HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-07 - Newport Harbor News Press\ - ·BARBOR P·:·R:.e .s s PHONE HARBOR 1e1e .- HERE'S HOW CLEAR · IT CAN l 'E Tbe Newport Barbor area gliatena like a jewel when 'riewed from 17,000 feet on & clear day. a.ta Mm& i,e eeen at the left center and the aouth tip of Santa All& &t top center;----Pacific Air Induatri.ea Photo . - 11,.,, . ..-. -. . .,,._ .. ~, ·7 ... - Mela ¥ou·1hs· lleld I f • • .. TriO'.s · .B~ating • 1 WOllllll '"". Chlld Tin'!fll HADol WIATH• . T I nllw .. ,_.__. ..... to GnMn1; 2 Men · Injured -::ff::. ~--: Two a.ta 11-youtlia today wen heJ4 on charges of unprovoked amault. following the alleged beating in Santa Am. of a 11eWD-month 'pregnant Santa An& houaewife, lrer hu8bu<f Ud a friend u the trio tried to leave a driV&- W.a.lay, NOY. I ..... t4 4t Tta~. Hoy. a. ..... ~ t4 aa J'rlday, Nov. 4 ······-" 4f Saturctay, Nov. I -······ H &l Sunday, Nov. t _.,.,. 19 . 46 :Monday, New. T --···· et '8 in, police res)orted. Kre. De.Yid N. 8uWT&n _... • told them the 81&Ulv&ru1 and c t D . thrown to the J'l'OUD4 by a pack Brokaw )lad at.opped at the drive· ap yson of y~t.era, poJ.Sc. clajmed, when l.n tor a mack late Jut nll'ht. Of· . • • llhe went to the aid of her bu.-tlcera aald aa they at.arted to l•ve ban<! -wtio ... under attack. Rob-their car WJLI auddenly box blocked Hospitalized ert. N. Brokaw, Banta Ana. a by a bot rod. One of the youlb.e 'rlend tn UM Sullivan car re· climbed out of the car, walked up portedly nce&ved a broken jaw, to tlle Sullivan vehicle and kicked ' U\ree •Uta• tn hie bead and It. Capt. Walt ~n. 16-year 'ftl• two teeth lmodled out. BU8BA1li'D JtTJIPED era.n of : Newport 'Beach Police YOUl'lla 8001Ul!I> All Sullivan clpnbed out ot bl.a Deputment, today wu '-inc Local ~·booked-w ... Jamee car two of the yout.he jWl)ped trea for a lie. Blem--. 11, 10,Tll N-.port rtppln&' hla clot.bea. Brokaw $941 tn Hoaa Boepllal A.ve., CGeta Kee&; J"rutda D. DU1. and 8ul.Uvan'a wife climbed out of ~ condition. He wu IMMlp6• :.i.o:ot IO,UJ Bay asde, ODetaXea. 'the car lo eo to -lb• aid ot Of• tal1aed Y•terd_, •• hla Jlll19'- RUMell w. •earp.w, 11, Santa doWned man wben they were at-clan wiabed to ~ aome cardto- Ana, RIMMl1 A. Tiu, IO, lrvtne, tacked b)' the other .teen-lic'era. IT&Pha. Capt. Harry 1Ace aid. Bennie J, Wla&.., ._to AM. OAry Wltne.. Nld tlle atteck wu He will be permitted no 'vtatton 1\-81apl, 'l'llllta UMS LMaud R. "entlrely unprovoked." -BeattJ, 11, Saata A¥t _.. beld . J!'ut.worldne Banta AD.a poU~ for lb• next three or tour d&,a. on ldmilar coaate. . qutokJy rounded up the ~utha and It wu arufounced, hla condJUoa f!antA Alla poUoe .ad wlt:Mm-booked them at the count)' jail beinl' "fak." MCKENZIE · DENIES ALL CHILD •ROUST' CLAIMS Capt. D)'llOn, iwpecbed throuib- out the 1tate for hla uncea.tlnc.., war aplnat Nll'COUca mere -and peddlen, la alao known U OM of th• t;rack platol !hot. or Orup County. Bia cai:eer bu been ~ UnCU!Med here by the IOIYIJIS et maay crlmlAal c~•. Palloe a.Ill ArtlNr ft. McXamde. Ileen caUMd .,,, • l"'OUP· of bo7a. 3 H C09&a x-. ~ ~ • ....... OM ot w1'om ... w-.mac • .u1or earings ~et dlDtal et dept c1111ma .,,, at. 1a u.. ~ minity ane two ~ 111119 /matben tb&t of tbe ndio ee.n k>cated tlll"fle II-. ............ to set" boJ'8 ~y the deecrtptlcm t J .gh ' ~ cblldl9. One ~. al-stnn b)' the vtcUm, one ot ,w1MJm a Olll t s ~>' U.. -ot a Nft'PCl!l wu w.a11nC a M1lor bat. .A.a the Beacb otnoer, a111o -ui.oreu~ omcerw approached the bo~ drop- wu blYOl,,.__. dalm ..,, • a-ta peel _wat,er.fWed balloona 1ll • near-Council Meet Ana ·~ wta&cll met wttla by ftowv bed. 'nle boys. wttb the i.upw la N....,or\ -..cb PoUC9 'ballOoM, were taken t.o the eo.ta Deputlll mt ••• ,,, .. etnDeW x...., PolJce Department ,... ~ ThrW .... -... be&rlnp &t • -...... eld .-P· to .. at tloalq. .An.r t&Dl1ns tp tM boJ'8 1-~ ..,.. Jle" ......... ot u.. ........ c+temsas thm ---tlae n ... t'• ...... of Ooeta w .... ..-ct'• & stvtac riM to tM parent. ...-..UW Md u....,, d\J' ..-ell poeat t. aate llloun. i .. New Cag· •ey · Plan NEWPORT No. 11 ouE · . 11 . FOR PUMP TONIGHT M_,.t ..... U • U. MillP ~.~... • .... ..... .. ...._. .._.t.•: ;& t. tM ;a , ._ "Oritt~ ~ ,.W ... _ .......... terq 00 OllBfpilD)' ._ta WePl ~ 1e ftlld _.,... .... ........... 0... ............. T .. M t 11 'S1-........ -'tf.....,,.Jt __ ...._ •-.chrlei'c' ,._ ..... ....._ U te ~ that the tel4 Urie •-tr 8M tallled than ou hour. Mo aem•t'oa nor TU!llwiJ'll !"!•tieft to naone to -~..--.. .. ---_........... ,, Jl·X•llllr..-WM"I .. _. 08 u,. ~• tonlcbt. ,,,_ drW ---u--Miit .ao date. wtUa a ~ _. told wu ......... formal • ..,...... .., ...._ ...._ ........, .,. ~ _. nc bu been aklddecl away tram T'be bo'9 ,... dl1Ded be1oW •000 ellMI, -... lier ber dlDll ..... .....-u.a bof-. naatAoa ot the tract on Oi.11• the bole onto U!• alte for well fMt aad .......i llundNd fMt of wM Mt .__. ~ report , DaCSIPl'ION' · • St. and U.. JteMiq on Urie ual· N 12 oU 111nd were encountered. of•& wat.r"atal ot a pt'NI"• 'nle deecrtptJon l'fnn tbe poll~ form ~ code. 0· · , Coincidental With the ac'1'flty car =---plu UMi boys betnc. tn the vtclnlty Culn&' and tublnc bu been on lhe ctt7 1 .... ta an ett«~ to · · -tllie crime plua their hunied Whlle no delay la aHn In U., eet lnto the No. ll well and lncreue tbe )ll'Od\lcUon from the Bbl tlD C ot water-nlled belloona 1ut · two bearlnp. the Tltfaa7 for -~·· ·1roie't S111~en Gets aome production 11 belng' l'Mlt..d preYiouaJ.1 drilled -ll by speed• !be ~ .... ""It yoe or your In the flower bed on bel.n&' ap-r~d wl:f ~ t':r.~~ :~= trom the well on lta own Pnt-ins-up tbe pump j~ MOit ol bo)' . la ... r a&Ulbt &t the aceM pro&dled by a police officer made three weeka before. • --+tGIMMF1-t.i11141u11~elM1t~-4.Uft-·',!.IU!!:r!1e~.,.,.!:R~·e~~rt.a~.!·~t,_!t~h~e -drl t• & cnml; •'3!!t:--boOk at tt WLll1'7 to~ t.be ~ MTc1ItlOft -c=:==-==-=-~-----.. art1 that mor'fl than JOO barrela atroJlee per minute and you ~~-a .llll' la .order that the pdllce dep&rt· -rn-on £OlM tlt&rlnp .. A • ot crude bu bffn · produced by planned to tncreue tM&t Ume." • ..: ~ ..,..._ , ~ coo.Id c.arry out lta respoe-ty otnclala are upecllnc a ......_ To Seek Pscel R~ezonlng at Wiison and F-a1nfew Pollll1dDty ot bmlnea movt.Dc north in Costa Mesa SNW tlUa wMk with t.he-atatement of William Cagney that be an4 Sany Aldrich will .eek raoning clueification of their cornen at the intenection of Wen WU.On St. and • F&lntew Road to enable them to erect stores there. The proJl8ft1' Iii ~U7 90IMd tor offer the cJty 20-t oot alrip• to ,_.._ •• COllllb'Uctkm. mak.r the roatl• al the lnteraectlon ReqllMt tor Ule raontnc la ex· pected to come up al the meellng ot Obllta Meea'a ctt¥ Qouncil Ulla ~ 810 8TOU8 100 !eel wlde and will •(rff t~ put In the atreet lmprovementa'aa part of the attr&<'lion lo 1loree to come l.nto the diatrtct. MIUOR CRAIN Thl.8 announceml!'nt follow.11 de· clt.raUon by Roven A .Speigel Co. Jut week th!.t lhey are dickering rrll •nment natu.ral tio,r In the put fl boura per eent. Anotlm' Ollta"" .... maa... llOIOtty ot protecthqr the llvea and Utude ot ml.nor propoeala due to I» the tbl'ff -week pp bet..-wboee cbUd •" 3.a, wu lfl~IY· property ot the clt'-na of Coet.a meellnp and the · return trwn FrLDcl.a Saundera. 29, Weatmln- 1ler School ieacher of Balboa 11· land., recaJnd conUnuance Friday of hia arr~ment oo a cbarre of unnatural att.aclt &ea!Mt a Ooata Mesa ecbool t.eacbu. RI.a cue wu continued by Judce Ceita Young, HunEcton Beach, attune ln New- port U1Ut;e Court, unlit Nov. 21 at 9 a. Saunder11, tree on J lOOO ball, wu rtpreaent~ by an attorney. The allr(ed attack occurred Ocl 30 In Corona <kl Mar. FREEWAY SOLUTION TO MESA DRAINAGE SEEN / BoluUon of mo1t of Co1la a.nd Don Southworth, city enctn· eer, by at&te hlpway omdala In Lo. Angelea Friday afternoon. At flrrt l.be Costa J.leaana did not beUevt the elate men aerloua, but they are golnr a.head with the plan the state men declared. ed In tile W*ya.-lptlOn Me& ~ hla ..cation ot City Maucw coWd :!'?st-b PM*! ~a, 'It 11 f'nllrely falR at J Oeorp Cott•y. ; Mre. DMtlf"lt--'llli~er bat 'Oir.tened to "cet" the n ot wind.lblllll Yktia Mftr bu been Mn. l:dwtn Docter and to my produced te eeatront Ute. ju'fflllle lmowledJe my only contact with au.upecta. her belnJ a telephone call ·from M~• •"i 11 •l foUowe: her thi'M d&)'ll alter Halloween. I~ .. ,... ~ ~At thla ttme 1he uked me If tier 1tatemm&. t. --taae Ina-. eon had bffn booked or now h&d rac:lu Uld ..._ .-cluMOM con-a NCOrd. I advllled her that no tained m ~ fla tile lante Ana ~ had bet'n made apin.t Gibson lack from Aca·pulco Realty Beal Re,.i.t.er et U416: , ber boy. ~y :PAYr' I deeply rNent the chl.t'Sftl Mrw. Nelda 0 1b9on ot the 8&1- U tJ9e ruoniDC g'Oe• through he Mid Aldrich wtll present their pro,...i to eome luge 1tore ln- t.....a they tlave in IT'l'lnd, Cagney told tile N-Preaa. With the Im• mlD.at development of mo11t of t.be area by 1ubd!Vldera, C&(JleY aid M believee It will be 11-n Ideal •blp for a wpermarket. with a big department store for -~----------­ Meea '1 dral.nace problema 11 aeen by Georre Coltey, city tn611&ger, Lo the at.ate bJgbway departmrnt'1 l&tut plan• for 11lnking Newport Blvd. below the atreet levPI from the 20th St. lntrreectlon to north of Pallaadta Road. Thl1 road lr•verses mm•h ot the levtl land north of Costa M Pa& that will need irpe<'\al drain· age to gel rid ot run-otr wattr In cue of r1LJna. Th111 w11ler Is 11ure. lO drain Into the propos~ 11unken h lghwey afld the 11tate will hive to put In a pOtnplng 1y11tem to take care of ll. Coffey bellPVf'll The new hlchway· will h&n two overhead cromnre between 20th St. and Pall.ades road, whlcb wiU alllo be c.,rrt~ over the freeway. 1. lt ._ ~ h.llle Ulat Ult N&i that I either ordeT'fl! Ule bo& Jaland realty act'ncy ot that Qc»ta .._.._ POltc9 [)ept.rtmtnt mothera out of the police .df'part· namf'. ll! -beck from Acapulco al· charl'ed or ~ the )'out.ha In ment or U\at I wu rudf!' t.o them. ter 30 day9 of dfc kerlnr fOll' quelllim W1lb ~ otfmM W!lat.o· I haYe never 11een nor tallted to Mvdcan real est.ate for a Holly- enr. At •H nr-tety 8:)0 p. m., uy ot thf!' molhrrs either at. the wood client. Thf' plana call for lC>-30-80, llaD9ween nlcht. the pollee 1t.at1on or elR•,.here rf'gud-an rxclUAlve Am<'rl ran 1ubdlvl•, Co.ta W-PoUce O.partment re· tnr Ulla Incident except for the 11lon LDd Mno. G1bM>n expecl11 to celnd .t. Ulepboolc complaint that phone call by Mn. Oocler u re-bave to go b>lck -«hortly to com· o.p.y and Aldr1cb expect to their commerical zone In lhe new subdlvt1ton between Fairview and Hubor BlvO , ju1t llOUUI of Or· ange Cout College. This commer- cial poutblllty muat alao be re- aonea. It 11 located on the Harbor Blvd. aide ot the development. counNG PROJIClS · Plana for itre9ter thing• In K'outmr _,,. dllK'~ at the Newport Harbor tlka Lodge v.ohf'n 'Oil Bell m11de h111 fln•l public api-rance In thr area he wijl aen·e u &:out Exe,11- Uve. Bell. lert and Bill Spu~eon Ill mtt when both were ertroute to tbe JamborM of 19~ In NlapnL, ?". Y. srurston made an exclllrtJ "port to th« Elka and then ~nt; <'on11d1>r•ble ......... t .... Uld plMD ... fot lJae fUlw'e wi\A 8eU. ..-at&tt• I ..... Touby Admits Burglary .of Gas Station A. four·month-<>lc1 N t w po rt BHch holdup wu cle:tn-d over the wr"k·rnJ by th<' C'Onfe11~to;1 of Rlchar•I lv.rn Tc1uby that h!' hrld up Shuwler'll ~l'rv\t'P St11Un.1 on Hit·.\ Al R\\•4! "'le St . 11rrnrd· In!!: to 0<'1. C<ipl V l lllcMnn1- g111. Tuubv fl\ ..... ,,~ f ,~1r .-.u~p•·rts J111l1 •l 111 l \\ ,. 1. l • I I .. 1 Ill ...... n- ,~ .. --1JI' huq.;l.11 u 1111 111•1,n~ ll,. $.!• 11r;•1 ;1·• • ..t11' 1h•fl fr1lm th<' hnrJ'l" of Small~ ~~·l ~lrCunnf'll tn IJsy ~l!orr~ lorl AJ>11'. 1 he r-•. "''''" 11viiton hi l 111p WI\:< rulof'd l11r lll',h~ Of J nly t \\' H'n F1-..d 01 ;:,f'ron Wl!~'r111 o1111 1· Tl ... holduo c nnl'd u 1t t <' I ill or :;t::6.9l. !'ihown To11hJ .1 p.c.11:". Or:.rrc.·1 1<.rnllilrtJ t. ... 1 1111med1- &t~ly rind l&lE'r ·r11ub1· ndmille,J lile rol.i>l'ry. M(\,l&ni.,al still"" khoonover l.fleceives ' Good Cond~t t-1edal Army Sp~tali•l \Third Cla•s George M Sd11>0nov6,r. 2t . Wh•'· C! IY•k f\ot.ilmi, I •·ea •\ 610 Club- hoU11e Ro~A re<'rntly ~·1:.11 11\\&rd· ed lhe Good Condu<'t ' Medal 11 t Fort Lewla, Wuh., whit.-H.rvang W1tb the 2nd lnfantry ~Ion. · Sdloona.er. a mtmber of tbe 8Sd ~tl·Alrcraft .ArtJlle~Bat· t.tllon'a Headquhtrra Batte • re- C'elved tbl' ctecoraUon for h 1 e11- empl1ry behavior. etflclenc>\ and fidelity. Ha Ml a JHl pad~• ot ~range Cout &Uec• and a•=! rrectuate of Loq ._.. Colhp. This new development In the freew&y between Costa MeM and Santa Ana wu b&red L9 Coffey Poulble l'mmedlt.le develop· ment of part ot SLD Diego (Se· pulveda) !~y le eeen In the mov• by Coffey, who bellevea It proa.ble tllal th• atate en,m"r. plan to u.-tile dlrl from the cut to b\llld up acceaa roada to lhe new free"Way in t.M vicinity ot Coeta M-. MESA TRUSTEES OKAY PLANS FOR EXPANSION CC\~l a Mc:11a l'mi>n S< hool Dis· t1·k t Bva•<l of 't'ru.ostel'~ \\'ednN!tlay .11ght 11rccpte<l prr limlnary plans '.lnd approved 11prC'1llcat1ons on al- moel 11 mllllon in d111trlct echool addlllon111 prescnl"d by School Architect William Uavls. Exect total figure for a new primary 1chool in lhl'I Rack BAY or!· Bay View IWld Orchard 't>rlve and additions 1<1 Harper and Mente ~l11ta. SC'hool.11 C'&m P to $786.000. not Including purrh311e price of 10 1crc11 from l ilt-I rvine Compa.ny for ·we Rori< BAy Srhool 111le 8upelinlt ndenl Evrrett ~· toJ.I 11 ustef.'11 the Irvine ComJlllnY Jiad &lt'fP!!d to 1!1!11 the school 11lte to the dlAt rtrt for the appraisal prlC'e A pr~llmlnory ,.urvey m1de eome ~me ago ll•'l the prlre al lle&o pee'!. acre. Rea ea.10. ··1 wlllh we could buy It tor that now, but I don't knoW what the &ppralul will bt today." the 11uper1ntendent added. The new .chOol. upected to be buUt next fall. wlll l'Onlain onr k.1nd.r(artm.12 d....-ooma. a mul- tipurp<>11e and admlnl11trallon bulld- IDC. E.umauct coet. oavu ea.Id, weuJ4 lie ..... 9°' 1Dcl~ the 11te. Plana approved at Harper In· t'ludrd five new Clll.lllroonu. an ad- dlUon to lhe mulllpur~ bt1lld· tnc ano itom,e parking area at a c;ost of approximately SUI0,000. Mpnte Vista additions Include four c1U.f90m• and a 111ulllpurpoee •l ructure. approximately 1111<>.000. The.lie arc expected to be complet· rd ne.Jtl September. A.II ot lht proje<'.l• a.re under 1talc a.Id. A .cmtral kitchen pla;inrd at Main School. D1vl1 eald. hu been held \IP In lhe planning •t•r:e pend· Ing it.ate ruling1 agalruol the •IZll n< a 1l111Ua.r kitchen propn"'J I.II Garden Grove.~ Clrculatlo• Today __ 5836 Copl•• a wlnlhbJeld ~ been broken nf!'ar lated above. plete the deal. the lnten9CUOD of -Cab.rillo tllld I . SOT ~OU.OWJNO Ora. ret11rnlnK ahe found blaf· Oranp '1 JuyenJlea throwing I W'W1 to deny tmphall<'ttlly lhat nua In Ntwpo(t Beach cood. b\lt W9t.ernlled oltjecta at paMlnr cllrtl. 11ny ofCicf'r of tht Co11ta Mesa Po-not ao good aa lo make her for- Two ~ can lmmKlllf'ly an· lier De~rtmtnt 111 fnllQwlng-ony ::et fht• 1ta lubrlnt1r. rHmal,. and swered lb. call and were 1dvl~Pd of Lhf' boya In 01<le r to gel llOl'lle· I enterlalhmtnt ahe found l!C)Ulh of bT the TlcUm that Ole ct.map had cl·ont1n1 .... 1 •1n r.11:" 81 lhe border. I ADlllNlll'J'm 1'0 WOUND8 -Receiving treatment in Hoq Ho.pital.ahortly alt.er 'a revolver-wu tlllptied into him in Laguna Beach W.tneeday la MeTCbant Seaman Oeorse .Waper, 28. Long Beach. ff/Id by Laguna Beach for the shoot· ing t. Al Goddard. Hoepital offid&la today reported Wapff "a little bit better," ba'rin1 be.D ill crttic:al llhape lut week. One bullet wu removed from the cheat wall ~· -~ Photo by Bill J»hillipe t -• 1 .. I 1 • ;•. '· ·.r ·' ,, ,. .. NJGHTSJURTED ~ -'One of the notably C09tumed p:oupe at the Newport Harbor Yacht -cra1i'9 annual Old Sailor'• Ball wu doughty crew of Lyman Farwell'• bfc .chooner Seadrift -all reaplendent £n br:fght red flannel& llritll winch-covera for bat.a. The "Beachcomber" at center ia N.H.Y.C.'a jovlal Com· modore Harry Mann, while Skipper Farwell -at far right -marshal& the group to~ether for the picture. -Beckner Photo Mesa Celebrant NEWPORT HARBOR 0 of Six Years The 11.xlb blrthdaJ of UtU• Lynn Youn1blood wu celebrated lut Saturday at th• home of her parent., Kr. and Mra. Fred Ill. Younrblood. 1983 Jl'ed•raJ Aw., ' Colt& MeM. A · 4990rat.ct cake Ii¥· WlND'IUCD BARBRE, Women•1 Editor wtlh homemade Ice cream. bal· ___________ _... _____________ loone-and favora f6r th• chlldnin and prlu1 tor ......... ram• .. hl&bll1hted t.be .atfatf'. Movlne plctUl'88 were taJcm b7 Lynn'• rnndmolber, Mra. J . r . Dlcklll· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1955 '°"· Atund.ln1 the party w-lu· .Se Hale, Marpret Nub. Barey --· A""1 •~ a.dtv and, ot Mn. Ed"' .. rd M1rkowttll fJ\ P•t 8pK'"""6re. Wtedy aNt Al· Oo'1.a ).•f'sa H HolYI'. Gl'Orj;I' Youai, Voonle 8am In Tl'hren. Ira.II, In Ill T. and Leroy LaPecll', RbbUI ~ ..,,, of lilt' Nh•h'• rolnltter (If ltne lloan. Predda &bd DUIMn• lll&"t.e. Bah11'u'llat1 chollt ·the peth Y.uasllllood and ~ &Doil ""11· or reUj!'loua •nd humanlurteD rl'· cy •~· t om\ to " rlln-tr ot ll•tHni•n· ------------Ible· Lb iM.t hi'' r~tt11mf'd hll• mi-ton aa 'Ule rrom!Md Oft• of alt trh~ona 1n1rni:11rat1n1 a nl'w end ttlvtne l'lvutu11on lb•t w9ultl Hl:tbllsb W(\rld UJ11~Y a19St pe&<'I'. - HJa prln<"lpln uu~ itf• Pf'""' • • MCUtlon an'ct exllt1 to Jlachdall. 'nte blrthd•Y of Baha·u·nah. Const&11llnnpll', At1rlanople • n d founder of the Baha'i f&ilh, w•a Akh. wh"e h• died In lltt. Note Birthday of -Baha 'u 'llah celelM-9~ by Baha1-tbrou::hnut the world on Nov. 12 when the l~I Baht.l'a joined· the nearbf Santa Ana r roup to comm11mor· te Ult. d~y tocether In the hom• 'SPECIALS c..,... . $10.00 .17-50 , ___ _ Pht ,.,.. Wawe $5.00 •• GI/.,.; B.a:ul'I s~·op 351 ~· Ne~ llv. Crouroada VW..ge Center Bldg. oppo.ite Hoag Memorial Ho.pita!_ - Liberty S.2il2 I~~ b. forewr froas•• with this precio.. lillle conversohon piece EXECUTIVE SECRETARIES TO NAME BOSS OF YEAR TM boud ot dlrMton ot the EaecUUff8' 8ecretan• Inc. of Oranre County met ~e.clay evenlnr at the home of pre1i· dtint M1ui e Nelton to complete pl.ula fDr the Fourth Annual Boeae• Nlfht to be h•ld Nov. 21 at l"1ne Cout Cowlt.ry Club. DID YOU KNOW . the .,,.-funte-faed new Fabergette that *'vhMJ a Myt 1956 CHRYSUR tl•n a man ..... 1e1.;.. fffllllCJ of exhUiratlon in engraved ~n cote gift boxed HAWAIIAN HOLIQAY -Mr. and Mra. Walter Mellott, 23o 30th St., Newport Beach, flew to Hawaii by United Air Linea Nov. 2 tor a thrM-week vialt with frienda In the Ialanda. Mr. M~llott ia in the contractln°g bualnea. -Unlt.ed Air Lines Photo Thi• year'• prorram chalnnM. Carrie Lo\& Sutherland of the .An~elm Bulletin, ha.I ~red a proerwn for Oranre Cow;lty member1 and •liter chapters of JCxeeuUvea' Sl'cn!· t.i-lu . O. L. Weeki w11o hu held the UU1 of Bola of the Year for llM·M will make tti. pnMDtallon award to the n-~ of the Yev for llM·ot. ... . Evelyn Deckert. philanthropy chairman received bo&rd approval to purchue a wheel chair when •h• preaented to a person wtlb mu9CUl&r d,.UOpbJ. tllat a *oma" gets from buylftt a MW hat? .1n the French monnet' and IO .eegont 1 SM " Catholic W omert Hear of Released Time Prograµi~ ATLQNCHEON Gamma Phi Beta Alums f yoyr choice ol APHRQOISIA WOOOHUE TIGRESS ACT IV .A J. c,IA"~ Mrs. Elmer Poirier Is One of Deariery Speakers. e NoVembff--IDMliAI of the pr~ge County Deanery of the Loe Angelea ·A:rchdttx:esan Council Ot Citholic o- men ,.. .. held at Markel Hall in Santa Ana on Nov. 1. Mn. C&rletOn B. Cromie, president of the Deanery, wu p~aidinc officer. M•~. POIRlf;ll Sliter M. H!'nt1f'lt& of the 81•· ler• of St. Jo11('ph of Or11n1tf' and 1upuvlsor of the Catholic HelH•· ed Time proram for Orange County. w1111 tntrod11C''<I l)y Mrl!. Elmer P olilt'r of (;orona d•I Mar. Sliter Henrietta 1poke of th!' work belnf tlone by lay luchen In varlo111 ft1ld1 1uch u In the J&ll an<I J 11ve!'lle Hl\11, vo.'1th follow· up in Lhe hnme11 11n.t <"onvei l work. u well u relea-.1 tlll1el Th1re are 111 IK'hOOI• of rehglnl\ In 13 parlahu In the Releaud nme pro1ram. whll'h htl\ e pnrolled 37N puplt., U.•lfhl by 2H l11y trsrhtra. on hHllh a.nd d vll defenae: Mn. Spur of Laruna Beech, on liter&· tun•, Mr1. F rank Bae•kena or Or· ancl'. on charity &fld Mrll. Paul 0 11llmeler of Sa.nta Ana, on lert•· latlon and lmmtrauon. Olli 001\TERJ:!'\CE Mr•. Dllllmeler'• report wu • reeume of the Eighth Archdloct · Mn Conrtrence of the Lo9 Ancet11 .Archdlocenn Cour.c1I of Calholtc Women. which wu held at lhl' Amb&AUdor Hotel In Loa A~el .. on Oct. 18. ..And the Republle or Wblch It Stan<U" wu the lbeme of the confl'rence. with • p11nel dlscuaalon entitled "Cltlun· ship In a Republic." Committee rrpnrt.lt wer,. he&M from M11111 Carml'n Oyh11rublll of San J ua n C8pl1tr11no nn <'·oopua· The Rt. Rev. Mar-. Mlc:hatl O'· u on with ·the Span111h·l'l~11klng. Connor, putor of St. J0Hph'1 Will ·Note Founders Day Olurch In lu~ Ana and cbap- taln· ot Ole Or&JIC• COW1ty Dean· ery, p ve an lnaplrlJIC mMMC• to ,.. TOIS One ol U..ou••·wt;nc c:ni.:. ~e rroup, and Ule meet.inc w... M.embera of th• onna-County Clf'lanla~• ar• au-n, wu • MAT n ol lhe ,,.... ... to then.ht pUcie cloMd wlUI benedlcUon of the &lumnu chapter Of Gamm& Pb1 word ootned Nptelally f or t be •Llbenpt~.Iadudeall&o~ Mo•t 81-4 8.crament. celebrat· Beta wtJl honor Ula t~ ot nnt Gamma Pbl a.ta cbapter by D DaY9 e H Porta e .. ,$ •• ovw priYills-la SW"Ope at .,. v~ DRUGS ed by lhe R.v. Cbrt.topher Brad· their· 90rorlty at & dinner TU•· & m • m b • r of the 8YTM:UM Lbe bMtht ol Lbe -C.b'-tbe epeci&I pleuu.re of a M.y put.At ol.....81. hnl'.£...J'~ ~ No.. I ~·IQ p m at .tha..uacwiJ C_,-d ~with• -.bit trip to ~mope. Vow lllS\&r)' Banta AnL Greenbrier Inn ln Garden Oron. Jn the aplrlt ot helpfulnta&. ..._,_i:z.,..,sa.••t•c.-.ia ... ltDllyou••icl!r•.per. LIDO DBU08 Luncheoft wu eerYed by &irla It wu on Nert. 11, 1176 Uaat Gamma Phi Beta hu t'st&bUahed ~.: ::.-ia U.. ~ -.U..beth or q-Mu:Y at .. , Tlfl ,,. '1..- from Mater Del Htch Sdlool un· four younr ,women formed UM • natlon&l pbil&Dtllropk project r... ... ,. 6e ..._,.,,, 11-.ort.,...... der ~e cha lrmanlhlp of memben nnt Gamma Phi Beta chapter at ol c amp a for Wldefl>r!Yile.1· Harbor IOOI of It. Ann•'• Altar loclety. Syr&CUM UnlnrsilJ, N. Y. Dedi· Id chlkl,..n. At t!1e preeent Ume CORONA DEL MAI TIAYEL SERVICE HARBOR DB.VOS OuHta •t Ole luncheon Included cat.ct to the preoepta of trtead· they own and openle a camp at IMI~ E. CoMt Rwy. Hal'bor llM llOI I'!. C'out Rwy .. C.D.M. Mier. MJchael O'Connor, Fr. Br&d· 81\lp. helptuln.. and hlsh IChol· lndlan Hiia. Colo .•. and one at Rarbctr ieaa .. arsblp, today U.le Ml'&ftlaUon bl· 8ecMlt. B. C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_!_---~~~~~:_ __ _ ley, and Fr. Quinn. Ullllant pu· cJudu IO a ctive cha pter. In Ole Thl• na.wt .ummt1 more than tor or St . .Anne'1 Par1.9b. .- Reviews Books for Catholic United 8t.8t• and Canada and 100 ,...47 strlll Weft rtYa two- 136 alumnae STOUP• thro\ll'tlOUt w"k Yac&Uona at u.... c&mJl8 the u .•.. C&n&4a and H&waU. ,,_. wtlb 14 oamma P111 Beta act.l'Yll Oran1e county chapter la one of u cOun.Mlo1'9. Mene:r from the th• nt'f"Ht. havinr been fonned l.11temaUonal camplnc tund, wp- Ju11t a little over a y .. r &JO. plvnented by the local alumnae The word "90rorlty". by whlcl'I and GrMll htter ch&plera, Jielpm W t G almoet all women'• OrMk lette1' eend 200 adl!Jllonal Sir• to campe omen S roup alt onr Ule COWlll'J .. Member• of th• Catbollc Wo-Lt. LJttte Enck Arrey Polle• Clau men'• CouncJI heard u lnterut· In& revll'w of lb• late1t and ti.t In book• by Mre.-Marjorie M&e· Intyre. popular book revt""er. lut. Wtdnuday. A. t..,, ot the PAIKU • llDUY· MORTUARY THI FINEST • • • YET LOWEST PRICED Early American MAPLE FURNITURE Mni. Arthur llart or Wutm1n&ltr. ------------muy current beat·Mlltn "YI-· Army IAd Lt. WU900 UtUe Jr., whoee father 11.,.. at '33 Pit'tt Road. recently completed the mill· tary police officer bUlc courM &1 the Prov09t Manh&l o.Mr&l'• School, Ce.mp Gordon. O&. .•.. an'Jw~ere Ope• Fridays IHltff 9 Cub Pack Pays Visit to Dairy Calendar of Events ed were The Dlnnl'r Party. by Gretchen Flnlettu; The Man ln the Gray P'l11u1el Sult. by 8lc>&n W it.on: Heavl'n Wu Not £nouch. by Conata.nee O'Hara; The.llfl Lov•rs P'led Away, by Howard 8prlnr. Free IC'I' c~•m plua & group ouUn1 a dded. up to a rl'al tAlklng polnt for Cub &lout.a of Pack 182 when they vt.lted Todd·11 Dairy In a&nt& .Ana laat Saturday. ------------Mn. MaclntYTe took lbe &iadl· Tbroush arr~emenl.11 mad• by Cubmut.r Miio Lacy lh• boy• were taken by prlv•l• can In two rroupe to the dairy. There t hey 1&w the complete cycle of opera· tkin• nec .... ry to proce.. the mllk from lhe Um• It la dl'llvered to th• proct.e-11\C plant until tt 18 ready for delivery on the ro\1te•. They w•t.ched pute.ur1&1ng. horn· oeenl.SflC and botUlnc madllnN and had a chance to 1tep Into retnceraton ranrtns f rom frM&· lnl to 20 desr-~low aero. Planned t ours wch u thl• •re Juat -anolher phue of a cartt\illy pre-arranrl'd plan of actlvtU• t o make Cubbt.nr not only tun but a oonUnuo1.11t cballl'fll'8 to ,the curtoalty of a l\Mlthy, normal American boy. NO\'. ' ALPHA PHl Rl(I• E. Bay Front 7 p.m. 4 NOV. 8 homf!. 211 KAT Alumnae 11 a.m. 2Ml Bay· 1hor·e Drive. CDM' .Arta It era.fl.I 10 L m. chur<'h. SOROPTlMJST 8 1 m. Bel Bay Club. NO\'. t EBE LL garde.n It book 2, 12 :SO p.m. at t'lubhoUM. ST. JAMES .AuxlllAry luncheon, 12.30 pm. ZONT A luncheon, 11 :•5 a.m. V Illa M.arlnL N. D. O. W. I p.m. ·M-~ Hall. NO\". 1t KAPPA KAPPA OAJOl.A 1 p.m. 201 Via Jucar. LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS enc• throup the boou w1lb an lnUmate, wum f"llnc ot know· tnr the people la them and pYt a brief pk:ture of the Wl"ttera. Mn. Hury ftOl'lra. prorram c:.halnnM. pl&11ned the prorram tor Ula lundl-wtlUe Mn. For• reet Bmlth and Mn. Vlncnt 8&1· mac:la were holt ...... Reportable acddenta durtn1 the ftrat •llht moat.he of ltM reach· ed the 11,l&I me.rll w1UJe euch &e· c.ldenlll durtnr UM ftNt etitit mont.he of lM& ~ IO.I• an Inc..-.. of 1.171 o."'11.M per·c.11t Fumitute /Jy '"'-COUl'M, dellpef f~ MWtJ comml.Uloned otnoen pn U.U· tenant LitUe tra.bl1nC In penonnel I It ....... ~ -Coete ..... ma.n~ment, &dmlJIUltraUon of JUltlce, cr1.mln&1 ln•..UPUon Md n- t.rattlc control. ~ a..uaa Ul-UM "nle ll!'utenant waa ~ted ------------ from the Unl•eralty of Wtaeonaln before entertns U\1 Army la.et July. He 11 a member of 81&'m Alpt. Epellon fraternity. ....... -, WIN llayltWllb Put1 a.tat ..... t•O.f •• CoMt Bt1 .• Oor-"81 •• , Barbor 50'71 i ---.. ---- --- - - - - - - -- - --- - -- ----- -- -------- ----. -·--. I I t -. I · "Sµnshine-dry" your clothes. indoors ' · • ' ' 1 one look will t.11 ••• '· I •• • . I the modern way ... • with an electric #cloth~s dryer. SEE YOUR DEALER NOW! """' \ ~' ' if it hu an pll;el«tric kitchela then it is a modern home DAN.' S IARIER SHQP .... Century-o/J Slil( ._ ___ _ I • • • • SOUTBBR.N c ·ALIFORNIA EDISON --~----·---· COMPANY I • BAL.90A TIBA'l'll.B Bl.DO MUM>A o,,e. r.-laJ ~ .... ,....,. Corona del Mar lallloa Island ' - - -··-----'"! - --- - - -- -{j _ - - - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- -- -• I ._ , .. PJUZE WINNERS -The two "Robots" shown here came to Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Old Sailors' Ball eoi\tumed u "The Ideal Crew" -no need to about commands, just set dials or puah buttons for functiou 1 u "taclc," jibe," or .''hoist spinnaker." When prisea for the best costumes were awarded, this couple turned .out to be thoM real · aalty sailors, Mr. and Mn. Strat Enright. -Beckner Photo DISTRICT JAMBOREE Active Month Stated by Legion Auxiliary Severa.I 1Yenta an on the No· vember ca.lead&r of the .American Lerton Auxiliary Unit 2111. Ftrat wu on Nov. 4"&nd I "tvhen the 4th. 15th ud 8th ~reaa of the American I.Arion held a member· ahlp jambol'M at tht American Leaion Hall, 151.h St. and w. Bay Ave. Kr. and Mn. Herbert Tbompeon had dl&rse of the •teak d1IUMr 8&tul.'doa.F ftiPt and Mr. and Kn. AJblrt lAutwyler tor the llund&y mtala.. On NOY, 1•, the ~ meat· Ins of tbe &Gldll&ry will be h•ld at tbl lAclon Hall. Mra. Herman John9oa. Junior actlvlee chairman, •• uk1nc -IQOd \&Md clotbin1 to taJra to Ute Onnp County Ho~cyed rueet will be Mw Mary &:a~a.. head vocational dneetor Q.f the Long Beach Veterans Ho.- pit.al. A Tbanka,-l""ng theme wUI be ueed. On Nov. 20 and 29 a wa.r<I per· ty lea I• 1ehedultd at the Veter· ana Hoapllal, 8ocW meeting of Unit 291 will be on Nov. 29, 8 p. m. Thoee •ll•n~ 1>1atnct mMl· in&' ot the Amertcan Ltr;lon Au· Jtlllary In Corona· Nov. 3 Crom Ute AwdUary ,,_ .t.ba preaid.eal. Mn. .Utiert IAutwyler, Mmu. T o m MUll!I, Kenne"" Jcthn11<>n. Eileen ll\1\1, Norvln "'Hudaon. Robert J. Brin• and R&lpb Bonda. McCord DalM)hter Mr. and Ml'9. Robl'rt McCord, 8H Victoria Sl .. Coat& Me,a, are parent.a ot a rtrt i,.by born !Cov. ~ at Hoec Ho.pit.al. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -~ P~RJ l • PAGl l MOND~Y, NOVEMBER 7, 1955 New Bobcati1I\ CubP~k 187 raiuauo. "' .._t .... cu' Republican Women Pay ~~:~ := Honor to Kuchel .Family WUUua B. 8pqrpclll eoedlaci.d To plua tM!r parta ta ~ dlNetorw from alM IOUtUud u. oe11 • M1' ta which tbe OUb eomtJas ounpalcu ucl • u.. eowau.. at tbe JIOIM ol Kn. 8«*ta ..._... Bolt cat& 'l'tieJ', 1tat. c:oa..atJoG ot th• Ot11111m. llUdred l'lrreJ ck IOt & W'IDMil· :::::;. ia.::.. ~ H~~ hder&Uon ot Rlpubnoa Wo-a1n& It.. AMbef• fW 1~ litofOIU-.' Ma WUliuDa, D a,, l d men'1 Chabe openinc Nn. 10 at W~. • 8an ~ tor UUw -.,.. tbe Kn. R. 0. X.,.. ot 8 an ~-JIUMll ........U a• d 11.ftr bowel of dincton ol U.. K.artDo, ....,._t el th• 8outMm ,Tolmn7 Olutr. louthll'ft Dtvt.km met at ~ DtYt.etoa. ~ anomtm•t .. N.w ...._. ot U.. ,..all -re beim to boftor U .. 8. ...._ ft&c·ln~ cU1nnan to ID~ It,-~ D. Ander-Th6tnu B. Kllcbel'a ~· fU:rthw a _......,. tor wider U1 eoa. 0-. Kuter; jlDcluded '"re Ria w lf e. Betty a a 4 ldl ., t.be IUl.\SOD'• .._.r. 0.... C. Bradford. ..S.tant OUb mother, Kn. BllU')' KllcMI, _,.. Mr& Wal&ew a. Park• ol La• ~ and Kn. I. ~ ~ su.t.t ol bonor ot the U di.Won IUD& BIMb ,... aaml4 audit.or co-ordlaalor. Dia Jlotlww an· few tbl ~ nouaCld ,..,_ Kn. & L. Bubr. Tiie 8ouUM19 Dtftllon wtU Piil a: ..... JI. c. a.dd, De•: 11.,. .DClllC)llter Here b&YI cb&rp ol •terta1nmellt on Mn. ~. C. llmll, Den 5; Kn. Kr. and Mra. John W. XJu&', Ill the lut dq ot tile 1tat.e COllTtll• :lof&rpN' Loma&. Din 7; Mn. 'Y· 'Baphire st .. an parenll ot a stit tlon. IL fUhlola ~ and •t.r- P', Nll, Den 10 and Robert R. born NOY. ' ln Hoac Rmpttal. t&tnment b7 Hollywood oellbriUll ero,m.., 'W..,._ Dea. wt1l be carded. It WU unapt. n.. ln-.ocation ... by Dea.II F Philb Bl'Mlford and openi.111 eeremony or· armonic ''TERROR OF 101" at th~ recent Surfaiden dance wu Robert L. Boyd, "1own here with hia wife. Board members planned another dance when they met Noy. 2 at' the home. of Mr. and Mrs. William Stabler, 6, Balboa Coves. Affair ill calenda~ for Jan. 20 and will also be held at the Elks Club. Vice president Bill Berturt,it presided at seBBion which was attended by 10 members -Sterling Ditcbey Photo ... bald b7 De a. Onhc• County Phllb&rmonlc llldll on t.be Jt.ollln Hood theme 8oclety will hold tt.t monthly w.. SW-ted b7 Deu.. 4 and &, brealctut -Ion Wedneeda}' al mustraunc Robin Hood helpln&' 9:30 a.m. In Bal~a Bay Club. tll1 ~ by robblnr the rich. Parenu and ,rueeta 11&11r num- ber1 from th• Cul> Soout Sons Book led by Mr, ud Mra. L. E . Brown. Kiwanis Events Newport Harbor Klwania Club will hold lta Ladlea' Night dinner on Nov. lfl at VIiia Martna. F or the Nov. ·10 luncheon J oh'1 Al· bcrlan, chairman, will preae.nl Judg11 Kenneth Morrllon, who will Wk on juvenile problem• and lh'! propoeed Orange County Ranch for Boya. ---, NIGHTINGALE GROUP Den T pre1ented the cloa1n1 ceremon)'. NOTES ANNIVERSARY Kappa Luncheon at Lido Home . Growth and Expansion dori Smith, an4 Albert E . Stock· ton. Upon completion of Chriatmu favora tor the hoapllal refreah· menta were aerved by the hoaleu· ea, Mmea. Ellaworth E. Betta, Howard B. Lewi.I apd Kennel;h C. Klngaloey • wltb Mre. Jamu T. Moultrup pourlntJ. K&ppa Kappa 0&mma Alumnae AaaoclaUon ot Bout.bun Oran&'e County will bold Ila nm meettna on TbUl"ld&y, Nov, 10 at th• home of Mn. J , ll. Kelm, 201 Via Jucar. ANIJltinC rui.t-.. will be-Mrs. Walter Hatc.b and Kn. Richard Stewart. It wW be a dNNrt lunch· THE O&QAN l'OV CA..N l'L4Y A'l'-ONOE! N ota}?le ip Reports tM WOllderhl MW HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Growth and increased impt>rt4nce of work was .demon· atrated when the Nightingale chapter of Hoag Hospital Aux- iliary held its November meeting at the Lido lt!le home of Mn. Ralph Tandowsky on Tuesday, Nov. 1, ~ith 40 mem- ben present. The combined December meet· Ing and Chrlltmu party will be held In the home of Mra. Walter. S. Grant. 1a29 Dolphin Terrace ln Irvine Terrace on Dec. 11 .at 8 p.m. with huebanda ifwlted. eon a~ 12 n0oii. . An.1 new ~ppu In th1I area are exl.ndetl an tnvtt&Uon to at· tend. R.ervauooa may be made by ca.lltnc Mrs. Hatch, LI N802: Dr. R. E. Hendricks, D. C. Can Science Be Wrong? A buelneaa meeUng wu con· ducted by Mra. Arthur J. Gruwell, prealdent; a.nd plane were formU· lated by Mra. Joe Prelnlncer, vlce- pruldent of way• a.nd mean.a. for Ule aMU&I Edna Sttam1 Dayton review wrle•. echeduled for the fourth Thursday• In February. March and April. RE \U:W ~l':RIF.14 The l\tggeellon to have re11tew& of two current . Broadway plays Costume Fun for Small Fry Hobsoblln.e and wltchea. ln- dlan• and a prtncesa. Bicek cal• and fuuy rabbita at varied col- or. mlnaled wtth 8up ... rman. Ro- bin Hood and D&vy Crockett st the annual Hallow«'en party st Happyland Pre • 11i-hool Nu'""'>'· Coat& Meatt. held Monday ol t<'r, noon. Mnt. Alma Olsen Green. di· Mtetor, and htr asslstllnu ""~r· vteed Ule actlv1lle1. Jlt parade 11t11.rt!'d lhe atf1t1r the 80 youna-at..era ~bing-in Uu M>CUon11, the 4-year old11., 3-year old iroup •nd lut the 2-year toddlen. 8 I n g I n g Halloween and 011e book review wu approv· ed, the prjce for the aeries to re· main the .a"11e and the proi-eeda to aid the Tumor Board o! Hoag Hospital. • Mra. Lawrencl' E. Spra&'lle Jr. wu lauded for~r fulfillment of 100 hourtt of volunteer service to the hospital. Revtslona In the by· laws were dlsc1.1.1.t1ed and voted Mn. Kelm. Ha. 1197R; or Mn. J . Thomu Swuuloit, HY '1784 Junior Ebell to Collect To vs for Deaf Children . . Ttl• anawer ta "Y•·" W1*l a n-1dence makee lta appean.DCI it muet have lta own la.-. and lt&ndardl upon which to build. Exlltlnc lawa ol th• 1C1111cea are Mr•. 11''reema.n W. Fisher, prer treehment. and wtll have a 1J9olh N•l ~equate to paaa JUd(1t'ellt upon upon. aldent.. la aekin&' members of tor the Ale of Chn.tmu decor· .,1 u-~ .. a new 1Clence. For tht• ,....._ Thia wa11 a 11lgnltlcant gather-Newport Harbor Junior ·mbeu aUonA. ...., .w-80ml ol our moet brilll&rl' t.n,,_• Ing u It marked th• third annl· Club to bring a toy to the.Ir Nov. Corona del Mar m•mbera will T.a ..._... UCln8 wen OOIWdend lmpaamble ver11ary Qt the establishment of 17 m eeting to be held at Chrl• meet Tuellday e.t the home of bcauM th.,-dealt With ~ the or1gtnal holiday committee llan'• Hut at 12:30 p . m. 'Ille Mra. Roger Hannaford. f!)t 81• Come la ClllCI Prove ol prtaatpaL whoae function was solely to make toye will be glvert to Mn. Edna erra Drive, 8 p. m. to make de· .,.__. lalid that i.-w.a. holiday fa i·or9 and t.IKorat1on9 tor J . Miller, prlnclpal for the Frank· coraUona tor the TI 11 a e I Tea It to Y .. aelf -.., • low\1 Dutdl Janitor, COllJd lhe hospllal. Tho Ntghllnga1t' lln School for the Deaf and Hard booth. Ji)a(;b a.ru. le divided tnto ;:!.. ~-:. = ~~ chapter hu developed from th&l of Heartng children In Sant.a Ana. Mellom and each hu one putt· We .... '9Yhe 799 .. ._ • LoDdoa. · nucl•11.1. with a memberahip of 60 Mra. Fl1her announced that tbe cular phue of th• tia. and • on the waiting llet. with pl'fllldent. of the general federa· The .. plane were revea1"4 at ..., tr)' ._ ..., 9 ' t u!t-:.911:.J""OO:: DOc:°"'b9"":-:r added obhaallona of trlvm1r tiJI· Uon bu Miked that all clube •t ua. board m~U11• held at u.. ~ e>mP-.,.. ........ ta.a .. ..,_ ..... _.... . ..._ OoM. l<OClaJ a.Id to the Tumor Board Ulde No•. 21 .. "l'O to church home ot Mra. Jlunet WhJt .•• Coela u... a ..... «IUld llOt.-.w.. Ulrough tha Edna Stearnapayton day". Kua. DANZ·SCHl•T ..-... -. tMl &.be H aQfe eerie& and of aJvtn• auti.l&llU&l Mn. Ectwtn rtnatar, CW'&lor of ~t -Km... Nonnae .,.. .._.. ...... ' ....... volu.nteer houn . to lhe h09pltal. aec:Uona, announced the brldf• HolmwQC>d. Fl"ttman w .. Ftaher, BIG ftAJlfO • C9GAJr ~ la .... ._ ... &tr ...a .,.. • t~J:SE KEOOBD"' aecuon would meet today at lh• No. rm-Wat.eon. Don HaytAJI\, Bn t1w ... tA .All ...,.. *" J 111•:1•a.&1ft7, J.bM tbe i'lldlo ····~ OOllld nn.r --.cl Commemled by Mr1. Gruwell for home o! Mn. F orn-1t Alllner. Dean Gorton, Forrest Allinder. a._ ... Orsw a ,...._ ol •'few ""*-ttl&& the h11vsng be1.-n ln&tn 1mental 1.-tta Ttn841J Tea. a third annual Edward Kelly, Donald Clark, Ro-Ill l-6HI J'lllmW'O'ltb .....,_.oe tiabl WM lnceplioo and for, their record aa e"9ftt of ICbelJ, with 'Chriatmu bert White, Jamee White. J ohn wortba-. active Nlght1n1ale workera were; Mmf'_.. M. A, Anderton, 0 . H. Crum Jr, Hal Dlk41r Walter J. Gefhardl, ~ Newton, Wm. 0 . Pa,yne. J . Oor- &r'O\llld the World u Uleme. wUI McC"rty, Tbomu Woodward, Ed· HO No. llabi • IMta a-TU ....... o« adroprect.61 waa be held Dec. I tn American Le-wln ::;;;~Ji;;;'lnat;.;e~r;;N1~d~S;te;;r;Ll;n;"~P~a;r;l11~.~~;;;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~ WrewtM OODlldtnd UllpoMib&., .an, gton Ball u a joint project ot r, W "9UlU obta.lned proved ~ unlor J!!~ tllllGC-clWIL .JWll.DL wtH.. mbeD la l~ Of decor&llOl\I -n. {) For pot .......... J10W CJa1110o at th tu J.abk, wm aervt re-,.,,iano Jn6lruclion • ....... _.._ J{Oapatel ~ T-ahlrta, ...un· de~, l'Olll&) '11ae Junlora have adopt.cl tbe T. B. Ward for chJI· dren a U. lllMpltal. Tbl.I Ill one of-U. projlNt&o ™Y 'llaH aa6 made tr.,. lll&C. &Dd favora . for the ~ at U. boepllal aod tor X... .._.. V ...... R09plt&L Tbe alt w1JI •tert&la UM dl.1- abled ....... for Juneb and at· lernooa et ~t at the a.-• ft-tt-Laer aonge, reciting poems and ps rtl· -r•• .._.,... clpaUon In a varll•ty or gamee ~-=~....;;.;;;;-.,;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiliiiii--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiO~ TERESA ReNNER (Mrs. A. Renner) o· R E H '.J • I. D c . CLOTHES FOR BOYS -'-.«a&'• Miili~ awm-of pepUa for pl&ao ~ .. • ~n;.~:::'.:sit • I.ACS. ... a& ... -Jllo.. 1f and ..... __..... to attmd. The Hurb Bay.-, 1973 Amold wu followed by H111lowecn re· at.. Ooeta Mtlllll, are pattnll! of a f'reshmf'nta. Several ot the moth· lirl ~ bom Nov. • at Hoes I ef'I pruent aided in phuea of Ho.pltal. the artemoon'• a cUvttles. Ql.,,. £ady · .. , Y• ..a""' gain weight during the holiday$! 2'tlit die rl'AUPl'D. SYSTEM NOW and main· •.-liglar weight during the Holiday Season '/fOW IS 'J'BE l'f ME ft r... WDQllT A.Na INCID8 wnw ..... STAIJl't'EB SYSTEM .,,..,. .. ~ 0-C-W'91 a.it" l'l•J CORONA DEL ~AR ..... 1742 J117 E. Coast Hlg\way -IUIM Me CIMCI eYM AYAUIU The Do Oars Start flying In . r J When You Use News-Press Want AJs ' ~ Call \ Hoa-Zlpper '1400 JACKETS •• -">' • ..,..,.. ~\'1..-0N;-IN • OVT &r'• PAJAMAS ai-.. t41 JI s360 loy'1 Sport & Dreu Shirts · UptolD 11 Bo1'• Arstre 8treta • 160 SOX"" ................. _._ ... _ .. . Complete Ible of M11uuorlee In Boy'• Klzee. J• 7 ·ro luy, S.11 • Trade Try Clmaffiecl HARBOR 1616 ~ l'taalllt of ,,.,_ CooLbMttlte v-. ONd..te l!ltadMt ., .._ ll&t1.ok For .t.ppobltmeat f38 Serra Drive Pb. Bar. iost 700 CwnaUoa St. Coroaa IU«iblands -Corona del Mar Col'OM del Mar .~ D 2108 Ocean Front wr Newport Pier Newport leach • Phone Harbor 5 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK-NOY. 7 TO NOY. 12 ... Electric Blanket CUSTOM FORMED * * Automatically Maintains W aM\th Can ·Be Easily Laundered * One Blanket Does Jhe Work· of J .. Steak Set • • • English Sheffield Stelnleu Steel· Serreted Edge Bledea-Pte1tio HenCfle Ac•llan Pllows 1491 Afnazingly Buoy•f1t -Remerlcebly clovd- light--Supremely comfefftabl.- Completely Washable .. A SIMI Depo11t Wll Hold 1'11 Dec. 1 S • I ., LAGUNAN AWARDED ·NEW SUNIEAM ~IXMA-STER Mni, Val Everling, 1335 S. Cout Blvd., Laguna Beach, left, receives new-Sunbeam Mixmaater from Mra. Al Forgit. Mrs. Everling waa choeen for award at Port Thea!· tre where she atteqded All American Cooking School. .co-sponsored by Forgit'a Hardware and Jake's Appliances. "I learned a Jot about cooking," Mrs. Everllni reported. -Staff Photo ·Bulb P1anting It's Circus Tiine Shortens. All-America loon evm the warmeet areu of ttie atale wlll beein to feel the iyp ot lhe wlnter MUOn end t hen. warne the California A•· eoctatlon of Nuraerymen. It will be too late to plant bulbe. llO ret them into lht ~round now! '56 Winner The eole All-America winner for 19~ l• the multi-colored flo- rlbunda. l::trcWI. Introduced by Ann•troA& Nureerlea of Onterlo, Ca lifornia a membeof the Call· fornta A.Nocl&lloll of Nunery- mea. New Sch,ol ·Bus Purchase Gets Trustees' Okay Purcbue of a new bue tor Newport Beach elementa ry echoole wu authorl&ed 'at the meellng or the board Tueeday night. Th_e pruenl number of bueee 11 hauUne full load1 at evtry trlp and when one brealu down. u It did thl1 werk, the Aa mo11l gardener• rtaJlu . the t1eplh at whleh _you plut the bulb• dtpenda upon the type of bulb flower you are worklnr w)tti. Bulb tavorlte the DatfodU •houl~ be eet Ullo the •oil (our to 6 lnc~es deep and 6 to I inch- .ii apart: 'U!• Tulip, five to Mven lnchea deep, al& to elrht inch• apart. Your nu'refrymu can leU you th• ptanUnc ~pt.ha for the BNlde1 belJlc eo tlnrly honor· eel tn UU. counto-. Clrcua wu dl1tr1ct hu to rent one ff'om Loa awarded the Gold Medal for 19M Angelu, ecc<>rdlng to Supt. Roy at Oenen. Switurland, and won Anderxn . ui. Gold M~ of the National Roee &ociety of Great Britain The board alto aulhorbed re- Ulia yeai-. placement of the water beater a t other bulb flowers., ..-Ctrcu., ae tta name perhape Newport khool aad employmlftt METHOD8 Dll"Ra lmpll" to rose tancler1 and Jay. p l I _, .. _ .. _ f bul .. -d1t men al.Ike. d l1play1 con1tanUy ant nc m-.. • .,... or . .,. ·-ch&nctnr colors • JW!t u • clrcue fer with each 1.,.ClM, ot coune. ot wild animal• and trap.est per· but lJI 1•n•ral !t may be aid formtre provides con•tant ch•nc· that moat bulbe prefer a andy ea In enterta.lnment. Circue'1 bud loe m, 11paded deeply with • com-l.11 red and briJht yellow openlnr plete plant food worked .. u lnt.o to orange or apricot tone. or pale lhe eoll. It the eoU 1-•s>«la.IJY gold with a plcotee of apple bloa· eandy It ma,y tie w.U to add 80m pink. &fofe It baa flnl11hed •mall rocke or cranl ben•th Ile bloom It often tumJI back to the bulbl ~o , ln.atre complete a brlcht red for a Qnlehlng nour· dratn.a1e. Set ui. WIN at the leb correct depth. rutlnc ftnnly oo · the eoll, and keep U-a eoll molllt Thi. new f\ortbunda featu,... durtne the &TOwinc HUOn. Wlutually fllle fonn ln both budl some bulb autbonU. noom-and •open bloornL Ile flower• are mend that warm cltmat. sarden--. -lulJA&"" aad excellent for era worklnr wMr-e the pound cutttn,c . .AAI • plant Clrcwi la vlr - doean't treae it.ore 1'&1lp and ~ and w.U-f~t4-It reach· Dllffodll bulbe In the retneerator H a m9dlum low belpth. -malt· tor so dey1 before plantlnc eln~ Inc It • natural choice for bed&'· lhl'H arr cool climate pl&nte and require lhl1 condlUontnc. root d..,elopment lllnce. ~ can't T RY COSTAINU.9 plant detp in a co11ta1~r by Ml· You may want to try bulb1 In tins the cont&tnen Into a trench. conta1nera. tor many aeem u pec· coldtrame or pit and covertne fSlly IUTltd tor IUCh a .ituatton. with -u.. ,.aL. aand. NWdutl Be aure to provide room for root or mulch. Keep under tbeM ml.a· developmt'nl but don't be atrald turu unlll t.he roole have devrl· lo place 9CVera1 bulbe In a con· o~ IUffklenUy uld Ole i tem Leiner Provide the 11eceeaary cool growth hu reacbed two to four or three lt achen . Arthur· L. Muer will mathemaUc1 at Horace l:nalp School. repleclne C. H . Mahler, rul~ed. and Mn . J . Brtcbt and Mr1. Bonnie Lane will teach at Harbor VlfW llChOOI. Mn, Brlrht le a new tracher and Mn. Lane a Nf\llar who haa ukld for leave. but found eht' could work the .rtmal:nder of Ul• term. u , border• or tor l}M ta oo~ mlll!I planUn.c . Clrcue la belnr l'fOWll for dl• trtbullon in 19~ and letlt by the largut. roee rrowere ln tbe na.- Uon and Europe and CallfomJa nur~rymen wtll be ui. to ~ v1de prdtnen wttb thle new roe• beauty for planUnr tbroutb· out the 1tate. llA~ ..a. -...... -TraUen ,..,......,-...... LlllertJ t-un 008TA. IOC8A II.A.~ 00. l lM N ....... 111•4. dad< dtpth of eoll nece•ary for 1 ;'n~c~h~41:1~a~.n~d~Ll~JTML~~;;;:;;:;;;;;:;;;;:::;;~;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:;;;;:;;:~ GARDENER'~ CHECK LIST 1 The Clllutndula or "pot l'>1"r11told" lt1 one of the beat bl'•l•linc planll for the dark wlnlrr monlhA The bri('ht yel- low or orenJ• rlower11 open r111r1n1r the coolest wulher. 2 Thf' M"l11.11thera Hf'aU11r !,, nne of thf' moat colorlul wlnlrr rlowu1n« ahrobe Con· I.a.mu r "°""' H 4:' a lh r ra ca n bf' llf'l out yil lhl11 l1mf'. :I f'l11nt Lbe~ conl "''Ulhf'r vr;i,.lAbl,.,. now. Onlona. cab- b11.1tr. cauliflower. Bru.1Ml 11r roulA. !Hoel.II. <"flrrot11, tumtpe •nrt iowl1J1 rhard I. Culhberll!<!n 11nd n-gular Spt"nrtr .rwerl Pf'• Mf<'.i 1hould bf' plantfll now. • ~. TheM beddin1 pl&11te can 11t1ll be planted: be.by pr1m- ro.e. pansy. 1nape. atocka and VIOIU. f<e::1d'J Mixed Concrelt: ROBERT FORBES ........ "90.IQ. ....... , .. JAMii D. General Contractor & Builder MOc..illllM. OORONA DEL MAii PHONE llA&llO& ,,. ....... ................. .,,,. ITAFFO•D fl 1011 "NllL& and DOC" a.&Ol1U(lAL OOND.l.Cl'OU ,..._ U11ertJ t-tnt lltat .......... A.,._ ~ .......... MAX W. POPE Inc. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Oil '1"0Q..IM4J.L •lla&.Nw,..,..._. • .__ Home · anl Ga f~en SUPIRINTINDINT OF SCHOOLS FIUS TO • MICRO-FILMED BANTA ANA, (0CN8) -Her.'1 one way to Sain 1pa~e! 'Tbe county board of eupervleon Tueaday .approved the Micro ftlmla&' Of the vottr)lnoue fllu ln the ~ty -.choOl 11Uperilllendent'• otnce to allow more operalinl' room. nlmla&' wUJ co.t t 735, but wtll paUy .pend 8P&C• aVaUab&e for Supt. Unto'n Simmon•, It wu uplalned. More than 11,000 ~ wtU be put on fllfn. IY ANY OTHER NAME Jteather Really Grouplnf' of 3 Separate Fami~ies What la commonly r a 11 e d Heather fly many gardener• " 11 really a grouping et th~ee aepar· ate tamUle1 -the Htoath (Erica l. Heathtr CCaUuna) and Ir l 11 h Heath CDaboeclal -but recard- lua with which of the three you are c&rdentnc. ..y1 the Calltor· nla Aaoclatlon of Nul"lerymen, you'll find H eather• wlU provide winter color and everCTeen •fol- tare tbaf coq lhnwgh lntereat-mr eeuonal color cHancea. In the Heath (l!:rtcal family the epeclea E . medlterranea and IJ. darleyeu ll provide wonderful winter ~or1 amld1t their 1hlny rreen. needle·llkf leavu. The medlle!Tanea CTOWI from four to 1even feet bJp, be.!nnr Iliac· pink nower1 from January to April. Moas POPULAR are blood-red. blooming In the Fall and Winter on splkt-a \et on the lhrt!e foot shrub. The Erlcas frentrally require a 1101I that is 1llghUy acrd. •'t'&ty and looee with perfect drainage. NOT WIDELV GROWS .. The CaJJuna family 111 not widely. grown throughout thl' 1tate. The 1peele C. vulgart1 or Scotch Hea ther has uvera.l v&t· lf'tle11 which 11re rathtr low-grow- ln1t with am11l. 1eale-Uke leavea, llOme beer'fhg flowers, Irish Heath ( Dabo«la Canta· brlca) grows low alao, one a nd a half to three Cet!l, with -wider leavu than the other Hea.lhers-- brlghl green above, rray under- nea~. laterapereed with pale pur- ple flower• from May to Novem· her. A variety alb• bear• pure while blooma. Give lrllh Htatb One of t.be mo r • popular a rich. mol1l. peaty eoU. R•tb•ra. U.. darleyenal1 epread1 four feel wide and two feet high with ro.)'·JUrple belll ff'om Nc>- \'tmber to May. WATE& BEA TE&S SA.lU . SUVIC6 -UP.\llS Jo e P{b:JofJ . , MUA UPHOLSTUM .,,, ......... .,c..,. llM N •• BIWd~ Oeleit .... U lillertJ M1111 CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR n THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e Rave DI almpW)' )'Ollt concreh• work witll • load of pn1eletoa-mb:ed -l ... prepared &o your order a& a •vhl&'· Uberty 8-2283 BAY ar;ur MIX L~O. • • • 711 W. 17th St. IC. C&Zl&llculata featurea In P'all and Wlllttt dark pink to roay- purple nowera and leavu that ..,,. dark Sl'Mft above and white fllMS ti PU CIN1 DOWN 008TA llDIA underneath Oil Ile •Ix ioot trame. ~;;;;;;;;;"--;;;;;;H;;.,;;~;;;;;UJI;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;~ 'nlJa 11 poaelbly the moet widely r pl&nt.d of all Reathere and t>. cauN of IL• bloomlnc habit• 11 know1i u the Chrt1tmu Heather. All tbeM H•ther1 bloom In bell-like bloeeome. I:. cruenta I• an.other member of thle family but Ile flower• are tubular. They CONCRETE BLOC"S Kl 2.0754 PUJIJ-BLOO& OOllPA.NY -UIO 8. M&la St., S-t. .\aa PUIOCE -CINDE& Allo'D CONCk ETE BLOOllS KEINl"O&CING STEEL -' 81,;PPLIES •• L . . '' ' ' ... •t-...... , . ..-, .. ~.mi.ill -·-. .. :-.,#·~ ..,.You ... • ,.'E llA \l"E 'M4."'liY< 8JJGQl:S. ·"•°"'-'" re4iM Wt ...... 'lllA ...... t'MMeta, br'NldMt ........ ekl. AU of .-p&e ~ wttll 19Hpemlvo fir ~ood. HANGING- STOllAal 10~ .................. &Me W)' ......... ,., .... ....... a ......... un. .. ....... .., ....... ~ .... ~--.... __ ... -fer ,,_ ...... • RIMODIL YOUR A n1c OR IASEMENT It '1 t'aa)' lo flDJab "..U. aacl Cletllftp wttJI llfbt, •tf'OllC, eood· looklllg fir plywood. G..-d for ca.Waeta, bul.lt.-t.a and floor COMtnaeUoa. r,.. nmot 'lea ... booklet. • EASY IUDGET TIRMS ON ALL PUICHUIS WARD I HARRlMGTON LUMIER CO. 3300 W. Coast HlcJlaw., NeW11art lwh PROMPT SERVIC&-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 1-3411 Don't read this if "OU want to stay in love with the car yoU ~._no~ ~ ,) "6._ cou. ~ llOlmaOf ... ..e.11 Everywhere you look. wre'• bit new luwy, &.Ii benty,.., Wt aod brawn. Widm choK:e of colora! New rebnc. bi rich nyloruand vinyl•! ,.,,, humpt'r~ SW MW low lilbouettea i• •"hoAe aew Sett of hardtopi-now 1nilable ia rrw'J .n. to 6t "'1 ...... Even some cars only 6 ·months o·ld seem out of date compared with ' THE BIG M. How many of these features does your present car have? Ill •••• WWW the h~ b~wer ner JlllCbd imo • Mercury V-8. And only Mercury hM an ~iYcly V-8 history! IAM't ....... .,.. ie impact-ahl~ to protect drinr better. Hub ii deeply receued. IMITY.-.. MIAO LAWS knife through fog. d111t, rain, •now-gift lest glare to oowllUng motoriau. You tee up to 80 feet MOre of tbe roed ahead ••. tee it belier. SANTY DOOi LOC:U giYe atld~ protectioo l#t•in•I doon opening-e•en oo llrolkrete lmpeet. Oiild-panl lock. for rt'ar doort are optionaJ. PAOOID ~ PANa h~ plMtic ru~hion­ iag eller for protection. Thit a nd safely· ;-dded IUD Yl&Ort UC optinn~. DOUllWUNOI ITAlnNO. Nrw 12·\'t•lt rlrr trical 1y1t~ turna 8tartcr 8()'";, fostcr-n,rn 111 tcinm! ~· Sll9INO ~•'''"ll ymJ up lo 80'l 1•f lltr work of steering ... yr1 i;1"·~ yvu full "ruaJ fttl." (Opttoruil.) / ~ U...CAftON. ThinJc of it! p,.. I button •n•I ..• y <>U'rr dritllll~ ti fe.Jlily bJJri. catrd Mr! You '8\'I! 11".rvil'e timl'-prolong your e<1r's life. (Opti•11tal.l ._.AY l'OWll SI.AT 01T1•n you not j~t front· huk ed1u~1nwnl but up .. Jnwo, too! Quickly finds ht!>t-f<1r-driw·r position. (Optirio.111.) u.LL-JOINT ,.Otn SUVINSION-udu~ive in ~frrrury·~ fid,I. ~fohs h1n1lling ;a•1rr, et1n· lrtcl •vn·r. H•rnt'nniz 1r11rl-lr vrl and Mrrcury'1 lie"' ritlt• \ rh r l·,m•o<>lh. -· VISIT oua SHOWROOM. SEE HOW MUCH MORE CAR YOUR O,OtLARS 8UY NOW IN THE 8/G Ml~ t ~ ft' For 1956_the big move. is to T.HE BIG M ERCURY JOHNSON (I .SON, Lincoln· Mercury ' J 900 W. Coast HIC)llway . -NEWPORT BEACH Am ....... .a,.ca.a. Liberty l-5~5 ' .. r , ' Population bploslon' Seen In Nation for '60s . ., . LIDO sHoPs COtOR KEYNOTE IN OLDSMOllLE 'SUPR ...- Paceeett.r of foar-door hardtops, pioneered· by OldmlobUe tut year, the Super "'SI'' 'Holiday aedan pre.enta further advanced atyllnr •in it. 19645 venion. Dia- penaing with the center pillar, this. model introducea a new freeb concept of two- tone atyling. €olor 11eparation i• maintained by the new chrome aide mouldinr that sweeps from the rear to the front fender openinc. Front and rar fender hood contours are entirely new. "Holiday" Identity I.a .evident in dlrome block let· tera on the front fender pt.Dell. The richly upholstered interior prMeDt.a a wide variety of fabrics and 'color combination•. Under the hood ia the .,Uch performanQe- "Rocket!' T-350· engine, !ncreued 1ublt&l)ti&lly to 2f0.h. p., and teamed with the new velvet amooth Jetaway Hydra-Matic tranamlaaioa. New model.e are on dia- play at Miller Chevrolet, Newport Beach. ll&&VINO r&m-SllOG -Recent light &ira and GDOffY weather failed to deter 17 ruged IMman cllq1!7 allippera u the annual Humphrey Bosart Perpetual TropbJ' .... rot under way at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Two racea are aailed and prwat ..tandJap find Saint Cicero le&dln1 the neet with a llCOre of 6 pomt.a. Tea Bk•hlll and N&DC)' Corkett follow cio.ely with 8% and 10 point.a re- apeuttwty. -BeeU. Photo HEUP.OT SITE TOUR DUE MOY.10 BYS~~· Nala VhltflNJ Woman -.... tk .... -· Lola P . ~ ti.· or NOl'tJl llot!ywood. wu ~ ll&turlll&J' nmlllr by Newport Beach poUc• 'nlll' ......... Db...._ ol Bedl· .W c. Duwn and aai.a M&n&aer on a charl'• of drlvln1 while W kl 7* ..... ~ D. Q. McMeeq WUl IUmmartM 47r~~er Robert Brock ie obeerv· OllU£. Mlda It.a ..nual -1M UM compuya record for the put '~ meltlaC Nin. •11 at tbe JloU7· y..,. and dlacu.u development 9d htit h&Ylq difficulty drtv1nl' woocl ~t Hotel pJ&M tor "the conuni year. her C&I' and took her to Ule it.a- .. ·-~ ...... _........ DIW H·"pot uf ••. 1-· Uoa. WIUI her -·~ Myre T. 8\aah -----~ -man ac ..... ree P~ .. on tl a1llO gt NorUI RoUJWOOd ~ •11 M ~ »wla Sa pot.t............ ldeblJ &eC\ll'J\4 ~ cM:rpd wltla "9tftl' drUak. . Ecoaomld Walter M.,..,d Gives . ' Views to Local ....... Me• . ~ an "oplollCIJl" of trMe wtUa brope. .._..,. wlli I ~ tn. thu country ln the be 1a acu .. 001DpeUU. ._..... 1MOa, Eeonomllt Walter Kay· u. tw NW' ~" ~ ' DU'd, q>eaklnJ to a 1f011J> of polated oat. l beaJlerw, prtn.te' lnY•ton & D d °'O~ IUM&non -Hammill and Com-In Gle world ..tUnc, Ka,...cl pan,-IDnatment advtaory depart· aid, tbe Daro,__ Uft Ma I mmt clienta tn the Harbor area aa "et.....ampWied" ..umat. of rrtday, actriMd that the outlook tbUi cowalry bec&uee Of ,tJM ._... , at that time would ln4lcate bJ(h ratlc acUom ot ~ TlwUa -4· . quality bondl would not be a sood lnlns.traUon." J'oUowllls ialllfiM"" 1 ln••tment wtlJle hip quality ed oonditlona ~ U.. a-,. .iocka wtll be. bower &dmJnllltr&Uoa, the eooao- Maynard, a Hnlor partner In mltll noted, llUropeana baft now t.be national!¥ known New l.'ork ~ UMt OODC~ tbat D · Stock lblclwn&• firm, IJ>Ok• a t ~·te 110ie17 ~ the Balboa Bay Club. He waa ~ p~ tlLll eoua-( contacted for the talk by More· try'a lmproftd COlldlUOD bl tbe f Jand Letthold, Newport B e a ch world w1l1 cont1Due. "It'• by ..0 1' tuident!Al m~r for thf bro-maau a certalnty Ult admln!Mft.. kerage comp-ny, while vt.!Unr a UolYwUJ acatn fall into tbe lumda 10n In tbt Marine Corpe at Camp Of lhe Dtmocnta," ht -.&d. "'In ! Pendleton. cue tht Democrat.e ro bl. DOtll· r New York St«k Exchanp 1ta-Inc nry bad wtll happen. I ~ , Ustlc. ahow the Shea.r10n • Ham-we 1eraped the bottom of th • mm ors-taatlon apend• more barrel with Ult unapeakahlt Tru· money on r~ch than any oth· man. We aumftd that. The er member. market wtIJ l'O up no matter POPUIATIOH aUULT who ta tlacted. but lt wtD ro up Reault of the population In-a lot mo~ If UI• Rtpabltc&lll,, So cruae in the ·eo., Maynard l&id. In." would ....ult In a hJJher propor· WOii.Li> DIPSOVED Uon of worklnJ people. Curnat The world u a W'llolt .eem• •vinr• of 7 per ce11t could be lmproftd a t tlLll U.mt, accordin( • l> BUSINDIS OUTLOOK -F.conomt.t Walter May- nard. right, d.ilcuaM9 national and worl;4 . .P"enda with Moreland Leithold, Harbor area relllaenUal u/anager for Maynard'• brokerage firm, Sbeanon-Hammill It Co. of New York, in Balboa Bay Club Friday.-Staff Photo expected to drop t o 4 per cent. to the economilt The~ are -------------------------M&)'nard aald lnterut rat.u of three facet. of lmpt'Oftmmt." aavtnp would have to be hJghe.r. Maynard l&id "Peron'• departure sm·11h Mystery lncreutnr to about 4"' per cent from tbe A.rpnt.tn, th• out.com• f In the ·eoa, ot the B&J\don1 conference, and Causey SOIL ...... Mr. aad Kn. Don CauHy, 2010 Pomona. SL, C-.. Mea. .,.; par- ent.a ot a bQy t.by _.. NM. ' at Haq Boapltal. "C&pltal wlll be .url:e," the the Ruaalan• btoomtnr once apln Ma I to Debate economlat -med. "and raw ma· acceulble to weatern ideu. Mayn&~d named copper, Iron ore, dl&Dp 1n Ult ~ l8 at ttriall will be harder to obt&in... Kayn&rd l&id .,. btll•nd lbt Ward . Proposal oil ~ coal u raw matenw tt teut ')>&l'U&lly real." woulfi be hard for naUon1 to ob-Aaked trom the audience why taiD.. • people aeemed unable to aave AIU.ouch lhla country'a heavy much deapltt today'a pro.tperity, aubeldlu to Europe la lmprovln1 Maynard pun1.nUy rwpUed: •'Jle- 'buainua 'between Europan coun· cauae anybody who hu two nick· trtaa. they will prevent the Unit· lea to rub topther C&D't p&M ed 81.at• f,rom developing heavy bf an al.Ito aale..oom!" Newport Beach Police Exam Set for Nov. 29'al City Hall Wrlttu ell&mlnaUona for pa· trolm~J\ will be htld 'l'ueaday, Nov. 29. at t a.m. In C':t\,Y Hall. Application blanka may be ob- tained at the Civil Service of· flee In City Hall and final date for filtn1 l• Jl'rtday, Nov. 18. Veteran• will be given a 5 per cent pteterence. Refi»lflmenta vacation ptua bolida)'9, .tat.II .,. Uremtnt iyat.llm. n.o.e. rec•lvlns p&Nlnr J:rade9 will be placed on the •Uc:lble llat from whJch appotntmenta will be mad• lo· lb• r1~ce depart.mtnt. A.lid,_. w. emith and an un- named opponent wt.U debate tbe proix-t amendment to the New- port .Beach clty ch&rt.er rervding ele<:Uon of councUmen. at tho next meeUq ot Nowport Harbor OpU· ~\lb, Tuell4ay noon at Vlll& i~~~~~~~~~~~g -AU but five Optimlata had to pay nn .. at the ... t meeting be- cau. lbty had toreott.eo to brlnC UMtr wiVfJll OD LAdl .. Da,y. Mabe ht Mortvav• Loant on aound Improved real •tote• buy& TrUllt Deeds. .................... ~ .. '"' ......... c.IN .. e Irvin~ Terrace . ......,. .._ ·~· .............. ..... ·-· ........... Olll ........ 1111 an ~ertcan clllu n betwH n th.e a.i-Admiral '1'1WntoQ Hall, =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii .... 21 and se. bisb eciiool dl· u ... ~ .......... wW 8pee.k &l p plom& Of' ..,UftJ•t. ~ min-• ...._"' ~ ~ ~ Unum 20/•0; ph78'C&I, U. 8. tar at the Mllltpy Order ot World Ar1D7 M.anda.r4. Wan at H...,art ........ Tadd. &aluy wU1 be hll -pa CIW» 'nwnda.>' --· ~ per month. 40-bour wMk, 111 d&ya to ADier\.& a~ c J c1er, BALTZ MORTUARIES C98TA. KESA" CBA..PllL 17'1 Superior A nnue Coat.a .......: Calli. Phone~ .. IU1 CBAPEL BT 'J'Hll !Uc.A aaio S. Cout Blvd. -corou.~1 Mar, Calli. Phone Harbor '2 Come i-s.. the......,... Door hlze which we wlll crwcird at the C~llCJ Sdlool. This Beaufif ul G;and Award •• w I .... 10. 11.-,ot p&&na E ...... -~ dlYI~ .. ------------'° ...,. It.a ........... op-=========...!~:=-~-=:========================================~ ............. ,.....,,.._. ~ .. ~. dlttM9 • . "· I.. ... 'bu •• .,.. ·--....... -.. •U ...... -W 100 per-. la· dudlaC om.n &Dd naUmnnclt .al.-..... l --., t.M ~ pe,..,.... ~ arm. and memben .of tbe parat S.Ckman coneera and lta ..artOl.!9 dJV1alona. Rdtpot o-ral Manqer Don· MwD• .. l«Hen MAi1me MAJor aDd )(19. 'nocrlU K . llMa ol Collta X-.,.. par- .ala "" • stJ1 ....... ln u .•. Naftl Baapttal at 0..... NOY.'· DIATH NOTICI IOllN A. KSI J .r:t Jobn A. IC.eller, U , et 102' I . Ropa I t.. Loa AJ1Selea. died aft. an .a~ ma-at Santa 11.J\a on Nov. 4. 15e~CIJI wen beld tod&y &t I p .m. at BalU Corona del Kar Chapel wtth th• l\.e'V. l!)c!wtD Oomke of Corona del Mar ConcnpUonal Church ofnciaung. Mr. Kaller had realded In Call· torn.la for 10 years. wu a naU" of Karyland and wu a rt Ured theatrtcal manager. HI' 11 INI'· vlved by a atater. Mra. Ma ry Kln1 of WHt H&rttord, Conn.; a d&u1hter. Mn. W. B . Olueer of Corona dtl .)(ar. P rivate lntennent wu at Mel· ~Abbey. ROBDT C. BA&NES P'UJltral iwrvtcee · for ~rt Clinton Bamte. 75. of 271 I:. Jllth St., Co.ta ~eu v.111 be held Wtd· ntaday at 2 p. m. In Puk u -Rlc!Wy Mortuary Chaptl. Mr. Ba m H dlfd Saturday at hta home of a htart a ttack. He wu a •live ot Goff, Kan. and came to CO.ta Mua In 193:'>. Re wu a ~Uttd railroad machintat and a mf!mbfr ot the Churrh or C"hrbt . C'<>11ta )f~ Survlvon i re h11 wlff' R o&alif. of the horn": '"'" ~n~ Robt' rt J. llf Vu1t&. Adam W .. Ralph L and Plillllp t.. or ('03ta Mfl'll. thl"l"t daU«htf'n , .Mr11. Lllhan Mavity. C'oet& Mru , M ra. Bertie Howe of Aoulb America : and Mr11. Ellen Jamaon of EIJcondldo; a ... ter, Mra. Jd& Chrlateneon or O~fon ; a brother. Loe• Be.rnt11 Qf Okla· hnma: 1& pa11ckblldrtn and 3 ,,._t •(Talldc.hlldrm. tni.nnent wtn be 1a MllroM ~c • .,.. - -,,., "' ,...,_,. -•..i.w N..,,_,,_._~ This is how power looks ••• and 'filslsl Oii• look •• tJil• ... "PewerSty1• .. OlryJI« t.U. you dlil -W-beater ii ....... low ud ....... ~ dlil la ....... ~, .. ..... ..._ a thrill ,_.,. mhli.aa mill ,..,. pOot Ml"-style,M Frms die WOf'd M90," )'OU boae two raJ ,._ pert..--. -a 0,,-. Urpl..-... v.a fNl.M . . . ud Pu.tibunoe '-Flit• eutomatic: ~. rtus hall-time ~Piloe Sl-'ftl ... '"°"1· Smooth lrU.ee. You11 know thm -thi1 i1 bow J>O'*Tr fttls! Come -it, try it younelf . . . tod•y I ~ -,........ ~ .,,,,..,,., • Hl1ll•a7 HI-Fl• -tnJoy lo•1·playie1 ~ wtiile J09 drlvr ! • New ...,.__.,,_ lnn ut Hntma s,.... iem• -•anm JOllr ur IC'\ livma ~ tftftpttaturr 1n aKond._ I •()pl1ooal I ,,_ ,.__,~rNW" .,... ............ . Hrrr'1 • fKtoey-1MCa.lled IUPU·l>O'tr sy.inn -lnc1ta~• hor~powu e1~.' Bnouz, torqv• I~ ... UM'I no Ulla JuoliM. TH£N£WJ956 f O•f'• o" tltf' -.. llw "l'o-rSty/r" CltT)'Nr W'-'-- "PowerStyle" CHRYSLER MOW .... TMAM SVlllt • •• AMa ... CA'8 M08T 8M~V DIPnl .. NT CAlt LOU RI.ED anc1 Associates 1200 West Coast HlcJhway ACROSS FROM 11JE BALBOA BAY CLUB -LIBERTY 8·3486 ___ ,. M -• tv.• ... A ...r ... --~-IV fMI ~ -AND llllAWUl ... mill~-- aho awarded. ~omtesy LIDO ELECTRIC • c ......... . .......... ............. M tw rec.-a ............ ....., -----It eH t.,..c 1t1• ... _, .. .., .... ... .. ,. .. ,, , .. ............. •• , ..... Ill· ., .. ,.r1 =.-::.r.:.: ........... _ . er. 'r•n•I• .............. ....................... , ...... 0 .. IllJ "-' .. .., elf .... ................................ ...... _ .... _ .... _...... ......... .,,. ... .,.._ ... ...,... ....... _ °"""9& .............. ....... 0 .......... ,..,....., .. ................. .... """ ........ ........ ~ .... ... ..._,_ •llc .... IC-h• _,_ .. _ ..... ,_'U ..,...,......,. .....,~ .. ~ ... ..... ~ ......... . 1'u. 94A~ wedl.du. "'*--<12ottMfiW.. co. nli:AU., 3424 Via Udo Newport leach Hartwir •m ...-__ CLASSIFllD Dll.ICTOIY ~-····•* ...--l>laliar -....... UDO•......a MM'"fta Ule-..._ •m AUl'OM()BD.Jl! DJ!!AI -S " .... -..o.n JbtAll&'l'S ft"l1D™m ............... Ml.I ............. --· 111 ..._ .. ' dmNTaM ............. _ ........ MUEBSBOl'S LIDO DA VINO 11110 Ill ........... ,. ... ... Via ..... _..,.._ I d&VTY PABLOU LIDO SALON OF lllitlT'I' Ull Npt. Blvd. -Bar. tilt BOOU BOOK CASI: N.11 Via IJ4o -llarMr .... CAMnlAS & SappllM VINCENT LIDO D&UOS Mil \Ila ..... -llarMr - OAaPBTS a DJU.Paua DICK l(A(WXll Mlf\'lalM: ....._ .... OATEIUNO &loaA&D'lt LIDO vaam NN Via Ude -llutlor - Clotblq..cblldrw ... ,, ... nara OP UDO Nt5 Newport 11mL OLOTlllNO -llm'• lletal BIDWELl.'8 UOP roa llJDI ... Vla•U.. -llartlw .... OLOrBING-Womm'• aew LA aaNIC ... Vla•·hp ........ 1. LIDO r.umoNa Ult NpL BIYd. -au.or 11'11 llllADDOCk'8 MU VIII Ude -11Aner 1171 VAG.&90ND BOUB Imponed Bpcll'Uw..,. NII Via 1"'. -...._MM DStJO l'1'0lml TINCDrr8 LIDO DIRJGe MG Via Ule -llMt.w ... ~ OON'DIAOl'Oa LIDO ICLllO'l'll.IO MM.VlaUle-...... r.,11 ft.owDIS . . ..,. • ..,.. LIDO MA&ll'ft ~.L.able-~ IOOftAl!f,OlllU. ftll<lmf'l'9 LIDO DSOCl9 ... ,... ..... _ ........ num a A.Lamm on••aor ftUDIO. Mte\llau..--.... ... rtmNlTtJBE Dim llA01ID Mlt\'lal.Ne-....... ODT lllCW - -- aJOllA.al>'8 UDO ••asw 1'81 Va. UM-...,__ - INSUKA.NCE AOEN'l'll W. 0. aum_ DIO. MllVlaUde-..... "'6 INTEBIOB DEOOB.il'OM BIAJfOBm rm.&:Ea80M A.IA NJ• Via Ude -...... -DIC& 11.ACIUCa MIO Via Udo -au.o, U. DON caEJoB'J.'ON A. L D. ~ ::r..:--ll&ltlor..., MAUETS &1CIU.JlD's UDO •&•m NU Via U4o -au.or U. UAL UTArE LIDO U:.U.TY A8llOCJIAm U do Sal• • R«lt.ala ' .... \'la Udo -llartilor "'6 r. A. .r ALlll".a mo: NII wla lldo -~ utt \'OOEL OOMP A.VY Mll Via Lido -RArtllor WU BAY AJ\"'D BEACH &au.rt' VIA Lido Briqe Ofr&oe lllS l.al"a,-eU. -Harilor IMI 8&~"1NG8 II LOAN AS80CIATION8 i-."EWl'OllT ILU.BOA SA VIJflG8 a LOA.'l A880CIA'n0Jlf A 8avtnt1 INtltuUon Loni Term H9111• Lo&na SIM \'la Ude -llutlor ... ' SERVICE STAnONS LIDO ILICllFJELD , MU Newpert Bh·d.-IUr. W1 SHOES -llea'a IUDWl:U.'8 KTORP: P'OK llEl'f Mii Via Lido -Raner .... SROl'Ji, WOMEN · RVIJ.'M OY CAUFOR.SIA IUO Via Ud~ O~ l'REA'l'BQ UDO nn:..ra& Conault uu. papa tor prornm Via U4o a& Newpon lllYd. ...,.._,Ill.' ./ l"OYS \I LIDO TOrtAND Mtl Via Ude -llarttw' .... J'RA VEL .&CENCIES HAIUK> .. ~ VEL AO.KNOT Mii N.wport Bhcl-8M. NM l'PHOL8TEBINO DIOll IUCIU;R It.It \'la lMo -au.or UIS WATCH REPAIR Vl:"IOEST'1" WATCH &EPAll& UDO'DRU08 • ... , \Ila Lido WlNDoW OOVERINO TD 8BAD& SHOP Nm .. Poat om-ttar. IN PASE 6 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARIC'' NEWS.PRESS J • • • flAONDA Y, NOVEMBER 7. 1955 ~ . IRYINE FEMS FINISH UP IN THIRD PLACE The Arro"'1'.lead w o m e 0'1 folf team will tancle witll Santa An& Country Club f.-m1 Nov: 18 at Apple Val· lay to ~ tbe J:a1tern DI· vt•lon ladte.' Jlnlu champion· 1hlp. A r row head topped Oroup 4 compeUlloD af t er Friday'• final match at ff•·, clenda. Irvine Coaal Country Club'• fem fairway, rlallera wound up In third place attt'r edr· in&' Redla.nda 8·7 Friday. Ar- rowhead d e f e a t e d Victoria l ll.1i • 3 .,_. F inal 1t.and1n11: Arrowhead. 43 i.,: Hacienda., 34: lrvlne, 32; Redkndl, 211,, and Victoria, 111. Mra. T. W. Hendenion and Mra. John Drury !lnlahed flrat In 1Weepet&k11 with Mra. R. W. Foote and Kn. El.file Miiier. MCond. Mr1. John ~rice wu firlt In flald. INTENTIONS ANAHEIM ALL ALONE~. AT TOP Of· CIRCUIT ~ P•~n ""9 lcmy Victim -For HhJll ..,... Grid CIMnps ANAJDIDI, (OCN'a) -Wltll t1 ...-. t.o Ufw wMa. Vu R~ all u.. f\lry of u.. Ookmllta wi· belt• and Line. OMGla John WalUn teulMd tn Ule mJU&J que,ter. beran 1111dlnr in 11UMUtuU0111 an 11 rapid nre order. 4nahela romped to a OCIS7 II-liaruar tro'.m \be.lr own 35 victory nw Oran11 l'rtd&7 .._t JVd U.... Olup paced by ac• to capture Utelr. fourth lunMt nannlns baeJt Mu D&ITOw. rack· Laque win of the llUOD at IA ed up fl-.. ftl'll downa tn their Palma Park. 96 ,ard marclt to Anah.Sm 'a IO&l 'nle Oolcml.lt dld tbetr dam&19 UDe fol' Ute Pantherl' flrlt ecore. · Oranre apln DWl&C'ed to take quick ud early and the wtM>ae poeM11io11 on their t6 yard Una 1tory la told in th• tact that after A.nallelm at the ball on A.na.bllm had U.. ball four tlme1 downa. A pa-.. coupled with In the tint peJic?d and Olle min· Utn. nmntnc pla)'8. enabled D&r- ute of the ~nd. 1eorln1 each row to acore •&"•In from the four. Ume tbey had J>ONffllOn. Pete Maldonado converted. Halfback Don P9111Seld ecored flnt JhorUy after th• opentnr ldclroff w h en t he Colonlat'1 m&l'Cbed the ball !WI yll'df on two playw. Don ruahed hom Oraa~·· 2 tor UJ• tally. · OOVJCRNOR KNIGHT. -creeled by 8. F. atty. wtlllam Orrick active OraYM 1upporter -··At lone lut, I'.n met an attomey wbo doe.n't want to be a judce." ON BOLT -AROU"D .FLANK End Stew Bets is here h1 process of ankling around bu proven adept at the statue of liberty. one of th<' CdM Little League Club Tbl MCOnd touchdown w a a p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 1eored by Joe A vtU.. after a pau lnten:eptlon by Ronnie Fuller aet the ball Oii the Orange 12 yard line. Santa Ana's end on Davidson Field Thursday as the oldest plays in the business. but one that still gains States Plan Newport HarbOr Sailor B's battled to a 6·6 Sunset yardage. -Staff Photo .,, A statement ot lntentlon1 hu FLYNN ru.;s· League deadlock with the Saint li&hlweights; ~tz .....;. _____ ---'!-- b.-en IS11ued by the newly formed At the ten ntlnute mark In the Lillie League Club In Coaona del tlrtt quarter, Left Haltback • Mar. It hu been announced by Mickey Flynn Uu1lled the ~pee· V t N · ' rt B h 0•1 Chairman Bob Blackwell. The t&tor1 Jllflth the molt 1pectacular e eran ewpo eac I atatemenl Of lnll'ntlona follow•: t-un Of the nlfht. "There 11hould be no dlueMJon Flynn took an Oranre J*nt on ' ... , ... ~~ Man G·1ven Serv·1ce Tr·1bute from Coat& Mesa to a boy•' baae-. the Anaheim M Y•rll line and ball program here. raced throup the entire Panther "The Boy1' Club in Coat& x-eleven l or a 81 yard touchdown. ~~ ' He hu Imitated UtUe Leal'Ue faith· Anahelm'•. final touchdown ,vu ~ Willard A. Monteith. veteran llren and three grandchlldrt'n fully 111 moat r eapecll. acored In the openlnr minute of Nl•wpor t Beach oil msn, ~ill be .wu •t one time very active In "And It there were a bueball ttle ll<!Ond quart.er when Quarter· HOMOR8 DUE -W. A. Monteith, wellknown local remdent. tonight will be honored by his firm in 1:-<>• A.qelea in obeervance of hiA having completed 35 y-.n with the 'organization. Indians · Take Red Devils in 22.0 Tilt FULLZRTON (OCN8 1 Ot'- 1plte a aub-par and tar-from- p1eum. performance, Fullerton Hlrb'1 l.ncilana romplrtely dom•· Dated an ou t-clutM!d Sv.tttwater H!rb ftrllty aquad Satul'day nlfhl 1n Fullerton Stadium TbL non-league conlnl found Coach Oil Tucker'• Indiana IMd· 1nl' at bl.lttlme. 2l·O. The J.ndlana rolled on to ••In In an .-u y man· ner, 29-7. Jt w111 their lhlrd win ot the ~n. a,ratnat three Ht· back• and a tie. ·Alt..-uc"h playlnl{ with a f1rt'y mann9r much ot the llml', th.-rn- tlr• aquad arpeartd lo 114' lo.lklng p&lt the Red-Oevll11 from N11t1nn111 Clty t oward lhl3 W!'tk'11 1tRmc 1'riday night, the 111c1l&n11 art' to play ho1t to •>ne of tht' 11tron1te&l team1 In Southern C11ltforntn SAVE SAFELY At Or•n9e County's 1nstitution leading Home lendin9 CONTINUING TO PAY 1 i;uot tonight or Ree11c. H. Tay-the Boy Scout movl'ment, serv· b&ck Georre Den& p!UIHd trom lor. pre:cldent or Union Oil Com· Ing as Scoutmuter. He 111 A prog-ram here no one would be the Or&nl'• 20 to G&ry Fhdtrlck pany. ut a reception IUld dinner member or the Hollyv.·O<>d Post tr)'lng to atart another one. who atepped into the end sone. at the Btverly Hilton Hotel If! of the Amuican Le~1on and the "The Litt le League bueball The Coloniill' c 0 n" er• l 0 0 1 Beverly Hill~. in recognition or Sh.rinera m LoB Angele~ movement becan aimply u a were booted by Jolul Baker. h1A 1 ~coi d. ot 3~ y~ars 1f'rv1ce ---• ---procram lt> provide free bueball 11.EJUOUS WOa& with Union 011. 0•1 R k uniform• and equipment tor 'nle Pant.hen we.lted unW mJd· Monteith. or Ltdo Trallt'r Park. I ers ac younc boya Who are O•erlooked way ln lb• fourth quarter• to do wlll ~ jolnt'd by 6e other long· and to provtde coachu for them. U\etr aertoua work. 'nley .udden- "lt operatea, ln thla reaped lime Union 011 employeea from I G 33 6 the aame way the Boy 8coull do. company m1111ll1t1on11 throughout rove "It la cbeaper to run becauae the Wt'lll who11e combined .ervlc• • It uaea voluntary 1taft membert. tolal11 over 24 c-entur1eio. Ft>ature nr the banquet. which alllO marks The Huntington Beach Olien "lt c~n·t be ftlore vrpeo11,,. Union 011'11 8Mh anmver111ry. Is f1na.lly captured their ffrat Sun· than the Coit.a Me• pro~am ti.- presentat Ion ()( ln<llvldually In· llel League tr1umph of the grld cauae t hey have to buy"the l&ITII Ar rtbed "'old watrhr11 to the hon· equipment that Llt~le IA&gue season with a 33-8 victory over d ored JUl'illl. OU. . battered Gari.I en Orovt' Friday "And the motlvu of both "Mnnt~"' 1\lnnteith. now rl'tirl'd, night on the Argonaut 'ta'rf. grour-ar' the aame -to pro- flrMt Jrnnl'd l 'ninn 011 In roupon vlde a h'alt.hy buebaU progr'am bookk('ep1nl( 1<Ale11 111 l, .. w1 Angrl· Fullback Brad Woodington pac· tor the boya. "" tn 1921 Among the variety Pd the Oller attlck with two ~·so r•r. the rtacUon of moat or n1lll'k"tlnic rtep:111ment a1111lgn· T011, one coming on ll I yard people hU been hlihly enlhuaf· ment. he fullllled m Lhe yea.r.11 plunge. the ot her on an 8 yard utic. that fpllowrd Wf'll' tho11e of lub<' t•nder. Quarterback Biiiy Va I I, "And Ir thta eolhu.lllam can 011 1'8lf'.M 'P"''l•li~t al the com· Don Jones and Ardl.s Wiiiiams team• I.Ip with the Youth Cen'te · psny·s heart nt flrt'. &11111.•tllnt 11ale11 polished of f the Huntington lO apeed construction ot youth promollc111 HUp.-rvi1101 . 11 1 v I • I o n Buch aconnc . each w1lh a trip tacllltlu, It would ~ a eham• snluman 11n•I tndU1ilrl&I 11ervlei' lnt.o the promllled land. lo have It wut.ed by wtndJ' ar- rc•p1 e~entllll\'C' In the yeai" JIHt A paJr or Oller itcorea In the 111menll over the •qendL' prior to hi• rrtlremenl thl• year. tint quarter declcfed the tuue. "T'be memben of the MWIJ' ht> "" vrd •• • "81 .. •m•n In Van I Jl'ullback Doyle Darch accounted formed Uttle lA&pe ctub want Nuy•. tor the lone Argo t1lly ln tbe every boy that wanta to be p1&7· Marn~ Montt'llh h111 two ch1I· third ~riod. lng ball next 1ummer -not J\lll ... -the f-tll&t could make It all the way up to Colt& M.-ttom Baltio. l8lan4 IAd Corona del Kar." la your sllnr service ready for Thaabgtvtng ! It's .. W 11 TH'~ It! Silvetplatlng BY Siiversmiths • • c .......... Bufflq ·~---Oopper, 81'11M A Pewter WE OU&&AN'l'EI: c-,aete ~-....s.ttataetJoa VW&Our u ...... ANTIQUE SHOP P'erO.WMd"ICOtfb e WIRTH'S e ~PlathwjCo. 1914 Barbor Blvd. Ooeta ·-LlbertJ 8-1'8%- • • To be pl&.yr<I In F'ull .. rlnn SIA· dlum, the Reclak tna ue Lo f11ce the Wldeleated Anahtlm Colonl11t1. OuneUm1 I• Ml for 8 p m .. 111'1th the Colonl•t• ta.Jclnl' a ron11erva- Uve 20-polnt Mfl! by the otldll· muere. WANT ADS PER ANNUM , .... ... Blood Bank _ ................... ~ Ila .._ ..,_ • hlidll.)', Nn. 11 9' tM ea.ta x.. LetMla Ball. * w. llu., ~ Ula ....,.. 01 I ...S f p. a. Aa ...,.. tb• .... la .tlal and ..,... wtto ........ 1a ...... to•• Aa7 ,.,_t et a -~ at lfewport B a f'• o r vam .Blatt klaool wbo p_;. ~ la Used to 9ta'9 ~ illiDt, •.Uiat the blood will .. to DUta1Gt •: ....,.. lt can ~ 11ra-apoa lf Deeded. , HAYI YOU IYll ••• 7 ••• tnated ,.,unelf ta tM actte· IMllt and tla¥W OI a Colltl'e lloO'le· eomtns OelebnUon Oran&'• Cout Ooll9s• want.a all "014 Gnda" in UU. ana or from T1mbuetoo -d ...,_,....,. tie oome help them make met'17· Jt'• your' aplrlt and enthuaiamn \Mt .,,, .. want ... but ••• you'U wut sood 11..tc'ht and a paJr ot neld 11P•C1. Tb1'ty· one c:owat 'em (11 l beautlful pl.I will ti. oompetinc for queen of· the event. A pre· pm• bonfire narrow1 the choice to 6 "top-lonUe1" with official coronation and rlamour pe.rade a t balf·Ume. J'ootbalJ menu • . • provtde1 a chance for cheertnr anct blue• ch~. Aa "oltl pad" P •. T. Bar· nuni would put It.. ''Mak• the old feel )'OWll 0aad t.be 10111\6 hel old.0 <>ranee CO..l Plrat• eB\ertl.in (Ha! Hat) Ban Bemardlno la Ml Eutern Conferehce thriller wtU1 k I c k o ff at I p. m. In Pirate 8t.ad1mn. Aft« the ram• • • • tbare'• • dance in the lt~t Center. Come ••• look uo\&lld; have eome fun; watch the Plrat11 play: be rejuv.ut.d ••• and all for Onty $1.00. with lltuct.ftt bDd7 C&rdl for "rradl·t.o-be" -s.eo. ORANGE COAST / ' COWGI HOMICOMING' THUIS.-NOY. 10 PllA TE STADIUM (adv.I Standings for S1nset League 8Wlltt Lea,ue footb111l 1t1nt'I· ln11 alter Jut wttk'a ii:amea Cinda the Nfwport Harbor S&llor vandtJ' In aecond plact , thr Tar C'1 ln a 'deadloclf for third pla c.- a.nd tbe Gob B'• atrlvlng to ll'ave Oranre all alone In la1t place. AU ACCOUNTS l~SUREO UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts · Opened On or Before The 10th of the Month. E•rn from . the I st want to buy, sell, r~nt or trade? Th• Newport v1rR1ty Jropped u..tr nrat loop fray or the Ill'&· eon at Santa Ana Frlllay nlghl In • U·l2 upHt, C'oet•h Chet Wultt'1 B eltvl'• tied the Saint J11trtwel1hta ht>re 8·8. Cnarh Em- il Neeme'• •plrited Sailor C'1 copPfld their 1econd victory of U\e 1•1'111 ll&llOn with a 14-7 1 LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & 4.0AN ASSOPA TION .. :t: OcMa "-ve•ue l'ttoM: ff\' 4--11'77 . CALL • l Harbor 1616 -f • ASK IOR CLASSIFIED . AD TAKER trtwnrh O\rW Ul• s~nt a-. l LAGUNA BEACH ...... t& ._ ________________ ... __________________ .... _. __________________ lml!I ____________________________________ .... __________________________________ ........ ,, . -' 1 .. I ' .. WHA't IS CALLED 'HARD YARDAGE' That'• what Bill Buckland (65) grinda out for the terback Jim Schonea, faking arouncj end. Buckland Newport Harbor High School'• B'a aa he Ian~ h ead atal'red with Rod Willon in~ pacing the local lada to down, left, in the middle' of a swarm of red-shirted a 6-6 tie. -Staff Photo Santa Ana Sainta. In foreground, right, ia Tar Quar- SPEEDY SAINTS HAND SAILORS f IRST SON SET LEAGUE DEF EAT A's, Cubs Tie for 4th Grade · Gridiron Lead Berry •. Gobs Loren+z,n Sparkle for as ColtYersion loot Wins ln~ the end sont. Berry'• con· Ytralon kick wu blocked. BUJWS BA.CK ftemaln.lnr tn a deadlock 'or flrat place In Harbor Boya' (;.ub fourth rra de flag football learue. the Cube defeaUd the Dodr•n 19·0 &l\d the AthleUca downed After the haltum1. the Saint. the Bra•ea 1.3-4 at Collt& Meaa c-.me aursinr t>&ck. They forcect Pa rk Friday. The wtna ma rked By BILL PHILLIPS the S.llora to punt -.nd took over the fourth atnlcht for botti the on the Santa Ana 2:1. Ftnt play Cuba and .Athlellca. Newport Harbor's Higtl School Salloni came within 30 found Hurlburt taktnc a apUt·T BVJll8 IUANK.ED yards of their fourth straight Sunset League vidory Friday type 'ptt.chout, momentarily bobbl· Stne Verplank, John Taylor night on the · Santa Ana MUriicipal Bowl turf, but with 3 Inc It. then ttndlng .th• lwldle and Gary Robl.naon acored touch· •nd cutu.,, up Ult 1ldtllnea. downa tor tM Cuba and J.llke Bu· min. 22-. remaining-to play, they aaw their undefeated loop more like a bat out of Had• ford converted once ., the Dodg· record &o down Ula drain to the mall eround the' 8alnt end, brok• than • S&lnt. ers were whitewashed. Tim Pal· Saint• by a convenlon boot. 13· Into the clear and appeared oil But Tllompaon came trom tu rick paced the Athletlca trlamph, 12. b11 way to hla eecond T~ In the behind to bulldor the runaway acorlng ..U the polnta. ~nero There'• on I Y one thlnr the quarter when be ran out of cu baltback on the Newport • yard Rea hunc up the Brave marker•. Tara can do to eru1 lhl11 tamleh and waa caught from behind by 11,._. That wu juat poatponlnf In other loop conteata, the Tl· on their conference record. Thal"• Saint HaJtbac.k Da•• Burlburt on the tntvltablt u It turned out. fttl ed(ed the Gl-.nt11 20-19 and lo knlek over the champs them• the Sant.a Ana ao attar a •I yud After two pokH Into t.be 8&JJCll' the Red SOil aq~ed put the •elves at Anaheim come Nov. 18. romp. middle, the Saint• a.caJn P,ulled White Sox 28·2:!. But on the bula of what the that opUonat type pltchout, tld.I Ricky Mucebo ecored twice 11peedy 8en~ Ana halfb4kcka did There w_e.re I mjn. 211· left, Uma to the gallopln1 Gal• wllo and Larry Mancebo once for the lo I.hem, th e Go111· chance• -.nd • Salljll' KOfe 8Hnlld •NW"-cavort.d Into the end llOM .fer Tl,era. Harold crtm 11coned twice, ai:atnet the Colonial eleven ap· ed. But UMt laUrt. ltne retUMd to the tylnr tahy. Haltback J .Jimmy Shipman once for the 01· pear meagre. <On the other hand let dobown. ~t ck Jlody rdJ''!'~ Lutz' kicked the extra point anta !:Jut Ricky Mancebo's two did h t th S I wae unc... or a ya -· h · w c ancea o e a nta Tile MJM ..,,__ =Md to ! .. ~-~~d out to .,._ th• W1a• ~r~ ottaet Bhlpman·a Jou •faJnat the Sallo1"8' --__ __ ..- CA!KlJ CLOd ~artarbaclt Qeors9 t • • fte Oobe lnuntdtately Jau-.. HAaST Rmrn.u ll lookeod like Fullba ck Ch-.rlle p. Pa4m P AU ed & ch1n ~ '7 • ~ llany 81~«111 racl&ed U, all Berr~ would c•pture the contut SOddenl th llaUo cl-. out.-of.thlll·workl ,.. ID&f "1 M polnta for the ft.a ec.. BUI I 1 1 d II b hi If . 1 1 ra were LoreatMD. but wtlc Bclnlilt tntd Burt and ltand7 Balton .-ch ~~r l~~· fl:~ et'a!.:. bu~ th:'8:11 perate. SchulU. faded far bade to hit Barry wttll a follow-up ecored twice for the While loit boomer just wasn't fut enough. and heaved • prayer pua lo ~ aerlal. K~osa tntucepi.d on wtth Burt addin.c an ..tra polDL fie h&4 Ula power. not the 1Wlrt. Nell Metcalfe. Baltback Caul the a&nt.a Ana 49. ' Bt.andlnp : Athletlca and Oltll, Trailing 13-8 In wnat c11n only ;;:;n:;~ ~:il~ll:c~e~edt'.h~e.::;, TAU TOtiGIBN ::; ~g;:"it!i. Glanta3~~ed • be tabbed as big,rul uput of lhe 2t A Melroaa aneak up the mJcSc!Je x. • • .,.....era. l· • te I HARIOR Olympic-~~-... .. 'o~ · into Orange County -Home BILL·~. Sport. Editor ~~PORT HARBOR NEWS-Pl~SS -PART I -PAGE 7 MONDAY, NOVEMBER ., I 1955 MIGHTY MONARCHS AIM FOR CIF PIGSKIN PLAYOFF SPOT SANTA A NA. (oq.l8) -Mater Del'a unbeaten mon· arcti. pawered to a 113·7 Parochial Football Lea.sue v1clory here 'nluraday nl(ht over previoualy unde1Mted 8L Francia ot Fllnlrldge. Enc:tneered by clever Qu•rt.erback O.ne Oldham. the vktora beld lht upper hand all the way. Ttie loaer'a only counl•r cam., OJi s recovered t:umt». ill Ule Monarch end aone. Coach Sten ~·a team now le~ the Puochla.I clrtQlt -with four wlna. Matn Del, now ln line for a CJF Small 8d1oola playoff berth ln Muaeeau·a !lnt yur at lht helm, hu roUed up 211 point.a to 27 for the oppoaltlon. STUNG INTO RALLY Hornets Find Selves TD ~ehind. But Win by 28-6- FULLERTON, (e>qolS) -.-Cbattey'1 Panther9 scored first Friday night, but a well-balanced offensive and defen- sive Fullerton el~v~n rallied, compOeed themaelve1, and rolled somewhat ipumotically to a 28-6 victOry. Played 1n l!'ullerton Bt&diwn, aiuinber to win In a hard·fou1ht the Eulern Conference batUe manner. found the Panthal"'ll from Ontario Key to J\lllerton'I victory wu the outat-.ndlnr play of Camp- bell. He aet three new achool rec· Ord.a. enterlnr the ram• all keyed up. Bthlnd the daullng runntnr u d P8¥lnr of . Tailback Oary C-.mp- beU, the H o rn• ta eventually broke out of their aelf.lmpoaed One~wu tor the moat number of t ouchdowna regiatered In a aeuon by runnll\( and paaaln1 Another mark wu tor the moat Umes carrt1d the baU In a au.· Wednesday Scrap aon. with the other beln& for the moat total yarda In a HaJIOn, run· Wedneaday night'• video bout at 7 p. m. will be betwttn John· nY. Saxton, former welterweight champ, and Ralph (Tiger) Jonee. r-.nked No. 7 e.rnonr the mlddle- wet1hta. S-.xton, 26, Iott the tlUe lo Tony DeM-.rco after wtnnlnc the crown from Kid Oavllan. 81Ut· ton defeated Jonea bM:k ln 11162 but Ttrer h" Improved g-rutly alnca then. CEa.AJUll BEU.X. Loyall.on. In· dependent che.amaker and ar· dent hunter -"The nice thln,r Uout my' bualn.,. Ill tha.t Ult ~--..... u.. ..... ....0 MttM Md aca,. ett ..w It II over!" nlnr and 1>1U9ln1. ' Afaln1l C h at ta y, C-.mpbell passed e& yards tor one TD, paaa· ed anothu • for 23 yarda, then acored twice hlmaell on ahort plunrea Into the line. Jay Kear, rHerve end, broke hJa right collar bon~. and will ~ oqt ot action for t he remalntier ot the Muon. He la • fre•hm•n up from Fullerton High. BE SURE • INSURE wttll llCA tT&IS STANLEY ........,. o.1.7 .. "• ..... ,. uaa a.c..-~ 0..... ... ll&r - the lichar~ leeson COmpiny Lmclscape Desiga d11d Cwtnctlon FBOSE llA&BO& 161 ANA.MEI)(, (0CN8) -'nMlr rc'h for • home e.nded Tbun- da y tor the .family of a&mmy Lea. former Olympic-. dlvinr cha.mp4>n. They mov~ Into a ntw home at 12011 Cllftwood Ar b~a and Lea al.lo opened hla otncu l.n aan t.a An.a. 1l WU the tnd Of & aomeWbat bitter trail, ror the Leu. Lut July •. a Ovden Or-. t..n. had retuNd to •II Lee, Ulla .. Ult ~rmy. a bou.. blcaUM Ill ldll Kor• b&ood. On July 11. whU. Lee wu la WUhirlfton attendlnf tbe Pnal• denl'a conftrence. on nt.._ of AmlJ'icaft youUI, Mn. Lee .... baln1 tumid down UMn ,.,... aha a ttempted to pu~ . a home. · . '1t •ll 1oolu d.ltt.r-t .... .. Lee aald Tbunday . "Thin .. ... dilcrtmlnaUon 111\owa tn tMt woa• C.A.RL E. HALSTED,. 8acto, dartul country with •'"'7 -tll rr•ndad and dance pupU at II-that puaa." "1 dance tor exel'C'lae and ple .. ura -:;;:=:======;;;;;;;;~ -the Latin d-.ncea for exerci.a • and lhe wait.a for plaaure." The flrat 1ucce11M tut cit cable cara In San Franclaco wu made on Clay Strttt tn Au(Wlt. 1873, aC'cordlng lo the. NaUonaJ Automobile Club. . ........ . . WHllL CHAIR FEATUl!S • 1·11 .. ~ ..... , • J•,.,; ....... ... . , ........ , .......... , . "'" ...... ..,,... 2130 L MAIN ST. •••••rtr 1-n• !nnchaein1 WhJttier. ~.~a.th • •11•1 .......... • UalfM •'I *•• • ..... , ...... fl .. • l'IH ..,.. • .-, ... • ........ o"• ABBEY RENTS V.JI I /i'lll'.: I ~Mt~~todale.~e T~ · m~ta~~-tbe~ta&~~x~~=d~~~~~~o~~~-=====~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~;;;~~ t "b l t With t min. 621. to kill, Quar· _ ... , T•• ... u-• ... _ ....__ ..,,,. ---1-----w•ra aced, ..lfu nece1111 lY o l t>M:Jr. Mt.. ~-• 1 d t to _. .. , --. ~-..... .......__ I d •r _....,.P owe " •-. "'-a third. and pl•._ .... __ acorln1 9.tld convert nc to tl4' -.n lh lln fl __ ___. tl u • ...,.. ·~ --e e .,. -ve me1. tl-. • .... ,__ to·-d a d-ra-acor1•f acatn to salva ge Ult lrl· rt di t •-... _ I th ~· _,, .. --~ -..-umpll. They had 10 min. 32a. to ( n nr lou a .,...,..h uvrlwbnl nd the Uon heave, a h igh tlo&t.er that proceu. t wu a or e ea -v• evervbody plenty of lime to do It In. tor the Gobs to die. •-·" And Berry <'lime ml&hlY cloM. ,et under It. Taking the S11lnt kickoff on The Sainte Sol the tint break Wbt n tt came down. there t he Newport 33, five 11muhea of the game Jl'rlday Dl(ht. A Ta r were four playera under ll Thrw t hrough the rlv11l line ·moved the bobble wu re<'overed on lhe of them were Newport Harbor pigskin to thl' Santa An& 43 Newport 31. Sa!etyman 8 u d detenat•e back1 Thompeon, Tom where It wu third and 2. B!'rry Thompaon knocked • fourth down Niquette and Schullt. The fourth crunchtd out l4 of lhe 24 yards touchdown pllM out of apeedster performer wu S.lnt End Ga ry Elnorse Oatt'a m lll.t and the Involved,• thunrtertng to one tint Sllilora took control on their ewn Steffens. So what happened ? down en routl'. Thompeon. Niquette and Schuttt Hll'I n<'xt rl.lrry ll lerally ripped 33· 1tood there antt watched Stetteu t he hl'llll nut of Ule SAlnl de· Thry marched all the wsy ·for snag the porkhlde for a. flret and f l'MI' C"'h11rll4' swerved off tackle. lhe Initial f<'ore with End Paul ll'n on the 81.llor 10. 111.at proved nvtr11ert 11nrt ran 11w11y from Lorentzen at.arrin(. He snatched the declalve play. of the (&me. would-be t11 r klera '" a 43 yard down a one·handed pitch from a.cause the next. play found t'Xp~on Int<>. the end wnt. But Schultt !or a crucial tint dowa-Brrry'a C'on,·erslon attempt wu on the T11r 44. Then. after f1ral Gatu ICUrTylnr a roun" tnd for rultd w ide by the officials. down• by Berry and Halfback lhl' 1econd l:lalnt TD. Alter that. TUt E l!:NOl"GH John Hopkins. ll was Lorentsen even Berry"• berolca we.ra not who latched onto a Schultt toss enourh. That mrant the Oobfl had to get hold of the Pf'lot11 11n1t . ,,~,. a11:aln •1th f1\'e mlnutu 1"1 be· fore !h• fln11.l gun. And '"hrn ht' sa1n1o·cre forced to r •tnt. g1v. I Ing the Sa1lora po1111u1lon on lhe Newport 2e with 3 min. 1:11. re- maining. It -.ppeared they would do ju1t that. An offelde penaltv moved the ball back lo thl' Tar 21 wht re It wu fll"'llt and 1:1. That proved no Mtback. For Berry carr1C'd the Pirate Court Sched1le for 55-58 Season The Or-.nr e Coa.t College bu· lcetball ached\lle OPf'nS wltll -.n Alumni cluh Nov. 211. wtlh the flnt practice r;ame Dec. 1 at GlendaJt. the flrat tourney at Chaffey from Dae. 1'·1'7 and the t lrat Eutem Confarace court tray Jan. e In the W.ea i)"lTI. ""'-complete edledW. followa: Jl;ov . .29. alumni; Dec. 1, at Olen· dalr; Dl'C. 3, ,._.fl&; De<:. t , Occld•ta.l P'roall; Die. &. Loni Bead!; Dec. II. at El Camino; Dec. U -1T. Chafte7 tournty; Dec. !0·22, four te•m tourney w I t b Loyola, Whittler and Redlanda Froah: Dec. 27·11, 8&m Barry tourney. Glendale. J-.n. 3, Cltru1; Jan. e. RJver· aide; J-.n. 13, at J'\IU.rton; J•n. 17. at Ch-.ffty; Jan. to. San Ber• nardlno: JI.I\. 2~. 8-.nt& Ana: Jan. SI. At ML San Antonio. Feb. 3. et RJ't'W8td1; P"eb. · to. Fullerton : Feb. H , Chaffey: Feb. l7, a t San Bemardlno; F'l!b. 21. at Santa Ana;. Feb. I •. Mt. 8u Anton to. Printed "Personalized '' Greeting' Cards iCallfomla Artlal.11) • Xmas GIRTS -STATIONERY:-D&CORATIONS XMAS PARTY SUPPLIES • SELECT NOW WHILK 81_'0CK' AltE PLl:NTIJl'UL STATIONERS Harbor 4588 MSO V1a Udo -One of the Udo ShoJt9 OPEN-FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tll 9 P .M. Perking 'tickets Validated, All Santa An• Parking Lots ·- New '56 Dodge _Coronet -Invades Low~ Price ·Field .! Htre ia no 1tripped-down °prioe special" •.. but a JuIJ...U.,Jull- atrl«l, ful~JoallioMcl beauty that's KING SIZE in every way. This new Dodge Coronet takes the m~ure or all others in the low-price field on every point. of value: Size! Beauty! Style_! Powerl RoomineM I Comfort! It is actually bt'w• and more lwzurio113 than can cost.ins up to a thousand dollan more! . You hav~ a full ~hoiu or body styles, a full cJwic. ol adnnced power fealtlre'I. And .•• you get the Magic Touch of Dodp p113h-button driving I Come discover the diflidend of utra ooliu that Dodge brinp you ii). the Coronet. It'& t1tt King Siu buy i" the loto-priu ft,M4J "'"' ~.v.1w~Jlh '--'I '-' -----Win I .... Dodp ,. "" mt ., JM lfl I Ent. f1bulous .. Dodp fO{ Uf•" Contnt It JN Qodtt Dallr's now! AL ·· BEATTY . ' .. MOTORS . 1680 N~wport Blvd. COSTA MESA Liberty 8-7272 f'F.E TRJ; IAWDNC'E Wt:L& ~-.:TI\'OIUL TEIZVl810N llBOW -I ATtilll>AY NIORT--&AJIC.T\'-cllA.'\'l'fEL T -M P.11. ., • • ; .. riftli1iJ~~ •nr~~ ........ D"W..-" -~---. ' • • "'' t i.de and tlabt crui4<:hU4"1', n '~A~ NOY:rea~:s~EWS-PRESS Johl Leslie _ "'rmHI Plea4s TODAY'S . N. Y. STOCK ::_DU __ TH_NQ_nc_•_ 0:."';.;. =~ =:.\IU;; a~ ,._'S SUR~ICAL ·suppuu t11oce1t to Inn,' l1rgl1ry .,.._.. REPORT . & c0MMENT :-;:::= ... ....-... NOW AT NIW MESA ~ADDRESS UN'l'A ANA. (OCNS) -luperior Court .1wlp Jeba ... •• p .............. ..._. 9l Ch&rpd will\ hiro <COunbi ot ar-here. 1 ...... lu.ra1oal 11uppti .. hu moY,cl tnto new quart.en. aon and on• of burrlary, John The Judt'e llai.d B....ua'1 N.,. Yodl -...., • .,. __. ..,....,.... ..._._ ...-, I .. la ...... .,1na-.w•' 0.."'7, ;-:i Lull• Hermann. 33, of COit& M .. tnaJ for l :IO L m. !foY. M. ptled b:r. IL C. 0....-. (Dea ~-1ite"W..n:p t1;c,~ ~ltla tM ftn.,Pldllp • II l'llt cv.. • --11 a t M.; <..enter st .. IA Coat& Me&&. ln addJUon _ aa Friday Pl .. ded lnJloc•nt on aU Tba defendant la acc:uMd 0( Witter A a.> a.uft'A. ~A., ,...... •,a _... I • • 111 ... U. ~ to avrslc:al and .ts:k room i.upp!lea the ·ffrm opera tea' a.mbu-lhr• count.a. · -of net PCl pel'llOMI prO.,.rty NOV.J, (0CN8) -~·.., ·=IA :• 2 fll llScu tit ....... --. fll ~ •"M "• 1.-ic• and taxi.cab& with 12 tull-tlme tmployea, aiJt of them Hermann wu arraigned before and the burflary of tal W. llUl lut WMk'll-.... ...... et-.ua ••-·••I,.._* .......... -4• nrttehboard ha.ndlins the buairea and profuelonal "amwer-St., Coet& 11-. U\e ctw.abac of CU'ried tlanNP ta ta. -iv "9d-•·W 1111111 ,.W•....,. ......... ......,..._. l"rtflaJ> la~ ..._,. Mrvice. • -• Pauline C. Hermann, on Oct. 16. tar __,., ltellt ...... ,.... ..... Dia .... Ill ...-.& ...... ...._ a •tt•I u tbit ,..alt 0( bunla. -....-----'---....._ __________ Po1·1ce Probe .All curs-Item from -· tnc•· reool'ded .,. laCtoal •t ...... ~ .. ,. -. ...... ~ --···· .. -., Nnrctda uad • , dent. MlCOl"d1q"to UM oomplalnt. dat. wt~ DuPunt. X•11ntt, ~..,. tilll• ... .....a ...._.ua Ill 1fttlt• _ ..... OC. al Area Tt1ff1·e F1t111·11·es · · t ........ Pa,.. ... •e1 b• .... ..,... ... , 1• ttit~•·•• ... • OMta ~ ~ .. ~· a. ·3 B I • •t..LA.IDOlllU..~ ........................ , ................. ~~ liae 5 ·Ow.er 'Year A•o·, 64 Die Qrg anes MESI · CHIEF · ~~oi·M.., ,-..,., ~-::::.:-~.: ~~a~-:,~taAn:on-• v.u-.. ,,_ .nt .... ..wns .._.. u.. •uo cull dM-falw. a .,..tell to ~ .._ _,.,.ted ........ • a ~ JohnnJ BACRAMENTO •. WN•l-~ u. totaled e•. an lncreue or Three bw'(Jary cuea over the thine on them. Our •Un pro-dead _,,..._. a &a t.-e t.e &lie ,.._. .,.. .,.._.. _.. ~ 0.-. Caeta tlesa· a du&P.tv Oalltomt. kl&.ftway .petrol todaJ ftn over the correapondlnr period week·end are bel.ng lnveatlgated gram ln the juvenile tWd i. bued oU MCUoa. ~t.n.t .,w.cr~ to &Ill& • • ~ Cl{_~ltll.11DAL1&11,~ nported that ll'atflc aeqdellu on a fear &CO· by Newport &acb police. on-the premtee that pnTlllUon of &7al Dutdat~ .... ..-.d la ...., o1 tbe Jll-llaoed Ka·ct;rd9 a .. et IU....,...: ~ Qe .t&ta'.J rural. btpwa11. dalm-InJurlea recQrded Jn the area We~e OcL. ewan. JFayrcoonxt hwoume ae~.:~ed delinquency la the iuwwar to the ~-~ l"OUP1_!!1d ~'"1a '!~ *-I'll ...... U.. P'8\ ,.,,...,._ -... 1119. ololla a. OrNn, N""° ed 1.SM ll"9 d.o»c lb• flrft totaled 1,717, up 308 from laat •• "" puvenlla problem rather than ap-__ .., ............ .._ ---tllle -=lllt ID&7 be ....... te ----------- apie mon!U of ~ 1~· an lA· year. The number of traffic ac· Sunday and a double bed, cover11 prehenalon and dtenUon. Our rafJectms lt. __....t ._... ..... II! I I• Jlftlftt·taldltS M tld9 DI • T ..... of 10.14 ~ cent oYer cldmta reported reached 1,012 and all taken, along with an ex-record durtng our two ye&n ot ter ..,...... ......... wllqa. 8lmelalr .... ,. ... IPIF --- tile aame pedod lu\ yew. from January ttirough Septem-penalve table lamp for a total ..... · la eettlc wltll ,__ ~ ~ _ A • · Tba number of r...-u. lA tbe bar, compared with 828 a year • v .., let.el -.._ -._ 'I'--..... ~ ''° .e 1.11 ..... v•' ·e ·'f ,11... exlatence demonatrat.. ..... tact _.. to .... _ ,_ • ·-_..._ ~ .... _ -1_,.1 p.& ,,...... · COLl.ICllONS Or~e -N.wport a..a. pallOl earlier. Mr•. Ruth Lewl1, 1101 Weat comp y. l.J I*' e.t :rWd ............ ,.._ -· • up Statewide, the number of In· &ltvi11.. Blvd., report('d her borne We deplore atatemmt. me.de u.. 1,,_t p. .,...... ·.n&a. IO Ralla --111.11 '11P o.a A ' -If ... _~ el • nlered and a televlalon 1et and which are not baaed Oil t.cta, but t1 11 VUllUli9 ---k~up Ml -........ fll :'::li:J::"!,. la h • Alb' '$4000 jurlea totaled 2618, up ll.07 per e , , th ,..._._ ~ a...11 n-..-o-t Dll ae --J 1 ... __..__, 000 _ -.._ • _w ewtng machine taken. They were .e ..,.,,. .... _..._ cv 0 • ~..-..-.. err ·-,.-. .-. • ·-A .... -n•-N• yum cent. The number of accident.I 'v·lu•A at Sl2c. welcomes' the help and crlttci.m .. a SJ9Up, ... _.. 8ra. ~· 1.MO,IOO • rnc1a7. . · ..... w. .,,,. .. -n ...... . .. A. ctl hit lM9. an lllcreue of 117 .over -"" " ... _..-. Marcil Jiu ~ • .-D.nlage on Mra. w . P. Balden1ton• 415 Be-of the people whom It aervea. We ---•-•-'"'·-.~ ~ ..,_. l ..-. .._. l'ltees Clr&Dn BUUA.tJ el . the ftnt nine mnnlh1 of 195•.· "' 1 maw pron...._ n. 1, )IJU. -----~----..:...._ gonfa Ave., arrived home just In are con.ttant Y trytns to lmpron , • Amert.a ·~· 180" w .... 0...,. Ocm&7 llANT.A. A.NA., (OCN8) -Jiu· Do hot forget that an honeet. Ur!e to frighten thieves who hMI >-0urselve1 and to aerve our du..n.t poiONI' '! coutnacUft 80 u.al • A-.'•M ----·-119' ,.._.., <Jnet .._. el on• ll. Jlo>'wn, 3029 Federal wlee zeal, a lowly, triumphant diaconnected her television aet more efficiently. We are pl"OUd of in--t wcalm.a we t..i J'Ul'o CbJt.a. . . ..... M'* Ir..,,... ....._ a...-...,.. .,,... Colita Mu&. today IOUght tru1t, a true heart .. and a helping and areal. She heard, but did not our record and proud of our yoath chUM can ba undartalun. llc:ber-' .DUPoat -·---.. -----230 ... o.ta lleea. .,,.. lhaa NOOO. damagea lri con-hand con1tltute man, and nothing see them leave, 11he reported to who demonatre.ted th&t Halloween Ins improYed frlMlt.loaal17 aad, Omen.I ~-.. ---~·-·· " IN .......... &..., P.O..__ ~Oil with a two-Yehlcle 1muh-leu 11 man or woman. police. CU\ be fUn without ..n~ malio-Wharua lb·monU.· praftt~ a-..a Kotol'9 --.--·-·-u.~ NSWl'OaT BLt.(lB, ()Al.D', )(arch a at Brtatol and Baker Mary Baker ICddy loua mlachlet to property. la a retarded .lnftueaoa. U.. ...._ ·----~~~~~~~~~~~ ·"'°utlnt••t of Sant& AnL ARTHUR R McUNZill boJCS. well, ~ lte Mai.tan• May 0o. ······················-······,.-...... U i plainutt named Dorothy L By reducing wear, modem, Too Late to .... Chief or PoJke tlaDy lmpl'Oved .......... ..,..... M ... Tock O.tnJ M. --.. " - r u defendant. Boyum high-quality motor oils can triple Coeta MM&, CaltfomJ& and 1n Ume-wtll ba ta polllMea to lf~ ~c:aa .A.'fi&Uoa -14~ p • I p 1• !?. th• defendant drove neg· the Ille of' a car englnt. points Clas-•ffec1 work throuch to n..r hip rroancs. 8at9ft.7 -........ ~ .. ···-··-·-'"' rlVI e 0 1ee tl:r and, cruhed Into hi1 ata-out the National Automobile .. . .Amaricul C,anamld la CIOID• loatlaera CaU.f. ll:dlllClll --. .' ..... 61 w-.on, • • Club. R·1c1ers of moD17 J'!lll'U'd«l .. a .......... t. for BoutlMnl Pt.eUlo Ra. w ............ 11~ • 34-Musl-·' B&dln TV an tncftu.cs c&11a dlYidmd. At a 8tpdllrd 00 ol CalSfonda -If• ~ .._ ~-aube9quent data. bowft'er, 'UNn Unloe OU et CaJUonda -·-II~ t.. 'ERCHANT lt~R8Q'R A RE:4 ~ 17~~. ~~~. o;s~~· ii-:~. c:e~~ San Joa'quln . :::,. -a: -~~ :-;:"..:; t18 •t.a --.. ·-·-··-·~·-·--•• IVI 28c30 wblall at CUIT'mt ...... a .... lleplll'tdle iratne Wldlat. la .· p A TR 0 L -----------Utt.le la 0.."""1' ot a '"I h'N tlle. ~ &nu ot CU-d -18-Apt& • Homea_ Club Formed A.CCOl'CUnlt1, W• tMll tut ~-lt°'* Jaaw beeD·9D u.. ~ an can CJaumSd 11aa ._,. ta'YC>Nble. thla 791', ?eCCll'dlas' to the Na-Q T Blls. /NESS' COSTA MESA 2 bdrm. partly loq~term appndatioa pl'OI-u..& A._,oMle ~b. HARBOR B A . furn. houae. HYatt t -4Ja7. A club known aa Th• JU~ PfCtll wtth nlattftl:J' m1aor ~ liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 28c30 of the San Joaquin hu been aide"*-' • ' ~ PATROL -----.--------formed to 1erve ~ New.port 8uet.ailled ~t ~ In · ,,.. '...a. • ~Real E.tat.e Harbor and Santa Ana area, It a..rat Moton llalped to oft9et ~ G U. JD E 1 J • wu announced today by BW lld· Mii ~ ClllrJlhr, folJowlaS U.. lat· CAU. 180 A wards. 2482 Orange Ave .. COit& tar'• '1 ..... ~ tbat so~,_ .. _ 00. COMMac•&L cres 1 Meaa. f Chr)-u. mJGJW .. anothw i'OOd 7'.-r ''148 ._,_& ~ ' • Secludedin the heart of the Cleve-' Inltla~d tut month 'the club ln ltoe, u 8M1M llkal:r now. • .... A If ..... ...._, SICUlll'Y AUTO a&J'AlU ~~Work Aide Palaua& PATCH'S IODY •PAINT. SHOP B. W. PATGll 'ree ••tt-tu Try U a '°'rat '"wan nu. st. CGata ..... Oellf. Lll-T ... a&AUTY llfOP MARINI -llAUTY SALON •q#f at•""• -a,_.,.,,11 ,.... .. _,. -n-ti"g _ . ..,..,..._, ~ Violet 111 ....... & .... -~1&1 ........... JMI..._ LUSTIRWASH Alll--* CfW 'WN~ ., u. rMe.c llM "· OaM& ~ M ............... ~. .... ~Mill ,..._..,_ P.t Oruel . CClll1'UcToa CtUMIB.L~N & SON. ~. a-.i c...,,..,.. . ....... ~ ... Olllla... u ...... I' MAX W. POPE, hie. . 0 < , .. -RMldentlal •• h trial -Traeta . ~ .... u 11-1181 1'f...,.n llMch ~ DllUGCJn CIAWFORD ~ PKESCBIPl'ION .PllABMACY • llM Newport llhd. ..._~ ... IMI o.ta Me-.. Oallf.. • re LOCff!'! HAllOI ~T CO. ...,.., ....... w........, ........ a. .... ~ °'"'' ·., w......... .. ::-=..... 0....-..... "'. Wr~Q.L 0.. ....... • •• U1 • 1tt11 8t. Ranor 0118 N..,_.....,. PUaJlftTuag PlNJSH!!'.5 New A OW FUINn'URI FINISHING .. ~ •a.w.rt~ ....=.. ... r::= ..... · P..&e•-_ ....... u ... , .... LI..._ o.ea-- HEARi.NC AIDS The Finest In . Hearing Ce-.Wt•lr '""'"'"I• ~Uolecll-C..or .. 1"4 MAICO AUDIVOX WDTUH £1.ECTIUC 8en1ce Batt~rtee Cordf AU Make. H. DALE RATHER "Hearl11g Ce11ter'' llt N. Matn S-ta Aq 1 ICI !-5310 PIANOS WOODWORTH Plaao 0om.,._1 9&14wle ,.._ ... 0..1-• c ... pi.t. s ... . u ••• pi ....... o. •••• .al .. -a .. talo -$ervlu H lO E. Cout Hwy. 11.v, 118! Corona ~I Mar "-.,..... ............. ~ H. H. HOUROOK Bhtce JIJO nEf: lt8TDIATE8 WI W • .....,. Blvd. Hu. "14 Newport lleMtl . .. fill.I.MAN Pl•ntblllCJ Co. c-.,_u;., -.......... R-4ol11o1 -w-H .. t.n I WMl .... ,_ -,,_ r,.._. I I 41t -lht 8t. 8-rtlor tlll ._ Ja a-SMt lf ewpon 11eeoe11 POULTRY HALL'S IANCH CO. e 8-ch Fl'Mll f!Q'9 er"""'D~ Poa.ltrJ HS& HarMr Bh·cL Libert)' MU6 ..c-c.a 11.r.-. cam. Sf.llVIC£ STATIONS IAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE ,, .. Pie .... , • o.fjyny BILL WRt<JHT, Oil'"~' Ht WNI Cout B llV)' • ft. L,_..rty 8-IH5 s-port ~11. Calif. TV APrUANCU l' ou Guaraat"4 TY ••d APPLIANCE Sen ·tcwi ,.., All Tn-eo •I Toll•lll-••• ....,.,., -w""••" ... •• A•1tll••c•• Ph. Uberty 9.3437 18"6 ~r Bh·d ., Cot1t.a MHa YACHT SALU CLARK SWEET f1'LD SCHENCK IA-l•t•I l' M'ht 8alff -Cllut4!N ~IMlral laaGnaM s pectci IMi ,., "' Marl"• IMY'°itce In -ll•t 8t. llartlor out :io-,...t .... land ForesL Running oruk In ta opeii to 'all counttana lntereat-mon llberal ~ me.:r ba •· ';;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;J front ol •run cabin Ao g'Ueat ed In horaea. J im Garvey, Coeta "pected. ji; PATROL ' cabin. owner must· sell. $7600. Mesa, waa elected praldent and UPQ&ft QIPllOVS I 0. N 81' O'N IC. 8 S2llOO c:taof1i. publicity cb&Jrman Qf the club W.......,...... WU aldicl "1 .... ..... ..... W,.... SAM EMMES with Charle. Luak, COllt& Meaa, Pr"ed NpOrta npnaq labor 11 ... ....._ ..... vice.-pruldent. M.n. Phll Barn• dlltlfulUea. M well u a rctWa el ... A.I r1M Real Eat.ate Broker t.a aecretary and l!ldwarda treu-ln...tmmt ltuJ111C to U.. ...._ --· Harbor lO••·R urer. The club meeu the aacond ftt. U.. ta tuna, Ultd a-.J 9'I zmBI •• Aft. 29c31 S&turday of each month. Jlllectrio. aat .Am9 . C!tehll'IO •1 ...... MIU . 0.. ... Yes, we are S.111119 Out our ~re ll11e tif ·Flll._ PNduch at clraHlcally reclucecl ~ Fuller's Exterior Pure Prepared Ful·Gloss ...... .... •. .. .•.. ...... Price $6JI Close Out .. GalOM Re«JUlar ·Price $6.42 . . . . . s42a ../ , c .... Out • • • • • .t426 • Ful·Color 111 Gall111 Regular Price $5.62 Fullerglo s.w141o1s l•lerlor Ew1Ntl laflllm Price SUI Close Out • ..... s31s • . • .. .. . '• .14~6 - .} FULLER OIL I WOOD STAINS All REDUCED APPROl % ... Ward & · Harrlagton LUMBIR CO. -. ' 1300 W. Coast Highway --N9wpo11 11•• ·' • . . -· -. ·-•• • ~ I l 0 . ~· t-rJ 0 ....... I 0 I = I <SO. I ~ I fll t t+ ...... , • . . ... NEWPORT HARBOR NEws-::~RESS ~- L-'• • • J. .HORACE crowd like this circulating through the Halloween Carnival at Horace Ensign School, there waa no doubt the aflajfo .w .. ·popular and. 1u::~~~~ru1 ,. .. , -r Photoe by Bill Phillipa lllDWA\' A'ITRACTION Center stage at the Horace Ensign PT A Cunival were Midway Masters Harvey Somera in top hat and William Tobbilt in wig. Throughout S:i:urda) '.; L:,,;. :ties, the pair had &I\ attc:itive nucJicncc. . ' SCOUTS ELIGIBLE TO WEAR PATCH _ Thia ia the Jamboree patch that la always the Bame and you Explo~n can wear it. uy1 BUI Sput~eon m to members of EKploren Post 17. Tb~ ga1,bering pictured above took place at the Newport Harbor Elka Lodge when Spurgeon made a report on the Jamboree of 1~. introduced the. new Scout Execu- tive !or the C-OUtAl a.re& a.od the Explorer-. told of thW ltA'f,J( ... L .... m 7 ftilh9'f '1•4 ,· Standing, John Vale. Randy Peeler, Bruce Macgurn. Doug Reddick, Tom Baunie, Kent Harvey, and advisor Lyn Bart.on. Sea\ed (I· r), Gil Bell, formerly of M&ry1viUe who ia now the new Scout e}tecutive of the ~ Empire COuncil who will cover the Orange °"8t)' Cout.Une; Job~ VanOyke, and Spurgeon ...... -• Staff Photo ~· .. . ,,. "1 PART T\VO, PAGE ONE '.·. " • ; ,, . . .. . -IT'S REAL SPOOK\' -Sherry Lynn Pearman, 5, of 2481 Bayahore Drive attended the Horace Enaign Pl'A Carnival dolled up u a b1-ck cat. Buf when •be got into the carnival Spook House, abe wu waey in eplte ot her nine live.. BIAC& FACE -Mn. Walter Corbin ap_pllea wit.ch'• blackiDC to tenure. of John. Hubbard, 11. ot 219 Larkapur, to make ·him honible for Halloween. The make-up booth wu located at Horace Enaip'a PTA Carnival . , WHAT IS THATT -Dana Kilroy, 2, at left, appears punled by someone's Halloween ~~tume while at- tending the P-TA Carnival at Horace Enaign ScbooJ. But, u her 11iater Patrice. 4, agrees, then!'a nothing , lib popcorn for diminultive tykeii attending auch 1oing11 on. The pair reside at 212 Via Palermo. / SHOPPING LIKE llAllA -Jill Broughton, G, 'of 42!J Via Lido Soud, wu all dolled up old fuhloned like at the Horace Ensign PT A Carnival, but ahe'a con- aidcring ano(her hat with Mrw. Jeannette Myers. attenda nt al the muk -and co.- twne booth. \ ,,,. I ~ -- .. - - (}overnmenl :J.rom • PAGE 2 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1955 BRUSH COUNTRY '. •·God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot 'Change; the ·couroge to change the things we can and the wisdom to lnow the difference." (A. ~non.) . JOURNAL EDITORIALS Facing Smog Problem Puts Refinery Acid in Our Eyes . . So you left the metropolitan Loe Angelee area to get away from mnog 1 What did you think ol the wee foucb we got recently! It wu an eye-im&rtin1 ugly treatment that the wilee of nature wafted to u. on a reveraal of our cu.tomary on ahore breeze. Resident. of the Orange County coutline learned what iti wu ag~o feel the 1mart of amog. Of coune that day should only t end to make ~u• more thankful for the wondertul breeze• and 1Yeatber we do have. But, it ahould alao remind tte that 1mog too ia our problem -our problem if California i1 to continue lo~grow. It is our problem if we are ping ;.o continue to develop our country1ide. Hlgb~ays d can and the products nttesaary t o the maint.e ce of each we feel are responsible for smog. -- We do not feel that IJ. u juat coincidence that the worst invasion of the .ulphuroua tm&rting amog wu made when Mle blg_)llw refineriea were built in the Loa Angeles Basin J,re&. We do not feel tb&t it is juet coincidence t)tat with each increase in numbers or cars that ~m~ fuo increaaes. Nefr do we feel that lt 11 Ju.t coincidence that tea.ma from the parent company of the big gasoline produ~­ ert1 have been in the Loa Angele. area atudyinc Uie contamination. If Calltorni.t, ii to rernafn the beauty spot that Jt is and haa been; if we &re to continue to grow; and if we are to continue to UM our cara on our roadway•, we have-a joint problem. Either the petroleum and automotive induatry muat come up with more efficient engine• or a device 1uch u an "after burner" to con· au.me raw fumea or the people wt)l rebell. There la no aenae o! tbe-petroleum industry sitting idJy by and permitting the expanaioo of amog blight areu to 1pread with little restraint a.nd no concentrated effort made to abat.e the nuia&nce. We can picture the time when the people of Cali· fornia will legislate from the highway• great numbers of guoline burning automobile. unleu aome progreu tf amog eliminaUon ia made at once. Back yard burning, home incinerators, and weed tires. cannot produce all of the 1ulpbwic acid that bums the eyu and n<>M and akin and diuolv• clo~. No. we d o not feel that ;t i.a at &11 reiponaible. Afore liJu~ly that acJd la a by-product from the pnt "cat" (catalytic) crackena or the petroleum lndu.try and of the improper and incomplete burning of guoline in our cars. Frankly, we would be willing to share &n old electric Winton coupe wilh a horaeleu ca.rriage club-- or , h orror of &11 horrors, ride the decadent can of the Pacific Electric once again lf it would-aid in reducing the cont:ami-natJen of~ Religion in American Life Annual Observance Noted This month marke th~ seventh annual obeervance of the R eligfon in American Lite progn.m. Sponsored by leaders ot the Catholic, Protutant and J ew i11h faiths, the month lone program bu u it. them(' "Give. them a Faith to live by ••• Worah1p with them this week". The theme points up the tmpOrtance of l'flUlar attendance by the family at Wonbfp ~ aince it ia the famllJ that eels the patterDe and .t&blllhee the habits which lut for a lifetime. The list ot the national la11M11'• committee apon- sor ing the program lncludea JSLIDY of the naUon'1 fore- mo st industriali'\8. Thia refleata the concern of buain- &nd Industrial management for empbaaia1.ng 1plrltual u w ell as material values. While the American buaine.e system has supplied the highest standard or living ln human hietory, there ia a deeper recognition today of the importance of spiritual "bread" u well. The Religion in Amt>rican Life obeervance T'fi('alla the fact that this R epublic was founded upon a apiritual principle which has been the t ouchstone ot its eucceaa. Ent•red u Secaed.c:iu. M&ti.r at lb• Poetomce ID N.wpott -..caa, C&Utonua undar UM Act of Xa.rc.b I, ll?t. Publlia.._, ~ MeMa7, W~ ... Frtda,F ~ ... Nl:W'l'Oa'r BAJWO• PUBU.l!IRINO OOMPAJO' 1111 Dalbo& ...... NCwi'O\lt' Jl!&ACll. CALIF • ....._....., 1111 QuaUOed to....._.~ N..,_ Md~_, AD ...... 117 Deuee ot ......... r 0... •f oni.c-Co. la ~ If .. .&·II,. Bia( JmQDICX, Pt1BWBER WJllJAK A. MOllU, Editor ,\ ORllOMD & AOUN'l'RD, .A~ D1nCtor , CJlARL1!!8 A. AJUtSTl\ONO, Mecbanlcal 8uperint.dent1 ~ • 1!111WlllU'l'IO!f a.&.ftS 1 Sacramento Sidelight SACRAMENTO. (CNS) -The Klwloll \IJldlr th• 1t&t••1 aid pro- llat. board of 1quallullon .et snm. llf)methtnr at a new precedent l'l'ORINO POJION: A warn· Jut wtek wMn It ruled the city inc a,.in.t care1-•ior&I• of of Loa Angelu I• rupon1lble for polaonoua lnMCtlcW. _... 1-led ( .... N ... -ftl9 ool_. b7 lletaN Parker "111 c1Mt wN1 tM ..... .._ ..-..rte&J fM'ta Ille Ma 4~ed up La .... ..., ........... ~*'7 .. ,_.. pe.n.) PART II For any l of }Veatern Amerteua tbe rudiq of the life and advmtu illy the' KJd t. a muat. Like tnany ot tbe arty W~ tMN are two etorie9 told dependJq upon which camp in ; the• c::tmum faction painta ll1m u a nne boy quk:kron w, wbU. th• payment of tuea In Inyo by lbe lt&t• dtpartment of -.n· UI• oppo1ln1 Kurphya deacrlbt In the Chia ... county on water rtchta It hold• t'\lltun'• burau of cbemtatzy, htm u a lrMell•roua, cowardly town and ,.,... ..W wtth a In connection with properly It which c.lt.d a cu. ln WbltUer, klll•r. You pick your 1lde • Md Mao ~ ... lilow UIU chlll'&Cl• purchued years ago, and theo w11eA • wornu ~k a po'8oll· ta)ce )'O'lr choice, bec&UH u C. would atep eiutalct. and pick hi• re-aold, withholding the water oua lennltA conft'ol aoluUon. Th• B. "Mac" McCoy of Bar•t.ow who t .. lb wiUa ·a rucir--abarp ~pr. r1rht1. fluid had be9D placed In an un-wu playtnr \OJI* a1 a boy of 7 Oltans-tl&Md the Kid un- The Qroperty Wiii purchued label~ Win• bottle. L&wa require ---__;...... nearby when' "lhe Kid" kllled hi• merdlUUy. Re opt t.ulnr him during• lhe Owen11 Valley dispute, labeUnr of otlcinal cont&irl1r1 . of ': . "··; ·: ·; . , J:!4t _ two c;u•nl• Bell and Olllnger to try to ucape 90 he could blow In which the city of Loa Anrelee ~~h _!_D..c1dttcldt"~-antrd ~ m~t.ltr-.'.":.,.,._ :r.~-. _ ~~.-.,. 1 Mid, "In Llnooln alnndthu.n.c7o01.n hi• h••d off W'ftb a load ot buck· faced a large number of property --ou no ... an .. err_, o -• County, N•w Mexico . • 1 ahot from hla Dl'W abotiun. Wben owner au J t •, and reportedly ,nc>tller conl.Aln.,-, th• bureau '· , :: :·:::: 'j._: durlnr Ule Uncoln Count)' Wu, hJ' drad ut tta1-'lt-deecrlbe how -·cs. I /) ..,-•.6 ', -tA.-bourht lhe property rather than _, 1 • ! .:;..-'"•·;,, .... · • you pick.ct • ••-· 110 on• WU ~ Kid would look j.rkJnc trom bl IUed In the court.. W.\Tla t>l:VllLOPKllNT ,;..,('c~ -:-~.' neutral." lh• end of th• ro ..... ~~~>·"' .1 .. 1i1.,,·• .. ..,.,,.... . • • , .... ~ Ja.nde were 11<>ld back to the troet weN Nen to l&cramento ~~'> . . --: :·: .,;:.~;...:;-:._·.• " I WUTUN llUTOKY , BE.LL IUNDLIE& Subsequent to the purctaa., lom• 4.,,.lopm•nta on ~water ---~, · · • original ownen In 110m• uae1, tut wMk. .U.mblyman J'randa .~ .. ~_..,.-~,;..~ ~-·· : . Th• Uncoln County War and 'Ille other J'UUd J . W. Bell wu a.nd to other people 1" oth1r ~· COllUllittM on couerva.. • 1 free "'a.r Rider BUly 1.he 1'1d bave alw!U'• been a\Jheart a kind man and tnat.a cuu. Uon. pl&.lml.n1 and public workl I 1 to mt Mrf.J ,W••t•m blat.ory, but the Kid u a human befnc. ror Durtnr th• nurly thirty-year ltart.94 bMrtnp at t.b9 C&plto her• I• • llvlnr man who wu lbl1 UI• Kid wu wry ,appNCI&• period 1lnce the 0Wtn1 Valley cMltp-5 to work out. JtplaU "there" alt.hourh only a child Uv•. Hour1 on end, Bell and BH· dlaputu, Inyo county never ha• for .ubmlN&on 1.t U.. lt~ A F F A I R s Q F s TATE and can talk about ttl Which on· ly the Kid, would pJay po11ef' tt>r ueea.ted the property value of da1 ....ton U UM SoTCDOr ly Hrves to reemphai!U another m1.tche1 to while away. tht Um•. the water Tight•. but the county, It to wat.r problema. fo.r l"tt point. th• rapidity with which On April 21, 1181 OWnr•r 1tep. which hu lerge amounts of fed-a 1t&rt on wat.r project. in BJ llEN&Y CJ. ~ Am•rle& I• llvtnc and U\a llhort ped acrou U.. 1tr.et tor 10m• eral land, non-tauble In It• boun· ll&t.. DO\&lllJ the F.ather r ICOpe ln point of Ume for Amen-food at the Chlnue Reetaurant. d&rlH. decld'd these right•' wer• project. At tM .amt t1Jn-. th• aAOR..UilllNTO, (CNll) _ 'Thi YaJid. can t\Wtory. Bell and the Kid were pla)'lns proputy, M d 1hould be tued. Calltorni& Water ProJ-ct Au r-llt&te Mtl&t• lnt.erlm ClCllD.Dlittee ANNUAL AUDIT Mac'• dad wu top wrangler t or poker. In aome manner which ConMquenUy, It levltd UMM· tty uked for a budc'lt of f7 ,. Oil '°""'"'ent admlnlltratlan. Ukm... the departmlllt of the Chlaum lnt•r•ll. John C • ...med Innocent enoulb to lkU menta on the rt1hta held by Loi 000 d\U'tna' lb• lt&e-87 1iacal wtllch ll ~ b a.nator ftnanc• b.u IOme control o-.u U\• ChJIUm at Ulat ume wu known UM table Upped and the matchee A.qll-. .. and the city brouchl year, to pr.pan worldac plau o.ort'• Mtllu Jr .• of 6mtra eo.-dlatnct and CO\IDtf falrl. In line u Uae Cattle JUAC of N•• Mu· In tronl of him fell o!f. B• ltOOJ· the protMt to the 1tate board of and aoqUlre ~·W'&7 UM ta CCKlftly hu &C<10mplllll.S • wtlb t.b9 allotment of it&te tuDda lco. Accordlnc to Mac, a cutlltr· to pick thwn up and th~ X.. tqualiaUon In accordance with ,..ojMt. major lmPro.-t ln pnrn· each y-.r to tbeee orp.n.ls&Uon. Id. •·KaJ<>r In •the Army Qu&r· •tuan.ct b1nl wtlb a lllOw fr'Oll'I law, with the 1Ubeequent n&Jlnr AllOOJU> !NOOKS: orn£a t thro\.la'b tta bMltJll• on tM TM department ll dl&rsed wtth t.rm....Ur Cor:pa L. G. Murphy hi• manacled hand1, and t II• a that th• water right• are taxable W a noord lneom• d U.. =J9et ot bcl:lllilOlll at ~t .makba&' u an.taUaJ aud.Jt of all and hla partner J . J . Dolan open· wnai.d Be.ll'• sun .trocn lltm. pNperty. ftnt quarter of th• n-1 &ad oouatJ fair&. ~ and ooWaty f&ln. .s up a mvca.ntile Md banldnJ ft• beQ'ed Bell not to m.- toUntlb-a clourt delnci.lon holdta :raarKI k' ood8ta&e Oonutro~ .. " 0. An order Wtnl out of the itate Ntltlltr th• calltomJa lltate op.ration tn ,Lincoln. They .. b ", uy ta.Jae qiovea ~cau1111 lnu- • con rary, yo coun y r w anno nc..... 81 re-rilr and Eltpottllon nor but a 1ucc ... ru1 not only from • u.1 • much Af he had been good to him it&ndl to oblJl.ln a al.Hable ln· turned $218,870,U& to department of flnMce recently, c.·w of the dlalrlct • and count7 nue it.andpolnt but alao pollU· he didn't want to UI hi.... He t th ddltl l tax 1 tu d c th tat to all of lb• 68 dl.ltrlct faJra. r•· · ., .. com• rom e • ona ••· • n o • • • .... ln .. _ t •• 1 Caira are Mlf aupportlnr whlch cally. wu however golnr to kill Oil· AUUllMENTS of property in whJch wu "' million q..., r them to euwul .. carnl· . ' • ,._,., _, 1,. d ... rlod 1 t At th val contract. to comnatlUve bid· la o:ie of th• t.lltop Sivtnr· t1M f'IUC'J'ION JlECALI.l:D tnrer It It w11 the lut thlnr -.-.. o, .... a were equa u.e to a de· -ne eame pe u ye . e r-t --'IO lnted ..u h did e 11 tart d t b t.b at t baud f al Um h ed th&t dJn( • mov• whicb apparenUy 0 10m• po qu ~con· TheA wu friction between • ever · e • e ll run. "'"u "' .... ~ . • • 0 equ • aame e, -~ a.nno ~.~ ,_ "llla1. ~ up th& doMd rtns cemtnr lb• dl.apotlUon f tunda C'hlMun and th6 •maller catU• and lh• Kid 1hot him dbd. lu on uu.m year when It o*~ JOftnUftent .,..... ----· b th• ltAt. tor ti... aad Jc coU!lti• to inert••• 1Uch u-cr-4 a.y HI mWJoD. Ule nk~ Ma .._ ~ the ~tlona. tatcNIU a.nd Murphy and Dolan Pl.A.TINO WITH TOH .... menll to confonn at leut quarter.\ bonll1 • tonk -~t. to n Calltorala atate N.r In l&dld "1t.b U.. lltUe f.UOw .. Chl· Down tn Ul• irtreet lhr'ff im•ll partially to other countle1. ·All of NIM' r.u:R OftD : fte f.aJn la --1 ..eUoal ot Cal.I· nallt~ ii aot mllch more U... l\&ID cMcl4-d to do IOlnetlUnr boy• we" pl•~ t.ope. You re· lbe fowt.eii, except Tulare coua-Nta 4i"'9on ol fain and ~ fwDJ&. a 1orin.t countT talr u u.. Uo\ll Murpll7 and Dolan '° h• memi..r tlle ctrcJ. drawn In th• ty, complied with the order. Bot.b •tscma amd out aa tbat. all OPD llllMI rtJllLICLY sr!w part of u.. a'tt&ctUMll ~.cl Alexandtr "-Kdl.....n dirt, tJ\41 ~pointed top•. th• the county and th• 1tat• ... t ooec...Sane at 001.u1t7 d dlltr1d Unck~ UM uw order, tbe Mell oom.a from l&cram•to county. and John Tunllt&IJ an En~IW!man Joeer'e top ID tbe drcl• whll• o - to court.• the •tAte aetklnr a Wl'lt fauw m\IA be thrOul1l a mllll M opm-4 tn a publtc place. Y•t lb• bO&rd of dlneton W9JIU ln a rival mercanUJe and banll· •ry one ,.. .. a ~ee to try and ot man~ate to tore• the oounty INddlD&' 171ttm, with low Md· at a .,.c:Uled Uma, and tt tb• u.. tupay• ... of Ule Ital.I to 1111 Yeatuff. hit lt with the potnt of their to comply, a.nd the county 9Mk· tier .. Wna' Uw con on. U U.. 4Llt.l1ct 4ot9 aot stn Ule ccm-apmc1 IOlll• iao mlUton dollan 'nll1 •Lan.ct th• pot to bolllnl. toJ)ll. >.. a kid J baw Men many Inf a rutralnlnr order to p,... tail' bO&rd llbould d CS. to ,tn tnct to th• blpeet 116dd9r. a lit-tor a n-et.ate tair, to be loc•t· Kurpby oblAlned & wry lucrauw a top apllt and 1Pl1t a pod num· vent the board of equaU.aaUoa lt to a bl4jler olber tM low, l4l' ot uplan&tlon muat b9 to~ ed off the North Bacrameto contnct from UI• eovernment to ber m7Nlt. A llttl• Xukan boy ~om Jevytnr L!J• additional u-a compl•te letter ol apl&n&Uon warded to a.crun.nt.o. to .. t.her treeway. n. alt. hU bffn ac-t\lrnlab bMf for th• Jndlanl at by tb• n&m• of Gon.IAlee had hi• -•nt. The 1uprtme court IUt 11.11M M ,._ UM te ~ wiUl a OClp7 flt tM -trace qu1nd ~ at tbe JMt ~tlft F«t UnJOft. Ul\able to fUmllb ,...., top ta U.. na.. wxae" M c• week threw out the 1tat•'e llalt met cl na.ae.. order wu wtaidl' bu "98 award.cl. ~ tb• '.w s ot H00.000 for ~ tbetr own, )(Ur· 017', a ~ ot about f a t that on the vounct. that l•~ a dk-* .-Jt el aadl ac11 •.aft M ..iw on OM of turUler *'9k>pmeat ~ ~ lA~t S.. . ~ .Md .a Mlc*q lAna wtre OD UI• 11UbJecl w11 pend'-c • ~ ta.. _.. -.att. e.--..... ftnl. a percapita pay· ftlnC, Mil _.. 80 tar t0r · oi:e. l '\ ~ • ~ Ute apUn\era ny the lowwr cour-U. 'n\li ..,.... ....., ~ ....._ JlllDer, mmt t.o tM f&lr on Ma. ot at· ·~ ~ l>rolb1r, wu all fOU OG t.b• Oomalu boy'a' riew tor . that the cue wlU not ~ U.. ;Jr, ot OODb'a eowat;J. n.. t..d&Dol; MOOftd. a nat cAllb 11&7.• NO 8CLl" .. tJPl'OllT •UL& nMded foT an all-out war. Be bll&ft to .ery, which only •inir· IUJ>,..me court, If It dou at all. pn>M rn Hied •me .., .... met tor the eo11tract, Wrd, a iro.t i.,tllatora ..,.. Joa~ to After i..tnr convtct~ of U>• red the Mceo7 and Luna boys to In tlm• to force lbt county to tsOll&b&9 praet.AeM ~ per-percmt&p of tM rro-rnenue hold to the prtncJpl• that ill• murder or Buckahol Robert.I In JT•l«r effort.I. lncreue Its 11.ueum.ent1 at i..t tonn.S not on'7 tM eount,-of th• camlftl. or fou.rtb. a alal· fain llbould ho. Mlf·wpportta.r. w..wa, Billy the Kid --. nturn· The bo dlda't ..._, th• Kid'~ lhl• year. The Tulare count7 Mill &Ad dlatr1ol falrl. Which tMre mum tH or pucent.a&'e of tM -~'-·'--I ... "!'" •·•-f•'· --~ to Uncoln for Ula '-"eta-. yw a.JM> la a teat of the UUlorlt ot .,.. II t ... _ It& ~t ··-.... . ,._._ ........ T ..... ·--..... ....... . abot Wb• M ll:llled 8611. Thl'V a 1 n ..... .,.. -._ '"*' re-..aua, w bl c b • • • r ii •tin INbJc~ hlnr .. on Ute bull ~cauat they dldrl't lru.lt U.. old '"" too taunt on t ... ln G11,;-lh• board of equalisation lo or-Calltornl& lt&t• and ~ IJ'Mlar. t -· tch McJr d Ml Jall ln Uncoln, UI• KJd and ht. g der •ucb uaeumenta ~t.loe OD .i.uoa.. o ,v-ecra my an tw rd holl.Md H and be wu crying ton lhro..nnc out lbe 1tate'1 IUlt wu 8CJIOL.AUBIP llVTllGOJf• Apparetl)', tM d9pu'tment of aen.tcll yourl''. ln other wot'MI 0 SU• 1 w•r• over loudl7. Olllnl"r l.n the rutauranl CToM-:-T-1 CQifond&' • ftnaDee wt1J 114.,. mo,. to N.Y ~rt .,.. 11 d.latrlct and county Murphy •tore. heard It and naabed acrou the AAcmTicCTS HJT: Aeetmblr· mJ.mSoa. :,;:: I> <loft fJOm· t.bu ID the put ~I' U.. f'1n. ao U &11.J' IUtalat9n_<lcJer-l'iOTOUOUS QlTXJCUI atrwt. ft.-Jlfd ~" • ti 1 m ru.n Ba.rn Geddta, of Napa coun.-Oood1IFin J. l<ll1s t. :.w an":: awardlnc of bldlt at ~· Calltor-.inlned tll&t Ul9" l>loWd all be One or th• JUI.rd.I _.. Robert from tJ\e wtndOW', "Htlln, Bnh'" ty, wtlo la a member of thl ... pnluUOD m.. ta jlecra-n1a Bt&te J"a1r and ic.po.ttlon. Nit • ~rt1Jl1, bl probably w. Olllnr•r. • notor1oua runma.n. h• aald cbNrtulJ.y. Th,.n "•lmlv tunbly tnter1m-cornmlttM oa -S· numto tut w to pan the •bS.cll la optnt.d '' lM Callfor-would "-accUMd ot Mlllng hi• Mac, who waa oa.ly a kld of 7 bl-Ollln1U'1 liead otf wllh " ue&Uon. u ked other membln of W9o1' tor '"'4Til\1 ho&lnlll ft t n1a Bt&t. Apk:ultural 8od.t7. n own apolllUoD "down th• river", or a. aald that every kid In town double dlar&e of buclreMl frnm •• pe o w .. tM cianli'lal oontnctl at UM U It w.... _.. t 0111 H h d hla own lhotr nn th• committee to l(UPPort • btU to u.ceed MOO 7Mt to d• ltate lair which bf'O\llllt tM mat· n la l.nt.-tl"&' to note that wu aca._. 0 .nru. • a •-· at t.h• 19111 .eaalon ot UI• ~· aentnc• bl&ll ac ltlldeta W'bo t.tr to a bead belon U.. JC1i.r when prtftte abaw1 can't attract lone. w•vey KOiden hair and wu Tht bo)"1 heerd thl• l11At nu!· latuN Wblch would ~any a ii-want to att.nd , .. It u an· committee. TIMI' dep&rtmuit of n-enourh peopl• to pay expe.neea. meaner tha.n a cornered 1ld•· burlt uid McCoy dulled tnr horn.- concept of architect 1 feel for Uelpat.d that echola.rahtpe nanc. hu eom• control onr UM the)' fold fut. Not IO with th• winder. and hi• mother alway• teut<t IChool building plane. OeddM wt1J be a boon to prtnte coU.,... ~ cllNCl.ol'11. t.n th&t lt muat ap-lll&t.t. lt Juet UM• more ot t.h• 1t they tia<I had motJon picture• him on how '1• ran rl1ht throu1h e&ld tha •lch~. percent fe• llhoul4 and untnntU• Uu-vusbout lb• pron contncta blfom tMy .,.. tupay1r1' mon•yl In thoee day1 Mac .., .. 1Ure that lbetr picket rate, Md th-<lonr be reduced to •omethlnr lt.UJ llt&te, u under i.w, the lltU· Ollln,;er. with hi• 1howman1hlp. of UI• hOUH he waa &0 fnght- fa!r, but more In line with th• dtnl may al the oolJe&'• of would h&V• btrn a 1tar, He ate en•d. Hn1CU Which the arehJttct.1 .ac. Illa cbolce. TH tu&ll7 pvtorm." In m&J\7 ln· PUR.CHAal:NO INC!UnASU : SCENE AT E CAPITOL 1t&nc-. o.ddu •a Id c.h~ Under the C&Uforala Vit.ru.e llMM.lld DOt ellceed two percat of tum Md bani• p~ pro- tbe taal spent 0~ the bu1141.n&'. STUD· ~ 1tate t;Yelted a and , .. ,.. .. ~ ,-.I) wi.. ~-to It' ~n .ncSan--A.1' Be Mao Mid that •Landa.rd p&aDI a M1t ml.Woe cloUAn 1n IOO "....._~ ....... """ --· •~·- would help In reductnr th• t ... bolJ'lea Md t in-farma durlJI tM Oty ell I.-. 11..cb ~ rrt.daaa l&ld. "th• Impound• and tJlu. a ve money tor th• tu-Oct be Th ,..-la ~ "otftred.. to lJDpound S•.110,000 -t would not be acceptable." pa,.,.. la IChool ~l1trlcta which lh•o te!: In ~!":~ wbl::O:. of tideland oU moftl.., ptndlnJ Friedman pointed out that the .,.. hard prea1ed t~ tuml•h clua· t to th tu f HtUe.ment of IUlt. to M-Yert U1e Pt,820,000 dMll not tnelude re.--roorna to children. no 10 · • p&J'IA or aup-f\lnda lo th• 1tate whe,... th• enue1 from the aale •of dry l'U llO'HOOL BONDS: Charin o. port. -It LI all financed Ulroup lt.&te IUpMm• court l\aa uJd they out of tht oil well1. and he de- John.eon lll&t.1 t~rer, announc· bon4 lllUe' voUtct by th9 people, should bl, It wu not llO much an cit.fed ft•t It I• utnm,ly dlf· eel u.at 0the 1l•t• hu 11ald M ad· I.lid rep&ld oul of the b<ml• pay· "otttT'", u a ruponae to the ln· flcult lo arrlv• al th• dry 111 dlUonal $$0,000,000 w o rth of men ta made by Ttt.-ran1 them· .s.t4nce of the attorney pn•ral'I rnaue flrure. at.ate echool bulldlnr bondl t o • eei .... To d&le, no elnf'I• bond ottl09 Ul&t the it&t. .,. pro~ llONl:Y SPENT _,nclle&te of a hundred membent, laaue ha.a f&lled to P .. •hen pr.-dlll1D&' U.. It~ per1od.. .. All tbJa money," -· MJc1 "b.u headed by th• Bank of Amme&-Mnted to lht peopl•. The flr1t T1IJI waa ..,........, by O..,uty been epent. ·w. haH reACW u Pl'OCffda &om aal• of the bonda laeue wu voled In th• •a.rl7 Attonq o-.J l.AOu.rd nwcs. aP'ffrllent W1lb th• dtJ of Lons will M loaned to nndy llChool 1920'1. and hM lonf llflce been man. wt.o bAe ""8 delepted t.o 8eac:b. wb•nby It WW 1,..... •la· dtatrtet. ~r con 1 tr ue t Ion ot repaid. han4l• tht l\llt 1tJ At.tom., O.· tT percent of Ill eurrct net pro-_________________________ "" Sdm.-d 0. Brown. ftll fl"om dry ,... to enmdl • Grass Roots Opinion HLON'O ro BTATEf ,.._"' for Mttllnr _, wtUt lM TM· IUpnlM eowt. rrtmdman ltat• If the court '4!c116oM .Sd. hu mlnly 1tat.d to an In favor of the 1tate." OJl(nfon. U.. M.allon CU.. th&t 'n\• dry gu r.,._.... ~ -------------------------halt of all rtvenuea from Ude-be«n •tlmated al appro:dmatel7 l.and oU off Lons Beac!h. and all UI million, which U\41 1Upttm8 NEWBERRY, 8. C., OBSERVER: "The pat.ft danger faeinc Americana tod.t.y, discounting forelp ~. la th• lnald1oua apaulon of the poftra of our centraJ IOYer'D.JMDt and the end l but obvioua h11n1or of the ponn of th• indJvid al .iatea:• of th• """"-from dry Pl oourt A id belonJ• to Ule et.at. of productlori from th• oU ••Ill, be-Callfomla. but which Ule ci ty of lonp to th• Ital•. Lo .. _ TM court ta.rued. no order for nr ...,acll hu •pent. Jl'rledma11 Mid, on nrlou• municipal Im· th• elt7 ot Loft&' ~ to relt.lm provemtrita. which clllHna Ln th• mon•J to th• al&te of Call· other communlll• muat pay for tornta. h• polnttd out. and u a llther th.roucb bond 1111.1 .. or di· r..Wt. ll llU been n~ for rect t.aut.lon. ll'le lt&t • throup th• attomry KINGSLEY. IOWA, NEWa--~:-e!!; "Some mem-1eneraJ'1 otnce to we lb• city "If It nna111 dtcldld thaC th• • -•~-'-t f the •lAl• own• thla dry ru TeY• ben of Con.,_ are firmly convlm:ed hat lower tax&· of ....,.., -0 or mum 0 enu.," rl'lecllllan MJd. "It will In -·-tunda. MC OOY8 AT BOU -Shown In their neat deetrt Bungalo w, Barstow, the McCoy1 reflect on "Mac'•" turbulent 82 yeara which have eeen him on the 11pot or mo~ bl11torical happening" than a acore of average men. -Photo by Horace Parker • tion for corporatlou' a.re eaential to ~ourage ln.dua· Meanw1ille. mor. than •100.000-an probabUtt1 " up to lh• clll· 000 •hlclli Ul• court bu Mid .,._ sua of Lone Beach to Ap&7 Uie F M c b w • t ~ trial ~on -.ntial to m.et the naUon'1 future lonp to C&11fornta. u .. ln lb• monq out ot dlACt \Ax• fOf' th• armer · c a e n es• • • the price naid Lom1 JIMcli dty cotter1. eubjeet enu,. pe'1od durtnr whlcll th.la needa ••• Taw nec1111rUy are added t by the couumer for the product. co r-IA p&l't to UM 'W'hlm of poUUctAna fM ~ been UMd by Ule ~t.J." ratiODI ID&DU· factun." BEEVILLE. TEX., BJIZ.PlCA "Yea, the poww to taJt la the ponr to clemoy ~when America reedi• tbe poblt wben it 18 taxed to e linlJt and we can no Jonilr' tu oal'IMllft9 tor em ency; when we have l"Mebed lh.e point where we de y private bual· neee With aoemtn tu.; w• we c~ no !oncer rat.. tan~ bec&uae ,.. baTt been taud mo'°" than our abWt)' to pay -tben we "111 be deibord u •nation." Who an def71nc the up1 -•II HtJOS .AMUSMENT9 opauon ol tM ~prem•, oourt. I\ lluch a declalon would mtaft 11 t.hla mon•1 th• et.lte IMUltl be 1'1\UUOIUI of dollarl of ~eDt.I prolec:t-5 In aom• Dl&nna' unW on Lolal 8eacll propert7. final court dtelalon la nkl\ed. MMllwbll" the attorney re.n- whlc:.11, Jt 11 po(Jlt-4 out. rn•1 M tral wu W'&'ed by t.be Calllomla 1..,._ 'ndtlud'1 Prot.c:U" A ..... Uoa, •Olla 00111 I a&SNClll ~ w ll>O'*'""I mo-.. &o ,... Wbetllef \JM llt&t. wt1J aect11t tvn &ll of lb• revenm from ll'le dt7'• plan to Impound the Lone a.ch tldelanda to th• 11.&te manq hu not y.t been cs.ctded, ..-pt t.bat uad fer tN1C pur· ~ aid. and wUl depend J>09U. t.o nhle tM Lclft1 Seach Oft turther contenncu with city "otter'', declartoc tJaa.t IL leut ott!d&ll. llab million ta d1Je and peyable "II a.11.7 tund.I UI• atal• belt•v@1 lo the at&IA, The woman bu been trying t o get my ole H ound Dog to m ind her. I'll bet I've told her a hundred ll mee that when ebe 1peak• to him why 8p('ak hl'r ordrrs in t.onee like 1he meana it, and 1JOl m tones of "do it 1! you wanl to and if you don't why •lrighL" But ah• a..p. o• .,_king IO!tly to h im aod then when t)e doean•t perlbrm, ahe speaks aharp1y al me ..• l gueu it'1 jest a matter of who ahe's trying t o train ---r:ne, or the dog . , Farmt-r M'cCa be CANDIDATES .. port ~acb ; Judie Sleeper. Corona del Mar: Judi Banks. Newport Beach. Second row · 11. to r.) are: _SCQUT JAMIOREE COLOI FILM SHOWING -DUE-HEIE NOY• '14 c'olor motion plcturu of th., ell'blh WOf'ld jambonle Of Boy Scout. held lul Mllllmer ln Canad& will be ahown to tb• public Monda.y, Nov. H at Newport H&rbOr Union R!p School AWlllorium, It wu announced today by wµuam Bpurreon, national and !«al Scout le&de.r. Th. picture. will deal with Rerloe 11 ot th• jamlloree. he ... d. Gene McCandltan. Coat& ...... Wu OM flJl UI• IOC&! deleptn who attended the j&mbol'M. •.ll paneu and tnend.s of Scc~na.,.. Invited lo_. the tUma which an b«lns tihow1I &nh •. The 1how alarl1 at T:SO p.m. Nov. U. New Olds Models Displayed Here at Miller Chevrolet More power, amart Btartlre lltyllng ·and new amooll\n-and efficiency ln a.n .automatic t.rana- mU..ion give Oldamoblle for 1958 outat&ndlnf appearance and per· rormance In lta advance to a h1rh· er place In automobile-popularity. ln announclnr the 195e Oldamo- bi.le, J . F. Wolfram. J:)ldamoblle -ceneraJ ""o\11.nqer ant.I vice preet- dent of General .Moton .. point.I out that It couplea the "Rocket" T· 360 engine with Jetaway Hydra· MatJc tnuamlulon to aohelve 11ew standard.a of perlonnanc• and el· flency. The J9U Oldfll!obll• are on dJ.9. play at Miller Chevrolet aho~ rooma 1000 w. Coaat Hlfhway. ER-CATClllNO FRO:\'T Small cbrome bloclr letten wlllch apel1 out the Oldamobtk name add -tnt.....unc mour to thll dU.- UncU•• front end. The popu» Jow •llhouette and panoramlo wtndahleld ue rellln· ed. belnc enhanced with new fen· du. hood and "bumper dea.lfl\8. N-flair-away fender• are an advanced ver•lon of the aweep-cut tendera Introduced by OldimobHe on earlier Holiday modela. They are no"' atandard thJ'O\.l&'hout the IiM Onlamobile -on all aeriu both front and rear. The rHtyled projec:We-type t.ailllchta and the upward -eep ot tbe ~ b1111\per OODtour above the rec-tor the Uccae plat.a lend a treah and di.I· Unct ~ to OldamobUe'a rear end .t)'Un&'· The new llWMP'nJ' chrome a.Ide mouJdine provtd• the twe>-tone color. Mp&raUon In Oldarnoblle'a attractive Bt&Ttlre •tylfnl'. The lid• mouldin&' t~tment on the NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE J MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1955 b~-pdced M .......... .,. u.. RotickJ 8ldaft, two-door .clan. fO\.IMtooe' Mdua ADd Holidq CIOupe. lUW lftAW.&T Jetawa, ~ra-Matio Drt"9 whleb t. ~ It.a -. ta UM ~ .. will be .tandard ..UP- m.nt on the Super ...,.. and ...... aert• Rydn.-MaUo lupw nrt... .. optJonal at extra COit • the .._ .. aen.. ~ Jetaway Rydra-XaUe lritroduce. a uw MCOOd nuld couplln&' IA the drbe tntn lbat bielld9 the ebus-In the puo rauoe Into a lllqle ooaUnuou. flow of power. mutt. are emootll· er than ever belore att&illed l.n - aut.omauo lrarulnUulon and an barely \MrcepUble. M aa added convenience, a p a r le I R C Joell operated with the llhift Jenr 19 incorporated tn the tnaam...._ Safety la a conUnufil&' couS<let'- aUon wtth OldcnoblJ• ~ llU ~ atnce alectdc hMdlami* and the eelf-eta.iUr nnt were lmt.all- ed. ·n a th• conatant aim o1 Oldsmobile •nclnMn to dealsn Mlety tatur.a . lnto the car. AmonJ' th•• have ~ t.he all· it.eel body, four-wheel braku. l&fely rl•M and the pano~lc wtndaMeld for better vt.lon . .Bullt- ln aafety lmprovementa are the objecU•• In each n-mc>del. Alway• dri" at a Mle ~. advttaee the National .A.utomoblle Club. A Jal• apMd Ill that Wblch taltea into account the con?!Uon ot th• ear. the hlchw~. _ti. traf· tic. and the weather. A,.f• •peed depende, too, •pon the ability of the drt,,.r. Por Complete MARINE MARINE SUPPLIES COMlllt The Special .. I .. ' Jane Nunan, Newport Beach :. M.ona. Sha~. Newp,ort Beach; Sally Shrader, C01Jta M"8.~ Darlen e Foreman, Costa Mesa ; J~ce Andrew. Newport Beach: Marilyn lngmundson, Newport Beach; Tani Loper, Tustin; Phyllis Yarwood. Costa Mesa ; Ruth P erez, Costa Me. ea; Donna Hamilton, Corona del Mar; J udy Harris, Costa Mesa. J!:apecl&lly eye-catchlnf t. the new Oldamobllefront end, with an airfoil type STUI• patterned after Ute expertment..J Starflre and Del· ta and receayct ln an oval between the ma.119lve upper and lower bumper ban. RKtanguJar park- Inf llghta are Incorporated In the outer extremlUea or the lower bumptt bar &11d a,.. protected by Ille overhM.ng of the upper bar. "98" eerlea 1.8 dlaUnctlveJy differ-••••••••••••• MARINE the :13 yards tor another Mountie comes to Pirate Satd1um this tally. Bob Voigt converl1 d l he Thursday. November 10, for the tlr1t two triea tor point after TO first Homecoming acllvilles in malun.i: the sco1e al halftime, Mt. new Pirate Stadlum. Coach Clydt Sac 2()-().C.C. O. Wllltama hu brought hl11 chargee NOT TOO C'LOSI: along fast since Sant.a Ana took OCC PIRATES SWAMPED BY MOUNTIES 34u0 Be1t the Pirates could do wu a surpnae win. The Valleymen move ln u far aa lhe Mt. Sac almost upt1el Ml. Sue II.lid llf>ecta- 3-yard stripe during the first per-tors report San Serne~dlnu de· ·rod with a recovery of Hold<>n'1 lod a nd no closer than , the 3!! I 8"r•et.I, to win but dltln l. An Irate band of Orange Cout Collere Pir•ll'll, .Cler bel.ng clob· bered on 11ucceNlve weeka by the .Eutern Conference'• two nation· ally ranked powerhouse•. FUiier· ton and Ml. San Arltonio. preps re tor their Homecom ing th•• Thu111- day 1n a .erloua frame of mind. fumble on th~ Mounties 42-yarct during it'rl'e>nd hair or play. Thl' RoK110mf'r1 dr.~pllt their •lrlpt• Laster •~d ort ror the TD Jn the thlrd pn1od. l...ou~I Ou•z lo"ll•'" lo Fullerton and Mt. Sac with a 08-yerd r11mble Sllll m 1 ammed over from one ysnl out I have been a 1urp11sc-lt •m In the lht: ftral period. LA•trr took s to comple~ a 7'3·)'11rd Mountie E.C. and sllll f11ru1e to be well Phil Jones punt on h11 own 18 11r1ve In 11 play•. Up m nnal ralln)!s At Mount San Antonio, Satur· day. It wa1 too much Paul Lastfr and not enough Pirate btl'f to withstand the lH-0 rampage of thl' Mounllu. an•t wing-footed It for 82 y.inl8 Final 11coi ing for the wlnner11 I Tonai •ffRIH.t.; l>t"E anrl anoth1>r IS poin1.... came In lhf' rourt'h JX'l lod whl'n The P11 ateic hav" 11 l0111th hur- The third ML Sac touchdown Sttve Hanifan 11ubblP1l up 11 P1· lllP to f1t cc<' for a Homecoming was ut·up wht'n Bo_b Blt>lChc•r rate fumbll' on l hP Or11nge Cn&11t win Bj::1'1n!ll San Berdoo h11t lht 1nfe1t·epted a Jim Cnon p11 1111 rm<I •·Y8t<I ma1 l1. Dan lll\J1<C'• wl'nt •Nim l!I !1ght1111e to ta~c-lhl11 ont ran II bac-k !O Y"'l'tlll lo thr Ml I fM U>I' 6 point,. o''"r 11i;ht "'ti" 11nd th»n to bt>Kt Rlvf'r11ld,. With S•c 47. By lh111 ll1114!', L1ulr1 h11!.I of lht hnl' 1md t1w11 11rnJt hi& two rnore 1·ontt1•1mce victories arqulred th~ ..coring habit e n•l 1 extn1 llOtnl ll y i:onll ~·1nhl •ror c 1 un,ler lhl'lt bdt lht Oranse oblig,.d by takmx a 11nern p1J,llll 1 Mt. Sar 3.f 01 onre (•.,1111t 0 C'o111fPr11 would hevP four wtn1 from Paul Crover lhPn running I San Bc-rnardino V1tlll'\' l°l'llti.:e and two lol<ll•'8 1.1111 a record auch 8TR()NO START Oil Lopea f&lned poueMlon for Ml. Sac early In the first per· Try Something Te'rrijic Tf?day ! . The Fabulous '56 . Introducing a Big and Vital General Motors 'l\utom0tive First"! .. • A ne• S1rat11.f li«hl R1dra.\lati(':..murled ,..,,h r ont1I'< i ?:?i-IU'. 81r1to-Streak V-8- rM-1Jh' '" !'f'rform11nn• R> nc.ow 11nd tlrrunellc it mu~t ht r:i.pnH'nrrd to bt btl~vfd! THI 'ALL-TIMI SUMMIT FOR GLAMOUR AND GO! • You enter • joyou• new ere of motorinJ when the lure o( Pontiac'• 1damoro\H new 1tyle o( ..-tomorrow r:'~ you hf.hind thf' wh~I. . t>erfo rman<'f! i1 "' incred!bly •11ilc, ."°. am.n inir;l y reaponlli\•e that. if it werf'n t for rc:an.t11c-8 •lit" ancl comfort, you'd· 1wear you Wf'rl! 1ln,·m,: • ""'"' .. a1l-••0tt in 11port1 can . , Tourh thl' ac<'f'ltnlor 1nJ 1hat,,rf'at f'rf'nrral Mo!or• •fir1t--~ilkt>n·llDlOOlh !::ltr11to~F liirht. llyd~a·Mallc - tutiu up with Pontiac'• whollr, n~~ Mnto-:0-l~eek \ -8 enaine to unleuh the f"alnt ~o .on ~·h~I,. . i'idt rounf'l( a hi 1 anit fCt"I at d1eappear nirht ander your whHI•. \tettly •lt"f'!•lf' to pa11t1 that c-~r 11hHd-nd 1ou've done it ! Here . rerfonnance that. ROY CARVER PONTIAC NEWPORT IEACH 1400 W. Ca•t HhJhway PlloM: Ub1rty u that look• gootJ enough t o earn Ut• PlraU. thJrd pl•~ in E a a t er n Conterence atandlnga .. Third place. behind Mt. Sao and Fullerton, looka pretty ·good right now e.peclally 1lnce the Plralea were expected to be cellar-dwell· en when ~ aeuon •tarted. H&necomlng Queen, •elected from 31 Cout gt.amour glrla, w ill be I n t r od u c e d and officially crowned at halt-time actlvltlea In th1a Thunc2ay'1 contest .• A big pre-rame bonfire (adjac~nt to the atadJwn) will eee the Mlec- llqn ot queen and court but ac- tual naming of the winning beau· ty will •be wtt.hhdd UU mldwa,)' in th• football game. BEAUTY PAK°'"E A beauty parade and other 1tu- dent atunta will elfllven the Homecomlnc event. -IAftl'r the battle a dllnce will be held on campu1 ln the Student Center. ent trom the "88'• anlf Super "88" model-. Nlneteen atandanl ealon and lM recommended two • tone comblnatJon.. provtde the creai.t variety in tbe dlvi.Jon'e 61-year hlalory. From an eJ'll'ineerlnc at.a.ndpolJ!t, ho111epower la raJaed to 2f0 in the '"Rocket" T-3!50 engine which pow· e111 the "88" and Super "88." care. The T·3M dulgnatlon lndlcatu 360 poWld·feet or torque.· or turn- ing '!tf~rt at the cranluahatt, at an engine apeed of 2800 r.p.m. Com- preN.lon ratio la 9.26 to 1 In all 19116 "Rocket" enl1ftea. The 19M Serlu "18 Rocket"' hu a larger dual carl>Uretor and develope 23(). h. p. TtlrM •ri• of cara ln 13 body t)'Pf1 are ottered by OldamobU~ for 1968. There a.re four Fh1her body type9 In the luxurtou. "98" aerie-four-door Holiday •edan. Holiday cou~. four-door aedan and Starflre converUble. The hl(h per· tormance Super "88" llertu pre- ~nta the Holfday Hdan, Holiday coupe, two-door Hdan, convertible coupe and four-door Mdaa. 1n Ule 328 AMERICAN A YE. APO RT/Im/ .. , CORONA DEL MAR·fiAli/IO.'IJ8i9 STARTS WED. ' " , .... Wymaa In "LUCY GA~NT" \"l•ta\'laon Color by Tf'Cllla.lcolor Raodolpla ~tt .. - "RAGE AT DAWN" SECTION in the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS PRESS PH ANNUM " CURR EMT • EARNINGS / • ..... Hlmlod& 7·1203 • . I .. I I I .J , ' f PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARIOll· NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7 I 1955 MERV ctu .. vn:. Sa.II M•lto. TV 1tar, upl•lnlllr c:Uet-"J ban • propenalty for ~~lrdupota. Jl I do not adhue circunurpedly to my p1ute~n diet. 1 become beuU1 tat .. Ll6AL NOTICI I -__ 1 ~~~q-~~lp.._W_u.;_t.ed~--~~~tt-11..-.--.it,..__'!'_• __ ... _________ !* • YOU CAN SAY YES A . ~estllnoaial to Ach• llslnt I llull Ole Pl&AnlnC CommlulOll of 1 Ule City of Newport Bearh ..,IU hold a public hearing' on I.he •P· 1 pUcat.ion of MW.. Clyde MAY· Th• numbfr of aut omobU... NARD tor a vart~ -permit 1 tn.iuk•. and bWIH• enlt<tUIC Call· No. ~ to )>f'rmll · A tronl yard . fOl'nla •lu1 ln& ~pttmbfr or lhll 11«.'t·back or 62 It. or u The year r howeJ an )nrrta~ or lT.· 1 Plannlnir Commlulon so deem11 sot over thou l'nler1ng durln1 nrcenary ... on lot ,.:o 9 blnck fltpt,.mller, 111:.i . accordln1 lo the 637 tract CDM and t\11 lher lu-1 ?(aUonal Automublle Club. A to· cat~ al: 609 lA.rklpur A\·~ I tal or 412,4:12 entered In St-pt.em• cow. I 1>e1·. lllM. while 3115.14!1 t>nlflred NOTICE JS HEREBY furlher 1 In Sl•pttrnbtr. 19M. f1ven that aald public: hu.11n1: wtu be held on the 171 h uay or 1 Nonm~~ir Ul55. at Ult hour of 7 :30 p. m. In tbe council ch&m· ! ti.ra of tht Newport Beach City 1 Hall, at whleh time and place 1 any and all persoM lntt>rll3lfl<l may appear and be hl'&rd lhett· 1 A Cour\t'OUI dr1\•1>r \a & aafe river, polnl.• ouL the National 1,1lomoblle Club. LEGAL NOTICE ~OTIC'E OF I NTENDED 8ALE NOTICE IS U&_REBY GIVEN: on. RAY Y COPELIN. Secretary Newport BeK.Cb City Plannlnr Commlutot\ No. &2~New•·Pr ... 11,7.t>.."I -------------Vana-l Heart•• NOTICE O'F f'(IBIJC HJ:AJllNG NOTICE JS liERJtBY GIVEN that the P)annJnc Comml31110n of t he City of Newport Be.M:h will hold a pubJJc bearing on the ap- plioaUOn of Geo. S. FREUHLING for. a variance -No. ~ lo per· mlt: A. waiver oC the required rear yard aet-b&ck • . • tor propoaed new con.atrucllon . . . on lot 829 and 430 tract to7, 130 Via Lorca Lido lale. NOTICJ: 18 HEREBY turther given that aald public hearlntt will be held on the 17tb day of November l9M. al the hour o ?:30 p. m.. 111 lhe council diam· ben of the Newport Beach City Hall, at which time and place uy •nd all per1on1 Interested may appear and be heard there· on. .... ,....,. "lt ..,.. ............... -.... dktlej ~· ~t ... • ..._ -· _. ...,._ .. ,.._, .. tM ~_,..... ...,.... N- PreM! Here .. a t,.,ae.I p11io9e aaD l rett•~ aner wllloc Uw laat I t9-: "DW yo. adnrthe a '7Jlq tal*f lt'a ·~ALREADY~ 1 Well, uaat 1pt!Aka w.U for ti.e 119per!" It al8o "lpr.a&a ... ~ .. for tlM ...,_, tlult o• f'N't'h'"• •IH'll C'OUr· t8y Alld -acleratlea wlMJa .,......, la" IUI !Ml. sa-•Y· Mrs. G. Wutau .. TWO pc. HCtlonal '811. Walnut tw\n bedl, with new Buutyreel matt~ aprlnp, $100. !'>·pc. trple . .et. $12. Uphol. den chlWr, $111. 9 x 9 r ue . $l2 with pad. NEW METAL TYPING TABLE ~. Blonde end table like new , $3-2 Ml.a of 11&*1\ WlndOWI 38 x "2-$2 a aet DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Ne:tVJ>Ort Harbor Newa-Preu U. guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. U your paper is not delivered by that hour pleaae call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. I j Classified to th~ que.liooa 1. Do you have •teadY employment! 2. Ooes your employer train you for advancement! 3. Do you have paid vacation, holiday.. and sick leave! 4. Do you work cloee t o your home ! 5. Do you have Company·paid 1>ension, lite insurance and other benefit.a! WrtiEN YOU WORK FOR ~uthem Counties Gu Co. _(. . ' 1'1teresting employment n~ ottered to H. S. sradu. at~s 18--4~. 5-day, 40-hr. week,. Apply 1030 I:. nnt Sl. Santa Ana, Mon., to Fri., 8 :SO a.m. to • p.m. \ SOUTHERN GAS ' COUNT.I ES co. Real Estate Sa~n: We offer you tip top commiaaion.e, whole-M.arted co-operation, exteMive advertiaing and a ~..,a­ cioua. office with an executive's deak you can\call your own. -Member of Multiple lU.tinr. SEVEN ISLANDS RLTY. & INVESTMENT CO. ?03 -32nd 'St., Newport Beach Harbor MM 12-Bulldtn~ Servka -is-s&tutioM viuw Roy's Maintenance KEEPING THINGS COOKING ThHL t.EWIS F ULL.lNGIJf and KATHAR INA R. YULLlNGlM vendors, whoM" addreu i. New· berry, California county of San Bemardlno. State of California , lntt<ndil to ull to PQJtTER Mc· COLLOCH AND Jth:L PARK McCOLLOCH. huaband and wtte, vendet. whoae addrea11 111 Hl3t NorU. Beverly OT1ve, B~rly Hlll11. California In t.he 9(ty of Beverly Hill.I. County tJf Lo11 An- gelea. State of Calltom la. the fol- lowing described per1onal proper- ty, to-wit: All stock In trade. fixtures. equipment •nd food wtU of a c11ttaln re11taurant bu11lne111. known .,. B!:CKI·LOU SPECIAL- TY RESTAURANT. and locllted at 22t JOnr lne Avenue. Balboa laland, County of Orange. State of California, a nd U\at a a.ale, t ranftfer and a11tgnment of the lllm" will bt made, llJld the con- sideration therefore will be paid al JO:OO o'clock a. m .. on the 18UI day of November. lllM. a.t t.he cacrow dtpartment o ( NEW- PORT HARBOR BANK at Cor- ona llel Mar, In the City or New- port Beach. County or Oranp. State ot California. RAY Y. COPELIN, Secretary . Newport •Beach City Plannln1 Comml••lon NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wedflftday and Friday COASTAL SdOPPER -Wednesdays Painting & Paperhanging We do th~•work ounelvea. 30 yeara expcneoc:e Llcenaed It lnaured. SatJ1tact1on ¥U&rutffd. HOUM clean.I.De-~ ...uia Wall waahlllc-wtndow clean1n1 VmeUan bllnda. Upbolltery ln1Ured. Free J!:llJmate• Liberty •1aa2. Or. Norma.n Wat.on, !#rt. a.nd 0 . W. (Dlclt) Richard addreN " Jam·pllCked Udo Theater audience al the Ora.nge · co .. t ColltJ{t l"•K>klng clH• Tuel!day mornlnJ. -Sta<• Photo MESA SCHOOL DELAY MAY BE EXPENSIVE DATED November 2. 195!i L.EW18 FULLLNGn.t, Vendor KATHARJNA R FULWNGIM. Vendor PORTER McCOLLOCH. Ve11dee No. &30· -Newa·~M 11,7,511 Delay In ron1truct1o'ii -of the n ew achool al Plac•nlla Ave. and Wilton Sl In Co1ta Mr.a 11 11p· parenlly go1n1t lo C'o1t tht con· tral'lor money. ~uperlnteondent !:verttt Rn rl'· ported Wednuday the J . Ray <.·nn~trucllon Co. clalmed an "Un· "'·u11lablf" rteh•y" In bull{lln1t th~ .... hool flue Lo a 1ravel alrlkt> which IHlC"d four weeka. Bul n"a lntormed ll'le board. "The ~ritvtl 11trikt didn't hold .him • R11y 1 ha .. k onf' bit. Oc:-t. J9 wa11 th11 rtNlt ~ay he rould 11tart put· t IOI: In r rul!IH«I rO<'k and It WU a v,.llablt at lhat lime." Rl'a .Hid five unJt.a of cl&N- room11 at lhe n-llCbool m...t be ""llll'l"trd by reb. e u d tM rMt mu,.t be completed .A.J>rll 1 or Ult rontraclor will be fined $10 ~ \'•rlaa~ Pf!nnl' day. I tlf'art .. ~ Rea lold the lrueL.-n. "Ray XOTICF. 01" FUBLIO said the board wuuld bt< lrnltnt Hl:AJlUllO 11t1th him. J said no thl'y won't .. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVl:N In other b\llllnel!ll: hat the Pla.nnlng Commlilslon ot Reta report.ed enrol1emnl In the he City ot Newport Beach will dli<trh:t wiu 401 11tu<ltonU 1bove hold· a public heerlnit on the ap- laict ytar'1 fltcur• at . thlll time· pllr a llun or Clarwl~h L. COOPER. 3725 lo 3324. lnC'. tor a v11rlance -permit No. Rea wu dealgnated by t he 2118 to ptrmit: A rur yard eel· lrwiteca u •rent of t he d1atrtct back of 11· In P .. $=l' of the r~ to request 11:ovu11ment paymPnt quired 10', In order to con1truct lo tlfe dl11tdct covertn.r 11pprox•· additional ator•l"e room .•• on matelv 300 c:-hlldren of service· lot 15 tract 2172 118 Harbor le· men ·," th• Marine Corpe. The land Road •.• tll.1trlcl hu recC'IVfld Appro1tl· NOTJCp; I!\ HEREBY turther mately $10.000 per yur In added ,.iven that .aid public heJlrtns revrnue U.18 -y. .-Ml be tw!ld on the 17UI day of Pun:llAN of a. poeture cll&1ni No"Nm. 1•~~. al UI• bour ot .1:ao a t $315 eacb WU approYed by the p. m. In th• Council Chamber-I of ~rd. "A. happy MCl'9l&ry la Uie Newport Buch City Hall, at pretty val~ble," Rea commented. which tlmf' and pl•~ a.ny and all No. 626-Newa.Pteu 11,7,:>:> VariulM PermlS No. Ht .1 H-'-1 NOTICIC OF P UBLIC IUAADIG ·?<fonc11 IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ule Pl&nnlnl Comml.11lon of the Ctty of Newport Beach wUI hold a public h-.rinc on the a p- plication of Chllrlea W. MAST ERS for a variance -permit No. 2fle to permit; Waiver of lhe Coutal Slloppcr Ac18 na .la Uw1 Wedneeday New.-P199 4 LlnH 1 ln11ertion $1 .00 add'L llnee .%5 ea. 4 Lbaes Z Juertiou 1.60 add'L Unee .26 ea. 4 UBH S lnlertloDa 2.00 add'L llnee .26 ea. 4 Lbtefl 4 Iuutiou 2.50 add'L llnee .25 ea. Sltuatloa )\'aate4 Ade •111 ,_.ve U 3 dlKount. Cull lo adv-ce only. IUNIMlJH AD 18 ' UNES required 10' aelb&ck (FRONT) PEADL.INES {or placinl or cancelJ~ ad.I a.re: for a 'pne fool' dlmeulon. On lot.a For Monday Publication _ Friday Ii p.m . :»io-:a block •A' tract 673 and fur-• • For Wednesday PubllcaUona -Tueaday l p.m. lher located at: 318--311' Hazel For Friday Publication -Thur1day l p.m. Drive • . • • , 11.'EWPOltT BABBOR PUBLISHL~O 00. Elltlmatu free. Call Jo1-nle, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8.S~9 81tfc Rd. 011 Spreaatnr Dr1vewaya PARKING IJOTS Sllb·dl\'ls1ona our apccltlty. We rum ll!}I any type oil to your spe- cifica tion. Large Jol>a -amall Jobs. Fre.e esumateiJ. Also wa· ttr apread.lng. Modem equip- ment. U::xincton 6-4008, Gil· more .It rage. Hunt lnglon Bch. Citic PAINTING NO'nCIC JS Hll!REBY further !!ll B&lboa Blvd., Sewpori Beacb, <J.Worala. l'lven lbat aald public bear1n1' M W RQSS wUI be held on the 17th day of AU 01 .. me.s Alttl mul be ,.icl for Cull lD adva.ace or publlcatloL • • ltlo HANDY MAN. matnteaanca • repair or wh8l T Har, '8414-W. 27Ua THOROUGH Cle&ntnc, beautltul laundert~. Alao oooktng .t Mr· \•Ing. ccolored) Rd. Own trani- portallon Kl 2-02M. 26p28 Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING .. , and CLEAN UPS . Liberty 8-1~9 EXPER.lENCED GARDENER JOUo 'Nov. lllM. at tba bour of 7 .30 The publlahera will nol be reaponalble ror more Ulan one lncorr~ec LJcena.ed LJ 8·3321 lnaerttoo of an ad, reaerve lhe r lrht to correctly claulfy a ny and 28-0 A voc•do, Coata l.tt~aa p. m. In the council chambfra of &da a.nd to reject any ad not contormlnr to rule.a and resulallona. 88tfc OARDl!:NINO .t yard work by day lh• Newport Bea.ch City Hall. at -------------w~k or 1f10nth. which u m, end place any a.nd all FOR RENT Llbcrty 1-eue alter e. 3Uc p~nona lnterated m•Y appear Classut-...1 Index 8pedat NotleN and be heard thereon. ITIC'U" Sklll Sawa, £lee. Drill•, Poll.lben. RAT Y. COPELIN. Sterelary 1 f\uaeral NodcN • • y Newport Harbor ~w~Y.'::C, ot Sanders, .wb .. IJ»ar· Newport 8-ch City B p 0 E P lannlnc eommlNlon 1 <Jani of TUak.9 · • • 767' • ·BOYD'S HDWE. Ho. tn-~---Pr.aa 11.7.~. • FIUM!ral OU-iore l \ .ao w. CO.ST &IQHW4T It 8..W-Olllde MMt.a ••et'J 'nlunda7 8 p.m. m 1e•-or ... , •• .._ .. 8 Wbcrty W4'3, Newport lkb_._ Uc ...,_....., _,.., .-nE;O 11 ... ldlllC Material• -V .. Opurto -Ceotra.1 Ave. .,.._ .,,_)'_ II Balldlac &rtlcee Newport ~acb Tiie undenlped dou .. hereby u Ptr.oaal• Albert H. Matthew•. b aited Ru.Mr C*'tlf1 that he la conducllnr; a 16 ~hare l'our Car &.toin metal producta 'bualnna WORKING molhl'r.11, {'111ld C'11re In my home Ai:"" 2 to .'! Nt>wport Het1't1t• a re•. 210 JI:. P11lrntr U 8·71171 28<'28 R ELIABLE JAPANESE. 28 Workers. 5 Captains in -i:ido Isle Chest Campaign p.reon• lnler~ed may appear and be hea rd t.hereon. RAY Y COPEL.JN. Secretary Nf'wport Beach C1ty Plann1nc Com mlaalon Nn 8211 -Newa·Pru11 ll,7.55 \'AJUANCE NO. H1 \'a~ or \T .. Permit at Ul5 lnduatnal Way, Coit.a Me· H T,....portatlon -. Callfoml.a, under the tlcllll· n Koofln« oua nna name ot CUSTOM ME· U Beauty Aid• TA.L PRODUCTS and that 11&ld te BeaJU. A1dtl tlrm ~ ~po.Md of the follow-U 1-t ud Fouad inl pertaea. wboee namu In tull l 4 !<l<'llool•. lulrudlon Md placee of ruldence are u U Slluallocu "uted folJowll. to-wit: n Hl'lp w .. ~ COMPLETE PAINTING & Papu Hanging Service .EUOENE 0 . S AUNDERS 600 :oat Slreet. Newport ~•ell Harbor 21118 or Har. 4H8. ttc Dear Mary: AME RlCAN WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYA'M' 4-5471 , 24p37 Me<>t me at the especially ~Hdp "'aated nice rummage Mle. Nov. 10 & 11 10 a.m. Beacon Personnel 100~;. employer retained ' Lido l•'e'.11 hou11t·to·houae ~n· Rlcham•. Onah· Oln"-rt. R. J. l Hf'Mtas ''"8" fnr the Newport Harbor Com· Aclto, J ohn W. W1l110n•a.nd Ml.Ila ~OTIC'E OP P\IBUO m11n1ty Cheat, Inc. c•mpall"'. le Zuritl Bishop. HEAlllNO bf'IOJ: u1me by 28 volunteer ..ork· Mmea. Ellsworth !! Sett.I, Ou· NOTICJ: 18 HERICBT OIVl:N rr~ 11n1I five ca ptaln11, 8ccor<ling ale\ L. M<'Cl&I~. John P . Wilder, ll'lat the Planning Commission ot tn Ma~ M11rt ln T. Ol11en, 2tfl Via le . F'Tc<i Smith, R. P. TemplelOCI, th,. City of Ntwport Buch will Rn\'N1n11. 1.11!0 l!llt She 111 rn11Jnr 1 Wiil E. Smith. and Vlrg'inla ft~ld, hold a publi c hesrlnr on the •P· lnr A n·u c. wh1l'll I~ Onl' of six will t um In their rcporta to Mra. plication ot Ernut ROSS for & ll r,.1111 In the Nrwpurl ~ach Che11l ' Arthur G. Mitchell. capt&~ varla.nce -llM! permit No. 2~7 to p' rm I t : WllJVtr of SIDll flnvP h"lnJ: <;11n()ur led dul1ng lht l 4 ,(0al of $28,!>00 hH aet YARD REQtnREMEN-f of J It. W<'•'k of No\• 1 throu1h 8. by the Newport Harbor Commun· and grant ·an 18.. aide yard Ml Rm~lnJt •l<>Or ~llA and g11yln1 ltY. Cheat. lno .• a ccordln( to cam-b 1 Tllla al "lhMk·vou" ftlr contrlbulhms re.-1 pas"'" chairman. Mrs. Kenneth G. •ck In It.II Pace • · • °"' , I .,.. he 8o-.thff.aterly tide and ad· r r i,·ed t rnm Lido lale rea1denta Coollnr. A1ao helplnit to complete ja ce,nt to the public w&Jirw.y ••. 11rr Mmu Jo1. M. Feriruaun. Paul the drive In a wuk are: Mmt1. on lot 27 tract 7'2 ..• and fUrtll· T Butl"r· Berwyn H. Meplc. rep-I Edmund G. Anderwon, Arnold N er localed at 317 r;ui Bay Front. rurntlnit Ltdo Soud. Tht"lr cap-Broylljll. Nonn&n !:. Wataon. J a.ck BaJboa llla.nd •.• '"'n 111 Mr" Clarcnct l>w tl. l 11 Hqyle. Patnc1a H. W-.ller, alld NOTICE .lS HER.EBY turtha' VM Jucar On Lido Nord 11 Mn1. Hiram S. Quito. captain. rtven that eald public hearlnr will Rurton Romtiergn. Ealh"r Kt1 by Mra. Keith Cordrey. ca ptaJn, la be htld on the 17t)) da7 ot Nov· 11nt1 Mu . 0 E. Brt'wer. In cha!Tfl ot WOC'kerw. Mmu , Lloyd ember 19515, at the hour of 7 30 Mra. R. T Dtnwtllc!le c&ptaln. I Fuller. Richard W. LQvelanll. Ver· p. m. In the Council Chamben of will be rNJl'lnllblt for C:-Olll'ctlona I non Edler. J. Robert Me11nvt a.nd the Ntw1>0rt Beach City Rall. at from· work!'rll. Mmes. )rrrtl T. 1 L.. F . LeBaron. which Ume and place any and Mesa Teacher S11pended; Bus Driver leport Given Trustees A C-011ta Mf'M WC111'16n \Heber f g"y, but Mrt, e.htlllplllln hi.a In · wa11 1111.t not to rrpMt tn work <!tea ted thmugb llfr 11tttJmey that until C'hl\rge11 Involving a rrcent she lnttnll~ t o LIU~ KHt ror 11•· 111 t11ck r 1111e were clt ared 11nd 11 null a nd blltltr)'. w11,1 lnollcated Ul&l Mn. Jack Trul'lt't' c. Chlaholm Brown T'htlllp11on'1 1ehool bus drlvtni 8ugge11terl that It ehould be made jnb 111 awaltJni tier return at ~11tter of policy for all com· Wr<lnNd~ nJcht'a aeuton of Co-pla.Jilt• to come to Rf'&. Brown "'' MeM· Union School Dllltrlct felt 1r Keet had been directed lo Board ot Trutl .. a. Ill'• Rea rather thllD Mn. Phillip· Th@ pereoMel problem& ""re eon heraelf. lh• lllcldelll "ould brou~lll to the ~rd'• atlenUoa not have occmnd. by Superinundlnt Swmt n., Rea 11a1d he would preaent lh• He r~ad a irtatemml wr1U. by J.f ra. Philllpeon on lht al.le~ aa· boud with wrllttl\ rulu and re- l'llult and battery or lier peraon culatlon11 rovennc achoo! b u • drtvera at next monlh·a trulltet by Orani.:e Cou l College lnalruc· tor Robert J . Ke.t, and. reported !fie.ting on -... attempt to t&1lt wtlll UM RM Mid In nip.rd to th• M ... wd'man teacher. a Corona del Illar mchool teacher. he wa. adv\Hd by ruldent. wbo cbarsed We.tmlal· th@ cou n ty •uper.mtendent ot ater teedler J'ruell llauaden Khool• to notify her .not to ~port wlt.b an unnatural attacll oa h• to work untU the u.nnatuJ'~l al· lut ••"--tack ~·• were cleared. A .. J ha .. a Ina& tear ot )(r, lett• to t.hla effect WU •P1>rvnd Ke.t,". Rea reporWd Mn. PhlWp-aa '"1tteft b7 Rea. «•11 aa t.1Wn1 him when •h• "lb• wu not char1ed In Ulla uk.ed that her bua drlv\las J9b 11\&tt«." ~ nottOed tna lloe/d. be held unUJ bu retuna. Kell. ~ man wu. lb•'• an ~pt· a c:cordlll• to Mn. PMU.lpoo11'1 1on&u7 ha.rd worklnJ tMCher. v.'l'ttt• nport ol wMl ~ BU\ It Ulere'• Ul:Jl.IWll to lhta. In tho 11... 8clloo& llUI ..,..,.. 1111• lbouldft't be la th• clua~ Oct. 38. fl-lnto • rap OYer room.'' dtactpUnary tno.tmmt of ll'-eon Prellmln.ar}' heartnc for aaun- and laid hand• on ll'le bU8 ctr1"r. der1, Ult man tnTOl•ed In tfit torrlna her to bend II\ an ~. cue, wu acheduled for thl• fort11hle poaltlon. I 111nHnool\ tn N e w p o r l J u•tlc• KHt hu 111nrl' ma dr an t.polo· l'nurt . .... all penona Interested may eppcar and ~ heard thereon. RAY Y. COPICLIN. Secretary Newport Beach City Plannlnc Comm.l•lon l'\o 1128-Newt·Prtea 11,7.~ , . .,....4)4! 1...,.... sonrr; or P UBLIO HEAJUNO NOTICE IS Hl!:REBY OIVEN tha t lhl' PIMnlng CommlHlon of th~ City of Newport Buch will hold a publlr hesrlnr on the &p- pllcaUon or H•l"'Y•Y D. PmA81: tor & var1anC'11 -p.rmlt No. 2M to pennlt: W&l•er of required •Ide yard 11e-t-*u in a C-lH Zone .•. for lhe erection of a ll'Wlmmlnr pool. and operatloa of a prtnte lnvlt•llonal 11ebool of phyalcal educ•Uon • . • for boyt and Jirla u nller lht ac• of'14 •.. OI\ lot. 22 It 23 block I tn.ct Balboa llland a.nd located at: 4114 P ark Aftllue ••• B41bd& II· land. NO'nCE JS BJ:RJ!BT fllrther fl"" that aald public b.eu1QC wtU be beld on the 17UI day of Nonmi,.r 19G6, &l the hour ot 7 :30 p. m . lA the council cbam· ti.re of lll• Newport Beach City Hill, a t which time a.nd pl•~ &II)' and aU peMIOnl lnterHted may a~ and be htard lh- ori. RAY Y. COPllLIN. BecntarJ N..-.,ort Bncb City Plannlnc Commi.too No. 82•-Ne'ln-PHU 11.7.&15 .• Vart.ec. I ....,.., Non.cr. or rt·auc Rl';AAl~O NOTl a 18 HEREBT GIVltN CARL W. THOM AS IO Mt-'J- to7 rernlear Avenue SO.A ~ ... .,. 10..B Appllaatte Corona de\ M•r. Calif a.a Want.eel to Bu1 WJTNDS my hand thl11 13th sz FunaUure for s.Je da7 of Octobv, 19~. 3?·A AatlqllH I•! CARL w. THOMAS aa 84>at•, Muppl!M State ot Callfomia, M MllAJ«".al. Radio, T \' County of o~. u . S6 DoJ•, Ca«•, Pea. I ... t 0 b M Poultry Of •. thll l th ._y o clo er, 31 U vHtock A. D. ltM, bdo1'9 me. Bernice 18 l!J~ ~-91l' C. Mayer. a Not&i)' Public In and at Autoe Waae.d . for tM MJd OoWlty and Slalt' tO Autoe for 8al• rellldtnr theretn. duly rommla-tO-A TINa .e Pu1a alontd Uld -om. peraonally a p-U Auto ~n'Mla peared cart W. Thomaa known &l T,..ikn to me to be the pereon whose U ~ name ia 11Ubecribed to the within n ~a11t.ed to BM& iuuummt. and acltnowledeed ta 68 Apta. a Bo-fer aa.t m• •"'-t he executed Ule same '8·A Apea. for a-t ~ .,.. "'°" u-for 8-t lN W1TNU8 WHERJl)()F, l have 68-(' 'trtllJer 8pue hereunto ect my h8nd and •<· tt Roorm for Rtnt fixed my official -1 the day and tt·A Re•t "°"'" year 111 thla Certltlcate ftrat t9-B Room II Board above written. ~ Rut. Mia.c. /1/ BERNICE C MA YER ~ Stores a ~ My COmm1ulon Eltplrn October 6!1·A BaalaeM Reatal• M ft~ Opportaaltlce S2, 1868. ~~ MOMJ' to Loaa No. H 2-N-•·Pno 341 Money l\·aaw Pub. 10/17, 24, 31, 11 7. 19~ 151 Real Eatak \\'-W OKllTU'JCATE OF nnu~r.Sf' ftOITl10U8 nJUC NA.WE Courteoua l'tWl·Prcu Cl&asltled Painting, Paperhanging ''Tbe Fineat Mo~y Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar .. tiU 38lh St .. NcwPort Bcarh Ph. H•r. 240. or 1~87·R. 1r,ttc 'ASPHALT TILE LINOLEi.JM 1 bwtalJ th• a bov• cheaper lban m08t. AU.0 H ll Tlla Ir Unoleum. Non-union. 215 ytara experience. Compare IUld aee -• BILL COKER Har. t i9:1 or Long Beach 7-6973. 89Uc CEMENT It Bun..DING All Kinda FREE ESTTMA TES Liberty 8-6109 CARPENTRY 29tt MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SIU.LL R. 0. A.nderlJOll , 1853 Newport Ave, Cosla M esa Next to the Bank Orange County Philharmonic Alcobolica Anonymoua ,. Wr1&a P. O. Boa aat Newport Beach. Calif. Pbo111 Barbor t7N 15--Share Vear Oar The Ntw11·Prta1 publlahu more t:la.u1t1ed Ads lhan any otber nc.,.-apa per In I.he ~ area. ThU ltaderah1p wu al llllned becauM Z..:ewa-PrtM CIUAlfled Ada c et roull.I: l~Bn.uty _ _A_l_d_11 ____ _ areucy NO FEE coUecled from •PJlll('anl u a.:J l11l Newport. Beach EVENJ NO cocktail w a I l rt • • H<nry·11 2:7!30·W Coaat H l1thway. 27c211 ----~---0 I'P0 R TUN J TY ft'Jr nollabl' Jil1th S<·huol or C-11UeK• etudent wjlh • "r to m11 kc ttood earnlni•· A"11l11\1 ng F"UU.itR BJ\ US K DEALERS. Kl 12100 tor a ppt. 27f'211 ~--------~-~ NA~!: TAKERS tor L&iuna Bea ch • 8<>11lh t....,una C1t1 Dlrtctory. Good b•nd wrtUng f'11~nUal. Write 204 1!. tUI room 7, Santa Ana or ca.II Kl S·H81. 2Jtfo JOBS NOW: Women -•t.w>: atano-bkkpr; mach.. ope-; aub· tn; boaltM .t domut.lea - Men -mech. enlf1D~; &UdJtor; ahlpptnr elk; office lra1IM9 and oUlerl. .Tl 'NE F" A RRAR EKPL. AOCT'. 402 12 ·32n'1 SL, Newport Beach Al'rOl\11 from Ctt7 Ball The u11dentgned d~s hereby All-l'akn a are trained to 'W'rlte certJf1 Ulat ahe 11 condurlln~ a ctffcth•e ad•. 101' It. Balboa Blvd.. Balboa R.arbo r 2 tt.-0 8a ll c GIRLS EARN MORE Superfluous Hair AM.&uranl b1.111lneu al 11194 Nn"· Through 1on1 up..nenr e and • port BIVd., Collta Men. C111tfom l11, thoruugh underalanding ot adv.er· und6r the flctitlnu1t firm name or tlt1•ng we can put your wanlt lnto BDWARDS FISH HOUSE alld worf1~ th11t itet action, ~t Mid firm 111 compoeefl of the • folJowtnr perwon11. who111e n11ml',1 In Let 1111 hrlr you u ll: tull and p1ae.. ot realdcnt't' ur u foUowa.,to-w1t: DOROTHY 8. EDWARDS - 187~ Anaheim TOOLS BOATS FURNlTURE BUSINESSl!!S Coeta MN&. Calif. Wlin.. my hand Ulla 20th clay of Octo!Nr, lt~. !•/DOROTHY 8 . EDWARDS STATJD OF CALiroRNlA COUNTY OP' OR.ANGE llJ'. Oft Ulla 20tl\ d'1 of Octobfr. A. D. 1~. brfo~ me. ROBERT F Wll.1.MU, • Notary ruhll<.' In and for the MJd County and State, r-'a41nc therein. duly commlutdn ... ed. -d .worn. p.nonally apptared DOROTHY a. ICDWARDS known CARS & TRUCKS HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES .MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS • • • OR GET A TENANT FIND YOU A JOB GET YOU A. HEI::.PER to me t.o be UI• per90n wboH name Thue Newa-Preu Clautned Ad· ll .ubecrt~ to the within lnatru· I Ta)ur1 are ex-pert.a aad UMy a re at ment, and adcnowleqtd to mc-your aervlce. J uat phone that 8he esec:uted th• aame. IN WITJflC88 WH~r. I ha\• berlQnt.o Mt my hand and afflud 1IU' oft\cial Mel Ult d.&y uid yeu lft t.hJa Certlftcate flr•t • bovt wnttc. /1/ ROJD:RT P'. WJLLM:E& M1 CcnunlMlon ltaplrl'• 11 :18, ~ HARBOR 1616 -For a depftldable u.ed car, IH your local de.a.In wbo will be !MN TOMORROW to b9elc up what he 9'll• TODAY' Che<:lc t.h• u~ Ho. &JI rar11 In the clauH1t1d atcllon to· I N-•-P~ 10 lt, Jl. 11 '7, U., 'N day. Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a RpeciAlty WAlrr htattr11 on t lme PllY/o"nt,. 7,!IUI Nrwpotl Rlwt Nrwpru l Penn.anentcy removed rrom '"' a~ le&•· J:)'ebrowa ud hair 11ne abaped-No mor9 tweui.nc, l:LJ...DI L. ORT ANT R. J:. U.do'a Salon of Bu.Ut7 Bar. 2671 lie THAN EVER BEFOREl Our nt'W, hl1ther tit.a.rung •&I'• 11 nf'I trtquent lncl:'alUlfl• 11~ you thl• opportunity. Optnlnp now tor - R<'h. H111 .. 'l:t8:, Ru Har. i :llii ·J %2-l""'t and t•ound TELEPHONE OPERATORS ~~~--·---~-~~~~-Wt' will trAln you and 1nu'll re• --U°')ST 8 nulnlh1J r,ld ftrnAltt Rt•.. r•lve ma.ny olh~r b.-nent.a. I m,.,p • 11l on Hllllnwt rn nil,. Painting, Decoratmg rt'W•rll ttar. Orlitl·W. 17r28 A.C>ply -- Paper Banpnc 1---51•'• No. Main •tnet. Rm. 211. .... a-h 1... 1----• Santa Ana.. GEO. BURKHARDT 1 ~ oo .... mn.nl\;;uott 11 00 lo 4:00 p.m. LJCENSl:D CONTRAC.'TO" Jones P ACIFIC TELEP HONE 878 W. 18th St .. Co.rta Men Liberty 8·•2~ Birkel-Richardson EX l 'l!:Rll:J'Cp;O wa.llrt>N wa.nted. General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58Uc CARPENTER Repair Work Dole Tour fionie MMCS Rqa1rini or R4.IDOd<t" DC T Call Frank. Ubcrty l·t9M AU Work a-r&nl.ed Hue ORCA.~ ST 'DIO. Learn lo play tht mlithty \\1 rRWTZF:R f:''E:LYS JONF.S. M~ .. 3()() Holm· wo0'1 n nve L.l 8-10117. · 20c33 China Painting Day and Evmtnr ciu ... Ordera Taken Now P1aone l..li.ty ... aie.. --...athlatlon Wurted 94lle -·-·--#-. ~. -- Apply et SNACK SHOP, SJO&' II:. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. SWINO 8HffT F.NCfNE l•lhf OJ)4'rator11, Tl .RHP.T 111 h11 opnat11r11, TOOi.. • culler 1nn•..,r, TU<1J.. ma.ken, H.AOIAL •l rlll uperalur•. MUST BE Ct.A88 A. CLA·VAL CO. U tt 17th It Placantla. Newport Be&< h CLJCANllfQ It m ONJNO by tll4! /\ \'o~ will train 2 more l&dl .. ft>r day. l!:xpcl'lenct>'1. Balboft h•land r·Cl~I " M•·~11 Tak1n1r Xmu or rrtrer~. KJ 3-t086. U <ltn M W, Kl :i·8!191. a8p30 U "8 ltWN ...... GREATER BUYS AT BAY BY THE ROOMFULL BY ·THE HOUSEFULL B A ·Y f. U R N I T U R E "WHERE PRICES ARE HELD AT BAY'' ALL NEW I PC. MAPLE WOOD ARM LIV. RM. GROUP. Indude1r110fa, platlorm rocker, club chaJr, J 1t~ eodl. 1 cotfM tabla 2. w~ ti... maple tabla lampe. 11 $329.50 VALUE AT BAY $219.50 I PC. SJ:CTJON'AL LJV1N OROOM GROUP. lnclud• 3 pc. -,c:Uonal-c\Jrved center (90 decree> 2 1tep end•, 1 cocklall table (Navamar t<JJll). 2 modern 3-way table lampe, $379.50 VALUE AT BAY $257 I PC. WROUOQT IRON LIVING ROOM OROUP. lnctudu Md-divan, matcblns chair, 2 1tap ... nd1, l IX1ftH table, 2 t.a.ble lamp1, 1 floor la mp. $216.M VALUE AT BAY $U9.:50 a PC. PROVINCIAL UVfNG ROOM GROUP. Include. wtng -~ foam cuahlonins pillow arma, wabb bue, hdwd. t rain., ' matcblld French Prov. t.ablea, 1 comer, 1 coffM, 2 end, ft1 llOlld Birch, hand rubbed. U99.!50 VALUE. AT BAY $319.50. I PC. MODE'RN BEDROOM GROUP. lncludee e dr. doublt> clnmar, ao x. '° mirror, 2 nil• atanda, bk'cue headboard. met.al f rame, cuar. tnne111pr. matt. It box sprlnp. $239.50 VALUE AT BAY $1!59.50 e PC. MODERN BEDRM. GRP. (QUEENIJU:t. Include~ ,... ~r. ctr.ea, 30 x 48 plate mJrror: bk'cua .headboard. (.ildiq panei.), metal bed f rame 180"). queen 1IM relax-o- pedk: innlnprinc matt. It box 9J>rlnS 110 yr. JU&rantff). $299.60 VALUE AT BAY $199.50 BAY FURNITURE .. Whe ... Pric.. A.re Held al Ba)"' '21 J:. lTUI Fr" Storefront Parklnc Coi t& Mua Term.1 OPEN EVE'S 'tlL 8 t9--Bel2 WaaW S2-~-Aatlq!~ BOYS 1Z \o lt )'a&n ot q a.-ANTIQUE mahor. aldeboard, 10 Th• New•~ bu an operunr dlJJ.1l')C • chair.. 2 arm chair a, for a cam• ln Irvlne Terrace. t.&llW. couch 6: &mall Orlenl&J Thll ta one ol our bellt routea. rus. 2040 National. c. M. u Phone Mr. Par1cer, Har. 1819 or Har. 1.01·1\X.. 8-11971. 28p2' . I BUY AND SELL IO-lli9oellllaeom EARL T .AMERJCA.N cut, colored, I pal Um rlaa-PrimlUvet-An· SELL ON TJ:RM.8 Uqua furnit ure and fine china. err. DELICATESSEN cue, 1150. THE BIG OLD RED BARN ONE 8 rt. rett11erator ···-··-'60. E. FIRBANK Kl 3-3241 ONE l&JT• commerc. Hfr1s. STll. 13Nl Harbor Blvd., Garden Grove 1 SCALES, tell. 1 GONDOLA U6. CaJI owner U 8-8223 momlnp or )\ 2•p37-h after 6 p.m. 9l1c ' SS-:-~"z 8 Ufpllea -Fresh Hea ring Aid BA.TJ"l:IUD TRADE w. or.. aAH o...-•tampa Bea.uUM T~fl. au ... · 8CJ\ooaer. Gunderson Drug Co. Excellent for charter. Want Main St. at B&.Jboa Blvd., Balboa property or 1maJler boat. 1220 Harbor 016, Ntto • W. Balboa Blvd., Newport. Har. 3032. . 39Uc firewood WlLL TRADE my home In Ana- balm tor fl1hlnr cru11ler. Call me at Key1tone 3-1348. 27c2t Eucalyptiaa A &11ricot. dry, reed7 H ' PACinC. oo«ppl•ta Ml ot lo bum. KI 7-.StO 23tlc •It.. ll}'IOD 1plJU11akar can vu COYW. 6 tralkr (wltll llcenlf) 1298. -1801 Placentia, Colla Order Now! Kua. Ll ~aaoe. 27c29 . F.OR RENT, BALBOA Penooallied . Chri.tmu Carda COVES , PIER AND ' A LL SIZES. ALL PR.ICES SLIP. Har. 4361-MK. Repreeent.ative-,.,Ill call a t your 28p30 hOml" PHONE Har HHS or Har 22e3W 22pU M-llub.I, 8edlo, T V ~ -.. 1 $llllbl -· .. -.... .,..__ ...... ORIGINALS ORGAN. 1 Electronic Orran now onlf l r>76. AJI E~clrlc Orpn. • AFTERNOON. Cock tall. dinner bal. only 1711. Lowry Ortano drt'... Ii: Coordln&UI. 119!\. AJl wonderful barplftl. CVBTOM DRESS K A KING DANZ·SCKMTDT, 1120 No. Main, Ph. Harbor 237-W, 22p3e Sant.a Ana. DININO room H l, rl'frtr .• , .. TROMBONE fine tone, ex~llent nanre. bed divan. ,.. heater • allde '711 • 721 SL Jamea Road. ~ac. ltt'm1. Hu. 1849-W LI 8·11203 27c:zt 2le21 RENT • prano for Chrllltmu. All -9Jcl2 n.e' good mattreu Slm-1 ttrm r.nt aUowtd. Good prac- m1>na b,:..ea bed 6 1p;,nra'. paint• tic• pianoa from '6 per month h M9 M &I let the klddita learn. ed. c r ap. l lramu, ~ DANZ-SCHMIDT, 1130 No. M~ln. - Callin9 All Twelves 2!\', reductlona on a llmJIA<i (Toup of de1lintra u.mplu It orl(inala. upe.rat• A d,_,._ Model ••- MARGIE WEBB 1 ll:wl s. Cout Blvd. IAcuna Buch 28c26 MARQUETTJ: A.re Walder. (n-) 3 hp Air Comprl!NOr. 220 Volt ~Ingle phut. Stt at PATClf"S 17th 8l. at Plact'ntla. LJ 8-7508. 21ll Custom O r a • er1es p BEDSPREADS. ellr covvw. ate.- Hardware. 31 yn. In bllllne•. LUCILLE DECORATORS Kar. ~OI E. Balboa BIYd. au.: W eshinQ Machine m via !:!,.._, JU&IUt,& on jot» doll• on._, WUber& 2"'\l r.r) Newport Bl., o.ta ac-.. Liberty 8-4503 or Liberty 1-4327. _ &Ufc Saal& ,4Aa. SPINET BALDWtN Acroeonlc piano. Blonde oalt Clnlah. Ha r. 41!>2-J. Hp28 DAMAGE D In •lllpplnf 2 l p1neu. aave 1180. DANZ-~MlDT. !>20 No Ma in. Sa.nta Ana, TELEVJSIONS FOR RENT Call Har. 3816-R for Exclualve TV Rental Service 27p29 SPINET Pianos. R"ntal rf'turn1. Trade-IN 00 Ol'C"Clnll, h ltr n .. w 90IT1a M&11le, Blond Oak. Y~nch Provtnclal. Thi• la a <'h&nl'I! fnr big iaavlng. Open Fr1<111y nlrht. DAN'Z-SCHMlDT, !\20 No. Main. Sant.a AnL SPECIAL BUY! DE.MON8TR.A T OR model. Ilk' new lovely KlmbalJ Spinet plano with built In Low~y OrJ&nO Sav" NOC> on lhla. Liberal tradt Con- • vtllient ltrm• at - SHAP'l:l\S (Slnct 19071 '2\-0S N. s;camora. Santa Ana PboH Klmberl7 2-0972 Oranre County"• Orran Hdqtra. DELUX£ model Ktnmo1e must. ------------' Uke ntw with i1ual heat c:on· HAM:MONO ORGANS. all modrla, lroL 19~. U l ·tolO 28<'21 our ChrU.tma. 1tock now t"<1mens MOVlNO AWA Y-Mu•t .. 11 bt1111· tltUI tablt> lop KH 1tove and refrlJer•tor cheap tor qulek -.le, LI 8· 7990. 28c30 S&C'nONAL davenport makea In- to dbl. bect, rhalr to m•tch 3e" fonnl~ top cotree tablt". 1771 Newport Ave., Ooel a MM&. 27p2t In: SlQ.00 dt>potrlt "111 l'Hl'r\le any modrl whJle thry IH t Tn111 .. In your old plsn<J. OANZ..SCHMIDT. Home or lhl' world fa.niou.a Hemmond, 1120 No M&Jn. Santa Ana Ont Spinet Model, onl' Hammond Chord OfTlln uWd but like ntw, v.•ondrrfUI bafTalna. TV & Radio Repair M-11.-.a. ...... ~.!! __ U-_T_,. __ n _____ _ a&A.UTD"UL ta.mou.a make blolMk ''** pie.Do .. ,.,act -4!-uoo.. 8&Y• tut. UMra.1 trade. CoftY&nlcDt \erme &t-- IRA.J'88 (l&ae9 1907) (21-611 H. ·~ 8anta AA9 Pboae IDmberty J -#fJ PllA.CTICll pl&DClll iii. ... \o 1115. lplMt type •lm>r pano .,. -a Moed MultJ'. llu&Mt tenn.e. OA.NZ·8CRMIDT, &IO No. M&ln, Banta A..na.. 100 planc» lo cbooee from. , MOVING MUIT BELL Olla wMk brand new KNA.BI: BPINllT. Har. 217t·ft. Hal GRAND PIA.NO Chit.tmu Sale. Many wonderfUI "9-rralna, t&m. oua maku, Steinway, Muon Hamlin, \ Knabe, et.c.. dallvered rrea, bench lnduded from '317 up. OANZ·SCHMIOT, 1120 No. Waln, Santa Ana. 46-Autoe for Sale '53 FORD CRESTLINE CONVERTIBLE - FordomalJc, power ateerinr, W W Ur• It pluttc Interior. Won- derful condJUon . .A.verar• rtt&U Blue Book pric:a '11133. Our 1pa- clal price - $1295 '113 FORD Ranch war ol\. ' A H • excellen~ .condition, SH,11. COTTON GOFF VOLKBW A.OON DllAL&R 2111 Newport Blvd., Newport Bch. Telephone Harbor I 1949 PLYMOUTH bUIUIH• coupe. Good enrtn•. R • H, '21f. Har. * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER S A l ·ES and SUPPLIES 2200 W, C.0..t Biway. Newport Beach LI Mf20 ·u.aa• TranleM ···--····-~-126811 'a2-1r lla.l*m. ~w. bada -1796 '54-40' r1Mtwood 2 BR. --"3911 ·~ Roedrnuler 2 BR. ...• 14490 ltlot Modall on DLlplay au Ilise• PAN AMERICAN Paramount-Keaklll · ""Traval .... Terry t w .. ~to ~Dt llillc Rentals Wanted We Dead apll . and bouaa ln a.II -MCUOU for both wint.r 11nd )'ear'• &eua. l'\lm. or untum. U JOU .-.,, a YIC&llCJ, pbolM toda:r The Vogel Co. l201 W. Cat. Hwy .. Newport &.b Pbone Uberty 14'81 208 Maline. lklboa Ialand Pbone~H• Jee7 IC. Cout By., Corona dal ~ar Pbona Ha rbor 1 H l Udo Ottlce, S4lt Vta Udo , Harbor 4971 1702 Newport Blvd., Co.ta Meaa Liberty 8-11697 ttc WANTED TO RENT, 2 bedrm. unturn. houae with dble. pr. Couple locally empl. No children. Good re!. 1,.1 8·2998. 211c27 NEW UNFURN. a bdrm. A vatl- able Dec. l et. Yearly ..... Siii mo. 208-34Ul SL, Newport. 24c27 CORON A Dml. MA.R ONE BDRM.' P'URN. APT. Har . 4159-J. 28c28 41111-W. 28c30 COM WINTER R.ENTALS 2 bednn. vi.ew. $10. tum. 2 bedrm. houee $811. furn. HUBBA.NO WANTS TO KJ:EP Mil HOIO:. Mil.It HU my beaut. '112 x.rc. MOllt. CODY. Cont. kit, ww, Mercomatlc. all ulru. Perl. cond. Har. 2814-M. 27c2t 'Ill 8TUDE Champ. 2-dr. 14211. 0-Dr.. RAH. find cond. '30 dn. Pvt. owner. Harbor Jt33. 27c29 COM Y&ARLY BAL. ISLE 2 bedrm. ho111e t a o tum. P'or w:tnler only '711 lo June 111. BALBOA. 2 bdrm. houae $126 tum. PINOVER, Realtor, Har. 4e10 - 28c26 ----------"':........---FURN. 2 bdnn. home. rumpu. rm. ·u RAMBLER Sta tum Was on-It ttreptace. dbl gar. Newport Tinted slue. RAH. O'drhe and Hel(hla. U 1·1329. 28c28 cltan. LI 8-2190. 2Tc2t U OO TA.KE$. MY 11700 equity lA 19114 Mere. hard top, low mil•· &&'• lmmaculatt. Har. '828 27c211 OLDSMOBlL!: • ·.a 2-dr .. R It H. WSW . xlnl. tranL Private party. $196. 227 Via Orvleto. Harbor 1728-R, 26p2t 19110 CADI.LLA.C eedan. u ceUtnl CtrrE FURN. cottas e. r"nced yard, bLk to Lido Shopa H O mo. LI 8-UGI 27c29 NEWPORT BEA.CH, lovely 2 bd· rfn. tum. home. Wlll take l child. Lease by yr. $ t 00 mo. Plue utU. Available now. ALSO Lovely 2 bdrm. tum. sar. apt.-ocaan vit'w. Ll"aae yrly. '80 mo. plu.a ulllitlff. PAUL C. J ONES. Realtor tS-Apta. ' a .... tor a.t '8-AJ!ta. a ...... for a.t NE'!/PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 195~ . . Cabanas Marinas · . Lido Peninaula, East 31st St., Npt. ~h. NO COVVlflllON No A.Piii le' r. a.um -.-.... WA.Jn llQOllT • a.om. tor cul\ • ... 1111 Dodi-. Ro)"&I LAil. _., pcnre_r bnkae It ~. .... all.nu. OJ'J'ERS OON81WOCDIQji Delichtful ltvini. Apt.-Cabanu. UWIU.. paid.. • a.D tcw ..... .,._ & lllA.J'ER. RM.ltor, · Mii Mchddm Pl. >Urbor 1~ With FutOom• .... t• · EY-. H&rbot' IMl·W. Yacht .Up accomodationa. OD ft ........... Ulllt. _, Don I. Huddleston Daily, weekly, IDClllthly, ,....ty. CA.811 BUT'm fW .,.... lot or "' .. bolna. l'or appt. or IWl'ft~, Call Bar. 82. Mt1o 173 E. al.Tth St. JrOJO:R II, 8R.A.ll'D, ft.Mltor, Jot McJ'a.dden Pl. Harbor 140. lllna.H&rbar ..a-W. '8A-Apta. for &eat DELUXE modem tum atuc1Jo apt. Utillt1e4 ,,,Id $711 mo. Coron.a det Mar. Har. 0853-R. Ultc Chai;-n:Ung Harbor Haven Apartment. -Patioe NEW ' ROOM, etrfft level. Near ltCbooJ.e. ahoppln( d.Lltrict. Quiet, pleuant, uchi..lve. O&rbar e d.1.1· poaaJ, la undry, atone• roonw, carare. 182.llO up. Occupl• en- tire ltreel. Good iupervt.lon. Mri; 111<>1 Haven P1- 1 BI04(. South. ot Hip School ALSO FURNISHED A.PTS. WINTER RA TE8 ~t:tc Holiday Apts OCEAN FRONT WINTER l BR. Jl'um., UUL pd. ··-SllO mo. 2 BR. Furn., UUL pd. •.•• '80 mo. 1007 E . Balboa Blvd. Balboa Har. ll78 1!>p28 CLOSIC IN, BALBOA.. Furnlabed · 1 bedJ'lll. apt. yearly. 180 mo. Ou • w ater paid. '°8 E. Bal- boa Blvd. Har. 2070 18l! BALBOA. ISLE. Yearly, lovely, clean 1 B. R. very nicely tum. 2 .... pon•lble a.dult. $8-0, lncl. utU. i.e. for one. AJao nlce Studio apL •~ one peraon. A'I'lantlc 1-038!> or write 1128 Lorain Rd., San M arlno. 26p28 TWO bedrm. apt. untum. L&rse wiodowa, Hwd. flra. Garare. Yearly rental. Near Bay and Bea.ch. Ru. 3824..J. 28c28 DELUXE FtJJU;". API'S. llna"lu It dbla. ISO mo. and up. 10. IC. Bay Ava .. Balboa Harbor &SU. Ille Do You Need a . temporary home? We w lll .trublet our lovely bay front 1tud10 apt. o .. c. 1 to March JG untum. 8 bednna., 2-balh1, ww carpeuns, draperfu, atove, retrlr. U OO mo. Udo Arma apL, Apt. K . Hu. 23.23 27c29 ~forReat OOllTA Km.4 LI Wll'l LI ..... WANTED N1llW 4 bdnn.. J be.th bome, LOA.NI TO BOJU>. J:llPROq unturn.. Cle.a to A.lpha Beta BUT, MODllRNJD. Oft If )"OU t1Ctua.1l7 want to MU JOU.r property uiy- wti.-. tn Ul.e N ewpott aru w. will llllt and etll aboppln( canter.• AV&ll. now Alll'IN..utal 1l04Wno. LI 1-228' or LI 8·37f7 We BU7 'l'lwt ~ everil"np. 2k28 NEWPORT BALBOA. 84 VIMQ9 it for )'OU. We need ll1Unp ••. Wf haft th• bllyer1. 2 or I B4. Rm. H OKlll. 1\lmWled or untum.li&led.. ~danttal and Comme~ 1-1139. 2&c28 LIDO JSLE NEW a bedrm. 2 bath untum , lea.ea lo perman· mt tena.nL U OO mo. Choice locatlon. Mr. Snow. DUnklrk 1·3211, evenlnp IUld weekendl SYivan O-M91. llllc A LO.AN A880ClA.TION UM .vta Udo. ~ -· .-e ... LOANS for Homes D" -IO yr, C..- Construcfioh Loans BSID BOB li'l'TLD BALBOA REALTY Co. 100 ll. BalOO. Blvd. Bal.. H . 327T WANT llQUITY IN HOME ror cl•r lot A ca.ab. • ROMER E. SRAFJCR. R-1tor, 108 Md'adden P l. Rarb.>r H O. Jl:v•. Harbor ll2e8-W. LIDO HOKE -Spaclou.a 3 bdrm., 2516 &ABT OOAft BLVD. -Whether you are In bu.alneae for 2 bat.JI. completely It t.utetully Conma 411 Ku S...-. -JVW"Mlf or work for 90meone ei.e, furn., inct deep freua • pit.no. Rep. POJRIKR MOltTQACJm 00. you can uaa the claa41lted a da t o Oan.ce. Sm mo. UJ. June. Con· 11.ao IMe 1-. i-.. ID. M l• )"OUr advsnlag-e to ee!I f'O\lr ..,... elder )'tarly. 1-11 p.m. 112 Via 6ltte \'le., produce or merchaiad.lae. Havre. 28p30 ----------~--------~------ 3-1\00K hoUM, nicely t\lrn., clean. 5' B-•-<?ft~ ~Bmlp~ Qeec.?rtu.ltlee all convanlanc•. A.valL Frtday 08"' E. Bay An .. Balboa. KI 7-1943. 28c30 CORONA. DEL KAR. charmlnr 1 bdrm. furnlahed bouaa, flrepl. • tuma.ca.. $90 mo. Ll 8-'5117 28c28 "9-Rooma for Beat VIKING HOTEL 001 E. Balboll Blvd., Balboa Harbor 11593 ROOM.S A<'A.PA.RTIO:NTB - Day -Week -Month Bt•t locaUon In &lboa VERY REASONABLE RATES l!>c28 BALBOA ISLAND, 1mall room pr1vale ent.ranca • balh. k it- chenette. elect. relrif. Thermo- llat heat 19 wk.. alnfle. Winter. Har. 2128-K 2Utc ROOM for 1lngle peraon. WUI pack lunch Ir dealred. 200 Ca - brillo, Coal.a Me.ta. 28c30 * * * ENJOY LIVING 011 the Ocean Front. Kitchenette a pt.a. lit nna w1lb private bath. Maid MCVtce TV. 230I Weat Ocean Front Harbor 8091. *** $1000 Month Net Plus Trailer aupply It ..ie.. Good location and leaae, un- limited potential. Sacritice price of $13,000. For thU and other.:, 11ee THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hwy .. Newport Beach Liberty 8-3'81 2 OPEN HOUSES · SATURDAY & SUNDAY •70 WALNUT PL., COSTA_~ Everything you've dreamed of in a home -beauty, perfect workmanship, lot.a of cloeet •pace. bar kitchen, .Udlng glue 4oon to patio and 8Wimminc pool 523.~ A.LIO 501 • 3eth St., NEWPORT BEACH .... condlUon. 11 0116. Call O'Nller at Har. 0877-W. 28c30 H 20 Newport Blvd. Har. 2313 3 BDRM. l'URN. APT. with bay Five ~ pier 6 flo&t, comer lot. Could euily be converted tn~ a dupl-. 1N 2 CA.D '2 8ad&n ~ ml Very clean car. U~W W .,,_ UN•. Tak• tnlUlpOrt.aUon n.r trade. Har~ 1728 after e p. in. JTtfc EQUJTY ln 19112 modal 82 CadU· IK convertible. Usht sreen body, n-dark cr-n top. - Excellent condJUon. Har: 3J18W 27c29 041 P'ORD CONV. AlllO ·u rord 4-dr. Sedan. Both ln rood cond. U M267 alt.er 4 ~· m. 27p.21 1948 PACKARD •ta lion wagon rron ...... vw. ps. 100. w. 8&1' ..... DI0!::::~!!::!!!!~.2-,!!~1:1.=.._ ____ _ -------------Newport Beadl. :tTcJ9 -~ -=-. WINTER r.nt&Ja. nt~ cosy apt. lllftpa ' people. l"ldn. • uUl .. pd. 136 mo. Larser Cott.q .. priced accordinsly. Scou Apta. 2l2 CJprn1 S L Balboa. Har. 3711. 27c29 BAY VDllW upper a pt. furn. 2 bed· ..-m, 2 bat.J\, porch A •un deck. Wint.er rent.al 187 .50, utlL pald. SOT Eut lldr-ater, B&lboL- 2ic29 FOR LEASE-Lot approxlrnately to by 200 ft. C 2 901\lftl'. J"actn~ n-C11arlu a t., co.ta Meu. LI 1·38T1. JOtrc OFFICE SPACE FREE GAR.AGE tor rent In l'MI' ot ITUOIO APT .• tunuahad.. Ocean CATCH IS-you 11.N!Wer my phOn«'. 2407 E. Cout HJsh,....y. Call view. )'l'ly. Nnlal S50 m~ UlJll-call LI 8~79 evee. only. 27c29 U ·M287 alter 4 p. m. 27p2t U• pa.Id. LI l-1821 :ZVc-28 ------------- VERY NICE 2 bdrm. unturn. hOUM. . FlraplMle A SU· Ea.It • al.da loca1ion Co.ta W-. Adi.lit. only. LI 8-4HG. 27c29 COST A. MDA.-3 rm. apt. partly 6S-8tone a Offlee9 tum. HY (43.117 27llc OFFICES For ~ P'URN. 4 room car&«• apt. Extra I N Build.in R6H For lit.ea. Or11'1nal own· CORONA DEL MAR -"1m. Wf'l'k. 27c29 d ean, Elec:lrlc. nrrlr . P,.nel "Y n ew g htat. SM mo. wtnter or H !> mo. 17 x 40' 1100 mo. yeuly. UUI. p&Jd. Har, 19!>9-J. 17" 26' I Sll .. mo. era. ri2000 mil.a. KI 3-3973. bachelor apL $7.:IO J"'r 21c29 Har. '311 301 E. Bay An ., Balboa.. 27c29 13.x 13' $ 36 mo. 41-Aato 8enlce Motor Overhaul • NO MONEY OOWN * with this ad * e· eyi.. ___ $48.88 8 Cyla. -··--··---·-.$58.88 blcl~ea tlot.. Labor and part&. Nnr rtn1•. WTiat ptJ\1. YalYa (l'tnd, ntunp Of main ancl rod beatlnp. .Expert motor tune up. to-4ay or 4.000 mil• ruarantff. (NO MONET OOW~l . REBUll..T ENGINES UP to 11 MONTHJl TO PA 1'- Bulll lD our own factory by lkWed maclll.n11ta. Don't contend witll Ole 111lddla man. Buy dlr.ct. REBUll..T and INSTALLED Choice Winter Rent.a.la on B&.lboa lala.od A Lido Lale 8111.&lJ • -:r lir larf• It dehlU 171 to NGO moat.JI -In Lldo Shopping Area PLEASANT OCEA:-1 FRONT apt. ~ 32nd St.. Newport Bear h Nicely fuml., wlll aletp •. Oood Harbor •321 23llc loc. S~6 mo.. Incl. ullli. Ideal ----------- tor tuuple. NQ ptta. See lt.- 1704 W. Ocean Fr .• Z'ewport Bch. Harbor 4173-W. 28p28 COAST HlCHW A Y, nt'w building, 600 11q. ft. office. SultAble In· eurancl', attorney. etc. 190 mo. VOGEL CO. • Rt;SS FORD, L1 M H 1. 2<1tf tol MarWe A. .... Balboa IAlaad CORONA DEL MAR, furn one -------- Ph. Harbor t.4' or ff.arbor 2161 BR. apt. S80, Al.SO eludlo apt. Rea. Bar.1198-lll or lla.r. *9-ac SM mo. Ll 1·2038. 26p26 _M-_A-__ B_nal_a_e.. __ Rem __ tals ___ _ 14Ult ATTRACTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. IYm. 'tJU!ltl• paid. 1 or 2 rbUdren. Laundry room. B L U E T 0 P APT. MOTEL 103 Newpott Bh·d. Npt. Beach, J111t above the Arche1. . 74Hc '8-A-Apta. for Kea t RENTAL r BRAND N!:W, modem one bdrm. •pt. It Oarag-t. Laundry rm. Stove • refng. $6:, mo. 17208 H untington Beach Blvd. 28p28 BAl...BOA ISL.ANO -Unturn. l bed.rm. a pt. yrly. ~nt&l.. ~ mo. 6 &arare. U 8-H38 24tfc Lido Isle Bayfront Cor. 19th 6: Placentia. C. M. FOR RENT two bdnn. home - (1tove It retrlg. furn.) include• 1tore room A two ortlce spacl'•, 1100 month. OR v.-ill rent aepa· rately l ottlca at 175 and 1 at • ~month. Alao 1mall •tore 1100 mo. Call owner Llberty 8-8223 momins• or atur 5 p m. "trc M ·I P.DOO JACK BRENNAN, RNftor aDd A880CIATIB l 3320 W. COMt Hwy,. Liblrty 8-T773 "'At the .Anbes,. EvM U s.a378 . LI S.7&4' ' . NEWPORT HEIGHTS BEST 8UY It's a roomy 2 bedrm. well bu.ill home, hu breakfut area, dining room, firepl~. o..it n oon that gleam. aervice porch, lot. of tile, plate ·giu. picture win- dows that offer aome view, extra large double gar- age, rear yard surrounded by concrete wall and many other features. It'• located in best pa.rt New- port Height.a, ju.st breathing d1ata.nce from Clift Drive and a stone& throw from schools. The price -only $16.000 Shown by appointment only. Call Fred Barter, Liberty 8-8623. eveoinp Liberty 8-8621 or call EARL W. STANLEY, 15th • Irvine Liberty 8-26M Realtor 26c28 'DONl make a MOVE" 8HOJ\T B.LOCX roRO ...... -··--··········--··· 1129.~ CRJl:Vl\Ot.rr -····-···-··-1149.~ PLYll. A DODGE ··-·-·-11~3 CR'RTS. A DE SOTO ···-··~·-1170 STUDEBAKER ....... -.:'! 1170 SPECIALIS'PS Call Edna Cra.tc Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 Jder1na A-n Ot.DS A PONTlAC e -·····-·-1170 I tialboa Island. Har. 1171 Title One and two bdrm. apartmenla. f'urntahed. Garqc.. Yearly or winter rent.al. H~. 116711. 21c34 LARGE. SUNNY, TROPlCAl. furn t-bf'droom a pt. Oin patio. Close lo Ur1n <.:enter y,.nrly $7!i H&r. 4308-J-214 33rd St., Npt. Bea<'h. 27c29 CEME!IIT Bt.OCK BLOC , 1ullable for englne rl'paJr. or 1mall be.al shop, a pprox. l 0()() 11q. rt • In lht hf'art of the H.erbtlr Ate'&. S l 2~ . pt-r mo. -SAM E.\1MES. U c Real Eltale Broker Har, lllU.R 2i"f29 FOR LEAl'!E. new hhlg on Ea.al 17th. St We nioe<t BARBER l'!HOP, AEAl.."TY PARLOR. TV ' SAl..ES 6 SF:llVJCE. REAL F:RTATE OFFlCE, OlFT RHOP .-tc. Oet your bu11 nl'H 11lt1.rtrd In the l>Ht location In CO•t• Mua. 'l'"or Information. 432 ICut 17th or Ubtrty 8·11249. 28c4 I UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O 'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep • Storage BUICK ··-·-··---·· · ··-·······-$ l7;)B __ A_L.B_O_A_·_P_E_S-.I-N_S_U_L_A-. _Lc_e_f-um- R UD80N -··--··-········· ·--· '176 BR Loan Car Yrte Towtnr l &pl. w w ~·•rpt"t. furn. NEW CAR GUARANTEE: heal. ullht1e11 &. .1r11rs1te Incl. By Block mu1t meet o\1r etandarct. m o. or y rly. Har. 172:'> litter Plu.a tuu, gukeu and oU 8 P m. l 7lf~ OBpeEnLSLunEdS l OEaN.mG. tol2Np.mE. STUDIO "Pl furn . 1 nllull uul pd, p&nt'I hot yrly. H O mn. nr wlnttr. st~t't 11lr1r of 8•y front REBUILDERS home t ()(lfl Rl\""r Av ... Nl'wport Beach. Har. 1808-W 26c28 Open DeW7 I to 7 B~t• Bonded NEW LOCATION 3!0 East 3rd ~t. SANTA ANA California, Huntlnstun &ach. 2ic32 F'OR SAL.Ii: 11152 terry 1 ambler 20 rt. cumpll'll'. Ea•l'll. Clean. Flaherman1. h u n t 'r 1' travt>I paradia. -Br01dmoor trailer homH. 2080 Nt>wport Blvd. Coat& Mt.aa. Lot 14 !ff Wm J . ear1~n. own•. Lot 111. Mp21 LIIX> ISLE BACHELOR and one A two bdrm. a pta. She.rt tHm •nd yurlj'. Al.SO, Udo Hom1>1 end Bay """nt Romu and ap11rtmt'nl1. LI.DO REALTY AB&O<:iatea llarbor UU 19tfc 2 90RM tu1 n apt ovt rlookln1 CX-l'an 6 J•t ly Lllnr• tl)C)n111 and gar S ltJO niu y,ae ly lt'lllle 20 •·emit.at. Col"\lna df'I M11 21c30 YEARLY Rl:Y'l'A lnuna<"lll&te !'IEWL V DECORATED. Unf11rn. home. 2 br .. Ire. 1un rm. Large ldlrllen. nlct' yard, yearly. t BR. rum •rt '27 We11tml11ater 27p29 WINTER RENT AL Lovely ocean front 6 bedroom home for rt~ until mld·June. u 7!> pn month fumlahed. o""'" tr pay11 unllhllrs Wonderlul play yard for ch1ldt'"t'n. Walk· 1nii: 1llJ!t11ncl' to ii:n1.mmar 11chool. Harbor !>188 27c29 LOOKING FOR A RENTAL? Hel"t'"ll a rhok e 1n<><lern 3 b. r unit t.n 8Klb<•K Bl\'<I . . nMtr 11ramtn11r ar h110I. churrhtll. etc. A v1.1labl-Nu\•t•mhfor 20th until Jun«' at l l>O r~r munlh and own- er pa ys utllll.11'11! •.• no doir• ple&.114'. Har, M81 27c:29 M-Bmla.._. Oppor1mlltlet1 _ Oren Shop Sell or Trade Sll.900 EQt:ITY In nlCt' irotnc bu.rlneM-for hollaf, lot.I, tn 111t dffda or Cadlllac. HY11tt 4.4139 27c29 FOR RF:!\'T -Orooeery ~t ort It e-rm. llV\flg quartl"TII. all for 160 mo. 6 buy 1lock A equip. 12~00 810 tth St.. HunUnrton 8eac h. 28r30 CASH •• ! FOR TRUST DEEDS LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING Pb. KI 3-9221 Eve Ll 8-2981 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. M.aln St . LIDO ISLE Beautifully decorated 3 bedrm. 2 bath reelden~. Located on fine street near the ch1bbome. 40' Jot, large landl!C&ped patio. Carpeting incl at $31,000 , THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Udb, 'tff pt. Bch. liar. •971 or Bar. 4972 Eves Har. 2191.-ll Har. 2998-R mo LI 8-5297· l TOP LOCATION Udo Isle Two bedr6om atld den. VIEW. Ml'Olll from bathing beech on Udo Nord. $35.000 Flll..4 width hlde-a.-bed. char- trWM, like new. 186. Harbor 3A12-W befnN II a m. or after 2 JJL 2klO Fast Service Rau(lfl&ble. · Servi ct' call• Ull f p.m KNOWLTON l:Ll!:C· 1"RONIC8 LI 8~206, ro __ R_Q_Ul_C_K--8-A.LS---,,-.. -~rLi tra tln 1t47-20 t1 ~· aJ;nf 4 PM! -UT Hamllton.-lt . LI .... 11. • .. l bdmvparUy tum. a.pt .• F . A. htat, aun dt>ck. v1 .. w or oc~1.n • bay SI 10. lnrl utlllllt11 Adult.a only Ul2t W Ualboa Blvd . Apt B eau LJ fl~rna 1Atfc THR.Ell: BEORM rum. or-psrtly rum. homt Nice ~&rden. To femlly of adult.!!. 1110 ~r mo. yrly lf'flllol! rrom approx. DK. l. 806 Victoria. C. M. U 8•70i3 WM. B. HOLT MORTOAC E BANKL"lr. ART C. KtSTLER CO., Realtors Har. ~228 27c2t ----STUDIO APT .. ut11 pd i 18 U11h• lia, C.-. da1 Mar. 28p SINCE 193'1. IM9 N. BU@H SANTA ANA KDIOlmlLT J -7118 2901 Newport Blvd., Newport Bet.ch • PAGE 6 • PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMIER 7, '955 .INCOME -BALBOA 8 Furn. 1 B.R. units plus ownen large 2 B.R. &part· ment. Beat rent.al area. Showa excellent income. BALBOA -BAY AVENUE 4 B.R.,.2 Bath Home, $23,9M. Owner will c9naider home We1twood area, ame price bracket or might exchange for amall clear beach bouae Harbor area BALBOA BAY A VENUE -DUPLEX ._2!8 .R. upper, 1 B.R. lower, completely furni.ped, also iarge rumpua room. $18,500 -$5000 Down. BALBOA PENINSULA 4 New Houaea -Nurly Completed. Built·in kitch· en11, l.Uled brick fireplace. 3 B.R .. 2 Baths, Dbl. Gar· age, Feoced Patio. facing attractive city park. • $23,500 -Good financing. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. HOO W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Harbor '1264 SEE My furnished IRVINE TERRACE HOME With view of ocean. 2 bedrooma and den. beautiful patio, 1 yr. old. Circumatancea compel me to offer tor immediate poue.Nion. Excellent t erms. $27,500 Contact my Excluaive Agent EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . !HOWN BY APPOINTMENT -Call at mVINE TERACE SALES OFFICE Opposite Irvine Coast Country Oub, Highway 101 or Phone Harbor 4448 ONLY 7 LEFT-BETTER HURRY "Country Club Estates" In Costa Mese Adjoining beautiful Santa Ana Country Club, EaAt of Santa Ana Avenue, off Orchard Drive. 3 Bedroom -2 bath Modern Homes NO DOWN PAYMENT NON-VETS -VETS Salesman on tract every afternoon ODIS M. CLARK 252 E . Palmer St., Co1ta Mesa Liberty 8·2657 days and evenings 27Lfc ------------------ I CORONA DEL MAR VOGEL VALUES Charming Farmhouse 2 bedrooms, 15'x24' living room. fireplace. book- shelves. Diamond-pane bay window. Handy tile kitch. Cedar roof. Wood & stucco exterior. R\VD fenced yard. Ct>m<'nl walks. Dbl. gar. & laundry. Adjoining lot 1s \•acanl -Jots of elbow room. One ot the prettier homes in town for $14.500. Good Terms. Attractive Duplex Com er lot, 2 bedrooms each. fireplaces. lg. kitchen It breaJc!aat nooks. 1 gar. & laundry each. # 1 apt. , leued at $90 per mo .. unfum .. :2 apt. available to buyer. Don't fail to Bee this very nice property. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar HA . f74 l HA: 1477 . . - Extra Lu~urious Custom Quality There Were 4 I Rench Homes NOW, Only 35 left Centrally located for all activities in Greater New- port Harbor area, yet out of seaMnal congestion that penaliua eo many areas. These homes hav~ everything. e,·<'n wall safes. Three bdrm . ...$21 ,950 ' Four bdrm. $22,950 HARBOR MF.SA RANCH HOMES Located at Irvine Ave.', l Block No. of 17th St. ~EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor E.'CCLUSfVE ACF.NT l~lh & Irvine Llberty 8·2664 QT LTbert~., 8·3123 • a-a.a l'Atat.e . ----------. ------ Houston Values Only $1000 Down FULL PRICE 16900, for older l bdrm., home, o n a Jood C·J lo~. 60xl40 Ju•l oft Newport Blvd., plenty or room to bulkl on tront -A ruJ deal. U-a.1 r..eate ei-Reat EAtat.it ____ ._ ____ ~---.,.. ------------ ,, BILL'S. BEST BUYS F•mily Size Restaurant Showa very good income. very little hired help needed. A gold mine in the summer when fishings on. Very neat, located in busiest section of Newport Beach. Full price 55000 .. ; with $2~~00 down. Scoop-$9000 F.P. A Whale of a buy 3 Bdrm. 1 •~ balh•. beaut. eax120 On a quiet residential street -tratfic free and fpnced, dblt. gar. RW. nra clean aa whistle. Walking distance from all shop· Wired 220 ... SH thia, .ubmit ping, next to grammar achOQl . New curbed and your down! • , paved llreet and on sewers. 4 B.R.-2 Baths Full price $9950 $3000 down $1000 dn, Stone fence, rar .. land· "rrapfd. l'..ow price. Key al otrlc~. / Open House S11t. "' Sun, 11·6 Lovely ullrtt modern. &ck Bay. L tl us s how you this A: the surround- ing honiu . Priced trom $111,950 to '28.600 380 La Canada W11y. Top of the Back Bay Choicest 3 B d . Rm. in Santa.Ana Heights. Expert- ly decorated in & 'Out. Landscaping is out of this world. Large 20 x 27 covered patio with flagstone floor adjoining den adds to luxury living. Priced at $12.950 $4500 down 3 Bdrms. -Furnished -$I 0,500 • Houston Realty Co. ' $7400 FHA U>an. payable $60.50 a month incl. taxes, ins. & interest. May be purchased unfur· ~iahed. Only 1 year .old. Sewers. new·paved streets. aose to shopping center. It ASSOCIATES ~09 Center, Coeta Mt 11& LI 8·11911 or LI 8-7787 Eve ph. Pt>tllte LI 8-~487 Lytle Ll 8-2542 " WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR TH!£ MOST carefully aelect- ed valut'll m each of our dlat\net· ly differt"nt HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA ISLAND W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you·u like our friendly service" 400 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1139 Lido Extravaganza *l. REAL SNUG cozy 2 bedroom home. beamed ceil· ings, used brick fireplace, sunny kitchen. Choice location. $22,000 -$4 .000 down Wit H.A VE Ute ke)' ~ Completely turn. in maple. paneled lhruout. *2. Three bedrms .. 2 baths. INGRAM built, perfect 10 2 bedrm. A steal al S lll.600. months old. Patio. A must see. F.irst time offered. BALBOA • $25,500 terms. · AS A BUTTON ! A· atep m the jetty. 2 bedrrn. F.P. or llvln&' tor $18,600. SEE THlS SUNNY 3 bedrm., l ~ balh home on 62 n. lol. Owner •moving Inland. Wanta otrera. CLIFFHAVEN ROOMY 2 BEDRM ... SUNRM., F .P. l'IOMLI galore. •Priced for quick u le. Only 18000 down . Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 280• New1>0rt Blvd .. Npt. Buch Eu)' J;>arklnc Harbor 4eto "C" THOMAS ·•c" THOMAS Cliff HAVEN 1mmaowat. a bdrm. hom• cm 111~•1 lalldac&pt<t eo tt. lot, fir•· pi.ce, hdwd. floo,.., fenced, near 11chool1. w to w carpetlnc and drapes Included In A 8KlNO PRICE or $18,000 -Owntr anxlOUI Harbor Highlands Home of Ou1Unctlon wllh "Per· 11onsllty L.andacapln1" -3 lgt. bedroom11. 2 b"'hll. fireplace, hdwd. Ooor1. dlapoeal, lovely paUo. w 1w c:&ri>eUng A dn&pu. rho1re location -EXCELLENT V ALU£. 118.~ "C" THOMAS REALTOR 224 W. Cout Ry., Ntwport Besch LllM-rty 8·M27 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS •3. Two bednn. & den (convertible) Large patio, raised hearth fireplace, beamed ceilings, 1 :11 baths. A charming home full of sunshine. Another first offering. $2f500. Excellent terms. Osborne-Forton Realty Co. 2323 W. Coast Hwy .. (at Port Orange) Newport Beach . LI 8-7562 Har. 5154 eves. BALBOA ISLAND Luxury will become a habit in this beaul. ~ Y • FRONT home and apt. Lge_ liv1J1g room, dining r oom, lots 'of baths, patio, sun deck, xtra lge. gar· age. $65,000 with good terms. THIS IS NOT ORDINARY GOSSIP :__ IT'S CHOICE! $6000 dn. for this choice two·ubit property. Extra 1a.rse. liv. ?'OOm, fireplace. lovely kitchen with elec. range, 1 bdrm. PLUS good bachelor apartment, dbl. garage, large yard. Full Price S2:i,700. Exclusiva.Jeacon Bay WE PROUDLY PRESENT this 1:1pacious '1-bdrm. 3 bath home. Early American decor. lots of closets. ahuttent thruout. $40.000 walh terms 1f pesired. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa laland Har. 0502--4623 Never Get · Lryical-We Except f or a Miracle but Wt are almost hyster1cal about this ont. 3 Bed rooms, a full bath, a ·~, bath. Hdwd. firs .. 0tireplace.. ~ W to W carp .. texc. 1 BR.) lots of tile, Serv. porch. garb. disp., din. counter ANO din. area, Lovely level back yard, fenced. Attached dbl. gar. Almost a1raid to add-A VIEW. too. The Jooat1on 1s good the price is right. No calls, plea~. just pick up your coat in one hand and check book an the otht>r arnl LET'S GO. R. L. STRICKLER_._ Realtor . 3622 E. Coast Hwy.. Corona def Mar Har. 2774 .. a-RaJ r..aaate ____ I .;.a_-_•_•_•_r..eate _______ a-__ ._. __ r.tat. _____ _ COST A MESA BACK BA y 2 Open Howes · ' 2177 Rural Lane OPEN 8VNOA y 1 •• :30. Turn t)fr Newp.irt 81\'d, at 22nd St. •nd RunJ l...ant' la fl rat 11t1 eet on rtsht. Lovely :I bedroom. clnu tu &ehOOll!. stor•·• 11nd tranepor- tatlon. Haa $8600 O. 1. lollll, payable 166 ~r month Own~r b!•&ng tr a nsfrrred ,..st a nd 1a llmt1o u11. A11 Ill ti~ 1111 12~00 down ALBO Open Daily --1 30 -4:30 27e MAONOLlA. just 1 blor k bto· -yond 181h St In Coit\H M t'>'ll 3 bffirol'm tiomt' <'h 2 R• loti< Size 100' .x I '.!5' with lu&rlt< ut"' lrl.lot lt'f't'll (Hiit 11 bt'\IU\1(111 11.\Wo. i Thi" h11me ret11H·ed rrnm S19.00<1 I O"•nrr 11mom1;o 11n<1 w11nt1< ,.rrer or tri·d., I ALSO NEWPORT BEACH Ln1•gp p11nor11mir ••lew lot nn C'l1rt Ori Vt'. P rH'r• I t>dUCCfl to $1 3,M>O . Duncan Hardesty, · REALTOR I 211Q:l NewpMt Blvd. Har 4718 2 .-Open Houses CORONA DEL MAR • 416 Acacia Cor of Fln1t. s.-.. tht11 d~llghtful home bt'fo1 e you buy. 2 bdrm., flreplacf. open beam C1'1llng Charming enclosed patio, $16.1150 Terms, • 3604 Ocean Blvd. Cor. or Orchlll. Panorama: Bay .t: Oct-.Jtn view 3 -nice bt>drm» 2 bathe, lge. h vll1g rm. See lhla on .. today! Ll~ral terms. Cell Harbor 20-42 Frank James & Linwood Vick I REALTORS R R11:1•lt <..: Tnwl11, C Ru111, AsllOC 312 Marlnt An . Ba.Ibo• laland o~~:~X<-~~~5.~. I 11 O Palermo 1 A .l.>ehght rul Home ~ I Mn.st t>utefullf decorated wllh 3 I bdi-ms. 2 lo••ely baths, w w cer. , I petlng U·~h11prd kl!Chf'n, dl11hw <llep .. tan, 22Q w rrlng. FurpltUff' 11( .!"'~ .. rJ.l tiute ev11llablt. A lot for little, ~e th111 cornrr etri-et to street. Reuonably 1 pi t~. A hranrl nrw 3 bdrm 2 bath Frenl·h lleit<'Jlcy w w 1·1&1ptt1nr;. b~mrd l'rlhllJt5, mur llWll~htA, Rll:,, ..... klll'hPI'\ Lge plll:IO lm-1 I pr\'llllV" rntry. lnvel)' ir11rden Bay & Beach Rlty Inc \ Back Ray buuty'on a new atreet with equ~Uy beau- tiful home&. 2 bedroom. and den. Luse livinc room with dining a~a and firepla~. Beamed ceilinp. Hardwood floors. forced air beat, large kitchen with built-I n rangt' and oven. Break.fut alcove. 2 bathe. Double garage, shake root, with Redwood and at uc- co' exterior. Call and let ua ahow you thla lovely home with ita many appointmenta and 1600 eqqan • f~t of living area. $2(,000 Full Price THREE BEDROOM HOME Located in Et.it Coata Me.a on good street. cr'.a nut home with 1100 equare feet on luge lot. S.. ( double garage facing on wide paved alley. Covered patio nearly completed. Tile bath with at.all ahoww. The three h<.-drooma are all good aiae. Hatdwood floors throughout. Floor furnace controlled b7 ther• mostat. Lawn front and ttftr with lot.a of plantlap.. $11.100 Full Price. $69.20 per month. 4 ¥;:% fin1Mtnr COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS BEST An unusually att,ractive new home with 1'80 square feet of living space .to n.mble around In· 15x21 Living room. 2 Bedrooma and a den. 1"1 Baths. Forced air heat. Parquet-lloora. Double~ age. Situated on a 75x300 lot with a lf.l acre adjoin· ing land available for developing a apacioua coa:atry estate near Santa Ana Counli'y Club. 1 Acre C-2 on Newport Blvd. 15 Acree M·l Land 150 Foot Comer on Harbor Bo~vard Excellent development opportunity. TttE VOGEL COMPANY . 1702 Newport Blvd. ea.ta Meea Phone Llberty 8-5597 Evening• Liberty 8-7'6T GOLDEN -RULE VALUES Move Your Plant to Costa Mesa -M-1-lndust;iel 4soo sq. ft. New Concrete tilt-up an<( ~k buUdiJlr. Latest design. Office apace. Lot 75'xl.O' all p&ftd for ample parking. Right in the "Heart of ea.ta Mesa'". All UtiJitiea. For immediate leue or ..i.. ALSO Small Industrial M-1 Building. (2000· .q. tt.). All utilities. Sale or leue. $1000 Down Here 1s your chance to buy a lovely 2 yr. old 3 bdrm. homt' and pay for it just like rent (only IMa). Car- peted. Birch cabinet.a. Patio. BMt location on 1arse lot. PHIL SULLIY:t\N & GEO T. EVERSON " 1856 Newport Blvd.. Costa w .. (across !roftl Coat.a Meu Bani) Phone U 8-6761. Evea. Har. 4366 -LI S-2103 I LIDO OFFICE 18.ALBOA 3JJ2 L11r11yt'ltl'. l\ew porl, ISLAND H11rbor 3643 ---1 LJVO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Larp lot. 5 Income l.Mits 5 tx'trm. 31·: bath house plus unu.ual 2 B. R. apt. I ="EAR KEWPORT PIER ., bllt I tn ocean. I bile. to Bay. E llt"el· I ltnt 1enl•l arf'a wnh l frr1f1r JlOlC?n tlal Income Thui dtan p1n~rty nl80 tnrludu 1111Jmn1n11 V81'1\nt Int a t the l(IW price or $26,t/OO 11not only SiMO d<>wn j' S.-e. lhts lo<lay I WATF.RrRO:\'T HOM F:. pH 1lly ru1 mshl"I Pier It float. S18.60!1 I Reu nntthlt' l"fnlll Homer E. Shafer ov('r 3 car pcage. Both unit& newly furnlabed ill _Moderne. Jdf:'al for home and income or ,u.ta. 60 F"T. BAY ~ONT AGE. On Little 1,tand, pier. float, formal ( bdrm. bome. The land value ia close to the asking price. TWO UNITS. Mod ern apt.; older front bouM. Show your ability' at "do-1t-youraelf. Reduced tor qulck sale -$19.500. $186 MO. INCOME. for $1 2000 Tt'rms $4000 dn . '80 mo. buy1 J furn 11nll1 SJ 1,000 unrum .. "'1lh 13~.oc> dn and $i:') mo - fl~rl'11 to rt'lurn lnve11tf'd upl· tAI l!'I!! than 31., yrs. A ll lhlll on clollt' In half ac re ORA.'\OE COAST PROPERTl~S I P.},;,>.LTOt\ -lM Mr lo'1Hlilrn Plllcf' lfilr 1 ilt Hart 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon HYatt ~ John Macnab, Harbor 5369. 1~7 Ntwport. Co~la M e11a W 8-1832 Eve. Ll 8-4803 Jewelry Store In Newport ana. a good one Sub- mit tru11t dee~ or what ti.vi' you fi"or dt't.alll, call ' DAN A JACOBSEN, Realtor Har. ~01 l:ve• LI A-4317 Udo Steal 2 ~room home on :16' comer lot. Owner wW aacr111ce at 126.600 DUNCAN HARDESTY, Ha r. 4718 8 UNIT9 FURN. Corona del Mar. CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS 2 Houses on l lot $21 .500 2 bedrm .. very clean $13.250 R2 lot Corona Highlands, offer 2 bdrm .. den. new Corona Highlands S29.85{l. 2 unal.8 , Cumashed Corner lot Sl0.800 G. H. LATHROP • "3635 E. Coast Highway. COM Harbor 54•12 Eves Har. 5t> 0 27c29 OWNERS LOSS YOUR GAIN t F:vt Har 2:')29·M Har ~26A·W I SI OOW:-.0 pt'I Ml rt buys I ~·r oltl '"""'" '2 bt'•lrm /\omt Hv•f1 tin/Ir~ hll th k tll'h"n 1·a htnc>ll! I I 2J<20 11v1n1: rm SPWt'l it tn & 1 pi<td P111pJ .. rtr •lr111 Stllrr.; will '"''.V h11l11n r,.. a t Si :') mri LI'.''"' fllrjtP Joi rm t or 111111 tn 1 !'1tr ORA:"CE C'OAWr 1·1a1Pr:Rnr.s ,,.-,7 :-:••wpori. r n tit M""" 1,1 8-16~2 ,,;,... '·' lj.6110:1 I At f9th & Placentia I in Costa Mesa I 7'HERF: I~ A WO;\llf,R .. TI. ptt<r EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa lala.nd LIDO ISLE Choice corner Jocat1on. Spaciou.a livinr room. handRome den 4 bedroonui. 3 b&thJI. Sparltlinc kitchen. A home for the most discriminating of familiea. Pnc-c $39,950 terms. M. L. 6260 One of BALBOA ISLAND'S fine.at 5 be<lroorrui. 4 baths Beautiful patio and cabana. AU leaeed. Good return on your tnvutml!n t. 172.~. \ ur h11111nN'ol! propt>rl y fur ll•lf' 3 Bed h h 2 La "'l\h ext•C?llrrrt term~ Loni.t l('rm Close to So. Bay on an extra wide lot. Owner, Har. ~ot 25c;3$ C-2 Business Lot On Newport B lvd. at !nd1J1lrlal Way. 46xl82 ft . Call ~er! room ranc ome car ~arage. rge Into"" ~n•Hni;. tut alrng a pprmc patio overlooking r anyon. Corn<'r lot. Owner !N4 122~ '" month M I rr111'" ('I t~. :iffis lit.OH • lllil. \\ 111 hr ... ,, Haul Drive. Corona def Ma r. Har. 10~{).W l!Hlewil 111 " ttr14lt . «1111 ''"""' LJ R-li22.~ n101nlngit 11r '"'"' :, 27c29 P m 1<1t• Pri~ S4 7 .500 term a W.W. SANFORD-STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors I ' Marin~ and Park. Balboa Island. Harbor 24~2 ~~~W~A -TE~R~f~R-O~NT~~~32 ~-~~~~~~!"~~~~~~~~~ '''" 111• n1 01•1'1 \\•II bu ill i.:nrh• c-1111111111111 111r1" J 11" 1 Lido Lot Harbor a1oe. · 18tfc OWNER MUST SEU-3 H<troom Balboa VIila home, w aU to wall carpettnr. CALL W~rty 8·&074 evtn•J\l'a. S.luntaye "' Sund&)'• , 27cl9 EXTRA VALl.TI: HKRIC. 123500 full prlct. 2 ntw bomr11. both rum., i11?plar e11, J&r'llge.11 Cll'.r f1Nlpt'rly OWneor will carry !>Al· anC'e 11ntr l!mall itown. ORA1'GE COA ST PROPf:RTtES l~•i Se"''J)nrt, r..nJla Mn• LI 8--lt.32 £, .... l,l "·&Ml Beautiful \'1<'w of the <'hannf:'I from thiR Cine home in Balboa Coves. 3 bJrms .. 2 baths. f1rt'plact>, forced air heal. pier and ahp AND nearly new Gla"spar boat wilh outboud motor included in bargain prict of $36.QOO. Th111 18 ('ho1cc property'. WILLARD L. KILLION, 3341 Ne•1111rt 81\'d. Realtor Harb.1r 5505 28r30 1011111, '1 bHlhll H111:r jlt<rO)!" •Un oln le A Jktng $2:1 ()(~I lmm..,.llrrt<' l\('t·upnnry FOHi• VEHRJN r>Jo:Jt H 11cthor 426:i. "VU 3471. -----------l·l,,fff" HA\E:-; 4'. G J . 3 h<lrm , ll'nmt fl rt pl.flu• • hi!wd tlO'"or 11 I SprlnklerJ, pal lri, fl'nr ril. tl hl11, itar :-;,.11r {ChOOI Sl}O me> tnrl 10 It In~ ·'fH iM nr ltll• for I •r1111ty In r •1h. By Own!'r 1~1 .-.2a;1. 27r2~ fl2• ~ ft. -$13,950 WOW! Grab your hat and run, no foolln' Clyde Meyer, ,Realtor 307 Marine. Balboa laland Har. 2950 Rea. Har. 2525 v .. .. .. LIDO BA YFRONT A very ..,.elal home,~ of the calibre that ii eel!iom for l&le. For family reuona, thia nearly new, cus- tom, owner-built home i. offered to the .elect buyu who can afford the beet. Without quest.ion, thia out.atanding home of 4 apaciOua ,.bedrooma and 5 complete luxury bath- rooma, ia the ultimate in quality construction. Tbe owner 1pared no ~penae while building and fur .. nilhing tht. exceptional home. and thia la evidenced throughout, from the radio-controlled garage en- trance, thro~gh the lovely rooma with furniture designed especially for each area, and out to the big pier and sUp where the fortqnate owner may keep hia yacht moored at his front door. Thi1 exclusive home, including complete custom furniture and appliance., In its choice Lido location, w priced below coat ~t $100,000, which fact will immediately ~ recogn'Ued by the quallfjed buyer. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd.~ Harbor 5505 v v Best Buys Corona del Mar .I . 2 BDRM. PLUS LGE. RUMPUS ROOM Haidwoodhoons .. furnace heat. No garage. And only $10,7~. $2500 down. 2. DUPL~ CORNER LOT 1 Bedroom et.ch, furniture included in 1 un it. J'ull price $1T,lSOO. $5000 down. 3. SHORECLIFFS SPECIAL LOT BUY EVening Canyon road, 60 x 217 ft. Priced at SH,7~ 4. U you are in the market for Shorecliff property, .ee ua firaL We have several exclusive listings ~o •how you. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3"7 ·E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) - CHR(STMAS COMES EARLY '42~ Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr $5295 Three Bedroom Loch Lomond 937 SQ.FT. BRYN MAWR AT $4'.60 SQ. FT. 1155 SQ. FT. LOCH LOMOND AT $ ... 60 SQ. FT. Car Porta H x 20 $29:S I OO o/o FINANCING )VE A.LOO BUILD INCOME UNlTS SCOTCK CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDE~ GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century le Dorothy LE 9-063:1 '17Uc . ' WANT INCOME77 Here'• k buutiful, cut! Haven TRIPLEX tor juat . . - $22,000 ••• Maybe lea ... excellent money maker ! Betwf!ell high .chool and gn.mmar echool ... owner ill and MUST SELL ... pleue submit your offers. ATTENTION BUILDERS: I aetta R-4 in Co.ta Meaa only SllS.000! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1~ W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 5188 27c29 RUSTIC HOME -by owner 2 Bedrooms It den -J :i i bat.Ju. plws gue8t hou.e with 11 ~ bath. Heated swimming pool, wall to wall car- peting. luge lot eomp'letely fenced. Cannot be duplicated for full price of $28.000 Can ~ eeen a t &11 Al-Dean, 1 block trcrm high 1ehool. Phone LI 8~ or Har. 5962-J after 6 p. m. 25Uc Ocean Front Home $22,500 VERY A TTRACl'IVE year round home on Sea· _,•bore Drive. Knotty pine living room with dining area. Formica kitchen, l bedroom and ',2 bath down, 3 'bedrooma and n2 batha up .. # Sohct co9- Struction. coocrete &Dd pWng foundation. 2 car garage, encloeed yard. EaoeHent t?eacb . • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor • _ ~ Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Harbor JOU , . n-__ RMl __ r..tate _____ e-__ •_•_l_Ei1We ______ a_a_ea1_r..t. ________ a.-.;.._;.a;;.;;..a:.:;;:;..;;r..e~a.;.:: .. ____ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -P~ltT 11 -PA6°E-7 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7; 1955 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle •.. Stop • • • • See t.h1I 4 ~rm 1 % bath home with bunt-in range and oven, W&Ued patio,· uaed brick fittplace alf~ forced •it furnace. On Via Lorea, cloee to a nice beach. WiU trade for smaller home $30,7:SO. Free Christmas Tree . Goea wttb W. beautlful Qlff Ba..i .._ ....._ It will be framed by the 1°'9ly picture wtndatr JoolrtD•. over the Ba¥ ~d Ocean. 3 bedroom.1.1" bath. Fall price of SZUOO lDdud. compllte ~ &D4 drapes. Call Bill l'armworth for detaDa. . ........ . ........... , • .. . CORONA DEL MAR • PANoUMIC · Bart>oz-and ocean .W, ··~ meet." ' B. R.. 4*. 2 bat.ha. Low tenu. ....... p1n "5.000 IRVINll TERR.ACE, $5000 wt11 b&DCIM Abaa.it a.ew 2 B. R. canv. din. 2 batba, lnaidit BBQ. Drap- .• • . Look . . . Here it ii, -on Lido'a widnt atreet. 3 bedrm. 3 baths, hardwood floors, large patio, perfect condi- tion, center fireplace. $34,:SOO furniahed. lntome Special .n., .ion, fuJlY 1and8ca~ ~ ~BA YSHORES · . : . • Listen _ . . . Once in a Blue Moon a lucky buyer bendita from the many $ $ S $ 1tn owner has just spent tor new features. Such ill the case in this aimo•t new bouae on Lido. Thennador oven and range, walJ-to-wall -" carpeting, nicely rumi1hed, sliding glass doors to patio. 3 bedrm1. P'a batha and only $32,950. . \ . See . . . these exclusive liitings today. p. a. palmer incorporated ole hanson co .. sale! management ~ vi& lido, harbor J:SOO .. Three .twmms un1ta, each w\t.1a loftl1 11-r1q roam, larp kitchen, bath ~d two bedrooma. . Located In esc:Jµain CUtf Ha~ Shon ._aJml return OD inve.tment of $21,&00. Low down pt.ymeat and tenu lf dtWlred. For detaUa call Daft Oebuna. Balboa ·Island (P'lnt offerin1) FunUahed • bedrm. is family room home. ~ for nm.mer or year a.round UTtnr. ()uut&l'd•n1 tenu available. al.lo ~ trade for Palm 8prlnp home. J'ull price Pt.500. · Call Joe Kincaid. p. a. palmer ·incorporated ole hanson co., aalea management 1700 "· cout 6J;hwa, -m.tj ....,. . BARGAIN. 8 bedrm. Uv. room U5 x 20, ftNpl. fenced, CDftred patio. _ Loweet price in tbla •· dual.Ve dlatrict $18,:SOO A'l'TRACl'IVE ~ bdrm. home. ProtecUd patio. Owner anxioua for otfer . Aaklng $28,000 • Bedrm. 2 bath8, ~ blk. from bathinc beach. SubmJt term.a. .A.kine $29, 7M SEE US fo~r BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES ~ Har. 1775 -Eva. Edith Marooa·, HYatt .-em John Macht., Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. offlee, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2178 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22lS Maline Ave., Balboa Ialand VOGEL VALUES. -MAIN . OFFICE . ·HARVEST TIME $10,250 Full Price IN THE BACK · BAY AREA . Cloae to the Bay. Willing handa can traM!orpi this altnoet 2,000 square feet oC home and rumpUI room into a deUghlful place. Here -on a fenced in lot 1!50 x 105 -there ia room for children and doge to romp and play. The price ia $13,:SOO with •reasonable down payment. Owner' will con· alder a trade. Specially Selected Balboa Bargains . • Balboa ~ *-tr .. * Peninsula 3 bdrm. -1 y~ar old. Carpeted llvtnc room and Ila.II, Stucco a.nd plaiter conalructlon. Gar- be.Ce disposal and 200 V. kllchtn. Concrete wall, dlcondra lawn. Patio and ahrube. F. H. A. $60.~ month lncludu l&Jlee. ~wner will conalder lo~ down. BIG REDUCTION! BRAND NEW Jual Uated -t 1&nlt lllcome Cloee Ill VaJualtte comer. 148' x 126' Owner Ill Alwaya rented Wu U l,100 Slll,000 F ULL PRICE 3 bedroom, 1a~ bath, double p.rage. Unique dining roorn. Beautiful exlra large living room, the Jdtchen ia what every woman drearu o! but eeldom get.I. · Thia lovely home ia situated on a level half acre of ground and can be bad for $21,500 Good lerma can be arn.npd. BACK BAY! House & E~tra Lot · Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 2 ~droom I btclroom 18 .11 20' EXln. lot 76 ' x tOO' P'Tult t rtH Ouut houee, saa and eltctrlclty Main RN!et In Back Bay Full Pnce $11 ,760. . LATE SPECIAL! Approx. 2 •cro wilt\ home $12,600 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 16H Newport Blvd. C.:uata M..-aa, Calli. l.J~y 1-11•1 Llllerty '4010 Balbo4 BA Y-FJJONT Duplu l ·2 bdrm. It l·l bdrm., 2 car 1ara1e. f\lr· nlahed. Ut.~. Term•. Mish\ conalCS.r t rade tor ea.ta M ... lncome properly. Ocean Front J'URN a 8ednn.. 2 l>a Ua boUM • 1 bdrm. apL Ovtl' (&T&(t •~-600 Terma- OLOER ( bdrm hOUlll', fotctd air neat. Only $73.~. Ol."'PLE.'C on Balboa Blvd. Sl8,· 7.:>0 bolh unit~ n1ct ly furn Only Stl 000 Will ll&l'ldlt Coast Properties JOI E. Balboa Blvll, Balboa Harbor 2&M. 2!)~7 and 4600. Open House SWl. 338 OEL ~lAR -BAl:K BAY 2 br and tlrn. 2 bath, shdtttf rlt"'Hll. v. w carpl't. bll 1n ranii:t anti ovC'n, ~11.Jt1ful k1l• hrn Shakr ro41f Slit II~ CUFF HAVEN Out.tlandln1 4 b r., 3 beth hOme, 2 llvJng rOOm8. l'nrpetrt1 S3i.OOO SIOOO tl111<n 2 b r . t11'n ~w rl!.ou .l\lnt ~nnollllon ,Askins Sl0.000 Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W Coaat Hwy. U 8-42T7 .5 Acres R-4 On P!iact.nUa. uk1n1 pr1~ U0,000 ca.ah. Submit. DA~ A. JACOBSEN, R.Ultor H.ar. ~91 l:VN LJ f -1317 BACK BAY weter Vlt'W lot.•. Wr hav~ JVAt :: <>f thes<' 1u11d to !Ind propC'rlle.a. 1-S6500, t- SiOOO. Terms J -$7:.oo cuh ORA~CE COAST rROf'~R'rlEl!I 1857 :-;r1<·purt, C'n11lll Me'!l& U t.-t6J2 Eve. U a-uoa \ BY OW:a:R CORO~A DltL MAR, modern 2 bdrm. homt. nreplad. tumace. ' Mwd. nn . WW carpeunr and dnpee. dble. ,.,. et,..., tor 11pt. full price 113,750. $3600 ctn toa Poi.nMttJ.a. HM. HOC>-M. 2'47b 503 32nd St. ......._ Office Phone Harbor M68 Newport Beach, Calif. After 5 p. m. Hu. 2293-J llDO PROVINCIAL ... CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thla choice two bedroom can be youra for only $22, 700. • Beamed ceilings • Ueed brick firepl.ue • lnaide window abutters • Quarry tile Jdtchen • IA.rge tw()<&r garage • Laree walk-in cla.et We have the by to thia immaculate, near new Lido home. Come in and 4iacuu term.a. ... LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPl'ON J.H.GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -. VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4«4' r Acroas from Ric bard' a Market"'Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 19~ WITH MONTHS TO SPARE USE MULTIPLE LISTING. IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL ( ·Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport ~Mt Newport Beach * * Exclusive Al-Dean Place * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS Beautiful rambling ranch house with paneled studio living room &'dining room, fireplace le wall of glaas. O\'erlooking patio. Cle\'~r natural wood kitchen with built-ln range. oven & diapoaaJ. ~ attractive bdrms., hwd. n oon;, 2 large tile batbR. Corner location plua many other 11ttract ive featuru. Price $24.500. $8500 dc,wn or 1ubmlt. GREENLEAF-· SEVER.TS REALTY, INC. ' . ,.,...--..__ 3112 Newport ~h·d. New)ort Be&cb Harbor 2662 Evea. LI ~ PENINSULA; ' br. 2 ba. home. !Arr• comer lot Included. S..Ut. h om •. $30,600, t.erma. Its New-Its Modern 3 br. & den on one of the few 40' loll in thia area. Lovely 1~22 living r'oom -2 fireplaces and all the ' b.r.. 2 ba. •p&clou. home finer feat\U"fll incl. Blt.-in range & oven. Breaktut m~ <>ceu view, 123,600, •~ down. bar-inter-com.&: radio. Thia 11 a muat see! · CUta 2% b. r. I bL hom•. rum. C t 1 ~ You lboUld llM It ••• onlf OS a Mesa S17.:IOO, .. 000 dn. I' Owner Must Sell Duplex, S b. r. 2 bathe eac:h unit, i..rre ClOMltr lot. $29,750, •mall down. Baytroct duplex. 2 b. r. aacb unit. a e&r pr. Prtv. bMch. . ' Ye&l'• old. ~.ooo. terme. INCOJO'r..-NEA.R BAY It OCllA.N Duplu, 2 .iwi 1 ~ R.oom r or .x tra \lnJt. l:x t.ra l'OOd a t $l t ,llOO, l.~nna. Furnlahed 2 br. hou .. With cut.e •ID&I• ap&rtment ln rear, I ~ a&'U. $17,600, t.arm&. Cl.J)&ll TO BAY AND l.JJIRARY a u.1'4 l\&nl. Tentao .-tw, '23.TW, SIOOO 4n. Dandy Nm. h<>fM. U..pe t . s-u con4. tu.eoo, soooo a . • •· r. home.~. -.,. 10, pod ftld•, Sl~,600, t.erma. 2 Mdroom houe, n,w. tum. a doon from Bay , plpptn at u :i.ooo. t.armt. • bedroom. 1 ~ bath&. IClrtn lot. rtrepla.ce. Ne&r' Ubr1.r7, sn .oao. tum&. B~lboa Realty Co. Oppolllte Bank of .Arnette& Roel OrMJey Al Comellu.a J:d LAt Ja.cJc Ptnlth..m J oeephl.ne Wabb 100 m. Ba.l"°6 Blvd., Baltio. Ptlone Barbor 3271 KINQI PUCE, cuH B•v~' I BR. J baUl bom•. tlnpl~ r. &. hut w w CM))eUJIS ·-8Ud1.nJ slua doore to cem«>t peUo. Homtkttf*'ll k 1 t c b • n. Only 11,9,HO wlUI l/S d.n.. 01µ.NGI: COAST PROPEl\TlrS l ~ 7 N f'Wl>OT't. CottA Meaa L1 1·1832 Eve. U 8-d<>a Best ·Duplex _au.y J:ut .ide Ooet& )lee&. lt])V&l• fericed yarct., bwd. nr1. Income 1183, pa.ymt!nta only S75 DAN A. JACOBSEN, Rfaltor Har. 6et1 !NM Ll 9~11 LIDO R-3 2 -SP fl. loll on &o. Bay Front. 131.600 eacil. cau T. D. Rorra. Har. lMS-W, or RYan 1-eon. JSt!c P'O~ SALIC BY OWNER--4 bed· room borne. l % bet.he, land· 1e•'*' Is fenced. YH.A loan. FrHdom homa area. Call U~rty 1-6223 momin,a or alter 6 p. m. 18t!c NEWPORT lSU: CORNER w&ter- fronl 40 tL tront.a1•. ttneet pier • noal on Ial-. 2 bdrm. DREAM HOUSE. Dlchond:ra lawn. Priced U6.llOO. tHar. 1027-W . 27c29 FREE Two frame buUc11n1• about 12 rt. 3 br. profeulona.lly decorated le l&ncbcaped. Sprink- ling eyatem -W /W cpt. Shades 4r dr1perie.. Range & refrig. incl. at reduced price of $11,950, $2500 dn. * * * • * THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 Back Bay Specials 3 Bedroom, 1% bath, F. A. heat, H. w: floora, 1h.ake root, Joli o! tile .. FISHER built. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun., Nov. 5 6 e 3M.Mira Loma North of Del Mar, juat off TulUn Ave. \ ( 4 loll 80 x 150 fronting on a beautiful lakt, with a I view ot t.M 8&ck Bay. . W. E. FISHER & Associates S0-24~. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. &03.2 Shore Cliffs Exclusive Ocean View 2 Bed.room1, paneled den, 2:\~ batha, beautiful Oar· it.one patio, plate glua windows, m\rron, water purifier, etc. LuxwtoU1 arpet.a as drape9. PWI alJ the other fine appointmfnte that mu. a ftM home. Nothing comparable at $87,~. Can ar- range excellent tenna. W. T. McllANUS, Rftltor 1999 Harbor L1 8-IDI R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. C6ut Hy. Hu. 2n6 2Ttto TRAILER COURT 20 unit. with room for rn6re. Good locaUoa oa Newport Blvd. Unu.oal opportunity, ttnt time offered.· $30,000 with ~ down. N.B.C. REAL TY CO. 32nd le Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Har. Mii 27c29 - 9q. Ta.lee 'em a11•ay 4 clean• up ---=---------------------Ult alt•. Har. 1371. 28c $1000 Down P.,hap11 IHll f« t.tlL• atra m.Ucu- lnue s B. R. a-D•. s.e uu. lt yoQ .,. p&rtlcu.l&r. DAN A. J.A.00881iH, Realtor ltv. M91 llY• Ll l-431T BACK BAY N1!W J bdrm. I MUI horn• on /UL1' .ACRE. O'rendaed double pr.. •lect11c Oftll It an»- UUOO. 'EAl!IT Tl:JUll. Open 1 "-I da.11)", Ml Jllld It. llcM Udo Bay Front ., 35' lot $29,500-WOWI Pier and alip priviltpl. You almon io.t thia b&rgain.. Better bmTJ I Clyde Meyer, Realtor a-07 Kartne, ~ 1lland Har. 29CSO RM. Hu. 2325 - . ~Mifi · 'AAT II-NEWPORT HAUoR NlWS-PlESS . JIA V AIO HOKE above la lacking practically all the es- Mlu.J. deemed ,80 neoeeary by any modern houae- ._.,,_ New)k>rt Beach reai~nta with clothing, groceries ad many other n~itiea which they can part with ... War Correspondent Has ·an Optimistic Outlook ...,.,omen ha'Ve -been driven into poaitiona of leadership today all over th• world -and why have they been ao emancipated! Becau.ee American clubs with branches over- ~ haye taken women out of drudgery and into buaine88 U<•'I. :.cld John Morley, foreign correepondent, addre1SBing ....... and ~ at th• ,.. ~l b&nquet tn Newport Ht.rbor are. he 11&ld, a '"menace lo world Tacbt Club oe out.net e, Zont& peace. CondltioD.11 In the camp• lnt&l'Wi&Uanal. &r• tarr1ble -but they t.re no ' OoaU,,ued Mor'My, ju.1t ntumed WOrH than I have 11ee.n In T•1tu, ,._ .a. ~ vtp U'OUDd tM KlmiMlppt and oUler 110ull\em ......_ ... _, • ._. I -t. ta K&t.N. ~lty bea-1.ne a t bom•. •·....a......_ J fOU8dla two l&mll-IJI left ,._,.. we ha .. Nnl $60-l'f ,......_ u.o.. ot Rotary Jn. blllloa a.l>roltd. lt t1 time we be- ~ and Zonta. Int.erna-ran to do .. 110melh1n.. with our "1lte&1. ·bl YhwiD4 I found that own people · • per cent oC delltiall a re wn-NO 8D.& 8HEl:T8 -. bl rruc:e tb•T number ~ He upreae<I opumtam re.prd· MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1911 at tblll time of the year are aaked to ret 1n touch with mem~ra of the Newport Beach Firemen'• Aux· lUary who are collecting gooda for a trip to the Na· vajoe during lbe fil'Bt week-end in December. \ ' .Coats Narrower,· ·Texture PluSh Oh-h-h ! . ' • Those ,, . .. PRINGLES Fr•• ·Fiim! Wit.la ~ roll ., ~ ... Wlllte. lbM UT, at, Ill. lit, 111 left wttai -,.,. ........... ... prt.tlq, .. ...w rt~'': ....... , ........... llMlier8191Prtltta a& Ne Extra a.rs. H HOUa aDVMDI NNEL . Carelully Se/ec#ed Applicants lor Parlicular Employers HAllQL4969 '56 ' Cuff .... notes on Fashion c::> L·o ~-s .IVI C> E3 I L . .. ~. . . I • tlr l. • . . .., e.nt ot the lawyera. It could lng F onnoaa. .. Id It .,.._. the kt y '9 tMll tn thl• Mt•ancement of lo our MC:Urlty ln the Pacific. He W-• -ha•• th• key to UH alllO Qk time out to ""debunk .... --•mi Never ban Mel Ung'1 aUk •h•ela". When th• FUth Annual Callfor· nla Pru1 Week opena on Nov. 13. In Lot Angelu at the new Bev· erly Hilton Hotel far a prrviey of the retort and early 11prtng fuhion1 from Calitomla. a t\.111 week of ahowlng1 i.t planned. to lnclude women"•· me.n'a •and chil· dre.n'1 1fylu. ftalurrng ev~ry­ lhin& from batl\lng aul l11 to ba 11 1own1, and top·lO·loe at llrf' for t.he whule family. --·- J. ~ u opUmlaUc aa J am to-Hav1n1 l>ffn a. fUOt In the lllitit U..t .,. w\11 achlne pe9Ce", hom• of Chang Jlal-shd wtthtn WATCH ZBlJ'llOV! the monlb, Morley told of taklnl" a l:iot water botUe -to Mcdame 'l1M man who. two yean •So Chane -"(my wife WM with ~ • loca.J a udience u • m•) -and ahe aald, 'look' and r~_'.!7 lJ Mme& 8Jl01'180?ed by they were the 1&me old 8hHla --Zonlfl,. co~clly tabbed •nryone alffpi on. ~ OeoT17 Zbukoy H •man '"I check•d wllh Mr•. Elunor te ~ with tom• bo~. He ~ oat that today 0 11 the Rooeevelt when l round her. or ~>&a \o erUI n all t.hlnp, eaL.ng a harnburgher -..,eplM& :::nm.:~ androwag-ai-:: In a hotel IA Jndla -well. Ahe ~ aw, wtth but "W ~ found they ha.d one, t,nrl 11ht. got 111L..&-.. emp 1• • It -J aaJd did Mel Uns ever ~ l and Mn. D.Hnhow Mk tor •Ilk 1heet11 at the White ..... ~~-.. -• ......... d ... ~ Hou.a•! 'Never!' rtplled M r 1. _._... -.. .... ov an ,.,. Rooeevelt. ...._, w.11 frotft Oennlan ~ ··1 alto looked In hir clo.et lllld taiii.. •711 and the marahal • me.. not one of thOM reputed 16 mink ... ~ ~· rMd per90nally. by coa.i.. did J tlnd. Th~ I went to -. •· no•u to t.be Pre8'ct-t tile wlndoW and looked out at ~I~~ and tlla f&l'llUJ tbt peelinl" old 1937 ChtVT'Oltt ... ~; and out of 200-st&llon waa-on the CffnerallMlmo .... ,_... tn ~ t&O-mll· drtYU. and for ~•lln( ca.n. Fbr· ~·--auuua-, a etat.emt11l mma la JllA 11 aa.JUe u New-7 Ped -,,,--. to U.. p l· port Beach or Pactnc Pallaa.dea. w, --;:' a "If t be ~ abeeounded oC Jbuillla. .And It la the wUb th• peol>le"• money t hey aateUan J*>Pl• -~ .,. certainly have not 11pe.nt IL"' '• snau• aWaa.. eam-.._.. .. u.. ,...,. or Ood lato NO EXPLANATION .. -ol Jtuirla wt 11 .. u Into NeJOler then nor at the p~· llii .,...., 1 asked ot them 'h 1'1PUll appeerance did Morley ex· ~ U.. 7outlt of JOUr plain the contrrlemp1 In China. ,.a tnd.:t.t wt\h a~ bow Olan& Ka.J-ahe.k lost control _., llow. do 100 e.mM& J(f of las. country and the R~• fl'•ln· W9'1e.ll an....-.4, ·we lleep eel It.. nor what became of the ~';:~· TIM Jlede tak• our bandred1 of rnllllona of dollars nn csa,. a weeJt. We the Unlt•d Stale011 llt'nl Lo Me I.aft u..m two. But whan the aid. ~ comea a.round we don"t The Ge.nera.Jl•lmo •till Intend• ,_,.pit. or han partlea. We to attack the malnland ··or ·die w, to outdo Ule COD1muni.u. to In UM attempt. We Chlneee Ilk• latUcl lb• kind of faith In our to wlll but if we lose "'" will eMJdne U\at wUJ ou tlive the know W• have c1one our bul"', ~-t"dllnp." q~led .Morley. 'l'llZ WOll&N ur 'We have not overcome t~ e .. 1 d • _ CJ1A• of the world but In 20 k7lns l1'at .... ua. ana rea ,.,..,. NEW FOR MEN Somf'lhlng new under the Ca.1- lfornla aun (or any sun. any- where) for men 11 tho ··Wedding Shirl"" ... ln11plred by the hand- tome Mt.xlcan male garb. bfosut1· f'Ully embroidered. that origlnally •tarted South oC the bordtr. It la on" of the slylt11 lo ~ pre· viewed during Cellfom la Na tional Prua Wee.k thl• month wbe.n "Mairfc" · fuhlons for men a r e pruented to lht pre11 in h latoric Sa.nt.a Barbara. W'"re c«'rtafn that the dtaWr aide wlll wa.nl OM of thHe Ahlrll, too, to match her ma le'L BUCH DRESli' Another co m I n g attraction f'tom Callfomta. the 1wi1TU1U1t cap· Ital ot the world, it the beach d,_ ... • aeparate drUll that l• made of the nme fabric u lht swlm1Ult and worn over It for 10-t WM!". Qf C'OVtr-up a fter a dip. One duljftf'Y' • IJoo ma.ke. a lkrmuda ~ngth plna.fo,.., with lhort tull aklrt that just coven lbe l'llllmwll: another m&l<u a k11ee-leng'th dreH anti 11tlll an- other ha.I a rna.nda rtn 11beath type of fulllon that can be worn IOOH or belted. Tht '"Skirt · Saver" 11 a brand· new Idea In 11111)1, de1lgned by Marruerlte Kylr for Beverly Vorut-()f CAllfom la. It Is a half· allp with nylnn • t rlrol frnnt and nylon taJfrlft bnrll Purpolll' 111 to protect 1k In• tha l a re unlln<'d · and the ldeA of th~ tricot front 111 lo prevt'nt burkllng or rolling of lht fabric when silting. Foundations Designed to t Mould & Accent Curves ~ map.lllnee wllll arUclH ~ ·~ youU\ dtl~. Mor· Aq ~t an lndlclra'!'t aplruit .A.-1• l rom the ~ .c>· m.a la t.h4 ata~•t "II pare11t.1 a ~ca only ~ the Ume 'to ~ Uletr \:hi ldren ffil&ion It wouid lie 80 much better". FoundaUona define the -11m the ellm u well u the ·~•"l"e .a. opttllllued., "Whlle J am th• look of tall fuhlona wllb Jon(, and f\111 -•Ince filled tunlca .lttitit p.non to tru1t a.ny Jtuulan n111d llnf'• that mould hJ(h oo.. and low ~ tor110 dreM«'I dema.nd ,_ a.en t o that door -l llave om. na.rT9w hip and imoot.h. ln· a ccmtrolllld rnldr1ff. Pa.rUcular-,.._ arreatt.d. beate.n and lmpr1· ly lmport&llt are 1traµleu lonr- .... by fluaalan• -I feel that cuned waltt. llnt.9 or tb• full tlg\lre -ner· .,_.Miit ICIMNlo-18 on• ot In bruater• and ronelell. lee~ tn put Huona In Uie ... meri who e911 ...ny deal wtth the upllrt la rounded. 1trap1U. itrapl..e catecortu. U.-. de11lgn1 are popua.r In both. Jll s.rope Morley ctMclled th• With und.wtfi.nc to hold the Bra-lettM a.re nt'wly anllable ....,_ of ccmununlllm t.b~ b\at hl&b. Wide -apart itrapa for all nrure types. too. hll p ro- ..,....,tlon ot Le l..lberte and oth-offer 11eclcllne variety. u do ..nde• ,,...t nriety In th-hip- • oe1nmunlal pepera. checaun. b,.,. with t1quar11 decolletace or len.-th bna. .. - TH• OAll WITH TH• ~•lt80NALITYI ON •••WITH N•W 8TARPIR• 8TYLINOI N•w JaTAWAY HYDRA-MATICI ... w ROOK•T T-aao1 .. rrs "OR" DAT ••• U..s..4.1 OUm h"h "' "56'9 ._.,TIM •-•aioul S.,. ......... ,_ -..-dw ,,_ P"••Alifyl n.. · pMr19t Ni9ety·UgM , • ..... /-1 ,_ fl/ 4± rd ' N- wicii Starin .,,.. ••• " f ........ ... tMt .. , at• •ollile .. -........... ..,., /fr9. .;ci. the Rocl4!t T.JSO F..p. .............. .., Jet8w•yHydn-Mtticfortbe rm 1 '"""'-' See tlae d ..... new OI•• ti '-'M ~ ett• .. &..AV IN OU"' 8MOW ... 00~8 NOW aecarat•IY with nm ~u•t · 00 COft .. ~ble ttrapa. Tht convert· Jnte~t.. In lonrer control I• ,._ or foldera and •4. "'!\ !Met ma1 be a.d.Ju.tted to ful\· mo.t mdetit In C:OrMlet-. , Tbere .. Dlr11Uan poww behlnd t ti • Ion'• neckline wbtther It be are all .. lutlo dellpu for Jun-zr-C\lrt.aln lbal hu forced th• haltt.r. 11eoop or •l rapleu. lor•. •t)'IH with ahee~ r1Jld ...... ". Lona·lln• bf1L\ll•ru an avail· p&nela tor tha anr...-• nrure lliut Mile ,. IDOn a,w-. ti'....-... ~.. mat.-en-. MILLIR CHEVROLET·· COMPANY. 1eo0 West Cwt lt1 .. ~' · . -tilwroaT llACH -II -• • ~ 8'2261 -PAmcl ...... anil ,._-.,. lmf LANI ................ "IMI WT WALD." SAT-. NOV. i, ON NIC·TVI -•¥•-., ....... . - ..