thffrrl'nl "'rlf'\'Anr e IO h av• Th,. g n\'ernnr i:;avt the Jnb to " HlllT)' W . Stl'\\'ftrt. who 111 a re· hv"i in f11r m11ny month• r. .. r rk. 1<nf\'"''· lrnt thnt dl<1n't m ake any it "'''8 n1morrd. h11.t :IOOO wa11 111ra t11!f Pr<>nrr11 tn th• "romlsha.'' tlrl'd oil comp11ny m1<n8J;l'r ~ un1l<'r h111 • ommlln•l. \\.hite mPn nmnlni:; r a ltlf' ar rou R11rkrlt txrose<l th" 111x1ty In T!1t 1 evolt "''llJI d"61t l\ 11l11gi:-ning thr1r f1t'ld11 l'nd 11t,.allnv; their the departmPnt whrn 1t Wl\ll un· hlrtw when Anlnnl" Garrn wll.A 11 ... wnmt'n WI\" nr lllllt lmrortll.llre u BefM!' 11n a"i<rmbh· lntrrim '1lrr lhe 11dmlni,.tr111inn of J nm"' . t rsyt>d An•I rartu1NI hr J1111,1 An· lnnir 1\.11 It h1trt1 Into tht treaty comm1llt'". headNJ by \\'II mm A r. llt\'ant (lnf "' Rtf'warl'~ first tnmo " frlrmlly lntloRn r h1• r "'h" form of 110 1n11 ny pant11ln1>n11. corn MunnPll, J.011 Anl{elr~ lt',l1mnnv nr t'I on hlll new job wa~ 10 hft\'" turnt>t1 him 11v1•r to t hl' e11t11nril•""-hot" 1rn1l 11111l ll11n" 1.1111,. wondf'r Wi s g lvrn tn lh,. r ffPrt I hA 0 l hmr h \l'llh Rr\'Rnl. An<! J:'lllh<r 11111 ~!;11 •h·1ll .1 "nq :.1•1• \\h '" lhrn, lh" 1·.,111111"•1nnl'll• hll!I 18 nf !raudultnt ('llllm11 t1n<l l\•lm'n•"tr~. •1r 1n'• 1nrnt1•111 1111 .. 111 R1 \A11! 11 .. v h11 ;l\·111 1u•h nn lnd11H1 '""'""n lh••r \\'l1thh"•ll t1nr•1m .. nl• 11lg-n,..1 live fl'TOrl! ha VP r •l"-1 t)Jf' rlln•l f4'1 Olf r ~tnr( ll"nl<' "f "'h• Ill n11\\ 111 A.1:u11 1·,.11 .. 101• nnol ti.1<1 II•"" 1n JllC t l!nl', r"rr,.•r ntlni; Rome l:lll ll pproxltnl\l<'l\I S!'ll .~•:!I Oflfl fur It nro• l<'pnr l•'111" "hllrk In th,. "'"1" 1•••·~1 'il nt l"-•• 110.l '""r•11 ••' llw l'.-il1l11rnl.1 l11ol111n t11br•11 up s nt1 l'"rlO<I n r two )'l'l\r:o 11n11 thre" ·I·· 11rt•1 h·1·i.: 1ol"1:•t1 I '" •• h·' •rr in~·· ""'" .. b .. I Rl'lllHI lf•·'\11 l111• "'"" m nnlh11. •"1rTl• r hy H111k1'tl. I Rot·o n FI Gt 'ttt: I i::1H11e nr the member11 or the <'OlfllnymPnt atnff wtre 1'<1 nvr r· G1•orge Rnrhl', u11ef 11f lht r"· '"""d wh1-n Kn(icht 11nnn11nrNI l'fllrCh &.nd lltatUl\11'!1 b111e1111. ~1wl B11rlcrtt W Aii n<> Jnn1r"r ihrrrtqr nf this was nvt an exArl fll"tlr•·. h111 I h1' dl'pllrtmcnt th11t thr\' 111n1:er1 lhl\l thr tn l11l rnulol hi\\'" ranl("l't1 nn etnanr lpRtlon pu t\: In l\ from S32.275 Ol\O 111 $71 71 !•MO l'Arrftmo>nto rnl'ltlhnu11r thr n11:ht buerl "" lhP ~1<mplm 1: ·!nnr lw nrt"r t i"• 11nnn11nc·,.menl wn11 • lhP (l<'p11rlmen1 lro l111.1t•• 11r1111· m ·Hir. n1111 cln1m• Rinn(',, !of thlA wh•rl1 •1111' l'hl'" SO OSE ('AJtt:,-. "llni;: hnvl' hr o•n p11n1r11 rrnm T ht point ls th11t no "n" np· llm,. tn 11mr 11111 lh" flrl't .. r. pt>a ra to rl\r t whrthrr 1n~111:cnl't' fort tn rl"l\llv fin•! 0111 tn wh&t r111!1t'ltno l'tNl mllllonll 11f t111ll1<r< rxt"nt thP funt1 w11~ I ••lnR m••n•v Bon11ally frnm the unl'mplo~ml'nt (.-1 p1>nple nnt rnlltlrrl tro h"n''" •n~11r11nl'e run•1 _AP lll"O"Y t• f1t~ WR• m1vle Wh<'n Wtlh11m A !'Ah: ln by emJ!"15-fl ~. whn 81Rn'1 R11rkl'tt. 11n ln\'f'•ll1111t1•t fnr 11 '" Inv fverv tim e 11 1llAh••nr~I 1-:roup n! f'mplonr~. unrnvi>r,.d •Ir llnr ls p11111 out of thf' run<l w h&t h" 1111ld \\•ttJO " ~'10 NIO nOll (',,rt11inly prn·lllbt>r a~11embl\'mrn 111.n11al :otral rr"m th<-st111e runt1 ltkt ~tunnell rlo nnt 11 pp,.ar tn bl' B11rlc,.t t !1\lhM"IJll"nll\' lA'B!< "P· 11nxlo11A fnr the 1>tllt" to unro\·rr • po1ntef1 dirrr tnr nf th!" clt part. I he r h lAel<'rl ml'nt ·'f t"lnploymtnl by Go \lrr· :\tunnt ll'a committee apfllove'1 nor \.nodv. 1n J l<nl~ht but w1111 d1scontlnu1.nrf' of ll 11 m p 11 n g trllM'f'd c•t h111 dutlu @f\'"l'"l r l11lm' fnr thr> time hf'tnt In rlr· "', .. ks a11:n 11n I 11ppolnlf'd lltll t<' l"r1T1n!' • 111cnt of lhl' ch111~l1111t. "mrr1ntl'r1lltnt nt h&nks an I f:'""'llrt 11atd tt.e pr->r"•• r "' Ji.r wllh the civil H rvlr f' 1ta ff 111ln11l 11200 m onthly. 11"'1 th11t ln th& llrartmtn t. ll.lld 11111<> be· l hf' mon!'y .. could two bt lltr llpf'n! <'•me unropular "1th IA1'14'r "'hr n for nlhl'r r u rpoJO .. The d~pll.rl. ht att,.mrttd to admtn1•'.rr the mront nf c-1o11ut will rnntl"u-In untmploym,.nt lntouranre act In rrnr,.~• n11.-rant u~r1 for f'"I' rn a r rordanr!' "'''t.h th" term s nf th,. lb" public. b11t obvlou~l}'. lht 111 IAW, tlllh,.r ,t han flVOMnJt elth.-r ~II" h f>Oltllrllll\' 1"'1 hn! tn labor or buslnu&m t n. ha.n".lle ISDIA~ ('JIArt:L AT WARSt:Rs -Within " f tw hund red yards of hf're four white mrn wtrr mur<ter~ in No\'Pmhrr. 1 ~3 1 . 11tJ:trt nf th" in farnrrn11 r.l\rra Jn. d1an revolt. -Watercolor pa1nt1nga by LaVerne. ( , , ... p • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA•E J ~ == ~ ~ MARTIN HOME-Seclusion on crowded Bnlboa lslanrl is achieved at Mn . Agnes Mar1111·s hnmt> by plannet..1 planting. House and landsc!lp111g W(·n· pl:1111wd ln· ' ~ONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 SUPERIOR COURT JUDGES ARE ENTinED TO SALARY BOOSTS SACRA.MENTO, (CNS) -Robert C. K1rkwood, • lt&te controUer, hu nott.ned the OND,.. Count7 Boa.rd ot 8uper- Ylaora that Superior Court judg9e ot that oowity are entlUed to a aa.lary booet to $18.000 a year bec&Ule ot populats.oa ln01"ea.at'L Kirkwood Mid the ~n Of the OOW1\.Y bu ~ u tlmated at 2~9.82% tor purpoM9 cl ftldnl Jud&'u al&rtea. County Contractor ·. Sc to Open Next Month in SA It'• back t o acbool tor many sy maJd.ng Orange County the ot Orange County'a 1800 con-tutCJtt g-rowing area In th" tract ors and •ubcontractors, lta world. ('{'rtainJy foels th•· n«d for such an insutullon," Cerl I real estate developera and otbera M.-yer, secrPtary • mirnn.:er or lnll'rf:'11ted ln keeping up with t he the Oranie County BulldC'r& All!lll ·I lncreaaed pace ot Orani:e County comml'nted when Brown announc-1 con11truction, whl'n the Brown I n-('.J lll'Uills of the 11cho11l. Meyer atllut.e oL .Eru.Ucal Con~ ~1U ho one ot lhe J.':'U''l!l 11pe&kar•' featur l'lt dur1ng the ttl"'6-month ana C"natrucllon open. Ila class-couree. rooma next month in Santa Ana. The builders -and aome ot their comely 1ecretarie&-&re en- rotlmg In the 12-week evening cour11ea to catch up with the hH- Nt development.a In building law, eng1.neertn~. financing Md u- R • rrow procl'dUrl'll. alse The 11rhool w ill alao be ot ln- 1 terut to person.a In nlhed !lelda or thti con&tn.1cllon tnrluatry, It Lalllplhacle Class at Com1111111ity ChlWCh a top lhal wUl ...i.t lpU)ed .,._ meUu. dlrt. ~ mot.tun aDd ot.har abuM. a plutlo • tln1IMd Marlit. puM1 ma7 be UMd. nw paneltq, mad• t~ ..na ud oeWn,.. .. antlable IA nnc,,. oolon Md ill m.na. and WDOd p&ttcu. CONCRETE atisf action POUR IT THE .EASY • WAY AND SAYE e Ra ,.e ua tillil pUlj' y oo:r CODCrel• "'Ork with • load of prec-Woo-mlJ:f'd cernea t • • • prep&l't'd to 7oor order a& a aavtq. Liberty 8-2283 BAY llEADY MIX INO. • • • 711 W. 17th St. I beauty plus econ-I Here'• decorator omy. Deep par· a.Uel g r o o v e • create striking pattern of highlight.a and shadows. It's Exterior fir plywood (E.'XT-DF'PA) made with 10()'"(. w::ill'rprouf glue, su you i:an u~~ it out- doors 1>r in for n<'W home s or remodeling . HJl.8 all th<' natu r al warmth and chfil'Ul_ o.l real wood. Buy t o apply. Easy to finish. 8e~ it soon. WARD-HARRINGTON WMIER CO. SIOO W. eoui W.b-7 New port &.cll-Lf 8-Ull 1_,! '• ' + I • l(.h " • • • ... .•a.: ' 1i a. '..,,.a"'• t I' [,I"' A O II f •,I I 1 o l o CAA May Airport Money If County Asks was explalne.1 by J. Flnl<'Y Brown. Ph.D.. director ot the IMlrUcUon system rlt>lllR'l\ed to prl'pare up-conung bulldl'rs tor lhf' i;tste-requ1rcd contr!l.Ctors II· 1·t>n11e examination. LAmpabade makUlC clue under the evening achool progn.m ot Orange Cout O>Uege wtll meet every Monday from 1 to 4 p.m. at Community Church, Corona del Mar. Mrs. Glady• Alden, tnatructor, ~~~=<X>8T~=A=IUJ8A=====~:_-_E_v_t'r.:_ybody reada Cl&ulfted AdA 11&.ld lhl' courM will Include a - atudy of right type of lamp ahMI· .-------------------------- SA:-.'TA Al'A 10C:'\S1 Brown. fonner Ornnt-:e County ri·11ldent who tuu be"n conduct•nit The " l!lmllar proJ?T&m In the San J.'rrnando Vall• \'. Mnounc-ed lhe l'i<tabllahment uf thl' ll<'hool tO<lay 111 thf' Johnston Bu11lnu11 l nstl· tntr, In Santa An!\. ('1v1 I Aeronautu 11 Aqsodot1on ma y be prl'\'Ull• d on lt1 llJl 1u1 $Jl!,- ()00·J•IU~ nll.,ttrl1•111 lur tilt> tni· pro\'f'm1·nL .. r 011111i;c f'n11111 y '11 ea tor the homl'. color harmony &lid ln.atructlon in mal<lng MW lhadu or covering old onu. She ~mpba&zed the clan offers ln· j divtdu&J inalnlction. I alrpnr1. I Approved by tho Oran.lie Coun- Supi·n·uwH (' ~I Ft'B\hei I\· •hs· 1 ty Bu1ldt'rl! Aun. and the build· r ltt.<o•d 1 hill Tll•·»I 1 ,. a~ t .,,. Or· mg ann safl!IY 1!epart menlll ot Mi:e Count v H11n 1 ii ·,,f S11pen·1s<1r1 I ::>0~·.nta Antba ~~ th~ Count~ ot rf'fern·d 1 .. • (',\A 1111111 hinJ; funtl.a tan~e. 11~ f r~•" our "';all ~g fl'"~"·~:tl t" Aurnit ~bnoi;<'r Aili ~uses "" ea ure ~ :,,• l\'1rhnl11 fur Jlll ll•tv uml I l'Jll)r . I rot mt th•l!!eB groupa ldul gues_t,_,_. # • s rue ou , rown .., n mlUULlg The i:-•n 1•rn1111•11l ""t a.Jude thf' 1 lho announcement. Jn addition. fund~ 111 n '"' ""t 11esi<ion. The an lnveetlgator from tho StAte '''''"' y "Ull rna 1 k ... I for the rxtl'n· 1 L icense Board Wiii be preal'nt to "''"" "' ti••· 1111 p11rt 11111way~ 11cro11111 answer questlon11. he eirpla.llled . • \Iii• ,\ 1 t h11 r J:f\ d t hr ac qu1s1t1on "Any county w1l.h the numti.r or ti•' pr••fl' rt v lfnil th" 1mprovf'-or eonlract.or.i we hllve here, bu- IUC'nt or the por1·11 llKhllng sy•tem. Th" coun1y w111 be r..qulred to tna t• h th" "mount forthcom ing Residellts Ask Aid from I hf' govl'rnmt'nt. H It accepta th" rund11 bt Street Repain F1·11• h"n' ""'" ht' h1111 tw"n in· lfo111Htl the ('A 1\ mav hlk" lhC' 11m"11nt 11111nnnlf\• committed "1t "" ""•nl 11 ' T hi' 1111pen•lioor did j 11111 i.:.y \\ h••th1•r ""'" \\'ant It. Miller Takes Part in Tests The Eu..&t 17th St. Improvement Aaaoclat1on, 'tn a lotter to the Coat& :lfesa City CouncU r ecent- ly declAred that d ue to the Import.a.nee of lhe lltreet from a bustnua and tn.U1c at.a.ndpolnt the city ~uld bear moat of the cost or the 11trrct'1 lmprovomenL Ready Mixed Concrele WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE 1 SS Coauneldal Way OOSTA M:t;SA l.1 8-Mltt QGIDe7 & Bw-, •jfii lluntlq1oD BoiL Lu. Ml19 At the s uggMllon ot City M.ao- ag~r George Coffey action wu 1 JX••tpontd until lht propoaed mu- j ler plan for the clly la apprond. :."1TH l •I\' llA \\' \II A 1 my I ~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=======;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ S1:1 F1nnk I~ \11lltr '"" of Mr ROBERT FORBES RESTFUL GARDEN ROOM-What w 11s OrH'l' nn 11p1·11 an'a bclWl'('ll the homr and the garage is now enclosed and used as an 111R1de g:1rdrn rw1m. ll up1•11s 1111 .. a ttn•t ;\I·~ I I n ll ~f 11,.r, 2:116 :"r\i. Jinr• Hh··f t '• r .1 ~1•"'-··• rtio· rrnth· lrlok I"' 1 1 In h11ttah•in trsln1nc tr ••~ tirhl hv lh,. 2:'1th I Infant 1 v ll1vuclnn "" t hr is lnnr1 of ...... channing garden at the rear of the homt· wh'·n !111\\ • rs a bound. :-:1 ·d f I 'h11t " THREE PATIOS, GARDEN ROOM ARE LANDSCAPE KEY AT MARTIN HOME "By G...Ss, By Gosh" Gardening Creates Charming Seclusion B~· PHl'LLIS ,f, JACKSO~ Right to Change Her Mind Still fem ale Privilege Thi 1 \\ t1-tlit \ l1•ll1 WRS divided rnln thr•" phll!'<',. •l<f Pn~e. nlirht \\'tlh•lrll\\'AI A'l I Atlnrk. ThP fll- lan ! 1" nhnlll :.0•10 nulr• from lhf' tini l'l!I hom,. lltt1t1nn ftl Sr hofleld Barrarkll on 0 rtl't1. I 1'1•r::• nnl !1111lr1 n lAnk• r In T.lnk ! '"111p1111\· ,,, th,. til\'ll'tnn's :J-'>th Rr1:1mt"nl. l'ntrred the Army in x .. vrmb..,r 1 M.r H,. waa stn-J •1on1 I nt F nrl n1t1. before rt'r- 11\'ln~ I· r .t•1• ,. 1r1 Hawaii. Th~ l'PrJ("R "t 1~ " )!1~ I ~du11.lt of !'rwpnr Hnrl• r l'mon Hlr;h Srho11t. $8000 Mesa Pe~ Rlchllrd C'. CrlnJ.tlc St>pt. 13 took ou1 an S8000 ("11*;13 MeM MIONE llA&BOR 3108 Yo.'n .,.. tt1ps with a phone Oft your patio And in ..-y mom yoa ~ a &at. m....ion ~ mft time md ~ CaD our tar of!'ceaboat lttodtr7. Paciftc Telepboae. How docs your gard~ g-row ? Mrs. A~nrs \\', ~lart 1n nf 214 Emer ald A W!. will tell you ''by guess and by ~osh." i.tkr a good cook who never Jcnow!'I nor follows a recipe. Mrs. ~l.11-. t in's "b y guess a.n d by gosh" trchniquPs ha,·t• ,.rrrtll'd t h r···· rharming patios and a gardt•n room tuc•krJ in tlnd :11 "•'"' her equally charming bnme. I• • 1>· .. man" riitht tn c·han"e city bmllling ptrmlt frtr construe- '• r 1 r 11 bou1 tht> culnr~ •n ht'r I tlon of off1<'f'I 11t 152'1 Fullerton I • ., · 1 t I h<' pla~trnng intlu11t ry A.Vt>. G( rclon R 1-~1ncll:I\' waJO nam- To .. IJfe ea.,•.• ..... .--...... -.... ._ e alchl e..., The home .1 nd i;.1nkns \\ "' •' Ill r 1111t"''" 1»\11 • 1• 1 ·• • • II ' • '" · · · 11' r \'nnll11t1un M• • ed rontra<'tor. · • " t .t 1 n .., · t 1 , :-• 1 l h ,. r n c · 1111 r n r · I ;:;:::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;~ I 4 l 'l.1~! 1 I' Ill-' Ir ·'if flt<' fl ,\,•\.Jr' •·"•n1 li1 ... , r • H•l1..., )f1ll 'h•t \n11r ,,.)''"\' ,,,d1 t-hnulil I.\ 11 I I I • I t •'II I fht MESA UPHOLSTERING rt.inned tor;ether to tit nn 11.n ~h•·ltrrl'•t frmn 1ilrl'1 1 ,11111 • 1I1 · • ! "' • • .,. I • 1 • "• nt• d l 'pholsterlnr a Drapery otld·•h•J)t'd PIP lot She l!Kld mnHll'n h.11r 1 ... 'l J!' \ ID\ .. I• ' 111 I /111\' I "11 "'. nr 2!l.SU .:\wpt.. Bh·d~ Coeta ·- PJ(')(F.T c;ATE Wf'll ln~hll" An•t 011t1111lr Th·· • . "l"'rt" 1 .. , ·'' II •• ,. Llbert1 1-47111 Entrsnr& tn the h n m e t~ drn · r~·n ~ 1 IBn•·· I 1 • •1• hAn~• ~•n• • •n 1~1~1 •·\"I th• ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ through " tin\ r tckC't catc Into with tn•pll ti 1•l11n1• 1. '• ~ • "' tlw 1 'f •" "" l " ,.ard,.n WhCrl' II \\ in<lini: rath I rh•ni:•' "' I ,, • rr .. 111 'I. .. ' I '1 l"'""'h 1111~• ., ,. r ~·t· lr11d1 tn thl" front tlonr One of' derr>r In th,. hnn•r th<' amall p11110• I:. 11l the frcmt ••W•r w'll'rl' bird~ find "'"'' 11nd drJnk 11lwn·• ll\'1111 i Ir In ff"rolf'nt h11n J1ng f1 •m 11 Irr•• Thfl J:ftrrfrn f'"lfU let •,u.,.k• .j 1n· tn th~ hou~r JUl t olf 1he dmm)! 1nrm ("n \'•I • I \\Ith )!l.1~• 11n l J'll111lrt1 \\ th llf'I If 'l\O' 1:1-i"•ll J'll'nl~. lh1• 111' ol 111 llr• d 8 ' fnmll)' ro11111, I• 1 l'<'tt~ "l1l 11111' II r'f"llr r11tl ... ""'' i:nr<t"n A1111thl'I p 1'ttr" t<-r, .. 1,,.1 .• nat••'"" Ar•n nJnnc ,~,. ,, !• uf th• .. t· •. u .. r :u art A"' , ._.''rt ··nu .. tt • .- l'F.t<' •, 1111\\' \\ ti I Mttt ~, .. I '.1 l'l•I\ , ... ,~-c "h• Vt ry (OOll lllO k \\Ith I nit u~ ...... - MA 'M'R.t;St' t:s Boeh -llomr• -T ra il,.,.. lrrl'l'Uler Sha!)" U berly IH S03 In CO TA M EqA MA1TRES8 C'O. !UO S e"l>O" Blvd. -··---~--:········-·········---··-···-··-··--····-··-··---··-: JAMES D. RAY ! General C ontractor & Buil d e r i ~ l'oa.. .. 1 Rh 11. j ~'OHO:'.A IH.L .. ~:'.-~.'.~ ................. -....... -~~=-~:~ \RROR 4~11~ .J MAX W. POPE Inc. I,• '-'f'R \I C 0"Tfl \CTOll" "\\'" .\rranJ,:~ t 'in:wdni.;" ..... n tor All Oranre eo-ty e c 11\f\I F;IH I \I, e Df:\'l:LOP~l~S'T Newport Beach ·IOi Rohla Au•. .luac oft Spt.. Bh·d. at l~IJI ~rty 8-Z:!81 Ldunrlry service rleluxe .•• at bargain prices! WHAT IS IT? I 11t!\\, lua lly \\ a11hrdr weA.n.ng app&rl'I 11urr ilrif'd by filtered lllr-flal pieces l'TOf"~•tonall)• lrone>d. \'our clotht'I &nt! hn,,n• n1 1'11dnne 11r o:-.:F: unlt-::o m.J"I· 11r•. no uni1tghtly mnrk~ -ralnl<lfl 1• ,1t,•r, l:"lltl" ron troll• cl ll(l~p11 WHEN AVAILABLE ..• !'trvlce 111·\lhln hours If 111 irent. becauu \\,. llo l'\·rrylhtri: rt~ht hei ~ • HOW MUCH •.. It is •·bargain bundle too WHERE casa • only $2.85 f°' 21 lbs. pura 11 00 Wettt Cout mgbway "81:.Jl\ ICE wrru:r~ HOl ltS -\\ tlf:S :-.-r:t;Ot:f>" COMPLETE IA~'DERS aod C~"ERS I I 1 C1l•ll,e.Yow lloMlthelASYWay with fuller's free Exterior Color Plana I _, __ :1-0ood color acyliog can Gib a 6ig d.ifrtrcace in ~ ~ucy 4"" ,.,J'"' of ~ur bom(! W bethtt rour house d ltll'lJlt, 9N«O or muonry, ~·s a ... ~'-' PulJtt Color Plan tO gi~ tt perfect ('()for harmony whh JOit prdcu aod sw-rouoduig laod- ICape •.. the Sift .., tO good color lt'fl.ia&! fuller's ntW toft-<OO«t att· riar <X>lon an lnak( 'J()ltl# bouae '° baatilul it will be t:h( prid( of your .. otigbb«boocl Come in ro- fDOfTOW for yOUI f ulicr Color Piao f oldn aod d(pcodsble ~tU!g iolonmtioc. Tb~j ~ f c~ 1 YOUI fULlll •AtNT A fuller Paint for OUUI Every Need! Courtesy to Volume Purchasers. • Fuller Trim • Porch &l Deck • Puni PN'pattd • Ext. FnJJ Color • Sh&k_, &: Shln~I~ • Marine • Deroret Eo.amel • Int. Full Color Q Full.-r-Glo An C1rA r \'"m l"h • \tarln~ \'a.rntshc1 Paints forn1ulatecl Coast Trade. for FORGIT Hardware S & H . Green Stamps 2205 W. Balboa llvd.-Harbor 116 Open S...clays , r ' ' \San Mateo There: Chaffey at Home ~l'i.t h1llllf' 1•11t1n1it tor Coed' Ray H"""''·• ()ran~,. Coa1t Col· 111'.l!I' P11 ate11 "111 bl' 1n th• !:Ht• .-m C1.1nCf'1t'n1,. <'l'<'nl'r apln11t C'"ha frrv 1'h11 t " .. 1·h,.1h1lt-d tor I pm S~t11nl11y. 01 t 8 Thr Bun ttlllW 11 b)'I' dlllt thla Wt'tk w'111·t1 will 1:1\'e Roaso and h111 '''""'htni; 11lllfr a chance to 11tra1i:hl•'n 1111t tea m weakne .. f'a 11polled m ~·nct111· night'• 13· IS tlrn1Jln('k "Ith F..l\lll Contra Coa· llo'.i Viking" $l·Jll :lll 11111 f'1rato trawl to Etun lltaku to,. a nl1tht tray. BALLET IN THE BACKFIELD From left, Dt>fensive End Neil Metcalfe rushes in as thl' Newport Harbor High var- sitey backfield docs some fanc-y maneuvering. Halfback John Hopkins hrads for the left end, Quarterback Geor~fl &huit.t. heads-.a..way from the line, and Fullback Cha.r- ile Berry fakes toward the right end. End Terry Ra gan (59 l ru~ht'S to block Half- back Jody Fenton. Q>ntl'r DE>nnis Brown backs up the !i n~. -8t<1 ff Photo BUFFA SOLD ON BUC BOWL BLOCK BUSTING-Center Dave Johnson, left, geta blocked out by Tackle Larry Harper in Tar practice aesaion. Guard Roger Early (16) heads out to block Tackle Tag Atwood. In background, Coach Al Irwin (in trunks) instructs another lineman. -Staff Photo TOP TUNING "The be:1t 11malt football stadJum I've 11een," wa11 wha t Coach Hal Buffa of Eut Contra Costa Viklng11 had to say Friday night 11bout new Pirate Stadium. "I thc.ught Napa and San J ot11' State were the best un- til I took a f!)()k at thtll one." Buffa added The reason Buffs was lift 11old on Bue Bowl• ''Brea use th111 1~ s football 11rn1hum:· Httl saill. "!'\o runnin11 trar k 10 111trrlerr 11trictly for football." LOW BLOW No Video on Heavy Title Go Tuesday HARIOR -\)0~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor . PAGE '4 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 CITRUS UPSETS DONS IN FOOTBALL OPENER Unable to Sustain GrO..nd Game Santa Ana Fills Air with Ball H11rbor 1t1ee fli;:hl f11ns will bl' • '•ill or luck tomorrow night 1r AZuSA (OCNS)-Citrus J C played the part or poor hosta 11.,,.y Pxpert lo h11ve a l0<1k at 1 here Friday night, rudel.,v upsetting the Santa Ana College th•· RMky Muclano -Archie I Dons in the season opener . 12 t o 7. ~.oore :o1rl'ap for thP he1wywe1,11ht 1 I l'hnmpion•htp or the world on Unable to au11t11ln a running at· atarred on defense for the Oon11, thPlr TV s!'tq Jt '11 a dolled cir-I tack agsln~t the Owls. the Dons making 8 tacklu. several o~ r 111t J••b nnh·, unle111< you hl'ad 1 lecl al h11l!llmr 7 lo 6 a~ a fo r th•• nwtropnltta n th•'lllPrll end ' res ult or a 2:1-yard p8l!11 play, :11" w1:1tni: iv Jey your rai<h on Quarterb11ck Tom Allen to ~:nd the hoe-I Sud Dowling. early In the &t'Cond prr:!Onll ue expected to brlnr Dowling pulled the ball In on thf' STARTS WED. CONVERSION BOOT-Kicking. Fullback Charlie Berry; holdin~. Quartr rback Gene Hubbard. In rapid motion, left. is End Bill Lamb. Right back~round, Halfback DavE> Tamura blocks out Haltbaclc Tom Niquette. -Staff Photo I P.ut \'OU rao t1111P In on a blow-period Allf'n°11 to uchdown pall.I hy·l,Jnw 11r< ,,unt by 1t nllq11f' ra-wu hh• ftr11t llt'rlel or th,. "vfn- 1hn al 7:30 fl m. Thouunds of I Ing. catr hing Citrus u·naware. as r losl! to thl' m111?1r111 million dol-I yard hne a nd 11tepped mto Utt' Jar m11rk &l Yank"" Stadium t>nd zone F'rl'd Kuhl. a husky col"'lr fight time, wh1ll! 3!\0 000 Don hnem1m. booted the extr11 arf' tnbulalt'd fm thl' theater point to put the Don1 Into a 7 te•ec:u•t And milllon1 all over the point lf'ad. "SEVEN CITIES OF GOLD" Winter League Bowling Opens W<•rld will tune In on the kilo-Citrus llC'Orl'd mmutu later. u TWO Top SPORTS CAR MEN watts. their JC player or the year m Moore. llght·heavs r hamp. ta 19~2. B o b BJorkland •printed the olde11t man e\'tr to try for around hit right end from the lht' heavywe11tht crown. ?-:o llitht-four. The extl'll point attempt TEAM Up FOR TORREY RACE heavy t itleholder hu evn mal1e wu blocked. tne grade. l'otarciano. undefeated I The Don• fillPd lht a ir with m 48 pro boutll. II the only man 23 paue11, completing only three Wmter L,e11gue 11tarted In eu -ever to win the title without 11 ot tht-m, In a futile attempt to •ntsl rl"nCl'llllv at Van's Bowl· Two of the 8nuthl11n•I'!< iop1,.111rt111g 111 rnllln. l!O st>l for the defrat or rtraw. And he hu 42 out11eore the !!Crappy Owl•. who lnir. Thi' ~;dne11rtay Bnll and :oporl:1 rar tlnver!< will t••&m up ~e•'<•nd dsv 11f 1 ar mg. For thr knockout• m his 48 outlnJI. • 1 took the le11d In the third qu.a rter <'hAm 1..-;~1:tit' 11ta rtr·d nff w ith for tlt P To1 rP\' l'ml's roarJ 111N•:1 l 1wo dtt\':f, 8 n1·w \V•'lll Cn1Utl en-with a 28 yard touchdown pa1111. n 1 0 IRkl 1 h Od. 22-23. lt · W8!1 eno1111nc·l'ol tu-1 trv n•r;ird 11f m11re than 300 tlriv-the 1111me type of car. Ernie cur-IAll Orayaon le<l the n.iahlng llVI~ 8IH rnwn nl( 11g d11y by Ji11ct• \hairnwn Ra1• F'rui: 1'1°• 1<1 l'XJI"' lt>d brll••r1ni:: tht• 27l rently ie ll\f' holte!<l name In tor the Doni. plckmg up 24 yard11 ""n"e w11h 1944. J•·nny Scott of and J t•• W e1,.,.m8 n. 111.11 k '''I' m"' le !lt'l ul 811nta We!lern raring. having won tht In t carrit.:1. The ruggt-d Owl line A rt'11 C'8fr rollrd R whoppmK 202 Th.,,. are Ken Mtl1•11. or 111111\·-'! 8111 h1H11 ~•'fl' :1.4. Sen la Barban. feature 11111t Mcm-held the re• l or the Don1 In fnr hi"h "llmr. 1111<1 n uc· H11y a · I D k d i b. k ! " h,. h w1~1d. 111111 rv Ye.l11r, Clf Lo~ An· ~h·anwhlll', 1.11 I' 1iff1r111l11 havr or1a ay W"e en · r om nK •c ch~ck. allowm" only !'17 ya rds ,,,.,or IP M>•t•'" I · thlt t t H " In Cinem&Seope Color by De Luxe "W omen'1 Prison" "tarrtnc Ida IA1plao ' "' · l"t'I!'•. f11r two vPars b1ttn 1t\'ali< 11n1ui11n1·1·.t 11111111• 01 the 1·111vr·~ one mon " er " 11corr • an-rushing all evening. Gil Rodnques The g;,o Sc1111th ..:nnl?' 11how:1 on 11 me,. , .. 11 .. ;, a buttnl MC: Rp<>-t'nn11ni: out,,, the 1.1tra1ghtnwa,·~ ll!'n Dam. and then making It --------------------------- Rnllcrnrr r 11mt 1n1C 1n t he 11'14•1 •·•al,., n t pali< nf thl" first 11111"r' nt tht' ~"·nic rour11e nt'llr La J tol-three in a row by winninll( again 11·0 Lou \\·111111m• or the B1n-a1 -"'" r 1 he , "'" kPl'Pd fl111C h1.111 flul· Jn will h1• wulrn .. •I. The 11a111e I at Santa Barbara. lhia m_ onlh. lt1n Inn took t11i;:h icaml' with tl'1 "d patt!'m followl'd 111 8onl11 Bai - 231. I.an y F.lhsun of Dumont! ThP1r entn,.~ W•·rP th,. f111H II'-unra will b<' unt!erlAkt-n &t Tn1-WATl:K HEATERS S nrk h•rdt 1•n111tin1: h•l!h lltrlt'l' r• '""" b\ tho "J'"lllllll 1111( ('nlifttr. If'\ .. !<inc.. ,. l'rOn >cl !!() l'"l'lllAI SALIS, UlVICE ••• IUAIH with !\7:1 F"t•ljpl Ha ttl\\'lt rt• .htj;h n111. i"JJOllS 1·a1 Cluh "'I 11 t• :<IX· \\Ith 1h11·r1~ I J n I 11 tP&m i<t•n r:< 1ollm" a 1111" 261H t111ur f'n•l111nn1t> '"' tu ~11111 Ill Oth .. r '"I' 1h11•cr1 d111• to c11111-1 o e (/,:J~chlold Th•' Th 11r11,J111• ('.,111111 .. 11·1111 nuun. Olt :!'.! J'o-te ate 1'1111 Hill. ~aula Mon11 11.. PLUMBING 1'h1t\\'1•1l :-.;.,,, ,.... • T.ll kJ.. t11)!h Thr1· \\ 111 olt l\P " '·"" ~•01 k F e1 f/111 Monza. 11nll Ernie M1 -I TUMS 10 Pl l CENT DOWN tf'Rlll sP1 1f•q :.!'1i4. 1111h B:1bir Mt; ·A <'n\'1•101•,. · lw•·l1eJ L,. '''"" BPvei JI· Hill!' also driving-"""'-""'"' u• Hlac-kman 11( c ·0,111 ~'"'"' l-'111111· M1t11i1-typ1· u1r Thi" t• •h•• mn.iel turP le kin)( h1):h J(.11111• ''1th 111\) 1l11e to h1l tlP.1J .. 1 <>t,u,.·ruums 111- ThUl-"'IB~ J unior :o;u at1 h 1• l>'r th•l< tnunlh t l<'tl, with Tht> M11n a nti TI•• Brnl In f11l<I 1!,11 " fo·aturt'"l ,,,,, ... Sh"P with th1 "" )(Blllf'" •'II• h In I ~1101 r 11111' l<H mu;hf,,.d• the th,. F nlloy M•X•"I H ~t11r11t11 hll~k\' y ... 101 1111! Jltl"l the :!-lllPf \\',lltZl'd nff wllh bflth ""'n .. hi):h H1.-11n H11~t1JI ~llP('ll\I i:11me 11n•I 11,.rl!'1< wit h :?Ill 1111.J A full p1 ogr°am of s1x-r111.••, ~nil. while RI r h 11r 11',. ~l a1 k••t J • .ti heo1 nn tn ltti:h trnnt !'!'r1••11 t .----DEBT----. w ith 1!lti ... n.t V11·1onn1~ 1'11111 .. 1111 ~~~k Wnmt'n'• h1J{h ~11me wllh COLLECTIONS Real RuCJged Lin• UCL.A boAlllt><I 001' of footbl!ll'~ •ll·tlm• gre11t llno Ill.It 11u110n. Jt waa lal"l"l'd u °'" "Immovable 8even" and compared wtlh ~Cltr• J)amt•I "9eHD M\lJH" of 1924 and J'Ol'dham • • .. ...,...,, Blocll• ot I QranJt. ot 1911. ACC'ount• -Note. -C1alm11 of ~y kind of debt11-an~·wh,.re In Amntca. ":oiio collet'tlon" -So f~." \\'e ach ·ance all ('O~t~ CREDIT Bl'RE,u : of Weet.eni Oranre County formerly Crrdlt Burt'an of Newport Reach. La1t1111a Bucb and CMta Me.a. tot Rlvenade Av~ P.O. Bos SM NEWPORT BEACH. CALIF. SO UTtt G Off ST conSTRUCTIDD [0. RESIDENT~L-INDUSTRIAt-COMMERCIAL NO JOB roo LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO ~ St., Newport ..... The St1nd1rd Men showed •• how to reduce engine wear WlteD JO• keep the crank~-e in your c-ar or othf'r IMOline encine filled with Heavy Duty RPM Motor Oil. yo.11 1et ntra protection 11ainat the main ca111m ot 1n1ine wear and repair. Here'• why: A dea.rseat in "HNvy Duty RPM" P'"ft\la depoelta cl cubon, IUJ1l. and lacquer on cylinden, rin11. and othef parta. Other rompowxla reaiat ol:id.ation and 1lud1· inf, prevent corroeion and atop foamin1. So to 1et mo,. milea and more yeen of l!PfVice. NllM!IDbs '° al~aya u. H•vy Duty RPM Motor Oil CLAYTON THOMPSON lAAi W. Balhoe Bh·d. Harbor lM RllER IARIS WHEN YOU TYPEI : 0 H'lff"1l"1 "'°°'' -~\ Sii R DIWllAllD ... _ ....... 11111 t Moliiel • •. C.*' • I lfve .. ........... ~ .......... . , .. o.._. ... ,. .... ,_ .. 2~ .. frOla .... -...... of .. ,... ••• .,... .................. tw ..... ... ...... ,_.__ ... .., .... .............................. poof ................. ,.,,.1116 ., Pwf..t ,_ ............ ..., .., "'9f1 ...._., .. ....,.,...._kaac• ..,....,... __ .... , ..._.. .... ....,_...._A-.-n ••t4trs.u61 which atnpped the 0 w I 1 from making first oown11 and forcmg them to punt. Left End Max Moore, C1'nt•·r Rob H11llah&n 11nd I Q1rnrtrrb1..-k T(1111 B11l·lwln wc>rf' nut fer b1•hlnrt m the tockling 1i<'rn1trnent. rA1·k1ni: up "'" :<tra· 1 tci:1 r tar klr11 ""'""' ,. .. 11,.. fl"n line ht>ld thP Owl11 to 11hort pin• mul(l or tht• """"'"~ L81<t mi:ht'A starlinl( luw·lll' r .. r the llo1111 fNllun·d T um Baltlwm. Ill quartt-r. G 1 I Rndnqw·~ H.nd Carlton l lHv1s Hl haHi< and 0Hve Whalen a t fullba1·k Ma"" M oore Anrt Bud Dowling opc-ne<i at the end11. Oon Ct'dnt>y and Fred Kuhl a l lst'k ll'll. Conmt' Moore 11nrt Don Jordsn a t iruarot:c. and Bob Halla· h8n at r tntrr ThP Dons return t o thl'1r home f1('ld to OJ"t'n ,,nrt warrare w11h S11n F'ranr1!tro Clly College Fr1- d111· night, their riral contest w1th that l'Ollt-ge. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl I ~!.. . ·~ /j:l J~~ r ~ t . I ,, ---.I . IL:-----· I . I • t ' I t r, • --·- ..... U)O , ... TIAYMOU He~ lu'"' 21 ..... C--. W wi• z.,.;tt. '°' TUNING, ........ UHf/VHf -.... ~ ............ •11...t<>M..&..~. lOWIST PllU IYll fOI A ?1•1'11 IOl'-tumlll COIKOU1 25995 GIANT 21'" tCll9t ... * ................ _ ......21,._. ....... M CINBIAM· ........ , ... Meorle-llle ...... -.... ....... CIHfuNS lod.or. ............. ...... ..., ......... ~ .. ...._. -' .................. ··~ "-"-·...., .. _ llMIML SPIOAl "I"' CllASSIS ...... ,... ........ _ ............ c.....s.r-. ,........_. .... N0¥1D ............ I ........ - 2-7027 I a;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;;i--;lllllljl ' -It GOOi>fiEAR Brings You the Best Tire News !f the Year! The tlllfg ••• 7.10. 15 7.60. 15 . . , -.. ti.or,..__.~-a ... OV11 O&D ftBS Alll Y_. DD 1111••',•· II•• Pay as low• ..-•• 11dy hw a f'AIRP •taoet •• Of'6I ..... oei eooeftJI • nan •11at1 o. -••.-.WWW•IPI\ Courtney & Lester Goodyear Dealer I·'" Sl'wport Rh·d., Cottta M- PlloM I.I 8-1 lt1 .. I j°"EWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA6E I MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 TARS IN FINAL PRACTICE DRILL WEDNESDAY PRIOR TO FRIDAY GO Sailors Set for Excelsior If Irwin Solves Tackle Problem In the •Ir. Rl&ht now. th• eel7 rn son Jac:k Smith hu Ule edc9 la he ,waa \•ara.lty tut ...... Rlr ht on hi• back a.nd ruins to ~place him la Roy DanJe'l9, llP from tha B'a. After t oday, just two 11trenuo\a drill sectiorui remain t o shape up the Newport Harbor High School Tar eleven before their first outing of the aeason at Orange Coast College Sta- dium agains t F.xceleior Friday ni~ht. BIO HEADACHE Une Co&ch John McOowu'• hudache la ttiunng out w1.1• atid mean• of H1ht1n1 1. bontlre under the bntchea ot hla l"Ul'J' ta.ckJu. Towerlnc Larry Rarp9r app.an a fixture at on• 8J10l. and. ot courae Over by wu Ml tor thf' other. But 1lnce Ovwtl)"• Injury. Guard Dk.le Nabora 1'ad to ~ mo\'l'd Into the breech, al· though half a dozen of Ute tadlle pro•pttta have aJJ the eq11lpment to take charge. HERE COMES BERRY-That is liable to become a familiar cry in the Sun.et League this season whenever the Newport Harbor High School Tara are in action. Here Backfield Cot1ch Bill Bernau of the Sailon t&kee a good look from defensive side ot the line as Berry starts around end in a recent practice session. Berry is in position to cut back through tackle. Leading the blocking for him is tackle Steve Watcher, wearing nose guard. In background. Coaches Al Ir- win and Don Burns look on with other players. --Staff Photo Coarh Al I rwin hu warned hl11 Sailor 8qu11t1 1h11t Tuesday and Wednt11rt1v wlll ~ the la.st daya the 111<1.8 havt' lri dt>monAtrate their rapabll1t1u for running out Cln the lush· grl'en 1:rid1ron In a 111artlng roll'. Thur11dfty only brlrt limbering up exl'rc1sri. are 11l&ted. ~OTIUSO 8AP EXC'l'f't for appa rrnt weaknl'"'ll at tackl1•11 ant1 a pair of key In· JUril'!I, Irwin 11pp11rently h8l! no big trn11hlc11 EllmlnatPd from the F:xrel~ior .. prner are Tackle Dick O~rby. l'C'hNluled for first strlnj! <Julies th111 season. and Guard Pttr lkhulber)? Both boys 11uf· fered knt'e m11er1e1 ~hlch a re slowlr \\'Orkln11 thPm11elves out. Thr bar.kfltl<I. un~r us.latanl mentors Don Bums and Bill Ber· ria u, appl'Ar11 11trons: and I~ get· ting 11lrongcr. Irwin rPportcd a transfl'r from S&nta Monica has turnl'rt out and might prove to he faate6t bac:k candidate. Thia Is Al Vll'rra, 18:\ lb. aenlor. who imlted up tor a halfback epot for tht first time Thuraday. SPEEDY ROOKIE ··1 think he'a tht' futrst man I've gol," Irwin Mid. "He'a 1. 10 flat sprinter. Trouble la, be'• never playrd football bdore." The Sailor. could ha'" .. 1. sur· r n •tnrly ~lck bunch ot ru.nnen thi1 1'euon. I rwin c:lalma they a re nnt fut. but admlh the qu1rlmua. For ln1tsnce. Halfback Teom l'\lqurtte tr11rs loo1e 'A•tth JZ1'11ops whl're he attms to alldt off tar klers and leave t ht'm drip· ping onto the turf behlnrt him. f'11 t Irwin 88)'11 ht>'• one ot lhl' 11loweet. "Hl''ll lmprovrd tremendo1111ly O\·er lut year." Irwin 11dd11. 1.<>0K 1:1.nnvE Then thr re a re 8U<'h aet>mlnt · Iv elu111vr lada u Sefetnna.n Bud Thompl!On. a 11kln • an-d • bnnu J•ck rabbit: Larry Castro, who ~·oWd J:&.thu J.ocltey with lh<' tarklera than daah like a acarec! dter; ac:1rrylng Dave Tamurll and booming Charlte Berry. amon~ other11. Irwin N ye his quartera are slow. Thal me&n1 11urh a1 Ge<>rlfe Schullt and Gene Hubbard . But from thee T formation. fllking 11nd paaalng a.nd coolncea under fire are ao much more lmport&nt aa to ortaet any heavlneaa ot the tooll!le. StartJnr center la atrktly up Ther"'' a1waya the hope that 110ml' of the Jada who fall &o reall.f 11trul their etutt In ll<!rtm· me l':f will uncork In the wtllt• hrat of bAtlle. auch u aplnat Exrelslnr Friday ntabL You Se11ve 1ocr0 .. your PRINGLE$ VICTORY OVER VIKINGS ELUDES PIRATES; f RAY ENDS 13· 13 TIE POOR POSITION PINNED DOWN PIRATE PASSING PERFORMERS Why didn't Oranite Coast College throw more pa Mes? Thllt W>tl! lhe quc1y heard among thf' ~uoo 11pect11tor~ Panthers Spot Weaknesses After Valencia Scrimmage Free Fiim! \\'ltb f'IM'la roU of black 11114 "'hue. atutt 1n, 110. t1'. 110. I It lrft with us for dev•lo,.... and prlntJnl(. we will itve 1"U • roll of the aame al&e FRU. lattllng Seconds Bucs Lead in Stadium Until Last Dedication pltrhout. H11rrlMn l!'Wlln~ to !hr 7. Ha8l! slammed alruo11t to the ~. missing A r1rst by 111x ln<'h"!!. and worse yet, lnJUrinit h1mi<rlC It appeared l!<'riou11 when a 11tretr h· t'r Wal! required to carrv tht' All·Ea.otem t"onferenr,. but kini;: bllC'k to the flrltfholl~" Hriwrvr r afll'r the 1'1ratra had certain v1clory ~MtC'hNt from t heir ORA!l\C:F:. I ()C'!I\~) -Orange grup In lhe f111a1 moments of pla:: 11g1UnNt F,ast Cw1trn <'M lf\ Hti:h ~. hno1·~ r anthers are 11urt' on thl' Ml'l!I\ 1-~nllay night a.nd harl to l't'llle for • l 3·l3 l il', or " numb"r of thin!?!! i:lnt"I' hnltl· Coach R>iy RuSM's answer to th~ quci1tlon WM: "\\'') Ing a 11rr1mm11~" w ith \'alt'ncla H1,h St'hnol F11day. By BILI. PHILLIPS wt'rl'n't In po111tton to do much throwing" & Thl'y will hllve to !!lrt'nJ;'then Examination 11! the 1ntuat11Jn largl'fy b<•ara Roaso ciut. lht•ir p&Mlng They will have to Victory, 110 long sought by t he Orange Coast College Pir- a te•, wu within their grasp at dedication of lush $300.000 P irate Stadium Friday night, only to elude them in the final minute and 54 second8 ot play. Th .. Burs tol!se'1 thr<'r p83lles, completing a pair both !rnm b11J~ler thl'ir rnol 51..ots. Thry "'i ll Jim Coon to Biil Hllrnaon in their M ·yard Tl) mnrch In the havt' tn l"1trn tn 1'1.lstaln a blork th1r<l q1mrtrr. 0 ( 11 e !'11als u nlP11shl''1 by t ht V1kinJ!s, 1<1x ant1 follow thm11i:h nn a ll\C'kle wrre r(lmpletc. nne 11ettlng up the 1wtorHJ p<'rio•I tally Rn<I B ·r thnuJth the P11nth,.n dl'1 !:wn<'h later. R OMO 1t'norl<'d lhe not braak a"·av f lo g • ,. lhP final one going lhe distance. ' ~ • or n runn, lat1 got A knl'e In th1• 8pln" thev rllrl ..... In·' out thnl cl • Aside frnm the Plrate11· lwo TD mar11he11. brat lhry rouJ.I • ,.. " ~ r yar ag~ Haa.s Wl\!I 11 ble to rrtum In th<' Coach Ray Ro1110'• battling Burt held a 13·& lead over weigh· t y. tut charc\nr. Ea.at Contra Co.ta'• Vlklnaa. but a ·~cta.cu­ lar &8·yard pull play forced lhl' ltalttem Conference hopetula to aettle tor a lS·13 deadlock. In final analy1ta. It may havr been failure to take to the air· planes themselvea tha t denied the O<;C plgakrnners that long nwall· ed triumph. So eager for a.n op· f'nlni; 1eaaonal victory In the brnnd nl'w stat11um before a fine crowd or anme 6000 tan11 werl' tha Mesa.men, they took t he lie till aa hard u detest nRM BEUE\'ER8 Ytt thla Eut Contra Coal.8 VI· kln1t crew f irmly bellevu IL will kn ... ck over highly-touted Menlo JC ln Cout Conference competl· tlon thla aea.80n. a.nd Menlo Is fa•ored for Little Rose Bowl honorw. Add to that the !act thP Viking• drubbed OCC 19·0 In laat year'• oprner and Rn upward 11Wlng In Pirate pid fortunea la lndlcated. llnir trapped when he took H ll8s' whsr h 11 PP a re n l I Y plnC:hl.'11 a lhroui.: h t hr 11low. melhorlk al quick kick on the Viking 30, rut· nerve. <Jo in the eight otht'r limes they got hold or the hall w1111 to r outl! nt a trw ~·ard!! a t " llml'. ting back to the 1:;, then run· When another line 11maah fail· rear h their own 38 and 23 a.nd th!! Viking H . Otherwl11r thl'y In rl'rPnt rtrllling. Coarh Edctlf' nlng away from all OOC tack · ed to ('ro11s thl' 6, Coon quaner wrre plnnrd Inside thl'ir 20-yard line. Eaton h1111 been pounding pallll lera down the le.It aldellnea unUI l.Uleaked on fourth down for tile Offl'n!ll' llnd deten11e lnto his d ub h!a own blockera 1lowed him tor yardage. A McKe~le pltchout HORNETS GET STUNG.I He's a ttempting to bolster pa.a..er a dumpln6 on the mldll1ld stripe. e&rr1,.d to the 2 and on t he not defeMe "" IL appl'arl< the f!anlh· It wu lnl!\'1.table that Mc-en<ler. McKenzl~ ch11lkP<I up his l'rs nrnv hn\·1• a fairlv gool1 rom- Ke&n'a t errific punUng ahould l!et'on'1 TD of the 11'8M>n. Harn· s o· K • h Sh bo In Max DllrTOW to J':orm !POii• pay off. One boot 11topped dea1I l!On mil1sed the conversion. 11et· an 1ego n1g ts ow ter. on the OCC :I Md a n ofhsde ting the atage for the McKean-alrl&l11y11bo 8 f /kt.1chJlmmen Cars 8 .1:_: 0 nr}"ftl•ls1 penalty pinned the locaJa on their G&rv1n tie tou . ..., ., own 1. Thklnir over on the Bue --------------M.d Fo f w· Ji:'Uard, Da ve Todd at center flnd 22, 8 fourth clown pa1111, Mr K P!IO A o· I season rm or 1n /)arrow fll tallb111·k ha\'I! bttn to Fullbar k Olllc M<'Cluy !!Cl up rgonauts 1ve snmr of lhe h11i;ht ~pots In l'a.n· " first on the :I a nd Halfback lhrr prn•1•1·• I~ <~oool )l'Rra are Tony DiMercurlo buck!!d 1t over. d T k Wh FULLERTON COCNS) -Art Powell a d well-ound-lriokl'd ryr frnm F rank ~!eadowll an a e ere n a r at fullbd1 k 11nrt B<>h B1vt'ns at T hP evn • prutnt Kennt'dy , ed San Diego JC grid machine prO\'•~ to be too much for 1 right gunrrt. The play nf Rog"r t.ea.ml'd u p yt•lth Tackle Cffiri:e F II rt · H t F 'd · ht B h 1 .!" 1 B d k t FUnt to block thl' tr.Y tor rxtra · L k c d I u e on s ornc s ri ay mg . AC"en ut-1< 11nc ea :tn ir a ac Oncerne C h G S h • Kn' h h be · left tac-kit 1s a lso 1mpre1<slve. point. preserving the P irates' oac corge c utte s 1g ts. w o appeared to tn A new adoJitlon to tht> !Mluad la lead. 7-6. mid-season form, ran and passed their way in Fullerton Sta- Fullbark J un H urd gnt Into GARDE:-l GROVE. fOCl"'Sl -dium to a thrilling 41 -26 season opener. the punting act by booming a Garrten Grove 11trenizlhrne-I Ont Pla\·et1 before II well-a ltcndlng the former W hittler High sen· ~:1-yarder whl'n the But'11' nr xt nt lt!I weak 11pot11 this wr,.k, but • aatlon ktpl the Horneta on the ottl'nslve etrort stalled. K«>nnerty loat itrounll In 11nother crowd. t h<' initial fray of the 19~~ 1 ( h I •) I t d H ltb k · I verge-o! wlnn ng most ot the w 0 e !IC · P an e a . &c Left e1de of the hne recovered season found 10 touchdowns be-night with his deft pas111nr Manut>I Tara nito on lhe \ lktn~ 1 th ·h K I h 1 rd d h u ' · · 12. A backfield In motion penalty ta experted atreng ~ .en et nr reco l' ·• a on pRMcs. The Campbell attenmpted 33 pusea. Makes 1st Mortgage loon1 on soun~ lmpro'9d real estate & buy• !rust Deeds. :\·8, 165 lb. blocking back Larry Bowen. 11ubblng tor the lnjurtt1 Pto\e M111don11t1on. out for a num-1 her of weeks \\'Ith a fra.ct urrd hand .IOHNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers l"wd Auto Parle &Ad Aooeuorie9 2075 Placleada Ave. Uber1y 11-1011 Coeta Meaa COM.~ARE Compar• Tiernan R • bu I It s with any other regordlen of odvertised price, and you'll select o TIERNAN typewriter. HERE IS WHY: Maat~r Sl&e Prtac. at S o Extra CJtarire U HOl." R SEllVJCE Tierno,, rei:>ullt1 ore rebuilt for quality of work and •oH of operolfo,,. Our speclflcotion requirements on our r•· builts ore higher tho,, thoH mod• mondatory by the f.d· erol Trade Commin ion. They or• rebuilt to g ive many y.ars of "TROUBLE FREE" ser..ice. A Tiernan rebuilt Is a machine wilh "EQUALIZED KEY ACTION" b nd o delightful 9Gay touch. Good for the bon for Its many yeor1 of servlc.. Good for the secretory becou11 It lesMns dolly fotlgu•. AND REMIMIH Titman'• 19bulh Smltft-Coronot ore lall IMrl"t With rour minutes to go Fri· day night, the Buc11 appeared to have thlnca under control. They had recovered a \'!king fumble on the rival 41 and were h&m· menng drtp In the opJ>Ojilllon'• ttrrltory when they were halted on the Viking 32. moved the pigskin bsck to the I Montec. who 111 etlll ~ 01 klni;, re-I D~fen;cles11 ~an1r nw some three completed 19 for 348 y ards and Viking 8 But from thl'rt' tht'y I pMt('d !or nlghl practlC'e In gooc! re on s go into the book11. two two touchdow11J1. Ronnie Roberta ata r ted the longest 11ustalnerl enou1h shape to ll<'rlmmage. The I being set by Fullcrt.on Hornet.a. t ied " achool rtrord when he 902 N. Mal" St. Kl 2-2165 march ot the grunt'. returning All • Orange Ll'ague Key to the Knights' surprlslng cau!?ht f1\'e 1'8 "11!~ He 11tretrhed Hot Ni!::! !t~~ ~!:~:,~r.a..7111 Santo Ano . ta.c~e h~ been NMlng ~ his ~ctmy we• the ell4round ~Q h~ ~«~•~• ~t !or l~ yar~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looking for Quarterback Marv McKMn. one or the top paa.wra In jun ior colleg11 porkhlde clrclca. to !t&rl heaving the loni onu. Rouio lett Qua rterback Dick l!:I· wntt In at aatety tor th• Bou to protert agalnat Juat auch et· tort.a. But on the flrat play. Mc· Kean uncorked one lo Halfback Grover Garvin who K Amper!'d live yarda put Jl;l•ner to t&ke the ton on tht Pirate 32 &nd i•llop unrnolr11tl'd Into th1 prom- l11ed land. SETTLE •'OR TlT. McKean r onverte<I to deny the Buc1 th a t openlnf triumph. though the tavortd Vlklng11 hacl to aettle tor a tie g&me. Until then, the Mru mrn led &II th, way. End Jack Kennedy, a defensive terror tor the Buca. Ml up Initial tally or lht> cont<'11t .,.hen he t)locked a punt ea.rly In th• tint quarter. The bllll rt>lled out or bounds on t h• VI· kin, 20 11n I the Plratra took OVl't. With Elmer operating In the T sloL Fullback MJ,ke Hsu 11lam- me<1 twl' yArdl'. Halfback Biii McKtn:tie toted a handoft to the 1 ~. El11ner on a keep m11de It " flr11t down on tile 8. Arter Hol· dtn cracked to the •. Ell'ner lost one and then a foull'o1 up play found the Rc>NO ramblers fa~d wHh fourth down a.nd 10•1 lo go But. r..-plandent In thl'lr new 1carlet and white unltonna, the P 1ratu roee to the ocru lon. Mc:· Keft.111 sped ACTON c-n a tricky rnera. that battled the \.lk lnp Hua convl'rtl"d nd the Buca led 7-0. TH\\' ART TIUlEA T8 Deten81va work by Kannedy and Newport Harbor'• barn! or J\.lla, Bruce Knipp, t1J.1ce broke up Vlkln~ enlal threat.a. but Mc· Kean·a booting kept th• Orange Cou tt>r11 111 1. hole rt>maJnder of Ule finot quarter. Once McKea.n m•~•l'd an oprortunlty for a.n S.-.· ya rd punt rtturn tor a T D. cet· 1. MJGHTl' ORJ\ E own to iret in 11h11~. Io! 180 ·pound !ormH All· ClF and or.e TO _ With Eut Contra Co11ta'11 maJJ11 ~fOVY.S RACK nanker, Art Powell. He ta.llled -------------- ot mighty bacJut opcratlni: at full Montl'r wtll take over left three touc:hdown11, caught -five 1tf'am and Qua rterbarks Jim lack le and Gl'ori:" A 11 e n will passe.<1 for !.l8 y11rrt11, itround out Chaffey Drops One Rolle and McKean firing " ftw. move bnck tn ti_1s left J?1Jt1rd JOb. another !l9 yerds t o remain a the Vlklnga (T'Ound out 92 yards. The left halfbaC'k pol\1t1nn gTt'W !le\'er,. thorn to the Hornets Chaffey. flnt Eutem Confer- reachlnr the OCC 2 beforr an wrAker wht'n c 8 r 1 Llntlstrom throughoul the wRrm nJght. ence t oe for the Orange Cout unuau&I double pua at trmpt c:&mt up wllh lntretlnal flu and Fullertnn <'Ounl,.rl'cl with their College Plr&tu Oct. 8 here, wu 1talled them. wu given th" wr t'k (I((. How· 11tar perfomicr, 011.ry Campbell. F11day night defeated by Ante- Roee faded for a t.hlrd dnwn ever, before lhe proml11lng b11ck A aeconil 11tr1nger &l 11.metlme. lope Valley 111·0. heave. Guard Borden Granger harl taken 11lc k. he had bcen de· 1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ a.nd (you gues5ed It) Kunedy mot<'d to thirtl 11trlng. n u'lhe1 Rose, 80methlng fierce. APT !'OPH Ro11e threw, the pu• atruck Ken· A llOphomon-. Dick Arthur la nf'dy'a h&nda. bounc,.d right b1u·k 1 to Rose. 80 Rose ll<'Ct'pted the now running 'l\i th the tlrat unit. Invitation AJ\d threw It llgaln. The A.rconaut.a. hav1 been hold-1 The ottlclala f&il!'d to look kln1!1v lni: twice daily drilla during the on thla .. try, try a g-aln" etto;t I put week alncl' l!Chool . opening I and ruled the pl'lotll f1,.at1 nn the waa delayed by ronatrucllon. Bur 17 where the mesamen took However. .1u•hool opened here to- 0 \'11'1'" JUst before halltlmr. day. Onre 11galn the Plratr11 struck Today Co&C'h Don Avery took t&11t fn thr third canto. HAlrb&ck hill cbarjte8 to Long BC'ach to Bii i Harrison. up from Hunting· llC'rlmmai;:e J nril11n High. here's what we'll do • • • ton Brnr h, <'nterrd the fray &nd hi!! runnini:: and pau anaggtng &dd~d to Quarterback J im Coon's paNilng ~parkrd the Buca rrrCR AM Harbor Elks Cop •* 10th at Pasadena I * Inspect Lining Check Entire System for Leaks Add Hydraulic Fluid as Needed Inspect Drums for Scoring Adiust Brakes for Full H&rnMn ma.Je 1 11parkhn,; 11· yaril ninha1 k of a punt. tight· ~ewport Harbor !:llUI Club ropinit the ~11l1>lm•11 to 1rt the bowling tra m pl&eed 10th In b11 1l un thP occ H . Coon pitched team events Ill the n crnt Elk11 to Harrison tor a flrat on the bowli ng tournament In Pa1111dena. Viking 38, mlXNI In " 110 gain DalP Whitner.-WU tlral In I ground play. thrn hit H11rrl~on 1Jnj!'ll', with 677 over lhrt(' on the \'1klng-3!';, Bill wu com-gaml's while Bruce Vinton waa pletely In the clr11r and 11wlotel· aeventh with 638. hipped his wily to tha rival l!'J wbitacre a.nrl Bill Abbott cop I tor a.nother tint down. On • ped third In double•. . , the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Construction OOSONA Dl:L MAB .......... • Mala...... • r.ataii.ao. STAFFORD ti ION 110 "Nl:L8 and DOC'' a.scralC.U. 00!\i"TRAM'OM n-UbeiV 1t-nis IUnralde Anno. Newport a.ell * * * Drum Contact.- FOR ONLY • 99~ Courtney & Lester Goodyear Dealer l:IN Xewport Blvd. ~ta M,_ -LI 1-11t7 ' PAC7E'. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY , SEPT. 19, 1955 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT NEW YORK NOON COJOIENT cent aal• lncre&M will retult ln Compiled by B. C. G&ntct.-Dau • yev'1 Ume. Individual ~ttu (Tade lMues Witt.er It Co.-8ANTA ANA, Bept. nnn Include International Paper, 19, (OCN8) -The market opened American VlaCON. Flltrol Cofl>., on a flnn t.ont with t.b• moton, 01.1.lt OU, Eutman Kodak. and •tftla. t.obaccoe. and variowi •pee· Montcomery Ward. The latter un· 1alU• 1upplytna leaderahlp. Ap· der th• tnfluence ot apllt talk. VALLEY MAN RE~OMMENDS JUDGES IE 'PUT TO GRASS' Robert P. ~•rot Sherman Oakea f'eMIDt.t haviJlS lra.f· nc otfioer. lnterfen with bin. wt\fll lie la dotn( liO OD Bal• boa Blvd. on a busy IP'rtday nlaht. But., that ta not • marker to lhe _, be t'Uftlta t1avt.n1 Juda'• Donald J . J>od&'• tln• him U 7 for belnf ln a llWT)'. He writu t.ht Juda'•: "-or elM your eou~probably Wu many other mnalJ town ruort di.atrict.8-t&ku liberty ot th• fact that many people lnvolved ln mlademeanora are In town for the wecok· end only and the flnu thtrdore ha.Md on all the tr&!flc will bear." proval ot the General Moton eplit Alrttnu Improved, aided by an 1 I• <Jue thl• Friday, whlcb hu advlaory Hrvlce recommtndatton. brought bu)'m&' Into th• luue In 11.ntlclpatlon of a atrong public de· Th• bulldlng fTOUP retPonded to He roe.tt on In hie letter to the judre encloelnr a certl· fled Check, that he think• the whole JUdklaJ eyatrm ahould be ,..vamped and pruent Judre• "put out to~" mand for th.e new •tock. Chryaler a rtbound in new houelnr atarta · Improved aympatheUcally and alto for the month ot Au(Urt, with appeara well altuated to dlacount J ohn1-Manvlll• and Celotu Corp. expected u cellent earning• and participa ting. 3 Boys . Arrested with Beer In CC... favorable year end dividend newa. HAR\'ESTER AIDED Mounting preseure for the major International HarvH ter wu aid· steel producera to open their order t!d by newa of tht •trike 11ettle- book• tor tint quarter deliveries ment. Minn. Moline Co. 1trenrth Three Huntington Beach tMn· j Indicated continued capacity oper· reflects charrge In control to a aren were arruted by NewPorl atlon• are to be con.fidently expect· group whou elated lntentlona ta to I Police Tuellday and cherged wit h e<I well into 1956. ln addition to liquidate. Since workln&' capital pouealon of alcohol undtr the Uethlehem Steel and US Steel amount.a to approxlmatrly 130 per Juvenile code. They were releu ed which are aupplytng leaderahlp. 11hare work.out value •hould be at I lo lhelr p1rtnta. I Jone• Laughlin earning• are ettl· higher prices. Polil'e aaw them In a car yea- 1 •nated at $7 per share for the year, Quality of leaderehlp la auch u terday momtn1 and •lopped them I which pro\'idet rxcellenl coverage to allow for maintenance of a firm II on the hunch lhey were . truanta for the $2.~ rate and a yield of tone over balance of lh~ dey. Crom al'hool. Omcera aald they l'lo.te to 5 per cent. l P .M. Dow .Ion,.. Ann«" found three open botUu of beer GOOD PROSPECTS 30 lnduetrlala .... _ .. 4ss.11 up 2.u ln lhe cer, each with a •traw In It. Earnings ot Colorado Fuel and 20 Ralls . .. ...... 164 04 oft 0.2G One boy flu t rave hi• age u Iron may well approximate $8 per 111 Utlltllu ...... e&.H up 0.06 18, but admitted he wu only 16 whrn he aaw he waa beln&' held share this year on which bul1 l p. m volume: l ,U 0,000 ve. fOT ~ bail u an adult, police Mid. the h1aue •PpellT'W very reuonably-1.3110.000 on Frl<lay. priced. Tht're are alto excellent LOCAL !OTOCK UST prospect• for a dividend lncreaat. BID ASD '·ASK American Tobacco and Philip B k t A le 43%-48 Morrla extended their recent «•Ina an ° mer a ........ 1 Ith lh l tt aided b un Beckman Jn11truml'nl ......... 21 !ii w · e a er Y anno ce-California Bank . · ....... Wl1-&o~ SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's LHdi.ng Home lending Institution CONTINUING LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED blllCTORY A.PPUANCD -Doa.elioW Parta -~ler -8ervt~ UDO EL&CTllJO HU \'la Udo -llutior tTt1 AUTOMOBILE DEALEBS New and uaed can N ICKERTL STVDEBAJll:& 8alM ~lt'le f'Wta Ml6 NH'pori Blvd. -Bat: 611 BANKS Ba11k of ~rka 11.'T a AA U4' \'la Udo -llarMr 1611 BARBER SHOPS 1 UDO SHA \TSO MUO I la IUdwelJ'• Store for Mee MH \'la Udo -Harbor 1111 BEAUTY PARLORS I IJOO 8ALOS OF BEACJTT Ml~ Spt. Blvd. -Bu. U1't BOOKS BOOK CASE Ull Via Udo -llMMr MM CAM.ERAS a Supp&. ,,scr.~'T LIDO D&U08 Ull \'la Udo -llarttor IOOI euPEr8 a DRAPEIUD DICIL MACKER UH \'la Udo-llartlor &Ill OATERING RIOHAJU>'8 LIDO llAA&l!T MU Via Udo -Barbor SHI ment that lta regular line wtll be Disney 1 Walt} ..... !l7 ''1 ·•0 i., !!Old In more appealing pa<'kages. F'lral Wf'atern Bank .... ~·,·119~ Management feel• that a 211 per ClaMpar ... .. 21\a-3% PARKES -RIDLEY MORTUARY Formerly GB.A. VE.L CHAPEL 110 Broadway I-Coeta Meea Llbuty s-uaa aad 8-UH To PAY Clothlni-ChJldreu a lnlaata I .1r.Rl'f4 OF IJOO M06 Se•1»0n Blvd. DEATH NOTICE HARR\' FLA1TF.R\" Hall Scott MC1tora s1,.7i,. Interstate Engineering . 101.\·11 '-' Mark~l BukH Com. . ... 21 i,. -23 Mayfair Market• . 9·91' Minute Maid . . . 181,.-18~ Funeral 8en·1c~ for Harry Sec Fl r11t 1'11t 'I. Bank . _ G9 1~ -63 ' ~ CLOTHING -Men'• Retail 1 L IUS \'la Udo -H..-r MM 0 I BIDWEU."M SHOP. FOR MEN -,2 I CLOTBING-Wornea'a Bee.I Thomu Flattery, 70, ot 2420 Vlr· T hrifty Drug ... . .. 10·11 gin la Road. Loa Angele., well T reeaweet . . .. S" ·8"' NEW MESA STREET STRIPER OPERATING Qty Mana~er George Coffey watches C. A. Kunzman, 181 East 19th .st.. as ~e start. out with Costa Mesa's newest piece ot equipment, a street stnper. This machine, which set the city back about $800, is expected to make it safe for Costa Meuru1 to go home safely in the fog. -Staff Photo known in ?l:ewport Harbor, will be .Van Camp Sea Food ···-. 11 ... 8"ii htld Wednesday at 11 a m. In u. s. N1t'I. Bank, s. D ..... 23.231,. Chapel of the Chlmea. Jnglrwood Wizard Boat . .. 21 ... 3i_. 1!~=:::!~~~~~~~~~ PER ANNUM Park Cemetery. He died Sept. 15 -------------J: In Hoag Hoapttal, wu a retired district manager of Armour and Company. ALL ACCOUNT:S INSURED UP TO $10,000 RIGHT AT HAND Mesa Police Find P.O. Mail Box Near Station Innocent Ayen in Plea by Attack SA:-\TA ANA, IOCNS) -Ac· cu11ed of three count" ot atRlU· Survivors are his w1fe, Marton: a son, Robert C. ot Palo• Verde11; his mother. Mrs. M&rgaret Flat· tery, Hollywood: a brother, Char- les W. of Hollywood. Baltz Mortuary, Costa Meaa Chapel, 1.n charge of arrangementa. tory attack on " 16-year-old Cos· BERT I:. MAV ta M1>11a lirlrl. Robert OAvid Ay· Bert F;. .May, 114, of Yuba City. er8 Friday pleaded Innocent be-died Sept. l6 In Hoag Hoepltal. lore Supcnor Court Judge John Survivors are hla wife, Velma; One ot Coeta MM& Poet orfice'• Ume wu retrirved and turned Shra and uked for a jury trial. two aona. Robert of Tul.aa. Okla. mall boxea dlappeared ln a hlll'TY over to Poatmuter Mr1. Haul The judgP ut trial for 9:30 and John ot Mary 1 • ll le: one •arly Tuellday momlng &11d It Giil. · a .m., Or t. lO. Ayers. whose ad· daughtrr. M ni. Leola Compton of Garrity Son lorn Marlnt' Cpl. and Mrs. David Michael Garrity. Costa Mu a. b,.. came parents of a M>n born Sept. 15 at U. S. N ava I H°'pltal, Corona. BE SURE -INSURE wtU. llAUIUI: 8TA!li'l.E'f I D911J'1U)()e Only Pbone Harbor un Nl6 E. Coaat fllc'bwa7 Corona deJ llar Lido Isle Special lnunaculat41 S BR .• l •, bL Cuatom bullt throurhout. 8-lt.er- ed patio. Too raany t ... tUJ"M to ll•t hen. l>ood atrwt ~ Clubll~. F a r n l · lure lnrl. Liberal ~nna. $27,500 Call Harbor HOO All Accounts Opened On or Before The I oth of the Month Eem From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VJNGS BALTZ MORTUARIES took until dayligttt befOl'e Mesa True to lt11 deeign of bein( of dre111 11nd 11ge wPren•t rtl11rlosed. Hawthorne and aeven grandebU· pottce were a ble t o locate It, urvtce to the governm~nt.. the idlegtdly force<t hi11 attention• on dren. COSTA. MZSA CllAP&L CB.A.PEL BT nu: UA. practically out.aide their door. box recor ded a clue for Police the girl In a car parked In Costa Servicea and Interment will be 1741 Superior Avenue 3320 IC. Cout Bl•d. IC N th d orncer to work on-a perfect Indents-Mu&. Ii LOAN ASSOCIATION "'0-. ...... l'IM>IM t RY '-1177 w ~fi· Rs · e d~y a t 2301 uon ot one headlight or the ve-Th• a.eta ueertedly occUrTed held In Ma r Ya v 11 l • with Balta eo.ta Keaa. CaJJ.t. Corona del Mar, Callt. 1 am a...-e. onh t.eld ih lhlcle ln't"Olnd. Aur. 20, 22 and 24. The defend· Mortuary, eo.ta Meaa Chapel. Phone Liberty 8-1121 Phone Harbor u LAGUNA BEACH am.. heard a cnu ou e ,. :n~t~la~f~re~e~o~n~ba~ll~. ====~~to~rw~·~ar§dln~g~dJr~ec~t~o~r•~·=====~§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ l'tatlon trom dlrectlon of Newport B lvd. and 2ot.h St. Wl'len they In· veaUgat.ed. they d.l&<:overed a great amount or duet In the area but no vthiclu . Came d.ayllirht and they found a vehicle had 11truc.-k the post Charging extreme cnielty. Patrl· office pickup matt box on aouth· cla A. Coberly Saturday IOUght ea.at comer of thf' 20th St. In· 1 a divorce from C. J . Coberly Jr~ t.eraectlon With !'ewPort Blvd !115 Via Lido Soud, Udo l~e. The battered box wu round on I The plt11nUff uk• for cu.tody I.he 11<>uth 11ide of !he rf'~IJtnc~ of the couple'• child. The Cobtr· at 1000 Newport JUvd. whne a Jya wtre wed OcL 30. 11148, ac· v.1re tence had been knocked I cording to the complaint. fown.. Among the Item• ll~ted ln com- Tire ma.rka, lnve1tiptlo1t ,.._ munity property by the plalnlitr vealed, u tt>nded 1~6 feet to the 1 were two late model cars, a 30· polnt or Impact with lhf' mall I ft. PoWer boat, 60-fl , lO·mett r box. Th• box triweled 111 fel'l sloop. bllllk account In Hunting- to Ill resUn1t pCllnl. The onf' Jet· I t on Park , 11tock in Kobe. Inc. and ter a pparently In the box a t the the Lido Isle residence. Too Late To Classify d Loet and Foun ST-Lido lllle. Slamue LO k llttn. 8 moe. olrl. Cream with dark &T&1 mark Inga. Reward. Call Har. 2121 ev~nlnp or LEhlgh 9-21~8 daytime. 7c9 LOST-Light blur ParakMl named Bomber. Reward. Harbor 30M . 7r9 18-81taations Wanted RUO REPAIR-Lady with ma ny y-.ra .xperlence In Ori,.ntal rug repairing. 818 Main St.. Hunt- Jnrton Beach. LExington 8· 7113. 7p9 n-ee12 waaw CHILDREN'S NURSE, light hnUMkMplng. Live In. SliG mo ReferencM requlrrd. Ca.II Har 3284 ~tween 9 Ir 11 a m.-4 A: 8 p.m. 71'9 SS-Boat.. s~ lG n'. INBOARD BOAT $160.- Power~ with 2" h.p. Lawson r n(tnt. PhU Johnatonbau~h 2938 w. Cout Hlrhway, Newport Beach. LI 8·9124. 7p9 WANTED -HOME for loveable tlg-er atriped kitten. LI 8-5224. 70 1 FURN. 1 bdrm, apt. Choice loca- tion. yrly. or winter. Furnace heat. Har. 1049-R. 7c9 43-A-Apt& for Rent Yl:AR ROUND RENTAL. Adult.a only. Two ~drm. apl , tum.- Harbor 1233-J. 7c 48·B-Ho118e8 for Rent COSTA MF.SA WORKINO woman wtll 1hare her home with 1 or 2 women. All modern convtnlenc· es Nke patio Ir den. Cooking It a.JI privileges. Make my home yours. LI 8-117110 evenings. 7ttc Fl"RN. COTI'AGE. Winter rental. 150 month.-320 M:artne A\'e . Balboa laland. Har. 1808. 7c9 1 -F or a drpendable uae<t car, mM your local dealer who wlD be Mn TOMORROW to back up what he lll'U. TODAY! Check the Uffd c&l'9 ln the cla.Alned eecuon to- day. UPPER BAY 361 22nd Street Open D&Uy 1 to 5 p. m. Very !lne 3 bedroom 2 beth new home. Large lot 60 x 330 with trees, etc. tor Quiclc Sale $21,MO t.erme. DUNCAN HARDESTY, 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport &acb Realtor Har. 4718 , ... .. D START YOUR X·MAI LAYAWAY NOW! Blue CANVAS BINDERS "°per achool site Ml 2 « J ""9 ltylt. , , • Our ll'IOlt popular numb.r, to hwry for yours! 99c S.He ........ P ... 71 ....... Filler Paper l'l+t 1 .. I llf11t 11...te.ol '1.: ... wl.le .. ·-·w nrc r•I•. h I Oi'' tl.eeh. ~ ......... ," ...... __ ..... .......... ," ......... _ ... l .. 1rh4 HlllHllwen. Meidc• LAUNDRY B.&.SKE: ............... ~ ., .... ".....,_..... ................ 1 hoof .. ....... "•--' ., .Mlci.-'1 toyt, tool , S1.lt 79c , .... , New .. ty • w 2108 Ocean Front Watdl For o., Necw Newport Pier N•wport leach • CLOCK STOPPER CIRCULAR Phone Harbor 5 lal'C)Cllns Galore ..... •w.... 120 ....... •"" 60 eft••l~1. M•-41 Co•plete l·Yol••• Set ENCYCLOPEDIA HafH110 .. Gold·fMbo1tecf Hard Cover1I 111 ..... w .~., .. 1~1elly WTitt .. f• ...... 1 ... , ~ 3" ........... ._ _ Owtl ··c•lc" Electric Hair Clippers Wltli lleW ........ .. ettech-fltl ,, •· fenieftel +y,e, •4· i····~'· .... ~. celltfel. TEA POTS o ...... ,, ...... t lnt<I ,.., "'-.... ... ••• lttti11t ... 1 ......... _... ..... .....,.. ALARM CLOCKS LA RF.IS~ 60t Via M~r 6111 LIDO FAt4HJOS8 Ult Npt. BIY4. -Butter llT\ SHADDOCK '8 ""\"la Udo -Butler..,, VAGABOND ROUSE Imported SporlPrear UH Via Udo -S.... MM DRUG STOBD VINCEN'r8 LIDO DllU09 Hll Via Udo -llart»or IOOI ELECl'IUO OONTRAOTORS UDO ELECTIUO UH Via Udo -llAl'tler &1tl FLO WEBS .RICllAJU>'S UDO llAmT Coraage-Tabl• Arranaementa WI \'la Udo -Banor 1821 FOUNTAIN, GRILL VINCE1\T8 UDO DltU08 Ull VlaUdo-llartlor ... FBAME8 A ALBU118 GEllBA.KDT STUDIOS U1' Via Udo -Banor MOI FURNITUBE DIC& MACK.Ea KIO Via l.u. -...._ ... GIFT SHOP RICllAJlD'8 UDO MAIUU':T IW Via Udo -llut»or SHI INSURANCE AGEN'l'S W. O. BUCK. DIO. MOO Vla Udo -11uMr Utt INTERIOR DEOOBA.TOB8 IU.A.'lClHE FUL&E880N A.1.D. Mll Via Udo -&Mtlor 61H DWK MACKE& U.!O Via Udo -Ila.new UU DON CREJOBTON .&. L D. Mala,Ja lmporta aoo v1a 1111.a.p -....,..., aan KARKEl'S RIOBARD'"' UDO llAJUUtT UH Via Udo -Buhr HH PHOTOGRAPH 8TUDI08 GERHARDT STUDIOS Hll Via Udo -Harbor &409 BEAL ESTATE UDO Rl:ALTY A SSOC'U n:s U do Sale• • Rentala MOO \'la Udo -Hari>or ~ P. A. P AUIE1l INO. IUS vta Udo -llarbor HOO voor:L C'OMPA.~Y Mll \'la Udo -HartM>r &Ill BA l' "-''"D BEACH REAi.TY Via Udo Br1rlce Oftlce ILIS LaFayette -Hubor HU SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Nt:WPORT BALBOA "A VISGS • LOA." A880ClATION A Savings In1tltulion Lonie Term Home Loana UM VI.a Udo -11u1Mw UOO 1 SERVICE STATIONS UDO RfCRTJF:LD I Mii Newport Blvd.-llar. '811 1 SHOES -Mea'a I BIDWJ:u~·14 STORE FO& ID:N M%8 \'la Udo -11arti. tM1 I I SHOF..S, WOMEN a ru:·s ot· CAl.JFOR.VU. MIO \·ta UdcrHA Ol6I 1'11&\TRES l.JDO TRJ:A TRE Consult lh11 pa~r tor Pr'OfTMll \'la l.ldo at Sewpon BIYd. Harbor !11& I l'Ol'S LfDO TOYLAl'fD U.% ,.la Udo -Harbor HM 1'RA VEL ACENCIES I llARROR TIC.A \'f:I, AUDICY HI& Se.-·port Blvd-Har. NU VPHO~TERING OICK MACK.ER 1420 \'la Udo -llutlor -1 WATCH REPAIR I \'ISCJ:ST'~ WATCH llR4111 I LIOO ORn.•14 Ult \·la Udo WINDOW COVERING nu: 8KADr: 8ROP Nen .. Poei Ottloe a.. 1M .. 'Women's ·calendar 10£ Clubs I PUBU CITY WRITINO c.-lua tor df'nt Who I• "'""'•r "'..., eld friend• In the a,..._ The affair waa not ooly a 1ur· prt-'4' ••eddms event but w a • birthda y ctlebraUon for Kr. F\la· Cf'tlll<I !\(anv J1fta were sir-t· eel tM l'OUple. aaynwttb prua chlllrmtn of clubl. SepL 20. 7 I p.m Room R F: 8. Orange CoHt I Collt'ge ALL P UBUCl1'Y Pll)()- Pl..E PLEASE ATI't-.:NO. PHIL.HARMONIC, "N •a r I y New" fuhlon 11how, Balboa Bay .... .,, ... ""'"• ~ MR. & MRS. THOMAS ANDREW CANEPA m -Don Bush Photos NEWPORT H AR B O R jHow Heifers Go to Europe MRS. THOMAS CANEPA llJ, the former Miss Elizabeth (Betty) Norton, throws bridal bouquet from deek or Elks Club to waiting maids below at reception which followed Saturday morning ceremony in Our Lady or Mount Carmel Churl·h. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor _ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGE I MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 A Loi Anl'tlH teacher who ac· companied a herd ot heifer• from the United Stat ea to Oerma ny ln the .11ummu or 19~3 will relate his experlencu at the Family Night pro~m Of the Balboa l•- l11nd Community M e th o d I • t Church on Wednelday evenlnr. Sepl. 21 He I• Manhall ByTd who made hl11 trip In behalf of Helrtr1 for Relief . . Canepa-Nprton Vows Said FAccARDPARTYFRIDAY The eea -golnr cowboy wtll show a 15-mlnute colored film deplcllnl' what happena from the lime a heifer 11 J1van by an American tanner until It reachu a rod'ugee family In Oermany. Saturday ·at Mount Carmel 180!!;~ ... :~.:~~}~~~1E .. , .. HI• trip Included a tour of A uatria, lhrlt.urla.nd, r ran c •· Wut C.rmany. and l:Ut Berlin. By lr11vellng on third • clu1 tralru anrl 1tay1nr In youth ho•· 1 .. 111. Byrd wu able to become ac.-quafntf'd w ith a •Ide of !:uro- pean Ute often overlooked by the a vera.ge I our111t Balboa Island Home for Popular OCC Graduates first ot the deasen. card partiu ot the aeawn llj>('n&Ored by Also In the rtceivlng line were Mr. a nd M rs Thomu Andrtw the Fndey Afternoon Club card sel·llon. may do 311 11ccording Canepa J r. of r-:ew Cu)'IUTlll, psr-to Mrs. I'.:. I. Moore. card .eel.Ion c.-ha1rman. ,.nt11 ()( the Lna,.p-oom. Mrs. Ca-Meeting at the Friday Afternoon clubhou1t, 18 St. and nepa wore blue and 11llver bro-Anaheim , Co3ta Mesa., on Fridl!ly, Sept. 23. at 12.JO. player• Talisman bows h<>ld white chrysanthemums. yellow stock and gladiolas to pew ends. markin~ the white c~rpeted path- way in Our Lady or Mount Carmel Church down which Eliza- beth Ann Norton, dsiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tl}omas Franklin Norton, 1815 Cliff Dr. walked Saturday morning to meet her catlf' with a Ph11la.-nop11la orchlrt are uked to bring their own four-IOme 11nd m11y play what- ror•A!:P Hnrl black p11tent lf'ather evt'r they wish. I( not in a fo11n1om t . thl' cllmm1ll"e will try accessories. to plan• players. ah,. 11tatP11 Rel'ervaltons llhould h" m11de Reception waa htld at lht Elk!! with Mr11. Moor ... l~ 8·~23!\ by Wednf'!lday. Club w hrre the bride'• table Wll.8 -----------------------set with silver Cl!lndelabra. gar- dtnlas and othf'r nowers In au· twnn color.e. Mias M&rllyn Ca · nepa. 11l11ter ot lhe brldegToom and Mr11 RoMld Comer 111111lated In 11erv1ng. Mr... Ivan Hotf11rd, l!llller or the brulr. kept the gue11t book. DANCE PLANNED A gr•dul!lte of UCl..A. Byrd la now tear hmg Enr;hah 80Clal atu- dles and mathemat1c11 a t HollPn· beck Junior High School In Loe Angeles. During hi• two and one· halt yea r11 in the Sta~u h ' aerve<I In Ha wllh. the Phlllpp1nea. and !'<orth Chlna. b ridegroom. Thomu Andrtw Can· epa Jll. Within the Mnclu11ry ,.,ere I Ar g,. b1111k1>t11 or hrnnze Chln11. chrys11nthemumic.. yrllllw •lock and ~ladloJ1111 11nd white pom-pon r hry!IA nlhi-mumi<. g1m1- lar rlown11 wtrP In AllRr v1111e11. Hot'RLE RfNO The Rev. Stephrn Kiiey per· form Pd the doublf' ling rl! t> In whlC'h Betty w1111 J,:IV!'n 1n kC'Pp· Ing by her fl!ll her Shi' w11" ltwely in hrr wnll7. ltngth prlnC'l'l'S 1 own nr whllt silk 11h11ntung The ~klrt wa11 bo11ff11nt. the bod· Ice filled. with long pointed alrf'VH a nct wide portrait neck- line edfted with IACe an<'I heRrt· Ing. A pearl and rhlnel'lOnl' crown t:eld htr short vtll 11nd 'l h'" canted wl.lte roses 11nd h llc11 of th<' vallty <"l'nterf'<I with a ror- llajl;( or whit<' Catlltyn orchids. th4' latter worn l11ter w1lh hPr (Olng llWIY COl!lllffif' or blnrk anti br!'wn twt'l'<I 1!\llt nn<t hl11rk &CCf'PMlriea. VP:l~LOW t'RO<'KS Thi' hrlrle'11 11 lll'n<'IAnll' were g!'wne<I 1n p11le y .. llow t'ryiitAI· et tr <nsh1ontd with bnufr&nl 1k1rt11 In 11tret l len~th an<! prin· ceftS bo1llre11. Thf'y wor.-vrl\·('t hAtll and the mnld11, Ml1111r11 Ollr· dll' Srh11efr r 11nd Lnrl\lynn Milne, carrier! Y"llow <'hinll rhry~11.nthe· Club Leader Class A parllamentRry prartice rlalloll tor leadtra 1in1I member~ or or- ganlzatlon11 will oo orr.,rrli by Or· a nge ('oMt < 'nllPge !l!Artln~ Sert. 21 at 9 :10 a. m. Thr clllSs will be tauj:"ht hy Mn1. Kenneth Cool· Ing. It will mtrt oncl' a Wl'<'k. on Wednl'!'rl:iys Ill thl' C"ommunlly Church. 811 Htltotrope Avl' Rothwell Child The Robert RoU\wel111, 31~ Jtvrnior; Canyon Road. are par- •nta of a boy b•by bom Sept. l l at Hoa g Hospital, mums with rroton leav<'11 and brown velvet streamers. The ma- tron of honor. l\lr11 R1C'hRr1I Mc- C"Rrlhy. rafned a cascarle of TAI· l11man ro11es with •-roton ltavr11 lln<I brown strc·nmers. Wendell Hnvs s<'rvert a11 ht-st mRn ~M gur~t11 WC're 11$hererl by Jerry K1rklon1I Rn•l Clitr Hiatt. wt:nms •: ~n·src Llnvd Holzs:-raf1• played the prt·hull' m11<ir and wedding mar· r hNI. end Jark KennNly ung "A,•e M!lria" and "Panis Angel- 1cu11". F'ur h<'r daughter'• nupttalll Mrs. l"orton wore 11 drus of be11:e puede clot'ti. a beaded hat anti a voc11rlo gr('Pn acce!lllorlea, with a ror~ge of Cymb1dlum11. BOTH AT OCC Tht bndr w1111 gr11tluated from Newport Harbor Union High School 11nd Or11nge Coa11t College where iohP iterved 1111 director of publicity. Htr husband w1111 grad· 11ated from Bakerarll'ld High ~rhool and Orirn11e Cout Collt Ji:I', served a11 pre11fdent ot the aopho- more c.-laiu. After honeymonnlng at an undh1clostfl de11tination thl' ruuple will be al home at 1201, Tht Grand Canal. Republican Women Hear John Roussel out Thursday John Rou1111elout. member of Introduce the apeaker. RouMtlout the Loi Angeles Centrlll Rppub-Is tint VI Ct pruldent or the Los lknn Committee snd alaft mem· Angf'll'11 Young Republican Club, m<'mbt'r11hlp rhalrman of the 11tatt ber on Vice· prt!ldenl Nixon's Young ~publft'lln Club, pr.,clnct ll\<:l two tourl'I of Califomla, will chBlrmnn for thr 2!\th Cnn,1:rt'11- Rrldru11 thr Repubhran Women's 11ion11I District of Loll Angeles Cluh of Xewpon Harbor !!It a 1 County. member11h1p drive program Srpt. Thr Rrp11bli<'Bn Rnuntlup Ba.r- '.:2 at 10 a m. In Lido Theatr-.b<'l'llt' Is 11l11tc<I for Ot·l. 11 Ill lhP Iii• tor1 c will be "\\'h11t th11 El~-BuH11lo Ranch 111HI deta1l11 will enhow"r Atlm1nlft tr11l1on Ha11 At'· be nnnounnrl hy Bl!lrne11 11 l clot1a l·"mrh~hC'tl". "r the prnJt"ram. Job's Daughters Have Active Fall Schedule The progTam, open to lht pub- hr, will beJln a t 7·30 p. m fol- lowing a 6:30 all-church pol· luck supper. At the 'WhC'n J ob'11 Daughters. Bethel rule H<'rr. D1inn11 Albr111hl. Mrll 1 rn; met Th11r:.llay evenlnK at I i::r_sn Smith. 11:u11rdtan or Bethel : Cracker Barrel Friday Afte1m•nn rlubhouse. Co•-I·>•, Ralph Hur, H:<:1n111\te guar· dl11n or 1:17 anfl Mr11. Hrrr. Allio 1 Caro Eaton who u11ually wrlte11 ta Me!'a, ll wa~ sublltitutl' nl11ht Mrs. r.ex Albrt11:hl. 1teputy Jl:Tlln<I a bout u11 In this 11pace •s b111y Suballlutu occupied 11tallon11 or 11u111 .J1an or D1slrit"l 3 Seal i •harpening her aketching penclla, the officers and the la tter !11\l BeRrh 1<nd San Clem.-ntP 111~0 u-cleaning her bruahe11 and palette, with the Bet hel Choir. Honor•d s1~tNI 1n ro111 trlly n1i:ht. checklng her paJnll and paper ~ planning to take adv&11tage or thl• Queen Donna H11m1lton presided On ;;ept 23 lhP J obif'Jll ar,. be· beautiful r1111 weather to turn out and announc<'menl "'Ila m11de or I Ins: 1;1,·rn the11 Ur lit form a I da nee l!Omf' more or her fine water col- comlnK events or Interest. by the Routh l'O'>lll Guardian urs. Which remind• ua you ahould Prizes Wl'rl' glven lo the win· Council Th!' 1lanre I• for 1111 b" doing the aame. Aleo. like her ntrs or lhe ret",.nl doughnut sale Southern ("31Jforn111 Bethel!. Job· you 11huuld come to Me ua for the ' le; an•I tll('urtl' onh· 11 will be a rt 1mppli,.. you need We've r ot Barbara C<IOper received tl"t A~10ST everything, we think. &- prize for Fl'llinit 211 doz .. Jllntt Ill the P&v· A· v •n '" H untington sld~ we r an make your artiatlc fd· Hobel ., .. ~ond prize for 152 doz. Besch. 9 P m 10 1 " m rort& look e,·en ~ter wlt.h the anrl third pnz" to ~rralne Culh· The granrt .:11a1 ·llan" 0Cflc1al pro~r frame and mat . At the bert tor ~2 doz. J ewelry with the vl11l Is to be on Ort 6 with San CRACK'!:R B AftREL. 128 A(ate. J ob'a D a u g ht er, emblem wu Clemenlt Rn•I l..a1:un>1 Btar h I the f"trry atreet) Balboa u land. u1ed aM pr1zP:<. Barb11ra Cooper Belhel11 visiting snd R•'l:<ll1111: 1n Eleanor Enfield (adv.) recth·ed !!In s1frlll1on11 I prh:e from the work. th,. DoNut sh11p. 11 red 11Weat1>r. The honored quet•n pre~l'nted the prlzes. Rectnlly 1nme of the J obles from B<'thel J -:i7 st>rved u cour- tesy (Jfflcer11 Ill the 1.-guna 8 eRch R•'lhel Gynclle Dy1111rt. Ro~!' Mar'" A nt!erson, MRrjorlt CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Ernest Holn CA. rounde1 . 1111lhor of "Science of Mind." SUNDAY SE RVICES 11 Lm. .lunJor Church .. d Nursf'ry Care 11 Lm. Kev. lrt1 Turk, ~lnl1ter LAOl'XA Bt:.\CH ART OALLER1' HYaU t-1%8' I0'1 Clift Dr. Knox. J a nf'l J\ ry. 11 nd Ca rol Mc-';;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ f\tillan took part a~· guest offi· ;--~---- cer11. Vl!<ilor:< a ttending w'lre Donna H11m1ltnn. Lnhe Ary. Ca· Mrs. H1chartl T.-ac-hout will pre· ---------------------------GERALD B. SINYKIN, M.D. 111d(' and Ht•bert ~. Barn<''<. rhalr· man of the Orange County Re- publica n Central Comm1tte~ w~ I ~ .. (tlfll "''"' J'ftl//(f (I/I/ /t(1ll . , ... , • "' • • <> ~ • • -' Free Lecture EntitJed CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: ITS CONSTRUCTIVE MISSION and ROBERT E. SCHMITZ, M.D. Announce the Opening of Their Office for LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS By George Channing, C. S. B. of San Francisco, California Member of the Board of Lecturutup of 1 1 ~ Mother Church. The F lrat Church of Chnst, Scienthll, In Bol'llon. MUS8ChUllttl• Friday, Septemt:Mor 23rd RESERVED I SEAT I u 111.i. i.. •tie 11nt I Cb ti.I iu Scletle4 1ec1are ro. a. ... e I 111mdecl. ,,,. wW I General Practice 420 at Jasmine del Mar 5001 DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALllOA l'llEATllS BLDG. BALBOA ()pta Tu"4lay thru Saturday 8 p.m. Church Edifice S30S Via Udo. Ne\lrport 8-cb All Are Cordially In•tted to Attend -a _. '"' yoa la die Hell· I leri-111ttil •e• I llliaa._W .. th. a..-., .. ,,.. I .... ~-'°"I to uy nher .. ,.,_ dt•M I ------ Corona Harbor Club, 11 :30 a .111. Sept .. w. OAR SOUTHERN California division, Nl'wpoct Harbor Ya cht Club, 10 a.m. Sept 20 WOMAN'S CIVIC Learue. Villa Marin•. 10 1 01 Stpl. 20, Harold C lua on pa rks It recreation panel. REPUBLICA N WOMEN'S Club, 10 a. m. Lido Theatre Sept. 22. STEPHENR COLLEGE Alum· na.-7 .JO p m. S •pt. 20. Mra. I.A-on Jonu home 1962 Sen Juan Sl . Tustin. Sl'MM ER COTI'ON c1<rd party of F:bPll Club. Amerlca.n Legton H11ll s .. pt 27 12:30 pm Flrat luncheon meetlni;. Oct . I. ZO:\T A CLUB. eonferenct work· 'hop, t:arl Stanley born ... 11 R ud- th>r Road. 7 :30 p.m. SepL 22. YOU!'IG REP UBLICANS dance, Irvin• Cout Clu b, BepL 23. SANTA ANA ICBEU. club- h0t~ {Hblon tnoW by R&nkll!' I, Sept. 26. II :30 p.m. bn.&nc:'h. PITBLlCITY WJUTINO clUI 7-9 p.m. S.pt. 27. Oran1• Cout Coller• Room B IC-8. LIDO ISLJ!l WOMEN'S Club, Lido ClubhoUM, Sept. 27, 12 noon. luncheon a nd card1. BT. JAMES Altar Oulkl llllnr tea. Mra. Bert Brewar home, lit Via Koron. 2 to I p.m .. Sept. 21. JUNIOR ICBICU., Sept. H , Ir- vine Cout Club. MICMBll:RSHIP TICA, Catholic Women'• Council, 2_. p.m. Sept. 211, Vlncent Salamacla boma. 175 VI& Udo Boud. Double Event for COM Couple Mr. and Mn. Norman Fl~r­ atd, 468 Serra OriH , were honor- ed on tti.lr 20lh wedding annl- veraary when Mr. a nd Mra. Al Child• lnvlttd a ft'OUP or fr\et1de to their home on P oppy Ave. for dinner. Pruent .among other1 w • r e Meura. and Mmu. Kenneth Dell, Joteph Hood, Ray Purdy. Ftt.&- Gerald and Mra. Betty Brown. houM iue1t of Mn. Charlu. Mra. Brown 11 from Tho.mu· Y11lt , o a.. a fonner Harbor re1I· ' IMrton Hohnes Trav~es SANTA A1'f JOOR ICBOOL AVDITO&IUM Sponaored by ALTRUSA CLUB ot SANTA A.NA 6 W9dnNda7 E venln1a 8:30 SepL Graad Tow of EW"Clpe 21 Rob.rt ~tt. na.nater SaoUand l'ard -4 u.e ~pt. Burt.on Holmea Story 28 Robert MaU~tL, aanator Oc:L c..i;;)to-Bec"lildad 6 Thay .. r SouJr, saarraier Oct. T.i;-CMtbbMD l t Thap r ~uJt', narrator Oct. --""1ta.erlaad 11 ThaJ•tr Soult', narrator JU O--J4-:-t-0 $l .30--Tax Incl. , •••• ft flthh ....... J ULIA A~H HYOI TlAlllL SUVICI 11\ H Mat-. -Saftte Af'I ,,..,..111 JANG .... ~. <~•d• r •rtilll• te ld•• Stew•" Party Reatal ltema 1.0$ B. COIUI H11 .. CC>r'OM ._, II•' llarbol' 6011 WAVES SPECIAL Complete . $10.00 9750 Penna Hiit • New Locatloft 357 N. Newpott llY. ero.roada vw... Center Bldg. oppoeite Hoag MemorW Hospital Liberty 8-2"12 Glln; · IJ.aul'I Slap THE OltGAN T01J ClUf FIAT ATONOEI UM wnttrftll ... HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN New I Ne,, ..... Tab.I.--· COIN .. -4 Prove It to Yomwlf We alM ...... ,.. ........ ... Cr7..__ •••• • ..... °'SM ,. ........... DANZ· SCHMIDT BIG PLUIO A oaG.Ur ftOa ~foril ..... .._ ... Orsam Ill Ml• 610 No. 11.&a ..... AM _A :Jine ::becoraling Service Awai/~ You *ilil't~ Furniture by Century-o/J Slill e ACCESSORIES e Corona def Mar Balboa Island From the ltart, make your wedding an occa· aion of long rtmembered good t.ute and dia- t.inction. lnvitationa eet the tone of formal perfection. Con.ault us on any problem you may have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Prices Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 Balboa llvd. Har. 1616 I ' PAGE 2 -PART .I I•-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, SEf'T. 19, 1955 Lockran Gets 4 I Months on Plea I Admitting Attack - SAFETY FACTS .FOR COSTA MESA'S CHILDREN SANTA ANA 10CN8l -Rob- ert G. Lockran, 21, a recently dla- eharged Marine, Friday wu 11en- tenced to 'oun\y jail !or !our month• after hla ruilty plea on att f:mpted attack, Two chargea of 1tatutory attack agatnsl the dt"tendant. were di.I· mlaaf'd He hu an undulrable dll· ~a~L I Lockran wiu arrested with an- oUler Marine, F rank Moore. 21. • alter they assertedly attacked a 17-~·ear-old Hollywood girt follow· Ing a n allf'gf:d wild party In Costa Mesa. I Moore 11.lready has been eentenc- ed to a yur In Jllil alter pleading gullly to statutory attack. Judge John Shea dt!nled proba· lion. He said hr woa making It a four-month srntence for LQckran so he can at&rt the s econd eemes- tf:r at the University or Minnesota. I Now that the thousands of Costa Mesa children are back in school, Polire Chief Art McKenzit> and his Mesa police department are hard at work protecting them. Here McKenzie and Sgt. Dean Pollom instruct children at Harper School in necessary safety meas- ures. -Staff Photo By' his judgment, the charge against Lock ran automatically was reduced Crom a felony to a mla- deme&nor. The vlcilm waa contact - ed through the Hollywood USO. THEY WHEEL TO CLASS AT OCC Two wheel chair beauties, Judith Ann Underwood. Midway City, frosh pre-teaching .major who broke her leg 21 :! years ago on a toboggan, center, haa Coast College c9mpany of_ Carol Doane. Cc.rona deLMar, in.jul'ed several-wee-ks -ai{~ by wild driver who hit car she was riding in at Ceast Highway intersection. Carol wu honor 1tu- dent at Newport Harbor Union High School. William Hunstad. left, librarian at OCC, furnishes books to girta. -OCC Photo NEW WINGS -Earl French, one of the the cabinet makers working for South Cout Co., is shown with one of four aileron frames he has been building to refit two Hiapano Suiza planes to be used in making the "Lindbergh" picture. -Sta!t Photo "' McNeil Prison Term Meted Out RECALL 'WAR BIRDS' South Coast Co. Building _Wings for Hispancf Suiza MRS. McKINNEY SENTENCED 10·· 90 DAYS FOR CHECKS SANTA A NA, IOCNSI ''The.re must bf' u .sler ways of eamlnr a living." So 11lrhed Superior Court J udge Robert Gardner Wednesday after he revoked proba \Ion anrl sen- tf:nced an attractive mother of one, Mr1. Ann S. Mcl{;jnnf:)'. 36. to""erly of Balboa, to jail for 90 daya. Howewr, !hf' juage order,.d the senll'nce to run concurrently (on top of) a 60-day term 1mpMt><I on the alender defendant by San· ta Ana -Orange Muni<'lpal Courl Judi:e H oward Camf'ron., Camero.n 11entPncerl Mrs. Mc- Kinney after l'hf' pleaded guilt_v on two petty thl'ft chargea-tak· lniz county relit'! checks while holding a job. Five other slml· lar charges against tha defend- &nt were dlmnll!Sed. FORkR CHECK CHARGF. a tragic sltu11llon. But it h11s be~n brought on by the defenrl· ant We'll have to make the bf'~l of the eit}Jatlon. She's made a rnmp(ete m"ss of ht!r life. She has seriously off~nrled society ,ffOGE TRIED TO Hr:Lt> "I ma de a !utile s tlempt to a1t- just her. I seldom .,rrant atrali:ht probation ... 1 fi'i'I r<'ntmued probation 1s out of lhe qurst1on I've li\'ril wll h lh1,. l"8!1e rvcr i;lnce l aaw she wa11 ar- rested 11ga.ln . . . However. l c·a.n'l allow that chtlrl tn ha\'<! 11n ex-convict !or a mother . . . So by imposing a JBtl tf·r·m 1·111 ,,._ <luclng thf: charge to a n11;:lle- mranor ... " Mrs. McKlnnl'y'11 husban<l, a Marine, Is due back Crom Korea any day now, accordlni:; to her attornry. Gardner Jut year placed the Paul Weed Finishes prematurely g~y defendant on three year1 straight probation. Army Radio Course She pleaded guilty to forging checks on a S&nta Ana advertlB-FORT KNOX, KY. -Pfc Paul l.ng agency. L Wt!ed, 20. son or Mrs. Dorothy Grabbing a desk for 1upport, D. W~. 1602 Clay St., 'Newport Mrs. McKinney, a Boston u. Beach. r ecently completed the 12- graduate, told J udge Gardner week radio communications course FOR WANT OF A . BOLT, RACE DELAYED through t.ear-1talned eye11 that at Fort Knox. Ky. "Tl's true 1 run from rea.llty, but The course lncludf:d thl' atudy of F ailure of a bronze eye-bolt at the masthead of the yacht Jada is being blamed m y child come• flrat. I waa tum-types ot radio equlpmf:nt. code. for loAS of first place in Cla88 B in the Honolulu race. The bronu eye-bolt waa cut ed down on 60 job lntf'rvtewa be· aendlng and rec:elvtn~" ~ulpment cause I wu on proballon. I waa mlllntensnce and practical work clean through by the steel shackle holding the Ug spinaker 80 that the sail drop· u ked to move five times. Once under atmulated combat conchtloni<. ped to the deck and was m1eli-ss 4 miles from the finish. In the picture above Leo SANTA ANA. IOCNSl -Ter- ry H. McNeil. 33. who gave 305 Be\' A vP . !\" e\'·rort Beach, u hla 11•frlrN111 at lime of arrest Ft1day w 11s sentenced to prison for the t ,.rrn pr!'!ICrlbf'd b.v l11w a f ter plPadins: i::11llty lo pa~song ll i:><> I was held for five hours by men Weed. a former student at Pa.,I\· Benzini is shown pointing at the rut in the eye-bolt. Benzinl i.s vice-president of Al Ian t th d Impersonating police officers ." dena City College, entered the C rp ea o ano er ay are When the plane wu maneuvered The judge commentrd: .. 1 Army In August, 19:;• anrl com-South oast Co. where the Jada is being repaired. Jada belongs to George R. being reconstructed at S o u t h lheae wlre1 would break. gueu everyone ta agreed thia t11 pleted b&.11lc training a.t Fort Ord. Sturgis of San Marino. -Sta ff Photo Coast Co.'a plllnt on Newport jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;. bo~u,.. check. Mr :"<eil, I\ bf'rlbbonr d form er paratrooper, admitted laauin~ the check heft! July 1. The defendant eurnerl the Sil- ver Stsr ami Bronze ~tar w ith Blvd., tor UM In a new movie about to be made depicting Lind- bergh'• life. Parts of old planes were cluslf:r for h l1 valor ln European brought In from ILll far &w1y r ombat. He w1111 I\ 11tRff ""rit•'Anl Ill F lorida for duplication and In tha paratroopers. McNetl'" 1 aome of the old plece11 even had criminal ret•orrl dRled frnm 1946, WIU!p' n t b Ill I th Th Judge Shell not,.d. 8 "' 1 u n em. e puta a re being built of long fl· Court Fines Woman $200 on Drunk Rap ber spruce which 111 expensive these day~. a ccording to Leo Ben- zlnl, vlce-reaidt'nt of the comp&ny. Enough pe.rtll are being madf: Ruth Grace I.inll8"~·. • l • 0 to refit two Ht11p&no Suli.a planu for Paul Mantz. lhe Harbor'• kno,,11 1111 Ruth Gra('c Tm.,,,:iend., f ; t t fll 39. sntJ nan Hur l)!an. 68. Eagle amous mo\ e 1 un tr. Rock. rrce1ved fines on drunk Curvea nn the "ad_van<'e" edge rhargri1 In Newport Ju~llre court of the11e pieces are built Up of followonir thl'ir arrel't bv Coi;ta laminated 11lrlpa and th,. whole Mell!\ polh'r. 11t 2:0!'1 8 m Tuuday. aecllon Is made of c&refully fitted Thr woman, driver ()f the car parts. 1111 glued together. Evtn- l nvolved. wall fined S200 r1n!1 her' tu11ily the ftome will be covered Jlrense lfllll)Jen•Jed for 90 days., with linen which will be given Ji11rr1gan, a paesenger In . the a shiny vamlah flnlah. Croll,. br&c 1rnto. wu fined $50 for being Ing 1!1 1upplled by four 1teel wires <lrnnk In a car. Four botllea of I with tumbucklu. beer Wl'rc found in thl' r or which It wu & favorite trtck of Ger· Wl\9 Elnppl'•I by nffk<'rll Rt 2602 m&n •pies In tba nrat World Nl'wporl Hlvfl. nfter thc-Lim.ll!ey Wnr to ll8W these brace wires V<'hklr "'' rurk R pl\rkl'd ca r reir-""arly through and thl'n fill the lsll'red tn r . J.. Alhnl!ht or i02 <'Ut wllh solver ~older. which Avocarln Rt st l!ll6 Newport I would polhsh dnwn to lo"k enough Blvd. like the '111re tf pa11s lm1pectlon. MAKING IT OFFICIAL Ma,yor Dors HIU alt\xea her stpatuni to a proclamation mak- ing Sept, 2• KJwanls Kld3.' Day tn Newport Bt 11ch. Looking an la Allen Aahworth. Nrwport Harbor Kl"'1111 Club Kid•' Day rhalrm&n. -Stal! P hoto WANT ADS I / sell, rent or trade? want to. buy CALL Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER ' 'T Match Funds l.~!"iscilla Guild 1--------------........ 1NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE J 0 -DELIY.ERY GUARANTEED MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 Yt'.irlY pl..1r• ur<' to bf' n.ade for Gl. rl ~ C lul) '"hen Prl~UllA ~f'n lCf' Guild of ... -, 1• 11 r on 11 111'1 :'.lar Conununlty t'h..11 th, l'resbvl1 n11n. mef't~ Tuf': .. Bu i1d i ng Fund ~=i~. &l JO 30 L m. Ill lM .OClall LEGAL NOTICE n." .. ~~11·11 or .. tunJ ri.lsln., 1111 I A•J 11 to r •. ~ $!.VUU to m&tch •1 Ilk• " 1111111 ,,11. t•'>I for a new l---------------hur~1111i: ·'·'" t h t main <>n11'r or Delivery of the Newport Ha rbor News-Prrsa Is guaranteed. Carrier boys will J elfrC'r lhe1r papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper is not delivered by thal hour please call Harbor 1616 and your ca.mer will bring your paper. 12-RuJldla& Sel"rlcw PAINTING l1''Tli:JUOR -EXTERIO~ UCE~SE:D -L'l;SURED Glenn Johnston 1'>01 -31st St. Newport Beach . Roy's Maintenance. I tm•lllf"-\luu •• ,. n11~t1 al a 1p•· c1al 11" • • 111~ u r th,. txecullve board S o. A-'!8tl6 soncr: TO ('RP:DITOR!I Harbor 3176 nttc CE~1ENT & BUlLDlNG A ll Kinda Ho UN clea.ntni -loioor •'uin• \\'111) w11..~hmi:-wm.tuw clea.ntnc \'l'ntUa.n blln .ls. l 'phol•lery Jnll\lrl'd. 1-'rl'• &tllmatu Ubtrt\' d-133~. l UO llAY lllK e<1 woto" 1'1-~SIRl-;o • ronk · nwn l rlUlllJ"'• 111 lion. C'11lor- "'l'n11111. I< ln1her1y 3-1178~. o r t h" •:ul• t "l•ll.1 \If rhe H&J b<Jr r:: .. TATE OF Wll.H ELMl~A c • ., • d /1 1' I Tiu• $'•Ul~O I ffn \\llS con-' t•ru:ot:IUt 'K.A \\'AIU•. aka s e IHWtlll llpvn 1.1.e l'lUb"• raising , WILLOW f'A\"E WAHD •. ua as I I 11 Ilk .. anhnil.' rtif' ~ .. ard ileC'lded WlLLOW t". \\'ARD Dfot·•·~ 1111 ti• l ''"0'''" a nJ mt'IU1I proieet XOTICE IS H EREB Y CI\'F.N uutic1u11·" !.' '" 1 • ftorn !he pro· I ha vlnK d1:1lm11 agaln8t Utf' 11aJd de· ------------------------------r .... ~11111111 for•u d I !'t'd .. n l nr !<Ill\! ... ~lal•• lo !ale 1 IH•m FREE ESTIMAT~ Liberty 8-6109 REMODELING 291! llpl\ Experienc'd gardener LA.lt.lDSCA PING and CLEAN PPS wlll be 11 bll( ""' N y !how v.·ith lo lh ,. crellllori1 of and Kil p.-rson11 l Oth•·r 1'"'11'""_,. ot lht' 111'ar wa8 w!lh lhe nl)<'es""")' vuudwr• In 1 111., ,:&+ l•IOll 1•• ,k''"I' ihe <'lllb· lllt1 ortwe of the L'lerk ur thl' S11· 11 .. u,.. 111° .. n 011 I H .. II d : v sn~I P<'llUI' c ..... I ur the Sla II' u( C'tt il- l Tin11 ><•lu'" 0 ''"11•r.s; • 11 um ' 10 r.,n 1 t1 In :1111J fnr the l.'011111 y ul NE\\'PORT HARBOR XE\\'S-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\\"t>dncsdays J .H>t•rt ~· ~-165!1 No J ob Too SmaJJ 80tfo 1n1<ll'!ld "~ 'I 111·,·1 "" \\',.rhh"<tlu \' r I .,0 1 .• llruni; ... "r to 111~~.,nt the 11~11 .. • lllld r1\il l\ tl>d tUlll " II • ~·r ~" l·:~11n1.ot .. ,. 1-:11:0~· 1'1•rms Ktt. 111·1" S1tllllK Tll,. L•rulnbo1tn.l1< 29-llelp Wantf'd I< 1 1 fl Wllh t ilt· ne1 ,.1<•11r·v \'OIH'hf'r• to '11 11 '"' •lr1•·• "" r""'ll;ntll ~!I ;o lh~ 11111krs1gnt'd ~l h u1 ur h"r Coa,t&l Shop""'r Ad• n111 In lh•• \\• .. lnt"•o\la,\' Xr\\ .. ·l 'r•••• rM I.. \', 111.11111 u Ui 1111 \Iii~ d C· I ( •. r' \I.. L' J I . I''",. u uU:>llh~S:<. I••·\\ II I • Lin I lo"' r11"ou "'I ...... u·"''l l'1n1~ ...... "'ll 11µ1•·•1 ..... 1 :'.I ·~ ~ uo!l r •• vi.I· \\fl.BERT F' \\'ARU -. t'!ol .... • • "." uu . ~ .... • • ""11 .1.,.i..1 I• •·111.nplt'h· lhl' ;u,.t , ,, ltt.:tt\\'IT.l ,IC Hl'R\\'lTZ.1 -& Unt•l'> :! lost•r taou)'I 1 .. itl !lllJ 'I. li111 ... :!;; 1·.L. tint 1111" •I o• '""'"' 1111: l'ulnl111i: Furmu a Ho••l1ni;-& ~1c1in>:: Hll• olll~ .J.t,..t \.'ablnl't:i ST .. ::"ll ; 1.,_,1, I.• 1 I'''' J,:•'11 I Ofl'. ' dk I \I' I r 1•wf.1 llHlll, 11111111'8· '" 111.ol.-1· "111111 : ,.,,.,Ironic •·n~ui.·,·1 ~t tn '' c ff11 •• t.rnln1·r. 11111·· 1-· 111:1r 1·,, 1·1 .\i;,., .. •o:i •, :l:!nd, :"\pt Iii h ••flf•. \ '11 y Hall 1'"' '":\r .. 111 11 ... 1-v1·1u l"rm . rtw \lt••llh'''" at '-""' 4 IJDt'l'i S Insertion!' :.!,1141 a1ltl'I. lln1· ... '.!."1 .1·a. 1 1~1 •• t.S sJ,.,, '" · 1•lt'tl llutl th1• G11 I!. .. 11 ... • l 1,1 J ,. I -& Linn 4 lnsertion!J ·• ">fl a<ltl'I. lint>" .'.!:; 1•1t. • 11 ... •, ·"'\\pu t ~ ,., ·'f'\\ purl ...... I 11111 111•'1 IJt'r' \\Ull '''rV<! ,,.. ll .. :u h, ('ahi .. rniR Situation \\anlr'J Atl" \\IU N't't'ht• ll 11i ... ·u11n1 . < ·•'h lu &4.lt unc•I! uni~. rn-~hrn• nl' ,, rt " r I ho· mo\'1" I I I I I f " 1 1 ,. 1111 m 11 1 \\lll.111 ~Ix lllclnth-. nfler lhe fu~t ~llXl~l l':\l .\I> 1:-. 4 1.l~t.:. !Iii\ tt•1 \I ,_., t ~ 0':4 UI ll .-t.>O ~e ,1 .,1 11, 11.11 10,.r !>l'tH>ul p11l1l11 .tlll•ll o( this n 11th't' .\II ""' k 11\ "" d • onlrttrl\•H• J1h·.•:-c • di S•'f 11 • ,. t"-~\111utle' 11.arflt•r 4>-18 -------MA'\ 111 h11•l" I. F.11111llllr v.11h II 1 h·•r II• ·t. T••fl • ••rnmlt1111m '" 1111•• \I h" " 1111Ji tn m ftkft 111011.•\' ,(· 11• t 11fr11 .. 1 '" wo rk. llOl'ST11'\ l~F:.\l,TY :'IO!l C'rn- l f'r !';t • "''-'la ~!"""· LI 8·691 \ --Eve. lJa.r. ~zo&.W. ~ tfo CHECKING HER WEJGHT tk-fort! lca\·in~ c;1rl-; Camp at Catalina Island is Patsy Parcloll nf Balboa Island. Camp Nu1'1!e Mildred Criswell chrcl:s chart showing correct weights which 1s ht>ld by Joy<c Klinger of Laguna Beach whit~ 1'1m Andrews of Ful- lerton awaita her turn at right. -Mrs. E. Lest"r Smith Photo 10-Day Meeting Series by Healing Evangelist Llldl Rnhrr ll! Ame111 s s h• al- lnit ev11ngl'llat, npcnr1 h1" 10 olav llf'r1e11 nf mrrlln!(s Friday l'\'t'nln>: 111 th!' worl11'!1 lltrj:l'ftt i:n"pcl trnt IQ(·ated on :l.inla Anl\ F'rer>- wav two ftnc1 I\ half mtlf'!'I north· I w~~l 11f A nalll'l111 .tt L.ol Pa.Ima I A \"I' He " bein1ot ~pun111.1rPil by i '1 full f:O"P"I rh11rrhl'!'I "' the a rt A Thr Rtv M f' C'111n11 or C'usta Mesi.. rh1t1r m1:1n nr lht' , hurrh I 1trnup 1• l!'"ttmg l•·lter~ s nd l•'·' lephnn,• ndlM fmrn thl11 and other Sllllf•<, MU\!> • \\'e t.'XPC<'l l\runi:t <'011n1v 11> hr f1lf'lll point fnr m11ny Vl~ltl'lr" whn will rnme 0 hert' t•• ll tlf'ntl lh"S" rn•·1>ting11." On s11nrt11y t hf'r•' wlll ho· 1lnly on• ~"rv11·•· "' thf· big trnt ta· l)f'rnao·lr w hlrh llf'll t < H ()011 p<'O· r1t Thi> Wiii h1' lhl' >1ll-1·hun•h r111Jy 11 I 2 :JO I' Ill Otherwise ITI<'l 'ltli.• \\ 111 Ill' ~· h"1!11l1••I Ill ~ :io 11nrt 7 :rn 1• m. •'at h 1111\ ll F:Al.l~C. I IXt~ "II • l,.,hl'll~ l11<'rl11t~.' .lft' m" · k•"t '" 111ullt111dre .. 1 Jl""rle lh.rr 11n""' lh· lt•n t• 1r 11u.ttnr- 1·1111~ ,.,.,.n n111:h1 I\\' l11r1:c .1l1ar """ ,..,ron•r' "' 11 ... r lov nl hi• ~rrmon whl'n hr r•!'ll<'• A r11!1 !nr mo 11 an.f 14 on1< n t11 1·ome fut w111d 11 n.s pt a~ with h1111 "" 11 11l1tn of l h1 II <ll 1 l'JIUtnl'f' Ill Jt·•U' l 'hn"t "" 1'11\11111r 1tnd L<•rrt 111111 h\' t h• hu;:c 'heahn~ l111c · w hrn lhc .. 1ck And arm~tcu '""'" bt•fon' hin• tn han• h im lay his hands llJX'll th••111 1111d pr:1~ that c;,..i w lll h<'nl lhrlr hndll'N 1-:vHlll?f'll>H HObt•rti. f1i11111 '! to th .. r lur 111at~mtnt11 i.r lhl' nt- ble 1111 b1<1w• rur his 11n11~u .. 1 n11n1- 11try. Ill! for l'X11mple th•· word!! !'If Jl'llllR 1 .. H is d111c1p!Ps m Luke P 1. :I nntl r>htll111•\\" 111 7, 11. w hen• He-rnmm1111t111 lhrrn '" p1f'Oth lhl" gn~pt•I .ind hr11l llw s ick . "I 11m nnl\• trying t11 l':f't back lo t hf' l'IP11r , 11mms nd11 nf Jf'A'llll Chr111t,'' Rnbl'r t' •IPrlArr• wm1 •·o\1T11 Evang•·ll.11t Ho lwr I~ b<>ld return lo the Bible J>flll4'rn nt a 11alva- t1orf M d ht11lln11: ministry hu rr· •ulted m the mlrarulou" phy.11k11l heallnr of acorn o( 1nr k a nd of· fltcled o! dlsl'tuu ranging rrom nervoua dlaordeni t o paralysis. c ancer. deafnea." ""J bllntln•·~ic Not tveryone who rom'• -to hr praytd fo r Is healed, end thr e vangehsl ll<'lllli< I•• die worols of Ju1u1 Chrl~l. .. AcrnrJln.i to your faith be ll unto ~·nu • Hf"'\l- lng la In a nswe r LC\ f111t h "l wl11.h t vt•ryone w ho rnmr~ t o me w oul1I bl' hel\lr il." Evangt'- llat Rnbf>rt11 l!lly~. "";v,ry 111rk · ne,.s l'An be hf'altd but f'w•ry person r a.nnot be h"'a.lcJ, Cnr 1111 dn not rome lo t.he pince whrr1> thl'.V r rlt>11,.e lhrlr t11lt h In GnJ llJl<I a ctually appropriate I h('1r heallnr. F'tJth In e r tion 111 the only meana to hl'alln11:. I N•rni>st- ly w&11t everyone to be hel\lrd. but only ~ C'An flo lhe he11hni:. a nd He rupond.11 lo f11llh -my fallh •n<.I th<' !Atth nr the 111ck per90TI " I s nus COC~"TV EnnftUat Robt r t 11 nt.'ver com• fo a community unlt1111 h' hu been lnvttrd by l!ome group of intnlttG'a In tllat cf)mmunlty Arrange.menu for the mettlnit an ma de through lhla group ot mtnuteu and th•·Y are prr~tnt In a body on U:>e platform each meeting ot ttM Mriea, &1M11atlng UM n&njt'ell1t In tht llE'rvlces TIM tlunclal alTllJ\gel!lentl! &rt made 111 cooperation with Ule commtttt'e or 11pon110rln1t mlnl- aten. and all ot f Prtnp rttrh-ed ar. announrec1 p11bhcly 1n tht' meeting a. ~'&Jlgt'll8t Oral Ro berta comes to Ihle city bl•c11uae ot tbe lnvl · taUon of a numbf.r of mlni11ter1 wbo putor <'hurchu in lh11 local .. ...._ H e comf'a ",th lhflr aup- port and acll''" au1atanct . H t O'P~• no churrh or cn'Up ot a ny aort. but .te111rtj! nnly tn pr•ch lht J:or-r,.I l'lf •lt h•·,r1.1nr ,. I ORAi. RORt:nn1 r .. r >-0ul, mm<l 1<11J botly 11.. 1s aguini.l nnh1~1~ h1 •~ R1'1Un'l on· f\' ~Ill. 11 oil , u• lllOllS Hlltl hl•kllt'~l! Ht: \\Ill Dl•l M• •p h.-'" e..i• luni.: • r p1 :i' •Ill-' Io d, 1,,, te .. r aq,'\tP \\Ith .iU~. P 0t', ,,ul if. \Ol• '( h 1~ f n• Uri' !oil' 111 !ho• n11111 ... t1y 11( lhP re\'lval me·• tin~:1. Will Attend Clergy Retreat T llrcc Mo!lholdl~l n11n1.sl1•1 ~ n! the Harb0r arra \\'!I h" ntl<'nd- lni: 1 h1• \\"hill•• r J '•-'I n 1 l .\11111- llltr~· R.·t rest n1•xt 1'11<".s1h1s 11n•I \Vcl1nl'.~d11y Ill t h1 f'rr•hyl r11:1n C'nnf Prrnr1• Gr .. 1111•1 1':1r1f1•· l'ah- Sl\(lt'!!. Thry 81'1' the Rl•\" J"!l"Jlh Mc· S hane. I 'o'4a ~\t"'ll 1 'nmmumly Mt•lhodisl L'h111 ch th1• Ht>\' Hoy A. Carl..,on. l 'hrrsl l'htnl"h b~· thl' Sra onil L'le: P.ev. [•onultl G S11rp. Balbo a hlon I l'•1mm11111l.' M· r • .. ot11!!t Church. ~flnis\t'I 1< an•J lh<'11 wl\·1·" !rum morf' th.in !'10 • l.111. h1•:1 In I!"' dll'lll ICl 14 111 lhBk•• pion• f.,r 1 uDI· lnr.: .,,.,•nls wllh th,· Re\'. J hn Ht.1• I<. F'nll!'1 L1Jn. 111 wh· .q JI .nt- eol •tl~tru-l ~npcr 1nlt·nd.'1.• I •r R11v 0 Uu1 khn1t 1nt1rn .• 1 .. 11nll\' kn;iwn mml~tt•r r o 11n1 l 'u,u1rtio~ () Wiii A lclrl'·S I 111• !:° ""I' ( 11 H arvey s .. lfr11. pr ofr~~11r 11( l 'hnslhlll »lh!f~ Ill tho• !'l' :-:i1.11 .. 1 Cl( Heh1:u•n. \\'111 "I'' .1k .. n l11~1d• F;urope. JK1:>." From Acapulco Mr. and :'.!is. n't>$hy 1.;1bl1on1' 400 C'nrn11l11>11 An:, h:wl' ;11,.t 11•· lurned from A111p11IC'n wht•1<• they t'llJllY<'•I !1ve uu:-·it fl! plPH~­ urable real. ~PEE1)Y • I ' I • I •.lied ~eptemm>r !l. J!J!\!\ DEADLlXES for planng 1•r rn111·elhnl:" :11:, .<r4": \\'lLllERT I-'. \\' AHi) For Monda~· Publkatiun -1-'rda)' !\ I' 111 1-l-Penonala Audubon Group Meets Tuesday Adn11111~tr 111or or th" i,;~. tate ot 11a111 1lecl'Jent m ·RWITZ &-Hl'R\\'ITZ F tlr Wednesdnv Pubhcal1vni. -T11Pslluv 1 1• 111. F o r Jo'n day Pubhcallt•n -T hu1,..i .• v I p 111. ~E\\'PORT UABBO!t l't:Bl~ISIU'G 1'0. %%1 1 Balboa Blvd .. Xe" port iktM'h. (.'a.llfumla. Alcobo!Jcs Anonymoua Wnte P. O. Bos 3'1 Newport Sta.ell, Calif. A ltem~ya at Law P.bolla l:i&rbor 4196 I ~1 1,.s ~lurlh11 Melll<'r, t•1 ty hbra-::-<ewport Beach. L'lil1forma 2811 !"ewport Boultvarc1 All Ctuallled Adll muat be paid for Cuh to &d1·11.111'f' of p11hllr a.tlo1t. I Attorntys for Adminl.!11r1Hor ,.1.o11 11r Anaht·1111, w1l1 >1J1J,r"llB t hi: I :-l o. 608 The publishers \\i ll n ot be responsible f{Jr mur e Ula.n on<! lni:orrl'cl I Insertion ot 11n 11d, rcser\'u lhe r ight to correctly <'IBM1fy any and all 11>--Shar~ Your Car tlr11d me1•t1ng of lhe s ... 1 11nll Sai:" Xews-Pre!IS 9 12. 19. 211. 111 3. 6:1 ad~ and tn rl'Jt•ct any ad not i:onforrmn~ to r11le:1 and rci:ulation.11. 1\\'AXT RID~: or \\'Ill t11kl' riders A 1111111>1111 S111:u:I v nu the ~UbJ<'< t. "Th•• ~11111y -.•1•11·" ('tlfh,.rvalmn Cf:RT lt'lt'ATE Ot' IU Sl~F.SS • 1'1 II b t 'H 'TITltH":-< Fii<~. ~/\Mt: Classified Index 1'1 .>i:r.1111 le im.,ttng-wi e THE l"~DERSIC="F.D 11<> hl'rc- heh1 at 7:30 con 1'Ut!>'day. Si•pl. W ,, by rerlify thlll they &rl' con<111~t 11 l t !11• M d < 1nley !';c hon I, S r<·ontl In,; a t>va l repair buamelta al 2703 en•I F l11\l<'I !>I~. !'1nll\ An11. l\l('Pl-1 \\'. ~a~~ H11:hway, N1!Wport ini:. of thi• !'···L ,111 1 ::-ai:" Audll· Bea th. I ahfnrnla under the flcl l· I t'uneral S otl<'M i t 'art! of ThankJ< 4 l"\Jnr ral UlnoC'to1'11 10 J\Ulll!W'~' Ouldf' I tious firm narnr or AL & Fh.AZ IJ1111 ure l\lway11 11P<0 ln lh•• ruhlir BOAT YARD nnd U1at rmlol f!rm anll \ ll!1lt1r/l are W\•kOnll' ill COlllpC>l f'(I Of Lhe f,.l!OWIDJ: per· I I l Rulldlni: Mall'riAl1 12 Hulldlnic-!'>t'nicea 14 l1r r .. onah I.\ Sharr l"our Car 16 Tnuu.porlatlon I 1 JCootlnir Tht work on m any of thi: prob-sC\ns, whose na111Pq 111 full an<l lrm'I 11! !'onservitt1• n m1111t tw J on" pla1't'" o( r,.,.,.JPnt '° a1t• M f• I ··~ •lll lh· l11c11I IP\'l'I The ne•·ds of to·"' 11 I K Hrauly Alda %0 llrallh Aid" ( trnni;•• I 'nun! v w ill h<· 1w1ntel\ "Ill 101111 "")S 111 ul11l11 th. Si! o rgnnr- Z..ll1•11.-. ma• h• tl•r •OOflt'ratc ••n t h• p10~1·.tn\ n''e-th--.t, ui·,•t•r•lin~ \11 ,lal )( 11.ljotl'll lll•>'hh•11t I -Entertains For IHouse G uests :'.tr olll<I ..'11 1~. r I. l'Vll!JU!l 1:1'.I :!1'111 !'l hil\1• 1 .... 1 lll< 1111•t1l h1••.~•· ,..•11•,l :'.Ir <Jn•I ·""' J oohn l'h1ll1p>< amJ ol.111i:ht<>r, .\l111s Marl· lynn.-1'h1lhp,. ol Ml'llt>Vll<' \\'11i.h Mr l'lrdHp• M1• l'1111p11rt ~ hr11 lh1•r II 1tn.t hi~ Wtf•• tlrO\'I' dO\\'h f 1J fh1' H• " 'l 1\ '''re JOln d Ii\' I h,.11 dllllj: hl••I \\ hn 1·11n1<• l·•I• r lly pl11n•. Altld••n h\' :'.Ir,. Pouparl to ll1f•(\'t t~•\I I t'l.l 1h1•~ \\ l I 1• ~1• .ct :c and ~Im•·" .I• hn Ft11•h '. JdJ11ci1 ~IRrt111 <'hn•I .. ~ l'.1l111f'r J •m<'~ ,_.,.I<'"~ l'I• pli• n I: 1 l.1i:r and ;\(11..-" ~la11111· H.1,·11 1 l'h1lh p (Ir •h .1n,1 K F :O.lrnl:.i •' al~o :'.Ir,. rh111111h (',.nflPhJ of San r>lf'g(I Robert At Norman Navy:_ Scpool EL.\IEH J l..ARS(lX !2 f.o,l and ··oun(I -:-21 \\' H11lh1111 81\••I !?4 !'>l'hool-. ln•tru<-tJnn 11.o11~1 1 l'1tlrru mra !?K 1'll11a.ll110" \\ aotf'd !-' H HOl.F'ORI• :!!* Jl,.lp \\anll'd t:i:<. s. "A' Stri'•'l !Ill ~IM'rltaneoWt T ustin, Cah fomla SO.-A S "•P9 3l}-ll A1>11Uanc.-.. \\'IT.!'\t::SS our ha.mis thra 26lb lit \\'a.ntl'd to Ruy d11y oC A11girsl. 1115~. S'! •·urnltun! for Sa.le s/ J:,;L..\IER .r. l.ARS()!I: S2·A Antlqtu'fl ll F. II llO l.FuRO :SS '"'-'"· l!lupplJea STATE CJF CALIFOR:"\IA 3' &lu•fcoal. Jtadlo, T \' CUl ':\"TY OF ORAXCE 1u . 3., ~1C1t. ('ats, P••h O " THIS "6 r ~8 I oulln· •• • th llay o A uir1111l, :n 1 lwllt0ck A lJ. 1955, before me, ROBERT' F . jiu1 ;~l&J Annouooemrnt W1LL."1F.S. a Nolary P ubllc In S9 Autm• \\anted and for I hi! said County and State,, <&U Aulu!t fur Salft rt11tdmg thrrl'in. tluly rommlMlon-<&II-A Tlroet1 ll Parlll ed anf1 sw nm. pl'r11onnllv appeared I" .\ut o :,"r"IC'e ELMF.R J. LARSON ~d 1-~. H. 42 Trttllrn Hu L FORD known t o mo to bt lha 43 AlrJ>hUJu '1 \\ant I'd lo &ent persons whose name11 a re a ubscnh-'8 Apt•. 4; Hou-for Rent ed to the wllhln Instrument. and 48-A Aptll. tor Rl'nt a cknowledged 10 me th11t U1ty '8·1S lloU-f'" for ltr nt l'Xl't·utel1 lhl' 1mmr. 4K-<' Tr&Ller Spaao I~ wrr:-;r.s~ WHEREOF. I •8 RoQll\11 for Rrnt h a\'e hrrPlllll" s. t mv hantl and 48-A flest lfomM> amxer1 mv otf1ual A~dl the day 1.&8·8 Ruom .&: Board am! year ·In t his Crrtlf1rat" first I"'° lll'nl, ~11""· SS Slllr•'" ~ OftlN'" a hn\'e \Hlltl'n. . l'>ll·.\ HWllnM!t ICl'.Dlal.!! s ROBERT F \\ ILl.:'.IES !\.& H1t!>lnf'llll Opp<>rtunltlee ;\I\· Comm1sjon F:~p1res I\.'\ Monl'v to I.nan :"\o\ rmhl'r lli, HI!\:. ~ Mnn .. ~· \\ antPd :"o 605 Xcws-Prl'l'S ll1 Rr:ll 't:-1111e \\ anlf'd 8 211, !l :>, 12, lfl. l!ll'>:'i ('ERTffl<'o\Tt; OF fU":oll.Xt:~ tlctltlou' Finn .\'am" SpeclaJ Notices A\'\:_ 1~ i1111•nd1ni: th1· :".in· ln- 1<tr111 1u1 ~o 11 .... 1 1 t .11 lh• 1· ::; The 11nder"1!,!nr<l tl" hcrehy cer- :'1:.1, ,11 Ti :111111.,. 1 ·, 111,.r !'"" ro1• 1 lify I hat thr y ur t' ronoJlltl mg a re· ''""· II" 1~ Hn1tt..\\ ,.,n·14 ;\\ate, I tall !urmturc h11~1nr~i1 at 211:'0 \V, ::1 • 111 111 inrlwd t•• !'11r t.ll'f' I •r· Cna!!l Hq;:hway :"\1•wpnrl l:jrarh, \ti.Ion I 1·2R al SRnt11 J\nll. H" Caltr . 11nd1•r th.-frrlltr1111:. firm r'l.('t'< l:-I u 1 o'l111 n 1>1 C11 an;11 name 11( S1•\\'p<l1 l F u1·ntlllre Co. 1 '11:1.."l roll•·>:" 1111,.r , .,01pJet mg 11nrl I h:1 l 1<;ild !11111 111 rnmpnseJ ur h1'! lrrm ,,( ~rrv11 ,. the foll11wln~ p1·rs<ms, wh11Ae lf Newport Harbor Meet!! every Via Oporto B. P. 0. E. 1767 Thursday 8 p.m. -Central Ave. Newport Beach Albert H MstlhewR, Exa.lted Ruler North Daughter :'.Ir And Mr~. J • rome I,, 1'nrth ~1111 I 'ullirh Aw· • a ta pa 11 11lit nf a daughltr, r·r1sl11rnn C,\l,,I, born Sf'JJl. 111 encl wrh:hrn1: 7 11)11 , 1() 11;.. Thi' 111H\l.u· '" Ilic f,.r 11u•r Ht'\'l'I I.\' tit'• 111 .. 1.1, rh· r •lll I·· t\RS a :on, .~ .. h"nf 1\\·o \t•nr~ 11td ;\frll••rn;1I 1..1 1nd1w11h• 1 " ~t r~ Annrtti> Rerhloltl. At Redlands U. Fl.,ra J.tn 1'1 11,•1;1 rn, dau"hte1 uf Mr and Mr,., 1'..l\\1U .t A . Pel· I o;:rln, f\ulphm Tt>rra• •· C'111uni\ do I 111.u. will • 1111111 Ill U;• L'n1- v1·r•t1.V o ( l<clllanJ!I lh1~ wt>ek 11' a no '' fr, .sh man ;.I u I. nl. Slit' 1,. n J,:I 1 hi.Hu nf S1111th I '11.•wlrna hr~ h M h111ol '' hrn• ,,lw ''·'~ 111•tlv•· rn 10n1d1>nl a r trv1ll"S 1111 l11dini;: t'Ah· rorn111 1'o·h11lnr•h1p Fr1l .. rn1lnn. At Brown Academy lllfu1 J-'ll%G1•rnld, ~IJll C\f ~I t an I Mr,. :"\mmM Fit:iG!'rald. lti8 S1•rra Ortv(', enroll<'d n t B rown M1ht11ry A111rlrmy, Snn Dlrl.'o this \veek. llOlllC.!1 nm! u tldr('N!o"S 11r1• 118 I OI· lows. to-wit 12--B lldln St-1 Danirl \',•II"~ I'll, H 24 Serenarle U ~ n ces Terr., C'oruna drl ~fu r, Calif. p • · D · J ., .. "Ph n. u .ug111111. r.1 • 11 ... 110· amtmg, ecoratmg lr11pe. t '11r111111 drl ~tnr, l.':lllf Paper Hanging Witness our hanus this Jlllh clay ot SeptcmlJ<'r. l!t::i::i GEO. BURKHARDT J DRrph B. l.<JUl:hlln I UC'C'<SEO CO:rrft.ACTOR namrl \', H B\'1'11 878 W. l 8lh SL .. Cmlla Mesa. STATF. OF C'A l~IFOHXIA I I W berly 8-8628 COt':-.TY OF OKA:"\C.1-: 11111 On this llJlh <lny of Septl'mbu. PAINTING A D. 1!155. bl'fr.re me, RUBERT F . \nLL~fE~. 11 :-.:otary Public ln an•I !nr :<:tic! <'1lrm1y Rnd• Sllll(', pN~onaJly 11ppl'&rt'd .IO~EPH B. M W ROSS IJOl'GHl.l::X and DANTEL \". • • HA YF:S. known to mr. P.UBF.RT F . \\'ILI..~tF:s. to br t hr pr,,ons whol'e namc11 aro• ~nh:11 rih!.'\l lo lhP \llthm' IMtrumrnl, an1I ar- knuwkdi:ed to ml' that thf'y l'X· el'Ul •''I t h" ~a 1111' !:"\ \\ IT~l::SS WHEREOF, 1 ha\'t• h+ rr11nto bl'l m y h1tnJ 1uid 11!llx"d my uffic1nl 11enl the clay anti yenr m lhi~ c-Prli(1('1\ll' Clri>t nbove wrillen. ROBF:ll1' F \\'ILLM~;s :-.ol111y l'11bhr 111 Rnd !u: R:1t•I County and Stall', '>o. 611~ !'l;ews-P rCSM 9,12, l9. 26. JO 3 195tl Ll 8·3321 • LI 8·i 23 :!80 Avocado, Co111a M t'!!a 86l1c Court1•ou11 New~·Pre!s C'la11sir1r•I Ad·T ako•rs are tr1.11n"J l•• '-rile t?ffCCll\'C AJM. Thrnugh Ionic exptrlen le a nd a t hOrOUJrh Ull<lf'r8lll11dlng O( adver- llslnj; we can put ~·,.ur wants into wor1l1 th11t 1tel At'f1nn, vt u11 htln y1111 sell. J~ TlOBER.T MANDIC ~-·"' TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BL'SJNESSES CARS & TRUCKS HO 0!'-1~ "-EEi:>S G ... ASSES TO SEE T ... E!' EXCEDTIONAt.. VAUJES l"I THE SL.IGHTL.V USEC> CARS AT MWKMOTOIS CMllYILUl P\..YM~TH ·• IH --· HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER I Thr" Nf'w•Preu Claulfled AJ· Tllkt'rll Rr~ eXJ>"rt8 l\.nri thry 11rr 11• ~our sen·"" Ju1<t r hon• HARBOR 1616 12-B lld' 8e ·I I lo WP1<l l.08 Angi'lt'!!. e .C.L.A. ___ u_ mg n 4.'t1l at11ol1'nl. ~Ion.. \\"1.'d. &-Frillar G I C f!ll!'h wk Arnn• 11pproic !l am. enera OntraCtOr ll'IL\'I' 11.rprox. :'! I' ni. Har 37!\llM I.IC EX SEO • :'tp7 New Work -Remodeling 1-- J. ~ULTON McKENZIE ~~Bea~~ Aids Harbor 0693.J 58t!c IM. (111 Rprcl\rt;n,:: Orl\'t'WAyit PARKING LOTS Superfluous Hair Perm&nenUy removed from face anna. ltp. Eyebrow• and hair UJte ahapl'd-No more twMliJlir. Sub· di\ 1:.1ons our lipl'C'l&ll y. \\'c-JCLL.E.'11 1.. BRYANT R. JC. !um 1;,h .. ny t)'fli' oil to ) •1ur spe-, Udo'• Salon ot Buuty Bar. 2676 "rifJC ut IUD. L h I j.,t' Jobs -11111&1.I tte Jobs I· rr·t> e;.lu1111le• All!O wa· Irr spreau1ni; .\lo•h r n t'Qlllp· 24-&-hool"I Instruction inc-nl. 1...Ei..rni;lun 6-~1108. Gil· ____ _.;•~-------- more '" Piii!•' ll u nlln~ton Urh I Super-Market 01 (t• Adams Plumbing RC'JMir -Rl1modcH11~ NEW CONSTRUCTION II\:! Ce111 1'11111., !'nsta .:lit'•:\ -:r.11..irrty 8-~:'!:l7 ll L12 FOR RENT TRAINING CENTER (;r ocery Cl'l)!hien1 and Meat Wrap- p1·111. Make $80 lO $120 per wk, <'1111 tor a ppomlmt'nl to le11.rn morf' a bout this t ra.lnlng. AL TYLER Schools 1611 No. Droa<lw11y KI 7-3511 94c8 Skill Saws, Elec. Dr11J1, P oli.there, R I all types of Sanders, Wheelbar- 1 ea r·owii, etc. • Estate School Santa Ana BOYD'S HDWE. I in 26:10 \\. COAST HlCHWAY Ubcrty 8·3435, Newport Sch 28Uc BION RICE.-Inc. (,1-::-.F:HAI. ('flXTliAl'Ttms lte111·1<'nli.tl 1'omm .. rctsl. . ..\ t.!lttc.Jn!\. Ha1h<1r 4!11 \\ ASPHALT T ILE MEN A WOMEN prepare 1n llJl&1't Ume fo r unJJmlted opporturiJUea In Real Estate. Ntw cia.ta weekly. Al Tyler Instructing. At- tend t int cven111g freu llltd learn a bout lhia great fitld. C.U OT Al Tyler School 1611 l"o. Hr1111clv.'11y, Santa An& Kl 7-3~11-Kl .)-3469-KE 8-2~13 lfc China Painting Day and &:vem.ng Clu.IH SI'T'Tl-:R f11r t:'lth•rly Wtt11111.n. Part t11111• :-. d11~·i1 w.• .. k. 327 blant1 A\'e , Bulllo.1. 11111. 3~1lOW. llc7 YOt::"~. 11111~t ht• 1ttl1arllvc, t X• r <'ri•·n· ('11 W111l11·~11 Tht> Arr he.'1, 3:1:14 \\", < 'oHAl H l).:h\\ 11 \', fl• 7 CE~TLF:l\IA~ for p11rt tim e w<>rk 1\11 hmrl at. k rl<'rk. Exrertent'e nnr nrl'<'l'.•llr\'. Y.xcell<'nl f'0~1- h1lillt11 Hrll>'lll Inn llnlPI, R11J. lx>l'l k 1 Beacon P ersonnel l()(V r t-mployt'r retained agency NO foe collN:ted trom . aµplicant \\'e hftvt t'Xl'ell ope:nlnga fOfl' l'MX OPERA TOR.CJ, Top typl1La, 1ll'no11. executive Aeerel&r)', typ- ll'>l • b l<'kr : retn1l or.. aupply aalum&n, huUMboy &. J'orelgn moto r11 m.-ch1U1lc. nllA d • • k Cl('rk, I mo.II' I M11lnl6DllllC• m11.11. BEACON PERSONNEL (Agency) '13·31•t Newport Beach GIRL8 YOU wtll hl\ve &11 opportunity to •'1vanr• ln our nnn. ~•u'"e of our prel't'n t ~·· 111ui>1l11n pmgra rn The st arlln>: .w.u.l.tu)· la good a.ncl 1ou •'lll r.oeln · frequf'nl lnrrl!aiwa. 100. J nb1 now tor : TELEPHONF.-OPER ATORS -Apply - bl 11? :-lo. M111n Street flm. 21 l -Sn.nll\ Ana. st·no to • :oo P M r AC1 F1C TELEPHONE 73Ut A luminum \\'All Ttl" M ti:is. P lstrlb11tor" \\"hulf'srll.. prlrr:i 111 Contr 11 l"r.'I & Trio $l•ltrn Urdrrs TRJ<cn Now TYPl8T llv1n~ """r l 111'?·21\th St. l'huno Liberty 8-56~8 GHle X<'\'"l•trrt 111 .Sil 1 vr1ng In h,.r LI -i·-l9:~ 6 tfc WINDO\VS. FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL & OFFICES LI H-16:!3 ------h11111'" i'o CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STl 'I 1Y 111 ,,p:1r1' tr me ft>r conlr11c - lor'11 ,.xa1111n11t1011 u111l"r ll Jl:""n· 'ral rontral l flr wllh 2:'i yt'ArH •'Xl•l'rlenrt'. C"la.•se1 Turs. 1111rl F ri. r vt•1<. 7 :30 pm. A llend firet llt·l'~lon frPe. Begin anytime Al Tyler School ="ti 'Hsi-:in· ·"A ~ 1 .... .: ...... ,,,. f'X· r ••rtPOC"•". t'l'f~rt•n1 •'"' I 'orf1n A tll"I .:ltnr X111>1·n ', :.'711 1-:,. .. 1 (·,,,.,., H l~hwny ;..i~ .:llOTllhHS 111-:1.f"l-:it •li.y11 111.'lfl Wltfl ltull'f" \\'OI k A• 2 rhlld1 •/I. I.I ~ !\ i!•:I 7 rfl C A R p E N T E R I llil l :"\ ... Broadway. Santa Ana Ph. 1'\lmlicrly 2-4:?'.!G or 1<1 7-3:.U Repair Work I u c ..:A l'/lfll.1-: \\l)~I ;\:"\ SITTEH fur I hr ,., rr \" ~lln•lnv rnumlni.; I'll. 11111 ~.;1:1 .I t\• X Doea Yo ur Horne Neeo.1 Rep&lrtnr o r HcmcxlrUns;? Call Frank. Wbt'rty 8-61i.)4 All Work Gua.ra.nteed HL1o ASPHALT TllJE Lli'llOLEL"M ln>rt:tll lhe 1<~\·e • fl1•an• r than mnst. Alllu ,.ell T i!<' & I..1nnli:11m ~un-un11>n. ~J ~-,...HR f'XIH ntn,~~. c· .. mpHr{' 1111 I 'to1• Bll.L l'fJl,EH l!nr ~71•:-. 1 r 1 .. ,ng l!u t•'h t .. ~,!;:";;. 1'~•tf,· COMPLET8 PAINTING & P aper Hanging !-iervice r:l -GJ.::"\F. U. SAL'~;lJEHR [,oo :i111l :,;1r1'rl. N1•\\po11 lk ach Harbo r 20iG or 1 lur. 4 I Iii. I fc Elec. Tool Repair Sk it ~"'"" f •1.ll ~.111•l1•rs Q 1.n °'' :-ut \'In.: LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. '4~6 .!'\n. X<·wpwt l~h·tJ . :-.-1 t. Hrh. W berty f!-l<:J :~. 4 lt!c Paint.mg & P:ipcrhant;1ng We do the work our!'t'lns. 30 Y"llra Pxprrlence Lrcl'n~ed & 1n.111irrtl, ~II l<1f:lct inn g 111\1 nnt rl'd, E sllmatl's fr,"· 1.:1111 J ohnnie. LI 8-268i & Ll b-52 9 8lt!c PAINTING? c:all PO l''R !li11i·Unl lJI ;.h••p <'A n U:>le new \ '' ;l11ft1 1 < I lt'lln~e ,--.,unt\~ ~ti ·,.nt' ''' :<·'•lt,l ••t Kl 2-:11•.H Rft,.r :., THA:>:K s 1•71)1 I CARPENTRY BIG DEMAND llllHI l'A \' l'll.\1~n1 ',\ L :'l:l 'RS~::-: \IEIJWAJ. SF:CRF:TARY HOMF: ~Tl'[J\' J ltJ,;h "' ht ul n1 t n1 I I "f!'"nr\" ~lilOY 1•:11n \\Iulo tho•v l<'nrn Inf m 'lll· \\'fl'\'.T ~I\:"\ 11;\' \A(.'llT 1u r1l•1k 11n I ~· "' tJ 1~ • "" 1 "" •• f-ult t t11• \\ti1 •• t'1•t•lt•"" r~unl1ft· , Rll••n' ,,. • f ,., ..... , Jif4V In •~"'<" I 1 1-. u • I q 1·• •1(•1$ 11()1 ·~1-'h I.I 'I '!'I: l .J ' ... .!:.t lml v Ltr• 1\1'1 '"' \\ r t'l' 11"'' l'mt,.·! Srh1>11I ot ;\'olt.,111~ 111,.lr lrt OH1N', l.om1l11 1-;xp~:ltl EX< I.I 1 ""'~ .. 111111 1-1\I• • I 111 flC'T l11d; u'•f I. 1 I• 1 • .. 11 T11mrr I •1ui: ~•, '' .::.i..: \\,"I l ·1u11'l 23--\oiituatioos Wantro ----Swedish Massage l,.!111• ny .tpJl••inllllPnt Ill ) n11r h"r1 r l fl~hW11\', !':• \\ f•lll r fl1•HI h 6r8 REAi. 1._;-;T ,\011 ' 1,,,1 ,, o.r •alt'll• 111111t t• r II •II"' o l lrHl'I <•Ill""· 1-:111 • ll•·nl • l'I"'' r •ir11 l y \\'nl" II"" 1 ·~1 •h•~ f'••rf'r fnr 11ppl. llrli 1-'nrmPrly mAli-'"ll~r Rl Arrnwll<'ad • srnni.:11 1101 rl BAil\" S ITTElt, rl.1d\', m11mln11.~. l'll'n•I' rAll ltnrh•or 4~11r1 nr ll11 r II.or ;:.'if• J. l\rff lt-14 l.Al ill .!'-l!t'iool u11r s •I under 11A :-Jl'l :'\0 l:"STRI'< 'TJOX l.111ln & A m,.rH 1111 -in U1r prt\'Ar v "' y .. ur "\' 11 hnm,. Mftl11re c1ill1•~f' s:uolrnl \\'<'II quallfled ln~tr>sc­ t"r 11 tth "''<'ll<'nl !f•f ll.11lir1r :!lr.7-H c\'4!11ing11 ur Rox 43r, Boll•» 1 l~lan1! !ir7 F.:X PERJE="CED GARDEN€R C!\JHIEXJ:"\1; & y11r•I work b>' day "~~k ''' lll•ml h l Llbl.'rl}' &·61 3!1 a!'t·r 6. '\l( 1;1111 J· y \\ ,, k el-•1 llll,.r11'•n1oa ltt•l·n·n•"• ~I r' lt11 ·tu11."1.\ ,11~ 1•.,1n1 :-;1 l!ll!J«a ti.1< rle•si!r1·,111n11 2 l S11prr :'.tllr• k• I Tm11t111i; A I. TYi.EH S choola lf'd l '.; 1:1"1< tw11\' i<l'ntl\ Anft t< I 1 .1:.i I , 9'r lt ----------------Fur th• ., 14 l1t1 \~Mt l Ule tx!11t Konkcl's Jntcriors I 'J'hOl•t•ry, ilrrJJol't It'• ~Upcovt'1"11. "" l'-J•f •'' l•. X• \ J h•·' •' J.Jtu '• -.,: ~ ';''•'; ~ Fr <'e ,., ... tlllrtl "ll ::111•1 11111 w r Blv 1. f'.,,., , Mf''!ll 11'1c l:l LF:ll "I'\ 21 \l : l1iflll• I ltf II' II ,., .. , • "'"• & I•·:. • lo110d I •I" rn• 1·lh 111'1 $4<111. 1'.1. t '.old Biulc 1·1,11.1.,. tu" IJ ~;. I Mii l~·t"''''' 1 " ,;, It I' rn ll11rh<1r l'F::-.'llA BL1': YI 11 :>;1; f•f:• 11 LF. I I.'..! \\ 61 Ii A VA IL for l'Al:T T IME 1-:~ll'. T\\ 1•, f.I [,:-; 1,1011.i .. 11uunic ... t. Sui h hi< h1111.•·· '' ot k. lJa h}' 1>1\ '. 11 .. . . .t " ' • ' ' II ' r & otl<•· 11111,. g ll11l,.n1ni. 111 d 1h:t11H•;11 r. 111 o, T,,1,.,. 1,1111 ,.1 & 11.uVlmatln l'lf'M•· 'nn t&• l .\Ir Tir.•11•11~1 14 ·1111!11.,.: 1.oto1101 "• r• 1u1 .. nnhlr MINOR REP AJR WORK NO .!OB TOO S~1ALI.. Kl f•·ll71! t\lll U lwrlV h·itJI" 6'li I. ----- - _ __,.,_ H. 0 Ant!cr11on 11)14 E Rlll!Y'lll Rl"'j . Rillboa H11tbt>r 241'>0 83trc I f'LEA:-.:1:-o;c & IRO~J :->G by lh• l.l::H'A :I HI \~H:RA with CM,. A, ds y . E11t~r1t'DO"'rl. BAiboa b lllJ'lrl rretf'rr"'1. Kl 3-8096. tf ,.,.w r1.11tr '1 f:ln Ar 3 11 l~n• S'l:'l. w 8·3.142. , PAGE '4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 4G--Autos for Sal.-~~-----··--~~~~~ MONDAY·, SEPT. 19, 1955 m :rtrL'rtY iM3. Montney 2 dr Fresh Hearing Aid BATTERIES We 01ve S•H Oreen Bt&mPI Gunderson Drul? Co. Main St. at Balbo& Blvcl. B&tboa Harbor 6U. t8tfc M-Boat8, SuppUett CLEAN Mooring Space Sl 1wr toot t o r 8lllttable cn1111us 2401 W, Coast H tghwliy Newport Bt&eh, 1.1 8-6271 96«1 I TRADE h1111I top :-.1 .. 1.·omallr. R It Ii l11tw-J,.1u1 \\'\\' llrtR Tint ~l&IYI. 1111,.:111HI 0"'1\1'1' Slfllf5 Pll)'S 2110 I t .. rlM•r Bh·d f'\'•'11 01 \\'E'('\t ""·I• !11'6 I I I\ !k7 IJl "11'1' 'M Surer Rn·1ero 4 new 1uh1 "'"'" l1n·• Nf'w ruckrl 111lv,.r bul .rn' ~ bhl c11rbur..t"r Own- "r wlll 11111•rlft1·· r:o1ni: obroad S:l'>llll 1)(111111•·•• on PR)'nl<'ntll lt.11bor 0 jlj.\\ !'>c-7 Lovely anllqut' <lining ..-t. velYl'l Beauttful 70-tt. a ux. achoontr Uphol11lerriJ, r h1na l'6blnet S200. ExCtllrtnl for rh!lrlcr \\'.ult !13 f'llR \"~L,.:H W1nr111M, orlginel Old lovr11t't1l $1 O. Sound n1ovlt property or "m1<1ler llonr l '.!20 1 0"'1w1· l.t1111.lf't1 S l(l!Jl> $300 ctn. 11ul'11 S I'::'!. PlllyH piano S2001 w. Balhoa Blvu., Newpvrt llrir t••trl1N lli1r. 0718 or Kl 0-210.f Aot1QUP walnut lllblu from $20 3032. :rnlf.-6c8 l,1wPly rart old Vi ctorian chair•. ----- S• t "' 6 U11usu111 1mall old 26 F'T. LOWMAl': Sponfll'ht'r :-;, .... UH!• I.IN('()!.:-.." ~f)Ol't l!!'dlln, R&H rn ~1111 S l7r1 \\'(l(wl 1<tovcs from I ('rown Ir rabln. 20 knots. Tr11.t.. ".!111•1• \\'\\" tin·.~ & dr llghlll $Ii Old 11honog!'lph Sl2. Nice "n property or what hll\'•· y1111 • $4ifi vr 11111te for tr111ll•r. Set ti1~11b<1y Sl7 TV ePt S29.00 Brlllls l"all U 8-2431 or Hli r. 11)112 i t !f 1-\11111. 11\fifl \\'h1tt1Pr. ('m•ta bt'll!I uo. Old ~•tleboard $'.lO. I ---------------------------:-.1...... er·ll Hare 11111 t'hin•·M' t1eret'n S200. 14 FT. CUSS \\'1ZAR[• with .... ··j f'APILl~AC" 4 rlr Rt'dRn. motor ,(. h1Hl\' tn top l'Ondlllon $•00 ll11r ~:!~il-R 6rfl Lllri:t> rlo'r. l11n 120. Fial t11p 11101 .. 1·ontrOlll & trall,.r H.!! IH•I , flu,. desk S:i9 :'>() Mahogany 2:'!76 7,·H ,..., r• tMY ~69 50 Anl1que dt'8k i1.. 0111 bNl set $60 MllKIC b<•x NA v I GA T J 0 l'\ C-1..ASS 1 ·.,,.ni St2fi H 111i.:tnR lu111p11 $30 Ohl ~leu. P1lot1ng 1~lest1al lfll•·'t 1'< 1'Allll.l.Ar' fl:.! • !Ir txu+ t"lephnn,. '7 ~O M any J)lel•,. mrthnds Compll'I e rm1rs1 s:iu l••nt • nnd11111n r.1ltl<I l1ret1 n'w anl1q11(' (11rn1t11re )'OU rl'f1ntSh & 1.J 8-3~i2 or " hllu k f1ni.1h $ill5 Hor :l2i9·J -VI' r 1 .. h pf)h·-Anllqll"' gun~. 61'11 11..-ely olt1 "hm1t. bra..~" coppl'r, 84--Muslcal, Radio, T V i.11\•l'r p1e1·.-11, 1'11 . \\', 11lso buy -----~-·-------­ & gw11p B11nc items m. l HARLIE UA\'IS 180~ E An&helm St . Long Bt'llCh .f'honr. s:io 139 REASONABLE nenrly new 80 ft ret1wood plrkt>l fenre. Jn 8 n. 11t>r tlons with po11t11 $70. l.Jberty 8-0768. Oci I YOl"!llOSTO\\'N 11hl. 111nk, 42•~··. matching 4 dr11wrr c•abinl't 271, .. l 23-7th St , Hunlrngton Beach LExlngtcin 6·7013 Op7 BABY CRIB ant1 gf\Oll m11ttress, Matrh1ng C'ht'st. total S:IO, 2811 Monte V111ta. Costa Ml'M Op7 S0-B-Appl~8!1Ct'~-----­w ashing Machine <>ERVlCE' l-year gu11rant~ on job1 don«' and on usl'd wa.ahl'ra. 2488"' (r«'&rl Newport Bl .. Co.t.a Me.sa.. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc 18 C'L'. FT, COMMERCJAL type 11,.«'P fr,."7.f'. Mking 160. Ownl'r Har l 216·R 6r8 32-Fumiturfl tor Sale ----GOOD TABLE TOP GAS RANGE, olrl but clean, 116. Hug 9 x 12 SIO. Divan U ri. Old ch1t.l1'8. Har. 2e90·R blofore 11.30 a. m . ~c7 D BL. llt>L.l. YWUOll BID[), ('Xt'I. rnnl'I. S2tt, Har. 2844 6c7 $2~0 TA KJ-:s llln1011t nt'W 21 inch rnn11cil<' Motorol11 TV. 2 oldl'r 1<1 ,.1, t'" •lrnom 11e111 l <1rop 1,ar •wk lotrh!'n ""' Or will aell '"'f•1trl\tl'ly, LI 8-4674 61'8 -~l .!11\S~: llJ\\'P:;l:PnRT, Ii l~t' • 1~hwn11, <111wn f1llffi S I 2!1 ll11r :1111 · \\" ----. DKI. HF.D nrthopl'dlr mttll r<'lla & •r11ni;:~ Milk<' otter f.06 W HAm1l1nn c 'n•ta ~tr11" LI 8·4 lf1~ &c8 Dl":"'l.AN f"HYFE mahng1rnv '11n· I 1n1t M>l w11 n huff't. fl <'hi;lrl! l.lhl'rly R-62~i aftl'r • p m 'ip9 BS-Roats, Suppliee l ~ Hf". RRlr:c;i:; & STRATTON ltM m11lor "ilh rl11t<'h S6 . ., l'nnwh11""l rlnll!'\' wll h h1111I nut Win• h & 11tn1nlr,o~ 11trt'I <'ll hle Si~ I.I I!· :\:14 2 61·R <:'HRY!;l,1-:ft t '111wn 2 I grAr Sfl()O !'<{A HOG comb1111111nn • 11nsnlt> :!I 1n T\' A ~l & I-~I ra1ho and :l speed auto f>hnn11g-raph C"'Ml I O\"tt l600 new. pe.rlct·t ront111111n I N"w plrt un• fllbt> with g 1111rnn- t eoe S275. 776 W . 19th. LI 8·81iiti __________________ tit x I LARGE hnme or ('hun•h ,.14•1 tnr Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . -·······-········-~48.88 8 Cyls. .. . ................ $58.88 organ. new. l'hrnat" 1wo•>t. vt•ry reoasonahle HY 4·7144 i; .. !I lnrludN1 both labor an!l parts. Nrw rin~"· wrist pin11. valve HAMMO!'\D OR GA NS \\'orld 1:1 Ind. fltl111g11 or m11ln and rod ramou11. All m•11lc•ls A loo 11ev<'r· bl'lll mgs, F.11pt>rl motor tunt> up. Ill baa t<:Btn:< 1n used nrga11:1. \"011 1 !lO-d&y or 4,()()0 mile guanLnlee. 1•11n savP <in thel<I' fine org11ns (NO MO?l:EY DO\\':'\I DANZ-SCHMIDT, fi20 :-:11, Milin. I REBUILT ENGINES Santa Ana. ---~ --l!P to 16 MONTHS TO PAY- I~ Pl'.:R MO. RENT~ ):0"41 flr!U'· Built In our own fa('tory by sklllt'd t l<'i' pi11no. LN the k1d1l1e11 learn mach1ml1111. Don't ('C•ntend wlt.h All lt'rms rPnt if \"PU buv lalt'r the millulr m"ln Buv d lrPc l. DA~Z-SCH~UDT. :\20 =-:11 ~tRin REBUILT and INS.TALLED Sanlit Ana 100 piano... llume o ( the Ham111on•I Oritan SHORT BLOCK F'OH n .. .. ······---· Sl 29.50 HA MONO ORGAXS. Full hnr. CH F.VROl.ET .......... ·--· S149.50 all mO<l.-ls. Fret' practice roomi1. f'LYM &. DODGF: ...............• $1:15 Comt-In and play on fl.ny mOll("I. CH RYR &: OF. SOTO ... -.. -... $170 The Greal Conc Prl Cht<:an, thP STt'Ofo:A\l\F:R ... ___ ... $170 Homt' Mn.h•I, the ('hurch and the 01.ns & PONTIAC 6 ........... J l70 Splnl't Models. H yuu think 1 DUIC'K ···-.......................... _, $176 ) ou ran not play, come In 11nd 'H UDSON .. . ................. -···· .. S 17:. t ry the world famous Hammnnd, Loan C'ar Frt>e Towing t-asy lo play, Chord Organ. Yl•U !'\~\' CAH c.AUARANTEE will be aston1sb'd lo fintl yuu Blnrk ITllllll me"t our atandnrda ro11 pl11y in flftet'n manutc,. Plus uucr11, g(111keta and oil DANZ·SCH.MIDT P1anu .t: OrJ:lln Opl'n Sunday JO am. to 2 p.m. <.:o. Home of the HammoruJ, 520 No. Muln. S10nta Ana . BELLES ENGINE S Pl NET PJANOS. WonJr•Jtul REBUILDERS bll\'S, S111l1t' :c111:hlly dll11111i.;1 •I 111 ' 11h1pment. R<'ntAI 1 ••P u,,_ 1111.i Op1'11 I lolly 8 IQ 7 State BondeJ tra<le 111~ un ur~a1111. M111111 NEW LOCATION Typ.-Spinets ,. .. l•IW a' Sl'l"1 ~io E' ·t 3 d St Easy ••·rm;; .:> as r . DA!l:Z·SCHMIDT. 5211 ·"" M11111. SANTA A::'\A Santa Ana. Hnni«' or th" I-lam- mond Ori::rrn BF:Al"T!Fl'L BLu.-.:n~: MIRROH p11u 10 In perfl'cl t'onu1t 1<rn T4fl1~ 140 82 down &: 114 ~2 fl<'" mo at SHAFER'S Music Co 1S1n1 P 1!w71 421-423 :'\. Sy<'&lllMP SAnlll Anw Phrine J<J mherly 2-0672. t 2--Traile"' * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and Sl"PPLIES 2:WO W. Coast H1way. I Newport Bcac·h LI 8-4420 BABY GRA1'U Spt l'1RI Only ·~·2-11 HR J'l'Y Hnm" sr;p•, $ 49:-; GM•I tnnf' An<! A• lion. ':'12 :!'•' rtu11d111t1~lri . 11 895 B•llJi?"fll s t or k l\f wonderful ''lr1 -2 I' T••rt v ~pt>c. Price gran•I p i>•nus tn Ornn1:e County ;,r•-41' 1'11rnm l h<lrn1, .. A c1,a1 T ..rmir ':l!'>-4:'1' P an J\ mi-ril'nn 011tcount DANZ· SCH~flOT Grl'AI f'1a.nn PAN AMERICAN and Ori: .. n Storf', 520 N11. Milin. Snntll Ana Home or the lfll111· rmmd Or1itan. ELE:CTRO;-;lC 0 RC A :-:. Sol IU. Ea~y Tenn~. DA~Z-SCHMtnT. f>20 Nn. Santa A1111 Home tif the m11ncl Organ. T':1ramo11nt ·Keni<k 111 Tr11 \'Pl1'7,tt·Ti-rry s::.trc Star Fleet * * M.1111. :lO ft Ht11n· l'\1Mto111 l111il1 l1v nn . 11111..ite. kit .. lmth. h.11°111 F11rn· l•h•·ol 1•onq1l1 tt•I\ 1111'1. t 7·• TV. IJRC•AX !"PEl"l 1\ I. d1111.1 . (•11l111,, 1 •. ('I<' c 'ABA:\"A $i~O I 1.0\'ELV l 'SE:O HA.\t~IOSI' RJ•I k 't 111 n.n1pl 111111. A L!;;O 1 nt•t org.1n 1n JJPrfe~t nindltu.n )•all" 11111111111. ~"" 1.r J,ol 4, GRAY m11r:11P <111',o, I 11111?" 60 m m. lnJ"• lo" CAPITAi. i:• ~I \ 1111\r• p11rt ~ I 1111: "'"'lllg' l "nn,·cment t"l'lll~ Ill "''" l'"I I ,\1 11111• IJ•HI T1111l1•1 ('Al k Sl61)0 SHAFF.R'S M11s11-<.:o. 1.S1nl'I' IMi l Tl)J'UI. :i-:-;11!1 !l:'tj•!I $tj5 1;1·423 :' ~~·':•ITIOI•• -~>1nta. Anll 8 ) l'hlVATJ-; \J\\"Ni-:11 ~rarl8n: I hnne Kimberly 2-06•:1 I ••ti•· J'll\0. :tt rt. l>t.ndPm whe1:!ls. ~1ARl?l:E s1·1~rLn• ('(J, Klml><'rlv :i.:i.10 ·---------------------------8~ 0 \\"R I R CJ With 1811~ SftOI. Har l 2!12-M llft'r 6 311 6<'7 Q I I .i, 1111 hrllk•·• 11h11wer and t oil-Ua ity Te evision ··1~ ,, f11J:. h1·111 .. r good tn11ol1- SERVICE 11111 ~l ll't lll'll 111 lllh" for r8~h. l '11t·1•l 11g•ll f'1tll Rt 221 · l!l l't I :O:e\1 port fil'l'll h !'Jp; 1 Homp Ser-vr<'I' t11 ll p 111 771\ \\". l!lth LI Jl.~1\711 l"i-\\'antrd to ft(-nt ___ 6'_1"1 Rentals Wanted FA!Rl.l:'ll P.R rlt'l\.n, 1011•tt'd \\'Ill 0 I We nl'td apt1 and houaea In al 1r11ctr 1.1 8 6il0 "rn nr pm . .,$--Dog!4, Cats, Pf'b ae<:UOllll for both W"lnter ud S3t(c BRl'SSELS GRIF'FO::'\l" AKC trg I 7t&r'• IC&H. f'urn. Of' unturn. ------C'hamp1on blood llnt>11 prrf Pl'l I It you have a •acancy, OUTROARB MOTOR PXrPll<'nl lltnl\ll 11011; tcir 1he hP111 h. Bar-phone l.oda7 •·nwh11on ~ :'\ hp $:111 l.Jhr rl\' I T 8.;2114 ori l>:H·•in p11prie!' a n111. HRr. oos1 he Vogel Co. l!J ~r1 3101 W. Cit. Hwy., Nr~ort 'Dell. 36 F'T. DIESEl,, l'Onlllll'rCllll 11rort ------------Phone Llbcrly 8-3481 flllhl'r nr work hn11t. $2i:i(l, t.'All 40--Autos for Salf' 108 Marlnc, Balboa laland H11r. 2000·M !\1 i Phone Harbor 4H S;"l:IPf; NO. P332 f:xl'I 1111lls. Trailer • 111'('<'t111nrle11 1~2!1. Hllr. 3873-\\'K llftrr 6 pm. 6p7 BOAT STORAGE A LL SIZES. reuonAbl' rates. A r· fllY At yurt offlr e. SOt:Tlf rOAST COMPANY, Newport Blvt1 . at :!3rd St , N•wport l:Jch. 2tf \VINTER STORAGE Boa ts or Trailers $65 for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Launrhtna S 1 26 l'<'nr\"I 1~u11rdt<•1 StorAlt<' Sp~<'t> Outboard Marina 2M? 1-:. I' 011.• t H "')' Hubcir 1113(1 61 12 lPf•!'J l"HR\'SLt:R ST. Rl'.:Gl!'i 266i F:. CoMl Hy., Corona dcl Ma.r =-: .. w Yorkl'r. J"'l<'lux e l'Ollf)l' fully I Phone 11'"rbt1r 1741 Pqu1ppl'l'I pnwPr i<tePrlnit powr1 Lido OC!it·I'. 3116 Via Udo bral<N1. hf'ater, lar11;1• radio ww Harbor 49i I 32Uc t1rPl'I. F:ll'r. frnnt w 1n•lo\\ •, el1• F'BlllNll' ~'iO hp. engm<' 61•(i(I 1111ll'l1. ;'l:ew r a r i:1111rentl'•'. s11w• 1111(1(), :"OV8JO red 8t .!l&n1I <1•1111 Trd Ret'\l, LI 1<-34~6 -;, fl 19:'15 F"URn C111•tomhn1•, s ll "h"" l'OUp<', F ortlcimat1r rartlo. \\"\\" t1rc11. Pl'rff'rt ront11t1nn Ownl'r Hllr. 242~ 71 \I ~ F"ORD Club c-oupe S2ir; P<(lllt~ plu• paymenta. LI R-2111!< :-;, 7 -------r>4 MG TD Mark 2, H & H Tlntf'd glA.111. Slightly mo.llfll'<I. F:xr l l'On1t, M1111t ll"ll 1mmtt•ll11t Pl\" Har . S627, · {Jp7 19!'>3 PL\"MOl"TH ~r. Exl"I CQn· l1J-::-11tt-: :t ur 4 l"lt 111. hulll'le tn I l'nt 10 Tll~l 1" 111 t'll \\ 111 I I Rd(' hkl' 1 l'nl Ill Ill ( 'nf"rlll 11"1 ~liu 11111 4!\:t2 \\ 6d~ •'(II "l'Ll-:-Mttn lo<'tlllV empl \\'ant11 1 or 2 h•lr m. !ln1111e part. ly furn. \\ e h.1 ''<' a ppllRnl'r1 4t ~,,.,.,. f111n 1·1 .... ,. t•• ::'\f'l'JIOrl l'1 IY H111l p11>'••r1f'!I NN•rl l111Ji?tt j!IHll~P \\'111 1• H1•'l l "·:lfl. th111 1111p1'1 91'lf WA:\TF:D TO R f::\"T-3 br. Curn. 11r U11f111 n. hn11~• c 'lo~' 10 l'anla A nll h1111 ('All l.I 11-~l 2• 21'3" \\ t'u11t1t J lt~lm 11y, l;I! Hal'••n :\lo1l.,I •llllon. P11\·a te party. CRll LJ \\ J-.;'T .. :rt 111-::'\TAL~ ll·fi201 (l11ys ~r7 1 •A P it.LAC '4 7 ..:un\"l'rt1bleo Cnn1. plrt l!I~ reb11ill ntotor PIR11llr tor. \\" \\'. l 1rN1 R "' H S~i!I H 11r 1116M ~, 7 -z ... ,. ~fF:R1THY f:'lq'r"'"' 1'111111· )p~n FORD 1'1111 .. 1 11r 3 moll olii ~S r11rt10 SJ'#t'<I,. 2:1•) m I" h H•u .. S~l'l(l in hn111 Will Mrrlf1rp f!'r S ~Pfin '"""' or tr11t111 0wn"r H11 r 1Zl6·R !1Url1nr.; tr\11 k Ar. •mm,.tlRt 1'1n11 f11r hnnic 1 ·1111 "11r1lt'rl 1n lh<' H111bur 1tr••n Tennnts well· 111g 1-'h•me In v1111r '111'R1H'1("s tci· •!II\', IU•:.x IUX'H~ 1: .. 1111nr. 2:107 \\ J:1lhl'I\ l~J\•I. llur ~IM tfc I 1u .. ..;1•t1:"'~1111.1-. 1 ·n1 1·1..t-: 10. 1111\ I I 1J'I• •\'r.I •1f'• I P l \• h Ol h nll•• t11n 11 f'"'111ll\'•r 11n Yr11r' '•· 1•• 11•11 r P11111 II "~II l r" 1nl't1 ~.; \\I 11kt' l'\I rl1,.nt l"lllf tif \I II fl! (11'11 \ \\ rl! .. fl<''l f'r •I\ ~. :wnii ,,,,., ~ 11 "' ... ; I CAP llltn : J'R .... •l'l l!N l:""•l 11 n tnr $100 HR1 21t"1I-\\" ~ 7 . ·~ \ 43--Apta. & Rouw tor ~•t ~AptA. a Roaee for RMt 43-B-Ro...,.. for Rat M-R«tl Esta~ Se~ --------------------,-----------·. ··--1 , • w1NTER RE~TAI. tl" Junf 2 Southwest Farm bdrm tum. S1 0 mo l'lll1lll'• f'\1 Cabanas Marinas ll1migt' ava1labll' 121 E l111lhna I and Ranch Service Blvd . Balbo11 0.; BE Sl'HE Rf:FORE YOU Bt;Y OPEN HOUSE Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. WOO ISLE. 3 bllrmll , 3 bathA hon\t l"n 11nnuAl bu1s llt a lr1I 1w1mmln1t p.xil SliJl fur ~() rt boat. Bea11l1f11lly t urn. Exqu1· \ ·.,111pltt.-invuu~atwna It report•. ttl'p~.K'llt nun-rutol'nt landloN.t. :S:'l yr1. rovt-nna Anaona • New t MeiucC1. PhonP Har. 3434-J ol'I t•ontu·t C. 8. Oruwn, Rt. 2. BolC 994, 1\l(;lJOn, Anr. HclO 4111 M&rf'Jl'rlte. Corona del Mar BETTER MOVE FAST on alilUI tmmaculate I bdrm. home.,,,.._ plaCt', hardwood noor9. Load9 fll lll• It cupbouda Shlnf"l• root. :-;,..,. ~•t 1hopplnr 6 ua.- port a tton. Del I irh tlul tndoillid patio that you muat ... to apo prt'''latt-. T hia one re&Uy eputt. IN. Bettfr hurry, Ml~• 11nimtH• to 1bow you U'IMmd e vtr)" aflfrnoon. Good terna OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanaa. Utilitiea paid. with :.Ill' msHlt planten. •hrub• I ..around pat1ci A pool. 3 mr gar Yacht 1lip accomodationa. S800 me• Inquire 41 Balbtia D!lOY, weekly, monthly, yearly. COVt'll, N"Wp<ll t 3<'111 ~l-Rf-_&!_ EAta~ -~~hu'!_ VERDUGO WOODLANDS GLENDALE For appt. or ~eeervatJon, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc 49-RoomtJ for Rent ROOM, prlvatto hornt', prlv1&lf tn· tran<•t , adjoining b111h Mt'n only. Corona dr l Mar lla1 nor 1326-J. tk8 LAROE BEAUTIFUL MODERN HOME $20.000. Take amallt-r llOW ABO\ 1T THIS! A perm·= home. Iola. or buslnea11 property I eril ocfl!JI vtl'w llome. LooaW .. · In BHr h Area tor $16,600 :16l14 Onan Bh'd., cor. ONldlfa ~ulty. Alfl(I C'On11lder boAt to 1 C' O.M. 3 nlrt bdrm-., I .._ Luxurious Peninsula -View Hideout of Bay BALBOA 1SLANL1, room w ith kll· ch,nette. private Pnlranre anu bath. Tht-rmu. t·ontrollt'd hut. elec. rdng Nt'&r bt11 d111t S9 week ont', SIO twu p.-rlltln1. Win· ter. Har. 2128-M 7ttc SI0.000. AN,-elua 9-729e, I tot> larJtl llvin~ rm., dl"Mla Id~ f l.'8 It luite breakt .. t nook. ._ l"alllltna from mo« "'""'7 ... Piano-Custom !urniture--Large Living room with bar --dishes --pots and pans --Bunk beds and bath downstairs for g\lests. A couple might be happy here also. $160 ¥nlh. years leaae PHONE Carter Darnell, ownv, ll.ehigh 9-2158 during day or Harbor 2121 evenings. 4c9 BUSINESS BLDG. With patio, ~95 lot. $80 pt>r month. 113 22nd St . 1'\e"rport BAYSHO~ R•>0m). Early American. 2 8. R .• PLUS gar. urul. kn. pine Int., bkt1t bu. 2 pat1oe . 522.500 CLIFF HAVEN You had better come 6 ..... you.nelf. OPEN FOR IM__,. TIOM Arn:RNOONI. • • • LOVELY S BDR.K.,. Hl Ml9 home I 1400 eq, n...) 119 ~ NewpL HU. llXCUJUVll i.-. ING. 48-Apta. a Bo11Ml9 WEST BAY AVE. dupitx, 3 bt'd· room. 2 bath. rum .. "110 month yeady or winter. H 19 W. Bay .Ave., Balboa. 98pl2 Choice Summer Rentals on Balboa Island & Lido Isle SmalJ • cozy OI' 1&rre • defuxe a75 lO $300 month VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave., Balboa l.aland Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor 2151 Res. Har. 1786-R or Har. 3059-M 64Uo 3 RM. HOUSE nict-ly furn .. clt'&n. $:'!0 mo. to June J!I or 160. mo. yearly lt'ase. Kl 7·1943 or "I 2·1232. Otte BAL.BOA ISLAND, f u rn. houae, t1r .. place. Avail. St'pt. 21, alllO 1 bdrm. apt Adulta. no pt>ta. Rt-uonable. LI 8-7624. 6c7 RENTAL --?' SPECIALISTS Call Edna CralJ Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Karine An lialboa bland, Har. 1871 72ttc ROOMS, COTI' AGES, APTS. DAY, WEEK OR MONTH THF: BLUE TOP MOTEL. 4(13 Newport Blvd., jWlt a bove The Arches. '14tfc BALBOA YRLY. Lovely duplex , 2 bJrm. Curn. up It 2 bedrm down $1l0. Bearh. KI 2-H98. 9kl0 2 B. R., xlnt. lncatton-tor ule unfum .. or Cor le-fum. Lo dn. NEW, SMARTLT office. CORONA DEL M.AR "'8A-Apt11. for Rent F'URNISH.EO 1999 Harbor, C011t1t. Mt•aa Llher•v 8-:t!l:t!I. ll'1Jc Cut• 2 B. R., provincial, room fo r ---..------------------unit, d09e to mkt11. It tran.p. STUDIO APT. furn. 1ultable tor onf bu11nea person lt6 mo. 608 1.arkapur. Corona del Mar . S<'e ilfter 4 :30 p. m. 6c8 2 atorea or otttcu, one 28xSO. One 12x2!1. Uiw rent. Sui1able tor re· tall bualneaa or ottl('e. 507 E. Balboa Blvd.. Har. 3606. 86lfc R-2 . A1klng 112,600 Cor. lot 2 nice apt over gar. R ·2 U OOO down Full PrH.'e SI0.000 BACK BAY • • • 100 rr. FRONTAOll ~ 7f property on M.t 1 Tth a. A 111111 rood buy at $12,800. Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS CHJN A COVE, Bayfront furnl.ahed &pt. Open1 on large, aecluded patio fifteen feet Crom high tide. Furnace, 11oragt-, r11.rage and phone. Avallable ror ltue or wl.nter rt'ntal. Leue $120 per mo. F.xcelll'nl va.lue. Ph. HYatt 4·2206. 93lfc Office Building For Rent R, Rayle-C. Travta. C. R-. A.-. Cholr e lot on Sierra Vt~ta . 70XHO 312 Marine Av..-Ball:Joe 111111a4 $6~00 llaf CORONA DEL MAR, yearly 2 • bd ·m. duplex &nd l·bdrm. apart- m,nt Furnt11htd Incl. ulilltlea. Harbor ~409 2tfc NEW office bldg Crntrally local· ed. rloort1 carpeted. Window drapem. 1600 11q Cl Ideal tor ln1. or real e1tale firm Ph, J im at Ll 8-3464. 71·20h 53-A-BwilnHA 8'-ntaJ8 RENT FREK Apt. lo middle aged co•Jplt tor aerv1ce11. Har. 3308 ' DESK SPACE with phone Hrvioe 5c7 $30 mo. 507 E. Balboa Blvd., --------------------------Balboa. Phone an«Wtrlni: aervtce $8:'> Cute aglt. apt. living rm., bar aleo av&Jlablt. Har. 3608. 86tlc kll«ht>n It dining area. 1 adult i20 M&rl'Jl'rllf, lO a.m. to 2 p. m. p1 .... , 6c8 f8-A-Apt& for Rent 51-Bwilness OpportunJtle. NEAR NEW PROPOSED CITY HALL 2 B. R. 6 den. I~ beth, romplete k1lrntn. lge llt'r\', porch, patio, aomt v!<'w . Slll,900 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 27:11 W . Co~t Hwy. u 8·4277 Costa Mesa How Can You Miss THlS CHA.RllU.ll;G home on land- acapt'd It fenced f O x 130 lot. 2 bdrm•. ONLY S7150 with trma. .. Balboa Yf;ARLY up1ta lr1 fum. apt. 2 l>Jrm. Eltht-r 3 men or 3 ladlt11. S.50 m onth.-226 20th St .. Nt-w· port Beach 6p7 Next t o cor. 19th It Plact'ntla, In Two O<:Mn Front Jou. Zoned f or BA YFRONT 2 bdrm. tum. apt Pier & float tor 30 ft. boat. ~ue Ol't 1 to June 1. Private beach. 417 Edgt>water. Balboa. EDgewood 2-2384. 4c9 Deluxe Furn. Apts. COBla Mua.. 2 bedroom home, duplvcee, $9500 each. exceUt-nt condluor.. rlu1 a 1mall •lore In re11r. Plenty parking It room for exp111111lon Imml!dlale poue1111on. For Hie or tradt., call owner Ll 8·6223 mornlng1 Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd., Ba.Ibo& Hubor 2658, 2697 and 4600. o·r •fler 6 p. m. 9ItCc --------------------------I Newport Heights ORANGF: J UICE It d8l<' 1hake I •land. Coa.st Highway 2 11 mllu llOUlh or Co rona dtl Mlir. Year $7600 round bu•meu. uk for Norm. SMALL HOME. large lot. ~autl· 3 trc ful 11urrounding11. Nee<lll dress· WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR TH~ MOST caretul.11 ..-... td va.Juea 1n each ot our dt.Unc\- ly d1fferl'nt KARBOR A.R&A.I. CLIFF HAVEN L'\fMACULATE I bdrm., ao.. ot cupboar<ta. dlahmuter, dJ..,_a. mel"I'. 9Wltchee. Beauutul 1aad- 1caplq at a price Uia,t mallM aen ... '" G.L io.n and ~ $16,MO. BALBOA PENINStn..A ITS CHARMING JNSJDE It OUTI 1• blk. to Jetty. Modern Pro- vlnclal, 2 bdrm11.. Iota nt. cup- bo&rda. 6'~ loan. a&l.'8 mo.- Only 118,f>()(), CLIFF HA VEN • Lil ri:e 1 b<lrm. rurn. apt A: n1c1' ne•ghborhood SS.5. Wlnt .. r ri·nlRIS Al Tyl•r. Balboa Blvd. Jt&J. One It two bdrm . with televi1lon. Al.eo I Available !or 1ummt'r or win- 50 7 tcr. ALSO yurly le•-· 61'8 In Hurt of &C'tiv1ty -Lots of PRICE REDt:CEIJ_S_l-.OOO---o-n_b_u_e_y lnr up, u cnllce for quick aale. lltlle Corona del Mar care w ith nt'w tountRin Yuu can m11ke It COSTA MESA LOT RA NCH TYPE TRIPL&X--Oom• pletely modem -built ln ant.ell· nu, lh•rmo heat. rarb. diap .• •prtnklrr 11yatem, I bdrm.. m eac:h apt. A low, low dOW7I pay- mmt It you're hi blMOI-~ a llom• ph• Meome. BA _L_B_O_A ______ l __ bd __ rm __ . -~--a_u_t-rurn. parking. M7 I': BR.Ibo& Bh·d . Balboa apts. on hsy front l'ttl. paid, here & bt' happy T<'rm• - I.EE CASEY offlre. 2721 E Coul 56x234 ON MONJ"E VISTA nl'ar Or&n$:e St • choice lot. H ouae Muriel M. P°fftOver or 11p11nmenu Hg'll·y Har 0~46 5<-7 NB Realfor ~w~ .. ~i1:~ ~~~z;:1~~11~HoP •• C. Rea It~ Co. sYLvu. THOMPSOK ~ prlvatt' beach, walking du!lance H.arbor 3608. 86tfc llhoppmi: No c hllt1ren or ret11. $65 lo $90. HOUSTO:-J REALTY 509 < 'entn St , l'o.'lta Meu U 8-6911 t\'rl!. Har. !1298·W 68c EMPLOYED WOMAN to 11hare ntC't'IY rurn home TV, a ut<>. wash<'r & dryer. l't<' S40 per- mo. 960 Dolt'-\'ood, Cost11. Mrn afltr !I 30 p.m. 6p8 -NEV ... PORT HEIGHTS S76. Two hP<lrm. 11nf11rn. T npll'X near 11i-hool11 A: <'l111rC'h. Yard m11in- t11metl WRlPr p<t. G11rb. llll1p .. fan autom. heat Owner 272 Broactway, lw-l H-2776 s (ler nQOn. 21fc UALBC>A 2 f)<1rm. furn. hou11,. Winier or 'rly t bdrm furn. a pt 1..ow wmtn ratl' Harbo r 26:t:l·I-·. 7lfr WINTER SPECIALS S~1ALI. Ft.'RN APT srio for r m1ple I l'h1lu o k F'urn rma Hot a n•! l'<ii.t .,...ter, prh·ate I rntranr., A parking Single S2!1, •!bl s:m. VIKJJ\G H OTEL. 901 i;; Ralbo& Blvt1, Balboa 61'12 Wl:\TF.R RF:NTAL I hdrm furn 11pt. Ht-aeon Bay S7:1 13~3-\\'. Harhor 6pll WILL RENT 2 bdrm. completely rum. hom e, r1replare, Y.'. w. rar· peting, IOl't ly hRl'k yart1 With prHio to ronple Harbor 2078 or LI 8-07!'>0 after O 6r8 LIDO ISLE Lido Isle Bayfront 2720 F. Co1111t Hwy ('oron11 t1el 32nfl 4t :-;pwport lvd • 2604 :'llewpqrt Bt.d Npt 8-t'h Mar 7pl2 I Har. ~1136 or H fl:'l Euy Park.init ~ Harbor .e10 On8 and two bdrm. ap11rtmt-nu . Furnlehed Garagee Yearly or winter rl'ntal. Har. 0676. WA;"l:T $:1()0() hnRI 111 hav<' 591100 1 CORONA DEL MAR <'qu1ty S&nta BA rhar11 tnplex • TWO HOl'SE:S on f'l"r Jot Bnth GOLDEN RULE extra Int, t nt11l Sl8,000 lncom" 2 bf'<lrm11. & fuPrhu•s 1 has 520!1 ('t'"111ctn half of pqully In '."· hrRt Roth lea..~l!<l 121 ,:'!00 VALUES 7r20 F't;RN APT 1 txlrm. 104!12 ·25lh Slr<'rl, Nr wpurt Besch. Call LA:nbert j-3686 or see owner S11t. or Sun unly 6t abovf! ad- drrn. Actult~ & I child only hll910"1\R "'" WOI king rarlnt'r \ t'ry , h1J1re huy I Writ~ Box Q·32 lh111 pRptr. I SALE or 1.ZAIU!I ntt>~ 6p8 ALSO I Rl.DG. --2000 •CJ. ft. 0.0...tn --------------------------VAC'1\:-.."T I.OT. 11m1th ot High· on llt'WM'. t..arire lot. r..Md. ,4 5c7 WEST BA Vl-'RONT NEWPORT. Mod. rum. I &r 2 bdrm. apl.JI. l 'lll paid SM to $6!1. Cloee to 1tore11 A bu11n11 Har. 0499-M tlp7 STL"DJO APT. l 'ttllu.-11 paid. 145 ~Mon~1. to Loan NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFlNANCI: CO.:>:STRUCTION Call for F rt-e Fast Commitments on Residence. and Unli. only ~:r 604 IArkapur. corona ~:~:Don I. Huddleston rt:R!ll. 2 bdrm apt 111 31 BEA· I CON BAY near HARBOR IS · 173 E. 17th St. LANO llr ro11a from Balhoa b · I COSTA MESA land. S7:'1 mo 1111 July 1. lnclud· LI 8·!1541 LI 8~2 ini t 'TIUTfF:S. Dbl. gar. very I q111el large lnrlo111!<1 ya.rd, ping WE SPF.Cl A LIZF:: L~ po.1g 1, hlk. to private beach it LOANS It rlNANClNG 11mall boal r 16 Cl. I docking prl-01' \'llrgu. nearby tennis court. No HO\;SETRAILF.RS pt'tll nr children Call H11r. 2786 I Auto11, Furniture & Salarlu on Sal. Or inquire 27 Bl'Rcon O D S • Bay. Har. 1977 or 11ny Rt'&ltor. ne ay ervtC8 $1 00 mo. on yurlv leu.. 7tfr Loan• from S:>-0 to $1200 or mo~ CALIF.ACCEPTANCE 48B-BoUM'tl for Rent CORPORATION wa~· \\ t Rl•t> h"nrlleo c.xo h11ngl'• rl'al hArRIUn at fU.~. .. 1n1'(l!Mt rrnpe1 ty li. H LATH· HOP. :lil:l:'l 1-: t '<•Rlll Hwv . l'o· 1 1on11 <11'1 :-Ola r ll11roor 5H 2 E'·t'11 Mllll1 !lr7 M-1 CORNER W, 17th STR1:1!1r' -Cloe.In. an •ewer. H 01tl28. 'ft* oan't .._. \hi• •l $10,llOO. Doctors Attention I l'NIT MUl 1l.l~:-.I Ul.111:. on 120' R-4 ACRE >. t:io C11~1,, ~''"'" l111~1nt'1<.~ lot. j IDEAL lnl'a Uon •croee trom Bo-. C t1<HI f'rut .. ~•11111111 hh i<t111n ld••AI Hrn1pll"I -J u•t ott Superior. fur 1>1111•11~ I •1•nt1H" rlll'<lu a l rt~ Ronm for 14 unJIJI. Hl.fh and X·rt!V lab. (Jr olhrr rrnlNUOlonal r1ry P•e l Me .. on.,, ~ Ill!~ Plt ntv uf park1ni.: Pr11't' -tl'rma, SJ I :1()(1 T· I In' ~~~~ ~:!11·~tAttTJN. L~u:s~1t7~~>R PHIL SULLIVAN & _____ oc7 GEO. T. EVERSON ~'AR!'-1 LA::'\1 1 l.Pl\\PO l"o11ta MeaA I 1806 Nt'WJ>(lr\ Blvd ., Coe• ,._ A: Snnta An11 Rl1fg~ harns, Wll· 1acrM11 rrom Coat.a M("jl& BMa' tl'r Wt'll, i.n B• rr~ I''" rd Ill Phone LI 8·6761 S31)oll 11n """"·1t h 2fl'. down ! f:vt-HR1 4:tflll Ll 8·110& .\ 1m1111 .. lh1l,. I•• ""l<.~111n OHA::'\1;!-; 1'tl1\~1' J'HfJl'l-:HTll-~!'; 1 $1i,9r;11 DO Y. N h11y1 d~i1thtlul .._ 18:'1i ~""''""' «n•lll \1• ,11 home :1 hllrn111 . 2 l111tha. natul'lll LI k·Hi:I:.! 1-:,,. LI l<-l)f\;i:I WMd catun .. 111, W,\V, c·~. 11198 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mtllll ORA::'\t:~: <"< IA~'r l1R1)1•EKTll-:S f11r1 P•l "'r h1•111. t1r,plaM. In· ... ,,,~P•I '••r11P111 P"tin. 11wlmmlnr pnol "'''" $ l !1,!fM full prloe. 6 11n Kini.:~ l!nA1l tr"1: FOR LEAS~ Ll 8-7751 -Op<'n Jo'rldoy11 tlll 8 ho "'''"'"' • li111t , • .K;11 k lliw ORANOI'': ("()Af!T BEAUTIFU L nrw Irvin .. Terra('t Closed Satur~ya-lfc r1•1111u l•"I h11111" ~•t"• $1iflM1 to BACHELOR and one Ir: two bdrm. unturn view honi,. si.2011 Two "1111 wat••r '•~I·•~ llpt.11. ShCJrt term end yt'srly. 3 BDRMS .. ·2 bRlhl! YOU C AN BORROW MORE llHi\~r :l•; 1'1)A~T I 'HOl 'f:HTn :s IK:,1 N··wport. rOHt a Mua I.I Ii· 1#132 P:w1 Lt 8-MOI OPEN HOUSE l · 5 P. M. DAILY ALSO, Udo Homtl! anr1 Bayf•ronl Call Harhor 177:; or Harbor 4448. 1 TAKE LONGER TO REf'AY l'Hl1l•t:ltTll-:s Homea and apartmenta. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor PAY LESS ti7 :'\r\\J'(•ll . 1·,.~ta :'-l h ,, LIDO REALTY Associatea Ir.ine Terrace omce WHF:N YOU BORROW I Ll K· IG3:l F.v" J.I X·ti"'11 :141\0 Via Ut1o, Harbor UH Corona dl'1 Mar. 33trc 1 THE -89tfc • I S ANTA ANA MORTGAGE WAY! Hy Ownt>r -~fnd<..'I Home -------------------------.. BDRM Fl"'R;'I: BALBOA. Cire· 200 Spurr eon Bldg. Kl 7-4168 :I bdrm 2 hnth h"nw l.rn .. ·lv 1 •1r· LIDO YEARLY unf11rn b1t.lh homtt H11r ISLE 2 bdrm 11113 plll<'•'. rl'crra1ion room. double 5Cl8 nl'T -;~ ti I 111•1" 1J"~' '"' Ha•·k I garAgr. no peta Win tu rental Vl\nl rrm11•I r,.n, ,.,, f" A 1 ·1111 Har. i:l36-R 'br Hllr. •012. op? LOANS for Homes ii""'-11wtl r1r~ i:111• •I••",,.,.. 2!ii2 c 11.i"11r 1t11v•hor.,•,N.B. carpi'\ an rt •Im 1~ ~ I ":-"1 ·1. I' A T IO. BU{,J • J'IREPL. " 2 BALBOA ISLA :'\D-P'urn . 2 brm lo\\ Pr duple.x. nu:t y11.1 ct and patiu Wmtt'r S7!1 mo ulll paid. lla.r. :'!!1!18·W. 4tfc 48-A--Apt.~~-~n_t __ _ Charming Harbor Haven Apartments . Patios ~EW 4 ROOM, etreet le•·t-1. NMr I'< hool11 11hnpplnl\' d111trtcl. Q uiet, plPR"llnl, •''t(llJSl\"I' 0 Arbage <II•· Jlfll'RI. lntrndry, 11torR.ge room1, i; 1111~r $1<2 OU up. Oc1•11ple1 tn· t I I.. ,, ..... t C..(>f'(l I Upt'r\lllll(ln Mirr 1001 HRven Plar8 I Bl0<k S•mlh of H1irh ~l'hflOI AL.SO H'R:'\ISHEP APTS \\'l'.'\"TER RA TES fltfc 1"11R0 :0.:A n EL MAR •lut110 •rt Furn 1611 month. r lu1 11tlllt I•• 1· .. 11 l.J '-·•Pli . 1>r7 Wl:\TER RENTALS, 2-2 bdrm. horr.,.11 rum nnr bay, Balboa 145 & 140 month Call Harbor 1694·M. oc7 6,.-IO yr,~ Construction Loans Sl 7.54'IO __ Tcnns. 1-:•J>"' 11111~· 11 .. 111gne-I ror outdoor II• ing 3 1>t11 n1 . 2 bllth, Jrtra ~h''" "r t "•rn('I tum. cor. Ao-. •, blk t1••n1 ;-.;,, l'hannel P rlc- •-1'1 t11 11•·11 c: 11 LATHROP, 1fl:J:, E <'•1ut 11 .. ·y, Har. 0442 1-:v,.1 Milo. fd 2 REDRM. H OMI:, C<>11la Meaa P11rtly furn. Yearly 1-$67 month. LI 8-•138. 0<:7 l."NF"CRNJSKED 2 bdrm. home ln Dayllhorto•. lmmt'diately avail· stble on )'Mr·a It'll.ff. S120 mo. ••c;" T homu , R 'llr. LI 8-6027 tsc7 Fl"RN. NEW HAWAUAN l bdrm. hnu1t. Dispoaal. ma.hoc. kitchen. 1roplc&I wall• • patio. Wlntl!f 80 BOB SA TrLER 261$ 1:.AST COAST BLVD. Coroaa d~l Mu ff.arbor "81 Rep. POIRIER NORTOAO& CO. Me\ro Ute Im. J'\lnda IQ. a-6116 61Uc lfl98 In ·1n' An~ NEWPORT 2 BR. HfJl\11-: A l Lr art near Bay 6-l.hlo ~hopp1ni: '"nt"r $l0 !l()O, ltrma. \\'111 t11ktt I'll or T rJ u pa rt paym,.nt LOA.NS TO UUl.Ll.I OCPRUVlt BUY. MODERNIZE, 'OR HOMER E. SHAFER lt&P'INANCI: H•1rl>•1r I Ill We Buy Trwlt Deedal l:v1t Hl\t. 11 .li ·M .11111. 2fi'l9·M NJ:WPORT BALBOA SA Vl'NOS --6 U>A.N ABSOClATtON VIEW H()t.H: 0!'-1 <·t.IF"'F' !iH 1 ... Via Udo. ~ Rar. 4100 NEWPOHT HF.lf:HTS S!IO ph~ utllttt ... Har. •ooo tor -------------- appoln1 mtont. 7r9 TRUST DEEDS tit f'OR SALE OR \\'fLL TRAllE thi• :.t h trm 6 d••n home I'. b&th, vttrv f'On\' k itrh,.n th111 for !Jll' Wll\"TER RltNTAL lkpt. to Junt. rruVATJ.: lNVl:STOR 3 t>.drm rum. S6!1 mo. 115 E. Balboa Blvd. Ovt·ner 3110 He&UI· "r R,,.11, Lnn1 BMcll P>I. 39· 3~97, lpf 6'~ tfl 10'; ~turn SANTA AN.A MORTGAGE CO 206 8purceon Bids Kl 7-4161 6cll optn• ontn th .. fl"'''' <:llUll!letl 1n dlnlnC !'f'tOm, flrt>plRN' flll-h 111 wwll ot l. R W \\' c·•l"pf't.a Or • nf th .. b4t hu111 h"m"~ ,,n <'lit: Or. "11 11wn~r al l.J 8 -37112 r1aya or LJ "·8&66 ~v11n1,,.-. 6'-7 View Lot on 1:1urr 1 J .;;11~ttl1r1ld, 98 f~l f1 nnlf••t" :\"11 :1112 Kln1r1 Ra.d, \\-.•Ml •1f 1'111k 111111111• <Jwner W. f: T1•n~:y1 k, 4<14 I l'Bl'lrlc AYI!., l.1.n,11 fl•'" Ii Trl1>1•h11n11 Lonir Hrtt• h 4 1\11\111 11r 1\1)11°2!!8. t&pll Ocean View ·..: ~:\\' HOM~: • tnrnme or l'l•t t111uv , bt1th h1m111ht'fl P11t10. All <onvll'ntrn• • 11 l'lrl ic•rh '1Jap . ~"'""'11 f 21000 RAROArN ar-, ·•in• 1llnl'""' nrF:N D>JLT 227 ·4 ~' h St • Jll"wptirt Beat-I\. eepu I ----............ RELAX "ST ART LIVING" ln IRVINE TERRACE J'ully fumlahed contemporary home Two bed· room1 and deft -Two batha. Large corner. com- pletely encloeed. Patio with gard~n furniture. Beautifully landacaped. After few month11 of occu- pancy, owner muat move. Price $29,500 l!'!Kcluaively listed with Earl W. Stanley Realtor Shown by appointment -Call at IRVINB: TERRACE TRACI' OFFICE Opposite Irvine c.out Country Club, Highway 101 or Phone Harbor 4448 - Corona del Mar Vogel Values HOME & BACHELOR APT. Excellent location makes thia 2 bedroom home even more desirable. Kitchen ha1 clining area & is wired for elect. range. Attractive & comfortable living room. Patio Ir BBQ. Bachtlor'e qtrs. hu separate 34 bath. The price ia "right" at $14.500-and we have a good loan committment. INCOME UNITS SOUTH of HIGHWAY 2 bedroom. each, modern, year & a half old. Lot.a of We, wood panel, HxH aep. storage room, sep. laundry room· Income: $2700 per yr. minimum. Total price of $24,950 includes auto. washer & dryer, 2 mrig., 2 bit-in range Ir ovens. Front unit com- pletely & nicely furnished, disposal.I, etc. ''lt'a a dandy." Be aure t o uk about the liberal financing. ' ../ ATTRACTIVE MODERN 2 bedroomai, fireplace. patio, BBQ, 20&2• prqe. Attractively decorated. Total price only $13,500. Out-of-town ownel' will conaider a low down paym't to qualified buyer. P leue call for a ppointment. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Hwy., CDM Har.17U Har. 1477 SOLD! SOLD! SOLD! 72 PROPERTIES DURING MONTH OF AUGUST Totaling $1,265,395.00 Thru Multiple Listing Service of Newport Harbor ~rd of Realtors ilO 32nd St. Newport Beach a, .... !'Atat.e NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • ,A6E 5 MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 19SS .. p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Exclusive U you want a lat'ge lot. plenty of light, large rooms and an oversized garag~. here's the :i.nawer! 3 bedmu. 2 bathe plua :l ~ bath in garage. Carpeted, draped. f'urniahf'd by a decorator Beautiful patio. Available with or without furniture on Vf'ry attrac· live term11. $39,500 Incl. cupet, drapes, stove. re· frir. Ii laundry equip. $41,500 completely furnished. Larger Home ' _.. F ine residence on one ot Lido's best corners. Modem :i tn every detail. with all built-in features. 4 bedrms., 2~~ baths, lanai with barbecue, large central patio with tropical planting, terrific master bedroom suite. very large living room and dining area . Breakfut room. laundry room, boat house. Just about everything a family mlght desi~. Price $59,75'> Modern Charm. inclividuality, tranquil atmosphere aU blend perfectly In thia fine 3 bedroom 2 bath heme. You will enjoy every minute in the lovely living room with its cheery fireplace. Very nicely furnished by Barker Bros. Carpeted Md draped. Furnished price only $32,950. Terms. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 '. Large Family 1 Then be ctrtain to see this most attractive home built especially for family or four <'hildren & design- ed 10 mother & father can have guests & priva<'Y· The children even h twe their ov.rn li\'ing room . What could be more perfect thnn thRt ? Nice patio, nict' yard. 4 bedrml· & 3 bathR. Prict"d at $37.500 and with trrms made to fit ~·ou. Ask for J~ K incaid. Shorecliff Open House Picturesque one story ran<'h sl yleo home. Lota oC uaed brick & redwood. Low sweepln~ heavy shake roof-Spacious floor plan. include~ 2 bedr<'oms & den -2 baths -2 fireplacer.. Beautiful ocean view -J ust a step to exclusive bathing beach. OPEN SUNDAY from I · 5 p. m. 248 Evening Canyon Road, Shore CT11ffs Drive by then caU D1we Os burn $1250 Down And you can move into thls cute 3 bedroom. 11 :.' bath home. Lese than 1 year olci too. Rest of all your monthly pymts. will only be S67.50PW:e ~9500 Large Lido Lot Beautiful 50 ft . comer Strada lot _ ........... $17,500 Builcling plan availablt-. Call Bill Farnsworth p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 . Two Outstanding Peninsula Homes! Ocean View • '/2 Blk. to Lido RJOHT NEXT TO UDO SHOP- PING -DOCTORS, SHOWS 2~ bdrm. art. with gu"sl room and hath, lihl. gar. k oom (or fine new home on front of 30 ft, lol. raved alley 110.~oo SB.000 dn. or offer. NO. 1 DOCI"OR'S HOME WITH • bedroorru1 and two bat,ha. Sltual· .rt on 2 large cornu Iota . . . walled for privacy. Badminton court, paUo and ruce.ly land· ecaped. Beautiful carpets and dr&J>('S. $30.500, tl'nnlL NO. 2 SPACIOUS MODERN -f BEDROOMS. 2 BATHS. Ocean v1ew from upet.a.lr bedroom. Le•· llvin( room wllh t'lag1t-0ne fire· pl&ce. Perteet for large ramlly, $23,600, $:1000 down. Bay Front Duplex! ~EEDS A LITTLE FIX'IN BUT WHAT ORJC.AT POSSWILI· TIES. 2 bedrOOINI up and 2 dn. J'Uml.tled. Oaragee. Flreplacea, 1undec.k11 A pier. '37.'500. tenna. 2 Unit Income! U&OO DOWN AND THE TEN- ANTS \VlLL PAY THE REST for thl• dandy 2 bedrom home with a aeparat.e bachelor and cute u UI• dicken., loo. Both fumllhed. Bay and Oce&n Joe&· Uon In Balboa. IHS.9:10 la the price .•• aee t l . 11 BLOCK TO BEACH Brand New 2 Bedrm. home. Extra large lot. Plenty of room for adclitional unit. Only $3500 moves you in. $12,500 full price 5 C<lmpletely furn. units. Fine locatJon. dition & income $10,500 moves y<iu in. $32,500 full price. Top con· Ocean front Homes Completely furn. Sleeps 5. Plenty of room for 2 additional units. $17,500 2 Bedrooms, completely furnlahed $17.000 2 Bedrooms com pletely furnished with new furni- ture. R-2 lot. $20.000 Good terms on all of these J. M. MILLER CO. Channel Front LOT 42.9 Frontare x 70. Bulkhead· ed. With fine view ot boat• ~d beach l li.000 Fun price. Terma. Ocean Front CLOSE IN ON SEASHORE Dnve. l bdrm. big rm11 .. flrep~e. Lg1. plate gkua window•. gar. U OOO On. $100 mo. or offer. Bayview Realtors Har. 3371 230~ W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Bu ch A ITRACTIVE LARGE SHAKE VERY MODERN l.Arge picture window, J bdrm•. 6. lg. bnd < pat.lo. Fsmlly 11.ze dln· VOGEL VALUES 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME Pier and Slip FuU Pri<'e $89,500 BALBOA ISLAND 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOME Pin and Float -Full Pne'e $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM .-3'BATH It MAID ROOM-BAYFRONT Pier & Float -Full Price $70,000 I 4 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOME With Guest Apt. -Full Prire $6:5.000 S BDRM. -3 BA TH -BA YFRONT HOME With Gueet Apt. -Full Price SM.000 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -BA YFRONT HOME Pier and Float -Full Price $57,MO 4 BDRM. -2 BATH -BA YFRONT HOME With Guest Apt. -Full Price $53.500 2 UNITS -2 BDRM. EACH -BA YFR0NT Full Price SU.SO<> 2 BDRM. -1 BAm -BAYFRONT OOTl'AGlD Full Price $31 .~ f BDRM. HOME·-$39.f500 3 BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. HOME -$28,f500 2 UNITS -$34,500 2 UNITS -$26,500 2 UNITS -$22,500 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,500 2 BDRM. HOME ::__·$17,950 . 2 BDRM. HOME -$17 .000 BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$32~ BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$39,&00 VACANT BUSINESS LOT -$24,roc:> MOTEL, APT. UNITS $12,000. INOOME FULL PRICE '89,500 See us for choice property m Beacon Ba7 and Bay Shol'9 Area. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Jaland Next door to th• Poat Offtc• Har-44' Evee Har. ~M • Har. '2.S-R Balboa Cottage! 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. J Harbor 4091 Ing rm., large tile kltchrn with ---------------------- CUTE. NICELY FURNISHED cl LOCATED ON EAST BAY Near the Newport Pier AVENUE ... close to Bay-----------------------~~:r~~~·=:!Jd~!i~ v CORONA DEL MAR BEST BUYS Upper Bay Area! . OVERLOOKING s. A. country 1. TRIPLEX, Completely Furnished Club and a pip. 2 bedroom11 anti A best buy in 3 separate units, close to ocean. Ex- den plua a large tMng room ceUent location for rentals. Thia should sell quickly with breakfut area. 2 flreplac-at S35 000. es. Large gar&«e with a rumpu11 ~ ' a.nd treeur room and ... bath. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT S17.000, U OOO down. Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank ot America RON GT'ffley Al Cornelius Ed Lee 3. Jack Pinkham Joeephlne Webb 700 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS 4. Located on choice St., 1 unit furnished Ii furniture included in price. Consists of 1 bedrm each, dbl. gar .. A best buy at $17,500. Easy terms. LOT SOUTH OF HIGHWAY Yes they are hard to find but we ha\'e onP.! Le\'el, zoned R 2 full price M .500. $2,000 down will handle. Better hurry exclusive with us. SHORECLIFFS JUST LISTED built-In dlnlnr a.res. 2 BATHS, •LaJJ shower, Iota of tlle, puU- man. BeautUully landaoaped lot 80xl50, fenced, private alll'y, Extra large 2 car gar11ge 22x20. VACANT 1 ~ i YEARS OLD, like new. Priced low to sell at $16,500 Very attractive terms. open afternoons. 2307 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 97c11 A REAL HOME 3 BR. STt;t;CO, l;. balh.fl, fire· place, floor furnace•, hardwood floors. 1200 aq. ft. Large dble. garage, Iota of Cf'mcnt, nl<e front and rear y&nla nil fenced and paved alley. All furnlllhf'\t lncludlng Grand Piano. All thb for S6000 down. Drive by 23• Broadway. <"all 1111 or aee your broker HOMER E. SHAFER . CLIFF HAVEN 811 Cliff Drive OPEN HOUS! call for appointment Three bednn. It den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landscaped front and rear gardens. COSTA MESA Arch itect's former home. Beautifully l&nd8caped. delighUul patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA flnano- ing. Easy t erms. Only $14,500 Call LTbcrty 8-2664 (EVN LI 8-70M) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Beach VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE BAYSHORES This immaculate ocean view 2 bednn. and den home. 2 baths, carpeted WW, and drapes included. Yard has s prinkler system. fenced completely. Auto- mat!,c door opener in garage. Many other fine features. Truly a good buy and only S37.500. Haroor 140 ---------------------.....e • * * '(.· MOST WOMEN HA VE SMART HUSBANDS PRICE REDUCED BEAUTY and CHARM till this lovely 2 bdrm., 2 bath home de· 1lgned for gT&elou1 Living. Beau· Uful 20x2& fL paneled llv rm. with lge. flaptone fireplace. noor to celllnl' glua dooni on· lo paUo, IJe. entry ha.JJ • ruest clo1et. din. room, very attrac· live kitchen with bu11l·ln oven CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T . McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. H ar. 47 (Office located next door to Cor ona d el Mar Bank) Who will immediately recognize the terrific value in tht. custom built rultic farmhoU.Be type home. The ideal floor plan feature• 3 epacioua bclrma and den, 1arie cheerful living room with sliding glass doors opening onto the lovely patio and the lwrurioualy landacaped grounds with more than ample room tor a large awimming pool. You will love these and numerou1 other outstanding features incorporated in tht. lovely corner Cliff Ha\'en home. Price $34,SOO -terma. A 1tove, l:lx20 ft. mutrr bed· ---------------------- * * * room. Jge. clo1et.11, m&ny bullt·ln fea\urea, beautiful deep pile W to w carpeunr lhrourhout 1 b4alhroom, too), a decorator' 1 choice of lntere11~ wallpaper• and U:I• UM of hen t.ac• wooden &hutlera m&Jlee for an extreme· ly d elJahttUl 1nter1or. A HOME OWNER'S DREAX FOR ONLY Uf.000 -Tenna. THE VOGEL CO. Business Income CORONA DEL MAR CNVESTOR8 ATI'l:NTIONI Con· ailt.e of e wiita. 2 1torea and • bachelor apt.a. Ch.ck the po9· Ezlcllah TUdor cotl...-So. of 1lbllltlea ot thla nne lnrome Blvd. Corona dtl Ma.r. Older prope_rt.y. 3201 W. Cout HJway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 S395 DOWN DOo:.DlATID POUUSION, ' bdrm.. l bath bom ... Full pt"!~ 110,aoo. 2029 Harbor 9ml. U MTll - (tt... .. ) U 1-4711 or Harbor JOe•M. tlclSh LITTLE GEM but (Nat charm. H u r 1 1 1 T arched llv.·di.nln( area. Won· 'C' HOMAS dertul for enlertalnlnJ. 2 1 Bdmu .. den, 2 ttrepJaC'u . al Realtor ~ at Ill.~. E&.ly 'tuma. l:Jlcluatn &l'fnL FORD 2X W. Cout !ly., Newport 8-ch VDUUN'DD. Harbor 42tl l.Iberty I-IDT •Vff. SO T. Htfc l "C" THOMAS ••c:• THOMAS WE'RE LOADED! ! with Good buys, all Exclueive, In CDM. See theae, One of them might suit your needs. 2 B. R .. 2 ba., HW flrs .. F . A. heat. garb. disp., firepl., paved patio, fenced yd. Only a few llteps to ~lain Bear h. Only $22.950 with good terma. 2 B. R. Ii den home, 2 firepla.cea, bw fln .. Big, Big rooma, plus a 2 B. R. apt. over lg. gar. All on 45 x 118 lot. At lea.at $3000 under rep'I. cost @ $23,500 2 B. R. plus lovely encl. lanAI, lovtly fenced yard, only few stepa to t own. $15,500 with xlnt term•. R. . • t L. STRICKLER, Realtor Dick Rodp. Auoclate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Hu. 2774 Eve. Har 11 37 ·M Har. 2:129·M NEWPORT HTS. \\'ELL F'l'R:'\. ol<Jtr nouse on AllllO. 2 bdrn111 .. large ll\'lng & rtinlng room. breakfu l room and I bath. Beautiful t reP sh&Jl~d lot. Prt<'e $Ill. 7:>11. S:lllOO do"''" Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2502, Evu. LI 8 ·3186 3112 :-.iPwport Blwl., 1'\'rw11ort Br h, BY 0 \\-;>;EH. luvdy 3 bdrm. and gueal houae. Hdwd. rlra.. fire· place. Cement blo<'k wall fenn patio, bar·b-q, f111h (l<lnd an•I w111hlng well. l'lc• realdenlllll dlstncl. near .chool11. R-2 lol11 ReL'!Onllble. Mr. Donovan, l 121) Clay St. 6"11 WONDERFU L HARBOR BLVD. corner. lrnprovC!11 wtth I~ mo. tncome. 116,000 down. ORANGE COAST l'ROPERTlES 1867 Newport. Co1ta Mtsa LI 8-1632 Eve U 8-680J THE BEST Dt."PLEX l lUOO - SH lhle lmmaculal1 attracUve • well located bulldlnJ Jn N.w· port Height.a. A ~al buy! Hu. Ol:le. Sr.I OPEN HOUSE call for appointment 243 Ocean View. Newport Heigbta Stop by a nd see this 3 bdrm. home with a terrific Ocean View. Hu ia~ bath. Field atone flreplu. in a large bright L. R. Seperate dining room, very convenient kitchen. Full Prir.e $2!S.~00. Se sure t o sec this. LIDO ISLAND Call us to see this beautiful 3 bdrm. 1~~ bath hom• on a com er lot . All the modem convenlencea. "ART" ADAIR, Realtor 1666 NE>wport Blvd., Coata Mesa, Calif. LI 8-3792 SHIP AHOY!! WATER FRONT PIER Terrific view home, 5 bdnna., 4 bath.a, wall to wall carpeting Ir drapea included. $49,!SOO OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (At Port OJurt) Newport Be&ch 1J 8-7562, Har. '51.M w• . -- ' I - PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, SEPT. 19, 1955 BAY Costa Mesa Off ice A N D B EACH REALTY -REALTORS CLIFF HAVE~ Truly an Outatanding PROPERTY of unuaual deelgn, a brand new family home full of warmth and cb&rm •.. 3 B. R. 2 bath Redwood Ruatic wtth & kitchen you can't reeilt. Plua a Panoramic View from the rO<Jftop obeervatory. Full Price only 126.500. Let ua ebow you thi.e today! WANT A RANCH? WlTH HORSE CORRALS -dog kennela -large modern 2 B. R. & den home with wall to wall car- peting, massive fireplace, forced air heat, aeparate patio and private yard on 1 ~ acre, fenced ranch close to the .country club. Price? You'll be sur- prised! $16.800 with just $2,500 down ! ! ! CHOICE LOCATION Eutaide NEAR "WHITE KING" HOME. 3 B. R Hdwd. floors. Sep. dbl. gar. Alley entrance, patio, trees. etc. Full price $12.000. G. I. Loan. A re&I value! wm taJ<e email down. LiSTINGS WANTED 1696 Newport Blvd., Coeta Men . Llberty 8-1161 For evening information call: B. DeFir L1 8· 7221 R. F. ~dM, Mgr. L1 8-31~ A. Tietz LI 8-3010 M· Bell Har. 2483-R LIDO ISLE Juat a dandy low priced home. 2 B. R .. lovely patio. Many colorful flowere. Immaculate condition. 35 ft lot -Only $23,500 Very euy terms. Another good one-On Llrto. 3 B. R . -2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot . All the rooms are large. L. R. 24x30. {>atio 23x.24-Approx 2086 sq. feet· This is worthy of conaideration for $35.000 HAVE YOU Th(' desire to live near the ocean with &n unaur- pa.ssed view of the beach and 14Urrounding country t11de -of ao why not look at tht. 3 B. R. home that will stand the scrutiny of the moet. dlscrimlnatory buyer. A home built with emphaaill on comfort Ii con\'enience and with its large playroom & patio - iR ideally suited to entertainlng. Priced to sell fur· nished at $57,500 This two bdrm. cutie hu zip and a flare that you will like. lte detailed for comfort and h88 a 4 1 :! r~ loan payable $78.08 per month including taxes & ineura nce-S4,890 down. Fun price $15.000 THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M H ar. 1380 or LI 8·5297 LIDO ISLE 4 bednns .. 3 bathe, epacioua liv. room & den. Choice cor. location-a wonderful family home. ML 6260 $39,950 BALBOA ISLAND 3 Bedrms., 3 baths -Separ ate dining rm., charm- ing lanai & den Plus attractive 1 bedrm. apt. $11,000 down CORONA DEL MAR Fine 3 B.R. home, excellent location-a good value. $15.500 WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor Park Rt Marine, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 And Associate• Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY A ITRACTIVE year round home on Sea- shore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom Ud 1 :! bath <lown, 3 bedrooms and 1 1 :! baths up. Solid con- struction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car garage, enclosed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 BALBOA ISLAND Delightful yr. round 2 bdrm. home with tnoome apt., dbl. gar .. patio near the bay furniabed $27,500 'BEACON BAY Usro brick. shutters, provincial papers A wood decorate this charming 4 bdrm. home tuU carpeted, cloeeta galore &nd numfl'Oua feature. plua a bay \'Jew. $40,000 N~LDA GIBSON , Realtor 306 Marine A\'enue Balboa Ialand Har. 502 WITH THREE OFFIC~ TO SERVE YOU Newport -Balboa Off ice I / I Bay Avenue-It's Worth Your While BALBOA PENINSULA • To ace thie Bay Ave. 4 B. R., 2 b&tb. home. Forced Air Heat. Nice kitchen, lot.a of tile. Full dining room. large living room. Patio. Owner will conaider trade for Westwood h ome, aame price bracket, or wou.ld take amall beach cottage and IOme cub for equity. Unfurniehed price $23,950 Have loan commitment of $14,500 BAY AVENUE-INCOME Duplex -3 B. R. upper 2 B. R . lower, plua room Ir bath attached to garage. Shows exc. income $6,500 down. Full price furnished $26,500 BALBOA COVES EXCLUSIVE 3 B. R. -1 ~-& batha. hdwd. floors, Sandy beach, -pier and s lip available. LISTINGS WANTED LUXURY AT LOW COST-Designed for comfort, nicely decorated, w /w \arpPting: built-m stove 2 B. R. and convertible den: 1 a~ baths, just completed and ready for occupancy. $22,500 -Good financing. $5,000 DOWN -movea you into 3 B. R. 1 :.: bath NEW home with built-in atove, copper hood, w /w carpeting, patio, fireplace. A real value at $19,000 OWNER WEAK AND WILLING- M.IGHT take aa low u $3,500 down to qualified buyers. 2 B. R., cutie, with large L. R.. fireplace . Nice kitchen, patio -Close to Jetty. $16,500 -Unfumh;hed. . INCOME-TRIPLEX Furnished. Owner will c9n1ider trade local or Glendale. LISTINGS WANTED H50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 T. Cox L1 8-7237 K. Olson liar. 4134 For Evening information call: W. Bradford Har. 0289-J J. Kimble Har. 5335 Gloden Fay, Mgr. Har. 1866 E. B. Chue Hu. 860 M. Chue Hu. 860 R. Te.ller LI 8-3796 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BROKERS -MULTIPLE LISTING BROKERS . Lido ·Bridge Off ice I HOME AND INCOME Her~ ia that rarity -a duolex I hat ahow1 a fine return. 2 B. R. lower, upper 1 B. R., both leued, upper can be available. Locat"<i a block from the Lido Shopping Area on a quiet 111treet. 1 1 !! yra. old. Newly furn. Excluaive with us. Full price $24.000 TERRlFIC LOT atreet t o at.reel $12.500 YOU'LL FIND IT HERE 3 B. R. 2 batha of real charm, 20x20 living room. Built-in Holly range & oven, disposal, fan and many fine featuree. 2 yn. old and J _ block from Nord Bay. Only $27 .500 Looking for a waterfront near Udo! Here bl one with slip FURNISHED 2 Bedrooms SpoUeaa Double Garage $27.500 LISTINGS WANTED 3112 Lafayette., Newport Beach Hubor 364.3 For Evening intotmatJon call: R. C. Greer Mgr. Har. 2999Dick Norton Har . .035-'W W, Lee Har. H9-R Tom Campbell Har. 2999 Helen Baum Har. 1218-W Ann Hutchin.on Har. 2260-R .. Whew!! BILL'S BEST BUYS Houston Values BALBOA isLAND FIRST OFFERING, Small 2 bdrm. furniahed boUM THE Su"MMER CROWD HAS LEFT and the young1ter1 a.re back to school. It wu mor. ONLY TWELVE LEFT Lh&11 obvious that the popular· tty ot lovely Udo Ltland con-Yes we have aold over one hundred of thtse fine llm1e11 to grow. . homes amce Auguat lat. Why abouJdn't we at But .•.• UDO IS AN ISI..A.'l> and thue'• ao much and no mol'e . . . An· other aummen' end hu cata-loC'l•ed another huge N.lea vol· ume of homea and Iota -the 1uppJy la yel further tllmlnlah· C'd and conaequently value ot Lhe Southland.I m011t dei1lnable home- •lte Real Estate move up Yt'l anothrr notch. values like thbl. Three bedroom. 2 bathrooma, large living room with dining room, garbage dblpoaat., sewers, c1ll"b9, guttera A paved street.a. Full price $9,375 with only $375 down .. A LITTLE PAINT And a little elbow greue will cure th.la wel! built two bedroom. Decorate and uve. Hu hardwood floors, fireplace A: dining room. Top location. Be- ing offered partly furnished for only $1.000 down. D 't W •t Full price fumiabed, $10,600. Unfumiahed $10,000 on a1 •••• ... unlll ll'• too late and then CUTE AS A BUGS EAR endulge in the dub1011• pteuure Beautifully decorated 3 bedroom, l'"i bath home of telllng your friend• · · · · on new curbed and paved atrt!et. Natural finieh "Why only a couple of yean ago I could heve pl!'ked that m&bogally paneled kitchen cupboards. Immediate Int or house up for a fraction possesaion. Priced at $9.850 $1600 down. $67.50 mo. ot what they want for It now." Btta1111e ln 1 tha fewh mor·e yptar1 G. I. RESALE you !'an tel em t e 11ame • ory 11ga1n. About "Lhe time In l D:l:J Completely redecorated l~rge~3 bdroom on finest I llllW &n Ad for a Lido L<1l for Hard ood fl d led only $8,000. anrl only a 4fl' Lot street in town. W 001"8 an e&rpe • tor Sll.:IOO. 11nr1 a nearly new breakfast and dining room, fireplace and l&rge home for 522.760. and how I double garage on paved alle). $7,200 G. I. loan on could havP bought a lovely 3 property at present. Full prire $12,950 unit int'ome on Lido for only $45,000 with euy tem111, too " :ow WE WOULD LOVE TO run our ad of only a year 11ir;o. We l!IUd about thl' aame thing on $5.~l()(I. Jut and $16,&00 home and 136.000 Income property. W. A. T.OBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you11 like our friendly aervice" 4.00 E. 17th St., Coeta Mesa Llbf!rty 8-1139 NOTH~G Pl'SHES \.'P \'ALUE ---------------------- like the arrival or more &: more people, The h11ndretl8 of 1111mmer ir;Hel'ltll -frll'ntls and renter• loved every minute nf their •lay -many ha ve boult'ht - otheni hl\'e ret11m1><! hnme with the IJea of rl'11rrangln11: their a!faln1 Ml that they can buy and ll\'e h<'r" too. THE EXTREME HEAT nf the In· la.n<I areu. romblne<I with 11mog 11.nd the dc•nse lr&tflr, 111 po,,h. Ing the papulal1on our wny and rn :l'.tEM'BER thl're 111 Jul'lt ao much and nn mnrP. Tht'ro IS a horn,. nr homeslle on U<lo for you NOW. For Lido's Best Listings Lido Realty Associates 341)() Via Lido H11rbor 44H RIDICULOUS LOW PRlCE or U !IOO acre for M·I acrMit~ fAC'· Ing 2 hlghway11. Reedy for de- velopment. Suitable tenn1 on lhl1 46 acn piece. OR.ANOE COAST PROPERTIES 1867 N"'ll<>"'· Costa Mesa LI 8-1633 Eve W 8-MOJ BA TSRORES, cute 2 bdrm. home lftrgl! llv1ng room, flrepl1!'e, ln- clOlled patio. Oetftched dbl. ir;ar. Priced for quick sale. Har. 29110. IJl'8 DOCTORS HOME 3 bdnn,. cu.-tom, nrepla<:e. modl'm, land· Kaped. Ne.ar Santa Ana Coun· try Club. Call Dr Pffbody LI 8·2069 -2882 Club M"I& Piece, ~la Mua.. ko OUR BEST LISTINGS LIDO NEW 3 bdrm.a. 2 ba. all electric kitchen. 3 car garage. 70 ft. at.reel $37,500 LIDO ALSO Year old 3 bdrma.. 2 ba. & bobby room on same wide street. $34,500 AND 3 Bdrms .. 2 ba. on 44' lot. $31.500 Others u low ae $18.500 AeRES 2.86 acres. 198 feet on Monrovia, 630 fttt deep. Between 16th Ir 17th St. $13,700 45 ft. view lot. ~~U of Newport Har· bor area. Full price $15,000 WINTER RENTAL LISTINGS WANTED DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Harbor 4718 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and oce.n view. • bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 batba. Hardwood It carpet !loon. Bargllin at U5.000. Submit down. BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooma. Pro- t ected patio. Attractively priced at $24,750 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORF.S propertie1. Har. 1775 -Eve.a. Edith Maroon. HYatt •-6222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine A Ye., Balbc?& IalaJ>d I Full Price $6950 on Sapphire. P1oor fumace & fireplace. Built ln 1947. Small l!>t $16,500 Submit down. GOOD EASTSlDE 2 BDRM .. eing, ' Gar. on aJley, only & years old. Room for another unJt on lhl.I &Oxl27 lot. thl.I 1• a eacrtflce! Newport Beach Fumished! OHLT 110.eoo. wtU. aaeoo ...... $10 month on balance. double 1ar. It'• only 2 blocke to bu.ch. 8" Ult.I one today! Newport Heig*s FULL PRJCE $7'00 -2 bdrm., dble. rar. on a nice 60 x 106 lot. good area.. r•t det&.111 on thl.I one ' Westside Bargain! 2 BDIUot.. only I yra. old on a &O xl&O R-4 lot. full price. $7600, with only $1600 down. Good terme. Eve. lnfo. on UJ-..-Call Petitte, LI l ·M87 - Lido Isle 70 x 88 LOT 3 BDRM., 2 BATH BEAUTY only 3 yrs. old. On double lot. Spac· TWO UNITS. Modem 1 bdrm. apt.; older front houae. Show your ability at "do it yourself" $21,500 TWO UNITS LIKE NEW Modern 2 bdrm. houae, with ru~ room A bath. PLUS 2 bdrm. apt. Income $4..800 yrly. eo rr. BAY nl.ONTAGJC., On Little Island. pier, n oat, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is cloee to the uldng price ot S71,000 BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE A VE. $32,~ BUSINESS LOT MARINE A VE. Cl $24,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot , charming 4 bdrm. 3~~ bath hou.e. Dinl.ng rm., modern kit· cheo. disp., diahwuher. lot.a of cupboards and cloeeta. Plue unusued 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car gar- age. Both un.ita all newly fumiahed in Modeme. Ideal for home and income or guest.a. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.ditb Muoon HYatt U222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22!S Marine Ave., Balboa laland -·· loua l&na.J A: patio. Wonderful ---------------------- f&mUy home. Room for pool It dulr~. $37,&00. ~ dn. &% bal. ML 6239. Back Bay GORGEOUS NEW VIEW ROME. AJI big rm1. Restricted areL · Rudy Oct. 1, $28,7&0. See and com part. M-1 Cor. $11,200 16&' Pl..ACENTIA FRONTAGE- btw. 16lh A: 17th St .. Can dh1de. M-1 631/2X290 with 2MO aq. tt. Bldg r«ited al 113&. price - $1&.000. Ocean View Special 3 BDRM. LAROIC OLDER HOUSll on CUit Dr. Level lot. A pickup at 11&,000, E·Z term•. Eve Info. on tllue Lytle LI 1·25•2 Houston Realty Co. & .ASSOCIATES !109 Centu St., Colla Meaa LI 11~1111 or LI 11·7784 REDUCED TO SICLL. Owner 1ald, "Brlng price down. MAKE tt a bargain we want 10m1 one to BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Presents One of the loveliest bomee in the area. Penn&ncnl bay view. Exclusive reeidential area. Three bed· rooms or two bedrooms and den. A house unuaally well built with e.very modern convemence. A patio planted with choice shrub6. Truly a graciouK home! Appliances, including stove. refrigerator . deep freeze, wuher dishwasher. included in price or $52,500. Terms can be arrane;ed. • See Ethel Shirley Exclusive Balboa peninsula point ocean frort home. Four bedrooms, three baths. View of jetty. Two pat- ioe. Only $29,500. Bob Ridgway will show you. The owner says "Whew! We've ootgrown our 3 bed· room, 2 bath contemporary home.'' AcroM the street from Catholic church and ~rade school in Costa Meaa. Very reasonably priced at $10,950, $2000 dn., or will trade for larger home. See Wilma Hough. Good older 2 bedroom house wit h Rtudio apartment for income. Near library. 11toree and beach $12.500. Terms can be arranged. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 enjoy the harbor 6t ~an vtew, ---------------------to live In lhll new a bedrm.. 2 bath luxury home. kll It for 13000 lea than lt.l prtce. Keep It open every day, 1 to & p.m. except Mon. It Tu-. until 110ld." s .. 100 Klnr• Road or Call- ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 18&7 Ne'WpOrt. Cotta Mua LI 11-1632 ltve LI 1-MOa SHORllCLIFFS nMl'IY new 1pac-loue, quality, ranch type home. a bdrm.. 2 bath.I, den. walled patio It IC•· dbl•. 1ar. Situated on canyon. With be&utJful Yi- of ocean • hllll. W.W. carpel· lnf . .A.lJ modem appot.ntmmta. 1 bill. from be&cL OwMr Kar. not -t40 MominS CU.J'Ol'I Rd. kl& - * FOR SALE OR LEASE * M-1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDING, SANTA ANA 21.000 aq. ft. reinforced construction, elevator, all phaee powe.r. 4 in. water 1yatem. Located • 4.2 acru with S. P . epur. Exclu11ive wtth OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. I At Port On:nge) Newport Beach LJ 8-7562, Hu. 5154 evea. -