HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-07 - Newport Harbor News PressBARBOR ·Ress HAUOI WIATH• 'hm11•? .......... ~ ... ............... , ..... Llw Saturday, Ort. 1 -·-· . .. .. llundt.1. Ort. I ·---.. N M--.,, Oct. I --to M T\a9da7. Oct. • --.. .. Wed11Nda7, Oct. a .... IT aa Dope Found in Mesan's · Residence! 48th YEAR-NUMBER 77 'l'1Nnda.7'. Oct. ·-··--.. •• FrldaT. Oct. T ............ 61 1K NEWPORT BEACH, CALll'ORNIA. FRIDAY, C>CrOB!!R T, 1B H. D. Grimmett. 2 Others HEINZ 'FINE' KAISER CONDITION AFTER OPERATION ~uperv'-or Hein& K&laer, wbo went to H~ Hosplt.al for hlJb blood preuure treatment. bu nm&tned to have • kidney operaUCIDt attendant. repo~ today. Operated on earUtor In the week, bia condition wu re- ported "flne" at noon today by hospital otflciala. Book·ed on Possession · Rap y t . A k Local police, workhlg with Santa Ana and Coeta v... 0 er s s narcotics officers 18't night arrested three men on suspicion of posse88i~n of narcotics .. They .z:ecovered a to. tal of 43 cig-B =~= ::~:~ed to contain DlaMJUana in a Qdesan's home. rown to Frank John Tavl11, 20, Muine of In the 1200 block of No. Grand El Toro: Jerry Lee Henry, 22, la. l Ave., finding 111x cigarettes In Ta· bol"'r, Ora.nge: Harold David via' jacket when thry •hook him Grimmett, 22, carpenter of 371 W. down. Bolh su11pect11 were taken Hamilton St.. Coat• Meaa. A t otal to Santa Ana Police Department Q • p -re tou.nd In the jacket of Tavis. Grlmmeu·11 home. of 43 r 1prette11 WIUI found In for Interrogation. Of!k ers derided u It ost Grimmett'• home, police l!lll ld. She lht>re were more narcotics at The <'Ue broke u follows. accord-SEAR<'H HOME tnC" to officer Jult>1 Epstein. New-Obtaining tl search warrant. t he JIOrt narcoll<'a officer. group picked up Merle Coe and 1-wt.:EK PROBE Otrker Carl Nelson of Costa Mesa police. They wt>nt to Gnmmett'a home and on l!l'archlng It found 43 cigarettes In a 11t11..n<ling closet'• drawer. As Grimmett·., wire louk· ed on h<'r husband wa11 le.ken to Santa Ana police station to be booked. Tavis reporhdly told po- li ce he paid $4 for the clgarette11, but declln,.d to say from whom Con('luding three week.I or •o of tnvuttgatlon ottlcel"8 rect>lved ln- tonnatlon on Tavta and Henry that they were headed tor Costa MPSft to make a buy of ..Uesed narcotlc11 from a subject under police wr- Yelll1111ce. Sant& Ana ottlcen Wa.rre.n Paul. lhey were bought. Mrs. Woodland Charges 'Public Trust' Abused By BILL PBILLIP8 A Newport Beach woman Wednesday night demanded that C. Chisholm Brown, trustee on the Costa Mesa Union School District Board, resign hi8 post on a charge of "vio- lation of public trust." Mrs. Frank L. Woodland ot 539 Beach." Ed B&nk,i Jr.. Ralph Curial and 1:·p1leln followed the pal.r who were rldlnc a motorcycle. The men parked It In tbe driveway or Grimmett'• Coeta Mea born~. Po- lice w•tched the pair entl'r the bouae, aat there at.a.ked out until Tavis and Henry left. heading for Sft.nta Ana.. Oftlcera 9toppcd them The trio wu boak!'d lntn county jail. Henry told offk ers he ts on probation from Oakland where h.e WllJI convicted on a burJ:"lary count. Two other men, one ll marine, the other a county resident, were pick· ~ up tor questioning but relu.sed tor tack or eviden<:t'. Tustin Ave .. Newport Beach, ap· --:-------------------peared at the Meaa board muting Brown added, "I don't believe I violated public truat." KNIFING EXPLANATION WILL LEAD TO PROBE to question Brown regarding his actl\'llles in °111ltgedly aiding Theo· cJore Nrff, former controveraial principal of E\'ert'lt Rt'a School. Costa Mesa. in obralr11ng a po1Jtion In the Palos Verdea School D1s- tricL Mrs. Woodland Mid. "In the one lnatance. you voted him off Ule public payroll and ln the othtr eaw to It he was put back on. 1 personally feel the citizen. of Cali· rornla through your actlona bave bffn given a t>&O deal." Aa ln--4--N_...,.rt B••ch AS ~Dl\'lDVAL B 11-"' "I did 't El .;:=' u ;r ¥-,.... ~-remonstrated. A bump wu found Mra. Woodland demanded t.o rown rep .... n ~over emen~, 8chool I>tatrlct otfi· on the man'• forehead, Stewatt know If Brown went to P aJoa to urse the hirin&' of Mr. Nett. J clale into U.. arttlcaJ lmlftq ot 1111ld. adding Mahln declined to Verde. lut July u chairman of went onr to attempt lo a.nawer CW'lord XUIK. 6t-~ld Ho--.Y what the arsumet involved. the ,._ board ol tnate.. Brown any ~ ~ Paloe Verdea rMe ...... 8olleDI .. tll bultnle-Stewart aid Kablt>r ~ported replied be did not. "I weal u an bMl'd BU&ttt M'I'&" "let\ ...Wted Stmday at ha La-he dreMed himself. bandapd hie lndMdu&J," Brown aald. "Some T'hm Brown &ded, "A.a Jone u runa Be&cb home, loomed today wounrta &11d drov to r I d • .. N tn the wake of police lnv•U--e r en • or the memben of the boa.rd may -r. eft ta t•chlq &M 7ou 1auw Uoft. •-home a block away. There. he not be aware J wt"Cnt. There wu to follow him around r~ Grand Jury to Find Its Rights: at Tuesday et KINGSLEY RECALLS ~and Jury Cannot Be Censored by Any Judge Withheld Press Release Causes Jurors to Think Who'• l'WlDing the Orange County Grand Jury! Jurol"8 will flnd out thia Tueeday apparently when they are to dia- cu.. their right to i.S&ue press relea.aea and control of the eaa a SUpertor Court Judp. unlea ln.tted theft. jury by Superior Judge John Shea and County CouDMl preatdtnc over the grand jury, "Judp Sch-imr alao tried Joel Ogle. muaJe that body. by law Ule to muzzle WI and he Cl&D'l do 8-uae Su.-rior Jud-John f ed lb that either. Tbe only thlq ln· .--_. err to • county counael'• moat powerful tn any level ot Shea and County Counael Joel ofnce. A girl from OCNS'a San· county law enforcement! The Yiolate la you e911't reveal what Osle "actvaed" the Ora.np Coun-ta Ana Newa Bureau went to the N_...Pn!n ukf'd that question ia aa1d In a srand jury criminal ty Grand Jury. It ehould not county counHI'• efflc. tor the tod bearing uni-tbere ill an ill-make public the pl"MI rel-prea 1 ay of J ohn B. Klnpky, Lido dlctment.. We 't'Oted lut year t.o • ,. eaw. Ille resident. lut yee.r'• chaJr-authorize the foreman t.o ~ Juron c:t.ared to liftOUt Wed-At W. tlm•. the N•w•·PHaa ( lb Lo .. ,_ C neaday Ule Jury foreman talked It -·• o I It I th man o e s -nre..,.. ounty prr.. reieuea. At Umea he I• am...,, I' e teraJ y tore e G--~ J ..,. tat .. with "aome of the jurora." de-r le f t .. -• ,....., u,' • g'Oftl'1llllen uOll· INed t.be1111 nlea...... at one time e u. rom ,,. 11eentary • l~ t d __ _,_, mml •--..._, cidf'd to withhold IL It d I e9 Y an ... ,""'ency co. t~. calliq Uie preee lnalde the ,rand wr er an aa d there would be no Kingaley, It now n throughout Jury room and lawed the •late-An apparent lack of knowledse preu relea.e. Some jury mem- the alate tor hl9 braw at~pta ment there. u to the crand jury'• aupreme bera were atartled by the acUon lut y•r to bring public · atten-"Tbe l"f&Dd JUU la the mOIJt powtt u the county• t.op lnqulal-of the county counael and Judge tlon to Loe Angela County. oM· po'tlll'fffUl body in Orange County. torial body waa mde.nt u N-a-Shea and became c:onfuaed u to dal mladeeda. ln a word. aald: _.. 80 thu the Sbsitf, Super-Preaa reporter. made a quick what l'l'and jury rtchta were. "No." ,But let him tell It: lor Court prnidlDc Judp or the ch~lr. The New•·Prea1 h'amed lhat a ''The judce bu not any rtcllt Dintkt AUoney. U they (the ""Ibe srand jury can only rec-complete poll of the juro11 wu eW'I\ to be In the gnnd Jury juron) haft bn1J1a noup to omm-d." B1"0lllley Hill. torema.n. not made J>Y H.111 betoni 11• room. Lut year Jud.ge Harold aerclae their power they will aatd. "and we have lo be JUlded •&'Teed w1th Ogle and Judie Shea Schweltser. Los Angelea prffld-ftnd they wU1 ban no cllttlc:ulty pretty much by what our ad'ri1· that there would not be a prua Ing judp of t.be criminal dt'li· with theae peo~. The are the ore (Judge Su and Osle) ay. re.leue Wedneaday. alon of the Superto' Court and of only lnvesUcaUYe body that can I'm only the foc:eman of the jucy. Harry J. Forsythe or COit.a Meaa the county grand jury wu order-ln"9tJpte U.. llMritt or the d1a-Alter learn1ng that the rel-aald ha wu not cont.acted by Hm ed from the jury' room by me. tr1ct attomey or any pvemmm• had been withheld, I talked wtth regardin1 Wedneaday withholdlns I charged that h. wu In the ta.I body within the eounty, In-Mr. Oaie and took It up with of a pr_. rel-&&l'"d upon by jury room llleplly and In Ylo-duding the cowu. A.a 1oQs u U -• of tbe Jurora and we asreed membera of the lt66 crand jury. laUon of the penal code. He of the tt juron are ded1~t.d to tM n-.. ahould not be made. Blll Patna. IHt E. 1Jfoadway, never came back. 'Ille penal u.. publle a.nd ban the nern to nae atatement did not deal wtl.b A.n&helln. a member or the jury, code la nry clear and aaya UM carry throush they can cJaa up crtmJnal beaa1Dc t..umoay and told OC!fll tod.117 that "In my opln· vand JW"J j1adCe alaaD not be any llltuation la tbe eoua\J ....t· tbere la -~ tor tbe .ubj«t kin tbeN ...,. ~ thin&• that preaent tn the sr-d Jury room bis It." to be taka up qala." Be aald abo\dd ll&Ye been Blade public, a nd lie wu la .-teet &pl t With I wu •ery much dllappolnted. 1'11119 a.. .... <>st-• IMlt p TIMn wu •IMtJat.nc In whirh Ills .. Ille ........_ pubUe ........ '8 nec-ry and th,. Oa -.tMr 6-t-_... ..._.. _.,.....,.to lnfonn the p ublic:-I• dl!f-t.. Kn. .A.. L. l"llddq, ~ u.. .,,... Calla X-Jmw, .id R1U ad "U~ tbe public and tu:pllY· Mt ult i.-....._. U. rea.. .. ban aomllhlnc to My, •'h,v llbcMlld be wltldMld. ba .... Jury!., . uked them to call Roy Ander-I no format meeting of tbe board PA'l'INO TAXES Laswna'• Polloe au.t Vk:tor 8. Mn, local acbool INJH'rlntendent authortzin1 n1• to ro In that ca· Recosn!Uoa ol bla lnt.ICrtty Uld B(ewvt l'IJIOrted llla otncera In-and tell him he ,.'Ou.Id not be I pacit,y .. w .... Woodland replied ... A• long etflcleJicy u a N~ Rarbor I n-otller 90llr'09. Uie N-Be ..sded: "Tbe public and th• ~ r.&rned that member.a ot pr.-are enlltled to the fact.a ... the trand JUCT had been wi.ant-wtly hid• anythlnc !" tervtew.& Mahler Wednffday af· able to t~h hla clau the fol· "How do you rttonclle your u I'm pa.yins taxea 1 don't want Newa-er-newspaper carrier boy temoon at hi• Hoag Ho•pltal ~-lowlnr day. lnatelld his friends action• ••hen you voted here to hlm on the public payroll. I feel t.oday brouthl hlP &cclal.m to l They were told the atory ot Mab· phoned a phy.ldan. Stewart ~-releue \Ir Nert, yet you 111·ent to your acUona are questionable aad Bruce McDooald, 12. eon of Mr. ler'• alleg'ed unnatural relatlona ported his lnvHllitatora dlsrov-PaJoa \'ude. u a clllun to lie· I feel your reelgnatlon 1a ln order." and Mn .. Bruce D. McDonald. 4-09 I with a negro tn Uwl teacher'• tted Ma.hln was In a Caplatrann C'Urt' a~1b for him~ .. Mra, Wood· "I'm not handlns It ln." Brown M St. He hu been named tbe home. "'1ft shop Sunda y with two ne· Ian<! Alike<!. promptly replied. "I don't be-new1papu'1 "earner of the year." I Mahler'• tale to police ran Uke grou and a white man. :Se!! wa1 releut'd by the Meta lleve the board wu urgtng that Walter A. Parker. circulation thle: lnfonned ot Chier Stewart'• In-I boa.rd when he rame up tor tenure Mr. Netr be ostradud from the manager, Aid; He picked Ule man up at the vestlglltlv~ rfrid1n1t~. Anderaen • lul M11y after mure lhan a )'Par leaching profeuton. I'm aony "Our pubU.aher, Ben Reddick and Y lnluttttlon formed by Coa.at tolt'I the Newa-Prt''1I he would ot Joni controversy 111 connection thl1 hu bttn brought up .elnce lhe [ are happy to ('Ommend Bruce Highway and Highway lOl In· 11eek to obtain the otrtrl&l report. with the achoo! admlnllltrator'• dlltrict hu 11utrrred from U{e McDonald. a atudenl at Horace land after he bad driven to San present It to the board or trua-1 •lleged activities with lltwral or· whole Incident." Ensign SChool. tor h .. honesty in Juan Caplatrano where he had h•u president who could caJl 8 ganluttona. Rele&H of Nert by When l4ra. Woodland aald Jt had addlllon to hta ability u a coffee at a c:ale. The negro, clad special meelln~ Ir th,. rar b wllr-the ll<'hool board under Brown. bttn the achoo! board whk.ll had thoroughly reliable route maruigu I In civilian clothing, he believes ranted. He u ld It wu quite po•· then chaJnnan of the bQard. <'llU.· called the prua In on the Neff and carrier of the Nt'w>Prea. I to be a Camp Pendleton aerv1cl'· •Ible a perl!Onnel s1>1<111on of the ed Dl•trlct Bualne1111 Manager Har-matter,.. Brown !'l'veaJed he had JW1t u I came bere and wu buay man from the E&.i Cout. M11hler OOllrd would ~ helr1 prh·ately rl!IOn Sanborn p111lllrly to resign 1 call!'d publlllher of the Newa-Pttu c.omplllng dttulatlo.n .t.aU.Uc• and eatd he took Ule ma.n lo his but that llny board 11rtton would hia po11ltlon. last spring and asked at.ones on bills. Bnl<'e drew my attention to hi• h om e. cooked him break-b l bll e n pu c. FOR CLARJT\' the Nl'ff rontrover!y be withheld the tact he owed the paper $12.90 tut which was followed by bl· Said AtHlerun· "I've l'H>t'n try· Brown told Mrs. Woodland Wed· from the papPr unltl something Instead or the $2.90 tor which hill &arre activllln .. The knifing fol· Ing to be sure I wa~ up on all nuday night that he went to wu done by the board. The New11-route had been blllt!d. It IA won- lowed. the Information on thts, I had Pa.101 Verdes to ·"clarify Lhe 11ltu· Presa publisher refused Brown'• I derful to &ff . such fortrt.ght C'hlet Stewart aid the balance n t h d thl Of th 1 U t 0 ear s report and r would ation. lt would have been very request. honesty in a young man of Bruce·• u Me ~xp an1':u on die l 110me gaps rathl'r withhold llny !'ommt>nt un-euy for Neff to go there undtr Brown concluded "I did not go experience and age supplement hill atruc: b~::n con mt~ l:e kn~ g ~ 0 t11 l receive the otflelsl report a mlsunde~tan<\,lng. I'm 11llll an up there tto Palo~ Verdi's I par-natural. buslneM·llke managl'ment head With k e ac 0 ~I and the llX'1tl boa rd of tru~tePs lndlvirtual Md 1 think J h at1 the ucularly In M. r :-terf's interest and coverage of the News-Presa Ilia with : t>':tc~:r t~:~felll::b~e ~lli hart the ~alter brou~ht to j right lli do thllt just 1111 you .do wl}atever you ·\Mrll. Woodla.ndi Roule 8 -8. With IUCh young- e r •tttnllon. In romlng here from Nt>wport • bt'llevt>." 1ter11 In our community and natton •un MeDONALD our future ii made more MCUrt by Ulelr high lntesrJly and per- formance." DIOQa In deddlng a p,_ rel-Patne Mid he had not been &hould be 1.-ued covertnc Tuee-called by t'flU prtor to the for.- day'a -ion. Ttley felt that the man'e dectaton to withhold a pr ... l&Jq)ayen -re 'J>ll)'ill( the blU. rel-. 'nle jury, Paine Kid. and had the rtg11t lo know what unullmoualy expreMed a·d•lre at the Jury wu dolnc. Ila meeun, tbat "the fact. be The newa releaae wu prepared 11v.n·• and bad lrultructed the aec- anq turned over lo a 1ecretary ret&ry to "present certain thlqa ln the county counael'• offlc,e lo for the pr.-and releaae them." type up. When tbe Newa·Preal "We Jurora a.re merely "1',.._ contacted local jury mambera on aentlnc the taxpayer." be con· a routine newe c:hec:k, It wu re-eluded. GRAND JURY ADVICE RELATED BY COUNSEL Whal dOfll County Coun11el thing I'm 1111thoriud to •a)' 11 Joel Oii:le have to .!lily a bout hi11 j lhere llhould ~ thftt 11 th•,.. advitt.lng the county grand jury ' of laat Wednuday? Here It Is. ''The propoM'd preo relea.M --~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ not to relea&f' ILll pre8ll statement 1 . would be no pres• rPleue. Aaked what grounds he or Su· wu fully brou.:ht to the atten• . . . REY. PARKE INSTiTUTION RITES HELD Foll.owmg the choir an the pr<X'cssional are 11 lo r ) aistant at St. James: the Rev. John H. Parke; the SenJor Wa~en Lynum Farwell. Vestryman' A. Alex-Rev. Phillip Schuyler, aasistant at Church or the Mes- ander Hamilton. ~e Rev. Wesley Havermale of siah. and the Rt. Rev. Francia Eric Bloy, Bishop of Cbwob ot the w .. tah, the Rev. Rollo .IL Bou, U· Lo. Anplee. &ta.ft Photo Walt Parker 1 of Sooth Daj(ot.a. J>f'rior Court Judg-t John Shea tlon of J uda-e Shea and declalon FoUo•1ng the nrst World war had for "c•n110ring" the pre1111 re· wu there 11hould be no prua re- ••hm be •pent 22 monlhll In Eu-lea.e voted by juror11. Ogle re-In .SE". The law 1t11e1r elCJ1rualy C I ro,,_ In "Fluh ana aound" part plll'd. "I think you probably have provlde11 that grand juron •rt to of tht' army helpin1t handle some 18w Involved. The only rrleue e1tpo1e to no one Whal lranaplrea ·1rcu at•IOll ..-. or llnttelweaml•lnterpretsllon on the of the early eleclronica l'quJp-that came out of his In their l"f'nd Jurora dellbera· ment near the front line. Parker offlct' or Judge Shea wu there t1on1. Manager Here took a Job on a ama.11 lnwa week-:;.:~l<l l:::n nolh:~·~ r<'e~~:~· :;;:: .. Tht'y lake a.n oath ot aecrecy." I). 1111 <' r~ulat Lat I thlnk lhta •tatement waa tn .... ~ ' · 1 ~ ion managt>r. er ment " He W8'$ 1111k.l'd, to .1<ay ye~ Y•~ he ••a11 I~ year.i u d lstric-t m11n· or no did he or· the judge have la(lon of thl'lr rtghlt, they had no Thirty-thrtt years in papn t·11-culllt lon bll.iine.,s news· ' nr.we t I I 8 n d llger or the (.-e<lar ft.lpldl!. Iowa. JJQWer to s1 1n .. a g·rsnd Jury re· ,.~ r o Hue t anrt I'm not nevrr 1111t111(1('() 11nt1I he •rrivf'd in 1'ewport Bell('h is the re<ord of Waltt>r A l'trker who hu been namf'd circul11t1on man12er or the New11-l'rl'M. I Parker co111<1 h11ve bet>n a prt>sl· rtenllal rand11Jntl' t.1r he Wll!< ~·m and rean·d on a rarm. M't'an~ II the corn grow ta.II in Iowa tind latt'r the ~rre11~1i11g ... ·hnt f1el I• <I Guette. From lh,.re he went to le~~. saylnj!;' what It was." th" !l&me job on the Ph!'enlx Re-e ()nly give uptnions In 1 It I• it.ate law that a vand public after which he bec11me a 1 wri~lng, not vPrbally .. therefore 1 Jury cannot dl•clo11e to th• pu1>- c1r<'11l11Uon apt'C~laliat. golnr from <':tn t ~ele&a1> on oplmdn .,. 11uch. parer to pa~r putting on clrcu· I can t make a yea-no answer. lie any lt•allmony comlns out of Jatlon bulldmr; l'am&pi~ Thf' I we are only advllMln to boarrlll a criminal hearing when the pe.,. lal!t J>llJ>l'r hr Willi with before and rovernlng bod1e11. The only son or per110na dh1cu111ed have coming to Cahfornlll waa In Mt not been lndkte11 by the srand Pleallllnt. Mich • .,..hne he spent faint-w A•dlt Jury Ogle •veed. "I u .n't tell 18 months. IW' you It that'• rtuon we didn't let Alw1ya wanting to come to Sees 'Clean IDI' out PrtM ~leue u am not prlv· lleged to dl1N:loee anythlnr; the RT&nd Jury may have uniler con· alderatton. Callfornla.. Parker decided to get There LI apperenUy • "clean Into eome kind of buainua and: bill <'II health" for the J'aJrvt- w 11 11 looklna-up opportunlUea t:ounty Water Dtatrlc:t, eo.ta Me-"You can Mlvl• a cllent not to do a certain thU.s but the client can iro rtcht ahead and 111.1tter tht corwequencu. Oft thla preaa re- la&M my ad'lice wu not to re- leue; If they want to ro ahead that'e their bwltn-." ' 1 when he heard there ••u an •. u a ~It of -audit ot the opening on the !l:eW11-Preu. Not company booka by expert.a named really intending to take It If he by the Oranse Oowity Grand Jury. could g-et It the fffl of the papt>r Although Superior Judp Jotin ~t him while he wu talkins Shea and Joe.I Osle. County Coull- nvu the poe11lblllUea and here ael, have ach.WYed p&rUal aucc.. he 111 In bottliAS up UM Grand Jury, It.I Mr and Ml"8. Parker llve at lnY..Uptlona and neult.a, then \a "Tbe Judp lmtnacted me to w.i.JU A. r•u- SU Jumln• Ave. They have tour •WI enQUl1l tntormatJon lralra to Inform th• fonmM lly letter the marned dauihtera. Their. 11<>n, le&m the audit hH bffn complet-thing ah'ould not be rtleued. Rog-er. 12, attf'nde Horace l:ft. ed. wtUcb I did." aign School. Dtttenincee between Orand Jury Osle declined to •Y what th• membel"8 and COWlty offlclall are jury foreman, Bromley Hill. told WidenlnS Into eipen rtft.a. Some him when ad'li.Md not to laaue c:onaternation la evlden<:ed I.II the the preee rel..... He aeJd KW. Dtatrtct Attorney'• ottlce from the Jude'e Ul4 lie wa,. In "pef'o •hoee "aecret aervice tundl" dlOn· feet all'W'ftent at thla point that ey had to com. to 1>91' tOf' the there lhould be no pr .. nl• .... " Clrculatlon Today 18M Cople• audit ot F&Jrnew. I Ori• aald the queatlon u ~ It la underat.ood that "Ollly a whether Ule srud Jury held top few allpl'hod metboda were un-power "d~ not come lnlo tt." I covn t<t rather than any wrong-that tr the jury dl1re1arded bl• dOln(" ln lhe aurttt ()( the J'alr· j and tbe Jud~e·1 advice. auch ac· .WW 0am,...,. llooU. Uca w .. "UMIU 'W±nr• \ ( (}overnmenl f:xcepl PAGE 2 -PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOB~R 7, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to occept the things we connot chonge; the couroge to chonge t~ things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) EDITORIA·LS Here's What We've Been Talking About on Gas Plot The followtnJ ecUturtal api-rNI In tll.-.., oolwn.cu ln the )fay 18, l 9:S.5 l••ue. We reprint I• I-Oday 110 Lh6-"''h o woodf'r •'hat we',·e ~n *-lklllc a.bout. ln tht-dalltal'dly plut of publle utUJtlee on munldpally-owlM'd, oll·ricb Hdel&D41 ,_Y ... ve Uwtlr -rtee l'efl'Nhed lf th<-y have tor.,ottea, tliiat Uaoee wtlo m1-ocl U may .. IOok at Uw record." Ooplee Of f.IM! Mar 18, ltM Nl'\\'11-·Pl"f'!ll• UlJIU .. wbll'h l'anif'd thl"' l'dltorllll are In t hl<1 llrtll'I' t or a ll to n'&d 111 .. oriflnal. Properly labeled now in the State Legislature ut S acramento are the bills endeavoring to seize for the S tate Treasury t he wealth realized by any city or county from a ny grant it might have received from the et.ate. Part.icuJarly labeled is the Allen Bill aimed at the City of Long Beach and endeavoring to recapture for the state the many millions of t.lolla11t> which Long Beach has received from it.~ tidelands. The Long Beach tide· lands were granted to the city many yeans ago by the State. Also recognized is the bill of Assemblyman Charles H. Wilson, of Los Angeles. who honestly admits that his is a ''share the wealth measure". Wilson seeks through his legislature to recover for the State of CaJi· fornia a 50 per cent interest for the State io all tidelands funds from cities and count ies holding state grants. At leas t lhe Wilson measure is properly described by its author and not concealed under any subterfuge. Howe\'er, we frel that if 50 per cent of all state tideland grants are to be recovered for the State of California that Wilson. or the Legislature, should go all the way. A measure should be introduced that would recover to the State of California at least 50 per cent of the gr068 profi t of any and all utilities that have gained or expect to gain any profit from any resource or facility of the people of the State of California. For instance. the Pa- cific Electric Railway for years has sponged off the people of the state with special privileges tax wise, administered and supported by the State Public Utilities Commission. Certainly the same is t rue of t he Southern California Edison Company, tbe Pacific Gas and Electric Com pany, and the Southern California Gu Compaay 'lnd all the water companies and phone companies. This line of rea soning is just as sound as the pro· posa I!\ of the A lien billR, it certainly parallels the pro- posals of the Wilson Bill whose author himself has dub- bed it "a share tho wealth measure. taking from. those who have oil r ich tidelands for the benefit or thoee who have not." Even Newport Beach Could Suffer from Gas Co. Lobby Poweni of biggest business will be most evident in California in the next Jew months. Corruption, collu- alon and conwmption ot/-gu will be most obvioua. California'• Attorney General la looking into the manipulations of the Southern Callfomia Gaa Co., it. twin Southern Counties Gaa Co .. its brother, California Tidelands Protective A880Ciation, and the parent of all, Pacific Lighting Co. The companies have been a.ertedly conducting an "educational campaign" directed against the City of Long Beach. It is not coincidental that Long Beach is one of the few municipalities in the United States that operates ita own gas utility. It is not coincidental that Long Beach and the Southern California Gu Co. have locked homa many times o<oer mains, storage and gas sales. Neither is it coincidental that over the years the affiliated companies of the Pacific Lighting combine have devoured every smaJl company, municipal or other- wise that aerviced customers within the areaa of reach of its long lines !1epart.ment. The Gaa Co. hu acted. manipulated and made noises like the typical octopus utility for many, many yeani. It is the typical horrible example of everything that is wrong with a monopoly. The Gas Co. has enjoyed all the pleuure11, patron- age and privilege that a people can bestow. It baa the right of condemnation of private property, it }las righta in many instances above and beyond those of a mu'nici- paJity. It uses. abuses and ruin1 streets, pollutes the air and its return on money invested is guaranteed at least 6 per cent by rate adjustments ordered by the California Public Utilities Commission. No other buaine88 except a utility ls so guaranteed its sustenance from the public purse. The efforts of the Southern California Ga.a Co. to strip the City of Long Beach of its tidelands title and funds would by its very nature-if 1ucceuful-strip the City of Newport Beaeh of the income that we are re- ceiving from the small t ideland pool off shore our city and presently being produced by the Monte~y OU Co. ~ewspaper Week Mementoes G • ••t•t<.• "'"" .... ~-----··-··- CITY 0 ,. LONO 81tACN Cl•Y ""'4t.. l.O't'• •uc.,. 1 ~,,.0 ... ._.. Oetober II , 1954 •r. Ben ftedd!ok, Pllbll•h•~ w .. port Harbor .... Pr••• ~••port Harbor, Calitornl• O..r Mr. ••ddlck1 fn t he 11;ht or recent d1aclo ~ All 3762, co-only cal t.d t he =~r~=~ ;r l r:aard •l O the tlnancln& o! me, •• a CH7 Counc11-n of t,,. Cl • l f elt it l no-.bant uroQ ot t.1e par t that you pu7ed in •Id:~ or ~n~ Beecl'I, t'llll7 CO&nlU n\ bill, to ·~er••• ~ •pproolott on •t ~b~! t~!~r l 1gh\ &&•1not \bl• , l ~•1111 that 7our oppoa1tloo to thl l l or a .. 1t protect ion ••u uro 1 1 b 1 ••• ba .. d on, 10-.hat port liarbor, and lh.o ourroundl ~ ~!~•r tl\lt You could protio\ •••· ¥0111nG, tor l n1 f1rot \1Jri1 d "f .rttory tl\at 7ou •oryo, bJ ~·- a publlo ut111t7.•01 d1raotl7u~~~~.!~1: •~tire rraceo , tne t aot t ba\ ot unr etr legl•l•t1on tor u• I • • t.n aotl••t1nc th11 piece \rl outed one or ~~. llO•t Y!t~l 1••nnot b.lp but l••l that 7ou con-•lda, bJ t.h1o rnelltloo, P •••• or d1f1Qu that •• ll&n 00 our Your •4Jtor tal ot ••••rel aontho . 111 llUlH7 •ould be uncove red ... i;o , •~""1.a lns th.at • oortetn pub-Lo~; !Mach, •nd ••• pr 1nclpl o b ~"· or tn• proto•tant• •galn•t •1 kno•l•~•, the f1r 1t t1tce-th.a •c •r o tile l •glala t 'on, •••• to !••rle11 ln t helr •ttttude to hi anyon• •aa en out-1poken, •od. 10 Wuk, 1 alncorol7 t .. l the t our° cf t U1, Thia bo!n;t Notional 11e .. P6PH' In ll~bt of recent d11olo1ure1 lllat7J:we; 70~ •debt or gratitude, pao7 1• rtnaooina our #ppo•1t1on, • out orn C1li!ornl1 Oae Coa- Tblo contrlbuU on tMHA an ouutand1o !!arbor •••• ,,.,,. to, ln •7 oplnt g new1papor, oacb •• 7our •••por\ •••r J'Wb4r1 •re •o lnd1btod to on, one or tbo r .. •on• •b7 Aaarlca111 •rate •Ith unllalt1d lr••doa ~::: n~•·e~?ar• or our count,.,, •ho op. o! TMlth, • • 0 •-vo •o 1bl7 u rv1d tho cauo 1lben °0• re&ltu1 that tbo o at utl lttl•• coapan1, ii ••ti••~=: b;i:~ ~· Long lleaob, b•ln~ • publlo h1~1> N tu , and tore• th• Lo • r .. irtoh du lru t o lroop lnto a COIOPr•hlnc podUon "fae:!:! •:lc lpal17 ••nod Ou D1par taen\ repret..noible, and \ti. prouctlo tba c r1J01, tbH conduct b•o011u J OUr a rea ta 10Ur t .. rlHa a D t you &ro &hi ll!; the people Of recogn1aed b7 all or U.a cit~~!~~d•t1~ th1a aatt•rt •nould be fllllJ o tiJOUtnera CalJ ror n1a • '3Un, t •a.lute 7ou ro .. tbh and ot ter you bo1 t •laboa ror"ct or auppor~ In our CltJ'• b•halt, aoutb•ro C•l lforn1•'• l ••d1n 7our c onti nued I UCC••• •• one ot DP.t.t\ -··--............. _ ···z~pfu !'11imblu a!aliforttia ~e.sishrturt URI. W liTANLIEY ----· ............. _ ... ...__.. October b, 11$5 •r. &o" Reddlelr and StotT' lit•:tt"ltt Karbo.-. ~•"• 'r·••• .. ,•-por~ 9•ech , Cal ltornte Dur llonr ,. . ····-··-. -·····--· ... "1'1• la ht1ono1 h ••P•p•r ••• ~. OM In CMh .. plallr.c UJ>Ot) it and •tudJt"' a L'"\} of t h• artl c.l•• ~n ve.r.01.11 n•••,•P•r•. tl ~cam ••t1det,t t., ,,e U.al. •• 1l"'A1u!d utld•r\•"• -en b•h•l~ or Our' ..... ~11 DteLr 1ct to u.1• ~ conttnlllrte t tght tit'.at. )'ou, !vur eteff and n•••o•P•r h••• uncS.rt•lc•n to rrot•t't our c:..at.11ne &r.d cw-C1t7 Of *'•wpor t ~e•tn fr~ Ul"J•l rl"'1nted ell 0M t"t t.1'1nl Ind detpo1l1t1on Of the btalJt.lee of U· .. OD llt . 1 •atit to t.haNt )ou ror 70ur euppof"t or "'' e ffort• Sn U. 1•&1•l•t'41"• ro,. t.t. pea1 .. • of U ·l7Q".1. •h.Soh ror- bld• &11r •~plore t.!on lnM> tM \Jde lAnde ~r• •.ia.,.• c.r ol l 1 • not t•'i.1.r.g pl•(•· W. t1tl thlt 7cvr M •1p1per *'1.gh\e (<:r t.>wt ft1,,nt to M c•• e.nd con••)'• u .1t :-lit•t &.'ld f1ght. to el: o--.. p•cipl1. Q.ie• •1;•tn, ""1 •• r.f! •r our error ta a t any , l.t-i• ror tt,& rnri ttnu.d .-orN C'n Ct t l..lf of o..u-tHy, com.ty, 1 t1te lln" n• t 1on. I :J.rotn BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By HORACE PARKER (Ed, S ole -ThJ1 l'ttlumn by Roral'fl Parkrr \\'Ill dfoal _. .. t-be llttle-known hlr•torlral rac•h he ha• dred1tNt up In hl• _..., tripe tnto lJMt blMlJ& C'OWlll']' lo fN'!'nt )'l\&H. I TIIUOUGll SPLIT MOl'NTAIN -Little J oe the Jeep carri<'s us up Fis h Creek Wash to new adventuT't's at site of old Indian village nnmed aJlPr creek. For over two years I have h<ien trying to make a trip throuJ!h S plit M()untain up to the head of Fish Creek in the Anza State Park. One thing after another has put It oft. Last week with Karl Bennis as guid<' we made this 20-mile trip· through narrow canyons, 11andy was hC's, and over dry, rocky watercoursPs To nnyone 1 ne11 r thl' Ft~h Creek Villa ire. P"in- Ull<'d to jeeplnl? H1 th<' de~ert 1l 11 11~· n nl' ol<l·tlm"r 11Bll1 that tie wasn't A pnrt1rularly h:,zar1lo1111 l had hrRr<I nr wltl'r thn e from or dtfflrult. but we did rovt"r an old squ1Hv ms.ny miles In four-whrel drlvt'. Th" llftUllW Wl\a nlrt at the tfmr, low gur. lt'>w r11ng,. I •nrt f<O lh" lut time the vllla1re V.'here tile jl'ep Is l<lng Ont' wns lnhabllrd m11sl have ~en must learn 11. new lan~ag~. For 100 to 1110 yeen &fO. She 1&ld lnstan('f'. Hlnrr thr dn11rlb11r sts that "h" wu born UleA. and this summer In the Borcgn VAi· "fltnl her early r;lrlhood et the ley thr Jt:•'P trail u p Coyote hRll F ish Cr~k VIila ge. Then the chan~ed a nd bec:nmc very rousrh. uld-llmer d<'1<Cr1bed to Karl, as Some or the klrts In thP vRlln lo"1 hlm by u1e aqusw the exat·t had l!One up 11 ways 110 I Hl<ed llpnt. where Karl had thouttit one ot them how to l!:O they obtained their waler. DRIH:-WO AD\'l<'F. , "ll Isn't bad," he llllld, "until l'ORC!:D TO MOVt: It waa a k ind of ame.U nat you comr to the rnble car cro!I~· or l"l enega In the hllln w1th a Ing th,. C'anyun. Crnss the ~·r~ek rork drke on the lower 11lde. Du r-there, hug the we11l wall of ·tJ1e ranyon 1111<1 you can grt a long Ing onl' of the heavy ea.rtbquakl'I In ftJur wheel tlr'h•e, \\'e •trlcll tlw the dike 1<plll and the w.tn all ran out into thr 1ancly wallhea of rretk and gnt "centered" on a th•• cteRcrt . \\'lthoul water th11 boulder. As yuu gel n rar the R''" ranch. you'll have 10 take lndlarui werr rur1·ed to movr, a run a l It. anrl th,. .,111y way l1·uvlng this ol<I v1llai:e 1lte where In ~rl o\ll i~ In RN'lm1I ):ear. low 1 hrv ha<1 probllblv lived for ren· _. !Ut Ir ,. • r1.1n~" Low i;ea1, l1m· reni;e Rn•• you'll llpln ~·our wht'1·l~.. W t• w11lk<>d over l!Je area with Thill tl'en-ai;rr wa" V«'ry s<'r· ll s stilt remnln!ng flrt'·rlngs. 11n<t lous about the whole Coyote Can· .letsh depreofomt. Bed rock m or- yon lrlp and we m•ntally covered tar,. aJway1 till•,_& me becaUH It by "Jeep ftt'llr <'h•ng1n1r " On• J teeJ they «Iva a /lfey t o the othf'r lllt!P nntr. thP )"<'P llkt:' m ion f()(>d 11t•ple Of the v1ll111t"ll. hor11r 11< I•• 11~ ""'""r th!!' fln<'~t Thr"" bt>•lro• k moi lllr11 &t P'l!!h ln<liv1111111l plPI'•' 11f m11dllnl'I'\' In Creek •howe:o<I -mllnlh, 11nrh1lat· the w .. r t•1. Th1>~· alt aJmlte<l our rn1;:, I tlltbrns:: a11rfare11 tn !!ddltlon nPw Jel'p but Ahnok th.,lr ht'llda In t h1• typical round m ortar. Th•• and engl'I\' 11h~erv4'1I, "T hr nf'W is the la11c3 nf the ml'~I. an•1 nn!"1< iireo 0ov1'rpowrrt'tl 11ncl ju~t Lhe eerly lrrdlan rou tt-d th .. wnn'l ii:o wh .. re t hi' nlrlr o mn<l!'lio blo.,mtng r!'nlrt 11 In larce pits In rene<'tinJ: upon the 800\'f' tt could be that "'" haH' hit upon tl1t> source of agitation and finance of 1 ht> <'ampai~n of Ai<stmblyman Allen in hi!! Jtl'ab mea- ,.ure. The City oJ' J..onJ: Bnrh operatf's it" own munl- <'ipal ~a..~ deparlmrnt. It reaps lar~· profits from the Mle of lt8 natural gas to it-tt re!4ldent" and lndU5trial u~.,. at a prk.-far under that rharged hy the prt- vat.ely owned utilities. Tbo8e prlnte rompanif's rould w11ll ~ lntl'rnhid In hnlng the 8tate M\Ue the tJde- landA !Mlurre of JCU of l,onJC U.-a<'h la ordf'r to elllnln- at.-thf' roml>f'tltlon of the municipal utility. Soch thlnJCA ha\'P httn donr hf'forP. The efforte of the Gas Co. at ret.aUation against the City or Long Beach becaUlle that mu~cipality would dare operate its own gas utility would, il succeuful make a liar and cheat out of the entire State of California. If the court action11 and verdict.a taken and given are per- ~tted to stand it will be only a short time before once again the s&me arguments f0&tered under the infamous Allen Bill are used as a federal level to take from the entire State of California all the Tidelands under the Paramount Right.a theory of a previous Attorney Gen· eral or the United States. wrll .. , 11.nd l'tlher •le it "freNi" out ot I so WATt:;R :'\F.AR the f•rE-11, t•r d rt•cJ rt for future Over 20 \'!"It'll ago Kllr I had u11e. Th•• rnat1tf'rl m f'8('11l heartir founrt a larg',. lndrt1n r a mp Al the are 11hf•111 l h." "1U (l( " quut hr11<1 nf F ish Crerk .At thal thnr be, r llo\l)P. N<iw lf )'Oii werr go - ther,. 1em111ne1I the r1b:i or 'lne In,.: 1 .. g nn•I •H1d dry 1t. ll aeem, Could not the next Rtep be to seize the. great muni· c1pal water and power department of the City of Lofi Angeles b<•rause il is using watC'r-a natural resource- from inland valleys. And then could follow the seizure of the Mctropolitan Water District of which Newport RC'ach is a part. The MWO too is in competition with private utilities and using natural r esources for the benefit of the "chosen few" who have paid to create its lines. As we pointrd out before in this newspaper-if Assemblyman Allen is sur t·rssful in his bill which would grab the tidelands of Long Beach that Newport Beach would then face the loss of its tiuelands which have only begun to be produced of t heir oil. We believe no go\'ernm<'nt or agency of government flltould compc•te with private bus iness. But we feel that all go\'t>rnment and all business s hould regard its word and grants and deeds as sacred-promises not to be unilaterally rescind<'d. Fom1erly the Nl!wport-B11lbo11 New11-Time1 and U1u Xewport·Bal!xla Pre911 A ~~Julable Lot'al lmtltt1tlon for Onr Forty Yean Entered u Second-Cla.u M11tter at Ule P osto!tlcc In Newport Beach, California under the Acl ot March 3, 1879. Puhff11hf'd f'nry Monday, W~y and Friday by Ute .SF.WPORT lLUlBOR Pl"BUElH~O C'OMPA.SY 1!11 B&lboa Bh·d., NF.WPORT Bt:ACR, CU.IF. Phone Harbor .... Qualllled to PubltJlb ~Jal Solle" and Adnrtl~menta of All IUllda By Decree of the S u perior Court of Orang-e Co. t.n Ar flon No. A·!l'Tot Membf'r California Sew•pa~r Publlaben Atu•oclatloa Mf'fn~r :'liatlonal &dltorl.al All!IOdatlon Mt"mbf'r or Or&nJte t'o1tnt1 .St'WS ~"'ke BEN REDDICK. Pl '13I..ISHER WlLLJAM A. MOSE S, Editor ORMOND E . ROL-::-."TREE, Advertising Director CHARLES A. AR.MSTRO:-\G. Mechamciil Supertnlendcnt !iil~SC'RlrTIOS RATES: .Srwporf Harbo r .St'll'!ll·P rr111111, Trl·\\'ttkl1 In Otllnft' C"<>unt~-. si;.oo 1'14'r ,rar; f,3.00 ~h mO!O.: fl.ISJ ttil'ff mM. Out.aide of Orange County $'7.00 per f Mr ' · 11 at a future tilne there are oil wells offshore the City of Newport. Beach or oDBhore drilling into the tide- lands it will now be because of the machinations of one company-The Pacific Lighting Co. and its affiliates and wholly owned subsidiary companies, Southern Cali- fornia Gas Co., Souijlem Counties Gas. Co. and the Cali- fornia Tidelands Protective Association. The Jaw passed by the State Legislature of Califor. nia during its last seaaion and drafted by Assemblyman Earl W. Stanley of Balboa Island would be null and void against federal government if a.nd when the step ladder of recision of title grants i.s extended to the United States government level. The letter• npnnted a bove were 11ent t he Jl:ews-P refs for ree11on1 l!~ated. referring to t his new11paper'11 continuing-fight with any rroup whk h woul<1 be q alnst the public 1 beat Interest• In the owner11hip of oil-r ich ·t1del11nd11 here a nd In Long Beach. AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY C. MacARTHUR S A C RA ME N T 0 <CNS l - Paying nff the bonds of the San F r8nt1sro • Oakl11n'1 Bay Brlrlge marks a red • Jetl~r .Jay insofar 1\.11 the aute or Callfom la Is r on- C'emed. for It wlll pe rmit the sta le to go a.head now with new projerts w h I ch wt>re niwer d1eamed of when the bay r.ross- fnir w11.s cnmplPlerl bnr k m 1 93~. Ret.ll'mplion (I( these nutstend- lng bo11<l11 eg11ln.'l th" brltJg,. will cltni111111e thf'm as n11e 11( thr mlljor oblii:at1ons thet m 11i:t be ml't In financing s. !I011lhern e r oi1slnir ot ~an F'ranrlsro bay So That None Sholl Be In The Dark l.egr!'la llon &ilC>plt•l al thl' l 9:'i:'i !!CS!\lon 1•nnllnu"s toll.~ on the llri<l~e to B<'Curnulate (11nrl.!I bnlh to r !'1"1bllr8e lhe !!lllte fo r !'X· pendlture.11 made for n1a1ntenan~e end operation . a.nd to build up lhe reserve for tho construcllon ot t he sou thern croH lng. Consld· erable 118ving In Interest on the bridge bonds v.'111 etep up the ec- cumulatlon or rellervcs. I . I I This In eff Pct, will reduce the a mount o f the bonds \hat must b,. 1111111ed wh<'n the .!louthern crol!srng 111 flnll.nr ,.,.1. Alsn. rl'tirem••nt t>f the bonds will r ""Ult Jn 11dvlln1·1ng the con· st r 11rt1on dates of bndly n('e<led hill hway prnJt'Cl.~ At lenst a )'\!at. J ust lluw mu1•h lhe bon•I re· tlrrment at the p1es .. nt tlm•• "''ill I ~tep up 11.:llon on the 11outhl'rn rn ... s.~rng hR!I n<1l been 11nno11111·NI, but It 1~ mdto all'd ~0111e tlnH• will be s~w.t 111 this l>f'OJN't Alnni; w1lh It" 11r.t1on o n th•· rt't1rc•11" 11\ 11( t11t' brulge h•,ntJ~. lhr Callf111'111a Tvll Dndi;,. Au· 1 lhodt,1• a dnplt•d re!<olut101111 1.1u- lhn1·1z1ng issuance <it up l" S80 • ono.ooo or rev.-nu<' bonds t n Cln· &nee t he l'llnslr11r,l1un of i; new pRralll'l f"Hrq111nez brirtg,., rm· prnvemrnt tn t he ••xlsllng brlfl,.r. 1111,I extcn.!llve apprn8ch<'s tp both bridges. The 1n1tr11I f11~u" will oe $46.000,000 tn finance the new Carqumee bridge and 11n a p· prnar,.'1 on t he soulherly en<l ot lhP tm •lg(' tn Herc11l<'s. A 11er1Jnd 11enes ot bontl.a In 11 year of S~4.· 000.000 to con11tn1cl the Beneef•· Carqulnu bridge 18 expected. Th is \\'ill also Include completlon or approachu through the cJty I ot V a I l e J o to the Carqutnez brtdle. I It 111 i"Xp<?cled bid~ will br op· ened a bolll 1 he ti rat of Dec em brr for I.he Carqolnez bridge. wh1rh mean• that the T oll Britlgt-A 11· thorlly dne.~ nht Mntemplrll•• wa11t\J\1t 1U1v Um,. lfettln5r tht• much needed proJeCl undr r w11y of lilt' 111<1 k1shJO 1 h•tt81 t'nvenng lo~ll9 1 l.hnt a type ot rubbtnit 11 rtepl<'~sinn. Armonrl It he found Dctwn v.m1l<l b!' nereatary l n aoml' goorl m<,i•rnrna "hh h he •q11n11h a nd pulvr1 1zo the mesca l. piled nPar ltlr k11'h. t\•n<'l' Uien Tll<· nH•rta rs 1111,1thl have bee n r11mp,.r11 hll\'e i. rn It down for ner .. s1<11ry fvr the fln11I ,-rrndtnl{ C1rewon•l ''11rl Ilk" myself ,,. nut Rnot P• 'lrnp"' 1111><•n1< thr m11t en el eo 111t<'rt'!<l1•il In ln1l11 n 1111 1J11fl j "It h ptr1n11 nlll:i, 111o11ler lu ob· as r"h<'R. RN hP I~ '" thl'll ll~fl lf1111 I\ lllHt lll'1111t lllhJ lll~llng foo<I 11nd wt• nll-n h1111 .. 11 b1i;: 1\1.:un ... nt I I hat '''"""' 'k•·,..p " wh••n w<• ••nl"r 1111 ••Id v1ll11i.:r ~It" \\ lllTt:K' trl t:l"S 1r;.·111i; '" fq.!ui .. 11 <•Ill \\ 11(1·r 1~ J r,.n .. 1•1t•r lll)A"lf n'l 11uthonty tht> t11i.1 th1ni.: 1111o·h a v1ll,1i:c 1111 111111.111 lnr•• but thl1' ls m y m11~l hh\'I'• A 11•J """' lh"t" 1~ nn .,;111·" '""' 1 w1111t lo 11111k• 11n· walo>J' n1•11r l lk \•1llH)(• • 11" t oir h1t.J 1 h~• ""' the •J1 11l- Jn l ht• "' ""h ht• •pl'nl , 11mr1niz 111.K 1111111 11nd "' 111• h rnr old fl'lt'l<- n1m1 tht· '111"1:' ,.ll P .'e"'" aR"· n i l fill» >1n1f tll•· IYT>" of 11111nn or hP pl•l\\'lt•I lllllllll I tr~ 1111( lll ltJ· rwxtj,. ll~1tl l'8l1> t 11.. • 11111" ro f 11 e wat1·1 Th<'r" ,,. ·•• 11111< h neAr 11111 tn Ahn11l II l11tlf II 11 .. \\r-.1 <o( l lo!' 111Qk,. II full Kll•I h11JlJ'V Ill•', tha t v11l:i):" hr 11.111111 \\Ita l hro \l'J, I 11111 rllll llllf'll'Xlf"I 111 Ml'Xlcci, SUic \\Iii< lh• r \\hl"I ~·•l'r•IV ,.,_ ~:"'"!"' llH\\1111 .... •ll•llllll •pot11. thoui:h 11 '' •II> """. \\'hell hr Jll.~l i;11'e h of' 11 •. 1 hr u~h 11nd <lll~l'1 l got " <·h11nn• ht• d Rtw&.y!\ Inquire l'Ou ntry Anti un 1mi1,i:1n1tl 1vr 1111.i of llll' cottl••r11cn antJ l ndlrrns 1( ob11erv1ng "Y" and I'll rnJn) .i they ,had ••1·r1· hcnrd of 11ny water h11ppy end tnlcrl'~lln11 hfc llrnr. l~HIA:\ Kal'>il RE~IAISS This wa1:1 found at old F'ts h (;rt•<'l< \"tllage 25 yr ars a~cr by Karl Tknnis. - Phot<J by Ka rl Bennis Ut:DIUK'K ~IORTt:no -Thi~ ptrl11.111!i 1~ a key to food habit!! or th1• 1nh:il11tant-. 11r fo't. h ( ·, ( ( k \'ilia~('. -Photos by Hor ace Parker ' ' , MUSICK DEPUTY'S APOLOGIZES ~R NEWS CENSORSHIP SANTA ANA. \OC1'8 1 SherHr OCNS. attf'mpllng to verity the Jamea Musick apolosl&rd tor the i1ulc1Je or H -yea1 ·old <.:harlea a.cUona ot an tden1tf1ca llon < IC't k Alber l Th11111tun ,,. Costa ~1ua in retu.ing to g ive lntormallon lo We!lnfsllay. w1<• tol<I "\\'l' .. ren't OCNS Wedneatlay. Tht> arb1tr11ry gol11g to g1H c the mrormallon) alatcmt'nl of <.:apt Robert Shup to ~uu •· wu condt'mned by tbe Sheriff The dt'puty h .. J b .. en ••kN to The incident occurr~ wht'n stair, YH or no, whcth<'r the 11ul· clde IUHI occurrt!'u my daddy's smart ... he's gettin{! l1is ~fJj]g* in the new Halecrcst In hca•1t1ful COSTA MESA HMhor Bnul!'vllrd & Bnk1'r A\'f'. $.lfU i.Cl"tt-WeU1tt I. I•• Tolepi<oA• l lbetiy 1·74'1 ~2SlSi!S'l:2225'5ZSZ:221~---~ "We have 1 ulu that no lnCorma· lion ran be c1vf'n over the phone," Mu11ick 11slrl "App1..-.-.ntly CapL Sharp had bf.en OVC'l ·ZeBIOW! aoout the rulf'. If you hM\'f' any more trouble, let me know " Mesa's Cecil Place Gets City Grading Grading a few hundred fret ot Cecil Plare in <.:oata Mesa develop-I ed a queer q111r)< In 11.ulhorlty. fl seema the at rPet la In t he procl'la of be1f'lg taktn ovf'r by tht r1ty. but t he title 111 still 1n the or1g1na1 I ownPr. E. L. Patterl!On. nu•mber ol the planning comm1A111on. lni11sled that thP 1<lrt>et la full I)( holea which wlll be murh wor~P rome rain l t wu hnally derided to ha\'e the r1ty gradl'r make lhe nt>Ce11aar.v pi.SAtll ovtr thl' holea '-nd bumps to Iron thi-m 0111 Anaheim Surprising ANAHE IM, tOC:"l:!'\.1-Alhough ddendtng Sunset l,,t>Agu!' cham· pion Aiiaheun ha" the 11.:hleat line Jn tlvt yur11, the Colomsta a rr quick an11 bound to surprise unlr1111 the oppo~1llon Ill on lta lOC'8. -Check Cla.u1fied 0111pla y for out· 8landing b11rga1ns 1n used rara. "PA(;t:AST ot· PERt'" A Color · t 'Um Travf'IO&'Uf' Spectacle or mountam11, lnchan11. prehiatortr Jnra clvilluition n11n~ anrt m•>de1 n SO<'tt'ly. See 13,000-toot high Lake Tltlcac11. barren rleserl. dense Jungle11, plantallon11, wealthy mtnl'll and U ma tht l 'apltol C'lll tnn1 Kamen, :>larrator St:\\ PORT Hl titl SCHOOL Al 0 . M OS. M:20 OCT. Ill l'r. I .811. .90. l.!6. 1.M (In<". ht~ 1 Open.ln1t tbf' \\'ORt.D TRA \'El ..<>Gl 't; SERlf:l'4 of •b, lncludln1t "Swf'dea," "('olorful (.'olorado," """'"ra ('aaada." "Ba\•arta." a11d "Adriatic Holiday." ~uoa prir,..: (ab: fll~) IS.~. •.'16. 8.00 On Mle at Box ()fftee alcht of 10bo,. ln1: NOW SHOWING "BLOOD ALLEY" KAVa.tw!I ....... IOH.~ WAY.SE •• LAUREX BACALL C~ T• .. el1fe11. Hetvral c.olor °"' ...... 21.iftdt ~· tubal Recelvea ~locli·o11d· white sw~ro""· too, UHt'.VHf lunar. Moh09ony flr>IJh. OalulLO Model 21CT55. SUt.00 dow11 J ohnny WehlfttluUf'r TARTt;R Tt:U.:Vl810N ~9°' t:. ('out Bh•d. Corona drl Mar "Cannibal Attack" llarbor :Wtl and !0 Broadway l..a~una ~ath H \'alt 4-M19 Granaollo 's t formerly ot Hem't I co mplete men u for the family PIZZA e SPAOllETl'I e LASAGNA HOME · MADE Rt\.\'IOLI e 8TEAK8 e SEA FOOD FOOD TO GO 511 Balboa Blvd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 OPES DAI L \' n .SOOS-I! MIDXIOHT. MOS.~ p.m. TIL MID. G. E. PORT A'LE CLOCK TV • Finest in Cabinet design e Light Weight- Only 35 lbs. • Compact-l smaller than conventional portable TV's • 14 inch llaclc Face picture tube e Built-In V.H.F. antenna •12995 Complete TenM to Suit .- LOCAL GIRL BOOKED AHEAD -J acqui Rumsey . • above, is keeping busy these days with television $lnd uSO show appearances when not in class at Newport Harbor Union High School. -Staff Photo L I D 0 7fctc .. t'lc NOW SHOWING T•o Features A LOVI! THAT KNEW NO BOUNDSI ,. . ~-~-• OMll> l llOSE --... ... . mB·JODlll .-MIW ..,-a;,_ "!Tl:' Afflllr .. • lllllf • •tT ,.... --*"' cassawms ·..,. ~ ..... ,,-.,. .. DiottlM !If AIOlfW STOii( Kid's Mat. Sat. 1 :45 "SABRE JET" ~TARTS S t:XT Wt:ost:i'IOA \' URACt: Kt:U . \', <:AR\' <iRA.ST "TO CATCH A THIEF" Dennis O'Keefe "ANGELA" • .. I JllOO&L U TO I 0 . ' Al FOrgit Hardware 2205 W. Newport Blvd. ' Newport leach OPEN SUNDAYS Harbor 116 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&E J FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 Jacq1i Rumsey's D11cing Gives Her Busy USO, TV Sched1les One of Newport Bea ch'• •bin· team and bu a ppeared In ~ l.nJ atan1 tn the entertalnment tlt'ld ahow1 with thla lf'OUP· She bu I• Jacqui Rumaey, daUJhter ot Mr. 21 mo ... booklnp before Chrlat· and Mra. Jamea Rumaey. 280.t mu. Broad St . who hu been buay '" Jacqul danced at the San Cl•· • USO ahowa and nvl'ral TV part11. menl• Fl .. ta tn July &nd •'l the She wu featurem u • dancer Pomona Fa.Ir Air Force th~su.~ with a Santa Ana dance acbool and th• Mwcan vUlage t.h .. ter. Mesa.., 1 .1 ~ *'' She la appea rln1 •l'&ln on th ... 1.-t a~u thla Saturday. She wu baton twlrler at dedicaUon of Orance Cout Coll'I'• atadJum and wUI have a part at all future gamea thla •uon. She la booked t o fly to New Ku.lco wttJa a UBO .. ahow durtn, the bolldaya. TaktnJ For reeervadolae _ Harbor !726 profeulon&l trainlnf now. _,acqut --------.----------------- NOW SHOWING Soldltr·Of·FOrtuM Iii an 1mazln1 true ldventare l ,.,COLO" •Ho c1 .. 1MAScoPe. --· ~ BLYTH · PURDOM .... ·-NIVEN · SANDERS ..... ,...... '1·f111 !idbiip+L1.M;J.1 i(iiW IWOM 1111 J&llllO \IONl M.O·M----· THE BAR SINl_llER IJf ---·-U1lll ~-­.. ~-... 1'TART8 WEDSE!'40A Y C'LAJU( GABLE I A!\"E RU88t:LL "THE TALL MEN" • hopea lo ma ke the atare a llf• pro-• rtt11on. Just Phone HARBOR 1616 to P\ece Your Ad on This Pega 7th ANNUAL LOBSTER BAKE OCTOBER 15 & 16 MAIN BIACH··CoNna del Mar FIESH LOBSTER DINNERS GRAND PRIZE-21" TV SET •BEAUTY 9UEEN CONTEST •PET PARADE • FUN FOR ALL! • TREASURE HUNT •GAMES •RIDES •ENTERTAINMENT Sponored by the lalboa lay Lion C... -4 ... CorOfMI clel Mar lusiess Mens Auociatiolt. ••• ll•••e«I to ... Y°"" c .... ter i11 CorOIMI clel Mar • 21" RCA VICTOR COLOI HIAD9UAITllS TARTER TELEVl810N 8TOIU:8 ~ Eaet C'-t BIYd. L. W. T .urrz&. roLOll Tr.alllNl<llAJf c...-... -,..._ ...,... W.l 11' Br<>Mlway ....._ .._. ..... llYett 6-1111 II IM-11 TV Gniad PrtM at ........... Biall• Supplied i.7 Tart.r T~"1AI• VILLA MARINA October Weekly Specials ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED ,.ICES Stmclay Moe clay T..sclay w ..... , n.nday Friday Scat•clcry 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Throughout the abo ve calender wee~. we wiff fHture ROAST TURKEY DINNER for $1 .75. or you mey order our FRIED SHRIMP DINNER for $1.50 Continu ing with t heir policy of desi9natin9 certain of the ir regular dinners at a greatly reduced price during specified periods as in dicated above Villa Ma rina restaurant offers weekly specials FAMILY NIGHTS Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday at Villa Marina Bring the Family a nd Enjoy Dinner a t the Bayside -MONDAY- "FtRESIDE SPECIAL" Chef's Old Fashioned Beef St ew (all you can eat) French Bread, Coffee, Salad, Sherbet Adults $2.00 Chil dren $1 .00 -WEDNESDAY - T oued Green Salad with House Dreuing Chinese Beef and Pork Chow Mein wi th Fried Noodles Hot Fren ch Bread Sherbet or Ice Cream Coffee or Milk Adu lts $2.00 Children $I .SO -TUESDAY~ Toned G reen Salad with House Dreuing Old Fashioned Meat Balls a nd Spa9hetti Parmesan Cheese Garlic Bread Sherbet or Ice C ream Coffee or Milk Adults $2.00 Children $1.50 -THURSDAY- T oued G reen Salad with House Dreuing Grilled Old Fashioned Salisbury Steak Smothered in Onions Garlic Bread Sherbet or Ice Cream Coffee or Milk Adults $2.00 Children $1.50 No Substitutes on these Special Dinnen The New Honey IHI play for Satwclay cla11Ciftt at VIia Marina For Villa Marina rewvatiolll phone Harbor 3930. VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRiVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e AVAILAILEFORLARGE·ORSMALLPARTIES The next time yo~ plan a dinner party, luncheon. buffet or cocktail pa.rtf, to celebrate a birth- day. anniveru.ry, engagement, wedding, reunion, home-coming, bon voyage or "what not," pleue call 'Mr. McGill at Harbor 3930. He will advile you about menus, eervice, decorations, eettinp. etc. For am&ll int.imat. P'OUP. OI' for larp 1atherini1 the faclliti• at VJUa Manna cannot be aurpueed m the Harbor ar.. • 2 1" l iC A VIC T 0 I C 0 L 0 I H EA D 9 UART EIS ~ ~VIUOJf 8'!'0._ I. W. T.url"Ea. 001.0& TSOIDflClUJf llM .... e>...e ...... Ollw ... .... T 1hpll-lbltlor .... IT& Bl~, ........ llaMll T•llpl11a1 RYU* ~H IMtallatlon Ill Lea .............. tnM1 C .. bs Ill this ... hlcl9cR1MJ V• Merl• • JUNIOR TAR HALF IN CUTIA CK Halfback Glenn Buford prepare. for cut-back gainer against Anaheim JVa on Davidson Field ai; local junior varaity deadlocked i9·19. Monday the junior Gobs travel to Fullerton'• La Palma Park for a club with the Indian J V at 3 p. m.- Staff Photo BUCS MAY SPLIT T CHAFFEY Coach Ray Ro11eo·a Oranfl' Cout Colltge Plra tea may throw an entirely new otfen1ive system a t Chaffey In the Eaatern Con· ftrence lid opener In Pirate Sta· dlum at 2 p. m. tomorrow. Sideline obaervera were 1tart· led eaTly thu1 week to Mil Bruce Knipp, 13~ lb. quarterback up from Newport Harbor High Schat>L running the Bue eleven through 11plit T manueven. LOOKH ADEPT Knipp. ti-nnt'd ll "barrel of ~u" by Ro&fO de1plte the lad'• lack of hell. appeared parUcuJ&r. ly adept at handling the de- ceptive optional play11 of a apllt T signal caller. Ro11110 had hla l.lne 1paced with the cridder• charrtnr 1tral(ht ahead man for man lnatead of two on one. WorklJlg wtth Krupp tn the bacldleld -re Bill Har- rison and Bill McKenme at the halves and Jim Hurd at fUIL TARS FACE KING .SIZE JINX AGAINST FULLERTON TONIGHT I( you wonder why the Newpon Harbor Rlfh School lalloni would rather beat FuUerton 111 Pirate Stadium toni(ht than win any other foolbell rame In the Sunaet Ltague, ta.ke a look at the record. It was el(ht yeara ago when the Tars tut racked up the Jndlan.s. And ln 14 gamu 1lnce 1939, the aerlf'1 tavora Fullerton 12·3 with one 1coreleaa tie. I n 19H, the Be.Uora edged Fullerton 7--0. Fullback Bob Berry, brolhtr of current Full~ck Charlie Urry, made the lone acore. lt"a been In favor of the Tribal eleven ever alnce. Jn 11142, the StJlon1 drubbed FuUerton 41·12. The local IMS. batUed tonl.(hl'a arch entmy to a O·O deadlock In lHl, fol· lowll'l,( a 7-0 S&llor vtctory ln 1940, The India.ta captured the '39 go 6-0. Scorea favorlnr the Fullerton Jin• ran In UU. vein: 1943, 1-0: '44, 12-6: '46, 1-0; '46 e-o· '48 u-e· ·u ta-21· '!i<l sa-o· ·~1. 41-0; ·~2. ~2-26 ; '53, e-o. ~d ~ut ~ .. o~. 2e-1: . . DROP GRID FLAG Harbor Area Kids Open Flag Football Tonight Chatrry In the Eastern Confer- l~ .• HARBOR ...,~o~ Chapman Haniers Down OC Cross Country Team 23-38 1'\illerton h•,..: Oct. 11. at an. 8&n Antonio; OeL ti. Mt. U C Jnvll&Uonal; Nov. 4. at Saa DI· eiro; Nov. 11, al Santa Aft4; Nov . ll, <:onferl'nl."e m .. t at l&nta Ana; Nov. 22. S1.1uthtm C&Ufor· ma mttt. BlLL PHILLIPS, Sport.a Editor PAGE '4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 Marklnr the tlr1t lime Chap-I cl'OIH<I th• lint before t~ fourth I man Colltjtt bu ever won a I and filth place Plratu came tn. 1 crOlll country metch, the Pan· For Ult Bun. Frl'<l Varella wu lht'rt out ran Coach Wendell fourth, Jerry Shltftr ~"'otb. Ar· Plckl'n. Orange c.:iaat Colleire nold Brandt 12th and J.tont,. Ghi· I IH'ltn 13th. OC echt'dule follows· harrter11 tor a 23·38 victory Tue... Oet. H . C'har<,y, Rlveralde and W &TEa llJtA'DILI l.U.U.. SUVICI -llP.Ull Joli r#::.6Jo/J f11MS It PH CINT OOWM ,.,_. H.,MI PJt day. The win among the hlll-and---:..!:==============-' WATER POLO TOURNEY TITLE WON BY LBCC J11ler11 J OH to the low acoN!r. Mtuv1n Crose of Chapman ca.me• in tlr•t over the 2.7 mile Peter Canyon course with a l~.00 tlm· Ing. Trailing him to lhe tape • wu lh.., Buc1' Jerry Worthy ln 1 15:•2. The Panlhtr:. utabll11hed Lon& Beach City Colle&e 1.10'· Pirates wert pa~ed by H~rman's nine nl'W Individual re 1: o rd• ftatl!d Fullt>rton J 1-8 In Orani;e I seven points anti Bowman'• pair. among ll'n runner1. C~hslt l Collejte l~k lWO hednealla.vl Coach J oe Kroll waa plt>astd by Cros.a l'ountrv 11coring 11 bated n11 o captur" uh' t 1nnua · Junior Colleite \\'atn Polo tour· the 11howlng of hu1 ag1talon aml on lht• f irst five fln11iher1 from name.nt. Favorite Lo11 Angelo th.e Sood turnout of fans. 'each team, and elfhl Panthers City College tlroppt!J a 13-6 11eml· ;;.===========================. final cluh to Long Beach. T&ie Pirate mermen helJ· Ful· lerton to a 9-8 tit' In regulation time, only to 10111 7-6 ln the five minute ovtrtlmt semifinal go. Ill the openlnc round. the Buca doWlled El Camino 9·8 an another o"rtlme tul&l,. El C&mtno duaked Santa Mon· lea lt-5 ln the con10l&Uon 1plub. Firlit round acorn found Long Beach beltlnr Mt. San Antonio 19·1: Loi Anrelea edging Santa Monica 1().1 and Eaat Loa An- rele1 torfelllnr to Fullerton. Ed Zlnrg· of Lonr ~ach wu awarded t he Helma mos'-valu- able player award. Other 1tand· outa durtnr the tourney w er t Jim KelMy of Lonc Bea.ch, Ful· lerton'1 l\lch Rowland and Ted Wrtrht. and OCC's Bob Herman. Max Bowman and Allan Hodgu. In defea tinc ri Camino, the FOOTBALL SATURDAY AFTERNOON ORANGE \"a. 2pm~ COAST CHAFFEY FIRST CONFERENCE GAME IRING THE FAMILY (.'hJJdren Ullder 11 P'JlEE wttlt adult WIU\ H. S. tftucl8t Body Cal'd IOc 0-er&I AdmlMloa fl.to PIRATE STADIUM WhyTHE BIG NOTICE THE SURF FISH FRY Owned and Operated by Bert & Jo Lloyd of Coste Mesa Serving the same Fine Home.Cooked Food So. Many People Lilce * Our Specialty Jumbo Shrimp Fhh '11 Chips * Tasty Meat Dhlles Also 11: SO a.m. -'7 :SO p.m. DUiy at R-..ouble Prtce. • • 8PF£1AL DINNERS .1.00 6 :00 • 'J:SO p.m. lodadM Soup, 8AIM. Coffee a .,..._. Olld'a rt.le Ille On the Oeun Fl-oat -Nerl to Owt Dns makes the big news for 1956 RECOUP CORPS When Hurd cruhed heada with Center J ohn E11ert. ~up from Newport Harbor High, &Jld had t o recoup on t he 1ldellnea. Denny Mason took over at full. Spel· hnl{ the haltba.ck1 were .Johnny CleM and Tony Baca. More than 300 boya have algn· ed up for Intramural tlac foot· ball a t Harbor Boya' Club u the procnm toe1 tnto Ila MCond week of talJ activity. Tonight at ~:4~ launches the Boye' Club In- tercity compeUllon a1 the 1lxth rrade •ll at&ra t.alte on Fuller· ton Boy1' Club in a preliminary to the Newport Harbor High· J'\&llerton ca.me a t Plrate Stadium. ence hd hfter at 2 p. m. • Fifth and sixth grade all 1t&n will be picked up st the club at I :HI p. m. to go to the Or· ange Coast game. A~111tanl grid Coach Bob Oa- bornt" rcveal9d RoNo had ~ think ing of mak~ Uie ll!lltt to the "Plit T for eome time . .Ap· parenll.v he decided the Plratea had nothing to lo1e after their df11appofnling-performance In l&lt Wf'f'k'~ 20·6 losa to San Mateo. \\'hethH 1t will bf" enough for overthrow of Cha<rcy, where Roa· "° was formerly head coach, will hllvl' tn bt t1f'r1c1!'<1 tomon ow af· tf'rnoon. Tomorrow at 12:30 p. m., the Mventh and ef~th ITMi• a 11 •tar le~ wtU 'travel to Hunt- ln&'ton Beach. for their openln&' P mlll. Both rame1 will be play- Boye may 1tlll grt on the bl· tramural ttam1 by reportinr to the Boys' Club at 3:30 p. m. as follows: Ftfth gradeni, Mon · day : •lxth Tue9day; aeventh. Wednuday and fourth Friday 13 p. m .). Eighth rrade Intramural i. Tuellday night at 9:30 and hlg-h 1chool Wedneaday nlJhU, e:so. ed at once on the Hunlln(ton ------------- Beach Recreation Field. Video RillCJ Go Seventh and elgilth (r&dera Nrxt Wedneaday'a video bout wlll return from Saturday'• rame a t 8 p. m. la between Tiger Jon~• to Orange Coaat Coll"C• where I and .Al Andr-.i. mlddlf'-lfl\ta. they will watch. the Plratu host I from Cocoanut Grove, na. • Orange Panther I Jlue; Battles faints Tonight ORANGE. t0C="151 --With a rl11b that lnok11 like C11glllvts from a Blur CrnMll adverUsement Coach E•idle ERlOn will lead his Orange High P11nthrr11 agalnat the S1tnta A na S111ntn tonll{ht. Artde<I to thl" growing hst or Pan th•·r 1n;unl!'M has bten Ken M1ll1<. tn1lbark 11nJ ""eek end. Tuellflay in practll"e he wes tsckll'd IUld !ell on the back of h1,. head. Dizzy spells resulted and ll Is nnt known If he un play tonight. -------------- Balboa Island Wint Lawn BowlinCJ First l:iihleen mem~r11 or th' Nl'w· port Beach Bowllnit GrHn Club <"Ompell'd In Australia 11lngles Thf'sday. Balboa Jsland ran oft with first and third pl1cea. B11y- 11hores took •econd place. J oe Stamp dCltan"l trunk 13 11 unlucky. It won f1r11t place for him. :-J1chol1111 Brettnl'r won M>· co!'.'ct with l t i>oints and Harold ~handlty t no le thlrrt with JO point.a. For JO Days Only Extra 'l°° Bonus ALLOWANCE MAKE SURE YOU CAN ALWAYS STOP Let ua t11t your bra.Jtu for aatety ... to be aure tht y"re fit for a quick atop at any lime. We ad;uat. reline, re- pair. We recommend and make only needed repafr11. Our pr1ce.11 11re r1ght. R 6. L Auto Clinic Brake Specl&Usta -Hydramatic Senw SOOI Nf'wport Bh"d. Har. -1606 N.-wport Bnch Reci. 15.95 exchange 3 Year Guarantee ! SIL VER KING BATTERY s..3•s I exchancie For any 6 Volt ExchanCJ9 12 Volt Slh)htly Hither • 18'71 llA&l!IOB BLVD. COSTA MESA U a.MU • Ntw DtSTINC11VE FLO.TONE COloa STYLING plus pleasing two• tone11 and ~olid~ for ntry la"lr! CrratC'st horsrpowrr in Mercury's h istory-with a new high in usable power! A brand-new group of ten Safety-Engineered features for your greater ufety and security! New improvtment~ in famous Merc-0-Matie DriYe and ball-joint front suspension. New wider-than-ever choice of modelal N1W US. ANO JICMtOHIPOWll SAHTY.sulOI 'II.-IMOINU-A nrw h111:h in torque and surinnp; powtr. :?2.J hp 1V1ilabl' in Montrlairs ' end Monttrey~ "'·ith I) to I rnmpr,.•!ion. 210 hp 1n Cu~tonu. A ntw 12-'folt electrical ,pttm prnv1dl'~ hotter ignition. .... ••tUIY SAPITY ............ IO flANIU -Mrrcury leads ill fitld with ten new feature,. A new impatt·ahtorbin11: aaftty Ptttnng whetJ, Mfttv door lnrk•. Mft•fY·j?flp hra~e~. 11afelf ·M8m h,.ad umps, ind optional Mfrty tf'at ht·lt• and 1 (lidded in•trument pen,.l. NIW lnCMNllH ANO lUXUl'l'-TllF. BIC .. is I car that rNkt'~ vn11 whi~tlr twi<'t'-onrr nut•idr. once insidl'. Th,. rnlnr,, fabnr,, and (>lttern~ mal the finr•I rustnm.built car1 for dramalJc im(>lct. They ere uclu!!1vely Mcrcury 1. OtSTINCmll NIW OIUUl-from bloch 1w1y you can ttll it'11 1 Mrrrury. With the new 11r. M m:at 1nd newly dtlligned bumpu· grille, there 11 no miataking th11 beauty. NIW flO·TONI lt'l'UNe ANO TWO· TONIS-Merc:ury introduce. a whole ni-w pillette of aparklin~ colore. in ntw Flo.Tone atyling. two-tonu and eolich. ,.,.....,., lUUIU1'0M ia jutt one option . Widett choire in 1he lil'ld 1110 iocludtJ rnwn ~teerinR. br1kl'I, window1, 4-way pow'r K ilt and Mrrc.O.Matic Drivr. NIW ..... IN USAIU ,O'#ll. Not ju•t hi1?htr horwpower. hut ~ter torque (wbttl-tumin~ ro•f'r) fnr 1hriU1n11: pt"rform1nce in fie rnrydey dri,·init ranj!"' "'htrf' y1111 n,.r<i II m~I. Ntw IAnTI·SIJI CI V-& ddl\·n fl:THtrr arrrl,.r•tinn then rnr. \1 STUMNIM9 MOOIU. NIW PlllT o• MAIOTO.S. Now Mtrcury'• dutinrllv,. low· .. ll1011c1te A1yling ., en1lebfe in ,.vtry priC'll ran&"· i\rw h.r•lto~ in evtry lf'M-only JS'i inrhf-1 high. See nil llC M in our thowroom -l'Owl Forl956_thebigmovelsto THE BIG MERCURY JOHNSON . & SON, Lincoln· Mercury 900 W. Coast HiCJhway NEWPORT IEACH Acros1 frolft lay Cleb \ Liberty 8·554S BUD FOR DA VE-Here's action shot of Bud Thomp- son, shifty halfbJck who may re place the Sailors' sparkling Dave Tamura in the starting lineup against Fullerton tonight. -Staff Photo THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PHILLIPS The time of having nothing to base football potentials on but the alligator tears couraing down the cheeks of scenery chewing menton baa paased. Now the aces have been laid out on the gridiron in two weeks of practice skir· miahfng for all to 11ee. So let'• rel down to bualneu where the 8Uft.Mt Leafue la con· cemed. I'll make It abort: U Coach Al Irwtn'a N.wport Harbor Hip School 8&11on can prevent Ana- helra.'8" Colonlat elnen from aUp- plns them a MJckey, they'll br1nr th• loop J*lMllt home to ny trom tbe Bartlor ana mut.be1l4. TllOUllLS T1'PS tlrat rated In the same category wlU\ Oranitl'. romped over both Orange League favorltu. Laguna Beach 2&·12. and Tu11lln 20-0. But to go completely out on the limb. here's the way Phillip.' coldly calculating eye sees It: l. Anaheim. 2. Newport. 3. FUI· lerton. 4. Garden Grove. II. Santa Ana.&. Huntington Beach. 7. Or· ange. Incidentally. the Goba' practice Trouble la. MJck97 1'1.ynn 111 a frays are not yet at an Pnd. pretty troub&.ome plraJtinner to There'a aUll Califomla here Oct. contaiJl Ulroup four quarters of l'U. a n d Fr Id a y Callforpla play. He did plenty of damar• 1laughtered South Pasadena 39·0. throuitu>ut the cll"C'Uit laat .... GOOD BOOKISO '°"· and here he la, ready to take • ' up old tl1cka _ auch JIUartoua U the Sallor11 are -to knock atunt. u tollnl' riY&.I punlJI back Anaheim galley weal. the 1ched- 75 ,.ard9 and oCh.er anuce at that ul• hu been perfectly a.rra.nged m1 Wlllllil. ._. oPPC*nl' coacll• to sfve them every opportunity. tnte ..., ...... e14 ~ It'• &he Indtaa. In Pirate Sta· dium J'rlday night u the natural It ioee wttllout aytnc that lid opener. Let the Tara rack up AnaJMlm, the defendlnr champ•. the Tribe and their seuon Is def· haq tha best two pme 11ractice lnltely a aucceu. whatever llap- recort 1n oranc-County prep pena from Ulat lime. tanur. of 01• Oob urtal pm• to jell. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I. PAGE 5 RIDAY, OCTOIER 7, 1955 GOBS GO AGAINST ARCH ENEMY INDIANS · IN BUC BOWL TONIGHT Sailor bacldkld .tarten t o- nlght. 1rwtn &llDOWk*t. WW be Schultt, 110. Halna 'lbompeon. a., .. ,. &rove which hu 22 •tra!ghl lel.l'Ue U:S. and . Hopki.n.t, lM, ud J"ull• • wtu. back Beny, 110. All an MD1on Obeervn a figlu._ the ttame to and nwrana trom a..t ...... DeL lb Apl• ..al be a conteet betw~n Anaheim'• On tbe line will be ind Loftnt· U RI WT!er qu.lclml'u a.nu Garden dlekecl tblaa bdDr'9 tb• --..oo sen. 1111. and T«Ty Rqan. 110: Ch A ~ a Qrove'a br&wn. B\Jt deapll• Ole Tamura May Miu Sunset Loop Opener; 111ompson Substitutes llt&rted. But C>Ywtt7, wbo wu auaro. o..na. 190, and Suuel .... , II llnl adftrti.lled llchtneaa of ~ ftnt •trtlls Gil tbe flrat day of 150; T&ckl• Harper, 112. and 111 and th• bull< of Oa.rdl'n Gron. plpkln prsctlce. DOW baa tour Dick Naben. 188 and Cent.er the AzlOnaulJI hold only a two- men a.h-4 ol him. He won't be Jack Smit.la. 186. Ranzt, o-na a!:!°~ ~..?..;; pound t•m a verac• advantap Nt:wport Harbor High School'• Sailors may have to WUl wbol~ for at leut another WMk and BamMI are JU!Uora, ttie Ntll tu debat : :!"' 8aMlt •--... o"r th• Coloniat.1, 1&6 to llS. . and may MVer recatn b1a start· eenlon. • --their most important football game o! the eeaaon aga.m.t ln• Job. BLOODY nn WIMn tu toou.D ._ -:-'- Fullerton tonight without the aervicee of Sparkling Dave n.. Tara. rated sun.et i...cue s.,, 1a deftnitely tn tbe llat· four • Um• ch•...,. •ne.t IE SU~E • INSURE cbamplonahip darkhor• to edce U. for au leque bonore at h1a tompt at La .._. Putl. ... Tamura at halfback. put .Anaheim, will av.rap 112 Un• 1m&.lbl.q poet. H•'• •bloody 'lb• Arsmuata b&ft u w..... ~ ftAJfLSY T umura. biggeat calnu t o r fled that It la Tamura wbo may lbe.. 1n lb• line, 142 u.. ln the type of nmner, prefeJTlns to men from the uun .rtdcll ...-ks• IT o.&7 1• tht> Tara In two pracUce fraya have to mla.I tonight'• Important ti.cldleld and weip ta at 111 on trample r1pt onr the oppoetUoa tund U. 0....,. X....,. ollllla· -~& ~-~wa• und back of tht> week a gainst «•me. the one lrw1n and all th• u ptoaahl 1ut -Bat It llu a -~ -· ~ Monlebello lut we••k , suffered a Tar vriddera want to captuni In a team but. where thdr otfen· rather than wute me taktnf P ,_, 0.... ... llar " alve at.arten1 are ooneemed. Th.la tacltlera out of th• way. Be d• ~crt~p~pled~~ott~•~-~~-~~,..,.~=·~w~-~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ k11,·1• 111Ju1 y tlurln" IM'l'tmrn11ge the worae pouible way. cl ........ " t Tue11Jay • . "Good aa he is. Tamura bu meane the local lade outwelght ared 'way back lut •r-r tha: 8u Whf'n klrkort laku place adequate repl&cemenu ." was the th• Indiana. h• wu lay~ for J'Ullerton. But •"111nst st'dl tnerny Fullerton In , way one of lrwtn'11 &idea ex.111ain-INDIAN .n:NX lf Jl'ullerton makea tbe llliRUe "' Of laytnf fO/t Berry, UleJ'r'e UUk Pirate Studium at 7:30 p. m. to-1 ed tl. "What If Wl' had to ro hllerton averqea 1&8 on th• to diJK:oYer ~ Bopklnl or day. shift)' litll" sllfety man Bud I wllhout End Paul Lorentzen, or ll.ne, 162 in the backfield and CUtro lotJ.nc that pelota &Cll'OM 'J'homp11on m•Y , eplar.. Tamura Guards Gary Del!Jlls and J erry US2 for th• team. .Althourh the the (Olll line bultead. • In th .. sta1 Un.: lineup. Samsel. or Fullback Charlie Bl'r· Tribe aut~red two p~tlce lou-Or Tamura U the 8aUora s-t "WP won'\ 1111l' Tllllll.lra It we ry! Wl''d ftel tboae louu be-ea. to Downey and Wh1tU.r, don't have to.'' Coach Al Irwin cauae there'• no onl' lo f'el>laU Ooacb GU Tucker expect.a to han In a jam and ban to call on reported. them!" them up enoup to at lea.'ft u -ti.la temflc t.almta. Tbe lnjund 011tER8 INTACT MOST DANGEROUS lliat the I-year Indian jinx OVel' lad'a bobbtn&' c or.k ai,te cl All other casualtlu of t hl' And thia despite the fact Ta-the Ballon . :rr;:.r lb:-~·i::! ~ week were Intact !or tonicht. mura IS reprded u one of the M09l feared by Irwin. Back· 'lb• entire 8allor ll.ne bu tall· Tackle Larry Harper. another Sunal't League's moat dang'eroua field Katon Don Bum. and en dlaUnct pleuure In tbe roup key Gob, proved hi• old charging ball carrien . BUI Bernau and Une Coach John going; th• roustier It r eta. the Hlf after · a •light m leery. Scat-Thompaon, thOU&'h llchl al H:S. KcOowan 18 tbe ..-iatioa&l paa-touther they are. On defenM. back Larry Caatro, a lways a TD , hu • h-o w n bimalf a qu.lck inc attack th• Ind1an.I unleuhed eever&l other boy• will enter to· threat. missed two day• of drill· breakaway runner and . e~)' ap.lnat WhJtUer. Tb I a at.ara night'• grid picture for Newport Ing wilh a cold. but returned In effective on pasa receivinl which Quarterback Jlmmy Norton and Such u Enda Neil Metcalfe. 148, time for a pair of good work· guaranll!ea him a broken field. l:n48 CU'! PenatnctoD and Dick and Bill Lamb, 101. out• Ulla week. Tackle Dlck Overby and Guard KOultrle. Roger Early. 218, t.ak• onr Oddly enough. the Sailor coach· Pete Schulber r remain tn dry All week. the Tan have been at middle guard. beefing up cu· inc 1taff a re juat H well aatia-dock with tM kn• lnjw'lea that worked OD paa defenae and ter ot the line alonr wtth o..m. ~ that quarterback. They and Harper. Unebackere ha Y • nrure. if Norton can't '°aa the been tops fOT the Tart1. Hopldna porkhlde, he can't connect with and Schultt b&ndle the out.idde 8.&ILO& SCORE-Halfback Jody Fenton romped 15 yard.a for this Tar mcore against Montebello lut J'rl. day night. He hopee to havt a aimilar cll&nce durinr tonight's Indian battle in Pirate Stadium. -Staff Photo hlll rec.inn. and Berry the mlddtt. and tbe)' JIAY lJNOOa& are alway• mean. LorentMn end At the -.me time. Quarterback eutro wfil probably be at d• Georp 8cbu1tt and Lorentzen fenalve halvea with Ttlompeon at may uncork an urtaJ ~ of eatety. Uselr own If J'ullertca •hould For Fullerton, probable lltart· ~· to botU. up cnnchlng tng otten.live lineup loop like J'UDbeCk Charlie Berry, amaahlng thla1 Quarterback Norton. UIO; Ba1fb&ck John Bopklna and -t-Halve1 Ronnie l'Ujlno, 1sa, and backa well u Thompeon and George Smith. 108, and Fullback Castro. Dewey I.Andry, 1&8; Enda Pen- Scbultt la a Mady alma! call· Dlngton. 1&8, and Moultrie, 18:1: er but hu not yet bloaaome.d T ackl•s Larry Watts. lM, a.nd forth u lb• puaer he ahould Manuel Sandoval, 195; Gu&rd• be. Lonntsen la potentially one John Leigh. 1'3, and Tom Batea. ot lb• be•t recelven In the 173, and Center Armond Corona, 1eque but haa betn IJtymied by 158. "A Brake system check costs nothing and can save you plenty of grief • • • Let alone money." Courtney & Lester lael N8WllOl't lllYd., <Joeta ... Pb-LI 8-lll'J T E R R I F I c M E A T tlRRl~C PRICE ! TIRRIFIC ·IARGAIN! AGED CHOICE U. S. GRADED HIND 9UARTIRS lb. • 3 lllOftths locker rent FIEE with purchase Complete Processint lncl•clecl with price HARBOR MEAT CO. 411 JOtll St. Harbor 0718 la.t off Newport Bh·d. Newport Beach After Bova Vall ID 5-2104. ranka. Tbq cam• from bebind eom,. t be n the CaUfornla to Hck Jt..Uude •te. U.. P" breathu ( T) here and Hunllnc· r----------------------.. ---. the M1ck•7 tnatmenl • to Lu ton Bet.ch there before t.be Gar- Veru. No puahonn. ouUlt.I like den Grove go ln Pirate Stadium thoH. Cert.atnly no puabover Oct. 28. After that. It'• the Saint.a .Anaheim. Ulue and Orange hef'e before the ~O OOMPA.Jll80N Anaheim Ut1tntk On p11per. U\l.11 lt'1 true the Tara have ecored look• like t.be beat po!ll!ible 1p11c· more polnt. while hold1nc their lnr of Important conte11te for the two fou ~o"'leM. But doea Ex· Gobs. celelor and Montebello compare There'• j11st one troubll'. Thill With Redland• and Lu VeraaT Anaheim outlnit 111 on the Cnlo- So Anaheim muat once again nJet turf Nov. 18. That's U\e auume favorite'• rolf' to retain main reaaon I ~an't gel around their football crown. And the on· ranking Anaht'lm No. 1. Who Jy t'lnen In the loop which 1>e1u11 want.a that Mlckl'y F lynn to feel the potent~ to remove that dia· right at home? dem la Newport Jfarbor'a. ------------- Thnt''• one otht'r f'UY cholct'. The Orans• Panthera will flnl11h In the buem•Dt. Olherwtae It would -m lo be anybody'• gueH regardlng the fortun .. of l'UUer't.on, Santa Ana. Garde.n Grove and Hun tington Beach. If any conclusion can be d nlwn from practice gam• re· •ulta, It I• that the Arpn~ta wlll not be u 1t rong u wu Hrller tndlcatid while th• Olien may prove mu~h •tronpr than or1f1nally euppo1ed. PR.ACJ'lCE STORl' The Grover1 bea t Puente 20-1. then got the work• from Bell· flower 21·7. Huntln.s t.on Beach •. at Oiler Grids Go for Third Win H UN TI NG T O N BEACH (OCNS l -Huntington Beach High School aeeb lta third al ralShl gnd victory wh•n It hollla Corona tonl1ht. 'lil• Ollera are be(1Mln( to worry o t h e r 8un11et Leagul' coachu with thl'lr well • balanc- ed attack. Apln1t Orane• Lea- iue favorite 1ut w.ek, the Ollera ran for 104 yard• an pa•ed for 111 and three louchdowna. WORLD'S GREATEST Part·Mutuel1 DaJly Dnuble H•n. Adm.: It.SO Incl. tax lik'.,.nn Box Seat t t for 1140, lnf'I. ta~. 8peclal TANSt~R <'OACHEl!i IPHf' trem prlnf'lpal hnt•h• In I~ A. ~ H'"-d. Mlonf' m · 311J. WESTERN HARNESS RACING ASSN. SOUTH ~OflST CDnSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL,INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SllALL ............... .,,-..- WE'RE P. R 0 U D to be the HEW . D 0 D G E • P-L Y M 0 U T H Dealer In NEWPORT HARBOR <Costa Mesa and Newport leach) AL BEATTY MOTORS (Formerly O'Brien Motors) 1680 Newport Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty 8-7272 Service • Sales • Used Can . . t " u~J• .. . •\· . • -It .. www• 11 ._Pl ta. __ .._f..JOO..._.._,,,.. S,OOOk...._ .................. .................. cl t ~ -• .·~ r,. . "'' 4 • Annolillcing New Foitl Thicks for '56 OVUNJRIJ gltJerftXI Sffmooll,lhals N£!V in slyling-mefor/-POWfiRI ~ tor 'lt-l'IJfd .. .ittJ"' -..t 8ti'CIM nm encilM!8f A Six.. IDd ...-Y-«'.-wtth more bone- pc..w tor ~ ...., pl'O'ftJll by oowpaiamr ol D8t htwwpoww IDd -s: a ~ w pnc. ot "" tradm ! P09S i1w ar 11p to 28%. to ret '°" ~ ....., ti-J'IJ9 man ...... ..,..., Pord'°I m9 Dt W iMJ C8 cat ~ llniD.. live yci. nduilir WW '1*7 ...... ...m. Lifepmrd ....... ,...... -door bdid:M& ,,. blllrky p>ci k>c>kll ol yc:JS lllt'W llllll'd Trwk bald ,,,..,.,. lor .,aar ._._... S. .,_. ~ Dl'ilit.I -°"" ,., ......... .... .-..t1..,., ..... ...,.. ~ ~ ... . lac ..... 1111.-llol ....... ~Fwd ... "' _.,, :wwwddnor .......... 8lidltd ""*°' dim ....... dDan jantllllc c.-.. -Mllldm&. Ont1 Pord bm d9e ,__., ,... 11-«ik ~ ............ _.,_ illc. ~ ...... II& ....... £"1111111' ~~ ,... ... , ................. ...., daty ..... c...-........ m---. lallt ... 1illll9irf THEODORE ROBINS VOl-il FORD DEALt:R SINCE IHI -(ON MAJlL'"f:M KILi:) 3100 W. Coast Hltllway-Newpott leacll-LIMfty 1-3471 ~A6E 6. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FllDA Y, OCTOIER 7, 1915 . Your Newspaper Boy of To·day, ••• Your LEADER of Tomorrow! • • We Salute the "GANG" at the News-Press .. /amow men, • tn feaJerj in jporb, fwo, have even a P rejiJ.snf haJ Jheir jfarl in lo or the Carrier we • CARRIER CREW-Above are aome of the Newport Harbor Newa-Pl'Ma' 70 carriers who wiJI observe National Newapaper Boy'• Day tomorrow. Those in picture include: Sonny Reeder, Bobby Mcilroy, Elmer Schuman. Douglaa Hawley, Denoia McDougal, Wayne Gouvion, Roddy Robert.eon. Steve Seiel'8on, Johnny J'leJda. Danny Green, Allan Jones, Charle• Measing. Garth Gardner, Grant McCall, BrookA Blair, Fred lluMtr. Kenny Huff, Jim Johnson, H. J. Zamora, John Matthew!\, Don Zamora. Brurc Jl'lmison. Jerry Noland. Bruce McDonald, J im MacDonald, Ricky HolmeR. Tom Colr, Micheal Dickason. Bill Wood. Ronald Rcaums. Chuck Remley. -0on Gordon. Ste\·e Schmuck. J ack Bailey. Roger Parker, Tom Andersen, Mike Lange. Steve Kimble. Bob Babson. Peter Yould, Keith Jacobs, Doug Trapp, Randy Reddi ck. Jon Beck. Eddie Mescn ·e and Bruce Kimmel. - RAIN OR SHINE THE NEWSPAPER CARRIER BOY DELIVERS HIS ROUTE • • Tomorrow will be National Newspaper day end we join the Preu throu9hout the Nation in payin9 tribute to them in general end to our own Newport Harbor News-Pren carriers in particular. - Certainly if there is any one 9roup of workers . in this country deserving of • 1peciel day it is the vest army of news- paperboys. Sometimes we become so doggoned disgusted with the little dickenses that we'd like to bet the"' over the heed-to use their own language. On the other hand, there ere those times when we feel so downright sorry for the Ifft&. ruult that we want to invite them for dinner. Only the men of today who hes been • paper boy during his •arly years can understand his carrier-if he chooses to remember hi1 boyhood. Now end then they min. Now and then all of us make • mistake. When e carrier mines • paper one night that is his boyish way of ,.,eking en error just as the rest of us make error• ;,. 0111r businesse1. Paper boys shouldn't htive • ",.,in" at any time, nor should any OM of the rest of us make a mis - talce i" our daily rowtines, but some way or enoffter, MOit of ut do. If we don't, the chanc- e• ere, we arH't doin9 anything and there- fore .o..adn't make • mistake. The carrier boy of today has a distinct advanta9e over yesterday's. They are really in businen for themselves, bein9 participants in bonus plans, subscription awards , etc. in addition to• guarantee for servi.ces perform- ed. They are h1u9ht to take care of their routes and accounts, and this tra i n in 9 stands them in 9ood stead in the years ahead. Tomorrow will be Carrier's day. They can be the nei9hborhood's devils and the neighborhood's an9els, but most of them become · the community's leadin9 business men. We salute today, the News · Press Carrier boys in particular, and the carrier boys of the Nation in 9eneral, who are such en integral pert of this newspaper, end every newspaper in the Country. Tomorrow Is National Newspaper Boy Darc I , MARINE. NEWS TIDE T AILE .,. .. ,,.. BL n-m,11 Low rriday 2:19 a. m. 33 11:11 a m. Oct. 7 12:44 p.m S.3 .s:~l p. m. Saturday •:04 1 . m. 31 11:15 1 m. Oct. g 2:17 p. m. :u 10:08 p. m. l!lunday 6:08 a. m. 4 0 10:07 1 m. Oct. " 3 :~ p.m. 6.0 11:08 p. m. Monday 5:48 a.""1. 46 11 :21 a. m. Oct. 10 5:0:1 p.m. :u ll:M p. m. 'l\leeday 8:22 L m. 4.9 12 :18 p. m. Oct. 11 ft:l!i p.m. 5.2 Wednuday 8:53 a . m. u 0:34 a. m. Oct. 12 fl:M p.m. ~-2 l :Ot p.m. 7:21 a. m. :I.fl 1:09 L m. B &. 2.t 0.3 3.1 0.2 u 0.1 2.2 O.l 1.5 0.2 0.9 0.4 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&E 7 -ror tM nwt ta aeauaa FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 Prtntln• Dep&rtmenc. Lees Arrive i1 San Francisco After · E1cee~i1gly Ro1gh Voyage Ole IAe, MW dilllributor for a N~·built ketch, wbo ldl be.-. wttb hie two IOM, <leors• a.nd Cy, Sepe. IT ln their craft wttb Jim KOll'tler, Saa Pedro, tel..-rapbed u.. "-ia,_ ., ~ -'• .,,. y:...;.1 ..... _... R - rlnl ,...Urday ln 8an J'rane.laco. ..... I 1191T eported All the 1-hold Wlliraited mu· Rudy H•f'SOI'. l TS4 Pl&&& c!f>I ter'1 Uckell, any boat. any ocean. Their tllecram l&k1 they arr1ved Norte, reported to Newport Beacll ~ SOUTB OOAST 00. ttrd a N.wpea1 ...._ \'our A at b or Is e 4 r.a AL o o nberlllle o.Jer 18 tbe Barbor area. Brtq yov fiber. ilau problema to -. Pacific ,..,.._.. HOI W. 0.... ffw7. Thurlday Oct. 13 7:•0 p. m. IU 1:41 p.m. P.lClrtC l!lTANDARD TUii: 0.4 DODGE'S NEW 4-DOOR HARDTOP at t :t5 a. m. )'91terday vta Monte-police recenUy tbe t Dlvenilled rey wher. tbey mt.opped tor pro· Bullder1 lnc., loat three or four vialon.1 anct fUel cturtnc an axceed· electric toot. lo a thief over Ule lnJIY rourh ''oyare wllh modv · wMk end. Two or three electric ate northweat rate condition• p,.... handMw1 and an el.ctrtc ander were taken from a ateel toolbox on the jOb a t 1"1ne Terrace, UH& Dolphin Terrace, Henor reported . Pll. U . l ·Hn .lcroae from All·Amu1c&J1 Mlrt. . ~ (j) (f • Richardson's Stock One of the newe.9t, most exciting automobile. to appear on the American motoring scene in recent ye&n1 ia the glamorous 19~6 Dodge Four-Door Lancer hardtop. All 8ACRAMJ:NTO, (<:Nl!ll-W. H. of the youth and vigor of true hardtop 1tyling baa been aklllfully combined with the Stepben.IOll, •ta~ corpora tion MARINE CAllURDOIS Repatn -Sales -Pana Zl!NITll IJ STROMBE.&G l'IJLIT rt7LL UST NEW comfort and convenience of the four-door sedan. While the car shown above ia in commlNioner, today announ,cad the Cu.tom Royal .eriee, the 18.Dle body atyle i.I being offered in the lower priced luuanc• of • permit to Richard· QUAJtft& llOON QUA.BTSB llOON Oct. S3 Oct. so Oct .• UCL 111 11>n Yacht Anc.b<>l'q e. lnc.. 17311 Royal and Coronet series. Al Beatty Motors, 1680 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Bayalde Dnve, Newport ~ach shows the new 1956 Dodge today, to lell 8341 ah.•re• of •lock. GEO. J. MEACHIM U!9 W. C.OUt Highway Ubert)' 8-UU HARBOR AREA. AMERICAN GIRLS BEST. RANDY SAYS Harbor Depa11ment In lusy September Newport Beach Harbor Depart· ment answered 311 call• ln Sep· tember, wilh u alltance rendered T • 1 19 boall, 17 arruta, 15 cuee of EuroBAfln our •1ngs New Point d11troyln" debrl•. 36 c .... 1nvo1v-r--lng rowboat• and 33 complaint.I ot of View to OCC ?upil ttow Home ~~f ~~~o:i-en.u ~ By BUT BRINTNALL ·country, whlle lhty realize that "Olve me American girl.I and America 11 a world power they the Rubor area," I• the enthue· taurht lhe Americana that the tut!c exclAmatlon of Randy Mc· wor ld does not revolve around the Cardle, Oranre Co:l.~t Colle,-e •tu-United Stat11 u the 1tudent1 had dent and ~al eat.ate 1alc:.man, felt when at home. who hu returned from a three Three weeks or the three monttui month• visit to 12 European coun· wae apcnl In Norwry where Randy trlea on a tr1p apot110red DY the found the beat thing wu the Lutheran Students A.uodatlon Of Norwe&'fana them1elvea. The coun· Amer1rL try 11 moally up and down and Much of hll tlMe tht atu1tnt living hard. As guollne 11 high lived with clUuns of the countriee and the country makee no care they were In and teamed at llrst everyone travels by bua or bicycle. hand of the way Europe1.:1s :ttl Randy round nearly everyone In to\\ ard Amer:can1, what they e.t Europe O"'ned a bike. Nlnety·aeven and condition• under which they per ctnt of the people In Norway u1sl. are Lulherane, he found, 48 per DANES HAPPIEST cent in Weet Germany and 87 per Danu are lhe ha pplt1l people cent In Eut Germany. In Europt', Randy believea, ~d the Wut Germani the moet Indus· LIQt:OR NO PROBLEM trtOUB. ln Germany the group While everyone In Europe drink•. apent three week• and drov<t 3~ wine In France and beer most m ill'll In bu11111. other place•. Randy did not tlnd Why the European• eot 10 many it the problem It wouJd be In thlll potatoea 1tumped Randy for a country bt>cause It wu taken for while until he found out that they gTanted. People drink beer with eat whal elN they can &Hord sn·l lhelr meall and It i. ao common potatoe1 to fill up on. l n G<!r• among them they do not think of many potatoH, bread and bur building a party around It u In fonn the principle artlclee of diet this country. with the rMUlt the women are on ------------ th• portly •I.de. In France they are 11tore peUte, but wt.t would you Pxpcct a young man who bf-. came enraced to a Coat& Meaa girl the wefk before he took crt for Europe to 1ay about French Jirl1'! The but enlt>rtalnme.nt place1 Randy found In Europe 111 the llA.alNIJ UPBOL8TE&INO BOAT OOVEM BALBOA CANVAS SHOP Horb« Jl7 224•/t Jht It. NIWPOIT tlACH Be1id11 the11 the department anawered two fire and one reacue ca.Ji., lnveat11ated lhe bre&kln&' Into of a boat, lnatalled t.bree aho" mooring• and arreeted 19 boat.a. wit• tile State F•• ln .. ct Co•pai~es Call u 8-1011 . l.. -~ ii W. L l.Aa41a LL C.-.. lSS E. l '7tb St. Coatallleea Tivoli In Copenh&.Jt'n. Thia Len· ter which hu 21 l:uge rt>staur~tJ. a llO·plece orchutra and a fUn zor.e, Randy found better than the nau~hty pl&cu In Pari• wh•" It took $2f• or SlOre tn bave :in eve- ning Smorguboraa are populu In European rutaurantl and at the European• never throw aw1y any food 110me of It 111 apt to be 1tale. Randy found. The New MOST F.Lf:OA:\'T The people of Italy Randy found the mol!t elegant a.nd polite, but the pin& and 1paghetti waii not up to Amerlca.n 1tanrlard11. Ba.kerle..1 he tounrl were fine and pu trle11 of Europe bett1r lhan lhoae here, largely bec&Wlll eacll piece 111 In· dlvldually made and wrapped. Sweet brown g oat chee11e, he found a 1taple In Norway where they eat It three mu.11 a day with bread and 1pud!I. but they u11ually have at le111t four klndl or b~ad on the lablP at a time. The 1tudent1 were In Europe to 1tudy with local student.I 1uch thing• u the 1ehool1, ehurchee. culture and the country It.tell. They found the people do not like A merlca n tourllts. but they dl1 like the atudent.a when they g ot acqualntt'd with them. A1 reault or the Marshall plan Europt'an.11 have a higher living 1tandard than they ever hact before and for the moat part appr.clate why they have It. Nl:W VIEWS They g•ve the Americana a dlf· terent vlt'w point on their own Hont Wins $900 Job on Mesa Street Co 11 t r a c t for 11tr11i&htenlng \Vest 18th a t thl' lntereectlon w1lh Newport Blvd .. w.. let to M. E. Horal Co., tor approximate· ly $900 by Coat& Mesa City Coun- <"il Monday night a t the 1Ugge1· tlon or ~rge Cofff'y. city m11.n· •rer. It wu allO voll'd to lt>t a con· tract to Armco to build a 20 x 40 f t. addition to lh• p~t clty hall. Thl1 will be a port· able affair which the city expect.I to move by th• time the leaae on the ground run1 out next September. Don TAt Toss Up SANTA ANA. (~SI -The Santa Ana Colle~• Don l:utem Confettnce opener at San ~mar· I dlao tonlitht I• rated a tou up by football oddl-.altere. Harold I. Johoson Pro,..ua.r a.p.an o.a-.... .., ... ,., none~rno till \'1Da Way, Newport~ 1956 AUSTIN HEALEY HERE NOW FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ALL COLORS HIGH TRADE IANK TOMS Also MG • Morris • Magnett. MOTORS, INC. HAUSKEN 1932 Harbor llvd. Uberty 8-6381 Costa Mesa Uberty 8·5051 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CLOSE-OUT 1955 JOHNSON SEAHORSE OUTBOARD MOTORS All Sizes 3 h.p. 5.5 h.p. I 0 h.p. 25 h.p. 25 h.p. Electri c Trade-tu Bank Tenm FACTORY APPROVED SERVICE Complete P&rta Stock See Us For All Your Boating Nee• "• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SERVING BALBOA'S DRUG NEEDS FOR 20 YEARS! GUNDERSON DRUG·S OW MOVED ACROSS THE STREET TO OUR NEW HOME AT 716 EAST BALBOA BLVD.··BALBOA Y Oii are l11vltecl to visit ow new store and get acq•lnted with ow YaricHls departntellts. Don S. G•denon STANDS llHIND OUR PllSCllPTIOIS ...... ,,..,... ,.., ,,....,.,... .. _,.. ............ .... ...... ...., ........... .. pewa-.u4 ... tw ...-,. ,..., .......... _..,..,., ....... , . ,..., .. .....,. .... ,..,....., ....... PROM" SERVICE OUR COSMETIC DEPARTMENT Will Feature FRANCE'S and AMERICA'S Finest Pert um es and Cosmetics • • • Names like Christian Dior, (exclusive in the Harbor Area), Jean Nate', Gene Salee', Rubenstein, Coty, Dorothy Gray, Revelon, Angelique, Houbigant, Tussy, Anatole Robbins and Du Barry. DRUGS e e PRESCRIPTIONS OUR SPECIALTY 716 East Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Phone • • Harbor 515 ' . '. • ~~ t':'fMr~A~°lfAA'iaOR NEWS-PRESS Isnoranee 111 '"" ~mote rrom lhe lnllh than prejudice. ~ FRIDAY, OCTOIER 7, 1955 • Deni• Diderot TODA Y'S Ne Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT llOW Al OUI SIOIE N-Toril Noon Comment Compiled by B. C. O&nlde' t Dean Witter 6 Co.) Santa Ana SANTA ANA, OCT. T t0CN81 -Lacklnr any Important newa 1Umulua, the market 11 drlttlnr downward without any pr.elUre of volume, but !'llther In a di.con· cerUncly p 1 r 1 I 1 tent manner. Aca.ln th.re are relaUvely few 1tock1 1tandln1 out, althoufh there la 11eale-d0Wll 1Upport evl· dent amonr 1elect.ed IUUH. DOUGLAS PKOMINENT Dou.flu 1tand1 out In the •vi•· Champion Sloop J-Race Serles in LA Hmbor 87 NEAL BECIUll'ER A thl'M-rac. Mr1ae for th• Cbamplonahlp o1 t.be Pacitto Crul.I· m. Cl .. llloepe will be held Ula weeJc-.nd at L. A. Harbor hoeted b7 C&brtllo Beach Yacht Club, home club of Kea Croan, the de- fedlnr champion and hi. AkahJ. Howard !Aw.on. ueoctatlon pr11ldent, w1U ch&1)en1e for the Newport Harbor Yacht Club with llia 1loop Dlune, while Paul Holm11 In hla recently acquired Lark wtll carry the burre. ot the Balboa Yacht Club. Several otht'r South· ern Ca.IJfornla cluh11 expect to .end eh&llenrers tor champlon1hlp hon· 'bl"I. Thi' ueoclatlon will hold their &nnua.I el~t1on dlnner-meetlnc at the Palma In Torrance on Satur· day nlrht a.od the trophy pre1en- 1.&Uon ceremonies will be held at CBYC clubhol&M Sunday evenlnr followtnr the third race. Leahy Gets Ucense SACRAMl!:NTO. ICNSI -The f!e('retary of atate'a office an· nounc.ed luuance ot 1 nota ry pub- IJc comml1111lon to John L. Leahy, T1 l Clllt Drtv~. Newport Beach. McKl11Hy PlaM Tow Dwirht McKinney, author of Balboa bland will leave here OcL Ja for a trip arowid u1' world by way of Au1tnlfa.•tndla. Ethl· opla and Europe. Re plane to write on hla trip. H.-Lod ud Foa4 ---- Uon poup, IO that tn>m tape action we would pre1ume the la- 1ue II anUdJ>4lUOn favorable newa. Since the a1rlinM have l.n• d.lcated that a declllon would be made aborU¥ In the matter of jet tranaporta. pruumably th11 n-• I• In the proce11 of beln( d.lecou.ntM. nu. llbould both con· tribute toward.I rood eupport and allow tor further pror-. r:tven more faYOrable market cond.ltlon1. American Vl9COM contlnu1111 to renect favorable earnln11 pro· creu. wblle ~neral Tire and Rubber la a.leo well wpported ln rupon11 to Ila excellent nlne- rnonth1 atatement. Colpte la holdlnf well on H · pfl:t&tlon. ot a dividend lncreue at the next meeting. OOOD AB80RPl10N ~nera.I Precllton J:qUlpment demonatrat11 r 0 0 d abeorptlon power and Pabco Product. holda well. retlecttnr reporta of nero· Uatlon1 for t be purch&M of Jl'lbreboaro. Coppeni, on the dther hand, are In turther wpply on another re- duction of prlce1, with mo•t 11· WH retlecUnr thla development. Amons lndlvldua.I lewu which are either meeUnr IC&le down buyln, or have reacted to 1up· port level1 are Dupont. Chryaler. American Optical and American PotHh. While lack of volume la con· 1tructlve durinr th11 ph-. Ml· Un~ preuure II llte,ady. Alao with the weekend ahead profeuional trader-a eee UtUe lncenUve to a.a· tend their poeltlon1. In IJUCh a phue It 11 poealbl• that the m·arket could experience a wdden 1lnkJn1 apell out ot which a rally would normally dev.lop. Dow .l_.l p.m. Av~ee 30 lnduatrlal1 .. _ 451.32 off 3.87 20 Ra.Ila . ..--·-151.UI off 1.43 111 UU UUea ...... _ .... _ 82.83 off 0.16 I p. m.. volume: tM,000 \"L t&0.000 om Tlu1nda7. Local Stock Uat BW aacl Aak Bank of America .............. 411'. -44 Beckman lnltrument -.............. 24 CalllornJa 8&nk .................... 64-M Disney (Walt) ......... _ .. _ 32%·3&% Flrat Wellem 8&nk ···-64-64~ Glaai-r ....................... _ .. ___ 2%-3" Hall Scott Motors ....... _ ....... 61',"'8 lnt.retate Elllineertnc .... 10-11 ~ Markel Buket Com. .... 20 ~ -22 ~ lolaJfa.lr Marketa .... J ........... 81'.·10 Minute Maid ................. _ 18"·19°!{, lee. Finl Nal'l B&nk ...... 68~~2 n111tt1 Drue -................. 91'.·10% Tr.. Sweet _ ...... -... ··--71'-8 ~ Van C&mp Bea Food --T'5' -11' U9 Nat1 Bank, a. D. _ 21 % -n" Wlaard Boat ··--· .. -·---··· .. -2~4 n·s PO II AILE! Weltha only AS pou,._ lf't Df'ly 13 .. IA. hllJh, 2014 111.. wide, 163(. M. deep, Hoe NO UGt. Y IUlGl CM\ a.odt of ..., lullMil •"Yl"I hondl... IETTEI PICTURES Zenllh llaalde llll tu"8 olld "l'k· tur• lock" Stobi1111t Clfwlt plut Zel'llttl quoliry co111tructloll olld .... -"61:#" dlottiL IEAUTIFUL STYLIN' Sentotlonol Jet Tunlnt deal911 fnt11re1 concealed l'Ull-OUT ....._ end HIOfAWAY ..-et c.rd. - AND BEST OF All ZENITH QUALITY THROUGHOUT! Yn ONLY 15995 THI IVAHSTOM 111141- ln bffutlfvl n.-Trend •tyliftt. M«otofl cOlof cobl,,., · Stevem & Sons 18'79 Harbor Blvd. Co.ta Meu Phone U 8-%301 We 8orYlee AD ...._. .......... LOST tom rU6 WMNI Wn h 7 tpliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiii;:;;:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimw day •• m . ..._,.All-~ .Muket. R.wud. Pia. U ~ Strlclrer Marine Rudwan, MIO Weet Coul Rlpnny. 1.lpH $25 Reward P'OR LOST Slam19e cat. male. weutnc small collar. On P~n­ Penlneu1a. Ca.II collect STATE 8-1324. Uc RllLlA.BLJC It dependable woman for houe.cleani~ on 8&turd&y1. Own tran1portation 11.25 hour. Harbor 1912 15c18 TURRET LA THE OPERATORS Machini1u, Hydrotel operatore First Class Only Top Wages New Plant TAPMATIC CORP. M5 W. 16th St., Coat& Meaa 1&17 SOAP BOX DERBY CAR, Engll1h raclnc bike, Alto Saxophone. All In r ood condition. Har. 290·R l!lc17 to-Auto. for Sale 70RD 64 -Fordomattc Country Squire 38,000 owner drlvtn mllu. good tlrea. power sleer- lnc. RAH 12.100. Har. •a07. Holiday Apts OCEAN FRO'Nr WINTER l:lc17 l BR. FIJrn., Utll. pd ..... 150 mo. t BR. P\Jm .. Utll. pd. '80 mo. 1007 I:. Balboa Blvd. Balboa Hu. 1378 1 l:lp28 A 'JTRACTIVI: fUm. 1 bdrm. &pta. dOH to ocean 6 B&y. S70 mo. t 11 • 16th St., :Kewport Beach. Har. 308T-J 16c18 OORON A DEL MAR 1 bed rm. tur- nlahed apt. $75 month Incl. uUI- • iu ... CalJ Libert, s.2oae 16p17 I OCEAN FRONT APT. $60 mo. Incl. utllllleL Ideal for couple. I 81eepe•. Nicely tum . for every comfort. 1704 W. Ocean Ft .. N. B. Har. 41TS·W 15·11 • ··-for .... ROOK tw ,_u.man. Prtnte eat.rule. 6 baUI. CloM to be9cll. Canal It Cout Hwy. SlO ~r Wk. KlmberlJ 1--0QJ l&c17 • WOW! Sal•s Up llO'ro Miller Chevrolet Co. wants to thank all of you who made last month our biggest ever. We are proud to prove to more and more of you that you can make a better deal at home with Miller Chevrolet Co. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR! Compare our deal. Compare our lower terms, our lower prices and our higher trade-ins. If you are in the market for any new car see us before you sign anything. let us prove that we can save you money. See us this week, your present car , will never be worth more than it is now. Miller Chevrolet Co. Chevrolet Oldsmobile 1000 W. Coast Hlthwgy Liberty 8-ntl NEWPORT BEA.OB ''TIM a....t ol Aw._oMe Bow'' 2nd llG WEEKI Be here tomorrow when the doors openl Be prepared for a thrill-packed Sears savings dayl Every table throughout the store is stacked high with bargains! Thriller Days ... featuring our lowest pricn of the month. Drive In ••. there're acres of FREE stornide parkingl THRILLER DAY BARGAINS .. $45 Ml-' s-tltt, ell-weel ,_t.ria en4 ...,.tech, 10.20 ...••. , . . . . . S15 I .ff ........... l-"'er-11111 ,le1tlc ,_ct.e., 1t1vel....-. New fall cel•n 2.tl 2.tl w-... ·• 01-. 1~ ~. S....e '°"°"'· 7-111 . Cal•n ....... 1.JJ lt.ts "-eyleM C..tl, ,..uNI celler, 1le1h ~·"· 7-14 .....•. 14.lt Olria' WMI lftlt Ce1M, IM'IY·tell te11el. •941, navy, trffn, t.rewn ..... · 1.69 I .ti fMtt ... "'-• •mnlt, ce1itel1, 111ecni1lnt. '--lenyllNelae tletlt" ............................. 3.11 t .SO Nyl-. '°'9•1191, 15'41enler. HalrllM Mamt, newett 1had11 .... lie 7.tl Olnll", wfllte ftylen. lena elattlc crl11-cra1ted front. 24-34 ...... 5.11 10.tl All-tit-OM, ftylan Nu-lack. Anro91 t• full hip. 3~6 . • . • . . . . I.It J.60 l'efeniot, '""" and .. 11d1, white piped edg ... 32-"0 2.77 I.ti fell s-tlll"tl, "'Ylf' IKllele, orlon1, nylont, etc. 60" width, yd. 1.21 w .. 1 '1•.nnel Sult, """'°'''"• WMI eabonlln• tloclia. Ant. color&. U-"4 311.11 6.H C...... ~ Jeckote, wcnhallle, unllned. Zip front. All tlHt . . . 5.66 tt.ts l""'" Jedi ... , harwhlde. Nylon I.nit waiatbond, wrlstlell. 36-4617.11 6'c "leri111 Aryylet, relnfwcH hHI•, tfft. Ant. potternt,.-olo". 10-U 2 'He Sfc U'"'-rwMr, ct.eke ef ethletlc shirt, brief, ahorta •r "T" ahirt . 3/St .. I .ti lays'~ Shirts, '-f, 1hert tlffvet. Anorted "'oterlalt. 6-20 1.44 •.ti CWl4Nft'1 "'-· tlltwel COftttrvctlol'I 9lrl1' tln1pt, boyt' eafenl1. Te J 3.44 10.n l..,....,. 21-"-· White with choice ef blue, moiH er pink t .tt Crlll IMellhtt, qullte4, ~ In ecetote Mlln. S cal•n. Nyt ... tllled. J6"11SO" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 3.fl 2.1t Dle"8ft, ~ •. ef l2, heMlll941. SMwy-whlte. 27a27 before hlflolml"9 1.f7 c ...... Mllrta, thoft -.Ve la J ttylet. Sftew-whlte, J to 11 mot. loch stc S.tS Oehl 19"4 Mell'• Sheee, 9tev .... ft IHther, nnhlany aol11. 6-12 5.00 U .75 ~Jedi ... , 11111 freftt, rayat1 11...ct. Choice caleta. $to Xl 11.lt I .ff Cenlurey Shim, _,,.,ti"'"'"'· "'otchln1 buttDftt. 6 ""•" thoclet 2.tt 1.tl leya' St.nil C.pa, wemily fined, Dyne! Hr mulh. 611--7'1 .•..•••... lie C...... Sw..,.n, '9f llttle ten, l•cquerd and •1'9YI• pattern• . . . . . • . . . ffc 11.~S .. rlMr Set, ahevlf', comb eiwl acl•Mrt. With lnatructlona ....... 6.tt I for 1.4t T-Creeten, rvet reai1tonl 111•tel. lllMlneto heure ef ,,..,.1.._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 /1 .22 I '9f t.00 .,,._ He,..en, ,1nt1c with,_"""' nedillnet. Clear I cel•n lfl7c FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY 10.ts Hlth Chelr, noturel tlnlth -...... •. "••tic !Ny, ..Mty ..,., ... t• 4.ts Nu,..ry Chair, ,letM 1teel fut.I,... ladt fol4e ffwft. "aetk ¥-t 4.JJ II.ts 'Cetallnd' Dlahea, hHvyw1l9ht M.11111(, 4 c•len; 1..,i1cea ...• t.a 49c Catton flannel for pejomot, reMt, tlffpen, yen! . . . . . . . . JI• 6.tS fffft..,.y Tableware, ttolnleM ttffl. One-pl-tolld tlffl blv" . . 1.44 S.ts toabelball Set, efficlol tire, weight, 11·1". atffl 9eal, pump .... 4.ff S.2S lrlte IHm l•"'•'"· .. oled "°"' unit; SSOO ~. ""'"' ••••••••• J.6' All•tate Cu1hlo1t Tlret. 670•15. Nit of 4 • 4 tlret •"your car. "u• tow, each •.••••.. f7.t7 2•·Mo. Ouara"IHd lottery, tlH 1-M Full power lo"4J•r. l1uf!a"9• .. f .34 57.50 All1tat1 llotlloa, 1.,nq ran"e piclt-up, outo..,ollc volu'"• control 47.50 14.95 Good filter Seat C"vera, thrH dlmen1lonol d11i9n. Clrt. ln1tolled 11.11 29 9S Sld•wollt 11111. t,..lni1t" wh"'•'•· Soddle-bog1, gun end 1<0..,bard, tool I.it . . . • . . 25.11 42 ts V1lu1 Gym S•t, lncl uc!1n 7 plec11 of athletic oq11lpme..t~ 39.U tic Abto;bent Fluffs 1uper al-•Grb•l'lt toft tonllary naplti"t la. ef JO 77C tic Glew Sh.,"'poo, lonolln enriched. havet your hair aoft, hntr•ut 2 'ffC t .'5 Te-r 12-ln Ololte. detailed wo1hoble mop Unbreolralile "'etol IHne 6.tt 32 tS T-•• l'Tolector, brig hter illum ination, ltetter cooH"t· 2•2-ln 1llde1 23.JJ 5 SO 'Wlnli' G. I Clock. electric alarm; 31,.1n. high rlut Ta• 7 '5 "lovdolr" G. I. Clock, olorm luminoua. 411-ln. high "u• Tn 9.'8 0. I Cloch, "Urban", ebony lllaclc ca ... Gold coler bonlff. Alo'"'. l'lu1 To• 4.2' 5.49 '·" 6. 9S G l Clack, "Jacli1trow", gleo..,in9 white cote, lour dial cel•n. l'lu1 n . ~ ....... 4.7' Oroftl"11 S.11, 14·pie<e, vet ... 1.lined co ... Niclrel plated bra11 6.tl J.91 Zipper binders. vinyl cooled cloth caver. 2 pockelt. l'lut TH J .3J J lbt, t7c CookiH, 1u9or wofert, Mnd~lch, -tnoeol. ,,.. thopplng bog . . . . . . • • . J , .... nc Tower Ca1h taa for caah, 1to.ftp1. papen. ICey lock. StHI . . . . . t ,JJ J.Speed rhono,roph, etmium tipped "•edle, floclced turntoltle. Only 19.tl 24.ts l'artoble Heatert, reflector and fan.forced. a.19e celor 21.ff len111ore Healer, radiant reflector 1pread1 hHt quickly. 110-220 v•ltt 4.tl J.49 Tool ta•, mechanic atyle, tote ln1y. 24 9auge 1t1el •.... , • . . . • . 2.66 Holla...i Grown Tu lipt, 11 elm 1lte bulbt. Kint Geer11 V, Dillenllu,., ethen. DoHn .....•••••••••• , , •• , • . 79c SEARS REVOL YING CHARGE l njey all the cenve"ie"c" ef • che,,1 occovnt '1US the CHfventote ef 1"1"9 ellle lo 1preod your poyme"ll evt. Yev .. tect the •mount you woftt t• pay eodl "'eMll, your credit limit will be 6 ti"'" ttMrt •"'•un- THRILLER DAY BARGAINS FOR THE HOUSE AND HOME I~ Hy4re Swirl W•her, Al•lt.11 timer tllel; 1-tb. eopodty tull . 149.00 17'.tS 36-lndt Get lo,..e, "Cl'", Vl1l.&olt1 IVll'I, •"'•liel ... bN>iler 139.95 144.ts Vial.Melle Wether, ._Ill. full. Dnii" ptimp, 6-Von 09itot0f .... 11f.OO t .2 Cu. ft. C•l41,.t, eu,_etlc llefrMt. 40..-."4 freeHMMtt., ••.. 229.'5 11.7 Cu. ft. Upri9ht froe1er, 4~"4 copoclty, tfiroe fo1t-free1e th.Iv" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • 241.11 15~:' .. ~:~~ ~~~~~· .. ~. ~.~.·~'. ·~~~ ·.~''" nwl"' head. II.II t .tS Witt... ...._._ Cerpet, hftlMvt en4 low twist pllo, aq. yd. . .. I .ts .,_.,._ Ce,,..., J levely pottoma. '·" All w .. 1 fow. 9, 12 ft. wide, Sq, yll.. . . ......•....•.... _ ..... , . 7.9' Lew L--. Tufted llut•. 2•S-ft. Wethallle, chelce ef cola" . . . . . . . . . 1.6' ~ •ultller floor Mott, lld~lnch 1111, for atondi"t c°"'fort . 1.3' 6.tS Modem Tu~ed Carpet, cellan yarna with lotH bodii"t. Sq. yd. .4.ff 79.ts AJt111lnetef Rutt. w .. 1 en4 cor,.1 rayon yomt. 9a12 ft ........ 69.tt 69.H Nylat1 llend Aamlntter, woven with nylon. 9a12 ft. St.II lnleld Un1leU111, wlpet clHn eo11fy, ti• colon, wo• .. •oled 1urfoee. 6-ft. wide. Sq. yd.. . . . · ... , . . .. • • • • . . . • 1.61 1-111el Surface ""rcoverl"t, utro thick 1urfoc1; 9, 12-ft, wldtht. Sq. yd. 79c .......... w .. 1 llend ll•nlaet, 12% woel, ""' "'yon. 72af0 In. 5.97 6.tl Chenille S,reedt, conlowele bockgrovMI, IMdern borden. Twin, full 5.97 4.tl le~ Chetlllle s,roodt, t.ulllen frln9e. Allf. ef Homieny Haute cotan 3.77 119.SO lefo.letl 1"4 Club Ch.Ir Set, walnut If llledi tlnlah 15'.ll I ff.SO Moi,ie Diven Group, U lece. Tweetl to,...,.,, choice ef colo" 17'.tS ...,,._ Svlto, '-"-· •ict. 9rey welnvt tlnlah .. tl.tS Moittreee en4 le• S,..l"t, "''"II" pecketM cellt. Twin or fvll 114.11 tJt.11 6'.11 2~n. Tellle TV, S-tn. 111 .. net ._..1aer; elllftllnlae4 tube ..•••••.. 1n.t5 TV C-ltlMtl .... tl-tft. el-11111941 tv"8; 6 tvlM radio; S.,...t hl-4t ,..._. •• . • . . . . . . . . . --. • .• • • • • • • 2t9.H 16.tl .,._ l-p. 14"1 M.M: ,.Mc •Hr perd!tllenl ehe4ee . . . . t4.U 4.tl ,_ l'lllowa, ....,,..Y alp l'IVll'1. 14•1~n. Ml· er 1h7.4n, eblo"t J.tl Daeorwtlve '11'--a, ....m..ent ef ,.tterM en4 colen, w ......... 4bl'-'ft. . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . 6tc iM ........ 2 ... ~. "'°·..,... ..._, •14 reei"-1 IMcli ..• , , t .7' 4.49 Dfww D.w,.n..,,..,... en4 ._,... elettl. 4bl1-tnchet ... , .... J .11 Q ,11 "• tJh 11 o.etlt, 7~. WW IM.. en4 a.,_ ........ )I.ti • JSc Choin link fend,.., 9olvoni1ed 1110. 11MI, roti1t1 rvtl eiwl -· l't. 27c 7.tS lrenlnt Tablet, odjuttoble, all ateel. Safety catch prev11tlt callo!Klnt 6 .44 41.95 Water HHter, 20-.ol. Golvani1ed to re1i1t n11t and carrMl•n .. 42.11 6'.ts Wall HHlet, 15,000 ITU. C°"'ll. chamber hot 10 yr. euor .....• St.ti 141.tS lath Set, 3-,iece. C°"'plete with oft chrome-plated hturet . 105.00 tancti Sow. 10-lnch. Motor, lllode, a~r tilt ta 4S 4 .. rMt 52.SO Wood lathe, t inches over becl, 30 ind.et ltetw"n c•ntert 126.tt . 92.ff . 43.ff S.1' Hou" l'alnt, for eny eaterlor, wood, ma11"ry, pflmed ...... 1. 0.1. 4.6' 7.65 Shi"tlet, J.ift-1, oaptiolt to0lied felt boM retltta etro"t wlndt. Squire 6.tt I.IS StHI Gutterln9, 9alvonl1ed. llutt reti1tin9, be•-type. 10-ft .• ~ncM. f.)J 1.5' Mohotony l'lywoocl, J-ply, Cen lie pointed er atoined. 11Hd6"•72" t .Jt 24.ts foldi"t Doon, ttHI fN>met hove vinyl coverint. 2''., l ·ft. al11t 21.11 J.6S llocli Woel lollt, one bot ceven 50 square ffft, lag 2.11 11.95 AutDf'llotlc Heater, themioalot controlled heat. A.C. only. U.l. llate4 1'.H U .SO Fen-Ferced Heater, delivera 42 tu. ft. air per "''""t• . . . . . . . f2.a J Cu. ft. Copoclty Wheelborrew, 10-in. whHI, puftefvr•proof rultlMr tire 6 .ff 109.SO l'ewer Mewer, ll-i1tch, 1 H.,, 9011n9in1. l-tet contumptle!l n .ff 2'.ts Hend Mewer, 16-lnch, tllent. Mode of ltHI, tall beorlntt In ,..., 24.ff 2.10 lever Jaw Wrench, l ·ln. tiH, doultle lever09e . 1 .6f Cepe CM fe.,ce, JS"at", finlthM with wHthe,..reaittont •ii point 4 fer St 4.ts White Toilet S.011, di•-• plated llro11 hl"tl and flttl,..a J .ff 1.4' llecli Woel l'elleh , li"P ceol 111 tummer, aon fvel In winter .... f.21 45c "••lie Tile, nethl"I le r•t er corrode. l'aatel C>el•"· Sq, Ft. J4 ts lath,_ Heeter, flh inte celll"t. 1000 wett he.ting unit .. . J4• 22.11 5 79 Motlitil'le Coblneh, attach t• wall. Stoel; wln4•w 91111 "'lrrer 4.a 4" Outtlde Unde"oot, .. alt weed, mot•nry. Me1ter-Mind quoll1.,. 0.1. J .ff 2.17 Trim 'oll'lt, r•tltlt fetllnt end weather. S.ven colora. Overt t.a 110.SO htary Mower, 2 h.p. 4-<ycle •"9ine. Trimt clo" te wallt, treea 19.ff Alumlnu"' ~II. 6 ft.1126-ln.•I'• c.orrutoted, S V-crimp . . . • • • • . • . 1.71 6c Attthelt f1-Tiie, t .. -4 ... lledr ., brawn enly, le ....•••••• , .• 4 Vac 1716 So. Main St. Santa Ane Telephone Kl 2-3'61 •• f t ITS "Z" FOR ZONT A this weekend at Balboa Bay Club where the fall conference of District 9, Zonta Internatlon&l, opena tonight with Virginia (Mrs. Jack) Eutlicb of Yuma, Ariz. presiding. Arrangement de- ta.i.IJI have been carried out by these members of the boateea group, Newport Harbor Zonta Club : st~d- Jng, (I to r) Mmea. Joeepb Hamblet, James Gallagher, Robert Jayred, Carlton Mears. R. L. Bacon. Lin Sheely, Mated. Mrs. Harold Robertson, president; Mrs. Earl Stanley. chairman and Mrs. James Aspin. past president. -Staff Photos ZONTA PRE&DENT Belen (lira. Haro&d) Robert- aon and Mrs. Earl Stanley (l tor). conference chair-.. man, go over f"mal outline for the conference. Records Now Join Books at Newport City Library Mr1. Lin Shttly. city librarian. 1Ulnounce1 that the library I• 1tutln~ the record coll~tion. Al- though many recorda ot varlou. type1 are on ordl'r, th• foUowtnc are ttady for circulation: UnW t.ba ncord IOIMeUon la Jarrv the 1Jbru7 policy will be temporvlly one NOOld to a bor-. row•. .l.11 noorda pureb&led wtll ZO·NTIANS WELCOMED ·AT NEWPORT HARBOR Euler clualc1 tor family u.-Dakota Picnic District 9 Conference Opens Here Tonight tenlng available ant : Th• Fam- ily all To~lher. Bo1t,on "Pop" Orcheatra -Arthur Fielder, con- ductor: ruttul C"ood mu.ac, Leo- pold Stokow1k. and ht. Sym- phony Orchestra. In the forelcn l~ Bp&n- l1h U nguaphone lnlUtute tn- 1trucUon1J recorda, and ln Fracb the library h11 the Quick and cording 1ecretary: R. L. Bacon.1 School ctrl each month •a Zont1 Euy Mutery of P'n!nch Words corl'espond1ng ae<'retary : Robert 1Glr l of the Month and at the i nd Phraau. Jayred. treuurer; James Apatn , end of the school year •electing For ~ fun. try Benny Good- and James Gallagher. member11 on of them aa Zonta Girl of the man In Hlfl. "''Ith ht. new band at large: Kenn,th Coollnr . parha-Yes.r. providing a public addre111 and Dance wi th Cupt: X&'t1er mentarlan: Arvo Hllapa 1rnd G. L. •Y•l'm for the use of all group• Cura t and hUI Orcbeftra. 1J.tara'1 Howu , otrlclal ho11lell3e11. In the arta and aMialing indlvi-For pipe orpn enjoyment. The Toni•ht dele-tes from Dietrict g of Zonta International U )('At. 8ER\'ICE dual• la a variety of way11 accord-·-e -1 t _,. Art of the Orran· Hlaic bJ 'U th h 1· h I ( Among the many snvtc" act-ng o ne""'. • WI ga er at t e opening sess on of t eir fa I con erence, lvillet1 Of lh• rlub have bt>~·n u -Th 9 annual Carnival Night Bach. Purcell, Buxtehude, Pach- • luau in Balboa Bay Club, headquarters for the three day 1<h1t11nc .. to Hoa~ Memornil Ho8-held each tall, thl11 year to ~ O:l •lbel and sweellnck. played bJ eeasion. Newport Harbor is hostess club for this group of pllal. a w11rd1n11: or 11cholar11hlpi1 Nov. • at theo Balboa Bay Cluh. I!:. Power s1111 on 20 famoua ni. lou.Ul Dakota ltat.e 8oc9- ty of Lone Beadl. wUI bold tt'a ..m.t -annual plcaic oe 8und&J. Oct. 1', ID Bbl-y P a r ll at Broadwa,J Ud Qaerry A.ft., 1.-, e.aclL • qlllc:k s.-nc. roa loller s~.~. CA.LL ........ "' THE SHADE SHOP US JIM BL. N..,..n ._.. ..... tM .... om. eJtecuUve women who come from 1 j lo outl!lanlltni; young women. hl'lps to provide funds to carry and hJstortc European o,...ana. A 1 N....S.. Ula d C II· name meaninit "trustworthy Rnrl helptni:: Girl Sco11t11, provtdtn;;,on these and oth1'r projecta. ------------------------- :naona, h an a hone11t". Jt11 •ymbol "Z " mean.~ d<•ltung Rnd loy.~ to a ~roup of The group meeta twi('e each .... ------------------------. fo IL "ray of llght", t herefore ldral11 (>( l'hildrt'n In Ornnr.e County HOJll• month for bU.!llntM and fellow-Holly Yi••I, ex.....I in .&L..-ART of The luau will be • pt--.c:.qualnt-lnle&Tlty, unde,..tandlng and ll!'r· pilftl. honoring 11 H11rbor High , ship. ._. ,..-. • .... ;:rd~f= :°'=~=m= ;!C:ta ~~u~· guiding hfhlll or SINGING--TEACHER of ACTING t.11• coa._u08 .tan. ..,.11 8a tu,.. 7.onta lnt.ernaUonal baa mo~ than 300 club1 In 13 countriu. day IDOl'8UI& wWl _.on.I al tht' Canada, Chile. England, P'lnland. France. Germlll\y. lct'la nd. Nor- way. the Phllllplnu , 8•~""· SWiUerland and the U n I t e d St&tu , lncludlnit Hawaii. CH ARTt:R DATF. Tht> Zonta Club of :-<-port Harbor wits chartered In 1918 with 2'4 memben anrt Mrs. Lin- coln Norman 1111 first ptt•ldrnt. ln 11uccPt'<1lng y d 'rs lht' following womPn lr11d lht' gTOUp in thr1r manv acu1 of 5erv1ce lo ll'• com· 'NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's F..d.itor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II -PAGE I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 I munity Mmu. 0 AL Humm.,!, Ea rl Stanley. Albert Stocktnn, 1 Tom ;\'.orton. Ruth Barcuml'. 11 Jamu Asp1n llnd a.s pre:1ent prr· .------------------------- 11hlent. Mrs. H R R-Oberl!!On . y • Sl'rVmJt with Mr,;. Robert~nn our sportstime•- on tht pre11e-nt board ar': Mme~. M. C. !'lheelt'y. t1r~t vie,. prr.•f-d t rt• dent: C'nrlton Ml'Brll, 11eC'onrl Vil'!' I an swea e tme-- JOI& IACll .&.UTLICH Elk.e Qub and Bay O ub, I• cll- JMMCS by that nlctll'• b&nquet and la completed Sunday after lhe brealrfut prorram- To Mra. Jac.k Eutllch, dl11t r1c:t s ovemor. and pelt.I will be eJt- tended a royal wekomt', not only by R...-. 1.onUan•. but for the enUN dtJ, bJ Mayor Dora Hlll. WHAT IT 18 ni. Zont& Club of Newport Harbor la a cl&aalfled eervtce or- 1an1Atloa ot executive and pro- feaalOft&l women, banded totttther tor th• followtnc pur;:o11u: presld<'nt, Joseph Hembll't. rl'- Islanders Plan Youth Choir r arentll of <'hildrtn de11lrlng lo becom• members of a chlldr4'n·11 choir Ill the Balboa Jsla nrl Com· I munlty Melhod111t Churrh mt'l Tuu day evenln~. Oct. 4. In Drar- born Hall. Le11lle Van Dyke, rhurch mu~1c dlrtttor. dl11cu11.9t'd lh!' po11idb1h· u,., for such a group and ur1tf'<I the cooperation n ( parent11 Tentative plans rllll fnr a choir compo1ed of fourth, fifth. 11nl1 sixth JrT!lders. When ori::anl:r;rd. th,. children will probably ~'"IZ' once a month during the 9.301 a. m. 1erv!re of wor11h1p. Rummage Sale to Aid Mission To contrtbute by 1tudy and ac- tion to the Improvement of the A rummage J!e le 11ponJ110rel1 hy 1 legal, political, economic ancl pro-Sl. Jame11 Episcopal Chur<'h for feaelonal 1tatu1 of women. to the building func1 of the Co11to worlc tor the advancement of Un· Me11a Mlsslon will be hell1 Ort der9tandlni. goodwill and peace 10 through 15 Ln the building ad· through a world fellowehlp of ex· Jacent to Costa Mr11a Bank ecuUve women unlled Irr aervtce 1 Doore open at 10:30 a. m. to humanity, to lncrt,ue Ult m•a-Donatiollll may be left s t the IUA of aervtce by 114.'lf lmproveo-Parish Hou11e or a t the-home nf ment and conllldera tlon of the Mr~. John Donnl'lly. :Lil Broad- nuda of their commun11y. w11.v For pick-up. eel! Liberty Tb• word "Zonta.. 111 a n lnd11U\ 8-6b38. c}aSSiC elastic A 'LURE t t Wide experience in instructing all agea. Aveil•ble for Programs for Hrvice dubs or orc)•niz•- tions. Cal Har 26tCMl before 9:30 a.111. be Iona pla ylnc. 8~11'1 •tt•nllM1 will M 1lvu lo 111 record& "° that the collecUon trill be en- IO'Jed to the IWlMt atnL a.. ~ wUI .,. lupected ... deu- ed Mton Joued ud acata upoa ....... ,,.. eor... de& Mar -.cJa wW ........ a7 ....... .. tM7 wm • --. ..q ma tlla .... 1U1ru7. n.. UWuiu H•DUMle U.0 Ul&t sift ....... wUI .. ~­ ..... aol ~ .... ,..,. ............ ?.lrs. Hess Ill M~ Trycv• K... of U IT W..t 11&7 Ave. U. Mea ta lloq H0ttpltal ffW Ula put WMll r.- OOWl1q from a llart attack.. mi. ~t. to M Ulen tw ... oU..r WMk. wW U.. tee\lpca~ at MIDI ud will "" ., 1'er -..U\7 11111op at m UM at. ............. .,..ated ,_ mM7 ,...... Your Harbor Area f ASHION STORE "PeAOD.u.d rtelection of the right cloth• for r.a.rtq sa-• . .. 1• you." .. Stirb Sl0.98 to $49.95 , Swt!alerj .$8.98 to $49.95 l /Jfoujej $3.98 to $12~ ~~-------J act e LJ $14.98 to $49.95 &lb $2.50 to $19.95 '2:Jrejjej $19.98 to $85.00 /JermuJa Shorb· $4.98 to Sl 0.98 Cojfume Jewef,.'J $1 .00 to $25.00 I _A. ~in I' '2:Jecorali11 g Service AwaUJ 1}ou •.. aJ1 m11l'h a l"lll!llliC u the caauaJ clolhu you 11ve In. W11rner·11 A ·Lure• bra L11 m'de or 11<>ft, eany·1tretchln1t l'luf11• lor m11xlmum comfort throughout your busy. al"ll\·f' 11Ays, :-:o other bra can compare "''1lh A·Lurr 1n vzs, we're cletUing the deco fmmediat.ely! W.'N IOlni to .1 move every car and truclt on our ..i. ftoor, M put o( Studebaker'• tremendous "Clear the Deeb" lalee drive. UanJeU- Furniture hy Century-olt/ Siill Corona del Mer -. ' Balboa Island Ila rn11rveloua filling and molding qualllln . iju1t 9t'r· llon11 of nylon taJft'ta anrl e-mbroldcred marqulaellr cl''" t he 10fl. natural lint 10 neceaaary under 1Weatera and fitted fuhton1. In whltt or black. I 10-45 •... l3 95 •T.M. Res. U.8. Pat. Ott. t11'7 E. COM& lllghway 0.0.. del llar Barbor 1308 And you can have the greatat new car value of your lifet We're wheelfog itnd dealinr to move all our srut new 8tuct. bakers ... and fut. Trade-ina like you'.e nev• dreemed o( before! Special, lone-term, low-payment ftnanciq arranpdt Come in now. Take full advantap of thil IJ'Mt "C*r the DKks" event. Get your new St\ldebak•t Studebaker .•• ,. ,,.,,d fl,ftn-..M ..... .U...,. """,.. ,,..., STUDllAKH DIVISION OP ITUDllAHl_,AC«AID COIPOIAJION ••• ONI 0, THI • MAJOI PULL-UNI PIODUClll °' CAii A• nuac1 ISDrM mtm.,.I ................... Cllll/W UllD CAU ANO TIUCal JOI NICKlllTI, Local Deale• 36J6 Newport llYcL -- "'GE 2 ·PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR News.PRES$RUDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 • .... • ON CRUI~E -Mrs. Mabel Rogers, left, of Palm Springs, and her friend 1ittia Agnea Blomquist. 130 Via Xanthe. sailed.from New Orleana Oct. 1 aboard the SS Alcoa Ca,·alier. luxury liner of the Alcoa Steam1hip Company bound on a 16-<lay Carib- bean cruise. While on the cruise they will visit in Kingston, Jamaica; Port of Spain, Trinidad: '''illemst.ad. Curacao: Guan ta, La Guaira, Puerto Cabello and Caracu in Venezuela. Prior to sailing they spent three days in New Orleans. -New Orleans Photo News Bon Voyage Luncheon Event J uat bef1Jr" Mrs Harry Htmp· etud aalled re1·tnt\\' un thr Shnnt ra' crullt t o Honolulu ilbt 1 IA'H honored by fntn la at & bon voyai-e luncheon ln \'ilia Marina. Ji'11h net, conCll anelll and reJ hlblacua wtlh a ahlp modl'I 1rnd brlrht 1erptntane centered tht table were placea were 111111 fur 1 the l'JNt qt honor and Mmn. Diehl Miner, Mary \\'arntr. Be .. , ale Chrlau1n.t0n. Florence reek· ham, Harold Gray, Gc-orge Pa dtn, Bu.le Ol1en. Bab Dlenlnger .• Huch M«lllllvray. LyJ1~ Fisher. George L. Stewa rt, Ml1111u Flor· enc. s wain and Jeua Pa8• •• of Lido PenlnWJ&. i~ ot 01.u...·Arlel,. '*' STOMACH ULCERS OUCTO EXCESS ACID QUICK IWIF OI NO cosr o, ... 11"9 null-r-<~-ol II• WIU.Alle 'fuAl"allT hi .... bf.on odd Im l'lllltf ef •t'"~ .. ~~~1·•""" anMf\I troa ..._.... .,.., ....... ., .................. .................... ""'9t ...... .... -....... -. ... =-· etc.,d ... '"I.•-"*' Aolt la< ~. .._... .. """" rwtr n p1&11111 OU. ho .rt~tnwnt----..• Tl'KSF.R ORl'O un \\'. c.•out Hwy. '.'\f'wpurl BeM-11 \'I Sn:ST'l'I HARBOR DRVO ISOI t:. C••t Hwy. ('orona elf'! Mar ~\ .......... PUFFEO wnH PR1 - Croce Wot\" "'"•d Vo"'Pf Ote bwt•f•"'O Wtf+i pttttle Off' 1~.,' _ ......... looh. lt..y11 '"" yout "'-ort ..., Of ""' .. ~ ...... "' "'"ed..c• , ... ...... y. Y-"I ~ • ,_'-ct ~95 YOUTH SERVICE DINNER IS FUND-RAISING EVENT maku for a truly Merry Chrlat· mu for many chtldrtn. Thl11 com· 1 mlttee 11 rompoaed of Mmu. I J ohn Webster. Eynon While. Wll· liam Kirby, Rnd John Moore Rob· lnson. at11a 1;Jalbi ,Pi SHOES It'• all for the "aixea", that apaghettl dinner &nd white el4'phant aale that the Youth Service Auoclullon la holding' Oct. 29 at Coeta Mua American Lt-glon Hall. Houri of the f'\'rnt are l 1 a m. to 7 p.m. accord111g t o Lf'aler A ~cker. cha a rm an. Thr tlffalr 111 a fund-ralaer for the bualdlnr at Oran~• County Airport' which houau the "sixes", Cub Scout Packa 63 and 668, Scout Troops 63 and 666, Explorer Poat.a 83 and 666, all of which are 1po1U10rcd by the Youth Service group. Tbr bualdmg Is at Pahaadea Road and Acacia ANt., but b not completed, &llhoufh ln UM a nd money la nttded for ullht1e.s u 1A•tll aa for col\Rn.actlon work. Toys may be left at Ult Thrift Shop. :)~ • 32nd St. or call Mra. Marahall Neidecker. Harbor 2180 . Music Workshop on Saturday In llue and llack Kid • We Give S&H GrHn Stamps • SIL VER TEA F ASHJON SHOW models get together at the Balboa Bay Oub for a rehearsal of the event. which will be at.aged OcL 10 at 2 p.m. in Corona del Mar School auditorium. Left to right are Mmes. C. E. Holloway. Roger Hope and Doug- las Buen. the latter also fashion abow ch airman. The affair ill a benefit for the for- eign exchange atudent fund. -Terry Boris Photo All kind.I or thine• are needed for the white elephant aale and person• havln&' either "tru.ure or truh (f ood)" to donate may call Liberty 8·6371. An Lnvltatlon hu bttn l11ued to a ll achoo! and church mull· 1 clans by the Orange County Choral Conductora Guild tor at· tendance al a workshop In muak I a nd worship to be held Sa turday ,_ ________________________ ..., at lite Community Preabytrr1an I Church In Laruna Beach. Con· 1luctlng the workahop 11 Harold s. Confer, 111.ale preeldent of . . • Amazon Trip on Agenda Silver Lea and Fashl.on Show ne~:~ ~~: d~~K;.~a.T:rv!~ Service. waa to leave by plane OcL 7 for a tour of South Am· for Student E h F d erte&. The tnp, titled, "Through Xe ange Un the l.Ana," l!1 b•ld for photo- graphrra prima.rily. It will In· • elude a hea.d hunt.fl' trip up the Keyed to the foreti'n .atudent fund la the bmefit silver Douglaa Bu r 11. fashion lhow Amazon. t __ ._, _._ ....._,_h --'" be ... _, ... Oct. 10 at 2 p.m. dlatrmaa; Mra. Robert J . Ball. Her friend, Mra. Hannl Heyer-tca and ...... on llUOW W&UIC WILU ....... l•YH&Uoeit; Jllllra. J"nder1cll Wood9, dahl of ~rpn, Norwa y, WW ac· in Corona deJ Jl&r School &UdftoriUDJ under llpOll80l'lllJp Of dtt<>ratson.; Mn. Patricia Ogle, company her on the JunktL Mra. the Parent-Teacher Auoclation of that achooL music; Mr•. Ralph Schlalrr. boa· McKenna w1U return In mld·De· p1tallty; Jofrs. Susa.n J.lartan. cembtr. Proceed• r o to aend an H·1Thia st,,_ e.cla to learn war• P·TA prellldmt., rd ralunenta. ------------- chRni:-e atudent to l':urope for th!' of other countrte. .. the .tu· )(od la II ln I d Mm J hn At M . c ·t aummtr. Jn return a foreign 1t11· dent.a live ln eacb cue U mtm· Brou,:t:'c. ;._ uH:llow•~ .. e:th eXlCQ l Y dent coml's lo thl• country for a bf'rs of a famlly of th•t country. 1 Nelh4'ry, Roger Hope and Doug· Vacationing a t th• Hotel Bani· YPllr anrt llll!'n•ls ltlclll 1<Chools In charJ:e or the affair are Mn . ia. Buell. Shyltl! IA,11 be from er In Mexico Caty are lolr. and Local Players in Bridge Tilt McDona.ld and Arthur Brown; Mn. Boardm&n and Kra.. MeAl- U.ter. \\'1nn1>ra or Muter Polnt.11 ha Sunday'• g-ame were Mra. M~ Donald and M rs. Carl een-ln Overall w1nner11 of the three eut • wut posiUon. Mr. a.nd atlllllnn Open P11lri1 Club Cham· Mrs. E . J . W ickman, north·touth. plnn11hlp t ournament r onrluded In l Runnua • up M.lt·••eat were Balbd\ on Monday afternoon Mra. Kathryn Carpenter and Hel· were Marshall Kelc:hum and P er· en Roberti; Mn . A. o. Wrtherby cy Crawlty of Long Bt11rh. In &nil Mrs. carrte Sawidera: Mr-. 11econd po11ltlon wi'rf' Wiiham G1i· 1 Robert Ross and Rue Wilt. Run· bert of Ssnta Ana and Frank nera·up north • llOUth wen Per· Fogt! of Long 84'1trh. s nd pl&e· cy Crawley and Mar~ Ket· lng thlri1 wer,. !.t111 Rll)'l!lond chum; Mra. Pqp Jolm8oa aad Tl'mpklna a nd 1'1111 .John Taft M.ra. M.ars ant Bolmea; K r. and Jr. or S&nta Ana. The Lonr Mra. J ohn Dtxoe. Be11ch tram of Mra. Marti Mtr· rm tind Mr11. B. B. Al11lr•n WU L. v. Brown and CllarlM TOCIM fourth while fifth poalllon wu Wt'rt north • 80Ut.b w1lulan ID won by Mra. Charles Boardman the recent eYmlne sam• wtlOe and Mr•. Arch Mc AlUater. I hl&b K~eTI eut • west were In the third """slnn nnrt h·l!Outh Mrs. GeofTe C&rToll and Mra. Joe winners -wen Mrs. Merle lfc· j WllcoL Runnera • up aort.b-eouth Comber and Mra. Ruth Harbeaon . Sal1 Br a d •- while high acorn• eut·W<'!lt we~<' were Y own " ._, Mrs. E. J. Wlr kman and Percy Strotz; M.ra. Edna MaC'Muter Crawlry. Rnrt Robert Lutk. Runnua • up nor th -eoulh'I Runnr r1-up ea.at -wfft wen wt~ Mra. Anne Mitchell And Mr. and )fra. w. A. Strmbers Fred Morrtaon, Mr11 Tompkllll I and Mr1. John Taft Jr. Runntni· tyin( ~ith Mrs. C. E. lrv1n and up eut • WNt were Mrs. A. H. Mra. ffenry Eggert. loeal ahopa and Verna Miller will M rs. Walter M. Ktine and daurh· commeatat.. ter J udith of t Beacon Ba.y. DICK MACKB IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE . A NEW SllYICI TO HIS CUSTOMERS 1 SHALITA'S Persian Rug Cleaning W orb Compl•te Service of All Types of Rugs, Cerp•h • n d Up ho I st• r y Sci•ntificelly Cleaned end Re-Dyed in Your Home or Office FRO ISTIMATES AL\YAYS A P~URE 3420 Via Uclo Harbor 4328 LADIES SHELL PUMPS Serving California Families Shoe Needs for the past 50 years 171 S Newpert "!~· In Bleck, Beige, Green, Brown, Charcoal and Red Leather • • Elastic edge insures Snug Fit. Nnt .. Safeway ' NYLON HOSIERY SALE 3 prs. •1•s • CHILDREN'S ANKLETS 4 pr. 79c Need Used Toys at League Shop Choral Conductora. Those pla.nnlnr to attend from the Harbor art'a are Mmes. Rosa Dixon. Lrwl1 Kidder, Holly L. VI· eel a nd J. Lulle Slf'ffen11en, re· cent .put president of the Or· ange County Chapter of the With the Toy Shop of the a.· 1latance League activated, and member• at work Mr1. Marshall Nledecker. chairman. a.nnouncea that more used to:ya are nerded Thia project returbl11he. and re- palra lo y a to be sold a t thr Chrlstm11~ toy 11&le held each ynr al the leairue'• Thntl Shop. Guild. Kappa Delta Alums The Rftcmoon l"roup of Pu&· dena Kappa Dtll& Ahamnae H · llOCl&Uon wu entertained Tue. da y at a paUo buffet luncheon at the home of Mrs. George WUI· aon, 08 Orchid Ave. The hoatell wu uslstrd by Mni. L. J . 1\.lck· er or Garden Grove. Th •mmually Mrvlce placea beau new -looking artlclea within 1 b e fln.anclal rracb of famlHu who would not olher· WlH be able to buy them and • I I • OCTOBER I DRAPERY I SAi.Ei MONEY. IACK GUARANTEE I COLORFAST SFA11RIC9S 911 R99. $3.50 yd. NOW ONLY • yd. DUJUNO OCTOB!:R SALE Large Selection of Decorator Colors Custom -made in Our Own Well -Equipped Expertly Staffed Workroom -or - "DO IT YOURSELF" and SA YE the Labor Charges CLEARANCE MAPLE FURNISHINGS Reductions Up to 50% Eumple: Prtnt Wtac -Bec-k .. NOW 'St's Chair -wu llOt.t~ We <'UTY • complrte Un,. of KJracll t'Ut·to-mr .. ure traverM track Mid clrape17 hud.-'are no,.. caO ...W brtJac an nper1M<W'll'I decorator to 7our home without obUcaUon California Whimsies clesitned by Eta Lee • • • photo by ~tte-CoMna del Mar Pallo Pr1nce"8 •.• Imported vel\'tlt<'n with hant1 t1tt"*lllni. th,. t11nac 1~ fully hn('d, h11i1 prltr r11n "\'" h11rk npenln( .. rn&ny 11tyl<'!I In '"°"I Jtr~r. hro<"11•lf' 1111lln. 11 nr1 v4'1vt lttn whllf', tt<I, black. blue. tUT'JU"lllr. "·Ill 14119:1 to $69.11:1. Excl1110\'~ly In Th" H11rhor a re11 at FARlll():'\'.' APPAREL Llberty 8-i4:1t lil\7R l"'!'Wp<lrt 81"4.,, Cl>11la Mu11 . Calli. NEWSPAPERS AND SCHOOLS "One of the moet effective means of Belling the P-TA ia through newspaper channels. Good publicity peps up public interest and support. so vital for better understanding of the school program. The News-Presa coverage of the Newport Elementary P-TA has been gratifying. We've grown lo depend on the paper for a fair pree. to better acquaint the community with the educational program. On the other hand, I con- 'aider Newport Elementary School ~ewswortby. Did you know there are now 6 million more youngsters in the country in the age group of 5-12 than last year? Newport received a fair share of that group. Guid- ance of these children is in the hands of' the P-TA and auch guidance ia made known to the general'' public through the press." County Delegates Plan Move on Matching Funds State leach Purchasing Policy Draws Coast Group's Criticism 81x dt'leratu are representing I Beach. Orange County at lhi> 1umual con· David Olmstrd. p1 eR1tlent or the venllon of the California Shoreline Orenge County Coast AMOClation. Planning AMOC1&Uon In Lon r whoae dlredors met thla week at Partial Waiver &ray DllltllY T .... J«ff Powell. llt PotnaetUa for OC luilcllllCJ Aft., reported lo polk'e t.Mt a Oran&f' Cout Collere·a appll· l"Y dinpy wu llOlee trom tbf' caU1-. to t he co.ta ,._ city yadlt Berco Oftl' Ow -..k•d council tor v.•alver of bulldiag e.ttG wu moored at Udo Antlf permit feu brousht on dlK~ Ap&n-l clodL that helped dra1 out the meetln& ------------LEGAL N011CI WIUI lon11 put t l pm. Geoq;f' Coffef', .:lty manacer. I explained tbal 1n the ca.e of ----------- public 11Chool.tl the fee la wa1v~ when 1t I• not Included In lhe NOftCE OP' AWA&D OP' OONTllAOI' contrnl'l for thf contractor to Pursuant to .utute and to the pay It It wu finally decided to Resolution of the City Cou.ncll of wa.ve lhe ftl' 1f there •• a atat" thf' City ot Newport Bead\, Call 1n11pecto1 on I hf JOb, but where fomla, directln1 Oii• Notice. the Co11la M•·-.. tnapector la re-1 NOTICE ll!I Hl!:lllCBT GIVEN. quirf J lh•• r" will be colle<:ted. Lhat the said City Council, In . ............. -NEWSPAPERS AND CHARITY "Newspapers arc a vital force in any community, in fact they often determine the kind or a community in which they operate," acc<Jtding to Arthur G. Torrance, head of the Newport Harbor Community Chest. Key· noting National Newspaper Week on a local level he said: "In a bright progressive community such as Newport Beach it is natural to find a paper whose leadership keeps the people on their toes. Another thing that we admire about the Newport Harbor News-Press is the fine CO\"erage or local event.A and its alertness in getting fine pictures to illustrate news stories." HunUngtt>n B .. ach Country Club, lJBm Gallienne, Huntington ~ach aald. "Wt> art pruentlng t hree and Selim Franklin. Cn~ta Mesa. ru61uuons Bl t.he Shoreline Plan-is drB!tlng the ttBolullons to<lay mng gr•lUp'l! <'Onventlon. lhl' doeu-for presental•on a l the wel'k-end menu Lo ehmlnatP from the set con"enllon. polk y of the Stale Puk &11d Beal'h "S1wmg the impounded oil funds Comm11U11on the matching fund11 for the purpose for which they plan find obviate d1ven11on or 011 w1>re mtendt>d, oon1'1y to buy tund11. iwB<'h property. 13 lhe Intent. or "W<' bl'lieve the matching fun!ls the third resolution. policy should be changed because "In rega.rc.l to the mBtrhlng or Orange, Ventura and M>me of the tund11 we feel that Ill! Orange 11m1tller counllea which have 1plen· county 1a paying 83 p<>r cent of did beaches cannot p<>113ibly at· aU the money going lo the atate ford to match 1111te fund11. The11e c.f C'alifomia lnnd.s dt>partm1>nt beachrs are uud by mlllion.s or t h>lt the mal<'hmg money requlre- peopll' from all over CBllrom la ment I!! unbaJlanced." open aeaalon. on the 2tth day or Misses Purse Mo..., Sept.ember. l~. publicly op«ned. ··-"I ex.amlned and declared aU -1ed Anni!• D1ivlll of 11128 Newport propoule or blda for perforrnlna Blvll c eported $~ hed been taken the work and lnprovemenl ck· from her puru 110metlme Mon· ACrfbed In ReeoluUon of Intention dB\' morning. C041la Meg police Jl:o. 43~. adopted on th• S6th 11&ld. day of July, ltM. which ft_,. I luUon of lntenUon la on file In Brownell Permit the Office of the City Clerk of 11a1d City and la hereby referred Harold L. Brownell Sept. U Lo ror a delCripUon of aald work tuok out a Coeta Me1a city build· and Improvement and for all par· Ing ~nnlt for erecting a duplf'x ticulars relative to Ole proceed· and garage at 2•& Cabrillo Ave. 1 inp under llllld RMOluUoa of In· E.-llmatt'd cost of coutrucUon tenUon: and NO'TICI: JS ALSO wu lll!l ll SH.448. HEREBY GIVEN that l!tf' 1&ld City Council thereafter on the Off for U-ic 3d day of October. 19611, award-' ft"IWI 0 the conU.ct for l&ld work and The Don FrankUna and L h e improvement to the lowetl regu· Don Babsons, all Balboa laland .. lar reeponalblf bidder. to wit: are to leave here Oct. 8 °". a I ROBERT VLACJ.CH at the pric· trip to Mexico City and Acapulco. ea named ill the bid for l&id . • •T'S ALL ~-TOWN ·OlJR CAR ~ICE$ ARE COMING DOWN/" .. MILLER SAYS "CUT 'EM LOOSE • • • • THESE 30 DAY CARS MUST GO" and other 11tnt1>11, We rt>el t.he state I Orangt> counly'11 dclt>ga.Uon wlll should buy lht>11e b<'11che11. Include R. L. Pattenion and Olm- "Our 11econcl 1•e11olulfon (leBI~ ~ed from Newport 8 eat"h. Mt Ktn· with th1> con11en ·Rt1nn or ntl A ney, Galhenne and Harry B1•rgh eomm1ttee compra11ed nr Atl111 J. or Sl\ntB Ana un«I DBle Sm1lh R. McKinney of Snl lk\lt'h, W1I· from Capistrano. '51 PONTIAC 4-dr. Chie~ain Deluxe Radio & Heater Was $795 NOW $595 '51 PLYMOUTH Belvedere PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS R&H New Motor Was $895 NOW $625 '44 MERCURY Clb. Cpe. R&fi Overdr. Was $595 NOW $325 '50 BUICK Convertible R&H WSW Tires was $695 NOW $495 '51 CHEV Styline Dix 4-dr. Sedan R&H New Black Was $895 NOW $625 '5'4 FORD V-8 Fordor Sed•n R&H WSW Wes $1295 NOW $1095 '51 CHEVROLET Styline Deluxe Sport Coupe Was $895 NOW $645 '50 FORD Station We9on R&H Overdrive Was $795 NOW $595 '51 STUDE Comdr. V-8 4-dr. Sedan R&H Aufo. Drive Was $695 NOW $395 '50 CHEVROLET Club Coupe R & H Wes $695 NOW $545 '51 OLDS "9811 Dix 4-dr. Sedan R&H New US Meder WSW Tire1 Was $1295 NOW $1095 '53 CHEVROLET Dix. 4-dr. Sedan R&H Power9lide WSW Tires . Was $1295 NOW $1095 '50 CHEVROLET Fleetline Dix 4-dr. Sedan R&H Motor Overhauled Was $795 NOW $595 '51 STUDEBAKER V-8 Starlite Cpe. R&H Overdrive WSW Tires Was $695 NOW $545 -TRUCKS- '52 CHEVROLET i To" Pick-up Heeter 2 Spare Tires & Wheels Was $945 NOW $145 '53 FORD V-8 ! Ton Pick-Up Fordomatic Dr. Was $I 145 NOW $995 ''47 FORD V-8 ! Ton Pick-Up Wes $495 NOW $395 '46 CHEVROLET Ii Ton Flat Reck Was $345 NOW $195 '47 INTERNATIONAL ! Ton pick-Up Wes $445 NOW $311 YOU CAN IUY THEM WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT AT Miller's Kar MILLER CHIYIOUT CO. OLDSMOllU • CHIYIOUT . . ORA.NOE OOUNTY'B IAllOlllT USED CU LOI' NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PASE l FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 UGAL NOTICE UGAL NOTICI wortl &Ad lmpnrnment of •Id IJl6 O.pt. lJI ltso. '!be property'- blddfr, wtllch Mid bid la on tll• lo<'ated ln a C-1 11!>fte aod '9 to M In the Ott1ce of Mid Cl~ Clerk. ueed for 1'MICS-Ua1 p u r po•• a. and to which refer.nee ls ureby '"'-are no .. t -t.dl.8 plaNMd. made and t.be attention of all and no prcwYlkJu tor ..,....._ peraona lnt.ere&Wd la bereby cit· On Lot a B10C!k 11 Tnct a.n.. reeled. and Wc&Ud al: IOT Z. Bay AT«. DA TED thla Srd clay of Oct· BaJbo&. ow . ltM. Notice la hereby f\U1.Mr rt._ MARGERY BCHROUDl:ft t.hat 8ald public ba&riJIS wW "9 Olly CleTk of the Olly ot New-held on the IOUt day ot ()otober, port S.ch, Calltornl& 1966• at the hour ot 1 :00 p.m. ta No. 41 N-.. ~ 10/t-T/1'66 Ule Councll Olamben of lh• N.w- NO'ne& TO CB.EDl'l'OU No. A-Hll1 l:atate of IDA IE. n\AZIIER, d•· Cf ued. port Beadl City Hall. at whlG Ume and place &l\Y and aD .,.,..._ 11011a lntett•led may appeu -4 be beard thereon. Ray T . Copelin, 8ecntu'y N.wport Beach City Planntnc Comml•lon No. 1860 Nnv.·Prt-• 10/7/N N011CE or INTEN'DltD MORTGAGE NoTJCE IS HEREBY GIVll!f • • that TiiOMAS A.. COX, mortp• gor. 111•hoee addnN 11: 2!1U New- port Boulevard, Newport Beach, Oallfom l&. lnleonda to morl1'C9 to RONALD SAN<"HEZ, who .. ad· Notice la hereby ftven by the underelped wrLLIAM H. MEAD Executor of the J!:lltat.e of IDA IE. P'RAZlER deceued, to t.h• Cttdll· ore of, and all per10na having clalma qaln.at the aald deceued, to preeenl them witb U\e nec-ry vouchera. within alx montha after the flret publication of thl11 notice, to the aatd Executor al the office of DA VIS It PENNEY, 308 y1a Udo. Ctty of Newport Beach . County of Orange, State of C&ll-fomla. which aaid office the un-dreaa la: 409 Walnut. PIM:e. Coei. derslgned aelecta u a place of Meaa. County of Orange, C&llfor- bualne .. In all mattera connected nia. with .. id eatate. or to file them All flxturea and equipment ol a with the neceaaary voucher•. with· certain Buvlc• Station bwilnep, In alx month• aft.fr the flnt pub-known aa "TOM'S ASSOCIATED llcatlon or thJ• notice, in the office SERVICE". and altuated at 2M4 of the Clerk of the Superior Court Newport Boulevard. In the City of of the State of California, In and Newport Beach. County ot Or&nce. for the County of Oranie. State of California. and that an Dated September 30, 19~. executed mortp1e of th• am. /•I WILLIAM H. M!:AD will be delivered and th• con- Executor aicteration lh!'retore paid at lO:aiit No. 1382 A.M. on th,. 17th day ot oetober. N_ .. Pru1 10/7, u . 21, 28, 19M 19M al the offlcu of Hunr1t.a and Hurwitz, Allom•Y• at Law, 2811 Newport Boulevard, la ~ City of Nl'wport Beach, Count, ot Oranre. State of C&llfornlL DATED: October 4, t9~. v......_ 1 IMwtns N~<JE or PUBLIC HEAJUNO Notice la hereby ("1ven that the Plan1t1n1 Commlaalon ot the City of Ne'#l>Ol"t Beach will hold a pub- lic hetlrlnr on the application of R. P'. K'ENNY for a variance No. "° to pennll: Completion of on-ctnal plau u filed with the Build· THOMAS A. COX. Mortp&Ot' RONALD SANCHEZ, M~ No. 1381 Newa-Prua 10/7/SI DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor New9-Pl'M9 ii guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen .,. fore 6 ')>.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday and Friday. If yoar paper ia not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classi NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ....., Mollday, w .... ., ..ct ....., COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesday• c-nal Slaopptr Adll nm la tlle W......., 111 .... .._ 4 LiDee 1 luertloe $LOO add1. U.. .%5-. 4 Unes 2 luertiou 1.50 add'L U.. .15 -. 4 Lbles S l.uertlou 2.00 add1. U.. .26 -. ' u.e. ' lnerUoDa 2.50 add'l ...... 26 .. 81hadoll Wutecl AO wW reeelve U % a.e-&. OMla la ..,..., ....... IUNDIUll AD 18 ' LINU DICADLlNIE8 for placl.nc or canceWnc ada ant For Monday PubllcaUon -Frtday IS p.m. For Wednesday PubllcaUona -Tueed.ay 1 p.m. F or Friday Publlcat.lon -Thund.ay 1 p.m. NEWPORT llAJlBOR PUBLISBINO 00. Hl l B&Jboll lllvd., Newport lleecll. Cellfon.la. All Ol&•lfled Ada mat be s*d tor Oaall la adVUC!e of pclsll•tlea. Th• publllhera will not be re11pon.1~bl• tor more than one moorr.t ln~rllon of an ad, re~rve the r ight to correctly clualfy any and .. ada and to rtject any ad not. conformlnc to rulea and resutattoaa. Classified Index 1 ,._,...No~ I Card of~ ' FuDera1 Dlndore lt BmlDeM Oaide 11 BulJcllq Ma~rtala 1 s ltallcllas 8enklee 1' P~rweah 1& Sure Year Car It Traaaportattoa 11 Roenar 11 a-acy A&de H RMIUl Alda H Loet ud P'ouad H l'khook. lDltructloa SI 81taatlon• \\'aated n Help Wanted 11111-n-- IO-A 8wapa I0-8 Appll&ac.ee ll WanWJd to Buy II Fal'1llture for 8aJe lt·A AlltlqUH II Roel., SuppUes H Mualeal, Ra.cUo, T V llS Dop. Cata, Pete M Poultry 11 Unslock II Spec:-lal ~& It AalM Wuted .. A•*-for 8&le '°"" Tlree .. Pan. U Aato S.ntt. ti Tn.Uen "Alrp1-n Waatecl to Keat " Ap.._ a a-for ._. .a-A Apta. for ._. 11-8 H--9 for Reet U-0 T...U.r ~ .. ._,°' ... •.ta-ts- 11-aa-•...,.. .. .... IOle. N .... ,_ a <>fftlM 11-.A. I ........ M8wla111~ NM-y&o...._ II .... ,. WMtM n ..a IEatate WaaW a,1.-a Notae. Y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1787 11-.a ... ~ ftuncla7 I p.m. 10-BUllne. Gulde HAULING truh ocT Anythlnr. Anywhere Liberty 11·21'11 lZ-BallcHng Servleee PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llcenlled Ll 1-un 280 A~o, 0oeta )(-... Dress up your homJ old or New Low FHA Paym•te TIU!: 6: FORMICA Kitchen dratnboarda Bathroom•. .~,. FENCING Chain llnlll Orapeat&ke Venet.lan Bllnda Overhead oanc-e Doorw "Smart" Interior Shuttwe ,., .. J!:llllmatff Home Modemiution Co. Telephone LI 8-2231 13dl ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM lrutall the abo•e cheaper \baa m011l. Ahto tell Tile 6 Unoleum, Non-union, 2& yean ~rienee. Compare and 11ee - BILL COKER Har. •79:1 or Lons Beadl 7 ·&1113. 19ttc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBIMO A. Prfmlpt 700 W. Cwt Hwy. Newport l••c•· Via Opor1o -Olatn1 A.ft. M~ ..._ ftq&ir lantoa MalatalilM hma: Barw 6116 _...._....._ ....... _. ~-----------------------' Aa.t& ~-.. ... ... •• PAGE 4' • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 2i-Lo8c aod Found ~itnllfio11s \\'arled SO-~li~tlfanrou~ ------··-· ----·' ------------S3--Boat~ SuppU~8 ~-------..1-Aato ~ FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THI: NEW macldn• proc .. meth· od. Reuoaui. prt~. •••RC9 2 t.ape ..... ldenU&l bllad. Only $1.00 Bhnda repelred and rtbUllt. Free Pick up and dallvuy Work done by appolntm.nt P hone Liberty 8·~'701 or Klmberly 1·82'74, ppUe CARPENTER Repair Work Dou Your Home Ne.cs ~I °"~' Call Fruuc, LlbertJ 1-4164 All Work Ouuaateed T4tlo PIONEER SHEET METAL HEATING, venUlatlnl' .. aheet met.al work ot all lYl>fl'· Jnduatrlal. ruldentlal, commercial FREI: ESTIMATES LI 8-2237 8p22 Painting Ii Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 yeara experience Llcenaed 6: lnaured. Sa UafacUon ruaranteed. E1Umatea free. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 Ii LI 8-5289 81tfc Elec. Tool Repair Bkll Saw1, Drllla, Sanden QmCK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. 458 No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Bch. Liberty 8-8383. Utlc CEMENT le BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY 2ttl MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0 . A.n~UllOn 101' I:. B&.lbo& Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 2450 83tfc Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 182 Cecil Place, Co.ta Men, Lfberty 8-7~27 FOR RENT Skill ea.... a.e. OrtU., Pollman. aU typu ~ Saadera, Wbeelbar-""'°'• etc. BOYD'S HOWE. MIO W. -COAST HJQBWA Y f.Aaru' 1-US5, Newpo11 Bcb Jlllc CWrteoua Newa-Prua Clualfl•d Ad-Taketa are trained to \'.IT1te affective ada. Throup lons uperlence and a lhorou1h underatandln& of adver· u.tnr we can put your went.a Into word1 that cet actlon. Let UI help Y?U Mii; TOOLS BOATS FURNITUU BUSINESSES CARS Ii TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENA.NT • FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER These News-Preaa Clu1l!led Ad· Taker• ue expert.a and Oley are at your aervtce. Ju.st phone HARBOR 1616 Painting, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 512 38lh St.. Newport Bea ch Ph. Har. 24~ or lM7-R, 15tfc Rd. 011 Spreadlnf Orivawaya PARKING LOTS Sub-dlYLliona our apeclalty. We fUm lah any type oU to your 11pe- C'lflcaU011. Laree jobe -amall joba. Free u llmal ea. .A.lao wa- ter 1preadlnf. Modem equip- ment. 1.Exln(ton S-4008, CU· more It Pase. Huntln(ton Sch. l4-Penoaal9 Alcoholic. Anooymoua Wrtt. P. O. Bos 3&1 N~ 8e&cJl. Calll. Pbolle Barbor 4'71& ouc ------------ NOTICE OF ROBBERY A-REQUJCST 13cH On Sunday, October 2. 19M, Ut ua f1nlah your 1tore, "LIDO TOYLAND" waa Remodeling robbed and my l&fe tak'n awa y, which t-onta.lned perM>nal t-htcka 11Vl'n lhl' atore on Frldily, Sep- l.08T-8lamf811 ul. ma.If wear· lRONlNO or Waahlng doni In tnir •mall cotton collar. Lott on / mv hom eo 2409 0 1 an~t'. C<>i.W Ptnl1f'4la, '"w1rJ Hu. M82·J. M~aa U &.-48'0 14('18 1 or 201 l Mlr•mar. 13cl6 -------------------U)ST-Cauco colored female cat red collar. Loat nnr Bud'a Burrerii. Coata Mua. ~ward. MIDDLE ACED Wuml\n Jd1r"• poaluon u com pan loo, re\ ~r­ Uon~ or Baby 111tt1ng F.111.-oel· lt'nt rett'rencf'11. 1.1 g. 79!)() LI 8·li002. cU -H f)l6 BIG DEMAND EXPERll!:NC&O U1aperv Muktr wanta work. Call Har 347·R 16(11~ ----------FULL Chg. Bkpr an1I Al'• t C'all altl'r I p m. Harl><>r 2~1~ 'I Fresh Hearing BA T'tERIF.S Aid Wt 01ve SAH Green Stamp• Gunderson Drug C.o. Main St. al Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor :il:i. 98Uc Custom Draperies BEDSPREADS. allp rovtra. etc - Hardwsr' 31 yl'I<. In bUllaneu LUClLL8 DECORATOK8 BOAT STORAGE GMC ALL Sl~S. reu onabl• ratu. Ap-1 TRIPLE CHECKED pl)' at yard ofC1ce. SOUTH ('OAST ·OMPANY, Newport l!lv\l , at 23rd St . N•wpon Sch USED TRUCKS 2tt l''AlRUNER. rlun, loaded. WIU I traJe. La l ·eTlo • 111 or pm. TRADE .. ,,,I '00 C'hevrol•t '• T Pickup '49 Ford '1 T Pickup ')() Dodge '-2 T Pan•I '51 GMC '• T. Pickup '5t lntema uonal ~ T. Piclrup Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * e Cyta. .. •• 8 Cyt... -•• lncludea both Aal»or ud ,.n& N•w rtnaa. wrlft ptu. ~ grtnd, ntttnp ot ma.la u4 ro4 ti.artnp. Expert met.or i... ap. 90-day or 4.000 mile suanat.ee. (NO MONET DOWN,. HIGH PAY PRACTICAL NURSltS MEDICAL SECRETARY I lp16 eusi-1 H1tr. Me• 4011 t: H11lboa Bin i ' 8U.: LUCRATIVE TAVERN NJ::SS. San F'trnando Valley, tor s1tlllng or l'harter boat, H ' or °''"' l.!1446 \'entura Blvd. Tarzana, nr c11ll Dl<'ktna 3-9149 '02 Dode• '1 T. Pickup '02 Chevrolet a., T. Panfl ·~3 OMC ~ T. P ickup REBUU.T ENGINlll -UP to 13 MONTJl8 TO PA"f- Bullt ln our OW1'l faetory "1 i*med mach1n11ta. Don't coai.cl wtth the middle ma.n. Buy dU'eOt. HOME STUDY Klrh achoo! not neceaaary. Many eam while they learn. lnt ml11· ed. Write now, United School ot Nun lnr. D11trlct Office, Lomita Cal. r>c18H Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Ca.ahlers and Mut Wrap- ~r1. Mlle $80 to $120 per wk. Call for appointment to leam more a bout thla training. AL TYLER School• 1811 No. Broadway Kl 7-3511 9t U Real Estate School in Santa Ana MEN It WO~ prapan ln spare Ume tor unlimited opportunitiee In &al Z.tat.e. New claufa 5-llelp Wanted ------Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO fee collected from applicant We have openlng11 ror 11errt'Lary, top typl11t, PBX-11t,nn, 11tnrr rlerk, male. A part time dt8k derk. BEACON PERSONNEL (.A.pncy) il3-3lat Newport Beach GIRLS YOU will have an opportunity to advaaeit in our• flrm. 1>eeauae of our preaent lrx- panalon program. The 1tart1nr ulary 11 ~ and you wlll receive w"kly. Al Tyler lnatructlnf. A~ frequent lncreaff9, too. tend n nt evenln& free a.nd learn Jobe now tor : a bout Uil• sreat field. Call or TELEPHONE OPERATORS WTite now. A. I Al Tyler School M•~ -No. P~:1nstrect 1811 No. Broadway, Santa Ana Rm. 211 -Santa Ana KI 7·3lil1·KI li·SCS9·KI: 8·2lil3 9:00 to 4:00 P.M. , tte PA~C TELEPHONE -----------------------73Uc Here Comes CHRISTMAS! HOME PQftTRA ITS. C'hr1111m1111 \'llrd11 Kayette Photos Corona llel Mar Ht.r . 5135, 13<'11'1 Nearly New Apparel KATEY DOANE.-Klndell'a Patio 27:lt E . Cout Highway Corona dt!I Mar. 9e21 FIREWOOD FREE DEUVERY Dry wC\Od, E ucalyptu11 <'all Tom Hutchinson Harbor ,263:5-J. 15Uc Movie Proiectors P'OR RENT S·MM 16-MM 30-M:M HOBBY a.na MODEL AlRPLANE SUPPLIES Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport Blvd., Costa Meaa Phone LJberty 8-7~2. Pr U China Painting Day a.nd l:nntns a..... Orduw Takea How PboM LJbeJ1Y 1-IMI MASTER barber full or part Ume Vi.ta Barber Shop. 809 w, 19 BABY bed w1th m11ttress. 6 year St. Coeta Mua. l2c1:1 s1ie $i .:i0 Play pen $7.50. H6r. 588•1. 1Scl7 LA.DIE.8 : Read our ad under CONTRA~RS claaaitle&Uon 2' -Super Mar- CA ONS kat TralnlllS AL TrLER Schoola ALL CLASSIFI 1U1 N. Broadway, Santa Ana STUDY 1n llJ)&rl Ume tor coatrac-KI T-3611. 9itf tor'a examination under a s-· er&I contnctor with m ye&ra Steno.; Hey. 1teno.; 1ecy.-typlat: eJlperlence. Clauea Tuea. and 1everal i;eneral office; part time rrt eve•. 7:30 p.m. Attend ftnt ateno; MEN, material control. aeatdon free. Bel'ln anytime (fovemment contnlcla): rn•· AJ Tiler School chlnlet; genera.I factory. JUNE FARRAR EMPLY AGCY 1811 No. roadw1..y, Stint& Ana t 02 SA -32nd S t .. Newport Beach Ph. Klmberly 2·4226 or Kl 7·3611 (Opp. City Hall) Uc ---------------~ WHlTIC Woman for one-ha.lt uay Felicia Sargent Bnnouncee new term ART SCHOOL FOR ctlILDREN JH2 Cout Blvd., Lagun1. Beach Call HYatt 4·1978 or 4-38S• Puppetry and Clay Work Bea U oyd E very afternoon 3:30 to 5 Hc2T weekly cleaning apJrlment for employed couple. Phone H11rb0r H 30·R evening•. H cl9 MEN It WOMEN. $300 MONTH MlNlMUM GUARANTEE Sell by app. N~. No COmpellt1on. Thorough tralnlng program. Car Neceuary. Harbor 6274. H cl6 BEAUTY operator for n.ew 11hor. LI 8-6649 or Ll 8-7032. ' BROADTAIL 3• Fur coat tdze 38 • 40 purchased &l J , W. RobinBon. USl'd :> weeks ln ea.sL Make offPr. Har. 0634-R. a!ter ... l :X-17 SO·B-AppUancee Washing Machine <;ERVJC~ J-year guarantN on joba done a.nd on wsed wu.hera. 2488 ~ (rear) Newport Bl., Coal.a. Meaa. Llberty 8-4503 or Llberty 8-4327. 64tfc October Clearance REFRJGERA TORS Westinghoul!e, ex clean, 6 cf. $49 00 Servel upt. 11ze, clea.n ... .. .~!I Cold11pol 6 cu. t i.., extra nice $49.60 Weellnghoulk! 6 "'· runs ok $39.50 WASHERS l 2p2:1 FALCON SAlLBOAT -Former Fleet Champion -F ibre 1la11 bottom Exel. cond. $400. Al&O rert'nll.v overhauled "J" St. Short' Mciorlnr Har. 17:>3. f Hpl8 TRADE Bee.utlful 70-tl. &Ult. 1ehooner. Excellent for charter. Want property or 1ma.Jler boat. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd . Newport. Har. 3032. 39tlc Boat Repairs ROBERT VAUGHAN Ii CO. 1600 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach prtt Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent American Legion 210·l~th St. 'Ot GMC " T . Plckur Hydra-Matlc Tran11. ':i1 Chevrolet I T Pan~I '47 OMC I ~ T. 12' Stike '08 Ford l '•• 12' Stak~ '04 DodJe 2 T. 4 Yd. Dump, 8:25 Tiffi., 2 1peed ':'>4 Forl1 FeOO. 2 1peed, 8 .2.'\ TlrH REBUILT and INSTAIJD> SHORT BLOOK roRD .......... ·-·-·--UJl.60 CHJCVROLITI' ~.. IHl.IO PLYM. 6: DODOlll ·-Pl& CHRYS. Ir D& IOTO -PTO S'l'UDEBAKD\ ---.. ·-flTO OLDS A PONTIAC I -PTO We have the lari eat 1toc.1t of BtnCK ... -. 11'75 1111ed truck• In Orang-e County, HUDSON -·-flTI a ll typea and 1i&H . There la Loan Quo n.. ~ a truck that wlll tit your NEW CAR OUARANl'D pock•tbook. In our 1toc.k. Block snUM. m.-t our • .......,. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER eJ0-19 11:. tt.h SL Sant.a Ana Open Sunday .A..M. Truck He&dquarur1 tor Oranre Co. 1965 CHRYSr.ER Windsor, RltH, power 1teerlng' It brakea. Ru- aonable. LI 8-1329. 13clll :10 Ml!:RC. Club Coupe Coed con- dlllon-o'dr. R A: H-new palnt. tirea-$:175--4De 31th St., New· port Beach. Har. 11187-R. 15pl7 Plu. t&xe•, iuk•t.a and eQ ()pm Bunda7 lO t..m.. to I pa. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open D&Uy 8 to T 8tatte ._... NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. BA.NT A. ~A. * PORT ORANGE * TRAaER SA.Lr..8 and SUPPLIES Meetings 2nd· 4th Wed. 8 p.m 1963 PLYMOUTH Btlvldere hard 2200 W. Cout Hiway. PRtt top conv. Excell. cond. All eJl• NEW 8 x i 8 Raft, Ulfll outboard. could. u11e for dock etc. Two 4 cyl. Gray-Two freah water cooling unit,.. tor boat enpu . Ford V -8 marine convera1cm. V8-60 Stork englnf', 2 late Chryaler 6 tndu.etrlal enrtnea with 4" centrif. pump. 12782 Lucille Garden Grove I !Ahlegh 9·1378.J 15c17 COMPLETE v.1UI mooring 24 tt. 90 h p cabin l'nJsler Ball tank. Forctd sal,, Har. 3390 15cl7 34-MasJcaJ. Bad.lo, .t T V $5 PER MO. RENTS g-ood prac· lice piano. Let Ule klddlu learn. All t Prma rent lf you buy later. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 020 No. MILln SIUll& Ana. JOO pianos. Home of the Ha.mmond Organ. HAMMOND 0 R G A NS. World Camoua. All model• . .A.lac Hver- al ba.rgaln11 in u3ed or1an1. You can aave on lheae !In• orcans. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 020 No, Main, Sa.nl& Ana. tru . New Unia. Prt. owner $1200. Har. 4174-W. 15cl7 1941 Ml!:RC. 4 door, R A H duale. Twtn c&rba , eatru. $2~. Har. t 174-W_ l:lcli ·~s MG lolark_ n never need. 2 new Urea, new top. ext-eUenl motor, very d ean. Kl 7-4363 10d7 LOOK 1950 2·dr. Rep.I Deluat Stude- baker Cha.mplon. New tube.le .. ti~•. SH baked p&lnt job. Com- pletely overhauled motor , new br&Jce1 A clutc11. O'drlve, new tinted gle.u, new chrome. A rea.I barptn, See A m11ke offer at 3001 Newpurt Blvd. Union OJI Sta.lion. Hu. ~432. 10p1'7 00 PLYMOUTH, Special Doiluxe 4 dr, R It H. Good condition. 1525-3317 <>cun Blvd. C D.M. Har 3629-W. 10<:1'7 JAGUAR '53 XK l:lO modified. Gla.upar t o p. R ... H WIJ\d win.-• Tonnea.r C uv' r. wire wheel•. $2100. Har. 4000. l4clC Newport Beach U '-"20 '114-46' 2 Br, Roe.drnuter _ '44M '02-32' Andereon, ueel ·-·· U1111 '02-27' RoadrnNter, p.rfect a1at6 '02-U ' Happy Home ___ ..... SIM 'M--41' P&Bm. l Brm .•. Dtacount PAN AMERicAN Paramount-Kenaklll Trav•le ... Teny IOUc 42 rr. DELIDCW: RoUaway, I bedrm. 31 fl. a~. Art.lo eooll'r. TV antenna. Very clean • tn &ood ahapa. Lot 231 Sahara Park. Palm Sprinp. (No phone calla ple.aae.1 H pll NEW 1955-Ul~ 18 ft. AlJoa lor Jl&OO caah. 2t24 Wntwo0<1 St , Santa AnL l:ip17 47-WantM '° Rent Rentals Wanted We Deed apt. aad IMJuaM In all -uam tM botb wtnter and ,_,.. • ....._ rum. or untun.. U '°" M•• a •&e&11c7, ,._.~ The Vogel Co. Painting, Decorating Pa.,.,-Ha.ncfn• Sheetrock Patcblnc t-ber aoth, and ~llrdaT ,Oc· 18 stt..*loM W .. ted l3c t5 MOTHJCR'S helper. • allter 3 day week for 17 mos. old clillJ. Lido lllle. Call Har. 0828·R. Fngllh11rl'. 1tuto. Jooka new $89.50 C, E , uuto. 3 yn old completely checke<I . • $99 OROAN SPEClAL LO\rEL Y USED HAMMOND Spl- nel orcan Ill perfect. OOftdJllon. Big saving. Convenient terma al SHAFER'S MWllc Co. (Since 1907) 49 WIU.Y'S e 1tatlon waion o'drlve run. .sood f 376 or offer OWner. Har 1~4-R. UQl W. Cat. Bwy .. Newport BdL ~ Ll1"rt1 ~ Taping -Texturing ELLSWORTH CONTRACTING Ll 8·7951, LI 8·6212 l2p21H COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGENE O. SAUNDICRS C>OO 3llt Street, Newport Buch Harbor 2978 or Ha.r. 4444. ttc General Contractor LICENSJ!:D New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58t!c WINDOWS, FLOORS Washing & Waxing etc. RES IDENTIAL & OFFICES LI 8.J.6'23 SclO Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSED CONTRACTOR 11711 W. lllth St., Coate Mt .. Liberty 8-84128 BION RICE, Inc. OJCNERAL CONTRACTORS Re11ldenll11l, Comm,rclal, Addltlon11, H11rbor 494-W. fiplll lober let. Will lhe per110na living chet'kl to the •tore on lheMJ daya. pleaae atop payment thereon a.nd dell· ver 1ubetilule eheck11 In llf'u Ulel't'of to the 1tore u llOOn u Pleue 1.cc,pt my thank11 lnr your cooperation. George Hoar, 11 Superfluous Hair Pert11a.nenU7 remoYecl from face amw, lep. Plyebrow. and bair Une ab&ped-No more tweaan1. ELL.J:N L. BRYANT R. &. L..ldo'a Salon ol. 8eaut7 Bar. 2a7t tlw 22-Lost uid Found ------$10 REWARD plua any cuh In 11traw m"11h handba.r ICM1t Sat. ev,nlng. between COM • New- port Be a c h. No QueaUon. Rla.!!1'1"11. keyl'. l111cenae t lc. nf ''llluf'. Hubor 4341-J 14p FOHN[) nn OC'l. 4. Ladlu WTl11t watrh. City Pukln~ lot. N. B. Owneor ldttnUfy It pay thla ad, F . Middleham , 2~2 -7th St .. R.1verl1ic1e, C11llf. l~cl '7 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2so and it will run in all 4 inues A Minimum ad ;, 4 lines. Newport Bart.or N""""Prem Mot1day, WedmeM&y ud Friday edltiou,. Pim the Coutal Shopper, Wect.Nday. DRESSMAKINO • Alteration.a- Women'a A chlldrena cloth- doll clolhea, m aternlt.Y amocu, men'11 ahlrt.t made to order.- Harbor '87-W. Helt : :1 .. 1CXPERil:NCED Service !!laUon -------------attendant s&lary • comm111111nn. Experienc, d gardener Engtne11 Inc. 2•oe f"ewport LANDSCAfiING Blvd., Newport. Har. 129 and CLEAN UPS 15<'17 Llberty 8-16.'59 aottc QU ALlrlED Mother will manap vour h ome Ir. child for SHORT VACATION period or WltEK ENDS. r•ferencea ••chanced LI 8·8377. lOc:.23 EXPERIENCED GARDENER QARDEN1NQ It yard work by day Wffk or month. Liberty 8-el39 after 8. !ttc EXPERIENCED SECRET ARY:- Legl!J • r eneral ortlce. Public 11t eno. work my otflce or avail- able for part-time work your ottlce.-306 E. Cout Htway; Corona del Mar, Har. 1144.2 - atter 3 :00 p.m. LI 8-7121. 13plll Manuacrlpt Typing Gent'ral typlnc E1tperlenced LI 8-llSlO, llc18 CLEANING Ir IltONINO by the '1ay. Expenenoed. Balboa llland prderr~. Kl 3-e~. tt Swedish Massage· lAdll'~. -by appointment In your home. P'ormerly ma11eeu11e at Arrowhead Springs Hotel. Plea.. call Harbor 47911 or Har. 70. lllc2'7h Roy's Maintenance HOUM eJeantn1-noor wums Wall wub1n1-w1Ddow clea.nln1 Venetian bllJldt. Uphola'tery In.ured. FrN Eattmatu Liberty f..1312. Ute LICENSED u;perianUd Kipper al80 available for boat mainten- anc., ••kly or monWJ. Call Jl&rbor 1129-W ltcl8 m x p E R I I: N 0 I: I> cook hOUH kwper live In, Good nlerence1. Har. u 1v. H ele NURSE Undercra.duat.e, ~ Iele 0.alrea day ablft. l\efere11cea. Har. JSOCJ. Upll RESPONSIBLE elderly couple LADY for put lime work In cleaning" eatabll1hment. Expcr- lent-ed In meeUng public, 11~ acme knowledge of 1Uk tlnlah- lng. NEWPORT CLEA NltRS, ll>e Tuatin. Newport Buch. J5d7 ANTIQUE Kentucky rlflu soo., eound movie out.flt $160, rare old Ivory Chlneae ecreen $200, nlre m.ahog. cabinet.a $86 ea., player piano $150, old k itchen cabinet $20, antique deek 127.00. old phonogra ph $15, wood 11Love $22.00, Chlntte carved che11l $46, old aulky U ll. old 1ldeboard UT.50, apt. range 120. el«tric ranre s.a. nice wuher S22 50. old suna. antique chine. cut glass curloa, old jewelr,\'. lm c-a-brac. etc. We buy, u U &: 1wap. Bring ttema In. CHARLIE DA \'JS 1805 E. Anaheim St. L.B. 6!IOJ39. SELL ON TERMS 8 P"I'. DELICATESSEN c l M , SIM ONE 6 ft. refrlger11tnr $f10, ONE large commert-. rtfrlg. Si~ •• l SCALES, S6:i. I GONDOLA S2:i. Call owner Ll 8·6223 mnminir,. nr after 5 p.m. Sit fr BOX SPRINGS &. mBttre11s. Headboard S3!'1 Btdrnom <'h111r S7. Har. 1171-R . 14r lf'i ROLLA WA y BED. b!1118lnellP, If!('· ter babe, 16 gauge Steven.11 1'hnt sun, 2~ h p. Elgin outboard - KI 0-1~90. 12,•14 COLDSPOT retr1g . $80. OvAI rai> nir Sl!'I Ir. twln size Hollywoo1I ~ $25. LI 8-72!'1:1. I :X: 17 Specialty Sewing BUTTON holea, sipper!!, hemming. men·a troueera cuffed. ett·. CONTOURED DRESS FORMS Made for your _.wing ronven1t"nre. Too busy lo cut out y11ur uwn patt4'm11 • Brin&' material anti pa tlt•rn• to ua an<l we will cut thtm for yuu Moel Ru . ...,nabl' Price. THANK YOU. HOUSE OF TEJUUN Liberty 8-092. \.'w-17 - Norp auto. deluae '54 model $119 Kenmore wringer, work.a pert. $45 RA!';GES Magar Chl'f, ov•n lher. 37" 159.50 O'Keefe Ir. MerrJtl, t2" top t:o\'er. perfect con<!. . $49.50 We11llnghouae elec. 38" clock. timer. good cond. ··-$~ Vacuum clea.ncra $9.50 to $19.60 F.\•eryth1ng guaranteed. Free delivery STROOTS H DWE. Houaewarea 1802 Newport Blvd., Coat& .Mesa Mesa Woodcraft Unpulnlrd It Juvenile Furniture Large patio chair ···-_ ......... 13.90 Oookl'lli<e 26 x .1.5 . ... . .. S7.4li i -<.lrawt•r Ch"Sl $8.9!'.I Cc.:-:iplete hn•• unpalntPd t urn. llOft and hwd, Mlnwax a nd Deft finlahea OrJera taken tor 11huttera 212\ Harbor, C.M. Liberty 8·1645 H EYWOOD \>\'akr faeld bNI romp. Lovr 81'11t bl'fl. autom Hotpoanl r ani:" lrke new pr oC mat< h HP~'WOOd WK. fl,I wlng rham;. C'u~ro high rhalr H11r ~S:l•-M 1~!'16 Lake ;l;ew COMPl.ETF: J><-tJroom 1Jr t s for 2 •nnm1. 12 x IA wnnl rui;: ~ plld, r 1>(1 1i:. "JP<h in11r h. 21" A!l- rn 11 A I 1 V M11p l1? lfrllk l.lbPrl\' 8·7flA~ 111 lfl BF.A 1'1'1 F'l'L _.,.,.,, 11111hng. nun- rnn 1'11\"f P tl1n1111o: t.;bl,. fl chatr11 1tphnl~lPr> •I Ill b I 11 p anliq111• vtl\IPf S.1fl1J. A l~o nl'w 1n11hng. Hllffrt $!'10. 1:10 Av11r H<lo (' 0 ,M. 15r.17 MAl'LF; Youlh berl, lnner~prlnit muttrc:<11<. hkr new. $20. 490 c·n11t11 Me1111 St , C. M. Wberty 8·66:)2. l:icl 7 ELECTRIC rrfr11:. Blonde din- ing room table & 6 11pholstere<l f0ha1r11 Sr;O. Aleo ml!!c. house- hold Item:< l!Rr_ 2H 7-R. 15c S2-A-Anttques Royal Danish Lamps CERTIFIED ORIGINALS 150 YEARS OLD HA:-\DMADE Copper lampe, ha.n d blnv. n l'ryatal -arriving St atee aoon. EXQt:JSJTE for garden llghtlng, pat101. poola, or etftc· ll''' tor IT1dMr lllhllnf . Writ~ lfo11 ~711 Whit lier Ca lifornia for appt. 9p22 H cl8 ~1-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana VOl.KSW.A.GON Phone Klmberly 2-0672. 55 Hard top 1edan metllllc blue. Driven lhrtt mo. W onderful condition 11550-:uo Amelhyat Balboa Jsl11nd. Har. 33&6. H clS -.......... llaJboa lalUlcl ...... aanc. ... 2M'7 I:. Cout By .. Omlaa tat ... , Ptlone ~ 1'741 HAMMOND ORGANS. Full Une, all mode~ Fri'~ practice room•. Come m 11.11d play on any model. The Great Concert Orga11, th' Home Mot.lei. the Church and the Spinet Model11. It you think you rannot play, come In and try the world famoua Hammond, H llY to play, Chord Organ. You wall be utonJahed to find you oon play In tlfteen mlnutu . DANZ-SCHMIDT Pia.no • Organ Co. Home of the Ha..mmond, 520 No. Milin, S11nta Ana. Quality Television -SERVICE Home Service tll 9 p.m . :Ill BUlCK CeJltury RJvlcra Hard top, blue It white. All u l ru 8.000 m1le11 Bt11t ofter. Owner 823 Via Lido Nord, Har. 2988. U c20 :il CHEVROLET Belalre. hard top converllble. 2 tone 1111 extra.. One owner $8115. JU 7 -237e- 5U S. Spruce. s. A. H cte SACRIFICE large equity In a 1964 MERCURY Sun V11llty. Call owner I.Ibert!'f 8-6223 mornlnr• or atter 5 p.m. lOtfc Lido Offl~. Ult VJa Udo Ii.arbor '971 1'702 N•wport BIYd., Costa Mua Liberty l-66t7 tto WANTED Homa. 2 or S bdrma. unturn. • CU· yrly. but1. LI 8·6136 between I A t p.m. lllcl7 WANTED ,.,.. .. ,. on 6th, 7th nr 11t h In Balboa. Har. 4290-R. lfipl 7 GENTLJ!:MA.N, dealra two bed· rooma. two b a t h a tumlahed apartment. yearly lu.M. Udn lale preferred. Har. 22IW> or 1074. 10p17 'H OLD'S, 2 door. $28~. Motor overhauled It new bettery. Har. WANT to rcit pr&l'e 'ltctnJty 2137-M. 14cH Weal Newport Pu1t. ~bor 1'758-W. after II". 1~ 776 W . 19th -LI 8·8678 42--TnlJen l clll ----------- WORKING MOTHER wtth Khool •l'e eon d ealr• ama.1.1 hoUN or apt. In Newport Rqhta. J'um. or onfnm. LI 8-128'7 an. I or Wt'f'k 4'nd1. JJcJI SPECIAL BUY LOVELY KIMBALL Spinet piano with bullt In LoWTey organo.- Sa ve $200 on thla. U brral trade, ConYeJllt-nl terms al SHAFER'S Mu~lc Co !Sance 19071 421-423 N. Syramc1rc, Santa Ana Phone Klm~rly 2-De72. S PI N ET PIANOS. Wonderful bu~·s. Some 1Jllghlly !lam1gt><1 In llhipment. Rental r"l11rn11 !Ind tr11de '"" on orir11 n11. Mirror T,vpe Splntte 1 11 lnw 1111 119:5. E11~y t"rm~ DA~Z-61 'HJ>.llOT, 1120 Nn. Ma.In, S1tnlR Ana. Home oC the Ham- monrl Organ. BABY GRAND. l5pl'clal. Only s 4Mi. Gnntl tone and action. Bi1<1t••st I! to c k of wonderful g-mntl p111no11 In Or.11nge County. TPrn111 DANZ· SCHMJDT Grul Plano Bnd Or1:11n Slotr, ~20 No. Main. Santa Ana. Home of th• Ham· mund Organ. ELECTRO~JC 0 R 0 A N. $410. Eally Term11. DANZ-SCIDUDT, ~20 No. Santa Ana Home ot th• mond Orran. Save Main, Ham· TV & Radio Repair Fast Service Rea11ona ble Servlc,. call• t lll It p.m KNOWLTON r.r~EC­ TRONICS U 11·:12De. 11p2iH SPECIAL BUY SUNNY ACRE TRAii.ER PARK Save NO CHARGE for chlldren on yr1. !cue. Near Newport Blvd., •lore.a, echoola. 114 E. Wilson. COllta Mea. KI ~l~. 13ttr PRACTlALLY New utility tra.11 .. r . bed 4 • !'>~' All ateel. Capa.clty 1 M10 Iba. Incl. hitch, ll&fety rh11lne, llrente. Only uwd &O mllr11 $12!1. WH 1200. Har. 276i·R HplS STOP YOUR rrnt.11.J J~a. Vacant nnt• 1tl11 <'081. you money 00 t.o 70Ur phone rnr helpful •r'ltce. 'IWl· anta w11tllnR tnr all parta et the ffArbnr Are.11. REX RECHS Realtor 2301 W . Ba.Ibo& Blvd. Harbor ~IM Nnrport SAVE $1800 1955 IM PERIAL 4 door Sedan, Lovely 2-Tone Blue with White Sidewall T ireti, Fully equipped • Power Steering -Power Seat • Power Brake.a -Power Win· dows • Radio ·Heater and Chryaler'a Excluatft Ail'- temp Air Conditioning. Low Mileage. An Excellent Value at Only $419~. LOU REED CHRYSLER -PLYMOU'Mf DEALER 1200 W. Coast Highway. Pb. Liberty 8·:«88 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St .• Npt. Bch. OFFERS ( peru1los1} will ta.Ice c.are ot your property 1eatate) whUe owner ta abaent. Exch. tree rt!nt <no money I. Exetl. loc.&I ref, Bank and per-.!. CaU Liberty 8- ~U. or •rile R<i• R·N Ulla pari-r. Upti lllCTIONAL aora 6. d11y b(>d. rueonably priced. 30• Puppy SS--Boata1 !"!PpliM COC'OU del Ma.r. l !'!<' Demonatrator mode.I Chord Or1an In perfect condJtlon. 81.Ve $250. DeUght!ul Uvtnr. Apt..C.ba.nu: UtilltJea paid. wf\.h Yubt .Up accomodatJona. V Ill ft T A'ITRAC'MVE Lattlcl! t•nc• 28~ tt . 2 n H1rh W1th poetl. Paint"d whit,. si°o Hl!r 116-M... 1ep 32' Lowman Cruiser Convl'nle.nl termt. Liberal trade Sletpe 4, S8, Ctuyaler Crown. l:Jl. at ~·elll'nt condition. A11klng $3960. SHAFER'S Mu.ale Co. (llnc• 1'°7) f'M.111r1 .. r prnJ)4'rty ltftde. H~rbor 421-423 N. Sycamore, Santa Ana T96-M. Hpl8 I Phone Klmbtirly 2-ot72 • Dafb'. wee.kJy, monthly, yearly. For appt. o~ reeervaUon, Call Har. 2992. Mtte • • .--.&pta. ...... Cboice Winter Rental8 on Balboa laland 6 Lido I.ale lm&U • 00&7 or Ws-• cleluu '11 .. llOO IDOll~ VOGEL CO. U-A-AJ!ta. for Beac , • Lido Isle ltJ Bayfront Ona and two bdrm.. apartment.. M-Basla-. 9ft:ortultlee WA.NT INT'ERS8T In bu.wlneM or Income. lnv..t half of I~ eqult,y ltl Sant& BarMra triplex la vrtn lot, total 111,&00-$208 Income. Conaider boat or! - Writ. Box O·M thla paper. 13pU5 REAL ESTATE LOANS IDt.m.t Rate ~~" 'i.a.. "'"*11 made la the ..., A.l'M ud Qrl9ta 111-. a1qle or muJUple ualtl. N.w or old. S.-.n.. and ... b7 ...,,na ..... n1 a ••• m.tate () I ftUALID. I bdrm. 1 ~ MUI home. IUtCIO tull price. HSllO down wttll •* lntereeL WC.tlwr It. lacaUon. Really ,ood. ORANGE QOAST PROPICRTCES Costa Mesa C-2 :>Ox2:50-wttb two new atol'WI plua II' na. hom...-mod•rniaed-1 \i batha, J16UO, $21,000. IOI ll&nM A...._ llaH1oe bl&Dd ft. a....r "' ... llarllor 1181 Furniahed. Oansu, Yearly or winter rental Ha~. 6'711. 7c20 NEVER AGAIN 10W' pn9111t lo9A. M1almum •· 115T Newport, Coeta Mea JllMI. No ch&rp tot p...umi· LI 1-1632 Eve, LI 8-8803 1 RlTE IN THE LIN1C OF PROGJtm88 BAYVIEW HAR. 3371 1~17 a.. Bu. lTll-R «Kar. I06t-M CORONA DEL MAR, yearly 2 • • 14ttc bd..'"111. duplex end l·bdrm. apart· nary appralaal. Plwm• ... ta ------------------------ 1 BDAM. A.Pr. rum. or untu.m. Yearl7. 114-Urd IL: Newport Beach. }Jar. 308t·J. 13pU J'URN. 1 bdrm. boUM, 1 bllt. trom ocean 6 My, 8&100.. Wint.er rwntal. Alao tum. bachelor apt. U pet.&Jre. Har. 1781-lof. 13c11S CANAL FRONTAGE, a bdrm. du- plex apt., nicely furn .• flnplace, hdwd. tlra., pr. 6 auto. wub~. 1110 per mo. with uttUUu. Avail. till J uly 1. Har. 2218-R. 13c15 A'TTR.ACI'IV!: 1 and 2 bdrm. tum. UUllU• paid, l or 2 children. Laundry room. BLUE T 0 JS APT. MOTEL '°3 Newport Blvd. Npt. Be•ch, Just •bove the ment, Furnlahed lncl. uWltJu. 317 Marruerlle. :Ztfc Channing Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NJ:W • ROOM, atl"fft level. N,ar Khoola, shopping dlatrlct. Quiet. pleaaant. exclw.ive. Oarbare dil- poeal. laundry, atora&e rooma, f &rage. S82.ISO up. Oecuplea en· Ure atreet. Good aupervtaion. Mer. 1501 Haven Pl.ace 1 Block South ot High School ALSO f"URNJSHED APTS. WINTER RA TES ~tfc LIDO ISLE YEARLY unfurn. 2 bdrm. • 2 bath home. Har. 1013. fltc Arcl\ea. 7tlfc ____ LIDO ___ IS_LE ___ _ Nl:W MODERN untum. .eparate 2 bdrm. unit wttb pnace, adult. only. Good aut •Ida Jocat.lon. LI l -•1185 13c115 - BACHELOR and one A: two bdrm. apt& Short tenn &11d yearly. ALSO, Udo Homea and Bay Front H omea and apartmenta. LIDO REALTY Associates tJNFURN. I.Ar&'• New Modem 1 Bedrm. duplu. See Sal or S.00 Via Udo, ~bor HH 89ttc Sunday, 9307 Seuhore Or., WILL lT BE POSS.IBLE TO BUY a 100x100 ft. corner lot ln heart ot Balboa with a compl•t• •er· vice atation, tully equipped, fJ'ON taalea over M0,000, .ba.9 • bdrm. home. plenty TOOm tor expan· tlon. Th• price and net income will pleue you. Call- AL TYLER. Broker IS07 I:. Balboa. Har. 3808. llc18 GROUND FLOOR OPPORTUNITY READ nns Have openlnf for rupoMlbl<. party capable or lnvutlng ll~.000 c:uh In a naUol)a.1 corp. CAN BE ACTIVE OR NOT. Potential earning• !or flnit yr, tremen· doua. Muat tum. eood. character la credit ref. .Muat be euy to get a.tong with. For pe1'110llal In· tervltw wnte Box Q-~8 thl• newspaper. Include phone No. and brief reaume. Strictly coofl· denUal. 11Sc20 Ana Kimberly l-et33 or wrtte ARTHUR A. MA'r MOl'tP&'e LoUI ~t Occident.al Lite luuraDce Oo. 933 Soutb Mam ... ta Ana CASH ... FOR TRUST DEEDS WM. 8. HOLT MORTGAOZ BANKING SINCE 11130. " 1809 N. BUSH l!IANTA ANA KlMBJ!lRLT 3·7118 NO _COMMISSION No Appraiaal l'ee SALES -RllnNANC. CONSTRUCTION Call tor J'r.- Fut Commitment. on Relltdenu• and Unit. only Don I. Huddleston 173 &. 11th St. COl!ITAMDA LI 8-5Ml LI 8..ael Newport. 111p11R __ ENT ___ AL ___ ,,__ __ r __ Nzw stiJdto apt. prtY&te pauo. SPECIALISTS Aluminum Awning TRusT DEEDs reuonable. LI •I TH-10 to II tor th4I ILi a-2397 ave..) l5c cau Edna Crate Buslneu ready to go. Halt lnteren PJUVATll ~TOR Blanche Gates Rltr available to qualified party with 8% to 10% return BALBOA 2 ~nn. apt. turn. ' • a&lta or bu1lneaa adm. back· .,.. Ill M&rtn A SANT A A.NA KORTGAOE CO. Winter · rental or yrly Ieue. • '"· rround. Approx. 13000 needed to Hvbor HM·M. or Plymouth *!boa taaad, Bu. l871 Ulfc get It rolllnr. Write Box P-~7 200 Bpurpon Bldr. KI 7"!!.i8: 8-15721. lllp BACHELOR apt.' tum. l adult thla pe.per. 15c17 ------------ J'URN . .APT. for 1 adult. Private P rivate. irood l~Uon. 721 ~ ------------LO.A.NB TO BUILD. !KPROV& paUo. lfO mo. Har. 5294.w. Poppy. Corona del .Mar. Ha.r. 66--Jl.c.ey to Loma BUY, KODICRNJZm, OR 16<:17 06~·M. l ik IUIJ'DU..Ncm ADULTS. 1 bdrm. duplex 170. TWO BDRM. tum. upper apL ·~ LOANS for Homes ~~~A~VIMae near Arches _ Hoac HOl)>it.at. mo. till J une 15, P refer couple. ~-JO yr, i.a.. ,. LOAN A880CI.ATION 224 Ca tellna. Har. uaw. l~p17 H ar. 2411&-J. llScl 7 L .... V1.a Lido. Ph. Bar. dOO BA y VIEW Studio apt, TV, gar. Construction oans lie 48A-Apta. for Bent u tll. Included. 170 mo .. wlnter. allll BOB L\'l'l'LD Balboa Jaland. Har. 39119-W. 2616 &ABT COAST BLVD. l'URN. DUPLEX In Balboa 205 ''l" St. Reuonablcl winter rent· 16c17 Corona del Mar llutM>r 3811 a.I to rtpt party s bdrm. 4t 2 (8.B-Boll9e!t for Bent bath gu 4t unit heat. priva te ------------yard 6 paUo. Wlll conalder LIDO lSL!i, S bdrma., 3 batha y rly re.nlal. Uclll home on annual buil. Heatt'd Yearly -Balboa 1..ge. 2 bdnn. houae, Bay view. pa.- tlo, beautl!ully land.tca.ped. Film. Rep. POIRmR MORTOAGS CO. Metro We IM. J'\mda KL J..:Sl~ '8Uo YOU CAN BORROW MOR.Bl TAKE LONGER TO REPAY PAY LES! WHEN YOU BORROW THE WE SPECIALIZE IN LOANl!I 6 FINANCING ON HOUSETRA.Il.ERS Auto., Furniture 6 8al&rlM One Day Service Lo&M from $50 to 11200 o.r more CALIF. ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION 1898 Harbor Blvd., Cotit.a Me.ea CORONA DEL MAR Eq>anaive Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 bath.a. Hardwood It ca.rpet floon. Bargain at $4.5,000. Submit down. BA YSBORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. tected patio. Attractively prir.ed at $24,75<> Pro- BAYSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm .. Liv, room 15x20 firepl., fen.ced, covered patio. Can't be duplicllled for $19,500 SEE US tor BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertiee. Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HY att '"'6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ** SELECTED LISTINGS ** LIDO ISLE:· Here'a Lido's best buy! 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, completely furnished.. Owner must sell. Asking $39,500. Submit offers, we'll help finance. CHANNEL WATERFRONT:- 3 homea with pier & float. $21,500 to $30,000. CORONA DEL MAR INCOME:· Leased building in h'eart of buaineaa diatrict . '¢r * * We BUY and SELL homea ! Listings wanted. * * * We are pleased to announce that Col. John J . Moran, Wayne M. "Lefty" Murdock and W. E. Hallberg, BROKERS are now aaociated with ua in our new modern office opposite City Hall. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. ------ * * NC 0 * M Ha.rbor 5505 E I or untum, L<wl!ly tum. 1 bdrm., lg• den. pa- l to. 170 mo. winter or $110 mo. awhruning pool. Slip for •o ft. boat. &auutully furn. Exqul- alte Inside planters, ahruba around paUo 4t pool. 3 oar ga.r. 1800 mo. 111qulre 41 Balboa Covu, N"ewporL 3cl8 SANTA ANA MORTGAGE WAY 2~ Spurgeon Bide. KI 7·068 15cl8 LI 8·7751 -Open Frtd•Y• uu 8 IT'S NO WONDER ...• with the average listed price Cloaed Saturda,._ tfc BACHELOR or couple. tum cot· ------------ tage. Winter rental. 320 Marine Pro Ave., Balboa bland. $ISO month. 60-~:ln~com~~e~Pro~~perty~!!----~60~=:1Dcome~~~..!:!~~~!'L---y1·a rly , TWo larre tum. I bdrm. apta. 171S ftnd 185 mo. yearly. Ha.r. 1808 13c16 Lite. 2 bdrm. tum. apt., rarb. dap., ------------ w w carpet, television. 1100 mo. BALBOA ISL.AND 2 bdrm. turn. 0 ,.. 1150 mo. ytarly. home, patio. 2 ca.r garage, fire· S.-e u11 tor many othera, aleo •ludio place. Adulta only. Unlit J u.ne Aflla SIO per week. l. Har. 3'1.,.M-KEllogg 8·3148 M1 E BAlboa Blvd., or KllWOcc 8·1723 H cl8 Her. 3808 or av•. Har. OIJ3 . Helf LIDO ISLE For leue with opUon to buy If de- 111red. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath, 2 pattoa. Vnf\lrn. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor Harbor t;6!;11 Eves. LI 8-!>662 H c18 CHARMJNO 1 yr. old untum. home 3 bedrm. i batha. Modem dalp -Vl.w -lo•ely patio. Available now. UISO mo. yrly. leaee. l\efuencu requlr-.d. Call H ar. '448 days. H cHI BACHELOR OR COUPLE. tur· nlahed cottage. winter rental. 320 Marine An .. Balboa blantl. $~0 month. Harbor J808. DELUXE modem tllm •tudlo apt. ___________ 13_c_1:> Ullllllu' paid 17~• mo. Corona 197.:>0 COSTA MESA NEW 3 del Msr. Har OS."l3·R. Htfc BDRM. 2 bath. u.n!um. home --garbage dlap. largt fenced yA.rd DE t.lJXE l BelJrm. rurn. apt. 1~ Har. l380. H c18 hlk to ~ean. 220 Marg-uerite. __ __ _ <'nron11 dr l Mar. Adults-no BEAUTIFUL. llkr·new 3 bdrm., 2 r et11. Owner Hsr. 47 15tfc bath untµm. view home on WINTER Larp l beclrm. sarage 11rt S6~ mil uLlllLles paid. 214 Gsrnel. B&lbo11. bland 14cl8 ------ Kings Roe.d. $200 per m.o. until nl'xt June. WILLARD L. KILLION Realtor 33U Newport. Blvd. Harbor MOii ?\EW APT :Z bdrms. garbage ------------ t11~p. garage. Near beach la ('anal unfum. yrly rf'nt&l Har. f9--Booma for Bent 3624-J._ l3cl6 ROOM with prlvatP bath 4t en· 18~ MO. YEARLY IS CHEAP trance. Permanent 1~0. Liberty tor a waterfront turn. duplex 8-ISOll8. H cl8 * APARTMENT COURT * 8 Units $18,500 DOWN Ill be..Ith fol'Ce9 aale of thia almoat new Eutalde Costa Mesa Court in top ye&r-rowid location. MOO eq. ft. of livin,g area, plua garagee, priced below tlle cost of reproduction. All unita are rented, Income $600 per month. Total price $52,500. 1st T. D. $34,000 at $340. per month. EXCLUSIVE WITH: Greenleaf-Severts Realty, Inc. Har. 25152 Eves: LI 8-MOl5 or 8-3186 3112 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Cloeed Sundays 60A-lnduatrial Lota M-1. Placentia, 1611' x 830', level, w1th 90me builrtlnga, 4t in heart ot l.ndldlrial ar-. Pl1ce 124.ISOO. Term•. 61-Beal !'Atate ExcbUJ! Palos Verdes Estates FOR OREEMLEA1"·8EVERTB, Realty NEWPORT HARBOR AREA 1111.2 Newport Blvd., Newport Bu. 26112. Evu. LI 8·318tl High deluxe ranch borne with new from Ventura to GataliDa. S bedrm., 2 bath level comer. th111 nice! ll'e 1 bedrm, lncludu uUt. la pr. It la 2 bllla to Rtcnard• ~11-36 St. Har. 4862. or Topu tl-0816. Hplll LARGE Room. privat e bath, prl· vate' entrance. 2 beda. 135 mo. 61-Beal FAtate Exchange Mahog. interior, lateJrt bullt·l.na, 11prtnk\er8, etc., will l r a d e '26.000 equity tor I n co me, waterfront or buatneaa. BEACOfli BAY, 2 bdrm. tum. ho1111e Alsn I bdrm. turn. apt. 1 l 9t Sierra Mlldn Blvd., San Mt1rlno. Sycamore 2·8776. H cl8 2 BDRM. fum. ur11tafr11. Near ocea n. S~O. Utll. f'd. by owner. Harbor 3371, U~c17 ---------180 YEARLY I bdrm. !urn. 11pt. n,.Ar waler cloee to R lchvd11 Hu. ICIStl·J. attert 8 or 104-29 St.. after 8. l~pl 7 Available Oct. 6-321 lrla, Co- rona oel Mar. Hp18 VIKING HOTEL 1101 f:. Balboa Blvd.. Ba.Ibo& Harbor 6.'193 ROOMS & APARTMENTS - Day -WePk -Monlh But lo1•atlon In Ba.lboa VERY REASONABLE RATES 15c28 LOVELY turnl11hed bf'droom11. f'ri· vale ba th a: Mp11.r11.te f'ntr11.11c1>. 430 AvlX"ado, Corontt Ml Mar. H11.r. 1328-J . 111<'17 BALBOA, JSt.ANt) Bay fron t. 1 hdnn. up11t.tra newly tum. apt. &l--8toree a orn- 176 lndud. utll. Har. 2120-W. 15c17 BALBOA Lare• turn. 1 bdrm. furn. apt. wtth p.rq'I-UW pd. Mon th °" yrly, Har. 1T2& after' • p.DI. 15p17 Office Building For Rent NEW office bide. Centrally locat- ed. Floora carpeted. Wlndow Sale or Exchange COZY five room •tucco In SUn· land. Treea. nice yard, ahrubery etc. Extra loL AU fenced. Call Florida 3·H02. U p CORON A DEL MAR-Let the tum llt1lr apt pay th• mortgage on lhl11 3 bdrm 2 bath home Many ''built·ln•" A lot.a of •tor- age sp&c:~ Floor coverings, dn.pea 4t applwcu included In price of 12~.000. Hubor 2~-M. H c27 BICA UTIFUL VJllW Lot on Cliff Drlve, u Jar u we know there ~re juat 2 ylew Iota tor ll&le. One--$1~000. other 111700. ORANG!l COAST . PROPl!lRTIES 1~7 Newport, Coat.4 Me• LI S-1632 Ev•. LI 8-6803 Owner, Roger Wat80n, 1501 J:.pl· noaa Circle. P. V. E. FronUer IS·71S&t BAYSHORES .. 14e18 Due 1Une.u.. ov.rner w1ll accept any re&110ne.ble offer. term• or trade for• bdrm. 2 bath CLEAR home In top condition. V11lued 11.t 129,~00. Cont.ft.cl owner LI 8· 6203 or your broker. Hc16 VDCW HOME ON CLIFF DR. NEWPORT HElOHTS OELUXJ: nl'JlK. AP'l'8. l!llncl• • dbl&. NO mo. and up. lot JC. Bay An,. Balboa Harbor drapu. 1500 aq. ft. Ideal tor Ina. ------------ or real estate tlrm. Ph. J im at $9950 FOR SA.LE OR WILL TRADE thll! 2 bdrm. 4: den home 1" bath, very conv. kitchen that opena onto the patio. GluHd In dining room. fireplace. n uah In w&il ot L.R. W /W carpet.. One of the but built hom• on Cliff Dr. Call owner al LI 8-3792 daya or LI 8·81568 evee. Hc18 l.!I 8-S•&•. 7c20h la the price ol ..tbla 1&rSe I bdrm. ~"-lttc ------------ BALBOA ISLAND Cor. 19th A: PlacenUa. C. M.. f'OR RllNT two bdrm. home - Eaat std• Coeta M.-. home. Low GI payta. Silbmtt Dn. payt. BURTON B. BJCCK, Rltr. A Insur. 2111' W. Oout B11J7. Bar. 221 1'cl5 NEW Cl!.bln, 2 acres with Jotlbua trHll $2200 ca11h. Hidden. River Eau.tea area. J oshua Tree ca.tit. Liberty 8-821~. 11Sp17 Nl:W BJCAUTIFUL, turnbhed 2 bclr'l9-apt., paUo, carport. Yrl,y. ·nntal-or to J'uly L llO ~te (stove A: retl'lg. tum.) lnctudee ------------------------ A ft. Barbor 0716. l3c16 -tr * * -tr DJOT UVINQ on .,._ oce.n tram. M._ MftPOrt pllr. a&q1e -.t. ~ 111t1a:1utta and llath. atol'9 room It two office 1pace., 1100 month. OR Will rent HJl6· rately 1 office at 1715 and 1 a t llO monUl. Al9o ama1l .tor. 1100 mo. Call owner Liberty 1-8223 momtnp or after & p.m. tttc 111.a.t .....See, ..uttt. pd,, TV. ------------ 111 P9I' ..... llutJor I08L 5' 8 >Ill Opportultle! -tr * * -tr ~~~~~~--~ BEAUTY PARLOR OOROIU. Dm. KAA-1 bdrm. IUl'l'ABLll for 1 or t OJ*&t.ol'll, flan. apt., ,_.,. end laWICll7 mut be llOld now at rtYAW&Y rm. f'PI 196• Jlar. 18(11.)1(. prtoe. Good )Ocatloo, low rwit. Ucl8 ACT 1' Aft. ~-----------DAJl Bllt' A ooean Mew I bdrm. tum. Ule ldtdlen. Ila~ A llbow· JAMES C HOW ARD er. '76 winter ~nt&l. Harbor Hu. 1408 32nd 6 Newport Blvd. 1711-M. 1Sc15 U c18 GOLD BOND Pier and Slip . Charming No. Bay· Front home, 3 bdrm. Ir m&id'a room. 2% betha. Lovely large livinc room, dining room and lana1 fadnc on Bay. 'll 7 ft. lot . Fine yard and garde. EXCEPl'IONAL p9er and alip. Carpet.a, drapee It 80IDe re.I fine furniture included. We think U. ia the beet 1*y on the Bay. $73,500. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W .Cout Hwy. Newport Beach (at Port Orange) LI 8·75a. Har. 51.M ev•. for 2 BR. duplexea (with a few years wear on them) being about $16,000 . ... that we enjoyed such a fine reception to our adv. which offered •... BRAND NEW 2 BR. duplexes, complete with garagea and fencing, half block from Harbor Blvd. in C'mesa for jU8t ,U,200, only $2500 down. • •.. only a few of the.e excellent buya left . HURRY! ITS NO WONDER .... investor& would rather have NEW budget unit.a at leu than older ''maintenanc•· coet -buroened" propertfoa. "Budget builds better building buys-buy Budg,et" DUPLEXES 4's 6's 12's One & Two Bedroom Multiples Con.atruction -Financing BUDGET BUILDERS, INC. Li 8-7750 2129 Harbor Blvd. Models-Plana-Info. FISHER & CO. SPECIALS 1. RETffiE ON $5000 PER YEAR! Live in this lovely home 1 block from Bay and let the nmta from adjoining 6 units buy the groceri~. $35,000 -Only $10,000 down or trade in your 3 bed.rm. home in Santa Ana. 2. RETffiEMENT COTTAGE In Corona del Mar, and only $8250 full price, 1 bedrm. home 1 block from shops and transportation. 3 blocks to ocean. Fenced. Many fruit trees. 3. VETS 2 BEDRM CORONA DEL MAR Use your GI loan to buy this for only $1230 down, bal. principal and int. at $61.54 per mo. Near everything. FISHER & CO. 2603 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach, Harbor 4429 v Check These Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS, MORNING CANYON Outstanding ~iew of ocean, canyon and hills from thia quality built home. Has two bedrms., plus den, 2 baths, w to w carpeting, diahwasber, garbage disposal, shake roof and many other fine features. Built on canyon side of Morning Canyon. Full price $38,000 -$12,000 down will handle. Lot vt.lue alone worth $18,000. • 2. RANCH TYPE Just listed cute 2 bdrm. ranch type home. Paved patio & fenced for privacy. F· P . $16,000, $5000 down. Bala.nee at $100 per mo. See this today! 3. SHORECLIFFS LOT BARGAIN Just liated thia 60 ft. lot on Evening Canyon. Truly a bargain at $14, 750. Halt caah will handle. Thle won't la.et long. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Kar Bank) NEWPORT HARBOI( NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I . _ FRIDAY, OCTOIER 7, 1955 NEWPORT BEACH Ocean Front bullding aJt.e, with exlatlng duplex on rear of lot. Room for 3 Bedroom 2 bath bome on front. Full Pri~ $17,500 Furn. OCEANFRONT BEST BUY • -BEST LOCATION Home and income -Wonderful View! Double garage, extra large livlng rooms. Beautiful kitchens, nicely furniahed. Only 2 years old. Sched· uled Grosa $3,700. Full Price $29,000 -Term.a BALBOA $3,500 Down buya 3 unit. ~ Block to Bay. Excel· lent income. Nicely Furniahed. t B.R. House, 2 B.R . Apt. It 1 B.R. Apt. Absentee owner anxioua to aell. Bay & Beach Realty 1450 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1* VOGEL VALUES BALBOA ISLAND 3-Bedroom home with 2 bedroom apartment. Lo98ly dining room. Beautiful patio. Home and apartment completely funllahed for year-round living. Excel- lent financing. Loweet priced property of thUI kind on the Ialand. • Top Location on the Penninsula Charming family home. 3 bedrooma - 2 baths. Al year round home with ocean view. $23,500 with ternu1. 30x100 Lot near Lido. M-1 property · Now baa du- plex garage apartment on part of lot. Good income. Attractively priced. SUMMER COTTAGE SP~BALBOA ISLAND 2 BR. cottage with garage, in top location, and full lot . Cement foundation, oak floors, good fu:rniab.lnga only 3 yrs. old. Full price $15,000 terms. Call today this will move fast. Owner ha.a moved. The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa laland Next door to the Pott Office Har. «4 Eves. H&r. 3059-M • Har. 4.2f8-R TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE One bedroom home and 1 bed.rm. apt., both tum· iahed, only $12,000. $3000 down, balance $80 mo. 1 Blk. to ocean, l/2 blk. to Channel, New 2 Bdrm. Beach Home 1 blk. to beach. Full price $12,500, $3500 down. Out- atand.ing, must ACT FAST. Beach Cabin BAYSHORES TRAILER PARK. ~L PRICE $875 TERMS. COSTA MESA Lovely 3 bdrm. home set in most beautifully land· ecaped extra large lot in area. Must see before you buy anything. Only $14,750-$3000 down will handle. Stop, Look and Buy 100 ft. x 190 ft. C..2 Newt>ort Blvd. frontage. Full price $10,500, $2500 handlea. RED HOT! OPEN -HOUSE -OPEN Beat buy on Balboa'Peninsula Point. 2029 Miramar. 2 bedrm., 2 bath, 2 atory furnished. Only $17,500 easy terms. Move right in. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd.. Newport Beach. Har. 5226 OUTSTANDING HOME on 3 Acres Only 1 yr. old, this apaciowi 2 Bedroom, 2 bath home, beautifully built by a true craft.aman. Warm knotty pine interior with used brick fireplace. Sep· arate dining room and "dream" kitchen with ther- mador range and oven. built-in BBQ. bar, dishwuh· er, automatic laundry, etc. Large 11creened patio, dble. garage. . Located near Orange Coast College. the extra acre· age should greatly increue. in value. ma.king an ideal home and investment. Price and terms are exceptionally attractive. ·WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor STANLEY HADFIELD, Associate Realto1 1306 Park, Balboa Island Harbor 2462 OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 P. M. Daily 2572 Circle Dr. Bayshores, N. B. Encl. Patio, BBQ le Firepl. FApecialJy designed for outdoor living. 3 br., 2 ba., xtra abwr. Compl. furn .• cor. lot 11:! blk. from N. Channel. Prired to sell. CORONA DEL MAR Two holl91e8 on cor. lot. Both 2 br. & firepl. 1 hu FA beat.. Both leued. $21,500. Very choice buy. Also 483 Morning Canyon Rd., Corona Highlands. 2 BR. partly furn. R-2 lot. The b&rga.in of the day! G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. H&r. MU. Ev-. Har. 6680. l0017 • . j , ' I J ; 'A6E 6 • 'ART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOll NEWS-PRESS ·a-a.1 ~ a .......... te F«IDAY, 0<1TOBER 7, 1955 .......... Houston Values VOGEL VALUES -MAIN . Of FICE OPEN HOUSE Sat A 8un. 11 -~ BILL'S BEST BUYS ' VALUABLE GROUND Zoned for bwdn ... 3 yr. old •pie and •pan home on 48.&slM lot bl rapidly rrowinc are&. Stucco a.nd redwood, p&tio, BBQ, rear completely fenced. Priced for qulek Mlt at $9750. See tht. and arrange terma. DUTCH GmL CLEANINESS Throughout, with carpeting in living room, dining room le halls. Better eee this three bedroom, 11h bath home before it'• too late. On new curbed and paved •treet -on .ewera. M.L. No. 6280. Full Price $9,850 with only $1900 dn. Balance $67.50 mo. REAL NICE FIXER-UPPER Iuide newly decorated 3 bdrm. in excellent location. Breueway, patio a.nd other conveniences. Priced at $12,15()() 11rith $1500 down. Npt. Hgt.a. area. RF,STAURANT-GOOD BUY Going bu.ineu on Coast Highway with ~ yr. leue and renewal option. Fully equipped and eeata 35. J'u11 Price $3500 _:. with $1200 down. Good term• on balance· Owner ill, must aell. W. A. TOBIAS and.ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly service" .00 E. 11th St., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-1139 ATTENTION RENTERS ! $495 total, moves you in to & 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. Balance like rent. Really worth seeing MO L& C&A&da WtJ BRAND Nl:W DeLwle Home tor dlacnmlnatlnl' tamll)' 9Mklnl' 1&r1• nn.t., well planned. a b. r .. I bath, ultra modem. Copper plumtic.. cork n. tn den, r-MUo cortr. Oar. Or1 choice Back Bay. Lido Isle 120 VIA YELLA A BEAUTD'UL wallecMn a bd., 2 bath home on a double lot 70 x 88. Lovely patio • play yard. Neu club. Aaklnl' P7,600 Phone for key. M-1 Corner PLACENTIA at 17th Bt. with nice 2 yr. old 2 bdrm. boUM • dbl. car. Plua 71' ot vac. Pl&cenUe trontap tor a 2000 eq. ft. t&c· tory $ 11,200 Terma-Thla la a buy. Eve Info on t heM Lytle U 8·2542 2 Acres M-1 CHOICE INDUSTRIAL AR.EA.- Cone, ottlc• blq., mop, ware- hoUM, l'UOl1ne 1tor.. Nicely landacaped. HJl'h, level (l"Ound. Sprtnklau on 1 acre, all fenced. Fine buy at $27,000, tenn.t. Ad· Jolnlnr vacant a cre &180 avall· able, at 112,600. Newport Hts. $7400 GOOD OLDllR 2 bdrm., dble. rar .. fine nel(hborhood OD a IOxlOll lot. Submit on thl• barsatn! Npt. Hts. Area FULL PRJCE 17900. Neat 1 bdrm., on wide 80x90 R-4 lot. Truly a b&rpln, fl..-t area, w to w e&l'- pet, 1tove • retrt&'. incl Only 140 mo. on balance. Rm. tor another unit. Have bome • In- come too. Eve Info. on th-Petitte LI 8-8'87 3 Acre Farm 2 B. R. HSE., dbl • .-ar., J wellt. Elle. eoU • 1rr1.-. On p&Yed road, clOM ln. A ra.re b&rpn at 118,000 with l'ood terma. Eve ph. Seymour Har. 82t8-W * * * GUESS WHERE THIS IS Cue # 1 -Magnificent upobltructed view of Harbor #2 -Attractively deBigned 3·bdrm-den 2 bath home ;t3 -Built on 103'xl27' leYel lot #4 • Located in beautiful CLIFF HA VE.l\J #5 -Not Leuehold #8 -Fenced yard -room for pool #7 -Large Kite.hen-dish wuher--disposal-nook #8 -Separate dining room #9 -Two brickwalled fireplaces, cozy paneled den #10 -Newly decorated & landscaped # 11 -$7500 down bu ya thia valuable piece of real eat.ate priced at $32,500. MORE THAN AN ACRE STRATEGIC M-1 CORNE;R Present leue1 bring $4600 per year with an excel- lent future potential. M-1 zoned property in Costa Meu i8 very acarce. Here's your opportunity to buy a choice piece at the right price -$42,500 -tenna. BETTER BUSINESS BUYS Delicateuen le lunch counter ahowa grou $19,000 ........................ -... $ 6,500 Market well eatabliahed plua inventory ahowa groa over $100.000 ................ . $ 8,000 Beach conceaaion -top location. Incl. living quar- ters, showa groaa over $25,000, hi net $10.500 Garage & Sales franchiae · grouing over $20,000 ...... ·-·······--···--·· .. -$13,000 Trailer Supplies Ir Salea. Showa NET $10,000 -great potential .. . ............. $13,000 Drug Store . Good location -term1 .......... -.... $20,000 Boata -Charter business, terms - should net $12,000 ··-··-·········· .................... $22,000 Pre-School nursery (25 pupils) includes Real FAtat~ -.............................. $25.000 For ~eM and others aee: * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Cout Hiway Llbertv 8-3481 -Home & Income Looking for 243 0c .. n View, Newport Ht1. ' HARBOR VIEW home, 3 bdrm , 11' batha. Thia home la leu than l yr. old, hu appr. H20 IQ. tL A 1a rre llvtnr room over· look inc t he Herbor, L.R. hu a larse Field Stone Flrepl•ce. hardwood floora, 1tparate dining area and a very convenient kite. Be 1ure to 1ee thl1. Short -o~ Cash 1 OWNER WILL HELP Saya he'll t&ke a low down payment: baJa.nce, e~y terma. Let" talk'lt over. 3 bdrm, on Balboa Blvd. near Npl. Harbor Ya<'ht Club. Full price $9600. End That Search REDUCED for a quick ea.le. you 11mply mu1t 11ee lhil 1plc-1nd· epan home to appreciate th~ vAJue offered In thla 3 bdr m. home with harttwood noon. fire· place. eeparate dlnlng area, lit tenc~. Prict' rt.>dure<J to $16.600 Also WE NEED LISTINGS Call us If you are thlnkln&' of •elllng we ca.n be of great aervlce to you "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. lllM Newport Blvd., Cos ta Me11s LI 8·3792 LITTLE GEM Encllah Tudor cottace so. ot Blvd.. Corona del Mar. Older but mat charm. H u c e archeii lfv -<lining area. Won- dertul for entertaining. 2 Bdrm..,., den, 2 tlreplacu . a charmer at Ul,:>00. Euy term.. Ellclu1lve ace.nt. l'ORD V!:RRINDER. Harbor 4283 nea. 3477. 83Uc Doctors Attention • UNIT MODERN BLOO. on 120' x 180' Colla Me• bualneas loL Good Profeulonal location. ldt'al tor Ooctol'll, Oent lall, medical or X-ray lab. Or other profe.ulonal uae. Plenty of parklnf . P rlce- l3UIOO, Terms. NEAL J. MARTIN, REALTOR. Har. 3976 LI 8-1774. Ocl8 ... a ••r..w. "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area fami1Je1 are ~ these exquisite homes -+ noting their comfort, OOD· venlence and central location. More ind mone famiUea who prefer a home in a r.- atrlcted quality community are moving into ~ Irvine Terrace home.. Drive in today and aee for yourself the many out· •landing features of this remarkable -communtt,. Inspect the model hotit~lr, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout Highway oppallltil the new Irvine Coast Country au-., EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor "448 For Further Inf ormaUon * For Recommendation, we refer you to &llfOIM who holda a Lea.e$old Estate in Irvine 'rernoe, Beacon Ba¥, Bay Shorea and Oitf Hum MARINES Here's Your Country Estate ' • Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or• Bedroom. -Forced Air Heat· Mu.ive Stoa. Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven • • • ac~ every luxury feature and in Orange County'1 fiDe9t location. Big Estate Sized Lota suitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Thru Tu.t1n and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. HENRY VAUGHN & TED HAUSER 2029 Harbor Blvd· Costa Mesa Houst~n Realty Co. Furnished • ASSOClA TES 609 Center St. .. Coit& Meaa LI 8·8911 or LI 8-778' 2 Bdrm. HOUie which ,, aep- ar&te from a 1 bdrm. Gar. A Dug.lex for Income! Here 11 & tine buy located rlfht next to the Udo Shop- pin&' Center on a quiet SL 2 bdrma., down and 1 bdrm. up Completely A newly furn. New owner can bave upper If needed. Annua.I Income $2860 FULL PRJCE 124.000 By appointment only or OPEN HOUSE l • 6 Sa turday A Sun. At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa George M. Holstein & Sons, Buildera Designed by Cliff May ~hi. M761. Evee. LI 8-4718 or Harbor 30&l-M LIDOS Best Buys 3 Bedroom.a. 2 batba, lovely kitchen, large wnny eouth patio on 44' lot. 124 Via Mentone $31.500 3 Bedroom•, 2 baths and hobby room, aouth patio. 40' lot on Lido's widest atreet. 111 Via Genoa $34,500 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor Har. •718. 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach . LIDO ISLE Moving Can Be A Real Pleasure ... Especially when all you have to do is put on the coffee pot. Well thats about the extent of it when it comes to getting possession of this fine Lido Isle Home. • Completely furni8hed • All in immaculate con- dition • 2 generous bedrooms • 21 z bath• • love- ly patio • big 2 car garage • Full price $27.500 • (Tb• value i1 reflected in a lending institution loan .committment of $16,000 and owner may ·conaider a low down payment to responaible parties). FOR 'l1IE BEST ON LIDO CONSULT WITH LIDO REALTY Balboa BAYFRONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. • l•l bdrm .• 2 car garage, tur· nJabed, 134,600. Terma. Kll'bt coruider trade tor Ocw'6 x .. lllcofn• property. Ocean Front F'URN 3 Bedrm.. S bath bou.te • I bdrm. ..,t. over prare $2~.600 Term OLDER • bdrm. houae, forced ai.r hut. Only 123.~. DUPLEX on Balboa Blvd. 118.· 750 both unit• nicely tum. Only $&,000 wlll handle. Near Newport Pier 6 Unit.I furn. with extra vacant lot for parklnr. % blk. to beach 1 blk to bay. Beat rent.al loca· tlon, good lncom.. Only 121,600 very euy terma. Bee Ull• today. Multiple Lllt1nr Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McFadden Place Hu. HO ltve. Har. 1137-M Har. 262e.M. $1000 Down Modett home In beauutul 1ur· roundln(•· Needa dr-tnc up. Newport Hel(hta, l'ood buy at 57600 NBC REALTY CO. 32nd A Newport Blvd .. Npt. S.ach Harbor &63t Business Corner In center Coet& Mee&. 118,000 Ten?UI. • DAN A.. JACOBSlllN, Rea.It.or Harbor 6891. Evu. Ll 1·1317 Hell Corona del Mar 120 rr. frontac• on Oceu Blvd. Lovely ' bdrm., I batll borne plua IUlllt apt. la yard• ch&ut- ter1 quarten. & •tall ahowel"ll, J db'e. l'&f'&IU, 2 IUD declu. A W. KEMPI'ON -J. H. GROHMAN wonderful barptn with good G~ 11re-.t -un VIRGINIA MANSON ternu. Miu Jdfef90ft, Har. 2227 _, .. v ~"LI -or 8Tcamore 7·81117. Heu ..,,,"" y1. T 1.a-Harbor 4444 ~---~---___ .. __ ,,_,_u ___________________________________ WAl"TllD BU81NE88 • COM· MERCI.AL property, Have cllen· tel of buyere • Inveatol"ll. Ap- preciate your ll•Unr. CHINA COVE Waterfront Channinl Sweclillh Modern, terrific view. Perfect for a couple. Vacant, let ua 1how you. $38,000. Exclualve acenta, OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. Cat Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562, Har. 5154 eves. t ROBERT WHEELER. A1enl '2 Plua Square Oranl'• -KEiion 1·172S itc1e MUST Bl: SOLO on account of poor health. E1labll1hed bird nl1ln1r bu1lnu1 with S bdrm. home and ail equipment. Make offer. A1kln1 512~ for all. ORA.NOE COAST PRO PEil TIU l~i Newport, C~t& M- U 1·1~32 Eve. LI 8-l803 1, B&y View Apt. Fireplace, ·Hdwd. Oool'll, full ba., laundry, patio. CALL FOR APPOINT· KENT. A1klnl' $26,000 _!Aw Down. 806 Clubhouae, Newporl. LIDO ISLE ASKING FOR PROVINCIAL ON A 45' LOT! A beautiful larce paneled Uv- lq room, l apaoou1 bdrm•. plua paneled den W/bath which hu nulble uae. The ttnut of wallpapel'll and draperiee thru- out. The blue • whJte kitchen la carried out In Dutch Motif with brick, dlllhmuter • dl1· poeal. Laundry In rar. FA heat. Wudrobe • Cupboard •pace ('&Jore. Aaklnr $311,000 ""1th cpl.a. A: draperlu OR CAN BE SOLO FURNISHED. Beautiful St. to St. Lot $12.000 2 Bdrm.a. Conv. Den -2 Baths. 30x24 Living Room. Lota of room for entertain- ing children. BuHt-in loda fountain. Large Lot. Call for Appointment BAY & BEACH REAL TY -Lido Office 3112 Lafayette, Newport Beach Harbor 3643 HARBOR ISLAND THIS HIGHLY TeStricted unusual Harbor Island home built for privacy for ehtire family, single 1tory built around beautiful patio with pier and slip, offe.ra the ul\imate in gracious living. 4 bd~ .. 4 batha (arranged u auitel). Very large extremely lovely living room, glused front and best of all it ia completely & expensively furnished in exquisite lute. -Full price $150,000. ANOTHER GOOD ONE-On Lido. 3 BR. -2 B. Comp, redecorated and on a 50 ft. lot. AU the rooms are large. L. R. 24x30. Patio 23x24-Approx. 2086 aq. feet. Thi• worthy of consideration f~r $35.000. NEWPORT HTS. Thia two bdrm. cutie haa zip and a flare that you will like. Ila detailed for comfort and bu a 41 :.! ,..o loan payable $78.08 per month including taxes & inaurance-$4,890 down. Full price $1:5.000 Exclusive with us THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Evea. Har. 2191-M Har. 1380 or LI 8-5297 CLIFF HAVEN 811 Oiff Drivt Three bedrm. It den homt. Excellent condition. Newly carpeted. Beautifully landacaped front and rear gardena. Costa Mesa Architect'• former home. Beautifully landacaped, cfellghtful patio. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. FHA financ- ing. Euy tenJ\8. Only $14.500 Call Liberty 8-266-i (Eve1 LI 8-7066) EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th and In·ine, Newport Beech 12c14 I THERE JS A WOJ\OERFUL piece of bualrlt'U pr'Operty to~ 11ale with excellent lenn1 . .Long term leue1 pending, tota.llng' approx. 122~ a month. M • I prop- l'rty, plUA BOIOP rash Wiii b., lOll- aidered In a trade. Call owner LI S-6223 morning• or a!ttr 6 p.m. 9Llc NEVER AGAIN WILL IT BE POSSIBLE TO Bl'Y a lOOxlOO ft. corner lot an ht111 t of Balboa with a complete 11er· - vice a talion, fully equa pped. g rQ8s ulu over 160,000, ha11 4 bdrm home, plenty room f•Jr expa.n· 1lon. The price a nd nl't Income will please you. Call AL TYLER. Broker 607 E . Balboa. Har. 3606. t lc16 Lido Isle 3 BDRMS., 1 "• baths, la.rge lanai. large llv. rm, dining rm .. bat All electrical equlpt.. Incl. dlsh· wuher. dl~poul. equipped for e uto. clolhu wuher. By 1pp't. only. By owner. Kl 3-0~83. 1Jcl6 LIDO Bay Front with 4 bdrm11., 3 bAlh.s Modem In <'Very '1tl&ll. The 011- ly one of Its kind for $611 000. BURTON B BECK. Rltr I< JnBur. 2914 \\'. Coai1t Hwy. Har 221 H t'I:'> SHORECUFFS nearly new apac- • lou.s, quality, r&nch type home. 3 bdrm .. 2 batha, de.n. w11lel1 patio A lge. dble. gar. Sltua tr!I on canyon. with be.auUful view of ocean a: hllla. W.W. rarpet· lng. All modern appolntmenta. 1 blk. from beach. Owner Har. 2302 -240 Morning Canyon Rrt - l}clll Costa Mesa 3 F URN. UNITS, bf'l1t lo•·1t1M. C-1 lot l'.>8x3()0 S l 0,000 rlown A Real Fine Home 3 BR FU RN., rlrepl11ce. h<'11ter11 Double a-aragt, large lot. 16000 dn.-234 Broadway. Look at It, then call u1 Newport Beach J FURN. UNITS, 2 lote. 2 prage.s near pitr. $!~ ff:IO rull pr1c,. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR toe McFAdllen Pl&<'e H•r 140 E ve. Har. 1137-f'{-Aar 21129-M Caft o\ 8&kPry . . . Cale Cleanlflg Apncy .. Paint Store .... 2 fur. Income unit.I . • ,1 rur. lnrome unlt11 . $1 ~ 000 S 4:WO ' 11 200 . $open .. 110800 S37:'>00 We have the ~~l tor thf' ll'ut Invest merit. UE CASEY OFYJCE 2721 IC Cout Hl«ihw1y Co1nna 11r l Mu Harh<>f 08ifl l:'>r17 • Prtt BALBOA ISLAND Lovely 3-bdrm. 2 bath home comp'Jy and attract11 furn. Sunny patio off kitchen ; Xlnt location clOM to Village. $24.950 Terms too! Good year-round 2 bdrm. home. Lota of knotty plae in Iv. rm. floor furn. fireplace, service porch. Dal' Bay and village PLUS real cute 2-bdrm. apt. Better Hurry! $27,500 with terms if desired. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Harbor 502 EXCLUSIVE BEACON BAY •' Your own private beach. Charming 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. Spaciowi gla.ued- in living room, thermador kit., 1dj. delightful patio. 3 car garage & guest apt. Price $60.000 -Terma WM. W. SANFORD, Realtor And Associates 1306 Park, Balboa Island Harbor 2~2 WANTED - A Discriminating Buyer J ust listed. the first time offered, probably the mo.t. comfortable 2 BR home so. of the Hiway in CDM. Lg. rooms. HDWD flrs., lovely Fire pl Loada of til(', bit. in oven & range. A lovely Home -PLUS- A guest room with :i, Bath and an oveniize Dbl. Gar .. stressed for apartment. In beat neighborhood, JUSt steps to the Beach. Our Exclusive -Priced right with liberal term•. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy.. Corona dcl Mar Har. 277' VOGEL VALUES 3 Bedroom Ranch Style N('wport Heights, near schools and shopping. Large living room, massive fireplace with built up hearth, sliding doors onto large patio. Dining room, 2 bath.. · WW carpets in every room, lovely drapes. Yard completely landscaped and fenced. Thermador elec- tric kitchen. Call us and let u11 thow you thi1 at· tractive home. Terms. $23.500 full price $1500 Down 2 bedrms., 12x18 living room, tile kitchen, break- fast area, dining area. Patio, BBQ. An opportunity for a nice home with low down payment. TRAILER COURT 44 Modern Spaces, plus 4 hcu8('11 and orfice. Patl<>11. Roada black topped. Exc('llcnt income. BEST BUY .SEE TH.ls. ' The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport Blvd .. Coeta Mesa l...fberty 8-5597 Evea. LI 8-7457 le Har. 1380 • • l ' !_, .• i ........ BLANCHE A. GATES, ~ealtor BALBOA ISLAND 80. BAY FRONT. Cbo!ce location. Lovely j B.R· home. •h int. pier. Boat included. "5.000. NO. BAY FR. Charming 4 B.R. home - 1 B.R· apt. Top location. $M,500. SOUTH BAY FR. Pier 0 lt n One of our moat choice 4 B.R. bomet. $l57,500. SO. BAY FRONT· Corner. A Honey. Small furn. 2 B.R. home $3U500. BEAUT. 4 B.R. furn. home near No. Bay. $32.500. Off·ahore moorinc inc. SEE TRIS! HONEYMOON C01T AGE. An adorable redwood home, built 1948, beaut· patio. 1 large B.R. 1 small. ONLY $15,950. No. So. Bay. 2 B.R. HOME AND APARTMENT. Both unjta furn. Nr. No. Bay It village center. $19,000. A MqST to eee! Ll'ITLE ISLAND -4 B.R· 3 bath home. Ellerbrook destined and built. $39,500. Let UI l)JC?W y.a thi• beautiful honle. CORONA DEL MAR HOME AND INCOME. A IJ>&Cioua and charming one bedroom home. Picture window overlooking ter· raced garden. H .W. flra., Fr. Pl. PLUS almilar one B.R· apl Built on double lot. ONLY $22,500. 4 yr. old 2 B.R. home. Moet attract1ve1 Good loca· tJon. Ready for Immediate occupancy. $14,7!50. NEWPORT BEACH BUS~ OFJ'ICES. Beautiful Bldg. 7 yn. old. XlDt. income. s~.ooo. CLIFF HAVEN Gorgeoua View ot Bay-Ocean and Harbor. OWNER SAYS SELL! Beautiful 1pacioua home. Muter B.R. with Fireplace 38x18. ONLY $25,500. BUT HURRY! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor VJ!VBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Barbor 1671 or 1672 LOOK!!! $13,500 BEST DUPLEX In Hubor Area Newport Height.I. Thia ii the top buy for location, age and construct.ion. 4 yean old, R-3 lot. We have the key. Don't mlaa Wa. 3 BR· Ir DEN, 2 BA.ms EVERYTHING you uk for. Baek Bay locatJon. You can't beat the combln.atJon of good architec- ture and cbarmlnc Interior. You can not duplicate tht. houae for the ukinr price of $22,500 -Terma. CLIFF HAVEN $12,.00 A DANDY PRICE. Juat U.ted thil 2 bed· room, Si replace "take it euy dolt bou.ee." A little garden to care for bound around by a tall fence. It's a honey. Low down. REX RECHS. REALTOR 2307 w. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5156 Npt. Beach 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' A very nice 2 bdrm. home It atudio apt. Lovely patio & B.B.Q. A·l comer location & room to build another unit. Tbe apt. 18 furniabed and the 2 bdrm. home includes stove, refrig. & carpet. $12,250 with $2750 down & balance $90 per month. BACK BAY ONE ACRE RANCH0-5 bdrm. home, 2 baths, large breakfast room, fireplace, & many extras. More room to build or plenty of room for honiea, etc. $37.500· FIVE FULL ACRES -richt in t own -within &ewf'r district. $31,500 CASH. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Colt& Mesa Ll 8-1601 Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Sea- ahore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and h? bath down, 3 bedrooms and 1 Y2 bath1 up. Solid con- struction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car carage, enclosed yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3.ll3 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 DUPLEX CHOICE LOCATION, out.It.anding value. Patio de- 1igned for outdoor living. Cloee to fthest Bay 1wim- mJng. Oc!ean and Bay view. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION 8~ W. Bay Ave., (Cor. of 9th Ir Bay) Price $25,500 -Terma BRAND NEW 2 BORK. HOME, large 14x23 ft. living room. Beau- tituJ bar Ii cabinet.I of natural wood. Tbe lot ii extra large, ample room tor another h ome with patJo between. Located only 1 blk. from Beach. OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION $12,MO Full Price. -Excellent Tenne. 4701 River Ave., (Cor. of 47th St. Ir Balboa Blvd.) Exclu.aively by- J. M. MILLER CO. 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Near the Newport Pier Hu. 4091 -. - I \ a::1a~·~·!ll_!El!lll&a!M!_ ___ ·~·~:!!·~-~ ...... !'!~-~---~a~·~·!.'..!Kl~lti~te!,_ ___ ~·~~--~· r~e!!!o~---· NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART''. PASE 1 ~ FRIDAY, OCTOIER 7, 1955 · p . a . p a I m e r i n c o r·p o r a t e d developers of Udo Isle J Beautiful Lido Residence Artistically land8caped on very choice alte, 92 feet OD Centro Strada, eo feet on Dijon. and -i5 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool it deeired. Large 3 bedrm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for Indoor-outdoor living. Tbi1 'home ii eet apart by it.I charm, even in t.b1a 1eetion of lovely bomet. $32,MO full price with term1. Modern Charm, individuality, tranquil ~t.mo1phere all blend perfectly in th.it fine 3 bedroom 2 bath home. You will enjoy every minute in the lovely livingroom with it.I cheery fireplaoe. Very nicely fumiahed by Barker Brothere. Carpeted and draped. Fumiabed price only $32.~. Tenna. Family Growing 7 Fresh as a Paisy On Udo ble, an appealinc ~r borne decorated and de9iped in perfect lute. An unbeatable value in the mOlt perfect location then evtt could be. May I 1how you through thW charmln& 3 Bedroom 1 ~~ Bath Rome! Price: $2S,!W)(). Ex.cellmt financing Aak for' Joe Kincaid. Panoramic View Of Harbor and Ocean from your own euy chair. IJighett quality home include. 2 Bedrooms plua Den 2 Batha -2 Flapt.one Fireplacea -all poMll>le extru. Large F~ Simple corner lot. Price: $38.500- Call Dave O.bu.rn for appointment. Analyze and Think Why build and eo thru hypertenaion ! Let me &how you tht. new a Bedroom 1 % Bath home on Udo I.Ile. Built by Vitecher in hia own out.tanding tub· ion. Fully carpeted and land8caped. Price: SM,000. All for Joe Kincaid ----------------w----"""'.'~! !G!;::=R~•!!!,~~r..ta~!!!&e!..., __ _.._ __ ~ ... !!::=·~eal~~E~.._!!!111!__.. ___ . __ ..,:- BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS. Modem 1 bdrm. apt.; older boat ho~. Show your ability at "do it younelf'' $21.&00 2 BORK. FURN. HOUSE, noor f\lmaee and fti. place. Small lot. Reduced for quick a.ale. $1:5,500. eo IT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Utt.» llland, pier, noat, formal • bdrm. hoaM. The land value ia cloee to tM uk~ pnc.. BEACON BAY, Bay front. Often dreamed about. rarely 11ea1. Exqulaite 3 bdrm., 3 bath home. Thermo kitchen. Partly cov. patio PLUS 1 bdrm. apt.. done in the aame good taflte. Funuabed - few exi,tptiona. Shown Friday aft~moona only $59,500 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT. Large lot. charmin1 5 bdrm. 31 2 bath bowie. Dining rm., modem kit- chen, diap., diahw.Wr, loll of cupboard.I and cto.eta. Plue unuaual 2 bdrm. apL over 3 car ~ age. Both units all newly furniabed in Jiodenle. Ideal for home and income or gueeta. Har. 1T15 -Evea. Edith lilaroon !IYatt 4-em John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor . . -.. Do you deelre the many advantagea of living on Lido Isle·tor your children'! If ao, you ebould tee thi1,- lt'• a 2-atory family home on Via Lorca. 4 bednns, 2 bathe, forced air furnace, informal kitchen with built-in range and oven, fireplace,-you ahould eee this at only $30,750. Owner will take in smaller Lido home. \ '-_22:5 llarine Ave., Balboa taland . p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor U500 p. a. palmer incorporated ole banson co;, sales management 1700 w. cout hlgbway -1lbert)' S457S XLNT VALUES Call Harbor 2042 • Balboa Bay Shoree Home of dilUncUon, 2 t>drm1. OWne:r hu to leave area, MY• "tell." ExcJ111lve Llet~ e Acacia, Corona del Kar Immaculate 2 bdrm.. cor. Joca- Uon. Price juet cut. Owner MYI tell. e CUit Raven. 530King1 Rd. I bed.rm., 2 bath. naodem. Ba· eon'• beet buy al 122,000 Call now for app'l. (MulUpla u.t· In~ 4!H7) • Builden .Attention I lot., Bo. of Hlebway. Oorona dll Mar. All ro tor 111,000 • Poi.D.lettia. COM 700 Blk. ( l:ut Side Cbotce JooaUon) Vuy •ldom do )'OU set -op-portunity to buy a home ltka Uili tor llt,000 turn. T•nN. Your "Castle in the Air" Can be your home IOOD if you consult a Multiple U.ting Realtor. He can show you a wi~ varlet)' of the choicest valuee in your price ranee . . . and he know• how to draw up contract.I for the most convenient terma. You'll find it pay1 to do bual· nett with a REALTOR. Phone or drop tn to _. one of the 275 reliable MULTIPLE LISTING R.EAl, TORS in the Harbor Area. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors .01 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Two Open Houses-------- Fri · Sal. • Sun. 1 • 5 p. m. • 706 Larklpur, COM 2 bedrm. doll hollff. Price juet reduced for thla event. Owner want.a acUon. e 3604 Ocean, Cor. of Or- cbid, COM. Panoramic Bay and Oc.an Vlrw. Show her Uta and you'll bav~ to buy It. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Rayle.C. Trava-c. RUN,~. 312 Marine Ave. -Balboa laland Fresh as a Daisy BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES Four nicely furnished unite, well located -excellent income retuma. An unusually clean and well kept property fOU'd be proud to own. $36,500. TenDI can be arranged. Here'• a nice older home that hu been completely remodeled and right on the OCEAN FRONT for only $20,400· 4 bedrm., 2 bath, FA beat. Rent.a for $500 per month in the 1ummer. $8700 move1 you in! Very cute brand new 2 bednn. home. Only 1 block from beach and 1 block from Cout Highway, on an extra large lot. Full price only $12,!W)(), $3500 dn. Living rm. ii 24 ft. long, 'trindow1 a.re all It.eel aab. Alk for Bob Ridgway Two Beautiful Peninsula Homes! NO. 1. DOCTOR"& HOKE WITH ' BEDROOMS, 2 bathe. SJtu· ated on two larger corner kit.a . •• walled for prtnq. Badmia· too court. .,.tlo and nicely land· ecaped. BeauW\11 cal'pfta and drapa. aao.&00. terma. NO. 2 BRAND 1fEW LISTINO ..• Cut.-home oa "l.M potat ·• Two .C.OrJ wtt.b <>c.an "'-fl'Olll U.· U-. room. I bedrooma. l % bat.Ila. N.-11 decorated Ill and out. Double ,.,...... Two IDOl"e bed· rooma could be added.. Call to- da,y t.o ... t!m OIM , , , l lT,llOO, l4000 down. Bay Front Duplex! A LITl'LlJ X ONEY W1LL CON· VEftT uu. dupla .St.b 2 Md· l'OOIDI ID eecla -lato a --&Wf\11 .., bait proper\,)'. .. po.Mble ..... r.t.al arlJL 2 ftnp'-. wndq. p r J " at e Macia ~ .-.. ~ ol coune. PT .aoo. t--. Balboa Cottage! DANDY P'OR TEAR AROUND LIVING OR BEACH C01TAOE "11'1liahed. On Eut Bay Ave- nue cloM to town and Bay. 81eepe I people, and In Yf::r/ pod condtUon. You wtD want to - UU. ooe, too. •12.aoo, J5000 dD. Balboa Realty Co. ~t.. Bank ol AJIMriea ROia Ot"Mlef Al Conlellua l:d 1- Jaek PtnkJMuD Joeepblne Webb TOO E.. Ba1bcm BITCl., Ba1bcm Pbooa Harbor '211 roRSALll INCORONADelKAR Bot.b com.mft.c:sa.l and raldm· u.a IJIClCllM property. Nf#W 2 bldroolll bome 90Qth flt mpwa,. tn rood oapborbood. ,.... ' CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Lease With Option Unomtruct.ed view! 3 bedroom. 1 % bat.hi home. atnet-t.o...treet locatJon. 40' lot. Fireplace, BW n oon, Large rooma, large kitchen with 1ood me din.inc space. Fenced yard plua 1U.Ddeck 6 nmap rm. with built-in BBQ. Good tenm-WW-.. with option to buy. A real opportunity at $U,9C50. View Duplex on the Main Beach TbJa is a home It income that will abow an -cellet return on your inveatmenL Built-in futuree include range 6 oven, dilpoea.la. etc· See UUa acellmt ftlw location at only $31,500. · V aeant Lot in Corona Highlands The very best lot buy in the area. 108' frontap 6 Miler will include plana for a 3 bedroom plua ptq- room home with 1% bat.ha for thJa ·low prb of $8,000. Better hurry! • . The Vogel Co. 2ee7 E. Cout fflshway Corona del Mar Har. 17(1 Har. 1'77 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, l:ut of Santa Ana A venue, off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modem Homea No· Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Salesman on tract every afternoon an4 l'ft. SANT A ANA. MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa AILI. Calif. Pbonea Kimberly 7""4168 i..n.ty a..-r (Eveninp Liberty M786) THI8 a p • a 11 n 1 3 bedroom home beauWully deoorat.ed In· aide and out with enc:loeed patio combine to make t.h1a the top buy In I.he mo1t wa.nted locaUon ln Coat& Mua . • . Full PrlC4 j111t $12,600 with es· c' lien t tenna. Mull have larger home! Three tiedrm., 2 bath mod· em home acrou from Catholic Church and grade ecbool $10,900-$2000 down. Will trade for Eut AltracttY9 f1o« p&u wit.b moel -------------------- ea.ta Meu, 4 bdrm. • IDOM'n ldtcben. "C:' THOMAS ''C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS UC' TROK.Aa Cliff Haven !lee Wilma Hough BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd· Barbor :5188 Fihmonis Rlty. Co. BEACON BAY • We are proud to offer one of the ma.t cbann1ni TRULY AN OUTSTANDING --------------------- XUltapa. u.t.lDC R-.Jtora. artne-Broker homee in thil choice Beacon Bay area. completely and beautitully FURNISHED in early ADMricaa. U1e of provincial wallpapen lencS. a dWJDcttft at. moepbere. Located on a 50 ft. corner lot with new of baythil home hu 3 ~e bedrooma, panelled dla, 31 2 tiled baths, natural kitchen with brakfut .,_, beautitul panel.Jed living room with fireplace, tall aized dining room, service porch. 3 outdoor acloMd bathing ehowen and dreMl.ng room1, atra larp encloeed patio, beautiful grounda and laad8C&pilai. 3 car garage PLUS 1 bedroom garage apt. tandlh· ed and attractively decorated. Price i.nclud91 auto- matic dilhwaaber, dilposal, automatic wuher, stow and refrigerator. Truly a d.iltinctive bome built by Leon Yale ~ $55,000. Excellent terma. PROPERTY ot unuwal detilgn; a brand nnr family home tull or 11Varmlh and charm ••. 3 bed· rooma, 2 bath Redwood RuaUc wtth a kitchen you can't rulat. Plua a Panoramic: View from the rooftop obMrY&tory. Full Price only 128,500. Let u1 •how you th11 Wdayl Baek Bay Area Lot 120' x 2112' on aewen. can be dJvtded Into 2 Iota. BELOW MARKET AT H .000 With lerm1 Bay & Beach Realty GOLDEN RULE VALUE HELL'VA GOOD BUY Add up theee features: 1. 8 acre. •• value SlS,000 2. Large 3 bdrm home approx. 1800 1q. ft. 9,000 3. Large 1 bdrm. home (.000 Total Value $28,000 Just alt on t.b1a property .•• it will make you money. REAL VALUES Rancho TWO Badnn. home on ball acn M • UO. Good l!:Ut aide di.I· trlct. Prt-4 to ..U-t.erm.. WI: haft just llat.ed th1ff ntce buildlnr 1ou. Good JCut ade diftrlct .. Prie.d nrht. B.A NERESON P'ull ael1ing prtc. $19,000· llH Nft'J)Ort Blvd. R&ALTOR CO.ta MeN, Calif. 1111 Newport Bhd. Cotta M.. -llftn LI 1-1181 l>nll. u 1-1158 PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON LI 1-HTJ ~LI 8-4120 72 ft. VIEW LOT ON KINGS ROAD-~· 1M6 Newport Blvd., eo.ta M-. 10 ACRll mountaln ranch about "C" THOMAS, Re•ltor tm mil• from Fallbrook tn De-u (acroa from eo.t& Meu. Bank) ha. Good well, oTer 150 avocado 224 W. Cout Highway, Newport Beach· LI 8-M2T LIDO ror la1e or laue, slnL I bdrm. CORONA DEL MAR Xlnt. 2 bdrm. CHEAP, Phone LI 8-6761. Evea. Har. 4388 -LI 8-2103 in..' JTL old. 8maU u:nllnlah· ect bouM. &11 eled.rlc. 2 acre9 "C'' TIIOKAS "C" THOMAS ''C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS BACK BAY I bdrm.. .. deft, baaul1-119.9~ I bdrm. 2 bath 1tucco -·· 21,500 70x.HO on Blemt. VIit.a .... 8.500 C-1 108.x300 Unproved ---'3&500 C·I ltedOO wut •Ida ....... 16,9~ C-2 100' front on blvd. wtlh hou..e -·--···----··-· -211,000 I l'OOd acne tor .Ubdt'f -·· 18.000 Claire Van Hom REALTOR 2731 W. Cout Hwy. LI MJ77 :ATTENTION INVESTORS! ! . "k WANTED -$70,000 A fT0,000 inve1tment that will return $1!5,000 I"* a year; net return $13,000. Tbert! can only be one place like tht. in the world. DORIS BRAY. Realtor CLARENCE LAKE JIM BLOOGE'IT MIDGE MICK 218 Marine Ave. Harbor 20 or M fmced for puture. 2 ~Ira --------------------wtt.b plptnc to each tree. Family orcbard. Thia 11 a r-.1 ba.rp1n dut to OWMrW akkMm ~ about % doW1l. Al90 .0 acre. In ame area. all f~nced $13,500 10 ACRE mowitain retr.t 1n Clnel&lld For.t. 16 mu. from a.nta Ana. Bprtnr on propttty lltOO, Barn Emmem, Broker. Bar. lOU-R lk16 . BA.Jl'OA. VDT A 1CSW I Wrm.. ftara.-'1600 down MO mo. oamplet& Bal. 17:!00 Owner 8TCUDOl'e ~ 1~17 CORONA DEL MAR Finlt time oUered, 2 bdrm. home. One bath with xtra atall shwr. PLUS exceptionally nice pnp apt. now leued, two car prage. Property ln acel.- lent condition. Thi• la one of the better bomee wtth income. Only $21 ,500. RAY REALTY CO. 34.u E . Cout Hwy., Corona de1 Kar Har. 2al ( Acroea from Bank ln CDli) • -J } • I I , I I • l . •. • I H.ARBOR LUTHERAN NARRATIVE SERVICE ST. JAMES WOMEN TO HEAR Costa Mesa DELEGATE TO CONVENTIO?\ First Baptist :7!. .. .,. "Oocf• tnf'\-ttal>le Pm-1 •World Missions' WhtnHJll)' al 1 30 fl m Pr•"" Ml'n •nit M1u1on1 Sunday w1U nnJ Bible atully huur, At 8.M bC' ob•• r\C'J ()(·t 9 al Comn1un1ty pi·~ rr groupe wlU mret. l l't1Url'h. C''lm111a •lt'l Mar The Rfv. On 1'uu1Jay night l.hc: Brrtan &lwln l' Ooo1kl' will talk OI\ Bib~ c1 ..... will hold Ii.a monlhly "Our Chrt.llan \\ or1,1 M161L1oru", d au party at lhf' home of Mr. Tht1 e w1N bt Ill\ 1nalallallon n - "11'1 )lr11 Nat Travia. 1024 Or· r11111uny durini: tht' 11. o'('l°'k ffr• &n&t A\'e. Slltlla Ana. Vl('e tor lh• 1·h111\:h llChOOI •Wt. Congregation Conducting Evangelism Mission Work of the coo&n#&Uon an opportun· lly to prf'Pa,.. thenulf'lve1 toe the I mlaillon. Mr1. Don111d WedekinJ LI cb&Jrmaa ot t.he prayer pre· M ni. Whltnry Wright will report on the bltnnkll ienn111 con vmUon of Utt l:pJuop&I Church, held lh111 aumm<'r 111 Hawa.11, at lh• tint luncheon eual0n of the Womlll\'1 Aux- War-y of St. Jamu Church. to be held Wednud1y at 12:30 p.m. in the Pari•h Hou1e. lotn1. Wright a ttended th,. con\'en· Uun H Mlegate lrom the t...qng Beucb Convocation. At the Flrsl Bapwt Chur ch of C'~•La Mua, tor the 11 a m wor1h1p tervle«, tht' Re,· P O. :'\t<umLlln will havt> at h11 mn- sace. "Human Cond1uona ., t Prayer". SUll&ly School will ro11· vene at 9:4~. W'llh C'IUll<'a for all ~---------""l""--------------­ panalion committee. Luncheon wlll be eervcd by St. Cecella'a Guild 11nd tht'N! wtU be discullllon of auxiliary work. 'Ihla will Include paruh dlnnen and part.a wh.lch each l"Jlld may take In fundra l•lng event.I for the propoeed church QddJtlon. agc:a. A nurwry I• provided for •mailer children durlng the var· CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE Erne1l Holn:ea. founder, a uU\llr or "Sclcnco of .,llnd." Other pre -llUNloo acUvitlet lnolUde th• trainlJll' ot lay lead· en lo promote th• ev~ellam procra.m and lb• tr&J.nlnr of cal- ler1 lo vtalt membel"ll ot Ult church and non -membttl to en- loua 111rvkn. SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Lm. .lwdor Churt'b and Nunery Cani ll a.m. For the third comecutive year Newport Barbor Lu- theran Cbureb will bold ita popUlar Na.rntive Service. A ftep-by«ep explanation of the Lutheran SerWce, tbe Nar- ntive Service will be preeented at both tbe 9 a.m. and 11:15 Mra. J. H . Rigr1. pruldenl. entertalned board member• ot the auxiliary at her home, 211 Eul Bay Front, Wednuday and plane made. will be ~veaied at the luncheon. At t .30 p. m. B&ptltt Tra ining Union will meel, alltO lhe ra.a· lor's 111 .. lruc:Uon ciao . At 1 30 p. 111. t he paator'a 11ermon top1<' K t'\'. •rl• Turk. MtDl!ltf'r l.AOl:NA BACH A.JlT UAU..ER_Y H\'aU 6-T!N IOl CUtr Dr. a.m. worahip.boura. courace part.lclpaUon ln the ml1---------------------------r-------------------------------------- t.M cburch. 2li01 Clltt Drive. from 8unday, Oct. JO, thro\llb Thur• •lon. Lay tcbool acUvlllu are un- der th• dlr«llon of Mra. J ohn Nett. Don Leroy Bowman la IS 'MIRACLE'? Orictnated at 8 L MatlMW Lu· UMran °'urch la New Torti City, ~ aplaaatory MJ"Ylce WU l.D· ~ced to tM Barbor ar-bJ Put.or Robert B. Gronlund ln tM day, NOT. f . 7.oaa prayer bea 8CMdWed m..c.iAp b ave cha irman or ti~• vwtatlona com· to sin membera mlttee. flnt yNr ot Illa mJnl.-Uy. It ------------------------pnftd 80 popular I.hat ll bU ~ nipetiled eftry year a-. .... UT1111G18'1' Asselllhly of God Receives Permit 8Wld&y 8daool 8Upertat4!Ddalt ~ Hnaa will aid Mr. Gronlund la the .,,-t.aUon Mn· Inc u UtvsWt tor UM day.~ Carol a.otr wtlJ.. "°I at t a. m. alld U>e CMn&t-Cbolr at n :u W1Ua baritcee WUtOD lAWton -.inc '"lbe Lord'• Prayer'" bJ M&lotu al 'both .. mces. Another ~nt 9Cbedu.lad at tbt Jf.wport H•tchta c11urcb to bet-PAGE I -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS tar tntorm tntellftled pa..-oa FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1955 tlw Lut.Mraa faJUt LI the Inqulr-·----------------------.. cLua. -adult t.MtnletMe NEWPORT BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES SJ'OUP In Lutbtra taehlap. 11le Jnqu.lren. whlch UWI year wtll al- llO lllcluda a atUdy Of the Bible In Brief. a pocllet-9i&e aynopoll&a of llM Bible. beflna WedDeeday, Oct. 1J at I p. m. IClll:roUIDent Tiie 8Undt.,y Cb&m:h School of the Ftr1t BapUat Church la opea to all &Ad may be made ot N9WJ)Ol't Beaeb. ltlll and W . Balboa Blvd., l• 1ta.rtlnc a ., pbolllq the cburdt olft~. new yau ot llludy wtUr cl--. for ail ~· The Adult claal. IU8IUON •·oaa now betnc t.au«bt by the Rev. Herbert Johneon., ii llta.rtlng 'fta cmacrecaUoa ta p..-u, -ln"-t1q Uld lnformaUve atudy of the lJfe of Chrhlt. IM:· ~, an ~ ...,..p-oordtq to Ule r~• of Lukt-. l8D c:am,.tp -a ~. ~~ tMcti•nc. rwtUac for aartat ·~ for CluUt" wiU be lbe ae,rmon topic for .u.ion. acccJnlinc to an OCNB the 11 Lm. aentce wit.b the putor, Mr. Johnaon., preachinc. rea.ue. At T p.m. the .ermon theme wiU be, M'Ille Ure That KtpltCbl ol tM Newport 11Ma-OuaDta." .A.Iler tM aen'lce colored .Ude plctwu wW be R\own. .. u.n mu.6oe will be a .n. --------------------------------°' tupr&Uoeal •rmw "7 • paat ........... tobe~at Catholic Deanery Meeting The Or&a&• QMmt)' o..ry ol UM La. ~ Attbdl--.n c.ounctl of CaUtollc! Women ~ at our ~ o1 rau.a aa.reh In ... Olmmt. on <>et. 4.. ,.,.._ ..... , otncer ........... OUttton •• CTom&e of Anaheim. R.eport4I ...... "-"' hUD cma- Mltll'e cbainnen: M\ae CUmm Oybar'Dllal. Oil cooperatJon wtt.b the Spuitah ..-kine; Kn. Har- ._,. lAftS. oa Catholic Toutll Or- pniDtiona; Mn. ft.obnt Landoa. on curTal Catholic uteraturw: )(n. Jl'nnk Ba.-keu. Ttee-pnlll- •nt of Ole Deanery. oa chart· taWe artlYllJea of member pu- ..,_ In the de&MTY: and Kn. .John ~-Jr. qt eo.t.a )(- • coopentloll betw~ boma and llChool. AT B. I. CHURCH Fellowship Holds Rite for New Senior Group apt.en :routM we.-. formally HrYlce. ware M&rtlyn Sboolar, ,_.ftd tnto tba mamberahtp of Suale Stone, Whitney B&lnea. Me- 8-lor Youth Fellowab.!p of lhe Unda Rork, J ean Smith, Donna Balboa h1and OoaununJty Melho-Smlt.h. Je&nlne Bonner. Chuck diat Cbun:b at a c:andlellght Kr-Kramer. Roa Eckert, Henry Fer · 'rice coeclucted Sunday evening. ry, Ronny Carl, Larr-y Metcalf, Oct. 2. ta UM cburch MRCtuary. Dan S&nda, ~nnl1 Brown. and CoDdUet1q UM eenice were Sandra Fleer. IAlaron Waidellch, prealdent, and Precedlng t b e service the Roa BL Clair. W9rda of cha!· rroup enjoyed recreation led by lenp .,.,.. sinn by lh• mlnl-SWiile Stone. A film, "Ar• You a.r. the ftey. Dona.Id G. Sapp. • Good Cltlun !" WM shown. Re- Mn. Nora TUlmany aened u or-fruhmenta were eerved by MIN ranWt and Georg• Rauaer wu Shooter and Mia WaJdellcb. B m · the aco1yta. ry J'erry iuuAunced plalul for a Tllo a• rec9~ membenbip ·hayride ached~ tor Sunday carda, lDdudiDC U.O. la.dtnc t.be evenln~. Oct. 30. Island Methodist Church Has Attendance Crusade JotniDc Oftr 300 Ket.hodlat While thr majority of the churchn of the Southern CaJlfor· I churchu wilt concentrate on nla-ArUona area ln a CTe&t evau church attendance during J anu- geiLltlc empbula for Jt~IWI la •ry lll\d February, the local oon- UM Balboa "'laiand Community rrepUon has l>f'gun 1t.1 emphuas )(ethodl.at Churm which this earUer. The Rev. Donald G. Slipp Sunday begtna It.a aeamd week 1t.atea, "Thi• ~em1 the more ap· of a church attendance cruaade. propriate time for our church to Upper Bay Baptist Church 1trH1 evangeli.em bttause of the Kra. BaHkftUI reported c io. to 2.000 lbe. of u.wd clothing allipped Oft ...... &Ad a larp 4flll&"Utf of f c-' dl.slributed to Beedy famUJu. ()yer 100 MW 1a,..uu. conalattar of 10 ptt'C49 .-di. werl' .ent to the Pope'• Moreroom In Rome. and llO bUlch- _. aprona Miil to ~· women of llpe.ln. TM latter la a ll)Mldal pro~l nf L.A.A.C.C.W. Tb e ~ womftl o( Spain UllU1ly ....... oaty one rood dff9 and t.be ...,._ "bulcber" aprona are ued te prat«t the d,_ and .,.. -lntcral part of tba coetwna Upper Baf Baptist CllW'Ch will el u. Bpantah women. meet In tM Cllapel Ball. Corner numeroua winter resident.I who com' to the b land during Sept· t'mber and Oc-tober." During lhe winter 11ni1 1prlng month.II the church 111.'111 .streM prt>aching evangell.srn. The evangelism emphul1 ll SANTA ANA, OCT. T fOCNSI Commenting that miracles do come to p&l8. Walttr Price, pas· tor of the Aaaembly of OQd churcll of ~ View. left lhe rooma of the county board or su· pem.ons wtth peml111lon to pro· ceed wtth hla mnall church on Olt'nooe St. ~spite ~mphatlc act.ion of the county plannlng commlselon laat week ln recommending denial or Price'• application becau11e hl1 church alte wu considered too 1m&U. 1upervh1ora were una ni- mous ln overriding the r«•<'om- mendallon. The IHUe congngalion, now meeting ln a tent, hu been given a building for a church eanctuary on sUpulatton It be located Im- mediately. The bulldlng w111 ac- commodate 811 wor1h.lpper1 and there 11 enough room on the •Ile to care for lmmf'dlate parking needa. RecocnJslnc that the principal objecUon to the church loca tion Lesson Sermon Challenges Power of Evil 'To put down the claim of 1ln. you muat detect It, remove the muk, point out lhe llluldon, and thus get the victor-y over sin lll\d ao prove Ill unrealit y." Th 11 1tatement by Mary Baker Eddy In "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" CHT:24-2T) Is from the IAH<>n -Sermon to be read In all Christian Scl.ence churchea Sunday. The quullon "Are Sin, DLleaae, and Death Real 'f" la the aubject. The story of thb P1 odlgal Son from Luke'a Gospel 1a 1<lven. After wutlng hla lnhl'rltan~ In notowi Uvins &nd t>elnc c.apU· Y9ted by the pleaauru Qf aln, he a woke from that captivity and 1&w that ldn had only bro111tht him degradaUon and want. He decided to leave h111 pu t expert· encea and 11eek hla ralher, who h.ad alwa.)'• loved and 1Upplled him. Hla father eeelng him afar off, and dlaceming h la regener· a llon, ordered the beat food and clothing to be brought to him . adding, "For thl1 my aon wu dead, I.lid 111 alive 11gam: be was lost. and lll founrt" (HI .24 I. The Golden Tf'xt from Roml\ns 18 :2) expla.ln• further. "'The law or the Spirit of life In Christ J esu11 hath mlllle me tree from lbe law of 1ln and death." Sunday Party for B. I. Youths W&I voiced on lhe v ound!I of in- adequate parking, Price told the 1 1upervl.or1 hi• 11roup was nego- tlallnr for purchue of nearby propt'rty ln event of expan.sion All<> approved by the supervis· Or-9 waa the appllcalion of the Alll!embly of God Church of Gar· den Grove tot permlsl!lon to ea- tabll~h a parochlaJ day achoo! on lhe llOUth aide of Paloma Ave. at the end oC Euclid Ave. Supervleor1 agreed with the p I a n n I n r commiaslon'a recom- mendation for approve! u plans lo e11tsblleb a Lutheran Church and parochial 1chool on the eouth 11lde or Katella Ave. at the end of Nutw()()(I Ave., &nd for t.he u- plll\slon of the Latin American M.-lhodlat Church at the north- we11t corner or Crnt ral Ave. and Ctdar St. In Stanton. No one wu preaent to repre· sent appUcanll for a chur<'h on the weat aide or Giibert SL be- tween Chapman Ave. and Sky- lark Blvd. &nd aupervf.aors upheld the plannera' recommendation for dentat YMCA Parents and Daughters Find Problems Fourty • tlve YMCA pattntJi 11.nd daugh ters met at the Collt& Mesa Co mmun It y Methodlat Church Oct. 4 to discuaa family re.lallon11 probleml! under the di· rectlon of Or&nge Cout YMCA 1taff membt-re Mr11. F . Roy F ox and Dukt' Co.x. The daughters, who planned lht' session. a re membtns or the Ch i Mu Eta Tri-HI· Y Club, one of lt RI· YI &nd Tri·HI· Y clubll aervlng hlgb 1chool youth In the Or&ngt' Coast I YMCA art'&. Mr11 4un Smith or Co~ts Me· ... advl10r to the "Y" ~lrla. .aid I that problem• or daUng. uee of the family car. allowances 1nd family relatlon11 11re a <onJltant eource of discussion &nd that the "Y" club members wanted an or· g&nl~('d p r o g r "' m where they mlghl dl1cuss these qurstions with lheir parents. M1M Nancy Hennin1>s of Costa Mt88. pre81dPnt, wu an charge 1 of the meeting. "Y" club mem· 1>er11, etutJent11 or Harbor High, pr;1pa re<I 8 list or questions In 1v1vance. These were 1111bmtlled to Mr11. Fox anti Mr. Cox who leJ lhe parents &nd uoughtP.-. In the dli.~u11111011 period. ltefreshments topPfd the evening. BAHA'I FAITH Prayer Discussion Study Mn.. ac.i.·1 me-.. wu con-8• JC. Pa1taadea Ro9d and Cyprna .med .tt.h Ute home u the tint Aftllue. Santa Ana Relgbta. Tht 11e.bool Pa.rent.a cannot wait un· Rn. P'r'ad D&'rid wtn have u hi• til the chUd t1 tn ac.bo<>I t.o it.art wrmoe topic at l t a. m.. ee"1ce. Ilia aptntuat and tnteUectual tor-"'Not For Sala" known u "The March of FaJlh." I Two youth v oup11 ot lhe Bal· It will feature 14 evan1teli11tlc boa Island Communit y Methodist ral.lle• throughout the uea. The I Church havt' 11Cheduled aodal key 11peaker will be Bishop ~r-activitlea for Sunday evening. e.hal Temp~. ald H. Kennedy. Oct. 9. WllmetU, llJ. matton. -. eakS. She a1ao .,oll• BtmdaJ 8clw>Ol COlrftllt1 at 9:- Uiout lhe mi.taken Ida of ~ f~. with eta.. for aD •q'fl. At tel'TiJ1C to the IOul of • cbUd u 1:30 p. m.. Youth Tralnlnr Union lf dlrono~ ace wen the de-will meieL At 7:30 p. m. Mr. ta s·-· d. O.Yid wtll h.an .. hie topic tenn In« factor ..• ...., Iha al ''Tba Te9t of P'ailh". Thurlday "'IMlt ..... LI wlll&t chaftC'H the -1 et a dlJld or adulL TtNa at T:SO p. m. PnlM and B ible <lilldren muat be«ln to learn UM _B_tud7 __ ,..,_u_be_he_1c1. _____ _ ditl~ ~ right and WTOn& u Mrl7 tn Ule u pomtble. and thla tau ""'• wtth UM f&S"!ll lll· .. Mnnbmt wett a1ao add.-..ed ~ the RH. CJ«n'Sa Kathnln. ~ptortlt fat.lier, wtM> I• act- tnr putor of Our 1Ad7 of Fa· tima Cllurch. and UM Rt. Rn. )bcT. Michael O'Connor. putor of SL Ja.ph'a Churm tn Santa A-. and chaplaln of ORnse County DealH'1'Y· After bened.klloD of the )(a.l lll-.d Sacrament 1uncheon wu Mn'9d tn the patio of UM dnlrdL Oo-chalrmen of UM hmc:...,. -mlttea were Kn. lack WU- Uame and Mra. Wllllun 8pdaD of the fl-C\ement.e <:alholle Wo- llltn.a' Club. of which Xn. O&be Cut.la. 11 pramcknt. U niversalist Family N~ght Supper Program In preparinit hi!' rhurchea for The lnterme<llate Youth Fel· "l ,..e March of Faith." Bl.abop IOW11hlp, compoeed of IM'Venlh 11.nd ;.:Bewa re, 0 People. That ve Kennf'dy ha1 said, "It I were elthth graders. will mtl'l at the l!e11I not trearherously ";th ch00111ng a single word to ckrine church at 6:30 p. m. tor a get-anyone Be ye lhe trul'lees ot lh w hol t k of th Chu ch. It Cod among11l H I!! Cre;ilurt'!!. e e ".ti e r I acqualnted party. The party 111 anl1 the emblem or h1 ,. gl'nl'ro,.. would be evangeUJJm. 1t means planned by a committee headed lty a mll1st Hl9 pe<1r le." Baha'i to bring the good new1 to all by Tom Brennan president Writings:· men of Chriat'a power to u ve. I . ' · It la In th.I• mighty enterprlH Al T o alock college and work· Wf'd!H'Mla.>-. 11:00 p.m . that -are engaged u layml'n Ing youttu w11l meet at lhe par· 144 Rochr -tr r :-OrH>t, and mtnlster1: and there I• no aonage, 22• A.melhyat Ave., for CO!lla M t"l011, l 'allf. other calling ao full ot adventure an evenlnr of fellowship. The Phone I.I 8-~~8 -U 8-S!IS and joy." group wtll make homemade Ice Harbor oinn..i Ba.Ibo& laland Melhodlate will c _r;;e;;;;am;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~============~ meet Wednelld&y evenlnJ. Oct. • 12, tor vtallalkm lnt1lrucUon and uaiqmeit.a. The fonowlng even· Ing callll will bt-mad• througb- out the community. Baha'is Note 'Feast of Will' Bab&'la rrom Santa Ana met wtth their fellow relJ(ionl!la of the Harbor &rt'a tn lhe Colt& Msa bomf' of M ra. Edwvd M ir- kovich Monday night and cele- brated the Feu t of "Wiil". Study with dlKWllllon and m• dltation on the m('anlng of the wlll of God u rel11ted to the wtU ot m&n waa the topic of the annlag. Pray•• and Scnptural ~,.. were ned on the IUb- ject beit1D11l.ng wllb th• Lord'• praytr which sin• th• proml M that God'• wtll 1hall be on J!lartll u It 11 ln h•ven. Th• evt'Nng terminated wtth • aoclal hour and rerrHhmenta Sunday, Oct. 9, 9:00 a . m. & 11 : 15 a. m. Third Annua I Narrative Service ( Step·by-step explanation of the Lutheran Service) · •rftd by tha hoet-. BALTZ MORTUARIES Cll.A.PSL BY '!"Im 8&:1-1 aato s . eout ams.. 009T.t. MD.A CB.APEL lTU lap.tor A-.-ua o.ca ar.... Calif. Corona del Kar, Callt. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church 250 I Cliff Drive "Overlooking beautiful Newport Harbor" 'ROBD\T B. OftONLUND. Putor Pboae Uberty 1-2121 Phone Harbor f2 Liberty a.3631 1.lberty 8-7239 , ' -= -~ --== --~ Whit is education but a broadening of "' man'• knowledge. enabling him to live a bf't· ~ ter life? Educ~tion is Jilce a doorway leading .=:. to the fulfillment of dreams and ~bitions. :::. Beyond it lies the vast chamber of the mind, and scientists lmow that in a lifetime moat men develop only a small part of their mental potentialit ie1. TM Church <• lh• 9reo1Mt ...... •or on ..,.lh lot IM b11&1d.e9 ot cha•octor and 9ood clh..,•lup. II 11 a llorehcu.te of •s>Vltua.1 ...i ..... W11hou1 o 11ro11g O.un:h , ,..1ther chlftocrocy nor a~-- 1urY1V• Th•t• ore tou.r eound IO<DCl\I why •very "4fM>fl 1hc11ld auond .. rv1cH r91111tculy and 1up. rori lh Church. Th•y are, Cl) f or h11 own 1ah (21 f or h11 chrldron • oak•. 131 f or the ... k. ol h11 commu111ty and llO!tOI\" 141 ror th• •0•1 ol lh• Church 1taelt, which n .. d• hi• rnoral and •o. t1nol au pporl Pion lo 90 to c~ur<h ••?ulorly and 1...0 ,_ 81bl1 doily. In our search for education today.one type js sometimts slighted ... religious educa-~ tion. Yet in all the fields of learning what :::: could be more important? Man needs Faith ~ and a knowledge of his Church if he is to reconc:ilt so much that is happenin1t in the world of today with the kind of future he would like to have. In your rea.ding and stud1e1. don't forget religion. There is noth- ing stuffy about the study of it, nothing dull. It is as significant as yesterday ••• as full , • of promise as all tomorrow. ' -'.::: This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashions Complete Styling Pl'rm&nent W11vlag and Tlnlmg 3407 East Coast ""'Y· Harbor 5101 NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Home Fumlllhlngs Ubert~· 8-1113 Freel Orgeron Chevron Senice T1 rH -Batteries -Arrcll!Ories Complete Lubrication 2100 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1!>15 ------- MAC PELLETIER'$ Newport Beach Pharmary ?JM Ottan Front Sewport Beach Harbor !l UNl9UE CAFE Brt-alctut -Llln<'h l11nner .no 32dn St.. (Acros" from City Hall) Ernie Church-THE ARCHES l'n1on 011 IJealPr J.100 .W. Cout Hwy. Scwport Beach u H--906S The Island Patio Restaurant SOO Marine An. Ralboa 18land ILANCHE IENZ The Varn Sh11p Chart-Auemble-Block It ln11tnt<'l 308 }'; MU'IM An. Harbor OAAO CUSTOM AUDIO Public Addrees -H1-F'I -Tspe Rt'C()rlf1m• 41S 29tb St. Newport Beuh Oarhor 1506 GEORGI M. GRAHAM Rup and Carpell! 1%2 Agate Ave. Balboa Island Rubor S256 All C. KISTLD CO., Realtors Bay Front Spec:iallll.I %901 Newport IUvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5%%6 MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flowera -Pet SuppllN Balboa Bh·d. at 218t Newport 6-eb NEWPORT HARIOR IANK An Independent Home Bank Corona del Mar The Port Hole Breakfast Hone Midnight to 11 A. M. 2217 W. Coult Hlway, Newport Beach STAFFORD & SON Elrr tr1c11I <"onlrsrtor11 110 Rin•rsidt-An. Newport Beacb Uhl"rty 8-2:?76 Vincent's Rexall DruCJ Stores Thrf'e l1wallnnll to Hrrve You Newport Bea.ch Balboa Corona df'I Mar Tommy Wilson Beauty· Salon 2515 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 218'1 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Coffee Shop Open 24 h 1,ur11 , S94a W. COIU!t Hy. (at Balboa Cove•) •arbor 3820 t..urle Woodworth Piano Co. Compll'le Unt of Nfw .fr L'sed Planoe 2610 E. Coa."t m~·y. Harbor SS8% ELITE BEAUTY SHOP Cnder the ~ew Managenment ot Mr. Pat 30-l Marine An. Harbor 18%1 H. H. HOLIROOK Dependable Plumbing !801 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor t8U DICK MACKER Draperlea -<.;arpf'lll -Uphol~lery Complete Free l>ecoraUnir; Service SIZO Via Lido Harbor U28 I