HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-28 - Newport Harbor News PressPAM•· SIDI.ST llOaTUOY . r..-17 ouca. m&rm. .... « ,, iePi> .. 1111 IE SURE • INSURE .. .,...~ ... _._ GlllJ' ............ ,. ..... a... ...... 0.-... llAr M9'-lit ...... '--- " MUfttf .. ,reved reel ...... ' buys 'irwt Deeda. Holly Visel, expert Ill .fhe ~ of SINGING-TEACHER of AcnNG , ... -...= ~ =~::z.W1,ll .., l't With Wide experience in instructing ell •CJ••· Avall.ble for Pr09ram1 for Hrvice clubs or or9ani1e- tions. c.-Har 26f0.a ..... t :JO ..... s79s . Sorrento _,_ .... •·tto'_. ..... 7VUf klc.a .......... -...... TOMOIUU>W te ._. .. ..-& M .U. TODA'l'I Cbeell U.. _. _.Ill tM dallln.d ..cs..• t&7· a w·erdrobe "Must" 100•1. Wool Flannel Skirts S798 Paupaa tluaMI flDr .... It .. a.r ..... a... ..... ca-.~ ......_ ...... _. 1r1M I ......... ,,* ............. ....................... ............... ............ -....... --. .., . ...,, ....... ..................... ... Mtery Soft Pom-Poms by Foot Flairs Comes in blue •nd black suede ••• in black, blue, avocado, brown and red celf ••• elao in .pi9 skin. 81twwww 'Dlrtft.1 ... ~ --c.w-Gl.ia .... 0,-.... .., ... ' .... ................... ................ c ... c., .... ., _ ''·'' A.. Ce.Ir -H.tl ·~"' Di1fftttvilhed 1hwtt.r door. ••• tpfftCh htrtt- i"9• ••• ch.irt •• 9rec.W •• .tipper ahipt ere •"'v •few of the t..fwM tt..t ......... .. pl••• • RIAL PllND ....... et .... .od1r•t• prie .. 1 I Newport Furniture Co. . ...... o..e..,. ............ u a.ma Clrallatloa 21.000 ............. • H....,.n .... h'hoe, ..... ....... 0.0.. ... llar, 0.- ............. Soda i.s- The NEWS-PRESS Monday, Wednesday, Friday Delivered to Your Home Three Times a Week t Private Pblice • I MERCHANT PATROL and ~ HARBOR BOAT PATRdL ' CALL ; COMMRdlAL SICUllf:Y PATROL Kl i 2-10-n • ~--........... DELUXE LUNCH . 11111 ... -lite .... CHINISI Clllcl AMRICAN DISHD l:tt .... -l:tt .. .. . FOOD TO TAKE HOME Tbe a.me Prteee tbe Yew AnaH CHINESE CASINO 111 ..... 8t., l!lelboe --.. SOc -PER MONTH -50c ---Check ci...anett Dt.Jaa, t<Wout· High Quality Printing-Pit. Har. 1'1' atandtnc bupina ln ; \loled C&l'll. W1 c ..... time oa the Meaanlne at Rlc:hcwd's. H_... of items reclucecl to sell. All items llmltecl to stock on hcmcL Come .. 1y mid looll for tlle Reel Tags. Ever1t•l1NJ for the llome. • ... ..... Price .... c ...... c-. c.;1., ......... ____ 4.95 J.ts Plak Co,._ Pot --5.95 4.49 .AJ ' Pie n. 29c 19c Plalffa ,.., & c... 1.49 tic .. D' r s.11 ~ ,, tc ... aps _ 4.95 J.ts c...... ....... •• ..... 10c .. DryCl1•1 ..... 7'c 49c .Ala • Patio loc:W --·--11.4,-I.ts u .. 1&1 Galwz" ,..,,._ -·-·--1.00 4tc 11..a Wool Paci Holder ---·---···--1.39 91c WllHlow Lodi WecicJes ----------1 Oc Sc Ji ... Im. Pwtty -60c 29c W-4 Slacll & aart Hm91r --.. 1.91 tic l•d1lox&n.... -2.49 1.79 c.-. ...... &·Dec.s.t .. 1.19 69c Stallll111 St..e lltdla tooll set 5 & rwcl 4. 91 3.91 tt... lottle O,.•r & C•c•1r· __ 1.00 69c Ice c,_ Scoop 1.00 6tc Sq••n C• Glnses --.... 29c 19c by.._ l"""4 I• a-9 S1ppl• --·-··-· .. --. 30°/e off Cllair leco.., Kits -·-· .. --.. -··-···-"'-JOO/o off fter'lllOI J.g5 ..... --.......... -..................... --.. -... 30-/o off Al CllalROk -----~··---····--··-··········-· .. ---JOO/o off Au't. Lap Trays --·-····-···--·-·-30°/o off Terryclottl Car Seat Conn -·-···-····~·-JO•Je off ....... .... ..... TY...... IAt Z.tl Palldeci Wood S .. ad lowll ----4tc lk Key Hlld1r 1M ... Aal1011tlc ... ..,,_ 17.tl 1t.tl Beach Equipment D•vy Crockett · Make Your Own MoccatfM Dri~wood Artt from Fla. A11t. Trashcan Unert 'Ceit Alum. Coolcwere w...._ n. ............... ·--··-·········-··-···-n.ts 1t.ts Con Poppen ........... -.............. -----J.Jt 2.4t Decorated llllportecl NapklM -··· • J9c He Dec.-.tecl .. aclaaard .... ·---· -····--91c 6tc Wood Salt & Pepper ..... -.... ---·-·--·--91c 69c lllacll Cat Hon D'OMwe Holder --79c J9c Decora~ed Clothes Sprinkler --... -.. -.... -..... 91c 59c Nat•al Wood Salad lowl -··-.. ----49c 39c Decorated C .. lna Tea Sets ---·-·· .. ·--.... 4.29 1.91 Pac••ge ,.,., Platea ............ _ .. _, ............. _ 17c 10c ••••••• ...,.... ..t ............. -.... -•• --.. --2Sc 1 Sc Wood s ... d S..w .... lowt -·--·-·-··~-2.91 1.91 a. I 9 Forte ---··-···-·-·-·····-··-----·-1.10 69c halll9 .._d Wood -.......... -.. -·-5.95 4.95 Plclllc .... ets ----···~···-··--~--6.95 4.95 Palwted Spice lacks -· .. -····-··---.. -·-·---3.95 2.95 Cap ..... •••••--·----u-•u•-uoo•u•-••umo-uo•-••••-••••-"M 20•1. off lalwcoats for 011tcloor Fwftltwe ... -.. --.. -20•/o off .-Zipper Notebooks ···········-····-····-···-······--........ 10°/o off Ai top····--··· .. -·-·······--····-····--·-·-···--· .. ·-········ 10°/o off La•11 Plastlc Lw .. Kit fDaMa91dJ & tllennos -·~-·--····-···-.. ·-~--· ... 6.4t 1. 91 RicharJ's Mezzanine Sho e .. ... Ude ....... C1 ta ••••" 111• c:.lf. • . . ' '£_~~ , ••• MAlllT WITH SAWE .. Opea tbe 0.. lllda· .......... to.. , ..... allooda •.•...... , ...... ., wht....,..., u.t,.. .. t be eeea. toDdled, a.eel ud luted to be beaeved ••• " So we huffed and we puffed and we blew the walls out ••• Then we dug ·a bole in the mid.le, threw iD "load of car-:fi~ pentera, refrigerators. archi- tect.a, plumbera, electriclana and topped them ott with a barrel of •Ulletrtlona and re- qu.ta from our frienda 'Of the put aeven years ... uwon•t you come la?• We're most amdoua tor your opinion!" • • • OfW"'r..dolStmoitel lac -0, a'SIK etl tbe Kew Bllclaart'a ...r ..._ ..... eed ••• nm-.,,,....., ... ~ ..• wttlltrt,. to DI• JIM' amm oat eW11rT .._ ••• d• ztn.- U-al.,. "9 ...... . ...... ,, .. , ..... .. .very J111 tmrmt ••• • • • Common ••. take my band I don't want you to mi8a a llingle wonder or budaet- booner • . • How do you lib t.be9e new electric doon . • . DO paab. · DO pull, jut Oo.t •.. Let) ro a~ f1rwt and Yiait the new · KMl'0 iae Shoppe, bllidm I bow 1W'D want to browlle .,..tbit 10"-~% off tablea ••• Small..._ trical app11•1M'M ol eftlrJ ct. 11eription. toJ'a. ............ cooking ut.n.o.. cen.mk:a. pt.al Did 1!"l .,. -.... a •lec:tfiw ill ....... 11 • 11 t 80 drutieaD.JT .hd .._a.ow much ~ enla.rpd! All the more room to make anll- able th~ aon~ for ta.. aide a.ad oaWde and all around 70f1Z t.oa. my clear. • • • 1'"e.atM .... lw!tw-. ...... ~, ... ~ ...... , .... ,.. ...... ............. 67 ... .,... .. wt.I'll pod 'rb • ........ , ......... ..................... u.er ... -tWr -= ............. of,... ............ by ...••• _.._ ..... heea .. ..,. flf ' r .- tlte ....... of --eut.cm. we r• • _. 1e ..a7 ~ .. Ille ,..... Mdloa. .:. w .... w,..touw e\'tt)' •ate..,.,~ de- Udlt tllllll ~ • U.. ~ •.. LMll. loq .-. ... ,. ........... ..... ,....... .. .-.. WMla. M -~~lut p. .......... .....-..a. ,....,..feeootl .,....._.. • • • See that ~al OYU there In the delicate.en ... that'• me I ... Won't you atep up and tute my wa.na ! 111 have .amet.blnc different e a c h I fmM mornine t.Dd afterDooa from our new .i.m tablee ... A1J the delicloua, bot, ready-to. •t fooda that an dft&llMd up ill our eatertnc kitchen . • . And doD•t m.iM our new old t.lme delleet.e.en with modern flouriahe9 . • • with t.he traya of wriDkJed oUYea, jan of pickled pto ftet ... Tbe 1Vunt. ol ft ... Bnt. Blood. lktt ... TbUl'tap', Capo- oolla. HildMbft!Mr. Putrami. Pepper Beet . . • all crying "Slice me Mama.. one to a piece of~ ..... JIMt l>efal'tmeat O\'tt IMlre to Ute rtaM ••• ~ ...... n1ce ... e.11r1&t All of OU T9pa ... !( .. \'ork'a are --~t Ill r... 1(.,... City • ~ • , IM ae old tlmee to l'IM • .... ....,.. ... AJwa,. , ... roltl-~ Wlp' II ••• f'bat'. oa.f pelf I I WTb -.& couter .•• AM tM ..._ a..ap of ....,,.,.... ....... ta ............ , ..................... &rd'•" .•• rtpt ......... thf! U. 8. OOY"t. DI 11ated Cho~., .. W• ... Mft oar 0W1J,... _. ..... •v OW1I beef ••• a .... lnOe, u,· a '1,.bGM ,... ••• • • Choice Jlle4l.s IUchud'a FUDOUI Muhattaa llama -kin Leu, Te.ader ud Delldoaa. Dellcately Smoked for just the IUcJat n..-r ••• WHOLE HAMS ., sbuk &ad lb. 59c Batt FM ...... .. l"rr bod, '••eel Ewer Madel Y .. 'D -.JGJ ov ••• It.. 39c GllOU• BllF lb. 43c u. 8. Cltolee --De Pbleat! Twlw ... ,., 7-BONI ROAST lb. 57c v. I. Claolce -Tiie a.ti ..... ., ,,. •• 0-BONI ROAST IA USA GI It.. 39c lb. 63c ...... INeC'ltewk SLICED BACON 11». 63c Phurtb, Teader, ~to Fry, l'Nlla RABBITS L -I [ ., I I Disneyfend comes to Rich.rd'1 to celebrete th• Grend Re-oponint of Am.tea'• fol_. Sui lend to chefs encl coon everywhere. Glide throuth fM me9lc ciooN. IM row aft. NW of p • Barbecued Chicken-fresh from the Rottaen.. Y ou'I cfi1cover some+hint MW ~ _, der Maxwell HMM COFFEE lb.can 79. ' iVAP. MILi(!, 2lor23• ....... e , sea • ts &7 W..I F or tlte flm time .. a .,_.., ....._. ,..._ ••• r"""' "-UM ret1-rt.- BARBICUID CHICKEN 11.89 ..._ .. ..._~ ft& •• la Cow1t17 Ora'7 ..... • Miii MEAT IALLS _____ _ ••• Delldoe9 ......... CLAM CHOWDER -·-··--. . .... ~ 75c _,..lfc SPAN15HiiC1 ---·--,...4tc ])er~ 110,_1•1 8•"19 w ... ..,.. 429 CANNED HAM _____ .. "'· tt• 1-r'• All II.-& ~sc FRANKFURTERS ·--· .. -•'I OA'TME1AL COOKIES . s-... ....... 4t 1mporW ,,_ .._.... • .,.._ 4fte CROSllES JAMS _ .... _ ... _ .... ·-···-·---••· 1- ntt'MDA1' rotato GLAZl:O 6 24C DONUTS rn, Rut·• MRTLETr . 27c · PEARS .!'fo. ·~ can t D001tS ot& n: RENDEZYOU w .............. ... '-J 1 . ..... Dft.,.,, ca..aca ..... . SPF.iOIALB roa-. • MARGARINE _ ,....25° c U.iut. C...,. IM the MW IUcharcl11, now complete in every det•i1. A virtue! Fente1y- ... .._ .,_ focMb. Semple • tut• from the new delieet""" 1tMm teble1 encl teke home r1 ..... f1ifW'f MpertfMftt in Rlch.rd'1. Come 1ee tod•y. Fru popeom & food wmple1. , lb. 59. a.Jb • .bas 45• NA olae l tin ·25c '-..... ~ ..... lkedfau& 91t ..., l'ftMI f -............ "" .. A(, _ __, ..... ,.Olllf ... GllAPIFllUn •D1 .. t1• ="= t11 ,..._ ...... ._,.. ............. AllTICHOllU ... _..., • .,_, -F..._ ,.,, ..... ~ ftWI Y P1I I0·-19· 2 .. 25. P I ;;a .. ....._~ Sit•! PIRSIAN lllLONS A.M. IA1UIDAY S BALLROOM • JG I Jlae •Mp t. Laa Vet•• ..... ··- .. DA~I ,..,._.oar1•• fOM. CATSUP,.._2,. 41c MAYON'NAISI ~ • .._ JM 3tc &iiiStNG ........ -. . .. .. ._ 2Jc ..... 't'lt: IW&i PICKLES ...... u- &iOiJYIS _.N~ ... lfc .._....... 2 ~ 'DUI SALT .~ ,., u- •, Now over 100 feet of 1U.tea..ln1 pu~I Crw.ea food tlaturw featarta1 the aup.i eelectloe of frMea .r~ a. be toad ..,wllere BIRDSEYE .. ORANGE JUICE ........ . .. ···-· ---·-· ..... 2 ror 31; FISH STICKS _ ···-----.. ·-· ····--·----···--33; FISH llTES .... -.............. . PRECOOKED SCALLOPS UDY'S ... ·-·-··-··8-. 27; .. -·-.. 'J--. 49; CHUNK PINEAPPLE 11 •1-. 2 for 29; FRUIT COCKTAIL ---· .............. 2 for 49; MELON IALLS ······-··· .. ·-n-. 2 for 35; RED RASPIERRIES . ····-· 19-1>L 2tor ~ ARMOUR'S READED VEAL STEAKS ·---_ _..... 43; •EF GRILL STEAKS ·····--· ··---kL Jff PORK CUnETS ' -·-ML 49; CHEISDURGIRS '""' 45' .., I M .... ,,_ -O.t I t.r I• 1C S9UIRT . ............... •·pk. Jlowu.s "DeMllllnt ..-al ' A oa.e.. ...... U. 8. No. l Wldt9 ._ POTATOIS Fraa Tidleh to Dlsnay'.-d Richard's hea pvrchaHCf over 600 tickets for rides and fun rn Welt Disney'• excKin9 new Dia· neylend. Given away, lft 24 fam- ily pecka9H, one each hour, from '1-5 P.M. Thursday, Friday end Saturday. Get your entry ticket from an'y Richard's check- stand. Enter the Dianeylend tic· ket .,.rade, nowl &-.... rAOIAL TISSUE ioo·l t•r 2fc VWt .. &ldiard'e .,_.. at ....... •- lrtlMll el IUdaard'e. N-feat111111&' a ...,a.te norte1 .. me. . .,.,........,...,.. ... rs a1a. IMw••• IUTCR&N MATCHES ~ .. , .... ~ PLANT NOW! ,_ Wlllter C11t PloWWI CLOROX iiY'N0LD'S WRAP."25c ALiDniiGENT ... lt. p Double Stocll JSc Doaen ::--$'KO ... ,.-- .. 10 ·~· 3Sc ' w A l OouW 8howr l'.dltioaof Nw,.... Barbor N .... rr.. Putl -.... 1 .,. ,.,.. ...... -.1. '£~;.-. ,., I e9a A I I I 1 ,.... .. wwwpil1I bow ... ·~ .. aMed with I 11 ........ ., palm ............... .,.., .. ....... • • • What J'OQ oan't Ml la a new meat ..-, room ••. w ... t to.,. p~ mut be kept • llttJe W'U'llMr, thu the Um- perature U8U&lly' maintained In np1ar meat retrtprat..r ......... How &ong do JOU want that JM, aide or whoi. beef aged. before we make It l'Mdy for your freuer !" W•U wrap It and mark It ae- oordiDI to your 1n.structlom and deliver tt to your bomie- • • e lea't the Prodace .,.,.. meat pretty •.• loob 1ood ...p to -doMa't ltf So eleaa. eo well-trt&•mecl. 80 .,..U.C ..• GOM .,. ... .......... , ..... ...................... laave )'GU proclaoe tnlcbed ••• llehlad tbe ICll!DM ..... • •• A MW 4,480 ClaMo foot ... .,.... room. 90 ... .. .. ba,J ....... ci-- ........... ble IDfll'Cbue .... at ... ,... boUom prioe ................. ,_ ... • • • 811& ........ ot aJl .. .,. MW 1'laww Sbop • • • NC7W ,.. oua ~· up hn...a ~ Dloorate your chunb tar 7VIS 1Nd4mca. and ~ ,a. brae and your table a ...., ol tlonl beauty tn the .... t • th• rilbl pill.-• • • .Aloq. with yow alll aitlD&1I .Adele and Ha.rry, -Bob ••• Schroeder, tt ,a. want to be formal ••• n.M from managing t b • rrow. &bop in the 81lt£G Hotel • , , Be -.n decorate, with floww.lilre precltion ADJ• thing trom an ~ cup to a ntmm.inc pooJ ••.•. Partie.. he lo,.. thm.I. tatlmllte and UttJe. pud and formal • . • The DOIHdlble put, that '8, • 1 • ror food. 1oe'• your boy, ... l6de in the Delica~ ••• • • • Xow &be jourDey .._ _. ed. Mt we lmow the _. ory.m ........ Wam .U. a Wf 8om. where hl thOM tavemo9 llMe of d1Apla1 CMN Cll' deep dowa ill the hewt ~ t b e m tb8r ft'friir,.,..,_ ;::aro• fovacl 9CMIW'lhlq • . • perbapa It WM ~ ro-'d .,.. looat- lq for lmt anw ltOff'd to ,.... ... per..,. It .... .... ...,.. ;:::: tM&.f'd ta ,_ ... , . ···~J WM a food JOG putt rtlW1 ..,. ......... ft ... IDON t.a • •. e e • Lel'e all remember the r-. 900 for the Fund Fair tWa Saturday at the Rende:nOQI Ballroom ... Put on by tM Hoag Auxil.iarJ, all p~ will go towaro. that mueh beeded wins f09 the Hoec Ha.pital . . . The Fund ,.... la tree and opei from 11 A... II&. ..• Tb .. wW be door prt.. all attenM>OO ID the form <it Mink ucota. mlnk collan and cuffs. A G. E. portable mher from our Lido F.IE"Clric. a $20 Portrait b1 our Walter Ger. hardt, 110'1 wof'th of dry cleaning by Tip Top Clttnef1', not "our." but a da m ed good cleaner ju.st the same ... Plu• a Garbage t.lld Toys. there be ng going on every mllnrtf to amu.e the mnaU fry .•• A Calle Walk, George ( tbe frog •oire I Wina- &ow, Cbawlk aawlk the Clown and t.M ltkl'1 t&Jeat ooeie.t • • • • l'or • •oo 1 sUoa • ... neaJac J'OQ cu d.uoe to Lee arow.. .. and ..., Bott .......... . ............. -.e or a wti*-..:1 fM' t.o at the l>eMert I.an ln L a • v.... . . . AD t1a.1a t .bd the tJ mm ot • W la the..,., wtac •f oar Roac B 1Mtll .. ' PA6E 4 COASTA( SHOPPER ten fr.om the rot&r ef a. irehlcl• WB>NESOAY, SEPT. H, 1'111 dflYft\ by .. ~ Mary r . O.\'la "' .... --· of ........ Stanley Office Handling Sale of Harbor Mesa Unit LATE.ST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS Blft. 11bon!J a.n.r nocna w.-.... PUC Allows II Feny to limit d&)'. n.. cblld nocatftd a T la. .. .,. la«Atl~ "' ... ..... ' r.u ot hla h ... d. Pa..-enr•r tn Use of Coll•llltio1 Tiokets L. W. J'\t.her, prominesr.t Boulh· back yard• for C&Ufornla outdoor l&nd deftlo~r ~ prulde.nt of llvtnc and t.mpM to0m for pool Ula auto wu bi& moU..r, Mr•. Kary A. Ldlu\a. All U.. p.non.1 In U. cw a.r• f'ronl ModjMka., DAN'S IARID SHOP CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY ·i.oe ....--. .. ~ Illa ...... Vs I ...... adtW ......... Ferr)' .. .-tit .. -II ..... mutaU. ......_•pa' II.ad __ , • ., .. Tb&~ .............. Tbe?m'' ...... lore1tze1 f 11• for Bloo• •••k Totals sm ' Annou.QcllJMIU Uiat ... .Jwrs9 l.orent.an memonal fl1ld. _.... 11ehed tor U.. RM era. b7 «be Jal• N-port BMcll laUI a.IM9 Mt Nida r. blood ..nc. ... "' ·--,,...._,_. -branch, totai. "'11, •• 111.&da a.I: th• matl'lly .,..._ ot dlncton ot aouuaern Oranp Coullt)' a.p- ter. , lllr. Lor.iU. ..... nnt d!.a1f'-man or Ule Nawport ~~ M-brand& or 9o\IU... ar-c- Couat)' Cha.pt«, t~ hie ,... tlrtmer1t trom V.15. DlplomaUC .. ~ V!ca abraed. Th& chapter'• pr.rat& ....,.,_ of. .. ot the R.911 lblUd ....... ..... ~- a.I blood center tn Loa Ancel•, •hlcb auppllu blood tr. ot co.t lo a.II JOC41 h09Pital bloodbaak .. l\Q bHn tbted a.t PT&ll, dlr9Cton W•N lllformed. Thi. ptirmltM a re- ductkln ot S4IO In the chapter bud· cet. which ca.rTled ft238 tor that Item. AnolhtT mleUJll' of the 1peclal committee n&m.cl •Y th• waltan divtalOli of Ora111• Count)' Coun:- cJI of community Ar.net.., to dtal with t.U problem ol tr&n11por1.ln.r eounty Jto.plt.IJ paU.nta. hu bee!! 'C:&lllld tor Oct. S, 12:30 p.m. In th• ~ CfOM Chapttf' oftlCM, Santa Ana, It waa announced by Mn. JlllM. R«!mOlld, bo&r4 m1mMr, who h~ th• w•lta,.. dl...telon of OCCCA. Th• commlttM up.ct.I to eompl•l• a pla.n tor cooperatl.ft actl• by •«rloull ~1-. -1t9 ..... ,,.. ~,... tund ,_ eut .... 1tai. ftood dl.-.llt. '1ctllN "°"" totals Mfl(Ml.07, &nd contrlbUUOIYI atUI are tncll:Unl' 1111, a.ltbOqb U.. tund drtn balled .am• uma ~­ All f'wldll 1"9C1Mir«I wtll b. tcnwanf· ..S to UI• Nau-I Aed CMM "'9- uter Fund, It wu .utad. An oneataUoll c~ tor Red Cr'* Yoluntaw11 tn •ari-_.. •le• t. ..t tar Sept. •. • ._m. to noon, w1Ui llddiuo.a.I ortenta• Uon l'cir ,n.y ladla, 1 to I p.m. Volunt .. ni not yet N,ut.end w1ll be tnt~rYt.wad Btpt. n and • at chapter h-.dquartera ta ... CA It.BL co.nm.ltte. ~-aQd -· Mr11 ,.., ft&m.d at UM ~- Edward T . Hee.I)' ot Jrf_,.....c 8-.c:h t. a memW of UI• ---Uva commlttM. · For Complete MARINE NEWS •ad MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE SECTION Prlcl., Ntloll NIWPORT HA.llflOI ·NEW·S ' PRESS • • -.. ..a ~i. 0111 the ......... •• CIQ ... I •·IW& f'Wl17 ----··•..t.sa.ttda. herlOll, Sh1:1• B and K Homa. Inc., announced lha appotntment ot tll• krl I tan· ley office u •:itclualv. .. , .. .,snt tor tl'I• "Harbor Me.. Ranch Jdtdl_. with coppt>r taia aAd hood-. bu!ll·ln rV1(e lllld o-. rarbac• dlapo•l., alderwood calt-lneta. rolled and covie<I formlea BALBOA THEA.TIU: al.DO. &PPLL\NOEI -ll:o•1•.W ................. 6 : -- dralnl>oa.rda. The.. homq fM· LU..BOA Parlll -o-J• -...,.... • ., ... fUIJly, ud .. Now at R••••• HomN". Tb• dtnlopml':nt, fl ture atra .. , .. , alu Uled allow-0,-~ ...._ ........, UDO &l..&Cl'IUO c1U1tom atyled hom ... •re located f'l"ll, J.ua• watll·ilt clolhea doMLa, i~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;ii~;;~;;;;;;;;~iiii:1 NM "'-UM -...,.... .., .......-..11..-.1-u. on C&brtllo St. ti.twe-en Irvine wall at• tor U.. tire protect.loll e.nd Tuatln Av"·• eo.ta Meu.. ot v-.Juabl.I papen, cLlaUQctln 'A'tJTOMOBILS DSAl- ................. ..,. u.ru-Twa uw ~ta from New- .... ...... .A..t ...-t. -of pGrt a.ell. ~ at UM Un!· .......... , .. __.. ... ct.ad. "9'91\)' ot' RAd~ iut waall.. n.taer au.ted, ·-nr.e !!t&Aley ot-tlr.pi.ac .. , IM'lKt hantWoo4 tloon., ff-~ U9ld Care ~ .._,,_.. 11t 1•-u TM)' ..... ~.,., .. IUcbard .... ..-. ft09 ... M)9eted, to repwt UN Individual attenUon to harmori.la· NICIUtllTS 8TUDl'94 •U ·--ol Oaof'p T. l:"'90ll, SIG Ml• ror thl.9 wbdlY1116on bec&u• lnl" color• &nd deoonUon, heavy S.... 8ervkl9 ran. · otU19lrlonc1tandln1'lDlM Boulh· lh&ke root1, Uld m1t11y olheT out· Mia NMfP"rl .,.,._ -llar. 111 .,..... .A.. .... --el U11 ...,., WMlll s•alM •t- ~ .... -" Balllaa la-.... -=tilt ........... to ,,.... ..-.. ,_ •1· of oommute ....._ IOI' disb'tbutloti ainonr -·..-a•ten. 8"ll •Id the PNCdea ~ bl. rennue ~ &ad Oala)'s to ac:Mdulu. Ti Hen fir 01 V\a Doll; ...S Aaf'Olll •IMITW • '606--attll •t. Evenoa w&a 1J1'4\WLWd. from N1wport tta.rbor Vll70G Htch School a.1u1 Ml• •~rrll trom Oran1• CO&At COU.p. Rollert Hleld, Mn. IMldy Attend W- Rober\ Hiald a.nd Frucea Bundy 1.aAd, and lhelr reJl'tallon ror at.an41Jis t•lul"H too numero"9 -1• of quality nou.a1ns. 'nleM to mention. horn• l!iaft bMft bUllt ln an area Tb• ft&Jlch boint• •t• dtt.1(1\.cl •P9Ctneall)' ~ to border all to r.O~t UM per.cmalitlM of Harbor acUritl• and ncl'MUonal U1elr ou:up&n.U. Jtii.tertor dt.tlru:• f..:illUM, y•t fr. from t he con-tlveneu ls achtlved by Uiou(ht- c-Uon of tM bMch art•. W• tul dt•lp tnr. color vatlaUona, ln- haV• uited only product• tt\&l dlvlduall.r;ed laruiacapinr and te:it- h•v• mtl Ula m09l rtgld quality ture contrut In buildln( mater· atandard.t and UM flneat work· tale. . of N•wport Ba.Ibo& Savlnp and . Palit•en' Tail for 25-1 Wia Loan AUOC.ia.tlOn of N-port Beach were la Cblcqo recently ~p avaUable. TheM three The Interior "'P•raonallly" for &114 t our-btdroom homt• with • moat tamlUea ruultl from th• livtablia area of 1800 to l~ 9'1-tutd\ll •lectlon of tunUlbinp fl. er• dqtped for th• jwtlor Mid bl.ta.lifts choiot d~Uw eucutlH and are within th• acc.uorl• or judlcloua -of ~ FRJDAV1 NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P.M. price ranp of th• moderat• bUd· .,ac .. and oolora. vr~ A ll pt. Th• born.. now open tor In-L ._, I d II Tha ·-•.n 1n contemporary specuc..,.. ata.tt•b7 l:6rl et.an-Par11;in9 Tic11;et1 Ve idate , A to auend th• operaUOIUI clinic of tba Amt rlcan kvtnc• a.nd 1.a.n •lyllnr In a re.idnttlal area I• ley ,.......nt£U-. wtth tM Senta Ana PerL1"n1t Lots what B 6 K Homea han In-_. etttc.~~~-~ ... ~~·~·~ ... ~~-~~·~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~I~~ OllAlfG&, ~NS) -Ora.nge tnatLlute. The tour-day tr&ialnc KIP khool'• ant.her, were con· ae.Uton In .. ccounUn1 and cu.a- ~1 tam.Id l'rtdAJ nlcht fol-tomer .. rv1.c1 pra.ctlc• le betnc oorporatad Into "ll&rbor .Iii-bOllla OD lM -.WiTWoll- R&nch Hotn•"· ni. be&uutull)' dMl(l\ad llomM 1t,._ comtort-loWlq .... def•t at the hand• attanded by u.vlllp ~· -ol UM Tv.at1a Ttllft• tn the llt1er of ti.a lMI srid nc• at Chapman CJollop ...... 11'9 Pantlwra held th• '!'Weni to a 0-0 deadlodk throug'hout thl t'lrwt period a.nd tot .tarnetime It appea.rad u tllou&'h UM Ea.ton· It.. mlf'bt pull • totally unlooked tor eurpriH. ln the Un.iOlll •. .::~;;::;;-;--;ab~l;o;li; .... ;;;--wl~tb;"";;"":;~·:;;;;f-==od=, J ............ , ·a1 .... , .... ju.nklr eaeouu,, .. t~ ••Pl' .iata But aa.rly In the MCOnd period STAFFORD 6. SON ......... DOC" a.<JTUOAL ()C)lfft£OIOU ..._U..V~DH .,...... .. _ N..,.n ..... Ole Ttlltn broke the ecorlftl' tea I I~::;~~~~::;=~==========:;;;;;;;:;;~~: I nan TaHtie.cil: Robert RlVt.11 bull-I; ..S OTft' from the three yard Ila• followinr &n 11 ya.rd harldoft from Fullback Jl'rtd Searle to riiht Halt Paul Coron. to Rlvaa who ch&ritd the ball to the Paa· t.ber U . "'1TLU llCOll& lhoruy a.tter thl• and toUow- lnf a t'IV9 yerd pu• from Searle to Corione. RJ ¥&• charf'd ~ w:lth UI• lllltlal llCO,. of the alpt. Tba eonveralon wae mlNed -d tha TWen Wljoyed a 41-0 IMd -~ a.I. Ulla polnt. SOUTH ~ORST conSTRUCTIDn co. IAllr bl th& Mm• period lttvu t.omed a. pa.a. to S-1• •ood tor ll ,...... a.nd the , Tiller• bad -"'''" ""' tlm• "" <0•· RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL ftfl*Ja WU ftlCC8&lUI when End Bill V&u.clul bootad Ui• bll..ll NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMAIJ. throup tl'M uprlchta to ct•• Tue--•• u.. a 21~ }aa.d u Uta halt ended.1]~2IO~~·~-~~S~L§.~N~owport~~~·~-~·~====~·~-~-~~~-~~ll LONO HANDOFF Sul)' ta UMo thlrd ,.nod .. 3$ )'t.l'd "-doff "'-. Rt,... to "-'-a.M a. et. ya.rd pa.a from ...,... to Rl,,.,. aJloW'ed th• dully 'l'llatJn tallb&ck to cl'l&r'(• * .--11•n1nr ..._ )'a.id& tor Lb• _,. UMI tJM TU!'" Mid a 1M .... -u.. puUMn late ta Ute Wrd ,....n.u. AVAILABLE NOW EBB TIDE WllJI the aioni a mere 19·0 wiu. Onnp Gii u.. ~I •nd > crt U.. ta.117 tha Pa.nthtt• finally JUt ..,. d1l't ln the ia.t period _..._ ftopr BaJi....in. blocked Trailer Park -attempted Tu.ua punt on lM 'nn. 1:1 T&rd Un•. 'l'IU9to pl&ya laLW rutlbaell 1'rank M.adowa .,-,Md °"" lar the touchdown. ht.a MllJdoaado. pla.ylnc: with a.n baJu* band, booted th• aw.tr& -c Mllc:C-TrNled fw Crwslled T- e Fro~ Centrelized TV e Children Welcom·e • l.er9• Petio1 e Spec• for Cebane1 e T elephane Acceuible e Popular Price1 e Excellent View Oceen Breeie Antenna v . ._ au.ccartar, tJO Docwood I t.. C:C.ta M-. ~ Aal'll• - pa.pw lha.n. 1a ~ to be c1otnc W.U at Hoec HOlpll&l where he wu i.Jlm Thundt.7 ~n -.J. tar be~ •truek by a cu °" th• frMWaJ n-.r Norwalk. • • Location only e couple To. of one foot ..,.. bn)lllfl and cnaah.tid and It t. •Ull a quutlon u lo W!Mther hla rt&'hl ch.Mkt.on. le fnt.ctund. BHld• that ht. taca and body •~nerally are Mdly of minutes from bay, beach, ocean, boat remp1 and fi1hin9 pier1 -Ell TIDE TRAILER PARK Ralph Lamb, Own~r Ca.ta Me. N·OTICE THE SURF FISH FRY Owned and Opereted by Bert & Jo Uoyd of Coste Mue Serving the 1eme Fine Home-Cooked Food So Meny People Like * Our Specielty * Jae•• SMh:+ .... '• Clllps T~ Meat D..._ A11c1 11:• a.-. -'T :SO p.-. ,DlllJ' .......... P'""- e IXTU e il JOC OU .t of Slartmp. •1-h or 1181 Spodol for .1.00 ......,_ Cotf ... T,.. ... ~rt -Oaffd'• P'I•~ 11'M9 I p. m. ·w <'.Joala.1[1: -d .ii ctay Sunday I utwrty 8-1421 LADllS SADDLA OXFOID ................... ....._ .... .... •C "'KITE BUCll 81 .,_ ......... A TIENTION! WORLD SERIES FANS le our guMI for the color broadcost of the world series ... hav• a NHrvecf Mat at our ltoN for all the games. RELIANCE Proudly Presents THE NEW SENSATIONAL ? HIGH FIDELITY :.. MOTOROLA TV FOR 1956 ·-- Y•, -...la It RIGHT UI' FRONT again, bring- lf19 yau more than you -Id eve. hope lo find In a Televltlon Receiver. Real High fidelity T.V. • Sensational Performance e Picture Perfect e High Fidelity Sound • • Right up front lunlf19 and Exclusive Push lu"o~ on:0ff Switch • Alumini~ed Tube • Tinted Ian• • Ughted Selector Dial • -utlful Stylinv Model 21K31 e °"'11eoU1 Cabinetry * 01w ......... All , ........ .. * 11111 Trllll-ln Ill lhn--fuy ,_. * StH n 1 lll1l1•1r 1111 1 ... tn 1 U..,.I llft * Dlsco11t II SerYln "''" * o,_ Slllllfl--1"'1 Enllq Ulllll 1:311 P.I. Home RELIANCE Appliance Service Co. ZIOZ •· 11111 ST. s4tt Tested end CoMmeoded by P•rentt M•9eaine UITlllll HL'S STUIDY MOCCASIN ec-.. ~ ........ ---- Kl 2· 1658 Kl 3-7100 s3" .. ~ll Calf -,. S.fewr -Cesta Mew ·~ ... $599 " BANKS Baalr of Alfterlc• NT .a BA. """ Via Udo -Hv'or ... llABllER SHOl'S UDO 8HA \'ISO llUO la ~·· 8t.o.,. for Ill• Mii , .... Ud• -~ 1111 BEAVTY PARLORS LIDO ULON or IUC.&OTT hl6 Np&. ...__ -..... ll'N BOOKS BOOll OAU M l t V .. lJlh -Ila"-&IN CAlfEllM & 8appllee VDIOENT UDO Da'CJQa MllV .. U..-......__ CABPETS II. DBM'ElllD DICll. llAOJma MM va. ''1• a..w &Al CATEBING aJCllAJU)'ll UDO M•MST Ital Via i..w. -...,..... llN Ololldac-<Jlllldrmo & -IEar8 OF LIDO ..... H_...,.. ..... OLOl'llINO -"-'• &elal amwzu:e IBOP roa amM MllV .. u..-.....-.... CLOTlllNG-W-•a ..... LA OEINE aeeva.~••• 1.100 FA81UO!Q NII Npt. lltYf. -...... _,, 8HADDC»Cm'8 Nll Via U.. --._ lftt v.a.o...:nm 90t7D Importod•-Mll VIII 1* -.......... DBUO f'roRD VINCJENft UDO MtJ• .... \'lla u.. -..... - EL!XlTBIO OONft&Ol'Oa UDO PJDCplO NHftaU...-...._ ... nAIWEll8 ........ u..••-n ~"i:ti::"-~ f'l}VNTAIN, GlllUo VINCD!TS UDO oauoe ..... ""U6a ----... nLUIJCIJ & ALll1JMB on•••rrr ncuroe INJ.t n. u.. --..... ..... FIJllNrruJlll Dl<m. llA..._ MMV'-U..--..- GDTIHOP lllCILUP>'li UDO •4 MPT MllVlloU..-..,.__ INSUBANCJ: AQlllN'ft W. O. 9t10-.. OKI. MllVlllUN-......... INTEIUOR DIXXllLUOU llLUfalll rm•e++»r A.LD. MllVlaU..--...- DICS. MW--. .... ... ~----­DOW c:maGB'Oll &.. L a. ~ ::t:::'--- llAUJ:l'S U~UDO••Mft Mll .... l.Me_....__ PHOTOGUPll llTIJDIDe OEaa.A..&Dr n'UDI09 NJI Via I.Ma ---.. ... KEAL J:STAD: LIDO u.&.Lft .A..llOOlA.'lm Udo W.. 6 "-t&l.9 MtO\'laU..-......... P.A. PA'Mlill DIC. .......... _...__ VOOEL OOI0'£1A' ..... Viau..-......... ....... AJfD amMll DAL'l'I' VlaUN ...... otlla nu.........,.--.. .. SA VINOS II LOA!f MllOCIAl'IDllll NEWPORT a41m4 UYllfM 6 LOA.._, &MOO•-- A Bavtqa !MU.._ ~IT-"-IAW vi. J.J6t -.... - Y:llVICI: llTA- uoo •lalt'mLD llUlf~·· .. -- 9HOE8-llM'• BIDWELL .. ft'OU ... -M19VtaU6t----- IHQl'JI. WOJIEN am.re or O.ua'Oll.Jft6 Mlt V• l'lr m& W LIDO...._. ... """""' .... ,..... ... --vi. u.. .. ,...... ..- ~111& l'OYll UDO TOTUXD 1'41 v-. Ula -a.rM. .. ru VEL AOl:lll(llD HA..llBOll Ta4 VJn. .10....,,.. Nl6 N_,.. ••&. -. .. UPHOLllTDINQ DICll IU.C&l:ll Nft Vla U.. -_..,. - W ATCR BEP.US VUICENT9 WA'IN9 .. 6m LIDO DaU°" .... Viau.. .. ,• • State I••• 11 Lilli .. a&c•u•eNTO. '(CINI) -•I>. D ........ .c.&e ftll ...... eom• HUGE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ::~a°'!°~~G:.! DEVELOPMENT PLANNED FOR COUNTY A.:..~,:~-=.".:==.:: .A.u,u.t ot lUt 7.ar, aeoordlll1 to a ,,U. ~ • Trut .... .,.. unrn•rll l .... vi PrOl""IOtetn L•11+ a -Lffious ...... eouW .. u ~ •th• eo. "~ Tnl& '9ed .... ---.. .....,., .. ,. UM put .. ...a ..... ..,.. ..... to HI ---·lliill ~ IOUft* too. JDODUl .,.. a-. 11p 6M ,_ -t ..._ ., 14w1._, --~a .... IU X.-. .._...._ --A. for Wed County A Al.lmd~I t.be m«tlng ,..,.. u4 N.U per oet °"" tM ,....... • .,.._ l .. upwt ...... ......... rea 14 wert o,..n,. Count y land· 'nle tot.&l nlue of mortpc'elf ... ti\IK ..... ftW ln W'a'-• • • • ,, _ ... ... ownen. b&e UMt r • NEX'l' 8E8810N .A.qwt wu fN,1tt,aNJ4, mon Uaua dou c -el ... .-& ........... .. 1111 000.al IUOA& 00. PUIH Next meetlnl' of that l'fOUP tr .A.uaut. ltM. nu, loeae Ned ......... IOI. ...... 111 ... ._ a R..,... ...... eAaD8!' OAOV .. (<>CNI) 'nl1-project S. allio betn1 put Oct. a a t 7:30 p. m. at 9701 la July uid 2M bl ·~ ltlM. TM ,_. Wiii& •1 ,.._ ... ...., wortred .. f'l'OUl t.oret.ber now and la YilOf'O\Llly Garden Groff Blvd. ln Garden ..., a .... -R...,..rt fem ~ ._Uaued t ~le MIAJ· P\Wted by Cbule1 Ti.&t· Gron. DESIGNED TO FIT JlhC.1 o.m.a D. ~ aa• .... .....,. erMUq a YUt D.W cher ud oUlel' executJvee of Ana· (f) 'nle fourth pl&Dnlnr move• OU.. T. W•a"1. '* OIMt ,..._UU Ud eom•erct&l area helm lupr Co. which controlt t 1 . h ... ~ ... th Wnt-------------- --' County Mcked &Jmoet JOOO &en• In th• ,.eneral men • 1pear ·--.. ., • Ids Offl Jl'w7.1 ......... a -·It" -.. • .... °::!"... ladutrtal d.. -IOUUa of the trl-clUtl. A mlnlrler ChTJnber of Commerce Architect Mo ce N.wport lllM.1 ,.... w. IA9o ~ t ~ Mlq t to-••U•aD:r lmowa lnduetrtat plan which hH had talk• with vartou1 W. IMO w. 0.. ...,,, .r-. ; :.;a•.., ,.,!.,. IN:: Oe. U.1 oouern le worldnl' on ~ iuney ipec:l&llat.11 lnc1Udl.o1 the W. N4"ll. .. w. ... It.I •••1 .. 1 '"'-" llOW &Jotir with Southern Stanford ~h &TOUp. t c fonn t T I a.... D. Pwc• Ill-IQS W. l'Mllftc lt&Qn&d lntereat Another trt-elty outaldt l ha 0 on 0 ... a n Ollut ~ .... M ..... .,±~ --::.:"ed"cl:r~ ~::U ..,. (3 ) The w•t Orange. County chamber (TOUp 11 aiao Inure.led ... • llCll ..._:' • .._1 ...... x. .._ er u I' one dnelclJpmanl fQUndaUon. a com· IA this monment with an eye v-. au Jf~ •••'-1 aired at a m•et:s Monda~ a-pl•tely voluntary (TOUp haa an· to developing th• weat Or~ce By PllYUtl 1. lAOIUON l"O\ll1l redwood t&uk wltboul W-O. 1f....a. -•...-n ~ br'ouPt • WHl r&J\I• nounced alma of fonalnl' a Sl-aq. County lndwitrlaJ, rNidenUal and Wben Arehltec:t J . Herbert rattera. lat.nor puellq La ti -.., · Oluat;J denlopment fou~dat~ ml. city fron Bola ChJca to commercial potenllals and form· Brownell Ulousht of bullding a walnut. ndW004 u4 ar wldl a ------------ .... ..... wtUl a hope 0 pu Hanor Blvd. uid betw.en WHl• lDs a course that may lead to new office r It t , be ·lhopped -s>ot of wallpaper ta ~ batb. to,.ua. • 2l·.q. mt. Incorporated JDluter A v1. and Wlnteriburi tuture Incorporation of t.ha JTe&t-around the Harbor t.tta for th• n.r. are eouat« ..,..... vi ....._ .A.n. on the aouth. er trt-cltlea att&. right 1pot. formed JlutScl. marWe aa4 ..,... Ma.t ~ raac~ of au fo~ Phil llolaad, Gude Gron d• OaJy detlnite uUOA toward It w a 1 an outcropplal of wood to eefft N aampl9 ., I •-•• =tlopment pM:ltaaU •elopv and B•rbert L. v. Cot· compleUon oa there four develop· larra, projeeUnJ, eroded roeka dUfennt ~ ~ la .. Jll• I ltqu c!n the .ut f~. WMtmiJltller land uee ,.,__ meat project. that la -n at lh1I belilde Oout Highway w ll l e ll .A. wall • ~ ............ r w.t llMS= d ~y are~ claltat. put t.h• organt.u.Uon t~ Ume la the bug1 tract project Nlllled lo beckon tor a m&al1 Of the ... ·-11 ft? .... Wldau _,,.. -·· ~~· opman t gether with hope. of represent· menUon u pM:k&i• Cl) above bullcUnc utunJ to t.bt lltt to etoft WU ..,. .... e. .. ,_, .,.,_ --m ona 0 Jal th• ludowMn before I"" U4 the enormcnu Industrial pro-perch b1p on tbe l'OCb ud Aa Oriental ..... • -atll ~Ill J4l1' -=~an~ tr'Dftl•tal arenet .. Oil matteu mm m enUoned In project (2). owrlook th• bay, 'Aleo, tt wu a ~ an outM. = Ml Ak ~.-.. •• ~.. llUCh u roada, IJDIUng and drain· 'nl• oUler plan1 for wul Or-~ to Brownell to dawtp thnUO _..., I ..,_ __ .. _ -' .... an1e Couaty nmain only ln the rometh!A1 whlcb would uUU. from tM caai-.-, · ,,.. .......,.. .. , ,-ck.... .. aroma Bolud and Cott•:r "t.&UdnC' or "conjecture" 1tate w. \lllvual .. tUq t.o the t\11.-llAXDltllll na·~ tll97 ....,. llP Uall ... k an U would haft rtpt.11 to otter for ar the focu. of all l outh•m Cal· l•t. ft1e leM-.,e wu -~ ,_ llUowal Ml• Ult lud lo the ludowntn ltornla i. more and more turned lllJll'L& llAftll'AI• •••-........... ed ....a- llAD JllOl90'I' &a the orpnlaU. alt.boup the on the wut Oranra County area. I l mp 11 matert&l.m. lloM9UJ aua •hH•••t el 0. MtuRI '(l) A~Uo deve&opaaerat u.ed, tonn Uae entire .tnaotuN . .at.. ~ -. lulu:'J1 5 ~~~~=Mesa · Church Folk In Sult ~n ~°'~ =· = :~-::.:.::: .. rtpt now la U.. .US.. t.o ft• ncepUon room Ud. out• ~ pl&ate lato _..p&Wale _. turn 2000 &CNll ti .,.. lum o p pert c t I rtde noortnr i. of handformed pc:19lt1on. fte)' •ppear lo be~ =:to..;.: .. :.~::.: ver ro J on ro ~~k:u::d~l~:e:.!.:t·~:::: ::n;obu:.. ~::· ~tnAW ",MINMret&l center. SANTA ANA <OCNS) -A Wfl' h.oldlnp. Ttle plalntl!fa claim ,,.._ pl.U would permtt &and Co.ta Mua church dispute wu lo OW1i the Jl&nona&'• at 18:1 Cos· ...... W ...... ta U.O '"9lop--rouabt out la tbe ope be.re last 14 Meea St. a.nd the main church -\.I\ II Mtntl1 ..... ~ wee1t In a dealantory relief MCI preperty. "1 the Jlomt ln'Nltmmt Co.. quiet title action tiled In Superior The plalntlft1 auert that Bake.r i.e.. .._., .. ,.,.. ef lha Court by tru.teea In the Church wu hired u dlurdl prea.cber Oii ..,....., Lee .\!'-4"91epmant of Chrllt of <Arta Meaa. l\IM 1, llM. One ol Ua• tenu, el Ulat eommWllt;J. PlalnUtta la the 1uit are Georp the compla&nt ~. wu that Ba· • L I 0 0 7'rtc.~!t.' NOW SBOWDJG ENDS TVdbAY Mesa*1 l '~ir.O • •1 COAST Al SHOPPSt WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 21, ltl5 Opening Sat., Oct. 1st It.ht ._..,.. 1 o •a Murdy, o . Unck, Hanry H. Poeey and Ur woWcl be 1-.d the pano...- _. ol ...._ ~ and th• K•1"'• t. W)IJ~ Tiiey urert that f• a on.71U' ~ ot hi. •111· Lras Beach denlop&Dc firm ex· N lnuteer Ulq allio repreH11t a ploJll*lt. ewtt .... contlrmed to OCN8 that ...,.,..,.uOll o1 m•re than eo per· OOUllf'l"£a OLA.DIS tM pl.u la acUft17 MUI work.94 -. AIUlouP bSa emplo71D1Dt wu • Ana.helm ".::.-" Co. i. al-. a HIUMd delendcnt. are Putor t.mlaated May 29, th• plalnWt. ,..,t ot Ulla P 'f.-ll&Jter Jr., O&rland I!:. (;or· claim Baker 1tayed on at the par- FAl•RICS (2) A tu • nadllll1 ~ dclll, t..07 Pf»q and Ferman JI). son'&'• even beyond an extenalon '"•lopmtnl plan i. • top "1°~ V....U. of time. Tba paraona1• rant.II for 1'1 In the 1&111• ....,....i area .. LEAVE FOLD! tT5 a month, It wu contended In tM project abo•• 117 the A.JI&. the complaint. latim 8upr Co. u chief denl· ftt defllldant.11 and other-a U • The defendante auertedly con· .,... Oil U1e MW ladu.trtal cell• Mrtedly hav• broken away from t~nd that beclaUM two--Wrd1 of ter ,_ °""11• OouDty. the plalntitt cburcb and rel up the dlurch uu.ie. tnuuilerred, You Wiii Rnd Best In You Need In WANT AD PAGES .. lb•ir own l'J'O\IP and are boldln1 m .. Ul\p la UM Ode r.uo-Hall, ~ dlu.rch COl'1)0r&Uon aMWd be eo.ta .,...... moved WIU. Ulem. 'fte pla1nutf• contend th• d• •••••••••••• ........... ._., !MlpM llUPJO't UM ~ ot Clu18\ eorporaUoa ..._ llq 21; Ml' Mn Uley at- ._... rrrtl ... ta UM •tardl al i-. -°' ,.,....._ Md Cbllr1ila llt&. Tat. ~ to the eompl&lnt. the def_..\.T all4p ript.11 In Uae .,... .. a.c1 ..... to the plala· Peace Officers' Dmace Due Frlclay ftirtleOl 11N1uaJ Ora.nee Cou.n· t.J p~ Otflcen danC• wtJ.1 be ..W ......., aictit a t the fWNIH· ...u. Ballroom, irtarUnr at 9 o'clock ... JMU-. \lllW 1 a.m. ~ Noble'• orcbewtra w1ll ,...,.. mua&c. aocordlnc to Capt. &ft7 Lace. Tlclcet.r may be ob- talDrd from any poUc:•man or law mtoreemarit officer. lAertJ .. a. 008".A. llEU ll.4rraa8 00. llM N...,.n BIYd. APO RT //.,a1 .. CORONA DI£ M AJ.' n llN/l,'RIHJY NOW SHOW1NG 'OA.H CllA Wl"OIU> ll:P1' CRANDLt:a lJI "Female on 11le leach" __ ...... ..- OUYM*NeGll ... .,,, .. ....... KAllH tmA Newport Ave. • Ubertf S.MOI Compl•t• Line Y •rcl•g• A Notions Cutting Tabl• for Your Use CoMlftunity Credit Pl•n Aveil•ble .............. • • High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 QUIZ KID Quls Kla.d---7 Not necesserily. Just e 9uy whe'a am.,+ enou9h +o heve found out e~eut tfle •mazing rHulh from WANT ADS . ... Ufle•I h • .... Kid yo•_., ... 1-.1re Tod_, AbGut Clasllflecl Want Ads CALL HARIOR 1616 Wednesdly In The Coastal Shopper I r. ·~ ... ~ ........... ,~ .. PA-GE 5 i,;. . . COASTAL SHOPPER l'OWDHOUSI Her,_ Stele• S1111t11 Girt Ion DllYls 'Caps Tabll •. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1915 Colonists Show Attributes for Defense of Loop Title O.AllDIDN GROVW. (OCNI) -Ponce m1-ld U.. atra potnt. OUdea Gron RlP lk:Mol'• toet-n. _.. wu th• third play &ft· baJI t-.m cam• fnml. behind to • l'ODIM noonnd a tumble • th• PuGte ••. .coN two t ouchdoWN lQ th• nn-Midway thNUP, U.. ~ a! putod MW d•f•t eurprtalJIJIY period Pueflt• reco...-.d • fURI.· 1tronr Puente, 2G-7, Jl"rlday ntpt bl• and took te the &Ir wttb &U· at Gani• Oro~•. Leque b&dul Heuy Ro4&rte ud 'I1te 1116' Or&ni'.• L••ru• Smith pltctllns w Ila-twe JWTJ O..w.-i. .uter n&cJWas the -. chalnpe. •ho enter the 8UnMt lM WK'l'ten • .,. b&ltM i. tM ~ tb.U YMr, .eeor.s once ln 11 but th rullMck. llmltll th• ft1'11t 4u&rt.et, but trailed, 8-7, pln~td to c:'-la the md at th• -taet et th• fourlh. -• le U• tn. Kore, M. W&)'9t H • r • o.rreu M&11dto.-.clleld 1-11• eO."rted to rt" Puente droft th& tlnat ..._ of an elrbl the lead It Mid unW tM fourth pa.y, "-Yard ~h and Full· pertod. back Dick Pence conft'rltd t o ----------- sift th• ArronauUi • 13·7 lu.d "1th et,iat-and· •· halt mlnutM k> play. .An lntereepUon of • pu.1 lhort-clreuitad another tttru.t on U. ..._te II, but then OU&nS o--p Alie. lnlaroeplecl • Gae amJt.h ,._ ud raced 41 yanSll to tM end -e. R• •u aJd..S by • llloc::k by ~ BIU Snyder. aw.. ONw Jwll,.. on to a M !Md In U. ftr9t 4uart.er •bla Qu&rtutla.ck Eddi• IUoe ,...ii 1• yU'd• to non ~un •ho carried It tM Jut ..--n lo ....._ Or1nce I Boys Fall to T1sti1 Oft.ANGE, COCHll -Dnac'I Hlch lkhool'e B'• ••l dmPtl to ditteet Thurlldlty 1n CU nm K'-nl• or their ltll6 cam,...irn be· for-. •n on~ 1'l.un Jun· k>r Van5ty IM ,_ the r1n.I n.ld. kl"ly Lil UM -nd qiu.rter th• nu.r. -t n rardm tn - en pl•)'ll to -• the ftnt TD. Artllur l"rwlll •maahed o"er trom "" ... a... Mirui4a ,._,,t over rrom th• e!Jlt.t lQ the .-mo period. A pa.-trom Mlrud& ~ Yortle. Mt up th• nn•I TD Oii th• P&111.Mr aa. Mtr&nda'• &.-1&1 to ftudy Oo- mn poll.tied ott Ola P.ntb#· •lleti. NOW YOUR Newport Hwlw NEW5-PRESS IS PUILISHD 3 ,,_. ..... EN Sau n111a .... M1••y Nothing Down 36 Mo. to Pay ......... s ~-1.40 6 ~. -I.SS H•~Splt ......... 5 ~ -1.40 6 ~. -I.II ................ s ~--He ' ~--$1.19 s,itN.I 71c ~. AT NO OIUGATION TO YOU o.li•fw ........ -~ ... -Ml ............... ,_ ... tr i ''* • II .. .......................... L..i Dea-, ..... CHAMBERLAIN & SON 11811 E. 11111 8t. U&Gel .. Contradon liweni•e Hi l1tten P1st S.i1ts 27-11 Mn. 4dlJ. .,._U ot llU Mla· Kr. &Dd M'ra. •C. l.. llmltb or Theft of two hub u.pe from t. BL, Bani.a A.n&, 'nouned !Jolta Mt Jr"\"lne Ave., announced the her c•r <A•htl• parkf>d ln front M.-. pollol ot thdt of • purM birth of • sirl ln Oranp County of he.r horn• w .. reported to po- oontatntq ISO trom b.r car •t Hoeplt&J ce a.pt. i.a. Th• b&by lice rttentl)' by Mn. ~·· a:SI p.m. m.pt, T .... eo.t& MML ••ip.d • Iba., " oa. o.Vte of 114 VI• Quito. ---- HAUOR DRUGS llOl 11:. «-. B1. 0.-dol ... ~"; 17c · .... .............. .. -· KLEENEX _w -·······.-··· ... _2r 11111 llAI• Miii' --11111111 LHm/ry serrice J.laxe .•• et /wpin pricllll WHAT IS IT1 .lndividuell)' wuhtd-wMrinr app&t"lll tlutt dried by lllterwd air-tle.t pieeee prot...iOMJ.Jy b"olled. Your cloth• a.ad ~ AH don• up ONE unlt-M ml.a· upe. no wvJcbtly mark• -ra1nMllt -ter. renue controlled -p.t. WHEN AV AIL.ABLE • • • a.ftc. wlt.bla hour. lt Uflestt, becaUM •• do •••rythlnl' rti'ht b..-a. HOW MUCH .•• It is • b•l'CJ•in buntlr. toe WHERE ••• casa • . . only $2.15 pura for 23 lbs. Speclah for'Tllwl., Fri., Sat. Sept. 29-30, Oct. 1 COSMmcs TO P'E•.51 Q~Pw-L.S-. ..... PERAJME ........ _ ... z .. 25c wru SIND ITI s5so PURSE PERRJME __ __ ._ ______ 2 -15c 4 Rolls 'De Scotlllns Paper Napkins ...,. ... ...,. ...... , RecJ. 15c ea.-2 for 22c a. ................ ...... I I &.• ..... --- ........... ..., __ .... ~"'*-· t11a. fr-t .. wit• ---It ... Ste ... -M~all"d l\" ... , 52" REXALL ASPIRIN =·~ -REX WAGONS r--__ T ___ ._ .......... UI ........... ~a-u $-,95 ------"'-" . ~~ !L~S~, ... _ I DIAPER PAIL:::.,.. ,.. SACCHARIN DROPS Now _ 89C .,............................ w DISH PAN ... _ .... ___ ········-···-Mi>ffiit WASH~~---___ 47c U1991N & s5oo PURSE PERFUME ··-- STICK bm6i)R1NT __ 51so o.--... _ ... ._-.... L -s2so SOLID POWDER . ___ _ HAIRMAKE UP SPRAY52~ f'JY LfJS . "Travel-Yissette"-2.49 An.m.t.~'11,...-wa M1411 m....., ....... ,,,,,,,.M.n, .... ....,..._ ..,..., P'l!!Ci•lratlnn rUp, photos, ~ . ._ ..... eolo.--F• maa. a ,.._,.._ c-lot •IHI ercler your Christmas cards llOW, while !llere Is a lal"J• selectioft to cha IM fralll ... d a111pla time to place or. cler alld recelye 1M111. at Ylltcats U11•1r Dept • c•••• •• KeAbllky ~7: "-....... ....,.. .... Host _llillld ....... Mhlllre ... .., .......... ,.. ,......,. ..... Dry ·-Ga. __ , -•••ny .. .._ ........... -lr••lnt 11-4 ......... ~:. 211 s404 • •• • I Philharmonic Fashion Show Is Acclaimed Notable Success County Women Support Con'c~rt Season Project Israel Film to Show at Little Chur ~h Service Guild Organized at Laguna Church J. Strvlct OuUd w aa OC'fuiaed by membere of Church of ft.Ill· stoua Science oc 1.A1una Beach on Sept 23 for °'" purpc»e ot turlherlnit the lnttreata of th• community and th• church. Of- hc,.n f'lt'C'le<I are Mmu. Vlr(\nla Randall prt~ldent . Theodora Du Bol11. vkr·preiri~nt . Mary Jar- di ne-. trl'a1utt'r: A lice Noble, re~ cordlni: 11t"Crelary and Bonnie f>?'l'lllo l'I rOrTf'8pondln1 9e<'retAlry Mn S M Conforti wu a p- polntf'd tn htad a by·l•w• com· mlllff. Offlcu1 or lh• 8•nrk • OUlld Wtlt be ln11talltd WMnuday, Oct. J9 at 1 tfl•·mualcale to be held at 2 p.m. In the Womat\"1 Club Dr Mabel K lnney. m tmber of th• St.ate Board of lldueaUon. Wiii addrt'M the A'f'OUP· A. mulle&l pl"Q~f.m wlll be prnenled by Dorl.I 8hleld1 a.nd Van Newtnpr. Hoit••• tor the ettnt aA A.lice Nobis and Bonni• P"9toe. , FOR YOUR AD when you ad-1..U.. ln the O a...m.d Columna of U.. Newa-Prfta. Tt>ou.an<b of peopi. .... ,ry day tum to New8-Ptue C1uaned Ada to M lt.fy th.tr wana and their nffda. They want to buy or rant or wll. They want to h.lre a helper, or tlnd a job. And they tum to UI• ci ... 111eauon Uult adveru-Ulelr want.. NEWS-PRESS Clauifled Ada PbolM Barbor 1618 ....... Twllt COf i& CA1C1 ft'. .. .__, . ~ ... Clt1cal1N CAKI •••• 7 .. ~ <l08TA .... 11• N.,.....n 9h4. OOllONA Dm. MAS .. a... 9"7· A"OIU>'S lAOVN.& KA<m ... ........, 8ALllO.& ISIAND .............. N&WfWT m.&<:m .. o...e 11w7. Church of Chr ist COASTAL: SH0'9PEA aiurc11 ot C1u1at memtie,. wt>J WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 CATHOLIC WOMEN HOLD· TEA AT LIDO ISLE HOME 11M Catholic Wom•'• Council ot Our Lady ot ML Car· met PaNll \a 1M.n1 a tnarnbershlp tea on Thund&y, hpt. 29, trom I to f :IO p. m. at UM home of Mra. Vtnc.t 8&lmada. Ill Via Udo 8oud. Mra. Joeeph A.mold, membenb.lp cha.Ir· _.., la 111 chvp ot UM affair, a.Mlllted by Mra. Robert 'l"rem- Wy u co-dW.mwl.. m•t each 'nnlnd&y at T:ao p.rn. at 404 1:1 Camino Del Mar. lA· by U.. Sea. Aa)'OM Wial!IJ\6 do-l-r'or th• ftn .. la Orw·ralal run• Buch, for Btb'9 1tudy and nalloM picked up may call B ar. Prtnttnc call ft&rtlor tit' llM pRyu. For lntorma UOll caJI Hy· J(jtl·R. Pr1n~ ~p&rtm•t. all •·Tltt or Rar• 1~. Rummage Sale BALTZ MORTUARIES InvttaUOll.I wen malled 1T0m the llome of Mn . William O'Bryoe, COrt'Mpon~ MCret&ry, a.lded by ..... J<.rui Storch and Mn. Kart Miiier. Council P realdent Mra. J. W. (Ammack and lnemt>en of th• boa.rd wtll aerve u hoateaMll - New Pastor at Beach City ••••••• .. L...,.. A. nmunap •I• 11 •lated tor Sept. Jt, SO. Oct. 1. t , T and a, two ,.eekend.t, at Wt'll Balboa Blvd, and 23rd Bl. under au.pc.a I ot Newport Circle, Chri•l Church 0 s • ••• cur UPt PAM llMTt SH4lft. T ltlDUCB NtC1t ........ _._. ..... ~ ............ " ........ COSTA lB8A ClUPSL l TO Superior Anna. Co.ta K-. C&lU. Phone &..llM17 ~1111 !PJLNJ!.!J~lf.P! RUMP ROAST ~-~69' PORK DAINTEE ~~-.. 69-CORNED BEEF ~ISi .. 45· ......... IMOlr9' bllftol. .... 7-lb. II"' M8KIT PORK SAUSAGE .... •.::aJCJc Pon BEEF UYEI ~ .. 39' UNKSAUSAGE.._~:;'9' NUlllHOW FHilT OF SOLE ~ ;.:,5. AOUIDIEEF INCUM .. 39' VI•- CAKE MIX ·'::Y ':25' PEACHES ~cam ": 17' 0. an lua, White, ot Yelow. °"*9 Y..._ Cine...._ lilt~.,,.. . SALAD DRESSING 3t CA TSUP ·..:n 2: 29' DUa•I 'wy q~. """"1--"H. ._...... ,.._. _. .....,., ""9 pt ;;t ,.._... S~UERKRAUT 2 '!:-29< PRESERVES . ~33' ~,..... llA ...... c...... ....... ..... TAlll SYllP ... ...,. =2 7 • IEE TISSll "':!' .... 29' ~.0..-..,.....,....., t 'f Yi'! CBAPJl:L 81' TBJI D4 .... Oou& .... Corona del Mu, Ol&tf. ..... lbdiw u PAllCAIE MIX =:-: -:;•7· llSI .. =..-::::6=stc .---------..--- MEDIUM SIZE VALENCIAS ,.... mMI .-,.. lood9d w+ttt \'""°""" c for good t.olth. Eat ~ty for gaadMSI, ~ •II .... A, ......... t'90f lOr the .._.boa. II. JONA THAN APPLES ~~ .... ~ 2 ... 29' ft Aft ..._ C WAll•IHGM2 25· ,.... ...... CAllOTS ~ .... .. s· MIS llDll .._ M. & SIN 29, ..... I. tfS1AlWllAft8 • aa ._ .... ._ ---_.,. .... --'..,. ..... ..._ ... _....., _ _... ..... ~ 90t7111 ' .,.., .......... ..... (......, ... p.m.) .............. 1722 New,ort Blvd., Costa Mesa PLEN'l:r or PAJU[JNO OJf LA9'W •.&vm IOI • • t COAST AL SHOPPER WEONESDA Y, SEPT. 21, 1955 RAMS RUN WILD OVER DONS 55-7 l up and down the field lll<• he owned It. ecortn, two TD• be+ I llG GUNNY S .ac11 aldu rtpplnf up CTUt chunlu of ~ " SAILOR ELEVEN SINK~ PILOTS 20-0 IN · PREP PIGSKIN OPENER : yardage between the aoalpoau1. fS SL!IPING IAG 1 tt requtr•d al leut two Dona to bnni him to lhe tur t H t'h tlml' \\'llat apiwated to ti. a bis he c11rrlec.J the b11JI. gunnv aack on Ula ocean ' After the 1moke ctureJ from f ront. pique<! the cufloally of the battle field, Don follown• Mr•. Don Bunlh. •909 Sea· I noticed onf' brlrhl on thf' Dun ahore Drive. 90 aha called Ute aide of lhl' ledger. Their paalng lice SANT.A AN.A. (OCNSI -Dl1· 1 ~me had ahowed .ame prorniae po ' C.._,le l1rry Prov .. St. l1t~~ Fray wHll PQir Of Long Runs •1 BILL PBlLLIP8 8howt.q th• potential ot championahip timber, New· port Harbor High School'• Sailor football crew welghad anchor in Pirate Stadiwn Friday night with a 20-0 victory over Excel8ior'• P ilot Eleven. Tar 1:1. OllCe q aln Tamura playtnf an rxplo1ive otte11H that Don puaer. competed 11 out of Donald W. Cl>f'rtpn, it. aparked a drive out ot dan,.n, would be a credn lo .any tour '23 paaMa lhrown. a conaldf'nl>lfl 207 '3rd Bl.. llku to aleep i llckerlnr to a tlr•t on the· Ball· Y•r coll•re. th• rampaglnf lmprovemt>nt In con•Ulerallon for on the beach a~d ~e ~Y Rama of San rra.nii.aco City Col· whom thty were facing. 1 N ck '!'" hla eep n1 I • or a•. Allotllu .parkJlnr dalh. tJl1t lere ran roup.hod onr the Dons McCormick waan't the only 1 Um• by ff&Jlti.clc Lan'y cuwo. ot Santa .Ana C.Oll91e, M to 7 back on the Ram squad who de-I ta}} t• moved the NeW1>0tt att&clc to tht J'rid&y nlgllt.. IA • one 9'da tray livered the mall to the Don door· 1 IlS a 10n •3. An offaide penal\)' and a pair ~t waa decided 800n after the atep. Six other 1llok ('arrlera of Incomplete Schultt pltchu. ~' wtllatle. made believer• out or lht Don Plans Made for one for 15 yarda to Lorent&•n JUp~ off llure chunb of rooters a• they saunlerf'd acrosa who •nagged It out of boundl, yarda,. llietw._ a:pertlJ' thrown lhe goa l tine from aJI over the IM B h } jolted the Gobi to a halt. .,......, tM Rama ICOred tn anry field, aconnc a total of n I n e esa et e THAT'ii ALL ~nod nearly at wm, 12 in the touchdowns. off tackle for a flnt oft a tull· OeRpera~ely, th• Pl.Iota mnaah· flrat •tanaa. 12 In the aeeond, 12 The RAm• wl't'e complettly out·' The Mothera' Club ol Job'• back ipln. ed and ipun from their own H In the third and 11 In UI• fourth. elaued In the conveulon at· Oa\l~hter1, B•lh.t 157, met at the .Arnndondo flipped a paH to to the Tar 47 whtre they faced ~ Dona ahOW'ad lb• Rama up tempt.. They scored only ont ex· home of Mra. Robert Speth re· Halfback Freddie Munoz for five. a. third and one. nma tba de· in only one department.. conver· tra point and that CAmt when cen!ly to plan tor ~e cortllnr In· though End Paul Lanntllln waa BreMe battered hi• way to the fenaive Sallor1 got througil with aJoM. Th• ~ kicked one out Dour Jon~•. a Honolulu pineapple 1tallaUon and other acllvlUea of clear aJI nlp t, eaaJly .Upplhg be· 21 tor anothtr flr8t. Then the them. It wu Harbor' a ball on Of on•, the Rama one out n ine picker. removed h\1 ah"4! a nd the Jc.blea. yond the PUot aerial l'\l&rd when· 8allor11 got aon. Tackle l~rry their own 49. atumpll. apllt the uprlgbt.1. latt In the JJothu11 appol.nt.s to rommlt· Ac:lually, the Tar oftel\M un· l•ahed t or apfrollimataly nv• 111lnut .. of th• aura contHt. Al· nu a Sailor pau wu cooking, Harper dumped the nut Excel· C&•tro ankled end tor :l7 yard• MS.A.OU OFl"SNall: fourth quarter and than c11lltd lffa !or j>\lrchullll' ,candelabra. Quarterback Gcorr• khultt wu elor ball carrier for 11 IO!!a to and a pair of Scbultt toa1H to nie only Ur.tnr the DoNI ahow· Um• u he picked th• &r&aa Crom ILl\d to be r•ponalbl• lot' th• cor· unable to con1IBtenUy find the I the Newport 38. Tackle J im j Lorenuen wtre on Ula money, ad ta U.. way ot an ot(eD.M waa between hla tou. ...,.. and decorati008 tor th• IA· ranse. R umaey planted the !ollowlnf the aecond comlns In a fourth the peMtnc of Quarterbeck Tom For ttl• Dou . one quuUon wu et&llahon Included Km... Jack MeanUme, ~oach Al Irwin h.ad victim back on the Bailor 40. and •Ix clrcumatanca to band the Au.a wllo complei.d 10 out ot left unanawered lut night. "whO Karna. J. J . McOann, 8mlt.h, Mil· hl1 defenalve allpment hard at The Pllotll had to gt\ rM of Tara a t int on the rlY&l 1. At 11 pueea Uuown, and moat .of were th• Rana lrylns to Im· wn Stellar and Berbwt Jackeon. work a.II the way. Deepeat pene-the ball, but once aratn the Tara Ulla point. evel')'WU went t!M>M w.re t.hrow1l with two or preaa ?" Mn. De&ll Smith, JU&f'dlan of tr.Uon Eitc~r could manare wera trapped deep at their own wronr and ,J:llc.1.tor· took over more lu J"raneJKam dnpped t.M bethel. oulllned t.ba .cbedul• waa t.o Uie Tar 2a yard line early end of lh field. Excelaior t.ook on the PUot 11. aa\l)' U'OWM1 bla MCIL Allan r.-M....&.-.• ft-• D tor lboM a tlendlnc the JTalld ln lhe aecond qu.arter. They nev-over once more on the Hatbor With ftve mlnuta. lT MOOnda eetTed lttU. ~Uon all ave11· U'J'1IT .,_, 0Wftl NMion at Sacramento Oil NOY. er wt'ra allowed to wrlotnly •5. A l2 yard aerial atall, trom rfllft&lninr In Ua• conteet, pua Ina'. and wu forced to .. t lbe T 1·13. threatt'n. Arredondo to End Dick O'Berf, defan1lva t&ctlct by Niquette and football a. .... ral occaalone by Capistrano eam A.n.nouncement WU made of a OJ>&N8 BID meant a tlrat on the Sailor· 33. Hopklnl and the nahinr of the mammoth forward wall c' danoe for Joblea and thelr 11Cort.. Fullback Charlie Berry opened hie bid for all·SUnllf't Leaf!'UI' honora by 11eorln1 a ddenslve touchdown within the nnt min· ute of play and R tUn« up an ntrfn1ive one before lhe lnltial q uarter f'nded. ll:xcetslor Fullbaclt Jack Brue• faded tor a pa.1 lhortly after the Sl.llor kickoff with the pl(· akin on lbe Piiot 37. Jl"rom hi• defenalYe outside llnabacl<er po· •ltlon. Berry plucked Ule pelota out of the air and ambled 60 yur• untouched by human hand. He added the converalon boot and Nev.1>0rt Harbor led 7·0. The r1....U were unable to move w1lh thtir UCLA llin&l•wlns of· fe,nae and tbe Tara took ovn on their own 2!). P'rom her~. the ~· tire backfield functioned betllnd 'ood blocklnr to mov• 76 yardl tor the aecood tally . TAMUJl.A ftA VEUJ Lorentaf'n put on braJc.. by Guard J im Bento and l!!nd Bill the Ram eleven. SANTA ANA, (OCNS) -Mat· to be bald at Ula HunUnl'lOn amearrng the oppo•lllon on 11 par· ~b forced a Pilot punt. Ta· Ttie Dou put their mark on ar Del lllth School ot Santa. Ana Beach Paftlon on Friday. tlal bobble back on the Tar 41. mura toled the return to u .. r1· the ac0nbovd with alx mlnulff powered lo a 2'·0 football trl· After th• buain.. llltartm A whole hordt or whit•· clad val 42, lbm acampered tor a tt,..t l'lll\&ln1nc la tb• llr.t halt on a wnph over outcl&.llffd Capl•trano (U'9ta enjoy9d retreabm9'lte Mr- Sallora 11&11k Excel11or hope11 on on the 29. Ca•tro ••l tor ft ye, naar perfect • 50 )'&I'd pua from Friday afternoon on th• \o!M'r'1 ved by Mra. Spath. aal•tAd by the midfield atrlpc Ha.lCback Jody l"enton n«>*plned Tun Alim to HaJ.tback Chuck fteld. the CO·hoatelaea, MrL McGe.nn Tired ot ~Ing butftt.O whui and Quarterback Buddy Ttlomp-8wtftdan. All• toued from hla Mattr Del beld a 20-0 edge al and Mr•. Ray Trautwein. Liiey found them•elvea once a,.atn eon moved to lb• 11 tot a flnL '1 to Swindvl who pUlled In the lb• halt. Mater Dei'a B'• top~ Memben preeant for the -t· back on.their h~I• &n their own Mld·line tot.ea by Fullback an p~ on the two yvd line Captatrano'a B eleven T?lureday Inc w.r~ Mmea. Orby Andereon. 11 with 1tart of the thJrd canto, Pomeroy, eutro and TtionaPIPn and rambled 1nto the end zone atternoon, 7.o. Milton Stellar, Wlllll l!lanser. th• Sa1Jor1 rallied forcn and meant a first on Ute '· WUllOl"ted tor the only o 0 n Speth, Mabel Role, John Walp. s•v• Tamura Ult porkh1de. On But wllb .a TD a ctrtalaty by 9Cote ot th• pme. Charles Ary Jr., N . H. ll:4k1n.I. aucce .. lve I C. rn p e r •. deviOWI th• lallora' ,.. .. ,..... backa, the WILD FULLBACK George Reunion Rex Albr1fbt. Leona.rd RobeeoD. Dave depoalted the porker on lbe attack cam• a cropper. SlaeoeMlve Barna Da'f\d S.llor 31. the Sailor t2 a11d tbe louu wddenly found tM Tua '?!le name lhlrlte McConnlck Mra. Cecil L. George 2302 EJdtn Ray Trautwein. • Pilot H for a trio ot frr•t downe. back on o.. Pilot ao with fourtll proba.bJ7 90Unded Ilka the bead Ave., a ttended a •l•·•tatt' f••mlly Carr. Lovell Knox. McOann. l ack· Ooorwalkv at Woolworth'• t.o raunlon recently at Sparklt, Nl'v. aon. Smith, Paul Oloper, and Ula But a lkhultl 1heot wu Inter· and l'Oal and 11 MC<>ndl rwmatD· ~ ,,__,_ the Doll. prtor to Friday nl_..l'• ~nl were 33 relative. from pre.eldent, Mn. l!rn•t ...,T ..... cepted by Ctnter Harold Cray to In~. au atcm the threat. Cray rerurned Thal wu anoup Um•. how· l'Am., IM.lt tba 81Urlee McCormick Jdaho. Ore,-on. Wyomlllc. Utuh, lht pelota to the Tar 47 ev•t Lorent.sen ran rlpt on out they faeed out of t.ba tullbeck California and NeVl'ld&. It Is plan· -For lft. nn .. t la Oonun«'Cia1 Such rugged youth• u Gu•rd of the POot pa• acreen and 1Jot Of the Rame ,..,. a 203 ned to have next y!'ar'a n untt>n at Prtnunr c:aU Barbar 1111, Job O~D«~~~~r~y.~~-~~.~~~~;~~~~d~~~·~~~~n~N~~U~h~·~~~~~~~~~·~o~·~u~~~h~·~~~~~~~~~p~~~t~~~,~~~~~··~·~L~~~~~ Ouard Jerry SamHI and End l'iell one Into Me arms for th• ltnaJ Metcalfe made life .a mlaerable acort' Br rry'a cceftrldon boot for P11ot back• that the BaUora waa blocked by Tackle Walt.oil quickly sat Ula balJ a,.a1n on the Pott•. Slippery • hlppery HaJ!back Dav11 Tamura a.nirlt<l around end tor 12 and ttl• tlret lalJor tlr1t Holies down. 8m~g Hallback Johll Falls to Court the plJPln thrte tllnea durin1 the fray. Knoop IUJ(ed the l•lh· er tor th• flnal MonteMllo acore. DePalma 1.'0nnrtad OU-Umee. s A L Hopklna c~ed for nt.ae. Then Show In B«rry t.ook a lchultt pltchout. headed tor lb• 1l~Un-. found runn1n1 room ~Ind aom• fine blocklnc and rambled SI yarda w tbe Pilot II. Two Plat• later. Hopkin.a ba.ahed on.r tor the TD. SANTA ANA.. (()CNl l-8anla Ana Pultll.IMr R. C. Hollo Wed· Maday forf•lt-4 ball on a \l"afflc complaint i.a.114 aralnet him tol· F or Citrua. Kilmer ma.de the lone r1val l&JIJ' and T•l1old root· ed U1ro~b the convv.ion. Th• Sailor• lid•t.ct Moetetlelk ..- year. Bu ry converted. IO'W1DI a.n aOC!ldent here two That pretty mucll took car. ot ... it. '1°· JohnlOll AL.-~" th• Sailor offtnM fot' the ball Mu nicipal Collrt ot:nctale aa14n ~ .-me. Alid• rr-llOm• 1tnu1ant tba controv.ni&I publl.ehv-wbo JO .Years wltll Finn end tCWTIM by Tamura and ea.-..-iuy ttru.ad to lt.an4 lo oovrt tro and a pair ol kbUltt·Lor.nt· whlla a member of a J\11')' paael WlWam r. JobnMlll. lOlT N. sen c1>nneetlona. u. &oc&1 !&di bec•UM he didn't Wt• lll• Juclf'a 11ee1ned •tidied wttb their H -put up 111 b&U on Ult dlarl'a po'nt marrtn. But UM 4Mfenalve aad fortelt..d lhe amount In lieu Tera Po-wed tbalr anatU.. of a ppeartn1 tn oourt. A... lonr bc.la.lor punt plllll.ed 'nla complaint charged Holk• th• 8 allora d"p into lhelr own wtlll drh1ns hie blah-powered ve- terrl tory }ual MfON tb• MOond tucU owr the 1PM4 llmil. period bepn. 8 alft¥man Tom Niquette 1nuttad Ula •plr&l oo th• ll&Jlor •la and b&,..ly ma.nq· 4d t o ecre.mb&e ba4k t.o U.. ti. HDOUI> 11'11 BcbuJt t r ot Off a Ja~yatd punt w~n lb• Pllota h~med them tn and C.c.l&&or lOOlt ~tr. at tut wacorklni !ht.Ir anc~ fUUbacll aplnners. 1\andoff1 ae4 amaahn. Kutbec" Jobnny A n. do11do trided and Brwee llfnuhad Montebello Heats Up for T• Team Montebe-Uo, toe of Nrwport tlarbor'a Rl(b lkb.ool Ration there ne.xl l"Hday, warmf"l up tor th• tneowil•r tut P'rlday, 37 ·7 over Ctt.n&a. RQbt.00 craah«t a.c:roa1 wttb Balboa Blvd~ Ulil mot1lb Sa e.le- braUq hla IOUI y.al wtt.b nua Iuuranc• uid 'JhJ•t 0om,_.,1. Prealdmt D'nu t J . Loebbecke announo.4 toda,y. J otnlnJ the Loe Anplee UU. ttrm tkpt. I. 1916, aa a m-· rer. h• bu woTked aa an lnlor- ma uon dttk and eearcher. K• lt curnnUy a Utl• oUlcer. Joluaeotl l8 a native of Loll• ~ Hclrbln Girt Iona Mr. and MrL All• Kartu.. ~ 'nlur'ln Bt.. Coet.a K-. ..,.. pare.nu of a rfrl baby bom ll~l 11 at l:tll&( lfo1pltaJ. GIT ~ I ALL USED CARS MUST GO • TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW CHRYSLER TRADE-INS NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED oN ANY USED CAR LOW DOWNS IANK TDMS SAYI MONEY NOW AT THIS llG SALi LOU RllD ASSOCIATES 1200 W. CM1t Hwy. Newport leach ON T·HE BALL With the Newspaper that you All the Local News brin91 Finte Yes. your News-PNll speclalbm 111 coverage of local events ••• on hatapenllMJI • they happen Only 50c A Month. Ha•• 1616 • • • DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery o! the Newport Harbor New•·Preu la ruara.nteed. Curler boya will deliver t.heir papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Kond"\y, Wednesday and Friday. If your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brine your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PBE88 Ivery Mollclay, W .. 11dcly •d Frt*r COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday. DEADLIN'U tor plactnr or cancelllna' ads are1 ror Monday Publication -Fnday 6 p .m. For Wedl'lNday .PubUe&Uona -Tueeday 1 p.m. For Friday .PubUe&Uoll -Ttlunday 1 p.m. NEWPOaT ILUUIO& PUllL18111NQ 00. 1111 Balboa Blvd., Newport 8eedi. ~ Al.I rn.-atled Ada -· be ,.td tw o.11 la ...,,_ el J•a•aM Tb• pubu.Mni will not be reapollllaa&• rot more uaan cme t1111 1"""' lnae:rtion of an ad, r-.n• Ula J1&11t to eornottJ o.leMlt)r a.,. Ud .U ads and to r•Ject any a4 no& oontorm.la\a' to rul• Md ,...uaatMm& Claulflecl Index 8pedal Notleea Y Newport Barbor B. P. 0 . E. 1787 w .. u Wft7Y 'nlunc1&7 I p.aa. Vta Oporto -Oantral A.._ Newport 8.-dt Alb.rt a Matthew-. 1:11.&1'-d lb&ler HAULING trub or? Anythtnr. Anywtiera UbertJ .. 1141 H ttcpp 11~!!1 •.•'!riM' WTNDOW&-DOum.11 mmo 1-1 a 2 tt. ~i~·· tt. .......a~xa tL 1-C ·-•t 1 '<)d tl. ~-""!Mid~ rt. DOOM 1-~ J"td rt. .• lllL 1-Mel&l sane• door< ~> 11110 tt Call Ru...... ..u FOR RENT ~ ...... m.c. Ortlla. ............ aUt11*ol~~ row-. etc:. BOYD'S HOWE. MIO W. OOUT HJGllWAT ~1 a..Maa. Newport Bell aft Adams Plumbing R.epAir -RemocSe11nr NEW CONSTRUC'MON llcU PAINTING M. W. ROSS .~ u •Utt .. A Y-4o., 0-. .,._ II Uc .... oe ~ on_.ye PARKING LOTS •lllMI~ wr ~. We t\mUlll .. , l,.,. oeJ to '°"" ... •• l'le ...,.,.. Jotie ---.. ,... .......... ... -· ........ .... ...._ 'a s ,.... ~400ll. aa. --...... lt"'"lnf'\o& ... .... WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESID~' It OFFICES u 1-1821 kl5 General Contractor ucmiraa> New Work -Remodel.lne J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 8389-W Mtfo Painting, Decorating Paper Banpn1 GEO. BURKHARDT LJCJ:Kam> CX>N'nlAC'TOJt ITI W. llt!i Ill.. Co.ta M- Llberty ........ BION RICE, Inc. Ol!ND.AL CONTIUC'TOU RMl~tlal, Commercial, Addjtlona. l'l.arbor , ... 1'. l pll CARPENTER Repair Work 0-. rour Home N1>r<1 R1p&.1nn1 • ........,11a1 T Qa.ll rr.u. Liberty ....... AD 1'ortl OM.rut.ed 1•tt• ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lnalall U.. abO•• cb .. per \b&J\ moet. A.Mo MU Tile A "'-l•wn. Non-uaion. JI y..,.. ~. Compare aad ... - llJLL OOKJ:ft lier. 4Tll • I-. 8-da T .... TJ. ltltc Paintinc It Pa~ We do UM won om-.... IO,_,..~-•• ,,~ . ._..._ a..UafM:ttcla ,.,,....... Cet•-··-,.... OlJI , ....... LI s..2887 It LI 1-6218 lltte Elec. Tool Repair AU ....... ~ ...... QUlat ~ LEWOO~<X>. •st ,. .. ,.....,.. ..... ,.,.. ... LDaf1J' ..-. Mti9 CDO:NT 6 BUDnlMJ All a... J1UIZ m'l'DU2'D LDliert:r Mu. CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WO. JfO 10ll TOO mAU. a. 0. •• , - 101• ... a.1lloa ~ .... l1artlor MIO _,. PAINTING J;N'JTJUOP. -Ai .. "LICZNaa> -~ Glenn Johuton IOI· llat It. Jlf_,.n ._. Huboe' 11" llt:te PAINTING? Call POP' u. new County 10 ,.,.._ &I l4Sll or IQ 1•5tl1 .,._ L ~ ftpll PIONEER SHEET METAL H&ATIJlfO, "911tllaWlc A et!Hl me\92 weft ., .a tn- IJtduRliel, ,...._U&I. ~al '1\m ..nJIA19 u .a:s1 lp21 H.B. HOLBROOK rJa mmA8LE PLUldlMO ..... .::.. t;t? 2 A ..... ,...,___ -........... Jf..,.eit Wt.a ... I I 1 'i " -+ f/f/Check These Used Cars OOAftAL mcaaw =a,, a el t! !; w..w !IO~:=!!r.!!'!~·~s·~~·~·!-----1~11!!;::;:•~=~·~·!!~"'1!1!''!!• ___ _ PAGE 4 ·PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS .......... .---a.u e... WB>NESDAY, SS'T. 21, 1911 ••. """ FIREWOOD BOAT STORAGE SXPllRl•KC•D ... eJ.wk. AU. BIZ.£8, rt.-:19bM ni.. ~ 11 l"'!e« ...... ti •• .... ...... lfanU) P•rma.n•l pc*tkllll. f'R5m Dl:J...IVZRY P'Y at ye.rd omo.. SOUTH -.J! wnu • oa ..... .,... t.lll9 DrJ wood. EuoalyptUI COAST COMPANY, Nflt")!Ott Buy from a local dealer who wW be ben 'l'OMORBOW to back 1IP what he Miii tOD£:rt ASPHALT TILE sw-ish Message -.... "'" Call -Jiu-Bl•• .. &t ,, ..... ,. ...... Bcl>. .................... !;" ,:: i...., --.. II ·--·· .. KllDICil. BD:Rrr'A.J\T. TJptD,( Barllor .......,_ I ====c=--c--,-~~="'= ~ pn... te ,_.. ..._ ,........_ ~ mdoal •· We rA!RLlNa.. e!Ma, loaded. wlD ............ ......... !\I Ooatn.ctore • na. Lu.n ...._.7' ....-.u. at A.rrowbMd ~ not .._.,.,., l!lutlor ---.,-i:kri--rr-r-,..-.-__ -80-_--,-__ · I tr.de. u. 1-e110 a.ra. w p.m. au a.nap Botal 6001 lleJJ -_......, - -htfc: Ll 1-7498 C .,..._ ... ~•TH• Har. ---·------·---qui.tr.. -ten.IQ' WUlltobe pur-1------------00~-p·-~ ...._ ,,,, ao lll'saRn·ro• eh&Mdta....,....._97Hllla -.ca...ao..... AM .... """... .. -.Op .... U·14. ......... VJ:RT 6 Paper Hanstq 8ln1ce 1?9AM•NJ'. Ran-.... l0e12 ---aTY ORGAN 8Pm01A.L LOVELY' USED H.UOIOND llpl· n.t Clrl'&ll tn p.rtect c:aadiuon. Bir aavtnc. Convenient tenr1.11 at IRA.Jl"ER.'S Ku.ic: C.O. (StnM 1007) "21-42S N . llyc:amore, Sula Ana Pbont1 Klmberly J-<Ml72, cuo .... o. u.uia>aa Experienc'd irarcdener Neerly New 000 .,.. ..... , ,...._ -LAND8CAl'IN Apperel Ru'llclr 2171 • Bu . ....._ u. ud CLEAN UPS T n._..._ 8s1~ liTl:T DOA.lfa-KlnlWI'• PaUc1 .............. , 2121 I:. COMt ~,. TV TO T'll.A.Im tor )Klrte.bat t11»- wrft11r • OetJt Ctubl. Riarbor 31115-R. tpJI 14. ... , .... ..... ... Otm:. aw. Oc10eJ9 ... DI:· PmNDAllLI: TOUNO PllOPLE AVA.JI.. t« PART TIKI: JDCP. 8ucla M boUM work. ha.by slt- tsais ......... !Ind cbauttlfW'. ..._.. MllUd Wr. nn.nian- IQ 6-1171 kll ct.aANDfO 6 [ft()HlNQ Dy the daJ'. Eapedenced. Balboa lal&nd PNl*"'8d. ll'.I 1-tOk u COOK tor prtftt. famllJ, lln ln. Oood .Jary, r.1-~•. 'Nrlte Boa 1'60 tbM papu. 9Cll HOUSICCLEAl(INO-B;'""" hour or d&T. Pr.fer Wut S..y, Balboa. Uberty ·~-l<kll ..,, ___________ _ Superfluous Hair Permaa-tJ:1 IW't' .. ,,_ ... KAH 6 WOMAN WU1 do pneral Mw•••k. aoor wutn&'. wto-dow ~. ~ .-orktra, wtllta. lH E. 20th 8l, Coeta Iii-. LJ: t-Mll. pptl arms, _.. .,. ....... MR PftOmatONAL CA..J\11 for lnva- U.. •peel-Mo .,.. tw r •· iw or ~ i--. &a Net. JCLLSN L. mtYAlft' a. a. L-11 um ~· lOC:l2 Lido'• s.9loa et -~ a.., lift :-:----.:....'-------• tel l'ftA.C!nCA.L NurM wtth know· ------------a.di"• ot Ei&tural. h...Uq meth· C>da. liar. 6l'f0..J, ' JOpl2 n ,..,.. !!!!! ~ LO!T IMti• PM1 .,.p.t. ~ Har. 38tG-R aft.w I . tell LOST-KuJU. oolond f.ult Ml r ed eollaT, i.o.. !MM" lkad"• Bur1era. C011ta W-. it.wwd. LI. 8·t002 lOCIJ LOST S% met'• 014. '--le IR1 kitten. pe.rt ...ora. ~ la- l•nd. Harb. 0810·1\. 11elJ Reel Estate School in Santa Ana :W::ZN • WOMSN .......... ta ....,.. QUA.L111ZD MotMr will manqe J'OUr ,_. 6 chUcl for SHORT VACATION pertod or WEEK ICHDI. ,..,_..nc• n:c~ LI, a.uTT. 10e2' l!:XPERIENCED GARDENER OJJU>J:NINO A )'Ud work b7 day w .. k or month. Llbe!V' 1-1139 &tttl' •• "'' Corona d'1 lla.r. tdl 1'JLD KINK CAPS-la pod -· dltton. Call Harbor Ml1. tel I MOVING COMPLETE ~•ld 1\1.nl11ob.- tnp Lncl....U., upttpt p&uo. LI 1-tJ15. tell Fresh Hearing Aid BATl'l:lllD We GIT• MR 0""° •tunP9 Gunderson Druir Co. Kaia It. at Balboe. llhd:'; s.Jbo9 Harbor 516. UUc I FT. DEUCATESSCN C&M. SIM. ON'll I ft. rtlrti't,.tar -······ $&0. ONa larJ'• -ere. ftl01&'. ITe. l 8CAU8, Me. 1 OONDOLA pa. Ca.11 owner Ll a-em monilnp or an..r I p.m. lcll ELECTRIC biuk.t, 110: plllOW11, .... tow.a., ld.tebe m.t1e. ~ booka, row boal, •tc. I 11-. :e..y, .it..r 10 ~ ICll SEE the NEW RCA Victor TV's at SOS RADIO Balbqa Island Harbor0780 TV Ip! l SETS l'OI\ RENT 808 ltADlO, Bal-lalao4 Harbor 0780 Sept. Cle11r11nce R.EFJUOE!lATOM Glb9oo. I c:u. rt. lat• modt'J, ptr- fe<:t condJUoa ·················-····· $7D W•Ul'l&'houae 8 ct. clffll 119.60 S.rv•I apt. .a., very n1cto 18'.&0 Kelvlnator, f fd. -····--· Ht.!Wl RANG~ M•cl• Ct.I-'. M lnoll bJP. broU- er ···········-·························-······· 16t O'KHre A x-Tttt f.r, e'-- oven tb.-rno -··-················· ..... IO Frl«Jda!"' eleo. .o·• l•t• mod.I delux• ................................ fl9.60 Nofl'• II in. pst. CIXl.41U. NI We-Un~ ea.et. 19" onm timer, top toftdltioa ···-··· .... IO W ASHERll NorJ• Milo. almo.t. n...-.... IU& a .I:. auto. • Jn. old. oom.plM.ely eh.eked -·-··-·······---·-..: ___ JH.llO 1:.-y Spin dryer lat. mod. ~9.W ETWJtblns 0"91'U!\Md • J'rM D91"-'Y )ITROOT"S Hehn., Rou.ewiuw 1802 N""'PO't Bh'd.., •c.oat. M- W 11shin9 Mechine IDtVICll l·J'MI' ~tere .. Jobi done ... -............ Miii.( (nu") N...-port 81-. 00.t..,M-. Liberty 8..CS03 Or' Llberty 8-l327. 64.tfc ITOVJll f28. llm&D 8'"81 retr1r. ~-Both l.a uol. eond. Ct.11 h PER Jio. R.mn'7 rood. JnC· t~ pla.no, L!t th• klddl•• lean. All Wmw rwit 11 you buy later. DA.NZ·BCRMlDI', &20 No. Ma1A .Banta .t\.nL 100 plmoa. Jlolnt ot the ff91nmond Orf"Ul . HAMHOND 0 R GA 'N 8 . World f&mOWI. All model.I. Aleo HVer- al ts..~ Us U.ed OrflUIL You can •ve on lb-ftn• orp.na. DAN:l-!ICIDIIDT, 1120 No. :W:IW. 8&.nta AJlL KAT WI: (adult.) Aon and UH yolU' •mall •!Aed piano for win- t11r montb.11 Phone Har. ~w atternoon • p.m. kll BAlOIOND ORO.I.NS. Full lln•, au modela. rr.. pn.eUe• room& Corne In and play fXI. u.1 mockl. TU Or.t Concert Orran. lb• Rome Madel, th• Church and Uwi Bpi.Mt Modelll. U you think you can.not pla7, corn. In IUld try-lb• world famou. H.mmond, a.., to pl.l.y, Chord Orran. Tou will b. uton!Med to n.nd JOU 011.n play ln tltuen mlnut.M. DANZ·8CHMIDT Plano • Orpn Co. Home ol the H&mmond, flJO NI), Ma1n, knt& .u... RE:CONDITIONE:D USE:D TV SUI'S 10. 11 • l'r" PICTUR.Ell From 121 to l4ll aos RADIO, 1z2 Martne, B•lbM. l•l•nd -Harbor o7io tpll U a.tilt. fell ------------1 New & Old Liberty S.7951 Aubrey Ellsworth Quelity Television SERVICE Home Berv1ee UI t p.m. 778 W. 11th -LI l·MTI '"' TV Pltn.CO, 12~ Ooa.aoltne. l"ood condlUClft 140. Nautle&J ndl.o. LrNrt1 l-S682. '221 w. Co&lt Jnpway. 91>11 ll1'llOlAL BUT LOVllLT ICDUIA.LL 9ptMt ptano wttl Mlllt la Lowrey etrpno.- ...... IJOO on thlli. Ut.er.J trade. 0.-.1. i.rrn. &L- .......... X'llllc!OIJ, fa?neellOT) Ul-421 N. 8yeamc~. S•nla .f.n.e Phone Kimberly 2·1'.M!T2. Um" tor ~ Ofll*t_,U.. In Ral .... \&. N.. ..... w"klJ'· Al T1._ SM!trudac-At.- \.,nd ftrt1t nmlnr rr.. UMI ...,. a bl.lut thl• C"&t neld. C&U • wnte now. lpU ll032 P-tla. Coot& w-TV & R d' R • 1--------i0p1: 11 10 ep111r BOY• OVl:RCOAT. INtt ..... , ____________ , F t s . Al Tvler School 181 l NI). lfrMd-fr97', lulta AM Kl T·l.:>l l·XI &-3 .. D 1-2611 Uo llALE8llAN -aalMy. Co~ -M\la't quality tor N-iicwt aree. to 10. PruUe&Ur MW", ..t f'O, DClfc.uf Pb#• dUllnc t&bk, I as 8rYIC8 ...u for .. _._ Pt&lklo u~ IA. ...... Oood ecindlUCMI.. ~•bit. •en-le. c:t.11• tlll t..ble model TV 120. tlOI BroW U .....ua. k.11 t p.m KMOWl..iTON l:LIX"..- TL, N41WJ10rt ...... t.L lGoll TRONJCS lJ l-S106. 1lp2tH I PIN I: T PIA.NOi. Wonderful 0 K I I • • • VOLUME PRICES 0.lf USED CARS Last w~k we ran •peci&l Volum. Prlce9 on new 'SS W.. llDCI practJCally every one w. had (Oa.ly ' Wt) 0014 WAS $1299 $1099 $999 $1299 s 698 s 698 $3998 $1698 s 698 s 695 $1395 s 695 This week we liT• you Volums pica on Ulld. Can Bank Ternq or No llCIDllT Down 1 '52 Mercury Fordor . Radio, Heater and overdrive '53 Willys Herd Top • Radio, Heater, overdrive, New finl1h, new brUe11 • • • • '51 Ford Victorie . • • • • • Radio, Heater, Fordcmatk, a.,,. tires -new paint '53 Ford 2-door . • • • • Radio, He.ter, overdrive, atn. lharp '51 Hillmen Minx • • • -. New finlsb, 30.000 m.ne. '52 Austin Coupe • New top, nf"llr paint • • • • '55 Lincoln Gepri Coupe • Equipped with ev@r)'thh11 -lllre oew '52 Mercury Stetion W 119on Radio, Heater, Mercomat:lc I0,000 original mil• '50 Mercury Club Coupe . Rl.dJo, Heater, o~ '47 C11dill11c 4-door . • . New tlnl•h, Radio, Heater A lrydnmaUo '53 Stude. V.a Her~ • Automatic, new Urea. n.. o.. ....... • '50 Chevrolet Converhl>le • Radio, Heater, new Upt sr--ftnilb • • • • • • • • NOW • • • $1098 • • . s 898 • • . s 798 • . $1098 • s 598 • • . s 660 • $3698 . Sl598 • • . s 598 • • . s 595 • • • $1298 • • . s 660 THESE AND MORE ALL REDUCED .. JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 900 W. Cout ffi&b,..y, Newpact - Llborty 8-llMll au.. 11.nt Mernortal Park Chine P 11intin9 I HA.VII TWO B&AVTin.fL dl&· mOlld ,.,.... !~) • l .._ .• liq. Will trade tClf" ~ or PIJ'mout.111. Car mi.t be In. pod ooMltktft. WrtU Boa II, l21 W. Wilton, CQfte M-10p11 KA.PL.a dlnlq' taJ»ia • 4 uw"· Pl. A.l9o 8kind9 D\lncan ftiyfe t&bM pa. l..JMrty 1-TOll . tell 1 UPHOI...BTERED club c:.hr 111,llO ' obrome "~ul rin. c.b&lra. 12 00 t•ch. l OTI•tal fUI 9•12 ~1~. Ol.ll momtq-9 U M 32t . b-UJ"•. 3orne aUpt17 damacfd In GMC thlpment. ~I.al l'tlu nw and We're Clearing the Way for the 111.16 Fords! 0•1 and lt't'enilC a... Order. TtJi:• H- PhoM Ll1Nrt1 ~ TUTORING ..... GRADE or RlJh ltCbool .ubject.. e ..... 4110-J. CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIJ'l~TIO.lf8 '"' W A.NTED-Mlllln"n 6 furt1. q.. .... w.I"&. u.. 11332 llklJ Ill.VER rox J.&.e&:ft 110. O'· J0el2 trade Int on orpna. Mirror TRIPLE CHECKED TyPe Spu:iei. u low .. llPO. ea., """'· USE:D TRUCKS DANZ-acHMlDT, 120 No. Mala. knta A.JI&. Home et "'9 Hain· mond orpn. ''2 CHE"\'ROLET" ~ t . pan•! 'tll FOR.P ..., t. pidlup k..,. • llhrrttt t&Me '4)p etetTe --------,--.,-- ...... ubl• ..... • ,,,_ ""'· Mese Woodcrek := i:::::.: m ~=i tln,._mt.ed • Ju••nllli W'unlture B.A,B'f UR.A!'(O. Special Onl7 '!liO DODOE ~ l. p&nt!I IWdmt 4-k. epe.Gtat _u .ta I 495. Good tone uid -.euon. ------------rROLLAWAT BED• ...,_U... 2 st~ ?Udtnc" 6llOr C9llt.IMC _ l•.1o Bl11:.,1t eteell: ot won6-rftal .ON .. ~, __ ,, • ,, CT&.Dd p.l.t.no. In 0ran,. Cou.Ql)t, RA.IR Dl\D8D wtth tollowln1 wtll Mtl«" 70ur p,._nt rommi.-mon. 111&11. an.rt ht. a.nor 110t.. lOUG '&O CHEVROLET ~ t, ptekup '61 GMC YI L ptckup ·r.1 ou.;vnot.rr .,.. t . plcilup ·r.2 CltEVROLET ~ t. panel •es 00001.1 l.1i t. ptc:kup WA.NT .-• hoe.rd oa l"J'Ound noor tor eldlT11 temp. lnv•Ud M J". la 4'&Mt Clariftiu ~ ln Newport .,.._ Box J -&1 t.ht. paper. tOC.11 l"U ~ "ef'J' ~l-.....,. ......... ,. .. H·•····-....... -· Term•. Hu. 1-.J 11.fter C:IO •• in-Complalll lin• uapUaie. rum. ilOfl. l>A..NZ . SCJUUDT C:re•l Piano JOI m. ~ A.-e., B&Jllo&. 1lclJ and law4. and or-. .. 8Ultf!, 610 No. ••·•· Klll.,.... U10 o.R nai.a. .. -__ ,. 190-3 MUllTA..NO BPSICl.AL llo6ll Ord"" taken tor at.utter• ll&nt. Ana. Hom• l)f the Hatri· ·ris GM'C '\ t. pickup '49 (:)(C ... t. plt.lrup 'f'l4 axe ~ t. dual• ·n GM'C " L plelrUp, rt)'dr'9· 9T1JPY lD spare U.e fW _.tno- tl)r01 tsamltl&tkle _. a ,_. "r•I «1ntrUt.ot wtta M ,_.. motote)"GM ~ Ju•t nst Harbor, C.M. t.reerty l-1M6 l =~m=~='=0="~~,_·=~--~-I 09Wtri..w.d, -U.l -Uon. &L!XJTllONlC 0 l't GAN. 8•ve e'eWO..tkm .~ -luper Kar-To0 P 7-3 II lltlpll. AIO. ~7 JZ.A-A.attnw. ltlO. &uy Terma. "•P"rlen«. o-T\ae9. aad LA.DIEi: Read our Ml undu matie l.ran.11 't.2 CHE'VR.Out'T l t. p&llel 'S3 FORD r .)00, 12' 1t Ute rr1. llftl.. f :IO ,._ Ati.t &ft ...... ,,__ ...... ~ Al Tvler School 1e11 No. -Jf'roacfw9J'. 8&ala ADe bt ~AM Tn.ER kboolil ·21 · 1....:12 ~--=-~~------1 DANZ·SCHlCIDT, r.20 No . M.aln. lt11 "'· an..twa1. kata Ana.. ::c====--:-c-7"'-C7"'7"-R I D h L J(J , .. n . ••tt ~ ,..:~·iC)'c:!iCU:c:i~ oye anis amps 8Mt& An• Home M' Ult H•m, matwt OrfNI. llalem nn&a11 hJ1ai HMdboU1:19. CERTii'IED ORIGlN.ALS tW1.D ~r W,tm.lnor • nit. 1!50 YEARS OLD Ph. Klmla.ti' Miii • SJ T...U ODUA "" YOU BIG DE:MAND .cu.is. *· -MOO Kucua. N.wport Beach. llcli QA.a T ABLZ TOP STOVE• 126. RA.l"o'DM.A.0£ C-opper 1-mP9. hand blC'Wllo CJ71t.&1 -arr!Ylnf llU.t u DACHSHUND PU P P J Ea. Jt*'1 AkC rP.rt'1.ered. u 1-H12. 1(1(12 'l'lt DODGE 2 L 4 yd, dump, :r t peffi, 8.28 tlrf!• ·04 FORD ··-eoo. 2 .peed. I ·u Ure. '60 C:MC t60 mode.I. dump, I &p<\'ed, 9 00 u,... AT THEODORE: ROBINS YOUR FORD Dll!ALl:ll '53 Ford V-8 Rench W 119on • '49 Ford V.a Cust. Clb. Cpe. '46 Ford Stetion W 119on . . '55 Ford Thunderbird . • • '53 Chev. 4 -dr. Seden • • •• $1695 . s 395 . t 175 • • • KlOS fA.T PllACTJCAL >fUM• MEDICAL ...... A.JlY wUI ban ui oppcrtuntty to Mnnce i.i OW" nnn, ......_ C our p.-t •· --n. et.artinc aa.IArJ le aoofl. EXQUISITE fer Judan ------------ upul\I'. pe.Uoa, poolt. or ef'l'K-I WJ:DC8 OLD wuaed pupp»e. 1~,1 t..' 1.' t R LJ • • 'IV• fen ltldoo'I' \{1hl1nf. Wrlt" male • t. m. l e P..tlrrtoe-1 <i1"T Mere. MOn erey I .....,, Merco. •• $3150 . s 875 $1995 &ee \he Wleet 't'Ol.Wlle t.Nck dMJ- <l'r 111 Oranr• CO\lnlJI' fl)r th• bell teletUon ett ueed tNtke. HOid! ""'1>T Kiili ICJ'loOI DG1 • '7· aca., u.m wt.U. ~ ..... Int ....... .CS. Wrlla naw, Uftltef. ......_.et Nurllll\I'. Dl9tnet omee. Lolrdta C&I. ..,.. f"lld aM JOU wUl Nc:tlYe ~t~too. JoM aow lrw: Bo)'ll blC)'C .. 116. Trmnp..t Ma. C'-ll UbertJ l-43M .n.... 5 • week t:nda. lJtJ.2 ~ l'rt 'Whittler, C•11toml• tor Cocker ml)lh.,r. tern .. r •lrt You WW • .,., Ume ll!ld moflf'J' • .,,._ "" ..,___.,. '"'" N....,..., '" '· " _,,. '" ""'-'53 Ford ~onvert. R u, Fordom11t1·~ $1295 A.NTIQUS K911tllal"J' rtn.. NO .• ,____________ l)f LI 1-3371. llp12 w w WOODS ~ ...., ~ SPANll!H TUTORINU •tuthlm • Ann. --.... TELEPHONE OPERATORS -A"'J -It f, 'Ai Ko. Kain II t.re.t ltm. Ill -811.ata A.ii.a •:oo to f,:00 P.Jl. P ACIJ1C TELEPHONE Title eound mO'l'I• cnJttn 1160, ,.,_old • • :,~ .... ~ :;>;::: 11 80'"..,,.. 40-Aatot tor s.ae 816•1, ~~;:th 0~4ant.a •n• '50 Mere. club coupe, R .. H, w+w S 695 p0•M 1100. old .. ,.._ ,..,... TRADE 0...., l und&1 Lm. '50 Ch I Wi d ~ -' '20. UIUquel --. PT.60. old 1*.Utif'Ul 70-n.. &UJl. llch-..-. Outstanding Values Trutlt htlldqu•rten for ~_ .. _eo_. rys er In sor -,...aoor I • s 495 ~ I II, wood irtove beallcnt for ehut•f. Y:1111t Ill.to.~ earTlld l!''-t N6. pro~rty er sawi.r boat. lHO At 2612 N.-mt0rt Blvd. -~:~.:..~ tf!~ul~~~i!~ '5.3 Ford cust. clb. cpe. R..H, o'drive $1245 etld .Xk)' ,.,, old a&debo&rd w. Balbeta Bl't'd., Nfl"Wl>0'1.. H•r. ~~ ,,_ sn.eo. r.pt.. ru.r• no. eleetrle 3031 39tr Betwf!t"n ~th 6: 26th St.. t.c1p. r •h. punclv,.. prOt1r - ...,. ""' .... -on.ao. · ' in OLD NEWPORT ""' M• -"· "'"'-.,.,. '53 Ford 8 cust. ~ -'r., R u, Fordo. Sl 195 • WI ., • ...... II your retirement old l'\1N. UIUq;U. cbJAa. cut rtw 1• rr. OLAH WIZA.JU) w1th r"· Hu 1968 k l I -,...g ......, ·~rtni; ~ Income Inadequate? ~. 0:7'~· ~-~ ':r~~ eotltroi. • tr..ii~. H•;~; ·a~ir~~,:."!ec:i:~PF~~:~~~c~ i ,-... -..... -c-.""-.-1~-.~-~-.:0-7-; .... -E-,-::."-u-..,,-.. -.'-i-,'::-•. 1'50 Dodge Coronet 4-door • . • 1e11 ....., .....,.0 ....., Are you restleSll It-. a. CRAN.m DA.VU -"50 PLT. 2-dr .• htr., • niea on• 1'52s eooo )( s 475 • ...... ...,. .. ~ .. ~ .. ~:-~ .. ~~~;;;;-~ln~~re~tire~'~n1~e~n~t~?~~~·~ ... ~·~·~M~l~ ... ~~ .. ~ ..... ~~ ...... ~~·~WIN'T~~~E:~R~~s;TO~~R~A.~G~E:~~~:::~~;:;.-:;;~:;:~~~~~Un~~:·~~~~~··:ii::::"~"~'-;·~""~'l.'~~~~~'lcti:~1;-ft::t-t,i~;f(tc5~~1iC~~~~~---~1 ----==-==-ii;·;;·;;W, =: OT J\tr .. f'QOd rubblr and m.-ch. o.k. Ted Tate. lJ l -IH4 or ~OPWll " ,.. ,,_ "" ,.. .... _ ... ., ... ,,_ --•11 --0'"' .... -.. -................. _ .. __ '"' ,_,,,,, "'" '52 Ford ran~h w119on, ovar-'-'ve $1395 -- ~ i....., .. a ,.tUoa Wltl!. .-..., 1;1P• • ~ $65 ... ITUD" Ch··'p • •, <O--~ an - -T W --• a&t ..-..... --· ......, ·· ~ •. 1'61 MA.JU(,U M.O. R.ecl. hrfeat. •• = • v • .__ •r• ~ t711..J. 1c unlf.-.-."AAA •t '''' "ii._. ::..--,. =: ___ ,..., ,.. _ for period ., .;;;:~·-;, .. ;~::·~;;:: -...... -u ....,,, "" '50 Ford 8 4 • door R.H, overdrive S 595 1M1U1 • _.. -1 Konkel'• 1n•-r1o-Sept. 15 -June 16 pt.Int. 1at• '4t. car 1a m an IACRITJCE 1arf• .,quJt1 1.11. a JIM ....tll • ,_.. ..._ ..... w .. o Leunchlnf f\.25 around t1p top ehape . . J4&ti ){l;RCIJRY Su11 V•ll.,-. CUJ 150 F d VA I L • u•" ' •••Ttoa ....., ....... -... u-,. ".•-_... """" u-., M•n ......... or ..., nene true~ .· .•• S 5'45 WDH1i -... ''.......-a« ... ....... teU ....., J'tnNd. -QU&f"C»d TIC1Ull TO SUIT YOU r'" .,._ .._ ~ IJ19H or anw a p.m. JOUt !:; ":l!.'•,..,e:.:::. ~,=. •z•••1•Ncao ... ._:'~ms z.!:"':,.. Outboard Marina TRANSPORTATION CAP.S THEODORE ROBINS ::"" ...:9' .. ,, .. .,:: :t;r· .,.. ... •111 .... 1~ liiov 11anor ...... ODM& = '°' ~i:wy· · .. :~.~~.~.~--~-~~-~ Somebody Wants CU ...... WOKAll', I 11Dc.c ..... _ ......... ....... ..,.._ ................ ..... ............................ ....... 11, ,..,,,.,. -=a.., t1 7 I -; tnlll; S-'L elftoeJ 1111 t> I tnlll; IW t n 4 a • 90llll.; pneiteal •urM,. tin Ill; .Utr.a. ~ .... ; = ''""IC: lloe.t ~; .....,.; ,_.u.. COLOJmD WO)IUl( .W.. wot1t JUM J'UTV &m,a. ~C'I .. 4bll,i· b>' 5-J. xtmbtrb ...... tp1 I Ultd. NpL 8f'eb· opp, Clt.7 Rail. Custom Dreperies _,.PllA.&.D9. ..., ....... --- ............ 11 rn. .. ···---1 LUCILLll DllOOllATOR8 Rar. Mff...--4()1 8. 1111.n.. m.d. IUo a.&AJf Moorin.g Spece N ,_toot .. ..-...--... 2401 W, Oout. m.,tnr-1 Newport a..dl, U l-071 Mc.11 '11 1"01\D ........ M.-o. motor *' U9ed IUTllltW"t , ~-&sllne. ~-••-A etc_ .ow te111111 11p .,._ .. ,._ .._,_ ru........ top -·····"·--1126 ,._,.... 'IT CRSV . ..,._ 1f-batt.r}" -"6 ,,ftd &lNJ'"'wtUl&n..tl Ill Jf..,._ FRANK LE: FE:VRE: URI> CAJta :Mlf 1'1'..-p:>rt B)'f'd.-H.A. 8021 NewpMt s.M. Caltt--, l ' ~ Clualn.cl Jut pbon• R&r· bo1' 1118 • -,: '"J .ant to paao. 4 Cluatf1td A 4," Md & com"t.-m -.d·l•ktr wlll Mlp yea '"1l• .. ef!tcllV9 td. YOUR J'ORO DEAI.Ji'!R SlNC& 19".ll llOO Wwt Clout ~y. Newpact -~ tbe Martain' Kiie" LIBllRTY 1-3471 OPEN EVElflMOll Ju.+ Phone HARIOR 1616 to Ploco Y-Ad oo TI!k P•9• ' I 11 J I I ) I' I f 11 I~ IL ~ ···--·-~ •t )J CllJllV. 'U Mn=•..... ..... UDO 1SLE .._.,_ 11111.P~-....... NJ. ~ .... • ,... 't'ZAJU.1' llldUnl. s Wrm. • I --.. ,.,...... ..._ ..--. tl&t.k ~ Bu. 101&. •Uc M-R, WW. tlTI. ll&r. 1 .... . .;..____ .. .___ -------- Cabanas Marinas -_,, 5' • I •• !Ji-' ~ I N1CE U'l'ft..S a.&AJllMO &BOP. 8e1J ~-&..-....... %720 &. CIDMt Bwy. 0.-.. Mar. 1'pU .......... ---~----- END OF MONTH SPEC'l.ALS BACK BAY S BR-d9a. I MUI. hardwood fin., .. - • ti 00.u'l'AL WWWIA Ultll9 Ill NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • 'A" I WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21, 1955 ' tell WDT BA. T A ft. dupla. I bed· room. s b&U.. turn.. •no mont.h Utt amY. ~ Dlim ~ or W1Jlt... HU W. 9-7 s dr. ---Good .... tlaa, ....... ..... ttpll Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch, OFFERS CASH ••• VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE ... -. UJ.600 I BR.. dft.. J batll. wall to wall ~ -.,11.100 T8alt0 BU>O. lot -8ttrra V&M.a. ftadlo. bMW, .-.. ~ roR T!tUBT DC&1)8 •tlMr .uu-Call t ..-. .-. LIDO ISLE · p.111. lot IOtll 9t. au. .... IU.CBJU-Oa and ... two bdrdl. tpll .... 8bast w. .nd ytai:r. SHI KJ:RCUJ\1' Coll•. i.ow.nd, AUIO, Udo Born and Bay Front noeed, drtne IU&e poww -..... &om. met apa e.nta. DeUcbtfuJ Uvin1. Apt.-Cabuiu. UtilitiM paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. WM. B. BOLT MOR'l'O.A.GS BAJQCDIO SINCS ~ leot N . BUBB a.un'A .Al'fA KDOll':IU. y I-TU.a LOW at . . le.&00 CORONA DEL MAR ~ 2 br .. doee to milt&, R-1. ,_ tor unit. Aalllne . 12,llOO * MARYLAND * *· J In~. Oood Une. .,.aat, .-t LIDO REAL1 AMociatee eoftnl. r IU&e It lliut ... .. NGO YIA Udo,~ I llart>or ""' t.M money. ft&t'1 ft7 ._ .,..._ ltttc Sala f'OI. (the A C. pa:r fw _______ _,,._\_\.J----- lhl1 ad.> Har. '10I. IDCPLOYl:D WOM4.lfl to atiar• nScel7• fllra. home. TV, auto. wuhn • dryer, et.c. l40 per JnO. HO Docwood, ColU Men, after l :SO p.m. kll 10012 f7 8TUDDAJ<Dt O..Tel'tlW., rpod ~,.. r•l po4 tnM- portaUon buy. •2&0 LI I-ION. ncu lMI DeSOTO coeY. 8bOWTOCllll c:ondltJon Dehm• equipment. waw uoo or Mtlt otter. 22• Poln•tUa. Corona dtl Mar. • ~ Uc II CHEVROIZI' Belair• club cpe .. loeded, tncludiftl' eonUntntal klL .. u equJty, ~yer can auume contract. Wiii take tl"Mle in.- Har. P2f or '°6T evea. 1 tc:U Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN ·* with this ad * e eyi.. .us.88 8 Cylll. • ............. -...... $58.88 lnel\ld.. both labor and part.a. New rtn11, wn.t plna, Y&lve l11Dd. fUttnp or maln and rod beartnp. Jllrpert motor tune up. 90-d&y or f ,000 mU• suarantee. tlT .IO MONTH. attracttve 1 6 2 bdrm. tum. aptl. Util pd. Laun· dry room. Adulta only. BLUJ: TOP A.Pl'. KOTl:L. •03 Newport Bl•d., Newport Beach. juat above the Arcbu. 74lfe RENTAL t1 SPECIALISTS Call J:4Da er.ti Blanche Gates, Rltr. Ill Karine Aw. JM.Ibo& Leland, Har. 1811 72ttCI BALBOA ISLAND. available Oct· o!Mr 8, larr• 2 bedrm. and aun porch furnlahed upper duplex. Wlnter or yeariy. Har. &668-W. •Uc Choice Winter Rent&Y on Batboa laland Ii Lido l~le lm&U 6 0091 or 1&f'l'9 6 delua• • $11 t.o '800 -~ VOGEL CO. For appt. or reeervation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc '8-A-Apta. for Beat Deluxe Furn. Apts. One • two bdrm., with televlalo.n. '2lvailable tor 1ummer or win- ter. ALSO yearly le..-. ln Heart of activity -Lot• of parklnf. 607 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 3eae. aettc BALBOA ISLANO-Lonly 1 br. apt., downetalra fronL Nicely tum. Two adulta H O, leu for one, ulll. pd. year around. - YEARLY 6 WINTER, Colorful 81J\all furn. hoUN. l:ncloeed ya.rd, flowera, lreM, f'6 mo. yr. incl. uUI. PreterTed •lnel• .,._. ALSO OCEAN Jl'RONT Knotty pl.De 1 bdrm. bouM. larse en- cloeed yard 6 patio. 15& winter Incl. utll. ~q. 111 Slit St., NpL UplJ COSTA KEBA. Lars• J ~ home. Zoned M·l . C10M t.o heart of town. Call LI 1-tTtl, EYea. Harbor .see. ncu ATiantic 1..0383 or writ• l128 ------------ Lora.Ill Rd .. San Marino. 11cl3 1100 MO. C08TA MUA NEW I bdrm. boUM, p.rbace dl.8p. Near acboola, &bop~. Larp yard. ChUdAn o.k. Bar. 1S80. 1lpl3 Lido Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. apartmenta. l'UmJ.ahtd. Oarq ee. Yearly or winter rental. Har. 114175. '7c20 LIDO YOU MAY LEASE With option to buy lf 80 d-1red, tht. beauUt\ll I bdrm., I b&lh, 2 patlo Ullfunl. DAN A. JACOB81CN, RM.Jtor Jlf ll2Dd St., Newport Beacll Harbor 114181-llvea. Ll l-&317 -------------COR. LCTr wttb Ilic:• apt . ove.r NO COMMISSION pr. R-% -10.000 No A.ppniNI l'ee SA.La -llSl"IJIAHCS OONS'nlUCl'IOll Call fw rw.. Fut Qwnmttnwnta 1G ACRU, °' mot'e. 1 .. vel. near ..._...y, l mile trom El Toro- XlnL nntai a..- Claire Van Horn oa R .... d n • ... UnMa Gmi7 REALTOR Don I. Huddleston _n_si_w_._eou __ t_H_wy_. __ u _a._•2_11 Costa Mesa 173 E. 17th St. 008TA MD.A j i F'\1RH. UNJTS, but location. LI 1-Mtl U a.«IG C·l lot UxSOO-SlOOO down. TllUBT D&:a>e tor Ule . A Real Fine Home PRJV A TS DfVD'l'Oll '"to·~ ........ BANTA AMA. K<Jlt'!QAGS 00. 206 a.,...,_ adc· ID T-4.lN lc1I 1...0A.Jta TO BtJD.b. DIPBOYS BUY.~OR aaDIA.lllCS We 8u7 Tnnt ~ Hll:WPORT BAI.BOA UVDI08 A t..04N •llM>CUTIOll ... Y\a'U.. PIL. -· ... di LOANS for Homes J BIL FURN., tlrep&ace. beaten . Double prare. l&rs• k>t. NOOC.I da.-IM aro.dway. Look at It, U... caJJ IU. Newport Beach s PURN. t1NJT8. 2 Iota, I pr&CN. _, pMr-. ll&.960 run prke. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR IOI McFadden Plac. Har. 1'0 S.1t. Har. llS'T·M-Har. 2&11-M "' -• ir. .._ • For The Little Tots Construction loans ruu.T lllQUJPPZD BCHOOL. tor MICHIGAN AND GEORGIA TECH are rated tope in football thia week by aperta AIM! we rate thia home buy top. In the Barbor Area. thla week becau.e, for '23,l500 you pt a delue e-141D quality home with &11 of thoee de9lrabS. f•tur. auch u a swimming pool, S apecioua bdnm., ia,.. living room. big airy kitchetl, lovely fireplace, ci..m- ing oak floors, forced air beat. 2 ideally aitU&t*i baths, heavy shake roof, patio. ~ 1--. etc., and located In the beaut.ltul Upper Bay era. Titia ia bard to duplic~te. can DOW for appolntmmt to aee. OCEAN VIEW LOT LARGE, CHOICE corner in Corona Hicblanck Under market @ '9,500 * * * The Vogel Co. (NO MONET DOWN> REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 11 MONTHS TO PAY- ISuUt In our owa factory by P:Wtd lft&clllnl.lt&. Don't cont.e:nd wl th UM mJddl. man. Buy direct. IOI Ma.rtae A"~ B&Jboa laland ft. Harbor Uf or Harbor 1151 ft.et. Bar. 1718-R or Bar. IMl·M FURN. 2 ROOM apt. at 31 BEA· CON BAY near KAR.BOR 18· LAND aero.. trom Balboa la· land. le6 mo. till July 1, tnclud· lftl' UTILITIES. Dbl. car .. very qutet larr• lncloeed ya.rd, pine ponr . 'i9 blk. to private beac.h 6 11malJ boat 114 ft.) dock~ pri· v1Jes-. nearby ten.nla court. No pell or chlJdren. c.JI Har. 27H on Sal. Or Inquire 27 Beacon Bay. Har. 1877 or any R-.ltor. SlOO mo. on yurly 1-. TUc TWO BEDRM. FURN. HOXIC an Patlnaula PoinL 1100 mo .thn.I June 16, 1toe or '160 mo. on yn. leue. Move ~ht ln. -ART C. KISTLER CO., Harbor ant. kU 3201 W. Coa.at. Hiway Liberty S.1411 ealit at a VERT ~ble prlc•. -------------------------..... aATTl.ml SIU ICAft OOAft &VD. REBUILT and INSTALLED &HORT BLOCK l'OllD -·····-·--··----··· 1111.110 CllllVllOIZI' -···-·--··· IUUO f4Ue WINTER RENTAL rum. 1 bdrm' apt.a. No beddlnr or Unen, cu and water paid. f 60 month. Chlldra welcome. No peta. 37ot Chanel Place, Newport le· YEAR ROUND RENTAUl--One FURN. I BDRX. HOKE, PLUB ruut cott.ar• on c&na.I wtUI noaL Winter re11tal. Bee at 4108 River A••· or call Oxtord Ot-ltl evenin~•. or OXford f..atel daya. tell ~--..., ----Rep. POntma II~ 00. II.a. ........ .--a.a.u.a ..... roll SAJ.Z--Bott water Mf'Vic•. t.M oni, one ln a bully amall IOWn.. &llcelMftt opportunity for • cou1*- land. Barbor 1217-J . PLTX. 6 DODOS -···-1163 attc CllJl1'8. 6 D~ aoTO --1110 ------------ ftUDm.AKD --· .. ---llTO CANAL J'RONTAOlt, J bedrm. btdrm. A 2 bedrm. apta. turn. ------------ Alao room with private entran~. UDO ISL.IC rum. S bed.rm. tiome. IOT E . Bay, Balboa. 10pl2 l ~ l>Mhe, p.raca. prtl. diap. Untll June. ~· price to ri"'t tmaaL cau OW1M1r Har. 21fl0-R tttc 1 BDRM FURN. apL oear water cloM lO fUcharda. $eo yearly Har. JOMJ, after t or 10.-29 WE 81'1DCJA I .nz IJlf LOAJ'fa 6 nMAltCIMO OH 180~ A uio., hndtWe 6 ......_ One Day Service Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. 111&11Jp19 Ult.Inc. ftealton OLDll 6 PONTI.AC t ----J170 dupla apt., nlc.Jy tum., nr• BUICK -· ---···-tlT5 pW!t, hdwd. tlra., Slf'IC'e and St. alter I . 10cl2 PltNISULA I bdrm.. tum., ftre- LoaN t..-JM t.o SUll • -.-e CALII'. ACXXPl'AMCB JaJD IL c-at Hlehway eor-deJ Mar Hane. 21Q llUD90Jf --·-··--·-··--· •1111 auto. wuller. 1110 per mo. with place, reeff&Uoe room, double rara&•· JIO peta. Jl&r. Ulf,.R or Har. •072. tell Loaa Oar rr... Towtor uw1u... A vait uu July 1. -Dl:LUXlt l'URN. A.PT8. OORPOllA TION Nmw CA.A OUAR.Un'l:S Harbor IM7-W. JOc12 lln•I• • dbla. 130 mo. and up. 10. E . Bay Ave . Balbo& Harbor 13H. • llttc 1 .. Hutlor Bhd.. o.u .... U l ·nll -0,. ~ W1 I 91oek amt -t eur 9t...sa.rdl Phl9 tu-. ..... Uld oO 0,... ...., 10 a.m. \.o s p.in. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ()pea DUly I t.o T 8tat.9 lloDded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. llAN"U, AHA * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach U 8-f.tlO ......_...28r.~•-~4'te '11--al' Alldenon. ~ • .. U2te 'U-11' Rc&dmut•. perfect 11no 'lt-1" J1aWY Home -··· -Nte 'M-U' Pe.ram.. 1 llnn _ Di.count p A.N AllERJ.CA.N Pu-..nt·K-*111 Tnftl-'hrry IGtlc S BICDIUl. TRAJLlllA for ale 140 f\.) LM haven Trlr. Pad1. naa W. Cout Hwy. tell 17' T'RAlL&R 6 CAB.ANA 410x2') ror Ml• or tl'Mle tor smaller watt. M will •U Mparll.ltly. Al.o •ledrie Mlhil'er&lor, r-nable. Lot ll, MunlCIJM'I Tr&li.r Court. tpll • Oil • 8.0IUl. unt\lnL hom• In H_.,ort "•'"'ta or CoT'Oll.9 dtl Kar. Ru. 6'11. klf Rentall Wanted ....................... ----... ____ , ,., ............. ..,..._ .,.. ..... a......,. ... ..., The Vogel Co. -W. Olt. ...,.,. N...,o.t ..._ ...... Uwt1 I-Mil ... ....,...., ...... ,..... ~...-. ... .., .. Cout 11) .. Oona& ... "-.......... nu ...... OCftol. Mll ... Ude Yearly Rentals BALBOA I HDllOOM tunL apt. View ot Ba.)' IU montll. PENINSULA POINT I BEDROOM bouee, larJ• fenced ya.rd, 1 car ,........., turnlahed '1211 month. Nl!:WPORT HARBOR REALTY Ill E. lle.lboa Blvd Harbor 1807 WA TlCRl'!tONT Tl:ARLT rtJR.N 1 a.drm upper duplo neuly new 116. UICI, UUI. 6 sara_r. J bllu. to Udo cenW. llU - M It. Harb« 4Mt Of' 231 S Upll BALBOA -l bdrm. Maul. turn. a~ OJI ba1 &ont. Utll pall!, pr1V'att Ilea.ch, wallt.I,_. diet.al\~ •hopplJIS. No chlldre1 or peu. SU lo 190. KOUITON RJtALTY &Of <Ant.r Bt .• Cocola MN& U 1-ff)l ev-. Har. &nl·W kl\ WINTER SPEC~ 8lCALL l"URN. APT. ~ tor couple. l chlld o It.. Furn. mu.. Hot and cold ••ler, prtvat• entrance • parlllnf 8 1nJ l• '211, dbl QO. VllCINO ROT'l:L.. 901 E. Balboe Blvd-Bal~ lc12 BA.L80A 18l..A.1"D 2 bdnn.. l lll'l&lJ FA tu.mact, car. pa Uo • ...,.,.. lneloetd yard. :-lffl' bualne-'711. sno. wtn ur, I 1211 r-rly. Bar. Jl2f..M. ttte 8ACH.l:LOR A.PT. ~ate unit. ahower Hll W. (}c)te11. Har. IOlT. tell A Tl'RA~ 1 bedrm. rumwlled apt. wtt.h Yi-175 mo. Incl all •tlUU-. Harbor 2&06-M. lOcll BALBOA YEAR.LY LOVELY 2 BEDRM'. FURN. APT. WINTICR RENTAL. Cottq"e at Cloeed --~ lk 1008 l!:. Balboa BIYd. Home ------------ eomtoru -bal)l. turnace th~ moet.at.. ,..,..,., Adulta prera~ red. Ox 7-2"6. tell TOU CAJif BORROW llOll& TAKE LONGDl TO ll.l:PA T PAT L.IEBI WKKH 1'00 80IUIOW UDO l8L&, I bdrma., I lllaU.. TBS Costa Mesa How Can You Miss Tlll8 CllAR.MJNO home on land· mcaped • t--s to JI 130 lot. 2 Wrma. ONLY ITTllO wltb trrna. S711 mo. winter. Ont bedrm. tum. STO mo. winter. or 180 mo. yrly. for each. At.o winter nnta11 a.a low u SlO week. AL TYLER, Mt7 JI.) B&lboa Blvd, Kar M06- or ev-. 0823. 10c:J2 home Oft aanual buU .......... SANTA AcNA MOftTGACS WAY ewlmm1~ pool sup tor'° tt. ,. a~ m.tc. JU T-u• Balboa bo•L S..UutuD7 tum. Eaqw-Ida Tw. ~ ...,.. klU Zoned '°' OELUXS MODERN turn. iltudJo apt. Utllltl• p&ld. l 7fl mOftth. Corona deJ M.ar. Har 0863-R 10c12 ••t• ta.aide .,..tu.. 8lhna-. -------------around paUo A pool. s _,. ,.,. Rt:AL iBl'A.'IK ~ dllpllnl-. llOOO eecb. $800 mo. Inqulre 0 Balboa la--a.&e ~IL~ Con&. NCIW'pOrt. klf ~ 1..-..~----u.~ 1..ARO(I; 2 BDRM. FURN APT. FOR l..ll!A.St: ...... Omla .._ .... . Coast Properties 391 E. ~ BIYd., Balboa ....... ..,,.. ~ atl~ '60(). UtlllllM paid A.a<> l bedrm. unrum. apt UUJIUN paid 1711 mo -2otl i-u.tln, COii\& .M-.. Ll 11~41162. 10pl 2 Bit.A. UTIJ"UL new Jrvtne Tttn.ee u n1urn.. ~ew home. ao!Uple -ta. "--... •I .... aDd ... .., "'"" 2 .... ------------ BALBOA ISL.ANO -· "Lillie i.. land", w lnttr a100 mo.-Ct>arm- lnar 2 bdrm. furn, apt. 1184 '-b4alona,-THE UO BARN. - Harbor 1179..J. l OcU F OR RENT--Oceut tront tumlah· ed 2 t>.dr~m apt . UUllU• p&ld. r.trts•r•tor. 1M--211th llL 1711 per m o " t h. Clean Ca ll Upland. YU'kon 3·211&4, ownn tel I ITO MONTH, J bedrm. Nicely furn Incl. utlllll.-. A sarara. tilt bath 6 kltchen.-•09 Poppy Ave . Co- nma del Mat Al.I() lovt ly tum room ln prtvate hom•, UO. _. Owntr, Harbor 544.2. tell CORONA DEL MAR J bedrm N-ly tum lo. ot hlsflway. Adu Ila. No pela, l.'111 Included. '70 y rl)' . 1-for wint er only See at 410 lrta kll CORONA DEL MAil. yearly 2 • bd.-m. d\lples and l·bdrm. aput- J DORMS., 2 tNltM Call Ha.tbor 177CI or Harbor tut. LUU. W. BT AN LEY. ft.e&I~ lntne Te~ Otnce Corona dtl Mar. J.ltlc Jl'URN. COI'TAOI!:. Wlntft' rental. '60 monUl.-.UO Marine Av ... Balboa laland, Har. leot. lOclJ ROOM for WOY'kinl -.a. Bot &IMS cold wate:r In room.. ~ •~ trance U per Wffk. 1Jll.-21UI It Newport. ppUc z..rEW, SMA.R'n. T ruRNl8lO:D om c•. ltft Harbor, C~u w .. -. Uber'.• 8-UU. tut~ Tfl41.t' ,,_t ...._ wn--ca- ~ Ne dlarp b ........ a&l'J' a~ ........... Ana~~-.... ABTllUR A.. IU1' ~· '-OUia 0 , , Oeddimt.aa I.Me 1 N Oa. Ria-ta..... ..... .... .. • .. , .. '!-!·;.e:,1z New and T et t ifc B&AUTT IHOP ud elDc8 ...... etail"ll.2G~--~ •lilh~ If(&. ........... T_... O<n' TO SE& U. -! DAM 4. JACOllllllC'f. Jteall.r U4 Hiid St... K-.ort a.c. Kar1wlr Mfl. s..... u ..-a llclS 2 •lorea or offleea, Ol'M Jax30. OIM ------------ 12a2&. Low nnL SuJtable tor,.... t&JI bu.lne.M or ottlcle. 607 s fl-llMI _r:.e.te Esw'n"- Ba.Jboa Bl'Yd., Har Mot. Mlle LET'S DEAL NOW NEVER AGAIN WILL IT Bit P068IBlZ TO BlJY a 100.100 fl. cornn lot In h.,.rt et e.Jboa wtOI a rompl~t• eer• ~ at.aUci.a. flllly equJp,,..ct. in.a ..-..,-.r l*),000, bu t bdrm ......_ ,...ty room tor .-pe11- ..._ 'ni. (Wtce a.net •tt IJtcom• wdl ,..... yuu, Call AL TYLER. Broker SOT S Balboa. tta.r. .JIM. 11('111 REAL VALUES J BEDROOM borne. l.hermo hot llantwood (loon, LU.. Thia IA • .__ for UM tutun. '57 ~r -. wtlJll t 'l ln~t Betln - Ul6s -today: WS RA''"& JC8T LISTED J rue~ I ~ lola. ltut ~ Pn~ le Rll. Build your own l'l<>m• and ......... B. A. NERESON !nflll. rurnJahed Incl. ut11iu-Office Bu·11d·1ng Harbor MOI 2ttc TR.ADS au.rMttore 2 ....,_, fWnl. F R t modent .__ .. o-'t Rot RE.AL TOR Charming Harbor Haven Or e,n llpf1nSI ttt:J "'~ BJ"rd CC*& M- Apart.ment.a • Patioe r-.•1:w office bids. CAntr&U.r local· Mid I u t-111'1 E-t-ea u l-4lto NEW ' ROON. atrNl 1...-el Near ed. Yloon ca.rpelA!d.. Wladoolr a 1!IEDIUI. BOOR a sumt .__I _ .. _,_ _ .. _ drapa. llOO aq t\ Ideal tor tna. 'c"·-~ m.. Oab c.n.,_.. • SlOOO ....,...., .. , ...... pplns ctlatTict. QWet. or r•I eeta\t ttrm Ph J1in at ........... PIMADl. excluatve. Oar.,..• die-U t-S~4. 7c20b f« , MOVD YOU INTO a let I bdrm pc>eaJ. laundry, ltOrac• rooma. _____________ ,HOMS Oft INOOlllK .. c.ca ........ EutllftJl r;. •let. Co.ta C"•~• 182.IO up. Occup .. en· M-. e.JlK!a laked or Hu'-.._ ocauon. Pa--ta ..6 ..... u a•--L Good _.... t ~A-Bwhll!• Relltala 1 ···~· "' .. • re .. ~ au.,.... • ·• on. ~ loall llld. ta.JI• 6 Ina. PT1ce MJT. llOl HHetl Pia.c. DESK SPACE wttb pbon• .entc:e ISLAND RLJY CO '"80. 1 Block SouUI or Hip 8chool 130 mo. llOT .:. Balboa BlYd... • • BURTON B B'OCK ALSO n.TRNt8RIID A.PT8. Bal~ PhOD• anewutnr aemce tM Part! A¥t. WlNTllR R.ATU lltta al.ao Hailable. Har. MOS. Mttc B&Jboa la.laftd '8-B-Bomee for 8-t Harm llcll Cor. 1m • Pl-Ua c M FOR RE"'T two bdrm. home - NCWPORT HTS. I bdrwi boute (1tove A "hie. turn I lncJudee G .... ~------· RJlr • l1U11tr ml 1" Cout Hwy HM. %21 6 U l ·Tl'Je2 Jlcl2 Kuiler '9Tl STOI Hewpwt m.d.. eo..& Liberty ..... , and raras•· Untum. ,._~ •lore room 6 two otrlce epaca, 1111_ 1 BA tund8be4 apartment-SU yvd.. 17~ mo. 7ff.r round. Pb s100 mon\J\ OR -.111 rent "~-t'lQ[ DOWN Very, Very Special." pw lftO. Oii. yearly 1-lo cplt . 1...1. 1-1121 10pl2 r1tely J ot11c• •l 170 and l a l l'JTJ I tte Call Harbor 1a.. Jlcll TIC.AJU.Y 1 bedrrn. tura. ~ ~month. Aleo em.all tlore 1100 Jill-I zo~-C\lte c:ottq• __ WINTER __________ A.LI___ a.pt. l:nc:aoeed pauo.. eomp,ete mo. Call owntr Uberty s-em oua.:orAn POll8FllSJ0l'f. ' wtU. trw. lt.oom tor at.or· ......... =...£ mit_.ro! ~Q °" t.he Oceaa PT1ftCIY. A•ultt ~ble. mornfnJ• or after II pm. tt.tc bdrm.. 1 bat.la -_.. __ •la fnlllL ··--·. '··-- ---~. aao •u& HV• w. 11&1· DBL.I: OARAOf: wit.able for TIU,OQU. .. lM ,_. Pr1c:e Sll.000 --·--'-0 .._ _.,_.... Kltc.benettt a-•. Delly __ ..,. T-~'T AN OP • ..... ..u .. •• ......... u .n ._. -r--r-.. _ ~ lll'ld. Newport. •mall manutacturtns M -I -.ct 2029 llar1M>r BtY'lll.. LI M 7tl -... .....,. · • Ill Ole llanor .I.ft&. ...... .,. ~-10p12 Larre tenctd Jot. "o mo. Call IEvN.) U M~U w Bart.. POllTU1'f1TT to OOUBU: eaa Ml?~ tun ,_, .._.., OC2AH FRONT ------------LI 1·3681. J l clJ aoMK. ~ ~ ~ and lncom~ law a protlL ,,.... -.,..,,, .APA.J\TMEn' llOTE'L J'URN. BOUU OCZAJ( FRONT Hu. f&48..Jl-Elarly bird YMU97 \.eMJ, ltOT W. <>e.8 ,.,_._ Bu. lMI •ALllOA. a Mdrm.. I bat.be, tpedal. A Jilf. A ,.,.... only RJCX RJlCHS. ft.EALTOI\ N_,_-t MWl)'decorat.ci,l lOOmo. wtnter. 5'-Bn' .. ~~ llROm.D'n -17 -..,_.. llcl2 llanw 1M-1V. 10cl2 '°'». •11Utt.7 ....... t,.,. .... ------------ ISOf W . .._.. .mt . ...,., lltt Mp&. ~1'T AJ>AATMllNT-------------I bdrm.. J Mu. ._, w.Qad YmW HOid OM Cl.I.Fr DR. pod ~IC«I)' ~ HJCELY J'UllH. one bdrna. llo\JH NEVER AGAIN peUo A Ip. Clble. pr. 8lt-a.d N'EWPOKT HEIO HTB 8MALL llome 6 pr. ()Duple 6 ·~ JT. old -,.. ., ..... ....... t.U....U. u.11 ~·•-.11 COMJ'ORTA.ISUI Aft. I .... It ranl' ... In ..... ---rmtal. l,._.... at. tpu L\.LllOA. JaLAJfD tuna. I Wna. I '9tll ............ ft,.,.._ Aftlt&. M ,.U. LI I-TIM. A nil. "°"· te10 -all tw.cWU• tor eomtort -at 'lt PolnMttla, Corona ci.1 oa c&l\1'0ll. wtlll .._.... ....., n>R a.ALE OR WlLL TRA.DI: -per mo. '8cl'udea \IUllU... Mar. aea.r P.O., bank 6 1torw. Cl( -. 6 11G1a, W.W. carp9l· tMa I bdrm. • d.n horn. 1 e. ... lt-170. W Oceaatrvllt v.., ~tor 1 orJ pereona. WlLL IT BE POsatBLIC 'l'O BUY tnc. All --..,. .. , a O 1-tJl. ftr1 n>nY kllchtft Ulat !f-pon Bea.di. ll&r. 6171-W . CaU Harbor 112·"-« eontact a 100x100 f\. c:orn9 lol ln b-.rt I blll. '""9 ~ 0.-X.. .,_ CIMo U.. patio..~ 111 Upll .. Orchid AYt. l0e12 ot Balboe with a eomplet• _.. UOI -... .... I 0..,-.... ..... ,__ tl~p~ nuAb Ill "1--ft-M-.-l'lV--D-IO_A_PT-.-... -----mo-. LAROI: I 8TORY HO)(l)-.Zontd vice atatlon, fully equJppeid. I"*' kll wall ti L.A. W1W c:arpe\a. One ,...... ll&IH OVl'r teo,000, haa 4 bdrm el ... _ ...._. ..... It .. __ -Ctttt Perman.it ttft&lll JWef~ -M -1. ClOM to hMrt ot t-n.-._ -..... ---900 J ml OorMI del M CaJI U 1-e111 ev-Har. ,..... homt. pltnty room tor -pall· -P'cw a ••• • Ml _. -. -Dr. o.Jl ~ •l U a.11t2 u ne, P l lp":i ---------------••on. The pr1c• and n.t bl~ your local.__,.,.. .. lie.... ..,. or-U.....,..-.. ucU NP.:WPORT ISL.AND. 1potl-2 '"'111 plHM you. CaJI-TOWOllAOW te -.r.tr .. WM.t 1w -m;==o-1'0_·-A-,.,.-. _U_U_h_t_l .. -paid--.-,-.. br. unlurn. home. ucellent loca· AL TYLER. Brow ..u. TODAT' ~ n.. _. -Olli ...,.._ ltlt te pliM'9 ,_ mo M4 Larkllf'ur. C"'°"• «Ml tl('JI $1111 mo on yMrly 1-897 II! Balboa.. Har ........ 11p 1• cal"ll lfl UM +-PftM WU. te-Ad • tlilY pap. Mar. I lr l3 Ca ll H•rbor 1294 11cl3 ......,.. ' " 4-1 ~ Ada '" rMd by folk.a .-., are NeJJ1 looluns to buy, Lido Isle 1'f.ERE'8 NO Q U JtSTl ON a bout th• quality ltl Ulla ll bdrm . 2 bath home on a •o· lot. La.r~• pul•i.d LR. A den Wonderful paUo. Shown al your convenl~nce. Balboa THll~,.._., ...... pro'*1J °" Ba!boa ..... 0... -Juat reduced ,_ =• ..... I dble. apt.a. 'Aftele ...... 2 all(1e rllllll. . ,.,..... l"\lml•hM or u.nturnlah~ • Reduced to tao.ooo. IU,800 a Open House 3 to 6 D~ily 809 Plumer St., COllt.& 11- 3 bednna and den. H~ bat.ha, 1up UY. rm., ftnpl, eeparate dining area, brkfut nook, bUllt in o.. and •tove, di.apoea.l, aervlce porch, J'A beet, J ear gar. Lot 57 x 120, 8 mont.ha old. TOP V ALUJC at $14 .650 witb $2600 down. Ready to IDO'f'e tnt4. BAY & BEACH REALTY-lido Ofrece 3112 Lafa~te. Newport Beach OCEAN FRONT BALBOA 2 Bedroom apartment and • one bedrooGl apt.a. Extra vacant corner lot. ll'iDe rental ~ $9000 down. full price $26.~ t.t tJme ott....t Multiple Ll•ting. LOW PRICED HOMES Small home on Santa Ana Ir Clay St.a. A.a.o OM on San ~mardino near Clay. CaU for dttaila. 3 INCOME UNIT8 $1 ~ month income. Aslrtn1 prict '8000 Thia 111 worth ln...tipttnr. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd It N~wport Blvd., Npt. Bea.ch Bar. Mae CORONA DEL MAR Elilpane1,·e Harbor and ooea.n .iew, • bdrm. 0.. Dinln.g room. 2 batba. Hardwood la eupet ftoon.. Ba.rgarn at $45.000. Submit down. BA YSHORES 3 bdrm. home, ~ rooma. Pro- tect~ patio. Attractlv~ly priced at U•,7!50 BA YSHORES e:xceptioD&l, 2 bdrm., 2 bath dln'ftll.., utra tge. llv. room. All glua to patio. Carpete la dra~n~• me. Rarely found "t '2'.000 RA YSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm .. Llv. room lAdO hrrpl .. f~nc~. covered patio. Can't be duplicated for $19.~ SEE US for BEACON BA. Y and BA YSHORES propertM& Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt f..&222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., B&Jboa la.Land At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THltRE IR A w o :-.o F:RFTI.. P•~~ <•C bu~lnf'U prtt~rty Ct•r a&lt with u cell,.nl l~rm• Loni term ltU"• pl'ndlnir. lol•lln& approx. U26 • month. M • 1 prop- -~ v .... t •• ---.... ___ ... _ . ._,, ...... --. alden<l In a trade. Cell owneT 14' 11-41223 momlnp or atter II p m t ttc CLIFF LI 8-6640 HAVEN LOT $3500 Ocean View KEW KOM'lll 6: Income or su•t hO\IM, boUI t\lmtabed. Pal.lo. A.JI ccmTmtmct• Incl. 1rarb. di.Ip .. W•rqH. U .1.000 BAROAIN ac· <'OWll IUneea.. OPEN DAILY tt'7-41th I t., 1f.-port Bea.cl). • ffpU • A 'ITRACM'VE LA.RG8 SHAKE VERY MODERN LArc• plctur• wltldow, I W,,..., • IJ. brtdt paUo. ramu1 ... die· lnr nn., lar&• W. ll.ltcbee wtU. bulll·tn dinln& are&. S BA TIU. -•-'' . .... - man. BeauutuQ)' landeoa-,.d lot &Ox150. ten~. prtn.te an.y. Extra tars• 2 car ~· lllllt. VACA.NT J I°' YEARS OLD, Uke new. Pnc~ low to MlJ at $18,SOO Very attractive t.enna, opm af~rDOOD8 2307 Sant.a Ana Ave., eo.t.a M~a. Owner. Har. 4664-W. 9Te11 C'V1'IC I bdrm eou,... ta o.-a d.i Mar Only S8~ Owlly l ~k trom ~ _.. \« 6 traMportaUoe. M'-JVd tn!lt t.rwe .. IOntd fM J 9'tta. llxc.11-t t.-ma. A --. lllat c:a.n STOW H ymir tamQ7 fl'O"'• Rar. «21. IOcJJ .I -,_ " I ''I . . • Wn' WI ......... BILL'S BEST BUYS MUST SELL AD Uail well bQi1t two bedroom bCMDe needl LI 1ln•bar"' uacl palot. Bu hardwood tJoon t.hru· out. .ftnplaee 6 diDtDc roca.. Top location In town wltJl ~ u,:llttnr, ..._..and paved aDey. C'An be bad .W.-fanJabed or watwuished wit.ll only '1000 Dotna. APPLE PIE CONDITION •Md laoulwlftlJ dlu" la,Yriad pretty colon, with natm-,.._uled. 'l11NI bedrooma, 1~ bath wtth all laproye ata Ill and pd. for. OalJ 8 mo'a. old. run price $98:50 with $1800 Do. Baltnc• ~llO llo. FRESH AS A DAISY .Anapp-1tnr, wt., 2 Bd. room home In perfect tut.; anllieatable ftlue -perfect location. Miff Rett1•1ter P. P., Hardwooc! t1oorw and dining room. .. KaiY I .t>ow ,oa throuab !" run Priee $9MO. ...,DL CHOICE INCOME Dupla -Newport lfeiPt. area. Two bedrooma Mda ...._ pa. 13a11 rn.r,i.. Rumpa. room with MCb antt. Nice 15' • 135' comer Jot. beautifully JudK.ped. Owner' IDoriq eut. llmt act IOOD. hD ... fl7,880 S6000 Down. W. A. TOBIAS u4 A.BIOOA.Tlll. REALTOR ""Jw'D lib our friendly eemce" '°° z. 17U. et., o.ta 11-. tAerty 8-11.lt "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" Ken and more Barbor area tamme. an lupectinr U.. ~ bo1Mt -INIUDI ilMir eomlort. CClll- venienee wt Ollltral locattnG. More and alOre famlU. wbo prefer a home In a .,.. .tricted .-,llty ....... ....,. .,.. llltOrinc btto their lnllMT_,.........._ Drtw. .. todq u4 .. for JOQnelf the llWl7 out- etendtnr t..ain. at WI ~ coamumJty. Inspect the model homes, built by Nacco Corp. exqu1attely turniahed by Martin It v Oil Bemert tmn. Twnoe la ...... -c..t JDcbway oppollt. UM MW Intne Cout ComrtrJ a... EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor aa.umvs~ rt.oM Butlar M'8 1W l'mtber Informaticm * ror Beocer mdl.tiola,, we nf• '°" to a.QOM 9"° bold9 a I-~ !'Mate bl ln1ne Terrace. .... _ •7. ~ ..... aDd am Bawa Houston Values 2 Acres M-1 C'HOICll INDUITR.IAL ~ CoGc. ottlce blq., ... ..,.... bou.M, iuc>Uoe It.or., Nicely le 1 e.,,.._ ll1P. ...,.. INWld. Bprialllen ca 1 M:re, all fe11ced. P'ln• buy at fl'T,000, tenu. Ad· JoUWt• ¥..,..t &en allo ava.tl- able. at 111.000. Newport Hts. $7400 0000 OLDER I bdrm .• dble. pr .• ftn• neJthborbood on a llbllOI lot. Submit on thll b&rptnt Full Price $7450. A NE.AT I bdrm., oal7 I yn.. old on 60Jt230 R'°" lot. Thi.I beaUI p&ytn&' rent! Tak• only $1000 down. Npt. Hts. Area ruLL PRICE S7900. Neat l bdrm .. on wide 80xSM> R-4 lot. Tnl17 a barraln, tln•l area. w to w car-'*· aton 6 refrta. incl. Only l•O Mo. on bal&nce. Rm. tor anoUler unit. Have bome A tn- CO'ft'I• too. Eve Info. ot1 lbeM PeUtte LI l ·Hlf Udoa Brdm. Beauty WONDERFUL famJly home on 2 fUll Iota . .AJI POefl\1 open OB ~ loua lanai A p&t!o. Plenty room for pool. A.lklnl" $37,llOO. M~e offer. · Drive By VOGEL VALUES Newport Heights Charmer 3 bedroom home, only 5 yean old on on• of the beet atreeta. Not leuehold. Large lot, t8 ~ UO. Beautitul lawn front and reu. Completely land· acaped and fenced. t.rge patio with barbecue. TUe kitchen. !ervice porch. Valance and traverse rod.a &nd other extru. A home you can ju.It move right into. l"uU price $15, 7M i~ down. Spacious Two Bedroom On Catalina Drive. lts x 22 llviog room with red brlclt fireplace. w to w carpet.I, curtalna &11d drape1 lnd. s.rvic. porch, double gara.1e. Larie patio with lawn and coinplete landscaping, fen.!ed. At- tractive red briclc, knotty pine Ii atucco. Shake root -?Ultic. e yra. old. Very Jealrable t'fl~ lat TD. 115,000 full price Two Bedroom and Ben On 1 acre ot ground, Eaat Coata Mesa. Close in. Fenced corral, Ute kitchen, break.fast area, dining room, 14x20 living room, hardwood floors. Country living In the city. $17,'00 full price 6 Income Units & Two Bedroom House $435 Month income CIOM to tran.portation and market.a. The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd., Coat& Mee& Liberty 8-M97 Eves LI S-Tf57 ao::. ~ ~':;, C:-1 ~r ~ : " Check These Values Corona del Mar -lnltde. AMll\I' SU.000 for Ulla I Wna. eor. WUl ~ for 1. SHORF£LIFFS ....,..,br, 604 Heliotrope, cdm P100 DN. b1.11e W. 2 bc1ml. llome. QOM to bu.&D ... Placentia E. 17th St. K -1 COR. wt\h attncttre I 'TT· °"' bou. .. dble. pr. 11' Oil 2 neut Plac.aUa trontac-for • lbop. 111,200 t\&11 price. ICY& Info. • UMM ~ LI a-1641 Houston Realty Co. .. .uaoc:un:a Out.tandins 'riew of oc.&11, canyon a:\d hilla from this quality built home. Hu two bedrma. ,plus den, 2 baths, w to w earpetJnc. diahwa11her, garbage dapoeal, aha.ke roof and many other lint-teaturea. Built on canyon ates. ot Morniq Canyon. Full prtce $38,000 -$12,000 down will handle. JT WON'T LAST LONG. FOUR UNIT COURT -60 FT LOT First time offered. Two unit.I have 2 bednna. each, with printa patioe, both bne f lnplacea. Built on ground level Plua two &pta. built ovu -i garage. with 1 bednn. each. Thia la choice property and lhould eel1 qutekly. Priced at $33,&oO IOI Cent« •t.. Colla IC.- LI l-t8U « LI 1-TTM 3. CORNER DUPLEX 2 BEDRMS EACH. ----------Deluxe unJta, hardwood l1oon. Mell unit bu fire. CHECK THESE pJace.. Sepante l&UDdry fadlltla and .eparate garagea. TbeM an atn tarp unit.. Better buy Npt. Height.a Valuea tt DOW at $22,&oo "2l1 ,no.. Financing can be &r• IJOOO DOWM b\q1t T 7Mr ol4 I rt.QJed. Wna.. latnataadluppMt ...... ..,.JllM,......_ hll ,.-•ia.eoo u111 t---. View Home I YIU. OLD, bdwd. floor&, t\&11 din· ... roam. ~ • .,. larp lldlAllML a.t ~ PLUll luS• ... 1-we ..tu. tul1 llaUI. DY. ........ lawldr7. all.,. --tnac.. .te. ""1J prie. ONLT tlt.JeO. OwMr W1.l.I tall• a.&000 ...... Costa Mesa Special EXaAJaIVJC WJTH UB. 4. SHORECLIFFS LOT BARGAIN . Jun lilted th.la eo ft. lot on ~entq Canyon. Tnlly a bargaJn at $H,750. Halt cub will handle. Thl• won't lut Jocr . CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUIBnON, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar. Har. 47 Office located not door to Corona del Kar Bank) --------------------al ftD.U.S IA cbok.e Aocl!UoD • )'ra. old. Bdwd. noon. dbl. ..... - Lido Trade 0.-att.... tor roar impedb .......... *"" -1JI Via o.oa t.rp I Wroem I '-Ua. I cu ..,.,.._ 8oatJa patio. BlllDt tan. a+w..,... ad ....... a.&.. diillbw'ub· -6 &po.!. Copper' phmWni. EDUr-. bOIM ~ wtda 'Isla .-ay ll)icm ~ Rabber " ••• Me ................. Oau.n 6 dowa l!pOUta. Udo' s Best Buy at $37.SOO WUl tab me•Jler or older Udo bome in trade. Tlda ill )"OW dauee to pt Oil Via ~oa, "The -.rtllt addnm Oil Udo. .. DUNCAN HARDESTY. Realtor ~ NMrpcllt ..._ N.-port Beach Hutm 4718 INCOME NEW INCOME UNIT BARGAINS THAT ONLY WE CAN OF'F'ER •• wGI M9W .. brand ... IJ'OQP of 12 two bedrm. ..... anlta bl .. rood ....._ ot c.o.ta Kw. that wlD lf'Om °"" SU.000 per year for ju.t $79,000 .,. ... 8bout Ma per mG. 8oaDde .. ,...... but .. _ .. It. ..., ........... -Dapa. two bedrooma each mes. ~ .... otl ..-Bhd. ..... uw. .. $2:500 dMnl • a total pb ot $1UOO. mu, -.. Oil ... .._at·~ OtM--. .. ~ta a'ftllallM u ~ u .. W1Mtna ..nc. tor nc.tal unite. We pt top ,,........ ,_ .... ...,. baUt maltiphs. Speciellsing in income unita & Indhicluala BUDGET BUILDERS, INC. Liberty 8-7750 IUI' rhl Btwd. a.ta Kw all91 enttu1ee. Owner wm t.aU uooo ..... OI' ...u olJ•. nn. ~bomood few cllOdren. Bay & Beach Realty 1 ... M..pon BlYd. o..t.a M-. Cdtanlla U 1-1111 ~. LI WJ5' GOLDEN RULE VALUES Nlt'WPORT BEIGH'l"B I a:DltOOM BOlllll. buctwcod noon. ftreplaee. beaaUN kit· c1*I. bu.IJt ln 9iOYI and OYm- Pullmu batb. a car ,..,..... - ~ feoed. Oial7 I ,._,. old. aeoo down. "'° pr. fll,&00. Forced to Sell I BEDROOM HOim, 11.vdwood 0--. _., • ,..,. .id. lood MClJan, I ce.r ,..,..... Dee&! 1JU!ld.DC· Cu 1M bUldl-4 for around 11000 '°'""' Aatas pr. aaeoo. Estate Must Close OK A C-1 lm'-1 alt.a, built Ill 1H7. ltool9 tot U add1t.lcJDeJ alt& l:utAtde 1ooauoa.. nm ,.,,~ ........... ,. 110.•Na~ PHIL SUWVAN & 181 ~ ..... o.e. x.. ,..,,. &o. a.ta II.-.... , ..... u...,u, ..__ .... U•llOI ISLAND RETREAT Located on a corner lot on one of Newport'• very private ialanda, t.hia f our bedroom. 2 ievel home la one of the out.8tand1ng buYt in the Harbor al"eL There ii a very luge living room with m.ua1ve fire- place, a roomy kit.cben with a cheerful brukfut room. hardwood floors, 2 bath.I, plus beach ahower, a aecond tloor IUD deck, PLUS A LOVELY PAN· ELED APARTMENT wtra BATH. and 2-ea.r pr. seooo down $19,000 total price GREENLEAF-SEVERTY REAL TY, Inc. Har. ~. J:v.. Ll 8-M06 or LI 8-3186 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach 25 Y eva of Leadership OCEAN FRONT ' CompJ.tely turn. 2 bedroom home and duplex. Located in top rental area. Nearly new. Out of town owner anx.loua. Aaking $31,~. Subm.lt on down paymeoL OPEN SUNDAY 121 • 4 7th St. New 2 bdrm., ocean view 1tl block to beach. $12.~ fuD prtce with low down payment. i.. e R-2 lot J. M. MILLER CO. 2026 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 4091 Near the Newport Pier .......... .... lll*iM • · 7 Unit Income! llAJ...BOA LOCA'nOM ....... ..800TT .AP~-do9e to Jla)-. lllmated • I k>ta • , • roam for addlUOD&I lliul.ldUW· S One ~ • ll&ftCIM, all """' lllllle4. l!hr•ll nnt&J l"9COld. saa.ooo. terma. Bay Front Duplex! IOIQ •A.INT AND A. U"l'TUJ rIX'JN trill con...-t thlt dupl4al wtth I ............ la teCb ua&t ta"9 a ten1fta llQ rr.nt pro-..,.\7. Beat poee&Jal• Jl&Jboa rent· al .,.._ Furntahed • hu 2 n.... place•. 1undeck•. pnvai. "-.eh Md 111•. &If ,IOO wttJI Wna. Balboa Duplex! H-.u 4 ~ Hot onl7 beo&\&11 tt la a 2 \lldt now. t'u.ms.?114, but hu enou1b polQad a,_ wlMN ..,.u,er unSt phi.I I ,....._ ... N lldded. A du(y v.Jue fw •tt.&OO u4 terrne. Peninsula Home! 8PLllNt>ID HOME FOR A l.IJlOl!l P'AMILY. 8pacloua 4 bedroom, ' b&Ut ~ wttb Ocean view from ~r lief· -· Loft!)' larse ~ l'ootli W1UI ftapt.oDe ftreplaee. NI" modern. wltb attnc:Uft ahruk &110 flowtra. 0 "11 I 1•ra old. .... &OC). lllOOO doWft. Balboa Cottage! ONE OF THI: U8T pod .,.._ homea and only 112.llOO. 1\ar- at.Md a.nd Oii llut Bay A.,.. nue. Very pod condlUon --9 c:ute u UI• d.lclwll. NOOO down talleli It. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoell• 9&nli el 4.IMrica ftoee an.a.,. Al Oonl.Uu. Ed Lee Jack Plnkham Joecph.lne Webb 100 E. Balboa B1Yd., B&lboa Ptlot1e Hart.or nfT OPEN HOUSE kt.. 8ua. 11-1 243 Ocean Vt-. Newport Hta. HARBOR VIEW bome. a bdrn\., J" batM. T!\Se ...... ... 1- th~ 1 Y?. old, U. ...... H10 1q. t t. A tare• llrintr room ov~ looklnlr tb• Harbor. LA Ml a laqe J1el4 l tOM J'treplace. hardwood t'looce. Mparate dlnlllc area ud a "">' ~lent kite. Be wre to ... lhJe. Short on Cash 1 OWNmR Wll..L Kiili -..,.. he'll tall• a low do-Jl&)'ment: balance, IU7 tenu. t«-tall& tt ovtt. I ~ • ~ 81"4. .,.., ~ llatt.ar T9dlt au-. 1'u1J prtce SNOO. End That Search REDUCED for a quJdl Ml4,. }"OU almply mu.t -Ulll ~- 9J>&JI hotM t.o appredate UM n.lue otf~red ln Ud9 I lldrm. VOGEL VALUES BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME Pier ud Slip 1'uD Price $89,MO 4 BDall. -I BAftf -BA YJ'RONT HOU ...., &M ,,_t -ruu Pnee s11.ooo I BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM.-3 BATH 6 KAID ROOM-liAYnONT .... ,. l'leet -run Prioe $70,000 4 JWRM. -S BATH -BAYJ'RONT ROME With Guest Apt. -FuU Prir.e $61,000 3 BDRM. -3 BATH -114 YFRONT HOKE WltJs Gamt Apt. -Pull Price •• 000 S BDRM. -2 BA 'nl -BA Yl'llONT ROM!! Pier and Float -Full Price $57,MO 4 BDRM. -2 B4TH -BAYJ'RONT HOME With Oust Apt. -NJ Price W ,'500 2 UNlTI -2 BJ)Rlf. ZACH -BA Yl'aOMT Full Price $U,&oo 2 BDRM. -l BA 111 -94 D'ftQlft' crnTAOIJ hJI PrSol Al.MO 6 BDJUI. BOD _. 118.IOO 3 BDRM. - 2 BATH -FURN. HOME -fM,tsOO J UMITS-Pf.MO 2 UMJ"P! -'29."°° 2 UJtlTS -112.800 2 N)IU(. HOU -'18.IOO 2 JmRM. llOME -StT,800 2 SDRM. HOME-fl7,000 BUSINF.SS raoPERTY MUINJJ .. VE.-P2,!500 BUS?NmS PftOPERTY MAIUNE A VJC.--111.IJOO VACANT BUilNE&i LOT -IM,000 llO'l'EL. API'. UNlT8 t12,000. INOOJllS FULL PRICE $89,~ ..... 2 bdna. JlA YSBOllEll home. 'l'ull ,.._ Pt.000 terma ... • f« dao6ce Pi°""1 SA .... toll kJ ud Ba1 11aol'9 A.re.. THE VOGEL CO. Nat dooT to the Poet Ottlce J:na Bar. ~ll • Bar. '-Ul-R home W1Ul h&rdWGed ftoM'1I. n,... -------------------piece. HJ>V•t• d.l..D1q .,.._ • fenced. Price~ te •11.eoo. Also Wll NEED LI.ITIHCJ8. Call ua It 1'0U &l'e thlDidlla ot -U... - Cl&ll be ot r-t Mn1oe to 100. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1111 H.-port 1119d.. Oleta M-u a.rm "C ' THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES PRICI! NllDUCllDI llxotptionally n.la. ~ lt7le heme t•hut,,. the uJUmate to tnt-1« decorat, ~ •• Ip. Mb I I "'" us. MU». ~ ldldam, d&a. ream. pu.eled U•. nem, bWJt around ~ pati.9. ...a ,.... tor a CUFF HAVEN 811 Cift on .. ftrw Wnn. 6 dee bcmt. ...... t ...... Nmy carp.ted. ~Y lanct.caped heat ud ,.,.,.,._.. Arcb.lteot'• forms 1M:Ge. Beautifully la~ delightful patio. 3 bedroom. 2 bath. nu. ftuD• Ing. F.aq terma. 0D11 '1UOO Can Liberty 8-29M (Z,.. Lt 8-TOM) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor .wtnuntns pool ue.ooo. -------------------- Harbor Highlands 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' CllOJCI: LOCATION -lntne A•m-. M&uUftally ...._ped • bdrm.. t ~. ~ d18o- poeal, ....,,, noon. " te .. ~ ~ A drsJ'9' UAL VALUE •t llJ,&00. CLIFF HAVEN DOUClUL4Tll a Wna. ....._. cm to ft. Jot. ,..,..,., ...... eellloo18. bdwd. a.on. .. to " earpeUna • ~ IMluW la .-SAS prtoe "' n•.ooe wtth 1ow .... tht1 pa 11M'l'I ta. Corona del Mar nKJ:U JNO()Ja-11" ,...,.. o14 lnehMI• t ltorel 6 ' apta. llxceD•t lecaUOIL Call tor eont- plet• tnformatJon. "C" THOMAS, Realtor n• w. eout ,......,., u l-60n "~'THOM.A.a '"C'' THOMAS appo.ita Sant& AD& Cowltry Cub -Unobltr\aat.ed view -Very aJce, Laree 2 Br. home 6 a with two 8epU'&te f'lan1abed nntala (1 to ~ yra.) All ID A -1 mlaape W.U lala&lcaped. A ,..J bcae 6 ~ mmt for $23,000 BUSINESS PROP!:RTT -C.Orona dtel Kar -•r frontage on Highway, good 1 Br. bome OQ rar of lot. $19.000 wtt.h COlrNDimt terma -Oil -own. may tab 1eM tt caah. INCOKE that ju.t can't be be&t. New 2 Br. heme and 8 unit.. all furniabed. near Blvd. la., marat.. locome 5435 month and it could be iup.. 4 REAL BUY at $39,000 G. N. WELLS. Realtor HOME SITES e8z110 RemdenUal Jt.1 ______ $1'7S cub . M z 110 R-1 On .,.... -·----12* e&eh. 10 z 110 C.Omer R·l . ~rw ------~ cub. 121 z 130 Two R-6 Iota, .werw -··--$1400 down. 30 z 10f R~2 BMob lot ball bUr to surf I~ cub. e8 z 140 Back Bay Rrl -----·------MOOO cub . 80 z lOt View. a.trict..s -----~ cu!L 70z126 Badl Bay. Vn. ____ __.'™>Q cub. 120z100 Corner, Block fenced . $8200 cuh. 4.5JI:127¥.a <liU Drive. Barllot ~ -'8700 eub.. ORANGE COAST PROPERTim --. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA .• ISLAND fU,llC!O BIZ THIS TODAY! 1nnt -_.._ Adorable Rodwood "-· U•....U,.-ut. Pollo. 1 l&rce B. R., 1 omalL 'nllo lo a .__ -· Low down payment. $2:1,t!()() Nr. No. llay. Clwmhlc UM!.,..._ ' B. It. 2¥, bath home. Nicely rmm.becL Tiu. JOU. wW like! Good ftnanclng. So. Bay Fnmt ......... J B. R. -aloaly tunlaMd. Patio. $31,600 HOME A INOOME. $8000 down attnctive J B. It. home and ltudlo apt. 2 patio.. f'urnlllhed. Total price $19,000 Nr. No. Bay 6 VUJap. W• have the key. Lido Isle BARGAIN! LOT. 52~ ft. wide on West aide et' Yell& •Y No. •Y· YES! YES! ll'a Ol1ly $14,900 BUT HU'IUlY! SHORE CLIFFS BEAtrr. Colollia.J. 4 B. R. view home. U2.!K>O. See W.! ! Ad~lnlnc view let may be purchued. by buyer of houe. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor llEKBEllS 01' )llJLTIPLl!l LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ~ Harbor 1971 Dr 1812 LIDO'-fSlE JU1t a d.¥dY low priced home. 2 B. R., lovely patio. llaoy colorful newus. lmmaculate condition. 3:i ft. lot -Only $23,500 Very _.y terma. Another rood one--On. Udo . 3 II. R. -2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a '58 It. lot. All the l'09lm are large, L. R. 2tx30. Patio 23x24 Approx 2086 9Q. feet;. Th.la .. worthy of conalderation for $3a,000 NEWPORT HTS. Thia two bdrm. cutie bu ldp and a t1&re that JOU wt.II like. lta det&lled for ccmtort and hu a 4'12?0 l<>&n payable $78.08 per month 1ncludin1 taxes A inaurance--$t,890 down. Full priot $1.!i,000 Ezcluafve with WI THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3'18 Via Lldo, Npt. Sch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4.972 Eves, Har, 2191-K Har. 1380 or LI ~ ONLY $4500 DOWN HANDLES THIS 8 Furniahed unJu on 3 Jota. Balboa Blvd. eorner. TRlPLE A rental area. RED HOT I BARGAIN * BARGAIN TWO FOR PRICE OF ONE IN NEWPORT 1 Bedrm. hou.e ptua 1 bedrm. apt. over pra1e. Both furniahed. Only $3000 down, bala.nce S80 mo. FP $12,000 THREE BEDROOM FURNISHED BEACH HOUSE Y:i Block to Beach or Bav. $2000 down . Full Pnce $10,:500 ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor !li228 p. a. pa Im e·r· inc or po rated · developers North Bayfront Ill foe!, IO feet OD tlle NORTH llAT. t wllto Dlcel1 --1y painted """ deoontecl. Lovely potlo ch'lnc --,m.., to -w>lt. Thia • outatandln1 la ftfery way -... thia for IRlft. lt'e UM Mm&: Income property Wy we Im.ow et. Full" prim "'•••H•r hnltuno $1Cll!,IOO. TormL l'OR A FAMILY WHO LIVJ:ll IDIARTLT AND. BUYS WISELY! You'll enjoy all the wonderful adV&Dtageo of Lide UviDg' ID th1oo llRANil NEW I bedrm. 2 loath home. 12 by 12 ..... 2 flnp1-, paper -.U.C UM! colon .-Uy Wonded, II by 17 pAtlo""" 21II!'22 -· Tho kit< .... lo fally equlnod with built-ID ranp and e-. ~ diabwuber and tan. Re.d.y to IDOVe into today, ud ouly $33,t!()() North Bayfront On en:r 80 feet of th• very bMt: Udo Bayfrwnt. strlkin& -dNlped by ElertlnM, AJA. Tho .et.tine, view, beach, pier, plantiq" and home an th• -err fllleot ~bi.. 3 bedrmL and mald'o, 3'Ai bat.ha. 'n1la home is like a preciou. jewel .nd ahould be Men. lt'a uclu.in witlri m, and we ban th• key, p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales manage111A1Dt 3333 'ria lido, -I.GOO of Udo Isle Lido 4 Bedroom Available for trade on a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Hu your need for an extra bedrooin l'roWD ! Then tht. may be the answer. 1 bedroom and b&th down- at&irll, 3 ~ and bath upatain. Priced at $30, T~ and available for trade. WHAT 00 YOU HAVE! Move Right In Comp~tely fumiahed 3 bedroom home, carpet., (· drapes and all appli&nce11. A down payment of $2800 movee YoU ta with FHA term• on the bal&nce. Jl'u1I price $10,000. Ad for BUI Famnrort.h They Are Going Fast in Shorecliffs llUT '" .till h•'Y• a few sood buy.: 2 -· Dtu1Dc Area 1 beth $27~ Ocean v .... 2 bdnm. Dining Room 2 baths $31,000 Very Nice 2 bdnM Cenv, Den 3 bet.lw $36,000 New Provincial 2 bdnu Den, DI.a. Rm. 3 betb $37,500 Modero 2 bdrllUI Den, M&idli rm. 2 baths $38,!JOO Beautiful a bdnm Dlnin&' Room 2 batb.9 $-i.5,000 Pid.ure.que 2 bdnu Den 2 betb $19,1!00 llagnlfkent TAD YOUJl CHOICE, THEN CALL DAVE OSBURN p. a. palmer incorpo!ated ole hanaon co., sales management 1700 W. -~hwe7 -lil>erty s.ar!S S5,IOJ Down NEWPORT BEACH OUTSTANDING Balboa Peninsula Point J BEDROOM.I, 1 % b&UY. n,.. plac• in i..rs-UVlnl room with dlllJ.q AN&. F&.OIS qui.t land- .caped City Puk. S5,IOJ Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores L.U\.Gm Uvtna: room w!.th nr. pa.c ... Full din~ reom. I Md- l'Of)fN. 2-ur ptaC9, compl•tA17 .-.. ..... Bay front Special Pier & Slip OCEANFRONT BE8T BUT BEST LOCATION Home and income -Wonderful View! Doub• Gu-. .... extra l&rce UviDg' roomo, beeutlful lllW>ma, ut.oly fW'l>iebed. o.ty 1 ,.... old. Scbeduled Gr'091 $3,700 J'ul1 Prioe $211.000 -Te ...... Ev-Cla1I llndfol'I, Harbor 0288-.J OCEAN FRONT bulldlnc olta, with aletlng duplex oa rear of lot. Room for I bedroom. 2 ba.th home on front. 'BALBOA BALBOA BA.TJ'IWNT -I i.w-a 1'!/r, b&thoo home with bar kttebc, neat u • pm, complltel.y tumiahed -...dy beach, pier prh>Utt:-. all th1oo .plua sueet room and bath cmr prage for $38,7SO ftrm price. No telephoM 1nlormation. To w caUHarborl296 '!'WO UDIWOK HOIOJ. PLt18 INOOMll APA.RTKl:NT. Heffr Won. M•• -ott..:I web a d.Upt.t\d 2 bedroom bonw on OU. tlnmt cornet" loc&Uon. YO\I WW. be ~ at t.M w.U de- .ac!MIC. 1-rl'I and 9Ul1llY-brtc'ht rooma. lt ai.o hu an •llrM;:tlve tlrliplaff, dlnlnl' room and • pUy of reatw. lh•t wtU pl-th• mmt dtM:rlmln•unr bu,._. IN A!JDn"lON, It ha. • duURS l bdrm. apt. over ·~­ cM>u. J CV pt"&I' .. (Tb. •PL t.. t9Dt.ed tor 170 mo.) TH r: MON'nlLY PA Yla;NT8 ON THUii PROPDlTY Wn.L 81: lt7.ao KO., to qualtned buyer. C&ll now for l'\lrther d'tal\1 on dn. pmL etr . IRIS, OORONA DEL MAR louU. -t.M l&hn,7. lmma.cuki. I bedrm. • ct.rn llom.e. c .i1 HAI'. 2<M2 now tor 1ppt. to -· :SOO Kinp Rd., CU.tr Haven On• ye.u old. J '"1!rm.., 2 b!IUL Ou~tandLn1 buy at JJ2, 7&0, Xlnt. tvnui CaU now for 1ppt, LOT ON OCEAN BLVD. ~ .. OOAllTAL 11BOPPER l".d1tlo9 of NEWPORT HARSOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 28, 1955 a Boal- BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. llodem l bdrm. apt.; older front bou.te. Show your ability at "do it youni(>lf' $21,500 &() FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On l.JtUe Ialand, pier, noat, formal 4 bdrm. home. Tbe land value la close to the uking 11ric<' of $78~ BUSINESS BUILDING MARINE AVE. $32,~ BUSINESS LOT MARINE A VE. Ct $24,500 BEACON BAY, Bay front. Often dream'.!d about, rarely aeen. Exquisite 3 bdm,., 3 bath homt', Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done in the aame good tapte. F11mu1hed - few exceptiona. Shown li"riday afternoons only $59,MO LIDO NORD BAY FROJ'lrt'. Large lot , charming 4 bdrm. 3 't'..1 bath hou.e. Dining rm., modern kit- chen, dlsp., diahwaaher, lots of cupboardai and cloeeta. Plua unuaued 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car pr- age. Both unit. all newly fumiflhed in Modeme. Ideal for home and income or gueat.8. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith '-iaroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harltor ~9. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa la land Lido Island Home e 3 BEDROOM -21/, BATHS e ON STREET TO STREET LOT e LARGE MASTER BEDROOM WITH ADJOINING BATHROOM AND DRESSING ROOM , BEDROOM HAS GLASS SLIDING DOOR ONTO LARGE SUNDECK. e MODERN KITCHEN -DISH- WASHER AND DISPOSAL e LARGE LAUNDRY ROOM e SEPARATE BREAKFAST AREA Thi. home 11 but iteVen.1 menth9 oki &nd lncludH drape1 and wall to wa.U carpeting and can be youn for only $31. 750 """" For an Udo homes and home.It. CouuJt with: LIDO REALTY 3400 Via Lido 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished JCv.IDp oaU Qa: -Llbtrty 11-7237 CORONA ~I Mw -On• of lMiH -------------------- Cl-.n I bedroom. belch boue. $1500 down, $7~ mo. J'ul1 priee $9500 -. N.wpt Har. Yadlt aub A Bay bothhlc bo&<:h. Bay Frontage 40 ft. !2\2v.:2~ :!~!~~·~i: (;,; CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES E . 17tll BUSINESS PROPERTY Charming 2 bdrm., fully furn. home ~-------------------'l'h.a. ~ an ideal wmmer or Bay & Beach Realty Th. ... rnlcht b9 yo11r tut c"-nr • lo buI ao u corpUonaUy (eod tw-1- MM '9t. -. C-2. l00x300 tor OfllJ" ftt.&00. So. ot Hwy. between ahopphtf area 6 beach. Very clean, excellent condition -move rifbt tn w1th a low, low price or $12,950 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES PRESENTS THIS HOUSE baa an irrNlatible cba.rm ! A quitt neighborhood with penunent view of Bay. Virtually a Bay Front home at much lower C09t. Two large bedrm1. and beautiful puleled den-large living room and a dlninc room. Forced air beat and cooling 11y1tem. Oversiaed water beat.er. Loada of cloaiet.., e~n &n attic. Obie. avage, storage room and additional bath. Choice 1hruba &nd Cerna in abeltered patio. Price include. 6 appliance1 and drapn. Only $1~.000 to handle. FOUR ADJACENT JotA on Cout Hichway, t.runa Beach. Wonderful location. Zoned for buaineu. Owner will take aome trade. Make offer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 6188 Ocean front Home $22.500 VERY A'ITR.ACTIVE y.r round home 90 S.- tboJ"e Drtve. Knotty pine Urine room with dinJD.c area. r'ormica .k.ltcben, 1 bedroom &nd i,, ht.th down, 3 bedroom. and 1 l-1 N.tba up. Solid con- ' OIL car garace. enclooecl yard. Eireeu .. t beacl1. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3U3 N-rt lllYd., Newport 8-dl Harbor lOlJ Pier & Slip S~Jllatbo Balboa "°""-Vacut -lilt 111 ... ,..._ Pt,lllO - OSllORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W, Cout Hwy. (at Port Orurl N...,.... lle&<h LI 11-7882, Har. 511H ._ year round home for the 14!!0 w. llalboa m..i. executiv• with a larp fun. -------------------- Uy, $88,000. Newport Harbor Realty Jim ILDd Sally Newlin 5U E. Balboa Blvd., llalboa Pbene Harbor 1607 LOOK Ill.NO BC8T l>UPLl:X a Bllrttor ""-N-i-t ~ Tiu. 111 \M .... buy fw Mca•lea. ... uwl ~ .• ,...,. .id. R..a Jet. w. ,.. .. °"' 11;.y, ni-'t --"""· I Br. A 4m. 2 b&thoo ~YTHJNO )'OU Mk tor. Be.ell ..,,, lectU• ToW cu't -.C. th• ............ el. .... &l"ClllJtAetiin _. ~ blt.t.. T9'1 ... Your "Castle in the Air" Cui bl :your laome eeoe 1t you OOGIWt a Multiple Lilrtins Jtealt.«. • c:aD &bow )'OU ll 'lltii» Yariety ol the .-...iu. bi ,... price ranp ... ond ta. lmow. bow to draw •P contract. for tbt moat ec:G...U.t tenu.. You'll t!nd tt ,.ya to do bust· D-wttb ll ft&U.TOll. PhoDe or drop lD to M9 OM ot t.bt 27G ""tNe MULTIPLE LlSTING REAL. TORS ID lb Harbor Ana. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '10 32nd St. Newport Beach Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick . R.EAL TOM R. Rayl..C. Ttant. c. flu., AmOc. llJ )i(a.rtn• ..... -11-.lboa Isla.ad COSTA MESA ONJ: or THE won LOVEL T landloQped I bdnn. homu 1n 0.t& M-. Completely 6 ti..u- utuU7 furnh1hed, for ooJ)' IHS,600 •oeli•t tUTnL Back Bay NEW COUNTRY t:STATI: on b&J.t AC"-I bdrm,. 2 blllh, UMd bncll: ~lM:e. BuUt ln ,..,.., S119"tk bu. MC. Only 121.IOO. low down payment. TtWI U. truly lop., Ocean Front OCE.A.N rRONT rtJRN. DUPLEX on 00 rt. ktt, on.ty 12-0.000, Tenn• Nort -.Jdl :: .:::C";:... "! =.. '.'.'.1------------------•Art C. Kistler Co. ,..._ DON'T SAY I DIDN'T TELL YOU ,.., ,,....," ...... ,,...,..,. "''· C1IJ'J' HA VEN Huber em 111.tot A ~AlUT nuca .l!Mt Wbta I 11&.J' "I teld you .o" l»tad tb.111 I '*"-m. tlnp1Mi9 •tu• u -.y c1ou bo\&M." A Bulldlnc lot. an mon aDd more KU"Ce and more utuo pzdm to _,.. tor bowtd and mon money. OM of th .. daya we'll look M"Ound bJ • tall tone .. tu • around and -What do you know -NOTHIN.' 1ti:X R!XHS, Rl:ALTOR V• a "" afty, P n Y g JaoT w. iw. _... e... . .-1 .. Npt. plenty ~ Hlln')', Soinc fut. '-',,!! •::·::..· _ "':,,!,. ": R. L STRICKLER, Realtor -. ..... 1-. MIO mo. 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Coroaa del Kar Har. m4. ~th mM. w. ~l7. --------------------CIWIO• OC>UT PftOl'&lttlm 110f N...,...C. ea.ta X.. U a.itU ..._LI 1-e101 I BDfUil. JIOID llT OWl'fal ONzlvt Oub UM. l)mMd~ eecu,._,., altnilUT'9 1-, - LI I-I.ID. lcll 8T 0 ...... *-... --.. ,.. ellL ......... ....,....t. J NI' ................ nu. APPMtVD. Pw ..... .a. llt.000.-at'J• JI.,..... o.:.t. ..... u •·•IO. tpll CORONA HIGHLANDS !..up faml17 i.-. nady lw oecup&Aey. $UOO dowa. Bu I --A -. larp -porch. W. kit1b1a, 1 It % pa. Yi bau.. ,dbl. prac.. nr. pla«, 1'dri. floer9, larp lot, ..... ol -. A h111a. s.t ba.y ill c..... lllc:h1ancil. Dpt' ,,. with ... ~000 RAY REAL TY CO. SH< It. Oooot Hwy., c.ro.a da1 Kar Har. 2288 (-tram Bank ID CDMl l LIDO'S BEST • BDllM" I" MUI homo. i..,... p&nolod u •. rm. !«•. bedrm.. wtUI mu •mM ck»eU, W. W , kK18 P'-"t.d pi91UO. Paym111U ol llD.10 mo. ~ ,_ than JOUr IUCJ'IT. P .8. II.I o e~ Loan. BURTON B. BECK Rltr, 6 llU\lr. 1U1 W . Cout H'lfrf, Har. 221 a. LI t-71MI 1lcl2 Vl:RT WOHDmtrt!L n.. hom•. ~ UIP~ I alr'J d• lf.stitr\11 !Mdrm .. , I tu.. "-led M.tha Naha'al cabtn9'.m, ..... . ..._i. no tiiicb1c1ty ... k1t- dllli.. w t. • cvp9Ua&, fot'Md 0-.. Mat, ftrl'p1-, ·~ ............ ,.u. ..... lllQ'. .,., ..... da. Ol\AJ<QC ()()All' PRO~TIZI lte7 Newport. c.o.t.11 M- U 1-1•!11 ~· U ...... We're Lucky 'cause wt: have a 3 bedroom. 2 bath honM tn Corana Highland• with an OCEAN VIEW for only $22,9~. Some of the featuret include : entry hall, plctu.N windowa, firt:place, HW. Ooert, patio, circular drive-. C\lrtaine ll drapt'S Included. 6'1:> ln.uranc. Loan •t onJy $84_()() per mo. Bette come -.a it 9000 ! Low Down Payment On a real good buy~ 2 bedroom home. firepla~. patio & BBQ in excellent loc:At1on. Total price ia only $13,000 . Down pa)'m't $3,000. It is now "'ottd on a month.to-month brisi• at $110 per mo. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Highway CoronA de.I Mar Har. 1741 Har. J477 BALBOA ISLAND WHO"S TilE t ... UCK Y ONE ~ Wiy 2 ·bedroom hoult: -Comp'I furn. Fireplltct:, Pl.UR cute bache· lor apt. Teri!rlc Income POflsibil it i•'!\. FlJLL 1~HJCE $19,000 -good tcrm11. CORONA DEL MAR Lovt:ly VIEW 3-bdrn. 2 bath h11me. Lge. ratio, firepl. Xlnt cond. YOU CAN'T BEAT CT : $19.870 ~rm• if deairt'(t, ' 306 Ma.rlne Ave., Balboa l11land ea tor Harbor 502 BALBOA ISLAND SOlITH BAY FRONT -exC1:?1lent family home. 4bedrma .. 1 !'-i bath11. Hlllf interest in Pi('t -Boat Included Price $45,000 Terma • • • • COSTA MESA Two R-1 t'Mide'ltiaJ Iota, re.tncled area 75x8(1 tt . $<000 -$4500 WM. W .. SANFORD, Realtor And AuociatM 1308 Park, Balboa Jal1.nd Barbor Me2 •