HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-14 - Newport Harbor News PressHARBOR PRESS NEWPORT BEACH. CALJJ'ORNlA, l'RIDAY~ OCTOBlCR H. 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS Orange High Wins Top Editor Award Court, Grand Jury Tell 5 A Art Editor Receives C11p1 of News-Press Position • In AWARD PRESENTED -Ben Reddick. Newport Harbor News-Press publisher. right, givet11 award for outstanding art editor to Mi88 Carol Basler, staff member of Ariel yearbook, Santa Ana High School, who accepted trophies for high school and for Sylvia Ramirez, art editor, unable to be present at Orange Coast College ban- quet where awards were made. News-Press sponsored both awards. -Eugene Ty- ler Photo Local Pair Nabbed for Check Count Top ho n o r 11 at ~e Orance Coast Yearbook Conference held at Orange Cout College Tuesday went to Orance Union HI g h School. Staff member• o! the Or- angti and White were awarded trophies In two of the four cate· goriea evaluated at thP conf er· enc~. Named ··ouutandlng Year· book Editor for 19~" wu Ruth Stevena. Orange Union H I g h School. The Orange County New• Service Award for outatandlng editor wu presented by J Im Cooper, editor ot the Wut Or· ange County New1, to Judy Wll· llams. usiatant editor from Or· ange. who accepted for .M I 11 • Stevena. Outst.andlng 1porta editor, ac· <"Ording to the JUdfU, wu John Mrlnnl11, alao of Orange H I ch School. Namtd "Oul.Jltandlng Art Edi· tor" and wlnnt'r ot the Newport (OoaUnlM!d 08 Pace &) Kingsley Gives Views on Jury, Counsel Rights Junior Ebell Launches City Clean-up Plan ' Memben of the Junior Ebell Club of Newport Beach voted un&nlmoualy at their flnit meet· Ins of the year lo undertake the project of cle&nlng up the Harbor area u their "Build a better com· munity" proje(:t. The Ct.Jlfomia Highway Patrol today warned ••Jitterbug• .. that Ill ott1cer1 eoon woulld be writing ticket. tor highway tnul\ dump- rr1. The patrol &nd local ot!lclall have been empower~ by 1966 at&lutee, effective Sept. 7 to tuue cil&llona to people who flip away empty c:&ru1, paper &nd olhtt n.ab- blah alone the road. A ticket could mean a fine. jail or both. Prff4'nl plan• or the club to accomplish the clean-up project are a imed towar.S educating the public. Thi• ill hoped to be done through the use or •lgns, slogans, The Newi·Prus to(lay preaents remlndel'll and etresalng of now the point ot view oC John B. Klng· exlatlnC' city &nd atate laws. sley. Lido lslt, lut year'a Los An· Mrw. Betty cJame.) Reynolcb, geltK counly Grand Jury ch&lr· project t>halrman, Aid there are man ot the govemment.&I honuty three different committee. work- and etflciency committee In con-Ing on lh• clean-up proJttL Tb• nect1on with the ONU1ge County 1urvey commltttt con.elite ot Mra. I Grand Jury •lattment, withheld Edward Kelly, Mn. George by county officials on Oct-~-It j Groupe. M1'11. RoMrt Jones, Mn. deal• with K lnr11ley'a 1tudlM of Charlu Woodw&ni and Mn. WU· the jury'• privtle1t1. UIJTI 8exlol\. 'Mle ataament follow•: '1be nM&reh COllUllfU• lncJUde9 Tha arbitrary actlon of Cowtt1 Mni. Robert Wallace, Mn. Art.ltUr pouna.1 Joel Os1e to a1d ta aup-Nebbtl aad Mn. Doaald Clu1l. ptt..tl1C' the i.uanetfot a pr..-re· CoordlnaUng-ot Sl'OUP 1Upport leue Ui&t bad beeri authc>ri.Md ~ committee lncl\lde9 Mn. Don p.,. a majority "Ole of the c:..nd l\u7 .__,, MJ'L N-Wai.. and Eel acero Richard Touby ED\\' ARD 8 . CICERO ot <mLnce County is, In my opln· Xrw. FNernan P'Wter. PubUcfty 1- . f Ion. llltp.I and In de!\ance of our headed by Mn. Tom Woodward moet MCrtd le,.al body aet up for while leg'lllaUon committff i. Jailed· Fonner on 3 Raps Tars Tangle :~:...:~~ r~~~·· ...... 8 .... , ..... '· w. H-~L f •th R• I No individual, whether h.e be MAXWELL VISITOR WI IYa $ county counsel, District Attorney. UKES TY FREE Edward Buchman Cicero, 21. Pollet report thot thr v rt<'ovrr· PrtAildlng Judcf', Grand Jury Fore- 2808 B .. s t-.. b I 11 th h k 1 k f man, Supervl1or, or what have roa.. I . was arrt'll ·'<" y l'I II I' (' t'I' !I a t'n rom Here T • ht you, hu the power to change lhe Newport Bea ch police Wednesday th.. furniture plant. on1g ancl 111 being hl'ld on eh11.rge11 of Clr ero u~P:< the all1111 of F.•lwnrd j vole of the Grand Jury to ault burglarizing the Costa MPM Fur· Rrithman Harvey. roll~" claimed 1 their 1ndlv1duaJ desire. except the nlLure Mfj?. Co. offke where he l\n1I in .. a,.hinit the cht'I k a t R1<'h· ::>: • t H 00 HI h 8 G,.,,d Jury ll..8elr by majority vote. H · e-.. por ar r g rhool 1 J s m advlard by the Newport ia reporte.1 to hsve 11tolen 21 'arti';i llsed the nsm" Hai vry · fooLbl•ll rooters Wt'r" advlsl'!l Lo Harbor Newll·Preaa that the Coun- cherk.s. for for~ang one or t he Jone11. arrive "'"Iv J t hL Id check11 and cuhlng It at Rich· Hr waio plrkrd up In 19~2. po· • or onig ·' Irr ty Counsel ju11llt led hla hlp;h-hand· clash between the undernted I'd and hl ... hly lrre...,•lar action by ard's Lido m11rket and for J>O.'• llr" rl'ronl.1 11hnw, hy Sun niei;ro Sallor11 snJ rival Cahfornlll at I I I "'h t S "t.-N r 6•2 eeHlon of and rn11ng hf'roin. pnl1re 11n 11u:.p11•1on ur 1111ll) theft. Oa\'JdJmn Flt'ld Garn ti 13 c a m ng l a ec ion o. ' AllO book~ In conne<'tlon with Th111 y('ttr ht wu,. 111 rf'•tl'tl by 7·30 p m · e me of the Govtmment Code gives him Mn. Amo Maxwell, 42~ Fernleat Ave., wu away from home over th• week· end. but ahe apparently h11d a visitor who hkt'd t o "''lllch televi111on. 11he rrported l<1 Newport Beach police. When ahe returnt>d Mon· day she r,i;wnd her patio door open and the TV 11rt gc11n1t hill blut. Nothing tl&e wu disturbed, 11he 11&ld. HAUOI WiATHEI Tw1 >--~...-..... 11art1w .......... , ... Saturday, Oct. I ...... ea Sunday, Oct. 9 . . ...... 63 Monda,J, Oct. JO ....... 82 Tueaday, Oct. 11 ..... M Wtdnt8da)'. Oct. 12 63 Thursday, Oct. 13 .•• 8 1 Friday, Oct. 14 .... eo Mrs. Cooling Heads Chest Fund Drive llra. K.....U. ti. eoonns. prom- inent civic leader. bu be11 n.am· ed c:ampaip dMJrmaa et u.. 1968 N.wport llMcb o-nunt- ty Cb•t dr1" which la elated to be(tn Tueaday, Noy, 1. Aulltant chairman lll Edwa.rd Milum, who for many yean baa bttn a leader of local youth acllvlUu. Thr anJIOUDCemf'nt wa• made by Art Torrance, Cheat prealdent. al a mfftlng of the Board of Dirtttoni held Wednelldav morn· intt at the Park Avenue Cafe, Balboa Island. A «OSI 0( 128.:!00 hu been tel by tht local charity, whOBt' runda henPht numtrous local organiul· lion11 lncludin~ the Boy Srout1. I Girl Scouu. Y.M.C.A .. the B<ly1 I Club, the Vi111l1n1t Nuriie program. 1rnd Catholic and Prolt11lant Wei· tart'. The k ick-off breakfaiot l.11 IM!l for 0:1~ 11. m , Nov. I, at the Irvine Cout Country Club. the tumltun~ m•nuf11rt11nni:: com· ~rwf"'>r I 13eitr h pollt·e tor 1111oxi· · Yl"slerday the Tar C elevt>n the mandatory duty ot advising pa..a1y burglary wns R1ch11rd Tou· 1 r11llon. 1-'e 111 111 pr1•11rnt 11111 on suffered a 20. 7 lll'lback at the the Grand Jury on any civil ca.e.!I by. 23. or 1041 Fullerton Avr .. bail on " !'11n DI• i:•• na11 11t1cs hands of a powerful California before lhl'm and . lo a dvise l ht Coit& Men. police u l•I. A par· ch11q;l'. l11n1I pnht·e ~tat<'. C1ct>ro tleaweight •quad on DavldlOn Grand Jury reganhng their rl(hl•, olee out or Chino. he w11s booked I tol<t 1111·111 pnh1·r. Field The 1 1 1 to hd . dutlea. llmltstlona &11d irucl't. on burglary. followin~ hl11 llrrest l'l1tll'I' 10,r; Cwo•ro h1111 atlt'n1led · one oca uc own "LEGAL BUNK" the Gra.nd Jury, whether It be Mn. Coo 11 n f , former city criminal. civil. mandatorv. by the I ~~asui;er and an active trader ~n Dl11trlcl Attorney the~ cO t Newport Harbor W oman 1 Counul, or any o~e l'IM. un y Civic League, Ill accepting the Wednoday n litht at the Orangt> hlJ?h i1t horol in B11nnin1?. :"'t>wport :a,•lx•c;~~~ :~d 0::; ~a~:0,:~~~ l T hia I• a lot of legal bunk. He c ounty Hospital HeiH·h. H11nlln1?tnn IJ<'Rr h >1nd quarter. A PMll from Gary Pick · know11, or ahould know. thlll Stt· Dt't. Sgt. McManigal at.Id Tou· ag111n for 11 month In UH• (1111 of ena to Larry Genllle waa good for lion #27642 or the Govemmenl by 1dmlttet1 working the Mesa 19!'10 In Nrwporl Beach. the c:onvenlon. Codt provldet u follow11 : che<-k burglary job wllh Cicero. Solulon or the prr11rnt ClllM! "Whenever the board of 1uper- He said Touby, a cannf'ry worker, aio:a1n"'l Clcern h&!I bt'en tht re-Orange Coast College chances vi1or1 appoint.JI a county counael wa1 In county hOllpit.al for treat-111lt ot the r ooper11t1on of :-.ew· agamllt Santa Ana'a Dona In P i· pur1uant t o this chapter, he llh.U ment of Injuries from a fi1othl port RPS<'h 11nt1 ('n~tR Mt>lll\ po· rnte St11thum's E11..1 tern Conference dl!\Ch11rgt' all of the dutlPI vule<I when hf' W8l! a rre11lt'd. Hold11 by lir f' dt'J'lll t mt'nt11 11 n 11 01•11nge bllllle 81 8 p. m tomorrow night by l11w In lhf' di11trlN allomey Co11ta Metora pohce a.ml Lhe 1Sher· 1 C-ounly Shea 1rr'11 11fr1r •• N•i 1111\e 1 rattei Pd today . when •l wu learn-I OTHER THAN THORr. OF A l<C11 ofric" h11ve bl'l'n pl11ced on hR!'I bPen 1wt fn1 C1l·ero·s 11r· r<I F ullbnt·k IJanny Mlll!O• hlld Pl"BLIC PROSECtrrJO!';." Tnuby, Mr~f11nl1t11I 'a id. 1111!1mmPnl. itropprd from the 111uad. ~(.uon I Thf' County Coun11el knows. or fllled 111 for lnJurffi Mike H11u In I ~hould know. that Article No. I rlne fa!'lhinn. 11nt1 with Ha&11 11t11l of rhllplH No. 1 of Part N<1. 3 below p11r 11nd J im Hur<f 1111fferlng,of lhl' Govemment Code oulllnea from huck trouble, will he m1Med thf' dulrt11 nr the dllltrlct attor· COSTA MESA OBJ AINS SITE FOR CITY YARD Bt'fnr(' game rompel1tlon be-n,,. AS Pt;BLJC PROSECUTOR I tnt>('n the 111n lit hool.s wo111tl Ind•· an~ thPse duties Include Section llf' \\llh Ille ~11n111 .Ana \"klory Gr•nd Jury. Co11t11 MeAa C'1 ly Ct•uncll 111 u -h11lt on tilth St I 1·AL1• 11 lt1><!'1·11p. ~>1nta An11 st ole 1 ;t26~0 1 which 111 the only Mctlon 111 .. 1'1111tP fl11g off th!' <'Rmpu11 of the Article dealing with tht' f111gr .. 1" 11nrl 0 1 Ant.:P l"o11sl turned I mandatory giving of advice to a ThP 'It\' hnll hrll I Th" County Counsel knowa, or pecll'd II\ romph'I<' llrran.iim u•nts 111tr 111 a l 1 he ro1·n1•r ••I 1'11111.11111 The T'11111 <' w1<1r1 p11ln ll'a111 yts· 111ho11ld know. that Article No. 2 t or purt'hHSe nr 21, ac-r!',. of lllll.I a.nd \\'. l!lth S t,. trrt111r ""frHtl'd ;\le i.;11n Antonio• Of th1· 1111me chapter ouUines the from th•• C"n!llR Mrt1a SAnllAry AKlde from thl' rlty h111ls1lr In tlw IW!' 1Atik 16-4 with Bob OTHF.R DtrnES or the Distr ict Dit1trlrt alt 1111" f"r 11 .-or))Orlltlon 1t!lelf. rrrrnth· p111rh11!'11'\I frum Herm1111 "' lli" 1:11<'!'1 sem lng l!l:OC 1 Attornl'y, with which the County yllr•I .iurln~ Mnnd!IV m J:ht 11 coun-Howa r.l l..H" 11on 11ntl 11,.s,.<'11111'!1 1H11mo1 •I• ••r •olhrr ~rnrt11 •ll'Clllls. I C'ounAel 111 conro>med, snd no- . for S l9.~00, 11 cnrpnr11t1nn \'At1I "''" 11111 IH•r !'p,orts. Pt11l•' I. Part , whPrP In thl8 Article,. Is ANT ell mt>etl llj?. I hl\!'I lnng br"n nnt •If l\1'111 2 1 I mf'nllon rn11tle of givlnit advice lo Dur1n1t R 1\1cs.ti•y r11i;:ht ml'el· Mellll':< m11>t v1tnl 111umrlf1><I tng . the san1t1<n· boar•I •l<'rlded nt>t<l!I. It 1~ 0,,, .-~,,11r,· fnr lhf' fll\ to l'f'll lhe ls nd Al S:ln(l(l per tn p11l up h111lih11i;:~ fn1 !lt nrAi:·,. &<'re unh·~11 th•• 11pp111 111.1I rall11 (If 1•11~. l'ljlll pm,.nt Architect for New High for .~ lr~i'•·r 11.mo11111 In \!ml ;\t"'"J l' nddrd !hi' .•l\ntlnn di<- c1ue ~11111 1-ha111a11n A1 lh11r H tr H 1 al~n hA:c 1., ~tc\a e ~· """!:" J.feyt'n "\It w1111M ,., , 1•pt \\hHt· s h I th 1 11 r .. r11111pn1rnl b11t 11 ,. 1t1f1r1• p 1111 11· I c 00 evrr " apprH11111 c'll " nr <'Ill '" 1111\'I' the pr11p1•11 1· in lhr Lor at 1nn of 1 h1• ~ 1 J 111•rr• fo1 l'l l\"i1 h.in•t'-· Under Board Study "'"hlch lh" <11\· wall r1w $7:.(10 Th" ~ • A<"I •·• "A • "lll:inll"l\' I Is apprc•x11111111•I\· h111f 1 11.d~ f'""' pu1• 1 .. ~. t h' th" •ini:>1t\ ,\;o. •It• ot thP nr.,. I 'o«ll\ :'>l •'l'A <'II\" 111r t 11.0 11 •lump 1 r $ ... ;.l• · News-Press Representative on ·way ~\l Flooded Tampico Area • 8Al\"TA A:-;A, (OC':"'S I OC:"'S Tht' plant> painted bv Cmdr. Ken ~lrn11.l .. r« ••f the :"'rwf'(lrt Har· I ~~ cent overl11x wa11 voted recent h"r 1 ·11,un H1i:h s, hrn •I Buartl I ly, lll'l''Ordlnl[ to Sidney David11on, hi•, . .,. 1r. ll'1v1ewrd r.-prl'11rnln I Ivel' 11uprrm~ndt'nt. nt 111 111 < hitut11r11t f1rm11 In con·j ~l•rlinl[ Monday bo1rd m1>m· n"' t 1nn w11 h lhl' 1lcaign or tht' I ber~ -..·111 vuut prjoecl.JI .,..hlch n""' h•l?h ior hool for ,,.•hlch thl' th""'" f1rma have d.alsned and 1 ---built afltr which the board will C.·rculatlon tlec·trlf' on '<11hlch finn lo employ. In the meantime progT-la re· port~ on acqul81tlotr at LIM TO.. so OPl~IOS campaJsn chalrman1hlp, pointed ?.: · • • out, "COcnmunlty Cb•t t. for U1 rtll'!l I wu chairman or thr -tor our own children and youth 19M. Loa Angeles County G1'11.nd ln the character building-arency Jury 1 Governmental ff o n e • t y l proCTama and for our own aced (Colatiallfld oe ~e &) and needy." Statement Stifled Release Withheld on Advice of Judge Shea SANTA ANA. Oct. 14, <OCNS)-The Orange County Grand Jury and Superior Colil juages toda:· made & atate- ment of law and policy aimec9clearing up why a recently prepared preaa release was munled at the Inst minute. Thia followed exclusive disclosure hy the News-Press· the . tate- ment wu withheld on •dvlrl' ot 1 ed In an lnl'hctmf'n t. 1t would ha\le Superior Court Judgt J ohn Shea ~n rontn1ry to l1tw tor &Ul'h mat· and County Counst>I Joe,! Oglf'. I Ll'111 to h•\'e b1,en m•de publlt'. Becau1141 a portion of the new11 Tht rt,:hl an•I oblliiatlun 11f the relea.se contained matters w hll"h irrand jury to function secretly ta might ha\•e ll'd to an 1nd1ct mt>nt llS ba111r a pr1n,·1ple to .:rand ju•. Superior Court Judge Juhn Sh1>a I 1e11 !Is •~ frr1••lu111 of th., prt'ss to determined It would havr bttn J O· 11 the new11pap1'U. Crand JUror1 muJ<l Ing ae-Jn1t the l11w to have made bl' frt."e Lo ll llll'llN.8 ond 1nqulrl' anct It pubhc. tu ll11tt>11 111 < 11nip1Jun1!1 whl'lhf'r Here'a tht 1tatement · founded or unfo11nclNI, with 11bsn· In view of the lnte~11t ahown In , lutt pnvac-y the matter the grand Jury 1111d I sr.nn~ l'HO<'t:t:IUS(.:ol judges of the Superior Cou rt feel that a atatem~nt or tht law a nd of Th" '""' .J11 ••1·1ty proh1b1uc \lit the policy apphcablr will be IH!n<"· m"mbe111 11f I hi' 111 a nd Jury from flrlal l o enlighten thr public an r .. vealan.; a oy .. l.1t,.n11•nt" nia<lfl, regt\rd to matter& with whk h lht any lt'Mllnumy lMkrn, any 111l•1rml\· 111:rand jury 18 t·oni·ea ned. t 11111 wall• rl':<pt't t lo 111., 1m1 nn~r St:\\'~ RF.Ll:ASE of \'Ottni: 1n ;:1 •11•1 )111' l'fl" ,,.,\. Rtcenlly, the ttrand jury author· lngJt. lud a news rtleue wluch waa pr<'· Thf· pul .. y ol I ll• '"" \ulh t• pa.ttd &nd prt'attnted tO the Office lip<•<' It> the IJIVUl/.:l'fl<'l' IJf )!rHllof or the county counMI for dl1tri· jury actlvlll"R 111 t111<l "ti.11 ,., •·1 an button to the preu ot Orange 1nve11tlgat1on 19 b<.ing 111 111c hv llw County. The county counael'• or-grand jury whl\ h Ill•\ , ..... 11)iv ti~ referred the matt.er to the re1ult In an lrn:tlctmcnl "' ,,., 11•, judge oC the Superior Court m Uon ~Inc filed •11 a rrsult n1 tu .1 cb&rJe ot tbe sr&nd jury, tor ap· lnve1lJgat1on, I!'' 11 llll' 11 .. t th .. t pro-1 u to whether or not t bt 1Uch an lnveat1ga11 .. n 1 ... "' 111~ , re1-M ahcNl4I be itnn to the •ucted ahould not he !II\ uti;• •I •· •1 pre&&. Uta reaaona that It may '"'''"" 'nl.e JwSs-. to wtiom lllle rele&M tii~ly Inform a wronit dl.H'1 1of 1 ,. WU ,tftn, dl.ac:onred that throup fact that he I• un11 .. , inw•Mt 1i:ul 1• .. ln&dvert.ance a ponjoa ot th• coo-or that ll may, with ...,.,,.., t l o .. 1 C-pa.t.ed ,.,_ ...i--uonect mnocrnt iwr80n who i." 11 r•1 mat.lttll which mipt. ba,,e reeult-Cuntlnul'<I "" I'•••· 11 CONmUCTIVE MEASURES MAPPED Merchant Division of Chamber to Tell New Business. Program Followin( JK>me lnten.lve plan-Milo Lacy, chairman of the mer- nlng and l l.nal adoption of a con· chant.a d1v111ion. hill arranged a stn.activt program for unprovt-three part program tnr the even- ment of b\alnf'llll for locru m .. r. lnit wh1rh wall include a 11tate· ChAnta, the KOVemlnic committ<'e I tnPnt ''' th•· 1•ommlttN•11 intent. Of the merchants tllvi11ion or the and purposell, "' film on public: re- N'twport Harbor Chamber Of Com-1 latlon11 """ 110 u1 1tnnl%l'd open dt.- ml'r<'t' announced plana today. Its cus11l1in ot th~ nced!I and d,.•lres lnlllal step toward the g oal will or thr mt'rch""nll In all 114"'rtlon• be a dinner gathering tn which All I''' the city 11.11 wtll 11.11 the meane bu11ines11 membl'ra or the cham!H!r I of auurinj!' their a ttalnm,.nt tn &nd their triend11 are lnvill'd for the order of their cenual Im· the pu~ ot ouUlnlng the pla.n portenrt . of procedure and f(lr mlng 11ub. Thr eommltlee frel11 that mucb committees to rerry out t he con· can bt> acromph11hl'1t at thlll meet- templated work . Ing and 1a \•er)' l'nthu.1uttc u to The dinner 111 acht>duled al thf' th" ulllmalf' 1U1'cea11 ol thl.11 new• Vllhl Marin&~lltaurant at 6:30 ly ~r11m110rPd chamber acUv1ty tor p.m. on Oct. 24. Reservationl! must the IH•neflt of lt1 mem~ni. L&c:J' be mad• at the chainber office In 111ld. All chamber merch&r1t. ..,.. ..<Svance. uktd to att,.nd lht ,,.39lon. Radio KWJZ Rerorter Piil ~ftch· J Miller oC (;11111rn Oro~·" 111 pl11y111g &et. today wu abo11rrl a hu~ a rolr 1n "orrr11t1on floo•lhft " JU -D nut n ( Lo8 Al11mlt11' ;\"11\08.I TAll\JHCO 11• in a 11ta te of dt11· Air Station and 00\in<I fnr flond &llll'r Flood "111er11 l"'J'l")rte<ily pl~M Tamp1ro. :11 .. , a• a =""" · h11 \ .. k11lt<I more than ;l0!11'10tl 11n.t pon Har* N•..., .. ·Pre.1 reprt· left ..:cuntleH lhouaand11 homel!'.1111. T oclay •cr1> 1ltt which I.he bovd u. ut<ed the U . a. Oonmment to Ht ulde h'Om UM old army &Jr 5821 baH lllte. It t. uct.rtlood ·tllat H~RIOR P~RENTS 'IACK TO SCHOOL' . Scene abon of Harbor VJew parent. pauamg for cot· line above were Meedamee Robert 01 d J 'II'• J .(C1not ... • 1'9c• I t ~ . • Coples the anny hU decided to put a holder on aJI lhf' tf'mlllndl'r of th• .. t• Nctpl I.he 1ehool'1 70 ..... fee and donut. before start of Tuaday nigbt'11 "Back Warren Clemence Lyell Buttenn an er, dohHn ~ to School" program wu ty i I f JocaJ h I d · ore an eru.n "'•" __.._, P ca o IC oo • an Brownell. Mn. Olander ia pretiident of st hoo''" P·TA ._.. __. l*'Wlll actmtJa Bllpiac cm .......... --Dela &U Pbot.o . 1 • ~ Calumpit Potluck M"'"" at ,._. IA&ioa M•U '" auu Aaa .. Moitdly. Ot&. 11. C.llolalpl\ C"amp ~\>'-11. lfUW'h W•r Yelt ... M Ud l&e au&MaJ ,. wUI ~ a ~t111ell ...., al f.ao I'-n1. ful~ .. ~.Y • ...-•n a\ l :SO. fie .. wu.a ch·~-.. O.l· 1.UnpU AIUllllary No. .... Mon· -.V aooa. Oet. '' fW a ~k hHleAtoa a\ 81)WMq 0..... ehlb· ASSISTANCE LEAGUE members (left) Mre.· Everett Oardlner and Mra. Edward R. Brooks. ways and meana chairman, are looking at one of the cifla to be preeented at t hP Don Lo~r fu hion ahow while Mn. Wilbur Buck and Mra. Edwal"d Millett, (right) are busy with decorationa for the Bay O ub luncheon event ot Oct. 28: Mrs. Richard Cutle will emcee and Mra. Georre Yardley will eommentate.-Ma,sie Price Photo NEW LAS AMIGAS MOTHERS GUESTS AT OCCIDENTAL other than Lea(ll• ml'mber• are net"dfd. They wlll be plcktd up and delivered to th4I beach by caUrnc Hat bor 2917 or Harbor 2069. Girl Scoull. under lhe di- rection ol Mn. Loi• J rwtn. wlU aMlet In the aalt. Mr8. Jamu ~a& auu..o hit!. .. , ..,. .. Girts .. c.t .. c11111 Pa rt.lclpallnl' tor I.be llr•l Ume In MoUlel"8' Club acUv1t1u at Occidental College were Mmu. Stroller While, J . l:dward l mllh a.nd Thomu ·e . Fro•t or N-port 8-ch: Edward Mir· kovich and Carl Tilomu or Costa Mesa and William St'hlt'I· chl'r of Laguna Beach. AlllO attf'ndlng-Lu Amt1u Club on Jl'rlday, Oct. 7, Wl'l"e lhe Mme11. c. W&ITt'n HuMrt, Rlllph H. Deaver and Carl Glae, &11 or Newport. Van Dyke 1• In charce~of the ">y; OIVJ! NM OaaM ftAllPft booUI .. SOMETHING TO ADAURE is this blue fox stole, modeled here by Mrs. Lawrence Pfister, which will be given away at tile Don Loper fashion show luncheon to be eponsored by the Assistance Le-ague Oct. 28 at Balboa Bay Club. Lido F ashions will aid in co·ordin· aling tile show, will 11how Lop<'r gowns. olhC'rs will be from the deaigner'a 1tudlo. Modela will be pro!ea- alonal, alao from the atudio. Mr.. George Yardley will commentate. Pictured 1t the H . E. Stahler home are (1 to r) Mmn. Walter Hatch, Clarence Cooper, Pfister and Leet.er Lowe. -Maggie Price Photo Tod Whitt , Roland Smilh, F'l'tf' Frost , Dick Mirkovich, Glean Thomu e.nd Wendy Schlrlt'hN· are all rruhmtnt al Oxy. Doug Huberl 141 a r.ophomor~. :-tancy Deavf'r 11 junior. and Marilyn GIH a aen.lor. PTutat nl of Occldtntal, Dr Arthur Coon•. Hrwd ... mOduator and pruented a p;Ln<'l or faculty mf'mbf'r~ Tea wu .erved lollowlng tht prog,.m a.nd bUalne• mMt.m1. High School P-TA in First Session Recently M ni. HuMrt enlert&lned local Oxy membe,.. al a .ooff Pe In htr home. i... Amlsu meet1 araln on r nday, Nov. 4. NEWPORT HARBOR Civic League to Protest Freeway Plan "B&ck to School Night", t he Agsln lM11 year food will ~ tm1l tall mHUn( ot the Ntwport fumllllmt to thl' football teams llnrbor Union HJgh School Par-afltr each g11me by Mrs. Ceorgt •''•l • Tucller ANOCl&UOll, w • 1 Mab~. rcreaUon chairma n, a lt.I· The Woman'• Civic IAasue ot I lei 'l'uuday evening, With t he ed by local clu~. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor Newport Harbor will begin the •·hci!l a ttendance tvtr recorded. A• In the pHt, the P ·TA will circulation of • Ptllllon protul· Ing I.he d11111ect1on of Corona del ·-;•lini; waa Mrs. J utl90n Sulh· 1pon110r the 81'nlor Claas play. PAGE 2 _ PART I _ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Mar 11ecUon of the ctty and ot 1n•J. president. l\tu11lc w1u pro· lo be held in Dt<'tmber. This 11 I.he baU rleld al the Youth Cen· 11'<1 by Clint.on &lwlnia full or· Ill one rooney-mallini-project of ______ F_R_ID_A_Y_,_O_C_T_O_B_E_R_l_-4_,_19_5_5 ______ ter by lh• propoMd Sta te Fue· :.lra. the year. J.ln . H. H. Burnett, w.y. Mrs. Malcolm R•ld, llJ)lritual civil defe.nae cbaJrm&n, i. or..-· Beta s1·gma Pht" Robert L. Bennett, J ohn Ra.gan, The development or lht Youlh .iu•alfotl cha irman, r-i an ori· lainl' a fl.nit aid cl.au, Jt ...,.. 0. L a&Aat, J_,,.. a-i.. aad c..nter wllJI tu b&ll field hu ial poem. Sidney Oavt~on. au-an.noun~. } Rlchard Melrose. bHn a leacue project ror two 1nttnrl,,nl. 1n hta welcoming Fotlow1ng the bualne .. metl· in Mode Meet Next aeulon will be Oct. ~ yeara &Ad thia, 1.Jon1 with many f'C h, 11lresaed the la flux ot Inc parents a llended their child· t lh h t M Q be othu d vlc 1roupe hu 'raiatd and t -u u Ep•ilon <'h•p•·r or Be•-1 • ome 0 u . ulM"n rrv. don al '"'" -onty low a rd ' .. la pur· ' 11tutlcnt.s and l he nl'ed or ren'11 clt1Ht.~. "'ht-re lhl'Y met -"" .-., """' Ju ""' ·thtr expan•1on. The princlpl\l. lhe ttt1cher11 anti wtre g1vtn tn· Sigma PhJ entert,atned pro11p~ct· _53;;4;;;;;;W;;;;t;;;;a;;;;tm;;;;;;ln;;;;•t;;;;e;;;;r;;;;A;;;;;;ve;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;po;;;;;;;;;u;;;;.;;;;;;;;S;;;;tn;;;;c;;;;e;;;;;;lh;;;;•;;;;;;;;;;pr;;oc;;;;;;eed;;;;;;a;;;;;.r;;;ro;;;;;jm ,, itph Hamblet. also 4>0ke. The formaUon on the requlrtmrnl.ll Ive mtmbera at a modd meeting r 11.•t1aurer'1 report wu given by a nd ~tldlllit in lh• vutoua sub· Wdnudav night. Oc t. 12 at thel An t.ncr.ued buda•t for the Mra. Albert Ogden, h1>11pltall1y ~th 5 .\lrs. Robert Ziegler. I Jt<:la. home of -J.lr11. Glenn Walnutt, 104 ,.,..._ 1e:1&-&e wu prMenled by chnlnna n. snd hf'r commllttt. 1 l. Mrs. Ellie Porter, th• lncrea.-.e :11me11. \\'llltam C'11l<'man. \\'1lht1m Mrs. Jac k Qu1etnberry opened j due to th• need tor addlUonal Spuri:eon lll, F'rnnk McCormick, I.ht meetmg Md lht roll t'&ll .tudet wallare and t o Ute eup-Robert V1llagi B' _ •' 0 . P1t'ksrd I wu a nswered by esch mrmbtr port g1-ttn lOW'ard bringing a L4"s !'Iott, Robr i: ('elh11. Edward with her det1nll1on of "happineu '' teNll'J' excb&ng-• atudent to Har· Milum and L. E Ltrldlt. ~erved I th 1 Mra. Ern· ~r High l5d1oot thl• year. rerruhmtnta. u e proaram ' Vt'n ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ht W&ltz.e WU on •'Defining H11pp1nru". Guest• pru~nl wer• Mmet .. Assorted Chocolates Something New Has Been Atltletl! We Mve Jue& comple&4!d eur ttb ~ea,_..,....,._ la Jt 1•n a& u.Ja 1.-.... r .. r ,.,ro__,• Mid falHI 19 oer ..,nliM te m<H1& 1raW7'111aMatlf ....... Proudly we Announce lhe Lobeler Bake will aiain be donaled to the Youth Cent.er the Lea(Ut will •t..ert lhi• peUtlon i al lh• Lobeter Bake oon Oct. 15 and JS al Mtcfn Beach I Tht Leagur will aponaor a cake lllld pie boolh a t the Lob- ster Bake. J.fembeu of the lea· gue and lll'Vtral grocery aloru will rumlah the b&kl'd gooda ror the affair and proceecb from lht u le or deuerl• will go to tht P ie and cake <'Onlr1buUona by Youth Center. I your ~b~* includes a L'N/e LenJ?t1e bMeball ~eld in the nc1c Sain ACt•ll -W1IU< & ltt h •J»"Ol'I• Lt-..,,, •. ,.., RETIRE YOUR OLD HOOVER or a~y other old cleaner and get two allowances this month only ! Regular Trade-In Allowance Plus Special Retirement Allowance During October Better Come In and 8tt thf' Wonderful New HOO\'EK OeLun 63 Toda~-. Flad out bow much ~·our old c·lf·anl'r hati f'&rtlf'd in "Retirement Allow- anC'I"". It'll nf'\'f>r tN' worth mort than ft l& right no•·! HIM l\"t~port Bh·d. C'OST A MESA Llllerty S.Hll Candy Pebbles, Licorice, Gum Drops Milk Chocolates with Almonds Available in Old-Fashioned Candy Jars or Boxed 1111111111 .. , ...... Cl A C0111plete Ladiel C111tom TaHori"t D1palna•11t 1-----------------· --------;;;;;;--.......... --..-.... -;;;;;---..---..--;;;;;;;--..-;;;;;;;. 17tll • Coast Hwy. • • c.tl c ....... A u 8-1011 -c:::> I 0 ~~~ Newport w ... lAMla leach ~~~ THI '9NDT ••• YIT LOWEST PllCID Euty .&.--. MAPLE FURNITURE •••• a 11 'J u1lr er~ Open Frldayt until 9 L I.. C.iru ..W tM ~ ..,..nt.11111 et -el &M WNt'a LMdlq .......... c--. UM .. , lld'a ~ Dept. UU. ~ ottere ~ •-ea ol 0rall&'• c-tJ t'9 ftaM& dM1n.ta1. f'rath· __..P .. d '°•"1!9le•<'tl tou•d Mlly • tile _, Pllt'kllltve, ~tropol.._ -.,.. Te M Ml'llo IP<llll llt.n to ftn· .... 1111 ••rll • .... la our •-•-4Doem&. FaU Fabrics from Meli r-.-MUia aa Fontmaa'a MUlbulc-Leahmaa w. L. Doupa ... an Enct..d'• ...., ... ,: 08CAR TU&NBULL .... ., Mufti, Ltd. tin Newport BIT4. Kl 5-UG I .. Jf .. tC L A. o.-b7 a.. • We 8-P9t YfHI Order Euiy Lay·a·way now • for you know what ! Select your gifts now while stocks are complete and fresh. A small deposit will hold any article 'til Dec. I 5th * ~ LIDO J442 Viel Lido • • • CREDIT UNIT TO INDUCT AT BOSSES' NIGHT FETE Newly elected and re~ otftoen ot UM er.dtl w_.•. ar.akfut Club ot ~ Oout Mid a epeclal meeUq Oct. 7 ln th• home ot MJ'9. Bwtoe B. a.di. lOt Vt& A.BU• to make nn&J atnn(U!Mllle for \Wr latf•1 ttl• fll aas... -4 "Boaeee' Nicht", Th• lnvltaUonal 'Ntt"tUm dblMr tt to Ille Mid Ill ...,. Newport Harbor Y&cbt Club, WectnWq, °°" 11 at T:IO p.a. Empioyen ot tbe memben Will Ille MMnd IUfllta. Kn. ... J ohneon, former dilltl'let P"lfclmt. -:~•Dtaa am-r. Speuer for t.h• evellinc wtll be Mn. R.....w. h .. trict ettond vice p.-..lde11t. ThON taldnr oUI~ an: ~ Mn. 1 . ...,._ MWer: flr•t vice preetdent, Mre. TraYla. MeBeatbl .-md .S.O. pnel· dent, Mrs. Jan1 Thompeon; -Rt&rJ, Kte. Ona& O. Cren.11: and treuuret', Mra. LuclU.'K. Dte...._ Jin. r . PW17 •opldnt. retlrinr pre1ldent, ..W be tbe ~ fllllcer. No Bed of Roses .. ' Says P-TA Speaker "Face it. family life ia not a bed of roeee! .. !o cautioned Mn1. Robert Bogan of Newport Beach, widely knQwn child guidance counaelor, when analrzing her timely topic "~ We problem Parents!" at Newport Elementary'• P-TA meetlnr Monda y attemoon. She wu lnt rodqced by Mrs. Vemoe Edler. Kra. WUllam llpurs->n 11 WU Pl"Ullllted to lplak briefly on the need tor adult cooperation 11nd j o l a t participation In local Brownie and CUb 8~ut orpni· aUona. After lnlroduetlon of the teach· lnr etatf, Mn. John Allen wu pr9111t.ed u uew committee ebairman Of paunt education. ENJOYING THE FELLOWSHIP of the Fuhion Tea preeented by St. Andrew'• Presbyterian Church ue kn. William Kemper, model : Mra. Lee Bolin, com· mentator; Mn. Edgar Hill. who pour ed; Mra. C. G. Dowds, model and Mra. Marsden Davia, model.-Helen Horr Photo r.mlly life w made up of prob- lem• atemmtng from difference. within the houaehold that are partly due to conntcUnr back· Jl"OUnda or the parenta, Mr11. Bo- gan stated. The attempt to e.mal· gamete the family group Into one aiel pattem almply won't work. Each parent and young- ater, Including ldtntlcal ~ twin., are of a dlfferegt Ilk and abould be treated aa 11tch, ahe .aid. TAKE OWN TIME "The child 11houtd be allowed Mn. Jame 1 MarUndale an· nQUDced 860 memben bave been tabulated el.nee the ~nnlng ot th9 P-TA membenhlp drtve at the 1ehool lut week. CARNIVAL DATE Mn. MelYia Wet.IOll, W&)'I and meana c.llalnnan, report.ad on the rapid pro,,_ ot the School Car· nJV&I, dated for Oct. 29 at Hor· ace Eneip School. The white elephaJlt drive compeUUon le \J\ tlill nrillf and prize• will be awarded cl&Mroom1 bl1nainr In rnoet to«1tribuUorw. Saint Andrews Fashion Show October weather at its beat greded th~ women who attended the fubion tea at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church on Wedneeday, Oct. 5. Mmes. Donald Wells and Cbriat.ian Schindler uaiated by their committee, carried out the exciting faJl theme for their floral decoratioM. Tea was Mrved outllde In the enclosed patJo of llL Andrew·1. Pourtnr -r• Mm•1. Marvin A. Sloan. EdJ&r HUI. Weblter JonH and Jamwa. St.wart. Way, Laurie Smith, Pancho Edler and Paul Edler Aaslstlng the models were MTnu. Hugh B11lrrl, J. Gordon Smith end Vernon Ed· ler. BRIDE HAS FIRST CHANCE AT ZONTA'S FEATHER HAT One dtlt gat• attending the big Zonta Conferenct lh111 put weekend went home w1U1out her hat. which 11 now col· lecUve property of Newport Harbor Zont& Club through courtuy of It. 1unlor put pre1ldent, Mrs. Jamts Aspin. And flret to wNr the lovtly white teathtred creation will be 11 Zonta bride -unnamed -a.a pa rt of her weddinit enRmblr Mrt. A.spin admired the h&t, worn by a gue.!11. The l"ller replied, "Give me that flowtr you are wearing in your hair, and l'll (lvt you the het ." They both did, and now any Zonllan may wur tht chapeau by donating Sl to the club. to "move In hie oW'll direction at hi• own trmpu, not molded tnto the unfulflllP<f uplratlone of bf.I rarent1." Mrs. Boran eummed up hrr diverting dlecuaalon w l th the~ words: "Family· life 11 the most rewarding hfe. with child· ren placed there to have and en· JOY -If on• juat knowe how to lenJ"Y It!" Brownle troop 411 preaented the colors after the prsldent. Mn. I Jack Bradbury, opened lh• te• 11lon. Miu Cl&ra Spelman. mu.le teacher , led In elngtng ··America. the Beautiful", accompanied bJ Mra. Evelyn Little. Following an lnl'plrallonal by CACE to Meet at Disneyland Mllll Bernice Veatal. principal. trips. Jot, Ernie amt Oscar Am· reports were given by Mra. Paul burite)I rel urned 18111 week from Ro,rr11. Hcretary and Mr 1. ('hesttr where eAt'h got a deer. Phelp• Me:-lckel, trea1urer. OS<:n alllO got a bear. Their GIVES WELCOME father, Ch8rleii. shot hl1 deer In Roy Anderaeii. euperintencknt ColeYIU, Next week bro thera Or· of achoola. prefec.d ~ MClOlld Before &djoumment, Mra. Brad· bury reminded members Ula l the nut P ·TA meettns wtll be an enntn1 J>&IMl dilcueslon. •-ream· nu. wu U\e fourth annual fuhloa l• preaented by the Wo- men'• J'elJow.aup, th• proceec:t. of which ..W be uead to turther the ~ -rk 1n kerttucky, Jn· dJa .., A.lulta. Mr1. Lef' Bolin commeataud on th" fuhlona whtdl were the lateat In fall The fashion tea was further enh1U1ced by the musical Inter· lude prelt'nted by Mrs. Ralph Deever at the piano end Mra, David Jl'raaer al11clng "Y&lllng In Love w1th Love" and "Alway11". C a 11 f o r n I• A111oclaUon ror ville and Sam Amburrey go out portion of the prosram w1th e Childhood l!:i'lucatlon. aouthem after their quota. pereonat welcome to the auctt--. · 1u•ct Ion. will mf'et Saturday 1n -;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;::;;;::;;:;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::;;;::=======::=::=;;; et)'U.as. ~ and colora. Be- lecttoM "" lbOWll from three local allope. L& fte\J\e, !!llcene, and Prtde and Joy. Mode'9 from llt. Andrew'• wne Mmn . William Kemper, Myron S. Way, C. W. Hubert, Paul Wit· ham•. Jack Stockdlll, Albert E. Ktlty, John I:. Stallman, Marw<ltn DaVle, C. O. Dowca and John Oil· h1. Modeling the children'• fa11h· lon1 wtre Paula Wllllan1s, Leslie Services at Christ Church Red Wagon 1nn. Dl11nt'yland for t 1 p. m. luncheon Reaervallona should b4i madf' with Mlftll E•tlth H'>l.81ngf'r, t 104 W Eighth St., I Santa Ana. Regil1tratlon 111 "t 11 a. m M1a11 Fr1u1ct11 Hamilton. l'Xf'CU· "The Armor of a Chn11llen" tlvP 11~ret11ry. will bnng gretl· w111 be the sermon topic at mu from ACE lnternallnnal. Chrlat Church By thf' Su 1n Spukrr will be M1M Vern a Newport Beach on ~undnv ThP Br,.tnholl. 11~ech f'(fucallon ('On· Rev. Roy A. Carl!<on will. :<J'<'l'lk 8111l11nl of Orang" County ~chnols, at bnth sl'rv1rf'l'I. 9·30 a nd 11 8 m. htr top1e. "Aa 11 ·h1ld Spf'l1ks" The SanC'tuary Choir. directed by Thl't e will be-ronducltrl to11r11 or -------------Mrs. l rm11 Ruttfl , will p1e11enl II U111nfyh1ntl J OANNE PURVES Joanne Purves, Howard Martin Troth Revealed Mr. and M r11. E<1w11rc1 Purv""· 119 Marigold A vt' .. are a nnouncing lh1 tn1u11em,.nt and cnmin« mn· rl&gt of their i'l"111thtf'r. Joannl' to Howard Ct'<'ll M11rtln. 213 i., 'l'he Grand C11.nal. 9'ln of Mr. anr1 M,... F loyd T. Martin. 1704 WMt Octan Front. The lovely br1dl'·tlf'C't a ttendtr! hiCh •rhool 1n Laguna BMch, wa• 1 ,raduated from S&nta Ana Junior College. Her flant'e wu gTadu· ated from Greenwich High School., OrMnwlch. Cann. and Orange Cout Cotlt'ge. attf'nded San Otego State Cotlere He U. affiliated with Sigma Alpha Epallon. The weddlng will be held on Nov. :M In St. Andrew·1 Prttib)'· tertea Chun:h. BE SURE -INSURE w1UI KAU1UC1£ ~TA.~T 1-.l'UC'e OILly n-Harbor 2nt Ull J;. 0-t RlgtnHJ' Corolla dt'I Mar ' 11pec1al anthem for lht> 1't'Conrl aerv1r e I Church S1;hool Cl81Ulr8 fol child· Get Bear and Deer rl'n . .vouth11 and adult~ &1e held F:11ch yen r tht Ambu1 i;:ry at 9:30 11 m Youth Fr1Jnw1<h1p Ill rllh"ll' of Co~tn M•·M h n v e i:mup11 for Jun1nr High 11nd Sen· I fr,.,.un• w rll·11\0rkcd with Jt&me lor Hti:h younR pe(lpl" ar.. held I' h".V h11vr 11hn1. h11ni:1nj! hRr k Sunr!11y at 8 p.m. thr q11otR Crom lh"1r h1111t1ng Genuine Alligator fat/~ --1 .. Who but Foot Reirs could crHte genuine elli9etor pumps for this delightful fi9ure 7 CIRCUS BOOTE RY 0118 .-...., Hlpta 't8 t NEU cs.HTllR -..... _. ftrtftf a ........... 221 1. 11111 St. c .... .._ u 1-ma Authtntie Earl7 Ameri- can rf'produetions la nut brown Salf'm mapll', Comer Cupboard ...... 79.95 Arm Chair ...... 26.95 Distinguished shutter doors ••• 1pindle turn· in9s ••• chairs as graceful as clipper ships ere only a few of the feeturH that make theH piect1 •REAL FIND ... and If such moderate prlcea! ! Newport Furniture Co. Im .... 0-. -.,. U 1-UU t;oeq*1:;o• fll DWrw Arillnl fiOIW STOMACH ULCERS DUllTO EXCESS ACID QUICK llUlf Olt IO COST /., .. l.i. r-• ; [' '"' T, , , t ,,f,., · TUR1'"ER DRUO IMt W. Coe.et Hwy. Newport Beach VDiCENT8 BABBOR DRUO llOl E. Cout Rwy, <Joroaa 411'1 Mar NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRE'SS -PART I · PAGE 3 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 144, 1955 ._.. ta tbe Home", wtUI tbe Rn. Jaa• It.wart M moder- ator. Board mml.ben eernd .. bc>M- ..... for tbe atternooo wH!a X..... •rtJa•r Uadde end J'ruk J.l. Mar*all ~· ( Will Attend Area Rally ......... ot .. Pllpta ..... lowebtp ot Oorou del Mu Oom· mualt7 a.urch wW atuncs aa area rall7 for JOUI peop&. at tbe Bayabore Oornmw\ity O\uroll Loni 8-d\, on II~. Tb• JteT. H_,,. &lat, tor- n&Uoul cll&irmert ot PllJrtm Fil· le W I la l jt fot' ~Uonal O\urchee and now pa.tor of thf' l:ut W b t I t l e r COft(l"eg&Uonal CllUtt.h. wtll be U.. 1UNt a~alcf'r. Ki. Betty Ruth Shannon la prf'· a1d•t ot the locat S""NP· whld• mwt.e at Ult church evft'y lun\ daJ' .. , • :10 p. Ill. • q.lcll S.Vlce roa loller S~ades at.eDdard lllaade ClotM u.s CU.tom 8pecia.lll• • Dr&1*7 B.ucttNN e Vmet.lan a&.ladl ().u.L llA&80I& IN THE SHADE SHOP m UM ft. Hewpert ._. ......_ ... ....,. Offtoe Every&ocly11 Mad AhoutPLAID Large Sel.ction there's o wonderful Mltdlon of clon Pl.AIDS COMAL PLAIDS & CHECKS 7'F ycl. . llJ( GI V( 4.; .N . GR(En STAmP5 .,.. .......... ,...,. ol M..c& c.... .._. •• 11 ... ;.. ol • ...-. "• .... '-,...a.. .......... ti..~ COl.OGHI • nRfUM£ • at .. ale; a •pAct WWW Wt.f of ,... ............... ..... .......... Cot..OGM.t tt.11 to ts..oo Pl.IP~. tuo eo IQ..oo "/. ~(; V"''· DIUGS ~1 Via Lido, Newport Beech LEGAL NOTICE PAGE 4 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS !>OO'l1CE or &N'l'ZNTIOH TO ('H.ATTEL lMORTGAOE TO WHOM IT )(AT CONCERN: NOTICE 11 hereby rtven pur· •uant t o the provW!iou ot Sttlion S440 of tlw ClvU Code ot the Sta t. of C&lltornla. t.h&t on the 2ht day of Oct111>er. !9~:i. t~ 0W11er of t h• htreanall«-r ducribed fiJlturu and equlpmt nl of that etttalft cate 811.. uatrd and located a l 3031 W. CuMl Highway, City of Nf'Wl)Oj't S.-a1 h. County of Orance. Stat• or c;&11forn1a, lntt>nda to place • <'hl\ltel mortgace upon th• aald r1x1urf's a nd equlpmPnt. F"red T. F'ulltr and Ann Y. f'Ul· ltr er" thl' mortgagoni or the Mld prrlJ"'rly and their Mldru• I• 204~ M11ple Av!'., Coata .Mella, County or Ori'"I:"· Stl.lle of C•llfom 1a . Arthur J. ScQt t, 11 lht m ortita· ..,, ... or tht-11ah.l property and the •tl•lre"" ot 11ald mortgRgf'e 111 3111 4th An , c·ortlna del Mar, Ca.II· rornh•. The prol"·rty. fixture• a n d I •qu1pm .. nl upon which th• said C'hUllfl 111urti:ag1• IJ4 ln be placed I l .. n111sl11 "' l hf' following. I Toa:<\ Ma11tl'r, s ... n al No IJIO· 11630 MOll!!I ""· 102. NEW PROSECT ~ Building permits were to be taken out today for this multi-million dollar shopping center at the corner of Bristol St. and [)('lhi Road. Rand Con· st ruction Co .. builders, say it is the la.rgest in t he coun- FRI DAY, OCT0 '3ER I ti. I qss ty. Leases have been signed by Mark('t Basket, Stand· ard Oil and C. & M. Rexall Pharmacy. Donald O'Con· nor will be here for ground breaking ceremonies next month. if he returns from Europe in time. I HEI STOLE WAS, , POLICE REPORT .\ U :.C'I) &11blt' atole boolong· Ing IC. ~tra C ~ J11m~n Of Soulh l..aguna y,·u tak«-n tr<1111 lht' 0..'n Lycan nr at Rtnll¢~ vou1 1•ark1n~ l11t at 111 10 p m Satur.t ""· accon.hng to :-;t'.,.. pl)rl &!acb poh<'e rrrort.11 \ The <'llr v. u unlockf'J an•I other things were takto. In· C'IUdll\( a ahOflJll11¥ bag 111,\h approxJmately 120 m 1l. Navajo Relief Expedition to leave Mesa on Nov. 3 1..',rnn ... 1 fOOll bar ~•I' h•'llV)' I n1t•rnt><>r or lhl' Rl\11Jh Roedlra, w1nt .. r < lvthtn~ 11111all l"~" Arhl I Sllhl all llt'nll "'1uuhl bfl dell""" rA>ih J o'lflthlr1' tnr 1.,.,.,,11n.. t.I l•• t11s resldt·n,•r Ill 707 Oael8r II••"• u re I h" 1tf'n1>• rw.·Jc-,1 hv SI 11r ll• .. 'rhx U1"11dd1 at 1'60 lhl' <'•'SIA llt>llll HttURh Ho1t <ll'l 9 :'l:t•V.'J"Orl Blv•I l."-•~ta Mea&. f1>r lhr11 "'"'in'I erran,t ••f lllrl!'\" The .-I01h1n1r ahuUld be Wpel' t.> Arn:on11" n t' e d \" :'l:avaJ"$, fttt•.i with m«-n "omt•n and chlJd. 1-l'hc-tlulc-J \n ,1 .. part th<' lllrsn ren'• at11re tn ,hfft're.nt boaM :"tw 3 a l 4 r Ill t1n1I th,. 11111111'• or fli-nor1 alMIWd l'<'lh'<• Otf1,·f'r Jr1111r~ Sh•t,.r. ht' in,.hhl•••I Ill thr boxu . Oaah TRUCK WRECKED 1lon11t1cin• 11r «r•·•ht ca rd• to be Drunk Driving Rap u~'"'. ftlr ~11,..•llnv &hnuld ti. stwn tu ~h•trr 111 flf'raon or by mall M J ·1 c .111rt.1' 8 Gar•tn.,r llf P:iMdeM I to 707 l'rntt'I' ~t . <'oata M .... esa Uvenl e wait •rrt-~lell hrre ~recent ly Slolrr 11anl 8 111111 mas.mn• on e d r 11 n k driving' chargr I muvl« t tlm 1" 11~1, nr .. Jed, to l"M'· , 11111v1n1t t'r rata'nlly the Jrivl'r Call· c•rJ thl' t np Blllnk tts, tiu.d• · J R•d E els I I'd to fllUlll nny of tht' tx•lict' ll's t ~ I an.I nl't•dl~a arltl 1111y tvptt of •.•· OJ I e n and wu b1"<1keJ by Nt>wport 1 tl'rllll wo111,1 ~ wrle~m .. llottr I Bench offl('era. • a dJeJ_. ----------- in His AITest A H ·yeu -01.1 Costa )ll'aa boy went Joyr1dmg lo an $8:>-00' Wtlch Rl'a~· Mix Concn •t<! truck W ed-I NOW SHOWING Prcnch f'rier I St•r J, 2 ba•· k .. u . SrrtaJ No. 0:111:,9, Model 1--------------00 · Ol'.sciay rught and wound up In· ALAS! p R BARNY ARD Mn. Moody Found jur~ &ftt>r wr«k1ng t he 1ruck r, fl. Crill (Wolf t Serial No. 71:')12, Modtl No. 2460. 1 Stand !or Grill 2 Burne!' Hot rmte, Table Steam 4 Door Re&ch·ln Ref. f Modrm I, Serial No UH 3!114SS t r·oronacto Rer Serial No. gs. 2i:l. Dead in Residence at Harbor Bh•d. and Talbert Road Mesa Counc.,1 to L·1m·1t Goril"n c Moody !13 •22 Lark· polk e repor1ed Funeral services !or Mra. Monta 11pur AVt., carol' home early Tuu· Al 7:30 p m the tru k wu E. Armstrong, M . ot 395 Co11ta .lay mo1 mng to f ind his w1ft'"s reportt'CS 11lolt'n from thl' Welch MeAa St. Co11La Mesa, will be hrld Feathered Folk ·1n Tracts bQdy In lhf' bathroom. where Shf Yard a t 1" Commf'rclal Way by at 10 a m. Saturday In Parkti<· had blt'd t o death llft<'r ioluh· Harold R. Welch, ownr r. Rldlty Mnrt.11ary Ch•pel. t hf' Rt'v. Ing ht'r wrl11t11. Polll"e declarf'.'<l At 8:0!I p m, the truck y,·u Charl••s F. Hand 0Hk111t1ng Lhe cleath a auic:u1e. reported tnvolvf'oJ In thf' acddl'nl DEATH NOTICE M O!\"?A ARMSTROSO 4 Burnf'r Stove Mell t !"hrf'r 1 A rnt'rice n 1 No. M372~. I ~, Roo.ster11 . .,.,.ln('a hen• and pea. lliblllty that an Inspector mlRhl ~f ct told 1 h h--' " r:i. Armstrong t11N1 \\"r•lncs· .,-"00 Y po irt' e .., gone wHh the Jnvu havmg lf'ft the Stria! day f'vtnlng al her home or a cocks &rt' not among the dtiuns count the rabbits, walk lo l he to Lo11 Ani.:elu -Monday on busi· scene. The Cahfom1a Highway heart nttar k She wa~ " nnt1vr ' C'oata Mesa ia Ml'king lo !iU t he I front sidewalk and drcld!' to make n<'lla and had hat1 rar trouble, not Pat rol handlt'd the arc1dent artt'r or lllWl\llhC, Ark. Rnd r11111e to muny new houi\ra m the mW!h· '" ft'count and find the num r ini: ublP to grt ll fixed Im· the tntt:k turn~ ovrr l"o otht•r l'rogrrM Jr,. Box for Sort Drlnk11 1 Counlt>r 21 Stnoh1, 6 tables 24 Ch11.lr11, 1 w11lrr Station (Cal· Coata Meaa In 192~. I r"omang 11ubd1v1111oru1. L&ll ~onill doubled tn the lnlt>rlm ia not p iatrly. He had callt'd hi.I w1Ce vrhlrle v.•as m•'Olvetl In lhe a<"Cl· Survl\•ors arf' her husband. day m~hl. lle•'k ing a way l <> hmlf' vlded !or . e er~ hour, but hn•l not been dent. Santa Am\ Cardcn11 r 1re Samson F:. and a llOn Rust y or lhP &ml rntrlct the k~plng of II.Ill I· I h Included In thf'l rntrlrl10onsl arl' I able to Rl't a ...,pl)'. he said. Mrs. Companv put ~t a 1P11all blue I home addreaa; two dnughlnl . mal11 aml l•lwle11. Mayor Cla re orses. cows, mu ea etc. ec saon Moudy l»rt It not•• wh1rh !ltOO{!y cau~d ll\' l h•' uw•rtua iwJ ti u"k Mrs. Don F . Slt'vens o! Coista Nl'lll<>ll came up w1lh the Idea that on the new law wa11 put ov~r C11r I 11tatt>il w~~ llilOlllrtr to on.. M<' I • coldt M ... and M 8 R E B· f «mnng the 12 Cowls the proposf'd a couple of weeks while co11n!'1 l-t:iul lt>Ct II\.,. vcAtll a<>o when sh!' Al !I 3fl P 111 . the !lle:.1• JUVrn· ~-r . ay . arnrio o . h ti · " ·1 h I 1 f h Table Pomona: two •illlen, Mrs. !l:l'll orrhnnnre Wll8 to allow he did not men decide wool t t y want an lrH•ol t•i kill hf'll"'lf v.ith hleep· 1 e wu app!r cru •" ur t. Nl nl Rt>ynolds of Arkanau an•I Mr1 I want &.ny "CO<'k'11 11hrill cla "on" how to word It. ini: plllll She blnml'd the act on ' • "'~ l·•k"n lo H.i11~ Enle Gal , t Wa.shl . · to rolll'e him from h.i• l>elj. Ill h"alUl. Hospital fur tr••..il mt'nl oC on 1n· I 4 Bus lNyl<. 1 :l 1al. atock pot I 3 gal. C'rock l St11.lnleM StrPI Steam pan 4 Stlnce pa ns. 2 Kellie• 11 Menu Holdtn , 9 Counter Set up 6 Aluminum Service Tn ya l J'lu Uc cum conlaJner 16 Soup bowls, 18 ec c cupe 13.f knives, U7 forka 141 lea spoons. 40 table •poon1 4 Sod& •poona, l Show C'll8e for ruo!' bladu 4 Wb.11>9, 4 Statnleu Steel cook· Inc apoon1 2 4 o&. •ltel la.ddlu. l China cap 3 mtxtnc bow la, 1 1 lb. cn'l('k 114 platters, 61 11erv1ce platu 3~ 8 In. platu over all 6~ 6 In. pla lu over au. 104 t•orfee cups, 8 cortee mup H Seuct r&, 131 water Wlaaae. 3 Tea pot.a. 26 Dr.Ip cut 8ervera, 10. Napkin Koldera, 12 8~ Bowls 11 Salt Shaker•. U Pepper ahak· •·rs 2 Straw dl1pen.eer8 2 \\'at:!r pltchert, 16 Sherbt'rt 1t111hea 10 Julc:f' glUMa. 7 Bread Baaktta 7 Sta tnleA.1 Steel IN1erta That .aid Chatt.I Mortl'ac• la to 11~ executed and the conalduaUon 1 ·1. rtfo!'e will be paid October 21, 1 ·•·,~ at BAY ESCROW CO., INC .. 1892 Harbor Blvd.. Coll& Meaa, • 11unty or Orangt>, S tale or Call· . ~n1a ,a l 10.01, o'clock A. M. I •t"t1 O t ol>er 10, 19:1:1. .. REU T. FULLER A='l=' Y. Yl'l..LER ~ortg11.gors ARTHUR J. SCOTT nnt1 nr Mortgacee No. 1:163 News·Prel'll 10 14 '6:> SOTU t: TO C'KEDITOR8 S u. A -~~51 F:lltllte or llJA E. f'HAZIER, de- r •'All('lt I }t'an o ngton, one I . I JUr<:J )l.m·I a.nd th•·n rtlc'-~ed to brotht'r Clyde Mc.Millan of lllaho Olht•r members or t hf' city coun· M F •1 '" I . ' . am .. 11 pa r<·nlJI ~=l t~~ ~~~hll~:~r In~=~~ ~~.~~."~8~~n~~n~o~:~~ :dp::a~ esa I y Irvine Race Site . Ct•!ll.A MI'S& pull•'" aa1d th!' In· Cemetery. bM on mocking birds. whose call Orani.:e Coast Collrge harriers I cldent would ~ hanO lf'>I as a JU· I If one or thl' featurta ot Colt. Fil s •t thu1 alternoon entertamf'fl crou \"t'nlle matter. The boy 1 .. alleg· I Me11a's enrly hour11. I I es UI . cmnlry trams from Chaffl'~", RI· edly on probdlltm fur nthrr of· Irish on TV The propo11ed IJ\w alllO limit.a vers1de and Fullerton on the nt>W (tnsell. I Color telev1s1on fanll ran enjoy rabbits t.o a doun per house, but • 2 ~ milr l rvlnr Ranch cour11e. the M1ch1gan State-~otrf' Damt did not conlll.ln any pro\•ll!ion for I 1n Ac·1dent game on the b11{ 11n e«-n In tht' how quick thl1 number mu.st be Topt•ka. Kan • and came to this Villa MarlnR lounge Saturday I malntam1!4 altrr the rabbit stork 11t .. te when 2 )"Pars or age. to thta morning, starting at 11 a. m. hU m .. dela audden call. The poa· SAN TA ANA. COCNS )-For ln· c11y In 1949. juriea allegedly re~lvtd wht'll lhey Survivors are h111 w1ft', Haul M. were atruck down by a car. a of the homl'; a brolhrr. Clart'llct , Costa Mella couple &nd two-year· of Hemet; a sister, Mis." Nina M. ohl aon .ought $131.000 dama g1•a Sanborn nr San Francisco. Crave- In auperior court here Tu..Oay.1111rtc-8en·1ces Clnd lnlnment will be Lodging the auJt agalnat Mra. al r orricl l..llwn Ceml'tery. George McNamara of Balboa are Ip;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. Robert Clark Sr., Mary Clark and &.>bcrt Clark Jr. The plalnllffs claim a car drlvt•n by Mrs. Mr Namara, a.I.so known 8.11 Melba Caylc McNaml\J'\.t, plowed into Clark Sr. and Clark J r. u they walked In front or the Coata MeM Alphor. ~la 1tore on July 9 . The defendant la accuaed of 1 n..rUrent and cattle• dr1vtn1. The youngatel' a.uertedly ab- sorbed •vere injuries, lnclud1ng a cruahed ankle, broken thigh bone a.nd internal hurta. Hla father wu Injured In a lt uer deC'f". r.~ 2ND BIG WEEK I DEATH NOTICE ILOX SAXBOB.N ICA V'-tor 21-Mch Coler , ... .,,,..,.. Natural colot on ""9• 11 · •ndl plctvr • lubel Receives block-a nd · while P<OQ•O"''• too. UHf ·VHf lvner, Motoo;ony flnith. Delva• Moci.t 21CHS. &Ul.00 do"' I aho "C'A...~SrBAL A1TACK "I JANE IN DEEP WA TEI The waltr"11 fine. J ane Russell !K'cm11 to say invitingly In thl• !'<"en••. V<•ry much "In the 1w1m", from "The Tall Men". hC'r lste:sl film currently 11howrng to rN·ord-bre11 kl•g box off1cr rt'· ao;t1on at the Meaa Theatre. J ane·11 be\)u In t he CinemaSt ope wrst"rn in 1·nh1r by 0 f·Lwte 1s Clark G11ble, with llobl>rt Ryan a r11I C-ameron !ltltt·hell also starred. Avenue Funeral .ervlcea tor Leon Eu· gene Sanborn, 73, or 312 Amethyat A\"e. will be held Sa turday a t l p. m. In Parke•-Rldlt y Mortuary Cha J)t'I. Costa Meaa. The Rev. Craig Carter, putor of the Ch urch of Rellg1oua Sdt'nce, Santa A n11. v.;n official&. Mr. Sanborn died Wednuday evening al hia home after an ex· tended lllnua. He wu a native or T \RTF.R Tf:LE\'ISIOS 290~ t:. ('oa.."t 81,·d- ('urnn& tlool \1a r lla rl"'r .>-19t and '!-17 Rruad'4a)' l,aj(Ulll\ 1'4-M'h H\•att 4-r.511 Granclollo 's (formerly uf 11 .. 111, 1 ' complete menu for the famil y PIZZA e SP AGHt:TTc e 1,.\.,.\1,~A 11oan:. KADE ' RAVIOLI • ~n:.\k... • lo-f: \ f'OOll f'OOD TO GO 511 lalboa llYd. BALBOA Harbor 4837 MESA ·~ ALFRED H ITCHCOCK'S TOCATCHATHnlP Cot°' by Tf'C~ -... ._ ltOVC:& ......_. -~ ~ ... -0 HrTCHOOCit4 ..._ ... "'°""'" ~ -----....... -............ • 51Ht WOI CM CMgel Nt 1N11M oMyf si,,,.,. DENNIS O'KEEfE • MARA LANE .-... ... ROSSANO BRAZZI FREE SHOW SATURDAY All Kids Invited to Attend an All Comedy Show at ttt. Udo Theatre Sat. 1 :45 Cartoons • Comedies -Disney Nature Serles Have a Good Time on ttt. House NOW SHOWING Nullrr 111 herC"by l(lven by the , 11ndnslini"•I WILLIAM H MfAD ' Executor !If the 1-.:Alalt or JOA E. l"RAZIEH 1leceaM<I, tu t hl' Credit· 1 ors or. l.lthl all I'<'! •1111~ having d a1m,. uicn1nst th•· 1<;11cl tlt'C'•·a~,.d. to pr•~l'nl th .. rn w11h the 1wn•111<11ry Voll• ht'r~. within io1x 111unll\/I afll'I the r1r"l pubhl'alit•n or th111 nnllcP 10 thl' .•rll•I Eite1·11t11r 11l lht offlcl' Of OA\'l S Ir f'E="="EY 3.f l6 Via 1.1t10 ruy nr :-;t!"'l"''t Bear h, C"uunty of OrR.ngr ~tat" or r11h· rom111 which s1ud ocrae f' lht" un· drr~1gnC'd l't"IPl'lll 11~ a plact' or bui<ln,.J<• 1n 1111 m11ttr r11 runn,.r led \\llh llRlll C'lll&ll'. nr lo fil' lhrm With lh,. n<'Cl':<i<lll\' ,., .. , h"rll with· In 111x munt h11 aCt• r tht" ft rat pub- hr 11t1nn II( thi• nnt 1n. in th" nfflr,. of the ("lrrk rt( th,. J';up<'nor l'nurl (If lhl' St11tr ••r (.;11l1forn11. In 11nd fnr I ht nn1nt ~· oC Or11nge. Fall presenh Fashion Show Luncheon OPl:11i DAILY 1% .XOOX·ll IODXICillT, )10 .X . .> p.m. Tll. !\CID. THE TALL MEN STOOD TALL ... FOUGHT TALL. -LOVED TALL .•• "latert !':rplrmhn :lt1, lll:'>:I ~ \\"ILL.JAM H . MF.Art Exrn1tor "\o. 136:.! New11-rre118 10 7. 14 , 21 28 l!IM S OTIC'E OF l'llw'Tl:SDED 8 Al.E t "ndl'r ~tlon 100 C'h11 C'OO. ()f thf' l'lt&t4' <lf ('allfM nia NOTICE lS HEREBY GIV~: , Thal NATHAN D. GORIS . Vendor, wh<>M addreM la 1606 W. Anahur11t f'lece. In the City or Santa Ana. County nr Oran,.e. Stale ot California, lnlf'nde lo 11ell to S11m C ra.MO, Vendff. whOle ad· dreM la 1829 J onu 8t.. ln the City of Loe Angelu. County ot Loe An- f "lt11, State of Calltomle., the t'ol- tnwinJt deacrlbed perwonal proptt· ty, to·\\11 : A II .11lock In trade. fhcture9, f>QU1pmtnt and rood will and ac· count• rt'r tlvable of a ct'rt&ln meat bualnf'aa known aa Hubor MNl Company and located al 418 W. 30th 8 t. ln t he City of N.,... j purt. l\>unty or Orange, St11te ot Cahrornta and tha.t • Mle, t ra.n.- ft r and ualcnmtnt of Ule aame w ill be made, end the con1ldera- llon therefore wtll be peid at 2 :00 o'rlO<'k P.M. on the 2~th day of O<'tober, 1~:1. at the office of Ray I M. Oavldow at 9010 Sunset Blvd.1 In th,. C"lly of Loll An,.ilea. County I of (,(lll A nQrlr11. St•te of C.UfomlL Da ted Ortober 12. 196S ' S ATMAN D. OOPlIN. Veridor No. 13t7 N1w1·Prt!M 10 '14, 'M r• Thursday, Oct. 20 12:30 p. m. Luncheon by Chef Henry Jones \'ERNA ~llLLER SCHOOL OF CHARM A:-.:D F ASHION MODE LING t:llKl'ne'" llr11.t ~ho11 \fArH~·n'11 il<'IM'b ('.um!><• r Kim of C'a.llf. t • ranrt'S .X or1 oa !'lhop11 Nolp '.X l"tlt<"lt Katlly'" Matt'm lly ~hop ('lrC'u• ~tery P11r k1ni A n1il1blt' Dunng Sh11w For neervatioM -ll&rbor 2128 C LOSED MO.XDAYS-WIXTER Sl'.:ASOS OXL\' REAL MEXICAN FO 0 D .I ll A l I PO_ s TA] 8teaj(Jt for n -""ho DN!re U you prefer to stay at honie to tee ~·our farnr1t.~ tele\islon proi.:ram try our bosed Mexican dlnnen or s~iaJ ordt " to take out. Th.-~·'tt ttady to !M'n·t . PRn"ATE PARn ROOM t'OK l.AKUF. l'.\RTIE IS '!lU ~ewport 81Yd. COSTA MESA 1 Block Soutb of Santa Ana Country Clob I . '. AND ONE MAN TOWERED ABOVE THEM ALL! ~ Twn C'.,..,rt•t • !llln•• :-0."lirlltl.\ 1 1; 11 :1~ C nn. :-un. l'rnm 2110 f'nr llill• "'ac•meat Adult• &l.00 l unlon t<k ("bllll Uc • , . TODAY'S ·N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT NltW TORK NOON COJOU!NT J?'OUp, p&rtJcularJy on m In o t COMPILED BY 8 . C. CAR81DIC, w.alu1t ... I 0-n Wllttt 6 Co l Santa Ana COPPEa PRICE M'T SANTA ANA, ON H . 10CNS1 Coppera had to c9ntend with Jrrerularlty carr1td throucti into, a.nothn price cut. A11 0111 'lnnu- th• early tradlnl' today with a tnce wtara oft, howenr. pro1- !illl1dful ot luuu able to l'f'Sutt pt'cl.11 of ta vorable ~·ear-end dlvl· 111llln1. Stock came pnme.nl • from dend trealmtnt ahould be of llOITlf the prof-tonal trad1n1t elemf'nt I benefit. Du p1te upected lowt'r llO that, falling tn dl1lodge a fur· third quarter nrn1nr1 due. to ther •upply. prlrrs tendtd to •ta-•trike Jo .. e11. the manarement of blhu. Kennecott mdlc11.led that eamln(s AvlaUona had the b<•neltl of fur· tor the yur may approximate thu favorable newa tn the form $11.00 per ahare. of new ordtr1 tor Lockheed ot $100 ' Jn view ot pronounced derllnH million. Thi• I• the third order of 1 thettf put three Mondaya. there llUCh m.,.nltude which Lockheed 11 a natural tendency toward.I bu received thia put month. B~-1 ca ution aa the weekend approach· tnr and Dourtu are adjuat1nr I ea. It 111 aJ.o poaalble that pre· meuiwhlle to thf nev.·1 on Jtt cautionary 11elllnr of the pa.at two tnanaport ord•n trorn Pan-Amen-day• hu discounted thla threat can. ~d chanru over the baJanct MAIN INTl:Kl:l'4T of the day may be minor, with Dupont auppbea the main lnt~T· •~laJtlu aupplying the main .i to tht chemical sec tion, apur-lnterut In r eaponM to new• Item• red on by anllclpatlorui of apllt and antlc1paUona. new• Monday. While ~allutlon Dow .iones l p. m. Avuacee ot favorablt new• could Wf'll allow 30 lndU1trlal1 ~~3.72 ott 1.19 t or turthtr Improvement. It 11 20 ft.&lla . a ~•7.33 oft .41 nott'worthy that the rtrovery 111 Utllltlee . 41 .17 ott .10 from earller low11 Ma l>l'en on m•· h!ral proportions. Steel• ab.orbed 1tock re..on· U.ly well aldt'd by Republic StHl'a exn~llent third quarter ~ port which point• to earnlnr• of bflter than se 60 per 11h11re of 11<'rr.,datlon l'lnd other rh1rge11. With anl1 indlr8ttd ruh now of S8 M p.-r ~hArf' provll1in• wide covtr81{e for the S2 ~O divldt'nd, w• woull1 expttt republic 11teel to be well 1upporte<1. Aftn reactlnK with the market d11rJ11~ early 1rrtgularlty. Chry1- ln rttovered anlt 8ppt ar11 among ~e more attractive in the motora Too Late to .. c .......... n-a~•r wuw MAN W ANT!!D for maillnf room and back ahop work. Part Ume. Apply at Newport Harbor Ntwa-Pl'MI. 2211 Balboa Bl•d .. N.wport Beach. 18c20 TWO DELUXE modem couchM, bra.nd new. 1-than wholeaale price S98 .,.. P'oam rubber llftt• 6 bolllter, Ideal for den or llvlnr room Makt'I 2 e~ra ti.d11. Pr1vat11 party. 2013 Bay- 1ide Dr .. Corona de! Mar. 18c20 GRUN BED orv AN, wa.lnut trtm. hrfect condition P4 Harbor 6280-J 18p20 CLASS A U-Runabout l& motor. a hn. on mot.or. Harbor 3892 18d0 1947 STUDEBAKER Champion far ult Hl~heel offer t.allN Liberty 8-2083 l k20 49-Rooms for Ren1 ROOM with kltchtn prlv11er• - Lady rrt"ferred. Nice home with widow 442 Redlutd• Ave .. Newport Hll. LI 8-7172 18c20 • Irvine Terrace Two Lovely Homea 1u clu.Jve1 2 bdrma, 2 balha, $29,M O 2 bdnne. A den, 2 b&th $34,500 Both complete with -u'to wall <.'WTJ>t'tln1 and drapea. fully fenc- ed, u~naively landacaped. Can- not duplicate Jocatloru. •Waterfront Duplex Dow l oDH l p. m. \'oh-: 880,000 , ... J,CM0,000 LOCA.L STOCK U ST Bid aad Aak Bank of America .. •3~·421., Bf.ckman lruitrument . 23~ Calltom la Bank . . 631,-67 Dilney (Walt ) ..• 31 1)-34~ Flnit Weatem Bank ' 64-6~~ Gta.upar ... ... 21, ·3 '• Hall Srolt Motore .. 6"-·6 lnterltata Enrtneerln1 10· ll Market Buket Com ... 20''-·21% Mayfair Markel.II 8 ~·JO Minute Maid . lt"·UI'!,\ Sec. f'lrat Nat'l Bank .... ln"-41 '4 Thrifty Drur .. • ... 9l!l -10~ Trtt.8WUt . ... -71'-8 1' Van C&mp Sea Food . 8-3ll, US Nat'! Bank 8. D. 211' ·22 " Wlurd Boat . 2-2~ ORANGF HI CollthlaNI from Flrllt Pac'e Harbor New1-Preu Award pre· 1ented by Ben Reddick. publisher. wu Syh1a R&mlru, Santa Ana High School. Acceplln1 t b I 1 award !or her wu Carol Baller, curnnt 1tatt member at Santa Ana. Pholography honors went to the Carden Crove Argon.ant. Wll· llam E. Smith. ad vi.or. Th t 1 e trophJ" w e r 1 aponaored b y Hoyt'• Harbor J:nira.tn1 Com· pany. Ch.let irpealler at the awvda dJnner wu Reddick. Muter ot ceremonl.. waa Ron Annatronr, etudcnt body prwldent at Oranr• eo..t CoU.gw. DT. Bull H . Pet.,.. aon. coU.... pr..admt. welcomed the partlelp&nll l.n the conf9"J!Ce. A general -•on wu held m the atternoon tor the • 1tudenta and ad't'laor1 P"fft'lll who l"l!pre- 1«1ted the county'• H h.lp achoola. It wu moderated by Rowud Clapp, OCC art lnlllruc- tor anc1 chairman of tlle confer- ence Panel mtmbers were Mrs. l!:dw1n Rlct , yearbook advt.or trom Newport Harbor H I lfh School: WllJtam H. Seaman, ad- vtaor from Huntington B t' a c b H igh School: and Ntlaon carnee. S. K. Smith Company. Workabopa on photoiraphy, lay- out, enrraving, and copy prepar- aUon were conducted for lll11&lJ irroupa In the afternoon. Th- were eonduct.ed by Mike HatchJ· monjl. L. A. Art Centar ; Jack CannJcott, L. A. Engravtnr; Wen- dell and Harlan Hoyt. · Hoyt'• Harbor Enl'f&Vl.DJ; and John Brown. John Brown Ad•nti1ln1 A(en<:y. lbhlblla on dltplay throu1hout the confuence included yearbook CO't't'TI by S. IC. Smith Compu1y; Ulb~nlphy by Utho«raphJc ATll. Santa Ana; engravtnr by Hoyt'• Harbor Enrravtnr: prtntiJlc by Mclnnia PrtnUnr Company: and colleg-e publlcaUona by Orang"e Cout Ooller•. Mesa City Hall Fl~!.. ~~~.R.!' Largest Shopping Center ArcC~!tecbCoSet •1 ~!cs':4:utt.o th• helpt ... Cit)' llft • County Set Near Mesa by lly llCI j Oran&'• County'• aervk e per· ID IOIUlel and eqwpment have been -- Architect.. Willard T. Jordan ot 1 prNMd Into action to aid th" M ltl llll D II p jed 1923 Harbor Blvd.. eo.t.a Meea.11trlckea Mexico City on orden U elft Oft 0 Gr ro and Plll'er, Bu.J.rock and Hou.,an from W~. I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1'4, 1955 IT ruck er Dies 1 i1 Crash with Freight Engine I th• tn H k, Thj' •·n..,1n~•r l'lalmf'd lhC' wt,,: \\ftl: ~IJ"llAI• Al thll Cl'OI• 111111; w('rc-\\•'ti.mi: Hitdl\\ft\' f•••t1ulll1• n Mht th.,, • h!'1'k"'I th• "a nun .: •ltl\ Ice at th• mtt'1_.Uon, 1111<1 fu11nJ ll tn worktnj? orJC'I of 2313 E. COut Hlrbway, Corona The b11 plan• took off from El Slated at Delhi Road, Bristol day Mar a re •Cotita M.eaa Clty lToro at 8 o'clock Jut nlfht. Jt SA1'-rA A!'\A, OCT H 10C· LEGAL NOTICE Council cholcu a.a architect.II on wu to INve Corpu• Chrlatl, Tex .. j SA~"TA A:-.A 1oc:-is1 -Th~ O'Connor fllmou8 m<'l wn 1mt11r" l'\Sl A. 3l•yc-ar-old Slln Ol<'J:'O I the new Mua city hall. The u · · · ' ' I -------------eoclateJ flrma are u pect.d to be 1hortly after 1 p.m. yeale~y. The larirest •hopping centtr In Or· a nJ telev1111on 8\llr u muter of truck 1IMV<'T perilhl'd m flam<':< en .. ••ed durln• MonA•v nlrht'a tint e&fTOd wpalu m1 alnly1 eq1,11typ·j an&ti County wtll becom" a real· rcremonirl! It h•• 1t1tum1 frnm at e I ~ a in when h111 \'t'htrlf'I :\"OTlt't~ Ot' t,l.t 'C'TIO'I .-. ~ ~ ment 111:1, r·e re or p ane1 • eurnpe 111 11111 .. LlT11nnor hiu1 Jtl\IWt'J 1n10 tht' SH.It' of a f1<'tt1.ht 'Nt•llrt 18 h1·1 .. t.\ ,.:11't-r1 lhat a Meea council on. IOI' th• ahutUe rurui from Corpu.a lty today wben building permttJ fm11nc1a1 1n1 .. 1e"t 111 !hr proJN•t 1 tra111 ••11gm~ 11.t l\'•'"'l'l'rl A\'t' Spt .. ·1111 Muni If'"' Elt•.·1111n will ~ Location of the 9ew city ball to Tampico will bf t aken out for a mllltl· 1 Rn•I nl:<o 1·XpN '" tu or••n a d11nre 1111rl Lhe Santa .,~,. Ra.ll~oad h<'ld 111 lhe t'1ly 11C :-\1•11 p<lr t Btoach will be on the all• a( Pomona and ' 1111 t W. l&th Sta. recently pun:hued At CorpUI, the plane wu to m on dollar project lrt lhl' 11tud10 In thr t't'ntt r, wh1rh will track•. 1c1utheaat of Sa nta Ana, on the lll:\l I 1111y ut IJ;•rtmber, from Howard Laweon and ....oc{-take on t004 and clothlnf tor re-· southwl'1t part ot S anta Ann by tw tho fl!"l ••f 11. nKll<11111I l'11111n report11 8how 19~!\ f<1r thr ~uh111111 .. 1M1 ot a pro- atea tor 119.DOO. ldenl.11 ot Tampico. the Rand ConJ1tructlon Cn ll ln adc.Jll111n. M1•Hrn1 y llill•I nt· Th•· hlgh~•Y patrol l<Jent 1f1e<l pose<! 1w1t·r11ll111•11t 111 1l1t• <'hartt'r Ilea near Costa Me11a. I ient1st1on1< IHI' wc>ll un.!Pf'l4•i.~· t11r lht• •1<"1111 nrnn u Raymond Hemry. of lhf' City <'r :'\••wport H.-arh. M,axlmum coat on the etructure Tl f II 11 expected lo be between $70,000 INGSLEY Plan11 a re rnmpleted by Wei· ll lArft' l•'l' 11k11ttng nnk, whlo'h 31. •>f 11149 Pacific Beoach HI• 10 o n\\1111: 1111..,11u r" will ti. ton B•rk•t an.. a.ft•~iat:• and j w ill bt tht' u n l y un1' In I he-dWlfrl'•I bt.11.ly waa orde-rP<I r<'· 1ub1nllt<'<l ttt 1 ht1< d1 .. ·11.1n Th• a11d 1100.000. dependlnr on aquare • ~ " ~ ~~ n I Mor-rill Vt'ri:eor all of Loft Anl:"eles C'Ount\' movl'fl to Smllh-Tuthlll Mortuary, n.t p11ragr..ph of S1•1•t 1111 400 ('If ~:te:,~~~1l!:.lned8q_:~~.:: Colldlnled ,.._ Pant 1'1119 for t~ cent"~ a t tht' touthust Thi' po OJ<'< I known "11 Brl11tol ~•nta Ana. aahl l 'lly L'hLr lur •hl\ll be aml'nd• accordlnf to Inform al converaa · and Efficiency committee, J waa cornn ot Bristol and ~lhl Road Shoppln11: ''••ntt'r, Inc. "111ts,.11·r The v1rt1m w1t11 opt't alln.,: a t\J 180 r.1t1111 H.\ fnllm1·, ' tlorw on lll• aubject. 11 e.xpected to diapleaaed with at'Veral of the and the Markel Buket already I th.-ent11r 111111\h1H~t pnr·t o SAn· F'1lm T111nsport Cr• t rul'k. out .. f'<'t on 40tl. l'~lf'<•t1ve Oftlcena. range from 7000 to l O.OOO. Dletrict Attorney·, le(al rullnr.s hu •ll'fted a leue t or Ill largest ta An11 l,l 11< Jui.t south ur th•' ••! Lela Anl{t'ln The c-l<'<'llVI' ottll'n~ uf U1e City Some talk haa been ma.de of to the Grand Jury. 1 aourht It'· market In Orangt' County, as has '•Oonnld O'Connor l'u k F: s· The hlghw1ay pat1 t>I u1J the 11hall 1 t111•1J•l .,f " l 'lly ( 'ouncll 11t erectinl' a two alory buJldinl In pl advice from tht Loa Anf t'IU the S tandard O il Co ~!e11."f a lM> dt'\'f'IUllt'•J hv l ht lruc·k, pllrU1 e11st bounc.J 011 New· ~·""" ( 111r111lkr ~ t ',b1n1lhlAIC'I tor County ~CounMI. ••tRHT TO !UC.~ .... n11 1rm. "'h1·1 e :.!:>ll h11m,.~ ttl <' pnrt A\'<' ~mruhe.I Into t h1• rtr11t '-11~· 't•un1·11 ~hl\ll ,. nomtnatMt order lo I'll maximum tulUre uae berna; 1·0111pll'lt>ol or art' und1•r unit ,,, tt tour-unit t>ngine 81<-frohl am! h\' lhe t'h"<'IOtll .1r M <'h out of the city hall land, or al IUS'GSLEY Ol\"l:S Finl local merchanrtlser t 0 coniitrul't11111 11n1l l'nutht•r 1 ~•2 st'mbly The-1ru1·k wns Jn11:i.:t•11 of ihl' s,., ... ~ dlslrh ts rl'fl'rl'M tn leut erectlnf • •tructure that can The Loi Angelea County Coun-•1rn fur •pact' 11 the C. a.nd M. hornea "'111 be stRrtt'd &<ll•n Mnrl' 77 fto\'t 11not bur:<t min ttnme" In Artkll' X ot 11111 C"llartf'r, and be expanded Into two ator1ea. Thi• HI advlaed me lhllt be cou.Jd not Ru.alt Pharmary. whirh Inked & than " hftlf mlUlt1n dollM11 in T B W11llarnson. 43. ot l.os one ltl111l hi' "''"''"'I rrom each of decillon aao wlll effect coet of tht ctn me any leJ&l advice on 01'1lnd contract thl11 ".'tek t or eooo sq I homto 1<11le~ h11Pv h!'t>n romplo,tl'•I Angtl.•11 wu th<' Pni:lnt'f'r of lht' I 11uth dl.strh'la h.v the l'<•t1•r1 or the city hall. J ury matlen wht'ther they be ft. J im McHtnry and Co .. Sa.nllL to d81<'. and ma n vhom•· buvrrs north-wPMl txiund train .llstnrl non11n11tlng 1111rh canltl• civil or crlmlnal u he wu not Ana ""•alto d Do I I Sf · 1 ""' re 11n m n c rt· alre11dy a re mm\'DI( 1n Thi• r ort 11t1_,. cl1v1"1on t1rt'f1j.:htt-rs <IBtes Ill thrum~"' a nc1 In the man• le,.aily authorised to MlL u •legal gola. an auoclate. ue agenta for hl1rne11 art pnpululy pr Ir t ti re~ponded to u ungu1sb lhe blllZ<' nl'r pro\'l1le1I 1n thl8 Charter. 'nit)' advlllor on Crand jury matte,.., the center. The nev.• pharmacy wHh no 11own payrnf'nl.9 lo t'Vt· But it was ton IRtf' Thi' trurk I shaJI l'rrvr for 11 lrm1 of tout' that t.be law rave exclu1JH Jun•· wUI ... a •xpa1U1lon tor Paul "" n ~ eran1. Wiil! romplt ll'I , rt f'mollsht'rl \'t'llrll 1<1VI until lhl'lr rf'•"""llve ...,_ .. _ ... ........_ lrtnt Pap dlllUon ln thlll ma Uer to tha Dla· ""lho a d Do •1 111• ~-r -"""'"'... .._.. · -.... un n n '" ~r, v-•~rn t&-AC'RE TRA('T The frl'lght tM11n enginr wtul 11111'• ""anr11 •rl' <'leclN1 and quall· JURY, JUDIE trlct Attorney or Prealdlng Judge. of th• C and M J>harmac)· 0 ·-wronrlY accuaed, lm pul'ft h11 char-~ · · ·, .,.,,. The prutnt ahopplnJ? l't'nter pullln~ :12 rnr~ &nr1 11 r11bonsr. tl<'t1" acter and 1nte1rity. However, he did a.dvlat' me that If la Ana Thty will cont1nue to comprlse11 110mt' 20 arru, wit h The-re Wll8 no fo~ 81 the time of The flOll• wlll be open beLWMft COt."ltT , roaY POLICY the Grand Jury, by majonty vote, opt'rate l hl'lr presenl pharmary 11arklng nr•·a in a rattn ot 4.7 the accltlt'nt, a1•rorclln1t to tht' the hour• of 7 .()0 a m. anct f :OO r or theae reaeona, aa well &JI requested him tot al~·for ~~"Ille and opl'n a ee<'ond In the new to 1. It ht.'11 dlrt'clly wt~t ot the patrol. Hrm ry·~ truc·k was a two-r . m them on any mat er uc ore em. r entn 88 11oon u It 111 completPd, prellt'nt horn,. •le••lovpmt nt. How-ton, 19:,1 m()drl f'l\tf't1 thl~ n t h ct11y ot Octobef\ other1, It la the policy of the court 11• wou.Jd then feel It hi• duty, u Tht 1tort will bto one of the eerv, McHenry polnl"d out thf'rP Enginur \\'llllam&on told th<' 19M and the JT&lld jury U.t no publlc any public official ahould. to aid tlnut Hit aerVice drug 11toree ln i. an llddltlonal J2 •r~11 Mt hl .. hway pa trol hi.• tr81n wall •1A ""GERY sc ouaouo-11talementa will be made relative 1 t ... _ c and Jury In any th t Ith 1 t r " 1 " .,. on ..... or aa11 • ..,., r e coun 'f. w comp e e oun-asldP tor b11~tnes11 anct rut ure rx· traveling from 4~ to ~O mile• rHy l'lf'rk to any matter which could poe-ay legally poMlblt' t•ln d 'II " w · " an KT• • pan1llon. ptr hnur Hll 1111111 h• dtrtn't 11r~ Nn. 131\A NrwJO·Pno111 1011 • ,.3 albly rfAIUlt In an lndlctment or f h 1 • 1u Th.la II a far cry ror w Ill Nt'gotlaUon1 alao are nearing "\\'e'r«-r rrv prn11d of t he apeed _ ----• _ acruaaUon beln& filed. The gnnd beJJeve to be the arbitrary Ill· completlon ,.wlth a large, nation-v.1lh \i'h!C'.'h w hat' vdef1opedv Jury ct.n rt!IU.at' lntonn•tlon re· 1umptlon of power by t he county ally lc.nown department atore, Ri· thla area, a nd doubly proud of 1 1ardln1 any other matter• when-oouneel ot Orange County In con· chard Rand of the Rand Con-Lhe durability and beauty of the evtr they detm It advlaable In the necuon with the attaire or the sttuctlon Co. dtcland. It will homu," Rand Mld "WI' bought public lntereit . Oran&• County Crand Jury. The ~ual any other department 1to~ the property on Maffh 28 and With ,...peel to the tuncUon ot o ranre County Crt.nd Jury 1hould In the rounty, he 1ald. 1 •n a little In• th11n Menv month• the Judl'e. the dlatrlct attorney, uk the Attorney Ct'neral tor an McHen.ry al8o 11 negotiating hat' "met 1111 zoning requlrf'· and the county coun1el In their re-of!lcW legal rullnlr lo clarify once leue.e for a variety etore, a hard· mf'nt11. bi-en onntxt'<I to tht' I'll\'. latlon to the JT&fld jury. we feel and for all whether Section No. wa r., 1tore and 11everal other have 2~0 home• ntllrinit complt· It ahould bt' pointed out that no 2764.2 ot the Covemment Co<lt' bull.nt11 enurprtaea. Uon. 152 on blue pnn l• lln1t our one ot thtff oftl«ra la permlttt'd (iv• the County Collrulel any OROl-sD-BIU:AJUNO shopping centu l.1 rt'ftlly to etarl to bf wtt.h the JT&fld jury during d wh t rt th mandatory powen or uuee • • Ground • br•akln.. ctremonle11 "' mon Ill eea1lon1 except •t the "<1Ut 11t ........ th ~ .. "B l t 1 s 1. th fl s -ver In connection ... u .• f tor thl' ne w center will tak' r 11 o t. ., e rl't ants and wtth the pennlaelon ot t he d A t t h Crand Jury. except u the Oran place next month. with Donald na 1 rtt you It &JI you eomf' fT'&"d Jury, wttb the a ceptlon Jury, by ma jority vote, requuta down the (lt'rway f rom !All An· that the dlatrlcl attorney 11 re-h1m 80 t o do. geln . It aDo 111 lht: tlnrt on<' quired to be ..,...Hftt for the pur-lnterderwondent but are aurw.me f th ... h r: ,, th ,.. • Jl'or th• benefit of the public and ,.-. r·· rom e ...-ac area anu • ntv.· poee of lnterTOpUon ot wltneMt1. In tht'lr rupectlve 1phere1, g ...,ul ed .,, ay tll ... I the County Counae.I. 1 ahould like .,. v a r r r py,,· "' ..,.. on Y The JT&lld Jury f\lrther deatrea to to point out that even the Dletrlct The JnaUtuUon of proct"21ngs 1 mil"• l!OUlh or our devt'IOp· Inform the pubUc that at no time Attorney la limited In hi• advice before tht' grand Jury 11 not a menL We t hi nk It hu a pt'&t han any of the county otflclala 1 1tatutory d uty ot the dl1tr1ct at· ruture and la gelnr t..o become lntarlerr.d with t.helr proceedlngw ~~r ~~,1~1':in~~~-by the fo low-tom,y, who 111 mertly to attend one of the fme11t realdenllal and ln ~u:ti OOVHAl:L &OLE "People • Coleman 0 ,481 13 upon It a nd five advlce to Utem busint'llll areas In Orange County. ,.., .. ., ... 1 .. 1 .... P2d 145... upon pendinr matter•." aa well aa the larrut." With rMpeet \0 the funct.lon or ~ 0 • - "The Grand Jury la NOT JU:. Rug & Carpet Cleaning WAU, TO WAI.I. Uphohtwy CARPETS CLEANED DYED In Your Home OS \'Ol'R FLOOR FREE ESTIMATES A PLEASURE SHALITA'S Penian RUCJ CleaninCJ Works WO \'la Udo Ha.rhor U!fll the CCIWlty OOUllMI, b.e, by •w. 11 vuted with the aame duu .. u the dJetrtct attorney other than ~ ol a prOMcNtor. It 1.a, ther.- fore, one ot hill duU• to advl.ae IJle (n.nd JUJ"7 U to all m&tteni before U.-ot a d.U aature. We tMl lh&t It abouJd be pointed out u.t u a matt.er Ott precU~ for many Ye&l'll tn ~e County, llle clerical work ot U1e frtU\d jury hu llet.n perfonned by that otflu at.alt ot tha county coun.aeJ at the requMt ot the JT&lld Jury, Dlctpt tor ta.ltlnr care ot euch matten ~d .. r't'inr the cr&nd jury In an ~ ca pacity, th• county ~1'1 ofnce dc>e9 not enter Into the acU't'IUN ot the JT&fld Jury. QUIRED to requeet or accept the dlllrict attorney'• advice: the~ fore It may at Ila dl.lc:reUon act without nfflftftce to any ac:Uon or atsnature of U.. dl1tr1c:t al· tomey." VILLA MARINA October Weelt/y Specials .. Peart. ln re 11985) I CA2d .... 4SP2d, ...... nie g-rand Jury la not a11 a d· junct of lb• d1atr1ct a ttomey'a office but , AN INDl!:Pl!:NDl!:NT JUDICIAL BODY. the memben ot Wblch are oftl~n af tht court." Maryland Cu Co. v Kem County C19331 83 P'2d 7H ."' The of1lcu1 ot the K1'1l'ld jury and the dl1trlct a ttorney are not Lamps and Shades 1'oar Oltolcie of The Enchanted .................... 7th ANNUAL For • perfect nc brtarr In your l.Mnp Cottage .....IU-2alna ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCED PRICES S-day MolMtcry 17 THSday WedM1clay n. .. day Friday Saturday 16 18 19 20 21 22 Ourin9 the above cale,,dar week, we will serve a NEW YORK (bone in for flavor) STEAK for. $2.50. if you prefer seafood, our HALIBUT DINNER will be $1 .50 this week. Continuing with their policy of designating certain of their regular dinners at a greatly reduced price during specified periods aJ indic.ated above Villa Marina restaurant offers weekly specials COLOR TV on Or, Buffet luncheon Big Screen in the Lounge "Famify Nights" at Daily $1.25 FOOTBALL Notre Dame IN Vs. COLOR Mich. State Tomorrow -11 :00 a . m. Villa Marma Tuesday Wednesday Thursday • Excellent proptrty con.tJl•Unr ot two bedroome down. and 1 bed· ronm up. Completely fuf"Jlllhed. Pl•r ~rmltted. P'\111 pr. $23,000 • Lido Isle You will tlnd elmple but luxur- lou• llvlnc ln"thlll I bdrm. home. Only 4 yn. old, a really rood hoUH with every up-t.o-lhe·mln· ute featur.. Only H T.600 tum. c low, low down If deal~) LOBSTER BAKE 'OCTOBER IS & 16 Menu Service Available' All Afternoon Monday, October 17 "C d B " yrano e ergerac with Jose Ferrer -·Claire Bloom Fine Food Bud9et Priced HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. REALTOR8 Harbor 1900 e Irvine Terrace I lov.-lf i.- 1 Mdrooftttl, I bath• tn.&M I l!Hlr-, t NOii IH.MMI Call Harhnr I flCMI MAIN BEACH··Corona clel Mar FRESH LOBSTER DINNERS GRAND PRIZE-21" TV SET • •AUTY 9UEEN CONllST •PET PARADE • FUN FOR ALL! • TREASURE HUNT •GAMES •RIDES •ENTERTAINMENT Sp1a11NCI by ltle I 111 •• lay IJw CW. awl the Corona clel Mar 1.-... Me. .Auocllltlo•. ••• donaNct to the Yom Cew-.., "' c ....... Ms. 21" ICA VICTOI COLOI HEAD9UARTERS TARTER TEIZ\1Jl'ION 9TOllU !904 Eaat C'clut BM. L. "'· TA.Ana. OOLOR ncH.~ICIAS Clo~ dfl Jlfw l'tw'.ln. HartMr Mil 17' .. ~ .. , i..c--a.ell n-Rl"at1 6-a&ll 11 lfM'll n · Ora.cl Prt• et LolletH lllalae 8a"llM ltf Tartflt Teln1.tn 4:llO • 11:110 I'· m. The New Honey INS play for Saturday clanci11g · at Villa Marina For Villa Marina reservatiOM phone Harbor 3930. VILLA MARINA FACILITfiS FOR PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE INCOMPARABLE e AVAILABLE FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES The next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon, buffet or coc ktail party, to celebrate R b irtl1- day, annlvenary, engagement, wedding, reunion, home-comi ng. bon voyage or "what nut ," µlc·nl4c call Mr. McGill at Harbor 3930. He wiU advi.ee you about menua, ttervke. decur~tt•ms. svtttngl'I, etc . For mnall intimate grouptt or for large gatherings the farilitiee at Villa Marina rnnnot be •Urpa.Med in th~ Harbor area. 21" RCA VICTOR COLOR HEAl>9UARTERS TARTER Tl:LE\·1s1os ST-OUM ·~ w. TARTI:R. c:OLOR Tt:nt~I( '"·' !tlM Ea.at Cnut BIYd .. Corona dtl ICat. T~&epll-Harbor Mtl 21' llma.twar. Lecuaa 8-orlt Te~ Hl'att •·6611 lntallatlon1 ht Leading lesta .. lltl and Clultl in this .,.. ll1cl11di1HJ Villa Marina \ t}overnmenl :J.rom ' PAGE 6 • 'ART I NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1955 I GILT-EDGB S'ECURITfESt ; - Fr=======~iiiill.-Z==-~~-:i "G~d 9rent "' the ..,edty to eecoept the thi"9• w• cannot change; the courage to ch onge the things we con ond the wisdom to know th• difference." IA. Anon.I INVEST IN BRUSH COUNTRY By JOURNAL AMERICA! I EDITORIALS HORACE PARllE& Knight Commended for Plan to Buy 'Tin Can Beach'' It wu pleuant, lndeed, the other night to bear Governor Goodwin J. Knight tell hi8 plana for clearing up the· county'• wont beach atrip -"Tin Can Beach." We are motlt happy to aee the governor ia not forgetting thla aituation which we called to hie attention not eo lonr a10 and received a mo.t co\Jrteoua, thorough nply. The r ovemor brought out at bia "family night" ad<Ire. in Belltlower that no matching funda from Or· anp County will be neceuary u he aaid it will be includ, ed in th• Govemor'a Budget for the next fiacal year. We repeat hia word.9: "We have the money, we· are able to acquire the beach and outfit it for your benefit and that of all the people." Might y fine music t-0 our eara. Inumucb u the beach ia Wied by ao many thltu- aands of Californians and touriata from other atatea it would appear the atate'a purchaae of the strip, wtiich liea between the west city limita of Huntington Beach and the eaat boundary of Sunset Beach, ia a wiae move which will not directly affect Orange County taxpayers. Thua, funds the board of •uperviaora or other public body might have suggested for the beach project will ~ available for other mattera more peculiarly belonging k> thia county. It ia interesting to note in passing that the Orange County Cout Auociation board of directora, in a recent meetinr. adopted a resolution which struck at the atate matchinr fund method of purcha.ae by the •tale park K>mmiaaion u a uauaJ policy. The county delegate. pre.ented thia reeolution with .wo othera at the annual Shoreline Planning A.lllOCiation neetinr. It would appear their ret1<>lution wu in concert with Gov. Knicht'• plan for ''Tin Can Beach", Ununited Nations n,. French bolt from the United Nations powwow. ha.lever It.a f inal outcome, mbould serve to light.en a .rk comer in tM wiabfal thinking of a great m&ny ~op le. The UN, like the old League of Natiom, wu created , the aplendid Image of Peace. It wu to be a forum in •hich Natiom might 801Ye their differencee without re- ort to war. But it wu given a pH\ldo-form of world -:overnment -a government without real power. lta province wu extended .into the intemaJ affaira of the Nationa. And there liea the UN'a ea.entiaJ weakneu. The Nationa of the world may be ready to talk peace. They are not ready to aurrender sovereignty. Yet every UN action w eb u that concerning France t.nd her coloniee, force9 other Nation11 to interfere in a neigh· bor'a internal affairs -or weakly to abstain. The tri· bunal of world peace ia turned into a domestic relation• court, and the entire atructun ia threatened by &n un- neceqary diviaiveneu. The UN ia probably the world's moet unfortunate example of a split personality. As the hopeful symbol of aincere men's desire to live together in peace, it hu ita touch of majeaty. But the air atop Olympus ia too rare for moat men. So around the foot of the Mount of Ideals they have built a menagerie of ideologieS-and it I• the tragedy of the United Nations t hat the roan1 of the beuta uaual)y drown out the prayera of t he prophet11. Easy Come • • • One of our California banks bu insta lled an elec- t troQic brain that does practically everything to your checking a ccou.!'t except deposit enough to keep it in balance. Now an ingenious vending machine company in New Orleana haa produced a gadget that isaues a $5 certified check when you put 50 cent.a in the slot. Pro· viding you can be identified by the proprietor of the place where the mach ine ia located, you get t he fin and have 15 days to pay it back. Promotors claim that out of more than 15.000 check• iN ued ao far. only two have bounced. It'a a marvelous age. About all the country needa now ia a 5-cent paycheck vending machine. ........ ~ ~ .. ......, ... .......,. ., .... NSWPOll'l' RAJUM>9 Pt•BLl811JNO OOMPANT 1111 a.I"-....._ JRWPOaT a&Aal, CALO'. ..._ ~ lilt II_._ c.lll9ftla N .. 1sa,_ PrtM hn AmodaU• Ilea._ N..._.. s.tt..w .beNlaU.. .. ..._ er C>nms• o-M7 Mew'I 8erYk!e BEN RllbDICK. PUBLUJiER WILL1AM A. M081!8, lldltor OIUIOND I:. ROUNTIUCJ:, Advertillinc DIACtor CHA..RLaa A. A.RKSTRONO, Mecb&n.lcal 8uper1.ntend•nt ., . We're Still a Cow Country! Newport Beach. known for having just about the "moeteat" in boats and yachts moored to her winding aandy ahores, haa IL rival for superlatives : the new City of Dairyland. In a time of progress fo r Orange County wblc h has seen hundred.a of acres of citrus groves strtpped for the onrush of subdivisions it is inlereating to note our bo· vine friends are t o keep their pastoral acene11. In fact, it should be noted. t he new City of Dairy· land app ently has more in habitants on t wo and four feet than S ta Ana. Sixty thousand cows and 600 per· aona. An even 1 rger city is contemplated, if incorpora· tion proceedings work out which would join Dairy Val· ley, Loa Angeles -just over the county line -to Dairy- land and Dairy City, Orange Count y, for a total of 160,000 cows a nd 3200 people. Looks like our milk producera are realJy taking over the lead. Around The Clock Many of the problem• of California's constantly expanding mchool 1y1tem must be aolved by the experts -the duly appointed admin istratora of school affairs, the varioua school district tnateea. The aima and meth· 00. of our educat ional system, the financing, the re~ cruitment of teachera, are, i:n the lut analyai1. theire to determine. But the maintenance of an adequate physical atruc· ture for our mchool .yatem is something that every tax· payer should con.aider most eerioualy. (Ed. S ute -'lll1ll columa by Rol'M'e hrll~r "tu ..., "1lll tile llttlf-.known llktonnl faf'h he ..._ d~ u11 I• ••• maa1 trtpa a.to the bef'k rouotry I• r<'C'f'DI )'...n.I . .. ·.-. ~--' • • ,....-;,,,r. . -- . ~~ rt--\ • -· -. t ,..;;..;--___.., ~-.· -~..-» ..... ., _ _,.~ -~, -... ~ .. .A l'i·PAUIS OASL., -~pin barren Bor<'go Badlandl!I this spot has sen·('d as ha\'<'11 of rt'fuge for man and bea.~t t hrou>fhout th .. centuri<'11. Sacramento Sidelight From t ime immemorial water has been synonymou11 with life 111 arid South£>rn California. And, if there is a land of "water worshipers", we who li \'e and have lived in Southern California are members of the cult. SACRAMENTO. !CNS\ -A s· "Revenul.' bonds art not pr11c- My fltl!I stght of :'\111izan\ F'all'! Arroyo S11l8dn. Som• 12 m1lu e.Jmo~t hypnl.•lo~ me all th11t latrr lht>y would &rrlvr a t the WlllC'r 11mn1ng ,,,., r ft big d1ff oai118 -on foot or on a bun"<!! and ):olnl". 111 w11st1'. L8t1•r when ",lh watrr runn1nr low thle la I begBn tl'llrhin1: ll!'hool in lhe quite a frA! 11emblyma n Bruce F. Allen IR l. tlcal for mulll-pu1 post tltv4'l11r· San Joi<'. baa aome 111teresung ment. 1u they c•n b•·~t be ma r- ob8trva llon1 lo make tn an llrt1· cle in Wutem Water 1\ews. which .. pubhahed by the W&tt'r Economic• Committee. i nd the Irrigation Di11lrl<"lll A11i<nclallon In San Fr11nclll('O kt ltd wh~n llrm ronlrar.. for S an Jo .. Q_uin \"1tllf'~ J ",.11 shown Snm• J~ yea.ni ago, "Doc.. A. salt of WMer anrt p.1w40r hnvt punir~ runntni: n11thl anJ Oil\' A. H4'atty. p1onttr of 8<1re10 Val· been r:11ec11ted b t f o r f' ron· JUl-l ln kttp th,. wattr ta bl,. l•v with lh• hrlp of all Ule In· strur l1on. dm• n lmagrnP so murh wal~r hab1t1tnts of ~ valley eontrorl• "General obhga t1on bontiio 1n· ~·nu hA\'P lt> pump tn kttp l hlnJ:!l IM what Ill knOtl'll U the Truck· volvt poht1cal ha.u11 d11 and tre· d1y, 1l wu like artually ellow-hi.""" Trail from Borer o throu(h mt'ndou11 lnl~rut r hargt11. Our inc a kid tn 1.1~l,. lhf' 1•'4·k ran<IY lhe Badl11nd~ lo TruC'khan n on For example, it wu brought out at the recent Gov- ernor'• Conference on Educat ion that California is add- ing a new child to ita achoo! population, by birth and mi- gration. every three minutes. By 1960 our total achoo! enrollment will have reached 3,000,000, an increase of half a million over today's. By that u.me year the State will need more than 53,000 new cluarooma -or alx every hour around the working day clock during the next 60 months. The coat will be almost $2 billion. Allen. tn !hf' midcl lt of a fruit· Willer problem will nt\'l'r be llolv· 1n 1ht Rock ("11 n1fr Mnur.t111n11 1 prt11tnl H11:hway IHI. We h•d , fill v-11ty 11ufferlng from lack of td by &ny one ilhol lar~e bond Jn thf' bru~h 1'011011-v thrrt I• ho~ a few d•>'• a i:o t.n make wa ttr. reallites t he 1mmen111tv of lsaul'. The onlv 1.1nswtr 111 for the eno11i:h walt't 11vs1lahlr to 1<up-th~ trip lhrnua-h on thle old trail the w•ter problem 1n CallfQm l11.. state lt> butltl wAtrr prnJr<~U on II port i.mall pnpulsttnnio. anti our with 17·P1tlm1< •• a 11ft1f' trip. Thoee vital facts and figures cannot be dismi88ed lightly -the buck cannot be pa.saed to the teachers and the authorities. Eventua.lly we. the taxpayers, are going to have t o deal with them, and we would do well to face them now, Competition Makes Customer King clt<"rlH the wute ot time In• a •pay·aa·ynu·go· baioill. Southern ('11llfor n1• mountains 1n Durini: lht ~l 1umm•r lh• volved In wranitllng over ltr:al RE AJ. IS\'El'\T;\tf:ST spotll c-v,.n hllve a 11m8ll 11u':"'lu!< BorPicn Country hu be•n tr~&tPcl problema. and romment• l h" t "Water develOf)ment llhould be Rut 1111 th,. .. nattv.-\\'&trr.< In lo llOmt p1u'llcularly here! c:loud- tht matter of water rlj!'htll in ('Onsidtr"t1 " P"rmanl'nl rapltl\I thf' SClulhland wC1uld bt hlce b11r11111 •nil thundt ratorm• Karl cnuntiu of orl~n 11hoult! ht "11et -invtatmrnl hy lhr lltllte jlllll the thr P""''"rbial "rlrnp in the bur k· 8'>nn111, our <lf'etrt g'Ulde, w11a ll"d on tht .. bu11tnH1 tnd or • 111.mt 811 publw bulldlni:)'I. Ther" f'I, · wh,.n 11 rnme 10 supportini:: ronfu:<t<l by th" !'banite ot •r•n"· power ahovel. 111 no rt &_'<On for t he tltlltt' to our hug" pr~l«'nt-;l11y f"'pul11.lion l rv, whPr~ wuh"to •'111 111nk 10 ,,, "EVERY EFFORT" chari:e water llllC'rll a r1>paymt'nt SH AMP HKTS Ill ftf't t!unnit a 11lna1e down. ''!':very •ffort lo gtl th" stale tor <'llptlll.I Rnd inl"r"•I .. F"r "n" v.·hn hAs no 1ppre1·1-po11r. "" "'" rrncc-trll't! with c•u· starte<1 on 111 con11lructlon prn· 1 Dill('wu<1ng th• '""'""ing of 111111n of ~··Atrr an•t "" 1mport-, lio n. . . • l(Tam to cl11lt ... he l!AVll ... hlls bf'en such " 8 -ss-vou·~o '"l!rllm , I "n"'' our !';u11thl11nil llc-sc-rt" of to· RC GOt.D PA~8AOE block bv u ctlonal battlea ovt'r All P Yt f thp ..., '111v will brin~ ll into .!!harp fo· ThtA old Trurkha.,. Trail lttt#& · en JIUltfot"" 11 U"f' o t n 111nv · .... w attr rl1thl11. Dey tun<! of 17~ mllhnn rlua. r u,. ,.;v!'rv ,,..,.. mnnths we re11c1 up anrt <!own wuhra. In and out '"nle empha1111. in • 11tste ••ith 1130 million th,. ,.IAte t'XJX'Ct• 111 11 nl'w" •H·r,,u11t of • fl"~" f'lr of othPrll 11nf! lh" only pa rt thAl th,. 1· l •t wa tft colnc to wa .. tt. ~l f rom Long Bor h 011 r eve· per1101u1 whn hav,. cltf'd of thirst \you can -cl~flnJt,.ly I• ,....,,.,,. a.nd the ~rN1t,.ot pt>tent'"I 11se ••f nu•. a nti • pro•ptrUve at1dltlonal lon lht d~rt. Thlr'st 111 • hor· It Wenda Ila W&)' ·~ rocky w 11 trr. 11< nnl t·n the Pnf1nPt •;,lt 170 million from lht llllme nblt and prlmlll\'" doth and It mtt1a11 ~tween we.ah-. Here th• tial!'nt fnr buHdlnir our 20th ren-aourct miklnit " lntAI f'lf sr~ I& h111d ln hf'ltl'\ • that tn lh 1111 rock.8 had bffn laborioual)' moved tural aqutdu t~ but on the hl1?t:-milllo~ to touch off • ,.l•lf' ro:,. 80-<'RllNI mod<'m n&y s n•I agf' &y p1rk. cro\\•bar and mu11ele. One f\t l'~('l81t7,l'd watf't rlJ?hl'I a~· lllrucllon Pl"l?l llm fni Wlllr r i·on· nlRn ~hoUlil !11111 bl' •urf'Umbtnir; Of tht Olf1 ST&dH out Of a dttp Few mothers of six-year-olds have not been forced to buy a brand of breakfast cereal because a box top plua ten cents was worth a plastic waler pistol, a magic l!lapphire r ing, or aome other item indispensable to a 1'ornl'v Ml"VRllon 111 Its h<11 r•u" v.1lhrn 1.1 fl"W pal· w1111h "''U eo •rod~ we dared I "The l&llf'r f'n lamlv hall Its lr•· m1lt11 lt<'m1ni.: c1t1<'s 1 not attempt to ir;o ovt'r It •t> r111rr . hut r nl In th,. frnnl rqrk He I'll<'• lln llflfll<IXlmtltP $';'!) ll \\All Wllh thl!I barki.:rnund nr 17·PA 1ma was really lh• •nt! of Thill b1tttle !!hnul•l be l!tlllecl. not milltt>n unnual &n•'Om(' from Long w11ter • tnlJWlrlllJl•·" lh8l I thrill· our hill!' pu ear. and the Trur k· In rt'lurt b11t ,,n thr b1111ines11 •·n•l Bear h ml, 11tlrt1tl11nial r<'vrnue un· fd when th<' jM'p lurn•'<I the havm trir will hftv• to b4'I lt'ft I or • ""Wtr •t.nv~I .. tier lhe Shf'll·Cunnlngham hill. hAnk n( l.tw WR1'11 Einil ,., .. p11lm10 for •nothtr ttm• ,... Ftalhtr River and Anunrnn R1· ...... 1 t t six-year-old. \. But that's about the only time t he American house- wife'• selection of brands from the grocery store shelves is really forced. \\'ATt:K l"llORTAHE n111r king li·P1t lmio 0&-~111 111mp<'d •nlll oaai11 11 11t n u barnn vr r P0"'fr. GrNl!Pr r "v r nu t into ,·1ew F'o r this "' one of th• • 11ett1ng 1111 one can lm arrne. H,. pCllnls • ut lhllt th• ,.nti•e woultl RC't'r•1 ... hr ll8\'ll 1r 1>nl1rNn hisl(IJlr ""Lertniz rltHf's .. r lht' ;'l;e11rly bald. mud-hill• 111rround bl\lll,. OV"r p,,. rn11nut11 or <>1'1-revenue.a from Lona-Bt11• h w1•1,. Btll•'l:ll Rn•l !'.•ltun ti• l'if'ft" A 111 . with a ba!'kdrop of thr Santa a-1n 11tntutr11 Is on a the,,ry of U!lt'cl a nd furth~r lu.su i:r11ntril rnr.I .,. 111,. "mAilhnx" ••xprt':<""'' Ro,.11 moun ta1n11 In th• dlatanrt . water ihorlait•'. lnRrlt>qiune •up· "~'llh thl'~f' pni;111blllltf'll · l';t• ll rrr .. nt •·i111tor·,. rf'l1rl1nn mnsl F'nr yi•1u11 unrlrr \hr •klrl• <1f ona rll1•11. 10n•l lhnl with An smple conl'lurlc-1<, "whv LAik ll hout bond •ur•·inrth• "H1trd t n r . nnlhinit to ,,, lhf' 0 111 Wa.~hlnglnnhl palm11. ronllh'ur tlon rrnj!'rllm. thr w11.tt'r 1111s11e11 1nterf',.·l rhRrJ:•'H, h 1 g h """.. thrr,. h1111 b""n ft receptacle '"'rv· In many, many countries auch items are bought without selection. The sta te controls agriculture and industry ao thoroughly that only one brand appeara on the shelves ... the one the bureaucrats choose. rlghli< 11ttnrnty "woul!1 be out of Willer prtro and why flgh l tht !'UiHT WOKTHWtlll.I': •nir Ill' a wllllt~IAnd "pn«toftlC'f' .. 111 job .. count~· of nn l!,111 nvtr mPlll:l'r d<'· To m,. 1t w1111 A 111i:hl wm th .IA.R :\tAll.BOX I He Al•n 11M'11 th11 t 11talt con· m•nd!l '.' Vnu m1i:h1 1111k why lhlli ~"rln~ rnr 17·Pnlm" 1~ l'lerrl''l 111 In th!' early d11y• chatty llllle In America. at1 elsewhere in the world. individuals have different buying preferences. Blll here. unlike in much of the world, competition is encouraged t hrough our .American free enterprise system. As a result. the customer is King. I ~trurt1nn hAll hri-n hr lfl up by program h1t ll nnt hr<•n 111111 tf'tl thr t 1'"'''1.,11 1tn•I hi11t nn · ,,, thf' noto wtrfl l•·ft. w1U1 tltrffllnn11 tAlk nt rrvrnut or l!l'ntrBI ob-The 11.1111wer 18 1111nrl" Tht• ,....,,. <l-'•"rl Hnl1 H<u f'1:11 Bsdlan,111 F'nr for 11urv1val an•f the narnt 8 or I hg11t1n11 bond• and of h11th water I pl!' lntertslt'IJ in wit I Pr "•'\'l'l•lp· <l\'••r ,. hun•lr•••l \'<'Ill" wh1t1-lhoff whf' had bet'n lhl'YP. !'<;r.w prtrt11. I ment havt not a11kPcl for 11 "· ltlflll"''~ 111 .. ~r•" l "I' ,,.ttlPm••n. a hlllf·gallon jar 11trvu &11 lhe ,ooh••f'pmtn 11111 Hll lhn .... ,. ol h~r "ntlltlbnx" with a hefty C'Ollt'• • lion In the rovrt11 to k~"P •II or I Meanwhile. th" lf'l(l1tl11l1v" f'Om · • lr11\·el,.,.,ll nf th<' •frl"'rt h8\'f' pll'ld· t1on nf ptrMnal C11rd11 h d ec:rewl· lhf' runt111. mittee. headed by .\l!l'Pmhlymsn ~!'J w1•111 y n111 ... '" J•Arlak•• cof 11.s eol notv" ll011H! nf th~ KC11n1t SO OAS 1..088\'ISG ~ .lohn J M< F'all of Mnntl'< "· 111 11lkll ltllt' w. tn•·.. It~ " 10on-uf· bllr k 11nmt five y•·.r• or lnni• r, The nu • ompany Tf'<'enlly lln· 11•1(1.lll ... I(• l 1nlc• the nallll' Tn thr city dwPllrr 17-Palrn• Our shelves are full of many things with which .ellers M!£>k to please King Customer. American indi· viduala may exercise one of the commonest yet great· est frttdoma which we possess: they are able to select their purchaees with care ... t hey have individual free- dom of choice. nouncr<I that It w&s both ftnRn· looking inlo U1t· •1tualinn 1" ""· Whf'lher ·'"I• ·•IP w'4lk1111( 11(hn1: 1•. "H&rd trip. nothlnic to •"" ·• t 111lly 1111<1 mn1'ftlly ~h1nrl lh«' Tltll'· lf'rmm" wh..11 ll'Kl "lllt1un ,h.,ultf bf' a 11111 ru •l l .. ,.,.n a J•" I' In t h" tJut l•> th" lndta na and trav4'1P ra I l&11da Protective AMO<'t&Lwn. lll,,ng lntro<luc•-<I a t lhf-n,·xt '""~1"11 tu 111.1 "" " lh,. ''"""'" 11avPfPI 11( b~gonc-Jaya 11.a aalty, wa ltra w ith othtr 1upporters. but con· I makt propt>r t1111p<>t11l11m nt the v. ••Ulol l11rn 011 I h" rnR•I bt'tWC'C'n ""d 11h1dt'd ~lnu1 ••r• In reallt v ttncled It dirt no lobby1111t Ill lht> funds Lonr Bt8<'h •l~ll not """U lnol10 111111 Rt 11wlP\' w hll h '" nt•W a ln1o 011 ~111 nf fl fro, m l!110I th• 1955 ltgu•l11ll\'!' ~«'.!'!'Inn on bo•half I for hsrbo1 ,<'ommt ru• s nd nll\·1gA· H11r:hw11\' S•!• nt>a1 T ru!'kh-.ven burmnti( ht al of thf' B<lrf'IC<• U1t•l· ---------------------------o( thf' Allr:l bill lion purpose•. 811tl IC" ur " ""~h kn1•Wl1 3'1 th .. lllnd~ AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENRY c. MacARTHUR I 8AC RAMP.:NTO. (CNSl -Ap· 1 thorlttu, whk h ht rlt'.t1lirnat r1I Ill pa~nlly. thtr• wlll be 90me back-t he cll11trlrl 11.ttnrn"Y of lhl' <'•'linty In which the aim• If llnv. wae flrin~ nn thf' crlllcl11m1 k unched l t d • • I b City nf • -· Bea ch offl('llllll of per~ "' e · . Y ..,.,.,.,. In thP evpnt 1n,.11tru·1rn1 ""'· the artlvltlu nf th~ Callfornl& d~nre le 11 .. v .. lop"t! I•) ~11 pport Tldtla.nd11 T'rotecUve AMOClatlnn r rlmln111 ch11.rgr11 Brnwn 1111111 l het and l ht S<luthem California Gu Lhe mA t ter WCIU lt1 bi' t 11 rn•tl over I company ron c:emlng-the acUvltlH tn s IPJ!'t~lst1v1> rnmm!ft,.,. tti or.- which 1rurroundec1 the dtf••l of th• tt'nmnf' whPI hrr thrr .. wl'r•• \'1nlA· Allen bll1 In the 19~ alate ltg111· lion~ nf l!M"mhly 11nl1 ~,.,.11 •,. 11111!'11 ptrt111n1111: tn lobh~·ing ALU:S C tlAROf:!' 1ature, which had It paaeed. wnuld have l'ftumed to the etate of Ca ll· tom la the revenuu f rom oil pro-du ction ott the city. Allen ·rhArJ!•"I 1n r. ... ,\nerfe11 lhAI tht C'1ty n( L t ni: Bf"H'h hAd Attorney O«iual Edmund G . .!lf)"nt abnut ~100 noo to tlrt••nl hi~ Brown. called upon by the Tic!~· blll. 11nrl t hAI o f 1111 t , .. I '• ' landa Aaeociatlon and A.IHmbl)· worktnj!' ff'r \hi!' """ or Long man Bruce F' . .-i1en. IR) San J~, I Bl'trh so;:tt1n11t the h1il .. nh ""t' to lnvutlp te the City of Lo g Phil Wilkins. !':111 n1ml'ntu llltmnf'y Beach lobbytnr acllv1tlu at the I who ~ce1ved II 1 10 000 ,,., IA.'81l 1900 lef1al&Uve ffMlon, .. id he rell'i•tered In ~11rr11mtnl<) u a fully tntenda to So Into the 111tua. lobby1.11l lion thoroughly u eoon u he re-'nit funds ullf'cl. A lien 1111~pecu. celn• the formal requut from I were monl•s dr r1\'e1I P1lho>r clorP<'lly A-mblyman Allen. or Indirectly from the S2 b1lllon ALLF.S Rl:Ql.l:ST 011 r"'""'·t f\md wht<'h wA~ 1trant· ~ All•n requu t. a.11nounced ln ~ to the C-1ly or Ulng a .. nch for 1.M Anir:tlt'9 durlnr a hM rtng of f'OmmerCt'. n11v1galum 1rn<I h11rbor th~ ll'glalallve comnnlle• u elirned purl)()Atl! only. bl'for,. any 011 Wllll to lnvotlr11t the entire Lonr I dl!Ot'overed nn thr prnptrty JHach altuatton . ha.d not reached The San Jl)!Of' a11semblyma.n Brown when h• ta lkell to Capitol point'ed (lUt lhe st11t" 1rnprtmt Newa Strv1c•. The attorney gen-' court hu heirt that fifty per ctnl nal. however. Mid h• would put of t he Oil ,,.venue and all of the lnTMtlp tora on the job to deter· re''"nue from dry JAii It the pro· m lne wtiett.tr ""' nnt a cnme had ~rty of the atat t Lnn1t Bl'ach been commlUf'd. and l( he found howf'vtr, I• d•l•y1nfi: rl'lum of thf' l'V1d,.n~ tn th1• dfecl. It wouh1 mnnry. wh1rh lf')l 11• nnw m•r• i,. tum,.t1 ·ovn to the pro~r au· than Sl~ m illion, I ' v·~k •n& ac· I SPRING -Thia actually is a "11eep" in 17-P&lm oa11e whf're water 11urfacel!I and shallow digging will expo11e 1t It 11 alkaline a.nd ulty but will 1uatain life '. t POST OFflCE -This jar. in11~cted by Mn. Horace Parker . under prot.eet1ve skim of p11lm tree. contAln. Ahort note11 anti busint'tlll cards 11.t 17 Palm•. -Horau Parker Photoe ' -----·~-~ . HITCHCOCK LEAVES TO SUPERVISE SPEED · TRY MARINE NEWS "':,~ d~Wal c eadva. Amtio-V1•Joe. wtl1 bo elr nul ...-00 Oct. JI NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1955 at a noon lunchtoa II\ N..,.t Harbor Tachl C1ub. "Old nm.. O.y" ta the Ultmt ot Ult ..... Inf. Sir Malcolm Campbell's Son In U....sfrldecl Go with Jet loat TIDI TAILI Ke.r.t Hltclloock. U4o I.alt .u- IM phoU>vapher ud:liloat raclq Qfflclal. Jen htl't 7..tarday mOnl· tq for Lu Vtpa and Lake Mead wh.,re ht will wperv1M lh• lnatallatioh of t iming devlcN and conduct or Donald Camp· bell'• je.t boat a1sault attempt on .lh• world'• unrestricted • p e. • d boat r'eCOrd. lltfore alteaptlns Uat tat o t toppt., t ' • JOO.mu..&n·h o ll r mark. ·o.ull'll&LL LllAD9 l'lidl.7 Oe\.. 1' Wurd&1 Oct. 16 'nlM ... T:'I a. m. 1:11 p. .. 1:1' .... t :Ol p.a. 1 :'1 .... t :U p.1n. t :OI a.m. 10:22 p. m. t :aa a. m. 11:<>1 p. m. 10:06 .. m. ... ... u a.o u 1.0 u u I .I 6,T I .I It.a 'nlM a O.T t .1 . 1.1 -0.11 1.6 ~ ~ IOUl'll OOAIT 00. ...... N ........... Hitchcock ••Id he w111 retum ber• Mondi.)'. Ha wife, P•H'Y· will tuncUon u r~rckl ud ~ttee .-cretary. KtaAY ln· lftlD of lute AA& will .iao eene on UM r&C4 oommltl ... To dale ODIY on• mu ln lM world ha• ofnclally topped tht. t1rur•. Don&ld Campbell, 90ll of Sir Malcolm Campbell who Nied the Unltmlltd land &!Id "alt r •~ed picture for many yean, aYe~d out 202 mph 1'9«ntly In England. O&mpbell, p..-nUy here In lht U. S. IUT&brfnc for another trl&l fw hta jet.-~ Blueblr• will tit .,,_t te wit· neN lht attemp t ol lilt KeJMr bo&t ~o Mal\.ef hla &U·timt NC· ord of maa'• conqu.t .t llNed on w ater. &wall Ital Y a bls hydroplane powered with a 4000 HP racing venlon of the AUS- alrcrAft enctne wtth connnUonal pro~ller dtln. lwlda7 Oct. 11 Koadl.7 Oct. lT Tuteday Oct. 18 Wedneeday Oct. ll Thunda7 Oct. 20 O:OI &. m. 3.3 a... l :.O a. m. l :JO p. m. !:OT&. m. " 2:H p.m. 2 :34 L m. !':SS p. m. 2:6t L m. 4 :10 p. m . 3:2' a .m. 4:60 p .m. 3;.U a.m. ll :S8 p.m. ~:14 1..m. 1:31 p. m. -4.1 1.T 0.0 2.1 0.2 2.• O.& 2.T O.T l0:3T a. m. a.1 PACD'lC STANDARD TIU!: ' \ NOW SCOUT LEADER MUST PLAY GOLF Now I'll have lo caddy, says J ohn Van Dyke. left . as he eyes the golf bag presented to Lyn Barton advisor to Explorer Post 17. BSA, and guide on local Explorer~ recent trip around the country. The golf bag to Barton and new automatic electric akillet to his wife J ean were presented by parents of the boys who made the journey. Pictured at the presentation are John and his father, James, Lyn Barton and his wile, Jean, with Doug Redtlick. right. inquiring as to whether t he boys can get golf- ing lessons thrown in. Parents were given the treat of viewing the colored elides ahot on the trip acrou the country by Barton and the octet of Explorer Scouts. -SW! Photo Dt."E U DDUT TOO The )Utchcock1 w111 pack ui> again Oct. 20 to do the nme sort or officiating at th• 18th an- nual Salton Sea Regatta. Campbell. aon or the famoua Sir Malcolm Campbell who rule.cl the. unllmlted land and w a t er 1pttd pkture. &or ma ny ynra. will pace bU boAt over a meuur· td ml.le of water a nd muat make two runa -~ and back onr tM Mile few a HCord. A _,.c\al tltclfoollic u.uq gear -.rill be oaed u the jet ~t iMueWl'd will be In the meuure.d mil• only about 13 ~conda. Two hundred mllu an hour on the watrr. That'• the goal of In· duatrlahst Henry Ka l1er'11 ne w Unllmlti;\ Hydro Hawaii Kai when 11he gou for the record In the 18th Annual Salton Su Rt· gall& to ti. btld at Duert Shor~s Ruort. on the wut ahort of 1 .1e Salton Sea.. Oct. 21 lo 24. Kt11ny St. Otgge.r of Glenda le.. Cahfor· nla hlJI been named driver of the new Kai•er apttd crtatlon which wlll mall• a nulnbtr of tut run11 TWO.BOAT .. DUEL,. Camp~ll'• Bluebird -Jet pro- ~td all th• way -hu no pro- peller. Tb• battle .. on: Jet n Propeller. The KAIMr camp .. cc.ftdenl th.al they Uff th• I.II· .wer •d th.al 202 111ph S. DI problem. Qampkll hu Mt ~ 111_ .. at JI<> mph tM may JIG9- 1l blv •hoot for another boost In the· record before the Salton Sea datea. The present propeller-driv- en record ta held by Stan Sayre• of Seattlr with hi• Bio Mo Shun IV at 171U97 mph. Whet.her or not Sayrea will enter the aped due.I at Salton Sea ha• not been announced. Band Leader G uy Lombardo and hi• new Tempo Vl hU been winning all ln 1111ht In Ulr EuL ll wu on Sal· ton Sta t.hat Guy eel up the Un· limited record of 113 mph 80me yean aro. ------------------~ nuT ruu. Q1JA&ftll MOON Oct. 2J Ot't. l-0 ANGLERS SLATE 'SEWING IQ111z1 Gets Orange County Purple _ Heart S..:~ ·;;; ~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~ ~~;: ·~~J.: .. -:.: ~~~·l;;.~~~.ine~ ~NTAG!~ .!°°~~ .~~~=~~~~~ ~'!: ~n:: of th• Frid•" An•lotrw Club mem· i leclion. aa11 CO 11 n t Y NJlJt&r)' oroqu wattn1 a ' et 90IDt anu. ruI.LatTON, (<>Clfl) -,._ J ,. nanui Alrllnu ughl•ned its hold of the P urple Heart Adjuta nt "Our croup," Mlchatla irt.at.s. ouutandlns work ln tbt 9porU btrs when thf'V hold lhf'lt "1ew-Ln lht Wl'lll todav u the civil Pat Mirhula M o nda y denied "hu never enpfed In 1.117 type ccrn....,. ot 0ran,.. Oounty New11 Ing thread" flahtnr dtrby on Sun -, Doyle Son Under 'nercmuutlrii bonrd ·announced per-the Orange ~It chapter h11 ev-of .,11c1tat1on. Wt do haw t.n· BerYlc., 8porl9 l:dJtor Stan Jon .. day, Oct. 21. • • I manPnt r erllflcalH have been tr uigage.d lA IOllcltaUon of nllal viola 1Al4 whldl la c:an1td ot the J'Ulltrton N-• Tnbunt d t h d b Polio Treatment I tund9 from county rt.Sdtnt.. out tada AUIUft .., eur i.-... hu .... ....... lo rec•I.. lh• Plans were ma e or t ' er Y· ~rantPd th• company to Hl'Yloe A Loa Ans.i .. leltvl.aloa pro· Ji.willlary _ .&mlJu to ... ...._ SeptemMr ()OlB award t or lht ~t'cond tor lh• irroup, al a re-1 SA1''TA A:-:A. tOC.:\'S I -\\'11-11 c1tle11 on It.a preaent route. (l'&Jft. headtd••y an110uncer Paul ~on. vrw ... ~lllM Ve&-,,_tad -uduUon to t.h• co- ,.,.nt luncheon ln Newport Har-ham L. Ooylr Jr . 10. 7110 Cout Oningc County Airport Mana· Coale. .. Friday, char1ed the Pur-era.na popplH _ t.ht nnt ..ir operatt•• new• Mn1ct. bor Yacht Club. For It they will Hl,;hway. Newport Bn<'h, today ' gtr Bill Nlchob 1tlllrl Bonanza In Ausuat. nat i. UM Olftly ~ ~ edit.on of OCN8 be WllnS Usht tackle with pound wu undrr1:01ng tr~almtnt 1n ht• ralalns act.t'llty COllDteted wtUI MWCJ...,_.. ~ the MlteUon at alt h boa home tor a "mild non-paralytic" would. u ndtr the board'• ~rde.r. DEATH NOTICE th• orpnlaaUon.'• a -u.q la !lull& Ana. OCNI and a •h Un• and ope to t polio c-ondltlon. acrordlnr I o ~ rerertlflrat4'd to all polnta MlcbMla potnt..t out U.. Pur-m-.i-. tndUdt t.bt "'1Jtrton a nyUung that taku the bait. county health offictr E. a... Rua,. •trvt•I by lht air line Eleven cl· plt Heart Sf'OUP le UM o&dMt Jf... TrQliuae. Onlac• D&llJ' Fnday Anglen la compoeed of MIL · I tin w1lt Kel permanent cerlltt· mA IHlllOUIAX military Of'SUdaU. la u.. u.-M--. ~ °""" Htwe,, l'f_.. both men and women, mf'elt' each RuMtll sau1 the youngstn 11 ca tu wh ile Aneral other11 would Ida Brinkman. 81, ff a pp y lted Stat.. It la aomprt.d. 1111 pod Bu1lor Jf_....,.._, A- F"rtday for tuncht'On at :o\HYC I the 6 1'1l pt•h .. <'ll H' In tht 4i''unly havr lhtlr authorlu d •Ir l!lf'rYICt Ranch. Modjuka Canyon. died aald, oril7 Oil wounded ftt.er1ml Wiil Jlullttin. and !\ad.lo xwu;, Ctne Burrt1 I• pre.1ldent. Mni. lhl.! )'f'a r. about a thml JP-., than f'Xltml,.•I for 11 lonirer ~rlod of wl'lo ~1'-5 lbt Parple Heart •--•-Au. C I I h l 1 t The t1m r :o\n r nmmunlt\• would lose Oct. 12 at he.r home. She 11 wr· -!lily a 1. p annln& proirr•m• for t e l!lmP 1mr as yur. medal for ~ netlftod la ,,.. edlt.al'c acned that la Ole hf' year, Int wt<-k Pl"f'ttnttJ Hill boy's on-set Wl'IS Srpt 2"> but t11r lll'r\'1C"P un<1rr tht p ropoul. vived by ldx alater1. Mr1. F'. W . com .. bat. cat.ecw7 ot s---.1 uwa, N.,,._ ';ltmona of Balboa Jslan<1 w ho I wasn't diagnosed until Fndity IU'<'Ordtng In Nichol~ I Watt. M.re. Lydia Blanchard and Coat• '5 ebu'Sbls -,...t llartlor N..,.~ publlall· -E lm11nt1 Cnnv,.r•f'. prn.tdf'nt of )(ra. HtlCll Ro .. of Coat& Meaa; 9J1~ UMlr Mood for tMi1r ~ .... Aed41dt'• Ml1 .. Oii Uie I B<lnl.MI. u plalnf'd the C"IUel Mn. \\-1U6un w .. taky ., •• try. MllllMll ..... -.tu. --..w. ....... 9Gllt.ndon ..., v.h1C'h haven't develoP"d 1n1tft· ........ Wra. 9mma Steve ad Jlttaly mtNe U r•U-. u ...... l•t*llW OIUllU.. a.. Oo. c1f'nl .volume of pa.qen1w• to Mrs. 0 1 Wentlu1tf of 8&• °'" .. Uw ~ ._ JMpW II ... ___ t• ,.. mela llultal· qu"hh fnr a )'W'rman .. nt 11t1tu• P 11 f ... 1c .. I oonctmed -.-""'" he j?IYflll nlOrf' llml' 10 ji91n pgo; tour brothera, t O '" n • • l&Uane la ta.etric-1d\cben home&. a 11rrmantnt 1'tnnilln1t 1 ~an. ~~ orpalaUon adjutant add· NP" t.t the be9t ait.,..m.t i k , 1 Id ed • haw nner c:a1Jtd oa UM .a... ... n1 Ua• raonlh. Award9 1.re Tll 411U&.llfy fully for a J>f'mlU• Mn . Br n ma n ormer y "~ed peop&. ot 0\11 .,... C-Gel dlau~ ;:.;,...,. .......... .. ~ ,.... ""l r ertJfl<"al.e It i. nectaA<trv tor .. iA Balboa .,.h.,. .. .,.,. Our Mella are -.. .., .,.r- LA.IT Q1JA&ftll Nov. t • NEW MOON UCL l & Orani,:e County a rea. Fullerton !':-• Trtb· une'• u clulive atory on a move fot tncorporatlon of Loe Alamiloa Ud Mj&cent territory. St.an Jonu. wbo beada t he OC- N8 Sport.wrtler1 AlllOCl&Uon. bal IUed u rnany u 27 •port.I etorlt• on the OCNS w1re In a •lnsle Wef'k. He 11nd olhtr •ports wrlttra on the circuit have ta· labllahed the OCNS at.hit' lie I Harold I. Johnson Ptopellu ........ Ool18DW.. ............ no• "r.:r IH tlll \'Ula \\'a7, N..,_. ._. 1· OUJ' A u t b 0 r .. e d THALCO l'llle ...... DeaJer la the ..,..,_ U'eL Brlq )'OW ftbero ..... , ........ *4 .. Pacific Fibertlau HOl \\'. Cou& HW'7. Ph. LI I -HU Acro111 from All·Amtrlc:an Mltt. achlevemrnt award11 whkh are pruented to oul.ltandtnr athlttea I In Oranre County. ._ ___________ _. SE.E DRIVE NOW OR DDS ASSURI PROM" DELIVERIES HAUSKEN MOTORS, INC. • , 1 tJ2 ....... , llvd. LIM1ty 1-6181 Cost9 Mesa UbertJ a.sos 1 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS a t'lly to 1inerat.• an •v~r ... I U.• Ida Brtakmaa eaf• fW II IOn ~ would a.-to .,..., them. :": ~tal edllor1 nt f\VI' ra111f'n~rr1 dally. Bonanza l'tAf9. In ~t ,_,.had .. "td Thry )I ,, .. Uaa& eur llank ac· u-dted u out.utaod1nc were ,_ ________________________ _ ll' th• •1xth <•f 13 1~111 -rvlct Sunday dlnnen at thlell ranchh.eld count l\u nn-.. _ ... rno-... __ - LEARNING THRIFT EARLY IN LIFE F'tl'm 1 .. (1, flob, ~ 11rhl Rill \\'11 lkt'r, JO. wi th th•'lr frit n•1l' ~lark " v, ~ aJ 1 b ' •• ,..., •• ....... J im Cooper'• "Debun1dn1" of a 11lrhnr~ tn be pr11po~rd for 1Uch Funtr serv cu w t about S40 In lt durtns the lul •tor'Y tn a non.ocNS newrpa~r prrm11nl'nl rnt1flr11tlon. Saturday ~l 10:30 II. m. In Brown three yeal'I. Our only .ourct of abo••t a "BalUmo-.--...·· c\tv In Colonial Chapel, Santa >.na with u '" .,,""' J llla.tr Jll'rm11nl'nt ~tnp• oa Ui• a membtr ot lht Olt11Uaa Sci• "venue II .._ \lie M .... Rnn11nza rn11tr 111,. the foUowtns: •·-c .. u_ .. In cllla-•. ~l which an pMd " ._..bin &a• 0 t 11 '.. R d • --...... • '"'' •• aually." $50 111 Tools •a~ ... · ."'11n 11 n11-..... i;111111. rne an ..-. wilt ..,. I• Huber lteat et.try. I' 11( \'rc:n•, :"Pv l"rt~ron. Phornlx -, MlchH'9 •Id th• orSUlf,laUon 11nt1 Yuni11. Artz . El Centro, S11n meeta vtry aecond Monday of f\•!'1tn. l..ru• Anie• 1... Rur banlc an!l l ndlo. will have. 1erv1c:e extended lha month and hi.I a t otal of R1vPr~hlr 11nrt Ont11r1<1 F1v" nlhl'r lo 19~8. I 14 member• In Oranl'• Cout1tr· r1ti,,~. H11wthnrn.. 11ncl Tnnopah. I Bonanu hu been o~rallng In "0ul'I la a fraternal, military l°\f'\' li1n~mAn, A r1z Blyth" and Oranite. County thru year~. ~roup," th" adjutant •taltd. ''Wt work for the weltu. of wounded vetera na. We do not enprt ln any fund ral1lng acUv1tl•. Any ve•aon repruentinS hlmaelf u Cl"OD\ our orl'M'l"llon. lA OBnl" County. 11 a.a llllJ0114r." DoroU\7 Ptt.trecm. 101 Via Cor- dova. npomd lo Newport Buch police Moriday &lla'noon that about ~ worth of tool• had been taken from a box ln her unlodced prage. A eommon prejudice 1hould not be found In cine whon tr.de It a. to rectJty error. • Jame. Jlo9w.U MARINE CARIURDORS Repetn -Salee -Pub Zl!N1'DI a STROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM ~ W. Cout 111Jbwa7 Uberty 8-lMS SAVE MONEY NOW! Durlnt our Stock Close·ovt of 10 11ml l'"tll' R1tlf'r, ':', Rl ni:;ht, <'hcrk their •lt f'O-'ll in Jnlnt ORCHIDS FOR MADAM MAYOR 1111\'lnlo!~ 11n ·t111nt Rt :"rwpnrt ffalboa Sii\ 1nit~ 11n11 LN1n Atl!'O<'lll· " JOHNSON n nrl1t :"ttld. Snuthwut Exploration CO. employee, pine orchid /111'n. Tf'lll'r Hnn:l!\I [11f'hm in ,·,.ntt>r al<S1~U them \\'11lktr~ lirt' nn Mnyor Dor.& Hill Ill 9he led (t'OOp or N-port &ach City ll>On~ nf the J11itrph \\'1tlkc-1 • "'hill' Rrt:er brnthl'rs 11rc-~nns n( offlr1ai. 011 t.ou" ol "Oil ProfTea Wttk" U}l!blt. at tll•UniW' tht \\'1111:. m R1ttrr 1' Tht'lr fun1\J< c11mr from Jrnnt la wn mC1w1ng Beach. 111 background .. ell field boepti.I unit. Vtnture during aummtr in Newport He1g ht..s. -B•C'kner J'hot o I --------------~------------.;;--;;;;;;... _______________ ;;m;;;;:~----;;;;;;;;;-..~ SOUTH GOflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL llO IOta. It.. Newport a..dt llarW 2511 NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily From .... Sea to Y• 25t pound -c1 ..... d Free Sold Only the Day c ..... NEVER HEI,D OVER at .... foot of ... Ne_,., Pllr ' 8EAllOB8E, OUTBOARD MOTORS Good • .,. ... 10 h. p. a•d 2S II. p. electric rn.s.... 11ut r.,.. 1' ACTORY APPROVED SERVICE O>mpi.te Part. Stock See Us For All Your loatlnt Needs \ F_EHCING -Save Time and Mwy Nothing Down-36 Mo. to Pay ·- "Nail-on" 5 ft. -1.40 6 ft. -1.55 Haftcl-Spllt Grapes take 5 ft -1.40 ' ft. -1.55 . I "lasketweave" 5 ft. -98c 6 ft. -· $1.19 SplMaH 7Sc ft. AT NO OILIGA noN TO YOU OaD • fer ....... .;. tr Mtq • JM1 --.. .. Md -wm ... ,...... to .._ 7ou .............. tt .. to ~ a , ...... MwoM , __ Local Delivery Fnel CHAMBERLAIN & SON Licensed 188 E. 17th St. u 8-Q.81 Contractors Ooeta .... us... I -__ .... - PA""C~ I i PART f .:.. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES~ · FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1955 > •• I . O ·· F E • ·RS I , -. . ' I .. l COSTA MESA SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION; . -.. • ! ' - I will buy for cash, shares in the . . COSTA MESA SAVINGS AND LOAN : ASSOCIATION AT SISCf.00 PER SHARE • ,. THIS IS YOUR MONEY BACK AND WHAT . . ·MIGHT VERY WE'9L BE FIVE . ~ YEARS EARN-NGS . ; SELL NOW AND PUT YOUR PROFIT TO WORK! IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE • . • ~ PHONE E. RALPH SCHISLER HARIOR 3126-M ACT NOWI • . . I • ' -· ..... , t ...... ~---.-. DEPLETED BACKnELD -In foreground, from Jell. Sailor backfield which opened aeason: Quarter- back G eorge Schuitt. Right Half John H o pkins, Full· back Charlie Berry, Left Half Dave Tamura. Tonight, only Scbuitt may play. -SW! Pho to INJURED SA1LORS FACE WEIGHTY CALIFORNIA HIGH -HERE TONIGHT Berry, Hopldns. Tamura May Not See Adion in . Grid Tiit u Larry CUlro &nd Tom Niqu- ette. Jody Fenton, el"8twhlle hall, bu bffn worlc.lnf out at tullbe.clc ahould Van Pomeroy need help and Berry not be available. U thlnp wlll be on <'ftll tor halfb&ck dutl-. IU\'AL 111'.FT Where tht' neceaaary 1hlfta and cb&n,-e• hurt ahow up In lb• welfhl d1ff PrenUal. Calitomla boa.ta a forward wall ave,..._ 0( l S.., lbs. With a 1~~ lb, ba.c.kn.14 llVf'~e. Tonight,' the Tarw wtll be CMlt- welrbed up front 19 lbe. pw ~, Sallor line ave~e LI lN lbe. wtt.b 169 Iba. In the baddltld NMd • Uil1 probable atullnf lineup: POTENT PIVOT -Cen ter J ack Smith w as named Sailor line man o f the wee k for his sparkling play against F ulle rton . T o nig ht, S m ith may g o o n de fense to !ill in at ou tsid e line backing post for injured Half- bac k J ohn H o pkins . -S taff Phot o PLl'SGl~G FULL -This ia the way Fullback Cha.r- lie B erry looks t o Tar o pponents juat before amuhing the r ival line. Berry and Querterback George Schuitt w ere nam ed ba cks o f the weel< for their performance against F ullerton last w eek . Injuries may bench Ber· r y against California t onight. -Staff P h oto Three-fourths of Coach Al Irwin's Newport Harbor ret real, b4td •t that JX»t, lkhultt . . . . . will take over at t\Jll wath ~ne Quarterback Schulll, lTOc Hain• Ttlomp110n, 14~. and v....._ 1&:1; Jt"ulll>M:k Pomeroy, 1M; lllMlll Lorentzen. 166. and Van~ 134; ,.uklt • .Rum.,.y, 17f, ... 'nlylor. 182: Guarda Jerry s.a-1. 160, and Gary O~m, 190. .ct SmlU\, cent«. 1M. H ig h School Sailor backfield may n o t be tn the start.mg llne- 1 Hubbard calling the algna.la. · u p come k ick off aga inst hulkin g California High'e e levell o n And Glen Buford. a at&ndout D avid son F ield a t 7 :30 p .m . today. I haltbulc In Monday'a Junior var- F'ulJback C'harhe BPrry flnd an l ~ ca r rlPs for two touchdown11 •lly victory over Fullerton, a.l.tlo Halfbat'k John Hopk1n11 joln\"d and four <'Onver11on boot& laat ;=======;;==========;;=;;~=====;;==;;======;;;;;;;;=;;;;==;;=====;;;;:.; Halfback Davt' T11mun1 on thr Wf'rk His hap point itot him down 111rl!'hnea w ith lnJu11pa thts Wf'('k.,th111 w et>k and kPpt him trom .u 1 FOOTBALL I Th111 lea ve:. only one f1r:it strln(:l'r t'<m t11<'t sc rlmm. &fl'. u probablr stu rtPr tonlirht In B l')I KNEES · HARBOR -90~ QuartubR,·k Grori;:t> ~khullt a nd Hopkm11 Injured a knee Wed · 8 1 th<'re "''IUI c r<>~•b\)aty SchU•ll nemlllly. rortuna tely not the one SATURDAY wmtld wind up at fullbal'k 11hould thlll 111dPlined him ror 11 major por -I NIG' HT pnlliiii:~I than~ii get drJ<per3 te. lion or the llf'aJIOn la.st yPar. Ta-I u sr: Dl':<'l!ill\'E muru. of courAe, hu had a bad Howev<'r, lrwtn pointed out.! knf'e which kf'pl him trom l ht In-ORANG• COAST "Th" i:ame will bP d1•c1dcd up In rhan balll•• lllt a lim' when the I lht line. It'll u p tn the forward ' hobbing cork half appeared dt'l•lin· SA. NTA A\'Na. A DONS wall tn """" thP Ca hrornla hne 'd for CIF honora u well u S un· BILL PHlLLlPS, Sports F.dito r NEWPORT HARBO R NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1955 nut of th• "'ltY s ort let' the b8('k11 11el 1-"aguf' all·atar •-rdll. PAGE I com .. thrnui:h. \\'e hD\'t plPnty of I r"'·g ame lnd1catlon1 were Cen· I I dt pth and "l'<'"d s n.1 pt>rhaplJ lhla ter J ack Smith will l'f'pla<'e Hop· will ~ th.• opf10r tunaty for the re· I kln1 and Tal·kle Stevr Watcher __________ .._ ___________________ au v .. backi1 In prove lhf'm~lve11 will fall 10 for Berry at the llne- LETS FILL · THE STADIUM Otltcl~· ~r 1t nr.r. ··tt" adult Wl,11 H. ~. 8 htd4'nt Body Card f(k- • Ofltt'ral Adml•lon 11.00 IF Y'ALL COME TO GRID GO TONIGHT, BEST COME EARLY ln l'OmfM'hl l"n " baL·k1nK po11t11 1f the 'belckf\f'ld pair 1 So probitblo· sta1 ting offen111vt lilr1• nt•t available for duty t onight. 1 harlcf1f'ld t onight may look h ke Hag bunlf•n an tht' Ca\Jfornla PIRATE STADIUM 1 thlA' &hultt, qua rt rr. Al Vll'1r11 conle1<l rails on St'hu1tt. Besides 1 at lt>t l half: Bud ThomJ>M)n. Yllt'ht herommg thl" lone r .. gulsr In the If normally l.lle-arr1vin.11; Harbor a rea pttp s nd f1.na fX Jl"C'l to get a .llPat for tonlght'a c ndl.ron cluh between h,.rty ('11hf«rnaa 11nd undt'!t'ated N1!11>rpor1 Ha-rbor'a S&1lora, tht'y are ad\'l!K'd to a r rive early. 1'\T ILl-llOPI: trom his outJsde linebacker post ___ .._ ________________________ ,. 1 1\Qlt, an1I \'an r umeNJY Ill full I ha<'kf1Pltl. Schultl's de!en111ve duty 1-- But lrvo'Jn ha11n't i;:1\'en up hupo• will be to k1•t>p Ro11i1, lhl' apt•edy lh•t Berry a nd tlopk1n11 will ~ In 18;'\ lh Cahft>rnla encl, from 11n11ir-NOW ·-··""· ,~. ~~ GAINS ON GA~P -Orange Coast C olleg e Half· back Barney Ebargaray tuma the comer for yardage a g a ins t Cha ffey las t week. F or his inspirationa l w o rk which set up d e adlocking t o u chdo wn that en a bled the P irates t.o win the game 14-7. Barne y waa named Pirate o f the week. -OCC Pho t o l'nCortunately, the came will take plau at Inadequate 0 8\'Ju(l(ln f'leld •lot'e Orange Cout Collec e official& Clld not Al!e rat lo 6llow use ot r trat e Stadium tonl&"ht. '!"hat me&n• lnatt't.d or 7l!IO choice fl!&UI, apectato,. tor the contllct will be llmltt'd to approximately 3000 blea.c:her per<'hea. A~aan11t FUllPrt on In Pirate Stadium Jut Wffk. there were ~000 fans on hand. C.lifornta nu announced they are bri.nging 10 busloada of atudent.a. That many more can be expecte<I by car caravan. 8o allhourta kickoff time la 7 :30 p.m., bf'tter come much H rller than that. sutrac1ent 1hapto t o takt' ov!'r 1 J:•nK pa."l!r11 from Qusrt .. rbArk t.u- shoul<i th!'lr i'l'f\'I<'•" b.· rt!'(\L.1re1I • n•. I '"W,. won't m""° l ht'm M• much on AERIAL TH.af:AT ofrf'nM> u on defenM." Irwin u ld. La11t w"•·k ag11.ln.11l Torr11 nre, I Hopkin.!' and Sf'hullt l'lrf' out11Jd1" Rv•N nabtw-11 lhri'<' ioh.,rt p11Mt'8 linl'baC'kera with St'rry In lhr mid· anti m 1tl" long touchdown runs 1n I dlf' Their d1•(rnAl\'f' wnrk hH be<'n 1•at•h , a.~... Schu1t1 's job will be out111 .. nd1nfl' s nd 11 ll •'flnitf' k".Y lo to •h h1y R<111.11 al thf' line of .11cr lm· thr ~.111lors thus fsr undt feal!'d mai;•· Dt'fl'nt1\'t> halfback r1ul Ma.~n Lnr• ntZi.'n w ill hav" to gwu d P..oq PIRATES· DON GO NOW RATES AS GIGANTIC I Bf.rry w &" 11urrenng from a 11hln whr n"' .. r he ii:et11 p.~at Schu1tt ----------------------------· 11>llnt anti hip p<11nt t'\'Pn wha le 11.1lftMf'k Holman. California's t ramrlan11: Fullertt)n for i~ )'llrdi'> JM lh d 1m1oc runnrr •.• lndtnii: CHAMPS AFTER NO. 4 Santa Ana Saints Serve FLAG GRID SLATE FOR HARIOR KIDS lK'Orl'r for l'Hllfllmla but aftrr ~··1111t1n1: th\' tra u1 an two fray,., th•· Tr1r • 111<1·h1n11 ftlafr t11 b.• llo"3 11..a tht m~1n th11t ha..., to be 11toppe1I Pair Strive tO Remain in EC Unbeaten Ranks Here Tomorrow as Next Victim Tonight Thrf'I' line changu anno11nre1I u .rllf'r lhis week lllre definatf' for Har bor Boya' C'lub n ag t thf' Gob11. C"huck Va ndervort will ftl<)lti:'lleni ta.ke on Laguna ..,,, 1t11 rt In place ot Enll Tt>rry Ra· ~.," Cla b toe11 lhlll week· ~an with J un Taylo r and J im f'nil Th" 11lxth irrade trams Rumaey tak lntt ov,.r •l tlllcklt>11 for will pl&y. p~ltminlllry to the Dirk Nabon• Rnd t.arry Haq:W"r. Ot&n j!e t n:i!lt C'ollPfl! • San· Irwin n 1tt Vandt rvort would ti. IA An11 D.,'l C'onlPat m Pirate rf'11t rd occu1onally and lns<'rltd at A ~AKF:!M. f OCSSI -T h t fealUN!I on tl1" d ub ta th" Im- • An11he1m t"olonlsts will be •fter pro,,,-d paq lng of QuarterbaC'k Sla•lrnm •l 6 ; t:> JI· m. to· J key offen~lve momt'nt11 to &Mure mnrrow ht., treshnf'M throug hout lht> lllt. Olhrr J:Blll•·s tom"' 11"'' 1111 Line coach John J.1c1;owun report· What started out as a contest between a p a ir of Eas te rn thrlr fourth 1<tr11ght ''ictory In G n.... h S , _ 1 f!Orge ..,...na Anot.her back "''ho C onference also·rans has s uddenly d eveloped into a h ot b id t • · unllt't '-"'11~11r game au nst . 1 1 lhl' Snnt" Ana Sa lnt11 In Santa 1 hat rol11yed b<lth "''a ,·a 11' Onn t o remain undefeated in EC co m petition w h en t he O r a n ge I An" r:owl s t 1 30 tonaghL Prnfaetd runntnK fro~ th" rt1tht Coast College Pirates and Santa Ana Dons c lash in Bue lif'a<I roiu'h <"lalre \'an Hoore-halt •pot c .. ,.ta ~ff'"' l'ark J-'tflh f'tl Taylor llnd Rumsey ha \'I' <'Onll! grailer11.. 11 a 111 1"""'"111 aloni.t R''""I th111 l t'811on "At the Bowl tom o rro w night. Gam e time ii 8 p .m . bek l! and Li ne Co11rh J ohn Wallin Jt 11 quite pot1111bl" that \'an ll<inul thAt tht' prt'1111ure la on Hoort'bekf' 11111tht 11hifl Pf'nf1eld i:railf rs. n•'Y•n, 11n1I P1Jt hlh '""m•·nl.'' h•' add,.d. "Th<'Y lltl! i r11d"r11• 1 P m more 11i:-1:n•J011f\·e th11n the boya Tht Pirate elevi>n uput Ch!l.f· lhl · ,., I · t tri u , . r th H 7 h I s I and hPlp!'d 11ubrlue the P&nlhtrll II \'t'itr JI ~ .. onlM!!. a le.am pu • c y to thl! defen.eave rlatonn. ey • "" en · t re ut &· 111111 week . loll'ether for the rir .. t Umr when In whl('h ru r Alan Moo1f\· "''Ill • turday 11ft<'rnoon while t he n onio The Done helot a one jtllmf' nearlv the rnt1rf' llll\rUn11: lineup be the 11ta rlln1t rll!"ht ha lf.. Panthers of Week aurpraM>d ~lln Brrnllr.!lno l9·6. edge ovt'r lhe Pirates an lhl!1r gralluat,.<l lAst 11prang. The llne 111 bollltt'r,.,1 b v surh 1~ • T ~· ""'·!left.Mn llope hsul Santa A.nil t<e\'en m retini;tll. Tht Donll hi ve Th" Colon1i<l!1 offf'nalve lineup two way ~1 fnrmf'rt 811 ~n Ab· K elYe ropnte S &11 the "nly i;nme Orani::e Colll!t 1 come out on top four timl'1', the wall feature Ill! pA1r of bllr ktlr ld boll d Ed Ch w1111 '"1pro11rrl lo hr Al. :"ow the Plr11le11 lhrte. Sprlnuin" a maid F" llh k J A I d an am~rs The Tack·, ()R A :"r.F: ,n('~SI M'IX linr-battle r alt "" I ti t t " "' &<'<'II. u ll<' 0 ' v I\ an lell are T rtl Dlnkltr •nd Gt'ne row ~rott R•('hmflnd. 111111 F"1 l\nk· 11 11 '1" nc ""-" 11P· np!lt l. t ht Don!I downed the Pt· Q1111rterhack ~tlC'kC')' Flynn Morford, with ~rry Fut a t the i,. M• adnw' ff\rml\11\' '"""'v<"I :o!C'0Rl1'"G P l .S CH n1tf''I 2:1 tn 20 h1l'l y,,ar, Onf' of thP mort proml1lng ""nter poi.I At the ent! positions Fl11.!1hl01t a l'Conn" punch th8l -----------------llr·I! Garv Fr-l•r1ck Alan Sto lht1r trnphlf'~ A• • 1'11nlhl'1 • of ,.. · ~ ~ • ry thr \\'Prk" T11r-r111~· Ill lhl' w1 t•k· they 11\C·ke•t In their fl"'l three anti Vern Wr11\'er, All of whom ly nitr linK nf th" Ot1i niie QuAr. ~~~~=~;~~l~~;~;.:n:~=~~ :).~~;,Bullet Billy Oiler Threat ~== :~i~/::~rle~~~~ Jn the 1"ri.:·h~u~::h m• J\'l'd hi~ llWMl'I Don ll('IJl'f' rAme 11,.('ond!I &!tt>r thr tor hu• plll\' <h111ni.: lht• Tu~un Op!'nini k1rkotr whrn Dnn h1.11t-A • t I d. s t d Lawn Bowl Result opent'r, Dl\t\n\\' \\'II~ i::n·rn lhr bllrk Gtl Rodriquez p1tchtd 11 gains n 1ans a ur ay aw11 r<1 !nr ::111 hl'11'1'1 llf' f011lh11ll a trlke to enol Bud Dowling who The •et>kly Australia n Sln11tle11 fnr \hr l'nr .. n11 i:11mr 11n<l ~ll'A- rarefl Into t he r nd zone on 11 lo ur':'lament on lht Mun1r1pal llnwic \\it~ P11 t'lll'"' thf' l "·rh~ aprr t arular "~ yant p111111 and n tn F" t . r. I. F: RT 0 :-.: I or:-.:!' I -('f'IW•r tnr hl11 tlf'rl1118 Six d1f· Bowling Grf'l'llll "''All on .. of the for \h<' 11r"n"r \\'Ith R11n\I\ An.1 plll)' The r xlrll r omt 11 ttt mpl "Bullt'l Biiiy" V111l. qu11rtPr haL·k fertnt pleyt-1JO h11vt bern on the hardl'l!l fought l'Onte•lll' (If the ,,..1111 blockl'il. I for the Huntmp;ton Bu r h 01lel"I!, rec"vtng enct of hla touchdown •eaM>n. Tllylnr C"arr won t1rst Cha I h• lo Ra n Bf'rnllrdtno tu·d the llCore will atll'mpl to 11how Ft1ll,.rton hea vl'a. w ith E nd Don J onM the place with 12 J>Qlnta Bill R rim11 mp OftS lp ut In the .!le('<>n•f quartt>r when acat· fan11 why he hu rolll'd up one lont player to have t'aught • pair. and Walt PeiullOn were tlrrl tnr :'\t'xl \\'e1lnl'J1day na;;ht'11 6 p m b&t'I( O\·<'rlon Curtall !\U mperell 1•( the tnp f'IL~-"•nft m1trk11 In ThtM flllt'\lrt>11 all point up Ul' •frond With 11 polnlll ,,..,th f't•ar· T\' f1 ~h1 " II b,. 11 I~• • 1"11n<1 throui;:h thf' r n tlrr Pnn ttsm c>n Southt'm C 11 11 t o rn I 11 Sllturday fsct that the lndlan11' lll!<'Ondary llOn wt.nnlnir; the play-off Ed llfrhh\, 1.1 1 , h'\r11p•,,n•h1p h n 11 t a twi~lln(:' :ll va rd n an. The C'On· wh,•n lhf' \IJl<'n mPtt thf' Fiii· will ha vl' I n be on iru11 rd ltst \\'lkox, Al Oxland. Mrs ("Arr •nd h"l"'C'"n 1"•na·1r \\',tll"'" •J:ut• verllion tn· w~a bl(l(ktd b\' th" Ira lun Jncll11ns. V111I m11kr " 11hamblea of the Ed Mura.t were .tied for fmn th Sn11tn a nd f"rnll'r t11.ht '', i;hl Don11• ll'll\:ang the l!t'Ort' k~olt"d \'all has r omr11 .. 11 lh' amaz· game with hi11 mag1c ann. plau wtth 9 polnta • k tni: Jtm:n~ 1'.1rlt'r a t haJftlmr . Ing mark or 11even touchdown lhM' \'" ro J'll!IC'f'd " 11.u pt>r h11~ h~rn 11luwPd rt-ct'nUy ".lh 11 h·11I nnklt• Md '11wan not.-d BOTH WA\' 80\'~ tr S1111th Ill call"ll upon to go hoilll way11 t111111:hl. Bob Allen, 184, Will 81'<' lllUI f' llCliOn a l Offen111ve ('rntf'r Thnmp."On. who 111 defeN11ve s11flf'ym11n, will rectlVe offen11lvt aid Along w1 1h Vieira from l!Ut'h - WE ARE PROUD to ANNOUNCE that Weather -Bird Shoes for boys a nd girls ARE AVAILABLE EXPERTLY FIT In A Wide Variety of Styles The smartest new shoes, afoot ... clever n e w varlatlona at the most economical price Wasemiller' s Worlcla.,aon·a. '4~re C'"'t• M,... 1894! Harbor Blvd. Uberty 1-6021 lin11ble '" l!f'O re In the thlr<I qusrlPr , I he {\(\ns bla11ted t hf' K•mf' wld" op..n m lhP ftnlll p1111~e1' In j1111t three siamo this yenr. THROWS. TU f>AJR OPEN BOWLING This will STOP You • • a tAnu with two tnuC'h<lown,. on ln the Huntini;:t"n o pen t r a 12-yard 1l811h by halfback Csrl· aga101<t Lllll:\tnll Bes r h. \'1111 didn't ton Da \'1l! and ll """"n ,·11rtl blut 1111n pllchinl!" until near the tnd b y Rodnttuu Tht' f'o~t1 r11 patal· eor thtt third pt'rlod. He then p..O. Uf'f1 on a re-covered fllmble and <'f'tdf'd to throw tor two TDtl. a J'<'<lf punt by the Ela n Rtrnar-He romplt ted 11evf'n of 1S at- 1 d lno ktrker to llC'O~ their final ttmph1. two TDit I Apanst the TU1Un TIU.ra. the 000 0 \' AROAGE OlleMI' quartPrbttclc th~w for all In u·1nnan1t thtar first Eutem thr tt 1roru u ~ Huntln.&ton Cl'nfei ,.nN• i:ame \lnder dlrf'('tlon 1 Bt'A<'h outtlt •mt'Ar<'d their fe>e11, of nf'w ('flllch. Don Dllln.11. the 120·-0. Don11 JIMl~f'd and rullherl for 2~ Hla thro11>1ng netted a ~ot&l of ~rd11 eg11tn!!l t he ,t ubborn rn. j ~01 yarda In t.he air tor the dla.na. thl'ir moet lucrath•• or. ee.cheombtn. len11lve 11tt11f'k th111 11cuon. FUPS J :KORI: The P1ra tu have tied a atroni: 111 UI• contMl with Corona la.Ill !;Mt Con tra Costa eleven 13 to week, VaU flipped two 11COrtnr 1 13. loJt to a powerful 811.11 Mateo J>&Aff• In the tlr11t halt to leAd ' aquad 20 t(I 8, a.nd pollahtd off Huntingt on m thelr 21 -0 victory. \ All clay Monday Thru Friday StartiftCJ at 9:00 a .m. Open All NIC)ht Friday & Saturday Day & NICJhf Bowling Sundays VAN'S BOWLING Chaffey Injured Fullback Mike Thus ta r. \'a il haa appa rt'ntly nos Saperior, eo.&a .... BILL It.LOTZ, llgr. Uberty ~S292 H~~~~~~~p~~~~~~~~~~~,~--------------~--------------------------~ \pecial Purchase lftakes this po11lble BRAKE RELINE 517'5 FORD -CHEVROLET AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUARANTEED TOP 9UALITY LINING FREE 1000 MILE CHECK • UP Courtney & Lester 1596 ,Newport llvd. Costa Mesa u 8·1197 PAGE 2 · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FalDAY OCTOIEA 14 1911 -. Buy at Home From Your local New Car Dealer . NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME . NO MONEY DOWN OPFERED BY AN ESTAIUSHID NEW CAI DEALD OP 30 YEAIS JOHNSON & SON WILL PUT YOU IN A SAFI· IUY USID CAR WITH NO MONEY DOWN .. . 0• credit men can arranCJe to put you in a car whether YOll old car paid for or not, incorporate yow 111any bills aftd MltCI you 11eMe ill• lat. lllJ Used Car, fft some cases wittl Ins paymellt than ·you're paylnt at the pretent time. With approved Credit or Colateral. MO. PAYMENTS AS LOW AS MO . PAYMENTS AS LOW AS '52 Mere. 4-dr., O'd, R-H ........................ $38 'S3 Willys 2-dr. Hdan .................................... $27 'SO Mere cl . cpe., O'd, R-H .................... $21 '52 Ford custom 4-dr ........................................ $32 'S5 Ford Thu nderbird , full power ............ $61 '51 Ford Viet., 2 to choose ........................ $28 '50 Chev. 4-dr. sed., PG , R-H ............... $26 '47 Cad 4-dr. sed., Hyd., R-H ............... $29 '53 Stude hard top, Auto~. H .................. $38 '50 Pont 2-dr., Hydra., R-H ........................ $23 '50 Nesh 2-dr., O'd., R-H ........................... $12 '53 Buick conv., auto., R-H ........................ $48 '53 Lin c hardtop, Auto., R-H .................. $68 '52 Mere herdtop. O 'd, R-H ........................ $52 '55 Linc Cepri cp., f. p. ...... .. .save $1000 'SS Ford con., auto., R-H ...... save $1000 '53 Me re. Conv. R-H Merco ............... $1898 'S2 Jaguar 4 dr., R ....................................... $1898 '54 Lincoln 4 dr. R-H , Hyd •.. _ .............. $2498 '49 Ford Full Pric e .................... : ..................... $195 We have some new '55 Mercurys left-Save up to $1000 JOHNSON & SON U11eolft ·Mercury Sales & Senlce 900 W. C: ~st HIC)hway Uberty a.5~5. Final Clearance of 1955 Model Executive Cars 1955 New Yorker Deluxe 4-Door Sedan Lo\·ely Two Toae Grttll, Po"·er Steerlas. Power BrakH, Radin and Rear Speaker, 11.-atf'r, Soa..x (ila., WSW Ti'" -Custom Group Low milea9e Save Handreds $33754 1() 1955 WINDSOI DILUXI 4 DOOi SIDAN 84-autirul 2-Tone, Po1'·er Steerinic, Powerfllt~. Clock, Solu Glas."', Power Brakes, WSW Tires, f'Metrte !Mt , Saft'ty Group SA YE • • • • • ONLY $299500 1955 IMPERIAL NEWPORT Jledlum Oree., Fllll Power Wlmdow. Power Seat, Power Steering Power Brakecl. RUio, Heat.er WhJt.e Side Wall 11ree Only 1 :500 Mllee SAYE! Only $444500 1955 NEW YORKER ST. REGIS Two Tone Orange and 8and So~x Gius, Radio, Bear Speaker, Beat.er, C.. tom Group, P ower Steering, Electric Window Hft., WSW Tiree, Electric 4-Way Seat ONLY $3800" 1955 PL\"MOl."TH BELVEDERE 4-Door Sedan -Aat.omatie Transmiseion Soln Gia.,~. Air Foam ~at -Aoef'MOry Group ... ................. ................... . ...................... ONLY S2100.00 * ALL CARS FULtv WARRANTED LOU REID & ASSOCIATES ..,....Chrysler·Plymoutll Sales & Service 1200 w. C..t """'"" .. Uberty 8-3486 #II• • ---------------------~~A81' / ' MILLIR'I KAR llORRAL ) I NO OMCl-DIAL OUTSIDI IN THI WIDI OPIN IPACll I WHlll DIALS All . DIALS AND CLIAN• l· '54 NASH Metropolitan Convert R-H-Overdrive ........................................ -SHI A._ '51 OLDS Super "88" 2-door R-H-Hydramatic, Pwr. Steer • Pwr. Br•kes, New W.SW Tires ... $1145 '5!4 FORD V-8 Fordor Sed•n p· & H ............................................................ $1045 '52 PONTIAC Super Catalina R-H Tw., Tone Paint EZI &Ian Hydramatic WSW Tires ................................................ $1195 '51 OLDS "98" Dix 4-Door Sedan R-H-Hydrametic Power Steer. Power-Brakes .......................... : .......... $1195 '51 CHEVROLET Styl. Dix. Clb. Cpe., 't & H ............................................................. $695 '50 FORD V-8 Custom Tudor R-H Overdrive local one owner! .................................. $595 '51 OLDS "Rocket " Convert. Cpe. R-H-Hydramatic WSW Tires . $1095 '52 CHRYSLER Windsor Dix., 4 Dr. Sed. R-H-Automatic , Excellent Tires like new· inside and out ................... $995 'SO OLDS "8811 4-Doo r Seden R-H-Hydram•tic Two to choose from ............................. $795 ''49 CHEVROLET Fleetline DJx 2-Dr. R•dio & Heater ....................................... SJtl '52 CHEVROLET Bel Air Sport Cpe. R-H-PowerGlide , New Rubber $1095 149 FORD V-8 Club Cpe. R-H & O verdrive . ............ . . . . $445 'S2 CHEVROLET Stetion We9on .. 'SI STUDEBAKER V-8 4-Door R-H, Li ke New! ... .... ............... . $1145 R & H, Autometic ................................ $391 '51 Pl YMOUTH Belvedere 'SI PONTIAC Chieftain Deluxe R-H.WSW Tires , 2-Tone .................. $645 4-Door Sedan R & H .......................... $545 NO DOWN PAYMENT AT Mll.Llll'S KAI KOllAL . MILLER CHEVROLIT CO. New Car Oldsmobile· Chewel.t -1000 W. Cwt tfltlrwey Miler's K• Kanai -Orange Coatr'• IMf"f Used C~ Lot 700 W. Coast Hhjhway LIMrty 1-2261 Do what the Doctor says ! GET an. A· 1 USED CAR TODAY at THEODORE ROBINS "Your Ford Deal« Since 1921" 3100 W. Coast HiCJhway Newport leach '5S FORD Thunderbird ............................. $2995 '51 MERCURY Club Cpe. R-H & Overdrive ......................... S 945 '54 FORD 8 Tudor Sed. R & Fordomatic ··········-··············· ........ $ 1495 '53 FORD VS Ranch Wagon R-H & Fordomatic ............................. $1695 '52 FORD VS Custom Tudor Radio & Heater ................................... S 995 '50 MERCURY Club Cpe. Radio & Heater ................................. $ 695 '50 CHRYSLER Windsor 4-Door Radio & Heater ............................. -..... $ 545 '52 FORD Victoria R-H & Overdrive ................................. $ 980 "On Merlner's Mile" LA•rty 1-3471 '53 FORD Club Coupe R-H & Overdrive . '49 DODGE 4-Door I . $1245 Rad io & Heater ......... ······--···············$ 495 '52 FO RD Ranch Wagon R-H & Overdrive ............................... $1395 '53 CHEVROLET "21 O" Fou r Door Sedan .. . ............. ..... S 895 '52 CHRYSLER Windsor Deluxe Convertible ···--.............. $1195 '53 FORD Convertible R-H & Fordomatic ........................ $1295 'SO PONTIAC Sedan b elivery . . . S 445 'SO FORD V-8 Pa ne l Motor O verhauled ............................ $ 645 THEODORE ROBINS "Yos Ford Dealer Shtc:e 1 '21" 3100 W. Coast Hl«Jhway Llbefty 8-3471 ' t'!-RulldJn1 Sflrvka ' -.... NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11. PAGE l LIGAL NOTICE LIGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE . FRIDAY, OCT JIF.t'ORT Of' <'OSDITIOS Of THE MARINERS IANK ...... r. -. ' •.., LOC'ATt:P AT St:WPORT lll:AC'H. C'ALH'ORSlA A!( Of' THF. ('LO~t: Ot ' Bt'"l !'\t:l'f' OS THt: &tb DAV Of' OC'TOBt:R, lt44 t'ublh•h4'd In -.C-('ord&nf't' "Ith a C'aJI madr b)' lhP SupnlDl•Odrnl of Ban.ka • ('OMMt:R<'IAL ~AnXGM C01'181St;o C••h. bah1nro with 01 lwr bank~. ln<'lu1Hng 1e•tr\'e b11l· &nee. 11nd cuh l1e11114 In pnM"""ll of nJlh!('lltm s 08 26tl.IH 489.007 61 l ,7t2,U 8 02 C'EKT11"1C'ATI: OF 81181NE~8 ci:anncATE o r llVIHNU• t,dltloua Firm Name f'\C!UU-P1im N ... THE UNDERSIGNED do ht'rt'· THll UNDltRSIGNJ:O do her.- by certify t.h at they are t'()nduct· by certify t.hat they are condl&Ct· l11r a Llldlo' Ready-to-wear llVl'la 1111' a Ladlea ready lo w.ac bu.al· •nd Gift lhm\a bu.elntsa at SS29 neaa at 1767·A N-port Blvd., ~ewport Ooult1vard, Newport Costa Me•. Call!omla, under the ANch. California, undtr t.he fir· 1 f1ctltlou1 f irm name of Marilyn'• UUoua firm name of "SHABARA" Fuhlnn App1u't'l and t.hat a&ld and that aald firm ta compo.ed ot firm la compoMd of t.he tnllowlq the Collow111r l>c-r.un1. wh o a' J'O'l'llOn.t, whoae namn In full and names 111 tull 11nd plac.ta ot rea1· tJll C\:ll of re11ldtnce are u follow1, dence ue u (ollow11. to-wit; \o·Wlt. , ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I lnat..U th• above ch .. Pff th&n ,JnOolt. Al.JIO ..U Tile • UJloleum. -,.;on-un.lon, %~ yean ~ Compare and Me - BILL COKER Har. UH « Loftl 8-ch. 7~873. 8tttc FOR RENT SldlJ l&wa, .... DrtUI, ~ all t,,.. oC a.Mere. Wllee&W-row•. etc. BOYD'S HDWE. OBER 14, 1955 u...-a.Dc11a1 8ervba General Contractor LICZNll:D New Work -RemodeHns J . MILTON McKENZIE Barbor Q99. W 58tf c H ....... Aloobolicl A.IMm.J'W !Uftnl'd white woman needa d'Y work A wtll do baby •lttlni. Call Bar. aoe or 121 • :l'Tt.h 1st . Newport. • lllp20 NURSJ!! Undtr&Tadual.. Lido Ill• 0..ru d~ lhlt\. ~ere.ncu. I!&'· 1307. 18pl8 8.ABT 8JTTINQ Maturi woman . U.S. Covem111t'n\ ubllitallon.s, ..i1rf"< l and tully 1fUarantet<J Loarui 1tnd c11atounta 11nrl11\le• $16:1 99 o'•erdra fts I Vumlture, tlxturf'11 anol 1>qulpment S 430.H 6 9T 1.142.H .O:l 070.383 64 820M.6!i S:Z,830,643 :!8 303.428 91 928,812.6!\ 82,064 ~ BARBARA JEAN QU ARRY, Mti rilyn Fr1edlich, t3 Balboe. 734 Center Strl'et, Costa Mt-u Cove1, Newport Bt'ach, C&UfomlL Ctlltom 1a Andrew J . Friedrich. 63 Balboe. ll30 W. OOilT BIQBW.AY l.JMr1;)' ...UU. N.wpott a. •ttc Wrtt.e P. 0.. ._ Ill )f~ ..... Olllll. JJ\'mll\19 onl)'. Call rnomlnr or aft• 11180 p.a Bu. 1173-W. ltpll Total AIUIC'lA l.IABll.ITlt:M Commtrclal dt po111\11 liemal\d 1ln<l1\'ldual1, partnership•. Corpe I . 1,91 I ;33 01 Other demand depo1ita I l'ertltlt'tl and orctcera· che~:k•. etc.) • .. •7,01 082 l!av1nr• deprui1t11 . U. 8. CovPmmenl and po11t11I "avlnga rlef"'slt11 114.,086159 St.ale, county am1 m unicipal drp-01111.11 600,000 00 Other llabllllle• Unearned discount 18,361 49 Total Llablllllu texd 11ub-Or<tlnat~d obllgallnna al\o'.1.'1\ below I 12 :'>92, 190ll1 CAPITAi. AC'C'Ol'STS Caplt•l Jl6\d In: b. Common •lock 10,000 1haru. Par $20 00 . lurpl.u• __ ,,_,,, . . . ................ .. Undlv1ded profit• -nrt Contingent Fund Reeerna t and rttlr,rnent account for preferred capita l 1 Total C1tplt&l Accounta . Total Llablllllea and Capita.! Accounta .. .. 8t&t• of Callfornla, County or Ora.nge, H . l!:dru R . HJIL Pre.sldent G. W. Rlcardaon. Executive V. P . .\ Cuh1er 1715.000 00 66.000.00 T.843 62 608.76 238,402.37 ~ 1130,1143 28 4 11.6~9 00 3711689 M 3i6.68P 66 20,000.00 10,000 00 36.000.00 4 1 Ul'll! O~ 3,242,332.83 l 911 ,733 01 41 .:110 82 376,689 M I 14,680.159 :100,000.00 111,381 49 200.onoit 66.000.00 7 843.62 tl-08.70 273,402.37 .1 '.!42 332 s:i ot Th• Mariner• Bank, being' duly 1worn, tACh for h1mselr. aaye he hu a ~r110n11l knowlt'dge ot tht' mlll· ten contalned In the foregoing report of condition and ach,dules per\111nlng thtrtlo and that PVer~· 111- lqatlon. at.atemenl. ma tter a nd thing th'r"n contained i1 lru' to th• beat ot h•• knn" li-rl~e 11nr1 bell .. ( S.ver&Jly eube<'ribed and aworn to before rne by both d'pon,nl•. thl• 11th day or October. 1966 Ken W. Fowler Notary Public In and far th• County ot Or•n&i> State ot Ca111ornla. My Commlaaton uplr. October 22, 1968 EDGAR R HILL P ":11<1ent G. \\'. RICHARDSON Executive V. P .\ Cuh1er Corre<:\ -Alleat · D1rectora other than the ortlr tr• •I m ing t hl' report NELSON W. NEICE T . A. THOMAS J . LESUE STEFFENSEN SH.ARON O'CONNELL HOURI· Coves. Newport Beach C&llf9mlL GAN. 2031 Fout Balboa Boulevard, WITNESS Our handa thUI lOUa Nrwport BtaA:h, California. day of October, 1955 WITNESS our hands thl1 to d1y Marilyn Frtedrich of October, 1065 Alidrew J. Friedrich STATE OF CALIFORNIA t:OUNTY OF ORANGE 11. Barbara J ean Quarry Sharon O'Connell Hvurlg11n STATE OF C'ALll-"'ORNIA, COUNTY OF ORANGE. u OF THIS 10 day of Octo~r. A. D 1 96~. b1•fore me, \he under· ~1gnPd, e Noti.ry Pubill' in a.nd fur the aa1d County and State, residing therein. duly commta· 11lnn'd and 11worn, JWl"l!Onally ap- P•'ared Barbara J e&n Quarry and Sharon O'Connell Hourigan known to me to be th' persona whose namea are aub3cribed to the within 1n11trument... and ack· nowledgtd to me that they '11l'· cutM ttw> aame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my h&lld a nd affixed my official 11t'11I the day 11nd year In this Crrtlf1cate flrat abov' written. HELEN I. TJPPET'T M y Comml11.s1on Expire. July t , 1969 No. 136• OF THIS 10 day ot October, A. D. J9M, before me. Ken W. !'~owler. a Notary Publlo 1n IUld for t.he aa.Jd County and Stat., reaidlnc therein, duly commt.. •ioned and 8Worn, peraonally ap- peared Martlyn Friedrich and Andrew J . Friedrich. hu•band a.nd Wife, known to me to be the )>t'r110n111 who.e namH &1' IUb- acrlbed to the withln ln1trument, anCI &eknowledced to me t.h&t they exuuted the aame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto aet my hand and at- fuled my otflcl&.I N&1 th• c1ay and ye.ar \n thl• CerUtlcatA ftnit above written. KEN W. FOWLER My Commlaalon Ex)1irM October 22. J!>M. NOTARY PUBUC ln and for the County ot OranJ9, Stat. ot CallfomlL No. 1360 Nrwa·PrC'lla 10'14 . 21, 28. 11 4. ·~o New•-~ 10/14, t t. 28, 1114, 'SG Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday a11cl Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Coutaa Shopper Ada nm ta UM \\'edD8da7 N_..p,.... 4 Unf"tl I Insertion Sl.00 add'L llDe9 .%5 ea. 4 Unes 2 ln.sertiorut 1.50 add'L Unee .is ea. 4 Unes S lnsertloDll 2.00 add'L llae. .is ea. 4 Lin~ 4 fo~rtlons 2.50 add'L l1Dee .25 ea. lluatlon \\anted Ads "Ill tte:f'h'e 10% dllcount. Oaall lll ech·-.... ,. MIS IMl')( AD 18 ' ~"U Y Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 I ~peciaJ Notice. Meet• every Thuraday I pm. \'1.a Oporto -Central Ave. I r-: ewport ee&ch Albert H.. Matthew•. l!:zalted RUier 1 haenl Notaoe. J Cerd of nuke ' .Fuaeral Dtrecton I 0 BaeloeN O.W. 11 Bulldlq llatedllle 11 ............ ...,,._ ···~ 15 8...,.. Toer e- ta Tnupol'Wloa 11 Boofl.Dc ROY CARVER PONTIAC Newport Beach, • • 'v 18 ... Cy Aide !O HeeJtb A1de !J Loei ... P'oaal H Seltoola. lMtnetloa !8 81taatloM w..w n Help w .. w SO llJ1cellre- SO-A 8wape 10-B AppllaDcee 11 W .. t.ecl to Buy WE'RE EXPECTING A NEW "EDITION" IN OUR PONTIAC FAMILY October 21st. - so WE'RE CLEANING HOUSE! All remainlnCJ 1955 Pontiacs must CJO to happy homes, immediately. Unbelievable savings to you at once in a lifetime prices. No one, yes, No one UNDERSELLS 12 Funalture for ... S1·A AJau.p. IS no.ta. 8appllM H Hmle&l. lledlo, TV 16 Dop, <>au. P.U M Poultry 31 Llveet-OCk SS 8~ AalloaMelll•t Sf ,\Ulotl W .. W •O Au~ for Sele •O-A Tlnoe & Parta U A ato 8entce &! Tr&llera '5 Alrpleoee n Wanted to ._, '3 Apt.. & Hou.ea fot .... '8-A Apt.. for Rent &8·8 Hou-for R~t 48-0 Tr&ller 8PAC" ft Roome for ~at '9·A Rnt Rom. 49·8 Room & Board SO tu.at, Mlac. t\S Stores & Offtcee t\S·A Bu•l.D-Rmtal1 !i-6 BnlllDH• OpportmaitJM 65 Money to Loea Sf"M'Oney WaatH t\'7 R~al I:11tate Wanted ti-.-BnlldlDg Se~--- PAINTING M. W. ROSS Llt,nRed Lt 8·3321 280 Avocado, Coet& Meu. 18tlc Dress up your home! Old or New Low FHA Payment.I TILE A FORMICA K1tch'n dralnbo•td• Bslhrnome, 1bowen FENCING Chain link Grapeet&ke VeneUa.n Bllnde Overhead Gange Doora "Smart" Interior Shutter• Free Z:.llmate1 Home Modernization Co. Telephone LI 8-2237 Courteou. N"'9-Pr'Me ClauU'led Ad·Takan are trained ·&o write PMM ..,.__ ,,_ ... R...i m.t&tit 8&1etmen etfeetl" adll. Tbroufb 1onr uperi.__ and a th0rou1b under.t.andinr ot adver- t1-U11 '" can put your wanta Into t5-8bare Yov Oa.r 11 J'OU are p1ana.1n, maklnr • ~ and ~ looktnr tor •~hearted ~ration, lib· •ral adYert.lllUIC. a apactoua new• ly tumlahed offle. w1tl\ ~ u~<'· taUY9 delk )'O\l OM l'alJ your own )'Ou will pt It • t W4.NT rid•« ridere otvto CWlw L A.. wor kln1 hrw. 1-6. ~ day week. Share -~naee. Harbor 182"-K. l7c18 woro.. that 1•t ac:Uon. ~ • help 10\1 eelh TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES CARS Ir TRUCKS WANT p&rt.IU to lb are cu aiid ride to downtown Loe Antrf'lee Mon-Fri work houra 8:30 a.m. to ~:80 p.m. Har. t 633-R.. 18p20 -COUPL.E dnv1n1 Uncoln to Mich· SEVEN ISL.ANDS REAL TY & INVESTMENT CO. 603·32nd St., Nt'wJ'l()rt B1•h, Harbor OMS. HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Thu. N-•PrMa C1&Nlned Ad· Taken are experu and they an at )'OW' Ml'Ylce. Juat phone HARBOR 1616 1('&11. T&Jce 2. 1-ve Immediate· ly, Liberty 8-2338. t8p 18-Beau!l, Alda Superfluous Hair Per111&AeoU7 remond rrom face &rma, lep. Zytbrow• and h&lr Une abaped-No more tweean1. llU.Ll:N L BRT A1IT R.. &. Udo'• Baloa ot Blauty B&r. 2~7• ti. ~%-Lost an..Af2.!'!1~ OPENING for ma n q111thf1rd •11 dl'vtlopmeont It ri-,.rarl'l1 l'hl'm • 1111. 1111~·11\lh;lnl( In f\bc-r~la11t1 lamination "n•I 1t1lht.,1vrJ1 PAC1Flf' l..AMl~ATES J:"f' 1919 Plllr .. nt111.. Costa M•"" lit' II) '2 LlVY. W lRF. RF:Al.. ESTATF. SAl.ES.MJ-;;-.; Top 1·11111ml11slonA. ''\"" THOMAS Llbe1ty 8·"'627 \Tclll • FOUND, Tennie racquet near High Painting, Paperhanging 'The l'in.t Money Can Buy" Is your retirement In come Inadequate? Sympson & Nollar M2 S8th St., Newport Beach Ph.. Har. 2404 or 115G7·R. lOtfc Painting Ir Paperhanging We do the work ourselves. 30 y•n uperience Llcan.d • luured. S&U.tac:Uon suarantffd. z.umai.a tree. Call Johrulle, LI 8-2687 It LI 8-5289 8lt!c CARPENTER Repair Work Ooea Tour Rome Need Rep&l""' or RemoMliq f Call l'rank. Libert)' 1-#M All Work OU&r&nt.Md 74tfo Elec. Tool Repair Sk!l Sun , Drtlla. Sanden QUIQC 8ERVICZ LEWCO ELECTRIC 00. ·~ No. Newport BIYd,. Npt. Bch. Libert)' 1-8383. I U tfc ~ --CEMENT It BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY nu MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO 81olALL B. o. Andenon 10H a. Balboa Blvd~ Balboa Harbor 2'60 13tfc Adams Plumbing Rep&ir -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION lH C.CU Place. eo.ta Mua, Liberty a-ysr l3c26 lAt \Ill f\nleh your Remodeling Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing ELLSWORTH CONTRACTING Ll 1·7961, LI 1 ·5262 12p26H -----------COMPLETE PAINTING It Paper Hanging Service EUGENE 0. SAUNDERS 600 U at Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. 4446. ttc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICllNSJCD CONTRACTOR 171 W, l&th Bt., Collla Mtaa Liberty &-8828 BION RICE, Inc. GENERAL CONTRACTOM ReeidenUal, Commwc\al. Addition.a. Hubor 494-W. 8p18 PIONEER SHEET METAL HICA TINO, venUlattnc • eh Ht metal work ot all typee. lnduatrlal, rNlckntlal, commercial P'RJCll l:STlM:A TES Ll 1·2237 ~ 8pH echool, Thura. Oct. 6. U 8-6109. J6c l8 Are you restless LOST female Bo1ter, red<ll~h ta•1 in retirement? '0o yo1u w11 nt n·~rnn11lhllll,\' &11•1 ell•lt'll '"""'r1e 111 11 prn11tion w11 h illj..'TlllY ~ ""' WllMI m It \ ll r I' gentlem1•n <I• ah11~ 1n pns1l1on nf truH llJ ~1·1 ,,. 111·w 1nve11tmt'nl 1H-.•nunlM ln v11u1 11rra Salf'• 11biltl v e~~t'nllal \\ nlt' Bux K~12 th111 i•11pr1 . Hlc t8 wllh while 11\rt ak on tare. wht feel. name TESS Olrl'1 pet R eward. LI 8-6320. 17rHI LOST In Balbo11. heavy bamboo cane with curved handle. Re· ward. Har. 2675-W. 16l'l8 LOST whlte kllttn in v1clmly of 400 bloC'll Edg .. water. BAI boll R~ward. LI 8-~940. 17cl8 24-Schoola, ln11troctlon Super-Market TRAINING CENTER Grocery Caahlent and Meat Wrap· pen. Make $80 to $120 per, wk. Call for appointment to learn more a bout thl• training. AL TYLER SchoolA Kl T-1511 WO!l.I EN. &t'\'eral sccretary. ate no .t. gen'I. 0((1<·1>, MEN eXpt"rl111f'n· tal m11rh 1nl~t . pro<lul'l1on ron· trnl, m .. 1 .. n11t 1•nnt111I t gov't.. contra ct.1: twits. New Jnh1 f1e lly, rC'g1ster now Jl':"l:E FA.MAR t-:mp'I Altl'M()', 4021i-32nd St , l'\l'wpo1t Bc-ach IOppo1lte City HBll t J6l'l9 Beacon Personnel 100~<> employer r etained agency NO fee collected from ltll No. Broadway 84 u applicant Real Estate in Santa Schoo Ana We have nrenln,.1 for 11ecrel ary, top typist. PBX-steno. 1tore clerk, male. A part time dHk clerk. MmN 6 WGMllN prepe.n la ..,_,.. BEACON PERSONNEL Um• for unUmlted opportwa.IU l.D Ru! m:.t.ai.. Nnr w .. kly • .U Tyler IUtr\ICti.Df. A (Apncy ) Newport Beach tend Ont nentna fJ'M and I eam L.A DlES: ~d our ad under about ~ IT•&t fte&d. C&ll o r clualflcallon 2' -Super Mu· ket Tna.lnlq AL TYLr:R Sehoole 1611 N. Broadway, Banta Ana. Kl T-~11. t4l1 write now. Al Tyler School 1611 No. Broadway, Santa Ana KI T-3~11-Kl 6-a.69-Kll 1·1613 lf c GIRLS - EARN MORE China P aintin9 D&)' and ICYlllJDI Cl ..... Ord•re Talten Now THAN EVER BE FORE! Our new, higher •ta.rtll\f wac• and frequent lnrreuu (1VM you Phone Liberty 1-6"1 tHI • thl11 opportunity. Openinp now for -- CONTRACTORS ALL CLASSIFICATIONS STUDY 1n spare time for c.ontrac- tor'• euml.na llon under a Sl'Jl· TELEPHONE OPERATORS WI! will train you and you'll re- rclve 11111ny othn bf'nefll.a. tral contractor with 26 rear 1 Apply ~1tperlence. Clu eea Tuell. llft d 014 11 No Main Strut, Rm '11. Fri. evea. 7:30 p.m. Attend nr1t Sant& Ana. au.lion f ree. Begin anytime II no tu 4 00 p. m. 1tf No!J:!~~ay~S~~~~}na Ph.. Klmbt'rly 2·4226 or Kl '7 -3611 I PACIFIC TELEPHONE • $311<1 MO MJ :-;l~tl'~t Gt:AR. tJc 28--Sltuat1oDa Wanted --. ·Roy1s Maintenance HoUM cleantnr-Ftoor waxing Wall waahlng-wlndow cleanln1 Venetian bllnda. Uphol•tery tnaured. Fr~ Eatlma tu Uberty 4J.•l332. Ute EXPERIENCED GARDENER GARDENING It yard work by 1l11y w,ek or month. Liberty 8·6139 after 6. 3lfc CLEANING It CRONING by the day. Experlen~d. Balboa llll&lld lt y,.11 '11Hlhf,\' A llll'r!t'll'I (T'eal- e~t 111111!'8 opf"'rt11n1ry. A new prt1<ll1r1 I. 1 l l I r rntnpelltlon. F;&mlnitll In $~0 (lf'r Wtek. TtolPJlhcin,. H11rl)or fl274 9 rn n onlv l~c2n ;'>;F:F:I 1 Hl'.:STA I 'HJ\ :>:T H ELP - k•l< l\(ln, w11llrM11 ~ <lomf'Atlr11 BA V \' J f: W l-:MPLOVMEN1 A1ten1·y. 21127 W. Cout Hwy., ="ev.·1w1rl liearh. LI 8·1'>002 l 8c20 Want Marin& Painter Harbor 3881 lici t WOUl.D llke an ACTIVE R!:AL ESTATE SALESMAN t~ looal orrace. H11r. 36()6. t8c20 prefer red. Kl 3-6096. tf ··--------EXPERI ENCED waltr"M wanted. Swedish Massage Llld1u, -b1 appotntment tn Apply at SNACK SHOP, 2M5 E. Coe.at flwy., Corona d~I M11.r. 18lf your home. ~ Formerly muaeUM at Arrowhelld -------------Spring• Hotel, SG-MlaceUaneooa Movie Proiectors Pl-ca.II Harbor '7'8 « Har. TO. 16c2'1h l'OJl RDn' -------------.MM lf.MK IS·MK Experienc•d gardener ROBBY and wooEL LANDSCAPING ~ 8UPPLIU and CLEAN UPS Mears Camera Shop Liberty 8-18'59 1711 Newport Bl•d.. ea.ta Mna IOtll ~ ~ •TOU. PTU QU ALIJl'IED Motber will ma.nae-KINK dyed llUlllik.rM f\a eoat. ala. your horn• A chUd for llHORT U . Bid.la, maa and WOINU\'•; VACATION pertod or WEEK 811!\beam ~.. atudlo ICNDS. rf'fer1ncee -.cbanpd couah, ~ oh a I • • ROY CARVER PONTIAC llc2t U 1-NTT. 10c23 IOWlS•· '°7 bollt. odd chalr11- MOVINO, aelJ eb•P. 118 3111.. Newport ,,. Jl&r. 110·.1. l8"2o . 1400 W. Coast Hiqhway Phone Uberty 8-3466 RESULTS GET R&8ULT81 Rd. OU 8J>l"Mdlnl Pr1Yeway1 PARKING LOTS IJ'XCJ.... eoc~ A ....mic. thor- ou«ti cl...UOS. bMuW'uJ la~ erln1. own ll'Wleport&Uol\. Lo- c&J Aterencee. Colored: Kl 3-~891. 1Tcl8 NllW • UHd fiagat.one. E nough for two pe.tloe. Rc-uonable. Ll a.1&&8. 11C20 Newport Beach Call H&rbor 18lt, .,, "I WM t '° pla.c• a ctuetned Ad." and n ut ad•erua1nr n.Wu eomAftl' :rour ....,. lub-d.lvt.Jonl our •pecla.lty. We f11111lmb IJ\1 type oil t.o you.r apt-- clftcatlon. L&rr• jobe -em..U Jobi. Free •llmat•. Aleo •a · ter apreadlnJ. Modem eq111p- rnenL L!:lllnston 6-4008. Gil· more 6 ~ H\lndnitaa Bch.. Itta COLORED woman wt•he" d1ty ""Ork-CaJI Kl 3·~69. 17cl9 M.AJO for pneral rleuUDI 11 2t1 .... IUmbtt\7 1-ntT. 17p19 PORTABL!; Fan h,.•ter U : 2 bumer ,.\tttr'll' hnt plate 14; Ba.k~ ov'n for top or •tnve 13: Wuhlng m11rhlna 110. 413 :l9th Newport l.Uand. lklO • . ... PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 30;8;:-As,>_~-- FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1955 I li E . REF'RJG, . approx. 8 t •t f !~-:-_Bo•l.!'· S..t~PP!l_r~ ----· . lll-.\ut~_!'!'d _ !_~~~~. 40-:\aW. ~0!.__':~e ____ r-··-·--"-'-•n_tfld __ ,_o_R_rn_t ____ I .a1'-A-~pta:.~-·-'--- ~;xeellent rond. . .......... $00 30-llleee!l•·raw like new $90 BELL ON TDJQ Slip ·& Rowboat Space for Rent American IA~H>n 21~\Mh ~1 11•.'12 CAO t>Z 1'1.,J11n 37\k•ll 1> 1 \'• ·' l'h••n • .. , $ ll\!\•1 \\' \\' nvl• n t111·' 1"11k<' tr:111~1" 11 1111 .. 11 • 11r 111111<• II •I b••r 17:l(• alh·r Ii I' ... J7tt. 111!'13 l'Af\IU..AI' 62 M"•lan l1•\\· 1t'11t1n'.!,,• h\' flit\)! $Z;~·· Htl I .... ,. ti I, l \'t·1 ' RFTIRY.l) <"<•UflJ'lr \\Ml I·• 11•n: C\\'-C·\'I ~ \Ir 3 h··•h .1• t i•U~~ llttlU' 'l lllJl!S I II\ ;\'n\· I'll I.I .!\!!)'< I l ; I 1\1 F1111 :-. \I.I' I!; .. ~ l 11lH • I ,\lit- ~drm. •rt. \l11rkrt 4~ llrot 19U·M. 17\'l 9 I FT. Dl:LJCATF.UEN cue. f160. ONE e ft. retrtsn ator ........• f60. ONE l&r1e commcrc. htJ1s. 17~ l SCALES. MS. l OONOOLA 1211. Call owMr LJ M22S morn!Jl~• or I \.\'F:DCEWOUIJ C u Ran&t' j.,.,•u1 Fresh Hearing Aid '.!:\IP, Rol'hf'l!lU .C' M or BA.TTJ:IUE8 Phon•• LI lf·6973 l'I l'ning11 We O lve SAR Green Stamp• I 18c Me('tings 2nd· 4th Wf'd, 8 Pm I w t>! llES()'J'(.l ~ Jr rr:tr I 111 w1n.11 1i.i1nt •h•Ju,,• M•tlllll ~Jhltllll• f·~ '" llt· ... t l•l"h 1 •• \:-\~: t. "11 " 11,., 1111 .. ·><i: .. ••nly IK-Apts. ~ llou_.. --:uu,. Pt r ~t •I •••fhhU•tn ~.utH·u~1 -·----------- 1-1 H' I P 111 i;t<•.•a;" "'J'I t'Xlt& , I· .1 n 1-·1., ''" ,,.,, 1.:.-r11t1on. l'.111.•l '·" l\1'111 s~ .. 11111 wlntrr "' ,,;·. 11111 '''"II\ l 'ttl. p•td. .)!,., l!'fl\' .l .\\•I I' lbv AW·. Hi11t .. •.1 I 7r l9 Ii\. ~ K ... hv S'!:.(l Gunderson Drug Co. I APT s1zl!. -.1,;As HAN<~E u~ l ':°lh tf t1\\t11d ,,, l1fp\•1t h1.d ·····lllt•d Yearly sttu o p.rn . t ttc RF.FRIG ERA TOR, .mllll 0 . I:. Ir A<tm1ral con.ole .AM/F'K 11bono TV. Reuonable. Ut BevWe, Balboa. Kar. ~l. ltp18 Main St. at Balbo& Blvd., Balboa H.irbor 16 ' 1 c-l\) S-l~itlcal. Ra_!f~~ _!_'~. Ba.rbor lllll. 118t!c SPIN'F.T ptanoll R Pntal 'i-1111·11~ I :1:1 M•; Mnrk II n• \'o•r i at'<•J :l Ut.>01.> SERVF:L Rtfn.:1•111\tJr, Tradl'·ms on Ori:t1ns ,.1, 1.•'kc nl"w 1 11 ,.~ rww I••!' "'''"lli!ll\ "''' l\\a •• t '"I\\"-' • '""' h• 1 ot PK•tl. •I•'''•' 1{4•u,.1ut (1tr s,tt' t'lun 11• ft .,,,• .&I lor l1U:OI • ._, \1 h"61t•n I••"' 11111 I :!tlol • I 1'!\tl ltl• II( Rentals :-\ ~:\\ :.! tJ,11111 r11111 tllo• kltchrn, Custom Draperies I Rtaaon11bll'. i:!2 liul~l'nrotl, <:or-n~w Thi~ '" a rhlln('•' for • b1•: I Ollllur ,., 1y I l1•;ofl hi i·i 163 ona tlrl Mu . Har. •·O·M 18.20 t1rwmJtll Opt>n F'r1da\r .. ,·r• l:lcl7 BEDSPREADS, 1llp coven, etc.-i---DANZ·SC'HMIDT 1120 =-"· lllt<lll 11111 ~I\' \IH' J":•l \'t'I \' ._-111 I I tu.ti\ l•':I u \'\"\I h •u! I: ••L\\ \;1 ~,,, .Sf• I.in BALHOA Ht:J 11<1 )t ·~1 1111 n "I 1 l\.o\ ~!<" lllt•ll\t\ l1nth ,\: •h••" "' \\ llHtr rl'ntal. \111 1•, 11111-111,. $;·, 11111. Harbor 1;ftl ~I 1:r19 n, ... 111 i \ . \ •I ----------..------A :-.ITIQl:E KentU\!"A)' rlflu $00., aound movie outtlt $150, rare old ivory Chineae acreen $2()(), nice ru&hor;. cabinet• ·~ ea., player piano $100, old kitchen cabinet $20. a nllque de.k 127.50, old pht>nograph SlO. w ood llove $2\? 60, Chinese Cfrved cheat Ull. ulr1 11ulky $40. old •ideboard $27 00, apl J'ltJlge $20, electric rang!' $40. nice wuher $22.00. t•lol gun11. 1U1Uque china, cut gla.w 1 11rto11. old Jewelry, bric-a -brac:. l'lc. We buy. eel! 6 11wap. Bring Items In t;HARL~ DAVIS -180~ E. Anaheim S ...... B . 6110139. LHUardClLwaLreE. 301 i orao. RAln Tb1t10l~es~'· g<>ftumltu-f"'r ,c-1.. S11ntn ""·' -.~. lll'll'li ~-.111111 ." 1;""'" ll.11 ,l ~ <\. -,,-" ,.,.. "' tup bh11• <Ii wh1l1• All ~Xtl ll.f 1uhh.•1 ~1USl It ,l\ 11 t~!\\ 11 ~1.tk•· I l!A l.U~)A ~urn '1 hf'drm . apt. $1\.'> ""' \"'"I\· lnrl utlUtl• 1:-~ '"" l\llllt'r 11111 l~ lkl8 Har. ~•--408 E Balboa BlvJ W h. M h• TV & R..ad.tO Repai·rl 111100 11111o~ M•'t .. rr .. 1 O\\ri.r 8u, as tng ac ane g ti.!·: ,.I" 1. .1 .. "·, ! 1111. :!"~" l H~O lll<!l~l'\,\I. 0\\ ;\ 1-'I< 1.1 8·C\ll,..• PF.!'\I N~l'l .A POlr\T .! (IJ-~!1lll 14 l:IJ ~·"II" )Ill t:" lt•fl• • ~ER VIC£' ~"'''I :: ,Kr ,.,: u •.:• turu1 .... h• ,1 Hl\l.Bl),, J.'11rn :ol't~ s:iri. U 5 • Nearly New Apparel l ·)"tLr guarant~-e 011 job• dune nnd un u~ed \l.·uhrra 248814 1 rear I Newport Bl . L'o.ta t.teaa Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 8·4327. 64Uc Fast Service 11:ou1> Tr11nsp111 lnlonn, '1!< F'ord Rl'Bi<llnabll' ~Pt\"ll'P 11111.. t ill I >11 \'l'I \" (II l;?llH•I S:!'-5 Call '' I Hl:O. l\t,(f H\\UU\'' ,, ,, nh\•'ai.,:,, l'•".O ''u. l ot ~ .. .i.111 1t <" 11 h "lt·• s1:::. \ ....... I~· •• )-" ••• I \ h' 1?1A H. -~ u J.'<t~duti:·rth ~l'-~111 I•'•·• Hl'I'' I• ..... l" (·ill lC,tl ::7 .7 Mtl•·1 ti 11 '1 >I ~r, 111v11\h ~I-:WPOHT HAHHOH Ht-:ALTY $.•II 1 't lht ,,.,. 1•11111 Hl"l\rl nt I t.1\111 11J 7 v n .tlll\•11 Ulvd. Kar. !l fl rn K:'\OWLTON F:l.EL'· l'V<•n1n.:" llto: 60c>7 I;, 1~1 l ""' 17<'30 KATl-:Y DOAN£.-K1ndell's Patio 2721 E. Coast Hlghwt1 Y Coron& del Mar. 91;21 THOr-:IC"S LI 8-5205 16 l 'l.\'~101 .TH with O• ~••to f'll· 11 p2HI I !:'"" n & H !;'""' ''''"" $I ~o 171'1'1 11•·111 :0.1u1h-I :\•·~I ••"• .~I• ~= U.11l~111 Ill\.! 11.11 .,..,. Jtj(17 Fl H;\'l~IH:I • U11rhf'l11r a1•t.. Prl · \ ..... 1 :.~~1 '"'HI"'" A•htlt only. ~:.: t 1: I '"Pl''" l'"'"'"' del.. Mar. It ,, oo:ir•-M 11c18 GF.!\'UIJ>;E Sleep-Air,. 30 lnt'h FIREWOOD FREE DELlVEHY Dry wood. Eutalyptu~ C:all Tom Hut<'hrnson Harbor 263t>·J , Wt-:STl2'\1..:llUl":SF: <'l,.1· Wt1!lhPr' & 1!11er n.-.;1 ly 11ew lf11r 2:1:.!tl· \\' "" Lr fl J:l&t 16r l8 IH ::-;"M(JJU : w1·111g1•r W!!l'llwr 1'1111· • r and Jllllllll v .. r\' if""'' l'tln· >1111un, M.•ke O((tr. LJ Ii 608:\. lid9 R l-:NT " p1sno untrl ynu buy All I \'1111 r"nl ullowt-d Good l'I ·" • I II'<' 111anil~ 1u luw aii $~> l"'r lfllllllh DANZ·SCHMIDT Big Piano Mui''. :'>20 N Ma!n. Santa Ana . twin bell 10en1prmg matlr\'~'I· f':< & bcix springs wtth t.·i;s a ttached. 9 O reel with 400 yd11 40 lb. IHt linen line never Ullt'tl Al~o m11rhn p0lf' Har. 0133·:.f, Jtlt re Al 'TH 1-::-\Tll • ~tnnt •'1 •·y Horse • HAMMOND Organs. A ~olltdi< I Some wnnderful bargains in 1 u.-.eu 01·gai1s. Several mak1•s Free µr aclfc:e rvoms. Trad" 1n your old mst1-ument. --------------shoe band. lrun bound dinrng 17r l9 BALANClNG t1caka $11. beviol t'dl(e mirror $3, wrought 1run floor lamp w 1 th shade $(. DUCAS f1rr extingu111her $11). Harbor 4234. 17d9 30·8-Appllaoct>a October Clearance \\'A SHERS Fr1g11ln11e auto l1~1ks IH'W S~9 ~ G. F.:. nulo. 3 yrs ol•I complo•tely <"ht>cked $fl9 t.,bl<' and 6 d lOir• $40 l.I 8-698i i<ftl'r· r •. :111 l8cl9 :\:!GA!' KA:-;(;-~ porrela1n. Jl<'rfN·t ront11t1on F'i>\\' odr1s & DA!':Z·5CliMID1'. Home of llH• world f1U11ous Hammond, S unl11 Ana. 020 :-:, Mnrn. o·ntls or furnlturt> Priced for GOOD playrng p rartll'f' pianos. (fill\ I< :<Ok 3~>1 \ O t'l'Bll F ront. $79. $87. $91 up to $195. Spinet N<'wpnrl Ekh. lir l8 type nurror piano, u bel\ntv, ---univ Sl90. E1t~ll'1<t tenn~ !'\orge aulo •l,.luw ·:i. ma<lt>I SI 19 Dl-:EP Fttf':EZE 19 • 11 fl s:ioo. DANZ-SCHMlDT. r12n s ~f111n CE;:t.;Ul:"\E RuS11lan Squirrt'I l"ape Kenmore wringer, \\01ks )ll'rf S~:I r.:r, stu\·., s\u1h r> cou~h. ant1qur Santa Ana. 100 111ano11. Onen n1atl"h1ng murr & h11t, $1 25 111 RAe\t:F:S w11l1111t hl'd baby "troll<·1 :100 F'ndlly nil':hls. $100 for capt alone. Size 12 A >{h l B lb 1 H '-·· u Qrl u•. M<1g1c t"htf, O\'fn lher 37" S5!l 00 1111 ·'·~ • .a 0 11 ~. urvvr -------I See it 11nyllmt :1600 "'~ ~ OJiJ.\\'. l 7r l!) SPEClAL BUY 1'\ewport Baa .. h. I 7cJ9 O'Kcl'fe & ~feri rlt. .. i .. lop ID d I Ch d 0 ~ • --emonstrator mo t or rgan - ---<:ovtr. perfect eand S49,~0 J-t"OR SALJ.i: Axm1nMler TUK. 12 x fn perf.-ct C'Ont11Uon. Sa'·~ $2:'J0 PRACTlCA LLY Nf':W 17 oz 18 Wt11trn.l(h11118t' .:IN' 311 1•101 k Iii. j:fl'\, tone 11n lone. lrar Conv1>n1<'nl t rrm& Liberal tradio fl. X 28 ft. waterproof lurpnu· l llnl'r. goull rnn<I $6r1 U('~11;n & <I() Pl.. waffle pad-e.t I Jin. $3~ Kl 3·8866. 17pl9 HEFRIGEHATORS 111H•<I 3 tnonlhl' SM C11ll Hsr. SHAfER'S ~fullic Co. IStnrP l OOi I DIC'TA1'10 :'1; \\'!RF.: recorcltr 150 Servtl apt &1ze dean . $6) 2850-\\'. af\er 6 p. rn. l7cl9 421-423 N. Sycamor ... SttnlA Ana Municipal Trlr. P!trk, offtre M o<frrn l:1hson, l''<t"eJll. cltllrl I ---Phone Kimberly 2·0672 . Newport. 16cJ8 7 <'f.. $69.50 Hf:Al'TIF'l"I. rc>Redlvanandwh\te ------ • f'nlr11' 1 0 ru fl t'xtra nirt' MS MI C'nd tablrs Sl 10 8 x 12 white SALE. Grand plano11. Many won· OVERSTUFFED m11tch111g <'OUC'h (')<) iohag rug & pa.d llkl' new U 5 derlul bargain•. Many ramoull It chair. duk. wool carpellnft. \•at111r n1 rlcaners $9.50 to $19 SO Har 2323 arttr :i p m . l7cl9 makes. Pnrts trom S380 up drapes. golf <"lubl! • bag. Rau· E\ ery lh111g i;uarantt'<'•I Benrh lncludrll. _ ~11ble. u 8·1 8~. 1~1 Frt'e ctell\ery Dale's Furniture o~~~·:c::n~JOT. 020 No. Mam. I DEER RIFLES & 3 ahot guns. STROOTS HDWE H(1t1111•\<areio ' Ca ll Ubtrty 8-3381 16<'18 1802 :'\cwporl Olvrl C'osta )fesa ""~ortrll lnt~ llt prr!lled 1tlasJ1 REME MBER-Don't forget -th" I rrlb cert Orto~r 24-8 pm. -Ma· !Jab~· ll wanlrobc and matrhmi; grral Porltr Htl'JlS Orjta11 r on· 1 S2-Fumlturfl for Sal& S2-Fumitutt. for Sale ~mrlll Philro ""''P f r l'<'l.I' . . S8:'l eonic He.II. corner lllh • Syra· • - --l~rJ:P 111etol orrtc-t cnbtntt $3:) mor~. Santa Ana. No admis.alnn New Furniture AT BAY 2-pr . BED OIVA:-J SETS -COLOR FUL PATTERNS rLASTIC ARMS-IDEAL FOR DEN OR RE="TALS $149.50 Value . AT BAY $ 87. 2·tx"· BED DIVAN S ETS-WROUGHT IRON $159.50 Value AT BAY$ 99 50 2·pc. 81CCTl ON AL-TOP GRADE COVERS $1i9.50 Value . . AT BAY $119. 2·P<' BED DIVAN SET. DOUBLE COIL Sl'RING <:ONSTRUCTION-FLEXOl..ATORS -FO AM R\iB. "'OR ADDF.D COMFORT ~t 9.50 \'alue AT BAY $129.50 YOU SAVE :!·Jl• LAWSON BED DJVA=" SET TWO·TO:q; BOl:CLE lJUt:Bl.E srRJNG COl'\STRUC."TI0:-1 - BOX f'LF.AT $209.50 \'aluc . AT BAY $149.50 !'iOFA H JDEA\\'AY BEO-F ULJ. S IZE 1:-1:-IER !'rRING ~tATTltESS FO AM Rl:liBER Zl r l'l::R CUSHIONS KEY ARM $249.50 \'alue AT BAY $169.50 8·1"< MAPLE \\'OOD ARM LIVING ROO~I CROUP rF:RFECTLY MATI:H~;[J lNC'Lt'fJF:S SO FA PLAT ROCKER CLUD \HAIR 2 STF:r END l C'OFFF:F: TABLE 2 TABLF: LAMrs $319.50 \'alU(' AT BAY ~21 9 30 AT BAY 6·pc. BEDROOM CROUI' l~CIXDF:s 6·Lil~\\" IJ(Jl BLE DRESSER 30x•O MIRROR • BODKl.ASF: HEADBOARD -METAi~ FJ'tAME INNERSPRING MATTRESS -BOX SPRING Sl99.50 \'alue AT BAY ~139.50 8-pc. BEDROOM GROt:P -9-DRAWER Tnrru; DRESSER-30x•8 BEV. EDGE PLATE MIRROR · BOOKCASE HEADBOARD -METAL F'RA.\!J:; -t '. S KOYLON FOAM R UBBER ~IATTRESS !t'h1t· tum Label) WITH MATClilNG HANDT!ED BOX S l'C. $319.50 Value .. . . AT BAY $239.50 2 l'lunl!'S" wool l ht ow rui:• A wonderful m11slra.l t rt'al tot 1871 Harbor IJlvd, Coi-ta ~14.''lll all lover ot the organ I 17cl8 • --------------, DANZ·SCHMIOT, Santa Ana. :i20 MAHOGA:-.I Y d1n1n)Ot roo"' table N orth Mam. \\'111 stnl 10 to 12. hurtt>t, 6 • h111r11 Go<l<I N'ncllt1on $=i5. - Li berty 8-11184. 18cl8 I S~~~t-lq_u_flfl~~~~~­ Royal Danish Lamps CERTIFIED ORIGINALS 150 YEARS OLD HANOMAOE Copper lamps, ha11d hlown <'ryat11l -arrlvfng S tat4.'ll aoon .• EXQUIS ITE tor garden hghl1n,;. patios. pools, or etrtr· \1ve for in•loor hghtmg. \\'ntr Rox 876 Whittier. Calltom la tor 11r rt. Pp22 BOAT STORAGE ALL S IZE!'i, teasonnbll' rate!!. Ap· ply at yarrl offtrc. SOUTH COAST t'O~tPA=-,-, :'l;ewporl Hlvd. l\t 23td St :'\ewport Br h 2ll ,..,, IRLl:'\J.:H. 1 lr11n. loa.tc-11 \\'111 I lrlldl'. L1 8-lli Ju 11 n1. or pm. I 83tCc If> FT. O t;TBOARD motnr boat I yr old, with 1n11t111 lit 1n.1ltr 1 n1nplete $10\IH. H ar. 0361 I 7"18 I l'fJH SA l.E OR THAllE for larger h111•I , Z~ It Chrri1 11e1lan rrur11er, faMl F.xrf'll. romhl ton. Harbor l :!:l:li·ll 161.'18 TRADE l.IT RATl\'E TA\'ER:-.' Bl'SJ· :-\t-:~s ~nn Ft>m.1nito \'Allry, for !mihni; or rha 11<•r hoat. 36' Qr O\'er. \.'1416 \'cntura Blvi1. T:crz1rnn, or c hll l'll<'kens 3·9H9 12p2:l TRADE Bt'll'lutiful 70-!t. a ux. •chooner. Quality Television SERVICE Hnmr S!'1-vlce tll 9 p rn 778 w. 19th -LJ 8-8678 6cl8 LOVELY mirror type uprri;ht piano In p<'rftct <"On<lillon Tl"rms S41 80 <lown It $14 •~ per mu lit SHAFER'S MU!HC Co •Srnc:e 1!!07/ 421 -42:1 ="· Srl·amn1 t' Santa Ana !'hone Klm brrly 2·0672. 4()-Aut.M and Trucks GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ·1; Stutlebakc>r '• T. Pickup 'l!.l Ford '• T. Ph.KU)> ·:;o l><J<.lge 1, T. r11n"1 ·~.1 C'hl'vrolet '• T Pickup ·;, 1 C:MC ·~ T Pickup ·ri2 lnlt'I n3tl<in&.1 11 T r . l:. ;,2 t'he\·rol!'l '• T Pantl ·;,:i Dmli:e '2 T . Pickup ·:i I CMl' I! T. Pickup, Hydra· mnl1r Tron~ r, I (;~u: c T. Pu Hydra tran11. ·;,2 <'hcvrnlet I, T Panel 't7 l.~IC 111 T 12' Van •:,3 Forti 1 •: T l 2" S take ":">\ llOllge 2 T ~-yd. OUITl l', 2 itp<'l'tl. 8:20 llr<'& ·::,~ Fnnl F'S()(), 2 S)><'eo.l, 8:211 t1r•'"· ·:io G~W Modtl <450. <4 yd Dump, 2-~peed, 9 00 tires. \\"e 11re lrmJl'd on trucks 11nd w ill not rd1111\! 11ny r<'!ll'Ott:Jhll' nHrr. ="<•W 1• thr I m" ~""" Y• •1ri1r'lf aorn" rN\I mon• )" on R u"tl<I 1ru• k W.W. WOODS :no:1 •, K11 lboa HI\ 11 ~e-wp1•1 t J;'t lR SA l.E Ht>a th. Hnr ~::01.\\' l>pt9, uff<•r llrt1 ltid. 41l-Autoit and Trurkfl FREE One Alcamatic FREE G. E. CORO SET Round jumbo, extra large fully auto- matic electric cooker-fryer. Retail list p r i c e $39.95, guaranteed by Good Housekeeping. with the prchase of any car listed below. ':'l l FORD V-8 Country Squire, Ford·o- mnlil'. Htr., Radio '51 DODGE C'oronet 4 dr. S('d. Gyro., HI r .. Radio, Exe. clean, one owner '50 PLYMOUTH 2 dr., Htr .. All·arouml ~ood one '50 .'T UDEBAKER Champ. \0cry clran. Look '50 NASH "600" 2 dr. \V('alher Ey('. Rad .. O.D. nrw cust. scat ro\•. Exl. rublx-r "wow" ... '19 HUDSON. Super. Htr .. w w. Shar p Two tone & <:lean as th~·y come Offer Limited & Expires One Week From T oday TERMS TO SUIT YOU s 65 695 4 5 395 3!l5 295 FRANK LEFEVRE-Used Cars 2612 l\ewport Blvd. Tele. Harbor 5021 Belween 26th & 27th Sts. in old Newport 4()-Autos for Sal~e ____ 1 .:!_2-Trallf'rs ~!I WrLLYS JEEPSTER, ovtr· * PORT ORANGE * •Inv<'. hrater :'\e"" ly m erhll\tl· ,.,.. x ew p1unt. tor. ~r•1t covcr11. j TRAILER SALES t;nocl ure11. OnP <1wnt r. $:11-:'.l I and SUPPLIES HY.tit •·:!:.!~!) He.-:: I 2200 w. Coast Hiway. 19~3 MG. r'1N111 ronr1ltton ~tu•t Newport Beach ~ 8-4420 11<'11 Any rrn ~onabl4.' nffer a c:· '04-40' 2 Br. Roa1Jma.st4.'r _ $4495 crple-t.I. Call Harbor 33!>9· _ 1 '112-32' Andtr:oon. f'llrel $2290 l ic lO '02-2i" R1111Jm11sltr. pf.'rf!'t'l $11'!l:'> Cho1et• W111tr r P.entu!Ji vn Balbua Island & Lido Isle Sml..ll & clll.~1 ur lar~e It delua• $75 tu $300 month VOGEL CO. JlF'.PR~I 111111t11,. turn. a pt.. by 1011n1 h. tHll! Ml\1 l1;<•l•t. L'oron• ,j,•J :llar ,l7rl9 l'IA'SI-: IN. HALtlOA 1-'umlah~t l he<tnn. l'pt. y•·Mly. SSO mo. t :a.<i & wa.t, r p111J 408 E. Bal· br>I\ Bl\'d ll11r-:!OiO 18tf 208 Marine A \'t , Balboa l~lan..t Ph. Harbor 444 v r HarbOr 21111 Rea. i·illr. 1786-R or Har 30~•9-M l'llHO:SA P ":L MAH .yei&rly, Nm· 14l1c 1slwd 1 llt.'\lro.1m art. lncludu I ut1lrl1es. lln.r. M OD. lltto ATTHAllJ\'E I un<l 2 bdr/11. rum. BA1ABOA HU..AND. tu m . 2 bdnn. t '11l1tte.<1 pt11J I qr :! d11ltlren. 11rt. Vrry a ttractive. wall heat, I .111111•11 \' rtH•lll LI I. I . F: T 0 P T\' 11Pn11I. S80 mo. winter. $110 Al'T, )lOTl-:L 4t13 ="•'"'f>O' t 81\ld vrly. fnrlulll'~ utlllUl'a. .Adult& :'\pt Hca<'h, Jlll~l 11h111'" 1111' ..,...ri;o pelA. Har . 137()-J. 18<"20 A n hl'l' 7 llfr - YEAR HOl':-\fl On1' b<'<hm. furn 11pt and gnr11gr VF.RY rt>l'On· 11•lll' 2624 \\'. ~cwpor\ mvd. I 7t 18 ------------One bf'drlHllll $711 11111, ~1'/\rl\' rro·f l\c\111t s, ;:i.; .. ar 111111~ Jl1)1<('11a1 ontl An 11 .. ,.. :!14 C111nlr1111. H11r 1:iis:1. j W, I p20 18A-Apts. for Rf'ot l 'A!\IAL Jo~RONTAGlt. 3 btlrm. du· l'leK Apt. nirely furn • .,r.placll', tlW flnor.1 . ~nragf', a utn. wuh· !'r $110 mo with utllltl~•. A.-\1. 11bll' unlll J uly l. Har. %2t8·R lk20 ~'HF:E RE~T. 1 bdnn. partly t\lm. n•11 r apt. In f'X<"hll nge rnr IM klnl(' In on ownrr In fmnl. 317 On~rx A \'r. Ba Ibo& Island. 18p20 48·B-Hou"4'8 for Rf'nt Bl'Sl:"\F:. S GIRL \\Ant" .\'nllllf:: $:.~ ;'110 l'l 1htlf'~ p11l1I I hptl r m I W U:lt.\:-; tu '<hfll<' ap;<i tnt.•nt .1, fum1 .. ht>tl h11us.-to ar1ult.a 1113 f!Xl~nllN•. cin U,ilb<>a 1~111n.1 llar ll«i;ronlH r orona tlf'l Msr Ph j 1)611 Jlkll\ liar :l'l•l·R P\'eio. 11\rlA -: . ----I 1-'01t LF:Al'E "1lh optlnn M bU\' Df.Ll XF: nu~l,.rn ~~11 n ,.t111h:• ftJ•l I( dr,.,r,.d. :I ti..tlrm fum hn11~,. l'llltll• s Jlill•l $,., ""' l oruna dt l Mor. Har Ob.~·H H lfc 1n C'O!ltll M""" OA:"\ A JACQR!'EN. R1•111tnr DELL'XF: F CR"X. A PT!i. I Hnr. f>60\ Evf41 t..J 8·!\81\2 Srnglts a, dhls S30 mo 11nr1 up I 17r l'l 1114 !-:. S.y A \!'. l..111lho11 Hr.rbnr Bl':AC'ON BA y furn ., ~d 53H . 8tf!' ~ 1 m. house nn•I I \x'•lroom 11pt , ~A ·'. l<l'lr h Rl•n•I. ~ee Sal or !'11nd11y M phonf' Syl'11m11r" 2 ·8ii5 171·18 J.(R A I 1F:N. H\V n rir, !Olnv!' &t ri•ln1<. :.1 12~• Sant& Ana Avr, E:'\JO\• Lf\'t:-:G on the ocean front. Near Ntwpor t pier S1nglr llpt With kllCht'Mtt& and blllh. 3 ~tirnt serv1C'e. ulllll1e11 p<I . T\'. $.Jri pt'r Wt"l'k. Harhfir 6001 .Call C'LAIRE VAN HOR:", .. ... ~ Lido Isle Bayfront ttc One and two bdrm. apartment.II. F'11rn1~hrd. Garag<'a Yrarly or "'mter rent.al liar. 5675. Realtor. U 8-4277. 17r lll BALBOA IS LAND 2 bdrm. tum. hnme. pstlo. 2 r ar irar11rr. fl rr· pla.ce. Adlllts only. Until Junf' I Hl\r . 34 U ·M. -f\f'llnl'i.: 8·:l141\ or KellOj{g 8·172:1 171 HI ·:.2 H t:nso~ HOR:'\~~ ::;,.t) S7:'>0 '!'I'! H ' 11111"11Y Hnmt $5!10 f f\-.Ji a. Twtn·H r ow ,.1 Katllo., ':l!'J 4 I' Par .. n1. I Dt 111 •• l11acuunl I Htr , 1i11n St~al, Sokic <.;lt1H PAN AMERfCAN Charming Harbor Ha \·en $:'111 Uown Pvt Ownf'r llftr Pi.i om .. unt-Krn~k•ll Apartments • Patios i <'20 IRVJNE T"ERRACF. rh11rmln1r I vr old unfurn h<1mr. 3 hedn11". 2 b 11th 1<, Pnrt111lly r11rpttt'd :llalch slll"k dr apn In llv. rm ma<lem dull?TI -· v1 .. w Lov .. 1y pnlin. Avail now. $2!\li m n _v rly ltast'. Rl'fel'fllcH rrqulrtd. ('All Httr. 4 I I lir 19 2!1':3 ~lfl Travrll'T.•·-Tr!Q' XJ::\\' 4 ROO~f. ,,tn•ct level. :'\ear I i;:itrc f!rhool~. i;hnrr1ng d1strlc-t. Quiet, ·17 F'ORll 2 •1uor. r11t1.1s, 1i:•«1i.l ----1 phm11unt. 1·).CIU;:.l\'C. Ga1b11ge d i•· u 1mht1un $:?:i11 11r 111111<.-off~1· SUN:'\Y ACRI!; TRAILF:R !'ARK po11a1. laundry, 11torage rooms. :11:. s 11:n ti ''' 1•1 ::'\•''' r<lrt l.J Save Jenra~e. $82 50 up. OccuplN en· II· t 1 "ll Ii f' 1 !l 111 <' 111 ro•t t (;1,.,0 1111iwn·1i<lon. lfllO 1-·onu f;•HJJ tran•pr1rl11t1110 :-.o r 11 IH":r. r11r, h1l1trrn on ,,c ~1~• 1r.111 H,,,.,.n P lt1• e & ituutl 1u11n111i; •·>lr 1•1:17 .Mapl<', 1 ... a,,r :-. •· 111 '"""I""' l:llvil . I 10111 k South nr ll1irl1 S1 h1101 1·11,t:. ;11 .. , ... J.I S·l:'.17·1. Jl'.'p20 ·''"r"l<, ~I hot1I• 1.1111:1• rutl i<p111•1• J\f_<;(l Ft·r:.--ISHF:l> A l'TS IH':tll. 111 t-: \\'11 ... ,.n. 1'11.•I" \\ l:'\'TER KATES ~tesa. Kl ~·1 '160 l:llf• TWO 1!••1lrn1 fum OC<'an fmnt htortst' $60 mo wlnlt'r rtnt1I 17211 W. Or1-11n F'tont. Llbl'rtv 8 6!1117. 17r l9 Lll"ll 1 llOMP. 2 B"drm, l h11lh 11nf11rn $Ill:. mt•. on ~· A. 1'11l111"r In<" J,1.111 Hnr. 1 ~0. (('S\.."f'. 33;i3 Via 17cl9 27 F'T 19H 1;L1t•F:H T1n11t•r LIDO ISLE f;icC'ell l••ndition. \<Ith ~"'''" 1,.. YF:,\l~l.Y unfiun huUBt'. Nl'wpvrt Blvd. 11b<>ve thfl Motor Overhaul ·II-Auto S1·n ·ke 1-'<tlt LEASF.. Tu·o btdnn. untum. f111: & 1nilrt. $8M ra:.h 1113 h1tlh hnme Ht\t 210~'~'."'· .(~tr; An hP!I. I.I 8-5714 call a.ttA!r 7 NO MONEY DOWN E 16lh st . <'•·~•a M''"" I" m. l8c20 * with this ad * 17' l!\; U DO rsu : .. JllJRM. turn. ()("1"8.ll i ronl home. 6 C I S48 88 BAI 'llJ;;LQR an•I cine & lwo bdrm. l"t•11r :-lrw1~>rl Rchool. S85 mo. Y s . · · ....... --....... ~ · 47-\VanW to Rent apt~. Sh1.rl term 4l11d yrarly. :-: .. 1~ts. l''ur appL call Harbor 8 Cyls. . .................... $58.88 I ALSO. Udo Homta and Bay Front "11 -.I 8 t., 12 noon and ' to Cnrlullrs tint h labor 11n.t part& Rentals Wanted Homr• and apartment.II. 9 Pm. 18c20 Nrw •ini:.•. wrist rin~. Vlllve we need apta and houses tn &II LIDO REALTY Associatet1 NF;Alt O<'P:AN & BAy, P'Um. J ~:Ind. f1\l~~~!I citr mn.in ttind rm.I I sect.JoM fur ooth wintc.-r. and 3400 \'la L1•l11, lforhor H-44 1 ht'<lro<m' & tdeeplng loft A JU· .,,..a ring.~ . .-.icprr motor unr up. 1 .,9 f 1 11 3-~ .,. ___ .. llO·ilav 11r 4.000 mil" ~munnl,... year1 lraae. Furn. Qr unturn. ., l r ngf'. I . .r , • rt ~. t:'\O MO :'\F.Y llO\\'Xl U you have a vacancy, 18p20 R E Bl ILT ENGTNES phone today RENTAL V 1.1110 lSL"E.'NEW 3 txtrm.. 1 b&th The Vogel Co. • SPECIALISTS Built In our own rarl<Jry by i.k1Jll'r1 3201 W. Cst. HW) . Newport Br.b Call Edna Craig -t·r to l:'> ~tO:'\THS TO l'A \' 11nrum. 1~11.~o to JK•nnanent \en· 11111 Sl7:, mo. <'hole& location. ~Ir. Sn,.w, lJUnklrk 13211. Ullo mnch101;.. q. n .. n·t r ont,.n<I with Phone Liberty 8-3481 I Bl h G t Rlt thl' nildtllr 1111111 R11v rllt "r t 208 Marine, Balboa Laland anC C a eS, r . REBUILT and TNS.TALLED !'hone Harbur 4U 311 Marine Avr. 41)-U~ t 0 -. li Ibo I I • H 1671 72ltc • n-,.,m14 or ncllt ~HORT BLOCK 2667 F: L'toa1t Hy, Coron& dt l Mar a a ~~ Ar • FORn . Sl29.:IO l'hnr .. Hart or ti41 CllF.\"ROLET ._ ................ $H9.:,0 Lillo Or!ll-e, 3418 Via Lido Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT VIKING HOTEL 901 £. Balboa Blvd,. B~ TWIN SIZE T:-J~ERSf'RJNC MA'M"RES!" AND BOX SPRING SETS-IMPORTED RELi.IA;": UAMASK TICKING-GUARANTEED CONSTitUCTlON - METAL FRAME FREE ExceUent for charter. Wa11t rmrrrty or !'mnlll'r boat. 1220 \\' Balboa Blvd .. Newport. H11r :1032. 39L!c: Pl,\'~I & DODGE ................. _ $1 :"151 llnrhnr 4971 J (.IJH\'S &: DE SOTO ........... $110 li02 1'1'"l"'tt ·Blv11 C~sta Mes11 A STl'DEUAKF:R ......•.... $110 l.lt>rrly s.5r,9, WJNTER na Ol.llS & PO XTIA(" fi ......... Sl7lJ lfr I m t "'"'", I 111 f"I C MC DEALER 61:,.19 E 4th St.. S11nl11 Open Sunday A M T m rk Hettdq"ters fnr Omni;:" Hubor M 93 ROOMS 4lt APARTMlCNTI Day --Wt'"k -Month II• ~1 t.irl\llnn 1n Ba lboa n :HY IH :i\!mNABLE RATU S 89.50 Value . ···-·· .. _AT BAYS 55. YOU SAVE MODERN D!:SK-UME O~K OR MOROCCO Fl :"\. $ 44.50 Value ........ -....................... AT BAY S 29.95 4-DRAW'ER OE8K-8ALl:M-PROVINCIA.L STI.YE METAL P ULLS S 49.50 Value ······-·············-···· .... . AT BAY $ 35.50 s S·LIDGGW MILK BTOOLS-SALICM FINISH 3.29 Value .......... ··-·. . . ... AT BAY$ 1.9H ll·pc. OINl:'M'I: srr-BEAt:TlFTL SATlN BLAC K \\,TH NlllVillAR WOOD GRAIN TOP :IOx40x48 EXTENDED, 6 FOAM RUBBER !'EAT CHAIR!' $ 77.50 Value . ............................ AT BAY S 48.88 $ TABLE LAMPS-PLASTIC SHA.Dlt-("'ERAMI<' BAS E 9.95 Value .. AT BAY S 4.88 BAY FURNITURE 427 !:. l 7lh '"'~t11 Me1111 Ttrm11 Fre. Storefront Park1111 OPEN EVE'S 'TIL 8 r'UPPl::R KEEL SLOOP 20· Extr& Large Corkpll Exrcllent Cc>ndlt1on f'e.11 owner Harbor 312{1-R J6p21h CHARTER BOAT-34 tl.-10'1 fl. be 11 m ply:wood -rhrysler royal 2 ' • to 1 r eductlon-ron7· l'lrt ,.ly o, . .,, hA11lrd !" !" Ra1llo - $ IOOO. Tel. LI. 8-~M2. 17pl9 I I' \\'OOD !18hmg boat 4lt t ra1lc SiO ur tr1 de tor rar-:?~:, U1 naJw11~-, Costa M••!la.. Ll~rt\" 8· i962. 17pl9 Boat Repairs I ROBERT VAUGl-fAN & ro. 1600 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach pr tr The New1-Prcu ·publ!Jlhe11 more Claulf1ed Ad1 t han 11ny othr r new8paper 1n t he •~&. Thu lrlldtr11hlp w11.11 at t1'1ned bl'CSUlf' :'\!'Wl ·Prua Clusltll'd Adi l !'t ' (' I lll'ICK ··-.. ... . . .... $Ji', i Bl< 1''11rr-1'111 l"I o. H l:D:SON .. . -······ ..... "17;, 1 \\"A:'\T TO HF::'.T .1 hr drm 11n· 11~17 E Ualti••ll t.onn enr Fr<'c Towini; 111111 h••m r ,. "t.1 .\I• 1>n p1f'f•1 B.,11 ... ., , ,11 1110 sr.11 run Hf\· I I tar 1378 1Sp28 15c• ------------- '48 Packard CONVERTIBLF. Radio and Heater. Power Windowa. Original Paine.' Wonderful Condition. White Plastic Seat Co\'('rs. $395 COTTON GOFF \ 00LKSW AGO!': DEALER !1 18 :"\1>wr1 •rt Bh·.t, x nt liea• h T,ll'phune H81 bor 8 t 7cl9 CA.RS FOR SALE I 1sr JllOO TAKER • )llrj('f' f'qulty l In a 19:'>4 Mt:;RCURY. C11lt "wnn Llh" I\ 8 6221 mnrninjO: • nr 11!l•r II r n1 l'lt fr :'\EW C AR GUAJlA1'TEI:: ably ft.•nr•·J Hll l s.7:, month BIN'k m U!ll n1rct our 11tandar.ls G00tl r1•f1>r<'m "~ I.I 8-:111111 !'IU!'I tax''"· ,:askt't!I ll n(I oil Oprn SuncJny 10 a.m. t •J 2 pm. STOP I I :w -Attention bachelors, 1 1 BELLES ENGINE r REBUILDERS gals. couple! YOl"R t • nt11I llli<• • \'a• anl r1•nt· F·,, n "I t '\:#'\\I'"' t )I, .,. h 111~ c•n;,t yc•ll nmn,.,· I ,<t ''' \'1111r r"""' ~·H ,11,r ul lit I'~ )iN)· 114·:.r ('11 11 s•.t!• Office Building For Rent JlhOll<' !11r Jtnlpf11 l .•0•1\lt " To·ll· )HI\' 11; 1,111 11 s·,11 )""IH I\ :ints \\,111111i;; fir 1111 p:11 h .. 1 l.1"14,.!1 XF\\' l'lf(1 c I! Llolg. Ctntra.lly I~ ... 1 l·'lo<irto <'arretnrl. Wlndow d• qu·.~ 1:'11'° "fl· ft. l1h•al for l.na. 11r ,..,,1 r.•lrrle firm. l'h. Jim at I.I 8·:14~1 TdOti Op• 11 Daily 8 tu 7 Stole !JonJt l NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. R~\:'>ITA A':-;A th<' HAIU>ll ,\11• 1 REX RF.CH!'; Rl':lltor :?:1117 \\' llnlh1 111 lllv.! Jfo1lx1r ~ l~•ll Sr1\ port If 4~Apt!<. & lloUS4'!4 for Rent 48-Apt<c. Ii. Hou~ for Rent --------------------- Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful lh-ing. Apt.-Cabanae. Utilities paid. with Yacht slip accomodationa. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or rN1cl"\·ation, Call Har. 2992. 34Uc '"' 1\11 n I Hit ,,,11,.t.l• r .. 11r-I" •l•I" $I flll w1 nt«r. \\ ul• r I '" I ll11r 171•)\' E!AL.Util\ 1·~;--1 '\:-.I I ,\ l .i:" 1•11 •1 I llH "I' '' \I • a11 .. ' I 1rn ~!' ~·' 11• t '••''W ,\, • !lJI•• ,, 1tl! l H\ n • t •,ti H P 1;;:·, uf'•• 6 I "' 17' I• I Yltf,Y $~.ri In• I 11 111111... I l:H h>111!lt !urn. \'"nt• .. I hf'ol. t 'J.," For Lease In N l·W Building 17 x 111' SIOQ mn 17 Jt ~~~ 5 b!'•. ltltt. I J x JT S :l~•. tt111. In Lido Shopping Area ~~1:1 :1inu Xl. Nl'WJ1'•1 l 8f'&.cb Harti<•r 4:121 J.7c lt 1. .. ,,, ·h• I" ..; , I" 1 "1.~1 • ~ :)!J·A-Bu11ln1·~" lt.·ntat. flit r 11n '' ·-!· "' 1111•· 1 vrly ·--------------------"' "inl• 1 H·~~• "l.!2 :t:tril ~ • , C:ut. llHh & Plartntl& C. M. :'•"'"1'"'1 n ,..11 h li(:lfl l:t>ll ltF::'\T '"''" IY111n. home - • '"luve & ro'f11g f11rn 1 lnch1dee Sl":S:'\Y wall'rfr•1ht npt Ltlllt I~· io'•••t' fn(l!1I k •wn n!fl('P aparet, I l11nd, I or 2 twodrm• g11rb ~I' J11 .. , '"'''tll r11t \o\tll rPnt 1Ppa· ht11l Mnt. Launtlry. ~hnw.-r nn 1.11rl\ I •·ff1r" 11t S15 at1d I a t 1 I'••" lo V11l111t" A.-!nlt~ Ro11 -l $.,., n nnlh 1\J"" ~n 1111 •tor t SlflO 1<-.no.hl• "·111t•r 122 r.1 :11•1•1 !""" c·1111 1,.,.n .. r I .lh .. rty 8·"223 r·11n111 171 l'.l mnrn1ni: .. nr a!l"r :'I pm. lhfc 81-8-J We !!1daup_ si-__ ae.a __ r..w. ________ e-__ Rea.l __ r.._tate_ ---d%-__ Rea.l ___ b __ .. _ .. ____ , __ 6%-Real f'Atat. , rN CLEAN 8Wlll)' at1NLAND (alt 1700) Tuj unp ..,..., llilocJl N. hothlU Blvd. O.y I ma. •tucco, nice ya rd r.,.. utn lot, aJI fenced. Owner. J'lorlda Wave o~nln1 for" ble part 3·7402 or write l<>Ml Matbar e&p!lble at Lnveat.lnr $ .000 cu Ave. 17pll h in a naUonaJ corp. CAN h -----------ACT1VI: Oft NOT. PotenUal •, NOW HEAR TH IS • .... ·. ~·• ChanniM Ocean Front Home l, ~~ eamtnr• for tint yr. trtmen U-._,. ~~ . r doua. Muat tum. Sood chanicll' "C" THOu AS "C" THOu ... o 6 credtL ref. Muat be auy t ~ ~ 0 . l et alons wtth,, For ~raonal In ten1"' Writ• •• Q-6& Ulla BEACON BAY Completely furnished, including yard furniture, Spanish Cedar wainscoating inside -Cedar shingle exterior, Double Garage AND room for 2 more units. Lot size is 30 x 102 % ft.· newwpa~r. Include phone No I· and brief reaum" 8t rlr tly conr ct.nUal. 16<'2 0 0 . $5,000 down Full Price $17,500 Brand New N 8 T R U M I: N T MAllufact ur !Jl6 Bualn .. want. lo move 1 Coeta w.. bU oatlonally ad Yertiaed and...,.tented product nMda worklnl' partnn wllb $30,000. capital. Oran<S oppor t11nlty tor the rleht ~rllOn Box No. S-80, thta Newapa~r . lka uurut home -view of bay - complet~ly furm.abed In •early American --110 ft. t•or lot -3 IK•· bdrma. panelled llen -3'a Ule.I bath.8, diru ng room, pan· elled llv room wlt11 flrt'place, lovely fenced patio. 3 outdoor bathing •howers 4t drea•lng roorn• PL\IS attra<'uv .. J bdrm. ga r apt Th111 •h•tlnrt l\'e home IA otfn~ a t S55,()(l() 2 bedroom home with large 23 ft. living room, PLENTY of room to build another unit and have a Fine location . Only 1 block t o beach. extra ·large R -2 lot. nice patio between them. lTel • LOA.Jfa TO BUil..l>. ,DIPl\OVS llUY, MODmtNJZE. OR AD'INAJfca BAYSHORES . $3t500 moves you in Charll\Uls Ranch atyle horn all Open for your inspection Good terms. Full price $12,500 I Darling Duplex We Bu7 Trut Deed9 NSW'PORT BALBOA BA VINOS 6 LOAN .USOCIA TION 1111 Vla Udo. Ph. 8-. '-* u • m utt om:oa ror ~ PIUVA.Tm INVUTOR II • rooma, 3 bdrma., 2 bat.ha. din. rom, dellghlful bv . rm. otr entry hall. raued hurth fire· place matchlnr wallpapera It draperle.'I. car~lln1. bu 11 l around at lra clln pa tio with room tor pool -PrlC'e REDUC- ED to $36,000 With magnificent view of bay -only a few feet to the 10th St. Beach on the Bay. AND extra large patio with barbecue. '" to 1°" return 8ANTA ANA MOftTOAOll CO. IOI 8purpoe ~· KI 7-41et CASH ••• roA 'l'ftUIT DmllDB WM. B. HOLT MORTOAO!: BANKING SINCE 1930. lcl& ·leot N. BU8H SANTA ANA KDCBDU.T 1·1111 CLIFF HAVEN EltceptlonaUy nice 3 bdrm.. fire· plt.ce, hdwd. n oor1, w to w car· pet~ Ir dtaperlu , very lo\'ely fenced yard, near achool1. low monthly pay mVtt.a --Alkins $18.000 Terms Don't miss this Exclusively by J. M. MILLER Full price $25,500 c 0. NO COMMISSION No AppraiAl J'ee BALES -REl'IN~ CONB'n\UCTION "C" THOMAS, 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 4091 Call tor rr.. REALTOR 22f W. Cou t Hlway LI 8-6627 'C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS • Fut Commitment.a on l\uiduc .. aad Unlta onty Houston Values Don I. Huddleston Newport Beach 173 E . 17th Sl Furnished -$10,500 COIT.A KESA LI a.l\Ml U 8°"6412 YOU CAN BORROW MORI: T AK E LONGER TO REPAY PAY Lm88 WKJ:N YOU BORROW TH& WITH only 12000 dn.. J 70. mo. on Bal. 2 Bdrms.. dblt guage oniy 2 blocka lo beach. ff• a barfaln! M-1 Acre CHOICE Want a Chea pie 1 Two bedrm. fum lllhed bouae on E u t 18th. Coet.& Mtaa. M!tllO- only $11100 down. Move ri&'ht 111 COST A MESA . Garden paradlae. Owner leaving-a rea. Three bed· room home. o~·ner ••1• make ofter rrgardlng prk e and term• Art C. Kistler Co. Realtor• 2901 Newport Blvd.. New port Beach. H11.rbor 6226 SANTA AN A K ORTOAOI: WAT 206 lpu~ Bid.. Kl 7·081 &ell IUGH le\'el cround, IMI x 4 75. on Placentia, t.hl• la a real buy Here -There -Everywhere al $12.500. We have It or wlll find ll for you fnduatrlt.l. Commer cial. RHtdent1al fkntala-S&Jea Leu ea LOANS for Homes New Beauty CUSTOM Bit .• 2 bdrm . on wld~ SEVEN ISLANDS RE ALTY 1" -JO yr. i..... iot Firpi., •hake rt., WealJltd.i Construction Loan• near New City park. Only $1~ Ii INVESTMENT 00. • dn .• !food terma. see thlll, you'll 603 • 32nd St .. Newport Belt.. Callt aa 908 Lt.'l'TLllR love It. Phone Ha rbor &8&8 J8c20 SlllJ &Aft 00.&.n "BLVI>. E ve. Into. Pelllte LJ 8·~•87 CoroDa cw Mar H&rtlor *' LIDO R-3 :.~ ~~ ~ro:i.aaw<;°ai Back aay View Lot :I -30 ft. lot• on So. Bay Front. 'itl• '6000-FULL PR . localed amid $31.~ u ch. Call T. D. Rogen , -----------$2!1.000 to U 0.000 Nl'w Homo . Har t !IM-W. or RYan 1·8029. W!l 8PECI.A.LIZID JN l8ttc LOA.Ne • nNANCINa Back Bay View . ON 3 BOU&rl"R..ULl:R8 BDRM. DELUXE Home now Autoe, Furniture "' 8aJarlea ready for y(lur lnsperlion. Ullre 0 D S mod~rn. the finest ror the ch11· ne ay ervice clim inallng --rutrlcted "'"'· LoaM from f80 to •uoo or more aurrounded by new UJ>i'n~1ve homu . CALIF. ACCEPTANCE OPEN HOUSE 1·5 !16 Fernleat, Corona del Mar MODERN 2 Bdrm. rum . So. of Hlwy. Encl back r ard. Ntar school and 11hopping S 11 .500- E Z Tennf! Owner 17cl l> CORPORATION 189' Harbor Blvd., Co.ta Jleaa LI 8·7751 -Open Frt9a11 Ull t Newport Heights LIDO ISLE CILFP' DR-3 bdrm . old~r homt 3 BEDRMS . 1 '-bathfl. LarJ?e on corner lot. L.e rg,. & roomy Lanai. Large hv. rm., Dining CloHd Saturda,y-Uc $15000. Tr11 de tor 8m1:ller 2 rm. Bar. All EIE'<'lrlcal Equfpl REAL ESTATE LOANS bedroom. Incl. n11hwu her. dll!poll&I. equip· In•-__. fta•-11: «lL ar.. Eve. rnro. on tht~t' Lytlf' L.l~rtr ..aa-" ...., u--vn ,., 8·2!1•2. Loan. qwcJll1 made ID the Ba.1 :Pi:d~ta ::0,~.,. ~ Houston Realty Co. wt. and ••e by n-a.n&Acinl A ASSOCIATES your prallellt loan. KJ.D1mum a · !109 Center St., Coalt. Me111 ,._.. No cbarp for preliml• LI 8-e9n or LI 8-778t peo1 ror auto <'lolh1>1 W&!hU By appointment only By Own- er. Kl 3·0583 17cl 9 C-2 Business Lot On Newport Blvd. at l nd111tri&I W11y 45x\62 rt. r ail ov.-nH . Harbor 3106. 181 fc nary appn.IM.L Pb.one But.a A.Jla JO.mber1y l_..U or writ• --------------------- ARTHUR A. MAY Nortcaa• Loaa ~t Ocddant&l LI.le IDlunDce Co. NJ South Mata 8anta Ana ,, Balboa BA YFRO NT Duplex J-2 Mrm t\ l ·J bclnn . 2 car jtAra11r. fur- nlahe<l. $34,!\00. Trrm11. M111ht con•lder trade for ('01l a Me"ll Income property. Ocean Front P RlV.ATI: party wanta from own· FURN 3 Bel'lrm .. 2 bRlh hm1>1e er, low priced ru identlal income & I bdrm a pt O\•~r gs1 a~e property. 'Ji'Wo to tour unit•. S2~.!IOO Term&- Writ. tu1I .. t.lla to P. 0 . Boll OLDER f bdrm hou111'. for(~d ~1r IOI, BalbOa laland. l lc20 hat Only $23.~00. 32 FT LIVING RM Name any r1>asonRble dow n P"yment Older w"ll buill Ea rly CallfPrn•a i;lylt• 3 b"•J· room, 2 hlllh~. H uice gar&Jo:C' !<Un rtl'ck Ask ing $21'1.0C>O lmmed111te nn up&nl'y FORD VERRfl'>DE R Hartw>r 426:1 eVCI 3477. l 7Uc Near the Newport Pier A SCARCE ITEM Neat knotty pine and shingle home, convenient lo· cation near a good beach. Lge. living room, "fun type" kitchen with Iota of cupboarde and a big bar. UnuauaUy 1pacioua patio with an extra % bath It dreasing room for bathers. Well ~uiJt garage with room to build an apartment above. $18,750 partly furnished Wm W.SANFORD-STANLEYHADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park. Balbot. Island. H&rbor 2462 Ocean front Home $22,500 VERY ATl'RACTIVE year round home on Sea· abon! Drive. Knotty pine living room with dil1ing are&. Formica kitchen, l bedroom and ¥s bath down, 3 bedrooms and l lh batha up. Solid con· atruction, concrete and piling foundatJon. 2 car _garage, enclosed ye.rd. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms -Forced Air Heat -Mauive Stoner Fireplaces -Built in Range and Oven . . . actually every luxury feature and in Orange County'1 finest loca tion. Big Estate Sized Lot. auitable for pool and patio! Drive out First Street in Santa Ana Tbru Tustin and Turn North al Red Hill Ave. George M. Ho\jtein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr t! OPEN SATURDAY & SUNDAY S5fD) Down 1531 Ocean Blvd Peninsula Point a Bedroona, 1 ~ Balb, 2 car pr~ F enced PaUo, Ol&Med Sundeck, Stove Ir RAttrts-er&tOt" s1e.~oo S5fD) Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Larse Uvtn&To<>m wtth tira-pt.ce. Full din1nc room. 3 Bed room-. 2 oar ,..,...... Completely Redecora&ecl nuoo SmJ Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point s Bed~ 1 n Bath. 2 ear 1arac~. Bay view. Lare• Fenced ya.rd. Stove and Refr1gerator $19, 7:1() Bay Front Special T Bedroom11. • Balh.tJ, I ear rar&I'•· Pier ... •lip( Fwml.ahed '88.000 Newport Harbor Realty Jim and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 Here -There -Everywhere Prospecton dig tor gold. We dig for good real estate valuea. We have it or will find it for you. SEVEN ISLANDS REALTY A INVESTMENT CO. 503. 32nd St., Newport Ben., Calli Phone Harbor !11168 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY, OCTOIER 1'4, 1955 a ......... a .... .._.. v r' Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIF'F"S MORNING CANYON Outatandiq 9'"' of ocean, eanyaa.. an<l hila, 2 bdrm. and den home, 2 bat.ha. carpet.I and drapes lnduded. Ollly $38.000. $12,000 down will handle. 2. SHORreLIFFS EVENING CANYON ROAD View of ocean and Catallna, ca.tom built 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. F.ncloeed pat.lo, 8epU'l.te d.ln1ng room. Thi.I b ome la deluxe in every detail. Only $41,500 . EXCLUSIVE with ua. Shown by appointment. 3. FIRST TIME OFFERED '1"his attractive 2 bdrm. home pJWI gueet room with private bath, paved and encloeed patio, furniahed complete. Only 11:? block to ocean front. Choice 1treet . Our EXCLUSIVE. Only $22,l500. Better hurry! 4. FffiST TIME OFFERED Two bdrm. home plWI large rumpus room. Nice patio, fenced yard, hardwood n oora, furnace heat. 7.oned for 2 unit.. Only $11,500 full price, and $2500 down will handle. EXCLUSIVE with us. Shown by appointment. Thia ahouJd 1ell quickly. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T, McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Mar. Ha r. 4 ';' (Office located n~ door to Corona del Mar Bank ) CORONA DEL MAR Expa.nalve Harbor and ocean view, 4 bdrm. Den. Dining room. 2 bath.a. Hardwood & carpet floors. Bargain at $45,000. Submit down. CUTE amall 2 BR., corner. $17,:>00. Will trade for larger home. NEW 2 BR. and den, 2 bath.a. Low tenna, $24,500. Draperie., atove & fully landacaped. BAYSHORES 3 bdrm. home, large rooms. Pro- tected patio. Attractively priced at $24, 750 BAYSHORES Bargain. 3 bdrm., Liv. room 15x20 firepl., fenced, covered patio. Reduced for quick aale -$18,:>00. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSH ORES properties. Har. 1775 -E vea. Edith Maroon, HY att 4-6222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton , Baymide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, ~ealtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland LIDO ISLE BA YFRONT New 4 bdrm. 3 bath home beautifully furnished in modem decor. Completely carpeted, mahogany pan· neling, double garage, approximately 2700 squa re feet of living area. Truly a value for $89,~ com- pletely furnished. Call for appointment. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Brand new ocean v~ home, 3 bedroorna 2 baths, F . A. heat, carpeted throughout. Built in Satin Bronze Roper oven and range -dishma1tcr, dispos- ' al plus huge double garage. Full price $23,000 and we have the key. CLIFF HAVEN Kinga Road view lot, leasehold 67x110 ft. a dandy for $5500, and only $2000 down. THE VOGEL CO. -LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 Trailer Park Special SANTA ANA -A NAHEIM DISTRICT 35 SPACES $12,000 annual gross income. A -1 location, clean park on city gas, water & sewer. Shade trees. Very little a ttention needed. Returns approximately 50 percent on ca.sh investment. Better h urry on thia one! First time offered. No telephone information. PLEASE. Euy down payment handles. OSBORNE-FORTON REALTY CO. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (at Port Orange) Newport Beach •••DUPLEX. 2 br. ... apt., 1900 11q. rt. ptua 1arac-. 06k noora. auto. rumacu, lovely ~unda. DUPLEX on Balboa Blvd. $18.· 760 both unll8 nicely furn. Only $8.000 will .iandlr THREE UNlTS on half ure. lm· provemenl.8 are 2 hdrm. hom1· &c dble. carage ahould rent for S85 mo 1 brlrm. tum. houee llhoulJ re.nl for $80 mo.-Sluplng room \Jo"llh ba th ehoul1 rl'nt for $:10 mo .. adrl3 to SI 70 mn, g ro1111 In· comr. WiU u ll for Sl2,500 lt'tms NEW DUPLEX 212 E. Balboa Blvd. 18c20 ---------------------- • 8-t MCtlOD Colla M-. A r .. 1 bvy at llT,800. Tanna. Jin tnlo. ph. iblmer Har. IOM-J. •••AP'J'. COURT, I wut.a. a1moet MW ta top Co9ta Mua perman· •t rtntal an&. Offtred away below C09t ot reproduction at MJ.&00. $18,300 down. ...._ Lnto. K il .Aurder-He1de LI a-6406. QRU.NL.LU' • Sl:VERTS. Rnlty 1111 Newport Blvd , l\"ewport Ha.r. 2562. • 3000 PER ACRE -80 e cre farm wlUa buUdlni•. barns, excellrnl well. Rapid lncru5«-in value ran be expected . .Euy terma. ORANOE COAST PROPERTIES 1167 Newpnrl, Co•t• Mu a Ll 1·1632 Evt . L.I 8·6803 ' NEARLY NEW 3 beJrnt huullt'. w t o w carpets S81>9!'1 tull prlcf', Low down payment 9r-4 Con· r r!'a11 s1 .. c·o~t a M~"" llµHI ACTION ACR~S for builder or K ·l , Placentia, 168' x 630', ltvel, i ubdlvlder, 4 1, llCN·a rub into wtUa aome bulldl.rif'a, It In heart 2l Iota. " do.A'll It ownn will ot SndultrtaJ area. Price $27,500 ~b<Jrdlnlll,. Tenna. ORUNLl:AP'·8EVERTS, .Aea.Jly !UI Nrwport Bl\.'d., N twport Har. Jlla, S... U l ·Sllt ORANGE C.:OAST P ROPERTIES Jll.'17 Ne-.-port. Co•ta )tua L.1 1·1832 E va.. LI a~ ORANGE COAST PROP ERTIES 181'>7 Newport , Co11t& Meu U 8·1832 Eve LI 8·6803 Best Rental Location 6 l'nll.I turn wtth r1n1 a• vac111nt lot for parking 1, blk. to beach l blk to bay. S.-•t rental loca- tion, good income Only $26,500 ''ery """Y term. See th1• today Slucro D11pln • 1 bwrm collage. :Z c arqea Coo.J 1nC'(l111e for , only St6.ll00, low flv" n Homer E. Shafer Rli:ALTOR 106 McFadden Place Har. U O Eve. Harbor 1137-M Har 2629·M It Har. 11263-W 1 ----C-2 LOT Centl"r nt Colla Me3" Jdu l for 1rn1JI butlne111 or I pra1t seooo 0'1' W1ll trade Owner U 8-MU. 1Tc111 Two bdrms. each, both completely furnished fn· eludes built in ranges and o\!e ns, snack bars, fin:· places. double garage, 1un deck and carpeted. $4200 yearly income. Heart of Balboa. $27,500 EZ terms ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd.. ~ewport Beach. Har. 5226 Lido Isle Let us show a channin1 2 bedroom home with large living room, beamed ceiling. real cute kitchen with ueed brick brealcfut bar. for ced air heat , aunny pa tio. Complet~ly fur011hed in Early American. Priced at only $22,500 __, OSBORNE -FORTON REALTY co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy. (at Port Orange) Newport BMcb. LI 8-5782. Har. 51M Evee. -~~------~-WANTED BUSINESS Ir COM· MERCIAL property. Rave clhm· tel of buyer9 Ii: lnvu1.or9. Ap• predate your llaUnl'. ROBERT WKEELER. AJenl U Plua Squa re OranKe -KEUon 8·1T23 l k l t Business Corner In cant er Coeta Meu. 118.500 Terma. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Ree.ltor Harbor M91. Ji:vu. Ll 8-&31 7 l7clt The Hottest Yet N'1tW 2 Bedrm. Ir den. Corooa HlshJanda. w w carpet, drapee, fan, p.rt>ec• dlap.. loada of clOMt., 2 car pra,-Terma. 0. H. LATHROP. a&811 E. Cout Hl~hway Corona del Ma.r Har ~I. !:vee. ~. l 7cl9 "Country Club Estates" IN COSTA MESA Adjoining be&uUful San1& Ana Country Club, Eut of Santa Ana Avenue, off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes No , Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets -4. SANT A ANA MORTGAGE CO. 200 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa Ana, Calif. Pbonr Kimberly 1-4168 Liberty s -26.'S7 (Eveninp Liberty 8-4788) 12c 25 ' • 'Ael I· PART II-NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS II-Reel.._..... -ti-Real FMat.e D-Bea.I F.atu. -U-Real F.atac. y :-FAIDAY, OCTOIER 14, 1955 __ ,..;;,;;,o._._ ....... ___ -'----·----------------------· -----, .. -.......... ........ ......... -"We' re Moving to lrv.ine Terrace" More and mo~rbor area families are lnapecting thele u.quialte'llome. -notin1 their comfort, con- •enience and centn.l location. More and more families who prefer a home h1 a re- ltricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace homea. Drive in today and aee for youraelt the many out- .tanding featuree of thia rem.,.kable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert IntM Terrace is located on Cout Highway opp<Mlite the new Imne Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phcme Barbor ~ For Fu.rt.her Information * J'or Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holda a Leuehold FAtate in Irvine Terract';--. Beacon Bay, Bay Sboree and Cliff Haven Laguna Beach . . • Ocean Front You'll remember the Viewa all your life! Your own euy atepe to your OWN white sandy beeeh. In "private tract. 1% yrs. old. 15 ft. x 24 ft. lntng room, beautiful kitchen and dining area. 4 bdrmt., den and 3 batha with a huge downstairs rumpua room and bath. Sun patio and aheltered patio. Off.-.d at $55,000. • • • • New Subdivision . . . Lots .Aeceeible by wide paved street.a. LEVELED yet bu acel. OCEAN VIEW. Sewers and util. in. Near 1Chool, church, bu.a and new Alpha Beta 11hop- pinr cent.r. Price ~ to $7500 ... Terrnll. QOSS Realty Co. 392 Glenneyre, Laguna Beach HYatt •-7508 or HYatt 4-44409 17c19 • BA YSHORES • New Exclusive Listings Two bedrooma. dining room, FA he).t, GD, two lovely patios. Very neat home $18,250 Terms Three bedroom, 2 baths ... comer lot .•. c.arpeta and draPN included $24,500 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1&00 Evea. Liberty 8-5386 'COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth' INCOME PROPERTY -NEW Two bedroom home and 8 fumimed rentals. Near Blvd. and markets. UM monthly income. Price $39,000. Three bedroOrD home, fireplace. A good close in lo- eation on Eut. Magnolia $11,000 with term11. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd. Coata Mesa Ll 8-1601 Corona del Mar Vogel Values t bedroom home, fireplace. beamed ceiling, dining area. Lovely patio with BBQ. 211:z car guage. Owner will Mil with low down paym't at the low price of $13,500. Corona Highlands BEAUTIFUL VIEW -2 bedroom & den home, nice fireplace, 1 t;2 b&tha. circular floor plan, lovely patio. Fenced. Priced at just $22,950. Choice Permanent View LoL Special at $8000. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cout Highway Har. 1741 2'l2 Acres Corona del Mar Har H77 C Zone Located on Newport Blvd .. Coat& Meaa Property ia PARTIALLY improved and teated to 80lid, worry ffft tenant.. Income $6000 per year. Priced at $65.000 -with $30.000 caah required. bat. on attractive term•. A good aound aafe investment with 1~ul&tion pouibilitit"fl. RUSS FORD, Rltr. 1801 w. Cout Hirbway LJberty 8-6141 BAY AND BEAC .H REALTY -REAL TORS INCOME -BALBOA PENINSULA BAY AVENUE -DUPLEX • Juat U.ted, Very att.ra.ctJve modem duplex 2 Bed- tooma in each unit. Very large Li•ing Rooma, 4 yu.n old -excellent condition. good location. $32,500 -Term.a One 3 BR. unit and One 2 BR. unit plua additional room and bath attached to prage. Both un.tta reot· ed. one on yearly buia and one for winter. $26,500 fumiabed -$8.'500 Down. TRIPLEX -BALBOA PENINSULA' BEST BUY IN BALBOA One 3 BR., 2 bath and Two 2 BR. unita all nicely fumiehed. Owner will sell on convenient tenna or would consider trade amall bou.e locally or property in Glen~le area . 3 BR. beach hou.e furnished. Larp Livin1 Room, Fireplace, Near Ubnry. Full price -$9960 -U000 down. ~ BALBOA COVES Oceanfront -Near Catholic Church 2 BR .. Den. 1 ;-' batha, hardwood !loon, bar kitchen, fireplace, BBQ, ~rraced patio. eandy beach, pier and alip available. $34,000. Oceanfront Buildinr aite with aiatinr duplex on rear of lot. Room for 3 BR. 2 Bath home on front. Full price $17,500 :Furn. H50 W. Balboa Blvd. 36 REASONS that will completely "W. Y H rt" 1n our ea l. Lovf'ly homf' on LIDO ISLE 2. On a lot and a halt 3. Oe.1lgned tor llvab11lty 4 Extra large living room ~. 2 clever bedrooml! A: lanai II. Plenty room tor twin bed11 7. Cloaet apace g1&Jo1 e 8 All rooms 11padous 9.• Ultra modet11 bathroom 10. Full 1lud tile .11hower 11. Payne forct<U air unit heat 12. Stamleq atf't l wealher1lrlp· ping 13. Ute time copper water piping H . Kiln drlfld Interior woodwork 15. lntulor recently decora ted 111. Kitchen Include. bktt. llar 11. Jndl~t Ughtlnr • 18. Oodlu ot tloor plug• 19. Enc101en walled patio 20. Luge double rarage 21. Quiel. peacefu l neighborhood 22 Pa ved 11lrttl 23. Sewers 1n and paid for 24. Orn11menl1I strfft hghlll 25. No conrf'stPd t ratrlc 211. Safety for chlWren 27 Clean. ~11ndy prlvatr bt1chri1 28 Community d ub house 2i . Tennis couru 30. Chlldren·s pl11ycroun1I 31. All ul1llt1e~ undergmun1t 32. Protective rf'1'trlctlons 33. Excellent neighbor• 34. Below reproductlein cosu 35. lncludu ca~L• A drapes 311 All!-0 flreacreen A dlshmuter We have told only "half" of the story. You see the other ''half." P11ce -1211.500 -Tei m1 LIDO RfALTY As&<>cislu 3400 V1a Lido H1rbor •444 f Acrol!s from Richard"• Markel Entrance) Corona del Mar Ntw 2 bdrm. home on ol·!'an "'d" of Highway In good neighbor· hood. Delightful kltchf'n. Room to add a nother bdrm. Prirl'd r1 ght. A delightful l'{l&rket In on' of the rapidly growing cllleir or Orange County-grocerlea. produce and meat. Bualneu growing each mont h. A ~al opportunity. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. 'Re&ltort1. Multlple Listing BuslneSll Broker 313!1 E. Coast Hlghw11y Corona del Mar Harbor 21!12 LIDO ISLE LOVELY 3 bedroom. 2 bath homt with moden1 kitchen. dll!h· "''U her. ga rbage <1111posal. U11ed brick fireplace. Lo11ds of clo~­ f'll. and to top It all, a l11rge 11outh patro. The vrry M~l buy "t $:'11 500. Duncan Hardesty Realtor 21102 l'rwporl Blvd Nrt. Br11ch HarbQr 4718 fsc18 Doctors Attention • l:NIT MODERN BLOC. on 120' x 1~· Coata Merta bUlllnesa lot Good P rofushmal loca llon. ldt'al BAY AND BEACH REALTY Balboa INVESTORS ATTENTION Good Buaineu Lot on Eut 17th St. 100 x 300 $22,500 Two Open Houses, Corona del Mar Friday -Satutday -Sunday, 1 • 5 p.m. 3604 Ocean Blvd., cor. Orchid. Panoramic Bay and ocean view. 3 nice bdrma,. 2 bat.ht, Ire. Uv. room. Be 1Ure and ee. thl• one today. 140.000. UberaJ· tenna.. 7oe L&rltlpur, 2 bdrm. doU hou11e, open beam c.tllnr. n .... place. ntc• patio. Owner wanll actJon thi1 wMkend. Call Harbor 2042 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS R. Rayle -C. TravUI -C. Ruea, Auociata 312 Marine Ave., Balboa laland CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Now you can live in the excluaive Back Bay afoea in a beautiful Ranch home you will be proud to own. 3 Bedrooms. 1 % Bath, ahake roof, Iota of tile, HW Floors, disposal, F. A. Heat, and many other fine features. Distinctive styling by Jerry Hoyt, and quality con- struction by W. E. Fiaher. Located on a nice quiet atreet. Truly a great value for the di8criminat.ing buyer. O~n Hou.ae SaL A Sun., Oct. 15th A 16th. 384 Mira Loma North of Del Mar juat off Tuatin Av,. We have other Fisher built hol'Jlel. GORDON WALKER, Realtor W. E. FISHER, Builder 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 5032 VIEW! Corona del Mar VIEW! ARCHITECT'S OWN OONTEMPORARY MODERN HOME. Designed for modern Southland living and features desert atone entry into paneled living room with adjoining den and dining area, all with sweeplng view of bay. Sliding glua ~oon to epacioua aundeck. Deluxe kitchen with all appliance• hand fitted. Muter bedroom with bath, bu gla.Med walled gu- den patio. Two bedrooms and aeparate bath down- et&in, alao with fenced patio. Large atorage and furnace room; laundry room and drying yard . Double garage. - Thia is not an ordinary home; ao different you must lff! For penonal reaaona thi1 one-owner home must be aold. The asking price ia far below coat' at $39,500. WILLARD L. KILLION·, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. • Harbor 55<>:5 l&c18 BALBOA ISLAND Firat time offered! Charm. 3-bdrm. 2 b&th home, designed and bit. for pruent owner . Lv. rm. 24.xH. 3 bdrma., 2 bath, beaut. lanai! Full dn. rm. XTRAS GALORE! Larger than average lot and juat. a atep to the bay! PACKED F1JLL OF VALUE AND PRICED RIGHT -$38,000 ! for Doctor•. Dent111.1. ml'dical or X-r1y lab. Or other profeulon111 1111e. Plenty nf parking. Pr1re-.. 131.500. Tt1m1. DOES 10~ ret. on your inveetment aound good to you ? Thate what you ahould net on thia 2-unit pro- perty. 3 bdrma. in one, 2 in other, comp'l and nicely furn. Lovely patio -very near the Bay and OH YES! SEPARATE G~ ROOM TOO! All thia and more $23,500 ! :'\EAL J . MARTT1' REALTOR. Har, ~!17~ LI 8-1774 llc l8 R-2 LOT On Orange Nur 1:.1h ~ttut GOO<I Rtntol l'..ocatl nn -$3500 NBC REALTY CO. Und A: Newport Blvd .. Npt. Beach I Harbor Ma!! HEY LOOK! Juat listed 2 cood fWJ aiaed Iota on Balboa Island S.10,000 each. BALBOA PENINSULA Xlnt. 3-bdrm. 2 bath home with ocean view. Sun- decll over garage, Lota of glasa to lge.. patio. Cute bar kitchen. Knotty pine Iv. rm. fr. pl. You'll aay 1t'1,a good value for $21.500. Year round home. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 30& Marine Ave., Balboa laland Har. 0602 -4623 Harbor 1264 LOTS B&Atml"UL WELL LOCATED CHANNEL LOT CloM to ahoppLnc area and POllt Office. Complete with bulkh-.4. $111.f>OO NEWPORT HEIGHTS BeauUtul buildln~ •lte. Walkln( di1tance to Mariner•• Mlle ahop- plnr dlatrlct. 110 x 127 1-v. Low Price or 15250 PENINSULA LOT MOit dMlrable lot In entire area at t.h1a price. There will be no more Uk• thi1 at 110.MO. Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 108 Mcl'&dden Pl~ Har. 140 Ev•. Har. 113T·M it.r. 2529-}'i Har. 52e&-W. REAL VALUES THE8E ARE GOOD BUYS 1 Bdrm. 1tucco. Terma .18950 I Bdnn. stucco . ... ···-IMOO With $1500 Down. I Bdrm. 1tucco . . ... _ .. $8900 Wltb $2TOO Down. J Bdnn. 1lucco . .. .. • .. '9500 W ltb 11000 Down. J Bdrm. 1tucco . . .. 110.750 With $lf>OO Down. I Bedrm. 1tucco . .._ .. $1 0.500 Wlth UOllO Down. I Bdrm. lllucco •. ..... 115.000 With $3000 Down. lncom• and Loll B. A. NERESON REALTOR lMI Newport Blvd. Colt• Mesa Ll l -18T2 Eve.a. LI 1-i 120 CLIFF HAVEN OUTSTANDING 4-bedrm. 3-bath home, 2 living rooma. dining room. carpeted. Ideal family home for dfacnminallng buyer $37.500 OORONA HIGHLANDS 4-BR .. I bath, living room. rum- pua room, 2 flreplacea. 2 patios. room for pool, terrifi c view. on 2 loll. 145.000 J BR., I bath. l(•. living room. dining room. room for pool. wict. lot.. 127 .500 SHORECLIFFS CHARMING French provincial In ~aulitul aetUng. ~ BR., 2 bath. room to ator. boat, nr. beach. $411.000. Claire Van Horn REALTOR 27S1 W. Cout Hwy. LJ 8·42i 7 BECK hu a neat 2 bnn .• 2 bath home on a 45' Udo lot with an vctra large paUo for $25.750, or a LAROE 3 bdrm , 2 bath home on a 4!1" Lido lot tor $35,000 Thi• home has man-11~ room~ &nd cl<»ell with wall to wall e&rpetlng. and you 11hould 11ee th• ptt.Uo large enough to h<•ld • dance on Sat. night.. A 5~ loan with 1122 month pymt1. make It Udoa IH-1t 3 bdrm. buy. W&nt a Bay Front! Thim buy thla 4 bdnn.. 2 bath on Lido Nord for 185,000. 1t·1 only three yeara old and modem 1tylt. Need a corner lot on Lido Soud ? Then Me U!Ja 40' one for $12.llOO BURTON B. B~, Rl.TR. 24lt W. Cllt. Hwy. Har. 221 At 19th & Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE 18 A WOl'otDERFUL piece of bualneu property for ule wtth ucellent tenna. Lonr term leuN pendln(o totallnr approx. $226 a month. M · 1 prop- erty. pllJI eome cuh will be ron. al<lered ln a trade. Call owner LJ l.f22S mornlnre or aft•r ti ~m. • ~~ CORONA DEL MAR-Let the furn iar apt ~Y the mortgagf on th1e 3 bdnn 2 bath home Many .. bullt-11111" A: lot.a of 1tor· are 8J>&ee Floor covering1, I 8.Z--~1 ...... ,.-------.. --· .. ----·. -... VOGEL VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * BACK BAY BEAUTY 1. An unot.tructed view ot the bay and h.Wa. 2. Beautiful comer lot au fenced • land8oaped. 3. Cuatom built ranch 1tyl1 with b•vy ab&h roof 4. 3 bdnm., 2 with beautiful b&y Tiewa. 5. Terrific kitchen with bu.llt..C ~ A O'l'm.. 6. Private P•tio. 7. This ii a-·beauty in every way, even to Mlr'CVJ awitcbe. and radio controlled Pf'al9 door. 8. A truly fine buy at S26.500, with low dn. pymt. BALBOA BA YFRONT PIER & SLIP Immaculate large home only S yn. old. 3 bdrma., 3 bathe and maid'1 room. Completely furnished. A good value at $78,900-Terma. * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W. Coast Hiway Liberty 8-3481 . TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE One bedroom home and 1 bedrm. apt .. both furn- ished. only $12,000. $3000 down. balance $80 mo l Blk. to ocean, 1 :! blk. to Channel. New 2 Bdrm. Beach Home 1 blk. to beach. Full price $1 2.500, $3500 down. Oul- st&nding, must ACT FAST. Beach Cabin BA YSHORES TRAILER PARK. FULL PRICE $875 TERMS. COSTA MESA Lovely 3 bdrm. home set in most beautifully Jant.l- scaped extra large lot in area. Must see before you buy anything . Only $14,750 -$3000 down will handle. Stop, Look and Buy 100 ft. x 190 ft. C-2 Newport Blvd. frontage. f'ull price $10.500, S25oo handles. RED HOT! OPEN -HOUSE -OPEN Best buy on Balboa Peninsula Point. 2029 Miramar. 2 bedrm., 2 bath, 2 story furnished. Only $17.500 easy terma. Move right in. ART C. KISTLER CO. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 5226 ____ ....._ OWNER TRANSFERRED OP~N DAILY UNTIL SOLD 487 Esther St .• I:.! Block orr Irvine Beautiful Back Bay Area Dream Home 3 bedroom & den. cu~tom built by ''Lloyd C. How- ard... Large living room with mammoth (!replace. sliding glass doors to gorgeoua patio. Bar ki~hen with Thermador oven and ra.nge, diahwuher, dil- poaal, Brick BBQ, large dining area, two full baUu. Expensive carpeting and drapes thru-out. Sprinkler !'Ystem front and rear. Only $29,500 EZ terma. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor 3320 W. Coast Hwy., Liberty 8·7773 ''At the Arc.bee" One of Newport Harbor's Most Lavish Bay Front Homes Completely furnished and beautifully appointed. Pier and large finger slip. Sandy beach. FlRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALii: Tops in every respect. Selling due to illneu in family. You must see thial Full price $89,500 ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Har. 822e Bay Front Speclau.t.. OPEN HOUSE Saturday & Sunday, Oct. 1~ & 16 270 Walnut, Costa Mesa. • Thil'I cozy one bedroom cottage -Newly dttcor1lted and completely furnished few onlJ $600 Down S61 ' 4 I •' ' Monthly payment• only $61 after few yeara. New home• $10,750. Three bedrOOma, 2 baths. S895 Down Liberty 8·~7 Jnqu.ire 252 E . Palmer 18tte drapea A appllllllcn tnclut1ed In price of 12~.ooo. Harbnr 2506-M. 14c27 .. ,_.----------~.~~~~~~------------:------------------------------:-----------------------------..:.----~----~:.:..::.:.----------------------------------~ b... • --... -........... -·· . BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor DON'T OVER-LOOK ~E BALBOA ISLAND SPECIALS ! ! 1 So. Bay FRONT CORNER. 1 :: lnt. Pier Ii Float. Lovely 4 BR. home. $45,000. So. Bay FRONT CORNER. Charm. 2 BR. home. Altr. furn. Charming patio. Room for another unit. $31,500. So. Bay Front. Pier &: Float. Ont or f)Ur beautiful 4 BR. homes. $57,600. 324 Sapphire. Nr. No. Bay. OPEN FOR INSPEC- TION Sat. It Sunday. Beaut. 4 BR. fumiebed borne. Call and we will be glad to abow it to you anytime. $32,500. 2 BR. home and Apt. Both unit.a furnished. ONLY 119,000. ' ' DREAM HOUSE . ~E THIS. Unusually charm. Redwood home. 1 Lge. BR. 1 small. Built 1947. Like n~. Beautifully landscaped and fenced patio. A home to be truly proud of. $15,950. , Corona del Mar SEE Tms if you want one of the most cbarmiq spaciot11 2 BR. bomee in Corona del )far, So. of the Hlpway. Corner lot beautifully landscaped and fenced. ONLY $18,MO BUT HURRY! Shorecliffs VIEW HOME Outatandin1 ' BR. 2 bath home. Gorgeoua rr:oundt and tor> location. 8\lyu will have privilege of buy· lnr adjo~ large view lot, which 19 one of the few left. See ua toclay u thla la our EXCLUSIVE liat· ing and it w priced rigbt"tt $42,500. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor VDIBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1871 or 1672 .. - BARGAIN OF THE YEAR we have the keys Here le 1 real homey J bedroom cottage of 1860 equare feet. Living room 14Jc30 feet. Room in garage tor aleeping, plu. hobby room and laundry. Nest.led in an orchard of 23 bearing fruit trees, Or· ugea, grapes, lemons, peaches. figs, avocados, lo· quata and guavu. Beautiful lawn and shrubs. A dream place for a family that baa a gT&nddad to putter in the yard. All lhia on 2 large lots 100x125 feet. All utilitie1 in and paved alley and street. ln Costa "Mesa, just 5 minuta frorn the ocean. J'ull price $18,500--Good Tenns. DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 N~ Btvd., Newport Beach. Har. 4718 . a __ -_•_tea1_r..tate _______ a __ ._. __ r..ta_· _ .. _____ ._ __ ._..,_,.... _______ !I. =Im~ •. ;;~----· -· -·-·-· p. a. palmer incorporated developers Udo Inside Lot Specials 1. 50 foot comer .tnet·t.o«aeet $16,000. Term.a. 2. 40al00 perm. BAYVIEW acrom ilb'eet from beech which mak• It the oat beat to BaJfront \ SH.000. s. 50 foot lltreet-to-.treet Stf.SOO. 4. ffxlOO with 85 feet oa Stnda St&,600. 6. 40 feet street-to..tra4a St2.&00. 6. 60 feet at.reet-to-atrada $12,000. Lido Bayfront Lot Special~ 1. M\) feet on NORTH BAY Bulkhead~ A wall- ed, pier OK U9, 750. 2. '98.98 teet on West Bay, pier OK Ul),000. • 3. SO feet South Bay soned for 3 anita, pier OK $37,000 4. 50 feet South Bay aoned 3 unita, erlra nJce beach $36,000. 5. t6 feet Soath Bay, pier OK $39,500, nice hom• each lide. New Udo Home Rueb ltyle S bclrm. 1 % flath, forced a1r Mat, c!ln- lDC' an&. soo4 locatioa hltween two nice 1 ~ bomee. OOle to beach, opl!D 1*111 dllb\-, ~ ued brick corner fireplace. Lota of We Is vety s0oct finilb worlr. Bunt by John VilBcher, a quaUty baild- er. $2&,&00 with $10,500 doWn dd $120 a month. We ha" 3 hO!De9 on Bay A-te. in ft BaYo, all bt'Vt pien, all have their owa lovely beacbea, all are Vf!rY good buya ud eertain!y lboakl be -.. if )'Ga are thinltinc of a BA YJ'RONT BOllE. 3 to s be41:o<>ma, priced from $80,000 to f15,000. OCEAN1'RONT 80 foot corMr, '*l PENINSULA location. $17,000. p. a. palmer incorporated . ole hanaon co.t sales management am m lido, harbor ~ of .Udo Isle Men u\e Co~n lAdiee like eGJllfort. .... ot ..WddM, loG DI the _preltlp of a tine h011116 Ill • .-.a ....,...w_ H ........ admi've noneun,.. 1'11 a..tll .. 2 1arft be4roonla plua -wttl 1• ..... t ... brick ftnp ..... 27:117 ll'1lf ~ ........ ..... ttt.ny tancMa&pec1. mvaludl tM .......-IMtl.:1 ta. eall Joe Kiacald for •ppaMtmeat to .... It's Buildlnt Time A ffw fine aii. atJU anlAltll - Cliflbane -Corona del 11ti •UM Mii • nor.cutta. I.« Dne 06mn.,. ,_. Estate Sites If you are looking for an lcleal location for that ''DNmi ...... ~th JOt. of land around for pool. atablea, fruit tree., eto., let .. llhow you .OIM blaDW Ytew propwtJ that la available in th• Baek Ba1. ean am hruworth. Income -Triplex -lnc:oMe a.utiful well bast Ill i~ ,_.,. 114 trlplu. Com· pletely ecc1ljlWcl wtd. s06d tenant.a that pay prompt· IJ. Tbf.t'1 wbt n llt to hear when w off tr la· oome properiy. The only reuon that it la for aale ii '*-ue tbe OWDft 1'at-* 8lldttional ouh to apud hia b-•±-Ttu. _,be your opportuait7--tQ tan adftntqt m4 milt a rail¥ 1ood bU)'. Aakinr price $21,.'500 -.... ..,.., p, •· palrMr incorporated ote h&n80D eo., ales management 11oo ..... ~tray -an.ty 8-6671 Peninsula Home ! Top Location in Coro.ta del Mar LIDO ISLE BRAND-Ntw J'RSNCH RJ:GJ:NCY NEW LUTING. Culeat bom• on "lbe polnl". Two lft.Ory with Ocean view from llVlnl room. 2 ~ bedroom•, and J % b&tM. Newly dt<lOrated. F1replaee. Dbl. canre. 2 more bedroome could be added. Cail today t.o •• U.S. one. SJ T.500. JtOOO down. Balboa Home ! WlTR 8&P ARA TE APAATMEHT IN REAR. t !)xlOO IL lot. Botb f\n'ntahed. PaUo between unlta. CIOM lo Bay and <>c.A. A du· dy property at flT l<'O· w"!"9. Ocean Ft. Duplex! BltAUTiroL. M 0 D ERN DU· Permaaent ocean view. Short walkiBc dillt&nee to best t.dt. IA.rge, comfortable ' bedroom year- round bome. $24,500. 9mal down ,.,._t BALBOA ISLAND A few ... baa IM ~· V*"I ........ well klpt 3 bedroom home. Pado an4 *ta'a ~Jard. Otme- will COD.lider reuon9hle .. and tAnna. Il'1 en~o "111t-ln kitchen In· ~-'!Mo. ~·!'81\1•. di.I· po6il, dWlweA•, ~r Ir ,... x..., ntteMI, beUn«1 ~ lft7 ept9. tamHot. • bdnna., I batba, 1&r11 pe.Uo. A. IDl&r1 hOu.-for lllD&rt people. HEAR THIS I JIU.It Tiii.i PJ:R.rJX:T FOi\ O"B ....... nu. lonJ7 J bdrm. Mm4 «ti I balha on an atra lars'• lot i. ldal. 0.,... 1-atftlMcl for I .t.ory. wtth ·o"" 2000 ft. or n•. area. TRY AND Bl:TTER TBl8 J'OR mmma IOM. e a . .......... -l BAI.JOA ISLAND '"'° tJNlll. ...... • i e.i. flm ......... J'O'I" alldltf at ....,_,.., ... R••14 fer 4"* Mll-$11,880. . 2 BDRM. f'URN. 9lt1IJI, ftocw fanlM _. ftN. I p1aoe. Small lot. IW'*d '°' .. MM. ••• eo rr. BAY l'ROHfAOlt Qa Uttlt lllancl, .... ftoat, .............. TIM land nl1M ta e1-te u.. M1111t .,.... DAOOH BAY, Ba1 tfoet. ott. ......_. alteut, n.rtl7 .... ~ ..... , ... th bolne. Tbmno ~en. PartJt COY. pado PLUI 1 bdnL apt. done In tM IUD• fOOd tMM. hnUilW - f.,, aoeptJonl. Shown l'rtda1 1att.DOOM only Pt.800 LIDO MORD BAY l'ROMT. Lartt lot. ohanainl 5 bdrm. 3~ bath house. Dinln• rm., modem kit~ ehen, dl9p., diahwuber, lot.a of cupbo&rda and cloetta. Plua unuaual 2 bdrm. apl over 3 ear pr· ap. Both unit.a all newly fumiabed io M<>derne. Ideal for home and income or gueeta. Har. 1775 -mve.. ftiJth Maroort HYatt f-«l22 John Uacnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANL~Y. Rt•lt6r 22:5 Marln6 Ave., Balboa Ialand BALBOA 8A Y PROP~RTIES IJA Y FRONT 5 Bedroom 2 bath niee c<>mfortablt older home with room for kida and run. O oee in. Partly furn. One of our be9t buya. Try $29,500. Good Terms. BEAtJTIFUL PENINSULA POINT HOM!: - m,760 with f13,000 down unfum. but complettly carpeted and with eustom made drapee. Laundry room. double pre~. large muter bdrm. with per- ma.nmt ocean view. Sundeck . 3 bdrma., 2 bat.ha, forced ail' bMt, 2'h yr. well built home for pennan· eat living. - TlllS HOUSE IS ONE OF 11fE AR~A'S FINEST HOMES. Pennallent Bay view at in.aide location price. 2 !U'ge lldrmt. an4 bNutifully pa.ntlled din. Every c0nvenfence. 2 patio.. Stort room ar poeltble bdrm. and bath attached to 1ara1e. $15,000 will handle. tNCOllE PROPERTIES·-Duplexes, Trtplexu and Multiple Uaitll. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 15M w. Balboa mvd., Harbor 6188 DIG THESE DIGGINGS We had to dig deep to find these liatinga, but thty'tt 1ood on• and they're worth it. -------------------PL.&X. 2 btdroom1 ln H ch unJt. Top Location On the Penninsula 8t. to at. coner Jot at f1J,l80 ll priced ""''""' below .,,, _,._ eon• Jot on Udo. 2 Br., ~ fln.. Beul tlN pl, bit. In r&Dfl A o.-. PLUS OOMt rm. wtth Ba. and with overme 4b1. pr.,~ tor apt. aver. On quiet at., lD be.t UH, ju.t Npe to Baacll A to ebope. Your "Castle in the Air" Can be your home aoon lf you consult a Multipl~ Liating R..ltor. Ji. can show you a wide variety ot the cholce.t valuea In your price range . . . and ht lmon how to draw up contracts for the most convenient term.. You'll find it pays to do busi- nea with a R!:ALTOR. Phon.e or drop in to see one of tM 275 rell&ble MULTIPLE LISTING REAL- TORS ln U.. Barbor Area. Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '01 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach BILL'S BEST BUYS LOW DOWN PAYMENT BARGAINS Ea1t.aide -2 Bd. Rms., H.W. Floors, Curbed st., .. .....,. 6 paved alley. Full p:ice $9600 with $1000 On. Wen.tide -3 Bd. Rm., 11.~ Bat h. a ll improve- ment. in and pd. Cor. Full price $9750 with $1500 Dn. Balance at $&7 .50 mo. , ..... BACK BAY-YOU'LL LIKE IT. And it will like you. The kitchen ia what we call a living kitchen. Built in thermador oven and range. pantry, exhaust fan Ir garbage disposal. 9x16 ser- ,·ice porch for washer, dryer and deep freeur. AU this with three bedrooms & den plus dining room It large rear lh-ing room. -M.L . ;t6399. Full price only $22.500. With $6000 Down. LIVE AMONG THE TREES- Near Back Bay -Two ~T. old 2 Brm. & Den home with Fireplace. Sen·ic<' Room, 2 Baths. Dbl. Gar ., Patio, and on a nice 60'x150' lot. All rooms are large, RecHvood and Stucco with Plastered interior and Hd. wood Floors. Price just reduced to $19,500 with term1. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REALTOR "you'll like our friendly eerv1cc:· 400 E. 17th SL, Coata ldeu L.Iberty 8-1139 One yur old. F. A. heat, double ~e. Flnt1t beach locaUon. 8paciou1 room11. Ideal home With Income. $27.~. tenna. Balboa T ri1>lex ! SEPARATE COTTAbE WI TH DUPLllX JN RJ:AR. Each unit lleepe from 6 to I people, and a d&ndy r«nter, too . Wt ftft• ta. record•. Located on mut Bay A •tnU• cloM to beft 8Wtmmtnc beach. In very food condiUoa. $23. TllO and food term&. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoell• Bank of .America Roe& Greeley AJ Conell"' Ed lM Jlldr PtnllthUft JOMphlne We~ TOO •• a.lboa Bmt.. Bilbo& ..._... Harbor 32'1'7 Fresh as a Daisy Tbla appeall~ I bdrm. hoDM btH• Utully decorated lMlde and <>ft w1UI ti~ t\oOr'S, ttnplaoa, teaced back yard With m clOMd ,.tlo eoMMne \0 ,..... thb UM lop buy bl the moet •anted lo. ~Uon In Ool't& w.. . . . . Full pr1~ ~ $12.500 with ac4- lent term1. Back Bay Area lAl 120' a 2H' On 1ewer1 ... carr be divided Into 2 Iota. BELOW MAftK.l!lT AT 18,000, w\lh term1 . Open House Charming family hom&-1 ~2 b&thl. AD )"9111' round home with 00.. ...-. $23,!IOO wD tAlrm9. BALBOA ISLAND ~ Attnctlve 2 bedroom bome on edniel' layfront lot. Recently lftDOdeled. Adequate •pM» on front of lot to build additioaal unit. Full price only $31,600. The Vogel Co. D Marine A..._ a.a-w..4 Nm cloot f.o U. ,._ Oftlce Har."' ••Bar. 3($.J(. Hat. °'8-R GOLDEN RULE VALUE HELL'VA GOOD BUY Add •P tM9e featww: i. a ... -• .-. su.ooo 2. Lup a bdrm hOIM appra. uoo -i. tt. t,ooo 3. Large 1 bdrm. bome •.ooo ~·~ ~ !~: PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 2 beautlM MW mO<km I bdrm. 1858 Newport Blvd.. a.ta M- tloni.. with puioramtc 9tnr Of Bay and Oct!IUI. (acroM from Oollta ... Bank) U i .000 PboDt LI M711. !Ml. Ila. '9198-LI S.21(11 123.000 Bay & Beach Realty 1898 ~fwport Bty4.. Ooaa Mda Uberty 1-lltl Evea. LI 8·31!1 Cliff Haven ONLY $12.500-. and euy ttmw for OU. a ttractive 2 BA boma. oo 1man lot f\ll1 or tn11t ll'ffl. Tde&l for lady &Jone or 11'1\AD f'Ultly. You C91t't Mal t.hll price for locaUon. Phone tD IM. BM'bOr alM. REX RECHS, Realtor UOT W. 9dloa m..ca .• Hat!M>r 8151 1'1Wpoft .. - CORONA DEL MAR . Looking for a choice ~ •? We Mft lllDlt..s eelecUon -aH leo...i u4 pftoecl to...U.. .Ai. 8-W home, 2 '1atM. II 1tN Jri octm111iet1J fenced. Only $13,500. Or Home With ganc-aput mt .. 1111 Pa 'Mee ae.n u ..... Oa.IJ ....... RAY REALTY CO. 344' E. Cout Hwy., CoraM M ._ a.. Im (Ac:rom from .... am> 0000 IMOOld A fim w7 Mar Udo lbonine C.tw, ...... 8t.. I bclnna., clla.. 1 ... C"<q..WJ tum.. ukinf •tt.ooo. A.D11u1111c. a-.o. Bay & Beach Realty LIDO omci: SUI L&fsyelt., N-iiort Ru 3143 OU1 OF TOWN rVll N'1:VJJ11 Md lt. but I u" ~ &en Sn BoJy J1m CUJOD. TM ftnt POO cull tait. It. 2 Br., Rmt:Se, lh&k• roof, Bir Ftre-pl. paved patio, dbl pr., ~rmklln. clON to town. $6000 do. Is $90 mo. 2 Br., BW fln., fire pl, ""el lot, cloee to lbopa. O?;LY $11,500, sood tmm. • 2 Br., FURNISHED, fire-pl., paved patio, dbl pr., 2 Bib. t6 BaU, OnlJ SC5000 cln., $90 montlt. tto Adtal nw rotllnr lmd. ........ Delu CM*. TM -.. tale Mmlntarator ..,. ...... Offer. Tlalil CCNld be ~ :to.:ia~ ranch '"°' plent,J R. L STRICKLER, Realtor TWO J!IOLLTWOOD view Joli In 3822 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del liar Bar. 277' i...r.&eai,,..'INdeformb. ~-~-~~-~------~--~-~ b-* Jot Ollt w1lat ..... you? 10 MJIW9 Oft top ot old IJeddle-.. back onrlookl.n1 Black lt.ar ~ fonnlt\y • 9lnaJl re- IOl"t. lprtnf aad old fOU11da- Uon 1Ull on property, FO~ rDtm A.am OOITLT. $1100 for what'• left. ...amnn .._ -..-e-·--. .....,, .... c,,,e ..., .. • ~ t ........... 1'llkl ............... t9'1 ...................... "' -6 .... W.W • ..,et· ... .&i ...... "'C'•t.I 1-.-~ ·-. ---· ,.~&4. •11 .. IA&a ft OWJt• .... . --._.. 1• ..... ..... ..... ........... ..... ft A .._. ..._ OaU .....,. ... _,_. ......... ..,. , VOGEL VALUES New 3 Bedroom Home Lars• living room. re4 brick fireplace witll ralled hearth, H. w. noon. 1 ~ bat.ha, aD .i.ctnc kit.cha. • xio dJninr I.ft&. ne aterior • Otdwood ..s atucco with dichondn. lawn front and b&Ck. COID· p&Nly fenced. A truly lovely bome arid only -- ~down. S BEDROOM plm 17d7 Rumpue oompllta)y furn. lllhed Ge M lot with room for 2 Dap.._ $6'500 don S22, TSO Trailer P arlc H Kodera ~ pJu 4 i.o.....ad cftloe. ,.uo.. ltoad9 blldr topped. EscllllDt tDccae 0099 to lltoNI and tramporta&n. 5 .AC1W X-1 The Vogel Co. 1702 Newport 8hd.. .a.ta U.. ~ a..aT m.-. Lt 1-1'81 A B&r.UIO , -- .. ~ - MORE THAN FORTY younc people of the JuniQr Fellowship of Saint James Epia- c<>pU Church attended their first party of the leUOn Friday evening, Oct. 7 at the Pariah Houee. The young people danced and played games Jed by the Rev. John H. Parke who atarted them of! with a grand march. Mrs. John Knapp waa in charge .-.ied by Mr. and Mn. Walter Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ferguson and Raymond G. Ringwald u muter of cuemoniea. Kit Clar~ and Dorothy Mason were winners of the door priae. -I. Mull Photo Delegated to Prograrr in Alaska Observance for . St. Luke's Day ''Our Reaponaibility or Property" la the aermon topic choeen by the Rev. J ohn H. Parke, rector of St. Ja.m. Episcopal Cbuteh, for Sunday, Qct. 18, which la the 19th Sunday after Trinity. There will be the regular aervlcea of Holy Communion at 8 a.m., with a family aervice off Mom- Inc Prayer at both 9:16 and 11 a. m. There w1U be a 1peclal Holy Communion eervtce on St. Luke'a Day, Tuud.ay at 9:30 Lm. 8AJ"Tl8JI There will be be:pUam for EU.· abeth Seaton Freeman. dau1ht•r of Kr. and Mra. John Francia Freeman, at 12:30 p. m. Sunday School claaae1 are at 9:16 and 11 a. m. Saturday, Oct. 16. there will be a h!fh 1Chool conflnnallon • cla11 a t 8:30 a. m .. and the Jun· lor h I g h achool confirmation group will hold Ill nrat meet· lnr at 9:30. The Hlsh School Young Peo· pie'• J'elJowahlp meell evwy SUD· lley evening at 1:30. Adult ln· qulrera' c1 ... conven .. at I p.m. The Junior Tri-Hl· Y meeUns 11 at 3:30 p. m. OD Monday, Oct 17. W~nuday at 6 p. m. the acolylt1 will meet, followed by a joint dlMer wtta the Junior Hl·Y, at I p. nt. The Junior Hl-Y KfOUp will then have ftlelr bu•I· ne111 meeting. Every Thuradey '9 a mffUng ot the Preyer Guild a t 9'1:'1 a. m .. with Holy Communion &n4 heal· Ing aervlce at 10:30. Communion & Installation for Harbor Lutherans DupJlcate eervtcu of Ho I y Communion at 9 and 11 :15 a . m. with the tn1tallatlon of the 1966· M Sunday Scbool staff at tM late 11ervtce mark Sunday ob- aervancea at Newport H arbor Lutheran Church. To be officially IJUtalled by Paator ftoberl B. Gronlund are the followlnr 1tatf member•: Superintendent, Franklyn Hru· u ; Ullbtanl wpertntendt11l. Har· ry Harber; attendanoe aeerel&l'y, Mn. J:dgar Mann; treuurer, Mr11. Joaeph 0( r 1o1; tnuwportatlon b •r t. B. Gronlund: Saturday 8cbool. Mra. Clyde Hartw11een. Pallor and Mra. Gronlund. In order to 1tlmulate the aplri· t-.1 life of the Prubyt~rlan Cburcb In Aluka, the Board of )latlonal Ml•lon1 and Dlvillon or JEftngell.nn of lb• Pre1byterlan Ourch are Jointly 1ponaortns a prM.Cbins mlulon to Aluka. rtf· tMn mlnllter• from tbla country Wft'e Invited to participate and ti.. Rev. Junea S. Stewart of 8t Andr9W'1 P re ab y t • r I a n Ourch wu one ot thoae 1elected. --------------------------manager, Mel¥1n Er1ck10n; new Sunday School enrollment w at a new h igh at tM N.-port Hel-"ll cburch with a n-at- tendance record a18o Ml tM tint Sunday ln the new lunday Scllool '1 •a r of 193. 'nl• pra· echool Nld klnderyarten cluael meet at t a. m., th• tint and fOUoWiAI' (Rdea Including t h e h11h IChoo1 and adult. clue u- aembl• at 10 a. m. A. frM bua la proYlded tor the conYmlence of the c:Mldrwt and pa.renll. A. IChed· ul• may be obtained by wrlUnr or pbontns th• church office. 'Ille prorram will con1i1t of putoraJ couneeling and epeaklng •"-acemenll to co m m u n I t y sroupe during tbe day and preachiDI' at 1peclal •ervlce• -.ch ennln1 durtnr the week Of th• Mt..100. Mr. Stewart wtlJ lie abMnt from St. Andrew'• for a period of two week• beg1nlng Oct l!. He wtll be located at t 11 e H I I l c re 1 t Preabyter1an Churcb In Anchorage, AlukL Dr. lllwln6 8. Hud110n. aulatant mini· .ter at It. Andrew'I, will be Rn'in& In the pulpit In the ab- &eftce of the putor. Universalist Fellowship Sermon 1ubject at the Hrvtcn of Unlnrsallet Community re 1- lowahlp on Sunday will be "The X.w1 or Man and the Lawe ot Ood." F or the children the mini· -ter i. preperlng a Mrle• of 1lor- ._ from lb• Bible u chlldn!n'• llW'ftlONI. A Sunday achoo! for all ace S"NPll la ln -Ion each Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Dr. Frank Mc- Jalyre ha1 returned from hi• va- eatson to l"f&unie hi• dullu u en.cu.ton leader of the adult sroup. Th• church aervlce le at 11 a. m. PAGE 8 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1955 ISLAND PASTOR TO HOST DISTRICT CLERGY DINNER Methodat mlnl.ttera •erving the beach citle. or the Orange County subdi1trlct, their wlvea and tamlllu, will UHmble tor a poUuck 1upper and an evening of rellowllhlp at Balboa hla.nd on Tuuday, Oct. 20. They will meet at the home or the Rev. and Mn. Donald G. Sapp, 226 Amethy11t Ave. The rroup I• a part of the recently formed WhltUu Dis· tr1ct Of the Southern Ca!lfornia-Arlzona ConleN!nCe of the Methodlat Church. Invlt&tlona have been sent to the Rev. John Black, di.•· trict superintendent, and Mrs. Black, Fullerton; the Reva. and Mmta. Clyde Boyer, Capistrano Beech; Lyman Ellla. Laguna Be&cb; JOMph McShane, Coeta Meaa; Mr1. Roy Carlaon, New· port Ba.ch; Harold Lambert, Hunllngton Beach and Clyde ftuclunan, Seal S..Ch. AT CHRIST CHURCH ----------------- Loyalty Dinner Slated for Methodist Families Under the direction of Mra. Ralph Watson. they wt.II be ta· ble-hoateuu for dinner. Program chairman for the evening II Har· old Arthur. Important plan• and goals for the church wlll be out· lined by aevnal leader• ot the ('hurch. A d r a m a t I c rellglou1 mm. "The Hidden Heart", will be part of t;"e program. member! eecretary, Ml• Sharon Mann; mater1ala clerk. Kn. Vlr- (11 Pam; teacti.1: Pra-.cbool and kinderprten de· partment, Mn. Robert luddm· dorf, prinCIJ)lll, Mra. Melvtn Er- lckaon and Mr1. Lawrence White; primary department. Xr11. Wll· llam Carnett. principal. Mra. Vic- tor .Allen, Mra. Tbeordon H ind· eraker. Mn. Henry A..ncknion. and Stanley Cball&Ten; Junior de~e11t. Mrs. Charle1 Dick· en1, Mra. Ernest Workman, Mra. Robert Gronlund:· Intermediate department. Miu Delorl1 Prior; high 8Cbool department, Kra. Le- roy Bowman; adult, Pastor Ro- First Baptist of Costa Mesa At the J'lnt Baptl1t Church of Costa Mesa the Rev. P . G. Neu· mann wilt have u hla aennon topic: "When God cannot HY 'No'." There will be 8JN!clal mw4c. Sunday School l• at 9:45 with clauee !or all aa-. At 1:30 p. m. Bapt11t Tralnlnlf Union meeta. al11a the Putor '1 lnltructlon cl11e. Sermon theme at 7:80 p. m. will btr "Dolnl' tbe Impoulble." The aong aervlce W111 be 1n charge of David Olaon. Wednetdly at 7;30 p. m. 11 pral1e and Bible 1tudy hour and a t 8:36 p. m . pr11yer groupe mMt. Tonight a pot luck dinner will be aerved a t e o'clock In the Youtb Ctnter. Thi• I• tor the moth~r• of the Youth and Junior Choir membera. Local Baptists in YBA Program The nation-wick TBA Pl"OJT'&I!' of the A'l'nerkan Bapu.t ConYm· lion hu come to th• J'tm Bap· tlat Church of Newport Be&ch. 19tb and W . Balboa BJYd. It LI one Qf the thouaand1 of Baptllt dlurch• which Lnau~rated thil procram by obeernnc• ot RaUy I Day In thtlr church 9Cl'IOOI lut lunday. TBA 1t&nda for "A Tear ot s.pttst Achlenment." It 11 a "prorram to 1t.renrth• our Sun· day Church 8choobl. ~uee we belt.Ye the S u n d a y church lcllool h&I trUCh value for lndlvl· du&b a.nd tor Ole church that It lhould receive our lmmedlate and utmoet aupport." 1tate1 the paator, the Rev. Hubert J ohn· aon, "and we have aet our ,oall." Chairmen tn lb• Newport church wbo are •king to carry on ~ prorram ot the national comoentlon are: Mm•. Scott Hunaller. ml11lonary •tew•rd· Mlp: Thomu Henre, you th work; Ed. Gl&l&'ow. cblldrm'1 work; Harry l:atua. ltaderahlp tra1n1ns: WlllJ&m Hodldon. adult wortr and Kary Stanley, gmeral suti.t.itute. Scavenger Hunt Sunday Evening 'nlla ll~ral rellg1ou1 fello'llt'lhlp tneeta wttkly under the leader· alllp of the Rn. Fr~erlck Rlnge at the EWll Club Howe, 616 W. BaJbo6 Blvd. Mr1. Fr~er1ck Nap ll minl1tn ot mualc and paan. 1peclal music each Sunday. .An All-church Loyalty dinner for famlllee ot Cbriat Church By the Sea i. planned for Thunday evening, Oct. 20. In anticipation ot a capacity attendance, the d1n· ner II .cheduled to be •erv~ ln the calf'torlum of the Newport Elementa.ry School at H th and Weet Balboa 'Blvd. Baked ha m. roll• and coffee wtll be urved by the church and each family wiJI brine one other food dish to com- plete the dinner. 11\e dinner com- mittee 11 headed by Mrs. Wlnl· fred Young. A group ot 2!1 women of the church la mervlng u ho1tepe1 to Invite famUlea !or the occasion. Laymen to be i11-Charge of Baptist Church Rites lk&mperiag about Balboa 1 .. land on llUld&y ennl~ to <¥>1· lect a variety of arUcl• tor their acanr.ger hunt will .,. Ole mern· ber1I of UM Stnlor Youth rtllaw· ahip of the BaJIM>a J11and COm· munlty Met.hodlat Church. Tbe rroup "111 meet at U.. church at 7 p. m. Methodist ,News Science Sermon at Costa Mesa on Atonement Coeta Mesa Community Meth· odllt Church, throup:h arranp· m.nll being made by Ill com· mUlion on m!Mlons, 1pon1or a dlspleced' n!fU~ee family from -• European country The tunU;r will ~ bmug'llt to Co.ta Keea wher• work and a home wm . be provld~. • P1rlt n1qulr~ment \I that work lM! ruarantHd for head of the tamlly. Arter that it w111 take lbr months .for the neceuary ecr'Hlllnf for health and other factor.. The <"hurch will loan the money for t raneportatlon from New Tork and for at lea1t flnt mot1~'1 rent of the home. i<'Mrer home, the Sunday l'Chool dtpartmenl l.s this month plbering food. '90ap and rloth· lng to be taken.. by th• ,,-oup of eo.t.a Mff1n1 Jea?lng Nov. 3 for Nnajo Indiana. Halt of the 1Up- pltu ~elved will r o to. Yuma lndl&n1, aponllOred In the rhurch W•lf•re budir;et. The Woma.n'a 8odety of Chrl• tlan Senllre wtll 1tart It.a week of prayer and fflf denial ()(t. 2~. culminatlnir; In U\e renenil 11ee· 110" Oct. 27 in Thompaon HaJl. Praytr circle at 11 :30 a, m .. luncheon at 12 M and program at 1 p. m . "Walk In love, u Chrl1t allo hath loved UI, and hath given hlmaelf for UI an offering and a 11crlflce to God for a 1weet· .melllnr aavour." Thia verse from Ephulana 1:5:21 Is the Gold· en Te•t of the LelN!On·Sermon "Doctrine of Atonement" In 1111 Chri11tian Science churches Sun- day. Paul 11&y1 ln h i• epletle to the llebriw1 C:S:8. 9) that Chriet Juu1 learned "obedience by the thine• which be 1Uftered; And belnr made perfect ,he became the author of eternal ealvation unto all them that obey him." "When will Je1U11' profesaed follower• ltam to emulate him IQ all hi• way1 and to lmltate hie mlrMY work•!" qUet1 tlone Mary Baker Eddy ln "Science and Health with Key to the Scrlpturu," She add1. ''May the Chrh1tlan1 of to-day t.&ke up the more practical Import of that career! It la poulble.-yea, It 18 the duty and pr1¥11ep of every ch.lid. ma.n, and woman. -to fol· low In 10me d8Jl'ff the example of the Muter by the demonstra- tion of Truth and Life. of health and holla-" (p. 37). .Annual buaar Of W.S C.8 .. "'Banta'• worklhop". 11 •lated for Upper Bay Baptist Nov. 2 tnd I In Thompeon HalJ With booth• of lU kinda and din• At lM UJ>per Bay B&pt111t llel' Ml"Ved on Wtdnelday. !Unch· Church, I . E. Palladea Road _, both day.. ·Buaat houn ani and Cypni11 8t.. the ~Y. Fred 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. MrL Roy ~Yid wtll bave u hl1 1ubject ...... ,..,1rw. for the 11 L m. worahlp Mn'io~ Foll I• -r ~,.an. 'The Biblical Phlloeophy f o T FllLST CllU1lCll OF Cllll18T Lit.". At 7:30 p.m. hl1 topic wlll 80IENT1d be "Olrilt'1 Meuage to t h • A ~~ 0~1"r•~""'",,":.~.~h• 1'1"1 Timid". Sunday lchool ta at 9:•1 a.c•., a..1.1, k lMlltf, 18......, 1111-L m. Thur-.day ntrtit at 7 :30 11 ~ ~-• 11 .. •· Ule Bl~ lltadf and pray.r Mf'-c;;;; s-.1u 11 • •· -. ...see. ........... ....,,... ..... !Mf _ ....... 1 ... 1 .. •-i.c.tM .t Ull ¥11 ll•. ......... kecJI It ~ ..... "'9 hM IAt .. _. ~ w-.. Ille II ... 1·"'· .. \• "'"" ,._,......,_ ,,_ •--..1 I • _ _._.. of G_. ........... , .... "'~ "'""' ·-, .. '· _..._. .. ........ .....,.. ...... ....,..., o ..,. 1 •o l -Cloo•d ,..ol <1•" -.l&lftf'tl 1 :11. Jamee 11&)'1 Ood ni. """' I• ff!:f'""' '•"'•d .. •" .. ' templl no one He I• the firm !:a a... w..ic• ...--lk ,_, .. armor a1aJn1t temJ'AU~ • A unique aervtc• 11 belnr plan· ned for Laymen'• Sunday, Oct. 16. at 11 a. m. by the Flnt Baptist Church, 19th a.nd W. Bal· boa Blvd. A1 In the put •ll men of the church will participate In the eervlct by auumlng ruponalblll· tie. or conducting a momlng wor1hlp hour. Thoee who will take part are: ~x Oupllaea. In· Good Day Neighbor at Island Extending th~lr nel(hbon and frienda a 1peclal Invitation to a t· tend church on Sunday Will be the parlaltlonera of the Balboa I 1 land Community Met.hodl1t Church. It w1U be their way of helpinr to lncreue attendance a t the "Good Nel(hbor SUnday" aer· vice• at 9 :30 and 11 a. m. Preaching will be th• ~v. Donald G. Sapp. The choir. under the direction of Lull• Van Dyke and accompanied by Mn. Nora TllJmany, wtll 1lng. Servinr u acolytu will be M.lke D&v1a and BIU Ferry. Nur1ery •r• will be provtde4 tor snail chlldrta at the 11 o'clock eento.. vocation and 1erlpture; JamH Edgar . .prayer; Joe Trau, rupon- 11lve reading: WllJlam Hodldon. brnedictlon: Al Pereria and Lou· le Jamee, Ulhera &11d Scott 11\m• HJcer, recf'ptJonl1t. A special feature wUl be a steel guitar duet u played by Bob Storovich and hla aon Bob Jr. Joe Trau will 1lng aolo "It h No Secret." The Rev. Herbert G. Joh.naon will brtng a mHN.g-e to Ule lay· men 1n h l1 momlng sermon on. ''Chrietlanlty, a Laymen'• ~ll­ gion." The hour ot tvenlng wol'9hlp hu been changed to 7 p. m. M~e of th11 evtning will be. "The Goepel for Me", brought by the putor. A.rranrtnc tae hunt are Ron St. Clair and Dan Sandi. An elec· Uon of olflcera will be conducted by Sbaroa Wa1deJlch. pruldent. x....dlng the worablp •r¥1oe will be Barbara Harper and Oeorre HaUMr. Retreahmenll will be provided by Wbltney ,BaJnu. Hll'h IChool youthl ot the com· munlty are lnYlted to attend . Join B. I. Church T'lro peraona joined th• Balbo& I 11 a n d Community Methodlat Church at.. th• 11 o'clock aervlce Sunday morning, Oct 2. They were Mra, Wayland Dunham, 720 M.arl(Old A Ye. and Mn. Thomu Pattenion. 818 Bqonja Ave. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST.A MESA. CHAPEL 17U Superior Avenue ea.ta )(.... C&llf. Phone Uberty 1·2121 CHA.PEL BY THE SEA 3!120 I:. Cout Blvd. COf'OD& del ....... C&llf. Phone Harbor '2 CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE Emllt Holm•. founder, author ct "Set.nee of Mind." SUNDAY SEBVICl'.811 a.m. 1alllor Chu.rcb Md NQl"IM!rY Van 11 Lm. an. 1rta 'hrll. Jllalllw IAOUN• B&ACB ilT Q.u..&KY BYaH '-TIM M1 Clltt Dr. Go to Church Sunday "Ov.tuHar-a..taN N.-,,ort ........ ........ t :tt ... 11115 .. .. -...n a. an.I••&. ..... r ActresS to Be at Mesa for Graham Film Show -.111 then t•U of a wondarl\11 cl\ante that c•m• Into her lift . The acu~.. M )'• th• rol' ehe play1 1n "Soul• In Conflict" para· llet. he1 own lltt> \'try cloiwly . It le tht> 11tory of an 11rtreu whn reallaf'1 th" tru1• monlns of the Joui Winmlll, a Brltiab actrffl wtio appeAred on the London •taae t~ •lsht y .. ra. will m.ak• a pel'90r\&I appearanl'• In Coat& Meaa on Oct. 23 al 7:30 p. m. lnat.ed of appearlns behind foot· llShll to play the leading role I& a bit play ah• will be add~u­ lns UIOM attending the ahov.-tn1 of Ule late1t Billy Graham fllm. "Sout. ln eonn1ct" al the nrst BlblkaJ quolellon "f'or what B&ptl•t Chutth of Coltta Mna. ihaU tt rrom a man If he 1heouhl romer Macnolla and Santa An• sa111 the wholt world but IOH Av• hi• own IOUI " Joan. wbo play1 the lead role "Soul• m ('onfhct", ••hl~h I• In th• fUm wtll be lelhng the product4'J 1n natural color, fta· audieMt H 1he hU all onr !:n1· turu • numbt-r of ouLllandllllC land and Anuu1ca. "Juat a little pen1onal1Ue.a lncludln1 Collet11 over a year a10 1 didn't want Town•<'nd an<t [Ion Mooma-.·. for- lo live any lonrer and I wu on mer UCLA all American footb&ll the nrp ot killing mywlf." She l •tar. ~nHARVEST The fnaita have bun cathtred from the fields. They 117 about her, rich ind r ipe, in the autumn 1un that i11till warm. Never h11 the 1ky been ao blue, never have the distant mount1in1 been more ench1ntinc w ith their play of purple 1h1dows. Yet ahe concentratu on the work 1t hind. peelinc 1n apple with •till dextroua fincen 11 she rocks on into the lone afternoon of life. She is 1 simple person. Her lift h11 not been easy. There have been momenta of crut h1ppine11 ••• and of crut 11d· nus; t imu of droucht and times when the harvest came in a kind of golden glory from the bounty of the earth. But throuch it ill ahe haa hid a nour· iahment that h11 nothing to do with crops and weather, a kind of 1u1ten1nce that h11 atood by her It all timu and in all sea1on1 ..• FAITH. Hera ii a complete Faith in God and in her Church. a Faith th&t h11 made her l ift happy and u11ful ..• a Faith that bat furnished food for :::::::::':::::'::''9~~~ the soul. -------.. ... This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local luslneu Firms NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Complete Home Fumlatunp l620 W. Cout Rwy. Liberty 8-lllS Freel OnJef'Oll ChemMI Service Tiree -Batter!" -Acce11orlu Complete Lubrication UOO W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach Barbor 1515 MAC PEu.ETIER'S Newport Beach Pb&fT!l&CY 1108 OcNa Froot Newport Be9cb Barbor 5 UNl'l)UE CAFE Breakfut -Luncll -Dlnner '10 32dD St.. (ACIOM from City Hall) Ernie Chw'c~E ARCHES Union OU Dealer ·MOO W. Cout Hwy. Newport &.eh LI 8-toa The Island Patio Restawallt IOO~Ave. • ILANCHI llNZ The Yarn Shop Cbart-A..IMmbl-Block .Ir lnatruct S08ij Mariae An. Harbor 0880 CUSTOM AUDIO Public AddN111 -Hl·l"t -Tape Recorden '1S 29th 8t. Newport Beach ll&rbor 1508 CjlOIGI M. GRAHAM Rup and Carpet1 tn Apt.e Ave. Balboa llland Harbor aw l AIT C. KISTLll CO., RMlton 8-.y Front 8peclal11t.1 2801 Newport B1w. . N9'0">rt &e.cb Harbor ~UM Marlo's SIMl1 Set Hair Fasltlolls Comptet. •t"JUnc Parmanent Wa.tns and TlnUA&' l401 Eut OOMt 8"1 • Barbor 61M • .An Independent Home 8&n.ll Coroaa del liar The Port Hole lrealcfast H ... Midnight to 11 .L M. 221'7 W. Cout Wway, Newport Beeeb STAFFORD & SON Electrical Contractor• 110 Rlvenlde Ave. Newport BMcb Uberty 8-2278 Yl1te•11t'1 Rexaa DnMJ Stores Thrte locaUona to Serve You Newport a.ch Balboa Coroaa del Mar Tommy WllOll leauty Salon %515 E. Cout Hwy. Barbor 2181 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT Coffee Shop-Open 24 houn 1946 W. Cout Hy. (at Ba.lboa Covee) Harbor "820 Laurie Woodworth Plano Co. Complete Une of Nf'W It li aed Planoe %810 E. C:O-t Hwy. ELITE IEAUTY SHOP Under th• New Managenment of Mr. Pat S04 Mariae An. Harbor 1827 H. H. HOLIROOK De~ndable Plumblnc !801 W. Balboa Bh·d. Harbor 4624 DICK MACKER DraperlH -Carpet.I -Uphol1tery Complete Free DecoratlnJ Se rvtc:• U20 Via Udo Harbor uis MAD MOOIE NURSERY CUt P1owera -Pet Ruppll .. ..._ Blvd. at 2ht Newport Beeeb ,