HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-21 - Newport Harbor News Press.. , -. .. • • PHONE HARBOR late • POLE . VAULT CHAMP SELECTED AS NHUHS GRADUA~ON SPEAKER ft.eY. Bob Rkbarda, champloe pole vaulter ot the world, ha.I bMli accepted Monday by boant 10f trwit.e.e Of Newport Harbor Union. HIP Bcbool u tll• fndu&Uon •pea.kn nat •prtnr elUloush Lbcy were ~vtMd th• arnnsement eou.ld ODJ.1 be tent.UH. 'n>e noted •lhJete may not be ule to accept Uie honor due to b18 rtctd ~ ecJMcluM t or UM 18M Olymllka •. Supt. SldneJ' Oavt~ J)Olnt.d out, Death of Youth Shown in Slides nB8T EYE BANK DONATION -M.ra.Vlrta Abbott of the Santa Ana chapter American Red Cross, motor service driver, right, accepts containers containing eyea donated by Mrs. Alma Kuhn, who died Wednesday. Patricia Mal"U of Garden Grove, laboratory technician at Hoag Hospital, prepares the containers for tran..- port to the Estelle Doheny Eye Foundation Eye Bank in Loa Angelea, The eyes are the tint donated by a. local resident and the first transported by the Red HARBOR CHEST DRIVE HIJS-14% OF QUOT-A FIRST ADVENTURE fOR-.COUNCILMANl wi.n eo.t.a x .... Cowldl- Another $200 wu added to th• Thia contr1buuon' It hued upon man A. L. PlnJtley d~rt.a tor ProsecutOr Shows Series of Blows-iwen Pe11ett -treuury of the N-porl Harbor the number ot boya from W. area Haw&Jl t.o join hJe wife ln the SANTA ANA, NOV. 21, (0CNS) -Three color Sftttm land of in-aklrta WednM-•• _...... h · · b · h h CommWllty Chen whtn Ole.It Whit· ualng the club !acl{ltle• and 'partl· day. "It'll be my flret adven-were WK>U t 18 mom.mg y the proeecution to a ow ow • Crou motor service. -Staff Photo ~ M>n. president of th• Newport ctpauar In the bueball program. tun:• he dJltcioMd today, a aeries of blows brought death to & 21-year-old college Beach CJty Employeea ..U.OCl&tlon About 3-0 per cent of lhe club'• "I've never ·Ileen lo Hawaii t d i N Be h th l ht t . 1 f MRS. KUHN WILLS EYE.S TO LA OPTIC FOUNDATION h•ftd-.. over envelo...,. contalnlnf mem""'rehlp come• from Newport 8 U ent n ewport &C aa e mana aug er na o ~· ""' r -..,. and I've never been on a contribullo"-trom city employeea Beach, the b&lance from Coeta plane." Ptnkley revealed. Robert H. LaVerne. 33, of San Gabriel moved into its eecond Rain Sweeps County; Clear represenllns 100 per cent parU· Mee., wheN! the club bulldlnl' la week Jn Superior court here. 'Baker. 1 7, who hall been iwtm• clpatlon ot au departmenta. situated. La Verne 11 on trial on the ac-ming Wllh La Vrrne and Smith, This broU&'hl depo.lta during the Natlol\t.1 Traveltra Aid A.uocla-AT HOAG TOO! cuqtlon he beat f\ichard Perrett, teatlfled ahe NW Perrett and paat week lo $2.1.•04.38 u • re-lion, $315, band upon national aon ot a Lo. Anl'elea advertialnc tr1cbtened him away. The ch ... One of the no bl tel gift.a ever made In Newport Harbor occur- red tollowlnc the deatb ot one or llJJ women realdenta tut week when she gave her eyea to eome· one-11hr knew could UAe them. Thill "11omt'one" 11 a blind per- lk>n who will aee lhroug~ her Skies Tomorrow ault of the Communtty Chetl'• quota plan determined frpm cue 3 hospi I execuUve, to death wtt.b a •tic.It up Balboa Blvd. en1ued. lnterulve drive, accordlnf to cam. hi.torlff tor emerrency •Id to • ta In Newport Beach July 23. The ----- palgn Ch&trm&.n Mra. Kenneth 0 . Ne~rt Harbor realdenUI. proaecutton w .. expected to r•t Coolin(. U.8.0 . recelvu 11000. Vl•ltlng' thla attemoon. Elderly Man SANTA ANA, NOV. 21 , (OCNS) 74% OF QUOTA Nuraee AINIOClatlon, a.n Orange Bou e Told On lhe wtt.ne• •land whU• Pro- -Rain 1wept down on Ora.ngt Seventy.four per cent of the Count)' 8f"ncy which providu DC eecutor Stan Could fed the pN>- County today .. CallComla 's oftl'n Cheat'• quota ot 128,600 haa bc!en local nun lng Mrvlce at a mini-JecUon machine wu Or. Allen O. y r' Fourth uratlc wulhtr once lf&Jn pulled reached to d._ ... a reeuJt ot the mum CO•t lo the individual, re-b Ph • i . CotUe Of Corona de.I Mar. ea s I a switch. drive which look place durtnc the ceiVff l l:HO. J JSIC an Cottle Nld be ttr.t .. _. lb• d• A small amount or rnln ·llWtpt week ot Nov. l ·8. Over 400 volun· ISOOO TO l'MCA t el&Md In the Hoag' Hoepttal eye a. ' Mra. William ~· k ulln, 47. of l lHO Ocean Blvd., who dlt<l W Pd· nuo•v rnomlng. irlllfld her eyl'• to the Etlelle Doheny E ye Bank In St. Vincent'• Hospital. Los An· ,1telta. .and t bey· were rt'movt'<I by a local phyelclan within f o u r over the area thl• morning In the leer workerw, lncludln1 tour ma· YMCA. maintaining a full time emer .. ency room early July 23. Auto v·1ct·1m wake of clear days H~wever Jora and 40 capt&Jna., partlclP9ted IOC&l aecretary who operatea a SANTA A.NA, NOV. 21. (0CN8) He ll&ld the v1cUm wu ' In "criUcal even with tht lll'ht •h.owe1ll aom~ In lhe exte!lllive drive.. (Coetlaued on Pap 7) -A charfe of "pollftca" wu level-condlUon, reetlua. !rational and I report.a or power and tel~phone I The &rbor area ta aboutl 80:er ed at Santa Ana Community Hoe-bleedtnr from bolb ean and \he hourw after her drath. They were ru11hed to Loa An· gel'"• ehorlly arter by a •peclal c.lrlvrr, Mra .. Virta Abbott ot the 8anlll Ana chapter of the Ameri- can Rrc:t Crolll. t'1R8T Ol\'ES HP.:RE faJlur~• w i-rt m&dt In Santa Ana. cent covered, aceordlnr o n . F 11 M b pita! med.let.I commlttffmen today noee." I Orrtclalll llllld lh' CUl·otre were due I Coollnhg. T~~ aret •ftillto~~~d.. e ow em er Illy .. former St.ma Ana pby1Lclan Jl.'EVl:R OON80IOV8 1 t bl who ave ~ ou o .... -· who u.ld he wu ''driven out of The wit.r1eaa teetlfled lhe de- 0 wet Cll 0 · workera plan to reach them M>On, A•d A k-Ch • town" by l<><:al medlca.I 1peclalllt.I. The 11torm front la expected lo •he added. "Tbe S"oa.J la .. Vtry I I r 1ro (Set Edltort&l pe.se tor comment). Ctued never fully rep.Int<! con- PIUll on by tonl&hl. brln(1ng cleoar I reallatlc on• and the quota I• one • The phyalclan. wb09e altldaYit :::.~-:'c= h;e~~:i In ... ~.:~: .tkie11 lo the •r"a Howtvtr,. we have to meet .. a&Jd Mra. Cool-Club Cru1·se WU mad-available to OCNB, -'d lprlnkl~ll and light lhow•ra Wiii I . on ~ ..... 1-and lrn.Uon&l mo.l of the vteit th•· 11ru during the day and nf that he, too, wu droPP«f from the ume." 1 the temp•'r11tu1 e wlll •lay around Ntwport Beach, Area B. haa ....... I S thl d C 'I I Cl b itatt of HCMlC and St. Joeepb'• h09-....... _ all .. -_... .... .... .. __ th• fl0-1.l-gr,._ /Th1rk. reached ...., per cen~ 0 ·• · bo • -__. ed t ... ft ....... "' -.. -el•-aero .. lh d ••-d' ... _ k John W. K eehan. 80. 4061 a 8th St .. Loni Beach • ..Au.ftt'.-.d fa· taJ lnJurtea In Corona del )far Friday n ight when he Wh atruck by a car driven by Ellz.abelh HUla Drury, 74, of 1'>19 Mueuer... lte. Ave.. police ttported, Tb• dri.v Mid llbe 1truc k the victim wtuie ti. wu In lhe tram c la.ne oa Cout H IJhway •t the Int•,... aectlon of Momlnc Canyon Road. T he 1.oonallon WH l>flleved to hAve bec!n the flr•l (lven hy a re11dtnt ot the Harbor aru. They li''t'I" al.so the firat ev,.r lo be '"' • I IL S4200 •we ve 00 .an ru 1 ng u I pt•-•-wt• .. out ...... ,"_ lntormed of .,.. -• ... ow.,.. "'''" ,..,..,, ~ ~ ""' 1 S"" •• B 1 a.. • .... um yea eruay a er-f .... _ ._ It -· .. .. • ec..,....... 1 ,_c . quota or a total ol l vv ...... ; • • any rea.on or .. .., ac.... --..... _ ••too d noon from • two-day crulAe and ~v•al-" ""-'day .... t two doctor• ••-Y ·wert el&ht to 10 inch• boa Island'• quota le .., an • ~ ~ .,,. .. n .. _ lo bo -The accident ocurl'ed at 7 :•a 1 .... on the lrtp home t rom the lath-w-r-.... ,_ .. _.... from the a•·•r nc and a ut 2 lnchee ..... de. $"3363.62 haa 1>4!en col ectoou or 1 b ~ ~ --..-·-... .... ,.,.,_ .. __ t ··'d t• 1 ked p. m . w1tt\ Hoar Hoepltal reporl- Blle wu not held. 1 Mesans . Hurt ~1·1nsport('(f to the eye foundation ... 8. WILLI"' ... a. KVltN in Serles of mu.s a c u boat •tq'l'ld a re1<:ue f th b ftal •·-w-k and at ·-""" or -. ~ oo u per cent. of the c~ Ark-chlro, 32-tt. crUle-0 et oep .... _,, "" ._.. tJlouSh -obloac o bject had .._ In&' tbe vtcUm de.cl •t 9.,:r>O P· m, GOOD PS&OmAOJD 1-..t our Ow.•"9 _,.. pntYftl.... U8ed to lntUct tbe wounda.. OotUe, Tile CS.Ua waa the fourth a uto ta. Seventy per cent or '2801.10 .,., from Jolnlns the •tatf durlns t.be UM lllh wttae. called l>y the t.&Uty Ula year In Nawporl BeAch. laboratory at Third St. and At--- YArado ""·· Lo• Ah.JelM. by a ny 11o11rt1 notice In cue • pair of • 8oulh4!n1 cantonUa cu.pt.er or U'9 eyu a rr donated -~y un I A c h Re!c~;d~S to the local eye •ur· l'll~~~:;~· bank I~ run similar t~ uto 1as es hu bee1J added up tor Lido IUe, The Cl'aft WU j\lat purchued by pul year aft.el' they had "rved proeecutloo potnt.ed to u. rtpt Newport B •a eh police u ul Area C; Oorona del Mar. Area F L. •· Ket.chum, V&ft Nuy i, who In military Mrv* u p~ .., ot UM ·...s.tbll. a. .......... a _,.. Ui. \ltn.fm'• wtte wu notl- ,..,_,. 15 per ~t or Ch&rlee JC.~ a4 • •• st ......... ,.,.. Ill~ ,,_ u.. io.... tied ., ..... aeetdeftt by phnne she l Mn who perfonned the 1pecladl the 'amlller bl<>od bank. They lie of M400 baa ..._ ~ IOtaJ• tlery 1111* en route be.ck to J tor tor a.nta ~ Ceaulnllatty Be al-., •Id Ulent .,. .... bMeJt u4 coUajlNd. Mre. !'We)' McCart.nt-y, llnrt '4785.43. the ~· Ben 1:t'0111peon. an-I Ha.pit.al aa.ld "mUlt.ary Jnedlc&.I blue spota near the rtpt -.r dulPter-ln-&aw of lhe victim, rornt'a ll'anaplanl. the eyeJ ha atore•J un<l,.r rt trl""r•lmn but at F'IVt· pe1110n11 1nr ludlnr two tn be removed wlthl.A. tour hour"i • hhin"r lt>mfl"rAtllt'l' lh•n blood youn1t chlldt#n, were hurt In • •'ltr d.eath. The operation on Mr• Since Int don•llnns itrf' ftwrr end 11111h or minor Injury a uto accl- Kt.nn wiu performed st 2·1:'> p m l lhl'rl' ,, 1,,,.11 o .. ma ntl for rornts dt>nl11 in ('0.1111 M,.>Ja yesterday Balboa, AH& A, belut.e • per-other c •b memlter ot !!loan Bemar-training i. not ol & hlch en°""' maetold area, "but the pktwre told police &""1tS.inl' per'°n• r•· cen\age of 83, •howm1 $4337.72 fll d.lno. fOCllld Uui craft and towed calibre" lo al. low the phyalclan1 aoun'l llhow It u dark u It port had ~n filed on Meeluut th•I~ 5[Uola of 16200. Area O. her lato N-port Harbor. The aurctca.I r11'h~ at lhe lnaUtutlon ,.. .. ,.. with in/Lons Buch P olice o.- Newport Hf'lebta, i. STO ahort Of t"p waa eventful .. rough .~ CC•Uaw.d -...... 1) A MCOnd allde ahow..s a lclftJ ~t.· · lb!' same day •he paaed away. t1an,.pl1u:111 thf'n fnr who!,. blood. a nd urly tQday. Pollowln«i eueh an operaUon.11he r..•tt:te Doheny P.)·t F'ounde -1 on .. <•f thl' chlldN'n, Lora t....e the r yu can Mft-ly bi' •lorf'd In lion laboratory has become the 8 r11XJI. tlaugl!tn or motorlllt a aaltne •olutlon In botllee for an c• ntrBI rlt'11ring house fnr Routh 0Thrl1111t 0 Brnzll 38. of 2:'>19•,, additional 38 hOUrll. he adde<I The j ern CBlifom ia Th~ sen 11 e .11 Swlta Ana Ave , Coau >.tua, w. •• physician recalled one occulun. 1v1llnblr to anyonl' bruised wlwn hl'r mother'll iuto- howevtr, performing a iurce1111rul S ,\Tt'RAL RF.l.t'(..-A~('E mobllP w a1 lnvolvrd In 1 t•olll•lon "¥fl ope-ration almol!l "il( d11y.11 "" with an Orange County SherHf'11 \er l he eyea were l lret brourht I Thr F'oun1lallon Is a ttrmpung-1 . N Blvd d WAJTISO U ST 011 th,. part of most persons to i lllth St •t .•6 P· m ay. to the eye bank I lo romb11t tht' n11tu1 11f rt>h11·tan1·c r>111,.., 11r 111 3 rwpnrt 5~an HI' "Id It. will be v .. ry unllkt'ly t11•n11te tlH'tr l')'f'a ltter death The· I Drivtr of the patrol CAr WM oftl- R " (;' • t J c:er NOll.h Sl lfT&Ve" !12. t h,. preRnt donatlnn will remain Anir11<"11n N, roM ''"~ ~ tppe • uou11>d tor 1uch a lon1 lime. Soml' lntn lhe p~rttm• lo •Ill In lhi. Three Pf'n10n1 11urrert'd minor r ,.rflon• have betn on the waiting I CRll~E'. Well known 111 lhl'lr <'"'" n · 1 ht1 rt1 In a head·on rolllslon ot two Usl tor a cornea traneplant tor a11 but1on tn the l)tonrt 1lnnol Inn pro· c::ar11 on Newport Blvd., north ot J<lnit •• 1lx months. Duplte the gr11rn. They hope to 110 1111 much 23rd St., •t 9:H a . m. Sundey. loni: delay. \>•tlenl1 are on 12 fl)r tht eye bank. T11ktn .to Hosg Mo11pll&l wu Mesa Police Plan Dram~tic Observance for S-D Day Mavl11 Paullnt Stebbins. 28, of l33 W. 18th St., Costa Mua.. dnver or one or the cerw. Kerl Oene Kill•. 21 , or 183 E. Santa Iaabel Sl .. Coata Me1111 . a 11Allor on lhe U S. S. RllZOr Sack. dnver nt the other car. l't'Celved a cut on the jaw hut ~fu11"'<1 mtdl.:al t reat· mtnt Dramatic pll.IU tor obaerv&llce I The Whitt ">.'." 81gT1s nn h1Rh· Thn-C"·year-old J l'rry Sll'bb1n11, of Salt Dl'WtnC Day In Co1ta waya will be palntl'\l bftwun now pu .. ,en,pr in lhl' first r at. wu Meu. ~ 1, heve bttn made by •nil Df'<' I. 1..a.~tl'r M id I t.rt'Aled by a pnvatt physician. Sgt. i... )f. Luter or Co1ta Mt!la I Klll.1 told offlcer11 a <"lmtnl and P olice Dtpartment wlU\ Y.'Tl'<'kll J• G•I tr H•h som" cloth1n1 ftll t n th .. noor In or automob1lea being dl1playt'd nn Im I s ap I I h18 <'llr White he WM driving llOUtb major hl1th'-''•Y• and white "X" • eel • on Nt'"''J'{lrt and when he rtachtd llpll paint('(! et locatlonll of ev· Girl p estr1an down to pick them up hlll or Wall• ery accld,.nt. Pedt'i'\r!An PAma.la Ptndtrort flnl!d 11rroM Ult Cl'nler hnf' and reachlne their peoo quota. and late yeeterday cawied th" tow Une eJ>ru6oft a.c:roea the ripl hand ol 11 two per cent abort of 100 per to break aevera.I Ulnel!. Sau d Aff--L lh• deo-...d. The len 81de ot ctnt or ~30.ee. Th,. club membera lt>ft here S.t-••rs 4llCll PetTeU.'• he&d waa ahowa ln tbe MaceUaneoua ctn. ether than urday momlnr. bound tor the I•· c~aca Contl----..1 tl\ird •hde. There WU a ~ house-to·houee. bu•lneu and ad· land where they arrived about ~ lllR'U a.bruion about two inchei 'llride \•a.nee gift.a. ahem aboUt l~O on noon. Dinghy ra.cu were 11taied F'rancl• Sau.ode.re. n . W•t· aero. the left ear. the Cheo1t'1 Jedt er. oft the blhmu1 8atOrday aft.er· minster School tee.cber of Balbot ANOl'Hl:R WITNF.88 Tbeae contributlona will help noon followed by an outdoor bar· l•lanJ. ff<:tJved another (i.OnUnu· P~ln( lh• doctor to the supporl 13 a&l'nclea dunns 111118 I tw<:u". anct today of hlt arratrnrn~l llll •ta.nd today w.. Olen J ona of and .. vea Newport Beach rul· Following the barbecue rlcclfon a charge or annaturaJ a.ttack Corona. He told the court he wu dent. from 12 other 1ollcllatlof\1. of offlcera wu held. Spt"ncer aga inst a Coeta Me1& woman va.catlonlng a t 1120 W. Balboa Boy Scout. of. America-Cub., Downey, Newport Beach. W\111 re-aehool tucber. Hi• time for Blvd. the nlghl of lPle crime. Sea, Explorer and Air Scout.JI -elected commodorl', Henry Cox, pl~lldlng was conUnued by Judge Ht-1ald he wu AwaJuoned by • have bttn budgeted IMOO from the Garden Crovt, wu chosen vice· Oonalrt J , Dodie until 9 a. m. "commotion or dllllUrbance ••. I over-all fund for next )'ear. commodort'. Bob Wolvern, Oa.rdtn Nov. 29. Attorney Frank U nnell hf'ard the boa.rd strike at least a CHARITY DJV18JON8 ()rove. 111 the nrw aecretary·lreu-appt·nrtd on behalf of hie client. half doun tlmea." Children'• Hoapltal and Ortbo-unr whll,. Aubrey Reynold•. Oar-Saunder'• bt.11 ot 11000 wu Perrett wa11 rata.lly bt'aten at patdlc Hoepttal, 11309. Church den Grove. le nrw a11i.tant eecre-w o conUnutd. Ht le now rree lhe corner C?f Balboa Blvd. Md Well.re Arenclu. admlnl•tered tary·tre .. urer. The new ~rd of on b1<ll awelUns trlaJ ror the l2tb St. He wu chll.!ed to that through the Catholic WeUare Bu· dlrl'Ctora Includes Vaughn Bow .. n, ell"gt'd attack which occurred point by lhf' derenda.nt and reau and the Newport Harbor Newport IX'a.ch; Bob Stltea. SU.ta Ocl. 30 In Corona dtl Mar. Th• Wllll&m D Smith of Coata Mtu., l'.Unl•terla.I AMOCl•Uon tor tern· Ana. ~n Thompson. 81111 Bt"mar· victim told poJJce Saundera had accordlnC to trial testimony. porary a.lllance to needy welt"~ dlno. Mtmberahlp le open lo boat tom her clothing from her u Perrett allegedly had b!'en wtn- cuu regardl~ or rellgiotui back· ownera, with club headquarlera at they were enroute to her home Jow peeptnr Into the La Verne cround or church atrlllatlon will Buln Shlpyarde. from a party at a l<><'al club. ape.rtmenL A baby altter, Wilma rtcel\·e $3fl00. Chrl11tmu wtlfue. $~ Olrl Srnuu. lncludinc Browrue• a nd Mariner. $6400. Harbor Area Boy1' Club, 13000. HARIOR WEATHER Te1r1peraturN lite ,..., week la Ule Rarl»or .,.. wtre: Lellent are slao being s.nt to ll. Wlnterl!bur1t. t<UHtret1 mlnor struck l hl' other 11uto all achools, service 11nd wnmf'n'• lnJUrlt'll Sun<la~· 1tftt'rnCX1n .,, hl'n Po.siubl" rh .. lll tnjulil'~ wert rP· Tueaday. Nov. 10 09 clubll. Toulmutf'r• will bl' Uk!'<~ •h,. wu fil rul'I~ b\' " , •r •lriven l'l'l\'iHI hy Mtl ry Alf'xa.nder. 19. of Wed.neaday. Nov. 111 •. 80 HI&" Low 41 •O fil 45 4:'> 48 M o.~ to uae Hfe drlV1n11: u the club~I 'hy J 11m,.11 T c11111r11 p. 16. 11f 2;s1 726i Nf'wport Rlvrl , Costa MtM, ThuMll'lay. N6v. 17 ... :19 Alpl'tth topic for Df'cf'mber. A ~nyahorl' Drive. pnlwc , l'"l"'\rl!'ll when 11 t'Ar In whlrh 1the wu rid· Fnday. N'ov. 18 .. -83 mlnlatnii will be Appro11chf'c1 to Tht Nrwpnrt Ha rhnr 1·nto11 tni.:. <lrl\'"n by Jar k U oytl Ducktll, Saturday, Nov. 19 .... 89 \11141 S·D Day-llll It IJC ramilarly I Hig h •rhool llodent """"' q11ot1>tl I 26. or 11\:l I l'lat•••n11 .. Avr., C08la Sundl\y, Nov. 20 . . 82 Jtno""ll-for urmon toplr... 111 1111v1nii: two i:trlft rnn lntn th•• Mtlll\, Mlllt1t'd wllh " c1tr drlvtn Monday. Nov, 2l · -· 59 "lA•t yn r on !'l·D Day, ("oa~ ~trel'I He JCwervt'd. hll hl!I brnkl'l<. by John Coopl'r Mlll•r. 28, or El Rainfall Meu had "" •ccldt'nt fr<•!' 1 d~)~ but w1111 unAbl<' tn n11i:s ont-11r Toru M.11r1ne IJue, wt 1 .~6 •· "'· To date .49 I.Loiter polnl11 out. "We wou d I e t hem Th,. 1nrl wit• carrir.t rnr l tod11.y. Lut yea.r ....... . to hav~ the llAl'llf' Tf'COrd ll jl:l\ln 10 to 12 reo"t on the h<><>tl ur Gil _ __: _________________________ _ thl• year." stnip'• <'Ar. 11rrordtntr lo the pa· .............. J.00 Lllat.q •Id ht plan11 to I"'' l 1 &n a••ard to the mo9t rn1utan.I· ro · lnJ driver on S·D Day. Thf' po--------------- lice dep.,tment will l•,.ue "ll:ood POPCO RN BURGLAR deed" citation book• to all patrol ottker11 ~ "cllet1ons" wm bf' ROBS STICKLERS Recreation Expert to Talk at Nov. 29 Meet of Coast Group i .. ued lo driver• who lll.11Jll11y un- \Jeual courtn,v a n•I iron<! •ln,·ln~ t~hnlque~ hf' .s&tol Th,. hf'llt drl\'· , fnit aw1rd ..,,.,11 be 11:1vt'n to I mn· 1 lori11l who r!'r!'lve.I one or l ht11l' cllallona. ThP n"'" who Pel up tht balllr I yeach and Park Commltt.el'. A bur~lu br<lkr into the re11!'11l1cin progr11 m fur lhl' Nevyl Hjelle l-' alao chairman of tM r""lll•·n•·" "' H E Slit kh•r 16\ lht' oubt>l cir World War n AdV180ry Council of the Natlona.I 383 1 Sl'll\•l<-w A''«'. Nl'''"porl 11nrl whn "'Ill roll•bornl!' with the Recreation AuodaUon and hi• 8('arh bf'tw~n 2 30 11n.i :\ Ornnite Cou 1ty Pll\nnln~ IHparl· teat book. ''Tbe Admlnl1tratJon of I p m !':11nil11\• 11n•I lr>nk t"n m!'nt In formulllllni: p ',.na for Public: Recre&tlon," hu bffn ""t' ht'Jt. r1i11h ttn'1 a h11rd·lt,. l'lt111 h tl'f"'Al1on an.i m1u lne park wtdely u,.e<t by recreation depa.rl· hlllt' bA .. kl'lboll Befort' the I dtvelr·r nwnl tnr 01 linltl' County, men ta Franklin lni .. d lfl1t'f ll'ft hr &It P''I" urn flfo'tl will bt the l'pPllkl'r II lhf' flr•l --------------" howl oa th!' kitchen 11tm'e fllll mf'l'llnit of ()rRnit<' C<'iun1 )' in 2-car Collision llntl 111'11111'1'1'!1 II q1111nt11y of II G:•IAAl AA.l'OC!Allon. Tut"~d•y. Nov Cl•culat. Ion SANTA A NA, 10CN$1 Two th rou~hout the hnu~e 129. in IA~n" Brarh pel'tlOnl were lnjurl'd Thuni· Sllckler tnld Newport p.•ll<'t The 11pt>aker. Ot">rJ:t-Hjt'ft,. <lay In a two-car p1ltllp Al Hia h· tho• tmpudtnt burttlar "lllkl'd now ~~neral m11n111er of \he Ot'· T ' way 39 and Kalella A\•r , lhe h igh· Int i> th'" nnu~ thmu11.h 8 n pa rtment or Rl'rrUflon and Park1 oday "''A:f patrol rtportr-1 o~n bertroom dnor t1nd rurn-ot l..o-Anftt'leA, re('OJnlzf'd u Drlv•r Wl'ndrll t' 1--mnklln. :u . mAgr<l t hrouxh tvtry r•><UTI. out1t11ndt n1t among l•rge metro· of 201 \'ta t"\ttnr.e. UJo J11lt 1111,.11 p1t•king l'tlt1 l•JOt with <'llrr polttan r1llr1. 11 at p.-.Mnl to!.'r· mAn111ttr for " Routh (late firm, Th.-,. atcht's wer .. ""•lue<I •I tnir J11p11n . 5826 Newport No. 11 Now at 61 bbl. Thtre la anothn dlnppolnllnr performance belng reeordtd In the Wut Newport OU Fltld under pro• ducllon by Montgomery Oil Co. Newport No. 11 well which lltart· ed Mt producing mor" than 260 barrel11 per day hiu aettfed doW1\ to 11. production ot only 8 I barrel1. Orllllng 11 procff<llng <:m New- port No. 12 Into t hf' ortshort' area at a dl'plh of -4331 fel't. The bit 19 working throuth lhf' JUlme type ot Hnd nnd llhalf' encountfl"f'd on &II or the other y,•ella drilled un· der the City or Newport ~acl\ lt'a.e In Ule area, .,., .. •llithtly hurt but Wf'nt on to JA:., the buk~tbitll 1111,1 11. "tll The proJram, pre<-f'dl'd 119' • hi• plac11 ot work. 1,.1 17 u ch. and th.. •·uh rtlnn .. r at 6 30 p. m. tn th! Hotf'I Alll<I rH"f'ivtnr minor lnjur1 .. .s. an\ountt>d to It~ sue.kin told l..airun.-. will ~ 11nd"r l hr dlrf'c· CLOSE LOOK AT MARINE CORPS 'COPTER Cub Scout.I o( P~ck 106 and their parentll bad a ruJ they are shown &iving an observation Cop ... &Cl'Ordlnr to lhe patrol, WU Ralph otflcera. lion or Admiral J. R McKinney z. hweU. N, A.ubelm. ___________ I (R.l.), ~ ot lb• Har1Mw, • tour ol. UM.Marine Co1Jjf Air Facility Nov. 12. a... once over. -USMC Photo .. helicopter the I 1956 STUDEBAKER LAltGiR, MORE POWER Pinehurst .~tation wagon model above, is due to be displayed tomorrow at showrooms of Joe Nickertz, N<'wport Harbor Studebaker dealer, who has announc· ed the new models' pending arrival. The station wagon above possesses a large, new 289-cu. in. V-8 engine developi~ 195 h orsepower. Nickertz said other station wagons in the line include the Parkvicw in the Com- mantkr \'-8 series and the Pelham in the Champion 8"c series. All etation wagons feature complete pa&· seng~r car refinements with many new featuree euch as soundproof headlining to enhance quiet atmosphere of the interior. They are designed alao aa heavy duty carriers of cargo. The new Studebaker Jines include 16 different basic models, 12 in t he President V-8, Commander V -8 and Champion sed&n1 and station wagons and four in a new sporte lYJ>e line. Thanksgiving Good Time to Ready Soil for Winter --- Mesure and Shrubs Take Frost Protection by Mulching Trees lnJ m1trk11 lh11 rn!1 of 1hr h11rv··~t 1.1 ""l••11t11<' WATER DISTRICT RESERVOIR ORA Y SANTA ANA tOC:'\S) The T11lbert W11ter Dratrl<'l Tue11day &'UL bo11rd o! 1'1Uper- vl11ors 11rpro,·111 of Ill! plan11 lo establl:ih a rei;nlllUng re11er- volr ln the gl'neral agrlcul- lural dll!lrtct Th,. r<'!lervolr will h,. luc:iterl "" th1• north 111111> 11! J\111111111 Avr. 11<1J11renl lo the we~t Jake or 1111' Snntl\ Ans 1~1\·rr TradUfon ally. T h 11n k11 i.:1 v-, 1111i:1tr ~nff· r d11m11ge fnrm frost 11eaaon a.nr1 lh,. brglnrung "' thf' Thul'. Thonk~Jr1v1nJ: lime i11 R ' holldnya. Jt .lio A 1111v w l'lt'n th•' t1111t· l"r 111 .. g1111lt'll•'f to bei.:111 rlduou11 ah"1b11. lrri1s, berrlr11. f1eld1 lie rlr11n 11.n11 rrt.•r• 1n th,.•lr" t p1 ot,•c•t1011 mc>1l>t111•s. ll<11 · ~m111l fruit,. 11nrl hor<1y cvf'r· hrlsk 1111t11mn l\lr, 11 <111.y of re~t I 111:111t ~p1u 11111: 1111t1 a U11w fl•r i.:1een11. Your nur~e1 v11111n h '" 11n ht•forr l ilt' wnrk or f>l'C1'1t1 ntJ11n I 1a1t l1ng 111111. h ~ha oui;hout the ,.~,.,..1·111lly !1n11 11ef,.('l 1nn M l11<•.seo Home ant1 Garden PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 Planners Move to Create New Sunset Heigh.ts Oil District SANTA ANA IOCNS) -Ob· rro lt r tlnc the r,111<1enl1J. re• 11en•ang that nil well• are 1prlng-mrmber." 1ng up wllh rapidity In the. area, Chlllrma.n W. L. Bigham userl· tor w1nl tr bl',1:lns. i;..r;lW'J. type11 t h11' tJ111r n! th•· .''<'l'lr. Havln~ bN°•in1e l11r~ely n nritwn ll,. h11.r•llv nr111up11tr1I thlll ""· nt:TTY.tt ('LY.A'\' I "I' the county planning commission ed r '"lel the property owners them· !le Ives uk for · Jl ch1ng~ of zone. We've rot plenty to do." nf <'1ty dw• llers, f,..w Anw11can,. en lll" ardent i;ard,•ncr will fo1•· An•I, or rouill•'· It 1-:0l'S without Wedne.11da.y took· eteps lo cre&le a r n.n r~11llz•• the lhrtlt of ll 'rhan'o· :<~ke lh., vcunders of a k1tcht-n ~nylni; th&l & l·lcll•H •p nnw will Sunset Heights oil field dl•trlcl. 1(1\'lng 111 the rauntry foa Thr.nks· bully with P11>purall(Jn for Lhl.' lmp1ove tht' apprnrnncr a nd On motion of Commlse11onrr Pal 1;1vin.: 13 1.,ully u 111 rnl lloll\18\" TI1dhk .. ~1vrni:; (cast: h.,wcver. to hrnlth of )'our ,.0 rcl,.n 111 \hi' rn11e l I d h lh k h I k I I .. Arnold, the pl11nnerll &11ke'•I l/le1r -r11 y '~ ay w t'll un II ·~ ninny, l " uni: WP" .,.,,, allr11c bc1li1, <"l"llr nw.1y 11urn n1r1 mult h Is 11ven fc•r ft bount1f11I h urvul. r1 <"111:.-nta o tame ft\1 i:rl lan1ot out· unu bui 11 ll aloni: \<"tlh 11111, lnfl'C 1• s taf! lo blt1dy the urea and comr ROBERT ~Jamaica Inn' Plans Appro~ed by Commission .\ppllca Uon betor-e the Newport Beacll puntnr comml•lon Thur•· da7 of the Irvine Co. a.net Coul Hotel&. Inc. for a WI• permit to coaatruct and operate lh1 ftnt ~ \lllill of a motel u a part of an eventual J08,11fllt motel with re1taurant. and cock· t&U loUll&'• to be known u The Jamaica lnn at Cout Hlchway and Avocado Ave. dnw the Ire of realdent.I or Avocado Ave. They prote1ted they had been "kept In the dark a bout the propoaed deve· lopment and had never been al· lowed to Htt any plam." The even-4oaen reeldenla made up t or it Jut n~bt and poured over the plot plan preffnted be- !ona th• comm!Nlon, dtmandlnr to know how their home1 would be effected by lhe "lncreu ed traf· flc and not.le" they fell would come from the cockt.a.U lounre. COO-Fr. FRONTAO.E Thi motel 1lte will con1lat of .. oo feet along Cout Hlchway and 600 feet &lonr Avocado Ave. 'The property Is uncla.1111lfied at prt'llt'nl since it we.a only recently &nOl'X· I'd. Company 11po}te•men 1a1d 400 feet of the Cout H JKhWll)' front· age will bfl zoned tor bu11lnf'1111 and the re11t will be R·J reeldenllal. Avocado w111 be widened to J l O feet with en J8·ft.-wide eepara· tlon down the mldcllf', they .. td. There wlll 11l110 be new atre1>t11 off Avocado a.nd Cout Highway to separate the commercial from the propoaed re1td111Ual areu, they said. Actual plaa thf' the motel i. still being checked by the build· Ing departm~nt. But a plot pllll\ submitted hut night 11howed the bulldinl' would be a pproximately 400 feel along one s ide of the "L" and 330 feet &long the olhe~ 114'1' NO PA\,SO OO!'T~ Property owners Will not hive lo pay for the wic1enlng and re- pa v~ of Avocado A ve.. they were told. After heannr the prote.ta, tht 00 YOU NEED MORE INCOME? Wit D,.,.CA 91ELCCT£0 18T MDATOAOC LOANS WITH 9 CAVICC WI MAKI. NO ~C•eONAL •Ot..tC\tA•IONe T•UeT OttOe aOUGHT AND e OL.O WM . B. HOLT MD•TOAOt eAHICINtJ e tNC( •9>0 1009 H l\ISH $Tlf£T •SANTA ANA. CAllf. ltlMllRLY ).7111 FORBES ' 11 succl.'"llful i:rowrni: 11tnHOn. of·dorir!. and wco1 k In the icarul'n rJ atl/<e lrnvi·" nnil ~1, 111, An•I. up with a propo.11ed m ap. COl.U.Elt \\'t:ATllt:K " llwrapcutu· Ill• "'ur.-for the f'f· \\hlli• yn11'rl' 1 !(':in·ni: I •• k """r A mold aa1d, '"Let"• tlectar. It an l•der Hnw•v•r Av~n In lht• ~ity. lh" f11 ls 11( over-1n.l11li:••11u· rH thr I\ ,,,,r 1 bJ 1 A • r r • • ~Kl< In Cl l'CI I\' ~ I t' Oil flek.J Jt"s d~fnlteJy H la blh1htd laet few i;.old•n 11ut11mn <1nv .. w1th l ta1Jl•'. ii..1,, 1 l 11 1 1 1 PBO~"'E llA.BllOB llOI 8 new <'Olnr In rvf'rv l..r1r And A 'fl"f .("111:\'n Tf"t: l•1ni: I'~:~ ",,.1.i"'1,. .~:;1, '": ;;~ ,~,; U"s.-1( as that. The drllltrs ran go ----------------------------- rront1l'I' fl( rnhlrr "'";1l h••r to fnt· Mul1 hang \'all rrutt>l"l lhn11r •U•l',.!\•fnlly i mplfl\' ~uino· t '·iril l11rc·<"tly l'> th~ bullchng rle!'llrl• low lure the ,1:1\r<l••nrr ri1t-r,f lre1" an•I l'hrub3 that ar" ~<"rt·l•ns 11t·\1t , tu >f'rlh l' up th" .. \•t· mcnt for f't'rn~it.a an.I won t have 1IOOl'S to f'njoy lht'. 1111•nu1ry o(,~1ci11;ill\• 111 ppet\ b\• lh•• ft o><t Anti. ;ill ar11earnntr 'U<h llS ,1rnnrs. tC1 <'Offil' lhroui;h ht'r·e ... 811mmt r. 11N s fl11 th•·r prutcrtiv•• mr&-.11re. I pl11n1,.r-. nr t,.rrll,.,.• • f'l:i.nnt'r H s. Hunting rrmlnd· To t hf' r 1tv jt.1rc11>nrr n• In th" llw C1ldw 11111 J\11."I{ 1 •l111n oC :"\ur· 1 J\nl1 wht•n you've 11rrc1m 1 h~hf'rl country t111 mer, Thanksg1van,1; '"I"' 1:.-111•11 sui;~<'lil ,. '' wral"ptnl( of th•·•C' rhorl'io 1111rt ,.llll h11vrn'l Pd that ··we II.av" an obhitatlon In e eeaeon for winlrr prt•paratlon ~ .. ,···1111 lh1 krw~.•t's nf new~p•p•'r "-Ol kt'<1 1off that turkl'y 1hnn,.r - A11 the t11rm"r mul'lt "" r nr,. ht!'< ln """" c11111>q, h11n~ang tmrlsp ,..._ vou 1111i:ht sp1~111I R 11111!1 nf n1.t- 110U for a ,wrnt,.r of 11proni: pl•rn• · r1 R ta ""1•• whtd1 pr{l,·111 ..... Hix an· n111 p Ha u11nu 11hrubbe1 v beds 11:1•1 Ing, th& ~ardcn<'r lllU•t hl.1"1 • 'h• ll •I 1111 'l'll<'l' arounJ t he 11h1 ub 111 l'prong pfRnllng 1HPns llO 111 .. 1 "" lo preparln.i: his ""II 1111.i 11 .. "I 1•la111 w ith atr-t1ror <! uml1>1 · 1l will br well roll I'd 11nll h11r1u· protection Of lho~ plont11 lh 11 Int• llh Wtll k11ep nff "011' 011\n l••i;11 tn lr(ldCr ,Vt•Ung pl11nl3 when GARDENER'S CHECK LIST J. Thi• I~ 11 i:no<I ''"'" In rrun• moet. om11mrnl11I 11h1 uhhrr v 2. We usual!~· 11l1,.mp1 1 .. rr11n• In 11uch 11 w11y th11t thr ""''"ti 11ha~ and fnrm 11( 11 ~hi ah 1• ntol dutroyed. 3. Your n111 1-,.rymnn rnr n 1k .. pruning ma.11u1tl~ "'""l11hl1 t , , ·II wh.lch Will g1Ye you Ottsale.1 rrun· tn• Wtrucuons. fl •"l · yuu l'c'l th,.m 0111 Ir 1 our frn.-t prntl'<'l 1nn eff•Yrt • f 111 l•1 1 1IUN· of .. 11 111111 -unlh· ~l'I'· ',.,, t'Cll I 1'111'11 lhrn I I(\ ;";(I l'H · IS•: '·'"~"'' lh•' plant "'''II~ 1111ltl ""\\1 i.,1uwth ~l1111" F 111 •r 1on c•n Seek Probate of C. F. Bialy Will ~ .r•111, 11pp.,n1 tlwn ~,,,,·11 l<J11>'\ . 11.1•1.11• h·•~ l'lfcd•·•I It'll C•\\n h· al· l':A:'\TJ\ fl':'-1\ i()(";'\,<;1 Thr ''·f' ;\h, '"'' 1111, ol•• nut nit «"-·" l R11nk "' Arnrra ·• Ttrnr~<IRV f" 11· rl t I I \, r 1 ~ 4 r 1 11 ·l t1nn••u ~111w1111r C1•1111 h•, ,, f"r l ' t'l • ,, •1"' o 1 ... J:. t• ,.. • 1 "'n • 11·l< l•I I ~lll . 1•l.1lll' ,,,, ~l'rl8tn r•oh 1ti> "' thl' \\Ill f r <'hllrlf'~ ~~I 1r 1 "v .i.. ~ I 1:11<11\" \\ h11 •hi'•! :-;.,,. l:l an C-o~tA ;·111• • lnlr r.111 •lay~ ar' "'~' an Ml'•·1 I h )l'ol llm» lu '•111.1k Up" on (Jl'~Uo li1,11!>• II'(! r"rPnnlll prnrl'rlv "' 1 h 11 ,, , •1rt1·nllv ln •di\'•' h\' "' •lh ll'"'" th.in $tctcllli"I A h ,.,,.,.l ·, 1111,.11, nth •I• "'" lrn~ It ,.111 '"'I I t HI lflll:J .!"1111111 An •• A \f' w1111 " uormRnt ~rr "Y Arrly 1t C'1• .. ta ;\leM w1111 included an the Ill n111x1rn11m l'lll'ni:th -err<>rcl-'~Lilt' ang lo Jar<-d1nn:-IM-lnl!' Flllt' to kt•• p 11r1 ey utf thl" evcr1t1 "l'n~ CONCRETE Satisfaction PO.UR IT THE EASY • WAY .AND SAVE e • • • JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder 609 <lout ILIYd. OOBO'!tiA DEL lllAR PRONE ILUlllOR 4711 -------------------------- LET US HELP YOU • i t·"\1'11Hl•,IO•l ~flf'H f\\•"''' fl,,,. "'f"j•l't' •• 11on elthou&h the1,. w •• " ''"' nu' vol• from commiaaloner Donald H&)'t~>n- A portion o( th1 eppltcallon rMdln(: "u weU u related acu- vtll11" wu deleted trom lhe per- mit whtn A vocaJo reeldtnta de- manded to know what It rM&nt . "Relalt'd u llvlllea" re!u to af· falra ln1lde the bulldlnf , the appll· ranta explalnf'd. 4 Wallace Estate to 3 Daughters BANTA ANA, (OCNS)-Ellaa· beth M. w,11ace of Coit& Me.a left her ealele to her three dau1h· lers, the w lll filed tor probate In Superior Court here Thunday dJ IC IOl<'d. Daughter ltllaabelh Muatnr of 1988 S&nt& Ana A ve., Coat& MeN. petlUoned court for procesalng of the wlll. Mrs. MeulnJ died Nov. 9. She lt!ft two unlmpr~ved Iota In Coeta Me.1a, lhrH lot1 In Nt1wpor t Beach Improved by a guage and ottlce and a hov-e and lot In BaJ· boa.. Peraonal property in the -ex- tat. wu llrt~ at "In u ceu of $10,000. Lt.her lf'gateee were PauJlne H Muling, 313 Anade Ave., Balboa, snd Ma.rg~rrt Hl'ndrs of San Gabriel. -f" ..ir I hr f111r•t I 1 c .,111m•rrl11' Prmlllli ••II Harbur iet6, Job Prinlln• DeputmtllL Re:tdy Mixr ·d Concfl·ft· WELCH' I llADY MIXED CONCIETI lU CollUllMrd&l w_, COSTA llllESA U ....U Qublq a Hwy •J& HIUIUaa"tOll 8eL t UL Mist HARBOR . ··AREA BUSINESS GUIDE AllTO llErAut5 Comp~le Colllaloll Work Auto PalntLDc PATCH'S BODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH 'rctS E•tlmate• Try U• Tlrllf TN WNt I '7th St. Colt.a MKll. Ca.W. u 8-7~ COSTA MESA MOTORS Complete Automotlvt Service Body 6 Paint Dtpartmenl Brake Shop H HOUR TOWINU "A.A.A" APPROVED U bflrty 8-2268 11'0 Sewport Boulf'\·ard C11t1ta Ml'u., ('aJlfonda 8EAVTY SHor MARINE BEAUTY SALON E r Pf""( Slyh11g -Shop11t11 Pcnna11r•1I,. -T1111J1111 Swprrai1/f'd by Violet 1%7 Marine A, .... -Harbor I 1U B&lboa hla.nd 3 Minutes LUSTERWASH .A 11tmnnflr Cnr ll"t1.•hl1111 ,,, .,.. "'"''·'' HFAlll1'(, AIOS The •·anC'st In 11.-arln~ CeN-l•t•I)' 1 ... i .. lhl• s.1,..hht1on ~ .... ,." .. '" MAICd' AUDI\ OX Wt::. TllUll fl l.Cl RIC 1111 ti .. rl ... ( ""'' All M:.1.- JI . DALY. RATHER "l/111rf11•1 Cent• r" 809 ~. !\lain Santa Ana • k l 'l-.\,\1, _____ _.J_·'l_AN_;:_ _ I WOOQWORTH ltafdwtn f'~•noe •nd o, l•f\• l ontf'lt .. 5~ o< .. s.~:;d_!'z:;.i."~ 0~:~:~. '.?61U t:. <'oo~t ""-'"· ll11t. !'I~'.? Corona d"I ·''"' l'LUMOt.R'I H. H. HOLBROOK Nttw Co•uhuttl•• -llhm•Hhhna Wahr H••t•" -Dt•,•••h • , .. , t-.. , •• f,.. t'JU:t; t • ..;TIMATt;.., !801 W . J\alhoa l\h cl. llar. 46't4 !\I'\\ port n..tM"h GILLMAN Plumbing Co. c.,..,..~,, ... -Jt,.,.'""' ""rnod•hn• -W•l•• ti••h•• w.u u~ ••• ,. -r ••• ,. rutnu•• S1•"por1 n.·a.-h, Calif. "''"· Kl r.-:ocrn %20 W. ("oa"t llljth\\ 11)' I rhoiw-Ll bf'rty 11-U I'? I :'lo••\q10 1·1 fl·····h (Ar rncu From l'ort Oran5,.1 ,-----,.-0-l-'l.-,11·,----- CONTllACTOll$ I -C-H-AMIERLAIN -I I & SON ("ommf'l'rfal -R.-cl<1rnt1J1l F,.nrlntt -l'atln" IM t:ut 17th 8l. C-n•ta M_ ..... _____ u MMll_ t HALL'S RANCH CO. • tlanrll I rf'~h ··l:it' • ,. r .. , .. ,,,, .. ._,,,J l·'Qllll ry '!':~'\ Jlarhnr Hh ti. 1.11..-rt" 14-.>!'lt., ( "''" \Ir..., C •llf. COMMUICIAL r lllHTINC -----------'· After prunlnir. $:1\'t thl' \\ holr garden a Utorough t"lean-up ~ra ay Your Nur1erym1n will ••1'·u1e thl' l:leat matena.I to llAe \\&.sh l'\'erirrec•n .. 1mme·hll.l• II" It •r• 11y 11<"<'1>lrnllv fall,., un thrm WATU< Ht:ATF:RS SHU Sll'tiCl ••• •VAl.S Joe r(J:;.~/of J Daye ua almpWy your ('oncrete work \\1th a load of precl1lon-rnb:ed cement ... prepared to you order ai a •vt.r· WE HA \'E MAX\" Sl"GGES· TIO~S for remodeun, 1u<'h u 1toraffl Nbi.nf'la. brea.JdMt ban. f'tr. All of afmple oonwtroC'tlon wttll1 lnupeaeJH ftr plprood. 1 MAX w~ POPE, Inc. I Or"cMI C•irttr11rtt>r• JOB PRINTING Let 1111 t1i:u1" ) our of fir ,. r11rm,, l nwJlt . 11 ~ •1 rm,.nl11 Hl!fh Q1111111v Wnrk "' Rl':A~n:-.· A 11v: rnJC-ER 5. Mulch f\11 1hrubbuy with •leer manure. bonier'!! An .. lhl'r t1nr "'11y ''' w11rl11ng orf I o ver-lnd11lgenr,. I• to Vl 1n di'· 11 RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL UO SOU. St., Newport lkac.b llarbor 2533 ll•MS 10 '0 ClNT OOWH Phon• Harhr 1.uo MA1TRESSf:)il Boal• -H om•11 -Trallf'no hrf',ular Shap ... LllW"rty 8-ISOS C'"OSTA Mt:~A MA1TRUS CO. tl~O :'\'N1 pnr1 Rivi!. Uberty 1·2283 BAY READY Mrx l.SC. 711 W. 17th St. COSTA MESA , MAX W. POPE Inc. GE:\'CRAJ# CONTRACTORS "\\'e Arrange Financ\pg" 1u:s1ot:~TIAL • ("O~UfF.KC:lAL • DE \'ELOP:\l t:..ST 407 Bolu An•. lint off !lopt. Hhd. al Ulb , .. -- THE I -, ,. Newport Beach Ubt-rly 1'-iUI lllUllE LATH ANO PLISnR . Southern California Plc.stering Institute REMODEL YOUR HANGING STORAGE IOX Put wute •PA<"' to work "1th thh -y-to-maJce nr plywood iranc;e atorair• unit. Ufh up •)ut of the way "hrn not In U"- ~ "" fnr trf'f' plan' A n1c OR BASEMENT. 11·1 f'a•y to flnl•h wall11 and l'f'lllntt" "Ith U.-hl. !l!ronl', 1tood· look.lnir fir ply'l'ood. Urand for rablo,.t•. bolll-ln• and n oor ron•t"1rt1nn. f'rl'f! n-modelJJll' ldr• ho<>klrt. EASY IUDGET TERMS ON ALL PURCHASES • WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. 3300 W . Coast Highwa,......ewport leach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 1-3411 Commettlal -ftffidentlaJ I ladUAtrtal -Tract.A 40'1 Bolaa Xf'wporl Br1rh DllUC.CIST ~~~~~·-----------~~- CRAWFORD , PRESCRfPTIO~ PH ARM AC\' 11104 ~f'WJIC>r1 fth·d. l'hone Ll~rtylH~U ('OIOtf' M-. (."allt. HARBOR MEAT CO. Harbor •·,..,en t"<H>d J.nrtlrr Prt•• a Choka M .. 11 0..lr •• Wholf'tele l'rn.f'• .._ ... 11 ... 1or.. Cu•I•• s ... 01&1,., Cutu,.,. W"•"'--'"'· A1,,•n• c ••. •••"1"• Ft.ah. ,.,,...,., •. o ... -.."' j US • IOtb 81. II.arbor 0118 ~M.1>0rt Bf-Af'h f U•NITUltE f"ll'llllHINC ~~"' a Old FURNITURE FINISHING A"brr,M BU.twort~ Pk•·•• ""' l>oltw•ry S...,.\co ,, •• a:. ....... 20H Pl~fttla Newport Harbor • News-Press Job Printin9 Dept. Harhor 11119 llEllVICE S1 AT IONS ------BAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE Fill.I . \\"RlfJllT, n 11,,rr 200 Wr•t ("11.,.I II">" l'h .. J.Jbt-rty IHI! U :'lo°•"' f>nrl l\NM h. Callt. 'TV ArrLIA'l~S ___ _.. _________ _ l"our nuanuil.....S TV and APPLIANCE ,,,. All 'TI'~•• •I Toll•lole" . .... Mer••• -w .. 1..,1•-•• "'•11•~·· Ph. Uberty 8·3437 '""·' Hart.or Blwt., ("o.ta M- YACt1T SALU CLARK SWEET . VIM'ht "al"• -Oarl""' (~ft4"nt! lftlllr9fl(' .. Rpnv1lt.i"l1 111 Mnn"e /11~wra11c11 Qt · !hi fill . Harbot IUH ~f'Wl>')r1 ~ .. •• j ' PILOT HONORi;D -Ru~ell T. Lund (left l. Beacon Bay resident, ia congratulated upon completion of 25 years servi~ with Western Air Lines by H. W. (Bud) Cawacd, the a;rline's chief P•lot. Lido lole. Lund A warded Air Une Pin For 25 Years Ru.ell T. Lund 89 ee.con Bay, has bet'n awarded a dlamond·and- gold pin t'mblematfc or hi• 25 yeara of conllnuoua l!ervtce w ith We1Jtern Air Lint'll, the n11tion·11 l'enlor alrllnt', Prior lo joining Weiitl'rn In 1930 Lund wu auoclated with the MOOnt'y ,.~lylnl' Service, OJWr· allnit out of Bulle In th• Rocky Mountain atate. In 1938. Lund ttanafernd to Sall Lake City. Ul&h. M a Weal• f'rn co-pilot and wa.a awarded captain'• winga three yun later. Lund Ulen lra1111ti'rred 10 Bur· bank where be atayed for tour yt'a Tll befor• movlns to 1.09 An· gelea lntt'matlonal Alrpott Where he I• now a nil'ht captain aboard WHlem ntchl• which aerw the 12 wulem atate.a and Canada March a.od d eve.lopmt'nt labora- tory In SouU!ffn CaUfomi.a P rior to hi.a auocl&.UoG wit h tht' Fluor Corp. F'onUua wu an u· .oclate of McKlnMy and Co .• n•· tlonal mana gement conwlung fO WORK L'I HARJ\OR Charles H. Fonlius. above, resident of Balbon Bay ~hore;i, baa new post wit h Costa Mesa indust r~-. Fontius Named lo Narmco Job I 1<•11 11n11 •'"nllnl admini11trBlt1r lhf' Fh1r•r t ·arr .. Los Angeles nt ' ''r;:' a;~eoth;~a~~;~anl~~ivmitv T ht 11pp111nlnt<'rlt M t"hlltll'll H Fonllua 1111 , •ml 111ll••r 11n<l ll•i<•~· 111nt l1 e111111r1•r 11( N11rn1,•11 In.tu •• tr1 .. 11 ot S11n 011·gn Rntl <"'"'" ~II'· •a, waa >1nno1tn1 •·d t odA}" h1 llAV· Id L. Grlmr~. &t•nr1 al 11111n»1trr or lh.-al'l!0<"1,.tP1I S<1uthe1 n C1tll· fom1a rompan11·~. F unllu11. whn will br bll~t>tl 11t N11 rmc-o II corrn111l1• h1•a1lt1u111ltlll at 600 V1clor111 !'I , t 'QJOt.1 ~1 .. 1111 Tl'•ldl'll ll 267b lill) 'hM,. ()r1v .. Fonllus fflrmf'rlv or~11niL11· BE SURE -IN.SURE "Ith M A l "RJCt: ~TASl.F.\' fn•oranN' Onl~ MloM tlarbor U H H I-' t:. ("t•a•t Hl1 h"ar Curon.a dt'I Mar ol O H NS T ONE 'S Mesa Auto Wreck.rs 1 ·-i Auto Par1' a.cl A Clffto<Mlrff'll 2076 Plaaeatla A\'f', Lflw.rt1 8-1911 ('011ta Ill,.... Herbor Rest Memorial Par~ M.Mno ... um-lnt .. m nwnl Guden.•. Cf'fllt'tny tlertMlr at fll•l,.r MARINE INSURANCE Smooth 1"alllac Oatlontf'-t·ortoa Rt'alty C'o. tl11 \\', <'out Hlpwa~· Ubforty 11-"7Mt Hanke11-Watson SPORTS CAR <:'ENTER • lac-, MO, Alf11 ~ A fttta ltl'aJt . A u11tln. Mnrrt• A ... lln P:n1ll'h t •nrd XEW C AR MAl.f:!'4 It MF.tfflC't: • -' C'U :A1' l°!'Hi~P CAR~ lm port,.tl &: l11iml!'flt11 ()()STA M IEl'A I SA~TA .\SA Ulw>rty ll~ll Kl 1·07~ l tllt Hu. RI. '!!OI "' \titln '' tll ""I" 1 ,.,,.., .11rowlh financing r" ;:l;armro tnrhu1tne11, which In ''" ""' ) Nlrll hrt.11 more than trlp- l•"I 1111 1Ju11in1·!<!! and facilities In ~• 1111•t u1:.t adhe~ivea. reinforced f'IA!ll l<'!I anrl rt'IRlNI aircraft 11nd «.n~llmPr proiturt>e In Rd11!t1on lo ht:< n~wly-crealed • xc•1•1111v1> pn•1twn. F'ont1ui1 hall 11· !Ill jtotnrfl lh(' rXt'CUtlve pla nning romn11llee of Narmco lndu1trtes whirh pruenlly operatt'I five man•Jfllcl unni:r plants and a re- ~ SOUTH COAST CO. !Jnl A S ew-pon Blvd. Flow•n b' WH• Party Rental lt~m,. H OY li:. COft,'fl Hv .. Corona di'/ Mor Harbor 5071 ™811 • 2ND llG WEEK .lamM Dt'9n In "Rebel Without A Cause'' ''THn·Age Crime-Wav•" c ~raduatr, P'onllWI wtm h111 mu- lt>r'" degret' in· bu1dnu1 &dmlnl· ~lrat1nn at the StAnfnrd Cr9duatt' School ot Bu411neN In 1939. He '" an u.oclate dlr~tor of the Loa Angelet1 chapler of the National A1111oc\atton of Co11t Accountante and a ch11rtn member of tbe Southern California chaptt'r ot the Sy11lfm11 a nd Procedure. A•· aocla tlon of America. ftoultry . DltDSINO •••• Qc,... .. ., . ...., ,..,-,., Sugarecl, and AllOf'Mcl DOUGHNUTS 6 .. 19' ...... ) Wed . ONLY . Nov. '23 ..... NMPklN "' 57• ... .............. , MINCI Ptl ••• 5Jc. "ft),,,.,.,,._ -... " ~"~'~~~ OOllTA MEaA lite lf-.Ort ..... ooaoN... OICL MAA '" o-t e.,,, . ACO&D'll IAOUNA W Oii IU Br .... a1 BAl.804 -..ulD JOI ....... ·-NY:WPoaT B&.&09 ltt c:i-t Hw7. New!'Or•'s Chief Telephone Op.eratcr t!otes 32nd Year ... E BAlb<la Blvd Tbt' nt'w equipment w ill brine lhf' SWlll'hboa1.1 pollltOn total to :l6 and will ptob41bly take ca.re of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -P~RT I . PA&E l MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1955 · lhe bHvy volume of caUIJlg traf· tw .. n 3 and r> p. m Tttt' lalt«"r. ft<' unlit Ute! dial ronvera1on In ~ pointed out, 11 the relJUlt of 111:1; The l!'\'1h·hbollrd.a are necu-tet'nlljlt'• s 11rrlvlng horn.-t r om ~11ry lu met'! th .. •urg1n11 lnc:reaae .tehool • Ollty 1600 Plto!tes W.... Site CalM H .... ; t.n calllnl! volume. "M11nv P"oplt' hll\"t' a skt'<l me It S ANTA A NA cOCNSI -Let• le.r• of admfnl•tra tlon ID th• ••· late of promtnl'nt Santa Ana tn• I Ur&llCI' e X f' C" u l I .,. l' Roland A . Kloeaa. who '11t"d l'\ov. JO, were uked In Sup.orior Court hl're Wf'Ct· ne9day by h111 aon·ln·l•v.•. J. Ed· Ward Smith or 1011 \'la Cordova. Lido h it'. ts!umbcr ~ow 18,500 a•cl Stil Growfllt "Ldbor day WO!'ekt>nd Willi v.•r v (Ill! OJW I Bll't II Wiii lt>St' lhl'tr j \)ba twavy in volume ·· Mra. Genii y wht>n th" thtil c11nverimm •~ 11\a•lf'. recall•. "Our opera tor• handlt'd T ht 11n11w"r i• no -all g1~ls will 1tf,.,,, ~l rir Gide-1 Lella I ytntry l'tnr In Fullflrton .tttr J:TtldUlllion an a vera11e dally totaJ of ~.000 ho' offr1 !'<1 111m1lar JlOl!illon~ In c -1,.r rnr ""'' ror Partffr Tc'c.'· ft t>m lhAI clly'a high llChool. )tra calU. durlni: Ulal "'""ekf'nti." ll•'Rtbv nffi1'111 r•f th.-1r choice. phonH'ii ~e••·r·•• I f:<'H<'h .,·:rha.,~r c, nlry lal<'r •nved 8 11 a iupervi· That flxurr, t1hf' polnltd nut ~'·•'h a• S11n1u Ana Anaheim .and .inrr 111·~ M rll G<>ntry hRI! 8•·~n ll(lf" In Ana heim. rn !930 l'lhe WU dOCSfl'l 1nr lut11" lh1• rlllll< h11nt11< .. 1 G lltlt'n C:r<tVj> .• the lut'ttl fore·!' r r ll'!~phfln•· I'll'• 1 · r•ppnlnt~t l'Vf'ntng c-hil'f n;wn tor bv dral equipi.nt I Llbr• t y 1 An•I M111 n~nl 11· 111111 her husband, u. ····' 1::·1w (1 0111 3;, 1111'1~ 17 ~"·t11~ 111 the An11htlin office r::Ht , ..• :, t '"te daily "'"· •fnwn 11•11111• G11le llv1· At 111 :1 :16th St. He own& ai;o• 111 11 c111 n •nt tullll "' l :o 1~;.i11t•J Full .. 11"11 i'hlt'f operator In i.tni" thi• II hilly J'<'Rk, '" ~1111 a ph11rrn1l1',v 1n Rannlng . 'rh I 1 h I lfl:•:l. 11 '"t'"l'mn:· 1'11"1 nf :irnunil 4ri • H•·r d111t"htar, Mra. Jae ulyn Ptoional propeny In the .. t.ata was ltatad "" worr h $711.000. KIO<'U lert hia Wirf', F.ll-.abelh A., Santa Ana, and thl' c1a1tJ hter, Mr .. Dorothy K. Sm ith nf Llc1o I.ale. " l•· ''!' '°11<" wm n"n "" J11' lpt 1 .1 . "" lrnn•'l••d h\' c•)'t'1'r1tnt ~ I "' ' q C'fll''>''0 " :'2 ··n~ll o f , .• ,,,.· 11. Jr1 111l1t1 11rin t" ~"1wr\'1s1n;.: I'\•' .1 ,. n:w ,,,,1,hlt<'"'ld:-wtll 111·1.1 H11hl C:ikrn. i:raduated from N-· the Eo•Jl Syi<t••m !:>ho• hl.l"l' .<1 1 ·1 111 J ' •I ''I'' 11•tlt1'; !<111·•. ~''" C •rt· 1 1 1 ~., f"" 1 H11n>-1r Union H igh S-"'ool r· •.lVl' ~L·J \'l ,. A ~ :·1 n ' \1tt ~ ,.... t ~ \,al r1~~t 11ii.i I lht' 11:1J11l"ws i:rowth nl I ' 1R bu~y t !lc•:<e d ay" as .1:1lln~ Centn· 8111,1 11tnd now nutl<ea ht'r horn<' al Tra• lh•!l a 1N1 11ntl rec11ll~. for l:ldl.i WC'. 111 1lw <'t101 dlnat1on 'lf rq111pmt'nl . . ., , ,. . . . . . , Mf tel Allto H bs ll ;it thr;1• "" rr onl~· !COO i.·I··· 1 .. ,.._ 1 •• 11.11 h .1 tc"eph.rn•• u1<ni·s. ( \;\ Uf ... I i-.. 1.\ t.:-C ·~ :Shi hll'4 tw ln .aona, 2-; year· I M 1•lim1 s h<'r" 1-.·h"'n i<ht 1·:i.111· 1n \\01'~ll'r1.1 Ele-<·t1 lf• ""Pt'rv111111 i;:11 '"ru>1ort1•!'.• '"'n ltP"p 1 ht'll1·111hl ~11l h1<el and Jerry. R ertnald Qulroa of 401 ~rvlne 1'<."' po1·t · Blllb '1'. Tncllly I h ll l .:\'1t•l1n t1:. 3 11 Collini< J' w•. a n ;J "•·?vc·~. I Ju H lh•"·" 1·1111 pl111•1• lhL'll I 11 • , I b I Ave., Coeta Ml'1111, notified polk • n " .'>c-1 l\1u i 1·r..·n 111 l b.!11Hl h·11 11.1•11 0 11• n ,,,. 1n ·~lltn" ,..,;{ '"" 1 '11110·: I It• P'll uHy 10ur11. Mecca located In Rlvt'n1ldt a11t! it's :-:111 m l rt'llMng. ni" 1'U••:u 11_. of Jt\l'lt•·l'b .. r t; l.a ,.l ,., •'"' • •. 11:" ti ••\"II i;t·l .. xn•lll'nl C'ounl.r ·11 reportl'd by lhe Na-th' hubca Jl9 wv1 f' 111olen from Illa l :\"l.AS U .1:1u-i 1 1 ' ' · .:i .. ~n•i.I. · car on Nov. 11 while It wa.a i..11111,.:. n111.-111" p11:-111 .. n~ wl>... 111 ' h<.l.rll 31,. bt'lWl't'll II ttunal· Automobile Club lo ~ 189 pa rked In front \lf 2~0 Newport _s1111ling_twr nu .... ,"" •n 11Jkt· 1<tltlefl 1n th .. c1•n1 1111 011 ~~ ~11 rn ~"_'n~ning. All>Oi be-•r., .. 1 below ... a lt'1'f'I. Bl~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- """"' au ti 1 .._,... i.. ridl f~ Oalldouety ~ wMh dork or •llli c"--1o... Hoftcl--.fy ._..., for 9'ft'91vifte er .... ..-............ ,. .... y. ~s~ '.! S7c ,...___MIS."""" llUD--,,..... ....... ~ ........ ···~ 1ac ':26c ........ :=..-::. a:: 26c .................................. ~ Skylark llakery 8peet.ldee IUT1ll &8t IOW :::. ~ ZJc PAI IOW FIBOIOW ....... .......... .......... .._ .. ~ The ne w atyle perty ~ uod!er ;,. rt.. a aclu1i,,.. tlOy·fr .. h pockeh l 0.t 0 bo11 ~ O~tf_,, cheeM treoh, etc. ~2t ....--Rill IUND CIACKEIS-..._ ~eshly bo•ed by Notlonol l iecult 2t Compony. O.litiCMlt ""llh tolod" 14. •ovpl, and holidoy u•a ck lr90h. '9x Tlla•luflvl•I( S .... I .. LARGE PlmD OLIVES ·~· GOLDEN YAMS IOTAl 1'111...Cl REYNOLDS WRAP' :~ ... •NV• AlUMINUM ""'"' CUH llOH WEAIEYD FOil POUL TIY STUFFING READY M1X STUFJIK tU NO 1111 l ":.:. 25' 11·-25 u·... < .~ 25' ·~s9' ~~ ,,, VACUUM PACKED CORN :;~::•Y ":. 15< • --MONTE CRISTO WltES-- ,,;..,o .. Stock quality! Alt eirc.11.N wine lo •nhanc• your holiday cool11n9; ,. --.. .,.,._ ..,,th ,widel s.w.. ....... 8.. :.6'JC "911ct.. ........... s ...... 59' ALL S•ZES lb. FRESH OYSTERS ~ !:.::!'= ~ 59' PORK SAUSAGE .. c::-~e:-. ~tr CANNED HAMS-==-"' ·--.:6. 98 .:. r:-;, :. .... 5. 39 SllaD BACON :~-=-~ :4~ GROUND BEEF So ... ::~=~ .. 39& can MoWlf rich coffH1 blended lo bfing yow the one rich•'' ftovor.JOf P"''"-a... CH ...... da ....... AIRWAY::-.~ ~67' No MOMAnc Tolte.o•g~ 1 ... . B HILL Otll ..... 11.1 .... 69< '!59' LIBBY TOMATO JUICE '':10c ~19' FRESH EGGS ~~: ~ 1!4~ ~ ,~59' CRANBERRY SAUCE Who~r::!',~ 1':19' GRADE A BUTIER l \I Ouol1ty. !'ot teurued DAllTOUN ICE CREAM COTtUtOH OUIST. Cot•""ll grode 2 • 4 7 ><• creo ,.., of •"<Omporoble q uol1tyl .-C s.,.,,. ""''h confider.ce. pleotvrel ~ FRUIT CAKE ;:~:~~ ~ 1.49 LIBBY PUMPKIN lh UTAH TYPI. UM in 'tvffing, sovpa. 0 1 oppe1izers. Crisp, thid.,,.. 11 d _.._ 'VELVO YAMS ~i:::1: •• 7c MUSHROOMS bl:~:, ~ 29< CRANBERRIES ~ CHESTNUTS ::ff\':, n I I • \ I n ,. " I-\[ I ' "' cp ' \ I. I T \ • H 0 I t ' I 0 0 u ' SLICED SllAWIEllB 1.rn1 PW .......... .._ ... "" ...... .,,.._ B'ro&ID BOVM D•IJJ t a.a. to I p.a. C l"rid.ay W t p.m. I ...., ............ . 1722 N_e~ort Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or PABIUNO ON ~EPAVl'..DLO'I \. .. . . - ., MMHINe FOR YOUR 5 DAY SALE: e MONDAY THRU SATURDAY CLOSED ALL DAY THANKSGIVINGl NOV. 21 -22-23-.25-26 Erharclt's & Val-Chris Oven-Ready, s to 7-Lb. Avg. JR. l EYS Swift's Red Label Hickory-Smoked. Ready-to-Eat FULLY -COOK EDI Luscious eastern com-fed flavor -loyl What a treatl HAMS Whole or Shank-Half Armour Star Oven-Ready JR. GEESE Ocoma Genul• LOllCJ Island DUCKLINGS 4-Lb. Avereg• • SELECT EASnRN , OYSTERS COOKED BABY LOBSTERS ~.Pint Ctn. 1-1.b. Avereg• Au...AMlllCAN 11P-TOP' PURE PoRK SAUSAGE 1 ~i0~·~ 59 69:. • Eat he1rtyl Heap your holiday table high with all the good things that our land's abundance provid... Ttti1 is that wonder· ful time of year for us all to expreu our ~ a i •1de, not only for our bountiful Thanksgiving Feast, but for 1R the •d· v•ntagft we, H Americans enfoyl Let us pause on this holiC:iay and count our bJe11in91 . ' FANCY DINNER I GREEN .BEANS NAPKINS "SCOTKINS,. ~ 5 2 2 Pkg. • Libby's Golden PUMPKIN No.21h 15C Can Oberti urge Ripe OLIVES No.1 25C T•ll Can N•biaco Blade W•lnut COOKIES 26 c lO.Oz. Plcg. : GYOliiEEi 3 . JuiMs 2 9 ' I : WONDERFOOO I M-MALLOWS 2 7-0z. 1 gc Pk gs. ;(rench's ~~:~~SPICE BUYS! I • French's Black Pepper 1• •• o.. 14t French's Ground Cinnamon 1 .... o.. 1 Sc French's Whole Cloves 1 "•·<>-. . . 29c Ffaenclis Garlc Salt 1•1,.0.. .... 17c Ffae~'s ~ge Leaf "·°'-· . . . . . . 11c Ffaench'1 .Poultry Seasoning 1.0 •. 17c ·Ffaencll's Pumpkin Pie Spice , . ··OL 21 c • "I I .. treats for your feast! Folt•r's ~All Grinds COFFEE ' la I It Crocker's-40-C>z. Pkg. ·11sou1c1 Del Monte Fruit 1-Lb. Can COCKTAIL ~~ "' For Sala• & Cooking-Ful .9uart WESSON OIL Mallllaw Gahl Pl'anu111 Gracie AA BUTTER 1-Lb. Ctn. • c c c c · Finest Gracie, Fresta. Eastern Cape Cod -. ~ .CRANBERRIES lelt quality-Crisp, Tender CELERY LARGE STALKS\ 1-Lb. Celo lag r - - - - - - - - - - - - -~ - - - , r-- - - - -.- - - - - - - - -~ 1 lest 9uaHty, Plump Re,d 1 Finest Ripe, Sweet Lake eo.ty 1 • Emperor .. I ·a. Hett -• ·:·GRAPES I I I PEARS _, I LIS. I I At the I very peak 1 of perfection• I . • I c .. L-----------------I_ - - -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Debcale.!sen I • I r-----------1 CHEESE OSCAR MAYER AU-MEAT I ARMOUR STAR · • r--PARADE~-, FRANKS • CANNE~ : :iluEc ... _ .. or. ... 2. gc: : HAMS • 1 CHEESE : 1-La. 43c• No s1c1n-No w111e1 I I ..... -•• ~ .._...,, 1 PKG. I 9 to 10-Lb. Aver ... I I n~~.~ 59• I I SShotPrtetRnlngY ~. : ! SWISS a: IMPORTED I • 1 I I:-~ ::cJ..... &s· : LUTE·39c ~1211 I c nu• .... 0.-.... ..., .... 1 ................ wMI ••Nm ...... ......... IJ·" ONl 't Nov '23 ..... PUMI KIN Pll 57•. ........... .., MINCI '91 ••• 57•. ttf/f) ,.....,,_ t t t t • t t t I ~~(~~~~ ............. ._. .............. C-hlM• .c -,: ~ ~h_!~~~r-___ ~ J FIS~ Ir. : iii&~ 49:. iQ.tO-C~~NA 25c CU.ac>M'I -l·LI. IOI POUL TRY STUFFING WILIHIU swm PICILB -4• GHERKINS a .. oz. .1u.,, .. .,,,. 11.,,,,,,. 11 7 "NAUS .. TMI MIMI 52C REDDl·WIP ........ ,, ..... ,,,,,.,,,,., .. ,, ii°YN0LD'S WRAP .. 11 11 .. 11 .,, . ., 25 c iNsTANT-c'OFFEE s1 4~ ·2tc .... fl009 ..... SARAN-WRAP OCEAN SPIAY JELUEO or WHOLE 19 C CRANBERRY SAUCE No. 300 C•n .I • I Andre's Lagun• OSCAR MAYER 1 ROQUEFORT 55c : ~!l!!SING SMOKIES PICTSWEET-Your Choicel e Green Peas e Butter Beans 1J.Ol, PACUGI 5 PKGS. s1 --- PICTSWEET -Your Choicel 9 French Cut leans 9 Mixed Vetetables , 9 Peas & Carrots 6 PKGS. s1 Swanson Turkey, Beef, or Chicken TV 69c DINNERS · ea. Johnston's Ready-to-Bake FRUIT PIES Your choice of •II 49 the wonderful varietiffl C 9-lnch Size, · ea • full 2-lb. ...,ncftl . • DOWNEY COINH lltllSTONI & DOLAN tAllY 'nL MIDMnl. t A.M. TO It r ,M. SUN, ' I ,_. -,- ,AIJ..AAtUICAN $~29 VODKA · ~ PUL1 rlt'TM , ...... " - I -I ~ ..... ICM s3s• ' GIN , ... ,.......... I I FIESH IMl'<leTID PltlMCM I VIN ,. I EGG NOG : ROSE """.,,. 7-I '-* ... ,.. 59c I I ........ ...,. I ilANDY """ s401 . Fut• Qu•rt • L-----~--J WINE VALLEY BURGUNDY '"'"::1111 :. 39c ROY AL CREST RUM & BRANDY ... $4.59 . GAYLORD CHAMPAGNE :: .. ~~~~~, $1.98 APRICOT BRANDY tMAM WW--•·,, $2.47 HARD CIDER v. .. AL., •• $1.17 """', .. ,, 59c -· V~NO DA TAVOLA ,_. ...... v......,, ... ,., 99c e "ORWAU< 9 NIWPolT IEACH COi ... NISTONI a PIO.... 1611 COAST l•llWAf AT TUSTIN OP'IN DAILY "Tl. MIDftnl OPIN t:tl A.M. TO tatl P.M. DAILY 9 GARDEN GROVE • CORONA DEL MAR e SAN CLIMIMTE ttll ._.. .... IW. ,._.. ~I 1049 COAST Ne.MWAY AT JASMIMI .. & CAfMIO .llAL DAl.Y t:OO A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAIL T 9:00 A.M. TO llitl P.M. t A.M. 10 t P.11.. .._., t 1'0 IP.M. -=----. .. - Gxcepl :Jrom PA6E 6 • PART I NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRE~S MONDAY, NOVEMBER ~I, 1955 "'LET US GIVE THANKS" (Ed Note. The wellknown column, Bruah Country Journal. which normally appear9 on thla page every Monday and Friday luue. will appeoar thi11 week in the Wedna.d&y and Friday editions.) "God 9r1nt us the 1erenity to eqept the thin95 w• cenoot change: the couroge to chonge the thing~ we con and the wi1dom to..know the difference." (A. Anon.) ~ EDITORIALS SCENE AT THE CAPITOL Doctors' Union Waning on Own Santa Ana Colleagues! It loob u tboqh the Docton' Union i8 bu.y ap.ln, makins the rui. u una1 but th.ill time poMibly in de- fiuce of the United State. GoVeniment. When you do that. frienda, you're courttnc dlauter. We refer to the revelation printed uclU.lively Fri- day in ~ Newport Harbor Newa-Preel and Orang• COunty New. Service newapaper. that the Santa Ana Community Hospital'• rulinr clique of phyaicia.na ha.a au1pended two doctor'9 from ita medical at.alt. TheM men who have been oetraciaed by a majority •f the hospital'• medical committee fron;a operatin1 at the hoqital are not the onlr on• who have been treat· '«! Utua by the medical committee. Accordinc to reliable Information at least four other docton have been re- fWled surgical privUegee at the lutltution followin1 their return from military aervice. Get that lut clauae, "followinr their return from military aervice," u there'• where we think the phy· •iciane oetracl.&ing their fellowa are runnJnr rl1ht under the noae of Uncle Sam. Ue'a the chap who auaranteea aU service pel'90nnel the right to their old jobe back when they return from arm~ forces to civilian life. Uncle Sam'• requirement. for mecilco9 iD the medi· cal corpe of the varioua aervicea are uaually pretty high. But not high enough, according to Charles E. Mallnow· •ki. administrator of Santa Ana Community HoepiW. He ia quated u aaying, when uked lf &ny other ex- cluaiona occurred at the hoepltal the lut year aa followa : "Maybe four or five -uaually when they come home from military aervice they think they can pick up where they left off. but we refuae to Jet them into the bocpital bec:auae military medical training ia not of a high enough caliber." Mallnowald, ol coune, faila to mention the tremen- doua alrid• foreward the aervice medical corpe' phy- aiciana have made tbrouch fint,band, often under com- bat condJtiOlll, experience with wounded eervicemen and women. How the medica had to practice auembly- Une methoda without benefit of dermatolopte, urolo- giata, neuroloiWta, eye, ear, DOM and throat and all the other apecialifta does not appear in b.ia .tat.ement. Yet the. medlcoll, often front line worJiien on the wounded, produced the fabuloua plutic aurpry metb, oda, they developed uae of u)Jophane in bu.ma and IDUlY other advance met.bod9. But here we han a cue wllere theee docton, re.I turning u pneral practitionen from the ~. an looked down on when they retu.N to adopt civilian medi- cal ··a.uemblyline" methoda of callinc in the variom •peciallata -at extra coet to ·the patient. -for con- aultation, examination and apeclal work they them.elvee can do and perform becauae they know bow . The medical profeeeion hu lta honorable memben like any other, but in th1a day of apeclallution we are often aeeinr the apeclalilrt.a defernd to u better than the general practlt~ner. And the public benefit., in part. by receiving the extra cbarsee of •ucb •peci&lista ex· pe!U' feea. Parenthetically, we rMd the other day that an expert ia an out'"°f.town country boy who bu hi• ignorance well orp.nlled. Now, it should be pointed out the Santa Ana Com· munity Hoepltal admittedly ia a public •ubecription- aupported imtitution. It will be up to the lay board of prominent citi&ena to reveree the deciaion of the rullnc medical committee. That latter body, in auapendinc the two docton fired moet recently, ruled out one pbyai; clan who baa bad 28 yean of aervice with the b09pital whoee medical brua now ou.ta hlm. What about the 28 yun of service he put in at the hoepital ! Wu he wron1 all that time! Grass Roots Opinion TORRINGTON, WYO .. TELEGRAM: "The newa- paptt boy ceta an education from hia 'doing.' He ama to know people, be learn• the ing~iente of the proceu of preparin( and diatrfbuting a product of vital im· portance to all Americana ... That's why it happen• ao often that the ex-new.paper boy comea out a little bit ahead -by any •t.andard of valuee. ~ bu lea.med by dolng ... Cau~ Por Thanksgiving The amazing,performanoe of our country'• economy, in face of the dire predictiona of the prophet.a of gloom and doom, ia a real and preaent caU.Be for thanksgiving, 1965. We produced goodJI and aervicea at a record annual rate of $392,000,000,000 in the third quarter of thia year. For the first time in 'history, employment went put the M ,000,000 mark in Augwst. Personal incomes eatabliahed a record-breaking yearly rate of $304,700,· 000,000. Buildinr conatruction reached a new peak. Bmineu thia year ahowed ita faith in America's future by record outlays for plant and.equipment, with el(penditurea for factoriea, machines and other produc- tion equipment eatimated at $27,000,000,000. Truly, Jet ua ctve thanlu! Importance of Sea Pbwer A very ~tinguiahed authority, Admiral Robert B. Carney, formerly Chief of Naval Operatlona, baa con· tributed a compellinr article on "Principle. of Sea Power" lo the U. S. Naval Iutitute Proceedings. In one ..ction, Admiral Carney pointa out that- difficult u it la for many Americana to believe it - tbia country ia not and never bu been a aelf-aufficient nation. Foreign trade hu been a neceaaity to ua from our national beginning•. Today a long list of aaential atratefic item.a -chromite, antimony, bauxite, mica, and ao on and ao on -muat be imported, via the eeu, from other countries. We are even becoming increas- ingly dependent on oveneu aourcea for aucb ba.eic materials u iron ore. 1 Trade expanaion la Vitally related to sea power. Our export.a and import.a both have more than doubled alnce the pre-World War II era. As Admiral Carney , aaya; "AU of the American dollars and human effort being placed in overseu improvement and development for our trana-ocean friend.a would be I011t if we loat our ability to uae the eeu." Sea power, uaing the term in it• broadest aspect, I.a inel(lricably a part of our n).ilitary 1eeurity and our economic well-being alike. And aea power means that we muat have naval and related military forces to keep the aea lanes open to ua -along with a large and modern merchant marine, flying the U. S. flag, which can carry our export.a to the corner of the world and b~ o\lr import& back. Yes, Advertising Pays A retail grocen' ueociation report. that of every 100 cuatomen put on the boob of any •tore in any one year, only 19 remain after 10 years. Citing thiJI, the S~ndel"90nvllle, Georgia, Progreu. aays: "Merchanta who belieTe 'everyone know. where my store is' might ponder theee figurea and aeek more new customera through planned newapaper advertising in the home town newapaper." Competition ia mighty keen in retailing these daya, and the aucceuful merchant muat vigorously go after buaineaa. The home toWl\ newapaper ia still the beet pla.c. to advert.iae any •tore'• waree and attractiona. THE CAPITOL WEEK AFFAIRS OF STATE By HENBY C. MacAR'l'BUR SACRAMENTO. 1CNSI -The state department ot a lcoholh: bev- erll,l(e control. It aeem•. ht.JI a nPw met'hod\ ot ~ntorl.'lui: penaluu 11g1miot peoplf' who \'Iola le the pruv1slona of lht' ABC ftt'l In an effort to reduct' s pile-up of i.nme 900 Clll('R. RU><!!Pll s. Munro. director, hn11 11ent letter• to 11-0mt' ot th" offen<1tr11 ottering 11 flve•tfly pt>nalty l'U~Jll'nR1Qn o( lk1·n~~. ln•ll'lf<1 of t hf' U!IURI !!'.> 1l .. v11 µrov <lrJ th•• '"'''llo<f'd vlnlat· ""'' ple111t guilty to thf' charice anti wulve 11 hl'1ir111~. Muni o al110 1tnnounced he had d1sml11Md 43 accuaalloo• aga.Jnat llrl'nftf' huldera.. 33 of whom were charged with 11elllnc llq11or t() mlnun. rn thl' cJ111ml8Hd cu u, ht aald. tht m1nor.8 were not avail· able to letllfy or the evlc1encf wu ton 11llm to aast-1<1 a penlllly. pit work1n1t alnt'e thr peak war y l'ar nt 1943. The numbf'r t•f work- •'rl in n11rn11facturln1t plan111 t or tht month totaled 1,lH.000 ... 1d thl' dt'p&rlment of employment, Whll'h W81! et,200 above the flf• urea for e year a!fO. PRO-RATERS HIT: Auembly· man Ernut Oeddee, Loll Anselea county. announced hi• <'ommltt~ on hnant'f' and ln"uranr e la In· Vt'~\ljttttln~ the at'liVll1t•8 Of lhf' "p1"0-rater>1", people who coll•<'l m9n•y from dt'btors lo p1<y ott their obllg1l1ona nn a pro • rate ba111a. Gt'dt.IH Mid ..omt pro·ral>:I' &&t!nclf'• have be<'n <'hartrlnR" tera 'without <'Onl!Ctt'll<'I''. and al11<1. without 'lndtr1ng the 11ervlce of 1ett1n1 their client. our ot debt. A blll lo curb achvttle1 WH In· traduced at lhl' lut 1nalon of th" 11t11lt' lejt"111l11lurr. •nd wu rd•r· r('(I lll the Interim committee for The <11r .. ctor ~a1<J he ~nulcl from rurlht>r study. tlmt' lo llmt d1sml•s rsses wlthj BIDOJNG. The California 1t•I" wai:ilnits In a blanket fashion. bulldera eJ1chance hu propc'>.Hd an R 0 A 0 S FOR OLYMPICS: amendment to f'Ut! a at.ate Jaw State t'ngtneer Gfiorite T. McCoy which prohlblta publlC' office hold· announced roa d work for the lHO I er1 In tht conatructlon bu•lnua. Olympic Gamre · U 841uaw Varity or the member• of their a.uc>cl· would run between UO and f&O alloru, trom partlclpatlnr tn pub· million dollar•, for lmprovf'menta 1 uc conatl'tlt'llon contrart11. The ex· to U.S 40 snd othPr hlghwsy11 change wlll propo•e the law M entering lh• anow country. Thia rehtlled. but In a manner whlth drew an immediate reapon11e k"om retal!l! the aaJ'eguarda In efferl Sen11tor Hnrold T. J ohnson . Rolle· at the prf'l'ent time. ville. who Mid McCoy WU talk· LONG BEACH OIL: Furthrr Ing about road work contemplat· hearings wt>re held by the 1peclal SACRAMENTO ICNS) -Ev· tent pow" In promotlnr lhe the· ed whether or not there wtre" any auembly aub-commllt.ff hearing ery llO ottt'n. the quullon of ory of eoclallam u agslnst prl-Olympic ramu. which had to be ev1dtnce In the Lone Beach oil , whether the 1tale llhould prJnl va~ bualnua through thla opera· done I.ft any evt'nl . Senator JohJI · controvecay, tn which the city or elementary 8Chool text-books. or llon. WIUI one hand, the depart· aon announced that the -actual Long Beach r.tu..a to t\lm ov•r whether they 1hould be purcha~<'d r.1enl 1uppo1edly I• foaterln( In· road work nerf'l!ll&ry tor the mtlllon1 ot dollar• to the •tale frnm pr1v1tle printing concern• 11trucllon lo the youth of lhe atate Oaml'11 le ntgllgible and said that trt'11"ury In 1pile of a 1upnime comf?I befOr• the alate leglala · r.oncernlng lht' vlrtutA ot a free 1 thP n ~ c e io 111 r y lmprovrmtnt11 court decl11on. The hearlnr• wer~ ture. lllld It's beginning to look country in which prlvall' enter-1 would be beneficial to thf' .,... held In Long l:lf'ach. with omc1a11 like tht 19~7 ~uslon will con11lder prl11e is the bulwark of that tree· for all t1mt Ad•llllon111 coate of of that dty pre1enllnr a rt'Vltw lhl11 controver1lal que1Jtlon. dom. Yet with Ult other hand. the 1now remov11I nece11i;11ry to kteP or the •lluatlon on behalt of Lons; Tht rea110n 18 • fact-finding clt>partmenl la doinl' the but ll thl!' vaJJey optn ror the period of Beach , and al!IO In connecUon• aurvey bl'tn~ madt by the Mllf'm · c11n to acultle pnvate bualneu lbl!' gam"" would 11l10 be necll· wtlh the Lonir Beach harbor. bly Interim commlllte on educ•· and promote evt'n more buruu-(1ble. he-11t11ltd • WINTER HTTS: With the re· lion, headed by Donald Doyle, cntcy In a 8lale a.Jready over-rid· TEXT-BOOK HEARINGS: An 11umpt1on ot 1111ow1torm1 and ral11- Contra Cott• county. which he den with civil urvtce employeu . aHt'mbly lnlt'r1m 1·nmmltlee on 1torm1. winter hit California last holding a 1uie1 of hearings The dt'pertmrnt. of couru, la education, hulled by Donald Doyle. week. lllld ro11d condlllona ktpl throughout thl' 11tatr to dtvelop ~upportl'J by some of tht' print· ot <:ontra Co11111 rc.unty, I~ look · the 1tate dlv1a1on ot hJghway 1 , ,ldt•a on th• aubJl'Ct. ing lrsdcs 1111lnn11, which llff that lnit Into tht text·book 1ltuallon bu.y In l"fl•. ny HCllone of Callfor· SELFISH INTERESTS If eutern f1nn1 print eome of Ole with reJ1tlon to thl' d/ect ot a nl•'• mo\l.nlalnou.e a .,..u.. F ou r To what t xttnt the queatlnn bonk11 Cnr Callfom la, there would vl.rlua l boyc(lll of th .. 11t1Lle 'pnn l· tran1-Sle,.,.. paue1 wer~ cl,011ed, can be dlvorC'ed froro •lti•h In· be 11 decreaae In work tor the clv· Ing plant by 1111c t111lem te•t-book Ebbetll, Sonora, C.araon. and T1· ttrtl!ll on both aid .. of tfle (enr.e 11 11ervlce memben ot their un· p11bll11hlnr firm•. The publlahers oga. u lht y u11uaUy are durlnit llhould be glvt>n 110me conlllderll· lone. Thi•. of co11r1u!, would not r•fUl't' to leaee platea lo the 11t11te th• winter months. The dlvl11on lion . H llChool children ahould not be conducive t u lhr trend towsrd for ll twl!'nly perct'nl royally. with 11 kf'eplnit U. S. 40 and U. 8. :>O bl' <lenled telll·book• ot thl!' tirt1l 11or1alh1m In 11Uirmenllng the vut th• rr1ult chariree ar• beln~ made open wllh anowplowa. riuallty l'llher becsu•e eome pub· buruucrary nt lhe 1tat.e pr1nUn1 by ioomf local bo&rda of rduca tlon U OO PER Pl.ATE: California'" llllhlng con!'l'mll will not t,nter In· offlcr. wh1rh annually depr1vea that srhool 11tudent.a u e bf-Ing de· R<'publlei111a kicked oft the 19M to a11:reemenlfl with the atate. or private pnnllnR concerna of mll· pr1vt'd ot the beat In text-l)c)ofu campalirn with a llOO·a·plale din· ~llUM the itate departmant or lln1 or doll••• merely bf'cau1M1 It To <1ettrmlne the !Mut of wh11th· ner In Loa A.nielea. wltb O.orc• ectucallon and the •late pr1nllnir exi.u. er thr "'"'" 11bould contin11r to H. Humphrry. aecrrtary of th ,. office want tn build a tricger bu-l'IOOJl BOl'001T print th" lol·bookl , • Nin•tltu-.1 trea11ury nt the United Stalu •• reaucracy. In • me•1un-. It I.a fortuna te tJonal amenttm•l would have to lhe honor guut. He WM Intro. The q~ullon appHra In havt' that 110mr of the publtahlns COii· be 11ubmltlt'd tu lhe Pfl'•ple of th<' duel'<! by Oovemor Goodwin J arl11t'n bt'<'aU81' ot th!' rtr\Jsal ot cern1 wlll 11'1<11<• platu t o the atate •tale I Knight. w ho H id Humphrey in 111x eutem text-book p11bll11hlni for • tweonly percent royalty. For f:MPLOYMl':NT: All~t>Ulith fAC· offlr e "h111 conducted an unr .... flrm11 lo h~ue plAlf'11 l o lhe el alt' IC they •II Joined In the boyco tL tor y •mJllo mrnl d1upJW'd ntr dur-Inc battle a gainst deflr lt 1p~nrt• for the printing ot ltxl·book11 It might be n•ressa_ry ror lhr de· ln11: OC'tober, the monU\ wu atll! 1 inr With all It• ln•vllable. dlMal· Thl11 r,.fu111I amounb virtually to psrtment or l'dll<'lllion to Adrt 1 th• hlgheal ln 01• amount of pee>-f'rous ruult11 ~ a boyrott. 1111 the 11tat .. c•nnoc ob-tut-book writing bur,.au tf) IU La in the parttculn boolt11 the~ lOP·h!'l!VY bureaucnillc slnicture publl8hlng firms own without I s nd hire more "doctors of educa· leulnr; the pis te"· •nd lhP 111•· lion" to Instil 90elall1ttc prop•· trlct11 are un11ble lo buy the book• rota nda In th" youns people ot the for lhe rl!'lt'lJl•r school curriculum. •late Con,..quenlly. an• lmpaMe 11 Should lht l1111ur f'vtr rtsrh the rt>arhrd 11t thtl point. anrt lhe pf'Opll' again. •nd It m1111t go be· 11tatt rtl11n •11:11r11A lht' unobtainable fnrr the elector11te lo be dl'<'lded book• In favor of other tvct11 tor In the form nt a conalltuuonal 11ehool u11e, which are prlnt4d a l rt'Vlllon. the voten 11hoult1 w11tch lhl!' California •tale printing of· for 111 klnd1 ot propaia.nds on the flee. virtue• of the currPnt 11yl'lf'm. as POTEST POWl:R lhl!' malrl h1~ue. prlv11 te f'nlerprl1f' Tlle •l"t' dfpartmtl)l n1 educ:-•· v1 110Clallsm. lio 11lmo11t <"erl•ln to tlon. 11 " reaull, wll'ld• l!-Omf' po· be ('lrcumve.nlt d. READERS WRITE M1 Rill Phllllpio. ~JY11 tio ""111or. r.,mmf'rrlall11m with Ill a tt\ndAnt .S~wp<lrl Harbor New•·Prt ••. · sb118el! 22lt Wut Balboa Blv<l. 1 (l ltqulpmt'nl COMll Are tar l<)I'• Nl'wport Beech. Callf. hlflh pl'r boy Dear 8111 I c 1 In th,. rue of th' Cnrnn• 8A.Cft..UCZNTO, (U.P.) -What· milted lilihllf'lr on hie taJr pro- • dlffe,_~ a ,. .. r ma.kn! ST&m f()(' 19.1)41. Neither hu hi• Sacramento Sidelight In view of th" fAC'l thet tht're 111'1 Mar b11Mbllll fleld. It lffmll h1111 been aoml!' p11bllr1ty distort· " ft'l'e&t WHlt' ot monry In put lni tht Boy11· Club'11 v1,.w on •um· mur h cnto a ball psrk ruerv~ ml'r b&A•·b•ll. msy w.. 111kl!' I hi• tor Lit lie l.Aagu u , only, In 'l oppc>rlunlly to slllll!' our policy In plA<'I!' which haa no 1tslu• nf ptr· w riting to prl'vtnt further di-· m•n,.nry 1 This 111 probably nonl! tor tlon11 harm CUI 111 th.-young ur our bu11lnu1). boy• nf nur lrt'A Rr11umt' Mr. Blac!fwelJ uktll I The Bnv" Club hl4 h•d no th .. Bn \'11' Club lt'H had any Ob· pl11nll fnr 019:\fl llll~"llAll In I h ,. J•'~llon8 lo " hum.. grown ancl ~f'wport Rr111 h C1lv llmll~ bt· hom,. opt'r"le<I IJ•MbAll proitrani t..ul Novem!M!r, lh• 1tate O.· prlnclpsl flnanct•l advlMr, J nlUI partment of Finance. Gov. O<lod· M. Pelrcr win J . Knt(hl And other upert.. Bul both men admit lhet lhr palnt.ed a 11oomy ptclurr of "'" outlook now 11 c 0 n 11 dtra b 1 Y SACRAME1'10 . ICNSt How -lat"• ftna11clat outlook brighter for a baJancrcJ budi:cet 1r<'r!'<'Y In rovernmenl tend• to They Mid that the end of the Utan It wu a yu r ago en<langer the Hv-• nt the publlr , new nKal year would •ff the · or at Intl that portion nt It •tale 1100.000.000 (m l In the red. SO SEJ:Df which dnve.1 on thf' h1gtoway1. I• Either the Le(lalature would IA(ialallve Auditor A Al&.n 1t'en In a ca.w beCo" the 1t11le t..ve to enact aome 170 000 000 Po•t, • man who -Ing. a Int of department of motor vehlr le•. In fm l In nrw and hlJher '1wi'ury wetsht In both hou .. • of the Le· which the dep•rtmtnl ruled that taxn -or d M a ei.a .. ble cbwtk f1alature. l&ld n a lly then• h1 no a wc man wh03e t"hanc,11 ot tt· ot ruen-e fund.I WO\lld ba·H lo be nefll for new or hl«her tue-nt>lll rovery from ln1tanlty Wl'rf' h•ld •pent to belance the bud('tL year. 10 be "pow", w.u 1(1ven 11 n un'- IULL8 PltOOllAJI POlll added he lhour;ht the 1116~· rr1lr 1t'lt:d ctnnr'• ll<"•n~-n" Le1tl1lature nlfUMd to be lit budcet would com• out ,v•n The N!l11llonsh1p to 11ttr,.cy at&mPf'ded a.nd klllf'd all of the without Wllns • dime or rf',.erv~ 11t,m1 from lh.-action oc Paul iovtrnor'11 talt prorram except a fund•. Ma..on, 1t11tc w rrctor ot motor 112.000.000 Im ) booel tn liquor Poat added thl11 predll't1on· vl'hlrle1t "' Lhi> 19~~ 1l'11111un or the La11e1. "U the aaeumptlon• or ront1nu-lf'g1t1l11 tv1 e. 111 which l ime MllM>n It lh• llM ·ISC tlac:IJ :re-r came In• prosperity hold up, lhl' 11•111 alll'lt'f'<il7 111ipped l h ru u « h an 11p °" th• Hd ln.k aide or the tu laue may not be f11~e.1 unlll amendmf'nt to the motor vet\lcle lediter. the Lefttlature told tht the lt~·M lltcal yur" code provldlnlt' tha t all Inform•· J'(IVemor to d,.w wit.at h• need· .. n. Bell H uh!f' 1 R·EI C'l'nlrol. lion of d rlnr hcen11u pert11lnln1t ed oul of the IT!i.000,000 1ml a man of con11ld,.rable lnflu,.nrf' to pliy,lr11I 11nt1 mrntal C'Ond1l1on "l\alny Day• rund, a ruerve pll· In the 1.>11:1~IA111rt nn t1~rol Af· w1111 "r1>nf11l1 n1 1111 · ed up dunns WorkS War U y .. ni fair•. 111(rl'f'1f thl" llu1onr,.. hoom rA!"~F.U. Ut-:FY. \TEii When io•ernment •v-tdlnc waa haa ellm1n111 .. ,1 11m· ""''" ror n,.w Tl>" 11m"n•llll"nl "'"' P"A""'' by lcryr Md la.II r...,.,\IM ..,.,.. enor· luH lh•· lr1t1 .. 111l111 t 1n thr , lo1t1ng mouL "I r en't """ th,. nt'l'11 "' 11 11 .. h1)111·~ uf lhl' "'"'"'I"" 1<n1t &llTiolll But DOW, H of 'NOftmber ltM. Hullf' sa1t1 "Nnt thl1 y,.11r nrxt I 1mml'tlt11 tl'lv s ( 1"1 " ~•mllar tbe oulloc* i. 100 per t•t brt(ht· year -fol l'Vrn lht' '""I ,.flt'r 11ml'n11m.-n1 "'"" ''""Alt<l 1n tht' fl' that " 1111lf' ,.., n,.,., ;\!~ny l"S:ll'l1tl11r11 ad· cauM N,.wport Bt'11!'h no" haa "l 'n Cllr•m• •IPI Msr ..• Mr. Blar k· A Cter a ttw m onth• In thl!' ln-city recie.ticin •Jlrrctor • ""'" wSA told t hat tht' Boy1' Club •lltul1on. •he wu r'l!'leA11ed, a nd 2 Thi' Boy~· Club hu oftt'rril Its hlltJ no plan11 In Vl"w of tht' Csrt •howtd up II ctrta1n ('lub ml'f't· coor.•eratinn I<• thl' nc•w l'll\• re-1 th11.t Newport Bea~h baaeball wa11 lnit In a brand new •xp.-nslve l'Ar. creaUon duector In t hl'. q me now In th' "•Im of the Nt'W· whld 1 wu a 111tt from her hui.· m•nner 18 Wf' h•vt' rn.•prrall!'d 1>0tt Bfarh <"1ty Jtl'r~•llon 0 1- band, "PJl&rl'ntly al that t Im e with lhP H111h11r H111h Srh<.ol re· 1 rtrlnr. Mr. Bh•r kwell wu told. Without a rlrlv.-r'ft ltrtnse. u th11 crrllllon <Jl•trlcl In Pll'"l yr11r" Alto, lh>1t pri>bllhly lhf' N-porl h•d bl-.n revoked on commlltment j 3 Tht B<>yll' Club W\tll ukN1 bv Bt'at•h City recreallnn departm~nl to the lnaane l.l!ylum Mr Blllr kw4'11 tn tw pr .. i<,.nl '1°t woulrt bl' r;ll1d lo http him nrrr•n· llAR,PR£8,., Pt '1'UC' I 1h., flrl K•n•I l.lllll' L••fl)tlll' "'""'· IT.<' M l>ul'ball proitram In Corona Howev,r. 1horlly ther!la ftn . t he lnic ,.1 h•-h..imt' 1n l't,rona tlf'I <l"l M 111 de,.,UU9lt ot motor Vfhlclf't h'ld Miu lo ""f'rt•.._• 0111 VI"""" nn Sil· Mr Blarl<w .. 11 uked for th ., Whal It caJltd an "Informed be•r· llonal Lillie 1.Aa1tu" 1333,.b•ll Boy1• Club opinion on National ina". with th• PTefll And P'fbllc 4. Tllew v1 .. w11 wt,..,. "'Jll"eA11t'tl In Lllllf' League ba11eb•IJ and h• berred. and on what later was writing m crn l'!ftort to prtvf'nl wu told th•t Boy11· Club Offlcl•I• nld lo be the 11lrength of report1 distortion 'rh .. Buy"' Club 111 n11t lhouicht that N•llnnal Utile Lr•· from a prlvatt phyafclan "" Wl'll 1n f1vor nf :"11ll(ln11I L llll,. I.All· Kiii' bA81'bllll Ottrlmental to lh• sa a doctor In the Insane 11 .. yrum, lflJ" 8&11~hRll f\lr m"ny rr1111una, 11111111 ra 11 mf'thoda •if or~rallna " the department handtd h•r 11n un-tihl,.fl'f thtl'"' tnurcball proKr•m for lhl!' good of rutrll'tf'd driver'• llrtnAe. '" 1 A bov 111 not pl11reol In rum-j.llt' m01<l bov11 and fur lht reeitnna ThP department rrfu11ed to «lvt I p<'tlllon t).,....1 on hl11 11k1ll. Rlt'l' •Lalrrt a bovr . a ny lnform11t1on concemlnit th" anti rowth . woman'• physical or mentt.I con-, g . \\ e hnpf' th11t lhl11 •llll•m,nt o f I b I All boy11 will nnl play in pullry will '"' rnuch lo help d a rlfy dlUon. quollnit Ma1JOn'• amend· l'\'f'rV 1111mt. Only th .. f'!rp,.rt11 11~f' a •llUl\tlon which 111 none u f our menl to tht code. Thia. howevf'r. d t f II t 1 • wu obtainl'd e!Hwhere. A nt w•· a''"~-n u l,~,. ~ ·~ . mak1nrr bfo von<I exprt ... lnf a rt'· l<'I .... ya 11rr """ nnN t i1r1131n qu,.11lf'•J opinion 0 11 Little League piper In lhl'! comm1mlty whert ed tor 1 with resullln' h11rm lo 8 ,,.,.hs ll lhe lncldtnl occulnd obta lnl'd I per111in•llly trainlnl!'. ' Ynura 11nctr,.ly, The upected 1100,000,000 den· F IOHT O\"t:R ~ mltll'fl A~trr tht •t'Ml"n wo over .t. D I h't Leml bait& .. r. 0.-l'eriJ "I'..,. cit ln llle cul"'ttnl n8C&1 ye&r 1n h1• la~l prt'M "''nr~r,.nrt. th11l lhl"y 111•1 not knClw wh11I they ....... ••11•• a·r Kauer at UM~ la M9W)IOl't .... proti.bly wtll be wt.,_t out enUre· Kntitht j;ll\'I' I hint lhRt ht' "1kV "'"f" vot1n11 fol M1111nn'• ll'llllOn moat of the f1ct.a. but wu denied 1rl 1 1.ittJ,. Lt'lltnlf' 111 nr1:an1i.N1 nn the r11t~l to CllVf'r the "lnfonn11I gMRT•Phlra l btlun1larlt11 with •I· hearln« htld by th .. motor Vf'-Cendant r1v"li ll'1t 11n1I ~,.rllun11h~m h1clt' departmt'nt, upon whtrh dt· lei Lillie Ll'Al('ll" io 1~1 J>rone 1n Nov 18. cl11on1 were made ~a.lnlnit to. lllM A lbn t Spe11ctr Jtxecullve Dlteet.« Oa1U1tnJa mder tlM Aot ot lil&rdli a, 1m. lY ., utra IN'ftfl\M c-rated by a bendon hi• fight tor " l'IRRrtl fnr th' 1men1lm!'nt wa,. 10 k~p Ule tiuan-boom la Callfom1a. tax In the next HMlon h1Ung 8t'rvlc111 out ot the drtve,r'1 h'I¢ t nwr ~. W I IRf ... ......_, ~ .. OOLl..SCl'IOlf• UP "lJnUI J Me lhf' Cull frfvenue) 1tc .. n11e filu. el> hl11 dtpartme11t lf8Wroet' ftAll.Wl()ll PUal.llllDNO OOllPAJIJT 1'or tile nnt quarts ot the C\lr· picture. I can't aay what my tt· would not bt annoyed with peo- ltll ...._ ...... 1'8WW' ••m. OAl.IP. ..... ..,.. 1111 ""t ,n.cal ,....,., tu colJec:UOftl comm•ndatlon wtll i,. lll th .. I.A· pie 11ttklnr; Information on driv- wwe PS,000,000 HlOHJ:R Ulan rt•lature nu\ March,'' the gover· er'• llceruH ~'fte4 ........ ~ ......... Mswst t el .&II ..... Ute l>ep&rtm•l ot F\J\ance and nor M id. "I All of which lud1 up to tht .,.._el a.·~ 0.-. el 0.....-0... a.~ lfe. .....i• ~ ....-ct• bad ..uraated. "But naturally. t tiope w~ won't cue 1n point. whlrh wu that ot M • C>E zt Jfcaqnin P'S• 'n • aAnJJ' stia It UI• tr't'Dd llolda up -and n~ any n•w tallee or "ll lf'nllon a woman 1n • aoulhein Calltomla M w.--a n•1 w a 111 I st UleN la nothlnJ In lh• Jl'ctur• to of the ltx baw," he &d•l~•I community whn wu committed r ., ONlal'9 ~ .... ........ tncUciat.e that °'• boom wlll c:ol· Sven If th• JOV•mor •lou ,... to an lnllAnf' u ylum by • IUperlor WD11•M .t.. Moeee Mw <llUIOlm .. ~ ~ Dll ,,. CB>••• .... ~CJ. ................ s.Msal 8CJWDOll a&~1 if..,..._._ It .......... Tlt-Wlllllb' .. ~~! ..... ,.,w: ......... _: •t~t• ... -~ .,, ~ 0.-'7 sue ,.,.r ,.,..,, . ---. ...,.. -lhe Ital• will flnllOI up n-hi. dtmand for 170 00() 000 In MUr1 Thf' dlapoeta wu Khlao- UM n.caJ )' .. r ,...t June 30 Willi clprtt. beer a11d hon .. raee tuea. phr"nlr rondlllon. with compllca· naon lM.n l l00,000,000. In •~I-the LAJlalaturir nnt ynr I• C'er· lion• brouithl a bout by arterlo- tlonaJ ta.a revenue. taJn to oppoM lhe pro~ram bf· •clrm111a. and lhe pm ano11h• tor That may m ... that In tile IA-e&u. of lht' roay rn-mu .. picture. f'ff'ovrry "'• 11 l"fpot t•o lo bf ,Ulature'1 ltN w••-41l eltc· Oft lhe ot~r h.and. th .. adlfl1nl· "poor," Uon year. lnclderltallJ-tbe JO\"-llraUon undoubtedly will fl&ht Whll• In th• lMan• u ylu.m, emor •Ul nnl '""l"" 1118 d~mand1 a.ny effort by th• la•nl111ktn to •h~ wu treat•O for H11lle dtmen· tor blJhl!r • 1111111,.Y tax•• ' pe•• an elecUOll • Y""' t •~ cul ti• and h''P"r1tn11t1ve car~l1n,, .... Kn1rht 11 .... f•11 h111 not com· meawr• cular dlH •H lht llvu of motorl1b and lhtlr --------------------------- (amlllu who ml1tht .,. md•"'"r· Fann' er McCabe wn·tes . 811 IM!cauae ot th• 1 .. uance of lhe drlver'a UcenM. e • Thua, ln hid.I na 'behind • law adopted aolely for convmlenct' for lhe department of motor vehlcle.1 . the d•partment •• panUnr a fl. cen• t.o IUl lndh1dual who m1rtit well be a potential dan~., to llfe, llmb and property cm C.allfomla'a hlr;tlwa,. DOUN"'I' nT 'nit lnclat'nt doee not flt Into Ouvemor Goodwin J . Knliht'• many HMrlJuna t hin he 1ntend11 tu "C.:onduct the 1tAle'• bualne.M In II f la1111 wl.ndoW"', Mitt.Mr clou ll am&lf'antat. with tM lltata ~urrrmt rllurt '• df'<'l'1rm that driv· 1na 11 " prlvil,.t • a nti n()l • nahf • Put on my beAt Funeral Suit and went to a Weddine the other night. I wus hurryJng home about 10 o'clock aft.enrarda feeling all happy when I •PY a man beat.inc the tar outl.8 a woman. Thinking I wui Lochinvar bia- aelf, I stopped and layed handA on him. Tht n bla woman friend st.arted pounding me on the head with her shoe, saying that 1ff Pn her man wanted ti) beat up on her why It wasn't none of my bu•11ncis11 ... !'5ort3 mixes a feller u• on what to do in .ecb cu. ... Fa.rm~r McCabe J I ' ,. I ,._ -.... Bank of America . · New Mesa Branch MRS. BACON . TO APPEAR ON Has Good Turnout SHOW FEATURING HOSPITALS When Bank cf Amerh:11.'1 new Coil& 1\1\li!l bra.nch OJ>-ned lor bualnu11 thl;s mom lng, ld.>inager Lloyd J. ~uga . .skl enJ h11 11taft I round ll con•l<.e1 3bl~ num~r ,,, r"op1e Wlllttn~ t "'''lrn 11rt·ou.,1s. j d"11pllt-a bnak rain that wa11 f&.11· Ing. Appearlnl' on the televlalon show on ataanel 11 at 8 p. m next Sunday to dlKUN "Do We Have Adequ.te Boapltal Factlltlc11 '.'" 11 Mn. Winifred L. Bacon, admlnlt.llrator of Ro-.r HC1aplt.al TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Pnn~ call ~ 111' Job -"" • '"".s · -For the ttn .. t tn conunerele.1 INEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS p••T 1 ·• .. ~£ 7 Pnnlln1 Oepartromt.. ~DM. NOVEMIER 21. 1911 • SOMETHING .NEW A I • Among the flr1t d~po111toni to w<-lcomc the new bani< to Cn6la Mesa were Edwll1.1 R R11~mu~­ •e.n, IO<'lll managt•r tor CaJlfornla Acceptance Curpura 1 ion : Robert W, J,n1tm, president of Oi.laxy Conatructlon Company, the firm that built the building occupied by the b&nk at ~12 W 19lh St .. and B. A. Ner~n. Co11la Ml'at. "alt.or: The panel of hoapltt.I admlnlalrt.tons will be lntervltwed on curttnt hospital pnctlcu , 11ew trenda tor lr!Wller eff1cleocy and patient comfort. Headinc the (l'Oup la B. J . CaJi!well, prllllldtnt of the HoapltaJ Council of Southern Call- tornla and admlnl•trator of the Pomona Valley ComtrMlnlty HoepllBI. mew YOftK NOON COIOCENT COM.PlU:D BY B. C. OA.8.slDE (DEAN Wl'M'ER A CO.) -SAN- TA ANA, NOV. 21. (<>CNS) - SpeclaJtlN continued to provide th• lll&Jn lntere1t In an otherwi..e mbted market durtnr the early tradlnr. Uftlt1 of ollAI. avlaUon.1, meta&a and rubber• Improved. al- thourh deat1n11 ara not eap.clt.lly State Considers AdoptiOn active. CongT&tulallnJ[ Manar;er Suga1- kl, Neruon aa1d. "1t·1 good to have you hne. This la &not htr forward step for Co11ta Mesa. When I came. «> Ulla area on March t:I. 1946, the1 e were ~500 people here. Now, les• than nine yeara later, the total 111 about 20,· 000. And the growlh keeps corn- ing." of County Freeway Routes ~-=~-7~~~~~il8o~~:~~ SACRAMENTO-The Calltorn!a The Brea Ct.11yon Road route .!•· Lehigh P ortland Cement, which Highway CommlMlon announced ~nda from the Oranp-Loa An-haa announced It.I Intention to lod11y rt la coM ldl'rlnK the adop-gele.s County line to Ninth St., In apJlt It. 1tock next year. DuPont. lion of frerway routlng1 In Or-Pomontl. howver, told oft on Ila $3 year- an1e County which would relocate j nt:I:\\' AV •UNOrlQN end. 1lnca a 1pllt had bet'n hoped two 1tate hlgliw•y routes to pro-The recommend~ route between for. v1de a north• aouth freeW\ly 12 the Santa Ana Freeway a nct the LARGE. ORDF.& mllH long betwnn Santa Ana and Loa Angelee CQunty line would be-A block of Arnerlcan Cyanamid the Loa An(ele• County llnt. s in at the ·junction of the pro-was traded during the day, which State Highway l!:n(lneer G. T. poled eeat-weft Garden Grove completed a lllrlJf' 11elllng order. Hospital Sewer llds SANTA ANA COCNS) The county board of 11u~rv1aor11 T11f'11· day arproved p lana and 11peclClca- Uon11 for a new Orange County Ho1pit1I sewer 1y1tem and callf'd for bid• on the project. It la u - llmated the new ayatem will co11t around $30,000 McCoy haa recommended a com-1 Freeway with the Santa Ana Free-With thl1 lnfiuf'nce out of the way blned freeway route which would way at Ls Vt'ta Ave. It would take a.nd In ·view of very 1atl.taetory e'xtend from the Santa Ana ll'ree-a northerly cour1e from thla junc-ab11orptfon power, we fee.1 proa- wuy In San!.& Ana, In the vicinity I lion, crou the Santa Ana River I peel.a of Improved earnln11 will of La Veta ~ve .. to the Loi A n· and run north between 8unkl11t I allow thf' luue to work ahead. Ac- celea Connty line northeut of &lid Rio Vlata l!lt.a. eut or Ana-1 cordlngly, we wouJd continue to Bre&. There it would connect wlU1 helm. Then tt would crou the u.se any minor 'll'ea.im.... aa a t. freeway route along Brea 9an. J pro~d M•t-weet fr.eway 1 Sta te favorable opportunity to aecumu- yon Road adopted 1n Jun1, 19611.1 Hlch-y Route 17~1 and con-late .sto~k. 11lnce wa feel American . ---1 tlnue north on a courae just west Cya.namlcS will. be among the IMd· ,--------..,~---.. of Placentia and acro11 the Im-era when-the general ll1t t um1. Clothing Taken MAKI IVlltY DAY penal Hwy. eut of Brea. 8t'yond The DuPont dividend may be ex- Ray F. Stronr. UH Magnolla Ave., told Newport Beach police that clothing worth $160 haa been ta.kn from hi.I home about 1 :30' p. m. Friday. 1 D DAY the Imperial Hwy. It would curve peeled to have & dampenlnr effect • •lll'hUy eut to a junction with upon the market over the bala.nce Brea Canyon Road at the county of the day. We look for an Ir· 3·HOSPITAL CoaUned from nnt P ... t ollowin' their retum frorn Mr- v!ce. -MEDICAL MEN • The 1u1pen1ton action wa1 takrn by the rnedkal committee ot Ute hoapllal. Tht a!fldavlt mad• avallablf' lo OCNS todsy contained tht 11lgnf'll 1 1tatemant of & wellkJlown former I Sa.nt& Ana reneral practltlonn who 11t&t~ b• wu sue-pended from Santa Ana Community Hoarltal -----------~ tarly lhl11 yN.r. A faw • wHk11 l _ l11ter, he aaJd. ht' waa 11u1~nded from the ll&ffs of Hoag Hospital Denlinger Gets Ffts a t Newport Buch. 11nd St. J 0Reph·1 Ho1plt.al In Crance. 8AME CUQUJ: The doctor stated thf' action w u taken ''by the 1&111e l'TOUP or mt'n who control each hoaplt&J'a mt'dlcal committee." The attld&Yit atattd tha doetor w11 nrver lntotmed of a.ny naaon ror the llUlp9Mlon1 and wu flatly denied any an-•t by mt'mbeNI Clyde Denllngc.'r, BAiboa. owner of Beach Amusement Co., Mnn- day night was gr11nled a refund for the unu11t>d port Ion or hla $2.- 000 worth of llcenMa for 80 pin ball machlnu which hi.' had r e· moved f rom town recently. City council voted unanlmou111y to have tha city manacer rffund a proprala 11hare of the llcen1e fae1. ot the c:ommlttee when ht' uked Roach p.-.a.1a.1-n q11e11tloD11. WTJTrv Hlntl! that the dOC'lONI may hi.Vt SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Alden bl'tn 11u.spendet1 for malprllctlce Q. Roa<:h of 2124 1:. Balboe. Blvd .. rruon11. were In errrct drnll'd by administrator Mallnow1kl in hli. a ,eon of the deceued Tue1day Interview with OCNS on Frlday.1 petll~oned Superior Court here for )1allnowaltl at&led that iener&J pro.bate of the wlll' of Mary G practlUQ11en were alway1 pa.ved Roach, who died Oct. 17 In Car- upon tt«ar<11nl' qualifications by II. I den Grove. Ptraonal propnty In "enlor 11u1Teon before belnJ s-lven • pennla11lon to perform an op.ora· the e.state wa.11 lllted at worth t ron of a.ny type. In addition. I more than $25,000 Mallnow1kl 11lated. that a aenlor I 9urgeon was In 11tlend&nct at u ch Sailitation oparaUoa In tht' hl)~\lal'• iturir-ry tn rulde t hf' gt'ntral prar tltlonrr and htlp htm. It neceut1ry, with the ac_lual 11urgery The ho11pllal e.C'tmlnfatrator 'point.cl out under tht'H ront1tt1on11 fl c~,. of mlllpr•c· lie,. on th,. parl of th,. rmrgron would br 11lmost Jmpo,.11lhll'. "llRIVCN Ol.T" Tht fl(fidavlt ot th,. phy11ld11n 11l11lf'<I that I ha dOflnr lnvoh·t"d wu "dnvtn out of bu"lnf'~I 11nd ew•nlu11lly nut of pl'f\rllclnJ[ mt!ll· clnt tn Orange County " by reason nf thr 11u1penl\on1 which would not allow him to perfdrm IU!Tt'l'Y at any Inca.I lnatJtutlon. A11 & rt· 1ult, lhe affidavit 11t&tl'd. the doc- t or lt>!t Oranite County n1edtc1ne Tht' affidavit "'~'!' m"d' public ~ a Sllnta An& attorn"Y who Mid he had ~t'n t ng&.11:t'd to bring-w it 11ga1111t the mrd1ral ('ommlttee- mtn. The doctor. una,"1l1lablf to OC'NS, r,.pnrtt'dly 11 practlcins medlcrnt> In another ~Uon of CaJlfomtll. Tht attorney emphaslud thllt no action wu evtr t11ktn ag1J.ln111 the dnctor by the CaJ1torn1Q St&le Boa.rd 1'f MtdlC'lll Ex11mlnt'n, nor 11ny othtr medlc111 gTour . "A1 far u we know. II WM onl.v the Or· an1e County gTOllJ'I, rl11ylng poll- tlca," t ht' llltom~y M id. !'\OT FOR P•'BLIC Membl'rs_of the mt'11ral rnm- mllt~ or 56.nta Anll Community Ho1pltaJ ha \'e rtfU11td comment re1ardln1t the CJllll'll brought to I lliht. Pruidt nl RAymond Brandl n.ld f'rlct11y ht' felt I.ht entire a/fair wu "pnv1lr1ted Md not for 1ttneral CQn.~umpt Ion " Becauae .. there appeara to b<' no buai.neaa of lmport.•nce to cortlt' I before the board.a" at th1 reru· tar me('tlni.e of lh(' C'ounty $anl· t11t1on Ollllrlrt~ nr Oranp:r Cuun- ty on Nov. 23. Utt' ml'f'Llng ht.a bt-tn po1tponf'd until 8 p m Dec. 7. R<'rordln1 to ~t'Crtl&ry Ora )( M"rr1tt. Is your .U\·er M-rYlce rf'Mly for ChrtAtmu ! It's "WIRT H11 It! SilverplatinCJ e\· Sllvenmiths • • Cll'llnlnc • Buftlnr eJ~uerlnl' • - -Co~r. BBM ~ Ptwtn WI: GL.\RASTl:E Oomplete Customer S.U.factlcNI \bit Our tJnuanal ANTl9UE SHO' F or Out1tA11dlnc C'hrbtma.. c;ttt11 e WIRTH'S e Bayside Plating Co. 1911 Harbor 81,•d. C09t. Me&a UMrty 8· 1482 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CH.APEL lHl Superior Avenue C<>1ta Mela, Calif. Phone Wberty 1-2121 CH.APEL BY THl!l SEA 3~20 E . Colll!t lilvd. Cdt'ona dt'I Mu, Calif. - P!M>ne Harbor U R4-~ra • M&tate.~ • la.11tanauoa ITAFFO•D & ION "NELS and DOC" 1:1.XC'llUCAL OOST&ACToa s l'hollf' 1.nwrt1 1-U1t Ut IU,,..... A,,._. Newport e.dl the Richard Beeson Coinp11y Lanchcape DnlCJll aact· C0111ttiidl• fWOlfm ..... ... line. regular pattern with speclaltle.s The propoMd frNWay route provldln' aome oft.set. would combine portlont. ot Stlt.te HIJh•aY Route 2 a.nd Sit.le High-HARBOR CHES!. way Route 19. The portion of ,1 State Highway Route 2 a/fectell now carrtaa U. 8. Highway 101 from the Santa Ana F reeway to Whittler Blvd. In La Hnbta. run- ning along Loi Angeles St., Sp~dra Road •nd l"llllerton Road. Coatlnued from Ptnt Par program for boy1 and (1rla from Junior high lhrourh collere u well u In primary rradea. receive• $3000. The portion of Sllllt' Highway Youth Center al Balboa 11 bud- Route J9 a!fected rune from a gated $000 to provide for actlvl- juncUon w1th U. 8. Htirhway 101 u u of younr people at the Tar- i 8tata Hip way Route :I J In P'ul-Pit. lerton &lonr Bru Blvd.. Pomona Campalr n expenaH. Mra. Cool-A ve.. a.nd B~a Canyon Road to th Lo A I C 11 lnr concluded. art ktpt at a ' per J e I nee U ounty Of'. ,_ • AVOJD )ltUU!~1': cn u:s cent .... w of .,He ot the budgt t Tht' propdied relocation of the :iuota. routea would avoid tht buslnf'N t~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; area ot Anaheim, ,.,l!u ton and nr ... a now lro,•n 11ed hy &tale high· I WRY~ I MrCPy WllA ~c1ut~lf'd lo com· munlcate with the Board of Sup- rrv1aor11 of Oran1te County and the City Council., of Santa Ana, Or- anrr. Plutnlla, Fullrrton, Ana- heim a.nd Brea regardlnr tht ne· ce.stlty tor th• CommlNlon to hold a public ht'arlng before taking fur- ther action to adopt freeway rouun,11. A public mfflJnc called by the I Olvl11on of Hl&hwaya wu he.Id Iii Santa Ana July IS al which the re<?ommended route and po111lble altematlvea were dl11cua11ed. You Save 1ocr0 •• 1our Prescriptio111 at PRINGLES PreM"rlptlonl! flllf'd 'IU 10 p.m. Film! \\·1111 f'A4.'h roll qt blark a.nd •hltt. lllU<O l t'7, 8'?0, 8lt, 120, I It lt ft with u' tor df'\•rloplnr and .,rtauar .• .,.. wtn C'lw• ,·ou & roU of th -llM f'REE. ...._81.MPrtalt!I at S o f:xtra ('harr~ U HOl'll ~t:R\'ICt: Sew Your Christmas Early! it's later then you think • Choose from our Large Stock of fioliday Fabrics • _...,,., FABRICS I 779-A Newport Ave. Costa Mesa Savory Bakery Treats for your Thanks9lvin9 Menu HOME-MADE PIES e ROLLS e CAKES Delicious Light Golden Pumpkin Pies ·Savory Spicy Fruit Mince Pies Tender Crusty Rolls & Soft Rolls Fluffy Taste-Tempting Layer Cakes I All Fresh Baked to Add Plea1ure to Your Holiday Feast ORDER EARLY PLEA8E . IAYORY BAKIRY IS29 E. c..t llwy. OOllONA DEL MAR Harbor MS8 • • .·and·.•tara under the sun .Dew 1 .... I p.a. Av.,.._ SI lnJ!u.trtall ...... 4'Tt.51 oft uo 20 R&1la .• '. ................ 168.l'T off .18 lA UUlltl• ··~· ......... 64.12 off .01 l p. m: Yoluma: 1,170,000 "'· 1,400,000. N-\rorll l p.m. Stoclt Pnc- Amt11C&JI Telt'phone ............. _ 111 Anaconda ........ -........................ 71"' Chryaler ....... _ ....... : .. _······-··········· t7 DuPont ................................ _...... 132 General ltlectrtc ...... ·········-·~ 61" General Molora ······················-50~ May Co ............................. , ........•.. 41 New Y~k CentnJ RR ····-····-O" North Amaric&tl AvlaUon .... 871,4 Safeway Store .. ···-··············· '8~ Southern Callt. 1Cdt.o11 ··-····· 112 Southern Paclllc RK ·-··---1171' Standard OU of CaUfomla ··-161' Union OU of Caltfoml.a ......... : ... 63 US Steel ...... , ........... ~···-··· .. ·-··· H 1" SAVI IAFILY • At Or.n9e County's Institution LHding Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY '12 cro PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before A .. Donte Ca• .with two deoka-. . and ev•IY •••••under glaee• "8ty-"1de and ,,..,,..._.. .. ia what JOU11 uy about Southern Pacific'• unique new Dome Lou.npCe.r, when you ant mp luJde. h '• built on two levela, or terrao., but ia open to the beaveM ~m stmn to •tern. (Incidentally, we've aleo put in ntra oapecity air conditionini; and liibt17 tinted aiu.1 IO that it'• alw~ pMu&nt i.naide, no matter w!Mt the weather outmde.) One third or the c.r ill. bish-cei.linc oockt.aiJ lounme. wbile up. thort. ft.i&bt of atepe ia a t.errace deck. witb many more eotafort.able ..a. lot enjoyinc refreehmentlt and WlpualJeJed YMnn Of the ecm.-y, A ride In one ol tbe9e new Dome C.,.. l. lib a ride In a oonftr'ti.ble with the top down-but without the wind. Youil find anew Dome Loun,.. Cu on the Sora Joa.qMin ~bee tWMn Loe An,.a. and San Franc::i9oo via t.be Val&ey Rout., the ..... Dayll;ll between San Frud8co and POl11and, and betWWD San Fran· ciaoo and 0,den OD the Owriond. W. invite you to try one 800n -and ~ hope J"DU'tl end k m lmtica· Uon that, for both pauenpr and tnf,ht, we are lryina to do a 'lllc:l&irn, proCTes.ive job ?f r.uro.dJnc. • The I Oth of the Month Earn From the I rl LAGUNA · 'lflii&&I" E p !!ii·= FEDERAL: SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION SU e>e.a Ano .. Pllo .. 1 Hr '-117'7 Southam Pacific L W. GORDON, AtHt LAGUNA BEACH • 2500 lalltoa llvd. ,._ tt.•• 4 Watch y_our SteJ!/_ • Be sure you get a -~ Truck l"li fet new CONC!AUD SAPITY STIPS-4 "'cnti •f today'• "JOit modem trvdt1 that new Ch~•t Toak-Force '"''"' brint yo11. They 1toy dear of m11d ond Ice te give you ftrmor, 1ofor footing. ThiA Is just one of the ways ,ou'rc way ahead ..,itb new Chevrolet trucks! These handaomo boskiea offer you the ahortat atrolce V8's• in any Jeadin8 truck. Or. you can have lbc m0tt modem valve-In-head six on the market AU~ have a 12-volt electrical syitcm. You aet todq1 mOtt modern c.b, too--- advanced featuret like the 1M1Cpiac panonmk windshkld and Hiab-Uwt ~ Come on in and act. mod~,,. ttucll Watch the Dtal! Why pey ...... for a-;;l~lon .. truck? New Chevrolet trucb wear the ume low price tip. Check our deaJ oo the model you need. • J'S nO/tlllud Ill L. C. F. "'°"61.1, opllofNI .. ,_., ... "'~'II ., utN ~on. New Chevrolet 'lbsll·Force Trucks Ytar ttf"'. ~-MaDw ""'"""''a... S<llbtr ·T"!"' MILL'-R1CilEVROLEi CO. / 1000 West CMlt Hh)liwcry NIWP.OIT llACH Ph111e ~rty 1-2261 t. -----------.. / TYPICAL Bt;Rl?Y TD -Sailor Charlie Berry crashes across Friday night fo r lone Tar tally, falling atop Larry H arper. Jn background, Gene Hubbard fake s h andoff to Dave Tamura. Blocking waa Jerry Sam- sel (48 ). -Staff Photo Curtain Fal ~ on Prep Grids ia Orange Co. F or all but rhAlllT'lnn rh1b~. th" Or•nge <.:uu111y prep t,.a111a w:>:, gridiron play endt'd I-ra•lay nl1rht ~he1m, S1an1<et L,.agur t·hnmr and flfllt•·r n ..... l"llJ\\'11 • bf'lllf'r,. ot th,. P1trod11al L.l'a.cu4', enlrr HARBOR _,o~ . BILL PHILLIP~. Sports Editor CD' molu kln l'UlllJl<'lltllin. PAGE 8 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PU1terton·11 h~,;!'I -MJlll lt<'•I ln-1 .. ~oND y NO YE BER 2 955 dla1u1 rlnlahrol thf' ~un11et Uui,-ur IVI A • M I • I race In rou1lh po1ll1on. the flrst tllne 11lnrl' 111111 th<'y huv1• tlruppetl COMPTON INVITE NEXT ao low. Tht' Trll><' f'"rlt111.v n1i;h1 1 • de:tealrd G11r!lt'n Gr11vc :n-21. ,-------------------- Ouard Tu111 Batell blO(•kMl a T H e H w pUDl lo 11et up fll Ht T11ho l!('OIC ar arr1ers urry ay by Hnlrbac k c;l',,rl(l' ~1111th ... ~1111- 6th Graders Win 8th Tilt Sixth CT•de n.,. rootballel'll or lhr Harbor Boye' Club ntabllahed a con!M'<'Ullvr win 1treak or eight 11tral~ht gamu Dec. 11 u Uiey dd!'alrd H unting-ion ~&dtl lt·ll et Hunllngton Bu.ch alter defeat· lnR' Santa Ana 34·\3 at Orure COMt College De<:. l O. Th.. Huntington Burh go wu 11. lltrlllt'r with Tommy Bryan fall· Ing on a tumble on llle Oil City HI to Met up the tlral touchdown, 11n 18 yard line buck by Jim Cur- lis. Curt111 came t.hroucll with a jsb up the mlddlf' for 34 yard• &nd the MC:Ond touchdown In Ule ~econd quarter l-0 put the local• out In front 12-0. Dave ~look back Dew,.v 1.11mll y l •111k '-'" '' r· ironaul p11nlH llntl t l'lllm!"I M t w· e 5 w Fr lhe ball 0''er on a quarterback yard.. for a TD A pai<'f from 0 ID ID • ay acas IUll'M aftt'r the IMX'Olld acore to Qu11rtl'rbar k Ron Fujino to Carll make It 13·0 l'Hl'!ltni.;ton. an 80 yard run wflh INCHU SHORT a klr'wff by F\IJlno 11ntt 11nnlhPr Scheduled to participate in the Compton Invitational CJF H untington 1COred ln the third t1tl'y bv L.a mlry r1nl•he1l thin.:" cross C'Ountry m eet Wcdnesdav CoaC'h Ralph Reed's New· ~rlod against lbe "'aervu to orr · • 11111ke ll 13-6. Another HBC drive •'or !hf' 11,11 111 n on ~.11m11n port H arbor H Jgh School harnerl4 rack ed up vannty l\nd too.le the l~w to the one yard ""'"r•• I t\\ 111• 1111•1 u 111 ~n) ,1..,r JUnior varsity victo ries m a five-way meet at H untington lln«' where Dennla Pen-tn wu r l• ke•I 1111 " •·u:1 ... iun fumbl• a nd B• n• h In a Wedne!ld.•Y "''a rmup 1 Pig.I: wae lh1rJ "1th a C"lnc:kln.i: atop~ nnly Inch~ ahort or a ran ,r,1 ~/ll•h• anlo lh11 • ntl w nr T hr !"111lor var111tv Jcf;1tltd tht' •1 r {I 21 11na A111tte 08trow•k1 11core. On the tlnrt' play alter Ulla In an11th• r 1'•1n, 1 1.-·.•i: 11· I:""'" 1 h 1• lh .. ~ ,,.,,,1h In n 2., <lnve. Huntington fumbled In U.u.nl.J L B I i. bu. ....i u ' rf"•~•t un eat er uni:• r" "I .. ' • lllNr end zone IDTd J)nd Jed Houa. ~ _m .e.t-. 1 ' 1 •I • • J'Otnl " "hlle the junior Tit rs. tup· Othl'i toil •(l')l Tar 11' rltltn fan· Ion fell on thf' b•U t or a alx &nit'(! ~"· • 1 an, 1 :i uf lht nr~l 1 plRc ,.~ 1aht'<I In th1" ordrr Randy reel· l H Ullltt<> t<I 1 th Stnta An"'• ~l\tnl... rf'1'11n•I 111117, 1 • :w marker1< Downey ...,.; rr. nlnlh . ou~ 1$(1lln1t. i.t : J eri ::;; '~lnu~~,. &nd n :~~m~ t: placo> rll'\'•n t11 A111h11111 ~11ff111"d vur.alv aunner-up with l.UUllUter H1lllhnl. 12, <·1111rln H&nwn, 17 ma ke It 19_13 A 1'·7 11rth.1r l< Ill ~.1111.1 ~!uni• a ll•'<'on•I lH lh•· JVll, fln•I Hamid M1 Km n••Y, 18 1'onn1r l\I• ',., ~··"1 rd r h• '""" <"nm1nx In. ft••,·onil l hr 0 ug h Thunidsy night Bnl\n Lewla S aint TP In lh1• 111111\h ~I •n7 • l111·ll.'\\ ''"1• •"11N••il<ln 11nr1 Hunt· l'lfhth. fnr Uw J•tnloa "ariuty went 20 yarda on a wlnKback re· MtHc-r Df'1'11 Munl\rrh• rnllN't •'<I ln111un licach also pm l1~1P81c:.d. Cobll wrrr: J,.ff Mc:-/tlle~r. RUlll I verae f or th .. ti rat 11eore and Jim wl11 No. II thlJ' iv111•on wllh " ~l -6 Jn the vartclty run, 8 Oown<'y Prrl,.v J)Jlrrl.'11 Harlehnin. Bob Curlis converted up lht middle. v1rtorv ovtr Rf'llarmtnr • J••lfrr· runner 1111bt>iod flr11l with f'ull1•r· Drl..<•n~. t"hr11!1 Otu'<:la. Bob Pero San\11 Ana rouldn't mnve after ll(ln. Lft.ttuna Ot'arh up•Pl Tu•t 1n t11n'11 Sral breasllnl( the flnl11h amt Hob v11n Sirk le. Mt>NPtlatt•'• the klckoft and Steve Harpar 14·7 In thl' Ornn"•' 1 ... ·11..-11" tin .. nrxl. Nrwrort H1trbnr'11 B ill aeronrl pl:,cr lime was 11 .:i2. broke through to block a fourth Othrr JV top r unneni fflr the down punt. On the llrat play. Pair of Points Jump Club Atop 6th Grade Grid Loop Tara : Andni Hlou, 12: Doui.; Hsll. RoMO f11ded back to throw Houe- U , Derry N oga. 111: Grl!ftlt ton &n 18 yard TD p ... and Pl'r· Huf'hl'll, 16: Bo b W hltehea<I, 17 rln took a pltchout for the con- and Drnnls Cole. 18 Vf,..lo• 11.11d a n-o lead Mon:-tJian 50 prrp M'hools w111 HOOKS JATDA.L take p11rl In the Compton Jnvtla · On the tlrat play after t he llonal Wednesday. kickoff. Mike McCarty Ultercept· ed a lateral and went 21 yard1 C'nnv•r~lr>n' b\' J •n C-urt11 Rn•J f'htUlp \.\111t1•v.nrth brok" 11 f1r11l / rlnCf' 11eat11!'Ck In l'IXth i;r >ttl" Har· ht>r Boy1' Club 111111 r.,.,1ball '""" !f:Ue tu t Tuf'••l>l ~ &nil 11hc.l lht' Alhl.-11r" atop th,. loor Th .. 1r 11- 12 triumph n\·~r lh<' y,.nk"'P' dropJlfl'I th!' riv I' Into A ~· rmtl r hl cr tie .. ·1th l he BraVt'JI In nthf'r rnnlf'~l• the 111 avre rom(>"d onr lht' Canhnl\lll :11 -19 . t he Tlittr-c111,,.t1I lh<' W hl\r !-\1131 22-12 aml lhr Glnnll •to111pi •I 11n th• Red Sox 38-19 !i\N1rln1t tnu1>h<lown' for I he A ·, "'fr,. H11rolrl C11hl\\t'll 11nrt .11111 Curt111 1n I hi' h1i; II"· l•'r•r 111<• Tank~. n c•llllH' N11i.:· 111 nn•I T .. 11. 8r)'11fi ('P"•~••<I lh•• Jo:t1ll f Vrnn11t p, "1n l'·H '"I I hr• Ba A\'~• tq Vldlll \ Wllh Ul r••llll. l11 c·k Rotirn11 llMI l'•I Ii. M•kl' ~Ir C&r\y a Tn 11n1I n un <'111\••t 1 1·un\• •. ----- •lon \\'hlte Sox ta llymi: Wiii I C• romr1l1•li<'d bv Brian Lewis, '13. Bowlen Turn Out for a acore. Curtls went up the middle for the' ntra polnt. RJ r k anrl <;an !'<'hon""' 6 s1" P:,1 n1cr11 w('rf' IW'Orf'd tor to Greet Knopfs lh<' T.i: .. r !' hv Jam Vnm11lan. Bill l'l'tllt 1u11J Dt1.vt' RoAAn with Vt'r· I Bowler• el N • w po r l Beach m1hAn 1uid Dlr k l'l'lllt afldtng tit· ;\lunl<'lf'31 UowUn~ Orttl\JI have tin 11 •lnt11 anti J trk Fl .. trh.,r ron-"",.komeJ ba<'k their old rrtenda. tributing • saff'f\' Jrtl llou~ton Mr. and lllu Albl!n Knopf of Vk· 1tnd Tonv M11.lum dttl the \\'hill' toru1 H C Thia I• lht-third year S•"' point prn•ludni.: the Knc1rrs h!I' r l.lt>n•· their wln- M 1k .. 1'11tt1rl< "'" tor> ~n rnr trr bowllnll h"fl'. lh• t:1anl" with ':!.I r•1111t•. lrn1l•"I In thr• Wl'l·klv AU•tr11l1An !'In· hv \Ilk•• l.ov1ng with 1 1 11nd Ell , gl~s lfllarnanumt T111 ••lity 21 pl&Y· 1111111 \\1th On!'. ~trw H&rpt'r. er~ ru11optll'•I l'11111na del ~l11r won T11m r;111m11n 11n11 0 1 •HTl N111111 g1 c'"'" honor111 hy winning rtrst.. ~,.,.,,I '''r th,. lh•d s,,,, It wR11 111•1on•I And t11111 1h plare" llul11nrf 1 lw I ••I Olanl t rlurnph of t hf' n111l1•v "'"" r1r"t with 17 polnl11. •· "''" 1 IA<w l't•\tll f1n 11th!"I '.I.. dn"P ~<'conrl 1·u11rnt 111end1 ni;:!' Athl,.lll"" \l\1t11 ltl prnnt~. l\lr• ..-nnpr11 1:'> 5·1. YA rtkt'e1< nno Brave,., 4·2. pfit11t.• """ lht11f pdic anti \\'1Jll 1·111 •llnRI" \\'hr\<' g,,x 11nd T t1:1•r:t f' r" r,. on tuuk rn11rlh "1th 14 :i.:t 1 :111111~ ""'' n .. .i ~"''· l•!l pntnl• Ro~l'U broke a,. .. , on a pitch· out from Tom Bryan u th• rP- MrvH t ook over the oftenM He wmt 20 yard• to 11eon and B ryan booUtcced th• ball over tor the <.'Orfvuslon. Sa.nta Al* Ulm lal· lied twlct and l'Onvert.ed Obce tor their only polnta of the night. Perr1n took a pu.1 ftom J im Cur- tis and 1"ent 40 yanh t o llCO,.. the n.naJ TD Lo the laat mlnuta of pl•Y· Braves Batter Indians, 55-15 Tr111npllnr the oppo1IUon 6~1:1. lhe Harbor Boyft' Club e I~ h t h trr•Hll' flag football luf\I• Braftl rollffi over lhe lndl1n1 'J'unday. l~adin~ the tourhdown par&et. was J ammie ChJllk with 2:1 mark· er~. Becking hi• .corlnr ruh were Dave M<'F&rland With three TDtt. .. ANAHEIM ROMPS' OVER TARS 27-6 F.OR SUNSET CROWN; GOBS THIRD . . prone on tha turf ta hi• l'Wlfllnl waka. or;CF.PTl\'11: 8TAT8 Stat1111u ll'll u1 Penfield wu 1 .. a.t1ni: twill carri'r1 of · the i:am r. romplrlK for 127 yardJI on four I r11rrle11. But we know betlt'r. don't we'! Lonk what Flvnn dhJ to the Mldl•Y Flynll's J Flnt HaN TD's Decisive Factor I~ Fray By 81LL PllJLl.U'S Defending champion Anaheim tu~ed away their fifth atraight Sun11et League crown in La .. Palma Park Friday rlight and entered CIF gridiron comp'eutJon aft.er dumping the Newport Harbor High School SallOrw into a third place flnlah, 27-6. ' n•xt Ume he carried. It wu tor DHplle lhta, It 11 qu.Uonable 29 )'ard• and hi. third TD. Ana · If the COloni.ta have a better M-lm led 20-Q al the halt. team than Coach A.I lrwtn'• •tal· Tllat wu juat too much for the wart Tara. ecrapph\1 Tara to overcome. But lhera la DO doubt that Half· B&aav BATTERS back Mickey ,,,., on the bu1a ~ of hla one-man ahow tll'•l half Bu'f' with P'lynn llpendlng moat acr.Jn.t the Qoba wtaen lte pereon· ot the .econd halt on the aldtllne11 ally accounted for 18 point.a, u and not packlnk ,lhe pelota, the three touchdowna better than any S&Uora. led by the crunchln1t runs team 'In the circuit. of Fullback Charlie Berry, m&re TOP RUNSU t.ban held their own with the Co- lont.111. There wa• no queatlon about Flynn havtnc an all-8111u1el Leacue halfbeck apot cinched be· to~ Ule game ~pn. However. thla wu suppoaed to be tha de· cider between A.n&helm'1 -loe Av· ltla and Btrry at the fullback llpOl. Berry proved hl• claim of atperlorlly wtth room to apare. Th• flylnr Flynn. who ada like he la twin• and la dolnc It wtth mlrTOl'll when he pac.k.I that pork· hide. 11 Ula most elualve prep run· ner I've aeen •Ince Jackie Robln· aon wu cavorUnc for J ohn Muir and Glenn Davia WU rolnr wild for COvtna Hiett: • In that flrat half that broke Ole 8allore backa but not Ulelr fl(htlnc 1plrtt. Ftynn wu every- where. The tlrelr1.lme he rot tm mltta on the· plrskln, -Mickey went all the way on an 80 yard acorlng acamper. Two more car- rlea by lbe Mick tn the ~e 1t&nza and Into the end zone he 1Urged arr.Jn • Then ju1t When the Sillora 1tarted a rr!DdlnJ power drive dttp tnto rival territory. ,,ynn bobbed Up to Intercept a p&aa. Ttle BOWL H ERO MAY ATTEND BANQUET One of lhe crea t Roae Bowl herou of year'• put may at· tend the Newport Harbor Hip School football banquet In Newport H&rbor Tac.ht Club, atartlnc at e:so p. m. tomorrow. Speaker Braven Dyer, Loe Ancelea Tl.m1'9 sport.a reporter, aald he hoped to brine USC'• Doyle Nave. BUil Halfback D I c k Grover •muhed ac roaa tor the champa from 5 yarda <·Ut early In the third quarter for Ole windup Co· lontat cocmtera. Not until Ole fl· nal quarter were the Tara able to crack o~n the ecorlnc column, althoug1l lhl'e&tenlnc thrice p...- vloualy. And It took a iw-k to aet It up. Pinned deep In lhelr own end of Ole field alter • cllpplnc pen· alty, the Oololllall were forced tn- t.o punUnc formation. Th• pua trom c.nter ar.Jlld rlfht on over Did J olin Baker'a head and th• fourth down attu.Uon enabled the Ooba to tall• over Wbere Baker fell on the ball -back on hi• own 13. C.088£0 UP Berry twice battered at lh• rl· -1 line wtlh Hr.Jtb&ck J ohn Hop· kin.a carrytnr once and It wu fourth and two. With the Colo- nt.ll bunch-1 tor another Btrry thruat, Quarterback Gene Hub· bard croaaed them up. UtUe acal· back Larry Cu tro ak.lrted end on • plt.cbout for a tlrat down In the Analletm 2. It took Bury two ama.ah• to better Into tbe end aone. Tackle Tar,lhe f!1st rour llmt1 h<' palm· prl&ed pu110n among lht' sOoo LA ed that pelota ! Palma Park onlookers when ,..his F\Jrtt:er a1tatlitlt'• l'lhow that kick went •tralght to the Mick. Baker kl<'ke<I thrl'e ot rour N>n· F1ynn fllhe~ In tbat plpkln, Vl'rllOM ((Ir the champ1, U!at 111.mbl .. d tor l b .. tar 11dellne ~-1 Ni•wpo1 t ha.t 10 tlr~t d1•wn11 to hind hi• blockera, theft left -thf'm. An&hl'lm'11 7 and the ("olon1-111 :·enr11tng hie field and b·u .k lnli: 1w l11ht.! orr 26!\ yar•l11 ru~hlng to 10011e up an alley to out hoof pur-tJie Tani' haa ,J e11rned 1112. suing Sallore. Nol a hand eullled hi• prorreaa. Arter U1e klckotr. the Tar moved for' one ttrat down befol't! J?ettlng bogged. On fourth down. Tamur11 tumbled the paaa from center. had to run for It. and WH downed on the Newport •O. For Flynn. that wu pracllcally no dlatance al all. 81.:1'8 IT VP Mickey tiptoed off tackle. nn- ally getting swarmed on the l toot linl'. He 11t'Ore<I on the tee· ond play, Baker conwrUng. It looked like the T11n1 were on lht'lr \Y11v following lhle kickoff With Hubbard running the tnm like' a vet and bitting End Paul I Lorf'ntze,n whenever a pan waa In order. Newport moved from lt.e , own 24 to the rival 22. I You bet. Thia 111 where Flvnn took over ag11ln . H~ f'ntercepttd Hubbartt'• next hf'llYI' right on thf' goel line and moved It out to thr Champa' 18. !:nd Bill Lamb quickly rf'cover· ed a fumble on the Anaheim 39. but the Ooba were torce4 to kick. Tamura angled It out on the Co· lonlat11 5 for a perfect cottin cor- ner boot. It made no d1tfrrence. ThrH carrle11 by Avitia and Halfback Don Penfield m eant three Ana· helm rtrat down• 11nd moved the llWine to the local :rt>. Flynn took a pltchout ~hind four blockers around end, then swivel-hipped thla way. Ulat. Ulla way, that and wu In to the Tar end zone, four Coach Clatre Van Hoorebt'ke'• chargee poti tf'd lht1r 28th ronAf'· Clllive ea11H• Without 11 tlefeal. In• c1\Jd1nc t wo tin, In Bun.et Lca-ru• comprlltlon. Anaheinl'1 !lrat C lfl' rlva l wlll be Mt. C.rm"I, winner of the Ca · lhollc Ln gu.. rhamploMhlp. It w lU be 11n Ana heim homf' came, played either Ill Jl'ullerlon St.I· dlum or Pirate Stadium Friday nlcht. Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2·7027 would-be Sa Uor la~c.:k~lr'.'.'.r..'.'.a'.__::ly~l~n~g~!:-~===~=~==~~=~ DID YOU KNOW that *IYllMJ a H W 1956 CHIYSUR cu l'lve a lf'Udmotber the tame feella& of f'xhllantloa experteneed by lovely Shelby Tua- ndl when ehe wu choeea "Home-Comla1 Queen" by Newport Harbor Blgb r Nave la tamed tor 'tour atral(ht puae. to Al KrueJer In radlnl' momenta of Uie 1t3t Bowl cluh wbl.cb de- faated the unacored on ~ Blue Devit., T·I. lAttera and award• wUJ be pt'Ulmted to membera or the Sallor rrld equada following lhe dinner tor t•am m•mber1, C09dt .. and honorary ruast.. Vern .. \Veaver craahed throurh t8t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ block Ule Tara' con veraJon boot. TIE FOR Jrd Sure Toe of Mighty Mike Gives OC Win It took Mlpty MJl(e .nu.a· COD· veralon toe to uaure Oruc- COut Colle,-. ot a thl«S pl&.ce Ue In final •t&ndlnp of the E.utem Conference at Rlvtrldde Friday •l!fhl. F1nal .core ravond Coach Ray R.ouo'1 PtralM 21·19 ln a batUe much cloaer lhan an· llclpated. The victory l'•ve the Buca lln enn•atephen 3·3 record ln loop competlllon. QUICK 900RE Rlveraldt, who receipted for their fifth •traJrht circuit •I.- back, ICO~ flrat In the operunr flvt mtnutu or play when R&Jpb l:nrtquea d rove throuth centu from the OC'C 2. He alao kJcked lbfl convemon.. The Bue. chured rl1ht ti.ell to d~adlock lhlnp. Hau eu~ng over U\11 c-J from UM! RIYeraide 2 and conYerting Joe Maddox bucked Into lbe Pirate end mone rrom UM 2 foT lhe Iona •~nd period tally to hand Ule hoata • aurprUlnr 13-7 lead at halftime. Quarterback Bruce Knipp toea- ed a 21 ya."'d aerl•I to Halfback Bill lhnl.on to band the Bue. a one potnt lhJnl 1ta.na f<I~• alter Hau conY.,ted. PIA Y OP' TILT RJveralde'• Jerry Allen uncork· ed the play of the ram• f or final rival TD. H~ took lhe Pirate klck -otr on hl1 own 10 and W'171l 90 yard• ror the 11COra. Kenny Wood. moved from cen· ter Into the Bue backfield. llam· med a.crou on 1heer power from the rtvt.1 I to uaure t.he local win whvl Haaa collected tm third strtrht connrlllon In the cont.at Wednuday nlfht Ole Plratu •nd their rrtd IN'UOn ln Plra tf' Stadium apJnst Lons Beach City 001191'1 eleven. A l& -yard holdlnc penalty again.et Ole Saltpra and a Cl-yard ortldde penalty a.-aout AnaJielm MflY tn Ole o~nlna canto, oddly enouC'h, gnay ll11 ve decided out. come of the contut before a acore wa1 mada. The Sallol'll took the klckort •nd Immediately r1pped ott a rtrat down Willi Berry, Halfback Dave Tamura an d Hopkin• taklnJ tuma tor hunka or yardact. But afler Hopkin• allced ott another rtnr. the holdlnr ~nally ffl Ul• Oob1 bade on their own 2~ Berry cot ~ck 7 and Tamura. 3. TAllllJlA PUNT11J Tilen Berry'1 qulckklck bounced oul of boun~ on Ule AnaJielm 30. Tiie nve yard penalty &plnat lh• ch&mpa wu ace.pt.cl by the Tan to ctve them another crack at a fl~ down. Berry waa cauaht ror a yard to.a. howner. and T&mura W•nt back to punt. All week Da ve had· been prac· Uctnc klcklnc away from Flynn. He wu probably the lftOCtt 1ur· GIGANTIC END OF THE -YE•R SALE SAYE SAYE SAYE on 1955 Johnson Outboard · Motors YOUNGSTERS TURN IN STANDOUT PERFORMANCES IN RIFLE SHOOTS Tt'ddv Ha•jdock .,;th I and Jl'ur-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil.-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• llne Ru11 ""tlh a tally. A H ·\'<'llr-<'lld b<lv and a 17- ,.ar·ol I Jllrl turnt>tl In •tAn1frout perform11nct'8 tn rt'rf'nt 11·11\'tll!'.• a t lhr ~011t h C ia"t H1nr nn•I Pht- t ol Club nPar 1 'nron11 11<'1 Mar otr kM' Arthur 81\•d. lt'<'tM a 11harp11hontf'r C'llllll brnn7l' rlnn· F.11rl T1Alhn1111 ~nuth t.fliru· mf'dlll In the Smallbort ft 1 (I c n11 K.1rl RIAi a nd l'llf'Wllrt Sharp· tournr)'. 'hrl<ll• r 1hvl1uon: McPhte. P1yne Othrr Herbor 11rr11 w1nnf'r1t In 11nd Heag. I hP 11mallbore tn11 mC'y: Gt Iii med· StPWllr I pre4111Pnt of I hi' club HI OVl'nlll wlnnf'r. Ks.ti 5t&I, 1~ .. 11111hlt&hf'•I the-ran,:4' '"'"'I In lm.ll&n Koren were Tom FeM· l•r end Bill Ktnn .. dy with TD• and Okk Rapp "'1th a conver1lon. The lndian• alao racked up 'a Pf tty. S teve Robtneon •CONd all tt MESA UPHOLSTDING n! the Cardin&! polnta., but t.My ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ werl.'n·t enough to top Ole O lanta :u1 lhe rivsh won 28·1t. J.rry Hehn and Brian Lucu each aeor• rd 13 point. for the Olanta. Hehn'• second TD comlnir In the tlnal two minute.a ot play. The victory mPant llf'l"Ond pla~ In Ole e~UI gnde 1t.a.ndanga for Ole Olanta. .ludy Rrgsrn, ti. 30 E. :?,l~t SI , :>Jll Mon11olcl S1l vrr me•lal m.,.· MalC'h 1 with a l<'Orl' or 400 x 27 Caat11 Mt..., 11et 11 new ranitt te1 -t'it~rt division l..ar11 S t a I. ()(t. 14. Thr srll11llb<>re n~lr tciur· record :'lltl\'. 11, wtnnlnir lht M er· l\lll Mangold: T Duncan Sttwa.rt narnent11 aie a prrovr•I by· lhr N •· all 11nlJ me<1111 In 40 11hot,. At ~0 1 183 S harrcUf! R11A1I. llon11I Riel .. A1t<'>c111t1"n of Amer· metru. 11nv -'lj:hl. w llh a 11<'ore I Bronu me d 11 J "'hllr pthonttr '"" 11n!I h<'lr1 1·vrrv Fl ltl•w. JttArt- of 400 x 32. Ml1111 Re.i:11n lll110 <'Op-rlr1M: Klme11; J uhn R. McPhee. ln1t 11.t 7 !\I' JI. m, Th<>y ~re open p-1 • aherpiih()(lttr cl11u broll&t' 617 P oppy; and )flu Reiran. l~ lhf' p11hll<'. medal In 10 llhola nt !'IO >'II rd 11, Bronze medal m.-rk•m•n cl ... : Wtnnf'r• nt lh4' ~11nd11v rifle -------------- met&lllo 11111h1a, In thr Smallbor• 1 Krnnt'th L. P1yne. 612 Hrlto· •hont .Nov. I :i lndurl"d Ha~bontu ft1tle tourney. trope: KlillUn 1... St.Al. 12. 1'1111 B.4 L. Dav11. 00 9,.rnard St .. Co11- Davld Klmt'.s, 14, 418 Snur Marigold; Aahby le. Powell. 8lt la if,,a, 1told m\"11111 In Hunter'• Harbor, nab~d a cold rnf'dal In Poln11ettla ; Marc• re t •Da.lhaua. blf bore rnatl h and J1Clk Palmer. U\• Short newar matrh Xov. 13 31'82 ratr"1ew. South LAininll 177 Cttll Placf', Co11ta MMa. gold and a lrilv,.r cup In t hf' Jnulor and Norm ~gr. 720 Hrl1otr••pr m't1•1 1n · t h" muu l<' loadl!r1 tua. matdl N.w. l2. He ai.o col-I Maleh 2. muter • e.x.put dlvl-i ma tch. Rrne 1<hooll ue IMlld lb• I llrrond Sunday of each month &l)d &r. open to Ult publlc. Next ahoot 111111 be Dec. 11 a t 1 p. m. Next junior rift• lhool will be Dec. 11. etartJns at 9:30 L m. Tbl• wlll be Ule dub'• an11U&I JWUor CINtmat llaOot. 'I I *Boats* Corne In and See 'lllese" loats and Moton Displayed In our Showroom / ( -/. Atemic Aid Fihn Sh9wn by Speaker to Junior. Ehell ' WSCS Circles Meet Nov. 30 TM woman·• 8oclet1 of Qlrie. tlaa a.nte. ol tbe Balboa bl&ad o-mauy X.t.bod19t Cbu.rcla u. ... M~ IO, u the da)' for all eftle ~ ,.. tbe --~ LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFl .. D D 11 .. CTO I Y) New M·embers Welcomed, Given Federation Plns TIM llatllla Ortl• ril DMMt at t:IO L In. at the home of Mn. APl'Ll&NCIB -Bo•• ... Bw.. llm1tb. IH .A.polena .A.we. = ~· ~ ne Ru~ Clrd• &190 meet. at MM Via UM -ear'-t'ltT "The ability to recopbe and haft tbe 4HDJqr IN to admit lbat auch a thing u an atomic attack e&n happen here' ii Important," said Rolla J . Weiw', •PNktnc at the Nov. 17 luncheon of Junior Ebel1 Club. held at Chrt.tlan'• u.. -. bOUI' at the home ot AUl'OllOBILID 1ur m .r.C ~ Kn. c. Douc1aM hlT)', 311 CrJ· N-and '\IMd Can .... • Nlosm&ft 8TUDD+Oa Mn. P. r. Bain• W'lll lloet... &a.. llerYtee ..,.. ti..)(.,., Circle al 12:30 p. m. llll N.....,n m.d. -Bar. Ill 1Mr home at OT Pirate Rd. Tiie BAND HvL A ftlm, "Flub of Darkneu", L1d1a Circle, which meet. ln the wu pr-nted by the ape&.ker, ln by Dee. '-,,._ Mill wtll be ~ of A 11rlea NT • BA llbowlnc emerrency flrat aid dur· Dec. I at 1 :IO p. m. at Amertc&n rnnlnc at 1 o'clock. will ptller MM Via Udo -Manor Ull ln to I bo b t ... Larton HaU. at the bome or Mre. Otto Hoes, I an a m c m a l&ca , D&t.e o( Dec. JI hU been Mt Ill VlctOC'la Ave., Colt& M..._ BAUER 8BOP8 NEW M.EMJU:IUI for tbe nut aecutlft board -==========~;=;;_ LIDO 8RAVINO llUO New membt!ra accept~ and meettnf, to be lleld at the iMlme P la llldwell'• 8&en for II• pruented their f~eratlon p In 1 ot Mn. Tom W~ '37 1U1 Via Udo -....._,. dN were Mme•. Phillip Mauer &Dd i..om~ Canyoa a.o.d. Robert Diemer. Baby IPOOD9 were preemttd to Mrs. C<>erae Gurr. penny arta Mra. Woodward and Kn. Robert chairman. gave a report on her Hauk ua booor of thelt new u- recent trip to the 3~lh NaUonlll rt~ TAKE OFFICE -In an exchange of gavels at the.in- atallation luncheon in Villa Marina restaurant the n~w president and other officers took over guidance of the Mothers' Club of Coika Mesa Betbel 157. Job's Daugh· ten. Above, left to right, are Mrs. Ernest Church, treaaarer ; Mrs. Rex Albright, new president~ Mn. Er- nest Crain, retiring president : Mn. C. Orby Andel"80n, eecretary and)Mrs. Harold Beebe, vice preaident. ltxhlblUon of the caJlfornla Wa--------------ter Color So(:lety at Long ~h -Staff Photo · Municipal Art ~ter. With her were Mmee. Gurr . lldward 'Kelly, J. Robert MaddOll, Tom Baume and John McCarty. Mother's Club of Mesa Bethel Seats Officers NEWPORT HARBOR A new chaJrmanahlp wu an· nounced, operation GI, to be head- ed by Mra .. Ru-11 Hampton. Op· eratlon 01 will un<!ertalle to aave \ fttamp1 to be aent to eerv1ce ho•- p~tals to be uaed In therapy and recreation for veteran•. TINSEL TEA Mra. Gorton, way1 and me&n• chairman. bu requuted that all decoration• for the TlnHl Tea be MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'• Editor Service Change at Saint James , Chrysanthemum decked tables in the Holiday Room of Villa Muina Re8taurant welcomed members of J ob's Daugh- ters Mothers Club for luncheon and installation of new of. ficera, Wednesday, Nov. 16. The group will serve a six monlh.1' term. Mra. Emut Crain, ffcrel ,.1 Miiton 8 11 r 1 • ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE I MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 HOLIDAY DECOR The Rev. John H. Parke, rec· tor. I• announclnc a ch&n(• In ac-ht<tule of llt'rvlcn at 1st. Jamu Eplacopal Church on ThanJuflv· Ing day. oul·l'Olng premldPnt, opened the P • te 11 • 111 n mtttln1 and preeenled new offl· abhlnkr.l Harding Edklrui, lravellni.t I II a1 e . cers. w))o wen! n11.& ed for the M ~ h tl d d th I comln1 aix month lerm. Th e y I'm r11 w 0 a «"n e e un· included· • cheon enJ w1tnuset.1 1natallat1on • wt•n!, Mmu. Erne11t Crain, Rt'x Ebe11 Clubs Will Join in Yule Musical Tea Yollowtnr the custom of pre· viou.e year• they will be a Hr· vice or Holy Communion at I a. m. and family aerv1ce at 10 a. m. wtlh the Cherub and Jun- ior Cholrw parttclpalln(. Mmu. Relit Albrtchl. pre1ldenl; Albright. C Orby Ander110n, J11l'k Harold Bee!M, vice prHldenl; C Harri11. Ernt'•l ('hurch, J:CJwenl 1 •. 0Tby Anderaon, ~rt'lary; and 1 Ho~I. J <>4' K Kinca id, t:harle11 o. Ernrat Church, lreuurer. J11C'ob11, David Can . Olt'nn Oy· When hundrrd11 ot !!:bell mem-the tea a nd of decoratlnJ t he bf-rs ll n d th1'1r t,"Ufl l• gather table. Aa an added feature lhP 01'•' 8 Ill I 30 p m. for lhl' third junior Jrl UUp hu bffn tiivlled lo Sunday Musicale annual Tinsel Tt& on Amu1e1n provide a buan bootll Roy Reid Brtcnall. member of l..ei;11m rlub hOUff. It will be a Mrs. Dan Gorton, wiyi and the Roy&I Society of hacllera, combln!'d effu1·t of bolh jul'\Jor mC'ana chairman, llu bffn galh· London, El\l'tllnd and of th• ln· and Bt'nior dubll. «"ring Chr1almH decoration• made tematlo.nal Aaaoclated &:hoot.a of The n~ pretldrnl appolnted Mrl. Roy M11nn. Harolrl Bttbt>, the following chlllrmen for th,. Paul Cooper, W1llh• Sanger, T. E en1uln1 tum; MmH. Charl11 Ary Kelly, A. L. Robeaon, H. K. Wiii· J r.. publicity: He-rMrl Ja<'klOn, 3,.)•. Chart ... L. Ary Jr., H. L. hostf'n eommltte.e. P.:dward L. Hllllartl, H .,. Speth, RAy Tr11111 - .Hot>tol. telt'phone: ~nard Robe· wetn. W . L. Mlllt>r and Gordon Z. eon. lnaplraUonal; Ralph Herr, Smith. Th, grou1>1 h11v" ~rurw l.ynnt by membeni for the l!oelh. Ow· mu I I <: waa featur~ Sunday at Sh11nnon, nanatol'f, Ht-ndrlk di' Ing to limited cas>41C'lly of the 7:SO p. m. In a muaical pf'OIT'lll'll Boer, ll'nor a nd Karin Bt11tr. dubhouae mem!Mra of both club• at Flnt Bapti•t Church, ca.ta. harplal, who wlll present lht'lr are urred lo aecure pHt ticket.a M.... Thtre were eelecUona by "Chrlatmu Around tht-World" .,. aoon 11 po•lble. varloua vooa.I S1"0"1>9· Than~giving Services for Harbor Lutherans a pro1;ram In kffplnc with thf -:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:=;:;:;:=~ w..on. • Colo l"f'\ll Thllnke(1'finc Da y 1u- V1ru .,.('tnn1nc ~t. t :ao a m. u t achtduled tor lbe t.Jllrd cooaecu· U~ year at Newport H&rtlor Lu· thrran Ch\U'C_b. The cllurch 1roundt a.nd lnttr· lor wilt be decked with bnftll barvtat acenH wllh 1p.c1a l wor· •hip toldere carryinr; out the aame Iheme. The aermon by Pu· lQr Robert B. Gronlund will be "Thanke r or Whal!" w 11 h 'nl.anlu&1vtnc to Olr11tmu World· Christian Jew Will Address Baptist Men Tomonow nllflt. lb• Men'• Brolher1'ood of Collt& M ... S.p· tlJlt Cbv.rcb wUI m•t a t 6 '30 tor dinner. rouow1nr thla Mike Friedman. the ChrUUan Jnt from Santa Barban. .nu brtnr a mu- .,.. Hie topla will bo "Why J •• a J e w Became a OlrtaUan Jt'w." R• wW bo (Olnc Into diet• a ry lawa, cu.tom• and ntuala of Ule Jews. havt111 ron• UirouKh \.he syn&(O(l.le fOf' 1 ~ ,. .. ,.. and will br1n1 .omo of hla Hebrew bOoka wtth hlm which tie uMd In the Hebr"' echool. Friedman will alao tell of tl\f pt'fMCUllOn• that beftll hlm Al the handa of the CknUlu and nf his 4 'it yu,.. In the Infantry In Ult Jut war. Thoae Wbo do not u.ulllly at· tend lhue Brotherhood dlnner11 ahould telephone Ubt'rty 1-1733 for ruervatlona. wt•I,. BlblP reeding ~kmlrk• al· Ml lll•lrlblllC'd ('Mtrr •nd douahnut.a. a lao • Thankt~\/ing tradition. w111 M 1tf'rvPd by men of the rhurch 1n the r srt'h HOUIW from 9 to II 30 •nd •&•In from 10 30 onl1l 11 a. rn. A 1111~'""-f~LUrf of lhl .. y ... , • Th&nk111;1v1n1t Vblot'rv11nct "'111 b, the (1rlll llf>llf!A rAnC"t' of \hr (..'att'll 11na Chanc-"I ('hmr11 In thtll nf'w c-holr robl'11. The Chane'\'1 C"ho1r. with t11 the 1.t1u lt irroup will bf' u rllye<I In row 11 or gamel with Junior lt~ll mem~r Mrt1 fWn· •Id Blrlehf'r will be 1n cnar1e ot Boy for Bregands An 1v1ng on J'l:ov H tn Sl Jo- ffPh Hoapltal "''118 • boy IOn of Mr an•I ).1 r11 Ant1r,. Brer;ilnd. 2614 Fairway Ortvt COftta Mo• Th• 1Rt1 llppffi the .calu at I lb• 14 01: Am1>rlran1 Ap•nd ¥bolll $9 bll· lion a )'~•r tor autdmobllt' var11- t1on1, rf'pc1rtf'<I lh11 Na tlon11I .... A U• tomribtl,. Club Thi• lnclude8 1111 f'lt~nl'f'a 11\Jl h 0 (l:U . Ull. •hot& ... and mnl11 the chJldren'• Carol Choir appear· lnlt' 1n narc blv" The robes. 67 In all, w11r,. purt'hUf'd thll' month In hom>r of lh•• 10th ou1nlvn•Ary 1 of the congn•gat1on PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY Th, it.art nt the ntw C'hurch year will be obMrVt'•l Sunti&\', Nny 21. Ill lhf' rhureh with dup· 110 ftroadwa7 -Coeta •- l 'MI- 1.JIN-ri! B·HSS llntc Al1Yl'?1t MrvlCf'• at 9 11ndJ 11 16 a m P :v lor G1 nnh111.S'1 f1rel ... rmon In hui Advent at'1 lt1 Of tour will ~ "Tbe Loni It Coming '' ------------- : BEACON PERSONNE( ltHCY Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers HARBOR 4969 I Mary Lou.he-Mattingly Mary .Jant' Baoitf'rt 41S 3ht Strttt. l"iPwport Bf-act. .. Ice Cream I 3 delicious flavors hand-pecked $1 .65 ff.e quart 8 European Weter Ices hend-packed $1 .2 5 the quer+ •.fll. ../!.__... __ 11 •• ~ Have you tried Wil Wri9ht' s ~ ~ ltand-dipped chocolates?· . 17th I Coast H ... way NeWl»f' Come 1-s.. the lemltlful Door Prize whldl we wlll award at the Cooking School. This BeautiJul Grand Aware/ aho awarded courtesy LI DO ELECTRIC m--.-... II ,., l••l tl 111• .. ,.,.,,,,. ..,., ,_ -,.,., ... , .. •• ,_ •• ,. l•fl•· ,., ........ . l relltr l :.:.--:o:. r.= ....... --''· ,, ... ,. .. _ .......... . ........................ ,._..._ -· .... "' .................. ...... .............. ..,....... ........ "' .... ....................... . ......................... ~--to.tr ........ _ CMlliwa • ~ ...... ---•• , lrtal A-4 .,..'II eeler .. .., .......... ...... .,, ... ·.u ...... ........ w..i .... ..... ...._,... ,,...,,,_ ....... _ ___ ,.,...,. ..... ",... ..... __ ........ --~-,.. ..... O-"er9 ........ • , ... ~ ¥Hd&.1N. ........ ~,.,.... co. 3424 Via Udo Newport leach Harbor 4'791 WAVES or SPECIALS Coat.lete s10.oo t7so , .......... a short VACATION at Pia Penw Wne $5.00 • Palm Springs Las Vegas 357 N. Newport llY. Crouroadl Village Center Bldg. oppollite Hoag Memorial Ho.pital Uberty 8-2W . or S-Francisco We plan your Accomodatiana Large or SmalJ COl'OllCI clel Mar Travel Service Ordlld a Cout Rwy. Harbor 1%46 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • WHAT's DOING T. M. Hambrook. your T tlepfloM M1n1111 1n NtwPort Belch • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Christmas gttti everyone in your family win enjoy Time 1ure flle9. and Chriatmu bl almoet here again. So why not take a mlnute out right now and go Cbriatmu ahopplng for your family. Below are 1ome of the telephone glfta from wblch you can chOOl!e-. They'll bring new pleuure to your bome not Jwtt al Cbrlltmutime but evtry day oC t.be year. . Color phonee: F or added bnuty and convenience In every room you UM a lot. Come In red. Ivory. brown, grttn •.. blue, beige, yellow. or ~my. Aleo in two-tone combination•. Mom. e.pec:lally, would be pleued with ao a ttractive gill like thll. Spnke~one11 You can uee tbll ,... mukable new hand.l·f..-td~pbone wtlboul llftlng the receiver. Talk con- veniently through th&miJU&lure ml· crophone. Hear at a di.t.ance through the loud.lpealrer. Call be Wied like any otbn phone. loo. lllumlnated dl1l1: Wben you lltt t he receiver of thil 1pecial telepbont. th._.. djal 11ghta up automatically. Olallng ia euy for you even ln total dark· neu. Juat the thlng for bedrooll'l8 and any other dimly Ill place. Mfft Lela Cientry -Y os Chief Operator Chltf ope~ator for Paci"lic Tele- phont'• Newport BMch e~hanr• 1lnre~, Mn. Otntr)' hu 11ttn the I fon:e of telephone Optora· t ora from S6 1(1rl1 17 yean .. o to a current total of 140. Th• telephone woman bae Just com• pletod 32 1•n of 11e"•lcr Ln the 81'11 Sy1t4m. She hall 1ttn at flnt hand the fabu.loua rrowt.h ot Ulla erea and r~all1. tor lnal&llce, that there. were only 1600 telephoCI• herP when 1lle cam• to ?l;ewport• B&lboa. Today that number bu STOWn lo 18.600-a.nd lt'a atlll In· creaalnc. 81.&rUnc her carMr u an operator In P'ullerton alter cruluatlon from that city'• hltb IChool. Mra'. O.itlrJ l.aler IM'rved u au~90r In Ana.helm. 1n 1930 ahe wu appointed evenln1 chlef operetor In the Anaheim office and wu named F ulltrton chief optrator In 1932. Mr•. O.n· •try and' her husbelld, Cale, live al 1113 lelh Strnt In Newport Beach. He.own• a pharmacy In Bannlnf. The t4'\lephnne woman'• daUl}lter. Mr•. Jacqulyn Ruhl C.ltln. gndu~ted from Newport Harbor Hlfh llad now mak• har home In Northern C&llfom1a 1t T racy, 8b• haa twin 80fta, 2~ 7.-r-oW Mich.el and ~IT)'. BEAUTY PA.BLOBS UDO SALON OF BEAUTY HU Npt. lllVd. -Bar. t61t BOOKS BOOll CASE UH Via Udo -Barbor "" C.ulERA.8 a Sappllee VINCENT UDO D&U08 Htl Via Udo -llattlor 1M1 CARPETS a DRAPERIES DIC& llACIUta • Ult Via UM-Barbor btl CATERINO &IOllAJU>'8 LIDO llAAllET WI Via Udo -HartMtr SUI Clothlag-CbJldreaa a la.fut. IER.1'8 or UDO M06 Newport Blvd. CLO'l'IDNO -Mea'a· BetaQ &IDWl:l.l.'8 SHOP FOil llEl'f Mii Via Udo -llutMw "61 CLOTBINO-Womm'a BeWI LA. llEll\'I! ... V1a llalac-8.artlor &llt UDO F A8KION8 MD Npt. 8ML -...,.._ Int 8HADDOCll'8 UJI Via Udo -Barbor Mn VAGABOND HOUSE lmportod Sporuwur UH \'la Udo -Harbor tOO& DRUG STORES VINC'f;NTfJ UDO DIUJ08 lttl Via Ude -HarbM awl El.EC'l'RIC OONTRA<-TOBS UDO Eu:cTKIV UH Via Lido -Harbor Ut1 FOUNTAIN, GRlLL VINC&Nr• UDO DRUOIJ ..,, Via UM -llarllor aoea RAMM a A.LBUll.8 OEKBUDT 8TUDI08 Mlt V .. UM -Haner uot FUBND'UBE DIO& llACJU:a MM Via Udo -Banor Ull OIFr SHOP · UCllA&D'flJ LIDO MAIUD:T WI VI& Ude -llartlor 1111 INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. BUCK. I.NC. .... \'la Udo -llartMw "" INTERIOR DECJOIUTO&S BLAN<JKE rtJUlEll80N A .1.0. Hit \'la Udo -U&rtlor UM Dll'k MACIU:R IUO \'la Udo -Harbor UJI DON CRE IOHTON A. I. D. lt~a amperta 690 v-.. 1ta1aca -Harbor un MARKETS RICllA&O'~ UDO MARlll:T Mii V\a U6o -Harbor Hta REAL &ST ATE UDO llEAJ..T\ A!'80CIATE9 U do Sa.Ju • Rental• NOO \'la Udo -HartM>r •..U P.' A. PAI.MER ISC. USS via Udo -hal1>or 1600 \'OClt:I. ('UMPA.~l' 1411 \la Udo -Ka~r till BAY ASO BEACH KEALTT \'la Udo Brtdre Ortlr~ 111% ~a)elle -Harbor IMI SAVINGS " LOAN ASSOCIATIONS 1\t;WPORT BAL.BUA !'A \'l~l#· a WA~ A880CIATIO!ll A Sav1ng11 ln1Ulullon I.one Terrn llome Loanlf net \'la Udo -Harbor Hot 3ERVICE STATIONS UDO RJCKt·ar.LD Mii Newport Blvd.-ffat. Un SHOES -Men'• BIDWEU..'8 KTQRE f'OR M:J:N IUI Via Udo -~r OMI SllOF.8. "OMEN &ULE'8 OF OAUFOIU'ilA Mlt Via u..-HA 1166 l'llE&'IBES LIDO TBEADE C9uu)t th1a paper for procram Vie "'° M H.wpon aa ... ...... ...... • l'OY8. UDO T01'1ANI> "" V1a I.Me -lluMt ... l'IU. VEL AOENCIE8 BA..&BOa TaA VEL AODCY U.UN_.,....~.llM UPBOLBTEBINO DIC& llAC&E& un V1a u.. -RarMr ma W A1'Cll aEP AUi VINfJENT8. WATCH Rr;PAJS UDO DRUGI' Mil Via Udo ... \ \ PAGE 2 ·PART11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRES:> MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 Trailer Cabana Plan Denied by County T\&IUa .IA .... aortMut ti Coet& w .... Ch.let re-aon tor lb• tMlllal waa lack 'Of adtqu•t• parkJ._. apace. Com mlNion.r Wall« W t a"' • r moved ror denial of ll\t vartance In tht 1uburb&JI reeldaatlal d1to trtct.. BANTA ANA. (OCNSl -Prod· ded by a denlal recommendation ot lbe Colla Meea Plannlns Com· as.ton. the county plafU\tr• Wed· needaJ turned down ~tn Ha- aen'a 11'41Ulll for pum!N lOn to erect cati.nu on .. ch lot of a u.Jler park at Eut 2lll St. and -Stand by your loca l newapapen they are the but rrt~oda &ll7 orrantsed community ca.n ba.,.. .. TOL!C.:DOWN PARTY al Balboa Bay. C.ub lasl week was first in series to gi\'en at Newport club witl1 member host s and hostesses as palrons for the cv~ning. Decoratio!ls included rollege banners. goal posts and miniature pompons ... here dancing are shown Biji and Toby Wilcox of Lido Isle as they chat with Philmer Ellerbroek and his charming wife Nita. -Terry Boris Photo SEALARKING 83• GINNY (MRS. EDWARD LESTER) SMITH ABOARD A LIDO HEARTH: TENNIS TOOK the .spotlight Il took a l'hlladelphla lawyer to 11!~0. Wht'n the Bblboa B11y Club kei>p tr8l'l ot Newpm lors t h i a ttnnl~ learn ·nll't the R11cquet put Wt'ek-end as they came and Club plM~·ers Ill Pnlm Sprtnga .. wrnt by Ian(! ,nd •"8 KathHtne and Van Ztrbe pianne<I NEWPORT Y A C H TS M !!; N a cocklatl party tor lhe ne tter& were b1u1y i:1tturt111y l'Ltllln~l artcr th1· matl'hcs .. among 111 the Sl'\'<'nlh Annual \4 Mlle tho., .. lnvlttd : B11rbara 11nd Rlllph Bank Race wh1cb Is always 1tn A111lcr11011. 81)1 &nd Toby Wilcox, Pxc1t1ng one "''•·Bthl'r·Wtst ... Pat ('oberly 11ml of counse thlll amung the 1•ntntoa: Doll.It a n d r hRrmlng l\n•I 11ttrectl\·e Racquet IHvw•rd Ahman .. on·a lovely f8al Club t•uuplt• V1rg1ma sn•I Charlie 'cray hullt>d S1rl11e: lrvlng Law· F'iu r.·11 st whOt<•• dub the party m11n'1 Tanialu:i, Bill H aa•'• Ty" took place !>"•'. Ou1lle\' J arr<'ll's Maclcap , SUNUA Y AFTERNOON t h " Reviews Books for-Ebell Groups Mr11. E. L. M11n8'y g11Ve 11horl reviews of two books, Two Str in1o:a to My Bow aml Madne1111 In the Spnng, when :\:'> mernbf'r11 of E bi-11 Club boo¥ 11ect1on 2 · 11nrl g11.rden sec:lion met 11t Olt rlub· hOUKe. fl waa a nosf'bllR lunchron with Mra. Murray Rabbitt. rhatrman or the gard•'n 11ect1on. 11erv1ng cof· ftt Mr11 Frank r errw la rh11lr· man of the brlok 11~rtrnn The two groups will meet t o&tlber 8~Bln on Q,•C 11. THE OROAS YOV CA..., l'LAY AT OSCE! Ule "oederfUI - MR ~. GEORGE ROBERT BURKHARDT Bill !'<t wJ's Lln•IY , and Or. Ram· Ch1hlr,.n·1 Home S1K"1l'lv htld op· I on Spnuler'a ,l•lltnu. 11mon1 tht Pn houee a l their nl'w S11nt& Ana 40 or more umler 11all. I ct>nter, anti . Sunday e ,. e n I n g HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Curtis Portrait Dyantha French Says Vows in Beverly Hills Balboa Island Home for ' the George Burkhardts Church Women Form Chapter FOOTBALL FANS wtrt ktpl th,.1 e wu J unior Jlnundup and I busy Satunlay conctntraunr on pot-luck 11upper at Ct Andrew'• their favorite team, with the ma· C.:hurch to which the panmtJt wert jorlty ot Newport fan• warming alao lnv1ltd. I the b e n c h ~ti watching l h I' A NEW HOME tor Thanksglv· U C.L.A.·S.C. Game. AIUaon 11.11d I I lh I I I k r-; o Dtck Lo I d tra led f th ng 1 e ove Y P n • ew r· ve an ~e ur ur Jeana Via Wazlcr1 abode In whlrh away lD watch Dick 1 alma matar Mre. VlrJlnla Dabney • Badtt.m of ILCM League ~;:::!1'".i.o~:y~.~.y~lllle ; w111 hu ju•l moved torether with her AT THE BAY C LUU Frid dau11hter. Mn. W illia 8 I a y n e Co M •Y Thomu "h~ former Marilyn Bild· A. 1ta u a chapter of the> the glamoroua H eaddreu Ba 11 hal'Tl 1 a nd llttle Che 1 w lco lntem11tlon1 I Luther11n C: h u re h I holding forth. thla year with the lo Lido Vlr inla. ry · • '!le Mlaalonary Leaeu• ot thl' Ml11· u oUc fl owered cha peau)( depict· ' g aourl Synod WU formed lut w~k Ing Fant.ula of Blr<U. With pro· T?UCH OOWN PARTY •l the by "'om en m tmber11 of Ch r 111 t cedea to benefit the Long Bea.ch BBC rerf.'nlly wu • ball with l.utheren rhu~h m~llng 11t the A.wullary of the Southern Callfor-everyone havtni-the Ume of thtJr paraonacf'. Mra. Charla Schllebe nla Symphony Auociatlon: llvea · · · Wayne Ferrt'll lntroduc· and Mra. John Odeler from St. FRIDA y ALSO Kathryn a nd In.: new prutd•nl • director Ed J ohn'a Church In Oranre were Rou C..tmdyck hoet~ an ele-Crowley · . &!90 there, honort'd Pr"'Mnl to aulll In or,a.nlution ganl form11l 1black tltl rtlnner· ltU!'1t11. 11port1 writer Braveu Oyer end anl!Wer queallo~ dMce al their IO"rely t.radHJonaJ a nd UC L A. Alhletlc V 1.P. Don ne Wlloa. l"uDltJ eu P'-1 I' Wltlaou' a....o-! Soft light from pale yellow randies gleamed on green tree fe rns and chry8alltht'mum.s in shades of yellow to flame which adorned Beverly H ill& LYtheran Church when Dyantha Roxatnc F"rench nnd George Robert Burkhardt plighted troth in a double ring ceremony performed by the Rev. Geor«e Att~ood. Th• brh1,. Is th<' l'rnyP1 "'. daughter ot Mr11. Phi Ill' F:ui;ent I 1-·11r h,. r daughtn'a wedding F rencb ot 211 Lark~rur Ave. and Mrio. F'1 enl'h WM gm•med ln pink the late Mr. fo~rt'rwh. 11nJ thr brn<"nclt' with matd1inir arcrnof"• br1deJ'rOOm la lh<' aon of Mr . a nu I IPs and t·or11age of n~me glarnel· Mra. Geori;;" Burkh11rdt, 878 W ll1LS. Mr!l. Uurkhnrdl wore 11tetl llUI st.. eo.ta Mes.t\.. hlUl' with bead trim and cor1111,e omcer11 tll'i:ted tor the n 1 w Lido Nord llayfront home ••. lh• Alhley · · • Member hoata and &roup were Mrs. v H. Hale-. pre· hoWle a bower of nowera wit hoa~s11H for tnn1ng: th,. T o d 11\Jf'nt: Mn• Carv Frf'drtkaen vice the p1ctureeqoe un-ace tented atlJI. E. H. Sklnnt'rl, MaJCwell pr,.,.10tnt Mr• F:mtl Roth A«re· for dancing • • • Storir"~"• and <Hore" Yanlleya. tary ; Mr~. Art hur Shafer.' l rl'U· tJEA!ll A~~JO~!ll GLASS ho.· urer. and Mre. Lolhar Tornow. • •mar !'llunY nlcnt dtnner ront11rt rh1urmkll. Meetln1tll will Calendar party al their 1tunnlnr modl'm be htl<.l on lhe tlri t Friday of Udo h ie home for Pal and Vin~ uch month 111 2 p, m . al Lhe pllr· Healy. OonnA and !)11·k Ml\r1tlld. Come In and Prove It to yourself We a1M tav1S. 7oa &o come la aod lt7 Ute "" OammoDd apt.Ms Orc--N-AnllaMe 110nllgt f E Mar1111rf't Trider V. hltt. Fran and Group• that wlll be lncorpontt"d 0 vents Linn Wllliami. OVER A ~D OUT Into thl' 1.t"•l!U" are altar or chlln· eel. par1M w orkera. welfare and ln•tltullonal. ho11plt&llty or cattr· Inf, 1tudy irroup. youll\ N rvlce and aC'tlvlllu DANZ· SCHMIDT BIO PlA."'lO a OROA..'1 STORE Bea441ua.ri.n for AU lloclel. 11.ammoDd Or('Mla DyanlhA wu ell<'orted by hH oC Amt rlrnn Buuty glamrlllu. uncle, Mr. H11roltl A. BJOrl(o. RF-Cl!:J\'I!: AT Cffl 'RCH down an nlsle betwr tn J'11"WS ~ur· Thr r<'r<'pllnn wa" htld 11l U1e landed with ~ol<I 11atln rtbhon 1111.i rh11n h. Toi it and the ceremony with rhrv111nthem11m11 rn11~hl At t:.t:i guf.'at8 w~re bidden. .A»ll'llng b~ nf ' rnn1lrl11br11. Htr brl•IAl with recep Uon llelaila were Mra. r own w"" nf <"h11nt1llv l11rf' rl•1<•r J11ck Burkhardt, .Mr1. W. C. Buch· lenglh with nn lrl"<'l t nt nylon terldrcllen and J.{n. J. Howat:d pleating •It>« n th•• full flowing Ttnkham. Charter mt'mb!'ra 11rr Mmes. NOV. 21 TRA VEl Fil.MS of 8Weden. High Sc-honl Aud. 8·3n pm •Bir.PW, 6 :4:S p.m. NHYC. NOV. n UDO Women's Club HARBOR ST AR O.E S 8 I'm. JOOF h~ I SOROPTIXJ8T. I a m. Balboa I NOV. U Haines Son Born t.fr. and Mra. RoOAld Hatnu . 1827 Orang<' Ave.. Co8l& Mesa, are partnta ot 1 11on. born "'ov. 11 In Sanla Ana Community HM-- pita.I. He welJ:hfd 7 Iba. 8 ox. ID !-GU O 6t0 No. lllal• /Jian o ~11~/ruclion 11klrt. A tl11r11 nf jt W"l"d medal· Tbe new ).{n . Burkhardt wore llon1 held h,.r flnlf"tllp ,.,.II oC a r ay t ravellnt C,l09tume for the Imported ~Ilk lllua1 •n St" wo~ honeymoon al La.a Vepa R n d lonr glovf', and r1'n1r1l • "''hilt Or.lid Canynn. wtlh the orr hidll prayer boak nn "hlrh v. tr,. two from h r r brtolal bouquet. Shr wa,. 1oldtn throe ti!'! Whitt' 11rth11l11 ellucRttd in B< vt'rly HIU., 11chooh1 with b n u,.• r 111 a 11 n •I •ntln I a.nd hl'r huaband a t Newport Har- F!orl J Wagtr. V . H . Hale, G1try fo"'r\!•lr'lksen. F:mll Hoth. A rthur Sh•ftr. l Ath11r Torn<>w. Edwin 'T'onnl'. K tnntth Dutro. W . E Wthntlr. L. A Vick. Paul Todd IUld Ruaat'U HanvelL Rdrei<h· ment.a were M'rvl'd by Mu . T.,r. now wtlh teblu decorated in tu· live fall colora. Bay Club. 1 UNION Than>uc lvlng 1ervlce It --------------1dr&ma. 7 ·30 p.m . SL AndreW-1 TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) AC«'ptln( a UmJted nambf'r of pupli. for plaoo ('on«rt rtaaht of Thre. Coatlnf'_nta OrMJuate SluMllt of ~la Bartok Son for Tiptons 11trearner11 oor Htg'h School. l t wu a t lb. aon, bom on Nov H> In St.. JCM1tJ>h Ho.pit.Al to Mr. and Mra. Dalt Tipton. 16117 Pia· cenlla Ave.. Coal& Mela. I S F.:0.TOl"RAf,£ The couple w111 live on Balboa Miu Ann OC"""tt ln wac m111t.l Laland. ot honor. wean n g a bal lt'r In a -::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:; length ,1?own of nqua ny•talette Wltb ruffled n\ Ion t ull,. tnKl at l he front. Jlrr hta<lr11•1 c-ond ahort vf'll were In 1q11a Rnrl 11he curled a crtaCt'nl bouqul'l n t j chry1&nlhemum1 In f111l rolo111 tied with «Old ribbon. I Jack Burkha.rdl lt'nl b<'11t m&n a id to hi• brolhrr and u .. htrl' wm Kennt'lh 1'11111 J r. Franrl~ Riiey Md W11lter Buc-htrrktrrhrn. LA TEST. HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP Vicki Rtlty, niece of the brldt· arroom, wu flowtr girl. wurln~ B.u:.BOA TRJJ\TR.E BLDG. a tiool'\..laJ\(tlh t~~ of white n) • B.4.LBOA lon with Utred 11Jltt ontl rl\rr)._ ()pea ~ t.knl 8atvc1&J 1n1 a • baakel ot f'c t umn cbrylNlft • 1 ..;~;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ t11emum1. -r Mrw. 'W111 Mtglnf'lll pll1y•d thr pnilutle and ma.rcnes. and Edwin 8. Weidner aang "Th1ne A lone", •·JJ«auff'' a nd ''The Lord 111 e frvine Terrace S I onb' llontee J M4rocDa, 1 ......... I bf-d rooma, .......... C'aD Barbor 1100 • afar LOOll AND lllTAUIAM BROWPL.Um or ms OOAft $2.75. CREAM OF M'USHllOOlll 80UP OR CON90MlOI KADRIUllMll HEART or ftOIUIMll WTTR PEIUl[M)ll()Nll ENTSEE8 : ROAST 'l'URKET, CBJ:8TNUT DRESSlNG BAKED SUO.\.ft CVRm> HAM, OIUNOll DJU!!Sl51'NO ROABT LONG DLA.ND DUCKUNO, CUMBllJU •• um BAUCE \ CARROTS It PEAS MASHED POTATOES OR CA NDIED YAMS HOT JCNCE OR Pt1MPK1N pa;• MEIUNOUI!: GLACE. WITH RTRA~• IC'fl CR&AJ(• SHERBERT BEVllRAOJ: .. Prubytertan Church. SO\'. t5 F A.C. Card Party, l 2:SO p.m. 4S6 ~rra Drfre Ph. Har. 2089 Corona HJ ltland11 -Corona del Mar SO\'. ti ELKS CHAR.ITT dJnn!'r daN:e. it's "'"u to1111111imt to BANK BY MAIL (polMge-frM both woys ot U.S. Notiono~ I ·~.,.......,.. ................ • C..Meoe. '-0-. •c.tee~ Pwc lflc --~ • ... oi.ee " UNITED STATES NAflON AL BANK 1167 Newport Ave • COSTA MUA •••••• rtoa••' tl,Otlf '"~••'"'''' <OU. ~ •Ulll IHUAI 1utul LIBBY'S PUMPKIN ~o. :z•,, 17~ ·-No. SOS 2 for P EI. MOSTE STEWED TOMATOES .......... No. NI OCEA~ !SPRAY • CRANBERRY SAUCE .......... _ ............ ~ 25c 1tc 21c so. 1y, 31c · PF.I. MONTE PEACH HALVES ............................ ·--1tc MISUTE MA.ID ORANGE JUICE BIRD~E\'t; f"'&OZL'li 2 35 PE AS " ......................... ,., c LIN'D8A V EXT&A~E 31 C PlnED OLIVES .... ~ ........ _ ................ -. -··- CoCKT AIL PEANUTS ........................... 35c Don's Meats • • YREl"R l 'OUS0'8 RAS('ff TURKEYS • • ... , ..... ,, ..... Center Cuts GEESE POPt"l.AK BKA~DS HOUD-'\' ASSOllnRSTS FA~CY lllllPOllTJ;D HAMS • • DICK'S CHEESE • • Gr .. n Groceries Speclallzlng In Q•llty Produce FeaturilMJ This WHk: CAPE COD CRANBERRIES ASSORTED NUTS Lar99 Fancy GRAPES-AH Colors DINER'S CLUB MEMBERSHIP 'HONORED AT the '°'1ltry DIUSING •• , • 43• .... "°'"· ..,.,,,.., luf9,_., oM AJ1orte4 DOUGHNUTS ' .. .,. ..... Uc) Wed OHL y . Nov '23 ........ PUMPKIN '91 5Jc-. 1-tMh lltf. 9'I a l MINCI '" • •• 5Jc ... ~~········· -. Prh·~-f:tfM'th• Sn''"'""'r 2t-'li-u You Sel~ 'The We Deliver Markel Spot. 200 Marine Ave•••· lalbocl hla11cl Harbor 1000 • ' ' I SHERIFF'S BIKE COLLECTION TO BE AUCTIONED OFF DEC. 3 SANTA ANA. 10CNS1 More lhan 40 bkyclu Wiii bl' put up for 11ucllon by lhl' Sheriff'• departm«'nl al 10 a.m !He 3 at lHO Fnut St . Santa Apa, 11 wu announrt'<l today The bt.kea have bf't'n collrcled by ShuHf'a dt'put1u ovrr lhe put M\'t'nll monlhll and nu l'la1m1 have bt'en ffil.•dt for lht'm. DepuUes urgl'd parcn lJC throughou't"-the cbunty to hrln~ their children to th•• b1dd1n~. for 111 one deputy put 1t. "We'tl much rather "el! 11. kid g .. t a nk'<' chrlJJtmas p~iwnt than lt• sell to a-0me d e11 l<>r " All s1z•·s \tnd :ohltP•'"· 1nt•l1'chng boy and ic1rl .style:< of bike.~. an• 1n lhl' aiu•url m• nt 1Book Compton !Men on Lot Two Compton ml'n Wt're book· ,•d nn suspl..-ion of buqilary t'llrly lh11rs.lav wht>n a'h off-duty pohl'<' I l'lrfll'('r 811W lht'm altllnJC In a c•1tr ''" om 1<uln .i .. 1t1er's lot Ill 3'36 I :-.'t>wpo1 t Dl\'ll I Polu·e otr1cer B&J·cl11\' Cuok 1181d I'<' wu~ 1lnv111i: by lhu Int bt!MnJ 11 pohc··· tt11 Ahtllll m11lnli:h1 Wed- I 11cs1ln~ wh•'l1 h .. 1111\'' lh1• 1111·n !11111 lli.:1 h;:hl~ "" th1· J'alrol 1·ttr ,,.,,~st'J H e 11111µµ .. ,1 11~fllc·,•1·s Ly le -----------------------------....;-Hllnle~·son 11nd r.~111 Inn J.'lsher In 1 111" 1•a lrol cttr nntl Jvt111•d lht>m In FOR TURKEY DAY DECOR Rpp1·1·l1('n1l111•! l111• ~ll~pl'C'I" 1:011lwd Ill 11tv J.Jll w,•rt' J ohn \\'<'sh v H1J1l;:«ns 25, ancl l'oul C. 1 ·.-11111111. :w HARBOR ·WOMAN HURT IN CRASH Use Indoor Plants lo Dress Up Thanksgiving Hol eday Table I A c·117•u hox w1111 fuUlltl 11ndu 111 .. f1o'n1 st'''' 111 lht' t'llr ro11t11in- 111•! 22 wat•·h pnwn lu keti.. Pt>t'- 1111ns th•' J o cv.,r, •t.inwcl takmjt \\'hat belier wav lO ,1 .. c·o1 Ill!' fnr Th11nk,.111\'lnf.!' lllhl•• ""''•II a 1.,,,,,. \\ ;ih·h· !' 011,1 ,.11111 h•· hoed pull· you 1 Tltank11g1vin~ t:1bl.. th.111 1 l •un' a1e th" l.acly Mac B.-11rn1u,1:< t:<I rnlu Ille Jarkt'lfl'J lc.t tu r .. µ111r Mns. Jeuie M\Jtphy of Newport Beach Buffered painful cuts Tuesday when her car went o~t of control at 19tb St. an,d Balboa Blvd. and struck a guy wire shattering windshield. Officer Don Graham surveys damage. -Staff Photo ' with 11Jl oorls or 111uuor pl11111 .. ? In lhv raS<' of this B··.:11111·• a11J hii< h i;:ht,;. Thi' anSW<'I'. of cnu1se, th .. 1e 1s no on lh~ •'/\St' uf lhl' 11lht'r flc>w,.r-Buth nwn \\'l'l t' fuund 10 bf> better wav• 111i: plunl> II Ill w ist> lu 01.ter 111 wiinlPJ by Ui:( Angel\'ll police Aud so~e llf lhe be11t plnnt,. fo r oclvanl'P so thHI vour nurseryman .rernrlmertl nn traffic warran:.!< UI· th111 purpose. recumm enrts lhe CH· '"'" ob LR In your 1<t>lt'<'l10ns 1( he 1,.,;1 pollt., SHIU 1 hf'y "'"'" < herk- llfo rn1a AIUl(\('18liun of NU1'8Pry-llor11 not hAv<' lht'm 1n ~lot·k Fu-mg <1ut the pau 1,, :<•·•· if lhtv mt'n, are Lhe flow<•1111g Ai.ale1111. hlll!'e plonti< 8r.-mnre i:•'nerully wt>r,. ie~pon .. ibl,. for buq:lar1e•ll 1~ Cyclamrn 8 ncl Chryt1anlh;>mum11. eva1lable at all llmt'>< rmill San DoPgo rouniy und lht' If you . want a d ifferent type 11f If vnu c·hoose fllht1gt' plan LS rubheo y nr lhP Pl't'cfli· Oo lvt' . In decoration perhaps plRnl•'rll a re 1 make .. urt> ynu h1we t'leep enough Thl'a\n> m Compton 3 SAILFISH IN DAY, ONE LASSOED! Mr ... G<'rl r lHlt· < • s .. ynm11r. obov•. t•Wn"I 11( Hnuslon Realty Co .. ,-,.~111 ;\l1•H1<. Rncl lcwRI 1t'~11h•n1, 11how" the thr<'e 11allf1sh Rhe ··•11J.hl nn '"' r nt 11 1p F u<ti ""'''•· ('a ut:hl in walt>rll off MazRl· 11tn, I bl' i..11ll 11<h 1111 h•f I 1<111' l:•"·""''I urnunll tall with heavy tackle \\h••n Al1" 1h1111ghl ~h·· hrul luwlk·np Jnvei>t1gallon 11howed her line Jfl(lpl'<I ""'un1I ''"' u( flioh tRklnj! 40 rmnulr• lo boat w)lile other I\\ n flRh hrK•kr1p11 ll>f•k univ 1:1 '" 20 mlnule11. Mrs. St'ymour ,.!"'Ill two "'" 11 .. in l\ll'Xlt" fl"h1ni: In Maz.att.n'a lnternatlonal R.1111"11 ltrlfll'o ''"'•II'\ 11 c;u cclnlt1 . .J81 R bullflght. -Fotografla ·r .. r.-~· Time to Help Your Geranium, Fuch si a Plants "Now •~ thr 1cn11 '"' 1tll .:011.i Cerantum i;ncl F1h h~1.1 c•nll1C1•1· 8lllll tn rntnP I Cl I h• IClll "' l l1t•11 i \\ h• 11 winter apprna('ht'a g1trden· • '" on lht·~ clBngf!r arf!aio. snd ov- vr lh" t>nllre stale for that mal- l• 1 ..ti1111lil p111ch am! cul back to , ,.,..,w ~h. PottP!1 C enn11ums •• , .... tllll\' :<hnul<I hllVI' th1io l'Ul· I •II IC 1):11.k A ~ fr,, F'uc-h,.1.i s. they t <><• pror · 11 hv ,, h<>.•vv p111nmg t'fl<'h ye-ar ;111 1 I lhl' Inst 11evere f rn11t o r ynur l1w11l1· F11t h~1n11 (luw t>r nn new '"""' r11r h veer and U1111 11evere Pla.nt11." p1H8)'111'1 ''"' 1111' l'111ilct1 ' p111111111: fort·e,. U\lt new wood. Cul nl11 A11.~rn·1nllon "' ""'"'''"t•n h111k all "''cak brenc hea lo thl' Fn1 lht•'W twn r11p11lu1 I Oli(11rn1n 111,.111 itml lht> Ol'>d brnnrhell IC• p lant" pr1l'11n111I 111111 1<h111h . g r.. lb I nO•' f"tf t \VO fUll f ~ 0 uttrman Uf I . both I "'1"11 r "P"' 111 I wl111{·1 C'fl I... • lo ln11ur" lhc•11 tw1111l 1f11l hl•• .. mr<, It"''' rrunt> ) our Fuch11la11 In 10 Sprtnic a ml Rumm('r P"'" 10 mRkf' thf' bush 8mall~r Th•• 1;,.111nttom d'rlaq:nnl•lln 1 find 111 !:"''' room f1\r next year" In ob mAny fflrnr11 p•n•h··~ I'"'[•·•--j .:111wth Pr1tnP 1'QOl11 In proportion lion m llll i:rn"''h 111 ("ahfc,1nu\ to thr h1a111·hes which should ~ f'spec1ally 111 lhl' fo11. bell 111un~ ull back to a 11lmple fr&ml'work. lhf' cnn"t In th,. 1nt1•11 •r valle\'' Th"~t' w 1 n t I' r preparation• &l\(I m Lht' 1<JUlht'rn·mo11t 1nl11nol m iul<', 1t1trJ,,nrrs C'lln 111t back snd a rl'RI of the 1111\ll' thf' trip11 11n.t l• t "'1nt••r 1·11me on. know1n11 th11t eomt>ll mP~ tht' ronti1 elf th,. t:.-r-t h••cr Grranmm:o and F\J('hsi1u1 an1um "'"" bl' krllf'd 111 thf' \\on-"'111 wr11tht'r the ,.t"ason anrl bloom ter. Tt'mp~ra1111r1< ht'luw 26 an• twnut1r11Uy 10 Spring and Sum· certain In dam a,ct• t hl11 ph1n1. lllPr UNUSUAL CATCH FOR NOVEMBER Mesans, Others Face Hearing in SA. Beating_ your choice. Exct'llent m planter11 planlt'r ch11h•·" i<O thu t thev will --------- a re lhe fairly low-,rrowlnic Mar-contain 1111fflclrnt dirt to n-;,ur1sh SANTA ANA (0CNSI -Three more !!1~eet11 In the b1·utal beat- ing up or a seven months pregnant ~1111ta An>< woman, her hu11b1111d and a frlenrl were' 11rra1gne.I Wt<I· nesda y In Santa Ana-Orang(' Mun· lclpal Court . 'T'wo are Costa Mt•aa youlhs. anta kerchoveana: Ltght green e.n<I 11uprort lhC' plsnta. Wa ltr Year Sentence marked wrth chocolstP brown c11rPf11lly e:opt'clnlly tr your plant- turning lo emerald green Pe-er doe1<n't drain. You'll need to peromla : 11n evergreen 1111cculen~ have " "8pon1te" of charroa•. peal on Narco Rap u11ually. In many formll Philo-mo118. s phagnum mo11l' or pum1l'e deni;lron: best known "plantpr" in the bottom of the dh•h to sup- J udge Howard Cameron set pre- liminary hf'111 lrt)t for the trio at 10 11. m. Tue1d11y. Jo~our other aus- pec ll1 111 lh" assault &lso ure lo be up for hearmg on the same uate. Appearlng bt'fort Judge Ca me· ron were Gary R. Siegal, 18. Tu11· tan; Leonard R Beaty. 18. Sanlll An11: ancJ J.'rancsa D. Dill. 20. Cos- lB Men. They were arraigned on a charge of a..sault by mean11 or force likely t o produce grt>lll bod- ily harm Prevlnu11ly arraigned on the same chargt were Rus11ell W. C ar- pente r. 19. lianLa Ana; Ruuell A. T111z. 20 or Irvine and Bt'nnle J . Whitt>, t8. Santa A na . Jame11 E. Siemonsma. 18, Costa Meaa. wtlJ be 11rralgned on Nov. 22 and alllO have h11 prellmln11ry 01tt the aame lime. plant In many form11. ply air and walt•r. For height 111 11 planter try the Talk over your Thanks ylvmg Oracaena, a llmall shrub w1lh I: long-. stra p-like leaves attac hed to table det•orallonl! with your nur- the main stem in a circular m1tn· Ruym&n : ht;'ll havt' "uggCllliona ner. Tht>rt> are many forms of lh111 and 1n!!lruct1on11 that will greatly plant. a1rl you in your decorst1ng for Lhe Very lu11h and *'YI' -catching holiday &ea11on. Tubach Ne~ Manager at Irvine Coast Country Club Henri Tu b a ch, an affable F rent:hman who ronnerly man- aged the Red Hill Country Club In CUcamonga for Mven year1. 111 the newly appointed eecretary- managrr of Irvine Cout Coun· try Club. He 11ucc4!'eds "Lefty" Murdock. ruigned to go Into rP1tl est.ate bu11lneu. career." HP bsga.n st the Wesl- morelanrl Country Club 111 Wll· mette. Ill , as a caddie ma8ter. He was a t R1vera1de In llllnol11 for one year aa manager 11nd ('ame from there lo Cal1fomla and lhe Bel·Alr Club for one year prior to a cct'pltng the Red Hiii man- agl'r11h1p. Thi.' new manager and his w ife. SA.NTA ANA. (0CN8 ) -A ye111· in Orsngt' County JAii wu the 11enlence doled out Frlnay to Frank John T11vi11. 20. 1111 El TOl'O Marine afrer probation wa11 •lenl- t>d h11n 9n a mar1juan11 poMCaalon ch11rge. Tavis admlltf'd J>OllllellllOn of the 1111rcot1c after hl11 arrest In Costa Meu. Superior Court Judgt J o hn Shea pa!l.'led 11enlt'nre un Tavjs, Harold Grimmett. 371 W Ham· 1lton St.. Costa Mt8a. wa11 arru l- ed shortly after •cera took Ta· v111 m l ow. Grlm~ll 111 aw111t1n1: court proC'e11111ng on su~plrlon of violating the he11.lth and aafety codt> by hav1n11 marijuana on hill po8st>J<.~1011. Charges 11.:aln8t J erry Lt>e H.-nry or Or nnge who wa11 a rr..sle-4 with Tavi11. were drnp- P•'cl Hl'nry rn<lt> the rear of Ta- vis' m otnrt"ycle. ParkinCJ Accident The llf'ven de!endanta 11re ,ac- cu11et.1 or "" unprovoked attack on M r11. 011v1J N. Sullivan, her hUs· band a nti Robert N. Brokaw of Santa A 011 art er lltt'Y stopped at R local tlrove·ln Catt'. All are out on ball. In accepting hill appoint mt'nl to Irvine Coul. Tubach declare<.!. "IL was an opportun ity I cannot afford lo pa11a up." He a dded that during his 33 year• of &.1111oclallon with va.rloua golC cluba lhla wu the appointment he had bttn working toward. DRvld Greenleaf ot Sral ~arh Lucl,le. will make their home in no tified Costa Mu a police No v. 11 Wlfe-beatlllCJ Case Ca111e1 Police Probe CoJlla Meaa police Tue8day In· vull1tatt'd an alleged wtre·beat· ln11 caae which reaultt'd In M rs. Ht'len Craig or 1163 Conpeu St .. receiving trt'atmenl for a broken nose 111 Hpag H011p1tal. M n Craig cl11lmed her utrang· Ptl hu11band. Paul. forcibly enter· ,.,1 lhP re111d!'nce whk:h 11h,. rents JOlntly With her 11i1ter, t re n e Thornburg. a nll lllruck hPr in the fat'I' w1lh h•• f111l A mlademeanor ballery <:omplaml was filed e nd Craig Wile arre11t('(I Wt'dneaday by Shr rHr'• deputlu. Bicycle Found Mr•. Sally Kennedy of :105 J 11.11- mlni' Ave n o t i t I e !1 Nt'wport Bear h police 11he round a blcyclf In her yard on N ov. 11. The bike wH ta ken to t he police 11U1tlon and tairged. State Issues Local Real Estate Ucense SACRAMENTO, tCNSl-0 . Wat.ton. slate real utate commis- 1foner. announced iuuance of a real e11tate broker llcen1e to Wal· lllce E Hallberg. 3341 Newport Blvd .. Nrwporl Bu.ch. Tubaeh WU born In St. Leu. Jl'rance, a Pana suburb, aome eo yean a go and came to America With hla parents when be waa 10. He brings the perfect comblna· tJon of culU.ry and golf experl- ~ce to the club. For Jn \\'orld War I. the new Coast •ttretary won hl1 United Slates clt1zen11h1p aa a field ~ook with the Army'8 tamed Rainbow Division. "A 1esllf'y 111 a long way rrom a dining room." Tubach admits "But thal'io where J ntarted " F ollowing h11• wa r experoenrP, Tubech then atartl'd his "g o l r JU:!lo'lU T l'BACB Okay Hospital Plan SAXTA ANA. 10CNS1 T hf Wataon also annou nced l11.11ua nce or real eatale aaJe11man llcenaee to Iva R. Ward, 2602 Newport Blvd.. William H. Smlt.h. 2901 Newport Blvc1.. 11nd Dorothy A. Cochran, 3112 Newport Blvd . all of Newport Beach. county plannlng ('Omm1s1'10n Nov II approvt'd rl'dr11li:n or pl1tn11 Local Auto DamaCJ--,i.=r a :'JO·bed hn11p1t111 propo11 ... 1 r the ell8t a1rle n( Bi•rryda le FULLERTON. IOCNSl A Ave. 825 feel north of 17th $1.. parked c"r re1elaterf'd to J ohn M. south t'&sl Garden Grow'. Tht Drury. 4:13 Ftrnleaf. Newport applicant WM Guden Grnvr hn11· Bl'Mh. w"" damaged Thursday pltal, Jnc. ll snuitht an Amrnf!· when It was hit sfler an accident menl to a prevlo1111ly Approvfcl 8l Spadra Rd. a nd Knep·p Ave .. perm1l. The chMge11 11l111w for F'ullerton, lnvolv1nic two other txparudon to 100 berl~. Ir nPre11· ~~ M~ Proposed Pease Physical Education Schools Okayed \ A propoeed phyalcal education JM:hool tor younpterw under the 84fe or H to be openated on Bal- boa Ltland by Harvey D. Pease. 498 Park Ave,. wu approved by the Newport Beach Plan11tnr Commlaalon Thurllday, but not without aome ,_,-vatlOftll. Pe&M will be r9e1ulred to pro- vtde alx parklns a pac m and lo malntaln a· 1ld•J&rd M lba.ck on a :'JOOO aq. ft. Jot tn addition to planned lmproYementa Of h ie own 1uch u : a bulldlnr lo ho__. from 111 to &o atudanta, taclllU• for Boy S eoul•. YMCA and church poupe, a fintt aJd c;:enter for UH of lelan!1 1't11tldenta. and a arna.11 awlmmlnr pool. lot. ye t they refu•ed t o a llow Peaae lo build tight up to the property line 811d to waive off- atrwl perking rutncuons 11• hr uked. • The c:omm1Mlon agreed the pro· poMli plan• would be an Improve- ment over pruent UN of the prop- erty. Ptue ahowed tht group a 1910 photo ot the location wltlch pictured a butldlnr 1tlll belnr u.ed by a real eelat4! conc~rn today. P.... ttald the facility I• "ur· ,.nlly needed by the people of Ult laland." The 1wlmmlng pool would •ve many 1Jve1 by teachJnr youn« t hlJdrt'n how lo aw1m, h• added. the manairer'a apa rtment al the artemr1on th"t another auto club. :rhe Tubacha have one cnu11ed <111mage lq h11 car while daughter, Mr1. Elolee .Mo1111. a belng b~ckrd from 8 parking tl'u.cher In the Pomona ll c h o o I 8pace in the Wagun Wheel park· •Y•tem. Ing lot. ,..-. F'nulk H11rt of 207 20lh St., who boula ot ~Ing a ftaherma.n for t>8 of hill 114 y~u• dil!plll)'!I a rtne "trlng of een'.T\ yellow rm rro&kt1• and 11urr Jlt'rc'h hi' oblained In Ole 8url oft l~th St. H11rt 11aya IU unu11u11I for yflllow f1 rui to b. raufht off the beach th111 l11ll' In thee 11t'<'111on. 1~.-nen1lly. hf' N y11, lht'y mlir,..te south 1010 w111mf'r Ml'Jtl('llll w lllf'"' t•r tnlu 111 .. Hay. Tht' lar(<'lll flAh wrlght'.S In 111 two f'(•untl,.. en<I t hr f'11lll'f' "trln1t tntalll'd r lf(ht JlOllntl' f'lHff l'hul•I P lartnf'rt were •ktptlc:al U\a& all ~ Uli1 could be ~· on auch a am&ll Bec:aUM of Ult YU1ance tor Ml· backa. tt 'l17iU come .,_,ore the dt7 council No•. 21. 328 AMERICAN A YE. l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PA8E J FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1955 NEW WINGS FOR MADCAP Dwdley Jurett'• .stout little ocun racing tio.t M adc ap, for. mcrly one of the local IJg-ht dll1placement 1loop1, hu a dded a ~ll.Zl'n to her complement ot aalla In anUclpallon ot acaba sidling tor the Newport Hurbor Yacht Club In the comlnc 8aa Diego to Acapulco, Mvuco race In January. Shown here on her (1rat trial with the nt'W rig. the yawl Madmap haa her rtm r11clng tryout m the H ·mlle Bank Race on N ov. 19. l'laM ure not fully completed for her eecond trip to Aoapaloo. .. , It la hoped 11he will be able to make the bit race. It ~ a will bf! the lhlrd trip for •kipper J arrett whOM •perl•- ll~llng both ways will add to her ch&ncea. -~ ....._ Garden Grove Petitions for Incorporation S ANTA ANA, (0CN8) -PPtl- tlon11 for Incorporation ot Garden Orove into a 111xlh cla1111 c I l y Tu"J<<lay were referred by t h e county board of 11upervll!ora to c•ounty clerk B. J . Smith to deter- mine their 1uCflciency a nd accur· acy of boundarle1. If the petition.a are ••m.t-1 and all other reqlllnmenta ar• met by the c,lly'a propoMal-. Ule 11Uperviaora would be 1D ua.. .... 'tueaday to aet a pubUO .....-. on the projected cit)'. .. The, heartnr would be to. ._. who wlah excllurlon hala the el~ whlch w ould e o v • r about 11 square mUea uid Include uound 30,000 pelllONI. A 1.ot.al ot 2390 peraone mlCDed pet.iUona tor tn.corpora tlon. A pro- poeal to tonn tbe city o O&rd•n Grove met ct.teal a' poUa .. ,u., th1a ,.... PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlock 7·1203 ' . • Me$I Repet'IS Auto Mishaps of Past Year >J OJ*IUll Barbor &"9, llliM>t tn tbe aaauar 'c&DlpeJp tor a-t> o.y-8&1• Drllrtnr Ds7-Dtc. 1. eo.ta 11-. ~ CbSef .Art Mc-K..-. la.t week releued a· ..... ,ort on MMa tntne accident. from NO'#, 1, tt!K t.o NOY. 1, 1166. The npcwt llaow9 that 282 pro- p.rty damqt cru!M• ba¥9 oc- Cl.lrnd wtUWI ea.ta )(eea'1 city ltmlta with ta Ul.jury colllelou aod two lataUU... But oo S-D day IUt Dee. 1, Mc· Kenae proudly pointed out. there ....... not a urle tratttc ml'.thap at aay eort.· UIMMr l ·D Day Director Sit. Lea i...ter ot the Maea police departmut. a ltmilaJ' ca.rnpalgn wW be C011ducted for fhal day-SOnr f1'Mdabl from aeto 1muh- ~ W1 Dec. 1. The campaign 9111 l n c I u d • alo1an• •ttnclled •bout ~ city, a proclamation from Kayor Claire Nellon. and Pl'tltllns of a crou at acrldent 8'tu. a-QJ211 will be brourht to the atllllffioe of cburcll.., 11ehoola, aer- .Soe dube aad other orpnlaUoru. t..utw .Ud. • Ben'• UM ye&J"o&onr Meea ac· eldmt ~ ... lMutd by i.6E 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ~ !•~!!f s.ma.. MONDAY, NOVE~BER 21, 1955 c AR p ENTER 1 WANT AO will cost you only s2so and it will run in all 4 issues A Minimum ad is 4 lines. PhoH Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor New.·Preu • Monday, Wedneeclay and Friday edition", Plus the CoutaJ Shoppttr, Wedne9day1 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor News-Press is guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mood'\)', Wednesday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by that. hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier wiU bring your paper. .. Repair Work Doe. r our Rome NHrt ~pa1nn1 or Remodehns ! Call f'rank. LJber:y 8 ·89114 All Worlt Guaranttt<l 14tft PAINTING M. W. ROSS Licensed LI 8·3321 280 A\'O<:ado, Coata Mu 11 861/c Rd. 011 Spreat11ng Driveways PARKING LOTS Sub·dlvlJllon.1 our 1peclaJty. We tumlsh any type 011 to your spe-- cltlcallon. Larr• jobs -amnll j_ob•. Free eeUmates. Al/JO wa- ter spreading. Modt>rn equrp· mt!'nt. LExlncton 6-4008, Gil· more 6 Page, HunUncton Bch. j titre FOR ltENT Skill. Sa w•. ltlec. Drllle, p"oli.hers, all type.11 of Buder•. Wheelbar· row•. eic. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. COAST HIGHWAY t.Jberty 8·343:1. Newpart Bch 281!c COMPLETE PAINTING & Paper Hanging Service EUGEl'E 0 . SAUNDERS YOU CAN SAY YES tc these questions 1. Do you have at.dy employment ! ... 2. Does your emplo)'er train you for advance1nent! 3. Do you have paid vacation: holidays, 1and aick leave? 4. Do you work cloee to your home? 5. Do you have company-paid pension, life insurance and other benefits! WHEN YOU WORK FOR Southern Counties Gas Co. Jnt.?reating emplo¥J1lent now offered to H.S. gradu- ates 18-45. 5-day, 40-hr. week. Apply 1030 E. First St .. Santa Ana, Mon,, to Fri .. 8.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. . SOUTHERN GAS 29-lfelp Wanted COUNTIES c Q. 33c36H lO-Mi~Uaneous Attention Knitters USED APPLIANCE BUYS O'KEEFE It MERRITT gn.s rangtt GAFFERS & SA 'ITLER. white table top gas ranre: Very cleai\ • ···-········~ 79.SO WHITE TA.BLE TOP, gu rangt', griddl~. oven control ........ '7'-M WESTINGHOUSE electric range. hlte model .... $99.t>O PHILCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. • . ···--$99.t>O WESTINGHOUSE Reftig. 7 cu. ft .• very dean $99.ro SERVEL Rdrig .. left hand door . . . ............. $89.M WESTINGHOUSE Refrlg. 71 ~ cu. ft. ~luxe .... $109.M KELVINATOR Refrigerator 8 cu. rt. ~luxe ... $119.t>O DEXTER Automatic washer ... .._ .................... $89.~ KENMORE Wringer wa.aher ... . ........................ $49.M EASY SPINDRYER .. .. . . ·-· . . ... Special Only $69.ro AU. GUARANTEED WASHJNG MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WRlNOl:R T'rPU SEVERAL TO SELECT FROM Al.L REASONABLY PRICED-BUDGET TERt.f S-Jl'REIC Dill.JV, KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 East 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2-23M SO-Miacellaneoua Si:LT, 01'\ TERMS ii F'T nE:LlCATESSEN r a:o<>, 1 1 ,~o. ONE 8 fl. rtfrlcerator ··--.. 1~0 ONE large commtrC'. refr1f. $T5. 1 SCALES. i&:I. l OONDOl..A $21\. CaJr owner U 8-8223 morning& or after 5 p.m. 9Uc WE Bt"Y ANYTHING New~Used or Kc1Ce118'e: ................................................ ~ _________________ __, NOY.....-lt property damas•. & -..'--------------~·---------------------------------- 600 3leatreet, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Hu. 4H6. ltc ::>AU:SMEN It SALESWOME!\:, sell by appointment Natlona.1 organiz.ntlon openlnjl' new office m Or11nge County. Average commwlon SM per sale. One per day ea.y. Apply •00 \1 North Bro1dway, Santi. Ana , 1 p.m. or call Kl 7-202<( tor appt. 32c34 WELCOME to my n• •hop. Comt' In and help me build toward your needa for needlecraft. firewood Abused GR.ANTS ~; Dec.-SI pTOperty damare. c I • ., • d ~~ -;:b.·~~::,~~-·ass1 1e ...... t llljvry; March-19 pro-""7 dam ... , 2 lnJury: Aprll- 11 propenJ"' dam&&•. e tnJury; May-n property damage. 3 In- jury: JUA•-11 property d1.mare. T lajury; July-SJ property dam· ace. I lllj11ry; A\l&'.-34 property d&mqe, I injury, 2 f1.taJ: 8f'pt .- M property dama1e. 8 Injury: Oct.-11 property damage, T In- jury. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR~ Every Monday, W ... sclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays C..aial Mlopper Ada nu la UM WedHtld&y N-rr.& 4 LlDee 1 luertlon $1.00 add1. llnM .%5 ea. 4 1.Jae11 2 laertiom 1.60 add'L Une. .26 ea. • UDea 3 ID.ertlona 2.00 add'L Une11 .25 ea. 4 Uaee 4 luerttou 2.JO add'L Unee :i6 ea. SttuaUoa WM&ed Ad• wW ll't!C!eh'e 16% cllacu11Dt. Vub In advaaee 01Ll7. t 4--Penoaals AJcoholic.t A.oonymou1 Wnta P . O. Bos 311 Newport Bcadl, Calll. Pbone Harbor 4791! 15-Sb.are Yoor Car uc· RJDIC wanted from Balboa hll\nd to Do11glL'I Long Beach. First Shift. Biii Spun, 806 S. Bay fronL 33p36 1 K-Beautz Alda Superfluous Hair GIRL 21 to 21! yrm. old. Free to lravrl. To help care for baby on trip to Florida. lnlerv1ew from • 4 p, m. to 7 p . m. 381 22nd St, Back Bay. 32d4 .JSEO CAR LOT ATTENDANT. Clean up, wuhlnf, duattnir. etc. Apply In pe1'80r\ at Theodore Robins Ford Des ler. 3100 Weal C<1asl Highway, Newport Beach. 32cJf •Beacon Personnel 1009'o employer retained agent.'Y N O FEE collected from appllcarit U 3·3l1l Newport Beach Sit N' Knit 313 I!!. 81.lboa Blvd, Balboa • 32tfc MARQUETTIC Arc Welder. (newl 3 hp Air Comprea8or. 220 Volt 11n,.1e phu e. s .. at PATCH'S 17th SL 1.t PlacentJa. LI 8-7&09. -21tl SUN AIRE auto. ,.. clOtha dryer, like new. l l26 P'UU 6lU box 1prln1 and rnatlru1 $3:1. L.1 8-4217 31cU Order No¥(! Per80n.alized Chriat.ma.s Card.a Phone d1y or night Kl 7·49t<I RECONDITIONED Paint Brushes 10c to 50c 6 up 23tfc Schlegel Paints &OI N . Newport Bhd .• Npt. Bch. 33C30 ORIGINALS il'TERNOON, Cockt&U. dlnner drauu 6 COordtnatee. CUSTOM ORESSMAKlNO Pb. Harbor 237-W. 22p3e WAR SURPLUS 17~0 N-iiort Blvd., Coeta Meioa LI 1·4241 pxp ft-hrnltu.N for 8ale BEDROOM BETS 8 & 9 ORA WER tlre&Mr, mirror', bookrue headboard, from $69.~ TWlN Maple bed wltb mattreM A box 1pr1ng, only • . . P&.&O ""· e • 9 ORA WER m Apla drl'Mlf'I'. with minor. trorn . . ... S79 :>O Living Room Set.a Modem & M'aple OCC Confers on Problems with Fonner Pupils MINDIUM AD 18 • LL.'\'ES Permanently removed trom face arme, ltp. l:yebrowa and l1ait' Un. abape6-No more twffll1nl• LOOK AT THIS' AO Earn $8 • $14 daiJy ALL SIZES, ALL PRICES Repruenl&Uve wUI c&U at your home. AS NICE A LINE u you wo11l1t flnd anywhrre. With <1ur lnw OFFICE FURNlTURE O\'erhead you'll bt' surrrl8ed h11W Dr. a.al II. ~n. pr.il'*1t, Onuirw Oout eou.,... JU8t ratum- ed bom Bertltloly, C&llfomla wbtre ti. had tbe opportunity to confer wttll tl:lnlv etudtmta wtM> astered u.e UaJ..,..ty ot c.llfomla at the DEADLINES tor placing o r canc.Utnc ada are: For Monday Pnbllcauon -Frida y 6 p.m. For Wednelday Publle&Uon.a -Tuuday l p.m . For l'rld&y PubUcaUoo -Thun:Say 1 p.m. NEWPOR~ HARBOR PC'RU8111.NO 00. Sill Balillloa Blvd., Newport Beacla., Callfonala. ELLEN L. BRYANT R.. E. Udo'1 Balon of 8e&lll7 Rar. 2671 U• Jones ' Women of all '&"I de1perately needed al oncl!. Ellrn \NhU• you leu n pracUcal nur11lng-. tl11b achoo! ed1.1uU011 not n~d. Call L.Ambert 5·7:121 or wrlle CAREERS lN NURSING, Dept. 15, 4016 W. C-0mmonwt&lth, Fulle.rton. S3trc .catt "' thl8 M.llool y-.r. "'nle purpoea ot my .Wt" 8t.at-s Pet.enon, "wru to di.cu. uy problelN or cUtacuau .. tllCOWltei-- All Olamlftecl Adi muat be paid tor Cub la -.dvaaoe of p..U.U-n. pubu.htn wW not be ruponalble tor more than one tnconect LnetrUon of an ad. reaerve the n1ht to correctly clu.lfy any and all MS. and lo reject any· ad not contormln1 to rulea and re,-ulaUont. Birkel-Richardson WOMAN lo help clean apt.a. Sev- ORGAN STUDIO. Le&m to play u kl day1 work. Harbor 3086 - td by our trauten to Ula mu-If 1 elal Notaee. ""'ty. Wa wuttd to. aecun _.. ___________ _ INC .. .UOu trun tllem whe~ Y-Newport Harbor Orance Cout c:aa Mtt.r P"'Jl&re p no E lltudenu. We ha-.. a cenutn• tn-B. · v . ·· • tere1t In th• llUCCH41 of each .tu-' 1161 dent who tl"al)deni to another .,,_, 'nlunda7 I p.m. lnetllutlon of bl•ber Jearainr, V&a Oporto -CelltrM .A1'9. Conference& ,.. .. taeJd wtt.b tlle Newport 11-.cb followtnr 1tudct.: Doan& ldllatn.-Albe-rt IL MatUMwa. J:x&lttd .ftuler ln1 Ewald, Tu8tln; Oraham Ott>--------------------- bon•. COt'Ofta de1 Mar; U&m Oro.- ner, Newport Bead\: MM!bMl J . Henry, K..-port Beach; Hldeo Iwata. ka JllU Ca~; IUcll- ard Jol'daa, Balbpa hland; Jot.a IAurmce. NftrJ!Ort Beach; IUdl~ ard UndWall, Oe.rden OIO'l't; J~ epb D. Ryan. lAcuna BMch; Jerry Thompeon, HIUIUQcton Bach; and HAULING trub or? Anythln1 . Anywhere L.lbeJ:ly 8·21'1! Htfcpp the mJ1 hty WURLITZER. 33c311 EVELYN JONES. MJT .. 300 Holm------------------- ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM [ lnltall th• a bove cheaper Ulan IDOet. At.o eell Tile A l.Aaol-. Non-union, 2:1 yl!'ara npcrl4iDce. Compare and lee - B1LL COKER Ra.r. '795 or Lons Beach 7-0973. lttlc CARPENTRY wood t>nve. LI 8-1082. 20c33 China Painting D&y and l:Yentn1 c:i..... OnlnJI TUa tlow Pfllimiltaert7...U SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT 94Uo GROCERY cUhlera and MEAT MINOR REPAIR WORK wrapper.--rn '80 -1100 per NO JOB TOO BK.A.LL week. 301 Spurseon, Santa An1t. B. O. Ander90ll ft. KI a-NOC>. 32c46 1014 E. Balbo& Blvd .. Ba.Ibo& utARN PracUcal Nur11n1. ERrn Harbor 2600 UUc 18. $H dally while training . NA J.fE • TAXERS for Laguna Beach " south La&'UJ)a City Dlrt'Ctory. Good }!And wrlllng t!llleJlllal Write 204 E . 4th r<>om 7, Santa Ana or call IO 3-3681. 23tlc Real Estate S\JetUnan For our nl!'Wtll office -a fine 1eruWld·/loor opportunity. Our tnct•ntl\'e commla11on achrdule tavora U!Olle who 11..ay with ue, those who produce, and thoee a.ctlve In llltlng. We are friend- ly and cooper1.t1ve and we want th~ eame from you. . PHONE Har. 1618 or Har. 2283W 22pU Pennyan boat '2:1. vulboard motor $211. Band 11.w $311. &It eander $40. V1.cuum cleaner •10, hll'h ch.Ir $3. Potty ch&lr 13, Three French door• with hardware .t jarnba 110 t'ach. Sta lned ,1 ... wtndowa $3 each.Har. 1238-R. 32c3t ' BAMBOO DRAPES CUSTOM MADI':' ANT SIZE Prlcu Sta rtlnC al 21c a aq. yd S-ullluJ New Woven P attern• For All Decora K irsch Curt1.ln • Traverae Rodi Ste The.m On Olaplay In Our Storie SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. SA!l.'TA Ato;A 1&28 s. Main KI 2-3:14:1 3•c3f ---l>ORTA131.Ji: RCA r11dlo ~ atudlo Beaulltul driftwood ttnl8b uecu· much we C'al\ eave vou. Pl<'u" tJve t~ ct.cir 37 x Ta, 7 drawer take a look. It will p1.y >'"II· llk1 new 6 plAte ~l.Ua top. GOOD TEfUfS Ortell lta.lher 8W\ve1 chair. RETAlL FURNITURE BRQJ(F.R~ TOll1'8 tor halt or1ftna.l coll\. Open Friday Eve. Kl 3-Z•le Cu be Men at &03 Park. Bal· Srd a t Spurreon •Se nta AM boa laland, or Har. 6788. S3p3!1 , 34,.~9 SA CR.l FI C1: pracUca.lly new al.u 10 cloUllnr from cockl.1111 to cow(irl. Roll aW'l\y bed $12, 20-ral. a.cquarlum $10. Rar. 4000 Good Used Appliances 33p3:1 9 ft. Cheet type freezer $99.50 Gu Rangca fror:fi $29.50 ---------------TWO l'nd lablc11 & rurf••I' IAbl ... all ~lus top D11vi'11pnrl . <t11rnl r<md1t1on. Call 8ftl'r 8 p 1ri "r Sunday 22(1:'1 Ch11nn~1. fttl 1:.11· bun. H11r 1760-J :l.ll''l!i Mesa Woodcraft Unpalntl'd .t .Juvenile Yurnlt111 ,. Knotty pl1111 toy bOx • .... $12 1111 CHI WRENS 0 0 LL F'urn111111• Wal"drobu. hutch, • I •••I• Complete line unp•lnlnJ rum lt<fl and hwd. Mlnwu am1 Ucft flnhthl"• Ordera taken tor 1hutte1 s 2121 HubOr, C.M . Liberty 8·1&4!'i I BUY ANO SELL Barbara WUlJama. N.wport 8-cL • · 1! A' 8'' '"nit pwp ... wtM>I• an mak-_u. __ Ba_•_ld_tn~1._Se_1v1cee____ ENETIAN BLIND LA.Jnberl G-7521. 33tfc Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. 3530 East Cout Hwy. Corona det M ar Harbor D249 ooucb. rea.aonabmle. 108 18th St , Newport, momlnp or after 11:30 pm. 34p38 Frigidaire 9 f t. Refrigerator i:ARl.Y ~IF.RICA N c11t, roluri"il, patte rn gll\.Sll-Prtmlllvu All· Uque furniture •n•I flnf' rhln • THE BIG OLD RED RA RN E. FJRBANK l<I :l·:\211 13861 H&rbor Blvd, Ga"l"n '11u\ 11 Ins •ti.factory ,.,.-r.. tn the • V Untveralty." reported Pat.enoa. Painting, Paperhaneinr LAUNDRY ICXPER.U;.NCW wt.ltreu wapted. $75.50 Moat of them R&Ud a conYicUon ''The Finest Money Can Buy'' that pniparaUon recetnd at Or--S & N II =· p=m--: ~~~ ~; 0t~~ 11X~es~.~ Newport ~e!'" •tude:nta waa lh• dlltlculty ln u -Ph. Har. 2404 or 1M7·R. l:ltfc labUahlnc a aatlafactory b&J&nce ' between colles• work and eod&J Illa lJ\ tlleJr fr,awmlty. Roy VIiiaiobos Admits Gullt: ,Alb Probation SANrA. ''ANA. (0 C N 81 - Roy ~ Vw.J~ 22. of a.MN. Lemoe St., Oruce. J'r1day pl_.,.. pilty on a tiurrt&'7 charp e.ad uU4 rot' a probaUon ~. H• .... arn.IC'ned bdOr• Super- ior a.rt J\1ds9 John Shea Mn. v~ tM>Upt llnmedlate ..,.._ tenctns. but the ~ coaunued lb.e oe.-to N~. • fvc pronounC.: ment ot juqm•L In C\Ultody, tlle d.,_.dant ~t­ ted brelJt1nl lnto the t\om Of .RuUl McConull, IMl ctrcle .• Be.y Bbo..._ N..-port a• a c h. April I. ....... DelaJ 111 Draws Trlal SANTA. AHA. (OCJQ) -Jobn Leelle Rermua ot ooet.a• Keea .l'rtd&y IUeceecled la ... lt!nc a delay or hi.I tnal -two &l'9Clft chUTe• and OM fll llW'IW1· At tlle requelt ot Bft'mUlll'• Attomey JloMrt A. Bchwamb. Su- perior Court JQdp John 8b@a ¥&ca~ & 1V'I tl'tll& d&t• ..... NW. U and re-..t It flW Dec. II. 'fte def.ndaat le e... • llall. K.,,.... .. .._._,...., a o ....... ._.., ... .,.... Pauline C. W m -W. IM IL,a.&&X.-.Ud ......... .. UID&llM ua.ooe ...,_ Wo&ft• N CMll Ulft'A AN.t. (OCH9) -11.f 8 ..................... ... ..,. ., ....... A.-..... ., Ulle ~ ., .... •• ., to,.. a.e D9R91....,.. ... .... • 0.... ... Ku, It ... Classlfiecl lnclek 1 F--a Netaeea I OW. ef ~ • a,..... ~­'......,.. Dbecton H -Ill I O..ide 11 PslHI• IC&tutala ,U......,.8e"1eee lt ..,...... JI ...... y..,. Car 11 ~ ....... n m-nac 11 .... " AJda " ..... AJda n LloR U4 FOUD4 H ....... IM~tloa 11 ......... Wuted ..... w....,.. • lllus'b ••• ...... ...... .... A,,aluov ll 1JJW to Buy II l"anltllJ'e for Sale 11-A AmUquea II Boah!. Sa,.U.. M Maalcal, ....... TV u Dop. Oate, Pe• .. POQJtly ., u vt!lt«Jl atAut•W....,. tO Aui.e fer a..a. ... n..... Putl 'l Allto """* .. Tnllen .. ~ nwuwwa-• U Apta. a &..-fer a.t "-A Apta. for ._. ._..._fora.t M-OTNla..,.. Mll.-f•a-t ............ .............. .......... ........ om.. A-AB' ....... I& h 2 0,, I t_Plhl ........ a... . ....., ........ ., ..... ~ ....... ................. • ..._ ... fll:rtl ... 0 1-lL0 .... ........... a•• ......... UDOQDC'ef ~. ~ ... -.. +Wl&:MS II.ft Woettoa .... le tM 11Mta .... tt ~ '9 -MSWa- Afta om. Iii Ull. Pam t1-'~ .... THE NJ:W m&r hlna pn>etM meth- od. Reaeonable prlcu . A••r&I• 2 tape relldenUal blind. Only $1.00 Bllnd.I repafred and rebuilt. Free P ick up and :1rllvery Work done by t.ppolntmant Phon• Llberty 8·5701 or Klmberly asm•. ppllc H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt Repair St"1ce MaintaUI .. P'bon•: Harbor '4114 llOS Balboa Blvd.. Newport ~acb ~ Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialtJt W1.ter h•lera on lime pa)'D'leDU 2819 Newport Blvd• N-port Bch, Hu. 6386. R ... Har. 4317-J 27cU Painting, Decorating Paper BaD.pi GEO. BURKHARDT LICllNIJ&D CONTR.ACTOR ITI W, l8tb St.. Colt& M ... Liberty ...... EXPERIENCED GARDENER QARDllNINO 6 yard work by day wee.k or month. Liberty a..eut attn e. 3tf c CLEANING It ntONINO by the day. Exptt1«11ced. Balboa taland pnferred. Kl a-eoH. ti HA VI: BICYCLE. will lra,·el, If yr. old boy. Week end1J. odd Jobs, dellver1ea or what ha vie )'Oii? Harbor 0771. 32c34 Appl)' at SNACK SHOP. 2306 J:. Cout Rwy., Corona del Mar. llU REAL ESTATE SALESMAN HA VE openlnf for locally tJC· perlenced Salaeman, JACK BRENNAN, Realtor 3328 w. Coaat Hwy. Npt. Bch. Llblrly, I · 7773 ANTJQUE bet eel (w1.lnut1 17&. Old org&ll $100. ba ll tree f32.:IO, anUq\14! duk '30. Chlna cabinet U T.GO, old cana rockier Jill, old aulky H 6, rare Chin-Ivory acrffft $176. art1flclaJ flrtpl•c• 176, 16 mm •ound projector Sllb. 1or tr&t1e) old dlnlnr aet, plu.h C'halnt. hu China ('Ablnet JITO. old wall telephone. SJ2.Ml u.. 33llc old pbonoKf1lph l ltl. ahotgun 120 ---------------------21" TV S7:1, m1.rblP table H O. MEN-WOMEN tape recorder 199.GO, Ultlque lamp• rrom $~. BlnlHY• dr-r OROCl:RY caab.Jer• and M.EAT S2:1, oltl kltr hen C'Upboardl 11:1, wrappen, J80 1100 Wttk. al.110 ol..t China. loads or antique Roy's Maintenance 308 Spurgeon, Santa ADL Ph. furn ' need• retlnl.11h1nr -do It Kl 3,.&300. Se. Ad Cla.M 24. -yo1 )( d n· I b BouN cleanlnc-Floor waxinc rru an save • a to uy 32c'6 A 11wap Wall wuhlnr-wtndow clean1n1 -------------------CHARLIJ-; OAVTS, tSOl! E , Alla· Ve.neuan bUn~•· Uphollt'ry GIRLS -helm, Long Be1.ch. HE 8·!!039. W urcd. rr-. E•tlmatu EARN MORE Ube.rty d-13!2. Ille PAIR OLD SCHOOL DESKS. rulh !THAN EVER 3EFQD1i'! I In l k Id h HA.NOY MAN. ml.lntenanr<> & ..... Ha wa u rU(.' er, o · P onr, repair or whal ! ·1iAr, 4!\6l ·W. Our new. tilghtr 1t.ar1lng wa.ge w a In u l Pu II • up ch a Ir. -27lfc and ft f''lUPnl lnrre1U1c.11 g1 vt1 yo11 Ha.r. 288•·M. 32c34 -----------------thts opportunity O(X'nlng1 n''"'' 3 p. rog ,, r ~' 11 •"tt•• ... nlpe& n•w. S d• h M or I I double width $&.> 00 Unctl We IS assage TELEPHONE OPERATORS pair m&hosany and ~old 10roco. lA.dlM, -1by.., appo111tmenl ID w,. wJJI train you anti r eiu'I/ re· WBll bra<"kc>Lt $& 0() Hnr. 0•119-J your horn~. r~'"" many oth\'r bendll11 1---33c Formerly n1aeseu11 •l Arn.111o•h1•ad , Aprly F.IGHT FT REDWOOD patio Bprtn~a Hotel. 514 1.,, No ;,111111 StrC't'l, Rni 211, table 6 i bf>nche• $1~. Ole! M~ P1 ... call Harbor ti115 or Harbor Santa Ana Muter with Utarhme11t1 15 70. 31_<'_H_h 9 00 10 4 00 p m, Har 4234 33<"3:1 Ex . 'd d PACIFIC TELEPHONE '41 rHRY!'LER i·o•rJ><' ri-1111-1 .,-rt-ve General Contractor perienc ~ar ener ---rBtll••. 1:•)(1tl f{U C $11J . Solid LAN'DSCAl>ING WANT \\'M i r wuin1U1 tu do hull~t!' 1 br.•M-" /1\tr<I hsr F'IRE SCREl:::-1 Waaben .. Take your choice Automatic and wringer $20.00 Newport Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishings 2620 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beath L1 l ><lllS 34c38 WHIRLPOOL automa tic , .. deyer with a utomaUc lrn1Uon. Rer. price 1289,90, Sal• price •HHl.!1:1. Pree ln1t1.llatlon, No down. 2 49 pu .-i.. No p&yment until J9H. ntRONSON'S 1816 N-port Ave. Coat.a Mee& .. ,. . . • tf Washing Machine 911.ftVltm 1-year ruarant.ee on Jobe don. l.lld • on 1Ul&d •Ube,.., UM~ trearl Newport 8 1 .. CO.ta M-. Liberty 8-4503 or Uberty 8-4327. MUc 24p.1i h SS-Boat.a. Suppllee PRfV A IE DOCK for tent, S.lboa ~lant1. tot boat up to 32 fl. S3o mo.-Har. 1900·M 32r:J4 TRADE ~utl!Ul 70-ft. a ux. ecbooner. Excellent for chartrr. Want property or &ma.lier bo1.t. l 220 W. Balboa Bl-.d .• N-i>Of'l, Har. 3032. ntto Gigantic SALE 200/o off on all l 1168 boet.8 A Johnaon O.B. Moton.. So . Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at Urd 8t. 12el4 Yacht Remodeling Service J olnerwork -R.fln.tahl~ ltrp&l r1.n s. Free Elrtlmatu. Ra.r. 084-W 13o40b LICJ:NSl:D ~ to""'' UP I w1i1 k & "'"'k f our in fAmlly I 31 1n wide, 111•t11 ly new $11\ -New Work -Remodellnc and "'J..,oJ;WU.. S Liv .. ci11t 1.1 ll·t•981. !lr33 Complete. Har. 3UI 3fc3:1 O'l<EE.P'E A MERRl'M' n nse. ·~(, J . MILTON McKENZIE Liberty 8-1659 _ . t• •L'O ~·.•.,._,:..-RI'. T-R~f.'" -in-model. Lamp A clock with uven PRIVAT& FLOAT for 1-. WlU 30 , c. r v r • .._ • ' n ·' tlml'r. ('hrome gnll brOllt!'r. and a('('Omniodale Up lO 28-fl. O&b1n u--bor •!H>nw «0 ttc l c I A Pl d F t I ~ u.>~ uo ----------------anne U ure 1 luJ1n1, f\0 fool l rnr k, brldKt. lhat llfl up lC1p. U.e<I vne <'l'\llau . .For lntonnatlon •II RELIABLE J PANESE remote runt rol 11Wltche1, rnanu1I 111onlh. 1149.80 cuh, or p1.y $8 Harbor 39711. • Melle Painting le Papechazlc'lns A -POS ITION w1lb old cet11ti Co. •Wllchu, 1utuma llc Mmaphore 1,..r mo lUI W Chapmar>, --AMERI CAN WANTS B111 .J a bn111ne~11 of yo11r n~ n f\Utuma11r 1t•ll .. m11r1, rrmott' ron· Orange. KE 8-&811 u Jo'OR SALE 3 cyl Dleetl au - We do the work oW'9elYea. GARDENING IN HAR-R~peat 11111 .. s, troJ rtu•1t1r t tro1 1118.i'llet crA.llt. tivuble d111y --G M c; •'1th 3 to l h7draullo 1-c:~ .~ BOR AREA BY WEEK OR Hti:htMt income> brRt'kt'I Sub· transformrr, MA N y O'MiltR 9 GU rr. a. I:. RltP'RJO. Ytllt Wf'~t~rn gtu Al&O Marin• part• ------• 1lant11tl •retlrl'm<'nl pllln No CHRJSTMAS TOYS CHEAP. ~12·63 P't~s;cr crou top 112f>. It tlttlnr;a. 211i l Sant. Ana Av11 . .. u.fed'Oll parutetd. MONTH. HYATT 4-54 71 Inv. LI 8·{1740 29c42 JIO SAW. IS" Inch, DELTA. Ellcdltnt condition. Har 2Ulll>f LI 8-83~. l4p LI-= m ~~~c 24P37 WANTED. young married ;;;;; Ilk• l'lfJW, rheap 32cs. ---. · llXP_._...,,.,.....,. apt m•-••er d-e· 1 h 1 "•-itu e u L. F . I.Ake 417 Orchard St. 1 U-M1111caJ. R&dlo, a TV -----------------------.n ... ~ -·--. wt uper •• nce n ,_,. er • Coron& dtl Mar. caur 33p36 PHILCO 13 cu It rtfrtserat.or,8 Cu atom CABINET WORK lllre& pc>91tlon. Call 'Rar 0198·W N mbly. Steady f'l'llploymmt _ _ _ _ _ _ lb. acrou top rr~ EJldu.t11ve .,. 33p35 with vacauon • J.uu rance bet!• 1~4 Al.L STATE Motpr !iCOOtet Philco t wo-w1.y door. 20 below MA.TUR.& WO~ wl~ baby flt.a. Ube.rt)' 8-63a2. 34cH 1126. Blonde bdnn. aet. t>ookrue f!'ff&lnS ttmpetalure $33~ ~O a&U.tnc. But or rde'N?ncea. COOL> opportunil 'C Cor upert-hudbo.rd, dblt. dre-r, tar,. No llnwn p11ym1mt. 2 9fl l'•'r v. k Don. on prtmlw• LI 8-GIO 33c~ f'ftc«d .ervlc• elation a tt•ndanL rnlrTOr MO. &M B~ 81. C. )f THRONSON'! 1 81~ :--~·11<1rt Av~ No jot. too llD&ll. U l ·SMI. 3lp33 l:oett. M•·ia If '."! Full • part Um• n~ed. H&r. PbaDe Kl 1-UU Uo6RI l'ltACTICAL NURSE -Live ln J193. Uocat Aid -__ __,,...___________ wt prefer out. c. 11._ •hot•. Fresh Hearing P.EWARV $6<1.00 for &ny wu hfr A&...a.Bun.DINO LI l-3C>tll on purdla.M of 1. new H.amlllt.n _______________ 33_p3_:> SO--tn.ec' zro. BAT'l'SIUS8l aut.omauc: v.&.a11t r. plu.io a n,.,.. P"L"O! lronln,f. Aleo tine tUle lln· 7 We °'" 111.B Orem lt&mpa r ti&in dnven trike-, ;>;u Jo"'" 1'ftEE ESTJKATES flMI • C\U'ta&u C&retlilly l•ttn-211 H. r Garden Tractor w1lb at-Gunderson Drul? Co. No p&yment tU llil5'1 Liberty H109 ' dtred. 11.aUI Wllllam~ 1'7 28th t.achm~nt.. R.emJnr ton Type-Ma&n 8L at Ba.Ibo&~ llal"1oa THRONSON'& 181~ 1'"'"J>0rt "''' 21tt St.a N~rt. Har 3378-J 34p writer LJ 1·116U. Jlda ....,.._ Ill. _ .Ue l'<>eta )f~• If .. TV & Radio Repair Fast Service .P.euon1.bl" g,.rvlr• ct.U. Ull \I pm K1'0 Wl.TCIN ELl:C..:• 1'1V1~1C!l Ll s.~.wri LSltlJ un" full 1i1 .. y1:1t .. nS lplrlrl u -;r. . WOOIJ\\'OftTH l'JANO CO 1t l0 E r·., .. t Hwy, C. D M llar 3 2 l~Jt I ! .. ' ' .a, DAVIS-BROWN ~onditioned & Guaranteed Ueed TV Set. New PA CKARO.BELL RAD108 mBONY . . 12.96 COLORS 14.90 PA<'KARD·BE:LL CLOCK RADIOS-"'WAKE UP TO Mt:SlC"-EBONY 2a.H COLORS .. . 27 90 FM RAOJOS l"ROM . Used 17'' CAPJTOL TV LA TJC MOOICL THOR WASHER WITH PUMP GOOD CONDITION SHORT WAVE UOATS, Used Radios ... 41150 POLICE, !:TC 9 ~ 17" SlLVERTONE TV .... 44.GO TA 8 1,F. MODEL 12 1, '' STROM BF.RC; ('A Rl..SON BLO~D TAUL£ MODEL WITH FM RADIO NEW P ICTURE TUBE ................... .. 42 ~o • DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA LI 8·3437 Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS I CJear Bee.m -Ht Gain) INSTALLED complete to youf. aet. $9.95 Ll 8-6206. PRACTICE pla.noe J89, J96 to $1115. Spinet type mirror piano S2:t5 -a blond beauty. Eu1eat trrma. DANZ-SCHMIDT, 1!20 No. Maln, .:-nnta Ana. J()(i planoa to choo1e from. IJAMACED In 11hlppln~ 2 Spinet&, 1111\11" $180. _llA.NZ·SCHMlDT. :)20 No. Maln, Santa Ana.. WA:>:TED TO DUY, mod. Spinet _ .. --~ ....... .._, 44)-Autoe (or Bale GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS 'tT !TUDICBAKER '1 t. pickup '&o CHEV. ~ l. panel 'Ml FORD ~ t . p ickup '151 CHEVROLET ~ t pl(•kup '!H OMC 12 t. panel '63 DODGE % t. pickup '64 OMC ~ t. plr kup, hydra. trana. ·a2 DODGE ~ L pickup 'M OMC ~ t pickup, hydra. trana. '61 CKEV. 1 t. C 6 C '47 OMC 11\i t. 12' van 'fl3" OMC COE 179" WB • 2 &peed, 8 :2& t lree Wa tlllVe a large atock or uaed trucu all type• i.ntl alxe.. You "111 aave Ume llnd mont!y by aeelnf ua first. We carry our own contracta. W<. W. WOODS GMC DEALilR 816-19 E 4lh'St. Santa Ana Open Sunday A. M. Truck HeadQuarter• tor Oran1~ Co. SPECIAL BUILT 63 BUICK • Cabanas · Marinas Lldo Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. orrms Deliehttul Uviac. Apt.-Cabanu. Utillti~ paid. with Yacht .Up accomodatiou. Daily, "eekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or re.erva~on, Call Har. 2992. 34.tfc iSA-Apta. for a-t U-A-Ar,ts. for Rent Lovely m-w St~dio Apts. You will 11.ke the quiet convenient location. the heated .wimmipg pool, the friendly atmosphere. Be glad to abow you. anytime. Ken Niles 1021 Ba.yai.de Driv• Villa Marina Har. 1968 32e45 Rlvlt!ra with a racinr motor-4%-Trallen 48-A-Apts. for Rent $12~.-Har. 3684-N 32c3t ~-....;....-.:...;..;..~------------=:..----~---- 1952 MORRIS M.JNOR HG(). Ha r. 2306R evu. Har. 502 day•. 31cH *PORT ORANGE* RENTAL v' 19G2 CAD 62 Sedan 37000 ml. Very cl.an cu. $1996-W W nylon Uru. Tua ll'9.J\9J)Ort&Uon car trade. Harbor 1724 after e p. m. 17Uc 'tll CHRYSLER Hdan, Naw York· er V ·8. 180 .h.p., auto. tran• .. R.trH. Power ateerln(, near new W$W. Vary clean. A •teal at '8911. T rade 6: finance. MOTORVll.LE 2670 Newport Blvd., COiii. Meaa LI 8-t502. UcM TRAILER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Beach LI 8-4'20 '62·16' Happy bome ..... _ ...... t6U 'M-16' Travelue, Spec -······ '239~ 'M~I!' l\O&dmuler 2 B. R. Speca.l 'M ·U ' Paramount .... Bl~ dUlcount '15·H' Terry, .... Will daaJ on t.hl1 PAN AMERICAN Paramou.nt·Kenaldll TraYel ..... Tarry l:IUo '47 Jl'ORD Sport.Iman convertible. 47-Wutecl to Rent Xlnt. mechJl.lllCal ca.nctlllOll J2U Call owner, Ha.r. 3498-M. 33c3G Rentals Wanted ':11 OLDS., ' dr. lledan, new tiru . lot• extra.•. Orig. owner 11elllnf . 21QO W. Ocean Front, N. B.- 33c35 We Med apta aad luNa. LD a.II ..auou ror bot.b Wiater u4 7aare '---hnL « lllltw1L u 70U .... •ao&AG7· ,._. Locl"1 SPECIALISTS Call Edna Crall Blanche Gates, Rltr. .Ill Martne A ye. balboa I.aland, Har. 1671 72lfc Crown of the Sea Motel In Corona del Ma'r Comfortable roolllll A: kitchenette apt.II. TV Day -week -moothly rate. 2800 E. Cout. Hwy. Har. 3194 33c4.5 FOR RENT yearly. upper apt. 2 bdrm1., 1 bath un!urn. a.25 mo. Lower a pt. 2 Wrm. l bath f'Urn. $1 C>O rnu. LOUIS W. BRJOCS. Har. 80 33c38 B.ALBO>. P&l:rNSULA It o o m wtUa pnvata bath • m trance. Apu1.anent ~C· Ra.r. 2•:10 33llc OFF'ICES For Leue Ila New Building 11 x 40' J lOO mo. 17 )( 20' • 85. 1110. 13 x l 3' J 3~ mo. In Lido Shopping Area IOS 3?nd St .. Newport Ba.ach !.la.rbor 4321 2lltto &=FlcE FOR RENT THREE-moM bu\111\ng on cout highway. Mariner'• Mlle. puk- lng spaces In rear. I.I 8·6102. 33c3:1 COAST m GHWAY, new bulltllng, GOO llQ. tt. omce. Suitable In· 1urance, attorney. etc. $90 mo. Rt:SS Jo'OR.O, Ll 8·6HJ. 2()t! SMALL UF1''1CE for rent. Suit- able rral e11tate or ln11ur:tncll. 4)9 Ballio11 BlvJ. Cttll Har. 4718. :Htfc LIDO AVAll.ABLE MARCH lST Offl<'e nr 1lore. tn new bu1l1Jlng, 20· frontage on bu"y street, $90 mo. year's leuse-l:lo>< l·i6 Lhts paper. 3~p36 M·A.-Bosln"88 Rentals Cor. 19th .&: Plactntla, C. M. FOR RENT two bdrm. home - C1tove & retrlg. rum.) tncludes 11lore room & two office apacea, $1Q0 month. OR will rent .epa- rately 1 office at $76 and 1 at $GO month. A.I.so amo.11 atore $1 00 mo. Ca.II owner Llberly 8-6223 momlng• or after !) p.m. 9tfo FOR LEASE, new bltl(. on E11st 17lh Sl. We aced BARBEH SHOP, BEAL"TY PARLOH, TV SAi.ES It SERVICE, Rf:AL ESTATE OFFICC:, ClfT SH1W etc. Get your bus1ne811 11Larl1 •I In the best loc1tllon In l"11~ta .\I• ,n, F or tntormallon. 432 J.;05l 17Lh or Liberty 8~29'. :l'lctJ . M-BusJn.eu Op~rtunJtlts 61 -~at FAt&t:e. &t~ •• NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS-PART 11. P~ I CAPITOL GAIN t.40NDAY, NOVEMl&R 21, t95s • CAN YOU AFFOIU> TO SELL T HOW .A.BOUT A 'l'llADll, ._ maa- ager operat.d ~~prop- ert7 ... end ot 1-AJapl-. Vatu.d at '88,000 wttb ~ $10,000 a 7ear lnCOllM • low ai<penae. Am r.tl.r1nc Iii &m ln· tereat.d ta Sq l'roalt property. Will trade up er doW1L Own... Wllbat#, '6Nl or Witte 290'7 South Cocbnua A'°' 1-AA· ,..i .. 1&. BROltllRa INVlTllD . IGc'2 SP:Vll:N UNIT MOTEL BAR- STOW,· n~ more unit., plenty ot room for ~r park. Eqt)'. $24,772. 3 BJ!:DR.. HOUSJ!l tn Bernat, 1 ~ ure, 3 gar. honie A: c.hJc., cor- ral. walnut.a, orans-• fNit t.nea, 100 ft. bua. f ront.ace. Tractor. ''17.~00. ALSO '22,270 S!'MOnrd truat deed will aell or tnwe ·all or any pa.rt. WANT BAY AREA prop. houau, apt•. l>UalneSI or-what have you. S H A W, Sp&ee '-3, Municipal TraUw Park. Newport Buch.. 3lpH G'l-ReaJ Estate Live in Corona del Mar ? ? Move to Clift.. Haven ??? Our C-011ta Mell& Ottlce ha. a lilt· t.ng on a lov,.ly 3 bedroom and dt'n home for J29,600 and the ownera w an\ \o IDOV. to COM South ot lha Hwy. Pretera a ~nr 3 bedroom. 2 bath home. HI• ho.roe i.. really ftry nice. It lnteN9led cf\'• u.1 a call. Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. Corona dt'I Mar Ofllce a~ E. Cout Hv.')'. Harbor 62-t9 GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY -to reat'n•e your 3 bdrm., 1 'i bath home now. No down payment --cvmpleled befor• Chr .. tm&11- ba.Ja.nce Uka renL OllAN.CE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport. Co•l& M eaa U 8·1632 Eve. W 1-6803 a ........ a Rrll..._ Yf ATERF RONT . Pier & Shp Boat la lnclud~ 1n W. Balboa ~-~In. at $38,000. a ~. 2 b&tha. ftreplace -If you W&nt waterfront, 8fle t.hia tod&yt. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 3341 Newport Blvd. Bargain OPEN 2 -I DAILY . 276 MAONpLlA. S BEDROOMa, older llf-1ck hOma on ona floor 1800 aq. tt. L&r1• lot with fnilt tnet. 1ewe" con~ nect.ed. HU&'• ,..,....., laundry 6: Harbor M05 A REAL BUY IN COST A MESA BRAND NEW: On 11 80J1 l~ tt. Int to •la.y. 3 Betlr001n. l ~ bath. h&rdwOOd noor11, Fon-ed Air H<'ill, homry r&lkd hrarth Fir tpl11cr In lovely 1\vlJl&' room. Sturco tllt.effi\r •'Ith brick 6: wood trtm 2-car pncl'. Price l lC>.~00 --$!WO down. • bobby room.. Prioe aluhed lo VERY NICELY $18,000. Call wr for full detaU1. Duncan Hardesty ~tor Harbor '718 Balboa DECORATED 6: fum1ah4'd ln<'IU<hrii;: Bwlt · In Televl1lon. Radio A Bookrue. Thl1 !1ve room honre ll only 8 years old and 111 In &ood con· Jll1on, hu a nice p1tlo with portable burb\)cul!. The cio.t~r\or ll redwoud and ll(u1·ro. Prur"' ty ll completely f l'nced. ~ctitl 11t only J8,900 C"ompl1•t<•ly f11rnl11h· ed. C&n be puhcha.ll'd unfum . or llaby GrMd tn good condition fO-A-TIJ"M & Parta The Vogel Co. l201 W. c.t. Rwy .. M.,,,,_-t BrJi. ONlC BEDROOM tum . apL 218- 29th St., Newport. Har. 216~J. :l3p36 WANT TO TRADE? BAYFRONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. 6 1·1 bdrm., J car ...,...e, t\lr- .nllhed, '34.~. Terna. M!eM consider trade for Co•t& Mua Income propvl)'. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. lferbor ll0:13·M. 32p34 SPECIAL BUY ! lll'uutitul Fl't'nch Provincial fam. ou,. mukc Spinet piano. Uke n""· Sa v .. $100. Conv. l~rms at SHAFER$ cSlnce 1907) 4:! I· 123 N. Syc1more, S&11la Ana f'hunr K.Jmberly 2-0872 OHC:AN. l Ele<'tron1c Orga.n now only $bi:>. All Electric Orgwi, hal. only J780. Lowry Organo SI!):;, A II wonderful ba.rga.1111. DA:>.:Z·SCHMJDT, 620 No. Main, Sa.ntat. Ana. OfWAN SPJ::ClAL~ LoJOfOXS'fHA TOR model Minah&Jl 11r111et orfan. Uke naw. Save $..!110. Liberal trade. Convenient to·rrr1s at -~. ·.1. l::!!l:I 1Since 1'°7) ~21-4:?3 N. Syrnmore, SanlaAna l'honu KJmberly 2-0672. r1t ani.e C011nty·a Organ Hdqtn . 81'1:'1/ET Planot. Rent.&J return•. Tradc·ln.t on orpn19. like n- som" Maple, Blond Oak, French J •rovlnclaJ. Thie 11 a chan<'e tor big 11i9vlng. Op.in Friday night. DA:-:Z·SCUMlDT.~20 No. Main, Santa Ana. E:-.-GLISU •lyla Mlnlplano ebony 1·ase, very modr rn. Jn excellent 11nuscd rond1Uon. ld~al Chrial· mos gHL Mu•t '•ell to cloaa Mlate. Ha.r. 2827-J. or H arbOr 1111. 33c30 -------------LJKE NEW 60" Ll:STER Splne'-- waJnul cue. Sao dn. A: $19 50 nh.' WOODWORTK PJANO CO. 2610 E. Cout Hwy., C. D. M. H11r. 3382 , 32~-f H AMMOND OROANS, all mode1-, uur Chn11trn1u lllV<:k now coming ln; $10 00 dP\Xlalt wtll ~serve any model while they laaL 'J'rada In your olct piano. nA.NZ-SCHM..IDT. Rome or ~ world famous Hammond, 1!20 1'o Main. Santa Ana. Ona .Hp.net Model, ona Hammond enord Organ used but Ilka new, wonderf\J.I bargalna. GRAND PIANO Chr\.ttmu San. MMY wondertul barp.1n.a, fam· oua rn&keoa. Stelnway, Muon Hamlin, Knabf', tlc., delivered ft?e, bench tnch1df'd from J317 up. DANZ·SCJUUDT, :>20 No. Main, Sant& Ana. ------RENT • pla.no tor ChrllltrnM. All tl'rm rent allowf'd. Good prac- Uca pia.noa from JO par monUI let \ha kldd1u !tarn. DANZ-SCHJ\OOT, 620 No. Main, Sant.a Alla. J9C>4 17 L .... TABLE modi'! TV. J~~. 218-291..1'1 8t.. Nev.-port. Kar. 218!\·J . 33p3~ 36-Ponltry YRYERB ballerle•, lndh1dual hen cages. .,~ buketa. e utomatlc equa.lci.t, 2 man pl<"kln1 maci\.. •KK Sntdtr. erJ pullcta 6: younf hen.1. f't<". Poultry 011llt-t. Retail and whol~la. l't\21 JC. Cerrito•. Anallt'lm New and U11oed TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recappin9 ... Service Complete Brake Service A~O Front End Alignment ROAD SERVICE FlrN lone Bud&al Plan Y ou.ra for tha A•lll.nf HOWARD RYAN 801 -809 W. ht St. BANTA ANA Kl 3-83'3 U-Aato Serva 13c38 Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN *with this ad * 6 Cyla. US.88 8 Cyla. -·---········-·$58.88 lJ'.lcludu J>olh iabor and para New rlnga, wrtat )>Ula. nlva srlnd. munp of ma.ID aACl rod bearln1a. Expert motor tune up. 90-d•Y or • .000 mile ruara.n tea. (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTHS TO PAT- Bllilt In our own factory by 1kJUed macblnlat.. Don't contend with tha middle ma.a.. Buy dlrf'Ct. REBUll. T and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK l'ORD ·-···-·-····-·-"·"··-···· 1129.60 CHEVROLJ:I' ·-···--.. --·-·· $ 149.60 PL YM. It DOOOE .. -·············-$1~ CBRYS. A: DE SOTO -·-··-·-U 70 STUD~ ..... ···----··· 1170 OLDS 6 PO?lt'TIAC t --···-·· J l70 BUICK ···-----·-··-·····--Jl7~ HUDSON --··-··--·· ......... U7~ Loan Car Free Towln' NJ;W CAR GUARANTEE Block rn111t meet our atandard1 PIWI t.aiu•1, gaeketa and oil OJ*l 8W1d&y 10 a.m. to 2 p.na. BELLES ENGIN~ REBUILDERS Open Dally I t o 7 State Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA SARVER f•OR BRAKES (IN OR.ANGE COUNTY 11 YRSI Bondi'<! BrtU<N 4 wheel• $11 N Inat.allauon ........ ... .. .. .. . ·" 112.9"11 34c36 Tu .•• !'OU PAY NO MORE .. JU.'-' J Ackaon ':'-16:2 '61 MORR.JS )11:'\0R w rwnttblt f:X<'tll<'nt conJ rn mriir Low down. ... r . $~:>0. l..Ambt:t.l t.-0818 too E Union. Jl\Jllrrton. 3:1p38 SARVER MOTORS BRAKE 8.l:R VICI: I: 18T AT URAND BANTA A NA Artn The Cruh 11'1 Too La te l9Uc PboDe UbertJ W.11 IOI MarUM, ll&Rloa l.ll&Dd ------------ -I HAVE A WELL ~:STAlll.l:-l lED ATTRACTIVE APT. Clealrnble luc. .1:1\;SJNESS U1at Wiii m•l ~(IU Pllolle lhtbor ''"' nicely furn. $60. Incl ut1htl111.-$12.000 cl~ar. Will lnHlo It r .. r 2167 ID. Oout 87., Col"Oll& 4-1 .,., Will aleep !our. See It. Harbor any rea.onabla value. H Vatt Phone ll&rt>ol' 1741 0 73-W. 1704 W. Ocean Fro nt, 4-4739. 33cJ:i Lldo Office. SUI Via Udo Harbor 4971 1702 Newport Blvd., Coata Meaa Liberty 8·G617 Newport Beach. 32p34 Charming Harbor Haven Apartments . Patills t.tc 1'1r&W 4 ROOM. at reet ll'vel. Near ------------•thoot.. ahopplng district. Quiet, R£TIRSD Couple delllra reuon· pl-.it, excJu.ive. Gaibage 41.a. a ble unCuru .. 2 bdrm. apt. pref. pou1. laundry, •loruge rooma, wltll 1tove 6: rdrlc . Kl 6·2817. rarace. '82.00 up. Occuplea en· Slc:M Ure .u-eet. Good •upen•tslon. Choice Winter P.eotala on Balboa bland It Udo Lale amaU A ->' ur l&rs-A o.i-.. 11& M> PDO mOftlla VOGEL CO. IOI MartDa An~ Balbc.19 1alaDd PL Harbor '" or Bai"tMw. 211!1 1\99. liar. 17116-R or Hu. IOM-M 14Ue ATTRACTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. tu.rn. M(T. l&ol Mavtn Place 1 Block South or H ieb School ALSO FURNlSHED APTS. WINTER RAT&8 Otte WATER FRONT furn. apt.a. - WINT:llR only 1 A 3 bdrm. no pet.a chtldrm welcome. :n06 Chanel Place. Har. 1217-J . 29t!c CL08E lN, BALBOA. Furntahed l bednn. ap\. yVU'ly. HO mo. Gu • watl'r paid. •ns E Bal- boa Bh·d. Har. 2071) l 8tr PARTNER Wanted to OJ)4'rate Uct'n~••rt 11ulvi.g-e 11tore, IOCl.llt'd nl'llJ" n 1v Hll.JI. Srn11JI lnveetmenl and • bOnd required. Ha.rbor 0061 between 6 • 7 p. m. or wee.kend1. · a3c15 55--Money to Lou CASH ••. FOR TRUST DE.EDS WM. B. I lOL T MORTOACE BA.NKlNO Sl.NCE 1939. 1809 N. DUSH SA;".'TA ANA KCMJ3ERLY 3-i'JIFI LOA.NS '.fU tWll.O. 1~1J'RUVE BUT, .lfODERNl.Zb:, OR R.E1'lN A-NCI: Wa Buy Truat ~edll N'l:Wl'ORT BAJ..lll)A SAVlliCS A: LOAN ASSOCfATJ(JN lllff Via LldO. Ph. Kar. t.200 T\\'O·BDRM. H OUSE, hardwood floors. n•1 lccoruted ltlalda anJ uut, $1 0.7~0. 3:,9 Flowtr Sl., Co11ta Meaa. P ilon• Liberty 8-7807 S3ttc LOT -30 tt. R-2 $4200. HOMER E. SHAFER, He&Jtor 106 t.t.-F11t..1tlen Pl:, at the Newport Pier. Har, HO Eves. Har. G283-W JJurbor 2:129-M OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LAST CHANCE lo s et 81 ffft of ocean fronl1,g-e Jn ona piece. Ntce romCortable b<'ach cottqa Ocean Front FURN 3 .Bednn., 2 bath boUM • 1 bdrm. 91>L ..-.r ,.,..... J26,l!OO Tenn.- OLDER 4 bdrm. hOUH, forced .ar beat. Only JJ3,600. DUPLEX on Balboa J!ltTd. 111.- 750 botll Wllt.a Ai~1 tu.ra. Onl)' U .000 will b...u.. Coast Properties SOl &•Balboa Blft.. ~ Ba.rw M6I, 20l'T Md 'e4?0- on th11 property now-includlnc ------------- '"ragu. $30.000. On ''ery t'MY term• RALPH P. MASKEY 3,.1 l ll'ewrort Ultd .. :-:ewpt. Sch .. llnrlJor 402 OOST.A JiaaA 4-2 br. wut.a oor, cloM ill SN,500 1 br .• tum., w /W aupM. k1L Jl&M lnt-. p&Uo, RW r--. ~ rm. for wut.a -----·--·-17IO. CLIFF HAVEN LE\·.1-;1., k -2. :SO !l. l1>l, So. of Hwy . , b 3 I 000 .. r., · bat.ll, w/.,, carpet. room \"11r11na 11•1 Ma.r $0 -C4JI !c.r pool, famUJ' born._ '37,500 H.uou.r H t.13. ~2<'~ ~ 3llnd Sl., N'wpor\ Buch. Calif . Har. MU a.Cler 6 p.m. Ru . 2.293-J 31c3t TERRIFIC BUY OPPOllTUNITT KNOCKS FOR SOMEONE to purchue W 1 Wt"ll tNUt three bedroom and 2 bath home. Only 21, yt'urs old. Hard· wood floon. forced alr heat-- sarbace dlapou.l --lWO C&r g-&r• ~ WMt a lluy-Owner wtll ~ tarma. Full prtc._ Jtl,9~. ' Industrial Bldg. APPROX 2000 aquara feet. c.IOH ln JooaUon. Oood •Ule Jot-Ottl· C4l9 .6 lar,-'e workln1 area. Will Mil thll proput7 or le&M. Now Y&cant. Full price la onJJ- J14,000. Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson OUUUea paid, 1 or 2 children. 1.Aundry ~ BLU Ii: TOP APT. MOTEL 603 Newport Blvd. Npt. Btacll, ju1t above the .Arcll-. 7•t!c DELUXE fo'CHX. APTS. 8ln&1el A dbls. 1311 mo. and up. 104 E. O.y Ave . Balboa Harbor 630 . -8ttc th -------------·--4 br .• CORONA IDOHLANOa.-- terrltla view. on 2 k>ta. room tw pool --... .. .... . .. --· l-4&.000 19M l'fswpcrrt 81'"2., C<leU Me.. (aero. f rom Co.ta M.. Banlt) fl!.. Ll.8..fl781, e\'Ca, Har. t3ff Ll 8·2103 NEW MODERN unf\lro. Mpa.rate 2 bdrm. untt. w1th pra~• Eaat •de k>c&Uon. eo.ta Mt 1&. Adu.It. only. U 1-4"6. llcUH TWO BEDRM.. untum. '1uplex. i:a.t •ldll Collta Me11a $76 mo. LI 1·1112 or Ll M O I . SScS5 CAR.ACE -al Sl7 Nu claaua, Corona del M.a.r. HarbOr 2082..J 33c3:1 -------------'80 2 BORK. UNFURNlSKED triplax, fireplace, ~arb~• dl1p. Water pd. yard m&int.aine<J Owntr 272 Broadway, U 8·2778 31Uc -----------NEW untum. 2 bdrm. ':J IJupltx, pr .. !t11ced yud, close to annp· p1.n1 centtr. 328 Eul 18th '>t .. Co1ta M-. LI 8-U~ 31ltc 190 BALBOA lSL.ANU, 217 Apo· l•na, turn. 2 bdrm .. 2 bath, fire· plac,.' &11d patio. Adu!LI, no ~ta w 8· 7824 • 32c34 NEW runi. 2 bdnn. ctupl4'J1, w1.nter rent Ill 180 mo_ 131 'l ·H th Sl . Newport ~ach Harbor 6:>'17 32r34 F lJR.'ll 3 room npl f':xlra rlt'an -,1ect.nc ref11g. ptmel r11y heat. J•O mo. tu June 10 Ut1l paid, Har IW10·J. :JOI E. Bay A Ye. Balboa -331•3:! LIDO ISLE BACHELOH and on~ & two bdrm. apt.a. Sh1..r1 term and yearly. ALSO. UtJo Humu anJ Bal' Front Homu and aparunrnta. LIDO REALTY AsBociale. NO COMMlSSION No Appraisal Fee SA LES -REl-0INANCE CO:'\STR ·~11:>: Call ror rr~ Fut Commitmrnts c.n RulJencu and Un11A uoJy Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. 3.00 Via U do, HarbOr HH COSTA Ml:SA 811Ltc LI 8·~!'>41 U 8·6::.G2 --------~-- '8B-_e_o09f'8 __ ro_r_Re_a_t __ 1 LO ANS for Homes NiW nlc,ly fut n 2 bt'Jrm. r11r ti'lf, -20 yr. Loan. fAmll~· sn m.. :-:('l\t "1"''.. Construction Loans 304 32nd St !'> .. wpurt 31p36 I l:l~E BOB s .... rn...1tn I Si:>-MO Two b<lrrn h;,;-;::; (11rn 2515 EA.ST COAST DL\'U 2(Kl9 Min.mar I •r. Penln~ula t:oruni& Ocl Mar H11roor .>!!SS Polnl -\\'rnt .. r '""llll Rep. POllUEP. :.~uRTl.ACI:: t.:U C G. BEA ROSI.~.~:. ; .:• l.111un Dr Mtlro Ll.!e l.n.t. F'w1cls :u. 3<·11>1 Olendala 6 l'h Cl\r u~ 3-~l 16 48Uc 3l lfr ------------- W Jl,L shArr Ill} l11111lt! with cOllJ•lr REAL ESTA TE LOAN::) All JlrlVlll'jO:• • P.uu111 rr1 "n· lntt•rest !la t(' r-5 • 'r trnnre, l1v1o~ 1"11111 TV. rook· LOft.lls qulrkly m1 lf in 11 .. 11.irh•r tnl( a 11trn11 \\a~hrr k fir! flh .. n•• Ar• 1 f~1,1;unn llfl I I , !'\!•·• 1 YRLY. R!i;NTAL nlctly furn. 2 LI S·ili(I ---_ a'.?i:ll ~111g1t· ur 1m1lllJll•• 11"11 :'\ w b<lrm .. dlnlnJ rm. It flreplac~ Cl~lf'~· HA VEX 3 br 11,,rurn.. l•r 1,1;1 I'.<· W11'•· M••I • " hi ,,. 112:.\ 230 E. l:>th St . C<>•l•' nr 11choob Uhl 11.1tr ~r•rlul<lrn• t1111\n1 in~ Y"ur 11 "'' "t 1. 111. Mtll3 U 1·0662 after 6 fl m p>1t>u. tlrepl. Sl 2~• mo. Lll>rrty M 111101u111 "'~I""""' ~" Y•""" t• nn 37,341 1:1-2377 ,,3,,1,, 1r 111'1111,•J :-..,. 1l11ui.;. : r 1,.. ------------ --I hm11u1ry unrru•KI Kl :I fj•• .. : CORO:O:A DEL !'\!AH. :l be•hn1 .SA-Apt.. for Real I how•eo. si .. vt· i.: 111:. • .11 rt1111g j AH.TH l:R A. MAY DELUXE mod•rn t\Jrn sturho apt .t JCllr y,.nrl\" ~1 '1 1~' 1\~l·ur. Mor ti;ai;e v •9n l ''' 1 • 'l'"lld•·nl Ulllltlr• paid $7:.\ mo. Cor1111• • •11'•"•1 U1.1.o.l<ntt1I L1k l.n:111rru1<r <.:tt dtl Mar. Hn~8:.3~R -~<ltrc l CORo."A DEL MAR. u~n. 3 {133 1-!outh Mam l:larit• Ann CORONA DEL MAR 1h1plex. 2 bdrin · '? h111h. 11~"'~.~ \I(•• "'":'"t Pll bdrm furn Har. r,4011. 30ttr lns1d• tn~t uttt. S 1.... mo l <\II ---------1 Harbor •' " 64~lncomt-l'rn[Wr t ,. NEWPORT BEACH Furn 2 !)rd· ---------------~---1 rm a pt. r-r .. A ulll In<" yard (9--Koom for Refll :'I ('l..J-:,\~ t•.:, • 1!'\11 1·...;rr .... , f,.,.,. '70 mo J..l 1·1409. 3Stk 111 tu l>r M h. ll,1~· '" I ~11 J • i: ~ ,. Lido Isle Bayfront Ona and •wo bdMn. ap-.rtmtnt.I Furmahed. Caraaea. YNr ly or ••Hnlar rental Har. De76. 2lc34 LADY alunr hlUI tnom 1n n><'I' I C•'ll"'1I rrturn • 11 "" • 1 • 1 I "' • home for ,mplnyet.I l~ol) I.I I s~ I 1 ... 11 :r1 '"" 8·51148. 2fit(I' lll 1~tf.il F' SllnFl:R 1:1 ·:.ll r _ • 1111J ,\f• l 1.i.f"n P l 111 rt.r '"\\l t•rt ROOM a, bslh for ~~ntlrm1m, f'lt'r t\.o• 1111 I-~\ ~ 11,11 ~.:11 ... \., prtvlll!' ,.ntrr&.nr" 1:?7 ,i':?ntl It 11 l1<1r ~· • .:•• \l St . :0-:t"wporl 1'1 2 t1«1:12 3:1~ ·11 ( W VE -UKE A 7oUw.JUNAIRE 160A-('o nunf'N'ial, lodu111trlal 0 JI~ I\ Wff'k •nu up' 0<-el\n ~-----· -----------~ ~nt k1lrhl'n• llt ""' Wllh OIA.11! F.A('"f(Jt:Y Hr II.I •I.' .. ( .... In I A phonr 91'fVH°". T\' Mo<l~rn. 1 M·I ,,.,,,. 711>.:lo..i 11 l<•t t ·1• ,.,. GnJ..r.1~:-.-OJ•POflTl":"JTY to fOI· t• I t l·n•• 4 flll'n. unit.I, twr,l;ra, '"'",.. •, , 1rllbl" lnflllhrn. l\.~1- l.-;•1 $:!111"• u nw • l'lown poyment ""'Y S 4r>1>0, wllh no flll&nct fhl\fgf'~ UHAXGE rOAST l'HOl'f,;rtTl~ RUSTI C HAVEN l :r• ful ( 111.ar)-, IM <'I)' YltW, d~ 11,.h' ful cntt .. i;c. •111><-rbly IOC4t· '•I tn < 'vronn t..lel M 11r. La.rga rnx111 l·•·lfroom w1lh 11rC'pl•cl', am11ll b1J1 m. pcr1't'Ct tor bab)'. l ', bA IUI LarJ:<' pll'lura v.111t1ow 111 II·· "1 0111 "•lh unohi<truct- r I 1 in' 11 \ H:W, oprns to an en· t .. rt111• •nic f!,., k f\,rt "'1 &tr rur- nl\• t I• t" ,., t<tor11gc •Oxl 80 ft 1 .. • T1 hi\ II 11111 .. f'IHlll11se - ~11' ~11111 111.Joul 4Ul':10IJ tlown. By Ill /"'int mt nt.' Owner Hllr. '4;ui3 •:~ ,. :ll7i 3'.ltrc C-2 Business Lot On ~""' ,.,,,, l:h't1 "' lnt1u11lrlaJ \\ •\' 1:."1r.z rt c-.111 ownl'r, ll'\tliur 3111(i. I ltc Atten tion Investors! l'ltll I HEDU<'F.IJ For 'I'"' t.. "' 1o11 on lhl• bullnea• pt• 1 • "'· :: lll•K;tm bulltllng1 on t, , I 11 I l t h.ol 11h111.IJ le11at 11r r• I I t •r ll l •>l:tl of (ll leAAt ~;: .11 1 • r 11 "lllh l'l.r1ty uf "'"'m (n r ~-'I 111 ""'1 1\'1t''lll!IV pllrk· ti.-1.R. ,1• I In t h•· rn11tnt 1;1 .1111 I' •rt ,,r <· .. ~1" Mesa. 1 ,.. 1 • 1 , 11.. h•"" \. .. r < hn~" 1 • ' •to l'I""~ r•·n ll't \\'ho•n lhla J • • 111 ti ii I\' A j'iJltOll $11 111 '\I , .u.ti •1 .. wn t1••1111r•.,l c ·..u e>\\ r• r 1,lh• 1 • )' 'I 6~:?1 mrirnln,;rr ••r 111lr r A J 111 \Jc '""1\' ':! 1,11111 •>r Jr\'1no nl'11r <"'llN I 1 1...,.. In 111.: roflm "1th nr .. I I .. ·i "",:: r ur1111, l•Wlll)' r a\IQ, 1 1 • 1 .. "·" :t-rar ~·r . t~ncl"d ~"' I 11• I~· !!:\~:In t11nrur II . t.1 r , ..... ~ F.''H I.I ":111.e nr liar. 4817-M RESULTS M·l Iota, C-2 lote, •Ubdi.WO. acrcag-e. Cout BJPW&J' 1 ..... (on bay), Claire Van Hom LI 1·4277 LOOK AT THIS ONE! 468 ESTHER ST., C.M. 3 BR., l" BA TH •. la.re• roorna, ahakt root. UMd brick tlrepl., dbl ,-ar. Quiet klcaUOn. F. P $22.&00. tenn&. Wa have the kay. Chester F. S•lisbury REAL.'l'OR 316 Marlne, S.lboa lalan4 Harbor 0971 BUSINESS & HOME IDEAL B USINESS LOCATJO.:'ll • \hrte bedroom home. Buliln .. building 30x32. approxlmat•IY • yea.ra uld. Beat Ea.et lltda loc.a· lion. SEE lhl• today. Full prtoe $17 .!>00, t enna, WE JIA \'E a ta• choice build~ luta priced lo MIL B. A. NERESON RJ:ALTOJ\ 19~2 Newport Blvd., Coeta X- W 8-11112 l:v•. LI 1-tuo Bt OWNllR CORONA DEL )I.AR. modan I bdnn. home, firwP1ke, furnace. hdwd. tln1 .• WW ~ Md A Many Spleodored Residence ! •. 3~!~1~~~.!Yr~~re~! • 1 rumput room bar • 2 llreplM)e(I • Jf1rdwonct n.iora • Plltlc>-fmr~ • Wood ahJJ'lgt .. roof • 6 Yt tu11 oht -l lt:'&n • •% 0 .1. I.Axes t.1111111"(! • $3,1160 down. ru L.L YRJCJD Sl:'l.9~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1898 N""''JK•rl Blvd. C-Oata Me.111., Ct.Hr. LI 8-1161 -F.vu. W 1-JOlO Exceptionally 1'EW Bt:Sl~h:SS Bl 'IU'.>INO W1lll 2 beftutlfUUy f\Jrn. a pt.a u.,.taJr1 &ltd &nooma. Submit YaC&nt propert1 tor a chnnge. DAN A. J ACOBSEN, Realtor Har. M 91 -F.vu LI 8~117 \ a3c36 OOLDl:N OPPORTU\rrn -t.o 11•• In your vary pwn n-3 lledroom home W1th onl)' $60 1>oat.b.J7 ~ant.I. Uv. room. h&lJ.a A: I br. are c:e.rpatf.d WW. '2000 (rl'layt)e I ... } nlOYM )'OU la. OR.ANO• oo"n PRDll"atTlll8 1967 N...-pan. eo.t& ,._ ua-1111 ~u...-oa d"~'· dbl•. ,-v. tla-d tor------------- apt . f'ull priM fll,TIO, saaoe db. BOlm 01' ~ 1 br. 803 PotnMWt. &r. noe>-k ......... ~ ... Md ~.-tw'nl W.UC to P.O ... Udo ...,,.,.., P.U..U, f'tlrll.., '1l,IOI, .,..._ HOMER ll. 8HAl'll:ft. ~ lot~~---~ Pin. Bar. HO_,.,_ JIU. -..w BACK BAY NT:W S bclr1a. 2 MUI i.n. • HALI' ACRE. Onnl.lled double p.r . alect.rt4 onn • pm. Jlartlirw 212t-K $21,:>00. EA.ft Tll\ML 0,.. l OWJ'fa ....., I Mna. bDme. to 6 da117. Ml IZM Bt. lleM Oood • gu• Uln&. oU. Jldwd FOR RJl:NT •pt . 2 bdrm. turn a pt. Da,wn1t&1n. OarqP. 1611 ~r mo, UI 40th tit., Nrwport Harbor OH O·M 3•c ~)~·•pp«"rillnl!(. ull l'&·•·urnfortable.1 \" 11 -1• :l~tll.J '"' H Lot.lg 1" Near •hopri M •I mktl! Ct11l front pon1un. l..eaio"J A11k1n1>1 CLIFF HA VICN I bdrm.. ·~ a l 19:i-O ~ADILLA.C: COUJ>t' ti• \"UJe nJ1UI m~m l bdrm. apt. 'lt'tOI 'Harbor 8091. ilt.tc s;1ei.~11u1 1 ...... I• 1111~ c·ntt l.ut: 1.ar.r RE8t"LTM~ -JM mo. lnc!l. tas.H • u.., __ _ _ _ _ I DOY~Tt>:'\ with ('all fl1Hl••1r llWI, ••y "l want to SprinklU"ll. pe.tJo. f.eed. Diii. ROOM ror v.·orkll'\I man M and 1 p;AftL \\" STA~l.J., v. fl,.lllt"r plu t " ('lll••l!1r<1 Ad," &.11<\ wart irar. ft.pl. Hwd.. nn, near noon, MW VblJ' Piutt. lln· oleum bl baUL Louwed 6oor t.9 hall 6: Jat.cMn, nice wmce pordl. paUo. Man7 ou..r •tn fMUuee. J'ew 111 by 22 aar ~ wnh ... t r«"l'ord EJtel ,cond OOOD 27 ft. U~n:r tra.Uw hou. pauo A ur port. (VII. dlapOMl $1770. 2176 81.Al• SL. {'o.i.a w1Ul •""11nC 8&» or ranL -MIO A\'On, )'fawp.rt Bead\. ~)_,_ .... ___ Ll __ 1-__ 4~---------3-3_ca_o ___ K_1_a-__ ...a~-· ---~------llc.l6-----......,..---~... . 14\lie J7 per WM.IL Prln ta emtra.nc. B&>••lda Or. A C.:01ut Hwy. ad\• .. rtl1tnc ~.,ulta rom111c '1f//lllr echool.9. su.lrio -By ownef' W Sith It .• N~rt pptlc Hu 32t•i or 177~H• ll~-28_7_s __ ..,_•_7_· ____________ Lfbut ___ ,_ ... _ia_.f ua6 -----. ~ '1Ud complet.tJ ftncd. 114250 \Har. on~. " ~ • ' .I I l , • • · IAM I • PAIT II -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS-PRESS I ~a!!:::!•~ool!!_!•!!•~•!L_.!•'-...-J!oll!:!:;::!•~=!!..' !!'Ai!!•~•!L ___ JG!!:::!•!!!•!!.~ .!-~•!L:...· __ ·:_ MONDAY, NOVIMeER 21, ttH VOGEL VALUES - \ MAIN OFFICE This * * -f:r Will Ring The , Bell U you are looking for a LM:io bl.yfront home with pier and float large enough to accommodate a 100 ft. yacht and having 4 bdrm~. and 3 bathti -all on l noor -completely Curnia;hed. $89.~ 3 New Stores INCOME $6000 PRlCE ~.000 A. IOlid commercial investment In rapidly develop- Ins district. AU leased to 1how 10 ~~ on total price. It's Whet You've Been Waitin_g For! Charming new ruatlc -~ 2 lge-. bdrm•. 114 bath1. fireplace, bl t·in oven and nnge, ••/w cpt.8., encla.ed patio. Choice location leu than 1 block from ' bathing beach. Priced to .elJ at $22,000 unful"Dish- ed or $~.300 fumiahed; $8,410 down. THE VOGEL CO: 8201 W. Cout Hiway, Newport Beach u 8-iUBl CORONA DEL MAR PANOIU:llIC Harbor and ocean view, "quality .u.t." " JI. R., den, 2 batbl:. Low terms. Bar- pla $411,000 BAYBHORES A.'ITRAC'I'lVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro- t.ect.ed .-&. Owner an.x.J0\18 for offer, Atkins $21,000 BAYBllOlll:ll • lledrm. 2 b&U.., I> blk. from ballllq looa<b. Submit ''"""· AoiW>c $29, 7ll0 IRVINE TERRACE. $llOOO will handle. Almoat IMW 2 B. R. eoa.v. den, 2 b&tb.a, inaide BBQ. Dnp- ..._. st.on. tony landecaped. Low price. 111Z UB tor JIU.CON BAY and BAYSHORES propertleL IW. 1'175 -ic-. Edith Marooa, HYatt t-8222 John Macnab, Barbor 53:SO Lou Boymtoa, ll&yaide Dr. off~. Bar. 329'7, eve Har. 2878 . EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2215 Kariu J..Y•., Balbola llla.Dd OUTST ANOING-SHORECLIFF It'• our pleuut'9 to otter, for the firwt Ume, one of tbe an.t bomim in Eacl. Shoreclltf. Tbe~ iU.U C')D"4t• of larp li•. rm., wJtb ra.lwi hearth firept and from the Jarp corner 'lriDdo'lt'W, a "t'iew of the water, a Dm..dtn. room with fireplace, a lovely ltltcben wjtb Birch cabinet&;, diahwuher, prb. diap. A: blL ln oven A ranee. S bedrooma 6 2 Ip. batb.8, with Muter BR opening on the patio. Owr th• dbl sar. ia a beauL guM rm. 6 ;~ bath, with a nreeplnr view. The bouae I: gueat rm. aN •ttrely carpeted wall to wall. lo addition, a beat· ed. filtered "Imperial" pool ,fenced for protl!'Ction. DouJd M .. to appreciate. The price i9 fair - Terms lf deaired. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 1822 E. Caut Hwy. c.o.rona del Mar Har. 2774 Exclusive Listing Little Balboa Island Duplex (7 yean old) 3 bedrooms, 2 bat.ha IN EACH UNIT 1 1&11lt furuiab.ed -1 unit untumished, garbage dispou1• blc" sun porch, double covered carport. (.......,_ Ir dryer) Uve in one unit, rent the other. $32,500 -$10,op() down JOHN B. PRENDERGAST, Realtor Cwt Oomb, J..Zyn Bruner, Margaret Prendergut 221 Marine Aw., Balboa l•land • Harbor 1331 Waldron Realty Co. SPECIAL O,rmr location clo.e to 1hop. ... 8Choole .. , and traoaportaUon. Walking dl1tance to Bay BeAch. ATI'RACTfVELY DF..StGNED DUPLEX. Two B.R. • prace each unit with fenced yard and private patia.. Income will pay itme\C out. THIS IS OUR EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL AT $19.950 308 Marine Avenue Balboe le.land Harbor 0234 and e\'e• H~rbor 4507 CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two hou.M9: 1 lot. rireplace11 ··-·· ......... $21.~ Two B. R. Houae. l B. R. apl.. under . .. ..$18,000 Two B. R. Houee, oak noor., clean ......... s13,fk>o Two unlta, Corner Jot .. . ......... . .$10,000 R·.2 Lot., Coroaa Rt1hland&, Chol~ -make offer .ALSO MJQIBER OF llUL TIPLE LISTING BOARD G. H. LATHROP. 363[1 E. Coast. liwy. em.a dial Mar Har. 5442 Evu. Har. 5880 33c35 , ' Houston Values C-2 $1000 dn. 01..Dl:R 1 BR., 1u., on a IOxt'° kit 1U.t ott N~rt Blvd., rm. Lo bWld! ' eo~5.k!~i.~~-• °" 8-iita Ana A,Yt., nr 23rd. Full Price $6750 ONLY I YRS. OI..D. 2 brdm .. g•r. on all~y. toom for another unit, can't mLN on thb. Choice Lots Maf.Tll M·I ..................... ,.. ___ fl2,1100 TOxlllO R·fi ·············-····-······ $221M> tOxlllO 8. A. Hta ................. S:Z250 50x.12T R·J Npl. Hit. ·········-· S4f.&0 '""•· Back Bay ........ -·······--· J&2CMl Open House · l90 LA. CANADA WAY. ultra rnaclern, 3 bdrm., 2 b.ti'lll Rancho unOINtructed view, uk f28,000 make offer. 01*1 lun. ll·li Houston Reelty Co. .. All80CIATU &oe Center Bt. eo..ta Mua LI H911 LI t-7717 l:v1. ph. PetJtta LI l-"87 L)'t1. L1 l·JNJ WATCH THIS COLUMN FOR TD MOllT canfully Ml.ct· ~ Yalu .. In .ch of our d1'tinet· t:r dltf•r.tlt HARBOR AREAS. BALBOA PENINSULA OHAJUllNO modem ProvUi.ctal 2 br. Lot. ot cupbo&rdll, ~ bloclr: to j-tty. or,;, io.n, 161.'8 a mo. F .P. lll,000. CLIFF HAVEN TEA.Jl..ROUND Urine i. euy and lhrlfi., tn lhla 3 bdrm. home. H.W. Fir.,. Ul9d kitchen, fan 11. dlahm9Jler, tor molher, lovely encl: yard tor kld1, 116,600 F.P. .MOOG dn. Pf month.. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor H<M. Newport Blvd .. Npt . .Bu.ch Euy Pe.rklnc Harbor fe10 THERE IS ONLY ONE LIDO ISLE!!! A.HD ONLY ONE BRAND NEW VERT t.AROE 2 STORY 3 BED· ROOM 11. DEN HOM~ LAROE ft00M8 WITH EVERT OOM"· C&lV.ABL& BUJLT·IH Pl.COO AND ONLY ONE 2t-OO BQ. Jl'T. BEAUTY ON LIDO NORD CORNER WITH PERMANENT vmw 01" THE B AY. 3 BED- ROOMS. MAID'S ROOM, DEN. PRIV A.TE SUN DECK. OVER- LOOKING BAY A BOA T8 - ftl,&7D. TER.W.S ..L"ID OWNER WlLL CONSIDER SMALLER HOME IN THIS AREA. Soven Islands Realty & lnvutmont Co. fO! 32nd St .. Nrwport ~ch. Callf. Har. ~. alter ti p.m. Hu 2293·J Jtc:Jt VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS A. 2 BDRM. HOUSE In • wonder· ful nallhborhood, 100<1 achoolJI, and )'O\I e-.n have It all for only 110.7&0. i BDRM,, .l ~ BATHS. ah eke root. ltullt·ln kitchen feature•. w,"· epl.a. thruout, flrepla.ce. Rllnch type home In NewJfort Hel1hta, 123,600. EIGHT RENTAL UNITS. •lrr\Qat new. all rented. Tol•l Jncomt' ~month. THE VOGEL CO. "'C" THOXA.a "C" r r Be~t Buys Corona del Mar I . CORNER DUPLEX, ,2 BR : EA. \_ '- Cliff Haven BALBOA ISLAND ATTRACTIVIC 4 bedrm., 2% ""°"· or. llo. llaJ. Owner will take small down. A..lkl.nc $U,500. Excellent condition, both unita have firepL&cM, \ hwd. tJn., laundry and gange. ?rice firm. at '-' $22,~. Tenm can be arranged. Excluaive with UL l:XCEPTIONALLY Nie& S bdrm, home. lnunaeWiat.a cond. ~ut. fireplace. hdwf. Doon. • to w ~~ .. ..,.._ lnehtded, Sov.ty teno.d YN'd. low ,_Ull7 'f2"•\A--ABKINO llt,000. GOOD J'Al&ILY_JfOllE. Nttr So. Bay. Lp. ,.,.S, s bedrm. 11> batha. $2e,l!OO .About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat S bedim. furn. 2. DELUXE 2 BR. HOME Hwd. floora, double gar .. paved patio. at $15,950. Low down payment. A bargain 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Quality built 2 ~-R. and den ranch type home on Morning Canyon road. 2 batha, ahake roof. Out· •tanding view of ocean, canyon and bUla. $31,500 full price. $12,000 down will hatidle. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Vogel Values Newport Heights You'll Jove tbd home. 2 bedrooms and unfiniahed room which can be· converted to 3rd bedroom. 20' living rm., large 1'Jll mirror over fireplace, glare proof window11, w /"' carpet, HW floon, full dining rm., lovely tile bath, lot.a of tile in kitchen which open.m to cement patio .• New dbl. garage Ir laundry. 50' x 127' lot. Paved alleys, aewen. See thi• charming' home before you buy. Priced to 9ell-4 ~i % loan. Corone .del Mer 36' x 118' R-2 lot on the ocean •ide of the highway. Only $2,650. Never will you buy a lot tor thil price again. THE VOGEL CO. 2661 E. Cat., Hwy., Corona del Mar Har'. 1741-1477 Open House Daily 1-5 203 Via Nico lido HAVE YOU SEEN the ·amarte.t' bouae on Lldo ! ! Th• brand new modern Frenp.b aepncy wJtb a great .-eue of dignity &long with a cuual Holklay feel- ing in Ila 3 .Bdrm., 2 mar- bl~top pullman b a t h •· Elec. kitchen, m e r c u r y awitcbe., well cboeen car- peting thruout. Lge patio. impreaalve landacaping? U not cheek 203 Via Nice LIDO. A Spic end Spen Waterfront Comer 40' ot Waterlront near Udo. rnv.i.. Pl• anct no..t- 1 bdrnla., tlnplac•, Mutt«-1, car,.u ar111 dnt.plJli-. ,,_,uU- tul prden, ImrnacW..te conm- Uon thru-ouL ..Uktnr JH,&00. Che<."k thll bNuUtuJ lot on Cor· nu 8tTeet to Btrttt. Under W.rket 113,000. FOR U:ASE s.,_cloua Udo Home, Complet• Jy rurn. J ltdrma .• 2 bathl. wm. ter or yMrly. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. · LIDO OFFICE 3112 L&fayette, Newport Harbor 3843 IRVINE TERRACE Out.ltanding VIEW home, brand new, large living· room finiahed in Alderwood panelling, fireplace:, ron:e<t air heat, cork & vinyl tile floon, bath A ~i. two •hwni., dining room, breakfaAt t.r, encloeed patio, dbl. garage. All this plu11 the fineat VIEW obtainable. $4 2,500. Exclu11ive with RAY REALTY CO. 34.44 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar Har. 2288 IAcro111 from Bank in CDM) Whed ho.me. submit down. m,ooo ' Bayshores 80 Fl'. BAY FRONTAGE. EXCE.UZNT BAT vmw l&om• On lJttle hland, pier, float, formal' bdrm. home. on _.. lot, 1 bednloma, 1 'il 'nle la.ad value ia cla.e to the ukiq' prtc.. batM, >p. ll•. nom wttb. nq. .coae nnp!Mle, tu11 dtn. room. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INcOilE. Ull'(e lot, :':.1rt::C cv~d:~·,.n:.;; 5 bdrm. 3 1/2 bath bouae plum ~nuual 2 B. R . apt. dbl cu pnp. tllflced Y•rd. / over 3 car carace. Both unit. newly fumilbed. PRICllD> RIGHT •I • ONLY ~ ll!,600 -Tuma. Har. 1715 -Evea; Edith Maroon HYatt 4-8222 Harbor . Highlands John Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Muiae Ave., Balboa l•land . . LOVIU.iT" NE-\1\LY NICW I ~toed· room, l 'M batJr, boine, nicely JanUc:aped t~ yard, hdwd. noon. w to w carpet.Inc. F ..... he•t, •lkl.lnr r1.. doors onto patio. located tn Newport .~hoo1 I------------------------- didr1ct. PlUCEb at 1111,llOO - l!!xcell111t term.. KINGS ROAD VIEW LOT UNSURPASSED VU::W of entire ---...... "C" THOMAS, Rltr 2:lt W, Comn Hlwey-LI l·&r.21 "'C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS Costa Mese OPEN DAILY 2 to :5 p. m. ,177 RURAL LANE TURN OPT NEWPORT BLVD. at l2nd Street, Rural Lane i. tlnrt BU-t on riChL S bedroom ... HudW'OOCI noon-covered .,.uo Clon to echoolm. 1tortw A trane. port..aUoo.. H ... O.L loua peyabl• Ml pv month. tncludlq tu .. 11. lMurance. Owner ~lnr tra.nm· terred, emr.lou. to aell and wlll accept low d:OWD payment. Duncen Hardesty Realtor llarbor 4718 1733 Fullerton JUST A STEP- i~ Co.ta Mea FROM ALPHA BETA and 81lfe· way-Lovely 3 bedroom home on l•rc• comer lot. JIO,HO. Con· •Ider otter u low u ttllOO dn, SEE Al...80 171& F UU.Z:RTON OCEAN Fil.ONT! llOOO DOWN. 1100 • monlh le almoet INl"t to tall.a thlJI tine week 1114. tumlahed hom•. On BroadwaJk west of Pier - Dbl. Jot comer, 3 bdrmll., JUOO down, flOO par tno. OPEN HOUSE 1~1 Hu.el Ortve, COM Be&utlf'U.I vie\11' home of 3 bdrTTI1., J % balha, walklnc dt.t..ance to bathlnc beadl. Thi• home • out1t..nd!ng loea· Uon could nol be duplicated ~y for the uklnr price ot 112.600 -t@rm1. OPEN SAT.• SU N 1·~ tExcJiaive llJIU111 ) Call now tor pre·1howln1". Honeymoon Cottaqe 700 e(ock PolnutlJ•. CDM Call now fnr appt, to tn11pe<:t \hie unu~ullll)• 11\\rract. ho111e. 111•,.pl.. 1>e11n111<1 ceiling, l"lc • lgr. lot. braut. patln It BllQ, fl.I! tor 119,WO -tenn•. Open House · 3604 Ocean B!Ytl., cor. or Orchl1l P1nor1 m1c booy 4 rK'r-lln •"U!W. 3 n1<'e b<lr .. 2 b1tth11. lg~ tl1•. rm. Se.r-tt11a onf' !Oll~y. 0 "'111'r ~1)"11 11e!I Call Harbor 2042 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS Robert W. Rayle-Chaa. Travis--C. B. Rue.ii, ANociatc11 312 Marine Ave., Balboa Island , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ LIDO BA YFRONT Deluxe, owner-built home of 4 bedroom• & ~ com· plete luxury bathroom11. Pier & 111ip. With cus· tom fumishinga included, lhi11 exceptional home i11 priced below cost 1t $100.000. • WILLARD L. KILLION , Realtor ' 3S41 Newpoht Blvd. Harbor~ nlERlC J UST AIN'T NO• MORE 1 ------------------~----- BAYVIEW 210e W. Balboa Blvd. Har. s.!Tt ""' ON THE PENINSULA IN BALBOA -BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR THE LARGE FAllILY' • bd"'1a., 2 batlw, 2 tlrepl•c•. Man)' fin• •ppotntmcinta. Rel.· Mn•bly pr1ced. HOME Wlnf OO)[)(AHDING VIEW or OcM-11 and kJ'. on 1-rl"• lot wllh tree•. One ot the boM1 In Corune. del Mar. Fitzmorris Rlty, Co. MulUpla U.tlnr Re•lton Bu-ln-Broker 3131 E. QrL H11i')"., Coron• del M•r Harbor 21~2 NEWPORT HEIGHTS WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE Re.al family home on choice So. Bay lion. 4. bed.rm .. all electric kitchen. it'• a Bay Front you want. Front loca· See thhl ir HA VE YOU SEEN THIS DELIGHTFUL BALBOA lSLAND HOME ? With beamed ceiling and lots of knotty pine. Boat and mooring included in price of $25,000 IF IT'S A LOW DOWN PAYMENT YOU WANT, and a large 4 bedroom home you need, don't pau up thi• Corona ·de1 Mar Vogej Va.lue. Permanent ocean view -few atep11 ta beach. $1000 down _/--"' · The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door to the POBt Office Har. 444. E\lea. Har. 3059-M Har. 4218·R 1702 ;\'cwport lih'<I . Cn•t• Mcaa l------------------------1 W~rt .~· •·~97 &.·c1, U 1·7407 AulhenUc L-type Jtanch home on oomer lot. 1 yr. o ld. Studio !Iv· In( and dlllll'll rm. lli'lth antique tlreplace and W•U of 11ua over- looklnr• tge. peuo, beaulUul hardwood tloor-.. mod@rn kltr.h1n wtth break.fut are&, n•lural wood cabinet•. bullt·Ln oven • renge. 3 roomy bdrm• .. 2 tUe-:1 balhm and lovely Pec-or Throurh· OU\. Only 18600 down._ Greenlca!·Severta Realty 3112 Newport 81,·d., Newport 'DON'T make a MOVE" ONLY ~ YDS. TO BEACH 2 Hparete hon1e11 on one Int. J on1 3 be<lrm. 4 2 balh •nd nl\t' l·be<lrrn .. l b!ltl\. lltepl.. wal!td patio &. dble-. g111 . llc.>th cnn1plele· ly furn. an.J In tn11 Mndllu.>n 0Wnrr1· Q\ll 01 1ota.lt 1ntrtelll3 make H ln1f"l!'rAlll•t. he Mii Ai<k· Jng S2~.r.no wH h 1tdr•1·tJ\•r terme. Suhrnll 111 ntf,r.~. J, J.I ~111.1...f~R <.:(l. 202~, v.· J-:1h'1"' Hl •fl. Har 4Q1h Acreage SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELLENT BUCH See this attract1l'e OCEAN FRONT home--deaign· ed for yr, round living. Knotty pine liv. room with dining area, Formica. kitchen. Oownatain hu 1 bedrm. & 1 ~ bath, 3 bdrme. 11 ,~ baths Up. Solid const., concrete & piling .foundation. EnclOlled )'arrl, 2 cl\r garage. $22.500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newf)On Blvd,. N«:wport Beach Har. 1013 H•rbor lMl ' Evil!•. L1b 1·040& or H•r, 3921 -W 001.DEN OPPORTUNITT -to r1.1u chih.lrrn. chlckene. coll• " calve•. P ay 19:!0 dn. • 1l•rl on th11 i; acrl!I rancho, ,..Ith gond & rm. home • dVer11l.1• ~ c•r gar•c•. f7~ mo. on blllanni, UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY ' Moving & !\op. Storage LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE Ph. Kl 3-9221 MOVING Corner Newport Blvd. Eve Lt 8·2961 and So. Main St. LIDO ISLE l:VOl"S TRIAL. bUJOinf'All • rri11·l ------------------------de11lli;L •r •••··.! Al n 1 •. nrhr.• ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES BEAlITlFUL homf/: on Lido Nord comer with" per· manent view of Bay. Near bMt beach for rwim· ming. Thret bednna., hobby r6om Ir den. Charm· ing king aiu muter bedroom with alcove and connecting private t».th opening onto large •Un deck. The unuaually attractive dining room hu •llding 1l&e11 doora opening to the patio, while the modern kitchen bu built-In dJahwuher, dl.llJ>OM.-1, copper bood, ceramic tile and iiumerou• other featurw to plea.le the mo.t futid.iou.. Truly one a nil J:rlo\'~ ~n CO:\'" ~le~" Snn:" An• ~""' OA:"I A .IACOB.~::...·. f'::,.11ho r Hai &491. t~'"•~ Li 11·6317 33c3:'1 LIDO R-3 l -30 ft. lot' on So. Bay J-"ronl . Ut.:KJO ~ach. Call T. D, Ro1erl, HIT. lb&·\\", or R\'an 1-«l:t. t•ttc J'OR JlAl.t; ~y o "·NER-4 bf'<I· rooUl )HHn~. 1 '-"ba\ ha. Lan.I· wapt!d ilo fr!O('e.J . FllA lnu. f'rHdom horn• area. Cll.ll UBerty 1422' ruor11.tnaa or ~r a p. m. 1tuc • OCEAN FRONTS Two 11tory furrushed home. Lot nina Crom 1treet to beach. Room for extra unit.-lst time offered. A real buy $16.ot>o. Good •tenn11 . AL.50 five unitft and e.xtn lot, near Balboa pier. S26,SOO well financffl. 8 un1t1 F.a11t Ocean front $37.000 -Good income. N.B.C. REALTY CO. 32nd and Newport Blvd., Newport Beach Hu. 1405 ~' IA.S1 Newport, CO$la M1 .. LI l ·ltl:.\2 Eve. LI 8-tl03 ~ YR 01..D f\1rniahed ocu.n front home on R·ll lot, Room \Q bulld 1ncQ1ne unLl•. na,!l-0() t1.1U price. only '4000 down. J. M. MlLl.ER CO. ZO:i& \\". Balboa Blvd. H•r. •091 !near the Nl!WJ)Qrt Pier) $200 Down U0 ,.r rtM)fllh or morr a 0000 LOT 1UUrlde 0-ta M-. t'ull pr1t!• '2000. ' LIAM A . .IA0088EM, Realt« Ha.r. 11t1, SY-. LL 1-417 McJl • of the flne.t of homea, and priced to .ell. SHOWN BY APPOINTKENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 5113 Newport Shod .• Newport S.Cb H&rbor 1013 ' I ,_ J If II ) TURKEY DAY SPECIALS BALBOA JBLAN?> HOME tit INCOME. One of the ma.t channlnc • ' B. R. 3 ba. home• on X.land phu gueat room and bath -AND unuauaUy attractive rarn. apacloua 1 B. R. apt. Dbl. gar. Owner leaving town. Xlnt. tlnanclng. This is a first clue pro\>erty, priced to seU. Ow-excluaive. GRACIOUS LIVING, One or the most charming 4 bedrm. homes on Laland. Built for yr. round Uving. Attractive patio. Bay mooring included. $32.500. Beautifully furniahed. $24,500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But bun-y! CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF -Owner ia out of the Glty. Immediate po88e88ion. Here ia a good buy at $13,500. A two bed.rm. home only 4 yn. old and like new. --BLANeHE A. <SATE-S, "Reci1tor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa. Island Phone Harbor lt71 or 1672 BACK BAY AREA Call for Appointment "82 Esther ~t. A really beautiful cU8tol!l built home by Lloyd C. Howard. Tbe living room la extra large with a m&Mive dobler brick fJreplace and aelect nooring. NatuJ:al uh planter bookcUM. Aats paneled family room With 118pU'ate BBQ and planked tloora. J>tc- tue window wan., bullt in Tbennador 1tove and oven in bar kitchen. SUding glua in muter bedrm. l'ull fenced tatJo and la.nd9caped yard. S.utiful tree. -over 1800 1q. ft. See It and you'll buy It! Only $26,500 • ., WATER FRONT SPECIAL Call for Appointment to 11ee 405 C)ubbouae Two bedrm. home oo 64 ft. bulkhead frontage, pier A float, near Lido Center It City Hall. Only $18,950 -Submit on down payment. ' Income Two at.om PLUS ~ apartment.a S:Z,000 only S17,000 down Euy monthly payment.a A-1 conat. on Cout H1')'. ir..ch apt. bu 1W99Ping ocean view. Acroaa It.reel from popular b&thinc beach. AU rentala fipred low to eecure permanent tenanta. Will conaider home u part down. , ALSO BUSINESS BUILDING Net income -10% plUI 8tx t.enantli all on leue. Belt loc&Uon-A-1 coaat. Stnued for 2nd story. Euterrl ownu deeir'M quick Ale. Euy tenna. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor . and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Cout Hwy. LJberty 8-7773 "At the Archea" BALBOA-INCOME e Fum.lahed 1 B. R. Unitl plUI ownen large 2 B. R. apartment. BMt rental area -excellent income. • BALBOA-BAY A VENUE ' B. R., 2 bath bome -$23,960. Owner will con- alder home W•t~ area or mlcbt exchange for amall clear beach houee harbor area. BALBOA-NEAR LIBRARY 2 B. R. home with ~ bath in gara.ge. Nice encloeed patio. Owner will corWder trade on Income in Riverside. $U,$9~ood terms. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. Hl50 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har. 1264 Shore Cliffs Exclusive Ocean View 2 Bedroom•, paneled den, 2~" baths, beautiful flag· It.one patio, plate glaM windows, mirr6ra. water purifier. etc. Luxurious carpets & drapes. PLUS all t he other fine appointment.a that make. a fine home. Nothing comparable at $37.500. Can at· range excellent terms. W. T. McMANUS. Realtor 1900 Harbor L1 8·3333 R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. Cout Hy. Har. 2774. • 27tfc ------f ·.~ .,.----'""""· . d-!!!:::!B~ee~l,!IM!! .. ~*-!._ ____ !a~-:!·~te.1~11!.._!! .. !..._ ___ .:...· .~·~·~·~aJ~&ta~~te~------llell __ ll_~_ .. ____ .. ~-ww::.u HAuoll NEWS.PRESS -PART U. Ma 7 MONDAY9·HOVEMIER It, tftl p. a .. palmer incorpQrated ... .-. ... '-,------------~~....-.~~---------· • ,Ii J 3111119J1!!1 ~·a.:.· ~,.~_.,:•!!:;:•!.a!!!..!•!!'!*!....-~~,~~- ·developers of Udo Isle ' ! \ \ ·, I ·I \; 6 Units on exclualve Lido North Bay, 80 ft. frontage. Drifting and Dreaming Lovely beach and view, fumiahed and rented. $1~.ooo. Term.a Isn't neceM&J'Y. We haft ,_a.. lime,___. on Lido. Brand new 3 bednD.. 1 6 ~· a.tba .,.. built-Ina plore. Completeq kn '-npe&. P\IOI DWLY OPJ:Mh> NMr+m RmOD - llANifmllOU8LX CON'l'DIPO&AJtY New Lido Home on terma. Call Joe K.,,,.., to - R&nch ltyle 3 bedrm. 1 le % baths, forced alr heat, dlnJng area, lood location between two Ilia 1 ltory homea. aoee to bee.ch, open beam cellinp , mu- •ive. uaed brick comer fireplace. Lota of We and very good flni8h work. Built by John Vil9Cher, ~ adullft 'Ultil. · Chane~ of A Ufetlnte In l"ine TelT8ce v MOit acltlng VU:W HOMll la •th...._--. .. a quallty builder. S25.500 with $10!~ -down and $120 per month. NOT LEASEHOLD. Tbiw bedrocam, I ._.,_, d.lntng room, faUDdry, la.rp eelJar, Jatr of ... and atorage apace. Room for gUl9t aput:mmt. Thia property c08t owner tn ~ ot '6',000 to build. BecaUle pt death In family, wW ucrtflce Oppeillte 1"IM Oolit Couty Cub lflPwa1 1~ Newport Harbor Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bed.rm. 2 bath upetairs with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downstairs with enclosed patio. Both apt.a. . have forced air furnaces, fireplacea, carpeting. 1_ ..!or $(0,000~ 1709 Pacific Drtn.-Cmaaa .dlllMar~ OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. K. to fl P. K. We are Wfr/ proud ot the clau of m.nhudlae w.b1eb we an ott.tq tn lnlDe T.nue. We bow yoq wW al9o like U.. location, quality of COIUltruc· Come by or call Dave 0.banl f• &t1U.. doll by Macco COrporatJon and lnteriOl'I • drapes, refrigerator, stove. Unbelievable priced at only ~7.000. $12,000 down. OCEANFRONT 60 foot corn•r . beet PENINSULA location. $17,000 Lido North Bayfront Lot Perfect location between two nJat ~ saeJ500 AM 1for Bill l'ananostL by Jlartla A V OD Hemert1 . p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management ' 8333 Yi& lido, harbor 1600 p. a. palmer; incorporated. ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout hlghwa1 -liberty 8-C56']1 Hom.ea available tram $24,000 to $3CS,OOO for the • c. dlecn.musat1ni bu~. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Peninsula Homes! VOGEL VALUEs-LIDO ISLE OFFICE ' NO. 1-00CTol\.'I HOKll A.ND A BEAUTIFUi. PROPllftTY..t bedroom•, I bath. ,,mxtra w,. corner lot lncluded • . • all •alled IOI' privacy. B&dmintoa court. .,.UO and doub&e ,.,..,... N1cd7 ~aped. '3MOO Md tann .. No. 1-<:A'BB IN ON THID HUN· DR.l:DS OJ' DOLLAJla U'l:NT to modemiae Ulla cute llom• ..• turn.leed, too. 211\ bednu... J b&Ula. rtreplace, double J&r- ~· ~d •undeck ••• $17,000, ••ooo down. Balboa Homel TRlUtlC BEDftOOMS, 1 ~ ba th1. ClOM to NHTC and one-half block from bMt bay beech. Dttra lot Included. Flrepla.c. ud large l1'Ytn1 room. Olckr home but what poulblUtlH . f J7,000. terma. Bay Front Duplex! Tl:l.£RJI; WILL NEVER BE AN· OTHER BAY FRONT OU· -·-· PUCX u a ttracUvt u thla beauUtul property, 1ltuat.ed on tb• Panlruiula, wtt.b private beech and pltr rlcbla. Both untl.I have I ti.drooma. and lb• vp,,..r 11 turn~. Ntce laun· dry and uUUty room1. s..t ot all It i. Olt.ly ' YHl'll old. Set tt tA>da y at •~.ooo. U 0.000 down. Costa Mesa Homes! WHEN WE DO TAKE THEM IN COST A XE8A 'T'HET HA VI! TO BE GOOD , .. We have two of them now. One w1lh • bt<lroom1 and 2 bath•. at U 2.900 and anot.Mr w ith a bedrooma a t su.m Bolh dan· d)' vaJuu wt think. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalle Bank of America ROM Orttlty Al Comtllu. Ed I.At Jack P inkham J°"ptllne Webb 700 E Balboa Blvd . Ualt>c» Phone Harbor 3217 IN THE BACK BAY AREA - CLOSE TO TKE BAY. Wllllns hand.I can tranafOW\ thil al· moet 2.000 1q. fl. ot Home A Ru-mpua Room tnto a dtllc hl· flil place. F enced lot I~ lit l~. Prlttd rtcht a t $13,600 wtlh r~ne.ble down pa,yment. 0WTI• er wlll col\8lder ofttr or trade BRAND NEW le60 SQL' ARE rr 3 bf.<lroom, I '-. bath.e rlua over11&ed 2 car p r- .,-e. Tbl1 lka u ty Is l()Caltd on 1. half &er. uid priced a t Juel Ul,600 Uood term-. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. ~a 32n'1 St . Newport BeAt h. C'allt Har MM. tLtler 6 p.m. Har. 229J·J 32clt * * ·* * * NEWPORT HEIGHTS MlNDWM MAXDWM Yet, the price le minimum and the diat.rict i. maxi- mum. A oosy 2 bdrm. home on a large lot in beauti- ful Newport Helchta for only $10, 760 with $2000 , down -The S84 moolhly paymenta include taxN and inlurarlce. c+IFJ' HA VEN View lot Kings Road. Leuebold lot 67' x 110'. Charming location, fine view of b&y. . Only $5500, $2000 down. COSTA KESA De.irable !S acre M-1 location. $5:S,OOO I BAYFRONT HOMJllS -LIDO Ii VICINITY 3 bdrm., 3 baths, carpet.I A drapeti $57,:SOO 4 bedrma. Is den. Very nice. Pier Ii float $65,000 f bdt"IU.. lovely corner, partly furniahed.. pier and fia&t. 511.000 ' bdrma 3 bat.ha, nearly ..., pier and float, 1:0mpletely I~ $89,500 • bdrm. " mch. qua.rt.era, carpe~ pier and float. $95,000 THE VOGEL CQ.-UDO OFFICE 3418 Vla Lido, Npt. Bch. Bar. '871 or Har. t972 En•. Har. 2191-J.i Har. 2998-1\ or U 8~5297 LIDO · PROVINCIAL • • • CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choice two bedroom can be youra. tor o•y $22,700. • Beamed ceillnp • U8ed brick fireplace • In.aide window abutten • Quarry tile kitchen • Large two-ar garage • Large walk-in cloeet . We ha\te the k ey to thia lmmaculate, near new Udo home. Come In and di8cuu term.a. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KIXPI'ON -J. H . GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via LJdo Harbor 444' (Acroaa from Richard'• Mullet Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars .,,,,.. GOLDE:-.' OPPORTU:--'ITY -to tollttt SUI:'\ mu "n $~000 in· vuu-.1 down r•~ oitnl. 3 rum unll5 "" r lM · In hl\lf acre- Not A· t qu,allty con .. l bul 1n· N>tl'I(' Ill $80 lflO, llll<el 1'111 e Of ti.ILn~c no (lnance chargt1- PROPERTY SOLO IN 1965 WITH MONTHS TO SPARE ORANGE C'OAST PROPl!:RTt~ ,, USE MULTIPLE LISTING, IT'S THE SUCCESSFUL WAY TO SELL ' . OPEN HOUSE Sat\irday as s~ 1toC5p.m. IUeadJll~Vl..,,M..,_ port H~ta. Panorwnte Vfew troru ti-. I n• S bclnn. 11' bath modern home.. deslped and eon.tNcted in the ttne.t EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OOURTSSY TO BftOKEU ~ BILL'S BEST BUYS o1 ta.ti.. u1.ooo and •11.000. BACK BAY LOTS . * * * Several from J55liO to $7950. A1'to .3 •t $8000 i;aeb, On The Ocean these on · pm ate drive ind are 120 x ~. COMPLETELY' remodeled 3 brm. MAGAZINE COVER HOME bt.t.ll 6 " bo~ Wlt.ll fl'Ollt door openille 0 " t.be andJ bMch _ We ~ve 9Mn tllem ~r but never cuter. Stained It'• lu.t wtiet yCN'\o• be9o look-Ndwood frpnt with low line •hake roof. On• UT~ inc tor-e. bekh borne or year ing room wall 11 of beam and and uaed brick l!.dlll. a.round rwl~ Price juat , , • .:~::._ uo,.oo wiua reuonable terma. atr'Uction. 2 B. R. plua den, 1 % bath8, tirep~ tr * tr in both L. R . and den. BuUt 1n rans• and oven. 0 t · th C t 1 mmute from. hich ecboaL . i1s.:soo U lft 8 OU~ 8 ';;. ~=.:!° .::U.tec1 .su. COMMERCIAL ApREA~E . th• Ml• ot uu. charmtq home JliO feet fk>il\a11 160 •tt.-dew. Can be cut lbto JIMt a pa&eaa and a put trom ua. t hree lot.. OD eewen,. clo11e' to town .. colt club Ln UI• Back Bay Area. Priced to lldl. $1& 000 cuh s lldr'.Dla. plua larp rumpu. rm., • · 2 b&thl, beaut.U\11 encloeed paUo IT'S A SHA .. 'E aD tor •lT M>O wtth low down-IYI owner wtll CAtT7 balance. To let thL. twe> bid.room heme 10 uy longer with· * * 11 out a nice couple to enjoy ita hominem, comfort Bay & Beach Rlty Inc and bo.ptt&Uly. Vnderprlced at it.eeo. Rear y&l'd completely cement bloct fenced. Nmy •orat.ct ~ ~ =: In and out. SUbmlt POOo dowa. LI•m~LJWUI See Me-Ta Nellon FOR EXCELLENT VALUES CORONA DB:L MA.ft. DMl md W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIA rf,S, U!AL TOJt •iyou'll Uke OUI' friud.b' Mnice" .00 E. 17th St., Coeta Meiaa Liberty 8-1138 alWlJ, J bed.rm. ~ Mlpec.t ----------------------4. dnpe.. Perfect Mt ~P tor 2114 unit. a-la. r .P. u2.eoo. OOftA KU>. -Clao&ce ~ tor ~YWoa. I be&uUt9I a.er.. lncorporated ..,._ OD eo.t. x-·· ~ stnec. iaooo per AU&. 1.-tbaa IJ6 dowa. Ll:KON DlOHT8 JO a.ar. 94· ~ 1-ut.ltUI ....... T ""' Ul ~ •Yoc:adoe. i..a than ~ dOwn. CBOlCID RllNTALI, ~ed A ~ Ja:'l'A MEUIOlf JIOI m. Cout ltw7. Oorana dal Kar, Har. 6MO. aJcU MARINA FRONTAGE •o J'U"I' ON WA.TD. 8-uutul 2 acn poUIL J'mMI 6 CluUt1&.nMn. R.ee.J Lon CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY • "295 Two Bedroom Bryn M&WT 937 SQ. FT. at $4.60 sq. ft. '5295 Th1'9t ¥room Loeb Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. et $4.bO sq. ~. Car Porta U z: 20 i2W I OO°lo FINAfiCIN~ GUARANTEED throu1h $250.ooo· Secondary Flnanclnc J'und. on your lo~ paid for or oot. WE ALSO Butt.o INCoME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. ' OPEN SUNDAYS Cor. Century It Dorothy LE 9.-0e33 Z7tfc ITM eutati.4 Bl•d. 84 3-1231. • I OcM ---------------------- New Court COM I un>ARA Tm I BDRM. tlNlTS ln doee-ln ~ }oc&tJon Co.ta ,. ..... Oal1 fNOO dowl\. 714 Goldenrod UNUSUALLY A 'M'R.Acrt'VE COM DAN A. J4COB8~N. Re&l tor Har. lett -Eve1. LI ~8317 33c~ Red Hot Two R-3 Iota 'IJJllOO -. l4 San Clcneni... Level • r.&dy to build on. Bot.h tor ftMO ouh. Call J'ORD Vl:RIUNDD today. Kw. '2Q Ev• 3'177 83c.'le GOT A BOATT Wa ban the moon.or. a cute ud lml"ll&Culate l bdrm. bom• on the ~•I at UtU• moH Uu.n 2 bedr. 1 ~ bath. endoeed pa Uo OD DJcely l&Dei- acaped 60 ft. Jot. AUl..ag price $18,000. '6,000 dD. OP!l?f HOUSE l • 5 Sat. Ir SUA. No\t, 19 6: 20 (or Pbone fot' app't ) BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor H ar. 1862 Bar. ~ 35U E. Cout Bi1h~. C. D. M. ' I • • ' 18."l'r :"ewport. Cott& J.1 tll. COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth •• w s.1su 1:vt '""' a.a~! Newport Harbor Board of Realtdrs lh• price oi Ult loL OnJ7 SOOOO --,-------------------=~':t. Pr1ce fJU OO, bellne It BAl:BOA ISLAND H&rtlor IOH Evee. LI 1·3111 or Har. "1T·M DO YOU HA VE THE TIME T lt 90 )'ft eaa pt a real return oD your inTMUMDt. 8-bdrm. heme 2 bdrm. apt. ph• (U.t room an4 '-U.. tmmW throuchout. N..S. & little loTe ad can. 81:11 IT TODAY -$23,GOO OWND. ANXIOUll mREE BEDRM. HOME 19 yn. I atorage room. large lot, iOxl~. Sev.·er in and paid. ~st side near Tultin Ave.$&")()(), with terms. * * * * IRREGULAR SHAPED lot I 12.000 .q. ft .. nn. for 4 unit.a ) with entran~ on Tu11t in An. $4000. * * * * \.i ACRE, '2 bdrm. home. double car pr&Je with ru.t room, near Harper School $8600. G: N. WELLS , Realtor UlO Newport BJTd., eo.t.a Meaa LI 8-1801 PE:-;' l~SI LA LO'l' On~ or Lhe Jut 1n l h~ uo. Pt lo sell $10.600 d ut-tL.. i.; ~HA..-ut, Healtor lot Mr~ 11llden Pl , al I.ht Newport - Pier Har. 140 l:vea. Har. llMl-W Harbcw 2629·M I UNITS P"lJJU'f. Corona cM Mar. All '"'-'· Good return on your 1nvt1tmtnt. '7~.000. Owner, Ha.r. 6iot 1$AUl0A OL'PL&X DM1 91.b St 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach BALBOA ISLAND Cb•rmtnr 2 bedroom home and l.arce IUJlllY patio . . with cabana.. See thia for value. Under Sl9,000 Eu)' tenna beecJa on Ule bl.J'. 8otla 11nU.1 , • OOLDICN OPPOl'lTUNlTT -to own M·l a.ere on P1acenlla-- 2a ft. roadway U\N to rear atlow1nr bulldln&' &Ra of 76 11 67'. Propetl)' d •a'-""'&000 esn. to handJe. ,........ ORA.NOii COAST PROPERTILS 18~T Newport. Co1ta ~hH LI 1·18U Eva. LI l-680! ~~:~~:'!..: WW SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD W4TSRJ'RONT LOT. Mms>Wte wt._. ~-v.., cio.. to Udo~.XJp&....­ tn.t deed lot 91LVJt7. tvmL lubnl.lt all of!en. R It J . w. lllLl.l:ft co. ee ors 1t1B w.t ..,. ~ Jlar. 61191 Marine and Park Balboa 1a1and Harbor""W C~tbe N""91' PW) • HOKJ!R IC. Bllil'D. lt.MJtor 10t McJ'..._ Pl.. Bar. WO .......................... x. LIDO JSLf, TIP-TOP QUALITf BUY. Jtarely eaa w ta. ao much for 80 UW.I 8-bctrma. 2 batu. ...a ln design. ... ..,,,..,. patio. nJLL P1Ual2 111,GOO NELDA GIBSON, Re1altor 808 >tN-Aft., Ball>o& lalaad Bar. ~ ' I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------------------------..................... .. r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -MONDAY, NOVEMIR 21, 1955 ,,.0 MAlllt WITH SALLIE Novttmber 21, 19M And M> the Mama Boff&lo aa.ld to the Bab)· Buffalo • • . "This lll our own, our Native Land .... Years ago p e o p I e foand somPtblnK good to be thankful for • • • They hDDK on to what \My found and each year their Tban.ks.:MnK M'CUred them moni tl,,;htly to •Tee- dom of Speech. Frttdom _., BeHPon. ...£nedom of ~M~-- tlae PreM, Right of P e>tl· tloa. H ere's a crazy mixed-up report for you to discombo-QC)('lr£"H~ bolate, if I ever writ one ... It atarta this -a -way . . . 'll()l~X"I $%,500 free in discounts on ~NQ(,;)CI Rlchard's Gift S hop Mezza- nine ..• from November 24 thru December 24 . . . It works this-a-way ... You are given a Uttle card on which you keep track of your groc- eey purchases ... You save your regist er receipts and when you have $25.00 worth. our department heads total them up for you and mark the amount on tbe back of ~~• . your card ... When you have a $25.00 credit on groceries, ~~>i you are pennitted to go up-111 ataira and purchase anything you want up to $10.00 at a 10~;, d iscount ..• If yo~ave a $50.00 credit you can pur- chase up to S20.00 at a 20 '"o di8count . . • $75.00 credit. you purcba.se up to S30.00 at ~~it a 30% discount ... Getting intereatting? Hang on •.. there'• more ! $100. credit geta you $40.00 worth up-~~I stairs at 3or;, discount .-. , ~ $125 .•.. $50. at 30';. dis- count ... $150 . . . $60.00 worth mdae. purchased at 30% off . • • Clear? ~Just ~~~ come in . . . you '11 be given a card ... All you have t o do is save your receipts, we'll do the rest ... TomorJ'Ow, ~Y ill the I a s t day of the Oran~e Cout Co8'-ge C o o k I n ft School at thf' fJdo Thftttf'r ••• 9:30-ll :SO L m. Thanks .•• Thankfl ... Thank" ••• f1ntl~· to R u t h Klumb front ·oran~fl C.oaM Co~~e • . . lnt'rf'aM'd attt nd.lUIN> eec'h '""'t"k and th.-appHr- Ua.! of the Mmt fatt" -s&ln and again, "howf'd lfaat thf' ladlf''4 llkrd what ~II • ~· laeanl • • . IAdifotl ! . Gent"' too ! thf'rf''" mon1 Adult t:dun.tinn out. at. OCC and lt'l'I all ynur1o1 ..• Aad a real roo -tH -too thank" to th•' Southnn Countif's 0 a " Company,' Oafft "' and SatU.-r and our o•-n Udo t:IN't.rlc right aero"" thf' Iii ri·.-t , whirh hi tbfoi plM'e "'h«>rfl )'ou can bu)' the lonly Oalfl"n and &ttll'r Oa." ra~l't'. all'O any Gt; appllant't", small or largr •.. So "on,· ... SCGC aad (i8 ... W f' lo'''° eH"ly· bledy ... Wr ju~t onf' i~at bll~ happy f ambl)' ... Hey! This th1rnkmg stuff. ~kcs you feel like you could fly ... Try it soml' time ... And thanks to aU the rest of the Lido Shops for making the Cooking School a great hie wham-ding bull's eye ... Th• nf'W Udo Mhop under eonMtrudlon a c r o "'8 the lltrttt 1 .. Barrowt1 Dt-part· atf'Dt Stof't" ..• \*ardaicP, ahf'f'b. pillow -CMH • • • JOU know what wt'n nM'Cl· ed hc>rt, for th,. pa.oil fM'\"f'n 1f'-*r8 ..• Wc>'tt 80 thrtllfod with Barrow'" <'omlnJ: wf''tt eonr.edinR all oor h 11 t h towt'IA to thr m .. , lo fad wr're llt'IUn~ alJ 0111"!6 op on Ute Mnunh'I<' at a SO?,, ~unt to rlfoar t btm oot • . • Cum-fil. <'Un1-M • • • -.U. to""'"· hand tmn~ tt·u h t'IClth" ... Cannon" and oUttr famous makf' ... A«tr thHt are Jtftnt )'ou'll U\'t to buy your bath towr l" a<'ro~ thf' f'tTttt ..• We 8liU sell f ood ht>re at R ichard's . . . FabuJoualy l'OUrs for Tbank1givmg, Reck Cornish Game Hen, boned and stuffed .. rca~y to eat . . . ~~~~~ or Rocl< Comish Game Hen .; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~g Day la more than tur- key: pompkJa pie, aut. ud 11weet.1 It Is family day-c,.ae for reunion, for prayer and feuUng together. We think, u we are 91lJ'e you wll, that the "'Ord ''Togetberaeee" wannly embodJes the t1'Ufl aplrlt of 'l'banP- gtvlng, and ~f tile true AmerioM way of life. Holiclay Treats · in Meats See our elegant Young'a Ranch Turkeys before yoa. bay! Traty the Mr.- gest, plumpeat'*broed breuted-eat Turkey. you'll ever aee. Oace 700 try'em -you'll never buy aootber. Featured at low Y .. • aucll pr&ce.. Old Fuhloned Hickory Smeked Maalaattaa OJ' abuk flad . WHOLE HAMS •b ' Butt l!:nd• ... _ ............ -~ 6Se / Ranch Fre&b -Young Tende.r FRYING CHICKENS _ .. _,,,_ _________ _ Excellent for 8tufflag -Rath'• BULK SAUSAGE For extra •PfldaJ d.rellhlp OYSTERS • Holiday Selections - lb. 63c I lb. 1'011 39c 12oa.far 65c Things te remember ..• from Richard's • Flowers frofh Richard's Florist • Roasting Pa ns, Turkey Lacers, Taper!, Table .A.ccessorie1 and Decorat ions from th• Mezzanine Shoppe • Beyereges, C iqiu'1 and C i9erettes f rorn Pecka'• De,.ertment • Rolls end Desserts from lekery •·or Brn.kfut -l..ar~ Swf'et, F1or1da 8"-dleM GRAPEFR'T 3for19c Fre.h, Hot Routte, Cwttvat.ed MUSHR'MS 5 oa. cup 25c YAMS 2••. 25c with bonra and witho ut dreatt- lng. or predttsaed quick froz~ en partridge or pheasant ... Duncan Hiaea Butter Minta, made with real creamery but-. ter and ju.et a eu.epicion of peppermint . . . Very rlch, 111111111111111 melt In ~·our mouth delight to IJer\'e a ftcr the meal la over • . . So you'll Uve to enjoy rour food obMn·e S-D 1Safe- Drh1n1e Dav ~ .. December 1. "· I Ri chard's W ill Be Closed Thenskgiving Day Open till 7 p. m. Evenings ITAPLD AA'iuna ·--··--·-_.. 59• oaal'llNo,..w.w 45• .CANE SUGAI -·~·-...._ ..., .-.n.aac 79• CllSCO -·-··-··--·_...._ ... ............. i.-... • '1 •• COFFEE _ .. -.... ·-·-··-·--· .. ka. MAYONNAISE ······-··..-rt 53• TUB&.EY PALS ~'IY SAUCE 1 ..... 2135• ............. ~ SPICED PE.ACHES . .Ne. I Y1 l,,fJ ....... ....... .._ ....... ~"* un.ll&a&Y 2135• SAUCE .. .N .. ,. CW..._•'• POVL'l'lll' . 59• DltlSSING --·-··1-u.. pk& • Pmsmanum ..... ...... w&eca 55• MIXED NUTS _ ... --··•%--. 8....._ for 8p,...._ 13• . HI-HO CIACKEIS .. .-.... 8,_cier 81U1fed Q.-35• GRUN OUYIS _ ... ,% ...... ON ...ca __... ftlllW .... WA1DMELON llND 1._... "'1 ~·· -...... fl ... .U.'\. Coler. ~DINN'&& u· MINTS -a.. ... SPICES a SUllONING8 • I= I"• l'Ot:LTBT 14' SEASONING -"- ••·•..-• l'(l1IPIWr 23• PIE SPICE __ . ..1..a. VANi°UA EXTRACT _. .... 31• DE88D'l'S aaW~ 55• MINCEMEAT .-... ~ • lllMlnreU . 51• PLUM PUDDING __ .1~ o~ • lllMlnffD '1 ". FRUIT CAICE .1-• ..... IJll ow.... • ..._.. 23' DATE NUT ROLL _ ...... Frozen ' lor Freshness ORANGE JUICE .-...... 2 ._ nc STU WIERRIES __ ., ..... 2 .• 45c ......,.. 2 35c GREE,N PEAS __ .1...-. ,_ ..... ,.. . ~ 35c PEAS & CARROTS1....L ,_ .....,,.. ..._ 45c BRUS. SPROUTS _,.._ 1. ,_ GAMEHENs:=::.. J48 Tw• ,_ pq--.. '6-11 lt...W• OSl7aAA 545 PARTRIDGES . .-. . N..--.~ fl... 148 PHEASANTS _ __.) ~-·~-f. _.. Bakery Fresh ... MONDAY ....,a,._. 23c STUFRN IREAD ···-···--·..loaf ...... ~... 87 PLUM PUDDING ....... -... ··---c ti;QOAY , r .. ttn.1 ' 87 SPICE CAKE ___ .................... ~ c .,.... .... !"¥. 17 DINNER ROLLS . • ,.., ,,c. c· WED!'il"E8DAY MiNcE PIE -··-·--···-""" ......... -" 56c • .,..a_ 6 17c DINNER ROLLS .... --···-for rooD llAa.Olf ~.UDO UONl " co Clrculatlon 16.000 DWa9Jwte4la Nwpwt ......... Bal~ ....... 0..-clel Mar, OoMa ..._ Lie b S-tla ....... .... ,.., ...... Volmne 8 -Number 29 Monday, Noveuiber Zl, lBM .;go lG• NO HUNTING-· Slim Lines Are in the Bag for Fall Fashions w.... Mr. and Xra. Baroid Bot· ---------------------1~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~~11!11111-...................... .. llnc11head of Fontana Uld Jun MARINI Mr. and Mn. Karl Lynn Davl1, A 1urprlae birthday party wu Heaterly · of th• w.arui. ll'om INSUR.ANCI Balboa Jaland, have deMrted the held recently for M1·1. Dovie Hea· Twenty-nine Palroi. Bmeo_. 8elbs Harbor area to l&lte a vacation therlefy 1 or .• 22M78 Canyon R~ahd by Grand Fall.I, locat.e4 .outlleut crl a..u .. r on.a ll-1ty o .. in the New Orlun. area. They e! r l!Jlull. r. 1snd Mrs. , e11l"r 1111 W. c-t IDp--r left recentl b a uto on an l'lt· Carter and her BOn• and daugb-Cameron on UI• Little Colorado l••lliiiiiillil-il'iilniiil•• ....... -.................................. .. Davises on Vacation Matron Is Honored Y Y ter1. Pr1>1<>nt were the C8 rlers, River In A riaona, a... report.ad to Lona'. allm. uncluttered llnu leya and brocade•. TheH often tenalve trip. pl.annlns to return Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cl'agg and Mr. be falla and rapldit ot rreat IUllJo ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,-;;;,-;,-;;,-;,-;;,-;.-;.-;.-;.-;.-;,.~ _____________ ...._ ______ _ ahape the faahlon handbag for reature cane, bamboo or other here nut month. and Mra. J. C. MUey of Costa beauty. taU. A n-era opene tor fuh· Ion and comfort In handbaia: EHtem matertala In handles that th• amallu fall bag• eliminate enhance the exotic flavor. th• neceaalty ot erevlce-buntlnf ---- around th• bottom tor hidden SU PER-VALUES 1tern1. Keyed to fuhlon'a e I e f&nt look. bap wtll be Ions or aqua.re. but a.Jwa)'I ellm and aleek. And tbe a..-lhapea .,.. cantuUy de- cepU.,., eo Ulen'• plenty ot room lnaid• thOllfh the appearance I• hulkl.... Belt.a and buck les pro· ~ illt.ere.Unf 1tyte det&Jl.a. 1'SW 811.U'.i TM l&ldMI I.I a alpJncant fall M&pa, wttll chan1u that nat- t.a U\41 altm the bulo t tyle. Late day ....,_ conUnue th• will· er·tbba k>ok ftet.be1' they are 9q11aner~. • SLIP-OVER SWIATllS and CARDIGANS Regularly $8.98 and 110.H l'IPE<'JAL 100'7, Kaut Orlon -MATCUING- -d OONTllA8TINO AU ace I riff are alated to rL,·rh and SL.1.11 p\&1 tbltr meet important role oilll ~ ID -~ a MUOn and wtU be more ~ thui ev.r. Haadllqw wtD blend with coe- bdae oelorw to produce tlle pop· war .... t.. look or will be "-' .. the prblGary color ~t tor • ~ matebad outnt. CUUll F ubloaa n-11 A JlllOWlf BAa 188S Harber Coeta Me.a A n-..-ot """"'·to-black ()pea Fri. 1111 9 LI 8-7~ ka\Mn .,.,..,. ta both cnooth ";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~~~;;;;:~ an.d MKblnt -~ Brawn.a. liO 90 lmpertM\ tB all fMbion P"- .., ,..... ,...,,. oottM to br1ar- w00d ta waJaut and l'Oldert l&bM. TM7 .. a'ftlllable tn .oft calf, 1io., .aede, ktp or kid tor ~ ......... IU~. Rep- tll .. and ~ Mad th• ,.... ter ot Sftlnr teath_.. n. ...._ ~ ta ..,.Jnty ~ ... ute&op. u wall u a ..n.t:r ot ~. S"ined 01' .-oooUl ..... dyad 1-thers. wta.,. ..-.. awcade uc1 wadf · •ood ........ ta,..uat -tn• ....... .. -~ ,.. ...., ..... Ol'tm .... lee* ........................ ........ All ........ .... ...... emt .. the ,..... _._ .......... u ..... .... -. ..... 1.-. ...... 18' .. .. Jf-.-& AutomoMle Cl*. •PORT ~/ .1 . ( • • . •. • • ··~ 11/tJ/9 Zte •• Wiii( ..__ ~ ........ WI I Laut A Can•" ,,. .,, ...... Crln11 Wne" Sew Your - Christmas Early! it 's later then you think • ChooH from our Lar9• Stock of Holiday Fabrics • ""'"' ~ FABRICS 1779-A Newport Ave. I Coste Mesa Select y()ur Chn11tmu card.a now from o u r ~live and unuaual M1ection of albums - cuda with or without nam .. We are • Showinr A lbu.ma f rom : be -!!~u.allto. CaJlfomla Marktt Squa re -Lake Fonet. JIUDoU lnkwwd ltudJCMt -Ntw York. Biii Ooldamllh -Dali.a ~k Bttk -San Ma teo. Houff of Cardi -8&n Franc.i.co. "-Car-de -Saa 1'ranoleoe and Calltornt.a A rtlau a .. 1act101\1. THORPE'S China • Glau • Linen • · Gift.a Hai. '601 .. THE FINEST ••• YET LOWEST PRICED Early Amerleu MAP·LE FURNITURE •••• ~n'Jw~ers OpH Fridays lffltil ' This will STOP You . . ' Special Pwchase makes this possible BRAKE RELINE 51795 FORD -CHEVROLET AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUARANTEED TOP 9UAUTY LINING FREE 1000 MILE CHECK. UP COurtney & Lester Ynu"ll ),,. l llJHtd 1t on mnrlt hr1ut"' and nlut •t JUrh 1 lrrm,.nflnll• tann~! C::l,.11m in1 bra•• that r r flrr11 the ftirkt r or flanrin, f .. mt•. ff"n rl• rirhnl'•~ In •·our room •• , in I rt a in ..-r,.rn with puJI rhain an1l f1li1trt'e ba•t'. ir.nr,.fu1 urn ~ t' flt' 1otfiron1 anrl fin .. ,.t. A trul" JTmark1hlt' l1u~. ~cf ~,.,. it at your nf"ar~t rlovd ~. Lot uort' toda~ I ~~ BARBECUES f7hnjd J. Lie u 8-1197 PASADENA 1215 E. Walnut St. SANTA ANA 2204 S. Main St. SAN GABRIEL RY. 1•1 II. 1-2111 401 W. las Tunas IT, l_.711 Open Mon. & Fri. Ev".-P ASADENA 10 to 4 Sunday SANTA ANA 12 to 6 Sunday ~ ~ R.C.A. Big 21'' ••• COLOR TELEVISION RCA First la 8ladl AW'lltte TelevWo. Fint I• Color T elevlsloft See This a...tfful Set Priced I t. 1 • t en low a1 n ec ion ••• co or pie ures 795 shown daily in our show rooms. Phone us for t ime schedule end drop in. Iring A New Wortd of Color Into Yow Home! YM'I 8M pletarM bla u life, •• RMI u life ••• Gii BCA Color TV I DAVIS-BROWN CO. 1US Harbor llvd. TOASTMASTER PllElllTIC TIASTEI .,. 2·1LICI ... Htw Pew• .. Ac•'-·-....... , ... ... ~···'­_ .. _ ........... r-Wt .. •-•U ... , , ...... , ,,.,... ,. .. _ -· Mn . ... IW & hci• flXKIT ... .... " ,..._ W ·~ 4'nll. ..._. ..it k.1. 7 We.. ~ --.!. bed.int .,..s. 3 -..witn1 d-~. ,..d. llT'lD'iaac wheel •• .,. ""*'· ~i-. ,_ .. , --....i ..... ...._ Mak• lOOl "-,lobe _..,. l Costa Mesa SPICIAl fOI CHllST•AS ho•tif•I PYllX Wore Color Bowl S.t '--fy S3-'° __ _., s2•s --- ....,. .a ..... i. __ ,., 1/llL._ .. _, ... _.,_ ................... .......... .... ,_ ·-·-··· .. _. •39 • ---·--·-. ,_,.__..._ . 4 ... ,, •••·rr•c•tl .,.,. wtsraor LASALLITA .. , ....... ·e ... 1 OfVI A CAMILLUS POCKET KN•I FOi CHllSTMAS .,_ ................. . ........ c..,.. .... . .. , IH '" _ ....... . ............ _..,,_.. ..... ,, ..... , ............ .. C:-111 .. , ...... l""M '-· _,_.._ .. ,.~ . H lf" ........ Ae 14 .. t ___ ..__ ~ ............ --·WW.--........... ................... ... _.c.-,_ ..... UMrty 1-3437 ,__. .. -'"• Kil .... '-..... ·-·" .... po ......... ..,~ -c...., ........ _, ...... ~ ... _.... ................... ... ................ -.. ...... ..... 504 .. 1y 12tff ......... & ... UlaU ....... ~ .......... ,... .. -.0..4 "u•' ...,_ .. ' t' ow• •-sau .. ' rt 0 ... ..,_ T 0 • Sis . ,,.. Take edventa9• of .Our Xm.1 Ley-Away Platt-A SrMH Depoall will hold your 1eleetion 'ti le+.,. Hundrede of addition al ptta for .. -w • ..a .. ail boln. We offer attncthe sift~ dS H.a rd w··a"i"I! '8f!JUa N ... • .... • • .. • .. ... ~w ,.,, (,, .. ,, •~·q h_,,,, , . I l • j } MRml1N8 FOR VOUR 5 DAY SALE: e MONDAY THRU SATURDAY CLOSED All DAY THANKSGIVING! NOV. 21-22-23-25-26 Erharclt's & Val-Chris Oven-Ready, 5 to 7-1.h. Avg. JR. TURKEYS Swift's Red Label Hickory-Smoked. Ready-to-Eat FULL Y-COOKEDI HAMS · Luscious eastem com-fed flavor -Boyl What a treatl Whole or Shanie-Half Armour Star Oven-Ready JR. GEESE Ocoma Genuine LOftCJ Island DUCKLINGS 4-1.b. Average SELECT lAmRN COOKED ·aAIY LOBSTERS lh.Pint Ctn. c .. 69:. AU...AMERICAN FIRST . QUAUTY SLICED 49C BACON Center.Cut Easternl 1-lb. Pkg. , .. . -- • Eat heartyl Heap your holiday table high with all the good things that our land's abundance provides. This is that wonder· ful time of year for us all to express our r ·, · •de, not only for our bountiful Thanksgiving Feast, but for all the ad· vantagfs we, as Americans enioyl L•! us pause on this holiday and count our blessings. -the All-A,,,ericans FANCY DINNER NAPKINS "SCOTKINS" .. ·c:"' C - Grffn Giant Tender • BORDEN'S NONE-SUCH -28-0Z.. GLASS JAR I : MINCE MEAT :. CAERVNATAtoNP. MILK 2 ~:~Ls PEAS : DIAMOND A SLICED -NO. 303 CAN ~.:03 19c ; Libby's Golden PUMPKIN Oberti Large Ripe OLIVES No.1 25C ' Tall Can Nabisco Black Walnut COOKIES 10.0&. 26c Pkg. I GREEN BEANS :~:~n~ SPICE BUYS! French's Black Pepper , . ,.o.. 14c French's Ground Cinnamon , ... o .. 15c French's Whole Cloves ,.,.o.. 29c French's Garlic Salt ,.,.C: . . .... 17c French's Sage Leaf ... o.. 17c French's Poultry SeasoninCJ •. o.. 17c French's Pumpkin .Pie Spice , ... o .. 21c . : treats for your feast ! La• a Scuclder's Fann-Fresh. Ful quart MAY'NAI~! Folcjer's -All Grinds COFFEE 11 I I y Crocker's-40-0z. Pkg. BISOUICK Del Monte Fruit 1-Lb. Can COCKTAIL ::. For Salads & Cooking-Ful quart WESSON OIL MMdDw Gold Pl allll&!ii Gra• AA c c c c c I I lest 9uaUty -Crisp. Tender ·cELERY LARGE STAU<S _J 1-Lb. Cello lag c ea r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , r-- - - - - - - - - - - - -... .__, lest Quality,. Plump Red 1 Finest Ripe, Sw~ Lake County Emperor I lartleff GRAPES :. · PEARS LIS. · I I At the I very peak I of perfection! I e .. L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -I_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. ·~ . . -· ---------. . -':'" ~ . ---------....... Delicale.!.ren BUTTER 1-1.b. CtL I r--------~--C I CHEESE OSCAR MAYER ALL-MEAT I AaMOUI STAI • ONL y Now '23 W • l' ...... ~ ... s1•. ............. .., MINCI '" ••• 57•. CU~'I -1.U. IOI POUL TRY STUFFING ·~...., ftCSUI -4ac GHERKINS ••.oz. JAi . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . • . 7 - 21c U•'I TOMATO JUICE ~a. ................... 52c "'MADI• THI MIMI REDDl-WIP .. iiYN0LD'S WRAP ............... 25c iNs'TANT-c'OFFEE S145 2tc 1 ... IOM PUIH SARAN-WRAP OCEAN SNAY JEWED or WHOLE 19 C CRANBERRY SAUCE No. 300 Can , • r--PARADE-- , FRANKS • CANNED : :nur··---~·2· gc: : HAMS 1 CHEESE ; 1-La. 43c• No skin-Now ..... I..-. -._ a-. ._.., I PKG. I 9 to 1CM.b. Aver• I~~~ 59• I I : SWISS lb: IMPORTED I •:~:.~.. &s·: LUTE·39c ~~h_!~~~----~J FISK •· 69~ : ~l&~ 49t. §Qi;OGNA 25c I Andre'• Lagun• OSCAR MAYER 1 1oouEF01T 55c : ~~!,!SING SMOKIES PICTSWEET -Your Choice I e Green Peas e Butter Beans I Z·OL PACUGI 5 PKGS. s1 --- A&.L.AfllUJCAM S]29 VODKA "'LL P"'"4 .....••.• -• AU.-AMUICAll s3s• ' ~IN """········ I -I I RESH PtCTSWiEl -Your Choicel 9 French Cut leans 9 Mixed Vecietables 9 Peas & Carrots 6 PKGS. s1 tMP<lmo N...cM I VIN 9nc 1 EGG NOG : ROSE """ · · · · 7 -1 I :::...,.flM ~ 59c : Swanson Turkey, leef, or Chicken ·TV 69 DINNERS ~ •. Johnston's Ready-to-Bake Your choice of •II 49 the wonderfvl v.,ietint eae 9-lnch Size, • full 2-lb. 4-ouncesl • DOWNEY COINll PlllSTONI & DOLAN HltY ..... "9tlffft. t A.M. f'O 11 P.M. IWtil. iRANDY """ s401 I Full Ou•rt I L---------J . WINE VALLEY IURGUNDY """ ....... J9c ROY AL CREST RUM & BRANDY '"' $4.59 GAYLORD CHAMPAGNE :.:,~Yu~~ $1.98 HllAM WAUIUll-tM .. HARD CIDER •11 .. AL .••• $1.17 """······ 59c V~NO DA TAVOLA fAAI ., .... "•-ML ...... 99c • NORWALK • NEWPORT IEACH I COINB "llSTOMI • PIOH• Mel COAST HleUWAT AT TUSTIN I OP1N DAJL y '1a. .-.,. OPIH t:OO A.M. TO t :OO P.M. DAil T I e GARDEN GROVE e CORONA DEL MAI a SAN CLIMINTI flA ._.. ...... •..t. lhrdff t.,) JOO COAST HIA..a.HMAY AT JAW.. -....., 9"'"' 611 a CAMINO llAL DAILY •:oo A.M. TO 1t':OO P.M. DAllT •:oo ..... TO ,.. ..... 'UL 10 ....... tu•H• t 10 I UL • I COASTAL: SHOPPER w· h 1 0 v s MONDAY. NOVEM•Ell 21. '"' inc es er. e oys ue DINNER DANCE PLANS OF . 2 cos· ta Mesa' Res·1c1ents PENINSULA POINT GROUP ' '1rove a car O\lO'Tled by the ca b eo Ro~rt Gros, s P'., v p. of PG-r----------------------. •Nleaaly and A•sU.-Uy and lcF., on retum trom tour ot Au.- 'llowe<S It lnto one driven by Ntna eia-"There S. noUlJBS ordC'l7 \fcCormJck, with Euren• De Vo7 ~n.-eloppy ,_,... ~ ._.. _. a pa•enc er. etrucUon. lllop117 ..,. *" ~•~· The mlahap oc<"urTed Nov. 7 on odJI, and abeohatel;J .. --et •. -. Ba1'oa P•l0811a Po6at A.19oeiaUon le plalul1111 uother et U.O.. ..,.clal cllalMr daacee, tint of whtctt wu held In late amuner at Newport Harbor Tedlt Club with over aoo attendtac. The comiDs affair la elated tor Dec. 1t and be· eauae t.be yacht club deck ..,ace wtll not be available for dintns. ruervatlona will be limited to aeattnr capacity. N- membera are parUcu14rty Invited and re1ervatotna abould be made wtth Mre. Goldie Joaeph, Harbor 0311·R. or Mra. LoulM O.llafber, Harbor 1067-R. taln St , Santa Ana. public rdatlon.1." BANTA A.NA (()CNS) -Two nle car ne1ll1ently and t•au•an1 the c:tam.,.. ewta were fUed ln Super· cruh. -----------------------. ' . ,., PlaAll fOf' the dinner duice, a ,.t · acquainted atftalr. were made when Ui. committee met Monday for cottee at Mra. Joeeph'a home. Jntormauon abo1,1t t.bla and otJlu putin· enl aewa tor penlMUl.a Nll6denta wlU be ill the bulletin Whlrk Mn. 0&1a.,.her i. maWD1 out. Block c:Aalnnen will have tlcllau fer the ~- UNITED CHURCH WOMEN Give Clothing & Money for Overseas Service HMl'ly 400 Iba. of clothlns. with men beannl' naga of the United money to pay traneportaUon N1tu1nr which were placed ln a cttars-pd an offertnr ot $70 pra)'tr rtnr and a prayer ottered WM ~t 1')' Newport Harbor for that nation. concludinr wt~ Cbvell Women who obearved the Lord'• Prayer. • Worl4 Community Day NOY. ' The Rn. Jolul R . Parke, 1109t at It. Junae EpUcopaJ Churcb. putor, pv1 tbe prayer of decU· a• p r • a • n t a ti v • 1 ot nine ca lion foUowtnr U.. orterlnl'. elnlrdMe were repr.ated IA tl'1e .A llOClal l\our tollowM 1n U.. prolftlll to oonUnue th• CluU-Par1d1 Hou" with Mn. Parke tJaa w--·· .Actloo work tor Ind Mn. A. Alexander Hamilton LuUns peeee ud to aid thOM pourlor. ~-1'.adplenta wtll be ~c· Put.or• ud Wine from .... U.. ot t.be war who cu never cburcba aban<S ln the oMlrvance. be ..it • Mapportl.ftl'; 70W\C men Rectatrae we.re Mm•e. w. 1. Hun· ne.tac troaa bellln4 lb• Iron Cur·· aak•r 111d ftuth AIM, ullhent taaa u tMJ' look for work and wen from It. James. m• and wam• Wbo are torced ----------- lo eet&Wla 11om.. 1D new com-Jb H t .... u... " os ess ,... = ·~~,. ~ th• to Kamaainas Oaurela Ww'4 lemee prop&m of Dan Our 9urplua. K&maa1na club membe1'9 were Kra. TIMo......, prwitded .. ¥\tertatned Wednuday rurht by World Obalmaalt)' Day cbalrman Nra. ftobeS 8mlt.b at btr beauU· &ad led la U.. Jit.aDJ' Mn'tce, u -f\11 new hom1 In Garden Oro••· 8lleW ~ ~ fll ~ cblll'-Looklnl' forward to ThuklrtYlq, eU.. Kn. P-.rf W9'41naa ot 8t. plane were made for lhe turkey Jamee wu ....,... ud Mn. Jto. buket vlhlch wlll proYlde the Mrt ~ .t lf-ii-t Banor holiday dlnner Cor the club'• t.ut.Mraa wu .,..,.._ "adop~ famUy". MN. l'Alpla J-..O... cMlnnu ~ •nral memben1 wue •b- •f aodal nlatime f• U.. Lo a felll, plua were not made for Ailp ... ~ et ti.. ~t U.. annual Ch.rlttmae party. wlllcb OWrU .._ ..... .,.U., her wtU be htld Dec. 7 at IU l AU.0 .ubjeet. "Gift V. 'nda Da7 OW AYe., wtth Mn. ~Ille lmllb Daily -.....r. u~rtalnlnJ. "Hall U.. ,..,a. • ._ plaaet .A buffet aupper concluded 10 l9 ... .....,. ~ a!Pt" .... 1a111 •• eald "Mn. l:tn-..... .. "' ----------.-- lb• _,. ..,... prat11 a .t u.. T h , T modma www .......... ~ eac ere ea and ~ ....-u... ot Mn. VanceUa R.alney. prul· ttte Umt.d N&tllu .. U.. u-cllat ot the Oran.-. County dlvl· _,. ta •"••• te ._,.,..._ ~ "°" ot lb• Retired 'l'Mehera' "11NUaa ., ........ ecrteW-A.Mod&Uoft. le ~. a ta. tllr&I ......... te Illa-..-..... te IM 1h•• oe Wecln-S.y, Dee. chlcUoa." T, 1 :10 p. rn. ta the lanta U. nA'l'D ... o 0ammwut1 o.au.r Cl~. Apraa ' &a ........ wtt.la .. 8M&&Ana._...wW 1Ma.o.t4 NEWPORT. DORY FLEET Fresh Fish Daily ,,... ... Sea .. YM 25t p1•d-Cl1•1d Free Sold Only the Day CCUjht NEVER HEI.D OVER • ... foot of .... ... .,.,, ,.., Savory Bakery Treats for your · ,....... ...... Mell• HOMl-MADI PIES e IOLLS e CAI< Delicious Light Golden Pumpkin Pies Savory Spicy Fruit Mince Pies Tender Crusty Rolls & So~ Rolls Fluffy Taste-Tempting Layer Cakes All Fresh l•ked to Add pteesa.ere te Your Holid•y fe•st ORDER l!AllLY PLEAU IAVOllY llAlllRY lm&o..&BWJ. OOllONA Dl:L llAa ......... lor Court hen WednMday tnvolv-Nina McCormick a nd Feme De Inc Coeta MN& reeldenta. ICdwUd R. Wlllcut ot ea.ta Voy, repre1enUn1 her eon. Euiene ,,. ... wu the defendant In &n ac-0. Vo31. H , a re after 125.000 dam· lion brought by Ralph E. Wln· &CH agaln.l J'red Lambert. doln1 cheater, alto or Coela MM&. Tbe bu.llneu U Fred'a Body Shop of plalnUff meeke 110.000 damagee Colt& Meaa and JHH Dfckenaon in connection with a collltlon Oct. and Louia Dicken.eon dolnr bual- 2 In l be 200 block on Victoria St., neas aa the Yellow Cab Co. ot Coeta Meaa. Newport BHch and Costa Mua. Wlllcut le accl.IM!d ot drMnr The plaantlt(e allf'f e Lam~rt Kodak Poet 135 ca ..... wtll r..n P',116 Lfoae 1/IOt ~att.r ..... ......... $33.75 LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IARIER SHOP • .. the ideal gift f PllLH Lay ... way FOR PAPER PRODUCTS V.trl&e \\u p ~!,E ... R lfc .. . .. \...... ~ •' KLEENEX 400's FACIAL Tilt~lrE8 5 for $1.00 i~Il.~9A~~.,_...s.m.~: Siiii:::: .......... n.. 52" C.pper ~ s5•s SILEX CARAFE ~:~:'!! ... For Tllloaakactrtar t.W. ._,..,_, etraw CORNUCOPIAS caw-...... , ............ .............. For Toys $1.98 c...-. .... ~ c... $1.89 .rtWGU •ADfT c.a.f1ll.. ...... .. ..... ... .... .. l'tt,. ....... ...Uy ... ......_ .. .... ~.:..,... 98c . Prime Broad·Breut.ed (Not Frowa) RENS 6.')C) TOMS 48c SPIC IA LS FOR Moll., T-., Wed. NoY. 21, 22 & 23 -Harbor 415 -order IM-fore Wedllf'eday A time to be grateful ... to count our bleu· ings ... to take in- creased devotion to a way of life that makes them possible. We take this opportunity 8TOllm BOU R8 TllAN1l8GIVINO DA l' , ___ ,,..._ ,-. "to thank you, our cus- tomers, for your loyalty and your confi-...... _ .. , .... dence. Mey we continue to serve you and deserve you. llA~AL ......,..sdy ........ ........ .......... arar I roar LOl"fO Ph TnlCk a..e.te ....... Urllll . ....,~. , .•• ,. TirH $11.91 $2.98 IEX 10" WAGON ltG TYPE BOUD ~J.UM $2.69 lo•nchMJ SprilMJ Hone fr-. wlU. o-1:=! ... mah, ...,., ....,.. ........ ..... -w-,,_~ .,,...... $7.H "-''" "·" &ya ... clrt• unct.r II 1-ni of .. ~. l)nti'' fot'lf~l lo _,,.r our Ills ftny• aad Olrt• ~ ... , wlltl r llt .... X-t;,., 0-. Ulllt. ·-~ .. --"""-I• today .. d - TOILETRIES .............. _..._._.flPaAY s300 COLOGNE --~ - DOUAY~ O..W. .. &ede ..... Bet Pwhmtt fOILET WATER s4so Buii:fBATH·. 51 50 8-J BWtop. C-pwt. -.ke •P. ........ ... if AirfY KIT ........ 51 25 Fleurs de Rocallle by Caron n..., ft...t ~JllP~ ..... -. $18.75 l't.aTU wines-liquors Be•utiful Xmas Decanters * Old Forester-I. W . Harper Old T eylor-Be•m PUT THESE TOYS AND OTHRS ON XMAS LAY·A·WAY Perk & Tilford-Old Fihger!'ld ICE CREAM 5c uaaa Cone •• c= .. 1oc -= Hanel Packed ~\\lllf Pints ]()c Quarts Ste l Gallon • :-·. [":.. • 79c a n.A¥0M TO C800a rloM Xmas Cards many "Ith •lh n llN-oralloa, llillery H OW &ftd noc1 n OC'k ,,.,.alnw•l 98c Ordt-r your P""'"naJlr ... J XmM C"arde 110" ""' .. "~ ••Ill "•''" a fuD ... a..c-•Jo• .. r ll-r-. • ••. ell the LEADING BRANDS Pride SHADY Of -'ltlliam m..mn> IT-GM IUTll ~ .,. .... • ftOOP "nocw 311 .sr fWTll ' ' t . I , . _. . - -----------------------Mlnnupe>1t.. asi-cted te co11t111u• toned felts wm J1ndomtn1t•. the lo Cl•vel&Dd and Detl'olt. tbeir Trend 1·n Men's Falil!ats inc.reuln, •ccepl&nc• of medium COAST At: SHOPPER -1AWI I NEWPORT METHODISTS ARE MAKING NATIVITY SCENE tanner ~ wt. Kr. Donald M-toned llUIU will tend to 1tep up MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21 , 1955 came ..nout, W an4 wu bo9pl· lh4! dtma.nd tor llfh~r colored ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;-;;:-;;;-;;;-;;;-;;;-;;;-:;-:;-:;-;;:--;;:--;;:--;;-;;-;;;-__ .;;;;;:=,:;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;==~ t.allMd. Mn. DoMl4 *°" !lolM £ 'S 11 d D ' headwear. Several ~up• at Chrlat Church by the Sea are p1rtlclpat· inl' ln a project to prepare an outdoor Chrlat.mu acene to t>. a.p .. yed In front ot the church durln&' the Chr11tmu aeuon. IM .. alud ngurea of the Nativity acene are b4!lng prepared. and wtMa aW. to leaft the boe-or ma er an ar er Other f1tll Innovations Involve pltal her hu1b&nd flew home, ll texture-ll nd fini.h C'Omblnlltlur•I •• CONVERTIBLE rors.== now ronvate.clnc at the.Ir Balboa The well-hatted man will look men or IJl~e•. However thr F••lt, suedo and \'elouf f111l11hN1 apartment. ~r than 11.1ual Ult. fall !.n Hombur&' 11 fWl the hat faahlon pro\'lde 11 8nwoth. luxurious frel· Madt Right-Look Rlcbt-WtW algb~ JUcM -Check Claul!1ed Dilplay tor out· standlJ\&' barfalne In UHd care. the new atyle., which ahow a continuing 1tronr trend to111. ard IJllt.Uer lhapu a.nd dark~r col- prdernd with more formal and 1ng hat. J.1lxture1 an popular In dreu y coats and 11ults. ll appears both dreaey t.nd cuual type h&ta. UU1 rail a nl'w color variety In I AO~\'phel ..... TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP The Initial d1•aigntnr work wu done by Harold Arthur, tM cuttlnc ot.'tl'le Cfe111gn1 wu done by Jtalph Wataon and Jack LooMy. Boy Scout Troop ~. 1pon11Cfred by the church. Uld U\e Senior Youth Fellow1hlp 1.1"1 ual•Unr with final preparation 111d p&inUng ot the flgu.ru. __________ ..._ ora. The l)VJ'OWer brim• and narrower and •mailer ah•pt>s than Palaf erri Girl Born previously. I The Woman'a SoclPty of Chr11tlan Service hu provided UM heavy plywood from which the fl(Urta t.re constructed. When completed the acene wlll be properly placed and Ug'htA-d to be ae.n by &ll who J>1M the church alone Wut Balboa Blvd. ELEGANT TO CASUAL Lingerie, Sleep Wear Go Separate Style Ways Uqwte and aleepwear take particularly popular. J:ut In· ._ti'ldlctory turrui for t a I L dlan • 1nnuuced pajamu, e.x· taotJa maldnr tuhlon n e w •· otlc In color and deatcn, haft ~ KaJM to tuhlon'a 1heath • 11llm Joined the Oriental rroup. ~; allpe are eleeker, much B<>m• outtlta combine two.ct- ln0r'9 elep.nt. Sleepwear, on th.I cloth S.nnuda eborte wit.la Ml• eontrvy. 111 g enerally etyled bnga-an topa. 'N9W'I ta iA lb• wttJa a tanclful a ir and a cuual short • ehortle gown ln cotton flair, and rlt.nneL Some are baby· -n. -llllm. unbroken Une llil· doll 1tyled; eome are teminlne ltouett.e, fall tuhlon'a decree, lnUJ'l)reta UOGa of the man'rpa· 1 U. brought the tul·lencth alJp Jam& -top. NtptabiN, tlannel· n.., lmportance. JI"~ an unln· warm and p.y, an oft• knit· t.rupled line. lt hu ao Mll1I t.rlmmed and fnquently have at UM wa!.et. and 1t la geaerall,y cape and boots• ot ll:DM 10Ck1 lP1abed with lace . H&lt 111p., t.o match. too. a re narrower a.nd more ele· Some al•pwMr nmalu ~l­ raat Ulla yur. N_. for fall h lcale looldllf . 'nit tull·~ tM a1Jm chemise, well adapt.Id rown, lace • laYlll!ed. aum uid to Uie aletk allhoueti.. elegant. hu returned. ~ Mo • lron fabric.a, opeque and ly popular la Ua• Dlrec:totra. Th• a~t. are faYOrites fur ellp1. old • taahloned Jook pred4nloat.e . • N11Co lticot aorneumea has 1. tn ruftled paJamM. 1. crepe • 1111'9 tlll!ah. Dacron • cot· ton mlxture1 are trequ en Uy Mftl. 11"pwear h1111 tak"n a fun· lovlnc tum. PaJamu thl1 fall an du1flled to lead a double Donalds Change Plans for 40th Uf.-for alttplng and for luung· A • lq. ln fine cotton brOllCIC'IOlh nn1 versary dacron-cotton. rot ton bnlbn g· ,_ and flanne-1. lit)'"' nin from When Mr. and Ml'll. J . Bernard ~ pennn1111 dua1rs to new Donalol of Balbo6 left tut month toretrn lnll'rpretal1ons. I on a motor trip they expected to N.ain fore11n lnfhlt'r11·e~ a rt j celebrate lhelr •Oth weddlng •n· Or1111t&l. Sc:anrt1nav11in. ltahan nlver.ary 1n New York City; In· an. d BpanlAh. Thr 11trlptd lt&l· 1 •tl'ad, It wu obffrved at home lan IWMter an•I Ute bright on Wednellday, 8c&ndlnavian •kl •weeter art Th• couple rot u tar eut u Poultry DIUSINO •••• o .... "91n, .... .,,..., Iii...,, ... AuortM DOUellMI ... ltc ..... lie) W1·d QNL y N ov '23 ...... PUMPKIN Pll 57c ... ............. .., MINCI Pll. •. SJc., "if),..,..,,_ ..... "" ~~~!,~~~~ CX>9TA llESA 1100 Newport Bhd. OO&ONA Dl!L llAA eoa eo..& a.,,,. AOO&D'8 LAGUNA B&ACB U1 .,,..._, BAL90A 18LA.ND I08 lilaita. AY., HEWFO&'I' BEAOB elO CoMt a.,,,. 1}our BeJt nwJpaper Bu"! ORiy Per MOD._ 117 Oarmr or 11.&U I 1-- Mo.day w .. 11day & Friday KEEP ABREAST OF THE LOCAL SCENE; Complete News of all the local happenings ind social events, sports, marine news, plus page after e of mone -savin 1dverti1in • You'll fin~ all of these interesting features in T~e Prize Winning Newspaper. SUISCRI• TODAY, PHONE MARIO~ 1616 01 CALL AT OUR OFFICE. 2211 IALIOA IOUUYARD tapered crowrui look better on the majority ot men than any 1tyJe of recent years. CrWIMd or p1ndled c°""' aty· ... h&ft ...... .,.,. to th• plaJD front crowt\ f&ahlotl. wom wtt.b a deep eentll' CAMI at t.be top. ~ n-hat. ahapes an mo« r or bu..llneu a.nd drus-up wear. Mr. and l\frs. Anthony Pal9ftr· hat colon follow the da rk trtnd rt, 21)33 Harbor Blvd. COit• Mr8a.,~;:;-~~;;;~:;~;;;~~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~= are p11r,.nt11 of a daucht!!r born ~ m clothlll• Ud .,.. •lyled In Nov. 6 at Hoac Hoapltal. R _9, rich lOG• of brown. blue, grey • l _ _ _ l • and rrHD. often trimmed with tano 16iru.ciion oontna~ bands to ret1eve the TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) OYW-•U dark aft.ct. While dark A~ptlq a Umltef •-ber of pap&» for ,.._ frtm looldnr than heretofore and ---------...----- are deallfltd to comple1111mt Ule currently favored ellm 1llhouette BE SURE • INSURE clothing atylu. Men will be able with to choose ll«ht u well u regular MA t'RJCr.: STA::\"'Ll:T F~,"•.;.:;,. C-rt. Plaala• ot ftrM Ooattn•t. Oraduate lh11dPat ot Bela Butok 456 Sena Drh'e Ph. Har. IOlt Corona IU~hluuta -Corona del llal' welghlt In mo1t or the 1ty1ea of· lhUJ'&D~ Only Pa.+..· Rt-ntal ltfoms fer•d.. Phone Harbor U '7' • •J ' ~ ISl~ 'E Coaat HI 11 3403 E. C1H1!1t HJI., cnro114 'del Jlar H h Q 1• p • Ph ff 161 Snap brim 1tyle1 continue to co.:Ou d~ Jar war Harbor 5071 jg UO ,fy flnfing-• Of. h:o:ld:_:th:•~p:o~pu:laO:::;::t~y_:le:&d::_:•:m:p:n~g~~~~~~~~~~~~-==::::::::::::::::::::===::::::::=:=::::::::.. Getaetfotan Old Fashioned Thanl<sgiving with. .• ,__, ........w.. .....,... ... rw. ._...... Defidovt)y c.-.4 with .torts ., 1t1lllr choco- ..... H. •·~Mi~ f« elff-otvlne • ...... _.._ .... ..,..,,. =~s~ ....., ,.... Cllslen '.! 57c a-.a...~ ----MIS. WllGHTS llQD-- ,,..._ .. _. ... -wheat .. ·~ 181 '-= 26c SIA11f1M :.,-::. '::26c .......... ~--··· ..,._, lk7laril ... ...,. SpeelaJtte. 111111 &EM IOUS :::. ~ 22c PAI IOW FBlllOW TM -etyfe porty •ftO<li crodt~ -~ 1k ~27c in IM u clu\lve tlOy·f,.._., !IMM*...i 1~ 29' O.t o bo• ~ oppetlan. c:hee .. ""''· el<. nu..uc1~1ac s .. ,.laC lA8'£ PITTED OUYES ~' GOLDDI ·YAMS REYNOLDS WRAP WEAIMR FOIL MAND .... llADY MIX STUFFltG =:o ~; 1SC VACUUM PA~ED COIN :·' u:.15' --MONTE CRISTO W11ES-- ,,.,,... ltedt quofltyl Alt .. att.N wlloe .. ~ .,..,, helldey coolr1"9: to _.... .. .,..n wiltt pt"idel s .... ., .. , ., =.67c " ....... w.. ... 56 .... 59' ALL S\ZES '"· ~- FRESH OYSTERS ·s; W PORK SAUSAGE ... c=.o ... '';;.~-=-·~ W CANNED HAMS~ 1°;!6. 98 -~ ~5.39 SLICED BACON :-:::::=:::: !t9' GROUND BEEF w-!':=M~~...... ..39' NOB Hill T~ '.! 69' GRADE A BUTIER FRESH EGGS ~= CRANBERRY SAUCE .....,. ... 1 • o-llty, P Jlf I Plae4 ICE CREAM COTIUJON OUllJ. C.01 .. 1n11 g r.4. ke cr•om of lncomporoble q-lrtyf ~.with c0flfldence1 plooeu,.I FRUIT CAKE ~~~ 1!i1.49 LIBBY PUMPKIN '': ~ YELVO YAMS ~:C:1! .. 7c MUSHROOMS ~ ::; 29< CRANBERRIES 't: . CHESTNUTS ~:. H I I • \ I H I' 11 • \I I I '1 tp I \ I I I \ I H 0 /. I ' 1 0 0 U ' SUCID STUWIElllS ' arru PW t\4 ... ...,. "-• R5U't .. ~ .,, .._. .. 'I "I . ~ . j .., sn..m.,.,... 0.01 ......... p.a. ( Frtclay UJ t p.m.) ....., .......... p.-. 1722 Newport Blvd:, Costa Mesa PLENTI' °' PAJl&INO -J IAIWE PA VD LOI ' . • ... (-----------------------OO_A_ST_A_L_sD_o_P_P_ER_UltlOi __ -_o_r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1955 Especially on Thanksgiving , •• o ••• ,., WITH SALLIE Nonm~r 21, 1955 And so th~ Mama Buffalo .. Id to the Baby Buffalo . . . "Thl9 rs our own, our Nati\'e I.and ..• 't'ean ago p e o p I e foond 110mf'thlng good to be thankful for • . • They bung on t.o what they found and eac'b year tti.-(r Tbaaks~lng sectlftld them more ti11:htly to f'~ dom of Speet'h, Fttfodom of Religion, Frftdom of the Pniee, RJ(ht of Pf'tl· Uon. Here'• a crazy mixed-up repo rt for you to discombo· ~~A bolate, if I ever writ one ... NO~,,. It starta thia ·a· way . . . .otiniu'-Jll $2,500 free in diecolinta on '~I Richard'• Gift Shop Meua-~ n1ne •.• from November 24 ~.,.,.,..._ thru December 24 . . . It works this-a-way ... You are given a little card on which you keep track of your groc- ery purchuea . . . You aave your register receipts and when you have $25.00 worth, ~~I our department heads total tbem up tor you and mark the amount on the back of your card ... When you have ~~~ & $25.00 credit on groceries, .IKll~• you are permitted to go up-~~I aburs and purcha.se anything -~~151 ~u want up to $10.00 at a w 10"~ di.count ... lf you have ~~i • '$50.00 credit you can pur-m~~ chaae up to $20.00 at a 20'" 11a ~ount . . . $75.00 credit, you purchue up to $30.00 at & 307o W.Count ... Getting illt.erestlng? Hang on . . . tlere'a more ! $100. credit ~~ gets you $40.00 worth up--..nnr..- 1t.a.i111 at 30"~ diacount •.. $125 .••• $50. at 30~;, dis-~811 count •.. $150 ... $60.00 ~KIQ!l;B worth mdte. purchased at 30$1> oft .•. Clear ? Just come in ... you'll be flven a ~~~~; ca.rd ... AJl you have to do llll ia save your receipts, we'U do lXIC':i!IN'iO~ the rest ... Tomorrow, T1w1Miay IA the I a • t day of the Oran~e Cout CoDfce C o o k I n it 8c.hool at t~ Udo The.tu •.• 9 :SO..l 1 :30 a. m. Thallka ..• T haab •.. Thanks ••• fi n.Uy to R u t h Klumb from Oruge Cout Collf'ge • • . ln<'l"tUfld attendan~ t'9Ch Wt"f'k and tbf' appt'ar- &nt"t' of the a&mf' fM'f'111 a~in and a~aln. "how~ that the a.dire Ukf'C.I what they ht'&\'(I • . • l .. adif'A ! Gf'Dht too I lhf'"''" "'°"" Adult t.:.ducatlon out at OCC and lt'it all yo'11'8 •.• And a real roo . tee -too thank" to the Snot~na Countif'fl G a" Compan~·. Gafftnii and Sattlt>r and our own U do t:IN'trk n i:ht M'rota" th1• "trM't, M'hk h l;i the plarf' "hrrl" ~·ou ran buy tht1 lo,·.-ly Gaffn11 aad S..t11f'r Oeit ra~M, a loto uy (it: appllanr f', "'niall or la~" ... So M)Uy .•• ~('CIC a nd G. • .• Wt-IO\'f' f'\ r h·-hlod~· ... wf' Jui.t o•" ~ac-•t I bit~ happy famhl~· ... Hey! This thanking st uH. makes you feel hke YC?U cou.ld 1,llSI fl:.y ... Try 1t eom" hm(' . . . lit:: And thank11 to alJ t hi> n"'E<t of the Lillo Shops fo r making I the Cooking School 11 ~l"l'Bt ~~18 big wham -<l in g bu 11' a e yc . . . <v<.JYV'\.N Th,. °""' IJdo llhop undf'r t:Olbtruc-Uon a " r o " -thf' stl'N't 1-Barrowll l~part­ "'"9t 'to"' . . . \·anlaJ:r, ahef"tl'. pillow · c-aM"~ • • • )'OU know what ,.,.,·,·e nttd· t'd hc-tt, for the pa.Mt M\·rn )'f'&l'l' ••• w .. ·n-!$(l t hrUlt'C.l with Barrow'H Mmln...: w t-'N' ~t"f"dbtJC a.II our b a t h towt-18 to t hf'm . . • ID fad Wfl'rt1 8ellln11: au ouoi up on the Meua.tUM at a 30% ditlrount to clf'ar them out • • . Cum-Hl, M1m•1& • • • 'Bath towt>l"• hud to~Lll. and othn famouJ\ makfl ••. Aft.tr thne are ~onfl you'll ... n to buy your hath towf'h M'l'OM thfi &lf"N't ••• We •till tell food ht're at &icbard'11 . . • FabuJoualy ioun for Thankafiving, Rock Oornish Game Hen. boned and •utfed ... ready to eat ... er Rocle Comiab Game Hea With bone. and without d resa-lar. or predttaeed quick froz- • partridp or pbe.atW\t. . . • r>uDcu H&M. Butter Mints, aade wttll real creamery but- • and juat a •U8Piclon of fepperm.int .•• Very rich, melt ia your mouth delight to . MrVe after the meal Lt over r Thanksgiving Day a. more th.an tJllr. key, pomplda pie, auta and aweetaa It 19 funlly d&y-oae for realllon. for prayer and feutblg together. We think. .. we are .are yoa wtll, tbat the "1ord "TogetherneM" warmly embodletll the tnae spUtt of .,...... riving, and of the tme Amiirlcu way of life. Holiday Treats in Meats . See our elegant Young's Ranch T1ukeyw before yoa baJl Tnly tlae Ills• KetJt. plumpest broad breuted-e8t Turkef9 you'll ever eee. Oace yoe try•em -you'll ae\·er buy .. other. FeatUJ'led at iow YOCllll'• BUM11a pricee. • Old FuhJoaed Hickory Slnoked M.ulaattaa WHOLE HAMS lb. 591 Butt n.de ------6Sc Baaob FrMh -Young TeAdel' FRYING CHICKENS .Eseelleat for Staffing -Bath'• BULK SAUSAGE For utra apedal ~ OYSTERS Holiday Selections lb. 63c lib. roU 39c 12oa.Ju 65c Things te remember ..• from Richard's • Flowen from Richard'' Florist • Roasting Pens, Turkey Le cen, T epers. T ebte ,A.ccess()ries and Decorations from the Meuanine Shoppe • Beveraqes, Ci9•rs and C i9erett•1 from Peck••• Oepertr..nt • Rolla w Oeiterti fro• W-v. For Br-.klut -Lartt~. Sweet, f1orWa ~ • GRAPE FR' - FJ'91h, Bot House, Culthated •-··• 25c MUSHR'MS Ex-Faacy, Red Velvd 2 1k 25c YAMS . . . So you'll Uve to enjoy your f ood ob.erve S-0 (Safe- Driytq o..v •• ' O.C-ber 1. SPF.CIALI FO& NOV. SJ.. ta Md U, 18GI ~diard's W ill Be Closed Thon,kgiving Doy Open till 7 p. m. Evenings DwtpN 59• AA IUTTEll.___ "'· 0&8 ..... 0...alaW 45• CANE SUGAR -.Joa ._, l!llle:rt I '•( 79• CRISCO __ __......,. eaa ............. a...... '1" COHIE -· . ._ ~...... 53• MAYONNAISI ... ...,. TUIUlEY PAL8 w=r1Y SAUCE ,...._2135# .............. 23• SPICED PEACHES ...N•. I ~', ....... ~Ae&aoe ...... ~ u~r 2135• SAUCE Ne. IOI ea..e. a '1 POULT&Y 59• DRESSING __ 1.u.. ,q. PIXASEM A TEA.8EB8 .,.._,, Waed 55• MIXED NUTS -·-·•% .... 8' .... ,......... 33• HI-HO CRACKERS ... .u.. 11os e,_r 8...,. .. ~ 35• GIUN OUVES --'% ..... OW9"tlt..,_PkllsW M• WATEIMJLON RIND l...._IA McQMd.ae'• -..... fl.00 Am'\. ColoF9 Arl'Sa..DIN1'-U a~ MINTS •.• MK IPICD a SEA.80NINGS 5irMiN.N'ciy % .... 14• ... '"'. •1lllP&llf n• PIESPICE ____ ._ .... m..... ... VANILLA EXTRACT _....., .- orMEBTS Frozen lor Freshness OR.ANGE JUICE _ .. --. 2 .. 2fc STU WIERRIES ._.1 .... 2 .. 45c UMtr• 2 35 GREEN PEAS .. .. .. c PW & CARROTS1.....2 ,_ 35c Hus. sPRouts-1 .... 2 .. 45c iAMi.,.HENs· .... 7-3- Tw. pw ,q.--a..s. 16.16 ....... OBt1ILUI 545 PARTRIDGES ,.. x_,.._......., 11.11 1 • PHEASANTS ..-l~..aK-a. .-. Delicacies you love to serve cANNio .. HAMs'' --~ $3'5 ·~• • lb ...... ---·-NM c: ...... ·w··dlllll ...... M CHEESE _ .. hf. lac ~ A PW.bwy 2 25 OYEN BISCUITS IQbe for c FovP...,.~ 'JGc SMOKED OYSTERS _ •• , .... al- l.A ,.w.-._ 8oek.ecl 7nc FRUIT IABAS ___ 11..... 1-r...., ... ~ Uo 33 RELISH IDEAS _ __.___ c ·---~~~DJ~,. Pie~ F'iU.rs __ , ..... 63c Afll•tl ~W _,, lla.rU Ona M"1.l.rJ -........ aa. .. Bakery Fresh ... MOND-'T -...,sp&eM 23 STUFFIN IREAD .. ---"-' c Bent &Mee .... PLUM PUDDING c Tt.:1;80-'Y F•U\W 87 SPICE CAKE --· .. ---·-.... c 8nwa llM Serve DINNER ROLLS ... plda. 56 MINCE PIE -··· . _... c oiNNER ROU.S _ 6ror 17c l'OOD JUJrr °" nm LDC> 1110n1 ; ,; . ' I I I. / , •' ., ·. J I ) . I , I Hubcaps Plfend K ort P orteoua , of aoe. .\pt. B. Christian Scientists' Police .Captain .IORN8TONE'8 Mesa Allto Wrecbn l'N!dA ... Put9 aadA-rtee !075 Placentia An. Ubf-rtJ 11·'70\S CCl9ta Me. COAST AL SHOPPER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 -For Ula flneat l.n Comm.-dal Prtntln• call Harbor 1811. Job Printing Dep&rtment. f»AGE 1 'Bhanksgiving Service S Ad l 1'1e 'J'hanksg1vlnf day M'rVlc.'f'-ru+arly pr.,parrd for lhf OC'CH IOn cores u ts et the Chriall&11 Srlt nC'e C'hUrC'h 1 on tht ~ubject .. Thank8Jp vl n1t " O&bJla St.. found tJ\e hubcap• mlu tni; trom hi• C'ar while lt wu p··k~ In Ha rold• Rutaurent pukinC lot on Nov. 11, he 1 eportt'J to Costa Mesa pohce. H e ._ ___________ _. Hausk .... WatlOll SPOl&TS OAR OENTD IJoO sHoPs lndudee a l.Auon-Sermon parll· Thank:<'{lvrni Procll1mat1on• b\' p TA p ~ 1 the Preslt1enl of l he United t !'lt,.\u, or by the Gov.-n>or of the a -ane Stall', or both. wnt be rod u a I part of the aervkf'. • -1;1 , Atlt>r Ow opentnr lkripl un1I readlnit. prat_er, and hymns, the For · Complete MARINE NEWS a11cl MARINE SUPPLIES sermon will 'commenrl' with \)\I' Goldtn T ut from Psalm~ 197·12) "'Rejoice In the Lord, ye rlithl· t !'u11; and give tlii"iik11 et lht rt· membrt.nC'e of hi• hollnus." Among lhf' Bible 1electlon1 lrf' lhue-words or Paul to tl\4! Corin- thians. "But thl1 I uy, He whl<'h 110weth aparlngly llhall reap also 1parlngly: and he which eoweth bountltully 1hall reai> alllO bounti- fully. l!!vny man according u he purpo11eth In hi• heart. a<> let him &Ive: not gTUdglncly. or of nee· .t11slty: for God loveth a cheerful giver. And God la a ble to make all grace abound toward you" ( ll C<>r. I :8-8). "C'tlriaU&l\9 rejoice In eecret beauty and bounty, hidden from the world. but known to Ood.'' reada a correlative puaace from "SclenC'e and Health With Key to the Scrlpturu" by Mary Baker Eddy. It continues. "Practice not profeaalon. understandinr not be- lief, tr•.ln the ear &11d rtrht hand ot omnipotence and they &NIU'- edly call doWn lnflnlt. bleeainp" (p. 111). Advice on Family Unity Offered Newport Group "Adult delinquency is the big problem in homes today!," declared Capt. Harry Lace of the Newport Beach Police Department, speaking at the Newport Elementary P-TA yieeting Monday even.ing in the school auditorium. A1 a member •' a tour-man through 1."lerical gul<lllnl"t or m1•d· panel u sembled to analyse "Te..m· k al aid for the mentally malad- work In the Home,"' Capt. Lace juated. Howt'ver. It r ropt'r work cautioned lhe audience of danger11 la done In lhe flrat placl' through reaulllng from lack ot C'ooperatlon the church, home and 11r hool, the and te&mwork In family Ufe. ~Is· police department woult1 nevu be culded young1ter1 who end up faced with these youngster•. he with police recorda are "the reault said. ot parent..e who 'ehooae to become In aummarizmg, Mr. Stewart adult dellnqutnta," h• 11id. elrtHt'd the Lmpuat1ve need for A8 A TEAM religion In lhe home, puncluaUng Th• Rev. Jam• Stewart. aerv· three buic meuures. AU f&mlllu tnr u moderator of the panel. In· ahould have gTollp worship every t.roduced r>on Bridl'em&11, counnl· day, child~n should develop dally or on family relatJona, u firet prayer and S unday school ehould apeaJcer. ln U&minlnl hla aub-be a family proje<'t .. "lt la unfair Ject. 'Th• Family -A Team." lo aend children to Sunday 1choal Bridgeman pointed out that "the and then not go oneself," he ad- famlly la a tremendoua teaching moniahed. M l value of Ule hubC'apa a t $3~. MA 1TR.E88t:.fil Bo.ti -HOOlf'9 -T ralS.1'9 lrttruJ,ar 8hapN . Ullf'rt1 l·lSCla C'O!i&TA MF.~A MATTJll:SS CO. !l60 1'°<'W'J">rt 81vd. f Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL PARKES· RIDUY MORTUARY Formerf7 0,.... ~ 110 Broectw., -Ooela llNa Pllo- Lllle rty l·lt.U U 1-MH ' 1st Mortgage leans ON 140MC& •U•INIM ANO INOU•T•IAL ... o .. 11:1•T1r• We t.o..-l'rlv•,. w"4 ,,.........,..,Cl,..... ...,.._. w"4 ~ ,_ C-110 GM .. .... otAAll NO NlleD-.... ICIYAYl-8 TlllUST onoe •OU•MT 1'MO 9GLO WM .1.llLT MOllTGAGC 8ANICIHe a 1HCC t•>O ltofH.~ $1H n • SANl AAHA,C.tJ.I,, ICIMIULY ).7111 oc-o..,,.., __ ..... ..,.,,. ift lot~. S...f•tMI .... '""" Y0tt. Clll~ • 1..,..,.. 110, ..\1fa -- A•U• HNJy, A•Ull. llerrfll A111Ua Ea1lbll Ford NEW OAA 8ALf:S • RBVIOa • CU!lAN USJ!:D CARI Imported 6 Dom•Uo 008TA M~SA I 8A1""TA AN.A Uberty l-6061 Kl l-t1M ltll Har. Bl. ltOl a. Mala BALTZ MORTUARIES COST A JOlSA CHAPEL 17U Superior A••nu• eo.ta w.-. CaW. CHAPEL BY THJ!l SEA a620 Jil. Co.ut Blvd. Corona del Mar, Callf. CL~SSlfllD DlllCTOIY ~-........ Pan.-~--....... LIDO 111.-.amo MM \"la IM9 -.,._ '"' AU'J'OllO'IP.B DJlAI EU New lllld Med Cani NWDaft llJTUDl!•ti ... 8-a. 8entee ....... Mll N..,... ...._ -llar. M BANU BIMl.k of A.lallrtell NT A M MUVlal..IM-BanoraaM BARBER SHOPS LIDO SRAVJNO KUO la Bictw•ll'9 ~tere fer Mee lUI \'la Udo -Hart.or HN BEAUTY PARLORS l.IOO RAU>S OF RP:,U 'TY SU6 Spt.. Blvd. -Har. ta1t BOOKS BOOK CA SE SUI \'la U do -Harhof ''°' CAMERAS It. Supplff.s I \"IS CF.ST 1.100 mu·os Utl \'la Udo -Harbnr IOOI CARPL7S &: ORAPERl.ES DICK MA<:Kt;H U 2U \"I• Lldo-llarhor U tl A period wm be eel utde for the glvlnl' of teatlmoni• by Chrl1tlan 8clenUall appropriate for the occuton. acmcy tnumuch aa th• child Mn. Jack Bradbury, P-TA pru· leam.1 many thlnr• before even ldent, cont1uC'ted the meetlng. The Solnl to llChool." The problem ta, flag aalule WU It'd by Cub Scout how doea one get the child to T roop 10 trom St. A ndrew'• want to do the right thing. Church and Included Harry MllJl'r. Bridgeman au11eated Ul rce 1lep1, Rich Powell. Den.nla Handy, Ed puntahment a nd correction. re-and Mike Bradbury. Kl 2·7027 Phma Llbert7 1-2121 Phone H&rbor •:i CATERINO ~===========~ ~===:;;;;;,::===;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;;;;;;;::::;;;;:~ -;;;;;~:;;-~~~~;;:~ RH 'llA tm·~ UO<.> MA RKF.T ;. llepaln e Jla&Da-anc. e lnat.allatloll llOll \"la l.ldo -tlarhor 'tll28 Wallen Finance Nmned Director ward.I and belnr an exemplary Mre. Vern Edler wu In charge pa.rent. '"nl• child can only be of t.he program. Fifth crede room what the family maltea hlm be· mothen served u hoatuaea for come," he conclUded. the evening. 80014.L UNIT --------~-------------- SECTION In the Friday Edition NEWPORT HARBOR NEflS PRESS Vaupn D. Walt.en, ~. Culver City'• ttnance dt~tor, Monday nlcht wu hired by city council to be Newport Beach Director of l'lnallce. Hla experience, City Manacer .Tobn Sallora aald, made him rlM to the top of a field of bin• ca.ndld&tea w ho -1ereen- ed by out.of-town finance di· net.on and 110me local ornclaJa. Hla da te of ~ployment wW be etCecUve Dec. l . Gordon Slckle.r, city finance of· tlcer, wtU oonunue ln nacal munl· cipaJ ~work her. u deputy di· ~tor ot finance. Fisla, GalM Stlldy 8ACR.AM ENTO, IU.P.) -Tht Senate lntertm Committee on P't•h and a.me announce• It Wiil make a N rlu of field ln•pecllon trtpe and II.old bearing• tn the San Bernardino • imperial ~oun· ty area Nov. lf-21- Watloll Wal Dowa Ounllal' Wataon. UU2 Dolphin, told pobce Nov. 10 a 3-fool •~· Uon of hi• brick wall bad ~en knocked down by a truck cawi· tni $76 dam.ace. RESULTS Al aecond 1pokeaman Jolflph Hamblet, principal of Newport Harbor Union High School. di.I· cuaed "The Family .. a Social UniL" Hamblet llaled the pitfall.a leadlnl' to the breaJcdown of a family. Too many children were Jen wtt.tiout famut .. durlnr the war, wh.lle today loo many youngatera are left on their own. The a uto- mobUe I.a a.Jao a factor, giving the ch ild a chance to e1e&pe family Ufe and tlee, he 1t ated. "Famtly authortty ahould be r .. turned lo the father," Hamblet Mld, tor "when a child rulH the home, then a home ceUff lo be " '1"here'e noU\lnf wrong with a f ood awat!" he at!ded. Along with a welcome home r.tmo~phere In· eluding a full refrigerator to In· duC'e a gOl>d tamll)' lite. Hambl'l 1ugt1•1tl'i'I family councll11 u the bt11l lllta for 110lvlng problean11. l.Jl'T. KP:CORD "W'hen Teamwork Fall1.'' Capt, lAce'a toplC', w1a madt' painfully clu r when he wam('(I that younit· sler11. If book~I •l lhf' polfr,. dr partment. r •rr )' an ant11l r~or.I oor ltfl' A ttl'mpta •1 l' 11 lw11y11 mat!,. to ~1 1 a11(hll'n out the 111tu11t IOn flnl ) ) • • OF COURSE - If n.. Product Is Fairly .. Priced, And In Demand, RESULTS ARE CERTAIN Mn. NlllCI M. Slack of Uplaftd, Califonia, ran tltfs ad. W.~Y Pay Rent WHICN Cu\e •mall furn cotta11e with 1ar•&'8 on R·• lot ~Jtl211 ca.n be had tor IMOO or len un- tur n .• An excellent tnveatmrnt. Spend your ''11callon and aav• at 2M J:. l~Ul St., C:O.ta Me .. Newport H1t.. dl1t 711pll0 and sold the property for CASH °" tt.. FIRST CALL YOU, too, can be a satisfied advertiser by usin9 The News-Press Classified Columns Hants Have Girt Mr. and ltra. Harold Hunt. 4311 E. >ibgnoha SL, Costa Me11. be- came the parent• of a girl baby Nov. 15 ln_ Hoag Hospital. lad Check Report l'\ewport Harbor Bank , 3435 E. C<>ut Highway, Friday repor ted a I for&ed cher k to :-.:ewpor\ Beach police. TI1e Chl'Ck WU 1n the sum of $l33.97. made oul to Raymond L. Miller and slji:ncd "J. C Apple-1 ~ice_ ~ttrl' notlfl~.~----1 Harbor Rest Memorial Park Mauaolf'IJlll-1 nunuDf'n I Oardrna c .. mf'll'I')' llarbcir at Gl11.ll'r b your .Uver .ervkie 11!edy for Chrtatmuf It's "WIRTH" It! Silverplatin9 BY Silvenmiths • • CIMalJll' • llotftar •l..-cquertnr • -• Cop~r. B,_ a P-'ter WI: OU AILL'"TEE Complete c .--r 8eaa.ladlee Vl1U Ovr V••aa.I ANTI9UE SHOP For Oulltaadiar CllitelmM Oltte e WIRTH'S e layslcle Platl11CJ Co. J 914 Harbor Blvd. Cost.a MfJM Uberty 8· 148' CAU HARBOR 1616 TODAY 328 AMERICAN AYE. ) STAFFORD & ION "NELS and ixx;·· &LECl'JU()A.L CONTRACTORS l'M>M LlbertJ 1-!t'l'I Ut a.t....ade Aveaue Xew·port 8H(oh RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE Olt 'l'OO muu. SM lltll It.. N..,_........ llaftor 181 PH UNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. Hlmlock 7-1203 . ". Clothin~-CWldn'ni; ~ Infante Jf:t<I'"' Of' l.IOO 140.\ !\or\\IMJrl tlhtl. CU>TlllNG -Ml'n'8 IWtaU Bill\\ t:LL"!'4 !;llOI' t O K MP::S JUll \ la l.ldo -lla.rbor 06'8 CLOTHL~G-WOllH'n'a Betall LA Rr:ISP: 60t \'la Matac-'brbot Ult UOO J'Al<ltlOSK I~ lt S pt. Bh•d. -Harllor M'Tl IOIAJ>DtK"K'~ 1411 \"la Udo -llarbur Mn VAGAAO!\'D ttol'St: Jmportf/d SporUwH r H zt \ la Udo -Halttor IOM DRUG STORES \'L..,.Ct:ST'!'6 UDO DllVGS IM l \"la Udo -Harbor IOOI ELEC'l'RIO OONTRACl'OU LIDO t.:LECTIUC UH \la Udo -11.arlM>r OH FLOWERS &ICllAJLD'll UDO llAIUD:T Co~-Ta.bl• ArrLnl'emen\11 Mll V•U..-8.uMr- l'OtJN'rAIN.G&ILL nHODT"• UDO oauo. MllVlaU..-llarMr .... l"llAMU A ALBUll.8 Oauu.&DT 8TUDI08 Nlt V•U..-~MM FUllND'1JU DICK •ACllEll Nit , ......... -BM"-&Ill GUT SHOP INSURANCE AGENT8 W. O. BUCK., I.NC. NOt \'la Udo -~ U4I INTERIOR DfXJOBATOU BIA.~CKE n;uu;ll8()N A.1.0. Mlf \'la Udo -ltar1Mr NII VIC'K MACKE& IU() \'la Udo -RartliM UM 00"'1 c ru:10 HTON A.. L D. l'lal~a •mporta 6(1() \ la Malqa -Harbor SIU MA RKt.,-S IUC'HAkD'I' LIDO MAKllET H U \ la I.Mo -Hut>or llU I REAi. t:STATt: I 1.mo Kr.ALT\' AttHoc u.TD l.i•lo Salo ta Rttnlal~ UOO \la l,ltlo -Uarbor UH r'. A. f' \lft'ft'R l~f . JSU •ta llrlo -hal'f)ur 1609 \()4,t:I. C H~l'.\.:\Y :S'lt \I• Udo -tlal'Mr U1l RJ\l A~U B ~/\C II llEALTY \ la Lido Krt.dce Offl<'e I t n IA.t•r .. u .. -tl&rtlor ...a SA \'L'i(iS " LOA.N A....~IATION8 !\t,\\ l'OKT BAt.aoA 8A~Oa a LOA.~ A~UM~ A Saving• Jn.1tttuUOf\ Lnnr Term Home Lo&N UM \"la Udo -Haner "" SERVICE STATIONS -LlOO RICto·rr.Ln SUI Newpor1 IU•'-llM ... It SHOES -11•'• nmwxu:" sroa.~ roa QJlf M U \'la Lido -~ tM1 YI UDO 1'0n.urD ....... ,...._ ......... D.&VU. •()S"("D ., ......... ti....crr MU•w;•t••L -MN Ul'JIOWWWO Dia& llAOlma Nn\'laU..--.. ... WA'l'Cll BU ADI vnwDrr8 W.&Sal ... Ala UDO DllUOR NII Via Lido WINDOW COVEBINQ 1111: UUDE 8BOP 'lfen .. .._. om-a.r ... F · Mesa Reports Auto Mishaps of Past Year Ju opentAc Hvbor ....... 1hot In th1 annual ca.mpalp tor S·D Day -8at• t>rh1a1 Da~~. 1. Coeta Mesa Polle• Chlet Art Mc· Kenai• laat ... k rele ... d a re· port on Maa tntna a~denu from Nov. 1, 1954 to NOY. 1. 19~. 'nl• report abowa ULat 212 pro· perty damar• cn.lbea ha" oc· l'urred within Collta Meaa'a city llmlt1 w ith a Injury colll1lon.1 anrt two fatalltl••· But on S·D day lut Dec. 1, Mc· Kf·nal" proudly pointed out, thfre waa not a atnrl• traffic m lahap ot 1tny IJOrl Unde1 S·D Day Director 8At Lee La.11t1r of the Meaa polh:e department. a llimllar campaig11 will be conducted !or tha t day· lnnr freedom from auto 1muh· tp• thl1 Dtc. 1. Thi' urnpall(tl 9f11 I n cl u d e alopns atPnc1l~>d a bout the city. a proclamation from Mayor Clair• Nelaon, and prlntlnr of a croaa at trl'irlrnt ....... S·D Day wlll be brought to tht a ttentlon of churchea. 11chool•. aer· 'rice cluba and other organlaallons, Luter aald. ffl'H'a the year·long Meaa It<'· eldMlt ~-abeet, a1 laaued by McKenale: NOY.-18 p roperty dama r e. 5 Injury; Dec.-2& propnty damaie. t Injury: Jan. -19 property dam· •1•: 7 Injury: Jl'eb.-1& propl'rly damare. & Injury; Marl'h -19 pro· .. rty damage. 2 Injury: April- l& property damage, 8 Injury; M•:r-n property dama ge, !I In· jury: June-IS property damaite. 7 Injury; July-32 properly dam· age, S Injury; Au1.-34 property d ama1e. 3 lnjury, 2 tataJ: Sept - 2' property dama re. 8 Injury; Oct.-21 proptrty dama1e. 1 In· JUry. OCC Cont ers on Problems with Former Pupils Or. Bull ff. Peteuon. pn-Aldent, Oranr e Cout CoUe~. jiat return· •d tram Berkeley, Calt!omla w~re he had the opportunity lo confer with former etudmta Wbo entered the U nlwnlt)' ot Calltomla at th• at.rt ot thl• eohool year. "'nM purpoee ot my vt.nt'' atat41d Petereon, °'Wu to dtacuM any problema or dltncultlee ancounttr· ~ by our tran.tera to the Uni· ver11ty. We want~ to MC!\11"9 •wf1MUoM trom them Whereby O""f• Cout C9.ll better prepare ltlldenta. We ha'H a f.nWne In· ttrut In the .ucceaa or ea.ca atu· den t who tran8f•rw t o another INltllUhOft of ~btt i.amlnl'. Ccmf"'mC'• were hdd wtlh the followlnr etud«lta: Donna Schlein· In« ltwald. ~Un; Graham Glb- bora, Corona del Mu; Uam Qro.- 1\n, Newport 8"ch; M ld\ul J, tt•nry, Newport a.di; Hldeo Jwata. San Juao Capiatrano; Rich· a rd Jordan. Balboa 1aland; Joan Laurence, Nswport Bffcb; RJch· ard Lindwall. O ardtl\ OroTe ; J,,._ •p!a 0 . l\yan.. ~Beach; J wry 'nw>mpeoe.. H untlllston 8-dl: and Bu~ WUllama. Newport IH&ch. 'The fT'O'IP u a "11011 &NI mak· tn1 N llaf•cl«y prornea In the U1tl,,.r1lty.'' reported Pet.enon Mo« of \Mm .tai.d a eon¥1c0on Ulat preparaUon ~Iv~ al Or- &al• Cout wu rood. The only reaJ problem u voiced by two atudenta wu th• dtttlcully 1n ff· tabllahtns a aaU•1a.ctory b9lanre Ml-n C'OU~e work and eoclaJ Ute lll thtir fratemily. Roy Villalobos Admits Gullt; Alb Ptoballon aA.NTA A.NA. (0 C N Bl - l'loy Raymoad VUlaJoboe, 22, of ase H. Lamon at.. oruce. rrtday pleaded 1Uilt7 Oft • buf1'lary c.b&rp 9ad uUd tor • probeUon ..-.nas. ff• wu ~ before Supu· ler Court Juqe John Shea flert . VUla.loboe 9QIUC1it tmmedlal4 N D· Wictq. but the Judp «mtlnued tblt ~ to New. 18 tor pninowice- IDll\t ot "'41m•L 111 CllM!tod7. tM defendant a4mlt· tfl! br-eeJdnS lat.o Ule home Of l'luUl KeOanull. ~ l Cl rcle Dr., -.., ......_ N9Wport '8 •a e I\, Aprtl I . He111N11111 DelaJ In Draws Trial BANTA ANA. (~ -Johll Leelle Hermaaa fll ~ a&.a ; .. ;;-°' .. tr1al ;. two .,_ c h.,.,.. and OM al """"'6r:r At U\e nqu.t ot R---..·e Attome7 Robert A. 8cltwaJQ, e. .,... OOl&rt Jlldp Jolul ... ¥&.C&t.eC a 1V7 trtal Mi. ,_ Hot". 2S and n ·Ml It for Dee. ll. 'fte defendant la tree on b&U Hermann I.a accued al ..ulllS a fire Lil tM Ma9 fll Na •-WU. Paldme C. ......... Ill W. Ultb lt.,o.taMem.aM ......... ......... ~ ........ Woottoa te CclM a.un'A ANA. (OCN8l -Ja7 H.w.t._ ... ,...... ..... ..... r.,U..8M&a._.._. ., UM Office 91 leelal leewtty to .. late th ..i eltaM lllUllA· n.. In C.... dal Mar, tt wu ' ·-~-) PAGE 4. PART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS tZ-Bulldln!' ~rvk'~ ~--Hf'ln Wa nted %9-Hrlp Wut.d -----------------·----------'6·R-App!l~~ _____ 3_6.:!':-:~_Pp~l~~ ----- MONDAY , NOVEMBER 21, 1955 . C ·A R p EN T E R YOU CAN SAY YES USED APPLIANCE BUYS 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2so and it will run in ell 4 issues A Minimum ad 1s 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Harbor Nt'l\'8•Prffll4 Moqday, Wednesday and Friday editionA, PluA the Co&Atal S bopJ>f'r, Wedne!Jdays DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery ot the Newport Harbor News·Press is guaranteed. Carrier boya will deliver their papeni be· tore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y , Wednesday and Friday. If your paper ia not delivered by tha t hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-.PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday altd-Friclay COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Co&atal Sbopptr Ada rua I.II lite Wedlle9day s ..,....p,.. 4 I.Jae. 1 l.aaertJon $1.00 add'L Uaee .%.5 ea. 4 l..Jaee 2 luertioaa 1.60 add'L llDee .26 e&. 4 Uaee S luertlona 2.00 add'L U.ee .26 -. 4 Uae. 4 luertlou %.60 add'l. UDee .26 ea. SltuaUoa Wuted Ad• wtlJ ,_h•• u,-. diacoont. CUii le adv&DCe M.17. lllNDllJM AD 18 t LINES DEAD LI.NEB tor plactiir or cancelllnr a.da u e: J'or MonQ&y PubllcaUon -Friday & p.m. For )Vedneeday PubUcaUOna -Tueeday 1 p.m. For Friday PubllcaUoD -Thurwday l p.m. N&WPO&T BAJlBOa PUB~G 00. l !ll a.llloa BIYd...,.N-port 8-dl. CaWorn1&. All a.=•...., ..._ ••t IM ,.,.. for OMii la adH•~ et pobUC911ea. The pubUahera wW oot be reapooalble ror more t.ban one lllcorrect lne4irltoo 0( an ad, AKrve the fi&bl lo corncUy cla.taHy a ny and all ada aad to njtct any ad not contormlnf w rulea and rtfUlaUooa. Newport Harbor B. P.O. E. 17&7 .. u nary 'nlund&y I p.m. Via Oporto -OIDtn.I A-. N"'l*t ~ Albert H. MatUMwa. Eult-4 l\w,r HAULING lrub or ? ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM I 1natall the ~ve ch .. per than moat. A1-o tell TU• It Unolewa. Non·Wllon. 26 yean ~ Compar• and -- 8ll.L COKER Ha.r. t TtS or Loiil Beach 7-&973. ltuc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H, 0 . Ant!er- Repair Work DOM Your Humt1 No·ell Ht'1>al r111 e or Rtmod<'llng' Call F"rank, LJbcr:y IHl9!\4 J All Work Cua rontct_rt ~lie I PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucenaed LI 8·3321 2&0 Avocado, Coela Mt1a 86lfc Rd. 011 Spreadln(I; Orlvew11y• PARKING LOTS Sub-dlvl.elona our 11pec1atty. We fumlah any type oil to your spt>- c1tkatlon. uuge j!'b8 11mnll jobs. F'r"e eellmatc.~. A l1SO W•· 1 er apreadlnif.. MoJ1•r:i equip· ment. 1.Exlngton . 6·4008, G1l- rnor• It Page, H untmglon Bch ~l(C FOR REN~ Skill Sawa, Elec. Onita, i>olUlher11, aU typea ot Sander1, Whetlbar· rowa, etc. BOYD'S HOWE. 2830 W. COAST HICH WAY l,Jt>erty 8·~43:>. Newport Bch 2111 re COMPLETE P AlNTlNC & Paper Hanging Service E UGENJC 0. SAUNDERS 500 3lat Street, N ewport Buer Harbor 2978 or Har 4448. ttc l 4-Personal• Alcohollr,e A.oonymoua W rite P. 0 . Bos 381 New-port Beach. Ca lif. Phone Har bor 47115 15-Sbare YoOJ' Car Uo RIDE wanted from B11lboa l11land lo Oourlu Lonir Beach. First Shttt.. Bill Sptar1. 806 S f:ay front. 3:1p35 I >~Beauty Alda Superfluous Hair PermanenUy removed from face arma, 1111. Eyebrow• and hair Ulle abaped-No more twttzin1 . &U..S.N 1. BR T A.JofT R. E. U do'• Saloa of Beaut7 Har. ~19 lie !4-8cboola. l.utrucUnn · J ones Birkel· Richardson ORGAN STUDIO. Lt.&l•n to play Ula ml6hty WURLITZER. EVELYN J ONES, M g-r .. 300 Holm· wood Drive. U 8·1082 20c33 China Painting 0..7 and 1CYentn1 Cl ..... Ordera Taken Now PlloDe U'.berty ~ SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT Mlle GROCERY euhtera and ME AT wrapper11-earn 180 -$100 (>f'r wuk. 308 Spur1eon. Sant.a Ana. Pb Kl 3·6300. 32c4ll lo t h•'Sl' q 11~61 ions l. Do you have steady t'mployment ? Does your cmplnyC'r trnin you for ad,·ancemcnt '> 3. Do you ha\'e paid vacat 111n, hoi\days. an<l sick ll•ave '> 4. Do you Wl•rk close to your home? 5. Do you have t·ompnny·pa1d pension. life ins urance and other b<>nef1ts ? WHEN YOU WORK FOR Southc1·n Counties Gas Cu. Interesting employment now orrer<>d to H.S. ·gradu· ates 18·45. 5-<lay, 40·hr. week. Apply 1030 E . First St., Santa Ana, Mon .. to Fri., 8.30 a.m. lo 4 p.m. SOUTHERN GAS 29-llelp \Va nt_t'<J __ ~~~-­ SA LESMEN &. S ALES\\OME:-:. St.>ll by npp1il11tmenl 1'i~tlonal 0¥0g11nlui lil'n orenir•g new 1)fClt·t 1n Oruni:e County. A\•trage 1·omm11111io11 $!H p<>r H it• On~ per day ensy Apply •O~ 111 North B ro111lw11y. S11nl a Ana. I p m. or, s ll l•i:J 7·2~24 for 11 ppt 32r 34 GIRL 21 to 26 y rs. old. F ree 10 trav•·I. T o help crire f ur baby o n lnp l o Florilla. Interview from 4 fl m. ln 1 p. m. 361 COUNTIES co . 33c36H Attention Knitters \\'ELCO!lll-: to my ntw ahop. Comf' an an ti ht'lp me build to...,ard your nf•tda for needle<'ra!L Sit N' Knit 313 I': B11lb<m Blvd, Balboa 32ttc 22nd St . Back Bliy 32c34 --- ---MARQUP:TTE Arc W t'lder. (new) SEU CAil LO'!' ATTE:-.:UA!\'T. 3 hp Air C'"omprcssor, 220 Voll <.:lean up, 11.iu1hlng, duaung. ttr single ph11.11<·. See at PATCH'S ~pply an p1>1Aon al Theodore JTth St. al l'laccnli•. L.I 8·7508. Robins Ford Puler. 3100 Weal _ 21tt i'ltRbl ll1lo;h\1,;y, :'\c\t.oporl Bea<'h ----- 32r34 S UN AIRE 11ulo gu clothl't ----------dryo•r, like new. U :l& Full 111u Beacon Per sonnel box •pring and mattreu iJs. i oor;. employl'r retained _ agency NO FF.f: 111llr. tcd rro111 aµpllrunl U 3·:11Mt Newport Beach LOOI\ AT THIS AD Earn ~8 · $14 dally \\"omr 11 11r 1111 ni:1·:1 d'"'V<'ratel)I nr~lt'J i.t um 1 E.;1 n "'htl<' yuu '""r n p n 11 th .11 11un11ni; HI 1th •t·hoc>I <'lllU-1<t1nn not n••dtd. <'111 LAn1hior1 :;.-;1121 ur wnte CAR E LRS IN Nl'RSJNG, Dept 1:1, -40 UI W ('ommonwralth, 1'"'\illertun. 33t!c \\'OMAN lo hr lp Cll'an •rts SrV· !'flll <luya work. Harbor 3M~ - !!:ltJ~ NAM!': TAKERS fnr LAi:una Rearh It Snulh La~una <"tty 011<•ctory C<Xtd ha.nJ wr1Unic ,.11111n1l11l Write 204 E. H h rnom • R11n tA AnA or 1ail Kl 3·3681. 231 re ----------Real Estate Salt'1lman t'or <1ur "'"""" office -• f1n11 ground·noor opportunity Our lnl'C'nttve ~ommlMlon •• h"<lule tavora lhOlll' who 11tay "1l h tt•, lhos4'1 who J)l"l>dU<'C'. 11nd l/111110 1cllve In lla11nr; \\'11 are f11e111J. ly &nd roopera t1\'I' and wr w1111t lh,. 1am«' from you. LJ IH21i 3lc33 Order Now! Personalized Chris tmas Card.ti A LL ~iz1-;s, ALL l'RlCF:S 1tepre11rnlat1,·e wlll call a t your home PHUl'.;io; liar 1616 or Har. 2263W 22p42 Ptnnyan boat $26 vutOO.rd motor S2:> Rand anw $35. Belt sander $40 \'acuum clnnrr S 10, hl&h l"h Ir •:i. Pol ty ch11r $3, Thrt'e Y1f'n•h doou with hardware It J1<mba $10 ~rwh Sl a!nl'd glllJll wtndow1 S3 e11rh Har 1238-R BAMBOO DRAPES 32c 34 Cl'STOM MAD& ANY SlZE P rtC'H 81 a n1111f at 211.' a aq yd Bt11ut 1ru1 :>\ew \\'01•en l'lltlrrn~ Fnr All Ottou Kits<'h \111 tnln It Travrrae Roda Sf'e Thrni On l111pt11y In Our StorC' ~ANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. HA!l.'TA A:-.:.A Jli21\ ~ Main h I :? :1~46 l4C'3~ 0'1\EEl-'E & ~1EHH IT1' g :t,. r.1ni:1· CAFTERS & ~ATTLEH, wh111• lnlill' top ~:1s rn11gr . \\•ry rkan . 70.50 WlflTE T ABLE TOP. gas rangl'. gnJdh•, l)Vl'll cont rul $74 .50 WF..ST JNGH0l'$1-.: t•kl'lrn: rllll!H'. lntt> modt•I !'!l!ltO P HILCO Ih'frig<>rator, 6 ('u It $fl!) ) \\'ESTINGHOliSE Rdn g. 'i 111 I t . v1•ry cll'an SP!I SER\'EL Rcfrig .. 11.'fl haml tl1111r $Sfl.50 WESTING HO 'SE Rl•fr1g. ; 1 <'ll (t Jkluxe $109.flO KELVJNATOR Refrigerator h tll ft. Ddux«> ... $110.50 DF.XTF.H A11tomalil' wash1•r ....... $89.50 KENMORE Wringl·r washt•r ... S·t9.50 EASY SPINIJRYER .. S pecial Only $59.~ ALL GliARA.:'\Tl'~ED \\'ASlllNG MACHINBS, AUTOMA1'1<" A!'o!D WR.INGER TYPES SEVEHAL TO S1':1.F:1·T FRl)M A LI. REASONABLY PRJ<.'EU Ul'l 11:~:T Tl::H!lf~ FIU:E OICJJTV, KNOX A-iARDWAR"E CO. 4 20 Eas t ·tl h St. Santa Ana Kl 2·2338 !·mt.I. ON TERMS 8 1··r ll!•;l..J CATJ.:SSEN case. $1!'10 ONf: 6 fl. n•frlgcralor ...... $M O:-:E large Mmmerc. refrlg. $7:J l SCALES. '65. I CONDOLA $21\ Call ownc1· Ll 8-6223 mornings or after 5 pm. 9t!c firewood Phtmt' dav or nrghl Kl ,:4890 R~C:ON OITJO:'llED Paint Brushes 10c to 50c 23ttc :it -Wantl'd r.o Buy ~~~~~~~~....;;..~~---wr. Bt'\' ANYTHING New-Used or Abused GRA:-.'TS WAR SURPLUS I ;r.o l'iewrort Hl\'11, Costa 1\1""" 1..1 11·•241 S2-['umlture for ~ale BEDROOM It up J S hi I P • t Sl':n ; C ege aln S 0 lit !J DRAWER drr~ur, n 11 t• 1 408 :-; Newport Bl\•J . Npl RC'h 1J<1<1l;cu1 heedboard, tn•m SM•~. I 33c35 T\\ I:'\ Muple btd Wllh 11'1:0111 1"• ,\ -l>t tll ~pl ll1!o;, llrtl\' $~·!•!\II I 1 ORIGINALS 16 & !I l•I! \\\1•:1( m0q•lr ti•"•• AFTERNOON, <.:ockta1l, dlnn1>1 '°'11h u u n ur. fiom ·, s :11 11 dreMell Ir Coor.tlnate8. L1v1ng Room !:*l~ Cl'~TOM DRESSMAKJ!'\O I Mndt>rn & Mnpk Ph H arbor 237-W. 22p36 AS '!\'II 'I•, I\ 1.J:->J-: 11.• Vi••I w .. 111.1 -----I (111t1 Kll\\\l11·1.-\\ , .... 'Ill I • OFFICB FURNITURE .,, '" ht•uJ yo11'1t I)(' '"" l'', "'" I• BMulltul' drlttwood finl•h PXr<'ll· 111111 h "',. , 1111 "·" ,, \ , 1 I I• • tlV<' typt' <lts k 37 x 78. 7 drawrr tnk~ a lo•,k. ll wtll I 1Y 10<1 new • plate glue t t•r 1;111 •I• TERM" Ort>t'n lea ther awin l ('hatr. IUJ'All.FTtt'!l.'ITl'HI 1:1<1•1\l 1 ~ Youra for hal.I ongl.nal cc>11t. llJ "11 t • •·l.iy Eve. Can be l'lt'en al 603 Park . HAI· 3111 11t ~f'urr;r<'n boa llland, or Har. &780 33r35 I I.' • :--. tlll I \' l -1, 'I SAC'"RlFJCE practlcally new alae T\\'O ,nd labll'• & l'•'ff• 10 l'lot.hlnr f rom cock t.aul 10 1 nil 1-.111•~ ti.r ''"'•' 1· 11 1owJ1rl. Roll awny be-ct $12., "''"ltllon l'all 11tl"r fl 1• '' 20-gal. a.cquarlum $10. Har 4000 X11111l11\' 220!\ (')111nn~1 1: I I'• t , .. I 33p3i) IMIH Jl1<1 l~flO • .J ... I ~!'.P.P._u.n_Clelt ____ I Mesa Woodcraft Good Used Appliances 9 fl. Cheat ly~ frN!zcr $99.50 Gaa Ranges from I Unpal.nt rd " J 11,,..l'll1P J1'11ml! •ti,. Knntlv ftt nr tnv h .. 'C t 11 ",d (.'Ii 11.l)JU,:'\S (l <I I. I. ~ 11 11 11 ~ We rdrobf'A, hutct' 'I ,.,I• <~mpltt• llnf unp .11n11·d rum ,. ft a nd hwd. Mlnwu 1111'1 I •dl rtnl~hr• Ordl'!ra taken for •huttt rit 2121 Harbor. C.M. Wt>erty 8·1$1"• ~~tlqut• I BUY AND SELL An)'Ulinl, AnJ'Where 1.Jbert-y ... 21'6 N Ucpp 101' E. Balboa Blvd_ Balboe Harbor 2460 83Uc LEARN f'racllca.J N unlln1. ltarn Bay & Beach Really, Inc. -------------H ·SH 11,,llv whll• tnlruni PU HTARLE f<("A 111•110 • •l ll•IM 1 <>Ill h, rf'aJll'nll hllllf' 108 1 Hlh bl , ="""'J"f'lrt, m om1np nr alter !'I 311 r m 3411J11 $29.50 EARL\• AM iiRJCA:>; <'UL "'l•1•tl, pattern ~111 l"TimlttYr• \n 1111111 r11rnllure enrt fin• . I I • Classified Index I ~,..a ~otk!M 1 C.rd of 1laaakl • aptdal "--"' • ..._,.. Plred.on IOPwh-0...... ,, ...... ......... ,, ... , ... ~ '' .. ..-.a. 16 flllatoe l"ou.r Ce.r 11 Traupenau .. 17 ._,. .. , • ...,tJ ~ tt ..... ~ AJct. tt i-t UICI FOWld ... ~ .... ~ Q 81taat6-\1'...w4 lt lklp WuW -~ IO-A 8 wap. M-B AppU..cn Sl Wank!d to Buy SI f'unltun! for Set. lt·A All~- H BMtw. 8•ppilee H Muaac.1. ...... TV aa Dop. oa-. r.ea ti PMl&J7 17 Uw.e1 all -~-..... .. ".._,_ .... ... An.er.ta ., Adi ..... --- &a .u,,..... ., ......... ... .. ~ ...... ,.,._, .,_A A,U. for a-t ........ fora.et tao() 'l'J'lilW ..... .......... ............. ........ _.. ........... u-• OGll9a u...at ......_ N 8 . OJ•t.tMalw ........ LIM .. ....., ...... ll ... a..... ....... ................. ......... , . ..,. ...... 0 1r\ IPR tatll ............. , .. 11 ... ...... "A's" VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THF. )';EW m3<'hln• pro<H• mtlb· o<t Rra¥>nabl11 prlcea. A•1ra19 2 1a~ ru1dent1al bUnd. Only $1.00 Rllnd• rrpal l"'ll a.nd rebullL l"r-.e r ick up a nd drllveey Work dooe by aJ'1>0lntm111t Phone Uberty 8-6701 or IUmberly 14274. ppl/c H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt ~ S.mc• M.aata.iaM Pbolle: Ba.nor tlM UOl B&lboa Bl.ct., Nnrport 8teela ,., Jennen Plumbing Repair work. a specially Watu beaten on Um• ~ym,.nlJ1 21111 NrwJJOrt Blvd . i-:~wrwirt 8ch. Har. 63&5. Rea. Hu. 4387·J 21C41 Painting, Decorating Paper Haqtq GEO. BURKHARDT LJCK.NBED CONTB.ACTOR I TS W. 18th It., eo.ta x .. Liberty ..... ,. LA.mbtrt ~ •~:n 33ttc :1!'130 Eul l'naA Hwy Com!* tlf'I Mar llubo r 1'>219 w--sltaatlon11 Wanu-d EXl'Efl lf,NC'El> """'''" R "'AJ'l lt<I. Fngids1re 9 f t. Refrigerator $75.50 THE BIC; OLD RED B,\ H :-: ~---~~~.~~~--~~- EXPERIENCED A rrlv 1tl RNA< K Nlltll ', 2:m~ E I,.' •t Hwy., <.',1ror•A •Id lllri r lint A:-.'TJ~l 'I': l>tl •tl I IU lllUt I St!'I UM 1•11:an Sllll• hall 11,.,. U2 M . 1tnllq11c d"d1 $1(1, <'hm" c11btnf'l $t1 !\II, nlol 1 .. n .. ri•• k••r S46 0111 lltllk y $4!1, "'"' l 'htnC'~I' l\'<'11\' 1111•·i-n Sl;ri 111 u r1ru11 l1r,.r l11•C'I Ji~>. lfl 111m 11n1111<J ('r<>Jr• tnr $1 2!1 Wuhere .. Takr your choice 1:111151 Harbor Blvd. <:a"'1rn 1. "" Automatic nml wnnger 1-____ _ __ :~'If " 11 GARDENER OAft.DENING & y11rtl work by rlay ""Mk or mnnth Ll'"rty 11.e1 :IP 11tttr II RF.A l, E8TA'rl-: ~Al.f:~~IA:-: $20.00 ~°!tA, 8uppDf'9 _ ---- Site HAVE rtfl'•nlnC rnr l"••1lly ·~· __ 1 flt'lltnrt-•I A11lt,.11111n CLEANING ... JrtUNING by Ule JA('K mu::oo<NAN. R• "llnf day. Y.xper1r n< nl O'\lboa Laland 3320 \\' r u l Hw\• Npt H• 11 -prtttr~. KJ 3·&0li6. U I Llb,.rty 8 7773 :I Ille RA VJ: BICYCl..E, will travel 14 -- MEN-WOMEN • "' 111111<' 1 o>l•I •l•n•ni: ""' 111111111 I 1h1111• I ~' l 'h11>11 '"han•I $1T!'I, 111•1 "111 It lrphuo"• Sl2 •,11 ~ .. 11 ''"'""l='•l'h St !I ..t111ticlln szn ~I T\' Si!\. n1arl I• 1111 1 .. 5411 -,r. old boy Week f'nrt.a odd Jobe. dtllvtrlea or "'hat !\ave you• Harbor 0771. 3:Zc"~ I 'I"' '. ' r•lf r S!t'I ·.o. ant lfjUf' 11111 ('A (1 111 S!'I Hit b r y<1 dreo,.r OROCER' ('9'hlr" anti !la:AT $.!!\ , l·I k rli hrn rur boan1a U !'I WrllJ•~r'I' SAO I 100 "'f'"k ,,b11 ul·I I l11n11 luA•l~ fof antique JOI\ ~ru'll"''" Sllnt.a A11~ l'h r.u n n,.,..,,. rf'ttni.hrnit -do It Newport Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishings Roy's Maintenance Kl :1·63'10 ~ .. ~ Ail t:la.N ::• ', 1r" II an•I "'' f' \\',. 111•0 buy 'l 20 W Co H :'."J·t !'l l & .... .,,, _s . a.at wy. I ' llAl:LJI, llA \'II(, IAM E Al\8• Newport &ach <:JRI.'{ I h1·1m 1,11n1< """"h._ HF: 6·0'1:111 W 8·1113 34,3~ w c EAHN MORE rAIR 11LIJ ~CHOOL DESKS, ruah I THAN L:\'L~R BEFORE~' WHfRLPOOl. au 111ma1 1r i;u J ryn llOUM cle&11lll6-Floor wuing WAil wuhinc-wlndo.,., clu n1n c Ve.neu an llllndL Uphot1tf ry Jn.ul'fld. P'ree JC.Um a l ea r..n.rt1 1-lSU. RANDY repair r_ c. -.. , 1ei ~ A1nt1• t •• k•·1 Iii I hi,,,,. " MAX, maJnltnancc It I v.11n At1ton111l1C' 1gr.1l 1nn """ or what~ Har. 4~4.W, Our n• .. 1,1i;h•r •IAtllni; .,.a1tr "•ln11 1 ru II. u p c hair r11<'f' s2111111:1 8al,. rr••• S l99 P~ 27llc and r "'I''""' 1r1 1• 1 ~. f:l\•4 ' •11' lt1t1 ~""' M 32c34 t•l'H 1nalaJlauon. :"o 111 ... n , :z 49 Swedish Massage t..adlea. -by a ppolntm .. nt U. YoUr home. Font,.rl)' m&ueti.I Ill .Arrnv .. hrA(1 I Pf'U1•• Hntrl Pl .... ea.JI HArbnr 4TPI\ 11r ii .. rb<>r 70. 31r H h lh\• ,...,, .. ur1 un,1, '1f• •n,:~ n w 1 PAUtS '''· ,.,.,~ <1rl_J>f'_1 _nf""-J"r ""k ~o r ·•Vmftnt unul JP"t'J tor I •lu•thlf' \<l•llh s,., .. ,,,, Ian,.,, T HR O:-.:so=-:-t 1;.1~ :-.:-porl A•t TELEPHONE OPERATORS \Ve Wiii 11 .. in )'Oii lln•I ~-.... 11 rf'· celv11 m11ny cilhrr t>ent'lll Atiplv :JH \, :-.:o ~him ~l rr,.I, R 11 :1 1 ~""'" An1< • ll •MJ to 4 ~· r Ill PACJF1C TELF.PH01"E [ 111r I llli"ltllnV t"'l•I J;t!'ltt l'<lfn<'tl I ,,...1\ .M "~" tf "1111 111 ,,, kt t.o Sfo 1111 II •r 114!\P J 1- l:\r Washing Machine I J f':11 r 1-~r 1nl•\\1 1n r • r1t1 1n c;1:RVt CJl' lllhl" & ;! h••n• h1 • $1~1 OH M111 I i\tn-..t • r "tf h At' 1u~htH1·nt.. l "· ""' 1l31 :l'k:l~t l'H I\' A TT. 1 •l)\'K fl)r r•nt. H11lt•n• l•llln•I, for hn"t 1111 tn :l" (I f '\11 mn ll"r l!l!W> M il2• '\• TRADE 81'4\UI lf\11 10·ft. aux. echl)<)ntr. FA,.~ll"nt ,,,, <'hllr'1"r \\ nnt rrt•r"'MV or "m a JIPr tvl11L 1220 \\' Ualbna Blvd .. ?l:ewport. Har 3032. lPtfo Gigantic SALE 20°/o off on 111 111~ bna ta • JohnW>n 0 B M l')l ON. So. Coast Co. i>:f'V.·rort Blvd at 23rd It 12<'3' Ya cht Remodelin9 Service 11 • ·11 n' ~1.F:tt • ""'~· t1111•I .111vr I f till I ~··~ .. , I U f S 1 t:1 :,,; tlht 111·•--n •tr.1 h11r .. llH~ ~··rn1-.:-.: General Contractor Experienc'd gardener -LANDSCA~I]'>;G WA!'o!T Whltl" ... om1U1 tn d" h .. ,,.,. I ·ynr (Ulrlll\tee on Joba rtone and or> used wMhere, 218814 , 1rea.r1 Newport BL, Coeta Mt.a I Llberty s-4503 or Llberty ' 8-4327. 64Uc I 1 .. 111r rw11rk tt<'tlnl11hlnl' 11 .. palrinK ",.,. .. ~,111\'lf\lH Har •284·W 1.JCl:Nazt> • work "' rnok ~nur in 1.1 0111\ • New Work -RemodeHn1 and CLEAN UPS Liv .. 11111 1.1 t1 !'i!l8"; • i. :13 -:1 Ill \\l•I• I• .1•lv n..... s1:. 0 KEEFE • .MERRITT ran1te, '','\ !13c4~1h T UTT rnn~ ~· •·•• Liberty 8•1659 Harbor 8399-W 58ttc . ~~~-~---------~ Custom CABINET WORK Don. on pnm111ea No job too 1mall. 4VL10 RELIA BLE J APANESE - AM ER l C AN W A NTS GARDENING lN HA R· BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATI' 4-:i47l 24p37 llXPD.IJ:NCl:D a pt mana1er d,.. alru po91 tlon. Call Har 0198-W 3Jp::5 MA TUJ\E WOMAN 14 111hu baby ail UJl6. Beat of rt~ e rflft<'"•· 1.J ~80 33c35 Phone Kl W S41 U cHh PRACTJCAL N UR81: ..-.. Live In I '<•n pl"I • H u 36'0 :H • :!'. ' Ill• 1111i,: •111 '"' I t 1111 k brtdg,. f r•·lta••l•• 1 11tt~t11t iw\\d • h''"' m•ui ua l 1 POSIT IO:"I: wit h 11111 "•l•h ''' >\\1t•h• "'''''''•• ~'""•l''"" A Planned Future Bu1h.J a tJn,.1r1••• cd ~our i·"n 1•••t• 11· •'" ~ tt r 111.1'1 I• IH•·t., t •n- Rrpt lll 11111•,, fll\.l<I p11 uh11l l lld rtlll l(ll"l 11>111• ol•llltf,. •!Ill\' H11<h~~I tnr••nl'' llra1kr1 ~11ti· t 1111••J .. 1u.·1 !ll A"Y ••Tl/Fl ~ 9li111llal rC'lll!'lllt'lll pl1111 ;-.;., ('HHl!-=IM\;.. J11\!" 1•111::At'. Inv. LI 8·~·'40 :.rn. l :l JIG HA\\ l •l 111rh f)F.LTA I li kE' II•" • ho·~JI I. F l~rk•• 117 ttrrl1111.t SI ("''"nil •lo•I !lfal I ""' ;1.IJ·.l·• mwlrl l..11 mr Ir 11,,~k v.1lh ""'n l'HI \ \Tt: FIJ'JAT for l'°a" .. 'WIU ~ !lull ltlt Ill' '"'' lll••hlh SJ 1•1 J;;t I·"" ()"r 111• t I Ii I \\ u1 an)fl' KJJ: 11·:»!17 , .. tiit· t un,. .. , p.111 $1:1 t 'hftt t11fH If 11 <'I ' ~"r (; !'.: k ~:Fl'{lr , '°"" :_.,.!-~~{ .. t \ t1Z.-i 1 t I'''-l •1JJ $12"1 I E'H••lh·nt •·u111J1t1 •n Hl\t 21&1 M .14!• J I .1~ -·-...... ftO:. •• . .... ,_ , ,., "r I • r 1nr11nn11llon ~1111 111'11• ,, 3'li0. U c!IO ~ u k AA u ; :i cyl OI"~"' i\71 -I: ~I I. "'1\11 3 ln 1 hytlr1111110 \\ .. •1 •111 1o:•111 "'"'" M11rtn• 1111rta Ii flltlll•'•· :.!tli l Sanl a An1t A ve 1.1 " 11:t:it. a1p • Sl-Mu81ral. Radio, & T \I l 'llJJ,I fJ J:\ t I I' I• flll(• 1111• I '" -------------·----• WA lliT!-.1 •. yuunK ma1 rh .. J """1 wHh l'll pe11enH! In tum1t111 1· •ll< 11~mbly Sttf!ily empl• ' ., • nt ",th \•ac11111m .Ir 1n11ura n1 f' l><·n,. fib L.lbf'rl y 8·i 3·12. '.Ii • 31.\ lb •• rUAa lc..p lt"'"'r l .,cl•IJ!t\·e TV & R d• R • Jlf:,4 ALL STA~ MOtllr l'lcnoler J•h ll111 tw• ·"'•' rl "'' :!" '" 1• ,, a 10 epa1r GOUI • oppurlunlt y tor l".l'I"'' •· m crd Hn'lr e al11 1lon attrn.innl Full • part time nM<l~d Hn 2793 3V-38 s 12:i Blond,. holrm ..... 1><1<1k• 9..1«> , ... , ,,,,i: tr1111• .. n•''"" • n1• .... F..ast Serv·ice h"ulb-;•1 •I. olhh· d11 ot>r, larg" ;-..., J,,,.. 11 I "• • 11• :? '"• I •·1 "" u m1rior u o 686 Hay St , c M I THRO.:-:su~ ~ 1111!1 :-, .. .,. , •• ,, "'' I l.f 8-391\l :\l p33 (.;0111& M•H lf --------- f'• I I &blr ;'1 1\11°" I 1tl1• t lll 11 p m K°" 1WJ~T'1:" •.I.I-.<.;· TW),:\"I("~ LI 11-r.20r. -------------but prefer out. Call rt•• ahol.41. ~A .!~ING LJ l·IOU 33p35 36-Mltee~ Fresh Hearing Aid RJCWARO SM M ,,,, an)' w"~., ... , h n p11rc h n.•,. ,,f " I "'" lh11 Id ''I BATTENES ai.t••niall• "l"h•·r. l•lll• ,. 1 •' I ~•.I • •·1" f I k· '.· • "'I Spll'l"l We Q1ve 81LH Oreen Sta.mp• <h•ln dl11'f'M lrtk• :"'o ., ..... ,. Sl7"1 aanouncect Jlcmdq. Woot\oa _. &e Ana ~ntc-e la 1-. -Mon loDd IDON adftrUa.rw &A tM llUta tlndln1 It~ te -M11W9· Pl\l:8I ci-ttl-4 a.da. FREE ESTIKATl'.8 nN& lrullnf. Aleo fine table Un· '6 -• curt.alna caret•1Jly l•un· Liberty M108 clencl. Buel Williama. J 27 2$th It., N..-port Hsr 33-;11.J 34; 219 H. P. Oardt n Tractor with at· t.achmPnt.a Rrmlnrv '" 1'YP" 14•111 .. r J,I II 11~2:1 :\ 1<33 Gunderson Drug Co. Nn ptymt'fll Ill 19M \V(')(Jro\\ j ,, ·r II r I \..,,, ("('I Main SL at Ba.lboa Blvd . Balboa THR ON!!ON'8 1111!1 ,.:~·f"'>rl "'' :'111~ r ' ••' JI •,·). C-/> ~I Harbor 61 :>. t&llc t ""'" .\I •111 'I II r :I ,..,2 I J ·• •, • I ! I , ,.i . I I • I I ' M-llulcal. Bacllo. TV DAVIS-BROWN Reconditioned & Guaranteed Uted TV Seta New PACKARD-BELL RADIOS EBONY . 1216 COLORS U.96 P ACKAfW>-BF:l.L CLOCK RADIOS-"WAKE GP TO MVSJC"-EBONY .... ~.96 COLORS .. 27.~ FM RADIOS FROM . Used 0 .911 17" CAPITOi. TV .. 49 :10 LATE M ODEL THOR WASHER WITH PUMP . U .ll-0 GOOD CONOJTlON SHORT WAVE BOATS. Used Radios POLICE. ETC. • 9.60 17" 81LVERTONE TV ..... U .llO TABLE MOl>EL 1 2 1," STROMBERG (.'ARLSON BLO:"O TABLE MOOICL WITH FM RADIO NEW PICTURE TU BE ............. : ....................... -42.1:>0 DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA LI 8-3437 Knowlton ElectronJca TV ANTENNAS I Cl-.r Beam -HJ Caln) INSTALLJCD complete to your .. t. $9.95 LI 8-112()5. f'RACTlCE planoa $89. $95 to JIBS. Spintt type mirror piano SZ35 -a blond beauty. Eu}eat trrma. IJ.\NZ·SCHMIDT. ~20 No. Main, ~snta Ana. 100 planoa to chooae from. DAMAGED In ahlpplnc 2 SplneU, "a\·e '180. lM="Z·:> 'HMIDT, !'.120 No, Main, SMla Ana . \\'ANTl-:IJ TO BU Y, mod. Spmet GMC TRIPLE TESTED USED TRUCKS '41 STUDEBAKER ~, t. pickup 'll-0 CHZV. '11 t. pa.net 'ti() J'ORD ~ t pll'lcup 'Ill CHEVROLET •., t pickup '61 GMC 1.., t p1n,.1 '&3 DODGE ~ t. pickup 'M OMC 1, t. pickup, hydra. trana. '112 DODGE ~ L pickup 'H OMC ~ t. pickup, hydra. trana. 'Ill CHEV. l t. C la C '47 GMC 1% t . 12' YID '113 GM C COE 179" WB.. I •pe9(1. 8:'6 th~• We have a larse atock of uaed truck• all t ypu a11d alaea. You will aa ve Ume and money by llftlDC WI f1r1l. We r atry our own contract•. W.W. WOODS GH C DEALER 9111·11 !:. 4th St. Sa.nta Ana Open Sunday A. M . Truck Haadquarten for Oran1e Co. SPECIAL BUILT 113 BUICK ... .-........ ............. -..---:.. .. ~ ...... - ~~ Cabanas Marinas · Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OJTERS DeJJchttuJ ~. Apt.-CabenH. Utllitie@ paid.. with Yacht allp accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearl>\ For appt. or reeervati~ Call Bar. 2992. Mtfc '18 --~---A_.,... __ ror __ .. __ , ___ '8-A-Apta. for Beat Lovely New Studio Apts. You• will like the quiet convenient location, t he heated awimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. Be clad to abow you anytime. Ken Niles Villa 1021 Bayaide ~v• Marina Ha.r. 1968 32c45 Riviera with a racJnc motor-41-Trallen 48-A-Apta. for Rent $12~.-Bu. 3884-M. UcSt .;;;;..~:;.:;..;:::;:;;~-----------:..-------- 1952 MORJUS MINOR '86(). H ar. * PORT ORANGE * 2309R evu. Har. ll02 day1. U cJ• TR.All.ER SALF.8 19112 CAD 92 Sedan 31000 ml. and SUPPLIES Very c:lMA car. fl"~w w 2200 W. Cout mway. nylon Urea. Take tnn.portaUon Newport Beach LI 8-ff20 car trade. Harbor 1116 aft.er e P lTttc 'U·11' Happy laoln• •.... _ ....... $688 . m. '6'·1a' Travelue, a.,.c -..... '239~ '61 CHRYSLER fl«l&ll. N-York· 'H-U' Ro6dmuter 2 B. R. Special er V·8. 180 h.p .. auto. trana., 'll0-41' Pan.mount .... Blc dil<:ount. RltH. P ower 1leertnc. near new ·~·S.' Ttny, .... Will deal on tlll1 WSW. Very clean. A. 1te&l a t PAN AMERICAN $896. Trade 6 finance. Paramount·Kmak.IU MOTORVlLLE Tru ... Tany 2670 Newport Blvd., Coat& M- LJ 8·•~02. Hc39 '47 Jl'ORD Sporuman conYertlblt. Xlnt. mechanical candJtlon $2211 Call owner, Har. 34118-M. S.SC.U '!:>J OLDS .. • dr. •edan. new Urq, loll extru . Ori&'. ownf'r Hlllnl'. 2100 w. Ocean Front, N. B.- 33d& ~tfc Rentals Wanted We .... .,ca U4 .._... UI al ~ for boUl wtat« u4 Jeu'• i.u.. run. or llAftlnL u )'GU b& ... ~. .... toca.,, RENTAL r. SPECIALISTS cau Edna CraJc Blanche Gates, Rltr. au M.arln• A YI. ~ I.a1and, Har. 1'71 '12Ue C rown of the Sea Motel In Corona del Mer Comfortable rooma la kitchenette apta. TV Day -week -monthly rate. 2800 I:. Cout Hwy. Hu. 3IS. 33c46 FOR RENT yearly, upper apt. 2 bdmu.. 1 bath unrurn. $125 mo. Lower apt. 2 bdrm. l bath rum. $1:1-0 mo. LOUIS W. BRIGGS. H er. 80 33c38 -BALBOA PENINSULA R oom ..nua prtvat• bath • •trance. A.putrnut blltl4lnc. Bu. 2fl'>O. 33Uo 5S-8tol'fl8 6 Otflcee Oll'FICES For Leue ' In New Building 17 lt •O' $100 mo. 17x26' S M. mo. U x 13' $ 3:S mo. In Lido Shopping Area • IOI aJnd St., Newport Bea<'h Bubor ~21 23tlc OFTJCE roR Rl!:NT THREE ROOM bullrtlng on eout highway. Mariner'• J.Ule. park· Inc •pacea In rear. LI 8-6102. 33c3~ COAST KICHWAY, new buJlding, llOO aq. !l. officf'. SuJtable In· l'Uranc-e, attorney, d e, $90 mo. RUSS FORD, LI 8-6141. 20tt SMALL OFFICE tor rent. $ult· able rrnl estate or Insurance. 419 Balboa Bl\'d. Cnll Hsr. 4718. 34tlo LIDO A.VAILABLlil MARCH l ST Office or 11tore, In new building, 20' frontage on busy •treet. '00 mo -ytar'a leatie-Box I-76 thl• paper. . 34p36 53·A-Bmlneu Rentals Cor. 19th a: Placentia, C. M. FOR RENT two bdrm. home - (atove A refrlg. furn.) lnclude.t atore room a: two office apa.cea, $100 monUl. OR will rent 11epa- Tately l office al $711 and 1 at JOO monlh. A.1ao email •tore $100 m o. Call owner Llberty 8·6223 m ornings or alter 5 p.m. 9tlc F OR LEASE. new bl,lg. on En:1t 17th St. '''e need BARUER SHOP, BEAl'TY PARLOR, TV SALES • SERVlCF., REAl4 E STATl!l OFFICE , GIFT SHOP t'lc. Oet your business 11\.arteo.l In tho best location In L'osl& Me11a. For Information. •32 Eut lilh or Llberty 8-11294. 28c41 M-81181Aeea Op.J!..O_r1un.lttes 11r Uaby t;ra1lll ln good c:ondlUon '6-A-nrea a Pa.rte The Vogel Co. ll01 W. ~ RWJ .. Newport llch. ,.._. UMri1 -.Ml1 ONE BEDROOM l urrt. apt. 218- 2tth St .. Newport . .H&J'. 2165-J . • 33p311 WANT TO TRADE? llilrhor 5053-M. 32p34 S PECIAL BUY! U••1tlll lful F~nch Provincial lam· """ mnk.. Sµinel piano, U k• nr w S li\•e SIOO. Conv, terma al SllAFERS \Since 1907) 4'.!t-11.1 N Syca more. Santa An& l'h.,nr Klmbf'rly 2-0872 (•l:l:AN. I Elertrnntc-Organ rtow only J~1i:1. All Eleclrlc Org!UI, hH l unly $7811. Lowry Orga.no $I !•r. All 1111nnderfu1 barpm1. fl;\:\Z SCH.MlUT, !)20 No. J.taln, Santa Ana. ORGAN SPElCIAL! I •P:.\IOX~TRA TOR model AUnahaJJ 11p1n11L or(lln. Like new. Sav• J l:Otl Uberal tr-a.de. Convenient ,,.1 ma at- ; • ,, 1-.m; \Slnce 1~7) tZ\·423 ~. Sycamnre, Santa A~ l'h(>nf" Klmbierly 2-0872. • •1 11n1tt' (.'l)u/ity'• Organ ftdqtrs. S l'lNP.:T rlan~ Rtnl.&I rt'lurn1, Tr111lr·lna on ol'g\1011, like 11.-w *'""" Maple, Blond 0 11<.. FrenC'h I 'n>vlnclal. Tb.I• It a cl\&nce tor b1i;: "'wl11g'. Open Friday n1(ht. IM:'\Z·SCWUDT, ti20 No. M&ln, Santa An&. Jl:Xt:WSH at yle MlnJpl&no ebony 1 11 -4', \'f'fY mod,.m In t'XCellent unul'rol rnndlllon. ldl'aJ Chrl111- m"" 1t1ft Mutt ••II to clo.. t-•l11te Hu . 2821 -J . or HllTbor l PI 33C'3a l.fKP. NF:W •O .. LESTltR Splnrt.- w,.lnut rue, JM> dn 6 $.19 SO 010 WOODWORTH PIANO CO. 2P. IO I'.:. Cout Hwy , C. 0 . M. H 1H . "82 12~ JIAM~IOND ORGANS. all mod~1-. c111r Chri.tlmN atork now comlnit In, S 10 00 dep<NJlt will rYfT"'e any model while tht'Y Wt. Trade In your old piano. DANZ·SCHXIDT. Home of tbe w.1rld famou.. Hammond. a 20 N,.,. J.l&Jn. Santa Au One Spinet Model. on• Ra.mmocd hord Of'S&ll u.-d but lille new, wonduful be.rplna. CR.AND PLUfO e>uVtmu 9a.i.. Ma.ny wondarf\ll be.rplns. tam- ou• malcu, 8t.elmray, Muon Hamlin, Kn&.,., •~.. dellvend f rM, benl'h tncludl'd ti-om 1317 u p. DANZ·SCIDUDT, 020 No. MaJn, Sant& AnL RllNT a piano for O\rh1tma& All tenn rent allowed. Oood prac- tJee r1anoa from " p.,. mont.b lat the kJddlu le.am. DANZ-41CJDUO't'. a20 No. Maln, Sant& AA&. 190. lT IN. TABLE model TV. 1611. 218-29th St., Newport. Har, 2HlhJ. 33p31'.> F'RYERS ba ller1fll. lndtvtdua1 hm care11. er1 bukelAI. automatic aqualder, 2 nian plc~nf mach .. •" Cr&dt'r, 'ill pu1let1 .l younc hena, t lC Poultry outlet. Retell and wboleaa.te. 1821 E. Cerrito•. Ana heim New and Uaed TRUCK AND Peuen9er TIRES B·Hour Receppin9 . Service Complete BraJre Service ANO Front End AUgnment RO AD l!lt:RVlCE ••1re.etone Budcet Pl&n Youn for Ute .Uklnc HOWARD RYAN 801 · 809 W. lit St. S ANTA AN A Kl 3-SHJ fl-Aato 8en1ce U d e Motor Overhaul NO MONEY OOWN * with this ad * e eyi.. ·--··----'48.88 8 Cyla. ---·····-····-··-···SM.88 Lncludee bolb l.abot and parta. NffW rtngL wtVt J)Uu. ftlff frlnd, ntUnf• of m&UI a.od rod beari.nc•· Eltpert D1ot.or tune up. ~J OT 4,000 m lle JU&RlltM. (NO MONE't OOWNI. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 1& M ONTI:IS TO PAT- ltullt In OW' own factory by aldlled macblllJata. Don't contend w1tll the middle man. Buy dJrect. REBUILT and INST ~ED SHOJ\T Bl,.OCK f'OJ\D ---.... -·----·-rut.~ CHEVROIZT -·---· Sut Ml PLTV. la DODOE ... -·-·--SIM CHRYS. la DI: SOTO ---1170 8TUDD.AK:J:J\ _ ..... ---· 1170 OLDS ll PONTUC t _ .... -• ll 70 BtJlCK _ .. ____ ..... _ .. ___ U 16 irUDiON -··-·.. -·-·· ........ $11~ Loan Car F ree T o•lnl NEW CAR QUA R.A.NTEJ: Bloclc m uat m•t our atandarda Plua t.axu, 1uketa and oil Op«n 8un4&1 10 a.m. to 2 p.111. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS ap.n De.Uy • U> 'I lt.atA BQDd~ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA A NA SARVER ,..OR BRAKES l l.N ORANGE <.:OU N'T'i l7 YRS l Bonded BMLk.. 4 Whffla $11 H .IJulalla Uol\ _.. .PV $12.96 JAck3un 7-1672 34c3e Tu .41 ------------TO U PAY NO MORE . -· Sl3.'3 CO-A Db and Trwb ----'(H J.lORRIS )fT ~OR ro11vcrtlblt r.Jlrtllrnt rnn1I 40 rnp11 Low down f' r J i:IO LAm bert 6-0978. liOO F.. l'nlnn, Fullt'rton. :l3p38 1tSO CADJ.Ll.AC COUJlr de Vllle \,,th ffr rrc-ord J>:'l:rl rond J1111'.>. 21111 8tat e St.. Co.ta M-. l.J .... Ml. 33c3~ SARVER MOTORS BR.A.Kil SJ:RVICJ: E \ST AT OR.A.NU SANTA A NA Af\u The Cru h It'• Too Late Ztltfc 0000 27 tt Uberty tral!w hOuM W1ttl umlnl' . ..,. or AD\. - KI I -HU. lkJ& IOI M.a.l1aa, 8alllos ....., l'MDe Sanor "' 2M7 I!. Cout HJ., Co1'0ll& de! IUr f'tlon• HarbOr 11•1 Lido <>Mee, 301 VI.a Udo Harbor 4111 1702 .Newport Blvd .. Coata MeH t.n>.rty 8·&691 tfo ftETlRED Couple deatre l'cNOn· able unrurn. 2 bdrm. apl. pref. with atove It mr11 Kl 1'>·2617. U cU Choke Winter P.entala on BaJboa lal&od It Udo laJ• emaJJ 6 easy or -.. A dela.e •n .. "'° -~ VOGEL CO. IOI M&.rtM A.... 8&.lbua w..ad Pb. llanor ... OT Jl&rbor Wl Rea. HU. lTM·R or Jl&r. aoN·M ttt.tc ATTRACTIVE land 2 bdrm. rum. Ut.lliU• paid, l or 2 chlldrm. Laundry r oom. B L U E T 0 P .A.PT. MOTEL. •03 Ne'lll•poTt Blvd Npt. Beach, ju.t above the Arcll-. i'ftl c NEW MODrRN untum. Mparale 2 bdrm. u.nJt.a wtlll •~· East al.U loca\lon. C09ta Mu a. Adult.a only. u 1-4"6. 11c131l TWO BEDRM. unfurn. 1111plu . ATTRACTIVE APT. <lealrable loc. nlc•IY furn. $:1-0. Incl ulllltlu.- WIU t leep tour. See It , HarbOr 4J.73-W.-1704 W. Ocean Front. Newport Beach. 32p34 Channing Har bor Haven Apartm~n~ · Patios NEW 4 ROOM, atr\>cl l<'\'fl Near •ehool11, lhopplng dl,lllrlrt. Quiet. pla.uant. exclu.1ve. Cai bago dlll- poaaJ, laundry, elorage roo11t1, rarare, $82.~ up. Occupll'S en· Ure •trHl . Good aupervlalon. Mer. 1&01 Haven P~• l Block South ot .HlJb 8c.h<>ol A.L80 FURNISHED APTS. WINTER JU TllS ~ttc WATER FRONT furn. a pu - WINTER onJy J A 3 bdrm. no pew cbildttn welcome. 3708 Cb&Del Plac.. Har. 1211-J. 29Uc CLOU IN, BA.L.BOA. a.~um1&hed 1 bec:lrm.. apt. yearly. $6-0 mo. Ou a waler pald 408 J,;, Bal· boa Blvd. Har. 2070 l 8U DELUXE n :ll?'. APTS. 8tnrlea II dbl• $30 mo. and up. J()4 E. Bay Avt .. S.lboa Harbor 1'>344. 81.tc F tJR.'11 3 f'O(Jm apl .. ;x1r11 clr1tn -t'lectrlc re/rig. pan"I I A)' heat J~ mn lo June l~ U\11_ paid HAr 19!')9.J. 301 E . B&y Ave. Ball><ul :13c3;) LID<.> ISLE l HAVI.'.: A WELL ESTAUL!SllEO UUSIXESS lhal wtll nt l )'VII s 12.ooo clear Wiii trade lt tor any rea.aonabla value. liYatt 4·4739. 33c3{1 PARTNER Wanted to op<'r11te llccna•·d "''" 1tge 11turf', IOC•led nr&r l'lly Hllll Sm111J lnveatmtnl an•I bf,n<.I requll'ffi. Harbor 60!'.>l between II· 7 p. m. or weekends. 33cl!) ------ M--M~y to Lou CASH • • • YOR TRt 'ST DEEDS \\'~{. B . .HOl.'I' MORTUAGE liANKJNG Sl:NCE 1930 leot N. Bl'SH SA!\~A A~A KllWE'RLT 3·71lij LOA.NS '.l'O l:St.'TU>. lMPROVIC BUT, MODERNIZli:, OR REFINANCE We SllJ' 'I'ru.t Oeedt NJ:WPORT BA.l..llUA SA \'INCS A W AN ASSOCIA'flOS UM Vla Udo. Ph. Rar. 4200 Uo NO COMMISSION N~ Appraisal Fee .SALEs -REi'l~ASCE CO'>STRUCTlOl'\ Call fot F uo Fa.st Com.mJtmcnts on Eaat aide <=<>•ta M~l!ll $7b mo Ll a.n82 or w '°'4111 !3d5 SACHELO!t a.n'1 one " two bdrm. apt& Shc.rt term 8lld yrarly. Reos1dencu and tJrut. only Don I. Huddleston QARAOE -a t 317 NarctMu-. Corona del Mar, Harbor 2082-J 33c36 180 2 BDRM. t:NF"UR NlSHi:D tnplu. flreplac:e, rart>a«• dllp. Water pd. yard ml.lntalned Ownn 2'1'2 B~y. U 8·?179 31tfc NEW unfum 2 bdrm. •, duplu , JU., fe,nced yard, Clotre lo llhOp• ping ctntu. 328 Eut 18th 8t , eo.t& K-. LJ 8-14~ 31Uc $90 BALBOA ISLAND, 2l7 Apo· ltna. f\lm. 2 bdrm . 2 bath, tlre- plac~ and patio. AdullJ1. no pet.. U 8· 7824. 32c3• NEW fun1 I bdrm. itur lu , wtnler r~t&l JIO mo -131 1.,·~•lh ~t . Newport Bf'ar tl Harbor M77 32c34 YRL\", RENTAl. nicely rurn 2 bdrrn .• dlnln1 rm. A tlreplact. 1125-230 !: ~~th Sl . Cott.A Me-. L1 1·~2 altrr 6 p m 32c34 '8A-Apta. for Be•& OlllLUXI: modem rurn 11turt10 apt. UUUllH paid '75 mo. Corona del Mar. Har. 0853-R. Htrc COROl'fA DEL MA.fl duplex. 2 bdrm t um Har. !1409 30tfc ALSO, Udo Jlomu an•I llay Front Homta !Uld 11parlm,nta. LIDO REAL TY Associates lHOO Via U Jo, l i 3 E. l i th St. ~R°'*'9 tor RMt _1 LO~N~Jor ~mes N'EW n1c"ly fu1n. 7 bi-drm fQr 1 ~ 'fT, f•m11r $';~ m:· :--ru 111nr· • Construction Loans 304 32l'ld Sl :->1·wporl 3\p36 -I ti EE BOB S A TTL.EH $76 M U T'wo btimt hou.,• /,1rn 2lilb EAST COAST BL\'U I 2009 Miramar J •r T'enrnitula l:orona dtl •tM H~tl>Ur J%S Polnl \\"lnt,.1 , ,.nl"I Rrp. P01Rl.£P. MU P.Tt!AC F: \ 0 c. (') BEAR!Hll.F.t~ 7z, l,lllM nr Mttro Wle l.n.a. F'Undt Kl. 3.;.1 ·, Glen'11tlfl 6 Ph Cllr111• ~-!'1316 48tJc :121((' Wll,L "hl\TI' my hnme w1lh 10111•1~ Rl::AL ESTATE LOANS All rrl\'1ll'jt!'~ Roc.111 ~·rl • n· 1 lolC'rl'St f1atc . r, t 'i- ltAnC',., ll\'lnit rnnm T\, l'OOk· Ln&.l\t qUi<'kly mll•lr In ''" 11 ,•hwr lnlf ·~·t:•m WR.thl'r • rri r.1 ~ n... ;\ rl'l IH1_11n11 Ill I I I' '.\I 1 LI 8· 14 dl •1 'a I I Sangh· l•r mult 1plc• "'"' :-. ... CWl-'F" HAVF.:-.:--3br 11r1f111 n . or nld lie wu•" 1111tl ,.., . r "' r• nr ar honl11. n1>1. R" r ~rrinkln11. flnrtnt ln1t .)'"llr I''• ••·Ill I •" n J114lln, fir.pl. s 12:. mo Llbrrty Ml111m11n1 ('"'J'l''I .. 111 )'C'olr l .. lll 8·2377 ,l3C'J~ if •lf~lf~cl :-;., • hRI lo:" I• r I 't'· -----llmin.1ry "1'1'1141 ••I Kl :J 6(l.;J CORO;>JA DEL MAR. 2 ~lrm hou.-.~ Stove. ~l'frl.K .l ~"r Ycorly :o16 r 111•1•11nic l..111 k•pur a:s,,:;s bdrm, 2 bAlh, nt'\\ ly ilr<111,.ll'cl lnalrle &n•t out. S 1::::> mu 1 'all ARTHUR A. MAY pp f Harbor 4i IC ~~com~ Pro~".2----NEWPORT Bli:.ACH Furn 2 h•<I· rm . 11p1 lf&r •. • uUI. In<' ya1J. 49--Roollllt for RE'nl Ill <'l~EA:'i L"t'fl;\H. I ·.rr . .; <I""" $70 mo w 8·1 IOll. !l3Ut 1----I 111 h<'11r h, 1 .. 1y 1'11 I "'"I'""" ,..;, -LAVY .1 .. n .. na.~ """m In nlr,.. "·llr11l r.ll1rn ,,,. Ir"• '1 •!I .. 1 Lido Isle hvrne lur ernplO)l''1 1 .... ) I.I >~I 'II•'• •"'". 8·:'.11148 ·iti1fc' 110~11 I( t-:Sii HTH, l<1 all• r Bayfront ----II~ M· i ....... n f'l .. , u • .-=--··""1 RVOM A b11 th fur 1'"n1 l1·11111n.1 1 •1..r ltl\1 I ~u ~;1 • I I 1r :1~ .. ~ \'. One and •wo bdrm. apartment. prl\'fttl' l'nl rlln,.,. 12l? I :?nJ 11.11 11<.r ,:•,.:t• \t Furn11hed. oaracea Yearly or St . l\'f!W)Jurl 1\1 :l·lltl~~ 3:11 'H winter rentlll. Kar. MT~. 2Jcl4 LJVE UKE A MJ~JUNAlRE ~--:<-'on11D!f3'~1;._I.,?~~!~~~ --------on J1:. • wt'r k an.I up' 01.t·&n J'OR REN"t apt.. 2 bdrm. (Urtl. apl Downataln. c.n.,e. MIG per mo. 111 40th at .. Newport. Harbc>r 0446·M 34c rtTll>l. mode1'9 1 lldrm. apt. WiUl patio • rar port. prb. cll.ell09&1. 2UO • \'Oft, If ..,,...i Beach. ...... _....,, ..... F'ront kttrh~nPtte apt w1lh mai.t f'ACTOR Y s~·ll.l •I:'>•:, t • ""'" tn I la phone ..,n1N•, TV Modrm, 1 M·I r nnr ill''l~l (I I t I .. ,.. eyt'·appeallng. ulll'll·cornfortAblt , l>'o Ill• 3~110 ""' fl 1,: I.,: c•n Near ehops and mku. c1111 I front portion Le•~rt1. Atol.lnR Harbor e<WI. 33tfc 1211.r100 11,\\. 11•11n• 1 ·,,11 Lut: ---------I BOV!\'TO~ -.11h l\OOM-f« work1n11: m&n ie anti EAR!. \\' ST..\:-Jl,..Er. R<'"lt11r ST ,_ WftlL Prt.ate en1.nnc.. j Bayatde Or. la CnH t Hwy W 2'UI e t., NffWJ>O rl ppUc li&r. 41297 ot li'~~C\f'I. H~r. 2878 t .... " -·- GI ~al FAtat.e ~!'f" CAPITOL GAjN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL? now .A.BOUT A TRADm. am.9- -cer openteil olaar ln6aml PftlP" ert)' w..t md al Loe .u,.a.. Valuf'd at isa.ooo ~ a... $10.000 a year tnocme • low IX}>t'Aae. Am reu.nns fl &ID ta- t~•t.ed la ~ ""°"' ~~1:1· WW tnd.e up OI' dow'D. Otmel', WEl:>aUr, '6H1 DI' wrtte J90T South Coob.r&ta .A."'-Loe AD· &'elaa 18. BROKl!Ra ll' vlHlb IOc"2 sr;VEN UNrr MOTEL BAR- STOW, nMd.I more umta, plent7 ot room tor tr.tlar pull. Eqt7. '24,772. I BEOR. HOUSID Ill Hemet, 1 ~ acre, a car. hone • chic., coi- n.I, walnuu, oran,_ Ir trWt t.reea, 100 tt. bu.I. front.ac .. Trt.ctor. $17.~. ALSO J22,2715 Sea.soned lr'1at deed will aell or trade all or any pa.rt. \VANT BAY A.R.llA prop. hOuaea, apt.II. tx.i.tneu or what have you. 8 fl A W, Spa.co. U , lilunlclpaJ Trail..-Parti., M9W'p0ft ~act\. llpO Live in Coron& del Mar ! ! Move to Cliff Haven ! ! ! Our Co11ta Mu a O rtic. hu a llat. Ing on a lovtly 3 bedroom and den .home t or $29,1100 and the owner-. wan\ lo move to COM SOUU\ ot the Hwy. Pretera a smaller 3 IM!c1toom. 2 bath home. H I• home I.I really very nice. It l.n terfft.ed &'in u.e a c aJ L Bay & Beach Realty, Inc. Corona dcl Mu Office 8!)30 E. Cout Hwy. Harbor 6249 COLDEN OPPORTUNITY -to ruerve your ll bdrm.. J % balh home nnw. No duwn payment -completed berore Cbnatmu - b&lanc• Uke nnt. OltA="CE COAST PROPE.RTlES l ~7 l'\ewport. Coal.a Mu & Ll 8·J6J:! Eve. U 8-6803 TWO·BD!Uf HOUSE, hardwood n oors.. rt'•IM:OfllleJ lnslJe ano.l VUl, $10,7~ 3~19 !>'lower SL. Costa Mua. Phone Wberty 8·7801 33ltc LOT -30 n . R-l $4260. HO~IER £. SllAlo"l::H, Re&llor 11~ Mr..,adtl< n Pl. 11.t the Newport Pier. Ht.r. 1111 l::Yrt. Har. 11258· W HArbor 2!>29·M OCEAN FRONT 81 FEET LAST CHANCll to cat. 81 feet ot ocean frontage In one pl~•. NI<'• romt nrlable b<'Ach rottqe nn tJ11> rro,W.rty nt)w-1.nclu<llnf ~ilra"e. JJO 000 On vc1y #'Ally term• RALPH P. MASKEY 3• 11 Nt'Wf\(.lrl Dl\'J. Newpt. Beh II &J bor 402 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS.PRESS -PAltT 11-PA&E S MONDAY, NOVEMIEI 21, 1955 a._..._.. a ........... WATERFRONT Pier & Slip Boat ii Included 1n t.hJa Balboa ea.. barpln at sse.ooo. a bedrooml, 2 bat.ha, nr.p1ace -It you want .,.terfront. ... thia today! 1 WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor -' 3341 Newport Blvd.. Harbor 5l506 Bargain OPEN J • I DAD.. Y 211 KA.GNOLU 3 °BJCDROOIOI, older brick home on ona noor 1800 aq. tt. Larre lot w11.h fruit tl'Ma. eewcra con· nect..d. Hue• sa...,. •• laundry • A REAL BUY IN COST A MESA BRAND NEW: On a 80xt!'.>O rt. lnl t o allf'y. 3 Bedroom. 1,,. ba th, l\udwl>Od noor•. Forced Atr Hl'\lt, homry rai•ed hrarth F trrrllH'f' In loH>ly l1v111c room Stucco exterior Wltb brick " wood trim 2-<"•r Pr&Ct'· Pr1C'e i16.:iOO -$H~VO down hobby room. Prlca atul\ed to VERY NICELY DECOR ATED C&U WI for tull delall• Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor •718 Balboa BAYFRONT Duplex 1·2 bdrm. la 1·1 bdrm.. J cu pra.ce. tur· nlahed, '3•.:l-00. Tenna. MJsht conaidtr trade for Coat& Meaa Income property. Ocean Front lrt)RN 3 Bednn., 2 bath hOUM • 1 bdrm. apt. owr ,....... $25.tK>O T~ OLDER 4 bdrm. hou.te, forced a.tr Jleat. Only '23.600. OUPLmX on Balboa Bl'l'd. '11.· 7:1-0 both unit.I Dlcely tum. OnlJ H .000 wtU bADdle. Coast Properties 301 m. Balboa Bhod.., ..._ fla.rbor ... .., Md ''°°' OOSTA IOCaA 2 br. wUta -· eklet la au.ooo br., tum., .,,.,, ....,,.._ lla. pine Int., paoo, RW t--. ...... rm.. tor u..nlta _M_,,, ______ nao. CLIFF HA VEN la furA111hr.I 1nclud1t11; Built • In Telcvt1lon. Radio 6 8ookC'est>. 1iua five room hvrne la only 8 yt'ar• old and l• in aood ~'<m· dltlort, h u a l'llce f\&tll'I \\It h porable b.1rbei:u1 TI1e c>.lH lllr la redwood and 1tucco Prop"rl y la complet.ely frnctd. P1il'ed a t 11nly $1i.9:,0 1·ompltlt'I) furnlah- ed. Can be puh('ruutd unrurn. Seven l1lend1 Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd St , Nf'wpori Btach, Cah!. Ru. ~a attt r :> p m H1&r 22{;3-J 311'34 TERRIFIC BUY OPPORTl:l'IITT KNOCKS ... OR SOMEONE to pun hue l hl• Wt'll buJ.Jt thrM bedroom and 2 bath home. Only 11,, Y"llrll 1•1t1 Hard· wood tloora. torced air heat - 1arba.Je dllpoaal • two nr it&f'· ..._. Wlaal a buy -Owner \\'111 t.alie terma. F'ull pr1c Sll .9~ Industrial Bldg. APPROX. toOO aqua.re feet, <IOM &II locaUoo.. Good •tu lo'-°ffl· ... A Wee workl.nc .,.... Will "11 t.hl.e pmJ>ffl1 or 1.-... Now Y&C&11t. ruJI pr1ce 111 onl7- S1'$0. Ui:\'~I.. R·:?. 30 ft lot, So of Hwy 4 br. 3 bath. •/W CIU1*. room <'••1""11 dl'I Mar -~ -Call tor pool, C&mllJ' bom. -'81,&00 Phil Sullivan & Geo. T. Everson ll11rlK11" U :1J 32c3~ cm#nr.:-.: Ol'l"ORTt:i-;rTY to col· I•• l 1 l'nl• 4 rum. unlta. (llnitn . ",...,,.,.," •l• 1rl\bll' locat111n., L'l'll· IN"l $21;11 " mo l>own ptyrntnt only $ ~:.110. with no t'ln•n~ cha1gr~. ' br . CORON.I. HIGHl.4.NOS,- trYrltlc vt-. on 2 lot., room tor J)CX)l . Ha.000 M· l lou , C.2 lot.a. aubdlviaoa acreact' Coul flll'lwa1 l...._ ton b&JJ. Claire Van Horn OHA:'\CI:: COAST J>HCH'E ll 'f1 Y~~ REALTOR 1 'it :'\t\\)'ttll1 ('••"1A )ff'a.A LI 11-1612 F.\411 t.t 1-4 3 2i31 W Cout Hwy. LJ 1-4271 RUSTIC HAVEN l<l'~I (ul 'r •' u•). I·" f'l.Y view, de- 11~111 rul •nll,.i..r . a11p1 rhly IOf'&t · t •I In Ll•ron11 tlf'l )lllr LILrl • lf>'l:ltj bi> lrvc11n v.tlh flrepl.aee, 1111WJI l)('olrrn J'f'rfrtl tor b&by I ', 1•11 111~ t.-o:,. p1rtur e v.1ntta11.• 1•1 la 1r .: "' "' "1th 11nnb~tn.tc:I· ,.,l • "·'' •1 'u'I\ Of"'n~ lo an rn- t•1 l1ur n.i: 11•" 11 F 11n ~ air 'rur· ""' • 1•11 • .. r ,.,,.,,,,!' 4Ux 1110 ft I••' Ti I\ u I 111 Ir rar11•ll11<1 , ....... II .. t...11• ~·.:Au tln'AD. Ry ••r J"·1n1rr .. nt Ov.'""r 111\r •™ ..., .•• ..;1;;-3llfr C-2 Business Lot On ="-T"·n llh'1 a t lnt1•1~tn.i \\11v 1·.x••\'Z fl c·"u owner. Harl'l<•r :11116 J tfc Attention Investors! 1 ·1on rtF;IJt "Cl'.:1> LOOK AT THIS ONE! 9'68 ESTHER ST., C.M. 3 MR . I ~ BA TH. Wye roome. ahab roc/. Uaed bnck ftnpl. dbl car. Qu.l•t k)calJcm.. F'. P. JU .600. term.. We hav• the key. Che,ter F. Salisbury REALTOR 31~ Mar1.o~. Bel~ lalud ~arbor 6971 BUSINESS & HOME WEAL Rl"81NE88 LOCATION • lltree b('(1room home. su.ui .. h11ll1fln11" 30x31, approidmate17 • Y""a olt1. 88t Ea.rt aide loca- tlnn Sltf: I.Ma tod"Y • FuJI pn~ $17,1\00, temw. Fur 1p;11" "' ion on th1• bu.lne.. \\"E HA \'E a t~ choice bulldl.nl' r-r• 1•1 r1' .• it'"" rn bWlfUng• on lot. p riced to MU. •• • ic I 7 I• t 111,.1 Ahoukl 1 ....... ,. "r , .... I •r II llllAI •I( lit )l'IUll $~:.I )"I m"nlh l'lc•nty 11( room f .. r u:pu.n•1 .. 11. Atl~411llt .. ri•uk· II ' ~to Wll q J• crt • f C.:1>,la Mi>M, 1 ,~t.t .1 ltu l ••rt t1f ll IAr.:I' , ... ' .. , 1•p1ng rrnll'r. \\'ht n lh11 I• • < t I .1 l A It' J\ pproll Sll 11111,.1 • ''"h <J.,,.,, r l'f'(ul rt>tl Call 11\\'h•·r I .111· 1 I y ll·tli l.1 11111rnlnl(4!I 111 •ti"' cl 1 111 tJc ;o-.1.\\ l'I •I. I IH.ll:HTS 1;. '> .: 1~11, 1 u11 l n•1ne 11e•r Clift I 1r 1-i.;. •" .nlC 1<JU111 w1tb tire· 1•f1,. •· •I 1 111;. 11111111. luvl'I)' pa llo. 111• M lu • n 'J 1 At JCAr . f enct'd ·""''' 1 •rily ~l~.71',ll 11>nn11 B. A. NERESON REALTOR u 8-1672 a:v-u a-.uo Bl OWND CORON A DICL KAR, modnn I bdrm.. home, ftnpl&ce, f \U'nM:le, hdwd. 11111 .• WW ~ .... Jr-ape•. dble. ,..... &tnleed rw apt. Full pt1c. •1S.'fao. peoo 4IL &03 PolneetU.. S-. UO.M. J6clft BACK BAY NEW a ~na. 2 bath bee. • RAL.J' A.CR&. OYerm..d double pr . tlf!Ctr1o a.m • crUL lSM Newport Blvd , Co.ta w ... ( ac,,,_ trom Coet& MeM B&nll 1 Pl\. LJ 8-6i61 , e Vt'll, Ji4r'. •3te 1~1 8-21 03 A Ma.oy Splendored Residen<'e ! Back Bav Area! • 3 vrry l•,_., i.....fNV1m1 • 1 nm1pu1 roum twlr • 2 f1repl&l'tJ1 • HanJw•"ld noora • J>aUo-ft'ncf'd • Wood altlnit le mnt • 6 Y"•re 11111 C'll'111n e ·~ c: 1. ~H lA• l11<lrti e Q ,9Ml t~Wft, ru u.. PR.le& Sl 3.9M Bay & Beach Rlty Inc it~ N'~r1 Blvd. O>ft• W.a.. Calif, l..l ~·1181 -Y.>'u U 1-IOM Exceptionally Nt:W R I "SlNERS lW IL.OlNO w1Lb 2 l>t' 1uru r uUy turn. a ptA upe t&J ,..• Rolld t.ncom.. Submit ~ant propertr tor achA.rirt>. P AN A. JACOBSP.N, Rea.lll'lf Jl&r. ~Pl -E 1rtt1 u s-ea1T 33c.36 OOU>EN OPPORT\iXITT -to lln In )'our ~ own new a bedroom home .,.11.h onlJ $410 moalhly payment., UY. ronm, balJa • a br. are carpeted ww. Oft.A.NOa COA rr PROPl:RTIJ:8 1147 Newpol't. Coet.a 11Ma LI 1-llH s-. .. U M801 aoam oz. ~ 1 trt. CI IJ'Mt• wt~ ....... "4p.- Wa1Jl &o P.O. 6 lMo ~. Pu1k.1l.1 ~ fJl.MO. t.m&. BQ)(l:R &. SHAl'llft, iMU&oT lot ~ ....... u. -..rpcrt PMr.. Hat. uo ........... --.w Barbor 191t-K RESULTS $21,600. &AaY ft:IU(& 0,-S 1 OWND ...... I Wnn. bonM. to 6 da.111. Ml 2Jad It. JkM Oood ~Uoa Uilr\&. oot. lld-trd r.E"f REiWLTS: Call Hut-nr I'll", 11ay : "I want to pl11r p " ('J,.441(1t'l'I Ad." and 1tar1 atlYtrt~tnf reaulta coml.nf J"O'lr w.,. CLlFf' J:lA VCN a bdrm. ·~ 0 I ~ mo. tnd. taa-. • Ina. Apr1nklen. p&UO, t-d.. Obi. iu . tlrpl. Hwd.. tin . n•ar llCh<Jtljl. IU.T&O -ltJ' OWMf Llb«rty a-1111. aac.aa ' noon. ... Vm,t P1utte lln· oleum la k\.b. l.o\WT'ed OooT to ball A Id~ ntee •1"1"e pordi, palJo. M&n7 eUMf o lfa t .. turu. N-JI by 22 pr . ,.rd completely fenced. 1142&0 11.a.r. -~. ~ • ... -· .. . , • PAel I· PAllT 11 -NEWPORT HARIOR N£WS.nESS '!!a~•!!!eol!!_!!ll'il!!Olo!!;!•!!_ ___ l.a~:::-::R~oo~l.!E~:.to~to~---~n=::!•~·!'!l_!E~""'!!!!!•c._ ___ la~:!P~•!'!'..!E:!!!*~·!!----MONDAY; NOVEMIEll 21, IHI ---a •• , ...... • ._, ........ a •'!1 r.e.t. VOGEt' VALUES MAIN OFFICE * * * This Will Ring The Bell If You are lookinl for a Lido bayfront home wi th pier and fioat ta.ra:e enough to accommodate a 100 f t. yachf&ii'd, having 4 bdnns. and 3 b&tha -&JI on 1 floor -, completely furnlabed. $89.:SOO 3 New Stores INCOME $6000 PRICE $50,000 A aolid commercial investment in rapidly develop- ing district. All teated to 1how 10% on total price. It's What You've Been Waiting For! Ch&nninr new ru1tic -2 lge. · bdrma. 1 14 balha, fireplace, bJt-in oven and tange, w/w cpta., enclOHd patio. Ghotce location lea than 1 block from bathlnr beach. Priced to .ell at $22.500 unfunliah· ed or $2:5,300 furniahed. $8,tlO down. THE VOGEL CO. Ull W. 0>o.t Hlway. Newport Beach LI 11-3481 CORONA DEL MAR P.A.NOR.ilo:C Harbor ud ocean. view, "quaUty 11tn1t." 4. B. R., den, 2 batha. Low terma. Jlar.. .... "6.000 1141'11BORIB A'l"l'R4Cl'lVE 3 bdrm. home. p,... teeted. patio. Owner a.nzioUI for <Ofter. '"""' $21,000 114TIBORIB 6 Boclnn. 2 batho, I> blk. from l!otbms _.. 8ubmlt ........ AlldnJ $29,7M IRVINI: TIZRACI:. '6000 will lwldlo. AllDoot - 2 8. ft. -Y. elm. 2 botba. ~ BBQ. l>rap- ..W, -flally W.docopod. Low priee. ID 118 far JIJ;A CON BAY Olld BA YSBORl!:S propertloo. Bar. 17711 -S-. l:dltb -· HYott <-4222 John M1cnah, Barbor ~ Lou So)ont.e. Jlayoldo Dr. office, Har. 32"1, .... Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 226 -....... Jlalboo lolud OUTST ANDING-SHORECLIFF It'•· our p&ee.un: to ofter, for the first u.m.. one of the ODM home. 1n Exel. Sboncllff. The home tt..it conmtai ot l&rp Uv. rm.., wttb ra.iaed hearth firepl and from lhe Jarre co rner wiDdOWI, a view ol tM water, a Den-din. room .tlh fireplace, a knely ldtcll.en with Bln:h cabfneta, dlmhwuht;J', prb. dlop •• bit. ................ 3 -• 2 lp. batha. wtl.b Muter BR openlns on the ·patio. OYw th• dbl. pr. '-• beaut. au• rm .• % bath, with a nreepm.1 Yiew. The bouee 6-JU•l nn. are •tirtly carpdad wa.11 to wall. ln addition, a heat- ed. ftltced "lmputal" pool ,tenotd tor protection. DoUl be -to appreci&l.t'. The pric. II fair - Term.1 lt desired. R. L STRICKLER, Realtor 11122 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del liar Ha.r. 2774 Exclusive Ustinq Little Bolboo lslond Dupla (7 ,..,.. old) J bedroomo. 2 ""°"' IN EACH UNIT t alt ~ -1 unit unfumW>ed, prbage diap'-ah bis sun pon!b, double covered cuport.. (wubw 6 drytr) Uv• la one unit. rent the other. '32.llOO -410.000 dowa JOHN B. PRENDERGAST, Realtor Cart Doell. Je.lyn Bnmer, lla.rsa"t Pnnderpat :ID Muino A .... Balboa uland H.,.,.,. 1331 Waldron Realty Co. SPECIAL Coner location czloee to aho1>9 ... school& , .. •nd tnuport&tJon. Walking dil'ta.n« to Bay Bea.ch. A'ITR.ACTIVELY DESIGNED DUPLEX. Two BJ\, pe.Uo.. Income will pay ltaelf out. THIS IS OUR EXCLUSIVE SPECIAL AT $19,900 308 Marine Avenue Balboa Island Harbor 0234 and evn H•rbor 4M7 CORONA DEL MAR SPECIALS Two bou.ea, I lot, fireplace. , ................. $21.500 Two B. R. Hou.e, 1 B. R. •pt., under .. .. . .Sl&.000 Two 8 . R. HouAe , oak noo n , clean . . ..•. Sl3,MO Two unita, Corner lot .,.. . ...... ".Sl0.!500 R-2 Lot, Corona Hishlanda, Choke -m•ke orrer ALl!O MICllBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BOARD G. H. LATHROP, :MW E. C>o.t Hwy. OorioDa de& Mar Har. M-4.2 Ev-. Har. 5880 . llc3' ' • "C'' TKOICAI "C'' THOKU Houston Values C.2 $1000 dn. v v Best Buys Corona del Mar , Cliff Haven BALBOA ISLAND AT'l'RA.CTIVB t bodnn., 2 ~ betba. ar. !lo. a.,. Owner wm take ....u down. AMiac ~ OLDSR 1 BR., l'U .. on a '4b14i0 k>t j1&at oft N.wport Blvd., nn. to build! Ban~ Ana Ave., nr 23rd. ' Full Price $6750 ONLY e YRS. OLD. 2 brttm .• r ar. on 1.llfy, room for another unit, can't mi.. on thi.. Choice Lots H11:47G M-1 .. ~ ...•••.••.•.•...•...•..• $12.M>O TOxl6Q R-4 ··-····· .. ··············· .. •2260 80Jll60 8, A . HO!. ···········-··· •22&0 ISOxl 2'1 R·l N pt. Hta ............. $44!!0 l~f. Back Bay .................... h 260 Open House 380 LA C ANADA WAY. ultr• modern, S bdrm., 2 ~UUI R...ocho unohiltructed view, u k 128,500 ma ke otter. Open Sun. 11..Q Houston Realty Co. • ASBOCIATES !Wit Center St. Co•t• Meu L1 Mtll U 8·1187 Ev .. pb. PeUtte U 1-64.87 l.ytle LI 1-Z&U WATCH THIS COLUMN l'OI\ THS M08T canfu!Jy Mllct· -4 Y-1u. In ..cb of our dl.IUnct- ly dirtu ent HA.llBOR AREAi . BALBOA PENINSULA c:::JlARMINO modern ProvlnclM 2 b:. LoU of cupbo&rdl. \.I block to Jetty. Oo;\ loan, P l ..... a mo. F.P. •11,&00. CLIFP' HAVEN Tl:AR·ROUND !tvt"I' l9 9UY -.nd. t.l'lrUtJ In thle 3 bdrm. homt. K.W._FI,..., tlled kllchen. tan 6 dllhmutv , tor mothtr, lovtly encl. Jud tor kid.I, 11&,600 J',P . '8000 dn. Hf month. Muriel M. Pinover Realtor N06 Newport Blvd., Npt. S.,ach &Ny P arllln• Ka.rbOr d10 THERE IS ONLY ONE LIDO ISLE! I! A..H0 ONLT ON"E BRAND NEW VERT LARGE :& STORY 3 81:0 · ROOM 6 DEN HOME. LARGS: R09M8 WITH Evr.ftY CON· CEIVA.BU BUILT-IN 13l ,MIO AND ONLY ONE 2400 SQ. F'T. Bll:A lJTY ON U O<) N ORD CORSER WIT H PERMANENT \'1.EW 0 1'" THE BAY. 3 8 £0. . ROOMS. MAID'S ROOM. DEN, PRIVATE SUN DECK, OVER- LOOK.ING BA Y 6 DOA TS - 141.&75, TERMS AND OWNa Wl.U. 00:-0'SIOER 8MALLER JIOME IN THIS ARE A. Sovon lalands Reol ty &: lnvostmont Co. I03 :I.2nd St .. NitwpoQ 8f'a eh. Calif. Kar. ~. aft et' :i p.m. Hat 2293-J J ic3' 'VOGEL VALUES NEWPORT HEIGHTS A l BDRM HOUSE ~ a wondt ?· hll n•l&h'Oorl\ood, Sood 11e.lloot., and )'11U CAii haV• It •II for only 110,160. I BDR.M .• I' BA1'HS •h•k• l"OOf. bu.llt -111 kitchen lt 1111re., \\' W cpl.a. Uit"\IOut. flr•pl•re ft:iu'lt h 17Pt homt In l'-'ewport He1r 1-. 123.600. E.IOHT R..£1\"TAL Ul'>ITS. •lmruot new, •II renttd. Tot•J Income Q&O mon1JI THE VOGEL CO. 1702 .~ ..... ·porl h h'•I . C'N I• M.eu Ub.rtJ" l ·Mii r;,,..,.,, U 8-74&7 OSLT :'l<O TOIJ, TO BF:.A.C H 2 u r-r•t" hon1p~ on on• lot. one 3 be\lrm 6 2 bath 11nd onr l·bf><lrm , I blllh. 11rtp/, ""'•11~1 patio • d blt . 1<•' Uoth •'ntnpl<'\t - ly futto •nd In l<.or tnn'111•on O..·n"''' rout o, 111~1 · 1n1<'r'1•VO m-.k~ It lm~r1 1 lv• h• H ll A•k· •nt f 2ll,IMJO """h 11 ltr11t llv..- te.rm1.' Submit 1!1 orrt'r~ J )1 t.1 J1.U:R c • .'O I. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EA. EzceUent condition, both unjU have fireplace., hwd.. fin.. laundry and garage. Price firm at $22,500. Terma can be arranged. Excluaive with WI. 2. DELUXE 2 BR. HOME Hwd, floora, double gar ., paved patio. A bargain at $1~,950. Low down payment. 3. SHORECLIFFS OCEAN VIEW Quality built 2 B. R. and den ranch type homo on Morning Canyon road. 2 batha, shake root. Out- at&nding view of ocean, canyon and billa. $37,500 full price. $12,000 down will handle. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Re&ltor 3447 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. {7 (Office localed next door to Corona del Mar Bank) Vogel Values Newport Heights You'll love thia home. 2 bedrooms a nd unfiniahed room which can be. converted to 3rd bedroom. 20' living rm., large wall mirror over fireplace, glare proof window1, w /w carpet, HW floon, full dining rm., lovely tile bath, lot.a of UJe in kitchen whJcb open• to cement patio. New dbl. garage I: laundry. :SO' x 127' lot. Paved alleya, aewen . See thia charming home befo~ you buy. P riced to .ell-t~4, 5'o loan, Corona del Mar 38' x 118' R·2 lot on the ocean aide of the highway. Only $2,650. Never will you buy a lot f or lhia price again. THE VOGEL CO. 2667 £. C1:t., Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 1741-1477 Open House Deily 1.5 203 Via Nice Lido HAVE YOU SEEN the amarteait houae on Lldo? ? The brand nt w modem Frtocb Regency with a greal .lf'n&e of dignity along with a caauaJ Holiday !~l ­ ing In IU 3 8drn::i .. 2 mar · ble-t op pullman b a l b 1. E lee. kitchen, m e r c u r y a•itchea, well chosen car- peling Uiruout. Lge pat io, impreaiv e lt.ndacaping ? If not ch~k 203 Via Nice LIDO. A Spic and Span Waterfront Comer 40' ot Wattrlront nMr U d(). PrlV•l• Pltr and F1oal- 2 bdrms., ttrepla(•. ehul t•n. «orpeu .,,111 drap.irt1111. JH.euu. tul san1en. Imma.cut..t• oonOI· U<11l lhMl-OUt. .#4kln( 129.&00. CllKk ttoi. bffutlJ'ul lot on Cor· ner Street to 8tr..et. Under Mu%tt Sll,000. FOR LEASE Spaclollll Udo l(omt , Cornplet .. \y t um 1 bdrma., :I balha. Win· ltr or ,.earlr . BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC . LIDO OFnCE 3112 Wayette, Newport. Harbor 3643 IRVINE TERRACE Outatt.nding VIEW home. bra nd new, large Uvt ng- room finish~ in · Alder'\Vood panelling. fi~place, forced Lir heat. cork & vinyl tile n oons. bath & 3-J, two abwn .. dining room. brcak(a.at bar, encloeed patio. dbl. g•rage. All t his plus lhl' finll!flt VlE\Y oblainsble. $42,50fl. E."cluaive with RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E. Coast H..-y. Corona del Ma.r Hu. 2288 {Acroa from Bank in COM) SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELL.ENT BEACH &e lhia attractive OCEAN Jo''RONT home-design· ed for yr , round Uvi ng. Knotty pine !iv. room with dining IU'Ca . Formica kitcht n. Oownataln ha• 1 ~nn. & 1,~ bath, 3 bdrm&. ! •·:.1 balha up. Solid conat.. concrete &. piling foundation, Enclo&ed ya.rd. 2 car garAge . $Z2.500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor Acreage 3113 Ne>A'port Blvd., Newport Be•ch Har. 1013 IN"Ol '~TltlA L. h11•on·~~ & r•-1·1 -----------------------~­l!entoil •rl l'·• •"' A'" r.in•lle11 1n1I J;I''""" hl 1· ... 111 "'"'"' I San1,. Ar.• "I PI DA!'.' A JAf\,H,<;F::X R•allor H•• ~llP I f:1·~• L I 11-6.1 1 ~ l.1rl!I LIDO R-3 2 30 rl lot. Dll SO. 8 Ay Front Jll,.".00 •a(h. C.!I T. 0 Ro"er,. Har. l~·"·· or R'i11n 1-IOzt. llt.fc f"OR SAU: !IT OY.'NER-4 Md· ,_ room homt , I 1IO b1thl. land· .:a ped A ltTK"fd. f'NA ..,__ F't-'<>m horn. ..,..... call U'berty 1-f.W ~ or · afttr I p. m. title: OCEAN FRONTS Two tilory furnished home. Lot run11 from atf'f!:et lo beach. Room fo r txtra unit -1st time offtrrd. A rt'al buy S l6.000. G<>od term•. AL.SO five unit.a and ext ra lot, ne11r B11.lboa pier. S2'6.000 well financed. B unita Ea.et Ociea.n front S37,000 -Good income. N.B.C. REAL TY CO . 32nd and Newport. Blvd., Newport Beach Har. 1405 I EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 3 bdrm. hom•, lmmaculata cond. Uaruout. fireplace, ~wd.. no.or-. w t.o w carpellDI' • 4N'*1• lncl\llhd. lovely tencld yvd, low monU\l)' paymmt..-.-ASKINQ l t l .000, Bay shores ICXCl:LLENT BAY VIEW borne on oor. Jot, I bedroom.. l " batba,. lae. U•. nooin wtlb fl&C· atone nrepLacti, tun din. room, br.&kfut room. l'ldwd. tloora. · _..,. •t eupboarda, utra ~ dbl. car sanp., tenced ye.rd, PRICED RIGHT at ONLY Ql,&00 -T'""9. Harbor Highlands GOOD F.utlLY HOME. Ne&T So. Bay. J:eo. ~ 3 bednD. 11> batba. ' U9.llOO • About 200 ft. from No. Bay, Nee.t S bldn:n, furn· iahed home. Submit dOWD. SZ,000 80 rr. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little lll&nd, pier, tloat, formal ' bdrm. bome. The land value ia cloee to tb1 &akin& prio9. LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. I.rp lot. 5 bdrm. 3 ~ bath ho11&e plua unuaual 2 B. R. apt. aver 3 car earage. Both unit.a newly tumiabed. Har. 1715 -Eves. Edit.h Huoon HYatt •-1222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 6359. EARL W. STANLEY, Reiltor ~ Marine Ave., Balboa Iala.nd LOVEt.Y N&AllLY NEW I bed- roorn. 1 lAI t.UI home. nlc~ly l•,.,,.,.•ped t•nct.d yard, hdwd. noor., w to • ca.fllltlnir. '" .A.. h1&l, •UdJns sla. dooni onto patio, IO<"a ttd ln Newprirt 9Choo1 l ----------~------------­ dllltrlcL PRICED •t 118,500 - t.x cellenl ttnn.a. KINGS ROAD VIEW L<Yr IJS SURP ASS ED VIEW ot 111Z1Ure couUlDe. ...... "C" THOMAS, Rltr 224 W. C"•l Hlw•y~W 8·5621 "C" THOM.AB "C" THOM AS Costa t-.1esa OPEN DAILY 2 to 5 p .. m. • 2177 RURAL LANE nntN orr NXWPORT BLVD. at H'nd Bt""t. R ura.I Lane i. tll"lll 8trett on l'iJ"hL l Hdroom...._ Hardwood f\oo,.._cnvered paUo Cl°'" to echooill, 1tore1 A trane- pottattoll. Hu G.L IO&ll. pay1bl• SM par month. tncludlns t.u• 6 iMW'~c•. Owner belns tr1n.· t er"l'ld, aru:lou. t o Mil and will ~cept. Low dowu p&)'menL Duncan Hardesty Realtor Harbor 4718 1733 Fullerton JUST A STEP - Jn ea.ta Me.a FROM ALPHA Bl."T A arid Ila!•· way-Lovely J bedroom hom11 oa llr.-1 eom t r loL fl0,960. CCln· 11c1tr otter .. low u 11&00 dn. SltE Al.AO 111~ l"Ul..l...ERTON OCEAN FRONT! 12800 DOWN. 1100 a month .. 11moat •un to lake thi. fine Wetk l'nd, tuml.ahtod home. OT! Br-.dWLlk WW\. of Pier - Dbl. lot rom er , 3 bdrm.., JtaOO down. 1 100 prr mo . na:tu: J lJ81' A.IN 'T NO MORE BAYVIEW 230e W , Balboa Blvd Har. 3371 J tcJe ON THE PENINSULA lN BALBOA -BEAUTIFUL HOME FOR THE LARGE F AMILY: t bdrrra., 2 batha, 2 nrepl•t-N. :M&ti1 flnfl apJ>Oll'llmenta. R••· .on 11.bly prlcffl_ HOM:I: \\'lTH COM>U NO ING VIEY." of OcMn and Ba y. On \&'lfl lot w1th tr-. Orie of the belt ln Corona del M•r. Fitzmorris Rlty . Co. M u1Upl8 U..Unc-Reeltorw Bualne1111 Broker :11.» !: C•L H...,., Corone dfl M.ar li•rbor 21~2 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Autbtntlc L-type R.lnch home on llOM'ler lot, I 'fr Old. 8tu.d10 UV· aq aod dlnirt6 rm. with •nUqu, fl"*Pl•c• and Wllll of 11•• nvtr· looklnc ts• pat io. beautiful ha rdwood Clool"ll, modem kit<'hen with breut ... t lt'el., na tural ,...ood eabtnrt,, buUt-11\ oven 6 r•ng ... 3 roomy bdrru-, 2 lll~ balh1 i ncl lovely l.>ec:or thro111h· out. Only JMOO <klWYI. Greenleaf-Severt.a R ealty 1112 Ntwport 8 1vd., N~"'l'Ort Ha rbor ZM2 £,·~•. L ib 8-~tcm or H•r. Ji21 -\\' GOLDEN O PPORTUNJTT -l o ralHJ ctu ld~n. ch lclocen1, eolt• tart on thl1 ~ •ere rancho. r;ood ~ r m. hom e • ovtt1\r.t 2 t.11.r J•t •gt. Sl~ mo. Oft blllant ft. "OR ANOE COA ~T l'RO.-ERTlES 1857 :Xt""'V'Jrt. Comta M e .. LI 8·1G32 Eve. LI 8·e803 ~ YH OLD turn111he<l <IC'elln tront lli•me 11n R·J lot Room lo bulld 1noon1t un1l11. I J8,MJO lvll pr11:1. onty St/)(IO do,..•n J M . M 1.l..Ll-:R C;Q , 202~ \\', 8 1\boa Bh·d. Ha r. •Ofll 1n••r t he J:\'ewport P ieri $200 Down 120 l""r mii h or more a COOD LOT •U Ide Co.ta M-. P"Ull prie• ll . DAN A. JA.CONEN, Rflalt.tw Kar. 1811, ~-LL ...... , ..... • OPEN HOUSE Honeymoon Cottaqe l t l Hue! D rive, CDM BM.utl!UI view home or l bdrm&., 1 ~ bath•. v.·11.lk lnf dtetanc• to bath1nc beaeh. Thla home 6 out.Landlrlf Loe•· lion could not IHI dupli('attd today tot" lh• aaklns prlc• ot '32.600 -ttrm1. 700 e(°"k Pol l'lltlttia. coli:i C11H no"' tor •ppt. to ln•pe<:l 11'1111 unu~u•1\y at trracl. hon11. flrep\., t.ean1ed cdlLnc. el('., li;e. lot. ~1ut. patio 6 BBQ, •JI for Sli.~ -tirrn1 ... Open Hou1. 3604 <Xe.in UJvd .. cot. of Orchid f'•norl mlr blly 6 fK'etn "1'""'- 3 nice bll r .. 2 bath1, If !!. llv. rm. Set lhb onf 10<111.y, Ownt"cr ••Y• at\1 OPEN BAT. 6 SUN. l ·O (Exclualvt ltettnr1 Call now lor pre-.now1ns. Call Horbor 2042 FRANK JAMES & LINWOOD VICK REALTORS Robert W. Rayle--Cha11. Travi.s-C. B. Russ. ABS-OCiate• 312 Marine Ave .. Balboa lsl11.nd LIDO BA YFRONT Deluxe. o..Vner·built home or 4 bedroom• & 5 com· plett IUX U')' bathroom11. Pier .. alip. Wit h CUB· tom fum illhinga included, t hia excf'ptional home ia priced below coat at $100,000. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor 334.1 Newpoht Blvd. Harbor~ WHO CAN ASK FOR MORE Real lion. ra.m1ly home on choice So. Bay 4 bednn .. all e lectric kitchen. it'• a Bay Pront you wanl F ront loca- Stt thi.8 it HA VE 1·o u SEEN THIS DELIGHTFUL BALBOA ISLAND HOME ~ With beamed ceiling and lot.It of knotty pine. Boat and mooring in cluded ln price of $25,000 IF IT'S A LOW DOWN PAYMENT \'OU WANT. and a large 4 bedroom home you need, don't pau up tbia Corona de! Mar Vogel Value. P('rm&Mfll ocean view -t r:w •tt pa to beach. $4000 down, The Vogel Co. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa laland Ne.xt door to the POlll Office Ha r. -4-44. E."'vce. H•r. 3059-M Har. 4248-R . 'DON1 make a MOVE" UNTIL YO U SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Troffic Rop. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NAT ION-WIDE MOVING P h. JU 3-9221 Eve LI 8-2961 Comer Newport. Blvt1, and So. Main St. LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lldo Nord corner *'Sth per- ma.nent vtew of Bay. Nea.r bett beach for nrim- m1ng, Three bednna., hobby room & den. Charm· Ing king •iu maater ~room with afcove and connecting private bath opening onto Iarce aun deck. The unusually attractive dining room bu J11iiding gla.aa doora opening to the pat io, while the modem kitchen hu built-in diahwaaher, diaJX*,1. copper hood, ceramic Ule and numeroua ot.ber featu.ret to pleue the mOflt fu t idloue. Truly one of the t ineat of bomn, and priced to 1tll. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor au.a Newport Jim!., Newport Boocll 11.u1>or 1011 ' I I ..... r.tate TURKEY DAY SPECIALS BALBOA ISLAND ROME le INCOKE. One of the ID()jlt charmlnc 'B. R. s ba. homee on lalan4 p1'la ruest roem and bath -AND unuaually attractive furn. epedoua 1 B. R. apt. DbJ. pr. Owner leavtng town. Xlnt. financing. Thia is a first clasa property. priced to sell. Our exclusive. ~ACIOUS LIVING, One of the moet charming 4 bedrm. homes' on Ialand. Built for yr. round living. Attractive patio. Bay mooring included. $32,500. Beautifully fu""-hed. $24,500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R. apt. Charm. patio. Shown anytime. But hurry! CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF -Owner ia out of the City. Immediate posseasion. Here ia a good buy at $13,500. A two bedrm. home only 4 yn. old and like new. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa l•land Phone Harbor 16n or 1672 BACK BAY AREA Call for Appointment 482 Esther St. A r.lly beautiful cu.tom built home by LlOJd C. Howard. Tbe living roosn ia extra J&rse with a mulive dobler brick fireplace and eelect noortng. Natural uh planter bookcuee. Ash paneled family room with separate BBQ and planked floore. Pic- tue window walla, built in Tbermador atov1 and onn 1D bar kitchen. 8lldinr rta. in muter bedrm. Full fenced patio and la.ndecaped yard. BeautJtul trees -over 1800 sq. ft. See it and you'll buy it I Only $26,500 WATER FRONT SPECIAL Call for Appointment lo eee ~ Clubboue Two bedrm. home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage, pier Ii noat, near Lido Center le City Hall. Only $18,900 -Submit OD down payment. Income Two store. PLUS ts apartment.a $,M,000 only $17,000 down Euy monthly paymente A-1 const. on Cout Hwy. Each apt. bu sweeping ocean view. Acroes street from popular bath.inc beach. All rent.ala fic'ured low to MCUre permanent tnanta. Will consider hom. .. part down. A.IMO BUSINESS BUILDING Net income -10% plu Six tenant.a all on leue. 8-t locatlo~-1 ccnet. Str.eed for 2nd etory. ~ru owner deatrea quJck Ale. Euy terma. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and A.SSOCu. TES 8320 W. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8· 7773 "At the Arches'' BALBOA-INCOME 8 Jl'Urnlabed 1 B. R. Unite plue ownen larp 2 B. R. apartment. Best ~tal area -excellent income. BALBOA-BAY AVENUE 6 8. R., J bath bOJM -$23,GM. Owner will COD· lidu t.om. W..twood ar. or mJght acb&Dl'f for mnall clear beach boUM harbor arta. BALBOA-NEAR LIBRARY 2 B. R. home with~ bath in pn,p. Nice e:oeloaed patio. Ownw 1rill co~ trade oa income in RJ\lersJde. $14.69~ tenne. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. Hu.1~ Shore Cliffs Exclusive Ocean View 2 Bedroome, paneled den, 2~ 4 batha, beautJtul flag- .tone patio, plate glus wind ows. mirror11. water purtner. etc. Lcixurlota carpeta II drape.i, PLUS all UM other &e appoifttm.enta that mak.ea a fine home. Nothing companble at $37,500. Can ar· ranre excellent terms. W. T. McMANUS, ReaJtor 1999 Harbor Lt 8·3333 27tfc d-RMJ r..tat.e C-Beal l'Atate a-Beal FMatie ~·~·~-~l~IDE~' ~·'~--....:. ,,....~"'" KARIOk ,NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&i 7 .;...._--------------------------t.«>NDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1955 p •I a• p a I m e r i n c o: r p o r a t e d ! ?!cl .... . ......... developers of Uclo Isle Drifting end O.....mfn9 6 Units on exclualve Lido North Bay, 80 ft. frontap. This Week Lovely beach and view, furnbhed and rented. SlOIS,000. Tenrui lan't n~ •• We. ha" 3mt tlae !iome 10d Wiid on Lido. Brand new S bednn. 1 la " batba with bullt·hul plo.... Compl.telJ l11Jdloeped. JD,IJOQ BIJWLY 'OPJCNl:l> J'URNJBBED ROMJD -. llARllDlllOIDIL'E OOR'l'llMPORARY New Lido Home Ranch atyle 3 bedrm. 1 II % batlw. forced air beat. dinlnJ ana. sood location Wweea two nice 1 atory homea. Cloae to beach, open beam ceilings, mu- mve ued brick corner fireplace. Lota of tile and very good tiniah work. Built by J ohn Viascher, OD terma. Call JO. l'nMJd to -th.It ....... Chance of A Ufe"'61e In lrYine T etTaCe a quality builder. '$25,500 with $10,500 down and $120 per month. Mo.t amltblg VIJ:'N HOME Ila IDtire BalW .,.._ NOT 1,J!UEROLD. ~ beclroama, I ~~ df.ntq room. laaDdry, large cellar, lot.I °' ... and ist.onp qace. Room tor gumt apu1mmt. Thi. property CIOlrt owner lJl acem of $64000 to bQUd. Becawie ot death In family, wDl aerttJce for f'(),000. 1709 PacWc Drive, Corona cW Mu. Oppelttle tnm. Oout ONaty Oub Hlshway 101, Newport B.ubor Lido Beyfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath u.,.tairt with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath dowutain with encloeed patio. Both apta. h&ve forced air fum&Oe9, fireplaces, carpeting, OPEN SUNDAY 1 P. Ii. t.o ~ P. M. We an very preud ot the clau of merchandJM which we an offerinr In In1ne Terrace. Wt know you wUl a.i.o Ub the location, quality of con.atruc· . Come by or call Dave Olbu.ru fCll' 4-tafJe. Uon by Macco Corporation ud lnt.erion by M&rt1n II Von Hemert. drapes, refrigerator , stove. Unbelievable priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. OCEANFRONT M toot comer, ~t P ENINSULA location. Sl 7,000 Udo North Bayfront Lot Pert.et location between two nJce hol&M9. 7 ·ts00 AM for BW l'arnsworth. p. \e. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via Udo, harbor~ p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highwa1 -Ui.ty 8&71 Home. avallable from $J',000 to '38,000 for th• dilcrtmlnating buyer. EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor Peninsula Homes! VOGEL VALUES-LIDO ISLE OFFICE NO. 1-00CTOR'B HOIR: AND A B&Atrn:rUL PROPl:l\TT. ' Wrooma. 2 bath. i::zu. ..... OOnMI' lot &nduded • . . .al walled for prtvacy. a.dm.inta court. paUo and double 1ar.1e. Nluly l&ndacaped. $30.~ and t.enna. No. 2-CASR IN ON TRJI llt7N• DREDI 01' DOLLARa 8P1mft to modem.lae thla cm. bom. • . . furnlahed. too. 2 % Mcirma., 2 bat.lul. Flreplace, double ,-ar- "le &.nd amdec:k • • • fl T,500, uooo doWll. ~alboa Home! TBB&ID v:rnwoM.a, 1 • .. Ula. Ooee to MllTC -.id ..-it block &om IM9t 111"'7 --. btr. lot tncluded. rt.replace UMS Jarp llvins room. Older born• but what poMlblUUH. J l 7,000. tuma. Bay Front Duplex! • TURI: wn.L NEVER Bil AN· OTJU;R BA Y FRONT DU· __ Pl.EX u aunou .. 8f OU. ~ Pl'Of'U1.1, -~ on u.. ~ wttll JWtftte ~ &Ad p.r l1C'lt.a. BoUI W\lt. ha'H s Mdrooma. and lhe up~r la tunuahed. Nice laun· ctry a.nd uUUty room•. O..t of all ll IJI 0D11 ' yun old. 8H l l toda1 at SM.000. U 0.000 doWn Costa Mese Homes! • *'* * * NEWPORT HEIGfrl'S MlNIM'U)( KAXDruM Yet, the price t. minimum and the diatrict ii mui- mum. A cozy 2 bdrm. home on a large lot In beauti• ful Newport Helghte fOl' only $10, 750 with $2000 down -The $U monthly paymente Include taxee and hwurance. View CLIFF HAVEN lot Kinga Road. Lea.aehold lot 67' x UO'. Channing locaUoo, fine view of bay. Only $5500, $2000 down. COSTA MESA De1irable 5 acre M-1 location. ~.000 BAYFRONT HOMES -LIDO • VICINITY 3 bdrm .• 3 batha, carpete le drape. $57,500 ' bednu. 6 du. Very nice. Pier Ii float SM,000 4 bdnns., lovely comer , p&rt.ly turnJabed. p~r and float. $73,tsOO ' bdnna 3 hallul, nearly new pier and float. ocmpletely furniabed, '89,500 f bdrm. le mde. quarterw, carpeted. p ier and float. $95,000 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, N pt. &b. Har. t971 or Har. t972 Evea. Har. 2191·M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-6297 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 11 Sunday l t.o 5 p. m. m Md m Ocean vs ... , Nft'· port J:leta'bt.. PuioramJo View trom th-J new I bdrm. 1" b&Us modeni bomea ~­and corwtructed In ~ flnelt EXCLUSIVE AGENTS OOURTEST TO BJtOKD8 BILL'S BEST BUYS ot tute. •21.000 and m.ooo. BACK BA y LOTS tr tr tr Several /rom $5500 to $7~. Al.a 3 at $8000 each, On The Ocean th-OD pmate drm and are 120 x l:SO. COMPLlmlLY rem.odefed a brm. MAGAZJNE COVER 0HOME bath 6 » home With lront door ed opentn,-on th• Mndy b6a.c.b _ We ban Ileen them bigger but never cuter. Stain Jt'• juat what 7011·•• beal look· redwood front with low line 9bake roof. One Uv· 111.S fOI'-beacb borne or f ew inc room wall la of beam and and uaed brick con· around ... i4tac.. Pl1c:e jl&at llMOO wiu. r-..ona~ tenu, lllruction. 2 B. R. p1ua den, 1 Y.1 batha, fittplace9 -tr -tr "{:( In both L. R. and den. Built in ran~ and oven. 0 t • th C t l minute f rom high achoo!. $18.500 u an e oun rv BUT DE!rlNJTl:LY not rourfi1nr COMMERCIAL ACREAGE \t.. We b&ve be4n enlrUtled wttb . UI• eaJe ot uu. cbanlWla' 1aome l~ feet frontacie 150 ft. deep. Can be cut mto jual a pttch and a put from the three lote. On aewen, cloee to town .. g olf rlub In the Back &T ~ Priced t o eell. f16 ()()() cub. 2 bdrma. plua iar,. rumpue ma., ' !n~~-~~~~~~ IT'S A S~E .. owner wW cany bel.ance. To let th1a two bedroom home go any longer with· * tr "(:( out & Dice couple to epjoy ita homlneu, comfort B & B h R'ty I ud b09pltallty. t.Jnderprioed at $9.~. Rear yard ay eac nc completely cement. block fenced. Newly decorated 1178 R&cbor BJTCl. b $3000 d Costa )t-., cam. ln and out. Su mit own. U 8-171'-E vH. 1.1 1-31&1 See Me-Ta Nelson J'OR ltXCELLENT V .U.UU CORONA DEL KAR. neat and W. A. TOBIAS &D4 A880ClA TES, REALTOR "you'll likt our friendly eervice '' 4-00 E. 17th SL, eo.ta Kea ~rty 8-ll39 • WHEN ~ DO TAKE THEM IN COSTA MESA 1"Hn HAVE TO BE 0000 . . . We havt two or them now. One w1lh ' ~m• and 2 bath•. at • u.aoo and another wllh a ~room• at Sil 000 Bolh du · d.Y value. we think, LIDO PROVINCIAL ... MU11, 2 beclrm. home. e&rpeta --------------------• dr&J>M. Perfect 11et up for Balboa Realty Co. , Oppoelle Bank of Amtr\ca RON Creeley Al Corndlua &d tM J ack P i.nkbam Joeeplllne Webb 700 E. 11&1 boa WYCl.. a.Ibo& PboM Barbor U77 IN THE BACK BAY AR~A CL08"1: TQ THE BAY. Wl1Un1 _,,o. can b9nalorm UlJal aJ· moet 2.000 eq. ft. of H o.-• llwnpua Room into a ~ht· tvJ place. f'•4*1 lot 1M It l~ Priced r1(bt at 113,600 With ~nabl• down payrnenL Own· v wtU cClllalder oft« « track BRAND NEW 18&0 IQUAU rr, a ti.dnlom. 1 ~ bat.b9 plut 4"endMd S car ,...,_. ace. Tbla Jkaut1 i. loc.att'd on a ball acre and pncecs a t Ju.tl 111.aoo. C()()d t.rma. Seven Islands Realty & lnve1tment Co. 503 32nd St . Newport Be.aeh. Calif. Har ~&II. llftu e. J) m. Har 22113.J 32t'H COLDEN OPPORT\JNtTY -to collect J t 8!1 mn on ICOOO bl· veet~ down pa)•ment. 3 fllrll, units nn do., In II.it I CTe- Nnt A · I quality c-onsl but IJI· ORANOE COAST PROPERTIES CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choice two bedroom can be youn for only $22,700. • Beamed ceillnp e Ueed brick firtplaoe • In.aide window ahutten • Quarry llle kitchen • Large two-<:ar garage • Large walk·in cl~t We b&•• the key t o thia imma.cul3te, nn.r new U do home. C.ome in and di.acuaa term.a. LIDO REALTY ASSOCl.A TES W. KDlPI'ON J . R. GROIDIAN GENE VREELAND VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor HQ (Acroaa from Richard'• Market Entra.oce) Multiple Listing Over the Top 81/2 Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 1955 WITH MONTHS TO SP ARE USE MULTIPLE LlSTING, 2nd unJt. CloM IA. F .P. IU,600. COST A MD4 -C11o1ee 1oc:aUea tor tubdl.sailoa. I bemautul aa.. Incorporated .,._ on C-. M ..... WldNt atnoet. $5000 ,P@r a.a.. w. lb.an • • down. Ll::MON H&IOKTI 20 a.er.. ad· '°tntn~ beauutul •taU.. 7 acN'a ln ~ aYOCMoa. LMa tban i.. down. CHOICIJ RmfT A.La. tunt.Md 6 Dt\&miahed. MST4 NELSON 190I m. Coul 897. Corona dl!I Mu, HM. IMO. UGU MARINA FRONT AGE 260 n:rr ON w ATER. BeauUIUJ 2 aCl't poln l. I' e.nnet 6 Cbr!*UaDMn. Ral t.on 27M Cari.bed Bl~ 8A 2-UaL CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY U2GC5 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SQ. FT. at $44.60 1q. ft. ~295 Tbrte Bedroom Loeb Lomond 1155 SQ. FT. at $44.60 1q. ft. C.r Porte 14 x 20 $295 I 00% FINANCING GUARANTEED thrcn~b $2:50,000 Secondary Financing Fund, on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD.INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. OF GARDEN GROVE, INC. OPEN SUNDAYS C.or. Century le Dorothy LE~ 27tfc eoeaa ~----------~~--~----~-- New Court COM I UP ARA Tl: 2 BDIUt. UNITS ba ~tn dMl6ce ltocaUon C09ta M-. °"17 P &OO down.. 714 Goldenrod UNUSUALLY A1T~CTIVE COM DAM A. JACO.B8EN, "-ll« Bar. 6811 -gvt•. u tl-6317 33c~ Red Hot Two R..S lot.a tll~OO e&. ln Ban Clm>eftt.& Level • r..q to bu.Ud oo. Both tor ... 830 --. OtJJ FON> VElllUNDD t.U1. Har. '283 Evee 3'iT a3c3t GOT A BOAT? W• bave Ute moo , a cu e mt on 2 bed.r. 1 ~ bath, enclo.ed patio Oil DJcely land· ac.aped 60 ft. lot. Alk.l.nc price $18,tsOO. $5,000 dn. OPEN HOUSE 1 • ts I Sat. Iii Sun. Nov. 19 II 20 (or Phone for app't ) BEN J. WHITMAN, Realtor Bar. 1862 Har. ~ UMI olaUuMll at lHUe IDON tbaa the price of Ult loL ~ tG0001----------------------- down. Price 118.500, bdJn e It Newport Harbor Board of Realtors or not. Harbor 2M2 J:vea. U t-U N or Hat. fflT ·M 18:17 l"ew·porL Cnlla Mn • COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. u •·1~u Eve. u 8-&&0s BALBOA ISLAND TiiREE BEDRM. HOME 19 yra.) storage room. large lot. 70xl85. Sewer in and paid. Ea.It 11ide near Tuatln Ave. $8500, with terma. * • * * .. IRREGULAR SHAPED lot ( 12.000 eq. ft.. nn. for 4 unlta) with entrance on Tustin Ave. $4000. • • * • ~ ACRE, 2 bdrm. home, double car prage with cu-t room. near Harper School $8500. G. N. VIELLS, Rea~or 1110 Newport BlW., Co.ta Mt.ea L1 8-1901 PE."flJ'l8Ul.A. LOT One of Ult lu l 1n the •r~ Pr to ..U 110,IOO HOMZH !-;. SHAFER, R.&ltor 10$ McFa.dd4m P1 .• at UM N9WPOf't P1w. Bar. u o Evte. Bat. e-.w H&rboT "zt.K I UNITS FUl\N, Corona de1 Mar. AlJ ltued. Good retara • ,._, lnVH\mt nL JT~.000. Owner, Har. 6'08 .... BALBOA DUPLEX Mal tut 8t. b@ad \ on the _,., ..,.... unl\JI fOl N. Newport 8 1\'d. Nnvport Beach BALBOA ISLAND Ch armine 2 bedroom home ud latp .any p&Uo with eaa.na See UU. for value. lJPCkr $19,000 . Euy tenne ~~ ~!;"~~~r:,~i: WW SANFORD -STANLEY HADRELD tuma. 8 ubmJt all otftr-. R Ito ,. J . a<. MlLLllll co. ea rs 2021 W. B&JYO& BlTd. Bar. 6011 (..., ... ..,..,..) . • • GOLDEN OPPORTI.'.1'"1TY -to own •t·l a.er• on P~u­ ~ fL roadway lhru to rear alll>Wlnr bUUdtnr an • of T~ a '7 C. Propert7 clMr-'6000 da. lo 11alidl .. ORA.NOil COA.Sl' PROPJ:ftTtES Ja:IT Newport. Coi t.a Mem LI 8-1432 CY-. LI 1-aOa WATERJi"RONT LOT, ccimpl.te wlUI bulll.beM-Ytt7 cloM to U do tbopplJ\C. MJpl ...._ l1'»l o.eo t<>' eqwtr. ROMDIC.~---- lOI Mehdden Pl., Hu. J eo ........... _... ..... x. DO YOU BA VE THE TDIE 1 It IO you can pt a rMl nturn on your investment. 3-bdrm.. home 2 bdna. apt. plu.e rueat room ud bath, turu1abed throuibovtz Neect. a little lo" ud can. SEI: IT TODAY -$23,600 OWNER ANXJoUSI LIDO ISLE TIP-TOP QUAL1'1T BUY. Jlu'ely cu n Ills 90 much for 10 littler a..bclrma. 2 batU. w'*llll in dmtp. almolt ...,, ..... patio. FULL PR1cm Q,eoG NELDA GIBSON, Realtor • ---:::· ---~·-~-- ·' ... \ 'ASE I 2 · COAST At: SHOPPER MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 I 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New Car Dealer '54 Merc.-y Monterey B-B·Meroo. Pwr. WSW 54 Ford Custom Fordor B-B OD-2-Toae A WSW 52 C.dllac Fleetwood B-B Hydra. Tint Glue $1795 $1445 $1795 That's Right! Free Turllep! A Free Oven-Ready Turkey Goes With Your Purchase of one of USED CARS 54 Dodge V-8 Royal 4 Door B-H WSW Auto Dr. 53 Chevrolet Bel Air B-B Pwr. Old. WSW $1395 2 • Tone Greea $1295 52 lulck of-Door B·B Dynatlow WSW 52 Che~~line 2-door B-B Mee y Perfect $695 52 Chevrolet Stvline of-Door UH New Rohberl $695 50 0... Super 118811 of-dr. Sed. Met.aWc Green a WSW Tll"N B-B & Bydrunatic $645 52 Ford V-8 Ranch V/egon Fordomatio MB u. s. M.uu r WSW Tiree $1295 51 Ford Cu V-8 Tudor B-B OD New n,.. Oae OwlMlr l S,65 50 PIYlllOlltll Spl. Dix. 4-Dr. Sed. R £ B Perfed $495 Tllese alld 40 More to Choose From at Or•te Comty'1 Largest Used Car Lot -'9The Lucky 100" wltll NO DOWN PAYMENT • r... 'l'lutle7 Otfw E&)llne at lltt p.a. W .... Nn . U rd, 1111 MILLER CHEVROLET CO. MILUR'S KAR KORllAL 700 W. Coast Hlthway LIMr!y 8-2258 YOU WILL IE DOLLARS AHEAD Whell YOll Drive to Jol111son•d S-111 Newport l••cllFor Yow SELLING WILL SAVE YOU MONEY O• Vol .... Selliftt Au8NS YOll of THE BEST DEAL ANYWHERE You Can le the Protld Own• of a lealltifll lralld New '56 MERCURY .. ~· .. •2092 NOW AT JOHNSON & SON UncolR • Mercsy ·Continental Sales & Senlce •a• I ....... I .......... ,._. oara ft •• ..,. p .......... ... . ~ . • ,. SJ Chev 210 4-clr. 53 Ford Clb.Cpe 795 ~dL~a:.1195 ~. 1195 995 ::c1.~ 1895 ~:~S:.1795 Mcmy, mmy more to choose from J100 W. C.st Hlthway ''Y_. ,_.. Dealer Since 1921" Oii Marl..,., .... UMrty l-J471 We Want to Deal! NOW NO ONE CAN OFFER MORE FOR YOUR CAR So We're V o I u ·m e D e a I i n g on N•w Cm'S NEW 1956 PLYMOUTHS As Low As $199 . .19WN! Bank T erm1 -Same Comparable deal on NEW 1956 CHRYSLERS e Be sure to bring your title! e Brln9 al~nCJ the family, tool e Vie deal 10 easy we'll surpriH you! LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. c-. H ... wwy Uberty l-J416 )