HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-05 - Newport Harbor News Press&O Voa-e8 -N~ll Wortcl Travelo .. 1 Sirles t B&AUTIJ'UL OOLOll J'IL1U OCT. 10.A.P1UL 16-ALWA.Ta OM llONDAY8 '"" "PA.Oa.urT or PllRU"' -"SWSDEN'' "COLOR.rUL COLOR.ADO" -"BA v A.RUN "Wl:8Tl:IUf CA.NA.DA" -""l"ID ADRIATIC" Pric.9: 18.IO, ff.Tl , M.00 (Inc. Tu) NlllWPORT RJOH SCHOOL AUDrl'ORJUM ~ R.en atiou Now COJION'A DEL llAA TllAVEL SDVJCE 16'1~ E. C..-1111:11-1' -114.. IHe THE 80bKCA8E, Mli Vla IMo -RA. .... LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAI• SHOP SALllC>A TB&&ft& Bl.BG. ILU.BOA o,.. "--tlln ~ KATIE'S CORNER . Balboa Island . e Short Orders (Burgers I Chili) 9 Hom•-m4tds Pisa & Caks1 e Homs-mads Bread I Qo -Nuh e Dinner ( 6-9 p. m.) • Breakfe1t Ala Cvte Food To Go e Call Hcwbor 5715 . 0,.. I La · 11 ~--dally -0...t Wed. Paris -''"-a Apt. (Fflft'J' &) Hi96 . Qoollf9f ,,inting-Ph. Hor. '''' . v.•l(anlp'I s~iCilu C)&t ... 1 •• ....... ~ ........ DOUGHNUTS 6 a. ffC .......... erv.M, Chuol-., 0...llw ~ICllM DOUOllMlll ' .. 25' ......... c:auum •.. ' .. 25' . ... ... .. ( .................. ) ......... .111 ....... .. ...., DOUOl•MI J•2r .......... 2.a..,.r ctu11lats NCAN CMI ... . ..... ~ .. .. 41),.,,,..._ -. -~~~~ OOSTA llDA ,.,.. ,.....,... ... OOllOMA Dll:L llil .. ee.t 11w7. AOOllD'e UGOXA BaAOll ..... ......, .......,. -..urD ............. JrSW'l'On mAC9 . .,.... .... NEW M•singwear. t Fledo-Flash Sport Shirts • R#/f«:t 1'eadlitfltla • Flal& Cl 6ri/licllll ~ '° ~ • PraJtnt "~ ~ "'"'-' Collctr s1 9S ..... ' •• _.,. ..,.., 11.M :.._ J..U ,,.,...,. "•xfN•"ler .. ,. lflMIO.-. --_,,, ... tl.66 A.lire, N#• ... ,,lot ~ R ,_..., .. ,_ ........ ~ ._.,.. ... ., ....... .-_.._..,$ a .... ,.. ........ 2 ··'ftllit• I I, .. 1 )' ~ ... . ,. 0 ...................... Q:fw ...... , .................. -~ ......... at .. ! 9$1 ... ·--• s:· I 11 • 8WllY· 9-1,_ one .... w ..... S&H .......... ........ 3 ... ,, CIMAT~l•ff lfOAI Oii tlle 0... r.... .. ,_.St. 0.. ....... ,._ ....... ... ~t:tt l"A:af NIWPOIT llACH .. NOW rs THE TIME FOR ~~LL .PLANTING MA'ITlln••s ...... -a--TraUen lrnplaf 9ll!p.a 1.Aert7 ~lMI <J08TA llESA llA'l"l'llEM 00. . lllt Newpon lllK -rFor the fine« ln Commercial PrlntJnC. calJ Harbor 1e1e, Job Prtn~ Department. of BULBS bedding plenh - 1tock, calendufe, viol'a1, pansies. ipeclal -ROSE BUSHES Frw M.tee • C,_atve 1.-d~J-YMI' FrtndJy N111"Mry WAYSIDE GARDENS BUD HEIDEN. Owllfor ~ !li~n Blvd. Coata 11 ... I . .-0¥9 S"'°"lde• ._,, cwt from tcW•'"-groded U.S.O.A. ... ... IMA* '"h"ed ... 1. _.... .. ~oy >'°"." lt.W tqVOf'9 _ I .. ..._ 111 ..,._ ..._ ._. CHOICf lAMI. corefvlly ~ to ,_i, o4 .. ftde.-11 ......,, ..:.. ...._ It ..,., ot\d ~ • .._,, fvlly '"''"''~·Yow get MOre eootl =-= ..... ~...::. -_,.,,. _.. "' Md> ,.,.... ,..., ....,., .. So1ewcry. Clrculatloft 21,000 DWl1IMded .. Ncwpu•......_IWboa. ..... ..... a... ... Mar, COllla ..... Lac-. leetJa i...-. ... ._, a+ca ..... PAINT-IEFORE THE RAINS! Aat Price for A....,. I IOOIR St.cco ELLSWORTH CONTRAcmtG 2032 Pl9cHtia Costa Mesa u 1-7'11 ....... u 1-5262 BRf Al<rAS T SUGGE STI ONS COFFEE MLU9 .. _.. ;o:t:J:u u• Pett11.iu :; II' COMfUlllL•-. .... ftl s.rc., ._ • ~ .... a~ s a LAMB LEGS:· ~63' LAMB BREASTS:~ 9 LAMB CHOPS a. ~~95' =-~79 :~59 ""101...._ -.;D t a • 'la • a us ... •• .. -.:19' M •.;..-i;:s ·..;.if. W' U ...... ~ .... l1r15 I ·-·~Zffc ADDfT'IOHAL JAVIHGS OH Ml!ATS AT SAFl!P AY PORK SPARERIBS SLICED BACON .............. ....... , ........ CORNED BEEF •. 45c GROUND BEEF ~ 39' ....._ ....... Mltd-C\lrecl. USOA o..ic.. lfl .._, VWi"'e. ~ .._ ~-P'...M FILLn OF SOLE ~ 45' FISH STICKS ~·· ~ 39' C..--'• a.... (Nick.fr---.... lteode4.,... ...... W-» ......._fr• MAISllMAU.OWS '.! 25' f\U,,·l·HT. i.. poly plottic bov PWIUT IUTTtl 't.; 39' lfVUtY. C ... ._. or Creo"'y '8HJI IWtS 2 ·::: 23· GA•DfNSIOf CUT. GOlDBI COIN ":. 18' Oft MOHTt. c......, StyW Dll Pl(J(lfS :0 "-:. 29' ~ HoWM or ~ ltyle Sltew.._, ....... Blee CAUFOINIA f'IMl •.c:• !: 21' lONCi GUlt RICE ~ 13' llOWN RICE :: 15' MAYDAY SALAD OIL NUCOA MARGARINE EGGS LARGE GRADE AA atUM O' TMI QOP, ..... BEVEJlAllD LA MESA WINES MUSCATfl. '<>IT, Olt SHUO Molr••oeodfood .,...45c •o , ... ,,.,. b.tt.rl .., ...., ........ , ... 6'!:-1.48 6 '!:-1.19 __ ._•"'l--'~O..., =·~ :21c -65c ..__._, ..... " ... (1 3 ..... .,.. ft ... '----·.:i,i•---IOCiM. ... MM 2:';.8'•.~!'. ;o l f I ~ ' • • .. ' \ I .,,W•;c.111:11.1.1.gw ~ I ~·W.w.Alr &5'AIMIS9UIS -,; l9' me•=. 2:: 29' ft811 .,, ClllP8 FISH STICIS ~· --= J9' flBIOI FIES =-!:& SKIPPY DOCi FOOD 'S: 5c ..a .... -.. .. SIL ... 6. J, t. ttll. II~ mml 8 .... . ....... -..... ................... _. ......... _... .................. _ ..... _ _..._ MELROSE COOKIES CMHOllt, 0..-.-1...... 25 ._..,.._....._. ...... c .....,by ...__ ,.. \'SAFEWAY .... llC>mla ..._ ........... . (...., w ...... ) ................. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLDT1' or P&UINO O!f •.AM&PAYmLOI • 3 SAU DAYS -TMUIS., fll., SAT. Oct6, 7, I las+.nt ~eel Pork. Whole or Haff PORK LOIN Fancy lasten. Ce11ter Cllt, .. or. Lolll PORK CHOPS GRO'ND BEEF Willam's Lean. Boneless Round CORNED BEEF AH-American'i "Tip-Top" lrand Pure Pork SAUSAGE '~~·· ~i.s ANOTHER BIG SHIPMENT IN FOR THIS SAL MODERN 31-FOOT HIGH _ a·LACK 'N' BRASS· Here they are again -the SAME Parrakeet Cage that the department stores are selling from $1 4.95 to $8.881 There's room for vne, two, or three birds iQ this happy home -and just COMPARE the price I ,. -• t"" • I $ t TO SILL FOR $14.95!! t TUE PERCH ••• $1 EXTRA t~·--•o., -• ••• ·n..- :;.,,, .J --... ::Id:!!": ._ __ OL Can -~-···· 29c Oz. Can --···· 97c oL Can ·-······· $1 n Oz. ~Sett $1 .19 SLIM CHEEZ con AGE CHEESE . Farm & Home .,.. .. "95 /Jelic~tessen Luer's Al-Meat ' WIENERS. Grand Taste lrancl. Large BOLOGNA e .. e .. -----~--------- RATH ILACKHAWK . CA·NNED HAMS No SldBI $ No lone! No Waste! 61-LIS. 29 L-----------~---~ NATURAL AGED ilNDLESS I WR'S SLICED I Wlr5 SUCID CHEDDAR : BOLOGNA : CHOPPED HAM ~ 49~ i 1 ~ 4J.c \ ~ 35c EXTRA-FANCY WASHINGTON STATE JONATHAN Crisp. Jmlcy -WONDIRFUL eating! - EXTRA-FANCY RIYIRSIDE VALENCIA FROZEN FOODS UOUORS I I r - - - - -.. Special Pure .... ! - - - - - , • HAID APPLI $ 13 • : SPEEDEE COMPLETE .: : : c I DER : DI I IE RS : I ... l-4al011 Jug! I • ROAST IEEA I I ----• GROUND IEEf , WITHTOM.~TOSAUCB • • ~-fUU GAUONI sl 39 : • :c::o~SA~ : ; BURGUNDY I Y ovr Choicet I TOWN & COUNTIY CHICKEN IROILERS A Full ~ Chicken in ••· 12~ Pkg.I SUNKIST LEMONADE ROSE BREADED SHRIMP '3" 11 ~ s1• i BURGUIDY_s1 11 1' 49 c : RUM WHISKFY I Fifth SJ31 1en,.,.'t' SJH •• tu:..... e DOWNIY •• e NORWALK e NIWPOIT llACH • ..._ '• .._., COi-MU10llll 6 IOL..+.M '' C~ MllJO. 6 Ml Ell J.-COAft l .. llW.: Al ,... IAAf 'Ta.....,., t A.IL,. M P.M. '""' OfllM DAIL T .,., ....n Of9' W A.Ill. TO P.M. DAIL T e GAIDEN GIOVE e CORONA DIL MU e SAN CLIMINTI ,... ............ , ............ COAST ....... , AT w•• .. a CAl•O BAL IAILY t:tl A.M. TO 1 .... P.M. IAILY titl A.M. TO , .... P.M. t A.IL'° t , ..... IM9AY t '° 1 r.11. Tiberg-Ki~inger Vows Repeated . in Oneonta Church Stork Shower Honors Mesan Hononnr Mn. Cheat.tr Tbomp- aon. • tprpt"tM at.ortt llllOWw wu hh1 on Sept. U at UM ~ ot Mr11 Phllllp W~ IOll5 Placfntla Ave., Coata M..._ OC>- ho•tuaea with Mra. WllMwortll ,,,.,.,... M.re. cart Ru-u aact Kn. W W. Stephaaa. A Jars• at.ortt c.Jecoratad UM rir"'-hmHit tallle.. Invited t o the attUr .,... Mm o William Schick. W. S. Cotrman, R. H. Poem. ROJ er.ts. Cora Todtr, Cbeatar Cartn, &. H . Huterly. Thomu llelJen. MU')' Hall. Juanita Hebert, a-Mll· ler of T\.wlla, fto1 lapu.ndeoa, Sue McMaln. Claude IC--. V. L. Miiey. O. t... 9pecer. Malade Dtt. ltr of Mur901t.., Oltl&., and KW- H Bonnie ~U and rr- RMt«rly. Sees Rush Week at Willamette Mr•. Arthur Kramer, N. Bay Front. reh1med Sept. JI trom a trip to 8a.lem, Or.. where h• daurhter Mary wu •t.ered u a fruhmfn at Wlll&mflte Unlnr· •tty. On the way nort.b the two atop- ped a t Sacramento whore MH. Kramer vlalted a fonner claM- mat.e, Mra. Wayne Pollock. 11My •J>ftll three day1 In Portland WMre they Yi.11ted relatlvu , Ulen went 011 to the unlveni.ty for orlentaUon and ruah wttk which f'Rded wtlh MIH Kramtr pied~ to Pl Phi. TbJ1 wfflt Mr• Kramer·, aunt. Mra. W.ry Patt.e of Brfntwood. I u hou .. ~•t and wu honored a t a lunch~ and bride• party Tuuday. PlaeH wore laid tor ctchL Johlt Klwa•lt Meet -1 N __.port H a r b o r KIWIUl.lana held an Int.er-club mnUnr Ulla noon at Hotel JAcua&. Thunday U.. KJwant.a.u ..W hold UleJr '*aal lunc!Mon m•Unc w1UI l:d· ward 1-Ruaell, dlract.or of Or- anp oounty health tfepartment u ~-· Allaers Haft S- WATER llEATEU SAi.ft. SUVICt ••• UPAIU Jo6 fi::.6!olJ PARKES -RIDLEY llOBTVAllY For Complete MARINE NEWS MARINE SUPPLIES MARINE SECTION in the Friday Edition NEWPORT HAUOR NIWI TJM WlWa.a ~ Gll Aea· el& Aft., .,.. ,.... .. ot a lliaby PRiii aio1 bo1tt ...._ II a ltoe.c Ho. pita&. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LAJtGJ: Oil TOO SKA.LL uo-.1&..Nw,.n._. .,_WI S,.cials for THURSD.AY FRIDAY & SATURDAY UDO DRUGS HARIOI DRUGS Octoller 6. 7mtell FAY LESS soiP 2 25c ·--..... ~~·--·······-2 -15c LUX SOAP 10' PAYLESS . FOi PAP& PRODUCTS ;:,;; __ ~ __ 17c ,.~ ..... I 8oott di PAPER TOWELS ~ 2 .... 35c ro1LET TISSUE _ .. _ 3 Pw·T ·Loc FIRE LOG .... I .It ao,..a 11arcnat a JT· ...... ,.,.., n -• ,... , ... COMFORTER ... IUI .. 1As1U1' A~ ELECTRIC ILANKET O.ty 1850 ...... _..I'~ .._.mi. .,.,... IW4 atu f1ter r••r ••••In tltt i!iilll SUPER PLENAMINS SWEEPSTAKES A .... '56 .... YI wtl~ ,._.If,_,,.._ of the fint10..-................. .. S..,.." ' Sw111 . ' C.-M .-., ••• ... .,.. ._ ............... Miry bloM ........ _....._ ................ fy ........ ~. 11 Vitamins, 12 Mineral• IN ONE TABLET DAILY c-. !ft for yow ...... ~ ........ .Nleorftlhen.e.91Mut 5'ipw Pt.. ••I .. 0.. taWet • ., .... yw ...... ,.w .... .... ,..1;1 .. fttefol ........ ...... ....................... ~ ...... - ,,,.,. YhofMI •••• We edli, ..., ciee.....,.101wand ... 1,... ......... McAuclftt 1 ~ ... ,..,, ..., lroft 91'4 ........... I I , .. a...aSvpwPt..1 ... h 1111tobe .. .,,.... t .. H •., .,.,,_..,._by tolout"'laec 30, 1'SS. NATIONWIDI ,.,.,o_.._...- .... --'"' fertl. N1itct1000 ............ ....... ,..,..~,., .................... ---------·------ PAYLESS I ABC BEER . . ~· SHADY Portable Of M ...... , GROVE Laundry Cart ...... Dliana ILSIQ) Dry ST-OW rtrrll c ...... T•dndmr Allllil..._ ...... Uc:lte WMeh 'Yr. Old , .... "noor •noor ..... •eci. S4.ts 111 T7 s5n Only $2.'5 BE SURE -INSURE .... IUUIUIC 8TANLl:'f .._,_ OalJ no.. .......... ,. Ul& E. OeM& ......,._, eo,...,.. 11ar llOlllCll "to" . . . . . . .. Private Polioe • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL 4L80 CALL COMMERCIAL SICUllTY PATROL Kl 2-7027 SCHICK "20" SHA YR SCHICK "CUSTOM" SHAYll '11.N WJTll ft.ADS.IN 11....-WITllOVI' ~Df Codm,eficd Coloai&I ~ IM&lll To~ 0,,. 8kJe LOTION -. ...... ···--············· .. ·-···-7'r o.a-a.a .,._ '100 HORMONE CREAM .... a ... 8eloll r ....... HAIR IEAUTY SPECIAL C'Olltala• .._,.. wat.r ~,.. _, 11.u nr.-a., -""'· ..... Lady IAU..r • P\lrpoM Uttdd ,._ CREAM -.. ...... ·--·--- r_. ANGEL SKIN-... ... ........... 7,, NITE SUPER RICH l'trPl'.ll lllOlllTUU U8TOIUNO LOTION Bec· MM .... ·-·-- "='· "·" .: ...... ...... T Tipp.d BOUIE PINS ! l'arda -M ..._ "FREI" 011e 12" LwJ Playillt lecerd by slt•llMJ • for ... Col•.W. leconl Club. COIM a. •d sh)ft 11p TODAY 9t "' Record Depa 11uw11t White Hone 'cotch AM $626 YINCINT'S RADIO DEPT. ICAV....,Cd OM rt "Y1-...i•41 1-... ,..,.. IAlod·' ,_ ....... "°' ... --~ _.. lfl ••• lltp .,,.,.,.. lar'" ... --"'°"' ,.... "'l'O-,. TV or rodio ~ roclc.. G1111ef\Ong bfoct -6- -~.Modillu..I. ' ' J } - JJ 0 sH P 0 H ' el Pbattef .......,., M • t""1 ..... OoUll\7 .-.nu ..... tM D 0 S Pll 0118 mo4e&a. Ud ...i. 4-PkU... all oij lnd1&1lr)' o~t• and juat . J*uee ot oU producUGD. Uat litlow how important It la to th• aeon· let A.a 1•11 wUl ... .,.. ,... Lo ..... ,ulM ~ ot u.. °'l'ml7· .. Mid ......... .,... .. ,._ 1 Lo ·10 ..... d&U7, ..,..... "It ..... decided Lo bold u.. 0,.. C L A 111 P I I D ~ Lo 91* a•' 11' M~ Boue &a October Lo ~ wt~ "" Aa oa ~ o,.. ._.....,.....,...., u.. ar..,. oa rroire-w-. Oct. 1~11.- D 111 C T 0 I Y UM ftnt attatr of lta kbwt nu Cowlty Cout OU Intorm&UOD Bmtle added. to ... beld tn <>ruse County, Committee. spouore ot th• ahow. ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.=.=.=--------.. Aftl,BNOD-llewlllold =~ ..... ............ _ ...... .,.., &tJIOllOBII.lll DEAl'M , ......... ~ IWWW ft'UDD'•m .............. .......... ~--··· NllU .._., ._,..._ lft au ............. _ _.__ unraaaon U90 m&\'DIO llt1CI .............. _ MtlVlal.Me-llAltlM- UAtrl'Y P.UU.088 UDO LU.ON CW 8&4UTY MU !f,&. ~ -Bar. UH 900U --CAD Nll Via Ude -..,._MN c•masa.,,.. ftll~ LIDO DaU .. Nlll'laU..-...... -· C&&PET8ADUl'mla ... lllACKEa MllVla~ ... CJAnalNO lllCll•ura LIDO 11•-m .... Via I.Ne -..... - O..Otea..clalldrw • ..,.... aars or UDO ... N..,.n...._ mDl'BINO -llea'1 lletal 81DW&IL'9 llllOP .OS m Mll\'191*----IMI OLOl'lllNG-Womea'1 &etall ... aaN'S ... Via •·hp llutlw .... UDO l'ASIDONS M19N,._.,..._..,._lnl ULU>DO<la'8 Ml.I Via U.. -..... lftl V ~GA90ND llOCU lm,orted ·~ .... Mii \'la U4e -..,._,MN oauo 81'0._ VDICSNTll LIDO Dt11'Ga IM1Vlatwe-Buti.- l£LWl'BI() OONTILlCl'OBS UDO ELSCl'SIO MNVle UM_..,._,., ~WEU JU(l&6.&D'9 UDO II• UtS'I' ~TabM~ NII '11a Ude -...,._ 1118 IOVNTAJN, op1. VDfOEN'l"a LIDO Da1'W .... \'lel.Me-..... _ n..amaALamm --a•aor lll"'1PIOe .... Via I.Me -........ l'lJaNrl'UU DICJ& llACllD .... Via LWe -...... 6111 OUT SHOP alCllAIU>'IJ UDO MAMET .... \'aa LWe -........ nu IN8U&ANCE AOENTI W. 0. BUC'll.. .,,C . .... \' .. aMo-a.... .... INTF..&IOll DllOO~ 91.AJfCQ f'11L&Sll80N .&.1.0. MJl\'lalMe-....__ Dita IUc.:a&a Mll\'la U..-........ DOM CUICilll'Olf 4. L D. ~ :::r:;:_ ..._an llAUl:l'8 UcaAKO't' UDO llAA&rl' Mll\'lal.Jde-.....__ PHOTOORA.PH STUDIOS o~ 8TUDl-08 .... \la LWe -............. &UL ESTATE LIDO llEALTl' A8SOCIA TES Udo Sa.JM 6 Ra\ttU .... ,.la ...... -~ "" P. A. PALllE& ISO. UllrialWo-~ IMt \'OOEL C."OIQ~~ Mii \0la Uc1o -...,._ •n 11.&.T A.~D llL\CJI &E.U.TT VlaLUe ...... Of!k.e llll IA.re.retie -........... M VINOS .ti LOAN UIOCIAnoNS JlfSWPO•T M.1.BOA 8A \'Df09 • LOA.'1 ASaOCIA DOZll A llavtns• INUtuuon 1-. Turn floe• LoaM ...... \la Lide -...,_,UGI IDVICE 8T.il'ION8 LIDO UORPIZLD MU Ne..,.rt .. ,.,--.,. MIT lllOD-11•'• 811>1''ELL'8 STORE roa llOIN Mll\'lal.Jcle -...,..rlNI IBOD, WOKEN IU:7IZ8 or cAUroa.~ "11 ,,. ...... .... UDO TRJt•m OeuaJt w. ,..... .. Jll'OPU9 .................. ~ ......... mn UDO TOTIAJfD ... T'9 ..... _..,.__. BA VEL ACJaN()IU ...... 'lllAftL AGDOT NU Jlf...,_. ......._..... 11M IJIBOU'l'Dmf O ... llAam& .. Viau..-........ Wil'al SEP.AIR t'Dlt&M I a WATCll ... .&DI =°~= wumow OOWWNG nm~_. ........ 0211 --- will be •~ed In HmiUnpn "Th• OU lnduatiy ()pa Hou.e BMcJl from Od. 10 throutb H . wW be an In~. ,raphlc 11,.., Al OUI STOii Cou~ ot a lars• number e&JUblUon. deatped to show Or-vn WE'RE PROUD to be . the NEW DODGE-PLYMOUTH Dealer .. NEWPORT HARBOR (Coda Mesa ancl Newport l1achJ AL BEATTY MOTORS (Formerly O'Brien Motors) 16m Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty l-T/12 ll'S POITAILE I w ..... ..,., .......... , .. ...................... 1 .. a ....... HO UGLY ""'°' .................. ....... IETTEI PICIUllS ~lluW.CI)_.. ....... .... Wdl"" ~ a..11,... i..... .... .., ............. .. _ .. II#'~ llAUTIFUL STYLIN' .. _, ..... ,., "'"'"• ,.,,.,. ..... , •• COllCMIH ,ULLeOUT ..._. 9ftd MtDIAW•Y ~ ..... ,, . AND BEST OF All ZENI TH <.:UAllTY HIJ~OlJGHOUT ' YIT ONLY 159•• 1119 .. r'Mr .... c.e.•-Pboae LI Prl!Ol •• llentce AJJ llak.e ... llodel9 QUIZ KID Quiz Kidi---7 Not neeeuerify. Just a 9uy who's smart enough to have found out about the amazing rHulh from WANT ADS. Get cslonl le a 9•11 Kid yowaeH • • • CALL HAUOR 1616 21.000 Readen Could See Your Ad on NOW -· . ~ YOUI Newport Harbor NEWS.PRISS IS PUIUSHID 3 Monday Wednesday Friday .APORT ; .. '. C0/1011111 DEL MAR 1 . .f/illNl1#Jl'I NOW SHOWIN• "ILOOD ALUri IOllN WAl'Jlfm .. Cinema Scope .. Mn. Spencer Hurt 111 Compton Crash COASTAL SHOPPER P'A&I I WEONESDA Y, OCTOBEft !5, 1955 Mn. Nellie I. Spene«, .. ieran al·ald kJsti-y ahldy COll'lmlttM ' Sh• D H aalboa Peet Ottloe derll. WU la· ot UM caJIJoniJ& State Chaalber H Oftle Jund ""4&J nlpt in an auto of Comm•ro.. otnd&la aald to· O&ry A. lhllll. maQbai.t'• aeeldent n.ar Ule Compton area. dav. Milo w. Bekl.J\JI, Loa An1e· She I• In Bellflown Hospital. l'>o It~. r b•lmian nf the itai:.wlde mate aecond clue. U.S.N'., IOll of bonu wtr' broken, It 11 rtported, hlghw•y rommlltt•e announced the Aire. 1:9rll'rn Atkin.a, IOI h1J1l but she I• belng truted for acrat. formation of th' group tor the St., la echeduled to arri'N at 15aa ch:.~= :!;~!~~~~r of Al 9 ...... purpose or anlalf)~ing-all -~pectlad n k i.:o &opt. 30 aboard the att&ck ,_. et lheo proposa or an acc .. tr• r cer, director of Harbor Aree ftderal hlshway flnanclni pro· rargo ahlp l ' S S. Skagit an. a Boy• Club and i. underelood to ,,._. j lour or dut.¥ 111 Ul• far euL have bef.n riding la a C&I' dr1vea =--=====--========;;;;;;;:ill:==; by her 111ter. "" Kaiser Appolftted CONCRETI BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 SAN FRANCISCO, OCT. 3. COCNSl-Orange Ceu•t)' l uper· vtaor He.lna Kaiser, Co8la Mua, hu bl'e.n appointed to th• teder- •VMJ-BL()(;IL COMPANY -!110 a. HAlll II&.. Saata AM P l'lOCE -CINDU Al\"D COSCJRETE aLOCl&8 llEl.!\TOllCINO an;EL _. SUPPLIES L I D 0 ·,-·" ~ -:. NOW SHOWING Two Featur .. A LOVll THAT KN•W NO BOUNDSI .. •IU't·--·----·--.-. ............. .,,,_ ... Kid's Mat. Sat. 1 :45 "SAIRE J 8'1'Arl'8 Jll'EXT WEDNUDA'I' O&ACZ JD:U.l', OA&Y Oa.url' ''TO CATCH A THIEF" De11nfs O'KMfe "ANfa.11.A" Soldltr·Of ·fOrtllnt In• 1m1zln1 trut ldventurt I ... COLOR- CINIMA5coPI! ...... ___ _ THI llAR SINl811R lfJ ..... _Ull --.. _. ....... IT.A.ATS WSD ... DAY Cl.AU ...... IAJlfS a17'111!1aL ''THI TALL MIN .. PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS ~r· .. •• •t..,. n1"""r -,,~ c 'I e 0 a A I K If WITH SALLIE October~ Newport Are yaa ,..._..WW. wbat'•for-41aaer b I a e k· out.a f 8omrttrn z 1 I "...., U we're a bit or a .._ • the 4 o'eloek ellaat ereeeea- doee tato tbe 5 o'clock wall • • • The pre.rare .. • ! "What'll I bave for dluerf Wbat'U I have for d.luerT" Well llbame oa me ••• Jle. wuria&IY I .-t • paekace of fros'• Jes-. • Jar of 8-a MOIMle Seuoalag. a bottle of llq1lid eociouat ••• We're • hit! A hie, fat hit! You're the ••. perbapa rd better pat tt thla way ••• You're aatterlac from Ured mea11&. • H~w long hu it been aince you cooked up a good pot of 90mething . . . I mean a pot of eomething different than the pot of eomethlng you cooked the week before! So your llJ)&ghetti is famous! Been using the &&me recipe fer eight yean . · . Good! Fine! But the minute a r.ound ot ground bed doeen t en- thuse you into whipping up a batch, your funoua recipe la about te become a hu-been ••• So you bad apaghetti last nicbt! So what! You ahould ha" 8 .. 8 .. a dozen culinary tricka to make apaghettJ lute excitingly different 7 night.a ln a row! ~ la here to t1tay ••• 'l1tree tame. a day,~ daya a yeaz • • · Bela« a good eook a. bavta~ a lovtac at.- tit.de toward food, bat doa't .. t year Ea Broehet-tm.. FODda. ud Pot Bouta becw frayed a& tbe edgee ••• lbke • polat of tr)'tq a aew recipe a& leMt ODcie a week • • • Es- perlmmt with ........ lap. cUJtereat eomJMu. Uouoff ....... v1a .... paeera. ~ teaevt.-'°° haadreda of RW tut.e tttata an )'MUS jaat for tta.. rndAa& ••. Preputa1 yCMtr tbnoe llqual"MI will be qaoni f WI ud tbe wllat' .. for-dlnarr blackoata will turn lnt.o wbklt...,..._1-ftx dlth..-ni! O.K. l'U give ... Coco&nut 11yrup! New nritch for pan- cakes . . . A1Ao when mixed with equal portions of cream and a few ra.i.alna goea ro- mancln' with ham ... Thia I had at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club tut week · .. · Chicken Salad on halved avo- cadoes ... Ever try c:ombln- ing grapes or pineapple with chicken ulad or a few grou_nd up almonds? Even oatmeal quitJJ b<-mg OlllmHI when top(X'd with maple ayrup and cream ... HpaN>ri~ "trk tly Oc-to- bfor: ~n ..,.o tttUou 11pattrib!il (try a lltt1e Sa- ''on · aloeit with the ..alt and· ptppt"r) ••• MaU '"" llkr a and"i<'h wttb App~ RahYa Stuffla~: Fry ! alk'fis dinod bac-o• til1 crilp, thM ~k ~i C'Up NCh «'hopped t'f'lf'ry and oal• In drippla~ . . . Add I cut up tart applf. ud ~ cup ....WU ... Thf'• mls U~ht­ ly ? Mlpt hrHd erum'-. , <'UJl milk • .tt aad Pf'PIM'' . • Wine! Any chagrin.I! The alcohol au gon up an •moke ... R«I wine about a cup full can be added to ham or pot roa,et . . . 1 ~ cup ro11e wine to leg o' lamb .. Ory white wine with pork . . . Ldtovera ! Try not le warm them up too long ... mn-ely heat them thru ... .Addition of a few plcklee, or lemon juice, will perk up weary nuon ... So will Ac· cent or Mono Sodium Glutin- ate .. · JUsbt 111ere ru pat ta a ,.... , ... .v ciempaete ... of8pkle.._.~ Flav-...UFla •.• Yoa'D fW aD 8p6ee '• ............... _,.. ~ ... tome=WfM~ =-....,., H ~-m .... :;?: ..... ~ ... .. • • • 1'111111 ..... eoa 9a7 ••••I. U... fonanmu1t' t .. w • UTt.W~tMiT" wtl fl..-..• n. ...... wtl ., rtpt ta.en • • • ~ ................ N;ze->•are~.._ el 4.1 ... I ........ ............ .,._ ............. ........... 1 Hen ·at IUclaard'• one of the LWo Sbope. we think we hJt tbe 200,000 mark. but hcme9t1)' •• Mftl' .topped to ClllM&Dt. . . ~. OOA.l'l'AL IBOl'PEB rAllloa ot NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs.PRESS -WEDNESDAY! OCTOBER S, ·1955 FEAST YOUR EYES ON OUR FALL ~piae~ and Condi men~ .....-.i-...i lroien ••. lresh O' ••• .., .. -21w POTATO SOUP ... _...._ ........... ~ 11• SHll .. ____ _..'1&.-. .. w .,...,..., .... 21•• TUIKIY. PID • • W Satisfied meat lovers fin~ Richard's Choice Meats doubly delicieus. Good because only the finest young beeves are set aside for Richard's, and, doub- ly good because of the expert care and handlin9 they receive ri9ht up to the time of your selection. Enioy the pleasure of reel quality with tender delic- ieus meets frem Richard's Lido Market. IUelaarcl'a t7 ... a.a. 7-BONE ROAST•b. 43c 0.ii0NE ROAST··· 49c .......... tJ. a. Ouller Bt.11 1•· 98c OCIY ...... ~ FLOUR ... ~···--.......... ::45c ......,.. ...._ .,...... 21•r..• GlllN PIA.I __....._ _.., .. ......... ..., 2121• PORTERHOUSE PUNCH .. ID __ _._ ........ u ... CIMalae 8t.ik ...... aa11d1_u...._. CHUNK TUNA ·~ ..... 25c .... ·-·-· ·-·· . ---ta "961'• • ... n.-19• ICIC~ ~---T ·BONE STEAK •· 98c ca.te• ~ ........ 37• Ill. PIACHU Jlf .. ·~ .. ,.._ • rt11- SPAGHITT1 _ . . .. UOWN UIAD .... IAllD llANS oh-so-lresh produce ·o.MdoM .., .... , ,.... • .,,... r-rtW....8rt1111te ONIONS •QM.ti ·-,_. ,_.. ..,,.. 11...tBIM AD Pwpow POTATOES "'O.Mdot&•"' le~ i...~· Crt9pJ c.llfonla Delldo9 APPLES balcecJ today TRUILU>AY ........... I .... CUP CAKIS _ '"£8 RW~ ____ ...., 27' nlDAY .._. ·....., I 17' IYI IOLLS --··· tw ............... ca.-_ __._ .. _ 54• MINCE PIE --·-_ aATtTllDAY PiN=uDANISH S/25' .OlD i.Afii CAD-17' 5~19c 3~25c fry our hot meals ... ~·....... 21n• llSCU"1 __ Tt!IM ., 11 w-..... ...... A.-11 51• CHIDDAI CMllll • COU SLAW .- n-I.,, ar a CHAM CHm'__.... 'T ---a.er "" . ~ JIMMY 'SAuc:I I .... iAI 1-9-IAUCI 949. fr = t .... u ... a.tee ..... CLUB STEAK 1•· 98c ....... ..,.. ........... . GROUND BEEF 1•· 33c . . ." 59c ...,. ...... SLICED BACON ............. AUSAGE 1•· 39c .,.,..W AA IUTIER lb. Ste ~· .._._ Doable AA 55 FRESH EGGS . --·-·-df'tf'ft c ....... ........... l ... ~ • ·-• " »<:,Ir 9't• ... ........... ,.,... ...... ,._ ....... ~ . 11111111•~ 0 0 f I ....... _.. W ..... .... .... .. ...., .................... ._ ..... -~ °"'*..., ~...-4........, ....... , .... .... -...... ~ ... --..... fll .... .......... RDl81 ~ -Blandwcl PEANUTS 1'.....,., IY<>wn..11• CRACKERS _ Procr-• ('~ VELVEnA . Nb. 1,..1 79" R&k#r'• p,...,w ... &JcJn( 41 ~ CHOCOLATE t1-0L 8muclu•r'• 39; APPLE IUTIER t ·•h. Milk Ampllfl,-T 53' IOSC 0 ___ -·-··-.. u ...... • DOG FOOD ~--" I 2127t ..... CLEANSD Lu r..-. Qu.IKJ 2123' TOILET SOAP ...... •• Dlltws-t 69f DUFT --·-················ ,,.,., ............................ • . . ' SCOOPING SOUTHLAND NEWSMEN •.• 1. • I . . News-Press Expose Proves Pinball Payoffs Here! .AnJ When ou . :J/iink o [Jicfured/ . llEX lllXlllS' llBOOTING TOMMY AND JOHNNY HAGEIUIAN BIRTHD,\Y P.\BTY Gas Co. 'Blac 'jack' Charged by B . ilders! I ' ' I • • · For 'ALL the News and Pictures •• It's Always and All ways Your . O ·range Co. News Service & YOUR HARBOR PRESS . ' ' • ' R A •• SO; Month Home Delhrery HARllOR 1811 2211 BALBOA BLVD. H-- ' • I I PA6E I C..."OAST AL SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 BOYS' CLUB 'RE.OPE"S TO SERVE 1915 MEMBERS ~ MftiS Mia .-.ct tor .apt. are .......... tJw -.... ....a ....... tbe ..,.. Qu)t ., ---ua4 ..-=saa ut!YlU.. • tbe ....._ An& '8 _. ~ Ve>iunt.w' e.dDlt t..,.,...I ucl .U· &M .....,... tu MUf7 llOCl __. ~ Iii M11l ....... ID mm• ba'&. n.e .a.it ,,.. ._. mm ..u ... ..,.,_. ~ Maeb aept. 1 t. M for MeN rep&ln .. lea~ ud oopper work. and ~ t.o ~ ... lrl'lda1 ~ JapldAr7 daMM ap equtpmeat. At tbe __. Um• Ulll nry popular a1.eo. TMee c--. Bo,.. a. .,.~ ltatt took would be Mid other an.maoou .. d I lbalr well ..,.._. ..acaU•• an. nwilnP It tMldlta.i aaperria16n an estr.IUl1 w.,~ ot M• were •~ Ai. needed" are u<rlUN. lnlltNCton ta ardlery on certain The 1')'11\DU lum oor bu been att.ernooea. completely retln and th• ---------- doOn and trim Ui~l Uw rHt o~ Ule bulldlnc bu been ,.. painted. The front ot th• bUlldlnJ hu been re-painted. alao. The Boy•' Club membuahlp year befan Saturday. A. total o! 191~ boy• and youoc meo from I to 11 y.ara of .,. jolned the Boy•' Club durtnc It. ltcM-66 au· eon. Colll lo each member Ml but l l per year. All membel"I mu.t now re·rerteter for &nother year of tun, companiooMllp, athletlc.1, c:ratta and approved eupervtaed acUYIU•. Due to the double MMloolnJ of coet& ..... ldloole Ulla year. Ula Boya' Club ta openlnl' at l p.m. l.nat•ad ot 2:30 p.m. u In prevlou. )'ff.no Club h ouni ..,.. from 1 t.o l :tlJ p.111. and trom t :30 to t :30 p.m. Saturday houni are from 18 a .m. to 2 p.m. Soma Saturday Two Couples Seek $11.000 Payment from H.I. Pair JV JIVE Junior Win StarS Tar Reserves Whatever Newport H • r b or H ip llchool'e Junlor Var11lty aa.u- or elenn dc>f!11 agalnet Ana.helm'• JVe on Davidson Fteld at 3 p. m. today. Coach D o n Burne we• mlrhty proud or hi• charge• ea they defeated Montebello 26-t on Uta rival fTldlron Tbul"llday. '"The boya played belter th&n I had hoped." Burn1 reported. "'The baclce •howlld l'ood ball handllnf, the linemen f"ood work up tront." FINE IOU Ia tb• line, fine jobe were turned ln by Tackle Bob 81\&far, Guard• Jim a.nto and Derul)' D&l•boul. Center Bob Allen and ICDda Bob VUlasr~ Gres .u- a.ma and BW Mille. Glenn Buford, m at halt for USAP Ac••"'Y Tntl Oll.ly three olf•n.11,.. camu rtp-ped ott elpt yarde per pla~ 0-petitioa WU1 mortJy be The 8COrlnf W'•t Ilka lhle: IUC HARRIERS GO FOR HILLS ny Mcl<<'f' Jl'hn Far~l'lar ron· 2 NEW HARBOR PLANTS verted after the flnl 1wo Lallle.t., Vall hit McKef' on the lhlrd ~~ayhu~~: zn~~=hl~~c"~!f y:~1TO DRAW 1000 FAMILIES McKee carted It U yard.a Into , Ule end aone. Jn t.he eecond per· lod. Vall pitched 20 yares to Jon .. ln the promlMd land. Cll· mv ot a 93 yard. 16 play march _. a p... to J onu, who ra.n • Morr than 1000 new Camlllee dent, expecte lo it.art wont abort· will "'°"" Into the Newport Har-ly arter the nrst ot Ule )'l'ar on bor 1111·l1 within the next nine a plant to coet about 12 m1lhon. 0 .-1.a MaRly Arts \ S<ln•lll. chairman Rt•t1n,. are ~ «h~ulf'd In Loa An1•lf'I for BACl\l.WENTO. <CNSI -ln· t.b.r .. days. ~tisatlon of boxing and wr•t· hns wiU be atfectad by the A•· eembly Interim r ommlt1ee on ~~~~---~-~~-~ .IOHN 8'1'0NE'8 Mesa AlltO Wreckers 1ovem mt'nl3I e C t I c I en c y and I l'IN!d .\oto Part.a ... A..-eort. acooomy. 1ub • comm1tt.. on !015 ~tla Aft. boldnf and WJ"Ulliq. bea'tJUlln& l.DutJ I-Mii c.ea ..._ Oct. 17. llCoordlnf to Frank o. ____________ .. Orus• Cout Collefe croaa country b&rrteni tu• to the ... road •c= ... ap!Nt ClllaplUI\ OoDll'9 u they romp O\'W UM . 1.7 mll• Pet.w CallJOft couna ln Or· anp . th• 1.ut 1~. month11 "Lo ht-Ip make rll·ctronu~• lit will cover aboUt 100.000 •q .,. __________________ _. ______ --. devlcl'r; lo b" turned oul In the ft. and wlll be dt'&llfled b)" an two planls planned JUAl north or cut1ta.ndln1 archlt«l to flt Into HoaJ! Hn11pl1111. accordln.:" to Don· the picture formed by JfO&K Hoe- aid C D11n~a11. seneral manacer pltal and the new Hellpot pleat. oC Ht•hpot. 'llnd Wflham Capey, Llke Hellpot. the StaUlam com· former uwn\;r or th, two .itea, i;any ma)(ea electro1llc1 rltvlcea, who hu just aold th ael'.ond one moe1 of Ulem amall and mu·acle to Statha 111 Ulbt>ratorlee. performer• to lhe unl.nltlAlrd. Meta Pia...,. Okay Small Subcl1Ylsioln J\WuUnc lba r o u t e for Coacb W.clell Pidltoa Will be Pint• Arnold Brandt. ao. .,...de, Fnd Varela. Jer· ry Worthy, Jlm llarl'fOVe, Monty ObtMUll, Joe Purdy. Metnn Bart. a nd Jarry Shit· fer. Ttl• Buc.1 ranked aecond In 1Ca8tern Cantarance c r o • • country atandinp laat aeuon when t.he 1port was accord· ad nnlty r.coplUon fot' the flrl!t um~. Rerular EC com· petlt.lon In lhe (TUelllng gou open Friday with OC t&klnl' on Sant& A.na and Fullt!rton a\ Sa.nt& A..na. l'o\lr two and lhr ... parcel 1ub· dtriaon a pphcaUon.s were approv· ed by Co11ta Mua'a pJannins com- rnialion 1'\0nday night. Theee Included thoae oc Hollll A. Foster at Meyer Place and Anaheim St.. Pearl A. O<todman. at Santa Ana and Del Mar StM.: Chrl1t.opller Story J r. Ill Santa An• a nd 23rd St., and C'lto F1ke11 on Victoria St. At1 clltlonal emptoyeee tor t.he Among them 11 e new J t'11jt•e two pl1rntH will be obtaln<'d local· l\lhk h \1 pla ced 1n the bll'<'J ly the c-nmp;rnlu expect. to brinf 1trr11m "and when It ent.ers the llh' p&yrvll tntnJs lll more than hn ar1 R iYI'~ lhf' 1tttendlnl{ phy111· 2000 int>n nnt.I women by the end I (illn lhe bloo<I pre1imre m t'l\Ch of the y('ar. I chl\mber or the heart. enabllnK The Statham Company. o f Jllm to P•'rfel't t11s dlagno111 ... be· 1-.•htrh Ltow111 Sta th am 1s prcs1-1 fore ,,per11tms: Vail Pitches 3 TDs as Oilen Thamp .T1stin HUNTINGTON BEACH, I OC· NS1-HunUncton Beach 11eored Ile aecond 1tralcbt crld win Fri· day nlrht with a 20-0 victory over oru.Un. Bill Vall tollled two tout'hdown pa1H1 to End Don J onee and one to Halfback J ohn· Upholstery Openinqs A lim\tPd number of opening• remain In eome daytime upbol· atery claurs u Orange Coast College. Although mo;e than 100 adult11 have regl1tend for uphol· 1tery l'lasaea to date. additional I etudf'nts can be accommodalt'd In eomf' sections. Information may ~ obtained from lh• Adult Ed· ucaUon o!flct. DON'T LOSI HEAD Mesa Firm Has Guillotine for Chopping Stone fty RF.RT 8Rl!'o"T!li Al.L Givson Son lorn Thi' word J.1ll1llntmt' hall an Un· I plea11ant ,.nund of l!OMPthlng to Tb• Rev. at1d Mrs. Thomaa M. Jn11f' vour hf'Ad abnut, but the Glv11cm. 267~ Rlvera1d~ Drive. Vl'llpt'.r C'ornpany. on We11t \6th Coeta Mesa. are pArentl'I of " Sl . ('n111,. MP!lll, m11k t11 t hem boy baby bom Sept. 28 Ill St. ~wrv rl11v 11n1f think nothing of JOMJlh H011pll.11l. 11. No nr{e hu to knit knote Into ----------------------ttie pattern for them etth~r. 10me OCC Site for High Schoo.I Yearbook Awards Oct. 11 nf thl'lr m•ctunu work automall· 1·11lly. The Vu per Rulllolll)ea cut Mtnne. Jnatl'ad Of thll bladt1 drop- p~ of Ila own welfht they uge a hydraulic cylindf'r a.nd J>Ut 11<> m urh prl'111ure on the cutting t c1i;e that It will bit• oft chunk• A.warde to ouutandinl •htP the Y-.rbook" will atart In the of elOne 111 lnchea thick and 8 achool )'e&rbook .u.tf manben A.udJtortu:m at 4. Mn. 8h1rlt'y tf'et wide. _.., ...... _.. t .... T --...a.......k Rice ot N-port Harbor Hlf h .. .,,. -maue a ... ...-llchool w\U d1acuu ''lelecUon Thia company atart.cJ ab o u l Conference to be held at ~ and DrnJo t t Theme" NeJ-eight year• aro In Olc:nd.ale and Cout Colle1e on Oct. 11. pmm 0 • 1 recently moved to Coet& Meea. Trophl• wUl be praNlltecl to eon C&rnu ot 8· K. SmJUI •. co. Tt~ atone cut tlnf machlnea are UI• '"Outetandlnf Editor", "OUt· will preaent lnfonnaUon on lk,· largely madf' on Individual order• atandlnf PhOtoirraphy l:dltor". laclloD of Conr and Blndlnf' bul they •~ popular moush to ''OuCllta.ndt.nr A.rt l:dltor", • D d Wm. R. Sea.ma.n. Huntlnflon be used tn Auet ralla, New Zea· "Outetandl.nf Sport. J:.dltor" l.n a...ch Hlfh School, will dlacuaa lan<l an<l Cenl\da u well as th• Oran1• Count)' lut year. Th• "8&Jee and Pl.ltr1butlon" · United St.a tu . award• wUl be mad• durtnc tbe roua WOIUl8llOP8 The company recently rttflved dinner fo!Jowtnf the afternooD r.ur worlubope wiU be con· an order from Ontario tor & conJarenca at the collese. duct.cs between II and t p. m machine to cut cvnent blcx:ke. 1t CXB1BIT or OOVJ:U Tb-wtll be ln lb• tleld ot work• automet.lcally and by uelnf Toyland Safe Found Recovery of L l do Toyla.nd"• cube aquare •·• t e, cont.a1nln1 nearly $2000 In non·neKOtlablu. wu rl'portt'd to Ceorce Hoag. store owner this mo"'!~· Olen· dale police noUt1ed Newport Beach offkera they ha.d found tlie aafe which wu taken Sund&y afternoon from the etiop on Via L1J... Burglars a lsc> took $Ml In cash from t hi' llll. Th11 aate con· tt>nUI appa rently were undh1turb· ed. Savage Tells Theft Theft oC a tire and wheel tak· en from the trunk of Ma car parked near the Lilli• Bay Trail· er Park waa reported to police Sept. 6 by Charles c . &av..-of 872 W. iath St., Coat.& Mall&. On ctap1-y throupout UM 417 "Copy Preparation and htnUnf"' I ctmenl oC one color and atone• will be an ahlblt of 00'"'9 horn conducted by John Kclnnb; or another a beauUIUl result is tba 8 . K. lm\t.b Co.; an Uhlblt ''DummlH &nd l.Ayout", conduct· achieved In buUdlns block•. of ensra'flnf by Hoyt'• Barbor ed by Jack Cannlcott; ''T~nl-The company. which belon1.1 to Encr&Yinf; a prtnlinl" ublblt by qu-.e to Aeel1t In Enpa~llil . led George Ve11pc:r. aleo maku many Mclnnie Printl~ and P\lbllttunJ: by Wendell and Harl&n Hoyt: hydraulic cylinder • tor different a dlaplay ot llUIO(Taphy b)' • n d "Yurbook Photornphy"', companlu and dOH o\J'l er hlch OCTOIER .DRAPERY .. S·Al.E MONEY·IACK COLORFAST .... SJ.SO yd. NOW ONLY • GUARANTEE FAIRICS S19! Large Selection of Decorator Colors Cuitom ·made in Our O wn Well · Equipped Exper+ly St•ffed Workroom -or - "DO IT YOURSELF" 9H SAVI tlle Labor Cha,... CLIARANCI MAPLE FURNISHINGS l••ctt... Up to . 50°1' It•-,..: PrtM Wlllls. ~ ~ --•1••···-·······-·- w.~.__...,..._ •• ~~ tr&-.,..,. Mid drapery ..........., ..._ C9ll W'GI ...,.. u ...,.~ declorat•r .. ,_ MIN ..W.O.t eMlpUoti o,_.. tw ,_.., .,_ wllllln&' rentoa on a 15 yard duh ott to ~ die V'alted 8tat.e Air left tackle. Tbompeoll on a cu~ r., c • ~,. Conpea.mui back for 20 yarda. hntoll tor J .... a . Utt ~ced today. flv• on a quick opener over kt\ C&a41•t. au.t Ila from 1T to ,uard. Pomeroy on tb• 41 yard 12 ,..,. el ap aM MOIUd writ• p.llop off a pltcbout around left Lltho1raphSe Arte; and an array Mlke Bat~himonJI. grade machine work. of hl(b Khool and colles• year-It. dinner will be held tn thl' -;::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;=;;;:;;;;;;;;;=;;;;;;;;;j~;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ booU. Student Center at 9:30 with Ron •' BALTZ MORTUARIES Th• Yearbook Contwtnc• hM A.nnatrons. 1tudent body pr .. I· bffll planned to pl"OY\d• adv1c• dent. &a muter of ceremoruu Hubbard. P'enton. Tbompeon aod b.Jp on publlcaUon problelll.I Dr. Bull H. Petueon wllJ P~•-1 COSTA MESA CH.APEL CllAPJtL BY THE SEA the ~ at m Old and. Houa otftee 9Wktlftl. W .......... ton. D. C. 3 TIMES WEEKLY • Your MEWS- PRESS Is Publlshed Monday Wednesday Friday Md Quartel"b&ck Stan 8ehone9 tor blfll MJlool and coU.S-jour-mt t.be awarde, and Ben R.adcUck. 1741 8uputor A.vusue 1620 &. Cout Blvd. oem,a.t.ed -.pt ,._. r.atoa ...u.u., ne CIOftte..-. will .tart pubUllller Of tbe N.wpert·Harbor l C09la lilua, C&lU. Coron& dtl . Mas, OaUf. t.-..d to ,...._.paoa tor 10 )'Vda. at 3:IO In U.. A.rt Oeter O.Uery. NIWll PNa, wtU be t.11• main I Phone Liberty ._2121 Phone Hartlor u TtlomP90n pltdled to Pomeroy AA-~~~~·r~~~~ ... ~1~o~n~cm~-·1~1a~n~n~ln;f~~~a.lr~;e~r.i..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;:;;:;::;::;:;;:;;:;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ tor u. Scbceee bit End Bob V\ll&· iii ~ tor plne of T and 10 ,.,.._ a.nd Hubbard COD.DeCt.9d wtlll rdt.oe tirr io and wi.-sraaa ''" .......... 10, Jn add!· UOft, H\lbbe.nt lnltteephd two r1nl ~ J'\nl down• fa YOred th• lo<al rr1ddaw lM. l'O'l'ENT M <l&AI llacldkld etaU.Ua found Pom· eroy lela41n• lh• pack w1Ul an 11.• • ....,.. on eipt totu t« tl yarda. Tbompeoll wae t.J on 11 for !'It yard1: rent.on !'> on nine (OT 46 yarc» a.nd Hubbard 1.1 00 P for M'Hn ya l"IUI, a U on quartu ane&lu. 8t.&rtlnl JV Un1Up: Ende M.llle aod· vw.nu: 'hoklc:e , .. WatdMr and Tac A.twood: ou.rfa Jlm S-to &lld Dmalil o..IHllut; O.ter Allen: ~cll Bl&t.. be.rd; ll&J ... IWrto. and ftoaap- 909: hllbaa PolMr'OY. SA.NT A AN A (OCHl}--OecM'J'e 8. l'reuhllnf of Jf.-port 8-c:la. aon ot UI• !Ate Oeers9 H. rr.ua.. line who dlad • lepL a. u ~t of k1a wW ~t an ~ lndudlnc r-.1 prop«ty -.toed at 170.000. ~T tenn1 of ~ w\ll t iled r~ probate by U oyd H rruehllnf, e•ecutor AllO named In the etatem.nt of UI• uecutor wer. two l(T&lld· chlldr.n, Patricia Ann and WU· ua.m A. rruetillnl o1 N-iiort Beach. Office Practice Class°" T..sday I A ,,_ otl\c• practice c'laee tor I adulta WUl meet Tueaday even· lq'8 at Oranra eoaet eo11c1C' 'nl• MCOnd eec:Uon hu bff.n I bllaMd ~u.. of ln~ d for traininc l.ll lba u.. ot tramc:rtblnf and dlctaUn1 ma· eb1--. P.B.X... dupll~UJll ma· TIM cJue 1t.arted on Sept. 27. ~Uoll c-be made al the Adult Sd\leattoa otftce. S2J .. Casla T .... A roll of U f l bWI WU 9toa. from the borne ot BIWo C. A.rtJlur, nee c.n.J'Oft Drt••. C09la M-. lllaal1tt'e ckpuU• e&ld. Snt.rJ wu pined t.broup • bedroom w1DdoW. Phelps Da119hter want to uy I WANT ADS se I CALL rent or trade? Harbor 1616 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER Mr. and Mra. Wllll&m E . PMIPI ot 16H Whittler Bl .• C<>•l& M..., annoWlced the blrUI of a bo7 on Sept. 11 In St. Joffph Hoaplt&l, Th• 11no-bsby w~fhed 8 Iba ' I ---------------------t oa .......................... ..,..., ............................................................................................................................. .. • ' I OOAftAL &Mtff'I& ZS'' el ..... M.-!! • •: ........ SI ...... .,.... PA6E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-l'IESS " Nowpcnt Bubor WB>NESOA Y, OCTOIEll 5, 1 '55 ' ;:=======~======::;! B. P.O. JC. 1787 .... ._.., 'D"'*7 • , .... ''A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Super-Market TRAINING CENTER \<AN • WOMAN .... do ....... TRADE """-no. -·· .... Freeh· Hearing Aid dow Clnnlnf ..... woricua. IU.liWWW Lt,7Cl\ATJVS ta-. ........ __ ... white. tN m. IOllt. At.. Coeta we QI ..... an. ....,. rirsa.oo v..uo~ • n cw M-. Ll ....... pptt Gunderson ~ Co. o.... c.N1-or eport ftah1r, W/Uff TO SILL A CAR? IUY A TY? RENT A ROOM? TRADE A TRAILER? SWAP A IOAT? FIND A WATCH? HIRE A MAID? LOCATE A JOI? WANT ADS JntC.a HA 1616 Via Oporto -c.a-1 A~ ......... -Albtn. R. MatU.-., llUJt4ld ... HAULING t l"Ol.b _, Anythtna. A.nywbe ro l..JMrtJ 1-11'6 PAINTING M. w.~oss LlcenMd U 1-Wl HO Avocado, eo.t& ..--,.ti' Dress up your home! old or New Low FHA Pa.yment. TILE • i'OIUCICA Kitchen dralnboudm Balhroom1, ~,. Fl:NCINO Chaln link GrapMtako VClfletlan Blindt! OVArlooAd a.,... """'" "Smart" Interior Shutt.rm FrM Z.ttrne.tes H ome Modernlu.tion Co. Telephone LI 8-2237 1!c28 .lSPlliLT TILE LINOLEUK INltaU the abo" eh•per than mOl'l. Al80 Mil nta 6 ~leum. Non·un&on, H yea,.. uperlonc1. Comp&NI and Ml - BILL COKER R.ar. •m or Loni' Beoch 1-6t"73. ltt.tc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLIDIBING ......... ltep&lr ._..oe Mmt.alllod Pllm.e: Jlu'bcw ..,. llOl aa:ai.. 111:-rd., M..,,ort 8l6c.b ... BION RICE, Inc. GENER.AL OONTIUC'TOR8 R•ldet1Ual, C-ommerda.I. Addltlona. Rl.tbor 49•-W. l p l8 Painting, Decorating. Paper R•n&fna GEO. BURKHARDT UcmtMID OOlft'IU.Cf'OR 111 .,,_ lit.II. 8 L. a.ta .,_ Wbart7 1-11:11 THll Nl:W lllM'h'•• .~ .. lh. od. 11:--·ble pne.. ....... ~ I \I.Pl ,_clillrltl.al bllild. Only $1.00 lllbld9 npal,190 aM nbullt. rr.. Pick up and deliveTY Work dGll9 by apPOlntmant Pbone LJblrty t-6701 °" IOmberty 1-12'74. ppUc CARPENTER · Repair Work 0..1:-B-..Moed~ I CW Jleroct.0 ... T Call ....... i..n-t1 ...... All Wod <JaaraDtaed 14tlo PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATING, ventU..tlflS 6 1beet metal work of all ty~. IJ:lduatrtal, ,..idorlUal, commercial ntl:S PTIKATEa LI l ·:li.1"7 lp2:1 PaJntinc • Paperbq!nc We do the work ounelvea. ao .yun~ Llctll-4 .. lbaurld. 8at1dl.cUoD ,ru&rUteed. .Eft.J.nu.\ff tree. Call JolWIJ1, LI 8-2687 A U U289 8ltfc Elec. Tool Repair 811:U 8aw1, DrU1& Bandat9 QUICK &ER.VIC& LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. '61 No. N...port Bl'f"d~ Npt. Bch. LDlwt7 a-ua. ttttc CEWENT t. BUILDING All Kind• J'REE ESTnil TES Liberty 8-lll09 CARPENTRY .... llINOR REP AIR WORK HO JOB TOO BlU.LL B. 0 . A.Dd- 101• I:. Bl.Ibo& Bl..S.. Balboa Harbor 2eao uuc Adams Plumbing Rep.Ur -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION l l!IJ Cecll PIM:e, Ca.ta M ..... WMrtJ l-7021 13c21 COMPLETE PAINTING ASPHALT TILE A.luml.Juull Wall TUI M'frre-l>t.ltrtbuton WIKJl.-l• prt.ce1 to Con~lor• A nM a.tt.1ra LI 8-7!93 18tfc Remodeling Grocery Cublan ud Meat Wrap- perw. ~ "80 to J120 per wk. C&ll tor appointment to Jearn _... about thll i:r.tnlq. AL TYLER Scboole 1111 No. Broadway Kl 1-J!il l U4tt LEA.II JAN'Otft J:Jr:~rtmced e\11m•nll.ry teacher avalLable fOf' co.chl"l'.1.11 elemen- tary 1ubjecll. Call Ha ... 21190·R before t :IKl a. m. t2cl4 IRONING or Waeb'•-' dMo In Write, JCREYEK, !Ult Oolum• -W...8Lat..... .....,_ ... V N ........ m y home 1409 ~ Colt• Jl&rbor IU5. Nde an u,. or i. Meu. L1 8-tMO. 14cUI ~ 13pH cw.:1o::o:LE:.,:::. • .:a::ED:::,w~o-m-~-'"'•.:..i:: ... .::1-C=:u-s-t-:o-m--Dr=-a-p-e-r-;ie-s-1,.AUX)N 1AJLBOAT -ronner poa!Uon u CQJllpuJon, roeep· nHt Champion -Fibre Cl&N tlon\11 or B•by attUns . .Eitcel-BEDSPREADS, •lip c.ovore. .t.e.-bottom h cl. cond. 1400. Aleo 1,nt refl'r,ncei . LJ 1-1990. Hardwaro. 31 yn. In b\Yin-. r.cenUy OY•rh&Uled "J" St.. 11ptt LUCILLE Dl!XX>RATORS 8Mn liloc:inll;f. Har. t7M. Har, Nt......ol ~ B&lboe, Blvd 14pll tu..: 32' Lowman CrW.er WOMAN to do ll1ht houol work Here Com• fl d1y11 1 wee}( 9 to 12 on U do. CHRISTMAS ! Real Estate School "•'· "00· ""' "0 "" POftTRAJTO. KAffi DRESSER w ith follow tn1 Chrll UllM Card.t. Sleepi I , Sa, C2'1")'9kr Crowa. 2:&- ceUent condition.. AU:tnr Ulf!O. Coraldef' prop.rt)' trlade. Harbor 1N ·M. llplt in Santa Ana Wiii ktter your prtaent comm!•· Kayette Photos· M-lllllkal, Radio. • T. 11lon. Marto Smart. Bet. Harbor Kl:N 6 WOM.EN prepara In spa,.. l'llOt . lOttc Corona dal Kar. Har. llS~. 1Sclfl -~ PEI\ MO. r.t.'ITS rood pfae• ume for unllmllld opportUD1tl01 -------------11-------------Uc• pla.no. ut th• klddlu le&rn. tn ftf,aJ :E.tat.e. Nnr ca.-. Beacon Personnel Nearly· New Au t.em11 ... nt ir yo" buy J.atar. ••kl1· 4.1 Ty'9r lnltl'\letinc. At-DANZ·SCHMIDT. li20 No.. Ma.ID. t.nd ftrlt nentnc frff and lel.J"D lOO'iG employer retained A-parel Santa Ana. 100 p tanoa. Htftl• allout tbl1 ITe&t field. Call or F"\t" of th• Hammond Orp.n. write DO''" a genc y KATEY DOANJC.-Kindell'• Patio ------------- Al ~ler Schoo} NO f~ collect ed from 2121 E. Cout Hip.way HA.KM.ONO O R O AN9. WOC'ld licant Corona d'I Mar. IJcll tamoua. All mod1l.9. Ai.a ....-.. 1111 No. roadway, Suit.a Ana app al be.rplru 1.n uMd orpna. 'fOQ kl f·S611·Kl 3-.14119·KZ 1·2:11 3 BICYCLE-R&lelfh 1-tOD l9pOrt.a c.t.n aave on tbeu tlno ors--. Uc \\'e have o~ntnrl tor a&eretary; CroM country r-.c1As blkL New DANZ-8CHMIDT, 020 No. xam.. China Painting D&.)' and ~I 0- 0nkq Ta.ken Now Pb.one LnMlrtJ l-IMI • ttuo CONTRACTORS .ALL CLA.sSIFICA.TIONS STUDY In 1paro tUD1 for contrac- to."'• eumln.IUOll. Wl.der a •en· era.I contra.ctor wllh J& yeara top typl1t, le1&J ..eeretary, 1tore cond. Har. 09Tt---.14T Boy.Id• Santa Ana. .clerk. ma.le . .I: part Unit de1k Dr1n, Newport. 12c1• -------------clerk. ORGAN SPllCl.A.L BEACON PERSONNEL (AJency) 413-3111 Newport Beacb GlRLS YOU Washing Machine -VJCll LOVELY USJtD HAMXOHD lpl• net orJan In perlact coadtUon. e tc •vinl'· Convoni.nt i..... al SHAFER.'8 . Mua!c c.o. (8blee ltOT) u1-as N. aycamo,.., auta Ana P b.on• Klmborly 2-0811. will bav• an opportunity to advaru:o tn our flnn, Deel.at of our pruent e~­ pan•lon propam. aperlence. Cl&UM Tue._ and The at arung ...i.l'l' 11 rrt. IYN. 1:30 p:rn. Attend ti.rel «uod and you will HCelvt l ·]*U ,uannto. oa Jot. doBll and on -.II .......,.., IW'4 (1-1') Newport BL, ODlta K-. Ulberty 8-&6()3 DI' Uberty 8-f.327. Mtte KAllMOND ORGANS. S\llJ be, all model& Free praetlee nioma. Corne In and plaJ OD any modol. ~ Great C-rt Orp.n, Ulo Home Kodtl. UM O.urch ud tlMi Spinet Mod.tit. U J'OU thtntl you ca.nnot play. oon. IA and try lh• -14 t'amou. Hammond, .... ,. to play, Chord Orpm.. Tau w!U be utoQJ.al\ad to tllld JOG c.n play 1.11 nnoon .waut.. ....ton fMe. Bertn an)'l1m• fraquent-incr---. too. Al Tvler School ,Jobi now for : October Clearance 1e11 No. -d'roadWay, Sant.a Ana TELEPHONE OPERATORS REJl'RIGllJU.TOR8 Pk. Xlmberly 2..f.He or Kl 1-Jell -A pply -w .. ~ u dO&D,td.14t.ao BerYal apL l1M. cllU ..... _ ....... 11\ti C.Oldlpot a cu. tt., atn. ntc-Jlt.60 WMltn(bou. I d'. ruu oac Ut.30 Uc 1114 'h No. Ml.In StrMt Rm. 211 -Santa Al\& DA.NZ-SCHMIDT J>taao 6 Olp. F elicia Sargent announce. new ~rm ART SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN 1442 Cout Blvd., i....tfUna &'ich' Call KYatt 4·1911 or f-3834 Puppetry and Cl&y Work 8-Uoyd Every afternoon 3:30 to :i l•c27 9 :00 to 4 :00 'P .K. PACIF1C TELEPHONE 7!ttc HAVE Opt'nlng• tor 2 Ii"' w1NI REAL ESTATE a&letmen. Top comml•1lon. "C" TKOKAS LI 1-~21 WA.SHER8 rtis\dail"a. ""to. look. -p9.ao Q, .E. auto. I yrs. aJd cotnplet.oly c.becked -···········-· ............... _ ..•. SIKI Nore• auto. dlliu:• '6' model 1119 Kenmore wrtnr.r, workl Pl'!· 116 JLU<OlCll Co. Hom1 ot tbo H--4, no No. l&Un, 8uata A-. Quality Television SERVICE 12cl4 Mqtc Chef, ovezi th.r. IT' $69.&0 Kome ....,. ta t p.a. ----~~--~~---1 O'Keef1 6 Merritt, '2" top ne W . ltth -LI 1-..n DISHWA.BH!:RS and otht.r rea-cover, perfect eond. -·--149.&0 Iida taurant .help wanted. APPLY Wnt.Jnrl'lou.oe 1l1C. II,. clock, 1------------- Bayvlew En1ploym"nt Acency timer, cood cond ........ _ .. -...... S6ll llPl:ClAL BUT 2827 W. Cout H ">')'-. Newport Vocuum cleanera J9.IMI to 119.l'IO LOVZLY Kl.\(94II. llPM1-,._ Beach. Liberty 8-6002. W'lth buUt !a Lo.rh7 .....,.._ Dkl:!ll!M'.AKING a: Alleratloruo-12cll EYerythlna' (U&raftleed. ...,. S200 on thla, LI~ ....... Women'• • chUdr"n• clothe•-FrM delivery CoDvll'llent lerJT\I .i- i k MASTER barbfor !ull or part Ume 8TROOT8 HDW.E. H~ .IHAJ'ER'8 Mu.le Co. (=ll•>!l doll clothes, mattm ty •moc •· Vii ta BarM!r Shop. 809 w. 19 X --- men'• llhlrlJI made tO order.-St. Coita )leu. t2cli) 1803 Newport BJ'f'd., COit& -4%1-&n N. -... -......... Ana Harbor "81-W. 11c1e Pbona ~borlJ I~ .::.::::...=::_::::.:_ ____ .:..::::::1·--f p;;.,;.i1uon open tor FAIJU.T Nl:W, Olllbamatkl 11&. Expe~· enc' d INGardener flARK rolU)tAN Top load ~1~trte dWnraelf". • P 1 N.: T PLUfc-. w~ ., d Good condlU011. ru11a ,.ood. w-8om.~"-•'-•ee ... l>o Af'rLT DepL of Recre.auon an ,_ _ .. ..., Park11, City Hall, Newport Beach l.A:a!Jlcton t ..u&T. 14P lhlpm.ent. R.-taJ htD:Nil -.d and CLEAN UPS or <»II H ar . .Sl31. Clo.i!llJ datl! M.AYTAO Dutd:I -,.. .tO'f'O. lndo W -orpa&. lian'Gr Liberty 8-1~ fo.. tllln« Oct. 11), 1966 Jkl 4 Bend!X mll.llKI•. Broll k1nl' table Type .,...,. .. 1-• Sit&. I Ot fc ~1E8 : Rea.a ow-ad und• broiler. Fedder't .Dotnunl&n•. D~, U0 X-.. ~ cl.autfte&Uon le -euper *'"" AD •eel. ooad--..... ..... l lc!t4 Ila.II.ta AM. •Or1131e' ., .._ ..,,.. QUALD'ISD Jllothw WU.I rnanac:e your hom• 6 chlld for SHORT VACATION perlnd or \Y£EK ENDS. rrferenr e1 ~llch1nged u 1-1317, 10c23 ket Tl"&lnlng AL TYLER lk:J)ooa. .. oed Orpa. 161 1 N. Uroadway, llanlo A.na. S2.-Fw'nllun fot a.&e_ Kl 7·3:.11, 94tf BABY OJU.JllD. .,...i. OalJ' ~.J.. I 4tG. Good t-. llad ...... Mesa Woodcran Bin ... "°'" "' -.. COW1.fOU8 N'•-'"'-C\U9ltled -------------------------,I .t.d·T allu• .,., 1..intd t.o wnw Pa.lnUng, DecoraUnc Paper Hangin.s Sheetrock Patchin& Ta plnf -TtJt:t llriDg l:Ll.SWORTH CONTR.ACT1NQ EXPERIENCED GARDENER tl'UO.; aecy. •teno.; llPCY.·lypl•t; 1ever1l &'1'.ll"r&.t otllee; pLrt time ateno: ME:\', m&te.rial control. t Jl'O\'ernmtnt l.'<:lntrocl.l l : m•· chtnu.t; Jencr&.t ft ctcry. rrand ~ a oru..., eo-f7, UnpaJnted • JuYe11ll1 rumJtaro T•nu. Larg• patio chelr --······ .... U .I:'. DA.NZ. SCHXlDT ar.t PLaDo DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Nnra-Preu i• guar anteed. Carrier boym trill deliver their papttw. be-- rore 6 p.m. on Mond.,)', W~nesday and Friday, lf y our po.per 111 not dtllve.red by that hour plume call Harbor .1616 and your carrier will brine your paper. ett~Un a.411. Throuch ICllf o:ptti~ &nO a thONUgh Wldtr•l.Udln( of adver- U.tnc •• cu put )'tlUI' •MU lnUI word• that. 11t acUoCL. Lott u• h~p you "": TOOLS BOATS FURNlTIJRE BUSINEllSES LI t-7t tH, 1.1 ·-~2•:1 l2p2tH OOW:P LETE PAINTING · It Paper Hanging Service ICUGl:lli"l: 0 . 8At.TNDD.!I 600 ll•t 8\nlt, Newport Beoch Hartlllw 2911 .-Jl&r, "64f.. Uc GARDl!:Ilo"ING I: yard work by day week or month. LlberlJ 1-6131 a!Ur I . !tfc Excellent Cook (male) cook. buU•r, chauJfeUf', JIUJ"M, COUrillf'. VerMUli comp&n· ton, Ol'l &.t polllUon five year-9. Extel. local ret. Ll &.i:i78 12pl• J't:SE F'AR.RAR E!>WLY AGCY. 402't -32nd SI., N"wporl Ht•~h \Opp. City Hall J \VHJTF.: Woman for on1-h•lf day we<i!llly cl-tining a pt.rt.ment tof' ernploy"d couple. Phone H&rbor 1130-R evenrnc1. l tc19 !>fEN 6: t\'OMEN. .1300 MONTH )flNIJorlJM GUA.RA!\'TEE Bookcue 211 ll 3ti --··--··-·-·I T.4-6 and OrJ&ll at.ore. BIO Ne......_ 4--drawer Chttil . -··-.. ··-··· t.l .N a.nt.a A.Ji&. Homa ol ... llllllt• Comrlet• !Ille Wlpalnted f\UTI. loft rnond OrJUL. · and hwd. -----"--------- J.finwu: and Den ftlllahe• EL&Cl'RONJC O ROAK. .... Ol'd"r• lalfen f or •huttert 1410. .EuJ Tenn& 2121 Ha.rbof', C.M. Llberty l-1841) DA.NZ-80QIIDT, &2'0 No. ll&nl& Ana Home .t tl\e HEYWOOD Wal!1fteld lw'd comp. mon.d Orp.a. Love .eat bid. autorn Hotpolnt ____ c_ _______ _ ranee Ilk• M W, pr ot matt h Heywood WK nd wtne c.MJ,., eo-l\liti chair. Hu 21!1-M.. l4clll Classified CA.RS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES W:USICAL INSTRUKENTS l~ COMP.\..'ll ON by nftned m lddle- &C• woman. Good disposition. Xlnt. driver. Prefer home nltea. R"terencc•. H u . 6003 or ~J.J Sell by app. New, No Comi)etlUon. Thoroul[h ttt.tnlne pl'op"&m. 1-----,..,--.,,.----- Cat Nect-ry. Harbor 1214. Like N- TV & Radio Repair Fast Service NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS l¥ery Mondtty, w ..... , alld Fridtty COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A J OB GET YOU A HELPER Tht .. New .. Prua Cluained Ad- T U t n aro ell'p<lrU a.Ad UICJ aro at your ..nice. JUlt phon• IURllOR 1815 FOR RENT AScoholiC9 A.Donymou Wrlto P. 0 . Boa Ul M.wport a-di, C&llf. no.. a.nor ·-... WANT o rtci. lnlo do""SI town L. A. Mon. lhru Jl'rl. Wof'klnr houra I io •::ao. y.·1u 1han openM•. LI l-791t 12cl4 12p 14 1 ~--~--------c-I llEAlJTY operotor for new •.bop. EXPEJUl:NCEO 8ECRl:TARY:-U 8-&849 or LI 8-7032. 14clt COM.Pt.rn: 'Mfmom ffb for 'Z rooms, 12 • ti -• rug • pad, retrl«. wull. ma.c:h, 21 " Ad- ml1'9.l rY. Maple dellll. U be.f't)' 1-789.'>, 14cll Lecal a: ceneral offtc•. Pubnc eteno •ork n1y offlC• or &vail-lkl:) •ble f11t part-time -r11 TOU" otnce.-3e30 E . Co(l..lt Hlw •y . CO'rona dtl Mi r. H•t. l'ii42 - l.fl"r 3 :00 p.m. LJ 1·712~. 13plfl Bl:RVI C E A:"'TlQIJE Kent~y rtflt1 "°·· ttOUnU m<1v11 OIJlflt I UW. rare old h'Qry Chinen .c:Ttotft l :lQO, II.let IRONINGS -1tarctUn1-mtrul· ma.hog , C•IM t Lll f & ~. playt'r ln&'-a..ctielor 6peclal Shirt.a 3Uc pi11no Jl.'W. uld kllchen cab!nl!l PER.!ONALIZl!:D 11.bo Hand W&Ahlng11-ALTER-s::o. 1nuq1•• <IP.lk Sl?'l'.!W. old B!:NDOC $80. Green Oawno. 6: rr•Y 1\lp c-ov1r t.1'. Red Daveno $1 0. Ru1 Si:l l blue niu revera- Jble $10. Harbor !ae7. 12cl 4 9xl2 Ollr>oRTE.O PERSIAN RUG Orte. co.it $300. S1crtflc• a t J I~. LI 8-3~9 l2cl4 R1MOnabl1. 8orV1ct e&llll uu 9 p.m KNOWLTON l:Lrc- T'RONICS lJ 1-~200. llp:UH Pr1vat. party offe'l'I KAJ0(0 HD Sp!ntl o:rr an modal M·I , bl&uu- tul dark walnut firu.h.. U k• n~w $1~. H Y•ll 4-24.11 12pl4 SPECIAL BUY DemoNtra.tOT" model Chord OtTa- ln ~rteet conrUUon. !!ave I~ Conv•ntm t ttnTll. U ben.1 trade Al 8H.AP'ER'I Mualc C.O. ll!Llnce l901} • *lr:UI ..... l:Jec.. DriJLt, PoUmMn.1 118!::~·~·!!!vtz~~&~lda~----­A TION8 Ml"ll. H1thaw1y 303 ph(:lnocrapl'I l lt.. wood 1\01'1 atl lYPM ot 8aadna. "1Mo1Mlr :: .._ .... r..:..u Ba.Ibo&. l l p 13 1'22.~. Olin-urv~ ch.t IJ45, Superfluous Hair MIUlUKf1pt Typ1n1 old sulk)' $4:1. old •ld•bo&f\I J2-A-htiqlNlll 421 ... 23 N. Sycamor•, SOJ\ta A.JI& ~ rhona Klmblrly 2-ot72 • BOYD'S HDWE. 21130 W_ COAST KIGBWAY ui-t.1 1-U:t&, N...,ort .. 11Uc Pa ··•UJ re-.cl fJ'"C;8 fM:OI Geneni.l typinr $2i.Ml. •pt. nLtlge 120. t.lectric ..,._, •· C,.brVws Ud balr &:xi-rtQ!ced ra.nc-e I....,, nice ... ·Uher $%2,llO, i.... -.peel-No lllOR tw..il.n1-LI 1-e.110. old JV.n.S• ILllUque c.hln&, cut 11•• l:LL&N L. BRTA.NT R. &. llcl6 curio•. Old Jewelry, br1c·a ·bra.c, I C Udo'1 Wom Oil Bl&utJ B&r. :18"711 -------------etc.. Yre b11y. 11ell • ...... p. Brlrl( Genera ontraetor u. CLCA.Nmo • momNo by UI• 1tt.ma 1n . c •1ARl.1E oA Vls - UCllN'81::D 1-------------day. Eitper1enced. Balboa Island 180~ E. A na heim Sc. L.B. 850139. -• --F P"ferniS. Kl 3~. u New Work -Remodellnc 'I:•:::~~::::;:..:•-=~·~-==----,____________ SELt~ ON TE.RMS All Q=n' .... ..._--' "-... flllr ~ '9 iMYaW .r. ,.,ltre'loe I Iii' DELJCATESSEN caat. $1:'i0 'tit• publ~"' •ill rt0t. M ~bl• for mo,.. tban ona tncorrect J, MILTON JlcJ.CENZ[E LOST-Slam•• cat. maJ• w ear-Swedish Massage ONE e r t. t*frlrrrator $~. 1~ ol u Mt. rtMrY• UM 111"bt to corTl'rtlJ' cll.Mlty any and all Harbor 0399--W Ml!c tnr smell cotton collar. Lo1t on ONE largr commcrc. n~frlr 17!\. ada aDd lG 1'9JICl UIJ a.II MC oenfonrt.l.cl6 to ruin and ""'11&0-. P1nl.llula. ft.ewart1 Hal'. l)lu-J. Lad.lei, -by 11ppotnlment In I BCAl.ES . .I~. t GONOOLA $:.&. or JOi i Mlramar. l!cl3 you .. home. .. 11.-.a. ...... TV WINDOWS, FLOORS Call ,,_ner LI 1·6223 mnm lnp or Claalflecl l_ ... _JI l!'onnerly mUMuu at ArToWhtad 0 01, IRil9 SI ....._ V.U. P• llO lt.EWARD-phui IMl)' <'uh tn 11.lttr p.m . <' ~~ h' & W ' 8pr1ri~t Hotel •, _ ,._ ,", ~~ Was mg &Xlllg .0-.• me11h Nndt>ac loit Bat. Pl ..... call Har bor 479:1 or H llr. e o x SPRINGS It. mattr-el'•. HANDMADE Copper lam~~· blown cryltol -arrJv!ng tu 100n. EXQlilSITE tor f ar UrhUng, pat!~. pool•, or erfec· !Ive tor lnd<)Or 11ihtlnc, Write Do• 818 \l,'hl1t1er. Cllllfornla '°" •pp\, tp2'Z TRADE JAGUAR "6.1 X K 120 modl1*L Olaus-r t op. R A H "1114 Wlnlt'• Tonneor C o.,.• r. Win wti~,.I•. 12100. Har . .000. . .... ·---, ____ .. -.nlill'. betw"" CDM .. Ne•· -· h 4~ WIU.Y '8 8 .U.UOTI -cm o"drlve ru.ra l"ood l37r. or dfer Qwn,r. Mar. 1044·R.. I ----M -A• I -· etc v•• · Helldbo!U"d $3~ B~lroon1 C alr s.ei..uUtu.I 70-rt. aua. echoolm\er . ..,_,. -• ,port ;B••ch. No QuoettlotW. l 14 14 1, • -• ""·" r1 • A .... W•... ' c 17. Har. 1171-R. c Excellent tor chartn. \Y~t --------•-rn--·· .. o-'-rw-. ke;ra. 1l11C1n .. ate. 0 1-------------"''' ' t• 0--. .. ..._ '-.... RES ~1IJ.UU... lf'•J.'-'AQ ~Harbor 1173•W. 14p I t pro~M.y or •mall~ ba.t. IZJO N .,, •'------l;:;:..;• ·a ·~-~ .. ~·~:~-~w.;: ____ ~:-~·i·:.:~'"'~ ... ~-~·~-~..,..~=-----'.-l:====u~~a.~1~s~zs~==~~.M:F.~~;=;~~';2~~~~pR~o~;·~s~M~~a~i~n~t~e~n~a~n~c;ey-"~~~;r-'~,..~·~"~··~'~;,,.~·;:~·~0~'0~,~::.·~·~"~~~·~·:·r-~"~··~":·:•""::•:•:•:"":·~·=N=··~w= ... ==c~H~u~.fv~o~LK;•~w:;•~oo~.~~"~~"~""'~~~""'~----i • Chlld• chut ot dr•wera $1), toy thr~ mo. Y.'f'l!lderful condltlon u....,..... red eoltar, Lott ne..r Bud"• HOU9 clMnlnr-J"loor •u:lnr che11t J3, elef't. h~"ltr $~. ~2(1 11.">ril'l -:tJO Amethyl't Ba.fllo9 If _.. Yew OM" '' .,., ....... ._. ~· Colt.a M-. tt.ward. Wall ruhlnc-trtndow clean1Dr 2 1 14" f"T, G LA88 "''IZARD wll.l'I rt · ~~ ~·• 61 ...... a .._ I., a.t l\d. Oil ~ Dft.......,. LI ..-oat. <"1~ Vaieuan bllndL UpbolM:llTJ' 1-f&f'(U,rlle, C.:.D,M I 1 c 4 mote c-ont ro!1 • I.Taller. H&rbor la.land. H&r. ;l.1MI l•clf II ....., A* ~ ..... fW ._t • p ARKIN'G LQ'I'S Jn.utlld. ~ Ertlmatu LA~ ""inl chair, Cf.1nt& cover· 2618. 'tt.fc 1\6 BtnCK Ct-ntury RJ V1en Rud tt .... ..._ .a ..._.. ,_ a..t 'l~,==~8~c! .. ~·~-~!!_-~!!_a:~~~--Liberty 1-1'32. ltfc e<J Jood condition 1:56. R1r t<>p, blU<t • ,..hil t.. All Glru II Lei' ... ...._. _....,_~_....-c. 8ubodlYWoal our ~i,r. W• : ---"--------4400. 12c14 BOAT STORAGE 11.000 ml!~11 B~•t offer. Owner M......, IUl M t\ln).).lb MT~ oDte1f1111.,.. BIG DE'• A 1111.TT\ LICENSED e~Pftienee-(1 akl ppet 823 Via J,1111> l'iord. Har, HU. II ...... •A._.._ anc&Uon. l.£f'I• )GM --a ~'4JJ ai.u avatlabl1 tor bo•t ma.lnten-RO W..A\\'Al' BED. b....tnette. tee-lM.20 • llllp...... :-:..:::-...:. ...... joba, rr.. •Umatea. Ai. ••· HlOH PAT ance, .... kly Of' mOT1thly. Call ttr babe, 18 raUI:• 8\e'9'ena Mlot ALL SIZES, ,_.bl• rat-Ap- ..... I -........ om.. I.er ... d .... ~ ..... P'IUCnCAL NtIRaltl Harbor l l:l9·W l4C11 run. 2~ hp l!:lf1n outboard-ply at )'&r'iJ offJCe. SOUTH l'll Cffm'ROL1:T Bela.In. bard top :: = .... ...... m .. t. ~ l-400I, OU-~AL 118CR.ft.AJlT Kl 5·13to. 12c14 (.°OABT COMPANY, Newport (.'OT!Vertlbl•, 2 tone •U •traa. II ......... :'\... II Own..... tnof'I • P..., JI~ Bl:*. HOJUI 8TUDT •XPERIE NC J.ID coo1t bouM kAJ>t.Ji; • Birch Hl......, klt,a; ~f Bl'f'd .. at 2!rd 8t ., N-iiort Bch. One own.r *6, Kl 1·211._ ......_ .. ....,. .. ...... Mft --ldliool riot_.,... litany -k.-per ltv• In.. Good m.-mc.. -~ 2tt fil l •. lpru.c., H. A 1"11 D Fullllmo ·-M ~-• 1 --··---,· df9.ww -e. eoot •119.60 al· c-=.,-o==--0--.,---,...,---o=c .. -..,. --1tuiL W -11 Har, Wl t . 14cl8 -.-= ·• ... ..... 11 .... ...... • -mOlt n-115 ....., I ft ffJdm P'AIRI..JNal cl-., m.ded. Will '11 OLD'9 , 2 door . 1218. XO&or -":.:..c•c...•-·~·-"'"---------------------l'ni. 1'._.Plwl publllb• _.... ..,_ Wrttllt now. VnltM lklloolof ?fUl\8!! U~ta. Udo tile l:IO red • wbtte. Ill Park tr~e. LI H 110 a.a!.. or p.m. ll't'ert111ul"d • n ... balt«'J. Bar. a....n..d Actl Ula.a &117 ot.W pru,.-., Dlllb1et OMce. t.>mlta --.. ......... .... B&JL--111.and. lip Nth 21J7-M. 1 ...... a.a. k.118 -..-.na J ... , .. '-""'nc:et. --.. -.pa~r In Ole .,.... 'nu ..... llOB. t 4ple F IBERGLA88 CMl'lptt flt.I .,,, 11 n . BtRCRCRArr 1'rio h. p, 8ACRIF1CE laf'I• equtty LA al .. leadft"ablp .... alt.t.t.d becsQlo SPANISH TUTORING rtn.J.. Che. Bkpr. and Acct. C.l1 hlill' ton pickup. P'o1dllll' t()J'. ScQtt Atwallr. k collent CO!ld. K.EftCURT Sun Vallq. eau N ..... ~ C'lulllU\e4 Adi .... 8tudmtt • ....... &f'tin" I p.m .-Rarbor 1542. built In IM!.lll. •at« t&U. le. ~ Jlf'ked. ll&t. l1Y·W owns LINrt)' •-em IDGir'lllLq• ....ult.I! --.... W• 14p11 boa', etc. 1111 LI ...... ,0 Ucl4 11olt ar art. I p.m. !Otto Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 • • , • I' I t I ,, ,, ., \1 II 'I Ii '!I '~ ·- h • I • •. -... ~. . ..... .--~ .. .;.;&O._A..., .. ,.•_.._·ef_._r_u_. __ 1 .. ___ ~--af!! Ta ... -" ··-for .... -----f:1! &pa. a ••11 ,_ a-t 41-Af!! a ..... tor !!!! OOA.Dil morna UldM et 'IEWPORT H.4R80R NEWS.PRESS -PART Ii . 'A&E I SAVE $1800 t• IMPl:RUL 4 door Sedan. Lcmly I-Tone Blue with Whit. 8tdMra11 ~ Nly equipped • Power 8teertq • Powel' Seat • Poww Brak• • Poww Win· don • Radio • Beater and Cbryaler'a Escluive Alr- temp AJr ConditicJlllnc. Low Mile&p. An EaceDeat Value at Oa.Jy .. 196. LOU REED CHRYSLER • PLYMOtrrH DEALER 1200 W. Cout lflabway. Pb. ~rty 8-3•86 ' GMC Tubeless Tire and TRIPLE USED CHECKED Recapping Hdqtrs. TRUCKS • hour ..mce rr.. Pick ~ 6 dellnry Lido Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. ap&rtmentl. runaillMd. <>ens• Y e&rt7 er wtnt• ,_tal. Bar. MTI. TcJO CORONA DmL MAJ\. JMl'l7 2 • bd..-m. dUpla -d 1-bdrm. apart- maAt. ~ &Del. uUUU-. 317 Ma.rtuerlte. 2Uc Channing Harbor Hpen Apartment.. • Patioa &OOJI tor worldns maa. Bot and • cold waw 1a ..,,_. ~ ..,. trance .. I*' ...-. 1.U-JIUi 8t Newport. ppUe SI -...aom.. Office Building For Rent NEW ottlce blq. Centrally locat- ed. Floon carpeted. Window drapea. 1&00 mq. ft. Ideal tor Ina. or reaJ •tale tlrm. Pb. Jtm al LI a..S464. 7eJOll NEW { ROOK. llnel lnel.. Near llChoola, aboppln&' dtltrlct. Quiet. ple&aa11t, exelw.lve. O&rbare eta. 55-A-B--. Rataa. peal, laundry, 1l0fa6• room1, ------------ rarare. 182.110 up. Occupl• en· Cor. ltth Ir Placentia, C. K. tire atr .. t . Oood aupervl.ton. l'OR UN'1" two bdrm. home - Mer. 2601 HaYen Place (1tove A: Ntrtc. tum.) &Dclud• 1 Block South of Hl&b School •tore room A two ottice 1pac•. AL80 FURNJSHllD APTS. 1100 month. OR wW ,_t Mpa· WINTllR RATU llUc rataly 1 ottlce at tTI and 1 at I BDRM. fUnl duplex 1..,. Ull '&<> Oevrolet % T . Pickup ·o Ford i,(, T . Plcliup '&O ~ ,,. T. Panel sao month. Aleo amall Aore 1100 mo. Call O'lmtr Liberty M211 mornlnp or alter I p.m. tt.tc Courtney & Lester July 1. No pell or clilldren. ill Avocado, Corona del Mar. 12cH ------------ 'Ill OMC l,i, T. Plckup '62 IntemaUon&l ~ T , Ptckup 'eJ Dodr• % T. Pickup '112 Cbnrolet ~ T. Panel .'63 OMC '.; T. PlckUp 'IH GMC " T . Pickup Hyd,.Kallc Trana, ·~2 Chevrolet l T. Panel ''1 OMO 11,S T. 12' Stake '31 Fwd l,,., 12' Stake 'IK Dodp 2 T . 4 Yd. Dump. 1 :2& TtNt, s 9pMd 'M J'wd noo. 1 apeed. I :H Ttr .. 16" N~rt Blvd., Coat& Mea LIDO ISLE PBONZ LIBJCllTY a..1111 PAP YEARLY untum. J bdrm. A J * PORT ORANGE* TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W, Cout Hiway. Newport Beach U 8-4420 '"-"'I' 2 Br. Roadmuter _ Sff96 '112--32' Andenon. uc:el. . .. l:ntll ·11i--2r Roadmuter. perfect llUll '112--H' Happy Home ............ '"'696 'M-41' Pa.ram. 1 Brm ... Dlecount b&lb home. Har. 1011. 4ltc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR t.nd one 6: two bdrm. apt.a. She.rt term &nd yevl7. ALSO, Udo Homu and 8-1 S'rOlll Jfom .. and apartmenta. -LIDO REALTY Auoclatea 3600 Vl& Udo, Harbor 4"4 ltttc RENTAL r'. SPECIALISTS NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BE P0881BU: TO BUY a lOOx.100 tt. comer Jot kl heart or Balboa wtth a complete Nr- vlc. llatJon, tully equipped, l'1'0U .... oHr-seo,ooo, 1su ' bdrm. home. plenty room few ~- 1loa. 'I'tl• price and Mt lncoma wtJI pl-you. CaJl- AL TYLER, Broker &OT 11. Balboa, Har. aeot. 1 lclt Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31.8t St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delichttul Uvinc. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilitie. paid. 'tritb Yacht alip accomodatlon•. Daily, weeltty, monthly, yearly. J'or appt. or reettVation, Call Har. 2992. MUc ' * APARTMENT COURT * 8 Units $18,500 DOWN Ill health (orcea tale of thi.8 almoet new Eutaide °'9ta Meu. Court in top year·round location. MOO eq. ft. of living uea, plu. garage., priced below the coat of reproduction. All unita are rented, income $eoo per month. Total price '52.~. ht T. 0 . $34,000 at $34-0. per month. EXCLUSIVE WITH: Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 2Mi Evee: LI 8-~ or 8-SlfM 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach 25 Y eara of Leaderahlp 80A-lad•b1al Lota We bave Uie larr .. t 1tock ol \IMd truckl tn Oran~ county, aJl typee and 1tse1. There 11 a t.n.tclc that will tit your pocketbook, 1n our 1t.ock. PAN AMERICAN Paramounl-Kenaklll Tr• veleie-Terry Call l:ctna Cra.11 WANT INTJCRJ:ST ln blllln-or Blanche Gates, Rltr. Income. Invut halt of P600 ----------au Marine AYe. equity In Sant& Barbara trtpla !!=_~~~~I!_ Palo~ Verdes Estates W.W. WOODS Mlfc balboa laland, Har. 1671 12U.c • extra lot, tol&l '18.600-$20ll Income. Conalder boat or ! - SUNNY ACRE TRAILER J«.Ri( RICDltCORATllD nt~ly furn. 1 Write Box 0-116 Olia paper. Upl& X-1. Placentia, 1411' It 830', level. wtth eotne bulldlnp, • In heart or lndu1tri1l area. Pr1ee 124,&oo. Term1. OMC DEALER 115-1' E. 4UI IK. Santa Ana bdrm. apt., yearly rental M t.&O ------------Save tnclud, ulll. Adulta 18211 w. eat. FOR oRll,-=NLllAF-81lVERT8, Realty NEWPORT HARBOR ARE A BEAUTY P ARLQR lll2 Newport Blvd., Newport Open Sunday A.M. No CHARGE tor children on yr1. boa Blvd., Newport. Har. l239-W BUJTABLI: tor 1 or 2 0...-t,ora, HiJh deluxe rt.nch home *Ith view Truck Headquarter• tor Oranr• Co. leaae. Near Newport Blvd., 12cH ..-·-Har. 2M2. l:vaa. LI 1-319' from Ventura to C.l&ltna'.' atoree, 1ehoola. 114 E . Wllaon, Coata M .. a. KI 11-l&eO. l3tfc mu.t be 80ld now at rtvaway WATERl'RONT YEARLY FURN price. Good tocaUon. low rant. 1 bedrm., 2 bat.ti level comer. 29111 CHRT8LJCR Wlnc»or. RAH, power .teennr Ir braltta. Rea· eona!M. LI 1-1&29. 13clll l Bedrm up~r duplex nearly ACT FAST. 8_1-~-&ta&e Es_MM_C!_ Kahor. lnter1or, lateat buUt-ln1, PRACTlALLT New uUllty trailer, new. $8~. Incl. uUI. A p.rye. -1prthlclera. ate., will tr a d• bed 4 x 5~ AU 1ted. Capeclty 2 blk1. to Udo c-enter. Oil-J~ C HOW ARD S&le or l::xchall.r• 128.000 eqwty for In com e. JHI INTERNATIONAL halt ton pickup wtUi eteel bumper ,.ck uoo LI 1-tno 12cu 1000 lbl. tnct. hitch, aatety 38 81. Harbor 4182 or 2313. Har. UOll Und • Newport BIYd. COZY five room 1tuc:co In Sun-waterfront. or bualn ... ch.aJn., llcrnite. Only uMd &O Up13 14 19 land. Trwa. nice yard, ahru~ry Owner. Rorer WallOn. lllOl E1pl- mtlu. 1126. wu $200. Har. 00 0 c etc. J::xtra kit. AU fenced. C&ll noM Circle. P. V. I:. 2717-R. Hpl8 R NA del Mar F\Jm 2 bdrm. ------------f'lor1da 3·7402. · Upl Frontier 6·fN4 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 42 PT. Df:LUXI!: Rottaway, 2 bedrm. 38 fl. awnlnc. Artie cooler. TV antenna. Very etean A ln 1ood ah&pe, Lot 231 Sahara Park. Palm 8prln1•. (No phone calla plo.te.I ' l•pll 8 Cybl. ---$48.SS f'J-Waated to Beat Z:c1:J..la. ~u; .~-.;~,!.. Rentals Wanted New rtn11, wn.t pln1. ftlY• We Med •JIU and iaoua. an d rrtnd, tlttlnp of maln and rod eecUoal t« bOUl whit.er and be&rtnp. Expert motor tuo• up. 7_,.. • ._. run. or untum. to~y or •.ooo mu. ruarutee. CNO MONllT DOWN). II JOU ba•e a •a.cane,, REBUILT ENGINES pbCllM toc1&7 -UP to 111 woNTH1 TO PAT-The Vogel Co. BuUt Jn our owa fMJtM7.,. awed IJ01 w. ~ Bwr .. JC.-,ort Bell macMnJat-. Don't coeted wttJt ,,.._. ~ ....a U.. middle 1r1aa. ~ dlr.ct.. * Martae. 8ahloa ...... REBUILT and JN8TAU.ED ....,. aanow '" 8BOftT BLOCK .. 7 &. Oout a1 .. Cot-ona clel lllar • It 50 Ptlone Bartlor t 7 4 I J'ORD ···~ ··· ·-----·--· •1 ' Udd Otnee. 1411 Via Udo CHEVROLET ·····----IUt.50 H ...,. ...., PL Yll. • 00001: -----$1~ ar.,.,r 4.' l CHR1'8. 6 DIC 801'0 -·--1170 1T02 Newport Blvd .• Coata Meaa B'MJDEB.Ua:I\ .... _._ 1170 Ll~rty ll-<&697 OLDf!I 6 PONTIAC I --$170 ButCK -·-· 117& HUDeON ·····-·-··---··-·· 11711 1-Car l"rff TOWIAS NJ:W CA.I\ OU Al\ANTJ:S '8Jodl ll'IUlt m"t our at&Dd&rda P1'le \UM, paktU and oll ()pea 8\mday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally I to T 8tata Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BANTA AJ>IA ..,M-Af&a. a B0919 ___ _ Choice Winter Rentat. on BaJboe bland It Udo l•le amaU 6 CCC1 or latTe A dal\11• tn to PGO IDOll~ VOGEL CO. IOI MarhM A.._ B&Jboa llLuJ PL Hu~ 444 or Kul:lor UIU "--Har. 1T .... R or Har. I064to-M Mlle 1 llI>llM. APT turn. OT untunl. T ..,.ty. lu-.ard St.. 1'f ewport BeecL Bar. JOll.J. 1Sp1& J'UlUlf. 1 lldnn. hoUM. 1 bllr. trom ocean • bl,y, Balboa. Wtnter ...n..i. Alao tum. b&dlaklr apt. Vp.t&ln. Har 1781-M. lkUI DSLUD modem tuJft n\adto apt.. lie WORKlNO MOTHXR with echool are IM>n dealres •m&ll 'bou.e or apt. In Newport H~ll. f'um or wtru.m LI 1-12'17 after a or w"lr •nilll. 13cl& STOP TOUR rental 1-. Va.cant Ant· ala coirt you money 00 to your phone tor halptul Mrnce. -r.in· anta watunr tor all puu or U.e Harbor >.rea. REX RECHS Realtor 2307 W. &lboa Blvd, Hut>or 6164 Newport &8-Ap&a. a Bow. lf CAl'lAL ntONTAOE, I bdrm. du· plex apt., .Ucety tum., fll"lplace. • hd-A•d. nn. sa.r .. auto. waaha.r 1110 ~r mo. ""1th utlllura. Av&ll till J uly l . Har 2218-R,: 13<:15 A TTRACTIVJ; 1 and 2 bdrm. tum UUUlle. pa.Id. l or 2 children Laundry room. B LUE T 0 P APT. MOTEL~ Newport Blvd Npt. Beach, f\l.i above the Ardl.-. 74ltc NJ:W MODERN untum. Mpu"&le S Wrm. unit wtUI ,..,....._ aduJll 011ly. Oood ...t aid. looUon. Alaio tarru unturn. boUN In Newport Rt!«ht• U 8--49'0 • u c1a duplu. Furnace heat 145 mo. ~II to Loe.a yrly. 2522 Seavjew. 12pU OGleJ 1 B.R. tumt1hed apartment-f86 REAL ESTATE LOANS per mo. on yearly leua to eple. lntei.t Rate ~~,, Call Harbor 1254. 1 le l3 Lo.na qwdtl7 ma«M IA Ole a..,. OCEANFRONT APARTMENT- Jood locatlon-alcely turn111ted aJI taclhllea for comfort. 1leep1 4.. 116 ~r mo. tnC'lude11 uUllUu. See It -1704 W Oe.-ntronl Newport Beach. Har, 4173-W. llp13 OEl..UXE FURK AM'S. SlnJIH It dbla. '30 mo. and up. 104 E. Bat An .. Balboa Harbor 6U4. 8tlc BALBOA ISLAND If llW BJ2A UTlYUL. t\u'1lllMd J ltdrm. apt., pa.tJo, carport. Trly. rental or io July 1. llO Ap~ AVL Harbor 8786. l k18 ~ <(: -(t -tr ENJOY UVlNO on Ole ~ front. Near Newpon pier. Stnrle apt. with kttch«Mlte and bath M&ld 1ervtc., uWlttM pd , TV. Siii ~r Wt~k. Harbor tOel An.a a.nd Collta w-. atns&e or muJUple untta. N-or old. Be wt. and •H by r .. flM•c•ftl your pruent loan. MWmum •· pa~ No eh.arr• t'br preU111I· nary appraia&L Pbooe lanta Ana Klnlberly ~a.a or write ARTHUR A. KAY Mortrqe Lou CorH9p0Ddmt Occidental Uta tMurance Co. 1133 8ouUI Matn Banta A.Ila CASH ... roA TRUST DIDIDe WM. 8. HOLT .MORTOAOE BA.NXINO SINCI: 1930. ,, 1'°9 N. BUSH 8A.NTA A.NA KDIBJCR.L T I · 7111 tr * {t tr tf<1 , NO COMMISSION No Appraiaal Fee BALE8 -REnN A.NCS OONSTRUCTION Call for rr. NEWPORT ISLAND, yrly. raAtaJ. Fut Commttmenta 2 bedrm. tum. apL • ~ar&S•· °" RMlden.cu aad Unlll ~ -~-1~_1.i,.._· ._on-11._"_o_pe_ll_. _Har_Jkbo_1: Don I. Huddleston CORONA DEL ){Al\-1 bdrm. ftirn •Pl . Jartll• and la.undry 173 E. 17th St. rm $7!\ mo. Har. ~M. OOITA MD.A H elt LI 1-11641 LI t4M1 N ICAR Bay 6 ~ NtiW 2 bdrm. tum UI~ kltC'hfn. bath It ahow- er 17~ 11111nt•r r,ntal Harbor 17111-M. Uc16 TRUBT DUDI tor t.ha PRJVATE INV&ITOR •~ to 10')(. retum SANT A AN.4 MORTOAOC 00 . 48-B-R~ for 8-t 206 spurseon Bids . KI 7-oaa lcU uoo ISLE, a bd'rma., a wtN ------------ home on annual bu&&. Heated LOA.IC8 TO BVD..D. OIPROQ -1mm1nc pool. IUp tor •O tt. am. MOD&IUClZ&, OA boat. BuuUfuJly t\lrn. bqut-IU:l"INANC8 alt# !Utde plant•n. lhrub9 We ~ Tr\lllt O.... ;iround peUo 6 ~ 3 car pr. N&WJ>URT BA.l.BOA SA VIJ'lf08 '800 mo lnqulA 41 Balboa 6 W AN A880ClATlCJN Covea, Nnrport. 3elt UM Vla Ude. FIL Bar. dot r&NJSUL.A a bdrm., furn., n,... "" place, recnauon room. double cane•. no pat1. Hu. UM-R or H&r .072. L2cn BACHELOR oir couple. fUra cot· tace. Wl"ter ~taJ. n o Marina Ave. Balboa laland. l60 month. .Har 1806 13cl& LOANS for Homes .,. -to ~. &.-. Construction Loans an BOB UTn.Zll 2&l& llABT OOUT BL VD. Oorma del Ka.r B&nor ... Rq, POIJUD lllOllTOAOA 00 Metn Ute 1-hllda ICL Ml81 *'• a r llUAU:. a bdnn. 1 ~ bath home. 11496-0 tull price.. l3MO down with 4 ~ lnlf'rHL it.lher 8l. loeaUon. R .. tty sood, OR/.NGE COAST PROPERTJl!i8 1~7 Ntwport, Co•i.. Mea LI 1·1132 r;ve. LI e-etoa CORONA DEL MAR -Lfl Ulr tum p r apt pay the mortc•&• on lhl11 3 bdrm 2 bath home Ma.ny "built-In•" A loll ot 1tor-•1'• epaee '1oor covarlnl'•· drapea 6 appllanett tnclude<J In price or U &.000 H•tbnr l&Ol·M. Uc27 BJ:Atn"JnJt. vmw Lot on Cliff Dnve. aa tar aa we lcnow Uu~r"e .,,.. jUlt :z •i-loll tor aale On SJ!)(){)(). oUln 19700 ORANOf; C'OA A'T PROPERTl U 18117 NeW11Qrt, C"otll& Mu a Ll t-llU En. U l-'803 ft ............. ~ '• the price of w ... ,.,.. a bdnn. Eut alde Coat. M-hom" Low Cl paylA. Submit On. payt. BURTON B. BECK. Rllr. A-ln1ur. nu w. Coul Hwy. Har. 221 Ucl~ BAYSHORES Due llln~ owner will acetpt Jn>' rea.onable otter. l•nn• or trade for • bdrm. 2 balh CLEAi\ hOIJ'11" In top cond1tlon. Valufld a t 129.~. Contacl ownf'r LI 1- tSOS or )'O\lr broker. 14ctt VutW HOM.I! ON CLJTr OR. NllWPORT Kll:JOHT9 fl"OR. llAUD OR WILL 11\ADE lhil J bdrm. A den home 1 \I bath. ,.,,.,. conv. llltcli.n Ulat open. onto lb• patio. OIUHd In dlnlnr room, flrf'place. nWlh In waJt ot L.R. w W e&rPf'll Ont or the bf''°'t built homea on Clift Or. cau owner at U 8·17112 day1 or LI •SMe rvM. H d 8 GOLD BOND I Pier and Slip Cbanninr No. Bay Front home, 3 bdrm. It maid'• room. 2% batha. Lowly l&rp Uvtnc room.. dlnlnc room ·and lanai faclnc on Bay. 47 tt.. lot. Jl"lne yard and r•rden. EXCEPMONAL pi• and •lip. Carpeta, drape9 It .ome ~al fine tum.lture lncluded. We think t.hl1 11 t.he bMt buy ou the Bay. $73,500. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W .Coa•t Hwy. Newport Beach {at Port Orance> LI 8-7M2, Har. 515' rv•. OUTSTANDING HOME on 3 Acres Only 1 yr. old, tbit 1pac1ou1 2 Bedroom. 2 bath home, beautifully built by a tnJe craft.Iman. Warm knotty pine Interior with u9ed brick fireplace. ~p­ a.rate dining room a.nd "dream" lcUcben with ther- mador r""..nre and oven. bui lt-in BBQ. bar, di8hwuh· u , automatic laundry. etc. Laree ~ patio, db&e. pnp. Located near Ora~e Cout College, the eatn u,... are aho\lld greatly tncreue in value, mUinc an ldMI home and Investment. Price and t~nn. are uceptionallyy attracUve. " WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor WEONESOA Y, OCTOIER 5, 1955 - For Your Plenty of a •1a1 ._.. Convenience P arlcin9 Space EARL W. STANLEY'• centrally located offi~ &L Bayside Drive and Cout Hi1bway, bu now beam •tatted to cover the ~ Uatinp in Romee and Income, for ale, iD all -.ctiona_ of the South Cout area. MR. LOUIS F . BOYNTON, now reaJdinl In lnrioe Terr&ee, with 25 ,..... ot uperienc. iD ..runs "Quality Waterfront Hom•" in Seattle &Dd lat91y In Weetwood, Bel Air and Brentwood lau,jolnld the Stanleyulee force to be at Ba)'8lde ~ Oftloe. OUR NEWEST LISTING A REAL BARGAIN-CORONA DEL MAR --· $5,000 DOWN • A new home of 2 fine bedrooD18 and eoovertJblt Den. 2 batha. Living room approximately lk.23. Decorator designed curt.aina and draperies. Th• mo•t modem attractive kitchen. 'A level SOxill ft. lot, aprinklen and be&ut.ifUlly land9caped and fec- ed. Stove included In the low pric. of ~. Shown by appointment. Call LoWa Boynton at Harbor 3297 or eveninp Harbor 2878. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor BAYSIDE DRIVE Ii COAST HlGHWA Y OP'FlCIJ Harbor 3297 or Harbor 1715 VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND S.Bed.room home with 2 bedroom apartment. Loft!y dining room. Beautiful patio. Home and aputJMmt completely furniabed for year-round liviOK. Excel- lent financing. Loweet prjced property of Uua kind on the l•land. Top Location on the Penninsula Charming family home - 3 bedrooma • 2 bath•. All year round home with ocean view. Sia.~ with term11. 30x100 Lot near Lido -M-1 property· Now hu du- plex garage apartment on part of lot. Good income. Attractively priced. SUMMER COTIAGE SPECIAL-BALBOA ISLAND 2 BR. cottagt' wlth garage. In top JocatJO'n, and tull lot. C-ement foundation, a.It floors, 1ood furnJah.lnp only 3 yn. old. Full price $1,,000 t.rma. Call today th'9 will move fut. Owner bu mov.t, The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboe bland Next door to t~ Poat Office Har. 444 E\ie.. Har. ~1£ • Har. UU·R NEWPORT BEACH Ocun Front building alte, with e-xL.ttni duplu on rur of loL Room for 3 Bedroom 2 bath home on tront. F'ull Price $17,!500 run. OCEANFRONT BEST BUY -BEST LOCA'MON Home a.nd lno<>ZM -WondertW vi.wt Double prace. extra larp u~ rooma. BeaatttW ldtchen•. nicely furnl•bed. Ottly 2 yee.n old. !ehed- uled Groaa $3.700. Full~ $29,000 -Tenna BALBOA $3.~ Down buys 3 unita ~ Block to Bay. Ekcel- lent income. Nic~ly Furnished. 4 B.R. Hou.c. 2 B.R. ApL A 1 B .R . Apt. Abwnt.M owner aruuoua to ee)l Bay & Beach Realty H~ W. Balboa Blvd. v Check These Corona del Mar UUUU.. paid '15 mo. ODr-ona del Mar. Har. OIN-1'. 14Uc ruRN. DUPLEX In Balboe 20f> 'T' Sl. ~nabl• wlnter r.nt- al to rtpt party 3 bdrm. It 2 b&U. ru a unit heal, print• yard lt petto. Wiii conalder yrly re,ntal. H e l8 BAt..BOA ISLANl> 2 bdrm. f\lm. home, patio, I car ,..,....e, r1r ... place. Al'.lulta only Until June J. Har 30'-M Kinton 1·314t or KJ:uorr 8-1121 ucu CHARMING 1 YT· O\d untum. home I bedrm, J bathe. Modern d••lrn v1 .. w -lon ly patio. Available now. '260 mo. yrl,y. lu&e. R,f'fer~ncu r.qulr-.d. Call Kar. H41 day1. Hcte W1l BPIX:t.ALIZI: Of LOA.NI 6: rIN Al'ICINO ON ROUSrra.uLEl\a Autoa, Furniture A 8&J&J1al STANLEY HADFIELD, A88ociate Realtor 1. SHORECLIFFS, MORNING CANYON DD.Ull J Bedml. f\lm. apt. '-' 1>Ur to oceu. no M&.rsueirtte. ODIUI& del ll&r. Adulta -no pell. ~ Hu. 4T -..,.. Hu. Wl. l&Uc Yearly -Balboa .... I laclnn. hOUM. Bay •I-, pa. BACHml.OR OR OOUPLc. tur- WINTl:I\ ........ 1 ....._ -uo, tM&uUtull7 la.ndlleaoad. hm. nJahed co(ta•a ..i .. 1-..-taJ -.. -....., _.,, ,.,._._ JllllG. :Jl4 .., ........... a"" Manne An., l!.alboa taland. oanet. Balboa lalud. H elt Lov~7 rum. 1 bdrm . ti• den. pa-l !IO m onU\. Bu~ 110t. -Uo, I TO mo. wtntu or 190 mo. 1Scl6 NSW APT. I bd,_, pril&c'a ,...,.1y. CO .. ,... N..,.., I dllp, ran.•. N.. ~ • 1'ro &arr-tum. l bdnn. apt•. 176 1117 50 STA .,._A ..... canal untum. )'riJ ""ta.I Har. encl $83 mo. yarly BDRX. 2 bath. untum. home •·2~ J i•-•a ••rbap t111p. l&TJ• t.nctd yard ... •· · ....., ic-. I bdrm. rum. a pt., prb,. dlap., 008TA M._ J bOna. tw.. a.au-, ,....,_ l cbikl okay. Wat. pd. SN l.Abl.P t100L llal& Har. 1380. H ell •/W carpet. t.av111on. ltOO mo. ------------ -1150 mo. ,._,.ty, ... • tw 1D&Q1 eilhf'n, aleo 1tu~ apt.a. 110 par Wffk. ROOM with prt..ate 1-Ui A •· One Day Service LoeNI from $00 to 11200 or moN CALIF.ACCEPTANCE CORPORA 'MON llH Barbo~ Bt .. d.. COlll& Mee& LI 1-77&1 -Open J'r1day1 Wl I Ck>eed SalurdaJ.-Uc TOU CAN BORROW MOft& TAKIC LONGER TO REPA T PAT L£SS WHEN TOtJ BOMOW THE IANTA ANA MORTOA08 WAT 306 8pu,....on Bld.. ID 1-41M lcll .. MO. Tm.UU.T D CHlllAP tw a ..at.-ft'ont f\ana. chlpl- Ulie aloe! It'• 1 bednn. ~ I07 &. Balbo9 .... cl ' .... Hoe w n•. Ru. 0111 trance. Penn-.-t 140. J.lberty ------------ H elt 1-GOel. U cla 5'7-Real f'Aate Wuted uUl. A pr. 6 la I Wb to ----------- JUCbarda 311~ tit. Rar. 4182. LIDO ISLE or Tope.a ...c>lll, Hpl6 2 ROOMS adjolnlnf bath. private • Pnlrat1Cf' In J>r1V•t• h 0 m ·-WANTED-LOT or 2 trom .,,..._ Hu. \S2e•J 430 Avocado 8L, er by private party. Olva locatlon. corona det Mar. 12eU al&e 6 price. Bolt N-M U\18 paper. 12p1' 1..AROJ: Room. prt..ata bath. pr1· vat a entrance. 2 beds. H6 mo. KA VI: \ 1000 to lnn.t. wut old ~vaJlabt. ~t. t-121 lrla. CO-hoUH OT wPlat h•v• TOU T Kar "'"a tt~l Ma.r. Upl& 087a. \3J>l• l'or ~--with option to buy Ir d•· DAOOlf BA y. s bdrm. f\&rft, mred. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath. a patloe.. bcMIM Aleo 1 Wrm. turn. apt. Unf\lm. UM ... ,.,.. )le.ctn Bl""·· Ban DAN A JAC088F.N, R-1lor Marmo. Sycamore l ·IT76. Harb« ~111 I:\'~ LI 8·~2 t•cl61 14cll ' 1308 Park, Balboa laland Harbor 24e2 OutatAndJng view of ocean. canyon and hllll from CORONA DEL MAR Expanalve Harbor and ocean v\ew, 4 bdrm. Den. Diniu room. 2 baU... HU\lwood 6 carnet tloon . ~~ at M:),uw. Submit dOW11. . BA YSllORES 3 bdrm. home, 1a.rp room.a. J>ro.. Ucted patio. AttnctJnly prioed at $24,760 BA YSHORES exceptiCJD&l, 2 bdrm., 2 bath dln-nn .• extra lp. llv. room. All eta. t.o patio. Carpete la draperiee Inc. Rarely found "t $24.000 BAYIHORDI Barp1n. 3 bdrm., UT. room 1~ tv.pl., tmoed. ... .s patio. Can't be dupUoa'*i f°' $19,600 SU U8 for BEACON BAY and BAYSHOIU!'.8 propertla Har. 1775 -Evea. r.dith Maroon, HYatt 4-8222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., BaJboa laland thi1 quality bu.ill home. Hu two bed.rm•.. plu. • den. 2 baths. w to w carpetlnK. diahwuher, rarb&c• di1po11at ahaJce roof a.nd many other fine fealurM. Built on canyon aide of Morning Canyon. 1\l1J JI''""' ....,,vuv ~.l,,UUU ...,,...., w'UJ n• ·-L0t ~·- alone worth $18,000 • 2. RANCH TYPE Juat U.t.ed cut~ 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Paved patio le fenc~ for privacy. F P. $18,000. $!5000 down. B&lallce at $100 per mo. See thiia today! 3. SHORECLIFFS LOT BARGAIN Ju.t U.t.ed th.18 eo ft. lot on Eveninc Canyon. Truly a berp.in at $14,760 H•lf ouh wilJ handle. Thi• won't 1Mt Ions. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUlSTION, Raltor "47 E. O>ut Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (ottlc:e located not door to Corona del Kar Bu.Ir) f ·~ .. I ., ' ... ' I I I I I I • " -~~··~~~~~~~~~~~~_..;-;__~-~~~--~~----~~-·~~-------------·-------------------·------------------~~~~~~·~~~~~-·~_Jit! ' ()OAl'f AL 880PPD Zclttlem ef J PA&E 6 -PAltT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR N!WS-PtlESS WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER I, 1955 . ........ a._. ...... A TIENTION RENTERS ! $495 total, moves you in I to a ' bedroom. 2 bath home. Balance lib rent. HENRY VAUGHN & TED HA.USER LI. M78L Eve.. LI M118 or Harbor SOM·M LIDOS Best Buys I WftJOIU, 2 bath.I, Joftly Jdteh~, l&r19 8UD.DY llOUth patio oa "6' lot. 12' Via Umtone $31~ I Bedroamt. 2 bat.ha an4 hobby room, 90\lth patio. '°'~Oil Udo'• wldeltt st.Net. 111 Via Genoa DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har. '718. 2802 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach BILL'S BEST BUYS VALUABLE GROUND Zoned for buln-. I yr. old spk and 8p&ll homa oa '8.8x180 lot in rapidly powt.DJ area. Stucco ud redwood, patio, BBQ. rear complietely fenoed.. Priced for quick l&le at $97&0. See thla and &n"aDJe tenu. DUTCH omL CLEANINESS nirourbout. with carpettDs tn llvtna' l"OOllD, dJ.n.f.ns room 6 halla. s.ttet ... Uli8 tllr9 bedroom., 1~ b&th home before lt'• toe late. On MW curbed and paved •tr'Mt -on eewera. K.L. No. 8280. J'Wl Price S9.St50 wtth only $1800 dn. Baluot 18'f.:M> mo. REAL NICE FIXER-UPPER ln.mide newly decor&ted 3 bdrm. in uedlent location. Bttaeway, paUo and oU.. eoD•ecJ.mce9. Priced at $12,~ wtlh $\!SOO down.. Npt. 8ita. a.rea.. RESTAURANT -GOOD BUY Goinr bulln .. on Cout W,bW&y wilb 5 yr. leue and renewal optJon. Fully equipped and ~at.a 35. Full PTice U&OO -with $1200 dowa. Good terma on balance· Ownel' W, mUllt .. ll W. A. TOBIAS and A880CIATE8. REALTOR "you11 like oYr friendly MrVic41" tao&. 17~ 8t .. Coeta w-Liberty &-ll.3G LIDO ISLE Moving Can Be A Real Pleasure ... Especially when all you have to do i.a put on the coffee pot. Well thata about the extent of it when it come• to getting posaeuion of thi21 fine Lido Iele Home. • Co1Dp~y tunliabed • All in Immaculate oon- dlUOD • 2 ~bedroom.I • 2'7\ batbl • lov• ly paUo • blf 2 oar prap • J'\lll prtce SZT ;800 • ('J'M ftlue II Nfl.ctld ID a ltn4•og iAIUtutiell loan commlttmMlt ot SU,000 ud oww may ooaldder a low down p&ynMnt t.o rtepomdble putJ•). l'OR THE Bl'ST ON LIDO CX>NBULT wrm ASSOCliTD J . H. GltOHMAN VIRGJNIA. MANSON Harbor~ CHINA COVE Waterfront a.r.aaa ""6ll M111ft. tm1fle 'f't.w. PwtMt for a ooaple. Vuut. JM • aJMw ,.ou. -.ooo. ~ ... ta. OSBORNE· FORTON REALTY CO. ~ W. CoeA H"J. Cat Port Oran1•> Newport a.dl LI I-7N2. Bar. 515' eva ., a R•1 s.&ata a ••• ..._.. Houston Values VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE Really worth seeing 380 t.. Canada Way * * * BRAND m:w DeLwl• Rom• tor GUESS WHERE THIS IS dllcrlm.lnaUn• faally ..udac tars• nna., w•U pl&llned. a b. r.. Clue # 1 • Mapificent unobstructed view of Harbor 2 ~. wtn tned~ OoJP« #'2 • AttradJvely designed 3 bdrm-den 2 bath home plum ... , -"' 11· ta d-. ndJo • Built 10•• 127' I 1 l t cortr. Ou. Dr. dlolea Baek Sq. #<> • on <> X eve o . Lido Isle 120 VIA YELLA A. BJCAUTIFUL wa.11*1·ln I bd., 2 bath home on a double lot TO• U . Lovtly patio • play yr.rd. Near club. A.akl.JlS '37.600 Phone for key. M-1 Corner PLACmN'TlA t.t. 1 Tth St. wt th nlc• 2 yr. old t bdrm. hoUM • dbl. rar. Plu.1 7~' of vac. P~nua trontar• for a 2000 ~· f t. f&G· tory $11.200 Term.8-Thw I• a buy. Eve Jnfo on th-LyU• LI 1·2M2 2 Acres M-1 CHOIC11 INDUBTJUAL ARJl:A- Conc. offlc• bid&'.. ahop, war•- hoUM, l'UOltna et.or., Nicely Jandeeaped. Hll'h. Javel ITOund. Sprtnklen on 1 acre, all fen.Ced. J'tne buy at 127,000, term1. Ad· Jolnlllr vaca.nt a cre alao av&U· able, at $12,600. Newport Hts. $7 400 GOOD OLDER 2 bdrm., dblt. &'at .. ttne neS..bborbood on • IOlllOll lot. Submit on We b&r&"&Jal Npt. Hts. Area rtJLL PNC!l 17900. Nut l bdrm .. on wtd• aoato 1\.-4 k>~ Tru17 • t1ar1atn. nn .. t .,...., ,,.. t.o "car- pet. ato•• It retrl•· &ad. Only Ito mo. on balance. Rm. tor another unit. H&Yt bom• It ln· com• too. Cvt Wo. on UI .. P.Utt.e LI 1-641'1 3 Acre Farm I a. fl. KU., dbl. IV·· I W9lla s.e. .,u ••ms. 0a ,..,.d road. cloM tn. A nH barpla at 116,000 with loo4 tenu. Ev• ph. a.yroour Har. elM-W #• . Located 1n beautiful CLJll'll' HA VEN #5 · Not Leuehold #8 -Fenced yard -room for pool #1 -Large Kitchen-diah wuhel'-:diapoaal-nook #8 -Separate dining room #9 • Two brickwalled flreplace1, cozy paneled den #10 -Newly decorated • land1caped # 11 -$7500 down buys tbia valuable piece of real eat.ate priced at $32,500. MORE THAN AN ACRE STRATEGIC M-1 CORNER Present lea.see bring $4600 per year with an excel· lent future potential. M·l zoned property in Costa Mesa i.t very ecarce. Here's your opportunity to buy a choice piece at the right price -$42.500 -terms. BETTER BUSINESS BUYS Delicateuen 6 lunch counter •how• rrou $19,000 ........................ -.. -.. $ e.soo Market well .. tabliahed plua inventory ahow11 gross over $100,000 ................... $ 8,000 Beach conceeslon -top location. Incl. living quar- ten1, ahowa grou over $25,000, hi net .. $10,500 Garage 6 Sales franchise groain1 over $20,000 .......... _ ................ $13,000 Trailer Suppllee It Salee. Show• NET $10,000 -great potential ....................... $13,000 Drug Store • Good location -tenna ................ $20.000 Boata -Charter buaineu, term•· ahould net $12.000 ........... _ ....................... $22,000 Pre-School nurHry (~ pupU1) include. Real Ett.ate ............... . .......... $25.000 For theM and otben aee: * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hiway Ubertv 8-M81 R I C Home & ·Income Houston ea ty o. F . h d Looking for A Duplex for Income! ,. .usOCJATZ• urnts e Hen la a fine buy locattd ril'bl nut to the U do Bho!'>· PlA• C~ter on a quiet St. 2 lldnM.. down Ud l bdml. Up OcnpletelJ' A ae#l7 film . N-owner can h•v• up~r It needad. Annual Income S2860 "1U. PIUCll Jl'.000 By appolntme.nt only or OPr;N HOUSll 1 • 6 Saturday It Sun. 10t C.t6 It... ao.t. M .. L1 Mill or LI 1-TTU Balboa BA TJ'IWNT D\qlla l ·I wrm .• l ·1 bdnll., 'I oar ...,..,.., ~ 1\.laMd, SU.llCIO. Tttma. M.lpl _.dw lra6e for Ca.ta W... ~ •?'OS*V· Ocean Front J't1N'f I BMnn.. 2 beta ~ • 1 bdrm. apt. O'YW' ,.,,.... 116.IOO -rw-. OLDD & bdnJl. h~ forced &11 h•t. Only 123.600. DUPL&X • ..ibo& BIYd. Ill.· T60 botll unlta nl~ fUra. Only M .000 will bandl., Coast Properties IOl & ll&lbo& alYd., a.Jbo& J 8dm1. Bou.e whic:h 18 NP• ant. trom • 1 bdrm. o.r. ~ Vl4IW Apt. rt,.,.._ Jldwd. ncora. tull ba.. laundry, paUo. 04LL F OR APPOINT- Km'IT. Aakift1 .... 000 Low LIDO ISLE ASKINQ J'OR PROVINCIAL 1 A. be&UUl\ll l.aJ'p pana.Jed llV· ~ room. I •J>Ad.oua bdrn\11. plu. p.11eltd dew /b&tb wbSch 11.u flulble u.1e. TM ftM9l ot wallpaJ*'9 and draper1• Ulru- out. Tbt blue • whit• k ltchtn i.e camed out In Dutch Mout w1lh br1cl(. dlahmu ttr • dU· poeal. Laundry In pr. FA hML Ward.robe • Cupbo&rd •i-ce pJor.. A.lk.lnr U&,000 with cpl.a. Ir dr.p•d • OR CAN m: SOLD P"UJ'lNI8RrO. Buutlf\11 St. to St. Lot 'll,000 2 Bdrm&. Conv. Oen -2 Bat.ha. 30x2• Llvfng Room. Lote ot room !or enttrt.ain· lnr children. Built-in llOda fountain. Larp Lot. Call for Appointment _H_.,_11or_H61. __ w_,,_ud_,to0_. BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office Near Newport Pier 5 Unit. fUra. "1th extn .,....,t lot for J)&J'klnf. " ~ to '*di 1 blk to be..y . ._ rant.al lou· tJt>n. S'ood lncomt. Only SM,600 Vtrf ... y \erma, a .. lhia tacky• Mullfpl.a U.Unl' Homer E. Shafer REALTOR tot McJ'a.ddtn PlK• Hu. 1'0 ~ .. Har. UIT·M Bar. l&J9.M $1000 Down Mod11t bom• In 1*1ut1tuJ •Ut· rou.ncUnp. N...S. ~ up H..,,ott Helf'lta. poet bU7 at ITllCIO NBC REALTY CO. Und 6 1'~ BlYd., 1'1'--..ch Hatbor 66M Business Comer ID .. tet o.ta M..,_ aa.ooo T~ DA1' A. J A.OOM&H, ft.at# Harbor Mil. ..,_ LI .-1 T H ell Corona del Mar lJO rr. C'oei.p • oo.a -.c. M't19T D IOU> • __,. ol ,.,, Mallll. ... y ... 1l&rd ~ ·r:r·r ..-I Miia. ........ ... ·"'~ ea. ...... tlJMO .... .al OAAMGa OOAn raormaul UIT N~ o.ta Kera Lla.Ull --u ..... 3112 Wa)'9tt., Newport Beech Harbor SM.3 LOCATED NEAR SHOPPING AlmOt1t new 3 bedrm. ln Newport B•lgbt.a. Localed l block from 1tore•. nu. Je the popular ranch •tyle -iaplll level deaip. It bu 1 ' balba, !ire- plaoe. hdwc1. floo~. and a 3 car p.rage with an additional \~ bath. A real nJue. $18,MO with $2500 down. CLIFF HAVEN Attractive 3 bedrm. home neu the High School. Excellct Jocatloa. Hu ftrtpla.ce., hdwd. tloor11. dbl prap. and a nice f meed rear yard. A nry neat and lovely home. $16,000. Good financin& available. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bednn. and den bom• 1n .uellent location - It'• 1 yr. old and bu 2 bath• with colored Cixtures. eelect hardwood fln., fireplace, alidtn1 1laam doors overlooldng patio. Many large cloeet.a and luge !NDehlny kltcbm. $1'~,tsOO. prio. include. " to w carpeUnr. ELTON BARNETT -Realtor •66 N. Newport Blvd. Liberty 8-2772 ('Located 1 bl~k N. E . of Hoag HoapitaH 811 CU!! Dr1ve 1'hree bed.rm. 6 den home. Exctilent condit.Jon. N.wly carpeted. S.utifull7 landacaped front and rear gardena. Costa Mesa Architect'• former home. Be&uutully l&ndacaped, delightful patio. 3 bed.room. 2 bath. FHA !inanc-tnr. 1tu1 Uirma. Only SH.800 Call Libert.y 8-26M <Ev• LI 8-7056) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and Irrille. N.-port Bf'ach OPEN HOUSE 8at. • Sun. 11 ·~ 2•S Ocu.n View, Newport Hta. HARBOR VIEW kome. S bdrm .. 1 ~ batha. Thi.I home l• lu. than l )T. old. hU appr. 1'20 1q. ft. A !arr• llvlnl' room ovtr· looking the Harbor, L.R. hu a larfe Field Stone Fireplace. b&r1Swood floora ... pa.rate dining arta and a very convenient kite. Be 1ure to ... lhla Short on Cash? OWNER WTLL HELP -Say1 he'll take a low down payme.nl: balanC'e. •~Y term1. ?Ala talk It ovt r. 3 bdrm. on Balbo r. Blvd. nea.r Npt. Harbor Yacht Club. Full price $9~00. End That Search REDL'CED for a quick aale, you 1lmply rnult Me Ulla •pie-and· 1pan home to appr•elale the \'alue oUered In thll 3 bdrm. home with h• rdwood noor•. firl'· plaCl', Sl'parate dining arta, A ftnctd. Price rK!uced to Jlli,600 Also \\'!: NEED UBTINOS. Call u11 If you r.r• Uilnkinr ot t•llln g we can be of sreat aervice t o )'OU "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 18M Newport Blvd . Cota Men U WTtt LITTLE GEM Engllah TUdor cottai-• So. of Blvd .. Corona dtl Mu. Older but STtAl cha.rm. H u r a r.rchet1 llv.-dlnlng r.ro.. Won- dl'rtuJ for ~nlertalnlnf. 2 Bdrm:i., den, 2 f lreplact.11, a ch.armer at $11.800. .Eaay t trma. J:xolu1tve •l'tnt. FORD VEMINDER. Harbor 4263 evM. 3477. 113Uc Doctors Attention 4 lrNIT MODERN BLOO. on 120' & ltO' eo.ta x-bu.lneu lot. Good ProftNJonal location. Jdt&J for Doctor1, Denll1ta, medical or X-ray lab. Or olher profeHlonaJ UH. PltnlY of pa.rklnl'. Prlc h l,IOO, Terna. NEAL J. MAJ\nN, JU:ALTOR. H&r. HT~ U J-tTH. &c18 CORONA DEL MAR TWO HOUBl:I on cor. lot. Both I bedrrn.. A flreplacu . 1 hH f . L heal. BoUl \~ued. U l .<1()1) \'er)' choice buy. A L80 413 Mol"Dtna Canyon l'\d • Corona Hl~nlAnd.11, 2 Bl\ partly tum. l\·2 lot. 'ni11 b&rpln ot lhe day! o. H. LA'n4ftor. sm 1:. Coeet Hwy , f'1>r'lna dt'I Mu Hftr 1\4 U E VH . ~ J2C'1' At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERI'= JS A WOI' Oll:RTUl. plf'« ot 1>u"1nr11.11 proputy fo, ul~ w1lb &11celltnl ~mu. Loni t.rm 1_. pen\lln(, lola.lll\f a pprox 1223 a monU\, M • l prop• u ty, pl1111 eome caah w111 t>. ron 1ldeteO In a trade. Call o"·nrr U 8~2l3 mom ln«• or a1lH 0 ~~ 9~ NEVER AGAIN Wtl.L IT 811 POSlllU.111 TO BU'T a 1(')()}1 100 ft. t'omer lot ln hMrt or Bal~ wllh a compltt• u r· • a BM' Eatalll "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area tamiUH are ln1~Ung these exquisite homes -noting t heir comfort, con· venlence and central location. More and more families who 11l't'fer a home In a re- 11trlcted quality community are moving Into their Irvine Terrace home11. Drive In today and aee for yourself the msny out- atanding feature8 of this remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von H emert Irvine Terrace la located on Coaat Highway oppoalte the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor " EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4-448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyoa• who holda a Leasehold btate in Irvtne Terraoe. Beacon Bay, Bay Shore• and Cliff Haven Ready for Next Summer? Owner intended to move in next June but bu •· expected need for cash, so will aell hla waterfront home at a barga.ln. Acroas cba.nnel from City Park groundm, It ha. heavy cement bulkhead, pier aD4 float. Two bedrooma, garage a.nd nice yard. lAHed untU next June, ao income g<>H with It. Th• fun. lture ia included and at $21.~ it la the beet wai.r- front buy in th• area. Good terma. ALSO, we have a beautiful 3 bedroom untwulah..S bouee f or renL Exclu1ive wtth Willard L. Killion, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor MOl5 BALBOA ISLAND Lovely 3-bdrm. 2 bath home comp'ly and att.nct'ly !u.rn. Sunny patio of! kitchen; Xlnt location cloee to Village. $24.950 Te-rm. tool Good year-round 2 bdrm. home. Lota of knotty pin• in Jv. rm. floor furn, fu-eplace, terVle• porch, near Ray and vLllagc PLUS real cute 2-bdnn. apt. Bett~r Hurry! $2i.500 wilh term.I l.f dnlred. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Manne Ave, Balboa Island Harbor fW'll EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY y Your own private ~ach. Charming S bedrm. 2 bath home. Spadou. ga-t· In living room, thennador kit., adj. dtilgbtt\11 paUo. 3 C'ar garage 6 guest apl. Price $60,000 -T~mw WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Auoclatee 1306 Park. Balboa lala.nd vice 81.&Uon. fully equlpPf!d. rrou ---- u.ln ovar H 0,000, hU • bdr m WANTED A D" . . t• Bu horn•. plMtY room for ,xpan--ISCrtmtna tng yer alon. Th• pr1c. &nd net lneomt Ju11t bated the first time oCCered, probably the mod w\11 pl-you. Call-' comfortable 2 BR bom. .o. of the H.hny lo CDM. AL TYLER. Broker t .. rooms HDWD fln. lovely Fire pl Loeda cl ~ E. B&lboa. Kar l&Oe I lei& ..,... • ' • Lido Isle l RORMS., 1 ~ bet.ha. larf t l&11t.I, 1&r1• Uv. rm, di~ nn.. bu All eltctr1e&J equJpt , 11\CL 121ah· ....aher. dl.fpoeaJ. 9C1U.lpped for auto flolhtti wuhtr. By app l only. By owner. Kl 1-osaa. 1l<'1~ LIDO Ba.y Pronl wtUI t bdmu., 3 "-lha. Modem In every det&JL The on· Jy one of It• kind ft>r 163,000 8\lRTO~ B. BECK, Rltr. • ln•11r 29H w. Cou t H"')'. H a.r. 121 Hcl~ A Steal ! ! OWN1.:R TJtA.'lf!\P"EMF:O S M nn c11un try r lub home. 1-'.I' , ~· ~ carpet, patio, f•nC'tld, lan11J1rap• tod. ~UMt.bl-tf'nn&. l,.JMrl)' 8-20~9. I :le I 4 SHORECl.IFF• neuly n-1par· loua, qual.lty, ran<'h ty~ home s bdrm.. I beth•. den, -.lit<! patio A Ice. dble ga r 81tual~ on canyon. with beautiful view o( ocean .tr hllla, W.\V carpet· Ing All modem a ppolntmMlta I blk. from buch . Owntr Hu 2302 -2411 Momln1t Cany on fltt lk18 OPEN HOUSE 1 • ~ P. M.. DAILY llT2 Orel• Dr. S.7ah«-. H.B. ENCL. PATIO, BBQ • TDU:PL. m.p.ct&llf cs.tped tor outdoor IJ'll'l.of. a bdnn~ t bet.It. xtra &hower. Compl tum.. c:or. lot. .,. Wt. m>ca N' •· Cbalm411.. Prlc· ed to 1tU. 0. II. LATHROP. ae16 S. Caul BWJ .. Hv. M42 ll:Y-. eao. Ucl• hie. blL in oven It range. A lovely Hom• -PW~ A gue11t room with ~' Bath and lln oveniM Dbl. Gar .. 11tresaed for a partment. In beet neighborhood. juat •tepe to th• Beach. Our Exclu•lve -Priced right wiUi Ubenl t.-ma. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Cout Hwy.. Corona del Mar Bar. rn• VOGEL VALUES 3 Bedroom Ranch Style Ne'N'l'°rt Htlgbtl, near tchoole and ahopplng. l.Arge living room, mu11lvo fireplace with built up beartb. sliding doors onto luge patio. Dining room, 2 batb1, WW carpe\.a in every room. lovely drapes. Yard trtc k.Jtchen. C&U u111 and let ua 1bo" you thl1 at· tractive home. Terms. S23,50Q full price $1500 Down 2 bedrms., 12x18 living room. tile k itchen, break· fast area. dining area. PaUo, BBQ. An opportunity for a nice home with low down pa}'mcnt. TRAILER COURT U Modem 8~. plua • houae. and office. PaUoa. Roada black topped. Excellent inoocne. BEST BUY, SEE TH.LS. The Vogel Co . 1702 Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mel& ~ 8-61591 !Wt& LIS. 76is7 6 Har .• .. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor BALBOA ISLAND SO. BAY FRONT. Choice le>Mtion. Lovely ' B.R.· home. V7 int. pier. Boat Included. $4~.ooo. NO. BAY FR. Channing ' B.R. home - 1 B.R· apt. Top location. $53,l500. SOUTH BAY FR. Pier Ii Fl. One of our mo.t choice 4 B.R. homes. $57,:SOO. SO. BAY FRONT· Corner. A Honey. Sm&ll tum. 2 B.lt. home $31,500. BEAUT. 4 B.R. tum. home near No. Bay. '32,C500. Off-ahore mooring inc. SEE THIS! HONEYMOON COT'l'AGE. An adorab .. redwood llome, built 1948, beaut· ~tio. 1 large B.R. 1 amall. ONLY $15,9:SO. No. So. Bay. 2 B.R. HOME AND APARTMENT. Both unita furn. Nr. No. Bay IE village center. $19,000. A MUST to see! LITTLE ISLAND -4 B.R· 3 bath home. Ellerbrook designed and buJlt. $39,500. Let ua •how you thi.t beautJful home. CORONA DEL MAR HOME AND INCOME. A apaciou. and charming one bedroom home. Picture window onrloolting ter- raced garden. H.W. fin .. Fr. Pl. PLUS aimilar one B.R apt. Built on double lot. ONLY $22,500. 4 yr. old 2 B.R. home, Moet attractive. Good loca- tion. Ready for Im.mediate occupancy. SH,7M. NEWPORT BEACH BUSINESS OFFICES. Beautiful Bldg. 7 yn. old. Xlnt· income. $~.000. CUFF HAVEN Gorgeoua View of Bay.OCean and Harbor. OWNER SAYS SELL! Beautiful ap&clout home. Muter B.R. with Fireplace 36x18. ONLY $~.500. BUT BURRY! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 LOOK!!! $13,500 BEST DUPLEX in Harbor Atta Newport Height.a. nu. ia the top buy for location. age and construction. t yeara old, R-3 lot. We have the key. Don't miaa thi..t. 3 BR· " DEN, 2 BA.ms EVERYTHING you uk for. Back Bay location. You e&n't beat the combination of good architec- ture and channinc interior. You can not duplicate thl.9 house for the uking price of $22,'500 -Terma. CLIFF HAVEN S12.400 A DANDY PRICE. Jwst u.ted th1a 2 bed· room, fireplace ''take it euy doll hou.ee.." A little garden to care for bound around by a tall fen«. lt'• a honey. Low down. REX RECHS, REALTOR 2307 w. Balboa Blvd. Har, 615e Npt. Beach 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' A very nice 2 bdrm. botM It atlMtio apt. lAvely pat,io & B.B.Q. A-1 corner location It reom to build another unit. The apt. ia fum.labed and the 2 bdrm.. home Ulcludea stove, re!ri&'. Ii carpet. $U,250 with $2750 down It balanc. $80 per month. BACK BAY ONE ACRE RANCH~ bdrm. home, 2 bat.ha. Jar1e brea.Jdut roo111, fireplace, Ir many ext.Tu. More room to build or plnty of room for hor9ea, ~~. S37 .500· nVE FULL ACRES -richt ln towa -within 11eWer dlatricL $31 .500 CASH. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd.. LI 8-1801 LIDO ISLE J u.at a d:mdy low priced bome. 2 B. R .. lovely pat.lo. Many ccilorful flowen. Immaculate condition. 35 ft lot -Only $23,500 Very euy term.I. Another good one-On U do . 3 B. R. • 2 8. Comp. rMlecorated and on a 50 f t. lot. All tbe reoma an luge. L.. R. Zh30. Patio 23x.24-Approx 20845 8Q. feet Thia t• wort.by of conaideration for ~.000 NEWPORT HTS. This two bdnn. cutie bu sip and a flare that you will like. lts detailed for comfort and bu a '41h% loan payable $78.08 per month includbag tuea A inaura.nc~.890 down. Full price Slts,000 Exclusive with ua 3U6 Via Lido, NpL Bch. Har. 4971 or Har t972 Evee. Har. 219l·M Har. 1380 or U 8-629'7 a •••r.w. ._ ......... p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle Beautiful Lido Residence Artlat1cally landllcaped OD Vef1 eho&oe lite, 92 feet OD Centro Strada, 60 feet OD Dijon., and '5 feet OD Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool it de91red. Large 3 bedrm. 2 t.tb home with lovely lanai for indool'-OUtdoor living. This home ia aet apart by lta charm. even in tht. aection of lovely homea. $32,:SOO full prlee witll term.a. Fresh as a Daisy On Udo lale, an appealing young home decorated and designed in perfect taste. An unbeatable value in the moet perfect location there ever could be. May 1 ahow you through this charming 3 Bedroom 1 % Bath Home! Price: $25,&oo. Exe~ financing Aak for Joe Kincaid, Modem Panoramic View Charm, indlviduality, tranquil atm09pberw all blend perfectly in thia fine 3 bedroom 2 bath hon» You will enjoy every minute in tbe lovely livingroom with ita cheery fireplace. Very nicely tumlahed by Barker Bret.here. Carpeted and dnped. 1"urn11bed price only $32,9!50. Tenna. Of Harbor and Ocean from your own euy chair. Highest quality home include• 2 Bedrooms plua Den 2 Batha -2 Flag.tone Fireplace. -all poaBible extru. Large Fee Sim ple comer lot. Price: $38,500· Call Dave Oabum for appointment. Family Growing 7 Analyze and Think Do you desire the many advantage. of U'ring on Lido l.&le for your children? If ao, you ahould aee th1a,- it'• a 2-Btory family home on Via Lorca. • bednu, 2 batha, forced &ir furnace, informal ldtcben with built-in range and oven, fireplace,-yeu ahould aee t.hia at only $30,750. Owner will t&ke ln amaller Lido home. Why build and go thru hypertension? Let me ahow you thia new 3 Bedroom 1% Bath home on Lido hie. Built by Viaacher in ltia own outstanding fa.sh· ion. Fully carpeted and landscaped. Price: $34.000. Aak for Joe Kincaid p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 Yi& lido, harbor ~ p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-5573 XLNT VALUES Call Harbor 2042 • Balboa Bay Shoree Home of dillUnctlon. 2 bdnM. Owner bu to l•v• area. •Y• "aell." l:xchwtve Ulllln1 • Acacia, Corona del Mar lmmaculat. J bdrm .. cor. loca- UOIL Price juat cut. OWner •Y• NII. • Clift Haveo. MOKlnc• Rd. • '*1rm .• J ~modem. ~ eon'• beat buy a t.122,DOO Call now t or app't, IMulUplt Hat· lnl' 1347) • Builden Attention I lot.e, So. of H11llwa.y, Corona dal Kar. All 10 tor Sll,000 • Poi.naettia, COM 700 Blk. (ma.It m.s. Choice location) Vary 9eldom do you .. t e.n op- portunity to bUJ a ham. like u.a. fw •1•.ate IWl\. TermL . Your "Castle in the Air" Can be your home aoon it you con.ult a Multipltt U.ting Realtor. He can ahow you a wid~ variety ot the choiceet value. tn your price range . . . and he lmowa bow to draw up contract. for the moet convenient tenna. You'll find it paya to do bu.1- neu with a REALTOR. Phone or drop in to aee one of the 275 reliable MULTIPLE LISTING REAL- TOR8 in tbe Barbor A.re&. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors .01 N. N.wpan lllvd. Newport Beach Two Open Houses-------- rrt. • 8&l. • Sun. l • 0 p. m. • 706 Larbpur, COM I Mdrm. doll hou.e. Price Ju.t reduced tor t.ha event. Owner want. actJon. • 3IM Ocean, Cot. of Or- chid. CDK. Panoramic Bay an• OceMl Vlaw. lbew hft' \h\e and ,ou'U have to tMl.)' IL Call Harbor 2042 Frank J•mes & Linwood Vick RSALTOl\8 R. ~a..c. Tra"111~. RUN, A90C S!2 Manna A ... -Balboa laland Fresh as • D•isy Tllll a p t a II n s J t.edtoolll horn• IM&Ultf'ulb •ecoRled \a· md• an• out W1UI nc:Jo-4 peuo com~ to mu. thl• the top WY In OM snoat wanted loclatJoo bl 0..t& )ii.-• . . "'11 P'1oa Jwrl •n.MO ...-... BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Four nicely furniahed unita, well located -excellent income return.a. All unusually clMn and well kept property you'd be proud to OWXl. $36,500. Term.a can be arranpl. Here'• a n.lce older heme that bu been completely remodeled and right Oil the OCEAN FRONT tor only '20,.00· i bed.rm., 2 bath, FA beat. R.enta for ~per month ill the Mlmmer. $8700 movee you in! V f!fY cute nnd aew 2 bec!rm.. home. Only 1 block from beach and 1 block from Cout Highway, on an extra large lot. Full price only $12,500, $3500 dn. Uving rm. Ml 24 tt. lonr. wtndowa are all ateel auh. AA for Bolt IWpay MU8t llan lupr heme I Three bed.rm., 2 bath mod- ern bom• aero. from Oltholic Church a.nd grade echool $10,900-$2000 down. WW trade for Eut eo.ta w-. ' bdrm. ...w.._.ao.cia • ee I.Jell t t..nna. Cliff Haven BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES TRULY AN OUTSTANDING __ 1_505 __ w_._Balboa ___ ams_. ______ Ba.rbo __ ,_6_1ss __ PftOPERTT ot unuw.l ...ip; a ~ n-f..itJ' a..ia tWl ot W'llmlUI UHi ell.arm • • • J Md· r'OOINI. 2 ktb R.edwoo4 ~ wUJ• a lllldl• yo11 can't r..ut. P\1111 a PaneT&ft\lo Vl.-w fronl tM r09ttep oMer'ftt#y. run Pnee Oftl7 111.t'lOO. lAit • lllOW 'f'OU thla toda7 I Baek Bay Area Let l20' • 262' Oft ........ Can be dl"1decl lato I Iota. BCLOW MAJUCE'r AT ... 000 WIOI tanne GOLDEN RULE VALUE HELL'VA GOOD BUY Add up tbe9e featur-.1 1. 3 &crM -value $1~.000 2. Large 3 Wrm home approx. 1800 8Q. ft. 9,000 3. Larp 1 bdrm. home 4,000 ToW Value $28.000 Jut Mt Oii thie property ••• it will ma kt you money. run eeDlnc price llt ()Qt. ()eat& ,.._, Oallf, u 1-1111 .,.,_ u ... 1°' PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON Two Beautiful Peninsula Homes! NO. 1. OOCl"OR'S ROMlC WITH t B~DROOMS, 2 balha. Situ- ated o.n two larger comer Iota . .• walled for privacy. Badmtn· ton court. ,,.uo and nicely land- 11e&ped. Beauutul carpeUI and drapea. $30,300. temw. NO. 2 BRAND NllW LISTING •.. Cuteet home on "the point" Two al.Ory wttb Oeu.n view f rom Uv· I~ room. 2 b.arooma, J •w bath•. Newly dec:o,.ted ln and out. Double garqe. Two more bt'J. room• could be added. Call to- d&Y to H4! lbl11 one ... $17.~00. J•OOO down. Bay Front Duplex ! A LIT'I'l..E MONEY WILL CON· VERT t.hl• duplex with 2 bed· room• In ea<;h unit Into a won· derful Bay front property . Ekal poulble B&lboa rental uea. 2 flreplac•, aundec'k. p r I v a t • b9e.ob and pier. Fumlahed, ot couree. $S'T,&00, term.I, Balboa Cottage! DANDY FOR YEAR AROCNO LIVING OR BEACH COTl'ACI!: 1'trnl111'1ed On Eut Bay Ave- nue eloae t o l(lWll an•I Uay. Sle•J)• e P"OPI•. and In very rood confilllon. You Wiii want to aee thl• on,, too. Sl2.300, S~OOO dn Balboa Realty Co. Oppo11lte Bank of .America Roaa Gruley A 1 Cornellu. Ed Lff Jack Plnl<ham JOHphln• Webb 700 I:. Balb<Ml Blvd., Bal~ Phon• Harbor 3277 FOR SALi: IN CORONA ~I MAR Both commerrla.l and rulden· Ual Income property. N-2 bedroom IM>m• eoutb of HJpway 111 food nel(llborhood AttruUn floor pl.an wlUI moat modem lfltchrn. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. MuJtJpi. u.unc Re&Jtoni. SJ~ It. Cout Hlftlwa1 Oomn• del Ma.r Harbor 2162 REAL VALUES Rancho TWO 84'drm. h•m• en halt •<"re. ff x 330. Ootd ENt aid• dle· tr1ct. Pli~l'l to ffll-l•nn1. ~'E bave Juat llated three nl<"e bulldl"C Iota. Oood F .. ut. aide dlftr1c:t. Priced n fbt. B. A. NERESON OOAS'l'AL 8BOPPER Ed.ltloa of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1955 BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNJTS. Modern 1 bdrm. apt.: nlder frnnt hou.e. Show your abl~ty at "do it yourself' $21,500 60 rl'. BAY FRONTAGE. On Uttle hland, pner, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value is clo11e to the uklng pricf'. BUSINESS BUILDING MARTNE A VF.. i 32,:SOO BUSINESS LOT MARINE A VE. Cl ~24,500 BEACON BAY, Bay front. Oftl'n dreamoo about, rarely seen. Exquisit.t-3 bdrn1., 3 oath home. Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS t bdrm. apt. done in the same good tniite. Furnished - few exceptions. Shown F rid11y aflt'rnoons only $59,:SOO LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot. charming - 5 bdrm. 3 1:.: bath hous<'. Dining rm .. modem kit- chen, disp.. dishwasher, lots of cupboards an<\ closet.s. Plua unusual 2 bdrm. apt. over 3 car gar- age. Both unil8 a ll newly furnished in Moderne. Ideal for home and income or ~uests. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.clith Maroon HYatt -t-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine A ve .. Balboa Island CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Lease With Option Unobatructed view! 3 bedroom. 1 :14 bath• home, street-to-41treet location. 40' lot. Fireplace. HW floors, large room•. large kitchen with good eize dinfog apace. Fenced yard plus 1undcck & rumpua rm. with built-in BBQ. Good ~rm.II· Will lea&e with option to buy. A real oprortunity at $24,950. View Duplex on the Main Beach This i• a home &. income that will ahow an excellent return on your inveatment. BuJlt-in featu,.. include range IE oven, dispoll&l8. elc· 5" thiJI excellent n.w location at only $31 .500 . Vacant Lot in Corona Highlands The very best lot buy in the area. 106' frontage Ii seller will Include plarut for a 3 bedroom pW. play- room home with 1 :!4 bat.ha tor t.hia low price of $8.000. Better hurry! The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Coast H.iibway Co.roaa cW Mal' Har. 1741 Har. 14TT "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA M~A Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, !:ut of Santa Ana Avenue, off Orchard Drlve. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modem Hom• No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Saletiman on tra~t every a.tt l!'r'DOOD and .. e. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeen Bldg. Santa Ana, Calli . Phones Klmllierly 7-41&8 LibertJ 8-~7 (Evenings Liberty 8-4786) "C" TifOMAS "C .. THOM.AS "C" THOMAS "C'" THOMAS BEACON BAY We are proud to effer one or tho m08t chamtinSt homes in this choice Beacen Bay &re&, completely and beautifully FURNISHED In early ~rlcan. Use ot provincial wallpapers lend• a dJstinctJn at· mosphere. Locatro on a 50 ft. corner lot with view or bay this home bu 3 large bedrooms, panelled den , 31 -i tiled baths, natural lc itcMn witb brl•akfaat an-a, beautiful panelled living room with firep1ace, full aiud dining room. 11ervice porth, 3 outdoor enclose-d bathing ehowen and dressing room11, extra large encloeed patio, beautiful grounds and landACapin~. 3 car garage PLUS 1 bedroom garage spL funut1h- ed and attractively decorated. Prwr inclu4ee auto• maUc diahwu ber. d18posal, automatic waahrr, Bltlve and refrigerator . Truly a diatinctlve hnme built by Leon Yale -$55,000. Excellent term•. 72 ft. vtEW LOT ON KJNC:S ROAD -$65QO. -------------------LIDO lMe Newport Blvd., eo.ta Mesa Ocean Front Ho WW _,. or -... lllnt. I bdrm. (&ero. from ea.ta Kee& Bank) 10 ACRll mount.&ln ra.ncb about t. mil• ft.m Fallbreok In 0.- IUL QoM wall. e-r..-1&0 avocado "C" THOMAS, Realtor u-. t yra. old. Small unturn-me Pbon.e Ll M781. E'fa Bar. '38& -LI 8-2103 OOROMA DEL MAR $22,600 VERY ATTRACI'IVE year round home on Sea· ahor. Drive. Knotty pine Uvtnc room with dl.ning area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and ~2 bath down, 3 bedroom.a and 1~ bet.ha up. Solid con- atruction, concrete and Pillnl foad&Uon. 2 ear garage, encloeed yard. Esoel'-t a.ch. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 ~ewport Blvd .. Newport Beach BJrbo" 1013 Xlat.. , ..,._ ~. BACK BAY 1 ~ A Mn. ._.,tf .. 11U60 I lldrm. t '*tla 8'8080 --'1.llOO TOsHO on et_,,. VWt.a -1,500 c-1 101zJOO imp~ __ .. asa.rioo C-2 lltdOO ....... -.... l0,t50 <>I 100' tront on blft. wtth -... ·-......... -............. _ ta.000 1 s-c1.,... tor-~··-t&.ooO Claire V•n Horn R.&ALTOft 2'711 W. COU\ BWJ. U 1-4.211 ATTENTION INVESTORS ! I * WANTED -$70,000 . A $70,000 mvwtmmt tlaat will Nt1U'D $15.00011'W a year; net ntuJ'1l $U.OOO. TIMn can tmlJ be Oft• p&a.ce Ilk• thia in U.. world. DORIS BRAY, Realtor CLAR.ENCi: LAD . JDI BLODGJrrl' KD>GB MICK H&Tbor ~or M ialted bo~ all electric. J acrM 224 W. Cout Highway. N<'wport Beach Ll 8-5527 faaced for puture. 2 rwenolra w1UI )ltpt.ns lo MCh lrM. J'&n\U)' "C" THOMAS "C" TiiOMA S "C" THOMAS "C" m o.MAS cwc!aard. Thie ia • r-.1 bU'piJI ----------w. to ...... mica.. seeoo about '4 d9wn. >.JM .0 aerw ln .me .,._ .U fmoed flS,DOO. 10 ACIU: nmullt.a.ln r«Nal In a...J.an4 J"oraat lt m11• from a.nta Ana. epr1r11 an pro~rty fl .... 8am lllauu, a.... Kar. ....... lk.11 CllOIC9 .,._ "1 .,_ ..._ 1JO ft. • 1Je -a.. ... mut et lut& Ana. Ca ~ IUWl.W.CS lnto 1-M lot.a. Owner wiU IM· ritloe t• M,000 ..._ Har. 1~ lkU CORONA DEL MAR First lime offered, 2 bdrm. horn<'. Onr balh with xtra atall Bhwr. PLUS excc.>pt11mally nl<'" garage apt. now lea.lled, two car garag('. Pl-of)('rly m excel- lent condltion. Thia ia one of the bettr r homP11 with income. Only $21,500. RAY REALTY CO. 3«4 E . Cout Hwy., Corona d<'l Mar Har 2288 (Ac~ from Bank ln COM) •