HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-24 - Newport Harbor News Pressr • ··-·----, .... y UN FOU~~D:t~G CN BARBOR PRESS \ 4 th YF...AR-NUMBER 84 NEWPORT BEACH, CAUrORNIA. MONDAY, OCTOBER 2t , l~ PHONE HARBOR 1818 CHAMBER . MERCHANT DIVISION ~RESENTS PROGRAM TONIGHT Tun1i;ht'io the ml{ht N1'wpo rt Harbor Chamber ot Com · merre mer«hants dlvuuon will prellt'nt Ila "conatrucllve pro· ,:1 am f11r th ... 1mrro\•emt-nt of bu1Jnua tor the local mer· .. hant" ·· Thr explanarnry Jlnni·r iteNlon will be held at 11:30 p rn. rn \'ilia M&rrnu Re.st11un1nt. MUo Lacy, mtrchan~ di• nsron 1 ha1rman. a nn<JunccJ. A thll ... -PJlrt pr11g1am "'II include a atatement on lhe ,omn11tt~·c'1< intents and s>urposea. a hlm on pubhc re-laUOf\3 and 11n 11rrr1 drsru:.l'run of t "" merchant.a' nttdt! a.nd' dea1rea 111 sit ""' t11.ms uf the '1ty La cy said. He .. Id the meana of .1ll1>urrn~ the att111nnwn1 of tht8C! would be prtaenled by an "'i:11nrz1:"d dl11CW1s1on. All <'ham bf'r ml'rchant.e &rf' lnvHl'd lo 11ttl'nd. Oil Group I Appointed Committee Will Discuss Big Freeway Plan for County Bared JOHS MA<'Lt;o o State Tabs SS.895,000 for Construction Jobs SACRAM ENTO, OCT. 24. 10CNS >-SPEClAL wmE- Freeway activity in Orange County will take a grt'at apurt in the budgC'l year of 1956-57 with an a llocation of $8.895.- 1 000 for highway construction projects i;chedu led to b<> made I by the S tate Highway Comm1sslnn. Thl' budget allocation• writ be announr Pct forn1111ly htri• 1111: tt'1t ll.1:mnr nt . •nd necf'l!aar\' tomorrow atn1111·t11r4'' ov~r " 1 ll-m1I" •tr•lt h f:xttns1on (1( th•• S11ntl\ Ana of h111:hw11y ~·r«'l'W&y 1touthw11n l wrll bl' &<"· ..-urthl'r 1mfH(l\"t't11ent of the compli1hl'1l with two alloc-1H1on~. rmtrl~ .. ntl'rrnjil' upon th" Sanla one to tXtl'nct the freeway 11outh I A na ~~rtl'WIY will ~ m11de throur;h from au rurrrnt rnrprovtml'nl l'nd an exrenditure nf S:l(l(I (1(1() on at Browning Av,.. '" Tui.lln to Route 17!> 1 Art,.8111-0r11ngethorpa JWll 1>4>low Laguna Canyon Ro11.1; F rf'ewayr with thl' l."rt'atlon of Tidelands with Monterey Macleod Hurt a 11econd proJe<'t Nttrnds thl' 1m· proper g ra1te• at the t'N\AIOVPr. provl'mtnl to El Tnro -!'\aguel RIGH~-Of'·\\'A ,. Road which •• t ile l'\'entual JUnt'· l\lrl! point of S11nta Ana F'rl'eway and lhe San Diego 1 Sr puJ\·l'da t A 111101 of '3. l~.000 hu l>f'f'n l!l<'t ul(Je for •<"qu111tt1on nr r1chl•· o!·way In a 1l<1lt1011 to !und11 bl'· fore ml'nllnnl'<1 on aptd !rr lllloca · Ilona. 1--reeway. 8l'DGET f'IGl 'RES It wasn't just a sho\"cl t urrnn;:: i, th,· Cri.;:a :.!~'~ :i. Pat k lhts morning when a tree n immemoralln;:: lht• W.h an1:1-.-. •,,;a ry 1 f t'.w l"1:.~ J :"\~:t.v .. s was plant<.'d. Mayor C'l:ttr Ncl!::on of <..'osln ~tl'sa is 1.1c tur. : a; I·· ad11:illy )<J\;t;•rvd lit(' symbvli<.-ohve trci.> into tt'i gr·uwmg-plan· L 11 •1 :111~ 'n : r,• "l!ltt1 • ltl:<· !~:11 :.r1:a l't·lklC'y, J anice Ash. and ~undr,1 B.tr1'. In 1111• b.ic:.. :;r.1 J11cl lJ.i 1 LuJ l!t·St1Jn unJ I !arr.su n !-;an- b11rn. -~taff P h•1lo A committee of three oil experts will be named tonight ·1n 5 Veh·1cle by city council to function as a Technical Oil Advisory Com-• mittee for Newport Beach in its tidelands production prob-F Jems. The position of the city in regard to oil underneath I og Pile-up rt 1tlso wrll be studied at a future John F . D<>Jge. B P1tcon Bay, a Vl't· me .. ttnj?" with Mont••n·y lltl t'n er an or 31 yeara Ill the oat indua-1 ,;taff. try P1tul Putn•'. Shore Chffll re11I· S ANTA A NA. OCT. 24. (0Cl':SI Chairman of thP group will be dent 111 11econd ml'ml>4!r. He re-1 John MacLeod. 62. pronunent trrt'<I Jut yt>t1r from a career in Newport Bl'al."h man wu the only th,. ur l andulllry from 1909 when he ~raon Injured In a !og -ehroude<l, Thi' budget recommendations provide Sl .280.000 for the portion o r the Simla Ana Freeway extl'nil· rng IOUtherly from Brov.'Jllng A \'t'. to Wl\Jna Road. The budgl't pro- poaal1 call for • 7 mlll'I of 4-lane freeway to be paved and gradl'd and nece1uy bridge and Inter· c ha.n1e 1tructuru to be built. lmprovl'ment11 to ~ mllde with rundll budget ... 1 for thl' 19M-67 year will provide the lntf'rcha nl'u lo be ulll'd for t'ntry upon the freeway of road• de•lgned to .. rve lhe 11urroundlnf C'Ountryalde. The prl'llent Improvement of the San ta Ana Freeway hu lnt'ludl'd thl' ln- tercban(tll for the Ntwport l"rtt· wa.y underp ... and eventual junC'- ture wilh the Sarita Ana Canvnn r · .... ..... C ~:._"·. N~~ .... H .. 1 lJ\i ~r,._~·:.HAMS HOST Julned Matson·11 Hono lu lu Ori Corp. rrve-vl'hlcle pileup on Coaat High· ;i ~ ~ ~rin~ ,, f.Alwar·ll R. Miiiett J r .. Balboa, way ne11r the north Huntington thin! membt-r. hu 11erved as ex· Beach city llmlt11 al 6:20 a. m. t'cutlve 8e<'retary of lhe C11hfom la today. J~~nr.w '~!,TH ERS WEDDING NatUl'IJI Gaaollne ASIOCiatton The highway patrol N ld Mac· 'J t • itlnce 19f9. Leod. 20 Harbor bland. head of L , "\ ~ -·~ ·,r : __ Dodge uld toaay the committee Macco Corp. waa rushed lo lioaf iJ • \J -hu already hl'ld &ft ospltlll. 1ff "'aa riding with II\ Hf:RT RKl-.TS.\l.J, •• 1 ·1~11 ~ l.1• • 1 l .ut • Jl11ll~·wo•1<1 hf' look~ unhappy W1t llUf(l'ltcd llOITT" mce. underdon,. b11t:on for h111 ' {Coatlnlll'4 on f'•1• 4) ,, • ,tljJ,"" ) ,.,w. t ···'' ,11f b111 the 1 h . ""' ,..i .... '-H-A_R_l_O_R_W_..:_al_H_ER_ I ltt 1 l ut1l 111 lh• upt..n 5'" ... ···' , '' I II•• • \ ' I" ti•• \,1 )1\ F l o11,lJ1 hut'"--------------- • I 1 • • 11 ~ I h11t u.: r "flh"r5 Tl'mprratlll"l'tt t~ p1111t '4'ttk la UM ,,:._1°1"1 1t, v.ttJ•\n).: "·a" 11.arborar·~awett: •Ion toT brt•Rn• and planning. Stanley J . Cody, :12. oC P a r11· EARLY Mr:ETI NG mount, according lo lht patrol. ··w., 1>lan an ea.rly meeung with I TA~K ER-TRt"C"K 11tarr members o r Montl'~Y Oil Other vehiclu Involved were a "·' :· \ I I •II I I L .• lt\• f hulu .. r.l pta .. r ... llH•'"'• Compnny." ht' 11a.id. "look ing to-tankPr·slyle truck vJ)f'ratf'J by wuJ the !Int tuk lhl' council Merritt s. Bsrfll'ld. 3 1, of Down· hu IUlktd WI to und erl1tke • -that l'":/ snd csrs rlrt\"l'n by H e r m 1 n or P11llmal1ng the city's Kenl'ral L. Kl'lium. 36. o r !Ang Bl'at'h, po111tl<1n walh tl'gt.rd lo preat>nl 011 Sgt. Dallas G. Rhodt'. 31. of production a nd potential for lhl' 1 C'amp PPndlcton an<1 a per!!<>n Hlith Low futur t. I tndentafitd by thl' p11trol u Rl'd "Speaking for ml'mbl'rs or the I Ounley. no agl' grvl'n. 14·ho w1111 i:ommrttee. l u u1 i<ay lhut we llrl' n<>hind th .. whrrl of a nal bed h; , '''" •• 10, ,1 "' 1,. a4 tr•'"' Tuesda_\·. <>et. 18 \\,. h• 1, 111 .i I<\• 11 h Er rn11 \\"ctln•·s<lay 0< t. l!l , " ,. 1.1. , 1 • "lo" I'"' I 1tnd Thuri<t.Jlly. OcC 20 , 11 1, .t 1-'nt.Jay. Oct 2., 1t\t• l•lo•t.,,_:tit )l'u tS \\'fr~ Saturday. Ocl 22 S11nllay. Or t. 23 ~lt1ncll1y. Oct 24 til 6~1 tn 1\1 113 la.•rrY to o!fl'r o ur 11ervi<'H. for tru,•k whatrwr value they n111y have lo ThP rapid.fire a ccrdt'nl occure1I our fellow rl'~itlrnu o r Newport the purol 11&.ld. when Rhode 11tor· B<'llr h " rc<I hu1 m ar hme l o fix 1 n11t Uri' The tt'rhnlcsJ committee wlU All were 11outh\x1und. wit h the ex· 11u1·<' f rom tlml' to time B.ll needed. cept1<1n of the t11nkt'r. Ext•nalon of the Santa Ana YrMway from l..ag'una Road to El Toro-NIS'Jel Road. a di.t.ance or 4.11 mllea wUl be a ccompllahed with a nother alloc&Uon of U ,885,000. Thia la to provldt' midi~. pav- lnf , and atructu~• tor a. •·la.nt t r_.y. AJlpment o( LAcuna. RoM wlUI I.be &mpro·.,.n11t1ta to be made on the Santa Ana Free'"y wtll be' accompllahcd with an a lloc:aUon or $300.000 for pavement. wid4"n· Freeway al Orange. · Structuru ara achrdull'<l to be provided for the lntercha nit I' of tra/rlc f rom the S11n Df'ljt•l 1 !;,.. pulnda) ,...,_wa.)' at NIS\)el Rnarl. lnterch&111'H WiU alllO bf' build for t he IAcuna C&nyon Freeway whJrh la pttaently built to freewa y IJ)l'('I· ncatJona a l the 11t•Wt.1'! rnd In th" \lty ot Lai-on• ~arh HERMAN PAUSE FACES MORE LIQUOR PROBES Ex-county GrOCJ Chief Studied by Pat Brown Record Aides t• Iii r ~ •• \' !.1 .. 1. \\_,1,Jlf h,. ,,, ~..-a. It,• 11 th·' ''""M to:"l th• I• 111 "l 30 I' 11. ~11.\l:I ' th• 1 HUJ•ll" w11uld 1 '"• 'h •• .t1 11w t t ·nn• ttn11 '''\' t •1uld ' \ ;-.J.fl,!IT 1n ;L\\" M11vor CJora H iil s11ld In 11nnounc· t :S RO l"TE TO Pl.ASI': '"\\·,, arc prnu\I th11t tht-sf' nut-11n 111rplan1' when tht 11r r 1dent OC· ani.:t c 0 u 11 t ." • 11 form<>r liquor Vnn1J,.r l..Anill u id hi' hid bet• Hearl·ng Due '"" th1> upp<11nlmfnl:<, Mnd..t>Od Wl\11 en rc>lllll tu C"lllC'h SA!l:TA ANA. 10CNS1 -Or·1Be11r h r ll.fp 11l!\11chn~ rnen makt> N ewpo rt cur rr<1 His car reportedly ran al· l'hrf"f, Herman PRrrsl'. i" rennrte<1 R!llll'"'td bv 11llorne y •l'nf'ral Ed· '" :! ,,ti '" ':u• '"·· "''''"J.!> 1 ,... .-;.·· J ,.. W d d A~lll'h lhtlr h11me." she 1181<1 "WI' most undt>r the tr11rk . sht>l\rlng In i!l <WI' fnr nPw lroublr tn<ltry 1 munrl G , ,..,., 1 Rrown lo help '"J ft,'"" ~HC HI j-1 turu,•r .. , th(' es ay on 1 rr I I I e n know nur cltrZPOll w l I be honored thhP top or his 11uto o <·omp ctr v 1 n•t fllll. tho r ~ r rn Ar .~tat•• thP i<tat,. nru,.f't'utl' Pau11e on 1 .11, , , '·itn1uu,.:l1 u11 a \tlUJ'U~ I •hin t k ~,,.. .... " .... ~ ,. 1 ... , 1 I rnit i i.i I \,,,1, h<>d r·im-to 1 .. 11rn th11t th••y hav" a rreptl'd 1 ~llH'Lt>od, 11urfer1ng from bar bosr<l or ,.qullh7.atrnn nffir rlll WAI' r h:irge• u( '"arnprnrer rnnduct In ,.11., 1111,. itrrrk,. (<., 1111, 1111 ". our requr~t to rwr\'~ • lnJurtell for which x·r1y11 11rp bf'· J tnillrtetl twn 110,..,. b\' th" Or-11fft<'" • ThP "lt"nt ""lrl he wu ,.,. , .. .tmitt. 1 1,. ,.,11 11 oth••r "OnP or our flr11t r,..queiot11 111 for ~fort! the rrllllh orr urrrrl. to try 118 lrngthv ·prubi• ,,, hqu"r 11, ,.n~ .ri:arn•t l'Au••· rrom th,. Oranir• ~ th" r nmmlt lf''"" recotmml'ndatlon and prl"Yl!nl !l"'rlou11 lnjuru•~ H" · '· 1 .. t • !fl I ....... , ,.,.. • I "''"""'·' 1111 Yegg Suspects P l r.r. TOU . !'lf AS '.' In~ \it_ken. r1>prtrtedly LluC"kf'd JU"t llnJ(f' cou nt\· i:ranil Jllr\' tlunng Rrrrptrnc th.. '"',.. ... x h I b It I ,,. , 1 I , ,, 1 ~·. 11 11• 11111• trm r 1 1 I'll Hf' lltno•I 1n11t twtre nn 111m1· r .. un \' 111~tr1< t Ill nrn,.y I 0 r t • , ,, , ,, "" clh , fl• .. f l h• Ill w<1 ulil AS t o whl'lhl'r thl' dty 1<houi1J hlrl' tlld not recewe sn'' HC'l'rat nns IRr rh1ti;:1>s of rr.n.•prrRry 1,. ,-,IJ. 111 Ahl rn hlJO rr<>llttutl•m or lht ,, petroleum englneer for full-lime or rontu,.ron" H1~ l."rm•htrnn was iotrunt jta•tr-ft H~ ... "" nr q•arrt-'I ca ll" \"11nd• r 1.iom1 1111111 thf' ,. .... ,,, ••.••• u ll \h t\h•hr tly '1 tHt l C1"cero Touby ' n ,,..-.,,--.-... 1 ((.'ontlnuf'd on Pal'e 11) rPportf'd Ill' '"_1root1 " in both ("u .. ,.•. 14·rml.f h•• hr1111I b<'fflrf a 11ta lt - ('Al\t: (Tl'TI:\'(; T hu• wul1hn.: 1•al ·• J 11 l:1"l l:h• n pli<' nf n .. w. rs as J :llH' \\"11 h1 ;·., • :id l\ '1 1:1 ra11 r osrd as 1( t1b1JUI lfl 1•t1t ti 1111 tl11· I •i'<' !,·( h of tlw ~"II ht f.'li\mbn hefnrt' t h1·~· wrnt l11 i-La for til•· 1'l'r1 r.t11:1~· ~unday. ~talf l'hoto ------------- Man Claiming lnjur~· Off Diving Board Ask§ 83k~1 ~A:'l.IA ANA. OC'T. :!4 . tOC:"\:0:1 -:-:0,llc-t 1• n ,,f to hear testimony 111 !ht• tr. rl ,,f ~;,,111.1 , 111.• !11,.; .l.1 aj:am:-.t th<' Balbt)a Ray Cltt h "' :\1''\"J'••t l 1: .t 1 r> .Super11H· t 'ott rt tlC'pa rt mrnt ;, h 11' t • f:.h1 111 I .I 11111111111n I. :.: to11 \ _ 1 "' .. tty , · XAn I •·• a.:•• t t 1 .,, • 1 " ' r11t 1,.nt 111 \hf' J.rnt: 1:1 /\•h \1! "I l •lnll ll1••l 11111 1• Iii•' 1·1 Hllll ,,.,,, \\ (. T h·• :<• 111n llJ.: 1111<t th<' 1trfr1 ;'l II 11· t •I• 1111" frnm .. , 11111•..:r I • 1h'nl p~, ut rt"tl tl\' I LP'" l''"" I ., 1 •• "' ff'1•h • 1 .. h·~ 11w1n 1>111•;: ~t1f'L J!) 1!1.t l 1l 1w1•1• n I )" 11.i .11 ! ,,,. ... t '1 Ill I I " ~ t ' .. ti\., t • 1 f I • ~,. l ;, •• I ., I \ : II J ! • ' • n ,.,. • .1,. '""'' _,, ! ,,,,ct • • · 1 • ... I'~·· f ;\' 1•111 '' ( t ! •• I' ) I It I . l ..: t\i1.,j \ q 11 'I \i I f ,., .. 1. u ro •n; ~•t i .:.1 1·1 • I 11 I I lllfl f t f t'\f I.I' rt\ltlt hu t ~ n I .I .. I I I lh \\h• r l"1rn11n~:h.1nt Held on $10,000 1-------Tod11y. depUI\" llltotney R••nrt·· JWrll•lnnrl hosr.J hrllrlnr: o ffk l'r .~ . 11.1 "L I , ... Jll!,:1•1 11 11f n •Ill-'SAILORS OF WEEK' al LMl Van1lrr IA'lrlll tohl OC!'IS h•· ·•t Or11n., .. 1 · .. 11nt~· S11 ..... rror Court 11 • ",, 1111:hhn11 ~ in Burglary Rap h11ll b""n '"'"t 10 s 11n1a An11 ,,, :-;,,,. 111 II h t J: ''" k "'"' I I I !'l"l'IPt:Slll'.11 " . 1" ... :;.:,~·:·;· ;:~.~~.: ~·:·::. ,".'.~ ":r:t11~i.~i;:.~;an"~~:. ·;.~. ~~· 2~8 Jerry Samsel, John Hopkins, ~~:r::,~.u.~;",~".:·r(1:.,.·,,~,·T; ~.~.".r1(~.·~='.~.: .. ·".~~;::; :::;~;::: E: h;;~:~·:~~-'.'"?,:,~~ ,),, '1 t' • hq11111 1111.t n~k».t l•ir Hro n•l ~t an.i Rrr hKrd Tmabv I " : ·' : 1 lrnn J 1111 1•, • r lhl1< Y""' Th,. • ,,, .......... ,,,H II c r .• , ... 1111 :n. lf'll "~u11,·rtnn A,... l'n1<t8 p·1cked for Repeat Honors van•lf'r ,,,.n.• Wiii' ...... n '" '''"· •u•p··n·I'•" .... II ... IMu ... s wh"ll th .. :1 .. , ... th· m1H1 1111111 thl' ~I P'<:1. was t<.• l for 2 p nl Or t r .. r.•111'" ··•1th llCf'lll\" •11,t r1•·l bl · I t " h I I h I t I 1 I 1 " " 1:r11n• Jll1~·~ 1•r• lll'n "" w11 •v. k•'• "I 1•111 \\"II ,. '·'""'' I " 26 hy Jud~·· t: (' ('ravath. l\lt t111n<•y .. (lpw111 .. l"hllt1P11•.n unrl ilrn<f' h\' lhP AltM nl'V r;l'nl'ral'• 'I •1 ' >11.11·1•·1 hf• 1"ill ilk '1· trno f11r Jud•'" [)(111nld J. l l<>•l"r I I k •• .. ,..~ ,.. \V1ttrh • ch11rm Gu11rct J t>rry 18-0 1n ll prRrlll'" r c.nl1'11t l't11n lin11M 1; .. 111•1 ,111.i h·· \\>Ill 11((11 r 1111<11t'd 1111 1n'11r tm .. nt of I '' • ' 11 • " " 1n X!'ll"f"'' t ,'11•t1r r 1'11111 t <lor 1n" ,.. · S11m~rt. 11pf1Rrl'nlly out for 11n S11 m1<PI \\">11' ln111·rt••ol flt lhl' t111 nrn.: ovl'r t•1 th•• 111 ln rn• ~ cPn· I hr· vl'l••1 11n liquo r 1111·n11,. nfflrlflL '\: 1 t: t.: • .a:r... ...I\ 1 t;;...o I •11 1111!: 11111''111 "' lhf' (l'l II F'rlda y A 11-S11n~l'I Lt11g11,. berth nn the TA 111· mu1rllf' llnr•bnrhl'r poi<rt 11111 1•1 A I'~ "' fu i> th•• ••-ch1h11 ~ rr .. m l 11111111 I A ti •1rn,.v'11 111flrf' drpu• 1' \\ ,,,. •:ii·; ·•~'IJ:lllll•nl 111 ••111"011 hn~UI or hrio l<Olad, rOnllil1trnt pl'r· 1-~riday when lhr 01ln11' i.c11rry-111 .. 1'1111•,.. r.1 .. v1•r l •111 k 1n• •11.~f' 1, .. , "'"''!hi' ll•'W ('Ill\,. I Rl tnllt ''t°'••n ' 1 i• 11 ! "''1 •1 c••·l 1 1 1 •1non11 h '-J k ':q w11_~ !lf't A I .. t'll <" fm rnll Ill'«'. nnol 1·u1t~"d H11 lfbsr k Ing b1> II ca1 rrpr.• 11 pre11 ri .. 1 t" "" ''" 1n11 R :<;,1nt11 A 1111 Jilk,. l111X 1'1111,.. h11.• i:rr•wn •1111 nf & re· ". "' >I •tllnh~ "l't h t d " I ,,. v11111 !I """"' 11rr<>11e .lllhn Hopk rn11 w "r•' tn<lay naml'il m:ik11111 a "'"ve11( thl" le11k y .-,nt 111wrntor. hR d ""•'n 1nillrt,..J v.llh 11on1111,.111!Ftt1•111 hv S11p('rr11r Court 1·"' '• 1'"1•1 , rh1rn1 '1 ·ri.,>pf'ra t1nn or 111" J'\t•W· :->ewphtt HR rbor High ~khool or hoe and h1r1tel.v l!lll't'l'Nlc(I rn l'.111"" on '"'n~p1rot1 1· • hA•I!•" "\"· J111t11 .. F'rswkl1n \\"f'l!t m11•lf' r1ur · 111• 1 111~·· :·•I \ -:l o h 11011 t'osla Mt!l'a J'n· "!'<111lorll or the ~·p .. k" for their lll<'mmini:: thl' 1111•' ... 11r•·1t11h1rlt1•. 111 l h•· '"-'lllln1,. 1ni.: th• '"11Rlh\' l'RUl!I' • IJoCk in• '· ' " 11 '·,. 111· .. llc•p:11 ;nwnto and lht' (lr'Alli.t<' ~howrn~ II Ji?. II j n i<t H11nt1ngton Hopkin~ llrorP<I lht winning '>f a liquor lr•i>n~" tn 11 :"1•w prn l lri11I • \• • '" 11 11" 1'1' tnl\' l'hu1f t,. 11ff1rr flr l t2 Rrnr h f'r11111r nti:ht Th,. Ter8 tour hrlown,. for the ~11llnr11· ""' 1 1' '' t· and • h:in:• I w11h bllrR.IRn:t1ng won thr g1tm l' IJi-13 to remain cond S11nset Lt-ai:u1> vlrlory. hoth •r •l !11o t • • '"''II I lr_h: 1 t. r t"n•t11 ~le"·' F urnitu re ~lfli!' unh,.,r•rn In lrinp plAv 11n l"ni: h111lllll lhr1111gh thr mill· ' 1 i I 1" 1 ! 1'-, • ., .. rr11·" f.,q:rni: 11 'h"' k 11t11lrn It WR'< th,. 11~ronr1 time 1hr11 rile nf thr !<<"rllpfly H unt1ni;rtnn I ' •\ \ l J,.! ' } \\ I \\ dtJI ' I I 11 , .. '' 1 I J \ f I ·' I h " 1"'11 ' ! ' ' 11 JI '"•Ill lh• I" and rallhm~ H 111 ~8•110 S11msr l and Hopkins h11w• Bt'il<"h 11rld IC'llm 1 Fn1 11dt1ttlonn l 1 '• · ' •' II •tr' l11• l:111.1 ~ L ido ~l a1kPI hrPn ~" h onnrNI b,· thP S111lor ~fl"rl~. ~"" Hnrl><>r !'port•, Pa11:t~ i: '' '' 11' '1 1 ••" lt•i: "11•'1 '·1 l "'" 1 "·'~ a111••lr•t h,.-!l.:ew-'""1htni: •tA!! It mark.-d thl' ~ ... I 11nt1 2. P11rt 2 I $28,000 BUDGET SET FOR '55 CHEST DRIVE •• I • • I , .... ,. , .. , 11 ... I B· I h r·•hC'I' And Tnuhv \\all rflnil """l< \n l\ I nw Horkm!I Wll!I '' 1' ' ' h: \. r' "' 1 , !«·•I 111• ,,. Omni;<' \~11n1 ' llo!I· •rh·• tetl u11tM11nt1ro~ h11r k Ht ~ ' • • '' •' ,•.al \\ •·. • h,. v..·,,.. rPr~1Yln,st "'"~ tnhbed A28•n"t CAlrforntA I • I I I' I 'I , .. HALL, DEIN NOT 'HEP' ON CATS Th4" lllM btulit"l !o r thl' :'li4"W· J nhn V 't"f'ft nt !I;,. w p n r t '· . ·I' 1111 • 11 f11t tnJllrr~" 11llt'gt'•ll) wh"n t hr ('ondn1 JO h11ndt>tl the ' ' ' ., • '' · n 'JI rr t tn A h J:h1 fo1" th"lr Jonf!" f)nf fl'At 1 • '" ·r . .'': 1 1 . ,", I'• 1, 1,.1 t"•ll\' out nn hlli !'< 1m•,.J, I~() lbl' n! 11t11nrc fury 1 n ii l'm '""r' 11a11 .. t1r .. rhuq:.r "R' m11~t11 nll1n~ hnl'm11n Wh"n • l-•1 .. r.1 011< 1;1.1t th .. p.11r n11i:h t hP !':;ulor11 1Jpf,.11tro<J Munt1>hrlto • I • I ·" t l n:il:.-"" PSr"A('" 11ttemr• 11ort 1i111 b .. r c .. mmunrt\' Che~t. I HPl&:hlll ~111<1 T ... rr .. nr,. ()frar.-rio p h I I H II an•I Int". r1tll11 for S28 OQO 111'<-nrdrnR "Th" l'<1mmun11\' 1·n-.t •llp- a ti) Arthur Torranr~. <nrl't pr•~•· 1 por l.JI ••Ur 11wn l11r1tl , .. .,111 a nd r>•·t1~h1 • O<tn flf thp !°\f'W• •1,.nt T h,. Bo~r<l .. r D1r,.C'l•1rs h~s r h1tr1111hl,. nrr:11n11.at1nn• In •p· I'"' I B• "' h p11J•rP f11fC'I" "t'l f' I t l11\f'•I i;1111'111y tn tt-~ hntll" or •111m ... 1 M111 Krnn 1>th G. ("oohn11;. rrovlni: n11r b11di:f't (llOllt•l•1a 11on r ,, , I I • ( 1: ·11 \\ h1I~ '" • url F'11<111y OfrH'l'I': , · 11r 11 th"n r0 ndr11ff~•I "hrlr lt.r\ . \\ '' R H F:dwRr•t.<. :Il l (';rft n l ·•~ ra mp11lgn <·h111rman. A1111i~t 11nt 1 1io g av"n nnlv to th" ''"'l k artu-Oran9e Now 16,667 "11n11t 'h111rm11n "' F.t1w11rit Milum. who I 1111." •lt>n .. •n tht• ('(Jnlm'lll t' Th• ' \l'l 11;•'1 R f'lll T l·r 1111 I • C"ty p I t" l11u1 fo r m any ve811 hr ,.n 1o11t· H .. 11ri1 , r . rn r,.q0,.,. 1 .. ,.11,,"" a \t ', \ I 11r1Mr•'" l>f'fu:r JuJ~" L'111\•11lh I '•' ._ I rt 1 ~ \t I., I opu a IOft '"' 11tdl Al l11q:r . tiut H11 1t ho . • • •t11nrlrn11; All • ll'Stll'r rn ~·011th ,,. Af•f1W1nf( that !hf' ir.r.n•>"• j(l\"l'n 11 brHlh· hllt"n l'&Od ron•I Drtn I ·., 1 1 •ti , ··I ... • ... Ji t( Jt tlr.A:'l:(:f:, OCT 24 1(){·:-;i::1 11\"ltlt ll 1n th<' HArbnr "'"II Th" wa11 lJI tlir,.,t pmpt>'l'll11n ,.., the ,. 11 ·1 11 Rni;:r·,. fl!lf\Ul lltlnn ha" ~\\'f'llf'ct 1 vannuio ~rrnlrhr" R,.v .. lam"ll ~. Sll'W11rt. pMtnr nf 11r•11a l lrtt 111 "llf)l'n1M1t 11n'1 11rrom· .. r 'I• ·1 Circulation 1°1· •:zn• J'l'r..an:'I In th!' 111 .. 1 two I I SI. Anllr<'W'• I' r I' !I t1 \ t .. r 'II n pla•hml'nl-.. 1'l'•1' \\ • l~·f t~k.n rrnll.. \1•11r~ If' rPBrh II lfltlll nf 16,66-:' Drunk DrivinCJ Rap c·h11rr h of Jl:pwµort Ut••h ... frr .•1 Mr,. 1· .. 1111n11: Whrt hkro h~l'n llll • : 1 I •1 t 'i · "h F:"' r y T d ,1,.1 ~""" ~l nyor r>: .1 Rano!l,..k rl'· j vi<'l'·flrl'11l•lrnl 11f th" l)Q11rrl Mr ~ 11f'lll'" lr11•ln rn t"hl' W nm11n'1 <"!•· h ,. l'I :-.. I'". H."11 h.01 I 1111" hy 0 ay port I'd t1>1iny C'har ll'A A T11rker. t:t Mnntl' fulph T1rnctnw11k:v. club 8n•I I IV\(' I'" l..t'llRllf". 1nrl who IA •l•n """' u t • ., 11c 111• "' 1• 1•1r t>;g Thr rr1111 rlNlnn nf a "l'<'Clfl l r en· rs tn thl' ro11nty Jllrl r .. 11 .. w1n1t 1 sradl"r or Lrdo IJllP 1n ""'"Ori v1r~-lr"ll.•tarPr (rq th" r rty or :-;,.wrnrt I ,,'ii hP1 h \\ h ... J •r• P I (t 1 t • l ••111111t "•'l"'llh "'"I •,I •I •J 1 I k• I> Fl.in 1'1 r"ll1n1t 5810 "" R"'"" thl' <'•'Y a 33 fl<'!" r f'flt ht .. ar rrl't R11tur<111,· r,,r 'hunk pr,.Al<1tnt Orrin \\'r1~ht Bnlhn11 B<>a•h, 11111'1 · ynur rrr,.n•h and pl•'... r•, ..... 1;. 11 .111 I' ••il U•· -"'" o\'r t 12463 J'f'l!IOM rrpott<'<f rlnvtns:: on !l;rw f'<>rl Blwl Ht• Willi l~IAnd. '" •"r r .. l.tH\'·lll'flJ\llf"r f•·r 'nMi:htl'•l/I Wiii 11111 Ill \11111 hom• •, ,,. , .. 1 .. h11r.J111I 11! 1111• . nd I• •k j llarrni= lh" sper 111I rt'n31lll tAl<t>n 'ttlflf'"rl by .. 111te hlc hw11y pAtr.,I· lhf' n1~Am~11t1nn-,.. Pr""" r h,.tr m ,.n lnr "'"" <''1nl11but1nn l'l thl' Com · • ,,. H·· ~"d h•· t:>-•11.,11 th"m hy Coples j" J11nP. 111:iJ. anti a 6~ pl'r r .. nt men snd lurnPr1 n\'e1 '" !'<i:t 1nrluil,. th" H,.v f)()n11M '; ~"l'l' nr11n11v l "ht-ar •v.hrr h 111 alM a !'ri;llt th.-lh· ·11~11ntl \\" •••o:S::1>1'lf'rl h" I ~a1n 1n poflul1t1on 11tnC't the re1· 011v1r1 (" Gregg ot lht Coat.a potor nf H~lbna l•l11n•I ('11mm11-1rnntn b11t 1<>n tn yn11r o wn com• 1 'o to Ha fur t lilt cer.emony and --------------war ceaau. ot A pril. 1~. • 1 Mtf& police. 1 ftlty M1t.bodat c.. .arch, a nd Mr• mwu~.~ t 1•( llllUlh•' .-11n11> <'I. 11\ ., !• T h• pllllnt rcr. thn.>u~h hfl 111 -T1111J i~ ""<1'"''"'1 ,,, •~·• ~· .Warren J. i...n1 ol Loe1 t.Ja~·a. .. S IX YEARS OLI > -and P:1t S1~ith inntcc..t' her teach- c·r. ~!rs. \'1rgi11i;.1 Es11 1b.11'. 1'1 1t 11ds (11 :\ J1<1 rtv Od. 20 at lh1· honk ,,r I:· r 1 a r vnt.~. '.\Ir. and ~lns. Hussl'll C. ~mil11, ;,j o I \\'1•s l Oc, :111 Front. f.:\·C'r~'<1l1l· w as 111 cCIR· t umL· for th1· g 11hl111s' 111uur. Cristunw 1•nZ<·s wrnl to Joar1111• l':tt1I as r\pac h1• d;11 11·1·1-. ni11st 11riginal: Lnr- r nin1· Pttton . f:nry, Jtn •tt11·'-'l . J a n il'f' Smith. t1){er. sc·an C'sl . Jul1••·11 I l11bb:-, Plu111 th1• pup. funn1c•st : J e\y Burnham ;11111 ~l y1a .J11hns•11l, ~yps11•s, ti1' for f:lncil.'sl : I t4I II II ... \.REF.Tl~\ ;s TO S\VEI H.;:\' \\'1·re maik•ct to Zontians 11( that r111mtr~· .1s a fe·atur1· 111' t h~· Z11nb1 Dist rict !l c t>l1\'1•ntwn hl'ld hl·1·1• t•·i 1·11tlr Dts triN pro.w('l 1s aiding a Jckgat1u11 fnern t h:tl l'Ollnt1·y to attend t he mll'rnatinna I 1·111wf'nt 1011 111 S1111 \'allf':; nf'xt yea r. IA•ft to right arP ~lrs. Earl ~tanlry. Mn\·ention r ha1rma11: ~IJ·s. J ;11 i< E:istlit k. dis lrit•t prcstdPnt . ~liss ~f il<lrf'd <'1 :1nilalt. t n •a'-'IH«·r of ~mt a Interna- tional ancl f'nst '.\l ,t:;ll·r l l. T':iynC' Thaya. ~tnff Photo Harper P-T A Hears Supt. Everett Rea Jan Astor. Mexican senorita, most t ypical. Pat's mo· ther, her grandmother, Mrs. Mia E. Wilton, and Mrs. Loreta Frick served refreshments after the gam.e of "meow" and opening of gifts. Oth(•rs attending were Denise Barbeau, Carolyn Butler. l\:alhy French, Es- ther McCoy, Sharon Smith. Patlilee Waidelich, Mary Renaker, Caye Day, Barbara Frick, Carol Anderson, Mary Lutes and Kathy Anderson. -Staff Photo NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1955 PENINSULA POINT GROUP \ PLANS CHRISTMAS DANCE TIH• 131'1 Vue I.an" m·1ghl>orhuo1J group 11f l'eninsula f'<J1nl AS:hw1at1"11 111:.111~s .. .i plan!I f•1r" l'hri!ltm•~" d1nn"r tlarwe ftlr 'he 11iu.•1c1at '"" wlwn lht•y nl<'! nt the home "( Mr~. E:ucenf' 011\law ·11 3 Gel Vu.-Lan" The dnn1 •' wdl tw h••ltl 111 :-.=.-w11(11l H arbor Yat'hl Club hut nu <IBl<' ha" bl'f>n S<'l Playground pJ,11111 wtr" flll<o on the agenda &JI lh" Cl'OUI> ft>,.Ji; om· '" badly ni>P.dl'd rnr the ,...,.lion. Equtrm~nt I• a vail· 1d)l•• hut l'f•..i11· '' at 11 pr.·m111111 Amnn;... lh"~" l""~•'n1 ,,.,,JO. M1111.,, Edwatd Kusl>y, Jo•.-ph 1:r11lhu11. J ••h11 All<·n :.twh:11 t S L<1t1man IV, Lew11t A. K aan. C'har lnll•• Jt U111Jh1JJ .\'. F1-,11 k Mau•halt, \\'1lhan1 f'lnd1 &n•I lkl ty llltlll'lt. The• :0.:11\'l•mh• r ,., ~~11·11 11111 bll Ill the homP nr Mrll, Loh· ma11 H)6 B "t Vu" l.11rw ,AND DINNER PLANS College Faculty Wives Institute New Sections FOREIGN SPEAKERS FOR CdM WOMEN'S FELLOWSHIP Tt'd ~Cong of Holland, nephew of Mt.. Freida BeUn· fA11te, "'ill be one of tCA•o 11p~ke1'11 wben UM Women'• Fellow· -llhip of Corona del Mar Community Church hold• a luncheon 8(-atlon Wednesday, 12:30 pm. In the itOClal ball, Mrs. Arthur Kem~r will preside a,nd M,... Stuart Diehl will l.ntroduce the •pc-a.kere. DeGong Is a student at Ora.nge Cout Oollel' .. He came ovrr w ith Miu Bellnfant.e, who apent 80me tlme thla aummn In h•r native country. Knowtng no llnrtlM. wtlhin atx week• wu apeaklng It fluently. The other •peaker wtll be Sam Jeya.heva from Ceylon, now with lhe department of pognphy at UCLA.. Girl.a ff'Om the mualc dt'partment ot Cout Coller• will .inr. Lunch eon will be aerved by the Friendly S ervice (l'OUp. AT CIVIC LEAGUE Parks and Recreation Tie-in Says Director "Thert Is a n~d to educate the public to see lh<' t ie-In oC parks and recreation", said Ru- bert Gingrich, ntw city parks 'and recreaUon director, when he llodressed 1:50 members of the \\'oman'e Civic League on Oct. 18 at the Villa Marina. Gingrich atated hi• octlce le now 1n the process of preparing a complete mllp o( the Harbor area which wHI 1how all city owned property which can. and some of which will, be ust'd fo r parka and recreation purpoal's. This tying m ot pArks and re· creation is important, he 1ald. becaute the acquiellion a.nd ex· panaion of better facillllea for the city will benefit not only youngatera w ho SW!m and play ball on the beachea b\lt alao the At Governor's Conf ere nee on Traffic, Safety Mr. and Mrll. N. L . McLaugh· lln. 19110 Tustin Ave .. Co~ta Mr11a , returned lut week f rom Sacra· mento where they attended lhe governor's conference on traffic and safety. McLaughlin has egam betn ap· pomted by Mayor George Vermll· iJon of Long Beach as general «hairman of SD fsafety driving) Day btrau11e of his outstanding wo rk of last year. The Long Benrh program received nation.al 11ttrntlon and MctAughlln w a a lauclPd at Sacramento. The Co:ita Mesan 111 flr11t vice pre:11dent of the Long ~ach i<afety councit-and chairman 0( ·~ safety committee. Is also ex· ecutlve 1ecrelary of the New Cu Dealers Aseoclalion o r Lone Beach. League 'Coffee' at Berry Home Women from the Newport Heiithts area. were gueat.s at one of lhe aeries of "coffees... 11pon· sor.l by the Woman'• Civic Ua· 1tue of Newport Beach Oct. 12. at thr home of Mra. Mel B"rry, 501 Cliff Drive Mra. Robert Mar- shllll, member11hlp ch11irman of lhe le11gut. spoke on lhe history llnd organl:tation of the club and reUr.d peopk who enjoy a game of •hutfieboard or a walk ln the park. A report from the waya and meana committee Indicated a profit ot aome $230 reali.ed from the cake anll pie booth at the lobeter Mlle. Thia will be turned ovf!r to the Youth Center P'und to be UMd aa needed. Seventy two new members were introduced. Halloween Fete at Legion Hall .Amertu.n Le r Ion AWtlllary Unit 291 I• aponeorlng a Hallo- ween wpper dance Oct. 29 in the American Legion Hall. l~th St. and W. Bay Avt. 9:30 p . m. 1t 111 open to the public and pri.ea will be awarded tor cOlrtumea. Proceed• from th• benefit al- fair will ro Into the tthablllta- tlon tund UMd each month to en· tertaln dlaabled vetu-11.na from the Long Beach Veteran• Ad.ml· n.istraUon Ho1plt.al at lunch and an alternoon of entertainment. Mu11ic w11J be by Bob Arthur snd hia band. Costumee ue op· tlonal. statt s dance committee genera.I chairman. Mni. Ralph Bonda. Other members of the committee are Mme11. !Wbert J Briggs, Herman J ohnson and Fred H. Jo,vner. The auxlUary entertained die· abled ve terans Ot•t. 19 Cor lunch and entertainment. Thia was a 1peclal party as Commdr. Frank D. Moore Jr .. and flnit vlce-prealdent, Ralph Bonds, wbo are a.180 life-honorary membera.of the a uxiliary. were ln charge of the party with the women asliaUng. Burnett in East Woody Burnett., 1912 W. Ocean Ftont, wfU be vacaUonlng for th.ree week• In Washington. 0 ,C .. Baltimore, .Md. and Bluefield, W. Va. He 1a formerly from Blue- field and wilt be visiting frlend1J and relatives In the cttJes. BE SURE -INSURE w1tll KAUJUE 8 TA...Vl..EY l.luwaace OnJy Phone II.arbor Z•'7• 1116 E. Co&at HJsbway Corona del Har outllned pllln11 for the future. MESA Pre11ent were Mmes. Fra.nk ClendPnen, John !Wlh, C. R. Ca.r-UPHOLSTERING . JylP J. B. Quisenberry. L . 0 . Ne!-u-1o 19•--'-• o l'lans tn frn 111 vtt11<1u,: "" t111ns I 11n1I their huRhanll:< brfo1 P the · ' L W S h _,_ E 1 G d· ..-o ..,....,, • rapery h h ()(". , ·1 I ,..., 9 't son. . . c on.,,., ar oo lllO lll-t. Blvd Coa•-.. _ "'"'r nn l ,, ni:•ndtt w "" .., .. 111stm11.• ,,1111c "II••<'<' ... rm· Do Id Th H B ~r .. - Fae ult\ \\'".''' I ·1111> lllC't 1'11,.:<· bet:< nf th•• <'Omrn1llec in C'hal'ge Drum. nll.,.. d lokmpsJon, C; . U1*tJ 1-''7111 I " .. I ' I r t ,1 ... , awson. .. re er c . 1eary, ~=============-:!. , ey, o11. i,, 111 l "" lllnl•' nf •• 11s. u a11an~c111c11 s lll'" ,, mes .• ,or· H La Rb t M h U \\. H d K d I arry u. o er ars a , B:c~11 l'l'lo!l son in ('l1fr llu\·rn Oll\I\ lll.'Ull. OW lll ar. An J h N tr d M I B \\ 1\h :l~1 1UP111b .. 11< p1 <'-•·rll ~\s:<1.•I • m h1•1 t o ,h11i "' · 0 n e an e err_J_" __ _ 1ni: th1· h11~11>~s "'"''' :'ll n•··~ \\'ti· 'T'l11• prni:1 a111 was prt's<'nleol by / Jivm II l'll\'OP x .. ,,11,1n \\'t1t1'11n, .\11 s \\'11113111 Kh11es. whn deS('l lb· N FAC Cl b , J11111 .. ,. ~·1l1,i:t>1 alol. "'"" \\'11l1am •'<i Mi-x1u1n fnlkwa~·s a11cl talked ew U J~•rtl•'• of h"r ~un1mcr s~ h"nt cxperiencr I \'~r .. ,~1:~l'l1 ... n, '" 11(' "·•111.·d th1~ 111 :.1ex11n {·11y Hears Kroll ,, " 1111r1c-."l"rl m,.mhl'r!' w 111 l- inrt1111.. Hr1 11:.-H•r11 .. n. t .. nwN F C }t Wives Every third person married In I •1'1 th(' lh111l \\'ptlJ\f'l .. l:w "' lhf' a ll y California ends up in a dlOn'Ce. 110"nt11 w11h ·""' n i,11 .. , 1 fl:<bornl' j f H • } S h } Josl"ph R. Kroll, counsellor of in 'hArcP ~··wmi: ~f'1·1 1nn, to 0 1g 1 C 00 family r1>l&tlons at O.C C. told • h ~ . , . El h' ·. •"'wpo11 a1 nr High Srhool j l e newly for med evening aec- WATER HEATERS SAUS, HlVICl eftd UPAIU Joe P§:;~jo/J fHMS 10 PU CENT DOW't 'he•• H•r-UM Say It With Im""' nn lh• fo111 1h Th111io•lt11·l'1 ,. H h h " 11 .!i s. UP18ld h~ 1111 c """ "" lit , \\'l r~J b t ti lion of the ""-!day Afternoon mon The1 l' will i·~ ;in nri:ani7.R· r ae 1 h .\ h Vl \l . 11 mr rtcen Y r ,. ~ ... 11 t t ,. omr "''onnm1r11 cottage Club llt their f1r11t meeting lut Jowers t 11111111 nwetmi: nf I 1" hwik ~rr-1 ,. b Thur·"ay night a t th clubh ._ W'r• 111,11 "" :-\ni• 1 ,0 ""' !';hrn r nn I 1" ··111111111• .,rw mem tors "" e ouae. ... 1 t 'Ii ( . "'"I'! wrlt onird, inclu<lmg: :.1 m rs Introduced by pro~am chair-Party Rental Items 1 , 'fh•~r~tt~;m:er~;,,,,:-1,r~hA IJrna:~',:11 \\ 1·:111 '' Bnvu. Ler Rosch. J,.hn Rn~<'. mlln, Mn. Gunning Butl.-r, Kroll .,0• 8 C 1' 1 \\'1lll11m. !'tr11''· J nh'1 Ro11tl,.d,11:e 11howed a moive 11nd told of the "Y., · oo.!f H y., <:orono drt Ma~ Iceland Taik at Mesa Grange Highlighting the meeting of the COllt.& Meaa Grange, Mrs. Robert Garrett. Mesa resident and native of lc~land. gave a graphic talk on ber nati\'e land. She brought with her a number of native product.a, wood can•ing, hand madt> jewelry, allverware, pkturee and 1 Yorkers Wt're hoiue J?'UUt• nt Mr. ceramlca for uae In demonetral· •nd Mrs. Rralllf'v H ugh,.9 who lnr btr talk. m ore th1 n 20 y~ar11 a1to hl'IJ'f'•I Grange Maater Don Steam1 I the Ullles organ.l&e Alr11t·hln prealdt>d at the business 11eseion. Orange. Among the ruut1 Wl're Mr. arM Final r•por·t,. were irivl'n nn Ml'9. &bert Wardlow of Winter•· the rf<'ent fall basaar and dln- burg Grange. Wardlow la maat•r ot the P omon• Orange and slate rrance deputy ror thl1 di•trlcl. Preaent al!o were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lillie ot Alp•chln. N. Y .. and Mr. a nd Mrs. Wtlllam Arthur who accompanied them. Thr New Mesa Jobies at San Gabriel Over 40 Job'a Daug-htera oC Bethel 11'>7, COl!ta Mua vtelted Bethel 143 In Sa.n Gabriel Jut on Oct. 15. Tbe meeting convened at 10 a. m. in the Slln Gabriel Muonlc Temple w Ith Donna Hamilton, honored q u e en ot Bethel 1~7. presiding Jointly wHh Carolyn Call, quetn of Bethel H3. Each office wu occupied by two glrle, one from u ch Bethel, Mesa. girls aervlng u courtesy ottlcera. Other Visiting glrl1 &1· elated ln the choir. Mn. Dean Smith. guardian, Ralph Hl"rr, auoclale gu.udlan. Mra. Willia Sanger a.nd Miiia Nancy Hill, council members. al- IO attended. After the 11eaalon Jobie members, guardian.a and gueall were aerved luncheon . Bethel 157 recently obaerved "go to church Sunday''. Lead by Donn& Ha.mUton end Carol Cratn. aenlor prlnoeas, 3.9 Joblea In their robt'.a or the order attended SL Andrew's PresbytHlan Church to tiur Rev. Jamu S. Stewart·• sermon on "Humility". O!Clcer11 and member11 of the Orange Coast Chapter, Order nC De Molay, helldl'd by Edward L. Anderl!On, mutt>r co1UH'1lor, al10 attended t h i • C'hurch Berv1ce wearing their robes oC th .. order. ner and It wu \'Oted to buy a garbage dlepoll&.l ror the lutchf't\ with the pr(l(•e.-d11. Mr. and Mr11. Ha.rolol Kyl,. repreaented t h • grangl! ll!I altl'rnate clrlegllte11 at the 11ta tl' convention In Sacramen- to on Oct. l~. The n1>xt me1>tln1f '"'111 be pot - luck dinner on Thur~day. A Hll· loween pe.rty !JI planned for Sat· urday, A prue and award• '''r lhe beat coatumea wm be~lven. APO~ T /Z.,/ .. CORONA DEL MAR HAllRtlllltJl9 Second lit Week T BSI ! Ti111IJ ! UrtlU11 l PLUS "WYOMING RENEGADES" With l'btl <'atty In TM"hnlrolor LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN• S IARIEI SHOP llALBOA THEA T1lE BLDG. B.\l..JK>A ()pea Tueeda.1 lbrv SaluNlay Holly Visel, expert in the ART of SINGING-TEACHER of ACTING 120 experience in instructing all ages. Available for Programs for service clubs or organiza- tions. Call Har 2690-R before 9:30 a.m. F. R. HERMAN, M.D. .Announces His Return from the Armed Forces to Resume the Practice of Medicine Tustin Ave., Newport Phone Liberty 8-7282 Beach Evt!rl'lt A lt1'.1 "up1•rmt1•11d· 111 n f ('n!-;\<1 :.te~a 11n1f1cd ~chool district w :1s 1ti1• 111:1111 :-1u·:1k11r ::i t lhC' first mr1•tmg of the Ha ljH't' r .T,\. 11 .. l•'J•111t1•d t he 11• :tl'1' :\Ill'\ 1·hilJ rPn e n- rolled in (.",1s1a :i.t,•sa ' lt\1• l'le m i ntary :<C'l111.1!~ ;incl llarprr hll''" ;i d1n11• ' f •r I 11•1111\· 11·"·•·" ~.:h'l<'l h .l<ol h7!: f i 1 f•f ''' I htl ,, T' F.nrh <'f fl\1• \ ,tt• ... ,f,, ·'111 .. , !t\l('h fl~ 1 I ti'\ f/!IJ' I \1 tf\-.t I 'Attnn, • 11ttH ul•1• •• •· '"" , •• "'11 '11 1''" f'·111' ll'PI <' lllMlr• 1" and F.olwar•I :->Pwl11nol, lwork of the colh~ge. Family Ser-Harbor 5071 I HomPQU ~r the ~Minit "~~ vice Ait~cy ~It ~II o~n ~n j ~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~=~~~~~~~~~=~ 1 ~tm,.~. Su1ney O&v1dson. Jo~~ph ~fftr~ at 308 No. Broactway. San· 1 1 -------- ,, "1 , ..... i,:. l 1'11·"'1"1 ll<il11•it One B1.rthday. Hitmblet Ht•bt•!l MRl:"l\U!ISOn. Ar-l lll Ana on /'\ov. l . The pUrp0Sf'1 I'.·' J "! '1 111' ""'1' "'I t '" "'"eu· , thu1· \\'t1n.1 1en11 l.t>!lhc Meller. ot the agency will be lo help llndr r f\I)•• tJ, t•{ • , H 41 .... .,,.,, t l • l'<'h"1)f< ',.,. f1•1 •'~" 11.1 'I'• f 1P t t'Rl1 -'"'JH 1 • rt • • ' , 1o ~.: t' If .... 1'J\11h •!tn t t ,h I t ',It lll't'n :111 1cc·1.!1•nt 111 "hi. h >1 • h 1 I !111 • 1,, .. '1 111.111i • I \\ llllk T111,FTllt H R• ,, hJ • 1 n. 1. ,,, r •• ~111 I 1 • t••/P h•t,_ I' \\P k t .. i,:.,'l•' ,, : tl'• 1 hll.! ~ \I'• lfo1" hv •v i• 1 ·111..: \ti· t• rm .1•1, n re ... 1 1 h 1• ,.. I q 1· hll1!11... I " 1 ' I I I•~ I It" i:·~"I 1111:•1, .. t: h ll•t'-Ill •.; lfl .. htll\ ftr h.t\ft ti ._11 \ I "" J'l,t• \ •d lr)C (t•1 h It\ It 't' 11! tl\ t 1•1it!11 I• hA,kgtu'\ttt JH1•! I \ .f•\•l•I\'\. en· d • '; ... ·1· 11p 1•1 1 •• J1·! 1 l n • ·~c·lud1; c I f .. \\ft .Ht ')H l'i\lllln! 'I , 11 • \1 I • •hold ,.,. • \\. 11. t• ~· I . II· I 11 l . ""''•'"" ,.~ 14. ~.t I:. I ,. •t • , ', ' ·' I t I 11.c 1h lf 11 Ii< 1\ll I•· 'I f\•r-nn..:~•n ! ,,.,, ... ·1 ,q • • ..... ..-~\ 1 • °".-l • t • "" l•l' 1<' I lll1..: I "t:T:o-111 111. t. T "'I""' h I I< <'II 'l•' t •'A• h 4\fl• h H • 11 1' T \ r 1p .. 1• ... ll J , •..... n:• t f~,... t l • • I 1(1~<\. 11 hll•'i:• ! "l j I \I ~· , rrrtl'•! r1 '" n ,. ·~ 11 .... ,. ·1' "r z: II' I t h" r lr !.:· n' ~olri:111 nr. Mrll. Bt'tty Jl'nk~. rr· ct am chair· !» "' II" 11 •11 11· T p . Ro1<einr 1:>tr11 .r.,hn1 F'reley of l familles work out lhrir own .,. " I oi lJI I )..li•l••I,, IJl;·lll Iii· WO art1es· Jh .. t:n;:lbh ""f'Artm('nl showed problt'ml!. A trained CHS!' wnrkei 1'" I lh•" 1• '" hi·i-. j(.,J>,.l l 1•11lnrro1 1oh1lt•s nf h.-r trip to Hol-Will be in t he office lh l'h \t !'1111111 .. 1:a1 .lt\"t rn.t ~lur .. ,.1 .. 1 .llln•· 1·.,r:n1nn. i-::11 Ian<! twn v••arii n~n whpn she Chairman or thf' new sect1011. ·.11 · I .r • \, ""'"' »11"•• l••11ee 11 r111ni l'la." C"MR .\(. ·t1 \\11.• w11s llrl "xd1an1?•• tei1cher. Com· composed m osll.v of rec.-nt gTll· .\ 1 11 "' 1111 l 11·• """· , 111· h11111•1Pe .I\ t\\11 h11l !\1h11· pa1111•~ millee.s ll llt.l plRni1 wtre formed duate11 ot the junior club. l!I Ml"8. "' er , c ·111 1~1 .. pl "' < 'nl11rn· 111.-1 w~1·kc•11>1 (',.l,.l11 at1n1. hn fut 1 hi· rarult y 1 'hi·i~tma!I party M. F'. Aufder. Heide Ho11l.t>1111e11 I '' lh:h 11°1 ;11 11< ;ll.11 e.111111> !"h.1· 111111h ll11111ve•1!>.t1 \, 11 ~'""I' 11f 10 bl' helct i;hortly bef•ire ll<'hOOI for the evening w ere Mmes. Hor· \1·1 '''II I!, '"""1 .... 11111 l~l'fr,.•h-f11. ndi-i:.1th• 1,.•I nt lh" <"•tfmnf) clns,.11 in l>el'•'inlwr. Th<' nt>xt re-a ce Bille• a.nd Paul Cassidy. •• r •• \I ' I• '"'\•·I ~ .. 11 .. \\ 111.; lh•' h1>111(' ''" Silllllolll\ 1;a1111 .. , Allll l!lllllr mct lnl? Wiil hi' hrl1j In :i .,.,.,,._ "lll•··t· '"''" 1•l11 .1"d f• lln\11 .. 1 hy J l\nuary. .1 to,.: l rrthd,,, t d\t' ,,,. •t t1>tn1 _ _ _ _ Youth Group Elects Officers n .. ,l\lllH I Mich 1'1!p 1111 r PI· l t • II ~ ! t \ •? 111.l .t. 1 ~tfl 1 < "'~+O\· t w1 ' 1'!111 111 d 11t•"I .. ff1 .. 1• '~• • !"-1 I'' • \ 1•u1:q.: H!" t llt1\\'!' \• f1 1r1l 1' J•l1'-1'1•1nl 1 .Jtni .l "r,· .. \•••I I•• 111 Tl'rry :O:, ,.,, , r••'ut' Ht rl 1lnt1v Jn .. 1..1"1 lt• 11-1111 1 l h• -r .. rnrc·r~ '1111. 111•\ \ e 11r~ '"'" !"In• 11 ,.,., 11 '"""'1~ el'· r-------...;;;;;...;...;;;;;.;;;;;;. 11 11·111g II l'lll'kM 11f • :111•111'" Anti hllloitn~ f'11~111t \\1 11 !\1Rr JrArf\l :\.1~h. BArbara J.rnr lle,terJ\ 11111 ha111 1·11llrnolrn .)1111 11 sr .. 11· 1 .. r. Hii1bn 1J1 <0•"tnell l'h1 1<t11w .J,.11,.< J'PRt:.\' !':"ll{•'n 1111<! n 11thR1.e Jr.111 l11 p 11hl\t11 On !'iin<!:ly thr c'11f(111 An f,.n1il~ \\l'li' '" ~111nt1•tll'fl., Wh• 1r 11nnth • r b1rt h<lsn· r• l1•hnit1<•n l 11 n I< 1l>1c r Il l lh•· h·mr "' :.11 nnol ~tr.. Ro<! Rr"wn an.1 P 1111i.:hl• 1 ~ln.tlyn. Aflrr rhnnrr .~n·f lhr "I'· ••nrnii ••( prf'•Pnl,. onnth"I' h11'lh· 1 Costumes For Rent Lar.i:f' Sf'IPC'tion to choMt> from ~~ntals from 3.50 Costume Rental Shop 45"7 Goldt n An. Loni: Bea"h Open t"\'f'S 'tll R HEmlO<'k i -7-177 I 11· 1 l\n I a 1•t.111n1ng n 11n "·'" .. , l'l\tric nf tlf .,. \\• \ 't th•' )111\\1 nf )tr 1 ·1 ! . I 1 ~I ·\ 11 i1111 """ 11 • h Is· ' 1.. 11 .. i 111 1\ h Iii' : .. 1 • 11',1 JI•• fl):ltt 111• tlrir n 1ke "·1111 i<en ·Nf. ~~~~======~~, BALTZ MORTUARIES •' '!""'" ••i \1 ,. 1 l•·Hi,; plan· COSTA MESA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE SEA ri I '"' ~ ·1 .!"' o , t ::., 11·htn liU Su~nor An•nue 3~20 E .. Cout Blvd, 11•. ctr "I' 1r .. rt• nt 1i :111 111 r .1. Corta Mel&, Call! Jtl :n1 Hall Par1•n:~ s ri•I fll<~nrl~ Corona del Mar. Call!. e Irvine Terrace t lonly ht)fnH i !M)drooma, 2 bath• ss•.~oo !\ !M)droom•. ! bath• r.t.~ C'..U Harbor 1 IOO Phone Liberty 8·2121 P hone u.tbor f2 are 11w1ted t'l br prc~en:. 1 ------------,..--,.·-----na--------' 1•••••••••••••• • YOU CAN TAKE OFF INCHES The E·asy Stauffer Way If You Are • TODA l', the •tory of a load nrur41 111 Mtually lnld SOT I" Jl<lU"dA, but In INCHES °" a TAPE MEASURE Y<?U wil be d.4i9hted encl em.Md wt.i 'fOlll know f°' the very fint time whet Hie STAUFffR SYSTEM cat1 do f°' YOUR fig~! At ifM Stevffer System. you will be tokl how io.19 ;+ w~ fale to edlie¥e yow desired proportions. PHONE TOD~Y r<>tt YOUR FREE TRIAL TREATMENT Jlarbof 1742 COllOa.A DEL.MAit WHBRE TO PUT EYES 111 the pumpl<1n is problem for the moment of Mra. Harvey Mayer. ct'nler Thr prt'tty witch is Mrs. Arthur McKenzie (both from Costa Mesa I while at right 1s Mrs. Harold Swanson of Corona del Mar. Costumes are for the Halloween party to be held at Capistrano Beac hcombers club Oct. 29. There will be surpnsei; in store ant.I awards for best costumes. -Trrry Boris Photo ._ .. ONOAY NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -1 PART I • PAGE 3 TAKE NATIONAL HONORS IN TRAFFIC SAFETY WORK Two Southtrn C11hrur111a oria111z.at10M wtr" amunr thc top national w1nnl'r• In lht IDI'>~ Carol Lane TTa.t n c !i&rtt\ AW\irds annoum·.-<t eaih.,1 this we<'k m Ch1c11ro a t 111 .. !llauonal 8at.:ty CounC'1l'.1 annu11I ,on1tr...s11 Girl Mariners and Sea Scouts Spend Weekend at Emerald Bay Cert1hr alu nf M<'rit In lht' gruup d1\•1111011 wttt awarl.ll'il 111 l11ot 011111g .. County Humt D .. pllrtmtnt of the CaJlfom 1a "'arm Bur.-ou vf wh1d1 \011ht Ml'~R Hornl'makt'r.~ 1a ?ll<:lllbo•r un1l, uni.I th, Kearny Mt't<ll J urlil•r Woman'!! C'lub of !All Dlrgo 111 rt>n•gn1tlo11 for 11!gn1fluull <·onlnbut1011.\1 to lrl\ffh: 1af!!l)' ir1 \h4!'11 lummumta.•s The Womt'n'• Club group In Sa.n Dlt>go was c1trd for It• .. i..: .. llenl work 1n «arr~ 1ng out ll bl\ ycl" l!Ufrly campaign itmong the 1 h1ldrt'n of tilt' • 11n1mumty. The Hume Dtparl· ment 1n 0 111ng4!' County wiu • llt•J tor Its work 111 truffrc• llt'<'ll.,.nt [lf•"'"ntwn 111cludlng 11,. .. l.tte·a ·Bumper" l·RmpBlgn In whu'h 4-H Club boy!\ 11n•I 1i1rlM lldf'd a.• ,...1c11m"n tu i'.l'l rl'fl\'Cll\01' 11lr1p:< 1111 the 11•1\r 1;t , •• ri. lrucks. b1rydt's and tam1 ,.qu1prnent Thre" 11111" wuah• 1inJ thri' .. g1 oups won tht' t11r C:arol Lan .. Awartl~ Th,. &wards 1;,, lucl1· $1,000 S~OO ttnd $2:\0 wl\h bronz:., i.tatuetlea !'ymbohz:1ni; "w•lmen's flNlll'C\1Yt tn· 11t 1ncta" 111 ll'l\t h of the dr,·1•1011~ AT LIDO THEATRE Coast College Cooking School Starts Nov. 1 Members of the Manner Girl Scout Ship Naiad were guests recently of Santa Monka Sea Scout.I of the Sbjp i. lander for & cruise to Catalina laland aboard the 65 ft. cruiser Manta, owned by the Creecent Bay Council of Boy Scouts and skippered by Alfred Miller. Allio jo!nln~ the par1y •'l'rt Bolb uatt anchom a t l:muald membua of Santa Monka S hl1•\ eay where U.. facllillM ot the Bontt11, abuarJ ChaJ 1'k Clurr'a l 8oy Scout camp wrr• m • d • ) acht R4!'be1 from Newport BeAch. a va.llable. Haarstadt Reviews Historical Book W1ll11un Haar at a J, Or&111(e In prewar daya. The Fall ot Cou~l Cnll<'J:e hbran an. r~vll'W! France ln 1940 p ve MullaOllnl The Strui:-~le for thl' Medlli>rrt1· Lhe long awaJted opportunity to nean. l9:\ll-lfl~S by Raymon1I M •lominate the area. but tbe Brl· Belol, transllltf'U b\· J amts J\. t1sh navy compl•tely foUed th•• Field. Jr. · Jeslgns by bl()('kadlng Italy. Def1nlllve work" uf h1i<torlc1<I carmany viewed the Medlter· l!lgnlf1c811C't' ..-L'Onctmtng W or Id rantan u the p&lh\l>·a.v to control War ll are app<>ann)! In ttTf'lll of Africa. Hltln f•lt that lhf' numbers Ht the pN'l!Pnt tmw. 01· capture or lh• Suu C anal and rPrtly afttr thP t'n'I of thl' con· Glbraltar would completrly tnd r11cl history works d4!'all wl\h thl' \ht! thn>at of the Rntish navy war In l(••nrrnl. Al the preStnt l o furthtr Na.ii conqunts. Gen· The Fouru1 Annual Orangl' I M1i1~ Ruth Klunib. tionw econo· tame many special ph1U14!'1< nr thr eral Frl\nro wu lnath4!' lo per· 'Coai<l ('olll'i:-e CooklnR Srhu1>I wlll I man al Orange Coast Collegl'. glob11I 11trur:i;:le u e a ppf'aring In nut C<>rman troops In crn1<• I "tart Tut'sd11 y morninJi. :"\O\'. l,' IA'lll conduct tht demonstrauon>1 at print. Jn "Thr Str11i:glA for lhl' sp81n tn order to attack the 'Rrl· 9 .30 a. m. 1n thf' L1dn The&ll'r, f'ach session. NPW at Orangf' Ml'<hterr&ntan... the author. a tillh bastion n( r.abrRltar Al~o. 1t wu announred today. ln\'ll&· Coa.al College this year, M I!! /t ~nch n!l\'111 ofllrt'r. h11s i;tudl4!'11 Brtlt.•h hl'tOIU! al El Alam,.in 1 uons Wl'rf' marl•••! this wePk lo Klumb was !or mrrly a home er· In mlnu1e 11etall thl' \'arrous atrll· MYf'd Sut'r.. lh" 800 parllc1p1<nts 1n lai<l year·a onom1sl for Armour and Com· trgll's rmploytl1 by Lh' romba· The author haa conaullf'd var· j cooking Rch0<1I Ot.ht rs may 1 l'g1a. pany. a home st>rvlct d1rrc,or for l&nls In the ~tPdltt'rrane11n llrf'!I, l<Jus primary 90urcc> m&tt rlali In ter a t t he Jno,r ~t lhe first l<l'fl· the Seattle G1ts Company Juhl a. Mu11sullnl drt>amr J or \he M c· we&vmg hl• story, and It would ioon. f00<t chemist f or Pacific Food d1terr11.nl.'l1n tu an llallnn la.kc appear that f&ctua1 accuracy hu Onc4!' again th; rooking :«'hoot P roducts. compll'll'ly nngcd a nJ cuntrolh•J been attained. The book ls writ · I ls being ro-.spo11~01t•1I by L I J o The cooking school Ill provided by th c "Modern R om an s... ten In a cltar, lucid m11nner. and Shops. the Southern Counties Cas All a community aen·1ce for hl10ll!· Franre. of r·ounit>, wu detnmln· ~houlrl prov" ot lntr re.t lo the Company a nd \he Lido Theatu. makrr 1 in the area anu IB open t>tl lo rt tam lhe dehcale balon•e gentral readt'r u wcll u lhe Dljoytnc a w..-kl'nd paeked wlUI ewtnunlnr. rowtnc. hUdl\I. teutillr and danclnr; were From N lllad, Judy Coleman.. lue Brown. Naomt Mor1an. DI· ana Sanden, Lynn COtUn1ham, a.tty Evana. Bnerl.y Olbbona. Carol &11d Marcia Nadflllf'n. Ir· •• McCormick. Oeny Nack. M•• · c•U C&rT. Oeny Sanir-r, Manl}'lt Bffley, Dtaae IUlty. Stephanie Hedi, C&rol HJden. Joh.una 0q. Wat. Barbara Nott. &bln Rylet1, Luellen t>a'f\a, Mellndll Peeler, and Bandy BpWTaon. A.ND L&A.Dll&I' Leadel'8 with lhue stri. were Mra. Norman OWworth. akipper; Mr.. Lawnne9 Brown. Mr•. Ha.r· old Throop and MIN Ja.n Dul· worth, matu. From hlandrr, Smut• McKln· nl'y, O'Sullivan. Hul(hi')', Slayldtl. Street, Cullorlh. Wl'lla, Mitchell and Skipper Larry MIUtr an d RoMrt SlephPn110n. mate: From Bonlt& werl' ~roule Ell· feldt. Bennett. R lcmtr•. t.scClUN. Bryon, POAt. Thomrto0n. Roach. Addlcotl, Sklp~r Davl'. Youn, unol Ch111) M1•Clur•• --DEBT-- COLLECTIONS Aceount• -Sow. -Oa&ma of AllJ ldJtd ot d4!'bl,.·an~·" be re la AmNiea. .. So eoUec!UOM -N• fee." W• ad\'U~ aU coeta. CR.r:DIT BUREAU of W•te.rD Oranre County torml'rly CN'd.I& Bu.rea11 o.f Newport Beach. Lairwaa ~ and Coe\a Meaa. tM RJvenllde Ave., P.O. Boll IN lllEWPORT BEACH, CALIF. Methodist WSCS 1Slates Events Four Sl"sslun11 h11v" been plannf'd. lo the pubhc without chari:-e. ot po"·er that exil>tcd in t he lll'~ll student of hlltory. on No. I, 8 15 11nd 22 fnim 9 30· 1---------------....:.. ______ __::._ __ __:_:__:_..:_.:...:_:.:.:_..::.::_::.=.:.:.::.:_ ______ ~==:::========== I 11 ;30 a. m. • l Rec!pf's wlll bt nv:11lablc lo all I w ho attend. Foot!. pl Ir.cs, anJ oth-SIR·. ,~a .. " N E'•moN PERHAPS THE FOrl TENTS ANO AWNINGS .-r awards wilt be ~lvt•n by Rich· ~""" " 11 "fLLOW PAGES IT PA~ ro llV'I ard'a Lido Mal'kl'l, Lido ShopK Hh""dS Off T.tioublb ' ,,~ wvK Datt'.., for tlw fall bazaa r and Chr istmas pagC'ant "'·re set when the Women's Society of Christian Sen ·icc of Chnst Church by the Sea held its October session at Goodrll Hall. with business occupying morning hours. und the IC&S rompanr ~ II "' CAN HELP PfWTECT IN THE .. Cl.ASSIFIEO" PART F AC Bridge Party Cardplayers of lh' Harbor area w1ahing lo atlend the monthly Thr h11?.R><r will 1;,. ot the hnll Friday Aflem oon Club deSMr' on w .. dn .. ~•l:l.\", :'\u\' 10 lfo11ths I•> br nh~•·rv•·cl by "·" h •·11 •·14• 1ind card parly al the clubhoU&P will Ile tn rhHl'R" nf thr five with " J)roi:ram and Hf£l'rlni;. on Friday. Oct 28, a re a sked t o clr.-les with one tor 1he \'uuth •encwal of membt>t!'htp in HoaR rnake early re•e1·v11t1ons. by V.'ed· F1>l10w1<h1p A n11 •n l1111d1ron will Hw•Jll\JI A uxilutrv ~Ii' Mt•rn1" neaday. Oct. 26 to Mr11. E. I be 11t•rv1 '' :•nd t1111n••1 tr""' :, 30 F"o.He ""'1 a J:rnup nt "1ll 1C9 "" ~foore. 11ecl1on chairman. al LJ p. m on I Ill h11111" 111 tho hu:<p11.t1 <tt1•t Ill 8.~235. Theae atf•us are open Tho C:h11i>lm1t~ l'"I:' ru1t will be huut • '" hum,. Sl'n"ll' '" ~•'J>· to all w11h1ni: to attend and held flec. 8 and will he dlrect"d tcmb .. r !llart at 12 30. Pl11yer11 are uke•l by Holly Ls!.sh \'1~1'1, fO!ltunws to ~tu J •>hn '' 1-:lhut t "0 1>"11'"t to make up thtlr own roursoml' be mtult-by the <"II t If'~ :-1 r~ A on \hf' Sc ho•> I f\f fl!'"">on• ht•ltl 1 1' poMlbll'. J. RutlPr will lw rn ..i1.1r1:•· 1•f !II H••ul11nd11 Un1\'t>r1<1l)'. I Ult muiur I AflPr lunt'ht'on, !;t'rVl'il by OaJ· 1 • Oth .. r 011~1n··~ ... 1no 1u.i. .. 1 ™'" 1111•nd t·1rcte Mr" RRlph For First Mates Pl11n" rnr membt·r~ tu Kll•n1/I \\"at.sun 111 .. ~11/,J 11t lllu l""'CI ""' On Tursct11,·. Ort 2~ al 6 301 l~e f11 'l 111eet1ng ."~ . I~·· n1•w ~t N< /I \\ Holtll) l<'•I in •I• • r m a pr4!'pari'il t.1mnr r .,. ,11 be \\ h1lt1t'r D1stnl'l \\ ~ ( ~ l•J "" \'•Jltlll" lu 1 "u I> J " 1 l O\/le1 aervcd to lhl" Fust Mlltt'~ of Sl hrltl Oct. 28 •l F'ullerlon. ar-1 S he'.'f ln•hrin Am4!'nran~ 1<ntl Andrew' a Prubvterlan Chun h &nj(l'm•nltl for lh" \H•rk or pray-Mr' Mnbt'I S111nley r~\·1"""" I MILi ie t Mra. CL. I Howu w1ll l er Kiit.i llt'lf <1enh1l 0<'1 21 • 2!'>. Lt>v" th'.' T1111I bv Hclrn Sprlngrr. glv!' a reading and mualrAI .M'· THE APPLES IN MY OflCHARD FEEL HEAVIER ™N LEAD MY HEAD OF YOUR TELEPHONE SOOK ----l4!'cllon11 will be prul'nled b\' M r I Lindbergh School P-T A f-Tho.-.mai1...;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~===~=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;====~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;m~~~ Sr:WPOllT BEACH Auiat· ance League will hold It.a an- nual fall fuhlon .11how a t !hi' Balboa BAy Club 0('t. 28. Jt Wlll ~ al\ all !Jun Loper 11how of auit.a. coal.ti l\nd cock· 11u1 dre,Sl!l'll pre1<1>nl~ by Lido F'&ahlon• and the Loper Studio. ~lodel t"u olyn \\'allbmti:e glYl'a a peep a t "hat 111 111 stor,, Wf'a.rrng "Fancy ... r,.c-" -a travel awl of 1mror1r<1 herrin1bone moh&1r W1lh f'll· grim coUar, detachable r nlor- ful 9C8.rf and rit ll'tl tnr110. -Photo by Doo Bu11h Calendar of Events COST A lit E s A EplSCOpRllan 111nner, 6 30 p. m. On. 2~1. St. Sees Psychology Movie "£vrrvon.-n•» ,1,. l" ~IH'C'l'l'd .. " 11.-in 11ltendan<"e b!'IWeen wa11 th,· th••mP i<llN!~\'il 1n thf' 1uon11• 11r M1:0 H. S Swindler and 1 m o " i,. .. ll1J1v1dual 0 1rfer .. ncell" Mr.11. l ·tiar II',. Palmn HncJ the , trophy wall l riwrl bet wePn l he prf't1t'nteil b.'· Rn1I Heckrlman. two roc1m:o unttl (ht' nl'xt mel'l· 11Chool p11ycholog1~t a t lhf Lind· Ing bers.:h P ·TA mutln.: lnd1V1t1u11l Mn JHhn l't'lli tier wu In I 1llfftr<'nce" lll't>1I lo be undf'nlooJ cbartt of rer1 ""hmt>nt.. llt'rv~ an1I r<'ll1'f"<.le.J by ll'llChf'ra and aflu th" n1t·.-1m1: 130 ,11 J ml'm· Jll\r4!'nt11 If 1 h1IJrtn a re lo italn b,.n1 wtre hu•to•i;, ..... I rnnf11!Pm I' 11nil thl'rf'ro11• h11ppl·, __ • n<'~ll. ht' KU Iii ~:vrrc11 A R;:o;• ~11pennlen'1"nl.1 P'f A Fund Aided oulllned th!' bu1lt11ns.: pro g r a m I pl&nnl'd fnr the 1tnmt'd1111.. fu· b S • 1 T lUrt. y 1 ver ea Tht ca\>aclty crowJ was wel· corned by Mrs. Henn· L Robert:<, Corona ild M11r P·TA ,:rC1111<4!'d president. who remlnilf'd 1 h ,. m ovtr S200 from the silver fuh1nn that their help 11nd inltrtsl would !!how tell whir h they 11ta11ef! H8 ~ df'.t1ired throu~:h lhf' year ~u~~~ef~e::r ~~~g~~~~1i:n11tu;~ .. ~~ Robert Brun11. principal. In· pied!(<' wu but S2~. ll ln;hcatu. t roduced the leachrr11 and Mn. salrl Mrl!. Sue Martin, prellllll-nt. Ralph Irwin preaentrol pach with lntertsl In II )'l"lr of ~11m11la11ni: a rlonll bracelet or boutnnmtr4!' I 8ack·to-11ehool nl(hl:-. o, 1 2.'I and 27 were announ<'t tl Mr11 Ralrh W11lt'rm11n. n1t·m· ber1h1p chairman. 11t~pl11yttl t hi' membc!nhtp drlvl' p11Mcr:1 maolr by thll llflh and a111lll 1o:rad·· •Ill· dent11. Mr11. Albert OgJ,·n an111wn1·rd proi,'Tam' In kt><'ptnj: with I hi' l h ' 111 P lht> auditorium w a" d.•• m .1tcol with lravrl po11ltr11 11nd thr m11· sic' from many lands w11.~ US4'1J 1n ll1e pro..-ram. Mn. Kilty Bur· ton \•1ce president and Mrs Hl'n· ry \'1\11ghn nf lht ar hnnl ~t 1t (f p1•11re,f .l11mu Pu111h Hou1f'. GIRL SCt>UT !"nunr1I lurah· j r;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;.. ____ ...;;;;;;; ________ ..;;......;._;;;.;;;. •·on, 10 a . m. Ori :!:• Girl S• o ut !louse. \\"OMF.:'I;'!' Jo"tllnwsh1p :l :io p m. Oc·t. 28 CdM Church ZONTA Club 7 :30 p m. Ort.1 '.:7 Th•1o1190n home. 2r.1!\ 'T"u!ltln .A\'r \n~t" Mesa. :>:t >U~ CONCERT 01 I 27 OCC 111111tt11rlum. 1 TB SCOUT PACK 187 7 .30 p 111. Oct. 28 St. A nd~w·~ Churl"h l"ANA8TA·bridCf'. 7 30 p. m I h I. 28. CdM Church \'OL"TH S E R V I \ E S A 1 sn Qp8r;hett1 dinner 11 ll 111 · 7 p 111 t ll't. 211 1~ M. Le1tlon H11ll Calumpit Camp Auxiliary Events Senral !'\'enta a re on lhl' cal· l'n•lar o! the Woml'n·s Auittllar,\' "' Spanilh • A mrriran Calump1l ::-;o 39 tor the rl'.!11 nf thf' month A baM&r and rumm11 g~ i<lllP will ,.,,. held CX-t 2'• a ntf :t!i n :->lUll 1 An"· com«"r "r :'>tllan 11n.t lilh :'t Wednud11y thr \\'1•h'W'" I 'iuh h• It.I 11 l"'llurk 1 1nrl "''" 11 • t ,. 1. 11.r , ( Mn . Ann11 Br111srh 1:1!l:'I Hrd- 1 •n.ts Placr. <.'0~111 ;\Ir'" Thi' I '31't Prealdf'nl• L'lub \\'111 hold 1 hr1r monthl,\' lunrhr C1n <'ll Tl111r~­ " <~. Oct. 27, Ill !',.-1111~1>1111 111 :0-1\nla An11. --1 F1>r lhl' ftnH l '" CNnrt:nnRI l'11nt1n1 ~parlrnant. fiouje o/ Beaul'J New Owner-Manager Dorothy Bell from Peggy's of Palm Springs ·:-PRE-HOLi DAY $15 Pcrmantnt $20 Permanent SPECIAL ONLY $10.00 ONLY Sl5 00 t Pr1rcfl Good Until D<'rembrr 1st 1 Specialists ()1st1nctive Hair Tinting Hair Styling ~t·1~so r and Razor Hair Cut 50 I E. Balboa Blvd . Harbor 2 I 47 Open Evening• b Apporntmenl Marilyn of cordially invites you to "Champagne Fashions" attend at her a showing shop I 767a Newport Ave., Costo Mesa, Calif. Tuesday, October 25th from 11 o'clock until 4 o'clock Whrre you will S<'e a collection or delightlul cocktail, Dinner and Fonnnl gowns, designed by F red Perlberg, NM Cantor and Barbara Dane£'. of New York ••• these are simply perfect for Holidays ahead ... available immediately in the aize just right for you ... AND you'll be so pleasantly surprised at the pnce range / Photo by 1-:•yl'll" Cnr"n• 11"1 ~1111 / I ; , 'faril.n''" &:OWl\ll wilJ t.. .. 110wn h~· prof PMlonaJ modrl• from \'f'ma Mlllft-'•. ... (.) 0 I) <) CJ (l .l..lbul\' '-·7t: I l~ll7a !'>rwpo1t A \• • 'ri•lll >-l•u. c;a11t J ·Planners Okay Home anJ Garuen 10 Applicants' I rar s a ragu at ~20 Fem ltaf A\I• Pa ul H. Rod<'t. 123 Ea.at Bay ih 'e .• to bmld a 1ma ll bathroom un tbt l't'ar or lhl'1r pru l'nl "'-''tlhng Gec>ri:I' H Thomu In "' t( l a BARBS FOR BIG GAME PAGE 4 -PART I - NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2'4, 1955 KENNY HOUSE-BUILDING SKILL NETS HIM PLANNER VARIANCE 111 t ht>s .. llllY' of butl•l 1l yuurst>ll H F Keno\' h1i. b. • n l1111hl111K u huu"t' 111 !lf)7 F.11.~1 H1ty Avt' but ht'""" b•'l'll Ill ti ~1111 t' 111:111 111111 la.~l Ol):hl ht' h&d lo .:o tu lh<' l'll,\' 11lfflll 111): • •H111n•~·"'•"' (i•r v.u 'IUh t• 1n h1:f t t'A1 yau ~1 ~··• tn"·k~ h••n1u~· 1111111,i: 1111• 1•1J11~11111·t11111 lh<' 11ty hll!I 1u h1pt1d '""" \\llhh 111.1k" 11 d1ft1C'Ull f111 111111 It• • 11nt11111 .. nnw 111 .. 1 11 •• 1• fl'ady (., J•UI 1n ph1111b1111( 11111.l Wir111~ Th<' <'l•11111111\.N1un i: 111111 ... 1 h11< ri•quP.,I w1 h 11 "11t111 t' P•"' "' lu )'\•lj" j.(1 >1tur1• 81" lllVt>~ll)!8 lltlJI 8h!lWP lht' WUI k t:t ll\'llljt .J,.1w ''1th .. v .. 11 bt-tt~r t hun 1 .. 4u1rell lfh 1""' y 1111<1 tlo'l!ll:n '--~~----------~--~-----------------!PERENNIAL COLOR CONTRASTS Consider Garden lilies for Effect Against Green Shrubs 1'111.• l>'.111 • .,,.,.. .. 1,.r th.. l.1hrH 11111'1 w1u nie,.t ):OIJ .. n orang+' t"I )'oHJI i:utcl• n rnr u.1101 f'ffrctio Thi' l·nltural 1rq u1remen111 of I 8)18111•1 " h1H k1lror of ~ re i:' n 1 tlwse nrw Lilies are f,.w 11nd shruh· fu r t uh•• l'Ontra'IL .. With the~ a re ('3l<11\• mel Llkf' 1111 ulh· r f1(•1,.n11111l11 11nd for a fas-other garn;,n pla nt,,, Uhe" nl'ed 1•11111l1n1ot t>Xpn1enre with a group drainag e and lh('y prefer an opt•n nf n .. w h11rdv pllln\11. porou11. well • a erate<!. Mch snJ Hybnd~ hetween lhl' old T igtr good ji!arden 8011. Thty likt> am- Zoning Desires Tl1f" f·•ll .. w111~ llf'(llt( ~ t111n~ to !'\•"'"l'"ll Ht<t bor l'IB nn111,1: C1•111· 1n1~ic1un '' ,:., ~ ft f'JH u\ •1•t it t t tu• nwt :tnir Thur .. .tny LOHlh'.\ f )U \\ , .... ltltftll ... '''r :l 4 hHril!t' U\ )h \ .\(1H 4 II (11Jt fl ft.11 +t t I ll t\a,.:..-US 11 .. nt ''" .t ,., t ltl\• k on lit>11f1l• D•1011 .. T• 11 u1 ,. untl Sant 11111 lJt I\" l\1•f,.ll·i\ltllt-• \ !'0 1 J' tOI ti \\.II· \'t»I 1n ••II "'"''•l 1111'.k•n~ 14'• 111111 t'llll'llt• Huth K !>11 \'1.-111 11·~11h•ll\1dt• hu1ld1ng 11nd opc'n tr .. 8111<'" t1~enl'y 111 I hP 2800 bl<'< k nn C' •Bi>\ H11th\\ 11y Pau l l' Jun<'• tu O['lt'lillf' n 1•·111 "'t tilt' Of(h't' at 117 20th )';\ i.~1ny1l f: Mo.-11 «11 11 tr&1l1'1 1•111k 1tl 7tl00 \\'ut Cou t H111h- \\'HY (rVll11' r u llnol .hthllM)ll 1111.I ~l\11 111 uperll It' a u~e·I •'•" lot un t '11n11t Hti:hw11~· Chapman Setback ORAl'\GF:. • l<h<~ l'O\Jlltry lt'llllt dd1'otll'tl p1 .-- v1111111lv 11nbt't1l• 11 l'l11\p1111111 •<ntl fl JilU••·I ··11 Hi\'•\I J\\'•' t!•t h ·"'" r111111 ~1 " bd1'""" \\'hillier tn " lhl•'l'-\\'llv tll•·•'t l 'ha•I•• \\' MUi>l <'I' t u ~II 1111 lftld upt'lltl,. t'lght t11•rl' "'r11l11~ 'rlw w11111,.1 ,. l>\lh•'" I Ult-2~ point" lo :111 IOI t'hltJ)lth\11 1<11.t s111i:I• :ill for \Vh11t1• r •• Rfop.1"9 • Mal•teaance • h 1ataJlallone ,l : STAF.~~"~u! ION ~ t:LEl'TIUCAL C.'USTKACTUK8 t'hollf' l.llH-rty 5-t '!?I •• , l 10 Kh•enlde Avenue s-port 8'cb the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Desicin and Construction CORO~A DEL MAR Bnh B!'nnett. Co11ta Me""· h)()ki, o\'1'1 som .. ''' 1h .. 1tt1 0"'s 11 .. msdl.' l•!r F.l.1:1n BRlt•' H11nt111gtun B .. ad1 tu ldk•• tq Af11"' T he mttal 11hllft11 1tr,. 1n it fl••ll'lllng mal'htn .. r .. t .. 1V111g th .. tr !Palhnl' St1tff Phe1t11 l.1lv 1<11d tht' Cun1lle.11t1rk va rie ties pie mo1sl ure durlni: their entire 1 ~=~;;====================~=:=~ produr i:'d lht' •·11rly-nowPring Mid· grow ing 111eason an1! 11houtd b e -.,- C-t>nl 111 ,. L1ht>1S, ava1h1bll' tn r•·ds. left undisturbed for .,Y••ar11 Re· I ,,, 110):P~ 1rnt1 len1on·y•'llow shades. nwntbt>r stwa ys ltllll t ht> l~•ly 1 I The P"li'!llht hyb1 ills. brt_i:hlly col· nev .. r 11leep11; •l mu11l alwnys bf' 1 t>red 111 <' off11pri11.1:s or w ild Lilies trea trd 11t1 a Uvlng pla nt and not I 11( •. J:1 pnn. Knr .. a 11 rid Ch111a . The u a dry anu dot mant bulb PHO~"E HARBOR 168 Phone Harbor 10 for Pick-up Service un•lt•in 1111" •'C1mbln"'d h ybruJ Plant your Lily 8('lertion trt I v11;111 with l:l'IH'•• an<l bP8Uly ; borders of your ~urden anJ ya r1I n1,.mtw1 s nf th18 family ar" the or In pol:tt and buxeii tu1 dillplay r.11ldn1 !'lnrl11n Stroln. the Sun-P lan to use some purely fur <'ul · b111 ~t Slrni11 1111tl lhe Ht'art's De-11111{ purposPs. Conl!tder the Lllil'll 1<11" T h.. Oh mptB hybrirt,. a re -for novelty 111 your g ardl•n s nd ··••»•~··• bl'tWl'en rh .. bMt Chin-your own gar·dening 1>lea11u1·e. ··~· tr11m11 .. t L1llP'I ttnd bloom In ----------- F'1whR1a·p1nk anrl ivory and Wh it<' 1 Hut 11p11rt rrom lhel'4' 1>eaut1ful 111111 PXOlk T.1hP11 we ha ve some ln \•t•h · h\'bl 11h• n<"<'<l from na- tn·" \\'""l<'rn L11te:1, KRva the CaJ., 1111m 1.1 A""''<'•Ut1Qn o! ~uri1ery- 11w n L11th .. 1 Rurb11nk rn1sl'J lhem f1ri-t 1n h111 !'!ants Ro1:111 garden; 1111\HI 1:1 11ftlh• ur lhr U.S.0 .A. ""''''I th• m ll\ti>1· 1n Bi>lhni;:ha m , PORK SKILLET -Thick chunks of Jean pork shoul· der are combined with <'anned tomatoes and frt'sh vegetables in the prepa ration of this juicy pork skill<:t. Serve the thrifty pork diRh with hot cooked noodlf'1; and jell ied waldorf salad. I \\'u .. h . ""'' """' they 11re a va ll- abll' ,,, the J11n•lv Sun.~t't and B1·lllnKhllm hyb1 r.1' l.11te11, 1ta1ly ~pnllp.J flowers or <'nmS(ln -red I -Winter Shrub Interest in Low Daphnes 3-D Color Firm on Paris Nov. 5 "Pana a nct Environ•" will b4> 1hr !!llbJ<'l't nf \hp lhl N'-'111nl'n · a mn color f ilm lerturr a t O ra ng,. rna !<l Collc-J(e o n Wet1nellday. !'\"'' 2 a t 7 ·llO p . m Heaps' Organ Concert Set in Santa Ana D<'dduou,. and Pvergl·r·<'n both, th" Oaphnu p rt1V11le low-growing ahrub ln t•rHl tor Callfom la Win- ter ga rdens. ThPlr flowers. de· llghUully !ragranr. b I o o m In PnrtPr H ear• i<r hPdlllnl 11r· •h11tlr'< 11( bnitht pink. h lar-pur- f" Rranl,. In " c·nn•erl ''" th« fll" \I.hit" p;,1., hla" 11nd bluich lla 111111u11i.J 111f_an 111 :-:ant.. Ana pink ttml """ 1<per11•11 o(fpr" 11e11r- 1on1l!ht ha" • OJ'tllt• .. I th•· in1 .. 1 .. 11t Ii t·• uhn•'•I f1111t'< 111 thr-Summf'r. "' lun tl ll!ll•JI' '"'"''" ... ~ h1~h Th,. •·Vt'll! rt•Pn n .. phne C'neor· d".l:lf'<' 11111 , .. 111••1 th!' G llrltulll -ftl)wt"r Thi" \\ "' ,., ... ,,.n. •··I In 1111• , ... or Rm k "' rt(lllf' Oaphn+' #n'OWll CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAVE e Ha ve ua .tmpllly your concrete work •·Ith a loed of p~l.81oa-mlxl'd ettamt ... pttp&N'd t o 7-•'*"'at. _vtJi,. Ubetty 8-2213 BAY READ\' MIX I XC • • • 711 W. 17th St. Sl11n• nil ()'8111·n will ,.1ruw h1• bl IJllflrt( I 1)1<1! flh ll .. Hf 1111' IJlllllt'- W ll ti/I shrar~ 1atr• n1lt1 rh1ttfh•' o f f':tr" F amtlt1J1 ""''n•·" t•• ht• p<1rt r11) "" will .,,. 11( I hf' i.:1fft.I T11wt>r. A 11 h n( Tt IUlllJ•h J ,011\•1,. l .111111 Quar\f r, tht 1 .. •11 li .. nk, <'h..,·trt>11 1-'ontainbloau H•l•I \'••t- 11a1l1P!11 ;>;1Jthl ~"'11•'" \\Ill 1111 li11t" Max11n·11. Mnntn101t1P 11n1! 1 h ,. .Mnuhn Rr>1ti;:P ""' l f 11•111 f•H•tz =-'• hn11d1 I '1.1no about 10 1111•hp11 tugh and ts r-s- l'.,. 'flfll1•1•1 I ll~ I h· ''"""' t h11 l !"'""'II\' ""t"''l 1\ ... 111 tlWk ga r<!pn... ';;;;;;;:;;;~~;;;:;;;;;;;;;:=;;;::;;;;;::;: t h.-1· h.1• h<'otl " h1 1~k d· 11111nrt "·•)1< th•• l 'ohfo111111 A11!'0<'1a tion of • (111 tl1t· 111•1• ti• k"I' :t\11al,tl1I,. l'lt X111 ~Prym•n It hlnnm<i 11rl' hnizh l tP1" llitnt·:O: hm111l "''"" ~•:!•• :--; p111k F t>brHllr\' Daphnt>. 0 11phnP ~1 .. 1n St !'.inti\ Ana .\lf.'71'1 "'""· 1:rnw11 tn lhre" fPt"l. COST A ~A Thf' n•.,,I lr1 t111 •· nn :-\o \ o "''Ill ,.hnw ~rain, liin•I 11f llw f)nn~ The lf'C'\111"~ Rl l' h• ltt Ill lh<' ore llltr!ltt'lrllll'll 11nd Ill(• "r··n ((l th-p11blir ------------- Thi' • "nr• rt 111 ~rl ror A I' m. hP1111n1 li111r-pt1r)'lle flm.vPra which II\ ~l.1i<nnu' 1<'1nplP M h llnol ~y1·11-IHP fnllnw"t1 by bnllt&nt sca rlet 111nr,. ~I -fru1l11 1n th" l'umml'r. A whit "· Th•• th1r1 .. h11111 • nnr1•1 I '' 111 fr a -11low .. 1·1n,1: ~r• ,., .. ,. 11r tht" t11."c1t1u - 1111 .. l ip .. frt)lll lt1•llp.'1 fnr the r11111 rr hn111r~· n11rhnl'1 la al110 hl'nd11 11( lhr ho lilf nq;a11111t.1 a\·111l11bl1• -rnr thl' f111r<111 111 l'o n1mPr,.11tl 1tr111in1: Wllh lhP pht\'1ni: 1111!1 a r· Pill<' tit11r floWPl's a ppe11r before P rinting r1tll H111 h11r lfll 6 J1>b I c I 1 p t l D l 1 · r11n1t111i: 11 ll<>pu 1•r m11l<1<. llf't'•'ll\ lhP h•Avf'M nn thl' P•phnt Gen·. 1 n mg t>par nwn 1n,t1111111•111 1tl <ffrrt.. <'Rio~· rnl,.11 kwtt w h11:h r .. arheM t. hl"1ghl of fn1 h11ndltnl: .J1 11wba~. "ll '""' In threP fl'l't, A hybrid v11rt· Ready Mlxet/ Concrefe la •plte of the Ceroe n t 'h orta.it We Are MakJn( t;,·ny Poa-lbl•• l!:ffort to Sat111r,· I he s Pf'd1 o f Our G rowtnr Community. For Concttte -('all U11. ll""r" rAl •'ll ••l lit•• lllp l\f Am· Pl\' I• ~lll11!'f'l'llt"\ With 11plke l'lf rn •.• n 111.:Rnt•ls. n•01 .. ,1 (0 1 h lll hPA\'1h· 11\'l•nlr<tl bl111>h·plnk.. l'tllr· ""11 .. 1 l 1n I I• • t 111 ,. 11o111 .... has A 11h1t J1Pd """"'r1< Th t A v11r1et~· Wl•h•I \ oil\., t~ltlnl h111·k~1011nd In rnakP" All 111trnr 11v" h~,irp ph,nt 01,•an ""'I. 1n1 lwlinl( r11.dl11. lPIP· T«lltr ~111...,1 11.: llRphn•' ool11ra '1«1 .. 11 • t 1111 h • "''' hm i;: ltn•I ar-nr \\'111(('1 111q1htk 1~ Rll ,., Pt .:n•rn rnni:111~ t"H1·h1n.1: thr• • tu 1011r IN•l and 11 •. "·'~ t.;llo'·I ,.,J.,ht Wtlh hoth 1><•1111ni: floW•'IH of 111nk 1IP1 I' tlw l1• ll,.1 t .1 r-I l'h1re1-u ~\'rll· 11•11 1rnd • 1!':11nv ptnk D1tphnP phc•n\· ,,,. h• .. t1.1~ •• 1n1I \\A ... nt· t·•lora n>.tt)i:tna111 oJfrt!t A foha1it~ a,.. 1n1"t ..... 'h111t .,., ••• l•tf Rl ~t \"At 1.0 inn r1un1 114' pRr• nl \"Plltl\\' ~IM 1 hr"• F:r1•• "l•ltl <'1'1111 r h 111 m11 rg1111•11 I•·""'. E\·nn=-1.,,. Ill Thr"11~h•·11t 1tt .. \\',•I lh" 1•I01 8 Lutheran Request Delayed by Access -',,.~Uf llll at • Uh'7..tll"Um Rrt:a W•dt-· I\ .:1 u•\11 1wl11111 brtnj? moll\ oflen "'""'"'' 111 1 'al1fo rn111. G1vt th)11 •pr t IP-. 111<1rn1111(' i<un. And drain· ·•RI' If 1hP \\'1tll'r tablr IA hljth 24 Hour 'round the Clock PlumbinCJ Service • HARBOR 5896 • CONNER PLUMBING 3216 E. CoMt Hw~._ Corona dPI Mar Prompt &-n ·i<'c> Watt>r Heatt'rs Garbagf' Disposals Heat .. rs, Pk. t;,·,.n ln-'11 '* Emf'ri<'nrlf'• l'honf' Llbfor1y 8 ·S.\l'l 1'prlt••1t1111 t" lh!' •II \' r tnn· trl \\"111tr1 Allhllllfi:h tl Wtll lole~-1 nine 1•p111rnt,,•!'1n n of ;-.;, "'J"'' t Hnr -;itl' 111 ttl "4111 ti clew., not requlr" hot l.11111 .. 1 a n !'hu1 ,.h '" 1111b1h\'1il<' 1t. 11111 .. 110111<1 1t n ·rr1vt> m11lche11 ) II~ •If.. "" <"la(( dt I\'• ~.. "' t n t n r l11'lll 1111'111' or ~llW111111l. P rune I •••II .. rr 11 11111 x ~t:, 11 1,11,., /tl 111 .. .,tf.,1·11 wh('n In bloom o r tm·1 WELCH'S lh>' '""\\a:< rnn l11111 .. .i 111,;t n1jihl,11wliut•'I~· 11ft~r bv rrmovinir let· lllltd .i11lw n11'1111S rof Ai ,"" lt'I rrlll~ Jll~I h1'l11w the l'nds Of the t h•' I'' "l'lll'•'tl ", 1 , .. 11111 ''" ,. 1 • .h~~· n;1;H~·l~1e~11~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;;;;:;::;;~~~ I READY MIXED 1·"1~··.t .~ ----- ''" p1 np11-.~tl 1tl• ,.,,ll~IUl~"IJOn I CONCRETE •Rid llt.• l"I \\lollfd n"l "" It 1··~111 JAM I I D • RA Y 1~ C'nm~relal \\ay buthhni; "'". COSTA ME~A U 8-Ml'Z'Z 1- QW.<'J & H wy S9 ,I~ It •~ noh· •n w1 1111 r that l h l' 6tC> Cout INYd. H aatiqton BdL ~ rww 1111.i •'.'"P'"'ll llt<' known to COROSA DEL MA& General Contractor & Builder :=Lu.~M~lll ~==be="''t>11:==:1ren~~l'nnr11~n11,. =I ROBERT PHOXE H.\RROR tlfi~ FO R II ES RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL 2SO 30th SL, Newport 8-e.ll Harbor %533 ' l•ftder PHO~ ftAIUIO& Slot MAX W. POPE Inc. OESERAL COSTRACTOR~ "We Arrange Flnan<'lng" KE~IDf!:\"TlAL • c oauo:RCIAL • OE\'ELOPMt;~y 407 Bo• An. Newport Beech .JU!lt off ~pt . Bh·d. at 1&tll Llb<-r1,\ 11·'!:!111 I 216 Marini' A,·~. Balboa Island 2601 So. Main t. Santa Ana 'Be-" lf4. GENUINE LA TH AHO PLASTER 50UYHHH CAUN»NIA ~n•tNG INnmnl l .. W ...... L ......... IJ 328 AMERICAN AVE. I Sanitation Districts' Heads ... to Meet Wednesday in Santa Ana Boiu tl < ·" •ht• ,·t..,,. r•f r·.,unt\ !"ftnH .. lt.•n ll1•tt..-1~ :"o• l :1 J • 6 7 ¥11•1 11 u t ll1 u11,i: .. l"•ltnh'. w111 11 ..... , nt 1" r n1 ('\, t :!t; tn H•i.•m 2:w a t I )Ill \\ F:1ghth SI ~Anlr. Anh l 'ha11 mPn of 1h•lrkl11 Noa. I .tnJ 3 hll\'t' l'C'QUf'i<led lheN IJioarde l•• 111• "\ "'1th lhr t"njlll'tMra fC'lr "" 111f.,11•111I .tu•• u11111on a l 1:30 11 n1 pr-lc1r tu the JOlnt m..tlnJ of I h+' bo&rd1. 'do-it-qrnw~rAf 'wi th Fir Plywood LET US HELP YOU WE H A \'t: M .\S \' !'l·.aa:"- TIO~S for n-m od .. lln;: au,•h •• •torac .. 4'a blnf'h , b"'ak fa.,t ha,,.. "'"· All of almpl,. 1·on,.frlJ('llon "Ith lnr \fWDIJ\,. fir pl,\'\\ooJ. HANGING STORAGE BOX l.!J-1.11.!::::=:'.::==tlM• 1•111 '\ a..t .. "l'IH'f' to work wtt.11 REMODEL YOUR A n1c OR BASEMENT It•., .... ,~ t 11 tlnl .. h "aJI• anti C'l·lllni::' \\Ith lli:ht. 't runi;, gnotl· luokln t: fir fll)\\<lotd. (,rancl for 1·uhln1•\,., hullt-ln' anJ 0•1ur ron,.t nlf'llon. t·rt't' M'm Ulh'ltnic ltlra houk h·I. 1111~ t·tUO,\ ·IU•Oll~k.. nr plywond i;ara,icr •lonl,tl'f' unit. U tt,. •P 11111 o f th•· """·'' Whf'n Dt!I In -· S.•+' ua lot ,,...... t•lana. EASY BUDGET TERMS ON ALL PURCHASU WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO • 3300 W. Coast Hicihway-Newport leach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Liberty 8-3411 '(It ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS I . ( Ora11ge Loop Scorn Brta Olinda'• football t ltven f"nday nti;ht <ltftaltd Laguna ~ach 26·13 in a n Or&.nitt IA•.-u• contut Val ... ncaa l'd&n l CJp1· •11ano 20·19 PARTCHS MISS EGGS: DRIVER SAYS THEY'RE ON HIS CAR High Schoolen Win Cash for Halloween Art TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE I MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1955 p m ,,,111n11• 11tn 111\<1 1·& HUI ... I • th .. llllt bf'lr art11 ID 1911. vt ll"i: 1n t ""\II Mr!'ll. !thl' le&.,.. LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY MaJunr ot a bll omelet -f 14•0 do~n •IC• were 11p.t· lrred around the • orner ot Marint and C'orat Sta. Saturday •l\ernoon wh"n somt Juvanllu •PP"'renlly •t a rted throwing t hC'J11 ror fun. C'. 8 . f't'rktna rrportrJ tu );rwport Buch polare lhal ha• t •r had bf>en thr urget lur ma ny of the •llC• and police foun<I a part)' (Otnll: on al lht \'lrgll Partch home. 205 Cural St M ra. P .. rt.:h. chal>"tontng the party, lookeJ In hrr rt'frl&t'ralor an.t found th" t'gg1 mlulnjii. Four hlrh ll<hOOI ~tm.lt'nU wt>rr .SEW YORK .SOON COMM l!:~T--end ei.tru . ha\•e •PJ'c'&I S.:hra tng preal'nted c:h K kll •I 10 30 11 m C'OMPil..ED BY B t• l.,;ARSl llJ,;, 1t'•"'"r«'1I nhno~l lo 1l11lhti;h ot tho' tOda y In Tops'n Hott oms ~pct t~· 1 f>EA .s \\'111ER A CO 1 SA :-."f A )'rl\r anti ~ re-~ard .. d iut' Al lr"rovr. I wear office at 219 £ lith St.. A.SA SA:-.rTA A':\A, Ol"l' 24 rrnN·tini: " 11"111a1knt>I" .. 11rnln1t~ Cost.a Meaa. following • Jll•lgani: 1111pr'l1\'<'1t11•nl an•I 111,. lakhll"'"' "' ot Halloween window patnt111i;11 In 1OC:-IS 1 A a<lf'<I lly thl' It"'" ang 6 1h\ ad.on.I t1<r1<·11~t" I flOO C\M •'n F ruin' I S .\ .. l p.m. M <<C'k Alllt'11r11n Trl<'J•hnnt Ana. ''"'tA \'ht)><lf'I l•11Pun1 flrnrr11 I ~:1 .. , tr11· ( ;,\nr•rttl ~l11h•t ~ l •I)' \ '<• l'rh..-.. ll"I 1111•1\llllJ l'"""Y Blu•; .... 17' 1• • .. 11. \\ llllUIU Uhlt "' N•wport fi~ '• llo 81 h n1..t lllf'nn (;1'~" •'( San i'I '• 1..-1111tr ol1t1• hrr .1au1 ht .. r. Mra. ~'' l,111.11 ;It. I\•,. '"'" Ani:<'lu . hrl' ~:·, •1•to·r~ "'" 1'1.,111 r.111 .. t111a n ot t :l(. 117' <'•••1.1 ~1,.~11 11n,1 Mn• IA\rnlne X1•\\ ) •oak <..:,•nt111l HH -:\,.1 ji :\ ""'' "un ,\ 111111o1n ~u t t"\\ n v ~l nrt'I' ;111 ·' i 7 M ... 11 .. 1<.•1Ah•l1I hf'I ba othtr .. la• '' \ • 11.:1\11 lll\k<'r~faeht . Jl'hf\ (',,,.1.1 lit•,,, t'hl f111 J 111111 \'f'rn, U11·i.; II .111.t \\ .. 11 ••••• Santi\ An-. 1111 .. 1111• 111 v. ,,. 111 t-'111rhav•n O.m- rll'r\". l':•nl• Ana However, the partler11 denied a ny knowlt'dc• ot the ml•· chief 1U1d all Otrl<:era Robt-rt Brucki• could do wu Jtve them Meaa C".vtter1 h111 of C'Xrcll .. nl lh1nl·ljUd1tf'r If· A1111111i.: 1n•h11Junl 11i .. 11u l'naun Howard o rah am t()(lk tlrtt por111 1tn•I 11nl11·1pnt 111011 uf f,t\'ur-• C 1t1 1o .. 1.. l""l'I" .... 111d 1111 r1·ol111 • plact' and 12:i. Ca thy McLeoo ff· I able yNu -!'nil •hval'lrnJ :wwa. tht' 111111 11rt' farm llo•I h11 ,.,, l Ill' liflt 1•n· cond and JUI. Sally Y?tgr thlr11 mfllktl open..-d •m 11 r1rrn !Ora•• lf11I uf f:ivorablt <111•1.fend ""'"~ and 110 a nd Mary Miiier fourth j Sttf'I~ 11uppllt'<l h•111il'n•h1p. hi-Ip· t hl• "'""k . ; ' .. .... '• a at.ern warrunl'· APPLIANCl!:S -HOUMbold P"r111 Ut11ltr -Servi. .. -. 1----------------------------------------------- south~rn 1 ·~111 1':·11.!1(111 1'11ut1wrn P•d fll' ll H !'1nn1!11111 I )11 1•t C'1tllC1•1 na.1 ~;~ LIDO •;u:c;'l'RIC ::41• \"la Udo -Ha~r Ot'7 WITHERS WEDS 1Name Schachner and 16. Thty are all art •tudenl" 1"1'1 hy i;a.1w1np, 1'(111f11l~·nrt-thnt de· lll111la\\ k l'1t11wt ~1&11~ 11.l,·1<0• •••I In Mra. Shirley Rlcl''11 claNu al h111ntl will ho• wt>ll rn11tnl1<1nl'1I t o " r1<·w h1i:h. ,, (l .. ,.11ni.: 111lk ••t Newport Harbor U n Io n HIKh ""xt \'('llr auffll'lf'nlly to 11llow tor Tiii' grr n••i;1•ll11l1<111~ \\'Ith ,\I, \1u1- School, l'\'enlual prll'e 1nt rt'U('s. l n 11ddl-drr Smith. whl•'h 111 11ll!ll fll't 11 ,, "~ '• l'111un Ua.J or t'alifu1n111 Oi.', _11~_~\ ... _ .. 1 ____ ~1 1st Mortgage l1111 AVTOllOBILE DEALERS New an<J 111td Cara SICK.ERTL gTl"Dt:BA.K.E.ll Coatbll>t'd lr4ND Finl ra1e for $11,111 ··n 1 •upper and he looked unhappltr sllll. Judgea for thf' occasion wert• tlon, lea1t1ng prndur ers ench as Pepf'a·t'ola. H11w,• ~ounJ 1t11J ~.,. DEATH NOTICE ON HOM( .. •u e 1NCM AND I NOU eT•tAL "110 "lllT1Ce Main ~n·IN! l'arb Ml6 Sewpor\ Blvd. -11.ar. 610 HE RE ('OMF.8 llRIDP.: Aunt's Will HI' might httve gone uhorf', but about thlll llmt th<' bride and vonm artivtd. Wf stot them up In the bow sn th~ Harl:IPr would show bf'htnd thtm ~ w ... the W 11 r n " r Bros. photor 's led11. I knt'w lh11t no one would ever look pa.st the bnd.... l!O 10 htck w1111 the bllckgroumJ. \\'ho J>e.Y• thl' background any mind Wht'n there's a brldt. Sht' kl81M'd ham and I.hr area a round has moulh lookf'd like a bn&hl wnaet llO •he produced a ha.ndkl'rchlt! and rub· bed lt'off. She thought sht hlldn't kla.sed him rnough .!IO •hi' had a ~cond scrubbing job lo do. We tolct her that wu enough ktulng. Howard Clapp of Orange C'oasl Belhlt'hean Slr1·I and t•s Steel arr• t111n:11 Supply 111r 1.ndt•r th .. in · Colltge and David Vau~hn. local <'itndldal!'s !01 favorable rtlvlJ1•nrt '111enr.. of brttf'1 t hire! rp1111 t.·a ~rns. Rl'O\' IU .•. E W• •• ,,,.~#"' "'•••'• .~ !.-trfM'-"'•' Ctiritft•t &.o>,.o"' ,,, e"Ct l~'•l ''Ot" c .. ,, to CM•• · BANKS I Baltk of Amert~• J'liT It "~ "" \'la Udo -Harbor L\S5 BARBER SHOPS UDO 8KA\'ISO an:o lo Bhl~eU'a ittore for Men UH \'la Udo -Harbor l !M BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO ~AWS OF ftEAl'TY Ml$ Spt. Blvd. -Har. !6'JI BOOKS BOOK CASE Ull \'la Udo -Harbor •404 CAMERAS a Suppllea \~SCE~T LIDO OKCG8 Sttl \'la Udo -Harbor SOOS CARPHl'S a DRAPERIES DICK MAOKJ!:R IU. \'ta Ud-llarbor '9!8 CATERING RICHARD'S LJDO MA.RKET HH \'la Udo -Harbor HU · Clotblng-ChJldttna ll Infants Jf:RJ'S OP' LIDO Ho.\ St'wporl Bhd. " CLOTHING -Mta'a Retall BIDWELL'!' 8 HOP t'OR MES SUI \'la Udo -Harbor Ol'8 "Do I have to 11top !" •he de· mantlrd. AJJ we Wt're not on the rl'celvlng end tl waa more th•n enough. Ct:M'ING THE CAKE Wt' posed them culling the cake. It was a po8'. Tht'Y didn't ttally I <'Ut ll. That waii for out at ua whrn probably no one would wa11t to rat at. ThC' cake was round. like halt an or11nge It had beaullful candy n nwers all ovrr 11. 1 don't know how It ia.tf'd, We ran out uf tttm and 1111 went I aahor!'. Moat of the people werl' suU 1n lht rumpu11 room What CLOTHING-Womea'a RetalJ of A "''e<ldtng with that kind of LA REl~"E llquor • We w11.llc.Nf the JOO yarda 600 \Ila ll&lac-HarMr '610 or llO to 11hort UDO l"Ali'HIUSS ''Theae folks havl' somt'lhlng out Hit Npt. IU•d. -HarMr Mil here, but at !Hal t hey ha.Vt' l o KHADl>OCk 'l!I W'Qlk to It like common photog•." Ull \'la Udo -HartMr 3'71 mutltrMl lht m an who had had VAOA80!'fD HOUSE Imported Sportmwear SUI \'la Udo -Harbor tOCU DRUG STORES \'ISCt:ST~ UOO DRL'G~ H411 \'la Udo -Harbor SOOS mllk. Then ht saw hi• car. Ht! had rome ea.rly, llkt the rut ot u.. and parked h11 car at the t'nd ot th .. dtad-end street. O th"rll had come, all lhOllf glamour gala and their t'JICOrl.JI -or hu11band•. Thue ELECTRIO CONTRACTORS were three rows of can parked 1.100 t:LtX'TIU(' I "olld bthllld thollt or the photo('• . Ours was out on Bay Ave. We HU \'la Udo -Harbor 01'7 I fttuck our finger& In our tara and FWWERS went quickly away. RICH A.Kl>'1" LlDO MAJUl.ET C-0rsagu-T11hle ArrlUlgemf'nl.JI USS \'la Udo -llarllor SUI FOCNTAIN, GRW.. \'l:\Ct:.STlf LU>O DRUGS ... , \'la Udo -Harbor SOOS t'RAM.ES & ALBUMS Ot::KRARDT S T l 'OIOS Hit \'la Udo -ftarbor UOI •'URNITURE DICK MACKER UH \'la Udo -Harbor UH GU'T SHOP Rl('HA.kD'l'I LIDO 'lARKET SUS \'la Udo -Harbor :?~%8 INSt.:RA.NCE AOt:NTS \\'. 0 . R\ '('t\, ISC'. uno \'la Udo -Harbor uu INTERIOR DtXJORATORS ~LA.SC'Ht: Fl LKF.Rf4U.S A.1.D SUI \'la l.ldo -Harbor 6SSI IJH'I\ ;\lAl'Kt:K 3 •io \la Udo -Harbor 0211 OOS t:R•~ll;HTO.S A. I, O. Mahr.ca unport• ~ \'la Malara -Harbor 31%1 ~IARK.ETS RICllAKO'l4 UDO MARKl:T HIS \11a Udo -Harbor !HI REAL ESTATE LlDO ILEA.I.TY ASSOCIATES u do Salee• Rentals MOO \'la Udo -Hartlor UH Too Late to .. Claulfled ta.-Uelp Wanted SALESLADY. mu.at have know· le<lg" of st'wlng. S:-ilP It STITCH. 209 Manne. ll&lbo& Lsland 22tlc 1 SO-Mi&eeUaaeoos I O~E\.ER MIXER, complett' "1th gnnJer & Juicer. Dormeyer F ryv.•ell-:"Jtvtr been uaeJ. Both tor J60. LI 8·i056 22c2• rATrY BERG golf dUb8, tlahtne rod~. ~lsple btd, lamps. di1hu, glrls blrycle. Redwood yard rum. F1 yr11e & m1ac 11ema. 222 Amethyst, B1tll>oa bland. 22<:24 I - -----------SATIN It IMPORTED LACE.- \'\'edding gown cu•tom made. 1tze 12 • 2 lovely formal•. Nylon I nel 1lze 12 • H . -W 8·7M O 22c:24 19 PIEC ES o! Guardian 1ervlct' waterlua cookw are. 110me 'never I ul!ed-Coat U 84. H ll $100. - L.1 8-4056. 22c24 HOUSEHOLD OOODS, radio $7. G E. tle<:t. range $ 75, chromt P. A. PA.1.IQ;R ISC. Ula \'\a lWo -harbor 1&00 VOOE.L COM.PA..~ lutc:hen It <'hairs '30. chlld·1 new playhoU8t' '30. Chlld'11 ward· robe chu t $15. W 8-8"2 day1. W 8·2023 tVt8. 22c24 Mii \'la Udo -Harbor •nt I BAY A..~D BEACH llEALTl' -------------\'la Udo llrtdJ• Otftt'e 1111 LAFarett. -Hart>or MU SAVINGS " LOAN ASSOCIATIONS NEWPORT BAL.BOA 8A\'ISOS a LOAS ASSOClA Tl0111 A Savlnge ln1lltuUon SZ-Furnlture for Sale MAPLE CHAIR It SOFA. 1oo<1 t ondltlon, cherry drop leaf table. 11et ot 8 old pine ch&lr. A: ml1c tum -Harbor 3107. 22c24 Long Term Hom• Loa.n1 48-Anta. & Holl8el' Siii \'la Udo -Harf>or UOO C. r r SERVICE STAnONS UDO RICHFIELD stll Newport Blvd.-Har • ...in SHOES-Mea'a IUDWELL'8 STORE P'Oll IO!N SU3 \'la Udo -Kart>or OHi SHOES, l\'OMEN RllLF.'~ OF CAJJFOR~'lA a410 \'la Ud-HA 4'165 rHEATR~ UDO TREATllE Consult thl• paptor tor prornm \'ta Lido at Newport Bl•d. ......... 111' ro1·s UDO TOl"l.A..'"D S«J \'la Udo -Ratbor"" rRAVU. ACENCIES llA&801l TM VEL AGE..~CY UU !liewport Blvd-Har. &4H UPHOLSTERING DICK MACkr.:ll SUO Via Udo -Ranor Utt WATCH REPAIR \~CE~8 "'ATCH Rl:PAIA l.100 DRC'G~ Ufl \•la Udo WINDOW OOVERING T1IE Sll.\DE SHOP l\"ot to Poat Otftoa--llu. 116 CORONA DEL MAR 2 bdrm. tum. or unfum . homt', Reuona blt'. can be ahown Sat. Ph. SYcamol't' 2-3282-711 Goldenrod.. 22c24 • 49-B-Room a Board I FOR RENT-Room • board for I ,.,,Jerly l11dy. Pl'nslnntr o. k L1 8-2M9. 22p23 ~~ SOUTH OOA.ST oo. Uni a Newport lllY4. llA'ITBUSU Bo6ta -Bomee -n.u.n 1rresui.r ..,,_ Ullerty l·llOI COSTA laSA MA Tl'ILESS 00. sue !liew-pon lll•d. .IOBNS'?ONE'I Meta AlltO Wreckers r ...s Aato l'arta aad AMINMl'tae !07 5 PlaceatJa A ft. U""rty 1-lttS C•ta MMa f Special to the New port Harbor artist who teaches adult art Dl'Wll lh11 week. Jonu l..aughhn eaa n1ni;1> ="1ewa·Preq1 rla.sau 8t the coltege. parllC'lpatod Wit)\ the group In rl'-Thi' tone of lhl' 1111<rkt>l I~ 411111• NF.W YORK, Oct 2' Max ~ron~e to als ex~ellrnl ttnrd-qusr-'\'IOt y ll n•I a1J, .. 1 11,· e.>tl'"' I H Schachner ot JM Ea1t J91h Oil GROUP lt>r rtport anrt a.' earnings are at i<l111rt 1,·<' .1r111 -;•nd ol11 11l1•11of S C M a rate abov,. $7 On per •hart, . '' <':trnble i•f !111 1 hl'r i;ra· lreet, 01ta ff&, Is named a 1 J nl'~ l.a ~11 1 II bt'netk iary In the wall. filed for " · ll 1 tn .., 1 llf'pt-.u-s n•a -111 I 1111prn1 • m,.nt.• lno11vltlu11l ••· probate an Surrosatu Court here I Contlaued front f"t"t Par ll(lnllbly pracf'cJ 'l vungslown Sth'f' e11 1 e.!IJ'O'hhnit lo 11rw1< 111•111, 'Ir• lod&)'. of ht. aunt, the late Mra. aervlct'." The city no"'' r"lalns the anrt TutH> C'Urrf'nlly llt rnu• behind hkPI~· 1,, I'"""'" th\' nr•"""' <.:lsra S £. Vosa of New York Long Beach firm nf Shepht'rd the g roup, havlnic lwen 1 <'larded sumulat!! He 1• lo rt'celve $10.000. accord-Pendleton Cor work tn connection by a large •ell (lld!'r This influ· r> r " 1 11.m. Airratt"' 1111 to the le rm• ot lhe will. w ith the production of Mont t rey-<'nC'e 11 ppears tn ht llfllng and 30 1 ·~·· ' on 1' i 6H 62 up 2 I'• Humble Companau from ten well11 furthttr rtto,•ery 15 llkl'ly Rrlllli\'I' ·?fl tt~.1~~~t raa 8 16:! i. up 11 11!1 Mre. Vou , who died Oct. 12· bottomed in the otlllhort oil pool. to utamated $JO 60 ~r share-;fl l't11lt1ts fl:? .~I tan<'httni:e.t 14'tl an Ht.alt whtrh. though not Monterey'• tlevt nlh well la now l'1trn1ng11. Yo ungstown Sht'l'l and ,---------- appraaed yet. 11 bellevtd to be drtUtnr. at a dt pth of 41~ fttt. Tube 111 reuonably pnce<J larg-e. She left approximately 'nle aa.me company 111 al.llo d rlllln11: 01111 "" s l!'arly lllHler the tea<!-' $160,000 to charity. from an on1hore •lie juel wut ot er11hlr or St11nd•r<I c1f Sew Jer· At I.he llm• of htr death. Mra. the Santa Ana River to tap lhr ""Y t:11tn~ t'l11ewhere are le.u pro-1 VoH wu prealdent ot the Crucent •tale-owned tldele.nd• ott the stall' nounced, 1tllhou1th Cltlt-ll Serv1ct. Belt Futener Company, Inc .. ot beach pe.rk. !;1nrlalr Oil, Pure Oil. Slll0dan1 , New York. a flnn •h• founded In Oat of th ltt··· ~ ti 'or C'111tforn111 11nd l 'nton Oil a re e e comm ...., 11 m.,r nit ti' ,, _ Selectell ratl11 and (lrug11 are M ft'acllonalty be.tl« In relatfvf'ly PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY 't•om1rrly t ;raut-1 ('hap.-1 Se n ·H rs for ~11 ~-R11hy Rlur "Z "' l ll:l ~11r· 111•r A"· l'o''" Mr•11 "' 1" h"ld 111 2 p m lo· •Ill\' 111 l 'UI k1,,·HI 111 \ ~lorlhlll\ t 'h11p!'I wl'h t "•' RM· f'h1<rl"" F' llano! ott1r111t1n~ Shl' f'l"'ttl on 1-'1 a.111\' 111 H••ll~ 11 .. ~µ11 .. 1 11!\tr "" ,.,,, .. n.t11tl 1J1n~ .... ~ A nll \l\•I' .. r l.arlf\!lay. Okla ~h• _., .... ,.,1 "ID l'l•IO•AL 8GL.1C1f AYteNe T•uaT ouoa a ouoHT ANO ecu.o WM. B. Rill MO•TGAOC a ANCtNO .... c: .. ••.JO loo<I N IUSH SllllT • \ANtA /<MA,(9'tr. .. \Miit\ Y ).11 It ,..,.,,,...cn0e""'' .,, lo• ·~·l•• St"''~ "'" Yoo~.ci..c- BEACON PERSONNEL -------......; -,,,,. I' ' .. ' .. Agtn<y -. Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 181>7. with Monterey hu not been 11et. I ra ' n. Newlin Retwns Local Homes lurC)leJ quiet 11es11ngs. f'hrsapeake and I Hl Rro1ulwa,· -C"'otita 1'1<'..a Mra. Jim Newlln. w1te ot the Deni. Savld 1018 Shore Drive 'Ohio 111 marking llmf 1tw11t1ng I l'horn·i. M . Balboa Realtor. hu jual returned reporttd to N~rt Beach pollc~ dividend ntws. New York Central · ary Lo111rw Matting!~· Mary Jane Bangert home from a month'• trip to the Sunday lhal he had just retun -and Sou them Pac1f11: are f11 m, and I _L_l_bfo_ri_,_. -"-·!\·4-33 ___ ,_.r_K_·_!l_~_:s.a_ -I I 2 31st Strfft, Nt>"'port Beach Eut'where ahe vlalled her daurh· ed from a walk to find it ll a_11_t_a_vo_r_a_h_1*'_c_a_n ..... <11_d_::•..:.te:._11_..:.fo.::_r_::y_:e.:a.:...r· ______________ ~==========================~ tu . mother·ln·law and eletu. 80meone had enter\ld h11 11 1 t- me.nt and taken a rifle. Leo M. Mn. Howell at HOCICJ Rottman, 209 North Bay F ront. told poltce he came home after two w~ka to find that •ome one M111. M. Newton Howell. 583 Park Drive. Coata M"eu, Ill being lrt'eled In Hoar HOllpltaJ. She en- trrt<I lht' ho1p1tal tor treatment ot an lllneu Saturday night. had been In his houae. 1lept In one of tht ~. utrac:tt'd $3 from two toy bank1 and eaten f ood from the cupboard• and the rern,.erator. Optimist Movie Due Aary Tells Theft Mem~ra or Iha Nt'wpot1. Har· bor Opllmlat Club wlll aee a movie made by Kenny Nachola at lht meetJnr Tuuday noon at VIiia Marina. The Optl·Mris. wlll hl\'I' a Ho-Bo party F'rldAy even· lnir •t the Legion Hut. Kieth P . Aary, 199 Meaa Dt:lvt'. reported to Coata Meaa police Saturday that cu lankl, hQme, burner• and llher pe.ru of a weld· Ing 11et had bet'n lltolen from hf~ garage •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • WHAT'S • • • • • DOING • • • • T. M. Hambrook. your Ttlephone M1n11er tn Ne.Port Beach • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Housewife rates her telephone "tops" "Ol all my houuhold Hema," aay1 Mra. F. G. Dominey,"l think my tel· epbone la t be moat uaeful. I c:&n'l count all the wa y1 1 de pend on It. For U· ample. 1 do a lot of my 1hopplng by phone. Then thrre are the call• for repairmen, to make ap- polnt ment.a, to round up my youog1ter1 lo the neighborhood. and for a hundred and one other thing1. And that doesn't Include all the pleasure our phone brings u1 ... u a fut. euy way to visit friends and relatives. I cert&Jnly don't tncnr •hat we'd do with- out it." Moel people we've talked to agree with Mra. Dominey about the uaefuineu of the telephone. lan't It true that few thing• which serve ao well coet eo little ~ Pacific Telephone work1 to make your telephone a b igger value every day. Enjoy a fallllly visit In several cities at once by lon1 dlsbnce Did yo" kft010 you C'Oll ar· tMally talk to 1tt1•eral mtm· bet's of y0ttr /am ilv at the .yome l ime by lOfl{l di11tar1ee 1 Well, y011 can, evc11 if they're 11catternd aU 01•rr the COl411· try. Each of .11011 ra" talk bock and /nrth tn the re1Jt a., jf you tN:re nil ira the 80111\e room. We call thi..~ n td~phone rotr/crr"u call. To place one, 1uat tell your operator the people you .oa11t to talk to . 11·hcre tlt.cy lfre. their phOtWJ '"""bet'•, au '°~ you \Daflf to talk. She'll do tu re11t. Y011'U be plccucu1tly "'~ at 11011' little tt ro.,ts. upenoUy i/ Y'* coU after 6 r>-"'· i11 the ew11i11'1 or 111111 ti~ 8w11day. Why 11ot give-"°"" tDhok /aMily a rC'GI .vrpri.ff with ca «>'11/erertee coll to"jghe 1 New a11d La,.., l111lnes1 Office for Harbor Area In order to ktep up w ith the tremendou• rro•"tll In tht Co11ta Me&a, NewPort Beach arn. II wu nteeaaary for lhe 811,lnn~ Office. wnlch "''"" IO<'ated at 311 E . Balboa Bh·d .. lo mo\'e to l•fler quartrrs Tht ntw ortlre 11 loca ted a t 3325 Xtwport Bll'd .. v.•hlch 11 dtrtetly 11r ro111 tht 11trt et trom the Newport But h City Hall. The 1pact' In lhl• new mod•m bwJd1nf will enable WI to g ive better and more efficient Mrvlc• to our cu1lomar•. ln addition 10 provldlnc a place for pe.ymtnlA to ~ mad• and olher bu.int .. to be conducteJ for the Harbor area. t h.11 office Hrv•• u a head- quarter. for lh• South Cout area. lncludll\I the Co1ta Mua. Newport Beach area and Utt Dana Point, San Clemente and San Juan Capialrano exchanr-. 'nle new bulldlnK future1 un<1er- root parktnr tor our cu1torn•ni and we fffl In a.ti ree~ta 11 very ron•tnlent. W• wtll ~ loo'lirtnr tomnt to •ee.tnr you a t our new location So big_so powerf'ul_yet this BIG Mis priced with the lowest! The new Mercury Medalist Is one of 5 big models In the lowest- priced Custom series. You get all the bigness of THE BIG M, and a new high In horsepower. The ~EDALIST th i~ happy couplr dri"r~ i• a branrl-nc" Mercury model fo r 19.)ti. II°!' one of the ,.,.ar', hr ,t bun. Pr1r rd Jma zt nl!h '''". And look what you 1!<'1: hig·•'ar lira11t\. l11g r:i r 1'11nd11rt, hip-rar po"·rr~ ,\ host of ne"· "l' lini;t 111n11\nl111m . \ """ group of ~afct r fc:llure~. E~r rn-riui.·l <'11f!IW •l.:irttr t).! w1tl1 a nrw 12.,·olt rlcrlriral 1-\ .. lrm. 1\nJ e\t'n 111orr! Tiii: nl'· ,,·~ a jr>~ lo 1111•', .\lore o f rt· 1111!.h hnr·•·11•••<1•r (htf!hr~I 111 \lcrcun ·, I'\• 111-1,t'l.\ \ .8 h i-1nn ) 1< 1111(/,111!! p11\'o rr. II .tie, rtgh1 in di '''t·r~ puint vu 1l1t· 'loec·il11111,.t,.r lianJ lo "h"·'•·O·IJ"h yn11 ahrarl for f!•'la":i~c nn.t p.1•.-111c:. !'re 1!11,. tilt. \I in nttr cho" n•nm•. II loo~c li11:. frrl" hii::. art~ l1tf. b h1g. Everything's big but the pice- PRICED LOWER THAN 17 MODELS IN THE LOW PRICE FIELD ONLYS2092* Buys the Bia, Powerful Mercury Med•llst •plus locol 10 .. a nd l•cen1~ TH E BIG .i9JERCURY for 1958 JOHNSON &. SON, Lincoln· Mercury 900 W. COAST HIGHWAY NEWPORT IEACH Acron from the Boy Club LllEITY 1-5141 (}overnmen~ Cxcepl :Jrom PAGE 6 ·PART I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1955 'How Are You Fixed for Blades?' ''God gront us the serenity to occept the t hings we connot change; the couroge to chonge the things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." IA. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY EDITORIALS (CARTOON COURTESY S ACRAMENTO UNION) JOURNAL By llORAC'F. PARKER What's Answer for Capacity Flow at Treatment Plant? You wilJ read elsewhere in this issue that chair- men of the county sanitary district• will meet this week in joint seasion with the general manager of the unitation districts. We understand he will present certain eer ious sewage aspects to the m . Lut Wednesday S upervisor Chairman Willis War· ner announced the two sewerage treatment p lants. in two years. have reached capacity flo w of 50 millio n gallons per day. This point, he said, had not been an- ticipated until 1960. Verification of Warner's statement with Council- man J. B. Stoddard. who h as sen 1ed the city on Distr ict 5 sanitary board, brought out the fact tha t t his capac- ity flow occurred a few t imes during the peak summe r months. H owever. he admitted, it is a situa tio n which gets m ore Aerious as time elapses and m ore s ubdi- vision houses are put on the various district sewage linee. Newport Beach , Distric t 5. has an e stimated 2,870,000 gallons per day average flo w to the treatment plants. Of this figure from 500,000 to 1,500,000 ga llons a day consists of salt water and fresh water sees>age into the lines. It's obvious to all that the r apidly grow ing Ful· lerton, A naheim and Garden G rove districts will be adding more t o their distric t lines as mo re new hom es and businesses are occupied. Preaently this district's taxpaye r s are paying 16 centa per $100 for sewe r age treatment and 20 cents per $100 for capital outlay in the w ay of future lines. General Manager Lee N elson of the county sanita- tion districts will pass the word to the various boards of directors on the increasingly seriousness of the dis· tricta reaching sewerage treatment capacity. We are informed o ne m ethod o f relieving this situation is to enlarge Pla nt No. 1, situated a few miles u p the Santa Ana River and west of it at Ellis and Verano Sts. Frankly, we think the eventual danger of n ot hav- ing enough treatment plant capacity is considerably more critical t o the various districts than the proposed $42 million flood control bond issue. Some have de- scribed it aa a $42 million "drainage'' bond issue, im· plying it is to drain normal rain water from the bur- geoning housing trac ts in the west county a rea . You can_get ao me idea of the problem involved when yo u conaider the county's spectacula r, ever -con- tinuing population growth. The City of Fullerton, for example, last Friday bec ame the county's second largest with a population of 36,008 counted by special federal censu.s. This was a 31 per cent gain, an in crease of 8462 penons d uring the pa st year. Ana heim, Garde n Grove, Santa Ana and other large population areas o f the county are seeing similar growth. Newport Beac h in five years jumped from 12.120 peraona to the present figure o f 18.541. Cost& Mesa increased about the sam e in the five year period. From the above it. is quite clear we have a real problem all over the county. We trust the various board directors will come u p w ith a g ood solution whic h will benefit all in volved. Grass Roots Opinion PLENTYWOOD, MONT .. HERALD: "The H oover Commission on Organization of t he Executive Branch or the Governme nt • • • headed by former President H erbert Hoover , has made an exhaustive study of the federal government to determine h ow it s ho uld best be organized and operated • • • But already political opposition is tle\'eloping, principally from those who are devoted t o the p hilosophy of unlimited federal •pending." ITALY. TEX., NEWS-HERALD: ''In a lmost e very country except ours th e editor operate s under such res- traint that it 1s almost impossible to present any view- point. except t he official one." F ormerly the Newport-Balboa New•-Tim• Md I.he Newport-Balboa Pre111 A 0.peadable Local hat.ltutfon for Onr Forty 'f'e.n l:ntered u 8eoond-OU1 M&tter at the Poatottlce in Newport Beach, Callforn1a un der the Act ot M.areh I , 18711. Pabllelted evl"ry Monday, Wfd-S.y and Friday by tlM !'ll'E\\'POftT HARBOR Pl'Rl,J8HllliO COKPANY Ull 8-lboa Blvd., !'ll'EWl"ORT Bt:ACH, CALIF. Pboae Harbor 1111 QuaUned to PublWI Lec'a.I Soucie. and Ad\'erti-..&a of AD IU8Clil BJ O.C.-of ... 8aperto, Court of Oraqe Co. la A.cUoa No. A·ll'ftl II-lier CaWerata .Sewapaper PubU&Mn Aaeoel&Uot1 11-bN National EdJtorla.1 AllllOClat.loa llember of Oraa1e County Netn Sentoe Bll:N REDDICK. P lTBLJSHER WIL.UAM A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND E. R OUNTREE. Advertilin• Dlrtctor CH.UU.E8 A. ARMBTRO~G. Mechanical Supertntendent SUllSCJUJ>Tios RAI"ES: Newport Harbor S!'w1 .. rr~u. Trt-Wffkly la 0,..... Coumty. fl.00 per year: $S.OO •I• mot1.: Sl.33 tlll'ft mOL Oat.Ide of o .... ,. County U .00 prr yeer No Solid Front By I . L. ROSENBERG Editor . the Sacramento Union There is repr oduced on this page today an editorial cartoon from the St. Louis Post-Dispatch . which s erves the u seful purpose of calling attention o f prominent Californians to the fact that party differences on the California level' are becoming a national disgrace. And that is n ot good for ·the second state of the U nio n. while the chief executive lies ill in a hospital bed in Den ver. Most o f this alleged knife hurling with which the cartoonist is con cerned is much ado about n othing. Every t ime the governor submits t o a press conference, an unfriendly correspondent puts hia own construction o n the significance of the g overnor 's remarks, and there is broadcast a story to the effect that. Knight has drawn a stiletto and hurled it bet.w een the ribs of Dick Nixo n . All of whic h is nonsense. Governor Knight is right in h is determinatio n to head th e Republican de legation lo the natio nal con- vention n e xt year. As titula r head of the pa rty in the st ate. it is his responsibility. By t he time the de lega- tion is formed. there probably will not be an avowed Republic.an candidate for the presidency, to which the delegation could otherwise be committed. Jt long bas been the practice in Califo rnia to have the go vernor h ead the d elegation, and have delegates committed to him, even though he was not in fact a candidate for t he presiden cy . Thus. the d elegatio n can be released from its favorite son commitment fol- lo wing the first ballot at the convention. The gove rnor is right in his d etermination to see that no potentia l candidate s tack s the dele gation. H e is d etermined to malce it representative o f all segments of the Republican population. And that is proper . F o r California this next year will have the greatest oppor- tunity it ever has had in more than 100 years o f state- hood to supply the nation with its n e xt president. That . oppo rtunity must not n ow be forfeited by inte r party strife, or the release o f pot shots at other Californians. . . r•-,y" I. D ~ (OIPOIATIONS ror.u-tu£.G l.lli... ~Jr. "5' ·-r ....... ~-...,,~. AFFAIRS OF STATE By llENR\' C. MacARTHl:R (Ed. No1, -Thla column b,· Horal'f' f'arkn "Ill tlf'11I "1th the llt1lf>-know11 h.latortcal fat'f9 hf' bu ltn-.lr;...J up In hi• niM'ly ,,,,. into the ba<'k rounlry In r<•l'f'nt > 1•11r•-.i (The Anza party diarists oin ~!arrh 1:\, 1i7·1 m <'ntion: "On the way up Coyol<' Cirnynn thl~~· sa w nwrl• than two hundred Indians. whom t h<·y t'l\lled t lw l>anc<'rs. ix-<·ause of th<' jt>rky m ovements with which th1·1r n ra t ors an·om. panied a long harrangur " \\'1th " llttl.,. ra1·1. "'"'w 1 ... 1,,.r, A h)t Of u('()1 t\ '' iu hf h1tl1lt•il Joif1U t t\ wo• nu~ht 11•1•11•1tlt• thl>< •'Ill""'' rn1111 th,. ln.t111n,. v1 .. wpomt tl11,. mt'1•t1ni: of the '))11111 ~1 · 111° <lu<ns und th•' Anz11 r 111 I\' m l'I li5 ytiars ei:u 1 l'AICT I. N'a t1~h \\'as 11)1!, 1't1lo! 1111<! th<•roughly m1111"rabh• I ll' h0n1t h11ol h1w "'nn1un and h 1~ .... n·.s \\''"'·1,. butld !ht• losh 11c'a1 lh•• w11r111111i.; wnt .. n1 11f l'IH\'.1 T1·1<w111111"· ol':i· hu1lla lfot Sp11n~•I l.1k1• lh•• p1•opl .. Ill Qll11f1H I \\'n11:1·1 · .. H1•I Sprl11gs ln•h"n~1 :-:11t l.•h i<J11•nt .';(>fllf' of lht• t•nldt'r nlchl " 11l1•1'11- 1ni: In thP \\'H.1'111 w11t••n• B111 lt>- nlttht, "''"'n 1n !h1• s1111k1•n. hi11•h nHH!-{'OVt'll' I k11<h with ll '""' 1111' burning :'llAti~h i;:1·11mhl1•.t ah1•11t lht' 1·uld from und1•r hrs .i .... r nnd r"bbot 11k1n t'O\'"l'I' Ill~ 11ld \\'1111111" h11(ltllr1I sto1··11ll\' ,.,.,.,. 11'1• o··• ii· or th•• 0·11«·kllni: n (·d :"'hH11k 111 0• lry1ni;: tn .i:••t ~11111•• ho•11t 111 h•·o bntll1· hon .. , Tht• i.:•11un.1 u111,. .. 1,. WA1' \\'hlll' l\'Jlh f1lOlt h• :< l•f ~1\11\\' I 1<11<1 (10!<1. 1111o1 th•• "'''"'" huni: luw und lhtt k 11n •1 tho· h" l :<pron~i< "tillh'n :-.'11t 1>h, o l•I \1 1•1111111 1:111111l1l1•1t ,..~ "'h•1 pHt llf\ h••t IH\-.;l\t'\t t'tlJl \\ hu·h P''• \'••11t ••it th•· t lt11tt>~" , ,f lh1• 1.1H 'f' t 1li1f' 4 Hf,\ J\i,: nc•l (f Piil i lllltt1t; IUl.i t 111f r••f\1h•'h•\. In h"I Jll'I st11• <'ftl t'\.'11 " h1o•ko•l •I( •11 ,. d lll~ill rtt1Ji1 lh1• u1·t11~n JUl" .it h1•1 ~i'1•1h •H t\ddl t IHf\ IO l"Ulll9 i.:1 .. 111,,1 01111 .. 1 rnhh1t l1tl'101 Also •ill•fidlv f'l"'k"d 111 oo l1l11•t• lllA t \\ 11'1 th1• 1-t:q,:!(1 f11tt\ht1r ~kH t 11f r h•' I W11 '•\lUl>-:•'t \\'111\1t•n \\'f'N ,,,,.,. fll•'l f' h•'.t\'ll~ hllldf•fl ••tt "'~th ,.,..,,1 "'" w11i 1•r ••Ila• Tl1"11 nnly • 1 .. 1h1111· w11• 11 i<t ant Clhf'r 11 111! hA1 k ~ku.t... 111111<• ltH' tn•'ll anti t\\'tl ht•\ )o\ \\'t'H ' f'U\H't't.v nFtk•••t. Tht• nwn 1·11r11. it •·ru.i,. h<1w11 Rnd 1'H••\\"4 tn 1t ddrUnn tu th~ 111\V.,\'S f'I t "'•''1l f 1U \'Pd ti ltd htHtl"llflr>H1~· ''"' 1t11 .. w111i: "''' k \\hld1 tll•':V ""''' "11h 1-1• .11 •loll 111 l<llltng 1:ohl11\1< 1111 1 olh• r ,.111All ~Amo• :41"11 h 1111• l•l 111' i.:11011p wove lls \\,I\ .1111 111~ th" ho11ldl'r11, hi. \\ rl \\ ol h .1 •• ,.. 1 I \0·0, nl~h. •10\i·n To ,,,\li t : Joi-1c:,·r:\· '""1 '' "1"'1 ".11. 111111 On thr ""'11o1w :"1111,h \\'o•tllol Tho" l.11 " llll•'lll"•ll xh11dow1t I make lh<' J .u1n,.v wit h 111,_ ll\tol'"'''' 111 ,1111111111_;.: lu 1,11i.;tlwn ov~r SOllJi ilnwn tu 111,, l"'"PI•• ,,1. 111, tlw o'llll\"h :'\.1t1•h 11nd hlll 11411\ 11 boultlrr ki~h• 111 llw htttd uf lh• tn1111lt••• \\11lk .. 1 "lt•:odll\' lllnmi:h wlnt1>r sun '.'\,1\1:<h 1111~ I'" h h thr '''''''11 wdl11w1< In t hr C:l'<'rl< t<·fremonial diwfr l'f 11111 1,,..,111,, h•••I •lid Xnll•t\ 1011·.-· 1ruot111rt1\'1'- t C'ah1;i1Jas 1 and \he lh'lif'lll' .,, 111,. II· llh'\' \\'1•0 •• h1·111tt watch••ol, hut w111tf'r ~un hud usko'.J hlm 1., llJ• Y •'"11111111,.tl "" 11nronr••rnt'dh·. danrr l ht' 111111 ah11sh 1wh11 lllll( Sl 'llflt:~I.\' l'\l'RROl"SDF.I) (lanrel f111 !h1 m Tiu• wa~ " Ir w:o• n•• :.u1 p1 i11r to> l'\at11<h ~tt RnJ.:1! •lllno't' fur th• S•' rl'11plt> th:ol a~ llh'\' llJIJll'llRl'hetl A clumr th"Y 11pnk1' 11 l11ni:1111i:•• ;.in11l111 1 .. "' \\'tllrn\ ~ thl'\' Wt'lt" 1<11drlo•nlv hi. .. Y"t lhf'y wrr,.n'l q111t•· 11( 1111\ 'i11t 0•111·f•'rl hv 1.1 r1n lln.i;: nni: ,,( ll'lbt,' !1l1dl (,.1111tJ,: 1111'11 nf lh .. Cftll\'11n f~\ lllllP hi' hiitl l 1kl'l1 Ill\ Jll'flplt t&)!lt' 11111l k1llo I It 1n 111,.. lll:q.:t. "\\,. 111t• (111•1u1,;• '1h"I !1;1lll•h, w11y Thi" tun~ 1t .. \\'ut1lol 1111111" '! 11111 !'/.11111h, raha of rlu• In fir" 11n1l Nol fro·;,>' Nrilll'h ~nlll· n11111nl11111 )11.,opl•• 111111 I C'Ol111• I•• ed t1·1111111lh8 lllly In )II• i<l•'"P lh• 1ftt111 1• r .. , Vtllll' p1•opl1• In th•· \'II· flt e .t11nc<' 1:11.:•· ll<·l .. w \'t•il " The old ~flUA\•• nlllft11o•d Wll h l'h,. l"<idi'; 11( till' );l'Ollp lif l'I'• l'"I 1 .. 1w111d 111 11 ''" n•llv 111annr1 .. \\ .. •l1•1o111.. x 11 ll><h .. ht• 1'111111 "l Ill/ions of r.'c:' ·r <'Old 1rnd ,.,,fl Iv 1·ht1ntrd .. ,,.,1 r ~onir tu h"lp h<'r kt>1•1• w11rm ~lw S ACRAMENTO. ICNSl -Fri· t'rPued t'rclc1Pnry In getting cu-1 hoped !hf' sun would hi• w;i 1 m ron .tay's "Affairs of Stat.... di>rolt tAtn ;n~ •Ion... thf' de11t•1 t Hn.J tho' 1· wouldn't with th" oppo111tlon of the Call-O l'T Ot' THIS AJR walk tou fe•t ror•r lo;_ll h<-r tr. llll \'t' !'ll'••n ,\'11111' .. t rlHlJ.!P Ulllll'!' \\1Jt h th•1 •111..:J·"·· 0111 ;\'al"ll l<\\'t•IJrd wllh r111d1·'. "!°ltlll' ""!lit UK 111111 llll:hl 11ld tomla St.ate Employee• A.qpcla-.. 1 t d 1 h1•a v1ly. lion to 11 en ate conatltutlo.nal l 1• <'On llJllng and iftlcu l w1-•• 11111n," 1Hlld l h" ll'11tl.•1 "Rlln- amt>ndment No. S. which would to understentJ or admimsll.'r." I ~EARC'JI W Al.l,S n<"1:c frnm the do·llnl 1 .. 11 .. f Hf're Ill ll slatfml'nl dr11wn out I H I h b \ tJ f 1 .. _ permit lhP 11tati> 11.'~islature to i:. 11 "., I•' 1•11nv<in <• run-1111ani.:t• uwn a11' .,.-a11t11 m1tktng pro\'ldl' by law fnr PmphJ)'Tlll'nt "' thin 1111 • 11 11l11'"'"11Y :-;,.\ l'V,.n nrng wa11·111 N11llsh hall<'1! th•• th••1r w11v to n11r v1llagrs. M"n of private ar<'hitec \JI an.1 engm-" high ~h'"'1 ~tull••nl <'"ulJ nil,.. wnnien 11 nol f'hlld1·1>11 111111 with lot<> with hn11• "" tlw1r [11.<'N•. a n t1 Pris to do l'lllte work on " rnn-un.ter:ctan,1 what th• llrtJl'ntlm .. nt '"o """' H'al<'h•"I with th1·11 lh• 11 i;, .. 1,. :i • l)\';•14'.'d w1lh b.1"ket l1 11r t b11s1~ Thal A~.o;(lri1111on',. ~ayic. Thi• nnwn1lmrn1 o•l1•a1ly dP· k1•1n t'\rJ< lh•' o'>on \on wall" an1I m11t-'l't" 1111111uol~ a1·P '"""'' 1tr· fine.!! a ''"""'r uf thr le"bh1· lta fl ( 1· A \' '11 l I I ti h t I i:urn••ntJ< 81'l' t11k1•n up point I} ,.. " ~ m1r " n "~ 1 ,. 1110\"'-11111•·· ,,, ,: .. r 11·n I " < •'<'r 11111 liolnt today. y tuit\ ~" it 1 · ni.~ J iff11·ult lo un· ment~. The\' h111I a f·•ar of o All· •'I'• n lh•• h n:: lwar-. 8111111• of 1h1•1"' o1Prstant1. A11 lo aJmlnlstrauon v 1 1 t If I t h ( 'It I" th!' opening WPC!ge to . .''I " '"' ' '' Ill " l "" ' o m ><I 1.,111:•'1'!4 H "' t< t"fl t ho•,;e bt'h"l • ll never h111; ht'1•n a.tmin1slt'l'l'll. rhdJh1111.t ~:n1•mt•'ll f1.,011 ub<1vr who 111111<,. 111 .. 111r hl•h•1111s '"'" Capital Needed to Create Jobs, Produce More Work 1Nu1 n M lht' ·11po1b' s.\'slt•m.. 110 ther" n111 he no dN·Js111n •m W!'rt> most d:oni:rroll~ l h••u n111'"" Any movl' to go back to th!' wlwthl'r ti ts d1rt1C'11ll u1 nnl AC'· Th111 wn~ 9 rru• dul 1111.,,,.11 ,,,, 1 lffAftT r ot'Sl>S ~'"''Aiied ';opoils' l!Y!<lt•m rnili(ht tually, tht' lt>tling-or " rontr&<'I :-;atish wa11 n>1t l•m ,.11111., rn••d '""'' 11umr mefr1rlPnl 11t11le em· by th•• sllll•• 1.~ a pr11crdure whk h 1 ,.:ven th• villnc•· ~It" ;fl th•• htos. Th• l··;ul"I 'l"J'I""' hr••111hl<'ioi<ly pln.ve""' lhr1r )Ohs. :-:atur1tlly. em-goes on &!must t'Very d11y. of what "'" 111,1,. ,1111 111., Turk••\' 11r1d :>:11thh ""uld hear ht" ht'llrl ployr•>i• uf the lrtate. prot«lrd "It I~ Spl•ni<Ol'<'•l b\' prlVH\P rn-T1·11rk WAS d1•1<•'1 l•'tl Tho• Jl•'llf'l~ 11111 111 I \\ ""' "tnrnite r•"lJ1h•11 ~ht s•~ 11 Jn th ~ •t b th h I \\, ,,, th•':""!' \\"•'I•· tht~.v "'tKJ.~ or "''' "' ·e "~" '' "' roug teres111 solrll· for p1lv8te Kain " hll•I 11111\'" ! duwn lh•· rlifl)"" ,.. 'vii e I·' l d11 \•tl~" ' "rvtr·•'. wou u reiten any SO \VHAT" nt•a1 t'r lhe de!'• •I. '"' :l '' ",. This and other Atl'lerlran cities Invenlorie11 a re kepi. not be· rnnve which might provide for cnM 't '111111• "l'f'rtd I h<' 11111:ht Wllh "" re\'eive a ~tream tlf wagr11. sal· arlea and dlvldenda through tools and related Items In whlrh In· cause m8nu!ac turers like to "ee work being dune b~· pl'opl1> nut-,.,t~·11t 1" &kn i°penlh tloor toth J?111v.. .., """ nMhini:-.. < 1,.llk"d rild X.1 11xh .;1111 h· 11r I h•· 11t,,rl1·11 fr nm a etock of goods plied up, but sl•le liwlr d1q11<'. On<' uf U1e easy · " w or 0 Ost' ':':' 11' :'\"al ish r ti.. ii•·•., 11 l'•'"f'lo·~ lhem11ch•o'.'<: because th!:'Y cannot operat .. with· ways lo <l\lf••lll o pro1xu11tion 1s m<i:.t poltttt'&I inflt1t,n<'e. ":'l:l't thet 11., "'"" ~111.i 1.;1111111 th"\ 111•· "'"'''".' dustry must invest a whopping out them. A stock of raw matl'r-lo refer lo thP '11r>0if,.' system. OS BIO BA!'I~ the elde.<l 11c1n. , t•> h" , ... 11111111;•'1 0rl 211 o .175 billion dollars! 1als mul!t be kept ready at hanJ "It w11l weeken an1l undrrmine A riJirulnw• rt11 tl'tnPnt. whirh 1 Bualnl'1111 and moJustry, which musl run tip about $1 2.500 for each m11.n or woman it put !I to work In a f11ctory or relate1I jllb, haa a capital bre11kdown 1111 la llated In the chart above. In releasing a detailed "capital In Ut!t'" at'count!ng today, the Pa- clf1C' Southwest Region of the 1'\a- t1onal ASllOC1at1on o( Manufac-tur· t'rs 1tre11sed this 11ta tement: tr co11tly delays 111 production are the best 11lat" c·1v1l 11ervke ~y-df'<'t u•s th•• pr1·11l'nt •)'lltem of 1 .. 1. 1 to be avoided. A st ork 11f tho• 'tern In the natl"n" ting ronl1H•'t11 fnr bwldln~. ma<l J • frnl11herl producta mu11t be k<'pl I TRESO TO l'OCIAJ.Jlll~ W•lrk. s11pplil•s rtn•l oth1•r tbrngs av8tl8blr In order lo mPPl Jr anything 'wt•aken8 anrl un-the stet., "?111ys nn a bu1 b1t>1r11. promptly the unpredictabl~ d•'" 0,.rmlnes' the trend toward So· An!l rni-tnualc-s p11hlw1tl favnnt1sm mends of custOml.'rS. In ad1ltllon, <'lllll!!lll In govprr.mt'nt pl.'rsonnel. nnw h11s an entM 111g wedg!' In :<ince the manufecturmg rrocel!11 ,.11pport<'ri< M R 1.,.,,1,bllcan form state i;overnmenl. lake!! time. there 111 alwa,\'ll 8 nr frre entr1 P""" i;m· .. rnmt'nl un-"It sub:<t1tut,,,.. poll101·1tl pn·11· c-omodera.ble !'lltK-k of parttally doUbterlly will l!llpport It wllole· sur<' r..1 th•• mrnt sy11trm 1n 11<)· ftnll<hed J(OOdS 111 the hanll!! l•f he><rlf'oJf\•. tnjZ !!\8\e W QI k." mRnufat'turers. The total timount 1 "It w ;ll 111 no wav mrrease Ule I Thr llllntr an!!\\·er for th111 a~ invt'sted fn lnvenlun. s a l all efflrlri,"v oC slatf' · servu:e.. fo':. the rr.,,·111u11 stalf'mPnl CAPITAL NEEDED i.tagrio t•ame to 43 :i billto11 <Joi-H••rP is 11 tli•Ufltahle lllatPm• nt., Thi>r,·· 1, 1 -~n ne<'d 11r J11st1fl· 1 "If people are to be fed. cloth· IArl! at the end or l!lr>4. C'1tl10n or 1 ed. tr8nsported, eFlUCRtetl. given tn view or thr f•Ht thril survt>y!'I At h·a!'I, n••t tn the eye,.. or I I d CREDIT i'nlf: nrndP or the t•ff1c1t'nc1· Of !<late t E ... I mPdlc-a ·tlenta care, and amui1c , Th u t f 11 d FrrvH'<' reveAl •t 5 J>Omethin 11 . he CS A. 1 he 1•g1sl11ture how· such capital must be amassed to e c 8 om 0 se mg grl(l ,q on 1 I? n "''l'r, r"plrl<entlni; thP 1nxp11\'Pr11 I th tool t Cr t I credit ml"an!'I that 11 1·eJ'la111 1ler :rn porl'ent 11( whet It 11ho11h1 j h th b 11 1 h h. eupp y e 11 o ee e wage, t b w o pav e 1 11 mu~ a v.. r .. n aalary and dlvident lncomr. Ir ll nmo.un or capital 18 Alwapi tie•l 1 &. rnn,·1111·•.,t lh<rt' wa" a n«'"d fnr ' I.ti held by frl.'e lnllivld1rnl~-an•l I "P in the form or rereivable"-"Il will lncreai;p llw "''"l or the 1rn1e111lmt'nt. or 1t wn11lt1 nnl workers are tree to pick up or the iunount owed by rustomers nn I government." I haw• a<! o p le ti the meA811rt' lay down tools nr quit ont• em· 1 the orders tht'y have rPceivr,1 but :-:n f&t'lll or ftiz11re.• rore givPn \\'hether or n11t the people 11dnpt ployer and go to work f<•r 8n-not yt>t pair! for. Al the enrt or to support rh1s t'ttntC'ntwn, which the llmf'ndmrnt. 1t 8pp1>ars ju11t1· other-there is liberty. tr lhr l!lS4 this C'Rme 10 23·8 bflllrm itol-1,. tll'b;<table a11 well. VKl:<latnrl! fil'd if only \11 wakPn thP publlr ;. • ..- capital ii! owned bv the 11tate and l>lrs. In effect. manufat'lunng ror-11pparPntly Lh•,ught the 11mend· 1 to tlw q11c,.t101n "Shall thl' ser· --"· people are <'ompelied to wn1 k at porat tons had loaned 11118 anH•lmt ml'nt wouloJ rtl lca1<t rr1111lt m In· V!lnt.s ber ome the meHtPI'!< ?" the jobs uaigned to them by the I to their cui;toml'nt. It 0" an in· 1 Stat1? Burt'au. there Is no liberty. vestml!nt or thl' funds o( m8nu------------------------------- lt'• a.s 11lmple and Inescapable ractun ng t'tll'Jl<'rAtionll -11n<1 H I!' A.ii that, whatever the 1t1eol11glcal an unavoidable lnvrstment ir I 1 ab e I. Communi,.m. Sociallllm, good.~ are to be Mid m the man-i Fa1clsm, Corporate Stall"m 0 r ner now rustomary. Sacramento Sidelight their derlvltiee. The condur t of any busln,.11io rl'· ----------·.---.-----------------COl' Tt' ('A"\'() · quire11 that a sub~tan ttal fund 1,r SACRAMEN'TO. 1C:'\S1 -\\ hen • prnirrsm w1th1111t crcalinl(' cnn :i 0 • ·" :\ -Nat 1sh 1:tnd his srms SN t r< h1•d America 's manufacturmiz cor· · . th c 11r 1 1 1 1 t if 1-'"' h h h II d ·1 h f . c33h, or a.saeta r1>8d1ly convertrhle " a nm fl eg" 8 urn 11 op .,.., m"'" mon~trou.• 1irPaurrnry t 1111 l e canyon wa s an its f nor Wit k t·C'fl cyPs r1r any porationa c11pltal total l!I 1nve~e1! Into ~uJi. be hel" at •11 linl•.• :1:en&lf' coniot1t11l1nnal amendn\l'nt rxt11L" 11t the (l• P!ll'nt time 1 I In -..eta or many tllffrrf'nl kan 111 ' '' ~ ~' hostile mu \'C'mt•nls. -l'hc1to by forac•r-l'arkt·r l • Thi• Is AO.ant-1 fo l :'\"o. R. It in •II pr1•bab1hl\' (I'll r nme.ll 0 0 \\' h•l\\'•VP!', th .. r1111-but all oC them are e!IM"ntl8l to l " •~v 111 r mer 1ng ex· . < ---------, pense11 nt va1·101111 krnd11-ln<'hid-tha t b11renurrary. 11tntl11m Rnci ioo-fornu1 St11tr Jo;mploy('~,.. A.•.1•11ri- the acilv1tl~ll ot \~~rh manufactur· miz-payroll11 anJ taxt'l'-8!1 lhPv '1 "1aHsm he ve madt> enough in-Al 1•1n, whwh hl\.q i<l•ft•" r,.1111)(1 Th•' .-t11IP rmpl•"~" iq in loll ·"'' lnJr en erpnu1<. t out lhii1 tn·I fall 1tue. On DerembPr 31. l!l!\4 I ro11ol~ In If> 11tat.. l?O\'l'rnmrnt rn"'>nhets in 11 11 ,.,.,.11,,n ~ nf c11tt. m1111hlr r"~ltrnn t1o 1n!h1M10" 111111-~es.tment ~t w::d b~pos~lble mRnufectunng rorpora t1(tnll h••lrl I th111111!'h thC' t1izht org&nizat11111 n( f01n111., Rn1 l\tlarks ti\•· w111rlt'1m lly 11nd fn<'nof• k":e lh;:pl: ~mp~:~ed 9 or to 28 0 h1lllon dollari. In lhc form n ( r rvil sen·ic-P • f t he rlf• 1 .. 11 l •'i"'''''"''1lt\'"• ••f !'(K'IALISTIC' rATTER:-0. P Y • cuh or U. S. Gobern""ent b·ln•I• The amemlment l>8Yll th"l th" th' ""Opie In adopt111 .. lhf' a m<'lld· R I h First. 66. billion dolJarll !11 tle-d ... • 'Q r .. • \'I'll 1ni.: l ~ s1., 11111,.11. !•Ill • •'hllt ~ .1 \ ,,nd ,.h•n 1ld ,,..., m1t hur• •A;''' tap•,r1 t1tJtPJ-111 1 • tu• p1J•·d u n Ul l.dt• ~"tlt\ll hlillf,t f, rh \>\fl k t)Ht' J t1\'"''· ''"'' q 1t 1<¥· in MU 1•rnll- d t1l ,,. • '" .,,, 1 •• • 1°, "''" 'h,.,.1'"r · · · This m11y llf'Am an Anorm11u.· legi11l3tur.-may 11dopt '""'II to m"nt Th" A!'o~•1·11o t111n ""'<11rlin" up U\ bulldlnp the land on wh1rh ~ ' ' " ., tf'rn forn11nr; m t hl5 11chl arnl ' . "hoard" of f4'11d,V l'll!th, hut IH'lti&I· llllthorizl' lhP l'lllploynlf'nt (If prl· I!> Sam HRn!lun. J(Pn1·flll manog• I s (o I' 11 llil 1.1 I Ii tJn In 11 t • 'I f I""' h !!11\'l'J n .. r they rl'l'l. ILOd the mRCh1nery and Vll!f' arrhrt~t~ And enu\nPPI .~ IJn . fl nr ,n II" H., P, f'll l ' ~ , •• --'th h ,,. m•,sl M It was a ht'ad>· "P"k"n ' ~, "' ""''II th,. pt-opn'lf.'f'l llmen<lm,.nt I~ 1 1 "Ani9D tlr•n t'"A c·<11 11 • ;,.,.11,•111 .I. 1<1.1. •11 •JtHI tool• .. , In t em. ~ 11 rontr1.,•t b11. .. 1s for the ""rf11r· pur ''' •or,. ·~ • ,,.. · " Ill 111 .. I•"" 1111 f11r. For C'JUlmple. nn the 11&me r· R ~"nrius threat In go.)() irovern· b<•IHfl •lf tlll !'I to" rt11.rn• tlt11 1 Cl'ltUJ'o'T ASSETS <1atr the corporatlonM ha<1 Ill· mllnre of w()rk 'whir h t h•• llb· mC'nt. 11 n1t will hr "PPM"d by t h" llm!'n!Jment 1~ ~no1n~.11 ,..,1 t.v It 111 easy to llt'I' that m1111u rea(lv cru d b t 1 1 I t•lnRble lltarr flf a "tatf' 11.11enrv 11 th 1 n . ('SEA b ,. · · \.\'., 11r·· »If"'''" h11 JC lh•• r•'•lnt . • " ac e • " no )'P pa1., -8 r n 11en<e r11n nnio: ptt,·at" inlCff'l!tA llol,.ly '"' I"'' .. r "" i.r111n wh~or· ti" 11111on1"n· f11ctur1ng opera1 ion11 could n•'l be Rn income tut ha bihtv or O\'er 111 uft!lble lo perf<1rm w1t.h1n thl' to bl'llr " \'",. •ain , ri d 'tho t I t o b · tunP. thr p11bl1r mtere~t requires I I .t II 11 111 °• ••I 1 'II 11 .. 1· 11 ~111 111 ..... ~ • r.u1'1 car e on "'' · u an nvntmen I l llllon <1nl111111. Thr,v had b11nk h k t he d .. Th11t thl11 lnfluenct 111 powert11I ThtA. 1 hl'n, 111 th4' 11111'1 r 1111•4' , , 11 .. 1,,.. ,1, , 1 I I\• 11 •·wn hllt •""J· In lonr·hved flldlltlu or this lypP 1011.1111 1U11ount1nir to ()\'f'r 4 b1lllnn sue wor 0 one. 11nd w!drl!pr,.11'1 Is wrll known. If a~atnAt So1>1111ll$m In ••i h"r "'•I '"· , t1llll 1,., • .;tir · What 11 not AO generally realized I dollani which would fall '1ue wlth· R'f:AOV FOR Pt'Rl.JC t>1·erv Atlllf' emrl"YC"e. buklng m what th<' <:SEA 111 tttlf•n r•CJna l•• 1 that m1tnufacl co l anl I ' "' T1i. ""'" k "' th•• I :-:1·:A. r11m. 11 urmR n P eio m the nC"xt tw,.lvl' monthA. Th1>1r Obvln1111l~'. the 11m1>ntlment Wll8 t ht 111~urtty of job protf'ctron. an· 11111v 111 thAl prh•11 t'" hu•11H·"~ In· have to kttp a n even latg~r nott'll and arcount11 pey11ble (':tm<' aoopte.1 for gubmlH!On to the j mat 11al11ry 1nl'aa1"'· hnllday1 l!'~f'sl11. whlr h 111 .. th" f1 o11n•!11 l 1••n inc "·' •"lt.d• ly r• 11 .. winl( this amount l nvP•l~ '" what '91 lo almost 14 blUion dollar., Thr peopl" at Lhfl nu t gener-111 "l"C· a bovr and bfvon.J tho11e taken bv of the Rrpubh<'&Jl forrn o( ""V· ''"' r11 "I" JI ov• • (·11t ho•t '1 1>dl'nr~ le " t a.-t•" -ln · · "' f nown a.. curren • t'allh hnldlng11 of r orporatlon11 an .,llon t o "f.ll't'•! up l''lllle of the ord rnuy buaineM enterprl-. ru •• emmrnl. end the bulw1t1k, t 1h"l 1" 1h" 2• ""··r• r • l•il••m1•nt, An•! ''enton e11. rPCCl\'ablrll. Rnd r1;ioh in mo11t in11tan<'<'". Just &11 lndlA· clllly-d11ll.v111g f'nlZRIZ<'ll tri . by the 11<1nabh• hf'a lth 11111urance. thrf'~ I frtc ,.nte rpn11,. that hll.• rn111f,. 1>~1,,,., ~ 1)1 1 1·.,, 111i: 11 r ''" t••· Thia ty~ of tn\'estment · a.l.!lo, 111 penl'•ble 11.l! lh,.tr 1n"""ln1,.nt In I state's Cl\'ll J!('l'\'11.'e emplo}•ee11, Wl'ilk11 vat'at1on e11ch yf'ar, and 12 A mn1fa a ~nal n8tlfln 1<t •111"1I1• 111 I !"111·1,d111r11 .,. hh h 1 h~ g1wer· tndl!lf'!'nMihle tn thP rnnt1Ucl of lin,·entorrt ,, i.,11ldt;1,;•. or machin· llnd lo !'roy11!r thP "'""nio fnr lh" dll\'3 uf ""k !"•\'(• 11nnually. 1?0''" l'llt"hPW any 11 ltempt t.f) 1111111.i• '"'' •h·•tl<'•I 111 ulhr1 Jll\ll11 c>( thfll our rna.nufactu.nni buemeN. ery. •tate lo catch up on Ila bu1ld111& All n\H to dere11l the amC"ndment. 1 In I.he comer eel a~lde for bur· ~•me edtJ1 eu. I (iAl~S H)R SAILOR H'S -Abo\·{'. N <.'w po rt Harbor H igh :::;C'hofll R Quartt-rback Jim Nic·mii:>t grit~ his t cdh aR h e t a ke::; off on a nice :;cre c n-pass ga.m against ?er~od Give B Win 1\ pq1 1f tt1U • • l '• 1•'1\11' I' lh• I 111111 -l1• hill I lt jf h llH 11 I• 1 ) I I l t' I 1 ,ql If ,,,1:1 I I••\ H H~•.11 h 1~ I ' . ...:un ... , t l .•'1''-t' \l1l•it~ ,,,,, !h1• ~ \\1•1111 I • 1,., 11• h ~"""I l1 .. ht11·1dlf r 11 t 1. , ~ • , 1' n , 1 d '"' .. n 1 • .J 1 'f h II -ol.I\ 1 .... 11 t 'loot \\11J110 l tol• 1111" XII 1 ~·1 1 f...1 11!0 ll 11 d l'"l I•" l \\ llo·f1 ,..ul Ii 1 \\ if .. i•n .... ·nr. d h1..i: ... ,., 11tl t: "' r. r 1. •: \ o ... p..;11 I lrl .,,. '· 1: .. j I Ii Th" T;11, ... h111 tn:• " 1\ n 11. ,,., • u l\' n1 1lu' ...-.in11 l·-11l 1,,,. '' 1 . ., 1· S 1htudt'' ""''"l•t f HH11 t1\• \'HI 1~ 1H1l .11 1 .. , Hill 11th kl 111.i ''" ti II)• 1~1111 I /'11111 lo lllt ll lo1 Ill' "d.·1 ::.1 "'11 ·1 hn•' ll't.11 I· 1 lt.1• I< :>:"I ll.u I oJ,.;i,f- l•11 t<1•d l h1• &..•Oil'' h11:+~ll h.tUl11111 v.1! h " •ttl•· \'jlftl plt11lC•' T h,, I I H- \'•'t ..;_··q~ -Cl"I\'•• l h·· r 1 v:d~ ;1 -;-ti 1n- t1•11111-•l1111 h•:1d FAT \1. ~;-. \t. ' r11-~ ,n1t•1 ···pt , .. 11 tw n 1!<, 8 111 I •:1\·i< fnlln" ,..J I"· a 1;, 'ltt d t\Jn, L: HP lhf·· H lfnl tn~t•1t1 It• .11 h ho•\< l4 lflllo k T l t Ill Ill• il111of !'lt1nnt \o:ndl•:il. 11 :111 "1! 111:1;••1 " ", ...... 10 1 OH"' '"'l\'t 'f ... ,. " \\'ll:o-Pt1 \\ 111\( l1J \\'HI k 111 q - p1.1nt Pn th.• :-•n 11r,d ... , 1 1u1n1,1 ~· f'lll\' ,1tlo 1 '"' •'1pt t I thr k1o 11 .. 11 H••tl hl••l«• ll1r<•ll!!h .1 lqw I 'I' l· ttnd ,.1dtt1·'t'1' p .ll!-llt:tc_ bti11ha, k f't ~ t t\!ht Up 1 ll,• llhddl•• ( 1r I f~ •• ~·111d 'l'I' 11111 ,.\i:111n !ht '""'''' ""'II t•:1• 11r11 •. 1 1r ... lff7.7.F.n l "nd~unr •\d 1 h·· l~q, B ... 11 1?"'• ! f••! a ~n ... ~•h•'~ I t•''1v C,\l10t ·, 1 b h k .1 ," :'\11•nHr• 1••11k 't _..,, t'*'"'?J 1 ·•"'" f<r II lll"l tl•\\'P r nol f:1 111rl H, 11. A11kfo'd ••tt 11 I· Hi; 111n , 11 11 1<tA!t1t• <of lth<'t l\' I•' ~t't 1l Ill' fl •1rn th<1t f'•' nt Alld \\·11~ d!dl· l'•I •ntP l'°I• f'll•I 7"11• It• I thf' tl ThAt l'"' ,th• lo" .ti j:ll\ .. nl.l'aol )1\-t I. hut 11• 1 !••t Inn~ T"" fl· llAI IJU!llt~1 of•:\•• ll•ll1ol H11nt· lnL: ·n .Rradi .« • ,, • • II\' F11lll• H k ·'· ha ChAnP,\' Rn•I \.,l lll\l tl'rh111 k HnrL Tribal Triumphs ENSIGN CASABA STARTING SOON l*r .t• •I\ t• t••f lhr• t If~"~' f 'Hflf t\' fo:l•·ltl••!1I t t ,\' S\ hcu•f 1:.i-l,dhall l.• .t):ll" 111 lt•11,11 t• f-:u i.:.11 St ti 11 •1 ~\atl"' :\',,, 1. t \\ ,.. h Pn111,111 'd l'ul i\' h1• C '••Iii It :'\"l'lll.t 11 !'it Ill\\• II, ,.. '··" I .. ,, 1\ ;.,. J1.1 ~' II· \\"II • 1 . " .,1 IJ.-Ill 111.. I •• 1!) :O"\'I ~;11\" 17 t'.!llll't \\, ... t H.1H .. l +t . L1nc11·· pl•)'"' h '11 \ .ttd n~ ... l.H~' in t lt•1 I lt!fll r I!· t·' it fl •t ;...: j \\ I ~I ' t 1{· j ! h \\ t ,t•t I hf 1•I (1 t 1J1 ~ , ' I In • I 1111 " \ll ilt• Ill \i.~11 l0 •, H•tt t 1 -'11•1 1: ' l t '' 1t1C• ·r11 -''• .11 l l.1 .J "ll·• TD BATILE Saints Edge Argonauts h)' 24-20 Score -...\:>:T\ ·'"' .nr.'\!'• !'11- ,:, \1,, 11 11::.h Sih·+1 1u'\1 1,d I: I' ~.. I, \ • f! _ h ~. 1 1 l lfl A h,t'f, ( 11•111111•'"' '"'' "iiu+ rt . ' ..... ~ •• \\ ·' Fl••' "'I' II.• 11 11111'" I< I~ 111 I• ., Ill • • n jl •• :-= n•t'twi \\1'h n :a . Llfd """' 11tic. "f 1 lfl.,: • H ' • I\•: I h II l1•:1 1 rti'' f •••• \, J,. t",, f lq'' • .. ·~ tl•f ._.,. tui\1111u "J·,1 ri f lh• 1 ••• l1o.'• l 11'• !\'. I 111' · i.17<' l"I\ • f( tr1 • ~\I I 1 .\ • .. t t •1• q\ 1 • • t tln ,\I£<'· n 1 rH t Ill I),. \ "l J ... ! t l 1• t I I ... , l \l l' t. t I~ \\' r- ~ Jn~ 1 · 11~ h ' \\ t• t:11.f1 •1 r;,,,," "i d lt4 1 no n1~n ~11nt •l,\•'n 1~ •.11 ly p0·1 f'l:~ nnd l l1•·•1 fullL.ht hr. k f\n 1h,~ \\'1flj!< 1! n '' l,t·• hit~c c 11 un t n·~T\ul• t• t tk•• fh1"' 11Ji1v A\\J.IV ft•n} th•' \Jr .. :h•' t'urd q11t\1 trr1t1: . n "•"\"''""I :11nlol'' r•\'t•l th• 11·t1\' f, r thrPt' l<'lh 11.:, wn 1lr1\'f« llt't"<',. th~ WR\• l h1• ~C<'Tlllf: W • nt Ill :hP "'""'"" 1IUP) 1111.lrr thal'll· f\n 1n.c 11k1,--·~. I M· Y•'r In t P t <' Pp l rd Q u.tr • l<'rl'lll )( F' !.) 1• Ru"• fill! pll.•S tn· FTLLERT0:'\, 1 l1C:'\S\ F'ttl-to•rdr ·I f, r f:no:t Htll Sn.f• r 1t1· I l··rl••n H1i:h s , l nCll drfp;1t1"I t 11-tR• ... 1 ~•I \31 !.• f·1r " to111r ht111wn 11nitt> H 1s:h in R ;ind c r , 'l•nll n.. ..,.,.~~"'" t• ,. : "l"d 11• ,Jt 1 c tmr• T1i.,, ... ,". Th.-(n,l .111 ll • 1 I "''" 1 ..\., • • Rt111• 1 ·~ W.''1U 4H l. ll\c CI •0·8. llV8Rl.t; l 'Ul ~U. H unt in g to n B l•ach lightwe ights h e re Thursday. Below , Fullback L a rry Schradl'r gets a blo ck a.s h e runs back an Oile r kic k o ff. -Staff Photo .. . ----~~-~-~~~~--~----~~~---- ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I MONDAY, OCTOBER 24, 19,SS SAILORS CLING TO SKIMPY LEAD FOR WIN OVER SCRAPPY OILERS <'Am.. \,hr T n t nu111ph Rt:RR\' .... uce Bt>rry l'\•arto.1 lhroUJh Olf 111111- dJ,. tor twCI flrllt down• In lu r· lni: •'nmc hr:<, Tllm ura .-w1vfl·hlfl· Pt'•I ror '"''' OION'. Su ddMI\' It \\'>1~ fo urth >1n<I two on thl' (111<'1' Samsel Rugged Defensive Standout Hopkins Scores as Twice out the thlr·• 1 • u th 0 ll'r~' l :\ Hll pklns wf'nl all thtt wav " II n ' l' 1 ' nC'Xl 1f1H ' • penl't tatetl tll't p Into S1t1l11r tt>t'TI· I · ' tory. Taking over on lhl'tr own Bui whtm t hf t hird atrai..:ht 34. Huntington Bl'11c-h on('e llltlllf1 N•nven•tNt wrnt awry. lh<' T AI >I rlppt>d a nd tore throu~h Tar ram-rl'm&lne'1 In 11 t<'nunu~ po-.tu'n parts W oodlnglon .slA11h1'tl off Thl'rt• wa~ b11l four m1nulu to By BILL PHILUPS one (lr8l down. >'Pl'edy Mr KI'•' i;n, 111111 th•' ()1ll'ra Wf'nt. Sixty· . . . two more. V111l h tt Hurrud with I five yart1" \'1<11 connf'<'lf'd on 11 Taken by s ur prise by a battling gang of Huntington an a l'r!al on th.. T iu 10 ft\r 1 hf'11\'e to t-:ntt D1wr T umbauith on B e a c h Oile rs, the Newport Harb-Or H igh Schoo l Sailor s had anotht'r. Va11 m llv.-cl th .. p1.-:sk1n ! thr Sa1lc•r -17. Wol\dinicton •hth · · · · f b h ' d h l' I to Ute lo<-1tl 4 on R kt'<'P <'rt"! t1' lhe lo1'1tl 3!\. Mt"KC'e bat· I to fight for their hves to come rom e tn , t e n c mg t o Th bl 11 1 11 1i.-r .1 hi" wAv to Lh.-17 \'a 11 hit . , . . . e a I' Ill e s1gna C'll t'r •' . a t ight 18-13 triu m p h on the rival f ie ld Friday night. It Wl'nt to the Wl'll nn1· .. IM vfll'n. I TRntJ(Ollht n11 lht' ~. With I!\ marke d t h e second s traight w in in S unset League competi-hvwr vt>r On 11 Jt1mr ~a"tl itv••r 11"'"0 nds of rl11" in th" ic•m,., · d f · · ~nnt•r ·rhon1p~ t a ·. t th • Suil-\\'oodJn"'lon l'lllnble.1 f nr thf' tal· t 1o n for thf' Tars and kept t hem u n e eated tn loop g r id plav " ' • ' rU I ~ H < ' 'n .. • · nr b>1ron hv 1nterC'<,>pltnR lhl' ly Th" '"'"\'t'l'lllun was nn lo?ll<'•I. Woodington and Vail IP8ting off pnrkhlclc aml g~t11t11: 11 out tu but th!' OtlH!' wl'r f'n't throuj:h. first r1own~. thl' 01l<"rs rompf'd to tht• TM 11. I (;111111= for t ht• win, they trt,.11 Thrrt> 1"<'<'0\'t'l'f'd t11mbli>11 anti ,1wn p1>.ss interceptions J(ave 1h .. Gohs llw mar!(tn 11( vtctury wlurh wa;; in clo11bl untd the f111111 st'· ~on1I 11f the thrilling fray · thnll- 1ni; la rgd~· due to the loost' pluy •1f lhr !"11d•w mat•hlnt• a.~ 11 w hnl" thl' Newport 20. At t h111 pmnt, , . tin ntt-.'l1olr kir k. fl'ortunatfly tor S11rt1!<el t ll~h••d tn 111 mh.lille lme-1 11 wasn 1 lt1ni: bl.'f1trP 111" Oii· :->t>wpnrl H at ht1r. t h,. Sailors b·w k1•r Tw1\ JllltVl! fr<1111 th •n 'er" J:Ul po~s .. ss1un ai:111n 11n thr I • t lh •quirt-' • t • ,~ • . .. • I ,;:aanll't rn~~··s~1hn o t! :\ll'll'Blff.' bribb\'•I up with en 011-·,:"~poi t 4 t . I' 11 '1 plu~ fuu.:h 1ni; N\\'lll• ;;kin on the n va l •7. t'r bnbhlf' on lhr Tai' 23 t o l1rnnrh StE'rltni: p11C'k1n~ '" lh<' Tnr ~9 ( I I th T ..... r• . ' C h h I 0 I f bl I ln1• p Iii lltt•r, <' 11r~ -u Ii i:o·aheacl 77 vard <lth·e int the a1111• l ,. t "' I •'r 11111 e 11111 IC'11R•'h Al Irwin termed tt th1• wo r:1l l!h«wrng or hts r'harges th•:< · " Fartv tnUolt> h t!\ 1, .. •1w1•1y I'll tht 11111~· t11n hHpp~· In hl'Ar l he final prom1~('(f 111111! 1 . , . I seoa11on. S:11lnr 3~ Sixty • f1w ya1d11 l1ilt•r ~llll \'ITAi. l'AC'KIS1: -----ROHBL.E llRIGAOF. rumble11 rt'cov,,,.e11 by C1181tl J erry SRmSf'I. E ncl !'\('ii Metl'alf1· '11n tJ Mirl•lk Gttartl Roi;1•1· Eorl" hH11tl'ht'1t all thrt'" Tar tnur hdnwn Tamurn cl1J the vita! hall pal'I<· rni:: Tho111;h thl' lnjur• d kn"!' wtirrh kt>pt him from 11ct111n thP I l \\'O pr rv10t1!1 Tar ttlts ot amp<>J up on him 11ev1•ral t1111c11 111111 hr '11·1v .. s Ent! Pa ul Lorentzen and WRs n nt his bobblni.: 1,,.11; ~rlf , St1fC'tyrrmn 8 1111 Thr•mp11on Inter· l•P wa.s gno.J enoulCh w lwn it rep(e(I l.IH13lll t ossetJ b)' UlfPI '1·1,unt.-ol AirlP1I bv i. , r un1•hm~ QuHrt"< bA C'k Hilly \'ail 111 C'lutrh lint• lf'llp by Pullbao·k r 'hrl1t· 1utur111011~ to thwart Httn!tngton 8t•rrv. llllt'lf "n I y ml offen.111• 81'&<'11 tally thn»•1"· ai.:11111.-t the Otlers. 11 m! 11 four!h Hero~ of the frny for lhP Sall-olnwn kerp b'' Schu1tt, thP S111l- ors Wt'r<.• .'lMll!\t•I and rugg<'d u1 !\ reac-ht•d tho• Oller 38. Halfba c·k J ohn Hopktns. \\'ht'n Srh111tt hmbrred up htR !.hoot- thP ;,f;u;hing. lrJC·ky Otler hnl'k~ mg a r m. H is first twn ntlcmpt11 R~&rted SN'p<ni.: throuich . the 18x Wl'l'l' rnromplelt', then he htt Lo- :->,-.w po rt hne. Irwin xhot watrh-' r .. n lzen w ith 11 bllllrt nn thP Oll- 1·har111 Gu8rrl Samst>I int o tht> •'r 26 and It wa11 four th 111111 two. b1 t>P('h at the middle hnebac ker Tamu1 a ptt ked up the first .'tf.>01 It> pull thl' Tai' tll'frn.•1• fo , .'lrhll1tt n.nlrod Lot .-nui-n for a j{l'l ht'r 1-~on·pd to pla~· mo rr tle-fir!!( on thr Oller 13 Kn•I 1mmf· I fen~f\ 1• ball th11n ever b1•fo re this •llht<'ly follow ... 1 w ith 11 hrave ti> 1<i·8~on. lh<> mli:hty mite rontln-Paul fo r the to11rhrlnw n A ra~ ued ht~ b1cl for an 811·1l'8 jtlU' 111t1•mpt fnr the extrl\ potnt w11~ bl'rth b1 n.kt'l1 up. llOl 'KIS.; ROl.T~ Th,.1·e w81< only I\ minute anrl H11pk1ns brillnl et·1os11 fnr !hr· n ha lf tn pla,\· hC'forf' h111ftime. w1n.;tn'.': ::::11.roi tnurh<lowns nn but the OtlPrs lnt<'nd«rl to le8ve loni.: .tH~h··· through ihe Oilet tht> field Rheacl S1·etb8l'k John ltnP. \\.'1th four minutes rPn~MtK(·«. unle11~h .. d R sen,.ottllnAI tn): •n th" 11.i.me l-l11pktn!! bu 2 yarrl" run t n g1vl' thr rival" l hl'OllJ:h rrntl'r antl anklril ~ a first on lhe :-=rwpnrt 27. E nrl I yatlh ''"' th" toity th11.t ai.l\ured Dnrl J on•»! gut IJf'htn•t the Gob 1 thP lnral 11.ln1l111t•11s v1r tory ,.,.frlyman 1rnd b11retr rnlssed !\tarnta1ntni: th,.rr n•rutallon 11s ~n81:g1ng 11. Vitti tos!l rnlo thP t nd s low startrt ~ th111 ~ea1«1n, th,.., i on ... I S111lo1,; founrl thPm~t'IVl'JI in a J hotl' N\1·ly in thP flrllt q1rnrtP.r. Vail'!! next he11 ve was ptck l'd I Qu11n,.1 b;u:k Gror>:<• s "h u 1 t t off In the enrl z<ine by Lort>ntzen <!Ulf'i<k11•kt>d wht>n u, .. Cob 11ttRC'k who 1an It nut t11 the Tar-8 bt'· "'""" 1<talled bv J1"11Hll1t•s Hnd loss-forl.' tilt' gun .«1un•led 1 .,8 and \hi' Cldt>l'S t onk tlvPr fnr BALL C'01"TROL lh1• fir~t tim .. 011 thetr .-.wn 4!! I Five piny!< 1111 .. r ll11•y h8t1 " ae-1 l<eep1n11: ball contrnl lhro1111:h· I ven pnlnl 1 .. ,.d, ----- K1>v r.:a1n w1u• r11rnl~he<1 w ith Brint your cttildrtll to Hr 11 44 yard 11ramp1•r off,tackle to tht' ~.11hd ~ b\' ~'111111,ll'k Br IHI \\'oollin):t l1n. Ha\fhRl'k J 1111 Sl•·r· ltn~ ,;l:tmmo•d t11 th•· 2, and HRtf. ba< k Lynell T:rn11w,.h1 11hot Arr<1ss 1h .. )!11111 Jin.. ~uarierba•·k J1111 f°RI g11h11r bnnt<'tl lhP f'l)Jl\'Pf'l'IOn t n.\ n : 11t:1.1 \'f:R)ol ,\lthott;!h Halfh11rk lla\'1• TR- rnu'" f'•'"'lil hlc>1I ht~ nld lie if b\· I T!JlJll11~ 11fl \\\'I r1rl<f duw nl' Rftl'r th" k H koff It l•lflkl'd Ilk<' !Ill' "Howdy Doody" Party! + OL + I , those 166 SMOBILES! (}/,./i.h! ~ h,11 P""'"'! \,.,.. Rockn T.J",o P""'"'' -.. ~Ital 1U11ootltnN1JI -.;,.., }1•ffl11Y1, I h 11111. \I •t ir ~moothn ...... ! ... \\'11.11 i:laninr! \,.., Narfi,.,. St ~·lin,:I rou·11 ••r "Oh.Ir.Ir!" ftlf" •ure "'hC'n 1'11U M'f' ()ftl• ftlf" '.;6J See them on "OHi Day" Nov. 3rd at your OLDSMOBILE Dealer'sl !Tar« WPI<' 11h1111t to i:•·t 1'ttll'k I !'11111t Halfha• k F:lnor~e r.ates Go w1·1h Orange I With rtilll'l' tarnblr .'lr huitl \\'Xl' I (1011111 "d "" a C:11"l"n Crll\'t' fum-I f<111•e1t In punt w ith thP h1tll "n h!t' on tlw "'~"" ~1 -ya1d line. th1· 01itor 40. Tackl" J ohn 8Pnrlt'1 T11 ... sauJ'" ..... , ... 1 '" ""'"'fl 111ny,.. Won Bui Tri· be 1 b"'k·· thrrou"h 111 partially hlock with llnlfh;11 k DUH l-l urllwrl. 1th•· pnrkhlrl" I i.;:.111e \''1 f'l8tn. ritl'hrn~ " three-I It MIUll'lt'd 11111111~1 ~t rAt ght llfl .'·apl ~'"""'!! pA.<!< 1111 H run-pilll!! L N rt and r·auH• tl11w11 on the 01l1•r .111. .. ,.11 .. n t11 h u• ni::ht. oses 0 on I hut Sant~PI \\'1"! !Ill' OP_\' who Wiii< 1;.11olt>r1 \.tov" pa1 8d<'d 68 yar<ls jw n•pp•·<t 8rr1111til th .. pelnl11 when 1n 1·1:;:ht plit\:• \\'1th llnlfbat k [Jon I F ULLERTON, IOCNS) _ The thP ort1r111\x d11,1: thrnt1J:h th" rt" H·•~•1111n 1l11•h111~ t h" r1n1tl 3!l a 1< Fullcrtun l nLlli11t~ ):Tnund out a n 11<ullant p1lt•·up T:.1m11ra shint<'•I "" ' 111 IPd hill lt•(l 1•n1! H11s11111n I tmprl'l'l!IVf' 30-i ViCl1Jry over Or-I f tll' 11111r \'81 tl:,1 rh .. n Hopklll:< 1111 ''"" 1:1 n l1t·rrnt 11Ul Jill} of <'J'••n 11n~e Fn.tny n ii;ht In l h<' Trihc-'l! b11•kf' l!lto th•• t'lf':tr up th,. 111111· f1• )d 1 u11111111{. I hornt'c:Clmrng 1'li t11e h ere. The win. f dlP """ rn1·111•ol th(' r 0•111111n1ni: :lfi Thl' At Rt·nnuts tlrO\'l' 6i yard11 hvwev.•r. -flhr.'t>tl <'rn;tly fnr th<', yards 111 on,. ~1•'01°1 R1 111 whi•n th1 1 1'' cnn\•er. ... inn Lu P1 t le T 11 r !o( .t1tl1 1n four play,. t f1r 11 1ou1:htlown. Brave11 111< tht>y lost the servlc-rs 1 _ · I 1n1h ~'11llha··k 1 '111 I L1n1btrn111 uf <.,>1111t t•>1 lrn<'k J rm Norton for tr:~~~··r1 '·: llb k 11.11 • • 1111~ tl11• ftn:1I 5:! ••Cf t Hrklr r\'m11ln<.J1·r 11f the year. No rton •th · u 11'' Dwk B1tri-1id Hr n11tran tht ):;ninl St'C'nnrlnn • :.1•p81-.•ntly bmke hts J1)!ht l'OlJar (; tld••n <;1 11ve 1nt!'f:'•'d lh•· rnn\'P.r· bHnC. •.1 .. 11 1111 .. ,-hll\'1111:' rntJd e lhe point ' Befnr!' 11.. was hurt. :"\orto n .tll· 1· rtw fnst ~··1111'. I had given F11lll'rll1t1 11 qt111 k 1 .. ad l\llO llt:HTll.\ T l , ~ ""'' 111.u11J•0d r,2 1·111d~ In :J.rountl h r~ 1 .. fl end 11111( "'"nt o v- 111110 I''"'~ '"th Fullt1111 k H11b er 1<tar11llni: 111•. Th,• A1i;1111aut11 ll,,.11 •. •.r;.I !:•"Ill! "'"''' 11 °1 111 tht"r '"'n\'f ltt•d, mrtk111g it 20 to 18 In '''' '" ""' Hr w;1:1 lh1· big g11n fll\'Or nf GH11 I .. n G1 ov1• :11 ~''" "' "-~ j \\'1th '"~ th11n thf't>f' minlltt'I! l .,11d0 11 ,,,,.,.,. r rcn v .. rt>1! a tn )!O J\l••y1•r tlwn s111•d 111ounu ~n111t J111111llr "n thr laller 's 2:1. hill wrak R•de fo1 th e w1nn1ng T11n /'IA,I'"' l.ot"I Hnsn111n tore H<'nr.-. when he paMPfl !l•'ven yen!~ ovet tile m1t1tlle In f:nd Sonny Ow1•n• fnr t Ile 101 lla I tn111•h<l11wn of I hr g f1Ult"' 1~'11 I y f'illh Pl hll• kl'd A!'l'01'l< fltt th•· ~c>•·nntl T11b:1t TlJ. l>ew .. v L11n- dry p1ckPd uff thP p111tr l;11nthrr I pl•nt tinol 11ra11q11•1 .. ,1 IK varol~ 1111 ~«irr J•'tr)' ~·1i.h1 I ~"'''"I thr trnalc>. ,::•Hn~ li \'H 1t1~ a1 ou11•t end. Tlte lntlr:ln:< ~rllunol 11ul Z lfl n111t11 1in the grnumt. n111king tr• firM rtnwn!l VII\ th" l("rnt1nd 1 oute J Mon. Oct. 31 at 2:30 p.m. Get your lldrefl now I Thrn cnmt" in 11 htldr~n mu;,1 hi' accnmpan1rd by adul(' I a11d .. OJOY lhl" fun' t\\lt ,,., d~l~ll• uo hnw t o !'!lll'r Lnl~~t ~ • ('Unff"hl and win .R Ol'W ({lA \'tctor B11C Color TV : Thty'll m "Howdy Doody" 111 1l•ious fill color 11 RCA VICTOR BIG COLOR TV! TARTER TELEVISION 2904 E. Coast Blvd. C'.orona del Mar WORKING GIRLS SAYE MONEY NOW! or CO·EDS HAPPY All White or Black and White HIKERS Soft Light as as Velvet a Cloud Oh-So Comfortably Smartt Wasemiller's WorklnKJDAn's St.on- 1894} Harbor Blvd. Costa M&sa Durin9 our Stock Close-out of JOHNSON SF.AHORSf: OUTBOARD MOTORS Tradt>-ini. Good Buys in J 10 h. p. and 25 h. p. electrrc' Bank Term1 FA CTORY APPROVED SERVICE Com p lete Part.A Stock See Us For All Your Bociting Needs speed rs to spare Speed is on e of the v e ry best featur es of cooking electrically. A m odern e lec tric range cooks with fast intense heal which springs into action instantly, reache s des ired temperature in seconds and stays right there until food is cooked to perfection. With no "warm-up" needed and no heat lost, it's just a step from start to serving .•• and you get perfect results every time. Southern California Edison Company ' FlaCJ Grid Heros !'1 ... 1h i1,.1tf' all·•t•1 n ae foot· ball l\UI e1 11>1 flat bt>1 S oya nub J 1111 ,.,., "111) an n .. n,,1• l'f'1t111 R1•1\n1• :-.usf'nl \~a1 y S1 h·.n"~ T 1•n1 Htyan llllkf' r a t· n ck ,,.,, 1·nu1h Jim 1•11111a J l'l'I ('111 \18 R trk ll••hf'I t ~. ~IC'\'f' Har· rr1 ~tlkf' /\11·1 .. <1 \\ J im l"unn1n1· h11111 Hiu .. 1,1 I •11t1h1 ,.JI, A 11 • n J,1nf'A Jt•1t ll1•ll>l111\ Turu.1n . ..v \\ "~''-~1 h."h . l1i;vr Ito•"'' M1keo \\'f'bllll'I .\t11rtUAI G"<lll!f' 01°h011 J"""" F lo1 ••, R1 ~an Lewie. LKn1t" John J an f'l I a nd Private Police • 1rs A LONG WAY AROUND END MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL Da\'e Hammond of Coach Emil Neeme's Sailor C's strains mightily to turn the corner against s trong Califo rnia High School's C's in recent football clash l'f':IU 'I'.( WI' l<t-:('t:l"l'IO~ :-:11ai.:gmg tht' ,,,~,.Ion uut of the rl':t<'h of Anaheim's Fre· r1111ll :-:, h• nl d• f, 11.t, r,; 1,; t-:nd Jun l'orl h nf th1· Horarf' Eni;1r:n B flag football team T h111 :-day Thi• J ·:t,..:-I 111m llu a1t1·rb;wk :-:1 .,·e H1 nroltn ~c·l up firs t score o f lhC' game It\· l".11:-1:.:11 ll.dJb.11 k 1 ;,1r~· 1·111t1:-a f1•\\" pby:-lult'r A nahl.'lffi w on. 19-12. -Slaff l'h11t fl HARBOR HORACE ENSIGN FLAG GRIDDERS IN SECOND j :Boy's Club ~o~ Grid Squads BfLL PHCLLlPS, Sport.a Editor 11.,1 I(" , ... ,i:11.:11·~ ·' n .1:.: r111 11b;i11 t eam dl'feat('(1 r n ·mont Undefeated ~. h1111I .. , \11di·1111 ti111,11 t hl' N1·wp11rt Bc·ach turf T hursuayl PAGE 2 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2'4, 1955 whil11h1·1111.d l-'.11~1;.11 1:·,..1'11ffl'T"<'tl a Hl-12setbar k. Thc<·on. HnihN f!ny.-1· rJuh ~<''""nth nnrl 1.· ... 111 fnund hrit h 1<11.,;11.:11 sri11ad!I finishing in sf'1·1111d plat!' 111 11i.:hth i.:1A<l1·1~ kl'pt ttw1r 11n<le- t · J'I l S h I I r.-:i11·.t 1 .-10111~ Th11 ri-t1av n1i;ht rn 1'11·11 t• 'f"'"I\•• (11.11 • ., 11unt\• ', l'mC'n arv · 1• "'1 gnc r1111111r• i:1inw, .11 l'•;1ola M•·~a 11 • .. , t " ttp. Th~ '' 11 ""''"" fi tl d I' tt k Th•· "'lt'\'••ulh ).:r.,,1, 1 ~ \\1111 • 1 ' "'" 111 I<' 1111° II rin llw h .llt I\ h111d fuui;ht baltlt• 11 .. m lh1 '", .. t """"'" '"~ 1.1111111 \11ll1o1111 1110,·•11 In flnnt J"\f; "ll!hlh i.;r11elr 1 ,,~ .. 1,.r, z11.1!l anti ~, • .u.lol I ii,. pl" .11 ""' \\llh Jl,1lfha1 k Btll\• l°Alh'\ of lh• lh•' •'lJ,hlh J:lll•I<• lf').:lll:ll:J Wt•n a " • t ·ri· • n f1o 11 1 h1• 1"11111•1" ii f,.J,. tall\·1nl:' ·t .. pull f:11,i,.:n 13·6 j:M11l' f 11•111 th• h1i:h ,., h••ol 1<fl•·111n • • ll11n """ f'ooml. 1:1.12 A fin ii 11 ~•·l\I'' \l:·••ll \nnh1101 lt•I \\l'o•k rr• \\'lilf'!ll'<l 11p thr ball 1(81111 Thi• /Oo'\"1nlh j:l:toll'I• 'lllllt't) ~ 11111.to k H II < '1111n111i:1 .1111 ,., 111, I 111.i 1 hr lt'l1g11e lltle !or A nahel111. 1.,,.1 ,, • :'\ ,.11 ~h :\1 ill«n ", 111 111, 1 1" lunl' 1 .. 1whf•o\\11 1 .. r lh1• F u 1 .. n.-up for St11J\\ .. ll";. U lt'a111 011 ;, hn,. bwk frrnn llw l'IOJ.:I•' 1..:n A • ·• • 1r '•" d "11•1 t11 1·1111~ St""" L:in;.;"1 Inf ""'l l'o rth "rng f•1111111t1t•n Bul<'/I \"1nrya 1 •I \\, .. 1m 1 1, , , q 11,1, 1 It" • 1 J.1• kit-'< T11111 l'i1n1t h .111<1 Duk mB<lt it ; ·O <•n a wini:bark 1, •• J.:11•1 I 'I• I:•"' I "111' 1 =•11 1·1~ J• If !"11''" n-\'Pl"'' Rl\'lln I.urn~ i:nt th,. ll ilth•" 1:, 101"' 't "" •Ill 1:"r•l··1 Kihito·r. <"onti•t rlghth g1 ,11lt'r11 rm the ro111! with f11'! I•• II " F1111.:n.• II• i<l· l 'hop l'ollot <./ll.ill•i H "lll"1111 .1 pn•~ l•l l'll•I 1!111 K1•nnrdy an1l In· " , .••• , •• '" 1.'41111 "' 1• I II ,,,, ( "111 !I>; :i11<i l"ttlli•. ''"" lh"n rlHI th•· 11i;:ht 'ntl rur the )-;1," II• 111• In I• 1 111,J•1 I'• 1lh F o ldo.1• k !\Pill 1J111li.:•o1n 1 .,nv1·n~·111n tn knut lh·• C'<JUnl. --I COLONISTS CLOBBER SANTA I Mt•·•· ~:::n~::: h~~~~:·'~~r punts. MONICA ON BUC BOWL GRID 11111• 0·1~hth i.:1a.f .. r:< !n1i.:P•I ahPad 11n a p1t~R frn1n l.11C'1111 to H11lf- hn1•k T11111 S11 ml1wnl Th" r11n\'l•r· ~lun pllM \\'8.8 l)roke-n Ufl Rnd lh" •·t,i:ltlh i.:1u•l•·1~ "' 1c .1hc1ul al 111d1•11111• 1:1.7 J Al the "Ulrl ('If t hl' ll"<'nnol hul( IRVINE COAST I FAIRWAY FEMS TRIM RIVALS 11 \"Int> (",,,.,.t c (• u n I 1 y C'lub·,, womf'n,. 14.'8m f1 111!11· C1 1111mr.1 \'1.tnna 11·2 1n f:,,,,, r11 [J1 \·1siun r.1 .. u r :> ta1rwRy:; 1·u111J>t'ltlmn 111 H•••l· I ind• A 11 "" lwatl ll o w n I' 11 Hn.-1 .. ml 1 "1 lo ~· ·: T he '' 1n put Jrn11o s f• m~ in ,., .. • 111111 pl:H"t' F:a.-11 n1 D1v1slnn i::nlr rlo,· mo,·e~ to Vklona 1 his F1 l<la.\· Swl't-pstal<r!' wJOne111 we1 p M1,..s Mary K H1 uwne and ~1 1 ~. Je1 ome Ji,.lr•·r111. !1ri<l, 11·1lh 11 ;11, n11C M n< F.•I· w&rd LPnlhan and Mr!! F.1- llH' M1llrr tied tor .'IN'ond Wtlh ~rs T \\'. l frnt.l••r son l\nrt M 1~_. Rn11a llc Vanrr. nr t 72: and M ,._., J nhn Drury and Mrs. R nbe1 l M:tni;11n. lhml, 721,, F'celd xwet>ps ta k.-11 wtn t to M rs. J nhn P rice with 11? nr t 83. l'o t)<'I \ \tJ;x \ 1111''-"!" 1 TltPI 11 .. 111 c lln'·"r•inn~ I lhr 11~vf'nth 111 ad, r11 put "" a 1 J\1th1111 1 "l"nt'I• •I I"~• o. 111n-FAR 1-1 l'f:RIOlt drsv<> sntl Vkk Butt,.rv.•orth t le<t ---------------~'""''•I , . .,.,.,c 111 ""l"'ll"n'" 11tr-Allho11,.:h SnnlR ~lnn1t•a rnck•d .1~r 11co n-with a line plung-e. Btll HARRIERS 110,;-..nn I''"''' ·I Ht• v lttr lnnc-lu Uf' !ft (1r . ..,f d+1\\Mt;; .. t;...aan:ior .-\nn-r\\,"-l tru,k n h•kltlt•}! A•o un1t en•t I,.,,• ·" I •' .t lo • • • t 1' • h 111" ",., 11 I"" <"111 .. ni!-I < w1·1<' t1 •m h111 T qwirtl'rbA1 k 11rnt to I , .... ,. p.11:•' "' 1:11 111 •1 I 1•1•" \ I•\' far •Ufl<'ll"r •n lhf'1r 111~hll'IJ! put his team 1n (1 ont H -13. 1•,,,..,, ,,. 111••'1• ~·t,11• 111• Anih•·11u fhl<••I HJ• n n••I 1.o,c: ~C".\'ll,t:R F 1 ""' 11 1:11 "' 11 1 ~ 11J, 011 lhr ~101111°1 .lnhnny llu1ehr'> ~t up lh• n.-xt ·1 ' i11 •I, ' ' h l •-'I ·I ••nl\ •1" '"r lho \ ikmi:-. ''''nth ~r11de TD With I\ 7.'i ya1d "f11tt I "' 1111 \t. J, 1 \1~ .. fl•·t•\\'-ulh\ \\,,, th .... u ... 11111 101 lho 11n(' f•••I lrnr 11!!,ll t • ,.11hnu:"' .. I• >I 11 f 1 uu 1 .. 11t t ,.11'· 1Je mo.1 Ii• •II \\.1•11 1nc' • 1 i+l \ In t ht' f t\ 11 \ • ti 1ot I h d f 0 U l • • h 111111 r.; • f llalfh.•• k~ Pon But. h \'1n1 ynrd took tht• hnll ov· 1•, nt ... t • :.n t !•tr k Cto vr1 t:ftrh f"I ••n ,, \\lOJ?b&ck rf'\'fll''' \\sth • ·"I ... 1 II I t " ' r :.!l \ lf·l~ •11'1•• {' l J•l'I fr• I blot k by Tw1:;1 Tht> Sailor Cross Country Boys Down Oilers f hur~ \·111 fln,,t1.Ju,1• t'• •• , ,.,,. l · htt I• I 1:,,,,r :.1 ... ,. htd .1 2~J ~.tnl 11111 - 11.l• k ooj :1 k1t•knf( I 11 "1'''11 I h1• ' "II\'• 111iun fnlll'•I B ill P lj:g "'On lhP v& rslty rroSJJ Thi> 1•1i:hth i;:radrn1 unred country run In !1'33 and Harry ! 11111 •I I. I lf•I \\ hh I W!'l!I IH<"I 10· h1wk "1lh 11 tour h•lu\\'n pa1<.~ from :'lfc:Krnney ropp11d the JUnlOr v&r· , I".! 11 '·"" 111 ti 111 IWIJ'•11i: lhf' 1··•111• l.ur:t~ 10 Tom llubrr to mnkc 1t ioly lt-athtr Jung1n" O't'tnd in JO:· I •J,. 111·t· I, lh• r (11.-1 l••11thtlnwn ,.. o· • 1• • 211-t !1• Th" C'nnvrnlon fa 11~.1 an•I 17 a.!I :'\ ewporl H111 bor High , ~ r " 't I 1 1 1 J I h I ,\rtUl\1 111 I I• •t ~ 11 • • I ''" p J11 \ t "'~' ,, '" .r · th.ot"i< lh•• w1.1y thP j!"Amc e ndr1I School harrt.•rs opened t he hill· ' 1111 11 ' 1 1 1 D D d Th<' 1·1,:hth i:rnlll' 11•1.·11ta111 and unll.rJale 10t'a11o n with vlcto rv ov- ' \ •. , 1 1" ' 111 " "' 11 11 " ons owne 111 .. hli;:h llCh ool l'tl'ierV('!'I ph1~·ed er Huntrni::ton Br8<h Thur~l!ay. " sc 111° 1 .. ~, f11 st half anrl thin.I I The Oller run n C' r 11 boftllted •11111111•r. In l h i' final pl'rind. P ete thn•e l!traighl vlt·torte11 ovPr <.'th· JI \\ I' !',I• I \I II \\ "" h t 11 fl~'·, ,\ ,, t t 1 fl l ~ t • 'I' I , 'I',, 11 •t\· "' JI tv ~' 1n 111 • l If, I l 1IJ II I IJ 1•1",,; h tjlli \I ,, 111. I •• " lo "I; 1 I .. I. I ' '•' •.r 1 JIU• I! •I 1: 111 11. I I J.1111· I/: I , 1 I I I 111lr I I t-' by Panthers I F,.ulher~lnn t •u•k u p11chout from er !rhofll1', ln!'lt1d1ng Cor onll and r llK J l'rry ll1•hn Dn•l \\'Piil 25 Paramount , pr1nr lo mt <'llng the '111 11~ f .,r I\ "'"'"'" A frw plap; I --------------- 1.1 l!•r l.lll':S!l ln\Prl'Pf'll'I! ll rns .. !l'>T.\RIO, (CW.\'.~1 dh 1in~tuppa blf' lll llw <111.11 tl'r wlull' 1·11nnang up '" 11 1wn1e on a 11u~tainerl nf "•fl .1·11r1l"I following lh" "" Rll•I a !1 t yard '1111" 111 \'11 lt1· f1r•I a 11 l<1• k · tl11own ll\" T "x r:runl 11011 w rnl Gro\'e noon \\"cllne11dny lf) 1ll1<1.-fnr 11 ~"'""· J1111 Chalk I l t is b<'ht\'C'tl UH\l lhl' rerom· <'"n\'1•rtl'd on 11 p1t!'hnul 11n1I thn mendations mad,. by !he 111hlel1c ~··or11 wes 1:1-0 The· high 11rhool dire<·t11r11 will he 11rrrovt<1 by lhe I b•Ws ~rnr1•rl 811 R11y Sanr ht':t pas!!· P;I t n Jhrk Grr<'n •I• ,, . t t 'fl•' 1 I th• 1.?1\·., t1nh· .. ...: ,, ( l ;\na thr<'r lh• Athletic Loop Changes Still Up for Debate l'I \ 1111 ' 111 11 l.1., 11 ot n n 1 • .: • t t •' l hr,.., .. I I " ••• I: I• I II ti ' .. ' I I· •• ' ::11 1 ' 1 I I 1,, ,,. a ••' ', tf ,. f ·t ,, •• ,. l 'u1•h,,r~ 1· 1 •1' 111') Fi I J.o\" nti.,hl ~.t! I \\' l ht• ft I '·'' 1•, ,., I I 11 th· I' I' 11'1; I I I ~' l , I<' \ f +t\ I 1 I Ji I ,\ ...... t lid .tl " ' I ,, ,, t I I t " " .. '' I' \\.l • II " I I I \\ 111 < ( I hi' I ... I 111 •l I I 1 .. ll.'.11'' )·11~ 'r •. Jt' ·.: l'.untu 1 .. Thtty l )1 k tt '" ,, \\\11 t11111 h· t• 111 'h" f ll •l qt1U1 t<'r , '"f'l••t.-, ,11111,llln.f uf 11JlANGF. !OC~SI -T hi' pro- • ' I . \\ h1. ,, 11•1..: "" ro~·"I rtllllKnml'nl of th!' Or· 1 . ti I ''"' 11, 11,, ::n.i 11uar· nng" County high 1<chuol nthlt•t1t· •, , l ! ·'" • "''I •It 1 , I hirtl PIO!:Tlllll Ill llllghlfy l"llO(U~r•I t fl· '•" "' ' II I • II "'"I'd r..1 1h1y f .. llnwin~ " mrtt ins:-\\01'0Jnr11- l ti ·~· ' rn 1\11f· 1 •z' ' ' rt I t t ll 1 1 " ; 1 ,, 1111 11, ny 111 thr 1lay of the ro11111y high school , 111·al ·11r 71 prlnr1pnl11 :tncl .fllrrt n r11 nf nth- !'•; I 11 I 1-.dl• : I I ,) ! I I iii• • \n:•h·'t111 :c '°11t'"' n l "'"' 1 ,,, ',, Giants Atop of 8th Grade Grids f.(1'I; ·''·"" 11 j te11.-s, Jn a lllC<'t1ng hrld JO S11.11ta 1· .. 11 \\If!;: 111 .. ( '" nlnt• '"' k1 ff I A~n I I 0 H h p I """ l • 1" 1111\I• lwol .-.{i \aid~ f11r 'rQ~&n 1Y range I~ r n- •1,. •:: 1 Tf' t•·~tur;n . 111 v,. C'lpnl \<'1nll Town!'-rnd, whrreliy · 1 I' , 1 11 i.:1 1• 1 t hr llt 11111:1• anr1 Sunfiet lea1rues I\ h,d"I I ol ""I lj t Z 11111 •II • o , ,1 r .,11. \\"I . 1 1 1 f 17 would 111r1 .:r 1ntn 11ne i:eneral r1r· "1 '., 111" 1"· ' 1 cult WR!! p11t of( for further clell-J • t\" 11 r ~) :1uil R ndt1Qlh'1 1c;: , ., 1• ·'' lh ,. ,,,,, 1, .. ~l:rin hlr• btr11t1on fnllowinK tho •rrearnnre : lh• I 'hn!1 ry 11110 bnth thr,,11ch ot !'tr\'frRI h11i:ali110~ In the pro- T l-<' 1: 1r1.. 1 11 ... 1 11 'h• , , , ,, , 11111 ar"un.I ,.,,. , 11 !!" grnm lli;il \\l'r<' twrrlnnkNI when 1i. 11·11.~ oJrnwn up. _t •n Jr.J1 J._JJµ ~1.1n!1tt.,.~ t:,~ Uul!Hi~ fl1'! P anth"r ~ for f 1c•lh.1ll n• r •'1 \I l 'o•h I ·1n. rn r Jm ff•'I, t •<' 11m•• ? :\"E\\' 8CHOOI~" 1 hr»>u ~h 111° , '·" n • , , \\ 11 h II.•• h1ill c 1t il••n Jl;n i• nf lt w~ polntl'd out al the me rt· 1:.,.1 ~J. \I I " ,1'1 I•· • , · • 'h•· 1111··« r• :111n• I A 1111 • •, llw tni: that two n!'w high 11ch rx1l11 ' ' 11.l'' I' \ ~· I 'I I 1•1 I 111 ~ ,, I I ... 1111 n... ""It' Onf' JO B1.rna Park Rncl lhp Olhf'r .\·1,,. ol• f '-11, I ;11r.• 1;,. rlay. Ito 11 ,; t ii , ,, I I 'IS• l'IC'Ar t~111<ll'n l;l'fll"f', WROl l tn par· 1 • 1· 1• -t111y. 111, t:ir1n1I' h .. 11111r.1 from HBlfbar k 1: !11qurt ,1011 tlc1pn1e in 11thlr11r11 h•1l will b,. 11 Ir•,, I nf two \\tn.•. n-> i>rl-.!lC'OOIPd lnlo thr rnt1 %e>n1· unnio· u11nhlt' l<1 f1••llf a \'an111r football J.a. k• Th Brow•11 rlo\\nr f th!' Jestf''1. team thr1r flrl't vear 1n lht r1r- CHA~GE GA~lf: I CUit. • I 1·1u r.111, il·:!t to g o 1111.1 11 seo- r ·n<l , 1 ••• (' I Ir Wllh thf'1r 1 11''"~ 111'h l·t 1 n k•. Tht l nolta1 c \\l'I• I• I 1•' J • Wllh TI•' \\ n• 1\111 .11 • t' l J. hn "1111 lr11ohns; l'rl'lrr1 fo•I 11:1• 1; 11,1\ T11rit1l11y \\\l h JI\ •J'Oln:' 1'1, •" l.ura~ hail I~ :Roh 1~tl}l" I ll '" '" }o"rllth('r.•tm 1 ll "'"' J oo• A lli" II I ~··1ni.: 1 lhl" ln<llnn~ "• 11· l • \.. 1;:11•1• 11011 Bob Tlw.r 11•11 11. f'ln1" '!•1'1'1:11 I !~'' thr As If wa1t1ng fo r a 111i:n'll frnm ll wa11 ni:rf'f'd that thr rounty their /athrrs who w rrl' ~.111ni.: on ahnui.t HJ!lrfrt the part1C'1patfng I \ht• !"1drltn<'11 ob~!'rvmi: J •a •l'll chbll 1°1 llrAn~e I '"unty a• well nlght. th!' Panthrr, ,11 Ioli nly u ~olnnl:' thr1r own pMbl,.mio. I C'h11ni;:ed <.'<lmplrxion. Ho I 1 f r n l't rl'~!IC'·I wa.-th,. '8n that H m1n11s 13 Y1\rds tn il'• ta1:181 w11.~ 1•nn1111lf'rrl! \"llAl thRl l hl' cn11n- quarll·r. th~ rlvllls' 1, 11.ri11•nrttl ty f11rm !'flmt• ll"rl oC prog-rBm 11! 11prmng Wl•f<' h nl<'• 111 1 lt1• 11o1n athl<'l 11" rnmp<'l1t1on "hll'h "''Ill Fon ''"''' \\'tlh J .. , 1, JI,,,,,, 1 ii · gi1·r 11 lirNlk lo the 11m11llet•C'h nol. I 1in1: pny1l11t fr .. 111 :q y 1 r.i, 1111 nun:cTOftl'( M F.f:T f•1r <"hR!fr~ " t1r"t 1" ttnl•'r. The dlr<'ctora of a lhletlca wlU F\1lln11 in~ lln11·111.r I hi' P:1n1h-m• r t at 1 dlrectort meeting Sallorl!. Final •corn favored In Tar var1ity 2~·31 and lhe Gob JV~ llH&. 8 AL"'1TS Sf:XT T11morrow the i-:twtwrl rros. 1•111mlry trams t1avel tn Santa An11 f"nllnwini: Pigg to the lapt 1'J;:a in11t the Oller• were Jerry HIU1ard, th.Jrd, 11:44 : Randy Peel· •'I'. fourth. 11:44; H oward Smith. •lxth, 11 :48: Au(te OstrowakJ, I 1 th, 10:13; Cha rles Hanson . 12th. 10:14, and Bob Delong. l:Jlh. 10 :46. W RU~ll8 Tralllnr McK lnnty for l h e Sa1lora JV1 were Jeff M ac:-Jell· Inge, 1econd, 10:17: Ru111 r crley, fourth, 10:211: Greg H ug he 1; rttlh, 10:30; Darrell Hari..horn. ~•xth. 10:31 ; Andre Rion, aeven·' th, 10:33; Derry Noga. ninth, You Save IO«r0 Prescriptions .. PRINGLES Pr~rtpttoe1 ftlled 'tO JO p.m. Free Film! Wltll Keh roll of blacll aod whltr, •l~e• J U, 820, 818, 1%0, 118 lrrt. w ith \If! for denloplq 11nd prlnClnl', wt wUI Ki''" you a roll of the aame 1lite FREE. .. · M91Ye 1' .. •rletl •••YMOUND .... 11'7 23rt1w~· 11.·111.1 h " th I•) l '.'• -.roni Huber "••·lt'"I 1 ~. J1ni 1 'la 'k f>. E-ltv~ It 1h1n11nn tnlh,. ! h f,of:ll:> f· r •h" 1 ·11rd~ nn.i ,1 :1 Hurhhng ..t;. r,, 1 .... k up w• rr<' lt",ry ll'!t .. rr this fV<-nlnr flt Oran1e H 1rtt t unmn~ t.ir nr.t! an•I p111111ni: for St hool a nd wtll Ulen atudy the 11nrthrr Tf'l in ","l'l''"lt llJ' lh•lr 11l uatlon a nd malce recommenda-• r-· "' 1 " in "r r 'h!'lll tff tlnna to tht prtnd p&la' meetln~ t '"ik f >0tbnlt n111r l\ll:n , whirh wfll he htld tn C &rdt n THll'l '8 A e-.IVHOUNO AOINT' N~Alt VOV on Davidson Field. Dave didn't quite make the come-r. -Staff Photo Lawn lowlinCJ 5th Grade Stan The wttldy Auatrahan S lnglf'I Mtm~rs ot lhf' Harbor Boya' Lltwn Bowling on lhe Municipal Club firth i:radt> all-atar flag G1eens wu captured by Corona football' ttam arr· Gl\ry M11gntr. del Mar. Ed Wilcox flnlahl'd first Butch Morn!!On. Mike Morrill. with J4 point&. Roland Ballf'y, al· Biii Br()('km•n. Gordon Thomaa. so of Cor1:>na del Mar. won the Danny ~hey, Chrla \.\'h1tnty, play-oft for M'cond plact' fro m Charlu Kablll, J im Rtynolda. Bo b Nick Brf'ttner and Harold Shand· Shipman. Curtis Elmore. Lu ley. Breltner of Bayehoru won Barker, M ike Trllpp. Denni• Lor· third. 10:36, a nd 11.th, 10:39. Beryl ton, J im \\'alt:t, Stevf' Dl'Schenn. Cf'nt Pat11ferr1. Mike Owf'n11 and Whltehud, D1whl WH1·oi1. I CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2·7027 AUl.le llc Dir ec tor Ralph Ree<! announced the IO<"al prep crou C()untrv tu m• woultl hlvf' on" meet a week. normally on n 1m JI· days. THE URGAS \'Otl ('A.~ PLAY .tT ONCE! &lie •oedartW - HARBOR AREA BUSINESS HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN 'n. "''* FUDUJ Call Pla.7 h WI.,_, a.-. .. 1 Now I Ne Need .. Take'-• Come In and Prove It to y ounelf We a1lo tavt&e 1ou to eome .. &lid try lhe HW llamtnood 8pteet Orrao-No• AV&l.lable DANZ-SCHMIDT BIG PIA.~O a ORGA!ll STORE Headq11arteni for 1\11 Modtl• Hammond Urc1UU1 Kl %·~1'0 6%0 ?\o. Main Santa Ana SAVE SAFELY At Or•nge County's Institution leading Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY 1/2 cro PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO SI 01000 All Accounts Opened O" or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !U Ottan Annu,. Pboae 1 ff\' '·I 17T LAGUNA BEACH GUIDE AUTO llEPAllU ('0111plf'lf' Colll•Jon Work Auto Palntlni PATCH'S BODY .& PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH F rf'r E~timntn Try U8 Fir8t 78& WMit '17th f't. C'n•ta M f'h. Calif. LI 8·'1&08 BEAUTY SH OP MARINE BEAUTY SALON E.rprn 8tyh"!J -Shapi"!J Permn11r11f11 -T1n lit1!/ Sllprrl'lard by Violet 1!'1 Martnr A\·r. -Harbor Balboa bland U I I -----CAii WM_H ____ _ 3 Minutes LUSTERWASH A••tnmt1f1r t*nr \\"11\llfii'I Ill ,,. 1'101 ,, :?'?H \\'. <'oa't Uli;h11ay ~··w11nrt llf'ar h. t'allf. rtinn,. l.llM-rty M-411? ( A•·r"'" f-'rnm f•,.rr Or11111:•' 1 CONTRACTORS -------------·-------- CHAMDERLAtrJ & SON t umnwrdal -Jtr,ft.l,.nllal a·r nl'ln.r -l'allM MAX W. POPE, Inc. Commndal -Rh.iclPntial lndu~t rial Tra<'h1 CRAWFORD . PRESCRll'TIO~ PHAR)IA('\" 11104 'P\\ P"rl Rf\d. l'hun" l.lht'rl~ 11·1 :! I'.? ( 01'1a ~ .. ,..., ( •llf. FOOD LOCICCIU ----------------------HARBOR MEAT CO. Prim• 6 Cho1r• M••h Onl1 •t WJ,~l"'••I,. Prf'~• L.d••• ftit"t•h C•.nlom S,.,,ok•"r CuH lnt . W,e .,ptn r. Ar•tnr Cw•. SMollt•t .~l•h. l utk•1•. Chu""'"' 41 11 • ~nth !olt. H a rhot 111111 1 :-lf'\\pnrt Rra.•h rl'llt"ITUllC f"INl~Hll"G ----------------------- FURNITURE FINISHING ,,, "~u •• ._, n ..... ,.., , .... ,(. ,,.. c...u .... . !OSZ Pla.t .. ntla U 11· 1~" ltH. I.I 11-:ltflt <'neta MHA I HEAlllHG AIOI Thf' t1nf"ttt In Hnrln~ Compl•h ly l••hl"k !•h•I•< ''o" Cua'e"t•e4 MAICO AUDIVOX Wl.ST t llN tLf.CTlllC ~1·n·1t•,. flallr rlf'a Cont• Alt ~bk,.. II. OAl.F: RATHE R l/r11n11•1 Cr11tf'r" M09 ~. ~taln Manta An,. Kl :!·M ll> l'IANOS WOODWORTH l'lano ('ompany e.1.-.. 1 .. Pl•"•' .,.4 Or1••• c ..... 1 ••• s ..... U••4 P lenet efttl O• I••• lah • -It•••••• -Ser•k• Har. S311'! ('orona drl !\lar H. H. HOLBROOK 1'rw (. on,tto• t1nn Rr,...od .. t.n1 \'t. •h t f1,.•hH -l)upo••h •1oor t u1ne1f'• nu; .. ; •:"'Tl~ATt:~ '!Mnl W. Ra llwa Rh 11. Jiu. f82' ;\••\I f111rt l\•·tM·h GILLMAN Plumbin9 Co. Ct'ttlr•• ••na -"•'•\""' ""''"tt«f,IJ"• -Wehr tf,•t•r t W•ll H•••"• -f huu I urnec•• "'''• h I ;,.)!Kii'! '"" 1•urt R•·., h 1'01 I IR Y -------------------HALL 'S RANCH CO. • Kandi I r,...h t .1:1: .. e I ~"'h llr"""'"I 1• .. 1111" '!'!ll."• Ha rhni Ill\ fl, I.I hnh 14.;,:u .; t ""'" ~; .. , •. t allt. 'I RVIU 'l AllON~ ·----------------------BAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE RI/./, II h'fl;ltT 1111 '"' ~llO \\'''I ( ua•t tl\I y. l'h, 1.1t1..,-1 ·' 11-1+14.\ '"I'll pnrf J\ra1 h, ( alJf, 1 V APPl.IA,Cr ~ ~---------------------... and TY APPLIANCE f n• ~,. , . ., .. ,,, , .. ,, ..... ~-- ·~d M•> h•f -~ ••f1n 1 .. eute A plJ'li•"' •• Ph. Liberty 8-3437 !Mii.", ll1trl1"r llh•I . C ""la M,. .. YAllll ~ .. I t ' ·----------------------CLARK SWEET FPf"f) ~· IH "f'K I .4••~• l•••I \ """' "11lr • -f har1r" .... ,.,., ... '""""'"' ~ ... ,,, 't11 h ~I ~111 ''' tf,1•Pt~ /tt~ur,..,r,. 8~~ . 31·• -.1 ••• ,.,.,, tl6t '"\' P"" Rl'arll , -· BOTH "MAYORS WORK FOR REALTORS Harbor area may<•rs. Mrs. Dora Hill of Newport Beach, left , and Claire N('ISOn of Costa Mesa combine effortJi Friday afternoon to s nip the ribbon that offir1ally opened the new Newport Harbor Board of Realtor's building at Beacon St. and Newport Blvd. -Sta ff Photo 'CLEMENTE FIRING /. y SCHEDULE TOLD \fa rtr1f'.. II I .. "1.rn•'•I b\ l'tdt.:I Sutt,., t 0••rt -ct t~uuil th•t lllt'lt' Wi ll bf· 1111111: Ill th1• C11~tl<' RtH'k JI•" $"1 L'Jrmenlt' I "I .t n ol l\1111"1." thro11&h F 11.lay ri 0111 II " 111 ltl rtll<lm.:ht Rll•I ~.<!111.! I\ :<1111 Sund«\ J 1111ng t!J' h~hl hour~ I Hot Plate Fire Here LEGAL NOTICE ct:KTIFlCATl: OF Br'SL,'I:!'~ t "l<'TITIOl "l!I t'JR~ :S.\..\IE Tht' 11nd~r<o1J:llt'd J~s ht>1 <'tl' • 111fy t h;t 11ht' u 1·ont1uctlni;: " r l'Slau1 ant bu:.111...,,. at 169~ ~ .. w. p•ll \ Bh·iJ l'o•A\a MI'S&, Cahfom1a. onJ .. r tht• fldl!lnu11 f1m\ name of I f;IJ\\'ARDS FIS H HOUSE a.m1 1 ha\ i.111J f1nn 1:. nnnpol!t'd of the fullu\\ ing r•'r8on11 \\ h11~ n&fl\t'll in 11111 •11111 plat es uf res11.lt>nC'c; 1u" .i .. fllJlnWll (C>-WI(' llOROTH\' S E DWARDS 11(7:, Anaheim NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 24', 1955 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor N.,..._Pr99 t. guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their paperw be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneaday and Friday. If your paper is not delivered by that hour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your c~r will brine your paper. Superfluous Hair Ptl'lllADmtq Wftd bw ~ &ftlM, ..... ~· aa4 -.ir u.. •pM-Ho 111are ttNiean1. m.uDf l.. MY A.NT R. a. l.Mo'9 .... of ....., liar. •i t tt. LOST 8111..U dlnMr rtng. ro111 .. r· phlrea .. ~la. REWARI" -LI 8·T09T. 21cJI An .. tl'l'trh' hor pl:tt,. J,r1 ••II 111 r-:11 .. 11 \\'ar.i·,. b\'lllllY ~hnJI 1:')7 N1111h ~ .. wpu11 L:lvll 111 th<' l'rn~~ Hoods \'llJR,I(<' • ill<!d <111( th\' ,'\',.11 • Pl•I I l:t•:i< h l-'11 <' I 1t'Jl111I11h'l\I \\"'I "'"I 1y t'\'\'11111~ 'l'h 4' htot pl111o· 1111111.•il It ll11lt' l Ill ull).:h rt llihh• !Hid (h~ ol• p.1rl1Ht'O\ 1•,\lllll1l 1·ol l h\' dtl '. ,1,,:•• :It $'.?:') \\l(O!':~ .. ~~; ~~~:;! (~;:1~0\h dsy Of·CI • ss·16ed ___ bultruc---..uon __ I)• ,,.1i.•1 11•~.r, Jones "' ll\1HOTH Y ~ ED\\'ARDS l'TAn~ m· ('A l.JFORNIA Birkel-Richardso n ('Ol'~TY OF Ol~ANC:E ... ~. 11n 1111~ :!llth tlay "' 0 1•tr.IX'r. ORGAN STUDIO. Ltam to rt11\ A J> 1:1:1~., ht>lur•• m•· R OHl-:RT F. NE\\'PORT HARBOR NEWS-P'Dll'QQ lh• m ighty WURl.ITZER \\'l l.l.'.\IE~ 11 !':11!1\r\' Publt.· in &~ ll:VF.LYN JONI'.:$, Mj(r . ~'\O H1>t11. 1111.t fnr th!' '<llld <'ount\' and StntP. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday wood Drtve. Ll 1\-1082 ;!t)r'\1 LEGAL NOTICE r ... 1111111; th•!>'"' .iuty u•mrn•ssion· COASTAL SHOPPER_ Wednesda,~8 .. ,1 und """ n J'•'r!<o111·llly 8J!J>•'lHl'll ., I •OHU'fHY ::; F.l.J\\'A HDS known ('t :r<Tlt'l<'ATI!.: 0 1,. Rf°!••l~t.!oo..; 111 ntf' tn hr thP pf'rMn whnse name Special Notice. Fil'l hl1111~ t'lrin :00.aru.. 1-sub;,1 111,..11 tu th .. w1thm mAlnJ· Th 11n.i .. 1,.111:nt'•I •I•"'" h•·I ··h\ 11\t>nl Rntl acknt•Wl{'JgptJ t o m,• rer l •l1 thJt h. " • .. niJu1 t1 n1it ,, rhnt ,.h1: <'Xi'\ utPtl th4' ,.am... 1~ 1 y Newport Harbor n1~1 '" 111d ii ,. .. ,,111, 1.. b•1-1n1·~" \\ JT;o.; 1-;:;s \\'HEREOJ.'. J hat,, B. P. 0. E. Ill I :·. 111.tUl\ll 1.tl \\'a\', C11·1t1 ~l .. · llo'rrunt 0 :-el lllV hunJ IUlJ arr1Xf'd I 1767 '"" •"l1fur111a u1a. •'I tht' 1111111· 111.\' •1l f1ual l<t'ai lhe cJuv 11nJ "'"'r -M'eta evtry Thuu day I p.m. 1111~ 111111 n11m" uf f't"STO~t ME· m ttu• 1',.rt1frcat<' f1r~t ilbu\·.. Via Oporto _ Central Ave. 12-Bulldlng &nice& CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Yow-Hom• .Nt:«' Rep.Jrtnr or RemodellDs ! Call Frank. Llberty 1-teM All Worlt: Guaranteed 74ttc TAL PRODt 't.~r.s und that "1111l l "r1tt1-11 Newport Beach j oll'lll 1,. composed uf th., r .. llow· " ROBERT F \\'I LL~fES AJ~rt H. Matlhewa, Exalted R uler JO K P•'1som1, "ho.•,. namu1 tn full M\' f'n111m1.;•11111 F.xp111·~ 11 16 ~l -------------- 1 and pl.1•·r14 nf 1l'~1tleni•· 1<1e ltit ='lo 62:1 --CARPENTRY tol111v.·s. lu·Wll. 11; .. wa-Pr1!1<R 10 24, 31 11 •7. H , 'M 12-Buildlng &>n·~ C'ARI~ \\'. THOMA~ --- China Painting Day &lid ~r aa.e1 O~r. Taken Now Phone UMrty 8·6848 8H fo REAL ESTATE SCHOOL CONTRACTORS SCHOOL AL TYLER SCHOOL$ 1611 N. Broadway Kr 7-3511 ORO< 'F:R Y rs~hlf'r 11 111(•11t w n1 r· 60• Ft>rnlenf A wn11~ Coron11 di'\ M11 r. Calif. Local Woman Sues IRREGULAR HOOK-UP? WITNESS my h11nd (hi~ 13th Mart for s2s.ooo __ C_o_u_n_t_y_A_s_k_s_l_n_·-unct·on :~:le:fo;~}:~·r~~:5~HOMAS t;EKTIYICATt: OF B l 'Sl.:\°l':ss t 'l<.'TITIOl'S t'IRM ~A!'IE Painting & P aperhanging We do the work ourst'lves. The uncleri1gnt>ll does hereby •'<•rtlfy Lhat he rs condurtmg ll r<'al 30 ycan experience MINOR REP AIR WORK NO J OB TOO SM.ALL H. 0. Allder.on 101' I!:. Balboa Blvd., Balboa F.arn $RC).$ llltl r"r Wffk. SANTA ANA, 10CNS1 -A ro. J I County of Orang.-.. '"' rnna d••I M~:u· n11ldcnt \\'P<lne!l<lay Of this 13th rl;,.y 11( 01 toller. hrnught a S2~.000 pf'r80nal injury A o. 19:'>!'1, before m~. Bl'rnlce rlitmftCe 11ult ac-a1n1l /l mru kl"t Ill Aga·1nst Dyke Water Co. (' M9yPr, a .:\'otar.v P t1bllt• In and that city. for the sau.J County and Statf', L()(1gtng the 11ult tn Superior reBidlng therein duh· 1•omml!I· C-ourt here WIL'I BIM1'h" Quine, ~loned and swnr n. pt'rsnnally nr· :rns Ins. Shi' naml'd tht· All· I gA~TA A :O.:A. 101·~::;, 01-1 a 111 .. end rudy rn 11uppl" "'Rl\'r peared Carl \\'. 'fhum11" krrnwn A mrt!.(an Mnrkl'l, :IO•HI C'n .. sr ani:e <"Oun!, Thur •• 1111· ,..,11 iril our lo lhe qu1nlel ''' r rar rs tu me to ht' the person whose Hi,i:hw&y a.oi tit ft'rHlanr. 1111 thr••Rtt'nrit 11 ,1, k·dnwu "n !hi' Ac1-ord111K" to the romplaint. name la subscnbl'J lo the \\'1th1n The l')la1ntHf l'h&rg•'" lhr tie· O\'ke Wal tr 1.,, It hn• 11 rct1 to tht• d1.-tnrt hall 1111 un ell $90~•.000 mslrument. an,1 ac:k nowleol,ltt'd to f"nr1ML nl'i:hi:enlly allnwcd lhe · 111 bonde1I mrlt'bt i·dne~!I fnr the mP tha t he ex,culetl th" same 11111rket floor to becom.. slippery arr vi' """l" Mi• ·' "'11 h w:H~I I fnl'tallation ()( 11 new wat••r 11vs· i 1:0. WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have "1th Vl"rPtablP leowei.. She 1 lalm11; Th.. n>unry r.1 .. J a , urlllJlainl \I'm Rel'ldents of the <.ll1'tr1C't will hf'reunto 11et my h1111<.1 and af· .ohl' •hpp.•t1 frll anrl !'11f1ered s e· fnr an •nJUTh n,.,1 >':H• n:.t 1 he bt' t axed a rronhni:ty mrlurlin1t rrxed m y off1cral selil the d11y and '"•fl 1njur1,.11 rompany. T he rompltunt i.ll .. 1tt>1< the five lluct.-now llP~'NI by I yur m . th111 C c;rt1l1clltt' f1r:et -----!he ccimpanv honk• J il1t \\'Hter O~·ke 'Water Co 800\'e written. Co fi Architects 11n .. ,. mtv 11114'~ J<'<h<ate.t 111 thl" Unles.'I the d1·tenJant I• ""Jom· "' BERNICE c MAYF.R n rm t'ounty 1n (I\'.. 1111bJ1v1~1t11\~ 1n ed "1rrepa r11.ble tnjury" Wiii tl'SUll. My Comm111slun ExpirP~ Clo tober A rchllrct11 W illa n1 T J nrrton, Wat"r Wo1 k~ Oistr1• t :-;11 .1 thl" rounty counsel Joi'! AJ:I" u 1d In 22, 19~8. 1112:t Harbor lilvd . C'o11L.t Ml'llli Canll'n Cruw· arP.J lhe cumplamt. N o 622-Newa·Pres,. 111111 t h f' firm of Plegn Bhtro<"k ~ Th,. \\':tl<'r Work' n 1•t1 1o I Jlllll· O\'KF. WITllORA\\'~ Pub. 10 117. 21. 31 : II 7 l!l.Jr1 Harbor 2450 ft3lfc l'Slate 11alet <>ffice a11 a Jicenst>d I Lir:c;naed It Insured. I renl t'~tnte brokf'r at 503. 32nd So.Uir!aclion i;\J&r&nleed. d b ~tr('('t. l\"t•wpt1rt Bt-llch , <.:nll(nrma: l!:stlmates free. CalJ J ohnnie, A ams Plum ing thal tho t1ct1l1011s firm nan1e 1s LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 8lt!c R · R od !in Seven lsland11 R ealty & l n\•est· ----I cpalr -cm e g nwnt co. anc1 that t he 11ndt'r· CEMENT & BUILDING -NEW CONSTRUCTION a1~nel.I 1.1 the JSole uw ner ur ti'•" All Kinda I 162 Ct>rll Place, C'o,.ta Mt' .. &, said 11amed busmr1111. F REE ESTIMATES ~rty s-1:121 Witness my hanrt th11< 61h tl~y I 13r 26 ot Octo~r J!l!)5 I Llberty 8-6109 ----------- Samuel Jaroh Hu,...,tt U tt SPHAL TILE ~' SAML!F.L JAC'O H Hl!R\\'ITT I A T STAT E Or CALIF'ORNIA, I CO~fPLETE PAINTING LINOLEUM 23-Sltuattona Wan~ Roy's Maintenance House cll'antng-Floor wax!Jlr Wnll washmi;-wlnclow cleantne Venetian bllnlla. t pholatery lneured. Frro F:•t 1m11t es LJberty 8-1332. ltfo EXPERIENCED GARDF.NF:R COL'~TY OF ORA~r.F.. s~ & p H Se I lnsr111l th bo h th On th1ll 6lh day of October. l!I:'>:'> aper anglDg rv1ce mo111. Als: saell ;~ec a.eai::oleu'::. G~.!!~1kF.:o>o'rJ.'."m'10; nt~h '·•r•I "' rk hy t111y t)eforl". the 11ndl'r.!1gnt'rl a Xot::tl')' I EUCF.XE 0 . SAln\'OE RS ... . ., "'"" 31 l St t N•wport .. A••·"' .,on-union .• 5 yrara 4'XJ><'rlenc e. LJ'-rty 8·6\311 ~rr .. r II 3lfr Pubhc in anll for said Count.)' and o.TVV I! ree . ~ °" 1' .,.. • H bo 2976 R H 46 lf Compnre 11nd see -~lAll', prrl!Onnlly 11p~arN S<1 mu!'l ar T or u . . c j BILL COKER Har. 479!) or Loq Jncob Hurw1tt, k noWI\ to me t o G I C Df'ach 7-~9';'3. 89ttc be the pueon tha t exeeuted lbe enera ontractor - w1Lhm lnalrument claJmlng to be LJCE!'\SF.D ::~i1sft-O~t':1:"~ 01n~;;1,:;::"c~~· 1 New Work -Remodeling IN WITNESS WHEREoi.·, I have J . MILTON McKENZIE Painting. Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" CLEANI:-JG Ir IRO :'ollNO bv tM d11y. Exper1t'nf'l'J. B11lboa iel&n·I prefl"r l"Nl. Kl 3·4i096 lf Swedish Massage & H n11i:;1.n . ro1m11• cJel Mar. w ere l'<.I the cuunt~ ... ~ rm1n1 1rc 1n lh.. Dvk .. Thuritdlly w1thllrt'w 11.s • r1nf11 mPd 11 • dt~ll!'Jll'rl! nf t hl' rourt a rtlon apphration for rxpnn.~lon of !'frr· n"w <'0111• .ll,l••M • 1ty hall by t hP \\'ITHOl 'T ( O~!oo t:!l.T• \'lrf' 1n lhl' Wl!'l!ll'rn rount\' SN'· • 1t ,. ro11n• 11 "'h1t'h llpprovcJ a Dyk" ns~··1 l•"Jlv t 1MI mt" t hi' tlon T he w1rhdr11w11l r 11m .. at a hereunto set my hand and af!lxP<t Ha rbor 6399-W 58tfc s l.antlal !inann al rtpu1t my o fflC'll\I !lea! the day a n(! ye11r l Sympson & Nollar Apphcation11 rur •·xp1111•11111 ll\' In lhl5 l:ertlflrate f1r~t a bcl\'e w11t· -For a dependablo u11td car, •et th" Southern Cahf<1rn1e \\'All'r I Lt>n, your local deak r who wm be hert !il2 38th St., Newport Beach Lad1u, -bv 11pp<llntment 1n • your home Fonnrrly m11.ttS1•11,p At Arrowh1>a<I Spnn.:a Hotc;I. 1 .. r1t111t I wJlh l h <'m ~fonrJ11y •lt'dlf Rll'<I wait'! l1n .. ~ \\tt hnut the public uttlrtlr, t'<1111 1111tllnn hf'8r· n•i:hl. Thi' 1 ont1 Rf l 1111thnr17.l'rl 1·on'><'nl r.r knowll'l!JZ!' l•f !heir Ing hl'rf' ll WR• promptl'rt whr n r"~ nil'nl or $1 prr r Pn l for lhr ownc'1 ~. t he county Ttw c 0111· the P UC Rnrt othl'r rnmp11nlf's di'· dl'$fgll IUld i!IUp('r\'llllOn. 11la1nl 8l!S('rled the th!ll rlt'l Wiii n111nderl Oykr ~hC\\\' H ntl\I (' Sllb· Cr•. anti r'arlfk Water l '11 W•'t'I' ,,. ' PHIL RASTIAN I TO~fORROW t o back up what h' Ph. Har. 2404 or 1~67-R. 15ltc under con~1dt•ra t11m toils) b,· the 1 My C'omm1Mlvn Jo:xplrr., M&r. 3, 59 I 8C'll3 TODA¥! Check lhe used P UC 111 lht' """' l'ht1nty ~·If are I No. t;2 t cars In the cla~slfic;d ac;c11on to· Pll'itM call }:!arbor 4711'1 ur H M 70. Here Is Another Outstanding Result-Story FROM THE CLASSIFIED SECTION of Call HARBOR 1616 for Quick-Action Classified .. ' I I· ,.. .. . .. built1ini:-New~·l'reu lO 1n. 17 24, 31 . 195!'1 d11y. I • ~ ,._) t~ I ,, JJ,0 Po ill~~ t.t. i.. • Cor ona ao 1 : 1~r C:l) i fnrn 1 ri ;:.-\.lt•"r!. :;nrl•"'r i!"'\J:J t ·r o :1:1 i le'~'"f t,, be a ;J 1 C a.1 1.!orn l 11 ~ntle: .. n: ••"' Al1cou t, t i-.;"•J • """t+. u~" · 'i ' • LI' •, :" '" rt"" rtnnc,.. Of j'Our ClllCt:tlfi d ::t t>j f • t l CO•' :!JI uddvortlse .. vnt 1Jl t he iv,a1 ::;::tr\~ :io'"' r. a!' Y•>•ir I octl) newr.1«ipcr·, tt ""''!'>Y of ;.:hi..;J, ap1101i:: ~J o\.I. 1'h ro~u1 t~ \Jere qu: '.o I h• rn ,-i 1 nn.l :10 1 t ~1n tc,."'t you ~Jc!•. be int.,1rl)nttld 1o pJ'1.ii:1,; 1d!l !.nl"nri'l!ltion on Io ~o:.o of 71"11.:" ot,J .... ·•·1•·•,.r ll>"'r.J n11<' c11e"\tv. . . • Tho f'lrnt. t\Jo \U;w :•J ;•r '>r1•1 nrl ~· 1·1\.l l ~1 .!'roi~ inJ tvJ.···1r '.;, cit l "r -e nJ "~tnto '·r "(.l'T'"' 't"1 • <Wn nr l."0 lr·:"'.l!"t .. -:-i.:, ~1111 " of tlt,.:JO Ol..lll n rr-)n ll ~'rori R~ frlr "'·"7 l\io Sr.=1t o J.• 1: uu-n, }'1' :·It• ~1111 ' 1.., ... ,,.' : J 1 I 11 , Cc•v ll lfl 11·" a., San C1 .,·wnto a.~1 Ocec.11sl •'. l'1rt.11Mtnly 1 11e c'o'" ~·' 1,. 1·tll 1ov~ W11l ,.,·· \l1o :i t.L0 'r<'.>J\l"rt.v \Jn!l .11 !lfl•1nf" n j' ' \,l ~·l•'. •JI• • •f•r>\~ \.:1 ti, t ho r es:ilt ·tl.at nnot.h'lr -;-r l'.'r.I '•' "u.: c tn t •,,.. t.h ll·d ,·on'· lf!'i•l_;l,nr, rirny :"'f)r" ;r ":t!'f'"'·' l"J' IJ •l'· n.ron. 'l'l•$:U~ j"flll !<:-~· Ur !·l n" M .. ·Jt:· 1·1~· 1.1.t' '1>."C11 l ollt .,; •or11•l"" ti c•t1 l :;>tt.l l'l1\;. · •' L,,J •': '· Lr :'U .·• L T'l''fLE GEM l ·~ hJ1 1'11~ .. r rnlt i\; , ""· (I• hl ·(~ . t. \. "", *1· v ' "'•' r h 11t i;....... ·.h..r1 ll 11 P. I\ f' r I ' ' JI , ' ' I•~ IU ' \\ o' .:. ·1 <ti tor f'lltf-1 .\ln 1na. :.i P i rl • 1 1Jwt1. '1 rtn i,u,... \ '' <'11 ""'"' nt $Hi ,,,r. 1-.t. y l1"1 11111.D•h••"•~r l'll f •IHtl \'l .Hl-!INl>IOIH H 1trl;.11' 4?r. 1 ,. J I •· ( \ ·' FOR RENT lflr2ih Skill Sawa, !:lee. DrUl.8, PoUaban. au typq or Sander9, Wb-.Ib&r· Experienc'd ~ardener row•, ate. LANDSCAPING BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST IDOBWAY Liberty 1"3435. Newport Beh :altfc Elec. Tool Repair Sk1l Saws. Drills, Sanden QUICK SERVICE LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. and CLEAN UPS Llberty 8-1650 30tlo QUALIFIED Molhl"r will inll.llag~ your humu A 1 h1ltl for SllOR1 VACATJ0:-1 pe11r .. 1 "' \\'fo;J-:K E='nl' "f,.rrr11 ,.~ ,.,, hani:•••I Lt 8·83i7. 10c23 ·~>6 !'\o. !'\ewport Bl\'d., Npt. Bch. PART Tl~f E \\UH" \\'A:'\1etl •• Llberty 8--8383. H tfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS L1c:~n11eJ LT 8-3321 doctors r!•( Jr! 1un1"t ur ·~ • Irr k lypiel for ,t;t"n••11•I ult1 " ""urk Exc,llc;nl rl"f•·r ""' •' 1 h111 i,:nntl quahfrr1'tlnn• 1: •• , \ 11:1 ll11• pa pt'r :! I• :':J 2 o A 1•ocndo, Costa. Mesn l 86t!c GIRU• ----------EAHN MORE I.et u11 flnt~h your Remodeling l'aint.ing. Decorating Paper Hanging ~hl'etrock Patchjng Taping -Texturing El .L~\\'OHTH co:-;TRA CTI ="G LI 8·!)2fi2 l2p26H THAN EVJ-:H rn :FCJRI::! ()11r II•\\ h1,t;1111 ,ra111ni:: \111~1' :frttJ (tt•1p11~t1 t tilt I• uu'"' S:l\'•1"i \'O•f th1• ''I I"''"""" •'I" 11111,t;~ nr•\\ , .. , n :u ·:PllONI·: ()flEllATORS \\ •1 \\ ii I I t 1 trt \ •' I n 11 t \ •, 1 U r 1• •••h i• n1.u1\' ""h•·r t1t"h1:ftt .. \ l'J•I \J I ' ~. \1 1111 :--rr .. ' 1:111 211 ~ •• 111 ... ,,, •• ••tut 1., • 11it I 1 f'ACIFI<' Tl-:1.El'llO~E Painting , Decorating F;x1·1-:1w .. :-;n.1 • " , ...... "',..,,,..,, Paper Hanging A1·plv 111 s~A• 1.; l'Jt•ll' 2:il1: GEO. BURKHARDT 1-: '"'''1 l h\\ ,. ,,, I I '1"1 ~11~;, I l .ICF.NSED CONTRACTOR s;q \\' 18lh St .. C'o~ta Mesa Ll hrrly 8·8628 PIONEER SHEET METAL WA'\T Hl\llY ~J'rll-:1< "ii" r 11n 11lu1rr• ruy 11p1 • •nr ''IHl·I. H11ard I & r w1m ~,,.,,,.. ~Ala1 t-I.I l'C-!flll'.11 21r::?:1 ~t A:-: (•1r part lllrl" W•o1k 1n nir1drl dr111u lrr1•nl 'If ,,.,. ~l•11r. lltu · h"r ~!1t11 :!lt2.1 111-:A Tr:-:c. \'f'nt11111 rng & ,.h.,et • 11wtnl work nf 1111 Ly p•·i<, ~IA Jl 1 to.ti! lilll• "'"'k STACF: lo •J111<td11J. rrl'11l1>nt 1111. c11m111Pr .. Hil ,\fl IT~:r.. :'lll2t; 1 ""' I ll1~hway Vnli:~ ~:.STIMATES LI 8-2237 ~•\\'j•lll l H"U•lt :?tc21 _________ t._P_22 Beacon Personnel 1~.1 011 Spreadl.nl( Driveway• PARKING LOTS 100' ;, employ1·r rctamr.tl agcnry Nn Ff:r. , r1llrf'I r tl fr• . .,. 11 pr•h• nnl S 11h·•hn111omi our 9°Jlertally W e 4t3·3l .. l ~.;.\\)I'll I u,.81 h rumf h nny t)"pl! oil tn your ~pe-- '111111t111n. Large Joba -•m&U MEN PART TIME ,.,,,,. Jo rel" e.'lllm11tei< Also wa· • r • r apre11d1ng. Modem equ1p-1 N F:ElJ 4 to "urk ,.~·cn1nJ(it & S11• mr n1. LF;ionglon 6·•008, <itl· '?PflOrlUnlty to en rn $~1 I pl'r ~·k "'''I" & l'~e Huntington Brh < ar ne•. Appl\! ~r l\~h \\ ,.,, ' 6U 8 p. m. Sar.In A r.11 Y M C' A , 20•. c \\. <.:hurc h S.A :nr".1 -------------. -'.lcobollcs Anonymoua Write P. 0 . Box Sil :-ll'wport Bu.ch. Callt. Phone Harbor 4195 t.\.-..,ha"' l'our Car 1," ~""l'·Pre .... publish,,., rne>r!' < 'llUl,.lfl"'I Art• than a ny olhl"r '" ""'"f11tp••r In the 11rea. Thh 1"11'1,.rshlp WllJ\ attaln"r1 b,.rAUlll' ~ew11-PreN ClaHlfl"'1 Ad1 «"t rMt1ll1'' MARJ:'\"E ME C H A:>; I r, !ST CLASS. Hubor 38f\1. 22<"21 TEJ.EPH ONP: T>lflE<-rOnY Mf:N r,r wnml\n 11r11 l '4 ~,o nrRI 11pptl\rlnir 9.1lh r ar• tr, t1,.llvn (Jl'll.nge 1'ounty1 el,.phcin• Dlrec· tn rl""· ra11rom 1"' ii""n~,. plllol.u rt'<iulr,,.I. Urm1. S•" 1RI Se< urlt~ nun11>-r. no ht1l~r ... Apply W,..I • •r 1 4!6 11 1 JO "-m. LUI~. w .. Jlt 4th Rt .. 8 11.ntl\ Anra :l:l• -It P.Y• lO read th11 "'ant &da \' ou rl!lld the othrr r••llow a \\.' A.1'"1 Ar1 , h,. Wiii ltllt1 )'OUrt • PAGE• -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS M-Mmlcal. RadJo. II TV MONDAY, OCTOBER 2•. 1955 48-Ae,t1. ~ Rollle9 for ~at ~A,et.. ~ Bouee for Re•t 6_t-__ Rf-_al_~_.!l_t_a_tfl ______ 6_!-_Re_~-:ar.r..._ta_t_• ____ _ _%9-__ e_e~•e_w_an_tec1 _____ 2D-n .. 1p Wanted S l'l:"ET pia.no.. R f'nta l returns T t ad,·ma on Organ•. t tc. 1..tkt ntw. Thu1 11 a chance for a b11t &'!\'Ing•. OP<'fl J.'nday t\'U *PORT ORANGE TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIF.S Cabanas Marinas LIDO A llR A:-.: 1' :-; 1-:w 3 btlrn1 • Z hath Jo°r!'n1·h Rt'$:••nry with all C'IM'. l<1tr hr11 bC'amto<1 e~1hn1:•. laritP f'llll" nt<'rrun aw1lr h1•> tmJlrl'Ull <' f'nt r' ISLE \ MCIDl.:Rl" P ROV1NC1Al.. Th" llnrtt nr wall,J)&~re. dra- Jl(>rrr" 11nrt n 111 thru-ouL \" otl'll Jn," thl• hnm• and th• ('11t 11 1.. 1 t~ht !\ bdrma., I h111 h~ l'anc•ltni; ill hvin J nn. anti 1li-n DA ~Z-SCHMIDT. ~20 :'\o. Main Real Estate Salesmen: Santa Ana. 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-«20 Lido Peninsuia, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. TV & Radio Repair Fast Service '!14-~' 1Tl\'tlt?.1' . $2!1!1!1 ' OFFERS We offt·r y(JU t ip t op comrrussions. whole-hearted ro-operat ion._ertensive advertising and a new spac· ioua office with an exeeut 1ve's desk yc.u can call ·~2-1':'' KanllOn, tw ~b •. $79~ ':i4·40' F'l~t wood 2 BR . $339~ "!lf·4!1' Roadmat1ttr 2 BR. $H 9!1 Dcligbtful li\'ing. Apt.·Cabanaa. Utilities pnid. with llA \'F. A !-"A \(11.\' • I( ,.,, ~ ou II lo\t this 3 bJnn .. 2 booth humeo 1111 .,,.., r• hu gl' lol gar· ·~·· 't rc•t!Jtf'tl fo1 :! 1<(ry 0 1· .. r ~~I :;q 1-'t 1tn1I It " llrl\JC"r S3t1M Rtall<lna bll' Sl'r\'H I' calls 1111 JI rm K~O\\'LTON £LEC· T RO:'\ll'S LI 8-:'J20~ 19~ :llOdels on n 111rtav 1111 eu;~" Yacht slip accomodalions. ;'l;EAR I.Jill) nn q11t~t at~ 8.llkllljt $:!4 l~ltl llhOwU\6 U • n11A I of $:.!X!\11 2 unit• I bdna. oln" n 1 brtrm. up. C".('lmptel9'1 a nd """'I)' f11m1sh1'd, your own. Opening is limited to two salesmen a nd one saleswoman. PAN AMERICAN Para01ounl·Ken11-k 1ll Daily. weekly. monthly, yearly, SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY . & INVESTMENT CO. 1 l p24H I • For appt. or resen ·ation. Call Har. 2992. S.'.il tc -------- 34tfc FOR l.J.~A ~E 1ipar 1tiu1 1.ltlci htt111l' tH~tt<fully It n11nplttf'· ly fur111>.h1•1I 3 bdrnu .. 'l bath• \\ 1ntC"r 111 yf'llrly optional, 503 -32nd ~t .. Newport Beach Harbor 5868 QUALITY TELEVISION SERVICE S_P_A_R_T_A_.'\ __ -,.-R-A_l_L_E_R_. -.... -b-a-nR l tXA-Apts. for R.-nt Wtlh t>alh 2 tari:e rl11~t>ts "tr • ----------- 29-Hel[! Wanted S2-F11rnlturP for Sale on tari:t' tut HA:O.:I HO Charming Hnr bor Hn\'t'll Ho ··"' SF.RVICE 't'l 9 ,, m TR A I L 1-.: R P ARK Palm .cyi r. ~ • 1 • · · :\ 1w rtnw n1 s • Pntins t'ART:-lt:R ~1.\.'\'Al;P:R 111 ••lltHh· HAR(;A IJ\" ML'S1'' S l-:t.L 776 W Hlth LI 8-676 Sprin..:s. "'fl 7~· . . OPEN SU:'\OA \'S l'hun" 1'111 I<· .'Ill-~\\' I llUt 1.\1, ~tto•<•I h'l'(•I ;o.:,.111 ""'w ll-2!'181 M 1,,. \\' 'I' \\'•·l~t•i d• hn11h 1olll•l•Jllll,t.: d.~1111 I (,1111.-t. hshl'tl H~>tl 1-:~t1t!f' ufftt't' wllh II l'l 1~ll'LETI-: ""' t•t 111.o('lt• I 1 ing 111•lrsnw11 l '11mp1 .. 1 .. •h\ttlt•' ><h•JUlol "" f,111111J a r Wllh 111111.111 HI c•ll ~II lllll 11111\ I• •)11>11'1hl• \.\1th JH ti\'••n , ,., 111 •I \\, ~l~· H"' t. -r\:J tt11.. pit f't'I :.! lo:.!\ 1 ~tl-::'I; f'll~ 1!1htt • """ l11ni.1,. Lu !111 ~, Ill f11 f' 1'1\lt·~ \\I 1~11-:~ <>1wnini;11 111r 111f1t" 1 ... 1 .. 11 r£-Jtt au1 .int A· •l111tlfH111 l• tc Jl'SF: FAHHA H >-:1111•1 .\)!•''"-.' •021: -:1:.!n•I St ~""' 1••11 I a1'1'fl1'1' ft lllll I 'ti V l l:dl 1 ,:_ 1, :.!:: I U.1IU (u1 nJt Ur~· JIH lit•h·~ 1 h tu,.. 1 r~d 1., hl•-~ >u1 I .1t;:, \*u• L1i:o ~f Ht J• Ill 11 .. 1 I.Iii:!-: S~:\\ tlH~lrt f1 ~ Utlt ~i. 111111 I"· "'t"\ ... ll.11 :!.:'.:~u..llt t :.. t u ::1 1 :!1 r 'I IH• 1\1 I·: •tinl'I 1 .. "'1 ~ 111. 1111oll• 111 'huir i.:11 & IJ•~1t l:uup .J:•J 1: ltil II l'l.oc ,. 1 nr 111,;h ~"""''' (oioiU\ .\[~ ... d :!lt:!:l WA:>.'TF:ll HEl.IAl!LP. \\111111111 \r1 32 ,\ An · r1tr~ frlr <hrftlr .. n Mu~I 1 .. •1n ·111I· _;-=--.1!Q~f'li ____ _ -. ble 1111 >-h••r t ,,.,, 1• " '' fll'IY 6~0k 1 : \\','tr). 1.111 1-'111nr. ="•'"'" porl Boo,u lo :.!•11 :!:! S~Mlsc.-llaneoul'I --------------- Royal Danish Lamps l'l-:HTIFIED OKICINALS 150 YEARS OLD !SPECIAL BUY! flE~tO:-:STHATl/H 111u1h·I, 11\1<" nc•\\' lu1 o<I\ li:1n11J.1ll spin"L ptnn?I \\ llh 1111111 111 l.o\\l cy <1rirano Sll\'t' $.:1111 "" 1111-l.lht't<d 10111~ l \•n · \'•·rut·ru t•·t .,,, k t S ii A FJ.:H~ I Strlt'•• Hiii: 1 ~:!l ·~:!:J :'\ ::;~'t·a111111.-S on\a A na l'h111w Ii: linbr1 ly :!-116~:.I i 11 ani;:l' ( '11un1 \' s 011:1111 llJqlrll llA:\l~I O~D Or):An'< All modffi~ S um P won<kr ful b.11 g.11n11 •n "'"" or J.:llOS S••Vf'l 111 11t8k1•!1 - F11'<' p1 a, th .. 1 oom.. Tntdo: In 111111 old tns11 unwnt l•,\ 'Z·~l'HM I O'l' Hu111e ur tht ""'r lol famull.'4 H ;1111n1u11J. SantP Ana. :1:!U i'\ :'>lain. t.:000 pluy1111; practlrP r 1ano,., $79, $1!7, $!1 1 up t., $1\l~. s pinet 1 :.:101 HP(lt'llt• A'" i\l11n lc•· l'li o.<,:1111 '\• 111,1\'1• ';,1· l\ •):" .lis· putittd laun1h ,. 'l•HH~•-. t••H11~ hdlu. ----:.!l l·:!:l l )!1Ull).:P. S'.!~l• up l •\'lHpu·-.: t'U 41-Want.ed to Rent Rentals Wanted We need apla and housea tn all aeclioiu for both w inter and ytar'a leue. Furn. or unlurn. U you have a vacancy, phone today The Vogel Co. 3201 W. CaL Hwy., Newport Br.II Phone Liberty 8-:1481 208 Manne, Balboa Ulland Phone Harbor 444 2667 E. Co~t Hy., Corona del Mu Phone Harbor IHI Lido Office, 34 HI Via U do Horbor 497 1 lit•' ~ i I t 4: " l '."oli'lt r \ l;o.l\lf1 :o.1i:1 1!.111 JI I\• II 1·1 ..... I 1;1.11 k So111th ,1f l11:;h i.;, h••1I AU.;o ~ l 'H:'\J~HF.11 Al'T~ \\"l~TER IL\Tf:~ Lido Isle Bayfront Ont' 111111 •wo bdrm 1t('R1t11 •ms l-'ur111"h"•I (;.1r11i:• ,i • Y ••arly or \\•inter r <'Ill al. H t1 r 5675 LIDO IRLE S f:l.L < 1:0.: Tl·:U~IS 8 FT DELWAT~~SSI·:~ 1 llM· St:11). l lA'."lJ~1A I 11!; ~·upp•'r lamp!!, hand bJuwn 1•r_vi;t11J -;Hrl\'mi; Sllllf'" """n E XQL' !SfTI-: fo1 1:.11 d"" lighting. f'"l111s, poob. "1 "' f, • .,. lll't' for 111dn11r ll~htin~ \\ 11\1• Bux f\7U \\'h11t1i•r. C .1h!•1r11111 fnr '''"' 1111n1Jr ' /lilt/HJ, a heuuty.! Hnh· SI 11r1. EuM<'M knns. 1702 Xewport Blvd. t'osta Mesa Ol'E 6 ft rt'f11i::• rntur :SM O!'E h11 i;:~ 1•0111111,.rt· r•fllJ.: $7J l SCALES. Si);, I l'":<J='l>OLA $2r1 <.:111l ownl'r I.I l<·•i:!:!:I 111n1 lllnj:" t11 I "l'l'l arter f; pm !ttf1 ----------- Fresh Hearing B ATTERIES Aid Hepplewhite ,l'fH\"ATF: <m rtrr t11~p1•~1nl!' :! .on· \Ve Give S&H Green Sto11111s 11rp1t nrnh•ignro\' ,,,,.,., • .,, t11 .I\•· Gunderson Drug Co. · 1 • t""L i;11v w r11 -.·11 1u r Main St. a t llo.lboa Blvd. Halbt•ll $i!•t1 • ·' l•·~s fui ""'" Harbor :itr... 91!tCc l'l'StHIA;'\;;'o ::7!'i~. E (' .. a~t ""'" 11•111unu tll'I .\lui H .. 1 l:!l:! ~----------------Custom Draperies O.\~Z·Sl'HMIDT. :121) N Mn1n S,111ta Arlll 100 Jil!IOUll. Open 1"11.t:o,· nights. SA L~: <.:rand lllilllUil M11ny WOI)· d('I ru t lllll J:lllll~ :ll ony famous llLI k1·~ 111 IC l'.'4 fl Urll $:11;:1 Up. 1: .. n1•h l11r1tr.i,.,1 DA .'\'Z-!::WH ~ll DT, ~W ~II Marn, ~;rntn Ana. HF.l'lll-::0.1 HER-!Jun t f111 i:;f't -the l'r•··•l l1111to r Hr•'P" Or.:an Con· 11·r t 0 < t .. b, r :?~ & p 111 -M a· ~""" H all, r111 ""' !11h & Syca- BEDSPRE ADS, ><hp '"\'"'"· <'h ' - Hard"' a1 e. :SI y1 '!~ in 1.11s1ncsi1 11 11n " ~.1nta Ana. :'\o tt•lrn1M1on. A \\un•J•·1t11I lllUl\ll'al treal for ~oa~~·-~~.e.e~!~-----1111 ltn .. r-. "' lhr 011-:a n L UCILLE DECu RATOKS Har. :i664-408 1-; H,1l1l'1a Ul\••I l-111. BOAT STORAGE I DA~Z-SCHM IDT. Sant" Ans. :i20 ;"1;111 th .\la.n. LI berty IS·!l!l\17 lfc I 3~11(1 \'10 1.11111, I 18-Apt~. &! Ho09H ----- Choice Winter Rentals 0 11 Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small It cozy or 1.&rge It dtha • $75 to $300 m onth VOGEL CO. hath h11111e 11.11 RENTAL r SPECI ALISTS I Cull F:dna Craig Blanche Ga tes, Rltr. I 311 Manne A ve ALI~ S IZES. reasom•bl" rot e~. Ap· 3~DO~!'!, Cats, Pf'ta ply n~ yan1 off1ce1 .:<;CJ.I 'TH 203 Marine Ave .. Ba.Ibo• Is land lia lboa 111l11mJ, Har. 167 J 72lk FIREWOOD ('0AST CO,\IPA:>iY :o\"wport D<Hn:1u1A~ pup fem11le, by Sift' Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor <!l:il l:llvd .. at 23rd St. :-:ewport 1M1. i1f Storm. Cro1;p1•rt & 1n1111ula1~d Ru. Har. l786·R or Har . J O:i9·M Holi day Apts 2tf n a A rbo1 , co~t& M• l!li. Liberty 84tk OCF:A N F RONT FREE DE LIVl;:RY Dry wrlQll, i-:ucaJ.vp1 u11 Ca ll T oni Hut<'h11u1on I fllr'bnr 263:>-J. ----------------i ·tiil:ii. 1-:v~ninp1 only. 22c24 • Gl .. AS:;PAR A valtm 16 f1ou1 with -------I <.:ORONA DE i. M AR !'harming 11 WINTER w1n1t~h1c'ltl, "a11,·11s '"I' ~ 1 •J 1• tO--Autos and Truck" Wrm. huuse ru m . l-'1repl&1't' & 1 ~K 1-·111 n. t 'td. ptl $;,o mo. l:ilfr h 111·1rw:11e .lt1 IHIM•n 21'1 hp m<•lur, l!l!'lll ~Tl'lll" -IA r .r. l 'hamplon-apt. furn. $6:'>. L I li·4!11 7. 2ik22 111117 ..: tialli"" Blvd 1ur1111n11. 1•11llh1on!I. llJ?h t ~ >1niJ I -:-1 --K-;,:::---furnare S!ill mo. Collage _St1111"1 2 Cit. Foun t 'til ptl S6ll mo. -.------------------batt•·n· -101 lt-1 ,.., ... 1111i; "1•n· '11•1111, )(•M11I •1111111\lon $4115. . B.•lbo>a Har 13i8 T F:A K 1 how lwm h $30. 3 pall'!< t 11,1,., . tw., ~6,. t 11 11 k ~ fl\'•' I.I k·2M7. 21t'23 BA !~BOA J~l~A ~D - i:rrPn sn11qu .. icatin iliupes $2ll I 111011\hl' olol like rww s11-.o l -----Bl'aut11ul -t ht>1lrn1. :I hath H1·y~ h1ku SI:'>, 2 n111T<1W Hurl~mn H:1r 16o 1• F;v, mni:· l!•pi! :11 F <11t1> 11m1·t•111bll', t'\l'l'llenl homP, .'\'11rth Bay (1.,11r l.cwoly i·t.ust: I;-\, IS,\l.lll•A ~"'"'~lll'd Hav l1h1nk<'l11 S7 ~O <'&th. Hnll· _ _ __ • 11nd1t llm t '11n h .. "''''" 111 Sht>ll i•alto• t'i•·r 1111,1 fl••"I . 13~· • n I bt••h H! upt.., \t•ajf h ~.-;u u~ .. A \\'1<y h!'tl $12 2 &"11Ar1111n• 'lRt1ur1 :t1illO :'\t'WJl<lll Blw1 • monlh 11r until J un., l'.lh r;a" & \\Ul• I l""'I 4,.,. E H.ol· ~Ill ,;, SI.!. nPw 1111••1 Jth,.1<r1 I TRADE llur. 4 1lJll. 21c23 boa Hlvtl. Hai '.40711 1 lf •or 1«1n1ht1111wr 1n111b111at111n, 1111<1 I CORONA DEi~ MAR - ct\••r $~nfl, ••II $2,..:'>. •11l'un 11111 · Bt'flUltful 70-fl. a ux. 11.:hoontr. :111"~T !':F:LI, fo r $1 7~ ra~h. flue tr.'\FU R:'\lS HF:O I twd1 00111 11pt IJ~:l~l'X P. f"l "P.S APTR I<•••• $1. ll:ir, 401ttl f•1t 11•1•t 1-:Xt'elt,nt !o r <hailer . \\'ant tu tllnc·,\.~. l!l41 (.'he\'rnlt·l c•oupe. llOUth or h1gltw8.\' t11p 111111t1on <-I , lhl •~ "''"it NI '" • ~ ~.,11 m11 and up !I• .::t p1<>1w11y or >1mallPr lll.i.tl. 1220 2 oh ha,. l!l~l ""1!1118 •nstalll'tf BLA'.\ICR E A GATE~ Ritt JIM E ll.t\' A l<' Hall"'" H arl><Jr I \\' Hulh<1a Bh·cl , :'\1•w110n. Har. l.c;cl \t'3r l:.!ll·Jl:o11 , !'\ewpor l. 311 Ma11ne. Bal 1,.1 ... H111. 1671 :'>3H ,..1,, :llt\KC.,Jt'l-:rrF: "" ""'''"' '"''" 1 ~:u:l'.!. 3!1trc ll111h11r :110-H . 2 1e2:J ur 1672. .t hp All l 01Jlll1'l' ~~' r :.!:.!II \'1 II r<tni;k phll~• \LStl 11••111 R111,-k SU(l<'l I •Ir ,, !J11 H,11 I I \\'S\\'. Jo>« rll 1 •n•ht Inn' \\ t I lllhlP S•r HI l "\1 1"1 1 ~ 171h ,!:t 11! l'llh"Olll, I.I 1'·71Ct~ BEA I 'Tl F'I 'I. O t I:"" f •,~i f •• , t .... tutp•~ (',u 11lrn11 fl1 1w· I.Ht• 11 • :.: 111 '' .tJnut ··~"" ~ , ·,,,; :! l 1 .:~; s.,·; :! ·"' 1.. uf "'" ... 11 \\ t11d1•\\'' 36 x I:! ~'.! " ""' 11 11 .:1111;..1 Order Now! l 'l.11'1'1-:I! KJ.:EI. :O:LI >C ll' :!II' SEl.I. OH TRAUF. 1•ti111ty l !l!l:i J.:,tra t.a 1~,.1 ·.,1 kl'•I Slll'lebake 1 [),.luxe \'8 --t !lr 1-;,,, 11 .. nt l 'tm•hl•"n :-: ... Inn. H,1r. '421):1 :.!2Cl l 1 "I o wnrr Harbor 31:W-R 11!1"•1 l ",\llll.LA(' rn1i1i~leV1lle=:_ l•1p:!lh J!""'' 1nn,111wn \\' \\' t 11b•lt•A>1 ------------t.14'• T"1111s no tr11t1 ... LJbrrt,. Boat Repa.lrS ll·."it:!ll _____ n r2• !!•!'>:! ,\\"!{Tl ~ A·I O !';.nner .. <'l 4 •lr ,,..,.tflit Ynu rH\f•d 1hu~ h \\\" J.:•'" 1• 111'1 S 1:•0 I.I M-l:-.t8 Rrt .. 1· Fl'R~. Bal hl'lur art \.:or c•na 1Jel Mttr-SIO week-Har. •:181 2fk·2:? fTR~. laq:e ~111.:le Apt. Oc Niii L i:e 1U111 1 BH •l'I \\ ~ • uq1t t furn /IP,l l t1t1/ '••''< & J!lll:lt:P 101 I H\ 111•t ••I \ti tl1tt J'';:,!·1 af\11 6 p Ill 17111 \'tt'W. $50 mci yrly tPntlll. ut1I lJEl.t ";'I;~: Jtll• 1•·111 111111 -;11.h•• u11: p<l :0.:e"'f'Ol l H •·1ght.•. L llK'rtr, l 'r1lfl1•, /""I !7 .. 11 11 1· .. r.,na 8· 1627 1t ft er 2 r nt 2fk 22 I tl.'I ~la r. I ho 11.,;,;1. K t l\lc ----I CORON A DEL MAR Vt It' ~Tl 'l •lll i\l"T 11111 i.11. h· • 11 1\ li.1111 •1 II II lllol HOBERT \'Al"C:HAN & t.·o . rnno \>\'. C1w'1 llwy. :-l'1·w11nrt Beach r, I' 111. 22r24 2 BR· ... unf11rn1s1i .. .i, 111 1•r 111111 ~ti ft. g 111 • l1111nd1 y ··~1·1•1 """'II· 11011 & 1<11' .. 11011. So v1t1d work .:. I j:,: I II Fr 11111 1•1111 11 ... ~'lp2 I lti l·T 4 I.'\. (ll'TB11J\Rl • ('Hl>lrt IST $~10P TAl\r:!'{ 8 lfll'J:f' rqutty rn 11 l\•:1~ l\I E KC'l 'R Y. Call ''""'"'!' Llh!'rtv 8 ·622:l morn1n1:« 111 llllt'r I') 11 111, IOtl<' Lease S!l2 SO. • B R L'NFl'RX. APT -l 'lni<r 111 Ot.~f>., 11lr. g.11 • lr1t .. 11f :<tm· 11ge spal'I'. ~:x1 1•1 t l•r :<I: I pa 1 ly or 1·011ple . s;n no (11'1 1110. :mu; .. J :o pt Mlll:thlf• (Ill' ~ Jl"10f'l 1> $11111 r1•(1 \\ 1111•'1 s 1.,.1 11111 }'1'111 I\', \\ Hlt•r JIH ld If Hf l11tt ;\;\"'O :!th :!2 It h 1-'\'I{~ upt ~1;·, (I• 1 mn '•r\ \'••:tt l\ lt-.P·u 1u 'hUftlt·"" c·au HUI hctr l:!til :!ll1·:.!:! USR-Hous.·s for K~nt --~-----·--.------ \\'E HA \'F: H\'1•1 lit t'ho1.-I' 2 nr :1 Brdr11o1m 1t11111c-f1•1 I• n t f lllllt ... 11,l Io jk'"-~1'.ojMll/I \""\I ll US lttl ••Pf'H1!ltllU"tt1 lo Joi.hi"\ t h\ir :? h·lt n1 ron··d t11r hu,.,:•n4•!'1.,,-c E 17th St W. A. TOB IAS, and As:;ul'la lt>s. Rt•tt 1t.1r ~11(1 ~; 17th St t '"'''' ~It .... t LllR-1!\' ~-ll:ll• BAI.BOA I Sl.A ~ll f11111 :.: Bt>•lrm Ut ll IOl'hlde<I i 'bl.I 0 1-\ Sl•ll• nu• tu Jun•• 10 •tl'lrt~ • .-. ll.11 ~su ... 1 :-•·t· l•' .:.1•.ll·Hn :!Ot !!2 \ n HAl"TI\'~ 1u11.1'h• I " '• 111 I I' Ill ·" ~ I·• ,, I' II !Jlt 1111fu1 n 11•( .tl u ·n h.•ll ... t" $1 l~. '"'' 1·a11 H ,lt ho1 ~f1utlP"''411 ~ • , •• ~11,·n1 ''" '''ttrl\ 1:!•'1 ..!C.k2.! Yf:ARLY 11nt urn :.: HH :.:,f\tH.-•~ \\ ,,t, t r'utd $ti.1 H\lt ~11:; 'll\th St S•ll1••1t l•l1t11' H.u 2:.~a·R • \t~... :!Ip:! .. Llflll 1.::LE bHth un1u1 n lt•n,c., 111 pt·r1111111·' •·nt l• 11«111 SlO\I 111n ('ho1t'<' l111al11>11 .\Ir l'11ow Ol'nk11k 1 • ·nnSl':R LOT below martMll p11t'<'. compare I \ for pltle $12,bOO. CORONA DEL MAR Shorcr li(fs loveli<>st :.! &lrmi;. con\·. <lC'11. 2200 sq. ft. Wonderful out· door h\'ing. A distincti\'e home, Asking $49.~ BAY & BEACH REAL TY Lido Off'eoe 311 2 Lafayette. Newport B t'ad1 Harbor~ HOTSPOT ATTRACTl\"E new bu1ldmg. 7 stores. 6 under ...... Costa ~lt'sa arC'a. Rhows ovt'r 10 '.,, on price of , S0,000. $35.000 w ill handle. CORONA DEL MAR Rrand 1w w t'll\1• homl' of 3 b1'llrn1i; .. 2 bathll, )&Tg9 linni:: r0111n 111x•ns to sht>lterC'd patio. Wood pentl f1111i-h l1nng ruum nnd 1hn. room. Ruv now and haw your chotce of cOlors. Priced at $28,7~ A Cl 'TF. 2 Rd rm .. rornC'r Sl 7.500. W Ill ta.de few Jargt'r homt>. C'ONF F.R \\'ITH l 'S 0 11 sale of home, lot or Income prope1ty. Wl' ean r c>nt.lt:r you real 111~s in Newport. C'nsta Ml'sll and For frrC' estimat eii, <'A I.I. Luu Boynton with service on Ii•· Bay dl.trictA. EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor B:iy~ulc-Dr. and Coast Hi~hway. Har. 3297 & H ar . l 8T8 WtLL TRADE T his 3 bd rm. & den 2 bath bea ut. com er Oif! H&\·en homr For '.! or 3 bdrm. in Newrort Hts., Co1ta ~t esa. nr Corona del M11r. to $1~000 Call LI 8-1421 1-:':? 11. , \'• nif").: < b nd "t'•"k••nJ ... S YI\ an 11.:lti!IJ 18trl '- l.'\l~TA ;\l!·:SA r""~ :1 1i..1111 :! tlulh -- • HU(Ut ll httUM! .$!~[) SµH un i \ I l \" ,..ti .. , .::16 I<; t 1 h ~ nit t llJ ~ hath 1Jl1I .: u ·~·· to.,,• • IJlnc k.~ I 1 <1111 • "01t•r u f 1 ·.,~111 ,:\l"s.a J n11H•~hat•· o• t \qut nt ,. ~1110 mu L I )o..:!:.:'-tl c·\·,.~ l.llw1 r\ 1'-:\767 21 .. '.!.! t 9-Room"' for ltt>nt ----------.-_...1 _____ _ \1KING HOTEL ltR f hut ~ •.. ,!t 1 R00 )1 !" 6r A I',\ rt f\I f:~T~ II.I\' \\"1 .. k ~l11nth n .... t 1 •• at1••11 111 B .. 11 .... V~H\' HEA MO~\HLE HAT~~ Ft.H:\ t uoOl huua--rt,\"Jl•'t.!t"•• ••n llt lo"l1 11ft1 .\\'t• t ' I • )I :-;, .. hnnt~ ,, •• \• 110-.. 0 1.tn ,\f, .tf, tf 11 .. ,.11 .. t H"K•Hll11l1l• liar fill'I zu,·~~ l .. A [J\' 1tJ.1tl1" \\Ill t••UI ''"trl\ 1 J1td\0 J\tl• h1•rr ''' l\'th'~t'' t l~ H"dl<tn·1~ ''"'' I.I "·i l7~ .:11..: I 50-R••nt, ~Us<'. --------·. -------- Probably Your Last Chance In buy a 3n x 10 I fl. l<'Vl'I lot in Newport u close In t he l:warh as this one 1s. lf you hold 1t for a Y• ar nr lwn you can't miss maklng yourself & keg- fll ll of s1ln•r dollars. 52.500 -termA, SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 5868 CORONA DEL MAR Expan:-.1vr lla rbor and r)C'Can view, 4 bdrm. :! bll I hs. B;1 rg':t in S l!';.11011. Submit down Den. :'\l-:W :! BIL a nd u('n :! bnt hs. Low terrna, $~4.500. 1 1n11l(•r11:~. st<'\'C' & fully landS<:a pPd. BA YSHOIU :s :$ hdrm. home. Protected patio. l'n n•d nt S:.!R.000 BA Y:-\llORES B:ir~u1n 3 bdrm., Liv. room 15x20 !'1rt·pl . f»nn'd. c•n\·pn·t.I patio. Reduced for quick sale -Sl .500. P<'rsnna I izrd Christmas Carris Al.I. s 1z 1-:s 1\l.I. l'H11 ·~ ~ Rtp1P~r11t nl11 1· \\Ill • 1 I hnnu• •t' \.I , 8,,11, h Fl 1R LF:,\ si-: l.11• a l'l'r"' """ t 1 ,. S J.:E l"S for BEACON BAY 1rn1l BAYSHORES propertlee. liar. 177.i · fo:\'t•s. Edith Maroon, HY1atl 4-6222 Jhhn Macnab. Harbor 5350 PH()~Jo: H.tr IL11 ORIGINALS A 1-'TER~O< 1S t .,, kl.111 c1rr~~r" & l ·,u 11 •hnn1 • ... ::.:-• I\\ ..!.!•~ 1 ... • ... 11•·1 tTST<l)I l•tn:s:-:~1 \h i:"•; Ph 1i"1 hor .!.t:.\\. ..:..!v :1; i~l)tAt:I ·1." ·n; ~ r, 11 t 1 ''()(.t 1- :: 11 SPOT rl'fll):•'r !ll"t 1•11 P cnns•·•lut l '•H•"fl·' d •J ~to r Har. 17!\ft-n ••• , 1111111!• N E\\'L\" ()\'~:H H ,\ 1 ·1.~:11 \\'t\l'Tr: IU:'l:G 1'1 "l.\'1·:11 A TnH. ~3:? :,,1 Kl :l-11'<1111. ·:11, ~:! OLD Sl'Lli:\", $4.'>. hnll 111·•· w1111 marblr ~:Jll ~•II, h11nk1•d 1 ll): ~:i:: 1<rl nf 6 lm'o'IY \'11 t11non •111\'l'ol f'ha:r!'t. c 1 Y"lal •·hnnd•'lt••t 5:.11, 111arb1.. tnhll' $411. 1•l•I 11r~1t11 Sl~'\11, ~p1n111n~ \'"""' St i !\11 Anllqlll' dC',.k :?!\, nlol r RrP 1v1on TRADE 1.1 ·1 ·rt.\ Tl\ E lll"SI· San F ,.1n.cn•l•l tnr ~ultn).:' "' ·~H\lt•)I hoa1 :hr .. 1 '''"'· 1'•4~1i \'1•111111.\ lll\'tl 11 !<"I' l~L,\ '\Ii "11lho1,11d 2 I'" I 1•11 I l' ~-\'111111!!• •·u11 .. t-r1.1dt·1 ~k11 .... f•n•·i: I.I" ,;la"'""I ~tOllll H111 1:1711.,l ~··· :!2 Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent J\111,.r·w.111 1 .. ·~11111 21:-.. 1:-1th St ~11'C'l111g~ :!nd ·4th \\'1'0. p.m l'Rlf '' h j n ",. " '1t J t'•1n J 17 .~. ~•'itnd :, Ill ' J1 11-1.'\SL>:O.: 0111l lH•t111I 11111· I r. IH !I 'l<1lf Art I '""' ~!'<"• 1.1twt r ,. ";,!•;·, l!lt 21 "'''\ ·~ flt1tJf"<lt1r s 1;.11 .. ., tr. I• I ltr111~1111l nltl c1111111i; M'! \\1th • ma 1·11h111rt 17!\, "l'I. 1 o'froi;: f",; ~I'. ohl 1t•1n11. a nt111ue r hrw' rw~lr y. nl•I duns . r1•rr l'r. hr:i,., ~l&l<ll\\ll rl' l'tc. \\"e I'> •Y & 11wap 8rrn~ tt<'m11 1n. c H A R L I F: flA \'I!': 1 '0.~ F:. A n11ht101. LR HEmlnrk t\M:lll R F:-.:T A p r.1111> 1111111 yn11 hll\' J\ ti I•' I l rt•O( Bfl \\.f• f (~1w,.f J'rar• t •' p1Jtn• .; µco I"''. \1,,,, s•, pf"r ".1 th BEAlllFl.L L-ANES f'HA~lOXD DA '=Z-~l"H~tlf'T Haa.: P iano ~tote. ··~•I :'\. ~\.\In. ~anti. An11 Rl:'\G RnUJthl tu t )'t'llr. worn nnh· 1 month 8 •11 for ~ rnr r ~100 -11(111 3~th . Jl:'(lt. Re11<h 21 p23 30-8-AJ>Pllane'ff Washing Machine C:ERVJCF. l -yeoar gua.rAJJloo on Job• done and on Ul!led wuhera. 2488 14 tre&r) Newport Bl., C°'lA MeM. Lrberty -4503 or Llbcrty 8·4327. 64tfc • JAX:"!'l-:;'I; r1'n~olr piano with 111 It m Pri:an•' uttachnv•nl, nr11r r••\\ Pri,·ate party m11~t •rll llw l•r 21~11.\\. 201~:! Hf<:A I TIF\ 'I. !l111'1lU' 1111tke l•l11nt!f' ~, "•' , ~ ~"'' In r"rrr\ t I '1ndl· t i"r l>,n" $'.!•tl. Uh,.1111 I llldt' 1 ·, 11 «'l".1• nt 1•·1111~ 111 SH rrH:--•::<1111e 1!•117 • .-.!I 1: \ '\' 1'\'1111111111> !'o\nnt.1 J\11A I'll• I' "l1d •1•tl\' ;!-11•i7 J 1 • oc-.1ft1·d J •1:-plR\' tor 11ut t p ._ I 11 ~ 1 •1 11~1 if \ oU ~ • 1 '>111 t•H RY~l.F:R I 11... IHhf1tr 111 <"' .. • Ll ~.:,?fl~•~• ( ·nup.• )!OfUI 11011<1 c·onrhr inn 201'22 41-Auto S..n ·irfl -------------·-------Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . ................ -.. M8.88 8 Cyls. . ... -............... $58.88 lnrl11rlrs bnth IAhor and p11rt ~. N<'W nn.i:~. wri11t pin.~. valve K• Ind. rilling, or m Ain 11nd rod b"nrrni;~. Expl'rt motor t11ne up. 110·11:1\' or 4.000 mtl1J guarantee. <N O 1-1'mq :;y DOW:"\I. REBtnLT ENGINES -l"f' lo l~ J\IO~THS TO PAY- Built In our own f11rtorv bv skillrd ml\Ch1nist~. Don't t'Onle0nd with lhP n11dd/,. mAn. Buv dirrt't. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK F'ORD . .. ........... _ ....... 1129.50 CHE\"ROLET ............ -··-··· Sl49.SO PLY:\t A-DODCF. .... -.--.. ···-$15'1 Cl-IRYS. & DE SOTO ... -··-·-$170 ST L-OF:BAKER ..... ·-·--$170 OLDS ti: PO:-.llAC 6 ....... _ Sl 70 BlJCK ................... ..: ............ _ SliS Hl.."DSON' ....... _ ..... -........ _ .. $175 Loan C ar Free T owmg :-;t;W CAR OUARA~EE Blnck must meet our 1t11nd11rds Plus taxf'I!, ,ruktt• And 011 Oprn Sunday JO a.m . to 2 p m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opt>11 t>111ly 8 to 7 S tate BontleJ NE\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. ~A:-.'TA ASA DELL':XE I bcdtlll 11nf111 n tlll(lll'X Large bramrd 111·, 1111. Kn•lll\ pine kllrhen pAt1.1. g11111r.:" ll\lmd ry, gar,ll•nPr 1111111 w115hrr water furn Ad11lt!I 11111\' l nq 11ftrr 6 r 111. 223 f{t)dl"l<ll'I l'I Costa Mes" 211p:?· A TTRAC'Tl\"E """' 2 h"1lro11111 front apl. Car be~·· •lt><p . 2111 !nvely va rd Cl""" t11 1<hnpp1111 Llhrar~. Bo~ <1 • ll1h i.;,.. 1 llJlpl'PCIIllr fnr t1i."1 t11 n .1, Plumer. H:.r. ::!1!111 .. 1 :.!01 :!: A TI"RACTI\'E I 11n•t 1 1 .. 1r111 ft111 t:llhttf'ti rat•I l or :! rh1l1lrer L811nrlry ronm R L 1 · F: TO I APT. :ltOT E L •nJ :0.:1'\\f"lll Blvtf N pt B!'ll<'h, Jlll'l aho\'t t l,r Arche11. 74tf• Y nu >ttP mo•t h kely to tinr1 a bll_\'"r t hrnu2 h lhP new!<papl'r Whll h P""l''" 11•l\'1•rt11t1n1: - Th~ :"1·w ... rr1.·~11 Hubnr 111111 l'CIHlJ~A Jl~:t. ~I \H t111 11 :! h,.>I rcw,ni •h IH'<t> n J1 If)• l'I• hn).! ' .1 • I"' 11\J.! (I.. T\' ( .. ••llrl 'I•·' 'r I H1t r • ~!1~ 1 r H u :.~:.'a ~ t 1 ..: 1·111"1'1.1·;,; '' Sl;\'1~1.1·: I '·"" II 1111•'1 ••I '• 11 I\ I 1111' 11,..fl I 'f 11 • ~ l • '" ' I 7 :i11 ,,, .•an : t 1101 '\i, \\ l''q 1 I 1.,•lr1H i\•lllh"' f1~H I 'n rn •I '111. l•I :II • \rrlt\l 'T l\11.\' Fl I{~ 1111 ( lflif .: I• 1 hdnt "J"IR114' .tr t •~1lr k , f1ro '" 1 re o t1' c .~'' 111t•1 • \I ' .\17 ,. •P•"l:l ,., H ttl l••'-''7\' .! I . tl"HS ~ ''" m 1-'••r ,,_, ""I ,J,. ... n J:.e1n.t 1 1 •1 c 1· .. ~,.,,,. :4PR1 f.;,:. II •• \\ "l{PI "t ~~\ 1 '"Rrll· I 111 plril llnr l!'!\«.1 1<ll E A~\' A \• Rnlh"" ::1 ~ ''>!\ \\"l;\IER r:~::"TAt. 2 h•I" ruin 0•1111\'n•\\' li:ntl\'flO" 11:1:1•, \\, RRlhon Bl\'d 2112 RPR~I 1-l"H:'\ \l''l' o n to~;. l1nnt, l11r """ la•I,\ nf':ir •h"I' l'IOK' & h11• S~••I mn ut1I 1n• I L I 11-1211:! tin\·, 21! :.::: -188-Hon"t's for Rent ------------:t ru:r>RCJO:\t. 2 h11111 111 r111 n1~11rc1 L1k" """ :!••• l,lh• I,, "· 7'\:lt> 6tt "·' ~'"' 11 1 • 2 zn1unJ? ~ .... n i: n•·" t '"hnr I•'' ~t t ·._ ... ," ~t•·'-1• L l "-·.:~-; ~ ~Ht• t "l >.\!OT H ll~ll\\ ,\ \ II ..rr , •. l~f"\\" hHlhl10t.! ~'tttahh• I' ~•11 .1n• 11 .\llutn·~~ •·1• IH ·ss 1-·11n I'. I.I '·'11 H !!Ith f't 1'1111 .. n11" t • ~I I! .. , •H lt l-::-:·r "''" hdrrn lv•ll•• •>'"''' A~ t•·!t •,: f\lrM' UH l'11t•• ~·t,•1• U1t10\ A· l\.\f; u JH ' !'>f ttt I ~111.t Ull'Ulh 1)1{ \\tll tt f1S >o•pa 1.1l••h I uffu" 111 7~1 11nd I :1 ~ .... "4t 11.1mlh .At .... ~1u.1lt ,,_,1,,,~ ~1,., "., '"Jt11 t'\\ n•'r Lllw 1 t \ ~ h~ ... 1•11 , .. h• ·:o· h !'t I I " I , • ' l ~ • ~ !11f1o I ,, t It 'l ,\· \ .t•,, \\ I' NBC REALTY I Ao ,.,.,, 1••1' I : I I Lo 11 • :>-~lonr~_.!~l-A2~~---- uA:O.:~ JU l:S • II.I.I 1)11 hr1\ Bl:Y. )lul>EH:>-IZl •. UI! R~.Fl.'\'A:-;l'Jo: \\ e Huy Tru,1 LJ, f'W! :E'1."Pur.1 8Al.l!tll\ l:o.\ \ l~r. ii. t.OA.S A~!<l W : T11 1:-; 1:166 \"1a Lido Ph H11r 4:?00 t. _OANS for Homes :i c;\ -20 yr. Loe.rt. Construction Loans 1.1111 I !ro\'tl \ Htl B.1yl'11di-nr ofl tce, Har. 32Sl7, f'Vt' H ar. 2878 EARL w. STANLEY , Realtor 225 ~tarme A\'I'., Ualboa Island ~=-!!~~")~-'~·-!~~~----l f~~,!{!ll! E~~~------ \\t·: sr1:1·1\t.1Zt-. I'\' I t•\';o: ~ .. l-!~\:'\1 ·1:-;1 ; ,, 1!1 11 .-t-.lH\I U :l!S On e Day Service I : •' " '"' I II • ~·,It In s i::n'I h t "''·r•' t '.\I.IF .\I 'l '!.,l'TA :'\t'I·~ I I 'Ol!l'Ol!,\TIO~ l''<ll••" I I I"-·• I • ;•• • • 1 .. , , • r" ~ASH .. I ' I I I 1,,. 11 1•: Tl :l ·~·r IFH.: \\ \I I I It 11 T \It" I II " II \l••f~I ,\•'f" l'\'\'"I'\' • •11 '• =' XO .'I' • I I I . II I, l\I! I !!I ... !-\;\;T \ \::\ . : I .' CO~l:vt I SSJ O>: :\<1 Apprais:il r <'<' i-10.\IY~ JU;lol ~\~1 ·p; ('l1'"STl!f 't'j'f 1,'; f ~II t• r ~JN• Fnllt C11mm1tmf'11ts ''"" """ \'H .\\' r1! H111 hnr A O<'f'an. .. "" 1 •I .. ,, i lcrr I •r11·,. fnr S97~0 ',.,. .. llH/\;o\I;,.; f"(>A ~T l 'l'.r •1'1-:RTlr:" l'-:'17 '.\t ~J•flf t, f "q,1H ,\1r/\H I.I ~· 1•1.12 t-:v ... LI ll·fl'lll~ • ">l~I is A I 1t-:I, MAH rm r 2 hrtrm. 1 ·1 r :-; .:•r"' 1 ·'I 1 /11 1•1<1111 un I I F ftl, , 1 f ') 11 f' J llfl t>ftr" 20!)(). 21••23 H.\Ll:Oi\ ISLA:'\ll I '\' I I ',,I' . "I I' ..... f 11 1111J'ht'il '.1 "''' I I '1 I t \H.\'~;H l lnr. .!11~tl l t W l (hr .!"1 ''1 2J f"''23 ·>';._.. '"'"''' Wantf'CJ -······-----------., ,., I 21 I t n 11l '• • •'••I 1,, ittrin. t I t !°• t,,.., 1• $1U') \ I I • 4 ',I I lllJ 421\3. 2Jr 2• \\ \'"llo l • Tl • l,J.'.A ~E. ' ' .. • 111 r • "l't". • ourt.e , , .,, 1. ~ ·1 • 1 rh1 • :0.:f!'N1'· :20tf() 2~1~.:~:~8c~:~~VD. 0on I. Huddleston , . ~,.".. ~ .:1 • :: .. :1.';'·~·; .. :·:~1 ~·:. 'otona dl'f Mar tlar!><Jr ..1t1••l 11,\t•1HI ',•\'. to. IM k up what he Rep. POrRJE:P. MORTGAGE l." l 'i'.1 f': J'ith ~t. ..1 . 1•1l•A\ 1·1 ... 1( th<1 u.rd \lttro W!e Ina. P'Und 1 Kl. 3.::,p ('()ST,\ ~l f:S.\ ,. ,, ·1 • 1111•• f•"'I ""'-ti• to- •IU I.I ~.·.:,1 1 Ll 8·'1:.62 •I". • • 11 --------... Vogel Values -Costa Mesa · $7400 FULL PRICE e yr. old. 2 bdnn. home ln ex-cellent Eut Coeta Meaa location. Near 1ehoola and shopping. Low 5 1:: r;. financing. \ NEW 3 BR . HOME Large living room, red brk. fireplace with ral~ hearth. HW noora, 11 :! baths, all electric kitch~n. Exterior redwood &. stucco with all dichondra lawn. Only $23.'50 down IT'S A rtEAL VALUE 3 bedroom home eut side of Costa Mesa. 15xl6 living room, spacious kitcht'n with breakfaat area. tile bath, with stall shower. Redecorated recently. Nice lawn and landscaping. Low financing. St 1 .000 FULL PRICE. 15 ACRES M-J-3 ACRES R-4-60'x90 Bldg. M-1 THE VOGEL CO. J 702 Newport Bivd. Costa Mesa Liberty 8-~97 Eves: LI 8-7457. H&r. 1380 Selected Listings BARGAIN IN BAYSHORES: Can you imagine a charming 3 bedroom borne here for $18.500? &tt.er hurry a little for this one. LIDO ISLE: Charm-comfort-value-.all wrap- ped up in this lovely home. 3 bedrooms and den, 2 batha and 2 fireplaces. Owner leaving area and will sacrifice. CUFF HA VEN: We have 2 extra-special buys that you muet ask ua about! CORONA DEL MAR : Architect's own contempor- ary modem home -beautiful bay view. Under reproduction cOfits at $39,500. This house is truly custom built. CHANNEL WATER FRONT: For the boat owner we have a surprise package. Let us show you! WILLARD L. KILLION , Realtor 3341 Newport Blyvd. Harbor 5505 GOLDEN RULE VALUES ATTENTION e AREA INDUSTRIALISTS Move your organization home. Why gamble with your life driving the Freeway? Nearing completion five f 5) well conetructed concrete buildings. Ample paved parking arf'a. All utilities. Each contain 4800 square feet. For Sale or For Lease. $1000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. home-2 yrs old. Living Rm. carpeted-Birch cabinet.a, patio. Large lot on quiet dead end at~t. Mo. payment. leaa than rent. Full Price Sl0.500 PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd., Cost.a Mesa (acr06S from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 BALBOA ISLAND 4 Bedroom bay front with pier and boat. $45,000 Term.a SUPERB location, excellent design, almost new- 2 units each with private patios. Completely furn. S28.500 LIDO ISLE 4 &drm.. 3 bathJr;. Spacious li\'ing room & den. Choice comer location. $39,950 W.W. SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park. Balboa Island. Harbor 2462 Extra Luxurious Custom Quality 41 Ranch Homes Centrally located for all activities in Greater New- port Harbor area, yet out of seasonal congestion t hat penalizes so many areas. These homes ha,·e ('\·erything. even wall safes. Thr~e bdrm. S21.950 Four bdrm. S22,950 HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Locatrd at I n ·me Ave., 1 Bloc le No. of 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EX CL US I\ "E AGENT 15th & I~·ine Liberty 8-2664 or Liberty 8-3123 Best Buy on M-1 Acre in Costa Mesa Bnng your checkbook for cash purchasr. No telephone in!onnation. 19c2ilf ART C. KISTLER , CO., Realtors 2001 Nrwport Bl\·d .. Newport ~ach Har. 5226 12 R-' !".late ft-Beal F.atate --:-.--------~-----------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -~ART 11 -PA&E t MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 4'1 1 •ss WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THt: )(OST c.anfully .. tect- .<i valuu ln u th ot our d t.tlnc l · ly different HARBOR .AREA& CI.JFF HA VEN THERE'S A MU.J .• JON DOL.LARS worUI ot llvlnr In thla roomy J bdrm. • aun rm. home, tlrepl .. <'lo11eta galore. 10 fruit treu~ Only $6000 dn. -F P. $17.900 BALBOA &~· f'RONTAGE on Ocean Blvd~ 3 bdrm . 1-. balh11. patio big f'noufh for badminton. Owner movtns Inland wanta ofter•. COSTA MESA ~ ACRES for aubdlvl•1on. Excel, lt>eatlon $6000 down. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2604 !IOewport Blvd., Npt . Bf'&Ch Easy Parking H.arbor t610 5 Income Units F~~ST TIME OFFERED 5 BEDROOMS, PIER & FLOAT Only once In a blue moon will you ha\'e the oppor- tunity to buy a w~terfront home with a.11 the advantages thia completely modernized home offers. Living rm. l~ x 32 with fireplact. 2 baths. tile kit- chen, patio, diving board, like nt>w pier and float will handle 50 ft. boat. Priced to sell fast at only $29,500 Firm. OPEN DAILY TILL SOLD 487 ESTHER ST., off l rvine Ave. Owner transferred back east offers this custom built by Lloyd C. Howard. 3 B. R. & dc-n home Large livinl rm .. with fireplace. 2 beautiful baths with heat lamps & tile stall showers. "Out of this world," bar kitchen equipped with disposal, dish- washer and brick BBQ. All rooms completely car- pt>ted and draped. Gorgeous patio and badminton court. Priced right at S.29.500. Make offer, Two Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly income (could increase by taking summer rentals). Will ccmsider nice home up lo $20,000 in exchange. Full price $55,000 NEAR NEWPORT PIER. •, blk. to ocean, l blk. to Bay. Excel- lent rental area with terrific potential Income. Thia <'lean properly al.lo lncludu adjolnlnr \'11cant lot at the low pnce of $26.600 and only $7&00 down, St'e lhl• today. TWO BEDRM, HOME and 1 BR. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor rrntal CIOtif' to bl'B<'h and hay and ASSOCIATES in very flUlf't neighborhood.-3320 W. Coast Hwy.; Liberty 8-7773 $11 ,&00 excellent terrn1. "At the Arches" 19&0 DODGE Roy&J Lancer. power ----------__ -------------brakee, power 11teerlng. R c\ H. WW llre.t. Tintf'd glu1. Every f'Xtta po111lbte. Plus o.,h tor equity In homf', Income prop- erty. vacant lot or truat deed. SEE AT 1~ McF'artdu1 Place.- Phone liar. H O, evenlnl'a liar &268· \\', Homer E. Shafer REALTOR 108 McFadden Place Har. H O l!:ve. Har. 2:)29·M Har. :)268·W In Corona del Mar LOVELY 2 bdrm. hou.11e and l bdrm. apartmrnl in very good ICX'allon cloae t o •hopplnr cen· ter Double 1ar•fe. WE HA VE CHOICE INCOME UNITS RETURNING l I "' and U~c ON THE INVESTMENT. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. ReaJton. Multiple Llatlng BualneM Broker 3133 E . Coa1t Highway corona del Mar Harbor 2162 Immediate Possession BALBOA ISLAND SOUNDS LIKE WISHFUL THINKING BUT ITS TRUE! Lovely lge. liv. rm. with fr. pl., 4-bedrms. 2 bathrms. sunny patio, comp'l furn. Yr.-round home near village. ~24,950. DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when invested right! Thia 2-unit prop. shows terrific potential. 2-bdrms., one unit, 3-bedrms. in other. Comp'l furn. Attrac- tive exterior. Near Bay, Xtra guest room -we could go on but COME lN A.:'tJD LET US SHOW lT TO YOU ! ~23,500 with xlnt terms. CORONA DEL MAR HEY! MR. FIXER UPPER! Here's your chance to make some dough! Older but good 1-bdrm. home with vented furnace heat and plenty of room for lovely view apt. on back of lot. So. of hi-way ! All this tor $10.500. WE HA VE '11iE KEY. $19,850! Yep that's the full price for this lovely 3-bdrm., 2 bath home. Restful patio. Comp'l re- decorated and remodeled. Xln't location. SEE IT TODAY you'll be so gI.d you did. fM . L. 6271) Open House, Sun. Oct. 23 2 units. fireplace, dble. garage 309 Amethyst NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island Ha r. 0502 -'1623 Houston Values Back Bay 380 I.A l'A::'\ADA \\'A Y t·~oBSTRl'rTEfl \'Jf;w 1'1\1'1 R.tc I< B,y f1 om h11gt' hnni: 1111 ot t hi• 3 bdrm., 2 ba. ult r• moil· l'rn n\'\\' hon1f' Ownl'r 11nx1tlUt1 W iii takft lol aa part ln"l'l'\'\lun lnVllf'll. Sat & Sun I I ·:'I View Lot $5000. M-1 Lot $7500. ::'\R PLAt ·~;:--:TIA ,,n '..!\lth with , 62-Rn J Eetate ' 1 ' 1 Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS MORNING CANYON Out!!tandlng \'iew of (\<'Un. rAnyon. anJ hllla. 2 bdrm. and drn homr. 2 b11 th11. rnrpetl! and drapu includ('d. 0111~· $37.500. $12.00 down will handle. 2. SHORECLIFFS EVENING CANYON I ROAD \'iew of oc!'Rll and C'AtAhn1t . ~·11Rtorn built 3 bdrm., 2 bath homt'. Enrlosed pe.tio. t1t"paratt" dlnln~ room. Thi!! hnmt iA drh1xe in t'\'t'r~, cft'tail. Only $41,500. EX\Lt '~l\'E w1rh us. ~lwwn by appointment. Newport Hts. $7400 3. t:OOI >, uhlf.'1 2 h<lriu , 1h1utilr ~a r· •it«. on a 60\1116 Jul. flll<' w 1i:h· 1 FIRST TIME OFFERED I ~~:~;:~ .. ,~.~~~h"'" ~ :'\EAT. r11111fortablt> '! b.11 m tlbl_. This 11 ttracth·c-2 bdrm. h(1ml' plu11 guest room with pm·att' bath, pa\'<'J and l'lldnt1\'d patio. f urniahed l'omplete. Only '.: blll<'k to orran front. Choice st r('et. Our EXC'Ll'Sl\'F.. Only ~22.500. Bt"tter hurry! ga 1Hi;:•• All furn111he1l unly 2 I blot ks fium l)\'<'1111 111111 Bay Full I p1 I<'" 1111ly S IO t>C ~I S2~11tl 1l11in n ancl $7ti Jlt•r 11111 11n b11l1rncr. I };~; 1 A~c~!·g~~~:c; i I <llJll. b6xi7~. only Sl:! :,110 Y(•ll I ;:;;~ boy "' <hm r•" "' ""' 1 Pri. Sp 'tfishing Lake !') Al 'RER ln<'I 2 1, 11r 14' 1lrr p. fre~h \\lll<'r 1111<, Slnd<••<I 111.011/J Ban. 1·ropp1t , 1·11L. l'I 1·. 11C1w re1111y f'1r fll<hlni: ,\ 11111 f11ll !•f tlU('\<8, 281l rt Wt•ll. Ii In <'RltHI~ A elPt'l pumr C-lo~r 111 na~· ar""· on JM\'t•d 11t11tl. A 1!•~111 dr:il With \!'rm~ l'1tll II~ l O /'.t•j> IHouston Realty Co. c\ AS!'IOCJA TES ~(l!l Cl'ntrr St . l'o~tu ~ft-~11 l.I l'l·l\PI I 111 LI ,1..77~1 Eve Info L.ytJ,. J,I 8-2M2 & s .-ymnu1 Hai. !>29 -\\' ----------- Look These Over Before Buying ( J I Owntr ntl!'ds n111rr room \\'11! l1aclr 3 bt 111·11r CnlhOll<' rh11ri h I for largl'r hom!' In C'N1t11 ~tnm 121 J:ll!.l'i<tll !Juplex v ceun Vll'W f1 om 11r11cr art 2 hr. f11rh. 131 '18.500. a hr, nre11n f1t>nl home. 14 1 S21 5Ufl 3 ht • l ·'. billll" \'ti ff Ha''""· Terr1f1 c \'leW 161 $26.~iUU 6 rooni h<11110r C111 nt•t I lot Prrrnanenl b11y vie" 4. FIRST TfME OFFERED Two bdrm. hon1e plus large rumpus room. Nice Jiatio. f<'nc<'d yard. ha rdwood floors. furnact" heat. :-\o ~arage. Zoned for :! units. Only $10.750 full "' pr1i'l'. and S2500 down will hantllP EXCLUSIVE with U.S. ::;hown by arpointmN1t. This should Mil quitkl_y. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. MC'C'UIST ION, Realtor 34<17 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del M11r. Har. •T I Office loratrd ll('Xt door to Coron11 drl Mar Bank) BALBOA PENINSULA Farewell Sale! Owner fo rced t o mo\'e inland -Must sell 3 bedroom 2 bath Cape c~>d home on large corner lot. Heavy b<'am('d C('ilings. many built·m fc-a turcs, loada of C'los ts. spacious patio with nil'c cabana, double garagr with sundN·k -ocean view. $32.500 -T<'rms flexible. BEST BACK BAY AREA RESTRICTED H0~1 ESITE -aurrounded by beau- tiful homes. Large enou~h for home and pool. Full Price $6,950 -TermR BALBOA PENINSULA -EXCLUSIVE F'irst time listed -3 b<'droom 2 bath nicely fur- JJished home. G. l. loan, monthly payments including taX<'H $80 Full Price $18,500 BAY & BEACH REAL TY cli• &29.-'011 lmys 011y rrnnt ho rne I .'l hr Small llo"n ------------------------ 1450 W. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor. 1264 1i 1 S29.M10 4 hr , :l bath O<'l'Rn frvint h<•ml' Cf)l)(1 \ l!'W 111>1 $:1• OOll "'1yf11 •nl 1l 1pli>X t91 3 ll<' R-•. Colltl\ Mt11a 111r 1t SI~ 111111 w11, r 11n1-irl••1 iwlhn~ I 1 ar r<" I 1 1 !111 2 hr1111t1ful ,.,,..,.,.." bluff lo•~ Vogel Values Lido Office LIDO ISLE $495. ------------------------1 In l.a)?UnA First ttme off<'red for sale. 2 comfortable bcdroomt1 and large den, dining room. nttracti\'e Jiving room with raised fireplace. P J baths. a pleuant and at- tractin• kitchen with loads of cupboards, crane fixtures throughout and what wardrobe apace! Immacula te in l'Very rcspt'rl. Drapes included for Moves You Into a 4-BR., 2-BA TH HOME F. P. $10,500 2029 HARBOR BLVD,, C. M. Ll 8-4761 Eve.11. Har. 3~4-M or LJ 8-4718 PALM SPRINGS A HOME YOU'VE DREAMED OF 6 CHARMING roomA, beautifully fumlshed. POOL., T\', enclosed garage, maplflcent \"lew. Must ~ 11een lo be a ppreciated. BEST B UY of tht1 atuon, '25.000. 1626 No. Rlven lde Dr .. Palm Spr Ph. 2454. Mr. ST'UTE. 21c23 WILLING ANO ABLE BUYERS f or Income properl1!'11, all prices up to U O 000, Give us the de· t 8fls and watch 'em go: ORA:'\GE COAST PROPERTIES 181H Newport, Co•la Me1a Ll R-1632 E ve. LI 8-6803 CORONA DEL MAR -Let lh,. furn gar A.pt pay the mort~age nn this 3 b;Jrm 2 ba lb horne Mllny "bullt·ln11" 4': loll of 11tor· aite •pacr. Floor coverings, drapu • appllancn Included In price of $2~.000. Hinbor 2006-M. H c27 Business Corner IN CENTER COSl' A MESA re- duced price. Eqy term1. DAN A. JACOBSl:N, Realtor Harbor Mtl. E•ee. LI 8-6&41~ BARGAIN lot 72 fl. by liO tL In Sant& An& rn<>1t exchu1lvt t MI· dentlal dlatrtct . Rutrlctf'd.. - KI 2-22to:-21U Nortb Ylowu :ZOc22 CHOICll CORNER ACRE. reel· <f~U&I. UO by 300-22nd and 8&11la Ana Avt. '12,000. Harbor 0038-J . 2~c22 32 FT LIVING RM Name any r easonable down paymtnL Older wrU built Early Callfornla atyle .'J bf'd· room. 2 bath11. R ufe garagr. irun dtck. Ask1 nr U~.000 lmmedtele occupancy. FORD V1:RRl'.\"01tR. Harbor 4263. l 7ltc: Mesa OPEN Costa DAILY 1 :30 to 4:30 2177 Rural Lane A STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perky, 3 bedroom hu:ne. clos<' to schools. stores and transportafon. Has $8500 G I loan payable S66 per month including taxes. insurance and interest. Full price Sl2.900 and owner will carry second for responsible parties. JEAN SMITH RUTH DAV1S DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 N<'wport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. -1718 Vogel Values Costa Mesa Three bedroom home on extra lar~e lot. Fireplace. thermo heat, hardwood floors, disp.. tile shower. patio, 2 fenced yards. 4r ~r;. FHA Loan. $64.20 per month. Priced at only $12, i50 Corona Highlands VieJ Va cant Lot at $8.000 is now the best buy in the area. Includes building plans -r ail now for parttr ularR. Vogel Co. 2667 E . CClaat Hy, Corona del Mar. Har. li41 Har. 14i7 Channel Front Duplex, only 3 years old, clo•e to civic center $10,000 down. lowest price one availablt". Ocean Front Balboa Apartment house plus 4 rentalt! and extra cornrr lot. Also 8 units close to Balboa pier. . NBC REALTY CO. 32nd and Nev.rport Bl\'d. Harbor 5536 Newport Beach Harbor 1405 ' I BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 150~ W. Balll-011 Bl\'d, Harbor 6 1Rk CLIFF HAVEN Ot'TST A~L>J;l;U • 1,,.. :1 hrll h l hom ... 2 ll"1n1r rooms, ro.rpf'!rd ideal family l1C1me $37,0110. I I CORONA HIGHLANDS I • BR . 3 UATH, 1un1 r11~ n11 . ~I f!replar e11. rnom fvr pnnl, I r1 I rlrlr \'I""' on 2 IC'\111 S•ll.llOO 1 2 BR .. 2 8 1\ TH. lgc \'IC'\\' h\'tni: I rnorn. rnnrn for ponl, w 1r1, l•>t $27,M O COSTA MESA SlflM (l()\\;1; ran•hy 2 hr II\\' flu . f1rrphtt f', BBQ $I 1 .ir~1 Claire Van Horn REAi-TO H 2i31 \\', C:vasL H ws U 8-427; ----------- LIDO BARGAIN 3 Ut::VH~t:s .. 2 IJarll~ 11·1th 1 tllflf'I~ I Ownn will r 11rrv f'Al"'I I Hsr hor Hli 'J 1 lf\ 'At 19th & Placentia rn Costa Mesa THF:Rf: I!' A \\'U:'\ CJERFt..:L p1 ff1" I ••f lml'in•"·~ 111 "r"" y r .. -.-a i. 1nth rxcrUrnt lei m1 Long-tl'ru lea..~r11 pending, l otallnit a pprox $225 e. month .\t • I 1 1 or- t'rl~'. plus Mm•· r n11J, Wiii bf' r•m · l'l<lf'r••I In II lrSrll' 1 1111 O\\Oer LI 1«6223 momlnt'11 or e ttrr ~ ~m ~~ WE H 1\\'E qualHll'rt l>11~cr~ •:!•I fnr 2 nr 3 Ll'•lri'ICln1 l11rnl hm11•" fnr SJnM t1nwn 11nt1 lar i" month- ly p11ym .. nl11. ORAN(;E COA!'T r tH >P ERTJES 111:'>7 :'\!'wport, \nsta MC1111 LI 11·1&32 F.l'e. LI 8-A'ln:! o: ~s~Nc:~E . :~oo:":, .. l Submit lnw <lnwn or l~Aill' for lhl• area I DA~ A JA<'OBSE;'I: Rr11t1 r.r Har. 56!11 E vr1. Ll 8-631 i full price of $27,500 For Rent Furnished! BA YSHORES -2 br. -1 bath. Vr ry attractive, nearly new furnishing"1. $125 pr r mo. to June 15th, St ;;o Jll'r mo. ye;i rJ~· leas('. Nn peti;. THE VOGEL CO. 3416 \'ia Lido -Newport Bearh Har. 4071 E\'es: Har. 2098-R & :ll9l-M LI 8-5297 Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom. 1·1 1 bath. lo' A. ht>1tt. H W. floon, Bhab roof. Jots Of tllf' FISHER built. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun .. Oct. 22 &. 23 3 4 Mira Loma l\111•th of l>c·I J..l:1 r . Jt1i.l c1ff Tustin Ave. '1 lots EIO x 150 frontin~ l)n 11 benullful lake. with a nrw nf thl' Bll<'k Bay. W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hw~· . ('l)r/'l'na del ~tar HAR. 5032 Ocean f rant Home $22,500 VERY ATTRACTIVE year round home on Se•· Khorc Drive. Knotty t11ne li"ing ronm with d.ininc an·a. Formic-a kit<' hen. 1 bcrlr11om and ~ ~ bath down, 3 bPdroOmR lln1i 1 t :· bath A up. Solid con· atn.act 1on, concrete nnd piling foundation . 2 car garag<'. encl(J&ert yarrl. Excellent b<'ach . EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 3113 NJ:wport Blvd., Nt>wport Beach Har.bar 1013 PAGE 6 ·PART 11 -~Rr HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OCTOBER 2'4, 1955 BILL'S BEST BUYS YOUR CHOICE Two or three bedrooms for only $1000 down. Both ot t hese lovely homes are on newly paved It curbed 1treets and on sewer. See these before checking them off your hat. Both priced under $10.000 CLOSE-IN-EAST-SIDE $1 500 move1 you in-nearly new 2 B. R. home, fenced yard a nd 2 car ga rage framed tor apt. above. Full price only $8.900 -Bal $65 mo. FIVE STAR VALUE O r shall we say a symphony of star values? l . Top g rade hardwood floors 2. Large living room w ith fi replace 3. Bat h a nd lhree quart er 4. Forced air heat -Thermostat cont rolled 5. Tastefully decorated. Beautifully landscaped and fenced Full Pr ice $14,500 $7,500 F.H.A. loan at $82.00 mo. I nc. Taxes and Ins. W. A. TOBIAS a nd ASSOCIATES. REALTOR ''you'll like our friendly 1erv1ce" 400 E . 17th St .. Costa Mesa Llbf'rty 8-1139 VOGEL V ALLIES MAIN OFFICE * * * CLAUSTROPHOBIA CONSCIOUS? Let us show you this most attractive 11 :: yr. old 3 B. R., 2 bath home located on pr ofessionally landsca pE'd corner lot in one of t he nicest a reas with view of Back Bay hills & surrounding country- side. W /W carpeting, H W floors, large wardrobes It sliding glass doors to a completely fenced back- yard designed for outdoor living. Full p rice -on ly $18,500 with FHA 4 1 c '; loan (n $84 month. * * * The Vogel Co. 3201 W, Coast H iway Libertv 8-3481 "Country Club Estates" IN COST A MESA Adjoining bea utiful Santa Ana Country Club, Eut of Santa Ana A venue. ofC O rchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets Salesman on tract evPry aft ernoon and eve. SANTA ANA MORTGAGE CO. 205 Spurgeon Bldg. Santa A na. Calif. Phones l\lmberly 7-4168 Lrbeny 8-2657 ' E\·enings Li berty 8-1786 I l2c25 WHAT DO YOU HA VE? l HAVE J 11'1: oow::-.a·:Y -A beautiful 3 8. R .. den-2 baths. 2 f1replact'S landscaped, double garage. with cur- tains. and r ar}*ting in I. r. and halls. included. Pric<'d at $3i .500. WILL TRADE $22.000 equity for multiple units in Balboa Area. 2 IN LbS A NGELES -Wilshire Oislnct. Lovely rtuplex. A-1 condition. Income SZ.700 a year. Carpeted -13 rooms. W ILL TRADE $25.000 ('QU1ty for a Lido Isle Home. 3. JN BORREGO SPRIN GS -A lot near Country Club house -Will trade for lot in Harbor area or will sell for $1. i50. FRANCIS J. HORVATH REALTOR Harbor 142 Llberty 8-5101 BARGAIN ON BEACH HOUSE 1 .. Blk. from C hannel Beach, 1 blk. from ocean. Full price $10.500 -only $1500 down . THIS IS RED HOT ! ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors 2901 Newport Blvd.. Newport Bea ch. Ha r. 5226 Once Jn A Lifetime : A F'ix -lt-Your1eif 3"bedroom home for only $8.000. Large living room with brick fireplace on a le\'f'I 65x165 corner near t he Santa Ana Country Club. $1,000 down. \'ery easy terms. Not a junk heap-- Really clean. H urry -this one w on't be a vailable very long. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. 503 32nd St.. Newport Beach . Harbor 586 ACtlltr 5 :00 Harh<lr 2293-J \ p. a. palmer incorporated BALBOA ISLAND ) North . developers Bayfront On over 80 feet of the very best Lido Bayfront. Strilung m odern designed by E llerbroek. AlA. The setting. view. ~ach. pier , plant ing and home are the very finest posstle. 3 bedrms. and maid's, 31 :: baths. This home is like a prec1ou1 jewel and s hould be seen. It's exclusive wit h us and we have t he key. 4 bedrm. 2 bath built-in range & oven, walled patio. Used brick fireplace. Excellent buy at $30,750. 3 bedrm .. 3 bath. large patio, Lido's wid~t street. Hardwood floors, weatherstripped, COMFARE at orily $34,500 furnish ed. of Udo Isle In A Trad~od? Are you tired of t hat cl.fsed-in heling" Gt'l rid of it on th1a beautiful 181 acre Bouquet Canyon ranch. Modern adobe home, 3 -car garage, 2 bunk rooms, 3 stall barn and tack room. 4 running spn ngs pro- vide an abundance of water. Price S50.000 -1-.: down or will trade. prefers Bayfront. Call Dav<' Osburn for details. Charm 3 Bedroom. 2 baths This house has IT. and as a Bonus -an uns ur- pas sed Ocean and Bay \'iew. If this isn't enough. check the following featur es: -Lovely la ndscape. planned for easy rare. -2 patios plus enough room for pool. -Wall-to-wall ca rp<'ling in all rms, including baths. Full price . . . $24,!')()() You j ust have to see it to b<>lieve 1t. Income? Call me anu I'll show it to you. Bill Farnsworth 6 units on exclusive North Bay, 80 ft. front. Lovely beach & view, furnished & rented. $105.000 terms. Ready, Willing and Able? 2 lots with over 100 ft. frontage, zoned for 6 units, enough room fo r pool. Bayview. $38.000. Then see t~is 2 h<'droom & den home. It 'a loaded with top-notch features, open beam Cathedra l cc1 l- 1ng, hand-split shake roof, 2 used brick firl'placcti. ocean view and beautifully landscaped. iO by 90 foot corner , best posstble location $23,000 OPEN SUNDA Y 1 t o 5 p. m. 248 Evenmg Canyon Road. Shorediffs p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1000 p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. c\>ast htg bway -liberty 8-5573 XLNT BUYS e BEAUTIFUL Bay Shores EXCELLE:-:T opportunity to buy a 3 l)rfrm. w1lh flrl.'plMt. for only Sl8 :100. SMOO down, Uetttr call now. • ACACIA, Cor ona del Ma r 2 BEORM. Wllh fireplace on nlr e corner, near th,. blufr P 11cf' just t ut. Ownt"r wants ACTION • HONEYMOON Cottage 700 BLOCK, POt:-:SET'l'IA. ~ ft lot. 1o:xtr11. mce l\nrt t•ornpletely furn111ht>1I, $19.:11){). T"rmB. e H AZEL DRIVE, COM PA_]'o;QHAMIC \'JEW or til11ff and oceau. Oul11L1U1d1nl'\' 3 lledt m , flreplar e, lots o! J>f\nellng Phone for app'l, NOW. e OCEAN VlEW Ol'\ lRJS, 2 11tory mollfrn A lmost new A8klnJC $31,000. Call Ha rbor 2042 Fra nk James & Linwood Vick R1';A LTORl'( R Rayle-C T rav111·C Ru1111. All80I' 312 M1111n .. An-. -Balboa liilantl LOTS W ATERF'RO.:'\T LOT , beautiful \'ltW, \\'alk to P oiot orr1c·e Aile! Lid"' Shopping t..'Pnl"r 1.:nmpl~I<' w ith l)ulkheao!. $1:"i.:l(lll, lPrrn11 BALBOA Pf~:'l:INSl,;LA . "t'IY de· 111rabll' bt11ltllng slle. F irm prlCI' $111.:IUO I :-;EV.'T'ORT HEIGHTS. nice ne111h- borho1~l \\'all< lo Mariner':< M1 IP shopping 1hst rit't l'lll'C 127 1, I $.~2:'.10. TC'rllll', LAke t1u1<l 1lt•ed nr "qu1ty OCEAN F'RO:-.-T. n••ar :-;Pwport P 1Pr, 2 I rots on rornrr :"iOx I 2.~ Sl7.000 nr will build to Bllll l!'nant Home r E. Shafer HEAi.TOR l f\I\ Mcf'nllllen Plar r Hai· 14(l f':,·e H1tr. 211W·M k H11r. fi21)R.\\' j Balboa I BA YFRONT Duplrx J ·2 bdrm. & 1·1 Mrm . 2 rar 1<11111"'" rur-1 n1~ht> I. $34.tlOO Tt'nnll M 1~hl 1'ons1der I rl\de for C1111ta .Meita I F URN :I Bl"tlrrn .. 2 b11th ho1m~ inrome prnperly. Ocean Front Distinctive, Balboa Island Bayfront 4 bedroo m home. 2 full baths. H as large private pier and float. Brst view and year round living location. $15.000 down will handk. It's t ime to buy. Finest Unobstructed View in the Area $10.000 under replacement c·ost and only 3 years old. 3 bedrooms. 3 baths. Large living room overlooking a ll of New port H arbor. This magnifi- cent home can be purchased for unusually low down payment and excellent terms. You mu~t see this home t o appreciate 1t. Full price $45,000 Delightful Cape Cod Style ONE STORY HOME Choice Balboa Island location near the bay. 2 bedrooms and separate guest room; large living room with beam ceiling. Nice patio, barbecue. ~·­ Shake exterior. Nicely furnished. Let us s how you this attractive, livable home. Full price, $25.000 The Vogel Co. 208 Marine A venue. Balboa Island Next door to the Post Offic(' Ha r. 444 E\'es. H ar. 3059-M -Ha r. ·1248-R ·Fisher Exclusives l . One bedrrn .. Corona d el Ma r 58250 2. Two tx-drm., Corona del Mar $12.500 Will GI S.1230 down. 3. Two bedrm. Newpo rt H ts., $13.500 Will trade for 3 bdrm. 2 bath Newport H ts. 4. 7 units Balboa. S35.000. Will trade for 3 bedrm .. Santa Ana . 5. 3 bdrm., Costa Mesa. J.'ull price $9350 with 4 '. 1 , FHA Loan. 6. 4 bedrm .. 2 bath, Costa Mesa, Sl 1.500 FISHER & co~ 2603 Newport B lvd .. Newport Beach. H arb<lr H 29 Open House 1.5 P. M. :.!572 Circle Dm·e. Bayshores. N. 8. 3 B. R. 2 bath. extra i:;hower. com p!. furn .. C'ncl. patio. BBQ. f1re- plaC<'. F.specially designed for outdoor living. Cor lot 1 ~ blk. from N. Channel. Pncl'd to sell CORONA DEL MAR-l:kaut1fuJ hom e with incomP C)vc r 2000 sq ft. m'l hvm~ area for o nly $23,::,00 "" l bdrm. apt. ovl'r garaitt' G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Coafil H\.'., Corona del ~far $2:'1 :100 Ttnn~- 1 Harbor 5442 Evrs. Har. fl6 0 OLDER 4 b<trm. hu11s1•. rurc·NJ a ir ------- he at Onl\' '23.~00. I DUPLEX on Balboa lllv.t. Sl8. 7M both unau narf'ly rum. Onl) S6.000 w ill ham11t. Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd.. B11lho11 Harbor 2658. 2597 a nti 4600. 1 LIDO R-3 2 -30 rt. Iota on SI'. Bay F ront S:ll.500 u l'h Call T U R Oj!trl, Har. 1:1~-W. (Ir R\·an 1·&029 l8t fc C-2 Business Lot I On Nl'wport Blvd. at ln<1u1tt1al j Y. ay. 41'lxl62 rt. CAii owner. 1 Hu bor 3106. Uiu~ BALBOA ISLAND'S BEST BA YFRONT BUY Attractive 1 st ory. 4 tx:drm .. 2 bath home with WONDERFL'L Bay \·iew, good sand beach and ONE HALF INTE REST IN PIER & FLOAT. Huge ll\'lng room with beamed cl.'illng. 1111hrcct hghtm~. large stone fireplace Nrwly decorated and 1n EXCELLENT condition with ROOM TO Bt.:ILD a \'iew apartment Q\·er the' double garage. Included in the price is an l ft. Lyman Boat with 50 h. p. moto r. An OUTSTANDING ,-alue al $45,000. Better hurry -We haH' thc kt'y. MARINERS ISLE REAL TY 318 Manne, Balboa Island Har. 4781 Peninsula Bay Front! I BF,Al'TIF\'L A:-:ll SPAC'IOl ·S l 0:-1 EAST l,;ALllOA l 'F.NI:-:· St'LA 4 years old l 'Jlper nwd.v fum1sh~ll 2 ll~room• phu 111 "l'P"' • 2 li• tJ1(l11llls 1lown l.M•ln· 111 y a n1\ 11t1hly 111()m11, :I 1 br i;'llrQj;o> Pl ffltlP IJf'Bl'h lln1I J'lt"I right8. $!11'>.0011 term<\ Peninsu la Home! Cl 'Tfo:ST 2 1, ht"<l/ 1>11ro1 11nd 2 bH th l11H1•e 11n the f',.n111sul1t :: ~tuJ y \\Ith CIN'llll \'ll'W 2 t.11 ji:lllUI:" 11n•I Mlnrte• k t'nmplet .. ly 1 ertr•·•i· l·l\l'd 0111,1111' .on•I Ill s... It \w'11r,. you buy $17 ~>11 $ IOOO dn Lido Isle Home! 3 lll-:1 •HOUMS. ~ 1111lh8 -C:'> ft lt•l 1 .. 11 ~ .. l1\'lllg '"'''" aml 1111 lh .. \ un\ t•n•t*0 (•t11' ~Ult \\.OU!fl PX(Wf I 1 .. rind 1n 11 l••\•,.1y L1d11 l-"lo• homt $31'>,0011 1e1 "'" Balboa Duplex! I llf:HF. s A :;;1.J.:EPf:H :-;Ill tllll\' I 111'1 llll~e 11 IA " ll11n1ly 2 unit IHJW, h<1lh flll n111h('•! hlll hi'• au•e-ltlt'I t' 1:0 1·n11111:n 11,1 rn1111I a'"" wht"rrb~· .,n,• 11111rl' 11011 """l•I h<' ,.,,,, ... 1 phi:< 1 It 'll Ill!•~ A S\\ I'll \ 11111,. Kt $ Jti 511,J ft O,I l,..lh hf t~J tflA" Balboa Realty Co .. lll'P"'1tr Jlank 11( Alllf'l I• a J"!os:!I '!1 f"<·f~y Al < ·,,, n•jl111" f:tf Lt'•' .l1t1 k P1nkh:1111 J u .. ••ph111f' \.\'('hh I ';t111 !:: B" lh11H. HI\ ,1 Hat\J<1a f-'hl)n .. 11.11 ncor :l27i Who 's The Luc ky One? (.'()7. Y :? UIJ!UI hume JUl'l 2 hlk>o fo nm ll!'elln lln<I Ch1t nnrl (111 11nly J.11 ,~,(ltl full p1l• .. "'Ith " lo\\. low iluwn. Hurry "" l111l' 4\1\•·· Cl iff Haven Truly an Outstanding p11t)WI IY 11( llnU!Hlltl tl<'!llj!l1 l< I !.111n.t new fJ1m1I)' hume f111J .. t '"" llltll 11 n•I f h oollll 3 1:)!11 lllll. ;! h111h. R1·olw1i•1ol H1111t 11· with 11 k1\1 h"n yu11 1·11n'l tr1<111I 1'111" I\ l'anOllollll!' \'11•w frufll thP roof\ up 1111.0t•r\'atl'll y F 111l prll'• otnl\• $2fi,:,1to f,.•l Ill' sh111... Vllll I th1~ 1 ... 111y' OXI.\. ,~~~~.11 ~.e~11., lif'&U· I t1fl1l 11\\':'\Jo:H Ul'll~T 2 y1>nr11l•I 2 tu•oll!l<llll. I\ IHllh h11111P W1lh ll"JI"' "\" r11m1111i1 1rn1m, flr<'pl111 ,. din 1or1m. r m l"i<Pd pat 1n, Wnrk· "h"P nnfl mKny rxtra 11 tr11t·l1\'r ro•Rf HIP• l-',11 PA ( 'n111itn· I 'I Ill $111110 "" "llh l'IHl')I• nl l••rlll• Builders Attention t..nl 120 " 2~2· on """<'r:< • "" ~ •hVo•lf'<I 1nt11 2 llllll H~:L11\\' ~IAHK~;T i\T $!<1100 Bay & Beach Realty I fl!lf! X "" Jll•rl Hh"I < '•i~l a M •'All Ca hf l.lhf'! l.V I\· I 11)1 F.'" A I.I R·.11\Jfl Kl~'r;·~ l'l.i\I ·~; h"m" ~ ll fu r A 1<11111: & ~11·rn )';N• th•~ l•l\'111•1" 3 1 .... 1nn . 2 l>A\h 0111io •'•Pl"',.. :! yo 11 .. 111 rrirpl't,.•I \\ \\ 11111.•~ "l11hng oll~llll t" 1"Rt111 ~lotllCll ll lll ''I• w {)r.ly Sllf1:'1r 1 rlown ORA;"1;1:F: COA~T I PfH>rP:RTIES lll!'l7 ~f'Wfl()rl, 1 ·m1ta .Mf'Jla LI ~· H\:12 F:ve Ll 8·6803 FOR SALE BY U\\'X ER-4 tie<I· rooni hr1m" I\ b•thll l11nl1· 9r11p('(1 & ff'n"~·1 FH,t. '''"" J.•r,.et111m hnmf' 11r~A (.'1111 LJb.,rty 1\-1\223 mom1nga or Rrt"r II p m 11\tfl' TWO UNITS. Modttrri apt.: (llder front ho11sl'. g how your ability at '\lo-1l -yourself Rt'dut•c•d for qu11·k sale -Slfl.950. 2 BDRM . FllRN. HOl'~F.. flM t' t un11w1• n11d f 1rl'· plal'e ~mall lt1l. He\IUl'('ll for 'lllll'k ~nit•. S15.5UO. 60 Pr. RAY FRONT ACF: On Little Island. pil'r, rlont . form:i l ·l bolrm h11nH-. The land \'alul' 1s l'lt\S\• ltl tlw 11sking pnt't' BEACON BA'\'. nay front. Oft1•11 dr1 .. 1111 I :1 b1•11t, rarely set.•n . Exqu1s1tl' 3 bdrm , .~ nut h homt'. Thenn<• k1t l'hrn. l'nrtl\' 1'11\'. path' l't.t·s I bdrm. apt. dont-in the sanw j!11od l11 "I<' f11n11sht'd - few r xt'ept1tms. Sht1wn Friday :1ftt·rno1llls 11nly S5!1.500 . LIDO NORO BA \' F HO:"\T. l.11r~·· l1•t, ~ bdrm, 3 1.:. ba th hous.' phis 111111>-11111 :! H. It. llJll. •W<'r 3 car garagt'. B<,lh untls nrwly ru111t~h1•cl 1n Mn<l· eriw . Ideal for lrn nw and 1111·oml' 11r g111·sts. Har. li75 -E\'1'l>. F.tl1th Ma roon HY att 4-6222 John Macnab. Har!.x.>r 535!l. EARL W. ST AN LEY , Realtor 225 Marine A\'c .. Balboa l:sland Is It Smart To Wait? Ar<' you )'D~tpnnmg b11ymg a HO}.\E waitln~ nnd hoping that rral 1•i:;tat1• t•rll'l'1< will R•>flf'n " !:::i"me ha\'e wailt•d fo r a long un1r. Too h111g. M<'11nwh1le Ilk 1s passing b~'. It's l:i11·r than yt•ll tl11nk \\'hy nol ~ct !50}.1 ETHINC 11111 uf llfr wh1l l' y1111 1•an f'njoy it ! l 'lt•nt:• of fine opportu111th.'S for htomc buy1·rs l'Xlst today on U DO ISLE. FOR E~A~IPLI-: On LJDO ISL!:: a 3 brdnwm. 'l. bath hlinll' nf cha rm, l'haracter und \'alue. En·r~·thmi: y1111 ai r lo1Jk1ng for in a home togetlwr wit h li:irg~ sun tlc·1 k. This homt• hai,; fea111r1's l 1111 1111mPr1111s to mi-ntinn 1n an ad. This yuu ~llJ.'T !51-:E. 111·1r ,• -$31.150. - Nice t er ms. COJ\:Sl'LT l ':-\ FOR LI DO'S FINEST LIDO REALTY AS~OC\ATES 3100 \·1a L11lo liat'bc>r H H I Acr oss From Rir h11 rd's ~larkf'I Entranl'e) W. G. l 8 1111 Kl'mpton • \'1rgin1a Manson • J11St.'ph H. Grohman • < ;ene \ · reC'land • BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 276 Magnolia OPF:N :-;t.;1'0AY~ J • 5 p. m. Hl•re 1i:; a rf"al h11mey 3 brclrnnm C'•iltage of l 50 square foct. L1 \'1ng room l lx311 fr<·t. R110111 in garage for sleC'pmg-. plus hobby rnom anti launclr~·· N1•stlct.l in an on·hard nf 23 b1 a r·mi:: fruit tn•rs. Or- anges, grapes, lemon~. pta<'ht•s. f1~)'., :\\'11<'1ldP!I, lo- quats anJ i:;un\'as. fk11ul iful lawn 11nd i.hrubR. A dream pla<'" for a family that has a ~rand1.h1d to )'Ult er 111 t he yard. All this (•n 2 large R-·1 lot!" !Ollxl:!!l feE't. All ut1l1- lll's 1n. Pa\'t'd a llt•y and s tr£'£'l. In Costa Mei-a, JllSI fl m1nutc•11 fnim tl11· 0<·1·an. Full pr11·(' . I .5011 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realto r 260:.! Nrwpurt Hin.I . ;'\;t-wpo rt Rl.·a1.h. Har. lil ~ The Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ANNOUNCE Th:i t tht'Y Ht• now ~C r\'mg th•· I !a rbor' ArN1 f rom thr1r 1·rntrally l11\at1·rl tll'W h"nw. tl1'1>1gn<·ol by FHEJ 1F.RH'l\ Hrn;l>O:-:. 1\l1\ anti b1111l by Ll.OYI> 1· Jl(H\'AHP .ti 401 N. Newport Blvd., Newport Beach DOUBLE TROUBLE On<· 11f 11ur 1'11n11t ~ ha" ti Jl.1 ' J•lf•J•• ''" )'. .11111 w11uld llkt· 111 t1 y l11r I Oil • 1:-. ,, ltl 'l'l.l.X b11\h ,.,1dl'R r<·ntNI tt1<1 tu m11. t•.t\\d fir 1111 J'la• ,.~ dbl. ~a r , Xlnt l111·at1111) Jtll'I )'.l 1 p~ l 11 )'.li"l'l-1 H.1 t,k •·I<'. With m11l'I :.! H I~. h"m··~ :-1 :1,1,:.; '"' :i-. rn w Ii 11 1 a STEAL f<H kllr< ;iJ . Iii 110!1 t• rn"' <·11 n b<' 11 r ranJ,'..•" I ))11n 't 1 all, Jll~I br111g .1 1 h• • k '" R. L. STRICKLER , Rea lto r EXCU 'SI \'lo~ Af ;1-::-;T 3622 E . CoaM Hwy, Cnr<>na tlr I ~l lir liar . 2774 ------~----------------------