HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-18 - Newport Harbor News Press• Wonian Knocked Unconscious .____......,.__.__...ifb way Tr1Hi Crash • 1n ~ lT:=~~~ .. ~.:':"~ ffar4ter .,.... W-1 ( ' A Newport woman wu knock-, Mra. Francu Edna Trimble, 68, Ille~ Low ed unooru1cloW1 a t 2 pm. yeiterday nf 308 J,.ark.epur AYe. OfflC't>na aald Saturday, Nov. 12 87 !~ when her automobile WH hit ln I her automobil~ ~·11 •truck in back Sunday, Nov. 13 . 8• u l>y a car driveo by Arnold E. Monday, Nov. Ii . 119 63 back by another ra r Ill the Inter-I ~ugell. 61, o( 34~ Via Oporto. Tuesday, Nov. 16 69 41 Mellon of Cou1 Hljlhw"y anti 1'u11-Nugt'll told police he applied hla Wf'dne!ldny. Nov. 16 . 60 46 · Un Ave., ac<:ort:lngo to pollrl'. I ltrHl."a but hu1 car 1l~J Into the Thurallny Nov. 17 . 69 a• Taken lo Hoag Ho11pllal wa11 111hn 11utomob1Je. I Friday. Nov 18 ~ 46 (8th YEAR -NUM.BER 95 / J'BD)AY, NOV •. 18, 19a PHONE HARBOR 1616 ' FIVE CENTS . City ,.·Easter Rental Law Held Unconstitutional AllONG NADON'S BEST -,Although dependent upon the Newport Harbor High School farm for all agriculture experience, the local Future Farmer Chapter thi9 year received the National Award. Thia ~ornlng Ken B. CUtler, regional eupervisor ot the NEWPORT. ·JOINS BOUT AGAINST ALLEN BILL Councilman Wiider Appean at Interim-Hesing in Long leach Bureau of Agriculture Educ.ation, preeenta Preeident Jim B a th, the award. Looking oil, from left are Reporter Bob Speth, Sentinel Bob S!1afer , Secretary Don Williams, Treaaurer John Arnold, and Vice. Preeident Don Meredith. -SWf Photo Local FFA. Youths Win - COUNCIL GRANTS PE MINERAL RIGHTS TO LOTS NEAR PARK Ret.ntlon ot 1lant dr1Ulnr mineral rlghll on loll 1 and 2, bl.ock 117, all ot J>lock 118, Iota 11, 12 and 13, block tl6 W6.I agreed lo by city council Monday nlcht when Pacific Electric Railway'• requeet for auch waa rranted unanlmou•ly. Some of the loll a re Haward of lhe municipal t~ller park. Aclln&' City AUomey J ohn Penney told the council the P!:'1 reprelM'nlalive called him In connection with condeml'ltll· lion proceedlnr• on the lots. 1tallng the PE would like a lelt.er Crom the dly det.alllng plarut lo condemn IC prtca nerotl&llona Called to matenaliu .. MANSLAUGHTER TRIAL RECESSES TO MONDAY Eye Witness Tells His Venlon of Perrett Fatal Beating Here lo 10 a. m. Monday. WllUama teeUfltd he wu drlv· lng south on Balboa Jilvd. whtn h• aaw the dl'fenda.nt l.lld victim (ConUouf'd oa Pare 6) REJECTED! Judge Thompson Rules in Favor of Local Ta~payer SANTA ANA, (OCNS)-Supertor Court Ju~ge Ray. m ond Tho mpson yeste rday held that a Newport Beach Easter h o liday rental ordinance ia unconstitulio nnl and gra~ted Harry C. Brewster an injunction against tl)t' de- fending beac h city. quarters. The ordln&nce provided for In· City Atty Ka1 l Lynn na v11 dt'· epecllon of certain rentall In dared It w11a a r.•a11Qnabl" rule Nf'wport Beach during lhe Ea.l!t.<>r bt>cau~e pc·r1011s rt'nl111J.t lh1,.e or hollday1. The ordinance allo re· morf' unit.I 8 rt' Ah •·r .. ly llcl'n"C'ld qu1ru a apeclal llcen&e be taken under the ,gen .. rr11 llt 1•11rw t111hn· out by landlords al ·s 10 each dur-anr••. lie 1111ul I»• a11111• t h1•y wnc Ing the vacaUon 11pan. In thr rl'ntal bU,.lni'M lhf'v would Brew11lf'r c:onlf'nded the ordln· be lea., •pl tfl C'OUntrn1111c.• cwt'r· ance, violated hi• con1Ulullonal crowdin~ th.,lr Jlrl'm1""•" 1111r1nr r1cht1. He hu apartm1,nl rent.ai. the Ea1l1>r hul1d11'"'- ln Newport Beach. J ur1ge Thomp'lon 1111111 he wu 80ME GOOD f"EA.rl'JU:S "a bit dub1ou11 <if the oJ111lin<·t1on." J udr e Thom p 1 o n explained. Mayor Dora Hiii 11alt1 "The ordinance hu aome good "My reaction Ill we will Jllllt co Ceaturea. but lht matter of 1n· •bead from herl' thf' lnw 111 lhe 1pectlon wu lhe mag.·· law. I don't know wht'I htr our Al· The jUd~ pointed to ~tlon 19 lomey will reC'ommf'nd a11v other of Arllcle l of lhe California con· type of ordon11nre OI" nut. ·, don•t atltutlon Which rtadll: k now If we will apreal bul my feel· "The rlrht of t he people l o be Ing 11 we wlll not, It wu Juel our &ecurl' In their pereona, hou11ea, dfort to btlll'r a 1lt11at1on but If papers and eftecll, agalnat un-It 11 not the right path rnt11lnly rl'uonable u lzures and 11'&.rchca. there are other means \\'e •tall ahall not be violated: and no war-have an Euter Wl'ek prohl•m 10 rant 1hall llll'Ue, but on probable !ace but every' problem 11·,.,. 111 c&uee. aupported by oa th or af· 10lutlon. We mt'lln to p11r 11111· cvr1 v Newport Beach yeeterda y joined Orange County and the City of Long Beach in a fight for the right to revenue from tidelanda oil. Appearing before the Legialature's tide- landa interim committee in Long Bead\ waa Councilman Top Hon~rs SANTA ANA. COC'NSl -Don· aid R . Williama of Oardl'n Grove tf'atlfled In t he manl!l11ughter tri· al ot Robert H. La Verne, 33. San Gabriel, yutPrday llftemoon lhat he didn't tell a.II he knew at fir1t becau.e he didn't want to be called .,. a wltnu1. Othu w llnuH1 alao teallfled. . flnnallon, parUcularly dHC;r1blnr conetructlve atep po11icthlr Th11 St t S Lha place to be Marched and the fact that lhl1 II l>tlC'n1111111: 11 r1111-WIUlam1 wu tha ninth wttn1a1 1ummoned by ProffCutor S t an Gould &1 he aou(ht to build up a cue he bope1 wtll '-d to th• convlcUon of La Verne, a plaat.,r- in( contr actor. a e pums perlOna and lhJnp to b9 ..U.CS.." Ume r .. ldenlla.I comn111n1tv 1nr1o1- Tti. Fourth Amendm.ot "° the I)'. wtll help IOlve th" 111lu11t1nn S · Garden U. I. Con1UtuUon pr0'+1dM the Councilmen Lee \.\'1hl•·• ,. 11 o1 Leland Wilder and Dep. City A tty. Jack Penney. Wilder remJnd9d lb• commllt.11 Protec:Uve AHoclaUon or the ot Newport Beadl'• •t.ak• ln Ua• 8oulbeni C&ll1oml& Ou Co. lldeland1. "I uaured A.Nemblytnan la.ll'..UC-Uon by l.be New1-P..- Bnace AlMI\ ou.r city ... -tlM 1ut May .xch.lllvely di3cla1ed lhat IJlalAt'a tru.at conatariUy hl 11\aad la the llouUlem caurornla Gu Co .. employtnc the Udeland• tundl for amonc other rroup1, wu financ· Harbor and rela ted develop~nll, lnr aupport ot lhe Alll'n Bill 'The 1uch u beachu. brld(el. plera and Ttdeland Protective AMoclatlon dredctnr ." Wilder reported. "He hu bffn rernred to as "the C'hllrl 1peclfTcally uked me a bout th•t." of the Southern California Gu Un S J~ee. UW.1a, ace~ te tb• Clal"ene1 Higbie s a\'e th,.1r ''""'. -. U... te Ule COQrt n1lln• whh h ~ W:Nft't Utnw out Ull• c1ty·11 F:11~trr lloJ1. Hatlonal Chapter Award to Harbor High Students La Ywn. s. 9CCU-S of bMtmr coll ... • •t~t N chard h-tt, 21. 10n of a Loe Ancelea -.dve.r· ll•lng l!llt'cuUve, t o death with • 1t1ck In Newport Beach July 23. -Freewa Plea Re added UM rt(ttl ot --d•Y r•ntaJ ordln&nt'f' .. ~ ""' 11n•l 1· Y lty from ~b.I• MU"Chel in tuUona.J. Said Wllrl"r lnhe~t In our AfBerlcan way ot E:li.10\' AfU.r. Tl'ft-. County CounHI J MI Og le added Co" ~re County'• protut t o that of County Coun11tl Ogle llald lodsy a parade of wlln.-, Including 1 hi' felt Oranxt County had s con-The h ::rndicap of not living in a farming environment repr~tatlva ot the City and atllullonal right lo kl'tp t1delandll t County of Loe Anrelu. w ho were revenues. has n o t prl.'vcnle<l the N ewport Harbor Future Fartnel'I o aca.lruat lnvu lon or the riithll of Ogle made the ststemcnt while America from recc1nng the National chapter award, it wu cltlea holdlnr •tale i ranll!. The reporting on h111 t1ppora nce )'NI· rcvC'alrd todny by N ewport H arbo r High School Agriculture TIUA.L RECESSED Trial 'llrU recff8ld a t 4 :30 pm. Planners Okay New Building Near Churches Ctly or Lone Beach'• cue wu lerd11y befort t he State As._'Oembly apparently about halt pre11tnled Interim Subcommittee hearing on Inslructor Bob P errin. aJ,·lsor 11.nd chief of the Bureau Application ot the Newport- GARDEN GROVE. (OCNSl - The Sun Gaidciu F r«way <.:um· m1lt.ee wa11 advtaed W tdnelld11y by telPphone thgt the StAtr Hl~tnny Comml881on hlld rralflrml'J ll~ route for l he ·Garden Gro\•t F rt:t'· way through the Sun G11 rdtna Community. The cumm1111lon. lhtrrfo1 e, rP · jl'cled all prote11l11 on ~e roulf by Sun Garden11 rea11Jt'1 . Hamilton W. Pottu, 111rmi.n ot rhe c1llzena comm1Uc>~. •aid h th h rt dj \ _ _, l 8 d k th of National A~1culture Education, Balboa Saving• and ~n A11eo-w en e ea nr a o 1m"" a tioleland11 revenues. Thr chof1t,•r awar mar • e ror winning-t n• Nauonal chapter• . bdl d 1 f lhf' group would continue II• f1ghl p.m. Chairman J ohn McF11ll 1 O· l~\.IOLi\Tf: {;ftA:O.~ 1 .. ral J. F.\ 111~.11111,,111on 1t1< vne of . -I clallon to ruu vi e • parce 0 against the al.ate route. Ml.llteca I 11ald Long At>RC:h would the muM u11t., 11rid1n,.; o• tO\'e d11q 1· lt\\.ird 1 lan1I Ill 33M Vlit Lido to crea te an I · D n "We fl'el." Ogle s&id h" lul•I ltrn Thia morn.Ing in lh!' high school 'llhap•d bulld'ing llll• tor a n•w 1 1 The 11l8te propo11"" to 1011H• th" rNume Ill teeUmony ec. '"· d 11•r11 111 lhl' n.1\11111. h 11111 &11111 ..,. • ~ ~ hearing ycslt1 &y. ..that i:r ant11 agriculture bu1lthng. l<en li. <:ul-Llrlo ProfeN lona.J building w.u freo>w11y 11u11th of C11rdrn 1 :rov•• ALLEN IN ACT 111.1<Je by thP 8t3t e leg11-lat111 i. lo Y e 11 l ,. r ol 11 ·'· t 1"• 1111111 ~·111 11re lt•r, rl'gional s11perv1H~r of the Uur· I held up for an hour lul night. Bl\,d. acro!>ll Hl~hw~\' 'Ill 111011~ A11embl)'Tl1an Allen. author ot 1•1llllcal 1uhdl\'1lllon11 11n1I n111nl· F"nr111e11 chPJ•l • r 11r1·lt•1 l'rr.111•l•·nl eau of Ag11c:ulture Eduralton. of· Mrmbers nf nl'arby cl:ur<"hes and the .north 1111.ie vf Ct>nlral Avf'., lht bill which propo1t1 nlz.11rt of clpa.lltlea 1ho11111 not bl" rf'\·11ked Jom H11 th n •1·• "•·•I 11 lr•l t••r "' •on-r1111111y pre,.ent .. d the plaque to•1 lhe planning commlrlslon objectedl to Newlantl St. 11nd lh•·rr r11t1 rn~ llfe. It 111 mort hlg'hly reirarded •·1 would aay the 01•lt1"•n• ~ " •• 11nd ofll'n rt'fel"f'ed to u onl' of an Import.ant part of "'" .. 11 .. rupl the n cred rl(hta ot a frtt people to control thl11 yea1 • ~: .. ,1, r 11n•l 111 J:'U&rded wllh gTtat jeal-Week. Our main i oal uc 1 .. 111akn 011sy by th• couru. he md. the Eut" holiday f"'MO'i "n """ Thi" ordinance wu 1mpoffd by Joyable time for both mu .... ,. lhe rlly in a.n effort to curb u.-dent.I and vullora. \\'e arr ahr11•ly M'rled wild party1ng by leenacer1 planning toward lmp1 ov1ni: nl'xl durlnit t he Easler holidays. year·.11 Eaaf.lor hollday rroblrnrll lo Th' reprt84!nllnr Brt>w1ter. a.r· mAkfl ll an even bt'ltr1 .,., • k. thin i:ucd turthr r lhal th" ordinance this yur s. We will tRo<" 11 ros1· w•~ dtll("rlmln•lc•ry In that lt l1vt a pproac-h t;, th,. ,,,·ohh'm oloei<n't Apply to rental unit.a con· 81\ld Coun1 llman ll1i:b1I' 1ustlnJ.t (I( lhrff or more hvll'IK {Cooll11urd on 1'01.-I) ----------------- Mesa Bus Driver Files $26.000 Suit Againsf Kest Lone Beach'• tldel1nd11 fund and or dl1turbed-they ,;houl>I rf'n11!11n I grnt11lnw1n 111•111 Hr yen J . Mr· the loclll organtz.auun. th lll k of a.ccuatbillly to a l i.h11rply t.o the 11oulh 111a" or Tr aak which brous hl on the lnltrlm In· 1n,·1olste ·· M,111°1·1 ~l 1lr I• F A 11<lvl11or 1111<1 The Xa llonsl Aw•n.l wa.s captur-to " · c f n lot In the I\,., . u .. l of Yockp~· St " .. uratlon. queetloned the Oglf' tatd hP.rninttrt to lhf' Su· r h1r1 t•f t ill' lt11rrn11 of A~r11 11lture ed In l<anaa11 City lwil month. cil'dlroaled 11treel 0 0 ' J s11,; GardenR re111rtrnt~ rhRr1tf'fl SA!lo'TA A~A fOCNS1 Costa Shr alll'~r11 llor •l•l•n •11' J:r 11h "-1n crou-examlnatlon1. Al· •, u1r C1100 l nnd pre111dent1al r11l-1Moo·n•11111 Th•,. ol~o rf'("t'I ' •'<I a 1 l'vn•• of Uie :'\e\\ poi I HarbOr mem· tract th1a route wall 1phl th1• r rom· Me.11a !l<'hool bu1 drin•r Violet ~I h1 r nf'• k hll•I "11 .. ul•lr r• •n•I Jen did not touc-h on acC'uaallona ng relurnong lldt l11ndA tn "poll· hronYr r 1nq111> f1 orn Or W T., bent was present at the Kauonal Membl'r11 of the Flnt Churcn Of munlty In half anr1 rtr11t r 11, 7:1 Man e Ph1lhpllon and h!'r hushan•I. Jll••hf'fl hrt ""1~0111\ ''' I h•• 11u.1r arlllnat the Callfomla Tldl'landa (C'ontlnul'd on l·'1ti:P Il l :-1.1111011 :'\11111 n11l F11t11re )o"Rtmer Future Farmf>r convention a t that Chrlet Sclentllta. Newport Beach, homes. .h•<k of :192 RalC'am Place. CostR \\.ho 11 11:,. 1.1 .. kr "" "~ ti•" pl.11n- --------------------------lune Out o! ;;s:1.ooo F uture Furn-3303 Via Lido a nd St. Jame. Epl•· Thty proposed an •ltl'm&tt Mo ~. Tuurt11y hlPd a S26 000 e11-u ff • unt• n.t .. Hr .. l ''"'~'"' h• • •n•I • tr~ anJ approxunalely l 0.000 chllp· C'np&I Church, 3209 Via U do. l"O.Jlf' wh rh ""ulrJ '"''"~ lh• ti •••. •aUll Anti h.1l1Hy auH agaln11l ·1 nt111u"d 11, .. w• 1•11' '"'" 1•11:: "" tt'rs thioughoul the t:nated Stale1, Allltf'd they UH a paved alley way !!OOlh on thf we~t 1o1J" of H.,l•t'tt J Krsl of Santa Ana "' lro• I tu • ''" ·· 1.111 PU<'l lO Rllo ond Alaska r hi' Iola I through lhl' tract to rl'ach tht'lr Highway :m. 1 r u~~ th" h11.;hw11 v llf1 s l'hllllp11on claims Kt'llt ..,.,.. .\I J 1.1 I 1 ... "' "· · .1~ , ... .,. '" <hr (ll~ r "·iu rat t'd 111 lhl' top 11 :s parklnK loUI e.nd expr·r-d con· south r.r T ra •k Ave 1tn•I ,. .. ntin11e ~•"li....t hl'r Al 14 31l a na O• t 2:1 • "''' ,,,. '"~ I•'" • .. t"'" m•I ~"' · C'hlll't<'IS <'<'m that It would be blocked by eulWI 111 on the a .. uth•1d. of 111 the 11• hool bu~ g 111&f<t' al 19t h ~,.,' "'llrn I hr • :, ~ .. t " .... 111 •~ · The :'\e"po•l Herb<ir rhaptrr th<' nPw dt>vtlopcnenl. Traal,,. St an1I :"e\\pcirt IJl"d . L"oata .\f•'"" • ••·•I "t:" onP ,,r two l.n Cai11om1a I'll&· PAIUUNO ASSt'RED ll.llf' '"' tho11 a""an.I IJ:ul.'I uf the Orfl<'lals of the 11.SS0<"1atlon ••· "'"•r•I w.111 part1ctpat1on of the ~ured thl' c-hurch mtmbf-ni t hat lu• ~• f'FA m1>:nbera in auch ,.,.t'nt11 the offlC'" b11llt1lnf'1 p1ukin1t lot 11. j11.t:;1ng. parllmentary pr0< l!<I· wo11lrl b<' 11v111lable for U8" nf the . u1" p11hil<' s~aking. sports. co· rhurc-ht11 nn 8unday11 anrl Wrtinn- np• 1allv1•11 anJ Pnn,11ra1111g of lilly nljitht11. 11•holarshlp and c1t1zen11h1p Rut ,the rellUbdlvl•lon of the ~.~, .... i Medics Oust proJlPrty woul<I bl<X"k off yit :S from unv dl'dll'ated or riivate 11tr,.<'l. n~embfrJll nf lh<' planning I cumm11M11m polnll!'d out. Thi' I a~1mdlll1on at flr•l <"'1uld not u - surf thr comml111lon that lhty would dedicate a portion ot their properly 10 open up Via Oporto NEWS -PRESS PHOTO MAKES TIME, HISTORY This n ew• phot o. taken Feb. 26 by William A-: ·MosC's, News-Press editor . o f George Smith, N o rth Amencan A viation cracJ< test pilot and first man ever to bail out of nn aircraft fas te r than the speed, of sound and li\'e. t oday was reprinted In Time magazine. N o\'. 21, issue .. The picture shows trem e ndo us buffeting S mith's face t ook after he left hia jet 13t 7i7 mph off sh o re fro m South Laguna. Be~auae o( physica l c h1:mges ph oto tlhow s. S mith's firm, USAF o ffice-rs o rdered two d ozen copies f or fllght· surgeo ns t o study. •The lucky t est fi~ tllle w;is released Monday (Newa-Prese. Nov. 14)'1lnd nationahy. B ending 0\'~1th Rt H a rborma,ter'a dock ta Mal Fink, local skipper who aided in hia rescue Crom sea whe re he para- chuted aft. pWM f-100.J' eq>loded.. 12 Physicians Rr l'AT ~tlC'HAF.I~~ or Via Malagoa u ,. public SANTA ANA, Nov. 18.IOCNSI thoroughfare antt lhl' comml11lon C'h9rlu E. Mallnov.·,.kl Admln· I w11ultt not approve the application latr11tor of S anlA Anll C'nmmu· 1 unl"ll• the lot had a.cce11a lo 10me nlly 1lnsp1lal. admltlrd ~o O<';>;S tlrerl tooAv that two dc>c:tors h11vf bc,.11 A Of'adlock Ml'med certa.ln unlll 81.lllpr nr1ed fr()m lhf' m"dll"al 11t11ff both purt.Jt• ttlt>nted a llllle l.ll<f of lh'\I inl't1tvlinn ll w11~ 111110 th,. commlulon a pproved lhe re· l"• rnt'•I lhal 11 ( ll'l!"'t fo111 other au b<llvtll1on 11Ubject to a p1 ovlllon dorton have bf>f'n refu,e•I 1111rgl· 1 lhal "ownf'f'9 of tbe original por- . 1·:11 pr 1v1lt>gu Ill th<> inl!lt 1tu1wn tmn of both aide.II of Via Oporto .aflr1 their rrlurn from nullt11ry 1 get to~ethf'r l.lld dedicate lhe un- tf'I , .... ,. d"dlca tf'd UTTI>ughlare u a public Thr h<'llf'llal rllrertor Mhl the 1treeL .. 11 C'l,.1n ai:a inl!t lhe two1 w1111 lakl'n l WAJ~"t:R ORANTl:O b\ th• n.•'•hral • 'lmmtt tee nf lhf' , StralJhtenl.ng out of lhl• legal h<J•p1•11l a~;unH lhr tw11 m .. n 111111 (CollU.DNI .. r .. e 6) """ e k .. How.,,·er" M11 hri11w,k1 l!ltetf'd. "th.-rf' 1s no Ono.I •l,.trr· m1nal1!'n 111 vtl Th,. m111t"r hAl!I I to romt before the 111y b<terd st Its n<-xl r"gul1n m l'tllnli: they Wiil hll VP \hr l!la y," CA..~NOT OP'f:RATt: ' MaJlnow11k1 rf'luclantly admtltfi1 that two phyalcllUU -Oii" with 26 y•su• of llf'rVIC'e at the h!>llf'llAJ wlU not be e.llowetl lo rertonn 11urgf'ry at any ttmf', unlMA the h1 y bc>Ard-made up of promlnrnl cltl.aena who rovern lh• publlc Clrculatlon Toclay 5826 ~p1 •• (0oaU8aell ....... ·~·----------------------- CHIEF UPSON GRADUATED BY FBI Newport Beach P olke Chief John Upson. above right.. diacu•u ·with technlclsn one of specim e n guns mamtained m FBI laboratory'• refe r ence collectio n in f11"f'l\rm11 and toolmarks section, Washington , D. C. Chief UJ)8o n wu graduated '"' m<'mbPr of S6th session o r FBI National A cademy today. Mn. Upt1<>n was on hancl ,,, ll('P chief win cilplomL l • Hats, Flowers, . . Hospital Party, Zonta Projects Women's Service Club Plans Christm~s Work 1 I One of the service projects of the Zonla Club of New-1 port Harbor ~ the Christmas party sponsored each I year for the women's ward a t Orange County General Hospital. The group will be w.orking until Dec. 21 on A rcminJl'r that an early ordl'r assures Holiday Delh'l'I')' uf Sl'lerteJ PiN~l's of F ine F'urnit ure ' Corona del Mar Balboa Island plans outlined by Mrs. Albert Stockton, service chairman, ------------------------- The New Suit lut wHk at the luncheon eew1Jon g:in of Ule zonta Club of Lyn· 1 in Villa MarlnL w«..<>'1, and tu t wtt'k .,.,.h!'n Mmu NEW PROVn>IOl'/ALS of the Assistance League of Newport Beach were welcomed at the November meeting by Mrs. Edwanl Millett (left), president. In line are Mrs. Maxwell Sturges; Mrs. Nelson Neice, UNITED CH URCH WOMEN Give Clothing & Money for Overseas Service memb<.'r:ship chairman ; Mrs. H. Payne Thayer and Mra. Wilfred Berla. Not in the picture was another provisional, Ml"8. Donald Colgrove· . ...:. Staff Photo NEWPO RT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor =-:!'ally ~00 lh~ nf l'l<•lhlllJ:'. with I gn to IM'd hungry every night". mon,·y tu p n ,. 111111s1ivrtat1nn !'11111 .\lrit. Johnson ... and one of chftrjZ•'ll ftnct Rn olf• ''"Jo: ul SiO th .. moat basic probltomll of lh<' • . I mo<tun wo~ld 1a hungt'r. Federal -----------------------------was b1 uui:hl by ::"<'WJ>ul l H"' ~11 nnd a ::n c11ltural organlzattona of ChurC'h \\'nmPn whn nh~rv1:c1 I t he l 'n1led );a lions see Ulf' an- \\'01 Id rommunll v Day !'\•Jv. 4 "'' ··r in mPasurell to improve di&· al St J 11nw11 1-:p1•rnp11I Church 1rlbulion nf food and In agTicul- R,. p r " "•· n t " 1 I v" • r,f nlnP I ural Lechnlqurll to increase pro- ('h11rt'h<>11 ..-.. ,. rt'pr••J0en1~r1 In thil' tlu ·thon " pro~rftm tn 111111111111• lh" rh1111-PRAVf:R RISO U&n 'Wnml'n·.. i\rt1nn wnrl< (nr A prnr ei<l'1onal formed . ~1th WO· lulln._ J'l"&rr ftn•I t11 11i!I thn~e mPn branng rl11Jil'll of tht Unltrd O\'rr11<'11". Hl'l"lf'll'nl.-will be vii"· :>:11•a.nr which wtre plaC'ed In 11 ttm~ or th" wtcr who 1•11n m•ver prtl}'\ 1· rlnl:' and a pr eyr r otr,.M'd bf' 11rlr • 1111rpnrti°ng! young m,.n ror thAt nRt1on, conclucttng with flrelni: (rnm h<'hlnl1 t ht l ton rur-thf' IPr•l's Prftyer. t11ln '"' !hr\' '""k fr>r wnrk ftnr1 The Rr\·. John H Psrki':' ho11t m!'n ""'' \\IHTl<'n whn "'" '°'""'' p11.•lor . ~ave the pniyer of ctrdl· In r~t 1loli•ll h•1fl'lrs In n~w rom· 1, Hllnn f111Jowlnir the offerlng. m11mlt<'• A ,oclal hour followe.-1 In thf' ~11 \fU: ~•·11 1•1.1·<;; Pam h Honse with Mr11. Pftrkr Thr ••II• 1 in~ " 11 ~11 10 lhr 11nrl Mn A. Alexander Hftmllton Churr h \\'Qrlr1 ~rrv1er program of I l!Ollnng. f!h ''" (111r !'>11rrl1111 Pu t ora anll wlw • from w ven Mr• Tli"'• I I 111rrr p1 r•I INI al! t hurehu •h11red In the obtM"rv•ncf'. \\",., .1 ,. ••HI"'"''' 1•11 \· , h11trm11n l neJ.!l•tr1111 Wl're Mmf'11. W. S. Hun· Ill\ I I I '" 11·-II• .1n\' •l'fVll... .. •. llllk!'r Rnd Ruth Allen. u11hera JOl'l"•I .,,. "'"'"' n ,.f v11 ri1111~ 'h11r-"l'ft' from St. Jamt11. • h"' ~I" 1'1·111 I \\'111ln11in of St J,.m,..<11 " ,_ •. , s: • t,.,t ""'' "tr• H•'· T h ' T h<>rt r.r••n •in•I nr N""' purl I IHI b<1r eac ers ea J.111hri1111 "'A" ,n1n1~1 I ~!1!1 Va ngl'll11 Ra in,.y. Jll''t'lll· Mr11 RAlrh J• hn., .. n r hl\1rm&I'\ •ltnl nf lhr Orl\nge Counlv dlvl- ,.f Mf'll•I u •lftll• n!I fur lh" 1,r1 11 ~inn of lht! Ret1rr d Te~rht'r•' Ant:"" ' l •1~11 1rl .,f t hr 1'11'1 h•"tll•l A1111()("l1 tlnn. 1,. announcing a 1,.11 C"h urr h v. 1111 Jill"•' •r rllkr1 h"• tu b1• itlven nn \V,.rtrif....:llly. 01'1' PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 DINNER DANCE PLANS OF . PENINSULA POINT GROUP Balboa Penln11ula Point A l\SOclatlon 111 planning anllther nr thllllt' llpl'Cll!.I dinner I.lancet, !lrst of w hich WU held In l11 le ~ummer a t Newport Harbor Yacht Club wlth over 300 allrndln~. The coming 1Ltra1r ls alatl'd fnr Dec. 16 a.nd ~­ cause the ya1·ht club deck 11pace w ill not be 1tva1lable for dlnlnJ , renrvallona w ill be llmlled to 11ea h ng capacity. New mt mbt're 11re partlcUJILflY lnvlled and r uervatolna 11hould be rnstl~ with )lrt1. Goldie Ju~l'J>h, Harbor 0318·1\. or Mra. Loulee Oalla1thtr. Hubor 1067-R . Plana tor t he dlnntr t.liuwr, 11 gE>t -11cqualntl'd iLffnlr. were made when the comm1llee met Mondey for coffee Ill Mr11. Jo11eph'a home. lnformellon 11bout this a,nd oth~r pntln· rnt new~ for p('nlnaula reahlt'nt.11 "Ill be in the bullt'tln w hl<'h Mrs. G11 ll11i;h1•r Ill malhni; out. Block chairmen wtll hevc llcket1 tc.r the dance.. Matron Is Honored bUkPl whtrh w tll prn,•ldt' tht hollttay dmner for the C'lub'a A llUfllthll' birthday party waa "&•ll•pted family". P'or her handllnc of ticket aales Aspln. Jarnts Gellaght'r and J ot.n and reaervallona for the Zonta Luther attended t he Lynwood Carnl"aJ dinner Mra. Georie Benz-met'llng they pre11ented tha t club with a ntcklace and rarr1nR" Ill'!, waa presented the vF lower11 for which was tmm edlatelv put to F'rlendahlp" coraage from Mre. work on a rental buta· tor thrtr Tom Norton, lut month'a winner. F ! .. v. er.i for F rlt'ndehlp projt'Cl Wl:DDIN08 AND OPERA I W.hen the money Is turned In The Zonla Hat. aa It hu been -Yro1n all the ctub11 In Dlstrtct JX namt't.I t. wlnn.lni tame u well a Zontlan from Sweden will be as money for the Flowere for abJ,. IL llfa;tend the 2'lnla Intrrnft· Frlendahlp project, having fl rat tlonal Conve.nllon next year tn been w orn a t the v:eddln& of Mra. Sun Vallty. lr1lnla McMa~ and John Lu-GETS ANGEL her; ottended two o~raa whei\ Mn. Kathie~ Coleman heard Le Coq IJ'Or and I. ·Paclla ccl at the Shrl.1• A uditorium In Loa An.1e· lea Oct. 30; and when Mre. Ruth Barl."\'ma acted aa tou tmiatren for a 11eetlonal lunc1'eon meetlnc of her 80rorlty. It aleo expectt to ao to a weddinJ In Sacramento to<1ay w(th Mr11. ~arl Stanley. Th111 hat w1111 l{lven to Mr11. .lamea A1pln by Mra. Betty Ho- Mra. Aapln came home fnm1 the Lynwood meetlnr with the prize. a doll dreaiw11 a 11 11n anittl. which wlll be one of the C'hrl11t.- mu glflll for her tint gr11nd rhllll, 8 month.I old Pamela Jean Bar- nett. Services at St. James Ouc&ta at the luncheun meet- ing Included Mmea. Jeffrey JI'. Burl<e, Clarence Bo11rclman and Ztollna Brrnt from BalbM h1tand, I Mrs. Rob.rt F. P11Un, C1•rona d"l I Mar i.n<I Mn! Al Forg1t from 1 "' :-.ll'wo..,rt Beach. I Services al St. J&rnea· E plllco· pal C:hurch on Sunda y, Nov. ·20, Xr xl beforr Advent, are. II a. m . Holy Communion ; ll.1!1 &. m., morning prayer and fiunlly aer- vlrt. I I 11 m., Sunday School. At J2:JO_p m. la Holy Baplt~m for Jamrt1 .. 'alter Torrt' Al ~ 30 • p. m • Young Penpll'J'I° F!'llOweh1p and 8 p. m., At.lull lnqu1rl'rs' <.;!111111 I On Monday. Nov. 21. 3:30 p.m. la the J unior Trl·Hl-Y metUng-. Th&nk91lvlnr day. 7:30 a.m .. lfoly Communion and s t 8:SO I "· m. Family Strvlce. T he offer· Inga Cl( monry a nct food at thl~ sc•rv1ce itrr for th,. bt-nehl of lhl' Epl11copal Chur<"h Home tor Child· I rt n. Loe Ansele.. For All Occasions •.. BRUNCH COATS OUSTERS and the LONG LENGTHS I N ALL MATERIAL.,_ l~CLUOJNO COTTONS Cholct of color11 II: pallema ALL S IZES $6 95 to $14.95 IDEAL FOR GIFTS IDEAL FOR YOU .J () -I~ee S P ORT SHOP I UlI Newporf Ave. ('O~T:\ ~tt:!°'A Line Very stroight- and ther"· fore very ne w- our 5-b utton suit of grey ond wh ite plaid 100% Forst- monn wool Designed by Roth Le Cover 69.95 Llbt'rty 8·7431 17671\ :-;l'"'f'On AH t:u.ta Mua. l:ahf " J111bt"' t •1: \'t' l'" Thi,. £IN\' 0 11r j 1 :lO f' m 1n lhf' Sanlll Ann DA1tv Rr""'' <.;omm11n1L \' Center r1ubhnuae ··H11lf lhr p•••PI" "ri our l'lnnrl H111l11 An1t membera wlll be hn11ts. ON MONDAY held l ~"nlly fnr Mri. Oovlt Hes-A!ll several mcmbH" were a b· ttrll'V or 2276 C1rnyon Roa d by :<Pnl. plans were not m &dl' for ht-r f1 l~n•I~ Mr 1tn•I Mr• Chutt'r thl' 11nnua l Chrt11tm111 p•1y. which C.:art.•r a nd her "°"' a nd <laUKh· will be hehl Der 7 lll ~.11 All!tp ttr11. l'rt•• nt w ere lhe Cartere. Av<'. w ith Mrs. Lu,.111e S mith 1 ~Ir ant.I Mra. Roy Crag-r 11J1d Mr. enl,.rt.1.11nlng and Mn. J . C. Miiey ot Coita I A buffet aurpcr rnncludt'd lhe Mu n. Mr. and J..1re. Harold Hol· evening. !lng-11he11d of FonlAnA and J un _ ----------- Hr311-rly of thf' fllarlnea from Twtnly·nlne l'a.lms. 1-- holiday dining i for • • • CQ}<)r Film of Sweden Showing at High School Is Hostess to Kamaainas A &IN\ ,., !';\\•('It n 1nd1SV will hr f'tr•rn!rcl in bt'AUlllUI r"lor· film Ill tht' :\'<·v.p .. 1t Jhi:h Sdinol Aud1tnt 111m r1 l " .!II I' 111 lllt1n· c1ay. Nnv. 21 HJ"l •h• 1'1t1 l<o r \I. Ill a ppt Rr 1n J'l''"''n a• 11 1ri.1tnr un· • Corona •l<'1 ll r 1111•p11 • • , ! lh• \\'orl I Tnw l"K"~ ~f'l I•' t···-=-=============·====:s:.:-::;··======~ Highla nds 1 h1 n111th lhr mnl111111 ••f tl\4' C'ul· p. {) A mOlll 11n1JJ1ual hnme or .. ·amt'rR lrd111~ ~ti Ill \\ 111 iano' Jn~lru.clio1i 3 b<'.lnn• lplu• ma1d'11 r.11 w 11\;o 1111 .. I• 111 llfr • r !'{1.,, k · room1 3 b&lh11 Lnvt· hnlni. a. ,1,· fanulv 111 ii•'"' lh•·11 TERESA RENNER (Mrs . A. Renne r) ly play room wit h mt'al11 IUld 1lo1ly '" tl\·1t1r• Th<') I b f .-1 •·w1 f' I t wlll 11u th•· ll•Hl 1n far mt r nl Aeceptlnr • limited aum~r of pa,O. for plADO •r." a• e "" • Q (.' 1an1 • Y<'•, JO<r 1 w ith un- wnrk 11 nwn~ ""n"" or hl\'lllc on~rt P it of '111"'41 C'oallnrt1ta obstruc t!'d v1tv.. l.Jt· bea uty. thr 1nduetr1,... 1n<"lu1hn1i 1 Oraduate StudeDt of ~ Baliok 111gne.I for gnod ll\'ing . lum brr, mining. 11lr!'I 11ml fl8hin11. I 436 Serra Drive Pb.. Bar. 2039 . Prlcrd to 1ell. lht ftf~ 11ml cr11ru. t he country Corona HIJthlanda _ Coroaa del Mar ('all ""'""' lllOO l~I' a nd thr 1t~ngc ~ppa, l1~ng ~~~~~~~-~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In t ht ln nd of the mlrtnlghf K11n r --- Mr~. £'11rk .. r de11er1b111 lhl' ht" I of lh~ Swr<l1sh people f rom l h" '1ewpolnt of " Scandinavian w ith· ..... Stitt J .. lwaca c •• ,.... . . ~II ~ u 8-1011 , l.; ~ i I w. L La-41• 1.. & c.i_. JS~ F.. 17th St. • C'Mta )lr'a 1956-Best Buie le Yet! See it Now at Yow South Coast luick Deal9r C. E. SIEMONSh1A, BUICK A~ "1Ut Bulek "'l•ee I It:? t ~Broadway ~Beach H\'att t-1041 1 _ _..., ... ____ , "' ..... ·---.., .. ,, .... _,.. .... TREND byA/ft A lout~ ot smatt f Hlrion and 1 lot ot Pf 1e11t.11 sense CoiM end bllls a>11iren1t11tly •tmCo...:1 from oule< pOCkll W1n1r1 lor ~SIS 111d ptlOCOI 8uvt1lul ttwtltd S5QQ I.lb dowl• Ice Cream ~ ... l'o charge tor monorrammtng HYDEN'S 214 ~ MARINE A\'E. I 3 delicious flavors hand-p ack£:d $1 .65 the quart 8 European Water Ices hand-packed $I .25 the quart Ha·ve you tried Wil Wright's hand-dipped chocolates 1 BALBOA ISLAND (In Tht> f5landt>n) 17th & Coa1t Highway Newport leach d TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America Balboa Branch H. M. Holkef, loW~ ... , • llE~T CHRISTMAS IS COMING TOO I If lOu lovt C hristmu, buc ' hare 1hc r ear·t nd crop of b1lb for g ifr,, t.axes and other t i pcnse,, here's a 6ne "a~ en put ll\idt all womcs. lr:s cht 1'))6 Bank of Amema Chr istmu Club and people 111 over our town ha''' du· .. . . . . . . . . covu~ it'• tht made·to·order way to ~··r for 1ht cxptntct they'll have. All you do u figure the amount you II ntt'd lhen aave 1p1rmaucally. maJcing dtposia of $1. $5 or $1 0 111ctkly for 50 wttk•. Nut year your check for the full amounc U ' rd pl\i.s intertu .,,,,11 come in m1~hry h1ndy, and you'll ha"t real pace of mind. It's tht besc 111•1y co U\'t for Christml', '° "''hy DOI jOtn tocky l / GOT YOUI EYE ON A IUY.? Wondufu l is certainly the "'ord for tht 19)6 car•. May· be one alread~ tl8' caught your ') e -h111 lack of ready Cll\h ktep\ ~OU '""'Y· If IO, t.tkc rhi' h1n1 from many of }nur ncigh hor' and finance your buy through Dank o f Amrrica ?~. Arrangemenu are easy and you C'an pa} nut of income in )m11l monthly in· s~lmrnu. Q,cr 2,000 <:alifurni.i CH dcalen offer low·nnt 7~ 6runcing o r. if ~ou prefer, com e inro our bank . 7"""""" iJ a. good idea 1f you'd rarher <(1<\.. "'ith your old ''b\.n.'' 100. Y.1u can fin01nn~ ~n '" trh.tul, 1np 1o ·bonom re· conditi11nin~ or rtp.11r -,1ll \11 u need 10 J:t·r \11ur car an tip· top cond1twn. All a t unt rimt. ? Bof A Ck1z ~ ? DID YOU KNOW THAT if you livr in chc c11un1ry or ""htre 11's incon' l'nicnc to cr1ml' in ry nur hank. rou (~n do 111 )Our ha nkin~ rhmu~h the mail! Thi' applie• to fbnk' of America'\ cramplctt 'cnicc, Ju\( a•k and we'll furni•h yoo ""i1h addrr\,ed rn' cl"P(''• drpo\lt \lip•-e''cryrhin~ y..,u neeJ to bank by mail. • - ''EXPLORING THE NEW WORLJ)I' by book are the.e fifth graders from St. J ames Day School who were presen t among other elementary 11Chool student& of the aame grade .at the Book Week observe.nee at Newport. Beach Public Library. Standing 0 to r ) are Gregg Hoyt, and Linda Hostetler ; in foreground, Susan Somers and Bruce Reed, all 10 years old. -Staff Photo AT ST. JAMES Patriotic Party for Youth Group A. Veter&ru1 Day party was held at St. James Episcopal Church Nov. 11 from 7 :30 lo 9 :30 p. m. for the J unior Young People'• Fellowship. The young people started the evening with a grand march led by the Rev. J ohn H. Parke, afterward t here were games and dancing. Colorful refresh- ment.a were cupcakes, decorated with American flags and 11erved wltn fruit punch. J oan Ha_Uberg-and Larry Somera were the w1Mtf9 ot the door prtz.e. i'ATRIO'nO DllCOR In charge ot the party wu Mn. st'rve ear h Sunday ais u~er. r1s1~ bearer, t<11l'h ~arer. or cnrc1t~1 •t the 9 ·1~ and ll o'cloc tamll.v J UNIORS TO SEE P ILGRIM PLAY The Junior High CIR!!s an•I J uniot• High Pilgrim Ft•llow · ahtp or Corona dcl Mar Com- munll,V Church wlll observe Thanl lvmg with two 11pe· clal • v1Ltes. On Salllrdl\y they • 11 attend the Piigrim Pag .. 111\1 <1ep1ctlnK Governor Br'll!lrur ol and otho•r/I who took part 111 thP first Tha11k~g1v· tn,; Day Cf'lebrat1on. pre~nt· t't.l by the r to11ld<•nta or P1lgr1m Place at ClllremCJnl T h 1 " commumty Is m1<dr up l&rgt'· ly or rrtuetl 111l11Sldn111 1ea anol 111m1sler11. A Thank11gl\•tng party will bt' g iven by the Junlur Htjlh F ellow11hlp In P1l11n111 H11ll Corona cll'I M11 r al Ii 30 c.n Sunday tvemn~. Nov 20 Donalds Change Pl ans for 40th Joh.n Knapp aa1laled by Mr. and Mr1. Waller Spicer. Mr. •n<t Mrs. Donald Ferguaoo. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carver. Mrs. G. Burton Ryadalt and Mr. and M n . Ray- mond G. Rlnpald. Dave Powi>r• and Trl•h Knapp. member11 of thfl St'nlor Y.P.F .• dai:or a tetl the Par· 11th Hall w I l h ray balloons. 1tream11ra and American fla&•· Donald Fergus..1n ml't>l11 with the J1111111r H1· Y j?roup tw11:c ,. month to plan tht'ir adiv1t1es anti p1·ogram. The J unior Tra·H1·Y 1~ 11pon110re,1 by Mri<. Ry11dale. The ~lrl11 meet on the· ttJlrit MonJ11y ot e11ch month at 3 :30 p. m an lhe Parish Hell and ,, .. nuw mllk· ~~:1 p1an11 tor their c h'.·111trn1111 pro-Anniversary l'l 'LX PARTV When Mr anti Mr11 J , Bt'1n11rd ' -· Police Captain Scores Adults at P-T A ·Panel Advic!! o n Family Unity Offer ed Newport Gr oup "Adult delinquency is the big problem in home. today!,'' declared Capt. Harry Lace of the Newport Bea.ch Police Department , speaking at the Newport Elementary P-TA meeting Monday evening in the 11Cbool auditorium. A• a member of a four-mun faced w1UI UI-. yo11npten, ht panel usemblt'd to analyz .. "Te11m· aald. work tn the Home," Capt. Lace In 1ummar1llinr. Kr. Stewart cautioned the audience of jlanger• •treaaed the lmperau ve nMd tor reisulllntl from lack or coopt'ration rell~on In th• home, punctuating and teamwork in family hfr. Mia· three bulc m...urea. All famtll .. guided youngsler:s whu .. nu up ahould have croup wor.hlp every with pohce record.9 are "the ruult day, chUdren abould develop dally or parents who choose to become prayer and Sunday 110bool ahould adult delinquents," he .aid. be a family project. "It la unfair AS A TEAM lo Mild children to Sunday achoo! The Rev. Jame1 Sltwart, aerv-and then not ~ on-If," ht ad- Ing as moderacor of the panrl. rn-rnonlahed l troduced Don Bridgeman, couNM!I· ..Wr.. Jack Bradbury, P-TA pres- or on family relal1ona. u flral ldent. conducted UI• meetlng. Th• speaker. In examining h1a aub· flar aalute WU led by Cub Scout Jl'Ct, "T he Family -A Tea m," Troop 10 from St. Andrew'• Bridgeman potntt'd out that "the Church and tncludtd Ha.ny Miller, ramily Is a 1.remendo1111 teaching Rich Powell, Dennla Handy, Ed agency lnaamuch a• the child and Mike Bradbury. lear na many thlng11 before even Mn. Vem Edler wu ln charge going lo school." The problem ie, ot Ule program. J"tflb JT&d• room how does one gel the child to molber1 Ht'Ytd u hOlleuu tor want to do the right thing. the evanln•. Brldgt'ma.n sugguted thrre 1lepe, ------------- punishmenl and correction. re-Trio y 1•81·t.s wards and being an exemplary parent. "The child can only be K• what th·e ramliy makes him be· in at Seward come." he concluded. socaAL i·:-.1T Air Force Base As second spokesman J oseph Hamblel, principal of Newport Horbor Union High Si:hool, di•· 1•11ssed "The Family as a Socra l l'nll" Hamblet listed the pltfalt. lea<llng to the breakdown of a ram1ly. Too many ehildrf'n "''<'T" ltft without famlllu during the war. whllt' today LOO many youngsters are left on their own ThP auto· mob1lt 1a al110 a factor, gh·1ng lhe child a rhance to t'11cspe family ltfe and lies. he 11tsled. "Family a11Lhor1ly should be re· turned lo "'he father," H11mblet 11ald. for ''\.hen a child rulea the home. then a home ceue• to be" "There'• nothing wrong with a good awal!" he adtll'd. Along with a welcome home atmosphere In· chiding a full refJ'lguslor to In· 1h1<·e " 1N<><I family 11r~. H11mblel llugge11ted fan11ly t~ounc1l11 1111 lhe beisl Idea for aolvlng problema. LIFE REOORD "When Tea'mwork Fail•." Capt. Mra. A. L. Howard of 150 11:. 18th St. Coeta Mua returned lut week after a two weeu v11lt in Tennesllt'e · a nd t h e IOUtbem 1tatea. She and her brother and hta wife. Mr. and Mra. l!:arl A nn or Long Beach. motored to Sew- srd Air Foret' Ba.. near Nuhvllle where they were the guHla of t.fn. Howard's •on a nd family., Major and Mr1. Wayne A . How- ard and 10n. Albert Lee I The Arm11 molortd on to Al· 1.anta , CL, w here they were mel by Mr•. Howard. She had come by plane, the lr1p a birthday gtfl from her IOn. After a few day• In A tlanl& the party returned homt'. The averare paaeenger car trav - Pled a bout 9•0 m llea during 19M, aecordlng lo the Naponal Automo- bile Club. Davisee on Vacation NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 3 Mr. and Mn. Karl LYM Da'N, FRIDA y I NOVEMBER ''· 1955 Balboa Ialand, baff de .... t.ed tbe left rec.nUy b7 auto Oil Ul Pll· 1 Ranor U'9& to take & -ncaUoll t.aa" trip Plealainc to tum ~P'cw Ult tlnfft In Commerclal In th• New Orleana ana. 1"bt'1 ...,.. •••t ~011Ua. re ~U:= ~r 1111, J ob Ever y·; Important ~LITTLE rUB.• 1Fa,hio n ... <]AASTicAiLY REoucrvt. LAY-AWAY N OW For Christmas Giving Mlrlll STOIES Fully let out Miu ••• Ranch-Wild-Royal Putel-Cerulean --Sapphir&--Silver Blue price rang• from • 11.edaaect. To MINK STOLES • I $475 Others up t.o $1996.00 Bavhls• up to MOO on our Pttmlum M-lnk ! I And Look at Savings! .. Siberian •CK PIKIS 'Northern SQUIRREL KOLINSKY MUSKRAT MARTENS ll•rJ-'1 11 '9.X> SABLES Fro"' $55.oo .. R•pl«l1 1179.)0 Now s12950 S]9§ P« s.t Now s13f5G s1111111 FUR cOiPAIY -. Take Up to 1 Year to Pay Layaway Now While Stocks Are Comflet. 308 NORTH BROADWAY SANTA ANA ()pea Friday Evenla.ga 'Tl 8;00 T he Junior Y.P.F. conal1La of mf'mbera of lhe J unior Choir, Ac· olyte Gulld. Junior Tr'l-Hi-Y and H l·Y. The partlH a re given oncC' a monUI .. a reward for MrV- ICt' "wen the church. Tht' Junior Choir rehMrlle• onee a we•k and ••ng.s at the 9:1 ~ Sunday F amily Sf'rvlce. T hi')' a re under th... do· r~ctlon C'f Mr1. LHll'r Smith A Chri11tm1u1 party 111 b"•lllt Donald of B11 lboa left la11L month planntd for the11t young people to on a rnolur trlf' lhcy l'itf>eCll'tJ lo be h"lri •ln Monday. De<-J!l Th" celebr11te lhl'il 10th W•"lttlni.: .r1- ic roup NII' have game11 and •Ian.:· nlY<'I ~•1 Y Ill :-;,.w York l'lly, in· lnc u ulf\lal with th,. lu"l trnll lllc:ad, it wa• ubllt't v1·cl Ill h•mlt' or tht' l'Vt'nlnK ,1evuteJ tu Jltn);lllJ.: I on We.lllt'~llY •onr• of lhe Chrl•lm•• Muun an·J Thi' couple rcot 11.a far ••t •• vu:hangt'llt glfu under the lt e.-1 MlnnPapolta. e11pected to continue Lar<!'s topic, wl. mad!' painfully ctear when he warnert Lhlll young· 11le,,., 1r booked al the police dr· p&rtm•nl. carry an arreal record Come in and try the AOOLVTt:S Th• Arol)·te Guild, u nder the aponN>r:>hlp of Mr. and Mr• Wal· ter Spicer. met'Lll cm the lh.1•1 W9dnaac1.aY ot every month t;:,r dinner and ln1trucllon. Th ,. ) Com in g Eve nts for Lido Isle Club W omen Next TuHday, the Lido I a I e Woman'• Club will meet (or a luncheon-ca.rd party a t the Udo Clubhowie. Supervt•lng the pro· gram will be Mmee. Don Hart an 4 Jack Bwut. L\J(lchron chair· man ta Mrw. Lee Ba.rnu . Weather permlttJn1t. chi¥' cart for chlldr@n from thf' •II" of 3 up w ill be provided at the Lenn11 .court.a dlrocUy a rr04J1 rrom the <'lubhouae. Otherwlae. t' h 11 d r e n w ill be cared for In lhe Yacht club f'90m during thf' meelln~ • Por lnformatlon mtmber11 m a y i:all Mni.. Thomu !Alto al Har· bor 07UM.. Any club m•mber may take acSvantac• of thl• -..rvtce. ror 11re. Tno"e presl'nl al the Vpternn,, lo Ch,veland 11nil Otll oil. lht'ir Day pnrty 1nt·Ju<leu Susan \\'t'"lt:· former hon1e but Ml Ut•n11hl IJ• • t'r. $1111art Madil'On Martha H.i:i-came ~1>n1111•ly 111 and wu hu~p•· lell. ~verly Ryedale. Pam 1.•.•r· lalt:ted Mr• Donald olrove home ner. Pnsctlla Jarvis. Kn11 <'lln-..r, &11(1 when able to leavr the h111 .. ,toan Hdllbt-rg, Linda ftost.-tl• 1 pllal htr hu11b11nd tlt'W hon•t'. 111 St1Hfl Some1 "· Ntmcy Nirk•'• l~ now <'Onvttle11c1ng al lhftr B11lboa K.r!l\y Rt'YTIIYlct~. 8\1"311 CAxlr\', a parlrnenl. A ttempta are alway• madf' to strs1ghlen 0111 the A1tuat1on tint th1ouirh l.'lencal g1111lance or med· l<:a l e1d for lhr mentally malad· Ju.stt'd. However. It proper work 11 dont 1n the first place through the C'hurch. home and &<:hool. the poltct' dc•partm enl would never be Julie Alcorn, Sttnd111 CotJw1n (II· _....;;;;;;;;;;...;:;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~============;;::; Holly Visel, expert in the ART of SINGING-TEACHER of ACTING anf' .iu11:h1son, Linda DuSJ<l"'r .J•'- nelyn 8 I a c k, Ja!'ku~ \\'11lktr. MIC'i<t'y Marc.-llu11. Pete \\'tng<'r. Kil Ciark, Terry S C'olt. J,a1 ry Somer11. Ct>ortrry Moore. Stuart Plnk<'rton. J ohn ~fackRv. Robert M11c kay, Sandy Knapp. RtC'hsrcl Prirke, D11v1d Parke, L<>r .luhn,.on, Davlt1 .John11on. Mttrllh&ll Wt tght. T im Ry1tr1alt>. Mike f'1lzwBler, D11ryl Merctllus. and P eln N k k · erti; I Palaf e r ri Girl Born Mr. a-nd Mr& Anthon~· Paltt.fer· rl. 2033 Harbor Blvt1 C'011ta Mt'~R. are parents of 11 rt1111~httr born Nov 6 11l Hoag Hoapltal Calendar of E vents .SO \·. u TR.A VEL F ll..MS of Sweden. R IJ h Srhool Aud.'8 :30 p.m I Wide experienc e in instructing all ages. Ava ilable for Programs for service clubs or organiza- t ions. Call Har 2690-R before 9:30 a.m. DID YOU KNOW tt.at when Lou Reed opened his doors Nov. 17th of last year, the CHRYSLER stock quotation was 62 t and this w..tc it passed a 1007 TM December meet ing w 111 tea tun tht' fa m o u • Mitchell Cholrb<>ya. Since lhl1 may be a popular progTam, Mr1. Girard Scbuchter, M"Hrvatlona ch111rman. urre. all member1 to make their rltMM'&ll01'\8 by Dec. 6. A • t h a n umber attM1dlng lhe luncheon r---------------------------------------- wl.ll be limited 'to 275 panon~ • .. ~ reMrvaUona wlll ~ acC'ept· ed betW'ffn Dec. I\ and D.-c. J (I on a ftJlt~om•. flr-4 • 11ervt1I ....... 9ulcll Service n>R loller Shades 8 tandard Shade CloU11 and cu.tom Speclaltlu • Drapery Bardw&ro • V enet 1a.n BllDdB C ALL llAJU!io& ... THE SHADE SHOP UI Siad 8 ... N~rt ~ llHade Ullo Poet Office Tel,vision for Rent Call Harbor 31161 Harbor 0710 Excluslv.-TV Rental 8ervb Custom Bu~t-in Fire Screens All Sizes-All Shapes Choice of I 2 Fini shes Heavy Mesh wit h Chain Pulls. . _1, ---...-( ~ _ _,,... - ~~~/~( ~ .... ~ ......___, '--I:~ Ir:-::-. C- Priced fro: szs 95 For Anraie 29" x 36" Flrf'piaoe Completely in.stalle d by our e~erh. Call for free · estimate. ' Newport Furniture Co. J 2620 w. Coast Highway-Newport Beach \ Liberty 8-1113 Greateot Go on wheels ! - ~ ...... ···-·-· .. ~-...... ----...,. .. ,, .. """''"' -..., .... """" ,...,.._,,,.,, ..-vUin, IJ,.J t>/ ........ ~ -" P"",,."' twwrv. But l'onriar Ilea u .._, '" IS _,,, Jru"'--1 _.,._,,.,,.,,,,"/I 6 r.-J1n• ~,,. '11yl..J """' • "'-..... ,Ni ... ,,. Y""'·,., -_, lwfrrr•. ooFbntia~ Jt'1 the talk of lhe tat driwn-thill Ion«, low. criayly.ec:ulptunid hetiuty! Pttr(fW'mn"~ iB their flnt lo•e-and t hill fabuloua '66 PooU.C bu it-tM ~ "RO" on 1.1,,.,... Spin.-cond ,.ta way, bluin1 drive, l"UOI'· lharp ateering and big-brake noppin1-thil °"' bao them all. -It ~ you at fint, · l t'a 1 t10 wen heh.and, ao pnUe and responafve. Y oa pull away from the curb, drive, IJtop, twn and perk with a l\Jnl and _.y touch. But it'1 lolded! Looded with vibnmt actM>n 1oa•w MYW aamp&.d before! 'There'• 227 biuilll botwepower pecked into t bi.t ir-t &tn~ V-8. And it poun throu1h to ~.my llllOOth. Wbln ... time to make your move you jmt point your ~ and fO/ Pumn1 ia I bre.-M that ll'Ml ruah ol po"9' wbi8u you abled to ..tety in the' nick of an eyelash. And the hl.ai..t bill.I limply ll88Tn to milt away ln front of you. Ten minuteo at the wheel of um .,-t, MW Ponti.M: and you'll know the-=nt bablnd aU the n cit.ed whiaperina amonc tmllt ~ ID the I.Mt 1D011th °" '°· Yoa'll know eomltbinc ..... too ••• thJa W lt, the OM few )'OU. Stop by our .t.ow1oom to -and ctme thil fabuJOUI 'M Pondao today or'tumonow. And be pnpand b • tlriL TbAI .. d deliver it ~ a & f Olll! Roy Carver PqntiC.c 1400 W. Coast ·Hwy. NEW P 0 RT BEACH Uberty 8-3466 • PACH if· PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~RIOA Y t'-IQVEMBER I a. 1955 OCC PLAYERS PRESENT • itl nt .1 .. tt "'"" ,., ... 11 .. "' ,.r 111w comeJ1ra, wiua 1nc1111ve An oul· 1t&n~ and m&JT\Orable bit wu Kra. Patlel"80n, roamtns bou.e manapr, p!Qed by Natalie Roe-... BELIEVABLE 'MERTON' Otben • .,. P'r-4 ~,. Al Hathaway, BoMI• O.Orlf. Loretta A abadow world of wonder. un· known to loday·1 colll!ge youth ex· cept throuch the yellowlns J>&&'H and .mu1ly r~<"ord1 ot the 1920'1, wu brought lo htt' In the O~• Cout College auditorium thl.I week. But the production quicken· ed the memorle. ot adulu In th• audlen<"• Vlewl'd either u a pa.rable of Everyman'• llt!&rch for hi.I moat precioualy treB11ured Ideal. or mere· 11 u a 111ant1c and irreverant 1poot of a tawdry empire, "Mer- ton ot th!! Movlee" hu mean1f16 for a 1966 audience. U>:-40 KE~KBl:R· Harry Leon Wllaon wrote the etory. Ceo. S. Kaufman and Marc Connelly did the dramatlz&Uon. Glenn Hunter 1ta1Ted Ill the flr.t p roduction on Broadway ln 1922. Harold Lloyd a nd later Stuart Ir· win transferred the moonatruclt country boy to the. 1creen. Luclt'n Scott. Orange Cout Colle&"e direc- tor. and the college drama depart- ment opened the curtain on a Mer· ton that all who saw It this week wlll remtmt>er Indefinitely. · , Bennett, Chari• Co1per. and Bob SU.,.berr ma.ct. W.Ow, the di-Corn. An evocative bit of rum- rector'• It.Dose, a punch-drun)l 0&m WU the '111-<11-ho" danclq buttocm. Gerry de Carlo'• portray-ot th• Jow-wailted 1hort-o lrted I I I ri..1111 • 1,.,., "" 1'10 1 ol hy Robt' rt - '"'n Juan lk1t16<) ~tary l.(ay Hehn. Boonie Geo~• and Judy m..,.t Stqlh&ncb l.n tile Holl1Wood .. l 9Cefte9 ...,.. ~enn-.b a..d. -..,. neth Vood. Alan Roda-. Rowell DY*>n and ftosw 8b&J. Stqtnc by lh,e. C0UC. ..... craft cl&.11 were aeepUoD&l17 1"&1- done. UH of ooklr and IUM. p&rtlcularly ln Uae .,_. • Uae Hollywood •t. wen outttudtna. ' COMEDY CAST READY FOR PLAY Merton, played by Al Baker (Costa Mesa), center . la "out of thia world" u he dreama o! hia future auc- ceu in Hollywood. Thia ia a acene from "Merton of the Moviee," drama deputment play which was pre11ent.d at Orance Coaat College the pa.st two nights. Others in the caat a re (I to r) Bob Corn. Costa Mesa: Natalie Rogen;, Coat& Meaa; Grant Stageberg, Balboa : Baker (seated); Shirlee Hourigan, Newport Beach; and Tom Pletts, Laguna Beach. Moat effective, In the produc- tion, wu the dlacrlmlnatlng UH of materials. The three 1tagu In the new collere a uditorium, main it.are and two 1lde 1t.agu, were all employed to advantage ln the production. The two giant t um- tablu on th• main stage were UM<! In demonat rating the machinery of the movie lot 1.n backatqe Hollywood. Student t1lent had been lneplred to develop charac- ten which would evoke the 1820 mood. Artl.ltlc uae of 1et. and llghta. carerully nlected muatc, and ..authentic co1tumu were com- bined by the director In a pro- duction which wu pure entertain- ment. BAKER lN TOP llOLE You'll be 1m11ed at 10 much beauty ind Yalue at 1ad1 1 tremmdooa 11ringl Cluuiing hrUI that reflect• the fl iclteT of dancin1 flame., Jenda richnee. to your room , , • in a handeome eneemble that include. a draped meeb curtain HARBOR HI LITES By NANOI CAMPBEU.. I Allen Ba.l<er carried the major role of Merton with C011.1iderable a uthority. Hie pl&ylnc wu rather quiet a nd 1ubdued; hi.I Merton wu a •lender reed buttetld by the lea Coru1tanUno, Joyce VIile and Bob Stafford, Nan Rt>ynolda. Claudia wholesome force. ar.ound him. McCarthur. Bob White llni.I Jalien Gento1l, Cynthia Beltr11n, Marian Shirlee Hourl&'an wu appealing Oreen. Mery Kollh and R o n Koerner, Carolyn CalllM. Baba u the Montacue &'lJ'I, the Holly· Barns, John Albn lan and J oyce Smith, Maggie Cran~. Oay Arm-wood 1tand·ln who flr1t betrayed Chung, Dave Grant and Sue 1tronr. Joan Wnggoner, Slllldy then defended, Merton. Believable Br<>wn, Dave Brickner anti Kathy Coleman. D1a11e a.~ulher11lon, 84!· character• were created by Tom 1 Snow. Vt'rly Lund, Darh•ne Ort-en. Tr1an Plett.a, Randy Alber• and Marcant. Once again th• Tar foot baller. cave their rooUra a Tonny lN'land and Patti Smith. Knllpp and Merlin Couch Mack. !ine gama to watch Friday nighL Against the low rated Wally BurgelUI anol Bt'tty Thump· The long loved pizza WU the Ka.thy Tomavacca played th• ICl'eeD with pull chain 111d filigree bue, graceful um • type andirona and 6retet. A truly remarkabl~ buy. ~ i4 ~BARiECUEs f7linjd J. Lee PASADENA SANTA ANA SAN GAIRIL featul'~ attraction or the-Saxon's abrlll, brauy ca1tln1r director to but acrappy Oran-eleven they acored th~ beautiful touch-aon Do\.tg Newberry anu Loll I h hll Ra MJd J •-P tll!'tter. Dennis C"ol,. and Ann party Sa turday n111ht. Perry Mu-L e t. )' daUCh u . Lel- downa to wind up the game in a 21 to 7 victory, Bl'nslt-ln. Hownrtl C tl~lrap and tro and Dick Taylor were the ter Montacue, fadlfll' 1elon or a 1215 E. Walnut St. IY. 1 ... 1 2204 S. Main St. II. 1-1111 ' 401 W. Laa Tunas IT, l_.111 Open Mon. & Frf. Evn.-PASADENA 10 to 4 Sunday SANTA ANA 12 to 6 Sunday • TIM matn feature of the ha.If· Chuck Vandorvort, Bub Ragar Pat Bu~h. F.arl Lf'w li. nn•I Shllron t head chef11 while Ann Muxlr man JTe&t &elln&' t radition, bad. hJa tlmi acUYlU• wu a aalute, by and Margie Stovall. Dous Tutc· Patter ..on. T om 0110111 unrl Me-rind Dinn.-H,1rrmn11 <their date1). momenta of prominence on the Harbor'• fine band. to the clu1t11 well and Judy LtiBelle. Da,·e lin<la Peeler, Dou.: Redtll• k nnd Andy Baily ani.1 1 ~11!er Carr. Jim •Lafe. Shorl-aklrted lmosene l'.AcT· of 1940 and 1941. and the offl-Johnson ttnd Meg A n <I re w II, Lou Davi~. F"r Pn !;harnnn II n d .Lmk I L.B.S I amt Heverly J a· i on wu a 1trutt1n1 and pouUnr clal crowntnc of the Homecomlns ~r&'e Bc.llultt and Jackie Wa t· Wenuy Gn11>1l. Miki' Jc1hn~11n 11nd qulth. Jim Dol'k (Or~11tcn!1tl 1 and •tar of the clltt·h~er.. David qu•• &ad lier court. Nominated IOll, qathy Hoffman and Tt"rry Linda Del'ring. Ouui; Uni uh 1tnd Barbara Jaquith, Hon Hamlllon Hlnd.s u Harold Parmalee, anent by the football team• and elected balllt. Barbara Hemmond and J iii Blum. Chuck Kl"lth 11nd K11y and J~lce H1·nde r1mn. p 11 l e i creen •tar, had the poature of the by UM ltudet body, Ole C06&rt Jlolt Undley. Unda C&l\non "n d Klncall.I, Ray P1ckena a.nu su .. Wt richt 1.nr1 Jo Hu r n. Dave t.redlUonaJ Hollywood t\a.m. Ora.nl Included Bha.ron Patterson. Freeh· N .. l Carpenter, Kay Laktafl\'ld Schlsall'r. St1 n Srhone11 11nd Ro-• ICmmu ind ·Judv Or1Cfln, Rob -------------------------------------------------_.... ____ _ man prtnc ... , J u dy Corfman. and Mertln F ro11. berta Bolton Jnrv WhlllAker Ealltman. Stt-ve DPNOl}l and Har· h.,,.__ pnnc... J ody Leib, T9rry ~lch and Carol Tal1tra. and Bonnie Bla rrP. J..rrv SamAf'I, t1hl Mut1ell"m1U1 c.-nJOY••d lhl" aroma JunJor ~ and PatU Kilt.er. Naacy Jl'!'on.m&n and Jobn Levey. Paul Lorentzen. Tom Murch. BUJ drUUna from lht kllch\'n and l•t· Senior prtnc ... 'nle quffJI, Shel· Bonnie Relct1 and Alvert Yard. H'ayes. and Dick Cartt•r and Kayler the •c:tual eallntc. • by T\lnnelJ rec:eind a . bouquet et Nanci Campbell and Rudy MarlJ· Balley. Friday nlithl Ill lht" ic•me we roM., a ('ltl from Ute aJMMnl. a aea. Donna Smttll and Chip Ht'· It wu raining pota snd pans are all looking forward to. for It allver crown. and a kl• from ,.an. John Hopkin• a nd Ann Lard· ancl ulshe1 Sunday arttrnoon at 11 , la our rame with lhr p0werrul ever popular Bob DeLonr, ltu-Mr. Ma.rcalJ& Kelt.f'r and Denny aurprlae brll.lal Hhower r iven tor AnaheJm Colonl1t11 Thill 1a the dent Bod)' Vlc• Prelldent . .After Bu.th, Unda Lee and Randy Hall. Oonn11 s m1111 at the homt' or Jody 1 gamf' that wlll declrle whrthtr the earn•. the Bomecomlnf dan' Tony AbertllOn end Jerr1 M~·tt. Lefb Laughing am! l!inf(fni.; anrl Hlrrl)Or fTnl~hu lhl' 8P81'0n with a waa held ln the ,Ull am. Tony Hatherly and P rirll!a f.1Ry· wu•htnl( hrr th.-bPMI nt lu• k weic fanct or a third ll'Al(llr rsting: The f1ll'D wu 91Dlf'l*I In the &hell. Dick Ll"e and E l•ln Whit· Anita PH!m, (.'hnrnt>th Rlitrraite. Ht're Ii< a ltttll' bit of advanre football .,trit wtth two ficUUc man. Roy Mather and Onnn• Kanon Wt1J:"11n, W1uula Traut· new&. Thi! Cttptama or the a:ame roal ~ adonWlS ..ch 1 n d. lmllh, J im Han old and Cttlhy wem, San1lye SwanllC•n Nam:! anrl for thr 11euon wrrr rle<-led Each pole wu entwtned w I th lAlrtU. Oougl&N. Shnron Cuvrll!', nf th.-11nrt Charllt Bf'rry 11nrl John Hop· blue and white paper Where A n"· MORI': Valley, :-.'a ncy Bryant, Pal Kt'ller. ktna Wl'rl" c·hoKl'n to rlo lhl' hon· 1tr.-mtra nutured from atop. Bob Hortman a nd Rarb11ra F;1. Sue Nlaffn, Cloraa Chapman. C"I\· or1 of "l!'&drn1t th•· Tara lo vrr· Buipended from one wall wu a llot, Pat Ktnpley and Oc.on Rt-d · rol Crain, Ca thy Mrt:lirr<'n. Ul'l· tory " So 1 .. 1" 11r .. 1111 vou Hnrt>nr 11ure aconbo&rd, boldly proclalm-dine ton, Bally Could and Ptte I HY Blackmar, Patty Tull It'. Tit· ruoll'rs 111 Annhr1m F'ra•Jav night inc the Tar victory ln brichl red Wl\ltney. Tom Peterman a nd Crl1 coa Hayu . Nanci Campbt'll. 1• .. 1. at i :10 to wRt•·h "u' h 111t1 r1ghl· letters. Thi• wu an eaact dupll· l"rttdlander. Diane Blunt anti JM ty Riiey, Brenda Bamf'lt, Sh1rlt>y In)( pl11:1k1nnrr' 1!0 lhf'ar i<lurr cate of tha on• IUed ln tb1 n ru-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--.._-. ___ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ___ ..;;;;,.,. ___________ ;.;,. lar ,.mt1 rtrht down t.o U.. clock In the oent.r. Do,.;on the aldu of the wall• we" white llnu with the yarda marlllld on Ulem. And allhoush th .. "oh'• and &!1'1" were u clalmed by aJL t.he moat 1&tl•· fled wert the hard work.Ins mem· ber• or the Pep Comllelon w!lo tieve bl/en alaV1nc tor w11kl to make lhl1 dance a rf'al auec-. Chuck Kolvlato, prul<Jtnt or lilt Pep Comml•lon. Y.1thl'll ti\ th•nk 1 all of tbo11e who helped In rtally maklnc the 19!)!1 HomPC"omlng dance one to ~ nimembered. ALL THERE See the NEW R.C.A. Big 21'' ••• COLOR TELEVISION ICA Fint In Bia.ck & White Tele\islon Flnt in Color Television See This Beautiful Set Priced I t. 1 • t en low en n ec ion ... co or pie ures 795 shown daily in ·our show rooms. Phone us for time schedule and drop in. lrinCJ A New Wortd of Color l•to Yow Home! You'll tM'f' picturH tMi aa Ufe .•• "-I u Ufe ... on RCA Color T\' ! DAVIS-BROWN CO. Ot'nny Hendel"90n'1 "bro k • n I bone"' JTOUP· played a wond.rCul I bunctl of dancabtt mu11i<' alt I.ouch I handicapped by lnjurlu . Thou danctnr and 1lnrtn1 Happy Blrl.h· I day to Pally Riley. were. Selley Bl&ekmu and • J~k 1'1telnman. Dave Tamura and Clorla Ch_,. I man. Jack Bmll,b and Jody I.Alb. I J im Newkirk and Pat Kelln, Donn Waldron and !lla nry Hellt'n· 1 l'tr, Carlton Daw•on anl.l Carylt Cartn. Pete khul~rir; 11nJ N•n-1 cy Mastin, Uberty 9.3437 Tum N~~h• and Ca~ Kin~~~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~========~~~~~~~~~====~~~~ 1815 Harbor llvd. Costa Mesa OelVly Hendeu on and Perle HCll· ~-__ la11d, Dick Ovf'rt:ly and 8f'verly Pflrrmll11. Bob DeLollg u d Ula.r· on Lyman. Shtlby Tunnt'll a nd Ron R&lnn . Buddy Thomp110n &nil J udy Corfman. TN Bon Hl'mmrl e nd Kathy MrClou<l, Bob Che111y1 and Lynn Pu n . Bob <.:rel1hlon and Judy Samii• Larry Harpn and Norma Hl'tf· I Jlf'r Mike Barllttt and Lonn• I Lloyd. Tom P111r10n and 1 \1" N••· •l'n. Bob Hendf'ratiot 1n,1 C'ynlhl.11 I Bf'ltr&n. Roy Daniel and Cu olyn C"alh11. Jim Taylor and P11t y RI· I Jry. Biii Wellf'I anJ Anita Palm. I A rt II' Blr!<'hf'r &,nd .ll.nna J\eynold11 Walt Ho"'·ald and Marian Ko.r· 1 ner. Chulie BPITY 111d Jo-'n"" I l!uua, Bob Curley and Babe S111IU1.1 .A lan Ryp*ke and MIU'll)'ll Ham · 1 mond. Tom Houlton a nd -r.m1 Burroufh•, I O.Orce Maybe and Lou lae Hu· ~r. Mlckty Hullel and Laurll' Hendrlcka. Bruce Knipp and Char- neth 8tarn1e, Bob Deihl • n d Trlah ~pp. Tom Hatell and Darlene OrH11. O.cu·re Korn and Je&nnle Jonu. Sue Manion and Dick Hat ch. Jim Bento and Llnda Kemper. Butcb XAUoway and In.a Napola, Leet.er Can and .The New Huntington Inn 104 Ocean Ave. HuntinC)toft leach ~; FREE DINNERS All children, accompanied by parenh having d inner will receive a "DAVY CROCKETT DINNER " FREE. Present this ed-it covers all the kiddies. You "10 e-njoy our dmlni room wfth fta famoutt OOND ~W 0,... Daily 5 p.m. to 10 p.ni.-Sundays 12 noon· 10 p.m. • CLOSED MONDAYS Telephone: LlxlftCJton 6·4230 lthi!! offer expire!'~ alter N O\", 23. 1955) Flag down the record breaker and take the wheel! . . . • -= ta.I itrrn We'ot goC tMu ftftD '66 Chm'oltt demonstrators cru fafog the slrHI-~ to make tr ~for ym1, to drfot Ort car lhal ahalttrtd tM P~es Ptak record. When 11011. see om, wave £t. to Utt curb-mad takt tht whul. ' . You'U dUcoHr all IM &l&lnga tJaat make thu nN CMv,J <i cltamp! Here'• the car that tunaShed the Pikes Peak record-prmiing it ha." the qualities that mean safer, surer driving control I · Uke to drive 'erT • That's easy. Juat fl::iit down on" or the9e new Chevrolet demon· slra~-and t&ke over! You 'II feel thl' handling ea.'lt! I hat took the twist.II out of the winding Pikes Peak road. And you'll 11ee what we mpao by record- break:ing powl'r. The11e ChevroleL" are powered by the new 205 h.p. "Super Turbo-Fire V8" -an l'l"lra- cost option that Jl?Ul"!I out all the act.ion you· could cv£•r a.<1k for! So. givc onr of our new Chrvy<11 the high ll1~n -JUlll for fun. We'll oo watching for you! • THE HOT ONES E\liEN HOTTER ...... --.. ·--··· .. ---- .. MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Hlthway NEWPORT IEACH Phon• Liberty 1·2261 . J Winchester. De Voys Sue 2 Costa Mesa Residents IENTAL lAW o..u-. ,,_ ,,,... ~ "I -..cted tbe court'a dec:UllOD u It _,_. Ulle at Uae ~ beartn1 ( lut IPrill&'> when ttie t.aiporwy lnJ\&AC\lOD wae doled u t.bou1ll the court would eo aloq w1tll the pl&lntlff nentU&l· ly. ~ wdin&Ac•'• brl,C tenure. bowewr. dkl contrtbul• to an orderty S-ter bollday period Jut llpriac. lt th• peop&e and the la.Dd· tores. wlll llve up to the llplrlt be· hind the onlinance, Which WU de- elped to pr.vent onrcTOWded, TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT -For the ftnut tn eomm.-c1a1 rNEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 PrtnUnc cau Harbor itit. Job Prtntiq Dep&rtment. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 CAPTAIN'S CAllN Mesa~ SANTA ANA rOCNS) -Two droYe a cu owned t>y tile cab co. dama•e auJta were tUed In Super· caral-1y and ustt•antly and lor Court here Wedn~ tnvolv· plowed It Into ooe drtnn by NlD& Ing Co1ta Mu& ,..ldenta. WcConnkll. w1tb S\is-De Voy Edward R. WUlcut of Coat.a u a ..-ncu. Me"'° waa the defendant in.Jan ac· The mlahap occurr~ No•. T ~ lion broucllt by R&Jph E . Win· M&.ln SL. Sa.nta AJlt.. \ rhester, aleo of Coata M .... The ---------------" PLANNERS 01 plaintiff Melui 110,000 damal'ea In connec tion with a colllalon Oct. 2 In tht 200 block on Victoria Bl .. Costa Me1a. eo......, l'rGlll ""* ..... unwl!Oleaom• llvlAC coodlUOl\I problt'm enabled plannerw to ,nnt durlnc the holiday ln~lnd, th!' t. waiver to the Udo Proteuton&l ordinance will haw ...-nd a sood Bulldlnl' ot e&r parldn&' atall re-purpo ... " NJl:W YORX NOON COJOOCNT' COMPrLED BY B. C. OAR8WJI:, (DEAN Wl'ITJ:R A CO.) NOV. 11, 10CNSI -selllnr carried t.brouch durtn1 today'• early t.rad.I~ In t.be wake of the In· ~In the ~nk redtacount rate However, •tock wu ab.lorbed well aided by Mlectlve 1treng'lh In In· dlvidual lalUM, prlcu nicovered nicely from the opentnr Iowa. Wlllcut I• accuae<I or drlvln1 hl11 cer necllr•nlly and caualng. the CrllJlh. Nina McCormick and Ferne De Voy, r epruentlnr her aon. Eugena D11 Voy, H . are after $26,000 dam· ~ea acamat Fred !Ambert. dotn1 bualneN u Fred'• Body Shop of Co11ta Me .. and J-Dlckt1U10n a nd Loule Dlcken•on doln1 bual· n('111 u the Yellow Cab Co of Newport Beach and Coal& Meaa. qulrementa. O. JI. Shwnaker, NO APr&AI. a&&N prealden t, told tbe £Ol1llftlallion be A.ailed b7 Uie N....-Pnle lt The tact that 1paclaltl.. dem• onatrate good r.cuperatlve power• coafl1'11111 tba expactaUona that the oorncllon will not pr.-.n~ any HrioUI problema but rather I• Wlely to be rutrtclad to •tock• which have moved ahead 1harply. could a dequately care for the the council, lD hla cipiaioo, woWd parktnr problem by •upplytAs Tl appaal Ju41• Tboapeoa'a ruJ.j.n1, apa.c.. nlher than the M •pacM HJ1bl• l&MS, "No, I ~ INi'9 t.be required by Newport Beach'• ~ councll Will not appa&l" tnr taw. l:tforta to nac!t olh• oftlclala The plalntlffa allece lAmbtrt LAVERNE CASE The plannet1 alao appro•ad the tor comm•t -" WW!acc--t\11 relocation of a 1mt.ll bulldLnr on Immediately. City K.analW John the property occupied by a J-el-lalloni II ln Hoqo Boepttal for ry atore now In the way of UM minor ~try. DaN. city alt.om• profuatonal bulldhlJ clevelopment. ey ill charre of th• cit.Ta deftnM A third t&cet ot Jbe leral hu · of th• rotal ordinance, La Taea· •le waa Ironed out ""en Bhumall· UonLn1 ln New on.na, OOOD 0 E NJl:W8 Oenenl Electric• provtded the day'• mo.t bea.rtenlng new• u the dlractoni lncrea.aed the dlvl· dend to a '2 rate. Slnct Ulla wtll rep~t approxiin&tely 10 per cent ot eaUmated earntnp, lhe dlr.ctoni would appear to be quite confident tn the economic out· look, which abould In tum Impa rt coaftd.ence to the tnduatry ln cen· eral. Kennecott followed wtth a <Jollthllled from P1nt ....... er waa 1ranted a permit t.o es. Police C h I• t J'ohn Upeon, framed In hlJI he&dllfhla. He wd tend the propoaed two 1tory etru~· charred "'1th IUI recent .tore• tile vscllm wu down, 1n the I'll· ture above th• soned hetpt Um-ment with other city otftclala, la ter, and the defendant wa" stand-It. He told the pl&11ner• he pro· at the J'BI Nt.t:tonal Academy. lnl( ovrr him. poau conat.NcUon of a 2-unlt ptJll Wuhlaston. D. C .. wll ... be WU Hr uld he .. w the ddendant hOUH above the office bulldln&'. _rr_&d_ua_tecf-+_tod_a_y_. ______ _ atrlke lhl' ~victim. Dd. Atty. \ S• dlvtdend declaration. · Alrcratta were little dlaturbtd b7 th• reneral market lr~gular­ lty. Conatdertag the u1u.a.I volalil· tty of Douctu. we feel the l•u• bu been abeorblllC lltock well and alnce commercial buatn ... la a fair irublltanUal factor In lhl• com· pe.ny, there may be It• concern 01!'tr eonmment renerollatton. James Canlllllon 1Upulated tile MEDICS OUST NEWPORT JOINS d~rrndant had etruck the dece&Md Wllll11.m1 11ald " man In bath· Ing trunk• ran In tronl ot hi• c11r 1111d 1houte,1 for him to 1um- mon police He leatlrled hf' then drove to 1 the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co. bulldlnr and telephoned for the policf'. He •atd he didn't tell all he knew when hr Will! tlrmt contacted by lnveatlgator11 "becauee J didn't want t.o te.tlfy." POLIC'E Tr:8TIFY Precl'dln1 Williama to the 1ta.nd were Newport Beach police offl· cera Wllll•m F. Talbot, WUU&m H . Blue anq AUf'Jl l.. Johnaon. Coatlaued r..-Ftnt ...,_ aubacrlptton • llUpported tnatJtuUon -reverM Ult declllton. of I.be mtdl· cal croup. lt wu learned from authorlt.a· tlve eourcea that the doctors aua· pended were not lntormed of all)' reuon tor their •wrpenaton. Dr. Raymond Brandt, pre9ldent ot tht hotlplt.&.I medical commJt.- tee told OCNS "I think our dtc1-- lona were prlvll.,ed and not for 1eneral cenau.mptlon. It would la· vol•• a lenrthy dtacuuton to u· pit.Jn the matter." Dr. Brandt retua· ed to five any reae<m why the two phyelclanl were retuMd Uw rtflll to openta. A vacationing San Franctaco rrocer, Edward Mooradian, t .. u. flf'd earhar at the trJal that h• heard a "crack.Ing • o u n d u though a fence were broken" the nl&ht tile defendant alleredly .,_t H•~ Have Girt tht' youth to death. Mooradian l&ld ht and hi• wife were awakened al 11 H B&lboa Blvd. by t. "tar1e CommoUon.'' aaJd he. "We are llrht aleeper._ I hear yl'lllnc and Kream•. Then there were cuu word• and run· ntnr. Someone ru.nnlnr and aol"ll• one chulng • . • J looked out &EV. RUDOLPH BAU the bay window and aw aom• n&n.nl •me .. tor the Rn. ()ea.._. , .... ftn& .... llcal aubdlvlalon1 and munJclpt.lJ• t1'9" and nol the atat.. Oct• aa.ld be t.old die Martna' that under tti. lawa, Oran.. Cou.ntj felt tbe on 1hould belons to the paoplt ot the u• a.ttea\ed by 0.. Udellandll. .ucs. tbe COWlt7 OOW\Ml -.Sd h• Wt.med tbe IN'UP that '11 Ul• ltate (Which OftC. pve the Ude- Janda to th• coutal communlU .. ) can mall• an Ind.Ian '1ft. and take t b&dr. ao can tbe eonrnmtDt." 011e wu Mnl t.o lh• Marine by th• board ol ~ te amw- county v1ewa oa Ult llde&anda. The hearlllS wu c&lled to dectde lf tht Allen BW. now before the Senate, aboUld be fhm fl.n&Dd&l bedr:tnc. TM Allen BW "ould 1trlp couc.aJ commu.n1Uee ot Udelanda royalllu and lUl1l U.t mone7 over to th• lt&te. Turkey Shoot Set at~ Sunday Tile Soutll Coul Rifle and Pl1· t.el Chab bolda it.a btc annU&l tur· lltJ and ham ahoot at Ila ranee ott ll&c:ArOlur Bhd. out of Cor- ona dtl Mar Sunday, f rom 11 t.. m. until d&J1t. 1be public 11 Invited. -rr.p. pi.t.ol and rtne evt"nta will be beld lor experienced handa wtlll aoa-ahooter aonlty eventa fw &dUlta and al)ttlal l'tliJISa-<lll tor UM ldd&. thins aomeone runnlnr. Th• Ian· ~olph M. Rabe. ti. of 1111 l'l•r• WH foul. Oran1• A'l't., eo.ta K-. w1lJ ... ~!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ "A.nothf'r per11on wu trying to held Saturday at 2 p. m. ln Parke•· : catch up. I 11&w only one n.uuitnc. Rklley Mortuary Cbapel. TM l heard aomf'One about· '1'11 (tt ReY. £\.lcaD• llrnay, pnt.ldeat of t he SOB.' J told my wife aome-the Or1•tal ~ Sodet,y lhlnrr wu c otng to happen. She of Loe Anpl•, will officiate. Ml'. aatd return to bed, ao t did. Ralla died Wednucla.y at hi.II bome "Bul Lhe commollon conUnued. alter an eirtended IU.-He WM eo J Sol up and went to the door. a n~tl•• ol Poland and had ll•ed J looked out and HW a man run· In thla oommuntty Ule peat two 'n tn1 up th• atreet toward 12th yf&l'S. He had been • mlnWter St. ant\ then he •lowl'd down aJ\d of l.ht Methodlat d'IW'dl for SO atartcf'I acroaa the lntereecllon. J yun and •l'Y9d In ee•eral wMl· beard aomeone aay : "1 rot him. em at&t.M, iAclwSl.n( Callforn.I&. call tht' cop•. Then l hH.rd. a Surnvoni ~ h1a •ll•. 1--. aound Ilk• a fence brtaklnJ. Tbtn of 0.. home; four aona rraNdla a cruh and croan1n1 . . . a voice and H•l't>ttt of M ontan&, Oordla R l<I, 'Don't hit me' of Olll&rlo and J\ud,y, a ml.llmoa&r7 "OOS'T HIT HDI" In India : nve dau(llten. Ml"8. Mar· t hear<l a l(irl'• voice H Y 'Don't jorte HUiton of Minn.ala : Mr•. h11 him.' Tht'n a woman t'rytnc Lou.lff Shaufbn~ ot Loa~ •.. I uw a wuman w11lk back a.ch: Mm Docotb'\ Rabe ot down the •t rrel What hl!pfH!Ord. C09t& M-. Mn. O,.U COUj1lJ1n J uked hrr • Sh• replll'•I that of South Cate and WIN Ct.rol 'Bob and 8 111 hall chased a man R.abe of tht home; two 1l1ten, •a nd beat him up Thr j('irl wore Mn. Wanda SrU• of North Da· a 11Wlmmlng au1t "nd had a towtl kola and Mrw. Moille Moore of around hl"r nrck. Mlnneeota ; two brolhen, .Jullua "I told her I was eorry. She Rabe of Mt.n.neaot.& and 'ffllllam went on. Suddenly it wu very ShuU.S or North Duota: alao 11 quiet. I couldn't undenland wily rrandcbUdr«n. It wu llO qult't. Tht'n J 1&W two Interment will be In Weatmln- m l'n walking down lhe •lrttt. lter Memorial 1'9.rk cemttery. Nt!llht'r had • ahtrt on 1 btlleu _ Too Late to h Claulfled EXPERIENCED apt manac_er de· alree poalUon. Call Har OlM-W 33p3:"; MATURE WO~AN wlahu baby -'•tlln1t O#a t of rf'fl'l"t'nCt'!I LI 8·6380 3k36 J'RA C,.JCAL NURSF. Liv~ In b111 prtrer out. Ca.n g'lvr ahota. L.l 8·2012 33p3!) !M)--MlACelJuaeoWI OFl-'ICE FURNITURE 8 1'\111l1ful drlMwood flni1h r xt'CU· t Iv" t vp!' llf'llk 37 x 78. 7 drawf'r Ilk~ nrw It. platt" 1tl... top. c:r-•l'n Jrathrr 11Wlvrl ch~r. Y 11u1 ~ for h•lf original cOllt. Al/lo :l6 x 60 I walnut finlah) otrH·t' """k al '37 ~ can be """" 111 M>:l Park. Balboa lllll..nd n 1 Hu &788 33p3:1 they had on blut denim trouaerw. "They dluppured down 11th St. I heard women'• vote.ea call· Ing for Bob and Bill. Then a Jeep approached. Jt looked Ilk• a mill· lary jHp" The. wlt.nua aaJd h• returned to bed. He wd he dld.n't rtta.11 htar- ln& an ambulance •lrtn. Thi' i;ro- ttr. a pl"OMO\tllon w1Laeu, w a• un~r questlonlnr of Del> D111l. A tty Slarl Qou.ld. La Verne and Wllllam 0 . 81J\Ull. 211. of Coata Meaa uaert.clly wtf. the onu who ch&Md Perr•tt. TM J1rl wu bab1 a1tter Wilma .._._., Ii. She tutlfled •Ile. La Veme and Smith had gone for an art,.r· mldnt1ht -Im. When they re• turne4, ah• teelifltd., abe MW tile llec•ued peeplnc lnlO lbt WtadoW of L& Vune'• a partment. Th• chaae then ~naued. Perrett WLI beat-en Into an un· conacloua 1tate a t the comer of 12lh St. and Balboa JN1"1. Be d.teO a few hour. later tn H~ Boe· pllal or Mvere hMd tnjurtu.. For neervatloall -Barbor 2726 Collection 12 NOON Antiques -Private AUCTION 8t1XDAY NO\', to HOKE OPEN 8~'1>Al' AT 10 A.. M. .U TllAUA ST .• l..AOt'NA BEACH. <'AUt. 0.. to ..-1 ~t tMa llfet:ll1w Pri...Cf' CnllN'UOCI wtU ... M>U> WITHOUT LDOT or RUIF.R\"F.. 231 ~~r CUT GLASS si.-L1•1>y 8 •-Jec ... r., "-· ...... OK ... -.. f • .,..,.,,, J.,, loll •'•"' ..._ • Wlaeo, er.... ~ ~ w-a.ttt • ., lei.. '·~ .1 c....... c... .._ .... -. -.: l'f. OM ~· t .,._,. u"4•1•11<•. 1rt1~ h 11 .. 1 ,.,.1 • .... .,. W....,..., ...... liedt. 2' l.,• W•ll 't.tH I.ate Cw'" I \•t <•'• S>•tr•I~ .......... ..,..,, • .., • 1 ............ ,.....,. ... n 91<. c:...te• Ctrfli1N tlll"ll"-V ,.. c. .... ~ Cl>IM , __ a..t I "--· lM .. Oi.. -I .... el Jeri. I ·~·• '1ocn• I A • ., ..... I ,..,; 0..Wt...., .......... c. .... , ... , f•t•,-...••. C•tt• c•lt+d ••• '"' _., w-c... ._ ...,..,._ u...r. 1 '•"" •ittl Att,., .. ., O•• '•<'•••• ~ ..._, ew.Tw . .-. ...._ ~ • '•: ,., .. vi .... C••"' • ".,..1., c ... ..,, c ......... ,. ••. ...., l••·""· l., .. c...~.,. , ........... , •. , ....... . ........... Ora-. ANTl9UE FUINITURE I c:.i.1 ... ~ •• l.i.14 w..a. ... ~ar• 1 '•-. n,., ... Pi• .~ •• , •' d••••" WtlAwt ~ ... ,, ke c.rt. O•el Mer'11t f•p Ttlttlt I Con""~•d•, Wtlillv4 tt•I"• caW• ... Wat ..... T-. fMlw-Ulwary t•~I• s .... 1 Da,IM .. , 1.,,.,,,. ~ ... ocrffft, .... 1.1., ...._._, °""le C11<I-Clecl, ate au•s " .. t , 12 a.1-. O.•• a •ii.-•• H .. 1 •-.•,-H.ru. '•" •' tad ,.., I Iii-,_ ,_ .. ,.,, .. c.i .... -MICI t..4ed .. I••• ta•, 1 tvt•, 1110 r1 ..,._ 0.. Mtt Pwrlllh .,_,.,...Mt "\'ou Wiii lwo !ilurpr19f'd" a,1 .. Y--0.. Ce-I'•-•, Tr.ch I Troll•'• 8 "IAl(I 11 l\WA1 AUCnoNIDS CltoM. A. Kl'mp E. "· olHklu, Ir. HO.M'1H RIE. J-684'1 Oll.ltl AD\' A...~CE lpaclalty 011• advanced Into new high g'l'OUnd. Including Howitoft 011 &nd THU Gulf. Mlaaourl Paci· Cle Pfd. and Northern Pac!Clc a b· aorb •lock well lq the ralla and are In atlracUve technltal po1lt1on. The madlet'• abaorpUon power la moet conatrucllve;' howevl"r, a period ol further conaolldaUon ts llkt'ly prior to enolher attempt at lhe hight. Meanwhile. Individual luuee may be expected to rt'lapund to newa deve~opmenla. Dow .lone~ I p.m. Avert.CH 30 lndu1trlal1 ....... 484.24 off 1.02 20 R.a\111 . .. • l!i9.87 off 1.1 T 15 Utlllttee . . . 84.70 otr 0.30 1 p. m. volume 1.400,000 va. 1.oeo.000 on Thuraday. New York 1 p.m. 8todl Prl~ Amertcan Telephone . .. . 181 Anaconda . .. .. _.. . 72~ Cbry1ler . • .. _.. . 9R '-. DuPont' .. 242 Genret.l Electrilc . . IU '• Oeperal Motora . .... . . l)O• .. May Co. .. . f l .,_, New York Central RR .... 431~ lllorlh American Aviation . . 6712 Safeway Btoru ..... -....... " ... 48!., Soulhem Calif. Edlaon ..... 61 ~ Southern f.acltlc RR -· 67~ Standard Oil ot CallfornJa ..... 87 Union 0 11 of Calllomla .. 621\6 UI Steel ................................ M AP 0 RT //,rn·~ .. CORONIJ O[L MAJ.' 114Nl/tl~ 1819 NOW 8HOWINO ,,_ Dellll •• J "Re~ Without A Cause'' -pl- "THn·Age Crime-Wave0 'a-.rtMWloaa e Plu.s Now Showba1 Two Feature. Oeor1e lloatc-MrJ "Semlnole Uprlsllacf' Kid's Mat..,Sat. l :"5 ''THE GOLDEN MASK" Next Attraction "The View From Pompey's Head" RalJlh ~,...kt'r -MaTla P:ncU•h -J . (.'arrol N ..... Alto Selected Short.a ·~ "'' ·ENDS SAT. Vaa HdUa ''CCMlftt Three and Pray" -....i- Patrifl ... M~IM "DHI on'the Mil1l11lppl" Sun., ·Mon., Tu-. --·~Sl­fjAIROSM. .. IEMIM.~ Stan. Wed. rru.as sa-tra ~ .. ,_... ''The Tender Trap" A1i1o Selectied Short. VILLA MARINA November Weekly Specials ASSURE YOU OF DINING PLEASURE AT GREA n Y REDUCfD PRICES Mo.clay T11e1day 21 22 Th•nksgiving Dey .... ..., 25 I .. ;; During the •bove u lendar wee~. e;1eept THANKSGIVING DAY, we win serve• NEW YORK STEAK (bone in for flevor) for $2.50. Or, if you prefer 5eafoo<I, our HAL.IBUT DINNER will be $1.50 this wHk. Contiaulng with their policy of detll~aat.iDg ttrtaln of ,...,., ~ dln.nert at a uatty reduced price dwiaat apeclfied pt>riod111 -. .. lndkated aOO \'e \'Ula Marina ~t.aurant often weekly apeclal9 Color TV on Big Screen in lounge e Sports e Drama • Music Thanksgiving Day Menu Iced Reliah Bowl Salted Almond• Coneomme Celestine or Cream of Chicken Soup Toaaed Green SaJad. Special Sour Cream Dressing Ro1u1t Oregon Broad·bl"t'asted Turkey. Oyster Drcsaing. G1blct G ra,•y. Cranberry Sauce .. 3.00 Broi led Center Cut Swordf1ah Steak. M&Jtre d' butter 2.75 Baked Sugar-cured Ham. Cumberland Sauce J 50 Rout Eutern Prime Rlba of Bet'f Au Jui, Yorkshire Pudddsng Bro1l<'d Nf'w York Steak. &rdelauK• Fresh Garden P eaa 4.00 4.50 . nowflake Potatoes Ot Candied Yams with M11rshmallows and Walnuts or Cauhflowt>r Au Grat10 Ice Cream or Sherl>E'l Home Made Rolla and But~r Coffff or Tea Pumpkin Pie. Whipped Cream ' or Hot Mince PiC', Brandy Sauce After Dinner Minta Child'~ 'T'hanksgivmg Dinn<'r available at Call Villa Marina-Harbor 3930 for R.eservationa l 50 The New Honeybffs play for Saturday Dancin9 at VIiia Marl11a "Family NigJ;ts" at Vill e Me rine Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fine Foo'd Budget Priced Supertor Court Judie J ohn llhM had trtlJ Ja ,..._ Weclnetd&y whlJe be and otllfto Oranp Ooea- t y Superior Jud1u ettended a conference on pr.trial rut.. and r"e1'1laUon1 In Loe Anplea. S AC-RlFl<:E pra..:llcklly n-••• IO • lc•I hlnl( floom coc.ll:t&ll to I r_;;;;;;;_;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;, I For Villa Marina reservations phone Harbor 3930. ""wf1rl Roll a--.y bed 112. 20-pl. uquanum 110. Har. 4000 33p3~ 49-RoolD8 for ~l j 1,IVE t~JKE A MlLWONA.lRE on 11!1 11 wHk and up! OCt'MI F'ronl kllchl'nette apt wtlh maid Ir phone aervlt't, TV. Modt'm, t'\'t'·11ppealtnc, ultn<omf~. Nrllr ahopa t.nd mkll. C&l.1 Harbor 9091. UUc Red Hot Two H·3 Iota 4611100 u In &an I •'I• n1 .. nh• l.,t\'el Ir r"ally tu h1111.1 t1n Hoth f~·r 14S.'>0 ,-.u h. I Hll 1-'tlHI 1 VERRINOEK today 11 11 l:ltY r-:'"" :u ;; 3'h:l6 THll BIO mRCURY for '56 fta1 more safety engineered features titan -any otlt~r car In ·Its 'c_la•• I Joll11• la S.. -U.1111 M1rcllrY 900 W. Co•st Highwey -Newport lwh -liberty 1-55-45 ------------------------------------------------------' I -J VILLA MARINA FACILITIES ~R PRIVATE ENTERTAINING ARE .INCOMPARABLE e AVAILABLE FOR LARGE OR SMALL PARTIES .21 The next time you plan a dinner party, luncheon, buffet or c~k~il party, to celebrate a birth- day, annivel"8aT}'. engagement, wedding, reunion, home-coming. bon voyage or "what not ," plC'ase ca.11 Mr. McGW at liarbor 3930. He will adviae you about menus. eervice, decorations, 8C'ttinga, etc. For ama.ll Intimate groups or for large gatheringa the facililiet1 at Villa Manna cannot be IUrpa.ued in the ffart>or are&. INCH RCA COLOR I TE LEVI .SI ON L W. TARTER, t-.lor Tt'dll!Jda.. LAOUSA BEACH 1'74 Broadwa1-tn'att 4·561t • ,• -· · 8~ A WINNER -Mrs. Sam Kinsfather, above. with Skipper Dud Eller, ia re· ceivmg Lady Angler compliment.A for taking the first, largest and ·only marlin caught by the local club this season. The 1351 1-lb. fis h shown , taken in 1 h. r .. 20 min, on medium tackle, gives her the club cha mp1onsh1p. -Kent Hitchcock Photo LADY ANGLERS By STELL (Mn. Ray) MARSHALL McNeal, Tyler Write For Radio Journal An an wit' 1n tht' 1·11111•nl IJ<llUt o< <.:Q, a n1111unAI 1uu1 nal ror 11111lu am11tr111 a 11"1" H T Mc·-1 Now that the fall days are slipping into winter lhe hours N~al. Orl\nii.-c .. a11t t •1tth·l(r In· . . . . • I''' 111•1111 11ntl Hui;h Tylt't, U C C I are packed with hustling and bu•tlmg m preparing for t he •twl• 111. ha 1rnlhur11 Holiday Seuon. I 'l'h., ar11rl1· 11, 1111 .. ,1 "A Modu-1 Theae wa h d f N ... _ f d . l11tor for th .. Nrt\'I•·· T 1111111m 1ttf'r" rm azy ays o ovemix-r are or reaming-11 .. 111 .Mr:'l:•"•I ,.11.J T"I··• "'" wl'll· :which makee you feel like sitting oo the aun-warmed unda ku .. wn anrn tt·u1,. T h··y b•'"' the' .over· looklnK lhe bay and Ju•t Sl r 1 Ba ' I• 11 n11ml>f'11 "61..0J arul K;'1;6C· fceJ \he quJet. A pl-nl lnvlua• 1 "an"' try. and M1• Lav.-CO. Herold I. Johnson lion to hold a rod and rf'f'I while "'~~., 1 Y,~n 1 P:.J'f'r r..;:::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;. your llne drtrta with thf' llilte in "' ...... u I .. 1nia 1 Ma r11hall lbe anllc1pallon of cnnnr1.lin~ wtlh w~a riri1l lu qualify "" !"10 '"''°'" a llvely crn&kt'r lo br,.ak lht•l antJ ruui sp ... -1 .. ,. Al"" l•·n olhl'r tranquil blut walert which M'f'rns mtm~n• q11allf1e•I f"or lhnar ''' to r;row qttlf'l4'r H Um"' you who dtdn l makte lhf' 11~t th•• I raflecl h t h pet -II yea r lakf' ll ft l>l'n \'OUr!I tnJIV ~ w a •• a t-ar rn1ng . ll -.. . · l'rol"'ll•r tlf'paJra ( ·01umtKan and t·~,.,.., AICf'A<"Y PM>..., Harbor 120 !1111 \·Illa "•Y· !'Oe"porl 81"~ habit lhl I ll 1 k h pt< "nc" U1 • vu tu" I v .. ~f'n -pltlt m and rhythm In thf' 11r .. uf __ :._ ___ _:._:._.......:..:..::_ ___ ~~==~~==--=~--=~ • a. u m • wll • 1 t.at1nr; 1t fOf' five y.,.r._ • Lady Anclt'r; ll f'v1dt'n~u ornr :ogHhem ru aa a Mub. Th•n.k.o-MARINC CARIURETORS a·wins aerves to rf'm1nd "" \fJ bt ., dreply thankful for our ut001:1a-1 ~~H -Saft -Part' t lon. One hundrt'd membf'rl 1"1011f'· & STROMBERG Jy drawn togtlh" by • truly GEO J MEACHEM '«re•t 11port -f111h1ng th,. ro-. • • flperat1on. h1rmony. anrl •vmrs· i 2439 W. C-Oast Klghwar Ul:M'rt)• 8-1343 1thl'llo undu1tsndln1t unltt.o ua aa ~------------------------- one bl1 family. I C LITB El,F.CTIO~ ' •' . MARINE NEWS PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS n .• 1 <'Ph•,. I h"lr I l't't11l l 1l 11l11ln( al thf' Ii' ,ye Jen L•li'"" :-: .. "a' 1 .11111111-: Cl'nter . IX FORMATION . Naval Reserve Begins To Enlist 2-Year SailorS Mt'n lnlert'•ll'd In dt'la1l1 or tht• plan <"lln ,;et lcformatlon at the Navy R.c-rulllnc Ofn«. Poet Of· nc~ Bulldtnir. Banta Ana. TM United StalH Nani Re-FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 ---~-----------------------Mrv• hu atut.ed a campatsn to enllat men between 17 and 31 f'ndlly Nov. 18 S•lurday Nov. 19 Sunday Nov. 20 Monday Nov. 21 Tuel!day ~ov. 22 Wettneaday Nov. 23 Thul"9day Nov. 24 TIDE TAILE TlaM HL Rip 10:10 a.m. 6 S 1 :OOJa, m. 3.4 10:441 a. m. 4.9 2:12 a.m. 3.5 11 :32 •· m. 4.6 3 :12 a. m. 3 7 12:39 p. m. • 4.0 • 3 :!14 a. m. 4.0 l :14 p. m. 3.7 4 :26 a. m. 4.4 3 :49 p. m. ~.8 4 :55 a . m. 4.8 5:08 p. )n. 3.8 3!M a..m. 6.57 p. m. 4 :38 .a.m. 8 :45 p. m. !1 :47 a. m. 7 :38 p.m. 7:40 a. m. 8 :32 p. m. 9 :36 a. m. 9:23 p. m. 10:45 a. m. 10 :10 p. m. 11:36 a. m. 10:63 p. m. PAClJl'lC STANDARD TnlJC Y1K8T FULL QllAKTEB MOOS Nov. 22 Nov. 29 (f UST QUA&TS.a Dec. 6 • NEW 110011 Dec. 13 BL 2.1 0.2 2.0 0.5 3.2 -0.7 3.2 0.11 2.9 1.1 2.3 1.2 u u Walten Named Finance Director fleer. will continue In n.ca l munl· c1 pal work here .,. · deputy di· rector of finance. Vaughn D. Wa ller•. 35, Culver Clty'a finance director. Monda y nicht wu hired by city council to be ·Newport Beach Dir..ctor or Fine.nee. Hl1 uperlence. City Man1.4rer J ohn Sallora .. Id, made hlm r ise lo lhe lop of a field ot nine u ndldatea who were 1ereen- ed by out-or-town finance dl- recton and 10me local ortlclala. His date oC employmt'nl will be eer ..cu ve Dec. 1. Gordon Sickler, city fine.nee of· SOUTH WAST 00. Ur.I a Newport Blvd. your l}b~* include6 a Little League baseball field Fish, Game Study SACRAMENTO, (U.P. \ -'Mle 8enat1 Interim Committee on P'l•h and Game announcu lt will make a •r1ea ot field lnapec:Uon tripe and hold bearing• tn the 8a.n Bernardino -lmperirJ COWi· ty area Nov. 18-21. yean of ~ t or two yeara of &c· live duty. Th• camp&lsn la bued on the new • Military Reeerve Jl'orcta A.et of 19~ atrned lnto law by Pruident ElMnhower A~r. 10. Appllc&nta for enHatment un apply at the ne&rut Navy Re- cnliUnl' StatJon or Naval R _. 1erve Tra.lnlnl' Center . .Atter they have •rved on ac~Jv• duty for two yeara they will be returned to civilian lite but will remain mtlDlbenl Of the it.dy ReMrvt for four ,..,... llt:JJDIER Cllutllll J'ollowtnr the two yean on ac· t!ve duty which lltart.t almoat Im· mediataly upon enltaJm•nt. t h e "barpln crulae" Naval Ruervlat mu•t put In three yeara In thf' "drill" Reeerve. ni. mean. at· tendtnr one drill a wttk for three yean and makln&' a two -week summer cnalM aboard Na val Re· aerve lr&lnlnl' ahJpa. The ahrth yeara t.. •pent In what Sa call the "non·dnll" Re- aerve. but with Ule pomlblllty of beln&' ca.lied to acUve duty in an emurency: aro ADVANTAOEll 'l1'e two year1 of activ. duty ottera ~ advanta, .. : • 1 • It ena'C>lea a man to com· llAJUNll UPBOUTEJUNO llOA.T OOVEU BALBOA <lANV AS IUIOP HM-., 2M'/1 Jht ... .. IWPOlT l lACtf In the new Hale crest TURKEYS Prime Br'OIMt -B....W (No• rr.-) BENS Mc TOIU 48c ll&rbor 415 -order hefon Weida !lay P'-t. bta acuve m ilitary 1ervlce wtUa a mlnlraum of dlaruption to ecboolin&' or areer. 2 • It opau Naval RHerve en· llatmenll to men between 18 ~ . Trout wet,rhln1 up to l>O Iba. •re takt n from Pyra.mhl Lake. localfd In a Piute Indian Rtwrvallon tn NeV11da. accol"dln1t to th• National and n . • Automobile Club. 1 Thi• group until now had ~"'I ;--------------barfed from the Ruerve and hi.ti bad to voluntHr for four -year' en- ltatmenta or a...,.lt the draft. Younl' men fn th•• area who enll1t In thla program will rt'- MARINE INSURANCE 8mootla s.lllnl' Oeborae-Yorton RM!ty Co. 1111 W. C-.t Hl1bway u .. rt 1-1Mz BE SURE -INSURE wt'Ut MAU RICE MTA!'t'l.EV IUUl'&DC'e 0.ly Pllone Harbor U'14 UlS E. ('.out HJ~hway Coro-df'I Mar CLOSE VoUJ' A u t h o r la e d T H A I. C 0 •11>e,.lu1t Deak-r ln the Ha~r &l'f\L Brlng your ftbf- 0r• ~lua probleml' to us. Pacific FibeNJlass ~1 "" Ooaal Hwr. Pb. U 1-UU Afrosa from All ·Amer1ra n Mic\ OUT 1955 OUTBOARD MOTORS * BIG ·DISCOUNT * on OU\'E R OUTBOARDS Buy Now -Sa\'~ Now Geocge J. Meachem Sl:WPORT BEACH Hll W. COMl Hwy. Ubo'r1)' 8-1141 NEWPORT DORY FLEET Fresh Fish · I) any From ' .... s.a' to y~ 25~ pound -Cleaned FrH Sold Only the Day CCIUCJht NEVER HELD OVER at the foot of the Newport Pier Roy Carver Pontiac \ In bl'lutlful COSTA MESA Harbor Boukvvd 6 Ba~ Ave. S.ltl •~t1-W1IU1 I lH '•'•P't•"'• lf~•ri't • Jffl I -I Newport Beach Prices so low they'll , amcae you The club r arriu a b11t ltMld &t 0111 lime of lh• yur -lht' "ll"r- tJon of orrtrtT• and lhe lx'>&rd or ~lrt'clor1 and our IOClal a ctl\•ll In 8 peaklnK of ect1vlltr11. a num~• I <if our ardC'nl f111herm1n Rre Join· • Jn11: t ht B•lboa Anglin1t ('lob •roup to fish In thrlr Muall11n I Maritn Tourn11m,.nt wt up Cur .G I GA N TIC On ..... Dec. 2-10 I Our rtahlng 'Ulllln I• rlnor;I during the month of 0f'r f'mll<"r tn tJVe thf' Toumamtnl Rulr11 f't1m· llllllee 1urtlclent lamt In ""f!rt· p te thf' winner' HOWf'\.,.I at tflll tlmf' It Ill p11r lle11llv tn l hf' ~g ea lo whom lht'Y "•II h<' We are prl'1tnlln1t 41 1rnph1"11 t!> the lucky pl11 &I th,. trnphy -•rd be.nqutt tn J an1111rv Th,.rl.' lan't any quf'1llon who will r,.· orlv• the ("tub C:h11 mp1on11hlp. ·1 tdnct Mr& ~11m 1 Dorn~hl"ll I K1n11· -tJjher c11ughl thf' onl\' mKrhn th111 )tflr. whl<"h raltlt "" 111 st. l11ri.t· f!'ll l, •nd only W!'ll!hl t :t~•. lh11 tekf'n on mNl1um t11r klt Al11n Dorolhn 1 .. In hnf' for lh1N• nth· er trophfea. • OREATF.!4T s1·,rnt:R : Mra. A lbrrt • F:dtt h I Jark~nn lead• the 11111 ror 1 hf' greR 1r11t , ri)Jm~r f'll!hl In &11. \\'h11t .on llJ'<"Ompllahmtnl \\',. h11pt A I h11~ • t rut"k. 1'wo 1:1rt~ ll•hn 11rl' nil l'n ID lhf' hf'A•lllnr~ Mt• 1'"111nk 1 !'l•· rl \ Ketlrr. a nti lll ro Ra,. 1 L;h 1 Olll. earh rAIP I h1 ,.,, troph1r11 Other mf'mbns lo qui11if\• !If«' Mrs. Biii l Opal I Dillman. Mra Andy !Thelma I Bnidf<>rd. Mr11 Ctlarlu 1 l.011111 .. 1 Hnr ttin Mr8 Jerry II>orothy l Adam•. Mu Ronald (Vtrn•I Rima lnf'W mf'm· btr Who broke the 11lb•<"orr rtt· ord 27 lb1. 12 lb le~\ llrirl, Mr.o Hull (Dorl•I Powt rs. l\lra. RON (Dtck l Gr~lfy. M111 0 1 .. n t Mar· prel) Sodf'n. Mn Antlv t P hM- bt) .AndrHen. ·Mra O r a em,. l~aryt Smith, Mn . Wallf'r (0oro01y\ Stlf've, Mrii. Kenny CDellllerta) ·Story , Mr11. Douitu Watsoft Wall Do~ END OF THE YEAR 5 ALE SAYE SAYE SAVE on 1955 " Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* Come in and See These Boats Moton Displayed our Showroom and In New 240 h. p •. Fabulous '56 Pontiac • Terms to suit your buclCJef (GMAC or bank) I mmttcliate delivery .all models & body styles At your Friendly local dealer C-ver -where no· overhead, open lot MIHng SAVES YOU $$$$ • Drive In Today for the Savings of the· Year Drive Out the Car of the Year 1400 W. Coa1t Hwy. Liberty 1-MH ' I Newport Beach O~ar W11taon. 1612 Dolphin, told pollc-e Nov. J.0 a 3·fOOl 6K· Uon ot ht• br1rk w all h•tl been I knocked down b)' a Lruck . ~ tn1 •1s d&ma1e. .__. ____________ ~~~----------------------------------------------1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • • • J -· .. • . . THOMPSON MAY PROVE OFFENSIVE SURPRISE AT ANAHEIM TONJGHT Cham pl Favorite; Rate Tan as 2 Touchdown Upset·Mlnclecl Cll&J'U. BelT)' and Jl&ltMcJc Da" Tamura were below par and Ber-- r'J -waa unable to perform at all on def-... 'nlat'a wbe"' Ion ot Scbwtt blirt.1. He wu a defeMI" t.rror. By BILL PHllLIPS After & week ot headac!IM A.n offenaive aurpri1e by. the Newport Harbor High unonl' lrwtn, Lin• Coach John b S U be · at f d • d' S t Le McGowan and Backfteld Mentora Sc ool a ors may m ore or eAen mg unae ague 81ama and BllJ Bemau. tJ\.ey han champion Anaheim in La Palma Park tonight. Quarter-decided that their be9t d'etenat" back Gene Hubbard ia expected to 11fart the game in place unit wltllout Acltuttt will line up 1 G Schuitt b B d Th like tht. tonlfbt: Enda Btu Lamb of injured regu ar eorg~ . • ut u · ompson may and Neu Metcalfe; Tacklea Jim t-1ce over direction of the eleven hi• rectivera with unerrlnJ a ccur-Taylor and Dick Nabor•; Middle •hortly after th• 7 :30 p. m. kick· acy Wadneaday night., Guard O.ry Deem; Llnebackera ott. Irwin credited h.ls charrea with Paul Lorentzen, Berry &nd Jerry Thompaon became a 11urprlee "the best three daya of workout• camael; Deten1lve Halvea John 1trnal caller tor the Tara. Wed· before any game this yea.r" when 'Hopkins and Tom Niquette a.nit neaday afternoon In an emergen· he d l1mlued t,hem late WednH· Satetyman Thompaon. cy mOYe brou(ht on when third day evening. "We:ve ·worked YOU Cont.a.lnlnr Ule neet O>tonlat 1trlng Quarterback Stan Schones harder than at any time thl• an· backa, with emphut. on MJckey apralned ~ ankle. A Junior •. like eon." Irwin t old them, "but we Flynn, I• the chore facing thla Hubbard, Bud 1larted off as a have not het.rd one complaint. I group of Tart1, many ot tKem hav- quarterback at flrat of the 1ea11on. want you to know the coaching Ing to go both waya. In vtew of but w .. aoon moved l~halfuck staff appreclatu that." the cold fact that Anaheim hu and defen1lve Htety duties. And then Irwin added: ''Thia I.a not bci>n held under two tout h· . PINE PEBFORMANCE the one we want!" downa all 11euon, this wlll require -But when called on to return "Aa thlng'S" stana. tf the Tars a supreme tffort. With· Berry, to th• ball handUnc alol Wednu-do.,•t want to finish in third place Tamura &nd Hopkins toting the day, he &mud C«>;ach Al lrwl.J'l In circuit 11tandlng11, this 111 the por:khlde and the pau anag,;..nc and hi• ataff with <the excellence one they have to win. The Sa.nta of Lorentzen, the Tara flKUre to of b1I performance. Alway• a Ana Salnt..8, who upnt the Sallon acore. They haYe not been shut cool, calm ball player. ThompllOJl 13-12, hnve completed their loop out thla aes11on, a nd ooly Flynn could make Lhe difference lh&t M'l\AOn with tour triumph•. a 32·7 hlmfflt top1 Berry tn Suneet Lea· would sJve the champa a run !or Joas to Anshelm and a acoreleaa gue acorlng. tJleir money. Ue with Fullerton. REGlTLAB BUNCH Alter the final hard workout A ·1011 from Anaheim -and Vp front Ofl offenae for the for I.he Anaheim game, Irwln the champ• are two touchdown Ta,·s, It'll be the tried and tn.ie &aid, "lt'a becom• a toea-up be· f&Yorltt -will mean a third bunrh who have carried S&llor tween Hubbard and Thompson at place flnlllh for the Tar11. Victory hopea major portion of th11 year: quarterback." over the Colontat.s would mtafl a ll:nd11 Lorentzen and Chuck Van· Becktleld Coach Dqn Burn• re· :1-1 deadlock tor 1.op 11pot. Such a dervort : Tackle1 Larry Harper ported Hubbard's ball handling triumph would wl~ out that .and Jim Runny: Guarda 8amMI pve Gene the edg~. but Thomp· Sa.Int aetbe.r k and five the Goba and DMm, and Center Jack llOft'• "qulclcneea and dealrC'" the Southern California prep up-Smith. I ht th Hl Of the RUOn. Anaheim w1U outwetrh Ule m I prove e declc!lng tactl""" For a fr&y like lhi1, compara-Sailors on the otfenslYe line wtth &ElllAL EDGE Uve •cores can be thrown out the a 171 avera~e compared to the Another Item which may enter w indow. But the underdog SaUora Tara' 186. The local fladlat.or• tonight'• pre·pm• ·choice be· will have to wileash their beat ef· outweigh the champa In the back· tween the two boys la the paH· tor t of thie season. Individually field, 183 to l~2. Demo1dr1tio1I 01 Satard1y . Nov. 191~ FIND OUT . For Y our .. lf · -at- Vlnce11t'1· . Udo D11111 PACTOIY IXPIRI wlll ahow yov how . . you can ahave clo1er ancl deoner wltll SHAVEMSIER e INTlllLY NIW SHAPl-..... r-to•hm .. • """9 TWICl·Al·WIDI HHcl • Compact, Powerful llAL Motor Find out for yoarscU bow J09 caa ,. • ,._; doiii - ahan in lea time chaa aay otbet ••1• Dio.bc Id Alp .,.o..r oat aban ud visit oat ltlOn. By lpedal ....,.. menta witb tbe manufaauru .. will Mft a•"' m.aAU apctt ha oat store fw tbia drooea•m a. him demoiuuace $bayem•ew oa all en-ol.,... l'AIR OF TOP TARS -Arm cocked to throw that porkhlde ia Quarterback Gene Hubbard. who may start for Newport Harbor High School'• eleven against defend. ing Sun&et League champion Anaheim i.11 La Palma Park tonight. Blocking for him is 'Tackle Jim Taylor, scheduled to aee plenty of defenBive action against the Colonists. These boys were named Sailors of the Week for their performance in defeating Orange 21·7 last Friday. -Staff Photo Jn1 ability of Thompaon. Hubbard a.nd coll.cUvely. Startinr often.Ive Colonial Une- la not the aerial artlat that 8 chu· Unfortunately. they wtll be at up with number. &nd welfhta: Ill la. but Thompaon may be u their weakeat since the HunUn1· Left End V•m Weanr (31) 180: t;ood or better. BUd wu h itting ton Beach game when Fullback Left 7ackle Gene Morford (SI) --------------------------183; Lett Gue.rd Ed Chambera •20) 180: Cenlu Jerry Jrtel 1221 ;,:1; Riehl Guard Don Abbott 32) 176; Rtfbt Tackle Chet Oink· tr 142) 176: Rlitht llnd Gary 1;rederlck 140) 182; Qua.rterbaek Of'orge Dena ( ll I 1'6; Lett Halt Mickey Flynn 126) 180; Rlrht Half Don Penfield (16) 1411 and !Pullback Joe Av1Ua (2-4) 160 . ;: IMAYIMAl1IR OWWI • •••• BEST SHOW 1' ar B's Lose But Produce Great Play Climaxing their best .grid- iron showing of the season with a sensational iO yard pass-run play for a touch- down in the final seven eec· onds r of play on Davidson I f ielcf yesterday afternoon, Coach Chet Wulffs Newport Harbor High School B Sail- ors held powerful Anaheim's lightweights to a 14-7 victory. It marked the Sunset League finale for-the lo('al B's. KCHUNE8 FL.IP I W ith the b11ll nn their own 30 yard hnr anf1 thf' rtork llC'kin~ out. T11r Quarterba ck J im Srhone" tailed tor " long j)eave. He •Pot· LOCAL GRIDS . IN LAST LOOP GOES TONIGHT Going Into tonlgh\'a fool· ball game11, the Orans• CQut Colleg'e Plratea are In an Ea11tern Conference deadlock tor third place and the New· port Harbor J:Uirh Sch 110 I Sa,tlora are In Sunset League aecond 11pot. The Pirate• l rav· el lo Riverside for their final circuit oullng and Uie Tan t'tiR<I Cor An&helm'a La Palma Park. li:Ut""n Conrerenr.e 11t.and- in!f1!: Fullerton and Mt. San A ntoniq 4--0: Orange Coall Colleg-e, Santa Ana, San Ber· narrllnq a.nd 'eti"rtty. 2·3: RI· ver~lfle 0·4. Sunael l .• ugue standings: Anahalm !'i·O: :->l"'1>0rt Bar- bar 4·1, Sa r1ts An8 4·1·1: F\JUnton 2·2·l . HunUJlgton Bt•Rc:h and Gsrdcn Gron 1 ·4. ilfnd Orange O·!'i. te.J F.n<:I Stew Btf\i out In (1 v111 Thotnas Baby lorn of 'ht' 1\n&hPlm !111frly111ftn and thrf'w lhRl pigskin almost 40 y111ds In the air. Beu gathered It In nu lht rival 32 and rom~ l.J'lto thr t•nd ;r;on" ell the g'\Jn Mr ~d Mn . Robert Tbomu. 909 28lh St . Co11ta Mell&. 11re the parenl.t of a boy baby born Nov. 1:1 In H Olll:' Ho.•plt11l. blasll'd f'n d o( lh~ fray. F'ullbark R1>d \\'tlMm. the Sailor run Into tht ?'ewport Harbor end 1troiniz nun 11r tbr mlcl<llr. ran 1 ione In lhf' tlltn1 11t&n:ta by Rudy that porl<hlllc around t'nd ror the I Lo~;r; waa called back on n c.Up· con,·er~1nn 11n<l wha t amounted to p111g penalty Olhf'rwl!tt'. WulfC's a mnr11l \'l1 torv ror th .. local lads. bo:t outplayed Anaheim lo the M· c·1.o~t~ <JAMIE cond htClf. Rl\'AL TDS Twice lhry <'&mt' wrthln acor· Ing dl11•11nte at othrr point• In Colonllt tall'e" t ame on a 10 thr, cnn(h<'\, r-nrtrataniz ~; th f' ye rd ru~h by Jrs.oi Hurtado e&rly Colnni>' I ~ In lhf' final 1reond• 11n the f1r~t quarter and a 30 ;.-ard or lhr rtr~t huJr 11n. ti slamming to romp b~· t"°pez H11rlndo ae t lhl11 j th" Annht!m 4 yud line In lhf' !ttond 1cor .. up. inten:eptln1t a th•r•t ']Wirt.er They wne lh• l Schonu llPI lal c1n hu own :s:i and cit••'!' tn the B loop upset nt th<' 11prlntmg lo Lile Ne,,.'Port 30. ,,,ii,...,n I Pas.~e1 rrom Jnhn Mardonald 'to Two1 n\•al TDs in thl' fir11t per· tnnnis Dant"els en•I T ony Najera IO•I 1:r1·1•:l'd tbr tll!!llf', A 6-:1 ya rd act·ountcd fnr thf' Plltni potntJI. DID YOU KNOW that drivinCJ a new 1956 CH~YSLU can gin• a ' exhilaration aeU whfla Quttn" hy r;n.admother the samt! fttUng of n~rtf'n<'td by lonly Shelby Tun· abe wu choeea "Hotn4'-Comin& Newport Harbor Hhth~ RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SKA.LL %30 30tJI 8&., Newport 8-cla llarbatr WI .. Harbor Boys' Invade Laguna Grids Saturdn - BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor n.';0~'!·~\'::'. ~~d .:!~:r ~:; NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 Cklb Invade Laguna Beach tomor· FRIDAY, NOYEMBER 18, 1955 row m ornlnr tor a aertee of _ iramH on ~he high achoo! field. p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, l..Aguna waa severely trounced In early MUOI\ llU!IU by UI• lo· r.ala but haa ahown Improvement In later oulln&s. 'J'wo weeks ag they routed HUJltmglon Beach, the Mme g-roup ot team11 which gave Harb<>r 80~·11' Clubbers a rouc h t ime lut weekend. The boys will leave at 9 a. m. a.nd r-ttturn at 12!30 p. m . All but 23 mlle11 ot Oregon'• rouUlne 111 public properly. ac· c-orillnr to the N"&Uon&J. Automo- bile Club. Every Saturday Night ' Billy Arthur's Orchestra .f'UbUc lavtted · 50e per penoa Newport Harbor Lepon Hall 15th St. a& Bay Fron& 0 PEN· BOWLING All clay Monday Th~ru Friday Startlnt at 9:00 a.m. Open All Night Friday & Saturday Day & Night lowllng Sundays VAN'S a·owLING 1'70I Superior, Cotta Meea BILL KLOTZ, Mgr. This wHI STOP You Special Pschase makes this possible r---BRAKE RELINE s179s, FOID -CHEVROLET AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUARANTEED TOP 9UALITY LINING . FREE 1000 MILE CHECK· UP CourtneY & ·Lester 1596 Newport llvd. C0sta Mesa u 8-1197. I' Ha ... en-Watson SPORTS CAB CENTER • .r..,aar. MO, Alfa ~ AuaUa ll-17, AaaU., Monte A•Ua Ea1Uall Ford Nr.W CAR' sAJ..Es a SERVICE • CLEAN U81!lD C,ARS lmported A Dom•ttc Don't 008TA MESA I 8ANTA ANA LJ~rty ~1 Kl !.OT6C ltH Har. Bl. !HI 8. Mabl High Quality Prllrli;nj-Ph. Har. 1616 - 1 HlAll\ I • .BEFORE YOU MESS-UP SOMETHING REMEMBER NOIODYI I•, NOIODY, can make you a letter Deal on a 1956 CHEVlOLET or OLDSMOllLE than your LOCAL DEALER for the Newport Harbor-Costa Mesa area, MILLER CHEVROLET CO. I • Check All These Addltioncil Aclvantacp1 v Our Lower Prices v v Our ·our Payments GM'-AC· Interest ·v Our Lower Lower Higher Better Trade-ins v v Service Our Our More Friendly Interest You and Your Satisfaction the Sale • '" After I We WHI le LooldttcJ For You Soon \._ ·Miiier Chevrolet Co •. •Y- 1.000 W. COM& Rwy Newport S.Cb "The Bart of Automobile Row" ' I ' .. , ''THE SKEPTIC'S DEDICATION." a Thanksgiving drama written by Mrs. Leah Langer and directed by Mrs. Holly Lash Viael, will be 15resented Sunday at 7:30 p. m. in Balboa Island Methodist Church. Again at the' ume hour on We'&>esday in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at the'union Thanksgiving service of the Council of Churpbea. Pastors, churchmen and women and children will participate, and thr~ choirs. Among them are, seated. Nancy Loy, Mrs. P. F. Baines, Jane Loy; atand- ing, Jean Smith, Jimmy Barnett and Dick Elsner. -Staff Photo I !Soul & Body iSermon Topic •Ble• the Lord. O my 110111: and a)I that la w1thin I~ hll boly naae;• 8tnf• the P111lm ist in ~ Golden Tut of the Leeson· Bermon on "Soul anJ Ro1tv" In 1111 Chrtalian Science churches Sun- d&y. 1Paalm11 103:11 The need to glo1·1fy Cod In our body u welt 811 in our 11ou1 &n<1 "•plrlt la accented by Jl'~u:o wht>n • )la healed lhe man. w ith thP w11 h· "•red hand. Lude'.e Qoqp..i 1 6; 8.10 I n lat .. Ulat he comm1rn<1ed the n an to "Riff up. anrt at and fo1 th la the mldat. A nd h1• srnse and lrtood forth ••• And lookinJI round -about upon lht'm all. ht' :0111d unto the man, St.retch forth thy hand .And ti. did ao: l\lld hlM hand w1111 rNtOrt'd whole u th ,. nt her " · Jn "SC'len('e 11n<1 II Nd th with J<ey to the Scrlpturts" Mary Ba- )rer Eddy aay•. "L1k.-t he i:rl'11t Eaemplar, the healer i. h o 11 I rt wpeak to dlM'&&e u on<· hRvini: e uthortty over It, 1.-1wl11g Snul to in11ter the false ev1dt'ntt'~ or th" corpor-1 11411\aea and lo aHsert 1U1 claim• o•er mortality snd dis· u se." ''Man ls hsrmonlc>ui1 whf'n s ovrrned b>j Soul." (pp. J!l5. 273 1 Founder Speaks at First Baptist Cbaplaht 0 e or 1 • Weidman. foun<Mr ot lh• Flrat S.pUat Church al ltlh St. and W. Bal· boa Bhd .. Will be the guest 11ptak· er a t U>. momt nc wor11hJp 11erv· lee ..... ....,. .t u o'elocllt. OapJdl w .. aa.a. I• now .. n .. mi at "9rt JUley. K11n11. l!und11y W1ff" 81*> be Roll Cart day for all membera or the churrh. Chul"Clh School will b"gln at 1:46 L m. with cla~11 for all age11. 8unda.y nen~ eervlce u al 7 o'clock with the Rt-v. Herlx'rt c . ~ohn80n speaking-on !hi' subftt'l, •our Pllgrlma1te of Tho.nk11". ' Mld·w.k prayl'r nw rtlng wlll '8 a l T p. m. Wt<1nud11.y. Corona del Mar Congregational ·, auJ PAGE l'-PART I~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 Organ Program Sunday at Little Church by Sea Ol'glnnllll( at 8\'ven o'clock nl'xt Bach Toccata and Fugue In D $unt111.'' l•\•e111n.1:. :'\vv. 20. lit The minor, and a epecla.I srrangement Little t'hu1< h by thl' S""· t·o1 ner of the aecund Hu.ngarlan Rhap· 11( Lc~1on and Through Su .. 1n !IOdy by Mr. Mills for the organ. 1~ag11ml 13, ach, a well phtnnPd Brance Edwards, tenor. will be n111~wul 111uKfa lll will h,. i.:lvl'n. elnglng "How Lovely Are •Thy Tht• "''"' organ will be d"tl11·11te<l Dwelllnga" 1<11d "The Lord'11 Pray· tu I h<' '"'I vke 11t th,. l.C•I cl by 1•r" by Malotte. Edwarcl11 Is a the ~ev. F'rank 1.. Uowdl gospel !linger ot noll' end has Ha1 1 y (ol M1ll11, uri:nniiil of I tnwelcrt with many evt'ngellsllc note' and wrll known In LoM An· ~ams as Wf'll 8S being well· ).!l'I<»! ior his nrnny bt'1111t 1ful 1·on-known nn m1rnv radio pr·ngrsma ""rts. will be gu .. Ht ori,;ambl. In· ror his bt>1111tltul tenor vo1ct". eluded In the concert will be the An mvildtlOn Is exttnded to U niversalists to Hear About Lord Buddha COftUaulns Ole NrlM or eer· mona on pract.lcal mea.ta(H from IA orld religions. the Rev. Freder· 1r~ Rlnge will J'fl'llr h <m lhl' l'On· t r1bu t1nn nf Buolrlhl~m In his al'r· mon 11t the Un1vn1u1ll11t Com mu· nlty Fellnw11h1p Ctn 1'ov. 20. The m1ni~ll'r 111 111110 prtur hlni: " ~r- 11's of r h1ltlft'n's ,..-rmonl!I on the life 81\tl lt'8<'hln~ nf JP,.US A II f'hllil1 rn inrlu•l•'fl 10 thf' Fel· lriw~hl p nrr urgr1I In h•• r1•'lll'nl t•ac•h SltndA v lo hl'lp phtn the Cbrl.slm1111 proi:111m ""hJch will lake p 1111' 1• on Dec:. 18. The Adult Sunday 11c·hool cla11" will continue ll11 1ll~c ""~Ion •In w11y11 and me1tn11 lo ht'lp ml'n an<I wo- tn<'n 111 ~tale p1 ""n~ llunng lht'lr '""''"' m enl al! well as arter tht!1r everyone lo comP An(I l'njoy thl1 mw11cat treat. !-'or turthl'r lnfor- m11t 1on. caJI H Yalt .f -3~96. Four Services Will be Held at B. I. Church Four Thank11glvlni;-11t1rvlces of Wl.'1 i.h1p &rf' to be h,.ld at I he Bal• boa lsland <'<,mmunily Mttho· d111l Church wtthln lht' next week. Rcco1tll11g to the Rev. Uonald O. SB pp. ' Thank11g1vlng Sum1ay 111 Com· lbunlly Churr h tn Corona ,Jel 1't sr re-l,..A~•"· Tlk F ellow.,h1p mcl't.~ eAch "1:111 be obNrved with a 11pef'lal Sun ls y mo1 11in1t 11t l ht> 1-:t.il'tl Club offenng taken to help with the Hn"""· 616 w. Hatboa Blvd st 1'wo Sunday mom inK 11l'rvicea Arr ""' fur 9 30 and 11 0'1;lock. ' 0T h11nk11i;::1v1ni:: \\'Ith Th11nksllv· lnii " 111 the i.1•r mon l op11· At the early l!ervll'e> C'hurch School r hil· drPn w111 r11ocrs11 to the altsr of the church with J!l fta of to•wls ror nl'edy fam1hr1 They will be led by two ch1ltlrl'n dreHt'<I 111 early Ami:rlcan i;::arh, Rohf'r\ :'11.-Rly Hnd :-;arn·y li11rk. A -pe1·lal th11nksg1v- 1ng i.Cfermi: will ~ rrce1v"d at !)(,t h lll'rVl('t'8. Or1 S unday ev1>ntn1t at 7 30 pm. snc.ther service wyl b<• hrld. wh1rh tncludf'tl the pn·~· ntat1011 <'! 11 rthRl011~ drama, "Th•• Skep· lil''P 0Pdl!'8tl0n •• ~ourhlh MThl88ioRn prEodirramC'orC t hkr 10 :to frt1 l'un•l11v •tho<>I ""'I 11 ,... n: . e ev. win nm , Ma cho8en iu his 11e1nw n lo ie, " "' f•lf 11\nrnini: w411sh1p Our- •J · p r .,_ k .... p "I "'I! the l'undav achuul pe1 iod lhe t'SUll rayt'r o , .. an 11g1v1ng. r·i 1 1 ··J· h A 1 -"" The King Davit! I boya 1 Choir 1 m 11 r P· 0 nny PP r~e.,,... A l!'pec1al llt>rvlce "' \)l11nkllR'IV· Ing will be !'onduck ·I 11t !l 11 m. on Thanlugtvlnir Dey and Pilgrim I flr~ I Choir w I 11 w1U be 11h0wn to the chlldrt n. parU c 1 pal f' 1 n the morn Ing wo r • p;;.::;:::;:::.:::;:::;::;;;:;;;.;::::;:=..;:::;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;::;;;:;;;::;;;::;:;::::;:::;:;:::;;;;. •1r 11ervtct'. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE The Senior P llg-nm Ftllowshlp pcup ha• b<'f'n mvllNI to attend a Than.lc8flVlnir wor•hlfl "n<I pn1 • l y lime a l Llll(Una R1"a r h :-;.,11rh· boc'hood Church at 7 fl m . Par· lllla w111 provide tr11 n •p111 ta lion. Ernest Holrr.ea, founder. author of ."Science of Ml111.l " SUSDA \:' SER\'ICES 11 Lm. clonlor Church and Nu.nery Care 11 a.m. """· lrl11 Tu.rk, M'lnlpter LAOt':S.o\ BEACH ART O.o\.LLl:.RY HYatt f-'728' 307 Clltr Or. You Are Cordially Invited to attend f he first public showing of the BIG NEW STUDEBAKER T11e1clay, November 2~ 1955 JOE NICK ERTZ N~wport 8ftM:1' 3836 Nfl•-port Blvd. (at f'Dtl"MK\le to Udo) / Harbor 510 . .. .NEWPO.RT M·ETHODISTS ARE 1'hanksgiving MAKING NATIVITY SCENE Observances at 1111J 11 I 111 Mi ll II J Rullt r 1~ l'hw. h ~·. ho.11 Ill(' ts f'ai·h Sun· choir d11 rr1vr. 1u,1t Mrs. Omer Ja· d11y at 9.30 11 m wllh clae•<'• for eoba I• tl'9 cbl&l"cll orsaatlll. 'Ibe all a&d. Senior \'oulh F.Uowehlp &11Ulern by the Baftc:tuary Choir tor )'<MUii Pf'OPle mHlJI al e W1ll be, "Pn.iaa th• Lord, O J u-• loclt uaalem;• W1U. a eoprano aola. by o c each Sunday •••laa' tn Srver&J l'roupa at Cbrlat Church by lb• Bea are partlclpal· "'-in a project to prwpe.re an out.door ctuiltmu acene to be ~.ct 1n troet ot lba chun:tl nnnc ~ ChrUtmu MUOG. Llte-a!Md ftl'UrM ol the Nallvtty ~n• are baf.nc pNpand. The Initial dtai.I' work wu done by H~-.Arthur. th• cutUnc ot the dea6rn• wu d011• by Ralph Wal.ilan and Jack Looney. Boy Scout Troop II. tpon80red by the church, and lha SenJor Youth Fellowahlp &H ualat1ac wttA ttna1 preparation and palntlrlc of the f11'J ..... The Woman'• Society of Christian 8en1ce hu prcwtded the hravy plywood froan which t.M fl(W'e• are conatructed. WM.n complet~ the acene will be proparly placed and llchted t o be lffn by eJ1 who pue the churcb alone Wut Balboa Blvd. Christian Scientists' Thanksgiving Service ... Christ Church ........ ot Tllanbci'ftq wtll be 1....-..ct w. 8\IAday at Cbriat Cllurcll By the a. lD N.wport lleaola. Tbe mJ.Ds.ter, the .J\eY. a.y A. C&Non. wtll speak on UM U....t ... lq Pra1M To OOd." 'lb• --wW be b&aed on lba cllurelt'• )a,Jmn-ot·lhe IDODtb by tbo -• ume. Tbe 8ADctuu7 aioi, will ... U . a..tb monlDs Mnkea. t :IO Mn. WlW. J"ltld.a. Tile Chonliar ~ell ttall. Thia Sanday evtn· thotr for jUlllor youth WUI ms. Inc Unda SUllwell will a..d a "We ThUlk 'J:bee'• by U cbt. 'l"b&nUrtvtnc devotional aervice. "SWEDEN" ~~l~1.11 BJerdla l'utilff, Nurator 11 ..... 811M11aa• Dalanaa, .._ ,.,.._. _,..,_.... ......_ ~ 1..-, ,.,..t.,.., ..a.tac. , .... ..adal' elhlclM'-.., mporb •1.nti..i Oot..., Mid_.,....,~ ... NEWPORT KIO. SCJBOOL. II-. l itt, Nov. 11 -Prtcea: f:IO.,, .M, 1.16, 1--...a offtee llic"t of Naa ........ '" ...... ................... .......... Tbe Thankaglvlnl' day MTVlce of the Chri1Uan Science church lncludn a L4!a80n-Sermon partl· eularly prepared for the occu lon on the aubject "Thanlugtvtnc." purpoaeth in b1a heart. 80 let b1m (IYe; not grud(tngly. or of nw- eaalty 1 for Ood IOVt!th a cbMrfUI giver. And God UI abl• to mab all grace abound toward y°"" ' ........... ...._~ .....,.......,_,....__ -M •lftla ....................... .. .. -~ r # I Thank1givtn1 Proc.lamatlon1 by the Preaident of t h • United States, or by the Oovernor of the Slate, or both, will bti read u a pllrl of the Hl'YICl'. Aftt'r the opening Scriptural rea ding. prayer. and hymna, the 11ermon wlll commence with the O<>lden Text from P"1llma (97:12) "Rtjolce In the Lord, ye right· eou1; and give thank• at the re- membrance « hi• hollneu." Amonlf the, Bible eelecpona are these words of Paul to the Corin· thlanll. "But thls I aay, He which eoweth sparingly ahaJI reap allO 11paringly; and he which eoweth bountifully ahall reap alao bounll· fully. Every man according u he For Baha'i Study Baha'l11 and gueiita gathered u a luncheon atudy group at lhe home M Mr• Edward Mirkovich lut Thureday. Preunt w •re Mmes. H. A. PerTy, Leo Rovin . Harry Cu•tafaaon. Helen ROiie. Albert J ohnson and Edward Mir- kovich. (ll Cor. t :ll-lh "Chrtallana rejoice to ..cret beauty and boUnty, bidden fl"Olll the world. but known to God," reade a correlative P&Ma&"e from "Science and Health wt~ Key to the . Scr1pturl'I" by Mary Baker Eddy. It contlnuu, "Practice not profe111lon, underatandlnc not be· lief, gain the ear and right band of omnipotence and they UllUJ'- edly call down lnflnlte bleaalnp" (p. 1a1. A period will be aet aside tor the glvtnr of tuUmonlea by Chr111llan SclenU.t.a a ppropriate for the occu lon. FIB8T CRUllOB OF ClllU9T 8CIENTl8T 1• Via l l... N..,,.rt kadl A br .. ch of Th Mot~., Chu•ch, The fmt Q.,ch af CWlll, k ltltfl•t. la ....... M.- cltw .. lh. S..•d•f kliMI ''" ... ... s...dlf s....1.. 11.• .. ... .... _" .......... w..ti.e -•• ~ ... I""'"' •-i.c.194 et Ull lfla U•. N-...,t lffch h •-••.. """ .._ IO:tl t "'· te i• 111 "" Wt,,_d•)'I ,__ 10:00 •·"'· lo 1:41 "·"'·• frl"•' •••• 1 +. t. -Clo••d Holid•Vt. n.. .... ~lie lo eer"1ally ltMto4' .. ......,, :::...~·" ~..... .... -.... .,,., .. BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A Ja:SA CHAPEL 1741 Superior Avenue Coata Me ... C&lit. CHAPEL BY TBJ: DA 3620 E. Coaat BlYd. Corona del Mar, caut. • Phone Liberty 1·2121 P hone ll&rtlor d BAY NURS.ERY FALL CLEARANCE SALE! e 8&arta Today aad CoeUD-tllnl Suada1, Dec. • e Buy Quality Plenh Now et Reduced Prices And have your plaata Mt&bll9hed bf Sprlnc AU of our LARGE TREES ~ lncludlng'Reci Bay, ltallan Cypl'flllla, Mal{Jlolla. Palms. .Junipers, etc. SOUTHERN MAGNOLIAS 1 pl CAROB TREES . ..... ...: ........ 1 pl To 16().00 s 4.!iO .90 L50 1.00 .80 Off .,, '3.95 .80 CAMELLIAS, many beet variettee 1 pl. DWARF GINGER ... . ......... 1 K&L DUSTY MILLER ·-·····.. ·-···· .. -·-1 pl. HIBISCUS. in many colon ···---···l qt. (Only for protected locaUon) ...... 5 gal. PODOCARPUS .. .............. ···-··-··· 1 gal. QUEEN PALMS .............. ·-·-······· 5 pl. OLIVE TREES . ..... . . ........ . 5 gal OUTDOOR PHlLODENDRONS 5 gal BA..'IANAS To 4.00 .90 6.95 5.50 5.UO To. 12.!iO 1.20 • 60 .60 ~ Off .GO 4.50 S.95 S.75 ~ Off 485 E. 17tfl St., Uberty 8·5026, Costa Mesa An Important. Part Since the beauty of the family'a mem- ory picture depends, largely, on the professional work performed, we, at the Perkes-Ridley Mortuary, pay special .,. ettehtion to this im portant part of uur service. We might even say that profes- sional work is THE most important part of our service. _ PAR~f.~~~pLEY a u ... n 8·3431 u .Sewu,. =-= .:.."T tAlt~·~ ......,,1roo KU ~f MM:M • COIONA Oft MM " . ., . -:1 ., ..... , ... • . .... . ..__ ... , , • ·-. .... " "c••••• ·~ ~ ., .. ' ........ 0. ft ,< . " ...... .. , .. ...... w •• I I-..... . .. , .. .. ._ .. .... H"'.__.._. ·~ ..... ~ .. ·--~· ._ ...... " .. ·-....... " .. ,_, .. .... " -,,,, .. ... -..... " ·-II II U .. _ -..... .. -u ,,. . ·-",. " ._ . " " ·-" -....... .. , ... .... ,,, ___ , , ... . t H It " .•. ,_ ,,,, . --.. ,. . ··-, ... . ·-.... . . ... •••MC"•~ t lt\I tO<ilft .... ' .... " ... """"' ·~ .... ... ........... 't ~'{ .. ~~.-r-----. ,,._,, .. _....._ l ···:~ ' . , " Nearly H centarlea •co, • l'll&ft named Al&IU•tlne ' ~IHd In a Roman c:olon1 Ira Africa. He WH nin, 1reed1, lu1tful-4a tact, few mea han been ,,.. 'K;- eaemplary. Th•n. when In bla earl)' tblrti.H , ht ~ '/ ti.cu to be lncrauincl1 dl ... tlafted with ble Hie. '; ' ~ '·e One da1, fH1181 part1c.iuf1 miMrable, he w111t t : t )z Into hie carden and wept. While •••Pinc, he heard. "· ~ from a Mlchborlnc houM. th• •olce of a child aa1-~ .. • Inc a1ain aftd qain. "Tall• up •ad read. Taka up ~ alld raad." { Stnicll b1" tlMM word&. Aq11atlne wnt to hi• <· .,' room. openllt bl1 Bible, and read. Aftd when he had • • ftni.btd readlnc tlM lurni111 point ln hi• life ha( ' been raachad ud ,....S ud be wu a man tRM· formed. ~ Tbroqh tM c.-.rl" -a and -• ha•• Y.1. ~ 1-to tha Bible Melriftl, and ha" -• awa1 i'J? ~ .. \ with their anawer. Por In no other book It there \ THI CHUICH roa AU ... AU FOi THE CHUICH n,. C111.,ch '" Ito. 0, .. 10 ,1 loc- IOr °" tO#lh loi lhe bu•ldon11 0 j ..... .., ... -.d 9ood Clll .... 1h1p h " o 1torehou1• o' 1pw11uol "olue1 W11hou1 " ""'"0 Cl>urch. nouher ••ocrocr nor ct••haohon cei eur•iw-e Th.re ore lour I01.1ftd -Why ... ,\' per-llhoulct Ollofld H IYICH t99wlerly and "°'' 1he Church Tho ,.,. '~:') ror 11 .. own ..... 12) '°' '"' cl1tldr.... ...... 131 ror the ..,k. el h1t ... ,...,,,IT ..,d not-(4J r°' ihe to~• ol the Chur<h 11Hll whoclt .,.9dt hta -•ol ..,cl •o: 191.al tupp0rl l'tar. to 90 lo chui<h ••vulorly ..,d ••Gd 81blo doilr ro"' ~ a11ch tnath, wisdom. and pr~ That la why the ~' American .alblt Society ha• bHn at worlr for more than a ce11t11W7, brlncl119 the Bible to mllllo111 of ' • • n., .... ~ .. ,., v-. f,-'•, ..... Lwh 4 < persona In more than IO cCM1flltrl.., ttanalatl ... It ( ~ ~x ~Into hundred• of aa......,.a. R < -The Bible II tttrJ'Wher•, ,.. .. for a. uk1 ... : ~ ~ ; Take It ....-.nc1 rMd. i -., ... 1... JI ~·, .. } T1-~,. 1 .,..:::-·,IT._..., I "" .... ., . "•Hn.w 4 .. r ·•I l'Oi0< I •••• , ' ..... 1.. I It ....... ,_;., i •1-... . -~'t ···--:.?"''·.._ ___ ....., _____ J • --tt _._ ~ ._..'.# 411 • • ~~ •.,l'_.flf,_-: ~'1~·--'!'-••··~~ .. ••"'":!S t/a.' This Church . Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms .. The Island Patio Resta .. nt HOWARD'S RESTAUlANf SOO Marine Ave • ILANCHE IENZ Tb• Yarn Shop Chart-A-mble--Block A in.truct SOS~ Marine Ave. Barbor 0880 CUSTOM AUDIO Public Address ~ Hl·Fl -Tape Reeorden U S 29th St. Newport ~ Harbor 1506 GEORG~ M. GRAHAM Rug• and Carpets Coffee Shop -Open 24 h our a SM5 W. Cout Uy. (at. Balboa Co\•es) Barbor 3X20 Lan Woodworth Piano Co. Complete Une of N~w & l"11ed Planoa 2610 E. Cout ..... ,.. Harbor 5382 ELITE IEAUTY SHOP Under the New Managenmt'nt' of Mr. Pat 804 Mart.De Ave. Harbor 1827 H. H. HOLBROOK DePt>nda ble Plumbing 122 Agate A,·e. Balboa IAlaad Harbor 3256 2801 W. Balboa Bh·d. Hvbor 4624 ART C. KfSTLEll CO., Realtors Bay Front Spectallata %901 Newport Blvd. Newport Beach Harbor 5226 Marlo's Smart Set Hair FashlOM Complete Styllrlc Permanent Waving and TlnUnr M07 Eaet Cout Rwy. Barbor 5UM. NEWPORT FURNnuRE CO. Complete Homr Fwn.llbinga Z6!0 W. Coat. Hwy. Liberty 8-1 US Fred OrCJef'Oll Chevron Service Tires -Batter ies -Acceaaorlea Complete LubrlcaUon 2100 W. Balboa Blvd.. Newport BeKb Harbor 1516 MAC PEUmEll'S Newport Beach PbarmM:y 2108 OcMa Froat Newport a.eta Harbor 5 UN19UE CAFI BrM.k/Ul -Lunch -Dinner 4.10 3%dD St., ( AUON from C1t7 Ball) .. C.....U-THI AICHD Uruon 011 Dealer S4GO W. eo.t Hwy. Newport lleMh US-906.1 l • DICK MACKER Drapulu -Carpet• -l,;priolaLery <.:omplele F ree l>ec-m at in~ Service !420 Vla Udo Harbor 43%8 MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Flower• -P el Supplleft BaJoo. Btvd. at 21at Newport Beach NEWPORT HARIOR IANK An Independent Home Bank Corona del Mar The Port Hole lreakfast K'ovse Mldnl«hl to 11 A. M. 221'7 W. Cout HJway, Newport Beach STAFFOID & SON l:l.ctrlcal Contractor• 110 IUvenlde Ave. Newport Beacb Liberty 8-%%78 Villcellt'1 lexal DnMJ Stares • Thrff loca Uona to &erve You Newport lleMh Balboa Coron de( llar %515 E. Cout Rwy. \ • ' ' TWO BRANDS OF KID BALL SET FOR AREA Harbor Boys' Club Midget Play Continues: Litt'o Loop "Ready Little League baseball ha~parenlly replaced Harbor Boys' Club Midget League diamond play at Newport Har· bor Yout h Center in Corona del Mar. Bob Blackwell, chairman of the newly formed New- port Harbor Little League, haa announced fou r varsity te&m• of 16 youngster1 will b6 Center u1 -_, committed to Lillie fielded at the Youth Center next Le a g u -'>ueball," MacMllllan eummer from among boy1 of Co-noted. rona del Mllr. Balboa lllland and MacMllllan appearea at a recent adjoining territory. Bl3cl<well add:' mt>etlng In Blackwell'• homt' 1n ed a minor league program would Corona. dei Mar. opposing forms· alao be launch~cl next summer. tton of Little League In the Har- POUC:V Pt:RMIT~ bor area. The OQ1X>lit1on of Har- Rod MacMilllan. athletic <11rec-bor Boys' Club to Little League, tor of Harbor Boys' Club. aai'd he ·MacMlllian awnmed up like this: recently question~ J . Sam Por-Sin~e then• Is a buebull program ter, Weatern JUglun:•I Director of for young-ster1 already establl.sh<'d. Little League, on Lillie League money put Iulo Little 11..d!gue to policy of gomg Into areas where "make · It better for Jl few" lN ;.. a ba11eball program was already wute of money and, duplication In existence. Portl'r told MacMll-of an establtshl'd program. llan there waa no definite policy HO~n; C'OSTRQL agalnat It. At the meeting In Blackwell's MaC'Mllllan 11&td he also asked home. MacMtlllan aa1d, "We en· Porter lf..Lltlle League teams could <'ouraged the people in Corona del be formed on the Harbor S oya' Mar not to go In for Little Lea· Club basla of ·•age, aktll and flbll-gue. We told ttiem If they objected tt y" or If Llttle League rulea hi.ct to control of the1r baseball pro· let ~ followed. P orter repled that gram from Coat" Mesa. we rec- Little League teams had to abide ommendea that they <'ooperate by Uttle League ru.lea. with the Newport Beach recrea- "We wlll not fight Utlle Lea-lion agency In. -tabliahing an-rue." MacMllllan aald. "But 011r other youth baseball program . bueball program will continue. If without the frill• . of Llttle Lea-1 enourh boya from Corona del Mar gue." · a nd Balboa laland want to part{-Blad<well announced 400 gold clpate In Harbor Boya' Club Mid-cards would• be dlatributffi lh1a 1 et leagues next 1ummer. we will week to ch'arter members of the 1 form teama and provide a field Newport Harbor Lillie League. ! .1<>mewhere In Corona del Mar," "'While we must limit our territory QUESTIONS ROOM to the number of boys we feel we j Blackwell. In backing Little can handle." Bl&t·kwell 1111ld, "the League, aald there waa "barely parents of other neighborhoods enough room ln Coata Me.ea Park coul<1 eufly start their own lea-' for the Coeta Mesa boys" and that 1rue11." I "Little League would "take a load Other Little League actlvltlt>s, off their hands."'· lie continued. reported by Blackw.-11 . I ..._ "Besides, the Boya' Club l.11 elghli A ('Un-ent mt>mbersh1p dr Ive mtJea from our homea and we need ht'&df'd by Oick H1lltard a.ml Ed j to get aomlUllng going for our-Bucko ta expected lo net upwards aelve1 rlaht a t home." of $600. lJave Wt'bb, In chi.tge of MacMllJlan pointed out that the C'oa chlng. 111 arranging for t rsln- aarbor Boya' Club recreation pro· Ing flJms to be shown fathers al rram, In conjunction with the htg~ a <'oach1ng clinic · ~ginning In "chool'• summer recreation pro-January. Vern Smit.Ii. tlel<I C'Om· ,.ram, conducted Midget C Leag11e nullee ch111rman. '" concl11c~ing bueba.11 at the Youth Center last soil lPsts for the nt'w Lillie League aummer. "Evldentally the Youth diamond. ANAHEIM LOOKS FOR TARS· TO BE TOUGH FOE TONIGHT .i\NAHEIM (0CN8) -The Ana· helm Colonllta, re'ady to ahake, ratUe and roU lnto their til th· •tralaht Sun.eel League champion- ship, take on a 11mooth-working and lntenaely-ambltlouii Newport Harbor elev~ tonight In the moat Important and what might b;> the tougheat bit of competition of the campaign at 7 ·30 p.m. In lA Pal- ma Park. ~ Coacb Claire Van Hoort'beke and Ult> aurprille tum ot hi• csreel' at Anaheim Union Hlih have been working hard all we<'k to polish up their d•fense against what ml(tit be recsrded aa the 1wlfle11l backfield they've faced In Sunaet LM«u• play. WAAN CHAMP!l The warning to the Colont11t1 •II week by Van Hoorebeke and Line Coach John Wallin wu that they muet play a sharper defensive 1ame than at Fullerton a week &CO· "W e d1dll't get going agal1l.!lt Fullerton until the sfl<'Ond half." Mid Van •.. U we wait that Jong 11galnst Newport. It might just be , too late." Anaheim settled <1own to .erlou11 practice esrher rn the week after they heard from Coach Al Irwin of the Tara who 118ld that the Colonl11l11 would h8Vt to play thei~ I heal game or the llt'lll!Qn I( they lntervied to defeat Newport. "l 'vt' realtud that all slonR." I u ld Van. ""We've got t o br hungry and In the right framt' o! mind .o J?'et by this one •• Wallln ai;-reed. ··When Irwin Mid we would havr to play a good gnrn" of foothAll to win. he al't,.,I hkt he meant It." The Colonl11t11 lake tJie field 11 l I full 11trenrt.h. being more rortunatt' In thl• (tepartmenl than th<' Sall· 1 ors who 101t the 11ervlcea or their 1 aterllng qu~rterback. Ceorge Schu- llL TI1.. Colnnlat 111.'Uon h11.11 bePn marked with 11urprt111ngly good ~ucceas con111derlng that lh1s lt>&m I replaC'ed an aJl·senror ele,·en of I last year PERSONNEL A1tttey ~ .... ' Carefully Selected Applicants for Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 Mary Louble Matttn1ly Mary anf' Baniert 413 3ht S~t, Ne"-port Bed Savory Bakery Treats for your Thanksgivin9 Menu HOME-MADE PIES e ROLLS e CAKES Delicious Light Golden Pumpkin Pi.es Savory Spicy Fruit Mince Pies Tender Crusty Rolls & Soft Rolls Fluffy Taste-Tempting Layer Cal~es .. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 NEWPORT HAR90R NEWS-PRESS ~ PART 1 1 1 • PAGE I You'll be surprised lust how much of yow C•lstmas shopplftCJ you can do here In this big store wh!ch Is· iam111ed to the ra~ers with merchandise for the' "Gift Giving" s*-son. Gifts for '!Her", gifts fer "Him" and GlfK ~ the kiddies too! Mom wUI reaUy marvel when she IHI the big "Hone- wares" department, afld PO,-:-weR, watch him when he IHI the display of tools, kits, etc. awaltillfJ his selection. ''Toy-Tow"" was •ever so packed as ..,w, s0 COIM In as soon as you can and lff Int how many ideas you can get for "Gift Giving" at Forglt's. _ .. GIFTS FOR MEN Tools GE. Portable TV Schick Razon · Remington Razors Tool Boxes Sunbeam Rmors GE Convertible Radio Tool Kih ELECTRIC TOOLS, DRILLS, A"AWS, POLISHERS, ETC. GIFTS FOR WOMEN Sunbeam Lady Shavers, 6 lovely colors All Sun.beam Appliances General Electric Appliances Hot Poiht Refrigerators. Stov.-, Dish- washer, Fully cmtda11atlc washers and dryers. Cose~ tables, chairs, etc. Libby CJlasses Revere · Ware .. Desco Wse Genercil Electric lla'*eh General Electric Clocks General Elech le Radios General Elect1 lc TY Ec:llo Fllnt Cutlery " Canel Hall Cutlery Cal Dall TY Trays Gift Items CJCllore TOYS HUNDREDS OF THEM ·TOYS· TOYS Zimphones Wrist radios Dolls · Toy Strollen Bathinettes Shop pen Tea. sets Revere cooking ware Mirro cooking ware Games -YOU'LL FIND JUST THE GIFT HERE! Play*ool toys Electric irons Ironing boards Melody bells Musical blocks - Guns Wheel goods, wagons. etc. Cosco table and chairs Cosco rod&ers Just come In·, shop, make your selection from the hundreds of items. A small deposit win hold your purchase in our "Gih Lay-aw~y." Now is the time to shop while our stocks 'are compleN. REMEMBER ••• OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN MAKES SHOPP.ING EASY. A SMALL DEPOSIT HOLDS ALL YOUR SELECTIONS UNTIL DECEMBER 20th. WE WILL "GIFT-WRAP" YOUR PURCHASE FREE! .. All Fresh Baked to Add Pleasure to Your Holid~y Feast ORDER EARLY PLEASE SAVORY BAKERY FORGIT. HARDWARE 2201 W. BALBOA BLVD• m9 & Cout Hwy. OORONA DEL MAR Harbor MS8 1!46 S. Cout Bh·d. LAGUNA BEACH HYatt t-.-998 f . NEWPORT BEACH PHONE HARIOR 116 i OPEN EVENIRGS STARTING DEC. · 1st.-OPEN SUNDAYS -S & H GJlEEM .. STAMPS • I I I ~ : ' - PAGE 2 ·PART II · NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 ''God gront us th~ serenity to occept ·the things we connot change; 'the co urage to c honge the t hing s we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. Anon .) EDITORIALS · c Tonight?s When Tar 'Grid Squad Can Play as Champs I \ Tonight marka end of the football aeason for N£'W· port Harbor' Union High School' I Sailor ele~en in· the Sunset League. They travel to Anahejm t.o tangle with the undefeated defending champion Colonist team. They go into the game a two-touchdown under- dog. It will be an upset if the Sailonl should win, and rightly 80. # But the winning or the losing of the game is not nece88arily the thing. Champions can lose. The dif· ference is, champions can lose on the scoreboard ; but they never lose on the field of play. Oklahoma University's football team is currel)tly rated as the No. 1 colleg iate gridiron eleven in the nation. Th~ Oklahoma team has a motto wh!ch reads: "Today I will play like a champion." That is all any coach can ask of his players, t o play like a champion, win or loae. • And how does a champion play? He plays, at every moment, to the best of his ability. He gives all he has on every play. He never 9uits if he misses a tackle or . a block. He ~~t s back up and goes after his opponent untJl he does make his tackle or his block. Championship play does nut mean that the indi- vidual or team will win. It does mean that if the ·individual or t hl' team is beaten, 1t will be becaUS(' a better man or outfit has done it. And a man who plays like a champion never loses. He gains all through his lite. The Nl'wport Harbor Sailors may loee tonight; they are expcctt'd to. But if each member of the team plays the way his coaches ha\'e taught them, he will play like a champion. and, win or lose, w ill receive the • respec~ due a champion, from teammates, coa:che., achool, and community. Ward System Means Your Voice on Council Limited Very htt l<> interest s~ms to hllve been expressed publicly to date on the proposed ward system 01' elec- ting cit y t'ouncil mrmbera rxcept by those who would upset th<' present city charter method of electing the councilman1c body. The \'ol c on this measure comes Dec. 6 when you will be asked to r hoose whether you wis~to vote on jUAt on(' cot1nt'1l ~at, t hat of your particuf r d istrict or whether you wish to continue having the privile&e of voting fnr all i;e\·rn council members. Now. with Urn; slight interes t hitherto expressed publicly. the <'It~· el<.>Ctorate apparently either knows little of thl' wart.I r-;ystcm or isn't greatly concerned. Should t he ward plan of ~lccting council memb<-rs be adopted. howe\'<.'r. wr daresay a great many local citi· un11 will awtLken with a rude shock. They will fmll they ca n vott' for only one council candidate in th<'ir district and that the winner of the diatrict elC'elion will be their council member. They probably will bC' highly displeased when they attempt to get council art1on to find the only person who will listen with mm·h interest will be t he council member 'from thl'1r d1.-trwt. t hat t he other s ix council members will not neC'C'~sanly bt• C'on cernC'd with some problem in another wa rt! or dt!-t rt<'l. Thi' l'\C'\\'S·Pn·~a m pai.t f'd1 torials ha.a taken its atand for t ht· prt•s1•n1 mC't hod of nominating councU- manic caml11l:it1'" f~m t h<'tr dist ricts but letting ALL the vott·r~ 1 il!-l ballots on tht>m. We fe<'I this 1s the befit method of s1 l1•t·t in~ eounc1I m<'mh<'rs and, likewise. the best ml':tns of kN'pmg \'Ounril members respensivc to the wu1hc·!l of lhC' vnt1•rs and lait payers. U you han•n'L taken t1m(' l o ponder the above we auggellt you do so. lt'11 your mont y the C'Ouncil membeni are spending, wh<'ther C'lectcd by the city at large or by warda. Th111k 1t O\'<'r -do ~·ou want all &e\'~ cof>cil memberi-IH'countabll' t o you and your __ vot.e or jl.l.lt one? Formerl:J' lh• Newport-Balboa N .... nm. ~ the Newport-Balboa Pre.a A Des 1t1ai'e Loeaia lmUtuUom for OY• reiv T-.. E:otered u 8ecaad.Qw Matter a t Ulo Poet.ottlce ln N4;rt 8-ch. Calltonlia undu tho Act of Karch I. lVI. ........... ~ 111_..f, W~7 _. ~ ~ UM NEWPOllT HAJUK>a Pt:N.18ff1NG ~llPANY ttll 1Wboa Bin.. NJ:WPORT llE.ACR, CALD'. ~ llutlor llta QaalllW to hbrullil ~ Notlcfoa ll8d Acft.,Unm •tm et AD ll1edl 87 DecrH of Ute Sup..rtor Cciurt of Oranre Co. la AcUOll No. A·tUOI Member 0..Ufonla ,...,.,.~, Publtslllfo" AMI ........ M-bet Natl..& l>dlfol1a.I ~Uoa JllMnber of Oraa,ce t 'ounty New. S..~ BEN REDDICK. PUBLISHER WILLIAM A. MOSES, Edltor ORMOND E . ROL'NTRE F,. AdHrtlain~ ~ Cll.ARLES A. AR MSTRONG. Medl.anical 8'1pettntendent 8t788CUPDOS llATai f ="t>wpM't ........ ~ ... .._, Trt'\i.Mk.17 • Ja Or&QJc County, ... 00 pt"r r rar: Q .00 •11 m o•.: ll..5J '"'" moe.. 09&.w. oJ Orua• Coll8ty n .oo ~r ,. .. , Capitalistic Society. Types "Only men produce capital," say11 The Freeman. "Only men·save and trade. Other s pecies do not have capital. And they do not form societies; they form herd•. flocka and echoola. 'Capitaliltic society' i• there· fore a redundancy: there is no other kind of aociety." There ate, however, very different and opposed methods by which capital is produced and invested. In a free 1y1tem thia ia done voluntarily. Men aave and put their money where they chooae -in the aecuritiea of the corporations of government, in land. in some little business. The choice is up to the individual. No on.c tells him what he can or cannot do with his money, so long aa the investment is lawful. In a totalitarian society there must also be a steady .. investment of capital. The enormous difference is that the state Is the only inveator. In one way or an- other the money is aiphoned off from the people and the state decide; where it shall go. And it decidea what shall be produced, what shall be sold, and at what price. The individual ill helpless, and entirely without the power or decision. In other worda, there are two kind11 of capitaliem- democratic capitalism and totalitarian capitaliam. One protect.e and enhances individu&l freedom. The other breeds oppressjon and human slavery. Young Dope Users Quickly Suborned into Evil Habits Statistics often prove cold figures where human values are concerned. There is nothing too alarming, !or instance, in the comparatively am&ll percentage of Hatbor area youth• booked by our local police forcee each year on charges of poasessing marijuana. But what is alarming la the indication 01' slow, deadly moral diaintegratiofl ln our eociety, exempl~ed by these fallen youths. Scientific investigation has established that mari- juana, in it.self, is not habit forming. By this is meant that one who bu started smoking marijuana can ab- ruptly quit, and auffer none of the horribl~ "wiYl· drawal" pangs that stricken those who become addicted to other narcotica. But thia fa& to take lnto consideration the way use 01' the "weed" paves the way to use of the more insidious fonns of drugs. Adventurous youth can be ahamed into "proving hjs manhood" by becoming in- t oxicated. by taking a "drag on a reefer," by taki,ng a "sniff of Big O." And once .,booked," personal morala are entirely ruined. The victim becomes too sick to think about anything but obtaining his "next shot'' when he's not "on tile stuff' and he thinks about noth· ing but his own temporary exbUiaration after obtain- ing a "mainliner." And obtain it he must. But this takC's money, Iota of money, a continuowi now of money. Suddenly the youth who smoked marijuana on a dare becomes a "pusher,'' striving lo extend his loss of morals, his slavery to drugs t o other susceptible youngsters. The solution lo this e"'.il tr:eadmill that keeps eat ing away at our aociety lies not alone with the unending effort.a of law enforcement agencies which deal with only the effecL The cause must be continuously st ruck at as one would strike again and again at an mvading rattlesnake until it is hfeless. Responsibility for. aAd eternal vigilance over, t he morals of our youth hea equally m our horn.es, schools and churches. End of an Old Wives' Tale Retail and wholesale meat pn ces have been de- clming of late, as a result of a bundant supplies. De· ere~ have been especially marked in the cu e of pork, nnd aJI cuts a re being offered al extremely attractive prices in the atorcs. This is good news for the millions of people who rehsh pork in one or another of its forms. And It is good newa for an additional reaaon-sound and health- ful diet. Pork, IJkc many other foods, bas been the victim of old wives' tales that are part of legend but have no basis in fact. Among the mistaken ideas that have been handed down over the generat i0ns Is the belief that pork should not be eaten by women during preg- nancy and the nuralng period. At one time even pro- feuional people believed thia. Now, however . .it ha.a been acienutically eatablished that the opposite is true ....:that pork la or major value to the mother-to-be and the new mother • The reuon t.' found in the r@<IUJrementa of nature. Pregnant and nursing women req~ larger than u.aual amounts of certain vital nutrient~. During and alt.er pregnancy the body lrtorea up lncreued ~quantities or protein, iron, 1actoee and mineral•. P ork meat la an excellent source of many of a woman'• special require- m,nu.. Jts high thl&mine content ia ee~y lmpor· tant -few other foods contain as much. So are the ratty acids found in the fat. or pork. Thia ia aimply one example of how pork, low 1n cost now. ptrforme •Ital RrYhe to the body even u It plC•tllCS the tuf.e bud8. TBS DARK CLOUD AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENK1' C. MacARTHUR :J.l'Om t l BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL B~· HORACE rARK.ER I Ed. Soto -Thie column by Horat'fl ParArr ~·Ill elf.al ~with ) the Ulllt"-kno'"" Jllatortul l•t'I• be hH dr.-dlf'<I up In hie many trip• l.nto the back t"ount ry In noc-.•nt )'l'llra. I All through the b'ark country. t1pots whcr<' water oecura aN' indicated by eJt hler th<' word sprin~. w<'ll or tank . Doing a littlC' daydreaming the ~er day I ('OnJe<·tured on the three terms. A sort of clasi;i fir at1on f<'ll into place which was used by the early Spanish explorers and lnltr by the Amrricitn trRpfler~. m11wrs. llll· hn~ (11111111 '"""" flflt'd "'' t hill mlp 1m ls. anJ 1fl1hln 1y Th" t't\l l~· un<' .... n ~· t tn thl"~• Jt>ptt'l!MOrt~ Spanlltrdl' 1·&lll'J 8 J"l'I 1n~. "uJ•>, wh1.-l1 n11i;ll1 h1tl~ from fl In :.o J,. 11i;ua" or the ··(!\•' of "l/t••r" i:nll·•n' uf 1H1n \\><Irr l'p1111 1·11re• I( lltf" wal<'r wall h11t 11 w11~ In· 1111 1<1·111 dt un .. 1111 l<'ltr lhrn. fl1f"d, vallAbly tn.lh alt•I iitmph "1 P••l l vr I ho• l11•hnr111 11> f.;und In " ·a)iUll l'&IJo'Jll<',. UI h"I \\Rh-I llt•:lf ll\ ni\'0' rht• t!llLI 18 ll!llta lly Bul thrrt• "'"" 11 11i:'l1m1 .ltfl•·•· u.111k .. -t nPH1 h· t u tho• nr1k with ,.111·e tn lht' ava1lab1lll v n( th•' .. 111all 1 01 k~11r11I " fur1l rlr1y top on lh1 .. -e 1, nnll fur t he y,111,.;: '"'Ill· lhl' ."llh h•·l1I 111 f'lll\'r by a r<X'k. 11ni;. A 11111 rni.; 11111~1 111'1"" "nt I\• It l"n'l '"" 1\11111 lo r1•1·011sl rucl "flow" ur 'o lnp" twf"'' 11 • 111 lltr 111tuat1un. "1tl<•r to lhf" dl"IU~rl beo•nmt' 11 re111 "111ln): 111 frurtlhrl lndtHn w :11• t'v1•rt '""'" lm1'()rtant phruseoh•i:~· lhnn fornl \\'h• n tlw rutna CHmf", ·wr.1.1: 1'4POTI' l ht' lnd1n11 "'•lh a •lipping bnwl, The word "well" 1s rernll NI hy 'llrrt .. •I 1 Ito• llft>·j.11\'lnic w11ter from 1ur h fHmou11 walt'nng ll('•lt!I Hll 't he ilrprrsl!lon on lhf" •urf11c• ot Cooke'll \\'cllll. Coyot,. \\'rll~. ~-lite twulde1 whr1t 11 would eva · dlan Wells a nd. th•• ltkf' In thc-8<' P0 "11'' 18f'lrlly lo t he 8had,. an<l nre&ll lhf' water appareoll\• rll!ln'l shPlt~r 1•C the Mn<'"·llled olla' '" "8urt.ace" but ran 11ncl.,;·.iround th~ t•ave lk rr w11s a 1mpply ot a nd could only bt obl1\.lnP<1 bv watr r fur n nnn-1n1ny J ay when ~lnktni.r U!llUtlly, shallow W<'lls. A 11 mti;hl be nPelit'd SACRAME!llTO, ICNS) -For a food many years, there ha • bf'en ai;ltallon from aeveral quar· t en for "1trea.mllnlng" the etate lt'gl11laluro. S o much, In tact, that .tJle Un1ver1lty ot Callfom 1a tt· eenlly bald a conference on lh• 1ubj,cl. to which were mvll,.,J aomo 'oullt&ndtng p t o p I e who "'"' supposed to have knowledge of how 1t rould be done. klntl nf sub-ilestgnf\llon untlrr lh" 1 hll\'t' known tor 80me .<Imo ot main headtnlt or w•Ns. 18 "l!t'cp." lhl' lnd11111 Wt'lls a n;I how they The Wiiler in qut'stton hRd not C'Olllllrw'\l"•l lht'm l. nfortunaltly surfaci•tJ. yl'l by very shallow di,.-:· j I know uf non<' now In txl11tenoe glng coulrt be npost-d IU\rt 1ht'1 11~ S<~Ul htt n Cahfomla. Howt'ver. a.rea a.round showt>il a d1atlnrt c. ( · ricr<'e. early Callfom la aeepafte. There are R Cew "••'"P"" I pht1t11gr111>hrr rnr t x c fl 11 e n<' e, llZl'n has a right to propo•e a law bul lht'V t rl" usuallv f!l'llt1tn"l"'' whoa .. r1•lll'rllnn now belong• lo to hi!! legislator. and Ull' legisla· elthtr ,;s wells or ~prtng,., prr· J lhe Tit IP J n11uram·e . and Tru1t tor Ill vtrturtlly duty bound to In· h1tps lht'1r 'h11rallt'r 1·1t,.ngin1t Com panv or Lo.!1 _An&l'ICA, had a tro•luc:e It If It hu the earmorks with the d lmatu• ron<HUon& ,-,r pl.<'ture of an Indian wl'll 011 tho of being needed. t 1 8 I l'uttt'll Hl'11ervat1on down on ·Ule EXPERT AGITATORS a p111 icu sr stuon or )f' ~: .. dtneh taken many yea,.. aao. A lot of the air1tal1on for a re· As to the mtantng flf llU\k I Thi'nu.:h their t"ourluy we can J1earch dt'pa rtment f• the 1e,l11· or "lentJa" t hl"y Brf' WIUllllY show you this "Ill. found only In an arid t'ountry \\'P:AT11ER C'VC'• ... I 11 l u r r undoubtedly tmanate~ v"""' from aome of the llO·Called "eJt· such as our d,.11ert or brush coun· Sl'l yu11reelt In lhl! plac .. of tho While no recommtndations have perl.11" who w.re hired d uring the try. I know of l11nka both In lhl' Jn.Ihm You dig a well In a IMP ~ess1on, or tor Interim committees. dest'rl &nil In thl" wellr.-llrl'llll which 111 rc-laUvcly 'tlhl\lllow. The Th Id Ilk lo det>p In the r h11pparal bl>lla A seu on or wl'athcr cycle chansn iu y,t come from t bl" conft>rl'nce ey wuu <' 1ee a perm11n• "l k" II 1 I r " nit · th' u1111al subj•cls w era 111·.sru.-·•1•d . r nt dl'll l wh•r•by lhe Job• (lUlll a n UAU& Y 5 " " ""' " 1111'1 YllU h&v•• lo decJMn lhr well. • • ·-• ~ ' w dl!<'p deprt'A1111in or tlt'prt'ic11tnni; B I 1ucb 88 how to dl"crease the hul(e last the Vl'llr round w ithout t ht ~au-•• your tool" and equ pm,nt number of blll11 lhal hit the sen· llA?.llrd of loslng euch JObl when hollowe•I out of lh!! nallvl' >Jtn•I· arr llmll111I you loalca1ly m11 ke an ale and aaaembty every reilJlar Ul• y are completed. I ~tone. i:ranile. IA\'ll or oth•·r roun· lnr ltne I renrh lnlo the orle lnal ae111lon. Another aubje<:t of di•· Act\1ally. aurh ll d,pa.rtmenl try ro<"k by the ai·nur·lni: nr t Ion well Th111 nQt o n I y •~rvea l•> cu.ulo~• lbe much talkt d of rould build up Into a tremendous ()( wind or water. Some of l hc~ carry the dirt. P nd &Jld muck I',.._, Iv• pr~~Aure nf creaUng bureauc:r11~ , It step• howeve 1 naturt1I tanks may be clea n anJ out. It al~ allow• the lndlan s•.. ~ ~""' v •) • r. havr varying' llrgr ees of wa ter a tact -tlndln<> and research de· Wt're t11ki-n to II.mil a dl'partml'nt , womtn f'lll!y k rceNJ to thr well In ., 1n thr m l,.f t t)\· thP IA1<l t nln <>r r ll l II 1 th parlmtnl for lht exC'IUslve u11e of ()( this type eolely to re11tarr h an!l • 1 l 1e1r o •• am ca rry r m lhe at11te les'lalature, &11 Wt'll Ill Informa tion. It could bt'cnmt " tpundt'r,.howcr Amonl! ltll' mn~t 11ut of ll. Th!I dtcpt'r you go the glv• them lnc-aaed lt'Chnlc&l helpful adjunct to the op,.ratlons dl'prndablc ot the 111·~1'11 tank.o longer !ht lhl"llnl' to cut (\own on ~ '~ '"'" I ho~e flllf'•I w ith 11 r ""'"'r . . k eta.ff of the lt>J:t~lature. For obvlnusl\' ' . thr •IC'<'Pl1"''"· Hnd )Oii ms~ ma e STUDt:ST lllo"Tt:RSS tltt' two hnu1ea cannot 11cl lntl'li1:lgr&vf'I, ·r h,. 1118""1 a llow~ the JWt· It In th,. f11rm of a rlrcular 11talr· l"•lllll t<m of the wlllt-1 l1111n prr· t h I I II T he qul'1tlon of whetht'r Intern· 1tf'ntly. without a~rttlc le now· I 1 1 rn11t' 1111 ter t •n " onl' nc n1. t1h1ps for unlver1lly studenl11 at l•~g .. on l hr lu uts Involved Jt 111 vlOUll ralna to llccumul&te "n' 1 '" S nmr or th• Ind.J an w.11• ,,...,... the , leglalature ahou.Jd be 11•1 d undf'r lhr pruent B)'Stt'm. a tmo11t •n•I krf'p& lite wel<'r 111 rl'lnltvt'ly "11 rll " a af r1"h w '"It' fl 1~ I · • 1 arav~I reduces thr n·11pmstlon I 00 1 ft I l!h I ll wu alM dl11euaNd · · lmpoaalblt' to ttf't all the f11rl11 ' l'Yl'n 11omr o em 10quare w · <>111\(1 8h8(11' 1f onr knuw11 I hi' lunl· l I I t ... The que,.llon c>f too m11ny blll1 wllho11t thf' aaAl•t.ance of lnterf'11t-I" h 8 'P" i;:1un1t • own n o uiem hu bt''n one which bu botllrttd ed lobb,·111u. who mtithl ~ 111111• I lion nf aurh a li!•nk. by •lll:lotlrtl: " On ~ rl't'l'nt t rlJI lo lh' Bore1to. lrgtalalors for manx years. But. [W'rtl'!l of Ming lo11t h 10 ittvc both can u~ul'lly nbtam ..ome w•l<'t K111 I ~how,.d us a drprea1lon 11ir- " one leg1alators rf'marked 90me s1dt'11 o! l hr 1lory. SATl.RAI. TA~K)4 rn11ndr t1 hv Jltll'IO of •11.nd. wtth year• aitn wh,.n e uaelP1111 blll ef· CHA.SOE8 f"LOW Karl Bt'nnls hBll toM mP of lhf' shallow pita O( former klllha fecllnit do111 wa• tnt rodurffi 1n a Any c-hanseii In lt'g-l11l11tlvf" pro· twr, ln~t11 nr,.,. whrr,. ••n th" PUr· of " lllrit .. lnt1111n v1lla11e n•ar bv. Ml'AO<'rae.y evary dog m u.st h11vo c"'1urf! will come alowly. due lo face of the hui:e houl<h>1 s thai In h111 u t1ma t1on lhl• wu the "''" h.la day. lhl" r1"l11t tan('c of the two houllf'I 1lot lhP rlP•• r l r mmlry n nat111 111 of t h,. v1Jl1a:f" Wf'll and I am .And ao tar. IC'glslators ha vt' nnt to ""' 1sttl11 prrct<lent and em· df'f'rl"""lnn '" rom1f't1 fl orn unr I afnitd I'll h11ve to a.: re,. "''It h found the an~wrr t<> •loppmir thf' bark nn programs w hich nrver Ca\llli' or annthC'r Each 1tnie ht• him. evalanchr of blll11 wtthout Mnytng t a\'t' bforn done-Many r hangts I the people their r lg'hl to be heard partlrulnrly In the •IWlt'm bly, have bf'fore lhe 11,nalr and au em bly, b.·t n mllde ovu the p1111t thirty I the members nf wh<>m they elect }'<'&rll. an1I nearly a ll or lh,.m ha\'e tn r"r re11l'nt them tn 11latt l(OV· n. Pn d1•111gned towa rd 11pte1ller •C· ernmPnt. llCln. I Lr gl11llll11r11. now1paperm en and ( 11nfrr!'ncH surh a 11 th11t rallet1 j 01l l11rhe-~ would not mind ehutllng bv lhe Unlvei;olly o ( Calltornl" of t tht' bill n ood, ,.•per la lly dur· 11rr 1 "t'l'll<'nt In t1111t lhPy lnv11r1· 1 lnit the <l11 .. 1n11: hnur.11 fl! t he se&-,nllly izlvt rlM t o ntw lilr•s. l\n•I 11on, wht>n n11•1 lings lnW t.ho w~ huhlng 11ver old On""· but \C)(• 1 small hours are the practice. m ur h r annot be ex~cte11 from Funda mentally. however. 11ny rl· ~u, h mePlln1t•· INDIA.N WELL -Thia is near old Borego Springs. All that remalna are piles or sand and central de,nes· sion in which Mr'L Hqrace Parker stands.-Photo bY. Horace Parker GREAT FALLS. MONT., LEADER : "Thotte who Invented the abeurd auertion • • • a few year& ago that 'the national debt doeen't matt.er becauae we owe tt to oureelv.es' should ponder theee figurea, says t he Loa Angeles T lmes. They mean that every man. woman and child in the United States paid out $42.18 just, for tbe carrying charge on the debt, which docs not reduce the debt Itself. And lntttettt rates are tts· ing eo that per capita lnterMt cha.rgea i~ t.he future wl.11 be more." , ' ' ·~ • l~DIA.'\" l>l (; \\'l•:LI. -This hl'''"l' a t T 11rtl'K o n the O •loratlo Oc•!'irrt wa" t11kt·n 111 1 !l<J3 C 'a pta in TnrT<'ll 1rnid his 1ieopll', th1· l'uh1111laN. <lu~ till' wull c1rra 1828. Wh<"n l'itt urv nbo\'r wai< mad<' th1· w11 t1•r wa11 at 8 70- f t. <l1•11th. l'\11te ~kx 1cafl u11dt'r 1411mbN'rn at left or well cut. -1'h11tn l'•111rtt·11y <•f T1tl" ln!illrR n<e a nd Trw1t Co., Los Angelc•R. ('ollec t1nn <•f Hu1ton cal Pho- tographs Farmer McCabe Writes ... T hr I wmncrnti; nr<> in R ti7.7.y ';''Ith m11nl'y ra1amc woes. They're p1t<.h111~ • ·[:, a11cJ $100 11lnnc:rs evt·ry· wht•re. Howsonaever, th1•y don'l n<'Cd to worry about whl'r<' they'll i::rt the m•11wy f11r 11 l'n•:.id• 11tial Race .•• a.II t hey lt;tfta do i11 n•1 n1111at1· Jlar11nw n nnd Kerr , that way thry nr1minatr· mon1·y 1110. F armc·r McC<.1bo (•11 r11'hta n .Mnedl I I 1 . # . . Mn. Axtater Aids "Democrat Dinner Mr1. Clara A.xlate r hru b•'l'll rtJ.11\ed Hllrbor area urk..i rhtt 11 · man or the bt•ner11 dtnner lo ht' tt .. ld In honor ''' 0~1111Jt'l'llll• :'\11· tlona.J Chalrmitn I' a 11 I B11tlt1r !'lov. 29 LEGAL NOTICE DELIVERY GUAR~TEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Presa la guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papera be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. U your paper is not deliverM oy that ho~ please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will_ bring your paper. · l 2-Bulldhtf ~ Jennen Plumbing Rep~fr work, a specialty Wattr heatera on Ume payments 2819 Newport Blvd.. Newport Bch. Har. 6W. Rea. Hu.. 43e7 ·J 27c'1 Painting, Decorat· g Paper Ba.Dgtnc l '.!-Bulldln~ &n ·l«:ft CARPENTER Repair Work Doe. Your Home Need Repalnn1 or RemodelJq T C&ll Ftan.ll, Ubel\y 8-GM All Work GuarutMd 74UC! CEMENT & BUILDING All Klnd1 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE l FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955. COMPLETE '.AlNTING A Paper Hanging Service JCUGENll 0 . SAUNDERS 600 311t Street, Newport Beach Harbor te7e or Har. •U6. Uc Alcoholica ~oap Wrtta P. O. Bes 111 ) . N.wpart ..... OalK. . l'baM ...,_ ,,. .. Chairman Butll'r Wiii hrva k 1111 rirece<.tentll by b•·tn~ thl' r 1 1•" t Democratic National Che.1rman ~ver lo ttpeak tn lh• Republtl'i.n atrongh1Jld or Or a n g \' C 111111· ty. Butler will make tJJll,v t w '' apeechea in lhr Southhrnd, <\Ill! tn Sant.a Ana at th~ Nov :t9 din· ner and one in Slln Dle~o. Hesl'r· vation11 and t1r ket11 ror the evt•nt muat be obtained by No v. :.!5. 111:· cording ,to Paul Dutton, ~ .. ner ul chairman. .-. n J 9.~!I. t>t'fore met, the under· -~•:;n~<I. 1t Not11ry 1•111Jli" h1 and tor ollld C'u1111 ty ttt;<I Slut,., re~1dl11g lhf'tr111, dt.ly 1'0T'ut111s:s1oned &nd I •w .. rn. l'""'"nnlly Rpp .. ar•••l LES· TJo;~t A . ~~tJTH, S.ccrel!lt y or llHAN<..;~; COAST AC:Rf:S, 0INC". j ;, r,,11r l'o1p . r::t.rZAf~J:T H I" PAC~; and l:iERTIU.;:o-: I. s ,\IJTH known to 111c· l•l be th" persons whuH~ ri:•lllf'R RJ'/I "1Jhx1·1l !w I to t!te wtthtn tn11t111me11l. an/I a ckrH1W· !Nlg1·1I tu me lhal th1·y ex1·1·111eJ lhe llllll'lt>. In w1tn!'11s wh1'1 Nlf, J ltR\'e here· 11nt11 ~el my hllnd and atr1xed 111y nff1l'lnl 11e11l the d11y 1111d yt'ar· 1n lht~ l"<"rtttl<'lll(' fll'~l a boYt' v.•r·rttt'n. Cl ., • d GEO. BURKHARDT · ass1 1e _,~~-·~Etr_t.~~-M=- FREE ESTIMATES Llbel,'ty 8-6109 PAINTING 29tt a.sure CheQ , .. .DEATH NOTICE ALMA I. KFHN ROIJI;:HT R llCRWITZ My <:ommi8><lun Expires May 31, 19:19 / ~n. 1376 Nfws·f're&~ 11 11. 18. 2:1. 1212, J9 NEWPORT HABBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Coa•tal Shoppn Ada run In the WednHClay Se",.·Preaa u-118 4 LinetJ I ln8ertlon $1.00 add'L lines .25 eL :»OTtct: o.-1:->Tt::\"Dt:o SALt: 4 Lines 2 lnsertion8 1.50 add'L Ones .25 ea. NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN. 4 l.Jnes s loHertions 2.00 add'I. 11~5 eL . Thal-TROW CORPORATI~N, 4 Lines 4 lnsertlom• 2.50 add'I. lines .25 eL \ en<lnr. whuse ad11t e:111 ls 172!1 Su· j -Jl"l'lor St . In the City ot Costa Situation \\'ant4!d Ad11 wlll r11et·h ·e 163 dl•count. Ca1b In advance onlJ" . \oh•sa. Count.v of Orange, State or Ml1'"1Ml'M AD IS 4 LINES C11l1forn1a. 1nl••mb to 1ell to JACK ROtJ~E & SON. \'en•Jec. whose llf~· drt811 l!t 2312 Santa F'e A vt .. in the City M L<>s A ngelell. County of LoR Angeles, State or California, the following <leHcrlbed personal prnperly, ln wtt: DEADLINES for placing or cancelling ada are: !"or Monday Publlcallon -Friday ~ p.m. For WcJneaday Publlcauona -Tueaday 1 p.m. For ,Friday Publication -Thurllday 1 p.m. N,EWPORT HARBOR PC:BLISmNO CO. !Zll Balboa Bh•d., Newport Beach, Callloml&. The pubUahers wlll not b re;ipon11ib1e ror more than one incorrect Elec. Tool Repair Bk.JI Sawa, Drtlla, Sanden QUICK SERVICll LEWCO ~IC CO. 4.58 No. Newport Blvd., Npt. Beb. Llberty. 8-8383. pr General Contractor LICENSED New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399-W 58tfc Painting 6 Paperhanging We do the work OW'9elvee. 30 yeara expertanca LlcanMd • l.uured. Satlatacuon iuaranteed. i:.timatea tree. Call Johnnie, LI 8-2687 &: LI 8-:S289 Sltfc M. W. ROSS Licensed LI 8·3321. 280 Avocado, Coat& Meaa 86ttc Rd. 011 Sptt&41ng Drlvewaya PARKING LOTS Sub-divlalona our apeclalty. We 1umlah any type oil to your spe- cltlcallon. Large joba -1mall joba. Free eaUro&tea. Al110 wa- ter apreadlng. Modem equip- ment.· LExlngton 8·4.008, Gil· mon .t. Page, Huntington Bch. attc FOR RENT Skill Bawa, Elec. Drill.a, Pollahera. all typea of Bandera, Wbeelb&r· row•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. .. Safe 1 ........ ,,.... w....... ..... . .. ~C1 ...... Dr•-•"" LiM"I· 2 3 4 I (lee.,, l"'t"rt efMI Re1>9ci. fr•fll Wheel ....,_. Chedi ..... ~4 lreko """" If ..... , ... "''"'' ... h sh ... ,. '••••• '"" c ... ,.,, wktrr. Drw••·· ..... A $3 • .SO V A1Uf 19 ANY CAR AJma Irwin Kuhn, 47. or t:i04 Ocean Blvd., died l'\nv 16 ut H oag Hosp1l8I a fter a llhor:t di· ne811. She was a naltVt> C'1il.r•11 · nian anfi had llveil In 111111 Hr('a for Miven years. Sht' ts ~urvtved by her h11Rb1t.m1, Will1ah1 K. Kuhn, a eon. Wllli11.m J r. hPr motht>T, )..irs. Alma lrwin ()( F.:I Cl'rrlto; four broth~rs. William. Alb,.rl. John and Charles Irw1n..._of San Francisco Bay 11.reft. a s1slC>r, Mrs. J E. Gordon ot El Ccrrtl(). Ser- v1ce11 ~re helrl today at 11 a . m Jn St. Jame• Ep11copal Churrh with lhe Rev. J6hn Parke officia- ting. Interment • waa privale. All stock In trRrle, fixtures, equlpnwnl. et<· of a Cf'l'lllln rfla· chine shop bus•nE"ss. knuwn a11 TROW CORPORATION, and lo· cale<.I al 17:.!9 Superror St., in thE' All Claulfled Ad• muat i p•ld for Cub la advance of publication. inaertlon or an ad. r eserve he right to correctly cla.ulry any and all ------------- ads and to reject any ad not con!orming to rulea and reiulation.1. 2eao W. COAST HIGHWAY LlbertJ l·HM, Newport Bcb 28ttc • c • ..t.., '"' ........ Moreno Fertilizer Business Reiected City uf Costa Mesa, County of Or· Cl •t• d I d Special Nott.ce." ange. Stale or C&Jlfom la. and that GSSI 1e n ex SA'NTA ANA, tOCNS1 -John A. Mortno got thumbs down treatment Nov. 9 when he asked lo the rounty planning commi1111Jon for approval uf a var· lan<·e permitting him to utabliah a wood ya.rd alld fert1hzer grrnd· Ing an4 1ack1ng bualnesi; on the ust 11lde or Harbor Blvd. 800 fet'l north or the Sanla Ana Rrver. LEGAL NOTICE CERTIFICATE OF BU~ISESS Flt'tltloua Ftrm Name The underalgned do hereby cer· Ufy that they are conducting a 1~1mlted Partnen1hlp bu1lne1111 at 3112 Newport Boulevard, Newport n.,ach, Callfornla, under the rictl· tloua firm name of ORANGE COAST ACRES. LIMITED and that aald firm la compoeed ot the following persons. wh0&e namu In full and placu or re11ldence art •• rullow11. t o wit : ORANGE COAST ACRES, INC., 3112 Newport Boull'vard. New· port Be11ch. California; A Call· romla Corporation. tG en,. ra l Part ner) ELIZABETH F'. PACE. -Trustee ror the Eatalt' of DAN R. CLAY, (Umlterl P11.rt· ner 1, J800 Newport A venue, Cost• Mesa, C&llf()mla; BERT· REN I . SMITH I Llm1led Part- ner 1. :itli Park Place, Co11la Mf'fl&. C&Jlrornt.a. W itneu our handa th11• 7 day of Novtmber, 19M. O RANGE COAST ACRES, t NC .. a CaHfomJ& -Corporation, By. LESTER A. SMITH, Secretary ELIZABETH F . PAGE BERTREN I. SMITH STATE OF CAUFORNIA t:OUNTY OF ORANOE ,,._,, On thl• 7 day or N ov<'mbcr. a sale. trans·rer and aMlgnment or lht• same wltl be made, and the \'.OnHlderatlon therefor will be paid at .JO:OO o'clO<:k a .m .. on the 28th clay or November. 19M, at the e-'· r ruw department of JACK ROUSE & SON. at 2312 Santa l<'e Ave .. tn the City of Los Angeles. County of Los Angeles, State or Ca.llfornla1 D11ted Novemher 11. 191115. TROW CORPORATION, Vendor By ROBERT C VOLKEL JAC.:K ROUSE & SON, Vendee ROBERT ROL'SE :-Jo. 1377 NeWfl·PreS!I 11 18 M :\"OTICt: O•' ISTt:SDED SAU: NOTICE IS HER.,;ay GIVl::N: Thal ALBERT J HADLEY and LORRAlNE HADLEY. Vendors. who11e addre8il · 111 323 E. 22nd Street, Costa Mt!.Sa, California. tn the City or COtlta Mesa, County of Oran11:e. State or <'allforn1a, In· lt'n1tft to llell to HAROLO HlPES and .IERl HIPES, V.,ndeet, wh11se addrcu la i 13 Lldo Soud, in lhe City or !IOewporl Be&ch. C-011nty of Orunge. State of California, the rot1ow111g d .. .scnbed pen1011al f)n>(l- ert)'. l<>·Wll All 11tuek tn trnd". f1.xt11rt1,., .. qulpmenl 11.ml good will o t A l"er· taln Chlh1ren'11 Shop bu11lnP11~. known u PRI UE·N -JOY. 111H.I lo· caltd al 181\l Harhof-Blv1I . tn the Clly of C04llla Men. County or Or· 11ngt>. State or Californi11 un11 ll111l a ll8le. tran11rer and asiognnwnt ur th.-same will be madt', an•I t h" cona1rlerath1n then •fore will be' J>Hhl al 10 .()\) o"<'lock a m .. 1.1n the· hl dey of Dtct'mber. 19~. at the E~· \"r(IW Ot•partinent or the Marinl"t 'x Blink, 8l 2712 W~l Con.st High· way,.ln Lht• City of Newport Bea1 h, County u( Orirng.,, Slatr ot Call· forn111, I •>ste1I Jl:ovembc>r Hi. l!lMi, Al.BERT J HAril~F.Y , Vc-n1lnr LORRAJNF: H. HAUl.l':Y. \'1'nil<i1 llAROLD I, HJf'ES. \'1•ntlt'~ .JERI HJPF.S. Vendce No. 1378 Nt-wt1·Preu l I 18 M I Funeral Nollc·ea 2 C'ard of Tbank.ot ll S!H"elal Announ<'ttment • •·uaeral Dlrt'dOrl Io eu .. lnel!NI Gulde 1 l Bulldlnc Materlal1 12 B•lldlnc 8en'I«• It Peraonal• U Share \'our ('iu 18 T r11.n11portatlon 11 Kouflnt Ill &~uty Aldi 20 Heall b Ald11 2'l Lo11t and •·oµnd 2t ~Jiool11. lnittru('tlon 21J l'lltua.llon11 Wanted 29 Help Wllnt<'d llO M.la\'t"llUlt'<IU8 SO·A !il"&f18 !10·8 ApplhUU-fl8 SI Wantf'd t o Buy llZ •'urnll u~ for Salfl S2-A AntlquN llS 8ual11. Sup11llr" ll• Mu•kal, llttdlo, T \' S~ DoJ(•, ('at", p.,t .. 36 Poultry Ill l.h 'l'"to•'k lilt Auto• \\'anll'<I 40 Auto11 for l"ah• fO·A Tlr•'" &: l'arb fl Auto )4+.r\'ll'e f:.? TraJlf'r11 U Airplane. 4l Want .. d to ftf'nt 411 Aph. Ii t111u""" for fCf'nl 411·A Aph, for Rt'nf · .i1.e ""''""" for Rf'nt fl\.(· Tratlrr :o<1uu•" 40 Room" rnr '"'"' i!t·A llf'"t Honu><1 •tt-n Jcoom 4: Ho1Hct .;u k .. n .. Ml""· 6ll S torr " I: Uftlf',., Ml-A llu"ln•·"" ltrntal" M 811 .. lnr"" Opportunltl"" I\~ ~11111•y t.o l.011n Ml ~onty \\'ftnlf'd ;\7 HraJ t:!illlll' \\ anlrd Ml Hf'&I ~; .. 1at1• ~""Irr 80 '""""'" 1•rn1wrl ·'' 64°1-A ('11mm .. r1"al. lnllu,.lrlal 6 1 Kl'ttl t:11tatl' t:\'r hli.nJr 62 Rral t: .. tat~ y Newport ~arbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meeta every Thurlday 8 p.m. Vt& Oporto -Centn.I An: Newport Beach AJbtrt H. Matthew•. Exalted RUler 12-BnlldinJ SemCN Painting, Paperhanging "The Finest Money Can Buy" ~x~es~.~ N~po~~!~~; Ph. Har. 2404 or la67-R. 15Uc ASPHAL-T TILE LINOLEUM ln~tall the a bove cheaper than m ost. Alao aell Tiie A Linoleum. Non-union, 26 ycara experience. Compare and eee - BILL COKER Har. •796 or Long Beach 7·6973. 89tfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0 . Andenon 1-014 E. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 24.GO 83tfc You are mocit likely to tlnd a buyer through lhe ne,;1p11per which people r nd tor clualrltd 11dv1>rtls1ng - Thr 1' tW•· Pren Harbor 1616 That's Right! Free Turkeys! A Free Oven-Ready Turkey Goes With Your Purchase of one of Our USED CARS , . ~ 54 Mercury Monterey R-H·Meroo. Pwr. WSW 54 Ford Custom Fordor .R-H OD·2-Tone ~ WSW 54 Dodge V-8 Royal 4 Door $1795 R-H WSW Auto Dr.- $1395 • $1445 53 Chevrolet Bel Air R-H P\\·r. Gld. WSW 2 ·Tone G~n $1295 52 CadHlac Fleetwood R·H HydrL Tint 01&88 52 Chevrolet Styline 2-door $1795 .R-H M echanJcally PerfN"t $695 50 Olds. Super "88 " 4-dr. Sed. Mt>laUlc G~n Ii WSW Tittic R-H .II Hydramatic $645 .. 52 Buick 4-Door R·ff ~·naflow WSW , 52 Chevrolet Styline 4-Door RllH N('W Rubbt-r! 52 Ford V-8 Ranch Vf agon t~ordomatic R.lll $895 $695 t'. S. ~lastn \\'S\\' Til'f"lll S 1295 51 Ford Cu V-8 Tudor R·H OD New TIN'11 50 Plymouth Spl. Dix. 4-Dr. Sed. · One Owner! $665 RI. II t•t-rfttt $495 These and 40 More to Choose from at Oran9e County's Largest Used Ccir Lot -"The Lucky 100" with NO DOWN PAYMENT F""°'f' Turk"Y Offn t:xpl,_ at l :(MI p.m. Wf'd., :Sov. Urd, 19M MILLER CHEVROLET CO. _ Uberty 8-2261 Oldsmobile Chevrolet . MILLIR'S KAR KO•RAL I Custom CABINET WORK I 1:>-Sbare Your 0&1' R & L AUTO CLINIC Done on prem(aea No job too am&IJ. Newport leach Phone Kl 3·33'8 83c4.ah RIDE: wanted from Balboa l81and to Oouglu Long Beach. First Shift. Bill Speara, 806 S. Bay f ront. 33p3:1 3001 Newport llvd. Harbor 4606 Opening )funtla11; November 21. .• A new Bank of America ..,. Branch for Costa Mesa at 512. West 19th Street W. are ~·rg a brand new Bank of America branch next week to prollide metroporrtan banking servtees for Costa Mesa's rapidly jj0ili8c business and residential area. To the hundreds of famifies who have moved to Costa Mesa in recent years as wen as 1o the many fine businesses here-we extend a . ~ cordial tnvitatioo to use these modern facilities. For yc:o convenience our banking hours wift be: Monday ~gh tJssday, 10 AM to 3 PM. Friday, 10 AM to 6 PM. • k>ok forward to serving an your banking needs. LLOYD J. SUGAS1CJ. ..... COSTA MESA BRANCH 11unk of .Amrrini NATIONAL I!~~i;:~ ASSC>Cl1.TION ., .... UOUM. O"Ollf PWt••utCC CC•O•M9011••• -512 West 19th Strc~t You can park free at the new Costa Mua BranclJ .I • )00 W . Coast Hh)hway Uberty 8·2258 Newport leach .., ____________ .,. ________________________________________________ _. ____________________________________ ..... ~~~~--~~~~~--....i~~---------------------------------------.·----------------------~~-----:......... ' ( ' • Superfluous Hair PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 10-P--:,~f P~------~-O·B-:~-PP!~~---­ USED APPLIANCE BUYS 40-KutM and Trucka This Months' Specials I lO-Autoa Cor "Ult '\N X'IAI. tHllLT 113 ft1,·1··• • w1 1h 11 11trln1 RlJJCK niotor- 32d4 PermaanU, w •ed ,._ ~ •nm. lep. .,.......,. UC Mir liae .... ,.._.,. .... lWI *I· aLD L. DTAJft R. & YOU CAN SAY YES to th~ queatiooa O'KEEFE & MERRJTT gas range GAFFERS & SA TTL~. while table top gas range. Very clej!_I $49.50 . 79.50 1955 Chrysler Windsor I J l2~ H111 :1684·M !II l'ru~lry •up .. r Ala. W•J· RAU IPAI< 111•11 :Z0,011() a!'IUal m llH. ftY :l!I mp..: JJ!IO LI 8·M 23. SlcS3 u .... ..-.,~-·•"' ... l . Do you have ateady ~mployment ? WHITE T ABLE TOP. gas range, griddle, oven control $74.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model ~ $99.50 PHILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu, ft. $99.50 WESTfNGHOUS.f<~ Refrig. 7 cu. ft .. vl'ry clean $99.50 4 door Sedan . 1955 Chrysler New Y orlcer l' A [H l.LA(' ':1:1 l'ou1lf'. lo'\111 power, RltH l\11111111•nl1<l 1\11. NNI' nl"' nyl1111 UN·... I ownrl'. JJl.•t 11(f.•r liar 3816-R 31cS3 Jones Birkel-Richardson OROAN STUDIO. Learn te p1q the ml,tlty WURUTZllR. 2. Doea your employer tra in you for advancement ? 4 door Sedan Both Fully W arranteed as New Car Sedan l!I:\:! M<lltltlS M f !\'OR SeM'.l. Hu . :.!J\)t)R "'<'II lt11r . :'\02 day•. 31c3~ 3. Do you havr paid vacation, holidays, and aick leave'> SERVEL Refrig .. left hancJ dour $89.50° WESTINGH OUSE Refrig. 7 • :.! cu , f t. Deluxe $109.50 1953 Olds. "98" 4 Door I !'l~:t CA n 62 l'!'d lln 37000 ml. EVllLYN JONES, Mel' .. 100 Kolin· 4. Do you work clo11e to your home ? KELVINATOR Refrigetator 8 cu. f t. Deluxe .. $119.50 DEXTER Automdie washer S89.50 Loaded with extras -P ow1'r Stc-ering. Power Brakes Radio, Heater, W S W T ires V1•1\' c·l~an rsr. $199!>--W W nylon tire~. Takr tra nsportaUOll 1·11r trii-lc. Harbor 172~ after 6 p, m 1Ttto WOOc1 Drive. LI 8-1082. IOc33 China Painting 5. Do you have oompany·paid pension, life insurance and other beneCits? ' ' KENMORE Wringer wa1:1her $49.50 An E xceptional Buy E ASY SPINDRYER S pecial Only $59.50 ALL Gl'AHANTEED 1953 Chrysler Windsor · Club Cpe. 40-A-Ttrf'8 & Phta 01" •nd Evrntns a..... Ordera Nta How WHEN YOU WORK FOR Phone LIMrty I-MU Ntl• Southern Counties Gas Co. WASlflNG MACHINES. AUTOMATIC' ANO WRINGER TYPES SEVERAL 'l'O S J':LE<"r F ROM Low Mileage -Li ght ~reen -Power Steering New and Used TRUCK ANO /\LL REASON ABL Y PRlCEIJ BUDC ET TERMS FREE DELIV. Hammond Organ lntereating employment now offered to H.S. gradu-ln•tructroa1, elu.lca.I 6 popular. Willys -4 Door Sedan 2 -Tone Blue -Overdrive 1953 KNOX HARDWARE CO. Har. N T6 31cll ates 18-45. 5-day, 40·hr. week. Apply 1030 E. First 420 Ea.st 4t h St. Santa Ana Kl 2-2336 Chev. Pickup Truck Pauenger St., Sant.a Ana, Mon., to Fri .. 8.30 a.m. lo 4 p.m. 1952 TIRES SCHOOL, DAY ·oR NIGHT C ROCERY cUhler1 a nd .MEAT SOUTHERN GAS wrappera-earn $80 $100 per WMk. 308 S purs eon. Santa An•-I - Ph. KI 3-8300. _ 3.:_c•!) J 29-Bl'lp Wanted ' Real Estate Salesman LEARN Prarllcal Nur11lng Earn $8 . $H d111ly whllf' tralnini I LAm btrt 11·7621. 33tfc ----For our newest C'lrtlce · -a fine 18--Sltuatlona Wanted EXPERIENCED GARDENER g round·flOOr opportunity. Our tnci-ntn·e commlSl!l•in achedulc favo rl! tJioee who 1tay with us, t hole who produce, and those ' active In lilting. We are friend· OARDICNINO It yal'd wor k by day ly and cooperative and we want week or month. Ule aame from you, LJberr.y 8·9139 after e. 3ttc CLEANlNG A tRONINO by the day. l:xperlenced. B1lboa llland preferred. Kl 3.eooe. tl T HOROUGH CLEANING, cook· Ing A lll'rvtnc . Own 1ran.1,1pc1r1a- tlon. Colored. Kl 3·9283. 31 p33 HA VE BICYCLE, will I ra vel. H yr . old boy. Werk end•, odd Joh11. •1t llvrn u or what havtt you! H arbor 077 I 32c34 Roy's Maintenance H OUM cleanl.nc -i1uor WU IJIS Walt wu1'11ng-·wlndow cteani.1 Venetian bllnda. Upholat.ery liuured. l'rff EeUmatu Uberty 4-133~. ltlc H ANDY MAN. rnalntena nr r It rrpa lr or what ~ Har. •~·W. 17trc Swedish Massage Ladlu . by 1ppolnlmf'nl I.II your homt . Formerly maHeUH a t Arrowh .. d Sprtnis Hotel a._ue c111 Harhor 0 911 or Harbor ~ 31~ Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 33jo East Cout H wy CoroM drl Mar Harbor 6219 EXPERI!!;NCEIJ wa1trraa wantt<d. Apply a t SNACK SHOP, 2306 E. Coo11t Hwy., Corona del Msr. 18U HOTEL NlCHT CLERK ..Man 31\ to 60 yra Exp. not necell.llllry S trady work. Lettrr with put .. xp. a: l'e.tu encu rf'qwrtd P O Box 7~7. Balboa . Callf 32c33 R EA L ESTATE SALES MAN HA VI: opening for loca lly t'X· pen rnctd $31elITTllln JACK BRENNAN. Rultor 3320 W. Cou t Hwy Npt. Br h W berty 8·7773 33tfc MEN-WOMEN GROCER Y cuhlrra and MEAT wra ppera. $80 -$100 week 308 Spurgeon, Santa Ana Ph. Kl a-e3()(). See Ad c1... H. GIRLS - EARN MORE 32<'U THAN EVER BEFORE! Experienc'd ,2'ardener our new, hig her •t artlnK wawe LANDSCAPING a nd frequent lncre.-S1YM you Olla op'portunlty Openlnp DOW and CLEAN UPS for - Liberty 8-1659 TELEPHONE OPERATORS 30Ue I We wm t rain you and you'll re· celve ma11y o\Jit r benefit.a. R E LI A BLE" JAPANESE --Apply - AMERI C AN WANT S :11 •~ No. M.alr\ Street. Rm. 2u , GARDENING IN H A R· I S&nta AnL BOR AREA BY WEEK OR PA~Cto ~;p;ONE MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 COUNTIES c 0. 33c36H :SO-Mlscellaneowi SE LL ON TERMS 8 F'T. DELICATE SEN cu e, $Jr1Q. ONZ:: 6 ft. retrlge tor ........ $50 ONE large romr_ne . refrlg. $75. 1 SCALES. $657 1 G "DOL A $2!\, Ca ll owner LI 8·62 . mornings or after !) p.m. 9t!c ANTIQUE bet 11et ( wll.lnul I $711. Old org&n $100, hall tree $32.110. antique tle"k $30, China cabinet $H .llO, Ol•I cane rocker $f!), old 1ulky $411, run~ Chinese Ivory screen $1711, a rtlflclal fireplace $Hi, 16 mm 11ound projector J I 211. tor \ral.lt'I old <tining set. ph•sh Cheilrs, haa China cabinet $175. olll wall 1.-1ephone11 $12.50 ea , old phonog1 uph $15. •hotg11n $20 21" TV S75. marble ta ble S•O. tape ri-corder• $99.50, antique lamp11 from $6, Utrd•t'Ye drviser $26, old kitchen c-upboan la $15, also old China. loada or jljltlque furn , need• refinishing do It your11elf and aavt' We a i.o buy A awap CHARUE DA\"JS. l80ll p; Ana- h,.lm, Long Bea ch. HI!: 6·6039. PAJR 0 1.D SCHOOL DESKS, rush 11rat "1tln111 roc-ker. olll phonl', w 11 I n u l p u II -u p c h a l r. Hu 2884-J.f, 32c3t Movie Proiectors · FOR RENT l ·MM lll·MM 3~·.liOl HOBBY ana MODEL AlRPLANIC SUPPLIES Mears Camera Shop 1782 Newport BIYd., Coata Meaa Phone U berty 8· 7042. Pr u 3 PAl1'S lra vN11t d r11J>4!JI new . I double wldt.b '80.00 lined. pair mahOl'anY and l'Old -.,roco. wall bracket.a i&.00. Ra r. °'811·..1 S3c EIGHT FT REDWOOD pa tio table tlr 2 M nch"• $16 Old Mbr M.,.t ,.r with allachmmt11 $~. Har •234. 33('3:1 SO-B-Appliances Good Used -Appliances 9 ft . Chest type freezer $99.50 Gas Ranges from $29.50 Frigidaire 9 ft. Refrigerator $75.50 Washers . 1 Take your choice A utomalic a.nd wringer '-"-$20.00 Newport furniture Co. Complete Hom' Furnishings 2620 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach · 31c33 WHrRLPOOL lllltornallc gu dryr r wtlh automatlc lgrullon Reg price $:.!S9.96 . .Sale rrlrt' $199 Wi. J.-ree Jn~lnJlat 1on, No uuwn, I! 49 pt r wk. No payment unlll 19M. THRONSO:-.l'S 1815 Z-:cwport Avt'. <:oala Mt118 tr Washing Machine <;l:RVICE' l ·yH.r iuarantff on Jobi done and on \&Md wubue. U11'4 (rear) Newp0rt Bl .• Coel& Meaa. Llberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. 64tfc SS-801 ts. Supphee TRADE Beeutatul 70·ft. aux. achooner. Excellent for charter. Want propeny o r smaller boat. 1220 W. Balboa BlvJ .. Newport. Har 3032. 39t/c Gigantic SALE 20°/o off vn all 19M boat• A J ohnl!On ('J B. Moton . So. Coast Co. l"fWf)()rt 8 "•11. at 23rd St. \ 32t•J4 SE E THt:; SP EClAL Boat display ... 1595 Newport !Jlvd., Costa Mesa RE ALLY something NEW. 3tc33 Boat Repairs ROBERT VAUGHAN & CO. 1600 W. Co11&t Hwy. Newport Beach prtr Slip & Rowboat Space for Rent A merican Legion 2115·115th St. Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m P Rtf Ya c ht Remodeling Service Joiner work pa1rinc rt'flnlllhlng re· F rfl' EJitlllltllNI Har 4284·W 33c•~h Red in Color -Rich in Value Plymouth Sport Coupe 2-Tone G reen -Radfo & Heater 1951 1951 Cadillac 4 Door Sedan 2 Tone Blue -New Cov~rs. Chrome a little shabby but a real low price to compensate 1950 Y~~rxs!~~k N~~e~:t condition Drive it & Buy it 1950 Chrysler 4 Door Sedans All in good shape -Three to choose from LOU REED and ASSOCIATES CHRYSLER-Pl YMOUTH DEALER 1200 W . Coast Highway LI 8-3486 --,.--- 34-Muslcal, RadJo, T V DA VIS-BROWN Reconditioned & Guaran teed Used T V Seta New PA CKARD·Bl::U... RADIOS EBOJ'l."'Y 12 96 COLORS 14 9~ PACKARO·BEl.L CLOCK RADIOS "W AKE CP TO MUSIC" E BONY COW RS FM RADIOS F ROM Used 40-Aotos for Sale PUBLIC NOTICE No luge !'O&\ly adver1111ng wrll be run The J>Old 'p lo follo"1¥111g !'ar11 m11•t ~ at liquidation prlru I OO o/() Financing ra n be a rranged. The11e earl! have ·been thoroughly checked s nd a r e me<'hanlcally perll!Ct , and In nea rly new condition, 8-Hour Recappin9 .. Service Complete Brake Service AND Front End AU~ent ROAD SERVICll }~Irestone Bud(et Pla ll Y 011r1 for the A1kln1 HOWARD RYAN 801 -80CJ W. 1st St. SA!lo'TA AN A Kl 3°8363 41-Aoto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. -··-·--$'8.88 8 Cyla, ····-···-·····-·-·SM.8$ lncludu both la bor and parta. New rlna•. wrl•t J>ln1. Yalve grind. titling• of main and rod bearlnS•· Expert m otor t une up. 90-day or •.000 mlle ,uarant.ee. (NO MONEY DOWN\. R E BUILT ENGINES -UP to l~ MONTH S TO PAT- Bullt ln our own f aclQlll)' by aktlltd machlnl1ta. Don't contend wltll the middle man. Buy direct . REBUILT and INSTALLED 17" CAPITO L T V LATE MODEL THOR WASHER WITH P U MP SHORT BLOCK Station Waq_ons FORD ........... ·-·-.. -··-···· 11z9.50 H :in ·~5 c H E v R 0 L E T Town1man. Clil:VROLET .. ·--····-·-$149,!)0 GOOD CONDITION SHORT \\'A VE HOA TS Used Radios Rlldlo, Heatec. Powtr • gll<le PL.YM. 6 000011:' ...... -....... -$15~ white aide walla, $50 Down. CHRYS. A OE SOTO ···-·--$170 'M CHEYROJ..ET Bel Air Radio. STUDEBAKER -·-· .. ·····-·-$170 HC'lllt>r. Powergllde. JM Dow n OLDS • PONTIAC e _ ..... -$170 POL.ICE. ETC 9 ~I ·114 Jo~QRO RIUlch Wagon. Fordo· 1 BVJCK ··---·-.. ···· .. -·-·-SI 73 17" SJLVERTO NE TV H 60 mallc. Radio. Heati-r, white a1de l HUDSON -·-···-.......... _ -·-1!71'> TABI~ MODEL wallll, Power Hrake• 13 of lhe.e Loan Car l"ree Towtns 12'2" STRO MBERG C ARLSON cuh to chOOJ!e from 1 $!)0 On %1.'EW CAR C UARAN'I'Elt Hr~o=--n TABL.E MODEL '33 PO:-:TIAC Sta tion" W•1ton . Block muat meet our l t&ndard• \\ITH FM RADIO Ratllo, Heat er. Hydnunat1r , w aw P lua taJIH, (Uketa and oil O'KEEFE & MERRl'M' range, ':'!:'! TV & R d• R . :--'E\\' P ICTl:RE TUBF: Power .steerlllc. i 50 L>own. Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. model. Lamp It r lo•·k "'Ith 1wen a 10 epair 42 Ill) ·53 Jo'ORIJ •.Jr. Cc;untry Wagon. BELLES ENGINE S4-MmlcaJ. Radio, & T '' um.-r. Chrom• gnll broiler . and • Fast Serv"1ce DAVIS-BROWN ll.adw. He11ter. wsw, Fon1om1111c REBUILDERS ·u CHRTSLl!:R C'Oupe, Ould drive tha\ lift up top l'at•d one $!10 Down. r11d10, lfOC')(! c-are $14!1 Solid month. $149 80 ruh, or pay $8 Reuonable. $Prvl!'e calll! till '!IJ FORD Ran!'h Wsgon F'ordo · b 188!> Harbor Blvd . R & H. Se\'erol to chooae from. rus rlttHl bar FIRE SCREEN Jl"r mo. IH I W ChApman. 9 pm KNO\\'LTON ELEC· Op\O'n Da lly 8 to 7 8 t•t• Bonet.cl 3 1 rn wide, n,.arly new Jlll Orange. KE 8·!1817 lf TRO:-;tcs u 8.:i206. COSTA MESA ·a2 FORD Ranch Wagon. Rad10.1 WA ....,. w .. • to d h c;· 1 •• LI S-3'"37 Hf'alrr, whllr wait.. $!!() Down ., • •ute wom&n o ouae I omp etr. Har 3vol. 34c3!) --- --, 2:!<:3811 , work It cook. Fou r In ramlly. 9 CU F1' G E. R EP"RIC. Year -'!)1 {OR L> Count ry Squire, Rldlo. 2t p37 NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St . J Wiii Do Uve ouL U 8-:)1187. 3l c33 U15EO l!:LllCTRIC TRAIN In· 112•53 F'r .. rur l'i'o1t11 lflp s125 Sf'EC'IAL Bl"YI Hf'11ter. et!'. S50 Down ---1 r ludlnlt', 80 fool. t r11ck. bridge. Excellenl l·ondltlon Har. 218 1M Buuliful F'ren!'h Pro,•111rla.! ta.m· Lll<E: NltW 40·· LESTER Spcnt t -·ao FURL> Sta tion Wa~on, Radio, SANTA It.NA YOUR IRONING In my horn" Brtnr hllJ\l'tn Wiil p1c:k 11p 6 d~llver. re.motf' control l!Wttchea. manual 321'34 nu" m •k" Spinet pia no Like I WRlnut ri1.n $60 •1n A Jiii :10 Hr11ter. $1't0 Down. A Planned Future • KWltr hl' .... 1111111mlllfc •emaphore new Savt> J JOO. Conv teM1111 at mo 'U F OHO Cnun1 ry Rqulre. RadJo. 11 11to1111atlr 1(11\t'rn"n. rt'mote r tin· S HAFERS 1!)1111'e 190i ) WOODWORT H P IANO CO. Hf'lltl'r. 0 '<1Mvf', S:'!O O<>wn SARVER FOR Ll 8·2683 pr l POSITION w ith old H l "b C'o -----Build • bn•lneH of your own. %9--Help Wanted I R~peat 11a lr1. food pr(><lu('\. -Hfshut income bracket. Sub- SA LESMICN It SAl..ESWOMl!:N, 11ta.ntl•I retl~mrnt pla n. No •~II by appolntmt nt N1tlon•l 1 Inv, Ll 8·5740. 29c42 organliatlon opening new office In Ortlnge County Averare '6--MhceU...eooa cornmlu 1on 1:14 JH'r H ie One ~r day eu y A pply 4()61 • ~O<Ul I Broad,..·ay. S anta A na. I p.m or call Kl 7·2624 tor •pp\ 32t !\4 -----DENTAL HYCl E NlllT pu t Ume. j Har. 1893 32c-33 Attention Knitters GtRL 21 t o 2-' yr" oltt F';rM to ' \.\'El.COME Lo my ne-.~ ahop. Com• tra vrl To htlp ra re tor b•by 1 in a nd h~p m"" build towArd trof mfllt'nf't t'rllne, c1m1blt< duty 82--i"uniJture for Sale 421-423 N !';yr"m<>rc'. S11ntA Arl4l 2610 E C°"st Hwy · C 0 M. '49 JEEP Slallon W1t1:<>n. Ovtrdr trftnsformrr, M A N Y OTHER Phont Klmtw-ily 2·0612 Har. 3382 32c34 \Hit' ownc•. J50 Down, CHRISTMAS TOYS C'HEAP BEDROOM ----J lO 8 AW. 19" Inch. OltLTA. Knowlton Electronics HAMMOND ORGAJ,IS, all mod<'l•. and These BRAKES tlN ORANGE COUNTY J7 YRSI Bondert Brak--4 WhMla Sll.98 t n.1t.allat1on -__ Iii like n""" !'hNip SETS TV ANTENNAS our l'hrlt1lm11" 81\/l'k n11w c•omlnit p C L. F' Litke il7 Orcha.rd St 6 4r 9 DRAWER drt!Jltr nurror, ln; J lO.t>o dep<>4'1l will re.tn•11 aue nger ars N Corona drl Mar, Callf 33p3!) bOOkcll.lle headboar•I, from S~9 60 I Clear lleam -HI G1u.n1 any miwlcl whll~ they la."1 Trad•· ·~4 MERCL'RY Monterey Hd·Tr p Tu f l2.41 -TWl:": MAple ~ w11h mattrcu ,_. INSTAU..ED complete to your eel l.n your old plino. I Power St,.uing. HydramaUc, YOU PAY NO MORE ...... 1 13 u 10.">4 AU.. STA IE Molor Scooter box 11pnog. only U 9 ~(I •a I . $9 95 OANZ·BCHMIDT. Homt or lhf' Hatfll), Jif'lltpr S:'>() Down. 5126 Blondr bdrm 11~t. bookcaAe 6 & 9 ORA WER mnple tlr"s..~•·r. • world f&nlOWI Hommond. 620 '60 C Ht:\'ROl.ET Club Cou~ Ra · SARVER MOTORS hu dboard, tlblr dN'll81'r, l•rg\O' with mirror. from 1;9 _,0 u l·ll20~ 30pl."• N o. Main. Santa An.a One dlo, Hu t1r, $U1 nown BllAK.E SERVICE mirror U <> 1188 Bay SI, C M. Living Room Sets ----Sptnrt Morl<'I. •me H:\mmnn1I ':'>O STL'U£. Slllrlll•• t"pe Rad10.1 E l~T AT ORAND SA.llo.,.A ANA L.1 8·3982. 31p33 PRACTICE piano• '89, $95 to C'hord Org11n uled but llkf' new, Heater, 0'1lr1vc. $:.!5 ()()wn AHtr The C:r u h Jt'i Too Late Modem & Mapl~ , Sll:I. Spinet tyflt' mirror piano wond• rtul bargains 49 f'O:-ITIA ' C.:onvertablP. H ydra · J9tlo Fresh Hearing Aid AS :-:ICE A t.ll'E u yuu would '23!) -a blo nct bt•ftuty. E Mlest 1---matar Radio. Htr. $25 C>nwn. BATrJ:RJU find anywhtre. \\'11 h uur low tetTn.. OR.AND PIA?fO Chr\atmu Sale. '49 NA~H 2-tlr Seds n R.!idlo, 4.2-Trallers w1 Olve 8 6.H Creen Stamp• ovrrhead you II br surpna~<i hov.• O ANZ·SCHMlDT. !'>20 :o;o. Main. Many wondf'rful barJr"lnl!, t am· Ht'ater. O'drave. $26 L>own ------------- on trip In F1ur1<l• l ntt r"''ll'W your n;ert.s fo~ nt>edl~ralL rrom 4 p m to 7 p m 3e1 Sit N Kmt G d D C much we CRn 11a\'r vou i>lt'•I!" 1anl& Ana 100 p1anr .. tv choose I ous mRkn , Steinwa y Mu 11n g,.,·erAI More to Choosl' From I un erson rug o. ta.kr ll look It Wiii pay you from. Hamhn. Knabr t lc • d!'ll\'"r"d 1 •faln SL at &lboa Blvd., Balboa I GOOD TERMS ft'l'e, ~nch 1ncludr.1 rrvm "8i 1740 NEWPORT BLVD. * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER 8 41 +F8 22nd St .. BM:k Ba\• ~2c:H 313 E Balboa Blvd. Ba lboa USED CAR LOT A TTP.:NOANT. I 321fc Clean up, wu hlnf . du•tln1 . etc. I Apply In pentnn •t Theodore }{ARQU&T!E A rc Welder. (nrwl I Robin• For\l Dealer, 3100 We1t 3 hp Air Compru.or, 220 Volt I Cout Highway, Ntwport Bu ch •Ingle pl'IUf'. 8 ff at P A TCK'8 32c34 17t h S L • l Pla centlll. LI 8· 7508. -------------2llf H arbor ~15. Nllc RETAIL FL;R;\!lTt:RE BROKF:RS DA.MACED In 11hlpplng 2 Spmrts. tcp. COSTA MESA Open Friday F.••t K l 3·206 aav~ 1180. DANZ·SCHMl.DT. :120 NO. Main, LIBERTY 8-2269 firewood Phon,. rl11y or nlith\ Kl 7·4890 3rd al Spurg eon sanu AnR DA NZ·SCHMIOT :-.20 N<> Main, I Santa Ana 30<':13 Santa AnR ---I BIRCH Drop led dining tabli:, Sa· WANTED TO IH'Y. m<KI Splnel 23ttc ' lt'm flnc&h. s~alM 8. s 10 LI 8· OT Ba by Oran•! tn jtll<•l l'Hn•llllOn RE:-JT Q pllU'lo ror Chrl11lm&J1. All l<'rm n'11 t Allowed. G<1<"1 pr1t!'· tl<'e ptano11 from $5 per month l<'t Ult' k1dd1es le1trn. and S UPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4420 '52·15' H11ppy home ---l!Mll '54·3:1' 'T'ra vtlU t', 8~ • ··-123116 ':'tt-4~' R oadmu ter 2 B. R. Bpedal '~>5·4 1 ' l'a""1TIOUnt . JJIC dl.eoount AT'T'ENTJON-3 hlJ h type men or women will br appointed It t rained u field 111perv111or . Oood Income tor lhoM who qualify F or Interview phone Har. 827'. SUN AIR.JI) auto pa clothe• l------------- dryrr, llkr nt w 112~ Full slzl! I R€t'O~OITJONED :J3,I'>. 3l <'33 Harbor 0053-M 32p34 TWO TWIN BEORM Sfo:TS w n h ~prtng!I. mell1·~.s""·• •Ible <"hesl11. mirror!' &t mte 111111111" Sflll & 1.,0. !.ft<', G E. r~trlic. $l l() (-;M hPater Jj r,{) II rt•'lecl rft t• URD on" full krybtutnl Spinet 14711 • OANZ·SCHMIDT C.20 No ~llln, S11nt tt An11 GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS 1 ':1!»24 T••r ry, . W iii deal oa UU1 '4i !-ln·oE BAl<F.R ~ t. plckltl) PAN A.MERICAN 32c3S Beacon Personnel 100% employer retained agency NO 1'1:1: <'Ollected from appllcant •11-ai.t Newport 8eacll LOOK AT THIS AD Earn S8 · $14 daily Womf'n of all ._.,, dH perately nffded a t once. E&m wh.lw you ltarn pract k al nurrrtns . H l&'\ a~ool l'ducaUon no< needed. C-all U mbl'rt ~·71121 or wr1t. CAR.Eats IN NURIJNO. ~t. 1a . 4018 w. Common•e&lt h. l"ulle rton. Ullc WOMAN lo belp tlMD Qt.I . ...,_ era& day1 w of'k. Harbor SOl6 - 3ScA NAME T AJCl:RS for LAcuna Beach A SouUI Lafuna Cit)' Olrtttory. Oood hand wrtU.nf "aae.nllal. W rtt• 2<M I:. ttfi 1oom 7, 811.nta An1 or ca.II Kl :1·3'81 :Z:ttfc box 11prlng and mllttrtM $35. u a-.21'7 ~ 31r33 Paint Brushes WOOL>\\'ORTll PT NO C'O 2610 F: C'oa.,t H~y . (" (1 ~t Har. 3.1d2 :llr34 10c to 50c .tr up Schlegel Paints •08 N. !'lewport Blvd, Npt. ll<'h. t an ctm.1r~ i :i:.. A I~~ TOP OHOAN I F:l•·r• 111n1. (lr~l<.11 n11w Q UALITY LI ll·6:"1k7 :12 :13 nnly $:"1jj. All F:lr-ctrl< Ori:,ir1 . 1 ~ bal. onlr $i8.\ U·wry Ori:nno n \·o t•n.I tllbles .~ • ••f.!• ,. tnhl•' I $19:1 A ll W•!ll1l..rr111 b11.ri:111ns I 21., ff. P, Garden Tracto r wllti "l · J <Ac hmenu . Rt'm•nKtun Type· wrttt r. U 8·8a23. 3 lc33 THREE SHOW CAS.ES ror aale. 17 In. ra<'kllr<,I 8 1'11 TV Sr.II 50 I I& In E mrnion CnnJJole $59 :'10 16 1n rt C A. Con"ole 16~1 00 1211 on l'at k>H.t B,.ll T M $!"1{1 ~10 ,rn<I 2~• oth~r" t •1 d11111i1• (111111, . A II "eta tl'!'ontlt\lttn•"I & gu11r. 1 11nltf'l1 SI IS RA I 1111 :122 ~fa. ro n., Av,., liRr 0780 •Ir H 3819R a 1 ~33 1 ·:10 Cl-iE\', i,. \. panrl PAramount,..k -..klll :)0 F'(JRl1 •;, t p11·k11r Travelne·Tttry 'l>I C'llF:VHUW::T •, t plrk11p !11 c:MC-1, I P"nl'I "ll.l r 11111<;1': '• t. pickup 'l)4 C:M(" '• t p1<'kup. hydra, lran11 '!'>2 ( llJDflE: 4. t plckuj:J ·04 tiM(' '• 1 1111 kur. hydra GOOD i 1 I t. 1Jberty t~ b.ou .. w ith 1w,onlnc. Sa.le or reriL - • Kl l\·26113. Pell 4'7-Wanted to Heat Call F'ORGIT HDWE., H ar I re. 3l r33 ORIGINALS 33cl!) 1111 i;IR511 tvp D11ve11ro1 \ t:r>0d OA:'l:Z·~l'llMll tT '12.•1 Nn. Ma u1, 1 1·•mtll\1on t:all 11fl~r II p Ill or !'iont,1 Anll Sun•la)' 220:\ l'h.innrl lt1I , Rar.'°' --9!1 1-l '.'I: T ABLf' boa. Har 1 ifiO·J :13113'• ltl(t.; \:'I: ·1 •f.'1..·1 AL' 11 · ~ ' · · 1n1~l· I TV :-; • "port 33p:l't tr.in~ :'11 c 111::\· ' 1 (' " ,. I Rentals Wanted Order Now! 1 ' :-, • J.. 218 211\h St ---- -j llEM< c~S rKi\ TOK 1n1 .. Jfl .\iinahall H"·' 216• J . • 4i (j,\H' I '1 I 12' '""" We aMd a pe. &a4 ~ 19 .. Per.on allied ChNtmu Carda ArI'ERNOON, Cocktail. dl.nnuf DBL BED b ol( 11pnngs • tnn('r· "Plllr\ nu;.i..n._ l.1k1· "~" Ss ve u ol· dre-A (;oordlnatea. I "Prtll,!r mattrr~~ Jiii. Llbtor\.\' sioo L1t.r1111 11 ... I•· C'onvt nitnt :11 1:\(1' <'OE lill W B . 2 1 aecUou for boU. tnat. ... JJJ~,.·J. 8 ~~ llf'l'e J"H.r'• 1-. Flam. or --., A LL IIZU. ALL PRJCEI RepreMntaUve Will call al your home. CUSTOM OR11:8SM.AIONG 8·6089 33< 1 1 .. 1n"' "' Ph. Harbor 237 · W. 22p36 •I,\~ ~ H~ , !'inc,. 11111; 1 I BUY ANO SELL ~21 ·~2:1 :": !'Yo 11111111" !-lenta An& Phun• K l ml•~1 ly 2·11&f'2 nu ~, • < """1 ~ " < 11 gllll Hdqtrs., PHONE Har J81 8 or Har. 22e3W 22p42 PHll..CO 13 c-u. fl refrtgerator. 87 lb acr03ll top fr et'gf'r, E.11cluJ1l\'e Philco lwo·w •y door, 20 below rreer:lng tem perature $3311 96 No dow n payment. 3.99 per wk EARLY AMERl<.:A:-1 !'Ill, C'Olored. C\r l SET l'1Rl11t• Pftnyan bo&\ '26. Outboard motor $2&. Band aaw m . ~It il.nder NO. Vacuulft cl-.ner 110, hl(h eb&lr h. P otty c halLU. Thr" J'nnch door• with hardware It Jambe 110 t1Ch, Stained glua wthck>W• $3 •<'h.Har. 1238-Jt 32c34 TKRON80 :'11 8 181!) Newport Avf' <.:Olft.a M ,•L t f R.EW ARIJ S!>t.l 00 for any WU htt on _pllrchu e of a new Harnl1t-0n pattern gla.1111 -P r1mlt1H1-An· 11q11e furniture ttl'lcl f lnf' china THE BIG OLD RED BARN E . FlRBANK Kl 3·3241 13861 H1rbor Blvd , Can len lirove :Hp3i ·h auf.1mft Ur wuhn, plu. a new 3S--Boata, S Ues NlllBCO elert . router A 11ta11d r haln 1lnvrn lrlki-:-:,, tlow n • Uf P 120. 3 pant'I wh1\t' wo"'" ll('re"n No paymtnt Ill 11169. P R l\'ATE (1t>('K for r 4'nt Balboa 17 6(). 8-0th 1n ttl'Otl, rond1t1on. THRO=-<SON'S l!IJ:\ :-<r ,.•port Av,.• l11land. tor bolll up In 32 r1 Har 380:1·.l :l:lp. c·11•tll Ml'~n II I $311 nin H11r ll'IM \I :l~r:\4 Trll•ll' In" 11n orl('•n~. ltkr n"w Pomr M11plr Blnnd Oak. r rrnch f•ro\'1n• 181 Th111 11 a <'han('e for ))111 '""'"•ii!' t1pen F rltla y night l.>A~Z·.-il'H~ll l.IT, !)20 No. >f•ln, Santa Ana. ENGLISH ~tyle ;\lll\lp1.t10 ebony < a .. f'. vo·ry mo1l••I n In ",.;rrll~n1 un11••·•I run•llthln 1.i,,111 ('hrt,l· 1111111 tttfl ;\l u•I ·~II I" , loo•,. ,.,11\lr lln1 21\'J~,J •·r Hr.i 0.11 l~I 331 d~ \\"., tttl\,. " l•n::e Mt n<k or 11•"'' U >'°" ba•• a .....,, lrU• k11 1tll t l'f"'~ :mil •11.f'll Yn11 pt-~ 40-AutM and TruckA 47 FOltll !'ip<'•!;J,l'flUlll 1·11n\•,.r11111,. Xlnl mc<hltti1r1'11 ri1ndll 1on $220 C'all "" nN Har J Hl~·.\t :\:Ir:\!\ "111 •tove tlml' an•l mon .. y by The v ogel Co. 11~·ona 1111 r1n1t 1201 w. C:.WL H"'>'~ H.wport .... :,1 CILl>S ~ d1 ~rotRn """ '""" l11tJ1 extra.! 1 1n~ ~wnrr .tt"llinc 21110 W. Oce&n Fmnt. :>: LI. 3:1r:I~ \\'fl • 11rry our •1" n conlr11nJ Phone Ubowty WU1 W .W . WOODS CM~F.ALF.:R e1a. lfl & 4th SI Sant.a Ana ·~ MORlirs MINOR fl)n\l t rllblt Open Sunda y A M Truc;k Head4uartera for Oran11c-(;o. • Exct Uent M nd. 40 mpr Low down r P '7:10. I.Ambert c,.()tl7e. 1100 1': L'o11111 li'Ullartun. • 33p34 -ror a dependa ble u11<'d car, 11ee _ _ your locaJ dea ltr who will be hen lllMI 'A l1ILL.AC C'o11p" dt Viii•• TOMORROW to i,.C'k up wha t ht wit h ... , n 1·oro F..s< I t ond MIS. TODA y I Checlc l h• U-l'c1 $1;~'"· 211~ St•t e St ro11t a l"ll"I In Ul11 clu11fled 1tcllon lo· M ,.•~ I.I II 41\~111 U• 3"• day, 208 Ma.rtne. Balbo9 &-.. Mione R&tbor '" 28'7 E. Cout Hy., Corona dal a&., Phone lfarllor 1741 Udo Ottlce, su e v1a u .. Harbor 4971 1702 Ntw.•p0rt Blvd. Coeta Kea L.lber!Y 8·61197 tto KF:'l"llt-;:'.r. c •·11111~ d.-111re rMAOn• nltl• '•"''"'" 1 bdnn apt. prf'f. "' !11 ''"" flt ruf111e Kl ~·2617 121':1• --~-~~~------~ .. .. ...... ..._ _____ -.---~~~ .~--...; -·' # ._, l ..... _ I~ ..... « ·• ·-..._._ -· ..... --. _._ -~--·--· .... ···-' Cabanas Marinas orncs roa llENT TKR.Ell ROOM buUdUl( on cout hlpway, M&ttner'a Mlle. park· IJIC irpacea IA rear. Ll M102. BUSINES'S & HOME Bargain OPEN HOUSE NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 . PAGE 5 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS U c36 COAST HJOHW AT, MW 1KllldlllC, 500 eq. rt. omc:e. 81llt.able In· 1urance, atlomey. etc. '90 mo. Vacant, Wa have Lh• kfy, SatW'day Ir Sunday 1-to !S p. m. US and 221 OcMn vs.., Mew· a . Vogel Values Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanaa. Utilitiea paid. with RUH FORD, LI MUI. JOtf IDEAL. BUBJNESI LOCATION A tllree bedroom !lome. Bual.nu• bulldinc 30xS2, approxlmateJy 4 y ear• old. 8-t Eut aide loca- tion. 'SEE w. today. Full price $1 T,600, ternu. \.\'E RA VE a few cholc• bulldlnJ Iola priced to .. 11. S BEDROOMS. oldtr brick home on one noor 1800 aq. n. IA.re• lot wltll f'r\llt t~. Mwer1 con· nected. Huce caraare, laundry Is hobby room. Price alubed lo 118,600. port He&chl.a. Panor.m.to V.WW h'om th4M 2 new I bdnn. l ~ batb modem bom• ~ and coa.atructed ln tM lln•l ot tut.a.. 127.000 and 113.000. Newport Heights Yacht slip accomodatiotu. Daily, weekly. monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc '8A-Apb. for Beat 48-A-Apt& for !Cent lovely New Studio Apts. Cor. Jllth JP1aceaUa. C. M. f.'OR RENT~~ bdrm. home - t.~tove A: refrl&'. turn.) Include• 11tore room A two otflce 1pac~. $100 month. OR will rent Mpa- rately 1 oftk e at S7rt and 1 at B. A. NERESON REALTOR 1982 Newport Bl vd . Coata Meaa LI 8-11172 F.vu . LI 8-4120 J:SO.n.onth. At.o amaU •lore $100 ------- mo. Call owner Liberty a-e223 morntnca or afler 5 p.m. 9tfc Live in Cor o na del Mar ? ? Move l o Cliff Haven ? ? ? Call u1 for full dttall1. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 *** On The Ocean COHPLl!lTl:LY remodeled I brm. bath 6 '~ home wtth front door open!nl' on the aandy beach - Jt'a jU.t What yotl'Ye been look· l Ing lor-a beach hotne or year \ around realden9e. Price juat $20,t OO W1th reuenabla term.. * * * Y ou 'll love UU. home. 2 bedroom1 and unJiniahed room whJch can be conv~rted to 3rd bedroom. 20' living rm., large 1'&11 mirTOr over fireplace, glan- proof windows, W/W carpet, HW t1oont, fUll dlnin~ rm., lovely tile bath, Iota of tile in kitchen which opens t o cement patio. New·dbl. garage & laundry. 50' x 127' lot. Paved a lleya , sewers. See this channint h om e betore.,you buy. Priced to aell--4:!' ~;, Joa.n. You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. !"OR LF.ASI':, new blJr. on Ea11t 17th St. W11 Med BARBER SHOP, BEAUTY PA.RLOR, TV SALES •. SERVICE. REAL ESTATE OFFICll, CJFT SHOP etc. Gel your bualnua 1tarted In lhe beat location In Co1ta Mua. For Information, '32 Eut 17th or Ll~rty 8·5Dt. 28c41 Our Coata Mua Otflre has a llll· Ing on a lovely 3 bedroom and <len homl' tor $29,600 and the owners want to move to COM &lulh ot the Hwy. Prt'fen a slnlilller S bedroom. 2 ba th home. H la hume Los rt'ally vn y nlct> If intu .. ated &""Ive ua a call. A Many Splendored Residence ! Out in the Country BUT DEFINITELY not rou1hlnr lt.. We have been entruated with the aale of thla charmlnr home juat a pitch and a put from the &olt club Jn the Back Bay A rea. 2 bclmu. plu. large rumpu. m 1., 2 bat.tu. beauutul encloud pa tio aJ l tor $17,500 with low down- owner w111 carry b&l&11ce. Corona del Mar Be glad to show yo u anytime. Ken Niles 1021 Bayside Drive '3-Apta. A Bouea Villa Marina Har. 1968 32c45 48-A-Apta. for Keat BAL TSLE. 11m. rm.. private en- trenca It bath. kltchenettP: elect. M!fr1r., thermo heat, $9 wk. or 136 month atn1le. Winter. ... WANT TO T~DE7 f HAV!! A WP.:LL ESTA.BUSHED BU81N&88 lhet wtll net you $12,000 clear. Wiii trade It for any reaaonabl• value. HYatt 4·473t . 33c35 Choice Winter P.entala 011 Balboa Ialand & Lido I.Ile 8ma.IJ • COSJ or &arc• 6 delua• 175 to POO montll VOGEL CO. Har. 2128:M 2Utc ------------- 208 MarlDe A. v... B&lbua lalaDd Ph. Harbor '" or Harbor 2151 Re& Har. lTM·J\ or Har. 8069-M MUe A Tm.ACTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. tum. RENTAL r SPECIALISTS Call ICdna Cra11 Blanche Gates, Rltr. "' au Marine Ave. ~alboa laland, Har. 1871 TJUe PARTNER Wanted to operate llcenaed l&Jvar• 11tore, located neu City Hall. Small lnvealment and bond required. H&rbor 6061 between Cl · 7 p. m. l>r weiekend1. 3'<:46 UUUUu patd. 1 or 2 children. Laundry room. B L V E TO P APT. MOTEL •OS Newport Blvd. Npt. Beach, ju•t above the Arches. Htfc ~MODeJ to Lou FURN. apt., l bdrm .• utll. pd., cen- trally located, Balboa Blvd. $80 CASH _mo. He.r. 17,ll·M.: 31c33 • • • NEW MOD&:RN unfum. aeparale 2 bdrm. unit. wllh g-araaru. J:a.t aide location. Coat& Meaa. Adulta only. LI 8-4"6. 31c33H TWO BEDRM. untum. duplex. Eut 1111le Coata Mua.. $75 mo. Ll 8-7182 or U 8·0118. 33c35 --CORONA D!:L MAR 2 or 3 rm. house partially t urn. LI 8-1776. 33p C ARAGE -at 317 :"arc111fU8, Corona del Mar. Harbor 2082-J . ' SSc35 FURN. a ttractive 1 bedrm, apt. Walking dtatance to Lido 1hop- pln&'. Har. 3738-R. 3tc33 Crown of the Sea Motel In Corona del Mar Comfortable rooma A: kitchenette a pta. Day -_,k -monthly ratf'. 2800 E. Cout Hwy. Hu~ 31114 33c46 FOR RENT yearly, upper a pt FOR TRUST DEEDS WK. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKING SINCE 11130. 18-0t N. BU8H SANTA. .ANA KDm&JU.1' l·Tlll l.OA..N8 '!'O alUil...D. DIPROVI: 8\IY. MOOllR.NlZll:, OR R.ml'INA.HCS We Buy Tnlllt D...s. NEWPORT BA.LBOA 8A. VINOS II l.OA..N AUOCIA TION nee V1a Uclo. Pb. B&r. uoo Lf• --YnLY. RENTAL. Unfum. duplex. -i bdrm. fireplace, floor rumace, hdwd. rlr11 , $11'i mo. Har. 3M9J eve11 3lc33 2 bdrm• .. 1 beth 11nfurn. $12~ ------------- mo. Lower apt. 2 brtrm. 1 bath NO COMMISSION turn. 11:>0 mo. No Apprataal Fee LOtrlS W . BRlGGS. Har. 80 !AJ..1:8 _ IUCJ'lNANCE -------------33c38 CON811\UCTION Nt.:WPORT HEIGHTS 2 br. front ONE BEDROOM rurn. a pt 218- lrlpltx, rtl'eplace, l&Tba&e dlap. 29th St .. Newport. Har. 218~-J W11ter pd. yard mainl&lned $80 33p36 Owner 272 Broadway, U 8-2778 ------------- 31ttc ATTRACTIVE APT. dealrable Joe. NEW unfurn. 2 bdrm. 1ts duplex, K11r, fenC'ed yard. close Lo lhop· prni center. a:re Jtut lltb St., Coat& Mee&. U 8-H:>4 3llfc $l 1 BALBOA. 181...A.ND, 217 Apo· lena, furn. 2 bch;m , 2 batb. fire· place and patio. Adult., no pet.. LI 8-7824. 32cS4 . Xi.-:\\' furn 2 bdrm. duplex.. winter rrnlal $80 mo -131 's ·U U'I St .. =-:""'port Bl'ach. Harbor ~77 - S2c34 nicely rum . $5(). Incl ulUltJea.- Wlll aleep four See It, Harbor •173-W -170• W. Ocean Front, Newport Beach. 32pll4 CORONA DEL MAR ~pin, 2 bdrm. tum. Har. &409. 30tfc LIDO ISLE BACHELOR and one It two bdnn. apt.a. Sh<.rt term a.nd yearly. ALSO, Lido Homu and Bey Front Homea and apartment.a. LIDO REAL TY A.8eociatee H OO Via Udo, H&rbor U44 VllL\·. RENTAL nicely furn. 2 811tfc M rm .. dlnlnir rm. It fireplace, -------------1 12~230 E. 15th St .. Coat.a Mua.. Ll l ·DM2 after Cl r m. 48B--Bo11Me for Beat • 32c34 ------------ 4SA-Apta. for Keat Dl!:L]JXE modem tum 1tudlo apt. UtlUtJca paid $71'> mo. corona del Mar. Har. O~·R. Hlfc Channing Harbor Haven Apartment.a • Patios NEW 4 ROOM, atrttl level. Near echool•. ahoppln( diltrtct. QUlet, pleaMJ\l, vcchalve. Garbar• die· po.NJ, laundry, 1toraar• rooma, pre,fe, $82.60 up. Occuplea tn· tire atreet. Good •upcrvlalOA. Mir. lOOl Haven Place 1 Block South of Hlfb School Al-SO FURNlaHED APT8. WINTER RATES Mic UNF"URN. 3 bdrm . 2 bath, newly decora ted lnalde and out. S125 mo. Call owner Har. 47 or re&l· d69Ce 5381, tf NEW nicely t um. 2 be<lrm. for family. $70 mo. Near atoreA. 304 32nd St., Newport. 3lp38 -fHREE BEDRM. 1:-'URN HOUSE Coat& Me-. $16 monlh. DAN A. JACOBSEN, Realtor Har 01191, eves. U 8-8317 · 32c34. t:08TA ~fE8A 2 bedroom partly furn. houae. HYatt 4·43:17 32c33 '70 MO. Two bdrm, houae turn. 20011 Miramar Dr.. Penlnaul1 Point -Winter rental C G BEAR DSl..EE. 724 Luton Dr Glendale 6 -Ph Citrua 3·63111 32tfr can for l'rff Fut Commitment. on R11ldenCH and Uni\& only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA MESA 4 l-5M 1 LI 1-M12 LOANS for Homes .,. -IO yr. lAUa Construction Loans BEii BOB U'M'LER . :ISU £AST COAST B,LVD. Corona dt:I Mu Harbor Jiii Rep. POlfU&R MORTOAQ& CO Mitro Lll9 1-l'\md9 aa.. 1-611& tltto 60-lDcome Property 6 Cl..li:AN INCOME UNITIS-clN1e to beach, bay a.nd .thopplna-. Ex- r ellenl re\um on lnvutment of $21,:'.>00 term.t HOMER E . SHAFER, ~llur 106 Mc·Fad<len Pl , at lhe Newport Pier. Har. U O Evu. Har. 6288-W Harbor 26211-M 60A-Commert'lal, lnduatrial FACTORY BUU.UING, Cloee In M-1 &On• 70x360 fl. lot facu two 1ta. 3200 •q. rt. bid&. on front portion. Leued. Aaklng $28.600 low terma Call LOl' BOYNTON with EARL W. STANLEY. R"eltor Bayalde Dr. A: CoHl Hwy Har 3297 or 177~ evu . Har. 2878 1 Bay & Beac h Realty, lnc. Corona del Mar Offl~ 3!'130 E. C~~t Hwy. Ha rbor 5249 GOLDEN OPPORTUJ\'lTY lo reserve your 3 bdrm., 11, bath home now. No down payment completed befqre Chr11tmu'- balance like renl. .. ORANGE COAST PROPl!:RTJES 1857 ~ewport, Coat& Meaa LI 8·1632 Eye. LI 8-8803 TWO-BDRM. HOUSE, hardwood floors, redecorated Inside and out, $10.7~0. 359 Flower St.. Costa Meaa. Phone Liberty 8·7807 33ttc LOT -30 rt. R-2 142110. HOMl!R ll. SHAFER. Realtor lOCI McFadden Pl .. at the Newport Pier. Har. 140 £vea. Har. 6288·W Harbor 2629·M OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LAST CHANCE to c et 81 rHt or ocean. frontage In one piece. Nice comfortable beach cottage on U!e property now-lnclud1nr garace. -$30,000 On very f'UY tum1 RALPH P. MASKEY 3411 Newport Blvd .. Newpt, Bch Harbor •02 LEVEL R-2, 80 ft. lot, So, ot Hwy. Corona del Mar $6000 -Call Harbor ••~3.' 32c34 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY tc «·I· lect rent. 4 fum . unite, &'"&:il&ea. MWeni, dealrable location. Col· lect 1280 a mo. Down pa yment only I 4000, w1th no t\nance char1e•. ORANOIC COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport, Co1ta Me8a LI 1-1832 Eve. Ll 8-Q03 RUSTIC HAVEN Reatful privacy, lovely vie~ de· llghtf\11 cottage, wuperbly loe&t· ed In Coron11 del Mar. Large Back Bay Area! .. • 3 very lar'I'• bedrooma • J rumpua room-bar • 2 tlreplacea • Jlardwood n oor1 • patio-fenced • Wood 1hln&"le roof • 0 yeara old-dean e '4 ~ G.I .. l&llea lncludt'd e S3,96-0 down. FULL P RlClt $13,960 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1898 Newport Blvd. Coat.a M eu. Calif. LI 8-1181 -Evea. LI 8-3010 Exceotionallv NEW BUS1Nl;ss BUILD~O with 2 beautifully turn. apt.I. up111.&lra Solid income. Submit vacant property tor uchan&''· DAN A. JACOBSltN, Realtor Har. 51191 -Evea. Ll 8-6317 33cM GOLDE'N OPPORTUNITY -lo live In your very own new 3 bedroom home with only 180 monthly payment.. Liv. room, halla A: 3 br. are carpeted ww. $2000 (maybe Jae) mov~ you In. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1%7 Newport, Co•t.& M:eaa LI 8-11132 Eve. LI 1-8803 Balboa BA YJ'RONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. It l ·l bdrm., 2 car prage, tur- nl•hed, JM,000. Tenn•. M11bt con11lder trad1 ror Coela :w ... Income property. Ocean Front FURN 3 BednTI .• J batb bo11M 6 1 bdrm. apt. over care.i• $26,600 Term.- OLDl!a ' bdrm. hou.e, forced a1r hat. Only U3,600. DUPLEX od Balboa Blvd. Ul.- 70-0 both unit.a nicely lum. Only se.ooo wUl handle. Coast Properties 301 It. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor .2868. 2097 and •500. 16xJ6 bedroom wllh fireplace, ------------- small bed.rm. perfect for baby, 112 baths, Largt> plrtllre window 1n llv1ng room With un ob1lruct- .<t canyon view. open11 to an en- lert&lnll\I' deck. Forced air fur· nace, lotll or 1tor1gt. 40" 180 fl Jot T ruly a llttle paradise - $18,600-ttbout 16600 down By Appo1ntmu 1t. Owne-r Har 4283. Evc11. 3477, 32tfc HAR.DOR HIGH.LANI)$ J bdrm 112 balh1, ,,erv1ce porr h, W /W r arpet.t It dr11pu . T\tllo It land· 1.-11 ping-$111.500. LI 8· 1213. 31 c33 C-2 Business Lot On Newport Blvd. at Jnduatrlal COSTA MESA •-:Z br unit• cor, close In 13•,500 1 br .. tum . w/w carptl, kn. pine Int.. patio, RW tenet . R_., rm. tor unlt1 • . 8760. CLIFF HAVEN 4 br . :i balh. w1w ca'lJ't. room tor pool, family home _. 137,600 4 br . CORONA HlGHLANDS.- terrlflc view, on 2 lot1, room for pool .. . 146,000 M· l lot.e, C-2 lot.a, aubdlvtalon acreage. Coaat Highway lea.ea ion bay1. Claire Van Horn Way. 46xl82 fl. Call owner, REALTOR Harbor 3104!. 18ttc 2731 W. Cout Hwy. ------ Attention Investors! PRICE Rl!:DLTED 5 Acre Estate Site f: ·,": tr Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1875 Harbor Blvd. Co1ta Meaa. Calif. LI 8-77H-Evea. LI 8-3168 TERRIFIC BUY OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS FOR SOMEONE to purchaae thla well built lhree bedroom and 2 bath home. Only 1 ~-yeara old. Hard- wood floor1, forced e.lr heat- garbage dlepo11al -two car rar- &fe. What ~ buy-Owner will take term•. Full prlce- $11.960. Industrial Bldg. APPROX. 2000 IQU&rt> feet, cloee In location. Good 11.&e lot--Ottl- cea It 1&rre workln& a rea. WIU H ll thla property or leu e. Now vacant. Full prfre 11 only- 114.000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson 1866 Newport Blvd., Coeta Meaa (acro11a from Costa Mesa Bank) Ph. U 8·11761.. evea. Har. 4311& LI 8-2103 A REAL ei?v "'\ IN COST A MESA BRAND.NEW: On a eox160 n. lot to &Jley. a Bedroom, l % balh, hardwood rloof'll, Fon:t'd Air Heoe.t, homey r&iaed hearth Fireplace In lovely llv1ns room. Stucco 9Wr1or w1Ul brick It wood lrlm. 2-car pr~e. Price $111,500 -$1600 down. VERY NlCELY DECORATED • ruml.ll'led lncludlnc Built • ln Televlslon. it.dJo 6 Sookcue. Thia rive room home a oniy 8 yrarw old an<l la In good con- diUon, hu a nice patio with pertable ba.rt>ecue. TI\e exterw I• redwood and stucco ProPfrly I• completely fenced. Pn ced at only 18,11!)0 completely tum l11h· ed. Can be puhchaac\l un!u m Seven l1land1 Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd St., Newport Beach. CRllt Har. 1188' alter r. p.m. Kar. 22113-J 3 1c33 • Irvine Terrace Magnificent Cu~lom Built H om e • Two bdm\JI. and !Jl'n • Prtme location ''" Dolphin Terrace • &aut1ru1 rarp,.111 """ drape11 • Expen11lvely landllC'apl'f'I • Modem In l'\'ery det&JI • Electnc kltrhtn • Two C'omplttf' batl\JI Udo Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. apartmt!llta. WlLL ahare my home w1lh coup!; eI--BeaJ Eeta&e Exchaaf! All privileges f\oom pr1. f'n· tranC't . living room, TV. cook· In&'. autom wuhPr & pri phnnf'. U 8-H70. a2c34 I F or quir k acl1011 1Jn this buslnu a BACK BAY AREA. Bay, lake and ~fOunwn view. Cloee to echool and~ahopplng. Zoned A·I Full pri<'t' l r>OOO per tM;re. Excellent •crma. • Owner w11nl"' lmmtfllate Mle • lllne.u) FumJQ-4. av.au. Tea.rly or winter rental. Har. ~71'i. 2lc3t - \\'ATER FJ\ONT tum . a pta.- WINTEF\ cinly 1 It 3 bdrm. no peta chlhll'rn welcome. S708 Chantl T'la1·e. Har. 1217·J. 211tfc l';EWLY DF:CORATED. nicely fum. 1 bdrm. a~t. Adulta. HO CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO S ELL? CUFF HAVEN 3 hr 11nfu1n , HOW ABOUT A TRADE. for man- nr achool11. Obi 11ar Spr1nklf'r11. lftr oper1ted clear Income prop- patio, flrepl. $125 mo. Llbi-rty trl)' Well enrl of Lo.t Angf!le• 1·2377. 33C'3:i VRlued at $:\1\,()(!() with 11ver h11usr Stove rrfr1g .. •·llrpt'llni: CORONA DELMAR, 2 bedrm SI0,()00 • year hiromt Ir lov. expen.tte. Am rPUrlng A. un ln- It .:ar, Vl!'Arlv ~>18 Lark.11pur mo. vrh• 11UI. Incl. 18:20 W, Bal-1 boa ·e1;d. Kar. 12ae .. w. 31 t:tJ --------·-- il:lpJll ltfl'll ed ln .Bay 1o·1 unt property \\'Ill tr1de up or oown. Owner, \\'Ebaler. 4.:>!16J or wrltf' 2907 South Cochran /\\'e . Lot An· g-elea JI\ ----------l'O EAR OC'can. nearly new t bdrm. tum. apt: Tile kltrhen It beth, c a r. auto wuhi:r & dryer. HI per mo. yu rly. Har. 3:>47-W, or Har. 2211-R. ilc33 •&-Rooms for Rf.at BROKER~ I:-1\' rn:o LADY alone hL• room In n1re :iOr 42 home tor t mplon •<I IRtly I.I I ---- ~8. 29lfc S!:Vl:N UNrr MOTEL BAR-I STOW, ne1·d• more un1t.a, pl,.nty CLOSEJN,-BALHO~ F'umlaheJ NICE ROOM rnr wos klfltr man, or rorim f11t lrlllf'r pu k F,qty. l bednn. apt. yearly. H O mo. pr1vate entr9.11c·., 17 lll'f'ek. 1:143 124.':'il Oaa It: water paJd. 408 E. Bal· Or&nJI' Avl' · Co1tta :\fua 31•'33 3 BElJR. HUUS£ 1n H•mcil l ~. boa Blvd. Har.' 20iU lltl BALBOAP ENll'SU LA R 0 0 111 fll'rf' 3 .:ar h•m•r It rh1r .. C'01· r11I, w11lnul,. orRnl "• .t-'."'-Ill DELUXE P'\JRN. APTS. with prsvite bath ·• l'nlrll n• I' tr'"'· 100 ft. bia frontag,. tllngl• A dbla. UO mo. li.nd up. I Apa rtment buildini;-Hu. 24:\0 I Tr•rtllr SI i ,MIO ALSO 122 27j 104 &. Bay A"e . Balboa Harbor :i3u r So JOon,.d t n1@l \l l'l'd "''Ill IM-11 or &3H. 8ttc ROOM • bath ~r -gtntlt mRn, tr11d~ all ur "ny part F URN. 3 mom 11pt. Extra clean --electric nofn g pRnrl ·ray heaL $4~ mo. to Junr 16 l't1I paid. Har llDe·J , 301 £ Bay Ave. Balboa-~3c3:> NEWPORT BEACH Furn 2 ~­ rm. a pt. a-ar .. • utll In• ya1 J . S70 mo. LJ 8·1409 3!hf1 More and mort adverll'f'IU a re flndlnl' ll proflt.al>ll' to u11e NF.WS· rRE~I cluelftH ad1. prlvalf' l'nlrancf' 122 42nd \\'A !\"T BAT A REA prop hou&es. St . Newport KI 2·0832 33r:l4 11rt• hu111n .. ~11 1•r ..,·h111 h11,·r ynu • -S H A \\', 8p•ct U . Mun1c1paJ OFFICF..s For Leue In New Building l'i x 40' 1100 mo. ,; I( 'l~' ' Iii\ lllll. 13 JI 1:1· I !ll'I 11111 Jn Lido Shopp111~ Area :\i13 UnJ St .. Nev.po1t 8n•h Harbor 021 23tfc Tr1tltr Park. Newport 8'a1·h 3lpH CUF'•' HAVEN 3 b<lrm. 4'', 0 I Su:I n10. lnrl lues 6 1n11 )111rl11lt1-1 • )Jutlv, f.,n, "d Dbl 1(111 lllfJI.. HwJ. fi r•, n.,., .... hwl' 114,750 Bv c.wnt'r J.lkrly 1·2177. 33c3:1 I property, 2 moder n building• on 63' " I 37· 1111 lh•l 11hm1l!J leau or rt'nl for a total of at lt&At f S2JO pt•r monLh Plenty of nlOrn f'rire r~urtld l fl $:12,1'.>00 t erm~ for e,.,..n1lon Adequal# llll rk· 1ng Locate1I in lhr fulot growing pa rt "' <.:< .. l • Meo11.1, right In the he11rt or r• IAr1tr. nrw 11hopp1nic rontPr Whl'n lhh1 11< ironr ... th .. t 11 1t 1 Appwx Sil 000 c11•h pown rrqu1r!'d Call 11wncr Ll lwrlv IS-6:123 mornlnr-" •1r 1<flr1 6 11 m lie "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. INVE~~:~TR CO. 1688 Newport Blvd .. C-011ta Mf.llR LI 8·3792 or W 8·!'>886 Ha r bor 1600 HOME O.°" CHANE(; Cute 1 br romplete with pier and al)p - Wa.lk tn P 0 . & Lido 11hoppm11;. FOR SALE li\' O\\'~Ell • bed· PutlAlly furn , $111,500, ltrms. fOOm home. l "-bath•. land· HUM!:H F.. SHAFER, Realtor 11caped & tence11, F'llA luan 106 Mr f'edden Pl . et the Newport F reedom lwme area Ca ll Pier. liar H O B:vu. Har. :S2118-W U beny 8·6223 morning• nr ____ H_•_r_t>o_r_2_62_9_·_M ___ _ after 6 . p. m. 18lfc BACK BAY NEW a bdrm 2 bath home on HALF ACR E Overaizert double LOOK AT THIS ONE! _.68 ESTHER ~ST., C.M. pr. electr ic oven It grtU. f 3 8~ . 1 ~ BA TH, large rooma. $21.0-00 l:AS\" TERMS. Open 1 t '11hake roof t,;led brick tlr?pl , t11 5 da.ly 361 22nd SL 23d8 1Jhl p r Quiel loca llon. F' P --------122 !';0(1, term~. We have the key 2 -Jo ~le~n s~-!y Front I S31.:,oo each. Call T D Rogu1, Har. l680·W. or RYu1 !-80211. 18ttc Chester F. Salisbury REAL TOR 316 Mllrtne, Belbo• Ialand Harbor 69i l Acreage INDUSTRlA L. b11elnNu1 A reel- denllal ecrf'RI" A 180 ranrhu and irrovea in Costa Meu - Sa nta Ana &r4'3. DAN A JACOBl\F:N' R,.altor Har 6691 Evu . Ll 8-6317 31'k32 33r3:i GOLDE!\' OT'T'O RTl 'NlTY -to own M· I Rr re lln l'l11cent la 2~ fL roadway thni 111 rear a llov.•1 n11; butltlinir a r"• ot 76 JI 474 P roperty rlt11r -S~OO<l dn lo handlP, ORAll:CE \OAST PROPERTIES 1~7 N~rwrt, u 8-1832 Cl)SlA Mu& E ve. LI M803 BY O'N;lll:R CORONA lJEL MAR, modl!rn 2 bdrm. home, fireplace, fumaoe. hllwJ , fin . \\'\\' 1 arpttlnf anc1 •II 1&1Jt'a, <I Li<' 111ir Slr.,,.8•.J ror 111JI Full prtcut $13.760. S3M><l <ln ~~lnHlUA. Har 3~10-M. OW:"ER 1tlllng 'i J>drm. homt Good condition thl'U. 011t. Hdwd noora, new Vinyl Plalllc lln· WATER.f'RONT LOT, romplete vleum ln bath. Louvred door with bulkllaad -\'uy cloee to lo hall 6 k1tche1t. nk e 1trYlce Udo 1boppln&'. Mlfht conalO.r J>Ur1..h, IJ&llv Man}' vther .. xtni tru•4ee<1 fur e11u1ty .• ' 24r3'Tti featuua New JI by 22 p1 . Hu ME P. f; SHA~"Ek. Rraltur y arJ complUt'ly fenl*!. 114250 l06 Mi:F'al!1len Pl . Har. lW Har, Miii\, a2cMEvl'~ Har. 0288-W Har. 21121i·M 36' x 118' R-2 lot on the ocean aide ot tile highway. Only $2,650. N ever will you buy a lot for thia price again. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 E. Cat .. Hwy., Corona del Mar Har . l74l-14i7 ----"'"-,----- Lido Isle • • Lido Nord Bayfront • • Exclw;ive Lis t ing (First time offe~d } Exquiaite year round completely furnis hC'd Ray Front home on large lot -Panoramic Bay Vicw - Located near eaat end o f Lido-Tw<J mastl'r vie w bednna. -Two family bedrooma -Servants quar- ters with bath -two muter bathrooma.-powdC't room -Mr. and Mrs. enclosed dre ssing r ooms with showers -View dining room -Butlers kitchen off main kitchen -33 tt. glass enclos ed . carpe ted . BAY VIEW upstairs lanai. Pier and float. 3 car garage. SORRY, no telephone information - by appolntment. sh ow n only Full price $89,500 tei:ma HARBOR INVESTMENT co. Harbor 1600 Evea. LJ 8-5386 WATERFRONT Pier & Slip Boat i.e Included ln thia Balboa Coves bargain 11t $36,000. 3 bedrooma, 2 balba, fireplac e -IC you want waterfront, Me thia today! WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 33U Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 LIDO ISLE B EAUTIFUL home c.n Lid~ord cornPr with Jlf"r· manent view of Bay. N e a r best b<•u1•h fu r ~w1m­ ming. Three bednna .. b obby room Ii d1·n . C harn1 - ing k ing 11ize master bedroom w ith alrow• 11nd connecting p rivate b'lh open ing onto l:ir~" i;un deck . The unu.suaJly attractive dminJ.t t 1l<m1 h1u; sliding glaas doors opening to lhl' pnt 111, w h1h· th~ m odem kitchen has built-in d 1shwash r!". tllsposa l. copper hood, ceramic tile and numerou s other features to ple ase the m oat fastidious. T ruly one of the finest of ho m es . and .priced lo F\('11. SHOWN BY APPO INTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Realtor H ubor 1013 • IRVINE TERRACE j Outstanding VIEW home, brand new, lar~c l1vin~- room finished in Alderwood panelling, f1rr placc, forced a ir heat , cork & vi.nyl t ile floors. bath & ·11• ~wo shwn., dining r oom, breakfasL bar, ~nclos('(f p~tio, d bl. ga rage. All Utia plu.a the finest v1EW obtainable. $42,500. Exclu1'1ive with RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. J288 (A c.rou from Bank in COM) SEASHORE DRIVE . EXCELLENT BEACJJ See thil attractive OCEAN FRONT ho~ign­ ed for yr. round living. Knotty pine liY. room with dining area. Formica ldtcben. Downat.aira bu 1 bedrm. & ~~ bath, 3 bdnna. 1 ~ bat.la up. Solid conat., concrete It piling foundation. EncJo.ed ya.rd, 2 car 1arqe. $22,500. EARL W .... STANLEY, Reattor 3113 Newport Blvd, Newport Bt-ach Har 1013 ~~~------------~,r-----'-~--~--~-~-----------------~----------------)-~~--~-----------~----~-,-------~--.._----.-----~ , I ' I I T PA6E 6 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ~62-=--R._Ml_&a;._ta&e::..--~----- a ••• ;;.•DAY, NOVEM:_~·= Houston v~ ~~~~~~~ . v v Best Buys Corona del Mar . VOGEL VALUES -· MAIN OFFICE This Will Ring The Bell It you -are looking for a Lido bayfront home with pier and float larg~..e,pough to accommodate a 100 ft. yacht a nd having 4 bdnns. and 3 baths -all on 1 floor -completely furnished. $89,500 3 .New Stores INCOME $6000 PRICE '50.000 A solid commercial investment in rapidly develop· Ing district. All leased to show 10' r on total price. It's What You've Been Wait!ng For! Charming new rustic -\ lge. bdrms. 11 ·1 baths, fireplace, blt·in oven and range. w w cpts .. enclosed patio. Choice location less than l block from bathing beach. Priced t o sell at l22.500 unfurnish· ed or $25.300 furnished. $8,410 down. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-3481 CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC Harbor and ocean view, "quali~y •t.reet.'' 4 B. R., den. 2 baths. Low terms. Bar· gain $45,000 BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home: Pro· tected patio. Owner anxious for offer. .A.king $28,000 BAYSHORES 4 Bednn. 2 baths, 1 :! blk. from bathing beach. Submit terms. Asking $29,750 IBVINE TERRACE. $5000 will handle. Almoat new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 baths, inside BBQ. Drap· erie., stove, fully landscaped. Low price. SEE US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properties. Har. 1775 -Eve11. F.dith Maroon, HYatt 4-6:.!22 John Macnab, Harbor 53:S9 Lou Boynton, Bayaide Dr. office, Har. 3297, eve Har. 2878 , EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor m Marine Ave~, Balboa laland OUTST ANDING-SHORECLIFF It'• our pleuure to offer. for the first time. one of the finrst homes in Exel. Shorechtf. The home 1teelf consists or largt' !iv rm .. with rai1ted hearth firepl. and from tht> large corner windows, a ''1ew of the water. a Ocn..<f1n. room with fireplal"e, It\,. lovely Jutchcn with Birch cabinets. dishwasher, ~ garb. dlSp. & bit. in oven & range. 3 t>cdrooms & 2 lge. baths. with Muter BR opening on the patio. Over the dbl. gar. is a t>eauL guest rm. & 1 1 bath. with a sweeping view. The house & guest rm. art entirely carpeted 'rail to wall. In addition. a heat- ed, filtered "l mpc.nal" pool .fenced for µrotrction Should be 11een to appreciate. The price is fair - Terms 1{ desired. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E . Coaat Hwy. Corona dd Mar Har. 2774 Exclusive Listing l ittle Balboa Island Duplex ( 7 ycara old ) 3 bedrooms. 2 baths IN EACH UNIT 1 \IJlit furnished -1 unit unfurnished, garba~e dJ1pogal -big sun porch .. double covered ca1 port. (wuher & dryer) Live 1n one unit. rent the other. $32.500 -$10.000 down . JOHN B. PRENDERGAST, Realtor I Curt Dosh, Jesslyn Bruner. Margaret Prenderg11!1l 223 Marine Ave .. Balboa lllland Harbor 1331 Waldron Realty Co. SPECIAL C-2 $1000 dn.~ OLDER 1 BR.. rar., on a eox 140 I lol jual off Newport Blvd .. rm. • CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. lo build! Asking $8500 3 BDRM , nn 00x300 --R·• on Sant" Ana Ave , nr 23rd. Full Price $6750 ONI. Y 6 YRS. OLD, 2 brrtm .. gar on all!')'. room tor another unll. I nrn'l m111a un this, C~1oice Lots H6x•70 M·I iOxl!IO R·t 60~1110 S. A. Ht11. 50x 127 It· I Npl. Hll!I. lrreg. 011.:k 811y • .. $12,500 $22M $2200 $4460 $6200 Open House l :iiso I.A CA'NADA WAY. Ullra in0<lun, 3 b;h m., 2 IJ11ths Runl'110 un11b .. lrurtt1I view, uk $28.600 mokt' otfrr Open Sun 11 ·6 Houston Realty Co. A ASSOCIATES 509 C'f'nter Sl. Costa Mua w 8-6911 L1 8· 7787 '!:ve. ph f'etlttr LI 8-5487 Lytle Ll 8·2042 WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR THE MOST carefully select- ed valun In each of our dlallnct· ly different HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA PENINSULA CHAH.MINC 111odt1n Provlndal 2 hr Lota or cupboar•l11. '¥ block I to Jelly :i•, loan. SOl..S a mo. I •. p Sl& 5-0C.! CLIFF HA VEN \'f~AR·ROt .NIJ li ving la t'IUY anrt thrifly m u11 .. 3 b<lnn homt'. H W. ~·11.c . t 1l,.d ktlCht'n, fan • d llhm .. ler. Cor mother. lovely encl. y11rd for kills $10,000 F .P $6000 dn. '67 month. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor Excellent condition. both unit.is have fireplace.. hwd. tlrs .. laundry and garage. Price firm at $22,500. Terms can be arranged. Exclu1ive with ua. 2. DELUXE 2 BR . HOME Hwd. floors. double gar., paved patio. A bargain at $15,950. Low down payment. 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Quality built 2 B. R. and den ranch type home on Morning Canyon road. 2 baths, shake roof. Out- standing view of ocean, canyon and hillB. $37,500 full price. $12,000 down will handle. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 {Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) -MARINES Here 's Your Country Estate Vets; NO DOWN Immediate Occupancy 3 or 4 Bedrooms - Forced Air Heat • Mauive Ston" Fireplaces • Built in Range and Oven . . . actually every luxury feature and in Orange County's finNt location. Big E8tate Si.zed Lot.8 auitable for pool and ~~! , Drive out First Street in Santa Ana 1\ru Tustin and Turn North at Red Hill Ave. George M. Holstein & Sons, Builders Designed by Cliff May Pr tf Open House Da ily 1-5 ~~~~ ~=~k1:~~l civil., H~~:.\)UI~~~~~ 203 Via Nice lido A Spic and Span Waterfront ---HA VE YOC-----~EEN t h e Corner 40' of Watarfronl naar Lido. Prlvale P1er and Float- 2 bdrm.a, fireplace, 1hulten, carpt'la •nd draperlu . Beaull· Cul aardtn, Immaculate condl· tlon thru·out. "'•kJnr $26,600. THERE IS ONLY smartest house on Lido?? ONE LIDO ISLE! ! ! 1 The brand new modern • French Regency with a AND ONLY ()NE BRANI> NF:W . . VERY LAH<:~; 'J. STIJlt\' :1 l:JEf» great sense of d1gn1ty along ROOM Ir 111-:N HCJMr-; LAHUE w ith a casual Holiday reel- ROOMl:i WITH ~Vfo~lt\' ('UN-lng in its 3 Bdrm .. 2 mar· C£1VA0l..E Hllll..T I N s.12,~ bl U b th Check thl• beautiful lot on Cor· I ANO (1:-.'L\ (11\1-: ..'l•ICI :-IQ 1-1' u .. :A I "n ' 11:\ Lii I\) NUR IJ COFt:'\F:lt \\ l'Tll l'i':ttM .\~El\"T \'II-:\\' I II' THE llA V 3 JJEO· Huu~I~ .\t.\lll !i ltO<'lll [11-;,11;, PIUVA1T Sl':'\ t11•:CI\ 11\'ER· 1Joo..-1:-;(; UA r & 1:11ATS - $4 11\i~ n:l~:">I S A:'\r1 ()\\'NER \\'II.I, l't>N~lltl-;H ~MA I.LEH HOllli': IN TlllS AHl-:A Se ve n Islands Realty & Investment Co. :')O:l :12n11 I'll Nttwporl Ii•'"' h ('othf H .. 1 ~·b~!l 111l"r :, I''" 11111 2'.ltlJ ·J :i11·:13 1--I VOGEL v ALUES I NEWPORT HBIG HT~ A 2 llllR:">I H111·s.: '" .... C111llt'r· !ul ne11thhrn h111-1 ll:"•><l "' hC>olll 1t n•I yn11 111n ht1\ .. It 1111 fur onl\· I s 111 1r.11 1 Hl•l!.\I I , liATll~ •h11I..~ 11.or 11•1111 1n kll,.h~n lrnlll'•'• \\ \\' •rts th111r,111 t11 •1·l111 " R1tnrh lfl'" IH•I"•' In :'\1 •I •1 Jlc J:hl • •l:; .~Oil .. :fl;llT H~:"T \I. 1·-,;1Ts el1111u1t '"'" 1111 rl'nltd T11ti.I 1ni-om1> . e·top pu man • •. Elec. kitchen, mercury switches, well chosen car- peting thruout. Lge patio. impressive landscaping? U not check 203 Vil Nice uoo. ner Streel lo Market 113.000. Slrnl. Undu FO~ LEASE 8paclou1 Udo Homt'. Complete- ly furn 3 bdnrui • 2 bat.la Win· tt'r or yearly. BAY & -SEACH REALTY, INC. LIDO OFFICE 3112 Lafayette. Newport. Harbor 3643 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. BACK BAY VlEW -REAL RANCH HOME - F'IVE bedrooms. furnished, many extraa. One full Ren! with rbom for t hat hor1Hl or more building. $37,500 INCO~JE . New 2 Br. home and 6 unit.a (all fur· nished I well kept. Near Blvd. & marke~. Total monthly income S145. A sound investment of $39,000 A REAL HOMF: -2 Br. & den. knotty pine panel· ing: fireplace. w w carpeting. large picture win· dows, 2 dbl car garages PLUS a V<'ry nice little d uplex & all furmRhed S23.000 with only $5000 dn. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 10 N<'wport Bl\'ll., Costa Mesa LI 8·1601 THE VCGEL co. I - J~nl ;'\"'I" II 1:1, I I c.Af14 :'-I•.'·' 1.u .. ,,1, "-.rt•7 .-., •. , w -. .. ; .. 5; NEED mo r~· cup1t11l in your bus111l.'~S: Nt·~d an 81180· c1atc" T:1lk to ui<. \\!('have clll·nt who Wllt1 ld' like a go1'd Ill\ l'Slt11f'lll F'o1 11•nt 111 ('1J n111:\ .J, I ~la r- IJ11n1c w 1U1 :! "'-"ins. an1l drn a ntl ~''"'l''"r. po rch. Adult~ :\!'!~. p1•r month OCEAN FRONTS Two 11tory fllrn111hed homP. Lot runs from street to b<'ach. Room for extra un1t.-l st time oHered. A real buy $16.000. Good terms. ALSO fl\'e units and extra lot. near Balboa pier. $26.500 well fina nced. 8 units F.as t O('ean front $37.000 -Good income. N.B.C. REAL TY CO. 32nd and Nr wport Blvd .. Newport. Bea.ch Har. 1405 • North Lido Bayfront Price Nduced for quick ale S·B.R. 2 bat.ha. Pier It allp. Comp. l\lm. A REAL buy $61.~ ($1'.~ dn. J Price fndudM wuhlnr mach., dryer, ctiahwubn and carpet.a. • Irvine Terr ace PRICE REDUCED A modern lovely home -I 8 . R. A rten. Beautifully carpeted It drapn. 1And8C&ped. Ideally loc•ted on Dolphin Terrace. Owner wanta quick we, Priced· $31.~00 • Waterfront Duplex 2 Bedroom unit up and 1 bedrm. unit down -ExctUent marine property, Bulkheaded and you can Have a pier A float. W611 louted on· Rlvo Alto. 1211.000 • Corona Highlands A moet unuauai homt -S bdr ma. Cplu• mald'• room l S 1>-.tha. Lovely play room with fln!place 300 tool lol (yee, 300 ft.) with unobelructed view. Deelgned t or Sood llvtnJ. Priced to 1ell. HARBOR l~VESTMENT CO. REALTORS Harbo~ ltOO "c·· T HOMAS "C" THOMAS Cliff Haven EXCEPTIONALLY NICE S bdrm home. lmmaculat• cond. lhruout. f ireplace, hdwd. noor•, w to w c:a.rpellnr A draperlu Included, lovely fenced yard, tow monthly paymenl-A8KINO 116,000. Bayshores EXCELLENT BAY VlEW home on cor. lot. 3 bedrooma, 1' balha, IC•· llv. room wtUI fl&&· atone . ftreplace, full din. room. bre-.lllaat r oom, hdwd. floo1"8, loada of cupboardt, txtra l.ar1e dbl car rar~e. fenced yard, PRICED RIOKT at ONLY · J23,600 -Term•. Harbor Highlands LOVELY NEARLY NEW S bed· room. 1 111 balh home, Mcely land.Kaped f~nc~ yard, hdwd fl001"8, w to w carpellnr. F, A heat, 1lldln1t 1laa11 <loon onto patio. located In Newport .chool dlalricl. PR.ICED at 116,600 - I .. d lenl lenna. KINGS ROAD VIEW LOT t::"SURPAS8ED \'IEW or enll1'9 coa•Ulne. '6600. ''C" THOMAS, Rltr 2:H W, <.:out HJway-W 8·6627 "<.:·· THOMAS "C" THOMAS Costa Mesa OPEN DAILY 2 to 5 p. m. 2177 RURAL LANE TL'RN OF'F :-rEWPORT BLVD a l 22nd St reel. Rural Lan4' le Clrwt Stre!'t on rlghl 3 beltroome Hardwood nooMl Co\ t>rffl pa tin ClOff lo Khools. t1t orf'1 It tran11- portatlon Has C I lo•n payablfl I $~ per month, lnflUltlng t &XO "' insura nce Owner bf'1nc Iran•· ferrtd. anxlou. 10 •tll and wlll a<'cept low llown ra> mtn I Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 Corona del Mar Luxury Home 'N Income Too A premium 4:1itl Ill l'Omt'r lot St1ulh of Hwy , 2 bf'<lroom 1.n11 1l~n or 3rd ~room with pr1vat!' entranot sn11 b11Lh, flaratonf> flreplart'. p11J>t'r A panf'ling hllrd· wood floor•. a wom'ltrlul homt On lhe r!'Ar 11 a 3 bedroom anll b•lh up and an f'Xlra room and h11th <1own, itar•ittl!. carport.- '4i 500 A good lrrm11 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Comer location cloM' to shops ... schools . and tran11portation. Walking distance to Ray BenC'h. ATTRACTIVELY OF..SIGNED DU PLEX. Two RR. & garage each unit with (enred yard and pr1"ate patios. Income will pay it&elf out. THJS IS OUR EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL AT $19.950 308 Marine Avenue Balboa Island y 11rly \'11•": I C<>rona del Mar Offlre ------------------------3630 E Coul Hwy . Harbor 5249 Harbor 0234 . and eves Harbor 4507 CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two houaeA. 1 lot. fireplace. . $21 .500 Two B. R. Hou8e, 1 B R. apt .. under $16.000 Two B. R. HouJte. oak Ooon1, clean $13.500 Two unit.a. Corner lot Sl0.500 R·2 Lot, Corona Highlands, Cho1re -makr offer ALSO MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BOARO G .. H. LATHROP. ~ E. Coast Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 5442 E\'t's. Har. ~~() I 33c35 Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Mult111 .. I , i.; ,.,.,.1,011' 1(t It ."' Ct• t. •• ~ ••• ~ ~; \ 41.t •• \,: t oru ta tlrl M"r lbJI h·'* :ll~1..! !11:"1,Y 'tu ,1 1~ TO BEAC'H J ~•·1uuKlf'I hottlf"'" un r•nr lot. ul'r .I lh•lrnl " l h1tlh 11ncl ont I ...... 1 fl. I h1<rh tlrl'pl Wllllt"l I r11111• t. <lhll' l.K• Hot h urn1 plt>l e· h• 1111n 11n•I 1n top ('11nl1111on ''"'"' r•' 011l 01 •tale lntere11ta n1e1kp 11 lmpere1ll,.f he ~11 A•k· lnir $Ua.~OO with Alt r11rt1n '"' "'" ~uhmll 1111 otr,.,,. I ./ ~I Mll.L.EH CO 202:\ \\ ll1tlv111< Ulvd H111 40fll '"""' lht i\'l'wport PIPr) • I BALBOA ISLAND DO YOU HAVE THE TIME? Ir eo you can get a real return on your investment. 3·bdrm. homr 2 bdrm. apt. plus guest room and bath. furnished throughout. Needs a little Jove and care. SEE IT TODAY -$23.500 OWNER ANXIOUS! LIDO ISLE TIP-TOP QUALITY BUY. Rarely can we offer eo much for so little! 3-bdrma. 2 bath1. unuaual in doaign, almoet new, 1,.rge patio. FULL PRICE S26,500 NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave .. Balboa lllland Har. 0502-4623 J I 331' COLDEN OPPORTv'NTTY -lo nUat chll<1rrn, chlcktna, coll• It calvea P a v H :x> dn. It al&rt on thl• t, 'acre rancho, .. 11h l"OO<I ~ rm ho.mt It rivu1lu 2 ur K&race. $7~ mo. on balance. ORANOF: COAST PROPERTIE8 1&!17 ~t'Wporl. Co-ta Mua l.l 8· 11132 l:ve W 8-6803 1 YR. OLD fumlah9d ocean front home on R-3 lot. Room to bldld lncom1 unit•. 1111.600 run pnce Of\IY '4000 down J. M. MJL.Ul:R,00. 2<>2l) W. Balboa Blvd, Kar. '4otJ I near lhfl Newpol't P1er 1 , ~ a::~~~~~~a~~._~.,~~r..~t~·~t·~------- BALBOA ISLAND I ATTRACTIVE 4 bedrm .. 21:: bath•, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small down. Aaldn1 $42.~ ,_ GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lee. ya.rd. 3 bedrm. 11 :.: batb1. $26.~ About 2od ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn. iahed home. Submit down. '2:5,000 e<> FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On 4tUe Island, pier, float, formal i bdrm. bom .. The land value ia close t o the aakiq price. LJDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Larp lot, 5 bdrm. 3~:4 bath houae plus unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unlta newly tu.mlahed. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt '"'4222 John Macnab, Harbor ~. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor . 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland BALBOA ISLAND DUPLEX -$2950 down -$13,950 Needs 99me paint & fix. in' up but here's an excep· tional opportunity to buy well located income prop- erty on the lsland. First time listed & should sell in a hUJTY at this price. Payments only $100 mo. Thia ia a full size lot -"Summer rentals $110 wk. OPEN HOUSE Honeymoon Cottaqe 341 Hazel Drive, COM &autlful view home of S bdrma.. 1 lio baths. walking ~l•tance to bathing beach. Thia home A ouul&nd!ng l()('a· tlon rould not be duplicated loday for the aaklng price of 532.600 -tt'rma 700 Bfock PolntetUa, Cl"t.t <All now for appl. lo lnApe;-l thh1 unu•ually atlrract. h1rn1e. f1repl.. bu med crlllng. ttc , lge. lol, beaut pa tio A BBQ. all for S 19Ji00 lrrrne Open House 3fl0• Ocean Blvd cor. of Orchllt Panoramic bey & orean view. 3 nice heir, 2 b11lha, llt<' llv, rm. See th1.11 one today. Owner •aY• Mii OPEN S AT. A SUN l -6 11txclualvt ll11tmg 1 Call now for pre·show1ng Call Harbor 20-42 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS Robert W. Rayle-Chas. Travis-C. B. Rull8, AABoc1alea 312 Marine Ave., Balboa laland LIDO BA YFRONT Deluxe, owner.built home of 4 bedrooms & ~ com· ple\e luxury bathroomfl. Pter It ahp. With cu11- tom fumiahingl!I included. thi1 exceptional home 11 pnced below coet at $100,000 WILLARD L. Kli:tfoN , Realtor 3341 Newpoht Blvd. WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE Real family home on choice So. Bay Front loca· lion. ~ bt?drm .. all electric kitchen. See this it ll'e a Bay Front you want. HA VE YOU SEEN THIS DELIGHTFUL BALBOA ISLAND HOME? With beamed ceilmg and lnts of knotty pine. Boat and moonng included in price or S25.000 IF' IT'S A LOW DOWN PAYMENT YOU WANT. and a large 4 broroom home you need. don't pua up this Corona del Mar Vogel Value. Permanent ocean view -few steps to beach. $4000 down. The. Vogel Co. • 20~ Manne Avenue, Balboa laland Next door to t he Poat Office H11r. 444 Eves. Har. 3059-M Har. '2.a·R 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep . , O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION·WIDE MOVING Ph. KI 3·9221 Eve Lt 8-2961 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. Main St. TRAILER COURT 20 unit.I with room for more. Good locatioa oa Newport Blvd. Unuaual opportUntty, first time . offered. $30,000 with lh down. hl.8.C. REALTY CO .. · 32nd 6 NJkport Blvd •• Newport Bttcb Har. M36 30c3l , \ . - ) • I • 62-lleaJ l'Atate C-BMI FAW.. ------~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PA6E 7 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, "55 .,/(-'BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor l_-> BALBOA ISLAND HOME Ii INCOME. One of the moat channiflg f B. R. 3 ba. homes on IsJand plU8 gueat rooai and bath -AND umaually attractive !urn. apaciou1 1 8. R. apt. Db( gar. Owner leaving town. Xlnt. financing. This is a first claaa property, priced to selJ. Our excluaive. 324 Sapphire. OPE N HOUSE Friday. Sa t., Sun. Can be ahown any time. We have the key. Beauti- ful 4 B. R. home and pcautifully f urnished. Lovely patio. Priced to f ell ! $24.500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But tulrry! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor ME MRF.RS OF M'ULTlPLE LISTING 311 J.1a rine Ave .. tJalboa b land Pho~e Harbor 1671 or 1672 BACK BAY AREA Open Sat. and Sun. 482 Esther St. A really beautiful custom built home by Lloyd C. Howard. The living room is extra large with a massive doblcr brick fi replace and select flooring. Natural ash µla nter bookcases. Ash paneled family room with scpara t~ BBQ and planked floors. Pic- tue window ... alls, buil t in 'l'hermador stove and oven In bar kitchen. Sliding glass in master bedrm. F ull fenced patio and landsca~ yard. Beautiful trees - over 1800 sq. f t. • See It and you'll buy it! Only $26.500 WATER FRONT SPECIAL OPEN SUNDAY l · 5 405 Clubhouse Two bedr m. home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage, pier &: noat . near Lldo Center & City Hall. Only · Sl 8.960 -Submi,t on down payment. Income Two stores PLUS 5 apartments s~.000 only $17.000 down Ensy mont hly paym<'nts A·l const. on Coast Hwy. Each apt. bu sweeping ocean \'iew. Across street from popular bathing beach. All r<'nlals figured low lo secure p<'rmanent tenants. Will cons1drr home as part down. ALSO BUSINESS BUILDING Net income -10 rr plus Six tenant.I all on lease. Best location-A· 1 const. Stresud for 2nd story. F.astcm owner desm~• quick sale. Eas~ terms. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor . and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Cou t Hwy. Liberty .7773 ••At the Arrhes" v Corona del Mar Ocean View Home and Income Tht. la without. a doubt the best \'alu(' of the· year ln a deluxe 2 bednn. home. Two baths. hardwood floora, forced air heat. separate dining room PLUS deluxe two bedroom garag<' apt PLUS furnis he<l studio apt. Locatl'd on a 45 ft lot. only n few steps lo Ocean Blvd., and China Cove. Quality construe· u on -excellent condlUon l hown by a ppoint ment only Pnced firm at ~3 .~ Better hurry -this won't Jut Jong. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRJCE T. McCUlSTON. Realtor 3447 E. Coas t Hwy.. <.;oron:t del Mar. Har. 47 (Office loeat<'d next door to Corona del Mar Bank) 3Ic33 BALBOA-INCOME 6 Fumit1hf'd 1 R. R. Units plus owners laqi;e 2 B. R apartment. B<'lll rental arra -cxcrllrnl 1nC'Oml' BALBOA-BAY AVENUE 4 B. R., 2 bath home -S23.950 Own(•r will con· aider home Wr1twood a rra or might 1·xrha11ge fo r small <'lear beach hou11c hllrbor nrra BALBOA-NEAR LIBRARY 2 8 . R. hotfle with ': bath in garagC'. Nier <'nrlos~I pa tlo. OwnE'r w 1 II C'Ons1<1er t rnd<' on income 1n R1vC'rs1de. Sl t,69~>-Good terms. BAY A~D BEACH REALTY, INC. 14!">0 \\', BalbN1 Bh·d .. Bn lboa Har 126 1 Shore Cliffs Exclusive Ocean -View 2 Bedrooms. p1rnded den. 2 11 batha. ~ull ful l'lag· alone patio. plat e gla.ss windows. mi rrors. watrr purifier, <'tc LuxuriouH carpet.:; & dnipeft. PLL'R all the oth<'r fine a ppointments that make.11 a fine home. Nothing comparablt' at ~37.500 Can ar· range excell<'nt terms. W. T. McMANt·s . Realtor 1999 Harbor Lt 8·3333 R. L. STRICl'Ll:.:R. Realtor 36 22 E. Coast Hy. Har. 2ii4 27tfc p. a. palmer developers 6 Units on exclU1ive Lido North Bay, 80 !t. !l'Ontap. Lovely beach and view, tUnuahed and rented. SlM,000. Tel'ID\ New Lido Home Ranch style 3 bedrm. 1 le % bath.I, forced air heat, dining area, good location between two nice 1 atory homes. Cloae· to beach, open beam ceiling•, mu- aive uaed brick comer fireplace. Lota of tile and . very good finwh work. Built by John Viucher, a quality builder. $25,500 with $10,500 down • and $120 per month. Lido Bayf ront DuP.lex 3 bedrm. 2 bath up.Jtain with decka~ 2 bednn. 1 bath down1tain with encloeed patio. BOth apts. have forced air furnacea, fireplaces, carpeting, drapes, refrigerator, stove. Unbelievable priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. OCEANFRONT 60 foot comer, beat PENINSULA location. $17,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Lido, harbor 1500 incorporated of Udo Isle Drifting and Dreaming ia't neeMllU')' We have jut the home 10'& want on Lldo. Brand new 3 bedrm. 1 a % batha with - built·iu 1alore. Completely Ja,._ped. $12,S>O on terma. Call Joe KtncaJd to IM thla aclumlft u.tmi. Chance of A Ufetime Moct eJICiUnr VIEW HOME in enth Barbor..,... NOT LEASEHOLD. Three bedroome, I batQ. dining room, laundry, Jarse cellar, Iota of ~ and •torap apace. Room for su-t aputmellt. Thia property coet owner in acem of SM;OOO to build. Becauae of death 1n family, will aacrlflce for $40,000 1709 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar. OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. II. to 6 P. II. Come by or call Dave 0.burn for detalla. Lido North Bayfront Lot Perfect location between two nice hoUMll. $38,MO AK for Bill F&rna'trorth. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson ~o., sales management 1700 w. cout hfchwa1 -libertj ~ Peninsula Homes! VOGEL VALUES-LIDO ISLE OFFICE • Weal IDltU.8 ......... This Week NIJWLY -OPJllNED J'lJRfflSlfED HOMm - HA.RlfONIOUSLY OONTDIPORA.RY ·In Irvine. Terrace Oppoette Irrine Cout County Club Ht1hway 101, Newport Harbor W • a.re very proud of the cl&U of merchandiae • which we are offering in Irvine TeJT&Ce. We know you will alto like the 19Ution, quality of con.et.rue·. tion by Macco Corporation aad interiora by Martin 6 Von Hemert. ' Home. available from $2.f,000 to $35,000 for the ditc;rlmJnatJnr buyer. I ' EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Harbor ._..8 COURTESY TO BROKERS l\O. I -DOCTOR'S HOME A NO A B!:AUTIFUb PROP~TY. 6 bedroom11. 2 bath. Extra large corne r lot lncluded . • . &JI walled for p rivacy. Badminton court, patio and double gllr&gf . N lcfly 111.Jldscaped. $30.~0 a.nd terms * * * '• * NEWPORT HEIGHTS * Newport Hts------- N o. 2--CASH I ~ o~ T HE HUN- DREDS OF DOLL ARS SPENT lo modernlae U111 cui. home . . furnllll'led, too 2 1 ~ bedrm1 .. 2 ba lh.s. Jo"'\reptace. double l(&r· ag .. &JHI aundeck •.. $1 7.~0. $4000 down. Balboa Home! T HREE BEDROOMS. 1,... bat hs. C'lusr It> NHYC and oncH1111f hl•wk fl nm b"•l bllV bol'h. Exl r,1 Int 1nrluoJ!'1I Flr,.rlnc•e nn1t l&J ICI' hv1n1; room Uli..lrr home l111l "hl\l l"Ull&tblhtlu Sl7 000, l"1mll Bay Front Duplex! THERfo: \\'I I.I~ :>:EVER BE A':-:· OTHER BAY FRO/\'T OU· P L£X ... •llru ·llvf' u lhl• l>t'auuru1 pruperlt. 111tu•l rd <•n thr f'tntn11u111, "'1th 111 I\'"'" """"" "IHI pier rli;hlll ~lh u1111,. l\,.v.-2 b<'IJll»IO•~. an!l lhe UJlll• r 1a rurnl11hr<I Ntt'" lnun· 111 y i nti ulllll y room• l:Jrat of .. 11 ll •• 11111\• • >'~'"" ••hi ~"" ll lolla~ Al 1~1:. ()()() 120 000 !~::ta Mesa Homesi I WHF.S WI': 00 TAK F: T H E M 1:-.: t"US'I A MESA T HEY HA \'E 'l'O HF: c;ooo We Mvr two ,.( lhl'm nuw 011,. Wiiii 4 brtll C•Ml\JI &n•J 'Z hfit ha, Ill $I~ ll<Ji• 1111<1 11nn1hrr "'·u h l hl'•lt OUITIN Al s 11 !'>00 Bnth tl•n tlV \'141111''" w, think Balboa Realty Co. Pttpusltr Annk of ,, nwr1r11 Rt>,.. c:rrtley Al Corn,.llua l':d Lff J11d~ Ptnllhnm J oer phlne Webb 700 P: B'llbc>a Blvd . Balbo• PhOn" Herbor 3T77 IN THE BACK BAY .AREA CLOSE TO T HE BA y . W llllns h&ndl CIUl t r&.11.1form thla al· moat 2.000 aq. fl. of Home It Rumpua Room Into a dellf hl· ful place F'enc:~ lot 160 x I~ P rlc"d rl«hl e l $13,l!OO with ree.1<.1n11bll' 111.,w n ri11ym,.nl Own· rr Wiii ron1lder ottu or lrade. MINIMUM MAXDCUM Yet, the price t. minimum and the dlatrict ia mui- mum. A cozy 2 bdrm. home on a large Jot in beauti- ful Newport Height.a for only $1'0,750 with $2000 down -The $8• monthly payment.a include ta.x~ and in.aurance. CLIFF HAVEN View lot Kinga Road. Leuehold lot 67' x 110'. Charming location, fine view of bay. Only $5500, $2000 down. COSTA MESA Deairable ~ acre M-1 location. $55,000 BA YFRONT HOMES -LIDO &: VICINITY 3 bdrm .. 3 bat tui. carpet.a 6 drape.a $57 ,500 4 bednns. & den. Very nice. Pier 6 float $65,000 • 4 bdrma., lovely corner , partly furniabed, ' pier and floaL $73,500 4 bdrma 3 balha, nearly new pier a.ad float, completely fu.mlahed, $89,500 4 bdrm. & mda. quart.era. carpeted, pier and float. $9:S,OOO THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har. 4972 Evee. Har. 2191·1' Bar. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 LIDO PROVINCIAL • • • CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE T hi& choice two bedroom can be yourt1 for only $22,700. • Beamed ccilinga • Used brick ftreplace • l.rullde window ahuttera • Quarry tile kitchen • Large two-car garage • Large w&Ut-in cloeet We have the key to thi.a lmmacu.Jate, near new Udo home. Come in and di.tcu.u terma LIDO REALTY ALISO STREET: Oldw 2 bedrm.. cosy and cute °" t.rw-4ott.ed loL Tutna ............ -.. -........ -... $10,700 IRVINE A VENUE: 2 bedrm. modern with 11.rs• llv- Lnr room. fireplace, dinlnr rm., lovely paUo, fenced yard. Tenna -·-··-·" ................... Sl3,700 ALDEAN PLACE: ~uulltu1 rambllns ranch·t~ home, uqulaitely a ppolnt.cS, all buUl·lne. 2\t bettw, I.arr• hut· ed pool wtlh su•t hoUM. Shown by appolnt.menl only. 110,&00 down ·----··· ua.ooo KINGS ROAD VIEW HOME: 2200 .q. fL ot luxury with ht&led pool, .. ~naive patio and every b ulll·ln t .. ture your fancy can name. Shown by ap· polntrnenl only. Tenna -· .. ····-····-··-···· ........ I U .IK>O I Greenleaf-Severts REALTY, INC. 3112 Newport Blvd., Ntwport Har. U62. -E vn. U 8·lllle WATERFRONT DUPLEX Nloel1 tumiabed. On• lMn f rm. 18Jl20, Oft• lb.24. U you want lo live cin the waterfront a.nd ASSOCIATES hue an tncome -Tm& JS lT. W. KEMM'ON J. H. GROHMAN uuoo. GE:NE VREELAND VIRGlliIA MANSON Seven lalends Realty 3400 Via Lido Harbor«.,. & Investment Co. (Across Crom Richard'• Market Entrance) BILL'S BEST BUYS BACK BAY LOTS Several from $5500 to $7950. Alio 3 at $8000 eacb, tbeae on private drive and are 120 x 150 . MAGAZINE COVER HOME We have eeen them bigger but never cuter. Stained redwood front with low line shake roof. One Uv. Ing room wall I• ot beam and and u.ed brick con- 1tructlon. 2 B. R. plus den, i •:: bat la, fireplaces in both L. R. and den. Built in range and oven. 1 minute from bigb 1ehool. $18.500 COMMERCIAL ACREAGE 150 feet frontage 150 ft. deep. Can be cut into three Iota. On llll!Ylera, cloae to town .. Priced to aell. $18,009 cub. IT'S A SHAME To let thla two bed.room home 10 any lo~er with· out a nice couple to enjoy Ila homlneu, comfort and b01ptt&lity. Uoderprfced at $9.900. Rear ya.rd completely cement bJock fffloed. N~wly decorated ln and out. Submit $3000 down. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR "you'll like our friendly 1ervice" 400 E. 17th St., Co.ta Me.a Liberty 8-1139 .. BACK BAY .. Wonderful View Home 3 bdrm1. -2 bath• With an unobstructed view of back bay 6 moun· ta.ina, thla lovely home hu everything": -lge lot. patio, shake roof. built in range & oven, forced air beat, dwbwuher, dl.apoaal. radio -controlled aarage door. IWHAT ELSE IS THERE!) OnJy $26.500 and term1 can·~ arranged to 1uit you. OPEN ROUSE S UNDAY or call YI !or a prevue 11howing fisher & Company 2603 Newport Blvd., Npt. Beach Har. «29 ----------------------603 12nd 8 L, Newport ~ach, Calif. BRAN D NEW I Hat.~. alt.fr 0 p.m. Har. 229l·J Hl:IO SQl' Aflf: FT 3 b~mmn J •. 31c33 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY bath• ph•~ n\'tor~lze•I 2 111.r g•n · i.Jrr Tllll• Uuu1y '" ll'>O '"" on 11. Mir "'.'" 111111 pr1rl'(I Ill J111t $21 :'.111(1 U11od (U'Mft Seven Islands Re~lty & Investment Co. M:l ;12n1l Sl., Newpurl llu ch, ('allf ~l\r r.1161' Rft er l'l fi rn Htr 1293-J U <'3t r.nr.r>r;;-.-0 1·1·of;\TU1"JT\' -to I , 1111,., t $1 '•' 1.111 ''" $4000 In· j \• .. 1. •I •I•\\" r11vm!'nl 3 (\Jn\ I 1trlll • • 11 "'""" 111 halt acre- N .. 1 ,, I •111 .. hly C<lllSL but In· 1 nm" II' SllO nw 111k!'1 C:ltl!' of bnl11n1 • n11 """"Ir r har jtl'I • Ol~A:"C:F. COAST PROl'ERTIE.1:1 11J;,7 ;-.. .. "' p11rt. Co.olA M r&a LI 8· I 6:l2 Evf LI tMl803 Pf;:-;1:-;sl 1.A 1..<rr. Onr ''' t h elu l In th,. aru Pr to •ell $10,600 HI 1.\tt.K i-; SHA~T.R, Realtor Jilt\ .\h ~ 11if.Jen Pl, at the Newport f'1tr Hnr 140 Evt1. Kar 6288·W ffarlXlr 2429·lo1 8 l 'NJTS YURN Corona dt>I Mar. All l•ued. Good r.lurn on your 11)\'f'•l'!)l'lll 176.000. Ownl'r, Ha.r MOt 2ki8 llA l.UOA I •l' p~ near ttn S t. hent h on lh,. bav R<•lh unlt..t tum" t'ott•nlllll ln°ron1e U80t1 a H uv.nr r uktng $16.000 w1lh trrm" Submit •II ottt-r• J ~t. Mlu..ER CO 202~ w~ BalYOe BIYd. ~a.r. •091 1 nt~r the Newport Pier l Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 195:> WITH MONTHS 'l'O SP,.IUi USE MULTIPLE LISTING, IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL Newport Harbor Board of Realtors f Ol N. Newport BIQtl. Newport Beach BALBOA ISLAND ~· Charmin& .2 bedroom home and large 1unny patio with cabana. See th~ tor value. Under $19,000 Eaay t«ma See Me-Ta Nelson FOR EXCEl.J..ENT VALUES CORONA DEL MAR. nu t and ah.lny. 2 bedrm. home, carpet..t It dtapea. Perltcl K l up tor lm1 unJL CIOH In. F.P . 112,600. COST A MESA -Choice location for iru bdlvlalon. II be&ul.llul &er• Incorporated •te• on Coat• Mesa'• wk!u t atreel, '6000 per acre. Le• than '• down. t..EMON HEIOHTS 20 acre11 ad· ' Jolnln1 beautlfuJ •lat•. 7 acrea In bearing avocadoa. lAM than 1, down. CJiOICE RENT AL8, tumi.lbed A unfumlahed. META N!:LSON $4.295 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SQ. FT. et $-t.60 1q. ft. $:5296 J'bree Bedroom Loch Lomond 11 SS SQ. FT. et $-t.60 sq. ft. Car Porta 14 x 20 $296 I 00% FINANCING GUARANTEED through $250,000 Secondary Financing Fu.nd, OD your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS Cor . Century A Dorothy LE 9-0833 27tlc 2908 E, Cou l Hwy, COl ... Corona del Mar. Har. ~. 32c3' IVt 714 Goldenrod UNUSUA.LLY ATI'RACTIVE COM MARINA FRONT AGE 280 FEET ON WA Tl:R. Buuutul 2 acre polnL Fennel 6: ChrlaUanu n. Realton ITM Carla'-d BmL BA. M»L IOol8 New Court 8 81.:PARATll 2 BDRM. ·U mTS 2 bedr. 1~ bath, enclo.ed patJo OD .uo.Jy land· acaped eo ft. lot. A.akJnf prioe $1',!500. $5,000 dn. OPEN HOUSE 1-5 Sat. le .Sun. Nov. 19 le 20 (or Phone for app't) w w SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD 1'-~~~y c:= =:,,~ ac.tA BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Realtors Marine and Park DAN A. JACOB8JCN , Realtor Har. Miil -Ev-. U M317 '3c36 Har. 1862 Har. "63 ) 3M2 E. C4M_t Bi1bway, C. D. &. , ' •• PA6E I -PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS --"'9'!'W11111 ..hlalor liclilMJ Clubs .....,. Playclay S.clay llh plare 11nt1 a trophy preMnlNl 1 Juvenil• Hal II• hlJ:h !l<llnl winner. Jntonnattun FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 WINNER AGAIN -Peter Grant's Nalu ll continued h er winning ways in Balboa YC's Veteran's Day Re· gatta under the able helmsmanship of Tom Skahill to clock yet another victory for this already laurel·. laden Newport Ha~r YC ocean racing sloop. Three first.a in three races gave her undisputed victory over a fl~ of nine entries in this series. A Honolulu Race winner, Nalu ll Is one of tbe top threats in the coming San Diego to Acapulco, Mexico race in January. Her owner-ekipper made the trip in 1954 aboard the aec- ond place winner, Ken Davis' AJtamar, so ha.a the advantage of aome knowledge of the vagaries of Uiling the Mexican coast. Nalu Il'a racing record u high point winner of 1955 apeaka for itself.-Beck· I*' Photo ;NALU II TRAILED BY 'MISTRAL IN OCEAN RACE Metcalfs as llcucJeols T alces GOod heze (l Keynotes Regal la 8 y JACQUIE IUX'llSP:R rour11e out the jf'lly an<I bark-to 8<"vc1,t;; elithl l'nlrlH In 11 I' hr f"lub Wt'nt t11. !hi' PC'<' iolnop clusu . Including nln~ Ocean R•c· lko"•lhy E II "" nt'd an.I "ktr- ln .....__t d h I r .-rf'd by B. C V'''" of CBYC c ...,. a. ·~ over t e water• ot Newport Harbor ht'forf' a FlSAL ltF~•·t.Tl4 ap&nklnc brun "''hlch atldf'<I llR Final ruult11 1n IS\h"r .-11"''"' .-,... to the . aurreM or Blllbo• 'h•.wrd 11 rem11rk11ble tentlen• ,. to· Wllr<I .. ,. .. rnnd vn11e, io11m.-I\,. thl' Y11thl Club'• Vf'ltran'11 Day Re· r,r•t " All 1a mlll11 r 'n11mf'~ t·npf""I p tt& laat '4'ttk·,.n<I. Lar11eat In t~t lop po11111on,_ ,.tmrlf'tf' ,,.. r111mber or entrte11 wu the n4'w 11ult• ""'en 1111 Collo\\11 Nit.calf dinghy .-111 .. 8 With 12 OCF.AN RA<'l:w: :-:11111 11 beat.I In compdlllnn, " nOLAblf' Tnm Sknhlll, NHYC Mt~tn•l Rul'I t 11n1oul for a cl1111 le'A lh•n a l '"'"ntx-r11. BYC: n o1 ulhy i-: l l. ,_,. old. W inner tn the MeCralr' B (; Levin CBVC' ..,.. Harry Bourgf'vl1 11r BYC HHODF.:S F"l!PO)". J ohn Kl'· Wfth Betty White. 11180 11 BYC "'"" RVC , Witt·h. SliMt f':niti:hl eltipper, •OOnd. Third placP Wl'nt N HYC. Polly ti. f,rsliP Tiur to Fr9d Rice of Newrort Harbor BYC'. )'C. P. C -P at11y A nn. J 11rk T""" nmu 81.:C'ONUS Showbol\t , F 111nk \\',1011 Jo 11n•I ID be.r nut ap~lrllJl('t' In rll('· f'alrm•. l.nv1• Burk ... Rll UY<" lllS comp.Utlon 8 1111 t~11enbtr1t'• brand new L-38 M1•tr11 I or BYC LUDERS ( : .. r""!''"' Rulh toek th 0 d I th 0e an Hu kell. NHYC. E~ \ t'l~r n Rwl rH aee n a n t' r G \\'YC Raortnc d1v11ton to plac,. 11econ•I j ..11:• • ~:the eeriu ~hlntl Pf'tf'r Or&nt"• T HISTLE -F"l111I \\ R D11nt1 ,.,. of S HYC. Third pl•ce 1n 1<n1I FAr• •' Le11th R rttt' BY!' ~~teat. which alarll'd o(t th•J ~IF'.RCl'RV IJ•11<"lt•'. Ch«' I cJ .. docJt a nd pro<'~«'d mer a \\he• lt>r Mn •I Mmnn" ~I F" may be obtAlned by CaUID( Mra S ANTA I"" It l"'llSI -Two Phil B&rnea. Kl 6-HIJ. btda on con .. t111rt1011· M a n~w 1-Companer1>1 and Centau" b .. u nc 1yetem for 9 ran1• Count1 jWUor• ridln( t lUba wtll llal't lad CL-I. .,.... jUVtnllt hall 'J'uNday \\\'II! rf'.\',• .....,. Hd to lhe architect foe 11udy and their monthly ribbon playday N rt H bo .... _ ... JH• .. report. Sida were opened by th• Sunday, Nov.· 20. In the arena at nrpo ar r ....-. ,...., •· the .outb et1d of the Buffalo Cout Hlpway, Friday nporU>d a board of aupervl.ora. The orter of Louta lkhmellnr ap~ared to be Ranch. Franlt W1•r of Coata M•· forced check to Newport Buch .. 'will be the judre. police. Th• check wu In the rum th• wtJlntnr one with a bid total • ... of 1111.a o. Smllh Brothe,.. Co. bl4 111• playday la open to all jun· of I U3.17, m8de out t o Raymond l lll.950. tor net.rs and Ult public la tnvlt· L. Miiler and atcned "J.C. Applt· ------------ ed. Ribbona wiU be awarded to .zate," poll« were noUned. WINNEit8 TO WEATHER -Although apparently trailing the fleet., Peter Galea or BYC and John Ferrier of NHYC held their weather berths in the eight-boat lnternarional-~4 class to take a second -and first reapectively in Balboa YC'a Vet- eran's Day Re~atta Jut week-end. -Beckner Photo\ Select your Chrtltmu cards now from o u r distinctive and unusual selection of albuma - carda with or without name, ¥oughton, BYC. SXIJ'E -Tally-Ho, Paul Ham· 11ton. BYC. JNT.·U -E1rtrrmlnal-0r. John Ferrier. NHYC: Carouael, Peter Gah·s. BYC. METCALF -Vamoo11t, Harry cy Cor)cetl NRYC; No Name, Bourge<>la, BYC; Bouncing Belly. S11lnt Cicero BYC. Bttty White, BTC; S113&. Fred PJ!:NOUJN -SU.le Too, 8 . B .. Rice. NHYC, 'Thomu , ABYC: S~edl Oonaalee. LEHMAN -Boluo Bart Hen· Don Adams. MBYC; Dn&mboal, dl'r1mn BYC , Lillie Corky Nan· Atl Gluier. ABYC. WI! are Showing Albums from: ~ (J.,;,. &..-., ... ......... SA_t _..,.__ ... __ . .--.... Etan -Sall.l&llto, CaJtfom ta Market Square -Lake Fornt. Dltnoi. lnkweed Studio• -New York, Biii Ooldamlth -Dallaa Frederick Beck -Ban Mateo, HoUM of C~da -Ban Franclaco, Rex Carda -San Franct.co and • California Artl1t• Selection. . THORPE'S China • Glau • Linen 1501 W. Balboa Blvd .• Kiss in' Cousin of the Thuq.cierbi~ 0 •• ThunllerttW loob, thlito,..,. hes •••ntr· Anti It hft the 111fthty Thun.,_,lnl Y .. , too. All this, plus MW Ufeev°"' Dnftnl A look 1t thi" Thunderbird·iotpired '56 f~d playt hob with your heart. Here it a beauty juat begging you to get behind the wheel. Tue your pl1ce! And place your foot 011 th1t hair trigger ealled a pt pedal. A nudge and you're o6-ford'1 new Thunderbird Y-8 e~• meltift8 the miles, making molehille a.I or mowuain., malift8 your drinng mon run than it eYer hu been before. And go where you Will, how glec:I you'll be lo hne u your guardian Ford'• new Lifeguard Detign. Ford'•°" deep. center Lifeguard eteering wheel, neY Ufeguard double-grip door latchet, new Ufeguard eafety rear-•iew minor, new opli\)naJ Lifeguard peddift8 and Ford 1e1t belt1-all combine lo keep you eafer in tbla '56 f ofd. Why DOI come io and Tear DriYe it today! .,,_F...._.-.1'._ ..... _... P.t y~ i41.1't. ~ ~ ot ~ -i!t. tJ..e.-COA.f'A'«. Newport Beach • Gift.a Har. ~1 Don't deloy-l.lmlted offerf ' '56Ford 1THEODORE. ROBINS Your · Forcl Dealer Since 1921 ' 3100 West Coast HICJhway Newport leach Liberty 8-1471 on Marln•r's M~ TV , Its. lest I Don't Miu 'Forti Theatre• KR CA (4), Thuttday, 9130 P· ,"'· ••