HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-02 - Newport Harbor News Press•• .. I• ... .. R eW0 __ RT D~spiss~I Thrlat _4Mh_YEAR-___ NUKBER ___ ss_NEWPO_· __ aT_e_EA_ca. __ c_:..._'·_D'O_RNIA. __ •_m_pm __ JA._Y_. _N_o_v._·2._i• ___ PB_Q_•_. _JJARBO_..:..· _aHAUOa_i ..... ei_e __ :--. _nt11_CICN'lS_ ~O Q -at . J ~ rj? ·DA.~s Offi(e ChaFge~.· =:c;; .. Judge Shea says He ·ord .... y ael•y .. E:i~:-~--~:~ ~ E Not Issue . Sue~ Wamlng • in .. ,~o He1ri1r WI.th 'F •1 ~t A .. t' =~·~ .... ··-~ ~ . · for City, P.E. W9Clneeday, NOT. 2 .... 11 4t ...., • ..,...,.. al Ure 0 · c . "' ' ·--·--'"' A.eked thJa noon tf It were true n-.. -County Grana J\l!'Y Fo~ Bromley Hill, Lquna Beach, yNterday read A public hearifte ca1Md lly lb• . GAY NIGHT OUT a ltatmwmt to the jurora, Wt.ming them future "let.k•" of ;~:":.r~~1~~~,.C:':. otrAltGD 'Wis•n -Pnt'ty Mn.. Delo,.. Meeker of 8Ur ,.._ aia ... w wu tint wttnem called by the Oraqe Co~t; Grand Jury u lt looked into cbarcu that ahe WU ''threatened" by Dlatrlct At- torney'• of.flee investigator Joel Hayes. The thrc&ta, Mn. Meeker Kid. UOM out of persistent efforts to file criminal chargea against a San Clem_ente con- tractor. . . information, would re8Ult In the jury'• diamias&l, presiding po.tponed to daya by mutuaJ con· 'C ' I tr '#~ . Bl t Tr1·ck, . Treat Su~rior Court Judge John Shea Mid "I have no idea, I llel\l of Ule.<;uy of ~rtS..cll ~p S a~ : -~an ~ as s , WU not there. I definitely dld and that addlttonal IRka from U\e and .,.th• Pac:lfl~ Rallw~· tn th• -" t iaa1 11\lch .. ju ul 1 "cit)''• all~mpt lo acquire n prop. Kneeland, lnvest.lgator 811' Have '11 ~ .... ~!~:..~ -"; · _, ... •u ... m ..... :~c~..:::::::'.:: OCN c Witho1t Ha;m :::' ... ~ ~"': ... _._,...,. lolc _Beach Man :::-:.. ::::::..'":, ::'.";:..! .~ SANTA ANA, ( S) -The Orange County rand . ''rm not penn1t.ted to be tn Ule Shot 1n La•••• city hall. Jury t.djoum~ JD all-d\Y aeaaiod at 4:20 p. m. yesterday Trtck~n and treatera conttned &T&nd jury ch&mbera Wlleu 1 am 6 The petlUon wu taken undlr indictm D. t. Att Ro......_rt Kn land di their acUvtUe. moeUy to Ju a t 1®miNlon alter a publlc bMriftC' &D ent, 18 Y· uc ee 9-that )(onday-HaJJoween-ntpt. NO INVD'ATION LAGUNA BEACH -NOV. 2 Man.-h 30 hen. 011 Aq. IO. how· closed. A fut-breaking aeries of development.a MW his Newport Beach police 0 fecel•ed ln\'fted. I ·wu not tn the Jllr7 COCNS>--Oeorge Wasner. 30, a ever; the "eommlaelon Mt utde .U.._ 'office· and an ln'ICeatigator charged with ft.iJure to &ct. only HVan calla trom nervoua chambere yut.erday." ..... man ot 31 Mendoza St., ~I ml•Ton ot the C-.. tor t\artJl• ~dent. durtnc t.be evenlnc and Threat ot dtmU--1 of tb1a Beach. 1topp~ . four buUeta here tieartnc "for tile pU;p.. ot ·,... Woman Claims D. A. Sleuth .Jury J'Ore.f"IU:ll Bromley HJll of moet of thoee did llot fllt.all an ye&r'a county read Jllr7 toda.7 UU. atte~n. police reported u celv~ addttloOal encs.c. on tllie ~ 8each told OCN8 that tbe aerlou9 offmNa 1 h~ ewer the jurora' b..O. lt' they (rilled an untdeaUfted rua· ordu to ahciw e&UM Wiii)' au. com· Jury would auemble q&ln Dec. e. So bo · tMy "1-k" any tafon?MLUOD peel for hi• motive. mtalon ahould not ~ to bear He MJd curtJ.)': "No Indictment. me 1• -•Wl runn.lllJ -OCHll Je.nMd •""-• 1 ec t••-' -_.__ You· know 1 can't "tell you any-threw a bo\U. ot eome Jllnd of _, rom u ...-The •hoollnl' reperti!dly occun--the peUUon and to ftll ,-_... thina" liquid tbroup a plat• ciu. win-butt U'OWld tile court bou.ee fol· ed at 7U Glenneyre st. 1n a prl· Pf!nMtlOft to be pUd for the l&Ddil, Hill even dedlned to reveal the dow at th• home ot F.' JC. Bircher, =I'll' :Y•t.erda.)''a jury aeMion ID vale hou11e. Wagner ~wu picked property and _rlrb'-$'wa,r ... ~• of etrht watneuei paraded 221 Potnaetta Av~. 8ome othw ta AnL up at 1:16 p. m. by Maya Ambu· • before the lnquiallorlal body. boye dropped a can of (Moline Bl~~ WU reported Jury J'oreman lance S.mce and rfu.ehed to and ~ In UI• &ma. 1i1o111tA1 at· The queeUoninC oc witneaau be--Ut-under the· brtdce al Co-• re.d a prepared atatell)enl Hoeia Hoepllal where he ' wu st•· re'9f14d. Ria 4'oedtUon wu . Threat to Her 10 ahortly after UI• juron went rona del Mar IC&J1nJ Ve~ O'-which allepdl7 declared there bad eft blood ~tuaJoM. He waa bed .a. ''prtUy roup'• bJ Into aeulon at 10 a .m. After a Brien of 2'7 Poppy Ave. l'>ffn too muy --. in Um• put I ahot abdolnea -. el tJw .. ._....,. at~ SANTA ANA. (0CN8) A noon receea the body went back Other thlnga that happened for Into 1..ion al 1 p.m. which the police •-notified tn- woman wltne.. who t.eaUlled be· tort the Orange County Grand ~~ at.at.ed yeaterday ahe had told ll\e Jury of threat.I 1¥(le agaln•t her by a Dlrtrlct Alt.or· ney'1 ofilce lnvuUptor. Dl1t. Atty. Kneeland aat In on clu(Jed a fire hydran\ l'\IAblD1 OD moat of the•mee.Llng. Balboa !Aland, damactn&' a clo~ WOMA.N'8 CIU.&GES • line and wall under cooatructlon, The jury lnve1Urallon &llecedly reported by Mr•. Claire Claxton. 127 42nd St.; rock• thrown op .temmtld. from charce• leveled by root. reported by Mra. AtellR pretty divorcee Mra. Delor• Meek· Jl'tuer, 3130 Breakera Dr Ive; tr ot 8&n Juan Caplatrano a&"alnat ahooUnr mlp .. lum bomba, re- San Clemente Contractor Arthur ported o}' I. A.. Hatte, Broad and Beauteou• Mn. Deloree Meek· er ot San Juan Capllltrano aald the lnv..Uptor, J~I Kaye., had threatehed her with '"lndlctmen~u It ahe didn't flop preulnc for ac- tion ag.Wt a San Clemente ~n· tractor. (0-U. ... Oii ...,_ '> Banta Ana 8ta.; and turning O\'el' garbaee cana on Lido hland,. r.- porled by c.,t Bchlller. Ha"Uow._ ~ appeued to be exlrem•l1' minor In 01'- ange 00\lllty 8aata Ada police and Oranre eci..t.7 SIMirtft'a dep- The attracllve d;vorcee aa.td the-cue ~rew out of u apart- ment house projf'ct •he had con- tracted lo build In the mlaslon communlt.y. The con\nctor, Ar· thur F. Wrt1bt of San Ctemcnte. J1~re Cravath Recalls Case 01 Contractor -uu~ reported. No juvenlle ar- rest.a w.rt made ID S&At.& Ana Mid Capt. Ric~ BT&dley. Capt. uaertedly wu t>ro111bt to court Berm.an 8\&lll ot u.. llMJUf'e 91 •. on. charga made•by Mn. 11 .. 11. Judp c. c. c,...ath, Lapna flee .... ~--.u.t." el(bt m-u. ... ....,N ................. ~. tDd&7 ea.Id :¥ • Meeker told OCNS, "U"'Dt.tl'Wt 11n.-~ K...._, 8lul Sw ...._ • ,........ Al&.emey u'l&ed the ~ be ca.}MQ'ulo, lla4 c l a I m e d ..l&ll well lllaU.ed W ... $ ........ t1il"OW1l ~ ., eourt.• ........ ..,,.. , • _. ... .uu.. a..._ ... ....._ ,,. ---• when she preAed tor action on Wrtpl, San Oe~te Colltn.ctor, the matter, Ha.ye. lntormed tier bad atolen aome twlde. Tbe JTUl4 tht.t he would "PerlOflally aee theft charce .•u dlamileed for t.hat I waa Indict~." lack ot evidence at requ•t of the SEW SECRET TAC'TIC8 Dtatrlcl . Attorney. Other wilnl'Sl!H before t h e The Judire Aid u nearly M ~· d l yesterday -could •not court could determtne, Wrl,Jtlt 1 grt.n ury bulldJns contract had been tw- be rt' ached for C'Omment. A MW lilied th l • .. rni"'ht be altd unique method of k~p\ng • • .,.ere • 11<>me n:porters from qululnl' the jury matt.er ot poor bullin... practice wltnesl!ts wu employed. A• the but no larceny attributable lo him. wllneUcil arnved. they we re Apparently, the court Indicated, quickly ushtred to a hallway by Mn . .)leeker had adct.d on lteme an armed Sh .. rltr1 dep11~ who In maten..i. and labor not call~ stood ,uard. 'Mle tkputy retulM'd tor by the origtoaJ contract. When to allow rer>ort.e~• a.cce• to the the IMU. came. Judr• Cravsth 11a1d, wltneasea. ehe wanU<I Wr1rht to pay lhe-i;1 Jnve~llgator Hayn arrived al O\ll oC funde from the contract• lhe tellllion wlt.h Dlatrict Attor-total price. Mesa Building . -. at sa,e11.m· for '55 Today ... After lhr• atraJpt monlha ot topping the mllllon~ollar mark, a comparative luil aettled upon con- •trucUon ln Co•l• Meaa Ln Octo- ber. accordlll.l'-• to city Buildlns Official A. J. Vols today. · LA.et month'• total ~.. only '681.627, but lbla awelled con- struction l.otaJ for tt1e year to dale t.o $8,817,638. ney Robert Kneeland. Hayea Im· The JUdl'e aald when bWa tor medlatl'IY 11tarted duC'k lng cam-t.be non~ontract work ca me In to ~u a nd raJ) a lO·mlnute foot Mn . .,Meeker, ahe thougllt they B C• with OCNS RepoAer Pat allOUld be plJd f~ by Wnrht who Michaela 119 the newll'Tlan tr1td had accepted fUnd• advanced.,Mrs. to photogl'Aph hJm. Meekn ('Ot more than her money'1 NEW PaalDENT' -Edwt.rd j_ Crowley Jr., reneral manager of Sbert.toD· Breakdown of lbe October tota.\a T H Lo An e1e9 le.. • showa permit.a tor 10 •lnfle dwell-own ouee, • g ' •.. WU an noun~ today aa new preaklent t.nd dlrictor Lnl'• were 1aeued, amounllnl' to of Balboa Bay .club, 'aucceeding K. T. Kendall, founder. At right, Wayne FerreJJ, The jnvulJga.tor would almoet worth, aeoordlnlf lo what W~ght reach the 1anctorum of the, .. Mal teltlfled ln court, the Judge re· • ed chamber" w tie n Michaela portf'd. 'H .•N: three multiple unJt.a. general mt.n&ger, coniratulatea new preaident. lli1~E:7.:~::~: EDWARD' CROWLEY NOW Mayor Whnton ~~ fE:E;~ BAY CLUB'S PRESIDENT . !1 ~·111,1 l~ach DODGING D. A. -Diatrict Attorney'• Office lnve9~ ,.. tigator Joel Hayes •mile& •kkly aa be is caught by an OCNS caniera after running a dodfi6g, JO.minute foot race with photographer .. Hayea dodged into the Grud Jury'• guarded ante-Chamber where-wit- De.e8 were unavailable for qiiluing by th& preu. - QCNS Pbotoe \ a , , SUIT AGAINST BAY CLUB SET FOR J.URY &ANTA AN.A, NO\'. 2 IOCNS1 19. 19114 and landed on another The U OO.OOQ.plllll d ttmsgfl 11ult ewlmmer. He " a <¥1adraple~ •CM' apJnat the pluah Balboa Bay Club• hu no use• "' tns tiony trom lhe WM to lfO to the Juryl lale t oda.y. ahoulden dQ .... n. " Superior Court Jutlltt' .fohh Shea Hammonll 'f\l)n'lfl the· C'lub wu 7e1t erday atlerno<>n dtnll'd • mo-nl' llgt'nl In that II fallf'<i t ro-UOn by the 1il'fenae for a t11rected 1 ot 0 P verdict q1Un1l the plalnUCf, Ed· vide adequat" pr t'lllon for It.I ward J Ii ti 2? s 0 1 0 1r11uta llJ\Cl mc-mber11. The pla.lnUlf .. _di 8· 1 1~1 mon ' ". an eg rontl'n•I• .th,.1 11 w1tlo no life ruard .-o a on a nnoun 1'¥. AttOM'll'YI Warn-n J . Lan• tor on tlu1y At lhr pcx>I ll•ll,.n lhe tr•· the plalnttrf an1t D<>n Downt'n Cnr J •C t.ClhJent occurrt'tl. U.e club put on 1h,.lr final l\Tgll· I Th,. drf0•n1t" fll'nll'A nri·llJ:enc-• mente to th• Jury lhlll morning, \and arguu flam111n11<1 ftttlt'd t o Hamm on d all~ly auttt'red I exer<"llt' due cart In hl11 •bvt1. 1 pataJyslnJ injur1• when he dlvf'd J udre Shea pnv1ou.!lly hu de- efl &Ille...._. ....... -....-., IMcl a dat-.. move toe DOll..Wt.j would appear lr\ front of l\lm. The court ea.Id apparently the Haye1 turned and raced a~ c:on/1t.lion reaalted f r o m Mra. each time U1e camera wu level· MMker not ,.tunr recelp~d btUa ed at him The repo!UT' nnally fOI' Uie utra material.I and lllbor m•de the shot u Hayn mllnag.cf abov. t.be cioe1tract. to dodre Into th• guarded twill· WA)' '"SO OOMMENT', llO'fa! Neither Hayn nor Kneeland City l1ilding would commutt M the char&e• a•t $511).12 mllde by Mrs . .Meeker. When Ull· I S ed If his otflce would have a • 11tAtement on the mattl'r, Knee· D • Oct b land 11111d "l don't Ill.Ink ao " .,... 0 er Also •ubpen11ed lo leallty yes· I» r tenlay wer:e conlri.ctor Wrlflll and , BµJldlnc In Newport Beach tor S1tnta Ana blink t-r Tom M~ck October ., ... up over lh• ...-me Mock Raid he h11ndled account11 month w t ye•r •With JM-0.212 whlrh ri1t1cnntd the C'Ue under with 8!I permit•. u compared with lnn,lii.tsllon. $01.4~: but It dropped under p, lor to htr •PfW'Ara.nce before September, ltM. when Ule total lht' Kfllnd Jury rour monU111 a~o w;u Hl0,3:10, accordlnf to the Jtlrti. lltl't'k••r lolJ OCJIOS 'h.-had city building department. •llempted on numero1.1• occa· Onl'·f•n'llly homea acc0unted for lllonA lo Al~n cnmplatnu •«•ln•l the bulk •t con11tructlon In Oc· lilt' S11n Clfrnl'nte con~tM, bill tober, 20 permlta bl'lng lalued tor the Oll1tr1c:t Altorney's o rlc:e had 13~.MT. One two-unit pennlt ref\IJl«I to lll"rl'pl th~ charge• wu luued for $17,850 a nd tour She 1talcd thal •h~ U'll'n WTO\<' a letter to Ut~ gTand jury, Hklnr. thrH • unit homH • tor $80,000. pirmlMlon to appear before that Home ttpaln un<Mr $1000 were la-wed tor 27 jobl at 110.476 an• body and explain her charges. ov•r uoeo for 14 hou1ea at $37,. Tuterday'a -.ion .., .. ••id to be on out1row&.b of the attractl>rr Ml. New commercial conetrucllon divorcee:!,. earlier appe•rsnce. · conred two bulldlnjs C'OStlng 117,· . A&Dlll& "'IUGllT .. 2SO while permit• ror elJht com· artrcl11I npatre coet U O,M8. Other October permit.a Included tllhe c:abt.nU at $6950, one HOO 1aragt, one 12SOO pool &nd Cour a&gna a l $1100. ~le .,a Dlrictor Ira N . Friable, J09 Via Vent &la. tiU been cJla.eo one of educaton an<t bualne.. men who wlll ""' u dlreclOrJJ of Webb School of CaUfomla, located al Claremont. Tbompeon Webb, headma•ter and toundt'1, has rellnqul!h"1 owner· ah.Ip to a.Aure the achool"11 con· Unu.d e..'<llttncf' The nt"' board Wtll meet for the fln1t time on the campuia Oct. t. the month, maldns MO n-tamlly 11es1•1• on1•ht unit. tor the year. Edward J . Crowley Jr., Loll vlce • pruidml and Walter M. 6 • 6 lnape.cUona made durlnc the An(ele., hu betn named prul· Spradley, a 1 1 t 1 t an t .ccrelar-y. monll\,nwnbe.red 1317 for a Y..,..• dent and director of Balboa Bay both Crom Dt.llu. Mayor J Frank Wharton of La· tuna Beach l.Allounced ~ay I hat he will reelgn at t,he meeun1 of the city council tonl&ht. total ot Hll!I. La.et month 79 eleo-Crowley has had hi!! Loi An· lrlcaJ pennlta. were i..ued aloll.I' Club, aucceeding K. T . Kendall, (t'lta poallion 111nC'e 1947 11nd 18 With '10 plwnblnJ penntta for a rfflped. Crowley expect.a lo con· a director ot the A~rln.n Ho- total ot 489, m&JllnJ lh1 lol&l Unue u l!l'neral mt.n•ger of the tel Auoclltllon. He la an ,nlhO· 301S tor the year. Sbenton·Tt>wn House ln Loa An· •llUlllc r;olfer llnd llko 10 f11oh gelce. Wayne F errell wlll conlln· •nrl hunt. He hu an A.B. degree Mayor Wharton •la ted that Ole rr~ for leavlng hi• poet after ~ '' yeal"I la ~UM of t.1'14 caulrll oC the Jaw that pl"l!venl.I &11 ott1· C'lal trom Oll'mln~ property Ulat la In the proceaa or belnf purchued by the city. · Junior Honemet1 Invited to Series AU junior horaemen In lh• area are Invited to compete 1n tb• aer- ie. ol playd&yw to be alq'ed by Loe Compuieroa Rldlni Club 0( Coet.a MeA. lt WU decided at the tut gTOUP meeting to etair• • practice playday on Ule tint 8at- urd•J' of every month and tt rlti. bon playday on the third Sunday. One or more ln1tructora dJ be preeent to l'ive Upa oa iroomtna. cue oC t:.onea and bonemanahlp. On ribbon playdaya a trophy will ~ (lven to hl&'h point Wlnnere. Additional Smith · »r. and Mra. OenJd 8mll.h, ii· 41 Republic St .. Coet.a Mua, are parenl.8 • ot a · boy bom Nov, l at Hoa1 Hoepllal. Clrc•latlon'. T ... ay 5835 .Cople• ue U cluti manager., , from Stanford Unlve111il \' KendaU. who found«d the club In 19~3 erowJey and Cary Mid· 1even yeara IL(l'O, recently eokl hl• ctlecoft teamed up to win the rt.>ck to Clint W. ~hlton. RinJt Cro1by pro· amateur to111 na- TellU oll tycoon aJ\d flna.ncttr. 1 m~nl al Pebble Beach. In 1 9~ Two Newport Beach men a .... l h~y were runners-up In thl•. t v· offlcen of Newport Bey Co., par-enl. Crowley •pend.I hJ• >racatloM enl firm ot Balboa Be7 Club. at Denver wl\ere be partlc1p11.tn They are Walter B. Mellott. vice-In Ute Cherry H IU. J OU tourna · preeJdent and Dona.Id D. Har-mtnL He hu trawled eo exten· wood, NCl"l!lar)' tttuurw. Other .ively \bat h• la mem~r o( an of!lcel"9 are qec>rse C. ~. aJr-~n•'• J00,000-a;ill• club. "Jt la not fair to lhe people 01 Laru.na Beach to h•v• .a man ln oftlC'e who la not l.n a po1lt1on l(l puah tbe coming bond taue lo a aucceatuJ pa.Malfe . .eo I am Jel· tlnr out and 1etllnlf .om~ne elH carry U.e ball," Mayor Whart-on MJd. . Newport Marine Sifters· lnj1ry After Qaarrel Harbor to See Good ·Clam · Minus Tide This Afternoon ' ' lf..,,ort a.ob S. .,.. _,,.... low Ude . Ute 9Cboonv Ooodwta Cost.a MeM polJce· early . uu.. elM:UIC .mat la 90lll• .,.... .,... wu ejround )(qoday and her mc.rnlnl' M.lllhed a Newport Beacb ll:nown u "l'ood cl.am tlde9 .. ~ rnutai cant..d at u U\(I• \o •US" ll&Moe to El T oro 1lck bay att.r atiernoon the Ude wW be ~ to c-t that. maylte llhe wu on • at.opplnc a apeedln& car oe N.... ml • 0 t 1__. .. _ -·•t f ..... _ HalJow.. party. pol'\ 81Vd. t· nue · -~· -. ·--0 ....... Up Oil ~ ScNlld th-. _,.. Dr1'1'1nl the car wu Albe1'l I:. known &JI "Oeoduck" Ud-pro- ltapl•, al9o a Mutae. ot HO W . ..Ujf&Uon n...W &hOl!tn&Jcer nouno.d Oooeyd\.ICk~e eucculmt BaJboa Blvd. If• WU tnnfportJaJ had a quarNI w1lb bMt wUe.. She btftlye that CTOW9 ... bi« .... Donald I!:. 8boemalcer ot lU7 W. had rotten 11\ U\elr car, parked neck and m&Jcee w ch dellr lou Balboa Dlvd, to El Toto. 8hoi-outeld• tha Staple. add,..., lock-chowder. The nauvee r o artw m&.ker WU. blMdillJ J'f'Ofu.eely ed the cfoora. rolled Up the W1n· them With a "JUn," UIUally a bot• rrom a •·In. ,-uh above hla r1Jbl dowa and lold him t.o walk home. tomlua tub the)' 1lnk aa th•y die wr1.lt, Mu a pollce rePorted. Shoemaker a.t1e1edly b •c am • to keep aldu of the holfl from The ottlcen t,.n1terTed Slloe-an(T)' a11d •truck hi. hand arain.9l cavlnr In. Without. a l"Jn th• d.lc· makt r tn the patrol rar and took window flaa. l'l'lcl{rrlnlf the lnJury rer llnt1a hlmMlf lryln1 to evca~ bim to El Toro for -~L la· M. appro&lmat411.y ~ a.m. vate the wbQ)e ahorellne '• I • ' •' ... • 'I. fr.A~E 2 .. PAftT I -.NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS---.-------------~ bell, ChlJ' fttpn and Doon• 1 Harbor .... weU ffp:'H~lHI of th• Sailor• Ctlebratlng with J11•h' Ba11,W1. rhll Tl •PS' n k lc lmall. N&ncy Bryaol aAd Don "''•lh ~ancy Mut!n. P1tt1 R.efllll. dan~1n1_•~d •ln&m1. Thoae pru· O\'f'1by. Pon Thornp.011. Ala n fty· Babbl, Ju4f Oole.man an4 Lannie VIFJ1nla J'uFl, John HenroUn. eot ~·ere Jody Lab and Jack plntkl. C'arllon n1weon J ohn M\"· H11CM1. C,.Uda lteltru Ud Tom Hou.ton, Da•ld Tamura. lmH.b, Cuol Klnc and Pet4 llhul· Klnlf'y, O.orre Pett, Jim K.nlthl, Bob HtDCSerlbo4 · Trtab Knapp JolQI Hopll:JAe, PauJ Lorent.e, Wrs. Mary ,Keith and ftod B&Jrd. O.ry Cook. Dour ·TU1well. T om ud Bob ~ Miu ·iJobuoa. D6dl Nabon. Pat lue N'llMD a.nd ~m Peanon. ?l:lqu.tte, Miile Tonne, Bob Par· WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 19n GOINGS ON AT THE BALBOA BAY CLiJB : By DAN BAYLESS HARBOR HI LITES B1 NANCI CAJIPBELL r------------------------Tacoa &,,.. aaa Tim Nllr!Mtt•, SmlU.. Glen.d~ ~. Tacoa Vu~ and Linda Warner, UJI. MiQ Bartlett and Joy~ Al· Tbe annual l'ootball Jamboree WU held Jl'rida,y nlgtit Naaey Dou&laa and Dawe PoweN. Hay... Kartlya Bammoed, JudJ Joanne 8'*' aad CharlJe 8elT)', bera. Toni Burrouaha, Jeanne alter the Tar 'tootb&llerll tromped on the Garden Grove Pat 8m1Ut ucS To"' n.1&Dd. Jley. Oo~. au. or.... Lloda Pre.-JadlM Wat.80D UMI O.ors• Sdlu· SwanllOn' Ooan•ll. L!Jlda Cleary, •Tb' Ptnnnann and Dte1l Onrtly, ... UDd& o.mq, Br9nda 8-m· ttt. Nanc7 Muton aad Jlm Tay· Bob Henktiw: IM"l'Tel Hl\'trfleld, Argonaut.a. .]be danc~ waa put on by the five ~ club. Rod Wllaon and Patty WlUtcfteld. ell/ s.c.y Blae!rma,r, Aw Rey· lor, Steve ~ a.nd Brenda JePry 8unM\ Eddie Pope. Bn.ic• or Harbor. Each club had a cudtdate for queen and the Kuan Waptr &nd Eddie Pope, nolda, Ines Napo18. Pqp Ro.., Wat.ell•,-Jloward MJtcheD and Knott. J erry hrquar and Judy winner by popular vote wa.i L""" Peue of Lura Ki. Acting BTenda Barnett and ~re• May-8&acl7 Oo'-'88, ~ M 11 am. Pat IW•J, ~nan Koemer and Ferru.eon. ·and ToBl Murch and • 1 -• be. Jlm Taylor &n4 N&ncy Mu· Shirley Rtattord, Gall White, Walt Howal<a, Elain DYHhart. We find ourselves eomewhat in the poaition o( the u~lllD& waa CharU. ~rTJ crown· Ket:tber. Ted Hirth and Dian• Un. Kathy Hl&lt:'and Jim Knlpt. l'ttna McOormlc, Btftrl7 Smith. MJd.r• AAdereoa and Gordie 151-Ticket. to me Hom,comlnr . ed Kinr Charlea of Ml. fAIJ'ld, Bob Kalloway and Patty 8aundy 8wttt and Tom Counter Pat Porttt, Ellftl -TOIBne, oa .... pie, Pui. Holland and Denny Dann niured'ay No 10 a r 1 banquet toastrna11ter who, in Introducing the featured alter· 1lla.. who watched th• fe11U-JUt.y, Jack Steinman ll\d S.lffy Buddy Thomp10n and Judy COrt~ Btlclmar, Rod Wllaon. L a rry llandar10n. Nucl C-.mpbell a11d · aaJ th .... !' · . •. . • vltlee were Pat Kelter and /Im Blackmar Joyce.. VIU• aad. Bob H 8 -now on • ro_.. any ftJetn dmncr speaker, starts by saying, "Our gueat ~ally ne«ta no N wklrk. 8 NI . n d Tom McCartb • man, Van Pomeroy and Llnda arper, tan 8dlonee, Chuck Rudy Martlnea, John A,lbattan ber or lh• Pep CommlMIOIW' 'nfey . . ., . ·' . , t ue •st an er, Warner, MerllJi Couct. and Mike Vandervort. Balla SlnjtJI. Trt¥ and Joyce ChUAS, 1\0d Zwtebel are u per couple or elaJ &ad 1ntroduct1on, and then proceeds to give the tire hiatory earson. Marian Koerner and Jerry Wl;'~talc•r and Nancy Drlakel, Oay Arm•tronc and Kllce Knapp, PaUy Riiey, Nanci camp-and Tfny Snowden, Ron &yne.r •ntltle you t.o • ftJI• •vulne of . Qf the man involved. Walt Howald, Pat Fn.lehJLDJ tnd Ballenrer. ar Atwood and Hanehaw. Charnellf 8,WRI• and bell and Nan !WYDO~ all •t· and llhelby Tunn.U. Bob Cfelrb· mtert.&tnment hlpUted b1 t 'i. • a.ors• McFarland, Jody L 1 e b K&tJly 8now, Butch Kauowa7 Md Dennl1 P'ltirJ>atnck. Anita s>a1m tandlJI&'. • toll ud Ju1!7 Sande. O.Orr• May· cro'\\'lllnf of th• 41U._ and pria· ; and Jack Smith, A1.111Un Smllh Ines Napola. Gene Hubbard and and 8111 Wetzel. Btnr•• Lund SPOOK P.urlll:8 be and sue 8owd91l, Bill Wetzel b • d t .__ Pnslct.llt Th h • th BBC' ·• d di and E.e1le Luter. Artie Birtcher Patty R&pn, Roy n.nleJ and . v d Anita p-•-ChJ d c•-'M'I Y olU en --., e man ere UI e s new pres1uent an rector, and Anna· Rtynolde~ Denny H en. Carolyn Oalll•. Joyee C'hWlr and and Ken Nack, Julie llaindaJl and 'nl• Ha.IJOW'Mll teet.IY1U-. tor an ....... P Reren ~ John H opkin•. 0.MJ Hendenon Edward Joseph Crowley Jr., and the fact of .the snatter derson and Perle Holland., Lynn Pf'te 8dlulberr. S ue Du.Mier and Pete ~orrli. and Judy Sanda and the Harbor atudent.a ilepn Satur-Donna Small. and hi• band wtU provide t ti• Pu.ae and Bob Clfeney f!iarlle Ev Davie. Toni Bunpush• and Bob elghton. day ntsht with eevtnLl partlee MOU OUl':STS mualc. Oet . you'1!U a date aow fa he really doesn't neC'd an introduction. Almost everyone BC'rry and 'Joanne Su~. Unda "Tex" Hoaiton. Stan Scbonea and J OIN Y DAY PaOORAM around th• eommunlty. Bob M~ Neal M•tcalf and Tootle Rudell fQJ' th~ hlJhllrht of the football who hu resided in' Southern California for six months or F~nton and Gary Green, Alan Robert• Bolton. Dick Campbell Y·D&Y In Hollywood took pl&ce Cartller had ~•mall pthertn1 at Larry Metcalf and Glenda Quaen. NU!Jb. more knows Mr. Crowley by reputation al the very lea.at. For his pace is so rapi<t and his interests so varied· that he -hu made a tiost of fr1entis in every Southland communJty. J For those who hav~n·t had the pleaspre or meeting Mr. Crowley. he is a native Angrleno. Shortly after leaving Stanford he decided he wanted to be a hotel exec~ve. Any one of his Phi Gamma Delta brothers will tell you that it was a wige decision. for he demonstrated a warm .personality and a knack for handling a multiplicity of de- taiUI early in the game. It was inevitable, then, that he rise rapidly in the hotel business. E\·entually he arrived at tbe Town House-in bos An~les where he ~uiclcly carved out a reputation as.one of the nation's leading hosts. He lnfuaed hi.a perM>nality on the famed hotel to such an extent that it ia now hard to t ell where Crowley begins and the Sheraton-Town House ends. They are one, as tbouaanda of viaitora yearly will attest. When t.he Club's board of directors (which includes Newport.ent Walter Mellott and Donald Harwood) started looking for a new presid~nt ·and director, their eyes moved relentlesaly over the field and came to .rest on Mr. Crowley. He waa 'known as a man who got U1ings done, and hia con- cept of-personal service in a bu.eineas not particularly noted tor it wu impreaaive to them, Jor a club ia a highly per- aonal thing to it.a membera. Th~ board alao want~ a man who waa strong in civic and philanthropic work, !or the I Club bu always played an important role in this field and intends to continue doing ao. On these and many other vital pointa too numerous to detail here, Ed Crowle)f rated high. He wu the obvious choice for the job. And 80 we are proud and happy to welcome him u the &ee0nd pteaident and di.rector of the BBC. We know that his immense energy, rich experience and warm human qu&litiea will result in fine things for the Club memberahip and the ·community of Newport Beach. __._ STURDIER GRIW ON CHEVROLET De9lp char\gM al the !ront or t ho Chevrolet have ln•plretl a •turdler, ne#ll!'r appearance In ll\~•6 mo<:lel•. Grille. bum~rs ant1 l'U&fda, headla.mJ» a.nd orn&men111t1on 11rP of 11 fonn thRt bl~nlls well w:IUI th11 ow·r·all beauty or 19· nf'W botly ~tyll'll. Nf'w modela wUI be tll~playtd .l-'r1rl11y 11t :\liUn Chrvrolrt 1000 W, Cout Hltfhway. ~unty, Health Department in S1,111,800 New Office Building llA?l.IA A':\A. 10C~S1 -The r .. markallly wl'll ~tiled Rnm!' Oran~• Counly Hf'allh Ucp11rt -j IAbOr11tnry Wf'lk It being clone In J¥nt wu opt-11 t or bul!in'l'.'I l tl· lhl' "''' building" · The rountv he111lh t11'p11r1menr11 day at a n1>w 1t11ml lhl' St.JOO· nrw tt'l,.ph;inf! numbf'r 18 J<J 000 he11llh hulltlmg l\l Sth RnJ 1 1.:ltOI ""' R osa St•. htrf' -----I counry H1'111th ortwer fllr!lllrll I Hales Window Broken I trrmrd hill n1·w ""~1011n lmirs 11!1 ' , •·"'•ond<'rrlil. t<'rrlfl«" Th" huh • i<p of nn un1rlrn\1fle1I Hf' Mid the 1110\•f' fti•lll lht' rn1" • llll'h•·•l through lhf' plate cc>urt1'tlut1e 11nr1t'1t into Lhe nf'w I glait.~ w1mlnw 11t Marjorie HRl,8. m°'lrrnliillC but"1mi; wu m11dt! IPl 2 E C'o11st Highway. t'-:ewport Frll1ny 11n1I 5,1 tunlt~y nl); hi~.. B~a, h f'<1ll1 e 1 rportPd recf'ntly "We're l'llll 1hJ.:1tln.lr oul," Ru•· No d1••t riptlon nf the car wu •t ll exrlalmf'd, "but 1 think wc'rf' I obta lnNL . :JEACON PERSONNE( ' A111cy ..Carelully Selected Applicants for · Pott !cu/or Employers HARBOR .. 4969 111&17 Loul..e Mattblgly Mary .lant Bangert: 413 Sht S~t. ?\twport Bea.ch \ Rypln~kl and Sue Grf'l'n. Diane end C&rolyn Errwood, Dav t Sa turday. It con11l1ted of a 1how hla boln• w}l,lch C9n.eiAed of Bob Olona C?tapman and P a t Kenedy, ------------ Feather.1ton ant! Bob Curley. Stero1 and Unda Cleary, C&rlton In the HoU)'Wood BDwl and ft• !-"cl Joyce Vltte, Jobn Alt»et;lf.n Dlu• Joye and Tex Hou1ton, Sheik D ...... ,., Linc1A Dc~r\ng a.nd Larry Shr•-Daw11on Qd Glenda Q\leen'!' Paul UCLA-Cal. football came. Som• and Jo)"C• CbWIJ, Ka1'U Wql\tl' C&ryl Carter and Chuck Kolvtato. · ey a+ dt r. Sue Thor•nMrJ and Bob Lo~nlzen and Sue Mangon._ Mike' or the 1tan appearlng at Ow and Kally Templeton, Diane Hoff· Judy Neely and Jlm Molder', Ruth Marin• Set. and Mn. UoJd DI· McCul111h. Ron IUln•r and Sht>I· Bartll'tt and [Anna Lloyd, Mar· 1bow .'W1!re Bob Cummlnp. Mar-man ud Rlck Klrkmch. and Snow, M&ra'I• Roden and era.tr gene Sh.ikey, Coeta M.... are by. ~rce Schultl ahd Jackie ~11r,t Hopklna and Jerry Bees, garet Whjttlnr. Betty White, Art· Eleanor Guthrie and John Rich· Warfield, Jack Stelnm~ and B#t· parenta of a ctr\ baby bem Oct. Wt.t.on. Neal Metcalt and Tootle Phyll1 Miium and Bill Curley and Jack Un.ltletter, Bob C'rolby, ardlon. • sy Blackmar, Skip Nenden.ball 21 In Cl• U .S. Naval Hoapltal at Rudell, Larry Harper and Norma John lfQpklna and· Na.net Camp-Ta JW,t.er and muy otlwr•. Diane J oye'• Min• found many and Kathy Butt, Bob Tumn and Corona. SPECIALS FOR THURS., Fii., SAT. ,,. NOVl~lll 3, 4, s,...;. ' .,f 'LIDP DRUGS "(>.. of t'9 UdO SlloPI .. UGl Via Lido, Newport lle9ch HARIOR ,.DRUGS SIOl E. Vout By .. Corou de.I Har .......,. ___ .. Ask About Our Xmas Ltq.,A.Way I · ·· pAY LESS~ . .1 ~ ON SUNDRY _ITEMS ····· $239 .. AMMr oa.. -a.,. P.11 MIXING BOWLS . Deep SplMll·proof--4 al.-. 1·2~1 a.nd 6 •L Hat proof 6-Cvp-O\Me Peroolac.or •Dever-ace ~er s3so ~~············································. 95 ·. · · GIANT ~!LEX ~FE .. _}l 95 CRAZY CARAFE .... -" _'8 . ''8'' SPECIAL WAsjf BASKETS~ 49c ~@f!R~ .. !.!~~ .. ~ .~.~~ . LlUtoirapbed Tapered .De.,p .. couedor, U pMiee ~'J Pll':CU. PIMUc -Rer'. Mel ·-IUT<'H£:'\ UTENSIL ·rRA Y Llclltwel1llt plulk, unb"'akable • $4 49 BOWL SET s qt-?-qt:I qt. "I· I.ti I SALAD BOWLS 4 ... '1 00 STREtC1rSOcKs 69c How much should a prescrlptioft cost7 . . TOYS LISTED BELOW-Values to $1.25 or more ANY ONE FOR 88c Mechanical Train locomotive · & trad . " 88c Toy Tea Set 11 · pcs. glass •••••.•• 88c SLATE BLACKBOA1lD FRICnON DUMP TRUCK with SHOVEL I - . MET AL MG SPORT CAR -Fridlon / MET AL SPORTS CAR, f!'ldlon with SIREN .10" LUMBER TRAILER and· TRUCK Comp~ wltll I.Alp, C'llahl, llellber 'nrM-l"rktlnt1 FLAG FIRE Et'GINE-Swing Flag IU•rtac Bell, '1" 8oandlllc 8lrN, llovablfi ~r. rnrt1- FRICTIO.N HYDROPLANE Th• ~nllWf'r d"pt'nd• nn tbe ln(rf'dlent• 1oar pbJ'llldaa pr ... rrlbfo~. plua lhf' lime _, 11kill of .. uperlMttd FRICTION JEEP...:.NASH CAR. BUS pbarma<'l•I In romJWlundJnK lhC>lle lnsreclleata ll'ltb nar lln( prM'l,lnn.;1tlf'rf' at our druc •tore •e •peda.I· DOllO'l'llY O&AY Oo-T~eUMr 8pedab le'oe CREAM :::= .... -... -..... -...... ~ 100 a.a...a.i.e··~ $W IJAZZ COMIO .... ·-·· ...... ~ 1.-- Tw• Upe~ .... Apple lied ... a rMI pa. .... ,,..,. reeord. J U~T -WI G H T KODAK G I FT f (_If; llJ N IOJ.l ····PAYLESS,.· .1 • ~ . For Soaps and Deter9enta -191ft\ LUx Soap lath Size 2/25c RecJ. Size 2/1 SC Surf Giant-Ste a..ge-28c Kq. l ie AJAX 2 --ltc GI PAPER TOWELS 1,.uc Gt TOILET TISSUE 3 ~25c Ir"' In pr""""'PllM """''""~ w, take pride ta 1M11n1 &Me Mother's Liffle .Helper 1 CLEANING SET to put up mNllrlnra of Ill~ qualtt7 wlU1 a masl· man, e;;;;,. • A;::ct:i mum of •kill and a minimum of tlme-•h"•J'll at faJr <'ork Oun .. "putla" "'~ f'IN4 Pr1<'""· w .. ""lrnmf' rat'b npportu•lt1 to"""" 1oa la ASSORTED PARLOR GAMES Afod Arro"' l f't Alfl>ia--Fl'kUo. MlleeU...,.. a man"''' !ht.I hf'lll" k f'"P your pnc-Jlrtbook "hralthy:·· .I L...-===============================-.a..-;M;an:iio~l~ltf'iiriiiitn=··--t•ii•oiiii"'•'""'~rniiueiiiiiiloii-iiiiiiU..iiiiiii COUPON· ·This coupon w~rth ONE Golden Bro wn FRIEO ... CHICKEN DINNER, with soup, salad, hQt roll, butte_r,•. coffee and de~sert . . . at the Spe.;•I Price S 1.19. This coupon CJood for "'!"·• Fri., Sat., Nov. 3, 4, 5 NiC)ht Meal Only-5-1 p.111. Udo Store LIQUOR DEPA RTMENT Sllf.CL1\ ~ .S SILVER · Shady Pride RIPPLE Of Grove lllliana GIN I,. ... OY 111..Ei-rD • :=T •noor .. PllOOT_ ·rtrr. •noor '2'7 2'7· 3·11 PIJ"'n ' WNCENTS ICE CREAM I Galon LUGS 5 Cone.. c c.;.~ 1oc -Hand Pac•M Plnh » Ste ....~ 7tc • • • • • I COL. MATI' OBER COOKS FOR LIDO fOOD & WINE 'l'be Udo lJl• Food and Wine ctu• 1¥tld Ila Octdber·~,,.. ner al lhe Lido AMqcl&Uon Club hOUM. t;:het of lh• ev.nlnc. Col Katt Ober Jr., USMC, pttp&nd U,. el&bor&t4 Japellfff' dinner and .erved u supervlaor u Mlected membere cooked th•. a~Mtlc 1ultlya!cl . meal over blabach1a at each ot ·the 11everaf tablu. .u.m.tJn1 Ch« Ober with U11 pttpara\,lon were Jam .. Hollld.\Y and Redtleld Dffiwlddle. Jl'dUowtn1 Ole dliuin Miu K. Azuma, a profualonal t'nt~rtalner from lhe famoua KabukJ Theater. Tokio, ol'rt'· a1>nted a 1er1 .. of lnterprelln ffl1nce.. The elaborate COi· tumea wom by Mlu Aauma were muterplecn of ancient fabric: ~ and "tbe d&n~e1 were perfect eitampie. of the Cor· mal, precl9e en~rU.ltun#nl Which tJll' cultu~ Japaneae enjoy. , NEWPORT HAlllOrt NEWS.NESS -'AlT I • PA" J . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, t915 . OCCs tt·aarstad Reviews . 'lri the Diggings in '49'' Wm. H•ntad, Oranp Oout Col~I«' librarian. reviews "ln tbe _Dlrfinp In '49" by Owen c. Coy. A recent acqulalUol\ to the 11- bruy ·i. thl• dell(httuJ and com- prefhenalve 1tudy of lhl' 'Calif- a m•mller or \h!J&e~tJ el h IU1thry d1pertment oc tile thll· verslty of 8oulhenl CabtanllL Or, Coy'a book .,... pablMMd under the auaplcea df tba caltf· omla State Hi.tori* A.9odatloa. ornia Gold Ru•h of 1849. The •1,1· Dr. Coy made a Wa -iuc17 of thor. the lat• Dr. Owtn C. Coy, the Gold Rulh &ra, and u a n- ln addlUon lo 1erv1ng aa J:xecu-111JL , w&1 probably u,. foremoal llVI' Secretary ot the Callfom1a authority on. the wbject tn UU. Slate Hlatorical AUQclaUon. wu century. "In .the Dlcl'GP tn 'Ct", -------------aJthouch written In a 11Cbo1&rtJ QN~QUTH AFRICA 1Brother·IJ1·l•w) by a tribe of manner, •Ull manaa• lo e&ptnre which hi• wife'• arran\lfalher had the contempora(J 1plrlt of lll• •t>rved u chief. he vlal ted the Al· ploneulnr ~rro~ut.a. Dr. Coy bM UCLA's Charles Nl . .,,\-on rlcan• In ,~l'lr krulA. IJ\ their bff11 tlltl'e\1\•IY comp~ .. In Jt 1chool1, ln their urban alums anJ l'eg&rd to Mother Lode p l a c • In their new hou11lng projeeta. He n11me.11. The book 11 certainly a • talkt.-d w ith African <"hll'f• and rirtmary llOUrce re~lnc many to Address AAU Women with lt1tder11 of Afrlc1m and In· Gold Ru1 b populaUon cente.-. 'tllan polltkal organlullons. ~ stnce reduced lo duat and mem· nr. Charles Nixon, l~turer. ture of Africa. lht ancient cul-He h1terv1e'"•c<.1 cabinet mini•· orlu. The Jl&I' .. of hJetory di· writer. educational conilultant and 11u·e ot India and 'Ule modem In-tera, members of parllallll'lll, lelld· \'\ll(e eucb qu.aint umu u All political aclentlat, will t>e • the. dustrlal <"Ulture of the ~ are er'I oC "ihe Jn&.Jor poht I cal part lfll. Moon Bar, Bedbuc. Bloomer Bar, 1pe&kel' for the American Alaoc· mu .. ed togethl'r In a changing land. edlton1, farmers and bu11lneaa and and C\lt li:ye J'oet•r'a Bar. HALLOWEEN COSTUMES got a tryout a (ew days earlier when thi• group of third and fourth graders Md their tint Cotillion of the year at NeWport Har- bor Yacht Club. Here, everyone lines 'llp for in- atruction. --Staff Photo latlon of Unlverally Women, San· A trained polltlC'al 11clentlat. financial les1frr11 o.f the white Dr. C'..oy hu Included Mftral ta Ana Branch. Nov. JO. at 8 since 194.7 at the Unlveralty or community. Put of thl• close u-l'xcell;ent map1 ot tha Gold Auah p. m., at tile EbelJ Club Rouff Clillifomla. Loa ..Angeles, Dr. Nixon soclatlon wllh member• of all the arf'a to11elhn with COlltempon.q In Santa Ana. With·· "Southern wu one of two American 11Cholars races &11d nat1ona!1tlea of South photorrapha. An ut.nal-.. b&blio- Africa: Croaeroada of i::uJhwe," ln\'ll~ to South Africa ln J9M Africa. he relurn11 to America wttb craphy concludu tht. ftM work. u . h I• • u b J e ct. he wHI under a Carnegie Corp0rat1on a fresh appral11&l of the forces For ltudenla of lltat.ory aa W91J dt1cusa what happen 11 when grant. · which are shaping thl1 continent u the reneraJ NMter tbq ..ti LIBRARY GETS TREG4\SKI$~ ~ . GIIT BOOKS ON WRITING . - Anyone have an urge to follow Richard Tregukia of Guadalcanal Diary fame'! ·There might be hints for an Stork Shower embryo writer in A Practical Guide to Succes.&ful Writing (Lait), one of the recent book• prnented the Newport for ·Mesan Libr&ry by the noted war correspondent. Also included were Modem Arm• and FrN Men Mu.lere, Expedlhn Tumuc-Hu-Honorine t.ir•. Al Muniz o! Co· (~uah). Air Tranapo'rt at Wu ma.c; Ponclna. Father Set lhe ela Me3a, Mrll. Joe Munlz and (Cleveland) a.nd lnvaeion! (Wer-Pace: Shaw, · GenUemen, Start tentierser).. lateat amonr many Your El)&"lnu and Von Hagen, her mothl'r, Mr•. Florence Con- Tregukla gift eelectlons. F~ericlt Catherwood, Archt. nu. were co·ho•tl'Saea at • baby New fiction .lncludy; Brackett, NIGHT Rl':ADJNO 11howeor Thureday even.In, at . the ~. ~ Tomorrow; C-.deU. The latler'a homeo. 1923 Newport Blvd. Lark Shall Slnr: Coles. Happy Re· Fiction (Jlftl) are; Burna. The lurna; Florea, The Call trom Calle Gallery; Ou Maurler, Peter Ibbet-Wlnner11 of game1 played during Moreno; Haaa. Uve TIU Tomor-aon; Ka.a.ntsalda, The Greek Pu-the evening were Mn. Pete PIUl- row: lj.oea, The Go(den Witch: •Ion; Morand, Europe at Love; fie, Mr1. Bob Berry and )fra. R.oy. The Navigator; Schmitt, The Prouel, Remembrance of Things R&Jph Faez Jr. Decorallone were hr•htent Ima .. e. Wehen. The Put 12 vol.}; Rodo<"anachl. For· ln 1 k d bl d t h • p n an.. ue an re rte • Tower In tbe Sky; Weinreb, Ea-ever Uly-; SteJn. Brew1Je and menta wera HtVed alter tber an<1 Wtnn. CarmelL w1111., and Verp, Little Novei• of My1tery 1torlea are, Beanelt, SlcUy. famH. J"1.a11port tor a fWnt(ade; Carey, Non-tlctJon lflfla/ ue Chry,aler, Invited tt1 th• a/fir were M,.., The Fatal Picnic; Kruney, Death Ute of an Amertcan Workman: Morrie Pl~llOn, mother ot th e CrlH In th• Street; Pott.a, Duth Cowley, Hemlnpay; Cuatance. honoree: •ifra. Manual Mun 1 z. et a Stray C..t; Tru••· F&lae Face Wl9dom, Madneu and Folty; Dal-mot.her-t.n-law·, Mra. Graci K;!!el. elld White. J'Ug-ht Into Terror. chea, Vlrftnla Woolf. Le O&JUenne, • N'O'I' •'OR "VVN l'ro~a Part1 Garret; The Utera-rrandmother; ·Blso Mmes. Lee New non-fiction volumu are; ture ot the UnJted Statta Ian an- American Herllqe, Vol. VJ, No. thotogy a.nd hlatoryJ; Ollvero!f. I ; Blanch. The Came of Hearl.I: ll'JiJrht of the Swan: The Portable llani1tt1 wu.n·1 Memoln; Blair. JI'. Scott Jl)tqua.Jd; Roeder, Cath- •J'Ond Co • r a Se; Brodunaiua. win• ... .Med.tct and the Lost Re- Good and Bad Tute; Calahan, The volullon; The 8aturaay Eve11lng 91tlp'a Ku.band; Carner. Th• Com-P<IR 8\.0rle9. l~T; 8l•ts. The ~t• Book or Skin Olvlng: Chan-Lonely Onea; Town1md. Luaro doll, The Trade Wlnd l.lh1.nd11: Crea· Cardenu, Me" I c an Democrat: b:lc. Cloud of l.alanda: Feoatherin· Twelve Famour Play1 of the Re- am. Prlmer for PreK'f\IU\Cy; Ham-•farsllon and Eighteenth ~lury; 1r1ond'1 Advanr!'d Rdettnca Al-lu; Houot, 2()(1() Fathonu Dawn; Wellard, General Cttorgt 8. Pat· XornlUer, The Cn-1l Amerl~an Lon, Jr. ':1'd WeNely. Junior Clae· Her1l•lt" 1lc Jlalla.n Dictionary. Pieraon, Dean Shull, Berry, Faez. Carmen Faea:, M•rlln ~cl. R. B. Mt·Call. Flo»rl JU.ddy, Pan,1tle. Dick Wood, Bill Marra. J • c k Keating, Ray Tuder. Jack Smith, vroy Schr~der and M1M Carol ... u .... For Fellowship of 'St. Andrew's p~plea with the PflmltlVf' cul-We I co med u Umlcdeonyana of the tuture. 11 hlrtlly recommend .... TOPS....f OR aAKINGI -- ·A<o.r . .,MN RlDl lb. . ( CARROTS CLl,·TOP Crlap. -d•yl l'ocked wl• y-.,;n A ond iwwltioftl GRAPES llt. 5' llt. 7' ft-red T°"oy tobl• grope• ''°"' Lodi•'-· CEL£RY •· 5' Utoh ,,.,... c~. lorv•: meoty alollu. ORANGE DAR LOAF CAKE U.S. Gov~t ln11Mct•d c- CUT -UP FRYERS ,_ ••ody USOA ln'f>e<led 45c Grodi A llt. PORK DAINTEE • 69' •01h't llock Howk. StnOlred. .MILi CORNED IEEE •. 49' aon.leaa ltl.t..,rof USO-A CHOta beef EASTERN GRAIN FED PORK ERi SMALL SIJE •. UNDll 3 LaS. LEAN, MEATY lb. RIBS GROUND BEEF ( S.lected beef grouMI fr"h 3ftC dolly. In Cleor Vi.id~ •· '7/11 BREADED SHRIMP '4::: •• Coploln'• Choice ... ody to heot HALIBUT STUl · ~a· C~n'• Cholce. 0..,. -filft. 1 ... ~ ~"". , , I \ SUNNYBANK Hub Richter Toastmistress The Womtn'1 F tUow111l1p nf St. Andrew:. Pr• 1by t e r i an Chur<'h 111 prl'11cnted at nMn today, Mrs Horac1 lknjamm. oneo <lf Orange County'• out-• Mode with rich INew• wpt, whol1 Colifor,.lo OY•....-ond \Un-ripened 0.... . . . "'9 wey y-.,'tl Mette iti Wins Applause Founders Day ::,~~1.n'ni;cv~:i:r•st~~y c~~~~~~ conducted by the Rev. James S -.S Speaker Canceutn1 their regular Mon·: Stewart, opened at t2 p. m a day e\'Ulln~ IM!.ss:lon, member11 otl Lut JanuAry Mra. Benjamin Hubbard Rl~hleor. with h I 1 Harbor Toutmblrl'.tl Club at-dellg.htt'd the Women' a Fl'llow- .. rtru1de Chat", waa judlf•d beat tendf'd a joint dlnnC'r meeting In J llhlp with her review of Edwin llptalcf'r of th4' e11enln1t at the Santa Ana on Tuuday night. The B&lmtr'1 book. "'In Kl11 Hand11'' ~t. 2:1 aeMlon of Harl1or Area 0 cc a 11 0 n wu Toaatml•tr•aA By popular dtmand file conl!t'nlt'<I Toaatmu1er11 at Newport Harbor P'ounderi Day aid the affair ""1"1 ' to retul"ft thl• yea.r ind re. Yacht C I u b. M oat lmpro"811 apoMOred by the Candlellters vlewt'd the book preaent"d to her ~ake>r waa P'r~ l!:Ula. whoee Cl\{b of El Toro. Othu cluba In by lhf' FIPllowehJp, "My Several a.pie-wu ''Mighty Mldg>e1. HIPart". llltf'ndance were the Phllom!'la World•" by Pearl S. Buck. I Table topka werf' handled by and Lsg-una lkachcomber1. kick Cochrane, O.ve Gardner wu One of the ipeak•r.11 O{ the I rltl evl'nlnr .,... Mra. Rick COC"hran (tntra c c. H bo T t C I b Bill RaJ ,. w·u not among the 1 of ar r outm 11tre11~ u "11 membe~toy prHent. wu report· I wholtl' topic. "'Mllll Aga1n11t F'lre," •d In the hoapltal with pn,.umo' lnld ot the huard1 and mt'thl\<111 1 I of coll'lbt•ltlng fir• 111nct' early "•· •Roman limes. ._.rt Huel R. Rl11k The group meot!ta tonwrrow at and )fra. Nadine Htll of Harbor th• yacht club with "Shoultl In· i>lub w•r,. member11 of thl' boud dualry b(' tnroura1ttd to comt of evaluator• for the program. Sitto the Harbor 81'!'a ... u •, U I t 1 d "Sh) ft) the Allf'ndtng from tti. local club me Y op c, IU1 1 11 wrre Mmes. F'rank Clendenen. 1 \Julted Slates malntaln ,an act~v~ R.l ck COchran. Pat Bt!rgl'r. HA~t'I pert In th" Unlltd NalloM RJak Edward MJrkowh. Jav,., J it-k PeMey may be nllro for 1 Mc~n. Ray 1'rsutwein. :-ia. ~nnnatlon on Toalltmut~ <line Hill. "Albert Johneon. Lorella I Bab1an and Miu Charlott• Skin· Newport Unit n _er_. ___ _ Of Blue Bl• rds lgnorance, pride, Ot J>rtJUdJ<'I' clolN'a lhe door to whatrver 1• Mn. P1tul Rndet. 12'.l F: BAy not 11le~typed. An . Balboa. wu ho•l1P1'3 'l'ul'll· • Mary Bal<eor E<idy day IPVl'nlnl{ w!l.-n memhf'r11 nt Mr ntwly fonned Blue Rlrd p up ll<?l t<>1teth1Pr with th1P1r mot.ti.n fM a g'el • 1('qo11lnteol1 l .-rly. llAT'l'R£t48E8 Boat.a -e--TrMlen .,,......, ~ Uberty 1-1 SOS COSTA MJ:8A HA 'lTRESS CO. II~ Newport Blvd. Tt1t fourth irr&d• gtrl1. atudents et the Nl'WJ)Ort 8e&4"h ,'!:lemtn· 1 tary School. named lhtlr gToup ~~~~~~~~~~;;;;~~ .. Wuuma" which lhry deorivtd • from "W•ln Sun Malden1·· Gtrla who were preeent with U,..ir mother. tncludlPd Gayr Day. Carol Freeland. cathy Fr•enran. Mary Ha.mllton. Jantt Reimer, Loma Buck, Melody Davi•· and ~~ SOUTH COAST 00. Urd a Sewport IUvcL Tt'rr1-Radel. .,.. Gue1ta for the evenln1 ""'Ire ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ lllfltlber. of a newly orpnl%ed Il&Jboa Island ~nd CT•de group 11nder the le&denmlp of Mra. E . T. Mon111. Thr Ut Ut Blut Blrdl " Wttl Diana Matti•. SUl!ll Moo~ • Pun Helvte. Marpret P1Uo11. ctu1.a Sparllnr and Suean It..-· lll)ft. BE SURE -INSURE wtU. auuam sTANL&T ~ Oa11 ....... ~"'t' 1111 IJ. c-c .... ., Oo,_ dtil liM BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA ME8A CHAPEL lJ'iJ Supttlor A..-niue Coala J.leM, C&llt. CHAPl'.L BY TIDl U:A 3620 It. Cout Blvd. Corona dtl Ma.r, Ca.llt. Phone t.Jbert1 1-2121 Phone H\.r'bor 0 ----.)_ I r CURTSY FRUIT CAKE '':; 79c Only 1h1 choiceat fruih , nuta ore u .. d . HOLIDAY FRUIT CAKE : ·~ ffc Mrx• than holf lrullt ond nuh. MIS. WRIGHT'S IREAD ~ 26 Whh1 or Wheat alic.ed aid. loaf 18c ~1.61ij j ;1·14j:Il•r•1 ·}j IRUSSELS SllOUTS ::;13c SPINACH ~~ 2'~ 27• \ LOOEllE lllJS plm MUS I ... ---i ............ . HOMOGEIZED .. : 20l i:::::: Why you pay no more for thia ""' ext•o·rich milt.I .::::.. ' jJ CONCfNTRATED ,;.. '9ic ff)("11j Add 2 porh wollr la l parl ll•tlk milk a\ ,,.Net! far frHh AU• H ICl1 wh.al• l"ilkl 1rnm~1~11m1~mm11~11mm~11111~111111~1111111~1~111~111111mm1m EDWARDS EXTRA-RICH, VACUUM PACKED 1~b. can SANDWICH SPREAD L="°"~Yx r! ]C}c SALAD Oil l1q~dAs!!~~no ~29' ::SS· CUT GREEN BEANS GAltDINSml 2 ::--2S' c . WAXED PAPER IUTCHIH at•• --.:.-18' -INST ANT ED.WARDS .:~D• 4-e.:; 93c •teh, f111f-bodied 100~ COHEE .. : ond so convenlentl ~ ""-!.,~f FINI Cf)FFEES IN THt WHot~ 8EAN ! NOB Hill AltQMAflCI To•fft en good 01 it ·~ 68c -N• bocovM it't fr1th·r-1t1dl -- Al RWAY IRAltllAt4. Wonderful blind ' • 7oc ' . o4 Mild *'••h (oo\ted .,..11ow bean&. ~ There's a Cogu /1111 Righi fot Y~ Hit S.j,NwJ's •Colftc Land!'" ... ·~ *CH lftOM U..., .. Sil. ·~ J, t S. "SS. 11 WIWM RE ••AIU. -(lln~illsaotes.,..~ . ........... ~ ......... ~,...·----...... - EASTSIDE BEER 6 '!::-1.38 6'!:"1.14 , ... "tft. .... £T \ lilp ,•I ,, I 8TOR.E BOUM o.n,. • ........ to II p.-. ( t "riclay tU • p.in.), IMld•J' t a.m. to • p.fll. 1722 Newport Blvd.~ Costa Mesa • ' . . . -·~ ,. THEY MISSED THE MRS. -When Santa Claus .arrived Oct. 27 at the' Women of the ~oose party in Thomp~on Hall, Costa Mesa, Barry, 3 ~:: and Rickie, 2, sons oCMr. and Mrs. Marek Wolfryd dashed for the outside door and began looking for "the udder one," meaning Mrs. Santa. Although told she had rem&ined in charge cf things at the North Pole t hey refused to give up and kept the parents b\t'sy throughout tile evening aa they continu ed. to investigate ~oors and stairways. Father of the boys is junior governor of Moose Lodge 1-157. At left, playing Mr . Santa Claus, is Mrs. Walter Grohnert, W. 0. T. M. chaplain. Gifts bro6ght will go to Mooeeheart and Moosehaven homes. -Staff Pho~o • Children See Is Birthday Gues~ Mn. Marjoi:ie J.foaa ot Lone Beach wu r~enl dinner CUUl ori her birthday at t he home of Mra. Claire Van Horn, 2622 Creal view · Drive. Other guesu were Robert Ora.ham a.nd J ud19 and Mra. Charla. T . Smith, &Lio or Long Beach. • -Beckner Photo October Santa Catharine Andrews . ,. . Is Saturday Bride A pre~ie~ of what might be e~ted on Christmas day at Mooseheart Home for children was provided at the party staged Oct. 27 in Thompson Hall, Costa Mesa, by Women of the Moose. Gifts were brought for Santa's pack for the children and for itlmates of Moosehaven. New Residents Newcomen to Newport bland are Mr. and Mrs. J ohn D. Wild• and i on .Jack. Wilde Lil the 10n oC a torrn"er mayor 'ot San Die~. the late Louil J . Wllde. It wu when Santa, In the per- l!On of ~1rs Wolter Grohnert, chap· N h H f I 11ororily. HPr hu11bttnrl wa,. gradu· j 1arn, · enlt'rffi the room that the ort em 'QfieyffiQQll Q_r ated rrmn llrillyw11<> I H tgb Srhool, two small boys Barry and Rk kie UCt..A and Lo~ Ang• !<'i. Stille Col-- Mr. & Mrs. T'\On Bn.tton '"g•·. st'n C'•I ll"'"'ot years an the w otrryd. t0<,k1ng llkP ··well poUah· _LJ I U. s . Na,·y. ed l101t1·· ~.-monl!trated a keen ' . Aft!'r uw honry m .. on the Mllple I dt'lf'I mined interest 1n affairs. It was at 4 o'clock on the &ftemoon of Oct. 29 that wrll b<' st h"t'l" 1n \\'est Holly· WASS'T THt:Rt:: Catharine Ann Andrews and Donald Amos Britton ex-wood. I Senta wu a ll rifht, but 1ome· changed ringe and vowa In a ceremony performed in St. ~ Andrew's Presbyterian Church by t he ltev. J ames S. Stewart. • The bride ia the daughter of Mrs. ~rge Norman Pease, N E W P 0 RT 'H A RD 0.]t 211" ~ oui,,oe ~and Ute •ttn.a' ba Ba.lboa Bay Club for the late M r . 0-W-• Ll.ndley .Andrew• rec.pUon and white ~rdt'nla3 and whlle lh• bridegroom 11 the aon Ivy leavu wrt'Athed the brllll··s ot Mr. a.r:id Mra. Robert Lee Brit· cake. , .. c.on ot Loe Ana-ela. Lendlnc rer rpllon 11ld wrrt' Mn1. Catharine waa flven In keeping A. V. Andrew11, Mr. and ~1rs. C by her two brot hera, Robert L. Wa)Qle Crowl, Mr. uni.I Mrs. Henry I Andr-• and Lt. A1a.h V. A11drl'w1, Hi.}i1:1nga, M r and M r11. Robe• t Jo~irat Medical. Corpe, u. s. A. F., And~ww. Lt. and Mrs. Al11n An-MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor Ogden, Utah. Her bridal i own of drew•. Mls11 Sh&ron Crowl anrt --------------------------wh1t11 t atret& wu de1lgned with Ml• J O&n Britton. waltz leqth aklrt and a lace Moth era were In lhl' r'l'Cl'tvlng PAGE .. -PART I -NEWPORT HARBO.[LNEWS-PRESS bodice w ith h~h neckllnt' and llnr, M~. P Pa.oe wraring a bhH• WEONESOA Y, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 bracelet le~h aleevea. A 1aUn ray t&Jlon•d 11Glln w ith glove!'!, 1---------------------------headb&nd hLld tullnesa of, her ah~11 and bag lo mat.ch. On thr r::"0r~ .::~:':d :~~· ;~ed·~P::~~ :~:h.~.d ~"'~;rl~l~~ ;~:·~:::i·:~ NEW AN GLE AT BA YSHORE quel of' 11tephanou11 and Jllle11 oC In cocoa wool with arcell.!!onri• I<> BY H ALLQWEEN' TRICKSTER the vallry. matt'.h. the note of contra.at In hrr COUSIN ATrE~DS COMll&fe oC chart~u11r cymbldlum11 I MrlMI' Marrvet Ell:Mbelh An· i,IOTOR' NORTH Thrr!" rtM~y iA )lopr. for young America, optnra Arthur drt'Wll 11erved her coullln u mal<1 A ctiarcoal gray Lllnz coat,drt'Kfl Lyn~h. who report') a new angle on HaUoween acttvlUea of honor. She wore aqua ta!fel& wu chosrn by the nl'w Mrll. Brit· ~1 11ntl ' n1i.;ht , In wa lu length, a heatlba.nd I ton for the motor trip to norlht>m I n< h v. ho rt'111dea at 2~ Vl1ta Drive, anew!'rt'd the of white roMbudl and carried a CaJrromla. Hr r hat &nd acc8311U· i 1h.10 hl.'ll and thl'rr, oll alont\ wu a emall girl. ma!lkl'd and bouquet of alrnllar 1"~bud1. Jm. rhleA were 4' ~t:harrfoal lt"'Y a~d (." l'Ulllum1• whu giwe Lht' tlme·honort4' 11loga_n, "A lrl<'k or medlalt'I)' prect'dln1t the bnde waa ·~ corsai:-e IUI u t1lephanot ~. , .. • . Sht' wu gl'a•luat.e<J Crcorn Nl'wpur t • ll •Ill " ht'r namesake, C11.theranf' Sue H bo U H h 8 1 d The 11,.111 WIL" 11111nel11att'lv furthcomlng. I ht'n. lo hi." Graclam&DJ. •11 flower girl wear-ar r nlon rg choo sn . ''Ol'R I h ... 1 k f h d tt--' University of C'allfornla Ill 81'1 k"· rp1111••. I hl' Ill lie nuu1quera1lrr 1111111. "And h• "'" ng a e o,. roe o w rte o .,, . 8..,,.188 &nd 011rrylng a """"ltl'Y of lt>y, •~ ~ member of Alpha l'h1 lrP.11." p 1 • '"'"lll'K 1t to him. w hile rn11ebuc:t.. I Br·r,Ju~·· tl " ... ~ the first llmt' rn h111 hf,, Lynch PVe>r had .I" J prome Parke wOJI l>Pl'l rnan. 011) thing hkr th.ti harr• n to him h.-'" 111ktn1ot the little grrl r.uul• were uahe1r d by Paul Galendar t .. '""'t' to ht,. house. ldr ntrry lht' lr<'at llht' lij'tl'l'nted him Hamilton Jr .. H«-nry Hu11:in11a. Lt. ' ""'' r •·r.-rve 111 w rn $2 for her Chrl11lma1 fund to Ullt',. pt"r· .A ndrewl! a.nd Robert Andrewll. h11 p11. rn.· ~:. ll' to ).lolhrr a.nd D<icldy. Mnt. Pe&M...Jlnd a plPalltrrr Ml· f E t dom a C'l'llrdef1 fllfl!hPI'<, lhftl of 0 ven s d ecol'lftllng the church f.,r h• r t!au1othtH'a nu.ntralso Sht' us•"t F AC Book Section to Hear Librarian SPECIAL! rre11my majfT!Oltll blus11om11 with I ~()\'. '! th<'lr C•'Of j!re•n ltllVP!I otn thl" altar 'HA~TY H EJ\RT .. , •• ,. '" l"pP"kl'I .. r ti.(' h ... k •tCl1011 IUld on llll'p:I k11thJ>Jt In rl whll" Ot'I. A11drto1111m llV'f>l 111a.: ' f th,. ('11•1 K ~1• .,1 fo'fi. Th urs ., Fri ., Sat. only r11.mrJI• l<'avl'a "'" rr "1 the ll>1se • S1\="TA S BAZAAR. hrnrh<'••ll rlHV Aflrrr""'" it.1h th•~ v.1ek or ta.II mndle11 hPlcl by full ~aun dinner -10 a m 9 p m M"~ll will he-Mr> ::-,, ti 1c; C • Grant, tx>w11 Ill f'<'W f'nt1~ nf l hi' ""l)t!'r Mr thodr~l 'hllffh KEDS &tl'lt' PARIS ('01..<IR F"IL~I!' ; 111 I' Mr" Ralr>h l)('avrr """ organllt a nd Mlso-Sha r nn 1 ·"''"I, co11111n nf th<" b1 lflr. io11.n1ot "Th" 1..<>rd'• RIX't:l'TIOS ('arr) 1n~ nut tht •I•. ri rRll\'r thtmc. poltt'd m;;imolJM provided m 1·011,.1 C-11llrJ?r lhPlll r~ , ~Q\'. ·~ SANTA"S BAZAAR EJ3ELL f"J.l "8 12 30 p C'hPOn, L<>r:ron Hall B&rw Club 6 •~ p m H11rbor Yach t C,:lub 111 11111 :-; I'\\'"" l CDM Womeri Hear Studen·t Ml'mber1:1 tlf the Women's Fe llowship of Coronn del Mar Comm unity Chtlrch htarJ about lift>• in C1JUntri\•s far apart. HoHanJ end lnd1:\, st therr luncheon meetin~ or Od. 2ti. Mr:i. Stuart lJaehl, vice prt>:iid'ent, iutruJuceJ t h~· St-Jeak- ent, Ted D~ng, ne!Jhcw of Miss Frit·tla Scltnlant t> 1111J S..111 Jeyalhtv•. who 1-with tht ¥t'u~raphy dt'partment at UCLA, IJ.,Qong,' who 1 a me 1wer thiJI aumrner and II a tluJent al Or· ang11 Cout Collegt, told of , lhf' 111stom11 of Holland Many llrtlclt'a 11rt' C'hf'&pt'r then-. h .. a111'1, hut wsgeA an• much IOW<'r Speaking of churchel!. he Mid tht'tr poll! lr11.I pow~ Y (?'Mt. JeyaU."9 &Jl'PM-Nd 111 Utt ~ 1u111e of hi• native l ',.ylon, lulJ of Ha ci,uitoma and ftlur1ttlon. whl<'h I l• frt'f' He 111 hi lhl' Jl"Opl;o gn·at ly appreda~e Yfork beinr done lht'r r by mt..iooar1M from thl• rountrv M111IC'aJ proitram wu hy m•m· htrso or Lhe Wom .. n'11 1;1r~ 'c 111h f rom Cout · Collcitt. LunclHloa wu Mrved by m rm· .,."' l'tf th• r '1"1dlr 89"\'ice trT'Our ' hbltUl'lll ••( l h1 l""•f.t Mr,.R Bn. nr h' I 1 I.I 1 It 1 ' Jo'ull• ·"' 1111t 11 12 10 ""' k 11111• Ir 11 ~Ir~ ("lrAI\~ W iii l It _,,.,, •I I. \lf'W nr Int~ houl« Mr,. () I• l<Jll!: l.!1 l<N"lllln I '- duo1 ni11n ( 'hrb 11" mhrr " nn1l vi· 1111nr ... '" e wrlc u1u r I Tennis Sh<>MI Sir'" 5 to 12 for Boys and Girl" tt~. $2'.9R Special S23& jewl'/,''J by 'J_e~rye -Groen S&H Stamps Handmndc Contempora ry On~innls Jn .oml1d Gold 11 n1t S11\·n ... 21·'ll'lh l'lM"I' 111 H••lrnulli Plf 1 Long Bc:ach. Calif. , l 'I"'"'' M"n•ht)"8 PRIDl·N·JOY Cloth~ and Topt for Girts ~d Boys IAA J Harbor Bh·d. C' ""ta M f'l'A ·~ ....................... -·-···········--······--·····--···~~·····--·-······---·- A a i10. _9,,~fru cho11 . TERESA tttN~ER I Mrs. A. Renner l ArN'pUat; a llmltl'd numlwr ur pupil" tor piano , e,,rarlu~t,. /olhtltf'nt of "4-la ftArto\c .a:«; ~rra Orin Ph. Har. 20~fl Corona flilbluda -Col'Olla del Mar .. -.. -...... -.-.. -... -•. -. -·····Cli•o-•™'''* . ;:;u;a;:c;:w::: •• -..... ,. thing wu missing and they Im· mediately duhed lO the door to -------------n~d IL - Parent• ot the bOY• thought the ybungster11 wne alarmed and Wttt running from St. .Nick. But It wasn't Cenr, they were only "look· Ing for the udder one", meaning M r11, Sa.nta Claus. Told that Mra. Santa had 1t.&y· cd at Lhe North Pole to pack toys for another trip, they reCu1ed to give up and throuchout the even- ing dL'lhl'd h lthn and yon, opening doql'll and ~ at&1n. to ''tlnd lh• M,...''. At cloee of t.he e•enln,; Dad Wol!ryd wu lul In the hall and with tlngen to-hla Upa wa.s juat ready to "Whl8Ue them In", wht'n he saw them going out the door ln charge ot Mother. IT'S P,URl'OSE Mrs. Clarence Young, senior ri .. gent, told or the purpose of Chr"tmas In October and cln11e<t with t he usoual ccrrmony, &.111h1tt'd I by Mrs. Don Randel. Before cloalng the big ca ke lio· nated by Mrs. Durl Tapping a.nrt 4eroralcd with a Mooaeheart .crnr wa1 11ervcd, IL'! w111 a blrthdlfy I c1ke for Mrll Lllrry Smith. Very Special 20% OFF Exceptionel Group of exciting fashions Lim ited number Mostly 'One-of-a -kind' dresses· blouses -skirts All New- All Desireable Come Early O/gene l W Harbor Costa Mesa O~n Frt. Tlll 9 U 8·7566 ... f or the young at hea rt Gay, whims ical themes, derrghtfully por- trayed by d isti nguished artists, dominate our California Artists Presentations. You'll have fun this year selecting a card that exactly captures the festive Christmas Season. ~ · ~ Cord!, 16th nirrfnpf!, arr '(1f'ftl'd from $19.~ 11rr JO-O cnrd.• 1111.~ona /1:td w1tl1 your namt . .,., Card $hOilfTI •S lllltd "Jollr J1& • -dfs1111 No •C ?S28-cru1td u pt crally by h lpll Hult ll lb! Cahfom11 Aillslt H. y~ d ' en s 214! Marine Ave. Balboa Island ( ilt The lslanden) Baird Improved Wy.oming Guest • ODi1M .... tl'w.da ""'" .... ,.. ..... ,..,.... ., Lara· tf bear tbal Herbert L. 9&lrd, .... WJ'O. ,.,.. bcJuMC'UMt at the ,..._ lolla·um. x... ~t. aoa-t lnMrt bocM. 10t0 eon- .. ~ ~ to be at home wttll ~'A"'-ea,t& M... Jut Illa wtf• aft#• Jo.~ a., at week.' 1119 ...,_ .,._ Wn a.. -Oluat.7 lio9pttal wtUa • CXIUllt;J ellrtL of A.1'*'7 OouptJ. ... llatecUoa. Tbe Jtaard. ..._, w,.. toir .....a .,...... Kaft1 19 at -II. 111'11D11ac9 •LaM, Apt. ~ tripe .,.... taaa _. D.~ ........ ..,. GREEN GI.ANT ASPARAGUS SPEARS FOR AUTOMATIC WASllllU D A S H ........ -.. ·--·~ ... -......... .. ' NO. IOI CAN GLORIEnA PEARS VAN OA.llrS -• PORK & BEANS . NO. IOO CAN· 2 for 25c NIBLET8 • WHOU KERNEL CORN 15c ............ 2Jc HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP UNDUY NO. 1 EXTllA.LG. f)f)c: PllTED OLIVES ..................... ·--··-·-.i.i- Holl.llEL 37c ROAST BEEF HASH _ .... -....... •~ Don's ~ Meats .. • U. & OBOIOJC 08BOULDD • • LAMI CHOPS ................. .. LOCAL.._ ---D COLORED FRYERS . EASTERN NO. 1 SLICED IA'CON • • • • DICK'' Gr .. n Groceries Featwlftt. .l& 6'/C ...... ·~ ......... 't& 6'/C . .............. ~ 6'r FeatwlncJ Tiiis w ... : Tender Green Boston Lettuce Fresh, Crisp Reel Leaf Lettuce Large, -Meaty N0t lhern Artlcholles 'Von de~ s#Kil\s ...,,i,4,5 .. .. -~· . . /.. ( \ .. ' ' ... ~ ' -~- " '~~~' MEMBERSHIP 2·&..yer '-'" • HONORED AT . SPICICAKI 19'-. , .. y.., Uc ...... the • i, ~ Almond Or9ftte .... cona CAKI 29' ... _ ........ , You Select The We Del.iv~ Market Spot 200 Marltte Avenue, lalboa hlcind Harbor 1000 ,· • J FIRST COTILLION of the aeaaon for all a1e groups ~ dance lltudent. wu hefd Oct. 26 at Newport Har- bor Yacht Oub, younger groups coming in toatume. Theee are third and fourth graders at the Matinee 'Story The·atre' Program ~ ~ for Junior Ebell Club "' Wttb a· "Mort etory tbut.re" tor Jll"OITaDl &11d T\nM1 Tea pl&u oa the ~ ..-nda. l Wllor llbeU QU) Ul4 a 11.lDCMcm .... aioo Oct. JT at N..-port ~ Yacht· Clu!t. Mn. i'r9eman l'Sab· er pc 'Md 614 W'llloomed .-ior Dell .......... ,,...ia. .. u.. .., u.tn. Kn. ... ma. !(now gave a reaume ct the llf• of Katherine Man1rleld fol- lowed by readlng1 ot three pr her lhort 1toriu, "A Cup of Tea", ''The Garden Party" and ''Tiie Slngtng Leuon ... TU Xinffl Tea 11 &A annual project ot Mnlor l:bell Clull and WUl be held Dec. I al .American Leston H a 11, • Junior member• UCLA. Class '3() . ::_ ~°'• art.tmu decora- Reunion Nov.19 Mrs. .Jam.. Wblte reported on the mMtinJ of OT&na• County Mlmben ot UM UCLA dam of r.deraUon. Ju.nlor Memberl!llp, tNO wW JM»ld tlMtJ' ~ dam re-l\ltld at La Habra with Mn. UI· wUoll oa ............ Na.. it, fol· lf'u Knott, state preadellt ot JowUar u.. VCLA.·U.O tlotMll Jualor Membenblp, u 1peaker. aame.. Sh• allO outlined the recently C"eern•t• will pthw at uie adopted .,.um-ct co~nUn1 club UD.lnnlty Olli» at l :IO p. m. hour .. It w_u Ull\ounced that the Dtnner wW follow at T:ao wltb ,member wtt.b the m01t club houn Bab Ford &I m&at.r• ot ceremOD• to Mr cnclit WCMIJd be Mnl t.o the 1... ip1'tq conftftUC9. to be held ~ ot a. ...._ ot ttJI .A.prU 10 at Oeronado. ud JNl Jaaft aJlo beeD l.nYlt.ed rurtllill' ct.ta.lll ot the "elean to ~ Lil tile nunloa. • tM B&l'bor area" eampal(l'll. '"We S-9" ..... tt I -........... el \M cia. Uld la eaiarae Jl'OW J'OIDll"* ·tocetMr at U.. • of the lletter commW)lly commit· yu.r l"9Uldcm... a.clYSMd J • r r 7 tee were apla1n9d bY, the cheJr· tit.wart. pNlldm& ot ~ olaN of rve.n. Mrs. Jam•• (Betty) JUy- 'acl. · noldl. • Mu Epsiloh Chapter BSP Is··Preparing Cook Book Membera 'ot Mu J!pit)on cbap- tll', Beta 81Jm& Phi. broupt Mmplu of tlleb: faYOttt. nclp119 lo tA• Oct. II meeUn1 held at th• borne ot Kr&. Jack a. QW.MD- berry, 6-MO WMtmiD.lter .An. Oil YOt.11 an.. t.Mttq, a c:ucwa- ber l&1&d made by Mn. J ohn B. Mtn111 wlU be en t.ered 1n a cook book eonu.t conducted .,. Beta 8Jama PN lntemaUonal otnce la Kanau CU7 Mo. for a book to be CCllllplled trom nctpe1 from more thaA ~000 Cll&ptArn. Mr .. • C. lt. Ba.rdt.n conducted the pro,,.am on "Sett A.u.)1.tW' with a round table d~ fol· lowiq. K1ll Loulle Oliphant 'lice p~dat. announced that Ulll prtlerutJal ta we&cominr new m.aben wW be ll•ld lundq, !fOY. t. I to 5 p. m. at tbe lilo1¥ ot Kn. "Jam• a. Taylor, 2 .. Drtltwood Road. Nat ....,.al IQMUDf W1D M !fOY. t a\ the bome ot K.ra. Mer· rtU. no 2•taa Pl.ace. ~ ~ Elderly Couple on Texas Visit Mr. and Mni, Wllllain· o. Holt.a· Cotillion of which Mrs. Charle. Cotton and M'ra. Jay Beeeemeyer are patroneaa co-chajrmen. M'ra. Harvey Somera ia general chairman. -Staff Photo OPEN HOUSE ANNOUNCED .. . AT ST. JOACHIM .. SCHOOL i,,; obeerv1111ce 'or Nation.al J:dUcaUon week, there -will be an open HOUM at St. Joachim Pariah School on Nov. 19 from 7 to I p. m. accordinr to an announcemf'nl 1nede by the ~ev. Thomu Nevin at th• ll'rtday evtnJng: mttU~g of the M~era Club, held In the llChool ~ Fr_. Nevin lnvtted not only parent.I of the achool chil-. dren but aleo parenll of chllch>en who attend other local ·8Cbooli.. 'lb.er• will be a J>f'OIT&Dl and refre1hmenll will be .. "ed. Su11ruted by Mra. Walter ){Iller, club prul<knt, an lnt.er-cdhimunlcatl<1ftl 1y1tcm will be a project or the club, and wtU be Ill rm to tbe IChoOl UU. year. .. Spea&er t or the Mllllon. wu Police Chief Art McKenzie, hla 1ubjeH. "Juvenile Delinquency and Narcotle1." ., Al cond1.11lon re(reahmenll were aerved by Mra. Roberf" llMhr and Mra •. Wiiham Palmer. GUESTS INVITED ' Nau.al Alt WMll .. .... ~ a._ i..,.... .... c.cm NOY. J to !lfjW. .. n. aru.ta llaft ~ OooperttloD tr... U.. ....... le Ill Pladac . pUllUnp ta tMb' wtlldow9 for d11Jp1&7 ID laa'flaS ... Jl1le ot AztH, f(W tlile nat. Artlata Wtlo worb4 an tbll project, Wbldl bad to M complet*l. In a ~rt time. ...,. JO&M .c:1t'oolwell, ~ Browa. ~ OlultOl'C1, zdWard L. r.l'DIUll Uld lldwtn Btade, wbo WU cba&tm¥ Of tbe 9ftDt, 1t ii a nep Jn :lfle r1pJ atnct.lon of makiq ou.r ftalt°" art ~ ID i.cuu. I TM quarterly m•Uq will be held op Balurday, No•. 12 at T:· ao p. m. and tt ta bopect that an artlJlt and •1.1J1t&l.ninl membera will be pre~t u a number of Important matllra wW be dia- culMd. Claude Taylor, Lacuna W&Ur- ooloriR, an ub!b&ltni m4lrllber, bu been electe( &11 A.aaoctate of t.be American Watercolor 8odet7. Tbere wu a 8plendld attend· ance on Friday eYUtnr at .A.I\. Gallery When Rllda Br111t.ow, Uf• member, demODltrated tile tec.bnlque of palette knit• pa!nt~ inJ. SIM. completed an autumn tandlca~ ot an old N-•eland barn, one of her irtu4iel of lut IUDlJner, Lil a Ult.J.e OYer 9.0 bOur. She u.ea 1everal dlttere"lt typH of palette knlvu and with a nm· nine commentary tola ot her method of a wax medlwn and her palette. MJU-Bn.tow CSonated the . pain Uni' t.o the pllery. It will be OD exhibit U 900n U. lt l.11 dry and \I.Md to · r&lle fUada tor the p.llery. . . SONG PBOCIM.ll Pro,-ram ch&lnnan. Kn. A. I. Pinkley, Introduced Klis Sarah Medcalt, 10prano, who pve NV· eral number. trom "Deeert .&nr" and "Chocolate Seidler." 8h• wu accompanied by Jim J'ltqeratd, 1l1,ltruc:tor tJr mU1ic at O~e Colllrt Collea'•· Speaker of the afternoon; MN. ·Parent-education . . .Workshop Class Meeting at the Boya' Club in Co.ta Kea from 10. L m. to ~ p. m. on. .M~ndaya, a w1>rbhop for niothena and their P!'&"IChool children, 2 to 5 yean ol age. ia being apoD.80red by Orange Cout College. Mn. Elma Green i.9 the imt.nlctor. She hu bad 30 yeara experience in parent education work. Molher1 are enco~ed to at~ and a hot lunch prepared by the tend th-weeltly ....SOna With mothen. Duzin&' a 11Upervlled nap th• opportunity lo learn to under-period the motherw retire for a .t.a.nd thelr children'~ powth and <tacualon o1 • the day'1 evenll, the development ot the pre-ICbool where note. are compared a.nd child. Technlque11 OD meetiftr 11tu-cc>nclualona drawn. aUon1 ot behavior anlf dl.9clplln• Tll\re .Ill no char&'e for tiie are d.llclaM<I. Cat.II ~ made up courM With th• exception of a 21 for nape tn the momt.ns before cent b&bt•llltN fH and motbera JolnJ to th• park wher• mot.!Mn m.,-enter tb• coune at any Ume obMrve and repo« the childnm'1 durtJis the 7-.r, All &<Snnc:ed ad.1v1Uae. courM I.a held on Tueeday1 tor 4fter the n tum to th• BoJ9' an:t mot.her with prevloUll -per1· Club a mwilcal proiram la held mce tn pennr-educatlon. C~nchitaParlor NDGW Wariiki Club Calendars Has Halloween Potluck ' President's Tea Date HU1band1 and friend.II of mem- ra were C'll!lll et a recent pct- luclc Halloween party flv•n by Coachtta Pal.or 214, NDGW •at UM Amerlc&n LeJlon HaU 1Jl Co. ta Meea . .A.ner a hollday buffet dinner the. a.unbly wu entert&iMd With tr a d I t t o n a 1 Rallowun pmN followed )Y dancing. Kem~ and su..u. preHnt tor tb• te11UYIUU wer• Met1ra. a.n4 MmeL H . P • .A.DderlOD. Ou· net Butler, T ll • o do r • l:lmaa. T1t• ooup&e cam• bw• from TellU · 10m• U ,._,.. &JO and h.a•• made Mffl'el ruum tripe. &tb are tn the lai e el1httu but are active both phyeleelly and entaUy, keeping abreut or the Ume1 and pa.ttlclpatlnf in clvtc &11d ccmmunlty affair•. John l:meraoa. Harold orat\am, 1oh n Maloom10n, William Melch· er. Walt.er Nollar, Rudolph Peter· -. Peter Palm, J oaepb \'Vheeler, Jack WIJ.on, Phil W. Smlur and Robert M. WIJ.on, Mmu-ChM- ter Pollard. Lawrence Bergeron, DoD Muncy, Caroline Pain). Hal· m Cclltn1 and Dan Place. In charr• or the atraJr wu Mra. .Muncy, mt'flu chairman and Mn. Pia~. entertaihrnent chairman. Next meeting or the parlor wlll be Nov. 10 1l 8 p. m. Plans tor the Thanklrlvlng buketl do· nated to Of'edy famlllu wlU be dll<:uea~ at thl• time. There wUI a l10 be a money ralllinr pro- ject for the NaUn Daurhten Children'• F oundation. , Mexican Dinner for DeMolays or.. Pt utdml'• T• dat. wu bu9taw &a&artm • at "1dcJl aa.o Mt tor W9dne9d&y, Dec. 1' whell Included on the qmda U>e U · D*nbe1'9 ot WanlkJ • Club . held wanta Ladlea Nlf)lt wbJcb will be their ant tall -1on Oct. M OD NOY. 18 at Vnia Mattu. at U.. llome ot Mn. Bert Webb, Brtd1• and canut.a occupted UJ Holmwood" Drive. later houn Wllb prlze11 Col.DJ to Ml'9. Mu Pope preatded at the Mn. ,_.aurl• Stanley and Mn Waniki Club Opens. Season . Jack Raub. Mn. Webb and beT co-boltue. Mn. J}Ck Nelaon, .. rved retrteh· ' enlll to: • -- Krne11. Harry Aiton, Roy And· erion. llniu& .Hartman, Kenneth Newport Ji.arbor W&111Jd Club Bone. John KJmble. Herbert-Ken· held It.a flrat bUline .. Hulon of ny, D 0 11 K.lrkpalrlck. Vernon the )'ear Oct. 28 at the home ot Koepeel, Raub, Vincent Salm&Cla. MT.. Bert Webb '23 Botmwood' Stanley, Albert S tockron. Oeorr• Drift. ' SUcku, Roy Yount.on., Jamee Mn. M&ll Pope pf'MlllM at the Van Dyll., H. Payne Thayer ud bultneN lnttttm at wMch . lb• one l'IMt. Mn. Jim Gallqber. ytar'1 prorram wu outlined. At· ~ terward mMnberw played canta New AAU Women &11d enjoyed d41aeert 1erred by Kra. Jack .Nd10n, aut1Ung hoe-AmonJ mor. than 60 new mem- teu... ben ot Banta Ana br&llah, Am•r1· lhm1-n pruent were Km•. can AmodaUon ot UnJnrwlty Don larkp&trtck. Maurle Stanley, Jt'1 all IA charp of th• boya Verne KoeJ'Ml. Ja.ck Raub, Roy Women an M.n. :Edward J. Black, but they wtll have expert a.td Yountone, O.Orse Stricker, Her-1986 Pr11K:W& lAAe. COllt4 M--. accord Inf to plan1 ma.de when bert K •a n y, llrnellt Bartman, Mn. L. A.. Clinton."" 21Pi Circle tbe Mou.en Club ot Dellolay Jame. Vaa Dyke, ~y Alldenoo. DrtY' Mra. Bai'rLeon Dowden, &04 met at tbe home of KrL F . B. KoneUa llcme, Jobn KJmble, Vin· S-wvd R-4 and Kn. Theodore Hulett. 4~ Siem Vi.ta. ea.ta cent 8&tmac1a, Barry Aehton. Al IC. Nlchoi.on. &04 Se&wud Ro&d. Yo~ Set Fubiona • Lido 500 Via Melaga-Newport-Harbor '4510 Etl&eria&' Via Uclo from N--,ort Blvd. tun1 rlaht at \:la Oporto, ftnt llUM& pu& llldaard'a Markf't. ST ATE PRESIDENT COMES AS FEDERATION SPEAKER Men. Oct. 2t. Stockton. Webb, Nd8on and Pope. ;;·i~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~1~-At that Ume pl&nl were ~ ou.t. -.. Mmu. B. Payne Ill tor..-helping W1th the Kaicua Thayer 1md Jamee Gall&Per. dinner which Orange Cout Cb&p-Nut Wanlkl meeting wW coin· Prominent Sta,eswoman Returns to Home Town emar'1 AdYt..ory Ccmmlltee Chlklrm and Toulh. ... ter or DeMolay la f1v1ng at 8t. dde with Klwani. ladJM' nl&ht on Andrew1 Pariah Hall Nov. H , e to ~ be Id at Villa Karina to I p. m.' NOY. 18. Her h1.11band le al•<> from Ana-p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ helm and attended acbool thrH. Mni. ~raJd Whitaker, atate president of the Cahfor· nla Federation Woman's Clubs, will be guest of honor and apeaker at the meetin~ of Orange Councy Federation in EbeJJ CJub, Anaheim on Nov. 16. Mra,_ Whitlker wu born In Anaheim, attended Khool there and wu graduated from the old hlf'h echool which now n rved u at.atf' chalnn11n tor the hou11e1 r re m on t Junior Hl~h d41~rtmenta or le1t11latlon, tniiU- Seliool. tut.Iona and communlly ••rvlce. She went to Lo• An1ele1 Teach· .Alwiy0a l&.lelng-a.n f4.llvc tni.m~•t er'• College and la11~ht at Ana· In commwilty .&Ua!r1, ahe ..., .. or· helm Central School tor a 1hort 1&111&er and p ... ident oi the tlm~. The family moved lo Berke· Handicap~ and Crlpplrd Cbll- 1 .. y · where the look a courH In dren·1 OUild of Alameda County: mental luting. She al.10 enrolled the Governor a ppointed her .. In communtty l<"Rt1er11hlp courua director of the tndu1tria.I Home at Stanford, taught th~ pnmary for the Blind; waa on ttie !Hrkt· (Tadea In ~rkt-lf'y and took tf'ach· ley recreation oomm1a3lcn for two n '1 tralnlnr for San F'ranclaco y-: <'ouncllwoman of 8er1ltley Teacher'• College for tour yeal'I; dlrtctor or Btrkt- AT AL.AMF.DA ley1 Rtd Crosa; orcanlier and di· Hla rr¥.dmothu wu one ot the orlJ!n~lfhl women tn or1anlH the Buena Park Woman'• Club., the olde•l cluh In Southern Ca ll- fornla. His gTandf11lhtr. JamH Whlla.lter, wu the rounl'lfor or Ru,._n a .P11rk. ~rvaUon1 for the NO\' IS mteUnr mu11t ~ mede by Nov. H with Mr111 B R. Coupland. 821 Carletcn Avt . An&hi'lm. PARK ES· RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Bro&d••J -Coeta M...a P'IM>IMe LlllertJ ...... Mr1. Whll&.k!'r be&1m hl!r <'IUb r~lor of Btrklt y'1 'Concert A.Mo- ure u a . prukhmt .ol the NOl'th• c-latlon anll 1he hu Ju•l befn ap- brae Woman·s Club anti cunttnu~1 polnleJ u • mt mber of the Qoy. a.11 prt1i<ll'nt .. r Alamtda t1l.11trlct r~~~~~~:::::~-~-i~~~~~;:i~~~~~~~~~~~ anti hH ~erve.i L' rt<"onlln~ aecr~· r; tery a nd vh't 1•r4.'.111htf'nl or th• •l•t• o•xecullve boal)I. CTWC and Okl Ellt& bliehed IM\lra.nce ~y AU I.Ina wrllten. BOWA&D W. GEBBl8H l808 Newport BJ•d~ eo.ta MM& PRO~-. LD&llTl' 1-llU JEWELRY Fl~~ DTATU AYAILAILI If you •re ••••i"CJ Jewelry Jtem1 tMt ere Surce L~t us •now •.• We m•y Buy It For You e IEWELRY llOUOBT e e !>!tart l' .. f Orte..._ l.Ay·Awa1 N- IOIDTS JEWiLERS Ill~ ll&lt8e 4Y9. -............ _ llut-tall Sh a b ara Women's Wear .. -featuring Scarve$. by Vera • • • 1.00 to 2.95 Gregory Blouses • • • 3.75 to 6.75 lernat Sweaters • • 4.95 to 12.95 Calderon Belts • • • • 2.95 to 4.95 Colleoe Tow'n Per:sonals 5.95 to 10.95 Aldn~_..,. ... ......,. BARBARA QUAR&\' OIUOINAL8 .... tt Sldrta-....._ _ ......... Sh sst9 Newport Bh·d. N....-pott Beech a b ara Beau-Beau's Beau-Beau's • ~ Beau-Beau's CURIOUS? COme to Our ~'COKE" Cocktail Party °" Sat•day, Nov. 5th M10 VIA UDO .. dt' 2 p. m. • , • ,• All Will Be . Revealed! .. " ' \ t ~&E 6 • ~RT I -NEWPOAf 1'4~, NEws-Puss EDNESOA Y, NOVa-flEI 2, 1.911 ~ SURROUNDED BY ASSASSINS ~ That migl\t be the feeliDg of Sailor End . .Paul Lorent.un as Garden Grove ptax- .,.en hem him ln..on...a pua play from Quarterback George Schuitt Fr,iday~night in Pirate Stadium. Unfortunately, the ball ia not descending into. it'• bouncing out ot Loren~·· arma. Later he anagged one to aet up a Newport Harbor acore. .staff Photo SUNSET BOILING INTO 2 CLUB GO Each paealng Wffk find• lhf' Sunaet 1J.Aarue bolllns more and fll'bre Into a two dub contut with the prob· a b~ e ch11mplonahlp fg am e •cl . .,!lulefl t o ta ke place at A1.~:-e1m Nov. 18. Thal"• when N rwport H1trbilr H igh S1·hool'11 Sallora take on the defendlnic loop cbampa. Current 11.Andln,a: New- po1·t Harbur and Anaheim, 3·0-0; Fullerton and Santa An11, 2·1·1; Oarden Grove, I · 3·0. Huntington ~ach and Orange. 0·3·0. HARBOR-Klos· FIRST . GRID • . , , .,,. ·••it •1""'. i.·• P'ROVIDES O.UIJf -AN 'mBIENCE· :·. ·: ~ .. __ .. ._!~ !°'~':·~~- ., .llOD MeeM!JU~N ftat .... UM ..... ~ ... ., ............... -....... ....,. .. r tzlala ::'::.... m.:... 1WI. ... ~ u wu qwi. u e,qiemnce. wt~ ... ._.... ._. ......_ '1111 ·~ la-. *"I w• wt f l ,... tie,_ a..,.._.._. or.. ...-.. w el ... TDe i..r T• quii. an apertence. The O&rJ' .. Hai• dropfed ... • ut et; a.t ,_ a.. .. U. At.tallUa .,..,_,..,_,QM U. ~ Mrt!t pUe 0 1'W of t.be Har .... ,/tan ~ ..... ..es .................. -,.... . ..... .. ...... fte ~ ........... *'9d- lloJll' Club tauct lbe fourth crad-~ ud wu ...,,.... • .,& • ,,,.... U. ,... lllM t. .,...,.. .-.ua .,... ...... •· IMk ,_ tlillnl ..._ ,.,.. lh .. ot llWIUqton Beach RK1'M-t.be Mb Ucl naa ~ IW'd ..,. ....,_.. a.a ,,..... llle ._.. · -• UGa c.ntu lD thdr first football toi t.be OClllnri&on. 'n. ..... ..-.r Uilll ta. ..._ •-M , at.la ~ lla.W.S -1 Ule Wklte same laat weekend. Harbpr'• Sol awa.y ttom him 894 ...,.. •1111*4;. tllaC •U.Wtee ~ fte A......,.. llubed the Red 8Cllll U-0. ~Mt 1t I --9 Baroid Crtm took lite-kJclC"off and body wu ~ for U..-MU In. ,... .. ~ md te _. ,_.. ....,_ ._ i-... 'na .J>atrlck 8COr'9d 11 all llle polata. # roared rt(ht throurti the Hunt-cludlnc mo 1 t of Ratilkctoa d7: G&t ,_ _. leUa t. pft .r"tM A'• marken with JtUd7 '!'be Doctcwe ~ U*r nret U.st.on ~ch tum tor a touch-S..cb. Robl~ ~ pt tM Ucl .U. la tam W'Odd; u.t to Ve8t ocaftl'ltnc once. BcT)' mm-PIM ot t.be ..... 11-f ..._ the clown. Rocec Goddard came back plpkln and took otf for UM be I'" uM':ral 1W --aoeept . Sta J'rank D\lrulte ud C11n with an end run for HunUn.Jt.<>n promi.ed land, maldq tt u the aDf eeny 011t ~llWU.. -romped•tor ~ lone ft..t .,._ - to .tie the llCOre. Ctna1 wbllile IOundld tw a l&-15 Md, .. ,_..a me. ...... -u 1oa ta117. . ton Smith 8COred to Ulldl!WU for In the •cond quarter. .Rick tie. • a ..U. f!1 ....... ~ wtua Jpba 'IYk>r and ¥ ~ the win~.,. and BlU7 .~ added llancebo centered the ball C?ver Both tff.ma were b&ppy except ,.,._ 8Dd Mlaln. TM tOUDda-ICOred et.be touchdowna a>r lb• th• point. 0.nero R• made the cr1m·a head and Halfbacl< Jimmy" for Harbor •Ub K~UI 1warta Uon .. litut..s 1lat It WW be CUti., but !t wb Gary Robimon'a BravM' po&nta. Shipman.. bustled back and pie¥-who fillt that two bo)'I didp't ret ID&ll7 ,_,. a.eor. U.. cbl~ la ---:::;'~-::---====;;;;;:============::; ed up the ball •l\d hurried to-to play enousb. But be wu un· tlallJ dwaJopecl 'I'll• •-.i e.-1 wards the 1idellnea anc.I thl'n cut aware that uua p.me wu Olll)t m•U.C WOI" '9 ~ IJt the ._,.. • .,....._._ • b 0 'b"1 .. upfield for a 40 yard tout;hdown tor boy1 eelected from the intra• ~ I TA FF 0 RD L I 0 N play and a 12-41 lea<1. A few plays mural l&fl\H inda1 and that It 'Tie ~ ,,....._ of the ."Nl:Lll and ~ later Cr(m got In the way ot one wu lmpoulble to play all IO Jlart»r J!lo)'I' Club a. us tmpor-ELllCl'BIOAL OONTIL&C'l'UU of Ooddani·1· pasMea. lnttrcepted fourth rraden tn one pme. ' tant. CCII in our .a.t. to tralll I'll-. Ultert)' ,1-HTI .It and ran o~r the ttoal line. So \b• fOUDdaUod wu at.~ 11oy9 to -t u.. w'l.tiaree of 111 ma......_ ... ._. N....,. lleeell ?(EW THEORY .. ~ bo)-11 plaxect their ftnt ptttnc alaq Ila UM 1ftNi4. ~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;~~~~;;~~~ HunUngton came back 11galn11t -:;:";:;:;:;::::;;:;::~:::;;:::;:;;;;:;::::;;:;:;:~;::::;;:::; the reAerve• to 1core a t.ouc;h-P " down and make it 18-12 and then they 11cored a~aln to .make It 18- 18. It wu then dlacovered that one of the Karl>or halfback• JVU- eneaktnr up and playing-end 1nd another one•or the baclul had de- cided be would play pard ao therefore nobody wu back to •top tbe pa.111e1 (the theory be- hind • thl1 defen1e being-that If you-rtiah the paqer hard enouiti and with enough men he can't get the ball away.) While the locall were adju1t- lng their defenaea to thla new found weapon of football (the forward paaa), Kunlll\(lon ran rictit up the middle tor a touch- down and converted to make It 211-18 with two minutes 1of play remaining. Two ot the ddenH men came out ot the -game with the remark. "Oh well, they didn't pa• anyway." ' The klckott receiving team went In and the ball landed In 10mebody'11 hand1 -but he drop- ped It and somebody picked It up and handed It to 0Tlm Patrick on hl1 own 10 and he went three atep1 rlfht and then lert and lhen right and lhen left again. By thla UIJ>e ~unlington •• waa ao dluy thaf they weren t aure wha t happened. and T'lm wun"t LOWELL ... : ··;STOP UNEVEN TIRE WBR FREE ROSS ·C~HECK OF FRONT WHEELS WheelAliglllHllt Wheel llala8clnt ... -Complete lrake Senlce Motor T_.Up Hynmatic Speclalhts • R & L ·AUTO CLINIC SAYE MONEY llOWI . ' l D.u.g .. Stock Close 011t of ' • I.. • JOHNSON 8E&JIOB8.: OUTBOARD MOTORS ~ .•.. 10 h. p. a~ 25 h. p. electric I Trade-Im Bull ir... FACTORY APPROVED "SERVICE ' Complete Parta Stock All 5H Us For Your Boating M~~a Lr.cki Santa ana; Corona next· I paaitlve of anythinc exc.-ept that he wu In t he end zone with the ball and both of hl11 flag1 atilt Newport l1aoll 3001 Newport llYd. Haabw 4606 Tlll8' 18 A BOBBY f -Bouncing into fifth place i.I Red Rice {22·R) of Newport Heights. owner of Cata- lina paaaenger boat leland Lady, during motorcycle racing at Ripenilde. Red waa riding in the Steeple Chue race. on hia day off after a year of non,compe- tition in t_he aport. -Don Bush Photo Costa Mua's Mf'rchanta return- ed to the win column In Orange County Winter Bueball League play Sunday with a !).3 triumph over La Fonda nine of Santa Ana on t he rival diamond. W ith tlrat pitch "In led for l :30 p. m. next Sabbath. the Muamen lllngle with th,. Comn11 Mer<'h1tnt• ' al Lo.OK• INTO PAST MAY-.Co~:sl:;M i.;~J·r~I~~~ aga inst La Fonda b11tters were Don Leigh ln rour tr11m,.11, Al Hosmgton In ' INDICATE TAR FUTURE thref'. Jerry Rlre In on• and J im · . , Newkirk who flnl11hed the ninth. Tony Lombardo did the c.-1tchlng. • Oenn111 FIUpAtrlck WU the b11t At 1eaat 1-i memben of Coach Al Irwin's New\x>rt Har-11t1ck with thrf'e blasts In five bOl' Hip School football mquad. which ia undef~ted in Sun-11t b11tft H f' 11l1mmed out • pair _,.. • ---·-oompetition to de.le, are -"ualea of Harbor of •!oubles t1nd a 11lngll'. but wu ~ ._..... &·~ twice plckl'<1 otr 1econd. Four or Boya'.Qub f1q football team.a, it hu been announced by thf' Merchant&' wlnnitlit runs Rod KacMIJUan, Boys' Club athletic director. wPre unl'11rned · But thf' one that rounted w1111 The)' VW otorre. Schultt, Gene Knipp, Tamura, and Berry. dt'· earned. ManAger 'aob Wetul 11tn- Hubb&nl,. Stan ~chonea, Bud futed the Harbor area second gl"d In thr ioucth 11tenza and Bob Tbaa\..._ John Ho'pltin., LarTy Mldfet te&m compoled of . fourth '-'<'iMo ra ppf'<I him homt wltb • CutrQ, Da•• Tamun. ~e..MU-and fifth rtade itudenti 26·0. double. ll mt1rked the flut run Uken. aMu-Ue Berry, Roy Dan.lei•. Schone1 and Thompaon were mem· llcored by the Ml'umen arter HI ;-_...,. Rapa, BlU Limb. Bill ber8 If the loaert. 11corl'less lnnln~a. MlJi. met Jbn Bento. Six yun a&"O Berry broke up a s-Rl"N Ml'YF ll:AALY BTA.U ball came u the loca.I E all·1tar11 Hr)llln~on and Wrt.ul 1lnglrd 8oale ot .t.ta.m. Uke Berry, T•· ecored a 13-e win over Ocun In the !lf'venth. Whf'n Lombardo"• rnura. 8chonM and Thompaon, View. With the llCOre lied 6·8, outfield rly w11• turned Into •n Wert .tar pertormer1 ht the Hunt-Berry ecampered M yards for the er ror, a ll thrl'f' M.1"8 ~ored. l11ftoo Bea.ch Midget Dlv111lon Fl&« triumphant TD. Al t"lll time, HostngtM en(I Fitzpatrick aln· Football LMc'la• back In 1949. Thl1 Berry was a G Jlll'fl ln t11,.., eli;:hth. Hoslngton soee ai.o for Quartl'rback Bruct> WHOLE 8A('KFIJl:U> J "c.-orlng on an .-rmr In •ll lhr I Knipp. currently w\th the Ora.nge Jn 19!)1, Berry. Tumura. Hop· loc11I I 11~h1: 1 " buhf'd out 10 • CO&llt Coller• Ptrate11 klrui and Schu1tt. the Sailn1 i!' pre· binglell Ia tact. the two Harbor area 11f'nt riret string off<'ni11\"t-back· -1 (Ttd teama top~ the H uhttngton fteh.I atarrPd for the 8oy2'' Club Beach ltCdset loop In 1949. The tea m. along with current T11r ~ team, amonc whom were backfield performeno Caiotrt'I anrl Tar Harrien Trail in Run Thompson. Jn 19!)1 Harbor &~"' r1t1b Grammar School A ''""" tlt'fnled Anaheim 19·12 behind th!' hard running of Ber~· 11n•1 Ht'lpkm11 and the c I e ''er qunl'lt>tb:u·kmg of Schul\t. Th'lmpson perform<'<i with the loca.J B te11m whw-h lul ered rolll'h Ra111ii Rel'C.1°11 Nl'wport I H11rbor H I g h School harrier• 1 mftdt-only 1 r11r 11howln~ In the 1 • ftnnua1 Mt San Antonio crou oountry 1nvlt11llonal Saturday I 71~ Grade Grid Team Nabs· 5th Straight Win ·'the boom on An11.he1m 12·8 Wllh kry letttht>r lungen Bill P titlC a nd Olis Bohne unable to I n111k~ thr hlll'n'd"lr joumt>y. the I After a hard t ouitht 8·0 '1nt lllllf, Harbor Boy1' Club 11ennth rnide IJT'ldder11 kept their 1late clean with thf'ir tlfth 1t.ralght ""in ~ t.ht> HUOn 20-0 onr Bu- •n• Park SatuNay on the loter'• field. Bµena Park 11la.rted fut and went to the loe&I ellfht yard line. Biii Twlat Intercepted· a pua on th.e 2 to end tht drive. a_utch Vineyard broke away on a W1nr- .,back rtven1e on the t.hlrd pl" but tumbled aa he wa~ downed on the Buena Park (O. The local• puahed Buena Puk baek a.nd took over oa down1 on the Buena Puk 37: Thf'ff play• later Tw11t pUNd ei.ht y ard• lo VIMyard tor the ltcore. --...._ • la the third ~tiQd, the locala 1hoYed ltuena Park b•ck to their f'ftd aone where U..y punted out to Twt1t. He ~turned 2!\ yard• for a ecore .behind f oqd bloclcln1 from ~IJ Rapp and ~ Mc- OaYT'SJI. Dick Butterwor th drove over for lh• con•eralon on a line buck. Late In the fourth per1Qd, J ohnny Hushu went e7 yarda on "Who knows·· obs"rvt><I Mar-S111lor vol'iuty runnt'ra finlahed M.llllan tod11y. '"maybe tho~I' vu·· "1xlh And th" JU mor ''ar•UY pl· torlee were fori•ral!tlng lhr rut11re lopers 11econd. -the 1966 Nrwport Hatbe\r Hlgh l -- School football Mt111on. for f'X· -------------, ample :" 1 .I 0 ti N 8 T 0 NE• 8 Mesa Awto Wreckers 8 EN AT 0 R W 1 LL I A M F. ("toed Auto rarta KNOWLAND "Thi> road to ' UM1 ACCf'lllllOrka peace 11 not through appea11e-2676 ·Plaoe.atia Ave. menl. Thal 111 11urrend!r on the LlbertJ •1tll Coeta M- lruitallment plan." SOUTH GORST consTRUCTIDn CD. ;. .. ~":~~~1a':v:~ ~:n~t :;:_ RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIA~COMMERCIAL 11bte na1 arabbera wtth perfect NO JOB TOO ·LARGE OR TOO SMALL blorlU. That mad. tM ac:ore Jt-0, ' and But.terwortl! pow •• t.l!rouati -.. IM., N..,ort Biid .....,_. 1511 tor the eon .. ...._ and 8-1 poAM. .__ ..... ____________ ,,_ _______ _ In po111tlon. • and Compare 8_hop Hardwood Floon pits Ge11iH latlt & Plaster· • toads of Ctra•ic me Khc~11 & latll LARGE "Elbow Room" lots • QuaUty Con1trudion by a Custom Builder · •, and Compare Shop and Compare and you'D find More .For Your Moneyi · in •• e Park 7 mo. FOi IVEIYTHtNG • ""'"'" 11'•1,..._al, I~ Tu .. , l~111ra .... NO EXTRAS Total Price $12.450 FHA Temt1 NO.N VETS ' Veterans larnhMJ GI n+tl• GI $325 per mo. may qualffy r- J'itla tit. b...,tiftal /urreulted JJIO'kl• by Cltondlrr•• o/ S.... ,t,.., OfH"' Dflily 'til 3 P.M. ......... 0...e, e4teeeftt .. ...,._ ..... S..... Aae, 11 Mhtvfea f'9ftl • ,.... ,,... ..... Atte ....... - 1~ .. '-" ... ,, ............ "' rtv ... ) ........... ,,..., ....... ... ................. '· lay C..llff.,..._ C.., h lW... -P.wer a .. lty C.., W.. ~ -Llhlth f -J H 1 .. • , ,, , --_ f .;j..J. , ' --------NEWPORT HARIOR NEWs.PllW -PA•T I • PASE 7 All A111'nilt C,Oki11 ll~ool nt1e .... . TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK TUIKIY SlfOOT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMIEA 2, 1915 I I H ., 'P •1.• Se &.... occ . . DUI ON SUNDA.Y ..... to •~ att•~ FIWI l~J OlllWI I . .,... · t tUr REPORT & . "COMMENT .O.:-C:-1 ~ '::: Nllp · ,.. _,.: ~·w-:. .... •,. -~·: An ~Allltnc:u Ooolld.ttS 8cMol.lstt --.,.., DOI w. ~ -· 9outMn ~ w.t. -• _,a twtlej wt b'.aa llbool at LJOlll Me.ti.. lrkt comm&n4* ot u.. A•1l1ww WAI C»nducted by BarMra RM Bt¥d. • -1 oe louUa Cout RUie and el U. ... at tbe Port Theatn In Col"Oft& del Al t.h• end ot u.. ....... N-polo J11n.::ts eo1191'• dlaa.......,. ,..,,. YOIUl NOON OOJiPID'T ,.. da.c.. lta oontribuUClll to .,... PtlUI aw ~ ... , 1'ruk a ..... dl.ltnet ,.,.,. Lectaa u4 ~ • Mar. bu 1a lut ..-on. l'riday day att.eraoon a •-O'~ 6 wlU 119 ta Oru .. Oout Col· COllPIL&D BY. a. C. OA.UIDI: ln1• .bu bMa mqdelll ctu. to 8uftday trom I a. m. to dark. era°" ot I.Iona Cllib. u4 ,.,,, ... eonJo l.iod.19. lh wl1I 'Ille ....-..: « t.u wffk. nie.c'-rly detail .. Merritt 1u ~will be a.,.... .... ta.nit No.. n Ull JI, It bu (DllA.H WJ'M"D.600.) •ANT• "It.art up" ooe~ ~t lbc>Uld lie ot It 'wu ann~ today to aor ot edUc:aUon &t p.cna..,.. Uni· td bJ Uoau pnllld9Dt. aaneo. bultnac:tlon ""'" rt•en I.a •tbU· ~cne woman who'lllu b..a at-..._ auounced by ~ Joe .I.HA. material benetl{ -nut yeu. WIUa l'LoUo BuUer, pl"Mtdeat. '!'be ftnl_!l. will 11pe&k ~ tM Blrble. l&ulkaUy tecelved by Harbor area ~ tM cooldq ~ JPor-Kl'Oll of UM Buie MUiien. Uln'A AJll'A, "O~. I. (0CN8) non·ter;roue m•t&I euniDp at a platol c:Jub I.a .ttuat.ct 1 roll• lliJiOi llay Uou Club um ....,. ---------~-~v• and MJM Rae I.a 11¥· Sit llarfwan wU1 .... award a Cboeen to ~ tt out fOI' IC -'ftlle w ••'MDII .,.. at rate of cloee. to St. per mar.. eout.h or th• county airport 1n1 at :Z p. m. ID Vllla K&rtna lnl' up to her national rep\,tauoa lun._. Jflnm•tt• at UM w M8on will 119 U.. Mr 'Alf ~ wodl M all lrftplar pUten pn-UM 1-.. aps-n .....onably prlc-on MacArUllU' 81'"1. R•tauranl. • tor popW&rtty of her redpe1. It ...._ of t.11• ...,._ N .... ot UM r:::i~ •..:: =--~ ..a. ....,7 wt~ • ....,.. .._... .. at current &e..a., l:a-cob&lt. AU p~ at the lboot BWiop jo&A.ct UM U.. la J .. wae reported. · ~ • .,.__ 'flll lie ,_... a later :s;;:. .,... 1 S o.., or .....U.. Cl!' tb• ~.,...,., we fMl that~ w1lJ lie UMd for &Sd ot the .,,.,_ ID Nebruka, Mii ..._ pre- Ja addition to the many Mp ot at UM lt.w9 aMI ,...... an ,.. 'n• OOC -..e•tia wwe tad~ . ..,. ... r118 • -.ca UM -.r-,__tlal ot tM l&lt.er Harbor area needy ~ C'brlat-llAdeot of C<>rona and • .., • ...,,, hee pocen •. other attedance CUlnd.to p to UM 9l.of'I..., eMc:k _. 114 ~ Ont••tal la u.. ,..,_ el .. ..........., ~ .,.... _. ...._t. llowe .._. wW com· mu u... It wu atat.d. AU eJuM u well u een1ftC sa·oaa-a~..,.. bel.q ottend bf rw-UaeU nttltnU... al poel 'n\ll'9dq la tMlr Jul .talla ,.._~and dttH•* __. laor1 ... atteot.tca.. marqm• aN ID.tt.d to en· cu •d dl.ltrict otnciil. ... a.u ., outiq, Bot. H.mu ,...,.. tM ...,.n. Md tbeir ..i ~ JAdlbls aew 1DemU1' tM · ter U. lhool. a ~ of 15 yeara J1' perf9Ct .IJICT CYPIUS .a ... Mlt .a u.w ~ ....... •. lnta: WI~ Quit, MollUe ... Olldo M mu1lat ~ ... apected to coe-• I i!~~~~~~~i;I l"'rT~"'"'• ..... -........ ~we po u4 nlDUlot..e nrm oe faftftMe tlw trncuLut1wtUa .....-OOft· U-1 . a.I C Ed I H . Com. m·1a· 1•01 1•1 C1pid Tackl• . ~~~~= ::.:.~~::::::: ~ ecr.. 1mp11 1 ~. Ofl!I Co1nty Boundary 9lnce -lncreue .,, tJM npJar balance°' tM·dq ,,.ua ... ftlual T I a· A 1 a ·.. I .b I .al -lig~ty Minael rate had appe.nnty be.a uaUcl-l.w\ae• rdpODdlDI to .... IUma. 0 e 1¥81 . ••Y I ,.. 1me Denial of' City Lim1 eqlv.1 MJPtJ' Mlk• Rau. All·J:ul..-n pated. QUlft JNn.ar ~ so~~ ~ ... ~:..:.":::11 Tiie Dad'• Clllb ot latnt Ano . AWU'lltq of UM home ~ tM Ooaf-ce tulJback Jut y•r but A •W.t ln ... traent lnle....t t. IO Raii. -··-·-····· Ht.B up 0.01 tMnr• HJch BCbool, LoJl6 a.ch. culmiD&u.a of a drive to r&1M 8.un'A ANA, (0CN8) -Tht to eaca,. t.ha vi~ betn• el&nlped ~t b1 lnjurt• lllY aeuon, lie-9'11dent ta, aietw,...alitf oil....._ •• UUlit'·• ·-·--61.12 ott o.Ol bM annou:nc..S th• Ml.ctJoa of a tundl to pro¥1cle &ddlu-1 tact· 0raq9 County Bound.arlu Com· on t.hmi by Dalryland, Dalry came a marrt.ct 111\U prior to wttll ClU• Serrlce and ltan•ud ~ .. ..... . . ~ model home Ill 1191 .. UU. fol' at.bat .\At.bony' .. Awud· mlealon Monda1 turned down "° City, Dairy Yalle7 and ....... rrtda)"a Oralle• Cout CoU.St OU ot lndlaDa firm. '"1e WMt 0.. .. a. v.r-1 ....... Va. awl C&mpu. ~ O.ta X-, tac ot tile bome II conad.-.d aa .,,_. for boWldary appro .. l• Park. dull wtlh l"UllertoD'• Bonet& OoUt poup wu aided b)' a 9".IM • ~ u the pnd prlat to lie lf..a "''daDT fttttns .~ u w.U .ubln!tt.ed by proponent. ot the Be went to Ult altar wttll l\l8Se f&l'Oftlll• Diii~ report o4 -~ Ten 1 ,. m.· 9.._. Prta. a,,,._, .at th• annual Jaomeoo•••s u _.. 1ncaau.. to p&rUctpat..e ID Ctty ot Cypru11 and Gay ·8l. A.a· p .. m.--1..t-a.IUI. a La.&'aa 8-eb ~ ~ Oil. wtUa UnJoa OU ,._ ... _ pme, Nov. 11. U.. tund-~ prot'J'&111. Dn&Uon No. 1 lo Buena Park. Q iWf to "91'1U8 .chOQl Mftlor, at t.h• Lquu .pon4111C .jmpa.t.h.Ucall)'. Wlalle American T.Mphont .......... ., JT!,. . The luolry Wlnnar Will take poe- Both peUtlon.a w.re referred Paul A. Palmer, pr..adellt of Beads eoa.nuona1 Cburcll T1aun-tbe &att.er t» MIJll retarded by a An&coada -······,··-·· .... -.--... ····• '6 ....&oa ot the home that wW In• Cove . ......._. ...... ............. -. .tew-.tew-.... hck to their applicant.a beeaUM Newport lla1)0a l&Ylap and d&)'. cwtatn amount of tu Hlllnl'. Chryaler ............ ,.·-······--·· ....... ta" elude Jandacaplq, carpet. and their boUndarlea eut U1'9• pro-Loan A~lat.lon, wtll jetA JDON Mike wW be compl•tlns bl• prorr .. I• atllfactory and tor-DuPont : ................ ,. __ .. _:.. •. ,. 2H" drapu. f6'.pl&ce and a modern. ~!==~~iiiiiiiiiii perty lln•. ' than 1000 •rinp ueoctatlon .-. ooJJes• ·coune and Ptrate rrld ua.r worthwhU• plM may be o.neraJ lll~trto ····-·-·-······· 41% bl&llt·ln !lftcllen. _ I 'I'll• Cypr-propoeal· now ecuUvea from u..ou,tiout tM ft&• bUMr un. June. aaUctpat.ed u t.hta lnrlu•c• Oeneral Moto .... ···--·--·-····· JSS" · Marine Pvt. Kean.lb H. Rey· Nun• of the wtnner will be an· llhOW1I boundarl• of rou•bly the Uon ln att~ tbe lln! &Dllual A. a ~ pneeet. the Pt· ...,. ott. , May Co. : .............. -._ .... ,. ..... -'114 nold.a, of en W. Bay St., Cotlta nounced when S&int A.nt.honf'• .fotiow..s : wut by Loa A.n,.le•· !=On .. atlon of •. Unit.cf I ta tu rate tuot.Nll perto....... an ti Al.o amons thoM 11.1bject to N-York Central RR. •······· '3 ~ 11.., t. underrotn1 NC:ru.ll train· toolbaU team meeta . Cathedral, Orup County llnH, 90\lt.h by laYln .. aad 1.-n Leep. elated eoadM9 pnMDt.d Hau w1th u tu pNUUn. WNlilllhoUM IClec· North American A.t&Uon ........ a Ins at the Marin• Corpe Recruit Frtdav event~-. Nov. ll. at la.Int T\ne-Ctty, e..t by Buen& Park for Nov. T·ll at lliaml Beach, •••--~ .... p1--._,,_,.,, lloree 49 Depot In °--........ ..,,. " -.. ---1 --•·---•-tlle and Philco are abeorbln1 th• oa. -v ···················-··· ...,. uo •-· Anthony'• Stadium. Clark at Del dd llOl'th by Gay 8t . .yuiaallon l"la. A ha.t •f top ~.,.... '°"" llllJ'Plf well. While Ulla fact.or a. Bout.hem C&W'. Jl:dtaon ··'-·-. 41~ '"1e 10.week c:ourM lndudee lll· Amo In Lakewood. No. \· eat, and f'lnuelaJ lea4-4 L---' 5a.uc1 h llkaly to be a retardtnr lntlu.nce. Bout.hem Padtlc R.R. ............ ·5'" .tructlon tn ·all bulc military -----------A. E. (Patl Amold, county era wtll dlacuea t.ha lltatua of the ~ ~•II tile fact t.h&t atock u well taken ltaDdard 011 ot Callfomla ---··· M au.bJect.a and the ftrtq of all b&- pl&nains commluioner, tUed th• mortcas• 1none1 market. tbe at current Jent. would Indicate Ulllon OU Of Calttomta --· ''" ale Infantry weapou. I'm Sick of The 51Rotl c,p,... peUUon to Incorporate outlook tor home buil41•s. ud NOW at Whittler tll&t .. pr9MUN eubltdea .a tech· ua St.eel _ ·---·--6' Upon completion of tralDIAs • ...... ... k. On Oct. 2•. ho-ev••, the pro-r role of -.. rnment In · .._ _ __._ from•-a.-a--u --r-...... DI.a lift wUl follow. the oew llarlnu are ualrned to a m _... .. , UOl9 --.- a tTOUP of CypreM "9ldenta ln· Jlou.lns at t.h4 C!ftdaw. WHJI f'iiik -l'our TMldenta Drup U? ateady wtth Int.Mt 1'!!.....1---.M to ~--..iar c..mp Pndleton, for tu.rther In· to pt llOIDe freeb air. Pt.a vaded the Buena Parle city COWi• Of Newpc>rt Barbor &N anion• nScS.lt in AmartcaR Cyanamid wnllWll9l'T "'fr fantry tr&lnln1. or to on• of ~· to move a-Dec. lJlt. r. U ell cUnlber• and pl.aded for $36 Local I ..__ the 1062 9tQd9au mrolltd at ud K rdr p rf nnance ot the ~ D I K.arln• COl')MI itCbooi. "'J annaaUon to that city. The-pell; .. ..., WbitUft' OoUep for the tall ·latter:_. b.,.e q:lt.e eouuuct :·e -::-r Oft ope . :P · ,_...-~~male lllqlef..:::. Uon WU ll&'Yl•d by U2 penou. Mana1n Paul &choa. Of a .. ,.. term of u.. 1161-11 9Cbool yeu. Ulla put ...... wtt.h • .,...-ta.Dual BANTA .A.NA. «>CNS) -Har· -,, . ban -.. ,.... 0 Cypreu re.tdenta are n,tiUn1 vice ataUon 'at *"• Z. Cout '!'be euollmmt tJiure, WbJcb &mount ot atock b&Yln~_t-n ac· old D. Grtmmett, .22. of ca.ta PCINlltl of loy Owa..U, .-plofed M M· Hll'bway nnanday momla1 r.-tncJude9 atudendi trom U llt.atM. c:\1111Ulated. OoNlldertq lloUa ta x.. Oct. 16 pleaded not SUUty 11Cr. aad Kn. J:dward 8t1maclll, v.-t' hi ~ tor a .JM. ported ~l&rJ' ot appro.Jmatelf WuJl.lnslon, D.C., Bawall, ad deftul bu n114 and wa.lvtd preUmtnary laeu1111 tJtbaHm-Oom.,,..w Woald fSll.H trom the cub boa. New· •ll'M fOfttp countrl•• a. at Its It. '" attrl tes con· ~ ·KmiidpaJ 110-0.1 Mar Aw., eo.ta Kean.-.r-<1' port Beach po&. cont.a.ct.ct llch· hlpeat peU ~ UM 11C11.P fttlmot ....-nd•,.d by ~t ~::"':.,.. be wu arnJp.ct on are .J*'9ftle of a boy bona Oct. Ike ' Job ta aay .r tlleee on· loth Comtt oi. at 2 a. m. niunday morn· adtool year. ~ r!:::1 )(.::s a:; a po•:..o. ot marijuan& ebup. 31 at Hoac Hoeplta.l.. ... new.r =« Ins ,..ardln1 an open door at Enroll.ct are Jilli ¥amblet. Ul cun.t lffala. Judi• ·Howard CUMnlD bound IUcM.rd H. Relchntl', torpedo-the 9laUoo. IUftrwtde Aft., Lonn D. Rola· azrLlllCl'9 raooam Ortlnm•U OYW to Superior Court Meta11 WJ111 Prise . ...,., Bt!llitloM . ll'lan'• 1r1ate tblrd cl&M, UIN, llOl'I ___... lot Holmwood It., Cb&dH ... • J)lree& tlAlll•• .. ,..,... Bowe IOuad I.a ~-.ubJect to , .. ov. · -· Km. Clem ChrieUe, 11~ Prt• .,..,..... ot Kr. and Mra. Harold K. Retch· S II R c. Palmer, 111 Sith It.. Da'rid ll J'elt 21 181 z. 11th ner. 20I 20th St.. .. MrviDI wa I •por •• w... Bally ft&Qdall, JM Opal re. accumulatlon ,. eeUq pro-. • • c:llla LAnt, Coat& M-. WU lucky Na*'8rally ..,. --~-bows th b -""-~_,,, -1 -•-U_. P'M• ot Oolle.lt productaca. A It., Cost& Mua, WU orderedt ~ lut WHk In tlelnr picked ln a _. ..._ .... -..a -..a f--L::t. aboard • •u m .. u•• __ ,.__ ••• .. ta _, earo -· jail tor three month• at er ,..,. va -.., -~ wlUt the Atl&.ntlo (IMt. and,.... $150 .. ool 9L-..&& 9leadJ' In~ In UU. output la cotfe• "'84 clleck" aad won an ref • -·• I' I lllSTT beln• ~....... and Ole under-pleaded fUllly to drunk drlvlnc. electrla clock-radio when llb• wu ~ .. nuy completed a montJl'a c.-...M. • • ..._ rd ho ed d theft llo y aa Jam• M. Greer, .-mao ap· Carl E. lwall.a of MO w. 11th Sleen1 _IR Hawaii , at.andln1 I.I that Ole plant I.a cur· m. reco • · w a rran able to anawer th• prtae quuUon. :a: -vo reatlv 0 ,..ra11"-at a i.-ni cio.. auto con'ricUon and other traff\c prwltlce, 10n of Mr. an4 Mn. St., Colla MN&( aoU.fted Maa KAN g OH E BAY. T.H. -., r---. 't'kllatkla APORT . , CORl)/l/11 .. 11 l 'W4.-.' ~·, , . • • "Cell 2455 Dea• Row" . . JetterllOl'I M. Grttr, 1201 Nortll poUoe WednMday of toela •alued Amons u.o.. who arrived ID &IP· ~o orlJ'IDally d..apect capM:ltJ',.; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;•;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;; Bay rroot: I.a aervinJ on UM at S1GO. lhrail.a llald the theft tember at the Marine Corpa .AJr ruppy-eype 1ubman_ne. Catftab. Look place wbJM lala ear WU ltaUon, for duty wtlh lbe Jnftrm· , MARINI MDA ' ni. Cat.nah I• preaenOy lnetl .. l parired ta "'-all at 6JI ..,,_.. ary of Jil&rine .AJr Group 11 wu trainlnc e•erclaes off th• C.Wor-waJ'. WIWam Jt. 11-., bollpltal corpe-INSUIANCI UPHOLSTlllN(i PRINGLE'S FlnH 11ta Cout. WJille ~Unc tMr9, 8w.a. man lhlrd ct._ UaN, eoa el ..._.. 9alllnc C-1k1 -a D19f 117 heard a r&tUe of tooi. and na~ Mr. and Kn. Wllmon &. aMtu Olllu .. r.n. ~ 0.. -........... o.Ma ..__ ---Patch Divorce Under 5mmiuion oul.tde to ... ~r auto lea~ of HO I>opood, eo.ta M..a: a.. " IDI W. "-* ~ l..Dll1;J M"1 Inc the scene. Tb• tool box wu tore entuin1 th• Mmce ln lHl, I!~~~~~~·~,~~=~~ ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~ mlMln~ from ht.I car, 8walla r.. be pad\fat.ed trom hlJh school Ii ii pol'ted.~ __ ..,._ ... __ ·-"-•-.------~ •• -.:. ..!I.. -lh.wport Y.tety ~t!t~~~:!.;!.::: .... f9r l••••t Wty..,... . J 0 •/ l'J YOOll a ... H ....,_ Yore• WU under wbmt..loo lD Mr. and l({a. AonaW ........... 'nle Edward Thompeon.a. Mt o• flJ•mlolt •• Otn ONWa ...... auperlor Court DepartJnent "6 2675 l:ldon I~ 11-. an £ut Walnut Place, Co•ta M-. l'Lt1JDDfG <>c-. """t Near Pia Bf RrJf DAYSale - -TOY 110Y MIXM"ASTER •1-MllTll MAll=-OUI be,. today. p&reta of a stri ~ .._. HO'I. are parmta ot a boy bom NOY TllMS It .. CINf OOWN S"SWPOaT BEACH > Mn. Eleanor Muon Pat c h 1 at ~ 8oepltal. 1 at Hoai H09pll.aJ. ,.... ...,... IUI twoupt the complain fer"' divorce qa1Alt Leelle L. Patch, a •uper· lnt.end«nl with Ru Con.lt.ructJon FOOD MIXER FOOD ~ 11.&lL•J' "»° 8att.r1 .. ............. Co. 'nle Patch re1ldenc• I.a at tH 1'gt1n Ave., Newport Bftcb, DA's OFFICE ve.t1n11ec1 ~ nna .._. r. Wrl.ht. Both lHUlled 7•t.fir- day. I The raven·hal~ Mra. Meeker b r o us h t court action ..,.un.t Wrtaht In connkllon wtlh an apartment h• UHrtedly asnMCS to bulld for hv In the mlalon areL lhe told OCNS that the I>Wtlict Attomay uked t.he cue be Ulrown . Bot Bac~efor ) r out of court. · She claimed lh.a1-hen ahe urred action on the la11ue, DA. lnveeU· sator Joel Kayes told her lie would "peraonally M• that J wu Indicted." --=ARCHES IPICl ·AL DINNER== ' C'AIUllA CAt.'GBT HUI Hayee. who wuift called u a wttnem, attempted unauccemtully to avoid the C&D'lera Ima of OCNI l\eporter Pat MI ch a a I.. (See TOP SIRLO-IN 511-All pboto, ~· l l The w1tn~au. ac:cordinl' to Kneeland. we,. the foUowtns: Mn. Meeker, wr11ht. J~ JIJ\. roua of the L&Juna Lumber Oo .. Roy Crank, a rooter; a Mre. Ben· 90n Of the BelUIOn Plumbtnl Oo. ot Lacuna Bnch and Santa Ana bannr Tbm Mock. and two who Kn..aand wu unable to call "1 the ftnt aame-An electrtclan by lh• name of Hakelrath 'and anot.her lie JaMw only u Mr. L&mpert, BA Y8 IL"\£ELA.'iD Dllt.rlct Attomey Robert Knee-I l&lld a.at nlrht dmled aJJ ... Uon11 of Jin. Deloree MMker. l&a Juan Cqllltrano apartment houae o,.r. ator, .who chutlzed h.ll office and Jn...Uptor Joel Hay• for fall· ure to act. Said he: u1 pruenled the mattec to t.h• lftl\d Jury which I cannot dla- C\19. T1l• rrand Jury did fte>t .... tunt an lndlctment. The at&Ument that H&,y99. mad• the 'lndlctmenl' at.at.-n•t 1.a eittittly teJae. rw Baked PotatoH or French Fries Soup -Se1ed Coffee And here is a portion of our regular luncheon menu Continuing the fame of the ArchH ' ENTREES SPLIT PEA SOUP or CLAM CHOWDER GREEN SALAD , . . . Ortlled llalfbat Stee.k. Tutu 8auoe • • • • .9S Olalekea Frlecl Stall. Coaatry Style , " Clilopped Slrlola St.Mk, Olla. lllap . Frled l'.uten 8clalope wttlt Tutu 8auoe • l.00 ._.t Slrlola of Beef, llrotna Gravy • a.by Beef lhw, r -. BMoll • • •• • 1.11 ar.ded Veal Cut.letl, Creem Gru1 • Potato.. Hot Roll and Butter Coffee, T-. or Buttermilk . . . . .96 • LIO- • .95 • LOO • ·eoewit.cs HaJ• and knowtar bla work and knowlns hlm I find It \IDMIWnl»le. -A oomplaint wu i.u.ct from t.h• Olatrlc:t .Attomey'• otttce wq C.oca Oola • .15 1·0, ·,15 ~ of 111111 .l& back ID March and wu proa1H1d Ulf'0\11!1 the f'Asuna Be&cJt J\MIUCI Court. .A char,. of rrand theft ap&Mt Arthur Wrl,tll. th• con· tn.ctor, w-lnYoOlnd. '-n. ooaap3amt wu dlU111.,.., • motion of tht. ofnee attar Wrtpt appear9d at' a hearlnl ln lbe ~ BMch court." SA l'8 aDDIOlt W1*I appr1.Md of Kneeland'• .t&temet. Ben l'leddtclr, publa.J\er •YID ALL DAY HAM AND EGGS or BACON AND EGGS a • • • • • THE.ARCHES " ol u.. M..,art· BattMr Jf..... I COAST HIGHWAY AT THI Al.CHD OYBtPASS Pr .. .W: . • •• ch:::-.. *'~ ~=~:'ct°(. 1'lle Heat .. ,.._,_, M&L.r-.. 1•1 la1rtr 1-11,1 1Min or lh• dlatrtct 1 a ttomey'1 of· Ylj·~~·········· flee. w• wtJl btln• tbe mu ... " 1 DI ... ,,,.-, ... • $1.00 '·-! . . .. , ... .... llS'lll .... "'- l>U.lera. L..Jlll~.,.... U .H •allllt• 3'' UNION NO. 5 1M1nmm . '. . 41' • -----• ---..... --~ -· . ·~.~;\ .,, ' ~ :.Iii. ·3t ' ..J.,~ ~ .... . t4\t.. J"~ ............ ,.,, . ......., cwha.-. $S.OO ,,...._ 2.95 RAY.O.YAC FLASHLIGHT IAnEllES ......... .....,0- _ ......... e:A.. ~,:-11 WAHl,..8.ICTllC HAND-I MASSAGE YllRATOR ~~=a Coe ta.la• o,.a• 6l Mia ............. .... 1 ... ::==-:.a=: ..... YAUJ'& . 7.95 110.0011aoc1t. QOAUTT ROAD IUILDING SIT -ac>AD Q&ADU-ft'KAIC IBOVU. -DVllP noes. . <:oateiu -.in• ....... ,..._ r = lnlllr ~·=--· ~ -OOCA 19s r•l tJa&at. Row ywr dUld cma..ntJd . lala owa fr•-T• --- CANVAS " .. -. ......... ~ 1....,. ... .. ... ,,.. -.... "" ~···· F1l•11 100 i..e.a·· CHOC;gLATI COYlllD CHERRIES . ...._, ...... 5~ v .. -..... PLAh1 .... S COCKTAIL PEANUTS Scot Toilet TisSue . 1~> 3 ... 25c Scot · Paper Towels ~~ .......... 2:-27c Ponds Fadal Tissue ~LDGT) ... 2:-2t= LIOJUL3-CA8 DIESEL ILECTRIC FREIGHT TRAIN -..... • wMt, tn.liillf-........ a.;.11 ... 14ts .... _ ..................... " ........ ... ..... ..._ .......... ...., .................. ~ .. -· .. ' I • e _:.a A I I I T WITH SALLIE ·• Not ber I, 1855 NMrpOrt Barbor o,..--Mloatt.-~ 8cbool ••• 0.. .... Ul4 lluw to I:.. ii.to IMit; ~ta: Dmabfrom~Z-. llGlltW l!Hatf of Orup ' Cout OoUep. t.oacbed .... ..,tc opeaer lo a eaa of eot;mer beef hMb ud hmda meilt to stv• them ... .,,. ........... OflDlll- -·I~ :n::,·.;; Batla'e Fralt I_..... ·wtt1a ............. abotit .topped tM allow • ; • At mt a clH d S to Pep tiae fnlta from tanlag browa t II ,_ ...._. tilleee reelpee b7 llO& attndla& lut on..-...,, cloll't ....w. to .. -·-... M1t week ••• All ........, Fare wttll • Com- ~~ ••• tbe tut of . • un week'a Cooktag 8cbool ••• W09der wbat "11th will do wttll a pot ~f Or a poad of hamburg rf Time , 9:80-ll:SO at t e Udo '!'heater, Taeeday Moralng 1" ••• Plbea: AD food eook· ed ctvea away, plu three turkeye ud buket of groc- ' erlea ••• ·Aleo a c~ to wla tat beaufilul Oaffen ucl Sattler 0.. Ruge and \ '650.0Q wortb of merchaa· CU.. ud dft orden from · oar Udo 81.ope •.•• remem- ber CllrWmaa hl comJa1 t Rule's of California is the 8hoe Store among the Lido $bo1>9 • • • Ladiee Sboea and ~cceaao!'-lin~. ;,o :.i;.c: am · ule'a la rtvtn1 a Coke. party ih1e Saturday, · g at 2 o'clock • • . ltlJt deftnit.ely, every Dody II _ ~ ln.tted • • Be&US.11 II ac- tually Kn. Rule'a P!t po6dle from whence the flata rt their nomer . • . Each 'Patt will have hir picture on the tnalde .... And to aet the new BeauBeau Flat.a off with a big Woof-Woof, BeeuBeau ia Kiv- lnc one of hJa very owa. chil- dren away... · Oot7owr_ .... l•r .U.. N9W)*i .......,_ 0-U.alty PlaJ'en f Colt-** 11(9. Ba.rtoa ByMale, Harbor isn-a . . . Flnt prodaetloa of the .-.oa "'nle J1MtJ B~ Wed- ..-,, 'l'b ....... y ud Sai- ......Uy, Nov. t. ' ud 5. Uttae <&pea Tlaeater, ~ ... C..t CoUep • • • 'Jldleta tl.00 -.ch ••• r Chriatmu ! u your gonna kke a cake, pt at it! Lovely f aew .elect.ion of glued fruibl, by the pound in our Deli~ MD ••• Red, green and 1'hite pineapple, Red a n d Green Cberriee, Citron, Lelnon and Oran~ Peel, also a cliopped mixture ... ~..- .. ETerJbody'a Jlmmla1 •• ,r.ttmr la their ~ 1llu. from llarl'J bl OW' aew flower abop .•• Eai- llab Prtm.rolle, Malacolde9. CIMraria, ObeolLica ••• all ....... lo\'ba' plante, which lf pat ht DOW wtl1 bloom la n._,,. . . . Ba.lbe I Now lmow U'OCUld Eu~r ,-oa're I~ to wUb Joa pluSed Mme baJbe ••• Also a lteW crop of 11.u- Malia Wood la la ••• Idea.I to bave a.road ~ hOUM tor quick elaaage acte ba deeoradag . , • Meodnata wood eaa be •prayed aay color fOO WW. ••• Well date me daddy! The dates have been harvested and actually thi.t i• the only time of year one can actually f,el they are eating truly 6wh dates •.. After a period ~~ · of mont.htl, dates do have ~ tmdency to dry out ... Gold Olp datea a.re conaidered to be the be9t Dare Groyee in CAllfornia •.. For cooking parpcw. ia a special package, ilttted and tenderued, au Wrapped In rice flour for non- ltick1 handling . . . Re<:ipe. toot Hen'• only one from tM folder • . • Date stuffed "9eu1ta : Flatten ready-to- .. bi8oulta (Delicateeeen) -4 place a date in each • • • aoa ... over and bake ••. ... With ~dared •ugv JrtalJe atill warm . • . 8/D .,., .. Deeember 1 lb -.... o. w ... · ~' fer N..,_. ............. ~ ...... Te ........ .. _ ... tNe ...... .. .... ,.,. ••• lo .. '• ....... 'l'alle It ...; ••• An. ... . .. Med 10llU b '1 ............... . llarW. • w of tlM Udo 8bope .. u. •*'-"9 to Uile~ • . I ' . . '. NEWPOIT HAllOA NEWWIESS-. WEDNESDAY, NOYa•R 2, '1911 I Now 0,. ...., Nh .. 7:00 p... .. ____ _ s ... .,. .... \ • • • • bak•cl . lor you , TBU&8DAY . BNUfMt 'r.-t' It '22; CINNAMON ROLLS .......... V' . ·. FRiNcH ROLLS ............. : __ 6117; _ F&IDAY Cu'StAii>1t11 _ .... _ ............... _. 54; HO% WMle ff# WHEAT •EAD ....................... ~" 8ATUILDAY ;.;f EAPJ'LE SNAILS ··--·· 3125; MAlTu MILK CAKE ........ .-871 - • AMI& .. ,.__..,_ ••• , "FAMILY FARE WITH A COMPANY AIR" T • • • • lrozen lreslrness DiNNECJRDM U-eL 6tc ' . CHO\¥ .MEIN ... -... 1 ..... 5tc · iGGioLL _:_.~~ .... Ste ~ ........ naaar 2Jc fRUITS ... ~ .... . . re~=-~ 2 ... 4tc .·· . 'OIANGI COAST COWGI COOKING SCHOOL-CLASS lf°' 2 Ooft't be le+e for the 2nd Seuionl Step right In and aescover 1 w~ of new tricb and ta•• home velueble pr~es •. T 1•• speciel notice, this wMk, of the buutiful new 1955 Giffen ind Settler Ge1 Range ind how nicely So. Counties ~·• coob for Miu Klumb. Two flne products, 1~ their comJHlny ·personnel, generously don.ted to help meke tlif~ yHrs cooki,- school tM finest possible. , .,~ 1,l· / " BUTTER SUGAR Pl'a' •I'• FJutf.Md .1•1t:• I· .lb. 59. .. 5-lb. 43. ~I~ 43c ··· -. · u11 ,, ••. o . ' MANY CAMPAl•N• IN ONEl , YMCA Breakfast • • • • garden "lresh Fuey, Uke Couty, llutWt 2 25c PEARS Iha • .. J.arp, OompMC, Nortbera Orowa 3 for 2Sc · , ARTICHOKES • I sweet.Spulab . 3 IOc ONIONS n •. • • • • meats you love to eat Fre9b n..tera Cleat.er Cute 1•· 69c PORllCHOPI Serve wltb App&. Sauce -&ad Cata II». 45c PORllROAST SLICED BACON 11.. 53c Glue wttb BBQ .._ -FnM Pon SPARERIBS .... 49c "Make It ~ Hawaiian Hell vest this ........,. ~iAPPLI ,. .. •K .. 3J99; ~U JUICI • ... 4Jlr ........... ,,...... .. ·~~ Dole C1'WMll ., mun S/19' HULA HIGHIALL '-.. ~ -. ~ PIN!APPLI -··---lf .. ·~ .. ...._., m..-ww.. • 'I'...., •; .,..~ tna; CAii MXIS ·. . ...... H SPEARS ------!' .. I .... ~ ,., ..... I 11~ Pll CIUST MIX --.1•-· coCiTAIL __ .,.. 111 .._3/58-~ c. ...... · · ... •,..... fi#. ROS1'1N& MIX .._. . . • • COSTA MISA PAIK ' 7:00 a.m.-12:00 -s.twclay SOc PERSON , ORANGE JUICE -···-·---·-·--2 fer 2tc o..r ...,_....... 5ae SAUSAGE --·---··-·-·----·-_.. 1- ... , I . 15C PANCAKES -·--.. ······-·-·•_. ""'-· · ....... _ .. _ ... cO FF E E -·-·------····-········ ......... _. ___ .... nc ..... o.e... .. ,.. -<•• ..... , .. '°' ... 8,....,) EV Aiaou TED MILK ---···!--.. Ji. 2 ter 23c HOMOGENIZED MILK __ ~.~ .... 41c ..__..._............ 23c MARGARINE ----------·-~----·-1" Ollllll ... ... .... . • 2tc MELIA TOAST ----·······--······-···--·-·--,_· CURRANT JELLY -·-·····-··········· .... ···-·-·" .... 24c WESSONrtO.L -····---··---···---·--··~ 4tc I Give a cheer for the peopJe who make a 50o Break.fut possible • Tia. above product. have been all or part/donated .o that the "Y" can lruild a better future. Remem- ber them, "wherever" ~·p. ............. . - ' ' • I (}.oveMmenl . fi~ PAGE 2. PART 11 . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~SS • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1115 ''God ·grant us the 1erenity to accept the !hings we connc::>t c~ange; the courege to change the things we c'n end ~ wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.} r .EDJTORIALS Cliquishness Shoui'd End in High School 'Y' Groups ( In recent daya we have been investigating a aitua- tlon at Harbor High School which calls for 11<>i:qe publicity which 01ay end a cliquishneu said to be pre· vaQ.ing in some groups. We refer to the fact that l!Qme parents who have . moved here ·rrom other cities find their children are not having a very easy lime getting into the various school a ctivities. The Tri-Hi Y clube were the object o! our investigation. It should be pointed out initially that these are' not subject to Jtig_h school officials' con· trol, being outside of school jurisdiction. We first became ·acquainted with the Tri-Hi· Y "closed corporation" attitude when we were uked by a mother why her daughter could not get into the Senior Tl'i-Hi-Y·Club, Counded as a Christian group to "Create, Mainta.in and Extend High Standards of· Christian Character.'' To -make ft even more incomprehensible you ehould know the Tri-Hi-Y, a part o! the Y.M.C.A and/or Y.W.C.A. movement, aa au.ch ia directly bene- fited by the annual Community Cheat drive here and el.sew her~ · ThJs year, Newport Beach Community Cheat 11 ~ing local folks to donate $3000 to the Y.M.C.A. youth activitie.t' support. We won,der how you feel about contpbutlng to an ~rga.niution whoee female teenage Trt-Hi-Y division ill operated ~n such fuhion. Now the blame does not· attach to the directon ot the Trl-Hi-Y nor Y.ll.C.A., from what we can Jeam. They have ~ devolillg their time to breaking down aectlonalism ·in the various "Y" clube to the point it does not now exist appreciably. But they admit the youngaterw tbem8elve1 have been guilty In ever-leuening -degree of a certain cUquiahneaa which amount.a, to •nobbery when new membera are taken in on a 1'black- ball" buia although there ia no proof such private vote ta taken. We feel the children Uremaetvee need guidance from their parents. We feel the parent.a can eee the unfairness of othe'r children being excluded from activi- " tiea which are financiaUy supported by the public. We feel the parents are mature persona who do not wish to see an "exclusi\'.c'' attitude Cost.ered by their cpildren lest it affect them adversely in later life when they come to grips with the outaide world. We think the rugh school faculty-among it.a other problems -would do well to continue It.a fight again.at cliques formed by social clubs that are off -camp\19 groups. We realir.e t~~ high school offlctala have a tremendous job jwit keeping things ·normal on campus. • They are charged with character development of their charges and we hope they will have time to &id the lead- ers of out.aide-of-school youth movement.I in guiding teenagers into proper mcnbl altitude• toward their fellow etudenta. Lift' haa a way. of equ&lizing th;blgb anaChe low before the -wheel turn. full circle. Which· i8 a good reu on for young and old to act pleu&Dtly and with good mQUve. toward their fellowmen. Council Can Reconsider Its Vote for Bond Issue Occasionally city counctl. acting.Jn good !&Ith but not informed of the factil, will make a "1iatake. An error so committed can be rcc;alled provided there ill time. In the cue of the council adopting a board of aupe.rvisora' resolution. calling for the proposed $42 million flood control bond attSue. wc-bclae,·e the council acted without enthusiasm for the measure and without takiilg time to look O\"C'r the project. That's why we point out that under the $~2 million bond issue -a drainage project deaigned to benefit tho&e who stand to profit by the ever-increasing home aubdhisions in the north and west county -the City ot Newport Beach wiU be th~ fat sheep t o be ahorn tax-wise. Try this fnr size: Newport Beach tupayers wilt contribute about 10 F ormtrly the Newport-Balboa N-•·Timee and Ule Nnrport-S&lboa Prue A Dtpeadable Local 1-1.ltudoll for Onr Forty ran J:nt.ered u Second-Oau Matter at th• P09tof11ce In 1'ewport ae.cll, CaJiComia Wider the Act of Much 3. 1879. .,.._,bH ~'·U'J' Mollday; \\'~ -4 Fr1day b7 t.lle NW::\\'PORT BARRO&, Pl'""BUSBL~O COM.P~"T ltll Balboe Bh·d., NEWPORT BEACH, c;AUF. PllHe llAl'9"r Jilt Qaallned to PabUalt Lepl NoU. Md AIT'enteementa of AD a.... Br Decree ef u.e 9apea1or OMra •r Orup Oo. la A~Uoa No. A-t1'70I 11-i.er Calllorala Newap+er 'hW!nhrr Aa9oclaUee 111-ber :Satlo6al &d.lt411a1 Aa9oclaUoa M.ember of Or'aq-. CowatJ N-. fkntee ~ REDDJCK.. PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. MOsEs, Editor OIUIOND E. ROU'N1'Rn, Adlo~ Director C'JIARLES >... ARKln'RONO, Mecba.nlca.J .a tendent • ~ per cent to the aupervi.lora' '1flood control" pork barrel and in return the city will receive 80me $125,000 worth ot flood control facilities, after paytnr ""'h million! Where'• the city taxpayer going to come out in thla deal! ·The anft'er t. obvtoua -throUJh the ,irrtnrer. He'll be really wnmr out dry by this pork barrel. We have editorially oppoaed th)9 bond lane hither- to and we intend to continue our attack on th1a meuure which contaiita more jokers than any stacked political poker deck we've seen lately. · No matter the superViaora moved the bond iaue vote up from its announced date of next February to the June primariea. We doubt very atrongly the county politiciana could have gullect the voten in the f~ months before February. Whether they can get enough votera behind it for a two-t.hlrda majority by June ii problematical. We know they will not ret our vote the way the project now .tanda. Our .-Appalling Traffic Toll CU No&e 1 'he~ edlto.tai appeaNd ta ,_a.rctay•a Fullertoa Dally N_.'Dibuwt. It nllecQ ta eouaty-.W. c-oaat•....UO. at tM coaat1'• -4IMe tralftc toU wllJda WM Ve'7 MaY7 IMt ........ ) Growing •hock and concern are felt throughout Orange county over the ateadUy-DJounting traffic toll. In the put 10 days, 16 lives have been lost on county highways. Many more persona have beert--in- jured, painfully if not permapently, and property lou ill figured in the thousands. Just Uuit week~nd, four pereons died in various parts of Orange county. In the Fullerton-Buena Park area alone, 14 penona were injured in automobile crashee. What ia the answer! The News-Tribune, appalled by two auccenive week- ends of carnage, ye.terday polled aome of the leading traffic officers in Orange county for . the vie11n1 of expert.a. Unanimously, they blamed driven for belng groealy careless and reckleu. . They urged stricter laws and. more driver educa- tion u the best folution. AA one officer put it: "All the freewaya ln the world could not have prevented theae accident.I. They • were iaolated caaea -people juat weren't payin~ at- tention." It Is evident that too many drtnn who should not be handling an automobile a.re abroad on the high- ways, charging in all direction• at lethal ratet1 of apeoed, ignoring stop signs, following too closely .&J'le cars in front, fa1Ling lo CJtercise judgment in paaaing .• Some of them are prone to driviJig while under the influence of liquor. Some lack a full unde1'8tand- ing of traffic role•. Some are •imi>!.YJJot capable of the quick reflexea needed to maneuver an automobile in modern traffic. Others are too irreaponaible to be behind a wheel If present laws are being enforced fully, then it la clear that stricter Jawa muat. be: required. But in faat- growing Orange county, ~raonnel in police depart- ment• and the highway patrol bu not alwaya been kept in ratio to population lq!lu:x. Many department.I are ~riou.sly undermanned. They are not able, from a manpow~r standpoint. to enforce pr~nt traffic lawa completely. Addition of per801111el to make all-out enforcement poNible may be pa.rt of the an.wcr. But there muat be more. It would appear that our present driver licen11e law ia too liberal. It baa not wcceeded in weeding out the un!iL Obviously, It should require additional and more det.a.iled knowledge of traffic rules. Perhape It should include psychological and emotional teating !actors, under the guidance of uperta in thoee field.9, to detect the drivers who ahould not be entruated with the death -dealing projectile which an automobile becomea In incompetent hand.9. Certainly, a study of our drivet' licen.se testing is in order. Tightening the qualifications would not work a hardahip on any capable driyer and it could save the lives of tho.e unable to meet the requJrement.s, u well u the Hves of others whom they mlgbt have involved In accident.. Halioweeners Have Good, Fun-Filled Evening' Out Nft1>9rt Beach and Co.ta Mesa cities' retidential &hd commercial area were moat fortunate Halloween, according to police reports, in the vandalism line. _Tb&nb are Ciue the various groupa and individuala who planned &be.d to lntettst the children and thereby · kept them out or trouble and ja..il · We-nter to the plans of eome Coat& Mee& mer- chant.a who invited. higb BChool llludenta to decorate their wtndoW9 with Halloween motif•. to the Newport Harbor Lodge of Elka No:1767 and Harbor Area Boys' Club tor their Halloween party for youth.a, ~ong othera. VarioUll individuals are to be complimented for their forward-looking plan' to entertain children at private part.le. to keep thepi out of mi9chJet. The Newa-Prela bu had calla from local reel- denta who were delighted the children were ao well- behaved Monday night in their annual "trtck or treat." travel.I around the neighborhood.. The area's vartoua re.ident:tal areu were fortunate the children were 90 well man.nettd and we are glad the young "apoo~" had 80 •ucb innoomt fUD. ~ . ' PO,WL TllllSAT NO COMMENT \\<utlln(ton If you could hav. att.nded lh• Conrrualonal heartnp on automauorr-you would have heard convtnctnr tea· tlmony that automation ·,,. atMo· lutety ,euenUal for the NaUon'• lnduetrlal devtlopment. Automation hu bffn pictured by IOme .a• a • c a r e word, 90met.h1nr to bf'.o teared, 110m•· t.hlnr th.al wlll throw million• out ot •·ork by replacln& them with machinea. Actually automation 1hould be Nt&ardl!!d a• a miracle word, aom~t:h\S which will ralee thf' 11taAr<1 ot living tor thr t)nltfld StalH and for t.he world, and 110methlnl' Ulat utually will ln- cre1.ee oxer-all employment. Ju•t wh&t la automation 1 Well. you ue rolnc to be •urprl~ at aome of the Information devflop· ed durlnr • the· hearlnr• before a 11Ubcommlttee of the Joint (Con· sreulonal 1 Committee on t.he J&c· onomlc !Wport. Automation really a-ot lt11 elllrt. the eubcommltlee wu told, mll- llona of yf'are ago wht'n our an- cutore got .tired of dolnc e~ry· thing with their hand8. One day one flf our Orenddacll11H dlM:oV'er- tld product• or matertala wt~ ouj. hum&n handa touc~ Ui- durtn1 the m1.nu~acturiftr prc>ee91, Thi• 11 "automation". It 11 a new word. Yet .AlleM eonlrol •- v1cM are not 11-. Th• .... nUal featurN of automation !lave been appll~ In a number of tlelda tor many yea111, auch aa petrolewn rennerlt• and tbe production of ctrtatn chrmlc.e.la. .om• kinda of food, paper and t.hf rennt"W •f orea, The production of c1,.,..tt., la an almnat wholly automaU• prOC'tae The dial •yatem for tel .. phonu and n.11dln1 machlnH lot -ernng va.rloua fornu1 of m•r- C'handlae are other e1tamplH. It would be Jdle to conte11• that automation will not brlna about major chanrea In the econ- on1y. It tt did not. there would be no purpoM ln all the work of the 1<:lenti1ta wflo are developtn1 thl• technoloa1cal concept and the production en&'lneen who a.r• concelvlnl' "waya to put It to wort&. In the aervlc• of the America people. ~=~~!!!!!!!!!:::::=====~!!~!~!!!. ed that Jarred plttn cit filnt ...; were better than hi• bare handa But It la Htimated that th• reallocation problem arlstnr out or aut0D1atlon will involve only \lbout 2,500.000 job11 over a twen- ty-year period. Thi• la hardly alarmln1 when ,...e rerall that •• gre_at a 1hlft wu aC'rompllihed I:" tour yurw, wtth very llttJt' dlf· fkulh'. dunnr lh• reconnnloa perlo.1 follow1n1 th• World War U puk. AFf AIRS OF ST ATE By HENBY C. MaeARTRUB ·sACRAM!:NTO. JCNS) -The letter • ot re11lgnatlon aa a mem- ber of the Board of Recent• of the Unlveralty of California aub· milted by John Francia Neylan. who terved on t.he board tor 28 yeara, may belp bring Into focus eome ot the probltoma faced In the 1yatem of hlghtr education and the attltude ot lhe public toward lhe "degree". "I ..would Uk e to see more em· phaal3 on aound hlghu education a.nd leaa on that UlUJlory ven,.er th&i 11 created merely by 't:olni; to cbllece' ". H)'• Neylan In his letter· to Governor Goodwin J . K.tlltht. . DEOR£E VE.~UJl The veneer he apeaka of la partlcule.rly e mphul.&ed amonf educatore Ulemaelvea, wilh the ra~1 or pay for proreason and teacher• deJ>flldlnc to a great extent on Ule riumber ot degree.• Oley hold, the amount of Ume they have 1penl In collegea and univualUu, raUler than upon l.belr abUJty to lruoUU b11lc edu- caUoe an ,._,... people. The •eneer llkewlH pr.eent11 llltflf tn the 1tate'11 ll()(lal11Uc dv- 11 aervtce ayetem In which appli- cant.. are denled the prlv111'ge of tal<lnc examination• bec:aWlll they hold no coll,.ge dep,e. • even lhourh they hllvl' h•d wide """ per1ence In the field <!f the tx· amlnaUon. And It l• an a tceptect principle that If t~ C'holce In an appointment Uu betwten an ln- d.Jvldua.J wllb a cnlleir;e de&T"e and another who baa leamect hia bualnue tn l.bf 11Chool of hud knocks, the v"nf<!red applicant will &'et lhe Job. IJITLE 00:\"T ACT Mr. Neylan appllrfnlly rt ela there I• not l.'noufh contact be- tween atudent.. end top -fllght men In vartoua neld11. He uya: "Dunnr lh• lut 28 yeara I have aeen an amutnir; lfl"OUP of our faculty wtn for the lnaUtutlon rttognltlon aa one ot the leadlnc four or five unlvereltiu of the world. Yet, only a few doun etudenl9 come In conl.llct with Ernest 0 . Lawrence, Glenn Su- borg. Edwin M. McMillan, Ed- ward Trlle1. Lula Alverez -and other or hke calibre. "It 11eenu Incredible . that In a rounlry needing ten1 of thou111nda of young 11elenU1l•. the men I have named are not teaching theae thou.and• by radio and tele· vision, u well aa In lecture haU11. MORE ~IO~'"E'Y "The American Council on Ed· 111•11llon h•a announced the Col· l<'tot"~ 1rnd Unlver11llh!a <lurlnir; lhe ntlll ten years will nted addition- al fund• tor endowment• and bulld1ni11 In the amount of elcht ballion, 1311 milUon dollara. "111 thl1 mon,.y to be u11ed to 11upersaturate c11mpu11ts alrtady over-crowded 1 Are we Incapable ot utllizl11g lntelllgl'nlly 1urh wonderful me~a aa nidlo and tele- vl11lon ~ It aeem1 to mt thC" lime h1111 r fl m,. to df'vlae better metbode o.f bnn.-m. toset.hw th<>11e two pr1nclpale In the field ot educ8llon -the tucher and the •lurlrnt. "I h&ve h11'1 11 wondl'rtully ln- tert"stll\g txf\criPnrt anl1 I wriuld like ln 111te Amtrlca'n vo111h h11vt the ar!vAnt"ire nr edu'raUrin by tl\I' ~l'llt 111chnl!m1 nnt onlv In OllMI, but In 11thrr t11r11lt1tt1." nu.: RADIO, T\" The applic:w lion of rll.dto. tf'l'"- vlelon ent1 motion plrtures lf\ the lect11re-1onm11 of hl1:hrr e(!11r11llrin would not appe11r to be to(> dirt•· cult a problem lo Mlve. with ,vrn a world lnlrrch11.nir;e flf ll'r turu on 1clenre, phi10110phy an11 th' arll. given by outstancllnit lf'll<I· era In e&ah field, It la perhepll. 11omethlng along lhla line th•l Neylan hM In mind whm h,. wrote hill ltltl'r of re10l1:n11llon. In any event, the 11.'tter will give rlH to 110qte thinklnc alone Lhe llne.e of Lmi'roveml'nL Sidelight · SACRAME;NTO, CC:-ZSl-Uau-to clrcul1te nomination paf>"ra ally. when ~plo go to the pollJl I In thtir rupecUve counUn, with to c:a.et a ballot. Uley have little 11eparat~ doc11ment11 tor deputie11 Ide& or comprehension or the In· In eat'h county. The deputies \"Olved detaila that have preceded mu1t be voter. In thl'lr o•m the actual m .. kln,; of a plf're of countlu. papeT, 1U1 act which 11 the iniar-Period for rlrculatlnir p11per11 a.nte• to th• American c1tlun of nellt year wlll be from ).fafch fret elttUon..1, and gov,.mment 7 lfl April fl, lnclu11lve, and the by the people through the candJ-election wUJ be held on June :I. datu of their choice. Callrom la law tiu down eech Attorney General Edmund O. group or delegate • candid•tu to Brown bu luued an extrn11lve " named pre11ld,.nUal contender. deacrlpUon of lhe proceq... In-Each member oC the group muat YOlved In Mlectlng a 1late of tllo wllh the aecretary ot 1talA deleptu to repruent·f party at an alfitlllVlt on hh ptntonal pre- the nallon&J prealdenllal conven-rrrence for the pruldenUal can· Uona.. Theee procHaea. of courae. dldatt. The papen muat' btar t.ht are not all that gou lnto an name or the prcsldentl&l C'on· election, but ie.nerally l('lv• ~ lender. and the group mu11t h11ve l'ood IWTlmatlon o! the complell· the perannal endor~~ment of the lllu 1nt>Ol•td. pre11ldent1a1 contendei' for which 8ASIO Ff.:AT•'RE It 111 pledged. lt I~ the function Ba.ale teature ot the Call!ornla or the organizing committee to 1y1tem l11 the re4u1rrmel'\J. that t •ecure thl1 endoreem~nt. candldatea for <lclcpte qualify 'l'o qualify a RIMI', al lra11t tor the ballot and rerelve votea 1 1~ per cent a.nd not more than only In rroup1 or alatea. each of 2 per cent or the party'• 'b&1h1 'of Which muat ~ plcdred In 11d-perecntage' mu111t •Im. Generally. Y&.nce to a named candldat• for the 'bul1 of pncenta~ ta ce.I· the prealdenUal nomlnaUon. The culated with refl'rrnce to the ballot dt:>e11 not C'ontaln the' n11mu vote for governor two yeu• pre- ot lhe rroup mern~n. but only vlnu11. the pre1id,ntlal conttnder Republicans n,.11l ye•r m u a t nrat atep in qua.llfytng II Ule h11ve from t J.•1'>3 to 4:1,810; Oe- lonnaUon ot an organizing C'om· mocrat.a. 8.697 to 34,787 and Pro- mJllee. which can be ma<.le up or hlblll(llllllt.a, 1.021 to, 4.083. three of mo.re ~mbtr• of the Although the law requltea e. ea.me .party, Thia committee, In terrltorjal epread In 10elecllon ot .Uect, tall:ee charge ot a.II the candidate•. It 111 poulble to qual- mecl\anlca of quallf7lnr a frT'CIUP lty " group by clrculattnr nom · ol candldat1H. It mullt flle a lna llon papt"r1 in a 1inJle cOW1ty ltateme:nt with the aecretary of After the nomination peper11 atata of Ila <M'l1 memberwhlp and are a1gne<1, tl\ey are flied with omcenr. -Next year, the atatement the county clerk, nr1tled. and llhoWd be In the tla.nda or the Olen tlll'd wl th the Storet.ar)" of aecnitary of atate March 7. State, which mallu them ottlclal EQUAL Nl'MJtER e.nd tf In proper ort1~. t.h• elate ~ orp.ntatnr comml.ttte ee-la placed upon the b&llot. leet..t ll.t rroup of candldatu for NumeJ"OU:I other det.alla &ft ln· ~t•. wtllcl\ muat equal th• YOlftd. but Uae eylltam at a.ut number of dllleplH arcorded th, U.UN19 that ~ ot an7 can· pa.rt)'. TM orpnialn1 commilt.. dldate tor tbe ~ and put aJeo appoUIUI wnCle&Uon depuUea t.hat candldat. D.ton tbe people. tor doing certain work. Thi• 11ound11 elrmentary today but al that time It wa• a nvolu· Uonary dexelopment. And. bellevl' It or ~ot, that wu the real be- ctnnlnl' of automaUon. .Ever amce thT. ~pla ruwe aou&'M waya to \l"creue their efficiency and output by 111lng tool• e.nd machlnn tnatead of muaclu. >.. a re.ult. modem AmeriC'a hu led the world In :..he appli· cation of 1elenllfic progrna to the .. 111ta ctlon ot human want• and has co1UJtantly o~nrd up new fronUerw for the betterment of all mankind. From our beg1nnlnga in tht dawn of the •!t1am airt. we have advanced 1teadlly Into new world• -<>f elect.rlclty. of tl\e Internal combuatlon engtnt, of powe~ed flight. of communkatlon1, of tran.eportallon. oC e-lertronica and, now, of atomic powtr. Now t.here haa ~n developed lngenlotlll c o n t r o I mech11nll!ml .11uch u the elei·trtc eye, m,.C'hanf.. ce.I brain•. and othtr lntrlrate electronic and radiation dtvlc••a. which c&n dlrecl and control the operation of machine.. The production viglneer hU at hi• di1poaal a varlely of mach· !nu a.nd dev1cM tor controlhn& th-""h.lcb, when put to.,.iher In proper sequtnce. can tur;n out a conttnou11 ·tlow of mua-produc· R'fml.'mber that. by 19711, It la anticipated th• populatJon of Am· ertr• may rlH to aa much ..aa no mllhon people. To provl~ tor· lhia addlttooal 30 ·mlWon, 'and to continu,. to Improve our llvta, •landard11 u thry ha•e lmpre.-d in Ule pu t, w• abould aun at producln1 t,..,,ce t.be volume of rooda and servtcn by that Um• that we enjoy today. However, our labor force wta ha ve tnerelUM'd only bT onf'-thlrd, f'nn uaumtnr there w11l be aa many pf)()ple w•nttnr to work tn proportion to total population u we have now. Ol>v1ou aly, unleu ._.e ca.n br1n1r about a • II() per cent lncreue In the avf'race output or eood• or •ervlCf'l'I by the tndtvtdual w orker, we will not reach ovr ro&l. To ruch our f'oal we muwt make the breakt.hrour't Into au· tomatlC' oper&tlon u llOOn aa po1- •lbl,. The te.ater w• can do ao, duplte th• ob1t.~lta. the more rapidly we will reach our ob- jectlv•. Ute ln Amerlc& thtn wtll be richer, better. mon rewardtn1- wl lh 1reater opportunltle.t for U1e 10W\S. ~--4 •ttalM!Uon for a<1ult1, and more tranquility and comfort for the aged. Bureaucracy Perpetuates (f'..d. Note 'TlMo follo"·l.n1 edHorial from tlMJ H&Jward Dally JW\•tf'W IJMlut of Oc-t. 11. 11!~ la pNMla&ed la U1llt or YH· tet'd&J'.'a pablk mWI Pf'IC'f' b....Ull· When the l)('partment of Agriculture hold a publi<. mil k price hearing in Oakland Nov. l, the epectre ot the California Bureau or Milk Control will be lurking in the background. The department, which eeta the price ot milk In California, Is holding the hearing to study the request of the California Milk Produce.rs federation for a two cents a quart increase in the price paid to producen. U the price boost is granted. the Bureau of Milk Control haa said it will pasR the entire mcreue along to con- • sumers. • Lex-al housewives wbo now pay 21 cent• a quart at the counter would pay 23 cent.a. The bureau's habit of soaking the conaumer· .hu , has been adamantly consistent in the put and lta prM· ent declaration reveals n<f intention of change in the future. The bureau WM established during the great depre88ion aa a necessary device to help milk producers. · When the depression ended, the st~ngthenlng economy removed producers from the crucial list. But the mUk control office. with that peculiar gift for unreUnqu.bthed , power which attaches to all bureaucracies. continued to function. JUI principal benificiary, howev~r. wu no tonger the producer but the processor who bottled and distributed IJie milk. For eeveral years Lucerne Milk company, a procea- Ror. hu sought bureau pennisa1on to reduce by two cents a quart the price at which' it seU• to ft.a retail out- let, Safeway Stores. Lucerne's propoa'°I is, to reduce its own profit margin : at would M l cul the price paid lo producerB. Safeway would maintain its own profit margin while reducing the price lo consumerB two c~nta a quart. ,.. Lucerne has publicly tcetJfled it ia making an ex- borbltant prom on Its milk prQCe11sing operation. but the bureal has refused lo revise the price structurt. Itl retuBal proteci-8 the marginal proceuor who cannot - OJH!rate as rfficiently as Lucerne and gives an outsize profit to any procN;11or who can match t:he Lucerne operation. The produrer does not bend at o'ne whit from the bJgher price, though the bure&u wu originally No tablisbed .. in hia interest. The con1mmer nqt only re- ceives no benefit, but 11\ actually fined two cent.a a quart under the system. The present intention to pass along to consumers any boo11t in milk prices is bureaucracy in tt.a worst form. It iA a.n exerd8e o( state po~,rr to the benefit of a eegment of private Industry, Rt th.e con..lderable upenee of every family which serves milk to children or adult.a. This articifial and unrealistic jockeying of milk prices baa only one apparent ju11Ufica"°n, t he perpe~ uatioa of bureaucracy. Through the manipulation of powers it produce8 abnorm&I cituationa requiring OOD- Unueacootrol •• --,,l'\011: • '""'~' • . .. WEDNESDAY, .NOVEMBER 2, 1955 FLAG RAISING ~ ~afoi· Dora Hill. above, Monday was joined by city and Com- . munity Chest leaders as tht! Red Feathzr nag was hoisted aloft at city hall flag pole, kenoting fund drive. Kick-off breakfast opened drive yesterday at lr\tine Coast <?ountry Ctub. Muyor iss~ proclamation today, proclaiming Nov. 1-8 Community Chest Week here. A~ong those at the flag raising ceremony shown above were Patrolman Don Graham. 'Art Torrance, Mrs. Kenneth G. Cooling. Mrs. J ohn V. Neff, Mrs. Lee Schonek. Mrs. Marvin Olsen and Edwud W. Milum. - Staff Photo TOP WINNERS -AB ia customary the Teddy Roosevelt perpetual trophy goes to the winn'er of the clus with the largest ent ry in the anpual regatta at Balboa YC. ;This year the Penguin fleet turned out the most boats with a list of 14 in the overall total of 109 and Art Glasier of ABYC (second from left) topped th.-class. Here he receives the first place award from Commodore Marshall Kcnnrdy and he will receive the perpetual ·at BYC's annual Trophy Dinner. Second In th~ Pen· guina waa Te<l Matson, also of ABYC, with third going to Charles Allen of . CYC. -Beckner Photo . . Six of the ten PC sloops entered in l3aJboa YC's Annua! Teddy Roosevelt series get away in two cloae bunches. .f-lolding the.weather berths h ere are BYC vice-Commodore Frank Wood who took a third in 'SS JA7.Z CONCERT SLAT-ED· FRIDAY AT OCC AODITORIUM )nzz of 10~~ wtll be heard at Or&nge Cout Ca.liege Frl- dny wh•·n a "Jaz7, <0•111l'l'rl" fo&turlng the J immy Giuffre Four IOI pr1•:wnted 111 the OCC uudlto1·lum. T.-,. l"lllC'\.rl, pn .•c·ntPd by thf' OCC VPt1>ra ns Club, Is op"n lo 111 .. publw Admission will be $1.26 with no reserved seat:i JJinr • ,,J,.; '4 llJ bt' u~tl for chnnlable project s 11pon~red by lht1 v••l••r·Anfi. \.\ell k nnwn b,\' l'On11011111eu111 of jlw, the Jimmy Giuffre group h~.~ Jllllt 1111 i<lwcl r••cordinJ: an album for Decca called "Tan~enL'! 111 J a7.7." (;111ffrl', a Shorty Rogers Sax player, OrJ!llntzed the. r• oup wh1rh 111110 includes J ack Sheldon on the lrump1•L. Rnlph Pina on ba1111 and Bob Netl on drum11. Offu·•-rs of Lh<• OCC Vf'leran11 organlzatlo:i are: Jim Sfl1 .. ::el. Cu:<la M"sll. prl'lll<lt'nt ; Earl Waffle, San~ Ana, v1~e·pres1tll'nt; anti Ge11tltl H8rt. Costa Mesa, aecretary· ll l'tt:tun•r. Cha11 man l'lf the entertainment committee 11 H1<rr~· !\foorr, A nHh•1m: Meisan9~r Permit I . Ru,:er !\t,.111ini;rr rl'<'l'nlh' took out a Co:;t,. MP"u c:lly b 111ihni: p<'11111t lo ron~Lnin 1<. $12,810 I slnR le 1 eimlenre al -1::.2 E.ilher I St., Costa Me,,a. Final 3-D Color Travel Talk Due The ftnal Europe ln 3-Dlllua- t rated color lecture will be held at Oranire Cout Collefe 6n Nov. 9 al 7:30 p. m. Spain, land of the• Oon9, will bf' the to9'c or the free tllu.!ltrat- t'd lecture. Vlvl::I color photo- graph.a wlll be ahown of Olbral- ter, Andalu11la and Seville. The S•mana Sant.a. with Ila cerunon- le11, lt11 hOOded penlt.enlll, fabu- lous tloata and jeweled effigies will be depicted. Gninada and the Alhambr&. rural Spaln, M.adrld, the Pnido Mu11ew:n, Toledo, Se· 1:ovia. E3corlal and Barcelona are a ff'W of the other areu to be ptctur4'd. Th" lllu.lraled lectures are held In th11 colle1te ~udltorium 11nd are op#n to the public. BPW Christmas Preview Booths 80°/o Complete Mn. Don Dungan. booth 11tlea the series and VYC'a J . Herrington who garnered a ~ond place. First place honors went to Dick Dea- ver's perrenial champion, Challenge. -Beckner Photo CHEST DRIVE KICK~OFF ' SEES LARGE-TURNOUT By BllRT RKINTNALI. The main dining room at lr- vin1 Coast Country Club waa ov- erflowing wit~ ent.huaJaallc work- er. at the kick-oft breskfut of Community ChHt'11 19M drive for $28,500 yeaterday morning. Sparked by tnlka by ln11p1rf'd civ.ic lrader11 who descrlbrd acll- viliea and neeiU of the various chest agenciee, the more than 200 who attendf'd the mretlng were all aet to make their ap- peal& lo clllz.enry of Newport ~ch. Mayor Dora HILi'" pleuant welcome gave 'the seaslon a r ood 11tart u ahe reca'llf'd her own ervlces to the Che.t Jn tlmea paat. Mrs. Lester H . Vlerllnc, who mu.t have gotten ht r atart u a college Chf'er leader, led group alnglnr which was accom· panled by M rs . Hazel Dell. The Invocation waa given by the Rllv. Donald Sapp and then Mra. Ken· neth CooUnr. campslgn chairman, Introduced by' Arthur Torrance. Cheat prealdent. took ovt'r the meeting and lntroducrd lt1Ulf'r11 ot agenclea which receive and 11pend m011t of the funda. BOY 800VT WORK Biil SpurgPOn told ot thf' won- derful work being don11 for boy11 ot th• community through Boy Scout groupa and Tht'o Robina viaa just !'JI ent.!!._u1laallc ovt'r pf. torte of the Harbor Arf'& lJOya' Club. Scout1 are budgf'ted "'6eoo for 1956 and the Boy1 Club for $3000. Spurgeon 11ld Scout lead- er• are mindful of the tremf'n· dowi popul11t1on growth of the community whtoch hu lncreaaed Scout mem~Mll11p 27 per crrn ln a year. Robina cited lhf' Boys' Club atanding aa among the top eight Qfl the co&11t whllt' the co11t p.r boy for m&n•gemrnt 18 among th11 loweat. He empha11lt· ed that the club la used act1v•>ly throughout the y•ar anti tha t thr Harbor Club hu a largr mf'mber· Mrs. J . A. Oerllf'y 1poke u hli:hly ot Gtrl Scouting an<t Mn. Bull Peterl!On 011tllnrd a ctfvltlea of the Visiting Nunes Aaaocla- Uon. KEUOIOUS WWAR.1!: Fathf'r Wllll&m Barry t old or work done by the Cat,hollc Wel- fare Bureau which. he said, of· fera 1ervlce to all nef'dy reprd- ltos& of creed or nationality. The dlfft'rence bf'tween the amount allotted this agency a nd Prott11• tant welfare work. 12960 and 1&50. la wu notf'd at the mee\: Ing u bt'cau11e the Catholic w ork la done by pald workers while Nf'Wport Harbor Ministerial A• l<K'l'-Uon volunteers to handle ' the Prdteai.nt fund. Robert Olander, a director of the Chul, deacrlbed acUv!Uea of th• vanoua •·y " group•. Mr1. Cooling cloaed the d eecrlptlon of Chelt •renclea by outlininc n:· pendlturH . of the remalni'lll[ M•· en gro up1 that r eceive aid fT'Om lhe Che11t. Tbe Rev. Jam11a Stew- art followed with 1-n lnaplratlon- al t.lk. Mu.lie for the bre&kfaat wu tumlllhed by Ne~rt Har- bor UnJon HICh School band member11. Mr• Cooling lntroducf'd _the of· flctlll1 of · the ,!'.lrive. Ule faJo\8 and capWn1, and then the aoU- cltora. \Wlo, ahe aald do th• real flclala of the drive. the majqn aha 1lngled out • Edward Milum u having bttn her nrbt hand tn R«'tll.ng the organl&&Uon °irol'k done a nd then ah11 compUment.d M.-.. J ohn Neff for her publlclty work. Norton Son Arrives Mr and Mr1J. Robert J . Norton. 261'>1 Club Mrn ~lars. COl!ta Meaa. lrf' part'n ta of a l!On born. Oct. 24 •l St. JOllt'ph Ho11plltll. UGAL: NOTICI su•E••o• oouaT or TD 8TAft or CA.LIJ'OIUUA roa TH& OOU1''TY or O&AMo• No.AMiii ' NMICll: OP DAUJlfG Eat.t• ot • LICON Ii. aAJfJIOIUC. -111111=--" NOTICll Ja lllllltllBY that JORbAlf L. J<>Mm=-i hertia a pet.Jtloa '-....... WW at LllOH a reference to wllJcll" II .... M tuJ"tlMt' putJeuJan, ... .... .. time and plue ot ~ .. · aame hu b.-.t ,_ JfGlllf. ~ 10 L m., In the .,,...ta • el putment No. ' ol -.N _., County Hall of R*'Onll, la Gtty of 8&nta Ana., ~ B. J . 8MJTR.. Cl.ti Datt'd October H, 1111 SNYDER and 1'L111"!'CRm1. ... O'NIJIL By OWJDN II. ~ Attomeya for~ No. 68, Newe·P,... ll/2, 9, 18. 13. 19M ELECTION OP'Jl'ICl!R8 AND POLLJNO PLACIC8 Notice Is hereby «tven tha t . at the S~lal .Annf'xatlon Electtol\ perta1n1nw to th• ann,.xauon of Sf'aqul11t Annex to th11 Ctty of N•wport Bf'ach to bt! hf'ld ·on 'J'upacla y, the 20th day of O.Cem· ber. 19!1!1 for th11 qualified •ltetorw within aald tf'rrlloey. there wm ~ one vollnll' preclnrt for th• purpoM of holdlnr,; the f'lectJon, consisting of thf' re(lilar election prf'clnct f'lltablt.ht'd f-0r holdlnc 11l•te and county electlona, u follow•: Votlnir Pl'f'Clnct 1. comprlalni state and county prt'Clnct number Bayview 3. The polltnir place 1hall be at Gar&f " located at l:H7 Irvine Avenue OranKf" County, Calltom la INSPECTOR: Mr11. CalhHlnr S. Mitchell }UDOE: • Mrl'. Mln11 Mltr htll ' JlIDOE: ~ Mn. J&/\el!t B. Hefty The polla wtlt be opened be· tween the hour11 of T:OO o'clock A. M. and 7·00 p1clock P. )(. MAROF.RY SC~ROUDltft Cl!Y Ch•rk • City of Newport Beach No. M New•·Pre11.1 11/2/M MEASURE TO BE VOTED ON. Notice I• ·herf'by (1vf'n that the followinc meaaur.e 111 to,. be voled on at the Special . Muntcfp&l Election to be held In the City or Newport ,Beach on the flh da,F ot Decembf'r, 19:i:i: A proPOfl&l lo amllftd J h• Qt;1 barter or ~ewport Be•ch to .. quire tha t the mem~ra ot tlle City Council of th• City ot M..- port Beach be nominated ... elected only from and by tM electon within their rupw• .. Dtatrtct.a. 0.ted: Octobe'r 28. ltM KAROJCRY 8CHRO~ City Clerk No. H Newa-Pn• 4 1/2, t, - CEK~lnCAD.: OF au8iifiil'· ,,...._...,_H_ Th• lllldenap.. d<>ell ....... cerUty t.bat be ta con~ I rnaint.nance and cleanlq ~ at f3T JC. 11th Street, Coe~ California, W)dtt the fte rtrm name or New M..a Maint.lanc• Co. and that firm ta eompoeed ot the penoQ8, WhOM n&m• la t\111 pl&cea of rHldence are u ~ to-Wit: WlLLlAM 0 . F~ f 37 E. Hth Street, Coata Meaa, CaJlfomi. W ltnMa my haf'ld OU 119' daJ .. • WILLIAM O. rrl'ZOllllAU) ot October. 1966. STATE OF C ALlFORNIA. ) COUNTY OF OR.ANGE )• Of thl1 31 day of Oct.oMr, ;~:1:~d~rra::~~:n~s ~~:y.1;:;· Schultz Death Report Wrong; A . 0 . 19M, hf'fore me. ROBJCJ'lT A. EASTMAN. a Notary Publle In and for lhf' .. td County and Stnte, realdlnJl' thnt'ln, duly oom• ml1111lontod and 11wom, per110nally appl'ltrf'd WILLIAM G. rrrz. GERA LO 'known to me to be the peraon whAAe nam" 111 11ubecrtbtd to the wllhtn ln11trumf'nt. and PER ANNUM CURRENT EARNIN.GS up merchant11 for 80 per cent of the booth dll!play sp11ce for the !'111nlh Annual Chrl8tma11 Preview of the Newport Harbor Bu1tne1111 and Profeaalonal Women's Club. The Preview Is ~C'hKlulrd for rrhlay and Saturday. Dec. 2 and 3 a t the Rende:r;vowi Ballroom. Balboa. ' Club mf'mhus who are calling on merchanta In the area art' Mmea. Au11lln Cole, Jud.Ion Suther· lll.nd, Wllllam Mlddleti>n . .tar!• B. Kay, Orma Crank. Bernard Eller- man and Roee Fenton. Worker Injured Badly • ID Fall Robert 0 . Schultz, 39, of 741 S. Leland. San Pl'<lro. wa.~ h11tt'd u in "very serious" condltlnn by Hoag HoapltJll today following a 30 fl. Call Friday from a ram· merclal building In Costa Mf'l!ll. Schultz wu or1g1n11lly rPportcd u kWed by the fall. but 11 rou· tin• mortuary r hf'ck revuletf he WU atUI allVf' ln ·the ho11p1t.al Schull.%. who w11,s worklnit for AJI Arnrrlnin Roofing of Gsrden ack.nowledgt'd to m.. that he Gr11vr. plungl'd through l!>f' 1ky-extt11t~ the Hmt'. light of a building locatedln thf' Jn wllnr1111 '4'herf'Of, I have her .. rommrrcl11I area on Termln11I unto 11et my hantl and affixed my \\'uy off Anaheim Ave . Costa offlt'llll 11e11I thf' day"a.nd year In MO'J'& at approxlmalt'ly i. !10 p.m. I thl.t Certlflcat,. first above wrttten. Frtdoy. W1lllt'J111e11 Mid he landed I R OAJo-:RT A F.ASTMAN on h111 bac:k. a ppPanng to cruah My C'omml!uuon Expl~• thr bark or his hud. I J uly 29, 1966 Thf' acct<lent victim wu re· No. 117 p<>rttoclly mnrrlt"cl a week &Ro_ i Newa·Pre11.!' 11 2. e:._:8._:J. IMa ~~I!'!-.. CERTR"JC An or llUIUNE88 . ~ I F'ktltlowi f'lrm Name THE ·NoERSIGNED dotW hf'rt>by certify that he la conduc- Unir a Photography bu.stneee at 407 JI:. Balbo& Blvd , BaJOO.. Calif., under the f1r lll1nu11 firm name t1t JACK BARCl'S STUDIOS and I.hat a&Jd firm lit cnmpoaed of th• fo1Jowlng per11on11. who~ name. In full a nd pla.c~ of rulrtence a.re N follow~. to-wtt: JACK WILLlA.M BA.ACU-8 1809 E. B11lboa Blvl1. Blllboa, Cflllf. W ltneu my h.and Ulla 26th ... ot October, 1960 J ACK W. BARCUI STATE OF C ALlfo'ORNlA COUNTY OF OR.A.NOi!: I• or nus 20th d..,. ot ~ A. D. 19M, bt'fOH JM, ft.oMrt r, W11'rnu. a Notary Publlo la ... for the Mid County aad I~ rHldlnJ therein, duly conum. atoned and -om. pa~ appeared JACK W, ¥JSCU11 known to nie to be-t!M pe1909 WhOM nam• la aubecr1Md to tbe w1lhln lnlltrum.nt. and aclulowt- "df ed to m• that he eit,.cut .. th.. 1111me I N W J T ~ I: I a · WHEREOJ.', l han hPrf'\Jnt.e ...-t my hJlnd and .tflxf'd tny offlr1ul ,llf'•I I.he day and )'f'ar In lh111 C:ert1flrat~ flrat a bove 328 AMERICAN AYE. Ph. HEmlock 7-1203 READ\' FOR PREVIEW--Mrs. AJ. Forgit of Forgit'R Hardware la handing c'heck to Mra. Bernard Ellnman for booth display space~ Forgit.'e J;lardware will f Pature their ~neral Eleetric Portable Televiaion set.a. -Don Buah Photo Wl"ltten. • ROBERT F'. WILLMl':ll My C"rommll111tnn E1q11rl'11 11/18 '65 I No. !It Newe-P...,... 10;28, 11;2, t , 11/&5 -\ • < •• , . .,.. ... • • .,, PAGE 4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-P~SS D!UVERY GUARANTEED .. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa·.Preu a. guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be· fore 6 p.m. on Koruhy, Wedneeday and Friday. If your paper ia noCd.elive?ed by that hour. pleue call Barbor 1616 and your carrier will brine your paper. .. 'Merton of Movies' Due Nov. 16 at CoaSt College ''Merton of tM Koriu'' bJ G.orie 8 . K&utman an4 lll&rc Co{\nelly wUl be pawented by the Or•nl'• Cout Collep drama ct. partment Nov. 11 and lT. Cut- Ing tor UMI, play bu beai com- pleted by Lucian Scott. drsma tnst'tuctor. Selecllou tor Ute cast are: Mf'rton Gill, a movie 1truck coun- try boy, to be played by Allen B11ker; Amo. 0.alllvtln, a coun- 1.ry 11tore 'l<Mpn: Tom Plett.a; f:lmer Hurt. a country dude; Ran- dv Albera; Te1111le tceam1, a mo- • vte·adorlnc mtlllner; Tonl Cla.tk: cuting dlrt'ctor : Cynthia strot.b- .. ,. J. Lester Mootvue. an older, ''HU ·bem" a ctor: ~y Mlddau(h. Mom C'REW The role or Sigmund Ro1en- •1att, a n energetlC' movie direc- tor, will be played by Fred Har· vey; W eller, a "yea" man with tdeu: Grant. Staceberg; hll cam- eraman, a model ··movie" mak- •r · Al Hathaway; the MonU.eue Cirl, a 1ympatbeUa "extra": 'Shir- lee Hourtran: HowarJ Parma!~. a movte leading man : David H inda; Beulah BaJCter, a temper: amental movie 11.clresa: Lorett& Bennett; Jeff Ba.lrd. a big movie producer : Jerry d'Carlo: Mr11. P atterson, a kindly bOardlng !louse keeper : Nalulle Rogers; ud tlnally, the J'rtlnch maid. who t.aku ear• of th• doc : Bon· Cl ·r. ' d rue G.orp. · Then wUJ be two performan· ass1 1e Cff of the play, one on Nov. 18 ' and 17. The Drama Club will handle the Jobe In th• frottt of ________________ _.. ________ _ ~· boUM and, the b&ck.lt.ac• de· --------------------------ta1l1, tn addlUon tb many of the NEWPORT' Ha DftOB NEWS.PRESS role• In th• play. nLD ni. eetunr t. th• t920·. when Ev..v Monday Wechlesclay ancl Friday the 11lent tilme were In their -1 • P heyday. The 'play la a true co· COASTAL SHOPPER-Wednesdays medy filled with humor and pa· Uwa. Jt wu .a Red Skelton mo- vie. COUNTRY BOY The plot deala with a country boy, Merton, who la movie· ,truck and t illed wltti dreama ot a ca - r~r on the ac~en. HoJlywoo<l p1'estnt.s Merton with a number ur bitter expuien ce11 that ahalter hi~ dreams and ld,.tials. The play reveals how he •urvlve• th••ite biller ex~rlencea and solvt:s his problems wilh Ul11 1< (J ot thoi1e he flr11l thought "no go(id''. J1I lurt&hard looked E\.s1e V. Burkhard. ~2. uf Long EJtach, wu arreeted for driving while drunk by Collla Me>1a po· lice early Sunrlay morning. Oout.al 8boppu ~Ila rua la &lie Wedlle9da7 Newa-Preu 4 Une1t 1 ln.ertloa $LOO add'L llnes .t5 ea. 4 Une.9 2 lmertlou 1.M add'l Uaee .25 .-. 4 Unes 3 luerUou !.00 · add'l llnee .25 ea. 4 Unts .J ln.MrtiODI 2.50 add'l llnflll .25 ea. Sllwr.Uoe \\'Mltl'd Ad• wlll tflttlve 15% dlKouat. Caah la Mh·-ce oal7. M.J SUl'UM &D 18 f LINES OE~DLJNES for placlJ1C or ~celllnc Ida are: F'or Monday PubllcatJon -Friday 6 p.m. For Wf'dnuda,y PublicaUooa -Tueaday 1 p .m. 1-·or Friday Publica tion -Thursday 1 p IT\. SEWPOKT BAJlBOR PUBLISHING CO. :?'!I I Balboa Blvd.., S1141l·po~ JkM'.11, CaUlo mla. A.II Cla1181fled t\,d11 mW1t be paid for Cub ln advance or pubUcalloa. The publl11her11 l.~lll not ~ re11pon11fble tor more than one .Incorrect Insertion of an ad, re11ern' the r1gl'it to correctly claaai!y any and all ads and to reJeC't any ad not conforming to rule. anJ re .. "UlatJon.a. . ~pedal Notices .12-Bullding ServlcetJ . I Newport Harbor Painting &i Paperhanging ·· A Testimonial to Advertising .V'· B. P. 0 . E. 1767 We do the work ourselves. 30 yeara experience U cenaed 4: lnaurod. Meet• every Thuraday 8 p.m. Via Opvrto -Central Ave, Satl.stactlon (liarantel'd. • \~ha.re 1'ov Car ••I! Newa-.Preae publlahu nw• (;l~ed Ade U'.l&n any Oll 11ew.paper 1n tile area. i · leaderllh!p w&a a\ talnf'd ~11 sn._.Pr_ ciaa.-t/1ed Aita '· rewl\a! ~9-u!l &Jde. Superfluous Hai"t PermanenU7 n!JDO..,ed from ta1 anna. lep. SyebnPWa and ba tyi• abaped-No more tweesin, Eu.EN L. BRY AJllT R. £. Wdo'e 8&1oA of Be11u t7 Har. 2:>. lf H-1.ost and F0>und , .......... -----:-----I LOS'J\.--Lady white .cal. dark gn)' marklnJ•· Children's pet.-11:.w E . Balboa BtvJ. f,far. 2360-WJ< 26c27 ' ?l,J A N' 8 w rl11t wllLCh lost on Peninsula orean tiront nur "M" St, Har. 6883. 26p U-School8. 1nstructlon Jone:s Birkel-Richardson ORGAN STUDIO. J.toun. lo play the mighty W URt..ITZER. EVELYN J ONES. ~gr .. 300 Holm· wood. Dnvc. LI 8~1082. 20c33 . China Pa'inting Day a nd Evenlng Clu aes Ordl'r11 Takeii Now Phone Llberty .. r,'64.8 a.1uc 2S-Sltuations Wan~ __ Roy's Maintenance Rou1e clc:anlng-F'loor ~·axing Wall wa'111ln g-w1M:tow cleantng Venetian blinds. \Upholstery ln11urc<1. Free E.stimates Uberty 11-1332. llfC BUYS AT BAY GREATER ·y THE ROOMFULL BY THE HOUSEFUL' • "WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY'' ALL NEW 8 P(' MAPl.:E WOOD ARM LIV. RM CROt>P lndudea aof1. Jlhll!Orm rot•ker, <'lllb chair. 2 9tep l'nda, I corr~ table 2, wood base mapl<! table lt1tnpe. $329.50 VALUE AT BAY $219.50 8 PC. i;ECTJONAL LI.YIN CROOM CROUP. Jncludu S P'" •e<'.llonal curved center l90 degreel 2 11ep euda, J cocktlLll table 1Neva m11r topal. 2 modern 3·W•Y table lamp•. $379.50 VALUE ~AT BA¥ $251 8 PC. WROUGHT JRON LIVINO ROOM GROUP. lnclut1'!11 beJ·J1van, matching ch11jr, 2 atep-enda, I c;otree t.4'"-· 2 table Ja111pe. I floor l11.1~p. $215.50 VALUE AT BAY $149.50 :! P<:. PROVINCIAL L.JVlNG ROOM GROUP. lnoludea win( 11or11 hns roam cuehtontng pillow arms, webb bue, bdWd. fr11ml', 4 ••atclted Frenrh Prov. t.ablea, 1 comn, 1 coffee, 'Y.=.A-!l- 1 BUY AND SELL . \Rl.\" AMERJCAN t'UI, col~ pattern r ta.u Prt0llll~4ft· tlque tumllure and nne China. i'JE BIG OLD RED BARN ' YU\BANX Kl 1-U'l JMI Harbor JMvd , OVdea ~ J4111'•la BOAT STORAGE ALL llZl:S, NUlllG&Me ,.._, lt.p- plJ at yard otnoe. 800TB COAST COMPANY, K..,.n BlVd., at 2Srd It., H..,_. ..... ltt _TRADE a.&utlt\ll 70-tt, AWL Tiii •r . lllxc.lleJl,l tor ~. w.at property or ..n.u.. boM. UIO 'W. Balboa Bl'fd.. H...,.rt. llAP. aosz. ~ "· 2 ei11I, 111 110lld Birch, han.t rubbed -•--' - $499.50 VALUE AT BAY $319.50 -s _t.;._.;ll:;;..m111;:;;;;;1N;;:;ml.~~;;:;;:;;~~· . ...,;T.,_Y_~ 8 PC MOOJ.:RN BEDROOM GROUP. lncludo. 6 dr. double - .t•eMo:I'. :ltJ x 40 mirrvr. 2 nlte 1tand1. bk'cue beadboal'd. 17" Motorola ~1"'9 111etal rram~. 1o:u1<r tnnt'rbpr mall. A bOx 11prlng11. Radio, 3 speed pla,.r ~ S239.50 VALUE AT BAY $159.50 1~ ot ort,inal C09t r. J~U l1lll1f;f<:'1 HEURM GRP. (QUEENSIZE). lncludu TARTER'S II Jr ,1n•s.sc1, 311 x •~ plate mirror, bk'case fieadbOard, t!<ll!Ung v1~ m.-tol bee.I frame 1RO"I. que~n alu relax-o-2904 Co..t Blvd., ro¥ Pl"h.: 111ner:i prlng matt. It box 1prln( I 10 yr. (U&Hnleel. S299.50 VALUE -.. AT BAY $1{Ml.50 BAY FURNITURE "Wht re Prlcu Are Htld at Bay" 421 E. 17U1 Free Storefront Pa,!"<lnC" OPEN EVE'S 'TIL · 8 Coata Mua Ttnna BEA UTIJ'UL f.,._ llMIM lllaMe Spinet plapo tn perfect ..... tlon. Save ""· Ubenl trwte. Ooannient t.enna a t-- SRAJ'ER8 (8lne9 ltoT) 421--423 N. Sycamore, SUta An• Phone KJmberl7 2-otn MOVING ~IT BILL Ude ~ brand 11-KNA.1111 llPINll't'. Har. 1776-1\. llctl aALll. Grand p~ ~ .,._. ---------..----------------dertul bupln.I .. M&la1 tamou• nra.k•. Prle• from PU up, JMnch included.. • DANZ-SCIDODT, OIO No. MalA. TIRED OF 1..IVlNG WITH IN SB:LL ON ~RMS Pf'rfl&ptl "It pay1 to adnrtl11e" I• an old rllrhe', but' It la a true oat', and ai1pllN e11~1.aJl:r to the Nf'wport Harbor 'Nt•w11- .Pr-: "'• .-•ere oonfrontro wit.la Ml unu .. uaJ probleID-havlnir to IM"ll four room• or furniture b«-lo~ln1 to my mother, aad lbt'n h1 di•po11e or M•rly that much Wbf'n our own hlmlture "came out" of •tora(f'. Thuk• to daNlfl«od acb plaeed ID t.IMI New11-PN'"• we bad wondf'rful rr11p<in~. from COllta MeM. Newport, ADO Coro- del Jlar, and we~ Mle to cllllpoee of enr)'lhinl' ID a ..,ort tJme. Newport Bea.ch . Albert H. Matthew11, Exalted Ruler Estimates tree. Call Johnnie. Ll 8-2687 & Ill 8-5289 8llfc RELIABLE J.APANESE- 29-Help Wanted I SO-M.lscellaaeoua LA '"'S! We would love you here IJ!"I'. DEUCATJ:SSEN cue, $160. as mother's helper. Room and ONE 6 fl. refTlrerat.or .......... $00. board, i1111all 11ala.1 y. 1.J 8-11703. ON&: large commerc. refrlr. $70. Santa Au. RENT a plano unw Joa buy. All term rent &1.19wed. Good prac- tice plaDoa aa low u 16 per Here I• a typl<'al pboDe ealJ I rt"tth·ed atur ~IU•I' tlwl Jut It.em: "Did 1ou adnrtlM a typla& tabkl~ lt'11 c oae Al.READ\'! Well, that •peak• "eU for U1t1 paper!" It alao "•Pf'aklt Wf'll'' for Ute paper tlaa& one r~eh'f'S 11Urh f'OU r- kll:r aacl con•lduatlo• w.,_ :'plloaia( ta" Ml ad. Slncere.ly, Mr11. O. Will- T WO pc. •ectlonal $86. Walnut twin bed.I. with new Beautyre.at mattre• It 1prln11. $100, ~pc. frple. eel, $12. Uphol. den chair, $111. 9 x 9 rur. $U with pad. 10-Busi.aesA Gulde -------....------~~~~- HAULING trn.&h or t Anything, Anywhere Llberty 8·2143 86trr pp 12-Bllllding Senice9 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING •A Prompt Repair Service Maintained . Phone: Harbor '424 Z8-0J Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach pltp "A's" NEW METAL TYPING TABLll $6. Blonde end I.able llke new, $3-2 Mtl of l&.lh wtndowa 36 x f2~$2 a met VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY ~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE NEW m1chlne proceu melh· od. Rca&0nable prlcee. Avert.I"• 2 tapo re•ldcnUaJ blind. Only $1.00 Bllndl N paired and ,.built.. rr... PSclr vp and deMYVJ' W ork done by appolntment PhOne Llberly 8-5701 or ~berly 3·8274. ppUc General Contractor LJCENSED New Work ....:... Remodelinc J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58t!c . CARPENTER Repair Work Doe.e Your Home Nc:e<I R.epa.lrlll• or Remodellnr t CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinds FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY 29l.f MINOR REPAl}t WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL B . 0. AnCeraon 1014 &:. Balboa Blvd., &lboa Harbor 24~ 83ttc ~ ·" FOR RENT Skill Bawa, !:lee. Drtli., P oliahera. all typee of Sander1, WJ\NlbU- rowa, ate. BOYD'S HDWE. 2'39 W, COAST HlOHWAY lJ..bert1"'14'36, Newport Bch litta .ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUH ( lnatall the aboH c:heapu \ht.n moat. Allo eeU T1le • Linoleum. NOll•unloa. 30 ,,-re aperl~ COmpue and --• B.ILL COKER Har. •79~ or Lone Beach 7-11973. &9l!c Let u• tln1"1 your Remodeling Painting, Decorating P~r Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing • ELLSWORTH CONTRACTING A M E R I C AK WA NTS GARDENING ·JN RA R- BOR AREA BY WEF;K OR MONTH. HYA'TT 4-5-171 21 p37 \\'()RKJXl.i motht'r•. t'l11ld ra1e In my h•lme. All(ell 'I. to ~. :-olev.p<,1rl .Hl..'ll(hlS I.II CB. :?ill P. !'aim ... ,. 1..1 is-76H. 76{ 'l THOROUGH Clt'11nLnk. beautiful l11umle1 Ing. Also clOOkfng .ft ~cr· vlng. (l..'olored)' Relf. Own tre,n~· porulJon. Kl 2~02~5. 26p28 Swedish Massage appolnlmenl 111 Ladtei, -by your home, Formerly maueuae •t Arrowhead Springos Hotel. Please c"ll Harbor ,4795 or Har. 70. 16C27h Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN! ui>s Liberty 8-1659 30Uo EXPERIEMCED GARDEN'ER GARDENJNG It ya.r.d work by day week or month. 1.Jbuly 8-4139 alter 6. • 3ltc CLEASINC 11 fROl"<ING by the day Ex~r ltnced. Jla.lboa IJ!Jand 2i c26 1 SCAJ.ZS. $65. 1 GONDOLA UO. -------------cau owner LI U223 morninl• or w ANTED Flrat clue lhlJ'.)9 car· alter 6 p.m. 9Uc pe.nter 6r. A·l 111\Jpa p&Jnl.er, for 11lllpyart1. Have 11hop parl.ly equtppet.I. No rent to pay. Per- centage only 2607 W. Coe.at Hwy .. Npt. 26<:27 G AROl:::o.;ER with 3 yr1. upert- enct I~ ...cue nt tree.a, Salary range $288-347. Apply Park Ol·pl. City of Newport Be,ch. 24c28 BOYS 12. to 16 y ear1 of ic.- The New11-Pre1111 hU an o~nlnf for a carrier In lrv me Terr&<'e. Th111 Is one of our bt>11t routu . Phone Mr. Pnrker, Hai;. 1816 or Har. ltOl·RK. ~eacon Personnel 100 ~'1 employer retained agency NO FF.E collected rrom appllcan\ 413.:uat Newport Beacll Custom Draperies BEDSPREADS, 11tr1 coven. ttc.- Hard\\'8rl'. 31 ya . In b1.11lnu11. LUCILLE DECORATOK~ Har. 5664 408 f<~ Ualboa Bl••d su~ .Fresh Hearin·g Aid BATTJ:RllCS We Qin BAH 01"11 Stampe Ounderson Drug Co. Ma1A St. at Balboa Bl•d., Balbo& Barbor 616. NUe PRIVATE SALE 3 120 Seavlew Ave., Coro~ del Mar. CommenclnJ CkL l'i thru Bat. l to 6 p. m. Purchued on· world tour OJlenta.J art objects, brocadee, Chlntff embroidery, fabric•, klmona.e, co11tume jewelry, native co•· tumea, plpture.oi, linen.a, chlna. l.,npa, ENCUSH LU 8 TR E platu. Alao blonde cocktail table A mahc>&. Bberal.OQ bufr.t. ~ S6-B--AP-p_Ua.n~cee~~----~ Washing Machine QERVICY prt f tr red. Kl 3-6{)!90. t! I WIU. 'ATl~ FOR 1 OR 2 pre· atht)l)l rhlldrJ•n In imy home roi working mnth!'r. Cllff H11.ven II rt'l\ A 11'1 Box ~o. A-68 thlll paJX'r • 25027 FIREWOOD FREE DELIVERY ~ Ury wool!, Eucalyptua <'all Tom Hutchinson ll&rbOr 263l!·J . 1-year J'lar•nt" on Jolla done and on uaed waabera. Ma~ (rearl Newport Bl., Coata M-. Liberty 8,-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. &ft!c llllfc JUST ARRIVED! month. • DANZ-ICJDUDT IMS P\ano •to" 020 N. Kai.D. 8Uta .U... Pieno I Furniture R.EJ1NIBllINO QUA1.JT1' WOlt.K QNLT .A.HXRUX PIA.NO PIRYIC'll LI 1:206J da.79 Kl 2·7llO ~ lec39h SPlNJ:T planoa. Rent.al returna. Trade·lna on orran1. etc. Uk• ne'I"· Tbll I• a chance for • bl&' aaV\np. Open J'n4a7 n•. DANZ-8CHJ41DT. 620 No. Main. Sant.a AnL TV & Radio Repair. Fast Service Reuon&ble. &ervic. call• Ult t p.m l<NOWUJ'ON E~C­ TRONIC8 LJ l-6200. 21" GE TV Reduced $M TAR'i'ER TV Har. 5491 BAXMOND Or1U11. AU modeda. Some wondertul ba.rplne In used oraana. Several make.a.- ,.,.. pra.cUce room•. Tra"-In your old lMtrwnent. • DANZ·8CJUCJDT, B<>rM ot the world ramoua Hammond. Sant.a Ana. 620 N. Kala., •. " SPECIAL BUY! .. Call Frank. Wberty 8·696• All Work Gua.r&Dl~ 74Uo U 8·79:11, LI 8-6282 12p26H ~~-~~~t_~-----Pi::RlOD TYP1':, ti pclce d..lntng set, aq\11\ lacquer finish A\110 Ben· di.it a uto. waeher . .H"r 401Y.l·W. 26c27 Introducing the NEW lfoe of ABC-0-Matic OE.MONSTR4TOR mod\_t Uk• new lovely Kimball 8plnet piano wiUI bUlJt In Lowrey Off'UO .. lave $300 OD thla. Uberal trade. Con· venhmt t.enn• &t-- WANT TO • SELL A CAR? .BUY A TV? ,, RENT A ROOM? TRADE A TRAILER? SWAP A IOAT? ·FIND A WATCH? HIRE A MAID? LOCATE A JOI? Use . -WANT . ADS Mt Cal HA 1616 L COMPLETE PAINTING & Papcir Hanging Service EUGENE O. SAUNDERS t.00 Slat Street, Newport Beach HarbOr 2976 or Ha r. U.S. trc -----------~ Rd. 011 IP"readtng Driveway• PARKING 'COTS NAM\". TAKERS fttr Lllgun& D~11cl' k. ~outh !Laguna <'lty Olrl'ctory. (ivw t-111nd w 1 l\lng "~nttal Write 204 K Hh room 7, Sonia /.n1a or c1ll J{l 3-3881. 23l.fc 191 b Model 'T' ford NOT RESTORED. I.I 8-3303. 25<:27 Easy automatic AL S 0 SH.AFER.8 '(Since 1907) 421..US N. 8~. le.nt& Ana Phone Klmberly S-OeTI o~a Count1'• or .... Hdqtra. Painting. Paperhanging "The Finest Mooey Can Buy" Sub-Jlvlslona our 1pe<:lalty. We fll"'fllsh any typo oll lo your epe- ctflcatlon. Lar ge jobll -1mall Jobi. Jo'ree ullrn,atu . Alao wa- ter •preading. Modern equip- ment. L.Exlngton 6~4008, Gil- more It Pagl', Huntlncton Bch. YOUNO MAN ror lllght fartory DlNlNG room aet, retrlc . ga.11 wv1 k. Phone Ha r. ·0 67. 2:ic27 ra.nge. be~ divan, 1ae healer It Special Deal We have a carload o! GOOD playtnr pncUC• planoa. S79, SIT, $91 up to llN. lplM t ype mlrTor pl&Do, a beaut,J. onlv $19&, mus-t tarma. Sympson & Nollar :'112 :18th St., Newport lka.cb Ph. Har. 2-t04 or 166i·R. J5~ Adams Plumbing Repair -Remodeling ~ CONSTRUCTION 162 Cecil Place. Coeta Mesa. I..n>.rty •· 7627 U c26 Courteou. Ne••·Ptua Cl.uaUled Ad·Takere are t.ralned to wrt~e effec:llve a (la. Throu&h lonr U ·pertence a.nd a tborou1h underalandln& of adyer- tl8inll' we can put your w..ni. into word• that ret aeuon. l..et ~ belp you ael11 -TOOLS • llUc; _PAINTING 'M. W. ROSS Lloe!Uled LI 8-332 l 280 A~do. Costa Mua &Gttc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanstnc GEO. BURKHARDT LJCSNSED CONTRACTOR 171 W. 18th 8t., COllta Me• Ll'berty 1-8828 Dear l(ary_: COOK -hoUllekl'"J>t'r for 3 llt!UltJI. ~tuat drive. Pl'l\'a~ rm , balh & TV.' SI 71'1 Jlar. 4 7 .f 25<'27 J OBS NOW \\'ur~f'n -steno, •leno-bkkrr: mar ll, op .. r: f'IUlh· I rr, hOl!lt~ A don1e.slica :'>h•n mrr h .-ni:tnll!t'r. llll•htor; •hlJll m' elk. o(fl('~ tra.lne .. and nthr" Jt;~f: Jo'ARRAR -E~lPl... AC<..:\" 402': ·32n.J ~t, ~~·wp<1rt H"l'll'h arros' t i J O\ rirt.y lla.ll ----. Tl"RRET LAT HE ()IPERATORS f:XGl~F. LA THE .o~rntors M11u be cl.&J<e A. Swmtt 11hfft AJlJ'IV 1701 J>)acpn·Ua, Ncw~t Drac'h. ("la-\'"' Co. 26c2i G1R'-" -- E ARN MORE 'I'HAN EVER BEFORE! nur n,.w, hlatht'r 111111.rlln~ wll'gt llntl frl'q11 rnl lncrtrut1r8 ftlVt• ~·nu t hi~ 01"1"'' 111nlly. <:)penlnlt" n11w BOATS FURNITURE BUSINESSES Meet me at the especially '"' TELEPHONE o~ERATORS '-nice rummage sale. CARS A TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ,. . . . OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER Theae New•Preu Claaaitled Ad· ' Nov. 10 It 11 10 a. m. 18.53 Newport Ave. Costa M~ Next to the B&nlt Taller• a~ u perta and they '" a t Ora.nge Countv Pbllhannonlc 7out MrYic1. Juat phone ., HARBOR 1818 Alcoholl~ Anouymoua Writ• P. o. eoa au N«WpOrt Stach, Cillf. Plloe• Harbor 41'6 W11 w tll train you aind you'll re· ciolve many other blt'nerlla, -Apply - ()14 '• So. Main Slre<el, Rm. 211, Santa .An,.. goo to •·oo IP· m. PACIFlC TELEPHONE EXPl!:Rli:NCEL> watt.J't'M wanlel1. Apply a t SNACK SHOP, 230& E. Coast Hwy .. Cor.ona del Mar. JSlf -For a dependable ~ car, ,.. your loCLI d,a::~ who v.1111 be ht're TOMORRl5lW to back up what he ,...II• TOOA Y I Checlk l/1• uJlt'd •""r" In t he rl11Mlflf'l'll 8PCI ion lo· -Mf\N M,, mor11 "dvertJeer• are fln'11nl( It J1ront&bh1 t11 UM N'EWS· PRESS clualfl~ e.d& .tto dllJ. • misc. ltt'me. H11r. 18i9·W 23c28 NORGE WASHERS DANZ.8CIDCDT, 6JO Jf. Ma1n. 9xl2 rug, rood mattr»M, Sim-k Santa Ana. 100 pUno& Ol*i moM bm88 bf"d It .P11ngA. pAlnt· Ja e Is Appliances Fnday nlpta. ed, ch<'•P 1069 M1r11mar, Biuboa 18:17 Harbor Blvd., Coat.a Mu a -. 26<'28 SPINET BALDWIN ~· -------l Liberty 1·"94 piano. Uned o&k ~ Har. Callin9 All Twelves 4152-J . MpSI 2!5' • re<tuct ton.a on a hmite.l irroup I OEl.UXE model Kenmore man(le Uke n•w with dual beat con· RJ:MEMBER-Don'l ~orpt -Ule ot dullfTler• n mJ)1n It or1$tlna.ls. ' Po H o Con trot $115 1..l 8-6510. U c2t veat n u eepa rJ&n • ~pa.ralea A: JreMe11 M111lel 11lu11 _ __ __ cert October 26-4 p.m . -Ma- .MARGIE WEBB -90nlc Hall. corner 61.h It lyca- 19:,6 S. Coa11l BlnJ Laguna Beach 40 In r&nge . good condJUon oven more, Santa An&. No MtnlMlfoe. 28c28 heat control $30. LI tl-4007 • 26p A •OnderluJ mu.alcal u-i. tor 1-------------------all lonn ot LIM orran. )11(/.RQl,;F:Tffl: Arc; Welder. Cnewl Sl W t~ to B :I hll Air C11mlm~uor, 220 Volt --=-~ ---~!'.----OANZ·SCHMJDT, Santa AA&. lllO 1un.,.le ph•··. St'e at PATCH'S North Main. ,.. ·~· WANT TO BUY. OHIL0'8 chain ------------- lilh St •1 Placentia. Lf 8·7Ml8. drtve t rart or or dump \rurk.-BEAUTIFUL rl.aher Be.bf Onnd 21lf Ll 8·fl8i7 26c2T piano. Never beu played. Jl»l Kke new. 0?1(inal owner, dr· cumatan<'el force \Uf to llflll. No rn.110nable offer reta.d. &·T p.m. Monday tbrou1t1 'nlur~a7. 230 Driftwood R.d, 8h0? Cfllfa. Corona d11l Mar. 2kM FirewoOd Eur11lnltu~ & 11prlrot , dry, re11dy to burn. Kl 7-4890 23Uc Order Now! Personalized ChriAtmaa Cards AU.. SIZES. ALL PRJCE8 Repreee.nt.allv• will call at your home. · PHO:O.'E Har 1816 or Har. 22$3W 22~ 32-turnttur .. for~ Mesa Woodcr4ft VnpaJnted A J uvenile F'Umltur., Knotty pint>. toy box .... . $12.60 C HJLDRE:-IS D 0 LL Jl\Jmlture Wlrdro~11. butch. the.RU. Complete Jlne unpainted turu. wt and hwd. M.Jnwp and Deft flnlabe• Order• taken f or abutter• 2121 Harbor, C.M. Llbert.y 1-lffll ALMOST new (T'Mll• broca4e Love -k lllaO Mltamar Drlw Bal boa, A pi.. a 1br. M GO-R. .2ep27 17" TV $25 290• Cout Blvd. TARTER TV ~~~P-•~-­ DACH8HUND PlJP'PDCa, A K C reptered. Pl A up. 1'72 Mon· roviA, ea.ta M-. l.l l ·IMI 12. 26c27 dRIGINALS A.M"ERNOON, Cock t&U, drtuea A Coordtnatle. dlnn•r ~A.-~~-----·-1950 FORD. Owner ta la Kor ...... WUI 110me one t&M 09« i*'Y· -1.1 ! LI 1-1110. l4df CUSTOM ORE88MAKJNG Ph. Harbor UT-W. ' HpM 11F:l..t.:XE G..E.. t )'1'L old. 11 cu. f t. norrtr. • G.a:. lltcn'"e. 1 ...., Ar 1 warmtr onft 6 .,.....un rnokf'r. ~th ,.rll'<'t ~~tlOft Hilt' 13811. U e2t J.M'nQUU A R.EPRODUCTIONI 11t nore-, Udo I.ale. ff 6'13-J Hdl ltA l'ORD I dr. eutom rordo- A.NTrQUS mah~ • .tdeboard, JO dlfllllC cMI rw. 2 ann di.al re, tallk. ecMkb It -.u OrV,ntal NI' aOfO Nattoft&l. C. al I.~ wtra. JlpJI inalk Mater, ·~ Jn11ea.c•. AJ ce1ndtUon. Har. 1180. Udf -----IMO BUICK -W.-Jlun1 SoOd # fflf' w1>rk ci t. Mak• otter. 11& •tat I t., Newpon ~ 9k2f • - . . . • ~ . . , . !tl~&!s°!!_!l!..t.!!!'!t!,_ ___ .;;Ox;.;~· I\;;;;.;; .• ·~-·•;;...----.---~a .. IR hr~~• 809!" for a.t 5' 8mk• Oft!!! .!'!! 5'_................. /' c.ux '8UTl!ll tor .tew iot or NEWPOR I H_.RIOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E I Cabanas Marinas UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY -n-hO\'ne, WEDNESOA Y, NQV&MIER 2. 1955 HOMl:J\ J:. SH.A.l'SI\. R.Utor, &MC * PORT ORANGE * TRIPLE TESTS> 'lllAD·ER sun USED TRUCKS UMl SUPPLil:8 NaUooal ~ MU1q 111· \O'MIC.or wtUl menibandt.wtn1 Al>• wt.a wOJ DOt be •u.fted wtth lot Mchdd.n PL Barbor UO. D-Reel btalie a-Reel &tatie !.:v-... Harbor llHI· W. •• llCJDCl9 • .. ..... JIOO w. Qiellt Bhra,. ~:.:.": .. "'~ ::re: .. ~-... ~-~ '81 ,_ ... ,..._AL ... t. 'U-1t" ...... tw. Ila -'* -.~ ' .,. 'IMO' J'1eetwood I BR. -~ ._ D0DCm Y, t. ..... "'""6' ftoec!me ... I Jiil. ·-· J44M ... ~ "' t. ..... JIM Medell -l>tqlq all .u.. 'U GllO "' L ,.... PAN .AMl:IUCA.N 'N GMO "' L ...... .,,.,.. ........._."-*Ill Lido Peliiniula, Eut 31at St., Npt. Bch . orn:aa "" DelJOtful Jntq. Apt..C.b&nu. Utilitiel paid. with Yacht lllp &9C0modatiou. Dt.OJ, "8k)y, moethly, yearly. ,, ' .._ tb&a •>0.000. ftnit 7-.r. -W-.-N--t -l!!D--------112.DOO c.a Deede4. KUllt ~ a\, ai.b • sooct dlaraeter 411 CIN4tt It ,.-M:tua111 wut to rer. Vice pr.-cs.ey ~ '6100 Mil JW.r proptrtJ U7'" to •tart on ac:Uft but.a. For Wber. ta the Newport area penonal tA\.e"'-w write Box We wW lilt and ..U M1 th'-)l&per. Include ~ It for you. DlUllbcr A brief "9\lft\e: Strtchy We need l11Unp •.• - ooaMenU&l. ~ ad wtll appear have the buywa. Wa w.;elt on17, Hcze BALBOA REALTY Co. Mtfc tnM. TraftleM·Tetty 1IO CIDl!V. Ill t. ptcq ~tte CAFE 6 MALT SHOP 'N GKC ~ t. ~ ll)'dra. 700 IC. Balboa Blvd Bal. H. S27T J'Gr appt. or a;..nation, Call Bar. 2992. tnna. l'Oll LU.Ill 1961 terty rambler "~ Apt.. few S-t '811--8-for ... JUST JUOHT for 2 people to han· '11 CIDl!V. 1 L c a c 20 n.. complete. llllcell. ~ -----------dJe. 11\. heart at Balbola. elOH WANT .l)QUITY iN HOMJD tor clear lot le cun. 'II CRmT, 1 t. c A 0 ~ ll u n t er.. traYel DELUX. IDOdent ,.. ltllClio apt. RA.MB LIN a JU.NCH HOJO: to Bay, '3300 full price, \erm.a. 'II l'ORD, r-IOO 0 411 C HO" pen4tM -8"*11aoor tnller UWSUe• p&ld •Tll mo. Oof'Oo& NllWPORT RJ:IOllT8 untum. MT J:. Balboa. Bar. ~ eTH. HOMER E. SHAFER, Rffltor, IOI McFaddvt Pt Harbor U O. WJL. 1.,.... bclmM. I090 Newport Blv4. del Mar. Har. 0151-.J. Httc 2 bdnn. •family nn. ww ear-_11ar_._oa_n_. ______ 23e_2T ----------- u CDIC OOJD lTr Wll., I eo.ta MeM. ~ st a .. Yim J. Channln,, Harbor Ba-peUJ11. Th~ kJtchen. -, ~ !lpMd. 1 ·11 Urw canrnan, owner Lat 1t a •"-Liberty 1-11H-3te m. 15th St. M-Mw• to IMll 6t-ReeJ Eatate 10 l>ODOil a T. dWDp. 1 __. · ie 21 AD&rtmenta • Pati<>11 · J4<12t it. f :OO tar., .,._ p N'l:W i ROOM. 1tnet ,..-. Near ----------- • J"OI\ QUICK IALll n .. tcratt ~ llibopptJll' dl.atrlct. Quiet, NrW • bdrm., J bath ~ J'• tM bl9t "'-' In u9ed ~. trailer lMf-20 n.., alMpa 4 pleuant, u:el6ive. ~ di.I· untum. Cla.e to Alpha Beta ... -. W• are ~ l&rpllt WI· "6o -44'f lbmilt.oa I t., LJ poeal. Jallndry, ltol'q9 rooll\8, ahop~ center. A.nil. MW woe ~ la Oranc• ~tr. 1-lMl. 2ec21 rar-.e. $82.60 up. Occupi• •n· 4 100 mo. LI l-12H or LI a-a'717 ~U trpea and a.. at prle• to Ure atreet. Good wpervt.lon. evenlnp . Hdl flt JOQr Meda. "'7-W-.-..-...11 to 0 _ _. • Ml'f. llOl Ba,,.. Place ,. _ _. -• l Block 8outh ol B1P Bdw>ol .u.ao ll"URNJBDD A.Pl'I. WlNTllJ\ J\ATD , ~Uc EV•. Harbor 5M8·W. Jtentala Wanted W.W. WQODS ' CDlC r>aALJ:a 116·11 &. 4Ul 8t. Bania A.II,& LOA.a• ·ro 1SUILZ>. D1PROv1: See Me.:.T a t...•elson 9UT, MOD~ Oil l'4 ftSIN~ -FOR UqLLENT BUYI We Biq, 'l'nYlt DMM UTI'ERLY CSARMINO 2. bdrm. NJ:WPOllT BAI.BOA BAVINOS home, newly carpeted W.to W. • LOA.N ~TION Owner--built. Oil larr• Jot. r1ne 1111 Via ua Pia. Bar. dOO St .. Newport Hta. '18.86o, terma. 2 or S Bd. J\IJL BOMJ:S. J'umlabed U1 ·~· LEVEL LOT, Newport Hu., or u.ntum1atled. R.SdmUal and ------------UOOO. Comlurc\al. LI 1-.1111. Hc:JI LOANS for Homes CORONA DEL .MAR, - Costa OPEN DAILY Mesa 1:30 to 4:30 21n Rural ~ane A STREET OF ALL NEW HOMES Perky; 3 bedroom home, cl<>M to 11ebooi., ato"'8 and tramportaion. Hu ~ G I loan payab1e $88 ~ per month lncludinr t.uee, lnwrance and btteree~· Full price $12,900 and owner will carry 8eeond ' for re.poulble p&rt.1•. JEAN SMITH RlJTH DAVIS DUNCAN HARDESTY,. Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Har. '711 "• Deld· apta and boU.IM ID &JI BALBOA. IBLA.ND 2 br. bo1.111, ll9CUoM for e.otJt wtatn ud Hol~day Apts furn .. w/W carpet*1. ,an 41.aip.. ,..,... Mue. l"Unl. or waflarn. dlahmuter. UW. pd. C2dJd OK ~~ lot Oraq9 Co. .,. -IO tr. I.-. lovely j bdrm. home on eo· Jot plu.a apt. Beet of condition oi\ BALBOA ISLAND U 1" b&Ye a YUU07· OCEAN FRONT $100 mo. 120 Dt&mOlld. Har. 'II J'OIU> 0oaDti7 ~ V-1, pa... today WJNTEI\ 20H·1l. Jecll Construction Loans 0ur ttneec. •treet. · rordolaatk. K • a ": a. w. The Vogel Co.. , sR. PVm., uw. pc1. .... ~. • l!D BOB UTl'LD EMERALD BAY, BeauWUl n-S 'nn~ l1UI. etc. Pott. pty.-UOl w .. c.t. Bwy .. Newport Br.JI J BR. :rum.. uw. pd. .... "°mo. 4&-.._ for .... •it JIA.8T OOAJIT BLVD. bdrm., 2 bat!\. borne. p..rpeted a.... diil Mar ...,._ uu lhrousbout. Terrtno loe&Uon - USTI. ~ IRatt ._1'60. Pbcee ~ M411 1007 11. B61boa Blvd. . Mp27 JOI M&rf.M, I1aao. IA!lud 8aU>oe Bar. 1311 l\ep. PODUmt MOltTO.A.Om 00. VJ-. VIKING kOTEL 'Metro Lite I-.. r..dlJ la. 1-6116 FURN. l BR. APT. oa Hwy. 1611 • -..i Plloae Barbor 4" 16p3I lBT ,fovu TAlCCB • larr• equity 2M7 JC. Cout u7., Corona c1e1 Mer -----------901 It Balboa Bl'Y\1., Balboa MU• yn. leue. In a lt6' KEl\CURY, C&1l Phone Sanor 17'1 CLO'llll IN, BALBOA. l"\lnLl&ecl Barbor WS -----------KrrA .NJ:LISON ROOKS • APAJ\TIOINTa -'CA' SH · nos 11. Cout· B'w7. owner Liberty I-au ~I" Lado OttSoe Mll V1a Udo 1 bedrm. apt. yeerl)'. MO mo. or aft.er 5 p. m. lOUo aarlior •tTl ou a: W&t.er p&ld. .oa It Bal· n.J-Wffk-MaDU. • • • Corona deJ Mu lf4r. 11MO 1152 CAD l2 led.an 31000 ml ITOJ N.wport m.d., ea.ta Meaa boa JSlYd. Bar. 2010 lltt Beet location bl Balboa 1 vm.y REASONA.B~ RA.Tu FOR muST DEJCI>s A\ 19th & 1'Placentia Very ci.an c:&r. '199~W W Llbert7 l ·Nt? Wl8R TO aUBLST W.A~ nylon ure .. Take tn.mportaUon Uc .J'J\ONT .APr. Have paid dam· -----------~·;. ::.ad .. Barbor !ftl ~ -W-ANTEI>---.TO--JlmMT--,-2-bed.rm.--.-~~: =.. -=-~._~ B= =· .~ ":; __ l:ic:U WM. B. HOLT Moa~g: ·~o. in Costa Mesa hOUM wttla db11.. ~ .C.Upl• Span.le)' tam. It dellnd. Bar-cllenatte, elect. rebi&'. n\ap- 1809 N . BUBB SA.NT.A. ANA THllRm JB .A WOl'tDJ:Rl'UL piece xnmzRLY 3-1111 of bua!MM proJ>Vt7 tor eal• MUST SJCLL, s olne OVU'NU, 63 locaUr empl lfo clalldrwL Oood bor aaaf. H eH "nat ~ $t wtr., llqte. Winter. Bel A1r lporta Coupe and 61 Mt. LI J.2"1. Uc21 • Har. 1121·K . Utto NO COMMISSION .Ford club coupe. Can be Hen BALBOA. 18LAND, 7T·, 'roumd ROO • alter S:SO p.m. or week end9-'8-A ta. a R , lo'ft17 1 br; apt. Nie.IT rum.. M fOf' workln&' man. ff and No AppraJul l'ee , Ill& Polnlettla, C.D.M. 2&p27 __ ,..,..._ __ om.______ . NMr N. Ba7 6: VW.,... .A.dulta. ST per week. Private mtrane.. a.u&8 _ AD'INANCWI -----------Ye•rli *· p11.111 uuuu.. m 21th st., N.wport ppttc OON&TRUCTION EQUITY ln 1952 mod-1 t2 Cadil· u LUU. w. IT.ulLllT, ltealtor Call tor J'rM lac convvUble. U1ht · ~ Rent• S w lllarin .. Bar. 1n11. H c2' 50-8-t. lllilo. • · rut Comm!tment. body. new "uk men top. -u !lxl:ellent condltlon. Har. susW: BALBoA ISL.JC. y..,..y, love!)', FOR LEA.8E-Lot appnd.ma~ OD ReltdeDcea 9114 UnU• only -.. -56-C_AD_ILLA __ C_Co_u_pe_d_e_~-:-. J ::'=~-!t. Neal Bay ~~~r:: nit~= E-:5:~ ~ .. ~so~~ Don I. Huddleston Low mUeqe. WW tubel-. -Studio •apt.. fllO _. penon. -----------Elec. eye. All otru. Prl partJ. PENINSULA POINT .A.TlaaUo 1.ollt or wrtto 1121 Har. 40H-R. 24pM 2 BEDltOO.M boua~ Jar ... fenced Lorain R.d., l&a XattJao, llpll ----------- yard, I ear ..,....., f\lnlWled -----------CLEAN '43 LINCOLN Md. Mer- cury motor, ~ new pa.int It · aeat cover•. 1ood t l.ns.' Veey Sood condlll,!)11 .200. S.. Ker. at Udo Arma Apt.. L1 1-2111 alter 5 p.m . 24<:21 Recapping ~~· I hour MrYic• P'ree Piek up • delb•ry 41-Aato Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN •l24 mcmUI. .STUDIO apt f\an.. l .-it •W. pd. putt bl&&"· "4» mo. or NEWPORT HARBOR RE4LTY 11' JD. BalbM • ., .. Harbor 1101 .A.Tl'RA.CTIVlC land 2 bdrm. tum. winter. ltnet .... ot Sq ir.t bome •OOI at... An.. JfMrpCll"t Btiach. Bar. HOl-W. 18e2' UU1it141 p&ld, 1 or :t eJU,ldl'ell. llNOl..ll )UN to -.,.. apt.. lD Laundry room. BL U II T 0 P Coroaa del Mat. 1111'. ITCH-MK ----------- APT. M9'J'EL 'IOI KewJ)Orl Blvd. 24cJI .a~ .. aeeelu .r..tate Npt. Bftcb, Jwit above the A.rel\•. , 7tttc wtth ex.eellent t.rma. Loni term IMHI pendins, t.ot&Uns appl"Oll. '226 a month. )( • 1 prop- erty, plUI 90m• Cl.ab wUl be COD• aldered ln a trad.. Call wrn•r LJ A-&223 mol'1\lnp or after II p.m. tttc BACK BAY NIIW a bdnn. 2 b&lh home on HALF ACR& Overalaed double pr.. electne onn • &'J'lll. UUOO. ·&A.BY Tl:R.M8. Open 1 to 6 daily. Ill 22nd St. 2k31 32 FT LIVING RM Name any reaaonable down payment. Older well bulll Early C&lltomla ltyle S bed-!'- LIDO NORD. BA. Y FRONT IN~ME. Large lot., 5 bdrm. 3 'h bath ho\1.le plua unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 e&r garage. Both unit. newly furniahed in Mode.me. Ideal for home and income or gufllt4., 60 Fl'. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little I.iand, 1pier, float, formal ' bdrm. home. The land valu. Ja da.e to the Ukin&' price. TWO UNITS;· Modern apt.; older front bou.e. Show your abWty at "do-it-younelf. Reduced for quick aale -$19,500. · Har. 1775 -Eve8. Edith Maroon HYatt ..an John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W.. STANLEY, Realtor ~ 225 Marine Ave., Balboa IaJand * * 4 Bedrooms _.: 2 Baths * *. We Never Get Lryical- _Except for a Miracle ~ut we are alm~ '1y.terie&1 about UU. one. 3 Bed room11 a ruy bath, a ~· bath, Hdwd._flra .. firep~e~ W to W carp., (exc. 1 BR.) lota of tile, Serv. porch, garb. ddp., din. count.er AND din. area, Lovely level back yard, fenc~t. Attached dbl. g&r. Almoat afraid to add-A VIEW, too. The location l.a'good the price ia right. No-call.I, pltuule, ju.t pi~ up your coat in one hand and check book in thti other and LET'S GO. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Coron& del Mar Har. 2774 Perfect home with that &dded•income to make the payment.a. Two bedrooma with f~ bath (1Wl ahwr.), bright, cheerful -kitchen. Fireplace, two car garage with large one B.R. apartment above, the cleanest property we have ever lilted. $21,500 L: 0 TS. We have tbe choicest, exclusive -from $4500 up RAY REALTY CO. * with this . ad * COROHA Dl:L KAR 11.w duplex unf\lrn. s rm .. bath and cane•· 8 Cyl1. -·-----U&.~ carpeted. 1 or 2 adult.a only. 1 Lido Isle Bayfront · ·NEWPORT HEIGHTS -BEST BUY room, 2 bat.ha. Rue• (&flll•· 3444 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mir · aun dedt. Aaktnr •~.ooo. <Acrou from Bank in CDM) Har. 2288 8 Cyl.8. -··--·-··-...$58.88 bllt. ~ abopptAC • tru.pe>rt&· Includu botla labor and part& tton. Yrly. ,..,.. ••ail. Jan. l. New nnia. wnirt plA. ftln Write Bolt t71, Corona d.el Kar. ptad, ftttl.Dp of matn aa4 rod __________ lk_eJT_• OM and two bdrm. aputm-o~. ~ ~ ~ YeartJ or wtat# '9tal. Jiu, M'fl. beartnp. Drpert motor tu11e up. 90-d&J or 4,000 11'111• ruarut.-. BALBOA 18LAND tum. larl'• 2 .. ••al f• ... bdrm.• wn porch upper. V~t· -----------ed ti.et ttr.place. 'Nice 7Vd, LIDO UL1D ~ I bednn. 2 (NO MONmY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to lll MONTHS TO PAY- BuUt V' our ~ factory by Utll.led mac!llntstL Don't eoattnd .t!Ul th• middle man. ltUf dtnet. pr Willter •100, JTIY. •1M. ~ untma, 1eue to J*llMUl• Utll. pd. Har. &1168-W. 21tlc ent teanl POO mo. a.alee REBUllJT and INST AI J,ED ' BBOl\T BLOCS :a BDIUL. HOuam. Newport m.. rmcect Jard. CblldHn • peu _.-pted, 186. Ll l·IM:t d'1a. Har. lao-.J ..,... 2kJI ~ ~ ::::: a.A:-:;ll.C!: f• a.t PLnL • 00~_=.::.z· Jl.50 - CBRTS .• D• 9<7lU -•110 RENTAL ./ 8TUDIDAKD •110 J' • locaUaL Kr. 8now, Dl1USJ'k l ·JJU. nclnp ud w..llada l'l'ITu ..,..l. • llttc .,,. l&la wrra .-u. ~ 1r ....,.., I Wrm.. I Mu. l\an. • •· ~. DAM 4. l.M)GP'M, .-.aw ..... ..i ..... u a.alf. It.:a a roomy 2 bednn. well built home, ·bu breaJdut area, dining room. firepla.ce, oak floora that gleam, eervice porch. lot.a of tile, plate glue picture win· dowa that offu. aome view, extra large double gar· age, rear yard 1urrounded by concrete wall and many other feat.wu-:H·~tocat.ed in best pa.."'t. New· port Height.a, jwst breathlDr distance from Cliff Drive and a at.one. throw from echoolt. The price -only $16,000 Shown by app¢ntment only. Call Fred Barker, Liberty 8-8623, evening• Liberty 8-862·1 or c~U Immediate occupancy. roRD -----------------------VER.RINDER. Harbor 4 283, eve• 3'11· 11ttc 'COST A MESA The Best Town bn Earth C-2 Business Lot On Newport Blvd. at lnduat.ri&l Way. •~.itlS2 ft. Call owner, Harbor 31Qe. 1At!c LIDO BARGAIN 3 BEDRMS .. 2 bat.ha wtth c&rpeta -1\d draJ>N. 4'' lot ~31.&00 ~r wlll c:Mry paper. -. Harbor 4717. 21 tlc INCOME PROPERTY: New 2 B. R. home and 5 Units aJJ fumlahed. Near Blvd., and markrt.. In· come $445. Prk.e $30.000 with terms.• BACK BAY : l full acre. Room for that bone or more building. 5 B. R. home with many extru and all rumiAh~. $37,500 2 B. R. It den with email ~ntal .on large lot. • Sewer in 6 paid. Room tor more unit.. $10,750 with. term•. G. N. WELLS, Realtor EARL W. STANLEY, Re4ltor au.BOA UWU..Y, llUA .. .,.. mh 6 Irvine Liberty 8-2964 ~ , $1500 DOWN ~ .... ..,.... l ....... .,u. --------.. --------------nrrs ••tra metleulou• s bf'drm. OLD8 • POM'l'UC • -J110 SPECIALISTS BUICK •H5 1810 Newport Blvd. Coata Mesa LJ 8-1601 BUDaON -•111 01D 1*1a a..1S i.ou ~ CAA ou..:J.:1;;:-Blanche Gates, Rltr. 9locll llWlt meet MU" ~ au M&rtM ,..,., ,.,.. ............... .u MIDe& lllleM. Bar. 1~ ,.... 0,.. ---., 1t a.a. to I p.m. DIU.UXJI l'UJ\K • .APl'a. BELLES ENGINE =-:-.:, ~.,.."°..::. ;!: ftlra. fTI 6 .. me. UUI ID-• home hu many atru. Terrific .-W. WlMIA IUl!lft'.U.S, • LIDO ISLE value at 11~. I Wnia. aSOll:f tlanLafil. tDobld. DAN A. JACOBS£N, Realtor TV 6 au&. .... .t.lao l Wtm. Har. &e'1 evff. ca.U Mrw, Vance n&OllT nan. ~ TY 411 utu. BeautitWly decor&t.ed 3 bedrm.. 2 beth reeldence. Uberty l-M62 *· J 1ldnn. rum. 9PL ..... Lou.tee! on line atreet near the clubhou.e. .O' lo. t,_ -.... oceaa ai rro. OUierw troai flO n. 6 up. eOT JCut 1arp Land8C&ped patio. Carpeting incl at $31,000 OCICAN FRONT vl'l'a.nt lluplu Jot, '8760. 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL yt}lJ SEE CHAl9rlY DRAKE -T ref fie Rep. BA.LBO.A.·Pl:Nl'.NIULA.. tc-l'W"D _:-:C-_. -_~_ ..... _Rat_. _Noe_,._c2°•' THE VOGEL CO.-ltDcf OFFICE REBUILDERS 11'6. • 1t1c HASTY Moving & Storage J. liL¥ll..bEROO~ ~ w. Balboa O'NEIL'S BlYd.. Har. 4091. 2fc.2e ()pea Diaaq • e. ' Moat.e 8aDded NEW LOCAnON 310 F,ut 3rd St. BANTA .A.NA l M apt, •• carpet. tura. BAUIO.A ......... -,.. I •~1• v T ,... N Bch tt--"""1 H. """2 ·beat. uWIU• It ,.,.,.. Incl a., ....,._ ~ wtnw or ~· ~v ia &.AUO, pt_ · D&I'. ""' or ar. ·u" MO. M 1"1· B.ar. lTIS after Butler 17Jl.W aft.-1 ,. .. Evtl Bar. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or Lf 8-5297 • p. 111. ntte Mc» < 8 t;N11'8 nJRN. Coro114 d-1 Mar. LOCAL AND NATION-WlOE MOVING All lffaed. Goc:id return OC1 your Ph. IQ 3-9221 Eve LI S.29e1 lnvmtment. S72.300. Owner. - Har. MOt. 2~ Corner Newport. Blva. and So. Main ~t. .. ·. - ' • ~E.tat.e 'A&E 6·PART11-N~WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRES-S --·--·--·· . -- " !! • .;. =ESDAY. NO:EM: ;;_:s. Houston · Values l Only Sl 000 Down INCOME -BALBOA . FULL PRJCll: l6900. f« aide r C-2 - BEFORE YOU TRY &UY .{FRANCIS J. HORVATH 221& Newport Blvd. LibUty 8-6101 Re&llor .._;3420 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 14.28 8 l'um. 1 B.R. unlta~ue ownen 1a.rp 2 B.R. apart. l bdrm., home, on a JOOd t. 8-t Sb lot, IOa140 Just ott N.wport 1Dell , IWltal 0WW escejent income. Blvd .. plenty of room to bu II~ TOMORROW YOU, WILL BE SORRY BALBOA '--·BAY AVEN~E 4 B.R., 2 Bath Home, $23,9CS(). Owner will con.aider home Wetrtwood area, am• price bracket or might exchange for 1111all cl~ beach howse Harbor area. BALBOA . 8AY AVENUE DUPLE x 2 B.R. upper, 41. B.~. lower, completely furnished, also t .. rge rumpua roo~ $18,500 -$5000 Down. . . BALBOA P~NINSULA .• New Houlff -Nearly Completed. Built-in kitch- ena, u,ed brick fireplace. 3 B.R., 2 Batha, Dbl. Gar- age, Fenced Patio, facing attractive city pa,rk. $23)SOO -Good fin~cing. -BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 14!W> W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor J.264 SEE - My Furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bedrooms and den·, beautiful patio, 1 yr. old. · Crcumstance. compel me to offer for immediate poueulon. Excellent terin.. $27,500 Contact my Excluaive. Agent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at • IRVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Oppoeite Intne Cout Country Oub, Highway 101 ' or Phone Harbor 4448 I CORQNA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUE Charmtn9 Farmhouse 2 bedrooma, l~x.24' living room, fwpla~. book· ahelv•. Diamond-pane bay window. Handy tile kitch. Cedar roof. Wood & stucco exterior. RWD fenced yard. Cement ·walks. Dbl. gar. & laundry. Adjoining lot ia vacant -Iota of elbow room. One of the prettier home; in tow;n for $14,500. Good~Tenna. · Attractive Duplex Corner lot, 2 bedroom.a each, fireplaces, lg. kitchen 6 brukfut noolu. 1 gar. le laundry each. :# 1 apL leaaed at $00 per mo., unturn., #2 apt. available to buyer. Don't ftil to see tbia very nice property. • THE VO_GEl ·CO. 2667 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del M1r HA : 1741HA:1477 Please Examine Ca·refully LIDO ISLE-Today's belft. buy at $31,500. 3-bedrooms and den, 2 baths, extra fireplace in master bed· room, all bedroom.a carpeted. Delightful kitchen, nice patio. -Altogether a charming home! CX>UNTRY CLUB DISTRICT-Moat ahiney. sparkling "country" home we've eeeo in many a day. Large corner lot with beautiful landecaping. 2 bedroom.a and den, fireplace. carpeting and drapes. The view of the countryside from the breal<faat table ie very peaceful. AU thia at $16,500! CLIFF HA VEN -A deluxe cwitom • built home at a aacrifice. Large corner lot with outatanding land· ecapin.g. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathe, room for pool. A Muat See! CHANNEL WATER FRONT-We have two good buy~ for the boat owner. t WlLLARD L KILLION,· Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor~ ~ Extra· Luxurious Custom Quality There Were ~I Ranck Homes NOW, Only . 35 . left Centrally l~ated for all activities in Greater New· port. Hubor area, yet out of aeesonaJ congestion that penallsta · 80 many areu. . Theee homn have everything. even wall aafea. Three ~nn. $21,950 Four bdrm. $22,95<> HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave., 1 Block l'io. of 11th St. - s . on front -A real deal ·scoop-$9000 F. P. 120 n .... 3 Bdrm. 1,,, bathe, bMuL tax fencNI, dble. pr. RW. Wired 220, 08" thi1, aubm It your down! 4 B.R.-t Baths I 1000 dn. Stone fel!IC4!, 1ar., Ian acraped, Low price. Key d· at otrlce. Open House tra "' . 1. ~ YOU DIDN'T BUY THESE TODAY Coat& Mesa Specials Bu.lineaoa, parking, •torage.. and expansion .U. at 2474-8 Newport. !llvd. Front W x 150' -New bldr. i!S' x 52' (2 or 3 offices). Rear area encl. 1,<,,i acre--1 B. R. It. home & garage $4.5.000. Term.a. B. R. older hom~loee to stores-Terma-$5.250 2. 1 3. 1 B. R. Room for unita in front. Terms . $7,000 • 4. 3 B. R.· Older -Adj. C·l zone near Newport. Blvd. Terms . . 22 W. Wilaon-2 B. R. and den. Terms. 5. 2 "12,()()0 $8,500 s. 1 a.ere with 3 b. r. home $10,500. Terms. ' Sat. 6 Sun. 11-6 Lovely ul modern. Back Jla.y. Let 1how you lhl• • the 1urroun 1nr homea. Priced from 119 d· 7. B Call LI 8-3989 evenirrgs -Mrs., Fishback. usineu and prof. aite-<:or. Fullerton & Broadway. PEN HO\JSE-21?><> Rural Lane-Sat. and Sun. 1-6 p. m. 3 B. R. large lot. H. W. fl., patio, Fireplace -$13,600 .e~ to J28.GOO • 380 La Canada Way. Houston Realty C o. . # 6: ASSOCIATES 609 Center, Coat& Mua LI 8-8911 or LI 8-7787 Eve ph. PeUtt.e LI•lt-6487 Lytle LI 8-26U WATCH THIS COLUMN t· FOR TH.Bl MOST carefully aelec ed valuea In each ot our dlalln ly different HARBOR AJll:A ct- 8. ely BALBOA ISLAND WE HA VE the key~. COmplet t um. In maple, paneled lhruo 2 bedrm. A 1leal a t $18,llOO ut. BALBOA .1 CUTJC AS A BUTTON! A at from the Jetty. 2 bedrm. F loll of llvl~ tor $11,500. 8 ·1'. EE TH18 SUNNY I bedrm., l bath b&tne on 62 tt. lot. Own movtns, 1l'll&nd. Wlit.ta otter&. tr 8. 0 9. Have 2 Iota together on Rochester and alao on Walnut Place -SS.000.for.. each pa.ir. " NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPECIALS 1. ~ HoliiiWood, near Hospital, Helipot, and t.rana. a b. r., 3 car pr. 1 % bath-beautiful birch cab- inet and woodwork. Lan~aped, encl. Patio. OPEN HOUSE. Sat. A Sun. 1·5 p. m. terma $24,500 B. R.-2 baths with infra red heat. Forced air- laDcUc&ped -gar. near High School. Terms $H,5oo 2 .• Fa A ~ BILL'S BEST BUYS mily Size · Restaurant · Showa very good income, very little hired help needed. A gold mine in the summer when !iahinga on. V.-.ry neat, located in buaieat section of Newport Beach. Full price $5000 with $2500 down: Whale· of a buy.. · - On a qui~ reaidential atreet -traffic free and clean u whiatle. Walking distance from all ahop· ping, next to grammar echool. Ne"" curbed and paved Btreet and on aewena. Full price $9950 · $3000 down ... CLIFFHA VEN . ., ROOMY 2 BEDRM. • SUNR.M.. . Top of the Back Ba., Choicest 3 B d. Rm. in Santa Ana Heighta. Expert- y decorated in A out. Landacaping is out of thia world. Large 20 x 27 covered patio with tlaptone floor adjolninr den add.a to luxury living. OI" F .P. cloeetl p.Jor• Priced f quick aale. Only seooe> dowa Muriel M. Pinover Realtor - 2 b 80• Newport Blvd., Npt . Be6c JC u y P&rklnc Harbor H 10 " C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS -CLIFF JiAVEN oa d a er l'mm.&eulate J bdrm. bOCIM nJoel.y l&nd«aped to rt. Sot, ftrw- place. hdwcf. noora, fenced, near 8ChOOl3, w lo W e&rpelJnc an drapu Included ln ~&KIN PRICE of 118,000 .-Own &nXIOUI Harbor Highlands H . ome of DteUncUon with "i>.r aon&-llty L&ndac&plnr'' -I 1,.. bedroom•, 2 balha, flreplac hdwd. noon1, dlepoeal, Jovel patio, w w cupelln&' 6 dftpea choice location -.EXCELLEN •• y . T VALUE, 118.~ "C" THOMAS . ... REALTOR 2 :U W. Cout Hy., _Newport &!ac h Liberty l·M2t .. C" THOMAS 11C" THOMA s ~ --------- $3500 Down Pa yment w1U' buy ho•o tumtahe unit. In Corona del Mar. Eac d h one lw'droom. 24 2 Acrf'I near Hnpena dnelop- mf'nt lAfTe 5 bdrm. home. Part ot l&nd la undeveloped, pvt I a lfalfa. Potential -.ibdlvtalon. n Fi !;:~r~i!u~~~o . MulUpi. U•Un1 313 IS E. Coul Ry .. COf'Ona del Mar Harbor 2102 118 3 I .. 6 MO. INCOME, tor 112000 Tcrm11 14000 dn., 180 mo., buy rum. l)nlt1. 111,000 unrurn t i t . • wllh l 3m di\. and 176 mo.- f\Jrce to return lnveetcd capt lll leaa than 3119 yra. All t.hl 0 n clo11e In ball acre. LI In OR.ANGii: COAST PROPJCRTIJ;8 1~7 Newport, COl!ta Meaa 11-1832 "En. LI a-eeoa Jewelry Store New-pert ana. ~ one. Sul>- lt truat d9"dii or wbal have m y ou. For llet&lla, call D AN A JACOBSEN. Realtor H ar. MIU Evee LI •. ...,17 '3 c LOCATION OF DISTINCTION 3 8 I Priced at $12,~ $4500 down drm1. ~Furnished -$I 0,500 . $ n 7i00 FHA. Loan, payable $60.50 a month Incl: t.ues, inB. 6 interett. May be purchaaed unfur-· labed. Only 1 year o(d. Sewers, new paved atreetJi. aoee to shopping center. 4 W. A. TOBIAS and A880ClATES, REALTOR "you'll Uke our friendly aervice" 00 ,E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa Lfberty 8· 1139 - •1. - •2. •3. Lido Extravaganza REAL SNUG cozy 2 bedroom home, beamed cell· ings, ueed brick fireplace. JUnny kitchen. Choice I ocation.. $22,000 ·-s~.ooo down . Three bednns., '2 bathe, INGRAM built. perfect 10 oat.ha old. Patio. A muat see. First time offered. m $25,500 terma. h c 0 Two bedrm. & den (convertible) Large patio, raised earth fireplace, beamed ~ilings, 1 :\.<• baths. A harming home full of aunahine. Another firBt ffering. $27,500. Excellent terms. Osborne-Forton Realty Co. 2323 W. Cout Hwy., (at Port Orange) N ewport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. 5154 eves. -- BALBOA ISLAND L uxury will become a habit in this beaut. BAY ~ONT home and apt. Lge. l.JV1ng room. dining room, lota of bath•. patio, lrun deck, xtra lge. gar· age. $65,000 with good terma. l TiilS IS NCYI' ORDINARY GOSSIP -IT'S CHOICE! $5000 dn. for thia choice two-unit property. Extra arge. liv. room, fireplace. lovely kitchen with elec. ran~, 1 bdrm. PLUS good bachelor apartment. db I. garage, large yard. Full Pricf' $25. 750. . . Exclusive Beacon Bay 3 WE PROUDLY PRESENT this spacious 4-bdnn. bath home, Early American decor. lots of closets. uttena thruout. $40,000 with terms il desired. .. •h . NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa bland Har. 0502-4623 LIDO ISLE .. Cb oice corner location. Spaciou• living room. ndaome den. 4 bedroom1. 3 bath.II. Spuklinr kitchen'.' A home forwt.he moat diecrim,ioating of families. ha 5 Price $39.~ terms. M. L. 6260 One of B.ALBOA ISLAND'S finetit bedroom.a, 4 bathe. BeautifUl patio and cabana. Cloee to So. Bay on an extra wide lot. Price $47,500 term. .. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 8 h 000 down buy1 a 2 bedmlf atuc· o home four yra. old. Fireplace. m. lot. 8 fruJt treu. A dnU OUM. La.rite dbl. fllrlft . Tola.l rice only I lJ ,900. W. W. SANFORD .. ST ANLEY HADFIELD EXCLUSTVE AGENT l~th 6 Irvine Liberty 8·2664 or Liberty 8·3123 . p 21()7 .. REX RECHS W. Balboa Blvd. Hu-. 61M Realtors Marine and Park, Balboa Wand. Harbor 2462 ·- S5lQ) Down 153 I O~ean Blvd Peninsula Point 3 ~roonu, 1 1, Bath. 2 car rarage. Feneflt Patio. Gi&ued 8undttk, Sto\•e Ir Retnsn ator 116.000 S5(Xl1 Down 2631 Crestview Sey 'Shores · Large Uvlng-room with fire- place. Full dining roorn. 3 Bed room1. 2 ca r K&r•ge. CollJplctf'ly ne<1ecor&1MI '$18,600 Sml Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point • 3 Bedroom•. 1 ~1 Bf.th. 2 car rar•re. Bay view. Lars• Fenced yard. Stove and Retrtrerator 119,7~ ' B~y Front Special T Bedrooma, • B&lh1, a car 1ara1e. ?fer 6: ellp. Fuml•hed 188.000 Newport Harbor Realty , ,, Jim and~lly Newlin ·' ............ . ... _ BACK BAY Back Bay ~tity on a new atreet. trtth equallJ bee• tiful hom~: 2 bedroom. a.nd den. l..arp ltftna roam with dlniqg area and fireplace. Beamed ......... Hardwood floof'B., forced air heat, larp kttda• d!a built-in range and oven. Breakfut alco'N. 2 batM. Doubie garage. &bake root, with Redwood and._.· CG exterior. ~ a.nd let ua abow JOQ thia lo"'1 home with it.B many appointments and 1900 ~ · feet of living area. $2i,OOO "'11 Prloe • THREE BEDRQOM HOME Located in Eaat Coeta MeU on sood atl'Mt. ..._ neat home with 1100 aqua.re feet on larp lot. JIM double garage faci ng on wide p&TM an.,. Ostcecl patio nearly completed. ~ bath ,.-tth atall ll:wa&. 'l'he three bedrooma are all pee! 8i.ae.. Har4wood floona throughout. Floor tumace centrelled 1tJ ~ moalat. Lawn front and rear with lot.a ~ ~. $11,100 Full Price. $69.20 per month.'~" ,,_,zts COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST An unuaually attractive new laome wtda 1• aquare feet of living •Pace to ruU&e. _,.,.. a 15x.21 Livinr room. 2 Bedroo~ and a dla. 1" Bathe. Forced air heat. Parquet .floors. Dou1lll .... age. Situated on a 75x300 lot with a ~ acn ~ ing lan!J>vailable for developing a •pacioua .-a;. ntate near Santa Ana Country Club. 1 Acre C-2 on NeWp<>rt. Blvd. ~ Acree M·l t...M 150 Foot Corner on Harbor Boulevard ExceUent development opportu.nlty. 1HE VOGEL COMPANY . . 1702 Newport. Blvd. Phone Llberty 8-6597 515 E. BaJbo,. Blvd., Balboa -------------------- Phone Harbor 1607 2 . Open Houses CORONA D8L MAR e 416 Acacia Cor. of F\r-.L See thla dtllpt!u.I home be.to,. you buy. 2 bdrm., tlreplace, OP6n beam celltn1. Channing' enclOHd patio. $16,6:1-0 Tenn11. • 3604 Ocean Blvd. Q>r. of Orch id. Panoramic B&y • Occl(n view 3 nice bedrm1., 2 bath~. lae. llvlror rm. S.. thla one toda,y! Liberal term..• •II Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. R&yle. C. Trav11. C Ru81. AlllOC, 312 Ma.r1.ne Av11:. -S&Jboa llland OPEN HOUSE Dally 1·6 except Sal A: Sun. 110 Palermo A Dellshttul Hom• ! I MOAl t.uletully decorated wtth 3 bdrm.a, 2 lovely ~ W /W CU· petlns . U-al\aped ldldwa. dUlhw . • dlap .. tan. no •lrtle· """'1tUN of .ceU.nt tut. a.Ulall6e. • A lot ror llUt., ... thi. QCJnW"r .U..t to •rHt.. "-My priced. A bruld -··a ~ 1 ~ ,.,._~ ft4!cmQ' • .. _,.,.u-.. bMme4 celhap. 9Mr<. -1tche9. all~ltt kltctMa. Le-,,.c.Jo. IJD. pl"tRIYe 111lry. iow.11 prdo>e. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc UDO OFnCE 3112 L&layette. 1".-wport, Harbor 360 5 Income Units ?'\EAR :>."EWPORT PlER. '" bllc to ocean, 1 ~k. to S.y. Excel· lent rental area wit.JI ten1flc potenllal Income. Thi• d een property al.so lncludea at1Jotn111ir v11C'ant" lot at the low price ot 126.MO and only S7b00 llown. S~e lhle tod•Y· ,.. " WATERTRON'T HOME, partly t umh1hed. Pier Ir noat, Slll,600 . . '~We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" ' More and more Harbor area famille8 are ~I theee exquiaite homes -notin1 their comfort,• oon- venience and central location. More and more fammee who preter a home la a re- stricted quality community are movt.nc into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive 4n tod!-Y and see for yoUJ"lel! the many out- •tanding feature. of thi• remarkable communttJ. Inspect the model ·homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished ' by Martin & Von Hemert 1rv1ne Terr~ce ia located on C.out Highway oppo.lta the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor .. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS . . Phone Harbor 444:8 For Fu.rt.her Intonaatioa * Por Recom.men~tion, we refer )'01I to ....,._. who holds a Leuehold F...iate in lrvine Ternoa, .~ · Beacon Bay, Bay ShorH and Clift Hana GOLDEN RULE VALUES Move Your Plent to Coate Mesa M-1-lndwstriaf 4800 eq. fl. New Concrete Ult·up ed block bulldln1. Leteet desig_n. Office 1pace. Lot 75'x.lf-O' all paftd for 81nple ptrking. Right in the "Heart of eo.ta Mesa". AU Utilities. For immediate l4'&M or .i.. ALSO Sma.11 Industrial M-1 Building. (200(} aq. ft.). AD ut1.htte&. Sa le or lease. $1000 Down · H ~re Ill your chance to buy a lovely 2 yr. old a bdrm. hotne and pay foe il just like ~t (only lHa). Car- pelt'd. Birch <."tlbinets. Patio. Beet location on l&rp lot. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO T. EVERSON • 1856 Newport Rlvd.. Co.ta M- (acroRs from Costa Mesa Bank.) Phone LI 8·6761. Eves. Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 Reuonable term11. --------------------- Homer E. Shafer REALTOR JO& McFadden PJ•ce Hu. 140 En. Har. 2629-M Rar, 62M·W . Sl DOWN per eq ft. bu,y• l YT oid lovely 2 t>Mrm. home. fllwd. nooni bll'<'h llltchf'n cabfne~ 1~0 l1vtng rm. Sewen In Ir paJd -Prop~rty CINI". Sellu~ "''II carry balance al l i6 mo. Level lar1te lot. nn. rur unit lri re.,, ORAN~ COAST O"' PROPERTlF.S 18'9lt!wporl, Co•~ Mu& LI 8-teJ2 Ev~. U 1-6803 $1000 Down Perhape let111 for tlllll e11lra mttlCu· lo\a 3 8 . R. homf'. l,.e thl1 If you are ptU'llculv . DAN A. JACOBSEN. Rnltor Har. Mtl m. .. Ll 1-6311 BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES HURRY! OWNER IS HALF-WAY OUT THE DOOR! $2250 DOWN Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath., contemporary boqae aero~ lhe street from Cathollc Church and 'flchool in Coat.a Mea. A"k for Mrt1. Wilma Hough :l ACRES R-4 COSTA MESA . .......... $15,000 r Triplex bringing Income or $250 month. Fully rented. Ve!'Y nice 2 bedroom apartments, 2 ~ old. O ean and modem. Good beat. TRY $21 .500 -$5,000 DOWN . BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES REALTORS 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5181 . , I \ .~ a•·~...._ .......... / . BµNCHE A. GA TES, Re•ltor BALBOA ISLAND • A RA.RE OPPORTUNITY Deluxe BuaineM Build.l1'c Included with thia property ia one of the tlnest Jt.. taurant buein-.ea on Balboa ll1and. All modtrn equipment. Thia ia a 1olnr concern with TOP ln· eome. In addition there are two beautiful apart· ment.. Come in and talk it over. Thia ia a REAL •.... PACKAGE DEAL. .. t WA.NT RENT CHECKS! It you want the.e RENT CHECKS, they can be yaun Jf you own th la one! A charming 4 B.R. bom• plua a 3 B.R. apartment. Top loatlon on Balboa la· land. A ateal at $24,500. BUT HURRY! 1 OPEN HOJSE FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY 324 SAPPHIRE ST. v , Unu.ua.Uy charm. 4 8.R. turnlahed home. Patlo. See 1 to appreciate. We' have the key and will ahow any tim~. Priced righ~ Xlnt. terms. $19,eeo. Attr. tum. home. Large living room, wn room, dining a:oom. two bedrooms, convenient Jrttcb- en. PatJo. WW abow anytime. ·' " Ll'lTLE ISLAND . Beautiful'' B.R. 3 bath home. Ellerbroek de.trneci and built. You'll lib t.hJa bouae. Priced rilbt. . FIRST TIME OFFERED. Qwner Movinr. Home 6 Income. See thia today. Oise of the moet ch&rmln1 ' B.R. 3 bath home& on laland: plu.a cu-t room and bath. The ape.cloua one bedroom apart.mat ta at· tn.ctively ~ and fumiahed. Ure• two-cu pn.ce. Tiu. Won't lut, 10 eaJl U1 to-day. Our IX• cJUllve u.un,. BAY SHOR!:S SU,7r50. One of the most ch&nninc apactoua 2 B.R. 2 bath h.omee on beautiful Bay Shores. ~Ugbltul patio. To eee it, UI to want it, ao hurry! THE.PRICE 18 RIGHT!! f SHORE CLIFFS Let 11.1 ahow you our beautiful homea ln Shore CUffa. W• have 1ome that will delight you. LOWER TB.AT RENT ! ! l By owmn. th1a fine Duplex, you can do juat that ! ! Nearly. new. 2 bedrooma each. Top location. Only ~ down .. C&U 11.1 on thla. BLANCHE A. GATES,. Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIP~ LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor '1671 or 1872 WATERFRONT SPECIAL 2 Bedroom home on M ft. bulkhead fr<Wltq•. Pier Ii float. Near Udo center Ii City lla1l. Only $18,950 -Submit on down paymmt. DUPLEX, 82 tt. bulkhead., oveniaed float, 2 ear prage. Nicely tum. • ln aoeli.t eo.d'tloa. $2e,500 Euy tenu ' ~ BEDROOMS extra lge. living room with fireplace. Pier It float will accommodate up to ~ ft. bc.t. • Priced to ael1 qulckly ai $20,&00. nrm. Open Friday, Sat. & Sunday 410 Walnut Place BACK BAY ana. otl ~e. ~ pool Ranch atyle 3 bdrm.. nv Jjviq room wttb aUdJ:q stu. doora to patio • pool Bar JdtdMn,° 1 ~ batha. Barp1D at only $23,600 Two Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 yearly income (could lncnue by tatlns 1ummer rentala). WW coulder nJee home up to $20,000 in exchange. f'u.11 ]>rice $55,000 JAC~ BRENNAN, Realtor and A.SSOClA TES 8320 W. Cout Hwy., Uberty S.m3 "At the Arch•" I. 2 BDRM. ·PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Hardwood floora, t\lJ'1laC9 beat. No prare. And only $10, 750. $2MO down. t 2. DUPLEX CORNER ~OT 1 Bedroom euh. furniture idcluded in 1 unit. Full price $17,500. $5000 down. 3. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY • EvenlnJ Canyon road, 60 x 211 ft. Priced at $14,750 '-U you are in the market for Shorecliff property, aee ua nrat. We have aenral nclualve U.tinp to ahow you. , CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3"7 E. Cout Hwy., Q>rona del liar. Har. 41 tofflce loc.ated next door to Corona dtl )far Bank) ' ·Ocean · Front Home $22,500 VERY ATI1tACTIVE year round home on Sea· ahon Drtw. Knotty pine living room with dinlnc ...._ Formica kitchen,' l bedroom ·and ~ bath down. 3 bedrooms and 1~ bat.ha up. Solid con- .uuctton, concrete ~d piling toundatioa. 2 car pnp. encloeed yard. Excellent beach. . EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 1111 N.wport Blvd., Newport Bea.ch Harbor 1013 , .. ~•~•!..,!!!..! .... !!*!•~----....;..!•!::!•!•!1!•!.._!!!•~-----------....-... a-a .. ar..ea~ -;;; -----------NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 1 l · PAWE 1 a .. Palme ·r in ··c .. orporated p. de'(elopers of Udo Isle • • • Stop • • • . See t1Ua ' Wl'DL 1 % b&Ut i.om. wltb built.In ranp and oYen, walled patio, ued brick flnplace and forced a& fUrnaoe. qn Via Lore&. cloee to a nie9 beach. WW trad. for ...u.r bo? $30,7f50. . • • look . . . • Here it ii, -on Udo'a wid-ltnet. 8 bedrm. 3 baµia, hardwood noon, Ia.rse patio, perfect condi· lion, center ftrep1ace. Pf,500 funaJilb.t j • • . Usten . . . Oilce In a Blue Moon a lucky buyer beneflta from the many $ $ $ f an owur bu jua ppent for new !eatww. Such ta tlJ• cu, in thJa almo.t MW' houae OD IJdo. Thermador oven and range, wall-to-wall carpeting, nlcely tumlahed, eliding glua doors to · patio, 3' bedrma. 1 % baths and only $32,9M. . . • See . • • th ... ~lultve llatinp today. . p. a. palmer in~orporated ole · hanaon co., sales management t 3333 via Udo, lwbor 1600 • • Free Christmas Tree > GOia wtth tbla a-UUN am 11a,.. .s.w 1aame.. n wm be fnmM bJ t1ae &oftlJ p&Qtm• wWow 1oo1rtn1 o.w tbe Bay ud Oolul. I bedl9 S. 1" t.th. 1'111 prtoe ot PUOO "'cludee . ..,,,.,.... ~ ad drapi.. c.Jl BID J'arDnartJa few de*•"' Income Special Tbl'll stunnlnl anlta, each w\th lonlJ .... nMllll, larp t1tA:Ma. b&tla ud two bedrocaa. Located la u.chalm Qltt Ba~ lbon aoeJltat rCmw CID bi'nltmmt al '2!,800. Low .,.. ~ Md term.It~ ~ J'ar cWal.l9 call Daft OllbanL . Balboa Island (nr.t offerlq) " . J'unmbed ' bettrm. 6 famDJ roca Ilene. Twrt& tor pammer or ,ear aroand htq. Oa.tatanc!tn1 tenna antt•ble, al8o will tr..s. for Palm 8prtnp home. run p11oe pi.,noo. Call Joe Klnakl p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 "'· eout hlfbwq -~ a.M7I W£0NESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1951 ............ CORONA DEL MAR PANOR.UIIC Rut.or u4 w """· ~ 'tr ....._ .. 'B.R., a.. I batbl. Low~ ._.. 'pla"8t000 IRVINB 'l'l:IUU.CS.. '8000 wtD ••adla Ab ... ...., J 8. ft. CODY. dm. J batJl9. ~ BBQ. ~ ....... fall1 landwped.. Low .... BAYSHORES . BAB.GAIN. a bednn. UY. roca ia z IO. 8rtpl.. fenced. cov•ed patio. Low.t price tD · t!m •· ....... d.lalrlct Sla.&00 ' A'l"l'R.ACl'lVE S bdrm. bome. Prot.ct.d patio. . OwDel' anZioa, for otfv. Aaktq '28,000 ' Bec!rm. 2 bath.I, ~ blk. from bathtn1 'beula. Submit term.. A*fns $29,'r&O • SEE U8 for dlD.Aco?liAY and BAYSHORJCS ~ Bar. 1715 --Evee. Edith Maroon, BYatt ~ • . Jobn Macnab, Harbor 15359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. otftce, Bar. 3297, ew Bar. 28'78 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor -m Marine Ave., Balboa llland VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE HARVEST TIME ' $10,250 Full Price A Tombstone Has . Its Place- Wby Jet it lie heavy on your chest before your tbne. Unproductive property can a1.o lie heavy on your ch..t -Let u.t .ell or trade it for you. We might jut kno• the folb who want lt and can UM lt-· Specially Selected Balboa ·Bargains • • Balboa * * * Peninsula Phpne u.e or drop UI a llne rtrbt now and eee atomic eDersY IO into acUoD.. PllNINBULA; ' llr. J Ila. bome.. !Arp ~ lot IDcl&lded ..... t. )a •• ._ po,!500, t.nu. I i.. r., J bL IP'O'ou llolM, mod9r1'. OoMA .t.w, J23,l500, Its New-Its Mode~ 3 br. •den.on one of the few 40' Iota ln th.ta area. Lovely 1&122 livins room - 2 flreplaoM and all th• finer featur.' lncl Blt.-in ranse • oven. Breakfut bu-lnter-eom. le radio. Thia 1a a muat aee ! I 1ldnn. -1 ,_,. old. Carpeted M~ room Ul4 hall. ltl&CCO ud piut.r comtructlon. a.,. t.c.e ditpoaal alld JOO v. kitchen. Concnle wail, dlcondra lawn. Patio ud lhrubL r. H. A. etOJIO month loclud¥ taaea. Ownn wfll coutder low dowJl. Don't Be Embarrassed-,. ~down. ~ oat• 1~ b. r. , .,.. bOIM. J'llrn. Costa Mesa TCIQ mauJ4 ... It , •• C111l7 BIG REDUCTION ! Jua U..ted -' unit lDcoma CSoee 1n . ValUble com•r. HI' x·12a· Own.-r w Afwaya rmt.ed Wu $21,100 •1t,OOO 1'ULL PNC. BACK BAY! Hou. 6 Egtra Lot S.C.u.ee you can offer onl)r a llD&l1 down payment on a lot, home or income property -Many of the nation'• we&Jthieat men ata.rted their fortune. with a amall down payment on 901JMlthinr or other. Poaaibly the very Jot, hou. or income property you , W'Ould like to own 1a l1ated with ua and can be yours. -Off The Heavy Traffic Lane- 111 .DOO. MOOG a. Dupla. • b. ... , bath8 each lmlt. ...... oon.w k>t. 121,180, email doWn., 8&7front duplu. I b. r. Mell WISL I car pr. PriY. beMh. ' ,..,.. ol4. 115,000, t.enna. • IHOO~BAT60C&AN ~ J and 1 bedloum& ....... ,_ ..ua mut. DRra l'OOd at Jll.800. t.eitna. ~ J br. Jlma9e With cute Owner Must Sell 3 br. profemlonally decorated 6 landacaped. Sprink- Unr aymtem -W /W cpt. Sb.t.dea .-dn.perte.. Rance •ref~. lncl. at reduced price of $11,900, $2500 d.n. * * * ... * -·-THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Btwa1, Newport Beach LI 1-M&l 2 bedroom -1 bedroo111 11 • 10' llbllra aot '76' • 100' . In the Back Bay Area -cloM to the Bay. Tb• touch of loving handa C&D tn.naform thJa alm<Mlt 2000 aq. ft. hoar into a ,paradiN wh"'8 li'rinl ie at lta ....,. ...._ N1 price $13,'50() ww.,..._tnde. ...... ....--i ....... J ~ ------------------~ J"N.lt ll'Me • au..c bou#, ..... ud electrtdt1 Ma1a ....... Back II&)' ""' PrlC4 su.1ao. r.LATE SPECIAL! APllroa. 2 acrea wtth home JU.too Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. l508 .32nd St. OffJce Phone Harbor 5868 Newport Beach. Calif. After G p. m. Bar. 2293--J Bay & Beach Rlty Inc ------------ 1 .. Newport Bl..S. eo.ta M-. CaJtt. Llbert7 1-1111 LDer\1 a..I010 ..... Slf,IGO. .... CLOa1I 'fO a.t.T A.MD LID.A.RT a sta. tum. 'hntfk ret.er, Pl.TIO, MOOG dn. Dlll4' ..... ~ ........ 9'Nill ..._ ao.eoo. eeooo da. • b. r. boaM, ~ .a..pe 10, pod ..... •11.aoo, Wme.. ·- , Wl'OOID ~ uw tuna. I clOol'8 from a.,., plppla at 1115.000. Wm.a. --•• • ~ 1" WM. llaVa lot. ftNplaee.. N..,. uanr,, U T,000, WIM. .. Balboa Multiple Listing Over the · Top ' Balboa Realty · Co. 8AD'IWMT Dupkx l ·J bdnn. 6 1 ·1 ....,.., I cu prqe, f\11'- . ~ JU.600. Tenna. MJPl eoutdllf trade tor Coei& M ... lacc8e ~· Ocean Front ·. J't7JIH I llednn., I bat.II ~ 6 l bclrm. apt.. Oftr p.r-.e Qa.IOO ,.....__ ..... Ot.Dllll\ • bdrm. bouM, forced air heat. OD!,)' SJl.IOO. . 81/2 Milrion Dollars PROPEBTY SOLD IN 196.'S WITH MONTHS TO SP ARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, t ()pfelilte Suk ., A..- 1\om OnlleJ .Al Oorullua met LM J~Jr ~ J~ Webb TOO I:. Balboa Bl~ B&lbo& Pbone Ratbor bT1 UTILE GEM We an tn17 prllQd ot wa J...,.., Lonq two M4room bome WlUa me. 1111114 l'OOm8 ud man~ . BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 21e MapoUa OPEN J:>&.JLY 1 :ao to 4.SO Here la a real homey I bedroom eott.ap ot IMO .quare f•t. l.Jvinl room lu.30 feet. Room fb pn.p tor aleeplnl, pl~ hobby room and laundry. 1'(..U.CS la an oftlbard ot 21 be&rini f!Wt trees. <>r- ans-, P'&l*t lemom. peacbe9, tip,·~ S. qu.ata and -suaw.a. S-ut1ful Jawu and ab.rui.. A dream place for a famJ.17 that bu & padded to putter in the yard. . All thia OD 2 large Jt-4 Jot.a 1QOxl.2S feet. All aUJI. tie. ln. Paved ~ey and atreet. ID Co.ta W.... Jut 5 mlnuta from th• oceu. h1l price $18,MO -Good Term.a, or TrW d • DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2802 Newport Blvd., Newpbrt Beac~ Bar. •711 DUPLSX oe a.1ltoa Jlkrd. 11 .. • TM ~ alt.I nJc*7 fllra. ODl1 M.000 wtU ~. rrs nm SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL -tru. uu ..,.,.,. ~ ~----------~---------~ Coast Properties I01 .. ..u.o. amt, ~ Be.rtM1r Mel. Jatf ud HOO. Open House Sun. IU om. MAJ\ -BJ.Cit aA 'C I M'. ud den. I b&UI.. .Udiq dool'8, w /W carpet, blL la rpp ud oven, be&UUt\ll Jrltcllc - &IWl• roof. '11,tOO CLIPT HAVEN Ouuc.&ndl~ • b. r.. J baul h9fn•, 2 Uvtn1 rooma, carpeted 131.300 SlOOO down -2 b. r., dell. HW n oora -Xlnt condltlol\. Aakln1 110.~ Claire Van Horn ll&ALTOll Ji3l W. Cout Hwy. u 1·4111- 5 Acres RA OR Pkcenu-. ukl~ price SIG,000 cuh. Submit. DAN A. .IACOB8S'N, RM!tor. Har. aee1 ~ .. LI a.an BAqJ( BAT wattr vtew >ol•. Wt have Juat a ot tbeM bard to f ind propertl... 1-MaoO. 1- •7:!00, Ttrm1. 1-17:!00 caab. OP.ANOE COAST PROPOTIU 118'7 Newport. Co1ta Me• U ._ld2 E v .. U a-.101 BT OWND\ CORONA DEL MAR. modem 2 bdrm. home, ttrepl&ce. furnace, ..,_cl. nr1., WW ~ la4 dr&pe9. dbk. pr. 8u...d I« apt. 1\lU pnce Ila.TIO, UIOO a IOI POlnMtUL Bu. l.tOO-M. .... ,.. ud uat.e ..... hr1'CluDded by loftl7 7U'd .w. fl8la paa4 Newport Harbor Board of Realtors ... ......... .u •Olooeed by lblrd)' IMbol'U7 fence - U.S. .. r«N'll LOVll tOl N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Lido Bayfront • & BEDROOll8 e 15 Y.i BATHS e PIER and n..oAT • VACA.NT -WJ HA VlC THm KET • ~ P~CE $7'-lSOO LIDO REALTY A.SSOCIATDI W. K'i:MrroN -J. H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -VIROlNIA MANSON MOO Via Udo Harbor'"" (Aero. from Richard'• Market Entrance) .. Open House 1-5 P.M. ?572 Circle Drive, ~,_, N. B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, • extra ahower, compL turn., encl patio, BBQ. ti.N- place. EapeclaJJy demgned for outdoor living. Cot. Jot 1/:1 blk. from N. Channel. Priced to tell. CORONA DEL MAR -R-2 COl'MI' lot 2 turn. rent.ala, potential $120 mo. Inc. Roogi to build more. Under $11,000 for quick aa.le. Term.a, but H1UT')' I G. H. LATHROP, 3635 E. Cout By., Corona del Mu Harbor Mil Evea. ~. &e80 • • • • wtua MrdwOod. w.. UMrmo ,._t, dollb&e Pnse. et.. Ai. ~ nnC-. l'efr1&'. ~uto. ......... w.n to wall carpet. l:a· oel1-& *-UCllL Pl1oed t.o ..U fw ~ UO,TIO Wm&. B. A. NERESON a&ALTOll . ua .. ,.t ..._ o.ta x... U•tm .,_UM110 SJMQll l'LA.C&, CUtt • ....,, • a I ~ ....._ ftnpl. f . L Mat ,, .... ..,.... -•bdmS ..... .... to . -* patio. Bamrk•'P1'11 kite-ea. Oal7 • ~-wUla l,/I & / Best Duplex Buy llut ""-OMt& ...... a.puste f.-ced ,.,., lnH. fin. lnCIOIM fHI, ,.,....._~•Tl DAN A.. u.c:oMnr, R•lt• Bar ... 1 m... u 1-alf LIDO R .. 3 I I -IO ft. Iota • lo. Bay n.aL PUOO e&CllL Oall T. D . Rosen, Bar. 1N6-W, or J\Yaa 1-ec>lt. 1.IU• ."'OR a.'1.8 BT O~ bed room home, l" b&t.ba. land ~ • feoed. rB4 k>9ll. l'nedom bome .,.... Call ~ l-'Utl m.-ninp Of' att. I > & lttto Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom, 1% bath. J'. A. beat, H. w. noon. lbab root, lot.a of W.. Jl'lBBER buDt. OPEN HOUSE Sal 6 Sun., Nov. S 6 8 18' lllra Lama North ot Del Mar, JU8t otl rru.t1D -Aft. .... ' lot8 IO z USO t.roattnc cm a blauttt.1 lab, wD a -.s.w of the Back Bq. W. E. FISHER & Associates ~ a ODut a., .. eon.a cW Mar . Jill. !Git ·RUSTIC HOME-by owner .c/ 2 Bedrocml A "'8 -1" bat.ha, plua cu.t bout wttb % bath. Beat.IS~ pool, wall to wall OU'- petlq, Lap lot eom,.... fenced. Cannot be dupllcet.s for tlall.. price ot $38,000 Can be .. at eu Al-Dean, 1 block trom hap 80hocll. PboM LI Msae or Har. ~aft« Sp. m. .,. ~. J • PA&£ I • PART 11 -NEWPORT H"RIOR NEW~ESS I SCENE OF ACCIDENT -Jurors hearirig the halt- milllon dollar damage suit against Balboa Bay Clu}? u reault of alleged diving injuriea to Edward J, Hammond, San Diego, were taken from Superior ·Judge .John Shea'• court room in Santa Ana Monday afternoon to view the pool where the plaintiff claims j \\ WEONESDA Y, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 ~upervision was negligeqt .. Hia a.~mey, Warren J. Lane, believed h~ could Win the awt by ahowing .the jurora where the accident took place. The jury, attorneys and court officiala are shown above. - Staff Photo ~ ~ • -... . -- FQI HOME FllE HAZARD INSPECTION J DUE . NEXT WEEK llt&rtial 'Kilt Weitk ln N.wport &e.ch city ftrem.a trlU ~· boue9-to~ tire pre.-Uoa 1Mpeedool ot &ocal home.. provided UM oc;_oupan14 J'ift U.. lupecton permluion to eata', nre ChJet R. J. Bnecoe Unowlced today. Tiie ln.w~llon qy1 wUl nart Monday Wilb resuJ&r t1reme11 ·on duty, bu~ aubject to tlr• cal.II by radio, maJlln( UM rvunda unUI all &ocaJ born• ua1Ja'bl1 ban been lnapect· ed. ... aict. J Tbe tl~ will al80 band wt dec:&1a to be &lued lo telephon•. rtvlAr the pbOI)• ueer UM ~&.phone nUU1ber, Ha~­ bor 1a. for reporUnl' -nree. Tb• bla.,.cUon proanm. Brl~ Mid, la 1ponmred by tbe JnternaUon&l A.aci&Uon of Pin! Cbieb and ii deallftecl lo cut dOWft dealW IJ'om home blaaH and nr• 1•nsnlly. 2 LOCAL MEN IOOKED Kossman StOP$ P~nch in . ~ S~rating Locked Cars /,' . . Wyman K. DodlW. 22, of Coro· looee calllf'd enouih dilturbance n& de.I Mar, and Jamu C. \\'Ifft. ao lhat a by1tander turned in a 123 23rd St., · Coat& Mee&. wen call for police. While oftlcers were trying to 1eparate tl\e two J&tled by NewpoJ't Beach poUce care Wleat ~came ~lllgerent, Satui:day on drunk dr1vtJlt clUl.rc-poUce re'port .,-id 1lufged Offlrl'r ••· Wleat • facea the addJUonal Oeorr• KOMmAllJI, maklnl' hla charge of re.tlatlnr arreat. police nOM bleed. • aald. Dodge .aald he wu a victim Wleat had Jocked bwnpera wtt.b ot HalJOwfffl, 1t&rting early at another e&r and 1n trytn1 to pt a party, police l'epOrted. Combined 1m·m1.niz1tion Shots for ·School C~ildren Slated . MILi.ER ANt«>UNCES NEW CHEVROLET DEBUT FRIDAY " Continued empbaala ~ the IU• fu..d In 1:ccotc1 wtth th11 lnt'rn lk'd perlor• pe}'formance and Bkl1h color coneclou1ine11 or nr buytra. tine• that COfttrlbuted lmporUnt-' Cholr.e ri.n,. rrom bJar k to a ly to record -bttaldDI' ll&lee lhil newly developed plam•ntatlon tn year (Ive Cbt"Vrolet for 19~ \ta belKie and red. Ortrtnal t wo·tc>n- moat dl1Unru'8b.a new puMnger Inc ictvel! H t'h of three pru·•- cara, Ka.rt Miiler. nwnec ot Mil· o«radu&ted wrln an e•duatv11 p•t- ler'• Chevrolet. IJUIOU~ today. tern. Ten tiollda and H t..,.·o-tune 8<-heduled for debut aero .. the comblnallona are on lhl' 19.'.la l'OI· nation Friday, the lateat mod•ls or chart. C'&rry lncreued lloniepoww. a Novel lrtm tdn.111, 'lllt11 part!· neetrr, more ru~red appearance cular att.enUon to the loY>•·prlC'e and. are offered In the broadeet One·,,fty Mrlu. are evident in array of bodlea evn produced by th• lnteriot' 11 well u the ex- the company. ttr1or treat m • n t •· Charl!Olll New In the low-price field I• ahldt1 are nl'w. 1n ,a aJmpllfira- a four-door hardtop eport eed1n. tlon or option.a. the C'ompany an- n11a car hu no ob1trucUng cen· nounce1 each 11erte1 will hav• a ter pillar tn the wtndow area and "1landard" Interior two-tone trim, 111 faahloned with the ea.me atyl-A wide range of other hannonl- ing •It that made the Chevrolet 1.1.Dlf lnterlora wm be abaUable on aport co~ a een11tlon of the an optional ball•. • automobile marlcet alncl' )9&0. Al· Jn the HM CheVl"Olel, com- 80 Introduced for the first time pletely new aheet mel&J .complt· are nine • pa11Mnger 1tatlon wag· menll a more nuualve gT!lle In on•. brlngtnr the company'• total all model•. The ,.nne la a wlcler, number of 19641 bod111 to 19. lattice -work cleall'ft and the eC· POWER INC"REASED fee t of ataunchnt11 and beaut' 11 'ot prtme tnlereat to buyers aided by a heavier chromium who appred ate the aecurlty ot headt•r bar. Fender llnea at the rt&Jy a('celeratlon i• an lnC'rease front and re&r •re hlrher · a n d In horRpower extending from 1tra.ight,er. The hood pl&ne la neL- lhe. ilx _ C'yllnder eng-lne to the ler and eXtenda four lnchea farth· pace -11ettlnr: vs. The new moclel er forward Mfore dlpplnl' to 11lxe• rat..e at 140 horaepower. The meet lhl' &rllle. Super Turbo · Fire VS whJch. In OA.8 I.St.tr CONCEAi.Eil r t t."hromlurn mold.Inf, apptle4 tor a recent per ormance test, 1111 a the. flret time· on t he One-Fifty new all -tlme record at Pikes Peak ln B•ptember, developa IOti aeriea, .weep• alon1 the aide. of horaepower. Ole 19:141 bodlea to lncreaae the Seo F S · O S --Judge Denies f ER . PUT T HAME Bay Club Motion c(ent evidence to carry UM taM to the jury. Juror• were abffnt Monday morning W}lll• tbe non· eult argument wu etared belon Judge 8heL Polio tmm•mt•Hoa prapame W. year wtJJ ..,. comblned wttll ahota for dJpUlerl.. whoopln1 co~ and tet.anu. in \he nrio\11 coW1ty .cboola, accordl.q to the oounly h-.IUl department. By epre.41na It onr a 1oncw time UM departmant belie•• It wW not be nec..ary to uk YOIUDt.ary Ho d&tee ha,.• beett Mt for llarUns the lmmunlaaUon pro- lr&m 1n the N.wPQlt Beach eehoolt, acconunc to . '51.1pt. Roy Andenen .• In ea.ta M .. the pro- lr&m will at.a.rt Feb. %•. Mn. No~ man L. 'Trud7" Myere, head of th& beillth department atated. Amon&' outatandlnJ eafety fea· low. grc>Wld • l'riPPlnl upect or turu In the Jt:WS Cllevrolet line the cara. Headlamp vtaora are are the availability or aeat belle more pronounced; Parkins lamp• and ihoulder hamua; Improved, are equue and Ml low o•er tb• precl1lon • a imed headllc1\tl and ,.~ bumpera. A novelty l• crslb·te.ted door. loCke lo min· lhe location of the euoUne tll· lmlu the poaelblllty of dool"I be· ler, concealed by the htnpd rear Ins 1prunr qpcn by ahock or col· le.ft tall lamp. llalon. ------------- 1'!\o 1afdy tock wu Introduced Optimist WiYes hte on Chevrolet mo<lela laat wmmer. AS LIEB BRINGS IN -· WE'LL for Non-suit 700G-bbl. Well per Day Flow ' Clocked as New Oil Discovered ~ PAT ,IOCRAELS 8UN&rr HEIGHTS, <OCNSl- A 11-oU boom apparently· haa hen .. t ott ln Orange County .Sth the d!eoovery of pa at a dtptb pr9Vtoualy never betor. ex- plored in the rich Huntington Jleach-BW\Nt Height. fleld1. The w.u WU broUJht in by the Gold- "' W• OU ()o,. on 4 ~ acf'ft leaMd to the firm by the County el <>ranee. Oil producer• eath1)at- .S a pproximately 4-mlWon cubic feet ot ru wu tapped by the well which blew ln at 11<1me 7000 barrels a ·day. County Couneel Joel Ogle 1a1d. "')'ou'U tiff ~pie by the hun- dnda rnaklnl' appUcaUone toe _.lllnr Jn that area atter thl•." Be 1tated drtllera had uaually 1topptd 11hort of the 8000 rt. mark. bellevinl' It wu lmpo111lble to obtain the fuel below that depth. Jl~U:NTLE88 TROUBLES Joe ~fb Jr., vlce-pre11l<ltnt or tbe Golden Wut firm, however, tm!Jlted on (Olng below 8000 ti.it, n.ft In the face of almo•t relult- 1•• t.roublee. The oll u.me lo at • a-dflltl" Leib would ldenlif'Y • only u "below 8400 feet." Lelb received permlulon from U.. board of aupervbo ra lut J&n- uary t.o drill ·on the property, al- t.fr offertnr the county 37 ~ p~r eent royaltlu on aJl oil found. HoweYer, a drllllng rig whJch plunsed al~11t to SOOO feet wu ~ by tl\e drllllng com- pany wh.lch did not believe oil could be NCUred from a KTMler depth. Tbe firm lnlllated on full payment, Lflb Mid, Md bec&UM he could not pay, hauled their ~ck oft t.be property. After month• of talking to nnanclera and oll 11pecuJator11 throughout Ole Soulhlanl1. Leib waa unable to tln d ·additional fundl, he Nld, to continue the profect. .Moat "pve ua the old .aw that lhue wu not.bing be- low IOOO feet but rock:' Th e 1Upervi.lor1 had Jeaeed tbe proper- l)' on the condition that oil mual ..,. found wtthln alx monUl.I. At Ule end of the 11.x-monlh J>f>rl()(j. IAlb requeated an utenllion of IO-day11. The board ot 11uperv1son ecreed· llACJlERS 80UOJIT Leib C0\"-1m.ied to hunt for new ftnances. allemptln_g to t'onvlnce tn"aton tht"re WU 011 ~low the prevlou1\y unexplored level. Be had three day1 to go when be iilet Lal"UJI& Bea.ch hotel man Jlarry Hill. "Mr(° ~ill a.greed to belp ua." Lt"lb 8Ald, "It we could Kel 1notht r Pxten11lon ot time from the 11upervillon1 ·· Lt"lb ·talked to County Coun&el Ocie. "I told him the 11upl'rv1100rs proll'lbly wouldn't ro for Ute ex- tm1lon." Ottle uld today. "at ~l not o long 111 ht wun·-t drilllnr." "I thouirht we ml1ht get It lf we 11tarted drilling." Lt"lb 1111Jd. "l ,explllinl'd tht altuatlon lo Mr. Hill ilnd wa a«Tffd to llUrt dt1ll· tar rl(hl away." • That nlrht. UMI Golden Weet tlrm. wllh renewed ftnancH , but llmlted ti.me, hurriedly shoved a derlck onto the leue. When the Goldrn West Clnn applied for the extension, the good faith they had shown In setting up the new rig, Ogle 11ald,. got ·them the lime needed for Leib to prove his theory that oil lurked almust a mile anti a hair below the sur- face of I.he e&l'lh. "People. u1ed to come by our rig and laugh out •loud," Leib re- calls. "They told. ue we wne pl"ln crat.y to go ahead and dr\11 again ,after the !trat attempt. We I didn't 11.y anything." I Leib 11ald other oil opPr11tor11 K Offed at the project 11aytng. r ''There'• no oil on that aide of the road." '"'" 11Cofft ra, th~ youthful Anaheim man a a I d. pointed to lht" mlllll' or derrick!! &C'rOM t he 11treet from the county iease and 1tated. "Thal·11 whne I the oil 1.9. On that •Ide of the road." "1 told them." tht 11oft·11polum Leib rec•!lll. "that Ood didn't put I the road lhe~. -man did. But Cnd did put the oil down bf-low 11.nd there couldn't be any l't"&l!Qn why the road Should be a barrier I for oil". · T he wl'll plung~ dtl')>l'r 11.nd deeper while Ute critics ~otrl'd. I Thl'n, F l1d11y pipe flttu11 and drlller11 heard a nrumed roar from beneath the ear-th. Br fnrt th'ty could reach the <"heck valve11, more th&n 1000 bl\.rrrl11 of I rich. 30-gnvi~y oil h_ad 11pllled I thrnu1th the a&!ety valves Into a nearby oil 1ump. "We clamped It I off," l.A:lb 11&ld. "The pre118Urt' WN Hlif\l&ted by the gl18jP;Ct! &II ahowtng ~nat more th&n 7000 bar· rel• a day would come up If we would let It." The> drill had plunged far below the SOOO ft. barrtpr which had prev1ou11ly atop~ drlUer11 In the arra. Tht" quality of the ou. Leib I said, has ne\ler been duplkated I ln the county before. "1t'1 almost tint'" enoul{h to UH atralght," he said. The oil la valued at SJ ll a beJTpl . What dOt"I It mean lo Ora ge County! County O>unsel Ogle hinted the money may well be wof'd to 11upply t.he area with the I new courthoUH which voteni tumect down at the Jut g-eneraJ I el~tlon. "We rould put the IT)On· ey In a ~l•l building fund." Ogle BA.Id. "and uae it,f for that purpose.·· Whal doea the wen mean to the oil buaineu T A1 Ogle pointed out, and numerou.e oil 11peculatou have agreed. it wm mean hun· dreds or n~ well.a In the coutaJ cltlu u developer• 11eek' to flnd the black gold at the prevtoU11Jy untapped depth. Wlmt doea the well mean to J oe Leib Jr. It certainly will' gin the 30-yeu-old Anaheim llOD of a wPU-known oil prospector ,.rich- es. But more lmpo~t. It prove1 th11t Joe WU rlghL For all hl• troublee. h• found hie pot ot rotd a.l the end ot 8400-and-mor• feet of pipe -where nobod¥ bu\ he tllought tt ulated. County sChool Districts Get $42,913 in Stale, U.S. Aid llACR.AM.ENTO. (CNS) -Ap- porUonment of $1,429.i i •.TO to Ckll~rnfl\ ~ool '1l1tr1ct1 for ~­ cau0Jia1 acJlv1tlea wu &nnounct'd today by Roy £ Slmpeon, 1tate llUJ>Ulnteodrnl of public lrutruc· Uon. "' Ot thl11 ~um, dl1lrkts In Or· Ull• rounty' .re~lved U2.1>83 3S. 8&mpao11 II.hi. · Of the total f\lnd1 a pportioned, St .06e.~20 wu contributed by the t!'deral r onmment. ud U73,- 2M.r>l by the atate. The tunda are ule'd tor lnstn•c· lion In l1'r1CU1lure, home !'<'Onom- ICI, tradea and lnduatrlu and dl• I trlb1,1tlvt occupatlon1. under termt I flf thr Smllh·HUJ?ht'l! &lid {;l'Orjo!e Ba11len Acta and the CaJ1fu1 nta •eta of ac<:~ptanc• SANTA A NA, fOCNSl -·Su· perlor Court Judge John Shea Monday dented a defen1e motion *>r non-trial ln the $~00.000 com- plaint or San Diego Radio St&- lion Am,ouncer Edward J . Ham- mond. 27, agam1t the swank Bal· boa Bay Club. Defense At(y. Don Downen put on hi1 argument tor non-suit al· ter the pl&intiff'1 atty., Warnn Lane rested h11 cue. Downen contended tbe plain- tlff bu failed to produce 1ulfl· HOME LOANS LAGUNA . FEDERAL SAVINGS l LOAN ASSOCIATION TWO OFFICES To Sen• Y• LAGUNA llACH AND SAN CLEMENTI QUICK 24 HOUR SHVICf LOW LOW "HOUCIN$" tNTIRBT ltATll IASY MONTHLY ,A YMIMTI FRllNDLY IYMPAn-tlnC -~VICI , J FREE CUI\'~·~ ISCROW IMVICI. •fUllm.Y. OP&\TID L:A&UNA BEACH mo... Jvt'. moNt HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 601 N. II C.mino RMI " flHONE HY eciMll 2-1191 or HY1ci"ftt 2-1196 Hammond, a quadrapl•r!c, wu Injured w.hen he dlved olt the club'• divinl' board and -atruck another .wlmmer. he contend&. He wu paralysed from the 11houlder1 down. Hammond, throup JU atto~ ney, auert1 there wa1 no Ute guard pre1ent at the pool when the tra,.lc accld1111t oc:£,urred. ---- • medical ualttance; INtUd local Pll•lp llr-u~ ph)'9ic1-na wlll be employed u11 ..,.... ~ ~ed. ,Content eUpa wUJ be •nl Karine Jnd Lt. and 1!fn· Rich· t.o pe.renta ol Jdnderprten &nd flnt &T&de pu~ and Uloee IUpt muat be ata'ned and returned to the 8Choo» before allot. . wUl be ard R. Phllllpa Jr., Corona de! Mar, an parent. ot a boy baby born Oct. 2T at U.8. Naval Hoe· (lven. , pl t&I at Col"OI\&. The ~ulgn lncludea a flanr11 on Tueaday nooa meeUnc 'lf New· l\e door porUon of the car which port_Herbor OpU.mllt clul> al Vll- overlapa another flange on the la Martn. will be J&djee day and 1tr1ktr mounted on the body pll· members are ex·pecled lo brlnl' la r. Tbe overlap, or lnterlock, 11 their wlvea or pay a tine. A apeak- dtlll'ftl'd to p~•ent dlMnpp-er and mactcJan wW fUmllh the menl of the two pa.rte In event prog"r&m, acco~ to Harold of a colll1lon. Hetrick, chairman. Al Beatty ot NEW PAINT HAJlMONY Ooata Mua la a n.-member of Llv~ly paint achemu are of· the cJub. .. Here Friday and I ready t,O roll!, . ~ . - The hot one's even hotter! ,,.. !.... ~the· '56 Chevrolet ... New modez.-all wUla boU MID Motoramk St11Ung. • More mo4~lntl two ntlD I-door 'ltardtopi and two new I-~ atatl.on uicagona. NeiD excite~nt untkr IM laoOd-up to 10$ IJoraepo~r dnd 9.ZS to l eompraalon ratio. TIU-~ t M car that br'OU tl&e PUta Ped record in a las.tor,,.maklng, pr~ ,,,-lldlM trlaL COIJN ~ In, loM U oo.. tllld t r11 U out I They're eitting in our aho~m rirht now champing at the bit. For these '56 Chevrolet.a were born with an urge to go places I Look at that blger, wider, mo~ muaive l'f'ille. Follow that .. lower t1peedline ot chrome bade to ~ose al.uy, high-set taillight& (the one on the left swinp down to uncover the gaa cap!) V8 or '-19 Models in 3 ~H Any kind of model anyone could want I Your choice of the new ••n1ue- Fla.me" 6 with 140 h.p. and new higher compression or Chevrolet'• record-breaking V8 power ran1in1 up to a new high of 205 h.p. and 9.25 to l compreuion ratio I Auto- matic, and comfort and ufety fea- turea? Chevrolet offer• all of them. Come, drive the '56 Chevrolet r MILLER CHEVROLET. COMPANY 1000 6W•t CMlt Hitltway NIWPORT llACtf .- • .. -I • • Wv'mr1d1!7, Ncmmber I. 1955 -· OCIAN FRONT SPECIALS! END OF THE MONTH WORKER HERE KILLED , BY RUNAWAY TRUCK Hannt Dinner DH On Nov. 3 the third annual bar- veet dinner. 1"pon11e>red by lb• M- eocla ted Riden Club9. will be held at the Trl·Clty Wran1ler11 club- howie, 13801 ICdwa ro. St., Weet- Clrculatlon 21.GOI Newport 8eaeh, ........ ..... ....... c--.. ....... 0.- ...... IApaa. 8oaU. i...-. udBu ........... Cotton Flannels -Reg. 59c • • • • • • • • • 49c mluter. The dinner will be a klck- Joee Martin•• Nuncio, 16, of wtt.b lntentton of rotnr over a otr for the comtnr A.R.C. round· 190 Parker St.. San Pedro wu dirt banlt border1nr t.be 1ldewalk. fal&lly Injured by a driY~rlua Th• truck overtook Nuncio and robin aerlu. A PA.llOV8 BaAND ' 98c (Dlsclpllnecl Fabric) -Reg. $1.39 ••••••. draned him H ft. 11 tn., lnvea-p;;;;;;======;;;;;w truck bl lrvine Terrace Friday uraUnr oftlcera reported. ln all S.vM'Cll panenti Conw R9CJ. 59c -------39c MIN'S KEDS (Airway lcnketbal sho11e1111i--11RMJ. $6.75 -·-S49S IOY'S KEDS (Alrway.lcnketbal 11to11 Refj. $5.98 --S399 0,... Sunday 10 to s NI FlftPATBIQC T w. E.WPOR . !!: att.emoon in a welrd accident at t.be dump tNCk traveled 93 ft. 821 Malal>UJ\Oad. 6 In. from where T aylor par)(ed The body WU U.t.d U dead It. on arrival at Hoa.c Hoapltal a t Taylor allegedly aaid he had approximately 2:10 p. m . Frtday. prevtout1ly had trouble with the Th• body wu taken to Balt.s brake. Mortuary. · -------- Vlr&11 White ot Torrance noU-NllCJlllt bliwed GI fted Newport Beach poUc. the workman llad been at.nM:ll down C• &oes hi Dltcll b7 the trucll at J :OI p. m. Curtta Andy Taylor of Oarderia. John R. Nacent, 39, H T r..ter an employee ot th• Grttfltll Con-St .. Co•ta M-., LI ln ~ county .VUCUOll Co~ Wllm1nrtoll, report· hospital In fair condition follow· ed be parked ~ 19'5 Whtie Ins an accident on Victoria St .. dump trucll which wu IO&ded In which hl.8 car wtnt throul'h a w1UI !lot uphalt faclq dowllh11J. b&rrl• and dove Into an ucava· nien Sol out of the tnlell await· Uon betnl' made by Van DIHl lnl tum to u.nlo&d. Co., ACC9rdlnl to pollce reporu. DIMRTMINT STORI s._.. W ... Doys 9:15 to 5:45 Th• TlcUm wu work.Ins ap-Nu1W1t wu nW\ed to Hoec 1111~§~§§§§§~§§§§§~~§§1~~~~~~~~§§§~ proximately 86 feet downrr&de Ho.pltal a d later tran.terred to l.l!i on the w .. t .td• ot a trallar hot the county liutltuUon. He LI wt-;;==============================================; bo.x la.Md ln he&Ual' 1.roa.1 for fertnr from frsctured rfb9 and the laytq of blaclltop. lnJured cJM.t. A. Norman Nuret wu ai.o re· Suddenly th• unattended truck ported injured In ~ accident. 1tarted movtnr . J'ellow worker• Very Special 20% OFF Exceptional Group of excitin9 fashions Lim ited number . Mostly 'One-of-a-kind' dreues· blouses -1kirts All New- All Desireable Come Early {;//gene • 111911 ... BRAllEl·Sll .. fOOISNFS INTHEl'OG --•&UllDI .... 8TAa'l'8 nJD' WID. yelled at Nww:lo to r et out of but no report of him l.I avaJlable the w ay. B e attempted to ucape at either h<>11plta1. l88S II.arbor Ooeta .._ by n.u:uUar down th• 111dewalk <>pea Frt.. mt u 8·1518 Watch for the 3 TIMES.WEEKLY Monday-Wednesday-Friday -By Subscription or on the NEWS STANDS Complete, Newport HariMw Newl -Cov1ra9e . High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL · and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CAIL . COMI l•CIAL SICUllTY PA1IOL Kl 2·70ZI =ARCHES SPECIAL DINNER= TOP SIRLOIN STEAK Baked Potatoes or Fre nch Fries •165 Soup· Salad Coffee And he re is a portion of our re9uler luncheon menu Cont inu ing the f e me of the Arches . . . ENTREES SPLIT PEA SOUP or CLAM CHOWDER GREEN SA.LAD Grilled H&lfbat Steak, Tartar Sauce . • • • .95 FrW Ea•na 8oaDopt wtt.b Tartar Sauce . 1.00 Chlcke. FrW 8t.k, Country Sty~ . Chopped 8btola 8tak. Onion Rmp . ............ ..,.,, ~ihwvy-. &b7 Beel U n r, Oldoe• or Be.co• • 1.10 an.ded Vee.I C.U.. C'"81 GraVJ. Potato., Hot Roll and Butt. .. 95 • • • 1.10 • • . ..:t • LOO Com Cola .15 Cart.on of Miik .16 . SDYED ALL DAY HAM AND EGGS or BACON AND EGGS • • • • • • • ·rHE ARCHES COAST HIGHWAY AT THI ARCHES OYDPASS TM Heart of Newport Hcwbor-PltoM-LIMtty 1-1131 • S1.00 SPECIAL! Thurs., Fri., Sat. only KEDS Mesa1#/ I ' """9-ff '9 • /\ NOW lllOWINO TO HELL AND BACK AUDIE MURPHY -MARSHAl1. lHOMPD -IOllN~fTND DORm'Rl' MALONE "5 GUNS Wm" CGaalal Nov. 11 llatmee APO RT ~',.,/ CORl)NA{![iMAA" ,, ;,/HIY .... Deal• Row" High Quality Printint -Phone HarlH.r I 616 NOVEMBER CLEARANCE SALE ONE WEEK ONLY • BUY NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS • 100 Street & Cocktail Dresses , Values to 79.95 NOW-16.95 to 39.95 Group Wool Coats & Suits Values to $75.00 NOW-29.95 to 59.95 Group Wool & Orlon S_w_eaters --~ 20% to 30°/o OFF Group Wool Skirts Reduced to Clear ....,. Use Our Lay.Away Plan REMEMIER-IUY NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS LIDO FASHIONS ]'419 Newport Blvd., Newport Beech Next t o Standard S.rvice Station-Ha. 3671 • ' • PAGE 2 COAST Al SHOPPER WEONESOA Y, NOVEMBE R 2, 1955 LOOP STILL KNOTI'ED 4aaJNtm TD came In th• fourth ~ned. Oeorc• Dena p.-d I yardl to JohA VWatana u elJ. mu cl a SS-yard drive. P'r1d&y nl(ht'I ram• wu Ul• Good Sa d ~ --• wont defHt Oranre hu ,utfnlMS I n ~n. to data, -.i Friday'• gamr hap-N port N l l oU Mnd" hu ti..11 .n<'ounterf'd and •nJ1n,..re of lh e 011 C'ompany expec-t the No 11 w~ll to ~ In produrllon by wttk"e and. Champs Continue Capers with 26-6 Oiler Triumph peru t o M with ml&'bty Anahrlm ew 0 . SEALARKING J'W\erton'1 Indlane bad no luclc and IJtU• bapptn-followtns t.helr BCoreleu battle with Banta Ana In lha Saint.a' Municipal Bowl. '!be blanlllng ,,.... the fm1t for lh1 Tribe eleven llUlCe Ana- h~lm turned Ula trick ill 19:13. 'lb• mo« 10l1d comfort ODe cu tall be.ck upon t. t.M lhoupt that the liluilln .. or on•'• life 11 to help 1n eome amaU way to rl'duce the aum of lpiorance, d .. gradation a nit mlaery on the face of lhl.I beautiful u rlh. lelng Redrillecl MARINE By G~ (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) 8MITB ABOARD TYPEE: Busy, busy week it wu! ... with the turlfic A8sistance League Loper Show Benefit Lunch- eon at the B:ilboa Bay Club highlighting the eocial scene and the P-TA. Carnival Saturd:iy highlighting the civic fi<'PnC .•. with many of the key figures working on both bt•nl!f1·11. 1 hu one o f thOH wonderful hus- ":'l!r-; \)l.O SAILORS' b111l a t I band• who "remembered with 18 N°•wj1Ci1·t H11 rbor Yacht Club Sa-exqulllte red roeu) ••• Hlsh· By ORANGE COUNTY NEWS SERVICE Anaheim'1 defending Sunset League champe remained in a first place grid deadlock with Newport Harbor'• Sail- ors Friday night when they trampled Huntington Beach 2~. In the only other Suneet League claeh, Fullerton and Santa Ana battled to a scorele88 standoff. STAT TlJ: TOO The n red up tu .ma battled to a 1taU.Ucal tie u wi-11. S&.nt11 Ana ground out 1112 yard• on lhe gTound, compared to Fullerton' a UG. but Fullerton p ined 7t y&rtla pu.tln ... That save th• Indiana II total otrenalve mark of 193 lo the Salnta 192. Santa Ana led In rlrat down• 11-7. I 11r.t11y night plus a lonr Hallo-llgflt of tha evening wu the Ajl Out..ld1 t he loop, Orange found Jim S•r1Jn1 ecorld Ule Oll1r1 "'""n wr,.k·tnrl or parllea adr1s de Salmon main courH which El· the going even r ougher when the lone tally ln U\1 t lnal canto. clf'- to the p11re. Did eom~n• apeak vlra (Mn. J(arahall) Wlllleneon Panther• •Norbed a •0-0 Ucldng cllns seven yuda around r1Sht Numeroue tumble1 hlndt"red thl' of a quiet Newport winter aea-concocted . . . It wu Juectou11 t Ch 1 VI t , 8 end. Saint.. Thf'y bobbled the ball five aon? . . . a Soutll American specialty rom u a 1 • 1 parta.na. Ume1 an## rrcove~d only twice. <.:O'flLLlO!'\S at the Newport wbJch •h• learned to make ln her At Huntington Beach, H a It-Avitia halted a tint P •rt o d While Santa Ana crossed Ful- tfar bur Yscht Club for ttie you"' I native Bolivia ... Qutta a ta!· back Don Penfield appartntly rot threa t by HunUngton Beiacb when lerton'• 20-yard line twice, th!' ael commenred Wedn,.sday . . . ented family theae Wlllt&NIOn&. lired of dwelllnc In the 1hadowa he Intercepted Billy Vall'• pa» Jndl&n1 were ln1lde the Saint 20 •li<o the tlr11t ot a 11tr•<'• for the for It waa Marah, her bueband. of Mickey Flvnn and Joe Avitia on the Anaheim 13. Vall complet· three t Im et· Once Fullerton'• 1nv1tallonaJ b a 11r0 0 m dancing who designed the Jl'orpy hOfTle d ed th C 1 1 vi ed only t lv• of 1' ...... ee and bad Ronni• Fujino sot Into the end itroups , .. Sally ( Mra. Harvey 1 · .. and what a work of art It an pac 11 0 on •l• ctory ..-zone, but the play wu called !'lomeri 111 r 11 nera 1 chairman I 11! And 11peeklnl' ol. home1 ••. over th1 Olien. Penfield &Cored tYlo lnter~pted. back . heatla the ll1t or patrone11se11 NITA AND PHIL S ll!l'broek a pair of TD1 on run1 ot 48 and Flynn opened the acorlns ln M&1&acred by Chui& Vuita In N-iiort Baach'a well No. 11 INSURANCE belnl' 1unk by Monttrey OU Com-8mooUI lk.tllac puiJ In th. We1t Newport field Oeborw-Fel'Wa "4lelty 0.. 11 being redrWed from a depth of IS11 \\', <-.. Klrtl-.r • Georie Eliot t.11M-r1Y l -1M1 t3~ feet. About t OO fret of "eoc>d •••liiiiliiiilliliiiilm••W "WHO, ME?" Yes, you can sell that furniture, bric-a-brac, clothes you no lo nger want by u1i n9 classified Ads ... just call HARBOR who.~e <'h&lrmrn t or fhc four dlC-hsve ·just returned from Banta 19 yarots. The champa tallied In the first 1tanza with one ot hla Chapman Collefe Stadium, no f,.r, nl ase g'ro11rl< ln<'lucle Mr ~arbara where th•Y attended the every quartu. It wu Anaheun'1 typk al TD aprtnta g-ood for 61 r~llef appeared In 1lght tor the •"•I Mra. Bull R Twi111 and :llr. California A.I.A. conve.ntJon · · · 1!xth win of the eeuon. yards around rlcht end. The .. w~t~l~ow:· l~y~O~ran~g~e~P~an~th~e~ra~ . ....'.A~l~th~o~u~&"~h~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Anti Mn. Rlrh3rd 1'f8 rsellua for alao tripping were Vera a.nd N..--_ thl' f'VmlnK J11nlr r Cotillion nnd ton McLaughlin who have ntum-1 for lhe three attem()(ln cl••~n. "'1 t u their Back Bay home atter Mm u . Cbarlea P. Cotton, J ay a S:•cn11n!'nlo 11ojourn. I Rel."~rmver, Robar t Saltsb11ry. RHOPPERS LUNCH from 12-2 R lrhard 15tulP, Wllll&m e. C"lark rrad1 the Intriguing Invitation an•I Howard B . Law80n. Th••me from Betty t Mrs. Alan) Mickle f'lr thl11 flr1t d!lnce wu 11 Hullo·, and J eama t M91. Philip) Srnllh ween motif w1U1 the yC1ungsler~ I wht<'h was• sent to 60 or thPlr In roRtumes. tht• lwo ulr1t'111 :>ll'wport friend• ... arfslr t<9 11;roup11 rlrtlllltd for " barn dlln<'<' be tomorrow et J esma'1 Bay 1n roitnn14 11n1I J•'llM . • nmJ thl' Short>:t home. OVER AND OUT Y8r ht C'l11b .:111ly bedeck•·d with rom 11talkH 111111 uroni.:r Kntl blurk I T he very circumstance, which alrettmf"r,. your 1J1tfr<'rmJt ll°ena• dee m 11 f'RA N IMRS. DOUO) BROWN 1wtl\lhful and afrllcUn, love c&n 111 hmne at lht' 811lboa Bay C"lub make an angel entert.aJn-4 una- SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI., SAT. 11fttor " 11tay in St. Bernardino waru. Ho1>p1t nl In San Bern1rdlno .•. -Mary Baker EddJ ""Y!I i.he Is lucky 10 be alive af· ------------ trr A rnot.nr crub In Fontana ln wh1rh l':f'Wport'1 .Alan Oruy and hi• w ife Corn J.fuy (111111 In the hoap1lal) were a lso injured. The =~~========~ Guy~; aon Alen Jr. wu t.ha onlJ (\OP who VI unlnjund. Alan'• 1'111l• r·m-la"-Helen (M.ra. Ted) Cray II• allO con~lnir. J'n.na huAban1I, Dex.Ir .-caped only ~ <'&Use nf a bulbl-mMtllll' a t lht> la&l mJnute ud eo ..... un- a bla to join UM trip to Lu Ve· cu. The S.y Club l~nnla crowd wilt certainly mill Fr&A ,Wlao I• one of lb• top playll'I but wbo ,.. tll tor a tew 111.onl.ba be uanr a crutcb tnatead ot a racket • • . bu t wUhu for a lpMdy ...co•· •ry . . . a nd bope to HI Ull FEU.OW ~~TISEO A <:::t:NI ~LY. ~O SO MNN IU't'ERS HE SOLD Ht$ ENTIRE HERO/ O r1y1 bome IOOD ~i.o. THOSlt POPULAR Forgeyl', T1 a""' anl'f Bum,.11. entertained ""·r nl ly &l &11olh1r ot tbeiJ' 1l1mulall1l& dinner partlu at t h!'lr 1o:lamn1111111 )o'ar l:aal Modena L ido home • . . honored ru..te ""111 e Je.a.n •nrl t'ranc.1.1 Daw90D "11.. "t r,. t tltbrallns t.ll•lr 18th v. .,IJ111s.: llllnl\'rr,.111 y [lucky Je11n - • l):J;~ :-::J,. J/ ru cli011 TERE SA RENNER (Mrs . A. Renner ) N'ptlnr a Umltf'd lhmber of pupil• for ptano Collclert Ptu1at of nu-CoDU-te loraduate 8tud#11t of ~la Bartok ra Drh ·e Pb. Har. 20S9 rona Hl~bla.nda -Corona dd Mar ----- NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS SIT'N'KNIT 313 E. lalboa llvd. la I boa Do come in for yarns e nd pattern boo ks ..• Al so Bucille "Pa int-it-you rself" t extile paint- in g kits. Time to start Xmas knitting. Miidred D. Theron- From the 11tart. make your wedding an occa- sion o! long remembt>red good ta.ste and dla· tinction. JO\·itat1one s('t tbe tone of formal J>('rfection. Consult ue on any problem you may have. Quality Printing at Reasonable Pri ces Newport Harbor News-Press 2211 Balboa Blvd. Hctr. 1616 ,. NOVEMBER 3, 4, 5- UDO DRUGS HARBOR DRUGS Ask About Our MOM of Uie Udo Sllopa" 3461 Via Lido, Newport BMab SSOl E. Cout Hy., Corona del Mar .... PAY LESS~ , M V,.. • ON SUNDRY ITEMS . s2~' AaeMr Glal -ae,. N .11 MIXING BOWLS iASjf BASKETS .. 49c· MiiiffiECiRIC TRAIN 5888 f'fot ~ludH: ~o11ve, N>al tf'ndf'r. 1tondola, raboow. trM'k ""'· lran<1fnrmn, l.AK'k Pia.Uc -~S· H e -KJTCJIE.'( UTENSIL TRAY SALAD BOWLS 4 '" 51 00 Mea'1 -Rf'Jt. 98Cl :\TLO~ I STRETCH SOCKS 69c j How much should a prescription cost 1 fte an•Wf'r df'JM'Od• OD Ull incredk!ate J OGJ' ph7slcla.n oa ('OlllN'('tnr, U plec-e \1llllcf'-6'7 P IE<"F.11(. TOYS LISTED BELOW-Values to $1.25 or more ANY ONE FOR 88c Mechanical Train locomotive & track • • 88c Toy Tea Set-11 pcs. glass • • • . • SLATE BLACKBOARD FRICTION DUMP TRUCK with SHOVEL • • 88c MET AL MG SPORT CAR -Fridion METAL SPORTS CAR, Fridion with SIREN 10" LUMBER TRAILER and TRUCK FLAG FIRE ENGINE-Swing Flag IUnJIDC Rl'U. 7" ~oundlnit Nlr'l'n, Mo,-..bl.-l .addf'r. Frtr tlon FRICTION HYDROPLANE pn'9<'rlt-, plu• the time Md •ldll of Ml u~rteac-.4 FRICTION JEEP-NASH CAR, BUS phannarld In rompouadtns lboae lar redlM.. wt ... f'&M'tln1 pl"N'lslon. Here at our dnac 1tore wa 1ped&l- l .. in P,..."''1puon ... ",..~· w. tak• prtde 1a w...... Mother's Little Helper CLEANING SET to put up mf'dlcln... of hlslMlt .-atr wti. a -.I· ~ o.!.!kltJ an4 a mJnlmum et aa fall' p rttte. "'" "'"'Cilft1e ~h opportwaJIJ te aen·1 Joa Im ASSOR f ED PARLOR GAMES Xmas Lay·A·Way Codmeficd OOROTHY URA'' Uo-Tosetb•r l'lp.da.1-.baJo• Cultl U.am and t°IMaalnc s100 CREAM fl.I.\ vaJue . -···· H~lf'na Ru~n•lt'IJI JAZZ COMBO ~ . SJOO Two Upetkk......,ua, Apple IWd and a ,..., 11hoao- 1rapb rf'<'nrd. JU ST-RIG HT K O DAK G IFT FOR JUNIO R BROIMIE~CAMEU For Soaps and DeterCJents ----~ Lux Soap Bath Size 2/25c Reg. Size 2/1 Sc Surf Giant-59c Large -28c JC:)( PAPER TOWELS 2 for 33c: litrol TOILET TISSUE 3 rou.25C a IDAllllf'r that bf'IJ19 kHp 7oar podletbooll "'hMIUIJ ." .._-===============================-"'•m;;;iii~iiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiii:iiiii .COUPON This coupon worth ONE Golden Brown FRIED CHICKEN DINNER, with soup, salad, hot roll, butter, coffee a nd dessert •.• a t t he Special Price $1 .19. This COUpoll CJood for Thwa., Fri., Sat., Nov. 3, 4, S NICJht Meal Ollly-5-8 p.m. Lido Store ("ut aJoa1 detted llM "LIC!UOR DEPARTMENT SPECIALS SILVER Shady Pride RIPPLE Of Grove GIN lnd~na I y._.. 014 111.1:~-u ·== to H OOF It PROOF W1111 T nrnr • PIOOt' s261 211 311 o.17 nrrw VINCENTS ICE CREAM -""- nuur LAJlGE 5 C . c one .. DOOI LE lfk Cone .. u- Hand Packed Pints ]()c Quarts SCJc i Gallon • Rotk l'tr l• 79c • • • • 12 nAYOal TO CROOSE n Oll SAILORS SALT ARGONAUTS AWAY 14-0 FOR THIRD LOOP VICTORY SIGNAL SLOWS UP SCHOOL BUS DRIVER FOR 51/2 MINUTES ~ K·11ec1 • '\,;UA~IAL SHOPPER PAGE J 1. 1 . 1n WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2. 1955 C h N turner! off nnlo the ro.>ad llhoouhl<'r l A l oilal nf Cl.~211 'l7i drl"'9' A Harbor ana achoo! bua driver l.n!ormed COlll& M l08" ras es ear IHt'JlHr.tt•lt \' Ill lllflXill& a,. nun lht"ll .. '.11 Wf'rf' 111tt.o1andln« I.a PoUc. Department he hM to wait !It, minute• for the gT\'en I As he turnt-ol, the car waa iotru,.k I C'llhfoi-nla u Of Jul\' 31, 19"•:1, ,. left tum arrow a t th• 1tat1 tra.fflc 81gnaJ at Nev.-port Blvd. by one drtvtn by S&lvador A. SI pon a the ;>; 111on"I AutomobU• and 17th St. Friday. Newport Beach F 11<•nlt•s 31 ••t l'planJ. , .. , ... ,,. l'hrl• or th1• , .. , .. 1, :1,,7,1:11 ......... Cllslle l•ny Scores All T• Polnh: 11tird TD Called lack a fourth, but with Ui. plpldn • I 1huw. Stanick 11 bndy wsa t Rkl'n on..rstor•' hl'rn~•·• 111111 40,117 ••-... •-11 ... _ rt·-•-"It •ot ao bad," the bl.Lii drlvt'r told Police Chier Art Mc-,,. rMuul Oil '-41• -..io ...... ..... • J tu BB!4 J.fortuary. 1 were chaurteura' lt.•enac.w. jammed up th• Gob att.a.ck. Sud· Kensta, "t.hat the kida 1t.art1d tPlltng me they could w,.lk to I ---- dtrtly It wu fourth and 10 . Bchu-9Chool ln that lenlth or Ume." Net>dleaa to say, none of Ull'rtl Two a utol>1tJ1 w1•re klllt-cl 11nil . ------ ltt knew how to recUty that. Ra left tb• bwt to prove the theory. McKen.zle Kid he would no· I three rnjureod 1-"'rlrlay nli;'ht lit 11.. pitched a 12 yarder to Loreta.a u-th t -..i1 th d t l -• Newport Harbor High School'i Sailor football team de-to malt• u tint and l . ., • •.au rea-u nr • e ect ve 111gn.... p111r flt 11rC'ldl'nt11 In the !"t wport feated Garden Grove'• Argonauta only 14--0 in Pirate Sta-Th1.e wu no prob!-. 8chultt RAPID RECOVERY I A•·•· h llt<'a. A tTOi•hn~ tn Stair ctiwn Friday night but it wu the moet on~aided lf.-0 --e alloved the ball to Reny and Hti;ltwt1y P.11 rolmen Ann \\';1lla1·,. • 111-ChuUe aoomed &e"'99. Wll.n lie I Lo.~ A11g!'lt·:4. an.I f'11ul J1lt'nh )'OU ever aaw. For the Tara, it marked definite end to their added the eoDYenloa point, Use c 1 Do Fi d stan11·k. ~'ni: AP1uti. \\t r" k111, .• 1 under par play againat powerful Calilornia and then Hunt-,.atn• proved to ba OYW. aro ane 1n s Ab·11·1ty E Y8 Grrln111t' P rH't', j:i, L<•s mgton Bet.ch. It wa1 also third straight Sunset League vie-LA.AT •UllG• Ani:rlf'll, drt\'t'r nt the d!'lllh ('ltt IC:x t t that laa and ChtrR t.ll'n~enl.ltthl. 68, i;Hn tory for the Goba and left them undefeated in loop play. 'th• ::~.::. Wlt.ll ~ -rs:oe:~ to Walk 'Wonderful' rh·ng Dieg11. a nnthl'r pilSIM"nj!••r, v. t>rt' Th• Arro1 ot Coach Don AY· to lhe H yard llne. Sparktni the moet ot th• damasa. lbe Arp I lnJurl'd a11J uikm Lu Hua.: Hu11p1-I wy suffered one 11erlou1 lo• dur· drive wu Fullback Doyle Darell moved trom the.Ir own u to th• tal lnl' tbe K•m• when Halfback who twice bolled up the Sa.llor Tar 21 wbe..-.It bacam• fourth BJ NANCI OAJIPBELL a.flt'r the crlppltng arrldent. Pr\Ul l'llrtntl'k. 30, J .. ,ng fl!'ltt'h I Carl Llndatrom waa car ried from middle on q*1clc• ot 22 &11d 13 and 2. With noWns to loaa, the Makins a eomplet. raconry She la not only rontlnurng the wa~ k111"·~ »nt1 !\la!me, J 'rl\'lllf' the field with ,• broken collar yard• for k"1 first down• In the GT'OVerl attemp~ a p&8a which troru her neat tat&.l a.uto a.eel· outatandlng sehol&11llc ability she RH hard. ~ Phan •0 '"'",.not lilorlt . Thia, hov.ever, figured lit· flr•t quarter. wu •way over the recat.,.r'e !Mad. dent In Jul)', Cl.rol Doane, honor ahowed at Harbor, but haa also serwu,.h in1ured rn the '' • on•I U. lll the manner the Sailor• Haltllme 11cor1 remalnl'd 7-0 But when the Intended nc-1'"2' atudeot of Corona dtl Mar, ta found time tor mlUly eittra du-llt't'rdent. dominated the conte.1t. In favor of Coach Al Irwin'• tell lunstn1 t o r It, 8chuttt now ""1klnl'I Uea. She Is an 11(·tlv4! member of .A1·.-11rol1n1: lo the pat 1 ol, Mrs Tt'RJI' TAR! ohargea. The amazln~ thing wu 91>rawled acroea hl• 1.,.. To Carol thl1 LI the moat won-the Orama Club wht>ro 11ht &C't is Pri1·~ luNt •·11ntr .. 1 "r her whl<'I<' Fullback Charlie Berry wu that It wasn't by a more cuahlony p... Interference wu ealJed dertul lhln1 1n the world. Attar u vll·e.-prealdent. Rcpreuntallve Bii ~hi' stllr'l•'d to pull v11l •onto Ula bi&' Tar on the turf. He acor· margin. and the Ar&'o• ha4 a flJ"lt on the apend1.n1 •ix weeka tn bed w1th· at l..ar.ge. an Important position Hl~hwny 101 fr(1m n p11rk1111: l"ll ed all the polnta, bucking 1cro11 FINAL TALL y Newport e. 1'1?'8l play, It wu out movtnr , two week11 Ill a In the Student goven unent a t 1 nt.'ar Caplstn1.no. The c-ar 11wung from the one yard line In the .A t1 ya.rd march, which et.rted e.rry who emersad with the pe· wlleel cb&lr, two on cnitcht1 and OCC, la anot.htr ot her honora. oft the 11•atl an•I h it a po" •·r pult> t\rat and fourth quarten tor tht In lba third 8t&nsa and ended In Iota and •tarted ha lenat.b ol the two on canea. walk1nr u a Ire•· For the entire Harbor area hurling the three O('t:upanu tu touchdown8, then bootln1 th• tx· the (.ourUI, accouoted for the fin· tlald scamper . .Arafn red huJr.l• dom that LI beyond compare. which prayed and workct.l for her lht> gr ounrl tn potni.. al tally. Hopldn.a, Tamura and clult.rwd the netd. Th• •n.IUlnl ln 'Pit. of the early tean of recovery, Carol 11 .~ng Uus op· P hur tuld Patrolmrn lha.t KATIE'S CORNER Balboa Island • Short Order1 (Burgers & Chili) • Home-made Pies & Cakes • Home-made BrAt•d & Oo-Nuh e Dinner I 6-9 p. m.) • Breakfast Ala Carte Food To Go • Harbor 5785 Call Open 9 L m. -11 P' m. d&Uy -ClOIM"CI Wt'd. Park Ave. ll AJtate (Ff'rry Sl) He a1ao put an «'nd to the lone Schultt aJuned out a tltal down cllppln1 eenaJty aJloved the Sall· havlnl her .chool c.azeer cut portumty to say, Mlank you ao Sta.nrc-k pl l'ketJ him up at Long Ar~onaut threat of the fray In after the Tars rained poHelllon or1 back to the.Ir own 11. llbort, Olrol I.I now Ukinr a tull much for maxini my apcedy re· Beach anli Just R<>Ulh oC Corona Ula final atansa when he emerr-on their own 39. A Schultt pitch But they had tile ball ancl, l'ftD ooUep curriculum at Orang" covery poulble, Ood Bleu you del !lt11r thought h" rlleognlzed ed tram a melff w1lh the ball to Lo,..ntsen tor a yard• broul'ht with the ruen-ee -armJ.ns onto Cout Collere only three ma11\h1 all". \he driver ot a pMslni; car &11d "".:============~'.':""~==~~~==~ alter the rint. had penet.ratad &1100\er. the (rldlron, the Tara controlled - to the SaOor t . m&lnly on • pua Tamura and Bopldn.a ran tor a ll r~mainder ot the ro to Jreep lntertuenca caU acalnat Quarter-third, &11d Tamura a.nd Berry for pace with the cl&u;y Coloo18ta. back Oeorl'• Schultt Berry ran 14 :Yvda to crou the 4.rco coeJ. but the apparent TD wu caJ.lad b&ck cm a cllppln1t penalty. PAUL Rr;<.:oV.t:M BIG BRISTOL ·BAKER SJS. ANNEXATION DUE End Paul Lorentzen recovered a tumbkd lateral by th• Ovdan Graven on the rival 18 yard line lo Ml up the flr•t it.Ana acora for Ui. Tan. Halfback DH• h - m ura &11d Berry took tuma to By BEBT BRINTNALL al&rn th• plcakln down on the • An annexation to Colla Meaa, U.ted in the News-Pree. yard UAe. Ha.Iba.ck John Hopkina u probable several weeke a•o, le about to become a reality unubed to Ula J. Berry plunpd e aero.a and boot•d th• c011n n lon. following the algnlng ot a statement ot intention by land- Oeeput march lnto Tu terrl· ownera around the Baker St.-Briatol St. corner. tory ill the ftm halt by the bat· J u1t how many acTf'• wW Ille ------------ Utna bUt oulm&11ned .Arpe wu .Included ta the p&l'«I bu aot You Wiii Rnd Best In Every Thing You Meed ... WANT AD PAGES • been d.etermined u t.M paUUo.n ta auu bemr circulated, but a t u.. p..-t thne ~t 70 at'l'ff .,.. du. to ~• part .t UM C!lty. Thill man "'111 take the clQ- llllllte ot o.t.a M ... &ar09 BM· • at. and a t the ea.ma ume pro- .we that city wttll •ora needed !Mu.tn.I •t-. .AmClll,J u.i-OWlllnc property ~ l\U bae lllpM ..... I. H. RaU!q 91 ... ta Au. w1'o owne .. vwal percale lll th• ~ W . V. Pl.lll'old ot 'the Pun 0,U· oal • lnJilJ'Ument Co., Albert W rwry W'lt h a aere• nortb ot Ba.le· ., 8t., and Ol•na B. Walmutt lirtUl a a.er.a 9Cl'09 Ba.J.ar •t. Crona hrf7. ~ ... t.em.i oC 9\.eDUoa wW ... pt'l.-ted te eo.\.a Kaea dQr cmnc:U •' tt. -1 ~ N ... T, President of Local Kiwanis Jo. Ouarin wu elected pre.I· dent of N.wport Harbor KIWMJll C ub al tut wuk' 1 Hllilon which aw a ntw ~ of Ottlctra n&m• ed. He w111 11Uccaed Roy Tou.r- et--. Incumbent. At tbe Thunday IU:ne"-.... eloe In VIiia Manna RHtaunint l:nlle Chapman. put Klwanl1 ,.,.,.rno r and recently a d~leg-•le to lh• TVCA'1 Cent•nnlal In Pan.. wUJ nport Oii lhat meet· lq. Oltwr MW oftk«n illdude 1'oy And.nu &lid John Albari&A. ..tea • pNll&dalt.e; Bert ConA-11. u..ur.r; Olrec~n Allen A.all· worth. Monte Ortrr11, Clyda Jobn· aon, Don KJ.rkpatrlc.k. Verne lteopl.etl Ku Popa and )(aur1• 8tan.ley ..... .......... C08TA 111:84 .,_ N_,.... m.4. ooaoJli.a. oa. MA.a .. OeM& ....,.. .t001'1>'8 LAQUN A K&Oll ... .,..._y 8AL80A JSL..UlD ............ !fEWPOaT ~ anc.......,. 'NATIONAL FLOWD WUK e SPECIAL e POMPOM MUMS soc lunch Pink-Y ellow-Bronz.-White The LMUJ .. All ...., MOUN1W«I Enchanted Cottage ................... ROME IEAUTY AUTUMN IWM .. .......... GRAPES ,.._ ..... ioi.c.,. ... ~ ..... Locl- m.EIY .. 5c ~type. en .......... ...,.,....._ OIAIU DAR LOAF CAKE Mock .,..;1+1 rodt ..._ ...-.......... c~;~,. ~ ~ -ripeo-.d D.-..... ..., .,..,, ..... Ill CUITSY FIUll cm ~ 79c Only the cho <-•ti fruita. fWflt -.-d. HOUDAY flUIT WE ~ 49c Mor• ,.,_ to.olf fnMI ... _... tm. W116HT'S llUD .!: 26 WNta "' 'Wheot .._, ""'· loGI ] 8c ~l!,,jj;(.)JJ:11·1·1·}j llUSSO.SSflWJS ::n SPMACH ::'9 2-.; 274 , tllll -tam IUS ........ -....: ........ llOM0'8IZED ! 204 w..y,...~_,_._ .. ..,...ndl ...., CC*BlllATID .: .,le Md 2 _.-...-.. I ,_., mtlk MIMI • ...... ._. .... ,,_.NCIS_........A.I Fl£Sll YAD£ A "-I .. "5a. .... tted 45c G.odeA .. POii DAlflEE ...... l&odi ....... ~. Mlleom&llU .... ......_. ..... el USOA OtOta b9ef EASTERN GIAlt FED PORK I SMUL SIJI. UNDO 3 laS. llAN, MEATY RIIS lb. GROUND BEEF ( ~led bHf 91ownd fre.h 3ftC dmty. '" Cleor Vi91.i"1J .. 7 IRUDED SHRIMP~ •9' Coptoin'a Choka. leody to ..... HALmn S1tAl ::ac CoplO"''• Chol<'e. O..p -~- llST FOODS IUND NUtatT10NI INalCHID YeKow ~·Oi'ine c 1-lb • caftOft SUNNYBANK MARGARINE .... ,.. ...... ............. ._, ....... ... 1 .... .... s-,:.. .... ...-e ... ~ .. ..., ............... ...,_. PINEllPPl.Ei:Jt:'-:.2$-: 8 FRESH EIJIJS ~~.u ... 5 SCOTTISSIJE -..;... =tr> PAllAIJl SlllJS~~v::. 8 TOMATO JIJ/Cl~~2~ -:"4 PEANUT BIJTTER;.;;~;~ 11~ Mll10111111/SE .l~35~ ~ 49, /llJllE lll/llJ ·=~&~.. ·: IS' EDWARDS EXTRA-RICH, YAQJUM PACKED SANDWICH SPREAD L~0u~x : 39' SALAD OIL l~~s!!~!."9 r:; 29< : 55< CUT GREEN BEANS OAIOINSIDI 2 !!: 25' WAXED PAPER KITCHIN CHAIM IOC).:.. 18' Nm mmm tmS.. fll. S&I.. lilft'9ll J. 4. s. "51. 11 wntat ROlll •• AIU. (11111--ii Sbes .. ...,, ............ _ ... __ ...._ __ ......., __ _ c EASTSIDE BEER 6 ·:;:· 1.38 6 ',~:-1.14 sroR.t: Hot """ DUIJ t a.m. to IJ P·• ( Fr1cla)' tll t p.m.1 ·~ .............. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Pl,..J;XTY OP PARKL~O ON IABGE PAVED I.Or PA&E 4 COAST AL SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 B & P Club Hears About Jamboree GET-ACQUAINTED COFFEE FOR NEW EBELL JUNIORS A 1ret-acqua1nted coffee waa hoateaaed by Mra. Freeman W. Ft.her, 231 DritlwOOd Road, on Oct. 2• tor m1>rnbl'rs nt the board ot Junior l:bf,11 Club, of w hich •ht' ta pr...s1dent. • and new membt-ra of the club. Gu uta were ent.ert&.lnt>d In the newly ~01op1,.t .,d dl'11, which provided a IMltUnc of wannth a.nd lntormallly. Tlit1 coffee table wu CHllened w lth a fall arr•ng"t!nll'nt ot r andlt'i and grap•·•. Scout Trio Reports on Trek of Harbor Group Pttsent were Mmea. Nonnan Wattm11. pr,,.1111J••11t or 8 oulhern Dlatrict Federation ot Women'• l'lub11, Ju111ur Memberehlp; Don H a,ylon, Dean Corton, Furn·11t Alllnd .. r, Edward Kelly, Don Clark, Donald Peterson. Robert Whitt', Jamee Whitti, Edwin lo'lnater. Sterllnl' Parna, J ohn LllMar, John &rTett, John Colby, Georl'e Grupe, K. L. H.irtm~n. John Hoyt, and Charlea Woodward. Summer acttvtt.Jee of the !cout. were presented at the Buaine. and ProfeMion&l Women'• meeting held at the New- port Harbor Yacht Oub Oct. 20. Gene McCandll9h. an F.ag&. Scout from Costa Mesa, told . or h11 trtp wllll tha ft'OUP of ; California 8couta lo Ula World made by the Scouta or Explorer · Jambo1 ee held at Nlapra Lake Post 17, repreaentJn1 Newport : Can1<da.. Oemt WU Introduced b; Beach. Lyn s. Barton, adv1eor or LATE NOVEMBER Dou1 WaltOb, field executive of the group, followed their talk• the Orange l!mplra Ar. Boy by •howing •lldes of the trip. Scout Council. Chrl11tm aa Previrw, to be hPhl Elks Club Now Planning Charity Dinner Dance Df'c. 2 and S at the Rendnvou11. wu oi11cuued. Lyrlla Southworth Ooul' Reddick and J ohn Van la the chairman ot th1a y~ar'11 · Dyke told ot the 10,000 mile tour even t. A bigger and bett,.r •how 1• being planned. Bt.,: plana are now underway tor the Newport Harbor Elks' annual rh&rlty ball to be held Nov. :l6. Thli. 11eml-formal d!nner darw e 111 hl'ld to r a1ee money to turlhtor the Elk11 Chri11tmaa char- ily wnrk cur1ed out here In the Harbor area . ..-hartty fund. hall pla11ned a great evening for Elk11 and their iruests end promlsea loads or fun and frolic. Complete MARINE NEWS and MARINE SUPPLIES COftMlt Tiie Special MARINE SECTION In the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS A11 a Kpeci&I guest or the even· lnl' Miu Carol King "Miss Lob· iolf'r Bake of 19~:1", was introduc- ed. Cuol was the candJdate apon· 90red by t he club. WEJlr: Ol'E8T8 Othf'r g118l4 at the meeting were Mmea. Elll1e Eggett, A. R . McK<·nzte, F. R. Fox. Richard Blatterman, F . H. Stephen•. Pol- ly Rea. Doone Lawaon and LH Barn11rd; Also the Mlaaea Sybil Lewie. Margta Richardson, F I o re n c e Bauer, Edna J uober, Tony &· het, Diane Fruhling, Dorothy W1tlillJTl11, Dorothy Zabel11kl and NetlJe W11e. Later Hours at Girls Club Cho1rm11n Dick Nt>wman, who al110 d11-ett11 the local fraternity'• Tickets Wiii be available from the club manager a nd from of· ticera ot the lodge. Music will b" fumlahed by the Ted Tracy bend. Steak dinner will be aerved with a bulfet later In the evening. Pianist Duo Pleases Lido Club Women; to Sponsor Brownies Duo-pianiata Peggy Sheffield and Dorothy Schultz were received with applause by the Lido Lele Woman's Club at Two members. Mre. Fnnk De-1l8 October meeting. ln a well-balanced program of French, Beer a.nd Mra. Orma o. Crank, German and Italian compoeitiona the young artists took firm were elec ted to the executive I board of the Harbor Area GI la command or the keyboard with r I their opemn , tecllon "li p-back for a.n en('oni. "Can Can·· Club. Each will 11erve a three 1 Rh ~y" I' b ~ ~L by Ortenbach. y-r tenn. Announcement wa.a 1 ran ap .. Y . made that the club la now open Follnwed by Llt l>Hlleder Walt.a· N l!:W OFFICER from 2 t(I 4 :30 p.m. lnatead of u · by J ohann91 Brahm•. At a br1et meettni prectfhng olo9tng a l • p. m . u formerly. IU.t'E OASl'ftE the p,.OgT&m Mra Thomu L. Let· Extra boura wer-added to the The say. rolhr kin, rhyt.hma of to. LJWC pre&ldent, Introduced Tbnft Shop Khadule alao. Th• newly appointed corrupondlllC ahop i. open from 9:30 a. m. to the "Bru:lllera" by Mtlhaud p v• aecretary, Mra. l'ranll Carlton, 4 p. m . on Tueaday and 9:30 lo a contra11t to the ram1llar "Blue replaclnc Mr e. Ne&J Camaron who 12 noon on Saturday. ll I• ex· Danllht> Walt~e•" by Stf'aUH r H ll'"e4. peeled \hat &l'T&Jl&'tmenla w 111 WhlC'I\ r rreedfld a bnd lntermla· The c I \I It voted lo permit eoon be oompleted tor the llhop a.ion. Brownle Troope No1 t and 69 tn to remaln opl'n all day on F riday. <.:hang111r p111nl>8 to at tor c1 meet at tlle clubhou11e. Tht1 thll!lr aud1t•n1 e betl••1 lo view Brownlea. aelt • &u1<tlinln1c. will Roster for Gianh Ro1ttt tcw the Giant. In the ff&l'bor Boya• Club lntramuMll nae football la-.u• for high llChool )'OUt.b.a hu bMn rele..ed by AthJaUo Dlra<'lor Rod Mac· Millian. MH1bera are ftuab&n Pe· rn. Barney MarUn, Frank Re- vali.. Lloyd Fortune, Dick Orttn. Bob Trapp, L&rry 8 h I p m a n, Cbarlea T•ylor, Wayne Mor1an and Jlm Chua. t.he1r pl1y1n1. the a rt111l11 rf'tumed be tpOnllOred by the LIWC. with "C"hopln Mllllfl'," an ar-Mra. C. E. Vandervort announc- raniemenl indudin1t p ort l o n a el.I that t.he procnallive cl.Inner Crom lh• Wl'llknown "Polonatw hu tte.11 poetpont'd to Jan 14. In A Major" and "Walta In El 11at " F0Uow1nic wu the delta'hl· fut "Larco al .. ~actou1m · by twe- •tnt Aflu "Arkan ... Ttavt ler" a nd "Jamacan Rhumba" by Benjamll\, "Melodies from R&chmlnotr' con- cluded the pro~am but •nllluld· u tlo applaUM bro"l'bl the d\111 Meta Home l"'911d Dike anJ Colegron, C011ta Me- •• oontractora, !'eport.d to police one of their homo under con- 1truct1on bad ~n entered and tbe 1ar~e dllpoPI unit dlacon· nac:t.ed from a 11nk and ta}<en PRESS 1 RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LAROE OR TOO SMAU. ?30 SOtb St., Newpon BeM1t 11.ut.r t111 HURRY TV SHOPPERS SAVE AT RELIANCE TV CLEARANCE SALE ThPH TV llf'U h11v11 1111 ~n ~c>nl!IUOnl'd tn our •hor11. 11nt1 i-11rry " 9il rl11y ~1uanti-e "'1th rl\rtll Anrl lll'tvlCf' All 111llkN• R<>m11 Ilk• New •• $29.95 •• $39.95 Tr~ Aa Low Ae $19.95 o ...... El~lrte a.a,... ib Low Ae 1 O" Television Sets 12'' Television Sets 14" Television Sets •• $49.95 $15.00 .. sst~~ •• $69.95 u __ ] ~ Teleyjsion Sets 1 r• Television Sets 20" Television Sets 21" Television Sets •• $79.95 •• $89.95 Aae-tte Wulaere A.a Low Aa $32.50 !Newport Island Luncheon Plans I l'lan8 r .. r a lum•hron l!t'S811)0 w1·1 ,. ma·t.. ,. hrn u,., \\\;ma.n's Aux1h11ry of ="t>wport li.l1tnd In<' 1111'1 at the hOmt' of Mis Paul Brrl. 102 311th S t 1.>n O••t 20 I "1th M ri1 Ju1n1·11 Edwunls prt'slll· "'t: 111 the ab:11·n1•t> ur Mrs Kl'llh H1nu1, p11•1111l••nt The lau.,r 18 now v11c11tion111i: with her hull· bun1l lor 81X Wl'l'k8 1n Mazatlan 111111 Cuy111a11 Tlw lund u•on will hf' held Jn th•' h11111f' 11f Mr~. Ja111 e11 Edw11nl1t. ;lfl(l(I C'h1111n1·l l'htc·I'. l\'uv 17 With bu~1ne"11 ll<'S:Oun al 10 a. n1, CHANCE FOR IRVINE FEMS lrvlne CoaMt Country Club womt'n°11 golf tram atill hu 11 chanre lo f1111sh atop group r.11,.tt'm Dlv11don llnk1 play th111 week when the final mlltch takes plat·e at Hacl- Pnda Curr4.'nl atand1ngs find Hacienda with 3• polnta, Ar- rowhead. 32; Irvine, 2•; Vic- toria l:>'ir and R.t!dlanda HI~. L a 11t week Arrowhead downed Irvine 1\·4 al Vic- toria wh1l11 Haclt>nda won II.a tut m11tch 10-11 ov..r Red· Janet.. This Wl'ek Irvine facea Redlands and A rrowheac; take11 on Victoria. The win- ner plays Santa Ana Coun- try Club to determine wbo rf preeenla the E&11tern Dlvl· 1ion. Swet•pstakea wlnnera 1&Jlt week were Mn . R. W. Foote 11nd Mra. Harold Small and M 181 Mlfl-y K. Browne lllld lit rs. J erome Helperln. Field 1wetp11lnke1 wtnner waa Mra. John Price. r Pi Phi Reviews for Nurse Fund A grant of $300 to the Nurses Edu<'ation Fund enabling an Orange County girl to obtain graduate nursing instrut - tion has been made and a $100 check t o the Orange County Hospital for yarn and otht'r materials needed by the therapy department for rehabilitation or patient& haa been presented bv Lh t' $l)uth C'oust Alllmnae wtll ba dll<'Ul!Hd at Ula lltlrt PS Phi meellnir Wt'dneactay. Nov. ti. with • 10 I~ • m MN• at ~ home of Mrs Philip J ohn. 111' ?-: Tnwnrr St . Santa AnL LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY Club u( l'I B<'l.1 Phi lhlK month. I gue11t, t.ttor .. •hth W1llson or a .. , .. Thl'"•' l('lfta llave bt-<•n made 1 erly H 11l11, ot rnlltn anl.I TV, mu-APPLIANCD -Romielaoli 11ral d1rr1•t<'r 1rnd <'OlllJXlllt'r All"O PllrU -Dealer -8en1ce puss1blt' from 111oci-Nl>1 or the an author. Willscm·11 nPwl'st ~)k UDO IELl!:C'TlllO book r11vww 1wrlf'11 th" dub h1111 111 "Egi::11 1 Have Latrl•'. hu• first an t \'la Udo -HuMr am bel.'n 11ponso1·111~. Whl<'h feature b1'11lft "T hrre I Sto1H1 With My AUTOMOBILE o .. a. -· M11ry Grtier ~<'&rboruugh I Mr11. r k colo" ~ James G I of Balboa 11~ r ommen-Glli'lt u ckf't:e ror tt11"' per-for· Nt'w a nd uaed Care tator. The se<•ond 111 the 11ertea m11nce mav be res.,rved from the l'\ICKJo;Rn ~TlJDl!:BA.ll&a of four h1 s1·h,dulrd for Frtday. cenrr11I o:hairman, M ni. Aust111 SalN ~n·lcie Pane Nov. 4, •l thl' New port Horbor Sturtt>vant Rnervatlons muat bt' IU& Se"'port Bh•d. -Bu. 11• Yacht Club, w ith the t:ottel' hour made r arly Ill! only a limit~ Ba,.,..,. .. al 10 a. m. and lhl' provam number are av111lablf' GuNl~ who ~,......,. aLartlnr a\ 10:411 wtll t1t111· for l11nrht11n ar" to · 8-1& of Amerb NT • 84 In arld1l11111 to her regular re· makf' rt'nrvatwn.-'"'llh thf' y .. ,·ht IUt \'la Udo -~r .... view of current booka Mrs Scar-club the prevu•us day. BARBER SHOPS borough will pre.&ent .. a •peclal Furtll-..r philanthropic projecu LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP BALBOA. TRl:ATKE Bl.DO. BA.LBOA ()pee TuNda7 Ulna 8aturda7 UDO 8 HA\'TNO arno I• Bldwf'll'• 810,. for llN MU \•ta Udo -HuMr 1111 BEAUTY PABLOB8 UDO 8 ALOS OP' UAUTY IU6 Npt. BIY .. -Bar ... ,. BOOKS BOOK CASE MlC Via Udo -llutlw MM CAMERAS a Sappllee VINC~NT LIDO oauo• Utt \'la Udo-..... _ CARPETS a DBA.PDHD DIOK IU.C.JIDl:a IUt Via Uda. ....-.. Mii CATERING RICHARD'S Ll90 MA•m UllVlaLWa-...._ma Clotblac-Clalldrme A ..,_.. .U:Rr~ OF UDO U06 N-,,.n BIY .. :=;;;;.;;;====~;....;~~~~~~~~:;;:::::::;;:;:;:=:===::;;;~~~ CLOTHING -Ila'• ..... II BIDWEIL'lll 8llOP PO• MD 1N9E56w 21'' Color TV* ~:.w=:=.. ::~h .. _.._ .... cordial invitation 1956 RCA Blvd. in extend you a color TV on the new here at 1885 Harbor We to see this week Costa Mesa. 6 p.m. Saturday Daily Except S.•day 12· 1 p.m. "Matiftff Theatre" Max UelMnnan Presents:- 2:30·3 p.m. "Howdy-Doody" ''TH Great Waltz" Sunday Afternoon ••• Color Spread SpectacMlar ''TH COMtant Hnband" * NOW AS LOW AS $795.00 DAVIS· BROWN CO. 1U5 Harbor llYd. Costa Mesa UMlty 8-3437 ltS His . Business ... Yes .•. ~·,his bvsines1 to deliv• y .. Newport Harbor N1ws-Prns to yw door MOllday, Wednesday and Friday. It's Ills bBIMSs to do a CJood iob too. Y"' pa,., mnt reach yH promptty, and in CJOOd condition. His fob depends .-.ttt. ..me .... rettden his cmtolnen. If you are llOt a rec.aular 1ub- 1 c r I b • r, fill out the 1 u b 1 c r i p tion IMlow and we will start d• livery at once. Clrc .. ~--~-~;~-------·-·--·-··1 I --+-Newam• Harbor N•ws • 1 1 . . I 1%11 IWboa Blvd.1 Ntwport B8eh Atta; ClrcllJatloa Dtpt. I b~reby wish t o &ubscnbe to th~ New- port Harbor News-Pr~s. and agree to pay the Carrier monthly, (Home deUverecf only 50c a month). UDO r& ...... Mlt N,._ ....... -...._ 11'1 8HADDOCll'• 1411 Vla I.Me -...._lift VAGABOND ll017D Import-s 8~ NM \'la LWe -_._ 11M DBUG 8TOU:8 VINCIJN1"8 LIDO Da174M UtlVlaLMe-...__ ELEC'1'BI() OOlft'llAOl'OD LIDO ELIJO'lalO NHVlaLMe-...._ ... FLOWEllS IUOllA&D'8 LIDO•& ..... Co.....--TUM .......... ta MU\'laa.Me--..- FOUNTAIN, G8BL VINCEN'T'S LIDO DaV419 ... ,,, ........ _...__ FJUIO'Jil • ALa1JMa OEM&anr AW U..Vlal.Me-----.... FVUrmaB DIC& •&<WW, NJt .......... _ ....... GIJIT 8llOr alca&.m UDO ••-n NllVla ...... _....__ IN8VUNCllD .A0ENn "· o. •U<S. Off). .... vi. ....... _..,._"" INTEBIO& .DIDOO&UUU BLA.'110 ... nn..&ma80Jlf .&..IA UJC \"la I.Me-...,._ .... DIC& 111.&CKZS N H Via IMe -_._ a.t OOH ClllaGSl'OW A. L D. ll&lep ........ loe\: ......... -..._ .. , llARU:l'8 AJCllAIU>'I UDO •AR«"W.T .... ,,. I.Ma -_._ ... I REAL UTA.TE LIDO 11.EA..LTI' &.l90GA.Tm Lido Salee • R.-&ata •400 \la (Me -..... "" P. A. P A.Liia& INO. USl'1AMe----..... \'OOf:L OOlll'AJifY .... , ... I.Me -_._.,. BA I' A:VU RAO. 11&&.Ln \ta Ude Bridc'e Otllee IHI IM"a.71ta. -..,._ ... 8A VINOS a LOAJf A.SSOCIAl'IOMI NEWPORT BALll04 AA. VllfM • LOA.'l A880CIA'l'10Jr A Sa vlnge J.NtlluUoe 1An/( T,.nn Home..._.... .... \'la .,,.. -llutlw - SERVICE STAnoNa LJPO RICllFD'~ H U N.-pon BIY._...., .. SHOES-MM'1 Bll>WE.l. .. 1/8 11'0U llCm -...lill.l'.Ja 1He -...._MM I SllOES, WOMEN Kt"LT.'H Of' CAUFOmn& Hit VIia UM 11.4 .... ! l'llEATJlES LIDO THl:ATU ConlJUlt Ulla S-P« I • PNllW Via Udo at s....,_. -.., ~111' l'OY8 Al 1955 Mod1ll -t to-To Mme Room for 1956 Mere ....... A euttTOMJ:ll A."llD lec•iv• _. Yal8able Gift xcW~4,PR2SS • • . . . . • . . • ' ~---------. .--.-----..__. __ _ ttnet I LIDO TOTIA.'fD Mt.! \.la LWa -...,..r MM l'JlA \"EL ACENCir.8 H A RBOR TaAYr.:L A OIC1'CW Ull Nt!wpen .... _.._. ~ RELIANCE :,a;:_. ( R#fr1reraton .. ,_,. A• Low A.a $59.95 Service Co. SANTA ANA 2211 lalboa Blvd. Hmbor 1616 l CJt7 . CPBOL8TEIUNQ DICIL llAC&&a IUt \'la LWe -_.,_ - WA'l'Cll a.EPA.la \'l':'fCEYrW WA2!09 ....... UDO DllUOS ... , vi. ...... WINDOW oo~a TD UIA.DIC ._,.. Hat .. ,._. CM -· IN .. KAT Alumnae IH b p h }} • :i:-~~1:1k~~~=11~c:; Schmidt-Walsh Oran1e County Kappa Alpha ar or an e en1c tor W. &IU . That& Alumnae club Will m"t pi!?.:.':: =:._aa. llpOlie Oil wedding Set be PNM. nt tor a Nov. 11 w.ddlftl COASTAb. SHOPPER ,A.... I In Santa An&. Alter Ula honey-WEDNESO,e. Y NOVEMBER 2, 1955 moon the couple will be at home -;;;==;;;;;;;,;=====' ==========~ tn Corona deJ Mar. .... ~o .... ~ .. a~~c:·c~c:!.~ti!~; ~~ w·11 A.d Ch1.ldren Du-;.:, lb• wmmv th• club &bore Drtn. 1#1ncheon will be 1 1 Hnl a beconla to C&rol Doane. for Nov. 12 , ............ s- eened followtns lbe meeUnc. AU who wu 1n I.be hospital tor many Mr. encl Mn. JAmee Tea,ue. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17'1 Superior Avenue Coeta Meaa. Calif. CHAPEL BY Tim DA 3020 S. Cout 111M. qu..ted to call the boet ... at U · ' denL 2" 1 K t>«k St Lo Beach Corona del Mar, Oallt. f'boa• 11.arW u Thet.u are Invited and are re-Welcoming many new usociates into the gt'OUp mem· wedta reoovennc from an acci· 1 J.lr. and Jofra. N.lcholu Boyle. 310 Monte Vl1ta St.. Coat• Meaa. 8-6391. ben of Harbor Pt.nhellcnk gathered around the blazing N t u 111 be 1 • ennt' " ng · are part'nt• ot a boy baby born fireplacea in the charming Lido lsle home of Mni. H. M. Nove: em:: i"f 3~ · p. m~~:· t~~ are .nnouncl.ng tbe eniagement Oct. it at Hoar Hoepltal. ;=:::==::::=~==:;;;~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~==:;;;= Phone Uberty 8°3121 . . ot b;>r daughter, Maas Marlon ----------In Mesa Home H ough on the evening of OcL 26 tor their tn-st regular club hou.e, In joint aeaslon •1lh ..,..,. • ..... ...._ • , , tr . book aecllon 2. Each member l• Rankin Wallh, to Georce Moriu Kosinski Son lorn Mr. and Mrw. Euirene Mahoney, aess1on of the year. ho•te.uea .... 111 be Mme•. LllLannf' to brine a current evf'nl pl'rlain-SC"hmldt. aon ot Mr. and Mrw. IT A ff 0 RD 6 • 0 II who have been naldlng a t 216 Ho1teue1 aael•Unir Mr11. Hough Theodore Johnson. lA"onard Bait· lnr to prden1, or a bouuholJ' Fr~ W Schmidt. 12ll N. Bay ' Marine T·Sft. and Mr1. Joaeph ... ..,..;;_~ Uldoo~- IOth St., have moved to their were Mmea. Martin MangoM. zer and Thomu Froet. hJnt. to'ront. Balboa JJland. John K011l1U1kl ot Cot1ta Me .. are ........v•AICA.L ..., &-..,·~ newly purchued home a t 2" E. Kenneth Sl&ttge. Raymond K The bride-to-be was educated parents ot a boy born Oct. 21 at ..._. Lftle"7 t-n1' lllth Bt., eo.ta Meaa. · l hoou t Vancouver B C I lit RS..,..._ Ane• N..,... ._.. &"eyandWllllam~M. G d S t• fuHospl~ n K 9 0 d ~ i ·:u~s~·:N:e':~~1 :~:ft:~:t•:l :u~c~o:ro:n:a·~~=====~~~~~~~~~~~5~5~ Th I ar en ec ton Her tiance waa jtra Ult"" rom • croup voted lo cont nu,. 11.r-. Clyde Trump of 31 t 34th USC where he wu a mrmber ot - --- support ot th• Retarded Chll· H Ch • St. wu taken to Hoac Hospital Delta Sigma Phi t rat,.mlty, la •NO NEWS IS GOOO NEWS,• NE HEARO FOU<S SAY. NOT SO WIT'ij ~. WE WAHT' ALL THE NEWS. TELEPHONE US OR DROP US /ltt. UNE/ PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broe4wa7 -o.ta •-.... _ Ubert7 1-IUI U f..NM dren'a Foundation after a report ears Sirman Wednuday for tr«elment for a now uaodated with the Danz- by pTOject chairman, Mra. John 11&'.hl lllroke. S<'.hmldt Plano company, Santa Keeler. F1rel meeUnc of the aea.on for Ana. In '!''blch hla fatbu 11 a the C'arden atctlon of EbeU Club -Check C1...us.d DUplay tor out-partner. The new directory or membera wu held Oct. 211 at tbe c.l u b st.andlns barsalm ta UMd care. Membf'r1 ot the farnlllea will w1U b4 ready for dlatrlbuUon at houae with Mra. M. L. Rabbitt, the next m"Unc accordinc to chairman, prealdlnc. She wu al- Mrw. Kenneth Coollnc. member· ;:::::=========:::; 1hJp Chllnnan, WhO Will b• IS· aiated In compiling the directory by Mra • .l!:lrner IAIA.nne. The next meetin1 wlll be Wtd· neaday. NOT. ao. at the Mme or )(r1. Richard Wenker, 3i28 Oc- ean Blvd., Coron& del Mar. 01.ber OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 111. 9 P.M. Perking Tickets Validated, All Senta Ane Perking Lots D 210I Ocem,,.. Newport leach TOY SALE DOU. HOUSE "" • ., ,... fu.llUtt .. . sra TOY PIANOSs-a.. ftc~e ........ -..... ~595 ;LiisH PANDAS .. -·-··-· ....... ___ ,._,_sra ~AL WAGON -·-............................. ~2'8 ..... -..... nc llllA.U. PLUSH TEDDY IEAR llJDDI& \' AlQTY F ADI THI FINDT • • • m LOWm PRICED l'Ariy Amerk:u PHONOGRAPH ____ .... ......... '95 .. Snip * 7th ANNIVERSARY . SALE * Buy 3 Yards Fabric at Regular Price You Get the 4th Yard for only le Wonderful Selection Winter Cottons, Taffetas, Suitin91 and Drapery Fabric a Take Advantage of this Celebration to Get Your Chrisfams Sewin9 Needs at Substantial Savings Sale Eads November 10th Snip 'n Stuc~ s..i,, 'n Stile!. 3337 E. Coast Blvd. Corona del Mar 209 Merine Ave. lelboe lalen'd MAPLE FURNITURE Shop and Compare Shop and Compare Shop and ComR"TI e••• an'JW~•N 0,... Frlclayl .... ' Every Imp or t ant "LITTLE FUil' Fashion ... <]AASTICALLY R_Eoucrv ! LAY-AWAY NOJf/ For Christmas Gfring MINK STOLES f-111/1 1~1 0 1'1 1i>1n1 .•• Ranch-Wild-Royal Pastel u rulean-Sapphire '""er Blue lteguJarly $225 MINK STOL~. $795 MINK STOLES $1095 MINK STOLES . . . Haw ~75 s595 s795 SAVINGS UP TO S400 ON OUlt PRl:MJUM Qt:ALITY MINK SAITAAIA FUR COMPAIY Mtmb«. 308 NORTH BROADWAY T-ef -1 t" DIDu..,•-"Ulle~ .. a hi ,._ "' '9T SAmA ANA IU J..,J - and you'll find More For Your Money • 1n ... • • 01nsett1a Park Har4wtMRHn pl• G••I• ld & Plaster • lHtls ,, C.ra•lc m. .. lltcH. & ""' k eai Brick f 1repiaces Payne Force d a ir He at Stall Showers LARGE "Elbow Room" lots • QvaUty Corutructlon by a Cueto• l~•r per mo. FOi IVRYTHINO NO EXTRAS Total Price $12.450 FHA Terms NON Viti Veterans EarnlnCJ as littl• -~~~~~~~~ as $325 pw mo. may qualify Jli1lt tit• bHUti/ul /urnitlt.d moMl.t by Clumd/,r•, n/ Smtra ,t,.., o,_,. Daily 'til 8 P.M. '" O."'-O~•. e4'jecM ..... ,,.._ ...... S.ntw AM, 1 S lftht.,._ ,,..,. • TeN, P,....' Sentw An• t• w"' •" 17ftl .. lefTYdole (1tt "'"' ~ "' rtverl ttt... ,_,.._ .. Tro• • ..._.. w.., t.me4eeham-. J. ley c.~ ... C.., h lWM -, ... , ••ttr c.., s. ... ~ -Lf." ... t-1161 · Ji;iia Coupie Ries $11.000 Damage Suit ~av5ngs-Loan Strl!clure Makes 19th Publication Appearance Tb• •lrlktnc modern hea.dquv· tectural Record Ji1acuiM for Oc· t era bulldlnr of Newport Balboa tober, and ProJTUFlft Archltec- S&Yinc• and Lou Amocl&Uon oo ture and Al"Chlt.ectunl J'orum tor th• b9ytront In N ewport Beach November. 1• maklnr it.a nineteenth a ppear-n.. kUdtar bu "--publlcta- ance 1n national and regional ed tn ad...u.tnr or t•tur• rtor- publlcallona lhlJI month u lt lr * t..nc. ta rortun• )(qulM. featured ln t.hr" architectu.ral a114 ID lfew.wMll, th• WaD m ... ulnea a.nd • trade journal 8lrMt JOlll'Ul, .Ad1Wtl.ranr .Ap, of the .. v1np and loan tndu.try. Americua au.an-&ad otb• n&• S-foodl belor1 to fitti,lacea! ApplN and r&iairw-apit'f'9 •nd •W-a.Dd deliciow, hot and h•~rty t"hoeolat• ... they all bf>lnn1. A.Dd !Mn, both pany-KJvera •nd lonely lnuna .. 111 bftide a ft11min« lor will Ind 0-ricb a.nd 11ronuitic flavors atort"d up togetlll'r. Spir ... plan, _. plump rAili1iM and rounrl lit1le chis-of llt'mi-H 1e.>t c:bocolat.a.,.. jumb~ dt'l.icioualy t hrouah th•• rnlr.e. A oke dell1ht- fQUy ..-ol cnunb, t,oo, which hu the ""ln4'"Y tA1te of applN. W-atll a 1-f lilr• du• on ttwl uobl•. ""'d v to arn·,. 1111 <"omera, •nd -·inc •UCll of C09Y hot chocolate ... ,uuni at u.a aido ••• "'bo'• afr6I el n. Coad? ~CW,IAsl faka 1'4: C111'9 ~ floor I t"Up t UI U · 1' FF DOD a,oda 2 eoa ij t•ll' an u1t Tlurk awwt.rwd "I 1' lt111911 aM1 d ovtW H cup nieuw .. ...,,,.,. mac-. H rup chopped nuta h&fllDMI C11\J\1l-1 pulia11• IM'm1-eet U Qlp ~ cbocolJHf' dus- _..,.. ...,.Uble ahoruninir, UM 1 rup applesauce. With buttrr, uaa M cap applaMuce. Do IM>t uae m11rgnm 1e. • Sit\~ 8our, aoda, aah, and apiC'f'IJ. C.... ~.add au111r icradu11lh, and CTNln until li11ht and -...,. Add ICP.· -•t a ttm•. ~•t1n11 wf'll T hlon add flour m1:at ure .aur-Wy wtt.h app&e.auni 1n 811U1U 11mounta, bf.111in1 aftu ut b ..witloe -UI -th. Sur an r..U... nu ta, and ! ) pAck111e of tlw ~t.acbq& HALLOWEEN meant n1l11ebltf .•• unle ... of courae. there'• a treat In 11ort for the mulled lntrudera. When hungry little 1hoeta and wltchea knock al)On your door. bow about aurprl1lng them with a treat to flt the bollday? On• whllr or freably·balred Halloween Dougbnuta wlll te111pt tbe moet myaterlova •ll<'h. And 1our eooklnc fame wlU 1pread tor mllea around. I The trick to maklnir Hallo'Wetll Dougbnula . . . u11e condeneed te> malo .oup for the llquld! It glYH them a chHrful oraniie color and blenda dellgblfully with the Maugar 'n aplce •n enrytbl111 nice" that gotta lnlo tbe rttlpo. Pue big cuprula or homemade C'li1,.r to alp with the dou~hnuta. And for real fun. 11rln11t appleo frQro a bo•e and aee wbo can ecit bla applo without tnrln11 the atrln1. No hanrla allowed In thl1 gamP' l Hue"a the rtclpe for thoae d.,ugh· nuta that are perfect ror Hallowt1e11. ba•ltcbl•1 u :rttme ! Hallow••" Dougtl11uu t cvpe •lft-4 t '"a"f)oon 111lt flnur l•1n J t•bl~•S>nOn• t cup 1u1ar b•kl111' powdu ~ <"UP mell•d 1 tobleopnnn ol\l)rt•nlns <"lnn•mon I can Cl" <"UJ>ll) 1 •~,••oonn t:ottdf'n.•ed nutm"c tomato ~\41' • I luapoon <"lc>Y.. f'•• for hy1"- 8ltt dry lnrredlenta toactber. Be•l en• aud a11gar uoUI thlclr and e11ir1 ; add aborteolns and toftl•to I IOUp. 811r Into dry lnc~lenta until •ell blendeil. Turn th• rather 1UI' I dCNCll onto 8oure4 board: roll to >ii·h1ch tblckneaa; cut 'lfltb dou1b· 1111t cu Iler. Slip 4ou1b11ut1 Into abort.antnr (HO• P'.) and fry abo11t I mlnutee on eacb aide. Drain on abeorbonl paper . Oull wltb pow· ' dtred or CTanulated av1ar. Makea about 40 dou•hA11ta. fHS • Trustees Look School Plants P-batt.ow brto h~•3-inrh ln11f Pl'"· whit-h ti... bMtl lirwd on ~ witJa _peper. Spnnkle f"f"mft 1n•ni 15 r• .. rl.11ce n( chocnllltl' d1ipa -a.u.. Bab i.n aJow ovrn 1.l:!:1 t-" nh.,ut I hour and I ~ m1nut••. w ..al dooe. Cool aike, wnp ill foil, and •lore ovenucbi. Cab ....... u.-, .. c1a,.. -Over in Tour BE SURE -INSURE I Fishermen's I Mtm~r. of th .. boa rd ot tr1111t- llACIUCS ... 9TAKLE't I l'N• o( =''""''rnrl Harbor Union •-rae1 ~ p I L k H I H•i:h S r hu o l r"rrntly m•de .._ au-.. H1t I 0 UC ea n 1annthtr nt a<'Vtral ll lpll villllnJ! 1111 &. 0.... ~J I n1mrltt4'.t 1ttuntlal\' 11ehool.1 and 0.-... .., ~range Report I thOIM" undf'r l'On.trur llnn In an et· a urt to IM"rure lll•t·hllntl lnfot· ma llfln rflnl't mln,c work of p rom· a.y Jt WIUI Cahl'lln1t In IU f all h!'!lulr lnt'nl Khool arC'hllt't"la. ot on<! ""'1aJ t'•en111g rath m tmlh J C-h"<"klnir t h r oug h vtaltatlon ="11"4'prin thirbor O!'nite No 776 1 ttnd lnvl'&1.lf•tlr1n or rl'fertncu ot ht-Id a l"•I IU<'k .11uppn an•I 11n· th" archtlHla hi\• ~"" jlolng 1>n trrta1n1nrnl In ~ HalltJwun tor a number ur wPr~s Two lo- lhnn,.. Od 7~ ral fllnu of arl hlltll• h•ve ~VI ........ ...... Putya.t.ab4m9 , • ., a. COt&llll R~ •• c--~I II• ...... 60'71 Hlfbll1th\ of lh• f'Ven1n1 w~ 1ncludtd In the 11urnv The board lht> N!J)Orl 11:lvtn by Gr1U1ce Maa-hopea to mako It• rhnlro aoon ol ur and Chapl.aln. J&.m"• a nd Lou-I th" a1 r h1t•rt who wlll thf' dnitt ti.la Ma1"t1n. nn t hfl 83rd 11nn1111I plane fo r lhl' ""'"' hi.1th 11chool. Callfomt.a Rlatt Gr•nitt c:c•nv .. n· &Ar<J mf'mbf>ra m11kl11~ lht SANTA ANA (OCNS) -A Costa M-coupla S aturday tiled 1ult tn Superior Court here, reek · 1nr more than i u.ooo damage-In lhe wake ot a traffic accident April 9 a t 18th St. a.nd Newport Blvd .• Coata Meaa. Mr. and Mra. Elno A. Ollila. 713 W. Wllaon St., brought th• complaint. They n11.med Jack Wat- kin• of La.guna Beach and Ralph E. Coodmu no at:ldrtu &iven, u defend&nu. The bulldlna-'1 ,1... wau.. to-t I on al lllq'Uin... Auocl&t:ion lalllq eome 18,000 mq. ft., and Prmedeat Paul A. Palmer'• otttce 114 automatic electric doou are h ... forwarded material echeduled featured plctorlally ln a tull·~ to ap.,_r 900n ln a Spanlab en· adverUaament ln the Savine• and rtneertns ~ publlahed ln Loan New• for October. a.nd ln M&dt1d. -d another technical ma.- a double-par• apread l.n A.rehi· ,...m. publiabad ta 1111&.D, It&lJ. The plalntlffa uaerl Mra. Oil· p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Ila !ailed her car at a tre.lflc alg· nal and that It wu atruck 1n the rear by one operated by the de· fendanta. The defendant.I *'" charg~ wllh negllrence by .the plalntlfh. Video Go Paddy DeMsrco. former light· weight king. faC't1 Jo~rankle Ryff In Wednl'sday nlrht'• televlled boxing boul, 11tarllng at 7 p. m. DeMarC'o won and lost the rrown in boulll wllh J immy Car· lf'r In 19~. At 77. the ar raper h11a bten In pro competition tor JO years. Jn 81 llghta, DeMarco has won 71 , lo11l U and drew ln tv.·o. Ryft Is "rookie of the year." ma record ahowa 19 oullnr1 with 18 wins and onl' loaa. NEWPORT DORY I FLEET . Fresh Fish Daily From the Sea to Y CMI 25¢ pot111d -Cleaned Free Sold Only the Day Caught NEVER HEl,D OVER at the foot of ... Newport Pier This will STOP You • • Special Pwchase ....... this ,.. ... BRAKE RELINE 517'5 FORD -CHIYIOLIT AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUARANTEED TOP C'l)UAUTY LINING FREE 1000 MILE CHECK· UP Courtney & Lester 1596 Newp1rt lhcl. c ........ u l-11t7 Coastline Floor Covering Close-Out Specials ASPHALT TILE 1GOO boxN. Ucllt eolon. le Pflr tlle s• 0.rk oolon redllft'd to ..... JN'F tJI,. INLAID LINOLEUMst-Urd "'"'1tht, ~-9e1. 1cL. •1 • COASTLINE Floor Covering 541 Centw St. Is one fl THESE jobS YOUR job? then THIS i1 the llGHT SHOE for YOU I 108-fllTID ~ '(1) On.piece~ cemfnlctlon. (2) hwn,. ... eon-f ~ (3) GenulN Vukotii tolu (') luilt~ 1t..a ordl 1"'-foot eofttfott. Alio In popular low O.dord ltyte. $7. 98 Non• of theM trodes it yours, come In oncl otlt for this shoe by "°'" oncf number I Or bring this odverlitetMnt wit+i you, jud to , be -.. W • hav. It, In yow eize. 1~ Unioft Mode by A. F. of L WOti:,_,, A Ufe 11me of Shoe Fitting Exptorit"nce Wasemiller' s Workl.Dgmen'• Store COSTA. MESA 19" ~ Barbor Blvd. Ubuty 8-6021 Lion JU3l «lnC'IUdf'll at S.r r11mf'n· lul vlaltatwn t rip lnclutlf'd Mu. lo. at whJC'h lf'(1.a!At 1ve '"~lullona Ronald Barlow. Hadd Ring, Don· fur lh• bPnet1t of lht fLAhlnjt In· aid lJ\lnK•n a.nd Surt. Sidney duatry r"'ft'lvf'd vt"rv rawir11blfl o av1dtnn Everybody Reads the C LA S S I F I E D wpport and Ul\IUU!noua aduptmn I ~~~~-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii __ ..;_~~~~~-~=-;-;-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~===:ii~~~~;~~~~~~~~~-iiiiii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--You Wiii Find Best In Every Thing You Need In WANT AD PAGES r by th" .. onvflntlon a.a part or Its • Ill:'>& •1tmda and rommlunent for! llUPJJOrt a l the N11~na1 ('nnven· UOn tu be held In Clevela nd, 1n No~bftr. )f.uter and Mra. )fartln, ortl· clu dt'ltgat.ee ot the loca.1 Oran1•. wHb put·mu ter 8-rl M<'OouaaJ1. I 111~rre lrU"•u wttb 23 olh1>r Or· a.nr;e Cuunt:r ddecato and mtm· 1 llera a.t t.ba tuun.ia.l Oran1te Coun· ty CllnMr IMJd ~ year durini;: u.. conffllUan. l:lecUO'll or otrl· cen for ltcMl wUI be h'ld a l lh• Mil ~ meeUnc on Tu,.,.. day. l"OY. 8. 1iw CUfoml• Hl .. hway h trol ~I'd lil 772 dnvera for apH'd- lrlg durtlllf lhti f>rwt t 1.('ht montM of It~. N'p(>rte lhf! National Au· tomoblle Club Thia n•prt"«nted a.n tncrea• ot U .804! OVC'r the nwnti.r •rTt'et"' fnr .11~f'(J1n.: dunnc th• flrwt t>IChl monw of ·~· Boet• -H-. -Tl"llllt'rw rrn-cutar ShllP" t Ullerty &-llOI t'OSTA ML"A MA'ITRESS CO. % IJO .S•Wl'Ori Bh d.. .I O H NSTONE 'S Mesa Allto Wreckers l "!Wd Auto Pvt11 M>d Ar,....•n,....,. 20i."'t Plac:eetia Aw·. 1.11W'rt T ~ 70 IJ ((,.ta ~"'6 1st Mort1age Loans o• .. a .. ca. •u•••C .. A•O INOU•T••AL ••O ••• ,. ••• •• ........,._, ......... r4 ,.,.. • ...,,.~, ,, ~·· ( ............. •:l'lld l~, ,....,... c ...... c .... WC ••Al .. o ,,_,90.,.,4 •O\.•C•f•~•O•e ntU9T OClO• •OUOMT ANO ltOLO 11.1.llll MO""AOl ••NltlNO •oC C t•)Q 1-H W\M snfl T • ~.,,A AIU. (Al I' 11 .... 1\'f >-·111 C.·-· ..... \.-....... * , ...... -. ..... ,~°"'- WANT ADS want to buy, sell, rent or trade? CALL Harbor 1616 .ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD TAKER • . I • I ' I i I I I I ' YOU TOO CAN SAVE MONEY! FOR THE BEST USED CARS LOOK FIRST IN THESE PAGES, WHERE QUALln' GOES WITH PRICE We mean It: Our cla111fled ads are full of wonder· ful barCJGlns In top-quality UHd cars • • . Dealers know abaut our bl9 <lrculatlon and the quick results -ads brln9 ••• ut us help you sell y-car I SELL IY OUll CLASSIFIED ADS Call Harbor 1616 N2WPOln' rtfl HARBOR RE-WS/ PRESS '-" LZ!7 2211 Balboa llYd., Newport leach High Quality Printing Phone Harbor 1616 321 AMIRICAN AYI. • Pll UNUM CUR RI NT EARNINGS Pia. HEmloci 7·1203 COASTAL SHOP!'ER PAG~ / WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 IF YOU HAVE ••• • sold ow cut a new tooth at 50 years or older been in a fight stolen anything OR HAVE DONE ANYTHING AT ALL! ' That's News-AnJ We Want It Tel hone. send a Post Card or come in to see us at 2211 I ••• llYd. HARBO• 1616 J COAST AL SHOPPE R Edlttoa of PAGE '4 -PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 . 'Merton of Movies' Due Nov. 16 at Coast College / "Merton nt the Mnvie11" by I and ftnally, t he !'tench m&ld, George S. l<aufmttn a.nd Marc who takH care of the doi : Bon- Connelly will be presented by the n.t. Geori•· . Or11 nge Cn<1iot Coller• drama d •-1 The re will be t wo perform&n• partment !'\ov 16 and 17. Cttsl· ce. ot the play, one on Nov. 16 In~ t or the play hR8 b('en rnm-and 17. The Ora.ma Club will pleterl by J,urlnn Scott, drama handle the jobs In the front ot tnstructor. I the house and the backelage de- Selertlr.n11 fnr the casl are· tai111, In Addition to ma.ny of the Mert'ln Ctll, a m'lvle 11trurk c nun-roles In the play. t1•y 1><1y. to he J'lR )'rrl by Allt•n The setting Is the 1920'11 when Baker ; Am1111 r.111chlvllt'r, a rnun-the silent films Wf'rl' In th~lr try 11torP keeprr: Tom Plrtt.s: heyduy. The play Is a true ro-F:lm~r H 11ff, "c·n11ntry •1w1c: Ran-nw<ly filled wtth humor and pa- dv Alhen; Te~,..1e l(tnrn ... 11 1110-lhns, Jt WllM a Rl'll Sk~lton mo· vie-adnring mtlllner; Tt>nl C'lark; vie CA~tlng dirr<'tnr; (~\'nthia Stroth· f'r J , LP8\er MrmhlJi:llt.", Rn •>liter. .. HM ·br.l'n" nrtor : Rav M11J.11111gh. Thi' plot deals wnh a 1·ou11try bnv, Merton. who ls movie struck ~lo\,F. <"ltEW a.nfl f llletl with f1rea.n1~ ot a ca· The role (If St~mu1ul Rl)SPn· rl'..r nn the l!Cre .. n. H ollywc>O!I bhltt. "" f'nrr,.:rtl(' lllOVtll •Ill •'I'· rre;;ents M er t on With 8 nu1ober tor. will b" pl11y•·•I bv Fl'<'•! H11r-11f hllt••r Pxperinirt>.~ that RhQtter VP\'; Weller, I\ "\'Cl<' man w1lh htit dreams and lo1Pal~. The play Id~"~ Cr11nt Stl\~~hP1 ~. h111 '""11· rnv•·al.~ h<iw he 11urv1v1•s the·'!' •roman. a mollcl "l1H•Vl•'0 ' inak -h1ttt•r PXpPrl<'n\"l'll an1l i;ol v~s his •r . Al Hathawu.v: th .. :\lontaj!11e problems w it h the aid of those J trl. a 11ymrathPt1c "extra": Shir-, he first thouitht "no gond". ~e H out lgan; Howart.l P&1'm11J1•"!, • mn vlp leallfni: man: 1>1wlrt Htncts; BPulah Be.xter. I\ t emrwr· Burkhard Booked DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ·of the Newport Harbor News-Presa i& guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their ,apera be· fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly, Wednesday and Friday. U your paper is not delivered by that hour please call Harbor I 1616 and your ·carrier will bring your p~per. • Class·ified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL. SHOPPER - Wednesdays Coutal ( Uot-8 ShopPf'r Ad• run ln the Wed.netday lliewa-P..- 1 luerUoa $1.00 add'I. llnes .25 ea. .. ·"-Sha,.. Vour Cer New~-P,.ess publtshr8 m" 'ni;slf1e.I A.ls t hlln unv u: t«Wllplip•·r In the are&. '1 .\'&der11t11p \VU l\tliilOf';I l)l'• ='lews-Presa Cla.s1ilfied Ada results~ -~~ty Aldit __ _ Superfl uous Hair Permant•nlly rcmovel1 front la• arm•. 1ega. Eytbrowa anc ne 11ne ahapell-No more tw,.elln. ELL EN L. BnY ANT R E '.1do'1 Sa lon of Bea uty Har ~t. l 22-Lost and Found LOST-Lady White cat , !lark gray markings. Chlldren'• J)4't. -1129 E. Balboa Blvd. Har. 2360-WK. 26c27 MAN'S wrlat watch lo1t on Penrn1rnla ocean front near "M .. SL Har. M83. 26p 4 Linea 2 luertlons UiO add'L lines .2:S ea. ---------- 4 l..ines 3 Insertions 2.00 add1. llnet1 .25 ea. 4 Lint-K 4 Insertions 2.00 add'I. lineA .25 eL Situation \\'&ntf'd Ad• wlJI receh-e 1&% clliwount, Cub In adn.aOll onJy. MINIMUM AD 18 6 Ll:"\ES (IEADLINES for placlng or can('elJlng ada are: For Mondtty P ublication -Friday 6 p.m. 1-'or Wedltl'stlay PubllcaUona -T uesday 1 p.m. F or Friday Publication -Thurllday 1 p.m . SEWPORT llAJlBO& PUBLJSRl~G 00. i u I Balboa Blvd., ~ewporl Be.ach, CallfunUa. Z~hoobl. lnstru<'tlon J ones Birke I-Richardson ORGAN STUDIO. Learn to play the mighty WURLITZER. EVELYN JONES, Mgr .. 300 H olm- wood Drive. U 8·1082. 20c33 China Paintin9 12-F'nmttflN' for ~alf" 8'?-f"\imftu,..., fnr ~lti · ------------------------- BUYS AT BAY G:lEl.TE~ Y THE ROOMFULL BY THE HOUSEFUL' BAY FURNITURE ''WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY " ALL'NEW II PC MAPLE woon ARM LIV RM 0Rot·1~ fnl"lttdf'S llClfll, pllllf01111 1no k.,r, l'111b d11111 , 2 st•·p t!n•b, l l'Offce tablr:: wourl baae m11ple table lti.mra. ~329.50 VALUE AT BAY $219.50 8 l'l' SF.tTtrl="AI, l.l\0 IN t;R(lOM r:Rt)l'f' Jm·lude11 3 rx· ael't1onal ··11r\'ecl cr·nt<'r 1f••t d4",C:1cl'• 2 lll<'fl 4"n•ls. 1 corkta1I tablo 1:'\e,·amar tnp~I. 2 mndcnt :I-way tahl,. l·•mrs $379.50 V ALUJ.:: AT BAY $257 8 PC. WROL GHT mn:-: Ll\01:'\G Rncn t GR()t ·p l n1•hulM hcrl·c1i,·an. matC'hing <-h•ur, 2 1<tf'Jl·ends. t ,•orrre t!lble, 2 tahle lampa, l floor lamp. $215.50 VALUE AT BAY S149.M 11 PC. PROVINCIAL UYJ"'U R OOM GRUl'P lm·lu•ks wing sofa-haa fo11m c11ah1nmni; r1llow ttrm~. w<'hh bll.l!C'. h<lwrt frame. t matche<1 Frenl'11 t'rn,,· tal>ltl!. l <'nrnt>r, l corree. 2 end. In aolld Birt'l1. hand rul)l.>t'<1 $499.50 VALUE AT BAY $319.50 8 J>('. MOlll~HN BEJJnOOJI[ GROt 1P. lnr.htrlt'l! 6 <lr r1011bl" .tresset', 3!J x 40 n11rrur. 2 nlte stRntls, bk'C'llse he1HllJ0Rn1, mcllll rrnn1t' f:'ll•ll mneri1p1 matt. & L>ox l'f'"tnltt< • $239.50 \'ALUE AT BAY $159.50 8 Pl..'. M< >DF.llN HEDRM GRP IQUEl!:NSIZEl. JnC'lw1f!'ll 9 fir, tlre~St'I'. 3!1 x 41< plllle mlrrilr, hk'<'ll!l<' he11r1bo11r<l , 1 ~l11ltng fJ"-nels 1. mt'lal bl"d frame> 1110'' J, q11e~n 11ize r rlax-u· peolll' rn nerspnng matt. It box 11prlng 110 yr. guarantl't 1 $299.50 VALUE AT BAY i t99.50. '?_-~-~'!'..'~~------ 1 BUY AND SELL \HI.)' A:O.I EHl~'A:'\' c•ut ,•nlnrr1I. p•:tt 111 !:ht>!l 1'1 1ml tl\1·~ An• 1111111! r111111t111" un•1 ftn• ch111 a. .IE Bl<.; OLO RED BAHN Kl 3-30'• ( 861 Hartwi Bii.i , c;a rden Gm v• 2•rH -11 BOAT STORAGE \l.L SfZES. rtH8llltllhlf!' rate8 Ar· ply ut y11rd ott1r<'. flOUT K <.:r>AST ('(\~!PA~V. f'ewport Rlvfl .. "t 2:1r.1 ~l • Newport Brh. 2tt TRADE BMutltUI 70-ft. aux. achooner. Excellf!'nt tor charter. Warit r rnprrty Clf l!IUlllll'r l:Joal. 1220 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport. Har. 3032. 391.f• !14-Muslcal. Radio, a T '' 17" Motorola Combination R:Hlio, 3 spe<'<l pla~w AM&FM 1 :i of original cost TARTER'S :?904 Coast Bini., COM -BF.At rTIFl 'L famou" meke blon'1t &rnl'ntel movie actresi.. Lt1n•t ta Bf'nnett: J rrr B11tr(f, a hli: mnv1e prnduc'Pr _ Jc1 ry 1l'C:11rl11, Mr11. P att .. rsnn, 11 kln111y boa.rdang AJI Cla.Hlfled Ada mul!t be paid for c .. h la ad\IUl'e of pubUeatloa. The publisher• will not be respon11tble ro r more tha.n one lncorreot F:l.81e V Burkhard. 42, of l,,nni: ln11ert1on ot an ad, rest'rve the r ight lo correctly cl&11slr.v a.ny and all Bcar h. wu arrest<>d fnr rlrlvlni; &d11 anfl to reject any ad not conforrnl.q to rulu a.nd re&'Ul•Uon.a. Whtie drunk by Costa Mesa r o· Day and l:Ven1J11 CIU IH Order• Tu en Now Phone Liberty I-MU IHtte ' i8--8ttuattou WMtecf BAY f URNITURE ··whne Prirea Art Hric! at BAy .. gplnet p111110 rn pt>rfe('t c-onl11· thin. Se\•e $246. Liberal t ritde. C'onvf!'n lent t~rm• 111.- SH A ~'ERS 1 g 1nca 1907 ) 4~1-C!3 N. S,·rt1nt"rt. S11J1t11 Ana f'hon,. Kt m~nly 2-oen hnu!WI keepPr: :'liatnllf' R<1~erl!; lir e early Su11d11y morning. ---------- A Testimonial to Advertising Pt'rh•p• "It pa~·· to Ad\'rrtl~" h• an nld d lrbf''. bul It I• a true on~. and a ppllM f'"JW'"lally t o tb .. SrwP"r1 Harbor ~ .. "•· r r-! We Wf'r" l'On frontNI wllh an unu1mal probl,.m-.ba,·Uir to N'll four rnQ111• of furnllurr b<'lun~ln~ 111 my molbf'r, and thf'D to dlai-of nr.arly I hat murh "hf'n our own furnltu,.., "ran"' out" of atoralf'· Thank• t o da"trlf'd Ml• ph11..-d In th,. Sr"· •• p,,.,.,. "'" bJ&tl "ond .. rrut ""'P"n"". frt>m <"o•la .)I,...., :0-t<wpon . ..,,d ('oruna df'I Mar, and ""'e ablt• t o df,JXtMi of "''"rylblnr ln a llhort Umr. fft'r" I• a IH>h-•I phon" c•all I "'""h'f'd allf'r IW'Ulnr tbf' Jut ltHn: "Uld yuu .. h,.•tl-a typlnit tahlf'! 11'11 irone ALRt;l\UV'r ".""· tll&I •,,.-ak• \\t'll fur lht' pap..,!" It a lMI "•(M'IUI• "•·II" tor l hf' p•p..r th.t """ rf'C'f'l\'l'I •Ucb C'OUr- ,,..., and N>n•ldrr•llon "11 .. n "ph<1nln1t In" "'' ad. "'lnl'(•ft"I). M r11. Ci, \\'lll•on T WO pc. •~lion&! S811. Walnut twin ix'<Jll, with new Beaulyrt"at mllttrus & 11pnn118. SHKJ. !I-pc. frpll' ""t, SIZ 1·11hol d~n chair, Siii. 9 x II tug, $12 Wtlh pact. NF,W METAL TYl'J:-<O 'TAHUO Sii. f1lunde 4!n4 l11blo like new $:\ Z llf!'lll of •uh window• 36 x •2-S2 a ael WANT TO SELL A CAR? BUY A TY? RENT A ROOM? TRADE A TRAILER? SWAP A BOAT? FIND A WATCH? LOCATE A JOB? Use WANT ADS Jnt Can HA 1616 Special Nottee. y Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meeta every Thurllday 8 p .m. Via Op<Jrto -Central Ave. Newport Beach Albert H. Matlhewa, Exalted Ruler l ()-BU8ine8fl Gulde HAULING trn.ah or T Anything, Anywhere Llbtrty 8-2146 81itfcpp 12-Bulldln!_; Sen1oee H. H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBrNG 4 Prompt ~pair lkmce Ma.t.nt.t!led Phone: Harbor 4t2t l80l Balboa Blvd., ~ewport ~•ch p6p ''A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THF: NEW m•l'hlnit rrucu1 ml'\.h· od. Re.u onable prlcf!MI. A veni.i• 2 t..pe rn ldenlla l bltnd Onl y $1.00 Allnl1• rtpatt-td 11nd r .. bullt. F'r11e l'tr k Ufl Md deltvl'ry Work done by appointment rhonc t.Jbttty &-0701 or Kimberly 3-11274. rpttc General Contractor LlCENSF:O New Work -Remodeling J . MlLTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58tfc C A R PEN T E R Repair Work ~ Your Home Need Repatrtnc or Remodellar? Call F'r&Ak. Llt>erty a~ All Worlt OuarantNd Htto COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service E VGE.."'E 0 . S AUNOKRS 600 31H fltr~t. Nfl'WJ)Ort Btat-11 Harbor 2978 or Ha r. 4H6. tfc P ainting, PaJ'*'rbanglng 'The Fin~t Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar IU 2 38lh St , Newport Bea<"h Ph Har 240i or 1~67·R l~ttc . Adams Plumbing Rep&lr -Remodeling NEW CONSTRUCTION 162 Cedl Place, Co1ta Mu&. Liberty 8· i527 tar26 Courttoua N.w•Pru.t Cl.aNll./led Ad-Taker• are tratned to write ettecUve •d•. Through Joni t;t1pt'r1tnce ud a h/lrough underst&11dln1 ot ad"er· tl•lnir we ca.n put your v.•a.nl.I lnto ~or4-that set. ecllon. ------Let u• help you "111 TOOLS BOATS FURNITURE BUSINF.SSES CARS &. TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • e • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A HELPER 427 E. l7lh Coata Me~a 12-BuDdlng Servlcee --· MOVJNO MUST SP.L~ lhll< ..... ,. R t M • t F ree Storefront Parking Ternis br11111I nrw l<:'l.'ARIC SPl!'\l!:T. Painting &. Paperh anging oy S am enance Ha r. 2776-R. 2flr21 W d ffoUM cleantnr -Floor waxing OPEN EVE 'S 'Tll 8 ---e o the work ourselves. Wall waahlng-wtndow oluntni • SAL~;. Grnml r 111.no11. Man.v won· 30 yean eirperlence Vtnetlan bltndL Upholt1tery derful bara•ln1 J\l"ny fnmou• Licensed It tnaured. l n1ured. Free Jt1Umate1 %9--Heln Want.fd 180--MISCf'U&oeous mttke" Prtr•·~ fro m $311:t up. SaU•!acuon e'J&ranteed. Liberty 6•1332, ltfc s; Benrh 11wl11dt'ol. Eatlmatea free. Call J ohnnie, TIRED OF LlVINC WITH IN SY.LL ON TERMS DA NZ-SCHMID'!'. :,20 No. Milin. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 8l tfc RELIABLE JAPANESE-LAWS! We w ould lo\·c youllerf 8F"I'. DEUCATESSE=-:t·&se,$1 ~0 Sll1tla An&. CEMENT &: BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTIMATES Liberty 8·6109 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB•TOO SMALL H. 0 . Anceraon l OU p;_ Ba.)boa Blvd., &Jboa Harbor 2'6-0 83ttc AMER I c AN w ANT s u mother 8 helpn R0<1rn &n.t o:q; 6 fl. rt'!rlgt'r&lor $:>\! RF:='IT 1\-p-la-n-.. -.-tn-lll you buy. AU board, •mall aalary. Ll 8-07113 ONF: lar1te c:ommtrc. retrlg. J ,,,, t<'rt 1 r'nt 1111 ... ! G I GARDENING IN HAR 2•l'26 ~ooLA s2· 1 ' ' ''"r0 . no• pr11c· • • l SC ALES. $6!'1. 1 (ION ·• lll'e p111nn! us low u $:> T•«'r BOR AREA BY WEEK OR Call owner u 8·6223 mommg1 or month w Al\'TED-Firat cJau •hips CM· ·' .. lltl MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 I ... ler " p.m. c DA NZ·t'l'lllltlPT Bl" P lano tl•J""" penttr & A· I 11hlp1 painter, or ,, . ~ 24pll1' &hlpyard. Have a.hop ~rtly Ai' d 620 N Milin, S11nta A.na. -----------equipped. No rrnt t t> pay. Per-Fresq Hearing --------- W ORKl!'C mothers, ellll•t ,.,,,... ceotagc• only -26117 w. Cou 1 BATTERIES Pia no & Furniture In my home. Ages 2 l<i :i I H wy, NpL 25c27 We Give S•H Green 8t&mp1 REFINISHING Newport Hel(ht• area. 270 E Gunderson Drug Co Q UAL.lTY WORK ONl.Y Pal111er Ll 8-76H. 26\'28 UARDEJ'l:ER w ith 3 y 11. tx~rl· ' ANKRUM l'l ANO SF:RVl \Rl -----l'nre 111 rar" o ( lier•. SalAry M1.1n St. 11t Ba.Ibo& Blvd., Balboa LI ii·20:'IZ .ta)'• THOROUOH Cle11nln,.-. twi.1111<111 ran"e $288·347. Anply Park Harbor 61:>. 118tfc " r Kl 2-7880 a.riyllme laundering. Alao cook lnit A M1 • • Dept. C ity of Newport Bea<'h. vlnJC. I colored l Ref. Own t ran•· 24c26 28c39h F OR RENT portatlun. Kl 2-0:t55. 21Sp2~ 1 , --BOYS 12 111 16 )'f!'U'll ot age.-Swedish Massage I Tho New11-P1 t'!l8 h8Jl an Oj:Hlning PRWATE SALE SPl:"F.T p1a n<11. Rental nturna Tr11de·lna on Ori:ana. t'lC. Llk• SkHt 8a w1. Elec. Onll1, Pollaht1'9, all ~ypea ot S&lldera, WbMlbar· roW'8, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2430 W. COAST HJGHWAT Ut>crty 8-34", tcewiiort Bch 21llo ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I ln.1lall the abo"• thoper lh&ll mo.et. A lao """ Tiie A Unoltum. Non-union, ~ yt"ara ••~r14!nea. C.ompnre and -- BlU. t'UKER Har. •796 or Lo~ Beach i-:w;-a. 119tlc !At us ttnl"h your Remodeling Painting, Decorating Paper Ha nging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing EL LSWORTH CONTRAC'TI.NO u •. ~9:,1, u 8-&262 Ladlu. -by your home. fo r a C'llrl l<'r 111 11 \•lne Terrace a ppotntment ln ' Thia Lii ono u( our but routu Formerly maM«uH at Arrowhead Sprtn1• H o111t. Pleue caU Harbor •7911 or H"r. 70. lllc2Th Phon• Mr Puke-r, Har. 1616 or Har. H Ol·RK. Beacon Personnel l OO'r employer retained agency Experitm c'd gardener NO FEE collected frc.m appUcant LANDSCAl>ING 4t3·311t . Newport S.•all and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8·1669 30Uc EXPERlENCED GARDENER OARD&NINO 4t yanJ work by day week or mon(b. Liberty l.C1311 e!ter 6. lttc CLEANING 6 ~ONINO by Ult d• y. ltJtpertenCt><I. 8&J boa I.II and prde'""'4. Kl 3-609e. t! --------------Wll...L CAR.l!l F OR 1 OR 2 rr~· •rhrol t'hlldr~n In my home tor worktnit 11ioth•r. Clift Hav .. n llrPA. Ana. 1-k>x :'lio. A-611 lM• 1 pa1~r. 2tic27 Custo·m Draperies BEOSl'REAOS. 1Up coven , etc.- Hardware. 3 1 yra. tn bualllt•, LUCILLE DECORATOK~ FIREWOOD FREE DEi.IVERY Ory w1l{11I, Eue&l)'pl•U C'111l T111t1 H ulchln11on >lnb<lr 26311-J. llll. lllt!c 3120 St•avtew A v.i , Cororit1 dd nrw Tht1 Is a ch11nre for a l11j! Mar. ~:omn1encln1C Oct. 31 thru 1111\•lngs Opt>n Friday f'Vl!I. Sat 1 to 6 p m 1 OANZ-SCHMlDT, 620 No. Main. St.nta Ana . Purch&1cu on world tour O riental TV & R d• R • art ubJ<'rlll, bru,•altra, <"hlnf'llf' a 10 epa1r 11m b101tlt'r)' fAbrlr11, ktmuna.~. rMtume )l'Wt lry, natlw Ml\· I Fast Service tumra, pl,.ture.t. lltt<'ll8, rh11111. lampe, ENGLIS H L U 8 T I\ JC plat t i . Al8o blnn1!11 <'ndct•ll table A: m&lloit NhHAto11 buffet. 23c28 ~~B-A~p_llan_._tt~s~~~~ Washing Machine •;£RVJC1!' l vur guarAnl4'(' f>D JOba done an<l 011 u...-(J wuh~n 2~U 14 I rear 1 Nt<v. purt UI , UoeLa Mu.a Liberty h--t~i03 or Llberty 8-4:!i7. 64Uc JUST ARRIVED! "'-na.ble. Semce C'al t• t ill 0 p.m KNOWLTON ELF.~. TRON1CS U 1~11206. 21" GE TV Reduced SM TARTER TV Har. M91 llp21H tlAM,,lONO Orgacn1. All 111()<t,.•L• Some wonderful b11rra111~ •n uaed organ1. s~veral m1>k"• to'rtt pracll<'ll room~ T 1udr '" )'01J r old tnatr-um('nl DA ~Z-RGHMllYr, Hom • "' '"" w urld f1UTt<>u11 H•mm1111•t 811.n• a Ana. :.20 N. Maln SPECIAL Bt;Y ! I 11':M0 1".!ITRA TOR modl'I. llkfl nf'W l2p26H 29-Help '!'._~!._~----Pl!:HIOD TYPE, ll petce dtnlf\K eel. lnlroducin~ the NJ-:\\' hn•· aqua lacq11~r flnl•h Alan Ben· dlx a uto. wuh~r Har 40~-W AAl"·O-Mal 1• 1,f luv.ty Klmbull l'<plnf't piano "llh built tn Lo"' r~y Oriano ~"' • I SJOO "n lhl1. Liberal trMla. C.:lln• "<nfl'nt ttl'TT1• a t -Rd. Oil Spre-a.4tng Drlv•w&y8 PARKING LOTS Su~h·utnna our •Pf'Ch.;;y. We tuml•h any t ype oil LO your~ c1f1.-atlon. lArge Jo be -am&Jl Job•. fo't« u l1ma tu , Alto w a· ler •pru dlnK. Mod"rn equJ p- ment L.Exlngton 6--4008. Oll• more A P~e. JiunUnrton Bcli.. &t.10 PAINTING M. W. ROSS LICC!ald LI 8-332 I 280 A l'OC&do, Coet& M ua Mltc Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LlCENSXI> CONTRACI'OR 1711 W, 18th !t., Costa Meaa Llberty ll·M21 NAM F; T A KF;RS fo r 1...a4nln11 Brar II .A Soull'I L&iuna <'II)' Dlrf'Clory. Good hand 11o·11ling rJ1WOlll1I. \\'r1t• 20• P: nh room 7. 811nt• Ana or call Kl 3·HSL 23tfc V OUNO MAN tor hchl factory work. Phone Har. H~i. 2~cl7 COOK--bO\lle)ct'('~r for 3 •llllllt.a Ml18l dr1>'f PTtvatf' rm , bsth A- ------------1916 Model 'T' Ford NOT RESTORED l.1 8-3303. ~·27 01'.NINO room -~t. refnf . gu r&.nl't, t><-11 dlvt.n, PJI he.ater It mlac. llema. Har. 18'9·'\.\' 23c28 AL SO Special Deal We have a carload nf NORGE WASHERS SllAF'f;RS tSlnce lll07) 421 •:?3 N. SyC'amore. 8Ml11 """ I P hone K lmbf'rly 2·<>e72 Oran&• County'• Orian llt1qtr11 GOOD pl4ylnli:' pr&ellce r 1•nn •. Sit• Jl<7. 191 up to $19&. Sp1n .. t l\ .. mirror ptAno, a b~l\ut\, ,,.,,. $1Pll. ll:1U1lelft tenn~ TV. $115. Har t i • ~·27 h.12 ru,-. rood ma lt"""""· S im-J k 1 A I" -mona bl"&M ~ .. •rrrn~"· J"lllnt-a e s pp tances f, \~,/.-~CHMfOT, 620 N f\hin. !< w• • Ana 100 piano• n1--·n I-, I,• nli ht.a. JOSS NOW: Women -,t,.no. ed., cbeap. Hl&9 M:lnom,.r, B11fbl\,. lOl'l7 Harbor Blvi1 . f'•i•te. ~1, .,, •teno-blLllpr; marh. opf'r. rub· __ 2&1 28 L.lb#rty 8.!\59, H ' 1 :=·,! 1 HAl,[)\\'lN Arro-· r 10 l.tll"I o.k llnlah lf11r 28p;:ll !fr: ll01teu .Ir. domt>•t1c11 --I Men -mech. enKIJl"tr. a uditor; Callinq All T we Iv e s -------I '1t,2. I •hlpplnf cllc ; office tra.ln~ and 2ll"' reductfona on • ltrrllt>d ltMllfl Cll':LL-XE modt>I l<f'nmor" m1U1al~ - 0U1t>n ·" l 1~r new w ith duel heat rein ro-:M P:~l llr.H l 1"n'1 '"1 ~"1 -111• of dutinen aamJ¥~s&oril:'n11t.e ' • •r,.1 t Por1"r H••f'• 1.1 .. •n 1·.0• JUNE FARRAR EMPI. ACCY aepante11 It dr-ll Moo"! ttl~ t1 11 S9:. LI II 6.'.110 28t-U ~ert (>rtobt'r 24 !I I' tn :lt•t· 402 1t ·32nrt RL, N.-wport Bt>ach MARGTE WEBR • --110nt1: Jll\ll, t"nrner 5Ui cl i:;,, 'I· anou rrom C'lly Hall 1..,.... a r---t Blvd • • .,.,,". B·t.~h 4(1 tf1 r11nge -irood rondltlnn ov"n •• ruv • '-""""" ....._,,.mn ~ ' j1H:1rt>, "ant" Ana. l"o •llr111tu111m Tl 'RR.ET LA THE OPERA TORS. ENG11''E LA 'TIJE operatora. Mu•t be clau A. Swinr •hlft Apply 11'01 PlacenUa. Ne-.-port Bt•cll. C1a -VaJ Co. 26c27 GIRLS - 26c28 h"lll 'ontrol UO. Ll 8 ·4007 . 28p A wr,11'1r t r111 mu•tral V""t r .. r -------------•It lov .. r11 "' the orc•n MARc.tt'r.TT'E Arc w,.1d,.r. <newl SJ W Ui<I ~ B 3 hp .A Jr 1·nmprt~,o0r, 220 Volt --=---~-~--. ~y _ ---· 0 A:"7.-!Wll;\ll[IT Santa An11 :.1.0 ~tnj!I~ J1h1111~ F.C'r a t PATC H'S WANT TO Ill'\. f"Hll,Tf~ ch11ln :'\<•rlh M"m lilh ~1 al P larenllt.. Ll 8-7M8 :lltl tltlV!' trartnr "r •lump 1n1•k. IU:At.;TlFl 0I, ~·1,.btr flatly <;ran,1 l4-Pel"901W9 EARN MORE C:. ftftJ ---THAN EVER B.EFORE~! ----Ht=ewuuu- t.I 8·111!2i 25< 27 1•1411() :""\'"' bf'~n pl11yl'•I .IUllt fll<I' nl'W (Jr\jtlnt.I (>Wnf'1, I I f• lJ2--t umltUrf' for Sa.Je < Ulll~tnnr l'R f•11r., lJ~ to ~I'll ~II -------·----• -reU<ll1a Llr Oljtr efU4t<1 ll---i Dear Mary: Meet me at the especially nice rummage sale. Nov. 10 & 11 10 a. m. 1853 Newport Ave. Goat& Me11a Next to the Bank Our """· lllf ber narUnr wage and frequent lnc~uea g1vee you thla opportunity. Openlnp now for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS W" will tnln yo11 11nd yo11·11 re· eel•• many olJle.r benent.1. -Apply - :iu 1~ No. Main Slrfft.. Rm. 211. Santa AnL t :OO to •:oo p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE P.:XPJ:RmNC!:D -ltttu wa.n tl!d. ----p m M nn•l11y l hrnuirh Th11r11<111y. Mesa Woodcraft w> rir11tw0t•11 R'1. Rhor .. c:111f•. E uraJyplua It apricot, dry, ~ady I 'np11lntf't1 /lit J•l\'t'nllp F'urntt11re to burn KI 7·4890 23Uc Knatty pl11" l••V 1,,,~ $12 60 Order Now! Peraonaliud Ch.ristmu Cards ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES ReprNentaUve wtlJ call at your home. PROllo"l!l Har, 1618 or Hat. 2283W 22ptl ORIGINALS CHILDRP:NS-I 1•1 I, l , F'11rril ttttt 'Wardrob"' hllt1 t • h"-"l~ C-01nrl~l• lln" unpalnl<d fu rn •nft and hwd. Mlnwu snrt Deft f1n111ll"• Order• tak'n tnr .'hut tf'rl 2121 Harbor, C M. LJbt>rly 8-16•~ , ALMOST new gT·een brO('A(j" Lon aeat. 1~30 Miramar Or1vt S.100., Apt. J Har. 34~-R • 26p27 ft.A ~t!cJ~!" -- L't1rnn" rttl }hr 2:'1r26 17" TV S25 2904 Coast Blvd. TARTER TV ------- 3~Do1t1t, Cats, Pet. ---~ OA'.Hl'>H ·i-;u P l1PPU1=8, A KC r"fil'l.st,.rH!. S311 6 up. 1472 Mnn- rovla., Coat.a Mua. U 8·11'112 25c2i 10-Autot ud Trucka ~----------1 lllKl ~·oRt•. Owner i.. In KnrM . TakPrt a re expert. and lhty are 11 Orange County Philharmonic your aervl,.~. Jt.Yl pbone Apply at S~A.CK SHOP, 230:! Jt. Oout Hwy., Corona de! Mar. llll AJTJCR.NOON, Coe.kt.all, dlnnn dr-• • Ooord.lnatN. . t CUSTOM DRZ8tUtU.KINO ANTIQUES .. R.l!:PRODUCTJONB 118 norenc•. U do IJll•. H M33·J 24r21! Wiii 11<1me one take O\'er pay· ment.a? U 8-1310. 24r~8 HARBOR 161 6 M°" a.nd more adftrt.JMn ar. finding It pront.able to UH :N'EWIJ· PRESS duained ad& AJcobollc• A.oonymoua Write P. 0 . 8oJI Ul N ~Tl Bucb. Calif. Pboe• ltubor • 7t6 -For a dependable uHd car, '" your local dt9ltr who "111 be hue TOMORROW to back up what ht ~ U. TODAY! Check Ule Ule<I cen In the clustrled a.<:tJon lo· .,. day. Ph. Harbor 131-W. 22pl6 O&LUXJC O..E. 6 yra. old. 11 cu. ft. re!nf. • O.R:. lltove., 1 OVCI • 1 wanner oven Ir pr...un cooker. Bot.ll pufect condition. Hat. H D . Hde I A.N'MQUJD m&llO&'-1ldebo9rd, 10 dln.ln1 chair.. 2 .~n C"h"1u. t&bl•. couch A: 1m1Ul <11111nt.al NC· ro.o ?\•llond, c: M 1.1 1-atTL 2!1p21l 191'18 l"ORO 2 dr, cu•tom f'ordn: ln'lllc heater, low mllea.ge. A 1 oond1t1on. H ar. l 280. ltt.26 llH O Dl:JCK •Nla.n -Jtuna J n0t1 f•1r v.-r,rk r l\r Mak" orter ll~ 4 lst St, ='ewport Bea.eh. Mc28 ' OOAft.&L IBOPPEB Ut1oa ot 82-R.a 1".et.at. ,A6E 6·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ------·----- WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 ........... a •• r..taae INCOME BALBOA 9 Fum. 1 B.R. unlta plu. ownen large 2 8 .R. apart- ment. 8-t rental u.. Show. excellent income. BALBOA -BAY A VENUE • B.R., 2 Batll Home, $23,~. Otnter will con.Bider home W.twood area, aame price bracket or might exchange for emall clear beach bouae Harbor area. BALBOA BAY AVENUE -DUPLEX 2 B.R. upper, 1 B.R. lower, completely furnished, at.o large nimp\19 room. $18,~ -$5000 Down. BALBOA PENINSULA 4 New Houee• -Nearly Completed. Built-in kit.ch- ena, u.ed brick fireplace. 3 B.R., 2 Baths, Dbl. Gar· qe, Fenoed Patio, facing attractive city park. $23,~ -Good financing. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor 1264 SEE My Furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean, 2 bedrooms and den, beautiful patio, 1 yr. old. ~. compel me to offer tor immediate p<>eee•lon. Excellent terna. $27,500 Contact my Excluaive Agent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at IRVINE TERACE SALF.S OFFICE Oppoait. Irvin• Cout Country O ub, Highway 101 or Phone Harbor 4448 Houston Values Only $1000 Down I FUU.. PRICE 10900. for older I 1 bdrm.. home. on a good C-l lot, &Ox140 juat oft Newport Blvd., pltnty ot room to build on front -A real deal. Scoop-$9000 F.P. 3 Bdrm. l ·~ bath•. beaut. 68xl20 tenced, Jlble. gar. HW. flra. Wired 120. St>e thl1, 8Ubmll your down! 4 B.R.-2 Baths 51000 dn. Stone fence, car., land- acraped. IA w price. Key at orrtce. Open House Sat. • Sun. 11·0 LoveJy ulll'tl modern. Back Bay. Let u.s lhow you thla It lhe 1urround- lng ho~e.11. Priced from 519,950 to $28,600 380 La Canada Way. Houston Realty Co. It ASSOClATES 609 Center, Coata Mua Ll 8·8911 or Ll 8-7787 Eve ph. PeUtte LI 8·6487 Lytle U 8·2042 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THJt MOST carefully .. lecl· 9d vaJuea In each of our dJ1Unct- ly dltfe~nl HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA ISLAND WE HA VE lhe kry ! Completely turn. ln mapl!!, paneled t.hruouL 2 bedrm. A ilea.I at $16,600. BALBOA Ctn'B: AS A BUTTON! A 1tep from the Jelly. 2 bednn. J' .P Iota ot living for 118,600. BEFORE YOU BUY TRY FRANCIS J. HORVATH Realtor 2216 Newport Blvd. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. L.Iberty 8-5101 H arbor 1428 TOMORROW YOU WILL BE SORRY YOU DIDN'T RUY THESE TODAY Costa Mesa Sperials 1. Business, parking, storage.. and expansion all at 2474-8 Newport Blvd. Front 66' x 150' -New bldg. 45' x 52' (2 or 3 offices). Rear area encl. ~':.! acre-1 B. R. et. home & garage $45,000. Ter11l8. 2. 1 B. R. older home-close to stores-Terme~$5,250 3. 1 B. R. Room for units in front. Terms . $7,000 4. 3 B. R. Older -Adj. C-1 zone near Newport Blvd. Terms . . . $12.000 5. 222 W. Wilson-2 B. R. and den. Terms. . $8.500 6. 1 acre with 3 b. r. home $10.500. Terms. Call LI 8-3989 evenings -M:-s. Fishback. 7. Buainess and prof. aite-eor. Fullerton & Broadway. 8. OPEN HOUSE-2150 Rural Lane-Sat. and Sun. 1-5 p. m. 3 B. R. large lot. H . W. fl., patio, Fireplace -$13.600 9. Have 2 Iota together on Rochester and also on Walnut Place -$6,000 for each pair. NEWPORT HEIGHTS SPECIALS 1. 405 Holmwood, near Hospital, Helipot, and trans. 3 b. r ., 3 car gar. 1 :i l bath-beautiful birch cab- inet and woodwork. Landscaped, encl. Patio. 10PEN HOUSE. Sat. & Sun. 1-5 p. m. tenna $24,500 2. • B. R.-2 batba with infra red heat. Forced air- landacaped -gar. near High School. Terms $14,500 BILL'S BEST BUYS Family Size Restaurant Showa very good income, very little hired help needed. A gold mine in the summer when fishings on. Very neat, located in buaieet section of Newport Beach. FuJI price $5000 with $2500 down. A Whale of e buy On a quiet residential street -traffic free and clean u whistle. Walking dialance from all abop- SEE nus SUNNY a bedrm .• 11' ping, next to grammar echool. New curbed and bath home on G:l fL loL Owner paved atreet and on .ewera. movlnc Inland. Want.a otren. FuU price $9950 $3000 down CLIFFHAVEN ROOMY 2 REDRM. • su NRM . Top of the Back Bay F P, rloeet.a gaJorl'. P riced tor Choicest 3 8 d. Rm. m Santa Ana Heights. Expert- quirk •ale. Only '8000 down. ly decorated in & out. Landscaping Is out of tbi• Muriel M. Pin over world. Large 20 x 27 covered pnt10 with flagstone floor adjoining den adda to luxury living. Realtor Priced at $12,950 $4500 down 2804 Newpart Blvd .. Npt BMch 3 Bdrms. -Furnished -$I 0 ,500 Euy Parkin( Hsrbor 4810 CORONA Df L MAR VOGEL VALUES "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS $7400 FHA Loan, payable $60.50 a month incl. taxea, ina. Ir interest. May be vurchaaed unfur- nished. Only 1 year old. &went, new paved atreet.a. aose to •hopp~ cent.er. Charming Farmhouse 2 bedroom-, "'x.24' Living room. firepla~. book· ahelves. Diamond-pane bay window. Handy Lile kitcb. Cedar roof. Wood & atucco exterior. RWD fenoed yard. Canent walks. Dbl gar. Ir laundry. Adjoining lot ia vacant -Jou ot elbow room. On• ot the prettier bomea lD town for $14.500. Good Terma. Attractive Duplex Comer l•t. 2 bed.room.1 ea.h, fireplace.. lg. kitchen 6 breakfut noob. 1 gar. & laundry each. #1 apL lea.Md a t $90 per mo., unfurn., #2 apt. available to buyer. Don't fail to eee tbia very nice property. THE VOGEL CO. 2867 E . Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar HA : 1741HA.1477 Please Examine Carefully LIDO ISLE-Today'• t>Mt buy at $31.500. 3-bedrooma and den, 2 baltui. CJl:lra fireplace in muter bed- room. all bedrooms carpeted. Delightful kitchen, ni~ patio. -Altogether a churning borne! COUNTRY CLUB DlSTRICT-M08l ahiney. sparkling "country" home we've .een 1n many a day. Large comer lot wttb beaullful landscaping. 2 bedrooms and den. fireplace . ~ng and drapes. The \'ICW of the countryside from tbe brealcfut table 11 very peaceful. All this at $16,500' CLIFF HA VEN -A deluxe custom -butlt home at a aa.crtfice. Large comer lot with outstanding lnnd· ecaping. 4 bedrooma, 3 bath11, room for pool. A Mu.at See! CHANNEL WATER FRONT-We have two good buya tor the boat owner. WILLARD L KILLION. Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor ~ Extra Luxurious Custom Quality There Were 41 Ranch Homea NOW, Only 35 left ~ntrally located for aJ1 activities in Gre~ter New- port Harbor area, yet out of 11eUOnal congMtion that penalilit• ao many areu. Tbeee bomea have nerythlng, even wall WM. Three bdrm. $21,9~ Four bdrm. $22,950 HAft.BOll MESA RANCH HOMES Looated at Inille Ave., l Bloak No. of 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT l~th & Irvine Llberty S.2664 or .Llberty 8-3123 • ' CLIFF HAVEN 1mmaculat• a bdnn. home on nl~ly land~•l"'d 60 fl. lot, tir•· pMCl'. hdwd 000r•. fl'nC'l'd, near toChoola, w l(I w tarpellng and drapu 1nrludl'd In ASKlNG PRJCE of $18.000 -Owner &JIJllOWI Harbor Highlands W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClA ~. REALTOR ~ou'll hke our friendly acrv1ce" 400 E, 17th ~' roet11 Meu LJberty 8-1139 Lido Extravaganza Home of Di1UncUon wtUI "Per- aonallty lAndtcaplnir" -S If•· 1>4-droorr\a. 2 bath... nr"plac:•, hdw\!, fln<i re. dl•P<•••I. lovely *l. REAL S NUG cozy 2 bedroom home, beamed ceil· patio. w w c"rpet1n1e It drape•. I ing11. ulled brick firl'placc, eunny kitchen. Choice 'hOICI' lfWl\lll1n E XC'ELLEN'T location. $22,000 -$4.000 down VALUK. $111 r,oo "C" THOMAS I •2. Three bedrms .. 2 baths. INGRAM built , perf<'Cl 10 months old. Pat111. A muiit M'<'. f<~1rst time cyffered. I $25.500 t1•rtru1. REALTOR 224 w C'n .... l Hy . N .. wport BHt'h •3. Two beclrm. & den lronvert1blel Large ratio. raised Llbl'rty i-~21 hearth fireplace. beamed ce1lmg11. 1 ·' ~ baths. A "C'' THOMAS "C'' THOMAS $3500 Down Paymf'nt Will buy h •to tum1•hl'd unit> in C'orona d•I Mu ttAcll <Ifie bo 1lr<M11n, cha.rming home full of aunshme. Another finil offenng. $27.500. Excellent terms. Osborne-Forton Realty Co. 2323 W, Coast Hwy .. (at Port 6rangeJ Newport Be&ch LI 1\-7562 Ha r. 5154 evea. BALBOA iSLAND Lux ury wt.II become a habit m this b<-aut. BAY 247 Acn• nc-ar He-~na dr\'Plop-FR01''T home and a pt. LgP. li\'tng r0<>m. dmrng m"nt LA111e O bdrm homr Part I f ba room, ots o ths, patio, sun d~k. xtra lge gar· ot lo1nd lJI und,.w ln.....t, ""'rt In I r-~ ~-~~~~~~~ atra.Jta.. f'otf'nlllll 1111bdlvt111on. THIS LS NOT ORDINARY GOSSrP -IT'R CHOICE! Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. S5000 dn. ror thi11 <'hOICt' two-u nit pro perty. Extra Rl'Altnra -BuelneM Brnkn large. liv. room , f1rl'place. lovely kitchPn with elcc. Mulllpi. Lllltlnit range, 1 bdrm. PLI '~ gN>d bn<'hclor apartment, :lli!O ,,; Cout Hy., C()l"ona drl Mu dbl. garage, large yard. Full Price $25.700. I ffa.rl>nf" 21~2 Exclusive Beacon Bay SI M MO. INCOME, tor 112000 WE Tenn• s•ooo dn . n o mo. buy• PROUDLY PREf;ENT this 11pacious 4-bdnn. 3 tum. unll• Sl 1 ooo unrum , 3 bath home. E nrly American dt>eo r, lot.II of r lo&et.11, with 13500 ttn. a.nd 11~ mo shutte r" thn1out. M0.000 with tenna if desired. tl~LC&Ja.J::C.lumJnyutcf.LURt.:.•,1----- ~~I d1~':. ~~~.1~'~c;;•· All thi• NELDA GIBSON, Realtor OR.ANGE COAST 306 MariM AvP., Balboa Island Har. 050z-4623 PROPERTlf.:8 I~ 7 N rwporl, C'Ollt& ~ .. U 8-1832 Evr. Ll II~ Jewelry Store In Ntwp0n &rM.. a rood on•. Su~ mlt lru.t d~dit or what have you. For df'l&llt. C'l.U DAN A. JACOBSEN, Reali« Har. M91 -Eve• U 8...:117 LOCATION OF DISTINCTION 1 '3000 down bu)'I a 2 bedrm, 1tuc· co home four Y"'-<'Id. J'ir<"place. Sm. lot. t fruit lf'l'"a. A doU houH, L&rr• dbl pntgt. Total pn<'• onJ1 111.900. REX RECHS 230i W Balboa BIYd. Harbor & 1 &t LIDO ISLE Choice corner location. Spacioua living room, hand110me dm . 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Sparklillg kitchen. A home for the mo11t d1scnminatmg of families. Price S39.H50 t erms. M. L. 6260 One of BALBOA ISLAND'S finest 5 bedroolTU!. 4 baths. &>s.ut1ful patio and caba.na. Oose to So. Bay on a.n extra wide lot. Price $4 i .~ t<'rma W. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Marine and Park. Balboa bland. Harbor 2462 W Down 1531 Ocean Blvd Peninsula Point 3 Br<1roorns, I 1., Bath, 2 rar garage, F'enred Patio, ClaMt'd Sund~k. Stove 6 Retrl&l'r&lor s 16.000 S5(XM) Down 2631 Crestview Bay Shores Large ll\'UllfN'.>Om w ith fire- place. Full dining room, 3 Bed room•. 2 t•ar garage. C'omplel"ly "l't.ll'toraled 118,f>OO SD Down 503 J Street Peninsula Point 3 BedroolNI, 1 \., Bath. 2 car garage. Bay view. Larfe Fenced yard. Stove and Refrigerator 519,750 Bay Front Special 7 Bedroom1, • Balhl, 3 car 1ara1e. Pier • allp. Furnl1hed $88.000 Newport Harbor Realty J im and Sally Newlin 515 E . Balboa Blvd., Balboa Phone Harbor 1607 2 Open Houses CORONA DEL MAR • 416 Acacia Cor ot Flrat. See lhla dellchttul home before you buy. :l bdrm .. nreplace, open beam celUnr. CharrnlnK enclo.ffd patio. $18.MO Tenn•. • 3604 Ocean Blvd. Cor. ut Orchid. Panor&mlc Bay .ti Ocean view 3 nice be<lrm•. 2 bath•. ltP hvlny; rm Sff thl• one today! Uberal tf!nn•, Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS 1 fl. Rayle, C. Tr11Vl11. C Ruaa.. Aa.oc 31:1 .Manne Av•. -Ba.lboe l•land OPEN HOUSE Dally 1·11 vrcf'pt Sat • Sun 11 O P1Lltrrno A Oelll(hlfuJ Home ' ' Mo.il l.fUtt-rully decorated with 3 bdnne. 2 loVl'ly bath•. w w C!lr· petJn&' U-•haped kllch"n. dlllhw, dl•p .. l&n, 220 wlrtnc. .,urnlture ot P rf'llrnt l&.ale avallabLa.. A lot fnr little, -thl• comrr •l~l to •tr~l. RH.tOnably pr1r!'d I A bf'll.lld n~ 3 bdrm. 2 t>.th "'"'""h n .. g .. nry w w ca~llng. I beamM <"P11ln,:1. ml'!"\' irwttchea. sll~lr(' klll'hf'n Lcr patio Im· pl"f'IOAJvr entry, lovely r•nl,.n. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc U DO OF'FJCE 11 12 l..a.ta,yette ~~L Harbor :ien 5 Income Units NF:AR !\'E\o\-'PORT PrF.R. 't blk to ocran, I blk. to Bay Exc41l· t1ml rt'nlal arH "''1th terrifk potl'nU&l Income. Thll clean pra p•rly lll11<1 lnrludcN 11dJolnlnlf ''llfant lot a t th• low prlre nt 126.~00 llnd only t TWO 11own. Sn l hi• tod ay WA TERF"RON'T HOME, p11rtly tumlllhf'rl Pier • nnat, $18,110(1 Reuonat)le term1. omer E:-sJlaf er · REALTOR 108 Mt'F..sdeo Pia<'• Har 140 Eve Har 2629-M Rar. 112811-W SI DOWN ~r aq. ft. buy1 I yr old lowly :l ~rm. home. Hwd. noora birch lcllchl'n t'ablnel.I I h20 llV1nt rm. 84"Wen tn 6 paid -PropjL'ftJ cle&r. ~llrr1 w111 c:arry balance at t7!\ mo Lrvel l&rg~ lot. rm. tor 1111lt 111 rellr. OR.ANO!: COAST PROPl!:RT'll:S IM 1 Newport. C:O.ta MHa Ll 8-lt32 Eve, LI t-M03 $1000 Down P~m&119 IHll tor thi• atra m.tl<"u· IOUI 3 8. R. horn• &ea lhl• ll you an partlnil&r. DAN A JACOBSEN, ltf'allor Har. &e91 J:"9 LI t-t.311 a • ..,......_ BACK BAY Back Bay beauty on a ne~ street with equally -. tiful homes. 2 bedroom.a and den. t.arr-Uytq roam with dining area a.nd fireplace. Beamed ce01np. Hardwood tloora, forced air beat, large kitchen wWa built-in range and oven. Brukfaat alcove. 2 batll&. Double garar. ahake roof, with Redwood and ~ co exterior. Call and let ua ahow you tb1a ~ home with iu many appointment. and 1'00 .,_.. feet of living area. s2•,ooo run Prb THREE BEDROOM HOME Located in Eut Coeta Men on Jood It.Net,, ..... neat home with 1100 equare feet on tarp lot. JIM double garage facing on wide paYed alley. Outwed patio nearly completed. Tile bl.th with lltall &au. The three bedrooms are all good UH. Harclwoocl flodra throughout. Floor furnace eoetroDed bJ tlliwo mostat. Lawn front and ru.r wtth Iota ot pluttllp.. $11,100 Full Price. $69.20 per month.'~"""' ¢W COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST An unusually a ttractive new bom. wttla 1'80 aquare feet of living apace to ramble aroan4 ID. 15x.21 Living room. 2 Bedrooma and a de. 114' Baths. F orced air heat. Parquet floora. Doable .... age. Situated on a 75x300 lot with a 112 aeN ...,.,_. ing land available for developing a apacloaa-e:i,. eatat.e near Sa.nta Ana Country Club. l Acre C-2 on Newport Blvd. 15 A.one K-1 w.d 150 Foot Corner on Harbor Boulevud Excellent development opportunity. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-5:>97 Costa Kea& Evenin1• Liberty 8-7'67 "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famiUe. are ln•pectinc these exqulaite homea -noting their oomfort., 000· venience and central location. More and more fa.miliea who prefer a bome ln a re- 11tricted quaUty community are movtnc lnto their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive In today a.nd see for younelt the many wt· •landing future. of thia remarkable com.mutt,. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace ia located on Cout Hlchway oppamte the new Irvine Cout Country Oub. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Pbont' Harbor 4'448 For Further InformatJon * For Recommendation, we refer you to &Q.Yoae who holda a LeMebold Eetate in lrvlne Ternce, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorn and CUtt Ra•• ------- GOLDEN RULE VALUES Move Your Plant to Coate Me1e M-1-lndustrial 4800 fiQ ft. New Concret e t.Jll·Uf' and block bulldlnc. Lattt1t design. Office 11pace. Lot 75'x.140' all pH~ for ample parking. Right Ul the "Hee.rt of eo.t& MMta", All llt ilitiea. For immediate le&M °" .ale. AL.~0 Small IndustnaJ M-1 Bu1ldmJt. 12000 llQ. rt.). AD utL1 1t1<'t1 &. If' or leuoe $1000 Down Here Is your ch1rnce to buy a lovely 2 yr. old 3 bdrm. homE> and pay for 1t JUSt bke ~nt (only leu). Ca.r· peted. Birch cabinPt.a Patio. S.t location on larp Int PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO T. EVERSON 1~56 Newport Blvd .. Cost.a .... (across from Cot1ta Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Evefl. Har. 4366 -U J.210S ltALBOA BAY PROPERTIES HURRY! OWNER IS HALF-WAY OUT THE DOOR! $2250 DOWN Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bath, contemporary bolnt a.crou the 11treet from Ca.tholl.c Churda and tchool in Coet.a MeN., At1k for Mn. Wilma Hough 3 ACRES R-4 COSTA MESA . .. . $1~.000 Triplex briniing income of $2."j() month. hl.ly rented. Very nice 2 bc-droom apartment.a, 2 y-.n old.. Cleaa and inodf m . Good hMt. TitY $21.500 -~.000 DOWN BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES REALTORS 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. MM BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND A RARE OPPORTUNITY Deluxe Business Building Included with this property is one of the finest Ree· taurant businesses on Balboa Island. All modern equipment. This is a goi ng concern with TOP In· come. In addition there are two beautiful apart- ments. Come in and talk it over. T hia is a REAL PACKAGE DEAL. WANT RENT CHECKS! It you want these RENT CHECKS, they can be yours if you own this one! A charming i B.R. home plus a 3 B.R. apartment. Top location on Balboa Is- land. A steal at $24,500. BUT HURRY ! OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY -SATURDAY -SUNDAY 324 SAPPHIRE ST. Unusually charm. 4 B.R. furnished home. Patio. See to appreciate. We have the key and will show any time. Priced right. Xlnt. terms. $19,95Q. Attr. furn. home. Large living room, sun room, dining room, two bedrooms, convenient kitch· en. Patio. Will show anytime. LI'M'LE ISLAND . Beautiful 4 B.R. 3 bath home. Ellerbroek designed and built. You'll like this hoUAe. Priced right. FIRST TIME OFFERED. Owner Moving. Home & Income. See thia today. One of the moat charming i B.R. 3 bath homea on Island, plua guest room and bath. The s(1acioua one bedroom apartment ia at- tractively designed and furnished. Large two-cAr 1arage. Thi.a won't la.et. so call us t\>-day. Our ex· elusive listi~g. BAY SHORES 124.750. One ot the moat charming spacious 2 B.R. 2 bath homee on beautiful Bay Short-a. Delightful patio. To eee it, la to want it, so hurry! THE PRICE IS RIGHT ! ! ! SHORE CLIFFS Let ua show you our beauti!1Jl homes in Shore C1iffa. Wt have some that will delight you. LOWER TilA T RENT ! ! ! By owning thia fine Duplex, you can do just that ! ! Nearly new. 2 bedrooms each. Top location. Only $5000 down. Call u. on this. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE I.ISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 WATERFRONT SPECIAL' 2 Bedroom home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage. Pier 6 float. Nc-nr Udo center A City Hall. Only $18,900 -Submit on down payment. DUPLEX. 82 ft. bullrhnd, ovuai&ed n oat. 2 car garage. Nicely furn. & in excellent condition. S26.500 Eaay terma ~ BEDROOMS extra l~e. lMn~ room with fi~place. Pier It float wilJ accommodate up to 50 ft. ooat. Pricoo to st'll quickly at $29.500. Firm. Open Friday, Sat. & Sunday 470 W&lnut Place BACK BAY area. oCf Irvin«-. Swimmlnr pool. Ranch 1Jtyle J bdnn. rear U\'ing room with eliding 1 lua doorw to patio Ir pool Bar Jutchen. l '-baths. Ba~ st only $23.500 Two Stores Plus 5 Apts. $7200 y~arly income (could incn.>ue by l&king aummer rent.ala). Will consider nice home up to $20,000 In exchan~e. Jo~l pncc $55,000 JACK BRENNAN, Reclltor and ASSOCl.A TES 3320 w. Coaat Hwy.. Uberty s.mJ "At the A~h.-s" v •1 Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Hardwood !loon . furnace heat. No garage. And only Sl0.750. $2500 down. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT l Bedroom each. furniture included in l unit. Full pnce $17 .~. $MOO down. J. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY Evening Canyon road, 60 x 217 fl Pnced at $14.750 '-I! you are in the market for Shor~hff property. aee us firwt. W<> have Be\'eral exclusive listings to show you. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION. Rt•ltor 3447 E. Coast H"'Y·. Corona dtl Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY A'M'RACTIYE year round homf' on Sea· ahore Drive. Knotty pine li\'ing room w ith dinlllg area.. Formica kitchen, 1 bedroom and 1 ~ bath down, 3 bedroom• and 11 :.i batha up. Sohr! con- 11.nlction, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car prace. enclotled yard. Excellent beach. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor au.a Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor 1013 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle . . . Stop . . . See thia 4 bedrm. 1 % bath hopie with built-in range and oven, walled p&tio, Wied brick fireplace and forced air furnace. On Via Lorca, cloee to a nice beach. Will trade for amaller home $30,~. . . . Look . . . Here it is. -on Lido's widest ltieet. 3 bedrm. 3 baths, hardwood floors, large patio, perfect condi· lion, center fireplace. $34.500 turnlahed. . . . Listen . . . Once in a Blue Moon a lucky buyer benefits from the many $ $ $ $ an owner has just spent for new features. Such is the case In this almost new house on Lido. Thennador oven and range, wa ll-to-wall carpeting, nicely fumi11bed, eliding gl888 doora l o patio, 3 bedrms. 1 % baths and only $32.950. . .. See • • • these exclusive listings today. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co.. sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor 1500 Free Christmas Tree Goes with this beautiful Clltf Haven view home. It will be framed by the lovely pict~ window looking over the Bay and Ocean. 3 bedroom.a, 1% bath, Full price of $24,500 includea complete carpeting and drapes. Call Bill F&mlWOrth for d.et&U-. Income Special Three stunning unit.a, each with lovely Uvtq room. large kitchen, bath and two bedrooma. Located In exclusive Cliff Haven. Shawm excellent nturn on investment of $21,800. Low down payment and terms it desired. For detaila call Dave Osbunl.. Balboa Island (Fint offering) Furniahed 4 bedrm. 6, family room home. Terrlflc for aummer or year around living. Outatandbt.a' terms a vailable, also will trade for Palm Sprtnp home. Full price $31,500. Call Joe Kincaid. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6573 HARVEST TIME $10,250 Full Price A Tombstone Has Its Place-Specially Selected Balboa Bargains .• 3 bd rm. -I y•r old. Cupet.ed llv1n1 room a.nit ))a.11. Stucco a.nd plutf'r con•l ruction. Gar- bage 1lh1po1&l a.nd 200 V. kltdlen. Concrete wall, dlcondra lawn. PaUo and lltlrub8. Jf. H. A. M0.60 month I ndudu lax ... • • Why let it lie heavy on your cheet before your time. Unproductive property can also lie heavy on your cheat -Let us sell or trade it for you. We might just know the folks who w&nt it and can uae it- Phone WJ or drop us a line right now and see atomic energy go into a.ct.ion. PllNINIULA.; ' br. 2 b&. home. Laree corner lot Included. 8-ut. b o m ., PO,l'>OO, t.erma. 2 b. r., 2 b&. ap&cloua home, modem, OcMi1 ..,_, U 3.MO, IOOOO down. COAST Al. SHOPl'E.R f'Altlon of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA5i 1 . WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1955 . _ ........... a ......... CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC Harbor and ocean \'few, •qaalt.J 1t.reet." °' B. R., den. 2 bat.ha. Low t.raa. Blr- p.in u:s.ooo . mVINE TERRA.cm, $eooo will handle. Ate ... new 2 B. R. CODY. den. 2 batha, lulda BBQ. Dnp- eriee, stove, fully land8aaped. Low .pdoe. BAYSHORES BARGAIN. 3 bedrm. IJv. room· 1& x 20, ftNpl, fenced, covered patio. Lowe9t price In tllill •· elualve dl8trict $18,'500 A'ITRACTIVE S bdrm. home. Protected paUo. ·Owner anxioua for otter. Aaklng $28,000 ' Bed.rm. 2 ba~ ~ blk. from bath!Ds beach. Submit terms. AakJng $29, 7M : SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertleL Har. 1775 -Evea. FAith Maroon, HYatt U222 John Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office, Har. 8297, eve Har. 3878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa bland VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE * * * Balboa Peninsula Its New-Its Modern 3 br. 6 den on one ot the tew fO' Iota ln thia &NL Lovely 15x22 living room -2 tireplacee and all th• finer 'features incl. Blt.-in range It oven. Breakf.._ bar-inter-com. 6 rad.Jo. Thia i1 a must aee ! ) Owner wDJ cooalCS.r low down. Don't Be Embarrassed-euie '" .,_ '· 1 .,._ holM.. rum. Costa Mesa You .tiould ff• lt • • • only BIG REDUCTION ! Ju11t li11ttd -• unit tncome Clo.11e ln VaJuablt! cumer. 141' a 12~· Ownt'r Ill A lw11y• rtllle4 Wu Ul.100 $10,000 "'VU. PRICE BACK BAY! Houae & Extra Lot 2 t>Nlroom -1 bt'droom 18 11 20' Exlnl lot 7~· ll 100' F'nlll t r,.o Guo~ huu ... ,,.,. antt .. 1 .. rtrtcl~y MAln •lr·Hl In Ull"k Uay ll'll1J Prlc. $11,700. LA TE SPECIAL! A;rrnx 2 •CT"" wllh home $12 800 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc lflH Nt'Wpt)tl Blvd. C:t1tlA M<'H, <"all!. 1.ttitny s 1 un Wbtrty a..ao10 Balboa BA YFRONT OuJ>-ltll l ·2 bdrm'. • l ·I bdrm., 2 ur praie. tur- nl•h"d. $J'4 .!.00 Tnm" MJsbt Cun.Ider l,..d• Cor Co•l• M ... lncom41 P l'OJ>f'MY Ocean Front YUR..'1 ~ 8f'drm., 2 b11.th h o1.1ae 6 l bdrm. apl ov"r garaie 1"500 Ttnn-. QU)f;R 4 bdrm hnlUtl', tn~Ml air hu t Only 123 &00 OUPl..EX on 8&.lboa lilwl. U 8.· 760 both uni\• nlrl'ly !urn Only l4 000 ... 111 h1111·!1~ Coast Properties 301 E. Balboa Blvd , BA1bo& Harbor 2:6!i8.. "g7 and 4800 ------ Open House Sun. m 01:1, MAR -BACK BAY 2 br anrj <1tn, 2 ~lh. a111J1n, dl'On1. w w c~t. bit. 1n f'9.l'lg4' and O"t n. boi.tltul kHcht'n St111k~ n.w•t. Jl9.ll50 CLIFF HAVEN OulAllUldln~ 4 b r . 3 bath Mmt', 2 ltv1ng TY'JOmll C"llrpt'l l"d SJ; .:'>00 SIOOO down -2 b. t d<'n. HW Oror' Xlnl <""n<l11ino A~klnl i 10 :~lll Claire Van Horn ""Tf'F'!At.Tmr -- 27:11 \\" rl'IUI! H"'~ Ll l_.2T7 5 Acres R=4 On r·1ovnl11t.. 11.'lk1n11 r n ce '28,000 tilllh S11bmll OAN A JAl'OBSEN. Rhltor Har !'>6111 Ev~ W 8·6311' BAC:I\ RA\" w&ltr vitw Iota. Wt h11\•t Jll«l :I of lhf''t' bard lO fln1I prOJ1frl1ea. l $6000. l - $7~00. T"rms 1 Sif>()() cuh. ORA;\'.GE l'OAf!T l'ROl 'F:FlTIF:S 1/1,~7 ="""l'C•tl, ('o1s.!ii MtH LI h· 1632 Eve. Ll 8-6803 BY OWNER COROXA l>EL MAR. modun 2 bdrm. homt'. flrt'place. ru.maoe. hd~·d. Ora .. WW urpe~ and dra~•· dble. pr. 8treued for apL Full price 113.700, JUOO ctn, 603 P olnMltla. Har. 39(».M. Moan. Becauee you can o!!er only a small down payment on a lot. home or income property -Many ot the nation'• wealthiest men started their fortunea with a amall down payment on something or other. Pouibly the very lot, house or income property you would like to own i.a Uated wtth ua and can be youn .. Off The ~eavy Traffic Lane- In the Suk Bay Area -cloee to the S..y. The touch ot loving hands can tranaform thia alm09t 2000 eq. tt. home into a puadiM where Uvtnc i.a at lta very beat. Full price $.13,~ WW eonalder trMk Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 003 32nd St. Office Phone Harbor 5868 Newport &ach, Callt. ~r 5 p. m. Har. 2293-J Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 WITH MONTHS TO SP ARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING, ITS TIIE sucx:xss~ WAY ro SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors f()l N. Newport Blvd. Newport Buch Lido Bayt ront • & BEDROOMS e 5 12 BATHS e PJER and FLOAT e VACANT -WE HAVE THE KEY • FULL PRICE $74,500 LIDO REALTY ASSOClATES W. KEMPTON J. H. GROBMAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 \'ia Lido Harbor U'4i (A cro88 from Riche.rd'• Market Entr&Jlce) Open House 1-5 P. M. 2572 Circle Drive, Bay11horee, N. ,B. 3 B. R. 2 bath, extra shower. comp!. furn., encl. paUo, BBQ, fire- place. Especially designed f or outdoor living. Cor. lot 1 2 blk. from N. Channel. Priced to aell. CORONA DEL MAR -R-2 r,orner lot 2 turn. rentala, potential $120 m o. inc. Room to build more. Under $11,000 for quick sale. Terma, but Hurry! G. H. LAnlROP, 3635 E . Cout By., Corona del Mar Barbor ~ Evee. Har. M80 U 1.000, '4000 dn. Duplex, I b. r. 2 bat.ha each unit, J.arr• oornar lot. f29,7~. •mall down. B&ytront duplu. 2 b. r. MCh untt. S e&r ('U· Priv. ~ ' ,_,.. old. '66,000, t.erma. INOOM»-Nm.U\ BAT 6 OCl!lA.N Dupla. 2 and 1 bedrooma. Room for extra unit. Extra 100d at .... 500, tenna. hmlahed J br. ~ wtt.b cute Owner Must Sell S br. professionally decorated A landscaped. Sprlnk· ling a}'ltem -W /W cpt. Shadea 6 draped• Ranp & re!rig. incl. at reduced price of $11,950, $2'500 dD. * * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Biway, Newport Beach LI a..Mal ~ apanm.t bl r.r, s ...... ---------------------ac-,17,500, ~ CLOU1 TO II.AT AND LIBRA.RT a lmlta. tum. TerrU1o renter, fa.TOO, N000 dL D.ndy tum. bom-. alM119 • 8wall oond. •U,500, $5000 dn. 6 b. r. houle, firepl&c., U..119 10, rood ftlue, ue.soo. t.nu. J bedroom bouM, 11... tum. • doora from Bay, plpplll at U6,000, ~ • bedroom. 14 bat.ha. ll:dl"a lot. f!Nplaoe. N_,. UbN.1'7, '17 .ooo, i.rma. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo91~ 8&Dk of Amlrita Roe9 or..i.,. Al Com.all u.a Ed Lee Jack P1nJth&m Ja.el)hln• Webb TOO JC, Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Pltone B&Tbor UTT UTILE GEM W e are truly proud ot t.hl.t J_.i. ~el1 two bedroom borne willl nice .i-4 rooma and m&n)' BARGAIN OF THE YEAR 278 Mapolia . OPEN D.&..ay 1 :ao ~ •.ao He.re 18 a real homey S bWroom cott.ap of 1850 1quare feet. Llvinc room lh30 feet. Room ill pnp tor aleeplng, pla. hobby room and laundry. N..tled in an ol'Cbard ot 23 beuins fruit U... Or- angee, gi-apea. &a.om, peacbem, tip. &Yocadoll, • quata and guavu. BeauWul lawn and lhrabe. A dream place for a tamJJy that bu a puddad to putter in the yard. All thia on 2 larp R_. Iota loo.IZ feet. All at.GJ. tiea in. Paved alley and street. In ea.ta Iii-, ju8t 15 mlnute. from the ocean. J'ull price $18,'500 -Good Tenn.a, or Trade DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor 2602 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Bar. •Tll atru, like razt>ec• dl.-poea.I, --------------------- and auto wubu. BIUT'OWldoed by lonJ7 7U'd wttll tl.Alh pond an4 l'Dcll ,_..... AD acl~ b)' lblrd7 ae.bopll,y fence ths. GM )'Oll'D LOVll. • 11.sreom wtth bardw'ood, w. U\.Wmo bat. douWe pnse. •t.o. A.Mo tacm.s. ......_ Nft1s. auto WUltWr. w.n to w.11 carpet. Ex. ceUclt ~Uon. Pr1ce.d to NU for Oftl7 ll0,T60 terma. B. A. NERESON HU 1'..,..-t Bl't'd. Ooet.a Men LI ~H71 ll'..a. LI MUO KJNOI PLACE. CUtt Hann. I BR. • Mtll IMlme. flNpl, f. L beat w w .,,ietsas -8Udln1 rtue doon to c.ment patio BomellM1*'9 le I t oh e IL Ol\17 JU.MO wtUl 1/1 clD. OIU:NO• COXWT --~ PROPl!ltTD:ll SlllT N .,..port. C09ta JI-. Back Bay Specia~ 3 Bedroom. 1% bath, F. A. h•t.. H. W. tloorl, ah&M roof, Iota of tile. nsHEJl bu.Dt. OPEN HOUSE Sat. A BUA., New. 5 6 8 88' Mira Loma North ot Del Mar, jut off TuUa Aft. 'lot.a 80 x 150 fronting on a blauUtul lab, wttJa a Yiew ot the Back Sq. W. E. FISHER & As1oci.te1 IO:U E . C.Out Rwy .. C.Orona del Ku Ll~IU1 ~LI...._~----~---~---------------- Best Duplex Buy m.at llde Cost.a MUL l@p&rat. fmced ya.rd.a, bWll nn. Income UIS. ~ only •75 DAN A. JAOOB8EN, Realtor Bar. Htl EYM LI l.QlT LIDO R-3 1 -ao rt. &at.I oo ao. B&1 rrorit. , SU.500 uclL Call T. D. ~r .. 114r. lN&-W, or RTan 1-8029. l ltl• "°" HJ .. BT O~ bed· room i.om.. 1 • a.u., J.ud. llcape4 • ttneed. ftlA k>aft. Freedoal ~ w. Call Liberty Mm morninfl or atter e p. m. ieuc RUSTIC HOME -by owner 2 Bedrooms It den -1" bat.U, plua pl8t IMRm.,. % bath. H•t.d 1WimmJDC pool, wall to wall mr- petlnJ, J.ari• lot oompw.&7 fenoe4. Cannot be duplicat.ed for tu11 price of Pl,000 ..... Phone u 8-e8S9 or Bar. ~ after e p. m. • OOASTA.L SBOPPEB Nltloa of NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -. WEONESOA Y, NOVEMIER 2, 1955 'I e e MA I I I f WITH SAWE NovemlJer t, 1165 Newpon Barbor Now O,.. lwery Mite tlll 7:00 p.111. . .. s..-ya tool Operation Cooldag &bool ... 0.. dotn1 aad three to go o • • Lut Taeeday I at tbe Udo' 'l'beMel' lllltll Klamb hom t.he Home Eco- llOIDlce Staff of Oranp Cout Vollege, f.oaebed ... maite opeaer to a eaa of eorwir beet hub &Del hmcb meat to pe them aa ap,.. tidag new drea of mm- mm·good appeal •.• Buth'• Fruit 8aW" b......tag made wtUa muwlunallcnn about atopped the abow • • • At Jut a dreMID1 to keep the fndtla from tumlag brown! If you miMeCt theM reclpee by mot atteed.lq lut Tuee- day, don't beelfate to Mk for tbem next week •.• .\h ''Family Fare with a Com- pe.117 Air'' •.• the text of Dest W'f)ek'a Cookill~ School ••• Wemler What Rath wW .. with a pot l'CIMt f Or a pollDd of hambm«ier! 'I'tme t :ao -11 :30 at the Udo ~r. TuMday Morning ••• Pr1Mie: AU food cook- ed gtvea away, plus three __,... aad buket of ~­ .rte. . . . Ai.o • cbuce to wta U.t beautltlll Gaiters ... Sattler Gu Ruge and Add It to JOV -a. for ••• ''FAMILY FARE WITH A COMPANY AIR'' · '650.00 worth of merdwa- .._ aad dft orden from ear Lido S'hope ••• remem- ber CluiatmM .. comlag ! Rule'• of C&Ufomia la the Shoe Store among the Lido -~I Shope • • . Ladiea Shoee and Acceuortea . • • To introduce their new line of BeauBeau Flat.. Rule'• la giving a Cok~ Coclrtall party t.bJa Saturday, beginning at 2 o'clock ... ~ut definitely, every body ill invited • • • Beau.Beau la ac- tually Mra. Rule'• pet poodle from whence the flata get their nomer . . . Euh pair will have hi• picture on the tnalde .•• And t.o Ml the new Be&uBeau Flata off with a blc Woof-Woof. BeauBeau la rtv- ing one of bla very own chil- dren away ... Got yoar .,.._ tlc*et9 for the Newport J1artM1r C..U.aalty Playera''f Coe-tact llra. Bmtoa a,...... Harbor ZS.U·R . • . ftnt ~_,.or~-;:. ..-y. Tbanday aad Sat-vday, Nov. Z. a. aad 5. LIUle Cbapel Theater, Or- up c...& CoUece • • • 'l\oketa $1.00 Neb ••• Chriatmu ! l! your gonna bake a cake, get at it! Lovely new .election of glued fruita, by t.be pound lo our Delicate. .en • . . Red. green and white pineapple, Red and Green Cberriea, Citron. Lemon and Orange Peel. al.a a chopped mixture ... "Everybody'• AluDla7 elow .r.tUag fa their Prtm- ..... from llany la our .,. flower ahop ••• En«· ... Prinlroee, Mehooldee. C1aenria. Obeoaica • • • all ahade lo\ia' plaata. which If put ta aow wW blooaa la luaary . . . BaJbe I Now latow aroa8d EMter you're JoUI,; to WW. yoa plaDW eome t>aJbe •.• Aleo a aew crop of Haa- aalta Wood la la •.• Idea.I to ban t aroad the hOUIM for qllick chaage acte la clecoratlag ... llauhtata wood eaa be aprayed any aolor you wtah ••• Well 'date me daddy! The datee have been barvE'f!ted and actually lhia ia the only time of · year one can actually feel they are eatin1 truly fl"'Mb da tee . . . After a period of month•, date. do have a t.dency to dry out . . . Gold CUp data are considered to • • • . baked lor you TB1J&86AY BreakfM& Ti.&! 6122; CINNAMON ROLLS .......... . FRENCH ROLLS ·--·····--1117; FIUDAY CuiTAir>Ptl --···-··---..... ~ 54; wifwtl IREAD ·-· ............... ~; llATUADAY r.N'EAPPLI SNAILS --·· 3125; MALTio MILK CAKE _ ..... -..17' • • • • lroien lreshness c. • .-. (lA.N'l'ONUm 6ne DINNER .. .-11.... 7- citQW MEIN -....... ~ ste iGGROLL_ ...... J~-Ste ••• • • • • COMMUNITY : • • • . garden Ire sh .FMeJ, Lake C.Oaat)', 11uUeU 2 25c PEARS ..... L&rp. Com.,..,t. Northen Grow11 3 25c ARTICHOKES for Sweet, 8puaWa 3 ..... IOc ONIONS • . . . meals you love to eat PORK CHOPS lb. 69c Bene wlUa Apple S.aoe -EM Oat. lb. 45c PORK ROAST SLICED BACON 1b. 53c Glue with BBQ 8Moe -ll'r.b Pork SPARERIBS tb. 49c 1-_;be~U.:;..ibe.t=:_:_Da:tie ~G~ro~vee~in~llll---~"~•t_ It a Haw~tiUllls ..umr' ::'tJ:in ~~ • ~~.ka~~ Dole su <:D> 3199' ~NEAPPLE JUICE .. -4/19' ::&r in nee flour ror non. PINEAPPLE ._ ... _ .... .Jli•. ·~~ - hand.Ung •.. Recipea tool Here'• only one from DoM c....-. 0' CRt,~"K 3/19' u. folder ... Date atutfed PINEAPPLE _ ..... __ .JI( .. ·~ C!M Mmeaita : Flatten ready-to-..a b69cQ1ta (Dellcateeeeo) Dele Pl~'l:APPLa 3179' ud place a dat. ill each ... SPEARS _-.Jif .. 1 .. aou ~ over and bake ••. !'op with powdered 9ug&r MiDe 8tlU warm ••• 8/D ~ .. December 1 llr -... o. w ... ~·· t • r Newport ................. ....... T9eeetM&'"p ........ ,.. ........ 11111& .,_; • · • • 8o llow •er ........ Take It Ma)" ••• Alter .U. we Meet you ...... ..._ hen at Rlcibard'• Jlarht. OM of tlMI Udo :!r.'9 ~ ~-.. trwe to 8PECLU8 FOB NOV. It t ... 6.1111 I , Ha...u..n...... 35' HULA HIGHIALL _ ....... ORANGE COAST COLLEGE COOKING SCHOOL-CLASS NO. 2 Don't be let• for the 2nd Senion! Step ri9ht in end discover • ;orld of new tricb end take home valueble prizes. T eke special notice, this w,ek, of the bHutiful new 1955 Gaffers and Settler Gas Range and how nicely So. Counties Ges cooks for Min Klumb. Two fine products, and their company personnel, 9enerously donated to help make this years cooking school the finest possible. Dutoold FRESH BUTTER lb. 59c SUGAR s-1b. 43c FLOUR S·lb. 43c 0 utt , ~~· 1 '"' 1 . to -d .... YMCA Breakfast COSTA MESA PARK 7:00 a.m.-12:00 ftOOll Satwday 50c PERSON Plea aow to~ this Saturday mom.In,; artalr. Help buUd the Harbor Ana \'. M. C. A. aad you hfolp build Barbor Atta youth. Only ~ for aU you ma eat at the Co.ta lleea Park. See you t.heN • • • • ORANGE JUICE ... ···-····-....... kL 2 for 2fc n Us n. E _,_ .............................. _ ....... _._ • .,, Ste PAN c AKE s ·--··-.. -· ·-··· pq. 1 sc: 1-1-. pq -··-. Sh r....-• COFFEE __ . c.r-u.. EYAPORA TED MILK . ··-· Todd'• HOMOGENIZED MILK o.rti..i.'• -o.w ~ MARGARINE v. ............... sa.. MEUA TOAST ... ···-'"··--· ·~· 1'r 11. 2 tnr 23C •, caJ. 41c lb.23c ·-·· 24 CURRANT JELLY .. _............ . . .. 12 ... L ~ ffift e-c~ .f~r-the people who make a 50c Breakfut p o 11 a i bl e The above prvdurts have been all or part1donaled 80 that the ''Y" can build a better futun!. Remem. ber them, "wherever" you abop. IBOftl