HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-09-30 - Newport Harbor News PressJ • -. . I • 1 4 t h YEAR -NUMBER 74 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 196:5 PHONE HARBOR 1818 HEINZ KAISER NOW AT HOAG WITH HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE Orange County Supervt11or Heinz Kalller of Coal& Me.111 was today in Ho11g Ho11pllal llll a result of high olood pru- sur .. Kendall Resigns OFF TO SAN FRANCISCO WITH HARBOR STORY Ku1!<er's condition wu reported as ··~ood" today by ho•· pltal attendants. The supervisor entered Hoa4 Wednesday. A llending phyinctan John K. C. Chung of Costa Ml!Bll reported Kaiser wu In t he hpaplt.&I tor .. rest and a check-up." He 6dded the 11uper"ll'Or wa.a expected to lt>a ve Ule hospital "somlltune next week." GOVERNMENT · COSTS LESS IN NEWPORT as Bay Club Head A peculiarly N ewport Harbor produ ct, O a re.nee Ac kerman'• new model ketch, Newporter No. 2, sailed to San Francisco last night f rom the 21st St. Landing, tbe !our men above u her skipper and crew. Three of them h old unlimited mas- ter'• ticket.-any ocean, any type vessel. From left, Ole Lee, n orth Pacific Coast distributor of new ketch which will continue t o be bujlt here; Jim Koerber, ma- rine engineer , San Pedro; Lee'• eons, George H. of San Francisco and Cy Lee, Lon g Beach. The Lees hold the unlliruted ratings. They expect to &rrive by Sunday at Golden Gate. -Staff Photo International City Report Compares Managen Civic Mai-ks Gas Utility Caught Se~kiilg City Oil lrecik·in Nipped, Suspect Escapes A Coal& Mela brult·ln WU nip- ped In the act early Tburaday momlng. but the 11uapect made a baaty departure before police cou.ld arrive. M r11. Genevieve Brooks of 16& E. 13rd St. heard a nolee at the rear bedroom wln<low, 11he told officers, and a 111w a person's hand gra11p· lng the 11ereen. When she ran to the phone and railed the police atatlon, the 1uapect ran fr~ lbe -ne. Gas Co. Financing Fight to Steal City Tidelands By BEN REDDICK U ncovering of the nefarious a ctivities of t he multi- h eaded Medusa-P acific Lighting Company, and its children of questionable family Southern California Gas Co. and the Southern Co unties Gas Co. has been made t oday. Tbe Southern California Gu Co. hu admitted it I.a the fountain or gold tlnan~ tb• de9plca.bloa SENATOR MURDY BLASTS SA PAPER'S REPORTING "Allen Bill" which would extract from the City or Lohg &>ach It.a wea.llh from the oil rtch tJdeland&. The giant utility 111 wilnlf the Long Bl'ach fight u the 11prlng. board fnr on<' that would take Crom all cities e.11 rlght11 under any tideland grnnl by the State of Callfom ia. Although their aim he..s not as yet bt'en dlrC'cted agatn11t lhe City oC Newport Beach nnd it;i tidelands Crom which more lhlln a 1000 barr<'lll of oll per day is bj•\ng producl'd, the 11calter gun lllct1cs or t he tlght ha.~ hlL with smll.11 ahot here. Pacific Ocec111 Site '200 Sq. Mi. ~ity' Needed for Poppycock By .11M COOPER TWL'i FIRM EXPOSED ~ (Special to the Newport Harbor New1-Pre1111) NEW YORK-It COllla residents ot Newport Beach leN. on a per capita bull, for tbe operation of their local govemrnent. than It doea people In moet other clUea In tbe United Statea. Thia I.a dla· cloeed by the lntemallonal City Nanageni AaaoclaUon, baaed on data obla.ined trom the C~ua Bureau for 1060 clllee with popu- laUona above 10,000. Comparl.tona are made for all the clllea, aho1;Ylng number of em· ploytta and 11.ze or payroll• at the end of 19M. Newport Beach, at the tlme, had on lta payroU 2" people. olher t han school peNioOnntl. Thia waa equiva.lenl to 12.6 au.ch employee. ror every 1000 realdenta. It wu about the aame aa the average rate of munlclpa.l employment In the other ciUes, 12.9 per 1000. Among clllea of It• alze caterory, 10,000 to 2:1,000 population, there were 1 t.1 employees per JOOO realdentJI. The monthly payroll Jn Newport Beach at the end or the ye&r total· ed $69,900. Divided by lhe number dt city wor.kera. thl1 anfbunted to an average of $29e a month per employee. It comparu favorably wtth the rate ta Ow oti.. c1u ... t:ze. per montll. The COttt of meellnc U\18 ~Y· roll wu equJvalent to '3.7S a month for every man. woman and chlld tn Newport Bffch. Thi• was Iese than In moet of Mesa Building Permits Top Million Again! F <lr the third straight month. Costa Mesa construction figures ha''" exl'eeded the million dollar OCEAN VIEW, (OCNS)-A fantastic, fabricated sto ry Southern Counlic<s Gaa Co. idt'n· mark thl11 year, MeM Bulhllng w oven about a fictitious "200 square m ile city" in Orange llcel twin or the Southern Call· o rnclel A. J. Volz reported to· Co b th Sa t An R . t b ht 1· ht tomla Gu Co .. la the cornpe.ny day. Approximate figure prior to unty y e n a a eg1s er was r oug t o 1g who11e que.elionable actlv1L1e1' or h d • be closing of books for the month of Wedn esday a fternoon in a s ow· own m eeting tw een MBeMlng $5:1 prr hou11e aga1Mt St>ptember. Volz 1111td. wa11 $t,366,· State Senator John Murdy and H er bert Coffey, land use ckontractors hwho provtllc eh•ctrlc 1101. 1tchcn11 m omea wa• eitposed by · 6 8 ana.ly•t and one of the originators to the J:roup. th~ News-Press lul Wednesda Lut month 11 total w11.11 $1. :'I •• or a new "city" plan. The WeslmlnstPr IA njl 11niilyflt and Fnday. Suits huve bee~ 979 and July'11 St.014,353. Ule cities. where IJ1e average cost wae J•.12 a month per resident. Public payroll11. t>sped a lly local and State, have bet>n growing ateadily In recent yea rs, lt la point· eel out . The rl11e more than off.seta the alight reduction mude ln the number ot Fedf'rat Jobhoh.ter11. The wage sea.le. also, haa been n11lng u cities. through !ring& benetlta and cash lncreues, have attempt· ed to cope with higher living rosts and With better wages In private industry. NEWPORT 10 WELL READY FOR PUMP City Manager Joh n Sanor11 to- day announced Newport No. 10 well being dl'vloped hy Monte· rey Oil Co. Into Its c•1tv-owned Udelanda lt'ase, probably ·will go on Ule pump tomo1·ruw night. The weU la completed and 111 wlliUng to go on lhe pump u IOOn aa the drill r ig Is 11k1dded to Ha~ ........ etart Nl'Wporl No. 11, ha Ill.Id. C'U!\'T W. Ml'RCKl80N (Buy1 Club Control) KRANZ 'SPECIAL EDITION' ARRIVES "Scooping" National Nt.>Ws· papt'r Week which open11 Oct. 1, Mr and Mr11. Charles Krani., Chf( H11ven, became part>nt.s ot a llt'l'nnd ll(ln Wtdnuday at Hotig Ho11pltal. The younpter La named BrucP .Al&n Kranz. His Cather hM been fl compot!llor and tyP"11ettmg operator at tbe Ntwa-Pretis 1lnee 1960. Tbe Kninr:' flr•t 110n, Steven, la 19 month• of ace. SPORTS RESULTS "ll look.a Ilk• 0\1-msy be 11 good weU. I tit.ard from Ernie Jun1·or Vars1·1y Pyles. MonteTey Vl<'e-pre1m1f'nl. thJs morning." Sa flora u ld. .As or Wedne11d11y J'l:ewpotl No. Tan w1·n 25 ·& to had betn dn ll11cl lo a drill • depth of 4105 feel and clrtllers t M t b II reported lht'y had enro11ntert"d a on e e 0 the greateat l!llll pre,sure or any , , c1lv ti.tPtands well olt•vrlup~I lo I Newrorl Harbor High School• date, Sailors salu. The rig crew Jun1flr V1w11ty T11 r roo1b111l te11m had to fill the well with wash yest.-rdn v afternoon defeat Pd the 011 to 1nt·r .. ase hy.lro~lO.ll<' pres· Montf>bt'llo JVa 25·6 on the riv~! sure 1tn1I prevt'nl the well rrom fielil On Davld.'K>n Field here yes· wrfal'ing, he odllC'd. trrd.w afternoon. the Mnntebt-llo n I l1•ven tlf'feat~ Coarh Chet W11lff'i. Sailor 8 '11 :tl--0. L'ndrr J lr11ctlon ot Coach Don Bur-lhe locRI JV11 11c1irNI four Lo11rhllown11. two by Halfback Jodv Penton end one each by Halfbtll'k Bud TI1ompRon anti F'ul· ba1·k Van Pomeroy. Pomeroy's TD """' on " 46-y11rd J:&llop on ·1 ptlrhout around left encl Sells Clint W. Murchison Overall Stock Control! Overall control of Balboa Bay Club now ia In the handll of Clint W. Murchison, T exaa multimillion&tre, it wu dia- cloeed today with anno un cement by Kenneth T. Kend&D. president-director, of his resignation &nd l&Je of hJa ltock to the w ellknown oilman. H e founded t h e club over 118"8 years ago whl'n he signed thl' leaM with the City of Newport Beach. Word of the t<hange came with & letter dated <kl. 1 address«! to "Dear Fellow Mt>mber." l ntor- mallon to the News-Pre.. lndlcat- ed Murchl30n. who bought Into th• club more th11n a yru ago when financing of new apartment ufll tJI watt underway. now owna 90 per cent of Ule stoe'k. Kendall, at time of •ale to Murehlaon. held about half Jntt'reat In the club, ll wu understood. WAyne Fer-rell. whn came htre 1111 club m11nager from Long Bea ch recf'nlly. will conUnul' ln that po1t. A club ~pol<e11m11n aald 11uceeaaor to Kenda ll will be chown next month by the club board or directors FABt 'LOl18 TEXAN Harborltl'I acquainted w f t h Murchison's fabulous career had predicted he wo\lld eventually own control of the club, once he be· came '1ntere.t1ted Jn the venture. Thal 11 a leading characterlatlc of Murchlaon'1 unique ttn&nclal acumen. HJ1 vut holdinp include everything from oU wella, neW9· paper chain.I and commercial lnta- .. t. lo l&Ttr• llUIUrance compan.1-. Kend&ll'• letter reada n r'b&lJJll u follow•: "Dear Fellow Member: '"Illla la to announce that J have re•lgned a. Prealdent and Direc- tor of the Balboa Bay Club. "Jl 1eenu only yutetday t.hat 1 11lrned the leaae with the City of :'llewpor1 Beach a.nd foun~ Ult &Jbon Bay Club. but In reality It hu bern 11vl'r /11'\'en y11a.rs. "\\'hilr the!lf• )'t'& r11 have been m03t enjoy"ble anll Interesting ln watching our C'lub grow and pros(li'r tmm a 1111ndy strip on tM bay to one of t ho finest clubs lo thl' country, nr\'l'rtheless they have bN~n v,•ry demanding of my time <1nd energy. and therefore I fe<'I the tlrrtt' hs11 come to dlVt'lllt myl<rlt or the 111't1ve m11nagement of th, club ('OSC'U 'OF.S DEAL "COMl'QU•·ntly. I have concluded arrangements with Mr. Clint W. llEl'\NETll 1'. U ND4LL (8f'U. ......... ) Murchl.aon whuetn he hu acqulreo my flllanclal Int.rut Ill the club. I know Mr. Murchl«m M. crut pliana for the tutun of our club a.nd I am au.re bot will do nery- UU.W J)0991111M t.o m.-. it even -~-......... -. HJ w1ah to attnd my 8'19eere tbanlla to all membe,. who have 90 ('efleroualy stnn tbetr .upport l.n helplns to create the outftl.nd· ln&' eucceM ot the club ln wtllch we may all dertve a .,._t de.I vt prtde. •'ThJ1 la not a &'oodby, u Mra. KendaJJ and I l'xpect to enJO)' U.. dl'llghtfUI facllltlea of the cl\lb with you In the umea to come. "Slrned. Sincerely, Kenneth T. K....a.• County Plans Polio Shots for Children Ctt.rgiod by Murday and con· reasMrled I he 11t11Led Intentions threatened q iun:<l lhe South r m . Aa of th111 momlng. the Mell& C-... ·d by Coffey were a eerie11 of the foundation to· inm 11t in· 1 C l G L lil f i city building 1ll•partmenl hstd Is-""~ oun 1t8 M u 1 y or ts 11c t n·t-1 .. 8 h lldl 1 r h of "&'J'Oltt uaggera~ons", down· corporation of ."' 21 squarf' milt ties In n-i;tralnt (If trivll! and for ~:~tht u ng perm lll or l t Permits Hit $610.320 for September In Santa Ana IRllt nighl, the :.11 school Salnti1 defe111ed Chat-1 HARBOR Wit:A THER Plana fo r a apeclal Salk vaccfne ic·~"!! Panthr~ 14-1:1 Santa .Ana's lrnmunlzaUon cJWc tor children right "untruth11" snd "mlsrepre· city anf1 organize lamlownrrt1 to cert:un dlscnminatory tart1c1. 1---·----------- 11entatlon•" Coffey stated. how· work for proper IA nil Ullf' 1111 lht' I y 1 th h ~ t h t . th were f rom fan· area drvrlops. ery ear Y 111 year t e • ew· p 1• R ever, a e11e port Harbor ~cw11-Pr.:ifl reported 0 ICe ecover clful reporting o! three Santa He denied ever m11kin.i:: any on 1111 el1ttorlal pag-1! that ft was Ana •·pre111 representatlvu" al such st atement whlrh the SRnta ,. ronl!pira('v of uUIHy compan1et1 C •th S the ori1t1nal meeting ot the group Ana d111ly rtportNI lhrl'C' l'Ul'l'''ll·. Jl'lllo1111 nr th<' cc>mpel1Llon or lh~ ar WI uspect on Sept. 19 at Greenbrier Inn. !lh'e .. 11mes as a "200 11quar1• mile I cuy of Long Bearh Ga., nrpllrl· Garden Grove. rlty . Thrre never W31' l\ny Klll'h ni<'nl. which W8.!1 (u~telin,ir the "Al· SleepinCJ Inside Tllu e men are R. C. R oilee. idea. CoffC'y <lt'<'lared. len Rtll," 11tlacklng 1•wni>r11hlp and Re~ster publisher ; Pete Cooey. ~tn"T Bl"ILO IX <X'EAS ~ I 11.tlnt1n1J11trallon of Long C3el\t:h t1•le· editor. and R. R. LllUe. reportrr. "There'• only ;9 1quare m1lrs lanrl.• by the city. according to Coffey. a former 111! the way rrom Gnrden Grove I TIDELA~OS THRF:AT FHA finance t'hlef ln Southern I Blvll to the Ol'Nln in the entire Jn that e<lllonal we 11tall'•I If Ca lifornia. we,t Orange County areR " Cot· lh\' 11t1ht~· company wc•re flltC• r"ll· Coffey revl'n.le<l it wu the11e I fey 11sld. fUI in 1t11 fight to r e-po3111•1111 fnr "pre1111" mtn at the meellnf: who Mu1dv. irked by the h11p · the StalP of California the tide· perlaye<1 lhl' ongtnal plan or 11l11ry r;porll<, 11tal•·tl If thrrt' wn1 l11n\ii1 g-rRn(e•I lo Long Beac-h that hopr11 tor 11 21 11qusre mile clly to be n 20CJ sq11a1e mil1· r1ty s ll grants of 11111·h lanfl11. In flH't an<l 11 property owners group lnl<l "Th1•\' must have phmnt'.t to I all grn11ts of any kind by the Stale a rantll11tll' 11tory of a met.~cipohll b111lll0 12~ Rq11are mil1'11 of 11 out (If C11llfllr11u\ 111 1\11 l'illr11 11ntl roun· "of over 200 sq1111re mllell with 1n the Pacific Ot•l'11n:· tie!< would be aubiei:t to.canccfln- clalms of controlling "more then Fount! to be pure f1t•11.m. ar· tlo11. 10.000 acrt'll." cording to Murdy nn<I Coffey 11re \\'e staled In our editorial thr Correy told OCNS at the M11r· the following allc.:1•<1 m1<-,t11tr· l!'l\S rompany utilities were fl~hl­ dy meeting that "I will unequlvo-• nicnts put in Oranl!e Co11ntv hv Ing Long Beach becuuse that rlly cally glve t~e true fsct1 · • • the San la Ana paper In the· rnst was pr0tlnring. storing. an<l 11elHnr. on Mon<1ay night ~·hPn our foun· 10 days: t \I) l\11 1·1t1zens natural gl\11 thrOu(:h datlon muts at '·30 p. m. At 1. The "Baltimore C'1ly" group llll nwn m11n1c1pnl utlhty. 8 unnv11tde School In Gllr,!en . I 0 · " I doon t hsve "l11nll uwnl'n con· Today that srarement of tht< QulC'k recovery or a 11tolrn rar Wll!I ac('ompllshed by :'\ewp,,rt Besch police when Offu·t'r:< Ed Brawn a.nd Sam Amburgrv fo11nil the a.uto perked In an ocr~n front p11rkin~ Jnl with th.-!IU!lprC't 11lel'plng In IL Tht> man they ar· rri1t ed, Alex Slevrn~. 26, lr'ln· . ~lent, adrnitlt'd taking I ht' rar. Slevrn11 hAtl a I rt' Arty QP<'n rl'· portl'd by hl11 wift: 11!1 a p11rnh' vft1· lator. Mr1>1. Hugh Stc•\·rns h11d rr· J10t'tojf thril hrr h11~bnn1l h:ul hl"rn <11 lnkinir All•I h11hi:lnit 1.rn11nd hrr. bnth p11wl~1onq p1nh1hltNI hy hlR probation ThP autn 1n q11rl11i•1n brloni:"" to \\'All111 e SJ11'llm1111 l\h1l w11~ slorrll in lh,. 11arn1tt' or 8 ~Ir. \'rnzsnt 01 ="n. 36 Helboa ('.,,·.-q, ~ln1. AnnR Y1•n7.llnl r<'porle•I ll 11tolen Thur!l1!av evPnlnR' Nrwporl Besc-h Srptf'tnbl'r hu1IJ-it1coru ca mp on a 32 yanl paM 1 who have re<lelVed only UI• first lni. perm1\J! totalled 8~ (nr $610.· from Quartetbsrk Art Melgoza Tempt'ralllN'• t&e paet .-eek la "'-1 lnoculallon have ~n announced 320. lh.-hu11tl1n,i: dep11rlm,.nt rl'· to Frank Cart,.r 11nd a 19 yard llarbor arM "..r": by Etlward 1Ae Ruuell, county port.I!. or tht11. 111ni;:-IP umt homei1 TD run by H11lfbflrk nnvP Hurl· II ntrb Low health otrlcer. So far no. wOTd of c:nnst1tule1I th .. lnri.:c1<1 lll'nl with burl. John Lutz klrk4' I the con-!'aturctny, S.-pt 2<f GI\ 60 lhe ph1n11 hU ~n recf lved In 13 permits !or $21.'.l,tli8 1-·1vt> 2-\'CrsioM. Sunday. srpt 2~ 61 11• :-.iewport De11ch, according to8upt. unit horrt<'ll tolallctl $8:l '1!'10 nnd Tonight, Cn»rh Al Irwin's var· Moncln)'. Repl. 26 67 60 Roy 0 , An'1er11en. Some aecond nnP 3-uoit homl' $24 67(>. ~lly ~111lor,. travt<I t o Montebello Tltel'•lny, ~rpl. 27 61'1 57 11hot11 Wf'rf' given children dur1JI&' a There wer<' 2 I'• rn11t~ (111 re· f•1r n. praf'llCI' 11-11111£' srh~dule<I Lo Wednell<lay, S1•pt 28 65 r,7 J1um11wr rllnll', .Andersen statH. p&H!I unclrr $1000 for st 1111111 111 •tlll'I al 8 p.m. '.For oleta1ls. see ThurlldA}' !';ep1 29 64 .'/!\ I b11t th1!'1 rllnlc only c-overt'd a11ma1J $98i~ 1u11I 20 O\'f'r $1000 f11r $:ii,·1ll111bor §port11. Pag,.s 5·6. Partt.l l F11d11y. Sept. 30 62 54 ((AnUnUf'ld on Pap I ) 075. r-;,.w rommtrrlnl r11n~lr11rt1on ttlllllted $196,4~10 f111 tuur h111Mm1?s a.nil rr;iri1rs Lo thrt'P hu1lthni:s amountPd t o $2 12 1 S••\'f'll 1·ah1rnall C'Ml $ !5,9r.O. 11n1• JlflOI $ 120<1 l WI) g11r8gP!< S:ll~('l 1111•1 nn1• llll!n $1100 . ,\UKlJ!ll blltldi11;: lt•\Hllo .J ~6K9,· 1&9 Sullivan to Appear on Drunk Drive Rap \\'ilham C:e"' i::e Sllllt\'.1n :i•. 3ifl E. l~Lh ~l. t..'oilll\ Me111l, l'rhr<lt1lr1l t" BJ'pl'llr tn :'\rwport J11!1llf'e C'n11rl ~l,,n•l:I\' 1tt Ill a m. with h111I ~r•' " ~\?C.11 nn a ch11ri;e of d1 "''"~ wh l·· tlrunk rove. , trolling wore U1an 10 000 acrea 1 :"'ewport Harbor :"ew!l-Pt e~ hn., MURDY A.'ijGF.REO I or !OUlhwest Orange County" .. bur8l Into the headllnfll or thr Murdy. angered b~· t ht S1tnt11 tff\Ut tl'tl. It haa isome five Ian•:-newspaper" or the Stall' or ('1111-.,. A na papf'r's new11 stor!P!I wh1l'h o wn Ing membrrs rnntrnlltng I rornla nnd the nutlon. Th<> Sn•tlh· ~ Id A • c •t't llnkec! hi• name with the W~llt 11b<•11l IUOO 1:1.:rei1 a nd 140 fur thry 1ern C11litorn1a G1\I Co .. hlentlrR I ~o en nn 1versary omm i ee Oranp:e c 0 u n t y T)e\·elopm Pnl I hava 11grred lv I.lo not hlng bPyond I twin or the Southt<rn Counlle11 Gill' '~ nfs T . B 1\1 Found&tlon tqld OCNS lle _111 not joining lhl' founrlatron I Co. h8J111dmltted It Ill the. 11po1111n1 '!v entateve ud!!ct at ~\'i~e1 now nQr noVer hi\# be.-n m any I 2. Sf'ntllor John Murdv dOl'I or the bill a nti 19 rarn·lng Lite ,,. way connected v.ith the 1:ro11p. nnt now RniJ never hill! ~loni.:t'd 1 finllnciBI hutdt'n of th.-fight Membf>r!I nr tht Gohlrn An:i\\'rr-<'On<1•kr11tlun r11r th,. 1:01.trn VN.r~ (Coffey aald he nl'Vf'r told the to th,. rnunjlailon •fl'~pHP Rett· 1 agAlnst the people of Long Li1>orh •l\t y c,.1. br~llnn Cflmmlltre of 1he ,.,.l,.tn ~ti•in 1•f Newport t:,· i• h " " Regl•ter that Mnrrly anrl AM · IAlrr rep1·rlm~ to 1 he <'Ontrnr)'. We aay the S >Ulhem C,1lfrornl11 c·11 y nf ="•'"' f""ll R1•11rh tr rt Y• .•· t1uhm1• I rd 1" lh,. mrnih 1' 'f ·,~ betm Sug11r Co. v.·tre memb!'ral 3. Tt;f' Anahtim Su1tar C'o. Gu Co an,I the Southern Conn· lrr ln\' ~·t .. ~n "'" in thP 1·1ty h-111. n>.1 r11t1 ,. In a ttj•n1IHn1 • Murdy atated ·Anaheim 8u1t11r 1 controlhni: a bout 2000 acreti In I lies Gu Co. are ldenllrl\I t wm'\ A. bulli:rt wa' rt'"ll' nlrtl !or the Co ln tel't'llta are not now and 1 tht an-11 <'Onct'mM. t:1oe1 not now becau.ae both 1pring from !hf' 11111111• rropo«l'll npcrn11011 by rh111rnu1n I newr have bffn -a part cir tht a nt! n!'~·ior 111111 belont:;l'd to Ule quullonable par.-ntage of tht' PR· Oe..,,rt Olm'lt• ll. plan u reported In the Sl\nta group Citic Ughtlng Co. Otfl('e "l'""t' tnr tht work or th<' Ana da lly on Sept. 20. I 4. Thio goal of the gTOllP t!oe1 \'ITAL IS CIOF.XT rommlttfl,. hA~ br!'n pro,•1111'<1 hy I (This waa conflrmert to OCSS not 11nd hR• ne,·er a imed 111 m11lce The Long Beach lnrlt!rnt I~ thr the Nt-wpo1 t HM bnr f'h11mber of by Charle.~ Thatcher, Pxec11t1ve of a rlt\• of "2•)0 ,..quare mll,.11" A one that may break the ba1·k nr r11mJT1tn·r 01111 a lrnhltl\•e b1Jdget Ana.he1m Sul'ar Co. which own• city that 11lu Is ~·en ov"r tOO the power-mad comp11n)' whld1 Is hll!I be,n 11pprn'·"ll ' about 2000 a erea In lhl11 area1., 1tqusre mllu more IAnd thl\n fxtortlng from residents of Or11nJ:e l're!l!'nt st the sciticlon wrrr Mr The l!l'nator char~ the con· lhtre Is In the enll,.. Area County excess ff'M for 11<'r,·ll'e of &nr! Mr!I J . A. B1•,.k. Sll!ll MeyPr, Unued. exai&'eraled 1torlM1 Wt're I Actulll lr<l81 or lhe roundat1on cu when re111lenlll chooae lo uae J . B. l\.lr ::-J11lly, I' A r atrncr. Thto t urntni.t the project and the &N!ll 11 to form a c1tr from \\'t1ttmln· electricity for cookinft. Robin!!. Maurie Stanley. Leallt Into a "laug'hlng ma iler" CoUt'Y 11trr A\'e to Wlntenbur1t RllAd The Long Bearh 1ncldrnt hu Sttffrnl'On. 11nlf I.Aland W lld"r "11d ackno111.rledged Munly and An11· amt f rom H11rh<lr Blvd 10 B1•l11& bolled over Into •n ln,·e11t11rat1on ~111\·"r Dorl\ 0 Riii helm 8utv nevtr had belongtd 1 Chica. (CotiU.Oued oa ...,-. ll) I A tent.aUv• ll•Ul\I ol ev1Dt.a for I J News· Press Clrculatlon Toclay 5847 Copies LOBSTER BAKE QUEEN CANDIDA TE WITH 'WINNElr Brc-nda l.tce Alba rian. c and idate for forth coming Lobster Bake and Treasure Day1 1 elebra t 1on queen contest. has <'nt crc<l competition aR repreM!ntative of Newport Ha r bor Kiwanis Club. Clyde J o hnson, left. partner 1n J oh nson & Son, Uncoln· :\fC'rcury dPalers h e re , furni~hC'<i her 1956 mod"I :\f<>r<'ury a11 choice setting for photo. -Staff Photo . , J \a • READY FOR ST. ANDREWS fashion show-tea are these models, Mmes. John Stallman and Paul J. Williams, left, and little Paula Williama, right. Looking on are Mrs. William Gilmore, tea chairman a nd Mni. J. E. Keim, fas hion ahow chair- man. Event ls slated for Oct. 5, 1 :30 p. m. at St. Andrewa. -Gene Rosa Photo St. Andrews W otnen Calendar Benefit Tea and -Fashion Show Planned u a benefit for medical missions in the United st.ate., Cuba, Ala.aka, India and the Philippine Islands is the 1llver tea and faahion ahow to be held at St. Andrew's freebyterian Church lounge at 1 :30 p.m. Oct. 5. The Womm'a Fe.llowahlp la apon· Christian Schindler w ill be ln 80l'1ne the event and MmH. Joaeph <'barge ot O•'•·o1 atfons and M ra Keim and Wllllam Ollmore are Don McCallum oC publicity. cO-di.!rmm. f.lmu. Hugh Baird a nd Gt<>rgt Mrs. IA• BoUn WUl be com-Bamett \\i ll aid models, who will ftlentator and among local ahop11 lnc-lude M mu. Ronald Anderaon, eileoWtnr will be Elgene and Pride Albert E . Kelly, J . E. Stallman. 'n J oy. Mre. Ralph Deaver will Marsden Davis, Paul W1lllamJ1, ;rovtda background mu1lc, Mr1. J nhn G1lll11. Myron s . Wey. C W. b avtd t'rt.ffr Will be aoloh1t. Mr•. Hubert. J ack StockdeU and C-. F". FOLLIES IN SPRING Dowd!!. Chlldrt>n'11 alyl~ will be modt>led by Psula Wllllam1. Devon Barnett, IA>3he Way, 1'11ncho anti P11ul F:cll~r Calendar of Events JUl"IOR F.BEl.L dance. Sunny H1111 Rt><'rtatton Centtr, Stpt. 30. Fl'NO FAIR. Hoag Ho11pllal b<'nem. 11 a .m. to mldnltc, Rrn- dl':tvoua Ballroom. Oct. l . PUBLICITY \\'RlTlNG clus. 7-9 p m. Room B. E 8, Orange Cout Co!Jegt', Oct. 3. ST. ANDREW'S FASHJ0:-1 ehow·lunC"hron. Oct. a. l :30 p. m -This group finds cold weather gear comfprtable for they are in the big freezer at Rkbard's Market where they have stored frozen foods until Saturday. when viands will NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, I 955 MORE STRINGS NEEDED FOR HARBOR YOUTH SYMPHONY Mfl. Albert Rylf'll, 2:172 Bay1hore Dr1vt, <Chairman ot aulflt1on1 tor Newport Harbor Youth Symphony, haa an· nounced acceptance of thrff new members to the orchl'11tra. Tht'y are Gl'ort Sharp and David Gib110n, t rombone players 1 and Lansing Rowan, bus. Second rehear111l of the croup will be held Tueeday, Oct. f . at 6·30 pm. In the Horsce En1Jgn School music .room. There will be a mHllng of the uecullve board precedinK the rehearsal, a t which time conctrl plant for the year wlll be di~u&11ed. - "Our Clrst rehear11l uw the return or a very enthusias- tic group ot young mualclana. However, to aC'hleve our goa.I or an evt'n better youth 1ymphony orchutra thl• year we need to enlarge our 1trlng tee lion", H id Ml"• Norma Per· kana, dlrl'ctor ot the group. "Anyon41 lntereated ahould conta~ Mr1. Rylett, LI 8·16711." • Junior Leagt1ers Start Candy Cane Ball Plans ZONTA DIST. 9 conference CALLED BY GOV. KNIGHT Balboa Bay Club, 0 <'t. 7·8-9. P A N H EL LI: N J C Member• Planit fnr the ennuaJ Cl\ndy I ball wPre announct'd by Mrs. Ro-ship te.a, Richard Stewart home. Canr Be II, lh~ar b1ggeat event 1 berl ('1 owner, ways llnd mun a• 393 Del Mar, Coil& Meaa, 3-~ fJf the fall werl' 1>uthn<'1l when t hllll man. The dinner d a n <' f' Ip m. Oct. 12. the Junior Auxlla..iry ot l hl' As- aullln<'e l..l>lli:ue of :-;C\\ port w111 hf' ht'ld Friday. Dt'c. 9. a t M . Jl(!ach helJ It:< first meclang Of II p m in thr Bnlbnll Bii\' C-lub. Recent arnage , fall St'pl 27 11~ lht' 1f•11ue Cen· I Mr11. ~d Ku.•lrr b 1111pt'rv~11lnK • Council P-TA President Asked to State Confab Mra. Cue Hottman, president ll'r. Mr11. r••lll'~l :->eal. chair· lht' bill\ clt'Ml'lltlnn.!O. nf v.hlC'h Licenses Issued man. rreiol<1rt1 Mn.. <'rownrr I" grnf'rnl r h11 lr· Calumpit Camp ot Harbor Council of P·TAs, ha:i P J.11.rui tnr lht' lltWnlh annual mnn Th,. follnwlng r h ft Ir man I bet'n Invited by Gov. Knight to .,...,.re name.11. Among marrl•1te llceruie11 re-atlt>nd a conference on t durstlon- Mrs. William 1...-slt'r. rt>serva· cently lllSUed were those to the Meet & Bazaar al problem• t.o be held an Sa.er&· Swiss Dinner tlno,.· Mr• Frank Mart1rt Ha" In· tollowJng : j \'l'a·1 ;0~l!:· Mrio. F.<1\,.111,1 B ~v<1,I James Clifford Bay. 20. Acton, Courle11y night wlll be obaerv· mtnto Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. flnwtrs· ~fr~ ~hl'Mnn rrarlrto'rk lnd. and Carolyn Maye Rippetoe. ~ by C11.lum plt C-smp 211 and So karned 40 council membt>rl! and Film for llrk('tl!:' irrs:. ~h·rt Har11"1 II.lid 16, 220 Salmon Drive, Coata Me11a: Womt'l1a' Au.11illar:v 39 nn Monda y repreatnlln&' JO P-TA uni ta or Mrl!. .M<>rglln :-;obit>. rrrl'pt•nn Tt'ocl11lo Ulgud Lumard&, 46, St. evening, Oct. 3 at lhe Snntl\ Ana Costa Men a.nd the Harbor area MF 1:~ W Soct"et·y Publlcit\' 111 b"in!? hanrllrd b v Joseph Hoftpltal, and Jellfflna Legion Hall. Esch officer wlU who alt~ded a session at the \.SJ" Mrll. n .. 11n Brndforll nnl1 Mrs. Sarntll'nto T11nco. 33, 124 Via Un· Invite A corresponding ottlcer high 1chool. Purpose ol the study On~ ot th• ta8tll'llf meal• pre· Ru•h H ut•on I dine; John Mcll.fllnu11, 3~. Chlcll!?O from a.nether Camp to f ill hi• 111 Lo prepa re for a later ~duca· ~ " · · · and Sara Allee Brll, 31, 487 or her chair during the eve~lng. tlonal conftrence to be held at purd by the U do Men'• Food M~. CrownPr i1l.Alt'd th11t the E~lher Sl. Coata MeSA: On Wednesc1ay at 310 Spurceon the White Howie and which Oov. and \\'Int' Snclrlv wu "erved !?ro11p will hnl1l Ill! sc.>ronll Junior I s. Rlly MrF.wCll, :zo, Longview, St.. Santa Ana. the w. auxiliary Knight will attPnd. 8oi>rt. 21. At the JJldo Cl11bhnuae. l.en~ue Fnlllrs In t.h" l'JlrlnJ?. Tht Wuh. and M11rllvn Lo11l11t Mel-will hold a bazur featuring g1fll Mrs. Harvey Peue wa!I llP· 'Panhellenic Tea Slated stock a booth at Hoag Hospital Auxiliary's Fund Fair in the Rendezvous Ballroom. 1..A-ft to right are Mrs. Ralph Tandowsky, Mrs. Howard Lewis and tofrs. Gene Ross. -Gene Ross Photo What's A'comin' at Rendezvous Datr for the H•rbor Panhrl· lerur nlt'mlarablp tl'a haa ti.en ch• nc td to w ednt11dl y, Oct. 12 trom 3 to 5·JO p m . accordinR to Mrs. Walltr Hatrh, ,-.nual chaJ1 man. All womf'n or the Har· bor who are amll11t~ with a na· llon•I j:N>ek ll'llrr .oronfy are lnv11,.11 to the tea to ~ bald a t the home of Mn . Richard Stew· art In the Back Bay area at 193 Del Mar Avt. Co11ta Mua. Mrrnbera o t the execuU,•e boitrd mt't al the hollle of Mn . Hatch to dl11rtu111 plana fat · the ti'& 11.nd to llt't the 1ch~ula for the coming yur. Pllnhellenlc will meet tht' fourth W~naday ot the month. Tha tint regular meetlnr will be a bridge deMt"rt Oct. 2t al 7:30 ft. m. Al th• h ome of Mr.. H . M. Hough. 60\ VIA' Udo Nord. AMlstlng ho11lf'Mt'I wUI ~ Mme11. Marti/I Mangold. Kenneth Star· egl'. Raymond K . Harvey anc1 Wiiiiam Da.na. Junior Riders Need Loan of Big Plank! Loa Companero11, Coata )frM junior ridlnit Rroup, torelher •1th lhe Centaur 1roup of Corona df'I Mar hsve bwn otter.-d a club· hnuse for their use by Mr. anit Mr~. P hil Samu ot Cost.a Mu a . One ob~tacll' muat bf' overcome before the junior horaemen m11y take p<'rmenrnt poaae11lon. Two 22 ft. • by II pl11nk1 are nudt>d to move lhl' bulMing from It• prt11Pnt 11lte to the ntw locaUon. Tht youn,1t rtder11 hope for an of· fer ot u.~e ot 1uch tlmberL Anyone for squab, water chestnuts. sausage rolla or empenadas? These and freezers full of other goodies are ju.et part ol the food fare at the Fund Fair this Saturday, Oct. 1 at the Rendezvous. Hora d 'oeuvre.. 4200 ot lhem, cape la also going home with eomt' Visits in Illinois 900 •'heese puffe a.nd 300 ham! one. Mr"' !An Rovln, 2094 Jl'ederal loavea ha\'e b<>en pre·cooked a nd F11nc1 Fair r<>·<'halrmen Mme11. Avr .. ~n .. ta Moa, returned hom11 paC'kaged by Mre. Ralph Tandow·, Joe Preinlnger am1 Oonalrl Cole-~ d t ( 11 sky an1t her uumbly Jin!' rom-KrOVI' have their 11ighl.<1 set on 11n ..,un ay rom • am Y rewuca a t m1ttce, Mme•. Gene Roaa, Howard $!;000 g oal which will go toward 1 Un home or an aunt In Cham· LA!wls and John, Wlleon. the Hoapltal e.xpanalon program. I po;;ne. 111. Flylnr both waya, Mn. Spon!!Ored by the Auxiliary ot 'The duo bazaa~ aorl hall wm be RoV1n wu able to tpend a week Hong Hospital, the double·bArrel· an informal affair 11111.nted tor I vfalllng with her aunt. and lier erl e\'rnt t~a oft at 1 t R m when family appeal h d b h t N m·er 20 unique bootha go Into a c-mot er sn rot 'r mm - lion. \'ork, whom she h&d not attn Lucky people v.111 t&kt' home Invitation From tn several yeara. lroptuu such &ti • wild mink U · Girl Scout Counc1·1 ('Ot. a Roae Marie Reid 1wlm1ult or a Hedc1a Hopper hat: Even a garbage disposal! • Newport Harbor Girl Srout Council will hold oprn houllt' at the Girl Scout Holll!e 1700 \\'l'st I Balboa Blvd. Thursday, OC't. ti from 9:30 to 11 :30 a.m. All thost' Interested m Girl Scouting a re lnvlttd lo attend end t o hear ottlclal1 ot lhe council explain ll.s The hall ot stall.1 wJll offt'r rare warf's such u unusual Chrlatmas deroratlon11. a "silent auction" and a 11maJl-try corner. Mrs. Jnhnny Merc~r will prO\•IJe over the rt· cord booth a nrl l he man of music hlmselt will be aboarc1 to auto· graph the platten and give out with an occulonaJ tune. alms needs for the coming year. 9ulck Service FOR Roller Shades Sta.ndard Shade ClotM and Custom Speclalllee • Dra pery Hardware • Venetian Bllnda CALL HARJIO& Ill All It that weren't enough, u s Because of the constantly In- Brown anti his orrhutra get Into creaslnK enrollment there Is al· 'lit llZnd St.. Newpor1 Be&cil the e\·enang act with rhythm• tor ways a need for new volunl•'er 8Hlde tbe J>Ht OfftM THE SHADE SHOP dancing 11 nd 11omP 11ynr ho pat Pt1 ~tr~o~o~p~w~n~r~k~er~11~. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~;;;:: backlnK for Muna. Mercer and r Bob Hope, al.o 11lated to atfend. More gifts wall go on th'ti night block, inc-ludlng two round·trlp tkkell to Dt'st'rl Inn In Lu Vegu . via one of the luxurioua TWA Con- llt'llatlora. A royaJ paattl mink Rogers Have Son ThC' Wiiham Rogt'ra 431 East 19th !'t. C<>11la Mell:i. llr" part>nt.s ot a boy baby born Stpt 24 at H<lSI? Ho~p1tal. teC! c:ompo11l'd of Mn. Hrnry Ro· berts and Mr!!. Rlrhard L1hf'nth11l to· arrRnge a pol!ttr cnntr11t pub- hc-lzang the mrmbn11hlp c11mpRil)fl elated tor Oct. 2-10. I Mt!<. Heltn ChurC'h oftered to provide 11peakerl! from chRracttr· I building organ1.ntionll lo lntere11t rarenta tn 11uch gi-oup~ 110 th11t children In dc,uble srs~ann 11rhool l arPas may participate tn 1111ptr· Authentic Early Amf'ri- r..an ~produ<'tlons lb nut brown Salt>m maplf', Comer Cupboard ...... 79.95 Undf'r lhe direction of Relph n~t meeting will, be " lunrhMn slngrr, 19, 4115 .-Walnut Plare, 11u1table for Chrlstmu u well u pointed cha1rn1a.n of a conlmll· T11ndowsky and hi• t&lented kit· o"t t the" Lt'11gur2·3(0Pntrr TUf'8!'_AY· )co.11ta Mu ll ; Paul llusull Balll'y. itemio for ho1111ehold use. The ,.It' --------------chen crt'w, mt-mbe1'1 We're eervt'(f c · 2.,, Ill 1 ·• Jl. m. • .. rll. 21. 1411 w. Balboa Blvd. a.nd 18 public a.nd lht' procteds go to ,_.....,.._ _________ ;,;;;....;;--..;,;;-;.....; .... ..-_ __,-... ..... _"-s vise<! actlvil1t1. Arm Chair ...... 26.95 fondut', Swliol! snJat. )talbllb,..tlc-n. E.11r1 Petrr50n, flr11t vice.chair· Slllllr Linda Miller. l8. Loll Ange· the club'I! general fund. rotte k31f'. kartOfe clittt, and man. wlll be In rh11rJte. Ito&; Clifford Churlt's Crsndell. 19. l lrehe.n creml'. llncl Kathrine Ann Schiffner. ltl. Following th.t t11nnrr \'lrtor Kappa Alpha Theta both M 7 S11 n Bernardino Ave . Polar Flight Films to Show Tuesday N ordlinger nt l"ordlln.1ter tnc.-rt" I John Ect wart1 Felker, :ZI. 249 Ogle •rttu1Ung the Sw121s rnn•ul grn· Ortrnge ('nunty KA ppa Alphll !'t, ('osla Ml'~!\ and Dolnru Ann eral, l!p<lke on Sw1s11 food. F:nfrl· Theta Alumnae <'lub wlll ~irtn McK1m, 16, D02 Orange Ave.. Ebell tra\'t'I section -...·111 mr!'l do \Vl'lbrl of SWl1'8 Air rrf'•f'ntrd the \'t'llr':< llrllvilte!' With II lun· Santa An!I, Thom1111 Gordon La Ill the C'lubhou11r, 11111 w .. st Bal- the nlm ''l'lt'<'l!'lon F ht;hl l<> rhl'O~ ml'rtlng O<'l. 11. tt a.m, at Ptnnll. 38. 1131, Pearl Ave . anll boa Blvc1. Tuead11y 11.t 8 p. m S"1tzerlan<1" G11t'11ts Wt'rl' lntrn· lhe hnme ot Mn . Wilbur Smith. Dorothy Slllt-!I Zlppl, 32. 9-001, Mr11. Frank Ptrt'w, chamnan. 11..n· duced by Jerry Rlc.-hsrd:o program 2329 Ht>llntrope. S11nt11 An11. Plans Brukers Orlvr. nounce11 a film and rttordlng on chairman. j wlll be mlJdP fl)r the burtrt •UP· I the new Sc11ndanavian Polu · Wslly Gl'rhsrclt aMounct d that fl« lo be given Oct. 23 at the T p } D t Flight 11.nd al11C1 a film on Pt11ct 0 <'l. 5 w1!l be 1falt' or lhc> next' home of Mr. and Mrs. J ohn WU· I 0 a m eser c.-argo voyege!t o! the Pr<'l'ldent board mteUng. V1nce Hl'llly an· I df'r, 108 Via Havre. Lltlo Jsle. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hudson, 603 Line around lhe world. f'lcturt>8 Qouncec1 arnnxemt>nt1 tor lhe All Thetaa may attend the tun· N. Bay Front, wtll leave lhl1 Wt'~k wlll bC! shown by per110nnel of nu:t dinner-Sukiyaki-to be pre· cheon and 1hould caU Mr1. Smith. for Palm Q..e1ert to reopen their the Harbor Trtl\'el Bureau. Ad· parad by Matt Ober. 1 Kl 8~79:1. 1 lod('e for th"'\ winter eeuon. I mlMlon Is Cree to the public. ., TALK AIOUT ICONOMYa They say that ·nothinS succl.'cds like auocess: And an elertnc range will furnish full proof of It. with an unbroken serlea of cooking successes to make big savings In your house- hold budget. Foocfcoru rnooey-and the elimination of costly cooking failures will more than p.y for the very few ~nts worth of dectricity which aaum ywol petfect retUltJ .very time. stt yourdral!" ELECTRIC COOKING IS TODAY'S BIGGEST BARGAIN! G SDIT1£11 CAllfDlllA EDISDI CDIPAIY you can "touch" the differenc e Ft(}(, '1t L~ cardigan by Only NAN DORSEY givee you auch sweat.er luxury in exclusive Fw 'N Lamb wool. Simulated full-fashioned 11leevee with rn!Well ribbin1 Crom collar to waiatband .•• 34-40 1767A Newport Avenue Costa Mesa Liberty 8-7431 Distinguished shutter doors ... spindle turn· ings ... chairs as gra ceful es clipper 1hip1 are only a few of the features that make these pieces a REAL FIND ... and at such moderate prices! ! Newport Furniture Co. 2620 We.t C-Out Hwy. LI 8-ll 13 r ,,. , R. L. ·Crawford to Marry in Woodland Rite Noon Concert Series at OCC A culbanl ~ wW '9 lntrodaoecl at Orup Oout Qo&.. • ~ J'l1day .... tM ftnt ''N-. Oaeoelt.: Iii MW a tM Mldltori .. flOa U:IO • 1 p.a. ~·· NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I ·PA&! J FRIDA y I SEPT. lO, ,955 Children's Home Group Hears Area Supervisor . Op-. '-..... t.11, ~ --nnt ........ ., .. J( .......... . pao,.... ...... ,...... ...... felt ..... ~·.,, ...... ~ ... \a All& ... 1. wW c1raw • a ,....,_....... mat.,.. a-. IM'l'7 111 01M-...,._ 111 u.. CblJctrwt'• .... cultwal Mdt..,. "' ...... "' .. tonal& .... Mid -......,, ... .......,, ... tM ,rtadpal .,.all· t)pM. If, at ...... et Ill's. --.... TIM top&c el ld9 taZll wu • There will be a triple wedding occaaion ot lntereet to n .. pleaM4 to olf• u.. K .. ~ ltT ._,.... Dlt'N. ~ -n. aaocsr.·a aom. ..__ Orange County citizens in the f!-1° northern county of Yolo dimoert ..-...-rrtc1q troa a .... SN11f -..1-·• .., tile Adopttoe Procram a 11M." ..._.. in the City nf Woodland this week end. u :ao • t p.a. TM door'I et tM .,.. -.=""-u ...-.. umouoed tbat tbe"118'W .,,._., United in marriage will be Charlette Simnann, 22, ahd ~~-=-~ .. ~~ aup:~ Nww ......... et tM ,_ ••• .., ta. aoa&9lJ bl a.nta Ana ..._ _. r~ _... r-~ WU& -•• .-. .,... ...,. latroduoed '7 Mta. Ttid .. tq ~ ......,.,... Uld 19 ... Richard L. Crawford, 27. The wed· hi. fathv wu vartou.ely repor'W ITUll bl order tbat U.. ba!t bcMlr O'fiatt, pr•dlat el u.e Auldllar7· •te4 at 11108 N. ~. ding t·eremony will be •OlemniHd an.d phot.ograpber for eowst7 J*p-ot mu.lo' ~ M uatnbln'\qlted. ftey a.re u foDow8: Mn. Wllllaa m._.. a&eo •tat.cl tbat1 .... In the Woodland Eplacopal Church ere and co-publlaher of th• N.,,.. 8pon.t01W ol u.. ...t• an D. au11, Kn. ~ KMDoupD. 80del7 Iii DOW bl a pa.tUa.a .. un Oct. 2, lt will QCCUr on the 3lat port-Balboa Pre•. "Chart.,-Craw· Jam• H. Lo•' Jam• A. Pittoa. Mn. KartJa Jlaall'Old, Jin. Jel-_... _.. elllMna and odupltw wedding ann1verury or Mr. and ford a.nd Mra.. Crawford Wlll return and ~ ooll•• mu.kl depart· hnoa ho9tUe, lln ...... Wit• ,.,_ta ·~ Onat. 0amat7. Ai.. Mra. Charles F. Crawford, parent& from HawaU on • vacation trtp ment. Purpoee ot u,. rr.. llOOll mer, UMI 11n. lldwvcl L. llaWL. 4llle to tM _,...... ot tile or the groom and on the 06th wed· juat In time for th• weddiq. Re Mriea la to opta ...,. .,_. to Two llMatift .... ..,. 'lffh:med &ao,ts. ............. It 111 aow d:ng anni\renary or Mr. and Mrs. le pre9l'lltly employed by ~ Loe mueScal apuieoe, ~ to ~ to aettft MAU an Mn. Ulle to ...ut M 1"11 U pa.o. E . \\'. Crawford of Tu11t1n. grand· Angelee Tlmee u bead of tbe Mv-Ul• spoeaora. Jun• a. Boyt Jr. and Kr-. J'Nd cMJd:r9 811 mbaortt)' rae.e and parent.a of the groom. Both parenll lne Burtau at Ban Pedro. The nnt pr'Op'&a wW b&Ya u bandloapPe4 ....._ ~ ... and grandparents will atteml. Young Crawford i. emp~ Oil lg major work ma.So W Howud ai.t htm 81... Md wttll hJm Young Crawford for many yeara 11.anM. dlnctor et ..... m..tmUl Lt.do Matron Mlm Ethel 8tonMI' Uld Mn. a.r- re111ded In Newport Beach at the the police department of the Clt;1 School of MUalo &~ ftocheater, ti Humphrey. m.ee.,.. tit Ute family home on Court St. when ot Davia. N.T. Durblc • trip to icn.Jand Entertm·ned prot..Uonal ... ,, la the lanta Music Workshop Club Hostess Opens at OCC Gets Surprise Dr. Haneon dleooftted a tranela· _-'-__ om __ c:_•_· _______ _ tloa at tha &ftAl northland eap. ~~ u:dru~~ -:!"'=on Trip Abroad be WU tnaplred to Ml th1a to Kn. Paul WUJiain L&wnnce. mu.ale. ~ IA!immt "°" Beowwl1, m VI& Udo Nord. baa returned Gives Program_ for Kamaainas Orange County Philharmonic Mu Epsilon chapter ot Beta with the !lutman • !tocheatar &om a trtp aroun~ th• world Society"s Workshop has ruumed Sigma Phi wrprieed Ml• M&rtha Bympbony Orcbaetra and th• wtl1ch tncNded f1ytnc qftr the Mrs. Sam JCmmu. 211& Villa regular meetlnKs tor the winter Oehlerkins wtlh a hou.ae~ l:lutman SChooJ choir, aad the Nortb Pola from Loe ~I• to Way, wu hoat.e to Kamulna stason. it has !)(>en 8nnounced by b compoeer conducUnr. will be ct•· ........_....... club me.m ... ·--ently, p•···•-... ahower SepL 28 at her new oma, ea ..... -...da, Tb ~··---·r ...,.,.,__ ""'•• ·~ -Frieda Btllnfante. th~ ROClety'• u... "'" • e ,_,....,...., la AAuterdam Mn. Lawnnca th• evtninc around a talk and permanent t•onductnr and direct· 92° Clay St. Ml .. O.hlerkins had ot the Pl'OfTUD will eonas.t of wu the J'l•t ot Mr. Uld Mn. dance• Jl.ven by Tartan• we ... r or ot the Workshop. These 11e11· invited the STOUP for the U8lllll orcheat.ral 111:oerpte from Han• CluUUan Volt, fonnerJy of Be•· of Honolu.lu and Tallltl. sions are held each Thursday &t evening meetl'lf, wu a.-Leted SD eon'• moat tamoua opera, Merrr m7 BS.u.. lJI ~... eh.• "Millie", u Tartart• u Jmown 7:30 Jl.m. 111 tlw new music build· hoateaa duties by Mr 1. Jack Homa&. wu mtarta!Ded "1 Mn. ud Mrs. to her tnanda. at th• nut meet Ing next t(I !he u1trlllnri11m. In Qulaenberry. Tb• pcosram for Oct. 7 wW RON Be)'mour and ln ~ by Ing will ehow plcturd of th• Room No 2. nn t hf' r11mru11 of t•tur• th• harp u • eolo In· Ula Baroid Bretta. acboon.r Loafer, which want Orange Coast Collel(e Mrs. Ernest Walth reported Oii ltnlmmt. Xarc:eJ Orsndjan:y Wlll In l'raaktllrt Oen. Ul4 Mn. d-n•r the ""'··-otuu IAlandll lhe luncheon held a t th• home play a neorded con-t ot work.I .,_.. • -T his rehearsal group. founded ...... Daatord, Baroa -d Bvona.-Whll• eh• and her husband Paa1 of Mrs. Lyle Pope. Cliff Drive, written or arr&nJed tor thte •l· v Op-""etm and the P'rankll.11 laat year u part of the ac>etety'e on SepL 21 for members and dom·hea.rd but axpreulYI ln.atl'U· on ..--. were on an apedlt.lon to abow • reneral mu111c program , Is in· guu ts. Latter Included Mmes. mmt. Some of tbl c:ompolllUom Pott ... all P" dtneer putMe demoa.etraUona of pea.rt dtvtnc. tended to givl' to advanced atu· Leonard Fredorowlca. J ohn Ne· clloaen Wlll date b&c:k I· i. tOO bl Mr bollor. The two were ·~ on-\blt dents orchestral e1<perfence under h Bombay, India, XMill Nauojl, \ID.inb&blted I e I and for nw MRS. CLIFFORD CHARLES CRANDALL -Kayette Photo CRANDALL-SCHIFFNER RITES AT CDM CHURCH It waa in a pretty eetting keyed to the Bride's favorite pale pink and white that Katherine Ann Schiffner became Mrs. Clifford Charles Crandall on Sunday. Sept . 25 in Corona del Mar Community Church. '.fhe Rev. Edwin C. Gomke of. ficiated at the early afternoon double ring vow exchange which united the daughter of Mr. I short veil and she carried a cn11· and Mt8. Clark J. Bomar of c&de of white ehalll'red cam•· s outh San Gabriel and the 110n of tlon• and Llllu of the valley. Mr. and Mra. Clifford W. Cr&n· daJI, &47 San ~mardlno Ave. A1TESDAST~ Pre-ceding the brldt wall Ml!!a PINll BOWS N!ncy Kasabukl. maid ot honor. mg tone. O•'ILU SER\ E~ Guest~ were recl'll'vd &l thl' church 11od 11I hall whe re mem· bers or Pr1c1lla Guild we1 e In charge The n.-w M1 11 C1andall was l'radua ted f rom Mark Keppel ~gh School. Alha.mb"ra. her hUflband Crum El Monte High School Af. ter a honl'ymoon at Lake Tahor the rouple will be at home a t 303 34th Sl. Th• ntte carpeted ,Ule down weartnr a pate pink· frock In which Kath.rtna -• ttoorted by ~llerlna lenl{th and carrying a her father w u m arked by pink nosegay of pink <'1tmallona. Rummage Sale aatln bowe at pew ends and the Randy De M u nb ru n wa11 gus. Lynn Barton. Robert Ben· yean, oth_.. will be mod--. dtnator of the Tat.a Jnd\l8lJ1 profeaslonal leadership Through netL Richard Melroee. Hugh lie· • monthe !Nt had quanUU.. of tum thi!! mean!! MIM Bellnfante hopes Veigh. J oseph 8 • 1 ab•· John PYW two dl!lner putt• for Kra. A abort bueln.-a eeulon pre ti) provide 11n t'!feclive outlet for Ragan. and c. R. Stuf. Cl b w La~ ceded tM talk and ..... foUow.d ~~l:a~~;: p;~~;~:n~vh~t~,~~d~~yo~~ Mrs. Ruth Lewt1 conducted U omen :;,..~ ~;1:1.e':oa;..:.tyle dtrm• Orange County"s 11rhool11. a program on horn• plannla1 and at Formal Tea Daughter'• Wedding au.ta'"" Mn. Wllllam H .... home building ln which all mem· ._1...o.._ l --~ Having graduated. but nol phrn· Bel1 o-n-. -t ea.ta wy, Mtw. Ptrcy Marp • -bers participated by d.rawt.n1 d ning on mu!!ic a111 a i-11rl'er. they plane for their "dre&m houM". rt•• m.embera ol Barbor Tout· W... poetmut.w, and Mn. Coo-Mn. RaJ Bolt&, Mre. Wet.er an are 1n many case11 lefl without mlet reee Club attended the '°"" m-. 1i1t't. thJa w .. k for WMib· H mamben. • Nu t -Ion will be • model •---D o to _,.__ .... ur ---'ll U b fu rther opport1U1lly for nerc111· mal t• and rac:apUon &l.IDday --• •• .,,,_ ...... _.. -ra.. ......... ..., o er • r ing their training a nd raparlties. meeting to be held Oct. 11 at attarnooe at UM Santa An& T .W.• ~ el thetr ~tar. wtlto le llome for tha Oct. & meeUn1, However there Lt no re11tr1 cuon the home of Mra. Florence Mal· C.A. f1ven tor the 11-I.T.C. a JMmblr el U.. W.A..C. wtth Xle9 laie Btrcll u bomtua. lard. 10. 15th St. -========-=====--======-.oiiiiiii:iiii;;;;, u to age and studenlll 11lso ~re president, Mn. Mark Mc:Vah&a, • wl'lromt. It 1s hopt>t1 that in thl• by th• Banta Ana TOMtmt.tr..9 way more local p1aye r11 will be Sartin Daughter Club, of which llhe la a member. J l'Veloped for thl' Philh11rmonic T~tmletHA groupe trorn a 11 orchestra llself. 'lr. and Mre. Gary Bartin, 245 onr 8out.bem Ce.lifom.la pther- Pn!sent at the Worki.hop011 first Eut 16th SL, Cotta Meu., an ed to greet Mra. McMahan w11o meeting or the new 11 .. 111100 were parenlll ot a girl bom Sept. 14 took ofnce al the lnlll'm&Uoaal v1ohns. clarlnl'ls. flute>i. c<1lll. and At Hoag Hospital. ToutmietnQ c:onvenUoll tn 19n a frl'nCh horn. The greatest need P'raDOS.OO ill July. for filli ng out the group, Mi8!1 among other t.hl.nre at uu.. ftnt RapnMDUnr the ll.u1:M>r o11ab Behn/ante 1nd1ca tetl. wa11 <nr vi· 11ession, and next time they wW were Mn. NadiM Htll. ID-II. aa.- 0 !&11. oboes. baMoon11, bra111 and I work wt th a Schubert eymphoDJ' el R. R1a1l. Mn. Jaye VeJ[aJ- strlng b~. Thi' Polyvel"an l! adequate lnetrumentl&Uon la Mi. Ctsu1ott• Bkin.H IDLI MN. D ancee ot Borown wes. played available. Albert E. J obn.ecm. SEE •t1·1• FOR THE BEST BUYS l Opening Sat., Oct ... 1st..- sanctuary was adorned with pink groom•man and gue11t11 were u11h· Newport CT r c I e or ct11;,t e nd whit• camallona wit h. green· ered by Chari.ea Carpenter "nd Church by the g,,. will hold a I ery. Sh• wu ch&rmillg In her Jeffery MacNeilledge. rummage aale at the corner ot bridal gown of whit.a lac• and F'or her daughter"11 nupllals WPst Ba lboa Blvd. 11nd 22ml St net. Tbe etrapleN bodlce wu top· Mr•. Bomar wore a gray eult on two wel'kends. Sept. 29, 30 Pf'd by a brief jacket ot lace and with while hat and ~halti-M!d and Oct t. and Oct. e. 7 &nd s. I the bou{{ant eklrt was In baller· pin~ carnation co111al'e Mn i Anvone having artlcles to oonntl' Ina length. A crown of .embrold· Cnind&IJ was gowned 1n pink lac:t may call Har. 2092-R 11nl1 " l&r ery and Med peatle h •I d t..he with carnation corsage IA match· I will be sent. IN OUR GREATEST FALL SALE OF FURS .. For laf ormattoa and Re~8tratlon Phoee Harbor S91S; HYatt 4-4719 Eftalnp CaU HYatt 4·4719 collect • . Here's an opportunity for your youngsters from 3 years of age, up TO LEARN DANCING , From one of the country's Most Experienced Instructors hu bttn lnchln1it RuMian ballet. tap and acrobatic dancl.nir; for the past 25 year"' In hn own Mhool tn Chkaio. Now OJH'nini du111e11 for he~lnnf'rM, fnt.t>r · mf'llllat#, adnnefd, non-professk>nal anff proff'881onal. (claaM-t. for Motberw a Bu9tnM11 Wnmf'nl Apt!('l&llUd trallllna-for pre-tldlool i-1\lld from &«@ ~,....._ <''-& Prtfttf' 1-. All clu~• "11J be Wlclf.r the Pf'rtOnal la.tru<'tlo11 of Faa,ra .•. witlil aped&I attenUo• a"lne to th@ ll«'de of P"<'h pupil . . • NnpbNte on phy•Jcal and mf'nt&I polMi and c~. Cl-and prh'at• ._..,. at !911 E. Cou& Rwy., Corona dl'I Mar · •. ll"l"Oilll from Port ThNt,.. •.• In the MM'jor1P HaJe Studio. WE FEATURE DR. DENTON'S SLEEPERS GOLD RIVET JEANS POLLY FLINDERS DRESSES NOW IN PROGR!$S You will be amazed at the variety and superior quality. At an extrCIT\el Y low priet. N~1ural Ranch Mink Stnles from S 39'-Clt ~1her Blue Mink Stoles from S *'·00 Rnpl PJ~rel Mink S1ol~ from S 49,.00 SApphirc Mink Stoles from S '95.00 Ranch Mink Cape Jackm from S 695.00 S1h er Hl ue Mink Ca~ Jackets from S 795.00 from $1095.00 R~nch Mink <:mts fmm $1895.00 The Ollve M. Dulh•g label txp1~5eS the fi nett in qUAliiy. BUY NOW On Our Convenient Loy-Away Pion. A Small Oepo1it R ... rv .. YOtJr S.lectlot1. -OLIVE M. DULllG FURS MATURAL DARK RANCH min~ Coat I.ALB PJ.ICB $1750.00 211 N. Broadway, Santa A11 II 2-1223 ORANGE COVNTY"S FOUMOST fVRJUIR Have y 04lf run RESTYLED NOW at lteduced Prlat Pride·n·Joy Olldren'1 Shop Clotttft w1 Toys hr Mita w1 lop Ph. U 8-7061-lal Hmbor loulev.-d-Costa Mesa .. 'N FABRICS 1m• •wrwt ..... • UllMJ ..... Complete Une )' erda9e I Not1on1 Cutting T abie for Y ovr UH Community Credit fltett AvaUable ............ • WI CMYI S&H GIDN STAMPS • I )' f ~. PAGE 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 AUSSlfS WELCOME • TAKES COOPERATIVE EFEORT • TO CART MESA SCHOOL KIDS -' Throu&h cooperative a1Tan.:ement, the Coeta Meh Ele· 111enlary SC'tlool Di1trtct la rentinr one of On nr• Coaat Col· leg1 b~• during 19~-~-EKh day, Monday throurh Friday, durin1 the houra or 11 a . m. to 1 p. m. a tollege bl.I.I pick.I up 170 younr1ter1 !n the Co•ta J.leu. anoa and d~\1ver1 lhem to llC:hOOI. The collel(I 11 able \Cl provld1 thla •rvlce •• al! coller• 1tudenU h1vt bt!~n tnn•JM)rltd prior t o 11 L m. Th~ <.VOp.eratlve e1Tangement wu the ruult ot Joint n1o:ellng1 of the Khoo! 00.rdll of the Harbor area held ap- proxlmately one year aro. At th&t lime cor111Jd""allon wu l'll'f'n to po.Jalble w•ya 1.nd. mtan• to reduce tt1Ut1portatlon l'Olll•. DODGE PLANS EXPANDED NEWSPAPER AD CAMPAIGN DETROIT, -Seleelion of a !'e· low-up Ml• In a bro&d campalp cord numbfor ot ne .... ·spaper1. ln· even more ~Orl'lprt"-'-1" 11.Qd clud1n1: the Newport Harbor spectacular than that ot a ,..,. Nf'w•-PrtM, to be u..ed In launch-ago.". !nj( t h" 19f'6 Dodge 1ulvertl•ln( CHALLEXQ.I: FllTU&lr; pro1frim "'aa announ<'ed today by A hll{hly dlveraltled UM ot all J 11ck \V. P.llnor. DOOge aalea n11.n -adverl l•lnf med!& I.& planned for ajto>r ln <'hnri:~ of adver1\.~tn1 and the new car announcement pb&&e. n11•1·ch1111di~ing. Heavy newsp.aper llneap thn>ufh· Accompanied by their n~wly won D:i.vis C tp trophy, the Australian tennis team ··F,:very Important daily new ... out the nr1t lhrM weeka of th• plpl'r a<'ross the nation wlll ce.rry announcement period will be 11.C· the 19:.11 Dodge model "nnounce· companied by full-color ,Pl•(uiM menl~ beginning Oct. 6." Minor dl1pl11.y t'mphulzlng tbe 18541 !Ml.id. •·J.tore than 1000 of lht'l!e Dodge theme: "Born of SucceM I will be in rnajor m11.rktl are1.1. To Ch&llm(t' the Futu,.", .~ made an exhibition appearance at B::!.lbo 1 Bay Club couru Monday. Above, Mayor Dora Hill welcomes the Aussie ac~ t~ th ~ Harbor area. Gathered around her arc mcmbers of thc squad: . Ken Ros~\v:i'll, L?w Hoad. AehJey Cooper and Rex Hart· wig. Below, Bob Robina unloads the D1vis Cup from a Theodore Robina 1956 Ranch Wagon. -Don Bush Photos I In addit ion, ll()rYlt 3000 amalll'r In add!Uon to ma jor media, dailif'• •nd Wffkllu •lllO art nn tr.vtllnr dlllplay.1 on buuee and tbt l<'hedule for ln!ti&.I a nd to!· atl"ffl car1 wttr appea.r In all major cltlu, while hundred• ot Fun 'N Fabrics Opening Yardage S~op Oct. 1 • 1n New Mesa billboard• carry the Dodge mn- 11.ge Into Ult outdoor fle!d. Add· td puah wtll be ('lven to the cam- p•Lrn 1.nd tl;lroughout the model year by IQCaJ e.llotment. trom tbt varlou• lace.I Dodge Dealer Ad- vertla.lng Fund•. D('l. I \\'ill mar k the opf'ning venturi'. Tho>~· announce jointly !j:=~===~====== of a new ~·erdagt' and notion1 that 1tore houra "·ill be from llhop Ht 1779-A :"l<'wport Ave .. 9 •· m. to :1 :30 p. m. dally ex-E - COll!a ;\\t':!•. Opcnini: day ff'1tl-Cf'pllng Frlday11 when they will ~~ it;·~ • t v1t1<'~ will 1nclu<te 1·.,rruh1nt'nl1 re1naln OPf'D untU II o'clock In .. for nil vis1tor1. free 11!fta to pat-the evenlni;. 5 X£f£id"rl ron.• and aw11 rd of 1 gl"1lnd prlu-. A tn !1 of p111·tner1 brini;1 a An added ft •ture of Pun 'N NOW SHOWING \\'talth or r .. ta1l mtrchandi..tinr Fabric• wilt be ava!lablllty ot a exp•:r1rn<'e to· the l>le11a 11hop •• cuttlnr t•blt for cUt1lOmer11 with 10A...,. c aA\\'FO&D the~· 1111noun("t Ult openln;;: of e:iipe:rt advice on pattern cut· F un 'N P11brlc!1 "'hlch ¥1'111 ff'•-JEt"F CIL\SDIZK Unc and 1uch problem•. turt J to 6-yard pieou of Riocl· -'-----'-------.. ed t'Otlon n11.nn<'lti. gin1h•m1. ray- on ~ 11nol all lh" fall aea.50n'1 1mar1t·11t n1at.•·rh•l,, Mrs. l.<>u 4"J11.ck1.,"I Ubbey llild l>lr11. Harohl 1 "Ft>rn"J Seier· .lien, bolh of Sew1}()rl Beach join w11.h b.1 r11. S1t!l)ht'n 1"Pran"I Sina. of Costa P.l esa. 111 the new Parker Son Born Mr. and Mr~. J ame1 Parker, 11J24 Contlnenlal St., Coil• Mua . are part'nUI of a boy baby boni Sept. 3 In H O«( Hompllal. Just Delicious Food! The New Art Stegmann's COLONIAL RESTAURANT & Lounge Sh·<' J)ln1wr ~l<'f'llan at Popular Price. 2582 W. COMt a..,, on Mariner'• HJ1e "female on The leach'' __,._ "1'11ree Hours to Kill" "We'r• p1ck1n1 -up rl1ht whu• •• lelt Oft -I.De 1960 ~" Klnor .ud.. '"1Jl5 YU a .,_ YMl' for Dodi-. U4 .lMf ,,.... mi.a to M ..,. ...U.. Tile pllah·bup.o. ...... ot . motOrtai' tll here at IMt, ud um MW 'tit Dod~ te&bln alr..ad.J ....... lured tM ~ ol mlmc- ot AIDetf,,cu ear OW"Mn. '"TM r...-. of. ... diMlen &11d m .. Mn ot U.. ,.,. at om prevl-......,_ bu ..._ ti-.. mendou.17 -Ut-·"k, ~ ... apect to aippart -fterldl .... rantaUc:a -d ..-fm'Cl9 wtUI •"'7 ·~ •. r ..,,....,, and ~ tool at our ~ ......... 1. L. l\01' ~ ..... editor--rYA bu ..... .u.d a riv.,. U.C. now. ~ .,... Stat.99 ••d dn1u U. It ~ onrGan M U. IMUUL" Mesa~/ I '~trJ91 • I .. ____ nH ---QUYMAD•Dll ICJM NOVAK -IWWIH NOW SBOWINO END8 ttJDD&Y 1616 Granaollo 's VILLA MARINA October Weekly Specials Local Commuters to L.A. Must Pay More on Oct. 17 Ne"·port Stach pntrona ot Met· ratea the r omm1s,.Jon estimatrs ropollt11n Coach U nell will '"cl:n nel earning of S004.99Q for !ht p11ytn11:: more for their ridea. be-yev ending Junr :io The r,om· Jl'inning 0 <'t. 17. Th11 lncreaae wu mlaalon d!N.llowed <'l1111nll of ,.,.. a llowrd by the Callfonila. Publ!c pen-. totallinl' S~6 790. lJtllitlt'll Comml>111lon Wedneld&y, Allo authorlud 11 thP 1111le nf I The rommi.ul•1n turned dcnna 10-rlde commutation book~ ror 1.1etro·~ rrqul!.•l for fart' ra.laiea fa.rea over the l!i-cent b11~. book• t ln11idc OJ,. city. but •!lowed ,.1..,. to be ao\d al 90 p<'r cf'n! ·nf 10 on long r11n11. one -""'"Y tare~. '°'o raj,... W&JI I Tht! ont •\\'llY rllll' from Nl'w·. authorti('fl on ··~hool f,.rt'!I. 1 formerly or Hem1•t 1 complete menu for the family PlUA e 8PA.Ollr:'ITI e LASAGNA HOIQ: -llADE RA VIOL.I e 8TEAXS e SEA FOOD lf'OOD TO GO 511 Balboa lhd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPES DAILY U NOO:S·ll IUDNJQHr, MOS.~ p.m. Tl.L IUD. CAl'T AIN'S CABIN na'11 sma.rt new loan e 'l'IMI J>AliL 8Ut"rO:'li" Trto Dalldnll e,·ery Rl11bt (eatept Sun.) f rol'lt &;SO p.m . No CO'\'P.t'-Sa Mlalnnun port Beach to tht' Lo~ Angt'les I ---- 11 t11.t1on h11<I bttn fl:'> cent~. but I II I thla ••ill now ~ s1.13 rf'nt~. r 1u11 U ock Breaks Foot -~~~~~!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lhf' federal lnx of 10 prr c•'nt \V 1l!u1n1 t: Bullnck. 66. of ;oo Jiarbor ridf'r!I wlH 1m.\• 11 tu111l 131st ~t. ,,urf,,re<t 11 broken foot l or Sl.24 to get to I .. A. rec<'11llr \\hen h" r.•!l fro1n tht Thi! company conttndrJ ~letrol rUQf o r " trail•'r nl Ill~ hQn 1e would loal! S72i,715 a year under \\'hil;o. pullini; u1> a TV 1111lt'nna. preHnL farts and under the nf'W H• wa, t Pealf!d at Hmti.:;: Hu~pitbl. REAL MEXICAN FO 0 D /LA POSTA] It you pniler to atay at home U. lf'lf your tavortt.e t"le,·illioa Pf'OllWll try our boxl"d Mf'¥iran dlnnen or 11ptt:lal orden to take out. Thry'rf' ttad:t to tene. PRll'.t.ft P&al'T ...,..... roa LA.HUit l'AKT1 r;s I~ N...,.n mtY& COSTA' MISA ........... ......... 01 $. Cll6i FULL COURSE DINNERS Served From 4 'til 11 p.m. Now Hours 4 p.m.-2 a.m. •·I" ('arll" Dlnn .. 111 a ft .. r 11 :00 p.m. 2260 Harhor Boulevard • COit. Me1a, c.liloroi. DANCING t"KJDA 'II. a SAT1'ROA'll' ~'IGHT:" featuring the mus ic of Jo Lantz Mondoy through Thursday Entertainment in the Lounge with Jo Lonh al tho Lowry Organ AttommodaUo•• •'·&.llable for PARTIES, IANlj)Um, ar CLUI DINNERS PHOSE l'OVa U:l!lltll\'ATIOS.!J SO"' Hallor lhd. • WIMll Llllerty 1-5143 ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREAn Y REDUCED PRICES Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tllwlclay Friday Saturday 2 3 4 s. 6 7 8 Our speci•I durincJ the above ealend.,. week wiff be PRIME RIB DINNER for $2.50, or you may order our SWORDFISH DINNER lo• $1 .50. Contin uing ~ith tlteir policy of designating certain of their regular dinners et a greatly reduced price during specified periods as indicated above Viii~· Marina restaurant offers weekly specials Buffet Luncheon Doily $1.25 COLOR TV on ~ig Screen in the Lounge * World Series doily el 8:45 am. Spectacular Showing Saturday, Oct. I st 5 p. m.-6:30 "HEIDI" * p.m. Adrian -·entortains at tho Music 8ar Nightly Menu Service Available All Afternoon * Football ( oxcopt Mondey I. Color • '" Notre Dome vs Michigan State Saturday, October 15 Dinner Dance Saturday in the Aquarium Rcsom The New H-y .... play far Satwday danchHJ at Vl1la Marina Far VIiia Marina re-"'n1 phane Ha1bor 3930. VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e AVAILABLE FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES The next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon, buffet or cocktail party, to celebrate a birth- day. anniversary, engagement. wedding, reunion. home-coming, bon voyage; or "what not," pleaM call Mr. McGill at Harbor 3930. ·ae wUI advise you abOut menu•. 11ervice, decorationa, 1ettinga, etc. For small intimate group!! or for large gathering• the facilitieti at Villa Marina cannot bf. IWJ>Uied In the Harbor area. ' • I I ' LOCAL LADS BOLSTER BUCS Preparing for San Mateo's Bulldor ele,·en on the rival field tomorrow night are Quarterback Bruce Knipp (12) making •quick handoff to Halfback Bill Harrison. J ohn Eggert (361 has juat made center. Looking on in background is End Terry Livinpton (26). Knipp and Eggert are up from Newport Harbor High'a Sailor eleven of lut aeuon. -0CC Photo YOUNG STAL BAGS RIFLE GOLD MEDAL 1--------------·lcollega hurling grest llllll •ea110n, INDIAN TACKLE ON MISERY LIST FULLERTON, i oc:-is1 Manuel S&ndoval i. a doubt· ful 1tarter for Fullerton a11ln1t the \\'hltUt'r Carda to- day. The hWlky rl1ht tackle au1tered an ankle 1pr1nc in th• hit Santa Ana'1 Ray Steele and then 1een1eo:I to !Olle all control In that fatal traml!. Ho"•ever. all runa were unearned "'Ith a mlsc:ue oc- curlnt \o:!th l\110 away. Steele gain- ed revl'nge for the beanlng by wh1.eklng ll rlval homer. 811.nta Ana'• Re:.: Babcock Rdded another. RUST DOCBU:S Karl 8tal or ~1111 Marlsold, a Downey l'lllTI• INt Wffk. Double• by Tony I.Dmbal'do, Wally Welbroek and Cbu(htry paced lha loferchanta' bat bvn.fe. Lombardo awatt.ed three hlla In rour trle11 11nct Welbrock two tor l •·Y.U •Okt ,....,_,,.thooter, wu The Injury Wall ao painful, oYeraJI gold medal wtn11er ot one Sandoval did not 'ault up Mon- ot the anallbo~ rtn e matchea day or T ueadaf. and wu un- held by the louth Cout Rifle and able to engage In Ct>nl act three. Pletol Oub Jl'r'lday , Younr Stal work \\'ed.nead&y. Jerry Ru:e npened on the ant· -cored 31H x 17 out of a JX>l!l9ible \\'hittler'1 runninit attat:k hill for the ~!('!lllnio~u . glvlni: HP •OO. baaed on 40 •hot• •I l'IO did not fare-too wt"IJ in their two run~. \hrrf' hit~ in three )'&rda, metallic alghlll. te!c\'laed Of>C'n1ng Jou to El 1tan7.a~. Dnn U igh took 01·er fur OvrraJJ winner of thr llttond Rancho 7·0, but ~ando\•at i1 R the next thr<'e. allowing on11 run match FHdfly w1111 John K. 1-f~. vital Jntll11.n line cog. nn t"''O blnglea. Coughtry perr•ll· Phe11 of 617 Poppy "'1th 397 x 21 1•--------------l,.d four runa on lhre11 hits to fln· of a poa11lbl11 400, b•u-0 on 40 PLAY BAL' LI. l11h off, ahot• a l ~O mictre11, 1tt1y al!l'hla. Prior to reaching hl11 14th birthday. Karl Stal earned hl1 Junior di11tlngu\.1hed r I t I em an av.·ard fron1 the NaUon11.I Rifle A".91'.>ClaUon of AmerlcL Requlre- nu•nl• ,,f thi• c:laaalt\caUOn are very rlgtd. Bob Ballincer of 183 Short· cliff Road, alao 14, l'&lned muter tltflf'rt d!vlalon •liver medala tn each match. Another H&l'bor area a1tver medal wtnner wu Kenneth L. Payne of 912 Heltotrope. Sharpahooter -ma rk.Iman dlri· alon bron1"' medal winner• In· clu<l.-.d: Mc:Phee . K.-.nneth L . Paynf'. 912 HelLotrope: Krlatln L. Stal 1 age 12) -.nd Mary Lou Stal, both of ~lfl Marl1told, Rams Rei.a .. Vets Two veu1ran. with th<! Loe Aa· (elf!I RR.mt ha~ been reJf!&Md. 'Mle are ••rd Stan Wea t. former Oklahoma atu, and Guard Han-y Thomp-from UCLA.. Wr,t ""'ent to the New Tork 01· anlll for a high 19!'1!1 drift cholc:e. 'Mlomp11nri v.·aR rele•~ed on wal· Vf'?I. Tab La9una, Tustin £)1.ptrta tab l.agi.ina Beec h to fight lt out with TuaUn for cha1np11>n~h lp (Tld honor1 In the Orange League thl• ae.aon. Mesa Opens Winter Loop Here Sunday Final entry ot 11 'bau c:h.ib1 In the Orange County Winter 1-cue Wedneeday nicltt cauaed a ahlftin&" of the prevtou.aly -.nnounced open- inl day ac:htdule for S unday, It LA Rams Battle • Steelen Sunday It's lhl! Loi Angelea R.am11 a nd the Pittaburl"h Steelera In th.-. National Pro Football cluh In the Loa Angetea COl!11eum Sun- day at a.ma Ume la 2 p. m. In the lrague opener, the Rama of new Cor.ch. Sid Gillman upaet the mighty San Jl'rancbeo 49era to get a full game adva.ntap O'f'er the big three ot the Wul· wu announced today by BualneM ern Divl•lon _ the 49er11, Detroit Manarer Ed Lantr of the Co1ta 1 Lion1 and ChlcagD Bean. AO M-Merc:ha.nta. thrre were dl!'feated. The Me .. macer• will open a t The Rama downed the Steelera Co.ta Meaa Park at 1:30 p.m. Sun-3$-24 in an fthlblUOn pme a t daF a/ta"noon acam-t Darden Portlall;d, ON. Aq. •• a,,,..., i...n. report.ad. RemaJ.ncier ot the loop alata finda Off Sa--Vine La Habra a t Cof'tlna Ml!'rchanta, ••..- IP\tllarton at Santa Ana. Corona l.n llil48. Bob Berry. brother of Athliklao at El Modeno, the aec. Newport Harbor Hl1h Sc.hoot'• ond Bult.a Ana nine at Oranl"e and pre~t plunk"lt>c fullback, Char· Placerl.Ua drawlnr a bye. Ile ~rry. w .. named tJ'1a Tars' LOSE 1''ARHUY lt!O•t Valuable Player. ·In. a final warmup outing 11.t Ir=============; Santa Ana lut Sund11.y, lhe ~ter-WATER llEATEU chant.a were defeated 7.4 when U.llS. Sll'l'ICl oacf 11•Alll Banta Ana ac:ored thrff time• In J n I fi I the elfhth Inning without a hit, oe PLVi!.!_~.lold They cama acn:11ia on tour walk• ., ........... ,, a hit batter &nd a.n error. TttMS It ,ll Cl NT DOWN Wayne COughtry. Orange Coa..at ""°""' H.,_ n• " * ........ lolo.• ot Of womd tbtOo&daa Pmptre /:' <i:JL.-.,,_ (• -.Pl lolllblra hdlic'• -.11rm l'lltt • • moa "' ..... ....., lrtftlm. f lll •l l T'I lAHfll r••••t>O•r• no• t YS r1 • ...,.... know M S. P .-_.ru,, mCll't ot l.!:e W• MXI South._ lh1n any ot~r railrwd-tirN to a:iYe !Mt. ~ble., Pl'Ol•wi•e. and ('Oft"lpkt~ freipl: .me.. Southam Pac:iRc 0. I. l\lllf LL ''•l•t ••t, 11• 'l"l•clK• - . SAILORS FACE MONTEBELLO ON RIVAL GRIDIRON AT .8 TONIGHT Terry RCIC)Cln Broken Nose Wins Hinden Encl Battle; Tamura to ... e. a back anlJ for position " forth battling Oa\'f' Ta.n1ura turnrd Ujl vd lh a broktn n .. i;e aft .. r M"on<I•,..".• r H-A RI 0 R ~o~ BILL PHILLIPS; Sporu Editor acr1m1na.:r. Lui H v.·on"t ke<'p thr l----------------------------- Even though Coach Al I.ni.·in's Newport Harbor High llC'arr1prrln 1: ..-11tbark oul of ac· tlon. ' JllllAUC' nD!lf! l{Utu"d hAI School Sai!Or eleven goe1 again.st ""'hat may be o!le of their bet-.1 11n11rhd 10 hl• ht'lmrt. ju111 toughes t foes or the 11eason at 8 p. m. to night in Monte-like tht vn·~ ~-~11.r. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, SEPT. 30. 19'5 bello'a Oileni the aquad ia actually looking past this one You l·1u1 .. xp•·,·l 10 •~ the II'. Larry Harper: I•« pAl'd. Jar-, . . . ! p11n1p1 ng pln11 of l1ltl~ Larr>" Cas· ry SamMI; ('enter. Jiaclr. Bmllh: BE SURE -·INSURE to the Sunset League opener in Pirate Stadium a week 11ru 1n 111·t1on 1110r,, oft<'n at the right ruatd. Gary 0eaana, rtat'lt from tonight. f halfba'.·k po•l oppo~1le· Tan1ura.. tackle, Dick l'abora; rtpt end, That Opt.ner la v.•!th Fullerton, a" Gary 0.·ern•. Roger Early, Cl•~tro a lnklln1: 1tnllc1, R<.> brie(!y Terry Rasan; quart.erbe.cll, ld\U· arch enemy of the Tara through Dick Nabor• and Larry H11rper I dl9played RJ:Rl'1~1 F:x~·,.1~1or. 1't'1t l· ltt; Jen b.&lt, Tamura.; .rtcbt llaU', the year•. Fullback Charlle Berry. \\"i!I .,.rve to ~kt• up th' ~lack.1 ly 1n1pr"R-I lhf' T11r men\ors ·-IU.11UCE ftANLET tq I ~ o.IJ' ,._ ........... ,, Q l l E. 0..1 lllP'"'1' .,,,_ ....... Hopldna: .f'ullbadt, Ben-y. tor ln.atance, went on rrl'Ord aa .~ t'LASKP:R S"'IT<'H 1.1.\flTP:n l 'l,A \' 1 ~=====;;;,=:;;,;,;:===" laying for the Indlarur 'W11.y ·back A l l1"1L8t one lineup change has Only limited play r 111> 1M! ea· during IP~~~~~r~~ drill•. occurr«i in the •tarting . Sailor I ~~~~~~rf~~',111 1~~:k~~,11Jr~'i,.~l~~nRt~~ ""It '>I'• ('an ~ve Mootebello a battkr on thl!'lr hame lleld to- night 11.{ld Fullerton beat.a or cornea c:loae to Uckl.ng WhltUer;• Irwin confided, "we 11hould have a crowd of 9000 tor the league opener." Irwin repeated that II" 1; me hneup tonight. Coach l r'>l'ln an· "'hite heat or batlle 11,1;111nst the nouneed t o<h1y that Terry Ragan Pilot.. Rum-"f')' v.•aa elck Monday would definitely open at end 11.ntl drl!lrd lll:'htly rrmalnder of along wllh Paul Lor entzen. ·11111 lh'.' wrrk. mea.n1 that ftaC"an haa. temvcrr· \!Jhlt.h me11.na 1tarting lineup arlly at leaet. beaten out Chuck fur the local lad• •hvuld 'look Vandervort. ~ "'ll'a 1Ull a Ml-~ pro11oelUon." like this on offen!IE'; lrwtn Mid. ""Thia i. what we Ilk• Lrft end. Lorenµrn; left t11ck· BIO UAVTD'UL 'ftql'IOAL l"i.&Nr OUTDOOR PHILODl:NDSON 1iEu.ouJ1 o.. (dlloa .............................. ___ , ..... c. Ooly tM I:, 17111 IU. TtutYee .. s--a-17 .. .,,._. f"'aa\ C.niwtn,; -i..rae 1-vM BAY NUISERY C09ta Meaa (II_,. Jrvt.e) time In Montebello tonlcht will be I p. m. "Th• Sunni Lea.sue IJJ juat about the only one that klc:kotr~ .at 7:30 p.m .. " Irwin reported. • So that gtve11 Harbor area t:Tld fa.na plenty of time ln reach the Oller •tadlum. The field 11 lo- cated approxlmately elx m!lra north or \Vhlttler one block eut or Whittler Blvd. Yrobably be111t route la lo head out the Sant• .\na Freeway to Waahlngton Bvd. and tum right to Whittier. 4 ACBE BECBEATION ABEA wit/1 runmmlng pool -ten•il court•-. - handball courts-picnic area - club house-Little League field gives a l9bj.D * to residents of the netv HALECREsr Campus Estates HOME "Th Lael 1eaeon, plarlng a t hom11. lh111 Sallora downed P.fontebello 21-7. At least three of the Tar 1tar1 Jn that fray will be on hand aga!n lonlght -Berry. Halfba ck John Hopkln1 and Quarterback Qt'<lrge Schultt. After Center J ohn £a11ert. now batUlnr for a l lr1t &trlng plvol berth with the OCC Plralft. re·, covrred a funblfl, Hopkin• amaah· ed acroaa for Newport'• tlrat touch(Jown laat year. Theu. Berry broke up the tray with two more. The paulnc ot Bruc:a Knipp, now with the Bue.. and Schult\ r~atured tha conte1t along with th• runntnc of ez • Tar Bob Mil- UfI1. On th• lb"le, Dick Mlrko- vtch and Gle:nn Tbomu were the tftl" men. Unfortunately bolb are now rraduated. But maybe audl Anything less • is an old-/ ashioned truck! • I () New Chevrolet 'Jbsk·force.·Trucks ~hit f,...-""•'~ ... t! .. lo ...ii Ill-.. -!wt -...... .,_ .._ ~ """ ·-·"' -c.. .... c-...... '""' ..... .,i .... -.,. ____ -.. ft .... They're the most r.!:l.~~.!.m trucks on the road. If yOU don't get all the advantoges they offer, you 1tond to lo1e money on the job today , • , and again at trade·in·timel • Mo11 modern power-YI or 6 In most new Che\'folct truck models, you ha,·e your choice of vs • or 6. Chevrolet's new .Lruck V8's have the shortest stroke of any VS in any leading truck! That means less friction and wear per mile. The vall'c· in-head sixes are new editions of the engines that have long been famous as the "v.·ork "horses" of the truck worldl And all Chev- rolet truck engines have a modern 12·,·olt ekc1rical 1ystem for quicker starting, helter igni1ion and a greater eleclrical reserve. The truck dtivar·1 "dream cob" That's the closes t v.·e can come to de~rib­ ing the new Flitc-R idc De Luxe cab. What lruck dri\'cr wouldn't go for features like these : panoramic ·windshie ld for wider, 1afcr ,·ision ; concealed Safety S!cp that naya clear of 1now, mud and ice; High-U,·cl ventilation thal provides a more constlnt supply of outside. air in a.II kinds of weather. Mo1t modern trucic 1tyllng We call ii Work S!yling-and you get It only in nC"w Che\'rolct.truck ~! Twn fresh, functional slyling treatmcnrt are offered- one for light-and medium-duty m~IJ, an-- other for heavy-duty modcb. Your Chev· rolct truck will do your job bctte1-and Ionic bctkr doing it! Mo1f modem feofure1 throughout Advanced suspensions, more rigid, ladder· type frames! Tubclc55 titt1 !landard on ~. ton models! Come 'in and see all the v.·ays you're v.·ay ahead v.·ith new Chevrolel trucks! •VI~-t..C-'. -...CO.•~,,,,,...,.,.., OJll .. ,. t.. ..U ~ll•O HHf)t ,.,.,._,,, C ... f.-.i ~. ~ Year aftn '1"''• Amai<a'1 l>nt ,,./l ing trvdl MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 w .. t Coa1t H......., NEWPORT UACH Ubet1y 1-2261 r , ftA~E , .• ftART 1-NEWPORT HARIQR NEWS.PRESS •' . FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 MRS. HANS LORENZ PACES IRYINE'S FEM DIYOTEERS SAILOR C'S RIP OUT -DON IACKFIELD CAVORTS Banta Ana Colle1e alfback Carleton Davla, top left. and Jo'uU- ti.ek Dan Wh.ietl hurdle Co-Captain• Tom Berg. left and Don Jordan, Don (U&rdll. Oona play Lone Bet.eh Vlklnga tonight In 8&.nta Ana. -SAC Photo PAIR OF INJURIES JOLT· P-ANTHER PIGSKIN HOPES ORANGE. (OCNS) -Thal "old I be Richmond, who wu awArded debbll Injury" hlll! once again rear-the weekly Quarterback Club'• ed lu ugly head on the Orange Player of Week awarrt. Novae will High School football picture. take Miiis' place at en<I. Pant>ier Vanity Coach Eddie Eaton wH for~ed to throw Into I Fl F b II the bree~ Scott Richmond, 160 lb. a g oot a 11en1or and Don Ko\·ac, 160 lb. jun-• lor made by the loaa of Max Dar· s f f 'Pl row and Ken Milla who were In· a e 0 I y Jured In practice' aeuiona Tue.day Darrow, a UIO lb. tallb&ck was a, hl(hly regarded part of the t9M Panther (rid machlae. Ht atarl"'1 the game ag-~nat Tustin and ahow- ed up very well. Milla, ~ lad from Canada, al110 began the conte.t with the Tlllera. and althougtl he wu not apectacu- lar. ho wu In on «-nry poaal'ble play. Darrow wu lnjur,d 10 tac~llng practice when he tore t ome ll1a.- rnenta above the k11ee and M iii• wu hurt when he sprained tns ankle alao during a tacklln1 Ml· aion. It le not known when the boya will ~ back'. In Darrow's tailback "pot will Lots of 'Taters Al lrw1n. coach ot the New· port Harb<lr High School Satlor11. weighed 212 lb11. a11 & lineman at Collrge ot P1.c1fic. "I ate more potatoe11 In those day1," Irwin n pl•ln11. Flag football, u played by Harb<lr Boys' Club youngster• this fall. i!I ducribed by Athletic Director Rod MacMllJlan u "about the same aa tackle - without the dangers." Th,. players carry 11 cloth. IOOl!ely tucked In at the waist. Ball carrleni are co1U1ldered tack- led wben opponents pull the rr., from their 'Y•lst. Mac:Mlllian added boy11 ue pro- hlbl ted from leaving their feet while bloc.king tor ball ca rrtera. Flag football interl'Mlral • le&· cue11 got underway Monday. On Saturday11, aJl·!!lar lcama will play eleven• from other boys• clubs. Fast Ya11k FlaCJ The New York Ya.nkeu hold the record for earliest pennant clncheu In major league bueball hl1tory . They had It all wrapped up on Sept. .c. 1114 l. Mrs. Hana Lor.na paced lhl11week'• completion of th• Jt v:ne Coa.t Country Club'• ~-hoi. women'• coif t ourna- ment y,•Jth low net of the field at 213. But •Ince only one pru« wu permitted. M rs. Lorenz Mllltd for low gro111 In Clue C divot dlgsing with 318. Priaea In the (T'eena co will be awardtd al the Octobt'r Jadlu ' meerln,-a t Irvine Cout. It wu announc<'d Othu pnu wlnnera In the hnks competition were: Clt.1111 A -Low g1c .. •. Mrs. Edward 1.A-n1han. C'IUb C'h•mp, 248; low net. Mni. John Drury. 220. with Mra. John Weld 11econd at 224. Cius B-Low gro1a, a lie betwun Mre. Forrut Neal and Mr11. Bart McHugh, 300; low net, Mn . Jay Longley, 231. with Mn. Ra..lph Compton 11econd, 236. Clt.1111 C -Low croas, Mr11. Lorenz; low nl't, tit .bf'- tween Mr•. J. L. Gray and Jeanette McCorm\t•k, 239. with Mr•. I... A. Turner aecond. 2~2. TRAP SHOOTERS SCORE Harbor Nimrods Cop Lot of Matches at . Sunday Go Harbor area trap ahootera scored heavily in 25 matches held Sunday by the South Coast Rifle and Pistol Club on MacArthur Blvd. out ol Coron& del Mar. The next trap shoot at the range location ia scheduled for 10 a.,.m. Oct. 23. Turkey 1hool1. which will In- clude trap matchea -. well u rltle and p11tol matchea and many non-l!kllled rvent.11. are ala.led for No\'. 20 &nd Dec. 18, •tarting at 9 e .m. HARBOR VICTORS Sunday tnp •hoot Harbor area winners. from among J25 entriea competinj!'. Included: Redman D. Jarrrtt, 30 Bee.con Bay, winner of 3 matche1; F red W. Kueter Jr., e04 Marigold, John Ollerman~ 110162 Spruce, Santa Ana Helrhl•. and Raymond Ro11t, 223 Monte Vi.ta, Co1ta Meat.. all wlnnera ol two matchea; and one mat.ch winnera S. P'. Bell, 217~ Mariuente. Nor- man W, Dulworth, 412 Hazel Drive, WUllam H. Glua. 571 DllJ\t. Lane. Coata Mesa, A. M. Powell, 3111 PolraettJa. M. C. Smith. 2060 Newport Blvd., eo.t& Meaa, ..id W. B. 'nlummel. 703 PolnMtUa. The ranee la open Mond&ya throug-h Friday• from l1 a. rn. to 5 p. m. and Saturdaya. 8undaya and holldt.ya from 9 o.. m. to 5 p. m .. It will be clolled Chnat.mu and New Year'• Day. ALL NEED8 Facllltlea Include pi1tol, 25 ya.rd.'!: amt.JI bore and big' bore Finally Caught 'Em The Sailor prep footbt.U team failed to score on the Ana.helm Colonlsta from 1932 through 1940. Jn 190 Newport Harbor loai 28·6. 11nd in t9U finally ca.ughl up with Anaheim with a M ·O victory. rifle, 50, 100 and 200 yarda; jun- ior rllle, ~O feeL The 1 rap l1 op. er&ted from noon till 3 p. m .. Sat- urdaya and Sundaye. Rtne and platol matchea and Junior rifie matchea are held once each month. Small bore rln, toumamenta. approved by the Na- tional Rine Asaoclatlon or Amt!r· lea, are held every Friday night. All matchu and everyday UH or the ranee a re open to the public. NEW Munsingwe9r. Flecto-Flash Sport Shirts · • Reflect h«uJl ighU • F1aah a brilliant womi716 to motori Bf$ • Prevent night-tinu accidau DEFt:SSE STARS Hammond booted three conver- !!lons and Quarterback Gary Plck- tna paued for a pair. Outatand- "Tire balen~• •dd1 plenty to drivi n9 comfort and •••• ••• 1., not to mention money saved!'' New 1956 21 Inch • •• as low as $795.00 Sliort-alftut, $295 oollor lly/ci. •izin 2-12 WllA0til Co/111r s19s For 1956-THE BIG K "" /II"""'· .-u. -"',., ... '°""' $1.65 K,.11 C.,.. OIV •in ~''""· $1 .6.5 !todf11 II.ti'• 6 1a 11>4 65r a..r. ... ....,. t..nnoe far 10C childnm -; . ~ Spa a.ta bA at .. aombed cotton and a new ~~ .................. ,,_ humome, comloriable lbina ..... bra • -I c to uwbiliea Ob dat: l'Olld~ and pedelitriaa ao • • ••• ..,.. .. the driwr to w an:ror-in the padl of ~ .,.,.-..,. &om • .... at.nppins dMance ..... ,. Send JOi'lr dWdrm ~ ">«hnal In ..wy wi&b Mwaizc..r1 nrir Mrr ~P'IAm 8paa=·.._ Lams..t•c .. -. •• ~ -..1-», fl.•to••· We Ghe S&H Gn. SlaMPI ... .,.. .... ...,,,, _.. ,. life ol ,,..,,. • I •• c Dre afJ EWPOR Dl~RTMENT STOAI Olr tliMI OcMa Front ... lbd St. 0.. Mort IJlodl ,...... Sewpon rter -NIW,ORT llACH •••iiit~~"~:,i~~·~~~~~~:. ~ - New 225·honopower Montdoif h01dtop cou1it.-OM of 12 lllOdoft !ft 3 Nriee LOOKS BIG •.• FEELS BIG~ •• ACTS· BIG ••• IS .. BIG! THE BIG BUY FOR 1956 • Great new 210-and 225-hp SAFETY-SURGE V-8 engines • New high in UBable power-faster getaway tbhn ever • More 1tylin1 innovations, new freshnem everywhere • 12 big modell, new fteet of low-silhouette hardtope • Brilliant new FJo-Tone color 1tyling, Wimtnted abo-n • New smartly-tailored, color-matched interion • New Safety-Engineered feature& including cafety door locks, impact-abeorbing safety steering wheel,aafety eeat belt.a•, padded instrument panel• and padded sun vilor• ~--- ON DISPLAY TODAY ••• THE BIG MERCURY JOHNSON &. SON, Lincoln· Mercury 900 W. Coast HICJhway NEWPORT ECH ACNll .... ..,c ... \ Ubealt Nl4I r I j 1, ~ NHYC FLEET Thirty.five of Newport Harbor Yacht Club'!: fleet of blue water boats gathered at Moonstone Beach inside of Long Point at Catalina Island Sept. 17-18 to offi· cially open the NHYC leased harbor with the annual Commodore's Cruise. As has become customary, . INTERNATIONAL DINGHY RACES HERE CANCELED! Visitors Unable ASSEMBLE~ each yacht now haa it's own particular harbor nn Catalina where members are &lways assured of ad!!- quate mooring facilities and NHYC members are completely happy with this quiet Bpot for a relaxing day or tw~r three or how many?-Beckner Photo Ne~ Law Makes Abalone Boat Registration Cost S4I Each FIN FACTS; TRAIL TIPS By THE OLD SPORT bett.r. Wedn~ aipt•1 e&tc.I\ WU 1000 lb&. of m&ckertl 1DU7 aib&rlta alMl DO nab. Oatli ••rtf lilefor ,;,,· l ....... s •• , •• ~ o.. of the ~ meo to be .,.udaC around Newport la JWpb A JI IMrU,H• outllcl•rnJ• PbWl,.. While 11...-. ...._. tot wu &.as. tr... a HC' hi.I batUeebl' Amanda OM .W.. la ,._, of tM bom9 0C l\lltll 1ut •Mk. .. ... \Ip ....... 1111 .. t ~ Uout IOO m.llea doW1l the eout. R&.lpll Ud ht. M•lcaa dedt band .....U..· -~ nipl. rot out U\roufh th• eecape hatdt. o.t.l' ~ to Hewpolt 11wJ .,.,.. ~ at a.IPt. aaJplt ~ ..,._, ... • • rot Meil laeN W1dneeda7. Be Miid TIM Udef uaUed the '1el&~ be o.,.. hle life to OD& ot ._. m°""' ft~ a Mawal (lu9 boat. built up • u. bUl. be coW4 o,...a. wtU.Out . . . He &Ad hla crew bad to row what '""· .. ~.rl Hot newa thie week ia that the boya are really antici· tbtl>' n,ur. wu Uciu\ 1a mike J • ' +t ting the opening of aardine aeuon thla weekend. They'll apiMt ~d~de. They laad4'd Gooclwll ~· .l start Saturday. From what the boy. tell me they're going In a ""7 te apot. takln6 •....-:-• •'l out Saturday witb the new-t~ Lampara net.e and new net µi,.. u,. to niach belp. . Gets U.S. Apprefliil.:TI: ~ r-Ralpb would like to meet one of "'• pullers all rndy to awing into action. t boae tallowa wtio Udnb paopa. Ralph ~ llOI W'•·IW Appa.Antly we have eeveral l weather. The ii• quullon ... ma alnk ~u doWlrUlere to ,.t the An., hu ..,.... for a .~ !arr• ardlne achoola ataadlDr by to be: atter you catch ·em when lAalrUee. He llad I ton of bar-to f"talJ a lt.sa •oortllf-~ ready to be .Umlnated. n. net do you Mll 'em' l"&C\ada and ~ aboard -for ............. n rr .......... :i: lldlool allOW9 no Mid to r.maln. A rood •leht tor aore ere-ta to all a t-.i Jo.a. Ralph. h&Yill6 cut -... -. ·- Maclterel flahlJis &a alow due and Bili Jkllawalt &t&rt1n& out to ap, &a tn a •ttJ (OOll ttune of hMCI and BuHdMa4 U.. -, ... t..un. reprod\lcUon WUlec:eaa&ry. I watch Vlnc:enl "Undy" Undberr doW1l hle ia.un.nce a f.w ..._ from Ute eomW.ed U. I. m~ to tM very lnclemant m&ke a fortune when tbey ahould mind. Cl.II you bl&nM tum T ~~Y ...::;--.:t;::::I .:...~ MARINE NEWS Joe Deem hit Morro Bay wtth Loe An.plea. all tM wtndOW9 out In hi.a H -tt. ObJectlorui to U. propoeed "8o1 boat. Tbe waather wu very muat be tiled Wore OcL T. Qty •mooth, Jo. •ya. !Wport.a from Council h" apprond t¥ ,...L Mono Bay •1 there an aUll ;;;.=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;=::;;;;:;;:;;:jj p&.l~ ot albacore up there It the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 weathar allows you to nah. FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 With Joe'• boat belnc SI feet Friday Sept. ao kturd.ay Oct. 1 Sunday Oct. 2 TIDE TAILI Time mp St. T:~ L m. a.a 1:45 L m . l :ot p. m. 11.2 2:08 I'· m. 1:1' L m. I.I 2:12 a m. l :DO p. m. 1.0 2:41 p. m. 1:41 L m. e.1 2:to ._ m. t :aa p. m. 4.T 3:2' p. m. Monday 9:20 L m. 1.2 3:10 L m. BL O.& o.a OT lone you CUI Lma61Jie the Jclnd of wwalhar It t&ba to knock all tM window. out. Bob Haworth and Joe Ft-eel& on th• boa t Alert are havmr a ban-~~~iiiii~~~~~;;;ii;~ ner lrl.P on bro&dblll-laitt~ n14e i a day around Todoe kn.toe. 'nll)' ~a••. ,.~. ·. ~ ~ cleand for .MeJtlco. Anyone who #Uf'. ~1'51' "-'t la due tor Jail. Look f~ a few boalloada of 80U'1'B OOAST 00. lob«.en on the openin« d.ay, tc>-llrd a Newport 111"4. Sew st.ate lectalaUon bu be· plree Jan. 14. 1115' when the Oct. I 10:21 p. m. 4.3 4:1' I'· m. 0.1 0.t --0.1 1.2 --0.2 morTOw. Soma of the boya &). -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;~:;;~ ready a.rt oft to a head at.a.rt °"t ; come etf..:Uve makinr a manda· next tull year'• certltk ate will Tu..cky t :fJT L m. 1.2 3 :41 L m. 1.1 tory S40 fee for abalone boat re-be due. Oct. ' U :lt p. m. l.t l :OI p. m. --0.1 gtatratlon certitlcatea. State De-Abalona. boat owneta In tbU WednelMS&y 10 40 e 1 4 :17 L m. 2 o pa.rtment or nab and Oame of· area may obtain the cerUflcatet : L m. , · · In dMp water. 'nme to CQ, ww'll pull the book I Mexican Appear for Races to Scheduled tielala announced today. from Forl'it'• Hardware stor~. Oct. B .... -............... .. l :OI P. In. O.O Som11 12 to 15 boata lJl New-22~ w. Balboa Blvd. Only 01 er Ttiunday o:aa L m. a.5 ~:01 a. m. 2.5 $420 Owl board TakH port Harbor wtll need the new place. allowed to Issue them &re Oct. • 11:11 L m. a.T T:H P. m. O.I Albert H. Matth-• ot 222 Lil· Your A•tborhet TRALClO~ Dealer 18 the Ban. area. Brtq JOV m.. «.... problelm to .. tlon ot the regatta, bear• out cerW'lcate It they plan to }Ulrveat In Terminal illand and San DI· PACD'IC STANDARD Tnn: llan Pia.ca u.rly Saturday mom- the contention that from tbl• ab&lone. The new certificate ex· ego, local wardena H id. A• lhe poet Robert Burn• llO ------------------------~ (j. (f • iAC reported theft ot hi• out-dolorou11lv r~mlnds u• "the beat comp~Utlon came lh41 great Idea board motor n.lued at 1420 trom lllld plan·· ot mice •ftd rnen g•ng for the San Dlero to Acapulco curt on th11 odd year. At tbJa extend all th• fabulo111 hoapltal· Pacific FilMrcJlau Stol W. C-t Hwy. ~ -· ~ R t In h ti th l95' -• ad .. __ It . hla rMldenca. He ea.Id the boat &fl as:IP~•" nnd that Is exactly l\Ce or ocean rac g yac ta. mt1 _e race ... re y ,..., y of Acapulco to aa many what ha~ happened to the 19~ Sr. Francisco "Paco" de le Ma-2~ or more entries with eathu-yachtamen u thty can pack Into l'lllft FULL L.l8T nw wu chained to a fence next to mf'etinit of the dlnchy team from corra will be jolned by Sr. Joae alum amonr l"&clnr 1k!ppera 1n-their com.modious harbor ao the QCA&ft& NOON QCA.KTEa llOO!lf hle car port and th• motor wu Club l"llutk o <le Acapulco and Pedllla l\nd Srta. Concha Hudaon creulng every day. 195' race ahould really make Oct. 21 Oct. 1 Oct. a uct. 15 chaJned to tlle bo&L t~ N-~rt ~~r ~h~n fur ~~~~eawlthrommlt~u S~AV~~ h~~lna~r al~~yOOtd ------------------------=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ orli:IM lly M'hl'dllled for th I a both ln Newport and San Diego w1lh record breaking t'ntriea a.nd LAD y AN G LE R s Ii to complt te plana for the 195' In an lnterv1ew w t week, Sr . ..-rformancea. Their plans tor ~·telc • t'nd at !'ewport Harbor r -race to the Mexican port In Jan-de la Macorra waa happy to an· the daya following tht conclualo11 Y•rhl Club. A rull pro...,.am of th IU t .,. uary. nounce that e new tac Uu o of the race are, aa usual, llke a racing and enlertalnment planned th Cl N I d A ul .. • •-• r Y tor lht' :'-ftxlcan p oup hu , ~-l 'hS. event. la<ltn with poten-e ub aut co • cap co paie from ~blan !"lghta, In· By STEIL (Jin. llaJ) --~ c1111s1: "' r•reiis ot buaine11a and U•l\Uea for becoming one of the wlU be completed In plenty of cludfnl' a m .. crulae to Zlhua· ______________ ...., ________ _ lllne1111 Jn the vtsltor•' team, ntc-world's greatest blue-water racea. time to welcome the raclnr fleet taneJo and entnnclnr lxtapa and u.~11rlly htl'n <'M celled to the 11 1lao the newest of the lone· w1th 30 or more 11lp1 avallable 111& Grande. Mn. Sam (Dorotllea) Kinsfather took honors foT the sreat dl~llppointment or au · con· dlatance contesu . Begun In 19113 for the vtaltont. Thia la ln con· At thl• point we ca.n only re· first marlin to be taken in our club th1a lle&80D. Dorothea'• cerntcl. with o11ly eight entries, the San traat to the former neceulty of mt that we wlll be unable to strinAA beauty WU boated 'PuMday of thla week aboard St. Otego to Aca pulco race drew J4 1U1chorlng the vtsnl1 thua work· ~ l'l.AS t 'OR ACAPl 'LCO ~at.a In 19~4 a t which time It Inc a hardship on hoata and YI&· m .. t and rreet our valued Louie Jr. owned and 1Jdppered by Dudley Eller. The flab H11wever, the fact that three to-allJ<e trtenda trom the port of Acapulco . ' _,a, Id 1 h wu decided to ma.ke It a bl-·• · ..... _ -··k~-·ftd ·xp---th• weighed 1~'~ 11>9., caught on mlCIWWD tac e, time our of th" first mf'mbtr1 of the In· ...... -~~ ~·... .... ~ ·~-74 tet Mt tonal dinghy racl~ team annual event to avoid any po•· Our Mex.ican fr1end1 h&'H pr. .in~ ·hope that nut year'a 20 mlnutea. On thla parUcul&r Her rod wouldn't nt tnto the •••II b~ In southern 9&UfonaJ& lllble cODfllct wtth the tamow vloUAi)' proved t.bemaelv• ready, d1llSQ event wW be all the more day. two other Lad)' An&'fera, holder on Ule ftdllJir cha.Ir and thl11 Wl'f'k·f'nd. duplte cancella· Trarw-Paclflc cluaic wlUdl oc· w11JJ.Q6, aad more Uaaa &Ma U r11 hi&. Kn. l'nNt (Clara) Keeler lhe had to work her NII with and Xra. Walter (l>ot"Othy ) 8UeTe &ft alti.ooN belt. &bared the charter wtUt Dorot.beL DUD-9 roun' JIAJU.ll'f Tb• party wu nahlnr about 11 Dudley la known u one of th• m1i. otff llan CterMnte. wbcn .._t eldppen ta thla ana wtien tbe excitement be&'&n· The three It comu to maneuvtt1nl' hie boat (lrla were watchJnw their chum-(marlin tl.lhJnc) and trom all ,. Une when the~ eaw five tetden port.a he wu In top form tllat. movtnr In toward Ul.elr nytnr day. WJnnlnl' Ulla battle wu a tlah and the IU\(lert atood with feather ln hie cap alao line. tt znoulba open and completely par· waa bla fln t ma.rlln thl.I H&eOn. alyzed. The unuaual INdden •I· M.ra. Roaa (Dick ) Greeley and Jenee on board attracud Dudl•Y• I were ttlhlnr 011 board ltddie attention. ln a mattu ot MC· otterlea' boat. Dolphin D. (teat- ond• It lookM like It would be lnr our luck fot' uaat nrat mv· a triple hook-up, but only one lin) and we wttnMHd, at a l"e- m&rlln wu hunrry enough to be specttul dl.ltance. tbe entire m~­ decelved by their ''booby • trape." niflcent batUc. We •w Dorothea CHOOSES BAIT J brtnr btr priM up to ptf fln NOTICE THE SURF FISH FRY Owned end Operated by Bert & Jo Lloyd of Coate Mesa Serving the same Fine Home-CoolceC. Food So Many People Like * Our Specierty * Jmnbo •1111p Flslt '• Clllps Tasty Meat D.,._ Alie 11:90 LID.,-'J:IO p.m. DlllJ at Reuomable Pricee • • All you ean at of Shrtmp. Jl19ll or Meat Special for •t.00 beladea Coffee. TN ... o...rt -adld'9 l'la&e U. 5 P• m. 'tll doebag ud all da)' 8uda7 -: H• moved In eaally. opened bta Umea before the tov(h warrtor mouth, choee Dorothea'• balt. pve up. Need!-to aa)' th1a slided on, nuhed. rleamed and didn't help cure our malady, mar· Yanla)\td. Our lucky lady let Un fever. On the Ocean Frollt -Nest to Owt Drue BIRTHDAY PARTY -Newport Harbor Lady Ang- lers recently celebrated the group's sixth an- niversary, cake and aJl. at their regular meeting in St. James Pariah Hall. From left, Mn. Harold Graham, Mn. Ned Johnson, Mrs. Jim Stevenson, Mnt. CLOSE-OUT 1955 JOHNSON SEAHORSE OUTBOARD MOTORS ~II Sizes 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electric Tnde-... Buk Term. FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete Part.a Stock See Us For All Your loatlnt N••, • hlm take line oft the reel-7~• Oon&Tadul&Uona Dorothea and ;~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~ and yarda. When Dudley runned Dudley! Wll&t an a.ccomplidlment the engine, •he tollowed Mr cue. ooMSdertar that It bu been a threw the bralce on and atruck very poor aeuon tor ma.rUn. Act· Ray (St~l) Manhall, Lady An,;ler president, cutting cake; Mra. Frank Keeler, Mn. Merle Miller, Mrs. Rosa Greeley &nd Mrs. William McKenzie. -Kent Hitchcock Photo TOWN TOPICS ~ from Bank of America I. Newport leach Branch 9tolond A. Wright, J ........ ARE YOU KEEPING UP WITH YOUR OllLDREN? If you hue childmi back at school thiJ fall may we augest that •"'1 iJ a good time to start thinking about 1od pnmding (or mlshllly. the marlin jumped and ually, we are not envtoua but the battle wa1 on. The tl(btinc what we wouldn't (Ive to be 1Ji beauty put on a spectacular abow your llboea! -jumplnr and batUlnc. H------------- Utt le did Ulla warrior know Ute ------------ odda were aralnat hlm with Ulla team of expert. . png1ng up on tUm. Dorothea. alert, calculattq, &(&in proved her reputation u a akUltul natural tlaherman; lllnce ahe didn't have much aat.la· faction or help from her harneaa. BOAT OOVEU BALBOA <lANV .U &BOP HtrM< 207 2J4'/L Jltl 5'. HllWJolT llACH MARINE CARIURETORS Repeln -8aM -Parts ZDlrm a STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM US8 W. Cout lllgbway Uberty S-1.SU THERE ARE OTHER WAYS YOU CAN PLAN FOR THEIR FUTURE I Out ti.nit baa Tn11t Depuuneat ·~ locac.d ~ the IDte to help pareau plan for the future well-being of their families. Tboulaads of Californiam widJ moclat meam -i.nc.hadiAa -.., &... oar cOmmunicy-taka ........_,. of th.--....-_ U,.,. an 111111 a11d, .tty aoc Jee• .,,.,.... ID I I v6nr for JW wkll ... ol our n. 05cm 1 Then it DO CIWi•cioa their college cducacion. Deposit a modat aun each month io 1 Denk of Americaea'riap accouar. You'll find it's easier than you think to ea•e the mooey they will need wheo ~ reech coll ...... •YOU KNOW IMAf roe cm ......... ..,11111 ot widMlnwab-ot ,_,_ oa • ,.._, lou-M.., oae of ow 560 Califoraiia braatt.1 It'• ...,a. ud _,, ... ud FF e t t.1 .-.n.w· •,_..a, ..... ., A..a. LIDO PLAZA OFFICE BUILDING Under Construction NOW LEASING! Important Located in the Lido Shopping Area Street-Front Offices on wiih . Via Oporto and Fabulous New Offices Overlooking Newport Bay New Boa+ Slips Available to Tenants Have Your Boat in Front of Your Office e Cell e ,._ {~ I • P~RT I -NEWPORT HAlllOR NEWS-PRESS ~I \.: / . RUOAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT ;~u:a~~:Uk~~e1/v;~~ee u:j GAS co. EXPOSE' LIDO SCOUT TROOP NO. 37 WIWAMS WINS AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER Mra. Al For11t. wife ot Newport hardware dealer, left.. pre.ent... Mr. and Mra. Ray W. William•. 209 E. Balboa Blvd. with new H otpolnt automaUc dl•hwuher which they won In recent 1:.1 mlUiOll arinlverary contHt held by Hotpolnt 1&croa.1 the nation. For&1t announced judgea In Chlc&&o H lected Wlllialns for ha~ entered tht be1t dealet prlu entry In the area. Some 6000 major appllanc .. have been ifiven out by Holpolnt u part ot It.a annlvaraary celebration. -Staff Photo Too Late To Classify a .... &tale "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA ~djoinlng beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, Eaat .,, Santa Ana Avenue, oft Orchard Drive. I ·· Bedroom -2 bath Modern H omes .-._ No Down Payment # -· Non· Vets -Vets Salesman on tract every afternoon and eve. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. ~ Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana, Calif. • •Jhonea Kimberly 7-4168 Liberty 8-2657 (Eveninp Liberty 84786) ~. 1 NEW YORK NOON COMl.CENT -Compiled by B. C. Garside. San· ta Ana-Dtan Witter A Co. SAN- TA ANA, SEPT. 30 (OCNSl - t>rof1t tall.Ing tendwc1e1 lh e~d­ ence late yeaterday carried through lrlto the early tradlnf. Volume 11 not heavy; however, aharpnua or th• rally bu left many laauu with thin bid•. AJJWBAFTS FIRM Groupwt.e, the atrcra!ll opened on a firm tone under leadership of Boelng. North American. and United Aircraft. Secretary Wlllon'1 commenll re1ardlnf ln•blllty to cut back. In defenM 1pendln1 may be expected to contribute toward• rood aupport tor the rroup. A.a obaerved earlier thU week, expen- dlturu by th• Air Force are ex- pected to remain at an excellent rate between 16-7 billion, at least lnto 1969. With thta aaaured b11al· neaa outlook. let.dlnr companlu In the group appear very reuonably priced. North Amtrie&n cu.rrenUy Lt ln a favored technical poaltlon, while Boeing la expected to make an excellent eamlnr• recovery next year a.a volume production ot the B-62 la realized. MOTORS 8TAl' STRONG During the put week Ule motor 1~ocka gave relatJvely &'ood ac- Too Late to Be Claulflecl 12-BullclJng Servlcee Let ua tlnlah your Remodeling Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping ....:.. Texturing ELLSWORTH CONTRACTING LI 8-79:11, LI l-6262 12p3tH S0-8 A~--- MAYTAO Dutch oven gu irton. BendJx mantle. ~11 Kins table broiler. Fedder'• Oehuo-ildlfter. .All excel. cond. Har. Me•. 12cU TWO CUTE KlTl'ENS a re looklnf for a home. Ont or both free. LI 8·11769. 12cU 67-Beal &tat.e Wuated . W.i\.NTmD-LOT-()r 2 trom own- "' by private ,.rty. Give locatlon, ._ 6 price. Box N·M UU. p&per. 12pl6 Dow J o-l p.m. Anra&M • 0..Ululed fnm P\nl Par ~~ =:t·~~~ . . .. 14::7~0 ::: ~:~ ;! .. :t~~~~;e~:~:~:::,;'co~~ TO . FORM HERE ON MONDAY 111 UUUUu ...... ... . .. 83.3• off 0 23 pantu . 1 p. m. volume: 1.280.000 v1. , B&OWN IN\'E81'0ATE8 l,M0.000 on Thur9day. count of themHlvea with Cbryaler Attorney Oeneral E. O. "Pat" npecially well 1upported durtng ~ ~~~•t Brown revuled today hi• otrlct periods of Irregularity. Accordlnf· Ban hu been lnvnUptlnf th• acttvi· ly, feel that Chryaler remain.I al· k ot Amenca · -... '-2 •. •111 tlea ot the Gu Co. for tha put tractive, partlcuJarly on mlnor dli» Beck.man lutrument ······ -· 23~ aeveral weeu. Dt.closure that the for an F,ventUAl teat of lhe former ~~lf.onU~~k .......... _ M ~·M 1I Callfomla Tldelanch Protective high. Electric Auto Ute may be ney ( t) · ··· ........ 32'~ -36t.11 A•90Clatlon, recenUy form• d expected to follow Chrysler. Flrat WHtem Bank ······ 1141 ~·1171,. group, waa being ltunced by the The rubber JTOUP alao continue$ Olaupar ···· ... .. .. .. -........... 2%·3 Southern Caljfornla Oaa Co .. wu The new Lido Scout Troop 37. will met'l In the U do Comm unity Club H oule at 7 o'clock Mond11.y, It wu announCf!d today by the Troop'• Sroutmuter. M11.c Horn. "To meet the needa of 1U1 ever lnoreuing JTOUP of young teen- agers living on Lido, a group of Udo Dada felt th~ tJme wa• ripe tt> organlae a new Scout troop with " mf'etlnr place on th• i.- land," he u1d. "With Udo'• a c- tlVC" cu.b Srout Park 37 .,..du- 11.tmg 11n in•~&llinr; number of b<))'S Into aroullnit. the nf'W troop will •tart. with over 30 acUve arouta." VACCINE SHOTS ('ontlnllf'd frftm f1"t ..... to meet 10Qd support In antlcli a· Hall Scott Molo,. ............ 8'-·7 ~ made by Attomey John A. f'lem-lnteratate Enf1netrlnf .... 10.111• lion of record Industry aale• nd M k Buk lng of Lo• Angelu. .trlemlng and ary have conllnually w11ged a war earnlnp. Ooodrlch la firm u lhe ar et et Com ............. 10·22 the aaaoc1atlon have be.n 1pear-of attrition araln1t &ny munlC'lpal percl'ntAgoe of \he pupil.I. ht be· leadlnl lnveelmtnt grade Laaue. ::yfalr Marketa .............. ·· 9-9~~ beading the fight against Loni lr'l.a utility. It waa their predr· heves. while Ooodyear Tire and U. s. nutt Maid .................. 18~·181~ Beach and lta 'owner1hlp of the ceuora who Induced the City of Jn COl!ta Mu& more than 711 R bbe b Sec. Flrat Nat'l. Bank .......... llH3 tldelanda Ind tor the Allen Biii. Nt!wport Beach to &ell Its munld· per ren\ of the pupil• received u r appear rea.aona ly priced. Thrifty I>Tu1 .. w ...................... J0-11 Attorney ~neral Brown aald he pal cu work• lllfJIY years ago. tht1r flnst and atcund ahota. Mra. 1 Ampnr apeclalUea, newa ttfard-Treeaweet ................. ········· 119·8'' Lt tnvutlgatlnr; the lobbying a c· Thty a.111<> were th.ones that. In-N. L. Meyeni. nurH, 1tated, and ln ~~-Ecd.ko P~~cbt.a ~~d .~~parenlly Van Camp Sn Food ............ 8-11' tivltlee of the .,... com,...nlu. due-.. Huntln""on °-ach to aban-f th h -"-h .,.,..., i.coun..,.. y u1t ... ue·a pre· U. s. Nat'I. Bank, 8. D ..... 23_23 u •. .., r-"" ,.. ...., casH o o era w o may .... vioua atrength. while Tuu o If Wlu.rd Boa .,. For many Yl'&rl lht Padllc don It.a ru ay1tem to the Southt'm 1hot at thl1 time they are beinf Productnr malntalna a flnn to:e ji;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;t;;;;.;;;; ... ;;;;.~;;;; ... ;;;;.;;;;···;;;;···;;;;···;;;;··;;;;·-;;;;2;;;;~~-3~U~g~h~tln~l~Co~m~pa;n~y~an~d~lt.;;•u~ba~ld~l·~C~o~un~t~le~a~G~u~Co::·----;;!;;;~~r~d~e~rr~ed~t~od;prl~v~a~t~e ~d~oc~lO~I"&.~=. Havtng enjoyed a lharp recovery. I the market ta dolnl' the expected u It · entera a teetin1 period. Volume 80 far hu been ~ht on the reactlon. With the market alill aubject to new• development.a, the New Typing Class for OC letinaen A new Orange Caa..t Coller• adult education clu1 In begin· rung typlnr wu atarted thl• week to take care of an over- flow attendance at first mMl· Inga lut week. Cluaea will be held at Orange Coast College on Tue11day and Thur-aday evening• from 1 lo 9 p.m. Adult& may reg-liter at the adult edu~tion ottlce. ..... Slate, ....... Ull C1111,aJ~n u 8-1011 . ~ -· - I W. L l.-4M 133 E. 17th 8t. CoAa .... . local .Couple· Win • Automatic Dishwasher! ROY CARVER PONTIAC NEWPORT BEACH -- . , . I SELECTED . GROUP 6 BRAND NEW 1955 Pontiac V-8 4-door Sedans * FULLY EQUIPPED * lnclvding Hyclramatlc Radio Heater & Defroster Oil Filter Directional Signals, etc. S2395 • ROY CARVER PONTIAC SAVES YOU MORE BECAUSE HE SELLS FOR LESS S2395 I I • MANY OTHa llAND NEW 1955 PONTIACS AT llG SAVINGS e Roy Carver Pontiac 1400 W. Coast HkJhw-.y Phone: Newport Beach ' Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Williams, of 209 East Balboa Blvd., the happy winners of the beauti- ful Hotpoint Automatic Dishwasher. The award was made in Hot po i nt's $2,000,000 Golden Anniversary contest. Mrs. Al Forgit p~esenh this fine prize to Mr. and Mrs.· Williams • You Too-Can Be A Winner ... Come 1-s.e Our Complete Line of Hotpoint Appliances Tltey're Easy to Own by UslllCJ Our Easy Payment Plan! G.E. PORTABLE CLOCK TV • Finest 111 Cabinet clesiCJn e Ught welf)htw 0".'IY 35 lbs • • Compactwi smaller than COllYewtioftal portable TV's • 14 hlch llack Face plctse ... e l•lt-hl Y.H.F. ....... ··12995 C01111pl1te ,.,.. tO Wt Model 14T010 Al Forgit Hardware 2205 W. Newport lhd. Newport l1adl OPEN SUNDAYS Ha1bcW 116 ) , .. ' , .. .. T •' \. NEWPORT HARBOR 'NEWS-PRESS . FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE : BUSY MOMENT -Picnic tables laden with food for the annual Orange Coast College bar~ue. The event ia scheduled each autumn for studt-ots and employeea at the college and their famihes On the left side of the table are Mrs Basil H. Peterson. wife or the college president; Dr. Peterson, and James A. Pillon, !!Ciencc instructor. -All OCC Phc.tos by A I Baker · EARLY BIRD -The tine for food forns to the right as one fortunate OCC atu. dent prepares to have at the victuals. A record crowd of student. and employees attended the annual barbecue held Fr1rJay evening at Costa Mesa Park. .. . . . ·- • U\'E BEAT -A jazz combo made up of Richard Bushee. trumpet: George Knights, sax ; Rogert Leary. drums and Eustance Rojas, piano, had the joint jumpin' for the Orange Coast College barbecue at Costa Meaa Park last Friday night. S\, L .o \.\>i.JK PAR ,, 11-;R -Following the h .-;.;ecue. studer.ta and empll)yees ot the college cavorted to square dance m.i 1"\lled by Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Web- ster. STUDENT ENTERTAINS -Jack Kennt'dy. out- atandinc football lineman on the Orange Coast College vanity, warblee a tuoe for the entertainmrnt of the ttudenta and faculty member!! attrndinJ.t th<' annual bube<:ue at Cotta Meaa Park. "HOME ON THE RANGE" -James A. PJllon. 11cl~nce ln1tructor at Orange Coast &nd a perennial favorite with the G·('('·tar. performs fn1 • r. .. c-nt"r- ~ t&tnmeot of atudenta and faculty. 1 ' I I • t'ACl~TY jS SERVF.D -At far right, CharJe11 Lewi.II, Mrs. Gerald Ella, and Gerald Ellis re<.<.'ive heaping portioM of victuala from the m• table at the OCX: bubeeue. I I (}overnme~l PAGE 2·PART11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, l955 BRUSH COUNTRY "God gront us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; the courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Ano n.) JOURNAL By "'T"'~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- E D I T 0 R' I A L S HORACE PARKER Seven Ca~ons of Journalism ln connection with the obeervance of National NPwgpaper Week, the fim week tn October, we give hf're the Seven Canon• of Journabsm drawn up by the American Society of New1paper F.dlton -the rulee by which e,·ery conaclentioua n.ewapaper man seek. to be guided. RESPONSIBILITY : "The right of a newspaper tn attract an~ hold lt.8 readers ia restricted by nothing but consideration of public welrare .•. A journalist who uses hls power for any selfish or othel"Wlse unworthy purpose is faithless to a high trust." FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: "Freedom of th~ Pl'eSS is to be guirded aa a vital right of mankind. It is the unquestionable right by law." INDEPENDENCE : "Freedom from all obligations except that of fidelity to the public interest is vital. Promotion of any private interest contrary to the gen· era I welfare, for whatever ru.aon, la not compatible with honest journallmn ... Partlaanahip in editorial comment which knowingly depart. h'om the truth doe• violence to the best spirit of American Journall.sm." SINCERITY, TRt.n'HFULN~S, ACCURACY: "Good faith with the reader ls the foundation of all journalism worthy of the name. By every coueideration of good faith. a newspaper is constrained to be truthful." IMPARTIALITY : "News reports shoulc be free from opinion or bias of any kind." FAIR PLAY: "A newspaper should not publish un- official charges affecting the reputation or moral chap. acter. without opportunity given to thf> accused to be heard ... It is the privilege, as it is the duty, of a news- paper to make prompt and complete correct_ions of its.t!. own serious mistakes of fact or opinion." · DECENCY: "A newapaper cannot escape conviction ot inaincerity if, while profeasin( high moral purpotM>, it euppliea incentives to base conciuct, such as are to be found in detan. ot crime and vice, publicatio"l of wbJcb ia not demonstrably !or the general good." .Park Commissioners Are 'Subservient to Council With city council ac.heduled to receive plans Mon· day at 4 p. m. fo r the new, modernized Municipal Trailer Park and proposed rent.ala to apply, the uaual diacua· a.ion probably will ariae on trailers verau.e public beacbea. The clty manager la to present the lateat trailer park plana at an adjourned, public session of the coun- cil in city hall. Expert trailer park architecta have been hired to design the new--development. Meanwhile, a petition i8 being circulated which would keep the trailer park a public beach and the city park, beach and recreation commission has asked the city attorney for a ruling u to whether the commie· 1ion may be treed from obligations imposed on it by the city charter. One aub section of the charter concerning the com· miuion nys it "shall have the power and duty to : "(a) Act in an advisory capacity to the city coun- cil in all matters pert.aining to parks. beaches, rec· reation, parkways and street trees." So far. so good. Still other aub-secUons say the commission shall: " ( d) ABllist In the planning of parks and recrea· Newspaper Week Proclaimed S ACRA M E:\10. tC:"S) -Gov· 11rlevancea aga.in1l authority 1111 rrnor Cn1111w1n J 1-\nu:,ht h11• prn· h:'l\'l' An exrellrnt mrchum of ex· rla1m!'tl the Wf'ek ,.( Ort I · 8 r1 l'll~lnn. l\c:w•pa prr \\.rf'k 111 \ 1Jof.,rn1n "A ~ " private enterprlce. """ H i11 prnrlAlllflllf'ln 1e11d 1 mpl rnim 11nrl'a~on11ble burrBU· .. Ft f't"(lnm rir thP pt e~c. ri..ph· r1 .111r !'Nit ralnt new111>11p<'rs are r11 1~· protrdNl h'' th,. '"'·•ir 1 •• w \:f•nr rnlly n·~ronslvl' l o the nf both our n~l1on nnd • 11r ~1 n1r \\'1~hrs of lh•·1r r!'aclers Rnil the 1 .. one or I he mosl • h!'1 1~hrol 111·1 · 11ccds 0( the community they 11Qnal llbrrllea ot the Amert('11n 11erve. rr~plr. I "Worthwhile c Iv I C, patriotic Thrse ro~tuUonal , f:'Jaran· and philanthropic program• have '"'-"• 1n act1htlon to 11.uurlnr writ· cor.11lsll!nlly round their at ronc· f'rs 11n.t publl11hera of thf'lr rlsrhl ei.t. mollt effective advocatea to full f'Xpreu lon. also e11tsbllsh I among the newspapers which the right or all eltlr.en11 to knnw l!l!l ve our atate and nation. the trul h. enabling them to In· . v11t,,enll~· dlacharge their. obli-"Jn appreciative recognlUon of iratlons nr <'1lilenlhlp. the manifold services of th• men "l n t hr free prua ot America, :i11ct women who produce and cir· the nthrr ltbertie• of our people culate the component pari. of have e \·igoroua and vigilant Am•rlca'a magnificent free preu, <'hAmplon. In new1paper column• I. Goodwin J. Knlgflt, Oovernor rrc-edcim or epeech, freedom or of California. hereby proclaim r"ll11lon, frredom ot peacl'able U · Oct. 1 • 8, 19515, u New1paper 11embly 11nd trffdorn to voice Wrek In our atale." Formerl7 Ult Newport·Ba.lboa New•·Tim• and th• Newport·Ba.lboa Pre• Ent ered u Second.ctua M&ttn at Ult Poetottlce in Newport Beach, eaiu-al& unde.r th• Act or March a, 1819. PubllsbM """' ,..,..._,., w~ u4 1'rtda.1 b7 tlM! St:WPOllT BAJUIO& PUBLISHING C<>MPANY !211 a.Ibo& ...... lll'EWl'OST llUCR. CA.I.IF. Plloee Ranor Hll QoaUJ1ed to Palla a...I .Netaoee ... A.Inna-ta of AU l.Uad9 B1 Deuee of tM ........ o.rt el Oruc9 Oo. la AcUea No. A·ll Ttl Member oantonlla N .. 1p1per PUll.aben A.MocUUoa ...... Kaa-1 Ml&ol'W AeMIM&loe Ms•tm el Ot'MI• O...l7 Nnn 8erttoe lion prognma for the inhabitant.I of the city, promote and 1timUlat.e public intereat therein, and to that end aollclt to the fuUeet extent poeaible the cooperation of school authorities and other public and private agencies intere.ted therein. 11 (e) Eatabliah policies for the acquiaition, develop· ment and improvement of para, beaches and play- grounds and !or the planting, care and removal of trees and ahruba in all parka, playground& and street.8. sub· ject to the rights and powers of the city council." In these sections you will note the first gives the commi.uion an "adviaory capacity'' in all matters per- taining to parka and beachea. Then another section allows the commission to establish policiea for acquisition, development, improve· ment of par~ "aubject to the righta and powers or the city counc11." We are not equipped with legal lore ot our city attorney who bu been given the chore of telling the commission whether it's relieved of any obligations stated by the charter. Common sense, however, would indicate Section 709'1 aub paragraphs clearly keep the park commiaaion in an advisory capacity to the council with no overriding power allowed the commissioners. Like A Lamb To The Sla11,hter In this connection, it would appear the commission is like any other political appendage of any council or board o! superviaona which appointed it and I~ com- pletely subservient to t he group naming it. SCENE AT THE CAPITOL It may well be the park commissioners, realizing the Municipal Trailer Park expansion versus a public beach recreation area, is a politically hot potato. wants the city attorney to report in a legal opinion whkh will exonerate the commission from obligation in specific reference to the park. That throws the praise or blame right on city council, the deciding power, where it belonp. SACRAMENTO CCNS) - Governor Goodwin J . KnlJht haa another hot apple on hla deak In a request made by the CallfomJa Re<'ords Starl'hl'ra Auoe.latlon to Include In hla 1peclal call next March the matter ot rev1alnc Sections 130 and 130.1 of the Ve· hlcle Code. • This Is hot because the Ca l· One other thing while we're speaking of the trailer park i.Bsue. .A. the News-Preaa haa reported doze111 of times pa.at, the public bea.ch C&DDot be leued away from the public below the mean high tide line. Thill pro· tective provision ia stated clearly in elate atatutea. Calla to this office recently Indicate all the people are not too clear yet on this. But it'• the fact of the matter. ifomla Records Searcher• Ase<>· ela tion rhar gen In th!! letter that It wall "eold down the river" by the Governor's director ot motor vehicles. Paul Muon. who alao &eta all the Governor'• leglalallve secretary. Record High Employment A record high of 65.5 million are presently employ- ed in the Unjted Stat.ea, according to a recent joint report of the Commerce and Labor Departmenta. Unemployment ~ reported at a low of 2.2 million; about a.a low u it can get ainoe that figure includea thoae wbo would normally be tranaient between jobl !or se&10nal or personal reasons. Since shortly before the tum of the century tome have decried machines, cJ,t.iming they take joba and swell the unemployed ranks. Now aome are saying automation is gobbling up jobe. Automation ii noth· ing more than the use of machines. It might be well for thoee who cry aga.inat mach.inea and automation to look at the above figures again. Tbey are not ''flash figurea," for new highs in employ- ment are continually being recorded in the U. S. More important, individual• are working fewer hours, re- ceiving more pay, and enjoying a better standard of living -and much of thia ii because capital, gained in our free enterprise syatem, haa been invested in machines. NO COMMENT By WALTER CHAMBLIN IR. W ASHL"'1GTON -Union Lead· over leadership within the Re- erl! disclaim any Intention of publican Party. What Is happen· forming 11 L&bor Party 11uch u In Ing now Is th!! lr11n11fonnatlon of Great BrltaVi. Reason -ll'11 not political party lnlCI a party ntr rseary. Union Doft!U have dominated by a leaderllhfp W'hlch been moving for a decade to to a lorre ·extent control• the take over th• Democratic Party economic life or Its memberahlp. north of the Ohio and Potomac Republicans Loalng Political and throuchout the Weat. 'territory -Since the adnnt of Merpr ot AJl'L-C'IO -Thia the !'ew Deal In 1932, th• Re- wtll give Union BoNea more pow· publlcana hsve experlwiced a er and more money. FUnda avail· gTaduaJ surrender or many ot able will be In the mUllon1 • . ' their areu of vote • cettlnJ More money than either the a~n(Ul. These olct Republican Democratic or Republican party 11tronghold1 have crumbled under machinu ever dreamed of. the Impact of the New • Fair Conrreulonal Candldatea Maj· Deal aoclal policies ot taklnr or Target• -Union Bo&Mll teel from thoM who have and glvinJ thst Mr. JCifftlhower la unbett· to thoM who have not. able and . , . lt ht run1 . . • Big UnJon Boaae11 Helped - union drive wUI be to elect Houae Union tlnanclsl support to New· membtra and Senatore. Fair ~al c11.ndlt!11tu materl&lly Lone· R&nre Stratef)' -Wln bolatered lhe winning or Repub- control of Conrr•&1 In lHO elec· llcan terrttory. Here'11 a thumb· Uona. UnJon Boaaea belleva they nall- can pick up a number of eeata A quarter ot a century aro next year • . • even more In the the vote machln~• or Chlcaco. oft·Prel1dentlal etecUon1 In 1958 Philadelphia, Pllteburgh. St. Lou· , .. and command control or both la, Indianapolis. Mtnneapoll•·St. houau of Con(NN after lhe 1990 Paul, Seattle, 811n Francleco and electlona. Loa Ancel,11 cllcke<l off ovl'r· LAST SESSION The srgumenl goea back to the IO:i5 leg1~1atlve eeulon, to a bill which would have eliminated member• or the Callfomla Record Searchera A1111oclaUon from th• prlV1Jege thry heretofore have enjoyed or examining r-ecord1 In the D e p 11. r t m e n t of Motor V!!hlcle11. This bill waa defeated eoundly in thr 11tatt' senate, but at the lut min ute. ll wu charged, Mil· son causl!d a not.ber meuure to be amended and the amendment wu slipped throuch both houaes 1t.·lthout, the record aearcbera aay, without d11e and proper hearing. Jame11 Phillips. attorney for the u soclallon, attempted to aee the Governor, he .. y1, and uk a veto or the meuure. on the grounds thst It would be dlaas- lroua to the memben of the a.ssoclallon. a nd aJ10 that It had not gone through the legislature w1lh the full knowledc• ot the public. "We therrupon," the letter to the governor 11&y11, "ran Into th~ strange l!lltuatlon ot the Director of Motor Vehlclea. who ha4 by suhterfuge p s 8 a e d leclalaUon, then aettlng himself up u a road block ss t hr Governor'• leclala· tlve aecrelary. Kr.:l'T FRO~ llSIGRTf "ll la our charce and at.ncere Southern Democrat.a Worrll'd-whelming Republican majorltln . A number of Southern Democrat.a Today, Ult votu go 11lmoal 10lld· are more than cSJaturbed ovk In· ly to the Demo<'r11t1c oppoalllon. roada made to date by Union Popula tion Shirt Another P'ac· BoaMe in talt1.nJ onr their party. tor -The f11.nn population north Some Southern Democrat.a acotf of the Potomac and Oh.lo . . . al· at the Idea • . • r et much pro-moat 10lldly Republlc11n In yeara •oktd wben subject la menUontd. r one by •.. haa dwindled u the But t11• fact ta that It ta t&kinJ blc c1u .. have b"<'ome bt11er. In place. 1930 the fanv population of the belief that .. your leflalaUve s«retary. Paul Muon kl'pt vital Information froO'l your knowledge and attention. a nd did not tnfonn you of the content., Intent and effect ot nld lrglalatlon that waa on your de1k tor algnature. We allege and believe thla wu done with malice and deelgn, not In the beat lnttresla ot the pub· Uc, mot.or vehicle departm!!nl, prl· vale enterprlee. or your lnleruta aa governor of the atate ot Cal- llomla," Thua, the governor la put In the peculiar poafUon of either de· fending hla lectataUve aecret.ary and director of motor vehlclea, or repudlatlnl' Ma8on'a acUvtUea It th• ch•rre• made by the u- 10Clallon prove to be true. The controveray, how e v e r, reachea farther thlln a row be· tween Maaon and the record aearchera. Th• attorney ceneral ruled recently tha t the new law adoptl!d by the lectalalure la lron-clad, and that the public la problblted by law fT'Om examln· Ing drlver'a Uceneea u Jhey con· lain data concernlnr the appll· cant'• phy1lc.a1 or menl&l condl· lion. And Ulla data. accordlnc to lhe aml'ndment. waa made Merel by the law In queatlon. llL<>W TQ FREE.DO~ Adoption ot the mea1ure la a blow to the freed om of Informa - tion which newspapers and hewa- papermen have been fighting tor for the pul many years. And the governor 11lgned the bill In race of hi• alal!!ment1 that he Intended to "do bu11lnea• In 1 1how·caae window," At le&11l, the Incident wlll give the governor a tine opportunity to prove to hlmaelt and the pub· lie 1111 to whether or not he In· lend• to live up to that atate· ment. Meanwhile. the entire 1ubject wtll come before the apeclal 1en- ste Interim committee on rov- emment admlnlstralfon. RepubUca.na An Alert -Know nation wu 29.447,000 out ot a what I• bappentnr •.• but no tot.al population or 122,1~.ooo. un&nlmlty yet on bow to combat At of today It hu shrunk to ap· . . , but all do aJt'ff tbat th• proximately :ZUX>0.000 o ut of Republican party will not ban 16~.112,000. TWl.8TED, BECKONING ABMS -Yucca forest llretchea out on deaert before you. -Horace Parker Phot.oe (r.4. Notie -ftla oolmna •1 Bol"MW Parker wW ..., wtu. tM bSU.kMW9 W.toriea.I facte be Ila& dl"fld(ed up Ill h.le 111&&7 trtpe ....... ~ ClOUtr7 .. .._, ,, ...... , When I wu a kid in abort pants we moved onto the Mojave De9ert near Barstow. The "short pants". la not a figure of apeech. In those daya of the early '20'• we wore them replete with long black, cotton stockings, gart~r belt and copper· oed shoes. · My Dad WU a Santa Ft Apnt so thtte or four tlmea e.ach yt>ar we made a trtp Into San Berdoo. Al we left Vk torvUle and atarted the Jong pull lo Summit we paaa- ed through a forest of atrange. dlatorted trees. With my face vreaaed against the du1ty t rain window I ai1kl'd Mom what lhe.y were an<1 ~hr• eald thl'y were Joahua trtt'11. For mllu In a ll dlrectlon11 this grote.que toreat llWtpt 1111 rar .. the l'r ('ou•d methOO. ot ~production the IMX• ual cycle by 11eed la abaolutfly dependent on a lltlll' moth. !:vtn tho lhe flowerlnJ of the yuc<'H are errat le the yucca moth In· atlnctlvely knowa w hen thcJ' bloom and trom htr reatlnJ _Jlll• pal 1tate underpound Me work• h•r way to lht aurrace. break• from her pupal cue and 1ou about her dutlu. aee. Jn conlrul to the white ,,1are ot the desert the creen l&vma or San Bernardino homu •~med like a veritable oaala to my du· ert eyea. And u the tr.in cos1t- f'd slowly thrnuith the town from the 11lopf's nr Cajon Pu11 the $0Unt.I or lh" cro1111ing b<.'ll& l!t>f'm- Ptl to t lonir a hapry Wf'IC'omi lo ua. MflM' WEU'(),IE The JnshlHl trtts. the Kfl'Cn lawna, and the clang-clanc of th• CJ'OQlng gon11 welcoming ua mtt IY In the dlatance then rialng to a crl!M'endo and fadlnr u we puaed 11re my boyhood memorl8 or the rare trlpa to Berdoo from "oft the hill." To the Monnon• hu alway• f'One the hOnor of flrat calling our Yucca brevlfolla the J oahua tree. There a.re a half-dozen ver- 11on• to the 1tory, but their final m11anln1 la the e&ml': Theae bearded deaert flant.a. 1eem lo lean and. point toward th• "promlaed land." juat u did JOlhua tn the Bible. Alao to the early travelen1 they were known u "yucca pa.Jm11" and are aUll tncorrecUy callrd that today While they actually belonr to the lily famlly. Fortunately tor the tree yuccaa their only uee la bu· manltarlan, their wood la uaed ln making aheete of "yucca 11pl1nt1" tor ael\lnr broken a.rm1 and lee•· t:SED AS FUEL One other UH La tueJ for the d-rt dwellera who eagerly -k tba ao-called "petrified yucca" tn which the yucca t runk• become hard and rock·llke and will even take a poli•h and yet bum like ooal. Their lut use 111 their (t'O- teaque beauty and life cycle which allowa man In lhla high· 1peed civilization to escape for a few hours or dt1l'• loto the eolltu<le or their 11trange foreAt and contemplste In peace the \'a· cane• of nature. Aa we pltrce the my11terlu ot the yucca torrst.a a new world of nature o~n11 up to Ull. F or ln1tance Uie Joshua tree hu two OA Y Ll1TLE HOTH Without the U1l1ta.nce of th• yucca moth It la lmpoaalble fo r the yurca1 t o tutlllze a nd thtre· by bur seed1. ThlJ p y little moth work• at night. aha vt•lt• a yucca nower and from the 11"· men1 which bear the pollen 11he Jt&lhf'rll a small ball whlrh 11he curie!' undrr chtn. When 11he 111111 harvntrct 11uftlcient pcillen 1<h• 11elect1 a flower snd lnaertlnc hf'r Inn~. 1hnrp ovlpNiltH lnlCI the pistil flt the nower whl'rll the ll•'C•la will be fnrmect she ln1t>rl" an rgg. Then chmblnit t o t he top ot lht piaUl or 11tl)!'TT1& she gratf'· tully preuea f>(lme pollrn •lown It IO that It will bl' fc rtllizrd and bl'ar auda A" lhf' yucra fruit develop• !JO does th,. rgic ot the P ronuba mnth. At matur- ity the egg ot the moth h•tchr• and th• younir 1,&rv11e then rerda on parla of the fruit 11ml 11eeds. After a certain point In 1!11 tlr• velopm!!nl the larvae plcrcu the rrult and lowerln~ lt.J!rlt by 1llky thrtada to the ground It burrow11 be.low the eurl1tt·e form• a hRrli caae over It.a body and 111 rul1y to wall unUl the yuccu bloom apln. Thta la a wondrrful plant· anlmal relallonshlp the yuc<'ll flower cannot fertilize ll11elr "° It hu m•d• a dl'al with the Pro· nuba moth lo !In Its fertlllr.1n1t and In return It will g-tve or It• plenUtul affd1 enoui:h tor su11· tenance ot the molb'1 offaprtng. WAITS TO BRANCH A yucca never branC'hea until aomethlnc k1lla the terminal bud, either u a reault ot bloomtnit or belnJ killed by the yur ca bor· er. Thl're la evrn a 1maJI II.AM that lives all Its !He In the yucn~ eatln1 termites anti other bu1t11 that bore tnto tll branchu . It eerve• u a nesting place tor ov- er 2~ 11peclee of desert bll"fl11. Anet even though Ill! bloMOm.s 11nt1 fruit hll\'• a naust'nus anct ft>tlrl odor our de11erl lndlllnll 11~1'd them u food. So the n,.xt tlme you walk through a Yucca forr~l. llngr r and observe thlll new worlt1 11bo11t you, where plant and &J1lm11 I are dt pendl'nt on ~ach othrr. YUCCA BREVffOUA-Al•o known as Joshua. tree, thia Is one of largest 1pecimena Journal writer haa &1 yet encountered. Farmer McCabe Writes ... anythlng even approachin1 the Th• 1>0~cal eUect of thll pop- mone,y 81.r Union Bo.u can put ulatlon llhl!t from the farm bu up. been wpp1tmtnted • • • at tbt bu been decldedl7 InmocraUc ln Major Political Dnelopmenl C<l9t ol Republican political pow· ~ attlllallon. Tht. c.ntury -Thia la .t-ot er ••• bT an lncreaae tn popu· Thua. the Republican• obvtou•· many me1*w ot eon,n.. It l&Uoo in th• Solid south. which ly have • hard 1trugclr ahead 11 rf'p.rded u more Important'~ oppo11Uon ttrrltory. Thie ahltt If tht>y are to rf'(aln <'ontrol ot Ulan Teddy Rooeevslt'11 Bull a1ao baa takf!n place 1n the tht> Senate and Houu . Republican. can UH to ,ood ad· v&11tage lh• vot•·setUnc technl· quu now belnr taught naUon· wide to party omclal1 end work· era In lht lltboola of Prea<'llcal P(')lltlr• conducted by th• Repub- Went up to Puadena, the beautiful City of R0tee, the other day. The Smog wu so thlcl< that practically everybody in to~ wa.i groping their way along the •lreete with one hand whil8t they wiped the teara outta their eyee with the other .•. Nearly everybody I HW wu worried over where the city Dada will dig up the jack for a million Gu Masks ao their Rose Parade will be a 11ucceu. Fanner McCabe (all "allta rtMl"VtdJ Mooee up11ainf. T'bla WU a aplll So~Ul-•t whlcb ln ncent 7Ml'•I It ti equt:;11y obvtoua that t.111 lican l\at1ona1 Commltlu. I • ~ , I I LEGAL NOTICE j Cof~mans Host 1 Barbecue Event I •pact' of not lt'U than t'ight (81 feet by twenty l201 fttt tor th• H.11'b<'•'ll«s ha\'<' been a popular parklng of automobiles off th• ORANGE COUNTY PffiLHARMONIC society's "Nearly New" fashfon luncheon was a recent success at the Balboa Bay Club. Pictured here are some of the many models who contributed their services. F rom left. Mrs. Marilyn Friedick of Costa Mesa, Mrs. William McCook and Mrs. Fran Norton of Fullerton. -Terry Boris Photo Guests from Denver On Oregon Visit Gueats Jai1t week itl the ~o-~rl'I. Gertrude Edick of Costl\ bert Syph••rl home. 21120 Conlin-Mesa. accompanied her eon. Edwin en la I A v1·, \nst11 M es:.. we1 e Mr. 1 Ed•1·k. ltll!l wc•ek to the new Edk k ann M t!\ Rtit1nt Baier of Denver, hvmr al Ashland. Oregon. She wtU Colo. Daily 1•xcurs1on~ were made 1 remAin thr1·e with tht> Edick chll- by the \'li.t toi,. tn Soul ht•i n 1•1111_ drC'n while lhf'lr parents rel urn to I the Harbor area on buslnr1u, lor a f'lrllla shriw pill<'"'" • rrw nayi<. patio where she 1::: having a "sale for a sail" is Thelma Paddock (Mrs. Frederic) Hope, given a surprise tea by Zonta Club methbers: The Corona del Mar artist is planning to go to Europe next month for the winter ahd spring, was presented with a ''money tree· shown behind the cake whiC'h is decorated with painting scenes. INITIATION ALSO In~urance Women Slate Bosses Night Dinner Represenlative11 in fields of In· Women, havlnl" reC'e1ved Its char- surance are 11cheduled to attend t er at the national conven tion In the first annual Bossea and Pub· San Francisco in J une. Other he Relation Night dinner or the Harbor area members .are Gerry IMr11. Lyle\ P ope, Eva <Mrs. E . Jnsuram·r Women of Oran,-e H .) Van w 188mann, Mi.u Jean County on Wednesday, Oct. Ii, 7 Rabun an<l Mrs. Harry Lace. p.m. at Newport Harbor Elk.e Club. Six new members will be G Ch • Initiated Into the organization ets ance In and a varied program hu been pl~nned. President Do~·othy {Mrs .• Award Contest R1r k I Cochran promises a Bur· prise tor m<'n In allt>ndanc' MtHS Ethel Stonebacit; l 7 vear· Or~·.in1zed in Apnl. thf' organ-old daughter of Mr. 'a nd · Mrlf. ibza.'ionlt ~ow numbebers l:l6b "'r emlh· Earl Stoneback , 2110 Seville Ave .. e1 s. 111 a n~em r " u o e is Or11nge County winner In Sev- Nallonal A11soc1allon of In11urance enteen magu ine·11 doll dres.smg contest. She not only dreMrd the doll. but made It. u,ung a plullc face and a 11tuftect sork for lhe body. As award she rerP1ved 11 piece oC airplllne luggage. has a chance at a trip to New York for hl'r arlr and her mother it 1<he 18 dL,trict winner. :>:11uonat winner will have a tr1r to Europt' Mesas in North Mr11. l...1•onar1I LOg11dun, "ILh daughter Kay a nt1 hH mothe r M r:o Flor1>nce Ei1tl1mey, 2:17 Bronrlway, Co:-ta Me!<ll. r<'lurn<'d la.'!t w1•rk from a f'lrlniqht in northern Cali- fornia. Staying with Ml'!!. E1r;:h· mey'11 s1Bt t•r. M rll. E. C. lng-ra h11m I In Hayward. !hey a ttended the wedding of Miss Elatne Ingr11ham and vlsllr1I former MeAAn!f, Mrs. Clara Rollins and 1'1rs. C.:liH Prlcl". I m0<le of entertaining at the Wal-I atr~~uch spa<"e. to be ao located ~ler 8 Coffmu11 home. 830 Plum on th lot ao u to meet the re· Pl . Cot1lll M1'sll. l. a 11 t wuk quire •Ma ot lhla Article for an 1111• • t-l\t th.-1tl fr\'Sl'U attalr access· y building. Any euch gar- "'"' e plu \l('ul11,rly 1111pr~11 .. .1J with sge sp:•ce to be located on the 1 111.e hu~~ de«or•t.ed rake produn~d front ha lf of a lot shall have aide b1 ''''' tot rnrnn11 ,vo11n>e d11Ui:;hter. "alls, roor. and an o~rattng gar· ~ulll j!ll\ e1 June Ul{t'' door tor &N''ellll ot automo• I , •:it>nt Wl'I <' Mr anJ M rs. H1v h1te11." n .-Ande11mn ol Arra<.l1a. Mr. SECTION 2: The abo\'e and ro're· und Mrs • Korman P1rtl1' and go1n:: ordinllJ\ce ah all be publish· thl"<' 1•hlldrl'11 uf C1;v1na. Mr . and 1 "'"' Oh<'e in tile Newport·H&rbor M1 i.. Elmt>1· King ot. Compton and 1 News-Press. •J ncwsP,&per ot gen- a nc 1ghbn• G.-nq:e u•nl' Si . anol era I c1rculallon, printed and pub- lhe h. -: family. "hlillt'd dnd clN:u.laled In the City 1 -· or :-:ewpurl .. h. and the a-.me LEGAL NOTICE shall bt-In full force and effect 30 duys nfler thla PLMllge. The 11bovl.' and foregoing ordin· 1..tr1t:nunl't' No. '6i ance wna introduced at a regular A.S UHIJJ.SA.S('t; 01-· THE ('J'fl' I met•tlng of the City Council o! the o t-' .s a:;\\' t• o KT 8 t: A f' H City of Newport Beal'h held on C'llA.Sta.St; THt: ZONING OF I lht: 121.h \'lay of Septemb;>r, 19~ ('t;RTAl . .S nt:AL l'llOl't:RT\' and was finally pu~ed and aclopt· F'll():.1 A.S ft-% UISTIUCT TO e.1 on the :!6lh day of September, Ax -<-8 Dl!-i'rtU<'T. 1 19~:> by the following vote. to w\l: The City Council of the C1lv of A YES, COUNCILMEN : .Sewport Bent·h doea ordain that BENNETT. WILDER, MACKAY. thP prnpert~·-Llescr1bed as Lota l STODDARD. RIDDERHOF , R"ILL and 2. t31ock !'.> or East Newport ABSENT\ COUNCILMEN: Traet. be a nti 1t u1 herebv amend• HIGBIE ed In w mng from' an R-2 District NOES. COUNCILMEN: None to an R-3 Olstr·kt~ DORA 0 . HlLL The above and foregoing nrdin-Mayor ance shall ht> published 01we In the ATTEST : Newport -Harbor News· Preas. a MARGERY SCHROUDER news paprr of general cirrulatlon, City Clerk printed and p11bilshed ano circu-No. 13~7 News-f're.N 9130~ ll\ted m the C'ity of Newport Beach, 11nd Lhe 1uune shall be In SOTICE OF Pl'BLIO ~A.RING full forre an<l effect 30 day11 tilter OS ORDl~A);CI: !110. 168 Notice ill hereby given that the City Council o! the City of New· port Beach will hold 'a public hear- ing on Planning Commi111ion Re· solution of Intention No. 593 1 Amendment No. 12) to amend Section 9105.• of the Municipal Code or the City of Newport Beach to read u follow•: Puagraph (a ) "Architectural teaturea auch u cor· nlce.s. eavea, and canoplea may ex· tend not t'xceedlng t wo and one- h&lf ft. (2'>it feet I lnto any required front or rear yard aclback."; Para· gr'lph tbt "None' of the above mentioned architectural featuru may encroath within two (2) feet of any aide lot line. Fireplaces and chimneys not to' exceed nine (9) feet In width, constructed of In· combustible mate.rial may encro&ch to a distance of two feet from the alrle line providing the other aide- yard •et back In the ll&Jlle bulldln~ site Is kept clear u & pa.aaage· way." 1 th111 pa!!sage The above and foregoing ordln- ance was introouced at a rerutar meeting of the City Council of the City of Newpon Beach held on the 12th day of September. 1955 and WM finally paaaed and adopted on Lhe 26th day of September. 19:>5 by the following vote. to wit: A YES. COUNCILMEN. BENNETT. WILDER. MACKAY. STODDARD. RIDDERHOF. HILL NOES. COUNCILMEN: None ABSENT. COUNCILMEN: HIGBIE - DORA 0 . HILL Mayor ATTEST: MARGERY SCHROUDER City Clerk No. 1358 New11-Pre1111 9:30/65 Ordlnaace No. 158 AX ORDl~AXCE OF THE CITY OF NEWPORT REACH AMENDl~G SECTION 1101.U OF ART I 0 LE V OF THE Ml'~ICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "GARAGE SPACt:". The City CouncU ot the City of Newport Beach does ordain d fol· Iowa: SECTION l ! s~cUon 9107.27 or Article V of the Municipal Code o! the Clty of Newport Beach, be and the aame 11 he.reby amended to read u follows: "8~tlon 9107.27. Cara,e Space. An acceulble and usable covered Notice 11 further given that aald public hearing will be held on th• tQlh oay of October. 1965, a t th• hour ot 7:30 o'clock P. M. In th• Council Cha.mbera of the City Hall of the City or Newport Beach at which time and place any and all perBOna Interested may a ppear and be heard thereon. MARGERY SCHROUDER City' Clerk ot the City of Newport Beach, Callfornta No. 13~9 Newa·Preu 9/30/N RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Visit:-< w1•re mRde to RmU!lell\l'nt spot~ 111 SRn Fntnci~<'1 an•I Ori k· land. Stop~ wen· made al $1m JOM: and Santa Cruz enroute home. 2SO SOth St., Newport Beacb .!..::::================================== HOW WAS YOUR TRIP ? -The 3~ Newport Harbor Yacht Club boats which gathered at NHYC's Moonstone B('a0!h itt Catalina to celebrate the annual Commr.- dore's Cruise carried a lot more thaff :l5 people as was evidenced when tbe "gang" got together Saturday H fternoon ~lJr cocktails aboard. Al though the South Coant tug Walrus was officially de~ignated a8 the meeting place, it was soon evident that even the redoubtable Walrus was going ·iown "by the stern'' and Staff.Commodore Walter Franz brought his C~l-32 AnC:dle a longside to accommodate the overflow. - Bedtner Photo ~~ ALL USED CARS MUST GO \ 5 A L E TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW CHRYSLER TRADE-INS NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED ON ANY USED CAR LOW DOWNS IANK TERMS SAVE MONEY NOW AT THIS llG SALi I LOU REED ASSOCIATES 1200 W. Coast Hwy. Newport leach NEWPORT.HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II. PA6E J FRIDAY, SEPT. '30, 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Ne-n-Preu t. gu&ri.nteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday and Friday. It your paper i• not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will brine your paper. Classi&ecl NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRF.BS Every M.day, WeclHSclay aad Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday• DEADLINES for plactnr or canoelltnr adll are: For Monday Publication -Friday 6 p.m. For Wednetlday PubllcaUona -TuHday l p.m. For Friday Publication -Thursday 1. p.m. NEWPORT llA&BOR PUBUa~o 00. Zill Wboa Blvd., Newport Beaclt, C.Wonata. AU Ol-Ulecl Ads muat be p.&11 tor c ..... 1wh·-ce of palabeau.. Th• publlab1n1 will not be reapamible ror more than one Incorrect ln.lertton of an ad, reaerve the nrht to correctly claulfy any and all adll and to ffject any ad not contorminc to rule& and resulaUcnw. Classlfiecl Index Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meet. every Tbunday I p.m. Vta Oporto -C.ntral An. Newport Beach Albert H. M.attheWll, Eltalted Ruler l~BuslDeee Gulde HAULING truh or? Anything. Anywhere LJl>erty 8·21'6 86tfcpp FOR RENT Sklll S&wa, l:Jec. Drtlla, Pollahera, aU type. of Sanders, Wlleelbar· row1, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2830 W. COAST HIGHWAY Llbert11-3•86. Newport Bc:b 21Uo PAINTING · M. ·W. ROSS Llcenaed U 1-3321 230 A•ocado, Coata Meaa 89tfc Courteoua New1-Prua ClaaaJfled Ad·Taker1 a re traJned to ~le effective ad1. Throurh tonr experience and t. thorough underatandlng of adver· I t11lng we can put your wanta Into word• that ret action. IAt ua help you 11ell: TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES • CARS Ii TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Th ... Ntw•Pr"a C1&11l tled Ad· TaJtera are eJq>erta and they are at )'OOr MrTice. Ju.It pboM HARBOR 1s1e WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RESIDENTIAL Ii OFP'ICES LI 8-1623 lell General Contractor LICJCN8ED New Work -Remodelinl J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58tfo Rd. OU 8pread!n( Drt--.,.. PARKING LOTS Sub-dlvialona our 1pectalt.y. We t~ any type oil to your..,.. cLncaUon. Lt.re• jot. -am.all Jobe. Free •Umate.. AJ.o ~ ter •pre&dinc. Kodem equip. ment. Ll:.snpon t-600I, OU.. mon It Pace. BuatJ.nstoa Bcb. atto Painting, Decora.tina Paper Henstn. GFX>. BURKHARDT t.remflll:D OON'ftl.AC'l'Oft 111 "· lltll at.. ea.ta x ... Liberty 8-8821 BION RICE, Inc. GENERAL CONTR.AC'l'ORa Re.idenUal. CommerotaJ, Addttlons. Harbor •H· W, lpll CARPENTER Repi.ii' Work Doti9 Your Rome Need ftepelrtq or "-nodelinc r Ca1J l'raaJl. LlbertJ ....... All Worlr Ouuuteed T6tl• ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM ln11tall the a bove cheaper thaa mo11L A 1110 sell Tile • Lln.oleum. Non-union, 25 yean experience. Compare 11.nd 11ee - BlLL COKER Har. 095 or ~ Beach 7-0973. tettc Painting & Paperhangtn1 We do the work ounelvea. 30 yet.re experience Licensed • llmlred. SaUl!factlOJl 61J&n.Dteed. Eatlmale1 free. C..ll Johnnie. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfo Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saw•. Drlllt. Ba.llder1 QUICK SERVICll LEWCO ELECl'RIC 00. •6e No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Balla. Liberty 8-8383. 6'de CEMENT Ir BUILDING All KJnd1 FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109. CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO UUU. H. 0. Andenoa 1QU IC. Balboa Bl'¥d., JWboe Harbor 2'60 lltte PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATING, venUlatJnr • lbeet metal work ot all ty.,_. lnd1111trial. ruldenUal. commeretal P"REJ: ESTIMATES LI l ·mT lpn H.H.HOLBROOK D~ABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ~Ir S.mce Kalllt.UMt Pb.Gile : Han. .at 3I01 a.Jboe BlYd.. N.wport -.ell ,., " ' ~ n .J r 1 ,J j I I I ' I ' -. - \I PAGE 4 -PART 11 ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS l29:-H~lp Wu~ . ~~~PP~-~---- f R1DA Y, SEPT. lO, f 955 »X P »'R l !: N c I: O dn.ir clerk. Cl ' •I lfem11lt ) Permanent poa!Uon. Sept. earance l Z-.-Ralldhl! Senteee !3--81t..taon. Wuted I Write B 0 x M·!H C' 0 lhlll REF'RlGER.A TORS ~~Check These Used Cars I Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN ,'1-Aato~ --. ~ new11p11per l1C'l3 Clb10n a C'U. fl. late modtl, per-AdamS Plumbing Swedish Massage I MEDICAL SECRETARY Typl~ feet cond1Uon 1711 Buy from a local dealer who will be here TOMORROW to back up what be aella TODAY ! I * with this ad * Re ... ,.1 .. _ Remodeling Ladie requlre.J Prevloua medical ex-, W•tlnchouae I ct. clean U9.60 ~ . •. -by •PPolMmenl In jlf'ritnce not nK NMry. Harbor Servel apt. a1u. \'ery nice lft9.~0 I NEW CONSTRUCTION your home. r.001 llcl2 Kelvlnator. 7 ct • U 9.GO 192 Cecil Place, Coat& Meaa, Formerly m&MeuM a t Arrowhtad RANCES Lfbuty 8·71127 8pr\Jlp Hotel l..ADl t.:S. Read our ad under I Maf!c Chef. 3& Inch hlfh broil· _ 1ac2e Pleue call Harbor 4703 or liar. claulflcaUon 24 -Super Mar· 1 u . , $69 PAINTING INTERIOR -!:XT!:RJOft LICENSED -INSVUD Glenn Johnston 601 • 3111t St. Newport Be&cb Harbor J17& 23llc ASPHALT TILE 029%. ' ket TnLlnlnc AL TYLER Schoot. I O'Keefe It Merritt 42", clean - lcH J611 N. Broadway. i&nta Ana oven thermo 149. 60 E-------------Kl 7·:1611. 94lf Frigidaire elll<'. 40" late model xperienc'd gardener ' deluxe . . . '8960 LANDSCAJ§ING SO-Mbw-..t'ltaneoUA Norge 38 In. pert. cond~llon 166 and CLEAN UPS WeatinghoW!e elect. 38" ov~ Liberty 8-1659 Nearly New \V~~~~;p condition . 160.110 l!Otfc A I Norge auto. almost new 11211 ppaE 1 G.E. auto. 4 yra. old, completely CLEANING It IRONING by the r..:ATF:Y DOAN& Kl d II' P tlo l'httked -· .. .. . $99.110 day. Experienced. Balboa l11land • .-n t • 8 Easy Spin dryer late mod. 1119.110 L 0 0 • VOLUME PRICES ON USED CARS Aluminum Wall Tile Mfgra. Dialrlbutora Wholesale prlcea to Contractor• It Tiie Setter• Lt 8-7493 68tfc prt>ferred. Kl 3-&098. lf I 2721 E. Coul Highway Corona 1tel MBr. 9('21 E\'erythJng Guaranteed It PROFE SSION AL CARE for lnva-T 11<1 or .. 1derly peN!on Box No. J Fresh Free Delivery STROOT'S Hdwe .. Houaeware.a Aid 1802 Newport Blvd .. Coata Me1111 Lael week we ran special Volume Prices on new '55 Me1 ce and practically every one we had (Only 4 left) Mid COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hangi.ng Service EUGE!'.'E 0 . tiAUNDll:RS ~00 31at Street, Newport Beach Harbor 297& e r Har. 0 46. Uc J 4-PerllODW AJcoholica A.oonymoua Wrtte P. 0. Box 311 Nrwport Beaell, Calif. Phone Harbor 47911 tte L-~ th11 P•Pt"r 10c12 .Hearing BATTERIES PRACTl CAL ~urse with k now- 1 W• Give SAR Grffll Stamp1 l"llit ot natural h tallng meth· G d D C °'1~ Har . 4870-J . 1ori12 un erson rug o. Main St. at Dalbo& Blvd .. Balboa QC>.LTFTED Mother will man•&' Harbor 616. Htfe your home It child for SHORT VACATION period or WEEK E.'IDS rt'fcrl'nl'tll txchanged LI 8-8377. 10c23 EXPERIENCED GARDENER 8 FT. DELICATESSEN cue, $1M. OJl:E & It. refrigerator . $50. Oll:I!: large rommtrc. retrtr. $75. l SC:AU:S. $611. 1 GONDOLA 1211. Call ownH Ll 8·6223 morntnp or 11fLer 6 pm 9c12 -GARDENTJl:G Ir yard w11rk by day S ILVER FOX JAC KET $10. O'· Keefe It Merritt table top at.ave 539.95, t ablH 12.60 A up. Mlac . Item-odd Shop. 222 M&ln, Huntington Beach. l OcU WANT a r ldt Into down town L. A. Mon. thru F'rl. Worklnit houn 8 to -4 :30. Will 1hare expenHell. LJ 8·7919 12c14 ~neauty A~~~~~~- Su perfl uous Hair Penna.ntotly removed from race anna, lep. Eytbrowa an!! hair line ahaped-No mor, lwt!erlnr ELJ..EN L. BRYANT R. E. L ldo'a Salon of Beauty Rar. 21116 lie 22-Lottt and Found week or month, • Lrberty 8-6139 alle.r e. 3t!c Roy's Maintenance Howie cleanlnr-F loor wa.Jdnr Wall washing-window cleanlnr Vl'lleUan bllnda. Uphol1tery ln1ured. B're. E11.Umate11 ROLLAWAY BED ,. mattreu. 2 gu heatera · very reu onabl&- • Har. 1969-J arter 4:30 p.m.- 301 E. Bay Ave., Balboa. llcl3 _w_be_r_t_Y_d_-_13_3_2_· _____ 1_t_rc 19113 MUSTANG SPECIAL Model Excellent Cook motorcycle lrani1mlaalon j u at overhauletl, excellent condlUon. 1 m.111•' rook, butler, chauffeur , Top BJ>t'ed &II mph. $210. Uberty nur:.P, •'•lllnl'r, versatile rompan· 8·21i3. ' 10ct2 lun On lust position f ive yeara. I · J.:xr .. t. lru·AJ rer. u 8-7576 MARCHANT e It ct. ca.lcUlator ' 12pH 1 175. New motor Bicycle 1100. ---• Salem n ulm twin Headboard.I, CtJ MPAXIOX by ~fined middle-twin c1reaser W;mlrror It nlte- 111:,. woman. Cood dispc>.suon. 1tam1t S85. -3400 MarcUJ, LOST ('3hro rolori>•I fl'matr rat Xlnt. •lnwr PrrCtr home nllu Newport Bearh, 1 lcl3 r"d collar l..o'4t orar Bud'11 Refr•l'nt·f's, Har 5003 or a~a-J j ------------- Burger11. t:osla Mt'lll Rl'ward 12pl4 CAS TABLE TOP STOVE $211. Lr 8-!l002. cl~ I Boy1 bicycle $16. Tru111pet "5. -PERSOX A LJZED SE RVI C E Call Uberty 8-4834 after 6 It LOST 11 1,. niu'3 old female grsy tltO:'l:lNGS atarching -men<l.l week ends 11cl2 kllll'n, purl Mi.;ura, Blllboa Is· 1 ing. Uachelor Special Shirt.a 30c l(;lntl. Hai b. 061U·R. I lcl2 all!O Hand Wa.hlnga-ALTER· LOST-P111r or prell'rlptlon glu- 11ea, hf'avy torto1se-11hl'll frames In Lido 8hoppmg 11 r,.a hut Th111 ~ 11fl Llbt'rty 8·368T. 24--Schools, lnatnctlon Super-Market TRAINING CENTER 12p Grocery Caahlera a.nd Meal Wrap- pera. Make $110 to 1120 per wk. C'oll for appointment to learn more about thla tralnlng. AL TYLER Schools 16 11 :-.o. Bro&dway Kl i-3511 94tr LEAH LA="CER Experi .. no·cd t'IPIOt'Olitry teacher 11\'atl&ble !u1· coar hin ir all t'll'm~n­ lary ,.u\:>jP1'l11 C'11ll Har 26110-n t>l'fnrt' !• '.1(1 11 m 12cH Real Estate School in Santa Ana ATIO:>;S Mis. Hathaway 303 Palm Balboa. 11p13 --------- :?9-Help Want.eel • Beacon Personnel 100'; employer retained ' agency NO fee collected from applirant We have o~nl11(111 tor ~crel~; lop lypl!!t, leg&l aecretary, 1lore <'ltrk. male. Ir part time dc-sk rlf'rk BEACON PERSONNEL !Agency) U 3·31sl Nevo1>0rt Beach WA?-:TF:O-!\ftllmen Ir furn. U· ~rmble1 "· LI. 86332 10cl2 HAIR DRESSER with followtnr wlll better your present romml1- 11lon. Mario Smut Set. Harbor 6104. l Ot!c MEN &: WOMEN prepare ln apare GIRLS time for unllrnlted opportunlllu YOU In RC'al !:;stare.-New cl11a11ee will have n.n opportunity weekly. Al Tylt'r 1nrt ructlnc. Al· 10 advance In our firm, ANTlQUE Kentucky Jiflea ltlO .. lfOund movie outfit 1160. rare old ivory Chlnue 1cret'n 1200. nice mahog. cabinet• $&6 ea., player piano $100, old kitchen cabinet 120, anllqu1 de11k 127 110. old phonograph I 15. wood •love $22.00, Ch1ne1e carved che.at $46. old 11ulky $45, old 1ldeboa rd 127.60, apt. range $20, electric range U D, nice washer 122.llO. old I>''""· antique china, cut glua <'llrlos. old je~lry, brk·a·brac, l'tc. We buy. nil It •wap. Bring lttm1 In. <..:HA.RUE DAVIS - 180:> E . .Ana.helm St. L.B. 160139. ROLLA WAY BED coll •Prine In· neraprtn1 mattre .. complete UO. Child.a che1t ot drawan lfi, toJ che.t. $3, elect. heater 15. -4120 ~ruerlte. C.D.M. l;ZcH ROLLA WAY BED, baaiMtte, tee- ter babe. l& p uge Stevena ahot run. 211 hp El(in outboard- KJ 5·1590. • 12cH RALLEGH Lenton •porta erOH countfy raclnr bike. New con· dlUon.' Bar. 0974-847 Bay.Ide Drive, Newport. 12.cH FIBERGLASS CArnper flt.a any half t.on p ickup. Foldin1 top, built In bunk•, water tank, tee box. etc. 11911 LI 8-4-470 12cH LARGE win~ ()hair. china cover· SZ-FumJture for Sale New & Old Furniture Finishing Antique & Modern 7.olat .... ne Estimates le Service LJberty · 8-7951 Aubrey Ellsworth 2032 Placentia, Costa Mesa lOpl~ 1 UPHOLSTERED club chr 118.50 4 chrome b~akfut rm. rhaln . $2.00 each. 1 Oriental rug 9x12 $47.50. Call morninc• LI 1·&329. l OcU BENDIX $&0. Green Daveno. A gTay slip cover 1111. Red Daveno $10 Rock maple dlrunr table It & n.ish bottom chaJra $10. Rug 8 x 11 blue nax rever1lble $10 Philco 2 apeed radio phono 120 Harbor 3867 12c14 9xl2 UlPORTED PERSIAN R UG Orig. coat l-600. Sacrifice at 1150, LI 8-3M9 ' 1.2c14 YOUTH Bed It Mattrua, dreaser and acn:en. Nttda Paint. $40. Harbor 380&-J. 12c DAVENPORT • Bed. matching chair In dark red, 126 tor both, Call Harbor 3042-W. l2cl3 Mesa Woodcra.ft Unpainted 4k Juvenile Furniture Studtnt desk, •peclal ....... -.. 13.911 2-4" Slidtns door cabinet .... H .76 30" bar al oot. .. ... . 2.91} Complete line unpainted furn. lfOtt and hwd. Klnwu and Deft tmt.hH Ordera taken tor lhutt.en 21%1 Ba.rbor, C.M. Llbert)' l ·l,14ll Royal Danish Lamps CERTIFIED ORIGINALS 150 YEARS OLD BANDM.ADE Copper lampa, hand blo'Wll ccy.tal -a rrlvtns Sta tu IOOn. EXQU~ITEl for sarden Ua hUnr. patloe, poot., or effec- tive for Indoor llJhUng. Write Box 87& Whittler, C&lltomla f.or appt. 9p22 WAS $1299 $1099 s 999 $1299 s 698 s 698 $3998 $1698 s 698 s l;95 $1395 s 695 Thie week >Jte give you Volume prices on Used Cars Ban~ Terms or No Money Down '52 Mercury Fordor Radio, Healer and O\'erdrive • '53 Willys Hard Top . Radio, Heater, overdrive, New finish, new brake-s '51 Ford Victoria . • Radio, Heater, Fordomatic, new tires -new paint '53 Ford 2-door . • • • • Radio, Heater , overdrive, extra' sharp '51 Hillman Minx . • New finish, 30,000 miles '52 Austin Coupe . New top. new paint '55 Lincoln Capri Coupe . Equipped with everything -like new • '52 Mercury Station Wagon . Radio, Healer, Mercomatic 30,000 original miles '50 Mercury Clu.b Coupe . Radio, Heater, overdrive '47 Cadillac 4-door . New finish, Radio, Heater & hydramatic '53 Stude. V-8 Hardtop • Automatic, new tires, new finish One owner • '50 Chevrolet Convertible . Radio, Heater. new light green finish • NOW $1098 • • . s 898 • • . s 798 • . $1098 • . s 598 • • . s 650 . $3698 • . $1598 ~ .- • . s 598 . s 595 . $1298 . s 650 THESE AND MORE ALL REDUCED at . JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN MERCURY 900 W. C-'laat Highway, Newport Beach Llberty 8-5545 M-Mualcal. Radio, T V TV & Radio Repair Fast Service 40-Aatot for Sale GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS tend first evening free and lea rn brcauee of onr present t X· a bout this greBl field. Call or pansion program. ert good condition 13~. Har. 33--Boate, Sunnllea 4400. 12c14 ii.I:. 14--Maslca(, Radio, a T V ORGAN SPECIAL LOVELY USED HAMMOND Spl· net organ ln perfect condJtlon. Big aavln(. Convenient term• at SHAFER'S M1111lc Co. (Since 1907) '21"'423 N. Sycamore. Santa .Ana Phou Klmberly 2-0672. Reuonable. Service calla till 9 p.m l<NOWLTON ELEC· TRONICS LI 8·020ll. l lp24H '43 CHEVROLET % t. p&n.I '49 FORD % t. pickup wr1l!' now. The i;l11rling sala.ry 11 Al Tyler School 11:ood and you will rtcelve 161 l r\o. Rroo1l.wa), Santa Ana I frequent lncreues, too. KI 7-31111 -Kl :'1·3·169-KE 8·2013 Jr1bs now for: uc TELEPHONE OPERATORS China Painting -Apply - 51-1 t., No. Mam Street Rm. 2 11 -Sanla An11 P·OO to 4 00 P.M . Day Md Evening C!UAM Ordi:ra T11krn Now rtione Liberty 8-6648 9.ue P ACIFlC TELEPHONE 73trc TUTORING GRADE or High ~l"htXll subJ•'\ lS Har. 48i0-J EXPERIENCED cook ~Utt ko•eper, live In. $17!'l mo. Har. ~977 llcl3 10p121 FEMALE. secreLary-ateno: ateno; CONTRACTORS lypllll, ~en"I. offl('t, bookkeeper· I typlat: hOW!eku per .ft cook ; ALL CLASSIFICATIONS pracUt'al nurse. live. 1n: wattreu. STUDY In 1pare tlme for contrac- tor'11 rxamlnatlon under a gen· u aJ contractor with 211 yel\ra txpertence. Clu su Turs. and Fri. evu. 7:30 p.m. Attend flrat •n111lon frn. Bl'irln anytlm• Al Tyler School 1611 N o. B~wl\y, Santa Ana Ph. Kimberly 2-4226 or Kl 7·3511 tfc BIG DEMAND HIGH P AY rRAC'nCAL NURSES MEDICAL SE CRETARY HOME STUDY High •chool not n~aaary. Ma.ny earn whll• they IMnl. lnl. mail· ed. Write now, United School of l'\uralng, Dlat.rlct Office, Lomll.a Cal llc18H SPANISH TUTORING l!ltuduta A .Adul~ Hubor 444& 28--Sltuatiou Wanted VRESSMAKINO It Alteratloll.lf- Women'• A chlldre111 rlolJ1e1- 1Joll cloU\ee, maternity •mock.I, men'• llhlrta made to order.- Harbor 487·W. llrl:\ Manu11ertpt Typing O.neral typln& Dper1m cl'd Ll 8-3310. 1 trlfl MALE. sales; m&chlnist, boat builder; factory; g eneral. June Farrar Empt Ag'cy .. 4021-, · 32nrl. Nplto Beach opp. City Hall. --YOU CAN ADD S30 T O $110 A WEEK to your present incomr . l'l\rl·Ume Rswlelgh BualneM now open; also !ull·llme. See at on1·e tor run pnrttculnrs. Ro~ Watkin!', 207 Genev11. St .. Hunt- ington Rea t'h. Or write nswlrlgh'• H07 E. •9th BL, L. A. ~8 Pr 9/30 WOMAN to do light houae work II days a V."'ffk 9 to 12 on Udo. Har. 2800. 12cH HA VE openlnlt'• tor 2 live wtre REAL ESTATE 1&lumen. Top coml\1Hion. "C" THOMAS LI 8-~027 12cl4 DISHW ASKERS and other re.a· taurant help want~. APPLY Bay-\1ew Employment A(ency 2827 W. Coaat Hwy.. Newp0rt Beach. Liber ty 8-6002. 12cH MASTER barber full or part t ime Vista Barber Shop. 809 W. 19 SL. Costa Mrsa. l2clll P011ltlnn open for RARK FOREMAN APPLY Dept, ot Recreation and f'•rka. City Hall. Newl)C>rt Buch or mil Har. 3131. Clo1ln1 dale fnr ftlln,r 0 1·L 111. 19."16 12C'l4 M.ATERNITY WARDROBE-Ex· qulslle maternity wardrobe pur- chued In exclua1ve Beverly Hilla 11hop-Sl.w.a 12·14. Priced VERY rru onably. Harbor &e&5. 10cl2 F or thOM who want th• beat Konkel's Interiors Upholatery, drapenea, bed.lfpreada. l'\ew phone U berty 1·7973 2030 Harbor Blvd., allpco-nf!. 1'rff 1!:9Umat .. COlft& Mua 99cl3 Custom Draperies BEDSPREADS, •lip COVtrl, etc.- Hardware. 31 yn1. In buatneu. LUClLLE DECORATORS H&r. Me4-408 E. Balboa Blvd. • 8lfc Movie Proiectors FOR RENT 8·.MM lll•MM l&·MM HOBBY and MODl:L A.IRPLANl!l 8UPPLIEI Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport BlYd., CMta MeM Pboot LlbutJ l-70U. Pr ti SO·B-AppUancM W ashinQ Machine sDVJ<=m l·JMF parant.M oa jot. done and oa u9d wuber9. 2411 ~ (l'MI') N.wport BL, C:O.ta K.._ Liberty ~ or Liberty M32'1. Mtfc USED AUTOMATICS $39.50 to S99 .50 DellYered ln.et.a.lled, S'l&ralll~ Terma a va llt.bl•. Henderson's Automatic Wuher Service 2&48 N-..port BlYd., Coeta X... LI l ·TIOI (n.ar Golf Courie) SW tie TRADE Beauutul 70-ft. aux. echooner. Excellent tor charter. Want property or am.a.Iler boat. 1230 W. Balboa Blvd., NewporL Har. 8032. 39ttc U l.l"I'. GLASS WIZARD with re· mote controll A traU.r. Harbor 367&. 7tlc WINTER STORAGE Boats or Trailers $65 for period Sept. 15 -June 15 Launchtnr 11.J& Fenced -Guarded Storage Spl.C9 Outboard Marina 202 E. Coaat Hwy. Harbor 15130 1Jcl2 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American lActon 21ll·llith St. Meetings 2nd. •th Wed. 8 p.m PRU BOAT STORAGE Ill PER MO. RENTS rood prac· lice piano. I.Al the klddiu learn. All terms rent If you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIOT. 020 Jl:o. Main Santa Ana. 100 piano•. Home of th• Hammond Organ. HAMMOND 0 R G A N 8. World tamoua. All modela. Alao HVer· al bargalna ln uffd orrana. You can ave on the1e fine drg"tns. D.ANZ·SCIDODT, 520 No. Main. Santa Ana. MAT WE (adult.a ) atore and Uf' your 1mall 11ud p iano for win- ter monlhl ! P hone Har. 4894-W afternoon It p.m. 9cl l HAMMOND ORGANS. Full line, all model.II. FrH pracUc• rooms. Come In i nd play on 07 model. The Great Concert Organ, the Home Mode.I, the Church and the Spinet Model1. If you thlnk you cannot play, come In and try th• vtorld famoua Hammond, ea1y to play, Ohord Orran. You will b9 utonlshed to tlnd you oa.n play In fifteen mlnutu. DANZ-SCHMIDT Plano It Organ Co. Home of the Hammond, &30 No. Main, Santa Alla. Quality Television SERVICE Hom• lkrvlce tU t p.m . 771 w. ltth -u 8-8171 lcl8 ALL SIZES, reuonabl• ratu. Ap- ply at yard office. SOUTH COAST COMPANY; N•wport Blvd., at 23rd 8L, Newport Bch. 2tt l!IPECI.AL BUT LOVELY KIMBALL Sptnet piano J'.AJJU.INJ:R. c*n, loaded. WW wtth built ln Lowrey orpno.- trade. Ll l-t710 a.m. or p.m. ea .. S200 on OU.. Ub9ral trade, latt e Convenient term. a t- SP I NET PIANOS. Wonderful buya. Some allghUy damaged In ahlpment. RentaJ retuma and trade in• on or jl;ana. MJrror Type Spinet.a aa low H $1911. Euy terms. DANZ..SCHM.lDT. 620 No. Main, Santa Ana. Home of the Ham- mond Organ. BABY GRAND. Sptoclal. Only I 495. GOO<l tone and action. Biggt11t 11 to <' k of wonderful grand planOI In Orang• County. Term•. DANZ· SCHMIDT Great Plano and O rgnn Storf'. ~20 No. Maln, Santa Ana. Home of th• Ham· mond Organ. ELECTRON IC 0 R G A N. 1410. Euy Term1. DANZ-SCHMIDT. ~20 No. Sant.a Ana Hom• of the mond Organ. S.5-Dogs, Cata, Peta Save Main, Ham- DACHSHUND PU P P 1 E 8, Red AKC_.r,gi111tered. L1 8·8612. 10<'12 IJ WEEKS OL.D weaned puppleA. male It t em a 1 e. Pc-'11Jl'et'I Cocker mother. terrier 1lre ~l5 36lh. Newport .Apt 2. or LJ 8-3378. llp12 DESOTO CUST. CLB COUPIC- upholater, p&i!U-. Urea and motor In excellent cnnc11tlon. 1 o"'-ner car. Mual aell S.176 •, cu.h, balance bank term1. 422 LarklfJ>Ur, C. D M. Har. 3833-R 12c STUDEBAKER Convertlbl1, 1' ft.. BIRCBCR.A.r.r 1 ~ h. p. IHA.FllR'8 MIWcCo. (8tncel907) cooo 1hapt, rul r ood traNI· kott .A.twlltn. l:xoellent eond. 4tl~2S N. Sycamore, fut& Ana portatlon buy. $250 LI 8-2083. Rauona!>ly priced. Har. 11 ~9• w _Ph_o_n•_Kim __ be_r1_1_2-_oe_12_.____ _ ___________ 1_1_c_12 12<:1' PriYata party off1n H.AXKOND 611 CHEVROU!:T s.Jalr• club CJM .. Bplllel orpa model M·2, beautl· loaded. lncludlnf continental kit. -rat a ~ UMd car, ... M dal'tc walnut ttniah. U.ke $~equity, buyer can aaaume JOU" local dealer wbo wt11 b9 heh n"' 11060. HYt.lt 4·2431 llpU cnn ract. Wiii talc• t rade In - Ha . ~227 or 4067 avu. U c13 TOMORBOW to back up wtiat be ---Oal1 Barbor iett to piac. 70ur ..U. TOl>ATI OMcil tM ulild Ad Oii W. pace. 1948 JN'TER.N.A.TIONAL balt ton C&l"ll lJI tll• ~ MCUoa to--Oulltl~ 4da are read by tolkl plr.kup with 1tttl bum~r rt'rk -· wbo &n rully k>oklnr to llUy. 1260 LI 8·H i0 12r l4 ,_ '50 DOOOll ~ t. panel '60 CHllVROLET % t . pickup '61 GMC % t. pickup 'Ill CHEVROLET ~ t. pickup '!i2 CHEVROLET % L panel '112 DODGE % t. pickup ·as GMC ,,, t. pickup '41 GMC 14 L pickup '64 GMC .. L duala '64 GMC % L pickup, hydra~ mauc trana. '&% CHEVROLET 1 L panel '03 FORD F600, 12' 1l&Jt• 'II' DODGE 2 t. 4 yd. dump, t 1peed. 8 :2& tire.a '6' FORD F-&eo. 2 apeed, l ::Ja Ura '60 GMC 450 model, dump, 1 1peed, 9:00 Ure.. See th tarreat voh.un• tl'\lck deal· er In Oranr• County for th1 bellt Hlec:tlon of .uaed truclta. You will aave time and money hy aeelng u1 tlr~t. W.W. WOODS OMC DEALER 1116·111 I!:. 4th St. Santa Ana Open Sunday a.m. Truck headquartera for 0ran,. Co. 19&11 CADILLAC, El Dorado. B&- hama blue. colored mutel' u .... ; continental kit, e~oo mu ... .Mu..t b9 aeen to b9 appt9Cl.at.d. Call Ted Tate. LI 8-33114 or Lycomtnr 2·107 1. 1 lc1% SACRIFICE larre equlty ln a 1954 HERCURY l!lun Valley. Call owner Ubert7 8~321 mornlnsa or after e pm. / 10lfc UMt MJ:RCURY Conv. Lowered, noMd, dJ1vu llJt• power ateer· Ina. Good liru . palnl. Mat c.owr.. I like It but can UM th• money. That'a why the btr- ratn '40ll. (th• I!! to P"Y tor thlll ad.) Har '702 10t:12 CHRY8. WlNIJ. CONV, -New top, nfW br.k11. R A H. Uphol· .Ur, paint, lll'"C'I 6 motor all f ood condition. W&.11 make fine t ra.N!pOftallon. Prtvate owner. MUlll .. u 139~ \t cuh. 422 Lark•f'Ur C. D. M. H11r 283:\-R tac e ey11. . ... _. m .a 8 Cyla. -------SM.31 lncludea boLb ' labor and put&. Nrw rinaa. •rl•t plna. ftln ,.nnd. ntUnp of mala and rod beartnp. Eltpert motor tune up. to.day or 4,000 mile iuarut-. (NO MONEY DOWNl REBUILT ENGINES -tt:P to 16 MONTHS TO P.A.T- Built In our own factory b7 .adlled mac.hl.nl1ta. Don't contend wttb th• mldd.le man. Buy dlntct. REBUILT and INSTAIJ.m SHORT SLocx l"ORD ...... -.... -..... ~ ...... -.-... Sl •. 60 CHEVROLITI' .... --···-·-114t.60 PLYM. A 00001!: ·--SlM CHRYS. A DIC SOTO -SlTO STUDEBAKER ... -... -1170 OLDS A PONTI.AC t --JlTO BUICK -------· .. --'1T6 BUDSON _,, .. ·-··-·-.. ·-S1T6 Loan ear rr-.. TowUis NEW CAR GU A.R..A..NTl!I: BJoclt muat meet our •t.and&.rd9 Ph.w tuu, paket. &Dd oU ()sNon 8unda7 10 a..m. t.o Ip.& BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS OpeA Dal.17 I to T lt.ata BcmcMd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BA.NT>.AM>. * PORT ORANGE* TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hlway . Newport BMcb LI 8--6420 'U--46' 2 Br. RoAdmutc -"6911 '6J-a2' .And...,n. aceL -· SD93 'IJ-11' ~. perfect SllN 'tlJ-1'' B&pp7 Home ----Sl$6 'a&-61' Param. 1 Brm.. -Dt&ount PAN AKERICAN Pan.moullt-K_,.,D Trav•lue-Teny ~Uo 4'7-Wuted to Beat Rentals Wanted W• Mid a pt. ud ~ lD a.I& lllCUclm for both wtat.ar ud ,...... ...... hnL. CIC' WlfWL U JO" ba .. a YM&DCJ1 pboae t.oda.7 The Vogel Co. 1201 w. c.t. 8-7 .. lfewport 8dl.. Pbone Llbert7 1-Uil 20l ·M&r1Da. Balboe lal&nd Pboee Barbor 444 28&7 :II. Cout Ry., Corona del Mar Pbone e.,..._ 1141 Udo Ottloa, aue via Udo Harbor 4971 1702 NeWPorl Blvd., Coata Mtlla Liberty 8-6697 WINTER RENTALS WA.NTED tlo TJIK.uftll W.uTING for allparU af UM Barbor ANe. P ....... w• can belp 10u tum JOUr ftCallC)' IDta a pront. Pllofte t11 70ur YaCanc:y to<SQ. REX RJIOIS, REALTOR 2101 W. Bal. BlYd. Bar. atM Npt. DU.LL bouM • pr. Coupl• • 1 'it Tr· old ,vt. To STO Per· m&Mat. LI 8...U. UelJ Choloe Winter Rent.ala on Balboa llland 6 Lido ~ 8mall It OC97 OI' larp It ...... STI to POO .. ua VOGEL CO. IOI 11.art.e A .... llal1lea blMd ft. llAr'-"' OI' llutaar Slll RM. Bar. 1,..1\ OI' ...... I( MU. CANAL J'RONT.+.am, I a.trm. dupl.a apt.. Nce17 ~ &.- Place. bdwd.. an., ...,..... uc1 auto. wu!Mr. SUD per -.o. wtt.b uWitsee. A.nil. tdl ~ 1. -Harbor .. ,.,,, 10dJ Yearly Rentals BALBOA 2 BEDROOM tum. ..,._ 'flMr el Bay 188 monU.. PENINSULA POINT 2 BEDROOM bOQM, Aust hMtd yard, 2 car .._,... ~ SlJll month. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY e111 a Balboa ~ Hu1>or 1&01 WINTER SPECIALS SM.ALL FURN. APT. 160 tor rouple, 1 chtld o.k. Fum. rma. Hot a.nd cold water. prtftte •nt ranc• 6 parklf\C. Bln&1• 126. dbl. 130. VIKING HOTICL. tot E. Balb<>a Blvd .. Balboa. lcl2 BALBOA ISL.A.ND I tldnL, 1 .mall FA. fumace, pr, peUo A &ar1• lncloM4 ya.rd. Near bwline•. 175. mo. wlnl•P, 1121 yearly. Har. 2128--M. Ill!• ---------~---A TTRACTTVE 1 b,.drm turns.lied apt. with view l7~ mo. lncl. all uUUtlu. Harbor 2li06-M. lOC!tJ - WIN'rl:I( JllhH,. 1.. • .~ •pta, N'o bfoddtnr or llnm,~ and wtl,.r palrl 1 14~ mo. Chll· dren wefoome, no 1>9ta. J03 'I 32nd 8t .. Knrport. Ne&r ltorN 6 trlln1portllt1on. cau Hat. 1%17-J l tJc i I .. ] I ~· -. - • I - l j l ., l _ '3-Apt.. ~ Roaeee for ~~t 43-AJ!~· & Rooltff for Rent 5S-8torM a 0tne. Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninllula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. On'l:Ra Delichttul IMq. Apt.-Cab&nu. UWitlee paid. wttJa Tadlt llip accomodationa. Dally, •eekl1, monthly, yearly. ror appt. or ~atJon, Call Har. 2992. 34tlc ! -!l!!: a 11o LIDO ISLE D.U\LY uatura. 2 bdrm. A J bath borne. Bar. 1011. 4Uc Wl:8'l' BAY A VlC. duplex., 3 bed· room. J M tb, turn .. fllO month )'9&rl)r or wlnter. lUt W. Bay A..... Balboa. t8pt2 LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one A: two bdrm. apt& Bbort term and yearly. A.L80, Lido Bornu and Bay Front H01M1 and aputment& LIOO REALTY Aaociatea ~VlaUdo, Harbor ffH lit.tl: '87.60 MONTH, attra.ctlYe 1 6: 2 bdrm. turn. a pt.. UW pd. Laun· d!'J' l'OOm.. Adulta only. BLUE TOP APT. MOTEL. ~Newport Blvd., Newport \Seach. Jim above the A.re.bu. HUc RENTAL y SPECIALISTS eau .lldna er.Jr Blanche Gates, Rltr. '3-A-AJ!la. for Bf;Dt Deluxe Furn. Apts. One 6: two bdrm., with televlalon. A.vail&ble fur aummer or win· ler. ALSO yearly leases. In Heart ot activity -Lot• ot parkinr. 601 E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Harbor 3606. 86tfc Lido Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. apartment... Jl'urnl.lhed. Garqea. Yeuly or winter rental. Har. 6676. 7r20 DELUXE MODERN turn. 1tudlo apt. UtlliUea paid. $70 month. Coroca del Mar. Ru. 0~3·R. l 0cl2 LARGE 2 BDRM. FURN. APT. UUllUea paid. Alao 1 bedrm. unfum. apt. Ullllt,iea paid. $76 mo. -2063 Tuetln, Coata Mesa. LI a .... 8!12. 10p12 BALBOA ISLAND -"Lillie la· land", winter 1100 mo.-Charm· ~ 2 bdrm. !urn. apt. l 18 ~ 2 ~t~-or oma.. ODI JlxlO. Oft• lb!&. Low l'el\t. Bui table tor re- lall bualneu or ott\ee. 607 ll. Balboa BITd., H&r. aeot. Bette Office Building For Rent 1''°EW Ortic. blq. C«fttn..UJ' Joc.i· ed. Floora carpeted. Window dnapu. 11500 eq. t'l. Ideal t or tna. or real Mtate nrm. Ph. Jlm a t LI 1-SfM. 'fcJOb DESK SP ACE with phone Ml'91C• $30 mo. 607 E. B&lboa Blvd .. BalbOa. Phone answerln1 Mn1ce also available. Har. 3608. Bette Cor. 19th & Placentia, C. M. FOR RE?l."T two bdrm. home - (stove A: refrlg. turn.) tncludaa awre room at two otr1ce 1pacm, $100 month. OR will rent 11epa- rately l offlce at $75 and l at $!IO monlh. Aleo 1mall 1tore SIOO mo. Call owner Llberty 8·6223 mornings or after 6 p.m. 9tfc OBLE 1 GARAGE aultable for 11m1111I manufacturing. M·l l oned Large fenced lot. $60 mo. Cell LI 8·3581. llc13 NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BE POSSlBLE TO BUT a lOOxlOO !t. comer lot tn beart of B&lboa wtth a complete •er- vt~ station. fully equipped, rrou •&lea onr $60,000, hu • bdrm. home, plenty room for exp&n· •Ion. The price and net Income will pl-you. Call- AL TYLER, Broker !I07 E. Balboa, Har. 3606. J l cl8 311 Karine Aft. IM.1bo& Ial&nd, Rar. 1811 72ttc Abalone.-THE RED BARN. -------------. BALBOA ISLAND, available Oct· ober I, l&rJe 2 bedrm. ~d •UD pon:.h tum.lahed upper duplex. Winter or yearly. Har. 6M&-W. 4Uc WATERFRONT YEARLY FURN l Bed rm upper duplex nearly new. $35. lncl. uw. A: pra_Je. 2 blka. to U do center. 511- 38 8t. Hubor 4862 or 2313. llp13 - '8-!'-Afla. for Beat . REDECORATED nicely turn. 1 bdm1. apt., yeuly rent.al 167.50 includ. ulll. Adults 1825 W. Bal- boa Blvc1 .. Newport. Har. 1239-W l 2cH -2 BDRM. turn duplex leaae till July 1. No pet.a or children. 428 Avocado, Corona del Mar. 12cH DELUX 2 Bec1rm !urn. apt. I~ Blk lo orean. Coron. del lotar A dulls. Ownl"r Har. "· evea. H111· .i381. 12cl4 ----- CORONA del Mar F\Jrn 2 bdrm. dUpll'X. Fu mace heat M!> mo. yrly. 2522 Seavlew. 12pH FOR RJ!>NT Fumlahed 2 bedroom apt. furn. $6:> per mo. winter. ALSO 1 bedroom rum. apt .. patio, fireplace, garage. Ocean-Front. S75 per mo. winter. :uio Wut Ocean Fronl, Owner on prem· IMS Sat. eve. a.nd Sun. to 4. Phone Harbor 081 t-M or Upland, YUkon 321·104 12c 2 BEORM. furn. apt. yearly leue $7~ per mo. Har. 2~·M or Plymouth 65721 12p 1 B.R. Cumllhed apartment-$60 per mo. on yearly leue to cple. Cell Harbor 12M. llc13 ENJOY LIVING on the Ocean Front. Every room pr1nte bath. Kltcl'lenette apu. DaJly maid aervice. OCEAN FRONT APARTMENT HOTEL 2307 W. Ocean Front. Har. 1609 Newport OCEANFRONT APARTMENT- rood loc&Uon-nlcely fumiehed -all !ad llUu tor comfort- $86 per mo. Include. uWlUea. See lt-1704 w. Oceanfront Newport Beach. Har. 073-W. llp13 8TUDl0 APT. UtWU• paJd. 143 mo. 80• Larkspur, Corona del Mar. llc13 TURN. 2 ROOM apt. at 31 Bl!lA· CON BAY near HARBOR IS· LAND aero" from Balboa 11· land. sea mo. uu July 1, lnclud· ln1 UTILITIES. Dbl. gar., very quiet Jars• Jncl0.ted yard, ping pons. \s blk. to private beach It: ama.U boat (16 ft.I docking pr1· v11e1e.1. nurby tennll court. No J>et.I or chlldrvi. C&ll Har. ~766 nn Sat. Or Inquire 27 Beaoon Bay. Har. 1977 or any Realtor. $100 mo. on yearly leue. 7ttc YEAPt ROUNI> RJ!:NTAl..8--0ne bedrm . .t 2 bedrm. apta. furn. Al.a room W1U\ private entrance. M7 E . Bay, Balboa. 10pl2 1 BDRM FURN. apL near water cfoM to Rlchllrd•. $60 yearly Har. lOMJ. attn I or 104--29 Bl. attar 8. 10c12 DELUXJll J'UR.."'l. >.Pr&. 81~1 .. .t dbl•. '30 mo. and up. 106 E. Bay A.'n .. Balboa Harbor &SH . 8ttc &U.80.A. ~y LOV..Y I Bl:DRK.. FURN. APT. 175 nao. wtnw.r. One Mdrm. tum. f 70 mo. wtnter, or Ito mo. yrty. tor each. Al.o wintar nnt&111 .. low u $10 W9ek. .AL TYLER, 60'7 J: Balboa Blvd. Har 3806- or n.. OH!. lOcll BALBOA 181.AND-LoYaly 1 br. apt .. down.et.alni front. Nicely rum.. Two adult.a 180, 1-for ()nt , uut. pd. YMr lll'Ollnd - AT I 1· :lM llUll c 0 or wr1 e Lorain Rd .. 8&11 M&rltlo. 12 I 8 1Jrl3 Harbor l179·J. l 0cl2 CORONA. DEL MAR, yearly 2 • bd."'Jll. duplex and l ·bdrm. apart- ment. Furnl.lhed incl. utthtlea. Harbor 5fOt -2lfc Channing Harbor Haven Apartments -Patios NEW • ROOM, 1treet level. Near •choola. ahopplng dl.atrlct. Quiet. pluaant., exclualve. Garbage di•· po.al, laundry, 1torage room•. garage, 182.60 up. ·occuple• en- tire street. Good supervision. Mrr. 1~1 HaveQ Place 1 Block South of HJgh School ALSO FURNISHED APTS. WINTER RATES :Stfc 4S.B-Bo1111e9 for Rent NEWPORT HTS. 3 bdrm house and carage. Unrum. Fenced yard. 175 mo. year round. Ph. LI. 1-2123 10pl2 FU RN. HOUSE OCEAN FRONT BALBOA. 3 bedrm.. 2 bath•. newly decorated. •100 mo. winter. Harbor 1396-W. l0ol2 NlCELY F URN. one bdrm. house at 419 Polrurctlla. Corona del Mar. near P.O.. ba.nk <k atorea. Very duirable tor 1 or 2 peraon.. Call Harbor 612-R-<>r contact 3Z15 Orcttld Ave. 10c12 LARGE Z STORY HOME-Zoned M·l . Close lo heart of town.- Call LI 8·6761 eve11. Har. 4366. llclS NEWPORT ISLAND, 11potleaa 2 br. unfurn. home, excellent loea- tlon-$11/S mo. on yearly leue. Call Harbor 1264. 1 Jcl3 YEARLY & WINTER. Colorful s mall tum. house. Encloeed yard, flowers. lreea, $45 mo. yr. lncl. uUI. Preferred 11lngle person. ALSO OCEAN FRONT Knotty plne l bdrm. hoW!e, large en· closed yard A: pauo. JM winter Incl. ulil. lnq. 118 31st St .. .ll:pL llpl3 COST A MESA, Large 2 1tory home. Zoned M·l. Close to heart ot town, Call LI 8-6i61, Eves. liarbor 4366. llcl3 $100 MO. CO.STA MESA NEW 3 bdrm. ho.ae, garbage diap. Near ech oolJI, shopping. Laree yard. Chlldren o.k . Her. 1380. l l p1 3 LIDO YOU MAY LEASE With option to buy lf ao desired, thla be11.ut1ru1 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, 2 patio unrurn. DAN A . JACOBSEN. Realtor •34 32nd SL, Newpor t Beach Harbor 6691-Evee. LI 8·6317 LIDO ISLE Furn. 3 bedrm. >\ome. l '• balha, garage. garb. • l111p, Unttl June. Rea11on11ble price to right tenant. Oii.it owner Har. 2150-R otrc PENlSULA 3 bdnn., turn .. rtre- NICE LITTLE CLEANING SHOP . Sell cheap or take ll'ade. 2720 E. Cout Hwy .. Corona del }.{ar. 7pl2 M-Moael to LoaD CASH ... F OR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKING SINCE 11J30. 1609 N BUSH SANTA. ANA KIMBERLY 3·7118 NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCE CO!'\STRUCTION Call for Free Fast Commitments on Residences and Unlta only Don I. Huddleston 173 E . 17th St. COSTA KESA. LI &-6641 Ll 1-e&ll TRUST DEEDS lor the PRIVATE J.NVESTOR &% to 10% return SANTA ANA.•MORTGAGll CO. 206 Spurgeon Bldg. Kl 7..f168 &ell LOA.NS TO BUll...[J. IKPROVS BUT, MODERNIZE, OR R.JilJ'IN A..NCE We Buy Truat D~ NEWPORT BALBOA SA VIN08 Ir LOAN ASSOCIATION S3ff VI& Udo. Ph. H&r. ilOO U• LOANS for Homes 6"' -20 yr, Loula Construction Loans SJCI: BOB SA T'TLER ~llS EAST COAST BLVD. Corona del Ma.r Harbor 1881 Rep, POIRIER MORTGAGE CO. Metro Lite Ina. i"unda KL S-518~ '8Uc WE SPECIALIZE IN LOANS Ir FJNA..'!llCINO o~ H OUSETRAILERS Autos, Furniture le Sa.larlee One Day Service Loan• from $50 to $1200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Har bor :Blvd., Coat.a Men LI 8·7761 -Open Fridaya till 8 Closed Saturday-t!c YOU CAN BORROW MORE TAKE LONGER TO REPAY PAY LESS WHEN YOU BORROW THE SANTA. ANA MORTGAGE WAY 206 Spurgeon Bldg. Kl 7·068 &ell plac<'. ~cru.Uon room, double 60--laoome ~pe~ cvqe, no peta. Hu. l33S·R or - Har. 4072. l2clt LIDO ISLE, S bdrms., 3 bathe home on annual bull. Heated ewlmmlng pool. Slip tor 40 !t. bo&L Beaulltully furn. Exqul- •llfl Inside planter11, 1hrub1 around paUo .tt pool. a Oftr gar. 1800 mo. lnqulf'9 fl Balboa Covea, Newport. 3c18 FOR LEASE RA.UTIFUL new lrv1n• Terrace unturn. view home. I SOR.MS .. 2 bath.I Call Har1k>r 177/S or Barbor 4448. &ARL W, STANLEY, Realtor lmne Ternce Otflc• Coton& del Mar. 3Sttc FURN. COTI'AC!t. Winter renl&I. l60 month.-330 Manne Ave., Balboa laland, Har. 1808. lOcJ2 4&-Roome for Beat 2 ROOMS a dj(>lnln1t bath, pnvate Mt.ranee In rnvate ho me. Har t:l2~·J 430 Aw'<'~do SI .. New and Terrific BEAUTY SHOP .tnd otfl~ down· 1talr1. 2 exceptionally nicely fur- nished apt.a. upat.&11'1. You've COT TO SE.Ill lhla one! DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor 434 32nd St .. Newport Beach Harbor 6691. E\'ff, LI 8-~2 llclJ NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BE POssmLE TO BUY a 100x100 ft corner lot tn hf'art ot Balboa ~1lh a complete aer· \·Ice station, fully equJpped, (J'Oll• aalea over 160.000. haa • bdnn. home. plenty room for HPM· 1i11n. The pnct and net lncomt will rie .. e you. C.:all- AL TYLER. Broker C'nmna ll•I Mar l2C'U &Oi E. Bl\lboa. Har. 3606. llc.16 ' 62-Real Estate NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 ·PAGE 5 VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE FRIDA y I serr. 10, 195$ END OF MONTH SPECIALS ------------------ * MARYLAND - * * MICHIGAN AND GEORGIA ·TECH •rt raUd tope in football thia week by experta and we rate th1a hom~ buy topa in the Harbor Area, this week bec&UM, for $23,500 you get a deluxe cu.atom quality home with all ot thoae desirable features 1ucb u a swimming pool, 3 1pacioW1 bdnna., large living room. big airy kitchen, lovely rireplace, gleam- ing oak fioon, forced air heat, 2 ideally aituated batha, heavy ahake root patio, grapeat&U fence. etc., and located in the beautiful Upper Bay area. Thia I.a hard to duplicate. Call now for appointment to aee. OCEAN VIEW LOT LARGE, CHOICE corner in Corona Highland.a. Under market @ $9,500 * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hiway • Liberty 8-3481 LOCATED NEAR SHOPPING Almost new 3 bedrm. In Newport Heights. Located 1 block from stores. 'I'Aia ie the popW.r ranch atYJe -split level design. It has 1 ~':? batha, fire- place, hdwd. floors, and a 3 car garage with an additional 1,l bath. A real vs.Jue. $18.500 with $2500 down: CLIFF HAVEN Attractive 3 bedrm. home nea.r the High School. Excellent Joca~on. Hu fireplace,. bdwd. floors. dbl. garage, and a nice fenced rear yard. A very neat and lovely home. $16,000. Good financing available. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedrm. and den home in excellent location - It'• 1 yr. old and llas 2 batha with colored fixtu.res, select hardwood firs., fireplace, alidtng glasa doors overlooking patio. Many large closets and large sunshiny ltitchen. $19,500, price tncludea w to w carpeting. ELTON BARNETT -Realtor 466 N. Newport Blvd. Liberty 8-2772 (Located 1 block N. E. of Hoag Hospital) MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy '3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air Heat -Massive Stone Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven . . . actually every luxury feature and in Orange County's finest location. Big Eetate Si.zed Lots aultable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. . Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr t! CORONA DEL MAR Expansive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 baths. Hardwood & carpet fl oors. Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. BAY.SHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. Pro· tected patio. Attractively priced at $24,750 BAYSHORES exceptional, 2 bdrm., 2 bath din·rm .. extra lge. !iv. room. All glass to patio. Carpets & draperies inc. Rarely found 11.t $24,000 BAYSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm., Liv. room 15x20 firepl .. fenced, covered patio. Can't be duplicated for • $19,500 SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4·6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine ~ ve., Balboa Island BACK BAY 3 BR •• den, J bath. hardwoocl n,.._, ' new _ . . . . ....... $22,600 2 BR.. den, J b&th. ....it to wall c~t . .. ... . ····-· ·-.... _ 19.900 TOltHO BL.DO. lot OQ 81er'J'9 Vlat&. LOW at .. . ... -·-··-··--HllOO CORONA DEL MAR CUTE J br .. cloee to mkta., R-2. room for unit. Aaklnl .. _ 12,600 COR. LOT with nice apt. over 111r. R·2 . 10,000 10 ACRES, or more, l.ev•I. near FrffWay, J mile from El Toro- Xlnl. rental area. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI 1 ... Z77 0 PEN' &lt. .. Sun. 1 • 5 H21 W. Bay -Balboa liome .tt Income Completely tum. 2 bdrm. w F'P well conllnlcted hom• plua \ 1 bdrm. 1paclous apt. over gar. which hu run vtew ot bay) hdw. !lrs .. laundry, patio, com· plete batba. SEE THJ.8 THEN MAKE COMPA.R.ISON8. ASK- ING $26,000, Jow dawn. Tour hoeteu -Helen Ba.um Bay & Beach Realty LIDO 0.P'FICE 3112 Lafayette. Newpt. R&r. 3843 For The Little Tots FUU.Y EQUIPPED SCHOOL, for Hie at a VERY reuonable price. FOR SALE-Soft wat,er aen1ce. th• only one t.n a bu.y •mall town. Excellent opportunity tor a couple. Fitzmorris R'lty. Co. Multiple Lllltlng. Realtor• Buatneu Broker 3135 E. Coast Highway Corona del Mar Harbor 21!12 Costa Mesa 3 FURN. UNfTS. be.st location, C· l lot IS8x:l00-$10,000 dO~'TI. A Real Fine Home 3 BR. FURN., fireplace. heaters. Double garage. large lot; $8000 dn.-234 Broadway. Look at It. then rail WI. Newport Beach :I FURN. UN.M'S. 2 Jou, 2 garages, near pier $115.950 full price. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 106 Mc Fad<Jen Place Har. H O Eve. Har. 1137-M-Har. 21129-M Costa Mesa How Can You Miss Tl-US CH.A.RML"'C home on land· acapetl & fenrM 60 x 130 Jot. 2 bdnna. ONLY $7750 wllb trm1. Balboa Two Oc~ Front lots. Zoned tor duplexee. HISOO each. Coast Properties 301 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor 2608, 2697 and 4600. LITrLE GEM Engllah Ttalor cottage So. ot B!vd., Corona del Mar. Older but great charm. H u g e a.n:hert llv.-dlning area. Won- dertul t or entertaining. 2 Bdrm:i . den, 2 !lrcpta.cu , a charmer at $J6,500. Euy l,.nn.s. Exclullive llgent. FORD VERRINDER. Harbor 4263 eves. 34i7. 83Uc REAL VALUES 3 BEDROOM home. therm11 hraL H11rdwoo<1 flnor11, tile. Thia 11 I\ home for U1e future. $67 per mo. with 4rt,, l11lere11t. Rttter llt'e thl11 one t1l1lay: \\'E HA\'E Jl"ST LISTED 3 nlre building Iota. EMt aldf', Priced tn sell. B11llil your ov>'n home anr1 """e ~ B. A. NERESON REALTOR \ $1000 l. 1982 Ne"·port Blw1. Cosla Me11& Very, Very Special.' u s.1612 Evell. LI s-4120 MOVES YOU INTO a lge. S bdrm. home. Excellent E. 11ide Collt& M-oeaUon. Pa)'menta of 4% loan Incl. t.axeJJ A: lna. Prlce-- $99:10. BURTON B BEX::K Rltr ... l naur 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Har. 221 A: Lt 8· 756% 11c l2 CUTE 1 bdrm cottac• In Corona del Mar. Only $8250 Only 1 block from abopptn1 cen· ter A: tranaportatlon. Nice yard fruit tret'1 • 1oned for 2 unit• D~llent term1. A home that ran rrow u your tamUy rrowa. Har. un. 10c12 M·l ZONE -cute coua.ge With treea. Room for ator- ea In front. Manufacture In ~ rear. Price SI J ,:>00 Term11. WHAT A:-./ OP· PORTUNITYtoOOUBLE your money and Income. Har. 4!>48·M-Euly bird IJ>ef'l&I. A ~{. A eves only. llct! VIEW HOME ON CL.IFF DR. NEWPORT HEIGHTS FOR SAU: OR WILL TRADE thl• 2 bdrm. A den home 1-. bath, very conv. kJtchen that open1 onto tl'le pauo. Gia.weed In c11nlng room, flreplact. n uah In wall t>f LR. W W cerpda1 Ont of thl' IM'•t built hnmu on Clift Dr. Call oWller at LJ R·3792 rtayto flr LI 8·~ e"ell. llc l3 I $395 DOWN CMMEDIA.Tlli POSSESSJON, • b•lrm., 2 bath homee. Full price $10.:100. 2029 Harbor Blvd. l.l 8·4761 - tEvea J U 8·'718 or Harbor 30641tt "9cl3h SllORECLlFFS nearly new spar · loue. quality, r&nch type home. 3 bdrm.. 2 bath•, dtn, walled patio A lgt'. dble. gar. Situated on canyon, with beautiful V1rw ot O"ean A hJU.. W.W. carpet· ing A.11 modern appol.ntmenu. J blk. from bffcb. Owner Har. 2302 -2•0 Mom.In« C&nyon Rd. 6cll e ANNOUNCING! l e ' • • • • • ·• ... • • • • • • • "The Provincial,. > MODEL HOME • • OPEN • • Frida1 -Saturday -Sunday 1 to 5 p. m. Located Oil Harbor Island Road 2 bedrooms, plua den 3 bath.I Shake root Two fireplaces Lot me 66 x 111 Beautiful paneling Large sunny patJo Forced air beat. garbage di9poeal. Westipgbouae dJabwuher Fine cabinet iDlltallabona Built tn bar and refrfceratlon Built in elect.rio mt.ave and O\'tll Delightfully decon.t.ed Expen.aively landtcaped Restricted area Dewloped By Clarene. L. Cooper, ra. Built By John B. Oark, Quality Buildft' For preview showing to qualilied client. Ca11 John Abell HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbor 1600 For Your Plenty of Evening phon. LI ~ Convenience Parking Space EARL W. STANLEY'a centrally located otfioe at Bayside Drive and Cout Highway, baa now been staffed to cover the extensive 11.ati.np in Homee and Income, for ll&le, in all 11eetiona of the South Cout area. MR. LOUIS F. BOYNTON, now residing in Irvine Terrace, with 25 yeara o! experience in aelling "Quality Waterfront Homes'' In se&ttle and lately in Weetwood, &l Alr and Brentwood haa joined the Stanley sales force to be at Bayalde Drive Office. OUR NEWEST LISTING A REAL BARGAIN-CORONA DEL MAR $5,000 DOWN A new home• of 2 fine bedrooms and convertible Den. 2 baths. Living room approximately l&r23. Decorator designed curtain.a and draperies. The most modern attractive kite.hen. A level 60xill fl lot, sprinklers and beautifully landscaped and fenc- ed. Stove included in the low price of $24,500. Shown by appointment. Call Louia Boynton at Harbor 3297 or evenings Harbor 2878. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor BAYSIDE DRIVE & COAST HIGHWAY OFFICE Harbor 3297 or Harbor 1775 OCEAN FRONT BALBOA 2 Bedroom apatt.ment and 4 one bedroom apt.a. Extra vacant corner lot. F ine rental district. $9000 down, fuU price $26.500 let time offered. Multiple Listing\ WW PRJCED HOMES Small home on Santa Ana & Clay St.JJ. Also one on San Bernardino near Clay. Call for details. 3 1.NCOME UNITS $150 piont h. income. Asking price $0000 This is worth im·eRtigatin~. NBC REALTY CO. 32nd & Newport Bh-d .. Npt. Beach Har. 5586 Exclusive Beacon Most Charming Bay's Home OPEN SAT. & SUN. 1 • !'i 34 Rudder Roan Master bedroom, den. dining room and lt\'ing room all open to beautiful patio. 2 fireJllR, carpf't ed, FA heat , dream kitchen. guest suite. Exquh.tlely deco- rated and furnished. Offered at $4 !5,000 MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Marine A vc. Balboa Island Ha r. 4781 At 19th & Placentia Doctors Attention in Costa Mesa TllEHE IS A WO:-.OERrt1L ple1•e or lluslnu1 pro~rty tor a11.le with excellent tenn1. Loni term l«'u•·11 pending. totalln1 approx sm a monu1. M • l PN>P· e1 ly. plu" t111me ruh wlll be l'On· •l<ler,.d In a t ra de. Call <1wncr Ll 8~223 momlnl" or a.I ler 6 pm. 9ltc CHOICE u pper bay aru lot. 120 ft. lt 130 on 22nd St., Eul Of 4 1 ·:-:rr MODF.r.:-. nLtJC. on 120' x l !\11' 1 'o"'"' M l'llll 1l1111lneu lot. r;uu•I Prof1·•~1,.11111 lur•1tllon. ldl'aJ for Oorlnr11. I l,.nll~l ,, medlral or X·ray lab. Or l•thor prnt,..alonaJ u.e f'lenl)' of )1141 lun1. Pr1Cllt- l 31.500. T•·rinit :-;~:Al. J MAJr n l\'. REALTOR. Har. 3117~ LI &.J77f. lelt A Steal ! ! Santa AnL Cen be 1Ubdlvfd,.ct fJW~ER TRANSF"ERREO 3 bdrm Into 2·R4 Iota. 0wnf'r wm •c· r1flct tor H .000 cUlh. Har. l~'° J2c U country c-lull hmnl'. F.P .. w. w, ""l"J'f't, pAll•l. frnrN!, la.ndecap· tt>C'I. FV>uon•bl•-term1. I..Jb.rty ~-llle9. J2cH ' • .,. ' PAGE 6 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 'ft-RMI FAtate a-881 FAtate e-ReaJ r..tate a .., r..tat.e ----------------------.• -FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 ......... BILL'S BEST BUYS MUsT SELL All thla well built two bedroom bome needs .. cleaning up and paint. Baa hardwood tloon thru· out. fireplace la dining room. Top location in town with street lirbt.iiig, .ewera and paved alley. Can be bad either tumiahed or mifumiahed with only $1000 Down. APPLE PIE CONDITION "And hou.ewifely clean" myriad pretty colors, with neatneaa personified. Three bedrooms, 1 Yl bath with all Improvements in and pd. for. Only & mo'a, old. Full price $9850 with $1600 Dn. Balance $87.50 Mo. FRESH AS A DAISY ' Anappealing, neat, 2 Bd. room home in perfect tute; unbeatable value -perfect location. Nice Heatalator F. P., Hardwood floon and dindig room. "May I show you through?" Full Price $9950. $3000 Dn. CHOICE INCOME Duplex -Newport Height.a area. Two bedrooms each aide, plus 13xl8 Fiberglasa Rumpua room with each unit. Nice 65' x 135' corner lot, beautifully landscaped. Owner moving east. Must act soon. Full price S17.950 $5000 Down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you11 like our friendly .ervice" 400 E . 17th St .. Costa Meaa Liberty 8-1139 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terr ace" More and more Harbor area families are inspecting the9e exquillite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and m<>l'e f1U'Jliliea who prefer a home in a re- stricted 'quatJty community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today &nd see for yourself the many out- 1ta.nding features of this remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert • Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Oub. • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leaaehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Cliff Haven Lido Trade Open afternoons for your in11pedion Sparkling New -123 Via GenoA Large 3 bedroom 2 bath, 3 car gar~ge. South patio. Built in Thermador stove and oven. G. E. dishwash- er & disposal. Copper plumbing. Entire home carpeted with high quality nylon viscose. Rubber padding. Matchstick drapes. Guttt>rs & down spouts. Lido's Best Buy at $37 ,500 Will take Bmaller or older Lirlo home in trade. Thia is your chance to get on Via Genoa. "The Bmartest address on Lido." DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. · Newrort Beach Harbor 4718 INCOME NEW INCOME UNIT BARGAINS THAT ONLY WE CAN OFFER We will deliver a brand new group of 12 two bedrm. deluxe unit.a in a good section of Costa Mesa that will groaa over $11.000 per year for just $79,000 full price. 111 down with balance on lat T. D. at 6% and about $425 per mo. Sounda lmpoeaible but we can do it. Here'• anoither -Duplex two bedrooma ea~ aide ~2 block off Harbor Blvd. For u little u $2500 down on a tot•I price of $14,200. Ea.y tenm on the balance at 6,..r Other income development1 available u well aa our building service for ttntal units. W• gel top financing for our quality built multiplet._ Specializing in income units & Individuals BUOOET BUILDERS, INC. Liberty 8-7750 Houston Values 2 Acres M-1 CHOICll INDUSTR1AL .A.Jl£A- Oonc. office bJq.. abop, ware· llOUM, 1uollne •tor., Nicely landecaped. HJ(h, level sround. Sprinklen on l acre, all fenced. Fine buy at $27,000, term•. Ad· Jolnlnr vacant a cre &180 avail· able, at $12,500. Newport Hts. $7400 0000 OLDER 2 bdrm .. dble. 1ar., fine nl'i(hborhood on a IOx106 lot. Submit on thle b&r(&Jn ! Full Price $7450. A NEAT 2 bdrm .. only • yra. old on *250 R-4 lot. Tht. butJI paylnr rent! Take• only SllM>O down. Npt. Hts. Area FUI..L PRJCE 17900. Neal l bdrm .. on wide 80x90 R-t lot. Truly a bar1aJn, flne.t area, w lo w car· pet, 1tove It retrtr. Incl. Only UO mo. on balance. Rm. for another unit. Have home It In· come too. Eve Into. on thele Petitte LI 1·&417 Lido 3 Brdm. Beauty WONDERFUL famUy bome on 2 fuJJ lote. All rooma open on •S-C· loWI l&rull It patio. Plenty room for pool. .Mklnr '37,500. M«ke offer. Drive By VOGEL VALUf5 Newport Heights Charmer 3 bedroom home, only 5 years old on oof' of the beet atreet1. Not leaaehold. Large lot, 6b x 130. 1 \ Beautiful lawn front and rear. Completely land· acaped and fenced. Large patio with barbecue. Tile kitchen. Service porch. Valance and traverse rod.I and other extra.a. A home you can ju.t move right into. Full price $15,750 $3500 down. Spacious Two Bedroom On Catalina Drive. 15 x 22 living room with red brick fireplace. w to w ct.rpeta, curtains and drapea incl. Service porch, double garage. Large patio with lawn and complete landscaping, fen.:ed. At- tractive red brick, knotty pine Ii stucco. Shake roof -nutic. 6 yn. old. Very Jeairable 4 112 ~c lat TD. $16,000 full price. Two Bedroom and Den On 1 acre of ground, Eaat Costa Mesa. Close in. Fenced corral, tile kitchen, break.fh8t area, dining room, 14x20 living room, hardwood floors. Country Jiving in the city. $17.~ full price. 6 Income Units & Two Bedroom House $435 Month income Clote to transportation and markelli. The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd., Co•ta Mesa Liberty 8-5597 Eves LI 8-7457 7 Unit Income! BALBOA LOCA TJON. Famnu1 "8CO'l'T APARTMENTS" cloM to Bay. Situated on 2 Int• ... room for add.ltlona l building. Ont' double. 8 aln1Ju, all fur· nlelled, Swell l"ental rKord. $311,000, terma. Ba'y Front Duplex! SOME PAINT AND A LJTIL.E FIX'IN wm convert lhla duplex with 2 bedroom• ln uch unit Into a terrtflc Bay ll'ront pro- perty. Beat pouible S.lboa rent- ai area. Fumt.hed It. haa 2 fire· plac:u. 1undeek1, private beach and pier. $37.1500 wilh term•. Balboa Duplex! HERES A SLEEPER. Not only becauae It 111 a 2 unit now. turnlahed, but hu enough ground area where another unit plua 3 araragu c:&n be added. A dandy value for JUl.600 and term1. Peninsula Home! s p LEN D 1 D HOME l''OR A LARGE FAMILY, Sp1clou1 4 l>edroom. 2 bath home with Ocean view from upsta lr bed· room. Lovely large living room with flag1tone fireplace. Nice modern. with attractive 11hrub1 11nd flow,r11. Only 11 year1 old. $23.(100, l:IOOO down. Balboa Cottage! ONE OF THE LAST rood beach homu and only 112.~. Fur· nlshed and on Eaat Bay Ave- nue. Very good condition and cute u the c11ckena. $(1000 down t.alcea It. 30111 CUFF DR. Get an eyetul of the view. Then call for appt. to aee In.Ide. A•Jdnr JUl,000 for th!a 3 bdrm. cor. Wtu trade tor amaller 2 br. v Che~k These V cilues Corona d'I Mar Balboa .Realty Co. 604 Heliotrope, cdm 13600 ON. buys lhi. 2 bdnn. home. Cloae to bu1lneaa. • Placentia E. 17th St. M-1 COR. wtlh attractive 2 yr. 1. SHORECLIFFS Out.at.anding view of ocean, e&nyon and bills from this quality built· home. Hu two bedrma. ,plua den, 2 bat.ha, w tow carpeting, dishw&.Rht!r, garbage diaponl, shake roof and many other fint features. Built on canyon aide of Morning Canyon. Full price $38,000 -$12,000 down will handl~. IT WON'T LAST LONG. old houae It dble. rar. 76' of 2 vacant Placentia fronta1e for ' •hop. 111.200 full price. FOUR UNIT COURT -60 FT LOT First time offered. Two unlta have 2 be<lrma. each, with private patios, both have fireplaces Built on ground level. Plua two apta. built over 4 garages with 1 bed.rm. each. Thia is clloice property and should sell quicJtly. Priced at $33,500 Ev,, Info. on theH Lytle U 8-2&'2 Houston Realty Co. • It A880CIA TES (109 Center St., Coat& Meaa LI 8-11911 or LI 1-7784 CHECK THESE Np!. Heights Values SJ~ DOYlN buy• 7 year old 2 bdrm. in front and large (UHl hoWle In rear. Nice loc•tlon - FuU price 1111,tlOO and term•. View Home 2 YRS. OLD. hdwd. noon, full dln· lnl room, flreplace, very lar1t kitchen, Beat coN1trucuon. PLUS large g-uut hoUM with full bath. Dbl. garare, laundry, a lley en· trance, etc. FuJI price ONLY 1111.960. Owner "111 take U l500 down. Costa Mesa Special GI RESALE In choice loc.tJon. 11 yrs. old. Hdwd. rtoora, dbl. gar.- alley entrance. Owntr will take $2()()() down or mal<e offer. Fine neighborhood tor children. Bay & Beach Realty 16911 Newport. Blvd. Coat• Meaa. Callfomla LI 8-1161 Evea. LI 8-31118 GOLDEN RULE VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 BEDROOM HOME, hardwood !loon , fireplace, beautlful kit· rhen, built In stove and oven- Pullman bath, 2 car 1arage - backyard fenced. Only 3 year1 old. 12600 down. fuJJ pr. $13.1100. Forced to Sell 2 BEDROOM HOME, hardwood Ooora, only • YM.111 old, food 11ecllon. 2 car gar&&'e. nffda paJnUnr. Can be handled for around '1000 down. Aaklnc pr. 191500. Estate Must Close ON A C·2 LOT-2 unlta, built ln 1947, Room for 12 additional unlll . Eut.alde location. Thi• property can be dellnrtd tor 110,900 full price. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1161 Newport Blvd., Collta MeH (acrM9 from Coat& Me• Bank) Phone LI 1·67111. J:vM. Har. '3.._LI l·ll<>a CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUSl:8 on cor. lot. BoUi 2 bedrm•. 6 flrtplacu. 1 Jiu r. L hMt. Both leued. '21,1\00 Very choice buy. ALSO EXCLUSIVE WITH US. 3. SHORECLIFFS LOT BARGAIN Just listed thl1 60 ft. Jot on Evening Canyon. Truly a bargain at $14, 750. Half caah will handle. Thia won't lut long. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Realtor :U.7 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 Office locatM next door to Corona del Mar Bank) ISLAND RETREAT Located on a corner lot on one of Newport's very private islands,· this four bedroom. 2 level home ls one of the outstanding buys in the Harbor area. There is a very large living room with maas1ve fire- place, a roomy kitchen with a cheerful breakfast room, hardwood floors, 2 bathe. plus beach ahower, a second floor sun deck, PLUS A LOVELY PAN· ELED APARTMENT WITH BATH. and 2-car gar. $6000 down ~i9.000 total price GREENLEAF-SEVERTY REAL TY, Inc. Har. 2552. Eves. LI 8-5405 or LI 8-3186 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Closed Sundays Lido Isle THERE'S NO Q U EST I 0 N about the quality In thla 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home on a 411' lot. Large paneled LR. • d'"· Wonderful patio. Shown at your convenience. Fumlahed or unturn111hrd. Balboa THE FINEST piece of Income property on Balboa Blvd. Own- er• j1111t reduced for cuh-out. & dble. apt• 4 etngle api.- 2 single rm•. t garagea Rt>d11ced lo $80,000. 135.000 dn. Open House 3 to 6 Daily 609 Plumer St., Coat.a Meaa 3 bedrma and den, 1 V2 baths. large liv. rm , firepl., separate dining area, brkfaat nook, built m oven and stove, disposal, service porch, FA heat, 2 car gar. Lot 57 x 120, 6 months old. TOP VALUE at $14,650 with $2600 down. Ready to move into. BAY & BEACH REALTY-Lido Office 3U2 Wayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY A 'M'RACTIVE year round home on Sea· &bore Drive. Knotty pine livin~ room with dining area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and ~ bath down, 3 bedroom.a and 11, ~ batha up. Solid con- 1truction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car . garage, encloeed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Oppo.tte Bank ot Amnlca Roe1 Gneley Al Corntllue . Ed I.ff Jack Pinkham J oeephlne Webb 700 II:. BaJbo& Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 OPEN HOUSE Sal. It Sun. 11-!) 2t3 Ocean View. Newport Hta. HARBOR VIEW home. 3 bdrm., 1 "-bath•. Thlt home I.a Ina than 1 yr. old. hu appr. 1420 aq, ft. A larfe Jiving room over· looking the Harbor, L.R. hu a large Field Stone Flrl'plac:e, hitrdwood Ooora, 1eparate dining area and a very convenient kite Be aure to are this Short on Cash 1 OWNER WILL HEt..P --Says h''ll take • low down payment: balanre. euy terms. Let• talk It over. 3 bdrm. on Balboa Blvd. near Npt. HarbOr Yar ht Club Full price $9600. End That Search REDUCED for a quick u le, you almply must eee t his iiplc-and- •pan home lo appr~1ate the vaJue orfere<I in thls 3 bdrm. home with hardwood rtoora. fire- place. IC'parate dining area. 8t fl'nt'ed Price red11c:e<I to I 16.600 Also. WE NEED LJSTINGS, Call ua If you are thlnk1.ng of 11elllng we can be of great urvlct' to you. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 18116 Newport Blvd.. Coit& Men LI 8·379:l "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAYSHORES PRICE REDUCED~ ExcepUonally nice ranch 1lyle home featuring the ultimate in lntt'rlor decorat· Ing, 3 lge. bedrom1, 2 lge tile bath11, deluxe kitchen, din room. paneled Uv room. built around lovely patJo, even room for a •~1mmlng pool-$311.00-0. Harbor Highlands CHOICE LOCATION on lrvlnt' A venue. beauU!11lly landaca prd 3 bdrm.. 2 bath, fireplace, dis· poaal. hdwct. floor11, w tn w cu - pellng A dntJ>"t1, REAL VALL"E at 118.1100 CLIFF HAVEN IMMACULATR: 3 bdnn. home on eo ft. lol. renred. near 11chool11, hdwd. floors. w lo w carpl"llng .t: ctrapu lncludt'd in uklng price nf $111,000 with low monthly paymenh. Corona del Mar BUSINESS IXCOME-t '» yeara old lncludu 2 1torl'• It • apt.I 1!:11ct'Uent location. Call for com· pl,le Information. "C" THOMAS, Realtor 224 W. Cnut Hlway. LI 8-~27 ''C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS OPEN HOUSE 1-5 P. M. DAILY 267:l Circle Dr. Bay1horet1, N.8 . R:NC ... PATIO, BBQ 6' F.IREPL. J:epeclally dulgne<I for outdoor Uvtnr. 3 bdrm~ 2 bath, xtra 1hower. Compl. tum., cor. lot. 11 blk. from No. Channel. Prlc· f'cl to eel!. G. K. LATHROP. 3636 E Cou \ Hwy , Har. 6442 a ••• r..ta.e. VOGEL VALUES 5 BDRM., 4 BATH BAY FRONT HOME Pier and Slip Full Pri<'e $89.500 / 4 BDRM. -3 BA TH -BA YFRONT HOO Pier and Float -Full Pnce $78,000 BALBOA ISLAND 3 BDRM.-3 BA TH Ii MAID ROOM-BA YJ'RONT Pier Ii Float -Full Price $70.000 4 BDRM. -3 BA TH -BAYFRONT HOKlll With Guest Apt. -Full Pric-.e SM,000 3 BDRM. -3 BATH -BAYFRONT HOO With Gueet Apt. -Full Price $66,000 3 BDRM. -2 BA TH -BA YFRONT HOO Pier and Float -Full Price $67,500 4 BDRM. - 2 BA TH -BAYFRONT HOKll With Gue.st Apt. -Full Price SSS,800 2 UNI1'S -2 BDRM. EACH -BA YFRONT Full Price $4.2,500 2 BDRM. -1 BATH -BAYFRONT CO'l'TAGlD Full Pric~ $31,500 4 BDRM. HOME -$39.:SOO S BDRM. -2 BATH -FURN. HOME -PS.MO 2 UNITS -$34.500 2 UNITS -$26,500 2 UNITS -$~2,500 2 BDRM. HOME -$18,~ 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,950 2 BDRM. HOME -$17,000 BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE A VE.-$32,SOO BUSINESS PROPERTY MARINE AVE.--$39,MO VACANT BUSINESS LOT -$2f,500 MOTEL, APT. UNITS $12,000. INCOME FULL PRICE $89,500 Exquisite 2 bdrm. BA YSHO~ home. Full price $24,000 tern15 See ua for choice property in Beacon Bay and Bay Shore Area. THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa laland Next door to the Poat Office Har 444 Evea Har. 3059-M • Har. ~R CLIFF HAVEN 811 Cliff Drive Three bedrm. & den home. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landacaped front and rear gardens. Costa Mesa Architect's former home. Beautifully lan&lc&ped, delightful patio. 3 bt"droom, :2 bath. FHA flnanc· ing. Easy terms. Only Sl4.500 Call Liberty 8-2664 (Eves LI 8-7<>:5e) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irvine, Newport Buch 'COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth' Opposite Santa Ana Country Club -Unobstructed \'1ew -Very nice, large 2 Br. home & den with two separate furnished rentals 11 lo 5 yn.) All in A-1 shape well landscRped. A real home Ir inv•t· mcnl for $23.000 BUSINESS PROPERTY -Corona del Mar -47" frontn~e on Highway, good 1 Br. home on rear of lot. $19.000 with convenient terma -OR -owner may take less if cash . INCOME that just can't be beat. New 2 Br. home and 6 units, all fum111hed, near Blvd. Ii market. Income S435 month and it could be biizber. A REAL BUY at $39,000 G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa LI 8-1601 HOME SI'PES 66 x 110 Residential R-1 ........ -... --....... $1475 cub. 66 x 110 R-1 On sewera ............. $2295 caab. 70 x 110 Comer R-1 . SewerB . . ......... ~2395 cuh. 121 x 130 Two R-4 lot.8. &eweN1 ... . $1400 down. 30 x 104 R-2 Beech lot half blk to !!Urf $2500 cub. 66 x 140 Back Bay R-1 .. . .................... $ij()()() cub. 80 x 104 View. Restricted ................ $6500 cub. 70 x 125 Back Bay. View ..... _ ........ $7:SOO cub. 120 x 100 Corner. Block fenced ...... -.. $8200 cub. 45 x 127' ~ Cliff Drive. Harbor view .... $9700 cuh. ORAN.GE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. 2129 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mua •83 Mornln( Canyon Rd . Corona H1Kh)1.nd8, 2 BR putly f\lm. R-2 lot. The barpln of tti. day! G. H. t..A'MJROP. 38311 E Cout Hv.•v . Comna cSel Mar. H•r. ~42 lt\';11, ~ I 2c lt 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 EvH. Mao, 12c1", LI 8-1632 Coal& Me.a Eve LI 8-6803 . \ ' ,. I I: I I! . •• BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND $15,9:50 SEE THIS TODAY! Firat time offered. 1 Adorable ~wood home. Unuaually beaut. patio. 1 large B. R., 1 small. Thia la a drea.ru boWM1. Low do'tvn payment. . $25,500 Nr. No. Bay. Ct+arming and apacioua 4 B. R. 2% bath home. Nicely fura19hed. Thta you will like! Good financing. So. Bay ll'ront comer. 2 B. R. home nicely furnished. Patio. $31,:500 HOME It INCOME. $6000 down attractive 2 B. R. home and studio apt. 2 patios. Furniahed. Total price $19,000 Nr:. No. Bay Ir VUJage. We have the key. Udo Isle BARGAIN! • LOT. 52 V2 ft. wide on West aide of Yella by No. Bay. YES! YES! It'• only $14,ms<> BUT HURRY! SHORE CLIFFS BEAUT. Colonial 4 B. R. view home. $42,500. See thia! ! Adjoining view lot may be purchased •by buyer of house. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLBi LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 Ready for Next Summer? Owner Intended to move in next June but has un- expected need for cajh, BO· will sell his waterfront home at a bargain. AcroBS channel from City Park grounds, it baa heavy cement bulkhead, pier and tloat. Two bedrooms, garage and nice yard. Leased until next. June, so income goes with it. The furn- iture is included and at $21,500 it is t.be best water - front buy in the area. Good terms. ALSO, we have a beautiful 3 bedroom unfurnished houae for rent. Exclusive with Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES PRESENTS THIS HOUSE baa an in'eetatible charm ! A quiet neighborhood with permanent view of Bay. Virtually a Bay Front home at much lower cost. Two large bedrms. and beautiful paneled den-large living room and a dining room. Forced air beat and cooHng system. Oversized water heater. Loads ot closets, even an attic. Obie. garage, storage room and additional bath. Choice sh rube and ferns in sheltered patio. Price includes 6 appliance. and drapes. Only $15,000 to handle. FOUR ADJACENT lots on Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. Wonderful location. Zoned for 1,usiness. Owner will take some trade. Make off Pr. ' BALBOA SAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 LIDO ISLE Juat a dandy law priced home. 2 B. R., lovely patio. Many colorful flowers. Immaculate condition. 35 ft· lot -Only $23,500 Very easy terms. Another good one-On Lido . 3 B. R. -2 B. Comp. redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot. All t.be r ooms are large. L. R. 24x30. Patio 23x24-Approx 2086 aq. feet· Thia is worthy of conslrieration for $35,000 NEWPORT HTS. This two bdrm. cutie has zip and a flare that you will like. lta detailed for comfort and has a 4 'lz fc loan payable $78.08 per month including ta.xes & insurance--$4.890 down. Full price $15,000 Exclusive with us THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 34.1~ Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har . 4971 o.r Har 4972 Evee. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8-5297 Pier & Slip 3 bedroom, 2 baths Balboa Coves. Vacant -let ua abow you. $29.950 OSBORNE REALTY CO. 2323 W. Coast Hwy. (at Port Orange) Newport Beach · LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 evei Open , House · 929 W. Bay Ave., Newport Beach 1 .. 4 Sat. & Sunday, Oct. 1 -2 UnobltnJcted Bay View 2 story, ' bednn. 2 ~ bath $10,000 dopn. Balance low interest Principaa only Har. 4.103 after 5 \ a ......... . ........... ........ p. a. palm.er incorporated North · developers of Udo Bayfront Isle Lido 4 Bedroom In fact, 80 feet on the NORTH BAY. e unita n.1cely furnished, newly painted and decorated. Lovely patio giving ~um privacy to eacb Wlft. nu. la out•ta.nding in every way -1ee thJa for aUre. It'• the beet Income property buy we know of. Full price including furniture $105,000. · Terma. FOR A · FAMILY WHO LIVES SMAR.TL Y AND BUYS WISELY! You'll enjoy all the W(lnderful advantages-of Lido living in this BRAND NEW 3 bedrm, 2 ba th home. 12 by 12 den, 2 fil-eplace., paper paneling and colon tutef ully blended, 30 by 17 patio and 21 by 22 garage. The kitchen ia fully equipped with built-in. range and oven, disposal, diahwuher and fan. Ready to move into today, and only $33,500 • North Bayf ront On over 80 feet of the very beat Lido Bayf ront. Striking modem designed br Ellerbroek .. AIA. The setting, view, beach, pier, planting and home ~ • the very finest pouible. 3 bedrms. and maid's, 31/2, batha. Thia home ia like a precious jewel and should be eeen. lt'a exclusive with us, and we have the key. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 A vailabl6 for trade on a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. HM your need for an. extra bedroom grown! Then th.it may be the auwer. 1 bedroom and bath down· lt&in, 3 bedioolU and bath upetaira. Priced at $30-1'50 and av&Uable for trade. WHA'l' DO YOU HAVE! Move Right In Completely tunWihed 3 bedroom bome, carpet., drape1 and all appllanc•. A down payment of $2eOO JpOVee you in with FHA terms on the b9lance. Full price $10,000. . AU for BlU Farnsworth ~I They Are Going Fast in Shorecliffs BUT we .tJll have a 'few tood bu)'9: 2 bc:irna. Dining Area 1 bath $27,~ Ocean View 2 bdrma. Pining Room 2 batha $31,000 Very Nice 2 bdmul Conv. Den 3 batha $36.!500 New J\Ovinclal 2 bdrma De, t>in. Rm. 3 baths $31,eoo Modem 2 bdrm.a Den, Maids rm. 2 baths $36,900 Be&utttul 3 bdnna Dining Room 2 batha $45,000 Ptctureaque 2 bdrm.a Den 2 baths M9,500 Magnificent i TAKE YOUR CHOICE, THEN CALL DA VE OSBURN p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1100 "· cout hlchway -liberty 8-6618 S5,rm Down NEWPORT I BEACH· OUTSTANDING Balboa Peninsula Point 3 BEDROOMS, 1 % bat.ha. Fire- place ln lar&e living room wttll dlntnc area. Facee quJet land· acaped City Park, S5,fm Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores LARGE lMnr room with ttn· place. FUU dining room. a bed· rooma. 2-car &'a.race, complttAly r.<tecora~ Bay Front · Special OCEANFRONT BEST 8UY -BEST LOCATION Home and income -Wonderful View! Double Gar- age, extra large living room.a, beautiful ldtcbena, nicely furni.ahed. Only 2 yeara old. Scheduled Grou $3,700 Full Price $29,000 -Terma Evenings Call Bradford, Harbor 0289-J OCEAN FRONT buildln1 1ite, with ~tine duplex ' on rear of lot. Room for 3 bedroom 2 bath home on front. Full Price $17,f500 Furn. BALBOA TWO BIIDllOOK BOKll, PLUS INCOliOI APA.RTXENT. Never before h&ve we ottered auch a deUrhttul 2 Wdroom home on tble ttneet comer location. You will be amazed &t th• well de- •lpad. l&rl'e and ·~-br1(ht rooma. ,It alao bu an attncUn fireplace, d1nlD&' room and a l'aWcy ot fe&tlll'el that wtl1 pleue th• mo.t dWc:J1m1n&Un( buyer. IN ADDmON, tt bu. da.rlJJ:lc 1 bdrm. apt. over mp&- cloua I CU' p.rac'e. (The apL la reni.d tor 170 mo. l TB J: MONT.BLY PAYXllNT8 ON Tllla PROPERTY WILL BE '91.60 xo .. to qua.lilied bu7•· Call now for turt.her d.talla on dn. pmt.•tc. Open House seo. Ocean Blvd., Com« Orch14 CORONA DJCL MAR P.ANOR.UCIO BAT .tr OCEAN VIl:W 3 nice bedrma., 2 b&tha, la.rie lMnr rooin. be aure and ... th.la r NEWPORT *ltlOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II • PA• 1 FRIDAY, SEPT. JO, 1955 , a •111......_ . BALBOA ISLAND 'l\WO UNITS. Modern 1 bdrm. apt.; older frollt houe. Show JOlU' ability at "do it yo\U'Mlt'' $21,lSOO eo rr. BAY ~E. Ola Uttle Ialu4. pier, float, formal' bdrm. home. The 1&Dd value la c1of18 to the uldnc prtce. BUSINE88 BUILDING KARINE A VE. $32.800 BUSINJCSS LOT MARINE A VE. Cl $2•,SOO BACON ~Y. S., tront. Otten ctr.med about. rarely tMD. Sxqw.ft. 3 bdrm., 3 bath bome. Thermo ldtcben. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt. done.in the ume good tatte. Furnilhed - t.,, aceptioDL Shown Friday aturnoona onlJ '69,500 LmO NORD BAY J'RONT. Large lot, channinl 4 bdrm. 3~ bath houae. Dtn1nr rm., modern kit· chen. ~p., d!abwuher, lote ot cupboa.rda an4 cl<*tl. Plua unuued 1 bdrm. apt. over 3 car ~ age. Both unita all newly furnlahed In Moderne. Ideal tor home and income or guearta. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon RYatt ..em John Macnab, Harbor 58SO. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22ts Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand Lido Island Home e .3 BEDROOM -2% BATHS e ON STREET TO STREET LOT e .LARGE MASTER .. BEDROOM WITH ADJOINING BATHROOM AN? DRESSING ROOM,.BEDROOK HAS GLASS SLIDING DOOR ONTO LARGE SUNDECK. e MODERN KITCHEN -DISH- WASHER AND DISPOSAL e LARGE LAUNDRY ROOK e SEPARATE BREAKFAST AREA: Thia home la b1,1t MVeral montlul old and lnclua· drapes and wall to wall carpet1nc and can be yours for only $31,750 term. For all Udo bomee and homeelte. ConauJt with: LIDO REALTY · 3400 Vfa Lido Harbor'"' Pier & Slip BALBOA BAYFRONT -3 bed.rooma 1% ._tha home with bar kitchen, neat u a pm. completely furnished -1andy beach, pier privileg•, all tlu. plua gueet room and bath over garage for $36,750 firm price. No telephone illtormation. To eee ca11 Harbor 12M OIH today, heed t.o HJl 'l'enna, -------------------- 2 Years Old 7 Bedrooms 4 Baths 3-Car Garage Furnished Eveninga call Cox -Liberty 8· 7237 709 lAr~~ ~~:.~~unday CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES 1 ·5 p. m. Bay Frontage 40 ft. Thia is an ideal 1ummer or year round home for the Clean 3 bedroom be&ch house. $1500 down, $75 mo. Full price $9500 Near Newpt Har. Yacht Club Ir Bay bathing be&ch. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 W. Bal~a Blvd. Harbor 12M executive with a large tam. ------------------- ily, $88,000. Newport Harbor Realty Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E . Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 LOOK $13,500 BEST DUPLEX in Harbor Area Newport Heiglilll. Th111 la the top buy for looaUon, age and conatructlon. • years old, R·3 lot. We have lhe key, Don't ml.u thl11. 3 Br. Ir den, 2 baths Your "Castre in the Air'~ Can be your home soon it' you colllUlt a Multiple Listing Realtor. He can abow you a wide Yariety ot the choicest values in your price range ... and he know11 how to draw up contracts for the moat convenient term.a. You'll find It paya to do buai- nesa with a REALTOR. Phone or drop tn to aea one of the 275 reliable MULTIPLE LISTING REAL- TORS in the Harbor Area. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ilO 32nd St. Newport Belch Cb&tm~ I bedrm., tlreplace, encloMd paUo • • • S2600 down handle.a.~ 100 fL froataa"e, lNain... prop- erty on E . 17th St. A reel IOOd buy at '22,300 Call Har. 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick ftCALTORS R. R.ayle-C. Travta. C. Rua, Aaaoc. ll12 Marine Ave. -Balboa llland COSTA MESA ONll OJ' TBll MOST LOVJ:LY laniac.ped a bdrm. hom• ln Coata MN&. CompJetely • beau- tlf\tlly turnlahed, for onl7 Sl&,&00 u cell•t tum.. Back Bay NEW COUNTRY JD.IT.AT!l on half acre. I bdrm., I batb. uMd brtck nreplace. Bullt In ral\l'e. enaclt bar. etc. On'l7 $21,500, low down payment. Thlt lt truly tope. Ocean Front OCllAN J'RONT rtmN. DuPUCX on &<> tt. lot, only 120,000. Tenn. Nutt l&ld! EVERYTHING you uk for. Back Bay locaUon. You can't beat the comblnauon ot arood architecture Art C K•1stle Co and charming interior. You can • r • not dupllcat. thla houae tor --------------------2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. ~e~-:.kJnr price of S%2.l'iQO. -DON'T SAY I DIDN'T TELL YOU Harbor 1228 CLIFF HA VEN When I uy "I told you to" s12.•oo A DANDY PRJCll. Juat L 1111ted thta 2 bedroom, nreplace ·Building lote &re more and more IC&l'Ct ~d DMre "take It -.y doll houae." A and more money. One of thMe d&ytl we'll look little rarden to care tor boUttd around and_ What do you know -NOTBIN.' &10und by a tall fence. Ila a honey. Low down. We still have a fefr tucked away, plenty hlrh but REX RF.CHS, REALTOR plenty good. Hurry, cotni fut. 2ao1 w. Bal. Blvd. Kar. &tee Npt... R L STRICKLER R I TAKE Sl&,000 or local 2 bedrm • • t ea tor home u dowia on Harbor Blvd. 3622 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 277.f income comer. Inc. ~ mo. --------------------H8'1~=~11 ~~ty. CORONA HIGHLANDS Pft()PJIRTD:8 1861 Newport. eoeta Meea Large family home. ready for occupancy. $-i,MO LI a-1ea2 Jen. LI waos down. Hu 3 bdnna. A den, larp M11"Vice porch. Ocean View NEW ROME It ~ or ru..i boUM. both f\&nl.tabed. PaUo. All CIOlt"8deDeM Incl prb. &.p., prqu. ua.ooo &AJtclAIN ao- cauat W...... OPllN DA.ILT m-dUl Bt.. Hewpor\ 8-ch. ltpll tile kitchen, l A % plua ~ b&tlMI ,dbl. pnp, fire- pla.ee, bdwd. fioon. tarp lot, vM'W of ocean A hil1a. BM buy in Coron& Hllb.laada. Es.cl\llln wttb ua. -$24.000 RAY REALTY CO. U« E. Cout Hwy., Col"ODa dal Mar Har. 2288 ' ' LIDO'S BEST I BORK., 1 ~ li&t.h home. Larp p.neled Uv. rm. i.e. bednna. with maa med cloMu. W. W. Carpetbll'• '3' Jot maJc• a ..,.C• loua planted patio. Pa,menu ot s122.10 mo . .,,. 1 .. than 70ur RENT. P .8. lta a &% Lou. BURTON B. BECK Rltr. It Iuur. 2321 W. Oout Rwy . H&r. HI 6 LI .. TNI 11c11 VDT WONDD.rUL ..tew bomt. Se~t netpborbood. I a1rJ d .. lletltflll Mdnna., I We, heated batM. Natunl cUIDN, ,.n. &.poeal. uo ellll!trklttJ ta klt- cbim. .. to .. carpeUq. t°"*1 thermo •t. ftNplaoe. Udbal llUI ..... to patio •.... 91117, l:lljo)'. ""° dft. 01\ANOm 00.uT PltOPiiftila 1161 Newport. C09t& JI.- LI 1-lAI ._ Ll l-tlOI Charmin-g 2 bdrm., fully fum. home So. of Hwy. between ahopping area It beach. Very clean, ucellent condition -move right In wlth a low, low price of $12,9(5() We're Lucky 'cause we have a 3 bedroom, 2 bath hom• tn Corona Highlands with an OCEAN VIEW for only $22,9C50. Some of the features include: entry hall, plctun windowa, fireplace, HW. floora, patJo, circular drift. curtain.I • drapea included.. 5% 1nsurance Loan at only $84.00 per mo. Better come Me ll eoon I Low Down Payment On a real good buy! 2 bedroom home, fireplace, patio Ir BBQ ln excellent location. Total price 19 only $13,500 . Down paym't $3,000. It la now rented on a month-to-month baaia at $110 per mo, The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Highway Corona del Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 BALIOA ISLAND WHO'S THE LUCKY ONE 1 Coiy 2 • b9droom hoUN -Comp'l furn. Fireplue, PLUS cute baeJ». Jor apt. TeriWc Income PollibWtle.. F1JLL PRICE $19,000 ~ good W'mL CORONA DEL MAR Lovel1 VIEW 3-bdrm. ~ beth home. Ice· patto, ttrepl. Xlnt cood. YOU CAN'T B!lA.T tr l $19,870 Tmna it desired. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 308 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Harbor 80I BALBOA ISLAND 801.mi BAY FRONT -e:111:cellent family hom.. •bedrma., 1 ~ bat.hi. Half intel'ellt in Pier -Boat Included Price ~.ooo Tel'ml • • e •·1 COSTA MESA Two R-1 relidtDtial lota, reetrlcted area 7~ ft. $4000 -"°°° WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor • . \ l J I ' t .: ~ ·-· .... .. ' I• ~on on •' ... .. . l!:iireality 'Crusade Month· "t B. I. Church day." a d11y In whlrh f'&<'h rt'gular au ender 111 encou raJtd l<> brtng a netghbor or frttn.t. Hearing on Church SANTA A N A, 10CN8 l -0.... S11nc1a y'• Communion IM'l'Vh't .Ullo!<' C1)un1y Plannlnr Commll· "111 w hrld at (! ·30 and 11 a m. ,. .. ,n will holc1 • public ht'arlnf A church atttndanl'" ('l"USalle Jn lhr afll•rnoon tho• ftrv l),.,n11i.1 111 :! :10 fl m U1·t 11 on th• Chris· wlll be launched ne:tt Sun<lay at G Snpp will vuul l hr lll\k anJ lhln M11<11wnary Society of 8ou- Balboa Isla nd Community Mt"thO· llhut-in l o llt.flntnistl'r th<' ll8na· u1, 111 \'«llfom1a plan to erect "' dl:it Churl'h •• the r u lshtnners llll'nt Si•rv•n;; "" (.\>1nmunmn 1 h111c-h 1111 thl' no1 lhwr11t corner ;;.alht'r I• ".,?. l·n ·e \\ni"' \\'Kl .. •lr""'rds will~ M rs. Herold fo'rnk or n1:11)m1u1 Av,., anJ Loera St , Com111unl.in Sund:•y The; cru . .a.ue 811d lotra. ~orge Jonea. j Ga111cn t:rov.:. Ill being headed by Mu . Fount L. ----------- Lowr. l'halrman of the comm1q lon I on mt mberehlp and evan1ell1m . During the tlv,. Sunday• in Oc-BALTZ MORTUARIES Job,, ·u.. BapUat. la d4ecriblnc U.. ~ of ChrWt J..ua •Y• ln Mat ... (1:11,12). "ff• al\all .,.... U1iJ 1"4 wttb t,11• Holy Oho.It, and wtU. f,t/e: WhOM fan la ln hi.I ~" and adda that he wtJI Mp&· ni. the .neat (faeta) from the e~ (tabl .. ), In Ole 8und~ IAe- ~~ Oil "Ulll'.Ut,1" la all ~ Science c:hurcb•. ·~ · klence of CbrUtlanJl)' ~ .,wtt.h fan ln hand to Mp&· rat. Ua.e ch.aft from the wb .. t," a&1A.1U.r>' Balter lllddy In "8clance and Jf•ltb with Key to Ole 8orip- tw-.e.'' Later llhe detln• "Fan" u , "lepvator of fable from tact ; that wblch stv• , action to Uioqbt." (pp ..... Dal) 1 lober the lmpo~tance of church al· tendance wlll l>f' 1treall'd. An u- tena1ve p:-ogNm of vl:lllatlon 1• COST A t.lESA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avt'nue Costa Mc.sa. Cahl Phone Ut>erty 8-~\21 'CHAPt:l. DY THE BU 3~:.!0 E, Cout Blvd. Corona de-I t.tar. Ct.lit. TM Ooldeft Tut tor the Leallon· ~ la taken from J Corin· thtana 7, verae 31. 'The fa.ehloe ot ~ world paueth away." WSCS Program on Youth Camp IL~~ rerardlnr lhthodl•t ~ camp at iky MeadoW• were made et the September mMt.1-s of w.s.c.a.. c h r 1 • t CJuuU by the Sea. Tba Rev. Roy Callleon, putor. wu director of the •oamp, Mra. l!larl Stoneback &M Balold Arthur were coun· CENTER OF ATTRACTION ia Jamee Robert Wilcox, 5 moot.ha, youngest son of the Robert W. WUcoxea, 547 Debora Lane, who wu christened Sunday by the Rev. John H. Parke at St. James llpiacopal Church. Godpa rents C right) are Mn, William Glenn of Loe ~lion, while Mr1. A.rt.bur wa1 --------------------------e&lftp M1ree. Mu. Calvin SWlweU conducted de JnOl'Rlnf prayer half hour In the • q,per Room and bualneae .-Ion WU held In Goodell Hall. Ml9 Clara Kohl1tedt pre91d1n1. She U.O reported on U'f W,S.C.8. worllshop held at Redlanda. CUb g1tl1 were •oled for sup- pit.-tor a 1chool ln South R.bo- deela and for David and Mr.r- pret H ome In LaVerne. Mra. Calvln SUlwell wu named aecn.tary of mlu lonuy pereonn-1 aftd Mrs. A. J. Rutt.er will r• place Mn. J . A. Bodll'l&n u key a11J PAGE 8 -~ART 11 -NEWPORT tfARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, SEPT. 30, 1955 woman to United Cburch Wom-. --------------------------Kip. RuU\ Reynolda will aid Mia _...ra Nott ln th• nurtery dur- inl' Sunday morulnr eervlce a t Ute ~urch. Lu Amlp .1 ctrcl• aerwd lun· cheon at table1 l•Y with Clowers. S.llnday Evening Patio Party JllJb Khool yout.ha of Balboa laland enjoyed a patio party Sun· da,y wentnr at the home of Henry rfi(r7, Sll Cry1t.t.l Ave. lt WU p\f.nl\ed by t.he Senior Youth J'el· lo•llUP ot the Balboa lll&nd Com- munlt,y Mathodiat Chu.rch. Honor- SYMBOLIC COMMUNION FOR UNIVERSALIST GROUP Univeraallsll will ahue In U\e obeervance of World Com- munion Sunday on Oct. 2 with a 1ymbollc communion' Mr- Vice where in the worahlp service the elementa will be dedl· cat.ed but not distributed. The aennon subject of the Rev. .Frederick R!fll'• will• be "Areu ot Arrecment With Our Chri1Uan Frlenda.'' The Unlveraall.et Cornmunlly Fellowahip, a llber&l church group, meell every Sunda yet the !:bell Clubhouae, 511} W . Balboa Blvd., with Sunday echool for all age groupa at 10:80 L m. and church Mrvice at 11 o'clock with Sunday echool pupll1 jolnlnr 111 the opentnr worahlp. • . - Angelee, Mra. Davia Whiting of, Mr. Glenn and Mr. Whiting (in rear). Reception guHt.s were Grandpar- ent. llr. and Mrs. Angu. Potter and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilcox ; Mr. and Mn. John Webeter and Mr. Wayne Webster. -Staff Photo • TWO CiiOIRS TO SING Sacred Concert at C. M. Baptist nTat BapU.t Cburcll ot Ooeta Meaa la holdlnC ita f&U Sacred Mu.tcale Sunday at T:SO p.m. with both Chaneel and Adult Cboina t.akinr part. Mt.. Unda Wickey la orpnlat and M..S• Valdez -will direct. · Sololall wtU be Min erva Price. PhlllJp Bdlu- ber and Don Valdes. Robert Scbu· ma.rm will be Yiolla 80lolal. After the concert there will be a aocial hour ln th• youth een- t..-with ...trab.menll aerved al· t.erward. There will alao be 1peclal mu-* at Uae 11 a.m. Mmce wlU\ the Rn. P . O. Neumann apea)t· inf on "He Would Not Come Down''. lu.nday ecllool la at 9:4!1 a.m. w1th a tllU'Ml')' tor chlldren under 6. Bapti.t Tratnlnr Union la a t t :30 p.rn. Bible atudy t.e on Wednellday at 7:30 p.m. wtth prayer groups foUowlnr. Dr. Gerald Harvey Guest Speaker for Methodists Dr. Gerald B. Harvey wW be ~eat 11peaker for World Wide Communion Sunday. Oct. 2, al ed JUUll were the atudtnla who AT BALBOA ISLAND Jt&ve jU1t entered hlJh achoo!. Following the s upper the rroup puild~ed in ~&me8 and STOUP .tnstnc. Otto Hoel' of Coeta Mee& •"9d u planlat. Thoee attendlnt Included 8&.Ddy • J'lffr. Melinda Rork, Mar,.aHt J'rueban, J eanine Bonner, Donna J111IU\, Jean Smith. Dean P~. ~rs• Hau1er, Ron Carl, Henry i'llfl'Y, Ron St. Clair, Sue St. Clair, Larry Metcalf, Dan Sand.I, Sharon Waidelich, Marilyn ShooteT, Bar· k~ H&.rper. Susie Stone, John Installation Rite for Church School Officers - . Chrut Church By the Bea . He wUI speak at the 9:30 and 11 o·clock aervicea at the local Corn· munJty Methodist Church. Th• choir wtll atnr u a IJ*:lal Com· munlon anU\em, "God So Lond the World" by St.alner. The choir 11 directed by Mn. Irma Rutt.er and the organl1t la Mra. LaVeme Jacobi. Metho&.t Cburch. Th11 body la In cbars-of al.I major program mnphu9 of eoulhland Method- lam under a new plan of organl- u Uon. J'or over 11 yean Dr. Harvey U. headed the Conlerence B<lard ot edue&Uon. Lul May he re- t.ured from a 1pedal 1lx • month mlMlon to th• Methodl.t churche1 J.n KoN&. 0urtnr bu m y in Korea he worked with native church 1toM1en In denloplng new church -ac:bool c u r r l c u I a and leaderahlp. Re wlD •J>Uk about .ome ot the hl(h polnl.!I and 1m- pni.k>na of hi• trip to Korea. .. bnUua, Allen Guenther, Mr. and J(r-9. c . Doucl•N Ferry, Mr. and Mn. Moeg, and the Rev. and Mn. Donald a. Sapp. Speakers Heard by Fellowship Women of Corona del M.t.r ~muatty C h u r c h Fellow1blp Ilea.rd two prom!Juml epe&ktrll WMn they held thtlr lnitlal faJJ ....ion 8ept. 28. Dr. Oeorr• Kil· ler J r.. dean of Alew>o Collere tn 8yria, told of °'" work amonr 1tudenta who number 490 boys an4 10 ('lrla. Thr Rev. oi.nn lmalll'Md Jr.. new .e<:ret.ary of «ewantahlp and miMion1, told alMul thl• part of c:oolere1tce work. Mn. Oliver M. OUnpbell wu 'P"orram chairman for the day and u Women·a Gitt cb&Jnnan. told ot where thl' mite money Soff· She at.o Introduced other ..,.Uera. Mre. Burt Pl'oct.er outltned her work at P11rrlm Pin.. Youth CU!lp durlnit the MJmmer. Youth Program at Island Church Newly appointed otflceni and rence Broertnr. crad.I& roll auper· teachers of the Balboa llla.nd lntendent; Mn. Clyde Shooter Community Methodist c hurch and Mni. C. Dourlua Ferry, kln- 8cbool were lnat.aJJed Sunday, derp.rten: SepL ~. at the 11 o'clock eervtc• O~e teachera are; Mn. Vem of worahlp. The lnltallaUon, con-Smith, nnt; Mu. Lelnau. MCOnd; ducted by the Rev. Donald O. Mra. John Loy, third; . M.ra. Sapp, waa held In oonnecuon Balnea, fourth: .MJq J~ Smith, with the obaervance of Chrlellan fifth: Mr1. Leonard Barrrave. Education We()<. 11fxth: Mr. Waidelich. -eevenU\: Introducing the new worker• and Mr. Ferry, nlnlh and tenth wu Matthew V. Waidelich. chair-gndu. man of the commlulon on Edu-Subatltute teachera are M:ra. cation. Th• gToup lnc.luded: Mra. Robert lbbotllOn. Mr1t. Michael P. F . B&inu, •u11erlntendl'nt; Mr• Carl. Mra. Francia Riley, and Waller Schmid .. ualslant 1uper· Clyae S~ooter. Teachlnr poeta tor lntendent; Mr•. Robert Leln1u, the 8th, 1 lth and Uth .,.adu are secretary -treuurer; Mra. Law-yet lo be tilled. Lutherans to Note Anniversary Date The 25th anniversary of the American Lutheran Church. will be celebrated Sunday at duplicate eervtcea at 9 a. m. and 11 :15 a. m. at Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. The service boun are changed from the former 8 :30 and 11 o'clock schedule. Sunday School moves up to 10 L m . tor th• first ltl'&de throu«h adult.a with tht pre-school and kindergarten dep&rlmenlll meet· lnr durtnr the 9 a. m. Mrvlce. A nurHry for 11mall children 11 provided during both the lf'rviru aa well u through the Sunday School hour. A new adult Bible cl&8I Ill achedulei.t st 10 a . m. under the dJrecllon of Putor A candleUfht "ffrv~ce of mem-Robert B. Gronlund. 1*-aJtlp" la planntd for 1 p. m.. 8RMQN THEME The Saturday School. a auppS.· ment lo the Sunday program, In· clud"• the Junior Lutheran group for the third, fourth, and ntt.h graJea a.nd contlnnaUon lnet.ruc- tlon for the lllxth, 1evenlh. and tlfhlh padea. In addition choir tralnln1 111 provided with th• church bue tu'nitahln1 trff tl"&nl- portallon. BundlL)', Oct. 2, for tM Senior Mr. Groftlund'• .. rmon for the New Officers for B. I. Youth Youth Jl'ellowlhlp of the Balboa llll'ftl' o~ce I• t ntllled "Sim· I 1 la n d Comqiuiilly Methodl1t ,,.hearted. UnatraJd". An an- Olurch. New meD\befl will be nl"nary proiram and ra.mtly eftlclally -lcomed and J1ven nJcflt 11 aet tor 7 p. m. wtth their cerda '11 memberahlp. ahowinr of the anni~•ry film- PlaJinlnr th• 1ervlce 11re Shar-atrip "VUAion of ProgreN". Tom Brennan wu elect-1 pre- cin Waidelich and Ron St. Clalr. 'nl• .American Lutbenua Church 1ldent of the Intumtdtall Youth Mn. N<'ra Ttllmany w1ll •"• &11 .., a ~It Of a merrer Of three Fellowahlp ot lh. 'Balboe. bland erpnC•t. IAat1'enui bodJu In October of Community Metbodllt Church a l Th• prorram will alao lnclude lHO. Thw annlverl&I')' wm prob· the fall orpnla.tionat meeUnc the lbowlng of "Att You t. Good held Sunday tnnlnr at the home CttiMD !", a Col'Cllel nlm Which allfy '-UM last oblerved by the Of the group'• ad'f1119T"1, Mr. and <'P.all~Jea ewry vtewer to check ALC u DMrrtt wtlh three other Mra. Matt.hew V. Waidelich, 206 up on hla own Sood cltlHnllllp Lutheran bod.lea 11 elq*:ted to Pe&rl Aft. raUnf and belpe him undentand be eemp11ted by 1959, tormlnr Other olttcer1 DUMd were th• role of ..a--oc:rauc lnatJtuUona a dlaJ"dl of o•u 2 mutton mem· ..,..., b9rl. Dick 8rwuMu1, m. preetdmt; U. our way ot lite. R«:reatlon -·--· ._ Oall o ... .,. aecretary; Jackie u a I t Creehmmll ar. ai.o on the ---A-..AOllU8 BANQu .. a Otblr aet.i'flU .. at Uae Newport Painter, tnuurer; Barbara Ken· -Cetida. a-•-.. •-Ch h •-clud ... ... nedy, nh-Mhmentl; Ten1 Wald•· The -·p i. o-to all hi_.. .......... urc '" • ... e •·--r-· ••• ~ .. ·--~-• Bunda• .. _ .. ool tea Uch, publJclty; Joel 1'rueh&n, tele-~i.ool youth.I. """'ou _,..... , """" • cMra banquet.. Tbul'9day a t e :30 pbone: ~d Pama&a P90plff, wor- FllUIT OllU1&Cll OP CDDT p. m. "1th th• Ru. Herman lhlp. 8Cl&N'n8T MNI Mtyer of "11lerl0ft u A. tel • M:quablt.ed party I• ,_ i.ro~ ,~r~•~0~~·.~~.~~· """ apu.lcu and the openlnr of Sat-tcheduled fw Sunday, Oct.. t , ln o... ., CIW!tt 1c1011111, 11t .,._. urd&7 8cllool at t :ao a.m. Oct. l . the church 119UO. =-...... . . '"' .. .. ;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;;;;;,;;;,;;;,;~ =::..!;'·~:..,.. ..... _ ~·=:: :: CHUI CH OF REUGIOUS SCllNCI .....,... ._ -.... « u11 YJ. u.., l:rne.t Holm• founder, author ot "Idec• of Mind." ~ '"'' i. .,.. ._. ..,. "-s~av SER..,.~ •-~-... Ill, le ... lllA • .......,. "-URUA& '"a'°'ao 11 llJIL ,.. •·"'-.. 74 •·•~ "'14et ·-' ,. '· •-'-Ch--a.. --"' N "'--11 • S..•cl.., D,,.,, i 10 S -Clo-..1 Holid•"· • •-r IU"8 -1ll'lel'J' ~ La. ,.. ,.,.,.. f• ...... ,~ l•>ff•d .. ....... ~. hill h.rlt. ld*ter ::.. ~ l.tfc•• •"4 ••• "'• ,..,.,,.. LAGUNA~ A&T OA.LLE&Y llYatt f-'nlf' llT C11tt Dr. Dr. Hervey la necuUve ~ tary of the CoordlnaUnr Council ot the Southern C&IJfomia·Arl· sona Annua.r Conlerenoe of the Officiants at Rites For Rector The Rt. Rev. Francie !:tic Bloy, Bishop of Lot Anrelu will be aNllted by U\e Rev. We1ley Hav· ermale In the aervlce of Institution on Thunday, 7:30 p. m .. for the Rev. John H. Parke, rector, and U\e ... latent nctor, th• Rev. Rollo M. Bou. A reception wtU be lleld alterward In the Pariah Houae wt th St. Joan'1 Guild aa boat.-1 group. Mornlnr ..mew ue I. t :l5 and l 1 a. m. with Holy Communl.on al all. The rector will pru.ch on "Our Putoral RespolllibUIUea." Younr Peopl•'• FeUowahlp la at 8 :30 p. m. Adult lnqulren' Clua at 8 p. m, Conttnnauon will be In January and the cla.m tor JW\• lora II on 8aturday1 at a :30 L m. Friday at 7:30 p. m. la nm ~ of the Muon for th• 1'.uow.tllp and Mn. J ohn C. Knapp wtU be ln charre. °J>arenta' Council meetJq I• alat· ed tor Monday at a p. m . Youth fellawablp rroupa meet at th• church at 1lx o'clock an Suadt.y • ., • n I n g. The Stnlor Hlp J'ellowllhlp wlll be boat to th• i r o u p from Colla Mua Methodist Church. Rally Day at Newport First Baptist Rally Day will br helll al tht S'und&y School of the Flr11t B•r· Uat Church of Newport Btarh. 19th and W. Balboa Blvlt., Sun- day at' 9:4li a. m . Specl11I award• will be rven to teacher• and cla.u With 100 per Ct!ll a t· tendanee. World OammunJon Sunday will be obee~ at the 11 a.m. 11erv· Ice. The putor'• aermon will be "Chrlat J'or The World." The eveninr aemce will begin at 7 p.m. with Uae putor apealclng on "Tb• Vlctorloua Ufe." An all-chutch pot luck dJnner will be held J'r1day a t 1 p. ·m. z.ch famlly la a1ked to brtn~ a conred dllh and It• oyvn K l'· 'flee. Snt.ertaJmnent will be for both children and 1dulta. Guut. and frleN!e are Invited. LOOKING FOR A CHURCH MOME? YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 2l501 out DriYe. Newport ffeipbl "O'f•looktnl lleulUl\JI Newport Harbor' NB!W URVJcm TJKD t :OO a.m. and u :ia Liil. . . . . BUNDA. T ICBC>Ot-1.ll fnd• UU'\I adul\a-10 a.m. ~kbool and XJndersarten-t a.m . ,. Free luncky khoel bu. Nur&ll'J' at t, 10 It 11: 15 OCT. 2-Amerioaa Ultheft.11 O~ .A.nnt..-...ry Sunday LI 3&31 ROBERT B. GRONLUND, Putor Lt 8-7239 planned. Sunday, Ocl. H . win bt obeen•ed u "Good Neighbor Sun- , .. -~. --· .. m tmnmtURRllCE Of im·· For almost two tbouund ynra the S1cra- ment of the Lord'• Supper hu bun u le- brattd by Chrl1t1 an1 evrrywhcrt. Tho1.11h •1rio1t1ly int erprettd by the churchu . th991h 1dmi11i1ttred with d11fcrcn1 ritual, it bu al. WIJ'I remained our unify1nc bond ... rbr Co111•u•io1 ol rbe Cburclt wirb bu Lord. On World Wide Communion Sunday Chrilti1n concrc11uon1 all ovtr the cl?be will uaemblt to ctlebratt 1h11 Communion. Esch will follow it• own 1ccu1tomcd uu11e. t:urcllinc the ri1h1 of religious freedom that the fr H peoplu of the world treu urc so hiahly. And 11 million• receive t he Sacra- ment they wlll b• C;)nsd<1ut of t he joyous h ith that uniu1 them w11h OM another and with Chrilt. Thi• i1 a century of cri1i1 in which thon who tr«Hun their 1pir11u~I heritage muu 11an.d tocether ... mull Uce with cour•ge the alarmlnc crowth and ruthln a power of 1n 11hei1m dedicated 10 the ovrrthtow -of both freedom and religion Jain your fellow Chrratians 11 The Lord'• Table I -. .. ,, , Phono liarbor 42 / ,, / /_, ,,, , ,,. ,, ... ,..,. __. - -... \ . THE CKUIQf FOi AU. , , , AU roa THE CKUlat Tho Chu1ch " Ille 9reat011 foe. '';:.,on ..,,.., lor rt.. bu1lcltft9 of c r0C1or and Vood <'lllhtlolup /t !.:, o ~torehou,. ol •ru11uol •al~•• d '1 "' 0 otrono Church ll•••h•r •mocrocy nor c1•11uotto" can au,vi•• n,.,. ore lour ao d t•o:u on1 wny • .,.,, P.ttOn h u~ 'lJ'•nd •••--•c•a t99ulod y an~:~ Mii ·~· Church r~. r Or• I j, ror h .. Ow ft toke 17! r rh11.l,tl'n .. •11t. ll) r h or h11 ot h•• Of I • 1ot• for I <OmJ111Jnt1y Otld nollon, 14) h lie •a l e ol •he Church 111•11 w I'., t'lf't' la lua ll'tOrol 01\d • '•1 0 ""'' rott Pl •o· ~·,·rch ·~ouJorlr o~ ,':od"°.,O: Pl •• 001 y Doy Book Ch1p1tt Ver ... S undo • Luk• JI l·IJ Mood•' Lu\, 11 T uo 117 John IJ l4-J1 w,~"••d''°''" • •·11 Tllu11~17 I Con••hlu 1 II l·IJ Pt1d17 . I Tl,.,01~7 I 11 ·11 51turdo7 II T •motllr 4 ~~I . r,,.4lot J ~.•111•A4 ' t ' ( ~ • , • .-. t . • ,. • • • • ' \ i'his Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms ART C. KISTLER CO., RHlton Bay Front Spech1ll~I~ Z901 Ne"·port Blvd. N'"'l>Ort &-ach Harbor 5226 ' Marlo's Smart Set Hair Fashions Complete Styllnr Pem11nent Waving and Tlntlnir S40'7 Eut Coast H"·y. Harbor :m» NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Furnishing• %620 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-1113 Freel Orgeron Chevron S.nic• T iree -Batterlea -Ac<'usorles Complete Lubrkatloo • 2100 W. Balboa Bl\·d., Newport Beach Harbor 1516 MAC PELLETIER'S Newport Beach PharmaC'y 2108 Ocean Froot Newport Beach Harbor •'> UNl9U! CAFE . Brellkfut. -Lunch -IJlnncr ' UO 32dn St., (.\crOM front City Hall) Emle Church-THE ARCHES Uruon 0 11 Do ler S400 W. Cout Hwy. Ne"·port Be~h U 8-906S The hland Patio Restaurant SOO Marble A \'e. Balboa l8land ILANCH! IENZ The Yarn Shop Cba.rt-Auembl-Block A Jnaotn1rt SOS}) Marine Ave. Harbor OIW> CUSTOM AUDIO hbUc Addr•• -Hl·FI -T11pe Re<'!l r<lrrao tll ntll St. Nnvport Beach Harbor 1506 GEORGI M. GRAHAM Rup and earp.ta 112 Ap&e Ave. Balboa llland Harbor SW f DICK MACKER Drapi>rlt'11 Ca1 p .. 111 t 'phol1tery Comr1 .. 1e F1 ee lJrcoratlng Servtce 3.t20 \'ia f.Jdo Harbor UZ8 MAD MOORE NURSERY 6alhoa Bh·d. at 21st Newport Beach NEWPORT HARBOR IANK An lnJtpenJent Home Bank Corona dtl Mar The Port Hole BrHkfast House Ml·ln1g hl tu 11 A M. 2217 W. Coa11~ lliway, S ewport Beach STAFFORD & SON t-;/N•t riral C '•Jf\l n1rtor11 110 Rh·t-rsidf' A \'f•, S f'Wport Beach Uhf'rty M-2:!76 Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Thi'"<' 1t.<·at1rm11 tn Srn·.-You Sf'WJ>Ort Buch Balboa Corona drl Mar Tommy Wilson Beauty Salon 2.;15 E. Coast llwy. Harbor 2181 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT ('urfr ,. l'l11•1• '11wn 24 l u111ri• 394,; W. Coft.. .. t II~·. (at Ralboa Cove•) Harbor :lX20 Laurie Woo~worth Piano Co. ,.,,mp!Plf' LlnP "' :>;rw l!t \'aoM r 1anoe 2GJO K Coa.."t lfn ~. Harbor "81 ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Tintler I ho :'\l'w Mllrtagcnmcnl of Mr. Pat Harbor 1821 H. H. HOLBROOK T tp• n•lable Plumbln,sr 2801 W. Balb-Oa Bhd. Harbor f6U