HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-04 - Newport Harbor News Press., I I l I 'I -I I I " , •t-a ~ ftAU.Jl!B. -Car ahowa above, cV'f'Ybll Mn. Howard s: K. WlWI ud JMr pnttT da~hter, MLM Mary ViJ'linla Shevlin, both Lido lale, thit mornJnc, Oil fCJl-Cbolred mcb.,.y 39 ,,-.. involved in crub with truck ate Ball . Ro&d. Botla women Ncened 11eriou injuriee ...... OCNS Photo ' I $100.800 JUDGMENT AGAINST BAY CLUB! ' In-Dive OH $500,000 Plal~ lnllftd 18-ft. ao.d Sotlght Fann Bureau Directors' .. Flood Control Platt -Toki Aplcwl1wulllts Dlfhr with locird o. s~-Uit-,..._... __ _ OR.ANO.&. (OC1ft)-Ttle bo&rd ~ .. t that before the people an et dl~to,.. or the <>ranee County ulted to vote on the bond iesue, hrm bllrMU yuterday approftd U\e propc>Nd pl&ne ahould be re· a n ood cont.rot plan for Ora.n~e vt-ed by a.n lndepenclent con· Count.)'. bUt not th• cme lo be •ulUn1 board of o~t.mlde en(1nff"9 ~ted on early next ,...,.. &epa. who would e•amlne condlUone on rate flOod control dlltrlct. we,.. the gTOund. advocated wtt.b each .One, votere, The board turtheT aaked that a approval required fOtt lta lmpro,.._ "yitw committee be dealrnated 111mt. by the board of wpervt.ora. com. rol~nr a mffUnr of the pGIM!d of three membera each water probleme departmmt of the from the ANO<'lattd Ctuunbere of bureau early thla -k. dlrecton Commerce. the Farm BurM.u. the ,wterday pueed a ruoluUon that Sranre. the 1-rue of Clu .. and •doratd a Oood CO!fttrol plan for poulbly th" O"nre County DI· 0ranl'e County, but ~uut.ed the (i.neer9' Club. Oranre County Board of Super· Thia commlttet would work • Y!.aora to c•UM the propolled Plana the cQJ\sulunr. board nr eflrtne.ra ffK the (lood control project to be on pruf'flt flood control plane. rec· reY:lawea. • I ommtind tuch ch&11cea ud alter- llU.SON OIVE1f allona u deemed advlnble. and fteuona rtnn for t.he board'• alter adopUon by the board of a.cUon Included: 1vpervlsors publlclae a.nd work tor 1 ) The bo&rd beUev• pruent approva.I of I.be bond luue by the p&a.na. which allow flood control electorate of Ora.nge County.· cballM1a runntn1 41.,.onaJJy &croN aerea,re. vnU cauaie unnecMMry _..ranee da~ Inc~ ... un- .-.on&bly t h • acqul91tlon of rtftlU-of·way ooele and pner&l.e OfiP09Ulon to the plan. 21 1"1ood con trol elMJUld be bded •· we.ter CQfUlen'atlon. wtl!cll A Loni Beach rnerdlant .-man S. near death a t Hoar Hoeplta.I to- day attn ~Inc ahot eht llmee by an acquaintance Ill Lacuna Be~b We<lnHday. __ _ Oeorc• Wqnu, 21. of th• 8. s. Sonoma.. Lons Buch, reportedly aaked Al Goddard, 20. of IA(Ul\& for lb• return of a S1300 loan. An arcument le -.Id to ha,.. de- veloped and Goddard .... rtec1Jy empUed a r·evolver' Into the vtc· Um. Godda.rd la tu turned him· ..U O'Nr to Laruna-,re&'c-Ji poll~ and .... rtfdly · COlllUNd a1toot1n1 Warner. "°"1d ta.k• place ~ the upper I Aac>lber atumpt to find oU 111 r.cb .. ot the Santa Ana Rfver t he territory aorUI of Col!la Mu& and ln ev~ry canyo11 contrtbuUn( I• _,. In the ~quut. of Home - to ~ noOd condlUon of I.he val· I OuJln <;o .. ,lhrough a company ley Ooor. Retardlns bulna llllown kno-.·n aa Lbng Beech 011 Oper- la the pmpo.ed ple.ne on the v&Jley atorl!. Tor permlNlon fr.om the floor eoulh from Ule ancient chan· county • p1annln1 commlaalon to ..a of the Sant& Ana River wou'ld. drill 1000 fl!fl north pf Ad11.m1 ba¥e ao conRrvaUDa '1&lue where S\., and 2-400 Ceet wut of Oran1• U..y Me a.bow the day cap. 'nley St. · would only lJlcruae undersround ~e problem. DATllOY llA81N I) The only u iatlnr wre re· tard.lnr buln In Ole ooun~y W°'Jld M deetroyed under propoAd plarui. 4) '"'-1\t pl4lna are tbo ln4~1· alte aa to location of rt1ht.t·Of· ...,. r.qwred. apeclllcaUona lor ...-trvctlon. capec1Ue1 or other Wonnallon neo~y lo properly determlne UM f..rblllty ot the Wbo6e project aa well u tt.m pa.rt& 61 C.rtaia portJone of the coun· t7 wtJI be IUbject to nood damace ...-wtUl lleJow normal • rallllaJJ wtaile oUMr port.Iona wlll not be 'Mll11 proi>erty le owned by the Se1ustrom bro Uler• and I• p~ tntly · t>etnr , uaed for JTOWlftS besna. • The county planning comml1- 1lon deCtrrtd scllon p;en41nc a mffllnf of the Con& Mue p1an· nine ·comm11111on to be l'letd Nov . H . Acllon w1U be ~ken by <the COlmty No'(. 11. .Clrculatlon Today I ~; tMnlore the Cowity of ~ ellCNld be divided lnto fMlod control 80n•. with n ood ron· trol for eacll 90ne pla.M«l tepa· n.tety add wted on a.pant.ely. 58~5 Coples FUTURE PLANS -. Callinc for a long range pro- crtm of. coopention and joint effort,~ eolve mutual problenl9 of growth wu John Ca.rr. ree.ldent of Odo Iale a.nd official of the Butfwn ·a 1torea. Carr spoke Wednnday before a joint .e.ion of Lo9 Angelea a.nd Orange County citizens ga~red under the 1poneor- ship ol the Lo. A.nple. Chamber of Commerce-Sta.ff Photo 'l1M rwluU. c•r'hlded with a ' \ ' • ' • t' .. , ... nuDAY, NOV. f, llCI& PRONE BAllBOlt 1111 [aunty-wide ··yegg - .R_ing -Broken Here BIG TVJINO(JT -<>ranre Countiana more than a. ~<ired stronc accepted the tnYitatJon of the Loe · kngelef Cbamber of Commerc~ to meet Jn jolat lell8ion Wedneeday. Pictund above '8 a put of Ute crowd which overflowed the conference room ....... th•. 1111iG11i ..._i..&d iD UM C ol C '!crdl C' J at ~ •• < • Polk~ Na~ .4 · S.,W; · · Including OCC Student! . · Newport Belch Police Department, worklnr ln ooopll• ation with other Orange County law enforcement ....... todt.y announced •Quahlnc of a. county-wide burslary rm, nieponaible for. looting ot $20,000 in jeweJ. from tbe 11111· lng Ed McConnell home in Ba.y Shore. 1lat A~ AU lour of tll• .ua)*:ta an al· " • 1°MdY' lmpn.o.ed or tn CUltody on other chars-, accordltll' to Del. Capt. V. I. McMa.nl&'al ot New· port Be.cl\. All are knoWn auo- clatet of narcotic u.eera &IJd are u.n thernMl't•, police claimed. • Ttley are l\ich&rd .Inn Touby, U , of ltU Jl'lillerton Ave., Colta w-; Oooald Joeeph B!Aaonaette, 21, UIU Placenlla Ave., Qran&'e; Roy R&lnond Vlllalobo9. 22, a .ophomore at Oranae Cout Col- i.re. of S3' N. l.Amon, Oranre. and Donald Elmer Wella, U , •-. 111 Albert Pla.ce. Coet. ·Mu.. - IN STATE PEN DON~Jiwa.u (la ...... ) Sl and Bro&dway. Principal speaker from Oranre Co\Utt1 wu John Carr of Udo lale. executive of the Buftwa'1 It.Oree. Oi:anre Count.ia.na beard telatecJ an I"''*" -"'-of atitatica prep&red by th! Loe An· ... Booliter lf'OUP· St&ff Photo . ,• f • .· ... • BEHIND BALLOON BARRAGE -Thil scene took place at the Horace Enaign School PT .A. H&lloween Carnival last Saturday as a crowd collected-to watch the tiny tota ride a minature merry-go-round. St&ff- Photo CARNIVAL CAPERS CAPTURE INTEREST ·OF YOUNGER SET Annual Fun Event at Horace Ensign School By M.BS. MA1T OBER I Phelp• Merickel: food, Mra. Betty Reynolds;· electrical _ appliances, Mn . R ichard Liiienthai; electrl· cal ln11tallaUon. John KJmble and Lea Nott; booth conatnacUon. r.o· bert P' o r be 1, Gerald Br am·e Ale){ MacGllllv.ray, Ed Warming· ton and E. F . Brunk and labor procurement, Mra. Robert Wal- lace. MORI: Vtt Othto were pnu11, Mr11. Her· Lawrence and pu~dty. Mm• a. Georr• Michaud a nd M . s. Ober Jr. .. coion1NITY CHF.ST workers gachered at the home of Kn. Robert S. Hetzel, 525 El Modena Ave., for a k&ffee klatach and were auigned streeta by Mrs. Earl A. Lewie, drive captain.. Left to right are Mmes. DRAMA CAST GHOSEN FOR 'SCEPTIC'S DEDICATION Cut membera for "The Skepuc·1 DedlcaUon," a rellg1oua ~to be preaented at 7 :30 p. m., Sunday, Nov. 20, at the BLlbo& bland Communlt~ Melhodi.t Church. an_d aptn on Wedneaday eftnln(, Nov. 23. at Sl. A.ndrew'1 Preabyterlan Church, ba1'1 bee.n Hlected by it.I director, Mra. Holly Luh VIMI. A.uwnlJ\c the leadlnc role .. "lhe .. rv1c. man" will be lbe Rev. Robert Gronlund, pulor of the Newport Harbor Lutkran Church.<-.. The rrandmother ffill •be Mn. Pauline Claybrook; th .. mot.her, Kn. P. J'. BalnN; ber twe~ughteni. Nancy an,._Jane Loy; her eon, Jamea Barnell;. th~ tanner, Robert ~et.her; the dupla.ced per-. Mra. Margaret. Vader: the achoo! Jirl, Jee..n Smith; the doctor . Wallace Fleer· the a.tudent, Dick E~er; Ult veteran, . F. Bainee; the Vote~ of the Llpt, the l\eY. Doo&ld o. pp. ' ~ • ~ J ohn v: Neff, ~orge C. Pickering. Byron W. Kinr. J . W. Christensen, E mil J. Daum, Kenneth McDivitt and Lewis. -Don Bush Photo ' Hayride Supper for Islanders Senior Fellowship Has Sunday Evening Outing A chuck-wagon supper and a moonlight hayride at the Buffalo Ranch were enjoyed by 21 youths of the Balboa hland Community Methodist fhurch at a pre-Hall oween outing on Sunday evening. Those attending were mem- bers of the Senior Youth Fellowship. That wasn't an earthq~ake temblor last Saturday ,at the Horace Ensign campus. It waa 2000 Harboritee break- ing the sound barrier at the P-T A Carnival where pixilated pandemonium reigned from 2-8 p. m. bert Riley: music, Mn. J W. The Carnival a chieved Ila two purpoeea or re-filling the atudent ahi and we.lfare fund treuurlea u well aa provldlnf Mfe and 1en· alble Halloween diversion for ma· ny Newport Youngatera accord- ing lo P-TA s*utdent.a of New- port Elementary and Horace En- 1lgn, Mn. Jack Bra.dbury and Mra. Jeaepb l.. carver. 'Tbe adull and cbUdnn'a oln ot Ule two churchu - will appear In the dramL, ' Working wll.h ber aon, Henty, u generaJ chairman of the party wu Mra. C. Oouglasa Ferry. She wu ualsled by Mr. Ferry, Mr. and Mra. Ted R. HaUKr. and Mr. and Mnr. Cheater Eckert. pll" on lhe ranch, lhe Jrour play· ed ramea. The h11yrlde clnnued Lhe evenln1'a acUvlnea. N EW·PORT HARBOR J olnUy "J)OMOred by the com· btned P·TA'a of Newport Ele- m~tary an G-. Horace Ensign School1, thia y~r·• third annual f11n and tund-ra111lng etrort rOlllp- f'U lo another 1upu 11onlo l\ICoeM under lb• co -chalnnanahlp dl'. Mme11. Melvin Wataon and ~ vey Somers. Cunlval opera reached a c1t m&x al 6 p. m. when goblina ot 1111 1l&M alom;ied the prernaea tor stand l\e•d•d by )fr11. Owen John· son an.S a1<.~l11leJ by Mme.oi. Wll· Ham Crawford, Howa rJ Lawaon. Jack Palmer , Bobby Clemtnta, Georre MclAuihlln. John McMll· 1llll ILtld Oene Spencer. ilnt g-rade molhf'r, Mnr. Jamu WaldeUcb bad the followVlg com- mltteeii: country alore. MmM. Harold Aldenon. Clarence Lulell, Guild Brune and Robert Duey; Ue booth. Jlln>u. Jamn Newlln a.nd V1rflnla Ullngworlh; bean plt<'h, Mm••!!. Vlv1Pn Bent.. Donalll Youn!(, Paul Buller 11nd RU8114'11 Smith. cop al Rit~s for rominent Churchman Followtng Ole supper ,al "the hl1 two 1l1ten, Mla11 Gwenydd Thomu and Mr•. Ei111yllt O'Conor, hla many nleeet and n•phew• and Younf people allendln« Included Ron Sl. Clair. 811e Bl. t;lalr. Geor· r• H&u.eer, Hr nry l<'erry. Melinda RoTk, Sandy fleer, Jeanane Bon· nu, Chuck Kramer. Allen Ouenlh- er. Rou Eckert. Wb.llneY Bain~•. Jean Smith. Donna Smllh. Marilyn Shooter, Sharon Waldelkh. Bar- ban Harper,-Oennll Bro,."'> WhH· ney BalnM. 01C'k Brtdgmi n. 0.Yld Vtael aad lklll&e atone. the ro11tum1 parade. Dl\'18JON WlNNEBS W ith J'orut 8 mllb aa muter of c:.rnnonlH. Judgea William Riller. BurneU Forgey and Ed l'mlth ~'ect 111.x wlnnera ln u ch dlv11lon. The followlnr took flr11l a nll MC<>nd re.pectlvely: Pl'e -11Chool 'bo)'a. TeJTY Talldy. Laurie Pelerto: pre-«bon• s2rle, £a.ml ltave.n. ,IA· .. l.Aw8Clll; elemm tary (t1rl11. Paulett. Donald. Patry Ober: ele· mentary llOya. Biii \~elrh, Robbie B?ow1l; lltxt h th roul(h el gh th Jrad4t stria, C)"nlhla Patne. Palr1· eta Paine; 11lxlb throu11:h elt!"hlh 'bo,.., Bob Horn. GC!Orge Vll11der- ¥0rt. and llpeC!&I ··111tecom"r"" eta.. Tommy WamPr, Dlane J O'fOL Paul JClmquJat donated lhe rib- bon award•. MIDWAY MASTER Behind Utle junior -~de <"Ir· e\18 ,,_, a lol of vtroroua effort .,,., adlllt elna. Amoy ~ ... llarft1 lolnera who htld down h1a ,._,..,. XtdWay Muter role, wtt.b 11111 Tobllt and Dw1fht May- field to ISpe1l him. Camou{lac9d_• m a l I rry l'f'OWDUP9 ~ addJUonal ln from U.. Halloween COlltum can· te.n wtt.b the help of • robe m~ Kmea. J Und1tedt and Henry Vaurh Mm... CUI uter. 1-ter Bc.bwacv ortat Smith ma.de wtt.b U.. -paint al the rnu.vp th. ~-ptec.. at the Mid Hat 1 Comer ••ere a M'Yenth de project under the direction f Mmn. Robert Blair. Kenntth Sandi. Henry Ttgel and Dntd Conne.U. l'ou.n~en wen fractured at tllle Spook HouM run by "Land- l&dlee" Wtlllam McCook. Do n Boey. Roland Wella and GrMme 8mlt.b. TEA,. LEA V£8 1be -r1eat ff·er ln the .. puu. Mn. Ltrry Smith or-'tOl!t.a Mf'1& wu chief tea-leaf Junler at the fortune teller bOoth where ahe played lo 8RO aud1encu. Th• booth ,.,.... headed by M.me1. John Mercer, Boud~au SlmmoM. John Kimble and N. C. Sturreon Jr. MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• The tuawal Mrrice of H . Ivon ,n.-a., •. f.&UM• ~ Mn.. J--------...1i...--------------""';,_ __ PelJlt of thl1 dty. treuurer and PAGE 2 -PART I - NEWPORl HARBOR &!!lt1ta.nt treasurer ot the Eplaco- -'l'ht l<'<"ond grade. und'r the 111· FRIDAY, NOVliMBER. 4', 19 pel DtoceM of Loe An1el• .for recllon of gr11de mother l\f r " more than 40 yaue, wu c:Jiauct- Frank M1u11hall, over11aw the bran bag 1:amf' with Mmel! Hale F1!'lrt. ONE OF TWO ed by tu Rl. ReY. Francia JCrtc R11lph Hnldf'n, G•nr S['f'nCt'r ant! . / 8107, blallop of Loe A.n.1.i.., Oct. W lllu1m Kenlltdy In chl\Tg .. 11nd 31, a t · Bt. Paul'• Cath~. Loe the tl11h bowl t oq wllh Mmr11 s Angelu. AAl1tln1 l.n the 9er'Ytce John~"'!. Q~ue Mm11. EdRal· an o~ i~S ut1 wrrar m .. ,. ~ c:tu'IY;-Oav11! C'lrnnln"ham, Robert"-vell. t £ ~\...--GI·. 1.. • .' t'l'l)'. rl Plnkrrton and Rkh· I.n ,addlUon lo hla Joni yean ard Love nd as lhr commlttei-SI t ' 11 s • u treuurer of the Dtoceee. Kr. Third gradr molhtr Mrs. Spen· a a ess1on Tbomu aao WU netrym&n of ceT Rk hardaon dlreclel'I the Mng bl.I! pariah church for many yaar1, lo&' a1111111ted by Mme ... Paynf'" Dr.· GI.' ge H. Houck. dirrclor but to many ol,herJ1. Tea wlll be and wu three tlmft a deputy ot Thaytr and Charle• Klrc-hene1 eml lh4' belloon bonlh "'ilh Mme" ot he,.tt al Stanford Unlvtn1lly. 111rved followlnf the !'letting-. the Dloc-to the Gener~ Con· Clinton Rygrl anrt R H . Rtl'd i wUl b.-guest 11pu.ker al the faU Mn. Jowph R. J onea or San ventlon ot th• Church. / Marino will pre•l'de. tofu . J ohn t'Ot"RTJI GRADE · fuef'llng of lhe Stanford Mothers· s. W4'liter. h°"pllallly chairman, A member of tbe American Jn· The rourth CTade had Un'f't-Club of Southern California. to will be uelated by 'Mra. Vernon 1Ulute of Publlo Acoountanta. Mr. boolh1, con111aung or thy f 11 h 1 be hrld al lht Women·a Unlver-Barrett. Thomaa Mrved on the orpnl.&a· pond, run by Mmra. Ku<h L.ewh1, •!ly <.;lub, MO South Catalina. Los Mrs. Ru11.tell F.. Poat. U11l1led Uon'• council an d uamlnlnf J ohn Broughton and ~ack R'ermer, Angtlea, on Nov. H at 1 :30 p. m. by Mr. Alrred Post. w lll be tn board and •180 Ill vice presldenL pound·a·n•ll wlttvl(jm~. Norman IHI 1 d!Kuulon _ 1> r · Sttmford charge or th!' tea and Mme. Ht1 wu a member nf the Califor· HackrorJ and ~rlu Dole and He&llh Service .. w1U be or Inter· Warren Crowtll. W•m~r Henry, nla Stale Board or Accountant.a lhe po~. ~ atand, w'ltb Mmea. ut not only to Stanford mothera Lawrence Cbamn and Edward for l8 ~a.r•. He wu chlet •c· John K~~ _and T. o. Roftrt u Carter will. pour. countant for\lh• city of Loa .An· chat n. Mra. EmU Roth 11 the Pl'ecedlng the m •, l In 1 Dr. ftlea 190'1·10l a.nd city auditor of CT molher. Attend Card -Party Houck win be guest ot honor at Santa Monica ltle.-U. F irth graoe mo~r. Mn. Ber· MeeUn1 at the cl•bhouae lut a luncheon glvrn by lhe ~ al Bom In Cetn, was.a. Oct. I , nard Be 11, •Histed by Mmn. week the card eecl.l.on of the Co•· lhe home or Mn. John 8 . Wei· l&ee, Mre. Thomaa came lo th• Edllb Humpert. William Glbeon, ta Meaa Friday l'nernoon Club ltcr. Also present wllJ be Donald UnJted Stat• In lUO to try cat· SaJly Brown and Davtd Ballan· held thetr re(Ular monthly card Ca.rlaon. Stanford repruentatln Ue ranch.Inf In Tuaa. I.At.er be tine, wa1 In cbargf or the "Gam4!" p.rly wtth JI tablea or canuta tor Southern C.Hlorn1a. moved to llvdco u accountan,t and "Lady w1lb lhe 1000 pock· and br1dre. There were 31 mem· Tht. I• one of two meetlnp for ror the national railway•. He al- eta". 1 and 33 ru•t.I present. De•· lht 1•ar. ao Hr"Yed aa BriUab vice cc>MUI Alonr w1th the coetumet am1 eert waa aerv.d by b~teNU In Ma.lco. In 18" be married ~ department, M1'. Smllh JalJ:Ma. Hetna Ka.Letr, Calla Viele, PHYLLlS Dll..Ll:R, 8. r . cotM-Amelia Va.rick Gunn. who d1ed in Newberry hea9ed the following Chari•• Rand •nd A. R. Momaon. dle:nne -"'Il la better to be your lHl. llxlh pade booth commlttmenta: Kra. E. J.. Moore la ch .. trman of but YOU than a poor copy. o1 In ltOi the Tbomu famlb' cotton candy, M m I' a. Erneal the aecUon. anyone elM In the world." m<..nd to Loe Ancel• w1tb t.belr ~~~J~nh~a~ A~ur~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iii~~ R.emtey: balloon dart.I, Mm••· 1 J ohn Shltfds. Harold Welcb &ftd Ro~rl Greenln1; ~lMl.ll t~ Mmea. Jack Llnd.ey, J . Biddle Dorcy, Robert l'orbte a nd John Boyd and white elephant. Mmea. Karl Bernell, and K. K. Koehler. llALLOO!lf DAJn' St ventb (l'ade booth•. beaded by Mrt. F.. F. Brunk. Included balloon' dart. w!lh llmea, Mat- lh-WaJdellck and Arthur Kat· 1 ler In charge, and the ahooUnc pllery whoH committee w a 1 Mmn. DouflU Terry. LeRoy Stanton, For•l Smith and R. H. Gree,n. Front commltl-and th • I r chairmen we r'e ticket•, Mra. Honolulu Trip. for Pinkleys Mn. A. L. Pinkley, 163 B~· •.-ay. Collta M-. la takln1 the plane for Honoluly Sunday to Now ·in our· New Location • • • -at- ' ~ 535 CENTER St. / Costa Mesa I , The eJchth pde 1&w to It that 110 oat went .£way hungTy. Undf'r the 11neral ctialnnan~hlp or Mra. Morpn Fl~ater. thtrf' w1u 11- coe and btane Hrved by Mmu. Cbarln Ullman. E. J Dawt0n, WUUam Hwnuon, F. 0 . Sw•ln, OllJlord "Toblll and H. E . Stick- ler. Bot doc• and chlll wne d1•h· ed oul by llmu. E. t.. Ho~I. H. B. Pearce. WIUl•m Tough, Sam Colyv and-R. N. L&aerlor. MmH , Cai !vie Brr ku,. Phtlllp vb ll her l'On. hl11 "'1fe 1nd the Rapp, Al!N'd . :0-lutln llnil Alfrt"I """' rrandttaur;hter 8he hu nnl'r Berg doled nut Jnnk• an•I arr I •c".," Seal's Surgical SuJ)plie~ cream, and (!l'Ml'rt and roffr,. r Sut•n Clare wu bom in the wr111 .. rved bv Mmta J1>rry Btll JOprlna to Lt. and Mn. Vlrg-11 I Harold 8clluMl .. r, J M. McKtrul~ I Nnklt>y or. Barber Point Xaval a nd J . T. Thomas. A Ir Station and I• th.tr. flr•l "1TI , , ·. child. Mr. Pinkley wtll r o onr I I t.A ~ t '"i'!' ::'\' "'' 23 and tht Mt-a' rouple Wlll Klnderiarten had the ~a.nut come bome on Ule Ut.h. I w. • .. ••d Sell • • • • Sidi Room Supplies • gnnd-nlf'Cea and nephe'"'•· · Kr. Thomas wu a member of U\e llcotu.ti JUte _., PeitaDla llD&ll dau&'btv. now MrL Pettit. became aiU..... · o6 UM untted Stat.el In 1906. AA s 'riatlon enthualu t. Mn. Tbomu fl"' lo Enitlanrt 111 11 t 1Ummer for • monlh'11 vi11l t with l..odg11 202. P'. and A. M. Commit· tal wa11 'In San Oabrll'I C'Pmtltry ti<'3"1C tho grave oC hlll wife. W1th Ml Mllllonlc rite&. ln addition to lhe atlult !'nmmlt- ttt, the JTOUP "''All AC'<'ompanled by lt11 advteer11. the Re\• and Kre. Donald G. Sar r . • . I NOVEMBER CLEARANCE BUY SALE ONE WEEK ONLY • NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS 100 Street & Cocktail Dresses Values to 79.95 -~OW-16.95 to 39.95 Group -Wool Coats & ~its Values to $75.00 NOW-29.95 to· 59.95 Group Wool & Orlon Sweaters 20% to 30% OFF Group Wool ~kirts Reduced to ,Clear Use Our Lay-rAway Plan REMEMBER--IUY NOW FOR THE HOLIDAYS . ' . LIDO .. FASHIONS 3419 Newport Bfvd ., Newpott Beach Next to Stan dud Serviee Station-Ha. 36 71 11 !111 1 11 .. 11 I • I I I . ' ·~ .. !Records " Now Roady NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-'lESS -PART I· 'A&E J FRIOA.Y, NOV&itlER 4, 1911 At Montebello Me.saris at Home Mra. ~ OODnu, l·~ Mr. ~ llra. ft'aak VW. of \ / MR. Ir MRS. PHILIP W. POLIN -Bernire Alden Photo Poling-Cotton Duo Recites Baptist Vow~ Now at home in Long Beach at 535 Linden Ave. are Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Poling, who were married in an 8:30 p. m. ceremony in First Baptist Church of Coet& Mesa. The bride is the former Patricia Lee Cotton, daughter of Mr. a.nd Mrs. Elmer F. Cotton, ~17 Fairway Drive, Costa Mt'A. and the bridegroom. who 1ervea with the U.S. Navy, 11 the eon of Mr. and Mra. D. W. Poling of Bry•nt. Ind. Buketa held white atock. Jlad- loll and pornpon chryaant..ht'mum1 and · a pillow or nowere w.. ill white. provldlnf aettlnr tor th• double nns rite In wblch .Patricta. waa &1ven In keeping' by tier father. She wore a walu l"nrth r own of Ir.rt and nylon net wtth portrait nf'ckhnf'. lnng &leevu and full ak1rt. A ~ai'rcoronet held her ahort Vf'll and 1he C'llrrlf'<I a noet· J !I)' Clf white rOl!"ll wilh Ntln alr tamf'l i< Mi1111 Lnu•~ lAnkty, u maid ot honor wu gowned In pink &11d oarrled a noaer•Y C1f pink roaea. Mr: I... C. Udy lr.nt beat m1cn a id. The reception wu ~Id at the home of t.he bri<I.•;• parenta wtth M.r9. Cotton. r owned In blue with While &CCt NOriH and pink carna- Uon cora-.e. a&1l1Un~ In ....ceJv· lnc. Pannta of the brtdesroom _.. not able to attend. Aael.eUnc with recepUon detalll were t.he brl~e·a eunt. M.ra, Lu· cllle Cotton and a tri•nd, Mr1. Lot»M Cotter. In Glee Club at Pomona =--...*--. ~ . WALT'l ME 'ROUND AGAIN -One ot the gayest and lfi<>llt colorful of the many Halloween parties in the Harbor area is alw~a the Newport Harbor Y~cht Club'• tnditional Old $ailora' Ball: The costumes run tfle gamut from the 1ublime to the fantastic -mostly the latter ! ! Among those recognizable in. thil group <)( dancen are "RUNian diplo~t" ff() ward Lawson and M111. Law.on; the "Apache sailor" ia Rear Commodore Jud Crary. dancing with Mrs. Harry Mann: the "Canniball" at right are Ed Warmington and Mrs. Vernoo Edler. -Beckner ,!'hoto , Nurse· Training Is Accredited '.'The prograni for lraln.lnc vo· catlon&I nureea at Orange Coast Ct-liege bu ~en examined an~ accredited by the National Asa<>- clatlon for PracllctJ NurN Edu· cation." announcN1 Dr. Ba.ail H. Pf'ttr110n. college prtaldtnt. Word of national approval wu recelve.t recently from Cecile Go· veil. chairman of t.he accrediting commlltu In New York City. T ra.lnlng of vocational nursH la one of the 22 prorram11 ofttrf'd by coast College dulgnrd to qua· llfy 1tudent1 for employment Thnsl! completing five montha of pre·cllnlcal training followed by aeven months of clinical training In the hospital. are eligible t o t.akf' Stale examlnatlona to be· comt llcenaed u an LVN undl!r California I.aw. In addition to national accredit· 11t1on. ·the program al Orange CoHt hu alao recelvf'd approval by l.he Buruu or Vocat10nal Nurl't Examiner• ot t.he Slate of CallfOmla. Mra. Quu11le Ant1en10n hu llf'rvtd u director and chief In· atructor of nur9lng at OrM(e Cos11t for t.he put four JHrP.. On at.:.1te txamlnallon1 l.he graduatu of Coa1t College have conal8tent· ly ranked among th• top thl"l'e collegu. , OCC Faculty Wives to Hear • Judge Morrison . -OCC Faculty W lvu Clu.b ... 111 hold It• Nonmber ltlttlln( on Wednuday. l'\ov. t at I o'clock In t.he Student -.Cmter toun,.e. 8 0.tlt 1 w111 be Mmu. Howard Clapp; Wllll&n'\. A. Jfu..racaa. Slu· art K. In m a n, Correllan J Thomp110n and JamP1 Wylle. Secret of Pearl Harbor Reviewed by Haarstad ·~ ~ Wlllla.m ff a a r •tad. Oranre pf't\11f'nt at Purl Harbor on• that Cout Colleg-e librarian, review• "The Final Secrel of Pearl Har- bor" by Robert Alfred Theobllld. Dec. 7, and aubaequently aided Admiral Kimmel with hie de- rt'nae a1taln11t charre• that Kim- mel. u Flett Comm .. nder at The Japa.ne.. attack on Pearl Pearl Ha.rbor, wu In part re· Harbor ~c. 7. 190 la 11tlll vivid I 8pon•lble •for U1e 11nuk attack. In t.ht mlnda of Ame/leans 1111 a Th,. ~uthor purauee the thula "day" to remember In the hi•· I that the late Prl'1ident P'rati1clln tory of our country. The atta ck D Roo1evelt WH alone rupon- waa madt without provocation ~ible for the military unp~~red· and mlUtarlly wH a aucceu from "'eu at Pea1 l Hubor a.nd that the Japaneae point of view. The historian• will j.udge him a~cord· United Statea 1u/fered In c&11u11I· lngl)l The central point In the tin 110me 3303 dead and 1272 argument or the aul.hor 11 that wounded.· • Mr. ROoaevell had ample advance The aathor or this . nry con · warning of the at lick on Pearl troveralal work la Rear Admiral Harbor. which ht railed to . Robert A. Th• 0 b a Id. u.s N. on to Kimmel and Short I army l ltel.). Admirlll ~d was commandl'r at Pearl Jfarbor). Adm Ira I Theobald p l"flMJI UI hla Birthday Event A (T'OUP of trlench dropped tn on Mr1. Larrle Smith, 2182 Miner St.. CC»ta Mee&. on• nenlng Jut week to he!J> her celebrllle her birthday. Erijoytni caltt' a11d cor· tee Wllb Mra. Smith wert Mr and Mra. ~· Oretn, aon Oary and Mn. Michael Green. ...., c&MJ In calm and reetralned t..ns· uase conalderi.,; the dynamic to- pic hf' le concern4'd with. T'be book I• written In an In· tel"fllttnK manner and pru.nta a view of a controvirralaJ epleode In American history which abould t>-. noted by the student of hi•· tnr-y u well •• t he cenf'ral read· tr. Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARIOR 4969 Mary LoWMt JlaWagly llal')' .lane Beaprt 41S Slit Stred. Newport Beac.b at Library New phonosnph recofda ,...dy for clrcutauon In Ole -•TYlcie at th• publl.c library Include amon1 Mater c1 ... 1ca for family U1lenJn1: Klpnle Sine• Brahma. Alexander Klpnia, .... wltll ICm· Mt Viator Wolf at the piano: Mr. St.raU11a Cornea lo Boaton, Arthur Fiedler .. nd 'Ole Boeton Popa Or· cbe1tra : flt,&rllfhl Encorea. Holly- trood Bowl 8ymeho'.'Y Orcheatra. J4!1n ~rnett eonductor: Tllh&I· kovaky. Pele~• Nutcracker. oompleu ballet by MIMeapoll• Symphony OrcbMtra. Oood run:,Try _..: Dance wlt.h C\apt, .X.vler eu,., and h.11 or- cbeltra; Lalin American aong1: a choral colfcert with d1 Pawr'a I.nla.ntry Olorua. Orch .. lral HI F l: •" Adven· ture In Klgb' Fidelity, the or· cheatra and the f!uman voice In hl1b fldellty. Pi-.no-or1an: Al· bert 8chwl'it.ur at the orpn. vol. II Buh: Chorale .and pretud•. vol. m. Bach and Mendelaaohn. Recorde Children Wiii • l.Avl': Song hit• from Walt DI • n e y Film•. Fred Waring a,nd hie 'Penn11ylvanlans : W ln111e the Pooh -.nd Chrlatopher Robin Sonlfl. ly· rte• by A. A. Milne. 1ung by P'rank Luther. Legion Is J1ost to Auxiliary Tb• American Leeton Awdll· ary waa e~~!f'~ed by Lefton· nalrM of Poat 291 at Ule meet· Inf of Oct. 28 In the American Le&1on Hall. 15th St. and W. Bay Ave. Kennetb Johnlon, aecond • vie• pruldent. provided the prorram f9r entertainment. Larry Dyaart. director of Rlchnetd Otl Cors><.>ra- tlop apeaker bureau, lllloWed a film about burled treuum of C&llfoml& and aa u added at- tractJoo, Women Mann.. trom the Kartne .Air st&uon kftOW'ft ... the "Harmony Group". Mn. Ken· neth Johnaon ualated her bua- band with dlnnu arranrementa. It wu reported Harry Maxwell hu 1uffered a atroke and la home at 404 ClubhoUM Ave. Mra. Loyd Carter. Ma ltlh St. Coeta Meaa and Mra. Jack N1imlec. 1911. W. 8&.lboa Blvd. are muc.h better. Botb are membeni ot ~ Ameri- can Leeton Auxiliary hoaptta' work1ra. 9taick Senlce roil loller Shades 8t&ndard llhade CJot.b.I and O.tom 8peci&IU~ e DraJ>9!1 ll&l1hnn • v-t1an auau CALL llAll80a 1M THE SHADE SHOP &II .... 8&.. ,.....,.... ..... ......... ,.... Oftlcte Newport Bl'ld .. co.ta 111-. -t 117 H .. UtGft et., Colt.a Ilea. ~ · \ neta\47 returned.., from a .,..., ~ertJ dq1 lut WMll llr llont.-Yt.tt at th• homf ot UMCr 1111\. bello Ni .. a l the home o1 M.ra. and l"9 funll.)'. Mr. and llra. Joba T. Carp.ater. a&Pl ........ l'red Viele a.nd rr.d Ja. at LA WU unpor{.ant .;.· 0.. ~ Quiet&. THE-·NEW SUIT LllE .. · Very straight ·end there- fore very new- our 5-button 1uit of 9!ey end white plaid IOOo/o For at- menn wool Oeaigned by Roth Le Cover 69.95 Master Point Game Sunday Joan p; Klmea. daughter of Mr. and Mr• .. Wiiiiam F Klmea. 418 SnuK Harbor Road, haa been ~lecte~ 1 member of the J>omona Colltge Women'• Olee Cfub. Shl' la one of H nf'w membert cbDltn In the rf'ctnl try-outa. 4lpuker of the evening will be ~;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~j .7udge KtDntlh Mou1.aon of San· - la AnL WhOlle top ic "Ttam· Eve· r.y ~ Import.ant --"LITTI:E rua· Fashion ... Th" Oaltwia Oupllratf' Br1d9t C"luh will hnlrl 111 monthly t.bP.· t"' Pinn t Or-·n ·came on Sunday 1ft,.rrrr>nn Al lhf' E t>;-11 \h1bhouJ1C In 8'llb<•11 w1lh plsy l'tsrllnc at 1 ao r ,,, Mn Geo rl(f' \llrrnll and Mni. Panhnf' S1tyr" wtrf' nort.h·l'C>Ulh . w1nnere in the recent evenln(I' same. w hile high 11Corn11 eut- •eait •erf' Mra. Maxine Burcan and Ruaaell Bonney. Runnera-up nor th -M>uth were Mra. Frank Rf'"<i and Mr1. Marl{arf't" HolmH: Sally Brown a nd R11ceo Wilt Runnf'r1'·Up ea11t • Wf'Al were Otto Rartft,.lrl 11n1I Anrly Mabley: Mni. Htnry Ejtl(l'rt •nil \\'llll•m Du it an Wlnntni nt MaJOl!"r J'nlnh In Monda,· afternoon~ tnurnamtnt Wl'rt-Otto Hartfield a n1I Ralph Oravu: Kathryn Cfl~ntf'r and William. Duqn. Robert Lu11k and Frank FoKel: Mr. and Mn . Mar- t h•ll Kttchu.m. Plac1nK ~ond wer. Mni. Pe~JY JohnMin a n d Mn. Amold GallM'r: Mr11 Mary Ch-ll'lld and Arthur 'Brown. flr(NJ. ,.auUn• "'"·re a nd Mrs.. P' re,, t Johnann: Mra. ~m& lAber and .l•ck Pnwell In th1r,, po-1t1on111 were Mrs. l:nn .ffooker and CharlP1 Kerr: Ml'9. It. J . Mul'fft and Mra. Mil· 4lr'9d Lytle! Mn. &tty Coombe and Mra. Marti Murill: Mra. Glad18 H&Jle and Ml"I. Carl' B«I· ecm. The S"O\.IP will m..t Oft lorupl .a n • Saft Oeeu Frollt M Trao •lloell. Investiture for Brownies l!l}oW1Ue 'l'r009 414 had Ill ror- ID&I tnv•.tlture Frid•'{ "v4'fllng at th• Olrl Scout hou1te. Mra. Rarrt~t Donald, IHder. and Mra. Dorothy Bramt. <'O·ltader, • pr.- -ted the n~ ar<>wn1e1 wll.h tllelr t>'""· • Honored 1trh1 wne Kare .n ~ol M1llio. Prttir•• Ol!t · 11111. Kathryn Pl'tf'rll, Marirarf'l Pillon. 8 • v " r I v Rind,,kntthl. Charltne Roe. t'hr111ttnf' S~n<'e.r. Mehnda Allen, I.Aura Br•m•. Karen Br\lbtl'kl't. Cynthia Cotton. Carol Cunnln1h•m. C)•nthla C'ur-tl•. MerMllh -Doll'. and f'aull'llt ·Donald. Refrubments con<'lur14.'d • .atpttul eY'Utlns tor tht 'lf'W ~M and' their p1rPnt~ Ml111 Klmte 11 a 19$3 itradu&le ot Newport • Harbor Hl11h School A junior at Pomona. 1he Is ma - joring In art. She will be a 11ec- ond a.Ito In the flee club. work" will en<'Ompad phue1 of the juvtnlle dt'llnqumcy problem. Mmta. Wendell Plckena -.nd Joeeph Kroll are Faculty Wlvea prnldent and. aecrttary • trtH· urer. re1pect1vely. Pumituff by Century-o/J Slill Corona cfel Mer Balboa lafand NOW OPEN fOR. BUSINESS SlT'N'KN·IT J 1 J l. lalboa llYd. lalboa Do come in for yern1 end pattern booka ..• Also Bucille "Peint-it-youraelf'.' textile paint- ing kits. Time to 1tart Xma1 'knittin9. Mildred D. Theron , ........ c ICIE IECIUTIOI DU ..,,,,. "°""""ftg ,,00,-ttnn~ oOOrll-·- handball covrt1-f'btlc ono- club 1aOUH-Lltt'4 i...p. ~ld glvt1 a .t} bm* to "'"""'' of tM new , • rJ)MSTICAlLY ({Eouciv ! LAY-AW (1Y NOW For Christmas yiving MINK .STOLES F MlJ J '4t ""' 11ti m • • • Randi-Wad-Royal Pastri Uni lean-Sapphire S1lvec Blue ...... ,., $595 MINK STOLFS .. . $795 · MINK STOLFS . . . r ( • • 1475 1595 $1095 MiNK STOLES ... ·. '795 SAVINGS UP XO f400 ON·OUR PREMILM QUALITY MINIC S~ITI 111 FU-R COMPllY ~. ,__ el ___ ,.~ DD•s--41U.,'9 .. a ... ,_ ... ,_, 308 NORTH BROADWAY .. I . ' .. \ l PA6E 4 • PART I -NEWPORT HARIOR. NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVE~IER 4, 1955 At the Party ' the pelnttra. havt J11a1 returned e>ra.n1i Oount,y ta ~~ put oa , ,. SEALARKING BJ GINNY (~ EDW&&D LE81t::a) 8llft'll trom Litchfield Park. Art&. ac· by the Jiru.cul&r ~ A•· companied by their aon J o h n eoclatlON of Amertca dd they lll'here In addtllon to Dick'• at· att looklft1 f<w worllera f(W the : tend1n1 the 8.M.1. tSUper Market Newport area •.. _,_. wttb lnatltutel mH Unf u a Re(tonal the Ume lO (tve wot be ba-ct Director. they played a IJtUe roll lt they can call KJ. HOit •• Mra. and had a f han1e of climate. Martan H•th or 8aat& A-. ta· • C 0 C K P 1 T SCUTTLEBUTT: t.1 ..... dy bard at work tor the Four 1ur1 to Col. Matt ' Ober J r: e&UM • • • who kllldly offe~ hi• uaiatance THlNOS TO OOME: '!'ouch· GINNY (1188. EDWARD LE8TD) 8JOTll al the P·TA C&mh•al at Horace down party al t.be 8&IMa Bay · · Elulrn Jut Saturday ••t\en ~the Club, Nov. 11 .•• l"ormal (Wack ABOARD TYPEE: An,.anawer tQ perfect living ii' th~ roatume parade entranll proved Ue) dinnu party No•. 11 at the Newport life, when o~ day the •parkle a.nd run or 700 A.a· I too muiy for the committee In lowly tradlU--1 Lido hie M Y alatan~ League membera and their gue.t.A pt!hering to 1 rh&rc•. He uvt'd \he day with '?int of the J. R.oaa C.a'4D'11'cka , hi• expert "llfllrjne technique ...• CarnlV&l Nlf bt, ~ Mov· feut their eyea on Don Loper a showpieces at the glamoroua HEAR s. o. ISde drlvtnc l amber '· rtven by tn• Zonta Qub Balboa Bay-Club, with the femmes all dre.eed in fall'a laleat day 11 Mt for PfJc. 1, .. her• of Newport Ht1.bor at UM DC atylMt ta hl1hUthted: a nd the 111 one campairn we can all work .••• p~ to bmeftt th• next mrfl·nlnir u.. day hold.a the claJmed the tlOQ blll and la ter on ... anothu worthwhile dnve Scholanblp and S.l"'Ytce W 11 a d. ipell ot •n tnvtroraUn1 aall or ::':tbtt~ award · · · De1l1n•r Dor· which ,..11 under way Ott. 6 In OVER ANl> OUT flahlnc expedtUon on tt\e h I g h Y O Hara drew lhe number for ------- .ear w1lh 1lack1 ana 1Wuter1 In Mr•. Glenn Matht. of lll1 Toro -------------------------order ... with eountry <l11b golf ::iho look home the lox 11tole ... and t.ennla at th• varlou1 New· d '° anoU.er wccea1tul chalr lty rt cou ·ta to boot Vartety lit benefit •pon.aored by the hard :'td to ~ the •P~ ot life and bwor~lnl f.qiat..nce Leer;ue (ala. I N Ut acl\ed fly generou1 merchant• with auc~ an ax om. ewport e anct-'attl'ftded. b "N rt• 700" certainly c.an be called iplcy 1n waa brouttit t! a .~~I ell· more w•v• than one. m1L1t. (Patient BBC Oateman Art AllSISTANCI: 1..E.A.GUJC ~ne· Stuclry'deMrv• credit tor flndln1 Cit lun<'heon wu cert&lnly on~ of room for the 600 car1.J · the bett f uhlon 1how • luncheons ever g iven at the Bay Club . . . N_EWPORT . HARBOR Supper lnt.reaUnc to note that Nell (Mni. club dln.ner dance •e~1 beitlna • tomorrow at the{Newport·Harbor ~1d11wood's 9lvl1' t•ls n.n•11l•la' # • - EE . FamHy Size . HOLIDAY TURKIY . 'Pikll . fainovt LISK ASSIST kNCE LEAGUE VDIBERS meet at entrance of Balboa Bay Oub where the eocial evt!nt and fuhion abow wu a fund rat.er for the many league philanthropies. -Left to right are llra. Paul Rogers, Mrs. Marshall Neidecl(er, Mrs. William Kirby and Mrs. E. J. Brooks. John, R o « er 11• Muy Frances Yee.ht Club ... aouncll fUI\ for I Mr.JI. Buul Elll!Worlh, E d 1th th~ young 1et . . aup~r club 1M r1. P hil B&Mett and Vlrjpnla commltttt lncludu M mu. and (Mra. Dj ck) Terkel were among Meara. John Humda.11. Howard many iruu ta "'ho motor~d dov.'ll Lawao.n, Moreland Lelthold. Roy from Los Angele• for the oc· L ('aslon ... ar .. unc a~ut ; JUrl>or yman, and Au1tt Sturtevant. ;calendar !of Events NOV. t I ZONT A BALL 7 :30 p. boa .Bay Club. ble hd11lt-• DotUe (Jilr1. How· ,JESMA c MRS. HILJP\ Smith ard l Ahm11n1nn. Mllllt <Mn. Mar· and 0.tty t Mr1. an 1 Mickle'• shall I Ntldeckt:r and Harriet llhopper1 lunch at J eama'• dreamy <Mra. Ot<lrcel Pnap;er bad u Bay llhorN waterttont proved to thf'l r cuf'1 ts Bljl IMra. Toby) be one ot the' be·1t part1e1 of the Wilcox. <1eal1n.r norothy O'Hara )'tar . . . lnformaJity rf'lg-ned, "1 Ml'll. Hanle LuMeyl, Carol (Mrl. with the 60 (UHta enjoying their Robf'rt I MIUer. Winnie I Mrr" J!l. but~et luncheon In p;ay ruhton all C t Martin, Phyll11 <Mn. Bob) •bout the 1paclo11a terrace and TaylC'r Kathryn t Mni. Ro.111l cu : flrellt Uv1ng room ... chatting-: m Bal· tendyck, Mra. Je.ck TIAerk, a n d Gayle Burnham 1 fr o m Palm Mn. Tt1rkel'. · 8prinp), Dottle Ahnaneon, tho• I NOV. 5 • I "HASTY ,HEART" 8 °11) p. m. OCC lbeatre. .NOV. '7 ALPHA PHI Ric~· home. 21 1 E. Bay Front 1 p.m. NOV. 8 KAT Alumnae 11 a.m. 2~71 Bay· abore Drive. • COM Ar11 It cratll 10 L m. church . . j NO\'. t ALSO AT THI': Ll:AOUIC l>ftl•· two . enercenttc lovllea E dith Ba1- flt were En (Mra. Hay) Lans;en· aett. and Nell Ro,-en , down acaln hl'lm (t>ard worklnc preM chair· from Loe Angelea, Polly 0 be r. 1nanl. Mar1aret Trld•r Wblt•, Dorothy Yardley, WlnnJe Martin, I down from Vh Park), J ea n Judy HumdaJJ amonc other1 • . . I Mn. 1'rancl1) DaW901), Jean JICNNII!: A N D DICK RICH· 1Mr1 J ohn)• Ola., Kay <M~. ARD whoM lovely new Irvtne John) Rwtcart wLo won an elr· Terrace borne ta In th1 bandl of quillte t:-Y•t.al YllM), pretty a.nd w ,ruc1oua Be:·, <Kn. G«rs•> Claremont Off1'ce Hoar Jr. MUlnC Ucketa. al.a ZBELL carden It book 2, p.m. at dubboUM. SOV. H Mmea. Wayne P'erTell. Robert Orerory Wrt1ht. IOll or Mr. and WaJktr, Henry XacKay, H. T. Mn. .Roi.and Wrt1bt, 2900 Cllrt 12.30 Jamea. Wllllam Peeler. Maurice Drtn, wu recanUy named aecre· Alu.&11der, Jtulh IAmberth, C. B. t.ary-ll'M9urer of the 1tudent bo· Brokaw, Max Btursu. Eater Wit· dy a t Claremont Men'a ColJ•c•. wtr, Kenneth K.lnpley. Lyman. He I.I a bualneaa admlnatraUon Farwell, Mytord lrrine, Howard major and mem ber or th• Slap, KAPPA KAPPA GAXM'A 1 p.m. 201 Via Jucar. llOI Newpor& Blvd. Harbor Women Off to Mexico for Fishin'g Lawaon, WUUam CUrlett. Tod men'• honorary aoclety. O~att, ~~. ~~ B~ h· r--~-~~-~---~-~~---~--~~---~~~-------~ pie, Al~ CrtaeU. Harry Kei.c>, nRST ARRIV>ttJI at the A.uilltance League'• fashion ahow at Balboa Bay Club featuring Don Loper origln&la and Lido Fashions are Mrs. George Yardley Jr .. <'Ommentator: Mra. Edward Millett, League president and Mrs. Richard Cutle of the . national board Photo. by Terry Bor i11 Will Attend Jaycee Confab A bu.aload of Oranre Cout Col· lritl" cOf'd.t wtll tnvel lo San 81•~ardlno on Nov. ~ to repre· ~'lt the Aa.oclated Woman 8lu· dtn111 and the Women ·• AlhJ.Uc A••OClallon In '-"' &ll-4•Y confer- t rr,. for 8oulb.n. C&llfOnlla Jun· lt>r coue,..•. Theme of th~ contH'ence tor «>lltlt• wonwn will be "So Here Vuu Are-. Belw"" 800 and 1,000 llC'Ulhland ctrt. wtll parUclpate.. Adv1M1ra from O CC. will ~ De•n Marte V. (Mn. C L.) Howu, Mlu Jl"tancN Lawrence and MIM Elaine Maaon. Appurtnr on the prorram of a C' I I v It I t I will be Katherine 8nulhWUd. Midway City, prMI· deont or the COMt A. W. s., and Donna Hamilton, Corona daJ Mar. trea1\Wer, 'Mley will lead " 81'11· •Ion on the llnancinc Clf A W. R. and W. A. A. g-ro11pa. SINGING EMCEE FOR ZON~A BALL Othen going rr1>m O.C C '"'' Mar1ha Allen. Sut Antlrews. Ro· .. mond Burkrlt. Lorl"tta Bl"nntl 1. P1trt ot Ult' ,.nl•'l ta1nment 81\a~ 811ktr, Cerlnl Creelry, Wiii b4' • 1'\lrJH I•" but lllr• Lynn Lnlto. Cuot Doant, M•r-ThQn1 .. ~ :'\11rtun. rh11rm1n nr aha l<ltn. J lllle Elllott. Call ton•ghl • Zonta C'<lm1vaJ of Frahm, Suaan Cordon. F ran Cow· Llr;hlll BAii ha, "nnQun1 <M1 en. JoAnn H•y•. Donna Hamil· that mult'r of <'f'rtmnnlC'• ton, Mny Kay Hehn. Barbu• will be Skerl" Minton, 111nr;· Johiuon Mll.T11yn KC'nni.. TRnl 1ni: vcnlrtloq11111t Loper. P"IU!Y Moody. Ruth Prr· Thtrt will be a i:lrl lllnger, u.. Nancy Pa~l"e. , Rem~· Ma ril' I H"ll'nl" Sl•nl"'" a nd " danr- SterUnr;. LPab Schmitt. Thilt'ant' In-= duo, Ralph and Lorra1n ... S l t v e n " Katherine Soulhwa r<1 ....-hn have JWll clomed an f'n· 11111 1trmcnt a t the Stalln Ho-Charlt'n,. WTIJlon. and Phyl)lll Var· vi 0 ",. r 300 r,.1<c~ttn1U1 wood. I ha''" bef'n , mact" for the af· -1 fa ir On 90th Birthday 1 ----~--- eonor1n, her mother, Mr• Et· I Visits Daught er ta Norman OD thl' ()((A!OIOn of hf'r Mr1t f."Atnft BAkr r. :n1 h St WH 90t1I birthda y, Mr11. ~rwyn M•P: l:\Jl'Al for ""vrrnl <h1y.• rrf rnt Iv at le entertained •t ti'" yrillrrdny In tht' home of " tln111rhtcr 1n Lyn· her h<?~•· U T Yla W"z1er11 wood. In San Diego DID YOU KNOW I Mr:< A rte A re\'. 308 J:'>lh .St , '" HJ'<'O•llntr llt'VPrttl we('k11 In San flll"110 vllfltln& fr 1<'ntl1 and rcl11· t 1Vt 1'. Shirley Meraene. Harn1 p..,.. aon. a.ore• Orttfttb, W l I bur Buck, 41&11 K1ckle, Ned Ander-'°"· John HUmdall. D. W. Elliott. Addlaon Ourley. l"t\llJp Bmltb, Ka· lie • (Mra. Bud) Raulaton and MIM Vlrflnla B atch (wbo deel(D• Mri. Ray Call. 929 E'ut Bay ad the etlracUve dra111naker buat An . and CHrtrude !Mn. 811 Sey· ctnterplecetJ. mou:r. 111? Wpt BaJ6oa BIYd., VIROlNIA IMR8. RlCHARDl ,left by pl~• Wed.nuday to join C A 8 TL I:. National A1111leta11ce two ln~ t!Mia• ~ ~ V.l,,P. Md dlanllbls Do-at Muatlan and Mamlllo. Mn1co. rou.y ex ... O.-p1 Yantl.aJ an· Mr1. Seymour 111 anUclpaUnr nounced and oommetatfld th e. the excitement of takln1 her 1bow worklnc alon1 side Pre.el· nr1l bJr one. The two will retum denl,...Jan <Mra. Edward) Mllltt. borne by Nov. 1~. In the mean· benefit co-chaJrman Nell IMra. lime Mr. Call l• at the Bay of Edwardl BrookJI and Lee 1Mr11.. Loe A.ngelu for aome 1lx weekJI Paul) Rocen. • , , one of lb• W1lh a &TOUP of Balboa ~lera bl1hll1hl• of the anem oon Wlll looklnc over p roperty ror a pro-UI! applaWNt wbm Tel'!)'_~"! ._.._rt1Ub11lft111e. ll&rdworlllnc 1 h u t t e r anapper, /J;,ano !Jn~lruclion · · TER~SA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) AeceptJa1 a llmJ&M •llOlbH of puplla for plaGO c-n ..._..t of Tliree <lo•tfa.ti\11 a ........ "*"'-' ., .,.. Bartok 436 Serra Dftve • Ph. Har. %039 We Corona HJghlanda -Corona del Mar Are Our Breit Pleased to Salon Now IJeauli/uf Announce Offers from $1~ A New Professional t'ermanent G ives A So~, long-Luting, Natural Wave. BRECK Beauti· ful Wave contains Lipicil Curl Conditioner which condit ions the hair, enhances natural • color and gives added lustre and highlights. May we make an appointment at your earliest convenierl"ce 1 ALlcE . FkANCES ALICE OF LIDO 408 !2nd St. Newport Beach ( PMt Office St.) LAST WEEK OF ,, that driYl11t a new 1956 CHRYSLER tivws a man the SCMM '-ll11t of exhillration that a woma• CJ9t1 frOlll b.,lltt a new hat? Ann u a 1 ~ Sa I e -- Rug &. Carpet Cleani1'g 20o/o O~F Ev~thing in Stock Upholstety Cleaned in Your Home SHALITA'I Pent. ... C .. •iet Works Nov. 1 to Nov. 15 2'443 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mer, C•lif. IN DIOll MACK.ER'S 34~0 Viti Udo -HA. 1426 -HA. 4J21 Harbor 5239 · r Custom . Built..in Fire Screens All Sizes-All Shapes Choice of 12 Flnl1hes Heavy Mesh with Chain Pulls. Priced from For Average 29" x 36" '1repaabe Completely installe d by our experts ~ Call for free estimate. Newport Furniture .Co. 2620 W . Coast Highway-Newport Beach Liberty 8-1113 HURRY TV SHOPPERS SAVE Al RELIANCE ' TV CLEARANCE SALE TheH TV tell h1t\'t' 1111 Ix-ton recon<Jitlnnf'<1 rn. our •h<1pe, anrl r an-y a 90 day 1uar1Lntrf '"'Ith rerl• and eerv1c1' All mak,.a · Roml' Ilk,. :-Jrw 1 O" T elevislo11 Sets .. $29, 95 12" Television Sets •. $19. 95 14" T elevlslon Sehr •• $49. 95 16" Television Sets7••• $59.95 1 r· T elevisi~n Sets .... $69. 95 .....-----· 20" Television Sets •• $79.95 Al 1955 Models IMlt ... , ...... ...... for 1956 Mere ....... 21" Television Sets .. $89.95 A (T"TOMt:K ASD Receive a Yal•ble Gift So l>o"n t'•~m,.nt t::a.y Trm1• Te&evt.toa Ae Low Aa $19.95 flM-d r:l~trto Raac ... A• Low A• ·$15.00 rJ Automatkl "'-"'" A1 Low A e $32.50 K,.frtr .. 1111tora RELIANCE ~;:nee Servic;i[!~s· "'Wlllere l'• sa.op I• Cott~~ and ftuy tor •-•" 2102 NO. MAIN ST, :: ::~= IANTA ANA I I ( . · l . \. r I . . SCHOOL SITE • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS .-PART I • PAGE I LIT PUPILS NAME NIW CITY SCHOOL. TRUSTEES DICIDI FllDA Y, NOVEMIElt 4, 19'5 O.s! I frW nnt .... ac,..... Ii iaeludecl lll t.he alte 11~ Joi ~eel upoa wllldl to 'bUlld a iCiWU 1111 A novel plan for providln&' a DiUDt ·for Jf..,art -..ell.• faompa.t. 89cond IIab 8Chool and Su I In · n-.chool wu adftllcfld by Kn. Louia Celnar, ~ ~ to o~te ~ a t\'lp~t. ~ iplflRCM' I wu bom ta -Oonk&na. ,_. Uld C&IM to Califona&a· lll ltu. .. ~ wW lie held 8\llldQ' at I p.m.. In Partl_.JUdlq cbapeJ Mr at tM board meellDJ 1'aeeda7 lltpL the .,.ncwtllral procftlll now 1111• p.--1. DrL · Sal . lt ·-~·---.. ..A ·-put t.h• name .... _ ~--... _ .-...._·-d.nra7 at lb• m.tiq .chool --we• wtUi t.M Rev. Cb&r1ee r. B&nd .. ...---""' ---· .._ -ate. . · eftld&tJna'. l&t~t wW -. tn .chool c1&uu and Supt. Roy ~ ...U..ee Uaat trorn A 16-etJ'lt auper tax ..,.. vote4 JUcbaid'a UOlif KU'llet. U.C U.. ~ plot lll Odd J"tDoww .·one ot lb• brlfbl younr puplla an outaud1n1 name wtll be at the laat fdlOOl .i.c;,uon wbidl with mon t.baa TOOO otber ...,... Cemat.J, K~ avolwd. p~ an Mttmat.d 56 tot mil· market.a, all memben ot Super ----------- -----------------------uoa °""the Mill tu yaua for Market Inatltute, wtll pNle a th• creation of the a-acllool drlH for tncr--4 _.. Of pork TOO 1. IG FOR AUTO and Ila compl.U. equipment.. product. to belp ltllbW9a tM N -n.. communJC&llon from Ro-mar~t. 'Bernard B·runo R.ldes with bert 0.ler, Conrramian Utl'I Il w a• anftO'IDCed ~ ~ ~ 1n Waalllnrton lndlcat~ Dick IUcb&rd, owner, IUcM.rd a ecs tbat a aecond aovenunent Mr-U do Market. and Super llU'ktll • Ytca ..-ney bad up~ & de-Inltltute. an orpnlMUOD ot IU· acreqe ot Ule old SAA.AB. He and Canada. an cooperaU.S la Van Driver t.0 New Home alnt for part °' l.ba r«n&.lnln• per mar.ll•ta ot l.ba UDlted .la* expre&Md UI• belld that l.ba re-dlr.ct reeponae to appe&k frcm ' ' • que.t for ac.-1e coqJd lie pln· 8ecret.&J"7 of Apicultun S • r a 87 BILL PBILLIP9 MoYiJlf 6 It.once and contacted ned to other land• 1UU remaining' Taft S.n.aoa ud t.be •t:t.m'• Ms I Trame R.a-t&un· • Cbarlq ln the to.nner nilllt&J7 bua and produeft'a few aid ID t.be ,._t Dor. u everyone lmow1, 1 ..--. wr• markatiq ot bot'&. ~n·e beat trlend but there ar• Drake. in.air p~lem eJq>lalned. pennJt allocatn;m of properly re-"W 'are bappy to ~ umea whea do&'• become a rreat the UUou awaited Drake'• decl-queeted lo the. l~&I h1Jh .cllool ln ~ pork promotion. IUcUnl blr lleadacba, a1 wltneu "dof •Ion with ti.ted breath. dlltrlct at on~ Aid "for ~ an mindtUl that day•" and man orttlma wlndlnr "Why, tb&t'• no problem," de-only' lhroufb C¥>Uectln ettona up In the dor bouee. eland I>Nke. •-nae drl"r neldl IUl"LARY RING auch u ban cbaractertsed mp. Thtn. .. happened to the Ric;h· ~· company on th• trip, -: a market.a' auppc>rt ot olber ecn- ard T . Ullona of US. San Bemar· ae~~ =~ti:r~o lD the f1'0Jl c.m-... ,,_ .,,... .... mod1Ut1 lll pleUM supply ID dlno A ve., Newport Helrhta. That 4ld It Th B t momr Court JuctJe John Shea and ,,._ the put can plmtttul pork IUp- when a Ume come. that you outfit rot th;lr t!.in'::. And at lluelted lmmedlat'9 INl\tenclnc. pllM ti. channeled Into ~mp­m~ move and your dol' happen• 11 L m. Wa4Deaday Mn. UUon fuctce Shea rranted th• requeeta Uon to UI• beM!,lt at conum1t to l>a a 180-lb. St. Btmard. the __ ... -"'"b to .. _._ _,,. ,.,. and de&lt both delend&nta terme and fTO'AI" alike. · ... _ ... __ .. "'--m"'• "HOW the W&Y..,. a~ 7e ooruuO, ... _...., .. -<;Ale ...... v ..... Iba. of him klWnc bla toniu• pr..utbed by law on burcsary and ----------- heck are we (Olnl' lo ,ge~. the and pantini '-Ide Drtffr Del tors_ery counta. DEATH NOTICI pooch from here to there? Carr u th• Buty mqvtnr nn 'lbe judge ordered Ule aantencee BEl~O TRANSl"ZIUlED departed Newport Hel&'hta for lo run concurrentli wlth any they ----------- "There" ha.ppelled to be Stock· Stockton. , • mJpt receive for 'Violating parole l!fU. IAAUU..I: BOWDL ton Where Dick UUon, employed MOU Pl:l'S MOVE on a pteYioua convtcUon. The bur.. Kn. Iaaballa Howall Al Park by the Nlc-L-Sllver Battery Co. N-. ot a movtnr companJ" Jlary ot the Coeta K-1'umltura Drive, Coat& K-. died thla mom- 1 IVW\Q OF DOG-P-ring t"'rough the window for hia tut look at familiar New-of Banta Ana. le being trarafer· wtth· no adftnlon to peta qulcltly Company, 2037 Placentia A••·· IJlf at Hoac Hoepttal where aha AJJ&o ...., '' red to becom• manager ot the got .arodnd. Drue npo114<1 to· Coeta M--. Oct. t wu Mtabllab-had been UI for two weelu. She la pory. Heighta wrrounding w Chriatopber Brune, 180-lb. St. Bernard belonging to new Stockton branch . Thelr klnr· day "Nut weak ... ,.. movlllr a ed u MCOnd derne. TM pair the wife ot K . Newton BowaU of Mr. and Mra. Richard truon. The tnlona thia week moved to Stockton and O'Neil'• m. dof happeu to be Chrllto-fam 011J wbo were unable to tU. pi.dee! r uJtty to torrtnr a lt2.M ~!Udley Kortlial)', who at.art-pbar Brwi•, no leu, referred to their ·p&rakfft, dog and lkunk check. on the fum.lture company ed the mor:f\1U7 ln Form\ Lawn Haety Moving Ir Storage van WU required to t.r&naport both the Ullon fumi-by family and trlenda u Bruno. au In the car with them. Th• OcL 10. The check wu pauac1 1n C«netery an.d wu preeident ot ture and the dog. -Staff Photo "Well, Bruno la just u lmpor· lkunk wtU ride wttfl the drlYer. Richard'• Lido Market. Callfomla Funeral Dl~torl for ----------------------------------tant u our furniture," declared It'a okay, . .thoufh. The lkunk la McKanlp.l eaid t.he entire cue 15 yean. The couple came to Coe- Dtck'• wile Marjo.rte. deodori.Md. wu broken with the ual.ltanco of t a Meaa tram Olandala tour and So they •tarted ccmt.acUnr mov-The llile bu to be drawn aoma-COit& Mua-Mid Oranie police de· a ba.lt yM.ra aa-o. lnf' or,anl&&Uone. Trouble wu. where, of courae! pa.rtmenll and that ot the di.I-Bealdea her huaband 1urvtYOra ·Too La'• To Cla••lfy l1lbo1 Friends Mourq Passing when Uley brougtit up Bruno, the trlct stc.6mey'• and lherlff'1 of· an a 1l1tu, M.ni. Lillie Moore and moven con ta.c"ted aeemed to )oae , -fie-. a Motber,""'lbomu K. LMt.ar, boUI • lnterut. One ottered to t.ak~.care Mesaa AlllOllCI I Hmot of San l!'ranclaco; a brother, Den· M-Ba•b,_ Opert.aJtlee of Col Conra.I ot craunr Bruno and 1bipplnr BANTA. ANA. NOV. t , (OCNS) Donald ll. Valdes, IO, Mt Con· nla 1-ter, Oakland. Kn. Howell 1 g him to Stockton, at a 1Upend of -Ela-ht penona were hurt. five JT'H9 St., Collt& Keaa. autfered SWING SHIFT Oren Shop Hauu "'"' aacs tn Bal* thl• an aztra s100. _ .. rtoualy, In m Oran,.. count1 maJor_tnJurtea at 1 :t3 L m. today OYer Olla ~ Kr<• ot land ENOINE lathe operatoni, S II T d week Wh• newa ot the d•th of SAW AN "AD" rural rOIM1 acddenta lut nl&'ht and wben hla car went out of coatrol, lll Onroa are llOW under ...._ TURRET lathe operat-0ni, • or ra • Lt. Col Chet Conrad USAJ' WU Deapatate, lb• tnlon1 looked early today, t.h• hlpway patrol •kidded oft Harbor Blvd. near for oU and .... aploraUon, re- TOOL A: cutter rrtnd.r, $11.tOO !!QUrrY' ln .nice rolns rectlnd by Mn. ~ K~hy. throurb their Ne;w•·Preu. Tbey reported. Only one wu of New· Adame .Ave., auuck a ditch and porll the N&UonaJ Automobile · TOOL m.akere, . buatn--for ho\l.le, Iota, trust C<>nrad wu t.ba buab&nd ot Bar· noUd Ute ad of O'Neil'• Huty port Harbor. overtu.med ~ a tree. Club. · RAOUL drill operalore. deada or ~fil~· HYalt ';~'1:. bar& McOonnaU Conra4. Mr1. ~============================================:;;! )(UST BE CLASS A. Kurphy'1 niece, the ~*' of . CLA-VAL CO. Mni. l!:mma McConnell. l7th A Pla.cenU&, Newport a.ch 8! 8-1 Eatale Kra. Ku11>Ju' had Juat complet- TELEVISIONS FOR RENT Can Har •. 3816-R for ed ber pl&Da to t.ranl to~. NEWPORT ULE OORNER wat.r-wbere. Conrad wu 1taUoned -d tront '°ft. froatq.; ftn•t pier with whom Mta. KeConn•ll wu 6 float on 1-fe, t bdrm. DR.ZAM llv1 ~-K .. -1o.. to l HOU81l Dlchondra lawn. Priced No;,1·1~.. --.. wu ean IJl,IOO. Bar. lot'J-W.., ITcJI Conrad. Illa wtte ..,.,.._ and Emehwve TV Rental Service thW' tJlree cllllclren, J--. Ro- 2Tp29 Somebqdy Wants ::S~ =~ ~bOa *::C that 11.Md tumlture, brlc .... brac. the lnt•rilM betW9ell torelcn etc., now ttJUnr up llJ!lace In your tour• of d11tJ,. • 48-A-AJ!ta. for Bea& ~·a ~~th aa ad 1D Jf..,.. ~ :.. wof'!ncstrom ~~ LARGIC, BUN?lt, TROPICAL tum Pl'lll9 Cl1utn.d. JUll phone Bu-bJa Tokyo quuUn, t1le YieUm 1 b.sroom apt. Gar., paUo. Cloea bor ltlt " -.,: "I waat to pJaol ot blart a ttack. in.a !&mily .. to Lido Center. Te&?1y ITI. -a ClaaaUled U" and a oaiurt.eoua .r!.t. to Baa FnDcLlco and t,M Har. UOl...J-11' Prd at.. Jfpt. _.taker wUl llaJp you wrtt. .. body ~ Col. 0oan4 wtD be ,. S.ach. ncn tttecU" a4. mnMcl u.n ~... tNIW ta die TOP LOCATION Lido Isle --i-w-o be<!room anc1 dEn. VIEW. :Acrou from bathin1 ~h on Udo Nord. ~()()() ART c. "KISTLER . co~. 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Realtors Har. 5228 CHRIST~S COMES EARLY $425 Two ~m Bryn Mawr $5295 1Three Bedroom 1afc.b Lomond 937 ·SQ.FT. ·BRYN MAWR AT $44.60-SQ. FT. I I SS SQ. FT. LOCH LOMOND AT $44.60 SQ. FT. Car Port.a H x 20 $295 I OO o/o FINANCING WE AL.50 BUILD INOOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century It Dorothy LE 9--0633 Lido Bay Front 3S' lot $29,500-WOW! 27tfc Pier and slip privileg~. You almoat loat this bargain. Better hurry! ' Clyde Meyer 307 Marine. Balboa Ialand Har. 2950 Rea. Har. 2525 Lido Lot 52 l .• ft. -$12,950 wow ! ... Grab your hat and run, no foolln' _ Clyde -Meyer 307 Manne. Balboa Island · Har. 2950 Rf'll. HR r. 2S25 \· 27c29 .Wtuy ~ at u.. Pt r• Joh• Leal Soll H.,. Xr. and Kn. John Lail, 21'1'1~ Mlnor IL, Coat& w-. are par- eta ot a ... -. Oct. 21 m IL Joaepll H~taJ. Bymptome ol ~ -Malnl-fram STOMACH ULCERS DWTO EXCESS ACID QUICK...,. IO COIT '~ ... : r ' • r •• ...... .. ~}:8_. IL CA .Ct (Ill~ ua.1m ~ W.L ....... • \-L~ 111 E. 1 "ltll N. ea.ea .... !' Real Paint Buys THAT SA VE YOU MONEY! fULLER PAINTS hlLLER PAINTS •• . FULLER PAINTS - FULLER PAINTS •• Close . Out of· Discontliluecl Room _for New Gallon Prices OUTSIDE FINl·SH ---..1e191--~t0-.25 ' Sale Price _ ...... ~•700 -w. ONE.COAT FINISH .... , $4.95 Price ____ •3'75 Unes to Make Gallo.-Prices INDUSTRIAL FIN l ~S H Sale Price R .. lllar. $7.H - ·····-··-~-· 575 Redwood & Fence- F IN IS H -GR EA TL Y REDUCED! A COMPLETE LINE OF BRUSHES EASY TO APPLY ... Exterior Ful-Color Latex Paint goes on so ea11ily by brush, "roller or spray. And it dncs f~st. If you "misa a apot, a quick touch-up .nevir ahowa.. Clean-up is easy, too. just wuh brutha and equipment in water . ASK ABOUT FUL-OOLOR SURli'ACE CONDmONER ••• if you have old water-paint covered atucco or muory. Thia -· companion ptoduct to Exterior Ful-Color Latex Pa.int can help you eliminate or, reduce c09tJy ta.nd·blutin(. It t.Uet much of the baaj, tiresome work out .of wrface preparati~n -qve. you tfme and money. . · It's "Shake and Shll1CJle Time" -ReMw Your Roofs & Fences .FORGIT HARDWA•E . -r 2205 w. ....... llYd. ~ Newport ..... 1•· • • . We Are Opell S•days • H.ttor 116 - I I .- I 2 e: r c:i. 0 ~ 0 0 0 ~ 0 ::i ;. :s ;g-°' -g : I» ~ 1! o , "A • ~ .,, < ~ 0 El • r~ ~ 0. g. ~ Cll .. $ Ill E E ~ s a Ul ~ :J 0.. 0 0 :J .. 0.. ~ "' -0 n 1C' .. 0 ;:, r;;-~ .. i Q. ~ :r 0... Ill ~ ~ Q. =s "' ~ ~ .. ~ !.> c ? -• ., Ill ? CO''V It ~ ·~ .. .... I» '-: l "C .. ~ "A ~ &. Cit CD ;; i ;: 8 ':I" ~~ ~ n· f c; -.. :i f e: ~ - .. • ' rtlclpete<t ln inaklnr Ihle euch LAUREN' (Mft.IJ. llUMPRUT MAR'I NE NEWS an enjoyable rvenlnf. Andy An· BOOARTI BACAµ.. &etrelm. ad· die.sen. tor apon.anns the group vt.tna ~1VH -"Nt* u.k J'OUr a t Ult Elka Club. Frank KN"ler. hu1band how ht ,...._ la U.. for helptnr wllh th.. attractl\'e mom lnr. He know1. Wh7 ,...... -------------------.-----ct.con ti~ and Btll ToblH wh9 him of ll !" PAGE 6 . PART I -N&WPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 80 capU!y performed a.I ll\e mJke - F l •t1d t o all Ult men who 11 itr•· RIDAY, N.OVEMBER •• 955 \.. cloualy helped enlC'rla1n the fifth _" _________ .....;.. __ ...,_,....._ __________ whffla. Not forc«'tllnr a very T I D E T A I L £. nice" h~band. U1r manaitfT of lhe well·appolntf'd Elk1< CI u b, Date Ht.. .~rlday o.u a m. 3.7 6 :04 a.m 'Nov • 1 l :20 a . m . !).8 7 .or, p. m. Saturday, 2:06 a . m. 3.7 &:27 a. m. Nov.!) 12:36 p. m. u 8 :16 p. m, Sunday 3:22 !l· m. 4.0 8 :21 a.m. Nov. e 1 :67 p.m. ~1 9 :24 p.m. Monduy 4 :21 a .m. d1" u 10 :0• a.m. Nov. 7 3:30 p.m. 4.4 10:24 p. m.· Tuetday 6;04! a. m. 4.8 ll:te a. m. Nov. 8 4:61 p.m. •.a . ll:U p.m. Wt•dneaday 6;43 a ."'· 6.2 u :12 p, m. Nov. 9 6:067 p.m. 4.3 11 :60 p.m. Thurllday 6:11 a. Ill. 11.e 12:07 p. m. Nov. 10 1 :52 p.m. PACIFIC STANDARD TIME ' ~ @ (f • FUC8T PULL LAST " HSW QVAKTER MOON QtJ.urrEa llOUN Nov. 22 Nov. 29 Nov. t Nov. 1' LADY ANGLERS By STELL (Mrs. Ray) llARSBAU BL Lyle AnJerll<ln. u 03 2.9 o.o u 9,2 2.4 O.• 1.T 0.7 1.1 o.• 0.b 4.2 NO)'' tor thr g-al11 who work~ th~lr fln1ot"r11 to t hf' qu1C'k : Ml"t. Andy I Phot'bt>l And~~n. C'ntf'r· tatnment chalnnan. anc1 hC'r c11m· f mlttee: J.fr1. Frank Keel~r. Mr1. M•• Jim Slemona. Mre. Clydr Cue; Mn. Biil Tallman, Mr1. Lllwr~nce Piper. Mr1. BIU Tobia•, Mre. GC'ne I • · Bum•. Mr•. John HarUefn. Mr•. l(,•fU:_ Dan M<.>Mlll"'. Mrs. Richard Olh· mer, t.fra. Jamee Hos~n• and Mr11. Frank Moltr. fUU. ltOAata, ,. ... ~ Approprlattly e n o u • h t he prtsu were won by tiuabanda "'Ron· MOTM, llLVlalllK, aid Rima and Ha.rold (Pappy) .--Graham. _. __ ., ••- Mr11 Rollll IDl~l Oreeley apln ~ e5 .es comes 111 for' honor• by, boaUnr a 411 '>,·lb. N.lrfton on Eel River. P' ......... _,,.. ll wu Ute lar1eat taken to date. She WU accomplnled by Mr. and Boyd's Hardware Mr1. Eddie Offerle. The party repol°U'd fabul0\111 flahlng duriJ\I" a two-week ltay. .... w. e-.t Hlcltw~ N-port BelM'h ..... ~ .. o. ,~...... 11 .... 149, C:.tlf, SAVE MONEY NOWI . DurllHJ OW' Stoc• Close out of .. JOHHSON .. HALWWEEN -FESTM~rES -Newport Harbor Lady Anglers above are shown in festive mood at party held in Newport Harbor Elka Lodge. From left. Mmes. Laurence Piper. Gene Burns, John Hart· J~jn, Frank Keeler, Clyde Cue, Jim Slemona, Andy Andresen, chairman; Don McMillan, Larry .Cairns, - Fred Doner, Bill Tobias, treuurer; Ray Marshall, president. -Don Buah Photo The witctl 's broom swept up a Halloween dinner and dance for the Lady Anglers' husbands, Oct. 26, whic.h wu held at the Elka Club, Newport Beach. The club room was tranaformed into a spooky ac;ene of jack o'lantems and witches. Autumn colors prevailed in beautiful table deco. rallon1 of leavt'I and chryaanlhe· mum a I arra nremenS-by Mre. J ohn (Biz ) Hartlein, who le an artl1t In her field). alarm clock• popping of(-al 2 a. m.. mt.kC'1hlfl meall a n d "where are my clean toeka" rouUnu. Th~ 1uccea1 of thl1 ar· fak waa evldrnctd In a sur1nt· Ion U\at ll be repealed once a month. Boey, boys, bul we can't afford ft. SE.AB OBS£ OUTBOARD -MOTORS HARBOR'S MCDOUGALLS WITH SEN. MAGNUSEN Mr. and Mr8. Karl McDougall djscusa plight of California's commercial fiaher- men with Sen. Warren G. Magnusen 10.Waah.) at Senate subcommittee bearing on interstate and foreign ~mmerce sitting in San Pedro Wedneaday and yeater· day. Mrs. McDougall presented independent fisherman's view~ a.a she 8eea tliem. t Full text on editorial page! •she is chairman of the committee on fishing of the California State Grange: of which Newport Harbor Grange is a part. -Charlie Crawford Photo SEA SCOUT ROUNDTABtE I' SET HERE FOR NOV. ](; 8Pa Srout roundl11bll' will b<' '11llvP 1n thf' Santa A.na • TueUn ~==============~ -lt pay1 lo rHO Ull wt.nt acS.. ht>lrl al the Sea Srout Hut' w •• ,,. d1~tnct. nuday t'Ventnir.' Nov 1&. 11tarting ------------------------ 111 M O o'clock Arlv11nrr tr11lnln1t f or Boy l'rnut1 • will bl> ~lvtn T11ead11y ,.v,.n1ng11. !"ov ti. l!'l llnrl 22 Rt I C"hn11l t'hus r h tw thP SP11 •111rt· Inc al i ""In. k MARINE CAllURETORS· Repun -~ -Part" ZENITH & StROMBERG GEO. J. MEACHEM 2-4S9 \\'. Coast HIJ:hway LIMrty 8-lMS 8'1\' Sruul Cll~tnrl •hnnN '" nnw · ,., hl"'llll<'•I fut i p 111 0 l'•· 1 6 "' lh,, O t Ana:~ CclA!'t Cntki:r ,.-________ .;.... ____________ ;;;-~-..--. ('llfl'IC'r111 Oouit "'11ll11n who h10 v rv I t h,. Hubrlr <lt11tn ct •• r1t"1tl rt .. NEWPORT DORY FLEET rre11entat1vP fn1 lhl' pA•t thri'e • ~~::~~~·::-~~,I Fresh Fish Daily l'IANTA Ar-;A. IOCN!'lt The r h11nr t11 nf 8ant11 A n11 r-ollt'.R""" Don11 11p11rtt ln11 lh" ll\ 1 <•n11 Ph•lf'· nix JC BNll 11 111 PhO('n1x 1onior· 1 row ~i(ht wrre Jnltrrt I hlll wrrk' on lhP r r,.rure fll'Jtl when 011,·c \\'haltn, numbf'r """ fullbl\rk on I lhP Don ll'IHl\d anrl onf! of the top ruaher• In thl' E1111ltm Con· ferf'ncc. dl11IOt'fttt'rl h111 "houlder In a rugged practice' 11eaelon. ~ ' SOUTH OOA.ST CO. Hl'll A N ....... .t BIY4. Yov A• t b o riled THAL C 0 lilbers.._ Deakr Ill the Barbor M'N. Brt•g your fiber· clue probleme to u . From the Sea to You ·25( pound -Ct.aned FrH Sold Only the Day CauC)ht NEVER HELD.OVER at the foot of the Newport Pier SOUTH GOR~T PC Fleet Due Good luys ht 10 h. ,. and 25 h. p. electric . The spirit of becoming harle· quln figures did not entice the gal11 Since they a re ao frequf'nlly reen In blut jeans. plaid shlrta 11nd typical fishing costumu. t hey t Al •t took artvantage of lhl• occu ion Our thank• to the hWlbanda who Trade-lu Buak Tenm a aml Os by donning their moat gla.moroue r-----------... i:arb1 -and were thry ever aen· Harold I. Johnson sallonal -until lhey ditched ~ Propellu &.peJra Newport Harbor'• PC nut hu thC'lr llhOf'I. We wonrter If they OohimW-aad f'ede.ral ~en Invited to compete In the 1 •ll went homC' with matched . A&->' Ala.mltoa Bay Turkey Day Rrgal la pain. l'bone Barbor 120 on Nov. 20, 1t wu announl'.cd to· HONO_RS Hl'SBASDS UlJ \'Ula W•1'• Newpon 8-ell da I This 11nnuaJ ·dlnnu pl\rly 11 y. prlmerlly for hWlbahda aince we Vanruard of the fleet wfll cruiae feel we owe them '°me apprecl· .-----------.. to th• bay Nov. 19. Plenty of aUon tor being tolerant and co· MARINE ·moorlnp are reported available. operative during the flehlng -· INSURANCE The eventnr of Nov. 19 wilt iee 80n. Not that we've heard any a rl'Cl'ption at the Long Buch home of Flrl'l Captain Harry Wood al 5 o'clock. C'Ompi.tnt.a, but we do know they · 8mooth 8allln1 endure a r reat dt'll In that their o.bonae-Fortoa ....,,,. Co. normt.I home llft 11 turned Into lSU W. Coa•t. HJirll,.•ay Llbfort 8-'15H a bedi.m with 1leep • robblnr FACI'ORY ,APPROVED SERVICE \ Complete Part.a Stoa See Us For All Your Boatinci Needs .. • Biggest October in starts the big . . move Mercury h ist ory toTHE BIG M On September 29th THE BIG M -the new 1956 Mercu ry-was unveiled for the first time in dealers' showroom s. By November 1st, actual sales figures indicated immediate, overwbelm\.g pub~c acceptance far greater than in an11 previous first month foll owing the introduction of a new · Mercuzy mod el. It 's still another new all-time rec- ord month for one of the fastest growing cars in automotive hi~tory; Come in now-~e why so many people are making the move to THE BIG M . CH ECK THE BIG M 'S LEADERSHIP FEATUR ES! .• • 1'ew 225-hp SArETY...SUROlr V-8 fllglnes • !\ew high in tJ.MJbU poww !or ptobp. paMing, hill-<:limbing Tt>n bijt, new Safety-Engl~ feat.. • Exdtin~. new F1o-Tone color .tyllns • l:J ~!amorous new model1, lncludtni a whole fleet <>f Jow-sil~ouette hard~ New, wider price range • Con11istently higher l'Mftle nlue The big move is on_ BIG .NIJERCURY lo •••• le ••• l~t 111, ltl••hl•• •ff 'THI lO SUllfVAN SHOW·, S.."4•f ..... ,., e 00 le t 00 ~. •·•• •NWT, Clo1••ol I , ·~ '" Pacific Fiben)lass conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SM.ALL JOHNSON & 5_0N, LincOln • Mercu..Y ttOJ \\'. Coaai Hwy. 1'tt. lJ 8-H n Atroe1 from AU·A.merlcan Mkt. UO IO&ll St., Newport 8-e.la 8&rjMw 1611 900 W. Coast. MICJhwaY NEW;ORT IEACH , .. Uberty 1-5545 Acnu "-.. , Chlb ' .. ,. '····. ,, , .. , . MAHOGANY 'HOT RODS' 1- -.. EX~.COUHTY LIQUOR CZAR 1lJv ON BRIBE COUNT . '°' i• q , ... ... Baroid a Ve~ste. tormw liquor eo9Uol offtcer, ud IDd· -----------Ward J, '""'&ft. llan llen&rdinO llSS. ADA LENORA ·SPlVEY v~ ma.chiM operator, were h rvleem tor Mr1. Ada i..ora found rutJty on a bribe chal'p Spivey. Te, of 2026 Harbor Blvd.. by a Superior Court jury of four eo.t.a ar .... Wbp died Wedneed&J men and wom• In JU'Nnlld• ln Oranfe County Hoapttal after an· extended lllftelll. will be held Wedneaday. tomorrow a t 10 :30 a.m. In Park ea· Conaplracy c h a r f e • .,.tut Ridley Mor tuary Chapd wl,l.h the them 'revolve around an iaooc> ll· Rev. Jpeeph W. McShane official· cense bribe paid by Laland A , Ins· llltennent. will be in .Melroee Mark-, DMp Well au.-. Ranch Abbey Cemetery. operator at Palm 8priqa. and A native of Sele•le. Tex., •be another brtbe ·Mid to b&ir• 'becl came to t:oet& Mu& In tt•I. She IOUfht. from a cate ln Jo6ua l•Y.. her daupter9. Mn. K.ttty TrM. The speedy lntefl\ational-1411 found Balbla YC'a Teddy Rooeevelt eeriea right up their all~y as wind 'Jnd weather coop~rated nicely to make it exciting racing all the way. The fleet of ten entriee again bowed to the ~llering of Peter GaleJ of BYC with John Ferrier, atao·of the boat club, in second. Third went to Dick Bovey lJf the Stage Harbor YC. -Beck~er Photo Motl'l11. Coata Me1a and Mrs. Aure· The verdict waa brourht In al· lla, Myrl, Loni Beach; her llOn, ter only fOW' bour1 by Ule Jul'J· Hot:ac:.. M. Spivey, 1"ew Me-100; The pruidlnC JlfdP• Jobn Od- nlne' ST&ndchUdren and etsht sreat-bert, did not comment on It. but sranckhlldren. '·· 1et ,Nov. 19 u tbe date to hear deteriM attonw1'• arfUDW'ta for nd New Penny a ,n ew trl&l. . the Jamea Pennys. ~•84 'W&I· McKen&le WM recentlJ conwt· nut PlJCe, Co1ta Mqa. are par-ed of 1lmlJ&ri ch&J'I'.. at a luta enta•ot a b\rl baby bom Oct. 31 ;=:===========; BE SURE -INSURE at Hoac Boapital. -; · Noble Wi11s Bid . on Dyer Road ~ Boy for PartridCJes Easterling Girl Born Boy Gets ~elcome Mr. and Mr1. FTaok Partrldse, A. dauchter wu bom .Nov. 3 to The Wuley l.BUllwelll, 2710 .... llA.11.m ft~ ....... ~ ....... ...._ .. ,,. 2442 l!lldon St.. C011ta Me•. are Mr. and Kra. JOMph L. iuterUns Ocean Front, a~ parent• of a . It f bo bor 0 t 31 of l 972 R011emary St., COllla Mee&. !>by born J'{ov. 1 al. H~ Hoepl· . ~11 IC. <i..-......, o.... ... 11ar ·· raren 1 o a Y n c · ln Santa Ana Community Ho1plta1. t&1. \ i . at Hoac Hoaplt.al. , -1 Construction -Check Classified Display tor out- 8A.NTA. ANA, (OCNSJ-Wlth standkig btlrgalns In used cars. bid• v0arylng u much as $30,000, R. J. Noble Co. Tuesday outbid four othera for con.11truction work on ~e Improvement of Dyer Road between :Main SL and Tu11Un A ve., • Southeast of Banta Ana. The Noble wu $66,821. Other offii'i': J;mmett '. Mallory, $7~.-~~;;;;~~~~~~== 42~; Sully Miller, $86,2M; Cox Bro11: Construction Co., 167.t &a: ~====~~====~==~ and Grl!tllh Co .. $97,2i7. Bids were rertrrtd to the road d'partment for 11tudy and report. ·nie Oran&'e Co1,1nty Board of Supervl11ou opened blda. Rumors Drop OranCJ• ORANGE. (OCNS) -Am Id rumors currently being circulated t hat· Orange High School might flrop from the Sun11et ·uegue. OH S Principal Verrill Townsen<t 111lld t oday he ta comp-let.ely In the dark over the 11tofy. • Canal Front. Dupl•x $i6,000 oomplet~ly furnillhf'd (1111\ Hilrbor 1900 NEW . 1956 21'~· COior TV* ' We extnd you a cordial invitatio.n to see· color TV on \the new ' 1956 RCA this week here at 1885 Harbor Bh-d. in Costa Mesa. 1 . DaRy ~cept Sun.., ~ :.C,· Scmday . 12· 1 p.m. ·"Mat'-Theatre" Max ~n PrelHll:- 2:30.J ·p.111; ''HOwcly·Doocly" ·~ Great Watb" . Sunday ~fternoon •••. Color $pr.acl Spectac~ "' · ''The Constant Husband" * NOW AS LOW AS $795.00 · .. DAVIS-BROW'N ·co. Uberty ·t34J7 1885 Harbor llvd. Costa Mesa _Shop and Compar~ Shop and Compare Shop and . Compare ·I -.. Hardwood Floors - pin G1nl11 lath & Plaster • loads of Ceramic Tile i1 _lltch11 & Bath LA.ROE "Elbow Room" Lots· • QuaUty Conatrudion by a Custom Builder • and yo"'ll find , More For Your Money win. • • s76s9 per ..,._,, FOR EVERYTHING NO EXTRAS ---, Total Price $12.450 FHA Terms NON .VETS -Veteran~ EcrninCJ as little as $325 per mo. mciy qualify J ~ tht> bHJdi ul ·1wni~h ('~J m odrl• by Claandl1>r•1 of Santo .-4 no. O/M" Daily 'til 8 P.M_. ' ~In Gorden O~e, odjeefft to North~· wott Santa Ant1, l5 mlnvtH from El Toro. From Santo Ano go wMt on 17tfl .. lo"'fdole (ht •tT"' wett of ·river) tflen rterth to Trask, thon wMt ~ to moclel hCMMI. • J. Rey C.ndfVCtlon Co., luildo,.. -Power ltatty Co., Solos A .. nts -Llhl1h 9·15'1 r Ana trtat. Re l• torme.r liquor ot· I NEWPO~T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 = ~~8:.. Berna~IJlo l FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1955 ... . . . ,, MARY OLSTEN KITCHENS Olllftldlldtllted bf I wamllt for JOU ! · Equ~ wi1h all the built·in features you've alwQs . .. wanted. Included at NO ADOED COST l ---=I • 4· 11•11111, 2 ..... , 2.C. Gau111 NO DOWN PAYMENT for VEIS (mpt -lfld illpolftds) $66.94 --(inct.dinl prindpel and inttmt) . Full Price from . $12,999 Jy FLOOR·TO·CEILING FIREPLACES.\ ~ , ' I:'~ •~t I Massive fireplac~ of l~ imported white Texas '" sandstone dominate 7i:·" Af • the eoraeous big living rooms. No other homes at anywhere near this price compare . s:t on IUITllL •Dn mo TllAY-TE'll lllllDflllY MFLUT r Furnished by Dale Fahrney Drift llUt SIM• Ar.I freiway le - Mila St. Ill 5-11• Ana;"",... / ·. • -. ' J . , • ·- . , • ' ' • • • . . ' • • •• ' • -- California's .GARDEN Suburban Santa Ana Homes • 1n Yes, never before have you, Mr. a~d Mrt. Home Buyer, been Offered ~o much for 10 little! J•t 11tnce throagh r>.t putia1 lilt of t1Ungt Included l"' your Fairview Ranchos hoiti1 ..• then look at the price and the low, low monthly paymcntt ••• there'• no iaitiakt -it'• m-11 the value buy of your IV•! Here ·are just a few of the extra features at no exllta cost I .• A rtgistcmi landsaping .plan showing 1!1Jerythlnz included "''ith your home: Trrn, plants, shrubs, lawns, tprinklcrs, patio, planter box and 5J.f foot redwood fence. •"Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance "''ith premiums paid for one year. ' ' • Genuine lath a~ plaster w1l11 ind crilings. ' • Sliding...g.Mp doors leading to paved patio. • ~ea) oak hardwood fJoor over solid subflooring. • Appliance~ packed Happiness K.itchcni. • And so many more 0:-f ou'JI have to sec to believe. . ' - a Bedrooms \ or 2 Bedrooms arad Den a Bathrooms • 2•Car Garage NOTHING -DOWN -for Vets (a~ -..I. C'Olb .... impoact. ) I Mo~thly .paymenta frOm f6S.13'include prindpal 1nd interest Full priu ~rom 112,ISI J BBAUTUUL HOM&S ,_..., •1 c. T•1 ......, o.,.. 10 '·"· oo • P.•· ,,., ,.. 1oe4,1 , lt'1 ari ....,,, 30-mfnutfl-drive to Fatf'Pin, Randu11 In Sanio Ano/ ·'' ... Sii .............. ,....., ...... M.:••· ...... i-..•: .................................... . ,_ SS!MIMm11 ... •td/ ....... ~Jr)lt ... !-wfl/ll•lllll1t ..... ;••lllllllllll1t ....... -&ml._• 7-St. """9W M.I • ...,: •,. !tt .......... "......_ .• ( •. .. ......... ~~ -··-~ #.ue4'~NEW.' ~TA;, l"'""'-1 L~;..p;,,g P"" (gi""' you at time of purchase) IMtJJI all tire erpm1W. landscaping f t!rat's included in tire lo.,; pric1 oj)our FairvietJJ Ranclio1 "4m1/ ·-- -.. • .. ' . ~ .\ ~\ j'l ·' .. • \~ ~· !' ; • ' ' . -I \ \ ... ': snowed. WU.On wu Newport Harbor'a big gun aa the lightweight Sailo~ battled to a M tie. -Staff Photo -" ' C-rds in ·Tie wtth Braves Deadlocked fer top 1POt ln Har· bor Boye' Club' et•hth (1'ade flag foottlall league after< (llmff Tuee'- day were the Cardl¥11 and Bravee. BOth cJub9 had 3·1 rec-ord.I off tll• Maaon. The Cardinal.a clobbered the In· dlana 23·13 while the ·Brave• abut out Ole Olanta 15·0. Stevl> Roblnaon o.f the Card• and Dick Rapp ot the·' Indian• ~ach icored 13 point., 1 but TD• by Tom Gilbert and Wayne Rice gave the C.-rda the triumphant margin. Scoring tor the wl.n!Uq Braves aratnat the Giant• were Jimmie Ch alk with two touchdowns, John Sinlde w1tb a · aafety and Dave McFadden With an n:tra polnt. The Brave win knocked the GI· anlJI out of a flr11t place tie and aet the •tare for a duh between the Braveii and C.rdlnalf tor un- dl•puted first place next Tueaday. 8tan4ln.r•: C ard In al• and Bravea. S-1: Olanta, 2-2 ; Indiana, CM. i " P11t-1n Pll1 I~ 9'1w Ip~ ha~eim 'lame NEWPO~T HAUOlt NEWS-PRESS-PAltT II· PA&E I OftAJfQ& (OCHa) -Oranr9 ffJcla 8olli0or1 PutlMn cOntlau.ct drllla., tociaT Ill ...... Of ..... lDc UM eow.a.t'1 1fM4!r ~ IOIMWltiat al,.,. In toatpt·, ..... u.t at LA~ Parle. Ji. d.utr 8llOt la tlle ~ dl8- maJ• Padu.ir pkun i. the ..,.. I.hat Dick Muea. do wu IUit low .... 11., OU. ,...,. u •pin - the .Seit Hat and Will be eut ffW the aeuon. · , It w.. npori.cl by CoMll DI-~· lllaton Ulat Mucin lllffend a b!'&tn OOllc:Umlon bl the Cit• Vl;ata pine. , Otberwi• ttw P&nlhmr 11a~ been fOlnC about the ~ ot pnparins for Anattetm w t t b tackttnr and blocld.q . drilJa tn ho.,.. they haw finally. bclrtd thla deputment which baa apen.d 110 m a 11 y Jou. tor Eaton'• chars.. throushout the e&mpa1JIL Ke.n MUia, Or&ng'e tailti.ck, waa named Panther of the week for , hi• play In the Chula Vl•t& battle. Although the Panther& were badly beaten In the contelll. It wu Mill• who ran for three of the OHS five flrat down. and al.• . . FRIDAY, NOVEMIH 4, I~ --: .. 21• o.~-..... . ...... " •••• Tey-· SALE· i>OU. HOUsE TOY PIANOS em.11... 9SC Luse-·····------~5~· i-WSH PANDAS -·---·~·····-······-·········--$2" ao completed t~o nice peaea. Hornets Take Tribe Ta1c .. 1..t MBAL WAGON -.-...... -.................. -.~2" ALll08'l' END OF THE LINE -Rod Willon (59) made a btg pin againat the Santa Ana Saint B IMtball team on Davideon .net~ yesterday, but with four nd-ehirted rivala cloeing in, Rod waa · finally IMPROVING B SAILORS SETTLE FOir6-6 TIE WITH SANTA <ANA on Panther.·. Tu~~~~<~~ iu:>~ ;tu'sH TIDDY •m!~R ·Gk FJC Un'e. ils FULLERTON, (0CN8) -~fu~n'r:.n·~ =:r:,!.~ .... YAJUU·•Am ll&A ·······-···-······-10- Confuled Chaffey come1 to town ter Hip School ln a non-Jucue PHONQGB &PH - tonlcht. In an effort to make It ~~:~ter at Fullerton tomorrow . ft" , ----··-·-····~·--C rtT ~·~t~~~~-~~~--------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -ou eam Dawaon'• Hometa. . . Laat yea1 . In Ontario, the Hor- lacb luddancl, Rod Wilson .. Spark Lightweight Deadlock Newport Harbor High School's B footbUI team almoat eaptured their fint triumph of the aeuon on Davideon Field yeaterday afternoon but finally had to settle for a 6-6 tie with the Santa Ana Saint Ughtweighta. And they bad to come from behind to accomplish that, handing the rivala what amounted to a .in-wrapJ*I on the Santa Ana 36. Ftrat play toucbdow:n IA . Ule llnt halt. BUI Buckland took a pltchout and Coach 'Chet Wull't'a charge. ex· ripped. all the way Into the end lilblted · t.tieJr best porkhlde per· zone, . bow!lnl' over a tackler· on formance of the tea.eon and ahould the a yard llne. AcaJn the extra have came.red their Initial Sunaet point went awry. ~ue wtn With comperallve eue. With •Ix mtnutu to ro. the Tar \\'JL80N STAR B'a got a long drive •tarted which 8perked by tbe terrific driving appeared lo make victory lnevlt· power of Rod w1180n and BUI able. Dave Coo<taJe recovered a Buckland through the mJddle and Saint mutt on the local "1. Buck- around the win.ca. the Tar B'a land •lammed to a flrat on the thrice appeared_on. thelr way lnto rival 16 and End Stew Beta took the promlHd land In the flr•t half. a •latue of liberty i-o move the Allen Boru recovered a Santa SaHore deep lnto Santa Ana ter· Ana tumble on hia own u . Jay r1tory. Mike fell on a ncond rtvaJ bobble I.ONO MA1W11 In the l&mt apcit to l&uncJ\ a cnarcb '!'be &alnu Mid llllt ,.... d.., to the 8alnt 28, and then a Sil .m ta.fr' owa -4 o1 U.. fWd. NeaL yard run by W\1-......_._UM U-U.. Tal'9 pJMned oeto the Oobe to _move to ltle 8aata ~ pelo\,I. U, WU OD tlle Gob 24, liuek- 20. land and Wit.on ,-round out tlret With the plpkln In thta poal-downa and suddenly, with three tlon. a Newport Harbor mute Wt mlnut• to ,-o, the Tar B'• had the ball lying entranclngly on the a tint and 10 on the SaJnt 11. ond.I remaininr to play, A.rain a penalty, otf•ldea thla time, •hoved them back to the I where It wu fourth down. QU4lrterback Jlm Schonee at· tempted a flnal M<)Ond field goal WbJch WU blocked and the (Ull aounded. .; neta •tarted out ln fairly rQOd FULLZRTON ~0CN8) _ FuJ. fuhlon, leadln&' 7-2 at the end Jerton Jwuor eou-• unveill th Ir ot the· tint period, and 'lt-11 at -• e halftime. However. at the end of 11165-M b a• k • t b a II team next the came. there wu a near·rlol month In tll• annual alumn.I multi· and a Chaffey victory, th.e Pan· q'.Jartered. conleel. there wlnnlnf •. 23·21. Tbe Pant.here •tarted the .... Unde.r the SUldance · of Alex eon out wtYr the T formaUon. 511.IOOf PNMceeds Omalev, who la •t.arUnr h1a 1even-After thelr fifth 1tratrht defeat. 1 ~---th eeuon at the helm of the Hor· eeveral playera .rot fed up and H I Olynlpi net.a, the team wW play all their quit the team. They -Itched to e .P . p Cl "home" pnle9· In their own ...,... the •lnife·wln&'. With questJoir. ., ·-able reeultl. Part of the proeeed1 of the for the nrst time ill hutory. Chaffey defeated Santa Ana'• Coata Me•a Junior Chamber of · In put -na. the Hornets Dol'\I, 20-H, after tralllns U-0 at Commerce turkey and ham •boot II.ave played •tbeir S&JDea 1n the the end Of the_ first period. Thia t S put weekend. they f~ to Ii vut· a · outh Cout Rlfle and Plltol ll'uJlerton Hieb nm. Now, they ly·lmproved San Bem'ardlno e1e: Club ranJe off MacArthur Blvd. haM their own bMutlful 280()..-t wn, 32-e. · 8undey Wiii (0 lO Mndlng' alb· Jel41!. o~ the United State• to Cll]l, on their own &mpua. Oameetlme la Ml for I p. m. Au1tr1Jla for the Olympl"• 1l OmaJ h In J'ullerton Stadium t.onl&'ht. It ...., ev, w o hu one of the top I• to be ur. Hornets' ftna1 ..... e wu announced today by Rollo JC ·-·· B1.1Uer, Junior chamber preeSdent. C&I'• reeorda 1n the 1tate. bu ln Fullerton. FoUowtnc the Chaf· The ataoot will take place at lined up IUl attractive ~-came fey encounter, the HQ.meta fly the rifle range located -~ut of 8Chedlll• th.Le MUOn, with 13 ot to Phoenix tor a K&JIM wlth the Corona del Mar •tartlnc at 11 the J&me1 to be 1 ed ln J!'ul-Beans, th.en play Mt. San Antonio L m. on Ule Sabbath. Pay tn Pomona ao!S the DOha tn )erton. Santa Ana. . "TuftWoven'! Broadloom ' Saint 26. Manshal Falcon· oC the Here the Santa Anana held and 8Mnt.a plckf'd the pig-akin up and took over on the a. Leo U:>pa tn- plowed 76 yarda l!.!ILl>don_ 1b.e.. ucepted..& -Ua..-IC&l~LJl ... µrul;LL or the ·To. The converalon &(Aln theTan had It on the Ban· wu mlued and the halftime .core ta Ana II. WU.On da¥ed around t-11 .CT~~· favored Santa Ana 6-0. end to acore, but It wu called DORIS Al)Al:S back on a bacltfleld ill moUon Borl•-came up with a aecond penalty. · ~nrrd tumble after the Inter-Wllaon •ursed Into the end tione mi.Ion t o &'Ive Newport the ball from 1 yard out with but MC· • ·:~~~r~~:~~ CURTAIN SCREENS ~... .C.~awlt 1u •'-" !J&xlul"•' ... ,......,............ • ....... d.nn ........ .,,.. ....... a.-...... ccaraiJ;:-;-"'- ·~ me -s. Main St., Santa Ana Kl. S.2789 OPIN MON. & NI. EVE. OPIN SUN. 12 TO 6 P .M. • • • Ten glorious ••tuftwoven" carpets ii' ten fpscinoting sun· fteoeked color mixture'-to bring new brighfnen to your Aoon. The thick, curly, locked in tufts of pure wool ore soft ond sp,;ngy underfoot, ond will wear and wear. It's rubberized on the bock. too . 10 it won't skid. You're sure t~ wont TuftwO\'eD carpets in severotsporkfing colors, for this brond·riew kind of carpet is perfect for bringing outdoor freshness indoors to every ro;{n in your homel ~ !LJ ynbtlil'fqblY ~ priced '. .. Compfete * * Line FLOOR COVERINGS *Linoleum * Carpeta Our Clttning Department Rubber Tile A11phajt Tile Oruge COlll"flf'e Largelt ·11 Formica ·/:; Cork Tile .) &. eqtalpf)ff to do ~ ltloor Oowri1tg Store ,, .... , job of c:1«111l11g o/ 110t1r Rug, C•rpet'1 and Upholsteted Furnit~re J Wall-torWaU Carpet Cleued la you Rome CALL Kl S.l•U TODAY ~~..:=:~;.....CARPET WORKS 1622 So. Main, Sallta Aaa Ill 1-1111 Kl l -11'78 l'wo Y'ee1rs of Senlce ~ . Mmo,olil• c._, Uiul looll HM,..,, 11> .. ftw11 ,,...,. """"' u.., n1Hrilt1 "'-ft111#1·trtHl!itl1, ..all W.UlrWiuitl •••of So•lll.,.,, C.l';f...,,I•, o. OdoiM I, 19JJ. N..,,.; ~1"-_.,, tllW ,._•I OfHr•ioll'1.,1 •.Mr.,,,,,, .'6.,. •l>#Wfl· #H"MI• ,;,,,. ,. •••--"• lwi•ft1 ,,,. fw0fr'61 ....,,. ,,,.,.;., '"•" ~,, ., .. ,.. .. Nnr BUSIS: Si8IOI ~. 19'3, the ~ a. i-dJ Fii • 26' ·..,, de lat •air ~-_,.. cmdiel, cma._ U.1-49)'°. nil -'-cnftl aad pwer com· ... .... , ., .......... BUSES UPI.ACE STal!IT CAli: M<MOr coecb tent« a-Np.c.d rail WTia oa tht HoU,wood BW. U• (Sepe. 1954) ..it oa dw Lor ~.(;.._.. • ..._ok Iiw (}«a 195,). n..t ~ hlft pnmded mace frequent, 1D11* ....... -- ~---. b.ut rwo aew diTilioMI ... a.iam_iaala ia v .. N.,. ..d B ~ flw • ~ - ol '665,000. It. lb.ird, cmcioe 065,000, ii oow llDdu mma..aiG. • W.. II ' 1 l !XTINDm snvta: Ia a Sao Pttmodo v.ue,, Meao ._,_ ....... , ._ __ IUW new uaa, aod ia Alli'*, l~ IClqUired iht A.t.y Rapid Tr....a ....... .tlMi ia now iocitgraeecl with Meno rouea rtuou&)louc the v.ue,. ni.o.,ta ..... .;.. .._ ioaiapnrK benrfte Loi AAielea and ll~ ..t dlt roe.~..,_...._ ~ llO include Sula Anita Hipl1 .. lilaa, odllr 't" •w ... diMii-la ..... haft hero m.dt chtoughout dw .,_. SMOGJllDUCTJON:H 'tree__.._., ...... ... from dw eaaioe atm.. oi __ __..,._ a..r • .... ., Miao ........ ... ai•~ proaram ol ~;.po+.....-. ...-OMS~ ...t pmwciut n ·' • ..... YltN C--, ~early ia J"'4 ... riilot, hne..,,.,.. cblt ... cmli....: ... ..... diad bma i.I ..,,._,ii ..,. Sinc:le-w.ch. 19'4, Malo t. bele ..... apt 1111.-• wartt·•hi• dJeeel '-'. apeciaDy "'.6-d •om~ Thie fuel ..a~ m•imm io - llO ktep M&ao dJelel ....... fret m-....., ..... llDCI ~ SPECIAL SDVJC!S: Meuo hlw inaapnred a number ol special Of'S'!iolll, i«I .. Shappen' Ptw bfW ..._ io Van NllT' aad Hunriogton Park; Shucd! Sena I« ...,.. wood Bowl ..-; Ditea SerriCJt IO Dlaatyland and llO the Seau A'nita, Hollywood Pn aod Loi ~~ Thcb. OTHEll ACCOMPUSHMENl"S: M1oy improvemtncs haft been made, includioa the tUtw·9"'ing uw of fr«ways; reduced accident add injury rua; ~ of informational macuial tueh u cime·tabla wich route maps. and sysrem·map folckn; improftmtnts in adaiio.isauioo dlic.imcy, operaaon' m.ining, saltty illlUUCtion and ~rvice COOfdinatlon br 2·••1 n4io·equipped ..pcniton· can.. \ I • MMC• ro~nl ,,_ ........ "-"•t lb~ fw11 lfllO '""' of opm1tiM1 i1 M1tr. ..J,,,.,,. w;Jl H _..."'"-I 11,, ,..,, .h1~. Mitro pl81, #< ·.-hofm ii will H ,,.,_,,.., lo roWJ1 1h1 f"op/1 of So111b1n1 C111i- ' f~ tf'Uh II ,...,, lr.aJ~M 11'11'1f ll#lllYf'MIM. •ywhlf'I i• tb1 U.U,J SU1U1. .. . . MDROPOUTllt (OACH LlllE$- .. + 125 C~UNITIES IN LOS ANGE~, ORANGE, llYBSa AND SAN ~ COUNTIES I ' ... ... ' ; I ) - .. KROU.'S CUW FACES TOUGH JANK TUSSLES Coach J~ Kroll'• or.n,.. Oout 0o1i.,. water po 1 o team ta~e1 tW'O top oppon· ut.. In· the .Plrate p._.,. nat week. Fullerton appean ln the BUc tank TUeeday with Mt. San Antonio aplub· lnr on \he M.... Tllul'9day. nnt l•l'I• contMt for Kroll'• f o r ce• thi. week proved an upaet. Loe Anrelee City Co 11 er e turned la a rreaUy improved perform· ance off earlier ehowln&• to knock over Uie Plratea 12·~. Jrour oc pl9.yera were out on toula In the MCOnd half and LACC made all five frM throws-awarded them, durtnr the ak1r"111h. ... M9yor Crew• tuu.sRTOH -M~r Otc'll c. er.-wlU be con nnt'd to It. JONph RoaplttJ f(tr •bout a w•k. Illa pb.y•lclaft Niel Y•te~. A dlapoma hu not yet been ..Oe. ~ phy•lclaJ\ 11&16. bUt th" may9r ~ reported tmr~· "e wu take to th• ~I by awbul.lnc• Wednesday moift.tn1. HAVI YOU IVll ••• 7 • • • . truted '°'..,....., to tM axett .. ll)ant and flavor of a Oollelw Home- comtn& c.i.bretloa. 't· · NIGHTMARE? LOBEN'l"ZEN l'NAOS-ONE -Eiict Paul L"orentaen catchea an important aerial ~ Cout eou.p waata all "Old Orada" ln till.I ana or from Ttmbuctoo and al8eW9*'9 to come blalp them make mwry. Jt'a )'OUr 9P111t and enthu.l&an Ulat ·we want , .• tMlt ••• :rou11 ... t pd qeeipt and. patr of field ..,ec:a. BVBST AROUND EN~.Ar\)<ling his· way around Garden Grove'• end Jut Friday night is Halfba~k Larry Cast.ro of Newport'Harbor ~l'!I Sailors. Obas· P• ·t f from...Quarterback George Schultt ap1nat Ga.n,len Grove to continue a tou.cbdown lrl es 108 march Jut week. Ai.o prepared to latch onto the pigskin should Paul._rni¥ it nurty ~ ••• oouat 'em (ll l beautt.tul pl.I ww be oompMlnr ffir queen of the ennt. A pre- pme bonttre. narrow• UM ~e to O "top-lo•ell•" with oMc:Ut coronaUon and rlamour parade at halt·Uml. !:..· ing him is the Argonauta Bud Osborne (13). A hard workinJ l'ar has taken Garden Grove's End G.ary Jones (33) right out of the play. In" far background with ·ref is Quarterback Gene Hubbard (12), who pitched the pigskin out to Ca.atrd. Might of Mt. ' WU (31) Neil_ Metcalfe. -, Staff ~oir-. . SA~ Sitarday TARS. SEEK 4Tff ·STRAIGHT LOOP Staff Photo • · 7TH GRADE HAS WILD GRID DAY With three of the four games belDK d.clcled by from one to alx polnta, Rubor Boye' Club sennth Jrade flag football league un· Jeuhed one of the wildest scor· Ing daya · ot the 11e~'on at Costa Mee& Park Wednesday. • 'nie Athletics malnlalned an undefeated rtcord for the year with a ,28-26 victory over the Red Sox .. With the .score tied at 26-28, a 11ud<Sen·dealh playoff was required. A safety ecored by Fred McGa vran proved the wlnnlnr mal'(ln. Other acorera for the A"s were l!teve Holll.11ter. two touchdowns. and Nell McMillan and Jack BaJI· ey, one each. For the Red SoX? .John Hughu racked up thn!f' TDa. Neal Peleni one and Paul Fuller and Mike BolUn each con· verted. The Tigers e<\ged the YanJ<eu 22·21 while the Brave. got by HAR I O.R . o~ 9 . BILL PmLLIPS, Sports Editor • -·~ PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1955 TALK · ·ABOUT ·TiGHT! HERE'S A .REAL KNOTTED UP LEAGUE Talk about a light leacuel Every team In Barbor Boy•' Club hlrh achool nae football Joop t. tied wt.th every other team In the circuit. All tour of them have 2·2 record•. • Wednesday •t Coata Mcaa hrk the Olanta aJurred the Yankees 33-28 and the Indlaniracalped the Catdin&J.a 26·19. Richard Ste;_ck led the Giant attack with 13 polnta with Bob Trapp. Barney Martin, Dick Grt-en. Larry ~h.lpman and Frank Revlera adding to the total. Rny Dfo' • .m. Bob Culllu, RAy Sanchez and Don Oriewe 11Cored tt" markara that kept th• Joaera In thi UIL Gene Lorine topped tbe ln4ban .conn with 12 point.a. Aiding him on -the acoreboard wue Don Fredcncluen, Roger t Peterson and 8alvador OarctL Gene BT)'ant ~d the Tribal goal thr~ time• and Gary Wllaon contributed an extra poi.n t tor the Cardi. The dream of ausging atop the Eastern Co!!ference with an up· at't win over Jl\dlerton'• Homet gone vllmmertnr. Coach Ray Rosso'a-Pira te grid forcee thll week are atmply hoptn& they ~ give the mJpty 'Mountiea of Mt. SAC a good (!lme. Saturday th17 Invade the . Pomona ballwtck of t~ Mt. Ban Antonio 1tadlaton who have their lirhta Mt cm th• Little Ro8e Bowl. IN DOUBT Once again appearance of Mike H&u, the Buc1' All·l!:utern Con· terence fullback. la In doubt du1 to lhe cut on hand. Unle.. the ca.st can be removed prior ~ Saturday nlrht. Hau la not ex· pect.ed" to He action. Thls probably me&n. Geor,. Holden -will •tart at fuU with Bill McKenzie and Phil Jonea runnlnc from the b.alvu and elth· er Bruce Knipp or Jim Coon handllnr the algnal callJnr •lot. Eutem Conference atandlnp: Fulluton, 3-0; Mt. SAC, 2-0; Or· anre Coast Collere. 2·1: Santa Ana. 2-2; Chalfey, 1-2; San Ber· nardJno,1·3; Rlvenlde, 0-3. 1108T POINTS The Hornetlll have ecored the moat llC potnta, 16, whJle RJver- alde hu had the moat acored 'aca.tntt the MounUea, JO, a llttu· polnta ha v • b • • n racked up •pJ.nat the Mountlea, 0, a litu· aUon tb• Buca hope to chance aomewbat. Next appearance of the Plralel In 8uo Bowl will be the bom .. -tilt While Sox 38·32 to deadlock for aecond place In the loop. Rua- aell Rapp paced the Tigers wtlh 16 points. ltonnle PaJa.!errl added alx. ButC'h Vineyard acored 20 polnl11 and Tom Allen one for the loaeu. ---------------------------comtnc c a'm e n • x t Tbunda)' FINEST IN COUNTY Tba Bra;,ee h .. to acor• on the ... 1 play 0 ' UI• pme· to break Summer Opening· Planned a ~32 Ue. Norm Carl110n wu top point producer for the Braves wllll 19. Mike Davia added 13. f N L k b s h nlrht agaln•t San Bernardino, the fr&7 Which will deck!• 1f <>rans• Cout can ~ thiro In lh• ctr- cGlt to' ruDertoll and Kt. SAC. llithclay Held on P.+y Greens ~:~n=;a:~~t 1r~:o!~0~I. or · ew Jn s .Y mil The Giants left the Cardinale ANAHEIM, (OCNS) -The proposed Yorba Linda N::;,~Y~::.. aMbi!!ic~ a~~ bringing up the rear or the lea · Country Club, one of the finest in Orange CQunty, iJI U· lnC' o~nn:!~JP-8tamp'1 ~~U:I a-3l>clL~ C,llnt ._ ... ·~ .. _ ~ .... _ ... b t'-!-. -iil.PW.+llk.1·:At·da~ ..... • ... McDonald. D ...... y Al-noolldd .. Glenn JleC~= ue~l"Y'-._. Y um-coming-~"' -Y -·• ••· ~, ] f S Ith f L1d T-1 f member• aurpriled Joe with a Gardner and A Ian Qott did the t-o p ans set ort.h by. Foreat m , o o "' e, owner o party, blr cake. cottee and a 11corlng for the winner•. Don the Clock Country Club in Whittier, and the Clock Drive-in Happy Birthday '!<>Ill· St.amp of Sherman made the lone tally tor chaJn. The orls1nal propollal to build Balboa bla.nd 11 the oldeat mem· the lo1era. 1r d t -• b be d th t -·'•· ~ier Smith recenUy took over the a ro course an coun ry .... u r an . e mo• re•-...,.. Standlnr11: At h I et I c 11. 3·0: Llnda on lhe alte wu planned lut on the· green.a. ' Brana and Ticer•. 3·1; Red Sox .property between Yorba aprln~ by William B. Stewart of F ollowinc the f..UYitl.., • 21 and Yankees, 2·2: White Sox and Blvd. and Orangethorpe Ave., the Hollywood. who later aold U1e membeni pa.rUctpat.ed In UM Au· Ola11t.8, 1·3; Card1nala. M . old F. IC. Campbell property. properly to Smith. atrall&n Slngli. tou.nwn•t. 8&7· Smith wtll apealc ~fore mem• ahore• ran off with the bonol'I b)' ben of the Anahe.lm Golt ANOC. winning ftrrt .Jlhd thlrd placel. nut Wedne84ay to outline at· Nick Brettner won ftnt ~ 11 tractive ' memMnhlp propoaa.11 point.a. Stamp (&ft Nlclc a.&004 and dl!ICUa pla.na of the 4'1ub, the nm but llnlahed NCOll4 wtUl • n type o~ clubhouu and facllltltt points. Ed MW'Mt took thlrd LITTLE LOOP PLANS EORMALL Y LAUNCHED avallabla. place with 14 point&. Bob Blactrw..U, Corona d e I TUuday named u-rer of the M11r'1 Little League chairman, an· program:· Kay Phelp• ot the nouneed today that a Tueaday Coron11 del Mu UtUe League. nl i;:bt meetlnc of lnt.ereated par· Blackwril reported, "We have t nta formaUy lsunchtd formauon dccld<'d not to put commercial of tbe new kid loop In Uie Har· namu on the unllorma lbe boy• Yankees Surge Along Road to Undefeated flag Season bor area.. An Informal fund rals· w111 wear. The rule employed by Romplnfl' to a 31·0 victory ov· tni;: drh't', Bla.ckwell ' Mid. would <:>'ollt11 Meaa·a Midget League that er µte Tiger•. the aillth grade be employ«! to raisr 11pproxl· every boy' on the tram m·uat play Yanll-of Harbor Boye' Club mat.ezy S2000 tor lrnpro\·rn"lt'nt nt tn t'\"f'r)' irame wm aJ110 be ueed the Youth Center cluunond. . In <'ornna de! M1tr LI t t I e nae fdotball le"'1Je aurged along "S.fore the month 1.11 out;· League." on. Ule road to an undefeated Blackwell Ba.Id, "we hnpe to hllve Added Blackwell. "We ru pect aeaaon with their fourth 1traJ•hl a publJo m ..unc ao that Corona what"a belnc done In 11WT1mer w1n at Costa Meaa Park Tuesday. del Ma.r part.nll c11n leam about bl\seball by the Harbor Boye· 11\e Cardlna.la edged the Red our Lillie Le•gue plaJl• ·· Club. We want to do the aame loll t~·20 and Uie Athletics got Major purpo11es of the new kid thing In Corona dtl Mar:· by the Bravee 26·111 to l'flll&.ln In loop,, Blackwell Mid, 11re to . Dave Webb, a former Little a tie tor eeeand place: The Wblte "11peed up work on tht' ball dla· League Coach. will handle tratn-Sox 1quea.ked by the Brave• 26- mond here and to m coura.ge In· tnsc ot the LltUe League coach•• 111 to band the loMr1 their fourth ttrMt In the whole Youth Center whl'n clinics at.a.rt In January. 11tral"1t aetback of the 1euon. Youth CenteT coftlltllttee wu Bllckwell annoonced. -"l'hat Jut one w&. a tourh one COLONIST SYSTEM INTENDED TO KEEP ANAHEIM AS GRID CHAMPS ANAHEIM. !OCNS) -The . -tornblned irroup' or AUB8, el .. mentary 11chool and Park and Re· creation D t' p a rt m;e n t foot- bll.ll coachn l!P<?ke at the Wet>lcly l'TlctUng of the Coloni.llta' Boo- i'tera club Mond8y In the Elka Club IUld anured members that Anahf'lm could ('Onllnue to' pn>- duce ct4mpl0Mh1p • c a 11 be r tearn11 for BCv<'rll.l sea.eon.t to come. The Park and RecrMUon ~ f'nt, directed by Don Den ', ti flag football PrOCram by Lloyd Trapp wl!.lcll in. puplla ln the -fourth, fttth ~cl 11txtJ1 gndea. ''ThJs PJ"OITUll deatped to offer coordinated ~ to be fed to Wutarn and I' rt m on' Junior ,Rich .. Schoolll." said "Trapp. echool. TRAJHDrO 81'9TDI ror TJ:AM Coaches Carl Bemekcr.llot Fre-mont and Biil Hlcka ot Weatem "We've rot & 1n>nder1U1 t1arn are working with the Colontat.a' thla year," aaid Carl. ''We will •)"Item of offenae t.o provide well· ddlnltely be able to (lve t h e hJgh achool aome 'V~ fine ma· lralned font baJJ playere tor the terlal nut year." AUHB 11qua<1. -· ln the hlgl\ acbool ltMlf, Dick Tba Booater.. commlttM H· Glover I• runnlnr the c prorram Jected Right Hallback Don Pen· a.od Bill Hunatocl$ b.andlea the B'• ttekd .... player of the "'"k." n.. two aep~te teama ma)' Coa.cla Claire Vu Hoorebeke aaJd, elf.Mr llelp tn ct'flnt uperlcced "Delft prob&l>Jy turMd In hi• beat pla)'ttl to the vanlt)' -or ctn performance Of the ywar. If I 1 t.bo .. boya a chance to plaJ' who blocklnr and tackliAr #ere tm· mJ&'llt otherwt.e ba..e to alt oe proYed in eddSUon to hta b a 11 the .,_,..t)" bench. bAnd1lnc and all-around pl&y." Bemeku pointed out that rr.. Tba Color\iata -t thn>u•h an· mont la not yet dd•ted In t1l'O other lnt~~lve drib toda)' la J'Mrl of tackJe football. ua1n1 the paraUon for <>ranee. Bunaet Lea· Identical S)"ltem u UM bl1h sue oppoaftll tOftlpt. to win and lose. With 30 aecond.I remaining In the contest. Capt&Jn Jed Houeton circled nrht end to tie the 11core, then J>A411Cd to Joe Donofrio for the wlnntnr conver- llion. M.ike Patrick acored all th• Gt.- ant m ark er 1. Houston tallied twice for the White Sox and To- ny Mallum onct. Mallum alfO con· wried. ftonnle Nugent or the top apot Yanke wu leadlnc acorer amon& the 11lxth grader• TUeaday wtth 26 polnta. Tom Bryan added a p:> to swelJ the trlumpha.nt total. Brian Lewie paced the card wtn with two TDa. Gary Schon .. added 11Jt point.a. MOre Le.nee eeven. Grant Nairn •cored and converted for the Re<!' Box w1th Tom Glllma.n and Steve H•fl)er i.ddlng touchdowns a n d Dour C!arl110n a converaton. Dennie PerTln acored three tat· llee for tha Bravea, but Harold Cal<1well'• two TD• with one each b)' J im and Jon Curtis, plu• J im'• elltra point made the winning margin. Mike McCarty added a converalon for the Bravea. St.andlnp: Yankeu, 4-0; Ath· leUc• a.od Cardinal.a,. S-1; Bran• Uld WhJt. Soll, 2·2: Red 80& and Ttcen. 1-3; Giant•. 0.... New Sa111tary Unit SANTA ANA, (OCN8) -Bal· lot-cuter• Tlaeeda7 YOted, 118 to 108, to form the De.na Point Ban· lt&r)' Dtltrtct. The dlatrlct, em· compueee mo.t ot Dana Potnt. '1111 dJW1c!JJ1Hl problem will w the --re dJapoaaJ p1'0blem wb.ich hu mounted with the populaUon lncreu., VICTORY AT SANT A ANA, TONIG,HT Speed of Up-Gut Runs AA early u Wedneeday afternoon on Davidson Field Coach Al Irwin announced hia NewP,ort Harbor HiJh School Sailors were "ready" for the Santa Ana Sainia in Santa An4'• Municipal Stadium tonight. Kickoff tiine is 7 :30 p. in. .. the Tan seek their fourth straight Sunset League victory ot tlle (l'ld eeuon. Garden Grove Argonaut.II made The plarue of lnjurl~ that the Tara look wide open up the atre.pped the SaUora tn mld·aea-middle last Friday night. al· aon, belnr fundamental In an out-though the Tare complett>ly dom- of-league 1011 to powerful C&ll· lnated play In 11hutllng out the fornla High here and attributing rtva.la 14·0. The Argos would to the local lada' worse showing have ahown no offensive punch ot the aeuon In barely beatlnr at all but tor the burning Darc;h HuntlnC'on Beach on the rival did to the Cobs with his fong appeara to be definitely at an runa down the center of the Tar end. defense. OFFENSE 8ET GOOD TRICK Fullback Charlie Berry Is, At the aame time, howevf'r, the ready t.o go both we.ya, Halfback 1 ara were •lopping dangerous Dave Tamura I.a on the verr• of Arco Halfback Don a osmun cold reral.nlnc 11Ja early aeuon offen-on the oGt..alde. Thl.I ls llAI trick live form and End Chuck Van-Irwin hopes the Sailors wm work dervort la rea<1y to start anac· to perfection acaln1t the Sal nai' cUll' that P•r•kln &f&ln.. , outside apeedatera. Detenaive drllla have I~ the ' Scheduled to aee action • In the maln order of bual.nua · In thl• Sailor backfield tonight In Santa week'• practice .... ion. I r w 1 n Ana, although not a atart~f. Is makea no bonea about It. He Halfback Glenn Buford. The per· fa&n the outalde lpeed ot the aiatent •enior, weighing In-al· H8 8 a Int•• acamperlng halfbacka.. a.nd with no prevloua gridiron ex- But at the Mme lime, he"• cau· perlence. has overcome all aort.s Uoua •bout· the up-the-gut poWF of handicap• thl• sea.eon. ot the Santa Ana fullback. · He ha• become the main touch· hDMcik Doyle Darell of th• down Ulr-i tor UM Tu junior \"&r~lty and. llftl'r running wlld against the Fulll'rlon JVa fl'C'!'nl- ly, Jrwin Indicated Glenn woufd gl't •Orne work with lhl' varsity lhl" week. 8TEADY F01"RSOHE Naturally. p r o b a bl" 11t1rt1n1 ba.ck:fle.ld arr1y for the -a• 11 O.J: • wtll be the tried and true four- 11 o m e or Quarterback George SchuJtt. Hal!backs Tamura and J ohn Hopkln11 and Fullback Ber· ry. Schu1tt a Q!l Hopkins can ex· peC't tfit>l r rou.ghnl chore . Lo ~ thl'lr outside lint>ba\•kinfo! po11l- t1ons a i'l they . try to rontaln thl' Saint &C'l\lback11 neur the line of acrlmmage. The Tars expect to have no trouble scoring lh<'mselves. So tong u thry plug along wiJh Ta· mura. Hopkins R.llrl Berry grind· mg out the 11hort r atner11 a.a ag11ln.t1t Garden Grove. very l1llle pu11lng need be 4'Xpccte-d from Schullt lo End Paul Lc>rPnt.z.en or Vandervort. But If a clutch third or fourth down 1tltuallon arlaea. the alrlane lhreat 11 alway,s available. ~lerton BoominCJ f'ULLERTON. <OCl'\S/ -Valu· aUon of bu1ld111g pennll11 bounded ovtr the $38.000.000 mRrk with the u dlllon of $4,0H .279 I'} Oc· tober, It ~"88 reportt'd Wt'l.l11.e.eday by Building Supl. William Vss· vary. The .10-month total 1a nuw $38.058,179 compared with $25.· 000,000 lalt. 7ear. IY PUBLIC DEMAND • I SECOND GREAT ANNOUNCEMENT Football menu •.• provldee a chanc;e tor cheertnr and bluu c:hulnf . A• "old rrad .. P. T. Bar· num would put It, "Make11 the old feel younc a nd ~· yo~ feeJ old:1 ' • Or111ce Cout Plratea ent.ert&Jn \Ha! Ha!) San Bernardino In an Eutem Conference thriller with k I ck o .f f at 8 p. m .. ln Pirate St.adtum. After the ga.me : •. •there'• a dance In the student Center. Come , .. look around; have 1ome tun; watch the Plral• plly; be rejuvenated ... and all for only $1.00, with atudent body cardl for ··grada·to-t>e·· -$.60. ' ORANGE COAST COWGI HOMECOMING THURS.-NOV. 10 PIRATE , STADIUM (1dv.) • Roy Carver Pontiac Newport BeaC:h .I • pr•1•nts The Fabulous '56 Pontiac BIG NEWS . . - All · Models -Body Styles and Colors Available .. Today-Tomorrow & Sunday ~ ~ 1-o-n-g-e-s·t deal in town -lff Roy Carver Pontiac .. Llber:fy 8-3466 f..r.•- ,- ,· • ... . :.. . ' . DELHI GA.BDENS: Pictured abOve ia four bed~ room, two bath home at ~lbl Gardena in Santa Aila featuring large window.. large rooma, oversize gar,,. .age, muaive aton·e 'fireplace and prize-winning con; ' I venience-zoned" kitchen. Family rooms are attrac. tiona at theae luxury Packed homes ~et pricea ralfge from $12,999. .. .. r , • NEWPORT· HARIOR NEWs-PltESS -PART 11·· PA&E J ,. FftlDAY. NOVEMI~ 4. 1955 AND" NOBODY· WAS INjURED ~~~....__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~-Clarence Maynard Hobbe, 31, driving aouth on 101-A Wedneaday afternoon, at· tempted to make a left hand turn onto Superior Ave. and bia car wu hit by. one . driven by Wesley E. Nance, police reported. The front end of Nance's small car waa demoliabed and Hobb'• car wu ~urned over on its aide. Hobba' livee at ~21 Central St., Collta Meaa an~ Nance in Belltlower. -SW! P~oto ' DELHI GARDENS HOMES OFFER Ou1c1 OCCUPANCY REAL UNCOOPERA TIYE County Gas. Tax Shen $139,286 . , Avallablilty of New Homes Now Spcftlng Sales to New High Point SACRAMENTO, · (CN8l-8ep- • tember ruotlne tax collecth>n.1 In c.tlfomi& to ta l e d $25,121,966. State Controller Robert C. Kirk· Yam . Plan.s . Don't Always Jell with Grower McVay;s wOOd announced here today wllen throw the Doxu around, otten he allocated the city and county breaklnr lhem and brulalng the share of the Income. Tri:.are.a Membenhip Meet of Legionnaires .This Weekend ltnmedt&t, occupancy of con- .. ntlonaJ dutgn lhree-bedroom1- and-a-den, three-bedroom11-andra· tamUy • room or four bedroom llomea at Delhi Oarden11 In aub- W'b&n Banta .Ana prom11ed by of· tlclala of Godbey Deftlopment Company, bullden, ha1 aparked aalel l i> a JleW high. It WH &JI· DO\,!D<:ed today. l'rank Chandlu pf Pioneer Land Co.. l&lea agenta, 1&ld vet- eran1 may 11tlll buy tnese Juxur- lou• homes on a nothing down except ·cio11in1 co11t• and Im· pound1 bull!. He 11t.ated lhat prlcea start at $12.999 with low mOl)thly payment.II. , 'L UX URY Jl'£ATURF.8 Chandler added that· luxury reaturea of these homeii, 1elddm found a t such prices, are draw- ing l.'Ard11 fo_r rising young exe· cut4ve~. The smart "convenience-zoned" kitchens, de11lgned by the famoua cJecor•tOI\ Mary Ol11ten, appeal to every home-maker. Kltchen11 have birch tlniMh cabinet.,; a11butoe vinyl lllP In speckle pattern on the floor; garbage dlaJ)O.eer; built in wall . oven and ran,-. top. Three nallonal awardll ha.ve been BJ B~T BRINTNALL How &lll'.a yam to be made a better yam. preaented to the bulldel"8 or Delbf • The an1wer wu not found by Gardena for the oulltandtnr em-hi.I experlmenta ~ y.ar, accord· clm.cy of theM kitchen.. Inc to C. H. McVay, who m&ku . a liv1n&' rrowmr ya.ma -.lt of lr· Two reaturu that rank hJf~ ln vine Ave .. at Jl:ut 17th St. But he popularity are the noor·to-ce1llnr did .accomplllh one reeult in hlJi Tn..:11 aand.ltone flreplac~.• and hunt, he vew the fll"lt yam aeed.e the b I g, comforta.ble family h hu ever 8"ft in hla fO ye&l"I room" that open.e into the kltch· e win am en, aUowlnr mother to keep an of fTO r Y a. eye on lhe youn11ter11 while 1he· DON'T PLA.l' BAJ.L enjoy1 her 1treamllned kitchen. Yama • J1.11t do not play ball like NEAR BEACH AREA other planta. They reruae to (T'OW Med. Lonr experlmentaUon found Deihl Garden. 11 clo.e to me-that. by vatttnr yam ahoota on tropolltan areu and to beub re-morning glory n>Oll Medi could .orll a1 well Jl'tom Newport and be produced makl"&" crou polonl· adjacent a r •a a It u quickly ution poulble. Mcvay fl'-a. lot reached via Newport Ave. to of ya.ma th.la year from aeed pro- Ha rbor Blvd.; tum on Harbor to duced at the UnJvenlt7 of Calt- DelhJ Road, right on Delhi to the t om la llChoo) at Davia, but when property at Lowell SL and the .he and Dr. Jack Hann¥ checked model bome1, open dally trom 10 over tha rMUlta lhey found ihat a. m . to t p. m. they bad not arrived. ) Fut1.ber featuru of t hue lux-ln or,dlnary plan ta there, a,.. two ch.romoeomea, but In yanu ury • at • low • price homea In· there are alx, Dr. Hannah atatea. elude deep walk-In clb1et1 in Comblnin( chromO.Omee ot two eaeh bedroom; •tall ehower• with glaH encloeure; chrome ti.th &e· ordlll&l'1 planll me&na four thlnp (.~aaoriea· aluminum w 1n d 0 w taken two at a Ume, or, u any acreen•; 'wall of &!au overlook-crlbbaC• player knows, alx pouL- in&'' th• p&Uo and decoraUn. di· .bmu ... But. the 12 cbl'omoeom .. qt two yam planll, ta.ken two at vict.r betw-t&lllU.T rocim and a Um-aak eome math etuct.nt llvtn• arM. Wtlo nmembwll h1I pennut&Uona ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.....~~~~~~ Uld•oomblJl.atloaa. BIGGER AND PREl'l'IER IN '56 -Beat.a and out- board m<Aors that is. Out for a spin in a apanlting new runabout powered by Evinrude's recently intro-duc~956 30 horsepow<'r Big Twin. ·The largest line in Evinrude history, nine model.a, accent.a quiet performance. Fuel saving, faster and easier •tarting, and new color and styling combinations. They are displayed here by' ~arvercra.ft, 1998 ~bor Blvd. NOT ON 8AIU 1' Alf 8o McVay produced a k>t ol dlf· ferent klndl or yama, but none with the deep orange colored fleeh and heavy dark red "velvet" skin. He produced the right colored neeh and the right akin, • but not bolh on the same yam. The or· -anre _eelered fletlh 9ellrt>etter amt hu hl(her quaJIUee, auch u more carotln or Vitamin A, than the pale yam1. while the hf'avy •kin 11 nec-ry to protect thi yama In •hlpment. McVay 111 ca~ful In p&cklnr and 1hlpplnf .hi• trult, but dlatributoni Seek Wiison Letters SANTA ANA. NOV. 2. IOCNS) -LeUet• of administration with the will aonexed In the e11tate of Jamu M. Wilton, who died Ocl. 23, were uked today by hie llOn, Cutlema.n, Wllaon of 1046 Ocean Blvd .. Balboa. 'In the Mte.te wrre $2000 pef1IOIW property and the houae at 2CM~ Ocean Bl'ld. Wll- aon left hla entire holdlnp to the eon and a dau1rhter, Vlrtfnla A. Helwtr of Arcadia. It I• not the daWltlera and trif · len1 who find IJfe worth llvtnr: It la the 1teady. 1t.l'ftluou., robuat workers, · • Olarlff W. Eliot yami, he 1ay1. A thin-11klnned Oran&'• county received $139,· yam Jlllt can't take lhll treat-286.21 out of the September col- menL ' lecliona, Kirkwood A ld. -A tl'hAre& membel"lhlp rnfftln( will be held by LeSionnalree Nov. 5-45 at Newport Barbor Poat No. 291 '1 LeSion Hall, It wu announc- ed today by ;Whlt' ~elma, ·Newport Beach chairman of lhe event. He Mld the aeu1on would welcome Joe Farber, Commander, Depart- ment ?f Callfom la, who wlll pre· •Ide at lb• two-day atfair. Uen at noon, while Sunday'• will 1tart at 10 a.m. Other ·Leston- naJrea attendlnl° <be1ldel Farber will be Roeeoe Mone, Commander ot tbe Fifth Area; Harry Deputy, Blll MorrilOn and Frank R.oee. Yam cultivation calla for fuml- p tlnl° the ground lo get rid ot Total aent to countle1 waa Ill.· wire wo'nn1 and nematodes and 9~0.0oo and to cities. $3,248,920. Sam Gray, department member - ship chairman and Jame.w Hughes, department vice-chairman of mem- benhlp, will make appull tcr au veterlUll elJ(lble to Joi• the Le- rlon. tbs potaon bu the effect of drlv- lnl' the loc'Ulta out ot the ground and .1wanna ot seagultl com41 to The elate highway fund for the development and con1truc::Uon of state highway• received su~.940.- 0311, Kirkwood la.Id .. The Saturday meeting wm be- (ln at 2:30 p.m. followlnr reratra-eat them. ·Thunderbird loOks !· • • Thunderbtfd "Go" ! • • family style " You can have the "GO" of the Thunderbird Y-8 _p.ower and_Tluindarblrd stylin.g ••• pl.us· the added protection of Lifeguard Design I .. • A look ii .u it tam to tnow that, tbt nnmclerblrd-impired loo.\ of the '66 Ford knows no sar at any price. An inlpection ol Ford'1 interion will demonltnte that lwN ii a reel tribut.e to your IOOd tMte. A trial 1pin will /et. you know that Ford'1 ThUnderbird Y-8 encine• ~ ita ~at off to no car in the "GO" department-for smooth, quiet per{ormt.nce. You'll UC> find a bump-cuahioninc Ancle- Poiled Ride that many a COlltly car would be proud to have. Aa an utn dmdend you aet tbt 9dded protectioil of Lifesuard Deeicn-the !ntcompnhemiV. www to driwr and pee .. Mfety in CMt of M:Cidenta. ·what ii 41!1p"CMDy nice » · t U.. tbinp are youn in.. • • · the fine car at half the fine-car pricel .... ,, .................... ....... · The •tate commlttff chairmen will review lhe Americanllm, dlUd welfare and natlonaJ aecurtty at&nda th• LeSion bu taken mce Jll Inception. All •eterana ...,. ID· vlted to attend. .,, Rfng an Air Cadet BUI King, t 24 Ramona Dr1"-19 now a cadet ln the Air Jl'orce Re· aerve Ottlcera Tr&tnin&' Corp9 Clf the Unlvenlty ot 8outhera CUi• fornla. King la a atudent {n ...._. ne1a admln'8tratlon. .. HOW 'FIRST'. CAN YOU GET? Tbe.e three clue winners were never heeded throughout the three race Teddy Rooeevelt 11eriea at Balboa YC. Clocking a flnt place all the way were Ruth Hukell of NHYC in the Ludera fleet, Johnnie Kewell of BYC in the Rhodee, and M.. F. Staqbton of BYC in the Mercury clue. 8YC~odon Frank Wood preeented the awarda.-Beckner Photo THE.Ol»ORE ROBINS ~ Your Fotd Dealer Since 1921 3100 West CCMM Highway ........... .. ......-.... , . - ' ' • I j . I , I - • . ' . _,...,.. PAG~ • -PART II -NEWPQRT HARBOR. N'!~ ,,~ESS r:DtO .\Y ~'')''F~ ~~Eq A. 1%5 ' . . .COUNTY TAXPAYERS TO GIVE $7 M~ION MOllE THIS YEAR IAMTA ANA, (0CN8) •-O""'re Cowl\)' tax payw1 wUJ be called ~ to .,_,. abnoat ST.000,000 more th1a ye., Uwl Jut year, County Auditor Lee J:dlel Mid W~y. Sekel a.nnounced that total cha~ for county tax .,.,.,:. wtll be Pt.MO.MT.CK ... aplnet Jut. )'ear'• PJ.140,UO. • J'lrUru ahowed lhal 43 per cent or Sll.Ml,803.11 bu been ...-.CS aplut .cbool diatltcta. Tille 1ncludee oounty ~ ot St.m,Ha.ao. a.us-t9r t!le 11 clU• on ·whJch thf COUA\y b&lld1ee the taxu, lncludins the MetropoUtan Water Dlatrict, amount.cl to IT,33T,S4S. Sekel eaJd cllars-tor oUMr en.tneta total f'.tM.tM.a . _Collectlone ln86de the dU.. totalled sa.uo.uo aa4 ... .,.. •• tot.Tl ou,tetde UM etu-. GOVERNMENT FOR cow -TOWN 4 Daf rp1e11, Poalt11n11n Swom in as· .Councilmen ff UNNTA. ANA. '(OCNB) -calftM ~ DIP& to •t tu- J'our dairymen and a poultry ture IDffUna' d&t.ea ud name the THE LON•· AND SHOIT OF IT rancher Wednuday were e;worn mayor and cJty clerk. Several are Realtor. Jack Brennaa sr .• rirhl and Mathilda Rt~ c:oci- la aa t111t new D&)ryllmd City 1lftW oamlderaUoa for th• latter rn.tulate each other tor reapecUve ''Man of Month" Xulliple Council. Job u -U &a a part· Ume city County Clerk B. J. Bmlth ad· manarer. Lletlns hoaon they won. Brennan of tlJ'm bearinc hie name mtnl.ltered the oath or office to The eecret&ry ot at&t.e certlfled made ~t home ea.le of September, a '31.000 deal whUe Paul O. Furman: poultrym&n; the election u otttclal Oct. 21. Mrs. Rlrp ~~ Coaat Propertle1, Balbo&, made -Ueet Mle, and Jack De Vrlee, Wllllani' De Tb.a new ctty,. wMl of Bu~ a $3160 deal on a Coeta Meaa lot. Volume of eaJei. I.a runntac Jaser, Pele De Groot .. and. Peter Patk. wtU enoompus approldm&-40 per ceat &head of Jut year with more u.n $9,l60,000 ta O. Si>um&< • te)J' I~ equan mtlu. eoo penone ulell to date. -ltaft Photo . The council. ·met wtlb lte co-and I0,000 oo.n. 'nae ranchere ---~--------------------­city attomeye, Rosw H°'-"11 and bended toptJMr to npt otf an- 11. 8. Bernard. brtetly att.r of· nn&Uoe and ether lncorporaUon Ora .... 9, C Losses flclally taking' their poete and cram. decided to dater Use announc.-1""° otlaer IUn11ar p:"Opo-.le are. Oran6• High School'• Bee grld- menl· of mayor. bl lllOUOn-o.try ctiy .outh of den dropped a ~-0 conteat to De Vrt• polled the Jalp.t lMl.r7 Land and Dairy Valley tn Anaheim'• Bee Colonl.ata in Chap- number of votea In the. recent tn-Loe A.nsel• County. man-Collea'• atadlum yeeterday. corporaUon election and appeared Incorporation of Dairy-<>ranee Blgb'a Cee p idden drop- the .lorfcal choice. land bdnp the county'• total pad a M-0 lou to A..nahelm at Rowell Mid the council will number of crtiee to 11. Anaheim. Dlclc 1...,, .,.._ Huff Get SC HOllm"I · BAUOANS WELCOME MRS. WRIGHT SUN GARDENS FREEWAY INTERCHANGE PLAN GETS NOWHERE WITH STATE Honored for achierinS hiKh .cholutlc recordl u ent~ fl'Mhmen at the Unlveratty ot Southem Calltoml& WV. lltUdesat• from Newport Beach Who tncluded Richard Ronald Racer, 41~ Klnp ~· Ud Arlene Ruff, jl1 lntne A.vi. Ruth wu welcomed to Balboa Tue.day. Managers of nearby shops l'Wlhed over to· the post office aub- atation where Ruth is to be asa.iatant and 'presented her with the key to the city. They even chalked "Ruth is here" on the sidewalka. Shown above are GG Chamber to Form Retail Merchants~ DivisioO Soon GARDEN GROVE, (OCNS) -m ent regarding the-w1den1ng and M<'mbers ot the board of dlrec-Improving or Garden Grov1• Blvd. tors of lhe Chamber of Commerce. by the end of the week. Tuesday night. ag-rffd to form a retail merchenta division .. \I. C. !Budl Reed, preaident. will now appotnt a l Z·ma.n execu- tive committee. A chalrm,an will be appointed from it. · The ellleculive co111mltte•· of the chamber e11tlmaled the ... xpendt· ture of $350 for thf' pnntlni: of 10,000 coloretl br<X'hures on Gu· den Grove by the t>nd of thl' wel'k . "Ruth," Mrs. Walter H: Wright, P. 0 . Station Sup. ·erintend~nt Herb Kenny and Mmes. Austin Cole, Harold Bird, Lawrence Shield.&, Orville Schleuter and Don Southworth. -Staff Phot o Cypress lncorporttion Plans Move Ahead wiih Petitions ~dett Fr9d D. FllCI Jr., pre- -ted cerUflcate. of reoop!Uon to Hl atudellu lhla put "YMk at a epecl.al "Honora:at-ICntrance" ~bl1 on CILDIPUL Dr. Bernard L. Hytnk. Dean ol Student., pre- aided. . GARDEN ORO'"" (OCN8 The c:ertlflcate.1 indicated that T-. ) -committee would work but they open sround" BamUlon Potter. nearly all "A" grad• were achlev-Repreaentatlve9 of the Cltlsem (Use dtftmon) would not recom-ch&1nnan of tha (TOUp, aid. Committee of the lun Oarden.1· mead lt. ed b)' t.he atudenta before cornin&" are• ftchtln• a batUe wt•.. the A full "l'eJ)Ort fro111 the at.ate la to SC or over 11 per cent of the -: • "'' Downtnc po9ed the followtn&' f--.. -1 t 1 t 1 Sta\4 Dlvtalon of Blchwaya to quuttoa, "u tha _.te juallned _upect.ed wtlhln two weeka aa t o ,_.. .. en c &H o approlll ma e y S ANTA AN A. tOCNS > -P lana to incprporute the Cllv nf Cy- prC-ic., moved a stt•p 11tl'l'ad lhlll w~k. chance the route ot the tr""ay ln t&ldJI&' out Ta bom .. to attain 'llfbether full ~lnvutlpUon of _12_00_· ---------- t.broush ,the area, today bad new an slitercb.ul&e mor. lult.d to tha l•ue ~uld conaUt.ute th • A petition bearing a reported word from tha dlvialon. t.bell' ...U..Uc tut• T" cban&'lng of the .tale route and Oree.t trlala aeem t o be necu- 332 CypreM a rea names waa pre-The c:ommlttee · wu noutled FULL .QUA.DUNT adommJpUnst•-the one propoeed by the •ry preparation• t o r gTe&t sen ted to the Buena Park City the •late •Y• the lnterchance .An oa.er ID the 8 n-~ 00 ____ -_. _________ du_t_ie11_. ___ ·_E_._Th_o_m_peoa __ _ . propoeed by the Sun Gardtn Ht UD ,.._ .. Council laet wet!k . They seek groui-I.I "cln:ultoua.'' The lnter-d9u an& lbowed lllltprlM ill the ,.llf·d With thr county board ot annexation to Buena Park. chan(e 1.1 p&rl of a propoeed tact tbat the lt&te I.a ualnc a tulJ supervisors was 8 not1be 'ot In-route tbrousti open cround which quadrant lntercb&DJe When oM 0 II would deatroy only 10 homea and ot the ~ ~, onl7 a bJPway, t enllon to rir1•11la tr rnrorporallon FGllCJe IM dillC) ., a drtve-ln theater while the atate and al8o' becauM the quadrant pet1t1on11 The lll'lltrn prohiblll! route would deatroy 73 homea hla Mldam been uM4 elMwbeH. any otht•r :inm•x11tw11 or inc;or· Stays Over Miiiion but leave the theater. "It 18 poelllaLe u att.mpt wu CAPTAIN'S CAllN '• 9IDU't '""' loaa e porat1on tH'll\'ll)' w1lhln thl' Cy· , .., made to proye tM ~ cu- R.eed '•aid the commlltee will The ltrochuru 'Wiii contain pie· prel's proposed boumlaries for 50 ORANGE, (OCNSl -City of DOWNl!'iO OPINION not be cs.tped to p th~ be formed from repreaenl&llvu lures and deJKripllonl! of bu,.in<'11~ days • Orange burtdlng perm1t11 totalled Walter Downin(, repruenttnc :------------ of each bualneaa dlet rtct with in and OOmmercial bulldln&11, rul· The PI OJt'•'l<'<1 City would be ••1.326,476 la1t month for a drop the committ ee, •id an e:iraml~ •-L .&.._ .. u• .&Ra the community. dentlal areu,, achoola and other bounded n n lhf' MOuth b Dair ot H U .972 from 11.944 .H~ In tlon of the elate route abowll the ..., ~· ~ Willi• H . Wa rner cha irman of point• of lnlt'r<'11l. II will al•o Cll h , b h Y0 Y Sept.ember. -intereh&nl'• neceeeltatu c r I•• Sobert .. n--1H Via .luc:ar a ' include lhe hl1<tory or Garden .v. on l " "est Y l e · range_-, -.._ , t he county board of 11upervleors, ,..,_ v Lo11 Angele11 County Une. on the Howe,,_, anore buUdlQ6 ,,__... cl'OMac ot "8ri&ble l!PMd tnaa..re;: ? a& &M ~ el a t tended the meetlng and N ld he '-"r o •· f'H l bv But'nll Park and Use -re 1-.ec1 tn October, wttll t• 'l'tae ~ "-U.. ......_ "--• 4 •..., .... A9 ,._ ' ex~ted to receive specific. dat.a Tht' brochurPi< will bP d1~t11b11t -no11h hv lh<' n11 v St. (\nnex!ll1on IHued laat month com~nd to repneent&UY99 8tUee ~ ~ a-.,. oa.o.'a .......... 0.,. Crom th• 'atat.e hll'hway depart-ed to thi-publu• tr> Rue~11 P;jrk · 84 In Se-ptember.1 _ ed , lnt~e of the cit1MU al~~ ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijii;;;~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiii--~------ Drive it at your Plymouth dea ler's -the car that::-. ~nin2 plnr<:ct ~i!:_h the Young in Heart! ---~~-- FABULOUS AE'ROOYNAIWIC STYLINGr The look that goes with Push-Button Driving and 90-90 Turbo-Torque Power in the new Plymouth '56 Here is a c u more truly ~tativc of our jet air age than any you have ever teen ••• in 1lartllnfl. swccpi~ new Atrodynamic Styling ••• in bold new concep~ like Pu.•h- Bwton &rit·1:ng. Then'• 90.90 Ttvbo-Torqu~ /'11"'"' ,:tn•I the gr~al new Hy-Fire V-8 or new Power Flow 6 ·10 give you Top Thrult at Take-Off. And Plymouth i~ larger and longer outside ... roomier inside. ll's lirf'alh·la'ldngly ahead of il1 time. See it at your dealer's nmc ! I -.,,aH·•U"rTON IN91tn/fl0 I Wltb a ftncw-Up touch JOU •I.ct rour drtvlnc 1'11JlP. AA ...,. aa ~ a Uaht ·mteb-f 'l'beo • PlJm,outb ·a f\llly aut.omauc Powerrut.e -the world'i nnootheat, moet adYanc.ed-lran1m1a- 111on-talle1 over. It'1 lht tlltl"'at1 In dr1Ytns _, All-new Aerod~amic. PLY/lllOU.,.H '58 ---~ ~ , I - 200 V-1 hp avatlable wtth PowerPall In all 4 Unes-Belndere. Buoy, Pia.d and Suburban. Or chooee 11'7 hp ln Be)Yed~re a.nd Suburban lln1'8 Jn Savoy and Plua llnee you ge-t 110 V-8 hp. U you pm er the w-.. tocmomJ of PtJm~tb'1 Pown'1ow 6-alao anllable IJ1 all 4 llDea-YOU P' 12! hp, or ISl hp~ #ow.PaL .. LOU REED · & AllOCIA TES ~200 W. Cwt HkJhway-Newport leac" Ullerty 1-3416 ' ==-== A R C H E S SPECIAL DINNER ·=- .. TOP -SIRLOIN 5 -TEAK ~ Ba~•d Potatoes. or· fr•nch FriH Soup -Salad Coffee And here 11 • portion of our regular lu...cheon menu Continuing the fa me of the ArchH - ENTREES · SPLIT PEA SOUP or CLill CHOWDER i· GREEN SALAD • • • Grilled llallbat Steak. Tartar .._ • • • • •• 1M • • • .1.5 ~ Filed MIU. Vouat.ry 8tJ1e •. Cllopped 8lrlola 8e-k. Oldaa Blnp • Rout 8lrlola of Beef, Browtl Gravy • Bl'Mded Veal ~ Creem Gravy • • • Fried" .. I'll &.Dope' ..... Tufuo .... Baby Beef Uver, Oaloll9 w llMoll • • LlO Potato., Hot Roll and Butter • • • 1.10 •• • 1.00 Cooa ~ .15 • c.otfee, Tea or Buttermilk .. 1·tJp .15 <Jutea of llllk .15 laYID ALL DAY HAM AND EGGS or BACON AND EGGS • • • • • • • S1.00 THE ARCHES COAST HIGHWAY A-YT.HE AICHIS OYllPASS Tiie Heart of Hell?•rt ....._ -PM11e ... LllMrty 1-1531 "' .. . ••' •••••••••••••r I -· • .. Mailey loote~. 01 · Dr11k ·1ap_ JirL' ~ Jla!ne· a.n. , uo~ a.uotrope ..... lllpe4 • --plalal Wednelda7 aptlllt ,,.._. u K . 11u1ey, rr. u.s De. Jatt.r a. _... beJac IMl4 II)' N....,.-t e.ch police cia a claarp ot SD· tozk:&Uoa. W1*t police ant..s at tbe Heliotrope 11--. they l'9pOrt. Utey · found llaillq ID a ~ •t mood. ---.~ Mn. ft&ll clalmed .... ba4 ..... u an tho tu.mit~ tn the b.mM tor a combtud dume• ol .t i.ut '300.. Police could tlDd Olll7 one kltdMn dWr that bad bot Ileen ~ Kanl•1 ,...a t.aat at Use RaO IM>UM. • et, and left acalll te tlle p~ perty. ~ Lone BMch and t 11 • .., . / NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 FRIDAY •. NOVEMBER 4, 1955 LID 0 . ·-. ..._ .. , llllaft·-_:,_ •• ram . IUW IUHI -rm. WR SUI 2t ......... e)' .RlrJDlr 1'11f' ! !B ., ._ __ ru!ioLO•---~ FAIRVIEW RA~CH08' MODEl--Picturec:t' abOv.e la three-bedroom, two-bath home with attached two-car garage at F&irview Ranchos in Santa Ana which features large room.a. aliding glau wall to patio in I r rMr, ltUnlling kitchen 1 with breakfut nook and · ooata area Ula propertf la ...Uy reacMcl via ee••th St. (Garden Ol'Oft Blvd.) to Brl.ltol: tum rtpt Oil ~ 2~ mll• to tb• lhl"M model ~-tu.rn1.lbe4 tiy the noted decorator, C. To11.7 Per· Ura. . complete landscaping including aprin.kler ayatem front and rear. " Thl'M bUic tlocW' plAu wttb n atertor ~ allow •tndlri· dual chOloe throupout, th• com- anmlt)'. • FAIRVIEW RANCHOS UNIT . . NO. ? SETTING-RECORDS ~ ll'alrview ftanchoa Unit J'lo. 2 Include• ftve areu, lawna. pla)' ln Santa Ana conUnuea to eet yard. rear garden, l'f'OWld ~ aaJea record•. according to Frank and J)l.U~. Patioe ban hanCS.Oma redwood dlYider wttb -t tadn1 Chandler of Pioneer. Land ,90.. petlo area and the entire reu Mleti a1enta. Home aeekers are atta ta encloMd by a ''t>Uket keeping a&lea briak even on wMk· WM.,... redwood fenclnf. nood- da)'ll at J.hl• planned · realdenlial light.a and patio li1ht.t are ai..o con1munlty. Chandler a ctded. featuree. Tbru-bedroom. two bath homea PLOT PIA..'llf aJ:.;U>Y In Unit No. % feature exception· A pl•t plan ebowtnr the loca• ally nice 1kltchens with na,ural lion of every tree, ehnlb and tlnlab cabinets Aild copperlzed planting la preaented to • a ell "antique 1tyle" hardware: built· home buyer upon purch&M of hla In range and oven w1th coppered roaldence. 'hood containing concealed fan, Ou hardwood· t Io or a, over over. thf' range area; dougle alnk raaed eub-fioorinr.; ID~ and with colored ceramic tlle draln· uterloa· alab doon· 'tValJa t llUll boardl', garbage tll1Jpo11er; eeml· • 0 automatic dlahwuher and Inlaid and 11aN alldlnf doon to ' tbe linoleum noor11• paUo area; cu.tom dulped 4111· Lota are terraced. a mtntJnum of IOOO .q. ft. to a lot, ,pd all ~ uUUtl-. lncludln&' NW•ra. alde- walka, ptten ,.... water and elecb1clty .,.. In. paid tor ud connected. tr wu ltat.d. ~ APO RT ;;, .. /. CORONA f)[l MA/.' '•II•'/;, '11 /Hl"I NOW SHOWING PRICES MOOl:RATE ln1·ar.a UrhUnf tlllturea and "' · arcbJteciun1 wlnd°"11 In the bed· Prlcen on t h "• e complete· room where neceuary tor prtYSCJ P~V8 niRise..lie.MOf E• N~ 'flllw!i ,...,_,_-"',. ..... ",....., • ly lendttC&ped homea range from are etalldard Jn all bomea. .",.-II 2455 HIG $12.BM with low monthly pay· Fairview Rand\otl ma 'be "--H SCKOOL ADULT SWIM ·PROGRAM UNDERWAY ment11. Including principal and In· rucbed from Loe AnceJe/ 'ria ,... ... '-. Adul .. 1 terut.. There I• 11UJI time. for a Ule Santa Ana B'r • to Bar-Dau1ll, Row" _ ... _ .. __ _ ta are earning to llWiln up at Newport Harbor Unioa High Sdiool'1 pool abort while yet, ror veterans to bor Blvd . th 80~ ! Harbor .-under direction of Al Erwin of the high achool athletic at&ff. The girla lo the pie-buy . on the ''no down payment to4 ~J:d~tn~c::·~r~;~:~en~~~ef~t~to~n-B~rl.tD~~l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~----=":ld':.:•~ ... ~:_:•::::;t.:.:1::'5=--"D:•::A:G0=1Nll=_:OOU>"==---t bov rt f f ' 37 . except cloalng c o a ta and Im· _ "-• UN a e a~ pa o a group o ~Drolled In the aix-week COUJ"lle. Next ~pring pouno~" bui•. executlvu or D - 1 November Weekly Specials the COW'le will be repeated. Theee girla are learning to fioat on their backa following and E. Corporation, bullder-devel· · a above off from the aide of the pool with their feet. From thia they will go on o~ra, ateted, addln1 that many to the ftrion• _._k to k th } vin . • .. _ -S•-I · Vf'ler&nll ha Vt' been nocklng lo -•wv -eep em1e vea mo ' lD UIC .water. ~f PhotQ Fi.1rvlew Rancho• Lo take Advan· OLA88 IN WATD -Miu Zatha Tallman ia m.tructing a clua of more advanced adult awlmmera at the high achool pool. Tbeae girl.a all dove in when they took to the water and are abown above practicing u.e of their anna for the crawl 1troke. -Staff Photo Foaming c1 ..... 1ntrocluctlon .D• in Orange .County Be<auae Oranc• County la Ole ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ faat .. t • CJ'OW1n1 community In p Ule enUre U. 8 ., the Wllco Com· ptUIJ'. Jiu cb-thla market for \M lntnchlctlon of a n...-pro- rluet. roe.mtnr Clear.a Window 6pny. C'l&lme made for Ulll new Item that houeewi.,.. can clean win· dow• four llmM tu~ by Wlln1 G,azia . . . . . Thank You . . . -GlANDOLFO.'S -will be closed until after the first of the new year we are 9oin9 on a visit to out home town in Italy Antvedertd ( 80 -~) Fraak ud Glaa Grudolfo . . . 1t are. aublltaatlat.d by· t.eetJI w lllcll Jlaft been ma,de by home ~onomllta and b crm • m a k • r e. Ntnety-.... 11 per cent of the 1"4>- m.. wbo tried J'ountnc C1eua Nld lht It made window eledlf tn1 boUa quicker ·and .U.er and ~ equal!)' etfeetlft tor mlrron ~=================~~~~ and Ule. On• woman, a former , hoaM economi.t. editor ot a lee.it· tns San rr.ncllcO dally, at.ate.: "It tall .. all the pain out of the ard\loul job Of elMnlnc wtndowa. •<.laally maku It tUn to do thla h•UMJlold chOTe.'• l'oamlQ,1 C1eerex la UM rewlt or •n•nl yan ot rHHttb by Wlloo Company cheml•ta. 1tat.ed Odla Rount~•. Manarv of lb• HoUHhold Produ"cta Dlv1trion of Wllco. By the chemical actloft of th9 laC"dlenll. lie aaya: t b I • puilb·INUon. pNUUr1&ed apny ac· tually Utt. dirt · and (Time off the eta-and bold.I It ln •U81*1· 8'• eo Ulat It la euily and qulci· Jy wiped off. Jeaytnr the window ~ clean. '-rhat'•' tbe ... C1Nt of flliur·U-•f&lter wtndow d ........ , .. ,. Rowaltte. ...,,,. wie ot Orulc• Co\11'ty u an In· . le~ rnaa1ret wm kqnot• UM~ and~_... ,..._.,,p tllil WMI 0.U.J a. ... t1• - • FRE£ CUSTOMER . PARKING ,. la«• of these favorable terms. So r.amplete le thP landscaplnc , el Fairview Ranchoa, done by lb-ldger• and Troller. regtttered lanMeape archlteclll. that l ti• y ... v• been deaisn&l.cl "C&lltom- la'• Gardeii Romee." Luaci.cap!JI~ Mesal#/ I I~ *t\ NOW SHOWING ID HELL ~BACK --AUDIE MURPHY -MARSHALL THOMMt dh All'O • JOHN LlfND DOROTR\" MALO~-.; "5 GUNS WEST" _,. VILLA MARINA ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GRIATL Y RIDUCID PRICES S•dcrf Mo•clay 6 7 ... TMlcllly 8 w •• !., 9 S.ladlly 12 Our special during the· •bove c:.lend•r wMk win a;. J op SIRL:OIN STEAK for $2.50 oc you fMY. order our SWORDRSH DINNER for $1.50. '" Ooatla•g -wtt.tt -tlM!lr peUq -of deeic-M111 ..,._ .. of . .._ NfP'h• " ru-a& • • ! ., ...... price d'IU'btg ~ period• .. Indicated abqye vma ...,._ a .. ..,., ea.. ......., .,.-' h Color TV . '" loun9e • Sporis • Drama e Music "H Olll e co 111·i n g Ila.nee'' are Woody and ·Betty HolCfer back from their Europeen four Join. the Gala Party to iey "Welcome Home Holders~· ••• Saturday--Nov. 5th DINNER-DANCE ~inner tilt 11 p.m.-Dancin9 'til 2 e.m. COLOR TV ON BIG SCREEN Saturday Nov. 5--6 p.m. ''The Great Waln" Sundey, Nov. 6--4:30 p.m. ~'Constant Husband" (a pr9Dl!en llloWtlls bsfoR m~l See Them in Villa Marin• Loun9• "Family Nighls'' at Ville Merine Tuesday WeC:lneaC:lay Thursday Fine Foo~ BuC.;et P.rlced • Tiie M1llome•, fwl• ... Joy MaHory, play for Satwclay Dcnlcl .. at vma Mar111a \ hr V.. Marhta f'9MnCltlon pita•• HM._ JtJO. VILLA MARINA FACILITIES FOR PRIVATE ENIERTAINING ARE INCOMPARAILE e AVAi~ .FOR LARGIORSMALLPARTIES The next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon. buffet or oockta:U party, to c1hmt. a blrth- d&y, annivel'tl&Jj, en1apment. wed.ding, r:-eunton. home-co,mlnc, bon voyap or '"what 11.ot." pleue call Mr. KcGW at Harbor ~30. He will adviM yw about menua, 11ervice, decoratiom. MttJnp. ~. For anall intimate groupia or for )arp 1athertnp the. factlltiee at Yl1Ja Kartna cannot be ~ in the Harbor u.. · . 2·1 ·-~1NC1i RCA COLOR TELEVISION . '':J~e (»AGE 6 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWs-PRESS ~IDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1955 ... "God grant us the 1erenity to ~eeeept the things w~ eanoot change: the cou;aqe to change the things we can ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. "'non.) EDITO~IALS -. How We Feel ·About School Teacher -Misconduct Counts Some unpleuant eventa have, occurred recently in· volving local 11ehool teachers. The Newa-Preaa bas been in the position of printing newa which ia it.a duty and obligation to print despite the personal consequences to the individuala involved. We aay thl.a be<:ause recent eventa chronicled on : ~ Page 1 are diataaleful to thinking citizens. We regret with all light -thinlrinJ people that the events ever occurred, bringing with them attendant diacredit to tboee involved. • t ' We ha.ve no dialike for .chool teachet:;a, ma.ny of them having been meet worfhwhile penons in our own experience, We treuure some wondert'ul D1emoriee of excellent American men and gentlewomen wbo endea~or· ed to guide ua in our youth. But today we .. ~ aicl!-at }leart over the attitude of 90me of the memben of ~~ ·profeuton who would teach our youth. c. • They-the teachen-thlnk we &re hurting them, their profeulon, their friends at work, when we du-on· tcle in thl.a newapa.per the tranegreuiona upon the law. ot morala ud common decency committed by aome of their fellow workera. There wu one acbool official so bruen u to tell um, "If it wu an advertl.aer lnvolved you wouldn't print it." That hurtnactor la herewith told that he I• a liar, a petty fraud, a character unworthy of public tr\18t or conaideration and entirely unfit to even keep the com- pany of thoee he championed. We at the "Newport Harbor News-PreSB consider ounelve. to be the atewuda .of a public trust. No one ever owns a newapaper. A newapaper is given public confidence and tupport only 90 long u it i8 worthy of public tnat and a good, ateward of the right whlch be· Jonp to all American cltiaena--the right to a free pre&B. We have never been threatened bylln advertiser in auch a manner u thl.a 11ehool employee threatened .. We have told advertlaera on many occasion• that their in· fractiou. with tlle law would be chronicled In exactly t.be aame manner u any.John Doe citiaen. Names make newa. It i• the chronicling of the-paaaing parade of public officials, oC wandering .minstrels and of .. un, known" reeident.a who make the newa. It ia one or lhe basic principles of Out' government ~ your basic right to know -;-"Your Freedom of the preu" that W<' exer· CUM? -only 80 long aa we are good atewarda of that privilege. We would aak tbeM school officials who took offense at our reportihg of the news about their fellow teachers -"Would these teachers 11till be t.eaching our childrtn, still be on the public payroll. still be protected by you. 1( the new1Jpape n1 had chosen to ovttlook their ttaroKfng on the police docket 'r We feel those guilty of charges should be die· m1ued t.nd that thpsc teacher'!! who det1ire all the pro· tec t.Jon, pnv1lege, pension. llhelter and aecunty or their public life should be ever more car~(ul of their private uid public hfe. County Bureaucrats Never Stop Spending,·Do They? Give politicia1111 credit, tht')' never give up. At a recent elt'Cllon the people diatinctly voiced t he opinion that they did not t hink the county needs a new courthouse. Now the county at umbles into some easy m~ney v ia a highly productive oil well and what is the first murmur that cornea out of the bureaucrats . ''Thu will pay for the court house." (County Coun - aeJ Joel Ogle's words). -At the'fJ&me time there is being promoted in lhe county a $40.000,000 bond issue to pay for an overaU drainage program. .,No thinking man behevee that this bond iuue has any better chancr "f carrying th11n the court house propoettion did, because 1t d~I\ not help any or t he cout citiet from Huntingt on Beach through Sa n Clemente and the "oters there know 1t. A~ the nme Jll!WPORT ctlt HARBOR RE-W~, PRESS Formerly th• Newport·BalOO. New•·Tlme• &nd lhe Newport·B&lboa Pre1111 A De••••ble Local lmdtatao. fer o.-er FOf't7 l'ean, ., Ent.red u 8ecoad-Oau Matter at th•.J>oet.otnce ln Newport BNcb. • California undu the A.cl of MA.rd\ l. 1879. Hll .......... rJflf"1 M01Me7, W ....... 7 ... Fn4&7 1-y tate 'Nt:WPOtrr HARftOll Pt"BUSHl~~O ('()MPANV Ba.lllMI mn1 .. NE" POllT ftF.ACH, OAUF. Paio.. Harbor ltlt ~ e. ......... l.Apl Not~ Mid Actrertt..-e.b of AD llllld1 117 0..... ..... le,.,tor Coart of~· 0.. .. Aetioll NO. A-Intl .... .._ ~~ s-•papt"r "'bll~" A.Ndat• •-~~ NaUOftai t;dltor1al A..odada II..._ el . Or.are C'-llty N-. 8enb UN REDDICK, P UBLISHER , WJLL1AM A. MOSES, l!)dltor OIUIONO E. ROUNTREE, ActverUsin&' Director CJIA,ftUC8 A.. AJDl8TRONO, Meehan!~ Superlnt•dot ' um/thoJ votera believe that the dramage cost abould be pro-rated to the ~! the county that benefit. SO, why, when t.be county'• new oil •ell becina spoutin~· thowsanda of. dollars don't theae aame people begin talking dralnl&'e instead of cow:;t houat1 '! • . · The drainage program could be started at once and . continued u the money flow• in. Bond lMue proponent. claimed that all the iuue would not be needed for quite some time ao thl.a black gold flowinc out of the county oil well is a natural to take care ot the drainage job. • Talking on Tuna, Mrs.·'Mac' Gets 'em Told at Hearing (Tiie follo"1al' tut .. ,,-w ........... lkDeupll. Nrwport Hart>or, pttee11'4!d It to tJae 8-ae •IMrmDJ"._ • ln~tf' a-4 foretp --rcie u IM S"VP opmed He llleM· lnit lat4 ftlJllMTDl!n'• pro.._ W~ la BM P9dn.) Mr. Chatrman: O.-nUemen ot th• Cornmlt\ee: LadlH and Gen· tJamen I am Jilra. Kul McDourall ot Newport Beach, a member ot Newport Harbor Orange. My hua· band and l own two albacore f\1h· Ing boat.a. Thu e boata hav~ not lx>en tlahed for two yeare be- .:auee Uie market price ortel'e6 for albacore W(t..I loo low for a protttable operallon. J heve per· sonally tlahed commerQ8Uy , .0 k now aorne of lh• h&r<hhtp1 a flahrnnan encountcr1. l am pre1ent I t t hl• hearing In the capacity of Chairman of the Committee on Ft1hlng ot tbe.c'al· ltomla State Orange, a perman· ent Commlllt t' voled by the Crance al llJI 13rd annual conven- tion Ju.at concluded In Sacramento. For the benefit of thOM who a" curlou11 about the Granite. tradJ· t1 onally a farm or,anl.MlUon . pu· tlclpallnc In fiahlnl' m1ller11. I mltthl •tale that for the put four year• the CaUfomla State Cr1n11t hu carried on lte •Ct'llda Re80lullo1U1 perlaln ln1 to fllh ing matter1. and partlcuJarly to the tuna·•lb&core Import 1ltuatlon. f'Of'K o•ANOf:f' There a r e t o ur 1ubordlnate Orang .. 11 In CallfotnJa. Sa.n Diego. Nt'Wport, LA H1rbor and Bodeca Bay whoM' m1>mber11\ip ll v1l&lly •tf .. r too by Slhl• port 11tuallon, "n!I It ho In beh f of the.tr m em - !>4!1 A, whn • In nffd of .... 1 •• l&nCC'. tha t the Or•n•• bu undtr- taken a pl"OfTIUll to work for Jee· lalatlon that wfQ help llMllJI. ud ll I• hopf'd evtntually, Ute lndu.- lry, Eacti la dependant on the QU!er tor econ<lflllc 1urvlvt.1 BUT there 11 OJ1e thinf certain ln Ulla par- ticular lnalanee -the flaherman came tint. and the 0lndu1try wu built up aflerwardlt. Thia tact hold• true now, u It •lw•Y• will -No Prime Producer -No ln· du.try!! That ~ aomelhlng tor extreme· ly aerloua tho1.4.ght. and apparent· ly up lo "'I.hi.a point It h•• been loat In the vut con.fualon of ln- dwtry'• appel\U. WRONG APPJU>ACH I am convinced, after watchlnf all lbe etfor'U of the tndualry and lta u.oclate facUona bell\f bruall· ed utde and virtually oonlldtred of rft> corwequence or importance that the pf'OITam. bu been de.ad wronr. Th• enUN approach bu been backward. l have attended meeUnc a n d more rneetlnp wh~re ·~ were belnc made of other &TOUP•. orpnlzatlona. and bu11ne.,. U80Claw to enlhrt th.elr aupport t o Mve I.he flahlnc tnduatry. I have beard reaponM lime and. again -'"what I.I your profram -what de your want! "We cannot help you If you do not know, or cannot ac-ree. on what 70u want," Penonally I llaven't heard a formula preM11ted tha t hu ~ agreubh• -to thr lndulltry, mlllnly ~auae lber. are too many fac:· Uou wlt)un the lndultry Ulat have to be aaU.fled. an9 ju.11l a llttl• P.reJudlce and u :e-crtndlnr had to be accompli.t\ed befor• u..,,_wa -w -ftANI a cbulee ~ ,,_tlitlo9 to UMt •· tire lnctuatry. PIUJO: PRODt1C"f:K My refer,ncu a nd remarka prrtatn itl'ntrt ll)' to e lbaC'Ore, one Tht prime producer -the flab· •if \t• heavtu \. of the Import.a, ennt11 bJmMll -and lhe fllher- 1111d because It 111 known a. the man alone, bold.m the toluUoo Lo ~llll hnl'l·<nmrT•opt'~-typt-t!Uf Ro>blem, d(bt ..11LJ.b4 p&Ua-ol Of f••hlni , and ~auee more of h1a bud. ud by a judlc10~. well lhi• lvr.e fl•hermen are mtmberl ~led . and tokrant J>rocram; or l hr Gran(f', thf' California by common -fUlcSance a.nd a Slal!' Granite ha.1 u :t uided ll• llOund workable formula. he can le1ot11h1t1ve f"cllillu and ablllUu Mvt blmMJf &11d Ave the lndu.· tnwArd t1niJr11JC 10mr it.able a.nd lry. At Utt. point be I• about u N'Qnnm1c aolutlon for at ll'ut a ,.., diTtm the ladder of economic J'W'rt. or the l una tl•hlntt dlfttC'Ul· banlcrupt.ty H he can go. and one llf'11. l uk tor )'1Jur tndulience In llrlore itep, If he ",'Wll la.kt, Into hur inic niy r,.n,•rka, total obUvton won t mal<i much dltfe~nce. TheH pa.fl four yean th1\io ("UY!'llflg At>vrt-"1 ve11r11 11 111llon o( thl' 1n<h1,try will n dnubl br furn111hr<I your C:orfimt l('r to "OVrr l'VHY anti· rtnall'!I <1ul'1t1on 8lmlh1r d1tta tiu bun prc-11"'1led lo othu ir•ivrrn· "'"nl•l r11rn111Jttrc.. ""d "PP•rtnt· ly th11 only lmJlll'Mlnn ll ma de w .. ,. t h•· b111.u ftJr c-ont rll<llrtlon of lhl' rtalm• and al'l,..•1• or lh,. In· du11l ry a nd a pe1111lblr ennfualon In the m1nt11 ot our ltKl•la lo,.. as lo r 1111t t ly .,..h•l ll w a11 the 111ttualry wu uklnr tor. or a well lnkf'n ,.ubJM'l for "paqtnr the buc-k · •nd loalnJ It ln the "°"' ru111nn 1-·or lhf' pallt tlVf' yl'ar11 a con· ""nt rat NI progT•m and dn ve h•• ltt>,.n un<lrrway It• .... ve l he (l•hlnit 1nttuJ1lry" •II lhf' p\l b· lw1ty h•8 bl'N1 dlr4'("tt.t undl'r th1H 11lnr •n 1hm1.11and1 upon lh()IU,.nt1 nC l11llt r1 have ~n iiollr ltl'd and wr1tt11n to our IU· 11111tn1" 1t State and f'edtraJ le· v<-11, to u1.. thl'lr lnfl\lfnce to .. ,.nv,. lh<-tlablntt lndut1tr)"'. Ap· flf'lll •f tr r •PPl'lll hu bet n made tn Comnllt lec! l\fltr O>mmlttre by If' n11r 11 flrr ttrnup -"118VP the fl•hlflit 111ttwitry" -Everyonl' ha.II l)rl'11 1pp.•11111r; to be HVed but lhf' tl1htrman hlmMlf. He hu r rp ... tfodly bftn 11ubjtC:lf'd lo Nt1 •n t h11 lll11rkt l prlrl' o( h!J pro- 11ur1, i nti hf' •h11.11 had no r•dre11, but tu I N'l'pt the J'r'!Cl' offered u bf-In« belier than notMnr al a ll C:on.wf'qurntly he hu l>Hn wor kina "t a 101111. whirh ~•n be l'rov"'d by N tlfUc1. fl~HT.llMAS w.. r1ah1nr pt<>ple h.ave nnaJly •IC'f'ldrd It wu h111Ch tlmt WE wl're bl'lnit .. ved. M d It I• a cer· l•lnty thal, tr the ,.....,_ 111 not sav.d. there wtll not be an 1ndu1tlry ln wpn y aboul aavlnit I 1m ••te •urnce ha11 not yet produ~I a 1111h lblll wlll wa.lk up to lhf' """nrry door 11nd •Y 'lrl .m• 1n. · · "S.ve Ult lndu11try"' -What Ill lhl' lnll111try any tndu1try ~ It 111 a n lnanlm1t. objf'Ct., compofltd ol many facet.. •II enpred 111 one purJK--~ refinement of • raw product. A prodUl'H -Wl\() ti & prt- prnd1lct r • -H,. •• th• man no bnn1t11 the raw r mttuc·t to Ult 1nct111l1 y, have eea1C11led him well; he hu had a ,ood education In the pro- inun ot "•lep u lde", and he 11 partly to blame tor hla preeent 1ltuaUon becaua,. 'he did not know how to r o about trying to rem edy It., a11(J no one t iff bOlhrred to take _.,P hi• ca~. Our1nr 10mt l:IO odd yun the tuna fl•blnit lndu.try ln CAllfor· nla hu expa nded to a trf'mend· o~ po.tllon In the economy of our Stat~. and we alway• had bee.II u.nder lh• lmpreulon. tlie l'COnomy of our Nation A.pp•~nt· ly we ha•• ~n laborln( under a delW1ton, bf-cauae now t.he rlAh· Inf people flnd no nnf 111 N>n· ccmed with their weUaf't'. nelthf'r lhe lndul\ty nor lh,.ir Go•rm· ment. IU8~G U\'El " They h1vt ne''"r h11d to flr;ht for the prlvtll'ge of r111klng tht lr llvu to provide food tor tne pop· 1alace. and no one Wa!I 1ta nd1nc In line for lhrlr jobtt. T h'ey h"d. llM! until recently, oprnted on a gentleman'• a greement and mu- l~ confide.nee and trust In l'al'h othrr. E<:onomlc preuurf' hu r<•· moved evt n lhat tn.u1t1 anrt now they are, face to fac-e with a dl11· uter too gTtat for thrm to ovfr· com• by l.hemirelvu . a nd they d1> not know wh1 t to do, or to whnm they 1hould go. bl'l'tUlf' lh'Y havf' •lway1 been lndlv1d u1l1 tndl· vldual btJ.~nna men evrn tho lhl!y a re nol tf'co11n1U'd ·~ 1nirh In any phaM of our fl'df't 111. 11\9\e or loca.J economic 11t n 1l'tul't', ,.11• ceyt for the tallu 1111d trlblltf'I they mu.i p11y to oprnite lhrlr buatnen. You ahould nevrr condt mn or com pla111 about anything unl .. AA you have .aom.. rf'mC'dV t o orttr tor llll bC'tlC'M'llenl I 'h1n no AJrr cure ellher. excf'pt an u11ahakablt l'Onvll'llon UJ•t whl'n thf' p1 odU<'f'r -the t1Nierni111 rK •1v ... lhf' 1111m.. ron.eld .. ratlon for the pur· chue of hi• product, and a S'Uar· antffd market at • price which JWrmlLe tdm to continue hi• pro· d1.>et1on a.nd au1'J>ll.. him w1th the eame eta.nd•rd ot llvln« u oUMr bualn-and WOt'ktr• In tbJa COUDUy -and I tllrnt I N THa COUNTRY arid no ot.her. onl7 th~ will 700 ha99 tull pro- d11dklll\, COllMl'HUon ta p,_..... 1.nc uu. ~ ~ W't\i~ J 'I llll"llY!"~"'1"l'!-r·"""" ·n v f'1f4 ,. .......; _________________________________ ........................... ~ .. i »·:·~:·~?ll BRUSH .COUNTRY ·~... t ' -~' . ... ·~ lft JOURNA'.L :~cu~ If:i:~ tM Pf ... -ftll eee--, ...,._ Parltw _. .... .- '•'. .... ~ MatettNll#Mta ...... .,........ ....... ~ ~·~" tHfe ...... Md! .... ,.,. .. --,..._, .,,~ ~ .. , • .,.. ,::~ , PART I J ·..,.·4.V~ Many of our trips into the back country are made on -;/'\'.·'• .. '\··~, the 1pur of the moment a.nd tOday wu no exceptiOD. I hi"~~~)~ decided .tha't I would like to via.it one of my early childhood -~ bomea on the Mojave deeert, which I had not aeen for f d nearly i5 yeara. Within an bour we ~ on ou.r way to ~~·.'•' wh11l I•· now known u Hodge, on hr bad wu obtained tn.m th• ;1_ U. 8. Hl1hway M. 12 mUee "thl1 Jobn80fta .. Mr. Johneon wu.a Chi· • 1lde ot Bantow." J • wan~ to c-.o m.Ulloealre. but hi• health look up a .tcboolmat. ot mine. brolte and the doctore only pv• Albert Rupert. who attended the hJm a f-monUu lo ll~ M,.._ old Palll&er Grammar School wit.II J~ waa from Oakland '° .,.._ me ln l.be early 1920'1. lnl' a Callfomla Kiri dttlded that Th• new hl1thway and lh~ rall• If ).fr, JohlUIOn WAI (Olnl' to dt. road had changf'CS everything he might u wtll die In llUMJ' from the way I u8ed lo ttmem~r Callfornla. It. We etopped al a aervlce •l•· Thry C'ame to 8an S.rnardtno Uon and· queried abo1,1t Rupert and renled the whole upper f\oo~ IMlt Ulay were new and referred of the Cal\tomia Hotel. Kt-. me to UM Johuton 8tott. The Johnaoft waa In bed and pl\la8 Jotia.l~ 8tore wu on Mn. P en· wol'M, and no one -• aUow9d to 117cook'• old horne8Uad. ' -him and ~•1 bad ruarda to ME'I. JohDllt.on and her daufbter lceep people out. Scotty ....-la were m0tt cordi&l and belptul Berdoo trytnc to c•t a rubetallle they didn't. know Rupert but rave but wun't hllvtnr aay luclL ----..... tappena to bt food, and a ~d whe we wW baft to Miid So•· me a ll•l of "oldtynes;w" I · mlftlt Pil8E8 TWO OtJAam tnduitry. •rnm•t olftclala Ulro~t th.• contact. Headln1 Ule llllt wu Bofne bow, Bcotty sot put tM woc1d and be other naUoaa to C. ·B. McCoy ot Bantow who two ,uerd1 and UI• ftnt Ud1IS lllPOATATION'8 buy our flab. tt Ju.t .,. ... _,,.. wrlta a lllU• column for the Xra. Johnaon kn"' h• ... by .,,_ Induetry u.e• u an ex.cuM for la't produced ln INCh UU Baretow paper wb•n t.b• mlJ.le bedAllde of Mr. Jobnloft npUq the nec:eNlty of tmportaUon1, th• quan ... bit. hlm. him with tall t.a.lee of the deeart facl that home producUon Ui not U be I.I not. and be i. faced 1 0,.,. TO BAJl8TOW · country. They ran him oul. but 1ufflclent to meet the demand. w1th t.be ultimatum of t>ecomtnc So away we wuit lo Bar1'f1i" Mr. Johnaon eo enjoyed le0tt7 1f that la the cue, ~not barn· a Mnlmapt in favor ot a totetp and we bit a town I didn't know. and hi• yam1 and lnMmucb .. per home prod!aclJon • encoura,.e compeUt4r, then Illa covenunent It c:alled It.elf Banlow and wh~n It did brighten him up 8cott7 It by evuy educatlo mMnA mut M P~ lo 1upport him 1 went over the viaduct that IOOn became a racutar Yi•tor. avalfable -by aclenlJflc ~ch ; and hi. tunUy; muat be prepared CroaMa the raJlrocad y1Nb I "With aome bMu, bacon. bt.- by provlditlr more modern equip-lo abeorb Illa boat.a and aqutp-1llmpaed JUlt ·a bit of what to cult. &11d napJack.a and a bll ment • by a ruannteed market m111t; muat wipe off th• boolta ma wu Baratow. d<>M ot duert air I'll have you or the product 1t an operallon· ol nnan.c. everywhere. all of hla "Mac" McCoy. l• a bale ind on your feel In no tlmt," Scoity aUy profit.able figure. obUpt.Jou.. anct f1"om that day hardy fronllenman of the old told Joh"*>n. ,.. Jtvery country In the world forward, mUlt be reconciled to Wut. Bom In 1174 In Uncoln The J obn10na flfUred they be4 which ha• hllilfllaherlee u one of UM loae ol a producer In a nation County, New Mexico during the nothlnr to loee eo tbe7 teld Scot· ii.. ruourc11 I.I work.inc turtoualy that ·u outcrowtnr ILi abWty t o Lincoln County War be remem· ty to get an outlll. money wa• lo expand It, and we! • we are "'t.a.ln Uie. neceuary percent.ace ben Biiiey the Kid.. and.,.. .. play· no object. Scotty . ecou~ Berdoo be1n1 pu.tled tnlo bankruptcy. of productnr popuJ.aUon. I cannot Ing lope near the '"j&JI'' when the and pat together t11 elaborat. The ruult. of our ~ yeara of believe that ~ covtn\me.nt of Kid ucaped after kUllnc hla two outfit, aparlng no expel\aff. K• work lpored; our market offer-lhia n.aUon le ao ahort-alfhted u ru•rd• -which L• ano\her rtory. drove ll to Bar.tow anct waited tc1 to and talten by torelp com-to do a thlnr Ukt that. He w .. wi th Dewey at ManUa for John.on to arrive on th• petltton. WHY! IM'POKT QUOTA and after 24 yul"I In the Navy train. In a few dayw "Joh~ ar· HOW TO EX.PLAIN! To •tart a prorram of eecurtty lncludinr the Bour R~bellion he rtved "Oat on hi• back" and wae _..How do you go about u111&1n· and at.ab\Uaation for the fleher-1t.artt'd "ra.llroad111'." l~ lnto LM wacon Bcotty be4 Inf to a t~n-a1er that he or ahe man, we ult tor a quot.a on Im· ~OQED OH RAILROAD purchued and th• two 8"1&n hit cannot have or do the thtnp port.a. The tllherman hu never 'thl1 w a• In lh e d•>'• ol into the detert. their frlenWI do t>ecaUM their advocated a cloeed market, be "11team" on the raUroad.t. Ourtnc 8TOP AT 8PIUN08 Dad I.I a fl.therman-becau.aa he hu In the put llhared and ht lb~ flr1t World War, McAdoo wu Tlwlr flrwt 1top wu Cave can·t r et any money for the wUl continue to do 90 ' but not put In charge o f tht ra.llroad11 Spr1nr-1 wbe,.. a Mr. anct Mn. work he hu don-bec&UM he to the point of lnlrinl'~ent and "for the dur&llori."' On" of the Roae lived and work~ a sood doe1n'l 1"1\0w any other ~d of u.i&ufe of Ill• home market. The flret. things he did wu to utab· P•YlnC tt0lct clalm. Tbth Oley work that wilt provldr a llvtnc 1 ba.tic theory le elmple. and could Uah pump 1t.allon11 tn fumlllh wa· •t.aY•d for about Ulre. month• He e1n't even borrow money on be developed lnlo a rttllly. Aa· ter tor the train• cro.atng lhe rating '"bacon, bean•. bUlculUI and the 1tl"t!nrlh of collateral he can •Ul't the tlaherman-lha p~uc· d-rt. To do UllnJ• up In rood fl&pjuk1" and talin1 blf llMlt• tumlah. and our own &'Ovemment er-ftna.nclal MCurltJ In an act.. eh.ape he lrurt&Utd di-I ~nctne• ot· deaert air Uld b.ut.h. P'Ntty hc•d• t h11 llat wttb reru.al t.o Cf¥&l• ma.rtr.C for hi.• product. z.. lo them for power. Ttlere wa.t eoon Mr, Jobuon eould walk. v-t • kl&n lo Ullll am.u ~-t.aM.lb a ~tee Pf'04"U"· Qi only 01\.t ny la U\e •oln~t aad Ulen bJ• a.ppetlte rdu.naed ..... -·-tio U4I l\&m cww a diae-... .,. _ propw at ,._ WW. t.o tMt - --. "-ho.r tiO *""' ~ a ~. parate pctt10d.. and ln cold, blunt oall It Uael, for the purdlue ot "" and t-.d the c!Um thlllce.. 80 M\M ~ roQ&tl ~ ....._ worci. t•ll• b!m "an uaty•ll of b1a prod\aet. \&ftderwrit. a at.able when the e.x·Navy ma.n "Mac" tlM ..,.U.M J~ t6N 800ttJ your a ppUcallon lndleatff that market price. 0.pocdt.ora In banlta Mc<;:oy hov• Into alfbl w1t.b Na· lbat u lofts M Uliq Md a dollar, the buatnNa wouJd not be o~ra-a.re lnAlrad. ·~ io.. by eov· Ya.I lra.Jnlnc In guollne tnf{nH he1t of It wu Id• ... llotll ,.,,_ llonally pront.abll to permit tbe ernmeot tuuran~ _ lh• farmer be wu creeled with opcm arm• U• Und up to u.. dH1. acouy repaY1Dtnl of ~ loan" and we i. protected In aoma meuure, al· and Jlvr n a Job. Prior to lhb llp«llt and UM J~ tvraa.IMd mU1l h ~ am> u..-fetU., ~ __.,. -~ ... boWeWJr he ha'L_ ~ klcklt\ UM mOM ~Jl . one hand wt are t.old we a.re bad but .un a r-•tC&rt by oar. IOV· arouni! Ole .1e country of ~-., ._,_ WM a rlakl becaulll! our bUalneu Lt not emme.nt t.o 1Vpply eome MC'Uf'lty lfomla and Nevada before cnLrr· •howin•n and lell4t:r ot ta.II t&IM. malclnf mOl'.ley. and on the other qaJJlat belnc fore.ct to .iop pro-lng lht Navy and abo a!te,.,..•atd.a, It anyOM doubled the nradty ot hand w• are told "you are not ctuc:tias. the pork raiaer, the cat· OEATlf VA.LLr:V HC'OTT\' ~I• •lortu bi. ~ anaw"ft" ...._ bu.rt" • a.nd wa are obUred t4 ttemaa. UM dilJl")'IDAD UI• at..i Th.I.a I• the •toT:y h~ tol<I me ·wen. you doe l II&" w bellne uplift our foreign compeUtor ellla. u.. aut.omotllle 'a.net maau· ot Duth Vatley Scolt.y and bl.I 'em " from tha U\r .. t of communlml. taeturtq lndwllrtu. th• al l•-tamoua mtn~. H r hed kllown ThMI la I.be lllor1 of ..Uy ... Wt ..,. doln1 ncryUllng ln I.be Ind. 119lry. ana le.Ill bUt b t~ ~ Scolly for many yu n 1nd WAI I hi• s old, told by "Mee'". .,,. world Jo breed a ~mu.r brand lea.It. !Wnoet .._, o~r naU a pall·bearer a t hi• funeral knew &lolly and th• ,._, of communlJ11n rl(ht. her• "l on the face of u.. earth Lt :. "Scotty, never had any mine Death Va.lley Scotty uict llal u · home by ~rmlttlns tnaq:uattty onomk:aUy underwTltlert by worth a hool. a nd what money llCI alway1 malle a rood Jarft. "nd dl1erlmlnaUon In faYOr of l'Q'fW1lDl•t "4Plnllt economic compkt.e fo"IP domtna uon uct utw. hoive ellmlnaUon. PILUO: PIU>DUCEB WOllU>N'T DUI: 'nle t\llherm•n -a producrr- By no at.retch of .UM _.m&C1na· ulu for the 11&me eon11ldfratl0n, Lion would our rovemment or and Of\ that tht me all re.olullon11 aey lndualry du• to aay to the In the ~Vida ()f thf' Oran1e wlll farmtr-lh• dairyman-the catUe-bf' cha.nnelt'd toward one obJe< .. man-Ule poultryman, or any otb· Un -M<"Urily for Ult rtaherm•n er producer of tood-"we don't -thf' lndWlry wlll find 11.t own parllcularly nMd you -we are lru• le\'el and ll v.111 In tum be not aoncemed wllh your pereonal aa.ed. lpore t>i. f laherman-th• slluauon-and we ra.n set wl\al food producer -and you h•~ •• want and nffd out.Id• lhl1 tpt.llad dlauter far Ulr lncfuatry naUon. and we c:aJ\ l'•t It cb•p-aa ••II u Ulouanct. of It. c:te- tr or at ltut at Ule aame pnc,.. pendent.a. Wit pay you" That would br1n1t Attarlled Mfflo •n coplH of wttoleeale ~onomlc Nlcidt lo our the ~llOlutlona Which Wtrl' unan.I· enUr• nauon. Wh7 then ahollld mo9ly p.-d at lhlA -Ion of th• nllherma.n. anolheT food WP· lho 0 T a n g e Convm Uon. and pller. be plM'M In • c&UJOf')' all which repre11cint the bulc &jl;C'nda. by him.elf and \11 • sltuaUon A c-ontlnuQ\.11 ruolutlon """ •ri· where he cannot e-wn obtaJn a 11ua lly bttn r ut brfor,. th,. mem· h~artnc for hi• cau• ! be111hlp tor th,. put lhl'ff year1 Tiie ll•hermarr •antAI a clHr deiln.lton ot hi• """"tlon In Ule Advocating artlon towa rd a quota. r-• a nd that 111 •n ln teitral part of economic 1tructure of lhl• State the entire pro~r&m.' tt you •r~ at and of thl1 Nellon. and he wanl8 all remllar With t he hl1t ory of lhat definition wit.bout l'f'.Mf'Vll· ll'" Cr!lnge u in org•nlP UOn, lion. lf11. or bulll. He either I& you know or llJt 11nllrlnr pAtlence or tie I• not, an lmporta.nt. teg· a.nd ten1c1ty of purpoff. Once 1 menl In lhl' maintenance of Jlte Job 111 1indertAken If II 11 fun· In t.hl1 country. llamcntally 'T'lghl -and It 11 for NAT1-.AL SUPPLY the u11ietanee of a ny H(lTlt nt ot If h~ u , then he hu the right It.a mtmb4lr1 In dl11lre•. there l1 to uk for 110m• mea11.U~ of 11e-no let-up untU a 1atllfaclory con· c:urlty. he h111 the r1f hl to uk elu1lon I• reached. Tht irute.tl for a guarantttd market. with a a-l our orr•nlu llon h .. la Ila df'flnllely ll\Jlured n oor under ll traternal bond and prr11onal obU· to permtl him to cope w1lh the I gatlon or .. ach membtr lo -..Jal PCon1>m1c llvln~ 11t111l101111 whh-b 11n'lt.htr who 11 In lroubl~. and govern our country todey. Hf' with 1lmoat • mllhon membera Wiii never 11upply too much or 1 •. cro!IJI thf' Unllf'd St•leA. "".t1 Ole hla product, nalu re and the elc-recom,.ndatton ot thll Callfern· mt nt• lake care of th.al 1ti a ltv· la Committee on F11hln1:. and lhf' PlinJ ·Oft p~H& n .. r,. Will nev-CaJlforrua State Onuice M.Ulflr, rr ~ w•nrnou11e1 1t.ackM to the 1 Mr. Geor~ Sehlml'yf'r, "'.. flllh- roof wllh ca.nn~d albaco~. be!· erman h1111 11bt111n,.•I a powerful ,·1u11e indWll rf will llM UN ICI· •lly, anll In bi'hlllf of all the t lltt and ~"'arch al ll.t com· I mem~r" of my <.'omn11ll,..., I m•n<l arid Wiil crHle new and am happy to bf' e ble to extend n pand ll• pru tnt market.a. and I a hand of rntn1l~h1p •nil U11lat· lndu1try wlll In turn be proeper· anu t~ the' Am,.rlc•n F"l11hennan nu11. Then! wlU 11ever be a llmr -The F•rmer of the Sea Gra~ Roots Opinion .. 'The work of both Hoover Commiuiona hu been of untold value in pointing the way toward a more effidmt r ovemmental atructure •.• " New York nmea. KNEW Tff DI A°tL -Billy the Kid, Dewey at Manila and Death Valley Scotty are Just a few o1 the ucltinc eventa during the past 75 year11 which are filed in the s harp memory of C B. McCoy, pioneer Barstow re111dent. -Honlce Parker ~hoto MOUND. MINN .. MINNETONKA PILOT· "An a~ t1lude change must be alf~ct«l among our teena.gena l.t we are to mer.ease tl)e 1upply of scientific minds. They must be madre to 11.ee the necesAily or doing more tha.n meeting just the minlmum requirllnenta both In blcb school and coHege. Thia .is a )Ob which falla equattlJ. ,. the teacher, the countelor. and the parent ...• By aUQw· ing, and 11<>mt'time. inadvertanUy encouraging, YOUDC'" aters to. taJce the coune of )eut rMl.i&nce, we not onJ1 defeat our purpollff but could poeelbly chaab our ... ~lety." • : . '· I .J I r I • I } .,._ • ·Fir.st Service for .Costa Mesa E1liscopaliatj.s C"i"Plut.a th1a ,...,.. thldw the dl· .-Uoa of lM OommluJon oo MeDibWab•p and ll:Van .. 11.nn the ~ W\ll alao ..-peatu tel· lowlblp a--.c ita mea\Mn and a ·~ .Uort to r•ch oat aed wta ,..... for Cbrtat and 11111 Cbmdl. "8pedftc plana tor tbeM .oll~tJ-_an "9ln1 pnpand. .. etat.ee the putor, the lt.n. Ito)' A. c;:ar1aon. On Halloween at B. I. Church At Glendale CHUICH OF 18.HMOUS SCllNCI Family Com·munlon Rite =.:~.:~=~: .. ~°:.: 1:rwt ao:um:mr.a™ ~:C!.9:'., ...... a recent weekend In Glen· .Jalor Clnarda ... .N~ 11...., Sunday at Boys Club =·~"' .. :.'.!!raxr~ uoUN•DAca~~ a.au.,,...., .... The Rev. Ro~rt A. Grieaeer, 21' Carnation Ave., will 11M~oe.~========~==~~:;;:=:=:=:=:=:=:==;;:=:;;:==:;=:;;;;~ conduct the fil'llt 11ervlce, a Family Holy Communloia, for ;. the a~wly,....orpnbed Coeta Meaa Epiacopal :ao..ton on Sun- day. It will be held at 9~30 a.~ in the Harbor Ar. Bo)'I Club, ~9'i Center St., Coata Meu... vROUND BREAKING for the praent edifice of Newport Harbor Lutheran Church took place in 1H9, but the church .orgaru..ed in lSMts. Thia coming Sun- day marka the 10th anniversary of the cburcll and will be a day of ot.ervance in• which charter members participate. Here the Rev. Herbert Roth·, ol'plliaina> pu- tor, turna tint apa.defull. -Stalf Photo Kr. on_,., a retired llpleco-dlnner Oct. H at 8t. Jam. PuUb pal cl•rl')'Dl&n. wtU be a.ulated b'y Hall wtth o,,.. 100' ;r-t ¥d Clarence A. KcCoy, llcenaed lay alped ~79U' ~ u ot r.der, wtio hu recenUy moved to .Jan. 1. J.NI, In Wpport et tbe ic.. Ulla .,.., from Albambra. Robert alOL Oftr S2IOO WU l\IAl'Uteed Petty Will be aupertntac11ftt of by II p&edc• Uld U wu taneea the SundaT achOOl and Kn. Y'· H. that wtUa eome Tl man Jlledl9I SeeleJ' la qrpn1atn&' UI Altar llW. ualatanoe ~ be Med94 Guild, mamben of wtlh:h ...W pre-from the~ and a~ tame p&Jllll t_Jie temporar)' &Ital'_., Bun· Tica.r Jnllht be 88CUrad •by DGt HARBOR LUTHERANS TO NOTE lOTH . ANNIVERSARY day. · aummer. 4T B D&Alf IWDmCT FaclllU. of the Boya CIUb a.re 'J'be Rn. 1fmiq Ba....a._ &..uable for UM of tlle mlaaton netor et cJmrab ot t.lle Vemf•) unw fir« buildiJla la eomplat.ed S&nta Ana Uld MW deaa 0( the on the Ki.Ion propert)' on 01'&111'• i.aa. 8-ch OCIDYOC&taoa. Wlilo Sa Ave. betwee 20t.b and 2i.t Sta. tn cbarp ot lftiN6Gu tor tbe ~ It ~ hoped tha atructure wUl be c..., ~ rn--it. J Twenty abt charter membel"9, moet of whom watched u !Int apadeful of earth wu turned for Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. will be among thoee honored at the 10th anniverury of the organizing of the church th'8 coming Sunday. There will be duplicate 1ervicea of worship at .-.cord 20. out of 231 enrolled p,.. eent Oct. U . Jl'tnanc1ally Ula church hu advanced trom a total Income of $8600 ln 11162 to an expected otterlnc ot ovar '33.000 ln 1968. l"Mdy ln Uma for l:a.atar lunday J ohn W. Donnelly, chairman of aervtcea 1IJ .April. t.ha BLlhop'• commlttae, la warden. l:placopallana from th• Coat& Other memben of the committee Iii.a and Santa Ana Hel.&'h&a ara Theodora Johnaon, clerk and areu atteded a plqa pot Jude Lance Yarwood, tree.a\lnr. 9 and 11 :15 a.m. Or. Walter Hellman wtll preach a t both Mrvlcea on the theme ''Thia h Awe.ome" with a 10th a.nnlvel"l&l")' baptilm belnc con· ducted at the tint tfrvlce and new membere r.oelved at t.M aecond. Climax of lhe ob.tervance . wtll be an annlveraary dJnner at 5 :30 p.m. at Ola Friday Afternoon Club which over 200 ~raona are ex· peeled lo attend. The ahowinc of colored elide. deplcUq Ula hie· tory of the church wlll be lh• fea- tuN part of the procram. Sped&! sueau wm Include: CRAB1;J!A KEXBEAH Dr. and Mre. Hallman. Put.or and Mni. George Buadlecker. Mr. ·and Mra. Ollo Fl.uh er and charter membc!re. Mr. and Mra. Dori&ld Wedeking. Mr. alld Ml"9. Em..t &hull&. Mr.. Ralph Myrehn, Mr. and Mra. KeMeth Quarry. Mr. and Mr9. •Edward WWcutt, Mr. and MrL Richard Hubbell, Mr. and Mra. Harold f'accou, Mra. Theo- dore Haber. Mr. 11nd Mra. Edward Grochow, Mr. and Mr1. Richard Haber, Mr. and Mr1. M. K. Laurie, Mn. Kennelh Qual'T)'. Mn. Chart., Milner, Mrs Bernard Cook, Mr.. Mary wuuam1 and Richard Roth. Tlckete tor Ula dinner may be ob- l&lned at ll\e churdl otnc-e. numbered SO 'confirmed memben by the entl of 19'5. F.IK8T VNlT ~ After al.lo rneetlQC In tha !:bell Club of Newport Buch tor a um.; tha coqrepUon built a panon· ., .. c~~l tor U 0.000 ln lHe on the preaent Cliff Drive property which they purchued for $8000. Be9et by severe financial ~lclfl­ Uea. the church grew alowly to a peak o1 120 confirmed mambull at the clo.e of 19~1. In 11M9 an attractive parl.lh hall-chapel wu NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -'ART 11 • PAGE 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 19~5 completed for $20,000 and LI atill -------------------------- In uae u the wprahip buJldinr OGRESSIVE SUPPER FOR with the former paraoru1re-c.hapel PR converted to Sunday School rooma. Putor Roth retigned In M-r B I METHODis~ C'UNP\AY of 1952 to a ccept a call to Pitta· • • J.~ LJ burc . Durtnc the lntartm of hav-, Ing no pairtor memberahlp dropped to 80 and allenrtal'\ce to a low of '5 per Sunday. Further Jou wu avoided by lh• aupply work of Otto rt.cher, 8anta Ana Juvenile Hall wor~~r and former Lutheran m1nl1ter. GRON'LO'D OOJUS Second' and p,._..l putor of the Newport Hqhta con,.recaUon, Robert B. Gronlund. came u a Wartburs SemJ.nary rnwtuat• to Ule coq'1'.,.UOll ln June of ,DU. ~ u.at u..,. atGlln ll!'operv and bulldtl'lr lmpro~ Ila,,.. An all-cliurch pro1Tff8lva auppar for the Balboa lal&nct Community Methodl.sl Church la planned tor Sunday avantnr. Nov. e, by the Ruth Circle of th• Woman'• !oelety ot Chrl .. Uan Service. The tint counM of th.a mM1, the appetlaer, will be 1erved at the home of Mr. and Mn. H arold J--, J33 Manne .Ave. the Hlad w1U be Mn~ by Mr. and Kn. 0. DoullAM Ferry, 310 Cry1l&l Ave. Prepar1Jl6 the main co.urae ...W be Mr. and Mr .. Wayne Hunter, 318 Grand C&naL De-rt and colfH will be aarvad at the church with .Mr. and Mra. Byron I.. Nealy ln chwp. .At the church the ~Ura party will enjoy ITOUP ailnl1n&' with l>tto Hoer -~ aa ptanlat. The aupper la opu t.o ~ public. ,,ckat uatonnatiCMa may be aecurect n-drde .._..... fW U.. Cllmnll ottloe. bttn made and a aucceelful drive --------------------------for 185,000 for a new educational unit, to be Rl'UD In Ula aprln1. BEVERLY HIL~ TRIO waa conducted. , Georca O,Roulhac la chalrman of tha bulldinc committM which lnclud.. Carl HalJ, John Ktq, Wllllam Flaller and' Mn. ..,.._. Walla. OPf STA.IT The mtuton atatt wW alao In· elude Mn. Sealey, d1rectreM at tha .Altar OuUd; Kn. F . B. Raa- lett, planltt: Jin. laabell 81rnpeon. obolrml.alr .. ; Kn. ,Robert Klllar, pubUo rW&Uo!YI; Kn. W.U., ~~ man ot St. Marprat•a Guild. Lance Yarwood he&da tJs.e Enf7 Wember C&nvua committee. Plana are bell\&' made tor a TOUJ\I' Paopla'a Fenow.hlp and to .elect a name tor the mi.Ion. First Baptist Communion Rite Commun.Ion will be obeaned Sunday al the J'tnt Bapt.lat Church, 19th St. aiad Balboa BlYd. The Rev. Herbert 0 . J obnaon ...W brine the m..-p "'Will Your J'alth St.and t.lle 'r.at T". Cburch 8chool ,will be at 9:46 4-m. There are oia-. tor all ., ... 'November will be Cllurch Lo)'• ally month of the Y.B.A. pro- inm In wtaJch all mernbeTa and tr1enda .,.. Ursed te. lltrtft tor perleet atteadanoe. Flnt ~tor ot Kawpon Barbcw Lutheran Churrh waa the Rev. Hubert Roth who <'&me to the area an October 194.6 aa a Capitol !Seminary 1Taduata. ~rvtcm w~• be(Un Oct. 28 In what LI now the • Parku-.Rldlf'y Mortuary Under Pastor Roth'& leaderehl_e the church -nrt"'"IZ~ fonnally on Nov. 4 and Confirmed nwrnbel'llllJp 11 now 230 w1th bapUzed membenhlp u · c~nr ~penona. o hundf'i!a and nine a<tµlt.a have joined t.M Panel_on _ Pniyer Tha 7 p. m. wol'llbJp !lour ...W o~n with a period of roapeJ •lnctnr. 'Jbe put.or wU1 apaak on the aubject ''N-Lampe For Slated -:-0 • 1 d.--=" ==="""-- • church 1lnce Mr. Gronlund'• flrat !'M"e pUon of nnr membera two yeare &KO on Sunday. Church at· tendan<"e now nece1altatea two aervires with the 245 per' Sunday October average exct'edlnc lhe confirmed member!lhlfl. Sunday School atttndance la alloo al a new high wllh the at- lenl1ance record broken rour S11n- d11y1 In a row In October and a PAGEANT NOW by St. James Auxiliary Fund Raising Campaign.at Christ Church Mra. J. Herbert Smith. w1!t ot lhe rector ot All 8Atnta JC'placo- pal Church. Beverly Hiiie, w111 be 1peaker and w111 brine two panel a.uoclales when ahe come.a to St. Jamee Woman'1 AwdUary on W-e4nuday, Nov 9 al 12:30 p. m. In the Pariah Hall. Mra. SmJth and her 0...i..tanta. Mrs. N~on Copp and Mra. Har· old A.llderaon will have u 11Ub- Ject for dJ11<:uulon. ''Praytnf "1th powet -.,d how to apply ll to Member1 and fr1end.a of CMtat dally llviJir". Church By the Bea la Newport Active In auxlllary· SfOUpe In Buch ara unllJnc effort. t.o com· her awn panah, ){ra. Smith hu pleta a apeclal prorram of tund· -i>okan tn many church• In the ra.J•lnr thl• week. The ottlclal dloc-. La.at irprlnl' ah• w a 1 board hu authoriMd th1a cam· U • a}" t &"UMt apeaker at the annual Wo-p•l&'ll to aubacribe tlle ba.Jance of I IN REHEARSAL n1vers IS man'• .Auxiua:ry IAa44r• 0onter--1ndebtednea yet t.o 11e JILlcS t1>r ace be.Id at Coronado. Uie new educaUonat blalldlnc that Sermon From Manben of St. Joan'• Guild of WU complelecl three 79&l'• qo. Alrydy ln rehea.rNI 11 the Newport Hel1bta wtll ~ luncheon $18.000 nmalna to be paid on Ula cut of "Living Plcwrea", • Fa1"th' of Brama h~. ~Uou. ahould be orirtnal bulldln1 -i ot m.ooo. Chrutmaa pe~ant to be cJv· made wtlh Mn. Donald rerruon. TM debt·reducUoa procnm wt11 en at Clmal Church by tha u 8-1972. utmd over a ~year period. Sea on the ~Jnc of Dec. ..Urht I' r o m t ll e .Ancient lnformaUon about thLe pro- 18. Fifty 11.ctor1 w111 take l:aat." a pracUcal m-r• from &'f&m wu ..-t.ed at an A.l.l- part. under dlrectJon ot Hol· Hlndu1ml. wtll be tbem• of th• At r-'losta Mesa Church Loyalty Dlllnu held ,.. ly L&th \'l.ae,I and all chain aermoa a t the UaJvanaliat Com· V centq a t t.lle Newport Be&ch El· RE\', ll. B. ORONU'ND I nt the church will p11rUcl-mUDJly Fellow.hip on Nov. I. amentaly B<:hooL Oftr aoo per- r"te. A Sunday ac11001 tor all -.• First Baptist aona were pre.et. 1i1orpn Low· Young Singers In New Choir Mr• A J. Rutter. Mra. rroupa convenea at 10:30 and In· ery. church truatee, told of aome Roy C a r I 1 o n and .Mrs. cludea an adult diacuaa1on cl&A At the nm Bapu.t Cburcb of ot the •rllar h.i.tory and achln.- Charlt'a Lanier are aldlnJt under the leaderahlp of Or. FrlWlk Colla Meaa for the 11 L m. wor-menta of the cburcb Wllell It wu the director and Mra. Omer Jt(cltllyre ot Coeta Me.._ M. H. ab.Ip eervtce the Rn. P . O. Neu-the Clllly Proteeta.nt church ~ Jacobi! ls ac<'ompanlst. Thompaon wUI play an offertory mann "111 "'ava u )la .ermon lnr Newport Buch. Maurice Women or the varioua w .. at the 1 l a. m. church eernce. " Sopp aplatned UI• apadtlo Deadl Ma.k.ln1t pr !'parattons tor thtlr 8 C.S. Clrclea are maldnr The Rev. Frederick Rine• will toptc, MOur Supreme Confidence" to be met tn lhla CAlllpal&'ll; aad flr•l •PP"Ar14n"t •~ • a. Sun!lay costume. for thle Chrllllmaa conUnue hi• ..nu of chlldren'a The Chancel Chol!' wtU gift a th• cener&I chairman.. Baroid Ar- momln1 ll<'rvlr!' of the Balbna 1'· pr!'11entaUon. Mrrnona on the llfa ot Juua. sp.clal anthem. Sunday 8choo1 thur, praeanted Ule propoeed ln.Dd Com m u n I t Y Ml'lbodl•t ln the evantnr be~innlnr a t cooTtn-. wtth clueee for all method by wh.lcll each tamUy ancl Church thl• monUt are the 29 aeven o'clock there will be cele· •.&'.•· a t -':45 L m. lndlTldual member mlrbt ba.,. a rnemtHre of lbe .. tlewly rormed Fallen Man brated• another Famlly N 1, h t. .A.t t :IO P· m. the Baptist lhare In Ulla undertakln&'. chlldrtn'11 choir. Special fealurea of tha t"V•ntnc'• Tratnin. Union for rroup. of ..,.. Thia prorram la one ot three The ~roup. open to fourth, fifth prorram wlU be a talk on "Colon· loua as• will maet. Alao at tll• Important obJecU.-. In the locaJ •nd •htlh gradf'ra enrollt'd ltl t he -Is Theme at lal Colna .. J'IVen by John c. St.op-aama bour the putor bolda an church'• "Jllarch of J'a!UI" Cl• Church School, I• undt'r the di· ~hi(.e.rth and a m\Wcal stunt by tnatruc:Uon cl... for lhoae wtab· rectlon of ~•Ile Van Dyke. Mr•. Sc1"ence Church Roser Axworthy, both of' Santa lnr tnatrucUol In th• ~ Robert M()()(ly 11 lhe planlal. Ml68 Ana. lite. Jean Smith and Miii! Marve11ee Communlt.y mlnf'inl' and ll"OUP n. ordlnanc. of the Lord'• Moody' 1ul1l ln orranlu tlonal de· The fact that God created man carnu "Win be conducted by ~II· Suppar wtll be obaervect at Ula taJl11. In HI• own Image and llkenta llam WUey 4nd llcbt retraab· 7:30 p. m. •rvlce wben Mr. Nau· Choir ma m be r 1 are Nancy aa recorded In t he flret <'hapttt menta will be aerved ••• all thU mann WU1 have u hi.a comm\ul· Buck, Chr11 An•lt'r1on. Homf'r Al· of Genni• 111 the IHdlng point f eaa.nder, Dion Kenn~."· Chrl11 Mc· In the vNOn·S.rmOft on "Adam In Ume t.o rat Ula JOUD~ Ion m-.... • ''The lAill'JAC'a, 0 ,. home by n.lne o'cloc:Jl, tl'9 Blood".· Tba band ot fallow· Lachlln, Jimmy B•mtlt. Sharon and Fallen Man• In all Chriattan -------------· ahlp wUl ~ ai.ded to MW Smith, Dan"y Oanc-eio. Barbara Science chu.rchm Sunday. mamben. Ben., , Patty Merkel. Bar~• Thia citation from Oenetlla Sermon Theme w~ at T;IO P· m. Pr&LM Selim t . Loma Buck. J anet ,.f,t· (1 :27) alflrrna. "So God created &Dd Bible Study wUt be )Mld end call, Mel Park. Ind Marsha Wood· .mu In hla own lmap. In u. al 1:15 p. m. uiu a wlll oe ~· cock . Lmage of Cod Cl"Ml~ he hfm: On Prayer .. m .. Un,. of the yanoua .. AllO Nancy S.bra. Chrle Oro-male and f'emale created•he them:• . putment.a and pupa. rud, Larry 8r0f'r1ng, Bruce Wood. Followtnc lhla irplntual acccunt "'Bow Nau t. OodT" ~ be Chlpe Guenther, J 111 Ba.melt. of the CTeaUcm of man. Ula ra-the aermoa t.lleme al Cbrlat Unda Hoyt, Patti Maypole, Mary cord ai.o aet.a forth anothel' view. Cburch 87 u.. ·-oa 8\mdq. From San Gabriel Coan~. Chrl.allne C'arl. Pam My-Of tllMe Y1ewa Kary Balter Eddy Ttte ""· RoJ Oulaoca, mlnlater Kt. and Mra. CbarlM w. Mar- .,.., Karen McConv1.Ua, Kr1iUe aaya Jn ''8clcnce and Bea.JU. wtth ot Ul• cJNrocb, NU. that :U..a lJJl Jr. ol laA Gabt1el were hou.a Mc0onv111a., and Dour Carl. Key to the Scripturea:" •-ni. wtD be tll• tint ot' .......i _. ru .. ta of th• i. w. 8cb0fte.ka. n:Jl8T CB UJICR ot· C11Rl8T 80D:NTl8T BAHA'I FAITH =·==~ 0 W-.,tanr la Ute .,..._ et God I Take U.OU Ul)' port.km et the oo.a et Illa snc-, a.ad .S.. prtve not t.IQ"8lllU ot the ump that a. -bkSdell •u.. del6a. a. lhoa ot t.bem t.bat .... pv- takmt et lta u.am.. -Worda o( IWl&'u.'Uala. " 0 f ~. lltt p.& lM aullntu ........ o.ta --. o.nt. n.au· ..... -u..au ..... ..,.., A .,_:: :·~--M~~:.-""' a....dl ., ClwM, k........ .. .. .,_ ~ tint recOr4 a.al&'ll• an ml&"bl and mona la No....."9r t.bat wtll fol-52l au BamardiDo An. d.ut1.f\&' government to God. and •ndOW8 low Ula renaral UI...... 'Tba the paal weak. Tbe Ru.di man out ot Ood'a perfecUoe and Keye of Ufe." ....,.. Mrmon for Job.utoN of L& Jolla Jolnad· the poww. Tb• aecoad noont cbronl· Ulla ltUnday, 1'e atat., wt11 deal &'J'OUP for dlnner on Fr14a,. c1 .. man aa mutable and mortal, wtUl Ute paae. and~ of ;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;i~;;;;i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;;;;;;;:;:;:~ --.. ba~ broken u ny from pra,.r. . ....., ldMI "'' .... ......., s.r.tc. -----llM •·-. w....., .......... ,.. -••• "" ... ,,.. ·-lece'-4 .I 1111 "'• u.. .... -'.,... ... _ .... ,..,.._ Deit.y and u rnolvlftl In an or-DupJIKt. ..nt~ of W'Ol'lllllp bit of b1a own .. (p. 622). an IMJ4 at t :IO and ll a. lft, BALTZ MORTUARIES ... •·•· .. ~ ....... w~ .._ ........... ,,. ........ ,.,.., -1 .... -Cl..... Het 4e+.. ,.. ......... _.,,, ............. -.. c:6oood -"'"4<.. M4 -.... , .. 41 .. - na., Golden T • • t .. trom Cb\U'Cla KMc>l ca... m.9t dUr- Epbellana (11:8), "'Ye we,.. aom ... Inc ta. t :IO hour. hn&or JllP Umea darlme•. but· Dow are ye Youth ban a bc1&)' ~ Urht In the Lord: Wlll.k aa cb.Jl4. /ellowetp .._ .-ha:lnDlns rm ot Uillt." a& • •• ...._ I 009'l'A am.A CJIARL ITU ...... A.Yeue ea.ta M-. C&Jlt. ..._. U1M11J WW Cll.U'IZ. BT Tim DA MJO m. 0aut ...._ Corona del Mar, oam. ftoae Banor u I.> ~ "' .... u • cJ,.. "' 0 -. u u " ~ IJ ... 1111• Joas fellow I• ha•lnc fu b.Uld· Inc a aliyacraper tower. Moat ~ minute now he11 rHd1 lu peak. blocb will come t.abll• down wltll • dellchtflal clatter, •nd lle11 IHlhl111l1 plclr tfl-QJ> and ~·all ...... •••in. Tbat'a the ftaa of tlelnc a child. 811t wha11 yoia'r• crown.up and thlnp com. cl1tteri111 down. If• not ao funn1. Sometime• tha1're ~lcal alld piat .. rl•l-fence or a trelll1 that l1n't quite rl1ht, or the pelat 1ou bruabed oe ao care • fully p.el1 and ftake1. So 1ou 10 to an eapert-c1rpenter or a painter-for advice. · Then •1•ln pa!hapa IOlllatlllnc roH ••r)' with 1o•r Inner life. Parhapa 1ou h1l 1011've made an ••ful m1H of tblrwL Thie 1raaed1 'too CH ba 8"artad If ro11 Hill ur:rt .,al4anc1. By rolni to Ctnirch-rerul1r 1 yo. •Ill find tha lmow.tiow to build •lthin 1ounelf a life Hcure and un1h11le1ble. Million1 of m111 throa1h· 09t tbe Al" Ila•• fovnd tha Chucll1 • touca of etre._m aad atablll171 wai, . ..... , •. ,,.., nm caoac:a rm m. • ... · ALL roa Tm • N'L9al ?lie ~ ............ .................... ---... .-sta :.: ...._ho_.,.....,~ W1111ovt e 1 ...... ~ ..... . ._, -...... -_.,._ n.... .. .,. .... -•hr e:;, C:: ...... ....... ~ ... F*f the a-.. 11ley -ft. '• ............. m ,. ... ch1W...·1 .. e. ftl ,., .. ... .. 1ue ::c-"' ......... . , ....... a..... ..... wllldl _. ............ ... ,., .. 1 ................ .. cti-i........,_,.,...,_ llble ... ,,_ D.ir ............ ~,. j" a·· .. ~-..... : .... 1hli-Church Featur9 Spa~ ~~­ These Local a..lneu Flt 11& . UNl'i)UI CAFE Br•kfut. -Lunch -Dlnnu Ylac...t'•leullh'llt ...... flO W.. SL, (Aeroee from Cltf HalJ) Ernie Chmrdt-THE ARCHES Union OU Dealer MOO W. eo..t Hwy. Newport Beach u 8-9063 IOO--. Ave. CUSTOM AUDIO Publlo Addreaa -Hl·Fi -Tape ~rder• US 19&11 8&. • Newport llMiC'Ja Barbor 1508 GIOIGI M. GIAHAM Rua"• and Carpata 1%2 A.pt.e Ave. Balboa blu4 Harbor 1266 · ART C. KISTLD CO., Realtors 8-1 Front Spec:1al.lata %901 .New-pert Blv4. Newport 8Mcb llatbor 6nt Marlo's SnNllt Set Hair FashloM Complete StyUnc Permanent Wavlnc and T\.nU~ 840'7 Eut Cout 8W"f. JlarboT 51()4 NIWPOIT FUINITUIE CO. 1620 W. ()out Rwy. Libert, 8-UIS Freel or..-c .. .,.. Senlce Tll"9 -Batlart., -Acc_,rt .. Compltt4 Lutmcauon noo w. a.lbc>a and., Newport ·Buda · Harbor 15U MAC PILLITlll'S M..-port a.cib Pllarmac7 -1101 0-. l'N9t .N"'POrt ~ ........ ' Three loeaUom t.o a.n. Y• NewportBeub ..... Corma del Illar Tom111y Wholl l1as1r Siio• HOWARD'S IDTAUIANT -eotf .. lbop-Opea M Moun ~ w. (',out 117. <• ..... 0.W-), ........... Lan WooclWGltla Pl•1 Co. . Cocnpleta Un• of N-.. UNd ,._ ie\o r;. Cout ·Bwr. ....,.._ 1112 EUTE IEAUTY -SHOP. ..... Under u.a N-Man.,-erunent or Mr. Pat SO& Mut.e Ave. Barbor tm H. H. HOLllOOI Depelldable Pllllllll&q !80! _W. Mlboa BIYd. ~ t8M DK;I MACID Oraperlee -Carpeta -ti~ Complete Free n.corallD&' a.n-tce 142() Via Lido ear.. '811 MAD MOOll NUISllY. Cut Flower-a -Pet 8uppUee IWboa .BmL at 2llt Newpwt a.ell NIWPoRT HAllOI IAHI M.ldntiht Lo 11 A. II.. %!11 W. Ciout llhra7, Newport ..... STAFPOID & SON Electrtcal .~ 110 llhenlde In. !f ewport ._. UbertJ'l-11'78 • \ .. I' .. ,. .. , ., . .. -, I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4. 1955 PASE I • PAlT 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS TOO MUCH TO LOOK AT ft.at wu the feeling ot thi8 Newport achool first around on~ little girl's leg when a Siameee· cat at- 1 srade cJul this week when they visited the Men. tempt. to steal the llhow from him. -Staff Photo Pet Shop. Here Bimbo the monkey wrapa bis tail The New 1956 Aust in-Healy •. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY e Peatiuta& • , • , • New Front Sue~Mlon New St.eeftli& New Brakes and New ' Speed Traumlulon with Overdrl\'e HAUSKEN·WATSON Sport Car Center 38 AMlllCAN .AYE. • ) . 1$ Here! 92985 PU ANNUM CURRENT EARNING! Ph. HEmlock 7·1203 ... .. - ..J MllS.r' • · Lucky 7 . ~ fltff·rcE -W.AR Ml NG 0 We're, In Our New Oft.ce On Orange County's Largest USED CAR LOT You 're In With Th .... "! NDOWN PAYMINT SID CAR SPICIAU 'SS Olchlnob Super "8811 2 Door ... $2695 B-B 87clnmadc AD ot.ber' Olcla.. aeceeeortee 'SJ Cltewolet 2 Door Sedan --·-......... _ • $ 691 '52 Caclmac Fleetwood .............................. $1 "S B-B ~ Pwr. St.Mr. Pwr. a...-. Low llUMp '52 Ford Victoria .................................. -·-···· $1041 &-R Fordamatio WSW 11ree Local oee cnner f '52 C•nolet 4 Door ...... -...................... $ 6'5 B-R Sold New ud 8erYiced b)' • 'SO Okhmol»lle Super 118811 4-dr. aed. S· Ml B-BB~ Metalllc Greea wltll WSW Tiree '51 Cltenolet Styline 2 Door -............. :-S 595 B-B New Palnt.t 'J2 Cllrysler Windsor ~ Door .. -...... : ..... _ S 195 ~B Automatic Drtve '.hbeleee '11JM Uke New ....We ud O.tt '49 P1ywww1• Spcl. Dix. Clb. Cpe ....... S J95 ~B Exoel'•t '11ne -Ike New! '52 Ford R•nch Wagon .......... .-............... -$1195 ~B Fordoam~ 8bal"p! 'IO Cltnraltt Dix. 4 Door ..................... -~ S ltS ~B New motor! New palatl ,. '49 C ... w1l1t Styl. Dix. 4 Door _ .. _._ S. 421 ~B •• ' ·'cftDy Perfeett Miiier Chewrolet C.. OU>UIOlllLI:. cuvaou:r KAI KOllAL UsD CAI LOT 100 w. OOMt • ..., • .. ~ ,, ... ,.. ' -~ -,-._. ., t, I • \ ' . NEWfORT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 111 • PA&E I FRIDAY. NOVEMIER 4, 1955 .._ . I . ·A Testlmonlai to· AclYetllllni. ........ .... ,.,. ........... ,. _ ... ....,, -.... .,_-. _, ~ •••*"7 fe ... 1'11WJ!Oft llA"-H-..._! • I We -....,._.., ... M -a pnW-......... k ... I ,_ ....... ., .......... •11• lll'tJis t• ..,. ..... r .... u.. t.o ..... ., _., ........ -~ --,. .......... _ -*"' el ........ 'ftaallll to ei.-lllM ·~ la-U.. H_,.,_ •• .... __.,,_, rwf••n, ,._ (1-ta Ill-. Sewpwt. ... C...-. ... Jiu, ... '"1N ....... ~•I~ ...... a •rt .a-.. .... le • • .,.,._ .... ..U I ....... alter ....... U.. 1ut I ..... 1>W , ............... .,.... tiaWeT U'• .... A.LaiADl' T .................. , .... ,...,! .. It .... ~ ....... ,_ ... ,. ......... -recel•• .... _,.. t-., ... ...W.ratl .. W-. ~r la" u ML -... !U!:~l!!'!!!!!ll...! .. !!~'!'!!'•!. ~.;....-• • arrn Wu61 L- hbdlll • ...,...,..,.. Roy's Maint....,c• We do tbe won ...an.. ._ 111 ... .._ - • ,...,. . 4 ..... "• ....• .....,_ ""ti ...... ~ ......... ,.., Or.II, ........ ,,.Jloll ___ , ............. . iy_..... ...... Oft .'rt I is.a... ... -.U-•t• ......_ .. im. U'9 LI .. ., • LI a.me 11~ S~edish Massa ;· IW. OU • .,......... Dlttww..,_ ~ • -bJ .,,._m.a? aa PARKING LO'l'S ~_,., ~ at AnowbMd ·~ ov .......,. "• ...... RoteL . f\anaWa Ul7 tne oU to 70V.,.. .,._ eeJ1 Har11or tTH er Ba.r • ctftc&Uoa. I.up jo"9 -9IDUl TO. Job&. ...... •timatM. Alto .... llld'Tb ter •P...-dlrac'· Modem equip-Hr.:DY " .. "', malnt-•Rce , 6 ~ent. LICxtnatoa MOOI, GU-Al'I -n -- more 6 Pas•. BuaUqt.cm lkll. repair or what! Har. •ot•-W. lttc JTUc . . ............ ,... ... II ... _,,_ .... GREATER" BUYS AT BAY . BY THE ROOMFUil -BY THE HOU.SEFULL BAY f URNITURE "WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY" ALL NEW • I PC. MAPLE WOOD A.JUI.LIV. RM. GROUP. lnclud• eola, pl£ttorm rocker; dub chair, J Tl•p enda, 1 cott .. table 2, wood M8I maple tabJe lampa. $329.50 VALUE AT BAY $219.!50 I PC. 81lerIONAL L1VIN OROOM GROUP. Incl~ I pc. MCtlonal-curved center (to d.,.....) I attp •ndll.. 1 cocktail table (Nevamar t.ope), I rnod•rn l·••Y tabi. lampe. ' . $379.50 VALUE AT BAY $2:57 ., . ,.. . . ' • ........ !\_,. te &oa111 ... ra-1 .. WEEK END SPECIALS l9M CHRYSLER New Yorker f..door eedan -..2 tGDt rrem, rsdio, beater, power llteeriq, ...,,;, 8olq saa.. mded car ---···---·------··········ONLY $.139& 1~ CHRYSLER Wind8or '-door Mdan-2-tone blu ud u.m, power ateertng, automatlo tnmmls- lk>n, clock, power brakes, wn-, eleetrie ... t a&fety pug -·····~-·····-·--····-······-ONLY $29'6 1966 PLYllOUl'H Belvedere ~ .edan -auJ,omatic traMmt.ioo, Solex rtw. air foam ... t acc.- 10ry ······--·····--·~·:····-···-··························-·····-'2100 " I ..._,.,...,, lln.O.wm.. TWO pc. MCtlonal '88. Walnut twtn bed9, with n-Bea.utyr•t mattre. A •Prinl'I, JlOO, ~pc. trple. Ml, JlJ. UphoL denu. ~ JU. t x 9 ""6· JlJ wt,,.r-- ----------~---------=-----------------------~ . · PAINTING . =:m!_:~~ ahlpe c•~ I PC. WROUGHT IRON LIVING ROOM GROUP. lnclud• '*!-divan. rnatehln( chair, 2'-1tep-enda, 1 cott11 table, I table lampa, l noor lamp. 1216.50 VALUE AT BAY $149.60 19M PLYlfOUl'H Suburban 2-door, V-8 Usbt peen, radio, beater, automatic tnnamt•lon, wmw, 9000 mJlee, acel&eat conditiop ______ ._. ........ ONLY I™ ' I NEW MJ.'TAL TYPING TABLE 16. Bloade 9{'11 table like a- 13-2 Mt.I OI. · ~ wtndowa 3e ll .i-JJ a M l • DEUYERY GUARANTEED Dellvery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preu la paranteed.' Carri~r boys will deliver their papen be- fore 8 p.m. on Mood'\y, Wedo.day and Friday. If yoUl' paper la not delivered by that hour pleue c&ll Harbor 1818 and your carrier will bring your paper. I ' Classified · NEWPORT BABBOB NEWS-PRESS Every Mo.clay, W .... clay wl Friday COASTAL SHOPPl;R -Wednesdays ~ ....,._ .U. na a. U. W..._.., N--~ ' U.. 1 IMuiloa fLOO add1. U.. .!5 ea. ' u.. 2 ....... 1.ao add1. .... .2S eL ' u.. s llulutioM 2.00 add1. Ila~ .%5 ea. . ' u.e. ' IMerUGM t.ao add1. ...... 25 ea. .. ....._ WMW ~ w1U ...... 11~ "'-'-OIM la~~. . . lllNDlt1ll AD Ua ' LINU DEADLlN'U few pladn,f or cancelltnr MJ9 an: r~ Monde.7 Publtcauon -Friday a p.m. f'or Wldnead&J Publlc&Uona -Tueada7 l p.m. ·ror l"rid&y PubUcauoa -ThuncS&y 1 pJD. HJ:Wl'OllT RAJlllO& PUllLl8JllHO 00. nu....._ •Mo. N_,_t ....._ o.u...a Cl.aulflecl Index 1 hMral N.._. I Oard •f Tll&ab ~,.. Dlneton H a.1u11 0.W. ~ ~, w·· ROSS . peter It A-1 ahipe painter, tor IVle • , • llhlpyard. B&ve lbop partly UceNlld LJ 1-aa2i equJpped. No rent to pay. Per- 280 AVOQido, Coeta M-cent.ace only-MOT W. Cout Mtlc Hwy., Npt. 26c2T a PC. PROVINCIAL LIVIN'b ROOM GROUP. lnclud• wlna eota-hu toa.m ~r pillow •MN. webb bue, bdwd. frame, • matched 1'1-ench Prov. tabl-. 1 comu, 1 coff11. 2 end, in eoUd 81.rch. band rubb.d. $499~ VALUE 1963 CHRYSLER Wlndaor club coupe -low mll-ie, Usbt ,reen, radio, heater., power ateerin&', exeel· lent condition -----·---:---..-,·-······ ONLY $1!500 FOR RENT lklll 8aw1, IClec. onu.. .Pollallera, aJJ t)'pN ot luden, Wb11I..,.. rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2tSO W. COAST llJGHWAY Wberty W4S6, Newport Beta attc BOYS 1J t.o ltl ye&n1 ot ac-.- The N-•Pr.a haa an open~ tor • carrier tn Irvine Terr-. Tbla la one of our bat routea. Phone Mr. Panter, Har. 1e1e or Bar. 1'01-RK. Beacon Personnel too% employer ma.lned AT BAY $319.60 I f'C. MODERN BEDROOM OROUP. 1Aclude9 I dr. double d,._r, 30 • ta mtrror. J nit• •tandt. bk'cue headboard, metal frame, ruar. lnnenpr. matt. .. boa •prin(9- $239.50 VALUE AT BAY $159.!50 e PC. MODERN BEDRX-GRP. (QUEJ:l'fBD>. lncludee .9 dr. • druaer, IO • 41 plate mlrror, bk'c... h•dboard, (lll1dtn( panet.), metal bed frame (90"), quwn ..._ relax-o- J"l!llc l11nerapr1nf roatt. A boll 911rin( (10 YT· -~tee 1. $299.50 VALUE . AT BAY $199.50 1963 OLDSKOBILE 98 f-door-f\llly equlppld, In tl~ top ahape, power steerinc, 2-tone blue -·---$1M 1962 CHEVROLET pic,kup tnlck, ~-ton-&o •cellmt tiuck -·-···--··--·········-·------·····-·-··-· ONLY S89G 1961 CADILLAC 82 f-door-2-tone blue, .. ONLY $1n75 . H-Pereoule 8 '"'CY ----------NO '1!:E collected trom applicant BAY FURNITURE LOU ·REED and ASSOCIATES U3·31•t Newport Beach CHRYSLER· PL YlfOUTH DEALll:R Dear Mary: i.EVENING oockt&ll w a I t re 1 1 1200 W. Cout lfiabway LI a.Mal ' Henry'a 2~0-W Cout Hlrbway. "Wb•re Prfcea Are Held at S.:r'' Meet me at the eapecially 2TcH OPPORTUNITY tor reliable H~ti School or Coller• 1tudent with car to make 1ood earnln11. Autatlnr FULL.ER BR U 8 H '~7 'E. "l TU\ Fr" Storefront Parkin( Co.ta M .. Tenn• M-ll"!*!li ....., a 'I'". 60-A._ for a.le nice rummage iale~ Nov. 10 I: 11 10 a . m. 1853 Newpo!l Ave. Co.ta Men Next to the Bank Orange County Philharmonic A.lcoboUca A.Aooymoua Wrtt. P. O. S. Ml H"'PO"t a..c-. eaaai, ftoM BArt.cw •TN OPEN-EV~'S DJ:ALl:Ra. Kl 12100 for appt. SO--Mkcelle!M!Oaa 2Tc2t -~~~~~!---------------------------- 'TIL 8 17" Motorola ComblnatiQQ Radio, 3 8peed play.. AKU'M ~ of orisinal C011t TARTER'S 2904 Cout Blvd., COM NAKI: TAKEllS tor Lapna •ELL oN TJ:IUUI Mesa Woodcraft S..ch A South Lacuna City arr. DEUCAT£88EN cue:J150. B&AUTil1JL ...,_make blonde Directory. Good band wr1tlnJ ONE I ft. retrl1er1tor ·-·····-JIM>. Unpaillted a Juftlllle Furniture Bptut p6ano bl perfect cond!· e-ual. Wrtte 20f E. •Ui ONE lar11 commerc. retrt,J. JT5. Knolly pine toy bell . ., ....... Jl2.&0 UOft. 8ave JUI. Uberal trade. room T, 8allt& .Ana or call Kl 1 8CALE8, MO. 1 GONDOLA J2&. CHILDR.ENB D 0 LL l'\u'nlture Convenialt t.erma at- S·Mll. JSUc Call owner U 1-e2u momln1• or Wardrobea, Jaut.ch, cJMMa. lllA.rEJ\8 (81Dce 1tOT) after 5 p.m. tuc Complete lla• unpalnled l\al'll. eolt U1""'21 N. Sycamore. luta Ana Joea NOW: Women -•tmo: and bwd. eteno-bkkpr; mach. oper; cub· Fresh Hearing Aid MJnwu lad Drtt ftJtJ.alle9 Phone Klmberty 2-0CT2 ler; ho.t.e. It dom11Uc. -BATTl!IUU Ordera takea tor ah~re PRAC"nCll planoe '8t, •• t.o Men -mech. en.(1.neer: audJtor: We Give 8ltB OrMD Stampe 2W Harbor, C.K. LllMrt7 1-1'45 Jll&. apt.net type mirror piano ahtppln( clltj office tralnH &nd · c ... JUfl -& blood beauty, JllulMl other•. Gunderson Drug o. ALMOST 11-snea brocadf wnn.. JUNll FARRAR EMPL. ..A.OCT. Main It. at Balboa BlYd., Balboa Lo•• ... t. 161C> Miramar D1*•• DA.Nt.·8CJDODT, 620 No. Main, to2~·S2nd Bt., Newpqrt BMch 11artM1r &lG. lltfo Balbo&, Apt. I Har. -.c60-R.' Sant& An&. 100 pta.noa to c.hooM ac,,,. from City 11&1! --------------------. ffp27 I'\ trom. ' --------"'-TURRJ:T ____ LA_no:_·_o_P_n _A...:.TO_R8 ....... 1 Movie Proiectors ~~~~~~----~-MOVING MUBT ll:LL U\ltl w11k brand a-KNABll: 8PQBT_ Har. ml-R. ,! 2tc21 llNGINJ: LATHS operatora. -roft ftl:NT Mu.t. be clue A. 8~ ahltt. I-IOI 11-Mll 16-IOI The N-a-.P ..... pullliM• mon Appl7 1701 Pl&cmU.. Newport ROBBY an4 MODllL Cluattlect Ad9 t.llan any oth• Beach. Cla·V&l Co. 25c.JT AJJU>LA.Km IUPPLl.D newapaper In the aree.. Tla1I --------------------M C Sh le~erabtp waa attabled becauae GIRLS _ ears amera Op N-•~ ca-t1tec1 Am set EARN MORE · un Hswport mw .• Co.ta .... r..wtai THAN EYER BEFORE! Pbone UbertJ a-1ou. Prtt ANTIQUE mabOJ. 81deboal'd, 10 diolnr chain, J arm cbaln, table, couch A lln&11 Ortental rur. io.o National. c. ll. LI a-5971, HpJI GRAND P'LUl'O Chn.tmu 8&11. . Muy woaderf\al b&rsalm. tam; GUI tn&kM, lteinW&¥, Muon Hamlin, Kll&be, •~ .. delivered "'"· Mnch Uldu4.ed trom ... , I BUY AND SELL up. · &ARLT AMZIUCA.N cut.,~ DANZ·ICIDOl>T, 510 Ko. Main, p.twm riu.-Pnaat1...-An· ______ ._ ___ ta_._A-. _______ J ~·m'G1b71 ~Bt:N TV & Radio Rep.air Fast Service GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS ''8DODGS ~ t. puMI 'DO J'ON> V-1 '16 I. pt~ '50 CHllV. ~ t. puel •as JNTl:IUIATJOHAL .. L pickup 'U OOOOll ~ t . ~ '&J CHEVROL&'T ~ L paMI •as · OMC ~ t. pldlup 'M OMC ~ L p&dlup. ..,...... trau. ·ao CH.EV. ~ t. ptckup '14 GMC ~ L pkkup, ll)'dr&. tran&. '11 CHEV. 1 t. c ... A C '62 CHEV. 1 t. C 6 C '51 FORD, J'-IOO C 6 C 110• WB •. 2 epeed '51 GMC COE 179" WB .. I epeed, 1:26 Urea 'DO OOOOE I T. dump, I 1peed, t :OO Urea. For lh• belt buy In uaed lruck1, -_p-. We are tht larl'l•t vul- inne dealer ta Oranr• County. All typM and atMe at prlcu to tit your needtl. W.W. WOODS OMC D&AJ..mft 111-1t m. •th at. ..nta AH <>pan had&)' A.. M. TnKk H .. dq\l&lt:en ~bl•. a.mce calla UU ,., ~· Oo. • p.m KNOWLTON EL.llO--.aa---ro-RD--Ooua---t.ry--.. -ut-,..-v-... - ""'TftOHIC8 bl-f.llOt.-· • Pet*-1tko R • H, ·w,. ... W. Ucllll T\nted ,.._, etc. Pvt. pty.- n '..tw1.ro.a U 1141fHhr 11.aertUa 11 ....... ~ ..... ..._.. Painting,Paperbanctnc ---~~----- L09T-1Ad7 while cat. dark rnY ''Tile Finellt Money Can Buy" marklnCa. Child""''• pet.-nn JUST ARRIVED! BOAT STORAGE 21" GE TV Reduced $M TARTER TV UITI. ~ HYa.tt •·1480. llp2T 14 8Mre Jeer Ou 11 Trauportatso. 11 a..n.c 11 Beaut, Aw. It 8-.kla Aw. ,..._, ......... H SdMeta,IMt~ II ~t-U.U Waa ... n ~ Wuted ......... 11,.._ •A 8wape •BAp,U- 11 w .. w ... auy. at hnlt•N tor llaJe H·A .UU.W.: ......... ll••s+D-.. M-'-1. Radie, T V 16 Dop. O.te. "" .. M PoeltTJ a1u........ • .. ~ .u.op-a •AwtwWu ... M A•ke l•r 8Aae .... A Tl'" A hha '' A-. llenkia°' u Tn.Uen r ............. " .... w .... . .. ~ ....... , ..... , 6a-A Apa. fer .. , •• a.-. l•r•a..t M-<: 'INUer S..... .. ._, ....... .,._A._..__ ..... --. ...,... .. a.t.. ..._ .. 8--. OMeee IJ.,A a.1111111 a.tale M .... ,,,, 0p,.~ .... ..., ....... ...... ,w .. w ., .... l'Ata .. ., .... Y Newport Barbor B P. 0. E. 1787 nery 'nlund_, • p.m. Vl& Oporto -Oentn.l A"' • N9WpOl't a.di Albert a. MatUwn. l:aaltect aww General Contractor LICZNllCD New Work -RemocSeJJ.q J. KILTON McKENZIE Barbor 6399-W 68tlc Sympson & Nollar au attb st., Newport a.ell Pb. Har. 2t04 or lMT·R. l&tlc Elec. Tool Repair 8k1l Bawa. Drill•, Bandera QUICK SICRVIC'll ·LEWCO ELECTIUC CO. •iie No. Newport BIYd .. NpL BdL Uberty 8-3383. pr ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I tnatall th• above cheaper lhlJl moet. Aleo Hll TUe • Linoleum. Non-union, 2a yean upertenc.. Compare and -- BILL COKER H.&r. •795 or Loni Beach T·HT3, lttfc Let WI t\nl.tl your Remodeling Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging Sheetrock Patching Taping -Texturing l:LL8WORTB CONTR.AC"nNO U I· T9Dt, U 8·6il2 12p2tH CEMENT It· BUILDING · All Kinda &. Balllo& Bl'fd. H.&r. 2Ho-WK. McJT L08T 8 I009I photocnPba about 4 • II. each In eeparate folder. ALL SIZES,' ,.._.ble nta Ap- EXP~Cl:D w&lt.tt• wanted. ply at yard otllce. SOOTH Apply at SNAClt~H P, llOI Introducing the. NEW line of COAST COMPANY, Newport .. ,,... __ H-~ ... ort n ~ tic 81Yd., at 23rd Bt., NAWPOrt Bcla. -..,._.. . -1•• -ar. ~·-a JU __________________ 1_•_u Euy automatic -------------------- Har. 5491 9P1Nl:T Pla.noe. Rent.al retuma. l8T ~ TAJa:a a tarp equity In a. 196' KERCUJ\T. Call own« Ullerty H2U momtap or· after I p. m. lOU• N.wport Bea.ch, cor. ot JOU\ A wt !fbc:.llaaeo• Court Bt. ~ward. Har. It~ '!""'~==-~=~~~~----ALSO Special Deal TRADE Trade·IJUI on orpn1, llke new eome Map~. Blond Oak, French Provlnclal. Thla la & chance tor blf Mvlnr . Open J'riday nl(bl. HUSBAND WA.NTB TO KEEP M1t HOME. Ml.Wt MU my llMut. '62 Mere. Mont. COftY. Cont. kit, !!NW, Mercomatk, all utru. Pert. cond. Hat. llU-M. 27cJt LOST 1 montha old temal• ::. ££•st s .• ~:~e!r!~.~ mue cat on RaJlow11n nlte. H ware. 31 yn, In bu.lo ... ~rd. Har. 0579-W. J7c21 LU LLE DECORATOH.S We have a carload ot NORGE WASHERS Beautltul TO-ft. aua. achooMr. ICxceUe,nt tor charter. Want DANZ-SCHMIDT, 520 No. Main, Banta An.a. • property or amaller boat.. 1.220 --------------------·52 S'nJDll. Champ. 1-41'. •ua. 0-Dr.. R.6R. find cond. MO 4n. PYt. owner. Harbor JtU. f7cJ9 DEMONSTRATOR model, liken- W. Balbo&...Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. attic SPECIAL BUY! U-&boole. la~ Jones Birkel-Richardson ORGAN BTUDIO. 1-rn !.(/ pl•Y t.bt ml(hty WURLITZER.. EVELYN J ONZB, ~-· IOO Holm· wood Drtve. L1 1-lOI,. JOcJ3 Har. liee+--408 I:. BAlbo& Blvd 8U.: PER.JOO TYPE. t petce dlnlJ\( .. t. aqua lacquer tlnt.h. AMC> Ben- dbt auto. wuber. Bar. '°61-W. 26c2T 19 16 Model 'T' Ford NOT RESTORED. LI 1-3303. 25<:27 Jake's Appliances tt&T Harbor Bl•d., Coat& Mua Uberty 1-D&t• DJ:LUJU: model K'nmore m._ngle Uke new wtth dual beat con- t.rot. It~. LI 1-4510. 28c28 • lovely Kl.mball Sp&.net plano with ·as JLUCBLa\ BtaUon Wl&'on- Boat R • bullt ta Lowrq Orfano.. 8&•1 1'.nled flaa91 RAH. O'drtve ud epa1rs UOO on lb.la. Uben.1 tnde. Coll• clean-U 1-llto. fTcJt ~ Yll\lent tC1N ac.-JlOO TAICEa MT •noo equity In ROBERT VAUGHAN It CO . .a~N.<:=,> llanta Ana lt64 Mero. ha.rd top, low mil"" 1600 W. Coa~t Hwy. PbOll9 Kimberly 2.-n II'• Immaculate. Hal'. 4121 Newport Bea.ch OJ'Ull'e County'• ,Orpa Rdqtra. 2TcJt JLUO(OHD OROA.NS, all model9, / our Cbrt.tma..a stodl now comlnr SI. & R b t 1n: uo.oo depoalt wm HMrY• China Painting t)lNJNG room Mt. mrtr .. ,... N b s I 1p ow oa any mode.I whtle lhey lut. Trade ranee. bed divan, ,... h•tn .. ovem er pecia s Sp•ce for Rent In your old planar NO MONEY DOWN °'1 &lld l:YealDI 0... •--tt H 1••9 W u DAl'IZ-BCHXIDT. Home of the Motor Overhaul Ordera TU. .Now m.-;. em.. ar. ~ • 2.ldl WASHDtS "'°rtd fl.lnCNa Hammond, 1120 * w•1th th•IS ad * ---t ~-• ...... ,. ........ Amtrtcan Le-'-n&-15th It. ,.. ... _, •-· r .............. v -'"""" --------------------P'l1f1dalrt, autn. look• new 189.00 •"'" n o, -.. 11 . ....-.ta Ana.. One S Cyla. ...... T"""------------------b.U nir. l'OOd ma.ttrua, Blm-a. r;. auto. 3 yra. old completely Meetings 2nd· fth Wed. 8 p.m lplnet Model. on. Hammond ..., mona bru. bed A aprln,.., paint· checked . 199 PRU Chord Orp.n uMd but Uk• new, 8 Cyla. $68.88 ed, ch .. p. l&H Miramar, Balboa. Eup Spin drier, nine perf. 1!19.~ wondufUI b&rplm. lnclucka both 1&l»ol' aad part.&. RELIABLE JAPANESE. 2ecl& K~ore wringer, worke pert. ••D , WILL TI\.ADE my home la An.a-Hew r1ng' WT1n plaa. Ya!,,. ---------------------RA.NOES helm tor nlhlnr cni•er. Call ~n..-"-..._ p t. (11.nd. flttlnr• ot mata aad rod AMERICAN WANTS Callfng All Twelves Mafic Chtf , oven lher. IT" s:iuo me et Key1tone a-11'8. 2Tc2t ,.,_.,.. .... ....., ~ ---beartn1._ l!:Jrpert motor tun• up. GARDENING IN HAR-11'/., reductlorw on a llmtMd (Toup O'Keete • Merritt, O " top 14. PAClnC. compltte Mt ot DACHSHUND P UPPUCS, AK C 90-day or 4,000 "'II• fual'U\1" . • DOR AREA BY WEEK Olt ot dul111en aamplN •or1(1nala, cqver, perfect oond. $0.llO aalll\ nylon aptnmaJier canvaa repter.d. m A up. 1472 Mon· !NO MOHEY OOWNI. MONTH. HY A TT f-.54 71 Mp&r&t• A dt-•. Model ,,.... Norge, 38"' l'lltepl clean 195 r.over, A trailer (with ll~nM ) rov!a, Coeta M-. U 1·8eJ2. REBUILT ENGINES MARGflt WEBB RlllP'R.IOl:RATOR8 '2118. ·-1101 Placent.1&, C.Oala 26c2T -UP to 1& MONTHS TO PAT-HplT 19M 8. Coaat Bl•d. Laruna Beach S.rvel apt. •1141 cl~an ae:1 Meea.. u 1-aeoe. 2Tc2t -----------_...,.,.._ _ _._ __ 'Built tn our own ract.ory 11y lllWed wo--RKl---N-G-m--otb-an--, -c-h-lld---care-__________________ Hc ___ 21 Montcomery Ward, late m~I. 9 '4>-Aat.ne UICI Truc:lla . macblnlat.I. Don't contend w1Ul I h A I to D cu. ft. 18~.llO ...M-'-' ....... .._ TV • the mtddlt man. Buy dlr.ct.. n my .ome. ... XARQUICTTll Ani Welder, (new) Coldapol a cu. fL utra nice 1411.~0 ~ ----------1ta2 CAD 12 hdan aTOOO mt. REBUILT and INST~ Newport Hel(bt.1 ·~ 270 E. I bp A.tr Compreuor, 220 Volt v I a"'" •19""' V Pal •717 -acuum c 1>11ner1 •·"" to ..,., ORGAN. 1 11!1ectrontc n.-. now "'1 clean car. J1"6-W W BHO•T B" ~ mer U ..-4. llcft 1tnrl• phue. s.. at PATCH'S · "I"" ~··-· ,... ,~ )"REE ESTIKATES Liberty 8-8109 lTU\ It. at Placentia. LI l ·TllOI. Everything glluantee<I anly 1375. All Eltttrtc Orpn, nylon .uru. Tue tranaportallon roRD --·-·------llJt.llO 2ttf THOROUGH CJMninr . beauU"'1 21tl Fret delivery bal. only 17111. Lowry Orra.no car trade. H&rbor lTJ.S alter CKEVROLrr -·· tut.~ launderlnr. Alto cooldnr A 111"----------------------BTROOTS HDWI:. Hou-aru 1195. All wonderful b&rpll\a. I P· m. 1Tttc PLTM. A DOOOE ..• JIM CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO BMIJ.L a. o. A.Dc:enoo 101• It. Balboa BJYd.. Balboa ll&rt»r HIO Nt1o vtnr. I colored) Ref. OW1I tran.. 1802 Newport Blvd. Cotta MHt\ 0 ANZ-8CHMIDT, D20 No, Malft, MUBT BELL. Join . u ~YI." It DE IOTO -1170 portaUon. KI 2--0215. Jlpll f ,·re wood Banta A.AL lkl Al ·-· 'eouov~ 11 ITUtUCB.UCl:I\ ___ ., ___ 1170 -r ,..... -pe a11 OL.De 6 PONTIAC I -·-1170 Experienc'd~tdener Sl-~~tec!.to Bay ___ ._.. 'tROMIJOl'fE tine tone, eutilent l'ord club ~upe. Ca.ft be -BUICK llTS y "~~ G :' 1Ud~ '75 -721 at. Jamee R.oed, altu l :IO p.m. or week enda-RUD80N _______ Jl7$ • M.IM'I~ Dacalypt119 A aprlcol, dry, reMty WANT -TO BUY, C HILD'I cllatn U 1-11203 • 27c2t 111 Potn.Mttla, C.D,M.. 2ap27 1-car r;.;-TowlAC and ~ tJn lo tNm. KI T-4190 23tlc drive tract.or or dump trucll.---------------.... CAA OUAAANI'J:E LI 8·t8l7. 2k27 RENT • piano tor Chrtaonu. .All l:QUJTT In Jt52 model IJ C&dU-••.~on Liberty 19 term rent allowed. Good pra.c-lac convertible. Urlit cr-n Bloclr mlllt -t our atuadarda Mtlc 0 d tic• planoe trom 13 per monU\ body, MW dark men top. _ Plu. taa.. (uket.8 e.ncl otl Jenner Pl~mbing EXPERIENCED r er Now! IS-f'anrlture _!s._ ... ___ let Ule klddl• Jeem. a.c.u.nt coedlUon. Har. a111w Ope luaday 10 a.m. to I p.a. R ia1 Pe.nonallRd 8ECl'IOl'lAL,davtnport muu In-DANS-~ ... a.1<} No. Main, 21c29 BELLES ENGINE · epair work, a •pee ty GARDENER to dbl. bed, c;halr to malcll H " ........ ft.61&. C A R p E . .N T E R Wattr h•tera on Um• payment.a OAADEHINQ It yard wwti by day Cbrilrtmu ~rde tormlo. top oott" table. 1711 &Pfilnn BALDWIN A~tc lt:Mi anJDDAKER ' dr. deNs• REBUILDERS ,~~ Work • :~ ~~ ::SH.!':=;~ week or montA. -~ ·~u. ~17', ~I cu N-port A•~ta M• ptaoo. 810llde ou tlnleb. Hat. ~=:;!'~u~~· to:"s':oo.U:::: ..__--f"M aa... ,.. ... --..-· · · · -... 0 ~ Mt• after I . IUc ..... prwen • vt .. u .._. at your f7p2t 41124• • ...... • ,_ ..,1 -·---.,,.,. home. ..,.---------------..,.. mt11 .. Ol\J)' •• mo. Har. •2tl Op.a Dally I to T 8tatt ~ NEW LOCAnort 310 East 3rd St. • RI rt ....,, CL&ANINO 6 D\OJfIHO by tM PHONE Har. 1111 or Har. 1261W ALL or lhe fumlabtnr• of my 17" TV $~ 26cJ1 C:: ~~ttw Painting,· Decoratin&, ::;~MOM.~'--: __________ ._2_2_p0_ ~~,~~·bedtio;:_~0~':!~ _. Cout 81~ ·u roRD coKV. Al*> ·n totd SANTA A.MA -WlMUWr ,_ .,. lll ......._ for 7ou ... at • work tor .,..,_. elM, 7ou can -~ GJMaltl9d e4ll to your edYMtq'e lo MU 7"'lJ' .,... ~,produce or mtnihud .... . -. Paper llaal*nc ORl~INALS all Incidental equtpt. lnch1dln1 TilTER TV •·41-. 8«lan. BoUI In f ood con4.. -----------GEO. BURKllARDT WILL C.AJU: roll 1 Oft I pre-• "" rarden toola, all or room at LI MJllT after 4 p. m, 17p2t IJCbool dd.&clrm la my boa.a tw Arl'l:R.NOON, Cocktail, dinner a Ume. BHOWN SATUN:>A Y nAKA.O&t> la llll~ I lplMta, lttl PACILUlD etaUon wafOll ~~~..;;....------- LICl:NU:D CONTllACTOa wor1ttas nlOtller. Qlff Ka.. ~ • ~~~ Al'ID BUNDA Y. Joe MorM MYe JllO. MB Fas ui.. OrtftJl&J own-2 WH8L boll lral)n, SM. '" ITI W. lltll ll., 9*ta Ill.. &reL An& Boll Ho. A-41 u.le CU8TOM·D•~AKJNG 121i., 4IUI IL, Newport a..ch, DA.NZ-eclDUDT, &IO Me. Maia, ... UOOO mllee.. Kl J-atTI. c.&&toral&, HunUq'ton -.Ctl. Liberty 1.-. pap«. l9cJT Pll\. Harbor UT-W. 22p3' JTc · Santa Ana.. • f7cJt .. tfcU ----------~~---~--~~ .... ~-~-~-~~~~~~---------.:._ ____________________ _.__ -------------------~-------------~~~~~~--~~~ ._ ----·-.-..-·---... -··------ I \ I . ' ' . '. .. :.. • * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cfut ~way. Newport Beach L1 8-«20 'M -36' Travelue .. .. U&t6 ':>2-17' Han110n. tw. Mdll ST9:> '!)t -4()' Jiil~tWoM 2 BR. S3393 'M ·4:>' R.oath1\1U1ler 2 BR. . S44Ul! J9:>e Modtl1 on Dt11pl•v all 1lu11 PAN AMERJCAN P11 r11mo11nt-Ken11k1ll - T raveler.e·Ttrry 81\lfc: FOR SALE; 19~2 terry l'&mbler PAGE 2 -PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 5~-B~ ~~~ FllDAY, ~VEMBER 4, 11965 CAYE a »M.T SHOP G-Apta. a &~for._ ~Aet!= a !!"!!!!for ... \ Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OF~ Deligbt.tuJ Uvtnr. Apt.-Cabanu. Ut1Utle8 paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly~ JUST JUOHT tor I l*>PI• to han· d.le, 1n Mart ot '8a.lboa, Cloee t.o Bay. tsSOO Mt pn<ie, terma. 607 IC. llalbo&. Bar. MOt ..... • Har. 0923. 2k27 .. NO COMMISSION No Apprailal Fee U.La -lll!FINA!!fCm OONSTRUcrJON Call tor ftM Fut Commitment. on Reatdencea and Unlta only CASH ••• l"OA TRUIT ODDI Wll. .. llOIJr MOATOAO&~O UNca 19IO. ltot N . BUSK &AMT• .tJ'{J. 1CXMB11RL" •n11 57-a.& ...... WuW WANT EQUITY ID bome ~Olllb le C&I', 1 teo Dodp 1'o1'&1 LQ- cer. pow.r bRJI• • ~· R • H, all utraa. HOMER E. SHAFER. ~tor, lot Mcll'adden Pl. H&.rbor HO. Ev•. Harbor &Ht· W. 20 ft. cqmplrt~ .. l!:xrtll Cioni • Fo. r appt. or reaervation, Call Har. 2992. Fleherm•n•. h u n l e r •' trave 3-Ulc pitradlsr Broadmor>r trailer homH. 2080 J'.:t>WJ><lrl Blvd Cnata )fl' ... Lql 3t Bee Wm J C•Msnan. owner. Lot 19 48-A-Apt9. for Rent "8A-Apta. for Rnt Don I. Huddleston -Want to Sell your B&yfront ! 28p28 RENTAL r Wa have HftJ"&1 quallfted buyen wa1unr. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor 173 E. 17th Sl DELUXE modem tum atudto apt. C08TA MU.A • UUJIUU pa.Id $16 mo. Corona U 8-MU LI 1-aMJ .. COSTA MES~ 2 Open HouH&- 2177 Rurel ·Lene OPSlf 8UHDAT 1 -':IO. nant olt H4'W'P0l't Blvd. at llD4 It. and l\un1 l:iut te f\19t et..-.t QI\ rtftlt. i.o..17 a bedroom, cloae to .a.ooa., .... &nd traupor- t.ea.io.. Bu ... o. J. 1ou. ,.,...... ... ,.. -th o.a .. W.S~eutudla ....._ M Mme M "900 dowa. ALaO Open Daily l iU-4:10 J'Jt KAONli>LfA. juat l block be· JOD4 lJt.b 8L la O.t.a M- l lledroom holM On I M lot& 81-100' a 116' wtth ~ ot frult tftl9 &114 a bauUf\11 lawn. 'naJa ~ red\loed from 119.tOO GZ-f&ea! _~t_aie ____ • ___ a-~ ~ ..... tat .... •----- · 2 OPEN HOUSES SATURDA¥ & SUNDAY 410 WALNUT PL .. COSTA MESA Everythlnc you've dreamed of in a bom• -beauty, pc!rfect workmanahip, loi.. of cloeet apace. bar ldtcben, .Udinc 11.aM doora to patio ud swimm1nr pool. $23.~ ALSO 601 -'36tb St., NEWPORT BUCH bedroom•. pier 6 ' f109t, corner lot. , euily be converted into a duplex. $29,.!...l\OO ,..-- Could JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and A.SSOCIA TES 3320 W. Cout Hwy., Liberty 8-7773 ----------.-- FOR QUlCK ~ALE P"leetcraft trallar f9tT-20 f t , el~p11 4 13~ -4'1 Hamm on St., u ~l~l. Ud8 SPECIALISTS del Mar. Har. 0853-R. lAttc Charming Harbor Haven Apartment• . Patios ~ . 6 A.a9oetat.. "At th• Arch-" WANi 'l l> asuu.u . .-TRUVE UIO w. ao..t HW7. u f.1111 .. - OwMr' uudbua ud wuta otter or 11...s.. '7-Wanted to Beat , ~ntals·Wanted We 11.eed apt.a u ct houaea ln all ..cUOn.I tor · boUI winter and 1eara .-.... rum. or untum. U JOU have a vacancy, pbone tocs.1 The Vogel Co. 1201 W. Crt. Rwy., Newport B<'JL Pbone UbertJ -.MIJ tOI Manne, Balboa laland Phone Harbor Ht MIT a Cout By., Corona daJ Mar Phone Rarbor l'7 u Ca.II Edna Crall Blanche Gates, Rltr. au Marin• Aft. tklboa laland, ffar. ltTJ 1ittc . . DELUXE FURK APTS. 81nflN .ft dbw. 130 mo. and up. 104 E. Bay Ave .. &Ibo& Harbor 63tt. 8trc BALBOA-Pl:NTNSULA. Lr• furn 1 BR apt,. w w ~t. furn. heat, uUlltlM • prar• Incl. By mo. or yrl.y. ~ar. 1725 after . e p. m. 17tlc STUDIO a pt furn. 1 adult uUI. pd. pantl heat yrly. $80 mo. or winter. Street elde of Bay front home 4006 River Ave., Newport BeM:ti. Har. l&Oe·W. 18cJI . NF.W i ROOM. atreel level. Near .chool11, ahopplnr dl5tr1cl. Quiet, plt&Mnt, exclu.lve. Oat bage dJa· poeal. laundry, •lorare room•. gara&"e. $82.60 up. Occuplee en- tire eta•ttt. Good 1upervt1lon. M(T. 11101 Haven Place l Block South ot Hirh School ALSO FURNJSHED AP1'.S WINTER RATJ:8 IStlc 488-HoQAf'e for Keat ~~~~~--~----------NllW 4 bdrm., 1 bath home, untum. Clote to Alpha Beta •hopplnr center. Avail. now 1100 mo. LI 8-2288 OT U 1·3787 evenln11. 28c28 Btn', KODJCRHlZll, OR "At Ule .AJ'dl•" ALSO Evea LI 8-3378 LI 8-7&H Wt=~~ _______ h_tt NEWPORT BEACH ---------~----- Ni:WPllR1 8.AL.DOA 8AVINC8 CASH BUTD for 'vt-lot or Larp pananm1c Y1ew lol on_Clltf A i..11A N AMS('K..'IATJON view home. • l>rtft. Prtoe redUeed to llS.500. net Via Udo. Ph. Kar. tllOO HOJ.CJCR E. 8HAP'ER, Realtor, Ue Ull McFadden Pl. Harbor 1'0. Evea. Harbor &218·W. LOANS for Homes WANTED e,., -10 Tf, Laua Construction Loans SD BUB '15A'M'LER 21110 &.AIT COAST BLVD. U JOU utually want to Mii your propert1 an1- where In Ole Newport. area w. will ll•l and 11&11 It tor you. Wt nMd ll•Urlp • , , Wt Corona del Mar Harbor .... ha><• the w,.n. Rep. PUIIUER MURTGAGI: CO. BALBOA REALTY Co. Metro Utt laa. l"Unda la. a::. 100 ll. ea.\boa Blvd. Bal. H. 3271 Duncan Hardesty, R&A.LTOR JtOJ )(.-port Blvd. Har. 4711 • Irvine Terrace Two Lovely Hom• ( txclu.tve) 2 bdmut. 2 bat.ha, •tt.600 MARINES Here's Your Country Estate Vets; 'NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 ot • s.ctrooma • Forced Air !Hat -Muaive St.on" Udo Ottlot, Hlt Vla Udo Harbor 4971 1102 Newport Bl~ .. Coata Me111 LIDO 'ISLE 2 or 3 Bd. Rm. HOMllS. Furnlehed or untuml•hed. Realdenllal and -To rent a houae or buy a houee, WANT llQUlTY IN RONll for Clear lot • caah. HOMl:ft m. BHAl'l!ft.,. Realtor, 106 McFaddtn Pl. Harbor 1'0. t" bdnna. 6: den, 2 bath $H,&o0 Both complete wtUt WOl1l to wall carpet.las and drape-. tully fenc- ed, ezpenatvely landacaped. C&11· · not dupUc:ate loc&Uona. • P'lreplacea -Built in Range and Oven . . . actually every luxury feature and in Orance County'a flneat location. Bil Blmtate Sized Loll auitable for pool aad patio! Libert.1 l ·6allT ttc TEAR.LY unfum • .1 bdrm: •Commercial. Lt 1·1Ut. Hc'JI the 11mpl•t way to find a plut to • 2 6Uo ba~ home. Har. 1013. WAN'l'm> 'l'O' ft.ENT, J bedrm. ------------ unturn.. bou.ee with dble. 1ar. Couple loca1t1 empl. cblldren. Good nt. u 1-m 20c21 Yearly Rentals BALBOA J BEDROOM tum. a pt. Nur Bay f86 mooUI.. PENINetJLA POINT 2 BEDROOM bou.at, lt.rJ'e fenced y ard, 2 car l&ra&'•· turnlahed f126 month. NEWPORT HARBOR REAL'.l'Y &16 E. Ba~ Blvd. Harbor 1807 NEWLY FUJ\NtlKmD, S br. apt PaUo, P6 mo.-U, A1•t•, (nr LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one • two bdnn. apt.a: She.rt term &nd 7ea..rl7. .U..SO. Udo Homu and Bay. Front Homea and apartment&. LIDO REALTY Auoclatell UOO VI& Udo, Harbor '40 ltt.fc Do You Need a temporary home 7 We will eublet our lovt'ly bay front eludlo apt. Oec. l to March 15 unfum. 3 bedrna .. 2 bath•. ww C&f1X!lln1. dra1>41rle1, etove. ~trtf. 1200 mo. Udo Arma apt., Apt. l{. H11r. 2323 27c29 BAL.. lSL.E. ~·t room • bath, private entra.nce, In exchange for 1tayln1 from 11 p.m . to 7 a.rn.. s nile•. wllh 2 rrade ecbool chlldren. Har. 4983 • W 27c29 Ferry). Balboa Ialanct. 2k27 I BDRM. FURN. APT. wlt..h bay NEW UNruRN. 2 bdrm. AvaU- able Oeo.,l1t. Yearly leue mo. 20l-36lh St., Newport. 2 c CORONA OltL MAR ONE BDRM. FURN. A PT. Har t i:>9..J. 2ac28 view. UUI. pd. JOOS W. Bay Ave, Newport Beech. 21c2t BAY VIEW upper apt. tum. 2 bed· room, ~ bath. porch • eun dtck. Winter rental 187 60, u tll. pa.Id 307 Eut Ed1ewaler, Batboa.- 27c29 -=,_,.=-=-_...,,,=-,,..---:"".~~ WlNTER RENTA.1.8 STU OlO-ArT. fumbhtd. <Xe11"n ''ltw. yily. rental 560 mo. lJllh· llu p&ld. W 8·162i ~7c28 COM J 1*1rm. view. 190. furn COM 2 bedrm. hoUH $M. rum LIDO lSLE NlCW 3 bedrm, 2 bath unrum, 1.... to perman· eat ttn&nl. '200 mo. Che>lc• location. Mr. Snow, DUl\klrk l ·321 I, evenln1a and weekend• 8 Ylva.n 0-3891. llttc CORONA DEL MAR. channJns 1 bdrm. fumlahed ho11.1e. tlrepl.. • ,t~ma.c:e. $90 mo. Ll 1-191'7 2ec28 NEWLY DECORATED, Untum. home. 2 Jlr., II•· -,n rm. Lar~ kitchen, n.lce yard,\y..,.ly. 1 BR. turn. apt. 421 W•tmlnet•r. , 17p29 -----~-~-~~ WINTER RENT AL Lovtly ocean front 6 bedroom home ror rent unUI mid-June. Sl 7~ ptr month fuml.thtd. Own· er pay• unllllllu. Wonderful pl&y yard ror children. Walk· int 'dletanc, to (Tl.l'llmar Khool. Harbor 5188 · 27dll LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? He~·• & chotce modem 3 b. r. unit on Balboa Blvd ... n~r .,...,nmar eehool. churche.1, tole. Av&llable November 20th Wllll June at 180 per month &lid own- er pe.ya uUUtlff! •.. no doJ'I pleMt. Har. :>188 tld 9 TH'Ri'it BEDRM. rum or p&'1.1X tum. home. Nlct garden. To filmlly of edult.s. 111 0 per mn. y rly leue rrorn approL "-• 8011 Victoria, C. M. U 8·'1073 27c211 Y~LY COSTA M-ES-A-3 rm-.-.-pt. rarlly 49--Roome for Heat BAL. IBLE 2 ~. hoU3t SH.O rum. HY U l t>7 2i lfc -----tum. J"or "1ntu only 173 lo _ _ ___ --VIKING HOTEL .June 111. FURN. 4 room g&ra.ge apt. Extra BA..LBOA i bdrm. hou11e $1215 furn clea.n. Elrctrlc rdrlg. PIUlel ray PlNOVJ:R, Realtor, Jiar. 4810 -heat. $65 mo. wmter or 'sM mo. ~c28 rearly. UtH. paid. Har 19:11>-J. ------------301 E. S.y Ave , Balboa. 2ic211 TUltH. I bdrm. home. nunpua rm __ • Onp~, dbl. «Sr. N twport ONE BDRM. tum. apt. Good loea· -Uetchta. U 8·1329, 26<"28 lion. llthllltt paid 57!\ mo. GIH CUTIJ ll'URN. cottare. fenced Jard, b.IJc to U do Shope $60 mv LI 1~8 27c29 NmWPORT BEACH. lovely 2 bd· rm. ti.Im. honie. Wiii take I ~hDd. Luae by yr. SlOO mo PIUe utU. Available now. Ja,,m111e. Corona del Mar. Cal Bill Har. 1180 10 a . m . lo 4 p, m Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT 27c211 A.L80 Lo•ely 2 bdrm. furn p r WINTER apt.-«IND v1rw.\LM.e yrly 'SO 1 RR. Fum .• UU1. pd ..... ~ mo mo. plu.t utlllllea. 2 an. f'u.rn., UUI. pd. ... MO mo PAUL C. J ONES. Rt11llnr I l OOi E. Balboa Blvd. tno Newport Blvd. Hnr. 2313 Baltio. Har. 1371 21cZ9 l l:'>p l8 ~;;;;IN;:;;l;;;&i\=-:T=en::::lal:-;'1;:",-::ni::<":-• -:c:::cn=y-:a:::p~l. CLOSE 1N, BALBOA. f'Umlahed •leepe 4 pM>plt. F'um .tr utrl 1 bednn. &pt. yearly. $60 m o pd. 133 mo. Larger CotlAJl'"' Gu It wal<'r pa.Id. 408 E. Bal· pr1oed accordlncly. $('()\l -'P~ 1 boa Bh•d. Har. 2010 lilt N C)'Pm• SL Balboa Har lfU. 77c:t9 BAL.BOA ISLE. Yurly. lovely, clean 1 B. R. very nicely turn toJ E. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa Harbor M93 ROOMS 6 AP ARTMENTS - DI\)' -Week -Mol\UI But location In &Ibo& V~Y ~EASONABLE RATES .. l k28 BAL.BOA ISL.ANO, 11mall room, prlnle entrance .ft beth. kit· chenelle. elrcl. rtfrll(. 'fhermo· 11ta l he-al $9 wk • alngle. Winter Har. 2128·M 2fllc Wll..L SH1\JU: 2 bedrm. furn home Wlth s enlleman. .Ml eJt· penitet half. 12&-27lh. Ntwpert Beach. 27p CLEAN A 'TTRAC'TJVE. private entrance S7 v.•k 1643 Onance. Cotta Meaa.. 27c29 ~~t·-~~~~~~- F OR LEASE-f t '. approrlma tely 80 by 200 fl. C·2 zontns. Facing new Charlu St , Cos~ Mu.a. Ll 8-3~72 20tft: OAKAOll tor renl In rur of .NOT &. Cout Hl1hw11y C11ll U 8-UaT 11fttr t I'· m. 27p29 ya\T NlCll 2 be(1rm.. fireplace 6 p.r. Eaal t ide, 11dulte only. U 1"""3 27r2t 2 mpone1ble adult& '80, Incl OFFICE SPACE FREE ulll. l.A-&111 fo r one. Al•o nice CATCll JS you &NIWl'r my phone Stutlln 11pl. ir.~ on.-~rann call Ll 8·66i9 evu . onl~·. 2ir 29 ATla.ntte 1 -0:1~ or wr\tt 11 28 ------------Lora.In Rd., San Marino. 26p28 CORONA. DJCL MAR -f'urn. ~ apt. 17.llO per wtoek. Jl&r, tall 27c29 TWO b;dm,, &pt. unfurn. l.a.rre .;o~,.;;... __ to_,.,. __ a_Ot_'ll __ n_• ___ _ window", Hwd. flr• Oange OFFICES For Lea~ Yea.rlx rtntal. Nt11r B<ly &nd N B lld' Bl'&ch. Har. 362•·J. 26c28 In ew u ang 17 lld40' 1100 mo. PLEASANT OCEAN FRONT •r L I j x 26' I 86. mo. Cbolee Winter Rentw on Z"lcely fum1 . will 1lr"r 4. Good 13 " 13' 1 s:1 nlo. Un, la tllrou(h the want ada. JJv•. Harbor &Hl-W. , $1000 Month Net Plus Trailer aupply 6 wee. Good location and 1 ..... un· limited potential. Sacrifice price ot '13,000. For thia and othera, aee THE · VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy., Newport Bet.ch I.Jberty S.3'81 NEWPORT .:HEIGHTS BEST BUY 1t'e a roomy 2 bed rm. well built home, bu breakfut area, dinlnc room, rlreplac., oak noorw that cleam. arvi~ porch. Jot.a of u.&.. plate ..._ pSoture wtn- dowa that offn 90IDe •lew, atra large double gar· age, rear ya.rd surrounded by concrete wall and many other feat.urea. It'• locat.ec!"ln be.t part New- port Height.a, ju.st breathinr dlftance from Oiff Drive _aDd a_.tnn• c.b..Nw from «hoots; -The pri~ -only $19,000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barker, Liberty 8-8623, evenings Liberty 8-8621 or call EARL W. STANLEY, J ~th 6 Irvine Liberty S.2664 Realtor 26<:28 I * * 4 Bedrooms -2 Baths * * SWIMMING POOL FHA Built -Pric. $ll,260 • • $70 mo. iacl. t.a.xea and in.aura.nee • PJeUing •tucco with large Uvlng room, spaelou.1 kitchen with breakfast area, 4 roomy bedroom.a with lou of clotet apace. 2 batba -one with at&ll itiowe'r. Small concrete nrimming pool, bedml0 ton court, BBQ. redwood tencea and nlce lawns. ·l~ down er aubmit GR!ENLEAF · SEVERTS REALTY. INC. 3112 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 2552 Eve. LI 8-3186 •• BEACON BAY • Three bedroom•. 2 baths. Modern -completely 6 nicely rum. Private beach. Pier &: float privil- e-gee. $37 .500 Tenn.a. • BAYSHORES • • Waterfront Duplex l:Jl~IW\t pt'Opert1 CONiattnr ·Of two bedroome dOWJl, and 1 bed- room up. Compi.t.-11 turnlahe<I. Pter permttt.d.. ruu pr. 1215,000 HARBOR lNVESTMENT CO. REALTORS Barbor llOO See Me-Ta Nelson FOR .EXCEJ..l.,ENT BUYS U'M'ERLY' CHAIUCINO J bdJ'm Mme. n-ly carpeted W to W OWDll'·bUJlt, on J.arp lot. Jl'me at., Newport Ht.a. •1•.aoo. t•nu C&' uavmt. LOT, N.wport Rt.a., MOOG. CORON.A DllL MAR. - lovely 2 bdmi. home on eo· lot plua apt. s.t. of eo11dlt1on on our nn..i ·~ EMJ:R..\l.D BAY, BeauWuJ new 3 ....... -.&a ....... c.,.t.ed Drive out P'lnt Street in Sa.nta Ana Tbru Tuatin and Turn North at Red HJD Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builden1 Designed by Cliff May Never Get We Except for a Lryical- Miracle Pr ti but we are almost b)"lterical about thia one. 3 &cl rooma, a full bath, a 1i bath, Hdwd. tln., fireplace., w to W carp., (exc. 1 BR.) lot. of Ule, Serv. porch,. garb. diap.. din. counter AND din. area, Lovely level back yard, fenced. Atl&ched dbl. gar. Almoat afraid to add-A VIEW, too. The location ia good the price ia right. No calla, pleue, ju.t pick up your coat ill one hand and cbecll book in the other and LET'S GO. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 1U2 m. Oout. H~.. Col'ona del Mar Ku. 21'14 ~ T..nt1o locaUOA -----------~~-------------~----------View. TURN. 1 BA. APT. on Hwy. '66 ,.,. ..... .KllT• Jml.ilOJ'I.. 2tOI J:. Cout Hwy, Ool"ona dtl Mar • Har. llNO OWNER MUST SEl.4 I b«ttoom Balboa Vial& home, wa1J to •all earpe~. CA.LL Lni.~ l-t-074 evc.tnp. 8atu~a • '8unt1aye 27c29 ~ CUJT HAVl!N. 4~ a .I .. a bdrm home, nreplt.et 4 hdwd. n oon !prtnJtlen, petlQ, fenced, dble rar. Near ~I. 135 mo. Ind tu 4 lru. JIC,750 or leu tor equity In cu)\, By Owner - Ll 8-2371. 27c29 At 19th &. Placentia in Costa Mesa THERE 18 A W0 1' DmtruL piece ot bu.In-property fo" 1&Jt with eii:cellent urma. Lonr term l-pcdlJlC, t.ot.aUns appT0:11 U26 a monlh. M • 1 prop- erty, plua aome cut1 wtll be t'On · Ii~ lft a trM!.. Cail owner Ll MUS momtnp or a.tt~ D p.m. tttc BACK BAY NEW I bdrm. 2 tlaU\ llom• on HALF ACRE. Ov1.m9ed double IV·· t1ktr1c own • ptll 121,600. mA!IT T'l:R.MS. Open l to 6 dally. Hl 2Znd Bl, 23c3f EXTJ\A VALUE HERE. IU~O tuU pl"lct. J nPW home.. both tum.. tlreplac•. pra1e1. Clear property. Owner w1U Un')' ba.I· IU'IC. al\eT email down. OR.ANOlll COAST PROPERTl!;I 1167 Newport, Cotta M:ua CORONA DEL MAR HOME PLUS GAR.AGE APT. Perfect'bo~-wilb ~added income lo Dl&te the paym~ti. Two bedrooma with !ull b9tb (st.all ahwr.). bri1ht. cheerful ldtchen. Fireplace, two car carqe with large one B.R. apartment above, the cleaneft property we have ever lated. $21,500 -L 0 TS We have the choicest, u cluaive -from $4500 up RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Cout. Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 -(Acroa from Sank in COMI BALBOA ISLAND LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. l.Arge lot. 5 bdrm. 31" bath houae plue unuaual 2 B. R . apt. over 3 car garare. Both unit.a newly rurnlabed lo Modeme. Ideal for home and income or gueeta. 60 rr. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little laland. pier , float, Cormal 4 bdrm. bome. The land value i8 cloae to the uklnc price. , TWO UNITS. Modem apt.: older rront boue. Show your abUity at "do-lt-younelf, Reduced for qukk Ille -$19,500. ' Har. 111~· -E~ea. Edith Maroon HYatt 4.,em John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland ·---- U a.1e3c2 B:ve. Ll MI03 ------------------------· Balboa laland It Udo Lale loc la~ mo . Incl u1 111. 1.1ul ln Udo ShopJJlng Area c j ' 8mAl1 A ~or l&IT• 6: deJWl.e for couple. :-\o pl'ta. 8'* tt-&OS 32ntt ~1 . N,.wporl Burh fTI to JIOO moaU. HO• W · Ocean F"\ • Ntv.'pot ~ Jiarbnr 4321 23tf GEL Co Bch Harbor U 73-\\' 26p28 _•___ ___ _ __ Two bedrm11 .. dining room. tA heat, I<!-2 lovely patloa. Very neat home. $18,250 Term.a. Three bedroom, 2 bat.he. Provincial home $22,500 OORON A DEL MAil-Let UM tum ,.., apt pat the mortp ... (IQ lbl• a bdrm 2 ba\A born• M&n7 "bullt·ll\I" A Jot.a of etor- .... 11Pace. no<>r COYwinP, Clrapea 6 t.IPU&llC• lacluded ln pnce OC tJa.000. Ha.re.or 16Gt-M. 1.aT ·, 'OON1 make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE -. VQ • CORO:>:A O~AR. furn on COAST HJGHWAY, new building IOI )(&1111• A" .. a.Jbue ltlaa4 e 600 aq fl office. Sullable 1n- ft. Barb6r "' °' B.arbor 2161 BR. Apt. $80, A LSO a1urt1" apt aura.nee. allomey. etc. $90 mo a.& Har. 1788-R or Har. 306~M l~:I mo. LI 8'2038·__ 28P28 RUH FORD. LI 8~1tl. 20lt tftlo BRAND SEW. mod .. m on .. bdrm ---------:-:-~---:--a pt. • Oar111te. 1.Aunllry rm M·A-BU91nf'M Reetaltt AT'l'ft.ACTIVE land 2 bdrm. fum. Stovt A· rtfrlg 18!\ mn 172~ -------- UUUU. paid, 1 or 2 rhlld!"VI. Huntington BtACh Bl\'rt 2flr28 1Aundr7 room. 8 LU 1!: T 0 P I AJl'r. )40TEL 'I03 Newport Bh·d BAL.BOA dtL.ANO -t;nfurn. l Npt. Bd(tl, Jut1t a bo•e the bedrm. apL yTly rental. S~ mo Arda... 7tl!c 6: IU~t. LI 8·4438 24tec -----------~ CORONA DEL MAR' n..,. duplu untura. • rll\., Mlh and rar11 g C' Lido lsle Cot. 19th 6 Placenlla C M. .. OR REN't two b<h rn. home - I •ttve It rcfrlr I um. l lncludee atQre room It two office 1pac11 $100 montll. OR Wiii rent Hp&· utely 1 office at 5il\ and l at UO rnonth. A*> amall rlor• 1100 rno. Call owner Ubnty t·8H3 momln11 or alter 6 I' m. tlfc l eup.t.S. 1 or I tMlulta only. 1 B.ayfront blL to 9bopplft6 • t,..,,.porta· uoa. Tr!y. '!Klfl a..it. Jan. 1. One and two bdrm. apartment• M·l Writ. Box STS, Corona (lei Mer f'\lrnlAhed. Ouacu. Veatl1 or ct:MENT BLOCK BU:>a .. tulla.blt 2!><'27 w1nter retit&L H&r. 84711. tor •nain• Npalr. or ernall boat IP-•~.-.-.~---,.,-.-11~LAND-:-:::-=-turn.~=--='~'.:'::;-2 2lc34 1h0p. approx. 1800 eq. n .. In the ai~ v hevt or th• Karbor An&. 1ua bdrm. A lllft porch._,,... e.nt· ·• ot ptr mo. -SAX El0m8. U r. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Eve U &-638& .. ·c6STA MESA-The Best Town on Earth' INCOllE PROPERTY: New 2 B. R. home and e Unjt.a all furniahed. Near Blvd., and market. In· come H45. Price P'>·OOO with terma. BACK BAY: 1 full 1.erc. Room for that bone or more building. 5 8. R. home wltb iDany atna and all fumiabed. $37,500 2 B. R. Ir den with unall rent&l on ~ 1ot. Sewer in It paid. Room for more ~ta. $10,7~ with terma. G. N. WELLS, Realtor ~ !teat ~ Nk• 71rd, -0.t Ole ''ln·Ul .. wa,.. . out call Mal IC.flat• Broker-Har. JOUI\ 1lftD&4r '100. Tt'7: '133. UI• ,...,, the want ad way, J'JcJI 1 ... .... W. Slttc Bar. lilt eo.t& Keaa lJ S.1801 1810 Newport Blvd . ...... ---~ -- • 32 FT LIVING RM Nam• an1 "uonab\e down pa.ymet. Okkr -..u ~Ill .r.ar11 callfomi& •lYI• ' bed· room. 2 bat.bi. HUI• CU'al .. IUft deck. .u1t1111 $211.000 lm~t. oecupancJ. FORD VEJUUNDD. Ratllor oes. ewa UTT. l7Uc C-2 Buaineu Lot Ca M.....,ort Ill.._ al lllduatl1al Wrq . ..-inn. OaD ..,..r, )lu41Gr llot. llUe CHARLEY DRAKE - T ref fie Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION·WIDE MOVING Ph. Kl 3-9221 Eve LI 8·2961 ·Corner Newport Blv<!. and So. Ma.in St. LIDO ISLE ~ . s-utltUll7 dtconted a bedrm. 2 bath rtmdence. ·Located on fine .trfft neu the cJubbouae. 40' Jot, lars• l&Ddacap9d patio. Carpetlnc incl. at $31,000 THE VOGEL CO . .:....t.100 OFFICE 3418 Via Udo, Npt. Bch. Har. 4sr11 or Har. 40'72 En• Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-~m ,. .. -. !·~~·!•!•1 .... ~·~·!-------~l!l-..... ~--·---------1 ·INCOME -BALBOA 11\arn. 1. B.R. un.lta plua ownena 1arp 2 B.ll. apart· mat. Beet NDt&l u.. Sbowm txcelknt lnCOJM. ..,, BALBOA -BAY AVENUE . 4 B.Jl .. 2 Bath Jqu, 123,tt50. OW... will .COMider home W..twood area, MJM prtCe bracket or qbt exchange for an&ll clear beach boUM a.rt>or area. BALBOA BAY AVENUE -DUPLEX 2 B.Jt' upper, 1 B.R. lower, completely funWlhed. aJao l&rfe nampua room. $18,500 -~Down. BALBOA ·PENINSULA ' New HoUMa -~early Completed. Bullt·in kltdl· ena, used brick firepl&ce. 3 D.R., 2 Datha, Dbl. Gar-. ace, Fenced Patio, factor ·a~tractive city park. ~.l500 -Good flnanclnc. BAY AND BEACl; REALTY, INC. 1~ W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor 12M .. ---/ . .. . . a -... r.w. .,!•!!::•!Ml~l'A!!*!!!! .. ;_...--~·!!::~...,!!'_!lll!!*!!!!"'~---··~•!!!'-!..' .!! .... !!!!! .. !----NEWPoRT HAUOR NEWS-PUSS -PAIT 111 • PAU I --·---· -----.-· FttlDAY, NOVEMIER 4, 1911 . Houston Values BILL'S BEST -BUYS , · WOl Down ·, ·-· ~· a._, ....... Only $100() Down Family Size RHtaurent -. , PULL PNC. ieeoo, f«W o&de 8bowa very good lncome, very Uttle hired help 1 bdna., ho«M, -• lood C4 . '"' b lot.. eoaHo Jlalt ott Jf~ auW. A gold mine ln "41e aummer -.r en t\ah1np Bl•.4.. ~ ot room i. WW on. Vflr'! M&t. k>c&ted in buaiest aecUon o~ Newport oa ,._t -A. reel ...i. Beach. J'ull price $5000 with $2600 down. Scoop-$9000 F.P. A Whale of •buy a Bdrm. 1~ b&Uw, beaut. ... 110 On a quiet reaidential •~reet -tratnc tree ud fenced. dbl•. pr. RW. ttra. clean u whi8t.le... W&lking dt.t&nce from all ahop- Wlred 220. SM Ulla, •~t b ' 1 N d your doWnl ping, next to grammar ac oo. ., curbed an paved atnet and on ' aeweni. 4 B.R.-2 Baths P'u1l price $9950 S3000 down '1000 dn. •ton. r•ce, pr., land· l · eeraped. Low prt.oe. aq at Top of the Beck Bay ottloe. ChoJce.t 3 B d. Rm. in Sant.a Ana Heights. Expert· 0 H ly decorated Jn It out. Landecaping ia out of tha pen ouse world. Large 20 x 27 covered patio with flagstone Sat. • sun. 11·5 Lo•tlY ultra tloor &djoinin' den adda to lwrury living . modern. Back Bay. Let u.a Pri~~ t $l2 t>&n. · • 4U.50() down •bow you t.bJ• • UM aunound· '--1 a ,vuv ..,. lnr bomea. Priced ll'Olll llt.NO ] Bd f • h d ' $ I 0 500 lo ua.aoo rms. -urn11 e -, no La C&na<!& Way. $1400 FHA Loan, payable $60.60 a month incl. Houston Realty Co. 1531 Oce-_n Blvd Peninsule 'Point I Bedrooma, l ~ Bath, J c:a.r ~e, F.&:ed Patio, 01.-.d · Sundeck, Stove • n.r~vator • "tll,600 .$5(0) Down 263 I Crestview Bay ShOJea ~· llvtbl'l"OOm With flNt· place. Full d~ room, I Bed room&. 2 cu s•rv .. Completely l\~ecorated $18.500 S5(XM) Down 503 J Street Peninaule Point a ~room.a. l ~ Bath. 2 car l'&rqe. Bay view. L&rre J'enced yard.. Stove and Refnrerator BACK BAY &ck Bay ~uty on a new at.reet with equally bea• ti!ul home1. 2 bedroo!U and den. Larp Uvtnc room with cllninC area and ftreplace. Beamed ceLllnp. Hardwood flool"I, forced av heat, l&r19 kitdllll wttb built-in ran~e and oven!"'Areakfut &lcoJe. 2 batha. Double prage, lhake root, ,..tth RedwoOd and ltuc· co exterior. CaU and let UI ahow you th.la loftl1 home with lta many appointment.I and 1800 lqU&N _ feet of livin,i area. $24,000 J'ull Price THREE BEDROOM HOME Located in F.ut Colt& M-. on eood .u.t. de&n neat home with 1100 aquare feet on !&!le lot. Hu · double garage facing on wide paved alley. Covered patio nearly compJeted. TUe bath with atall aboW'W. The three bedroom• are ail good aiu'. Hardwood floora throughout. F1oor furnace controlled by ther· m01tat. Lawn front and rear with Iota of plant.lip. 111,100 Full Price. $69.20 per month.·~~ ftnaMln1 -------------.. -------• ASSOCIATES 809 Center, Coel.& Mua taxe., ·1n1. It intere9t. May be purcbuetl unlur· n1ahed. Only 1 year old. Sewens, ~w 1>4ved st.reeta . ~oee fu ahoppinc center. 119.7~ SEE , My furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With new of oe.an, 2 bedrooma and d-. bMutlful ' pat.Jo. 1 yr. old, --··~ •"I areum.tancee oompel m~ to offer for Immediate po11111fon. Excellent term.. $27,500 Contact mJ J:zc1ua1ve Acent EARL . W. STANLEY, Realtor SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at mVINE TERACll SALES OFFICE Oppoelte Irvine Cout Country Ctub, Htcbway 101 or Phone Harbor •tu ' ONLY 7 LEFT-BETTER HURRY "Country Club Estates" In Coate Mesa Adjoinin1 beautiful Sant.a Ana Country Club, 'Eut of Sant.a Ana A venue,. oft Orchard Drive. 3 s.droom -2 bath M~ Home. • LI l-t911 or LI 1-7717 Eve pb. Petitte LI 8-6'87 Lytle LI 8·2M2 I WATCH THIS COLUMN W .. A. TOBIAS · and .ASSOClA TES, REALTOR "you'll Ukt our friendly llef'Vlce" 400 E . 17th St., eo.ta Meaa : Liberty 8-1139 lido rott Tim MOBT ca.Ntultr ..aeet-· ed valu• ln eacJa of our da.Unet· ~ravaganza !)' d1tf.ermt JUl\BOI\ Aft.LU. BALBOA ISLAND *1· REAL SNUG cozy 2 bedroom home, beamed ceil- wm HAVE the k,11 ComJ>l•le.IJ inp, u.ed bdck fl.replace, •unny kitchen. ·Choice turn. In maple, paneled Ulnlout-location. $22,000 -$-t.000 down 2 bedrm. A •le.I.I M ~ll,800. *2· Three bedrma., 2 baths, INGRAM bµilt.. perfect 10 BALBOA month& old. Pati9. A must eee. Firat time of(ered. CUTll AS A BU'ITONI A lltep 4l'>ft IU\I\ from Lile jetty. 2 bednn.. r.P. -,._,,vvv term.a. Iott ot Uvtlll' tor •11,aoo. aJ:J: rH.Ia SUNNY S becJrm., 11' b&UI a.ome on ti tt. Jot. OWner mo~ b\l&ad. Wanw olf .... CLIFFHA~ ROOMY 2 Bm>RX. A auN!UL, r .P. doMta 1&1oro.. Pll~ fOI' quick ll&leJt Onl¥ feooo down. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor ~ Newpo• Blvd.., Npt. ~ l:M7 Parkln~ Harbor '810 '-C' THOKA.8 ••c" THOMAs CLIFF HAVEN ~ I Wrai. bOIDt OD ll~J t.an4-caped 80 n. lot. fir•· pM•, hdwd. noon, fenced, .,..... aica.oola, w t• w earpeUac Md dra,.. 1.Deauded tn illaNQ •3. Two bedrm. Ir den (convertible) Larae patio, raiaed hearth fireplace, beamed ceiling•, 1 % baths. A charming home full of aunahine. Another fint offering. $27,500. Excellent 'terms. Osbome.forton Realtv Co. 2328 W. Cout Hwy., (at Port 6range.> Newport Beach LI 8-7562 Har. ~1~ eve.. BALBOA ISLAND Luxury will become a habit 1is thfa ·be&ut. BAY FRONT hoDte and apt. Lge. IMns room, dinlnJ room, l<;>ta of batha, patio, aun deck, xtra Ip. pr·· age. $65,000 with good t.enu. 'l'HIS IS NOT ORDINARY GOSSIP -ITS CHOICE! S6000 dn. tor th.la 'choice two.unit property. Extra Jari•. Uv. room, fireplace, lovely kitchen wtth el~. range, 1 bdrm. PLUS good bachelor apartment. dbl garage, large yard. Full Price $2&,7~. Bay front Special 7 Bedroom• .• Battie, a car ....,.., •. Pier 6 •lip. F'umlahed $38,000 NewPQrt Harbor ~ealty Jlm and Sally Newlin &16 E. Balboa Blvd., B&lboa Phone Harbor 1807 2 Open Houses CORONA DEL KAR e 416 Acacia Cor. or Fir•l. See thl• dellpUul borne t>.tore you buy. I bdrm., fireplace, · open bftm ceillnJ . Cl\a.rmlnl' encloeed paUo • '1•.MO Tenna .• • 3604 Ocean Blvd.~ Cor. of Orchid. Pa.noramlci Bay A OcMn view. S nice Mdrma .. I b&tha, 11e. llvlns rm. s .. thta Oflt toct.11 U!»eral Lenna. ' Call Harbor 20'42 ~ COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST An unUAually attractive new home with 1'80 ~uare feet of living space to ramble around ID. l5.lt21 Living room. 2 BedroQma and a den. 1%' Bat.ha. Forced air heat. Parquet flQOra. DoubM pr- aP.· Situated on a 7&x300 lqt with a 1t) acre ldjam· tnr land available for developln~ a 9padoua oomat17 eatate near Santa Ana CounU;r-e&ub. 1 Acre C·2 on Newport.Blvd. 13 Acre. )l.t LuMI 150 Foot Corner on Harbor Boulevard Excellent development opportunity. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Liberty 8-6597 "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area famot .. art tDlpeeUq theee ex41ulait.e ho111e1 -noUnc tbelr comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more familiee who prefer a home m a i,.. atricted quaijty community are 1IMMq into t1*r Irvine Terrace homes. Drive JD today and eee tor younell tM m-., oat- studJ.nr featur. o.f t!Wt remaz:Dble commtrnft1. , Inspect the model ·homes, -. ---~-. -• ~ ot '11,000 -OWMr- a.na.loua -Exdosive Be-ac.on-Say --- WE PROUDLY PRESENT th1a apacloua 4-bdrm. 3 bath home. :Early .American decor, lot. of cloeeu, ahutten thruout. S4(),000 wtth tenn:a if deCr'*l. Frank James & Linwood Vick buHt-by-Maeco-Gorp. exquisitely furniahed ./ NO DOWN PAYMENT NON-VETS -VETS Saleemu on tract every aftunoon ODl.8 Ii.. CLARK. 2152 'E. Palmer St., Coit& Kea l..Iberty 8-2&7 day. and evenin1• 27t!c . Harbor Highlands NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Bal~ .Ialand Har. 0502-4623 REALTORS R. Rayle. C. Travla, C. Ruu. AHoo. U2 Manne Ave. -8-Jl>o& Lala.nd ' OPEN HOUSE HOIM of DlaUneUon wtlb "J'w. ..wi~ IMMlllcaplq" -f .... bedrooma. J b&lh8' fl.replace, Mwd. noon. dl.apoae.l. lovet1 p&Uo, W/W Cuptilq .. u.,.., c.botoe locaUon -&Xca..l.ENT --------------------Dally 1-15 ucept Sat. • Sun. 110 Palermo VAL~. $11,600 LIDO ISLE A Dellpltul Home l I MOit t.&lletully decorated with a Choice comer location. SpacioUB living room, bdmul. 2 love11 batM. wrw car- ba.ndaome deo. • bedrooms, 3 baths. Sparkling ptllnl'. U-ahaped kitchen. d.lahw. "C" THOMAS REALTOR by Martin & Von Hemert Irvtne Terrace la located on Cout Blrhway oppallta the new Irvine Cout CounjrJ Qub. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS' Phone Barbor '448 For i\uther Inform&u. CORONA DEL MA~ VOGEL VALUES '..;.:;::-.~~o: kitchen. A home for the moat diap., fa.n, 220 wl~. Furniture of excdle.nt ta.ate &vallaMe. d.i8criminttinr of tamiliee. -- A lot for UtUe. -lh1a comer * For Recom.mendaUon, we refer JO• to urau who holda a LewhoJd B:.tat. ln lnlM TwrWr, Bucon Bay, Bay Shores and CUtt Ra.a Price $39,900 t.enna. M. L. 6260 at.reet lo at.net. ~11 --------------------- pr1c~ Charming Farmhouse 2 bedroom.9. ~'z.2.6' llvtni room. fireplace. book- abelv•. Oiamond·pane bay window. Ha.ndy We kilc.h. Cedar roof. Wood It atucco uterlor. RWD fenced yard. (Aa,lent walb. Dbl pr. It laundry. Adjoining Jot ia vacant -Jou of elbow room. One of the prettier home9 ln to1"11 for SH,500. • Good Terma. Attractive Duplex Comer lot, 2 bedroorrui e.ch, fireplaces, lg. kitchen Ii bruJcfu! nooka. 1 gar. A laundry each. #1 apt. leued at $90 per mo., unfum.~ #2 apt. available to buyer . Dop't faU to 1ee UUa very nice property. THE VOGEL CO. - 2ee7 E. CoutHwy., Coron,deUlarHA: t741 IU:'H77 , Extra Luxurious Custom Quality There Were 41 Rench HomH NOW, Only 35 le~ Ceatnlly loeaUd tor all acth1t1e. ln GJ"Mtef Nw· port Harbor am. ye'-out or -..onal con,..tion that penau ... '° llWly arw. Tb ... bomee have everythlnc. even wall aafa 'l'brM bdrm. $21,950 Four bdrm. P2,9f0 · HARBOR Ml'8A RANCH ROKDI Located at Irvine A"N., 1 IMock No. ot 1 ltb Bl EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXa.USIVE j.OENT ' 15th It lrvbr• Liberty 8-218M or Liberty W123 One of BALBOA. ISLAND'S fineet -- 5 bedrooma, 4 batha. Beauti!ul.,patio apd cabana. A. bra.nd ,,...., 3 bdrm. 2 bath a Frmch Rerenc:r W/W earpeUn,., Ole to So. Bay on &n extra wide lot . beamed c~UJn,c•, mere. _llchM , $3500 Down Payment wtU buy two tumJ.ahed Price 147,r,()O tf'r'!IW all-.lec. klt.dl•n. Le'• paUo. Im· ::ta.!:• del Mu. J:ada W. W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD prualve •nt.ry, lovely P~· Re.tltors Bay & Beach Rlty Inc UDO omc11: Marine and Park, Balboa laland. ~r 24e2 1112 Latay.tte. Newport. . to Acre9 near 11..,..t.& denlop- nwnL l.arre II bdnn. boom .. Part ---------------------Barbor M4J of lttuld ~ widntloped. .,.n la &Jl&lta. Pot4tlStW auWh1111ion. Fihmonis Rlty. Co. "-!ton-~.-. Ml&lUpM LUitJac Jll6 Ill.. Oout 11.J'., eo..& ... Mar ~11.U Ulll MO. lNOOMa. I• UIOOO. Termt ftOOO da.. llO mo.. 1Nya a tum. unJt.a. •11.000 unt'llm.. wlUI hlOO da. and 115 mo.-nrune '° retun ~ capt. , &al .... u... 114 ,...... A.II Us.Ill • oe .ao. la ball ae"' BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES HURRY! OWNER IS HALF-WAY OUT THE DOOR! $2250 DOWN Nice 3 bedroom, 2 bf.th, contemporary home acrou the atreet from Catholic Church and achoo! in eo.ta Mesa. Aak for Mn. Wilma Hough 5 Income Units NE.Al\ NEWPORT PIEft.. ~ bl)c. to ~. 1 bill. to Bay. Exc«I· let .-.nl&J area with terrUlc pot.iU&l lfteome. Thi.a dean property Ulo lnclud• adJotn1n1 ytpi.Dl lot at th• low price ot uuoo .,,~ ~ snoo ~ ... thi. today. WATl:IU'1\0 NT HOME. perU)' tumt.9Md. Pter A floet. Sll,&00. ~Lerma. -' Homer E. ·Shafer REALTOR GOLDEN RULE VALUES Move Your Plant to Costa Meae , M-1-lndustrial •800 aq. ft. New Concrete tilt-up and block bulk'in1. Lateat desjgn. Office apace. Lot 7~'x140' all pam fot ample parking. Right in the 1'Heart of eo.t& Meaa". All Ulilitiea. For lmlftediate leue Of' Ill&. ALSO Small lndustrial M-1 Bulldlng. (2000 aq. fl), AD uUllUe.. Sale or leue. $1000 Down Here l1 your chance to buy a lovely 2 yr. old I bdrm. hom~ and:_ pay for it just like rent (only 1-). Car- peted. Birch cabinet.a. P&tio. Beat location Oil larp - lot . PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO T. EVERSON 18M Ne?lport Blvd.. eo.ta W- (acro .. from Coit& Meea Bank) Phone LI 8-6761. Evem. Har. 43ee -LI S.2103 OllAJfaa OOAn' PROPEl\Ttf:& 3 ACRES R-4 COST A ME.qA. ····----··· .... $15,000 Triplex bringins ln&me of $~ month. Fully rented.' Very nlc. 2 bedroom apart.menu, 2 yean old. aean and modem. Good he&t. tOI McFedden Place Bar .• 1io -------------------- 1111 K...,.art. Oolt&a J1116 LI •till S... U l-tlOI TRY $21,600 -$5,000 DOWN BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES . REALTORS Jtwelry Store JllM..,.rt-.a ......... 1606 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 5188 mJt CIWt ..... OI' ..-& .. " ---------------------Jou. rw 4WtlUI. .aa DAN >... l.t.OCNW, "-llor Bar. Ntl .... u .... lT Udo Steal I Be4Joooa llioll\e CID Ill' COfMr lot. 0.,,.. ... IUIUlee at ••.too l>UNCA.lf H~ml'T, JIM, •711 • UM1ft roaM. ~ ... Mar. AD ......_ 0... ... • '/'OU' lnn.tment. STl,llO. o...r. ftar. MOt lleill OWNERS LOSS -YOUR GAIN 3 Bedroom ranab home. 2 ear prace. Larp -patio overlooklns canyon. Cc>rner lot. Owner ~ Huel °'1'"• Corona del Mar. Har. 1089-W 27c29 - SYe. Har. 2a•M Har. am-w 11 DOWN per 9e1, f t. buya 1 yr old lovely J bednn. home. Hwd. nooni birch llltchen cabtneta. 1Jll20 llv1 nJ rm. "-• In A paid -PropJert:r,. cle&r hllere w1" C&l'T'/ b&llUlct It IT& mo IAnl l&rf• lot. rm. for unit ln r...,.. 01\ANOll COA!T PROPERTIES 1151 Ncwpor\. Coet.& M ... LI'l -1832 J:ve. U 1.-flOI ....._ $1000 Down Pertaa.,. i.e. fo.r OU. atra rn.eUcu- 1oul J a. ft. t.om.. ... UWI lt J'o.I .,.. parUGUl&r. l>A.N A. JAOOUZN, ~tor lla.r. •1 S... Ll 1-tal T . WANT INCOME?? Hel"f·s a beautiful. Cliff Haven· TRIPLEX !or ju.at $22.000 ... Maybe leu ... excellent money maker! Betw~n high acllool and rrammar ~ool ... owner lll and MUST SELL ... pleul 1ubmit yo~r often. ·A TIENTION BUILDEJlS: 3 &Cl'tll M ln eo.t.a Me-. only $US,000l BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES '1506 W. Balboa Blvd. . Harbor &la 21dl ·, . l ,. . j ( ... . M81 ~ • PAlT 111 -.Nf#POltT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS 11-llMI m.eat.e FRID~Y. NOVEMIER 4. 1955 a ._. EaWe e-.., .._.. ._._. llllWt P.. 8 ~ ·. P. 8 I m e r i n c ~ r: .P ~-;; t e ·d : .._ .. , r..aate ·--~FM.at. -------• . ......... BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor BALBOA ISLAND A RARE OPPORTUNITY Deluxe Bueinea Building Included with th1a property ia one of Che fineat Ree- tau.rant bualn~ on Balboa laland. AU modem equipment, Thia i9 a going concern Wtth TOP in- ~me. In addition there are two beautiful apart· menta. Come in and talk it over. Thia S. a REAL PACKAGE DEAL. WANT RENT CHECKS! Jf you want theae RENT CHECKS, they can be youn if you o~ tb.ia ~ne! A1channJng • B.R. home plua a 3 B.R. apartment. Top location on ~boa 1.a- land. A steal at $24,500. BUT HURRY! e OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY • SATURDAY • SUNDAY 32' SAPPHIRE ST. Unuaually charm. 4 B.R. fumiah.ed home. Patio. Ste to appreciate. We have the key and will ahow any time. Priced right. Xlnt. tenn.e. $19,9C50. Attr. fum. home. Large living room, aun room, dining room, two bedrooms, convenient kitcb- tn. Patio. Will ahow anytime. / L1Tl'LE ISLAND . Beautiful 4 ll.R. 3 bath home. Ellerbroek deaign~-&nd built. You'll like thia bouae. Priced rlgh~ • · l'IRST TIHF.: OFFERED. Owner Moving. Home le Ineame. See thla·today. One of the mo.t charming 4 B.R. 3 bath homea on laland, plua gueat room and bat~. The 1pacloua one bedroom apartment ia at- tractively deiligned and furniahed. Larg.e two-car rarace. Thia won't last, IO call ua to-day. Our ex- clutve u.tin.c. · • BAY SHORF.S • $24.750. One ot the moat charming apaciou1 2 B.R. 2 bath homes on beautiful Bay Shores. Delightful patio. To ..., Jt, ia to want it, 10 'hurry! THE PRICE 18 RIGHT! ! ! SHORE CLIFFS Let ua lhow you our beautiful homea in Shore Cliffs. We have aome that will delight you. LOWER THAT RENT·f-!· ! By owning thla fine Duplex, you can do juat that ! ! Nearfy new. 2 bedrooma each. Top location. Only $:5000 down. Call ua on thil. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MuLTlPLE LISTING 3_11 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 LIDO BA YFRONT A..,. mpeclal hCJme, of the calibre that ia .eldom for ale: ·For family ~na. thil nearly new. cus- tom, owner-built hGme la offered to the 1elect buyer who e&n afford the bellt. Without queetic>A thia out.standing home of 4 •pacio)lt_, bedroome and 5 complete luxury balh· -roolDi,--U me Ulttmate ln quality conet.ruaUon.-Te owner •Pved no expenae while building and fur· nlahing thia exceptional home, and thia la evidenced throucbout, from the radio-controlled garage en- trance, through the lovely room1 with furniture cte.lgned eapedally for each area, and out ·to the bis pier and allp where the fortunate owner may keep hie yacht moored at hla ·rront door. Thia exclusive home. including complete cuatom tufnlture and appliances, in ita choice Lido location, la priced below coat at $1()0,000, which fact will Immediately be recognized by the qualified buyer. WILLARD L KILLION, Realtor 3M1 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 develeP,en of Udo Ille' ••• Stop • • • See thi8 • bedrm. 1 % bath home lrith ~in ranp and oven, walled patio, ued brick fireplace an4 forced air tumace. On Via Lorca, do.e to a nice beach. ~W trade for mnaller home .$30,7do. . ~ • L~ok • • . Here it ia, -on Lido'• wide1t .treet. 3 be4r'Jn. 3 bat.U, hardwood fioore, large patio, perfect condi· tion, center fireplace. $34,500 furnilhed. . • • Listen • • • Once in a .Blue Moon a Lucky buyer bendta from the many$$$$ an owner bu juat 1pent for new feature.. Such la the cue in tbia almost new houee on Udo. Tbermador oven and range, wall-to-wall &rpettng, nicely fu'miehed, eliding st&M doora to patio, 3 bedrm1. 1 % batha and only $32,9C50. ••. See • • • theee exc'lualve li.Unp toct.y. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333" via lido, harbor 1500' FrH Chriittnu Tree Goe. with thlii ~ Olff .... .,, --It will be fl'UDld.,. tM lcrnly pct.. ..... ....... ov.r ua. ~7 uc1 o.u. a......, .1" ._., hll price ot '2',IOO '"...._ _.,... ...... wl clrapee. .... Call llUl l'uUwortJa f« dlt•• ~ shmnln~n::'!u ~~Nam. larp kitchen. bath .... two ~ IAaat.ecl la achlltw cntt 11a.-. 8boWll ... n ... t nblrD oa iDnMmlnt of .$21,llOO. Low .... ,.,.....t ud termaUW l'or details aalJ Daw Olbunl. . . Balboa Island· (nr.t offeriDI) J'u.nUmbed 6 bedrm. Is famlly nom bome. Turltlc for. wummw or· Jtar aroand ll'flq. ~ t.-ma anD•hle, mo wtn trade for Palm lprinp home. l'ull prioe '31,GOO. Call Joe Klncald. . p. a. palmer incorporated ole haneOn co., sales manapment 1100 w. oout ldPwa7 -llbldt 1-1111 HARVEST TIME $10,250 Fun Price OPEN HOUSE ON LIDO ISLE S~ially Selected Balboa Barga~s •• ~, CORONA DB. MAR PANORAMIC Barbor aad ocean ~. l•quallty . . ltNlt." ' B. ll, elm. I b&tlw. Low terma. Ba.r-pm "8,000 I ' DlVIMZ Tl:RRACIC. SS>OO wtll b&DcUI. Almolt _,, I B. ll COllY. den, 2 bat6'. luide BBQ. Drap- .-. Mow. fully luact.caped. Low prtoe. BAYSHORES . -1 • BAJt.OAIN. a beclrm. Liv. room us & 30. firepl.,. ftDclcl. connd patio. Lowest prtc. in thi8 ez. clwdYe dlatrlet $18,500. . . A.'l'Tlt.ACI'IVJC a bdnn. home~ Protedted patio. Owner amdoua for Offer. Aakinl $28,000 ' Bedrm. 2 bAtha. ~ btk. from .. thlq. be&ch. 8abmlt tenna. Aak1nr $29, 7'50 l SD US for BEACON BAY and BAYsBORES propertiel. Bar. 1715 -EVea. Edith KarooQ, HYatt ..em J'ohn·Kacnab, Harbor 5359 1 Lou Boyn~n. Ba~ Dr. otftce! 8f,··320{eve Har. 2878 . 'i ! ., EARL W. STANLEY,-'Realtor . ~ 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE · * * * Balboa Peninsula Its. New-Its Modern a br. A den on one of the few .O' lo~ in tht. area. Lovely 11Sx22 living room -2 firepla«* and all the finer ,features Inc~ BJt.-l.11 range A oven. Breakfut bar-inter-com. A radio. Thia i1 a mun eee ! 3 bdrm. --l y..r old. Carpeted llv1ns room and hall. Stucco and plutFr corutlnictlon. Gar- be..re 4t.poaal and 200 v. klkben. Concrete• w&ll, d1condra lawn. · Patio and lhnlba. r . H. A . ffO.ltO month Include• tu.. at 110 Via Cordova, Sunda710:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. There ia everything in It uyoae could pO.ibly , hope. for -and more -for $27 "°. She rooms and two car garage. DX>KS LIKE NEW. l:Xtn. large den and paUo tor ,..i u.tnr and ctertaln- ing. Hu a very lovely rai8ed flreplacl. Drapee includ~ Tenm can be ~ -REVEMBl:R 6 w. I M. IMllD4. lMp corMr lot ladladed. Beaut. tll 0 ID e, ...-. ........ ' ai.r.. 1 ... ..,.cloUa i.ome Costa Mesa ......... o..a "'"'· Pl.BOO. Owner Must Sell Ownei wfll conalder low down. ,ITS OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY FROK 10 A. Iii. BIG REDUCTION! IN TOTH5:EOO PB. AM.CK BAY' . AREA Ju1t liated -fi unit tnoome Cl~ ln Valuable comer. 148' x 120' Owner Ill Alw,.y• rented Wu '21.100 J lll,000 FULL PRICE BACK BAY! Houae Ir Extra Lot 2 bedroom -1 bedroom l8 • 20' J:xtN. lot 111· • 100' Fruit treea Oue.t houae. raa and electrtclt)' M.aln atreet ln Back Bay l"Ull Price Jll.711-0. LATE SPECIAL! Approx. ll acre1 with horn• ·s1uoo Bay ·& Beach Rlty Inc -...ual.~ Coat& Mua. "Calli. Liberty 8-1181 Liberty ~·3010 Balboa BA YJ'RQNT Duplex 1·2 b<lrm. 6 1·1 bdrm .. 2 car prace. tur- nlabed, $34.600. Term•. Mi(ht con-1der trade tot Coet& Me• ~property. -OCean Front rt.rflN 3 Bedrm .. 2 bath hoUM • 1 bdrm. apt. over rans• f25.000 TerrM-- OLDER • bdnn. houae, forced &lr beat. Only 123.500. DUPLEX on Balboa Blvd. flll.· Oo.e to the .Bay., Wllllns ha.nd9 can tnuform tbia almo.t 2,000 equare feet of home ucl rumpus room into a delightful place. Here ...:._ on a fmced in lot 150 x 1~ -there S. ~ for cbllddren -·and dop to romp and play. Tbe price 11 $13,C500 with a reuonable down pa)'JmDt. Owner will COD• aider a trade. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom, 1 * bath. c1ou111e ...,.... um.• dlDJDs room. Bea\ltiful atra 1uP 11.tq room. U.. llMcMD iii .wba\_ every woman dn&mll of bat ....,. llltL nu. lOftlY home Iii situ&Ucl oa a leYel balf acre of ground and can be ha4 for $21,800 Good .._ can be arranpd.. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. nol""-32nd !t . OffRiTPlrODI JrlLtWr Cll9ll Newport Bea.ch, Calif. Aftw 5 p • ..m. Bar. 2m-J Multiple· Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million -Dollars taooo ...,,., oat. 1\6 -. r. I -. MIM. 1'ana. Y• eouJd ... tt • • • oaJ7 .lT ,BOO. ftooo dL ~ I._ r. I .U.. ..C.. wait,, lup...,...lot. Pt.TOO. ...U dowL ~t dlqlla. I ._ r. eeeh Witt. I 9M IU'• PrtY. -.C... ' .,..,. old. N0.000. i.nu. . 3 br. profeeaionally decorated It land8c:aped. Sprink· 1in&' 1)'9tem -W /W cpt. Shadee A draperiea. Rance A refrlc. incl at reduoed price of $11,9C50, $2500 dn. * * * * * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-M81 IHOOllm-lmAA BAY 6 ocaAN ~lud1 -.......... &oom fW atra uait. artra IOMM ..--------~--~~~~-----~--~--~ 111.100, ...... 1'lu'DJ.IMd I lw • ..,._ wtUI w&e tllaCie ~t ta ,_,., I pr- .,_ •tT,IOO, tsma. CLOllll TO BAY .um UD.All1' a a1i.. fllna. T9n'lfle ,......, ...TIO, MOOO dA. ::0., eO:.-.::r.-·:Z .._" ' .. , ........ 81 •••··· ..... 11. ........ '1....._ ...... I W1111• --., _.., ,_., I ..... ,... .,,, ...... at Ul.000...... • ' • ~·---JDdl'& Iii("" -............. NW' Uiiliil7. '11 ....... 84lboa Realty Co. Oppell&t.e ... ., ..... -°"""' Al OM I ,,. . .. Lie .Jadr l'lakllaa Jw:pMM W-" TOOS...._,......_,..._ ft-. llutlal' an LITTLE GEM Back Bay Specia~ I Bedroom. 1% batb. r. A. heM., B. W. IJoon, 1hake root, Iota ~ We. '1'181111k built. -OPEN HOUSE Sat. A Sun., Nov. 5 A e JU Mira Loma North ot Del Kar, ju8t ott Tuatln Ave. " -------- : Iota 80 K 150 f?olltiq Oil a ~ lab, with a ..... ot the Back Ba7. W. E. FISHER & Associates 302' E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Kar RUSTIC HOME -by o-- --------------------7r>O bot.h unit. nicely Cum. OnJ1 se.ooo will handle, PROPERTY SOLD IN 19M WITH KOMTHS TO SPAR'IC USE Jll]LTIPLE LISTING, 2 Bedrooml 6 den -1 % batU, plUI gueet bOUM with ·,; v Best -~uys Corona del Mar fl. 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Hardwood floon. furnace heat.. ~o garage. And only $10,750. $2500 down. 2. DUPLEX CORNER LOT 1 Bedroom each, furniture included in 1 unit. Full price $17 ,500. $5000 down. 3. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY Evening Canyon road, 60 x 217 ft. Priced at SH,750 '-It you are in the market for Shorecliff property, aee ua,"lirsl. We have several exclusive llirtinga to 1how .YOU. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co.· • PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to'Corona del Mar Bank) Ocean-Front -Home $22,500 VERY A'l'TRACTIVE year round home on Sea· abore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dininr area. FOnnJca kitchen, 1 bedroom and ~ bath down, 3 bed.rooma and 1 lf.i b&Uw up. S9M con· lltl'UetioD, concrete and piling foundation. 2 car pnce. endoeed yard. Excellent beach. _EARL . W. STANLEY, Realtor 1111 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Barbor .1011 I Coast Properties 301 E .• B&lbo& Blvd.. B&Jbo& Harbor 241~. 2~117 and •800. Open House · Sun. 388 DltL MAR -BACK BAY 2 br. and den, 2 b&lh, llldlnf ITS mE SUCCF.SSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board .qf Realtors •Ol N. Newport Blvd. doora. w""' carpel, blL In~· --------------------and oven. beautltul kitchen - Shake root. 1111,11~ CLIFF HAVEN Oullll&ndlnr f b. r .• 3 be.th home. 2 uv1n1 roorru. carpeted '37.600 f lOOO down 2 b, r.. den. HW noor1 -Xlnt condition. Aakln.- 110,000 ' Claire Van Horn RltAJ.,TPR 2731 W . Cout Jfwy. LI 8-077 5 Acres R-4 · On Placentla, aaklnJ prlce $26.000 cuh. Submit. DAN A. JACOB81lN, Realtor Har. Miil ICVel Ll 8-6817 -- Lido Bayfront ·' • 8 BEDROOMS • 5 Y2 BATHS e PIER and FLOAT e VACANT-WE HAVE THE DY • FULL PRICE $7 •,500 LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON J. H. GROBKAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINU. llANSON 3400. Via Udo Bart.or' '°'" (Aero. from Richard'• Market Dltruoe) BACK BAY water view lot.. We -------------------- ban Jtat 3 of the11e hard to find propertiu. 1-MllOO. l - 57500. Terna. 1-$7500 ca-1\. ORANGE COAST PROPERT11!:8 1167 N ewport. ~ta MeN Ll 8-1632 J:ve. Ll 8-tlOI BY OWNl:R CORONA DICL MAR, modem 2 bdrm. home, nreplace, tum~ •. bdwd. nn .. ww ce.tpeuns and drapee, dble. pr. 8t..-d for apt .• Full pric4 Ill.TIO, PIOO da, IOI PotllMttl&. Har. ltoo-M. HdTh * CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 2 Houeee on 1 lot S21,C500 -.--2 bedrm., Yr/ cleu Sll.2BO • R2 k>t Corona Blch'.!Nh, on. 2 Wrm., den, new Corona Hisbluda $29.IOO. 2 unit.a, f\arniahed. Comw Jot Slo,IOO G. H; LATHROP 3635 E. Cout HJchtn.J, a:>K Harbor M42 ~ BU'. ~ 2Te21 I Jledroom wtt.b hardwood,, tile thermo IM&t. douW. sarac-. 9'e. ~ llldlad9e ,......., refriC. auto. ,,...r • ..U to ~carpet. Ila· ceUmt locaUClll Pneed to Mil f« _.,. SlO,TIO &erma. B. A NERESON a&A.LTOlt • % bath. Heated irwimminJ pool, wall to wall ~ petlnr, luse lot completely · fenced. Cannot be dupllcated for full price ot S28-.000 Can be teen at 811 Al-Dean, 1 b\oclr from b1lb 90bool. Phone.LI a.e839 °"BU. 6912-J after e p. m. 2C5tfc IJU Newport Bl'f'd. eo.ta Mel& LI WtTl ....._ U 8-41JO -------------------- ltll'f08 PLACll CUit Ila""' I M. I b&Qt ........ ""J>L, '· L IMat .,, w carpetlq -.atdia• ,,_ cloorl to ~-t paUo. Hom__,.. k' tall• L Oal7 flt.MO wUJa 1/1 & OAAMOll OD.Aft PROPDTID t•T Mewpert. o.ta X... LI 1-lllJ .... LI ..... . Best ,Duplex Buy llut ... Olllta x.... ..,.,... , .... JU'M, ....... tin. i.... . ... ,.,.. .. .., .Tl DAM A. JA.OClmmf, "-ltor ..... 1 ..._Ua.Glf UDO R-3 1-llft.W.• ... -----tlt,lll ~ CID T. D ....... ... -.w, • JlT• 1 .... uilil f'08 Mia ft OjfRa 6 W. ,_ ..... 1" ........ ~· ....... , .......... ...... l"l fr ._. ..-.. Cd lAlltJ .... ..nll'p .. -"-I.... llCll Shore Cliffs Exclusive Oce•n View 2 Bectrooma, paneled den, 2% batha, beautltul flac· I et.one patio, pt&te glue windows. mlrr'Ora. water ., purtner, etc. Lwruripua carpet.a A dra.,.., PLUS all the other fine appointmente that mak• a fine bolDe. Notbiq comP.,...ble at $37,GOO. -Can ar· nap aeellent tenna. W. T. KcKANUS, ~r 1099 Harbor LI 8-3333 R. L. STIUCKtXR, R.-ltor 3622 E. Cout Hy. Har. 2774 27tfc TRAILER COURT • atu wttlt room for more. Oooc1 tocatlon 09 Newpcwt Blft. Uil ..... I opportuatty, fint time .a..s.. '80,000 with "' 'down. N.B.C. REALTY . CO. l2Dd It N.wport BTd., Newport Beach Har. Mae , I o • •