HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-10-31 - Newport Harbor News Press1 J .. · __________ ..,. ______ , HAllOI wunm ,.,.,....,_ ............ ... ,..,....,. ... , RIP1- '.J'IMllda1, Oo\.. • .. .. fl &I \llledllucta)', Oct. ••• tJ .. TbUJ1i&y, Oct. J1 ····-14 lie ~d&y. Oct. 21 ........ 11 " 8-lllrday, Oct. 29 ····-'l't 10 11unday. Oct. ao .. . 71 ao Mcmday, Oct. 11 ........ 95 It -' • .48th YEAR-NUllBER 87 .. : ' -•. _r . I . ,., ;. .. .: . 19--t111 ..... ,..D JURY MIRIN& DUE TOMORROW:.· INDICTMENT? ~ llA.N'l'A Ai.A, OCT. II, (()CNS) .:... TM (>rence County Qraad Jury will meet tomorrow ln re,W.r aeulon to COii· unue It.a lnveatlpUoa of an '\&ladlacloeed' melter. Jurora are f'XJ>41Cted, lo ptber In the Dep~rtmenl & d \ambere of 8upe'r· ·lor Court Jude• Jobn 8hea al 10 a . m. The venlr• II reported look lnr Into lhf' acllvlt1e1 of al lfll&9l one county office. It II aleo under1lood the Jtrora have a.n Indictment under CONllderallon. Three peraona are uld' lo have ~tn called to •PPf'U u nonJtUbpenaed wllneuu at tomorrow'• 1eaelon. Earlier, the JIP"Y had made reedy for a press releue about the lnn1Uptlon. but tlte 1tat~ent. after rec•lvinr un~moua •UPJ>Ort from ell Jury m•mbera w&a kllled by 8uperior...CQurt Jul!ge Shea, County Coun11el Joel Ocie end Jury Foreman Bromley w. HUI. .J HAllOR •LANKETED ' ' Smog Invades Beach Area. County; More Precli~·tec1 . 'MAC.' GETS iARL Y HALLOWEEN. VISIT It wu an -.rly H&Uoween when tbe bcm of Kr. Smor -lrled down on porlloNI of Oranre County yHlerday that bad never before lt'en the jray hu&-rulnlnr the day tor thou- 1&11d1 of beach roer• here and ec:ured fl"om lbe ahore by the hue. Startled coulal l"MlcSent. u - preaed llhock and aurprlae over lbe eye·•llnrtnl' emor that blank· eted their communlUu. However, aJthourh the haM caUMd mutter· lnr• and •uU•rlnc &m0ft6 cout&J area dwellera. OCNS noUc.d o.na Point rar~e dumpe b~ thrQurh the momtnr-lalllinC a bHvy plume ot. 811loC-Cre&Unr amok• Into ~ alr. . and Kra. Ala K&c(Gilllvny, at 632 &eaward Road, Corona HichJanda wa. deeorat.cl .for tbe occalk>n. It wu apparmt!y a DelPborbood job. aocordlnc to MacGilllvr&J; Wbo recopi...s &plllCld priP, COD• t.en:ta of .ome of bla netcbban. MacOtJlivray 18 abown atop bla roof removlnc tram tlM chtmNJ the ~ . . • lep·of a store mannequin. Bed, wbeelb&rrowa, lampe, ~ toola and auorted tubbiah were bQiat!Jd;bigh onto the roof ~ pranbtera. (~rding to MacGillivray, ''Twilrn't ·young'una, t'wu pareata and we'll tee them tonight, -The Goona.") Nei(bbora, however, helped in the clean up and made an enjoyable Sunday morn- ing fun '"ftlllt -of the Halloween litter. -Staff Photo. along tbe cout. .• The amog Invaded the ot,J\er· w!M 11unlll 1bore11 •• far eouth aa San Clemente .• Vlalblllty ln aome LOcal Woman .SayS Mill . . ·~ ~ 1ectlon1 of Laruna Bea.ch, Dana Point and Newport Beach wu cut to IN. than a mll..-ven over the ocean. The end ot San Clemente and Caplltrano S.ach ptere wu almo11t completely ob· smos red II rorecut for t.be m· t.ll'a Oraap County area today by lbe Air Pollution J'oundatlon. lay Clib Dim11e S1it Pe1~i1g 11 J1~1e,. Counsels Co1fer I • .. ;: ·leac:her ·AH 'I'tae Powell veblcle WU atNCk by a car driven by Robert Gay, ,., • tOO W. Hamlllon St., Ooel& '"""-. otncen atat«t bou. .... N .. 111t llllwecl en ~1ee _,.. tra .. 11n, at a hlltl ,,. _ 4__:. ._ Dltc• nte Of •P"d at lb• time ot lb• ~ ~ • . , impact. Gey ... taba to Santa John R. Nur-t. ft, 26'T Eater AAA Oonunlll\J~ Hoepltal wbere M St .. Co.ta M-. I.-in the cqunty a. •Id to be la crtllcaJ condlUon. hoapttal In fur eondlUcift follow- Banta All& Police Oilet ~ tnr aa aecid8t oa Vktorla 8t., AUe_n ~ded motor otncer In w11kll hie car .-.nl t.hrourlll a Joe Rft•M for cttaUOft u a rt'.wt lil&rrl• Md .,,,..·mto an •ca..- ot tu. work wllile routinely la,,_. Uo11 betq made by Van Dt•t UpUnr lb• acctdent r • p or t. Go.. aecwdlllc to pollce repon.. Jt.eefta, llh W. 8t. .A.e4rew9, ~ ..... t WU r'IMbecl to B-. fCMlllCI oM ot tM 1111f.o.noe.u.. ~ BOliptt.al .. lat.ti kaMfnTed lo Pe I ebj latorm.d tM oftlelr the eoamty lmttbltloa. He 18 M• dial tlle bod)' of Mn. Pow9U-WU tertnc flr'OIB ~tunct rllle ad atW All die "1Yde.. "'lur.d ...... AJlea eud "-"'-tooll a --11 4 H__.. N,.-.t wu aJao ,. C..-. t.etruhlorlde fire d.tla· ported _,.,..... bl tlllt eccldllftt. s1dllber from .Na ~ Md but ao '1rpOrt ot Mm I• nallable •Uwr.acl t. ~ tM a.-. al e1a.i--..aaa. 't ,, •. ed Her! 2 Kled In Crashes· Near Newport~h Mee90p1lslltMtet ..... .... et ... o-ta . 11.- 0pu.m.t a.. wGl ... \\'~d--­ _, ..-at _._ llou•e w,._ Ole procraa ... eonall!l C1C • ............. !'r ., • YMCA lreakfad . Slate~ l11~1y T'tM nnt Oranc• Coul YKCA Commwuty ~ at Coet& M-Putt NOT. I wW feature. a doul>Je.barre1ed Pracrun . tor all attmdlft6. In addltJoe to food pr. I peratloll and Ml"YinS by board mem~ Kllo Lacy,. Robert Olan· 1 der, and Biid Overman, YMCA club nitmbcra wtll iw-nt a •tare I anci lalenl allow for breakfulen to 91\JOY wbU• ea~. Undet IMd«'ahlp or Mra. Roy I Fox, YKCA Director or Olrle Work, and Mel Mfilter, Y'a Mena. club ptt.tdent, a pace&ntry or '"r' actlY1U• will wpplemenl th• •tac• ~ ahow to Mtler acquaint t.Ha commu.nlt:r with acUvlUtt or our YMCA. In the Or~e Cout Ar.., . I Good S.d Seen: : Newport No. 11 •l11t Reclrlllecl ,. . Newport Be&dl'a Well No. 11 betnS IUn.ll by M6nluey 00 <;om· pany In the W..t Newport ndd ~ beln& redrilled from a depUI of "60 feet. AboUt too reet of "lood °'1 1a11d" bu beer! encountend and enpH.ra ot th• OU Company a]l9Ct Ule No. 11 weU to be ID product.loft by week'• md. .· . T•••w 5813 ~ C••••• ~ 8Alft.A. AMA. ott. 11-(0C!fl) A~ lln'olYed la a $000,000 pl\lll d&map .Wt aplJlllt the Bal· bo& .., Club huddled Ude fore- ftOOft wtt.ll Bupertor Court Jladr• Joba 8i.. to Cliu'UJ cert.aaa '41Ca1 potnta • u.. CMI. 'ftle Jul"1 Muills UM .Wt .wu ~-·Mean» In Mahler's Assault Rap a.cu.d trom 11 Lm. to 2 p.m. b)' Jlldp &b-. ha'rinr reported at Ule former bow-. , Def-4\UC>m•1 Jl01:I Downen bN lndtcat..i be WW &rS\M a mo- Uca tor JIOll-au.ll. Palnutt • the cue i. ~ J. ll&mmond. n , ... ~ ndie M&U.-.a--.e- •• Wtlo .._ ~ club-.......... rent la Ill eupervl.akJe of Ila WSm· OdDS pool ....... ,... __ ....... dt... bo9rd and lllnlCll ...u.. -.wlnlmw, leaTtnr hlll\, a ·~ pJcic, the platntltt contenda. Tbe pl•h)tltf'a a ltomey, War· ren J. Lane, p~l on •IJbt wtln- • before r•lbl hll ca... to Loi An~• lo '" hlll pannll. Mahler took him to ble home I.II Lacuna Beach, t,..aldley atated. Pvt. Robert A .. Laldley, nerro where he II ill Immoral rela· Karine from Camp Pendlt!ton. 11 Uon. with lb• her durinf a under a"°"t and CUfford Hanaen dr\Jlklnr bout. Kabler. recenUy rulcned Nf'W· Later Laldley .. Id he ukf'd port S..ch rrade echool teacher, Mahler tor money a.nd bit him on I• Mlntr llOU(hl for proaecutlon. the head wtth a poker. Mahler accordln( lo lAJuna Buch police Jot him 110 ~m a llld1ft6 place, u tbey ettk lo clear up the per· but attempted to hit hlm with a vwralon and etabblnr cue In that pol wbeir LaJdley eay. be alabbed city OcL 2. Mahler. police reported. Laldley II repor"d lo have con· Mahler then went lo Roac Hoe- f-4 1tabbl111 Mahler. Ke aald pit.I! for t.reatmen\ and the atory be wu picked up on the bJpway came out which ~Md hie r.- b)' Mahler u be WU Oil blll W&)' (0. ..... -r.c-I) , elfARUi· IEIRY Newport Harbo_;r.~-~n Jlich Scbool'a bard · bitUh1 aw-U. Bm:y, 1~, plowa t.hro\,wb Garden Grove Klcb.Jkllool uJc;;. cme-~ Im. for another tou~· cloft. _.13 DfcSe two ln ttnt annual pme bmireen .._. reldin1 Tan l~ ~ut. 0. Tri·. I ' .. '• • .... '· ,. Bus DriYer · . . Says -Sh811. Fire SUit- ' I I .... / Mesa School .WOiter ·Plam to Tike Teach~ io ·eourt With a dove of peace being kept aloft by apparet effort.a ot Oran1e Cout College and Cott& Kee& eMIM9tary achool camp., a charge of legal ahot eeemed probable to at leut ruUle .it.a feat.hen today u Kra. Jack ~ Meu achQO~ bua driver, announced through her attormy that llhe pla.na lo aue Robert J. ly recowertq trom the nenoua Kut tor a.ulault and batter)' ror upeet c&u.ed by betnr ,.._. ud the manhandllnc be all•redlY"Pv.-her bMd llhoved doW1\ until w her lut .. Tu!!d&Y· ,. back, wu In a horl110nlal pomtl•; R.port.a by Kn. Pbllllpeon and Her b\lfb&nd llu tak•n ..... trom Mra. Vernon Kallhewa, head of hla job In Loe Anplee to Ille wit.la lbe elementary ecbQOI b\11 ayatem, her and ah• ho,.. to aoon lie wUI be oonatdered by lb• .cbool atronc enourti to return tD drntla1 boanl at thetr meattnr. Supt a echool bua, 'work W1dcb 1111111&78 Everett Rea aid t~. He wlll lobe enjo19 immenael)'. not make any recommendaUona, Mra. Matlbewa telephoned Iler he aaid, and be doea not expect today. Kra. PbUUj..eon atated, -d that lbe board wlll quuuon any uaured her that eh• bu __. .. , __ one In re1ard lo Kffl'• admitted ............. attack on Kr9. PlltWpeon.• to worry about ln tbe cue u .... alXJOVE&Y MPID WU lbe aca-rl .. ed pan,. Kn.. Kra. PtiUllpeon NJd llhe le rapid· (C-..._. -.... I) " MAYOR NELSON . IGNORES US DAY . IN COSTA ·MfSA · • • _..1" United et.alee Day, ~nUy we a Pt<XkmMlon on UJf Day marked In Newport Beach under and al8o ~ oo UuJted 8talff the procJamaUon by Mayor Dora Day. They at.and for •tteol•tely Rlll, waa not olftclally noUced ln tba oppoett~. u J did llO I would Coal& Kua. feel t.llat l ~ a f•ce etnddler." Spaaldnr Oft UnJled Btatu Day. Kayor N•l8od le8Ued a UN Day Wb.lcb lmmed~y ~ U.N. pl'OClamatioa and took part ta the n.y, Mayor Claire Nei.on •lated U.. plant~ •me. marklae lbe "l could not -llow l could I• day at eo.ta Xe• Park. WORKER HERE .:KIUED BY RUNAWAY TRUCK J-)!(a.rt.Ina Nuncio. Ill. et 'num rot out ot. die ~ await· lto P&.rker at.. au Pedro. waa Inc t11n1 to ~. falallJl IAJured by a drtftrleM 'nle vlcUm wu WoFkln,-~Pr pro.xhnately Ill • fMl ll~rtad• tnck la Imne Terrace 1'11day °" tti. well Dde of a t.r..ii.r bot I • ~ la a weird a«l~l al box Wied ln hNlln(' ll'On1 frw : 121 Malabar .Jto&d. lht! i.ytnr of bladtop.. · '- 'nle body wu ll•ted u dead .!fuddenl:t ttfe unattended truck on arrival al Hoar Ho11pltal al approximately 2 :10 p. m. Frict.y. The body wu taken to Balu Mortuary. Vlrrll Wbtte of Torrance Mtl· fted Newport ~•ch police the workman had tM-en 1truck dowa by the truck at 2:ot p. m. CUrU1 Anet¥ Taylor c-t Gardena, ~ employee of lb• Ort!tllh cOn· etructton Co .. Wllmlnrt.an. report· eid be parked the 194~ Wblle dump truck wbtth wu 1oaaed wtlh hot ~phal1. factns downbJU. DOES IT AGAIN etarted inOViA«,~ lr«llow worku • yelled at Nuncio lo (t!l out ·or the wt;. He attempted to ucape by ninnlnr down lbe etdnvalk with 11'Lnt1on of fOlng over a dirt ban~ bord•rl'• U111 1ldewalk. The truck overt'ook Nuncio and drqred him 2t tt. 11 In., 1nvu- t1cattnr offlcera i-.ported. IA all the dump • t~k . traveled 9S fL ~ In. ftom where l)ylor puked ll. . Taylor elle1edly eald he had prev1oualy bad trouble wtth Uie brake. iq to atop-Berry ·are, from ldt, End ~ill Wed&.., Monte W•ver u Quarterbad(l>t~ M.fuer. No .... tJ1et to lend a hand. See Sport.a Page f~ f""L.~ Staff Photo by Bill i»hllUps · 1...,,,,. ~ I " I ' . -- "' ' '· / .. ~ "' - ' )-! ... I • . . .. .I .· ,. . . ..... -. '. . '\ ••• •'I , Harbor·· PanJiellenic. Will Ajd Children E m.a.oy new a.uoc1atea into th. poup, mem-.. ben Harbor Panhellenic gathered arowid tli• bluinr tlrepla e charming Udo Ille home Qf Mn. H. M. B~h on the even.iq of ~t. 25 for th~ flnt replar ...ton of the year. needay. Nov. 30. IC tfille boO\• of ' Ho.tMM8 MltatJn« Kn. Hourf\ Mra. B.ldlard Wenlcu, ITU <>c· wen Km... Martin Mul~d, ean 'Blvd .. Corona de1 Mu. OU..r Keuetll 8tahse, fta)'lnood IL boel..... w1U be MJn-.· Lal.aan• l and WUllam Dua. Theodore Jobuoft. LeoDarcl Ball· TM ll"OUP TOt.ed to coettaue •r and ~ rr-L IUpPOrt of lb• ~ Clill· · dru'• J'oun~tJon atwr a report ,_ __________ _ •1 Pf'OJec:t cbalnnu. Mn. .Jollll ICMler.. · Tlae JMW. dlreet.ory of IDelftMn wtU be Nad)'. Jor dtetrtbUUClll at Uie neat me.Un• accordln• to Mn. KeanetJa Coolin&'. mernber- lltlJp C~, Who Will be ... .U.ted Jn comp~• the directory '1 Kn. l:lmer t4t4nn•. TM aat mMUq wtll be Wed· ll&rbol' n.nocrauc Ch1b i. lltart1llC • membenbip drln and 9Jl 0.... ID tbe Harbor ..,..,. an latonnM u.at ua. Mat meetJnc wtU be liekl Nov. 1 at I p.m. tn M&lll 8cbool catet.na. Oollta w.a. ,..,._ ol S.ten.t wW..,. ~ ... ~ta wUl .,. Ml"Hd. ....... ,,.., ... LAGUNA FIDllAl S>.VlN49S I ~ GATHERED TO MEET Deriy Noga, 'exchange stu- dent from Germany, many Newport Beach people njoyed the reception at tn JaY. Stoddard home oo can Blvd. Shown above re A. Llewelyn Howell, l'ie1d Semc. which UftDIWI for peben.-of lltu· dent.I; Nop, Kn. Llourd Gra'ftll, ~ of Newport Harbor. CClllUDttt.e for the field ~ ud Mn. Stoddard. -St&tt Photo HAMMOND CHOU OlaAN • LOAN ASSOOATIOH TWO OPPICIS To Sene Y• LAGUNA llACH ANO _,• \. Loa Angeles,· regionJl co-r ntative of Amerie&n IN HAWAll -Mr. and Mrs. George Buccol!l of 6:57 Via Lido Soud, Newport Beach , a-re pictured on the lanai of their rooll) at the SurfRider Hotel aa they watch the .1'1Urfers and outriggcr canoes catc;h the wavea at Wai~iki. Tht:ir ~cation begin with a rruise on the Matson liner Lurline which they de- i;cribe u "delightful in every way.'.' \'i!ita to the NEWPORT H·A R BOR Pianist Duo Pleases Lido Club Women;~. SAN CLIMINTI ·neighbor I.lands are planned for one week of their w~l<s' stay. -SurfRidcr Photo - to Sponsor Brqwnies · • MAltlO!'J \\'Al,l>lll Schmidt-Walsh ·Wedding-Set for Nov. 12 B & I'\\' :""" :t II lr1 f) m ~H\T Mr 11n1I ll!r11 l'i11hnl1'-Bn)·lr E BEL! .. t'L\'B, No" 3, 12 JO 27\ K•nnf'IWC'k !'<\ • Lnnl! H"erl1. r 111 , Lrl(tnn Ila IL llrl' 1u1nn11n rlni: 1 h<' r111: •i;··mrr'I nt ht-r tf1111ghlrr :'of,•• :'of'\rl"n 11.\ST\' llEART. Snv 2-3·~ ~ I~ R11n kln \\111t~h. '" r.r111 1:,. ~t .. r llZ Pm• UCl' l 'h11.pel T h('t1lr" Sr hmll1t """ nf ~I t '"' 1 ;\It , I \\'URL[) CO~IMl 'NlTY rlay Nov Fri-•l \\' :0-:•hll•l ll 1~11 " f\.I\ I. I ;1.1 pm. St Jnmr11 l 'h111rh Jo'ronl. Balbc'ta l!!t11nJ I 7.0:-0:T A HA 1.L, ="°"'' 4, BRlbo!l The brlol•··tn.t..• w1• 1 •lt11 11tr•I HRy ('lllh. 1n t<'hool11 ''' \'.•m .. u, ,., H < • - 8 >< ~~-~?.wt:d<~vi ~~ ~.:~ ,?,~~:.:.,,., for thl' :'\c;wport Harbor Elk~· r harlty fund. hu planned a ~t 11nnual rh11rlty b11ll to bl' held t'VPnlnit for E lk• &nd their f\IHU :>JO\' ill Till~ 1tml·form"l •tlnn..r !Uld p romlH• load11 of fun and 1111 nr P .~ ))rlcl lo rt1l11e. mo n"Y to frolic fur\h<'r lht Elk~ C-hr111tm1111 c-h•r-H tr ti.ance wu i;:roduateJ !r•fo1 UI C where he wu a mf'mbt!r of [>ell& Sl«m• PhJ fratl'mlly. la now uaocla led with the Danz- Scllmldt Plano rompany, Santa 1 lly wof1t camed out ttere 1n the Harbor" area. • I Chairmen Dick Newman. who airman T1cket1 will bt avallablt from the club manaser and fro1n ot- ncera ot llle lodae. Music wtll be furnt..bed by llle Ted Tracy Mtld. lte.&Jl dJ.Mft" wtll be eert'ed wtlb a buffet l&ter _JD UM ....nas. Ana. In Y.'l\lch hi• fatber 19 a 1 Flr11t etlnc of thf' H&11on for L ..:.,. H 1•art.ner. Ole pr n Mellon ot Ebel! Club a tt:r OUTS Mem~ra of tilt' tamllltti w1U I wu h d Oct. ze at thP c 1 u b Q f · & Mrs be prumt for • Nov. 12 Wt'dding hou11e with M ra. M. L RAbbltt, at Girls Club p unl8t8 . In SUila' l\fl•. Aft,.r the honey-chair lln . prulding. She WH al-I -Rubor OpU.mUt.1 1"U ent.uln moon Ule cou plr will ~ •t hymr 110 11 aktr, lalk1nr: 11boul 11uccu· 'l'wo ml'mbtn, Mra. rr1Ulk De-their Optl-Wn. wi ..... Oil New. J in Coron& 111'1 Mar ' ~nt u btlng partkul11rly good Bttr and Mn. Orma 0 . Cnak. at VtJla Marilla wllb a pnipwn for l• area. we~ elected. to th• necuU,,. on tll• 9l0f7 of oil. IMJl Oll Mr Jac k 'Boylan 11poke on bo4rd of the Hubor ~ Olrfli compaay'1 ProfflUOT' lnod47 wtll plsnllng falf bulbs. · Club. Each w11l aene a OU-. lecture Oft '"IM Waste ol r.tro- llra. Clyde T rump nf 3 11 :14th During Ult 1ummtr tht club year tum. Announcement wu a.um~. A member of UM 4-f· In Hospital CedneiMhy for treatment for who w111 In the hospll•I for m&ny from 2 to 4~SO p:m. LnateecLPI former buttnlct.or at 8aa Joee Catholic .Women Monlhl.1 mMUnr of C&U.OUC Womea'e Council of Our LadJ Oil Mount Camel wtJl be IMld W ... M9day noon a l UI• partall hall. Mra. Jl'ornat Bmllh and Mn. Va. cent Salma.cla w\u be boet.s. and a book rntew . w111 be ...... by .Marjarle WacllltJn of IA Canada. 8a7rtWJUI ~ wae 111lcr n to Hn11g HoSJlJ strn a tx-gonl11 to Carol Doilnt. IT\•de that the club la now OPftl can Cbemle!al lloclety, be la a llCht •trokf. I wMb. ~overtng f rom An •eel-cl1>11lng ••• p. m ... form.r)7. State eou.se. , dt"'. -ftxtra houra went addect to UMt r----~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiii~~i:~~~~~~~~~~ _ · Next Petln~ Y.•tll ~ early. on 1'11r1ft Shop achedule a'll&. Tbe Y S :-ov. II st 12.30 p m. In lhe abor la open from 9:30 a. ~ to ~ . OU ave I club hf> llt'. In JOlnl U¥1on wit.h ' p. m. on Tuud&y and P·?' to s h a ·b. . book •ccllon 2. Each member la 12 rioon on Satur(l11y. ll. l.11 ••· 1• o~ to brine a currtnl tvmt. pert.al~ pectee! th11 t a rra ngtmtnll w 111 • " O Ing to prden1. OT a l'loueehold aoon be fomplelrd for l.he ahOp hint. · to r~aln open all day on FTWay., on your Prescriptions at PR l .N G LES l'nJe<'rtp1lon11 fllll'd "m 10 p.m. Free Film! wt'th f'&Ch roll o f ' blar k and 1 .......... ....... 11;. 6?tl. 1141. u o. tJI ~ft ..-1th ll' foe; 11#,.PIOJ>'Jll' I ... prtllll.._. "" "'lll th,. you • nil of 0\6 lllUl\e •IUI FRt:t:. llllMt•r Siu Prinh at ~o t:xcra Oulrl" "t• HOl 'R 8t:R\'IC:E Wlilte Nyt• C•ta · Both short & lon9 W arm-Comfortabl.-W aslleble Sizes -6 to 14 • Just Anh•cl s• '"" ··~·· o> in all 1i1es . .. White e.c. Nawy J.c1&111 .. ./ j -~ I, ft!titJ of FUZ Putiag • lot Md .._ s.io~ N•.-port Bh'd. Nwwpwa ._.. of ' Newport ' -" featuring' SPORTSWEAR SEPARATES 'SIFT ITEMS .. smart .+ylin9 with en ;ye on the bucl9et" 0,.. l :IO L Ill. -5:IO .,_ .. ..... pt.... ~ .,._ .. '• ' QUICKq 24 HOUa illVICI c_ .. ..,,,... LOW LOW ''UDUCIN6" It to YMl'Hlf. ........................ INTEREST llATES ... ..,. ..... ··-« ...... °' ........ ........ EASY MONTHLY ,AYMENTS ~ PRIENDLY SYM,ATH~ ... ~Vlc.£ FREE· CUSTOMERS' .M•KIN6 NATIONAL 1!1-0Wll WlllC ESCROW • SPECIAL • SPvtCE. POMPON MUMS CFAOENn Y OHU TEO 'LAGUNA BEACH ' , 221 OcMft Aote. Pinlc-Y ellow-lronz.-White 'HONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE '°' N. g c.NM .... ,,_.ONE HYedftffl 2-1191 w HYecirtftl J.11•• l * 7th ANNIVERSARY SALE * ... Bu~ 3 . ~ards Fabric at_. Regular Price .. You Get the 4th · Yard ( for only le , Wonderful Selection Winter Cottons, T effete1, Suitin91 end Drep•.~ Febrics T alee Advanta9• of. this Celebration to &.+ Your Chrtatams Sewing Needs • •• Substentt.I ~vin91 .... Ne•au•• 1M &i;, 'nS~ s." 'n Siuda JJJ7 E. Coast ...... ·-209 Merine Av•. c.rtna clel Mar .. Balboa lslend _.. " ..J ,. ,. ..... Pi Phi Reviews for Nurse Fund . . A craat ol SIOO to ille Nmw J)dwdola had r1Ntnr an Oranie Couty pt to obtala pwhlaM ll1ll'llDI ...,_. Uoe bu been mtde and • '100 cbeck to thl OnDp CoaDtJ Hc11tt&J for ,am ud other aateriUI U.W b7 tbe U...,, cleputlDIM -Nb111mt1ttoe fll petieet. bu .... ..-w ~ u.. ..... 0.. A' .. °' ,_ • 11t1t1W tw ~. au ot Pt -... 1'11111 ta.M .._... l'fn. " .t u.. lf..,ort ~ n.. _..,.. Illa" ..... T.at OQ1l. wNl UM cotf9e "°'8r' ,....... ,.._ pni cu• ot t.lle at 10 a. 'm. aa4 Ule pnlSl'W _.. ...W _... U. dU bu 11tarUJ1C at !O:tl. ~ .,.,, ,... ..... feature la addlUoa to ........... ,. JCaf7 ONW ~ fMra. ~ ot euJnlll ~ K\'9. kar- J.-0 .• ot -.a. .. team•· bol"OUP wUl ,.._t ... .-cta1 w.. n. __, 1a u. em• ,--. 11......tftll 1'm.. o1 ...,,_ LA TEST HAIR STYUN6 . FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAI• SHOP ...... ...... 91.DO. .... , ~T .... -..111 ,_, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS SIT'N-'KNIT • l1J ...... lh4. I••• • Do come in for yerns_-.,d pettern books ••• Aleo B~cilla "Paint-ff.yourself" textfle 1Nint-.. in9 kit~ Time +o start X"'as .knitting .. ....... D. 11.r• ' ' ' •'lt••'t • Ca•9lat l!flth Your I Oil.ANGE COAST C 0 L ·L I G E • LiDO THEATRE, 9:30:rl:30 TUESDAY, NOV. 1-1-15-20 Continues for four weelc1 Co-operatinCJ sponsors ••• Southern Counties 6a1 Co. All of the Lido Shop• .•.• \ GAFFERS AND SAnLER GAS RANGE 15 TURKIYS ••• ALL FOOD PREPARED RUTH KLUMB, from b . C. C. p~1ent1 I. Meal Megic 2. Family Fare·with Company Air. l. Bring ,o.n the Bird. 4. Ea.1y a1 Pie. . •0 ··$-110· . .• \ . ' .•. • •11 111 te Ude t19 I ( .. f ' / . NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.PRUS -PART I • PAel I MONDAY, QCTOIEl ~ t, I 9U . ·This Beautilul Grand Award · : .. LIDO ELECTRIC __ ,_ .. :,.-...~r: .e:.,.-=r.ft =... ... ......._. .......... .... I C' ......... .... A::':-... .! ... :: I I, ~ ~-~ a _... .......... . ....,,, ... _,, ....... _ ..................... 0 .... ,.,,,,.... ... ... .., ........ ..... ................. ............... ............ ,.. ~I C-.. _._ . _ _.,.. .. .... ...,.. .... ................ ..... All ..... ............ ..... fl'~ .,. ....~·- co. 3424 Via Udo Newport lw• ....... ,., .~ .. LIDO' sHoPs CLASSIPllD D I I I c· T 0 I ~y. APPUANCD -Bo•11•1ll ...,,. -o.al• -...... UDO a.scl'lll() MU Via I.Me -.._.. "" AU'l'OJIOBILE DEAi l!M • N"' .&DdfllMd 'Can -.NJ~n aTUDa•m ..... ....-...... M)~ N ....... ~-&r. llt BANKS' . BM.Ir et Ameetea NT a U NMV\aU..-........ _ BARBD880P8 UDO 811A ~o 111JO .. llldweD'• ""°" ,.,. 11 .. UH Via Lido -Banor 1111 BUt:rn: PABLOBS. UDO 8ALON or a&AUft Mii Np&. ...._ --· UN ·800&8 IM>Oa O.&U "1• V\a u._. -........ "" CAMl:R&8 a Sa,.,._ VIN<l&NT LIDO Dat109 . ~ .... VlaUde~ ........ --- CA8P£'1'S A Da.&nal;D DIC& llAClmm · .... Via,., .......... C.tn:IUNO GDTSBOP ..... .,,.. LIDO ••mm MllVlaUC.-~1111 INIUUNCE A0ENTt w. o. scc.. ore. .... Via ..... ----"" IN'D:lllO& Dll00!!4 TOa -.urama rm•++._ .&.LQ. .....,,. ...... ___ _ Dial tu.IW'W ............ _....__ OO!f m.aoJl'I01' A. L D. ;~=--..... 1111 umA&D"8 LIDO w•em Mii Via ...... -...... ... &EALD'UU LIDO a&A.Lft AN'QHM Udo ~ .. ftetale ... fta ...... -....... "" P. A. PAUma l:HO. ...... _ ... _.......,lllt VOQ&L OOMl'ANY "'' va. I.Me -.,.,_ MTl BA'f AND ll&AOll M&&.LTW Via Udo llridf• OUloe IUJ LalraT•U. -Jlaltller IMI SAVINGS It LOAN A.880CIA.TION8 ' NEWPORT BALBOA 84 VDf09 A LOAN A880CIADON A 8aYin1• ln.ltltutton ~ Tenn Home Lo&u va.1..We-~- H:&VICE 8TA'l10N8 UDO IUCllPUU> Nll N-.ort Bly._..,, 41n !BOES-MM'• BIDWEIL'S 8TOU P'O& lllCH Mii va. Ude -aan. "" 8801:.& WOON avu:•s or oAuromru. NlO Via Ud-.HA Olli DIEATBE8 LIDO Tlll!.&Ta& eon.wt thla p&~r for Prof"MI V .. Ude at N-.ort lllYC. ...... .. 1. ... l'Ol'8 UDO TOYl..AND "MA\ V'6 I.Me -..... *' TBA VF.L ACENOIE8 H.4a90a TRAVCL AOCNOY Ml& N...-port ... ._.._. llM UPBOL8TE&INO . , DIC& llACILl:IM MMVlaU.0-~'811 W A.l'Cll KEPAIS • VDfCICJnltll "•,.cR .. .ua LIDO oarrak ..., Via &Me WINDOW OOVDUNO m•••_. -. ...... om -.. · . ... • • I [. ' • ; : . • . ' • ' ' ' ' ., . ' • • .. . ~OOKING SCHOOL STARTS . TOMORROW MU.. Ruth Klum~ (center), Orange Cout College home economist, tttit.a ~ipes for the Fourth Annual Cooking School with tWo college· students. First eesaion of the .chool wi.IJ be he.id tomorrow at the Lido Theatre. 9 :30 -11 :30 a .m, Co-sponSors of the event are Lido Shor.:, Southern Counties Gas Co .. Ric hard's Market and Lido Theatre. At left, above, are: Joa11. Boo&ey, Corona del Mar~ P.fisa Klumb : and Lois ,Ekman, Santa Ana. -PhotO ~y Al Baker NEW PA.RKING PLAN' -Pictured above is artist's conception or New Long Beach Federal Savings a!1d Loan · Asen: fou r-deck parking garage oo~· u~er con•truction at 34~ Elm. Ave. The building, fht privately built downtown Long Beach parking- garage in 14 yean1. will utilise the reYolutionary ne"'· lift-slab method of construc- tion. Building'• capacity ie e.tanned for more tha.n 250 ~ani. •· , • RAPID RECOVERY Carol Doane Finds-Ablllty to Walk 'Wondeiful' Thing -... -. By NANCI CAMPBELL Maktni a complete recovery trom her near .. ,Cat.e.t.. ,auto aerf~ dent In July, Carol Doane. honor etudl'nt of Coron• del Mai', t. To Carol thlB I~ the' moat won· derful thing Ill_ the ...,orld. After 1Pmdlns aill week • ln bed with· out moving, two week1 \n a wheel t'hafr. two on crutchca and two on cane•. waJklnr \1 a J.ree· dom that ia beyond cornpaf1!. tn 11pf te of the early fu.r1 of h•Yina: tier .:hool carffr cut Ni.art. C.rol I• now takinK a ruu c:olltfe_ currlculurn at On.nit c..t eou... on11 lll.f'M JIMIDUM atl,er. tM crlppUnr M:cilknL BM .. -l t&Sy eonti:n.\lins tM out.taadinr .cbolutl4 abtllt1 ...,. llhowed at H-.rticr, but bU &Yo foUPd tlma tor many •tra du- Uaa. Sha Ill -act.tve ni.aiber of. lh'9 Drama Club ~ abe act.I u vtce:prealdGIL Jtepf'MeQt&Uft at L&r1•. an lmportuit ,.,.iuoa Jn ~ Btudent ~•nt at DCC, la ~Uuir of --honon. 11'or I.he cur. H&rllor arM which pra)'M ~ worked fOI' ~ recovery, Carot 11 tak1q thill op- portunity to •Y• '.~ )'OU. • much few m.llWls m7 9PMd7 re- CO\'WJ' '"*"1119, Ood .... 71N -.ll". CHEST WORKERS READY, . . FOR DRIVE iCICK·OFF Klck-otf br...ktut of th• 1165 ~ r.., WI.Want Olwilitoll. Newpol"t H • r b o r Community Ro)' cn.a.k. 0.. Dolu,. .,..__ Che1t campa1111 will be held at Jetna.. WLWllnl Tourb., l . w. Jrvine Cout Country Club Tu•· ~· &Ad loful V. N.tr, d•y, at.artlnr at t:J~ •· rn., .Mra. tht latt.n dlalrmU flt tM lJrem&. K@nneth 0 , CooJlnlJ •nnounced. C&mpalsn h-.d~ la ~ The Chfft roaJ thl1 y-r 111 hi.· cat.cl Mo 21t MJlrin9 A--. la U.. &00. otf1C41 at Orrla Wrtpt, IMCf'9t&r7s HPUM·lo-t)OU M! 901\clt.aUon will U~ ot t II• 0-117 )tart Tuelld•y and the U11t or o-t board •• worker• In l~i• dep11rtrnenl la BUDOCI' M&AJUJOWK pract!caily complete. Mr1. Cool-lludret tor lb• 1tll6 oo.iun-. i"lt it.a.tad. Thf! breakfut will be ltJ Chtit Ui dtndtd u folkrw'91 attended by orrtcen of the drtvt C.tholle -lfan, IJ960; pro- a.n d I• e•Pf!Oted to coordlnat1 the teai-t wettan. MOO: .t.tuac work or the c1mpalrn. Solicit•-nu~ ll!\40; Boy Scout&, SMOO: tlon \1 e:11pect1d to be cl-ned up Boya Club., UOOO; y .K.C.A.., p_, ln a week, &1;cording to E<twi.rd 000; Girl &couta. · ~: Toulb )(JJum. campalgu vice· chairman. Cen~ Tu Pll. I*; Ctlildnsa'• Girl Scout Troop Mariner'&. M. S. Maul. 1klpptred by Mn. Vlr, Hospital bl-1-..\..Dpa... INI, rlnla Wat.ion with Mr•. Fred Clxtlunu W.uitn. llOO: oru.- .Slngtr u ftr1t male. han ottered, pedic H09plial,. '400; TN...U.. lhelr 1<:rY\ce1 t or the drive. A.id, NO: U"'t4d ~ r.d, 80LJCITO&a' JO:ET ll<N!Oi ~ ..... Mesa H1•1 l•ll•d DU1e and ~ 0... Jlii. M DOntn.cten, l'IP«t.dl to ,.,.._ On• ot th9iJ' born. tmdii;f ..... lthleUC. ba4 bMlll -~ UM! u.. .......... ~ 1lftM ..... n.eted llOID a *'Ill and .• ~. Long Beach Federal Plans· New Type Parking Building M r•. E!!r l A . Lewtl, Onf! of tht capt.aln1 in the Nrwport Helg-htl •r1•11. \1dll rnf!L!t wllh her .tallcl· tor11 Thurlld.l.y al 10:30 a. rn. a t thl-home of Mrs. Robert Hetzel. &2~ El MOdena St. Eirpected .,. Mr11. Lte SChonek. •re• rnajor, and Mm es. F. R. Chapman, Vln° cent Pickup. C~rre Plckertnr . K . A. McD ivltt. Ernll f) •um. Jame• F'ro.t. Milo L&c7, W. C. Noller, Keith Oel'T'l9h, R o be r t anti i< ht.lt f .. ,.t l\ii;:htr th•n tht Boyd, p:r.,c Gledhlll, ff. ~J. front h111r. to makf! poulble· Jo1eph Thrall, Leal!• MM.dowa. 1horter rarnpa b e l w e e n th.a I --=-----------11 11torlt•. TUT AL t•J,(K)M ~p Af'I"'.: lflcrtaeit1 In the nrm'1 b\11lne-. Tot•I floor 1par<'! In l ht build-Orerory H.ld.- ln11 "'ill 11pprn:ldn11te 7~.000 aq. J)ealinlMI b7 uchlttet Harokl --~ Dawne.own Lona Beach'• nrat n . f'ront•~e tin Elm St. Ill 100 A: C•tl~ of the r1nn or 'Cwl9on!~"'"' feet. with •. <lt~h , ot J:l-0 feet. &l'ld Mlddlebrook. th• parklAI .... conatrucUon, U!e upper Ooora ot Con1tructtd 'rhierly •I the 1lte r11g.. 111 now und"r oon1tructk>n th• bulldrnr are pll\I~ at of a ·r-rk1n• k>t f<>r lht {l rn1'1 by t hf! r!'nlr11rtlnr f irm ot Lew\1 1-AMll Comfflne Floor CoverllMJ Close Out Specla&· .,., ...... LT TIU _....._UiM_,._ ... ,.., .. 5' ~.,,.. ...................... _ ..... ... Nl.;AID LINOLEUM .... ~.,_ .. ~,~ '1 .. • COAITLINI Floor Cowerl119 CONCRETE Satisfaction POW IT THI IASY • WAY AND SAVI e l • • •• .... -...,.,,. ,_... I ........... . .......... , .... .. -'···•,..,...... .. ,_ .... lllJ'.~~· L":•rtv 1-2213 . c_..._ Uf us HIU'. :YOU • • .. llAVS aurY -.tlGGU- TIOXll f• • • ,..,_.._ ...,. .. , ......... ,__ .. ., ....... ~ Wffll .... ..., .... ..,.,. .... . . " -...... . .... -~ ...... , Re:idy Mixr ti Co11cn·lr· .._ ..... ._"::: ....... _ ...... En.n .. "llitliil) ... -..... 9' Qw 0--. Cl =·'tJ. ·-o.-r.e. -""" [7&. WILCH'I DADY MIXID ,cONCam · •• C' .... ... -0091'.t..... ..._..._ ~·...,.·41 ·--.......... -~ -INC. BAY 711 w. 17 .. St. HA.NGIN• STOIA.CH IOI D. RAY ........... --.. w.tc wttlt .... ~-.,. ... •abs lb .~ ................ un. .. ..................... ... . .-,,_~ 1NIJdilw utilltlnJ lhf' rtvok1Uon· ary new Un-1lab method of con· etructlon will ba tht • ntw Loni' "Be•ofl Flldt:ral Sav1np and 1'°'11 Auoc1Mlon'1 tour • deck pilrk1nr prap a t 34~ !:Im Ave. g-round l•vel. U1in1 thf! ·rirat ~floor fUl!tnmer•. the P41rk!n1t 11:11r•lo':f! la !:. "'J1\l11.m11 and Pf!te DulftOrlt. lllab .,. a torm. Tht UpJH!r 1tory 11n outj!:row~ti ot the flrm11 tllper-The Lonr Bf'•r h FINteral S.v.0 1l1ba arf! then lifted Into place lenc .. with lrtf! p•rking. whtch lt lng11 p11rklng r1ra11te .,,·lll be tht t1)' mtan1 or hydraulic l'lolllUnr ha• provldl!d for CU!!tomera 11lnce flrat auch f1c1llty COl'lll rucled by j!lcka. llMI. lnveatmtrit In parklnJ tac!· a prtv11te flrr~ In downtown ~DC' General Contra...., a. Builtler TM u\tn-"1~•1 . .., .. tru\ldlnJ w\U ha.,. a CaJ?-Clt)1\ Of "1brt than -280 CM1I -eqUal to 1U lhf! park· lJ\I apace av•ll•bl• Qn American A.,.. trom Oc9&1'I Blvd~ l o 10\.h at .. a.crordlnr to T. A. Gregory. pre.t.ant or the ,._,cl•llon. · ·· u.-r uaa ltrt • .._b n1•lhod or The bulldlnr w\11 ~ con1truct-IJtle. ••••• mof"I' Ulan offHt by e.ach In 14 yeara. ed of tzln!orrfl(I concrete end will ;;;;===========i:=;:;::;;;:;::;;;;::;;;::;::;:;:=:, 11 h•v. " ruu baae.ment . W\U! pro- V\l!lon ·or underrrnund Lflorart roe •uoclall0t1 reeorda and a roof. parklnJ' d~k. heh float will be 11plit Into two levela. \ha rtar porllon of each floor to be lour ..,..,.. • NMrt nee • • , tbU1 IT AFFORD 6 ION '"N'El..A Mid DOC'" OUIOnUOAL .......... Cl'OU .............. 7 .. tt71 l it..._... • ...._ N_,.,. .._.. t•e lic•lrl Beeson Company L••c.,1 Diii .. .-C1a1tn1ctl1• CmGlf.A.~..... ... 19>2'11: ~· I.ti . ' \ • c - . ' ... c... ..... OOJWN.t. DCLIU.A ROBERT FORBES ... MAX W. POPI IK ..... an.c-n • •c- _ 611 _ ._ .... • llMODB. YOUl Ame .oa llAllMINT Ira_,. .. fllllWI .... _. ...,.....;.u...,... ........ ....... ~ ... ,., ......... .. •'' ... , ........ ...... ..... ,.,,a r --11.ASY wn 18MS ON.AU PUllCHAllS WARD I HARRINGTON . . . ...aco. ~ W. c-tfltii-J Nllwport l••c• PROMPT SERVICE FRIE DELIVERY ·••rty 1-3411 • ,. \. ... ./~ ,,, r ,,,~ "'--/ ; locil. WOnlea . . ri>riA v1$ N. Y. STOCK Open New t: REPORT & COMMENT r • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS .:.. PART. I • 'ASI I MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1955 DIATH NOTICI Shablra Shop ·"'" AXNA W~CE BE SURE • INSURE ~uam~ ·-::.~ ...... ..,, NUS. C.. lllliwc; Mllltt' TOftK NOON COJQP?n' .tock split and di~ lncr-.... 8..-vtOH for Mr-.. Anna Wallace, ooac;rn.m> BT B. C. caam. Bors Warner Ml bee Sl&hjeet to II~ of &Toa Vlrstn.la An., HollY· (D&.Uf Wli i'llit 6 CO.) BANTA nacewnulatJon UMhppe&ra&IDCIQC ~.!Jeri held Sunday at 1 p. m. TaJle ..-1 p.n. ol MU ... llom /IHA -BANTA ANA. OCT. 31, ~more attneuYe ~cy ~-!Udley Mortuary Chapel,------------ calltona&a.u aamecl lbU'Oll Ul4 (OCNB> -8eleeted bu7tns of In• au~un wpplten, aftD&ble al ec;i.m M--. with the Rn. Charlu ------------BarMn add the ftnt .,u....._ Of dlridual a..u. wllicb coaUnu• to a wort.hwhlle dlMowlt &9m Ul• r. llU4 omctaua.. • ~ ... - t.belr namee and )'Oil Jaa.. the anUdpal• favorable n.wa enabled biaib made earlier In the ,_,.. M~ Wallaoe Cl&ed Frlda,y ln llar1lor u.'i n......t wom•'• tM market to open. on • tlma : llAFEWAY llUl'ONDS Boaa-Boapltal u . rewlt of .,. WMI' lbop. ' tone. UnJta ot tlt• oil. ctnac. metal. Amons lndlndU&I lalu• ..,.,.. automobile accident ne4J' san Juan sl\abara. den-'•• ii. 1 motor, and defl!lM &TOUp& lmproY· ~ Bt.oru l'llJIOftded to Inv.et· captatrano. She ta aurvtved by • ._ ~ que ed aloq with vart~ .,.clalU.. ~t blqtq reinec(!q· OCIDftdll\oe two du&Pten. Kn. Rqmand PAIKIS • llDUY MOITUAIY name from Bha"?" Hour:fpn • and ~ and Dourl&a plud, N-that theH p1ll be a material lm-Bluff Jr. of IA. J.naelea and Kn. • Bartlara Quarry• opana Ila door11 necUn• annouaceaent Ulat .A.mer-Jll'0"""11t In earn1np aext year. John O'Connor ot lnflewoOd &Ad •t SUI N-pollt Blvd. today. Ac-lean AJrilnll will aortl)' plaoe CIC'-WlWn the food l'l'OUP. c:ampbeU five srandcbll~ 'Inumment will COl'<lln,!.&~. UM M1-How1pn da tor f't.00 mUlioa ot Jei trsu-Soup hu.beea ..U supported and be In tM Oohambartun.. ta Boll7· and ...-.~.,. tile libop will feature port.e. Jnter..t 11 actJY-.fn General la capable of turther StJ.u. WOOd Cemetery. ... ~ ..... <..,.a 11•~-0......-. no.. .. 41pOrt.awear •paratu and sift Dynamla and l!lat.h !roe WorU. AIJec1sen1 LadlUJI\ bolda well ------------ It.ma. They llotb have announc· pr11umabl)' In anUclp&Uoa of cm· fol.Jow1aa tll• ipbt uwa &ad Pabco -ai.ck aa.tned I;>tn>lay for out· ed a policy wh!dl ta phrued In tract newa. Kr. Pace, o'f the Oen· Producta advanced to a new b.16h, •tandlnc baryatna In UHd can. their .topn ''cnart atyUns with eraJ l>ynamJca board ncatl,J ton-1111UcSp&Uns aatiafacto17 comple-:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~iQiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij u eye on UY llQdpt." c&it that wttb ot.hw uw.p belq t.loa of tM nbnboud purcbue. if ·~ bu opvated a •tudto equal, h• expected th• com~· Rather t.baD broad lmprov.. p. ·n . 1n Balboa for UM p&lt n .. ,...n, volume ot w.in-woukt double mat, look for a aelectt'fely firm iano Jn~lruclion l•tu~ orictnat bandbap wtlJch ln th nut three or four 7~ tolM onr th• beJance of the day were llOld . ..u ov.r the coun,ry. cun-.t J>l'OC1'&Dl8..,.. ~ wtt.b apealalU11aupp~lbemaln TERESA RENNER ( l.. A R ) Sharon, alter attendlns Harbor completed. lnt_...t In ~ to newa ltema. mrl. • enner her ~nt llme aa a rancher In Kennecott Copper auppUed IMd-so Jnduatrla1a -····-6M.llT up 1.72 C-rt Ptanlat of '111m <lol!U-te the Imparial Va.Dey. e~~~ .. to a firm cowppar poup In fO R&lla --·········-··-··· 160 ott O.lO Orad..te 8toHat of Bela l!lal1ok -. _... .. e a • ...... er recovery. Ith MrDlnp 1• UUUU •• ... o rra ~..... . .,.... •----. uae new -op-.. ffpen ennounc f ,1• _.. Um ted f th u • ......... v . ....,,.,. up .l• un • ., .-u • .saa.J", - R1,h and occ, bu spent aome of OOPl'Ell 1&AD8 Dow,_.. l p.m. Avenc• bu.a a Umltf!d •umbf<r Qf p_upU. for ..... a 1peclal "Open BOUN" Wednea-o " per ..,..,.. ea ·a or e New Yortr 1 p.m. 8todl ~ rona W1bJaada -Coroaa del llar ...... _..Jch __,,, f-... od lln year, at leut a nry &'ftlerou.I Am--' Tel .. 79 -Y .... ..... ~ure m fl S d . t ,_ Ud ._. .... can ep11C1DI -··--······· 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ and retreahmenll all day and tn year-en paymen .. an pa--. ~ '6% ;r the eartv evenlaS, from 8 a. m .. In addlUon, a •trilt• ln Cb.lie m&7 Chryal -·-----93 ~ ' relllndle f•r11 of fUrther .price in· er .,.-,.-··---······ , -· . top. m. cre&aM for the r9d metal, al· DuPont ............... -.. 218 % RSONNEL thourh CU1Tent ll'Ye!a will produc. General Electrio ---··· .e" ·· p •d t f excellent ruulta It m&tntaln.ed next General Koton -·-····-··-133 ~ resl en 0 year. = ~k··~~··Jiii·:·.=~ :~~ '""' AW .... buJln• of J'r\aeh&ut N .... Amert Avl& 1 83 Trailer conUnu11 ln reflection ot 0•... can t on ···· 1' Local Kiwanis favorable eamlnp and •.aDt ot a :::-~ ~ idi~"::::::: ::~ Southern Paelflo RR. ··········-M" Standard OU of Califomla -.... :. 88 Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers FLOOD OONTROL -Willia Warner, left, chairman of the county board of auper- Yiaol"I, goee over ~e detailed map of propoeed ~ million flood control drainage 1yatem for Orange County with Louia Lake, water committee chairman, uaoc:iated . ch.plber of commerce. -Stewart Caae Photo. Joe Ouertn wu elected prNl- dent of Newport Harbor Klwanll Club at. tut week'• nllion which aur a )iew llate of officer. nam- ed. He will auccffd Roy Y-·~r­ atone, lncumbent. At the Thur.day· luncheon Me- llon ln Villa Manna RMU.urant ll:rnJe Chapman, put KJwanla Sonmor and recently a delept.a to the YMCA'• Centennial In Part., will report on that mHt- DPLAIN SHOii CLIFFS ZONING Arcllltec:luH J . Herbert Brownell, lett and City Manqer John .,8allor1 hold up draw1n1 which ahowed dti council and audience Monday nlfht.lhe 11etback line• requff14d by J. R:*'Lonsiey for h1I new, lure rtlldence In var1ance eppllca.tton. It ..... ap· P"OYed by council In 4.3 vote after conllderable d*U991oft. - 8t&tt Pbolo OPEN FRIDAY tlGHTS 'Tl 9 P .Al Per~in9 Ticketa V.-lideted, All S.nte An• Perlcing Lots Marine T·Sgt. •l\d Mn. JOMph John Ko1ln1kl ot Colla J.feu are parenta of & boy born OcL 21 at U.S. Naval H011pltaJ'at Corona. lnl'. ' Otb., n-otflcer11 Include Roy AndVMft and John Atbarian. rice -prelldenll: ·Bert Connell. tr.aurer; Dtreclor1 J.llen ~­ wortb. Monte OrimN, Clyde John· 110n, Don Kirkpatrick, Veme IUopliel. Max Pope and Maurie Stanley. ' SUEDE COA_TS ·-S35 t I ' Fl"'t Q•llty ,....,., ·KW .. S..W•• " ~hlaHy H .SO val~ -I ......... llt selection of colon yow chance to own a fabulon ••de coat at a bartatn ~·.~ ...... $150 Ftlll LetHJth SUEDES for only $78 SS DEPOSIT HOLDS ay coat ... 111•• -lftClllJ ,.,.... ... -,.. ...... .., .., .. ..,. . MAC &·MAC • Too Late to Be Cla•slftecl Union OU of California -······ '8 '4 U8 Steel ··-··········· .. ····················-65 • HARBOR 4969 Z9---!felp Wuted .....,. Loalle llaUbtgly ~ , .......... COOK-bouaekeeper tor I &duUa. Xuat drift. Prtva.te nD.. bath 6 TV. ll Ta. "'-!· 'Tf. .2lk:JT 411 Slat Street, Newport.._ ~ o.ta, ... P_na ___ _ DACHSHUND PUPPJES, AK C repttred. '' • up: 1411 Xon-rovta, Coll& M.ea. Ll '-MU. 26c2T .. e Irvine Terrace I lonq .._.. . . ...,.......,-· - I '9tlla ....... I ..... oa_, ............ o.a ..... rHOO Stop being a drudge! / / GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DllYER ....... ........, . ••. and make clotM• drying one of the eaaie1t things to do/ fAllll TIM -..1 WIAT A llFHllJICll W ** clotllee lit 111it.-CllM-led twtls •• Ille\ Ufet-•ies HIM ., " •l.tty.Mft-111t fin ind lllallt. rlln tr eM111I Mt Mr-' llkl Ut twtdNf· lltAMITll 1'111'. ell It etth • t1'lal f1111ily of fw ti .,.,... "' llltllltio .. detlltl ..,.,s. ....... u.i Wl-lldifta. 111 tt•lftt. •ia. ....... r~U 0ntY GAS ' ar..s )W • nu1em .~ -~ ......... T .. p•-O'K..,_ Ir M1allt-Wei-w11d ._ 1•111 Jake's Appliances SAUS -UIRTY 1-5594 -SBYICI 0. ...... ., ...... , .... ,... , .. ·--,,.... .............. ~. ,. .. ~ \I , .. '. ' PA6E 6 -PA~T I NEWPORT HARBO~ NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, OClOBER 31, 1955 'TWAS SVBR' THU81 ,. ''God grant us • tl-i, serenity to accept the things we canfK>t change: the courage to change the things we can end the wisdom to know the difference." (A Anon.) E D .I T 0 R I A IJ S· Let County 'Brains' Figure Water Preservation .. Method • Orange County la in dire need of... eome cQncen· trated good management. Good management not at one level, but on many levela, a,nd in nearly every direction ot county governmen\a} obligationa, duties and admin· iatration. For several montba there bu .been much drum beating about the need tor a $42,000,000 bond iaue to build an over&u flood control worka tor the County ot Oranp. A couple of flood control d&JDJI would be pro- vided -"it governmental tunda ot the-United Stat.ea are not forthcoming to build them." Now•the foundation ia being laid 'for an. appeal to the people for a multi-million dollar bond iaaue to en- large, extend and expand the eewage treatment faeilitiea and to build new lines. ' . uphill along the river'' will mean little. Water will be worth, and comm.t.nd, any price. Then aµ the. worb that we are talking about building with a continuoua string of multi-million bond issues will be revened in their cycles to reclaim every drop of water pouible to keep 1t from the aea. . "' It iJI true that work ~ progreaaing on attempta to recover lie& water at a reuonable price, through atomic energy or otherwise. If and when auch a recovery meth· od ls poeaible -we hope to see the day -the linea ot the MWD will be reversed in their now to cany freeb water inland to the arid areaa through which tbe aque- duct.a pa.as. Until that time we should etrive to preeerve every drop of water avaiiible to ua .. We Recommend a 'No' Vote on Proposed Ward ·Measure · 1Mt8 NIW .. VIMTOlf Of ~ -WOll(T IT flUT PIOl\1 OUT Of WOllK 9.1/ j eouv, "or IT\\. 'MAKI JOSS! . All the while executive. of the Orange County Wa- ter Dllltrict are endeavoring to extend their taxing au- thority ~over the entire county in o~er to buy -more water from the Metropolitan Water Dietrjct to dump into the upper Sant.a Ana River Buin so ~at it will ••peftblate" into the undergf'9und reserve, thua pre- venting the further encroachment of sea water. The City of Newport Beach ls a community that bu auffered for many yeara by artificially e~ted fences within its corporate limit.a. Growth of the city, creation of park.a and playgrounda and cultural centers baa been stymied because of tl;l.e artificial barriera of districts and communities. AFFAIRS OF. ST ATE-~ Two of the project.a above mentioned are dedicated toward the moat rapid dumping into the aea off ahore of Newport Beach of all the-water, eewer and storm, that can be carried down sewer and atorm linea to the mouth of the Santa Ana River. The third ia aimed at taxing Newport Beach -and everyone elae in the county - for water to dump into Upper Santa Ana River Basin with the bope. the water will eventually percolate into the underground reserve• and bold back the under- ground aea water at the ahore near Newport Beacb. "We can't get a park here unleu there iJI one for each other district in the same program," or "how can W'! get this project <lone unles& we find something to do fd'r each other ~ty sector" hu been the stock way ot looking at progre88· in this community through the years. Pork barreling is.what it is called on the national level. Newport Beach u a city has come a long way in the past year or so, even.~ the past few months. Whether the charter baa helped, whether we are ageing and mel· lowing a little, or whether there are eo many newly ar· rived people who do not know of the ola Beetional fight. we do not kno·w. · By HENBY C. llacABTllUB SACRAMENTO, ICNS) -A tour of lhe State pepartment of Motor Vehtclra, m&de on the in· vltatlon o(. Paul Muon, director. i. furlhe.r proof ot the _ extent to which paper work haa gl'OWn In California -work which le nee· . usary under the pruent 1y1tem of ha,ndllng regiatrallon1 and driv_!r'..a. Ucen1ta to maint&!n a free now of Information to c:o.urt11, poMce departmenta and ahet,ifr1· offlce1 throughout t be it.ate. Parllcularly, Muon centued on the drlver'1 llc:enM! regiltra- tton t Ue, due to the controverale1 which aroee during th• lut ter- lslature over the availability of tnrormatlon ln the nle to the public. TllE.Wl:SOOl'8 FILE tr•a llcen.e, whlc:h la dltUvered to the 11earcher by an· employee of lhe Dt'partment In a celluloid caee, whlch blocks off the Infor- mation conct>rnlnf the phyllcal aod mental' condition of the 11· ceiUe bolder. Offlclala or the Department .say th('y ·ha"'.• added 16 perllOlll to the ~partment'a penonnel to perform tbl1 1ervlce, and con· lemP;lale about nine additional people. maklnr a total of 23 ad· dltlonal people on the .Ute pay· roll to perform work that waa be- ing done by private lnduat,ry prior to adoption of th~ MCrecf amend· menL RIGHT OF PP.:OPLE -:J.rom BRUSH COUN~RY JOURNAL By ') HORACE rA.RK.ER (Ed. Note -'!'Illa cohunil · by flo~ Parkl'r "'Ill ,.._. .tUi U.. Uttlt--~'11 lilhltork'al fac-te he bu dnoctrf'd up •• ala _,. !rfpe mto &M bMk f'Ouatr) la l"N'f'•t , . .,.111.1 {PARl' W, Conclwdon) Old Natiah tore at, th~ plump thigh of the desert jack• rabbit with his worn t-:eth. Its succulent routed meat wu faat filling his belly in preparation for his wnlk to the next yillage of the Can~on Peoplesi And as he chewed he cogi· tated. Word of t hr hairy 1t rangers bea11t11 wt\lle m1111y lon)r • ur"I! and their grHt bt<aMU\ frlli:hlentd ~a11l11 with burdr1111 follnw. On him. Jut night danl'lnjt the Mo111·' tht'lr fai.·r~ I~ Ion..: hair Two· of haah hf' WU brflVf', h111 Ill the lhf' ont'!I In U\J' !>ht«k, J'llAnt mill· brlrht morning 11un thl' world tlnit at1<0 lt"d with on,. of our mapped Into grim . rt'alll~'. Crflft · f'l'OPlf' f1oni • <lt•hrnt t rlbt. They lly he made up hla mind to 1.,ud will be h('rto shorll:v " hla eona. the chll11ren and the . I OAS('!: Pl.ASSt.D women ovl'r the mountain. lr111l. From Its helghl-3 he <'0111<1 ~,.t eh I Na lhth nuUlned h l1 plan of dane• the atranger't! party in the can· ln1t and rhanUng to lhf' Canyon - yon below 1ind If nred bf'. th•'Y Peoplu The braVt'llt would 1tey could hide In tht rork~ for days with him while th!' re11t woultS until they had panf'd. \'lancfl on and among the great LOJ'llO WALK roc:ka on lhe hlllalde. JuAn Bautlllta <le Anza wa. •I· "Ho, old woman," he callt>l1 to mol!l u ,.tartll!d a11 the gathf'r••rt hla aquaw lrnpatlently. "M • k e I Canyon Pf'Qpln and old N1tll1h hute .for w~ havf' • long ·wslk u he broke through the willow• ahead of us. · I on hor11cb&.ck and the beut dam· "Katul. tell your woman ant1 bi-rea· out of the w~t stream ~. your brolht'r'• woman w.. m111H Nt!Uall· bllnkf'd In i&maltef!)Mt-a t be going "°°n:· .aid NBlUJh to the beardf'd Spantarll' atop hi• hta aon. • hPr14e. Nallsh howtvtr, rC"'overt'd Some of the leader11 of th e frum the 1111rprl• ~fore A.nu. Canyon Peoples bl'(!&n gathering "Dlln<'e and Jllng," he yt>lled to quietly 11rounl1 Ol!f Natl~h. thr C'11n~'•111 f'l'OpltM "We go llOun." said l'all11h Jo-Wh1 rhn!:'. 11h•rp1nic thf'lr lhli;h11, cularly with a full mouth uf aab· an<! r1111n1•1n..: 1<11rt·lcg11:ed th ey bit meat. d1snl1•ol. "(';n IJlll'k hnme ye atr11n· Nat111h'• oltl hurt rn15.~c>ll 11 I 1o1e1'll Th•·r,. 11re ll1>vll11.J1 hud. The tick. Th f' "c p .. oplf'. whom hP r1111nt1 \' 11• INl I' ••f fOod ···.'' And thought we1•e hit! frfentli<. were wh11t rwr nltwr <llrl' thrrr,ta they llrABStely 11ilt-nl. • l'ulll•I a.t_ lib l11lr1 Lht•lr ch1ml•. "When the •Ull 11inka, ·-·." ~· "Sl'balltaan," callt-d An&a to hi• - ran Natish, and atopped at Ulelr Jn~sn guh.Je. &llll hldden ln the stern look11. w1llow11 ltnlni: the c:~k bf'\I. l 'I' To .Ji(.\TISH "Speak to lhtl't f'Mple. 0 t fer The Canyon P e0ple8' 0 h 1 et present.a and frlrnllahlp." steppt'd forWar<I. '"Oh wise Na· A11 SebuUan hUrrll'd to Anza. t11h. Oh Nallt!h of gre8 t magir the bllwk • 111lw<I FathPr Cart" .. 1uch aa w" have nPver' seen. You I halllf'nt'ltf by hie •ll1e. F.vr~P11l­ muill •tay with u11 and turn thrse OUt! to make nf'w ronv,.rlJI ah1nnr atrangera bac:k wltt) your m11~I<'." Jht' N \'age l'h1lren of lhe t11'110PrU, Nali11h atarted to prote3t but rany(ln14 1mtl moun~atn... Gare•• when he noted thC' knobbf'<I kill· 11tepp1·d forwar<t ff'arlf'1111ly undf'r Ing cluba In their han•ls he kr pt lht' word of Go.I. The d3nt·in1t •llen L Thoe ~pie wtn· frti:ht· •mtl rhrviUnsc lncreued In temp<> ent'd and like thP HhCH'l·llUll'll ""t I Sebut urn roulol not make him- would kill If <'omereil &ntl .. r&r~ st ir hl'Rrd ablwr 1111' din A11 he There ia no question but that flood control ia need· ed in the inland county area and in the West County area. We could recommend that the county remove its infamoua .. Delhi" drainap ditch from ita~mptying point into the Upper .B&Y to a apot on the ~ta River near Gialer Ave., or Hunt.linger St., and better serve everyone along that route. Some of the nm o'!f water might ·per· col&te into the underground through the river bed in· " ..... ., .. it4d of ·~g into the aalted bay. The county doee The barriera that have plagued the City of Newporl Beach have been termed .. geographic" or "postal bound~ ary fences" or 1'eelfish real eat.ate promotion'' and inany other more hanib thinga. Why the United States Gov-. emment would continue to patay for any of the postal barriers we do not know. ~y the city baa "gone along" with eome of the cruy cleavagea we do not know. But we do believe that Newport Beach hu a pretty good City Clarter. We believe that it wu carefully drafted after much thought and conaideration. We cannot aee lhe aenae of creating new boundaries within our city with ward.a and their ever·inherent evila of aectional political control The .Di:parlment, he _pointed ou L, ma.lnt.a1.n1 a tile oC approxi- mately ei• million active aute>- moblle drtvers In Callromta, re- qut'sla for checking come tn 10metlmu at lhe rate of 25.000 'lamea per day, and literally th0baand1 or court cue1 muat be checked agaln1t the UctnM tile each mbnlh. The queaUon . however, Involve• not IO much the phy11lcal capa· city of the Ot-partmt"nt of Motor Vehlclea to provide lM publlr with lnform11llon It 11·anta and mUJJt have, In certain ln11tanca. u It doe.e the right of the pee>- Plo IQ U\4.:'.'Jn(O(l)'\l\lJ~ In the mu. This rl«hl wu dult a ... vere blow by th• ltgl1lature. which alloplc>d the &mendmf'nl at the -8UJget!llOn of the ~part· men(\of Motor Vt hlcln. 1n ef· feet, ~ 11mendmt'nt acc:ompllah· t11 by aub1t'rfuge, at the ex~nse of the right or the pt(lple to know, wh11t the,department wu unable to acc:mplish by c\lrec:t ll'g1al11tlon. A mt'a1rnre prov1dln1t for the clo1ing of lhf' file" lo all but a f11vore<.1 f11w companlu whlc:IJ were engaged In the rPc· ord l!earchlnit bu11lne1111, wu d4- feattd In the 11t11te 11tnal1•. Bidding for lime he 11a1J. •·1,..1 llnd lhl' l'!OCll1 F'11Lhrr 1dv1nctd hly .on• and l tslk In prtv•te." th~ lrul11m11 mdtcl1 •way ~fore expect the tu~yera of the City of Newport Beacb to cbntribute to b-terall pro~t at a rate of l.D per cent without any benefil But to aerve better the entJre county -flood can- trol-wt.e, eewer water-wiae, and water atore-wile, theee ~ three meuurea abould all be considered u one. In Europe for generationa aewer water bu been ~ claimed. In our own California, in fact in counUe. im· mediately adJacent to Orange ~ty, ~wer ..:ater ia aeparatecl from solid matter and dumped into percola· tioo t>ed.a trori:i \t'fuch it reachee underground atorea to be uaed again. It aeema lnconaiatent to ua to epend more milliona ot doll.an to carry ae•er and atorm watera to the eea wheo we are talking at the aame time of apenoing bU- liona ot dollars to bring fresh water to Southern Cali- fornia. " lt ia certain tha\ storm water control meuurea are needed. It is certain that we must k.~p our sewer fa· cilitiea abreast of the rapidly increulng population of Orange County. I Aa It ls now each city councilman in Newport Beach la ju.at that -a councilman for Newport Beach. True, each ia nominated from his home district -seven in all. A proper form'ul& is provided wit.bin the charter for t ahuffling of di.strict boundaries periodically to keep each councilmanic district in balance. If the proposal which will be on the ballot in the special election-on Dec. 6 should carry, all the preaent representation will be changed. Each council member' will be the repreeentative from hia own d.iBtrict. The balance of the people in the community will have nothing to say about hia actions, length of tenure or administration. It could' foster the worst kind of political boaaism. To the beet knowledge of our information eourcea there baa never ~n a joint meeting or atudy betw~ Thi meuure was eponaored and petitions circulated the Orange County Water DiJltrict, Ora.nge County Flood in great measure by one unsucceuful councilman who Control District, and the Orange County Sanitary Dia-wu not f.e.eJected -not by the vote of his own d1etrict, tricta. Why? l>ut by th.e people of the whole city of Newport Beacq. Could it not be sensible for the Orange County fhia ia aa it should be. Water Diatriet. to pick up ~nably purified water at There can be no justice in the disenfrancliisement the plant of the aanit.ary •~tem, p~pe It lo the up~ of •ix-sevenths of the people of the City of Newport ~cbea ~f the San~ Ana River Bu1n and th:re J>erlD!t Beach. The gTI!atest exemplification of democracy ia the_ it to begin pe~~ola~1on into the un.derground · ~atUtt • exercise of the right of franchise. No measure that ayst~ of purif1caUon would certainly, serve .. It 18 quite .-ould deprive any segment of the population of~ right po991ble that flood control linea and .etUin.g b~in• to vote ie an honest proposition. If the "Ward Bosa'' could be eo aituated u to .erve as the percolation f1elda 111euure puses you, aa a citizen and taxpayer 'of New- in the 11 months ot the year whe~ no flood control pert Beach, will be able to vote for only one council- meuurea are needed. .. ~ 111an, not seven. You will be deprived of six-aevenths of Soon we will reach the point when there will be your right to vote. Remember political "BoBSes" are little or no natural fre.h water available lo ua. Then good for no one. Be your own bo88-vote "no" on this, -that old aaw that it ia "too ~Ive \9 pump the water diahonest 10eaetV"e of disgruntled politician&. RE-ADERS WRITE • Muon malntaJns that phyiflc&I· ly. the Dl'partment cannot handle all of the organi&allona which srnc.r l'ecoNt ae.arcller1 lo Che flle1. hRve d1'11ks ll'Y the Department oHlce and work there almost a round lhe doc:k. A• a result. a amall 11.met1d- ment lo a le~lslaUve bill went through the lllbb 11tulon, which prohibited the public from obtain· Ing lnrormatton on the driver'• 11- C:t'n114! which related to the phy•I· ~111 or mentl\I condition• of the llcenae holder. OPr.:S TO Pl'BUO U11lng this a.mendment ·a1 a prying bar, M1111on h&.~ closed the driver's lfcPn~e !Jle to the put.- lie: However, 11pectflc lnformauon may be obtained by applying at the counter for a spe.c!!lc driv· OPINIOSS DIFFER As f11r as v111ue of the c:loaure of the fllea lo lhe public health, welfare anif aatety, opinions ctlf · fer on thLt aubJt'Cl. Actually, there does not apflea.r .to b«- enough value ln the amendment lo the law to the motor Vf'hlc:tea department to nbv1ate the ronstl· tuUonal rrivltegea Of lhP p11bltc 1n llll r ight to freedom of mfor· mallon. Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO, ICNS) -The I NO AN~WERS NOW queaUon arl•H with the 11t.11rt of Despite the que&Uons concPin· budgeting fof the 19:>6·!17 fl1eat l.ng the propo11ed pro11:ram for yur u 1.-0· whether the Stale Al· cure anlf rt>h1tbllit11llon oc atroho.· cohollc Rehabl.llllltlon Commlll· i llca. there ara no IU\AWer11 11t the t1lon 111 -performing " 11e•rv1ce for 1 P.n>M"nl time an Ca.liforn111 at the Bl&ll', or It! planning. to JT'OW 1 leaat, tu1 the Comml11111on h"t! not Into another vast bureaucr11ry u yet had an opportunlly to et· whl<'h will 'bt'<'ome an appl'ndRge ~blJ11h a prt•pam. to the 11tready hul!'e l1ep11rtmenli<. J The law prov1du that the 'com- dlvl11ton11, and bure1111.1 of 11l&tl' mission ahall lnve11ll1tAle and 1tu- govern1henl. I dy alt p1tue1 of tht' tre.atment The comml11.11lon hu prutnted and rehA1"Jlt11llon of lllcoholl<'•, a tmd1tel tor lhe forthcoming flt!· I Md other factora ntcea&a ry lo cal year of SH9,711, whlrh Ill the rf'<lll<'llnn and prl'vrnllon of 1762.722 morr th&n' lr~ts u11lng chronic 1l,coholl11m 11n11 othPr ~· 1 during the current flJlcal yur. cualve u1ea of alcohol. • SAi.ARV fNCREASJ;S Tht law also rharge11 lh• com· Bell Reddick and Bill MO~('· ewPOrt Harbor Newt Preu Newport Beach. California lt plt!n11 to mor~ than dn11hle mlS11lon llf l'ngllt(e In all phHe• 1111 HIRrlee and warn . Jump Its of tbe lrPatment and rehablllta· ovuallnl'! txpf'nllt's Rpprnxlmatr· lion of alrohollc11. an<I aubmlt re- ly 800 per crnt. and materl111ly endlltlon11. to the ltOVf•rnor 11b.ow. Many of the vt11ltor1 com-ln<'l't'llff llll budget for eqlllp· and leKSl!lature be.fore March 1, mente(I on the ronrag our ment. 19~9. A De' 1atbh Loe* .......... fft 0.. rorv l'W'I l:Dtered ... Second.a.. Matw at· u.. Poetot«ee m Newport S..ch. C&llfomla under the Act of Xarch 3, 1879. W~ ... FriclaJ bJ th P'l111lL18BINO• C'OMPAJl!IY o.ntlemtn: paper hlld given and upreS11ed a desire for .rtmllar ilorlea of thl• Thia lil not 1mrpr111lng, In vl"w event l\nl! elmllar acllvlllea 1.< or the fnrt l.hat the comml11stC1n MJXIMlZE LO!>i8 And, 1111 ~onit a.. lhf' leitllllAtur. rave that manda te lo the com· mlMlon, It should be jttivf'n ample opportunity to l'levtlnr what ('11n lhe futurl'. • 111 tmb11rklng on a n""" ventur ... which Is t>irprrlmant11 l In n11t11n-, Th"-nk you 11galn for your help anl1 wh lrh 18 to be flnllnct'd out We hOJ>f' lhl'l next ye!lr WI' may a~ln ra.ll upon you for help In promotlni, the ObJecllve of lhe 0.1.C. of certain llq•or taxt>s. be df'vetope-1 a lon1t the lines of Howrver. lt.·h!'ther the 11t1t.-11 trea lln1t the d1rontc dn111k. with ju11tlfled In lfrvotlng a mlltlon ! l.he Idea In mini! of ultimately <loll11n1 to lt1111tnlng "lcohollsm In mlnlmls1og the ecnnomlr 10.1111 C11llfornla. de1p1te th" f11ct thllt that la cauat'd by alc:oholu1m RETl0 R.S LATP.:R ne Canyon Peopltlf chief ~<·k· thl'lll, one..t to hi• rnllowcn• •nc:l they walked 1lowly 8 (I m t' dl1IOnt'(' way Jrnrottlentty Anu callM tn ah• a "What think you. Ki_µ.tt !" IUlk· t"'' 111rn. "f':nough P-11thrr. Com111 ed N•ll•h Of h .. utdeat ltl•n blH k St•bllstlH n, we are 9<.lrely Kalul tllought for a m11mt>nl I pre"""'' for lime. Latf'r we •hall 'Tht-1!41 people wilt lclll u,. If wr rf'tum !Ind 11~onvert t hcae 1trani~ try to. luve. Havl" you hl'lril or ldanrtnl( In An,., t.he Str1Lngera killing Pt'Ople 7" A,. Jo'stht•r cfl.rt'"" mad" Ule "Nq." pld N11t11h ~lowly. "l,.rt f'ntry In h111 diary for .tdarc.ll l~. ue not be llke the bnJ8h nit who 1771 hv f1rehJ;hl at thtlr r11mp d11ht11 from hri< homt-the hunt· nr11r the l!JWl11J.! In th" Ro\•al f'rs b!IVI' ll'l t!flrt, 11nrt upon l!<'f'· """" uf S11n <:111 ll\s hf' m!'ntloncd Ing lhtm d8J>hr:c bat'k on-to 11 n1111 the 11l11in11•. "rl11nr1ng lndt11n•" cert•ln death, It 11 11\llt' d"lllh F"11th..r f"unt, \hf' nl>xt Y""" for us If W• run. 11n1I If Wt' 11ta~ with Ara•'" l'l'<'f111l1 "llPf'dlllon, wr may yrt hve ' • •P'!kr nr thr~" Anl" Jlf'•Jpl,., "Th• "\\',. st&y," r111J .. d Nutl~h If• th•• ln•hrrn, ran1t· "Ill 11f lh .. 1r li:rClllM• C1nyon Pr111>tl' I"• If t h1·y 11-.•1,. "nicry, motlonln1t OREE1' DF.Cl!HON u1 w ith thP h11t11I that we mu•l H la (le.cllllon w1111 greeted w11Jl l;o blll'k 11ntt not f()rw1n1, talklnt1t w1t.rm, fril'ndty smllrs. Even Na· In J11r1?11n w ith 1(1"1•11t rapidity, tl11h and hi• aons ff'll btller (or 11l•pplnJ: thr1r lhlgh11, Jumpln( their choice. I llkt' w1l1I )(•'"'"· 11n,1 with 1lrnllar "We mu' t dance aml 11rare m11v('nn•nl:t, f o r whlr'l re1.on them away," &aid NllllAh "HllV<' ~In••,. lhr othf'r exp,.dJt1on. lhl'Y your people dRnre ll 1 ,10, lln•l I havP h1•1"11 c111Jl'(1 Ult D11nr.era. On9 havt> ynur buL slngl're <'hllnl I t'!lf\<'1'111 II\'. "'ho mllMl ttave bP.a loudly. We must elni; " rha.nt 11nme h!llr 'hl!'f, .,. aoon u h• telllnr them or the deni;:rr11 br· l<llW us l>•'f!'llll 111 l fl( with grnt yond. the lack or f0tl<I, tb'<! l1t'v1l11, i 11plrlr1y, 11h<111tln11: itnd 11g1taled •• and tell them l o ltO homl'.. If 11nj.:1), 1111.t t!ll 1f be did not The two ns.ked run111•11 brokr w11<1l II" tn piu11 thrnuirh hl11 tan/111, Into the villaice or the CRnv•rn 11m1 JPrl<ln1:: himself to plf('te Peoplee. They had bePn •frU 11,;,..'" with hlriw" on the thlgh1 an ~ the canyon eerly In Ole· moi nlnj( with Jump11, le3f'8 and seeturea. to 1py on thf' .etrang~no ThPlt F'1t)111 lh111 ar<"11rnt we know f>are bodJe. were c:overe<l with OM ="llll•h ht!rl b<-r om11 a g..-at !!Weal and du11t and the ll<'r•trht• mlln :\1• h·n~•·r wa.t1 he only p11ha from the brush In Lh.,lr f11111dlong I ce1 c111<>n1111 l llf'll 1 of thp Moun· di.ah ahowed In lonr livid wrltJJ lt!ln I 'ruf'I"•· hr wu now lh• 1n their eyu w a1 ff'lU;. honor ,.,, 11nd r4'\11'tl'tl Crtat Pah& 'They come." gu1wu onr. try· J 1111'1 C'hh•f u w~IJ or thCI C'anyon Ing tD c•tch ht.a breath "Many l'Mpll'~ F'<>r dl<ln't YMU1er P'ont men are ahead atop lhe gresl In h111 <h11 y ll•ll u" 1101 BEACH. C1.u.lr. no.. Haner lllt I .,,ould llke to extend my ~In· cere thanka to you ant1 to your otc-.'llzatlon for your • ooperaUon In maJ<lnit the Oil lnduHtr~' Open Houae a tremcndoua l!U<'C'U~. Ap· proxJmately 18 000 J)f'Oplr ''IB1le<i the fllhlblt.a dunng the week. IUld w1thf'll excepUon every r0mment wu of a nfolll favorable nature. 'J'b! atorle• th"t your papl'r CUTlld wue oulJllandinr and cer· ta1nl;' added to lhe 8U C:C:H8 Of the Youni very truly, , R. H. Burke, Chairman_. Orange County C'oa11t Oil Informauon ~om.mitt. It 111 a wholly de~lrabl!' cAUAf', In The rommlMlon admlta that all v1rw of the "m11nv othtr dl11e11..,e11 the cau11es and <'Urte of lll<'ohol· whlrh attack th~ hull h l\f thl' l•m h11 ve nbt been dl11Covt'red, but .. prople, Is a QUlntlon In lht mtnd11 point.a out I hat foxperlen<'f' hu • BEN REDDICK. PUBLDlHllR WJCJ ( ... , A.. 1108&8, l:dlt« ORMOND ~ ROUNTRD, AdnTU.llnS Dlnctof ~ A. ..uumrRONO, MecllahlcaJ 8\q*Vltendat Grass Roots Opinion PAM.PA. TEX., DAILY NEWS: "We are tre- m1Ddoualy benefitted by every new labor aaving device. By thi.a meana, we are able to multiply our i~ividual bum.an energy to the point where one ma.o. pl tool8. ~produce thing• that many men require.·•· of many people. 11hown ma.ny a kohollca ca.n be Atcoholt.m 11 a dl•ell8e whk h led be<'k to aane, producUve llv· Ulc penion who hu It brou~ht mr. and that much of the aocta.I. upon hlm11tlf or her..U. Thua the morAI and economic damac• and fault llu wtlb the Uidtv1dual, wute c:aulled by the d1aue can rather than wfth eome unknown be ellml".'&tM lhrou(h appllcauon factor. Hundrtda of peopl• IO af.· of tniattnent and ttbabllltatlon ruc:t.cl ·han beat the di-lechnlquee. tbrou(tl the 11,.lp of Afrot.ollr.11 Jt la dalrabl,., the commtMlon "'!'onymowi. Inc., 11lmply bec:a11ae hold.II' to •i.t.nd thflM treatmenta of the dUlr• to llhy a•·•y trom lo dtl.trmlne JI.Ult bow fa.r the dr1nk1rlr. which I• fa.nnl.'d by oth· •late can 10 Ill curtnr l.he dt. v p.noea wtio ..... .,... aur9d. ..... 8TORAGE A..-W COOKlN'O'OUA8 These were ueed by the Canyon Pe6pl~. Thou1W1d11 of these ollu (fired clay pot.al have been found hldd,.n in the roclta in their fotmer haunt.. -Karl Benni11 Photo (Taken .ovw ~ Yea.at &l'O·) \ -'. .. . . . ... I ,. T SAILORS SALT ARGONAUTS AWAY 14-0 FOR THIRD LOOP VICTORY CJ.He. leny. Scorei All T•. Points: Third TD Called ladl •Newport Harbor Jligb School'• Sailor toot.ball team d~ teated Garden Grove'• .\.rgonauta only 14-0 in Pirate StA- dium Friday nigh t, but it wu the moat one-aided 14·0 game you ever, .aaw. For the Tara, it marked definite end to their under par play againat powerful Califom ia and then Hunt. ington Beach. It wu alao.third. atraight S~t League vic- tory.for the Go~ an,d left them undefeated in loop play. The Argoa of Coach Don Av- ery auffered one Mrio'WI fo• clur· lnr the 1a me when Ha.Jtba1tk Carl Llndetrom wu carrfad from the field with a broken collar bone. Thi•, however. tlrure<t lit· tie In the manner the Bailor• domlnaled the conteat. Tl'BP TAR~ Fullback CharUe Berry wu the big Tar on· t he turt. Hi aco!' ed all the polnt.8. buckJng acroee from the one yard line In lhe tint and rourth quarter11 tor . the touc.hdowna, Ulen bootln1 lhe tx· tra polnta. lntert.erence call a1aln1t Quarter- bas:IJ Oeorc• Scbultt. Berey ran H ya rda to cro .. the Arg-o goal. but the apparent TD waa called back on a ellpplng penaltr. PA U L llEOOVZ&8 End Paul Lorent.an recovered a tumbled lateral by the darden Orovere OJI the rival 18 yard line to llf't up the n rat .tana ecore for Ole Tara. Halfback Dave Ta- mura and Beiry took turn.a to slam the plpkln down on the 4 yard line. Ralback J ohn Hopk1na ama .. hed to the I. Berry plunged ac.roae and booted the .converslof\. . moat of the dama.-e. tlle AJTO& mo'l"ed from their mm 41 to tM Tar 21 where It ~e foutl\ and 1 With nothtn1 to loee. tM Grover. attamptad •· 'pua Whld\ -· ·-->-o .. r Ole recelwr'e M&d.. ' But when t.ha lnlen~ r.cetnr fell lunrtnc I o r , It,• Schu.ltt •prawled acroee bl1 ltJ•. Pau Interference wu called and tbe Argoe had a fir-at on the Newport t . Finl play, It. wu Berry who emeraed with lh• pe- lota and •tarted hi• len&"Ui of tha field &camper. A(aJn red hankie• cluttered the field. The en11Utn1" cllpplnr ~nally ahovad tlle Ba.JI· ora-back to their own 1 l • But they had the ball a.nd, even with the ruerve•~awarmlnc onto the crldlmn, the Tara controlled It remainder of the ro to IH•p JMlCe wtth the clU8Y ColoniatL Deepe•t march Into Tar terrl-~~~~~~~~~~~~~! . .ROUTE TO PROMISED IAND -That'• booming Sailor Fullback CbarUe Berry running up and over the Garden Grove line in firat.e Stadium Friday night. ~rry scored all the polo~ in the Sunaet Leape encounter, pluncifll acrou for two touchdowna from 1 yard out and booting both converaiona u the Tara beat the Argonaut.a 14·0. --SWf Photo He a1ao put an end lo the lone Argonaut threat of thf' fray In the final at anu whf'n he emf'~· ed from a melee with the ball atler the rivala had p4'netra ted to the SaJlor t, mainly on a pu1 tory In the tlrat half by the bat- tlh1~ but outmanned Ar~• wu to the 29 yard line. Sparking the drive wu Fullback Doyle Darell who twice bolled up the Sailor mldC'.lle on qulcka of 22 a.nd lll yar<1a tor key tint ctowna In the 1st Mortg11e L1111 ON HDMI& 8UAINI .. AN'O IN OU8 TalAL 1'aOl'l a T 1l8 HARBOR AREA APPEARS TO FACE -·-CONTROVERSY ON . LITTLE LEAGUE Blackwell Announces Franchise for Corona clel Mf'.11" Boys.. 8-12 By BILL PIULLIP8 Although Bob Blackwell ol 720 Orchid._ Corona del M.a.r, ia announced definite formation of a Little League bue- ball franchise for the Newport. Harbor Youth Center naxt eptjng, outright opposition and indeci.&ion u to wfiether eucb a at.ep to a national brand o! kid baseball should be made a ppeared to be developing in the Harbor area today. Rod Ma<>MIUlan, a thleUc di· Leaguu at Costa Mesa Park. re<:tor or Harbor Boy•· Club, prt>· were able to g-et over lo Coat& eented arirumenll •1taJn1t Utlle Meaa due to lack of tran11porta· I:eague durlnir a Thurw<lay night lion, that the Corona del Mar d lsc111111lon llf'Mlon held In t h e c 1... c procram WU rvn from JUackwl'll home. JWy AnderMn, Costa Mesa. and that Uttle 11t1perlnlendent of Newport Beach League would be a wonderful In· JClem~ntary School•. who attf'nd· atrument for obtalnins Io o cl ed the meetln«. later toltt the park land. · 1'1-•Preu that. whlle be had an "Tor thla field," Blackwell A id. open mtntl reirardlng Utlle ua-"wa hope to lnureat boya In BaJ. rue. "wa muat be.aure our l"ll\:n• -Island, a..ccin Bay. lt'vtllt atlon pro«rama a,. fM the good Ternaca . and Corona del Mar. et all lbe ....cAJldren." om:. •• -how LltUe Leegue 8011S Ul'fOICllTA.DI worb In ih)I area, It may be / Ander1en added: .. Moat of In oUler JMlrla of the ~le I have talkad to on the Harbor area too." .ubJec:t are lo acreemmt wtth nE.LD PUNS that. Many appear uncertain Blackwell •aid vlm s6i\"u. ta about Ullle 1-rue and feel It mlrht be be .. t\ ... ·r to u~~ lut worklnl' n pbne tor · ll~f field . and Atty. Tom Webet~ la draw· ••• ~r'i.. •uec-ru1 Mldrei Learue Int up nece-ry lqat' arran.re· proJr&m:· • • • t • bll I • .. Thia prolfT!Uft, which ~ men •· " Pl! · c me«t nc on ... e high pre.-ure comJl4ltllton &mon1 a t ew young•ter•. "A 1reat deal hu been accompll•ht<I on t he Youth Cenler baseball diamond throurh <'ommunlty effort over a lonr period of lime," Anderaen aald. "I would very much dread any lmplic.llon that the recrea- tion work of all Ulue ~ hu not ~en don~ fut enough.'' But he repeated he had an open mind a bout Utlle Larue. MacMIWan at Thunday nl(ht'• mtttl~f pl'effllted a mlmeorraph· ed sheet ofterinr a COmJMlraUve f'veluaUon of t.he offerlnr11 of Utlle Learue and the •ummer program ortered by Ole Harbor Boye' Club and the recreation df'partment, and 118tlllr national argumenta aplnat UtUe Leeg\ie. MAI N 01111'..CTION Mac:Mllllan told the New•·Pft• one of the main objection• to Utlle l.Aarue In compu1-on with the Boy•' Ch1b and recreation d• partment diamond prornun I• ~t UUle Leque t&Jce11 care of ~ trom 1-12 while lhe M.ldget Lu~ PfOll'M taJtea care of boya frOQL. ._... ~d JU&r&nt~ ewry boy IA Ole Uarbor area who wanu to play trill play. "ltach boy 18 ;ac~ "' rompe- UUon bued upon hi• aklll, qe &nd" ttowth," Madfllllan Mid. "In U ttle Learu... ,:.y .. r~4t are required to play wtth 12-yeu- olda." •ubje<:t of UtUe 1-gue. Black· more than 900 Harbor aru youtha well a id, wm probably be held from 8 to JS. wa1 orranlMd by within the next ,_ weeka. Uttle Ma<Mlllian pointed out, ''There Harbor Boy•' Club and w pervta· League moY1ea Will ~ shown and 11 a ba.Hb&JI Jlf"O(l'am In Corona · ed by lhe Ne.,.•port Harbor Hlgh a Utt le ~aiue tleld repreaenl.&· del Mar " He u.\6 the Boya· Club 8 c h o o I ~reallon deparlmrnt. live from Sa.nta Monica la u · had trouble puttlnlf •I• C team• aided and a~tled by many Har-peeled to attend the ••Ion, ac-on the nelll IMt •ummer. b u t bor area organlaaUon11. cordlnr to Blackwell were nut wmmf'r plann.1n1 B Ander11m aaJd he dJd not a t· Blackwell polnted out that the and C tMm• ln the &.n!&. und the UtUe Le&su• meeun,. national brand name or UlUe "We'll take ca.ra of .very boy : Thurecfay aa eupe.~nlendent of League had provm publicity val· In Corona del Mar who la of echool8, but M a peraon Inter· ue tor turtherlng the local nic....-Uttle Le•iru" qe." Maci-tllllan eated In local recreation and how allon pro.-nt.m. Andernn· agr.ed told the NeW'8·Preae, "and they it can be Improved." with thla. noftnir It waa poaalble will play In Corona del Mar If llLAC&WELL C'RAia.M..\N Uttle Learue glamour woula ral· they llO dulre. The,.,, are n o t BlackwelJ. ele<:ted Uttle Lea· ly adult aupport for the summer enoug-h boy• for A le&fUe play ·rue chairman. named a commJt· bllllet>all pro.-ram. thera yet. but In lime ther. will tff c:ompoeed of Vem 8mltb, Al Clemence r eported on the be " • HARBOR CHANCE FOR lRYINE FEMS flnt quarter. Halftime .core remain ed 7-0 In favor of Co a c b Al Irwin'• char~•· The amulng thing wu that It wun't by a more cu1hlony ~o~ \. Jtvlne Cout Country Club women'• c olt te~ •till hu a cb1oce to flnl• atop voup Eaetnn DIY1111on llnke play thl• week when the final match takea pla~e at Haci- enda. Current 1t&ndlng1 find Hacienda wtlh 34 pulnt•, Ar· rowhead, 32: Irvtne. 24; Vic· marJln. nNAL TAU..Y A t l yard marc:.h, which atarted In the third •tanaa and ended In the fourth, accounted for Ole fin· al tally. Hop>dna, Tamura and ScbuJtl •IUf(ed out a flr•t down a.fter tha Tara salne<I poaaealon on their own 39. A Schultl pitch to l,.onontir:en for 8 y arda brought anoUler. BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor • t~ria l~\.i and Redlanda J4 1~. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I MONDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1955 Laat week Anow1'1ead downed Irvine 11 ·4 a t Vic- toria while Hacienda won lt.8 laal match 10-5 over Red· Janda.. Thia wtek Irvine tacea Red I and 1 and Arrowh('ad takea on Victoria. The win- LOOP STILL KNOTTED· Tamura and Hopkin• ran for a third, and Tamura and Berry for a fourth, but with the plsakln rut1n1 on \he Argo 13 the rivals jammed up the Cob attacil. Sud- denly It waa fourth and JO. 8chu· ltt knew how to r·ectl!y th&L He pitched a 12 yarder to Lorenaen t.o m ake It tlrirt a.nd J . Champs . Con,iDue ~apers with 26-6 Oiler f riumph •ner play• ' Sa.nta Ana Coun- try crub t.o determine who repreeenu tht Ea.tern Dlv1- •lon. 8weep~kea winners la« week were Mr•. R. W. Foote and Mri: Harold Small and Miu Mary K. Bro'll'fte and Ml'll. Jerome Helperin. P'leld aweepatakf'a winner waa Mn . John Price. Thie WM no problem. ·s~ultt. •hoved the ball to Berry a n d Cha rlie aoomed aero... When he added the cocivenlon point. -.uie came proved to be over. By oRhoE COUNTY NEWS SERVICE Video Go Paddy DeMarco, former llrht· Anaheim'• defending Sun.eet,..League champs remained in a first place grid deadlock with Newport Harbor's Sail- ort Friday night when they trampled Huntington Beach 26-6. In the only other Suneet League cluh, Fullerton and Santa Ana battled to a acorele .. ata.ndoff. welrht kln(. facu J"'ra.nkle Ryff lone tally In lhf flnal ca nto. cir· In Wednuday nltht'• televlMd cling aeven yar<b a.round right boxin1 bout. alartlnf a t 7 p. m, end. DeMarco won and loat ttie LAST BURGE Except ror that lu t eurce by the lnvader1. With Duch c.olnr ol O H N8 TO N E ~8 Mesa Auto Wrecllen OUl.Mde the loop. Orange found the (OlnC eVl!JI rougher Whtn Ule Panthers abllorbed -a 40-0 llcklnc from Chula .Vlata'a Sparta.n1. At Hwrtlnlfte>n lleach. Hai f· back Don Pf"lfltld apparently ~ot llred ot dwelling In the whadowa of Mk key F1ynn and JOI! A vii I• and paced th. Colonlal• Vlc.tory over the Oilers. Penrlrld 11eorM a pair or TD~ on runa of 48 &nd 19 yarda. The l'hsmp1 tallll'd In every quarter It wu Anaheim"• abtth W1n of lhr MIUIOn. LOSr. <IOAI. J im Sterllnl't M'Med lht Ollera , Avllla hallfd a flrat per Io d crown In bout.a wllh Jtmmy Car- thrl'at by Huntinlton Beach wtien tu In 19~. Al 27. the ecraper UMd A ... Part.I M4I A-rt.ea %075 Plaeelltla Ave. Uben)' ~1011 Cea1a ·- he Intercepted Biily Vail'• pau hu been In {>ro competition for · .- on the Anahtlm 13 Vall compl,.t· 10 year11. Jn Ill right.a. De.Marco ----DI T---- f'd only t lve of H paut• and had hu won 71. loel 14 a nd drew In lwo uitercepted. f two. COLUCTI ...... Flynn oi>4'n ed thf' acorlnir In Ryft 111 "rookie of the year ·· WR thf' tlr•t •lan:ta ,.,.1111 one Of his I Ht• record llhow1 19 out1n1a •IOI A-l• -N•C. -Clelata of Ypiul TD 11pnnts •oo<I for :Jl 18 wln1 and one loaa. .., ldad of _......_,._.11ie,.. I• "' "-r1c.L '":'lro ~UeetJoea-N• yard• a rounn rlic ht tnd The tu t --fee." we Mh·-all _.., Anahf'lm TD camt In lhe tollrth I llme1 and recovered only twice. CKJ!:DJT BURJ!:AU •f period CtorF:I' ~fia paal'l'd 8 While Santa Ana croNed ll'ul· Wfl'll&era Oruse Coa.t)' yanla tu J ohn VIiiafana u l'h· lf'rt.on'11 20-yard line twice. the formerl 1 Credi& ~ •I m•x of a 88-yard drtvt. 1 lndl11111 were ln•lclf' the Saint 20 Newport 9-dl. &...,,... 8-e.lt ,Fullerton'• lntJlana h•d no luck th rtioe t Im e 11. Onre F'ulltrton"• aed Colla llHL a nd hllle ha,p1nt1111 tollowlnir I Ronnie Fuji.no 1ot Into the end IN lllnralde A•e., P.O. llo1 IN Wo .. ,.,......,,'•Into..,.. ,.,.,,M.....i c1i-tle<•o•••..,.. l.,,..1) ,._ C-t,. C... WC. ..... MO Pl •H M•I.. M L•CtTAt't .... Ta U&T 0110 1 8DUCIHT AND N L• WM . I. llLT N OIM1IA8 1 8 ANICINCI a1NC1: teaa • 1.at H IUIH "1tl{T • IAHTA 1'HA. CAlW;-ltlMlllll y ).7111 , .. ._.... .. "'lee ......... s... ,_..... ,..,r ..... c111._ Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAU COMMDCIAL . SECURITY PATIOt Kl 2·7077 lhl'lr 11cortlea11 b1Utll' with 'Santa wne. but the pley wu Clllltd NEWPORT BEACH. CA.I.IF. Ana 1n lhe Salnu· Municipal bal'k. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for the Tr11>t flewn iunce An•· Ch11pman Colle~e Ste dlum. n o u hlcb u S250 aupportl'd the aurnmrr baseball program th I 11 year. Re reported the N .. wport Aulatsnce League. the Junior Aulst&nce Lea~t. th11 N11wporl Kiwanis Club and numerous p11r· enta of th~ boy11 had prf'lll"nted donatlona to the diamond pro- (Tam. Bowl. Tht' blank1n11: wu the flnt i Muaacl"fd by Chula Vl•l• In ;, ht lm tutnt1I thr trick In 19~3. relief· appM red In tllfht for the ' lowly Oranr e Pllnthen1 Althourh l"TAT TIP: T()() Friel"') night '• rame WH the SAVE ·MONEY NOW! "Our prolt'J'arn doe•n't demanrl or uk aollcltatton11:· Spencer u ld Clemence, P'rank Owen and Ed unique legal attuallot1 of the New· ettanru would have to be made 'Bucko to 1et the tleld Nrtad al pol¢ RlrboT Youth Center. No-In the Mldfet toumarnli'nt play lhe~Touth Centu In Corona del body wanu t o own It bec&uae of at ~aaon"• end ahould all Corona M'ar. Thia field wu UMd la.It /r«way plan• t11rou1h the land del Mar boya of Ult.le Lu«Ue irummer for tbe Corona del Ma.r lnvolYed. be aald. a«e pla y at t.he Youth Center. Clue C League under the Har-J im Eaaon Little IA&C\le dla-MacMllltan aald."Some of the Co· bor Boy•' Club and hlfh achool tr1ct repre~tallve from La~a rona del M11r bo1• whoae ability nauUon MidJ'et 1-.ue bue· 8-M'h. told hqw 1ocaJ talhera would make lhem A learueu kll pro(l'&m. could orirantz.e Ulelr O'A"ll Jl'OUp. I would give the Youth Center B Blackwell claimed that • 'r Y ~n -.Id money wu the leut ltllmto the advant&Je ~ re· few boy• from the Corona del of IA«Una'e U ttle Lealf\le wor· malndtr o( the Harbor area Mid· Mar &rN.. who pla,yed In tha a..,.. riea. lhe proKf&rn bM been ao «tt teama," he noted. ll"'rom lh1a It appear11 , final declalon regarding Utlle League relna1na aomellraf' l.n lh• tutut,e A• Andersen put It. tveryone. from Hllrbor Boyii· Club spokea· men to Utllf' League backer-. are flrat conr eml'd about lmRroving the recrea tion progTam ror Al.l. lhe younr1teni. The fltf'(I up teams ba ttled to worn defeat Orsnge ha. 1utrered a !tat111tlr111 Uf' 1111 weoll Sa nt.a to date. next P'r1d11y'11 1amf' hap- Ana .1tro11nl1 out 192 yards on lhe pena to be with mighty Anaheim. gm und. C'Ompared to Fullerton'• J 19. but Fullerton p ined 7C yard1 p9'slng That .K•ve lhf' Indian• a tola l otten1nv1' mark of 193 to Ult Saint. 192 Santa Ana ll'd In flret dOY.ftll 11·7. I l\'umerou10 fumblf'll hlndl'red lhf' Slllnt11. Tht y bobblel1 the bllll five lnetd D•hlt ow Stoclc Close oat of ~OHNSON 8EABOR8E OUTBOARD MOTORS bor Be,... Club A and B Mld1et wcce•M there. NOT ALO:VE ~'JON HELP MacMllllan emphu1.Md t h t loster for Gla11t1 no.t.r for the Olanta tn the Barbor Boys' Club lntnunural flal' football ~ tor hlrh ecbool yout.U baa beft ref-..d by AUUeUo Dlnctor Rod Mac· MJIUUf. Member• are Rueb&n Pe- rea. Barney Martin, l"tank R'.e •etra, UoJd J'wtune, Dtck Orwn, Bob 'Inpp. l.arry 8 h I p m a n, Ch&rlea Taylor, Wayne Mo"l"an and Jlm Cb--. APORT //.··1 · COQ0 411if OE. Miff: 1.A /lp , 'llllU 9 Stwt1 Wecl. PLC8 . "C.11 2455 ~Death Row" P"ral1k Owen, AF'L "PreHnta-WRlmtr ti.Mb&JI prornm -w • • the, told the (TOUp of 1<>me 2() not run by Harbor Boye' Club perwon11 mf'ttlnr In Blukwell'• a.lone. bul wu a community pro- ho~e Thu~ay that union help ject ot the entire Harbor area. would no doubt available whtn The provam ha• been 8UJl4l"1.9l'd the time cam11 to dufouu or by 'the hlfh echool •ummeT recre- eT"tCt bleachers. atlon depa.rt.rnent. aided by the A.nder84'n, 111 talkl to t he Ne'Wport Harbor Youth Center and News-PreN, K id be ould not v o I u n t t er a 11nd orpntsallona like to aee Uttle ~· e Jeopar-tllrouJhout tbe Harbor a.r .. a. dlze the present nc tton pro· Al Spencer. dlr~tor or Ha r1>9r vam It It merely c cmtrated Boy•·· Club, aald unaollclted lunda KATIE'S. CORNER Balboa Island e Short Orders (Burgen & Chili I e Home-made PiH & Celce1 • Home-made Breed & Do -Nuh e Dinner ( 6-9 p. m.) e Breelde1t Ale Carte Food To Go e Call Hmlw. 5785 ()pm I La · ll .... WJ -a.-1 WM. _ Pan Ate. a Ape. <renr a> ... ' Jmt lrftl> RPM J().30 SPf'(inl M olC'r OiJ in ~·our rar and li1ht truck and you. too, c.1n i:t>t up le• lhi~ '"''inr in ruoJi.ne. "RrM 10-30 SJ>('( inl" cus, down d"ll!! in your ~ine in all kinds of wrothrr "° it 1lOQl!n·t ha\t to work ao hard. doesn't use u:Lw iraa. For eU H H , Hw a nd old ... oil ,11vinr1 uf> It> :!:10 compand lo ll1bt 1radee •.• quict.inoisy, 5lirky hy· draul.lc valvm ... euitt 1tartille ... strppf'd.up po.,. er •.• moMy·uvin1 prot«tion of rnginr part.a •.. rr.c~t.I all cat m&11ulacturera' rK"Ommrndations ••• one oil C09'TI rrades JOW, 20W, JO Lei u' tr ll you more about bow RPM 1()..3() Special Motor OtJ will uve you money. CLAYTON THOMPSON 180t W. Balboa Bh·d. ,,-Haf'.f'ior lM . Mtn-?iitm=Z$HW1 ;a,wt . .:.,;m.@1'Q·+:'t't11tf'GI '• THI! BIO .. Good lllJI In 10 h. p. and 25 h. p. electric Beak Terms FACTORY APPROVED .SERVICE Complete Part.a Stock . '"All see Your Us For Boating ~Needs - mRCURY look~ BIG •• e feels BIG acts BIG .••• is BIG for '56 S.. If of Your Mercury Dealer ~ . ' r . \ I ... I • PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRUS , One of the highlight.I' of Oran,ge Coast"College's eve- ning coUrseR in adult education has always been t he crPative writing. cLa8s held at St. J ames Episcopal ·Church in Newport ·s cach. One reu on for ·the WARNER URGES · ·FLOOD CONTROL BOND ~SUE Expects Maximum Tax Rate at 25 Cents Per $100 Assessment -. MONDAY: OCTOIR lf,. 1• "' . -. . popularity is.Prof. A. E . Anden10n, shown above, who has led the class for the past four years tUJd whoae continual flow · of quotations from writings of all ages ia one of the delights of the course.-Staft Photo Fishermen's Pot Luck Hears Grange Report LEGAL NOTICI Cl:RTIFICATll or BUllllNE88 · Flcddoas Finn N._. The un·deNlped doee hereby certify that be la conducUnr a custom metal product• bualne., · at 12~ lnduatrlal Way, Coeta Me· Uahtrlng In It.a fall achedule .a. California, undtr the tlclltl· ot one llQ&iaJ e~nlng each month, oua firm name of CUSTOM M!:· Newport Harbor Orange No. 778 TAL PRODUCTS and that .. Id held fl pol luck 11upper and en· ti I --c f h f II tertalnmenl In the· Halloween rm 11 com,,_ 0 l e 0 OW· t heme. Oct. 2~. me peraona, whoae namu ln tuJI OARDE~ Om:lVF: fOC~S) l'&ch vr&r with the expected val· and placea ot rellldence are u Urirlng complC'te 1wrr<11 t or th,. 11c t•; eitceed $l b1lbon In 10 Hlghll~hl of the evening . wu tollowe, to-wit : c-ounty·a $I:? h1lllio11 flood control years. lhe repoi t gtven by Grange Mu· CARL W. TH6MAS bond l11sur. Wllli11 Warner, <'hair· Eitplalnln~ how the , figure wu ter and Chaplain, Jamea and Lou· 807 F"ernll'af Aftnue man or the 1 ounly bcu1nJ of i1u· reached on the bond baul'. warn., '!la Martin. oo the 83rd annual Corona del Mu. CaUf. e rvlllOu Tuudav nl.:ht. C'lalme..I er !!l11lrd that a rounty t'nJ:lnecr· Calltomia Stale Grange Convron· WJTNESS my hand tbl• lSth "the ma:1tlm4m 0 tax... rate· should lnx flnn submitted a rt>port Ill tlon just concluded al SaC'ramen· day of OC'tober, 19M. n ot eitcrccf 2!1 cents pl'r $100 u -th<'lr requc>st. Thry quoted the ! to, al which legblatlve re90lullone /a/ CARL W. THOM.Al llt'llHd. valu•tlon:.. with cost to minimum figure $~2 m1lllon. The fur lhe beneltl of the fishlnr in· State of Ca.lltornia, irprud over a •O·yeor pl'rlod llO bonds t'ould 111110 be l!Ofd 811 rlg-hl.t1 dustry rt't'elved V<'ry favorable County of Orange. H . that newcomen • could share In or way brc 1cqulrtd which might support and unaolnioll8 adoption Of thiAI 13th day of October, th x pcnte s~ EdltorlaJ Page on 1 e&Al' expendlturea over the con·' by the convention u part or Ila A. D. 1960, before me, Bemlc• Fl~ Cont;nL I :o.-tn'I( tiou IJPrfUd: ~SJ6 agenda &.(Id ·comni1011en't 'for c. Mayer, a Notary P\lblic In and \\larner 1Hlolr.-.. 1ni: the niem· 1 Warnrr ad<led that right.a of l!uppoi:t at the National ConvPn· for the' aaJd County and State, ber.ihip oC lh•• All11t11'11\led Cham· wny In 11ome cases colll more Uoll lo be held In Cleveland, In residing Uierein, duly comma. bt>ra or C'o111111crce o t Orangt' than tile ar tuar construction. November. 1doned and IWCJm, pereonally a p· County. ~llllNI "WP llrt' nil llln1,er OTHER SPEAKERS Mu ter &nd Mr11. Martin, otfl· peared Carl W. Thomae known ln 8 pn111t1nn or puy uq )'llll izo l'lal <lctccatu or the local Gran1e. to me to be the pereon whoae AIM> 11pN1klng on lhe program 1... t t K 1 •1 n.. 11 name I.a 11ubecril>ed to Ule within anr1 t1me 1• ,,f tlw ,.,.,i1.-m·•· If we W<'re Al Koch coun\v road com · w "' p&s ·mus C'r a~.~ ~..,,\Jg• ' are to proltl't uurl'el\'1•1 rroni __ ,; H :;,, 0 ......._ 'l l1·ero .:twsu wt\'h 23 otlln Or· lutrument.. and acknowled&ed to • ·· m111~1oner ......,.. · "-'· "uvrne'l •n"' Co11nty d•legRl<'I anll m•m me Uiat he executed the earni. t he lne\:llll\llf' JJoooJ.~ t.b ac..r.1r. I Pnunty rtood c-onlrol • engtnrl'r. n ... ~ ~ • ber• al the annual Or&nge Coun· JN WITNVS WlU'.:REOF, l • have 4B· l'EAR BO!'tfJ14 Ko('h !lupported Warner's poirJUon. ty dtl'IJlt'r-held each year during hereunto 11et • my hand and af· HP 1111111 lhl' bon•I• \\ uultl bf' al<ltlng the drainage problt'm geta the convention. Election of otf l· 11xe~1my orflclal aeal the day and earrlrol < vrt" n 40-yl'ltr r rr10J worse with each new aubdfvtlllon cen tor 1964 will be held at Ole year ln UU. CerUllcat.e tlr w h1ch In ronjun°C'tlon w1th th,. an<I strttl. H .. called tor a com· ntoxl bu.sine" mtttlng on Tuu-above wl'ltlen. county -wide pro11ram nt flnon· plele flood control prorr•m .. to <lay. Nov. 8. ;s/ BERNICE c. J.tA YER clal impporl woqJd -be-thf' mo11t build dnilnage canals direct to My 0ecm.iulon Ellplrt'I October equltllbl•· method of tl1~tnhu1lng lhe O<'ean." 22. 19M . the ttllt 101111. I Osbomr, In a ahort talk. alao DEA TH NOTICE l'\o. 822-New.-Pru11 1 h,. flllO\I rontrol pl11n wo1111'1 llUf\porll'd Wamer and 1'a1d the Pub. 10/17, 24, 31; 11/7, 111~ lnl'IUtlC' 1 :1 llllljOr dr"rnitg" llrt'a11f t'nl1re p rojtcl would be built on fol1.1wmJ: Along the nllt11111I pat ha three basic _(ffquenclea, deJ)end· C'l.A1"8 \'. BACK.ES CEAT1¥1C"TI: OF BUS~ ot orain11ge flow cirtginat1ni.: In Ing on lhe needs of the area and Funeral 11ervlcea for Clau11 V. P'IOTITJOUS FIAM NAME t he hl11hl&ndl! of th• t'uunty to 11tonn-n oo<1 frequt>ncy. He ended Backell. 87. or 3228 Broad SL The unden lrned dou hereby thl" north 11nJ f'Ut. I by 11&ylnar "JC you finance the certity lbal lhe I• conducUn~ a Hu• 1rrort cllr1 not ir1wr <le· rroJect. we can con•lruct ll" wtll bl" h~d k'Wed~ef'•Y ~at 2·3o r eataut'l.nt bualne.u at tell• New· 111 1, <1 1 "n'\lrucllon w111 k l h " t Thq flood ronlrol pllln will be p.h m. In ar ea· d •Y ortuary port Blvd., COllta Me.ta. California. \\'1°111°1 •rte•• 1 l111h,·1ol1111l • 011111rnnl· brought to the volera on & llt'P•· IC apel, Coat& Mt's&. Harbor Har-und~ the !lcttllou flrm name of h monv Lodgr 29 and Meu. Re· tu·~ i.111 K•~lll l'll • "' 1 '''"'' t at rat,.. ballot during the June t , bek~ Lod •02 JOOF f h.I h ED ARDS F1SH HOt:ISE and f'kl h 1 lly nnd 11rea wu11lol ''" rfln· 19:i6 primanea. ge ' · 0 w c that eald firm 11 compoeed of the 11u lr·I In lhl' near tul111 " tn Iron Warner edded the countu anti· he wu a member. will conduct folloWl. nr ""'l"llOIUI, w hoae na mea In , " aervlce• auh1tcd by the Rev. .-0111 •kt111I" In lhoae apr1·ttir.J4rt'AJ1. clpates :;o • 80,000 new vott>n on Ch 1 F H d M 8 k full and p1-cea of ruldl'nc~ Thr rl1111 Wll111'1 ln<t111i.' ron· th,. regi!ltraUon r olt. a nd expect ar u · a.n · ,. r. ac H u follo'Wll. to-wit: et 1 uct.011 of tho l 'rtrbon l.'nn)'<'n the precincts to grow In number pueell awRy Frida y In Or&nr e DOROTHY s. l:DW ARD8 crt'ek .tam. Rlre,.<ly In ,lh1• pl11n· to 1:10. County Hospital !ollowlng aur· 1875 Anaheim n lni:-1>t11ii" with npprorrlnt1ons Dlgnitarle'll at the rhamber gery. He waa a native oC Reliance. Coeta Mea&. Callt. for $1 1111lllon t" bf' "''"IZhl 'fr11n1 m1m1berllhlp banquet Included Ntb. and C111TI• to this •tale In Wltne.u my h&11d lhla 20UI day of th•• con1rto1111 nt>ltl Y"tt•· Mayora Do.ra Rill, N • w p o rt 11121, to lhla communlly In 11137. October, 111!1:1. DAM PROlt:fT Beach: Courtney Chandler. Santa Ha waa a retired cablnt>l ma.ker. !•/DOROTHY s. EDWARDS Tht> ll11m p1 ojt'cl nnof t11i-1:1 An&; Russell. Brt'&: Roy Su· Survtvon are hl11 wife. Ptoarl. STATE OF CALIFORNIA • d•AlnBJ:<' r h11n11d.s ln be ront1uc-1brldge, Hunlln(tou BetEh, and Of the home: thr ee eons, Elmtor COUNTY OF ORA.NOE ... te<I wnul I ta)(•• .... f'\·rn llr .-1,,:ht Frirnk Wharton ot Laguna Bnch Z. or Pomona. Norv&ll W. ot On lhla 20lb '2ay of <Xtober, )"eArs \Jl 111mpl1 I• .. Warner 1Al1tl Vice-mayor J erald Desmond o t Newport Beach llnd Ronald C A. D. 19~. bt'fore me, ROBERT P'. Ho &•Id• cl 1hn1 11t p11'aent t he I Lonr Beach WIL!I all!o prt>11enl. of Cost& Mesa . two ~ughtera, \\'11.LMES, a Notary Public 111 fllx rill!' wu11lol h·· arou nd 21 ct'nU Chairman of the e\·enlng wu Mni. Cha.rlu R. Mobley, Coeta and fo r the u.ld County and State, pt>r $1 00 "'s"'•t'•I ,·11111.1l100-hut Lr.-Winterton. president. who In· I MeM and Mr11. S. Core ot San Tealdlng then!ln duJy commiulon· 11 1lll J"'llk ~ •· 11 \\flllf.I "" u oul1t1 troduced IAulJ! Lake nt Garden Lt'a.ndro: alao hl• mother. Mn . ed 41l'ld awom , Per80nally ap~ 2:1 J'rnt11 Grove. l'hllJrman of the wftter Mary :t.lcOlnniJI of Wyamlnr . four DOROTHY s. EDWARDS known In <'Ompa 11nr th,. $12 m olhnn committee. La.lle In tum -r;m:o:-brothera and two •lstera, 13 grand· to me to be Ole p«non whOM name bon!I IL'"'· W11m· ,."'81d the .-.111n· ducf<J Waller &-hmld., candidate children and one rreat·(TandchJld i. .ubecrlbed to the wtlhln lMtru· t y·11 rr"'"nl "~""''' I v11l11ntlron 1~ fnr AMt'mblyman. wh<> Introduced I lntt'nnent w111 be ln M4:1n>ae ment. and acknowledged to ma nrar s;,;, n11rtlt111 1111°1 ir1• r""'''"i lhf' ~ue•t llpt>a kPr, \\'1lh:o \\'amer. j Abbey Cemetery. lh&t ahe executed the aame. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha ve he~unto set my hand and a ffixed my official 11eaJ the day and y.i- ln Ulla Cert.l!lcale tlrlll a bove writt en. 1•t ROBERT F. W TLLKU My Comm1 .. 1on Ellplree 11/18./56 No. 823 New1-Preu 10/24, 31, 11/7, 14, 'M Cl:RTIF.JCATJt -OF Bl'MINl':88 FICTITIOUS FrRM ~AME The undel"lll!rnM dou hereby certify that he l• conducunc a real e11tate 11111eii otflae u a Ileen real estate broku at 603 • 3:tnd Street, Newport Buch. CaUfomla; that the t lctllloWI tlrm name a. Se\·en utand• Realty It lnH•t· mt>nt Co .. and t ha t the under· 11irned la the 801• owner of the said named bullln-. Wllneu my hand thl• 8th day of Octobu 1966. Samutol Jacob Hurv.itt •I SAMUEL JACOB Jfl.!R\\T .sT A TE OF CA UF'ORNlA, 'cou:-.TY OF ORANOE . •. On thl• 9th' day of <Xtober. ttel before. the undtonJcned a Notary Public In and for aa.ld County and State, JWr80n'1.ly ap}>Mred km\MJ J a <'ob Hurwttt. kn<nm to me to be the penon that uecuted tale ~1thln lnatrum~t clalmlq to tie the 110le ownn of the ..,,_ la- RICHAiD'S CARTS GO . TO CLEANERS -lanc:ta. Realty 6 ln••tment Co. IN ~J:SS WHD.mOr, J a.a .. he"llftto tet my hand and attl.aed my oftlt1a1 M&I 'the d&J yd ,_, In thl.I .. rtlflcat• nnt a bo'Fe wrtl• lton. . \ . , . . ..... --...... ~"-,.-.---------...... !!:::!!!!!!!!!.'!! .. !.!!•!:_~for ... . . Y· .. GUdANl&D .· BAY FURNITURE.-~ of-tbe _ Nwpc\d Barbol' N.,,.Prw .. · · ·=~ =:.':r=..:~ ~~ ~ Gt GA-NT I c .... -_C! EAR.AN CE . paper .. ~ ~ bf ~IMNI' Plew, oall llaftolo "\ ttte· u4 your euriel' wlll t.iDs JOUI' pa~. ' . FlOOR SAMPLE~ND MANU.FACTURiRS ~ CLOSe<)UTS•.--. - -Talc• advanf•9• , of theH outatandtn9 buys NOWI . . tr.. ALL NEW Classified .. . .. ' ' TV CllAllUI ·-····-··--···· ............................................... ·-····· •tt.tl l .. ~- ~ N.._ f y Nowport Harbor B.,P. O. E. .. 1767 ..._n11yn~• .... Via Oporto -c.aUal .... Nnrport &..- Albert B. Mat'UMw9. Dralted Allier !! ~· semc. Pallltmc a Paperb&DPll We do ~ .... ork ounelftL IO ,_.,. apeneeoe U oeued 6 ~ I MtUacUon IU&fUtMCI. Mlma&M trea. Call Joalde, tJ 8-2887 6 LI 8-6289 81t1c CEMENT It BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8-6109 ' ntt ' I General Contractor LICllNHID New Work -Remodelinc J, MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58lfc C.A R PEN T E R Repair Wor k' Ooee four !Jome Nffd R•si-!Tinl or ft.amodel1q ! - Cail haaa. Uberty IH96t AU Work Guaranteed Httc CARPENTRY . MINOR R.EPAlR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL a. o. A.Ga•,,_ 101' E. Balboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor H60 83ttc ASPHALT TILE-- LINOLEUlif ( but.all lh• above cheaper than moet. .Al9o Hll Tile 6 Unoleum. Non•unloa, n yeara experience. Compare and --BILL COKER Bar. tTt ll 'Or Lo~ "Beach '7·61173. llltfc Painting, Paperhanging "Tbe Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38lb Bl., Newport Beach Ph. Har. 2t04 or 1M7-R. 15tlc Adams Plumbing Rej:Wr -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCI'ION 182 Cedl Place, Coeta Meaa.. Liberty 1·7112'7 13c28 FOR RENT Skill Bawa, Dec. DrUla, P.ollahen, all lypee of Bandera, Wb!Mlb&r~ row•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2830 W . COA8T WOHWAY 1.JMrt7 1"""3.ab. Newport Bdl JIUc COMPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Hanging Service EUGENIC 0. SA \JNDER8 1100 aut et~ Newport such Barbot 21179 or Bar. to e. lie Let u. nni.ti )'OUr Remodeling Patntinc, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching .. Taping -Texturing ELLI WORTH OONTllACTINO u 1·7MJ , LI MIU . • lJpH H Rd. 011 lpna4lr\I ortvewaya PARKING LOTS l ub-dl.UION our •peda.lty. We tumllh any type oU to your~ cmcauoe1. Lars• jotie -am.al.I joba. P'rH .. Umata A.l8o wa· tar 1preadlnc. Modent -.ufp- ment. Lb11\Jton MOOI, OU· more 6 P..._ BUJltJAlt.Oa llch. ltlc . .PAINTING M. W. R0SS Llccn.d LJ ..:U,1 ltO AYOCldo, Ooet& .M- Mlle Painting, Decorating ....-.a •• .., GEO. BURKHARDT UC..UD OC*ft40'l'OR IT. W. 1IUI k. 0.. M .. ~)' ..... -WMUaer JW are &a ~ for ' . ~ . ~1 .............. -AlooboUa ADOD)'m0\11 Wrtt.1 P. 0. lies Ml . N....,art ai.ea, C.W. ............ .,.. ... 11 ...... yO., Oar TM H...._Prue pu~ llMN'9 a..tfted Ada than &n7 eUltt ...,.,. In u.. .... ft1- __...., WU atta&Md Mea\lel H .... Pnll Clutl&n.d Adi pt rewlt.11 -- 11 ~Aldi ....... ~· ... ~gt=-~ ~race anna, ·aep. l:yebrowa u4 ~r line alLaptod-No more tw ... n1. .ll:LL.CN &.. BR T Al'l'I' ll. &. Ud6:• &aloa at 8eauty .. ,. 2171 tfW ft-Lott ... f'oaad --------LOST eolld blaek male cat . e mM. old. Chllda peL Har. 2179-J, 2'c U-&boolll. .......... J ones .. . Birkel-Richardson ORGAN STUDIO. Learn to play the m1-hty WURLITZER. EVELYN JONES. JI(~ .• aoo Holm· wOod Dr1va. U 8-10'2. 20c3I China. Painting 0.1 and Enntn1 a... Ordera "!'alien How Phone Lllltert7 a:.oMa ttt11 l.3--&ltuattoM Waotecr ---Roy 's Maintenance H°"" clean1111-noor 111FU1n1 Wa.ll ·waa.bl.n1-wtndow cl-.i'llnl Veneuu bllndL Upllolltery lnlured. rrff lllllmatea Liberty •un. Ute RELIAB L E JAPANESE· AM ER I C A N W A N T.S GARDENING lN H .,_ R- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HY A Tr 4-.M 71 2•p11 Swedish Massage Ladle., -by appot!"tment ill your home. Fonnuly maMeuM st Arrowlleed Sprlng11 Rot~I. PJea.&e ~u Harbor •79!1 or Har. 70. J5c.2'7b WANTED BOY 12 lo 14 yeara of age. P'IJ~ y our application. NOW tor New•· PreH routee tha t w111 be op.n In your nelfhbothood In the tuture. A pply Mr. Parker Clrc11lat lon OepL ~nta·Prell8. -ATTN. old cu.tom1ra, A looktnr for new. FINE lRONJN~ Mra. WIUlanu. 127 • 28th St., New'part. H ar. 13711·J ,Up26 .. MATI/R.I: woma.n wUlhea be by. •lltlnr . Harbor atta ttf•rencea, LI 8-9330. 23c20 Experienc~ardener LAND ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1668 IOU• EXPERIENCEI> 'GARDENER OARDENINO 6 ,.rd work by day WMlt or mont.b. Liberty Mllt a.fte• I. Ille 1:1..LUIJ.NG 6 DWNUfO by tM day. ll:apa1enoed. Bali.a. Ia1&Dd praterred. JU 1-tOH. If WILL.£~ l"OR 1 OR 2 p.,..: echool chlldren In my home tor work~ mother. CU ff Raven 11rea. An.. Box No . .A.a lhla _paPIJ'. . 21k27 !l-8!~-'!..~~ WOMEN: Mveral ol'tf~ poeiUOM; factory; li•e-ln doTll•Uc. M&N: En(T. clRft; machl.U.t; lupec· tor: o(tJce tr~; · ·o.udltOI'. TV A.RX ~ -I WIV1DL .................................. _ .... .. VPllOtllTlllUID AltM TUB CHAIRA ............................ Sll.M • DAAWl!lt DUK.-aA.LllM -·················· ........................ Jtt.M I WA.Y n.oc>R L4XJ' W/l lLU>JD ...•.......... T ................. T.tl TA.m.11 LA.ltfil'9.W/8HADI: ................................ ! ............... 8 .. .. Jr'~LACS TOOL u:T, WJWU~ JROH ................ 8 I.ti DROP LllAr TA.Bl.ll, DlTNC.uf PllY,.._MAH ......... 8tl.IO • PO: WftOUOBT moN DIN&! I ii Ul'I' ···--·-·· .. ·-···· .... .. I PO. CllltOKll DINmTTll u:T ···-·w··········-··········-······· .... 00 & PC. MAPLI: DIMWl 1 Ii u:T -.......................... ·-·-···-l Tl.11 BUrrlV!' HUTCH. M~J:t-····'"'····-·· ......... -··-··-···-·--.... 00 corns OR END T ABLl:I, PL.UTIO TON ··-·-8 I.II OAI JU.HO~ H " DIVlDl:D TOP .................. ·-··--···-•. IO Ill U AXMINITEK J\UO ............................... _ __:-____ ... .IO 11 ll 11 A.Xl(l]fl'l'D RUO ···-·······-··-·····--·-··---... .IO Ill ll J\UO PAD, JUT&-······-······----·······--'---I I.Tl I ll ll K1TCHEN RUOI -·--·····..L--·-··-··---• l.IO I PO. B&D DIVAN Ul'I' ---·----· ···-···--··· -SIT.00 I PC. B&D DIV AN u:T; WftOU<JllT IROM ----... IO ""1DIO COUCH, DOUBLll DUTT ···-·-··-··-.TT.00 3 PC. CUJ\'lltD CE~81DCTJONAL ......................... -111.00 80J'* BED, F'OAK c:tJ8HlON8 ........................................ ltt.00 BOOKC.A8JC . HE.AD BOARD ........•.. ······-···-·····-··········-·· 8tt.N 9 DR. DOUBLI: ORJ;Su'ft W ;MlllROR ..................... _ .... 00 lN'NERSPJUNQ M.ATl'R.EU 6 BOX IPJUNO (at") .... Pf.ti BAY FURNITURE "Wllet'tl Price. A.re Held at Bay " (11 I:. JTth P'ree 8toretront Parkins OPEN .~VE'S 'TIL 8 %9-llele waaw Rl:OISTEJUCD NURSE lA> work In doctor"• office. Muat know typln1. W r I t e 4iU&llflcaUona. q e, experience. eu. lA> Boll W_.. tblA paper. 23c~ TIRED OF' LIVINO 'fITH IN ·LAWS! We would loH youbere u mother'• hdper. Room and board, amaJI aalary. LI 8-&708. 2tc.H WANTJCD-Firat clue ahipe car· penlu A: A·1 •hip• paJntar, for SELL ON TERM8 Irr. Dl:LICATE88EN cue, J1&0. ONE e tt.. r.trtc aruor .......... '60. ONJ!! la.rs• commere. refrla . '7$. l SCALES, MO. l GONDOLA. JI&. Ca.1.1 owner Ll 1-IW monLlna• or a.ttu II p.m. ttlo MA.RQUE:Trm .A.re Welder, <n-) 3 hp Air Compr...,r, 220 Volt •~le phaae. Sff at P ATCH'S 17th SL a t PlacenUL LI 8·'7008. 21tt ahlpyard. Have ehop partly ------------- equipped. No rent lA> pay. Pw- centa'a-e only-2807 W. Cout Hwy .. NpL 20<:27 IDCPERillNCED waltre.u wani.ct. A pply at SNACK SHOP. 2100 JD. Coa8t Hwy., Corona dtJ Mar. I Jlllf TURRET LA TJiE OPERA TORS, ltNOJllTE LA THE opera tore. - M"'C be clua A. 8wU)g abitt. Apply 1701 PlactonUa, Newpor Beach. Cla·Val Co. 20c27 GlRLB -- EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new. hlJher ata.rting wqto and frequent lnc-rea.H9 rtvem you thi. opportunity. Openlnr• now tor - Firewood ' "'\ &uca.l)'J>tll• 6 aprtcot. 'dry, ,.t.d.7 to bUm. Kl 7 .. llO Jltto PRIVATE SALE 3120 Sff-.ilW AYI., Corona dtt Mar., Commenctnc Oct. 11 Ulru Sat. 1 to II p. m. Purchued on •orld lour Orltont.af · a.rt object., brocadea, Chtn- embroldery, fabrici klmon .. , C08tume J-t'lry, native coe· tumH, plctu rea, Unm•, china, lampe, J:.NOUSK J.. U 8 T R E plat.. TELEPHONE OPERATORS "Ne wUJ train you and you'll re· Al.a blonde cockl&ll table 6 mahoc . Sheraton buffet. 23c21 celve many othq ~etlta .. --Apply - llU 1_, No. Main Street, 'Rm. 211, 8&nta Ana. t :OO to t :OO P• m. P ACIFIC TELEPHONE Beacon Personnel 100%' employer retained agency NO F'EJC collected from applicant U 3·31et • Newpon &.di 0 ARDl!!l'<!:R ~1th 3 yn . experl· t'M (' In care of \'·eeL 8&Jary ranre '2118-347. Apply Puk CHpt. City of Newport &ach. Ucll NEON SION '~ x 1 ~ ft. Like new JtlO. Colt J UO. ORA.PU 3 paJr uMd lew month• 823. STUDIO DIV AN PO l.J 8-SOU 21c26 TWIN ~ror>m 1 e t, VJ.JtTUE dlnln1 tet, '114 8ylvanla 2•" TV Antique oa.k du k. Table lamp• A: ahadt, Walnut deak, Hoover .. vacuum _cltanu. hll ru1. Har. 412:S·W . 2Jp23 Order Now! Per..onallled Chrietmu Card. ALL SIZl:8, A1.L PIUCl!8 IO--lfheeQeneone R.p~tallve wtll call at )"Olir- bome. Custom Drap· eries PHONJ: Har. Jett pr Har .• 2113W . Hp42 BJ!:DSPRE.AD8, 1tUp conn, etc.----------Hardware. 31 yn. In buetn-. LUCILLE DECO RA TORS Har. 6'14--408 I:. Balboa Bl•d. FIREWOOD rRl:ll DELIVERY Dry wood, l!\JcaJyptua Call Tom Hutchin.on Harbor 2136-J. Ill.: 1Mlc PERIOD TYPE, 9 pelce dining tel. 1U1ua lacquer tln11h. Aleo lfPn · dlx auto. wuhtor. Har t 063· W . 26c-27 ORIGINALS AJTlCJlNOON, Cocktall, dinner dr ..... A: Coo.rdlnatH . CUSTOM DR&88MAKINO Pb. Harbor 217-W. 22pM p£LUXE a It. • yn. old. 11 cu. tt. refrl~. A o.E. 1tove, l oven A: 1 warmer ann 6 prl'Hure cooker. Bo.I\ perff'~t ccmdlllon. Har. 3319. 2tc21 Fresh Hearing Aid 8A.1Tl:lllDI We Qin .. H orff,, l~pe Gunderson Dru2 Co. J UNE P' AMAR Empl. Aff''!f . to~ 3:hld St . Npt . ~ aero• rrom City HaU. LADT want.d far llfbt Jlouae· ._ ANTJQUlt tum . 11r Jt;l-unuau;1 old plec.., ttoflnl11h youru lt ancl uw. All!O antlqut rt11 na. old copptor. brua. 11lvtor • plecea. coff.. mllla, ,1.--.rt'. old work A: UUd care, I da,.. J*' llll'etolc. 10 L Ill. t o 0 p. m. 120 M&Ul It. at Balboa m.C, ...,_ Harbor 11111. ~· ~!f1._Uuee. __________ _ W eshina Machine peor wk. Har. Oltt. ...llcl& lfAMl:l TAKEM f~ Lacuna Beach • SouUl Lacuaa Cit¥ Dlr.ctory. Oood "9"4 wrtun1 -Ua l Wr1t.a 204 E. •Ui room '1, Santa Ana or call XI I-Mil. Ullc SXPICl\lmfCED •mce lt&Uon atlmdult ll&larJ • COllUl\Jel6on. ~ IM. JtOI ·~ • BaYd., N.wport IUkh. Bar. 1 n JkJI TOlTNO KAH for l!pt fmetory WOl"ll. Pbone Bar. ...., . tadT lampe, plcturu. clock11. "'"'''"" ,. mactlJnea. aound mo~• proJttl· or. TY'•. old oraan. curios ... le We buy and 1Wap. Bnnit Item• ta. CIUIMilJC DA V18. u o:, II: Anabe1m~nr Beach. HEm· Jodi •·&Oii, 1916 Model 'T' Ford NiYr RUTOR.l:D. U 8·3JO~. . 26c27 . '16Y1C1t . 1-,., puaa .... ,... ... fnd -................. ~ I rear I Newport Ill. Ooeta M.-. Liberty MM! or l:..lberty a..327. 16tlc LIKE N~,, Maytar I Jft. old, wr1n1er type, w...._. "6 Har. 3721·W after 1 p. m. Mc21 DfNINO room eet.. retr11-. ca•------------- r-1•. bed divan, ru healer 6 8lJM. tl~ Har. IS.9·W, • 23c-28 Every 90 ofta tb• puah carta at RJchard'• Market pt ~ tO a cleanJng. Not they are, not kept clcnn all of' the time, but ,oceasionally the little buggies that milady uaea to collect her groceriee, get a a ltamlnJ suarantttd to bring them out u pure as the baking powder the gTocer pun 1eyw ia reported to be. And while the~ are at It the cleaners grease ,the bearing•. -Staff Photo ~/ PHIL BAft'LUf JOU CAA ... the c:J.-n.d Ml to 1-nM ~ .,,..,..._ ot a.ell My ~Ion l:xpl.rto• Mar. I. • your adYu~ to •U )'Oar Mr· la ...... MW'W'I. -~ .. ... .. No. 921 -.,. ~ .... rr.. 0, 11, H , IJ.. l• ...... pt'OCllllct ·« ~ tllkk· r-.lta. JOUn111 • wwtl tor -.one ••· . ' A.Pr. ltzl: ... r&np 820. Love ... t. i,,.d divan. h:rner11J>nn1 m&tt,... PO both f ood <'On· diU.. LI l-6IOa 2acJa YICL.LOW1 Ctlrorn(' dlnt th1 'Mt. a23 IMd divan 6 matchlnr chair 120 -e1s Beach I t.. <ott w•t ltth 8t. • Meyer) Co•ta M ... ... • • • • ' ' . - I • ' ' . . .. I ~ -........ n.~*!1'!!! ~ ltir .... '!:-:'f!! A •• • t. a.t '!:-:'f!! a Boosz 1 for BM& I IUY AND SECL 1Nt 1'0AD oem,a.w, .-.. l:.UU.Y A.Mll!UCA.N cut, colored, cc>nv.rtJ~rtnt Pla.oi! la tu ~tem .. ~ PrtmiUY--A..n· claM at htenaaUCJD&I -tor lJciue tumiture and tlne cJU-. Review 1MI• •Bat. 11Tl lk2I ~cabanas M·arinas Oll'FlCES l'or Let.le In New Building lT s W '100 mo. 17 x 2&' I 15.· mo. 13 x 11' I IZi mo. THlt BIG OLD RED BARN ·11 aamn.ma Win__. •-door. 1:1. '1RllANK KI S·3Ul S10ll. 1 owner. Good ~Uon. llMl Harbor Blvd., Garct.n Orovt Har. 0711 nd5 Lido Peninsula, ~ 31st St., Npt. Bcb. In Lido Shopping Area llOI S2nd It.. Newport Be&dl ' · i'PIT ·ll lNI roRD Cciwltry llqUirt. A.11 • • Barbot t!21 23t!c Ol'J'ICRS AHTl--Q-UD--lt-R&P--RO--D-u_cn_o_N_a ~-Low mu.ace. S1S75 - 11• ~tenet, Lido lele. H MU·J Call Har. 1314 da1•. or U 1-5201 DeJJchtful Uvtnr. Apt...C.henn, Utilltie. paid. with .• HOT SPOT!-New real Qt&te o{- tlce. WW rent '75 mo°ir con- alder broller-ealMman com- mleeion b&eia. 17182 H tJngton Beach mYd. t:ex e-3Ha. 24 p26 ' <\I Mat evee. 23pl8 Yacht .Up accomodatkma. " B .._ ..........._ lBT fOOO TA.EU a J&rrt eq\llt) --OC-. ~ la a 1166 KJ:RCURY. CaU Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. owner Ubtrty MHI mona1qs BOAT STORAGE or &tt• Ip. m. lottc Mtfc l'~r appt. or rilelvatton. Call Bar. 2992. A.LL 8JZJC8, reuonable ratee. Ap- ply at )'ud otttc.: SOUTH C048T COMPANY, Newport Bl"-. at llrd at., Newport Bcb. 1N2 CAD •1 MdaA ITOOO int. ~· a Romie Very cleb cw. S1"6-W W ~ nylon itree. Tab tranl!pOnauon Yearli car lrde. Harbor 1716 aft.tr • P· ·m. • 17uc Rent a s \ 2tt -·--""-----------MUST SICµ._ r<>lnl' oyer--. 113 'BALBOA TRADE S.l Air Sporle COupe and 61 Ford club coupe. Can be Men 2 BEDROOM tum. apt. Near Bay alter 8:30 p.m. or week endl-$15 month. Beauutul 70..tt. aus. ecbooner. l'lXce.Uent tor charter. ·Want 11.18 Poln.M~tta. C.D.M. 2Sp27 prop9rty or •maller boat. 1220 lllQUlTY ln 19112 ~l t2 Cadll-. W. Balboa Blvd., l'fewpqrt. Har, 1 rtlbl u 3032. 3tlfc ac .conve e. r rreen body, new dark ('1'8en top. - 17' II" BOAT, T n.. beam. Fut. Excellent eo11dltlon. Har. 311tW 8elt b&ilin&' cockpit. Jl'tlctory 24d8 built. P5 h.p. IMiirp, lonr ' ehalt. 56 bra. LI t-7d4 23p21i 1956 CADILLAC Cou1>.9 dt Ville. PEN~SULA P01NT 2 BEDROOM h OUH; tarp fenced yard, 2 car l'a.r&l'e, tunilahed U25 month. NEWPORT HARBOR REALTY Dl:LUXE..Jnodem tum .tudlo apt. UUlltlu paid 175 mo. Corona del Mar; Bar. 0853-R. uttc Channing Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios . Cor. 19th It Placentia, C. M. FOR RENT two bdrm. home - (ltove It retrtg. turn.) lncludea •tore room Ir two office spaces. 1100 month. OR will rent eepa· rately 1 office at $qll and l,. a t l50 moctb' . .Ai.o amall •tore •ioo mo. Call owner Liberty 8-11223 . morni~ or a.tter O p .m. 9tfc Ntw ' ROOM. •treet leHI. N#J" echoola, llhoppln&' dLltrtct. Quiet, pleuant, excl111alve. Oarbal'e di•· pose.I, laundry, etorage rooma, M-B1191nf!M 9J!~rtunl~. · garage, $82.!SO up. Occup~• en· . tire atreet. Goof! aupervlalon. I N STR U ME N T Manufa ctur-M~. 1601 Haven Place In& Bu1lneu wants io move to l Block South ot High School Coat& Meaa hu nationally ad· ALSO FURNlSHED APTS. vertl~ and patented product, WINTER RATES Mfc Deed• working partner with 1115 JI:. Balbo.: Blvd. Hubor ll07 Low mll,ea&'e. WW tul>el-. - WANTllD L&te model . Oluepar Elec. eye. All extru. Pr1. party . ~c27 WISH TO SUBU!;T WATER· FRONT APT. Have pa.Id da m· are fee It lut month'• rent. 3 bdrm., 2 bath. A patio, allp, Sp&nley tum. It deeired. Har· bOr 3389. 2•c211 •so.ooo. capital. Oi'and oppor· tunlty for the right peraon. Box No. S-110, Ulla Newspapn . under 11 tt. HMll'le ·Har. 2751 Har. ~i-R. 24p28 ___________ 2k_2a_ CLllAN 'ft LINCOLN Md. Mi:r- WANTJ!:D -FALCON SAlL cury motor, RltH, new paint A BOAT IN GOOD CONDI-aeat covari, SoOc1 tine. Very rood condition 1200. Bee JCsr. TION. HAR. dt2 2•tfc at Udo Anne Apta. LI a..2111 &fter Ii p.m. Jfcft TRADE 1980 FORD. OWnw ill ln KOC"-. NIJWLT J'URNl8HllD, 2 br. apt. Patio, "6 mo.-111 Apte, (nr. 1'81'1'7). Balboa lale.ncL 211c2'1 Choice Winter Rentala on Balboa la1and 6. Lido I.Ile llmall • OOS7 OI' ...... " deluu "' .. ---~ VOGEL CO. BALBOA ISLAND, yr. 'round lovely 1 bf. apt. Nicely tum. Near N, Bay A: VIilage. Adult.e. J88. plUI utlliUN. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22:1 M&rtne. Har. 17711. 24c211 • ' 2~c25 SMALL SHOP Plue 2 extra lot.e, comer. manu- ta.ctuJ!lng zone, 30th St. A Villa Way.• 1-ae or .ell. N.B.C. REALTY LUCRATJV;ll TA.VERN BUSI· NESS, Sul Fernando Valley, for ea!lln• or charter boat, sa· or ever. 19'" Ventura BlYd. Ta.rMn&,, or call Di~ene 1·91'8 WW aome one take over .,.,,.. ment.! LI 1·1110. 2k29 IOI llartDe .\ft,, a..-.. 1a1.an4 32nd A: Newport Blvd. 1900 CHllV. conv. Mechanic&lly Pit. Sanor"' cw Barbor SlSl BALBOA. ISLAND -Un('um. 1 Newport Be&eh Har. 6538 rood. Need.I body work.· BIC8T a-. Bat. lTll-1\ °'av. S069-M bedrm. apL yrty. rental. 166 mo. OFJ'llR ovma '260. iaot~ W. Ntto A prare. LI ~'38 i.ttc UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY • 12)>25 M-llllllml, a.dlo, a TV BEA UTiroL t&moUI make blonde Spinet piano ln perfect COGdt· ' lion. Save •ue. Uben.1 trade. Convenient lerm1 al- 8KAFERS (Since 1907 I 421-4.23 N. Sycamore. Sant,& Ana Phone Klmbuly 2·<le72 . IALE. Gtud planoe. Many won· de:rtul barralne. Many ramoua ma.kee. PriC'8 trom S3M up. Bench included. DANZ-SCHMIDT. 520 No. Maln, Balboa Blvd., Npt. Har. llU·J. ------------ ,. 24pH A.'ITR.ACTIVIJ' l aDd I bdrm. tum. HOT ROD. 32 l'ord coupe, J'ull race. '8 Mere. qtne. CUit.om interior. Hu tv...,uaiDJ.-269 Victoria, Coet& M.... .24p2t UtWU• paid, 1 or I cb1ldnin. L&1111dry room. BL U IC T 0 P A.Pl'. MOTEL 'I03 Newport B.lvd. Npt. Beach, Jua above the .Arcll-. 7•ttc '7 STUDl!lBAKER Commander CORONA. DllL MAR new duplex convertJble. o'drtYt, radio and untum.. a rm., beth and &'&rage. heater. Sood top A: paint. '200. Carpeted. 1 or 2 &du.Ju only. l Har. 2aH· WK. . 2k2t bill. to libopplq • ~porta· f 1-Aat.o 8fnlce Motor Overhaul Uon. T11J. 1-aYa41-Jan. t, Write Boa m. Corona del Mar. 25c27 Santa AnL · . NO MONEY DOWN BALBOA ISLAND tum. lar'S• 2 bdrm. • IAJIJ.• pore:!\, upper. Vent· ed b•t ttreplact'.' Nice yard, 1ar Winter 1100, YJ17. •1M. UUJ. pd. Bar. iMl·W. 2lttc KNABJC Spinet ebony A: bench * with th•tS ad * I mont.bll ol~O Inch 1trin1L . MOVlnr muat 1ell. 1875 . WU . e Cybl. ••...• "8.18 ' 8 r.. con CIU.RM 2 bedrm: turn. 1246 new. Har. 27711-R. 2Sd6 '-'.Ji... _ . 8158.88 hou.e sae mo. 00 1 rao'• 1.._ JlENT a piano until you buy. All IaclUdee llotll' labor·-ud part4 '95 on 1 yr. Jll PolnNttla. Ct>M BALBOA ISLAND turn. 2 B. R. Nation.al corporation 1eek1ng in· apt. Very attractive, wa.ll heat, vutor with Jl}erchandialng e.xp. TV. aeri&L '80 mo. winter. •110 . who will not be n llsfled wlt.h y rly. incl uUlltlu. Adults, nu ~Lesa than S20,000 first year. pet.I. Har. 1370-J eves. 24c26 •12,500 e&ah needed. Mull fur- nilh good ch&racter A: credit SINGLE MAN to ehare apt. Iii ret. Vice prelldency open. $0200 Corona del M&r. Her. 3704-lfiC · to at.art on active ba.lie. For 24c2e per11ona.l Jnterview write Box ----=:---------Z-67 lhl11 paper. rnclude pMne Lido lsle--, number • britt l"M\lme: 8trtctty con!ldentJaJ. TM• ad will appear thl1 week· on~y. 24c211 Bayfront . one and two bdrm. apartment.. CAFE Ii M.ALT SHOP Furniehed. Garqee. Yearly or ~ter rent al. Bar. 61175. 2lc34 1U8T nIGHT t or 2 people to han· die. In heut or Balboa, cloee to Bay, $3300 full price, term1. G07 E. Balboa. Har. 3606 eve11. Har. 0823. 26<:27 .. · NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E l . MONDAY. OCTOBER JI, 19SS • . I WANTED TO L!:ASll. 10 unJt.1 or more apt.I.. court.e etc. Wn(e Box T·lll t.hl• New•· D-Beal Elltllte • ft-...Real r...e.a. pe.~r. • 20ttc ---.------...,,;;,.· ______ ..._. ...... ......, _____ _ 80-& -Commerdal, IDdutrlal FOR U:ASIC 10 i 30 office or dleplay ~ PLUS SO x eo clear 1pan, rear lllldillg door t·o eJley, .ulted to llfht manuracturtnc. •trio mo, 012 -30th Sl...,Newport Buch. Har. •~ or 4321 23c26 See Me-Ta Nelson FOR EXCELLENT BUYS ·· U'ITEJU,Y <.:HARMJNG 2 bllrm. home. newly carpeted., W lo W. Owner-built. on large lot. F ine St., Newport.HU. ,16,:SOO. terma, •O' LEW EL 'LOT, Nt'wport Hta .. ,.000. C 0 R 0 N A• 0 E L M A R, -- lo"Vely 2 hcln n . .hume on 60' lot 1>IU1 apt Best or ('()n11lllon on our flnn t alrt'el J!;MERALD BAY, a.-auUful new :l bdm1., 2 ba-th hom e. Ca rpeted ! throu r hout. T,errlflc location - View. FURN. 1 BR. APT. on Hwy SM yr11. left.St. META NELSON 2908 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Ma r Har. M<IO Last 5 Acres ~ S .EE . My Furnished IRVINE. TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bedrooms and den, tieautiful patio, 1 Y!· old: • / Circumstances compel me to ofter for Immediate poaaeaalon. Excellent term.1. . $27,500 Contact my Excluaive Agent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Calt at IRVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Opposite Irvine Cout Country Club, Hi&'hny 101 or Pho~e HarbOr H48 BILL'S BEST. BUYS adjoining propoaed •t.000,000.00 NEARLY NEW - 3 BDRM. FURNISHED building cent•r Anaheim vicin- ity. Po1111lblllty of C-2 zoning Prtced to sell now. Eaay terms. Osborne-Forton REAL..TY CO. 2323 W. Coaat Hwy. (at Port Onange)' Npt. Sch. L1 8.·75e2 Her. 6154 en s ------- At 19th & Placentia in Costa .Mesa THE RE IS A WOJl.OERll'UL piece of bus1neu property for sale with excellent lerm1. Long term leaaca pending. tota.Unr approx. U 2!'> a month. M • l prop· erty. plua 80mt' caal, wlU be cun· ~ldered 0ln & trade. Ca.If ownl!r l..l 8-G223 momlng1 or after 6 p.m. 9Uc BACK BAY $10,500 .full .Price -$HOO FHA Lo&n payable $60.50 including t.axe• Ii insurance. Lot 66xl10. Sewers, Metropolitan Water; Can be purcbued 1&11· furnished. FOR THE ELITE Spacious 2 bdrm. and den home in top location with Fireplace, 2 Bat.ha, Picture Windows, Patio, Lars• Service Room, Dble: Gar., Dichondra Lawn, Shade Treea and Nice Shrubs. Priced at $19,500 -but owner i• extremely arutioua .. See thla for a RltAL BUY. It ia only 2 rean old. W. A. TOBIAS and. ASSOG.l.A TES; REALTOR "you'll like our friendly Ml'Vice .. 400 E. 17th St., ·eo.ta Meaa Liberty 8-1138 BALBOA ISLAND term rent allowed. OOOj2 prac-New rina•. wn.t JUe, nlYt or write MM Ampen. N. Holly· lice planoa a.a 'low a1 15 --per frind, flttm(t of main Uld rod wood. 8UNBJ:T l·l~lt }•c26 month. beartftp. JCxptrt motor tuBt up. DANZ·SCKMIDT Big Plano 1tore, .. to-da7 or •.000 mile .-rut.. I BDftX. Hou iE Newport Ht.e. 620 N . Main Sante Ana. (NO XOmn' DOWN). renced yard . .Cbtldren A: pet.e . REBUILT ENGINES accept~.,, ~· LI 8-ett2 daya. LIDO lSLE NEW 3 bednn, 2 Nth unfum, leue to perman- ent tenant. •200 mo. Choice location, Mr. Snow. DU nkirll l·S211. evenlnp and -kmdl 8Ylva.n O..aetl. 18tfc J'OR LEASJC NEW a bdrm. 2 bath home on HALF ACRE. Ovorlll.&ed double "\ pr.. d ewlc oven It grill. $.2l,500. EAS Y TERMS. Open 1 to 5 11&.lly. 3111 2Znd St. 23t311 LOAljS ·ro BUILD. IMPROVE BUY, MODEIU'.flZIC, OR RmnN .uics We Buy Tr'Ult Deed.e N'SWPORT B.A.LBOA SA VINOS • LOAN ASSOCIATION UM VIA Udo, Ph. Kv. UOO ti• LIDO NORD BAY FRONT IN.COME. Large Jo~ 5 bdrm. 3~ bath house plua unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 ear garage •• Both unita newly t1IJ"D1abed in "f odeme. Ideal for liome and income or guMta. SP INET planoa. Rental returne. -UP to 11 MONTHa TO PAY-Bar. 18»-J tvM. H elt J Trade-lN on Orpne, etc. 1.lkt llWJt in our owa f11C1toc7 by *iu.d • new. Thi• 11 a cballce tor a bis macbia1eta. Don't coet.DO wttll ~A-A.at... for'Ji.t 1avlng1. Open l"rlday evu. th• mJCtdle man. Buy dlree~ . -.-:--=r:=--"-'------- OANZ·8CHlCIDT. 520 No, Main, REBTnT,.. --~ INSTAii 11!1\ Sante Ana. v~~O~ llLOOlt u RENTAL Y -l'OftD ···········---t12UO SPECIALISTS TV & Radio Repair ~~~~ooil . 11'= can __ a.., FJ.st $erv·ice CBRYs. • D.c SOTO -iin· Blanche Gates; Rltr. ti~ STm>llBAXJll\ ···--·-•tTO . Ill KarlM Aft R~uonabl•r Service calla till BOUILDCKS. 6 PONTUC I -11,1!! ~ bluld. av. llTl T1tll:I 9 p.rn KNOWLTON Et.EC· ·-·-·--'11 TRONICS U 11-~20:1 . HUDSON --·--··--t1Tll · Loan car l"rte Towtac llp2CH Nl!W CAR QUARA.N'TJ:S B-A-.M-M_O_N_D_p_r_pna __ :_AU __ m_od_eda_. Bloc:Jr mu..t meet our •t&Ddard9 Some wonderful bar1'aln1 In Plu tax.a. ~ AM atl u~d .organ11. 8n eral makee.-()pea ti1.111da7 10 a.m. to·I p.m. Free practice rooms. T rade In BELLES ENGINE your old lnttrumenL • DA:'\Z-SCHMlDT. Home of lht RC•UILOERS Holiday Apts ocZAN J'RONT WINTER l BA. J\lnl., UW. pcL --lllO mo. I aR. J\lnl., t1UL pcL •..• MO mo. 1007 It ll&lboa Blvd. llalllea BM. 1378 WITH option t.l buy It dt'8lred, 3 bednn., 2 ti.th tum . or un· furniAhAld. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor Har. M91 eVt'I Lt 8-4317. WINTER IU!!NT AL 2 b<lrm. h0114.' ru m . water pd. •~.-31!'> Alva- rado Place, BalboL Har. lllHM. µc;::s BALBOA YEAR.LY, 1Ull have very nice large 1 bd.rm. •pt.e. 1'11rn. '75 .t 180 mo. Ulll In· eluded. WlNTER RENTAJ...8, 2 bdnn. rucely f1U11.apt lnclud. TV It utll. $90. Aleo 1 bdnn. nicely furn. includ. TV It ulU. •eri.I 2 bdrm. furn. •PL over- looking ocean at '70, Othel"9 from 110 wk. It up. :>07 Eut Balboa Blvd. Kar. 3606 or Har. 0823 evee. 24c2t world famous H11mmoncl. Sante .-U An1. !)20 N. Malo. O~n Dail7 I to T State 8oDded , NEW LOCATION -lllpa& R AMB L I N G RANCH HO.ME ------------1 NEWPOR~ HEIGHTS unturn. CL08I: Df, B.A.LBOA. l'u.mlebed 2 bdrm. I: family rm . WW cu-SPECIAL BUY! 310 East 3rd St. BANTA ANA DEMONSTRATOR model, llke new IOvtly KlmbaJI Spinet "J>'az>o w tt.b buJll In Lowrey Orpno .. Save 1:\00 on lhts.. U~ra.1 trede. C-On-t!-Trallera • ve.nl~nt terms al SH AFERS 1S1nce1901) * PORT ORANGE * ~SALES 1 be4nn. ape. ,..,..,, seo mo. peting. 'Therma!1or kitchen. - Ou As weter paid. 401 E. Bal· LI'berty 8-7198-39& E. 15th St. Me BmL ~. IO'ft llU 2•c26 DllLIDCZ nJRN. APTa. 8lnl'I• It dble. S30 mo. and up . lot & Ba1 A'N.. Balboa Barbor Nfl. IUc BALBOA PeniMUJ& -Furn 2 bednn. houee, winter or ye•rly Harbor 3723-W alter 1 p. m. · 2•c2e 421 ... 23 N. Sycamor•. Sant.a An.a Phone Klmberly 2·.De72 Orlll\I'• County'• Or.-.n Hdqtra. and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hlway. BALSOA.·PllNINIULA. 1'e turn 1 aa apt, w w carpet. fW'a. ,'9-Booma for Bent GOOD playtnr pracuce pi.noer '711. '87, '91 up to UN. Spinet type mirror plano, a be&ut7, onl,y 119:1. E1111le1t terma. DA?'-'Z·SCHMJDT , :120 N. Main, SantA Ana. 100 piano•. Open Friday nlg-ht.a. Newport Beach LI '-"20 "11•·43' Tr&Yelue •..... .... ... UIHNI ·a2-1r Hanaon. tw. beda .... 1796 15'-4.b· '1eetJl'ood 2 BR. .... '3396 'llt-•6' Roadmuter 2 BR. .. SUN 19M Mod.ia on Dt.pla1 a ll lllML . PAN AMERICAN Paramount•KenUclU Tranlese-Terry Mttc be&t. uW1U. • p.nce lncl By ·mo. OI' 1"11· Har. 1725 alter 1 p. m. ... 17tlc LIDO ISLE YEA.RI. T \lllfUnl. 2 bdrm. It 2 beth home. Har. 1013. •ttc ONll BmDRM. tum. apL S15 mp. Utilltlee pa.Id. 5°' J a.• m I n e, corona del liar. 23p25 VIKING HOTEL 901 E. &lboa Blvd., Balboa Barbor 6r,93 ROOMS • APARII'MXNTS - Day -WMk-Month But location In Balboa VERY REASONABLE RATES • l 5c28 LOANS for Homes ll" -20 yr. l.oan. Constructi~n Loans SIR BOB 8A 'M'l.JCR 'illl6 EA81' COAST BLVD. C-Orona del llar Harbor a8il Rq. POIB.lER .MORmAGE CO Metro Llte lJIL J'Unda KL l·!'.>183 WE SPECIALIZE L~ LOANS A: FlNANClNO Uttc ON - HOU8rrRAILERS AUtOI, Furniture • Sal&rlet One Day Service Loan• rrom ~ to 11200 or more CALIF. ACCEPTANcE CORPORATION 18118 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Me.ta Ll 8·77lll -Open Frtday1 lW 11 Closed Ba.lurday-Uc CASH •.. FOR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKING SINCE 1930. 1809 N. BUSH SANTA ANA KIMBERLY 3·T118 .. NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee SALES -REFINANCJC CONSTRUCTION CaU for ·rree Faat Commitments 32 FT ·LIVING RM Name any reasona ble down payment. Olil!!r well llullt Early Ca li fornia 11ly le 3 bed· room. 2 bath•. H ui;e ga.re ge. •oun <Itek . A11king 125.000, lmllledl&le oc:cupancy. FORO VER.RINDER. Harbor 4263, evea 3477. 17trc C~2 Business Lot On NC!wport B lvd. a t lndu1t rlal Way. 46lll82 fl. Ca.II owner. Harbor &lot. 18ltc LIDO BARGAIN 3 BEDRMS .• 2 baths. With ca r-pell and drapc<1. u · lot $31,!'>00. Owner will ca r ry pa.pt'r. - Harlw>r n17. 2HCc -~~-------~-CORONA OEI, MAR -Let lhe furn ira.r apt pay the mortgage on thill 3 bdrm 2 ba4.\· home Many "bullt·lru" A: loll ot etor- age 11pace. Floor covertnp , drape'• It appllancu Include<! In .p rice ot U !i.000. !jarbor 2noo:M. H c.27 ~~~--------~ HOME &, INCOME. GO f l. to bch. $25.000, ttrma. J.M. MILLER CO .. 2025 W. Ba.Jboa Blvd. Har. f 09l . 24j:211 BAY A VE. DUPLEX, ,26.1100- T tnnll. J.M. Mll.LER CO. l(l26 W 0-lboa Blvd. Kar. 4091, 24<'20 LOCATION OF DISTINCTION 60 FT. BA~ i°'kONTAGE. On Little laland, pier, float, formal ' bdrm. home. The land value Ml cloee to the aalriZii price. TWO UNITS. Modem apt : older front bou.e.. Show your ability at "do-it:yoili'ldf. Reduced tor quick u.le -$19,950. ·· ·· 2 BDRM. FURN. HOUSE, floor fumace and fire- place. Small lot. Reduced for quick l&1e. $15,600. Har. 1775 -ETe9. Edith MUOOll BYatt f-8222 John Macnab, Harbor 5369. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Ialand LIDO ISLE Call for app't to eee 116 Vi& Ithaca. For lease with option to purchase. 3 bedrma .• 2 bat.ha. Newly decorated.. Osborne-Forton Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout HW}'.. (at Port Orange) Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Ha.r. 51M evea. Ocean Fr.ont Home . ~~22.500 VERY ATI'R.Ai_-1TVE year round home on Sea· RlCM_E MBER-Dof\'t tor1et -the aTta t Porttr "eeps Or gan COn· cert October 2i-1 p.m . -Ma· 10nlc Hall, ~orner lllh A: Syca· more, Sant& Ana.. No ~n. A wonderl\11 tnullcal treat for au lovet'I ot the orpn. FOR SOkllONJC WHO WANTS THE 08JCST, n"w l 9!'>ll. 43 tt. Duo-tmprua. uatern bullt mo· · bfle horn•. Out ot lhl1 world BALBOA lit.II., y•r aroun~. B ALBOA ISLAND, small room, prtvat. entrance Ao bath. kit· chenctle, elect. re.frig. Thermo· stat heat $fl wk , 11n1le. Winter. Hu. 2128-M 24tfc on Rutd&ncee and Ullit.e onJy $3000 down buy• a 2 M<irm. aluC'· ahore 'J?rive. Knotty pine living room wilh .dinJnc area. Formica JU tchen, 1 bedroom and h bath down, -3.-t>OOrooma and J 1 ~ bath.I up. Sobd coll· struction, conctt~and piling toundaUon. 2 cu garage, enc lolled yard. Excellent be.acb. DANZ-SCKMlDT. Santa lna. ll20 forUl M&IA. BICA UTU'UL 1'1aher Baby Orand piano. Never beat played. Juet llllle new. Or1&1nal ownu. cir· ! ~tuna too nwneroua to men· .1 M'Uet 1ee to a.au.... F or "~~II-, call KunUD1toD Beacb Ll:lllll.ton t -1194 .-23a6 runUit.ancee force UI to 1e.U. No , reuona!>l• ottw retuMd. 5·1 .'1-Wut.ed ti. a.t p.m. Monday ~,.,..,1i Th\lnda7. UO DJittwoocl ltd, Shore Clltfl. Corona del 111.U. ~ Lovely 1 ~. trollt. Nicely fUM\ 2 reepoaal~l• adwu SIQ. 1nc1 utll. i... tor one. a.rqe a vail AL80 ct1TID lltlldlo apt. J6fl _.,__, AT1&Dtio 1~ or WTlte 1111 Lontrt Rd., Sa.n Martao. 23c25 BALBOA Pmfll!flULA,. 7early, flanlUbtd. lllnlle apt. Very nice; utmti4e pd .. ,.,.... aftll. n•r ,. bay le b9aeL Adult.9 Sii mo. ll&r. 11.llsW . 13c25 LDX> ~ llA.amLOR Ud CIM It two lid.rm. .,u. Dort --U4 ~. .u.80, 1* a.m. and Ba.r J'ront HA rolU> J dr, ~ l'o~ inaUo M&ter, kJ"lr .u.ap. Al CODdSUoa.' Bar. UIO. Udt .... &Dd ape.rtmenta. M-LIDO · R.EM.TY AMOCSat.. 1Mt Jlt1lm . ..-.-Jtwna loed tw-..tr car. Kaas. oq.r. 111 flit Bt., ~ JIMdl. Mell -)for. and men ~ .,.. flndlftS tt prot\tab&e to -Hl:W8· ~AB._ do NOO Vta U-. llartlor "" ltt.to .-0 TmA.AL T, 11111• btdnn. tum. apt. 11 • a " water. QOM to IUehalda. Bar. 10lt-1 aft.er t or UM -ltth St., after t ~ Don I: Huddleston ru home four y111. old. l'lreplac~. Sm. lot, II fruit trtea. A dnlJ hou11e. lAr,ge dbl. g3'hi:e. Tol11l • pm e orily •u .900. ,,, ·oR LEASE-Lot approximately 173 E. 17th St. REX .. RECHS 60 by 200 ct C-2 zoning. FRd nr COSTA MESA 2307 w. Balboa Blvd. HiHbot rll66 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor new Chulu St. .. Costa Men LI 8·550 LI 1-6:162 LI 8·3072. 20lfc .>S-St.orH Ii Offlce9 ..:OAST HlCiHW A Y, new bulldill~. 6QO 1q. f l. ofrlce. Suitable In· 111ranl'e, attomey, 4c. •oo mo, :;uss PORO, LI 8·61'1. ~ 2(ltt 8M> SQ. lr'I'. OF OFFJCE SPACE near Nnrport City Hall. Apply .a• . szms st. t•cao 57-Re&I Eat.ate WaafA'ld WATERFRONT OWNER <Xe&n or bay tr11nl from 1111:000 to S2t.OOO. Clyrte Meyer, 307 Marlnt, Balboe. ll'land, H u . 2900 or res. Harbor 2:126 23c2:1 ,.. RAVE •500 t or down payment on 2 AdT' 3 bdrm. hou•e. Bcir X·M lbb pe.pe.r. • • 2•p211 V ac.,nt Lot in Corona Hi9hlands The very beat lot buy in the area. 106' fronl.age and seller· will inclaCle plana for a 3 bedroom plus play· room home with 1 :\~ bat.ha for thia 19w pri~ or $8000. Hurry! THE .VOGEL CO. 2667 E . Cout Highway. Corona del Mar Barbor 17il &rbor H 77 LOOK ING FOR 0000 lncomi- JlrOperty 1 · 4 unit... 2 2·8 R .houeea and 2 l ·B, R. apte., ~ lf'lrateA. rncome can bl' 1410 per n;io. F1TZMORIS REAL TY po.· Harbor 2152 . LIDO ISLE home ..__ pl1umed l or y.-r rount1 Uvrn• It eu y ctHP 2 bdrm. Xtra. 1111A1 wardrohn J' brtths. Sp.aclnu, dl'n. Jlv1n~ rm. wllh ra!Md fireplace, clln1n1 rm .. drllghtfuJ kitchen. Co11ntl'• tl (!lpboarcb f &lo1•.e. SouUl p11• • '27,~. Owrier R11rbor 2136-H 241'71 $1500 DOWN THlS ei1tr1t metlculou~ 3 bi-drm home h&AI many eatru Terr1f1t value &t •10000. OA.N A. JACOBSEN. a-ltot. Har. ~81 ev• call w.r.. V&ncl' ~rty 8-6M2 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport. Beach Harbor 1013 • BA YFRONT OWNER • . . HAVE BUYER WITH ALL CASH Phone Clyde Mey~r. Rltr. Harbor 295() or res. Har. 2525 or write 307 Marine, Balboa laland. . . • 23c~ BY OW:->E R I SPECIAL VIEW lt>l for 1peclal 'ORtJ:-iA UY.I, MAR, mo4em 2 • bu7er9. .ru Cliff br. lot wltla b<lrm. home, ~lrcplare, t11mar... tmp(irtan1 v 1,. w •Jf N~r • htlw•l. flnt "W ca.rpeUnr anti ON·an u 1rt111ith 1<1 LArunL •lrapee, d ble. au. l~..t tor O RANOJt COAKT ~ •t pl fo'ull price $13.160. I S300 dn PR(Jf•Ji:Ri:J,£8 603 PolnHllla . Ha.r. 39()0.M, 16&1 Newport, t:oi.ta M- ,, uaTh U I· 11132 Eve, i..l a..aoa ORA ND !llEW. 2 hr e"'lra largir OCEAS FRONT vaca.nt 1l11plt',.· lvl. rm tC>r edd'I unit. SS300 to\, s.&7GO. • on. '12.ll'JO t p 8 UNIT& !"URN'. corona del Mar. All 1~. Good f'1'tv.m on )'Our ln•..uiient. •12,600. 0..-. J M. MJLU:R CO , J026 W. B&Jboe J M MlLL.E1\ CO,. >02& W . BalOO. B&r. MOt. J&cH raaa . ciu.tntd ~. NEV "tnfruJllH. t bdrm. A nil· able Dec. lit. Te&rly 1-.te Ml mo. 208-Sflh St.. Newport. 2WT Blvd. B&r. 6091. Uc-2' Rlvd. Hu. 6091. MeM ----~-~---~--~----------~-~~~~---..:.·~· -------~~--------------------------.:_--r-\-~-------;__----------~----...... -----,-----r-· ' ,. J. . . .. . -......• , .. ' . I I 1'1 I L • "' ' , PAGE 4. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWVRESS-_a •-' FAiea6e MO~A Y, OCTOBER l 1, 1955 . - II Pee'...._ a._......_ EXTRA ·EXTRA NEWPORT HEIGHlS SPECIAL It' a unuaual to find an· .offerinr Uke this -In fact they just don't happen thetie daya, but lhia did. Owner in diat.reaa and muat eell. Ria unfortunate cireumatancea can be your gain. There iJI no iimmick in thi.a ad-w,e can It.ate with- out reservation that it la the beet buy in ).he New- port Heighta or Cliff Haven area. _,.. \ . . Between W. 19th St. and-Newport Blvd. · Between Bank of Ameri'a and U.S. Net'I. ,Bank NEW STORE · BLDG. Leased Income $6000. Price: $50,000. Terms. · let us 'tell you why this is the BEST investment in Costa Mesa today J It'• a roomy 2 bedrm. '{ell buijt home, hu breakfast area,'dining room, fireplace, oak n oon that gleam, ~rvice porch, lota\of tile, plate glasa l>icture win- dow• that offer B<>me view, extra large double gar- age,. rear yard surrounded by concrete wall and many other features. tt '1 located in best part New- port Hejghta. jliat breathing distance from Cliff Drive and a atonee throw from schools. ' . HOWARD s·. LAWSON c 0. I The price -only $16,000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barker, Liberty 8-8623, evenings Llberty 8-8621 or call EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 15th Ii Irvine Liberty S-2664 23c25 Please .. . : . / Examine Carefully LIDO ISLE-Today's best buy at $31,500. 3-bedrooms and den. 2 baths. extra fireplace in master bed- room, all bedrooms ca~ted. Delightful kitchen, nice patio. _._ Altogether a charming home! COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT-Moel shiney, sparkling "cbuntry" home we've eeen in many a day. l.arge corner lot with beautiful lan~ping, 2 bedroom.a and den. fireplace, carpeting and drapes. The view of the countryside from the breakfast table ia very peoaceful. All thia at $16.~! CLIFF HA VEN -A deluxe custom ·bum home al a sacrifice. Large corner lot with outstanding land- ecaping. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, room for pool. A Muat See! CHANNEL WATER FRONT-We have two good buys .for .. the boat owner. WILLARD L. KILLION , Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor M05 BALBOA PENINSULA -NEW 1569 Ocean Blv~ , OPEN ROUSE DAILY -1 to 4 :30 p.m. 3 BR., 1''"!! Baths, W 1W cpt.s .. built-in stove, fire- place, patio. Low down payment will handle. ( EXCLUSIVE .:... First time Listed! 3 BR .. 2 bath. Nicely furnishl'd home. G. I. Loan. monthly ptry· ment11 including. tais.K---:JAO ~ll {>rice SlS,500. 4 New Hou11es · -Nearly Completed. Built-in kit· rhens. used brick fi replace. 3' BR .. 2 Baths, doub14' garage. Fenced patio, facing attractive Cl~y park. 23.500 -.Good financing. · BAY AND BEACH REAL TY 1150 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa. Ha.rbor 1264 Do you WANT one of the SMARTEST hom es on the Little Island? It's Different ! ! ! • • _ It's delightful ! ! ! * * The pnce 111 right. the location the best. Ir you want 4 bedrooms.' 3 bathe. with an all elcc· Inc kitchen. forced air heat and year round living. call tlil DORIS BRAY, Realtor & AS80CIA TES 216 Marine, Balboa Ialand. Harbor 20 or 64 "' ~rbot 5148 Lido Isle · OPEN HOUSE 203 Vhl Nice 1·5 Saturday a: Sunday NEW MODERN' 'FRENCH RECENCY lmprt•.u1ve t ntry 11.nd wha t'• M · hand it 11 OOH-La-La. 3 bedrm• .. 2 marble-top Pullman bathe. All elec. k itchen. Mercury •w1lche11 • It beaulltuUy carpeted throurh· out. Beautiful land11caplng. A DEWCHTF'UL HOME Most beaullfully decorated with 3 bdrm. 2 lovely balha. W-W car~t. A U·.1haped k itchen with <Jtshwasher, dl1poaal, tan, 220 wlr111g. Thi' &11klng price I& $31,~00 which I• truly a fair one. Tutdullx aelected tuml· lure UI av11.UablP. TERRIFIC LOT 'tor bulhier, .the<'lc th111 one at $13,600. St. lO ·St Bay & Beach Realty LJOO OFFIC E 3112 Lllfayclle. Ni;wport.Har . 380 WATCH THIS ,. COLUMN f'OR THI!: MOST carefully 1elect· t'd VILIUf'll In CUCh O( our dl1tlnCl• ly dlffe.rent HAR BOR AREAS CLIFF HAVEN THERE'S A Mll..UON DOLLARS worth ut living in lhi1 roomy 2 bdrm. A t un nn. homt'. tlrepl .. rlolh•Lll J:Olore. 10 f ruit trff•' Only $6000 4ln -F.P. $17.m BALBOA :12' FR01'T AOF. on Ocea.n Blvd! 3 bdrtn , l '• bathll. patio bl!( t>no11,i:h for badminton Ownu I mo\·111~ inland "''u1L11 otftra. COSTA MESA t'l AC'Rl-~S for a11ht1l\"111on. Eiccel loeatlon ~000 11own. 1 1. Muri el M. Pinover Realtor 261M ~r"' pn1 t Blvd, :"pl 8t'IC'h Euy Puklnic HarbOr 481 0 C LI 1''F' HA VEN Oul8l11nl11ng 4 b.Jnt1 . 3 bat h homr. 2 ltvmr: rooms. urpl'ted, ld•J family home. $37 .:,00. CORONA HlGHLANDS • Bdrm . 3 bath., rumpu.e rm . 2 hl"Pplal't>a, ""''m for pool, tem- flc view, on 2 l'>ll. $4~.ooo. BACK BAY 1 2 B<lrm. Ir d,n, 2 bath, rt1nchy, w w C'tlrpel: $1!l 9!>0. C-2 l 16xJOO $15.9~ 3 lrvrl 8<'1"Pll • $15,000 Rollrng -.rreage, •Lit 11de C. M. ~lxl69 R·4 . S 2~ Claire Van Hom . REALTOR Costa Mesa .. OPEN DAILY ·1:30 to ~:30 .21 n Rural Lane · ' - A .STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perky, 3 bedroom home, close ~o schools, atorea and tran1portaion. Has $8500 Gr loan payable $66 per month including. taxes, inaurance and interest. Full price $12,900 &qd owner will carry second for reeponaible partie1, JEAN SMITH IUJTH DAVIS ' DUNCAN .·HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach .. Har. f718 Back . Bay · Specia~ 3 Bedroom. P~ bath, F . A. heat, H. W. floors, 1hab roof, lot1 of tile. ~S~R builL OPEN !fOUSE Sat. ·1c Sun .. Oct. 22 Ir 23 384 Mira LQma North of Del Mar, juat off Tustin Ave. 4 Iota 80 x 150 fronting on a beautiful lake, with a Yiew of the Back Bay. . w. t . • FISHER & Associates 302f E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 Lido Bayfront • 6 BEDROOMS e 51 :! BATHS • PIER and FLOAT • VACANT -WE HA VE THE KEY • FULL PR~CE $74,500 LIDO REALTY ASSOCI.ATF.S W. KEMPTON -J . H. GROHKAN' GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA Iii.ANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor «-44 (Acroae from Richard'• Mnket Entrance) RUSTIC ·HOME -by owner · ,Harbor· 34 m Down 1531 Ocean Blvd Peninsula Point 3 Bedrooma, 1 ~ Bath. 2 car rarage, Fencf'd PaUo, GlaaNd, Sun~eck. Stove Ir Re.fn genator $16,0()() M Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large llvtn.voom w1th fire- place. Full dlnlnr room, 3 Bed rooma. 2 car rarac•. Completely Redecorated $18,600 S5Wl Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point S a.drooim. 1 ~ Bath. 2 c8r (Vlll'"· Bay view. l..£rft Fenced yatd. Stove and Retrtrerator fl9,7~ Bay Front Special 1 Bedroom•. ' BaUui, 3 car 1ara1e. Pier '1t 1Jlp. f'urnlahed ~88,000 Newport Harbor ·Realty J im and Sally Newlin 515 E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 5 Income l)nits NEAR NEWPORT PIER. ~-blk to, ocean, 1 bill. to ~· E:acel· lent rmtal area W1tli terrific potentJAI Income.· Thll clean property .ao· tncJudet1 adjoining vac&11t lot at the low price of SM.5-00 and only $7600 down. Bee thl• today. ' 1966 DODOlll Royal Lancer. power br&k•. power atM~. R It H, WW Ur•. Tinted riu... E very extna poulble.. Plu. caah tor equ!t7 In homt, lncome prop· erty, vacant Mt or truat ~ BICE AT 106 ¥cFadden Place.- Phone. Har. H O, evenln«• Hu G268-W. . Homer. E. Shafer REALTOR 106 McFadden Place Har. 140 Eve Har. 2G29-M Har. ~268·W M-1 Zone Vogel -Values Costa M~a Office , 2i31 w. cout~. LI 8-4277 1 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS 2 Bedrooms A def+. 1 ~4 baths, plua gueet bouee with ll4 bath. Heated swimming pool. wall to waU car· peting, large Jot oomplet.ely fenced. 00 rt. fron~a. Newport. Near water . $11,000 -'3000 down. • • * * ~ Attracti\·e 3 bdrm. home in good section East Costa Mesa .. H .; bathe.~ fireplace. H W floon1 with W W carpets in LR .. dinette and hall, dr apes and venet14n blinds; 4 r;. lnt t'rest on loan. only SJ 4,500. New triplex -two one be'tlroom1 and one two.bed- room. nice lllparate unit arr&ngement for maximum uae of common pat.10. Good incofl\e ! $23,000. .• * * * * • The Vogel .Co~ 1702 Newport Blvd .• Coeta Mesa Liberty 8-6597 Eve.. L~rty 8-7457. Har. 1380 CHANNEL FRONT Small bomt with very attractive interior, f ireplace. piW' and float. $5000 down. Oaly $21~. ALSO a dupl• at $22.~ N.8.C. REAL TY CO.· , J2nd Ir Newport Bh'd., Newport Beach Har. M3& · BAYSHOREt HOME OF DISTINCTION Jt1u1)bllng 3 bdrm • 2 balh homt .,n lg". C'Or. lot, panelled llv. room. n1 h1fd htarth nreplace, pn u wmnlnlf kltl'bl'n, matc.hLnr wallpaper It draper1ea, pa.rq~t floorA. c~unr ,F. A. heat. a -charming h o m e throufhout. PRICl!l REDUCED TO &El.Ill "C" THOMAS . . I Realtor 22• W. Cout 87., NeWp<>rt }Jtach Llb@rty ··~17 C" THOMAS "C" tHoMls LOVEL T S ti.dnn. borne on cklee In half acre, 2 rented untu In ,....,. W1lh $1J& mo, Income. ROom tor I more .unltA. Sale pn<'e Ul .~ ORA.NOE I COAST .PROPl:JtT'J.1:8 185 T N ""J)Of"l. C'ollta M .._ . Cannot be duplicated for full price of $28.000 Can be seen al 61 1 Al-Dean, 1 block from high 11ehool. Phone Ll S-6839 or Har. 5002-J after 6 p. m. 25tlc BALBOA ISLAND On& of Balboa llland's lovelieat b4yf ront homea In top location. Six bdrma. Beautifull decorated thru- out. A home for gracious living plua adaptabllity for excellent income with complete privacy for both 11e<:tiOD8. • Full price $65.000 ON. THE PENINSULA for $' 9. 750 -3 bedroom home for you and your family. Corner fireplace, Patio .and barbeque. Thia la a MUST SEE. ( .. l, The Vogelto .... - 208 Marine AJ~Due, Balboa laland Next door to the Post Office tfar. 4-« · Eves. Har. 3059-M . Har. 4248-R ' . Osborne-Forton RJ:ALTT CO. 23.23 w. Cout Hwy. tat Port OnLngr.1 Spl. Bch. l.J 8·7~2 Har. !lllM evea .;';. __ . TWO HOUSES ON LARGE WT Uve In one and let the ltn&11t make th• payment on both hOUMI Only S~OO down movea you Into • lovely 2 bdrm. 11, b1th home. • yura old The other 4 rm. 2 bdrm. hOUlle rna.kfl-11 the pe.)" merit.a for you of $7t .OO a mo ""on• today to 1ee thia ba!'l'&ln REX RECHS 2307·W. B&lboe. Blvd. Harbor GIM --------- ON THIC 8ANIJ, 'Ii bloc:.k t.o .urf, 2 brand new home8, both fur- nlahed. 8ome and renl&l~lt for H3.IOO-tull pnce. kUer cluTy balance alter amail paJlll•nL OR.A.Noa QW\!T PftOPa\11:&8 1 IGT Newport. eo.ta M .. Ll 8-lW EY-e. U a.-t101 -Gel the "ln·lhe-•&ya" out ot I I.he way. ~~ want ad -,-. e&lJ ff&t. lilt a ........... a .......... I "We' re Moving • r to Irvine Terrace" More· and more Harbor area famlliea are ~ theee exquialte h~--noting their comfort.~ venience and central location. Mo~ and more famillee who prefer a ~ ta a r. .meted quality community ..... moviQc mto th* Irvine Terrace bomee. Drive ln today utd see for yo\ll'llelf'the many oat· • 'landing teatu.re. ot thi8 remarkable commanlQr. Inspect the model homet1, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Vo.n Hemert Irvine Tel'T'&ce ia located on Cout Highway ~ the new. Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor ~CLUSJVE AGENTS . . Phone Harbor .u'8 For Further Infonllittoa * For Recommepdation, we refer you to &llJ'Oll• who holda a Leasehold Eat.ate in ln1!w Ttn'Mle, Beacon Bay, Bay Shores and Oitt Rann GOLDEN RULE VALUES . · ATTENTION e AREA INDUSTRl~LISTS . Move your organisation home. Why p.mb)e with your life driving the Freeway? · Nearing' completion five (5) well conetrucUd concrete buildingL Ample paved parking area. AU utilitiee. Each oontain 4800 square feet. For Sale or For Leue. $1000 DOWN Extra nice 3 BDRM. bom&-2 yrw old. U vine.Jlm. carpeted-Bln:h cabinet.a, patio. Large lot on quiet dead end at.reel. Mo. paymen,ta lea than rent. Full Price $10.500 • PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON l856 Newport Blvd., eo.t.a lieM (acr088 from Costa Meaa Bank ) Phone LI 8-6761. Evea. Har. i366 -LI S.2103 OUTST ANDiNG HOME on 3 A'cr~ Only 1 yr. old, this apaoioua 2 Bedroom, 2 bath home, beautifully built by a true crattama.n. Warm knotty pine interior wit h ueed brick rtreplace. Sep- arate dining room and "dream" kitcllen with tber- mador range and oven, built-in BBQ, bar-, diabwuh· er. automatic laundry, etc. Large screened petto, dble. garage. ~atcd near Orange Cout College, the extra acre- age should greatly increaae 1n value, maklnr an ideal home and investment . Price and term.a are exceptionally attractive. ... W. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine &ftd Park. Balboa laland. Harbor 2462 • * * 4 Bedrooms - 2 Baths * * SWilOf1NG POOL FHA Built -Price $11,250 $70 mo. incl. ta.xea a.nd insurance Pleasing atucco with large li ving room, 1paclou. kitchen with brea~ait area, 4 roomy bedroom. with lou of cloeet apace, 2 bathe -one wiui' at.all shower . SmaJ(concrete awimmlng pool. badminton court, BBQ. redwood fence• and n.ice lawna. $2850 down or submit . GREENLEAF-SEVERTS REALTY-CO. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Be&cb Hubor 2502 ·tf Eve. LI 8-3188 Extra Luxurious Cu,tom Quality 41 Ranch Homes · Centrally located for all activities In Greater New- port 'Harbor area. yet out of 11e&aonal ron,..tiott that penalizes so msny ar('aa . These homes have everything, even wall aalea. Three bdrm'. $21,950 · Four bdrm. $22,~ HARBOR MESA•JL\NCH HOMES ~ated at Irvine Ave .. 1 Block No. of 17th St. EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVl!l AGENT 15th Ir Irvine Li berty 8-2664 or Llbdty 8-3121 9 19cMB MUST . BE SOLD Due lo iJJneu in family 3 bdrm. ranch home. Make oUer. dwner M4 Huel Drive, Corona 'del Mar. Harbor 1080-W ,., .... - .. ....... . - l!I ~";: TERFRO~~~AL ' ~m home on 6( ft. bulk~ead frontqe. Pler 4f tloat. Near Lido center •1s City Hall. Only 118,950 -Submit on down payment. DUPLEX, 82 ft. bulkhead, overailed fl oat. 2 ear gange. Nicely rum. It in .excellent condition. $26,500 Eaay terms . & BEDJltOOMS extra lge. living room with fittplace. Pier It float wUJ accommodate.. up to 50 ft. boat. Priced to aell quickly at $29,500. Firm. Open Friday, Sat. &. Sunday 470 Walm~t Pl"Ce BACK BAY area, off Irvine. .Swimming pool. Ranch 11tyle 3 bdrm. re~ living room with eliding glau doon to patio lz pool. • Bar kitchen, 1 % bathe. Bargain at only $23,500 Two Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly income (could increue by taking aummer rentala). Will conaider nice homevup to $20,000 .in exchange. Full price ~.000 JACK ~RENNAN, Re"ltor and ASSOCIA TE.S 3320 W. Coaat Hwy.. Liberty 8-7773 1.. ·"At the Arches': v v. Best~·auys Corona del Mar ' '.I . 2 BDRM. PLus·' LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Hardwood floons, furnace hut. No garage. And · only $10,?50. $2500 down. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT l' Bed.room each, furniture included in 1 unit. Full price $17,500. ~down. r !";-SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY Evenln1 Canyon road, 60 x 217· ft. Priced at $14,750 4. If you are in the market for Sboricliff property, eee ua firat. We have aevenl exclusive liatlnga to 1ho" you. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CQ... PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor J.... a+t7 E. Coast Hwy., Coron.a del Mar Har. 47 (Ottice located next do~r to Corona del Mar Bank) ... ... ... ~· , .. .,., Corooa·del"Mar .. ~ ............. DUPLEX Vogel Values ... .... ~. .- I , ... 2 bedrooms each. Choice corner lot, close in. Apt. furn. Fireplace, lg. rooms. 1 dbl. & 1 agl. gar., sun- declr. Excel. condition. A good buy at $23,500 with go<>'l terma. C&U U8 now. .. ·Like New -4 bedrooms & 2 full baths Excer. for large family or....can eaaily convert t o du- plex. Come~t. Fireplac~. carpeting. patio. 24x21 garage. Th1I 1e one of the beat buya in the entire · ·aru. Priced at SHl,500 -good term.a. . - · The ·Vogel Co. 2667 E . Coast Highway, Corona del Mar ~·,, Harbor 17 U Harbor 14 77 Multiple listi~g . . Over. -the Top ~- 81/2 Million Dollar.s " PROPERTY SOLD IN 19~· WITH MONTiiS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, r IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors '°1 N. Newport B~vd. N~wport Beach Open House 1-5 P.M. . . , 2572 Circle Drive, Bayshores, N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, ext.ta 1hower, compl. furn., encl. pltio, BBQ. fire· place. Especially designed for outdoor living. Cor. lot ':: blk. from N. Channel. Priced to aell. , CORONA PEL ·MAR -R·2 corner lot 2 turn. rentals, potential Sl20 mo. inc. Room to build roore. Under $11,000 for q~cll aale. Tenna. but Hurry! G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Ceaat Hy .. Corona del Mar H•rbor 5-442 Eves. Har. 5680 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -T~effic O'NEJL'S HASTY Moving & Rep •. Storage LOCAL AND NATlON·WIDE MOVING Pb. Kl 3-9221 ~ LI 8·2981 CorMr Newport BlvG. and So. Ma.in St. • . • J • -·' a Re.I ........ 11-SMI r.atate b-._, r..aat. ....... ._.,. ______ -..~------~------------- •t ... • .. I\ p e .a e p ~ I m e r i n c o r p o r a t e d developers ·of Lido Isle • North ·Bayfro~t ~ Only 60 .. Days 'Tiii Christmas! Home on 80 fQ9t frontee. 5 bedrma.', 'ext.ra-l&rgr Which la jµat about time to deliver you the deed\() one of the followi.nr bulldinr alta~n Lo 'I ~o . Uv. rm., lovely yard, pier and alip -there juat What betttt gift cowd you pvt e le f&ID.ily ian't a better location on Lido lale, We have the than that! key and will be happy to ahow you thia home.. . INSIDE.8PECIAL8& Comer lot on Via Geno11, 70xg() -$~.000. 1. 30 feet near Clubhoute ...... _ ....... --:...$ 9,~ 2. fOxllO feet permanent Bayrift' -14,000 -.... lido ' Farm H9use Open beam ceilings, uaed brick firep1a~e. forced air furnaee, natural cabinet., beautiful tile ia k~tchen and both bath•, 3 bedrma., enc)oee<f patio and dC?uble garap. Brand new and landacaped. $25,500. SlO,MO down and $120 a month. • 3. 60 foot .rtnet to meet -·-------14,600 4. 50 foot cornez:.atrada .......... __ 17,MO , BA YFRONT SPECIAL8J 1. 45 feet South Bay -········ .. ·---·--··-· 39,MO ~. 52~ feet North Bay, bulkhead A wall --49,760 3. 50 feet So. Bay zoned for 3 Ulllta .. -·--38,000 Sant& telia ua he may not have any nat year, IO better get buay and call NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PAltT I I -,AQI I . MONDAY, OCTOBER JI, 1951 a .... ~ a ......... CORO~A DEL MAR P~O&A.MIC Harbor and ocean vl.ew, .. quaJlty .t.reet.'< 4 B. R., den, 2 bath.a.. Low W'mL S..... ~ s~.ooo . IRVINE TERRACE, $6000 will handle. Almo9t new"2 B. R. coov. den, 2 bath., lnaJde BBQ. Drap- eriel, atov~; fully Jand8caped. Low priee. . BAY SHORES BARGAIN. 3 bedrm. Liv. room 15 x 20, firepl, fenced, covered p&tio. Low.et price In tht. •· duaive diatrict fl8,600 • ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro'8cted patJo. Owner anxioua for offer. .\akinl $28,000 4 Bedrm. 2 batha, % blk. from bathinr ba&cb . Submit tenm. A.l1tln1 '29, 760 • LARGE 3 bedrm. home on Orvieto, dining area, alid- ing glua doons, overair.ed double garage, endoeed patio, Thermador kitchen &nd 2 nice b&tU. Thia home will be finished jn about 30 daya, eo you atill have time to pick your interior colon in paint and wallpaper. $32,000. Bill Farnaworth Do You Need? SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHOltES propertiea. • " A magnificent ( bedroom home with a ~th.a la ~· family room richly carpeted and draped, eocloeed patio, beautifully l&nd8caped on fee aimple Cliff Ha- ven lot. If 90, call • J;>&ve O.burn. p. a. palmer incorporated_ ole hanson co., Bales management 3333 via Udo, )wi>or 1500 p. a. palm·1t ineorporat,d ole ha.naon co., sales ·management 17~ "· eout b!chway -liberty Houston Values Unobstructed View BACK BAY NEW 3 BDRM., 2 bath ultra modem, txtra 1&r1e rooma. Muat be aeen. Open tor Jn.pectlon Sat. 6 Sun. 11 • 6 380 La C&l\ad& Way Back Bav View Lot Suitable for •"·000 home. Bara-1D price. M-1 l. 17600 BUYS OORNER 70x127 nn 20th St.. with older houat. 2. PLACENTIA Mx05 HIJh, level. A b&r1atn a t 112,600. Hurry on lbla. ~ $1000 Down 4 BJ;DRM. 2 bath, Corntr, on p&V· I'd 1t., ~wer etc. Fenced )'&rd. A fan1e. FHA terma, West "Side A ~Tombstone Has Its Pface- Why let it lie heavy on you• cb•t before your ti!ne. Unproduci,lve property can &llO Ue heavy on your cheat -Let ua 'sell or trade it. for you. We might juat know the f ollta who want it and can uee it- Phone ua or drop ua a llne'rtght now and eee atomic enerJY So into action. Don't Be Embarrassed- Bectuee you can offer; only a amall down pa~ent on a lot. home or lncome property -Many of the natiQn'• wealthJeat men ·.tarted their fortune. with a amall down payment on· aomething or other. Poeaibly the very lot, houae or income property you would Uie to own la liated with u and can be yoW'SI Off The Heavy Traffic. Lane- ln the Back Bay Area. -cloee. to the Bay. The touch of lovtng hands can tn.nitorm t.hia aln\o.t 2000 eq. ft. home into a paractiae where Jiving la at ita very be9t. J\lll price $13,500 W~!~! th~~0 • Is and tell the People" P,ninsula Bay Front! BEA UTJFUL Jo.ND BP Jo.CIOUI, dupla on m BaJbo& Penln.ul&. ' ~ old. Upper nicely turn- ~2 beclrooml In et.di untt. Uw:idry and QUlJty rooma. a aar pnc-e. ~e aie.ch and per l11hla. ~. t.rma. Peninsula H~me! j MODERN 6 BEDROOM. I BA TB borne. t yean old. Ocean vl.w 'rom UJ19t&lr bedroom. Lar1• 1Jv1nr room with fireplace. Splendid home tor la~e family • •• only fU,600, ~ down. Lido· Isle Home! a BllDROOMa, I BA TH8. •6 tt. lot. Beln1 redeooni.ted lnalde and out. All Lb• convenlencw you would expect to find In a Joni)' home. '35,000, te~ 7 Unit Income! JLU.8oA. LOCATION • , • A• Har. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt t-8222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9 Lou Boynton, Bayaide Dr. o!fi~, Har. 3297, eve Har. a78 ,, EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave .. Balboa Ialand- VOGEL I VALUES • MAIN OFFICE -tr ·-tr * HAVE YOU SEEN ANYTHING TO T6P . THIS? Built on a 60'XllSO' lot in the upper bay diatrict, thla cu.atom home featuru 3 11pacioua bedroonus, l~• bat.U, forced air heat.' hardwood floors, lovely ftn- place, beautiful large kitchen, and profeuionaUy- land.caped grounds. You can buy tbla beauty for $21,500 with $6000 down. ¥BALBOA OCEAN-FRONT 4 Stores 7 Apartmenti Present acbeduled tnc.ome la $10,800 per yr, with· out aummer renW achedwe &nd with only 2 1tore1 rented .. A good manager could euUy inett&N tJM income to approximately $1:5,000 and you can buy thla property for $89,000. Owner will take tru.at deeda for hia equity of $42,000. * * ~ THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, Cout Hiway, Newport Beach ,, LI S.3481 3 BR HOME l yr. old. Near mkta. and .choola. Compl. ftnced. FIOWfl'MI and ahf\lb&. .... 'i'~ I011 n. Lnw dn. paym. Mllhl trad4 for w~idoisr· .• dOM .. )'OU can 1et \o the Bay -------------------- 100d trailer, ' • $1800 Down BEAUTIFUL NEW 2 BR. home. Cora•r lo('w1lb vi-. Le•. fir .. place. ea. roof, landac:&~ a.. uua. Houston Realty Co. .. A-ut... 509· c.ntu et.. Coeta Meea u t-4'U or U 8·7784 f.ve. or Bun. phonea: LYUI' LJ 8·2&41. PetUtte Ll l ·IHt'T. Seymour Rat'W 6291-W. Balboa BA YFRONT Duplu 1 ·2 b<trm. A l·l -ildrm., 2 car Kara&e. fUl'· nlah4d. J34.600. T.rm1. Ml&ht oonetder t,..d• for c.o.t& M ... Income property. OCean Front F'URN J Bednn .. I baUI huu.. 6 1 bdrm. apt. ovtr raraa• U5.IOO Te~ OLDD 4 bdrm. hOWM'. forced IJr ba~ Onl,y u a.&00. Ot'Pl.EX on Balboa Blvd. 118.· 7~ tl<IUI unlui nicely rum. On.II •e.ooo wiu band!• ,. Coast Properties 301 E . S&lboa Blvd Balboa Harbor 2~. "97 a.nd 4900. LOTS \\'ATERFRONT WT. beautiful view. Walk to Poet Oftk a and Ll<1n Shoppln& C.nter t:omplele with bullth .. d. H&.&00. terma. BALBOA Pl:NJ~SULA, very 'd• alrabl• bulldtn1 •H~. Firm price IJ0,600. N'EWPORT HEIGHTS. ntce netsll· borhood. Walk to Mariner'• Mil• •hoppln1 dlatrlct. ~Oxl.27 i., -1 l hOO Tenna. take tn&al deed or l'qulty; A ~uty for $2:5.000 wtth ultra-fine bl.rd! puelllnr in living, dining and kitchen. l lh bat.ha. ~ ctouble garage ltreued for 2·1tory eomtruc:Uon, rough plumbing in, Large patio. Act now and you'll ban no ~gret.. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. .~ 32nd St. Office Phone Harbor Me& Newport Beach, Calif. After 5 p. m. Har. 2293-J BALBOA ISLAND SOUNDS UKE WISHFUL THINKING BUT ITS TRUE! Lovely lge. liv. rm. with fr .• pl., t-bedrml. 2 bat.hnu. aunny patio, comp'l furn. Yr.-round . home near vlllap. $24,960. DOLLARS MAKE SENSE when invested rtrktt Thia 2-unit prop. abowa terrific poteaUal.. 2-Wrim., ooe unit.. 3-bednna. ln other. Comp'l ~:. Attrac- tive ext.rior. Near Bay, Xtra ~room -we could So on but COME IN~ US SHOW IT TO YOU ! $23.~ wtth xlnt tenna. NELDA GIBSON. Realtor 308 Marine Ave., B'alboa lal&Dd Bar. 0!502 -4623 · · ' ·,. EXCLUSIVE • ONE OF THE ISLAND'S FINEST! 2 living roosu dining room -· Sun room :> bedroonw, • bath• Patio It Cabana Double rarar• Extra wide Jot Ooeeto Bay $4 7 ,000 tenu. ... .,. .. ... •-*". CX'EA~ FRONT , nor ~e"'port W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD P1rr, :Z IOI• ''" cornf'r CIOxl211. R ft • •11.000 Or "'ill build IO •Ult ea ors tfn&11t. Marine and Parlr, ~Balboa Ialand. Harbor 24e2 •• , 1 ood re11t.&1 &rM. Situated oa t &ota. One doul>l. •lid aiJt .msi... ldcely t\lmtal\ed. No patkinc prob&m\. isa.ooo. terma. Beach Home! CLOU._TO BAY . • • Slee pt e people. A.·1 eondJUOft. Nicely I f\a.rn. fll,&00, SllOOO cfoWTl. ' Balboa Rea'lty Co. Oppotilt• 8aAk of Amerlu Ro. Or.eleJ At eom.uu. Ed Lee J*:k Ptnkb&m JOffphlne Webb 100 S. B&lbo& Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 3277 OPEN HOUSE Saturday A Sunday l to 5 p.m. 221 and 228 Ocean Vlew, New· port Hel(ht.L Panoramic View from UMM I L-a bdrm. l '- b&Lb '90deni hom• dul(Tled an~,~t.d ln °'41 flnut ~f' tMte. UT.000 and f23.000. .Ar -tr -er THERE ARE NO GHOSTS! lD U\11 cosy I bdrm. home Juat 2 bloclla n-oai Oc.an &11d Channel for onlJ 111.500 rutl p11ce wtlh a low, &ow down. KurTY on thle omo: J... ·"-·'-W' ... • Baek Bay Area Only 14000 down will buy thll ~uut\ll owner·buUt 2 ynr old 2 bdrm.. 1 ~-bath home wtt.b ttpa.rat• nimpu.a room ott ~e. Jl'ltepl&ce, dlnlnr room. enclOMd J19Uo, work· ~ and many other extra A~uou sna.k• thia home t~ buy ot lb.a· MUOn. Full Pr1c. J17,600. -er * fr ay & Beach Realty HM Newport Blvd., eo.t.& M~N Ll t-Utl -EY ... Ll &,3010 ·' LIDO R-3 R-2 LOT, nlc. loca tlon, H"port ;o 2 -IO tt. Iott on ao. Bay Front. s-cJI Ut50. \ ------------"------..=;'---_..._ NUOO .ch. Call T. D. Rocen , Homer E. Shafes't BRAND NEW LIDO HOME au. iaa.w. or itYu 1-eo~:uc • 3 Bedroc>lu, l ~ bathe, lovely kitchen with Tber-REALTOR 11)t McYadden ~ Har. U O £,,._ Har. Mft.M It Har. 6Mt-W • madcw range. oven a.n4. cllabwaaber. 2 flrepla.cea. Carpet.a. etc. . ~ OnJy 132.509 and a GOOD BVY CLIFF HAVEN .. CORN'D VLEW LOT, Back Bay bound to M wo..U. mo" ntlll '"""· "'i50 c:uh. OR.ANOS COA.IT PIWPD'l'ID lll'f Mft'port. Oollta M Na u a-1m m.... u ~-uoa J'OI\ a.A.IA BT OWN'D-4 bed· J'OQm home. 1 ~ bat.ha, land· -=aped It• fenced. FHA lo&tl. , rr..ctom bom• area. caa LJberty 8.-9221 momlnl'• or a.tieT 11 p. m. set.tc : -,. BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 278 Magnolia ' OPEN DAILY 1 :30 to 4.30 Here la a real homey 3 btdroom cottq'e of 18:50 .quare feet. Living room Ux.30feet.RoQmm1anp tor aleeping, plua hobby room and !Jodry • Neatied in an orchard of 23 bearing fruit t.reea, Ol'o angea, grapea, lemon.a, peacllee, flp, avocadoe, Jo. quata .and gu,avu. Beautiful lawn and lhnlbe. A. dream place for a family that bu a rranddad to putt.er in the yard. All t.hI. oh 2 large R-4 lot. 100x125 feet. All uWl- tiea In. Paved alley and atreet. In eo.ta II-. ju8t • 5 minut.ea from the oc~n . Full price $18~500 -Good term.e, or Trade DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Bu. •711 "Cou.ntry Club Estates" IN ·coSTA MESA Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, Eut of Santa Ana A venue, off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modem Homes No Down Payment Non-Vets -Vets - S..\Mmtn 01l tr&et every att.erDoola &Dd .... SANT A ANA MORTGAGE CO. 200 Spurgeon Bldg. 8uta .ba, C&lit. PbonelJ Klmbetly 7..tte8 Liberty 8--1 (Evenlnp Llberty M78e) 1Jc20 DOUBLE TROUBLE One of our c~ta bu it.. Hat 2 proplrtie9 ud would like to try for 1. Otten a DUPLEX. botb aides rented mo. to mo., hdwd. fin .• firepW., dbl pr., Xlnt location ju.t stepe to lbope. Bull, lt.c. With moat 2 B. R. home. 11ellinc for u much. tt'1 .. a STEAL for SW'9 at Ste,000, tM9I can bearnn,ed. Don't caU. Jun bring a..check to · R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 3122 E. Cout Hwy., Corona deJ Kar Har. m• , ·. ... \ PAGE 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEW$-PRESS MONOA.Y,_ OCTOBER 31, 1955 - N t;W PHONE PLAN -Toll fn!e dial service areu and manual (operator diacon· nect) service to be lncl~ed in the Newport Beach exchange extended eervice area is pictured in the shaded portion of ~he above map depicting Orange ~unty. The ad· dition of Huntington Beach and Laguna Beach to the Newport Beach exchange will be provided if favorabu! action ia given by the Public Utilities Cornmiaaion following a hearing in Santa Ana on Dec. 15. The General Telephone Co. and Pacific Telephone and 'l'elegraph Co. have made joint application. u~n which hearingJwill be htld. General Telephone aeeka to raise it. rates equaf to thoee already aU~wed PT&T i! the extended aervice ia ordered by the commiMion. . PUBLIC HEARINGS OF TELEPHONE APPLICATIONS SET FOR DEC. 15 IJ. poHd no ~ate lncre&M for the Public UNlltles Commission Names 5cHrta Ana as Location • extended aervlce lml>rovementa planned. Extended 11ervice for telephonee of the Newport Beach Exchange, compriaing Harbor and Liberty preC11ea, to .the adjacent Laguna BeJch ·and Huntington Beach exchanges of Hyat and Lexington respectively, drew a atep nearer to- day. It wu announced by the California Public U~ee Commiaaion that hearing• on the applications of both Gen- .,.i Telepbone Co. ·and the Pacltic Edwarda of the PUC~ wW preatde Telepllone A Telepph Co. would at the Santa Ana hearing•. ~ .. heard In Santa Ana on O.C. l:S. J"8 wu told that the locaUon hu Mid It wtll ult for will be announced 1Jl th• very llCft&M ln MLt• to add the -two near future. rtnc exch&nru to th• toll. Ell.tended •rvice of I.he P•d· for NeWJl(>rt BeM:h &ll· fie Co. ln Ot-anre Oounly went • ct\aq'9. Genera.I Tel•phone la Uk· Into effect on Oct. 31, 11164. Al Int' for a complete reYillon of that Um• a..a.rai Phone Com· rat.ea, upward, to match thoae now pany wu ordered t.o make etUd· char1ed tor extended Mrvlce by lea preparatory t o tlllnr an •P- Uie PTAT. plication to rtve It.a uaen \,he PHONU AJTl)C"l'l!D benefllll of extended aervlce. "ln Comml•loner Juatua P'. er... adjacent u tchanrea. meT and Examiner M-.nley W. Ed· The General Co. filed f or lhl1 warda wUI prnlde at the hear1nr aervtc• on May • of thl• yMr, at a place In Sulla Ana to be an· and the Pa.ct& COmpany flied C!D , nou.nced later. Accordln( t -, the Oct. l . Public UW1UM Commi..IOn llUb-PU'BLIO DCTEll&8T 11c:r1ben1 to 17&.000 tt'le~ .. ,.. Before arTt1'lll( a t a dectMon 'ricea In northw"tem and cout.al tl)e commiaaioner1 wlU determine Oran1e County and Loi Al\(elea lt the propoeed IM'l°Yice ls ln the County wlll ~ alfected. public tntcreat, I.he PUC announc· Genera.Hy the two appllcaUOl\.I ed. Tbe commluionera at&ted the Will 10 to link throutti toll·fffe public "bu a r!g'bl to know what aernce. Ulf' western and north· t.he hlcber T'&lem for eat.ended -.iem part• of Oran1e County ae"1ce will be.'" to thoee a.djacent fllt'han(l'8 to 8ubect1ber1 attendln1 the San· eentral Or·an1te County and to la Ana hearinr will be ,tven an a out he a at e r n Loa An1ele. opportunity to voice any argu· County. menll or 11Uff .. t1on1. It wu The 1eneral t e I • p h o n• ell· made clear by .lbe PU otnc:e. ~han«ee eftKted In Or&nff' Coun- t y a re Wutmln11ter. Laruna On.nee County f Paclllc Th• General Telephone Com- pa.ny NY• It will brtng no ln· cr....u to thoae of Ill! uaer1 llv· Inf tn the DoWlley, Lonr Buch. or Whittler exch&nfH. Huntington Beach. Weatmln· ater, and Laguna Beach aubacr!b· tra to General Telephon• Com· pany however, '!"UI • be uked to ruch lnto their pockelbooka for addlUonal monl'y tor .their 1hare In the extended service project. SOME HIK1:8 For bualneu telephonu, Weal· mln•tt r and Huntington Beach one party uaera will be u ke"d tor a h ike from $8.00 to 111.2~. One party bu.lneu phone u~n In La· runa Beach will be uked t o ro trom th• p~aent se.~o to $11.2~. f'or one party and four party UMra In Wealmlnaler and Hunl· Buch. and Huntln1tton Boc.h. Company w1ll be hapJ> to learn Tho1e gtnt r•I ph OJle company that the Pacific Co pro-• n chan1H In Lo• An1t•lu Coun- t y f'f!ect•d Ari' th• u1tem part. ot Downey. Whitlitr. and Lone Beach exchAngt11. • PT(~ t '8ER8 ''The Hasty Heart!' Nov. 2, 3, 5 CMpel Tlteeter a& o.c.c. C.U lllM'bor UN for Ree. Pacific Telephone Company Ult· en Included In these application• are <Jtrproa r .. ntral ofrtce o! 1 Anaheim f'Xchangr. Brea. Burn& ~===========~ Park, Newport Be11rh. Fullerton. WATl:,ll RLt.TE&8 Garden Grove. and Santa Arta. UlU. IU'tlCI ...i "'"'II Bolb com pany"• propoe1l1 are J B. ft~ tntendeJ 10 upand lhe local call· · /l ln~ areu t o lncludr adjacrnl t ll· O• PLr..!!~O 0 cancea without toll l'harie• .,_..., Commlalonn JualW! F. Cr•• raws 11 "I CDCt OOWM mer. and Eluunlner Manlt'y_:W~. -====,.,_===....-===ma===:::; D 21 OI Oc•• FrOftt ~wport leach TOY SALE- ..... ., ,_ r-ltva ........ ~2" IOTA.I. DOLL HOUSE TOY PIA~c)s ...... ftcLMse.-···--··~5'5 OUXT ' r $2" PLUSH PANDAS -·-·-··········-·-. __ ~AL WAGON :. _________ .. ~2" USH TEDDY IEAR _····--··-ftc Oliif a Couple • FlleS S.1.1.000 Damage Suit Savi1g1-Lo11 Str1ct1re Makes LAPD Nabs Checll A Susped for ~ffy U.S. ~out Guard noun.. 11th Publication ppear11ce Tne.V.V. Anl'tlH P~llte-~part- all marinera that there y,1ft"11e' Thi' •triklnf modl'm headquar· tf'<'tural Rt>cord M'a1tulne tor O<-· n.ent forgery drlall ••rtday notl• llhoolJ.n& In the Cu lle Rock ten buUdlns ol Ne""'J)Ort Balboa tober. and Proirteu lve Archll l'<"· faf'<'I ="•·)'·porl HM•'h P()ll~ 0.- arPa ot San Clemente Laland I Saving• and Loan AIUIO('fatlon on turf' and· Archlt••·t ural Fom m for 1'111t111J'nt l hr m"'"•Jl<lhtan n~r<'Ot· l<l'illy through Friday from 8 tfie bay{ronl in New~rt Beach Novemb4>r • u· tlt<lall h"rt 1•wkf'\J up a •U•....,.t a n1 tn mldnighl and Satur-or-· Jay llnd Sund&)' In daylight 11 maklnl ate nineteenth a pJ>4!ar· Tiit! bulldln1t hu bffn rubhcl~· With 11 lo<'a l l•I mtf'<I foml tyii- MAllNEI WAINING • 'CLIMINTI · FIRING ance In natronel and re1rlon11I f'd In Arlvertlaln.: or ffatur!" 111111 • SAl\"I'A ANA IOC.WS I ~A hours pubUcationi l.hla month •• Jt 11 lea tw1 rt an Fort une M11~11tu11• ra~ 14'11 <'hr• k 111 nu• J>OJUM".,fon. Coata Mesa i»upfe Saturday flied f~atu"'d In thrtt arr hltf.·rtura11,.nJ fn ="""""""'"l'k. th<' \\'all Th., IUl!f'<'\"t \\ "~ rtobf'rt CllarlH •lilt in Superior Court here, H ek· 1 • • "CK GOLD! mag u lnu ant1 a tnide journal Sfrl'f't Journal. Ad\ f'rt1111n1t Al:"· M1h hf'll. :ill. of l...o• An1eln. ir.g-more lhan $11,000 tlamare• ln ________ ot the aavlnga and loan lndu1try Am•11ran Bucnnt>l1' IUIJ nthf'I n•· In 111• l""'""H 11111 wa1 a <'hf<'k .. the wa ke of a traffit: arcldent s H a h The· bwldlng'i Jl&N Walla. to· Ito n a I mai:u lnl'll AwJO<X·1 .. 111111 !'\1•\\ r••rt ll1t1 bor \'111'11t l'lub dated April II at 18th St. anrt Ntwport unset e1• Is t•lling dOme 16 000 '.q. ft . and l?r-t,.1dent Paul A P ahlll'I ,. """'" 0 1 I !.!.I, l!l5~ T lw t•ht•t•k waa pay· Blvd .. Coat& Meaa & lta awtornatlc el.,ctrtc door~re ha.1 tnrwarJt'd ma1•r111l ,., h·~lul<••I ttbl<' 111 t 'hurt.·~ Tnvtor t<)r Slll.60, Mr. IUld Mr1. Elno A Ollqa, Ill-w 11 teatu~d plr 1orh1lly In a ful •Kf' t o app~ar ac>0n 1n a Sp1w111h rn· th•' n l'<lll M1l1I. w11h tlll\&ture ot Tl3 W . Wilson St., brou~ht tha 7 bbl e a<1vert1sernf'nt In· the Aavan,111 nd jtlnC'~l '!ltf. m llj(a."ZUI!' J'\lblrl<ht'•I 111 lllttkl'r 1 ;,.,.,IC~ I' F'a11 complaint. They mimed Jack Weit· • Loan Nt>wa for Ol"lobl'r. and In Madrid. anl1 •nu1h .. 71 <·1•hnirRI llH•· T"\'lur hnd 11•purll'<I to rlub of· lslna ot Lagun1t ~ach fJld Ralph •• f a doubl<'·P•1e • 11p1eud In Ard\f· gu.lnt publll1h.-d In Milan, 1111.ly. I fh'tlll~ 1h111 11 .. hutl <'llhrr foal th• E . Goodman no addrua c·lven. IH Believed In . . •·h .. r k 11r It h111I bf'f'O llOl•n a nd de:eds:1:·ntlft11 UHrt Mra. 011· SA!STA A NA , 10CNS> -An HORNETS PASS RUN I ~~;~',',';~::~/1~;~ ;.~c;1:pl"I on the l'hec\l, Ila ha iled her r M· aJ.. a. tr ... n k' etc-'1t"Wel't'"1tr·~c. .. s:;ounty l --.._ nal and that It wu 1truck ln the 11landa to collect 3.7'• per ·e:·;D\•I • .............. _ I l'rn Sick of The Smotl rear by one operated by the de· royaltlea boomj'(f in late Friday o··~·c·~sv--3~4>-ft'ndants. a ftt m oon at • reported 7000 bru·· OVER , ·~ I'm mO\'ln~ from Lo8 A•C"IN The defendant. art' ch,lrged with rt>la·a·d•y clip. • I . ~......... I to ·,;rt lloUmf' fn>8h air. Plan negllf l'nce by the plalntlffa. Jr~~~de;,n:~et~~ P~~~~enJt'nf ~~: . t~ mon h~· Ott. bt, I'm M lntnon Bt"ach. the price wlll be hiked • $1.00 tn WP11lmln11trr Pf'O- ple. a.nd $1.~ per month for Huntington Beach. In Laguna Beach the ratu are uked to go up by an lnCl"t>BMf! ot Sl.00 per month for lllngle party phonu, while four party phones wlll go up 7:> cent• per month: EXCHANGE USKM The excbangea to be linked wnuld be fJJ follows: I 11 WestMln11ter ex c h a nge wnulrt be able· to call Termlno I Eaat Long Beach I, Cypre111. Garden Grove. Santa Ana, and Huntington Beach. •· ( 2 >. Laguna Beach would be connected to Newport Beach. (31 Huntington Beach would be linked to Newport Beach, Ban· t:a Ana. We1tmlnater. and Tet- mlno. ( 4-l Arteala c:enlnll office area Golden We11t Oil Co .. lndlt'a lf'd r FULLERTON !OCNSl -1 n1x. to l')Aioh with PhMnix B<'Clrfl, ~f'a.1"8 old, malt' sln«ilfo ud the ""black cold"' waa hit' above Throwtng twq_ dlfterent o!ttnaln the P1~u·11 lr&Vl'f to Pnmona Sa· ha\ f'. had 4 ynrs of OOilflle• the 840().ft. level I I 0 c t' r l -lurt111y •to mut lht imdef~atNI Currrntl:r f'm11loff'CI M ~Ad· · formal ona •t range 0111 1 Mt. San Antonio ~tnunt1e11. , . • • n.a.. Th" Wl'll came In a t 5:45 Pm. ratea Saturday ntcht. Coach Bud • • . \:C-rtbung Man~f'r for a '.,... .The oil wu defined a• 30 JTllV· 1 . In Saturday " 1tamr. Guy B;alt· trtbutlnl Company. Would fty and worth $3 a barrel. Daw110n • Hornets f'A31ly ran an-:t well ,.,·orl'd two tn11rhdown>1, amt Ukr a joh ln IUl\' of thMe • · pa•cd t heir way to 11 ronvlnrm1t paiuu•<t fur u11<1thW-Gu y Camp-, ~Ids . Ad\·f'~Mn· .... Lll'b waa quotNt u 11aying It . I bell lll'Ot I'd twll'f' and lnt..rcPptl'd ' "' cost about. $•00.000 to reach the 32-e victory. · Promotio• oil. HI! waa forct d to hilt drill· The Eutem Conf•renc• win thret' pu~rri. · Publi<' ft«-laftODlt Coach Bud Dawaon unvt>Ue<l Ing after moving to the e-000-ft. moved-lhl" Hornell! Into undlaput-Dll'f'<'t S.-lllnit level. Oil wu found but It wasn't ed nnt place In the circuit the 1lngle-w1n1 torm11llon l.lllnt: the produclnir kind. standings. It wu the tourth that with hl1 famoua s pread. the Lieb aald he wa.11 convinced straight victory "'' the Hornell!. ev•nlual outcom,. wu nt'Vl'r in lht re waa oil down a~ about 8000 and their fifth of lhe 8l'uon. doubt. There were no report f'd feet. He hired a new contracl.Qr 1tnd apparently hit the jack poL · moHi:sT MAJIK ·The Anaheim man ou\bld eev· The atore tied the hlchr11 eral othera for lease right• on mark ever reeorded in the Pl· the triangular •haped piece of rate-Hornet IM'rlH, and the mar· county 'owned l&nd at Algonquin gin of victory waa the wldut St. and Wlntt'raburg. Sunaet s ince the Initial game. In 1&41. Hel1ha area. Ht offered to five J'UYer\on now INda l.n the Mrlff, th• county 3HI per cent of all 4·3. • oil or fU roya.lt1e1. ln artlon thl1 weekend, l"uller· lnjurlf'll In th11 Hornl'La" nu t. Naturally my employer lcnowa of thltr ftCf and wlll fumleh reft'n-ft~ Box V-66 of the Downey exchan1e would The world ha.d a JTIUld total be able to dlal Buena P ark and of aa mllllon motor vehJclee In Cypreu. , tll!W , report• the National Auto- (5) Norwalk would be hooked mobile Club. Cloae to :>II million ton"• Hornet. play their laat came of the HUOn -In Fu.Jler\On 1t.adlum. Frida y night. they c:luh with Chatley'• Panthers. HARBOR . AREA BUSINESS GUIDE -wllb Buena Park. of thue were In I.he United PIRATES TO MT. 8AC (8) Lakf'Wood central office of While s&nta Ana ~°" to Phoe- the Long Beach exchange would _s;;ta;;;t;;;e;;;•·;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ be conhttted With Cypreaa cen· • tril office phone uaera. ( 7) Termlno phone. ln l:Ht Long Beach w<>Wd connect with Cypreaa, W t'•tmln.ater and. Hunt· tngton Beac)l callll accordtnc to General· 1 and Pacific Company'• BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A MJCSA CHA.PEL 17'1 Superior Avenue Coat.a Meu.. Ca1U. • Pbone Uberty 1-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3.520 E. Cout Bh'<l. Corona del Kar, Calli. Phone Harbor 42 bid. 18) La Habra cenlraJ office ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;:;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;~ area. of G.ener&l Company ea· change In Whltllel" would be join· ed by dla.I with Brea, FUiierton, and Buena Park. Th,.. two appllcatlona renanJJy do"1!·la11 In the p ropo!!ed areu t o be given benefit.a "bf extended service. CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE Emeat Holmu, founder, autbor ot "'Science uf .Mind ·· SUNDAY SERVICES 11 a.at. \. 1aalor Church and Nunery Care U a.m. a.v. Ina Tll.rk, K1at.ter LAGUNA BEACH UT G~l' H\'atl 4-UM JO'J Ctllf Dr, %. PH Al•Uil ~ CURRENT . EARNINGS - C'ompll'tf' ("olllidoa Work i'UIO PU.ll•& PATCH'S BODY -& PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH f'rf'f" K"twiot•"' './ T r)I U1 Ftto\I '78-Wttit 11th lSt . ('oeta M-. C.'allf. LI 8-'JMA MAl'tNE IEAUTY SALON B.rpnl S t11h"l1 -81'.ttpotg Pen11ot1(""'" -Tinting 8 Np,....t'i .. rd b)/ Violet · IU Mart.. A'"· -Harbor UI Ba.lhoa l•land 3 Minlltn LUSTERWASH A wtnm nt 1(" ('fir "'o.~ll11t1/ ot It a /''rn "' t U U W. l"oaat Hll'hway N t'wport &a.C'l1. Callf. PhoilM' Llbt-rty 11-41 1% , (Ar~• •·rfim rort oranr1 CONTRACTOR~ ' ~~~~~ --------- CHAMBERLAIN & SON G• 11r rt1/ l'ontrnrtQ'rit ("ommt'rc-lal -Rf'Md<-ntJaJ F,.nrlntt -ratio. SM r.-.t 1 ltb I'll. C'Otlla M,,_ LI M3'll MAX W. PQPE, Inc. Grnrrnl Contrnrlr,r_. Industrial -Tract& ------------------- CRAWFORD PRESCRIPTION PHARMA('\' llllll ~""'port Rhd. Pim'"' U tw•rt ~· II· I 'Ht n'"'" M r-. (""lit. J ~ r ooo 1.ocK1t1ts -----------------------HARIOR MEAT CO. Ha rbnr t"rnlh! t•o.wt l,ol'krr Prl•• • CheJc • M••h Oftl1 et W ht.h ••t• Pi tt •• t....c ... , •• .,, ... C•H tOM SM'O"'"'' (u"ln f Wr•,,••"I A 1••n f (\v• SM e•11n1 'l•h. T\ftlt•r•. Ctu d ..-1u •Ill • 30tb ~t. Harbor 071 11 • :\to"' pnrt RHw-h ___ ru_R_N_•i,~~~.!.!!"J~'!.·~L­ :i. .. w 4'901tl FURNITURE Ft.NISHING HEA'}INC AIJ>S The tbaest. la Heuta1 C.a11lolttl' Lowleli.&. Sotl•lwtt-C..ar .. 1 ... MAICO AUOlVOX Wt:STltllH Eu:.cTalC ~r,•k-t> Rattf'r1f't' Corda All M&k,.. ~II. DALE RATHER , '"IJ.,1rfog Cettft'r" 809 ~. Mun s..1a Aaa Kl 1·66lt "'""°' WOODWORTH rtaao Cl-.-J' •·•4•1• ........... °'•·-c-......... .. Uo.4 Pl••" ...i 0.1- .SaJ•• -........ -,,__ ... . HIO .E. C'o.•t Hwy. llar. 1111 ("oro-df'I Mu P 1. UMat:JI I Y-• 0..-4.~a. Pl••"- H. H. HOUROOK H~• CoftttrwU0111 ·-........ , •• W•t•r H••t•n -nt.....a• f t .. ,. ,.•ntN•• YRY.P: F.MTDIAT'£" '!801 W. ftaJboa fth·d. Har ... ,. • x""'IHI" e..c-b GILLMAN PlumbinCJ Co. c ... .,., ..... -...... , •• , R•Mo4•U.,. -W•'"' H••t•f'I w .11 H •• , ..... -n...-"•'••«•• •rn . 5 h t ~"'''" Ha~r 11114 11 ..... Kl ~380! • :i. .... P'lr1 ~ HALL'S RANCH CO • • flalt•.. • ......... ··ll• • """h n~ Poultry !Ul lf•rtMlr ftl\·d • ""l.ltw-rly 11-$11.U , . ., .. ,,. Mr..._ n~llf. 'rltvl([ H A'f l0N5 ~------------~~ l~ORE RICRJJIELD SERVICE 11/1,1, IVHlfolllT, O r• nrr 200 \\ , ... , c ...... t ""' 1· l'h. 1.11 .. ·rl.) 11-91 t~ 'h uv1r1 f~·a•·h. C"a ll f. •t V Al'f'hlAl'ICf S ------------------\our l•llllrMIH'd TV and APPLIANCE '"' AU 1 ,_, ... "' T •li•i•I•• •"4 M•th • -W ••l t .. ft-ev•• Appf,•n• •• Ph. Uberty 8·3437 11111.·, 111.rl>•tr "'' 11., ( o•ta M,... 'Af lll 'IAI r1 -~-------------~~~--CLARK SWEET rRlO 5C IH N(I( IA .. Hlotol \•'hi ,...,,,., -( barlf',. ''"""'•I ln•uranN!I ····--+-· ······----·-"§ 321 AMIRICAN AYI. IUDDllC \"ANlTI' F.US PHONOGRAPH , _.kt.~•• •"4 0.fl••tT S..~v•,.• r ... r..11 ...... Hit ~Ua I.I FINI I ·"I'',''"' '"" "' M 11 ft •i' I "•~ rn »''" •U • ~i..1 '41, ffarlwtf tlH .. . . . _..r--- I ;\ .... , .. ,, ~-~ U.ll-6'tl'Z c-a. ,..__ , ...