HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-11-23 - Newport Harbor News Press·- 48tb YEAR -NUMBER 97 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1e1e FIVE CENTS I JUVENILES BLAMED FOR MESA CHURCH BREAK-IN, BURGLARY SAILORS MEET BOWL HERO -Doyle Nave, left, iB introd.uced by metropolitan aports writer Bravcn Dyer to Guard Jerry Samsel (shaking hands) and Fullback Charlie Berry, right, in Newport Harbor Yacht Club before annual high school football banquet Jast night. -Staff J?hoto· NAVE, DYER . SPEAK BEFORE TAR GRIDS Davidson Commends Coaching Staff at Newport Harbor High Y ALUE RECEIVED Berry Wins Tar 'Most' as· Gridster Fullbnc·k Charlie Bnry or the 8\' 1\0.L r111J,LIP~ I nn rl1·(t'n'"' Well, you 1'11n'l <lo :-<ewporl Harbor High School Rose Bowl hero OO\'le Navt' or mllt'h pa.,i.ini: un 1Jtd .. n.w ·• I S81lo1~ footb11ll varsity wu Jut t he Un1 ven11 ty Cl( Suuth<'1 n C11l1· Cut. Uyr1 t'•111l •ntH' I, the 01.--nl~hl n11111f':I "mo:o1l valuabl" play- forn1a TrOJHnll 11ncl mell opohlen !!"" 1111111 ha•I l•• k11'k T he J11n1>s t>r 11nr1 n•1 C'lv1>d the Co.,.11. Mei<1· 11ports reportc'r Ihaven Dy('r or 1hi·n1y ''" 1111111.• ..-·us for bu1·k~ to 1 Ne\\'porl Hn~bor Lions Club "Tar the UiM AnRt'le" T1mo 111-'l n1~hl lt•l th.<l bJ ll rull unle"• 1he1·» waN nf thl' Ye:ir sporl.J!man:dup lrop- r emlmfr1l 1'1'wport Harbor Hii:h pl""'' u( 11 .. ,111 tn ra1c;1 1l anti t1y The award11 wt re made during Sch<x1l g ri•hron plll)'l'll< lhal lhP1e run It hack. O«i<yl" lel 1t 1oll until t~1e unnuol loolb!ll banquet ln 111 a gn•o.ttl'r iesme lh11n football lhe l11~l m111u1<-. llll'n lw :«·oopNl 1 · <'Wp<>I t Harbor.' a chl Club. thr game o r l1f1•. 11 up. i:ot a I::" ,,1 b!ud, nn1l 1 Jn C'hat·h Al lrwln or the Tars Coit& Meaa police eu11pected m&llcloua mlchlef by juvt· nllee u being reaponalble for break-In of lhl' two-atory cl&a11· room buUdlnf, attached gym and.kitchen at the Community Melhodi•l Church at 420 W. 19th Sl. ovemlfht Monday. Th" entry wu reported by the Rev. Joeeph McShane ot J 2-t !:. 20th JR. Costa Me11. Police aald «"ntry was pined by forcing the door latch. Food In the kitchen wu eaten, candlt'I were Ult'd Qlld letl ovu at.ndwlchea Wt"re run lh~lfgh a hllnd frtnder ~d the food eturc thrown about. Nothln& wu reporttd t&Jte.n or dameged ucept lhe food. Fatal Fight Here) Told by · la V·er~ne Perrett Swung Rsts; He Doesn't Remember Stick - By LEONARD SARGEANT Rotkrt H. LaVerne, 33-year-old pluterer from San Gabriel, on trial for the manslaughter death bf Los Angele• student Richard Perrett in · Newport Bu<'h, took the stand In his own defense in Santa Ana Superior Court yell· day. He denied he had ever heard anyone say "Why don't you go pick that boy up!" or Blvd, lh,. 11re11e ur lhe fl~ht. that he had repht'd "LA."l htm lay He told th«' rourt """"n thl' wo- t.here" following the all«"ged blud· m en t"ephe..I 1n the Mltl\llVe Smith gf'onlng with a 1 x 4·ln. bo&r<t convinced him thrr .. wu no need by LaVemie. (l"r•ntlnuNt on P a1t:P 6 ) LaVerne gave a dramatic ont>- hour recounting of the eventa tha t t ook place during early mornlnit houi-11 ot July 23 during whlcl\ he claimed he caught lhe ft·ft ., 'l!J .yur·old youth window peeping at L&Vt'me'1 Blklnl·cl&d wife who was r1xlng a midnight 11nack In lhetr Balboa 11ummer collage. Gould Hammers La Verne Tale of Slaying The p&ir ~pokt' l>tfor«> Sailor 6!. vurtl_, fo r a lnuchtlro"·n Alter not1C1c-d Ben y or his ~l\'P 11elee· coarhe~. phiye1,. 8n11 J:lll'l!t:< 11( thlll h•· )..Vl 1n lh<' i;anw .. nt01•' tl<•n while hanrlinft out vorslty let· honor during the tl.nnual prrp rool· 11fl1•n lers B7'1Ce ~larlin of the Lion.1 ball b11nc1u,•1 111 tlw :-\l'WJ>•irl llitr· F m11lly .-a111 .. :-.avc's ch11nce for Club awarded the 1portaman,hlp bur Yacht Club which wu" h 1i.:h · ht• ,1_,.11· 1i.-.1u111 .•• n .. ., 1n lhe trophy. lig hted b\' the 1ssu11n1 e of pli;· Hrl\111 i.:.im•• 11i.:0111Hl Duke "Hf' I Wutch-charm Cu&rd Jerry Sam· akin awnnls IHhl lelleri<. ' kepl p111•h111;'." [)v1·r concl11df'1l, I""' wns rlt'•11tnnled by Jrwln u t '(}l\'ll ~tt::\IOfUf:!il · 111i.J "'":< alWll\'• 11•:Hlv ti• I:" In "111ost improved player." Berry Nave, who f'nt"1t·tl till' 19:lfl H1• WM un 1111• 1:1. t t';';C" ll.'11m wvl 1!11\fbru k .John H opklna had Ro.~" Buwl jtl\ntc 111 lhe 1:11n two thut lJ1•1tl N11t1" Ll.1 11•• In !';11111 h ! pn•v1uu1<ly llt'l'll 1111nouncl'd at m1null'M, 40 tw1·ond11 of play with B••n1I. 1h.1l "'·"' bnck Ir\ l!l:l!I So hon1111uy 1·0·«>11pr11111s DISCUSSF.S CASE-Robert La Verne, center, defendant in the manslaughter death of Richard Perrett, discusses his case with a courtroom witnesa during a recess of hia trial yesterday in Santa Ana Superior Court. Defense attorney James Cantillion is seen on the left. -Staff Photo The defendant claimed he did 8A1''1'A ANA. NOV 23 tOCNSt not call pollu art.-r the ttghl Cro ... ex1m1ning l'ronc ulor Stan becauee hie landlord and ewlm · Gould tod11y levtlcd a ba11 age of min& companion of that night, queatlons a t dt"fentl1nt R obc-r l Jf WUllam Smith. 29, of Coal& Me-La Verne, 33, of San Cabrirl 11• aa, pleadt!d with him not to, aay· the latltr'1 man1lauKhll'r ldal rrv lnl(: "Let'• not 1tay here and call t..ered the cloelng 1lai;C11. unrlt>fl'l'll'lJ. u ni IN\ 1111>1 11n>1rc11."•I fl11vl1• "'""'' •~ a mnn "' d1sl 1111·· V!lr111ty Lin•· Coi.d1 J ohn MC'· upon Ouko lC'ail1nic 3·0, Anrl plll'l1· l1nn. )'ou t'lln Kii g1ow up ami be <:ownn nnnoun• c•I 11,111bac•k Glenn ed four succe .... ~1vu p11s1ks to 1-:1111 um'. t o•>!" llufor1I "'D!I mo~l '"111111 ble J11n1or Al Krul'J:r'r for llC\•r·r·tO·be·for· Dy••r ,.9J<I h•• i:-ot lo t111nl1lnt: nurl'Y pht)·•·r. with C1111nl Dcn- gotten 7.3 USC victory, lold his of the lt'B'40n>1 ''' be l•·'n·nc• I '" 111 n r .. D11kl>011t mo~l Improved and youthful audlenee that hie high l'ootbnll w h 11 e wntchlllg the 111onor11ry c11.11t:i111 achool da>'iJ It Manu1tl Arl.e llUp· l:Cl~A-U!';C i:-111111• S:.t11Hli1\ <1:t.•1·-Fullhnck Roo WllMl n wu ae- phed hi• tondt11l memor1es. n•w1n 111 thl' Lo11 Angel•" Cuhs1•111n ll'rl~ most veh111ble B pe1rormer. JUDGE OUSTS ·PUBLIC, PRESS FROM PRELIMINARY HEARING OF BEATING the cope. He'• all right. Re'11 get· Judie John Shea wu 111 1 ci·e~~ ting up. We've caueed him enough trial at 4:30 pm. totlny to \0 trouble." a.m. Monday. The c11111> 111 "" 11N I· WIVU AW"Y ed t.o 1 0 lo the jury Mon1111y i.r· LaVeme t old deteJ\M attom.1 t.emoon or Tuu<1ay morning. Jamee canulllon that be a n 4 Qoy\4 bad&• a wa,y a\ lh• de· SmlUtJ weat back to lb* eat• I.adult ta an effort to tear do"''" lafe &n4 fOWld their wl'Nll bad t.alrtlm«lJ S\Veft yHtuday 011 111· rone out. Wha tbe ..,,..,. r9" rec& eiaun&naUon by .Alty J1n11•11 turned. LaV.rne •a&Jd b• ~ OutUJUoa. "To you fellowa who 1trf' J:T&d· '"U'C'1'::1\~MI or the v11h1<• "' B .. b .l11hn4on mn t lmp1oved and uallni: thrs Y«'llr, footbnll 1~ a lt't1t11 pl .. y.'' G1ovr n polnle•I out. lrrnr Sh11frr hnnor:irv tr 11m cap- wooit .. , 1111 J!'llllll'," ="""•' >1ulcl "Uul .. ~ 1111 l!ruwn we n'l 11•nk.-nrn11\ 1 , n 1• , ,, P• .. 1111 1 t t v r•oach thl't1' • ""m<'lhmg lhnt 11 11101 e Im-All-Anw11,·:\11 I• "" lw• •11 r \h<'}' <11f'l \VuHr C'oM h t:m1l Nttmf pnrlanl In Jiff', nnd th11l l11 C'•h1t11· f('.,ntlr11·•·1I un l':it;I' 71 •·~·•·I ~111 • '•'' •c· '"""t '"h•lillh· 2· Costa Mesa with 5 Othen t1ton J hope you'r•' ~oini.: to 01-,. l'1 ":.:,.,.,,,,,I l••r 111>-l llnp1ov· a11~1' COl'lllt Colll"i!f' 11r on~ onr or Carr to Soeak at . I 111111 ,., II \' 1:11~--rll honorary In an alm06t unprecedented move In the annals of Orange County jounaliam, Municipal Court Judge Howard c. Cameron yesterday morning excluded the press and the public from the preliminary hearing of seven asserted toughs who aUeged.ly beat a aeven·month pregnant Santa Anll hous,•w1fe, hl'r husb•nd encl cortJlnt lo the 11Ultt'ment~. th1:< rountr\"s (,jn1-UOl\'1'r;oll1r' fur • '"f'l •I" ''' •llt 1n11 I "J~Hl-4 n<'"" the <>tiucallon th11t will 11ll•·W yuu b M • n11y Ii• (11 111.i "" l'.11 I I, l'!ll:t' 6 I lo enjoy thl' fllllt••l "' Ill•· . Cham er e2t1n9 Dver 1Pft>rr f'd ln 1"11~1' el' 11n "lt· a.mpli· or m·vn ~"mi:; 11r 'fhf' rt· portu wbo ha.t cove1;,;I 1 ·~ rool- ball g11mPs for yrs.111 1 .. 11 l'ow Doylt 1Jt11rt f'tl nut 11~ 11 snphnmnr c under ram<'d Coarh How11rd Joni's. J o ni'" ncPdetl a l""lltr but wus re· 1\1cttlnl to ch11.ni.:e 1\11 powH of. tenfll'. "'""'J"'rl Harbor <"h11•111>i•r of C'c-nim.-~ ,.-.11 h"M II• nrx• qunrt•·r :y 111• mb1>•~h1p h111rh r•ll1 ~ ... i,,uon f >C"l' 7 nl ~'-\''P"' l 11.n hor Ynr hl C'l•1b w11 h J11h11 F: C.1n, l.J.tv lsh'. \ll'l!·f>r •'H1d1·11t nnd i:••n1·1nl 1n1Jnsi;1•r ttf llt1ff11m ~ Int• All p1111c1p.•I ~f'! akc•1 JIJY J\OY HO\'l.t: c.1rr. whn SIJl•h(" Ill !h f> '·"~ "The TroJtlnl' w••re playing nl An!(• l··~ chnmb,,r's salu:!' lo Ur- Porlland oo!' gom1' thRt 11o•AJ111n," 1tn1'I.' 'Counfy r••c1•nlf\'. \\tll l.!l\'t• 11 D yer rer11lltd, "lf'll1llni: 2~•·0. I tnlk on thlio 1·01111ly'11 fub11lo11:. ahoulc-d rlown to Sum Uorry. 8~·1i;:f\1wth and 111111r" Jh·~··1 \·1111"n> Alalant 1Tojan roach, ror J o111•11 lo for lhe meeting art be111~ lllkrn put my bny Doylt' In. Hr 1.hcl -now. -~~~~~~~~~~~~ ?LUMBING CODE REVI S:ON MEET p11hh1· l•r• 11111. 11n n pr ••Jlll'c.t 1 \ 11o "" 11( l •' C'lr HP~•· f"'nun .. IV f'l1111111111..; I '• It• Wiii bc- hrltl bv 111,. t'n1111tv bu•rd or '11!'1'1 V;lllll'll Al :l ('•In 0 C'I" fl II frl!'nr1 Two l!lll•pects are from I untu:u TU uRo,·s n Cc"I" -~'"°"" Mr11 .. 811llrvan will! hutlr1J to the Cit1111: Se<'llill1 868 of lht' Call· gruuntl nml ~1 vk11w sutfr1 «"tl nu- fcirr11a Pi•nal Cvdl, JtfC'nSt' evun-1111r1u11• l/1J•lll• a a fl"I' 1111•1tt>•llV srl Hubt'rl Fra:tll'r, niule the l'lt· t>emg k l~k1•tl In th•· fat·<' nnd cheAl rhi.111n 1~ueil on the f'Afl or 11 1 n1111w11111~ lime' b\• thr yuulh:1 <p11ntrt ot deh•ni;e attom<'YI In· 1 Th•· seven wrre 1•h11r,:1"1I with rel· R b B k d clu•Jtni;: H1·uce Sumner whu h;111 nny B!lll&Ult Rflrr l.hey wtre a y Urn 00 e nnnn11ncell he 111 a c~nd11lntc fcff roun<kd up by pnllre 11n1I idl'ntl- ruhhr otr1c-" and Sanl11 An& po· I f1Nl by thc vlcllm8. On Check Raps llliral f1j<tur" Ar't N11180n. The Ill· Thi' M'V«'n you th" 11rr J11mr11 F. torn!'ys. lndlvldually polled by S1rrnr.r1i.rn11. is. Clli<la Mf'1111. R u11· " .. Judi;e Cnmeron. tach 1>lat~I lhlll '!('II w C'n1 P"ntl'r 19. S11nl11 Ans. MANY SCHOOLS PERSONNEL D~l11rlng hC' "·'" ~!ltd ,or run· Ft-11.zler hAd spok"'1 tor lhem 111 ~·1anrt11 0 Olli. 20 or l'<•flta Mf'111t , n111~ r.om lilt' polirr " ~ewport I m1k.n~ the reque11L I Hu11111 II A T int, 70, nf lr·.lnt', f11•nch rt'•1 lrnt. John Rll\·b111n 3•. C'Ol'llT ("I.EA.RED 0,.nme J \\'hllf' 18. Senta A na , , <•f 2<1:'1 !';1'(\h ~t . wan crt throu~h· 0 lmmt<dl1ttc>lv Ca i v R. Sl"S:"I. Tu,.lln 1tnd Le<>n-c ET' G "lll (J1 n1 gr County "" 1111•! ch"rk Judite C a 111 "r n • _ DUE AT BIG D ME N f ,.1ur~f tht court of 1lmt:l~l 150 .1rd R U""'Y 11\. S11nla An11. h11rgr• ar•\ n r 1n1l l"r l '"H· 1 J d ..,.. h l '--f • · 5,....ctator' and thrl'e mtrnberA of u Jr" .... Ameron 11 orly .,... oie ranl hy I-11llu1on poll• t . IP'"" ..-· ·s J 1 1 h 1 • lht-prt!<.'\ inrlu<11nj? an ex.;:-;, n•><•n ) l'~l• '' 11y II Ir• l e • About •oo t<'·~h«'r!I, c118fodl11n11 an we Count.v. 11.11•1 ~13it F.lhntt ,.,. 11''"~1.' up at 1 t:. p 111 Yt''lertley I nt'w~ma~ Mn"t of thl' llJ1"l'l11tnr1< h1our l11nt ban on lhr prr-.. cnvtr· .. o• "' :o A l't " ll<''ll"h po· rnl nffu ... I I h a.nd ll·~r•tarl•IJ f-m "'rtwpol t 111 .. tsnl Chll'f nf cammunlt'3lh Ill> ,. ~ wtrt comnn~M nf levl·3RJ·Jt\d<· 11\I.; 11" II' 00)1 "''"l'l'I l t annit .-~ r "' '" l1n-'l..l'<I nn ·'<'!\ • b\' In< al po-,. , l I , Buch ari!l Co11ta MrM rl1>m,.n· foo lhtt rounl,\'. I el l'larl \'OUlh10 en'I g-1rls I llH'"fl nn lhP w1tn"H "an• " • t11ry school• 11.11d l\'t'wport H11rbor Al~o .,,, lhc r•ocrem w ill bt' 1"" \\All hi• wilr of " '""' dau, A~4'1•~nl D 1 Pl r I c l Allorn"Y Irr th«' J11i1g .. n11vtr h111 n 1hn1t :\.It• l't'J:l?V Ta\ 1<11 P.1yb. urn. •P L'•·n·n·l·h \\'I l I I II m II. pro••r 111-1..-·n1 Uavld Nil". S11lllv•n. 31. nf Union HI •h s~hool Wiii p11rt1cl· Linton 51111111• ,,. CPUnt_,. !<llH('rtn· l L I h ..... ~ ~' ;: • ,. \<11•) \\olll II ~·~ c r·n1,..,., Y.ll pR•'l· 1 -• •. 11rl uf Mr. tConUnuf'd on Paa,.";) pille in "J(llnl ci\•il drf<'n:<«> me<'t· lendt'nl 1•! 81.ho"I' 11n I from 11 ... lllfC r ,..1111011, Ct:N·k,. MrA. Rar· In;: th" "'" e on tr e P ""' ID lhl' high I'\\ hot>I l<\lthlortum Harbor llf!'I\ "'"" h• ri .. v.. 01111· b111 n J1nltl th~,. "'''" m11rr1 ... 1 In .'\n•f Mr•. UBaYlkd ~ ... sdullhtll bje~~ I a t 1 .30 p. m. nt'Xl Monday lltl'd. C"OOrdlllA!llr "' ll\tl ''"'1'1\JI~ L11• ,.,~,,. llhurtl.\' he(ure hrr lll·1Rot>erl \V ro BW ... t no 0 " Mes·an Woman Thi' 811-oul ,.Hort w ill dnvrtall fl'r ~rwpo1 l B•··" 11 81\•I \\°<lhnm 1 lo th,. '1"r"n"" movt'. r<'• I k i1 ' CO llC ll~lhl'• oC all 11Ch()(ll11 In thP lJ11nn, cl'<'rtl1n11l<r1 I• r <"'••111 ~1r•11 I! ,1 l•'lr n 1.,1,1 1'roil 1ll't1rh ('<Ill',. Huridlf'l1 oh11!.3lde l h «' Ml\~ 1 • OGG 8r,.11. 1non11nate the 81,itnl\I "Y·j IU'ILIU~H 1:0.'Pt;<'TIO' thnl hi· hnd /fl.•'•"I 111, 1 rh!'•t.~111 r11urtronm t f ntw1<m<'n ~•1 · Fiie $11 11te111, All I 11 I• hnp1•1I 11w1lkt>11 nc•\\ In '"l•J•lll• 'ion \l.lh th•• i.1 Pll n· T'tl' \,"I 01 rt ll""I\ s:, ,\11 ;,,,,. blr1I f1nnllc1tlly for tel!'Jlh1'nl'-tn ' lnlerr~l in 11 11mlr.f 1·11 "((011 1n Ul" ••h•••lul•• lhf' f'<>Ul1l\' J!l"lll' < 11,. :-;.\ ,.,11 (:, or h. Jiii, Tlt1iflv f'.:"l 1<.>r.:al 11pmion11 f1om \h"ll D s • theHa1b .. r Al •I• Thl' ... l'nf'rRl pllb· w1ll1n•p••I !111•t.1ch•t'h~•lh111ol·'1 •I •• I • .,'ll I'll. 11 .... k. l\ftt~lur th«>(f'c•n·Agr 111~r· amage Ult 1H1,:' ; "' •• '' \. 1 . ·-. • H -k )le I~ 1n\·1t1·tl 111 11l trntl in rhl•h· 1111:~ "1th J.,, 111 1d111·1.d1< 111 i'10l11 "", l.t "' ,, :-· , ' ,. 1:111111 1.,. t11111r' r llmbl'r1rh11lrll111 th<' b11r· " lion tc:i ~' ht,.•l pr1 ,onnl'I. arc·ord· tu n111k1 111r~t.:"•111111, ••n 1 h••11 llnlh" '· • i:, 1 .. 1,,,, I.ii I.•. $ ir , c•( fnrnd~ lo prrr throui;th win· j OC-N S) _ A Ing lo J1w ll11111hlrl p11nr1p111 or lllto:<l !'If• •'11\'•' 11 ' d11i mi:. 1111 1 ;d,. 1 .,11111 ~ "' 11~ 1,,.~, 11 c!A\\'A n1lo thr 1·l111u•d ;:-rm rt Wht'fl' ~A:-11'A ANA. hi I I II I ~ I I f l t h11r1 tw1..c11r r1 11.•h D••r ll. !9M Rt l he Ith H'hoo "''" "' lnl111<\IC'l' ""'"l.:"11•\' :;.,.., ~··I,; J\\,, I 1 •JIM, Siii 1 1•• rv<'n rr l'n•lln II Wf'rc .. ,. . . 11prak11• 1111<1 1•1111;-r· lht" p11 11u1111i 1)111' 11( lh•' 111 .. 11· 1tin11111l1< .11 .. ,1 111 1hr cnmlnal <1nrk Ive ,'\'rwpcrrl Hlv1 11 1111 Victoria ~L ut-:,\llt:\11 l'llt>t;tt.\\1 1 rh.•··~ 1.f lhl' l.'11 111r,.11111: "'ti II••" 11'•" """ '· ·" h., .. Wt'I h!'·ll \hr"-.'" out of bt'll«"r court-c·ni;111 M"J111.. T11t•111li~y w11, rtflrct- H ri1.1in.: Ill<' lll"l-:1"111 will t.r ' hi' !he ~hmnni: hv ~~l ltoP ••r r·11'11r t11n h1 l 'h 'l .,'" i\·11111••1111, ""I ln,.m•." """ ynulh ln11j:hf'd '•"' In e •ln11u1~1' ~Ull f"r nprruxl- R . I 11'11ti,i1 ;\1011 1~. H-'•llllHlll d1· •llllM or th .. "'""·'" 1 .... ~ In '.\r-l•'llHll Ill' l ~ •• , .1 ,\01 j\\1\••• ... 1,1 l'l,A t'\TI•"t '8 F..1t:c"TF:H l mAlrty f.ll.0<111 f1INl ln SUpl'rlfJr rector 11( 11v1l 111'(• 11 .. r (rtr Or· I ' ·irtA Hambl· r ~A•.! tlw r wt111"• Iii ~ 11lh ' tnn I 1111 1' ~ 11 I t l·ry s111111c o•itsldr thr rourtroom. l'1t111 t h1•11• ani;<' t'cmnt•'. H t "''I bl' K"•l•h•.tl"'ll l'"'"I Nit 111. ""''" tnr " 11\•• • \\ • 1 11 •1 1 ''"" ''"'"''''• 111,11 Wt'I<' Mr. and Jlll r l'ulh"an l '\11inl1fl" WPll' JArk lvrtlQn nf In rh .. p10.:rAnt ll\' !';plll(;t On ~111111 .; t l\'lhKll .11-f••n ...... r,l!'lln1zn· 11.1~ l :_i•vlt11!fl ~ "". rir•tlltn . '"' nr •knw W illi l'!lllrd from thr ~nl•" ro,111Jllt~ll1tnd Grrlrur11' 0 . \'1,'l\l· Sp111kl'I. ll!'l'Ul\' rhrP• tnr for Or· 11 ... 11 l'"·•W I r1i. I I ti• ... ''" Ii••· ...... '. t h11111~r shorl h' 11fln th!' rn11r1 r11t l, ni• Hdd1 ...... ~IVPn They nam· _ ------pn1 t ,, 111 "·•• '" •r' <'• pf,o,·I Jtu•m WA" ,Jnsr,1 !'PPrlni: thr·~·~h l'f H11t hl'I :-: T.,,.,,.1~ 11nd F'rt'd C . AUTO-GARBAGE TRUCK CRASH INJURES MESAN I,,,. 11' . 11.c)n ~.I '" )'., •' I lll .. \I "'"'''"' II Wll .. ''""' nP•l !hilt "' ""~"· no 11.Jolrt•l'('ll j!IYl'n u dt'· "h1· h hnA ht n• l.1 111 ~ 1 ,., ., Ur ki.w Wa!l <"Bllrol "" the flr"t (. nrlo nt" I~" 111 I 111 k 111· I I.II I lnh• 1 1111 I w!ln•'ll" for thr "ll't• Th• rumpl111nt a .. :wrts Gntrude i... """l'N" t 11f 1.1. • • 11r"r"'1 1 hr> !'llnlll Ana mlln ,. •• ,.,,,.,11,· \\'1lh•1ll \\'11.ll d11v1111; & C"Ar owned I• '11fh ~. 1 f• 1 11 r , •n•" 11 •11,,,.1., 1 ~c-,·rrr injuric~ llfl<>r thr .,,. ''' 11<c1n 11.hrn 11 tA'1j!lf'rl with Sulll\'M• end h .. "''fl' "'"f'l'<'•I h\ • ~ .. • 1 r1 a1 r •I l>y R8rhrl Ttelull f la d VJ I • ll 1• r ·•' .J.11<11 of ~··1•th" w ht n thr\ :1•1 I ul\ nrrl h\ F re I <" Krnu11<! ! S :i oman .'Jrt ti •"llf'lr l 10 Jl'Rnl II c!TIVP•l/1 It'll• f'h,. tl•fi n<hlllt-a rt' llC"l'll•f'd Of J •• 11• 1nr I" f, hot•l~r 2~. of 11\ull<''ll In ~sntn An11 :'\m· fl Ar· l\PJ.;lt1t"nce One mnn wn11 "ltll In 11011! ll<i.· '"'•Ill:: \'i.n l'ot•• """\I I,. pinnr1I 1111 ltd•• A\" fllllt•l(.'J l'fr1 .. 11 rnnlln1e to lh~ 1>0t1r,. •••port rtr-1 ______________ _ pl\8\ trnlll\' ff'C'O\'eflnl( (1"'11 R hrnr ol h the \l'hk \\l'ol\ 11 l11111e I 111)\lllt• Ill \11 ,If 1'11,.~ll\' n i;:h' \;:ln"ll~· m"ill' IHI II'" 1·1111e, Wit· rr11 ((Ir a • , 111'· nl bet wc-en 11 i:111-O\ ti It n•l le 1 •porn 1 "'' lt•1rw•I Ile· 1 whrn , 1 h ht , 11 r rrA •h••tl min n<'•!'~ll anrf thP Slllll\•llnll Ntll t NI bage l rtll k nntl en 11utu ut ;) '.!~ n1·11.h 1:nrh111o:r nn·I 11111 t'I 11' \he I\ cll'rh 011 'I " Arthur lllv•I 11h t.l .. th!')' ..,,.,., .. 81\empltni;t lo l,.iwr p m. Mo nolnv whit h lnJilrrd thr I'•' 11111•) in\"'""'' KC'nn.,th l·:11rl R1rh· ~ of It 111111> no1 lh nf I' 11 1l1r C1>0 •' lhC" re11tR11rnnt when lh1'1r \•rh1· al the rnt<'ll'"l\lon or F111r J11 11·t:' n1 ·l•1111 "' Hl. 2 1427 J Le-, ... t11, Hl~hv.11 ,· cit• ~·1111 blork M b.\' & hot-1"0<1 tYP<' a nd L !';1 111 (•o.-tn ~'""'" \ 1rnn.t.:" ' j Thr 1nJ11 1 eil wnn111n, " ,,,, .. )lf'1 r Ar rmm wh1rh the M-Y<'n youth" Report"•' In "11'1)(1•1" C'vnrllltnn II! Rld111r!l11on. :n 111 nn Or11njt'f 111 t h~ s .. 11111 Ana 1<C'h(l(ll-' 'YKltm, i emeri:t'd S11lllv11n rrpotll'•llv got Clrculatlon Today 5826 Coples HARIOI WIATHll Lhem lt lb~T had -n any .. u. ,,,_ p,_,,tor dw•ll~I •t lrn,-th clt.ement or PoUce'' around the Oii a 9tatf'ment whlc-h IA \'em• TemperahtrM llle S-l "'""' ta the Ylclnlty of 12th at. -d B&lboe (0.ttllUfod on l'•r , 1 Harbor .,... wen: I ~~~·,,..:·;," 0r:: COUNTY CLERK SMITH gg;~IIX .. ?. i1 RESIGNS "AT YEAR END W<'dneaday, Nov. 23 57 42 I -I SANTA A NA. IOCNSI Or-<>ranr• County, mt'mben1 ot th• Hasfer St Annex 11ni:" County Clt'rk Ba.1111 J . sm1U1.. onu1ir• County ear A111oc1a uon. • Nl'wpo rl li<'&Ch. yrslerday after· r<'pruent.alivee or the pre ... my to Orann.. Fails noon hnnd<'ll In h111 rctlgnallon. fellow offloen and the county ':Ill-It wae 1cceplt'd by the rounty employu hu l>f-f>n a very pl- ftt•1111ll!nl11 in lhe propo11e1I H1111tt'r St.t•,.t Annexallon vuted tonight li:l to 39 not to ~<'ome plll'l of thr City of Orllllge Ten 11h111•nt,.e 1>:dl111.!!I were reportt'd, not enough to rhange to vote decl.a1on. Capt.' Dyson 'Fine' and S..inCJ Friends boartl of supervl80rfl. the dft'ctJve ant rXJ>erlence and on11 U\at wtll •la t,. mldnli.:ht Dec. 31, 19:'>!'.i. nevl'r .,. forrotten," Smith Ml4 Smith told the 11upervl110re by todey. ll'ller th11t "th.-bl'11l lnLerl'•l of "lt the m&11nn In whJch the the people of the county. m y1elf c-ounly clerk'• otrlct ha• funcUon- 11n,1 my r11mlly would bf! served I'd under me h111 been a credit by turning ovn the admlnlstra· lo Ule county. then tlle credit la uon of my offk " to 11<1me-one el~." du" thl' membtni of my •'la.ff for Supl'rvleor C M. F'utbt"rly lhelr unUrtnr eCtoru to malle It movt'd ttn! r,.111ima tlon be accept-ao ,.d with n.'gTl'tll. "Wllatrver my llne ot endeavor Smith has b<',.n tn the county In the ruture may be. l can only clerk'• otrl<"" for 31 year11 He has ho~ tb11.l It wlJI not l&kl' me far Capt. \\'alltr Dy90n '" t• r11n act ~ 1111 county clerk for 18 yt'an from OranKe County and lb• l\'cwport S.-11.rh pohre 0((1cl"r lo· Lynn Wa llar". c-hlrf d' p ut y m11ny fine peapll' that I ~.,. tl11y wq 1 cp .. rted dotnir "llnt ' In rlf'rk, will •lep lntn th,. county workt'd with and 11m pr1v1le1ed his \rtalmrnt al Hooit HMJ'llal cl..rk'a job If th,. normal pro<:ed· lo call my frttnd1 " whet" ht ho bt't'n hoap1t11ll~,.r1 111e 111 (Ollow,.rt by the bo11rr1 "I lhlnk 31 Y"ara l.8 c>n«i>uirh on ror tll" p11st WPt'k or "" H t' 111 Srnllh Y.'1lll lO come up for re-ont' Job. You know a lot of folka abl,. l1) ~ \'l!•llon. ho•p1tal or· I «"l<'rllon nut november. Will J O out of a Job fl'f'l firl1.. rtc111.l1 •II.Id. I ' My contact v.•1lh lb,. pec>plt of (CoellalM'CI -¥"P 1) tht' ho"pllRl I• J1,hn ~:nrl \ r1n l'Wl~l 1 'ullt1~e 11t11d1 nt, pollrf •re-1 wnn n1 h<'rl to ltn11~ Hollptlal tl'l out of hi• vehicle and uked lhe N ole, 4:1, of 6:14 \\'. lln1111ltl1h Sl ·I portlll llhflw. He 11'1 Plf'<'•I lrnr1'0r In• bl' lrl'Rl<'1f for An ll1Jllrf'1I bar k. yoothn lo ll'a\·e. Al'<'Ol'l1•ng ltt Corm a Me1111. H,. V.•1111 11 J'lll!ll'• ni;:t>r ;11111•' 10 hi:-lrtl f•'l "h" 11\ 11111t 'fhl' h1,.hw11 v p11t l'{IJ 1111olcd t ht> 11lalemtnl11 of the w1tneau.11. Sul· ln lht garbage tr111•k drf\'<'11 llr h1• "Y"· n!f1rr1 s rf'r(lllf'il \t,. .. rl•"r nll ~11y1n,: ~hr "'•'" "<!11th· hvtn w111 then j11mp.-.1 by thrr~ .an. Ro bt'rl E11rl \'1111 :"ot<• 16 HI• h11 n111<m wn ~ lril\'rlln• M~l N>11n•I <•n M1•r A11h111 Bl\'11 ~ht of tht' y nutha 11n<1 haulel\ t o t hr Tbe elder \'M !"Olt' 1urr .. 1,•d fll<-· ''" F111r l •rf\'!', thr \1111 :-\1olrll •II 111 k'"'"' "hil t iopr<'J R11old1•n· ground Hill v.1teo and Brokaw.I I.al lnJurl•. j north on L St. al the lime of the ,'ly 11hi> 1011\ control. She wu un· 1 ru1bJnc lo hi• atd. """re both al· , IDaurwtnl mmor ln.Jllriee ware crull. able t,o upl&Aw wby. • t&clled by •lh.ra oC the pack, ac· ------------- AT mE HELM -Management of Bank or America's n~ branch on 19th St. at Harbor Blvd. in Cost. Mesa wW be in the'hanct. of theee local men. From left, Chief Clerk Robert Bridge. of Santa Ana; AMSistant Cubler Ed Hobel, of C011ta Mesa; and Manager Lloyd ~uga&ki, who iR presently moving to the Harbor area . Ira E. Ogden. ( rightl 'vice-prc8ident in chargP of all Sou them Cahfomla branch operatJoaa, t.enden hll coqratulation.a on 'the new facility. -Beckner Phot'> ' t > ' ... I I . ffA'GE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HAr.eor. NEW~-rRr:5S ihanilct-inq ...... WEDNESOA Y. NOVEMBER 23, 1955 of. Kiwanis MeetilH) GOINGS ON AT THE BAL BO A BAY CLUB Newpo1 l Harbor Klwan11 Club r nb31"rv1•d . the rellgloui1 theme ••f Thankeg1 v111g during It.a noon luncheon yestt>rday with the l\ev Edwin Gomke, pastor ot the Com- munity Congregational Church of ("rironll del ~ar. aa gUHl 1peaker Ha rvey P•ase. support of chureh- "" c h a Irma n, Introduced Mt. Com'k,., .ANNUAL TURKEY TROT HELD BY ORANGE COAST STUDENTS ult Z'l1:h11 y n\1t•Jt' s rrof"'' 1111,, ;"""'I• 1.it · •1 .. , '""" r ... JleSQ Ing With hll Whl:"I,. I.Air ttOWll rtlrtMI \ n, Ba k M ·-n ~.~ .. TIM pro~U.r b&d only • Lncbea Mt. llr11.t \\ uo 11 p11•• t 1° 111i; "l Ch i + clearane. when I.be plaJ> c&lne to tomf)' ln Oranjlt' County (or OV· I r s mas a baU-er ll-0 ytarB. H f' wu 1otra1tuatt"J Club Checks W(U\ Ea.chary wer. hi.a father, rtom the Unlnrally ot Cullfornla Memben' By DAN BAYLESS ./ The annual T\Jrkl'y Trot 1pon.or-t'd by the Aunclatl'd R .• Zach~. ~d an uncle. Ch .. ter at Berkelt'y an4 resldf'd In Santa Ml'll'a Student.. &nd Auoclated Woml'n'.1 Student• or Orang" Rart. Ttl• men wer. not tnjurfll. Ana for the pai;t 79 )"f'IUa HI' wa1 Cbr\atmu C'lub <'hf'eks 1 r 0 l'ft Cout CoUege was held today troiu 11 •· m. to 1 p. m. In thl' The plane'• landing apparatu. tll4" oldl'tlt Uvlnj: pA3l ualled rul-Uie C'Mta Ml<M br&nrh f'f th• Student Center. Thl' annual affair Included 1poru, ramPa. wu later 1.owtlred and the plane er of Santa Ana Elka Lodge 794. ll. s. ~11llon/\I ll•nk hll\'t ~l'n awtmmlng and dancing. Cake, cook.lea and coku we~ wu flown back to FuUerton. and wu a member of Maa<>nlc mRlll'•I. Rrc-orthng lo \\'. l' Rl<'a, aerved tr~ ot chargl' to•etudent body tJcket holdera. Lodl'e 2U. 1<11:0111tHnl \'I• l'·J'C't1hl!'nl ot tht lo- Membl'ra of the committee which ~ ~11ponalble ror Horw H--..1 C M.r. Head .. rved IJI Oranae cal brand1. A tntal ('If mnni•than __,... WUU ounty Dlslrlcl Attorney from $i2.000 wu3 uwolve;t. P the evt nt wen-: Maraha Alll'n, vtce·prealdenl I)( the W S.. 19"• "08 I Mri:i. Dick l.ovclanJ of LiJo lsle is the new women 's lanM arf" belnf? tonn11t1ttf! tor Rt&.--T--'-y .,.. to 111 • He wa11 aUll ac;l ve lt wae 11l110 Mnounc-.•d 111a1 the ., C thto chart .. r nti:ht dinner In Spl'llce Ruah, preetdmt, A. M. S.: Bob Wat.kins, Let' Bay•. IYW> VUU1 ln lht' '"11aJ proff.'a11on at thl' hank as now i.1111 ting ll• 19~ sing les tcn1H.'I champion of l he Balboa Bay lub. She de-urunll" <:out t.:olleK& raft>ll'ria Ken Wood, Lynn OeLotto, Manlyn Kenny, Tant Loper, Horace c. Head, ptoneer Or· time o! Ma deat'h. c1111111mu {"lub w ith thi• 111811. feated Lois Mac::Clyment in a match which was t o have been 11t 7 J> m. Oet· 13 wht•n the Lorraine SchlJckenrneyer. ange County 1.awyl'r and former The OranJ e County D"mO<'rattc, in.: or ChrlA\m•" l'lub rhl"l"k• 11111 played lluring t1H~ ~kmbers Only Tennis T ournament but Cln·t,. K Club vf OC'C w LIJ bl' --------------------------Dlet.rlct Attorney puMd a~•Y at Cent.rat Commlttu l:uued a atall'·jW<'t'lt. th,. 1ou1 !\mount reprt'· R . ch11rtered The t1innl.'r meeting hi• Santa Ana home Mond~)' ment. Monday afternoon oVf'r thP ~t'nls " big Jnrree"r O\'f'r th .. r rl'· was puslpunrtl Jue t <> illness ··· Harry ogers, 8 past pres!· v.·111 tske the pl11ce of thr inter· LOTS OF EJ.CITEMENT morning. dnth of loiur·tlme county Dt-1110-,vln1111 year, 11t11trd Ri11s. dent of Pacific Anglers. has bee n named to the Balboa Bay club ,. with lhe <'oat& Mesa club ______ _. _____ .__ The s.:5-year~ld, weU-ltnown at-crat Horace Hl'ad. • · ---- Club's Board of Governors us a representative of the ex-or11:1n111ty planned tor th1a day. f• p 1• u •1 T 0 I tom«;y ill iurvlved by hla wife, Leetrr Van Tatenhovl', countv F II I ildi clusl\"C' fishinir d ub. The Bl3C's complete roster of Gov-' · ea 0 e am Y ' " Ire 0 Ice nl S Urn I Hanna 0 H d f th. f 11 chairman aald "lh• Oran"'e ('<•un-, U erton U ftCJ ,., 8 p d R•d home at 214 8. Birch, a daughter, ty Democratic Crntrul Commltte.. F U LLERTON, 10C:-1Sl - ernors will b(' announced Ill J anuary ... The Mitch Howes est ara • I •n F a· ft E c II Mr•. lru Knight or Cost~ Mesa expre&Ull llJI dl''P 11onow uron R 111h1ini;-Pf'l'ltlll Vlllllatlon for thfl of P asadena. whn maint:?lll an apartment here and occupy I.Oii C"rmipilnf'rn~. loc-111 )\JnlOr or 1rcra mergency a and tour •l•teri, Mrs. Margeret learning of the Jealh M HorAC't' )'t'Ur pasa..'<I the $•0.000.000 miuk • · C rltltng r lub. won first pla('e In lht' . Cox ot Corona del Mar. Mrs. Bea-C. HeR<I. We w ill rorl'Yl'r mls:t hl11 :-;11v. lti. it en•ry t'hanc<.• they get, :ire hOUliC · gurslmg a erm an rullnlt' itrnup cl&l'ls ot the Nrwport F1t'f and poller unll11 roared lo pllot. wu unable to lower hi• ete Mott ot Oardrn Crovl', Mra. 1upport and cu1d11nce" I The (li;urr el1111tH-1t lo $40.101,· exchan·~I' s tud('nl , 16-ycar -old H annelore Feierhee rd, for a Buch Veterans Day parade on the f."ullrrton Municipal Airport wheela becauee of a tro&en grar Mary Bunnell ot Puadena and J~o6 with tht• 1l!suan1·e e>f a $~00 • year. The Howei5 m et her and hr r family several month~ Nov . JI lndfvldu11l wlnn1m1 were 1S11t11n:lay noon when • twin-en-motor. The emergency call came Mn. Flora J ohnson ot Paudena. Thi f T k a·k l!SOO pe1mll rur con•tructlon uf II h . . E d "led h Friday. l nd1vlctual wlnnera were glne ('l"Mna radlOl'd the field It In al 12:09 p. m. The body WU taken to the • a ., I •. Sh1)f1J'IOK Oa~ niar\\.t>t nn the l\)· ago W en they \~!re vacationmg tn urope an lllVI er Robin s .. ·mford· 2nd u Westl'rn wa11 ni akinic an emeriten<'y htnd· Zacllary c1rclt>d the fltld. then Smith-Tuthill Mortuary, S ant a A bicycle bel<ing1ng tu B"llY n lll'C'•' Welll J<'ullt'rtnn 1!hoppln11 d l8· lo atay with them when she came to America on the boy; Sam Edney-3rd u Western 11n11: with it" whel.'I• up. ·But H changed his mind and made the Ana. Funeral aervlcu wtte h.-ld Hall, :SIO Tu11un Ave . Newpmi trlct b<·in.: built 11t lhl' northwf'r<I scholaNhip pro~ram sponsnrl'J by the Ame rican Fie ld Ser-b<>y; Jutfy Fowl~r-lst 1111 \\.'e11t-httppened otht"rwi11e l'mergency landing et Onlnge t o d a 1 at. 2 p . m. al the Bc11ch, w.u~ tnk4'n frrnn h. r 111111"' •·01111•1 .. r Hr 111•kh111 ~t n .. 11•1 11nd • . · · l'rn gtrl. Tr1tvls Zachary. Fullerton. the County AlrporL F!eld oftlc1al11 Smllh·Tulhill Ch&pl'I with Inter· on Nnv. 18, 1<ht' tnlJ pioll<'•' uinn~ethnrp<' Ave• vice. The S~rv1ce, started 1n 1914 by some Amer~ans 1n 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ P.aris to furnish a mbula nces and drivers for the Fren ch II SPECIALS FOR Thun., Fri., Sat. Nov. 24, 25 & 26 I A time to be grateful ... to count our bless- ings . . . to take in - ·creased d evotion to a way of life that make. them p o ssible. We take this opportunity -., to thank you, our cus· tomers, for your loyalty and your confi- Anny in t he first W or ld War. began its internationa l edu- cational program in H.147. The organization be lieves it can counteract fali5e ideas about the United States aboard by bringing foreig n high school s tudents here lo live in private h omes and m ake their own appraisals of this country. The idea is working" beautifully, for these boys and girls in- variably r eturn and spread fair, first-hand accounts of their eJC;periencea in America ••. December, l955 will prove to be the busie&t hoYiday montll in the history of the BBC. The number of charity, club and member group parties planned is the largest ever ••. That sto rie d Pied Piger will have to take a bac k seat lo the Rounders Orchestra, now in ita third mo nth at the Club. N o musical group ever p re - 11et1ted here has developed such a wide following; they lure me mbers from their dining tables along the shortest 1>98"- eible path to the dance floor . • • Lots of t alk here about t he R ose Bowl game, w ith m ost sport.a fans -even Bruin supporters -believing that UCLA has Httle chance against powerful Mich igan State . The Spartans, .it see~s. really jelled againBt N otre Dame a~d hav~ been improving .~very week s ince. Many n o w con sider this the be.st team m t.he nation. Odds will prob a bly fluctuate in the weeks ahead with the state of passer Ronnie Knox's health ; the Bruins can't beat the Big Tenne rs on running plays alone as they did against SC ... Do rothy O"H ara •. Lado Jsle's designing I woman whose dreSBea are top sellen1 in better stores every- where returned last week f rom a very Rucccssful showing in Ne~ York. S he says the air trip back was a pokey one, and was bearable only because s he occupied a seat next t o l another famouir Dorothy, K irsten the OpC'ra ~tar ... K. T .. Kendall, ex-prexy of t he Hay Club, 1e due back at the end ' LIDO DRUGS .. 0.. of UM IMo Depe• "61 Via Udo, Newport Bwb HAQOR DRUGS STORE HOL"Rs THASll8GIYINO DAY f a.rn. -I p.m. I p.m. -10 p.m. dence. May we continue to serve you and deserve you . of the mo nth for a couple of days to d iBpoae of some Jl('r- s onal property before returning to Hawai1. Mr. and Mrs. K .. evidently, are t old. on hfe in the lsland ts. T.hey 90ught not one house th re, but two. O r chids growing in the bedroom windows yet . . . _..:, _______________ ~ I ' > SPUTfL"'lO TACKS -After a harrow ing start in which f4C\'l'ral boa ts W('r(' ra u~hl arroSll the line in 11uch close q uart.en. t.lrnt 1\ l uN< long mmutei< t o retur n and clear thcmsdn-s. th(' t'll'\'I n-boat PC fleet finally got clear for some fast action as they wo rked their respective ways UJJ t he H a rbor during Balboa YC'11 Veteran's Day Regat ta. E ventual w inncn of the C\'ent were the redoubtable Jack Toon of BYC, BYC'a vice- commodo re Frank Wood, and Louts Burke, a lso or the b oat c lub. -Beck ner Photo . Dan's Store, TV To Open New Retail Adds Appliance line Dan"t TV Strvwr 1<1 1~66 N~'· plac-ed In ch&r(I' of ~l&JI Hitt port 01\'d . .-C'O<!t& Mf'u u M ot the Both he and Oan McMiiian, pro- oldf'•l radio an•l I I'll'\ 1•11•11 rtpalr prletnr nf Oan'• T\" 8'1"\'IC'l'. are ('oncem11 In the :-:<''" p.1rt H"rbor "ldely known In the Harbof 11n•a. area. hu re1 l'nlly 111Jd"<l 11 com-Petul! aatd lhe new :-;ev. port pll'le hnl' of appllanc'll an•I haa retail atore will o~n about Otc aleo •.nnount <'J pl11n8 fM 11 nf'w I and will f#Alllre Wrattrlghouel'. utl\ll 11tore at 731\t \\" Hlllboa Motorola. Phllcn. Sylva.ni• a.nd' Bf.-J .. :'\rv. port Buch l)tymplc televl•lon. ra1llo. and hi· n a.rry l't1t110 of Ntwpo1 t n ._.111 h 1 fl 11eu u Wf'll u rut11tn llnu of nl'w p.r\nrr In thf' fl!lll. hu btrn 'whll11'" 11ppllanc~. Rt-pal r-e M aJ • ti'llaQ('tl e hui I allaUoa STAFFORD It ION ' :-J f: L.s And OOC" t:LF.l "TRU" Al. C'O!li'fltACT<>R" l'h11n .. l.lhf'rty 8-2!1' 110 IU"'"'tt.. A"""'"' Xf'""POrt l'lfoMtll CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2.0754 Pl'Xl -81.()(:"K COMPAS \' -U 20 !'I. Malo lfL, 8Ufa Au Pl Milt: -CL~DEA A:o\D t:O:'\\:KETE BLOCKK Rl:L'\FORCL""O STE.EL aad St=Pl'UES Kod"k l'ony ... the ideal gift r '"",Put on Lay-a-way hr11" nl• Holiday l'la.aJI Camera $8.15 " II h K odauto Mld&f't t 1aab Uoldf'r 135 Camera •\Ith ta. .. 1 •. :•1 ~ 1 .... 11 .. I l\@tl 'h1Jll••r ,.,.rold IAadlna $33.75 FOR PAPER PRODUCTS PAPER lfc KLEENEX 400's I .At !Al, TIM4l ·t:S 5 for $1.00 t~or ThanklollC" tnc ROST RITE ROASTER 511• '«up--e ....... PrrC"<Jlt lor I. ~'""'«" ~,.,., s ILE x ~·r. f3.~n $289 ( U$'pt'f 11..ndl.i SILEX CARAFE ~;~·":~~! s59s $695 U ra.t. "-1 ~rtfm'nt nf ~•J"r Rf'Mrd• RECORDS 8 '" 99c YIN CENTS ICE CREAM 5c LA•OE Cone •• lOC DOU I LE Cone •• Hand Packed Pints ]()c Quarts Sfc Bolk Style l Gallon • 79c • • • • D rLAVOU TO CBOOSE nON ' at f',4Y (ffS For Toys MA Tn:L-CA RSI\" A I. Hurdy-Gurdy Blir:a,..t .mu"I" bo' In ti\.-"'Othl-?7"17" $2.98 ILOCX Cl'T\' la'-lodli.D9 ,&..tk baoca coaetntn all f'JPM of ball4· ,,..,,,,,...,,."'L JIMJa Which c:aa be •----------------d1amaau.d ... ,.. bvJJ t. A99 S ,_,. 4lllCI up. 12.11 llolMm Am.rte.a Lo9a. CCIII bulld .... .._<ab ID I fort. b.Jock boUMI. otc. All lqVCJfO 109' latorlocll. A90 I f9CD• ad up $1.98 Say Moaoy -/. p-.o(fW} .. ttsta CDd b.19b ........ To 1t build ,__. ... • •• ...., .... f1lll ai9bt dllba. laotola, CJDd w1D caitb 1D loWl'y ••• ,.era & ap. $1.98 C-pa.toa. Cony1119 ea .. $1.89 Fl1'0Ea PAINT Col«ful. amoou. ta .. xtur. cnad fr" of Vrit. •P"-da .-u, -d bormlH1 to •ld.D. At• • fOSJI GTid up. 98c I f-'OOT 1.0 ... 0 Fire Truck 1-:tu t rte-1-<~auh LllC hi J\f'rtal l..add1 r. \ In,\ I 1 "' • $11.98 "SO-\\EE--10" Rubbrr Doll S.t Drink. "'f''· cry rtatu,..... $2.98 REX 80" WAGON llG TYPE noxr.11 Rrt: •~.911 $2.69 louncinCJ Sprinq Horse fran1,. "Ith •pMnl!" ('omfnrt&hlr• 1tnt1 ""'"• "t11r1h fltH" 1.11a.1 l1· t;.,,..,,. mnuntrtt "" frarn" u llh "flrlnl!'· $7.99 !>.a,,. ~' 110 PUT THESE TOYS AND OTHERS ON XMAS LlfY·A·WAY Xmas Cards CnntiUn~ 60 rard•, m1111y "'IA 11lhr r dl'roratlnn. 1Utterr I MW 1111d r.-d n Mlc '"'•'-"' 98c Order your Pt'tMnallud 'lm.ae Cardtt '"'"' while '" 1Ull hav~ • full ft<ly• anct 1lrl• undf'r 18 , ... .,. of ,.. ... U11n't for1r\ to t•ntc-r· '"" ftlir: l\f>Y" and ('<Ill(• .. , " h I ,. h """""· Uon'I "''"' thl• opportunity to \\In um• "' lhr 1irl1 ..... mJOl~'lt n~ ~II t .1I16\ BUBILE BATH ... ,,.1 "''"""· r onir•• '· "'""'" "''· .. ., ..... k anol BEAUTY KIT .,.~ ., .... 5125 Fleurs de Rocaille by Caron '..-r\ r1n• '' J r• n1 h t•rr rumr Jf flj HI $18.75 wines-liquors Bea.utlful Xmas DecanterY * Old Forester-I. W. Harpe r Old Ta ylor-Beam Park & Tilford-Old Fitzgerald Old Kentucky Tavern all the LEADING BRANDS -9;;,;;~ ~ U IH 502T MOT ~L C..O«.ONA. Ott..~·~ • c.a.-.,s .. -~ IUll le ..... • )" '( • I ·-"-•• • ....-- '' ~ -·-... . SUPERVISOR KAISER RETURNS TO JOB AFTER RECENT ·ILLNESS IANTA. A.NA. (OC'Nf) -8upen1aor Hein.a K&lRr, w1lo ~nUy widerwent two major operatloM, wu back In har- ntM l\Meda,y. K.aJMr, repreaenunr the Jl'\tU\ 8upem.orial Dlltrlt't, wu drawn &lid pale but wenL about bJa work on the board with ¥f«w. WORRIED ABOUT TRAFFIC OCC Student Govemment Asks •. May Get Signals Oranre Cout Colle1e'• 1 tu- dent body government la ahowlng more t h a n academic lntel'ffl the!M! daya In a aeriou. lratric problem -the need for m o r • s1,rnal1. 1l 111 actually ·colng out and doing 110mt'lhl11g about lt. A group oC student.a 11t the col- lf'~t. led by Ronald Arrnatronr. ASB president. hh _written to the County of Orange Traffic Committee requutlng l r a ft I c algn11a at Harbor Blvd. a.nd Ad· ama St. and at Fairview and Ad· a.na Sta. The tra.ttlo <'ommlttee reacted favorably to the f I r• t requut and 11ent a copy ot their report to the COila MeM c I t y Council. Clty ratheni, meeting Monday nJght, referred the matter t o r atudy to Police Chief Arthur R. McKenzie and City Englnt>er Don Southworth. They llldlcatt'd In all probability ·the atgnaJ would be lnat&lled. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE l WEDNESOA Y, NQVEMIER ~J, 1955 \ 1..--:,.;,\ ••• • t ) ' •• '--Q -·-Tritt Injury Suit Settled for S8500 PROPOSED NEW MOTEL ON HIGHWAY MAKI IVIRY DAY l•D DAY Above shows architect's concl'ption of overall layout of Jamica lnn, a luxury motel to be launched initially with 58 units with 11 0 planned in all. Situated off Avocado Ave. and Coast Highway on Irvine Co. land. Ingram. with engineering by E. Zeppelin ._ Springe. A resturant is being planned to serv~ ,the motel and area. It will contain 7000 sq. ft. Motel and restau- Ntnt will ri11e on plot 40<1 x 600 feet. ' it ia to be built by ~c>e Collins, Les Blak~ley and Bob PAUL M. BlJTLt::R) Butler-hi Due Tuesday for Demos , Ca.mp&lp dn.im• for the l O!VI po\IUcal raet.I w111 at.art thf'lr bHt .-rty tn °'9nlte Count\• w ith tht tund-nl•lng banqu,.t fN•tur- lnr; a sp.e(;b by Oemoc:rftllc Na· t1onal eti.lnnan Paul M . Bull,.t nn No•, %9 In th• Santa A n" Muonlo Temple. An J.nfl<1• Vit'W oC lb<' new Dem· cx-rallo llt"le!fy 11nd pnNJ)e• tAO "' the 111tlonal poltt>cal "''""' wlll be rev,.alelt by Buller AL the din· ntr Which '" Mherllllffl tnr 7 r m In the M•tonlo T,.mrJ,. bAnflUl'I rooma, Fifth and Syc11mor• ~u . Sant& AJ\L Butler waa unanlmou1Jy 4-lccl!'<I to the chalrma.n11hlp nr t hr Demoon tht Natlon11 I Cornmltt,.r In DecanMr ot JP~4. to 11urrl'l'fl Stephen A. Mltrht'll, 1ftu 28 ~·,.. of pa.rly activity l'l&rllni: a t the precinct 1 .. vel 1n 1926. 11.11•1 rlai.n« to UI• head of the l n1lhtO•• dPlc,-ation. He dP.terlbH h1n11H It .. ..Juat a W'OTklnir ~mo. r .. 1 ud )lu n_, aoug-ht a pollllc•I IDb or cudldacy. 4 fTAduat• of Not re Dame Law l cbool. Butler haa Mrvc•I u ~l"e· sidc1tt Of the Catholic Chant1,.~ tn South Bend, PrHlfttnl of the lloutll Jknd AIUIOClllllon of Com- m~ and Grand K n1tht of th,. Knlghta of Colum~ H t \11 mar· rlad and baa five chUdrPn. Upon e l ecti o n 1111 :-.=11t1•>nhl Chalrman of th• DemtlC'l"atu 1•111 · ty, BuU,.r pn•ml"ed t'l ·"" 111 lhr ~-and <'llll Of '"'"' ,,.,,,f,·r~ ·· Tbl• pmmJ~ wiu IRkfln )llf'rllllV "7 01-a.nie County Dl'm'K rfl\" wlw fnYli.d Butlf'r In hrPRk 1111 h1111ur1· aal p~.tcnt ~ by br1·om1n1: 1h•• tint o.mnc1 AUil N111 1m1AI C'hRll'· mu to •peak in Or1rni.:e O•unt,v. -Harbor Rest Memorial Park Man•olf'um-lnt .. mwnt flardf'tl ... c· .. mrlrry HMh<lr l\f c;f,lrr -- MARINE INSURANCE Kmooth ~allln1t o.tlom!'-Fortc>n R.foalt ~· ("n. 2S2S W. Coa•t Hls:h"a~ Lllw>rtT II·':~\! PARKES· RIDLEY .MORTUARY 1'1t Rro1ut..ay -('< ... ta ''"~• l 'h\•- Stanton Fights Off Annexation COUNCIL REJECTS. LIDO 'DECOR PLAN Plans of Buena Park, Anaheim C11v t'llLinl'll on :"'llv 14 SA .~TA A~A 1 0C'~S 1 StHn· B111·na l'ark ul''' "''••k11 In run tnn r ... 11111• nts rnov1·<1 H Sh'J• 1•11· .in a11n•·>-1tl1••11 1<t111• 1n10 th. """"' •'H•<I f\tundav 10 lhL11r ~rror lE-to ~t·n·--1 111 ,u.·u ~·111ntu11 '"'~ \\llh L,..114 Al11n11tui< tlRhl orf 11nnt'XRt111n IJ\ Htll 1111 ,,1111 l"H'""'' in B lll·•'tly lnll•I· 11' jt'l'l 1 rl i4 plo 8 fr11ru J.111n 8hop~ Asso~111tlon lo .. do ~ .. mdllln1(' 11hou1 <.IP•·o1 aim!( ; I ht' r1ty'~ f1 unt1q.:t' on :-.=t•W· I'"'' Blv11 a nd :1:ln11 St l<•r lht' YUIPU•I,. !W.o'i<IO In hllr • nwnv with rlw l.1•h• Shup~· 'trl•r •• '" "' ••1 111·1 ni 111wtr, Heeter -r•• ••sen• PaYk nn•l Anaheim 11n•l rurm lht•11 Jl'•rHll<in Jll"l'"""I i•·rently Tho1l S·D D•r •r *"1•1 ut11r '" 24 ... ,.," lown I'll\'. 111~\'l• "t'nl O\' thr bo&ril" Th•' count v b<11Jll· !&11~s .•hu1 tly berdr ,, n .. u n • '""~"'' bo11n.i111 .. ·~I County ... l 1 ... ,~t • lt•t t ., ror tht' 111opt•M'J 1·•«111a1t'-1111J.· 11- RabieS Makes Stand A •um 11! SI Jl"r f1nnl l0<1l Miller Return1 ty s>< · dd1111tE> anu ""1 lurn from Chevy Session I H u wclll'I It was p<Jllllt'tl 0111 by SANTA ANA 10 f' N R• I th" \'IJllllllL~111n I h,. • 111 l•Jt, lt•tl 111· ' ' • ' ~ui:i:u•lt a ll w1111 ai;rt'nl 1 he ~an1r mall«1 should be di~· 1·u1111t"I by lhc c11unt·1l 111 nl'Xt lOrpo1.tL1un '"' lutlE>:< tht' ~t11nt~·11 Th. 1 .. 11111 \' h'l11rt1 uf "llf>t'r· Karl Miller. Miller Chevrolet Co., rt>tumed 1 ccently Cron1 Loll An· g elt8. whf're he took part In a ml'etlng of lhe Chevrolet o-ler l"'lannrng C<Jmmltlet tor thlt zone. A Vl' annl'x sl•lll:hl IJy ,\n11h• 1111 11~1111< lrt~l w••rk b11t.'lly •Ii•" 11<11· IJit h1tlf-m1h· 1'W1tth I.le\\\• o·n 01 • 1, d 1111' l"•llllfl 'o 111l,1t'• i.l.lflil 1111 l ani:t' Avt> and 11 lint> 6fill '""' ,,.., idf'd 10 11.i, ,.11111 . with "" • l<Olllh or A1tll melt (')(l('l\1)111)1 2 1, I: Issue Stock Permit ni i11•A t roni Knott r ... ,d tu c;iltJ,~it nuu 1dal,n\' 1nn,u11luf u111 n l tt11pi:HJ • ,. • , • .; •• M1llr r W8J' "lected lo the com· m lltrf' bY ftllow dl'llera under a t18li11nwldt prog-rarn by whlth Chevrolet kt'eps In touch with rt'- 11111 srlllng problem. Jn his po· 11lllon he 1cLt"<.I tu 11pokuma.n for olher Chevrolet dealera in Lhla area. St. 1111:11111,1 1t11• "'~··Il l<.. I SA llAMF:~Tll 1l::'\SI \\ H I llt•lll •I 1 ·11,1111111111 \\·1111• \\'111 rw1 RI• ph•·nMtlfl. i<ti.tt' eurpornt111n emu· St11nt<•11 111 upo'nPll~' ~1•1•k In 111· j 1111>~"m1•r. ll><lny ann1o11m'I' I 111 ant· COi porn It• 1nlu fl t<l.Xlh clR1t1< 1•11 I' '''1"•'1111 .j II "1•' h11 v1• b• 1'11 1111 J init t•I " fl1'11111l 111 01 Rl\1:'' (.'oi.~l \ht' ttr"' ru1111hly b••lln•I•"> tiy l1 11"• 111 1t1IJ11 • 1"1"11•••1 111 ll••I A11 •·"· lnr . 3112 N1-wpml Blv1I Knoll roACl l.lnl'<>ln A1•••. Mai.: 1'"111111 1111 (~1 lh11 \t'n1, 1111.J 1J11 1Vj :-.;'"f")ll Bt'll<'h , lt• llf'll 12.000 nolUt. an1I ChaprntHl A v.-.. u 11i • '"'' ln I \"• ·•• •l'h•t ,~:4 nt !'lurk I. For '56 choose FORD ... America's Favor; ~e Station Wagon! With Thunder&ircl Y-8 power ••• TltunclerbircJ styling ••• ancl exclusive new ~J O.ti91t --~~ Sl•-tttt•",...' Cev"try S.4on l)r,\)!1111t fnt ''""" '\\\u• '' •• t t 11 •f 1 '''' ''th • "'''' v \h lot ''~ f t~• -.If,, r trt••' I '' ~1 '' t ur1l' tuld ulttt tl1t U1•U '\t•t\\ .1\\ .t\ ·• tf I THHI WITH 2 DOOU I I011ch Wogon 1 Lh l,nunl• h .t111 f\\n \\lflf"' ''""'' '·'''" \f'Afc h I" .. ,.\, \, In Hiiu I .,,,.\,I,. h\I j<•tt• ""'' 1.1il ~.oh •''"he "fl<''"tl'tl '"""'> u 1t/1 ""' l .. m1/. \ ''' • \ I HI\" ,f t(lt\U \\,U:11n\ \1 th t1t'IO\'• I ,,,.1. ,J 1., I p " .1. '"' ,..,.'-lJii, 1~ 111ty lo t t111 .. '"''•1h•H' ~ l', h~• r J;, 1unt-.,,-\. l ltht_,..... .... Cett""Y W- ""'"'' 'h h~h than t'l'tr. with IM:W oo'lon .•• •1110111111( lnlf'rinn. Llle lite Country ~11irt, •I h." an easily removahl .. rrar ~Ill. Foor 11• • .,, 111, r t''"Y ace"'• £or all ~laht puK"nlttt.. T hrrr-. mnre than mrt'ts the eye u to why I nr<I ~1.tt1on \\'ajtOM sell more than the t"" r11ro1u r\·Up combiTll'dJ Tbeu Thund tt· l11rtl I>•' 1111 v u app.irent tn all rir mndc!J. Hnt 1111<11·111..;\th that bcAuty th("te·~ I heart 1•( C .( l''-fnr the Thunderhird Y-A mjti~ 1• tlu Tfmlllor<l t'11[ht 111 all f ord Stat.Jon \\ ,1111111\, at no rnra cc>¥t If )"Oii nttd n11v more ri-a~orl' why Ford it voor •111111<ft"l t ~1 ~11011 "'~qun bt1v-look lntn 11c-w L1fcjt1111rd D l >r,11(11 \\h1<•h WRS dM1gni~I For your JllO-/if.=--x-T1 '"'""' ... b '°""d ooly m •h• "36 f0<J }J ~M _ll._ ~- llr "'"' II• "' u 11I • •rf'f'l1tl lhrnugho.ut. ttdr'2· ,j, • 1 II (I.I"' 111(• r •I ll"h ha.• limot"inl' cort>- f, rt 111ol ""',,,I 111md rnll1111 up lb-.,..... .; . Cutto'" lor1ch Wove" .\ I\ l'·""'nll"r l .. ·.rnty thAt rnnW'Ttl in • f(lht 1111' '""" """ry """'In a \111>rr-~pa1 im1~ t•arao ~.Amer. bo) ·lo·drau tnlf'ndr can take it. FORD STATION WAG.ONS TIJEODO•E ROBINS \"Ot ·R PORO ot:ALER ~ISCE IHI -(OS M .. UU:\'ER~ ~Ill.I:) 3100 W. Coast Highway-Newport leach-Uberty 8-3471 ------------mn:"T T\", PClRfl Ttn:,TRr., KRCA (4) mt"R."OAV t :SO l'.M------------ - 8.Alft'A ANA, (OCNS) -Be· fore jurors could ~ aelected, a $100,000 peraon&I Injury damage Al.It wu aetUed ill Sul>tr1or Court Dept. 1 Monday afternoon t o r $MOO. William R. Tritt ot corona del Mar waa the pl"al.nUtf. 'nle de- fendant.a were Perry Faye 8<'0l\, Oliver Scott and Oliver Scott Jr., dol.ng bualnue u Oliver Scott a nd Son of Santa A,na a.nd Norman R. Post and CharlH R. Poat, dol.n& bW11neu u Poat Bl'"othere Trac- tor Rental, 8anCL AnL , The pl&lnUtt broucht lhe action on claJ'"-be bad autfered P41r· m&nent lnjur1ea to the brain and back when hJ• "Ol&upar" eporu car coUlded with an eut.h mover driven by Perry J'aye Scott. The accident occurred on Vic· toria St., about a qua.rt.er mile weet of Placentia Ave., Coeta Meaa. 5-D Day Declared SANTA ANA, IOCNS)-Thf' Oran.ce Cowity Board of Super- vi.on h&I puled a reeolullon de· clar1q Dec. l .... _,e dl1vtnc day" m thu county. HARBORITE'S DAY'S CATCH Ed BabM>n or the Vog-el Co .. •h<!w• a <My'a catch he made a l Acapulco whr re h.a hU ~en vacallonln& wlth M11. Babeon and Mr. a.nd Mn. Don Franklin. Chapman Council Names Local Pair Two Newport Harbor men we~ &tt)ong 33 prominent 1:1Uula named today to the Pre.ldent'a Advt.cry Council ot Chapman Col· lep. according to Dr. G«>rge N . Reevea, pruident of the collere. Inc lhe educational neecl.tl of thl1 rapidly g-rowlnlf aru." The rounc1I will mwt Quarterly wllh the flnt meeunr acheduled tor the evenlnit of Dec. 1 on th• collq-e.. new Orange e&mpua. Flret local appolntffl t~ the council are Robert Cardner, Co· rona del Mar, Judge of the Super- ior COurt, Santa Ana. and S-~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~dJck, Newport ee.ch, publlm · iii u, Newport Ha.rtlor Newa-Prem. In announc.lnc tbe appol.ntme11ta, Dr. RMVN aid, "We deeply ap- preclalc the wllllnpau ot th- communll.Y IMderw \-0 adVille and ua.i.t Oranc• CowllY'• n-tour- ,_, U.,_ral art. coUace ln meet.- IOHN8TONE'8 w..a· AlltO Wreckers 11M4 ..... l'arta ... A.-ortee 1615 PleoeaU. Ave. ...._ ... LI o.Ma..._ NEW M•slngwear. Flec:to-Flash Sport Shirts • Re{kd lteadlllhU • FlaM a brilliant warn"-1 tc motorL1t3 • Prevent night-time accident~ .'ilinrt·Mt!l't<r, $29~ rflllor 11yl•. JINf 2-/2 SAorl·Nf"t.W C~Mrelt •t}lt, $1.95. t•lll l ·JI Fltct.-lloslt "extras" for,,.,, I\"" M """"· ,-.11.~ ....... ,,,, ... $1.65 I("",..,,,. (HW" tlH /11• oil $1.65 floc:A• ...... • ,,,, 10..., M>; Here·a new Nfety ll'WUr'Al)(!e for your children 1 1 t J'l.s7ro.~ Sport Shirt.II knit of fine combed cotton and a new II~" ~ u lled .. Flect.on"g,. Tiw:M M.ndl'Ome. c:omforta.ble ahfrtli 5Mtl • brilliant warn.inc to motomta on dark roedw1yt111.nd pedeatrian ~inlf"I' ..• 11lowin1t Ow drivtt to aee 11.nyooe in the path ol bll hl'.adhithtll from a iv.~ ltoppin( dilat.a.noe •••1· s.nd Jom ttblldrm a.. to-«hool in rtafcty with Mun11inpear'a rzcliuiot ~ Sport srurt.. Lonir and lhorWJeeve n ylel!; aiJiel S.20s tt.11 to elA We Give S&H GrHn" Stamps ,,..,. """ .. "'' ... ""' «N• IN. life"'"""" Opell S•clay , 10 to I NIWPOIT llACH W ... Days OM .. rt ... .._ N ..... -9:15 to 5:45 0. .. 0-............. iJ' ~~ ' ,. S PEcrAL OCCASION for Friday Afternoon ' Club J uniors wu the initiation of 22 members in the clubhouae with Mrs. Willard Bailey , pre.ident and Mr., Larry-Blodgett, member.hip cbAinnan, in charge. Above are (L to R), Mme.. William Adami, Glenn N. Baa.sett, Hugh Bolton, Rollo Butler, Warren Collins. Bailey, Norman Wat.eon (Southern Diatrict president of Junior clubs), Richard Chappelle, Thomas Cox. Robert Creeley, Mias Loia Holme• and Ml"'I. Theodort' R. Houser. 1J · • OTHER END OF TABLE ahowa 1L to R) Mrs. R. M. Lighthold<:'r, Miss Elise Morrison. Mmes. Roger Neth. Norm an Watson. Reuben Day (presidenl of senior F.A.C.), Lyle Van de Walker. Victor Powers. Robert Trusty and RobC'11. Tomkinson. Mn1. Wal!ion is presi· dent of Southern Diatrict Federation of Women's Clubs, J unior Membership. Also present was Mn . Lloyd Mallory president of Orange County Feder&· lion, Junior Membership. Staff Photos NEWPORT HARBOR F AUbKNER .&_CLARK WEDDINGS IN NEWS MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Edit:or PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 FIVE IN RITUAL PLEDGE TO BETA SIGMA PHI UNIT Wagner Dau~hter to Wed, OCNS Reporter is Bride Mr. and Mrs.· Nicholas ~agner, 4-03 39th St., are announcing the engagement of their daughter, Mrs. Donald B. Faulkner (Mary Wagner) to Charles C. Zamora, 313 21at I St .. Costa Mesa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Zamora of Santa Ana. I T he ntw11 wa3 l1r11l revealed al B~n Davi• Martin, both rel.au:\ a chnner for both tamllle• llt tht> lrom m~w8p8pt>r duUu. Mra. Mar· The Beta Sl.(mll Phi pl~dge ritual wu i;t1\'en tn hvt' nt>w I Zamon1 homc In Santa Ant1. lln 11 the !vrmer Car mela Thal11 .. N 17 h .r.t E I Ch l l l K d ·~ I Chu k. rluughter of lhe Karl Brl· memuer• ov. . w l'n u p111 on BJl •·r uw 1t l'nnr Y • "Chu•·k" Zamora 111 capta..-i o! the gandls or Cartlrn Cro\•e and Or· restaurant. Co11ta MN111. !or its pledge banquet M11ts Louise yad1l Obsen.·tr. hi" !lane~ '" a I ange County Newl! Service re· I Oliphant. vlce·pru tdent. wt>lcomed lnlo the cha pl• 1 U11 follow · gru1t111tte nur•t M St Joseph Hoa· ii<>i t~r tor that c:ity. ln1 pledru: I p1t1tl. Mis" Clark and the 110n or Mr1 I Mmu Robert e .,nnell. John Raga11. Ch•ry Staur J uhn" A lhurd1 Wt'ddlng 1s plannt<I. John ~ll•rtln of Hullyda le and the Buan.. and John Negua. After thl' b11nqut'l. tlw ni·w mem· with rtrl'ptwn lo follow 111 the late Mr. Marun were married n.ra rece1v~d their pins al a can<11r lighl r ervmony rondurted Elk8 l'luh I Nov !ti. Bolh a 1 e tmployed by by tht prHldenl, Mra. Jar k a . Qulst•nb<'rry. She WA• IU•l<llll!'d I ('A RMt:l .A CLARK the lndtpt>ntlenl·PreSll Tele&"J'llnl. bl'r or Alpha Sigma Chi. Ha """" ed In the U.S. Naval Air Corp. 111 World War 'u . SUPER.VALUES • SUP-OVER SWEATERS and CAIDIGANS R.efularly 18.99 and au>.H SPl!iOJAL l OO<)(o M.-t Orlon -llAT<llllNO- ... OON'TllASTINO Skirts and Slac:lls by Miu Martha Oehlerklng and Mn•. Jamu B Taylnr. b<>lh 1 Thi" will hf' the !Intl Th:rnl<11· j JOt·n~Al..Jl'IM FR AT paal pruldtnls ot lhe chapter. Mri<. Robert Hendrraon, prt'l!I· giving holll1av for Mr. and Mr• Tht b11tle wu r raduated from 6~~ -----a l'enn11ylvanl11 high 11chool anti dent of Omicron ftho Chapl<'r. wu lhe honor1•ll gu<'sl. j . from lia nla Ana College whtr<' The chitplt'r r1ru enied a Bela S1gm11 Phi crt'llled .b11by Dick F erguson Home p llhe Willi a •ne111t>('r of Bela hi genn apoon to Mrs. ·Rodney T roller for h<'r new sun, J ohn !kull 1 Richintl 1-'t!l Rll~fln. ~nn or the Gamma. nuttnnaf honorary jour· c; A Beta Sigma Phi bride'• lr11y wa11 1t1v1•n lo ~u Ep111lun 8 r.,..011 p ,.1J:u1tnn:-. ~~3 Santa Ana nalism fratnn1ty. Her huahand n~w bride, Mra. Gltnn W&lmutt. Avt . 111 home on a 2-wrelu fur· wu r ra1111atffi from Fremont Hll h Cuual FullJ0118 The next mHUng -. cha.nged lo IHt· 1 Al th~ hom .. ,.,, lough from F"cirt Ont. Young Ff'r· $('hool. Loa Anrelu and from 188S Jlarl>or OcMta )(- Miu Ma.rlha Oehlt'rklng. 920 C\ay Sl. gu.11on up~C'tlt t u ~ mualered oul Compton Collere where .... WU <>P"'l Frt. nu 9 u 8-'7566 ---------------------------! u_r_th~ lltrvit·r m December 11tuJenl body pruld:e:.:_nt~•:.:_n:d:_::m.:::e:_m:.:.·~============~ AT LEG ION HALL REPUBLJCAN WOMEN were rue-ta at a tea in the beautiful home of Mn . William Fisher. 163 Bhoreclltf Road. Above. Mni. Fisher pours tor Mra. Rich· ard Teachout while Mn. Cladya O'Donnell await& her tum . -Statt Photo Ebell Club Art S ectio 11 Holds Exhibit and T ea Will Wed· J. D. Blue Mr a nd Mr11, Cha rlu W . Fin· ley or S"n Oltgo are aM ounclnc the engagement and coming m.ar· nage ot lhclr daughter Pamela to Jerry D. Blue. '°" ot M r 1. H enry Sllferl. 2289 P11cl!lc Ave .. Coala Mua and Da ll•• K. Blue of HunUn(ton Beach. The brld,·elttt wu grsdual~ from Polnl Lo"• HIJ h School. a t- tPnded S11n Diego lStat t C\'.>llege and Un1v .. r•1tv or Cahfnrn111 Los Angtlu .-11mpu.s She wu art'lll· ateil w1lh Alpha Clu Omep aoro- rily The futurt btnedlct b a native of :-;ewport Besch. wu icr•Juated from Stwport Harbor \;nlnn Hlfh School a nd attended Orangt Cout Colle1e btfore jolnlnr lM U S. Navy. He Is preaently in bus1nee1 In 81nta Ana. A quiet December Wl't1t11Ju: 18 planned PAMELA FINLEY Mrs. Crego 111 Mr~. Ethel Crego o ( w .. t Oct'Kn Front 11 r~rtl'd In fa.Ir C'lndlt1on a l Hoag lfo11pltal wlleN lh~ Wll~ talctn l&.!l week at t er / •uffl'rlng 11 heart attack. Mr 1. C'T~iro wu one of Ult nrat chll· dr,.11 born In N Pwport Beach, ber father havlnr ~n nwnw of ~h,.11•• Huie\, <'•ll nn of 12nd St. •n•l \\' HRll'"" Alv.t DINNER EVENT ESA Initiation, Pin -Presentation Amen can Ltglon tt.11 wu U1e, ~reencn· 1'11 a.. 81 .u11.ll pow eJ 11etttnr; Nov. 17 for Ole annual Conlnbutinj.!. to lht ahowlng art uhlbtl tu •ponlOrt'd b y Ult W4"r~ Mrr11·~ \\ I': Hourk. Char· lell F,silon, Krnl A ndn>wa. Verna Ebell Club. All m'mbera or Ult Wadleigh. t' M :"<wion r arllnn an S('Ctlon. wnh thalrman. Mni Enflt>lil. L>umthy Buk H o r a l"~ I.Awls Mallhlu. ahowed their WA· Parkrr, JllinP• IJrown. s T . Wll· ter color• durlnr the aflem oon llam11• J w Hnrlley. Ml\llhlu. P before a larre and a ppreciative A. r t'rTll'r Th•imu Baumt. H r EptUon Slgma Alpha 1<>rority initiated nine pledge. group. Joen lrvlnr f Mn. Rexford I Crall( A n l.ynrh. w. M Bii· and eight members received J'eweled piu at a dinner meet-Bra.ndl. natlonally known wstPr I vr n and C M. n e .. .kln11. colorl"t or Corona del Msr. In· -----ing Thunday, Nov. 17 in Balboa Bay Club. Husband• aln.icta the nt Mellon memb4era. New Girls Apparel at Club Shop were preaent for t he ceremonlea. The p11:turH lined three wall• Pledgta lncluddt MmH . J . J . Jtweled pin mf'mb4era wtre of "the room &nd mt.dt' a n et· Barbeau, Burton B«k. Jl'rank Mmu . Melwood B,rry. Clart nce fl'C'llve baekrround !or the tea Clendenen. J C Humphrlu . Har· rtdler. Rn Bell. Richard Smouse. ta ble. lovely w1lh appointment& Startinit ;l:o1v 2~ lht • S11v·•· old Silaw, Krln opher Schull%. F. I Smith. Clarenre Lute1. L Z. Of 111Jver and lace and hJgttUrhted bit" Th11fl ~hop. c·ondul'ted by lhl' Clal"'nce S SmrUt, J. A. Klbbard. Taylor. F. N. Thayt'r. by a ctn~trplr<e of Ironwood. Olrlll' Club or lh~ Ha1 l>or Area a l and Donald E Hunt. Mn. Edward Bract , pre,.idenl, fl~tn .QI autumn ,huu and 2206 N .. wport Blvd. CMl.a Mr~B Mesan Honored by L.A. Firm pru ldw• a l the r itual and lnduc-will rtmt1n < ptn <•n F ridays ltd lht pledgu and Mn. lA4 Second Clark Girl from 9 :30 I\ "' lu 4 I' m TUt'1'· Stroup and M u . Oeori-• Bnbei.-day hour•. fr11111 11 :iu lo t 11nol Ian preaented the plna. Mr. and Mra. \Varren Clark, 1750 SalurdayM from i. :lO IJ m t•J In addition to the huaba.nds two Ocean Blvd. are parenla or a noon. will remain th1• AAnll' Lllrlo!<' f UHla were preaent.. Mlu Vtlurl& daught er, bom Nov. 19 In Hoag aloc:ks nf new app1trel havf' tw~n Rice and Mra. Sam CT&wtord. HOlll>ll&l. She welJhe<I 7 Iba. She addtd lo t h.-~hop lncl11<hng b&by HarbOr area Olrla Club hU hu a al•tt r Nancy, 16 montha. clot.ho, blo11•<'11. baby 11hof'11, itlrl11' bffn cha.en u philanthropic pr~ Maternal (T&ndparenta a re M r. and Oal..8, 1k11 t~ nnol "w~ater11 P ro· jecl for the year and will be pre· Mn. Robert Stabler, 1722 ~t ct eds from th" ~h••p nr,. lli<Pd lu 1tnled wllh $100. Oil Dec. I~ th• Ocean F ront I rurlher al'll\·1t•"i< ''' lhf' t lub I rou p will have a "'1 Ct wra pp1ng" p;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;_ __ .;a.. ____ .;.._..;. Jtffrt y !.... Powera. 15U Beryl Lane. Costa Mea&. wu rec111tly honored by hl1 Clrm. lht Lumldor Manufarlunnr Co. ot Loa Anre· lea. by btlng appolnt~d aec retary· tr~uurer He wu roMT1erly a1- Kl11tt.nl controller. had &190 eervtd with lh" company In Pa.nnayl· van1• Tbr Powt r1 family rrcently MHlon from S to 11 p. m . &t the Berry bomt. l'I01 Cliff OTiv ... with refTUhment.a Hr"Ted w hile pack· &«• an wrapped tor a mode11t price. Proceeds wm be al111td to lb• project tund, a pit and cake aale on Nov. 11 belnf[ the at11rter. ll wall a nnounced. olivatti moved ln Co1ta MeM. Include• Vicki. l and Jeffry David. :I, a klndrrg11rlPn 1l\ldent Ill Harbor View school. Dt.r1clng-complel'd t he evening. 1 Mr• Powera had a rt r tnl wtl· I come home dinner at Ca~teway11 Club for her molhf'r, M n David Mesans in Colorado 1 Alll1on I Symon, 297 Palmer St . Mr. and Mra John Trautwein on return oC lhe lallu from a of 16l Broadv.·ay. Co~la Mua. ldl 1 two montha' slay In her natlv~ Monday for a 2·Wel'ka' vl'll at !colland and In l!:ngla.nd • Lonrrnont. Colorado 1 ;;;;;;;::;;~~;=.;;~;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;; Piano .!Jndlruclio11 TERESA RENNER (Mrs. A. Renner) AceepU.1 a Umltecl •11111ber of pupU1 for plaao Coecert PlanUt of 1'11~ ConUllenl• Graduate 8t9CIH t of Bela B&rtok U6 Serra Drtve ' Ph. Har. 2039 Coroaa HJgbluds -Corona del Mar JEWIUY FIOM mATES AYAILAILE If yo" •re tffking Jewelry Items thet .,. Scerce ' let us mow ••• We mey Buy It For You • n:wa.&1' B(){;OllT • e Ste.rt l'oar a uilltmu ta.J·A•&Y ~OW IOlllTS JEWELDS us11 Na.rt .. Au , - f the :111ly l•llr INdomatla ,,,..11,.,, calculator 1 loi< 1111iquf ell-~ -..claint aulomaticall7 multipliea and di- • idu . ia alao a .,,_t 1 10.lit'y adding machloe, with dil"Kt 11Ub- trad.ioa., aui-tic ettdit b&J. an~. tGt&1a ud aub-tolalt print· I'd iu ftd, and many other fea- ture&. TIM printtd I.Ape proTidn • perma.M1ll ~. quick and euy lo cbeck and to alt.Ilda t.o work pa ptu. Lowe1l ana•al ... t~ ooirt. r mmedialt ct.- liYtry. Flft dnnoiutratlOCI your offic.r. What gift grows bi gger and better every day ? Thert't one ChnstmaJ gift you can give your wi(,, daughter or &on-or. indeed. )'OUrxlf llut will benefit your whole family. And you'll ha~ lM added pleasure of watching 11 ~ b1ggrr and better Chmtma~ aner Chmtm&J 1 ~girt is a ~·ing1 account in an in,ured Sav· inr and Loan Auoc1a1Jon. You can slart ~ flUr accoun1 "1th u liltle " SI to S ~ and .-,h111 ~ttcr "I)' of using your C'hmtm:n honus mone) lo hrJt ad\antagc? fffrr 1Mr nMWWY It ... rt. In thete A~X)Qltiont. )OUI $1\ IOI?\ art rrnt~ted "Y .ound manap- mcnt and ~u~tan111J rc't'I"\ t\. ~v arc in~ured up to S 10.00> m th' I cJtr:il Savi~~ and \.<lan l n5uran c ( orporaunn .111 agency of1he U.S. vo~mmcnt. llttt )'00 df-81 ttlth r"""9ty, H~ Pf'Ollle. R~f'l>n\lhlc people.. People who Ir.now how 10 make }our mOnt") rt:ill' Mori.. for you. So lh11 ('hmtma' do \Ol'TICLh1n,!: )011·11 be glad ~ c>u did every < hrn&· lllll' to come <•rc:n a ,., rnp ICCO\lnt 1n an 1n\Urw ~~'mg• and Loan A•\Oo.:1a11on H«T YMI' l80My trillal n~lleflt """""· Re· aut1 1t.c A~~1a11on• in•c't ~t of rheir ru.uda In IOUJ:ld. 1tc&dy·pay1111 homel"<>rtc•ga. 'NEWPORT· BALBOA SAVINGS • •nd LO }N ASSOCIATION ~ P. A P&lmer Pre\•dent s f.: lido H•rbor '4200 BEACH CALIFORNIA 3366 Vi• NEWPORT .. !'l ,0110,000.00 Membt>r of the Savinga and Loan Foundation. lnr. KIJH1H111r ,,r p11,, ailvcr t 1"4:m<·nl in LIFE, SATuRDA Y EVEN JM; PU:-iT & Tl ~tl·: -' ( l . · IN THE OBBl8TMAS TOUR o! bomea aponaored by Santa Ana A.u~nce League ia the Lyman Farwell home, 1124 Ea.tt Balboa Blvd. Not only the houae but the gara&e, lanai and terrace will be aglitter with Yuletide decor while the paneled library will feature a traditional family acene with 11tocking1 lined up along the fireaide walt.J.nc for Saint Nick. The tour ia 2-8 p. m. Dec. 3, 2-6 p. m. Dec. 4. include. the E . D. White, J. V. Evan.a and J . A. Harvey homes at Santa Ana. Above are local members of the league, Mmet. Tevis Weatgate, (aeated). Leland Finley and Warren Wilaon. -Stall Photo OCC PRESENTATION Musical Progrrun 1 for F AC Melllbers Including atudent groupa from Orange C-0ut College, I .. an afternooq o! muaic wu featured at the m~ting o! the Costa Meea Friday Afternoon Club Jut week. Choral I,, , number by the Men's and Women'• glee clube, a tenor aolo. 1 / "0 Lord Most Holy" by Jack Kennedy, a soprano aria by 1 Sarah Metcalf trorn. th• comtnr Chrl•llnM production at O,C c .. "A mahl and .the Ntrhl vi.ttorm." were t .. ture number•. lncorporat· tnc unu11ual t one tomblnatlon• and rhythm•. "Amahl" i. a contempo- rary Amer1can o pera written for tell'vl11lon about tour year• ago by Oain·C&r\o Menlottl. VAIUED PROOKAM ton, Edward Lew111, Lyle V1111 de-I Walker. Carl Mclnl«. Richa rd Chappelle and H . J. Cooper LYNN PE ASE Receives "Shin• Wherf' Yo<lfirt>,'; an ln- aplratlonal rudlnf. waa r;lve:n by Mr• Arlle Swartz and ltfrti A.,u . Small 1polte , on period• In · C1t11· fornla hlatory. f"act.e a bout Ui. Alnerlcan Con1lttullon and tht haz.ard• 1urround1nr t he •ll'flert Number• prN«nted by the Wo-of the Declaratlon ot lnt1epend· z t 'Z' men'• ChorUJ! werf' "f'e:ter Piper," tnce were related hy Mrll Lton•NI I on a "0 Lord Mo1t Holy" ancorporal· Log1den. Ing thr trnor IKllO and "So'• I Mr•. Calla \'tele reportl"I on thf' Can Wrllf' My Name." a Nl'r;ro Southern Dl1trtct board mHtlnr f • N 111plr1tual. The Me:n'I C:horu• J!ilnl' In C.:alnlco lut week Shf' WU ac· or ov e "I.el Thne 9,. M1u11c · "Battle c-ompaml'd by Mmt>s J C Pa)'""· Jlymn of lhP Rt'publl<'" 11nd Winona J Sh11vf'r •ml Nelllr M • •·Marth1n1 to Praelor1a." a South Hoder. Mni. Shtnnan Salter re-Lynn l'rase. M'n1or Bl Xewport African folk .one with a four· ported on the OrangP County Hnrbor High School •nd tlaughttt hand Plano accomnan(maAt Thl' F h of Mr. a nd Mra. Hnrvty Pu._•4' of .--· .... ederallon mu ting in Ana t>lm. z rer1•lar accompa.ntat. Uoyd Hol~-Balblla bland. WM chOAt'n · unl4 11:r:fff', wu &JMttatf'd by Donni! SCHOLARSHlf' Cir I of lhr Month" fnr Nnw ml>er llamlllon from tht women'aSTOUP Boto-.·al datr of tht F' A C Shr rtttlVf'd htr "Z pin ='n" Ii ln lh• numbu nuraeii acholanhlp at Cniut rol· at Utt> high ~l'hnnl from M ra Ar · Commlttei' mrmbf'rs and chAlr· l•11:e hM ~n Sf'l for P't>b I the thur Thron""" < hn11m•n m rn aeatt'CI Al the head luncheon pr1!11ldl'nt announced, and drl'W ChoMn on tht b1.~111 ••f lPadf'r · table werP lntrodurt'd by Ole •llenllon to Safi' DT1vinr dey llft ahlp, fr1t>ndllnt11ll. drprn lnb11tty. prt'stdr nl Mrl! Rtubf'n Dey !>fr• [)f'(' 1 '"'" rKt>nUy !'n1t.clt'd bill. n nenra.' of char11< t,.r t1n1I 11mbl· R d l m•klRI( it a mll!dPmf'Anor to lion. Lynn ha• 'ti Vt'd un th,. Pau! H obt'ru. \'l<"l' preAt l!n · throw ru~rrnm a <'llr 11nrf 111-l o1rl A t.e1uue l;abtntt "" fr,.•h· wu prr11ented. 111 wer" MmH "' Winona J, Shaver of thf' Club \Pr the hlghw11ya, waa rlt>r la1 l'd I man and l00phomu1e. "''" u lll'C· F:chou alaff. Harry Welton 0 11a mllutonl' In t hr end•1wo11 ot rf'tary and prtttt•l~nt <if <;1 r r 1 the celllnic <'ommttlf'l'. J•y B. Wa-orga.nlz.at1on11 which hAvf' bun ad· l~agur . 111 11cllvl' in 0 A A 11nt:I lrll of l hf' Chib F.:r hou. Ray l V()('atlnf 9uch 11 meuure for ~ar11. I.hi' l'lp11111ah Club 1i-.\ Junior Hrrt~l,.r. lnt!'m t1Llont1I rtlaUoNI; 1t waa 1111nounc•d lhf' not club rtprt>11i•nLAlf't:I thr l-l 11?h Srhr>nl a t Albt'rt F: .lohn..oo. publicity ; mttllnc on Dec 12 would opl!n Olrl'11 Sta tr 11nrt 111 p1ra~n1 la Thomiu L. Arnwn. mtmbn,.hlp; with bre&kf&sl at ll Rm F.Ar h Hnrbor'11 1rprt'11l'nlHll\'P In t'llll· a nd f:. I. Moorr , <'llt1I M'rllon member Wllll urgf'd lo brlnir " fornl11 A11110<'1&INI Sti1r1•11l C'nun· .1t ·~IOR!'4 l'IER\'J; Chrl•tm111 irlft Mr "\hi' nef'dy rll Lynn 11 lso 1 N'l'1Vrtl •nothfr t.unrhPon w1"' 11tn'f'<I hy mf'm· hf'rl nf thf' Junior F A C group. .Mr1. \\'1llutl Rnlley hullr<l a com· m1tll'I' romrn.\ll'•I m11lnly ot rt>· r C'ntly lnillllll'<I j11nlnr member' T he>1'C' h"lr1ng w!'re Mm ... Lury nl0<lgt11. ·'"" Rayltu. Rorer :\"~th. l..f'.11 HnrriAnn, Clllvln Nf'W· Portland Matron Visits Mesa Kin honor thl~ p1111t wl'Pk w hPn 11ht was not1fll't1 lhr [) A H h" d rhu•t'n hr r lo rui-1v1• l h<' D /I. R Go•>•I C1ttlen11h1r "w11r1I '1yln1t flown llllll wet'k<'nd fnr l - - 11 week'1 vaca Uon stay In South· T ·SGT. ALBERT F' CA~fP· nn California. Mra, Marjorie Ca· BELT .. ~An Bf'rnnrthno t1n Rlmr°\fll ry Cht>~l'more of Porl111nd. Ori .. t11t11I two-pa rar hulf' n1111ur "We r on. llJ>"n1 Sunday at th,. hOmP of hit l\anltt than u11ual. thrn th• hn sunt and unl'lt . Mr 11nc1 Mr11 oth"r ~1y ('Omt• up, WI' 11hake Albf'rt E J nhnl!IOn. 400 W Wll110n hands Tha t'• all JUl!t roulmf' .. NEWPOltT HAllOR·NEWS.PltESS -'ART I · PAGE 5 WEDN~A Y, NOVEMIEll 2J, 1955 Roger McKinnon . Reception Held Mr .. and Mrs. Chamberlain Ent~rtain for'Newly-weds A post-nuptial riceptJon honortq. Kr. and Mra. Roger McKinnon wu held at tbt home of the bride'• parents. Mr. and lira. C. Robert Cbamblrlltln, 368 Flower St., Costa Me11&., with 100 gue9t8 otf.-IDI felJcltatlona. The brld• la the form• Ml• decorated wtth irwana, wu •«'"· Milllcent Chamberlaln aad Iba ed .,,. Mt• X.Ulertne Waltl'ra. WH rnarrtt'd to the eon ot Mr. Mra Vlncent de Mello and Min and Mrm. Chart.. McKinnon i:! Sandra Chamberlain. a unt an <1 Corona del Ka.r on A~I'· 29 In •l•ter ot the bride eervt>J pun<'h Vesu. the nupUala kept aecl't't and M IM Jacqu~ll~r df' lo• Rio• until recmUy. poured ~-«' Miii.ti Dllhe \\'ti· nA>WZJl8 OP HILO Ham• {n harge Clf th1• ftUl'•t Th• uvmr room wu decorated . ror the oceMlon by Mra. Johll Gill A • lrft thry wtrt blddfon wilh w h I le chryaanthemum11. farew ell b Robf'rta. ynuni:f'r 11ls· wt'ddlng bell. and white t.apera. ter of the brldr. ""'' twin• JuJy Strauss recording• provtded back· and Trudi Nuzum. (?OWld mualc. The brlde wu educated at New· The brtd• wu born ln Hawaii port Harbor H lch School, Ari· and her sr&ndparentA, Mr. and sona State and Orance Coul \&a. E. A. Jmtt ot Hilo eent Coller-. her hllllband at Harbor over quanUUu ot orchid• an d "'"' and Ora nre Coaal. He I• camaUon. ln let. and for cor-pt-nUy employed at Bank of ....... wom by the ~ couple. Am•rtc&. Balboa bran th •. their parenta and thoH uet.tlnr. The couple ta al home ln Cor· F or the reception th• n-Mra. oae del Mar. McKinnon wore a red dotted wlllt• orpndy redlnpte· o "' • r 1t.rapleu red taffeta and a wtll carnation lei. ,,.... Cbamberlatn choae a bel1• knit IUlt wtth brown acceuortu and Mn. McKJJinon an avocado faille irult. Both mother• complemmt.ed the l.r ccwrtum• wtlh double orchta corape. llEO&Pl'ION AID The Uer.d wedd1nc cake, top- ped wtlh a bride and rroom and A Br lUal) explorer, Captain Jamu Cook, wu flrat to alcht th• Ice m ... 1urroundln1 Antarc· Uca. durtns a elrcumnavlpttnr tnp la 1 TTO. PARENT EDUCATION PANEL Bonnie R. Biescar SL1\1:~~1 .. ~2: ~('~l~~,o~~h~?~c~~I Is Wed in Denver life will featur~ Lhl' par('nt education meeting ror all parents or frPllhllh'fl 11IU1 ... ntN Ill :-.'('Wpflrl llO!bor -nlon High l)l•h()••I on :-\ov. 30 at i .30 r 111. in lhe 11chuol !>0<:1a.I hall. Three m.,rnll< ns ur th .. fal'ully, Hobert Mai;nu11!1<.Jn, dean of boys. M1:1 1-;11••11 C111 ir11r phy .. ll·a l educ~t1on lmunwtor and Floyd Hat rymrrn. fclu(·allonal rounl!4'1or 11n~ 11rlenre tt':l~hr1-. wtl I l" k" pA 1 t in th(' ptllwl. Two 11r nlor11, Bob DI'· Lonr anti Ly11n l't•ui.r. will 11lso pnrl1c1pnt c. Such ucllvtt1e11 "111 lJc cnvere\.I a11 <lallng 1u111 thf' socrnl 11rt1 vll1u of ntnlh 1<radeh1, nllowanc••• nn<l lhf' use or the fa.mflv c•r Requlr1·n1tnt" for roll1·ge prr p11rnto1 y cour~~ and ~ther flt-lrl11 "Ill bl' rxplatne,1 u w1•ll 11!1 lilt' 8\'llllable 11chqol clubs An•I how to JOtn tht'm. Qucsl1on11 mny aJl!O bo; written from tht' audlC'nt't' 11nt1 "111 bf' a1111wcrr1I. MILLER SON First Baptism Sunday a t Episcopal Mission It W&IJ in the Lutbel'an chapel in Dennir', tn a floral setting of white carnationa and red romebuda, that Mill Bonnie Ruth Bieecar, daughter of Mr. and Mn. Jo.pla Steven Bicscar, 20081 S. W, Spruce An., Santa Ana, plighted troth with John Edward Milla, ~c of Lowry Air Force Ba11<'. 10n of Mr. brim ot lace and 11&Un and Iba Md Mrll-Rl<hllrd H . Milla of can1ed & circi.t of whlt. cania· Everett. MA.II. __. MOTHt:R A1Tl:SD8 UONI a.lld red roMbuda ...--.- Mrs. Ble11ca r wa.a prcacnt for a white prayer book. Mn. Claience MartlA &ltended the crrcmony, pt'rlormed by Chap-th• bride, -rine rOM beil°• taf· l11ln Waller Raur, In which the feta ln cocktail I~ Ber now· bride wu given in keeplnr by er. were white c.amaUona and Cla.ren~ M&rtJ.n, &el1.n4r tor her plnk tea r-. rather. "' ... ...,... '1elt lr-:~~llh0~rt:~t; =~nln::. m::.--1 AT llOIOI M 11hort •leeved and with rounded KrL _,. ~ la wel· necl<Une. and a full •klrL Her 00~ SU-U at UM aputmmt short veil wu held by a halt ot Ua• ,.C>U.q couple, 1JOO .Adame St.. Denver. 8he wu r owiaed ID gTMn jeney wtt.ta brown b&.t and accueort• and co1"MC9 of ntt• t amauon. and pink tea roM1. Santa Clara Senior Brin gs Honor of bo:lng t 11 :<l t h1IJ t•> be '"" mur ntng l!Pr\'lt e In l hP I lar· G bepl1ud at lhi' fll'W Custa ~lt'M bCJt An a 811)~ Club. House uests Eplt1Cnpal Mts,11m I!"' t< tu Donald A 11 "nl:l'flll'nl, fut lh.. baptism I The nrw Mra. liW1a wu fT'&d• uated from :Newport Harbor B1a'b School and attended ~ ~ Coll•I'•· Her hW1band w u rrad· uated from ~ ... u m"' 8c!lo01 and Lowry A.tr rorce 8-Tedi· nlcal lnatruct.on 8cboot Fr1rnklln M1ll .. r. 11 1110111h1t "IJ , ,.,. .. b.·ml( miul.-by ~fr:'!. H.on~y J .ick \\'1ltlC', !Wln of J.fr . and Mr!!. !!On uf Mr. and M il< ft1oll1•1f I. S••f'lt'v, wh11hra 114 tl1C' Altar t;111hl j.l<ohn D. \\'il•fr, -tl:.? 38Lh 81, 18 Miiier. 10 13 Lin•l"n l'l>t• •' 1·,J,l·• 1 for U1e new m11\'41\ln. 11, me ln'lm Sliflla& C"ll\ra Umver· MeMi Thi' R»v rtot'lt'rl 1;111'"1'1' Oom1IJ'14 go1lp8r('nl.q "Ill 111• > 11 v for thP Th1u1k•gwtng holld11y Sr of r,,rnn11 r14'1 M11r 1111,.run ~11><i< Jo \\'righl ''' Alt11d .. 11.t anil with thrrc fellow 11tu1ll"nlll 88 vw111 "'" tlff1t h•I •· ul llw Ill(' th,. ~fl'~I" Don1lld I, ,\ndt•1,.on of t..'tll~ll' Thrv &re Pnul ConrRdO, nn Sunday Ill 11 :lO H 111 P• ~"•'•I· (,,C)M A ni;:<'.,.11 a.nll Jl11ll H nyn<':< of Hon l lt'\'lnr1•nzl a n J Oou1lu Dist. Officer Addresses CdM Women Allncll'nl\ ant! 81111\lui:a 1Callr t. Ln 1n all nf l'nn F ranCllll'O. \\'1t11l'S"'ll!: fh(' hupl111m will h•·1 ·Jnr0k, n. s1•nlor, I:< pre11ldenl ot n11nnld'11 4-yc•:tr·olll lm·thPr. Rn-the MPchanlcal Englnurlng 101'1· h!'t 1 J 1 ""'' 21, yP1u-olil 111•f1•rJ··~'. rdltor Clf lhe t'nJ:lnePr lng pa· Jol••f' , pi>r, n1rlooni11t on th<> Santa C'lfl· Alll•nrhn!:' l!Ulllt" wlll be ~tr11. r:in. t •H~aptllln of lhf' WTt'lltllnf L \\'. M1llrr. Ln" Angrl••s. pnt .. r-11,·am, rna1ur In lhf' H 0 T .C. and nAI 1:rnnJmulhn; ~tr. """ Mrs. 11 111rm~·r of I.hr ~nn• lllary 80- F11111k B Yunkum Jr. Alt.1•h•nn. <'IPty, mcmbl'rii nf which &Tf' ll<'r· Mra. B R Mr l-:l<lnn· prr11tdt'nl m11l1 rn"l J:rDntlpnr,.nl•, ~lrll. \\. vf'r:< 11l tarlv .Ml\AA. of thf' F'rllnw•h•r nf C:uog1 l'R'•lllOt1· 0 . F:1m r•11n, TllJUnJ.:·• m;1trrn11I a or short VACATION at Palm Springs Las Ve«JCIS or FrancliCO We plan your Acc:omodationa Larp or Small Corona del Mar TraYel Senlce Orchid a Cout Hwy. Barbor 1246 NNEL 11 Woml'n of Suuth .. rn ('1htorn111 J:r""' ,_1nndmothrr; Mi~" H r th Birthday Party and thP Southwl"i>I told atinut I Yook11m. Altn<lena. nunt: An ii work "' y,•om•n '" lh~ I hurrh !.\fin Mirh.tl'I 11nc1 :'l.'wh••la~ y , ... at Mesa H ome wh .. n ahl' adcln·~""'' th" \\"111•·n':• k111n. nunl &ml undr'I r·C Alt •lr'>ll A !amllv blrthrlny partv wu Fellowshtp fll ('0Mn11 tlrl ~111rCom·I Al-.o 11ltPn l1rg Y.111 bl' ~I · .r• l ht>l<I at thC' Juhn PuC!enbariter munlly Churt'h She "u 1n1 mc111r· nml ~lnlf ~ J uhn Cr.1mcr. Suut h homP, 26i2 club Mr1a Pl . Friday ed by M rs 011\'f'r ~f l'11mpht>ll. 1".1..J\JC'na. John Dund.18 rin•I S. P.. ,.,.1 ning hon< rtnl( t.hf'lr ion Jack program chairman .\tr~ Stuart Ch<'•h1n, J.;1ll Ani.:-rlt •. J im.rs 111· 1 l'ufff'nbari;f'r. •·ollowmic dtnnrr A Dll'hl, vlcP ptt-"1dtnl prr1<1tlf'•I i;r Id l" 1·11·11 I• na 1.-1 \\ tli.:llt large birthday u1ke trnd candlea Carelully Selected Applicants lor Particular Employers Mra. Campbf'll pn -.·ntrd m a A lta•I• 11.1 anti .\ ,\ :-.;rwt,1n . LI· Wli..'j broui;hl to lhP t.Ablr Pruent musical progr&m lht' Fayola Tno do l!.IP w• re ~Ir. ll.Jld Mr11. Jac·k J>ufff'n· HARBOR 4969 Mary Loulae MatUngly Mary .Jane Bu«iert con111J!tlnr of Mme• Rob,. rt Mt re· I F'ollu\\ 1111; the i. er v \ ._ e 1 hP baq:" r and 11C1n. J1lhn Park P 11f • d1Lh. Walter Spicer an•I C.111lleman gue111 8 "111 rPlurn lu the Mill .. r rcnbargt-r. and the ho1L•. Mr. a nd Smith. 1 homr for II nchr•m. ;\I r!!. J uhn l'uff1.nbarge~1.:_ ___ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~ Mra. H. T Berry and ~!rs J R _______________ (.;... _____ _ US Slat Str-Mt. Newport Beach Brll poured Bl lh(' tl'I\ hnur, for r ----- -- whlrh membcr11 or the rc11dlng group wrr~ ho111 P/18!'~ Dinner Event for Spanish War Gr oup Member!' of ~p1rn18h WM Vt>l· eran!O Camp :w 11nJ C11lump1l \\'o· men's Auxil111n· 39 hf'llJ 11 Th:111k•· glvin,; c.Jume; J(t'l·tni.:rth• r on No,· 21 al the A rnl'num Lt i;r1un HaU In Santa Ana The • 11mmll· tee In rharite 1ndu1li•d l'-l"~'N:< and Mm,.,. GPnri:,. M1ll1·r, <'h1trl1'" WafflP, B"rt Bnl8n1I, t'hnrl"' Ht'· Have "weatherproof washdays" the modenl.way ... with an one look will tell._, Calendar of Events I l.. Coat a M-. A «Om pa.n y ln g I :;;;;;::;:;:;:;:.....=:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;;.;;::;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.;;;;-=-=-=-;...;;::;...=:;:;:;:;:;:;=i Mr•. Chuamor« trom Lo11 Anrl'· ''"· whm llhf' hu bun staying. BALTZ MORTUARIES gan and Hf'nt)' Urll~IC· electric clothes dryer SEE YOUR DEALER NOW! ~O\'. ts UNION Thllnk.\lgivlnJ: lltr\'1ce .l '1rllm11., 7 :10 rm ~t An<l~w·a f'TC'abytt>rt11n C-hu rch. :0-0\. :~ f' A C' l'lm1 f'11rty. 12 :10 p.m ~O\'. 211 F.U<S CHARIT Y <llnnrr dallce. t'O:).<..:ERT, Trio ClnMtque. I p 111 1lig11na A r t llallerJ. SO\'. !ll AM. Wi:OIUN Auxil iary '0\'. " B 0 !'1 S E $ NIG HT. E lltC'UllYe ~ .. , 1ttadu, Irvine Cou t Club. wt'rl' her r;n1ndpllrtnU!. Mr and M~. A. Al~rt John.on. Handmade Contemporary Origtnall ln eolld Gold and Sliver 23·39lh Plue at Belmont Pier ( Loni Beach. Calif. CloMd Monda.ya COST A )CESA CHAPEL CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3620 E. Coa.!!l Dl\'d. • 17'1 Superior A.venue Coeta Mua.. Calif. Phone Liberty A-2121 CONVERTIBLE Corona del Mar, Cahf. Phone Ji&rbor • 2 Tops ARF. C.)l "R 1'4rf:('IAl.T \' lbde 1U1ht-Loqk Rlght-l\'ea.r Right-Prtefll HlKht A.._.oblle t 'phol1tn1n,; ~l ('OVf'"" TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP \,\\I I I -.,..----------------~~~~ ...... -if ithM )o--------""-'!'-~ _ an all~ kitchtn. then it is • motUrrn home SOUT H ERN CAL I FORNIA ---=•. EDISON COMPANY ·--------------------------------------------~-4 ... ' • • • : ,. ._..._ ______ " -~ • THAT WINNfNG LOOK -Ready to aq¥are off against Long Beach City~llege in Pirate Stadium tonight is thla start.l!!gJ Orange Cout College lineup (from left) chosen by Coach Ray Rosso: Right Erid Terry Livingston. Tackle Jack Ashbaugh, Guard Ron Sewell. Center Ken Woods, Guard Pat Patton, Tackle George Flint and Left End Larry Living.ton. The backfield, from left: Halfback Bill McKenzie. Quarterback Dick Elaner, Fullback Mike Haas and Halfback Harry Williamson. -Eugene Tyler Photo .. BUCS FIRE FINAL G·RID SALVO AG.~INST VIKES .HERE TONIGHT in Prospect Games with Dons Close Conflid on Iasis of , J 1111 llkt' Ol'llnse C-.t, OoaC'h ' Buck Andrc>a lM'n boal!t1 a twin I act 1n Hall'b•• k11 Ch..rlu a D ct Guy MNTI II Thf' B111•11 doublf'· troublr ""lllt'l< fH•m Encl• Terrv 1 •n•I l..arr ~· L1v1ni:11t1in. •lartini: Detennln~ to end t heir seaaon on an even-strphen "''"""1"n for th(' Plr11t"" tonl(ht. basis, Coach Ray Rouo'a Orange Cout Colle.ge Piratrs fire u :ttlAL AJCTIST • The \'lko'11 altoO po1MM"a11 an out-their final .alvo of 19:>5 on the Pirate Stadium gridiron shn•hni: t1m1tl u ll"t on the ariair ag3.inet Lon~ Beach City College al 8 p. m. tonight. 1Ud<' rn F:rlll Art F.;d,llna . ..., Ul• The Me1&men hOJ>4' to dine on I Thftl'I qultr a l'OmPbot·k tm111 11 tou"h Viltlng1 tonight 1rnd tender ,111nlal 191'>4 11ehedule whtl'h found turkey tomorrow. 'rni wlnlllnl( but nothtnl(. tsp<'C'I· For the Vl~rnJfl! pr11n11~tfi'J to b<' ally llln<'t' thr~··v .. l'lll'Tlf'd t<l lo•1ut mean Ttu1·. their re•·ui J tall!• to I a lle11ll11<·k tur thin! 111 th<' EC •·ompare with R0t1~n·a rn111re1 • but thl" ~&llOn. the one C'OmplHll\l\'t' """'" of tl\t' 1..aat outing for th<' Viking• two team~ 1ruht·11t t's a lll(hl tu11-1011nd Santa )fonl<'a City C1.1llege 11lt>. And wh<'n v•rn'n ln1t rlfl'hl hallin& three Long ~ach scortnJ J!"amu nut or nm .. plBvl'd. who threa t. to win 19-'. OuC'11 M •I ~tll'r kt'i'JI their anti· atr•('r&fl rnv••r httnlly. SI 111·t 1nt: llnt'llJI fu1 the rlYal11: F.n1l11 !Joh 1';1,.1 .. ng• a11J Eddlne: Tao klt'11 Felix llt111l1•tl and 0f'rald Charlto n Guard" Ooui: AndN'll· 11en and Olc•k l:lt r11 h111i; ('enter Bob TMlteord : Quarltrbar k Dan !!wan- .on. Halvr11 Morrt'll, and F\Jllbeclc Dick Romo. wouldn't b" 1111·1111 ' --------------------- That c;~i,:i~~0~1:-,~~i8 ~·0111 : Awards. Letters Given at Ana .. Jn th••1r Ion .. tnumvh nf U11• ~-="is~~ ~~~,"~ta~:ib::k ~~: sa·11ors 6r·1diron ·Banquet ------------------------------' ~;.~· ::~~;r~n:1~~1t~· ~~~1<·h 811:-~ have got an 11rru111ent on their I F'11llbat·k Charll<" B<'rry w a• ~· ge Hood. Bob Johnaon. T l'tn Ku.hry. 1.Ato Lope1. Jay Mika, Jim Nlem1i:r, D•ve P t tllt, PrMtnn Ru11h. J im Sr hont'l'I. lJ erry S hafer. L8rry Shrat1er. Dre k 8urml'n, Dave Vaul('hn. J oe W1artord, Jerrv Wrb.slAlr, ~lckey Wlenef\I'& an;t WrlMon. M 11 na..:era were ftlchar<I Bnxlcr a1111 Te1Ty O.llu. PAGE 6 ·HARB 0 R _,,\)O~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sporta Editor PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 CURRENT TAR COURT CREW TAKES ON ALUMNI FRIDAY Six Quarter Fray Starts Basketball in Hi Gyll_'I BouncinCJ The basketball starts bouncing in Newport Harbor hand•. naml'd l"ewporl Harbor H I g h Add to that the f11r t lh<' Lon1ot Srhool most valuabte r o o lb a 11 Reach eleven hKI\ played lorgely pla.,ver for 19!'1!'1 when the Sallora In hard luck. lol\IOJ:. t or rxamplc-. ht'ld tht'lr gridiron banquet I n to lta1l Lo11 Angelt'l! i -6 an<l to N<'WJ'IOrt Harbor Yacht Club lasl Harbor 13· 12. In other J( am,."'· nlRhl. Guard JC'rry Sllml\f'I wu the Vlkea had compllNt the 11111-111ted mn1t Improved player, and l111tica but n o<l the wlnnlnt: li<'r ry an<l Halfberk J ohn Hopkins point.. • rO-<'Jlptaln• ot the Tar eleven. A thing like that r an lnt1 10 Sallora of the Week. u reeult bloodshed. once a down-lnHJMn or their performance In the Ana- tram flnda aomebody they <' a n hr1m g a me -last Frida y. were lick. Quarterback Oene Hubbard a n d Ha lfba<'k Bud Thomp10n. b o l h EXCE88 BLOOI> JURIOr•. The Plratea don't plan lo be LETl'ER AWAJlDS lhal aomebody. ThC'y've got a Ill· lie exceaa blood to their eyt1. At· t er all, they sol off lo a creat dnd unex~cted winning start tn lhe EaittC'm Conference bv drub· bing Chaffey and SanUl A~a. thtn toil Ulree atralcht. two or them to a pair of Ole top J C ltama In the Sou thland, Fullerton and Mt. San Antonio. La.at week, the Buc1 barely recovered lo belt Rlveralde 21·18. If lhr Bucs bag thi11 one. thr)''ll break even oft thf' ltal!On w ith tour w iflll, four loSAt'l! and one lit'. Vanity letten1 w ent lo George St.'liultl. Hubbard. Thompaon , Jo· dy FC'nton. Hopkins. Tom Niquet· tC'. Larry Castro. Dave Tamura. 8 1'1 ry. Van Pom ,.roy. J ack Smith. Bo b Allen, Roy Daniela. Palll Lo- rl'nl:i,.n. Tt rry Ragan. Bob Vllla- granto, Nall MC'lcalfe, Bill Lamb. Chulu Vand~rvort. Jim T•ylor. Larry Harper. Jim Rum11ey. Stt've Watcher. Oa.ry Deem. Roger E&r· Iv, Dirk N abor11. 81tm ttl'I. Dl'nnlll Da',.bnut, Cl11k Ove1by 11nd Pell' 8r hulb<>r1t. l\!Rna1ter11 Wl'rP PPlr L.Hrt1ner. St Snu•ltt. J prry H ll· bet l r;nJI Phll Herni l.l'ltermen on CC)&(:h IE m i I Neeme'a C Sa llora were Joe A rn· old. Terry Bapell, en.tr Carl· wal~r. Larry Ohunr. Gary En11, J..arry Genlll. Mika Oeorsa, Dave Hammond. Mike Hayea. Tom Jrt'· land, Phllllp .Mailloux, Oeorr• M•·· Farland, Glenn Morriaon, O • r y Pkkena. DI c k R&1n.u, a obln Swinford, R I c h a r d Sc1'lidlen· mayu. D&nlel Roguw, Pet. Ban· dova.I and Earl U-wla. Manarer11 were Chuck K ramer and D a v a Filch. A MOST VALUABLE GENT High School gymnasium l<'riday night with the annual clash M h between Coach Julee Gage's current varsity Tare and the I ere a ftt alumni cagers from three years back. That'• Fullback Charlie Berry of the Newport Harbor High Sailors ripping off one of hia patented bruising gains against Sunset League champion Anaheim last Friday night. The Colonists won 27-6, but they never stopped Berry. Jumping over a rammed teammate is Anaheim Gua rd Ed Chambers (20). Tar on ground at left ia Halfback Dave Tamura. -Staff Photo Featlvillea get unduway st 6 30 p.111. Friday whC'n Coach .llm Mii· ler's Sa ilor B court perfor111e111 play a half. followed by two qusr· ters of phty among l ht junior vur· 111ty pruspN·t11. The \'ar1uty·11lu111nl tip oft will bc-m11de al 8 pm. Tom Ho111tn n. Cary Green, J ohn Lewt1 11nd Don B11bba, and aopho· more Bob Villagrana. Supplying thC' hetghl will be H11 r" •1<111. 6 -4, H arper, 6·4. an<l Hou11tun °6·6. Ext><'rient•e w111 rome t1uttl Lt•llf'rlll~ll Li>renti:en. Har· 1wr 11ni.J Po111•, 11JWed from M11btt. UIJ tro111 tht JVs Tamura. up from tht B'11. 11nd Green, a trans· Nine Nicks La Habra with 13-5 Win J 11mnr V1<r111~ lt>llers went t o 011'~ A•lil lll"· Til jl Atwoo<1. Jim 8 f'nto. Carl Bf'rgero n. DouJC Bow- lt'r. 0Pnn!8 B rown. Glenn Butord, Sa m J11 vu1. Davt John!IOn. J im Kn1i:ht. Cf'or J:I' 'Mrlhke-n, B 111 Mlll.11. Huhrn Paul(')', Bob Shafer. Sl11n Srhont'I'. Ron Thorne. Dalt M1u l1n llO•I T nm Atkinivm. The third plact' M ('llll M f' r· 1 ~fO!'iT \ ALl'ARLt: r hants whacked out a 13·:1 trl-FullhlH k Hod Wll~l'ln wa10 nam· • Waterfront Duplex 2 br unit up It l br. unit dn. E xel. marine property. Bulkheaded .l you can ha\'a a plt'r It floa t. Well tooted on Rlvo Alto. • KING' OF DIVOT DIGGERS Btll G<>tharo. ltfl. Irvin•· l'm•t Country Club 'hBmfllOn acc:ept. t rophy e mblt'mat1r nf I h,, hnks • rnwn rr .. 01 Ui< k Ewert . PrPst'nt11110n "' fr\'tnP 1'11a111 11w111'1~ """" nu1rt.' 1l11r1n1: a dinner meeting la11t week J im Mr AtC'I' .Ir was n11m,.1·1 junior champ .ind Ml(kl'y lif'11th runnt'r-up --Ma1t1e1,. Pl'llt' Photo :r-- ELKS PLAN FEED FOR LOCAL GRIDS TALL tatOl'I' umph over aecoond place Lit H11b· .,,, moi<l vnhi1t blP .,0 Co•<'h C"hf't rs in Coeta Mt'lla Park Sunct&y 1 \\'ul(('11 li .. 1.-v~n M""' tmpiovetl but were un&ble to dl.1plar t tht' w 11,. Buh Jllhnt10n with Jerrv Sha- r1va1Ji in Oran8• County W ini Pr 1 rPr namtd lnm rHplaln Lettl'ra 1 Bllsl'ball uague 11tandln1r1 T hill """"l tn O&vt• Abr11111Mn Lf'o Bas· S•bbalh. alart1ng 11l I ~O p. m . llo n, Stf'w Brtll. Allen Bons, 8111 1 Anahe •1m CIF Manager B o b w,.tul 1 macrr,. liu~khind. Dir k Cox J ohn Elllol. J26. 000. Ca.II Harbor llOt Spl'&kl'r for lhC' Or<. 1 Elka Club Lod1<e night football ban· qut't fur lh• Orange Co.1111 Col· ll'itt' Pirall'll ad Ntwport Har- bor High SC'hool Sal1or.11 11nd will bf' a ntl'mbt•r of <:oArh Red ~&nMNI' UCL.A ~rid 111art, 11 """" 11nnounrf't1 tod11y by Eicallt<.I Rul1•r Al M1llthew.., Blt>ued with the l1tll4!11l group of gu ys he hu yet wot ke<I with, Gaite 11uftercd a to .. ~ o r "'""'"' ht1ght rt!Ct'ntly wht'n Bill and Bob Curll')', transft111 from Sa hn1u .. transferred to S11n Diego BI 11 11tood 6·!'.I. Bob 6-2. 11nd 11trll th«'Y were 11latecl to play J\' ba ll Todity. G•ge announre<I thf' r"· turning a tu01nt Whu \\ill ptrfnt ru in lhe 81'<·quarter F'11th1y l111y ~frntnt tor lht' one·l1111e Ta" "''Ill be l~•b \\'t'IZC'I. 19~3 All·SUMtt :w-ek to mani:le f'ullerton'a nmt'' Ouvf Good .. I• p at Hensh11w. in the loc-•I orchard Bob Lo<'lctrlo pllrt'd the potent r.:r~=~§§~~§§§§§§§§~~§§§§~~~~~~ii Opener at OC i ~!~~"~~e~o~',~~; :::;~e~a~~""~~ rnlrrr ~ DI,_D_ YOU KNOW tnp~ Thi· lo.al l111ruper11 l1tl'•"I up tht win 1n rapid otdt'r w•th Bowl Fr.lday two four-""' 1nn1n1:• <·arly 1n 1h .. contest. In lhr f1r11t framf'. h1t.11 Ulll(UP 1t11ard 1rnt1 nnw a pro bKll•'" by Lo<.'lcuio. Tony Lomba rdo that drivinCJ a new 1956 CHRYSLER Tr(lphll'il "'Ill 11 .. fWf"llt•nlf'•1 l.iy the Nl'Wp<11 l H11 bur F.lk1 tu "lhC' mu11t 11Atf11I pl11yer" on l1<1th tht' JC 11ml prep 11qu•Ji1 ba n pl11yt'r In tlle C't)'lrlnn11t1 t'h111n Wally Welbl'()('k s nrl J~rr.v Rlc·· ran oi\'• a "r&ndmoth th sa f 0 f I St'('k1ng u r t1nn in t he fllftl QllRI · A:->AllF:IM f()('~~. Thi' l!t'nt a quartl't of l•llrt'~ arl081' ... ' .. rr ,. me f'e ag 0 IH a11:a1n~l th .. Jlr"P •rh<"•1 quint,., ~""~"l Ll' •):Uf• • h11111p1<1n Co-Duhn by Buddv J'iHc«' •n•t \\'t>t· rxhllaration f'Xpt'rif'D<'f'd b~· lo\·rly Shelby Tua· v. 111 be lhl' '!\;J 1:1 a•lll "'111' h rnrud" tnn1~i • 1111•1• frU,.oJ l hr• •ell'40n, zel and w11lk• t o Welbrm·k. K •·n-Of'll when ~hf' WM <'hOfM'n "llorne--Oomlai ---------------~ \\'l'lt• I .Jt•('I L.nnorot Rllll r .. , •. 11t.llo• "'' Mt 1'111 mrl'll pnw .. rtul 0)' Mnats and R lrt' nll'llrtl JI llltnl · Morru• of l'omnna Collr1o:r. 1~' "It .. 1 .. ""n 111 p 1111t,. StHdtum a t Or· l&r ""Nlllln In lh•• th11 I.I 1 11ntn ~1u.,...n" h~ Nrwport Harbor llhth ~ \\right nf 1'ln1 .. 111 .. nt Mt>n'" <'ol-·"'-TOP TEAM? Monarchs Meet le;;e. Rnlly T'ulal'k• ur USC. an•! ""I!" 1·11n~1 l"r•ll••fi!t' r tH1Av n11tht R ire hurlrd rive .Rtan~""· Waynr ~~~§§~~~~~~§§§§§§~§§~§§§§§§§§§§~~ n~ r·1 F "r1d1rnn nltl\."Offn art un· C'nu11ht ry flmRh4!'d up i:=. ---• .-=.... _-=-- •h• l\\'ll \' .:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .... ;;;;,;;;.;;;._..;;;;;... ___ ..:====================:;;;;;;;::::;;:~:;;;;;; Juck Wul. I " ,. "' I I l't:<'O:"'ID l.l~t: Shn.;.•,ni: .. I rrnrl1 '" ,.,.vtn Wlll8. If CIF Rivali 1n Suppo~t'<l tn prdorm In thr l'l'C'· n<• 10..,,,.,.,. """ IV.fr 11t• Ml. Ca r· Onfl q1111 1 ttr for lhl' a tu mm 81" mf'I h»l' 1u nr!'d t 7:1 p<•lnl • 1!Jtllln11t the '54 i"r&dll. Hill lnlO<'~ and Tt"•I "l'l""'""'M' r.1 ~t rnnit r1 .. ren11lvl'IY M11rllnt'~ of Unrnge CMU!t ColltitP. I hP ~II c·~1 n1f'I h nt' u1 bulk)' Santa Ana Bowl 1 Frt>.t ~c~hill of l'CLA 11 nrl Biii ~111All"•l lln,.man "'"'lihlll 111 •l Kt'lt"r of St11.ntord lnlofl! "'•" "" 11!1 puun1h th .. hrr11~ .. 1 hit" 239 I All·Sunl'l•·t Lu Kt1" c!'ntn Tt~A '' co:i.-TRA~T Tobbfil by '""ny 11• the tor P'"I" An.a dPt111tcd for 111U\"t' •lUt)' in •I"''"" 1n U111nr" <'u11hty, 111<' Mnt· i the lhtrtl p.!nod a tt thr ·:;:; i;truup ~" rnl hf> An1tht>1m'11 •Jlf'rt1 and I ".r fJr1 Mun111 • h~ '!'"!'!If' w11h BC'll lnrhttHn~ P'¥-fl :'l:tum1tnn. Stsnr·"·nl 1'111111\••nl'•" '"' t'x,.mpht1,.,1 bv Ga1.Jc-n11 1n u 1 11-pl11~·ocr gaml' and lilll \\'lettel n«'nnv 1--117r•t· lh•ltbn1 k !\Ir< k••\• F'I} "'' al(•lnsl at 11 pm. l-11•lay in S11n1.a Ana I n r k. Br u•,. K~ipr ,.~.., Sonny "'l'IJ:ht 111.rh 1111 lhl'V h11vt nnl !ltun1c1pa1 n., .. 1 Thi' !ltonarrhi. l'nan .. nr OCC. snrt F"rank :-;11• fM,.t! lh1• llt'll""ln 01Pntu1col II\· ''"'" h l'lt "" Mu11,.. \,tt '" :>:eurnt1nn wu All·Sllnl!PI Tht F'••t l..n1 An1:rlr11 f lf'vt n eau. •rt 'h1unp1on" flt lhf' p 11111• League guarrl for twn Y• ara I• .1111,, \ r,.<!1t f'•I "'Ith • wirtf'·n~n · "" IA'11 • •~•IU<, an 11n1Jdtatt<J 'Tll have lo we tt'h those guva fl"""'nlo! atl11rk Q1111rll'rb1u•k Al 111ne-l(.111 .. 1 t 1 tot •I. 11niJ h&\'t bt'en r loae," Gage rontidf'tl "Tht'y al-1'1 ukop haio hr&\" I 7~1 ttmr~. con· hdtl lo thr,.e 1011rh11own11 1n only way• try 10 outflnai:lt mt <.lut rnit n,.r ttl'I on :Ill 1111~mpt11 Hf' hu I"" ~tat g Ot's t h111 11ea.11on. lhal rutrll'l~ ltrt!l half Tht la..sl ntnt tmu hrt11wn t1C'11al11 to his A.11 the lon4' <"11thnhr High three qulLI ter" allow tht ('(1mb1n.-tl ''""hi ""'1 " t<ilAI n f !'.122 y 1trd9 !'It 1""'' '" lhf' •·111111ty, mo111 of the .. rror ta of Lhr !'lallnr 1nurt ''!'Ill io:t11neot thrnuio:h thr• Alrhin,.,. '"""'Y 1:011111111n111r11 arf' r!'pr,.unt· Thosf' f1r11l querttre ltl"" ""' JI (,ft()l""U !il'lf' AD "'' on lhl' Malt'1 lJt'1 1q1111d. F'ro m c hJ1nc e LO run lhe e>lrl "'"" to H11" 11 "1"'" I• 11 'nnlnul bf'· 1111• llu1 bor nrf'a arr Tom Oallape tlf'lllh.'' 1 lwrrn ..q11111ta An11helm "tuck f'X· Jt1d l'lu•l<'nt Ml\nAj?Pr Charlt11 Mar· TAR HOrt:FTL."" I• lu11lvf'lv !11 thP icr1111nrt tn their GIGANTIC END OF THE YEAR SALE SAYE SAYE SAYE kel, both or C"o11ta Me.811. p r t th T f ,..... f11rnl four Sun1<f'l VBJi!'llf' rnnhiiltl I tr 11rm1ng or e nr11 11 ·""" T M111 y S tar or S&n Pet!ro fuml11h· ~6 II bt! .. p I 111 I hl'~' lrlf•tl not 8 ''"gle pRA~ In I tfl lht' M11m1rrh11 lherr tou1tht11t ..... , Sl'ntors ll U r••nl7.rn lh!'ll r1n111 1:11ml' KjtAIOllt lhP N .. w . till or the ACAllOn to r1ate. Matrr George Mabee. na\'f' T1tm<ll 1t llt'n· rn1 l 11111 bo1 H1i;:h Srhl'lnl Sailors , Hornets Make Mincemeat 20«yo OFF Oft , Out of Mighty Mounties 1Je1 rmtr.1t1ng t rl11mph11.nl 37-IP ny H&rwoort. Larry HArprr t1n<1 l~11t1l11g i:-rnund J:A lnrr tor Mt. ~· Tt rry Hall: juninr1< f:tJ'11t' _Pnf!C., rA 1 rn• I 111 Half"'•rk J nhn Zinda ,,;o Olht'r foe acored morC' than one ''"' T[• on the Monarchi . '"'"' ll'l7 ''"'"" 1n !'17 Int"" Run- Bell Gardena 11 runn .. r -up In the R l1> Hondo l...4!'ague Winner of Fn- <lay night'• gam" will met>t wlnnt r o r the Puo Roblt11-Bl11hr1p rr11y In 1~nnd rounrl nr the Ctr pl11yntrll TV Scrap T oni9ht 111 •11; ""''" Ml< k1•\' .Ji-GenrRt h1111 ..... ~ \It I""' •n R ·, ' ll I tr~ c~nf'rat- 19~55 l'ULLERTON, IOCNS) -Re· and l h<'11 •l'<'nn<I ronfr'""'"" crown Mmblln« th" a.ame dntructlw 1 manner In which Shttrman martb· ! :'orn~:pe~~a.ch=~e~:;: • W&7 Ulf'ouall and OVt'r ML Sa n • AJltonlo Saturday nlghL Played be.fore a capacity crcwd ol .om• 12.000 tana. Bud Daw· In I hf' ftlll't lhrCl' Y<'fl fl!. A lth1111~h lhe O\llC'Omt' WU not drr111t .. 1 1111111 the ttn.11 mln11tl',. or the f"llrth q111u-te1 th" H•)r nell! complet1;ly dnmlna tl'd I ht iramt' Cn 1.v Ca mpbell l'rored b o l h louch1lnwnl'I. His f1r111 WM on 11 11evl'n \llt•I tun D11rrl'll Rober-U kick•"I. the •·xtra point . M1dWA\' In lh.-lh11 ;1 per lod. Ca mpbt'll 11hot eoa'• MDMUonal bowl • bound down Ule ~l·l··line11 for 39 y a rd• )tormta played the itrutH l 1tame 111d lltX points. Of the --U t.hf'V M O<'kl'fi OV· Fo th 9T' Ule prev1ou1ly u,;bt!alrn Moun· r " night. Campbell irround THE Tomi:hl :c T \ toout 1~ hl'l\• r r n \.\'eltr1 Wl'll:hl" \'1n1" !II 111111• • 111111 Da nl•h •hu111p111n t 't.1111 l"hn 1 .. n IC'n l!l111 11n11 •I 7 l!'I 1111! 11 I..• 11' 1 "''" O:"ll or the Une p••"' t ., , ''' .n h• ol h•·r" Mtkf' •21111 """ !II 11 lrn 121:}1 Mr KePV· • 1 " I" 1 "' I"•·\" Ill .,•lo! tarkle11 _, BIG ~ERCURY Johnson Outboard Motors & *Boats* Come in and llea Jl-0 OD the rival t urf. I out t89 _var •Iii. m 42 ei.rries tor a 4 :I average. Ht' compltled nlnC' Tba vlrtory left the H ornell! 6f 24 pa1<,.es tnr 38 \'ft r<lio Roberti ~ udete&lf'd In confer11nce pla y I ground out 106 ya~d~ in 11 c•r· , with a ri-o mark. The Hnm Plll rle" fn r " P.6 mnr k. Hitt b•li! lflltn· ! have won their lut ae1·f'n •I nlljthl I l'r wu a 60-y11rd run up lhe mid· 1amea, ~d ~urr.-ntly own a won· 1 dlP of th•• fl~ld. for '56-~rings a new high in usable power• 225 hp with faster 11etaway than ever before See These Boats and Motors Displayed in our Showroom 101t mark of 8·2. Thi' Mount1e11. t4r(o1"11d1ng r I r· 1 1'omor rnw afternoon, Fullerton c ull l'hampio, C'l(1"t> nut their l11op will r la"h with Santa An•'• Dom! 11r11~on tc1mur1 ow 11101 mnio: In o n- ln Sa nta Ana.. In the final rhnut IH!llt. ""&'""' l"hl\fti>v fn ltlt' n1'1· l(f!ltnr 11f lhe ~··11•t•n A \\111 to t 1•1 •·11•1111 1!11"'" Tt11;1i11l.l\· g a 11 1 th,. H 111 n!'lio w il l !(IV•' tt11•m 11nrh' II•• 111111111111 g .. , .• "P"ll•l Rl\lti f'lllqJ lrr•t plHlt' In the 101•1• llll'<' i<r.te I I llRJ\'£ IT AT \'O''R MF.R(TR\' Uf:A l.t:K : 900 w. Johnson & Son -Lincoln-Mercury Coa1t Hi9hway -Newport Beach Liberty 8-55-45 --------------------------~----;._ ____________ ...J r -. -----------·~------- " __ __...,_ _________ ""'!"""-~EWPO~T HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA6E 7 TODA v~s N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT NEW YORK N 00:-.1 COMMEXT bounded forward 1b&rply with -COMPILED UY B. c GAR-'Other higher pr1ced raJl.8 l)'mpta- SIDE (OEA!'l \\'lTTEn & co l thetJcally •tron~ lncJUdlll4( S&n- SANTA A!'ZA , N O\' 23. 10CXS1 ta ... a.nd Southern-Rall. . A 11tron"' ton& carned through STEEL O AIN8 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 Dcattce at Golf Cl•I» ORA;<o;GE tOCSS) -The an- nual Chapman CoUere Men'• for- mal w u h'ld at lrvlne Cout CoW1try Club Saturday n1l'ht wtth SO <'ouplea attendl"-. City Mwver le"• City M&n8(rr J olla l&Uon Ma rone borne trom Ma H-. X.. pltaJ 110joum wh•re he widerwut minor 8W"('ery. H• I• now 1100- valeecin1 1t hie reatd•c.. In W early trading·1wl<'<'lt.'d ~ 8teel8 extended their (aiNI ald- atttlll, alr<'re!t~ and oils •llPIJlle<I td by optlmLltlc comment.a by R.- tarly lraclt>rShlp with the mile public St~ m&11&4rement, Which rupondin&' to cunrl1 mauon on the antlc~patu a nnn demand tor ofl4'n·rumored !i·l split by t"nlon I.heir. product.a permllUnr cloee to , Pat'iflc. Thl11 l11sue, of c-our11e, Is c:a pacily opera t I o ne at leut LI 0 0 -,; , ~. I ' . ' , \. . (. Now Slaowlq ............ , ........... Oeel. .... ,.... .,. NAVE, DYER Continued from Ftnot Pa~ wtre p1ckl'<1 before he playt>d hia ,.:rPalut g11me 11galn11t the Tro· J81 .... au( Brown'11 1111ccelf8 In that g•me, Oyer sa1t1. can be n ec1Jt,·d to the tremrn.:ous blocking r t•· C'l'lVl'd from Bob Uavenport. tab· beJ by Dyer as thP Bruins' most vf\J1111ble player 11nd <1thc>r t<'am· matu. "The u nM!lf1shnrss or ht5 tea mmrt lt·s enabl••d Brown lo h&V ' hi" {;fl'8ll011l l:Hlnt'." n yer • t'mpha11iztd. •·sul·•·<'ss of t he Bru· Ins coml'l! from e11ch pla)·er 1mb- JU~nllnJ.! himsrlf lo tl'llm value,.:• ANYONE •'OK VEGETARl~ES? -Three persona were injurNJ when 11 garbage truck and an automo- bile collided at Fair Drive and L St. near Orange Coast Coll ege Monday afternoon, One. passenger in the car is still in Hoag Hospita l. -Staff Photo , Dyl'r drclan .. ...t, .. ;<.;o s e If I s h .bn.v <"Bn bl' a great playet ." He 11d1leil, "\\'hem you b rPak training you·~ hurting your teammates." During 11111 talk. :-\ave 1 eveall'd he '1od become a Tesident of ?':ew- port Belll'h. ··1 have two r.hllrlren," Doyle told thP T11r!I, ·•11nJ T hope my boy S C'ott will 11omeday be all Lin& nmong this erowd " In Introducing the 11peakens. W I A JUDGE OUSTS L I p ii LA VERNE :~ril·11~1~~:;!~~~=~~rl~~;ti::!~ Oman s rm 1 • oca up s a goal In itself. "ll's definitely C'ontlnul'd from 1 Ftrat P ar Contiauf'd ~rom >'lrt1t Palf-a put ot our educa llonal pro- s 1 A R be t B k b th gram. Thi' on1y j1111l1flcat1on for Tw·1sted. Says ,.~~n~lawn".~r· ~he1 fel~:waw~•il:: .. : lake Part ·1n ~c:p~~ ~~c~:~~~le n~~~~ r:~ a.nythlng In high school co mes hat! prPce leJ Sulh\•atn lo the wit· hlm." when c1t1zcn1h1p valuu are ob· talned. The men w ho cc1ac:h our C f W ne s chair Ht' wu on the •land LaVerne admitted Blrlklnic the ttam1 are gentlemen and sports-a e •1tness h".·1.~1,n10 ... than an hour a nJ . one· Speech Meet ~~~ea:d ::.1~er :e. t;:~~~:-t ~:::i men and look out for the Indivi- dual welf&re of the bovs so well where or It he picked up a llll<'k. th•t we alway• end up' the school S A'.:\IA A':<;A IOC~l'lt -A Hr• kaw tvld of being beat"n up stating: ''The polwt Sl<Y I \l1J." ye11r w 1thoul l!erlous rnjuriu. \\'e Pl O•~iitlon wltne.ss In t hl' prellm· 'nJ 1 l1•nt1f1ed three ur hrs assail· StudPnt lfl'OUP" from Nel.Vp(>r t HE ,LOOKED •·ffl'Gt:"' r , ~~· are proud of our ala r.' lnitry heur Ing nf :.e\'l'l1 sll•·g~ llnlll They were W hite. Dill end ~arh school.11 p&rtlcrpuled In ~ca UR Perrell o utw .. igho'd IA· hnotlluna11, IH:rttl'f"I of atlaC'king 11 ( '&1 P• nt .. r ~p<'el·h demoni1tr11tlon11 given lMt Verne by 20 poun<I" en.! topped 7-rnnnlh~ prl'i:n11 111 Sr.nln An1 I AT 1101 ·st:WAR•U~O Nov. 17 .. 19 before the American him a coupll' ftf lnl'ht11 In h .. J(ht. h""~""''''" h••r h11shnn•I i1nd a Sulli\•.in ll'slrlit•J that hr . hla SpPech n nd H t'arlng A1111oclallon lw ltt'~mt1I "hui.:e" to him In the frirnd ... 1.it•··I th1tt 11" ~11\\ """ of 1,11,. 1111,1 l.i•ol h• r·in·law hail al· annual convt'nllon In the Statl'r dark, La Verni' tol1J l'1n,.t'Cutor t h,. ~·,.ull•• ltll 1111" :O.l 1:• !111\ hi :-; '"'"h"I ,1 huuse warnuni: 111 TWllln H otel. Los Angelu. I Sllln Gould , H " Mid he W!ll! :-:1111.ivan h,1· r11•hlnl( lilt' v.•011i.1n lhi i.Cte1 noun of N o\". 6. Kln1lrrg11rt1'n rhilclrt'n from Mrs. "8fral<1'' nf !ht v1cl1m ''""flll£' In the 1:"1 011n1I. lht'n tw1Nllng her l H e •aid lhPy lltopp<'t1 in 11 San· Anna Junt' \Vt \•lll's clas" al Ha r· t he fact ht' wo <'hll~lni; him. 111111 b..t11ntl hi'r '" ,,1111 drive In HI 17th nn<I Main bor V1<•w Sr h1lol i.:ave a demon·! LaVernc tolrt thr r<Jlll l hi' wrnt .111111\'!I It . l 'o•WC'rs or Car•len Sl,. lo g .. t II u1nner for lht'lr JltreUon nf rh\•lhmte RCtlVILleA 11wlmm111g lWlce lhlll t'\'l'nlful whl~h rontribuir to improvl.'d I evening a rt1•r r eturning hofl'e IAtt' • ;, ,.,.<'. 1t ~IC'.!lt 111 the olrivr ·ln n•s · bnll\' "'I ' •• ,. He s1111J h" 1HJ1 lt'd to ' luurent wh,.rl" lhl' IHlaf'k took ,driv .. 1,1,. i:.ir m•l nf the •lt •ve-in _.p1w1 h habit~ Th,.11r·11c•iv1tlr11 ere f from work in 81111 Gabrlt'I. Th<' l'l<H'"· idrntifl,.d 111,. w111111,n·,. Ill · un.t ruunil thl' p ulh blui•kt•d by pnrl of the rh1hlrt'ns' rrgulnrl aecon1I. llm 4'. he ~al<I, ho was Iii'· 111, kf'r ""' Ru~~cll A Tinz, zu. or 11111,1111,r irhtt le. lfr ,.,rnl lh•· r er kindnrcart1•n proi.:ram. Ml'll. Gtr11I-companied by Snllth und li ·ytar- lt 1 inr \\ u; 1 ull .,1 bu}"· dint \\'llll11m11, iu10UlH Harbor I olrl baby-sl tttr \\'1lma B11kt>1. who I Vl<"W Srhool 1 .. 11chtr. 11ccompanl'd "teased" them Into going in aica ln The In< tllrnt Is 11a1d lo h11ve '"°" we1~ In no hurry.' Sulll· M ni. Wevlll aJld the )'Ounjtlllen1. after Ule men· a w1v"" returned to tftkf'n plnc-e 11., t hl' w(1man a t· vnn .H1rl "Xo hurry el all They Mrii. J .me T',.ttlt'll f'IKhth irrade lhC'ir colt.a.gu. t rmpl4'rl t o go to the aid or her chmhPd out of th,.jr &sr. My wife Spt'~h cl!U'i1 J:•Vt.> a drmonitratlon H e wd the trio wu relumlns 111"11'.ind \\huh .. 1 lll'rn JUm p .. tl lly lh1iu1:hl It "'•'" kl111I or h1111101nu11 whll'h lnvolvr•t unrt>ht'IH~J group from the-8w1m wh<>n MIM Bakrr ,, J(Onl: 1.f ) 1o11t11" ltuh<'rl ;\J 1Jri1·, '"' m1ny in nnt "utumob1le ·· 1 AR At ion t o • filnl whl~h Wll.< Jlrf"· 1 r hRllt'l11!C'l.f tb••m t 11 " 1 a rf' b11ck k.• w , " f 111'11•1 In tha S11l11'""' c Ill 1 I f .. l I t f •. ' n ' h t Th ·' I d , ~ 1(111'•• 1vc• or Ml,. It" Ull ' ~i·ntt'(I fl• pttrl n( the fl<'monstra-tn t e co l81:1'.5 f'Y ut•C Inf" \\,1 , kn•w kl'•I tlm\ n 111111 lw kr•I ih4' 111r Ont' or th,.m ltan<•d nn 1 M 1 11 VII <rhan N rw. and went bar k 1110\\ ly v.·hllt' M111a d11111\g the frncu Urokaw 111H4'r· th" w1n·l~hll'ld an..i l11ll<f'>I to th4' l •.n 1 s "'" e 11"" ' Baker r&n on ~ llt"l 1011~ lnj1111M<. •l11 \'f'1 of !ht' • Ir l flu kt'tl mv port R• llC'h F:lementnry School He 11a1d th4' baby 11llll'r met · Sume of llu•111 \\'!'le 1l11mk ," h .. 11l11ghU. l',.\ .. 1,tl uf them ""II<-Uii<trlC'I l'\~rr h Cn-nr<llne lor Al· lhtm 81 t l\f' rntr11nce lei thC' 11Jlty ltn•l··d th!' 1·onf,.n nrf' Shi' rP-•nd p.,\\'1·1,. "'"''" f10111 lh,. \\lln•"' ,.d O\•er tn nur 11utumob1lr on<' of !)i\r k nf l..llVrr n··,. 1·nlllll:•' n I I" il•••I lhl' •l••m1on~tr 1\llnn "''"" I II .• that •I.in.I tnol,I\ • i:", o f 1lw111 h111l l th('rn lr•lln• t ."' lh• \\tn•l11w 1111: 1 1 1 d 11 told lh••m ',., ry rxc ll'I \' 1 .. , n 11rmk 1111: T iu ~· ",.,... 111 1 ... 1k. , .. m u kl'd "\\ h•11 •lr•I \ 1111 ""' ''"' ptl"nlll Y "'' 1 ' "r'" no we a ma n "A• 1r,.,k1ni: rn th1• wlnt1ow. 11 i: r,., " tiitht.. T h• n h•· rep•'lllt'•I "h8t d10I you 1 ,., '" "'1 I t:x1•0 :-.t;11 J"-t:Lt" Th" 11 111 \<••• '''"''•"<I I•\' 11 >.i \ 11n1I lw kt"I n1\ c-ar. I told all K1nden:artl'n ~h1h1ren rt1rtld· La~mt l'ald that both h!' e nd 1 ,.11 111 y.,8 11 hnw 11b0ut mo\1ni;c patmi: wert. :-.:el• A rm111rong. S , '-b ... p . t , lo:'""I' 1ol \••"II" \\111 11 th••\' 111. I l '1 J ff Broerln"' Val De Camp mrtn o 11erv~ tll<'t expo•e 1 ~11•1•l•"I llJ lr,I\ ,. Ute .in11 .,,, llul Y<•ur rar J H"1 "~~·r:..d ROl oul l\1l e rty 0 ...... m ,.. J~-Harllhom . hlmMlf whJll' look mg 11trn11=ht Jll•l 11 ~ r n"""' '"" M r w•~ · t"rallf "''"' , ·-• Xrn .;1 h \\ 11 ""'"' • h "•• 10111d bo h d F' 1 H !'! 1 rt M<'lntolh 1Jn•111I th1 "lll:h nn np1 n r11rt111n l hi' Ill lark \\lo•• 11111"1\' 11111•101c•k· !;rRbllt'rl fr"m JI llll !'lib lroml J..l\Wrl'nrl; llllrvl'ThV. ,·nC'a>. •<:nan"'lf'r• of th!' k1l1 !,1 n \\'fl1•1nw nf tlH' Lii• · I lh,.n t•n 1t waa us a r11w 11m"11 •I•'< 1·, 1 1 ~ · ,. .. • 1 ' 1 \\ 111 thrown to !hi' gro11n1I H11h l'hil .Jnrd11.n. ~11nlly Alex&mlcr, Verne ''"11.•I!" "hi•rr Mr• .A· I Hr.1lcAw yankrrl two M thPm off Lorie H anndrord. Cla re A nn Hu· ~:;:_.."·tu< P1"P81 "'J: 4 midnli-:ht COUNTY CLERK my blll'k A • 1 got up he went I bl'r, Wr ndy Kt'rT. Shirley M11cy, Thi' nlaaterrr M ill h<' r11n llfl to duwn • 1 Lindo O'Brien, Roxapnt Ray. " · KICK F.D O S ClROl '"S'O Ot nrgt'nf S mith. Cynthia Spratt the mim ytllin~ "Hu.J<lv whlll <"onllnut~ rrnn1 J l,,.t Par " d M 1 Taylnr ~re you doln~ Lh.-r• ... A 11'1 u ·Wt roui;hl Mii uvl'r the tln\'t'· An ' nrg e · l h1• m an alnrtl'fl 111 1110 '\\ 111t " 11"" 1 \\"'11 1'' !lo lhlll \\'I' V" tn betw,.l'n r1u11 t'\'>l\'whrrr f•1r l Elghl.ro itrade AlUd!'nlll were: mlnutl', I w11 nt tn ralk tn ym:" 1:"1 ~"'',11'lh1n'-hn<'ol 111' 011 l he about t rve min,. l e~. I · w1111 down J Norma Atkin~. John Ba..kt•r. Mary La Vtml' ccmt ln11rt1 'The """ t 1,11tt_"1'11' , _ . A , I four Um<'• 11011 k k kt•I tvery time t A nil& B11 ntlf'l, ~rlslln~ 8 er i . I hollered, thr fuljr he ran ~m1lh '' I 1, tli>nll'\\OO<t Or1vl' I Y..'All down. l flnallv a nt 11p and Vh·lae Brown. < hrli t.arr, Jim \.\.hen we reached 12th ~t nnd 1 nt,.re•I 1111' llr1 k • offil'I' Jan I, I grallbe<1 a trn \' to hold t h1>m off D'Errtco, "1nela Elmer, John Balboa 81\•d. h,. turnHI itrnund 1"'2:') 11.-111 I Pd rir•t 111 a <'ourt They a ll ra.n a nd got In their r 11r F 1f'ld10, Sherry rlorin. Nancy Gard· 1 and rW "d hl11 rash ll.-rk. lt<l4'r 1111 iefl1slrallon d~puty Th~ police Mgan chu lng tht>m nrr S11 n•IY Godwin. Diane Oretne, .. I alowtd down and ht' 111art<'<f Th,.r' wt1 e 40 000 rtithtertd \\'r itot In W>Ur C"&r and cha1f't1 Lynn llu(m11n, Lucky Horan, Su-runnlns; 11~am at'rOi,8 th,. ~tr rpl "''"""' votl'rll whtn Smith cam" 1he1r car Wt flnallv got lo tht'm 1&n Hughu, <.'h11rl~te Marx, Bolh of 1111 elmn~l JZ"t hlt b\' a \•• ", 1 k for lh4' C"ounl) LAJOl nn Bu11h St. a bout the sarnt time Pamtla McK•rule. J ock McStvney, ca r .. On tht olht'r s1JI' (If ·the I ,,.,r lhl're Wl'l'I 132 00 H~ w u as llie pollct I dl•in l l!t't! Mr1. Ca.rol Moganson, Loul!I" Pettr1. street he stopped 11.1t111n hnd ~rro1rlt1I i-lerk \\h•n J oe Backs Sulhv8n from thl' llQl" I i nt out Mary Jo Rl'llly Dowlt Schindler, swung at me twlct ",th ht• fl'lll ..i1r.1 In Jll3i. of the u r until I 11ot back Into Steve Seler1on. Mike Tandy, Ta.d UOES:'li'T Rt:)l£MBF.rt Tobit t RicharJ \\'1t1on. Sandra WatJIOn, a nd Richard W tlllamson. ~rr.il h n'"' hH4 ::~ "m ployf's lb4' car .. "All I rem ember 111 I !lwtini: 11 t him and I don't remf'mbcr I 11vin i: S an Gabriel. HI.I wife uw a man al the window whlll' s he wa11 un- 1.lr«'1111lng and ht' got up from b••d e nd ran out after the man. H e ~Ohl hP WAll Unllble to C'lllCh the man on that oocu lon. Mra. L&Veme. who appeared on the llt&n<I ah1>ad ot h rr h u11b11nt1, ftllld 11he knew nothing ot the fight unut 11he 11n.t Mrs. Smith returnel.f to I.he Lii Verne collage 8l 1008 Balboa Blvd. early Satur· tla 1', July 23. and hrarcJ her hiu- band to•ll that h«' hall been In e fight. She M id 1tht' was worr ied lhat he might have been hurt 1lnce he h&d blood on him bul La· Verne auured her that "he h.&4S 1otten the bl'1t of It." wt:sT n sm so Qh<' u la her huaband and S mith went tl.lhtn11: ~fore arrival of po- lice and t.hal the f1r11t they kn~ th4'y were wanted for quesUonln11: was when thty rPtumed about ~ a .. m Saturday a nd wcr' rnel by polll'e. Also • f>J>*artn11: o n the 11tant1 wu W . G. Furne1111, a private In· vutlit11tor C'lllltd by the ddt nu tn tf'11llfy that he had obl111nf'd 11 •tatemf'nt from Don11ld R WU- l1Rm& of Garden Crovl'. a motor· .-t who11e helldlight• nught In lht tr swel'p the prostrato vlrttm llnd who trlephoned rnhce. d1.-c lar· inJ; thr.l W 1lllnma "d1cJ not ~tt Anyone 11trlke another pt>1SC1n In thc> vicinity ot Balbva Dlvd " w11- 1111m11 ll1J a11mlt tha lhe had 11rcn a "sdck or r~1mt" on the 111dewalJt. A ttornry Cantilhon call"'I to the 11tand a patAJc or , hararttr w1tnl'.11M-ir who t f'!ll1 f1Pd thAl I.A· rrne h8d "an t'Xr Pllent repul.a· tlon f<'r bt'lng pea<'eful a.nd quiet.." ~ SOUTH COAST CO . !!:Srd £1 Xtw-port Bh·d. un•ler hin wllh '"" orr1cf'll 1 n ~uthv11n M iil th11t C'arJW'nttT th,. msun fl•••r uf thP •"llrthou"• w1.-thr Mir "ho flr•t 11rrro11ched T hr IMH• 111,;r 111 • 11-.• ·k~rtmrut l i. t "' !':111!1\ "n I" 1nt1 '1 Carprn- tt t \ 1 ftf" lftl·lr.Ha •tt ·"'·1 •1Uf\"' "' H\11 f f ti,... r••\.\•frcl ,,.,Ultlt1•1n1 •·f ~111111 ' ,.ff,,. 1111" luo Rll'rl 1n :o;11lh\11n l"'l th1' w1ln"•• ~•An 1 <thl'r I ttd•llllL.• 1 ll" •••llntv • Jrrk • ,111 f''"'' hr•l th.-1 r1•\\•l "ll•I .,., J:· J11b I 11 • $'1",ij " 01 •nth lrd ""' lho• ~11' hllor1 1J.of, n•l>111I~ a 11Uck rn my h11nd Hr d1rln l i:o BE SURE INSURE Bicycle Stolen down a t !1r11L Ju11t kr1·1 ·•·· 1nc1nr • at me Then I heard Utll \1·11 111 ""h J '"" M11rrhr :;111 f; 16th St . l l .. :11.\l"Rl<t: J'-TkSl..E\' · ~ cme o " " pro11l'1 1 • ·• r ,,,.l,.n fru111 In lr,.nl n( SL Jo8· n1gan:lrd 11 Pe<'ping Tuni h'< 8 r hon" H11rtKlr !474 1 h 111 ~. 11 .... 1 Rl 111 111 a m Nov. "very !t•rloU!I c rlminlll , Mn•,. ht• !U I:'< t:. c·n .. •t Hlch"•Y <"• •'.. :o.1 r-11 '"llnl I ;,1 & bl('Vt'lt I m~ • 0V 8 "P l 1 ... th t h 1n .. urnn1,. Onl) I • :-.1 no ~ Cnrnna llPI Mar Ill. 11111•1• 11•1 1'1 1 "'t" • '"11 ,. • hn·I had a 11lmlla.r f'XJHrtrni .... __ 1'..:n:..:..!~=======-... = .... -:==' lo·· _ GOULD LASHES I c~~~!l!I ~~:i~ A~=: lo.JAY ("c•nllmrNI rrnm ,.,,,., Patrfl tor t h" N,.wport Hubor <"'01nm11n-Byrnes Son Arrives 1:11 vn ="""I''" l flral h (ll•hrr nflu 111\' f'h,.lll fun•l·rA1i<1n11 cRmp11li;tn 1'1111 inc l'11I 111111 M 11 J.11111>3 E<I· 11:,. """'I .1 111.1• ZI .-how"'I " tot al nf $23,36:1 M11 ''"''' li)1nf'~ cir 1·0,.111 Mriu• "'e :0.fn•t o( Ln ,-,,111,.. 11 •inswri ~ 1n l•··nnrtll l'o••hnc 1lrlve ch1orm11n 1 lo;w I""'" wr1" nf t ht' YI''" no ILll•I I """ l 1r.-n ll \'llrlf'I\' L.'\ \'rrr"' , ,. .... mphRl'l7.P<1 hf' WA" "fn~h•rnr I .. I r lhC' \ IC'tlm lie n.1-1 1'1\ltlrll lh,. •l"•1'1•rd hndn t liJ'••l<<n 11 Wlll•l 'In ti.-. \\ht n I hi' <l\11•1' 111'· j i:11n "' r ., \, rnt" 11par tml'nt on I ltnlhnl\ 1:1\ I 1H·no11nr<'rl T)lr l~al W"lk1·1 ~ lhr rnrt'nU o( a '"'" liit"v horn ha ve a quot1< oC S28:)(]U 1:->t•V 1111n '"''''n" N1111I ""~Pit.II lllf• cofor(u f NOW SHOWING TWO FEATURES I throu1h the tln t half of ne.xt }'Ml'. l ntereet l• rota~ In the oil 11ectlbn. Shell Oil and Ohio OU prnenUy a~pear behind th• poup and capable ot lmprove~t. Alr - cratl8 reeponded to the e.xcellent North Am erican report which showed eun ing• of c:loee to $9.1)() per ahare. Sentiment WU aoo aid- ed by the lncreue In the Curtl.H Wrlg'bt dividend to a $2 ra te. With attention focused upon these cor- porate developmentll, stltcted 111- auH ln the group may be upecl· NI to rt'spond tt.ccordlngly. 8CHEKL~O AD\'ASCF.~ S rhertng acJvance<l 11harrly In- to new high g round. This !Jlsue had bem 11 bsorblng long -t l'rl)l profit-taking and u thl• pre~ure eaaed, the iMue wu able to Im- prove eu1ly ln anticipation ot ex- cellent eamlnga. American 1Cya- qamld hu been ab.orbing 1tock In a leu aggreMlve manner. With the news bar kgrottncl fav- orable, )'.lQrtlcularly In the form ot dividend reporlll, we look for a tim1 tone over the balance ot the day. Dow Jone. l p.m. AVf!,....e11 30 Industrials ........ 483.46 up 1.65 20 Rall11 . . .............. 164.01 up 2.34 HI UtlllUe1 .............. 65.19 up .30 Dow Jonu 1 p. m. volume 1,,80,000 VI. 1,210,800. New York I p.m. Stock P rteN American Telephone .. _ ........ 180!\ Anaconda ........... -............. _.... 73~ Chry1ler ···-·· .. ··-·-·· .. ··-·-·····-98% DuPont • . .......... -... ······-·-······· 231 Genera.I Eleclrlc -·-··-·· .. -···· 6211. General Motor1 ··-···--············-60 I., M11y Co. . .................... _ .. _ 40'a Xew York Central RR ....... U ~ :'forth Amer1ca.n A via tion .... 71 ~ Safeway Storrs . .. . . 60a. Southern Calif. Edl11on . . 62 Southern Pacific RR. . .. 67~ St&nda.rd Oil ot Calltornla _ 86 ''II L'nion 011 ot C&lifomla . 62~ US S teel . . _ 68 Cia&ill 2ND llG WEEK "Rebel Without A Cause" Cl~Pf! Wamerrolor ''Teen-Age Crime-Wave" ' w ... "''"' ., .... 11 ...... JMY• Heofl ... fHNI w..., ldrwl of "Yery . r•lf»CfclW•" people .,. theMf I / ~ CINEMASc:oPl:·=- RICHARD EGAN• DANA WYtidR CAMERON MITCHlli Also Second Feature r, :~;t:;:.:::- princm be leamed how mach I • wcman c:an bat. .. and ~' Special Kldclies Holiday Sllow Friday, No~. 25 at 1:45 Adlllta Welcome Cblld.reu Z5c Adulte SOc Kkl's Mat. Sat. 1:45 -.. OVERLAND PACIFIC" STARTS NEXT WEDNESDAY FABULOUSLY vou .. ar )f,.. MUSICALLY vou .. ar ~* DfltAMAT1CALLV. vou .. •• ·sll(eaaaLY'~· ~WMNM ~ ... WA~Ol..OA ...... ,....,._..,._ocn ... -........ G .kWlcE Dllll • t>Otornv MALONE . ALEX Nm. PIU8 ""Frank Lonjoy "THE CROOKED WEB" SUPPER CLUB BALBOA Complete Dinners I Soup Appeti1ers . Salad Vegetable Dessert Coffee or Tea 1 n h 1 " ,,. 1 1, •• , • ,, • 1 • • :" t''' po' t p,, 111 !', l.n \•I .. "'''" "" r1rkr1I llfl the 11' II h I .• !1:··11n \\hill' 11n lh,. 1un lk\\l'\o • h• lo•lil lh,. ,.., llrl l •"ll'' I,. l • • • I 111• l Irr •· 1• k nJ l"r u , 1!,., • 1 ••I 1 un• 1 ttn tun' l\ftrr-" '"'''' •'f t\\11 1·1 l hl•t~ 111 ... k• HURLEY BELL ' I included with your choice of Lii \'••• nr '' '"' .,, hP rnulrln I I t f'ftlf'I l1f \\hftt• h• ~:i •k \t•1· 11t~ '"""~"·I I 111 lhnt l 1• ,.,, 1· •l 111 .. 1 f'l1tkin): 111m o!trr l't• 11•1l t1r~1 hit h~:----~----~-~--===I S.1f JI Wllh f e•••• bt W •• Pam· R.-ntal ltr m1& J ~·1J 1·. c, .. ;~, ,,,, t ·.,,.,n.a fl, I ,v,., Harbor 6071 IM lONC IUCN lht d1sl1llfl1ve Victor Hugo '· I I Ttlephont I HEmlock 6-4476 : I I M·G·M's Big-Star Comedy· Romance I \l'flte !!;n~er Trap• Frank Sinatra· Debbie Reynolds David Wayne · Celeste Holm • LEWls rlu" t:rrol Ff.rnn "THE W ARKIORS" <-.1nUnoou1 Th11.nht h 1n1 A Sunday from 'Z :30 t~nft.lntr 8 ho" •tort' ll:SO Wf'd., F ri. aad l"at. Prtef'tl for tlal1 r lrlnr,. a1lulh Jl.00, jl'll. 14"· C'hlld 23" Sf'xt AttF"M'tlon "Quentin Darwood" "Shacll Out on 101" • I Charc<ll'I Brollt'rl B road·Breuted U.S. Choice Top.Sirloin Turlley with all the trimmings ! DANCING ENTERTAINMENT from 9 p.m. l'---------------------------------------------------------------- ' L ---------~ - ----~ I PA~ • • PAltT I -NEWPOftT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 ~ ~ mGB FL YE&S, LOW CLOUDS -As the weather progressed toward the eventual hoisting of small boat warnings the races in Balboa YC's Veteran's Day Regatta '· were in no way deterred. Victory in the n ine-boat Luders fleet, shown here. again went to Newport Harbor 'y c·s crack ski p perette Ruth Haskell with her arch enemy .. Bud Gage of WYC in second place. -Bee kner Photo · \ CLOSE WORK -Six of the 11 entries in the Rhodes fleet which participated in Bal- boa YC'• Veteran's Day Regatta •tart working their way out the jetty during Sun- day'• races. At left are Strat Enright of Newport Harbor YC who placed second in aeriee and J ohn Kewell's Firefly of BYC, first place winner -Beckner Photo :Pirate Band Will Play in 12 sE1NER ·p d J R Bo I CREW ME~BERS ara e a r. e w BROUGHT HERE The Pirate band unde the di· takln( pa In the pre..;g'llm&I Tw••lve rrew m4'mb<>r8 of r~llon of Howard Kay will arch comblned band JI l at lbe RoH th(' 82-tt purite !lt ln"r New In t he Hnutlntlon Beach Santa Bowl. Sat11m 11 wt•rP rPl!<'UP•1 Nov. Claue parade ~. 9 and will play Following lbe gam~ accon11ng to 14 11 ft er 1 h,,. buat w.ui In the .1unlor Rolle Bowl on O~. Kay, atuden~ will eat al the Fam1· swamped on hl¥h acaa about / 10, 1t wu dt.c:loeed today. er'• Market •nd aee 110me telcvl· !\ mlla. oN lAguna Beach. In the Santa. Cla ue par11de. 8'on abowa before <"omlng home. Thi' mrn Wl're re~C'ul!(J by H ununirton B4ach • annual Chrl11l· Anl)t htr fuuung vf's.~el. t he mu celebration, the Bue band will CltJld a..:_..d in Sain t Rlt&. whJch took them. be one of GO JTOUP• partl<'lpatlng . .... Into San Pf'flao A c o a s t For the Junior Ron Bowl on Spin From Auto c .mr<I boat a.s~1ated In the Dec. 10, t.he OCC band will parnJ P rl'IC'llf'. tn th• momll\f al 9 30 &II well Hut.her ~ Buml!lde. 2 1 ' • of Th,. l'oR"t GuRrd 88111 h1ah -12220 Ttu1tln Av<'. Co,.la M··1u1 .. ., rt>Celved treatment a t Hmig Ho~-wavn ~v.Rm~d mto lh!' hold •--L ·--Robin pllaJ Thursday llflPI nrn'n aftl'r wh1IP th1• l'IPW """ hnulln~ ~ nrv an 11 ralr h· 11b<l11t :\ a m. I 1nn 1rrmg minor ln;u11e11 m a fall ....., f About if) l"n~ of sar<lm<'ll .. Th ..... o a tool box und blnoc-u· I from "" moving ••.tr. l ... -nlued a t $70 fTom hi• 111111· 1 Driv<'r Ml'I. Mllqrn1 et Lor('n% w,.,.. lo1<t t Ro"btn wa.1 reported to N,w. BurNJldt t.old off1nrs tile thtld Own•'r t•f th~ st•'' kf'n \'1'8· rt Beach pollc:e Ill 12 30 p m opened tht rear <fl)t)r or th<' C'Rr srl w.1~ Antonio l'1lnln or Lo11 ----~-_....--------~~~------~----~~~~~ MESA. Post OFF~CE OFFERl~G SPECIAL' e~RCEL POST OFFICE· Ca.ta Mraa Pc»t Offu:e patrona wt.htnr to Mnd pan:l'l poet pa<"ka&a dunnr the hohday partod upcomlnf will have a •peciill bulldlnr a vaileble to them by Dec. 10, Mra. Bud Gill, po•tmuter. announced today. The •hed owned by a lumber flnn IO\lth of U1e JIOlll office will offer pare.I pott "rv&ou under dl~Uon of. Bob Nellon, ahe aaid. Incoming parcel.I will be dellYered f'n>m a W'afthouae iJ1 Warehouae VIU..e, •be aald, with BW B&mett I.a cbarp of th.la operation. ON ELECTION EYE Orange. Officials Twit Santa Ana Councilmen ORANGE (OCNS) -OUlclale or the City of Orance Monday .. Id a letter •lgned by Santa Ana coun- <"ilmen "speaks for ltaelf." Tbe lettn, appearing u a ~d advertisement in a Santa Ana newspaper, chargea the City ol Orange with Wling "unfair" tac· tics before an election .cbeduled yesterday to determine It ttO _ acres In west Orange will annex to the city. Thia talc• eve of aay U'l'I" ment that Santa .Ana ia takJ.D.r a "Mndlt off" poUc7, Oranp ~ cl&la Mid. Tbe letter further eh&rSM tut Oran&'• le attempt.tnr to blook8aD· ta Ana'• crowth. ud 8&79 8anta Ana wtll not undart.ak• llU1p M• nu&Uona to block ~ cltl& "What," C>ranc• O(ftdalll llfk, "X.. th• land 1n th• city llnltta ot GOODBYE. BOYS, HE THINKS 1'rull lllnatra Y• rooclbJ• to bJa duoefl"H NctMlor ~-"'-> wbeD be f&lla 1"'9 wtUa Debbie R.eynoldlt ID, -nte Tendet Ctnnnuoope comedy· ~ca. butd oa UM ~lladlWllP"l!llt t. now abowtnir at t.ba X.. Tbeatn. Eniertainment Persqnaffty Appears at Local Playday One sentence ot the letter eaye, "we will Immediately proceed to take eteps lo achieve your annex• allon lo Santa Ana." , Sant& AJI& alonir the freeway clear RIPDPUnr UM playday llelcl JunJor -8am Edney; nrure I to th• county boeplt&l ac.pt a Sunday at the buffalo rancb by at&ke race -Sam ·l:dney ;-trall •trip annex!" Ule Riden of the San J oaqllln, hor•. MD.tor -Charle• Lwtk; COAST GUARD WARNS OF PRACTICE FIRING The U. s. Cout Guard warned today. ot p"ctlce fir· Ing o!f Castle . Rock, S an Clemente I s I an d, Monday through Friday, 8 a. m. to midnight. Saturday and Sun- day. Xov. 26-27, durtnr day- light hours, and off Pyranild Cove. San Clemente Jeland, Tuesday 8 a. m. to 10 p. m, and Wednesday. 7 a. m. to 4:30 p. m. Mesa Council Proclaims Bill of Rights Week Co!ta Mesa City Council baa proch1imed the week from Dec. 8 lo 1 ~ for the fifteenth obaervance or tht' anniversary or the Bill of Rights. Al Delphlno, put rommander of Costa MeRA Post American Le- gion. requested a council ruolu- llon tor the obeervance. e:11pl&ln- lng that It wu one of the pur- poses of the Legion "lo foeter and perpetuate a JOO ~n:ent Amert· canl•m." • Delphlno al110 uked Ule coancll to give conaldeni.llon for the ob- servance or Oct. 23, 18~ u Unit· f'd State11 Day In pl.ace of Ul.e pre- sent Llnlted Nation• Day. some cities In the county have made RU<"h a <"hange whlle ot.hen have p1o<'la1med the day u bot.h Un}t· N1 States D11y and United Na tion• Day. Drlphmo explained. Hauskn-Watson SPORTS CAR CENTER 5 OCC Officen Joi1 Bia111al Stldent Seaion nawly arpal&ed rldlnr club of trail hone. junior, Barn Edney; the Harbor area, wu lhe apptar· Victoria Croaa race -Bonnie Mc· anc• of Wr&11rler J im, an enter-Kay; bareback pleuure -Robin talner, and his horse, Cochl.'le. Hix· Swinford. HIJh point ll'Ophy for pectbia' to be preaent al moat of the day wu awarded Sam Edney the pk)'da)"I at the ranch, Wranr· by Phil Barnea. arena director. ler Jbn WU honorary marshal fO/r UM SNll4 citry Sunday and an• tared ....al avente. ParUclpaa~ from var1oefa out- J'tve .tudent oftk!erl from Or· 1ld• ridln&' croupe entered Sun· anr• Cout Colles• and De&nl'rad d•)"• event. with t he 1pothcbt Huber attended the 20th bl.annual takaiJ b)' the Companeroe and Callfornla Btllct.nt Government A.a. Centaur junior rid111& iroupa. 90Clat1oft eonterence llt Jl'r9DO Judie for the day waa Kay Bail· Nov. lT-19. ey. well-known California horM· 8tudmta a.Id faculty advt.eon from eo C&lltomla Junlor college& were p~. 8tuaenta repreaent· Inc 0~ CCIUl wen Ron Arm· woman Md 1tate champion. Win· ner• Hat.ad were: 11.ock borM, "" nlor -Bob Duncan: •tock hone, 1tronc, t..qiana Baaeh, atudent H-a...s With Roat body p~ent; Alan HodgM, -T Hu,t.lnrtoci B4ach, v1ce·pruldent; Jane .Nunan, Newport Beach, di• rKlor of a ctlvtllu; Katherine Southward, Midway City, pr .. 1- dent of A.W.8.; and Diane Moore. Garden Orove, aecretary. Rinser and re&1onal vtce presl· dente f rom Tait, Napa and El Camnlo Junior Colleru prepared lh• eonferenc•'• •renda from pro- poeaU. enacted In eectlon meet- Gregory W r I g ht of Newport Beach, 1 t u d e n t al Claremont Men'a College, aided In Home- coming celebration plane. Nov. 19. by helping con1lruct1on of one or four floal1 entered In the home- comtnir parade "Cecil on Safari". Wright'• Boswell Dorm entered "Lady or the Ticer" in the an- nual parade. ln~1. Including northern at Napa, at an opening banquet Thur11day OcL 15. aoutbern at El Camlo, e\'Cnlng. He wu Introduced by Ocl. 22, and central at Taft, Oct. 1. Preeident Stuart M. White of Donald D. Doyle, a etate u-F JC, who welcomed the repr.en· eemblyma11, wu principal epea)ter t.a.tlvee to Freano. • Private Police •• MERCHANT PATROL and HA~BOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 OweM PlaM Mesa Optimists Tall "Opportunttlea at Orllni;e <"•"11<t C'ollf'.:r" wlll be ""l'laun«I 1.1 membt'r1 or Crutta Mua Ort11111•1 Club lhl• l'Yl"n1n11 at 11•1 t>.•r Houae Re 1 t a u r a n l by John 8 . Oweoe. t"hairman or tet'llnnlo11\' d1vla1on and lnetru!'tur In build· lnJ conetructlon at the rollt £e. Optl-Mra. Yt•lll have an lnatal· laUon party Oet", 8 wllb a pin t11 be pr8Hlltfld lo t he Opt1·Mra. preeldmt. IAVI SAFELY At Orante County's lnstiMion LHdin9 Home Lending CONTINUING TO PAY t/2 cro PEF! ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month E•rn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION IU Oceaa AvealM! none: BY •·ll11 LAGUNA BEACH trf, 11 by J. A. Glbaon of El Se· j while 11he wa11 truv1>lmg M rth (1n A n~"IH. . Newport Blvd. !!011th or Bay ill -------------------"'I .lacua r, MO, Alfa Romeo A11-•tln Healy, AuatJn. Monte Aw•tln t:n,;llah Ford SE W CAR SALES & 8ER\'JCE • CLEAN l 'SEU CARS l mportt'd &. Domestic <'O~TA ME~A I 8 AXT A A.SA L.IMrty 8-6031 Kl !·076t 193? Har. 81. 2!01 8. Mata Is vour sUnr Mn ice l't'ady for ChriAtmaA ~ It's "WIRTH" It! SilverplatinCJ 8\' Silvenmiths • e C'lea.nlnl' e Bufftnf er...-querlnl' ••• Copper, 8raM ll Pe'lll'ter WF. G1'ARA.'Tl:l: ('ompll'lfl Cu.1toml'r l'!atlllfM"tloD n111t Our 1·11u1m&I ANTl'i)UE SHOP For Outatandlni C'hr1atmaa (iltta FIRST DEPOSITORS AT NEW BRA~CH e WIRTH'S e Manager Lloyd Suga.ski I ll'ft I of th<' Bank of Aml'rica 's nl'w brand 1 1n Co-.La :ii 'Sa accepted the first deposit on Monday from B. A. Nl'reson. long l'stabli~hl'd rcaltor Bayside PlatinCJ Co. of Costa Mesa . Also in line to Op<'n new accounts Hr<' Rob<-rt Jl'n~ ·n. pr•• ui<'nt 1914 Harbor Blvd. of the local contracting firm which built the bank's new hnme. nnd &lwa ni Cost.a Mesa .Raamusscn, "cross-the-comer" ne1ghoor of the nl'w bank. -&•drnl':-Ph11_:_t='::::==~===U=be;;;;rt;:);:·;:8;:-l;:j8;;;;2::=;::=;~ • O~ratlon DEEP F' RF: F: Z E, Th" l'~S c ;a,.1• r. lhl' :-:1wy'!t tt}if'd uled tn IPll\'fl (nr Ant11rrt1ra nf'Wt'l't irebrraker. will be thl' JI: }'l;ovembt'r 19~1~1. ha~ a !'JlP( 1.11 nion ~"'"' ful 1.-. h1 ral<1·r e\f,.r trt 1feabee battalion 11 roltl Wt'alhn rl'nrtrRll' 11 l' • lo<kr.t Anlarrt1ra 4fr aquadron. N-ven ~hll"' en•I i\ttarhrrl tn Td•k Jo 1•r•" l 'l "'" !to5 Navy men and off1rrr~ I Glec1r r boal!lls ZI oon hur•Ppower MESA UPHOLSTERING t:ro111tertn.-~ llr•P4''~ ll60 Nlll•pt. Rhd .. ('11f'ta Mru Ubnty 8· mu II Old Establliohl'<l lm111rance Agcn<"y All llnt's wrlll"n HOWARD W. GERRISD 1808 :'\ewport Ul\'d . Costa M ... PHOSt; LIBt:RT\' ll-16U ~~;;;;:======~1 ~-;;;;------------~ ' Newport Variety l'OUll 6 Md 10 STORE We Olwe Cro'111"11 8'-pe Oeeam Front Xeat Pi'.er Nll:WPOaT BEACH •• I MATTRt:8St:~ Boet• -Home11 -Tralll'r• J rr,.plar Shaptt Ubl'rty 8·1303 COSTA Mt:~A MA1TRFft~S CO. %130 Xe'lll-pott Bh·d. RESIDENTIAL-INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL ZSO SOth St., Newport 8-c.b llublr JUI It bapperw like that when you drive thia fabulpWI '66 Pontiac. Y6u Ir.now you're in for A thrill the moment you hear the muted pU11' of the exhaWJt. u the all-new Strato-Stnak v:s OOl1le8 to life. At 6nt you'll ju.et want to aail alon11 amooth and euy, drinking in the new atmMtiONI. Thil lonr and lovely creation et.opt!, llttu1.I, tuma, movee and roee with swift and IW'fJ preciaion- .. though in reepome to your wiahee them.lne. You lean l>Mk lururioualy, liatenins to the milee whisper put. Then, ahrad, you lllfl the opportunity you've been loo1Un1 for ... the hi1hway up front arching high over a hill. You touch U. aeollent.or J.i&htly-and only for a - moment. lnltantly, that sr-t ~ V-8 takee ova. Smooth u aosrina, the nlAh ol power catapult& you up and over .•• your aolo fiilht! Thia i8 bow it feela ••• eeemin«IY limitlem power at your oommand-amoot..h, eft'ortltw power for the almm" peoe of city drivinc, jet.- fut in an emerpocy to 8.ick you Mfely put loiteren oa U. hich••Y· By thill time you're certain-Pontiac hu nerythinc-.a... t.&uty, roadability and with it the .,_tM "IO" and .Uety ever built into •car. on .... tbi9 fabulom '66 Pont!ac and tlnd out hoe it .. kl d)'. TMI ..,. trW lilOW you-f cw1l ·--·· ...... Ott ....... ,..... -.r ,., _,_. ,.... • ,._.._ ..._.. 7)J/ the 1817"'° tal«J.qJ/ (f,,., l;lblAlta ,._;e, --""' ... 51.._........... ,.. ~ - -......... -J (~'-,,_ "-" "' ... ,......_,,, F,,.. /9S~ llu• ,,_•Iii-'61;... U 1 w.,1,., '-•••-! F• ... "r " " ... ,_ .• r-WJ '56 Fbntiaff> ' Roy Carve~ Pontiac I 1400 w. Coast Hwy. NEWPORT. IEACH Ub1rty 8-J461. .. ·' L -~NEWPORT -HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 PART TWO, PAGE ONE . ~-. . --' CAR FOR OUTING -1956 O ldsmobile, first of its model on road here, stops amon9 pines on w•y to Holcomb Valley, site of urly 9old rush. Many public campgrounds are in this area, on map. • HORSEBACK riding in fhe back country near Cig 6.-?ar Lab is popular sport in summer or fall. This group is on a 3-day ride and camps each night at one of many p u b I i c campgrounds whic h are provided Ii.ere fr ee of char9e. ENTERTAINER J A C K W a hon blows taps at iree of living cross wh ere "Greek George" and "Charlie the Chink" killed each other in a duel over a mini1t9 claim in the 1860s. The· pion· eers were burittd here and e crou was mar~ed ;nto the trH. OLD WEST'S GOLD RUSH <', FLAVOR AT BIG BEAR Much of the flavor of the Old We.st still remains in what might at fint seem an unlikely spot, the mount&ln rM<>rt area of Big Bear Lake and nearby Holcomb VallE>y. Here, where fishermen, hunten, winter sports enthusiast.a and vacationers now bold sway, once wu the acene of a bustling fur trade, rich gold atrlkea t.nd violence that would e q u al Tombltone, Ari.a .. or the Mother Lode Counll")'.. We followed the lrailll of the ploneel'9 ln a lOM Old> mobile .u~r 88 HoUday cou~ tumtahed by Kilter Chevrolet. Newport Beach. Thie gn at car, probably th• first nf ill m odel on the road hf're. feature1 lncrtu · ed honwpower and a new Hydra.mauc that carried u1 over a ll mountain ,Tade1. Our goal wu the famous Rlm or the World drive into the Sin Bernardjno Moun· talns. llO we left fiere bound for the Santa Ana Canyon. through Corona. Arlln~ton and Riverside, t hen to San Bernardino. Here U. s. 68 jog1 shArrly rlghl a t Ml. Vernon avenue. and W l' continued on the tran3ConUnt>nlal highway to Highland and lhe junction of Route 18 at Sierra way. Route 18. the Rim ot the Wottd. takea th• autol11t over part or the Old Mor· mon Trail pu t 11pectacular 11cenery and vlewa of • the San Bernardino Valley far below. LAKE FlTLLEK Soon, after 1t1dln1 lhrou1b -- tract• of hure plnu and 1klrt1nr Arrow Bur Lake, we came within view of Big Bear Lalcf'. Due to thunder- 1tonn1 thla summer the lake la much f uller than It baa been for 10m• time; Sw1nc1ng r1g'ht acro1111 th' brldgl', we drove up t he lakuhore to our overnight 1lop at Laganllll Lodge. Laganlta Is 111tuated on a beautiful pojpt t'Xtend1ng In- to thf' lakt> anJ i~ run by Mr1. Delia Be<:ker, widow or • Harry Becker. Mrs. Becker Is doing a grand job. anJ there 1s " friendly 11n1nt 1111!1 atmos- phrrP -phi".. Pxcellent food -that we alt enjoyed. GOLD Rl'!Ut SITE E11rly lhe next morn lnl?'. In the crisp. refrf'llhlng air of 1000 fef'l altilu<lr. w" iwt out for Holcomb V11lley and the site <Jf Southern California'• m oil fabled gold ru1h. Holcom b VsllPy 111 rea<"h· ed by an easy 20·minute drive from Fawni,kin ovtr a good dirt rc.ao through Pollque Canyon. As we en- tl'rN! the peaceful vitllt>y we 1potted our t1rst relic of HOMESTEADED by Willi•m F. (Bill) Holcomb, prolpetfor, in 1860, this l•rge ranch still con- tains some of cabins built by the adventurer when he wandered south from Mother Lode Country and discovered thhe valley bearing his n•me. Party admires scenerY. here. · ,,,,-·.1.': BIG BEAR LAKE ma~es an impressive si9ht es seen from •bove near clam. Summer thuncfentorms h•ve made l•ke much fuller this year, alfhou9h water is stiH much lower than normal. Fishermen, hunt- ers, winter sports fans and vacationeri find this spot pop"'•r. thoee early d11y•. a 1ls n pointing to tht• ·~Tl'ff of the Living Cl'OH ." Thl• mark• the cnmnion g-rave of two pro1pector11, known by the colorf\11 If enigmatic name1 or ··charll'y the Chink" and "Greek ' Gt'Or(f'." who k lllf'd each otht'r 1n a dut'l ovu a mln• Ing r ls1m during the roar· Ing t111ys or l H I. Thr1r b<Jdll's w,.r? bu1 It'd ~1w1tth thl' trt't' unJ,.r whkh the\' roughl , 11.,,, a rr08JI was h1u·kt'd into the 1111p- wood of the pint' by lhe spertato~ t'm 'so 1~ 11Mt Th" t r .. e w1t11 lo11t tor many yl'ttl"l! until !hi' J.'n1·r11t· ry Serv1l'e, at.led hy a pho• tngrllph from till' file1 of B 0 Hoh11P~. rt••ll .. •·ovl'red ll only :IOI YIH<lll ofr the road In Ill~ fl Our tour t hrnu~h-.. t hfl 01oun1tt1n•. by lht> ·\.·11y , w1111 1tt1ldC't1 by 11 bnok. "Blit B Par VallPy, It'~ Hl1t11ry. Legl'nd• amt T11lu," by A u1111n Drake, whlt'h ronta ln11 R live ly •c· count of lhf' dlll'I. Wllllam .... I Btll) Hol· comb. 1ulYl'nt urn an d proi<pec-tur who drifted ,.nuth frum thf' Mother lMP C'll11nt1 v. d1i<eovn•d. thf' v&tl")' In 11130 while on a ~r hunt HI• 111011p.-111nir• Un· r <Jv .. 1 r•I r11·h Jlll v •lirt. and thf' n,.w,. 11tarlf'd a w ild ,.,·rnmbif' 11mon11 thl' l!<'Um Of lhl' \\'r~I IA wrtl "" hunt' .. t 11\f'n 111 11e11rch of rlrhf'11 C 'A81~ Kl':~Al!"H Hnlrnmb 1rnbi<••qurnttv bt•c .. m,. "" oul11landln1C f111ure In hi• hl1th vll!lf'y. whf're the rprn11111" of hi• 01" rabln 11l11J 8!11n•I But th" I( n 1 rt ru1h b rou .. hl a lonK 1111 •hare ot lawleunf'llA, and m any badm1rn w t r" bu rl•d alonaalde honut cltl&ene ln lhe oltl ceml'lf'ry On• rf'llC OI fronti,.r 1 u"t1 c • 11 Hanicman'e T ree, Joca tl'd tl!'•r Hol• comb C1mp11round• on 1 h• t ownalte or the 1told camp Bf'llf'Vllle. · Thill ~autlful jun lJ>f>r, lllandlnr alone from t he N'at or the torHt. Mari a ll'itend thlll u ch time a man wa.. hanitl'd from Ila branchu a limb wa1 choppf"d from 1t11 lnlnlt. AlthOUjth t hl' ta.le hU n'v"r bl'Pn pro,veon. we o o t c d m a n y J&lflf-d 11lump11 pro1r m1l111 f rom 1111 lnink l,A (.K (lt' ('ROWD9' Onf' nr lh!' rt,.1111url'11 ot vlllll l11g the YAllf'y WH the ID('k c1f rrow1l11. We ll!lw only two· or thrl'e part lu 1tay1n11: in thfl huJ:•• ar""" 111 Holcllmb <'11rnr. Hann" fo'l•l Publfo C11mp11rounll11 11nrt othf'ra. Yet thr"" tr,.. faclll· llea. complete wtth lablH . 11lovu1 a n ti ""•l room11. ar• onlv a ff'w m1lr11 rrom p<>pular 8111 Bur Lakf'. Conlln11ln11; our mun· d!'11n1t. weo found lhP Vlll· l~v full or ol1I m lnf's 11nrt plar u c I " Im 11 Ulrnui:h "h1r h "'',. "'•U'tl '-''&ndr r II( Wiit F.arlll'r t r11 PPIRK of ht :ir• 111n I f 11,. I 11n11nalll 11 loni:: l h,. 11w 11 m py mr1ri-w.·11 a n ii 111 rl'a m• or Hoi: A" 11 r Vall• V brou.1rht rnri unr ' ,., "''"'" h11r 'Y 11d•"n1u1•r.. hul Hnlromb'• A\1 l)lf' fum l11h· "'I lh" r,.111 wr"llh both in ito l<I 11.m1 111nr11·• Of rnun1r. m•ny of lh" t111 .. ~ nf thh• f"J:lfln Uf'lll wllh lo~t 1Tl10t3 11n1I onr of the nv1~! f11_m1n111 I• t h11t or t hr "f ..n"l Min•· or V11n Uuzrn ('11nv11n " Rl('ll "4TRIKf: Th11 f11bulou11Jy rlrh 11trlke ws11 rounit. thrn lollt llltllln, twirl'. a n•I IK>me •till think It w11• on .. nf t he rnolht'r lli•lr< rrom whlrh 1111 oth"r li(nlrl 111 Ull' va llry onc" r am• Annlhf'r 11tory t,.11!1 11f a hunter Whn plfk,.•l up a piece of bl,.rk rn< k "n Cactu1 rl11t th11t rf'port· 9(lly aaay .. rt u t r11t1 or" worth SI 11)() " ton It' lonr Marrh rall"t1 to t1nt1 th" enurre of th" 1tnn,. Per llape a uranium hunt.er 1tOm11 da y will atumbl1 upon on .. of th"'""' lPgendllry tlnd11. 11nd lf'C• ent1 will mike him a r1ch man. Unfortum1lt>ly. we hat1 no Um" lo hunt ln•t mini'•, lKI ,..., l ur nM 1 IM OldamobtlP for the-tnp hOmf'. Our rout11 out followed lhe new hlth lf"•r road frrim Runnlnl( Hprla 1t11 tD fll.JChhHlll avrnll~ In rat• lnn, anti 111.nn Ir • r l•I,. horn" f'n lcoJ .... • .,. \) w .. 1< end. ' '(lovernmenl ·f.:xcepl PAGE 2 ·PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 ''God gront u~ thti serenity to accept the t hings we c onnot chonge; t he couroge to chonge t he things we con ond the wisdom to know the difference." (A. A non.) EDITORIALS Too Far South for Safety? is. ll seC'ms the farther north one gets, the safer one Th<' reason ? Lct8 srarch for it. To start. with, statistics show that someone is killed every 28 minutes. somewhere. With California having grea te~t numtx>r t'ars per capita of any state. and most of them in Southern California, plus our uni- versal urge to get. somP plare t'lse in a hurry. we are a natural for accidcnt1'. That's one of the reasons our retiring assemblyman. Earl Stanlry. int.roduc<'d dri\'ers training in schools and for it he is blesS('d by parents whose children have had that training. ' Last year we saw our sidewalks decorated for the first tim~ with the white Jegt'n<l of S-D Day. Again they are here. reminding us to make "Every Day S-D Day." There might also be a rever~. slogan, "Ignorance, Cart'lrssncss, Contempt -Kill." Are you ignorant of the traffic regulations? You are 1C you drive your car at twilight or in fog with }larkinglights •Ill instead of headlights. It's strictly against the IHw. Arc you carcle1>s ? 01) ynu leave' your car from the strt'et side ? Do you come to a full stop at a crosswalk if another car has stnpped and blocked your view of a possible pedrstrian? I;>o you observe the legal speed limit ? Are you contemptuous? You are showing contempt when, in driving down a main artery -say Newport Blvd. at. 32nd St.. you pull your car to a slight "hesi· tale," then give 1t t~e gun and shoot across directly in front of a car entering the intersection from your right and having legal right-of-way. Just pause at the going home hour some oight and watch how often thU. happens. These ue minor infractions perhaps; but many minor infract ions become a habit that can suddenly apell death when the careless tum directly in front of an oncomin~ tank-trailer spil18 half a dozen ot our young people on the highway and for some ot::t~em the police report a "1183" or the hospital, "D. 0 . A." --dead on arrival. Or l'lgain a driver turns in the path of an oncoming motorcycle and a traffic officer 1a month.a in the hospi(al while broken bones knit_ Careleuneu, both. And for contempt there'• the driver who swervea cJost' to pedestrians ''lo scare them" and a man i• hurle<l to the highway, killed in front of biB wife. All or these happened and were reported by tbi.a newspa~r. ~J i~ it better in the north? In the state of Wastting~on lhe sPfed lim1l is 50 mpb and mean• just that, not just any speed at which you don't get caught. , A Nation Gives Thanks "May we life up ~r hearts in special prayera of gratitude for the abundance of our endowment.a, both material and spiritual. for the preservation of our way of life, In its richness and fullness, and for the relig- ious faith which has wielded such a beneficent influence upon our dest iny.'' In those words, Preaident Dwight D. Eisenhower has proclaimed the annual obser\'ance of Thanksgiving Day. It was not his intention. of course, but one of the "Special prayers of gratitude" that the American people lift. up will be for the President himself -for the wiIS- dom and forsight of t his man, who as warrior and statesman has done so much to preserve our Ameri· can way of life. Not the least of Dwight Eisenhower's great contributions to his country has been th~ practical, efficient way in which he so organized the executive department that when illness took him away from the command post , the government continued to function smoothly and with no loss of momentum or diminution of prestige. America's endowments are indeed abundant, especially when measured in the vibr!lnt terms of man's human instinct lo creat something good and rewarding, for himself and for others. We can well give thanks that m free America we have proved that man, despite his variety, his vagaries, his differenc.es, la endowed with the ability to work miracles of faith -and progress. As the President said; "It is therefor in keeping with our oldest traditions that. at. the fruitful season of the waning year we turn again to Almighty Cod in grateful acknowledgement of his manifold blessinp." Literary Licenses The driver ahead of you may be a BUM or he may have a high IQ, but you won't be able to tell it from his 1956 license plate. The State ·0epartment of Motor Vehicles has adopted a system under which each license will have three letters and three numerals, ranging from AAAOOl presuma!;>ly to. ZZZ999. You'll have to check this your· self, but it is claimed that under thi!t sys tem some 12 million combinations are possible -twice as many a.a under the present. system. To avoid confusion and low comedy remarks the department hu eliminated aucb letter combination• aa the above mentioned BUM, onea containing I 0 Qr Q, and others such aa RAT, LUG, SAP a.od APE. A worthy motive. But it d0e8n't keep ua from wondering if ZZZ is to be reBE'rved for dri"ens who fa.U•asleep at the wheel. First Step THE .FIRST THANKSGIVING An Example to Remember The first crop had been bountiful in the new, at.range land; the perils of its wilderness. while present still, were no longer unknown. So the Pilgrims offered prayers of thanksgiving on the day of the feast - girded spiritually and materially against all dangers. As we today follow, in effect, their example in"t.he festive turkey, so should we be girded as they were that. first Thanksgiving, against all who imperil us and our heritage of freedom. It is from our Pilgrim Fathers' grateful prayers an the wildernes1:1 that our pr~sent Day of T hanksgiving derives. They set an l .:ample in word anti deed which we wc·ll might remember at. least once a year. Even before the Mayfl ower lane.id t.hem at Plymouth they had written in their Compact: "We whot>e names Are undcrwrtll<'n have undertaken, for the glory of God, t o establii;h in Virginia the first colony for the advance- ment of the Christian faith . , ." So glorious our heritage, so short. our memories! NO COMMENT By ~~ W. OOUTBAT Wuh1n1tlon Thrre 111 Wide· a pollllclan as Viet P ru11lent !':IX· 1pread 11~p l"tment &monic pollll· on h~ Mid tha t Mt. Kt'f11u ve'r hu claru In wa,.h1ngton th11l Adl&l 11 down ·IO ·t'8t\h ttrp<'nl \lo htl h Steven11on I'< r,., Ahtatl for I he protea111on111 pultl1t1•n~ hl\Vt' c11n· Oemocr ftllc "'""1denual nnm ln8· j slantly undPrt'"l•nl'1t'cl M1 Ntx· llon .•. 11nu that tl 11 .:oing to on 11111J hi' h,11J h1i,:h r"~f't'<l CCtr be exlrt'ml'ly 1llrt1< 11ll tor 11n\· ot 1 ·'Ir K• rauvu s \'11lr • J:<'llcn~ alJI· tne other t-<1rrful~ lo 011tdl~ll\nc" Ill)' b ut that Mt Kt '"""r 1111,:hl him. havr chC!1cully 1n "'"lt1ni: thf' n11111· Befor.. Mc 1-:1•1 nhowtr'" Ill· 1m1lton bt'r11u1<1· h1· hllll 11l1rr:a 1~.1 neea thl.' r>t h••1 llf'llH>< r•llc pollll· 11<lmt' of \h; 1111ulhr rnr1 11 ""'I ctana "'Nt• 11111lt-1•111\,.nt Lo give thi; big 1·1 ly D1'0 1111 111llr· b111lM'~ •In Mr S\t'\'P11"•11 th•• hon"r ol b••cng not Ilk,. h1111 h•'l 1111~" 11( "'" , " :J.rom ,, BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL Hy llORAC•: rARKt~R (f:d. S~le -Thlt rolumn b'I' ffo ral"e l'arko•r "'Ill dral "'Uh the Uttlo-kqown hl•lorll'al laC'la be ha• d""l.:Nl up lo hlro many I ripe lftlo l~e bark country In l'f'N'nl yl'arro. I The wmd blew and the rain pC'ltt-d down in 1ntrrmlt. tent gusts. It was Christmas EV(•, '1775 nncl thl're wai. dancing and ml'rriment. in c·ontrast tn th<' mi1:1rcable w(•nthl'r. From the many fires c·ame the hungry smell of n1a11tang-mut. Undrr th•• OVt'rh11n1;111i.: prutN·llon lm n11 nnl " hl\IC hn11r lll:C\ A roo t M a hui::-e bouhh·r w~ll 8 JOll In my .. i,n, l-1111\'ador• l~nAc'I" Lin· i;?roup nf n11•11. nhv1ou~ly iu1l11!1'rl' an•ii" Thrcr r1u ·P• W•'r•• h1·1t H!l'd, blll I "ll<'lll ! llrA1 "' r rlrcl thr mrn In 1h,.1r t'Y"" toht th.-llltil'\', ~unk,•11. 11nlaon "A l«a~t to lht' ~un or nn•I ~ .. v. 1'a1 '" thllt •·n·n th<' Al:· Lin""'~ ' uar ll1••n1e t t11 ru 111\ I C 11 I I" •I to brli;:hll'n I h1•n1. 1 h,• flh'n imn,:. J"k "•I '"'I f'IB\'<•ol 111 11ri •(fort Ill fori;<'l lh1• \l'i<l•011l11y Hntl lo r em· t1•111plalt• n1•1 tire 111111 a.1w Om• burly C..-ll11w m l""'t hi~ <'llil or br8nd\', 111111 tlb<l\'1' tlw p .. 11 .. r of tho• '"'" nod th" h11wl ur lhr w 1n.1 ,hout• •I 111 ~p11111~h. "A l•m111 rot11p111ln•:i 1•1 n od. li:111s: Bnd our tirn "'" lt~•d• r tit' A nr.11 " ('I l'!'I 1 .. :1.11 HH:ll \\'it h i:o0tl nn turerl ~ht111t.1, the rup~ W<'rt• n tlPPd n nd I h1' tnel'l drunk. i'"or rven thOll,l?h th,. \\'Nllh•·r Wllll bad. AllZR hmt clc•· n ••l'IJ U1" t ('A 11 Ir "hmclll bl' lmt l'l1· N't•1I 11111! I he r a i<k" 11( 11g1111r.tlrntr br1111 t'ht>1I so his pl'o ple might hovr n little run a nrt l11ui;hll'r on Chrlslmn11 1-:,.,., With a quiet 111111le on h111 lip,., but with en PV· er waH·hCul ~.\'•' for trouble ~n;r;a watr ht'd llw datw1ng nn•t Pln~ing n( I ht• nt••n Rlld w 11n11·n of lh" ):rOUp 0( 111·1 tll'r:< he W llll lt>&ttlng lo 11l'l t le A Ila < '11hfnrn111 F"r m n t 1111(' tu t ent" A nzo< w ttul•I w alk t o On•• or the ll'nt " onrt In 11 low vn111• th11l '""''' "" hl'Btd alxlVP \ht' 11\ur111. hi' wc•uld q11~ry, "Ar" lhmi:" 11ad~· ~· .. 1"' \\U,tt:~.-:Oi \'OH 't-" F'1 1J1n \\ tlhuJ lh•1 l••n l ,·;1nH• th• low 11wnn~ 11( a ,,. 11111.111 Tiwn in •ult, inu:<1t al ~r11n1•h \\1111111 1 "",.. tl••t 1 ••rt"'1tl1n,: \'ut• 1·~ t•f h•·r lV.'h \\!Ofth'll l't•Htprtnli•t1K "B•· t.;r ,eV•·. "h~nu tn,". Stl'•t Urlf" nf the· Wl•nll'f1 "It \\Ill hill bl' Iona; und y1111r lol;nc i< "111 11~ ••V•'• " "'"' l \\'(f •lit~ 1"11 lh1\\' St OPl)t c :,·t' I I Ucll>< l.1111111 '4 h.ctl 1it•1•n l'llfll'llflj: I lhr> l,tll"l 111~ phtnS <•I •'htldlHI I h Fiii 11"1 F ont \\'UTrlt'<l 11" Ill ht'I \\'t•tftJt\1 h,u l • nnft•:-.Jl't•tl .,n,j t·on · 1<111<''1 h• r uni\' lh18 AClrmnon It '"'"" llt'llrlnl( 1111.tntght wh•'l1 tht ntuer ctf thr two wo1111·n "' hrr bt'<l111de n1 .. l1l1•<1 lo 1thl' y11ungcr one in the w1<v.-rlnK c8ndlellght In lhe lt'nl HMtily the young ont' drl"w lhe 11hawl morf' tl~hlly Bbout hl'r 1houldt'r!I and oprntni: thr CIA p of the l "nt t<ll"pp<"•I lnlu thr rB cn Hnd wmJ In 11eA11 h ot ~nz& 1)1•1•1• in 1 h .. 1'onC1nl's nt r vynt" Canyon. w h1t•h 1 .. 11.ls 0111 o f l he Hun •i:.i •lt•>1,., t. a nti nr 111• WhKt •• k1111w11 1111 l'pp••r \\'lllow1 •If' F11: ·l'l ••t' Sprtni.: •~ u 11111 t k• r •rt<I ph1qur 1·on111wmvraltn1: lhl~ i:~n­ ••1 al 1u·1·l 118 lht• 11pul ,,.h,·rt' 1111• firs t wh1lr thlhl In C'11.h CC1n11a wu-. born. Alwa\'>' •·11111·111 llnll rcu11pll'I· 1111.~ 11C hl.•111111'1)1 "flr11t11," It 1il1 1wl< 1111' l h11i llt l!lh'h A lllP 1l11y tht'I " 11\Ul<I IH\\'I' lC'I l111nly bl'l'n C\lhc·r "11 hit(• 1·h1lih en" bnrn In C'a h(11r· nla rrlor 111 1 h,. Una rr:t rhlhl Q11rr) In~ ''"' ,. 11g11ln my "'ood tn en1I "l/111'11•" Bc'n Dixon , f1>rmer 111 r hh·ls t o f I h•• Sr rt" MUl'l.'Urn In SBn Ult>,-:c1 All l't'):ll f'dl!I th111 "tlnt whlll' 1·1tlhl" J Hl'l'l\'C'ct 1n part Ule Cillluw111~ rt'ply. "ThP tublet t11 th" flr11t whclA r hlhl "t 1!01 r<'s:<> t l .011 l 'oyott'" l'.1111ron1 \\1111 hllt' thr \\'arnt1 • Slagecour h t11bl"\ bonA f11lt.1 when tt \\'l\:t d\•lllr11lNI. li11t i<ub· sequt·nt rl'tu·a1<·h "l lho Serra MU· ~f'Ulll .. hO\\•••I lht' 1lttli.·a1<•rs l•I hll''" t1 .. <'n lll·lnf11m 1,.J. Dr. Bolton uf the l'""' u( c·,.111orn1a '"'" th<> i;utlt 1n thl11 1 &111" \\'hrn hi! pub· l111h~J thr d111r1rs o r tht tit> Am:11 t r• k. he• 1l<':llgn8tt>•I lhl11 baby, lg· nun .. Ltnar ...... u:< CRllforula'a tlrlol "1111,. 1 htltl, Uul tiler& wl.'r'e lm1111- S:• •tnt C111111llr" "ho r 11rne hf'C111 •1 "" An1.a, sn•I ~om,. "' t hrm \\1•1 11 ;-•'Ill h) ftl\'<'111 lu S11n pwi:u 111 177' ~. OKTf:OA RARF. t •tKl(T Om' was lhP fa mily ot S1:t. O• • t1•i;1t. lhr l'u thCln•ll'r. And lhn ll11<t bo111( r1C bopu1mM nf the S •11• Dh·i:o MIMlvn show11 lhr re wn • h•11 n 111 ll\1,. farn1ly, Bl the Pr1·••- 1110, In Fl'bru11ry. I 7i~1 It "11 month" brfort' t IH' t'hrlslma11 1-:vu hn hy rt( l'OT<'I:• ~ Ii l!Un. 'f11 dll h. lh111 Ur I• 1rn bil\ rank" llJI C1111Cor· nta's ftr"l nullve born wh1lu l'hlltl .. In tleftnAe or Bolton, and If Ult .. I.I lhr pa.M&ge where the "flr111 while c hlld" myth besan. I think Bolton waa ml•lnterpreted. "SKJvBd or l1ena c10. 1'0a U1rr Yn nt r hc l11lrnf'cl him, and hC', loo, •111 · Vl\'t1I a nd bN'&mf' a pnmn pob la.for ·· T hr group of bnr h t'lnr aolclter-. l'r 1mrr p o b I a do r. l!l,rall\' umh'r t h•· It c 11( l hc 1:11"' l r<ll'k \ r lln"IAtl'f1 mcans. a "tlr~l ~ .. 1 "tuf•t•~·I lh .. 1r mn r1111'11l "1111 tlC'r ' i-;11 all Balton u td w a 11 lh"' •lrur•P•·•I into ''"'lt'lltul 1111t1u~ mtJm• IHlltllv l'l!t ,\n1.1 .. r1·1 T.lnn rr• 111rp1•••d 1n1 .. lh•• t.~·hl 111 lh~ 1A111prrr .. l111t An:r.n w 11• ~1111tn~ l•lnl l.1111111•, '' ,,. t.11hhl1n,.; '"'th t•b\ IC•U' )!111Jti t flt rr th<' t h1llf 1111rv1v,..i anti bt'r1u11" •• · C1r•t n ltl,.r'' o r th" 1:~nt1111 J:r•••lf' of (11 "\ arttl1.,a ' Ant• ,,. ·•• I• ••l lll~ Mel oC Ml'Xll n lnl•1 1-.1llf1•tn!A 11n1t Ill lhll' 1'""""~1" Ill Up in Canada the laws are really stringent and arc rigidly enforced. Jn one province a person having a record ot three vlolntions baa his driver's license taken away. In another it is taken away on first offense and from then on the drwrr walks. "Taxes should be reduced. but the first step Is a balanced nati6naJ budget, and every effort must. be bent to balance the budgeL" That eminenUy logical statement c6mes from Congreuman Reea of Kansas. Then he says: "Government. employment can and should be reduced at leut 10 per cent without any am pairml'nt of rssential government services. Jn fact, great.er efficiency should result." btoalf'n 111;flln f•w lt11' f"'t"'Wlrn«'y poxe' 11( r rllllt' l'Un•llt1n1111 In lhr11 I /\ Bul, n11w lhAI llw V•cl11,. "' thP hu1hw11 k• , 11,..,, .A ton"t 111 t11\ IU \\" I 11 flUlfi t111 \\J1) tl11 I ht• 11uJh 4t l1 ltt11ot ",. .. I ht• (II 'I \lo hlll' l'hllrt b•ll n Ill I I hJl•Jht•• Kt'y words in above paragraph are "Rigidly en- forced." That's Lhc only t hing that can make Southern Cali- fornia dri"ers Jaw abiding. No traffic officer, be he loc&l or state patrol. can change any rerson's mental qualities of ignoranl'<'. carelessness or rontempt.. But he CAN, nnd SHOL'LD. see that any person violatmg a traffic regulation grtt1 a t.Jc.kl.'t and the judge should see the violator gets an adequate penaJty. Such a st.and on the part of traffic officers would work wonders. A few months ago Loe Angeles officers cracked down on f rreway spc<'ders with the result that a remark· ably consrn •att\'C mhp waa observed -for a few weeks. Now il'a u p lo the· normal 60 plus again and slowed down only by an accidf'nt or traffic jam. Let's have ''S-afe D·riving'' Day every day for the public and "S-tart D-oing" it every day (crack down) for traffic enforcement officers. -Mrs. Win1!red Barbre Jn!WPORT ~ HARBOR RE-W~61PRESS A ~~Ddable Local Jmttt.Uoa for Onr Forty y..,.. Hrre is a goal that Congress and the Executi\'C branch Rh ou ld go all out to reach -and, in doing that, they wiU cam thr heartfelt thanks of the hardpresscd American t axpa)'('r. READERS l'f(l~f.\R \' l'illl I\\ Oemo<'rlll\1' n11m1n1111 .. n h1111 trc k,.n 11 sh11rp n~l' lh• I l' 1~ mw h mo1 r lnl!'re~t ~·1ni: •ll"pla,)••·.i en 11 . Jr) l!l.•:! M • >< .. 11111''"' • •·t.·,.1<· I Th" J11 ll'·r11ml'1 ~ l\•lmlllr dly Arc I:. pr• ,;itlcnt.'"1 Jll l'ffl'• •·11• •· Pl 1111• I .• 1 1 1 t l &rlr11. won I J or lhrm, 1rn1I 1,,.11 r.n HLnu f llJ'I"'' In 11 l'nn CH "~ain.s thr (lr11t two ballul1' 111 th<-1 ••11 t h t tllllt!lll'ht'•I Mr Sl\'Vl'll~1in. lh1• Y<'nllon. :.ti. ~l \'l'l1Qnn ht1w v \1t11L1r I"" I )' lr.ul!'r AnoJ nut O\'<'r· 1 !' · r r t l11uk1•il h \' th" l"•tc llr &I pollllrlana w ns nu\ "" """"'"d <'&nih.Sn11• Il l '" thfl (Ai I lh ti In lhr l!l:IZ rrt~I· lhBI lcffil' 81111 •1111 nr1l 1#-11o111r IHI I l 'I S t II-' 11\'0WNI rrcn•11Jat" un• 1) lho• Ot ru 1 rn 1111 r11c r •• r t'\'tnson JX• "' 2i.3H .£1£1Z vott'!I whlth 111 mo re ocnit1c con,·cn t1nn n omm11trtl h1rn 11n 11n\• o f'r r1111 I•" ,. or pre· Ult' nm1tlltll ,,.1,.nt • Vt'r , ,., '""""'· w ith lwo ex· p W R I T E lh th d J 1 C I ThPr;>Citrt. he wtu n•1l rntl'tf'd in 11 , f'l•nrH• ll will bl' •llfftrent th1~ lint~ -----------------------------It Mr. St••\'r n-o n rntPrll rrimlll· 1 r..i ~ole· W ebJlt'r aftys lh~t *I . R'EC'Ot<U HIGH I u~s a n•I " dt ft1ttf' I b\' Mr K"· Ot-tir Mr. Rtdd1ck : In yo ur f'dllonal In lhe Ntws P rese undrr dale o r l 1.14.~~ you ma de ct'rl•ln elAtemtnl.8 tt'f ar<l· Ing the com ing elt>cllon w hl('h are "'Ard .. Mr. R l'><l-t\•rll g ,..l 27.4 76 673 fll U\~r. or Olh,.1 •. 1\ 'wo11l•I nn\ open lo qut lion. 4"o. 1 1 You alarl by propo1ed c hange the •ltm. '" A dh•lslon. d1Strirl . or volt'l' m 19J6. ,,. hen hi' "'"t'PI A II hr1r h111 f h1rn1 .. ~ of jtf'll en,: th,. qua t ier or 11 tnwn o r City t o r but twf) 11\&lt'.11 into the !)(>mu· nom1nat111n I! hi' ~h•nrl 1 .. ta\' , 111 rtprl'<wtnt..it1vr, "lo:t'<'Ullve. or m 8 · rra llc column 11 n1I Mr F:t•l'nhoVo· of the 1•rcm 11 1•·• ht• '\('I"'"' t1l• gull'nal rurpo!!<'I. V.'ards art or-n ,,.,.,.1v .. I :i:i ••'lfi z-,2 in 1"~•2 would I;;-nhl• to rl11 111 lhnt hi' calllni: thr t Pn m t'r •ly nr <'hlPCly lhe dWI· \lo hlrh 111 the rl'r • 1 I hl>.h I" .Ja tr "''8• 11! r ..i1tl t" r1 II "'" h " r• '1 'U· -rd 111• 11ton1 of a { Hv Cor elt'<'lcon pur· I Thi'!"' Crlf n•I~ ••I Mr !'tr v,.n•on lar•ly t r ~t A ward 1y1tem operalu "htrc two powt'rful political group" Art' righting for control. Thr propo11· ed chanre 1111 known u lht' coun- cllmanlc dlalrtct.. and I• ueed by lh• city or Loa Angelta and m•ny olher chartered cltlea In Caltfor· nlL No. 2) You uk b ow a prottpecttve votAr could •Jtl>t'ct to (t'l aupport for any meaaure It you have on ly one c ouncl.I rnembtr repreafl!llnr him. U a dutrlct bu one councUmsn re&111 worklnr tow tt. he wtll havt the relpect of bl• teUow mem- ber11, a ('OOd worklnr knowledge at the city flNulcH a.nd condition, and will be an l.nltretled advtffr to aaid •oter, Under our preMnt poin. M d u i uch Rrf' In t he a l!'n pntnl 011l l h"l A "'r."11 ll~r 1 •· Thi' 1mpor1nn11• o r 1 h,.,.,. fll Im· I m11n. thf' t;11v1'1 n"' 1•f :-;,.w '01 II 11 n•·s 111 n"l lo Iii' ,,,•rrl••• l«••I I h,. l11rger ('1111'3 eub divided into pr'· I• 11nh• I\ YPllr you r,i,>t'r thRn Mr Ct rfl pr111 .. 11y 1,. tn ;-.,.w ll11 mp· I cincte." T hrrtro rl', ll la Ob\'1ou11 Ec~enhnwrr , . th11 1 h" w11ulil hr ~hui-•>r\ M111• h I: II "·'~M t K••· i Ulll.l Mr. Cubba ge 8 ln Cormallo n 111 M• whr>n 1n1111i:111111 ... 1 11n•t in h1q Cauv••r " ''" '"'" 1h""' "'' r M• not necessa rily ot propH dcflnl· iO'lh )ear "twn hi. t<'rm •Xf'lt"tl Trnrnl\n 111 t!• ,;i ''"" h 11111111• 1h•· 1 Uon. :\01mall\', 11 pnl1 l11a1 p11r1v. In ·r r nn .. ~~1·11n ll r0 .. n11>l11hl,. •lln ll n11ml11Alini: II 111111t ,, I tlll' pl ,,•I 111111' '"' "" 11 •' hlo-111\' Al><io ll I The City ot Newport Beach dl'nr y. n~umrll thlll h,. "'II h" "" "'"' In lhr Jfl!'l2 ;-. .. w llnmt"h111• now bu councllma.ntc: dtetrlcle. nornlnnt,.<1 fo r 10,.lhl'r 1 ~1 m In r1111111t\' th 11 r ti ,. l>.1~··nh\\·1orr 1even of them. Thert'fore. the lhllt rvertl M r 11 11 r irnnn v.1.,1M lio"m i;n' ,,ft I '•' l:'"'""I I elt'ctlon for which Mr. Cubbace be In h lr1 741h Y""' v.h .. n hi•,,.,.. •:'\'u -i ni,t t:llU'K pleada Is unnecnury or 11dup-ond tenn rnoll'<I Uon. A n .. 1h,.1 11 11.n1' 111 \\'1•1•.,n· Jn aubeecllon 2 o r Mr . Cub · :.O:-if'. 1' 70' :-in en l IH 1 • n·I• •I I h• r 11m tn11 k bage'• lf'tter a ppcani m llllrt1ding :-;o Amr rc1An 1•, .. .,1•lrnt h11• ,.., •• 11tt1m1r1 nf \\r11•lrll \\1lk1• itfl•• lnformau on. CouncUmf n or ~<'" .. tr rr111h,.rl h1" -;11111 h•r thlla v 111 h,. t!drlit 1 .. r 11,,. ,.,,.,1 '""' 111 port Buch U C' now nomlnatt>•l lU"' \\'h•IP ll1o11•r \\'.tltnm llrnt\ l !offl :0.11 \\ilk,.. ",~ hnl!h "' from esch o f lhe eevfn dttlnclio HAnl~"n "'"" " ,,. ,. "''' • n\'"f ll~ fl'fllrtl in th•· \\I' '" en I'' 1111.11 " They &re Ulen eler tf'<I by thl' city \\hl'n ht• \lo ll~ 111/lllj;lllR\ .. I hut •lcl'/1 An•I r r"mJ'tlY V.llh ,,..,, '"" • Ill · a11 a w hole. E&ch tUslrlCl now hu II mnnlh ln\r1 An•!rt·w Jn• 1c .... n •hdlll<'. Entered u Seoond-Cl&aa Mauer at~ Poatomce Lil Newport BeKll. ~tem t.be wotn don't know who C&ll!omia under the Act ot Karcb a. 1179. to 10 to. lh• countUman o r rus diatrtrl not h&Y1n« bttn eltttt'd lhe opportunlly to e lrct Il a roun-f ln ~811 Ant J"111"" B"·.h11n"n en r .. rrp~AI lkr i:•n•r.d hr',., '' cllman, the c ouncilman f l"rttdJli'· '"'"rr Juitt u n•t,., Ii•, v.h••n in· \\'R•h1111:1• o r• 11,,,, " '" i:•·mi: •· mu•\ realde In lht' dl1trtcl hf' re--•U1!1ll8lf'tl h,. • l<lr,,111..i, t1""11.• 111 •l•I• It ~t 1 preHnta. Each councilma n. h ow · :\"nw "'hat nf fo:•t ,.• K P! """1 • !'>t• '"n'"' HIH " 1 1 I • r , ·"''' 1 evt r, mu1t be rr1pon1tve to And T!'" T t nnt'llt'" !'0 ·1111,.,-1lrC1n11rh '"In •ld••r •I n 1 f•·li.I •h11 u ll1ractory to the whole city It not t n bl' d111r1111111,.,1 A' n•llll" '" pnlcti. • "n' 1111111; 11111 h•r•r"n hbitslafod enry Monday, W~ Md Frtda, by Ule by the 90tarw Of the d1atr1ct Which NEWPOllT HAR80tl PtJIUJ8RINO OOllPANY be re~U on the council , . . No. I) You ..:, la Ml poealble lh&t ltll Jle,lboa BiTd., l\'l:"P(}RT BEACl:I. C.ALll". ftoee U.W..r 1111 a rulJnS clique atpt coat.rot four memben of tM council Q-11n.d '° Pu .. UM Lfc'&l !liotaoe. and Actnru-ta., All..... Und• UM p....-t aywtcn H id ll7 Decree of tM 8apertor Court of Oruce Co. Ill ....._ No. A-tl m cllq~ can control a block o r 100 Men1ber Calllantla ~--~' hbllaben A9odattoa M-ber Nallonal · EdUorW AMocAaaaoa ,..,...,_ of 0'-C'e Coaaty N_.. ~"* mlN REDDICK. PUBLISHER WILLLUt A. MOSES, Editor ORMOND E . ROU:-."TREE, Adwirtl.t!Dg D lrec1or t'HARLES A. AR.MSTROXG, Mech~nlcaJ Superintendent to 1000 wtu, UIJ"OW Uleae back Of • candJdata controlled ln P&Ch of the_... dlltrtct.e and be pM't· ty aure or h•vtnr four dlque-c11n· trolled council mem•n. I do not write thl• tn the 1plrlt of r.aent.mfnl but only that you r re&den may h11n 1m oprortunity to conll!dtr' both flttlt11 nt t h r Jn eubeectlon 3 Mr. Cubbage k ood Lal Editor nut 1tmung pe<>plr i1111I C1n•I .. 111 ma '' • very f preaen Ion l'\ewa-Prt'll'I. t.u\\ m a ny n1rr Jl'"t '•' 1111'1 " 111,. tor our a rrume.nt. Jt 11 ~eca111ary :--ewport Brsch ldl In \h111 !•lo! ,,.,,,11 now for a councilman to be ••II•-Oe&r Sir . If ll w r rl'n't for ttull k cnrl 11r fa.ctory n ot only to h i• dl1tnct. May I have 1th,. 1,1,.11•u rf' of riS1 pl'nple thlA hf!' "" 1ltl ""' IJ• but to t ht' rlly u " wholf'. T'huA, lattng wha t " plrl\•11 nt v1,.1L t he worlh much, W(Jltl\l 11 ~ I t h111k 11 no ama.11 c.11slr 1ct ~an i1hove an u11 -wife nnd I h11J b11 r k 1n Tf'll3~ would b" 11 g• .. ~1 IM" for ue ull u vot t'rton down t he throat 0 ( We left LA Or t. 21 11 1 II p m ) II'> work 11ncJ 1ir11y '"rf th*'t lffil•t >' J'1 anti i o t to Dal111J1 T r.ico 11l :'>:rip nr 111tuallnn 11nfl grt t<:. Cu l\W~\ tht cily 11• a 'll:hnlt'. p. m . nn the• :!'21111 ''''' ''IAllNI In from lhe t'f Ot l .. llcRI ""llY ot llfr \\"t commrnil 1 .. Mr. C'u bbllJCf''a b<•lh r 1nl111~ And l'rort \\'11rth "nd u we can. rca1llng thc t l"f tlrin M<lt' of C11l· rrl11rn•~I h"m" 11rt"t t he tlm,. nl Y11ur11 tor a IJtltrr "'"V Qr hf" queeUon. 8UBSCIUl'TIO~ RATI:8: :Sl'wpart Harbor ~f'~11-r,,... •• Trt-t\'eeklor I our llvr• ron ="<•\I i Slncere.ly, trorn111. tht' Cct\' l'h&rttr An•l tht' ll ,. .... mc•I hkr ,.,,.n ·bt,.lv lrt .. rJ \\'. J HolU\l'l11w ,A, R. <.:ubba~t ~poAltlon II b o 11 t w h lrh h t l<t '°"" \\ h" 1 , tlol l;r lh• ncrt'"l t11 )CJ8 • 28th f'l. In On'lre (·otJntr .... 00 J)f'r yNr; 13.00 11lx m o4..: Si~ t~'°" mM. outllde or Qraaca CoUDtf $7.00 ~r fear •l:) 38-St. lcllooaea to "'"Tile. Ben R~t.ldltif l ! 11~ \\ hftl " f '""' 11• 11 "u t , i: .. t ~I• ;>o:r•• Arn•n 1 .. ~p1 111~. 111 C 11\'11l•· l'11nv•m. t l111' \\.1 .. 1 .. 11~ 1h11ug h t 111 bt• l h1· lnrthp l.111• 11( t he l1r"l \\ ll'lt· • h1 ld 111 Cd ld 11r· 111.1 H11r:11 1· I' .11 I« r l'h11t 11 Grass Roots Opinion r ll I. LO!'.-. :-; ( .. Hr: I: A I.I ) "1\ cl•i!lar IR w rcrth only 1111 mw h as 11 will lm~ ,\ .... tl11 11111• 111 r11mm11d 1t 1•· .. )::"',. 1111 !ht' \;d th· c•f I le• .(, 'i 1r I'" >i of11\\l1 /\~ \\3 g +•>4 111n u111t'. t h1 ·r1• Ill .1 1 11 l•l'll"•l1d111h 111 1•;1-.• 1r1 l'nm· m<>cl1ty pn c·c•s 1.1k \"" 111 a'i w:tj,;I'~ tlr•< 11•;i:i1• and buy- 1 11 ~ 1•l1W1·r d1tn1n1:-b·~ tlu '' I" a '''"''"'p11ncl1 ni; d('(·rl'{tAe 111 1•11n•i,. This l!'i .Jw 1 .. I h e· 1 •r' ., .. r ft1111 t1•111 tnj! or natural t'<:onom1 c lnwM. ~lnn·ma•1'' l;c w11 111 \'l'r hnve and llC\'<'r wrll be ablt• lo < han ~·' tlwRe lawN Ami Kt• h•1W w1U tl profit labur if wngt"11 a ir 1n('r(·i11.,1 <I ""Y 15 per t r ut and thP 1 w•t 11( In ins: rish1 1-, p1·r 1 ••11l " 1-~'>no­ m tl'tli who try h i ntg111 r1t h«rw1~· arr· ml'ft l\' throwtn<r . e • up a s 10•1k" >1• 1 •••'11 '" 1t1nt1«tl th1· fl·al ft1c;~ ' '""? . - . .. . .. Bl':ACll BF.Al 'TU:s A~I) l.ffE Gl'!~lm -These beach bcautiei; anti thl' li ft-guard will be nn the Dec. 2 Family Night sh11w being hrlcl at the Rendezvous Ball· room in Balboa. P 1l'lun'd nbovp are Marcia Irwin. Linda Welland. Christie Farquhar. Jan Threlkeld. KathlC'cn Courtney, Janet Livingston, Alisa Coffman and Crul)·n Keeler . -Don Bush Photo SISTER'S FINGER B.A:NGED IN DOOR It .. vny p&tntul lndf'f'd whPn " llt llP 1t1rl i:rt.8 he1 trn~f'• &m•11h•'<I It attmf'd ""~'·111llv pHlnful l o 3·ynr· old RPbl'11·a H'llwkrna. t11ugh- t"r of Mrs Audrey ttawk1ns. !\0212 :lht SI.. N"wporl BNt'h, wht.'n hPr young broth· f'r rlo""'I t hf' cloo1 "" lh" digit ye~l•'t de y a ftt'rnoon \'01)n1t R<'bl'c'<'a wai1 taken Ill H11a1t H1u1p1t al, police ~· porh·d. wh1•re phyi<khins said th1'~ Wl\Jl llt'Vt're dRmKg,. ln 1h .. lip anti n.111 or the m1ddlt' flnl('~I nf th•' right h11nd. The "\•l1·11m" I~ r•'J>O tled In g~ •·11ndltt11n, TAKE IT EASY! Supervisors in Speed Changes on Rural Roads !':A:-ITA AN A. IOCNSl-Three n1·w uri.hnanl'e8 l'elltng new SJ>"fd hmlL-! on c·11unly umnrorporaled m11t111 "'"'"' a1IC1plt'd yeslerda~· 11r- ll"1 noon h,· lh1• boanl t>f sup"r· vt><ors Speed on West Sl. bt tw""n f'h11pm11n Rnd Kal1>lla Aves, was h1kPd 2~ to 3:1 mllell per hour. Loi,verrrt from !\!\ lo 3!'1 miles per h11u1 w11s 11f)('ed on \Ve8l1 Sl. from Wlr\11l11n ruall lo Ball road. Motorh'<ta on Hat'lenda r oad be- 1 Wt'en Whll t ier Blvd and lhe Los A nit"lcs·Ore 111!1' County line may LEGAL NOTICE bu•. f o h. Nl'wport 84!ach, ('all· NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S -PART 11 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 PAGE l LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE fomta. up lo 2:00 P. M D"<'f'lllb,.r I . 19M . 1n compllanr<' with llJM<l'I· C1caunni< un file 11t the office QI 1 ..aid School Di11tr1rl . S OTIC't: TO RIDDERS •Preart'd W ILLIAM 0. yrrz. L:ERALD knO'A'l\ lo me to be lb• per110o whoH name la au becrtbed to the within m1truroent. and aC'knowledg«d t o me that lie u:ecuted the a11m•. Earh bid shall be acrompanlf'.d T hf' Boan1 or Trustee!I (If tht ~)' a cerllf1c>d .check. c1U1hler 11 N .. wport BPllCh Elt>mf'nllu')' School • hl'l'k, or bidder• bond for &n I 0111lr kt, 2000 Ch tr Drive. City of amount of no t 1,u than len 110) :O•frwport Br ar h. County nr Or&11lf"· per Cl'nt of the t otal bid, mad" SllUi' of Calito rn111. wtll recl!1ve payable to the order of t h1• Bollrd bidll to purt'ha11t• port.Able ce,.w.- o( Tru11leu or ••Id School District, work fur "ii.;hlt'en 118 l c1a88TOOnu, lo KUBrantet delivery. <lellvl'r<'d and tn1<talled 11t Plf'mf'n- • Bids ahaJI be "<'.~led and nlftrked tary .t1rhool No. 6. IOl'a ted 11l F lf- • School. Bwr Bid, •Ad "'"'1 w ith ll'c>nth S treet &11d S&nta Ana Ave. the orrrce of tht' Srhool D1!tnut nue, CO.ti t& Mua. CHJlfomia, u p on o r before 2:00 P. M. De<'entbt'r to 2:00 I'. M. Df'l'<'mb~r 1, 19Ct:I. 1, 11155. In rnmphanre wtlh 11pt><'irlcat1ons In wtlne .. whereof, I haveh.,.. unto 11et my hand and altlxed mJ official M&I the day and ,....,. • thl1 Cer tlflcate t\rat above wrttU. ROOF.RT A. J:AS'nlAK My Comm181ion J:ll'plrM July 29, 19M No. !17 The Board of Truet"ea reserve!! on ftle al the om r e of said School the r1&hl to acc<'pl ru1d or l~J•'Cl Oli•lrlcl. any or all bids. or· any part Of llny Etu·h bid 1h1ll b1• 11cc:omp1111led bid, to waive eny mformahly nr b_v 11 nirltftPt..I rhrrk, c&~hler'• 1rr+>gular1ly, and lo lltt and a cL 11.!1 chet·k. or blltdn'11 bo111I Cur an New11-Pre113 11 '2, t , 18, u. 1 .. ><ole 1udge or the merit and quall- ficaUons or lhe mall'rilll or equip· menl offered. · By on.ler of the Board Of Tt 1111- lN'S or the Newpo1·t B1'8l'h El•- ntl'ntury School D1slrirl. By: H ELENE CSENAR, Clerk Dated: NO\·ember Hth. ·1955. Pubhsh : ·Nov. 16th antJ 23rd, 19". No. 61 Nl'wport H8rbor News-Pn•s11 l 't:RTl nC'ATE OF 81'tll:St:S~ Fh'tltlontt Finn Sam,. S TTP l:RI OR C'Ol'RT 09' a STATE OF ('Al.JFORNIA TR E 001'!'\'TV OF' OR.Alf om111ml or nut l\'!<ll lhan ll•n 1101 :So. A Hatt p..rC'enl of the total bid, mad" SOTJ('E OF H EARINO payahle lo th(• ord .. r of th .. Board Estate of ut Tnutt>es or said Srhool Dlll· LEO:"l E . SANBORN, tril't. lo guarll1lte1• dellvl'ry. Oeceaaed. B11J11 11h11ll be 11eal1•tl an1I mark· NOTICF. IS HltREBY OJVl!:!ll t'd '"1'11rt11ble C&lwwork", and flied t,hnt JORDAN 1... J ONES hu tiled with the """" of the ~··huol !>1;>· h<'rt'1n a pelltlun for Probl&le of tru·t on or bt•fore 2 00 P. M . \\'111 of LEOS F.. SANBORN. DN·emb.·r I. rn:t!\ f•'ft'lf'llu• lo whtrh ts madt' for The Board \•f Trull\Pt'~ re11<•1,·e11 1 further partk11l11rii. 11nfl that t he th" right In ac c,.11t t1nd or rejet't trnw 11.ntl pl&C'f' of ht'11r1nr: lh8 1lny or sll bull!. ur 8ny pa1 l ur any Mrne hat1 btol'n srt fur Nov. 26. al b11I. lu wal\'t• any 111rormsllty or It) a m .. In the c•ourtn1om of Df'· lrr .. gula111y. nnd tu"'' }lntf Hl'l as pRrtml'nt ~o. 4 of 111\lct rourt, al 11ote judge of th\' merit and quall· t.:uunty H.811 of Hf'1•o r<l11. ln Ule twatlons or U1r malt·r111I or e~111p-C.:lly nt Saol11 Ana. l'ahfC1rn 1a. m1•nl offl'red. U. J. SM !T H, Cit• k By order or lhr Board of Trus· fl11lt>t1 <X•tobcr 211. 19116 lffa of lhe Newport Beach Ele· S NYDER 111111 Fl.ETCHER, ud mentary School Dl1lrlct. O'NF.fL By: HELl!:NE CSENAR, By OWEN I!:. O'NEIL Clt'rk Altomt'y11 tor Pf'llllonrr. FAMIL y· NIGHTr FA~~·~~ON SHOW DUE AT P~~~-~!~W 1trav1•I 10 mtll'" f1111ler 11ndl'r a new 01 dtnRnt't' ThP 11pt'ed on the 11·tp1•y w1111 upped from 2~ to 36 mil"" 1w r hour Oalf'd: Nov!'m~r 14th, l!l!'i:'>. Nn 08, N .-w11·f'rl'1111 l'ubllt1h: Nov. 16th 11J1d 23rd, 19:16. J 1 2, 9, 16, 23. HIM No. 62 The und"rlilg-ned does hereby certify that he I~ <'Onducllng a boat b111ldlng, a,n·1clng and repair- mg bu1!1ne1511 and e"lllng of bo& l hardware and equipment a l 220· 26th Sl .. Newport Bt>ech. C111tfor- nia . under lhf' fk llliOllH firm namP or M ESA BOAT & H ARDWARE and that sa1tl firm ls t•ompoaed of the f o 11 o w I n g penom1 , who11e name11 In full and phtce11 or res1•len<'e Brl' u follow11. to-wit: N;•wport H&rbor Newa·Pri>1111 \·arlan«'t-P .. rmtt Pl8ni< ar<" n••Rr1ni: 1·u11111if•t 11.11 for th+>v:'\111th Ann11 ii ('h1 1~t111.1., •• ,, •••• .;\l~ "',.. Pr"v1ew ilpun~111rd liy !ht•;-.;, "'I"" I .,1 H arbor ~u,.1nf'\~~ Rntl ljtof .. ,~.•Hhd \n •"I fll•ll'lJl ,11 •• I' tt11 J,.,111.1 11 .. n I· .n Y.'ome11'11 <'lut. Jt '" tu "" 11, "' Ftiday 11n1I l-int111day I t,.1 :.! attd JI ,. \'Ill i• 'I •U .rt ,.J~,. Supe1 v111or C M F'ealherly commenteil th11l a s tu1ly 111 otht't 11t'rtinn11 11h11Wt'<I th11t fipeed lim1l>1 mor<' nPRrly ··otnchltnl( w 1 l h l!flf'f'tl of tr11v .. 1 hacl broui;lll about rew.·r lil'tl<frnt11 Ht Wl\l! for th" ra111111K 11( 1<peed limtls wht•n mohl mot1u 1'111 a1 e """"edmi: lhe limit all\'hu\\' <.:. W PHILLIPS 220-26t h SI rPPl Ne\\ 1><•rl Beach, Calif Witness my han<l th1a 21tH clay uf Novf'mbet. l!l!l!'i s C. W. l'HILLJPi::: STATE OF t.:A LWOR:-:IA COL'!\'TY OF ORANCJ-: 11111 3. at thf" H'nlff'7\uU1' H tll t1u111 Balhoa . Tn "nlt>1 l111n all 111;1•< th• r• .1 I•' t wo t11ffP1t'lll f>roi.;111111,. l-'t111tl \ :"1J(hl on Fndr\\• ""I Th" I-.1 .. h1"11 '\111•·•..-:.1.1 .. ,~ .•.a·I \., n1f.t Tiu 1t· \\ l'lf ••• I ~· .••• l' s fl j ''HI \•.JI •· 11 : .. Hlth_. It• \:t•\\f •.l l f.~r· ... ,. I Hudson Loses like Of th111 2111t tlay of November, A 0 . 19!'i.">. bl'fore m", ROBERT F. WJ LL~IES, a J\otary P11bll.<' 1n and for thr l'it11d County and !Hate re.suhng the1 ern. duly c-omm1J1111on· N1 and 10wom. f)f'rl!-Onally appt•ar"tl C.:. W. PHILLIPS known to mr lo be the JM"rMn who.<11' nan1" 111 •UI>· 11cr1bl'<l to the w ithin 1n11tr11menl. a n<l a cknowll!Jjted to me that he exet•utr•I the ""rne • '•'" l u .·1..:. a.:,H•'-f' ,,,t S u~.fv 3, • \ Lrlll H u'\ Xt•u.,,.· Mlurl111~ HI k ,, • ltu k, \\all ,, ,, II • & llhuw "' hHl•I 1 .. 1.•11! \\Ith 1•,_1 1 Mf'!llt """"' ,., .... ( ·''II.Ill \lo I" II z 11• aK IH'1 'l•·I 111 • ,., 111un1•· .. L \ ' • • , . ,.4, ... llf1•J 1 ~· tlf•o tu•I i.111 \\II f•1t• •11~ \ t• .. 1·1\t"" I ~ I I I .. ' : dt• ... '111 •••• i: •I 1 t .tv )11 ltthhtl"ll Ill tlo1· I" 11 h ht I II I 1J •• l \ UI '·. I •I•\. 1t ntl llfr,e11.tr•l a ~·"''·JI \\''I •lit ' • t '111 •1,L1 t , • , "The Fu·h I i.t11• •' ~ '"'. •• •. "l'h 111 "1t .. I\ 1: 11 11 I , .... J 1 \' A1 tlt••r :"an'' !"1 ·fl~., t-f:.1 l!.t1K.••t. :t1 ){11\' I". •til ~·1" A· h t .JU)t1• 11.tfhtli• d r111 l\11 I<• I I 11 ,•" •:, i I H .. 1 r n .lnu ·111, lit Id l11dy llll•' ' 1: 1• ,, . 1 11 I . t , \ • ""· l .. ur11 1y t<~·•Jtlle 1< "'" ~ .. 11., 11 t, -c L BROTH ER LY LOVE AT OCC \\'h•n lht> l.l\11ll:'t"11 ll111h•1• T•tl\ loft 111d 1..111\ •••it ltl n"lt\"l on~ ~1 1dlfuu rtltu• "•·11l1t1•1tt ... l1tk1 t hu•k s••oi Tlu l"h brot h~r~ \\ho h ot \1 1t11ulh11 1t11101-i 1l1\1n,. 1t11lt• .. , .. ,,., to<1tb11ll. \\Ill Ill.tit ,11 Ill• •llol l.,tJ l"I (II JOi:• 1·11, .. 1 1'.,ll1•i.;1 In t hl' Clrl11I ii:11mr uf ll1•· ,. •. , .. 11 •t l't11tt1 l'tu1ltunt 1 .. r1i..llt GRADUATED AS NAVl0A TOR f.t l't up,,11o1 ~ ti" .. '' r h "'Ulh lit.Jh nt H I•\\ ,f.1\·ti1 w1lh hi' 1'1' 11 • .. ~J 1 11ul ~:1 \\dl1t111 .I :-;,11\'t'''' aoj Supph11•• ,\\,' ", •• , ~· 1,h, ,'"" ,, u 1111' 1~11l11r (r11u1 ,,,,,, ''l'f tr a 1n111'- "'' ,,. I .. d t.1 "-' ,\11 J .• I! "' lt'•ll"ton 11 x H11' n1 ,1 I 11~' <11\ ti Hit I J.. 1 "il1 t \f }! l 1d11'(' ~111''" \\h1 II,' hr "111 t i' 1 1 r' f 1 t il\,111 ·11 .. , •• ,1al ttHHUiL: 1\ C•ll•h••C• ••I \lh41n1hltt tit 1 S1l111l i.d 1'('L4\ 1.1 ~1tH\iol •I pl.111.h tu r•tU1 n a ftt•t tu-. C111;1 ,., dut, l .11, 1'.1h11t .1•1, \\tHr1• tw tflol a t "''"'"""' h• I •I I I• I: ttlh • \ ,, ltl t 'lllh Hospital Water ~ipeline Bid . ! of 833~250 Low ~.\ :X'\-\ \ :-.· ;\ Ill~,~ t fh• :-... ,. "" '·'"" t '" •n .. t ' .. .. , \\'htlt t• I \ <.t •· r,1,n 11r1•«ll1• I t,. '" •ll• • ,. rut t11 htt·• o,, ''' 111..: 11 :1"'" f! \\ tht lu • 111tu lh• 1 (•1 Ul~· ' IUI \ II• •f• t.tl r h· '"'"tit ,., lil1fJ'',, ,~ ... ~ hrwn t •I !'ii' h1·t• .: •'"il •I •IA\ •tn I f11unil ~ ,. Jt11•t "' J t.t:!:ttl lht 111\\ l '""t \L h1+1• ,,,.,, 11f•rt•1d ,., l ,\t•hli•"I \\,lflHtl l-11111<11"1 lo., I 11 I\ 01f,•I f I Jtt ff \1 I q 11 ' l,. 1 .1111 ~I • I I llt 1111• ,\ .. 111 I I , I' ' •I " \\ti h K \t.• l"ii,01'1 \\ ... , 1)1 11111 IH'1 t1 fl I j .... • 1.1 \\I tl!d 1 h• f," 1. I «.· ' . t .; I \ 1t 11 ,, 111 fh I• 11• .1 lu f ) tt1 I " ~ •• t • I ' . I c • ..,,,,.1. J•q., t • q SJ•• ,110 F1111ulA11 ·"'"' •U~•I.; ~l,lltl'•~ f' \' 1,.1_ f ' I'• I.tr• S l" tfl<i (I~ \\ f ,. 11t:-1 ~· '" n •·1• s:~'i °7•''' •• \l,Ukf t ""' Htt\\I•\ Sii J71• Mesa Burqlar Takes 1 Some, Leaves Some •I fl.tu t'11.c'J'" <·n11 "' 1:-·,o ~Rn .. WINNER BY SIX POINTS I 1 '"·'· ''" • 1·.,,t .. :\1" • 11ul1flf'd )" 111 r rh .... 1" ul. t71f'8k·1n 11( hi· h"" tn•I ·,ll·!I· .. r 11pr1n1n· 11101•·1\ $1.l ln\'P'lll: .. thlrl l\IH>Wf"I •nttv \V,t ti. jo.lU1H'l1 by t•nrirlJt 11 "'' '' t'o 11rt " \\tudn\\ unit ft1&~.b 1nt( I IL• uo)!h tl I 11 t11w~11 M d nu1 I A f ir Id of 17 ittout ht lit' ~hman I ntE'rclub d ingh1rs b:lftlt·d t h rough ~rwn met~. held on thrt•<.• d1ffrrrnt WN:'krnds. 111 ra1r weathC'r as w1.·ll 11s f1H1I. for lhl• N rwport Harbor Yacht Club'~ <'OYl'tcd H uml'hrt>y Hogart Pl·rJ11'tu11I Tn•ph~· for t h1· dai.~ 8 alnt ('kcm. l ~ma ll m nn with large l rophy 'at <'l'll ll'rl w1 1h h t:-1 pd1t1· wilt< L1111 .1:-. crew, mnna~t·d I 11 hn n~ on tu a Rlim h•ad thr 1HIJ!ho11t I ht· ~1·111·~ N II Y~" 11 H t'lll CommoJ or e E. A. "Jud" l'rary th.ft I madt' llw l''''S<'ntation. a~Hl!'llt•d by that 11bh:• Race Committee man a.nd Honorary Commodore J im Webstt>r. -&·cknt>r Photo • I Rk,..n f·1u7. t••id uflt•·••tJl "'" .. $·, tn 1h.1n;:" il"lll a ,.il l•~ •1111' UV•· •d 1t1 n•· ."'11v ... 1 d11lhlf~ c.1n ... , •Ir , ... ,..., ••lld SJ 1n 1 harl~e from "". I Ill htr drPs~er .J. 1 ry Cnlv1n Hu1l~nn or 11129 F'l'•lf'1 a l All~ C:o!lta MHa. tnld f>O· ht r ht~ bin< If' w1111 i<tolen (Him 10 frunt ci r Harbor Boys' C'lub on Nr>V 11. LEGAL NOTICE In witnPM whtrc-of, I hr•vr htH" SOTU'r: TO RIDlll':R~ unlo 11et my ha mJ nn•I atrlxl'll my Thi· 8rn1rd nr Tn111lees of . the ufhc111I ae&I thf' d11y a nd Y«'•r In No'wpo rl 8 1'11( h l<:lc·ml'nlary School lhUI Certlltl'llll' r1r11t itbov" WI Ill en U1"l111·t. 2000 C.:lltf U11vc. l'ily "'I s / HOBl--:RT F. WILLMES N. wpu1 l l31•01·h. County of Orunge. My Ctmrn1lulon Explr.•11 Stat .. 11! C'olifurntR, wlll 1•'l'elVe N<ivem~r 17, l9MI bldH 111 pur••hull•· 1rn1I or lell!le one No. 63 i1cvcnty·nlnf' \i91 p.i.U.•nger school N"wa-Prua Jl/23. 30.12/7. U , J9~ 328 AMERICAN AYE. ~ -, ( 't:RTI f'I( 'ATt: Ot' lffSISt;ss t 'ldltlou .. Finn Sam .. I tfl..,.1111 SOTIC't: 0 .. Pl 'ftl.l(l llt:A lllSCO :'llOTIC'F: IS H F.REAY fip ven that lh·· plannlnJC 111mm1u lon ot lhr rlty of :x .. wro1t Bt11ch wlll h1tl1J ll flUIJllr hl'IU 1111( On the &Jl• phn 1 t1on u( t:h•nn 1 ' .. t l ror a var• 1 .. n, •' -pernut Nu :!61 to ~nnlll A l't•l•• •et-bHt k 11( 1· 6" fnim lhe Thi' un1l,.r11lg1wtl (h•ri< hereby <'"' t1fy U11t1 h" 111 comlurllng a matnlenante 1111d de8nrni;-buJ<tnt>l!A at 437 t:;, 16th !:Hreet, Custa ~ieAa, C'ahro1 nlu, 11ndt'r th~ CIC lllluU>t 111 nt n11m .. or New Ml"11& Ru1ldlng Maintenance Co. an•I lhal a&ltl prupo>1 I'' Jin" 1 n phi"" of a re• Ct1111 "' "11'"P"llh'd nf U1<• follnwrnii: qu1rrd J fl. x1·t·bRrk .' •. o n lot ~nnn11. whoio,• n11111e3 111 full an1J 27 bhH'k H 11141 1 231 11 n<1 rurth•r pltu·r" nf r<'111tlf'nre a1e &II Collow11. localf'1J at: H OI w. Jlalhoa Blvd. lu·Wlt I· .. Nl'\\'p<>rt U.>at h. C'Mltt. WILLIAM G. FrTZGF.RALO l"OTJC F: IS l·fl-:HF.RY turt.h~r <1:17 E 16th );lrl'Pl, glvl'n thlll AAlll rubhr hearlllK l'f>"la Jll,.11t1, C11Hromt1 wlll bf' hl'lll on the l!lth day of \\'1tn,.M my hand t h111 31st d11y Dl'f""m~,. )fl!):,. 11t th" hour oC W ILLIAM C. FITZGEtlALO i .30 p. m. In th,. rouncll cham• of 01 tolwr. 195:1 ,,P• r11 ut the N,.wporl Beach OU)' STATt:: UJ.' t.:ALH'ORNIA l ltinll, at which lime and place ~ l:lll"NTY UI-' URAN<.iE )Sll. and all p..r1'0n11 lnl"l"Hled SIMlil or thl11 31 day o{ Oclnbt'r. a ppear anti b<' hHrd therC'olL. A. 1' 1906. betoru me, R (;1l::JJ::RT I RAY Y. COP ELIN, aeo ..... A. EASTMAN, a Notary Public N<•wpor' lk a cll City In and ror lilt' aald (Aunty and 1 r111nnln1 Comntl••loft Stale, N!llldlng U1ereln, duly oom-No. 84 mlMloned an_g ewom, peraon&lly New• PrM8 11 .H.~I\ Yo PH ANNU• CURRENT EARNINGS oAGE 4 . PART 11-NEWPORTHARBOR NEWS-PRE~ ~·Hf'IP Wantf'd ---~~~-~:•_n_t:~----···--1 :Sll-~ti'W'f'llnnf'olll' ~-~---~~~~--,--~----· I SELL ON TERMS '1 WEONESDAY .. NOVEMIER 23, 1955 _ ,YOU CAN SAY YES to these questions I P'T Ol!iLlCATESSEN t aM, U!';O. ONE a ft rurlr f'r•\or ....... Sl'i0.1 1 WANT AD wilt cost you 1. Do you have steady employment ? ONE la rr• rommtrt. rf'frlr. 175. l SCALES. $~. 1 GONDOLA 1211. Ca ll owner Ll S-fl223 mom lnic• or after S pm. 9trc s2so 2. Does your employer train yO\I for advancement? --------- Firewood only and it will run 3. Do ~ou have paid vacation, hoh(taya, and sick leave? Phone day or nlcht in all 4 iuues 4. Do you work close to your home? Kl 7 ·481t<l 23lfc A Minimum ed ts 4 lines . 5. Do you have comJ?any-paid pension. life insunnce and other benefits? RECONDITIONED Pa int Brushes 10c to 50c WHEN YOU WORK FOR Southern.Counties Gas Co. & \IP Schlegel Paints Phone Harbor 1616 Nt'"'port Harhor New11-Pre"9 Monda)". "'f'dntsda~· and f'rldny edJtloas, Plu" the CoastaJ io;hol'JN'r, \\'Mlne9day111 Interesting employment now offered to H.S. gradu· ates 18-45. 5-day, 40·hr. week. Apply 1030 E. First St.. Santa Ana, Mon .. to Fri. 8.30 a.m .. to 4 p.m 408 N. Newport Blvd., Npl. 8 t h. 33c35 ORIGINALS DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Hnrbor N~w11-PreR8 is, guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papers be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'ly. Wednesday and Friday. If your paper 01 not delivered by that hour please call Harbor 1616 ed your carrier will bring your paper. Cla.sslfied NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Mondcfy, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -\Vednesdays 1 luertlon % IDMJrtloDI S bulertlo11a • lneerttona $1.00 1.60 2.00 z.so add'l. Ila~ .Z5 ea. add'l lines .Z6 ea. add'1. Unea .2~ ea. add'L Uaee .ZS ~a. 811a&Uoe WMLed Ada ...W rettln 96~ lllaeount. Cdah la adnace ... ,. MINlMUll AD 1111 t UXZS SOUTHERN GAS t4--Sc\mob~. lnstrurt ion China Painting Day and Evtnlng Claa1e. u rtJ.,r11 1'ak1•n Now Phone Llbtrty 8-6648 94UC 18--8ltuation8 Want.rd ----EXPER1ENCED GARDENER GARDE NlNC & yard wvrk by 1lay week or month. Liber ty 8·81 39 arter e. 3lfc CL£AN.i'N'Ciltf'RONtNG Dy t..he day. Experlen.:ed. BatbOa l.11l8Jld preferred. Kl 3·8098. U Roy's . Maintenance Houte elu.n1n1 -Floor waxrng I Wall wa11h1n11 -w1nllow clt'&nln& Venl't1a11 blrn11•. Upholttery lnHuted. Frrt Eall111ate1 t.J bcrty II· 1332. ltlc Swedish Massage by • 1ppo1ntmt"nl II' ---------------------------1 yuur hnmr DEADLINJ:S for plad nc or canct lllnr ada art , r<•rmuly m11!'11t'llllt' Ill Arro.,.•h,.rttJ For Monday Publlcauon -F riday II p m ~prtn1t11 Hutti For W9dnuday PubUcaUon.e -Tuuday 1 p.m. Pie""" r 11 11 H11rbM H !il\ nr II•" t.or For Fttday PubUcauon -Thura<tay 1 p.m. 10 :11.1 H h NEWPOll'I' llAJUtO& Pl'BLl8WNO CO. 1'll B&IMa Blvd.. N-port 8-<'lll. C.Wumta. RF.IJ A kl.~': ~ti l ll •L~ Al a-:u lady -------AD ca..tfW Ade •-' lte ,.W for V.... I• aduntt of pu&llNllu•. Ttit publJabtre w1U not be rupon.tlble ror mu re Ulan on• lnron tct ln..-t.IOll of an ad, rMUYt lht rl&'ht to curreclly d &Mrty any a nt.I all &de and to raj.cl any ad not conform~ to rulu and ff~l1 llon• Newport Harbor \\'ttnl.111 "'•tk ft~ tiuu"r 11"" In ,,., l 1 I\ \1\1\k .... ,., ..... •J:\< '\II WUl<Kl:"t: m••lh"'" , h1hl t 111• Ill inv h""''" :"'l'wpo rl Hf•~h"' •r,.11, I .I 11 ;11; I .lll• l" ,,·11.1. •"'"" .. , h,.lr w11 11 ... <•• k '"' T h.rt1k•i<: \1111: .1,., 17111 lJ ~~WI"" I RIVll l:J•ll k or ~·rbf'r COUNTIES co. 33c36H 29-lf~•e "'anted ' Beacon Personnel 10,0 ~(. employt-r retained aJ{ency NO FEF. 1·olle~ted from 11.pphcnnt t l:J·Jlat N ewport Beact1 REAL E STATE SALESMAN HA VE opening for locally f'X· perlenc~d Salum11n JACK .BREN!l:AN, R taltor 3320 W Cout Hwy Npt Bch Liberty 8·7773 GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! :JJlfc Our nt"''. higher atarllng wage and tr~uent 1ncreuu gl\'ea you thl11 opp<JrtUnlty Openings now for TELEPHONE OPEIM.TORS We wlll train you 11nd you'll r•· C'C'l\'e many oth,.r bcnetlu . Apply :'>H l1 No. Main Stru t , Rm. 211. Santa A o• 9 00 to 4 00 p m PACIFIC TELEPHONE A Planned Future rOSITION w ith uhl t•lab <•o' Ru1ll1 a b1U1inu ... ur yuur own Htjkat •"'""· fooJ 111wu1.t ll11thot m.·0111• 111111 kl'l. Sub· •l<1nt11•l retlr"111t'nl plun !"11 lnY LI 8-!IH O 21k12 W A !\'TE CI. young married m an With Cl<l/t'l lf'nC• rn rurn1tllrl' JO~· u mbl)' fl11t11dy flllfllnymi>nl w1lh v1u •ll11n 6 lnaur••"'" hf'nl"· AF"TERNOON, Cock ta.11, dinner 1lre1111n & CoordlnatH. CUST OM ORESSMAKlNG Ph. Harbor 237-W. 22p38 OFFICE FURNITURE BeQu\lful driftwood flnl1h ext'CU· tlve typt' de~k 37 x i8. 7 drawn like new • plate r lua top. Crt'en lealhtr .swivel chair. Youra ror h11' Ol"igmal coat. Can be 11een Ill 603 P1irk, Bal· boa Island, or Har. 6786. 33p36 -SACRlF ICE pracllt·ally new size JO dolhlng from cockt.a.11 to l'OW&'lrl. Roll aWtiy bed Sl2. 20-~&l. 1tcqu11rlum S tO. Har. 4000 33p3:i )tARQlJET'fE Arc Wddcr. !new) 3 hp Air Comprusor, 220 Volt 1lngle phue. See at PATCH'S 17lh St. at Placenlla. Ll 8-7608. 2llt PORTABLE RCA radio .l atudlo couch. reuonabmll!.. 108 18th St., N•wport, mornlng11 or a fter 6:30 p.m. 34p38 ANTIQUE bet 11e\ t walnut> $16. Old organ 1100. ball lrH 132.50, anllq u1• lles.k 130, China cabinet I H .60. old cane rocker $40, bid 1ulky 140, rare Chlneae Ivory acrrcn S 17!1. artlflrlal flrepll't e Ji 6, 18 mm aound projector 112!1. 1 or tradt l old dining ffl . plu.h C'h&l ra. ha.11 China cabinet 117!1, old wall telephonn; $12 :0.0 u .. old phOnograph $HI. ahotirun 120 21" TV J76. m arbll" table $40. tape recordn 199.~. antique lam pe from ~-Blrd~ye dreaaer UO. old kllr hl'n rupboard• St.O. a lllo old Chin•. 1111111• or anltque rum , n-1a rdln1.h1n1 • do It your1~1f anti &a\,. \\'e atao buy It 11wap l:HARUE DA VIS, 11irnl E Ana· htlm. Long ~111 .. h, llE 8·~39, ------PAJR OLD SCHOOL DESKS . nieh y B. P. 0. E. 1767 PAINTING 11hnr .tlk· • Ill• Llt,.rty 11-e332. J 4r38 ee11 1 walnut ro<"kt'r ultl phone, w a l n u l p u It • u p c h • I r. Har. 288t·M. 32c34 Meet.a nery Ttiunday I p m . Vt& ()port~ -O..tnLI An. N.wporl .__ Al~rt H. Ma&UMwa, llilaJted ftuW -~~-~-----~--- Painting, Paperbanlitic "The Fineet Money Can Buy'' Sympson & Nollar !112 HUI St., Newport BMch P h. Har. 2t t>4 or 1M7·R: 16Uc UC'C'lSED CONTRAL, UR 171 W. lllh St , c:o.ta MtM Ubuty 8-N23 General Contractor LICENSP.:D New Work -Remodeling M. W. ROSS U-..d LI t ·UJJ 2IO .4-41>, Ooet& M.- Nllt Rct 011 8pra&dtn~ Orlveway1 PARKING LOTS 8 ub-dlvl81on• our •J>Klally w~ rum lllh &n)' t>·vc uil to your 'IX'- tltlcat1on. La~(" Juba am 11 Job• t'rl!.e ~Ul1lA IU A l'IO 14 I ter Bpr~adln& Mo<lt rn l'QI• p ml!.l\t t.•':,.ln~on O·•Oll'! <.;1l· more It l'11g,., Huntington Bch 6Uc AJcobolJc.a Aounymuu• Write P O 8'la ~II\ Nfwport Offen, t:a hr. Pll0tt• Harbor 4711!1 J. MILTON McKENZIE 15--~har" \'our Car Harbor 6399·W ~lfc ----·---------· l.Al111';s 1•tu11111ni: I•• 1 nlr fl"ln' Con•ull ,,,,. 11111111 1;11tl•• Car• oC clllldren nf1thl• or wHk -11d1 £11c•llen1 , ,., ()ertrude Bf'ed· ford l.J 1'-9!1~ 161)37 Expericnc 'd gardener LANOSCAPlNG A ml CLEAN UPS Liberty 8· 1M9 301fc GOOD 11p('tlorl11n11y fur ,.,.ptrl· f'n<"ed ee,..,,11"• •t•llon • ll~n•lant l')l>I • part Um• neetled . Har f193. 34<'38 WOMEN ortlc• JOba o.,.n. ALSO dome1t1<1 Jobe. MEN. t..chn1t·a1 ak llled la bor ancS ffntra l. Ri-.ir· l11lrr now J VN& FARRAR EMP L A <;<.:\' 402 ', 32nd SI S pt 1 at rOH t rorn City Hall 1 --------F'.XPERlENCE U 11tn.,.1n1 marhtne opuato111 • lrlnu n•ra L'hAfl· ma n W1tt r Spm-u Kqu11 <'o . 2187',. It. l:oul H11 hw1v 1·0. rona d tl Mar :Ille Ji \.\111.1. train wom a n In f'luri I Ru•lnfM ll7 Bro••l\.l.•Y I t.I lJ 8-e07 J 1"tlf• w.:LCOMF: tn m.)' ""w 11hor 1•1110,. In anrl hl'lp "'" bu1l., t"w11rl1 yo11r flf'~ll' for "'"'fl!""~"'' Sit N' Knit 313 E R1lbn11 Blvll. l\alhtl• :'12tft EIGHT FT REDWOOD pa Uo la bte It 2 bench"• 110 Old )tlx M.aater wllb al\achnunlJI it\. Har. 4234. 33c~ 'O CHRYSLER coupe. fluid drive radio, good Cllrt. 114:). Solid brtlM t1\ltd bar YIRE SCRUN -31 In wldt , ntarly new 11:, Compltle H ar. 3&8l. 34cle USED ELECTRIC TRAIN In· cludtnr. 80 rool tr11 k. bndgt rtmote control llWllchu. m•nua l 11Wlltht11. au\omallc ""maphore a u\1)1natlc gatC'm1rn. r"rnole co n· trol m&JnC'l cr•nt, oouble duty tral\atormer, M A N Y OTHER CHRISTMAS TOYR CHEAP., JIC :\AW. 16 1n1 h, l>ELTA Ilk• no·\4 1hnp 1-... 1 ... 1k,. 4 Ii Ou ha11t 81 <"uron• dtl Mar . Calif J:lpli1 F resh Hearing Aid BATI'ERJES Wa Olvt SA.K Orem St..mp1 Gunderson Drug Co. MalZI SL &l Bal~ Blvd .• Balboa Harbor :.15. Ht!c BICYCLES :-.-r.w 1-n ;l';fl 21" ... 21i 1:111~ " "°'~ ~· h\Oo inn l...ti;hl\.l.~l1Cht S32 9~ .._,..,. .. :nt h"h hi;hlWflJh\ $>49 ti:; N<'wrort Balboa Auto Sup ply 210 Newport Blvd., Npl Bch. 3!'Kl j 1 I rT now J\O AT , 1g Jig n w ~m•ll Wl'>!\0 1 h•thf', Antl<tu" round rnCff'e la bl" !lx II) plum tolorf'd lJruA<lloom ~h33 ht lltC' rotthn hall runnt'r :;<~I r t•1n11t'lll1' 11ftl'1 :'I fl m H1u ll"•i 3~3i El..1-:1 T TRAI:" •·11 tu .. •I 11 S21'10 Order Now! \(II EIUI Hall-oa n h ·1I U1 lboa Pa.ioting & Pa perhanging We do the work ounielvea. 30 year• upu1.nc• Lice.need • 1nwr('d. 8au.tllcUon ruarantff4 l:•Uma t .. ttM. C.U J ohnnie. Superfluous Hair I NAM f; TAKF.KS rnr 1..A itUna Beat h ill !'"••th l.atun• t'll VI I n1rl'C'IOI y I :o,.d hlllltl WI llln2 tll"f'nll ,I \\ ,,,,. 204 f: 4th Personalized I 3111'31 Christm8..8 Cards 16 GA t7oi-: •uto "n" • 111 p11m11 AU.. !'llZJ-:s ALL PRH'F:~ ,.h .. llrllM :;;!\ ~!111(nt1m.11ntl nn~ Rtpre11~n\11tlVe v.lll <:•II M \'O\lr fl!\ MAnlicl<rr (1n .. 2,11 M'l")'IPI LI S.2687 A lJ 8-~289 8lltt: Custom CABINET WORK I lln~ 11llal2!"J -Nn ninre tw~~an1 El.LE~ L. en v A NT R I: r'"'m 7 ~tnlll /o.111< nr 1 All Kl 3·36!\I • 23tfl• Rea l F.!!11\ll' !=\tll<'Rm an f'•rm•n• nuy ••mu• t'O from tan 11rm• lt'p E)•t orowa a n!! nau I 1 l..lpn 1 Salon of 8'1u\y liar ":-,75 Fnr our I\•"' •l • fh <'r • ton<' lnrrnl" r , ••It. lll•lnn ll<'h••lult Oont on preml11t• Nt' Job tnn •m11 ll f'hnne Kl .1·l l lll 1 f tf•1 itrnun•l·flo" "i'l'''riunlt)' Our :t3r•r1h t-i-liik-t f11vrn ~ th•»·•·"'" •Illy with ~111, ·--~~ "· _!~trucUOft th• .,. "11.. 1,, '"'"', 11nt1 \hl')IW> CEllE.NT It BUlLDlNG A.IJ K inda • 11rt1vf' 1n 11-1 rnir w .. 11r• tr1enf1 · J ones Birkel-Richardson I)' i.n•l rnt1~rat1',. 11nl1 w .. want \hi' •11mt' frnm yo•ll FREE ESTlMA TES Liberty 8-6109 ORtiAN sn·n1~ IJ>arn. to pla" l Ba v & &>ech Ree It)", In<' tf \ht ml8h\y W\ RLfTZF.H •:;30 E l C"lla"I Hwy 2I EVl!:LYN JONES M111 . 300 H11lm· C '"11 l ,,t" Hatoor 6'Hll -------------wood Drlvr LI l'l· 1082 20<-33 oron-.i " • "' CARPENTER - - _ Repair Work "' Dote row Homa Nro~ Re-palrtn1 I SC HOOL, • a.moc1e1inc t DAY OR NIGHT EXr1'.:R lt .. '\l'ED wn1t1 want.-<!. A pply ~t ~NAl"K SllUP 2.101 E (."0.1•1 H "Y-. L"or11na dfl ~l1r. 18l1 Call rr&nk. Uber~y ,._.)4 GROCERY cu h1 tt• a nd MEAT -- All We.II OQ&ru\.Md 74tft E WO .. JEN ----------::-:-::=:-::--wr•r~r• ea rn 180 SlOO ~r M N-rvw COMPLETE PAINTING wHk 3•18 Sr•irct"<•n Ra nta Ana. GROCF.RY c>o h1<'t'll ani1 MF.AT H in a-rvi Ph Kl 3-6300 32c 411 IS l lf"I k & Paper anr g .._ ce _ wra p~r•. o " "'.-. hom~ :14 Ont 2211 Sw1 ft l~I S -:1311 I PHO!"E tlrir 1615 or Har 221\3\\' :l!\r:li 22r+42 cRt:Es Ctlt ·ctt~ Jamtt~)OrHthl.- ----------- -thAhW9-•h!'r Kw1k \11ok • lr ttrh Penny a n boat 926 uul 1x>11rll nmtor , b~,.11,., H., i'\'-:\ t vtninK11 $2~ 81nd HW $36 131'11 l'l\ndn 3:\cJj 14<1 \'11r\lum clo .ntr Siil 1t1gh ___ _ c-halr $3. Potty rh11r $3. Thrrr 11..1\ROf; 1; E REr~J~t<: GM<! 8JI ~~rtnch <lo<>1·11 wllh hl\rf'lwu,. & n•" $90 !Awn m"""~ Ar Ill· JAmh• sin 1>ar h St11lnt<l glAlU\, tll<hll'f"ll!S Jll, c~· hratf'r S6 window• $3 t1t h.H11.r. 12:1'-fl Ll .Jl.l\:\Fli 3~c36 BAMBOO DRAPES 32c14 :$0· B-A pp Uan<'f"S '--------------~~~~~~ () K f:ll:f"E & MER.RITT ran ge, •:,~, n1111l1•I !..Amp h rl•l• k "'1th ovtn 11mf'r. C:l1romt IP"lll brtllltr , &1111 r m r" Startin~ at :Zic a -q y11 month i H!l 811 ''"h 111 p11y $8 <.TSTOM MADF: AN Y ~IZE I tl'l&t 11c t ur lf•r 1·-f11 onr Buu11fut Ni-w Wo\·rn P' r mv l t 11 W, Chapma n P•llnn~ Foe All D«oT' CJr11.ni;:<' KE 8·M l7 If Klracl'I Curtain a Tra ve""' RflC.111 -SN Them On Dlapllly ftEWARll SIW 11<1 tnr any wuher In Our Store on f'UN hu t' of 11 n<"W Hamilton SANTA ANA a11lomallc "'U hH pl1111 Ii nrw ~ 1 ha1n 11rl"rn I• lk" :-:n ''""'Tl '-TENT & A WNlNG CO . I ~" p11vm•nt tit \111'>41 EUOENll 0 . S AUNDERS 11,Jl;AKN Pr11c-tlC'al Nunlnr Eam :lo.II Spurf•"" s .. n111 Ar111 Ph !'tOO &lat Btrfft, NeW]IOC't &eacb 18 · SH dally .. hll• lnilnlnJ. Kl 3-t..'KIO ~ .. (' A11 C.:11•• 2• • Harbor 2t78 or Har. 4'48. tte LAml>ert &·7621. • 3Jtfe ___ :12. 4~ ~ SANT A AN A jTHRO!\:!J(Jl'/'~ 181'1 l'r"'l"lr\ A vr 11126 S M111n Kl 2-,\."t4~ 34r 'l8 '"'""' Mr'" If ~ I '\ft t~Ap11lianrM M -f\-.Apjlll1nM"~ --------· ,,,_ #' ................. ----· --... • --- -#' --- USED .. APPLIANCE ·BUYS DA VIS-BROWN O'KEEFE & MERRlTl' g as range ...... GAFFERS & SATTLER. white table top gu $49.50 R~opditioned & Gua rant(>{'J Used T V Seta range. Very clean .• .... .. .. .. 79.50 WHITE TABLE TOP, gaa range, g-rlddle, New oven control . . .... ~ .. ... $74.50 JI PA('KARO·U..-:t..L RAfltO~ WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model .... $99.50 i::no:-.-v . 12 9~ t'ULORS . H .H PHJLCO Refrigerator, 6 cu. f t. . .. . . ., .. $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 7 cu. ft .. very ~an $99.50 SERVEL Ref.rig., left band dotir ............... j ..... $89.50 l'ACKARD·RELL CLOCK HA1'10S "\\'AKE \'P TO MUSH.:"-~BONY _ -2~.911 COWRS .. 27.96 PM RADIOS WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 1'!i cu. ft. Deluxe -.$109.50 KELVJNATOR Refrigerator 8 cu. f t. Deluxe ..... $119.50 DEXTER Automatic wuher ····-·-·····--................ $89.:>0 FROM Used KENMORE Wringer wuher ................................ $49.50 tr' CAPITO i. T V LATE MODEL EASY SPINDRYER , ..................... Special Only $59.W AU. OlJA.R.ANTJCED THOR W ASHER WITH Pl'Mr WASHING MACHINES, AUTOMATIC A.ND WRINOJCR TYPES BEVER.AL TO Sl!iLECT FROM coon coNtHTIO!'I: , S~flmT WAVE BOATS Used Radios ALL REA.SONAB.LY PRJCED-BUDGET TERMS-F!\EE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. l'Ot~1CE, ETC 17"' SlL\'ERTU !'l:E T V TARLt-: MOPE!. 420 Ea.st 4t h St. Santa An& Kl 2-2336 SZ-hrnltntt for SaJe 32-Jl'uralture for Sale 12 "e " STROMRl-:llu t"ARl~"ON BLOND TABLI': MODEL WITH F'M RADIO BED SPRING and MA Tl'RESS, complete $10.00 :>;F;w P ICTt'Hf: T llBP. •i 1\(1 WASHING MACHINES ..... ....... .. $12.W ';IP DAVIS-BROWN Theee and a thouaand other household bargains. 1885 HarbOr Blvd. Everything for the House-Furnishings, Toya, Radios , COSTA MES A L I 8·3·137 Clothing and Shoes for the entire family ) Recent additions of several djsabled veteran person nel-who have completely refurbished, rejuvenated and placed in top condition everything in our store SP ECIAL lltJY ! I 8 c11u11ful l-'1• nl'l1 1•r,;n 111·11tl 111111· 0 11.!I makr 1'prnrt plbn<> L•kt make us say 1 n.-w. Savt $100 ('on\' tr1 nlM a l I S HAFl-:RS tSlrW" IOOil 121·~2:1 N S~n1mu11•, :-111111,. An .. l'hllll<' Klmb<'r Iv 2-~72 "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTRIES 1--Knowlto11 El<'~tronw~ 402 E. 4th, SANTA ANA I TV ANTENNAS Open Friday and Saturday until 9 P . M. t( 0fl'KI lltlllll Ill (;1111t I p&p l tNSTALLEll "'"•i•lt•l•• t1o ·"''" ~,., :J2-A-Antlquea $9.95 Good Used Appliances 9 ft. Cheet. type freezer $99.50 Gu Ranges from $29.50 Frigidai~ 9 ft. Refrigerator $75.50 Wuhers •. Take your choice Automatic and wringer $20.00 Newport Furniture Co. Complete Home Furnishin91 2620 W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Ll 8·1113 34c31 WHlllLPOOL auloma\lc (U rlryrr with automa\1c lgn l\ion. R•g prtrr 1289 ~~. Salt prlct S 11>9 9l' Free lnatallatlon. l"o Clov. n :l 49 pn "'k So pAymt nl unlit t ll~~ THMO:'\SON'S J81 ~ :-;f111p111t /'.\'• ('l>"\k Mru It Washing Machine ~ERVICE l·~&r (U&n.ntee on JOb9 cSOl\t and on Ukd wuhu a 2t8814 {re.&rl N""port Bl., C<>9t. Meaa Llbcrt.y 8-4503 or Ubcrty 8-027. 64U c P HILCO u r11 ft r~rnrer•t<Jr 117 lb. &C'n>ll• lop frl!.l'UT t:11C'l1J1tlVI' Phllto two-wa y lloor. 20 btlow f rtulng tem~raturr SJ39 11!1 :-Jo do"'n p11ymen\. 2 H J>f'r 14'k THJ\ONSO!""S 181!1 Ntwporl Av,. CoalA Mna. t f BEDROOM RETS 6 It 9 ORA WER qr~utr. mirror book<'Ut hu dboard. (mm 169 ~J TWJN ~fllpl~ be-1 with m11t1reu A box 11rrln1t only $1\9 60 "' fl A 9 ORA \\'ER ma ple drt810<'r, w Hh mirror. rrom $79 ~;() Living Room Sets Modern & Maple AS NICE A LJSE u you wouM find any .... •hert With our low ovf'rht&d you'll bi' 111urprll!4!d how m\lch w~ can aa,·e you Pleaw Lakt a f()(lk It wt.II pay you. 0000 TERMS RETA IL F URNITURE BROKERS Open F nday E•e. Kl 3-2t 36 3rd •l Spurrfl>n Sant..a Ana 3tr39 TWO tnd tabln • tort"f' lablr. all gla..a top D11venport. Oood r ondltk>n CIAll afttr I p. m or Sunday 220:'> Chanl\el Rd . Bal· boa. Har. 1710-J. 33p3!1 . Me1e Woodcraft I BUY AND SELL EARl..Y AMERICAN cut. rotor ed, patttm gl1tM-rmnll\Vl's An· ttque f\lrnllllrt 11n1I rme chlnia I THE BIG OLD RED BARN E FIRBANK Kl 3·321 I 13861 Harbor Blv<J . Can.t .. n ~r<wt I 24p37·h SS-Boats, Supplies TRADE S-uUfuJ 70-fl. aux. achoonfr ExceUenl ror r harter. \\'ant property or 1maller boat. 1220 w. BalbO• Blvl1., Newporl. Har 3032. 39trr Yacht Remodeling Service Jo1nerwork -Refln1.ah1njr Rfp&lrtnl'. Y rt't lt8tlmet"•· Har 4284-W !l:trt~h 1 •H~. \' s 1·1:t'l/\l .:1> . .:s·, •··' 1'11H 111 .. d1 1 ,\1111,lm ll ,..Jt,t1••t ,,,,..:110 LH<t• t1t'• ~14\•• ~_ .. I 1...ttH ' ... f I •i•h l "'••'•V•·nu•11l JS1fl1 '' I t117• 1.! I •~:i ~ ~'' 1 u ', ~ .• u· u .\n,. l 'hi·'h· "''· t•\·th ~ f•f,'7..t I ."I t• l ",1 \" I ,.11 ll.J11l1" \\ A .'-'Tl-:[) •• 1 .. ·1111'111 t~:: h11"1t1 hH 111•1. •ho• jl '"""It ""). 11 .• I 1tY1.•:s lllllJr110•1' II Ill >Iii.I h .. n •~t:,itc r~~ '"'·~~'''" ,, ••.-1 ,,,,. "'l'Hol•lrr :! 11111n !''' k , ,. , 1• h "1111 l(l n•l"I f'Jl:.I: 1•1111•'\~ ~ -.win:: hrn11 • l• I'"""'} .. 11111·1 ltt' 1111 a rut "'tu•J""" Je ICll.:t I Y, t •1·1111 u• A"""""" J Ar k11on 7 11\ 7:! PRIVATE YLOAT ror Ital!" W ill - accommOIJatt up to 2~·11 • ab1n cruiu r. Yo r Informa tion rnll Harbor 3117&. 341·:111 U-Mtlllical. a.dlo, a T '' RENT. piano ror Chrl11lmU All term ~nt allowffi <".oc><t ptl • lite p11no1 frum $5 f;f'r month ltl \htt kldd1t1 le•m I OANZ·SCHM1U1', ~211 l"o M•ln, SIUlla An11 PRACTJC'Y, p:"111111 Jb\l, SI':> tu S l~ Splnfl type m1rr111 p111nu 12'1~1 a blond ~auty Jl:&alf'tl trnna OAN:t-SCHMIDT , !120 No M•ln Santa. Ana 100 r1ano• tu 1 h<'.,,.,., rrom. L>AMACF:U In ahrpf!lnJ: 2 ~prnrlA ' """ SU\O OA-:'llZ·l:>L"llMllJT. '1211 Kn M AIO Santi. An• Knowlton Electronics TV REPAIR F AST SER\'lCF;, R.EASO:"AULE S~l'"VI('•• ra il• 1111 9 t• m LI l ·02<>ll ------ORGAN. I E ler tron1c Or11,.an now only 1:1iO All Ell'Clnt"Orpn ~ b-'1. only $i8.."I Lowry Oritano $ t 11~. A II w<>nderful bar1ta1na ()A!'IZ-SCHMIDT, ~20 No. M&Jn, \ Santa Ana. SPINET PllUlO•· Rt'ntal rrturn• Tradt ·knll on OfTIU'&. llkt n~ ll(lmt Mapll', Blond Oak. Y'r~m·h Prov1ncu1.I Tl\111 l'l a cha.nc t fur blir; aa\•inj!'. Opvi F nday nlf hl DANZ-SCH MIDT. ~20 N-o. Main Sanla Ana. E NGLISH atyle Mlmpla no ebc"m\ rll11e, vtry modtm In ~xcellf'nt umu1ed rondlllon. !du.I Chnat· 11111 girt. .Mual u ll to c-lt•ar u tlllt Har. 2827 ·J . or Hartxn 191. 33,..3•, STATION WAGONS WE SPECIALl7.1': ONJ,Y TN THE CLEANEST ST A· TI0 :-1 WM';ONS AN y. WHER£. Ol"R WAGONS ARE 1;L' AHANTEED It Aki-: Fl'LL Y E-:Qlll PPF:D. ONLY THE BE:.;T ARE H E L D F 0 R Hl'.:T A IL. 100', Fl:\ANCJNC; CAN RE A RHANC f.;J>. AN D HANK T 1-: RM S ARE A\' A JI.A Rl .. E. \\'J·; llA \'Jo; 311 ('A RS IN STOCK N()W A:>W 0 1 'H DE:AL...:. AIU ; Tiii-: B~T JN THI-; WEJ"T COSTA MESA MTRS. li lll NJ-;Wl'OHT Hl ,\'f) (.'()STA MESA lil~tO C"Allll.l.At' C'•1up .. 11" w11h •!Ir "< nrr1 .. :icrl Sl7i:>. 21 ;:, :-11•1,. S I Mt'.a.. LI 8-Hl'.,<1 \ tllr t OntJ c·,,,,. JJ1;n 47 1-'0R I.> Spm't.Amian c-onvrrtlt1lr Xlnt m""hAnlral c-r.n•llllon S22:'1 C"lul owner, lfar. JUll-M. :l:\rJfl 47 PACKARD. racho, hut .. r, It''"" paint A \Ir,., hut ofru. R"e al lli I W. \\'lllflm. CoJta Mr1<11 3:'1p36 11161 Bl'fCK Su~r 4 dr . ...,11rn ft&dro, hl'lltr. Uynaflo It nu•n" rllhrr nt n1.11. Cl tan anti 111 ir•""I rcmdltlon. 0 11(y $1'>96, Ownu W 8-l ll ll. Evea. LJ 8-28':'1. 311• Ji' 11163 TWO·TONF., 4·DOOR J'I '· MOt:TH. EqulpPf'l1 wllh '"'"" .hraler ... OV~rdrlvt. OnfO l)WM<'I tar with onJy 28,0()(I milt • 11111 fina.nclnl'. Ll 8· 1139. E vea I.I 8·7021. 3: .. 1; ORAND J'IANO Chralm&11 SaJ• --H USKEN W T SON Ma.ny wl'lnderful b&rl(lln"· !11m· .\.U -A ou• maku , Steinwa y, M1u1on S POR1rS CAR CENTER Hamlin. Knabt, etc .. dellv,.rl"i1 J AGt;AR, M <.;. fr'te, bench 1ncl\ldfd from $387 AL'STIN·lll:Al.Y.Y ur MORRlS DANZ-SC HMIDT. !120 No. Main. ALFA ROMEO .AU8TTN San\& .An&. _ REl..Dl.;f"T -----KAMMOND OROA.NS. all modt l1, New Car Sa lu 6: Strvll' our Chrlatmu "tvr k now coming Cltan U11e11 <.:ar1, All Maku l n1· In; 110 oo drpo.tlt will re11tnia port~d and Dom•Uc • any model while thry laat. Tnadr 2201 8 0 .MAfN ST. SANTA A:-:A In your old piano. KI 2--0768 Unpah1ttd It Juvenile P'umllurt IJANZ SCliM'fOT Hnm" of th• >932 HARAOR Of,Vr• Christmas Special1! world fa_m'>WI Humm•ml1. ri20 1«>!-ITA MF:~" SH F:LVF:S. sport cabin<'t. m111t•· l'o Matn, Ranta Ana <mr LI 1!-M/~•1__ _ ll zlne ruk1: doll furn 1cral1le• 1 Sp1nrt )1odel. on• Hammond CRF:l-;:-1 J"~P"trr. wnndrrful .. .,,,. hutch·•. chutJ11 eh1ld,..n'11 l•ble Chord Orc an u ... d bu t llkl!. M W, s.:.~. }tit•. J."t77. 3•,, ·11 • c.hair .,.1,., lhilt.I'• ~u&ton womlf"rlul ba rgaln8, 1 _ • _ _ _ _ r•1tkt11< anJ knl'f:hcill' t.luk •. 1.,y' --- ----1.:..:. '11.1 1~ Ill\ 2·•1• '""' · '11"· hn ih~°'t , rer~il r abln.-ta -0 "t tht ··1n·thf'·W8YA · c1ul ••r "'"' llr~• 2 trmr ·11t11Jr•tl••1.ld Uo uur Ulv ""'•:V plan lh" way, the wanl a•I w11 y, ' .. 11 5'llllr1 :-;., uh•~ lttlt l'h ll.11 1~.r 2121 H"r bur, \:M l .lbrrty 8·184:,,H11.r. 16 11 I 1111>!< \\ .. 1 .. 11111g · .l.,/•11 ---r- -- I I I I I ·,.,, -' - f 40-Autoa £er Sale GMC . TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS ''IJ 00001: "' L panel '!)() CHEVROLET "-t . pe.ne.l 'Ml FORD V-8 •, l pickup '62 11\"TERSATIONAL '' t pu. 'lit DOl.>CE •, t. pickup '113 CMC •, t. pickup '114 ,CMC •, t pickup '.6• GMC 11 l pickup Hydra-ma Ur t,..,. .. 'M <:KEVROLZT 9' l . pickup '112 DODOE \i t. pickup 'II• OMC ~ l. pickup Hydra-Malle tran1. 'IU FORD V·8 % t. pldcup ''IJ GMC 1.,, l., 12' 1take '&I INTER. L-180, C A C. 2 •~ed. 8:211 tire. '63 GMC Ct>E, 2 t., 178" wb., 2 •PMd, 8:211 tareti. ~,.. the lar•ut volume truck df'al- er In Oranse County for belt buy In uud truckl. All ty pe• and 1lu. al Q[lct1 to rtt your pncketbook. ' W.W. WOODS CM C DEALER 8111-lt E. 4th S t, Santa Ana Oj>en SuncJay A. M. Truck Headquartf'n for Orance CO. 19112 CAD 82 Sedan 37000 ml. Vtry cl1t.n ct.r. $19911-W W nylon UrH. Take tranlJ)Ortt.Uon ct.r trade. Harbor 17211 t.ftv 8 p. m. lTUc 'lit CHRYSLER ee<lan, New York- f'r V-8. 180 h .p .. auto. tran1 .. RAH. Power 1teerlnf , near new WSW. Very cl~lln. A 1tet.l at $8911. Trade A finance. MOTOR VILLE 21170 Ntwport Blvd .. Cot1t& Meat. 1~1 8-4:102. 34c35 ':'I I OLDS .. t dr. 1edan, new Uru, lot.11 ~xtra• Orig. owner 1elhng . 2100 W. Ocean Front, N, B.- 33c311 :r.--MORRIS MINOR convertible l':xcclltnt M nd. 40 mpg Low down. P'. P. 17110. LAmbert ll·06i 8. 900 E U nion. Fullerton. New and Uled TRUCK AND Pauenger TIRES 33p38 8-Hour Recopping .. Service Complete Brake Service A~O Front End A!Jgnment ./ J Cabanas Marinas Lido' Peninsula, Eaat 31st St., Npt. Bch. Ol'l'ER8 DeJ.i&htlul Uvin1. Apt.-Cabanu. Uwtttee paid. with Yacht alip accomodaticma. Daily, weekly, monthly, y.rty. l'or appt. or rnervation, Call Bar. 2988. 3'tfc Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swim.min« pool, the friendly atmoephere. Be glad to ahow you anytime. Ken Niles Villa Marina 1'021 Bayaide Drive f!-Trallen Har. 1800 32ct5 48-A-Apta. for Beat * PORT ORANGE * RENTAL r TRA.ll.ER SALES and SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport BMcb LI 8-~ '62·15' Happy home ...... ,. ...... tMI SPECIALISTS cau Edna crate Blanche Gates, Rltr. 11111.ariDe .... ~ blud, Bar. 1171 '114·36' Travelne, Spec ........ $UH ------------- 'IW-45' Roadm&lt.r 2 B. R. spec1a1 Crown of the Sea Motel '116-U ' Paramount .... Bl• diacount '55-2•' Terry,_ .. Will deal on thla In Corona del Mer PAN AMERICAN eomfortallle l"OODl.ll Paramount-Ken1klll le llltc:benette aptl. TV Travelue-Terry ~y -week -monthly rate. 2tOO ID. Coul Hwy. Har. 31H 83c45 Mttc BARGAINS IN Ni:W TRAJLERS '38 SH.AST A 22 ~ ft. t.11 moderu twin bt!da. J'OR R.IDN'T yearly, upp.r apt. 2 bdrm&., 1 b&tb unfurn.. f126 mo. Lower apt. J bdrm. 1 balh furn. f150 mo. LOU18 W. BRIGOS. Har. 80 '118 TRAVEii:ZJ: 18 ft. mod.,-n '66 SEACOJli 36 rt., 2 bedrm. 33c31 '116 ROLLAWAY 36 ft .. 2 bedrm. ON· e•""ROOU t L 21S-'52 ST AR 11 rt. modem \ • ....., -um. ap BAROAJNS IN UBEO TRA.JLl:R.8 f 2tllh 8t .. Newport. Har. 2165-J. '62 MOBIL CRUUl!:R 41 ft .. 2' 33p36 ~rm1. '61 ALL AMERJCAN 27 tt. mod. '48 SCHULTZ 21 rt. Mml-mod. '•8 VAGABOND 27 ft.. Mmi- modem. Alwaye a l.aJTe MlecUon Of (ood UMd Trailera. Allo New vaca- Uon rl'ntall- W ut Cout Trailer Salu 2101 South Main KI 2·31'7 Owner, Burt A. LeRoy Rentals Wanted w ..... apta ucl ..... lJI al Udo Isle Bayfront One and two bdrm. apartment.a. h.rn1abed. a.ncu. Yearly or winter rental. Har. 3875. 2lc3' rt.TRN. modem 1 bdrm. apt. W1th patio A car port, carb. di1po1al. 2820 Avon. N.wport Beach. Harbor 4170-J. 34tto CORONA DEL MAR duplex. 2 bdrm. rurn. Hu. &•Ot. 30ttc N&WPOAT BEACH rum. 2 tH!d· rm. apt. car .• le uUl inc:. yard. f70 mo. W 11·1•09. 33ltc -.. NE'W )llcety tum. 2 bedrm. tor famlly. '715 mo. ?\ear 1t.ore1. 304 32nd St., Newport. Slp31 55--Moaey to Lou CASH ... FOR TRl'ST DEEDS WM. D. H Ol.T Bargain S75' MO. Two bdrm. hoUH furn. MORTOACE B ANKING OPE~ 2 • 6 DAlLY 278 MAGNOLIA 2009 K1ramar or.. Penin1u.Ja , SINCE 19SO. Point -Winter rental -1609 N DUSH SANTA ~~A 3 BEDROOMS. '01t1rr brick home nn one floor 1800 1q rt. 1.Arc e lol With frul~ tll'l'll. 1tw!'r1 con- nt••'l•'<l. H11J:I' i:n1 11g•'. laundry A C. G. BEARDSLEE, 724 Luton Or KlM.BERLY 3-7118 Glendale 6-Ph. Clt.rua 3·6318. I 4 32lf(' CUFF HAVEN 3 br unr111 n nr. schools. Dbl. gar. Sprinklers. patio. firepl. Sl2~ mu. U twr1y 8-2377. 33c3:'> CORONA D!:L MAR. house. Stove, refrlg., ,; gar. Yearly 516 2 bedrm. carpeting Lark11pur. 33p35 CORONA DEL MAR, unrum. 3 ·bdrm., 2 bath, newly decorall'tl tnlide a~ $125 mu. Call Harbor '7. --........... tr . . CORONA DEL MAR -'16 Nar- cluue.1, 2 bdrm. unrum. ho1.18e. Yearly rental SIOO me. Water pd. Har. U82·W afll'r 6. 3~c36 TWO bdrm. house un!urn. l'XC<'Pl alive It ref rig. S.uth or Hwy. corona dtl Mar f 711 mo. to J une 1-Har. 151114 . 35c37 49-Room. for. 'Rent LADY alone hu room 1n nice home tor tmployed lady. LI 8-lle-411. 29lfc LOANS 'l'U UlllLD. n.tPRUVE BUY, MODERNlZE, OR REFfNANCE We Buy Trust Ot'ed1 Nl:WPURT BALDOA SA VfNCS It LOA~ A8SOCJATI0 1' 13841 Via Lido. Ph. Hu. 4200 !to NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fee S ALES -REJ.~INANCE CO!':STRUCTION Call for Free Fast Commitments .. on Realdencee and Units only hoht;y roor.1 PrH'" •luhtd lo $16,:'l()('I \ull t1~ r,ir full details. Duncan Hardesty Realtor H!lrbor 4718 D I H ddl t ON THE PENINSULA on . u es on 11NBALBOA -l3EAUTIFUL HOMB FOR THE 173 E . 17th St. LARr.E FAMILY : COSTA M ESA I I ·• l •I '> t I u 8•5:w1 • Ll 8-saa2• • • 11 1s. • m. 11<. • 1rr11 111:e1 .\t1rnv ft:w 11ppoinl 111tnls. RI'&· II CLEA!': I~~ 'U-'11-: l ' ;1;rTs , l•1so to bt-11r h. t>uy 1rncl :<hnpp1n1'-f;,;. Ct!llt!nl r t.•lt1rn on 111\'~:,luu•ttt uf $21 5011 1 er m11 su1111l>I\' p11e·nl 110 :\IF. \\ fT H COMMA:-.101:'\G \'11-;\\' ur 0ll.'nn a111I Uay. On l.11 J.:!' lul \\1th trrrs, line of the b<'bl m Corona ctel Mar HOMER E. SHAFER, Realtor I UV1C LIKE A .MILUONAlRE 106 M~Falldl'n 1-'l . ut the N••\\ f'Or l ~~5ki~c:e~~~te~!t.u!!1tho:a~~ Pier Hu• .. ~~':x,;'~;29~~;r 52611-w '1 Fitzmorris Rlity • Co. 4: phone aervtce, TV. Mo<1ern, 1 ~~ Jll11lllpll' L1~w1~ Realtor. - eyt ·appeallng , ultra-comfortable. 60A-Commer<'ial lndustrl.al Hus1neas Brnker Near ahopa and mklll. Call ------• 3136 E. Cst Hwy , Cnrona de! Mar Harbor 6091. 33ttc FACTORY Bl'lLUl:'.\'G, l'IOI!<' •n I H&crl>ur 2102 BALBOA PENINSULA R oo m M·I zone. 7Ux30il It. Int ran•s with private bath & enlri\nre two 11t11. 3200 11q H. bldg on Apartment building. Har. 2<&1'10. frnnt portion. Ll'llllcd. Askin)( See Me-Ta Nelson :IJtrc S28,llOO low lrnus. t'all LJUL' 0 0 \''NTON Wllh 5S-Stores Ii Offices EARL W STANLEY, R<"ullor 011.y11lde I Jr & l "ot111l H w\' A 11°1 )1111 '11 hro t ha.nkfu l a ·pl••nty, 1111 1 ht•M• l'Xct'lll'nl offerings, HRr. ::w; or J77:'> l'\'C'< ll11r' 2878 <'ORO:'.\'A DEL MAR OFFICES For Lease Thrl't unit~ nn rn·r11n 111rte or Hwy In New Building 61 Rt-aJ E t t · E . t I All '"'""''<I 11hc•w111g tremtndou• 17 x 40' $100 mo. -Al a e ~XC' iang!_~ r<'lllmll. 17x 26' I 86. mo. CAPITOL GAIN 'T'Wu ll• llllh. l'llt>' & ~hmtn.:-13 x 13' I 3:. mo. ...i .. ,..,. 111 ;.n•I ,, boy In Lido Shopping Area CAN YOU ~03 32nd st .. Ntwport Beach AFFORD TO SELL? l.1-::\10~ llEICllTS :w AC'r t'a ad· J111111nir lu'1111u1111 ulale1, 7 an.•,, In ll.-unnit avocallOI. Leu Harbor 4321 2.'.ll(c HOW ABUL'T A TRAIJE r ... rnan- OFFICE F OR RF.NT I ag,r <>Jl<•rslNI t lrnr lnr unw flt1<f>· 'l"HREE R OOM bullthng un '"'"•I "rty "t".'<l c-ml ut l..o!I i\ ngt lrs highway. Mariner's )hlc. J>U k· \'altft!il "l SM ,OIWI "''llh u\'<'r C.:HIJll '1-; RJ.::\'1' A L.S. furntsheJ A Iii.An 1, 1ln"n Ing wpac:u In rear. U 8-IU 02. U 0.000 a .Hllr ln<"llln•' & low u111 n1 ntshl'll 3Jc30 expen,e. A111 11't11ing & 11111 1n• ------------l l'rc1ll'tl In Bny l-0 1<1nl l'l'"l'"tl) ~ll::TA :'.\'El.SO:>: COAST ffiGHW A Y, new bullt'llng, 600 141. ft. office. Bullable In· 1ul"&()oe, attorney, etc. $00 m o. RUSS F ORD, LI 8-6141. 20lf SMALL OFFIC~ tor r<'11t. Sutl· able real eatale or 1n1.1ur ann: •19 Balboa Blvd, CAii Har'. 471M 34tfc LIDO • AV All.A BU!: M.ARCH l ST Otflc• or atore. ln new bulldlnir. 20' tront11e on bu.wy alreel, $9() mo.-year'a leu Box I-76 1ht11 W11J lrtldl' up or rluwn. U\\ n• r :wi•b 1-; ( ·011el Jlwy, W Ebaltr, 4.f11Hll r1r w rit•• :.!Ht1i' C'niona •lt•l :11.,1. llar M6it 32c3• Sou th t.'och ran A '"' , Lo" .An I gele1 16 BROKERS IN\'JTF:O 1733 Fullerton :101 ,1:.? JUST A STEP - SEVEN -UNIT Mo n :r. BAH· I m Costa Mesa STOW. nl'1·tla more· u111l11, pl!·nty niu.M J\Ll'H /\ 11to:TA and Safe• <)f room tor trutlH pnrk. t::c1ty. '"'Y L<J\•ely 3 l>\•d room hume on $2·1 772. luq.;l' eurner 1111 St0,9t)(). Con- s BEDR. H OURI!: In H l'nlt!l, J 1, 1ude1 oCfrr IUI low at U l>OO dn. e cre, 3 i...._r horst• & chi(·. co1 • SF:E ALSO 1710 F ULLICRTON raJ, WAI null! oroni:•'!l & (1 ult I trc«'ll. 100 fl bus f10111.1~I' OCEAN FRONT! l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PIESS -,.ART 11 • PAGE 5 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 . BALBOA BAY SHORES In the quaint restricted district of lo\•ely Bay- ahore., we have a very attractive 3 br. home com- pletely furniabed with new brick patio 22 x 36. and room for swimroing pool in this wide irttgular shaped lot. 1 blk. from private bathing bt-ach. A comfortable home. Excellent income property. ' $24,500 LIDO iSLE FIRST TIME OFFERED FOR SALE Very nice modem· 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Lovely covered patio. Many fine tea.turee incl. electric garage door. Excellent Location. Please call for app't to mee . CLIFF HAVEN View lot Kinga Road. Leuebold lot 67 x Charming location, fine view of bay. • Only $5.')00, $2000 down. 110·. THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido, Npt. Bcb. Har . .f971 or H&r. f972 Eves. Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R. LI 8-5297 or LI 8-.304() LIDO BAYFRONT Deluxe, owner-built home ot f bedrooma & 5 com- plete luxury bathrooms. Pier 6 alJp. With cuatom furniahinp included, thia exceptional home i• priced below cost at $100,000. WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor Harbor MOS 3341 Newport Blv~. SAY M.r. Delcamp: Here's A Bargain 3 BEDROOM-11 montlw old - Hardly uaed. Juat 6.4 m1.lu tro.m Richard'• Udo Market and only 6 mllca rrom Seara, Sant.a Ana ator<'. Leu Ulan 10 minut.u euy driving to either place. 2 mtn- utM to Sant.& .uia COWltry Cl\lb. A HICKORY BUU..T HOM!!, hardwood floore. wtnd tor .JU or tlec. range. Ya acre, plant the front In rrua and put an orch· ard In the rear. THfS H OME CAN NOT be dupUc- a led for IU,000 but you CUI "teal lhla one for su.260 lncL t'lt•ctric •love and dnpe., maybe a might lua tr you CUI pay caah to the loan or "300 wblch la pay&ble SM.Se per mo. Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2802 Newport Blvd .. Npt.. Bcb. Karbor •n• Corona del Mar Do it younelt ! Wll KNOW how bard It I.a to ftnd 'Ult what 7ou need In CDM- We 8JM111d our Ume Mlpbl• peo- ple do It. One uawer la to bWld and th• CUtTMt phue ot UM lot pric. • home price CJcl• dOcw tnor dolnir •m. We ha.. 90me fl.Jle loll llat.ed. lolc>A reuonal>le ill an R-2 beaul7 aoxu.a level • well-IOCAt*2 for about '60()0.- R owenr the perfect two unit Jot La In Corona JUfblan~ to• juat a bout twice u mucla but worth It: bl•, w lUl a nJc. '1.w and nothln& like IL We have an unu.ually nice equare comer Jot to -deliver JU.It undu seooo &n<1 wb.at a waldet1u1 alte tor your fam.Uy'a ~ ho me. Aca.ln for aomethlnc mor• thua double that prlc• we have lated a llnUhtnC Sood buy ln Corona H111ll.&ada, a blS boZMalt. wttb 'brNlhta)dnl vlew ~ aome- Ul.Jnc atn. OOme ID 11114 Jet u.e lndkau What 70\l aaa do wtth -ot u... -~ ..-a bud-•et-)'OU'U •ee Whal We mean. no;. n ~P,:RVICF. 1-·11 r11t11nr A111i.el PliLn Ynuni fnr lhfl Aaklnl' eec:U-fAlr ~ wtat.er ... 1ffl'• ....._ hnl. or UAtl&ra. u )'Pll ..... a nc&DC:J, pa.one t.ed&.J' D£1..UX8 m~ f\lnl l!Wdio apt. ~r. H p38 uwau.. 1114 f75 mo. Co,_ ------------- TrtH·tor Sl7,~. ALSO U :.!.:115 $2f>t~l l>O\\'N $100 a munlh la 4 Bedroom Bay & Beach Rlty Inc HOWARD RYAN ~01 -00 W ht St SA:->'rA ANA Kl ~t<M3 The Vogel Co. no1 W. ~Rwy .. "ewport 8Q. nee. u~ a.aeai 208 M&rtJ>e. llaJlloe '8&ao4 Pboo• eanor u. 1M7 &. Cout By~ Corona Cle.I ACAr Phone ti.arbor 1 H l Lido Ott\e«, Ult Via Udo Harbor 4971 l3~8 1702 N.,,..port Blvd., Co.\A Mtaa Libert)' IJ..a&tT 41 -Auto 84-rvtce Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. .. .................... $48.88 8 Cyls. . .... _ ...... _$58.88 ln1 l11ctr• bOttl labor and part.a. N<"w nnii:a. wrl•t pln1. •a.I've i:rit111 fltttn11 of ma in &11d rod bf'1111ni;11 Expl'rt motor ti.;ne up. llO·tf"Y o r 4,000 mile C'\l&r&nl.M. lfc Choice Winter P.entaJa on Balboa bland Ir Lido lale Small Ir cosy ur •arre it dalWI• '711 to PGO moolll VOGEL CO. 20I Marine An.. B&lboa la&u4 Ph. Harbor t\4 or R&rbo'f 2161 Rea. Har. 1718-R or Har. 30$9-M MU. I :'110 Ml>:-.'~Y 00\\'~I ATTRACTI VE 1 and 2 bdrm. rum. REBUILT ENGINES uuuuu paid. 1 or 2 <'hlldren l'I' 111 11'1 MU:->l h S TO PAT-Leundry room BL U E T O P 8 11111 1n uur ov. n rar tory by 1kllled APT. MOTEL ~03 Ntwport Blvd. mnrh1n1"t1 Don't contend wltll Npt. Beach. Ju.at a bove th• lll,. n11ddle m•n. Buy direct_ Arthr11. 7Ufc RI:;BUILT and INSTALL.ED TWO BJWRM. untum. duplH SHOHT BLOCK &ut aide Co.la Me ... '711 mo nrna ... ·-... llzt.60 u 1-11112 or LI 11-HH. 33c35 l'tlEVROu:T .......... __ sut.60 T'I.. Y M It ~DOE ..... --·-$1~ t.:HRY ~ Ii DE SOTO ···--fl70 ~n;u~:BAKER .... ·-··--u 10 ULDS A PONTI.AC..: t -·--f l 70 Bl:ICK . _ .... _.. .. ........ _ 117:1 HUDSON _ ........... -......... _._ ... f17~ l.oan l'u l'rff Towtn1 r\£\V CAR G UARANTEE Block mu11t m'et our 1ta.11d1rda Plus taxu, 1uket.1 and oil OPl•n Sunday 10 a .m. to 2 p.m . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS 0pt'n Ua1ly 8 to 7 State Bondfd NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. S AN':'A A NA SARVER F'OR BRAKES \_I l:'J OR ANOE <'OU1'"TT 17 Yl\Sl Bonfltd Brak ff wheel• J1 l.H lnetaJlatlon .9t Tu YOU PAY NO MORE . $12.M ... I U .43 SARVER MOTORS BR.AKE SERVICE E. IST AT 01\AND SAHT4 ANA A rter The Crub ll'1 Too Lac.. mtc 110011 77 n U~rty lra.ller bo"'- wltlt 1wr11ng ~aJI' ur rtnl KI tl•2iM\!l :13t !l~ OAR.AGE -at 317 ~trrClllllUA. Corona del Mar. Harbor 2012-J 33ca& f80 2 BDRM. U NFlJRNISKED triplex, flreplac«!. sart>e«e dlap Wat.er pd. yud maintained Owner 272 Broadway, U 8-2778 31lfc CORONA ClEL MAR-tumlahed 2 br home. Vtry llvable A com· fortablt only S70 mo. no ltHe requtr~. CUFF HA VEN unfurnlahed apL 2 bra. 11 very lg. l , fireplace, dlap.. vt nt fan. laundry rm. It 1uace Good location. niE VOGEL CO. 2M7 E . COut Hwy. HA. JHI -HA: U77 311c37 Nl:ARL Y NEW untum. duplu I bdrm.-tlwd. fll"l.-f a. beat -'pM. pa tl<r-prqe. C D M. 1106 'mo. C&U Harbor IMl·ft &ftf'r e p. m. or Har. lsat-R. S5ttc CORONA DICL MAR. COtt.ap, comb. Uv. bedrm .. kJtch~ Own fanced yd. Oc-.n ld.t. Hwy .. nr. marktll, thtater. No pet.a '67.60 H&r. 6011-W Hcl7 BALBOA J8LAND tum. I bdrm. lower dupta.. Wt.at.er f 71 month. Jncl. utlllU•. Har. 51181-W. S&trc NEWPORT K&IOHT8 ,.,uy fur. nia.hecl, \ bdrm ... nil • ..,-.. tll• ynrly only. Avt.IL ~ 1. - LI IM7t8 311trl' 8e1U1t•nel1 t11111t oerd will ,.. ... nr rthno•t ••tr•· .... t"ke lh•• fin• I• 1.td" all <•r ony fllll I "•'• k •·11•1 f\11 nll1hrtl home WANT BAY AHEA p1 11r h<•11...-~ On ll1 un•ho, olk "l'~t nf Pier -del Mar. Har. Ol6a-R. Uttc M-&-Bwhe• s-taa. YES, • nice bedrooena wtl.b 2 tall tlflt.ht, Jmma.c:ulate le we,U lo- ratN1 arnonc home. ot 8lmllar vLIUI' Price -Ul.400 lncludee waJI to wall carpeUnf It drapee. This horn& la fenced and land- acaped 6 ready to Co· Temui Corona de.1 Kar Ottl<'e JllO JD. C4u\ Hwy, Hartior 112•9 3~40 ONI: bedroom tumJahed apart- merit. 716\~ 1'~eat. corona <!el Mar. s.. Fnday p. m. or Saturday. ~3t BACHELOR apt .. tln11 "1-. clean $:>0 m onth. no Poppy .A.ve .. Corona del M&r. ~P FURN18HJCD .A.PT., 1 bedrm. near Bui and Buelneu Center. Al«> two 1 bedroom aptl. on Wa~ lerfront. 1708 Cb&nel Plate. Harbor 1217·J . 28tfc BALBOA 181.AND attracUve up- per 2 bdrm. apt .. TV Mri&l- Wlnl•r S70 Y•rly SlOO. Har. 1370·J .,,enl.nr• It w .. k endl. 16ca7 DUPLEX Co1ta Meaa. 2 bedroom. hdwd. flot>l"ll. Nearly nvw. OOod loca tion $75 -lt72 Anaheim. Apt. A,-U 8·1U8. 35ttc: FURN a ttractive 1 bdn'n. a pt., TV A antann•. Walklnf dll1tanc-e t.o Udn abopp~. Har. 3738-R 36c37 Charmin& Harbor Haven ~ Aoa.rtment.a -P&t.ioa NEW ( ltOOM. llrfft 1...-ti. Naar 9Cboo&a, 8bopp6Ac cllAtncL ~t, pleuaot, ucluah•e. Oarb&re dll- p.a.:.. l&wldry, .to~ rooma, ..,....e. NJ.50 up. OccuJI'• en- tire Rrfft. OOod auperYt.lon. M(T, 1601 Hawn Place 1 e.iock aouu. ot KIP 8dlool AL80 P'URNJSHED A.PT8. ~ RATU lltfc CLOSll IN, BALBOA. Furnl.ahed 1 ti.ctnn. apt .. yearly. HO mo. Ou A water jl&Jd. 408 E. B&I· boa Blvd. Har. 2010 llltf DmLUXJD l'UJtX, .4PT8. 8ln(I• le db.la. '30 mo. and up. l 04 I:. Bay A••., B&Jbo& Harbor 5U.. I Uc FURN. a room apt. .Extra clean -.a.etno """&'· J>&D•l ray Mat. '60 JDO, to /Ulle la. UUl pa.Id. Har 1.-.J, IOl &. Bay .Aft. Balboa-Jlc:lll LIDO mLE BA.CBELQft and on• • ttro bdrm. apt& &bolt term Ul4 ~. A.LIO, Lido Jlomea and k7 Front Som• &Dd aputment.e. LIDO REALTY A.-odatee l400 V1a Udo, H&ltlor '"' lttfc t.tD•-1a.u.-f• a.& TWO BA. HOUall unt. aacept .tove It ref. 2 car pr. on blurt beyonC HOil.i'. Hosp. Vacn111cent ot.-n 'fkw, country 11~ rwar toWL $80 mo. yrly. rental. No ,..... llJ W, HUI at., C. M. Har. IO. 8 to a. Jette I BDRM , 2 BA TH. tum. hoUH. 2100 E. Oceua IU.-.1 .. Ba.lboa- 1 Jk ' Cor. 19th It Plaeenlla C M . apt" hU~lf'I•·'< ur v.lu•I ha\I' '1111 Ill>! lvt • .,,.,, r. 3 hllrme. $4600 FOR RENT two bdm'I. hOlllt' - (1t.ove It retr1f . rum.} lnrludea 1tore room cft two <ltttce 11p1ct'1. SlOO month OR wtll rcml l l'pa· ralely 1 ottlc.e a l 175 a.od l a t "° monlh. A l&o •mall •l•Jl l' 1100 mo. Call owner U berty ll·622J momtngs or alter 5 p m 9ttc S H A \\' Spn• ,. 13 Mu~ a 1pal ''''" n ~l"•I I'• r 11111 Trt1Jler l'aJk, !':•V.j'Vrl 1:."'" ,n u·,f(I-: Jl':--1' A f:\T :-.o M()RF: .:r r I I BAY\'IEW EX!'llANt:t: 1·1111· \1;1, <.:\ l'I 1:11 .!.lfl'> \\ hon 1• fur 1.,..,.1 ttr ~n 1 '•II! B.111~1.1 l'f\tf llr.r :l3il 34c3e F OR LE~SE. new bid(. on &ul 17th St We ne~ BARl.JEH SHOP, BEAUTY PARLOR TV SALES It ~ERVJCE. REAL ESTATE OF'f'ICE, v lf''T AHOP l'tc. ~l your bualne1111 1<Ut1 tr1I 1n lhe beat lo<:M lon In C'Olll lt Mf'llll. For In.formation, 432 Kut 17th or Llbttty 8~21l4. 2Hc• I land ,., fHt.1,114f I\ Rl'(f'lll i 1110111 r11111i.• 11 ln·d ffiH<l•HI .. 1 .\111111.1 Ill I'" '17 "•4111 IM"' l.•X•' <l••fll ... 1'IH•·1I ttllr f><•llf \ T1 •Ir 1•1 "n "I" •luv.11 fur 1 l1•1u 1"11hf I'' 'I'"' ty U•1x K· 7~ lllu• p1q .. 1 ·ir.r.1 t ----·-----~--- HOMJ·; ON ('It.-. 'EL.-Cll'•• 1 h1 C'l'lmph•ll' With J'!lr'I 11n<I "Ii}' \\stlk ln l 't1 & Ltdu Jhu111 ini; P nrliolly 111111 Sl".:11J1 1"r111~ 1 111,\1~,1: i 1-11 \I I I{ I« 141tur BRAND NF.W lunrhroom It rnm-1 JI'" Mr ... l\•fd<'n 1•1 Ul t h<' ~I'\\ r•orl I plete bakery u t up. Ktl chrn. 1·1~r. llA1 1111 L'• H:u :'llH~ \\ oven11, mtxer•. 4 '1r n•Cn,;, lcl' Jt.ir1,..,, 2!i~!'-\I rream cablnru, 11 11toot rm1ntr1. ~-- ctl11pla y C&HI. 1 uh rr~1trtl'r' BACK BA y now dolni; Sl:lOO a wrl'k rlu' Bargain prlcl'. S 1!1.0<1() t1nw n. OR.A NOE COAST PROPERTIES 18117 Newport. u 8-1832 Ca. ta M tll11 E,.,. Lr II 6AA:l 7'\E\\' 3 h<lrnt 2 hlllh h•in ,. •·n HALF /.<"HF. 0\·1 r,.1z.e1I t!Huhlo jlnr ch drir "" n & 1..1 11 121 :'>110 P.Al>\' TF:IOIS 0 1" n I to !I rll\ll)' :161 22"•1 SI ,:1. "'.6 80 ACRES 0 1.11 \\'~:1.1. & ~·u1 :->LIATION on l''"I" 1 t\ \or" ul brou11ru1 v&l- 1•·\ 11111> i h"ur, f1t•m /llf'w1>0rt 111 File >~'T' .. IU·:~: At'HES 11lanletl \\I( lo ll\I ' 1 •111 3 yr .. , ul<J A VOC81IO ''''" • "'~<'11111111, rvr:ry lice f''I"''' 11111n1t111.111r cc .. ,.r 11oell. 2 i i" Ill h1111~1 l'fi'I II II ily, f.-mil)' • 111111111 ,,,.,., h.tlh1<i<1k Owner II" ~l •r·ll S••:••~•. J~:11,.1 1lov. n. SAM ENNES H1·11I .. ~''"''" Rrnlctr I l.11 h•11 lfl44·R ~· 1:1 '111,. war :-;,.,, ptu 1 J!k3i' INCOME PRODUCERS VACANT ' Channlnf 2 bC'd.rm. home, hard- wood noora, hu"se kitchen with nod~• or bulll·ln• -utra lar~e ~rooma, Pullman type M th with bu1ll·ln drueln.r tallle. Th111 111 onr Qf lhe culHt home1 WI' have l11ted In a tonr time. F"ull prlc~ 19700 -nay t~. 8. A .. NERESON R.ltALTOR 1982 Nrwpart Blvd., Ootlta Men LI 8-1672 Evu. LI ll-U20 l':XCEL.LEJl,"T Bay Av~ .. 40 rt. cor. UELIC HTFUL 2 bed.rm-den home. Hdwd. !lno~. flapton• flrepL W11ltd pa llo. Obie. pr11,1e with pl•JmblnJr 6 1t~1111ec! for Income unit Vaew. a nd jual a 1tep to hay OR.ANOE COAS'f- PRO PERTD:S 11\67 Newport. C01ta M ... Ll 11-1832 E•e. LI. t-MOl T\\tt \ft .ITJl'J.~: t •X JT AJll8 tn - lNVEST 11000 ln ttolng huiuneiot I CLirl-· llA \'!-~:>: 1 lul• •1 1 , : J a1 workmJr llS-"'.K'IB!• HOn1'1'l. $fl:1 n 11 1111 '"'' 1., 11 • H.,11.... 'Ir fun 7•,nl' bay and RUSTIC HAVEN "'""" Ov.11•111 will trad11 down whlte.. rthable. \\"rill' lh1a J>Apo'r Srr1nkll'r• I 1• 11 r.·n• 1 I •ltl Box J -77 3~1r:lll ~I l11pl If\\ I Iii I • ti I• r Im 111 "'"f'"rl\' or ? ! -.., ho"I~ $11 7:.o 1:, r \\!II BALBOA BAY WANT TO TRADE? 1 HAVE A WELL .F:STABl.JSHE:D BUSINESS th&t will nrl ~·vu $12.000 d ear \\'Ill lrn<lc 1l fr.r any re~nable \'!ll11r '"'011 •·4739. 33,.!l!I PARTNER Wanted ...!::11erl v s ~.:ii :.1• .. , I FOR SALEH\' \)\\:->ER .. 1,. I I PROPERTIES rn-101 h11nw I '• 11111 llA l.111 I· 1~11!'1 \\ 1: 1tl,.1n hlvcl lltirlHH :Jlf!ll 11rop1•d &. '"""'" Fiii\ i..1111 I • loi 1t•tf!1lf\ h"n' 11 1"11 ''di ~·0111·11 1·1 .I J\ \ \1,1,F;Y lrv,.l 11nrl Llbl!I ty )l.6:.?J3 l'll•lllllnl'' .. , aflnr !'t p 111 tlltt1 J>J-:!':l ~~I I.A I.\ 1•r t ltll' 111' llw h"I l1jp1 fi 1 tt 10 f't ritl fl1 I lltt1ftll'lfl ri(. 111~ nri<i 1tr11 1r , 11 n1n 1·11nnn fjlllll I l liftof II "" II\\)' !l!f 17!\ll 1111 111 1, 1.1,.11 Ii :l lirdr111 li<tl11•• Rf'Jlful pr1vt.cy, lovely view, d..- llithlful cott..re. 1uperbly local- 1'<1 In ("orona del M.ar. Lari'• Ill• Ill bedroom with tlreplare, -m•ll bedrm perfect for baby, I '• b&lhl. Larie. picture window in llv1nir room with unob11truct- riJ c-anyon view, open.1 to an en- lrrt111ning •h•ck. Forced air fvr- n•re. lot'1 nt •tora.g~ 4011180 rt. lot Truly a llltlf' paradltt,. S Ill l'>()r1 &b<>Ut 55000 <town. By uppolntmenL Owner Har, 4253. ~:\'r1 34ii, 32tfc BACK BAY VDCW ~ acre, w/1 br. houM, betlt locn, lllnt. pou1bWtJu $11.000 l ACR&-Jn x 300 -can be d!Ylded ... •. ~---.. _ $7600 ~ii ACRI!: W/2 br, 8\llCOO, w~l landlCaped ... _ '16.600 2 BR. It OEN, HW noo,.., beauty. Allktns • 119.600 LOTS -110 x 160 -blghl.>' re· 1trlcted .... '8000 111 x 100 NE. COR. 23rd and ~nl• An.a .. .. ... _ -S•OOO CORONA IDGHLANDS •.§R. ~ BATH, rumpUI room, on 2 lotl. lovl'ly View . f411,000 2 BR., 2 OATH tl'rrtnc view. room for pool .... 127.600 2 BR VIEW, 0 000 P0881BlLl· TIER -f 19,9&0 • • • 132' F'RONT, hwy. to blly, Npt. lkh. Miracle Mlle, tor I~ Will bltlld &o I Ull l.en&ll (ood hl-<111.u rrtrt.aurant loc:aUon. Claire Van Rll:ALTOR 2i31 W. Cout Hwy. Hom LI A-4.271 ON A WIDE LIDO ISLE LOT THREE BAT HS THHF.:F. YEA.Ra OW Thi" hH'~ly LIKE XEW ,JiOM E hu 11 h11ice li vlnit room. 2 bectroom .. a pprox. I 2x 17 each. 1.Arsr kltr htn with 1llal1wuh<'t' • 11111prn111I Nlr r r1<"n &r rllnlng 11rea. I.out .. ror C'IOl\l't 11p11c~. W"ll tn wall CILf"P"llnC tn• luded, Prioe 129.1100. R11hmll 1lr1wn. to operate llceruicd .-ilva,;e J11torr, located near C'1ly HA.JI. S1111lll lnv .. tment n.nd bond rl'!tUln'd Harb()r ~I IM>twl'cn :'I -7 p m or weekend1. ..13<'40 In t h•· n.' "" J•, 111 ~ .. 11 1111 .. ~1H1 111 ·~n.H 1-; :-,11,H ... H H .. 1<11 1 l•lli .\11 l"i1dolrn i'I ul 1111• :-,·,"I 111 I J'1C"r l iar 11·1 I·:••~ 11111 ~:.'Ai"·\\ j ··n 1il1 Jfff lt"t r ar l cl11\\ n t1•1 fhX 111! ,~ •• ~: C'Oi\RT 1 ·p 11p~:HTn:s Seven lalands Realty & Investment Co. Acreage M3 J2n•I st :>:rw""'' 11~11rr1. Ct.Ur. l:-.mt•STRtAL. bualntu Ao re1I· Har 68"1, 11ftPr ti Pm, llAr 229S·.J BAKJ:RY--3 OWTil!l"ll '" 43 year11 2 owner. rellr·t'fl. 3rll w11n1"' to Gro11t1 S&0.000 yr All ('(j>ltpmt'M. ovena, mlxer1, ~tr P r r lr•·t n1n- dlUon. Excell. tnm11 !'\re ftn11n- clal 1t&te.rn,.n1 ORA:'.\'r.F: rQA!;T PRO PERTI E!i ' 111!17 Newport, CMtA Me"" U 1-1832 E ve Ll \~803 M-llOMJ '° Lou LOANS for Homes ·~ -~ yr. Lou. ConstruCjtion Loans ea eoe SATTLa 2:116 llAST COAST BLVD. Ool"ODA dd M.a.r Harbor 3IN "-P. PODUEP. MOJtT04Qll C.'O. aletn UI• I-. 1'1Dd9.KJ.. S·51M --~ttttc ' I . ll11rl>11r 2:.w ~I Red Hot Two R·:t lnt11 ~~1'<1 00 ,., I• :.; m Cl~m~ntt'. I.A'\ l'l & "''"" 1,, bmld "n Ohl h f.1r SH• ·,11 • i>h• «nil F'IJRC• \'ERRl ~l •EH t "l11v lli<r ~ 26J .. ~'1!'11 ,I r:; , ':1 16 Attentio n Investors! PRIC E REnt ·n :11 F"or q11l1 k '" ll"n on 11 .. ,. buiotl'!'~~ pr11p•rty. 2 m•o<l,.rn hu1!1t1ni;11 • n 113· x JJ7 l•>l thl\l ~h1>1lJ '"'"'" or r • nt fnr " lntitl 11C "' IPR-Ill 12:'>0 p•'r m onth. l'll'nl )I o ( l••>rn for t xp1tn1lnn. A1IN1111tl" l'"t k· Ing Lornt .. •I ln :111· ra~tl'lll (TllWlnl{ rn1t ur (•Mt!I ,\INiJI rlf ht In 1 "" h .. 1ttt 11f " l.u K• ntw 11h1•pf1lnl( 1 "nt••r \.\'hrn lh1~ 11 J'Oll'! •• , that• ll' A11pr••>. 511 01111 \''IJlh llow u r.·111111 .. 1 <"i.11 owner 1,11 .. 1 ty 1H)~:t.1 morn111r~ • nr 11tt .. 1 fl I' "' 111 .. . , I , .. ~,; ..... , ,, P"' I.I ., 11, ! i ·1,~t11 Ml'llll denlla l acreage AllO nanchea 36c37 1 •· ,.~ l,I IHIA03 Exceptionally '\!".\\' 111·:-1-.1-::-:~ m·11.111:'\Gvmh 11n1I grov,.1 In Co.I.& Mela - S11nt.& Ana a.rea. O A:-l A JACOBSEN. Realtnr lls r ~691. Evea U 8-8317 33c30 .: '", 111f11llv r 11n 11p1• 11potalr!'I ------------ ~1111<1 1111 •111"' S11lt11111 vaf"ant I"' I "I' r .. • "'' l'""l'r" 1 •.\ ,. ' 1 A• ·nr:sr" Jh• : .. :111 ~~\M Rl'~llor 1.1 f<-631i 33rl:'i nq).!Jl>HM 1101 'S E h!!riJwf)O(I (11K11 • r • •l•·t 111 lll<'rJ 11 .. 111~ a nil BY OWNER CORONA UEL MAR, modrm 2 bdrm h-Ome, fireplace, rumac,., hllwt1 flni WW ra.rpetlnit and 111 & P""· tlhlr. car St r!'HM for r.pl t'11ll pr1cf' 113,7~. IMOI> dn 603 r o1n11t'ttla. Har 39()j)-M 24c37h --------------t!Ul. $11)';'",<J 99 x 474 M-1 3~1!l 1-'l••Wl'r !l.1 , CM IA Mua. On comer on PlacenUa. Ll 8-ee•O J>hon1· l.lbtl't)' 8·'807 3&cl7 33trc .rn r 30 ft. R·2 s•200. HUMF:R ~; ~HAFEk. tt"Alcor t • "' ,\I .'F 1"111 .. n 1•1 , 11 t II\" X ~v. f1<.1r1 1•,,.1 H111 1411 ~.v~-Har. 62ll8-W llit rl'>hr Ui:."fi. ~I LIDO R-3 :l -30 rt. lot• on So. Bay F ronL i':11 ,:ioo eal'l1. <.:au T . D. Roc-ra. llar. taall--W, or RYan 1...02'. title . . OCEAN FRONT 2 BEfJROOM furnt11h,..l hnm" Rar- g11 In a l S 11\,()00. IJitvr b)' 921)11 8l'AJ1hor• flrt""· lh~n ra il l<> ~,. \\',. hAV<' lhf' kf')' N.B.C. REAL TY 32n<I It :-;,wporl ~d. Npt Boll. lfarbrlr l •n~ NEWPORT Jl.EJOHTfl Co11:y 7 brlnn, un Irvine nnr Clift I.Jr le@ llVln(f ffJOffi With tlre- J>I AC•, <Jlnlnf room, lovel)' petk>, m11>e lawn1 2-r •r ICllr . fenl~ yaJO 11toly SIJ 7~ l..r111ro J l&rbYr it.:i:l 11:v~1. t.f A·31MI or Har. •l.11•M I ' . . - , I ~ PA&! ' • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ft-Real FA.tat. ... WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 · "C" THOMAS "C' ntOMAS a ••• E11tatie Cliff Haven CORONA DEL MAR PANORAMIC Harbor and oce&n view. "quaJity •treel." 4 B. R., den. 2 baths. Low terms . Bar· gain $t5,000 • BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· tected patio. Owner anxious for offer. Asking $28.000 BA YSHORES 4 Bedrm. 2 bat hs, 1,~ blk~ from bathing beach. Submit terms. Asking $29.750 ffiVINE TERRACE. $5000 will handle. Almost CHARMING BRAND NEW home on Cllrt Dr wllh panoramic VJEW of harbor from aundt<k Lge. llv. room wllh tlrepl&ce A Imported "4'00t1 panellnf, built· In range A oven, louchplale w1r. ing. 3 lgt t>Mroom11. 21, bath•. abundanre or war!lrol'8, F A hrllt, htlw1I. t ioo111. Truly a love- ly hOme • PfUCEn .AT ONLY $26.1100. Bayshores new 2 B. R. conv. den. 2 baths, inside BBQ. Drap· !1 ... YSHo r::o: DRI VE with BAY eriea, stove, fully landscaped. Low price. I VIEW 3 hedroomll. I·\ bat h11. br1·:iltfoi11 room ph1J1 din. room SEE US for BEACON BAY and BA YSHORES properties l~e. 11''· room with Cln']'11ton~ r1repl.1C", hdwd, floors. lots M Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 C'UIJbl'Hl'ill<, ov1•,,.1ze d bl gar·agt'. John Macnab, Harbor 5359 ft'nl'eot .vflnl, l'holcoe locu t1<>n & PHICl::O Hl~llT·'23,5-0<I, 1 .. 1 m~ Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. office, Har; 3297. eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Vogel Values OORONA DEL MAR STOP -and check this! Corner duplex, partially fum.iabed. Income potential $1 20. per mo. Rm. to build on frt. or lot. Total price ONLY $10,500. Thie wit! sell fast -HURRY ! BEAUTIFUL CORONA HIGHLANDS 2 BR.a. A conv. den, 1 1,~ baths, patio, ocean view, rear Lvrm., fireplace, entry hall, lots of tile, disp .. vent. fan. Breakfast nook .& dining area. Com· pletely redecorated inside. Total price $24.500 - 8~ imlurance loan at $84.48 mo. NEWPORT HEIGHTS More atorage & cloeet space than in the average larger home, 1 BR and conv. den home on 50' lot with 80me ocean view. Priced at only $10,250 in excellent condition. too. You'll agree it's a REAL VA.LUE. LO \'F.I.\' t'APF. c'Oll HOMF: 5 b~<lr1118.. 3 balh8. $39.51)11. "C" Thomas, RJtr. 22• W. Cou l Hlway U 8·M 27 ''C" THOMAS "C'' THOMAS Houston Values $2500 Down NEWPORT BEACH, altr 2 br rurn. ho me. 7 y1·11. old. F P. $10.~00. Low payment on b1l. AN XLNT. Bl'Y. $1000 Down NEW J BR., all lmpr. rn 4 11 ' • loan A ru l ho m r Inv . at only $91100 w ith mu pymt. of $60. Only $7950 3 BR. HOME on rur or hrgh·le\'el 1, ar r .. lot. Santa Ana Ave nr 23rd SI. Room for 4 11n1t11 .,, BACK BAY VIEW LOT -R ·l $1'1230 Rr•I rlcled. ~ The Vogel Co. Trade 2 BR l'a~ \n L'' N t::W l:on<l11r n r ~1·hr~1l11 & i.turc•s $!!0110 tin or will tttke gurnl t' "'ll'r part I.In 2667 East Coast H ighway, Corona del Mar Har. 1741 Har. 1477 Bill's Best Buys LOTS Several beauties in Back Bay Area $5~ to $8000 3 are oversize parcels on private s trt'et. SMALL GOLD MINE Vacation in winter and take in top income during the •ummer months. Very little extra help rl'quired. Full price $5000 -with 1:: down 4 BEDROOMS, 2 BATH S Owner leaving stale. Choice com er locat1on. WalJ to wall carpet in living room , hall & bedrooms. Rear yard enclosed by grapeaUko fence. Full price $11,950. Payments on F H A. loan. $i0 µt>r m onth inc. taxes 1md ins urance. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES. REM.'TOR c 1,osr.o TllA="KS(;JVlNC (>A y Houston Realty Co. & ASSO<'~A't r:.s (>()9 C"<rntrr St Contll Mi's• LI ll-61111 LI 8·771'7 ~~"«' rh Ptt 111•· L1 11.:i.,.; Lytle LI 8·2642 SC'yn: •u• llRr 0298·W WATCH THIS COLUMN .. · 1''0fl T ill'; Mti~T "nrt!tall) ~l'lf'C't rd \'ah•l'd 111 .w~h u ( uur ·l••lln<'t• I ly 1hfll'1tnt lfi\l'hlOK ARF.AS I BALBO A PENINSULA I l'll A f<~t J :-Iv """'"' n l'ru\ln• Int 'l I hr 1...n111 11( , 1111t.111u ti• 1: blot k tu Jt'll V :,•, lnllll, l l)I 111 " n1n 1 F 1· $1 " ~nn I .. you'll like our friendly service" CLIF'F HA VF:N l tOO E . 17th St.. Costa Mesa Liberty 8 -11 39--l.,)·F:A R 1:111 .:i • ''"''I( 1~ 1·'\"v u1o1 _ -----\hr1fty 1n thl• :1 IJ.1111 ll1111w j II,\\' VII', lllo••I klt•·l1t·n fan & LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Lido Nord corne r with per· manent view of Bay. Near best beach for swim- ming. Three bed rms .. hobby room & d<.>n. Charm· iog king size master bed ro0m with ak on and conneding private bath opening onto large Run deck. The unusually attracllv<' hving rc•cm hns aliding glus doora opening to the patio. while the modern kitchen has built-in dishwasher. rh sposal. copper hood, ceramic t1h' and numerous othl'r features to plea~ the most fastidious. T ruly on!' of t he fineBt of homes. and priced to t1rll. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY . Rea ltor tn13 Newport. Blvd .. Nr wport Beach Harbor 1013 ---- NOW'S THE TIME!! C l\'E FOR CHR l~TMA ~ - An adotable Cape Coo cnttai:r. beaut d'u hy fu rm.-h- cd for Mt\mn . For your bontmg nunth•d son or tJ;n1;.:hlt.•r. nn almost new Wi iard boat -1t Juhuiwn i'i h. p 11i.1to1. with an l'Rta blish<'d moor ing on th1• North R '."· MAKE fT THE HAPPIF~<:;T L11Rl~nlA~ EVER ' DORIS BRAY, CLARENCE LAKE 216 Menne, Balboa Island. Rea ltor JIM BLODC r:IT llarbor 20 or 64 EXCHANGE WANTED Nearly new 2 btdrm. a nd den Rl\nch style homt> with swimming pool, 111 fin est Lemon Heights Rrea. Will exchange for 3 bedrm. horn<' in Newport Heights, Coro na del Mar or Lido Island. W Vi SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD • Realtors ){arine and Park B11lboa ll!land Harbor 2-162 . 11111hm111H•'I. '"' 111.1, •ll't. h>. l'I)' "n•·I y1111I .tr.r 111•1" SI!) flMI F' I"" 161111v dn $~ i mullt lo I Muriel M. Pinover I R .. ear.-or 76114 :'o:t'"f"''• l:hol ~pt H~11<h F:f"\ J>.11k111:: ll "h .. .,; 1fl Lido Isle Open House !-Rt ... ~.Jn I I 111 t,I\ ... 11t·:lt 1\ J~.·. :,·11 ,\ ',\' ht'1'1I t I lil i ,, ,. .J I •• • .. 4 II' I I , I • 11 k it• • 1• n , l .. I ' 1 1.11 .•' I ~ I' ' 1 I I I Iii t >4t ··I t d L , B q ",.., ...... ·, t"\IJ,, I ay ':: ....,_ "·-· ... 1. I nc •• 1 • I • 'I J .-.·.•h •\' ,. ••• •' h • 1') I .1: \( ·11 I • I,, h 11 lt•\ I ht• •• '· I I .... II oJ Jl;l1 U ! 'I ti• 1 I ·" h t • I 1 I 11 • ti t I"'''" I I ... ' Iii \t I II 1 1 t I • h 1 I' ltt... ' I. I I ... h 11 ~t -H tll tll 11tt• I• J11i :, \\ 1 .. 1h "' ltlvn 11111 4Hl'I f nt u thr , ·, '', .. ,,I f 'u•r I T \\ O HRA ~t• :"t-:w hnn1r11 full)' r111 n 1'<1.11 """" r11,.phH 1'1< i;i1tr· 81/f'I• l.'lr ar l''•lf'M'•IY o wi:iior Wiii , .111 y hn II\ 11<"" "ft rr a111n 11 down on A Nt:I'"': C'llA!'IT l'rtc 11•1-;1n 11>:s 11i1:;;-~ .... ~, p1•t ~. t 'n!tl ll ~tf'•a LI "·Ill:!~ t-:ve Ll 8·~1'1:\ ). lfAYSHORES Thr-bedroom. three bath home, 31 ~ yean old with lovely patio and beautiful bay view. Ca:-peu and draperies included. An outstanding Bayahoree value at $39,500 , BALBOA ISLAND Immaculate 2 bedroom home on rear of com er lot. Farm type fence and separate fenced patio. At- tractively furnished. Room to build addition&! unit in front. $18,!500 furnished One of Balboa Island's loveliest. most gracious homes on the bay front. Can be" used u large far'nily home or as two units for income, both · affording complete privacy. $59.500 One of the best 2 story Bayfront homes. Choice Balboa I~land location, with private pier and float. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Full price $57 .500 • roR A LOW DOWN PAYMENT -ocean view. large 4 bedroom. two story home. Don't p888 up th is Corona del Mar Vl>gel Value -only a few steps to the beach. Full price $24,9:)() and $4,000 CASH OOWN THE VOGEL CO. . 208 Mar ine Avenue, Balboa Island Next door t o the Poet Office Har. H4 Eves Har. 3059-M Hfr. 4248-R BALBOA ISLAND OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1 to 5 309 APOLENA FLASH ! $500 down! Xln't 2 · atory duplex furnished ! Lge. Iv. rm. Fr. Place, Loads of closets. Pencils out good fo r income -$25,7~ . WHY NOT A LASTING CHRISTMAS GIFT ? Buy the family this truly delightful 2-bdnn. 2 bath home. Lge. Iv. room with studio ceiling. din. room, kitchen 1s a beauty. master bdrm. with dressing rm. Large patio. OWNER SAYS SELL -YOU MAKE THE TERMS ! $29,500. LIDO ISLE WARNING -DO INVESTIGATE 3-bdrms. 2-batb semi-modem beauty! Lge. fireplace, lesa than 1 year old ! Many unusual feature.. See it today! • $26,500 with terms If dealred. NELDA GIBSON, Realtor 306 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Har. 0502---4623 SEASHORE DRIVE EXCELLENT BEACH See this attractive OCEAN FRONT home-design~ ed for yr. round living. Knotty pine liv. room with dining area. Formica kitc hen. Downataire hu 1 bednn. & ':: bath, 3 bdnns. 1 1:.: batta up. Solid , ' consl.. concrete & piling foundation. •Enclosed yard. 2 car garage. $22,500. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Har. 1013 EXCLUSIVE SHORECLIFFS F'mST TIJ\f E OFFERED -Lovely 3 B. R. 4r den. 2 balh VIEW HOME. Lgc. hv. room with raised hearth firepl.. den -dining rm also has firepl. Brkk cabmels. J 1shwaBher. garb. disp .. blL·in oven & range tn dream kitchen. Master B. R. opens to~ p;i\ 10 Gue~t rm. & · 1 bllth over dbl. gar. Car- 11<'1('(1 WW. F'cncc<I "lmper1af' pool. SEE to apprec1atr R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor 3622 E. \oast Hwy. Corona del Mar · HM"t-2774 CORONA .DEL MAR SPECIALS Twu hnuseR, l lt1t. fircph1C<'s • $21,500 Two H, n. H o11Rt>, 1 B. R. npt .. unde r ..... $16,000 Tv:o H. R. n 1.t1St', onk floors. clean $13,500 Twt1 llllllS. r w nt•r lot $10.500 R·2 Lot. Cnrt1n<1 I IJg11landR. Chr11ce -make offer ALSO ME;,fB ER OF MULTIPLE LISTING BOARD <..;. H. LATHROP. 363.5 E. Coast Hwy. Corona d<'I ~fR r Har. 5442 Eves. Har 5680 33c35 You Can Stop Thumbing The Pages At last you ha\'e found ~oc">d return plus opportun· 1t y for increased value and income. in thUI 21 .: acre blvd. business property. Partially improved and leased. Income $6000 ll yr. now. Pnce $62,500 Terms. LET'S TALK T URKEY! RUSS FORD, Realto r 1600 W l'?aBl Highw&y l,.lberty 8-&lU 'T I .. . SPECULATORS HERE'S A GOOD BUY ON XLNT. M·l bulllneaa property, lb.290 ft., located on P&ac.ntla Ave.. Costa M-. Hu a 2 br. houae on It too. Aleo ... , alley. Sult&bla for office or rental and plenty of property left tor mtr .. ah.ope, etc. Only $10.llOO t. · p. Better hulT)' on Ulla one! $62 Month WHY PAY RENT! WHJ:N YOU CAN BUY •thl1 S bdnn. nearly new home on P'ed· en.I AY'I. for '"60, mo. pymta. only IU, 4 % % P'HA loan - tax• It ln1.. are Ind. Nicely landlc:aped phM front and rMr lawn. Prtoe Incl. lovely 2 oven Unlveraal elect. ranra A rehtr. CALL NOW for turther parllcu· lare on ttq. dn. pyml., etc. Outstanding CORONA DEL MAR home and lnoome. Owner hu ju.at llated tlilil very deatrable duplex, nice cor. locaUon. Oftly 3 yr1. olJ Thia ta really a d&ndy buy at $18,860. Call now tor appt. to •-1'0u·u be glad you did. Call Harbor 20'42 Frank James & Linwood Vick REALTORS R. Rayle. C. Travia, C. Ruaa. A..oc 312 Manne Ave. -Balboa laland Whet Do You Expe ct For $151500 WITH ONLY $111()() DOWN 1 WHA TllVl:R rr 18. lhla home baa l11. Brand new. larra lot. l'ood aurroundlnp, clOH to beach • uea, rood achool• " ahopptns dl8trtct. CUrba, pavement and aewer all In and paid for. Shake root. ru.1 fireplace, 1 ~ bath•. Oak noor-.. WeeU"-hoUM built In oven and atove. Stucco and board A batten exl ertor-Now hold your breath-It hu atx rooma and a 2 car prare. Jf you a re a •low buyer, don't exert yourt1elf on thl8 one bec&uH GOLDEN RULE VALUES ASTOUNDING BUY You can't beat lhla -Large C'l lOt with a real good furn. duplex only follr yean old. 1 ~ block from large market. All for · $10,000 tuU prioe. Also The Best House Buy 3 bdrm. and dining room hdwd. noona -2 bath•. F. A. beat -1 yr. old . Dbl. garage. Comer lot. And only $11,950 Submit your terms. Older 3 Bdrm. A real deal in a large older fumhouse now In town --. Huge rooms and baaement -Lg . land· acaped lot. $89~ -$1500 down. -. -PHll. SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd.' Costa Me.a I acrou from Costa M esll Bank) Phone LI 8-6761 Eves Har. 4366 -LI 8·2103 THANKS.GIVING GREETINGS! At Thanksgiving Time. and at all t1mu. let us give thanks for the privilege of living in a country where we are permitted to give thanks -each in our own way ! We would like to take this opportunity to thank our many friends tor therr support and loyalty and also e.xprea our gratitude to our competitors for their friendship and cooperation. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. "With five offices to serve you" MAIN OFFICE: 1450 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Har, 1264 - COSTA MESA OFFICES: LIDO BRIDGE OFFICE: 3112 Lafayette-Harbor 3643 '"' CORONA DEL MAR OFFICE: 1696 Newport Blvd. Ll 8-1161 1875 Harbot Blvd. LI 8-7714 3530 E. Coast H y. Har. 5249 It wtll be ,one before rou decide. -------------------- Seven lalenda Realty & Investment Co. IW>3 Und St .. Newport Beach, Callr, Har. 6868, alter II p.m. Har. 2293·J 36<:37 Balboa DUPLEX, fumlahed $1',1130. Two l·bdrm. apl.e. All on one floor. Walldnr dlatanca to downtown Balboe. 8bow1nr rood lllco1n•. Submit on t.arm.a. Ocean Front Stll.000. 0000 Tl!:RM8. S bedm\, older home. partially tumlJlhed, C·l 110ne. Heart ot Balboa. 2 car prase lltraued for apt. above. Coast Properties 301 E. Balbo& Blvd.. Balboa BALBOA ISLAND ATI'RACTIVE 4 bedrm., 2 1 :.! batha, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small down. Asking $42,500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 1 Yz bath•. $26,500 About 200 th,from No. Bay. Neat 3 bednn. furn· ished home. Submit down. $25,000 60 PT. BAY FRONT AGE. On Little laland, pier, float, t'orma.J 4 bdrm. home. The lt.nd value ia cloee to the uklng p:ice.' LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Luge lot, 5 bdrm. 31 :l bath house plus unuauaJ 2 B. R. apt. over 8 car garage. Both unita newly fumiahed. Har. 1775 -E vet1. F.ditb Maroon HYatt f."'222 John Macnab, Harbor ~9. • _.H_ar_bo_'_ 2 __ SM._-= 26=-87 ;;;...a=-nd;;;;.,__•eoo_.-=--r-~RL_ W. STANLEY, Realt_o_r ___ _ REDUCED! Newport Heiahts! e Wu $18,000-Now Su1l 110 • 1•600 down. Euy lenn11 • l year1. Cwltom bullt • Ocean Vlt'w ! • H&J'(lwood tloo...-lge ttreplaca • Very larre k itchen 220 v. • Full dlntnr room • 3 large b.-drooma-2 baUl.t • Doubll' s arage-Allfy • Wood ahin1 le root • 8ff thl1 real value now ' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc l69e Nt'wport Blvd Co.t& Mt'H. Calif LI 8·1Ull -E\•et, U 8·3010 NEWPORT HEIGHTS Authentic t.,.t,ype Ranch home on comer lot. J yr old. Stufllo II'" 1nr r.nd dlnlnf rm. wnh anllqtrf fl.replace and wall of (lau ovtr· looklnr lge patio, beauuful hardwood noor1, modem klto'hen with brt'&kta1r are&, natural wood cablnrt11, built-In ovrn 6 ran1e. 3 roomy bdrm• , 2 tlled 'lath11 and lovi.ly Oe<:or through· out Only S8600 down. Greenleaf-Severt.A Realty 31 12 Newporl Blwl . Newpart Harbor 21162 !:;vu Llb 8·1140!) or Har 3921·W S9Ml DOWN Mo\'f' In Home of 0 roorne on 8"ck Bay •1C'• 'it an e dbl. ga r9'1e, ba l&n('e l ill mo. Ilea• l hrtn rent I. ORANGE COAST PRO PERTIES 1867 Newport, CO.la Mo& I J 8·1832 Evu. U 6-6803 7 YR. 01..D tumlahed oc,ean t ront home on R ·3 lot Room 10 build ln<'ome unlt11 '18,&00 full prl~ only UOOO f!own J . M MLLU:R CO 202!) W. Balboa Blvd. Har •Otl l near the Newport Plut GOT A BOAT! We have th• moorlns . a ruta and Imma culate I bdrm. home on the channel at llttle more than the prlCt-l)f th~ lilt Only 16()()() down, Prfre 118,600, believe It I or nf)I. Ha rbor 211112 Eve .. U 11·31M M H.ar. 4tl1·M .. 225 Marine Ave., Balboa laland Save sm On a beautiful view home in Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. and den, balh and :14 , 2 flreplacea, built in Western Holly range -hardwood floors -lou -of tile and many other fine featurea. Muat see t o a ppreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De A.nza Ocean view and swimming pool. Ranch style home, nicely landscaped and many fine feature8. w to w carpeting. Priced t o eell. OPEN OAJLY 1·5 P. M, W . E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep . Storage LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING . Ph. Kl J.92%1 Eve Ll 8·2961 Corner Newport Blvt1. and So. Main St. WATERFRONT Pier & Slip Boat ia included in lbia Balboa C.Ove. barJain al $36,000. 3 bedrooma, 2 b&tha, fireplace -If you want waterfror\t , see thia today l WILLARD L. KILLION, Realtor I' 3341 Newport Blvd, Haroor 55(){> r ; &i-ReaJ Eefate TURKEY DAY SPECIALS BALBOA ISLAND HOME & INCOME. One of the most charming 4 B. R. 3 ba. homes on Island plua guest room and bath -AND unusually attractive Cum. spacious ,1 B. R. apt. Obi. gar. Owner lea\'ing town. Xlnt. financ•mg. ThtH tR a first class property, p riced to-- sell Our exclusive. GRACIOUS LI VI~. One of the most charming 4 bcurm. homt"t,; on Island, Built for yr. round li ving. Atlractt\'e patio. Bay mooring included. $32,50(1. Beautifufly furnished. S2,1,500. Home and income. 4 B. R. home -3 B. R, apt. Chnrm .. patio. Shown anytime. But hurry! CORONA DEL MAR INSIDE TIP OFF -Owner is out of the City. ~ Immediate poi1~t>ssion. Hrre is a good bey at Sl3,500. A two bedrm. home only 4 yrs. old and like new. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBF.RS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 BACK BAY AREA • Call for Appointment 4 2 Es ther St. A really be;rntiful custom built home by Lloyd C. Howard. The li,ing room is extra large with a massive dobl<'r br~k fireplace and select flooring. Natural ash planter bookcases. Ash paneled family r oom with separate BBQ and planked floors. Pie· t ue window walls, built in Thermador st o\'C and m·cn in bar kilcho•n, Sliding glass in master bedrm. F ull fenced pat io and landscaped yard. Beautiful trees -over 1800 sq. ft. See it and you'll buy it! Only S26.500 , WATER FRONT SPECIAL Call for Appointment to see 405 Clubhouse Two bedrm. home on 64 fL bulkhead frorltagc. pwr & float. near Lido Center & City Hall. Only $lR,050 -Submit on clown payment. Income 1'wo stores PLUS 5 apartments $55.000 only S17,ct<J down Easy monthly payments A·l const. on Coast Hwy. Each apt. has sweeping ocean view. Across 11trect from popular bathing beach. All rentals figured low to secure permanent tenanta. Will con.aider home aa part down. • I ALSO BUSINESS BUILDING Net income -10' • plus Six tenants all on lease. Best locat1on-A ·l const. Stressed for 2nd story. Eas tern owner desires quick Bale. Easy terms. J~C)( BRENNAN, Realtor ' and AS!-50ClATES :!320 W. Coast Hwy Liberty -7773 "Al the Arches" VOGEL VALUES -MAIN OFFICE . .. l'M SEEING DOUBLE Two ~ bdrm 2 bath h11m<'~ with forc<'cl air lwat, 11un clct'kl'l. 1•atH1. l'li' Tins furni~hl•d rorner dupl1•x c•n Ralb1)a Pc-ntn!'iula "pmnt" nt .. 2».500 1R • only i<h~htly h1~hc-r than m11st ~in~lr ho mci; with these f1·a tures. One ACRE Residential Room for 12 un ""' or 3 good Rm• R-1 lots East (\)!!la ~INUl for . 7000 THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \\' \11:1~t H1wl\y, :'.'\cwport B<'a C'h LI ·3 l l COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. THREE Hl·~ORM HOME Hl yrs. I ttnrage room, h1 r~t-lot, '70x1':1 SC'Wt'r 111 and patd. ~~ast Rtlk 1w nr Tu~ttn A\'C. S8500, with lt'rml!. * • " . . IRRF:C l"LAR SHAPED lot (12.000 Sl'J ft.. rm for I unttil l with cnlram•e on Tustin A\'e, $·!000. • • • • • I 1. ACRE. 2 h<lrm. homr. c1n11bll' rar garage with f:Uest room. near Harpt'r &hool $"1500. G. N. WELLS, Realtor J, JO i'\!'\\'fl•lrt Bl\'Ci., Coina M<'!IR LI · 1601 CORONA DEL MAR We ha\'r JUsl hl'ltrtl a homP that will ~rtp the m111gmat1on nf a "lhHl·ym1Ni<'lf" dc-coratnr. A c-orn<'r lot. \'IC'W. 1Hcp ct(lwn llnng room, full both. 2 holf baihs. hu~t'.' ktlt'hc-11 . Hoom on rear of lot t o expand. I ~ow Ill Rl'l!!Cll'tt'd fnm trcr11 I Exl'111s1\'t• with RAY REALTY CO. . 3-144 E. Coast Hwy. Corona dd ~!ar Har. 22 ( Acrou f rom Bank in CDM) 6%-~•I f'...Atate . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PAiT 11 • PA&! 1 --------WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER n, 1955 -• / p. palmer incorporated .. · C-BMI~ a-• .. r.w. .. -a. developers of Lido Isle. Lido Bayfront Duplex Announcement 3 bedrm. ~th upstairs with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bnth downstairs with enclosed patio. Both apts. have fo rced air fumacea, fireplace. carp<'ting, drapes, refrigerator. stoVt'. Unbelievably priced al only $57,000. $12,000 dn. Beautiful Lido Residence ArtiBtict-llY landscaped on very choice site 92 (eet on Ct'ntro Strada, 60 fet't on Dijon, ang 45 feet on Cordova Strada. Enough room for pool if -desired. Large 3 bE>drm. 2 bath home with lovely lanai for lndoor-outdqor livfog. This home is st't apart by Its chann, even in this section of Jo,·ely homes. We are proud and privileged lo announce the offer- ing for sale of one of Lido's most exquisite BAY· FRONT homes. Built in 19M, thia 4 bedrm. 3 bath home is unexcellcd in charm. The muter bedroom i• 24 x 16 with a beautiful fireplace and a view of the Bay. Completely carpeted, draped. all buil~·lns i" kitchen, beautiful furniture and a lovely aandy • beach. Priced t o sell at $82,500. Submit term.1 or trade. Call Bill Farnsworth. Insure Your Future · S32,500 with only $7500 down. Modern Charm, individuality, tranquil atmospht're all b~nd perfectly in this fine 3 bedrm. 2 bath home. 't ou will enjoy every minute in the lo\'l'ly livingroom 1 with fts cheery fireplace. Very nicely furnished By buying this almost new commercial buildinr In Corona del .Mar. Let the tenants (there are six of them) pay for this property for you. Enjoy secur- ity forever by owning good income property. Priced at 855,000 with a $550 per mo. ineome, soon to graduate to $600 per mo. Cash required.? including carpeting and drapes. Furnished price Call Da\·e Osburn for details. only $32,950 Terms. Family Growing? Catch Us Do you desire the many advantages of livmg on Lido Isle for your children ? If so. you should see this -it's a 2-story family home on Via Lorca . ·I bedrms. 2 baths, forced air furnace\ informal kitchen with built-in range and and 11\'en, fireplace, you 6hould see this at only $30, 750. Owner will If you can. and if you do and want a 4 bdrm. 2 bath home on Balboa Island, we may show it to you. We might even ,.ehow you the rumpus room with its secret bar. Truly, this is an outstanding home at a lllw price. Ava ilabie for a t rade on Palm Springs property. Price $31,500. Ask for Joe Kin<;aid. take in smaller Lido home. I p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast hlghway -liberty 8-5573 CLIFF HAVEN Lt1o k1ni; ruo .. lu\'1•l\• honw w1~h I low down paymi nt" • TllIS IS IT' v' v Best Buys Corona del Mar m:!~1~~.!w ~~~~~x:~o LOCATF:U \\'lTHlN 160 rEET j I 'nnelt<I <lc·n w 1 l h ln11ll · in I • OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME OF THE liAY ... ON A:"AOE STREET" 3 bMrooms down 11.nd desk ""'' hot0k1<h\'lv1•11 \\'v1 k 11hop ror Dttll J'n\'al~ bi•th urt mut- H bl'drvom. Built · In HI· 1-'1 cabln~l In Liv • Room. FEE SIMl'LF: Tintl'd J:IR'lf h<'tWl'!'n 11 \•I 11): luunl lln1l p!tlhl LtJV••ly tJrapu ond • 111 1wtrn~ I I 161111 "'l ft F11U 1ir11 r $111.litJtJ 2 ,,,., 10 """'"· •• I . I T:.~1,.:,6l~:..u~:~:~~2~~~t I of C·Z p1 opci ty '" nt 1·r (If C-01<!11 Atew11. Mon I hly Income $170 3. t..rire drprec:laUon rate. ltxcel- lenl oppo~tunlty ror captlAl &p· prec:lallon. Exchan1e Up foi Be.t buy of the year. Large 2 bedrm. home, 2 baths plus 2 bcdrm. garage apt. plus furn. •studio apt. Only a few steps lo ocean front & China Cove. ' ·15 ft. frontage. Quality const lhru-out - Betll'r hurry -Only $38.500 CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR . EACH Excellent condition. both units have fireplaces, hwd. fi rs .. la undry and garage. Priced al $22:~ Terms can be a rranged. Exclusive with u7 OCEAN VIEW LOT.ZONED R-3 . Only lot available of t~ kind, 40 x 118. Choice rental district. Priced at $15,750. :~;'.~;;" Prt•l'('llY f\• 11 h11•,l<'t 1 4. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price or $14,750. Col~~w~::~ ,,~: .. a :l•l 2 5. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA hr.w-k~ trnm Oru11 Ht11l t'henn~I From this choice lot high on the hill in Corona rur uni\· $1 l :'1011 full prtt t' Wllh I Highlands. Best \'tew lot available. Priced • l11w law down H111 ry on lht11 on•• at $13.500 terms. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 6. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES 1 I Listed cxclusi\'clv with us. See us for best buys 181:. H ai b<•I Ul"tl . • . I 1~n111 .. M"•" c· .. 11r m this area. Shown by appotnl ment only and 1.1 8·771 1 Ew• t i ll-11!'>8 priced far b<•low rc-placemcnl cost. Call us for I particulars and appoint to see. "(.'"THOMAS "C" THOMAS Fixer-Upper A IU: YUL" A ~'IXEH-l:l'f'f:R • lln1wolly .011nd 4 bedroom 01('nn 11 .. nt h0119(' " 1(111 &jle • rt. """"" f"11nl v()(l<I lcK'llll••n \\1th 111 ••lrt ''If'" l 'r11 '' 1111 lt1d"• !H'\\ H••I f'o 111l "Ink \\ i\h 1l1~1t\\.11thN 11n•I \JUol'"""' !-:'<• .. 11~nt npr••f 111111t' for h111nr & In•'"''" $!'1J•IH w11l h1.ndt .. "C" Thomas, Rltr.1 "C' THO~iAS "C" THOMA~ EXCLUSIVE w1rH u ~ I 1\ ('l •\ll'l.1-fF:I,\' 1-l'H"l!-'llElt t 111 h·'.\ t )'lllj .. ,01t ,., , , .,.,. t 1 ~hr \\ 111 r1 11n•l w11lr "11'111\' ltf'1• h 111 i.1111 .. I ! , 1! t ;'""''I'·' I 1111•1 111 I ITH1'l •p1\ Ill~ t hf'"''~ ltlll,11 •" 11,·M 1nt1o 11,r· ~ ·t11h 1:,1\ It• "I hu• \\lfhl"" C 11111r ~\u ~t\t• 1:111 n lpa ~ h1r.1k >tfld 1 .. n t '111 l!f'I 111" hq;h I O'fl'' 11 f 1 II I' 11111' lfll~ •Ill IHl,f.! ~· IJ If\ tflf' t;lltl[) O LI> l-:1''-l~IJ:i:HTJr.a; nnty on"' t ~ v"r Rnl nntl rPn•l.V fo1 yo11 to tll()\'~ lrl" ll•'W Trim11. Seven lslends Realty & lnves+ment Co. I '"l :l.!'l•I !'I ;-.: .. • t l•t I llr,., It, I '1<1if !h r ~81111 A rtrr !\ Ji m HA r 2::?9:l·J I :l!\1 J 7 l'CIM~ $~~1 1t 1k~ I JtJI'''"""'" ltt ••\\lh' •• ,~, In I l!H n " r ••.• ,, 3 furn 111101 • 1on f'lrot I 11 S:I' f'nntti; h rnr 4 ••lot I w11t • $ '~"O tin" n mlitht n Ilk" ' 11 u" n,.r F'111l rrir~ •'nlv s 11 ., .. , 1111rurn I l>R,\;o.:1;F l'OAST I •Rt >l"'F:RTU:S I 111:17:-.:f"f~ll t 'uai.aMtllA I.I 11· 11'!12 F:" .t LI 11 11<111:1 u ,\l lt!•A 111 l'LF~ nnr 9th St ''""' n ''" t hf' hay. Sol h 11nll!'l r•1 rn l 'o>:i-nllnl 1n1oinl' 12800 it ·'I I I\\ nrr M•k1n11 s 16.0()() \&1th term11 1'1dm111 "" ottrn• J M ~1Jl,l,l-'.R C 'I I CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T, McCU ISTION, Realtor 34 -17 E. Con:;t Hwy., Corona df'l Mar. Har. 47 (Office located n<-xt door t o Corona ciel Mar Bank I LIDO PROVINCJAL • • • CLO~E TO THE CLUBHOUSE This r hotl'<' two bedr('l()m can be yours for <•nly $22.700. • lk amrd n•1lmgs L'8t'd brirk fireplace • • I nstcie \{"Jntlow sht}Uers • <lua r ry tile ktlchl'n • • Lari{<' t wo·c·ar garage Lnrg1• wa lk·m rlo~l \\'1• ha\I! tht: kl y to this immaculate. near new Lido IH>m<' Cumt' 111 and discuss terms, LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. Iu:MPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 \'ia Lldo J . H. GROHMAN \'IRGlNIA MANSON Harbor 4141 (At'rnss from Richard's ~Jarkct Entrance) Multiple Listing Over the ·r op Million Dollars PROPERTY SOLD IN 10~5 WITH !\IONTHS TO SPARE L'SE MULTlrLE t.I~TlNG , IT'S TH E SCCCESSH }L WAY TO SELL 2 up, oolh rurnlaht-<l. S1lu&ll'd on 2 lot.a. Dandy· rtnler or home wllh lnrome. U 0,000, ttmu. Balboa Home! CLOS!;; T U LIBRARY HALF' lJLOCK F'ROM BAY 3 bolm1s .. 1-1. b1&th11. Extra lot ln••tuded. l~a1·ge lh•ing room w ith fireplace. X1re & clean .•• 1 17,000, lt'rma. Peninsula Homes! VALUES L IKE THESE FOR PENINSULA. "POINT" H OMES ARE HARD TO Jl"lND, for 1n· atance; one with 2~ bedroorna anll 2 bathll, ru m l11hed too, ror only U 7,000. Top condition. An· Olht'r 2 bedroom hom!', a lao fur· nlshl.'d. r«cnlly r!'decorattd for '16,600 with terma. A 2 car J;'&rage. !lrrpl11ce and p.t10. Bay Front Duplex! 1F YOU ACTUALLY WA!\"T THE FlNEST BAY FRONT DI "Pt.EX AVAILABLE llC't' lhlll attractl\'e pmpe1 ty, 2 t>Pdrooms In ~st'h unit. t.:pper beautltuNy furnl11h· td. LAundry and utility rooma. Prl\'Ate beach and pltr rt1thl•. Only 4 yeara old and a swell 3 tbr "artlftl'. S~>:l,000 an<I J:'OOd I e1·m1< , Balboa Realty Co. Opp .. ,.lle Bank or Amerlc11 Ro~• Grt"ll'y , Al <'orn1•ll11s E1! Lt-11 Jerk Plukhrun Jo11c-phlnc Webb 700 E. Balboa Olvd , Balbou PhonP llllt l><1r 32i7 Very Close to Channel & Beach A C'UMPLETEL\' 1-TH~'JgHEO 2 Alury duplex. 2 b<'drooms In Im• rr art . I 1n lll'P"r 2 rttr i:arage on a llc-y pncM >•t ry low Ill SI:> 000 Ottl 11"'" Pr1'""~ .. 011 r right on up w1lh L A.'1 s •11'1 mer 11,at. Buv now. It t~ l)('flll'l"'I hy ml'lnlh In nu•nlh l "nlllll• Tt'r'Tn•. EXCLl'SJ\'F: WITH l'S Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nl1 St , Nt" rnr t P.l'nc h, ( 't1hf. H11.r. ~8&R, 11ttn O r m Hr1r 2w:i . .1 :ll'>r :17 $611 :\Ill. 1-·11 A pny111r nt1< tnclu•ll'll lllXI'-lni<, f'tl!lttplc> k 4 '1" IOI f'I r~I $.!IMl11 oln\\ n IJll)'nt<'nt MQ\'C In th•~ <l!!11lr11l1lr new 3 bl'dlm. home> Carpl'lrtl w to w lhru-011t. ('olort-11 bath fi'(lllrl'I front l11ndsc11pr 11 Quir k flOlll!tll· alnn. Pav.-d I'll ~cu. Srweni In • palc1 OP.ANC F. COAST f'ROPERTll':S 18.'17 N f'wpnrt. l'n11tn :\lt,.11 LI 8·16lz E"<'•· LI 8-6803 New Court ~ !'F:f' ,\RAT~: 2 1!1 •P.:\I l' :>;ITS In t II•"""'" ( h'll('"I I<•• A II On (.;()lll 11 ·1 Mf'NI Only Sll:'lf>O •f1"\·n l•A:" " JACOn~~::-:-. H,.11ltor I llAr :1691 -"·'<'8. W ~-63 17 33c3:1 I \\ ATJ::lU Ro:'l:T LUT. cnmpll't~ "11 h ltulkheArl \'ny 1 l11~e. to l .1'1" 11hnpp1n1t M lithl r11nt11rltr I tou•L tll'ed f11r "'11111)'. lllJ:\tr:H •I-: ~llA I-1-:1: Rr alll'lr 10'1 :\I• l-'11•l•l••n Pl liar 14"' f:v,.~ Jlllr. rt21i8·\\'. llnr. 21'J:11i·M This Week NEWLY OPENED FURNISHED HOME - BA.RMONIOUSLY CONTEMPORARY ~ In Irvine Terrace Opposite Jrvine Coast County Club Highway Wl . Newport Harbor We are \•ery proud of the clua of mercbandl8e which we are offering in Irvine Terrace. We know you will. also like the location, quality of con.atruc· tion by Macco Corporation and interion by Martin & Von Hemert. Homes available from $24,000 to $3:S,OOO for the discriminating buyer. EARL W. STANLEY . Realtor EXCLUSIVE ~GENTS Harbor 4448 COURTESY TO BROKERS $1500 Down 3 bednn. home in East Costa Mesa. l ':.: yeara old. Dual wall furnace. Birch cabinets in kitchen, 14x20 living room and dining area overlooking patio. WW carpets in living room. Rock roof. $10,500 fp FHA 4 I:.: ( r loan. ADOBE SUCCESS HOME Beautiful modern home in Back Bay. Maintenance free inside and out. Tile floors with radJant heat, 2 baths, 2 patioe. One patio off muter bedrm. ia planted with tropical plants. Large tlving ro0m faces on other patio overlooking Back Bay and back bay hills. 3 car garage and sun deck. Phone for appointment to sec. $32,500 r. p. includes furniture. . $8000 "Full Price Buya neat attractive 2 bedrm. home only 4 yeara old. Redwood fence. 50 x 135 R-4 lot . Plenty • room in back for an income unit. Wa_lki.ng · <liatance to city center. 8 UNIT NEARLY new Court a partments. $550 O¥>Dthly income. Commercial building, $600 month mcome on leue. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Blvd. Phone Llberty 8-5597 Coat.a Meet. Evenings Liberty 8· 7•57 CHRISTMAS COMES EARLY · $4-295 Two Bedroom Bryn Mawr 937 SO. FT. at $'4.60 sq. ft. $5295 Three Bedroom Loch Lomond I I S-5 SO. FT. at $'4.60 sq. ft. Car Ports 14 x 20 $295 I 00% FINANCING GUARANTEED through S250.000 Secondary Financing Fund, on your lot paid for or not. WE ALSO BUILD INCOME UNITS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION CO. .. OF GARDEN ·GROVE, INC. OPEN S~DAYS Cor. Century & Dorothy LE 9--0633 27ttc NEWPORT BEACH Oceanfront home near Catholic Church. 1 1 ~ baths, double garage. EXCLUSIVE LISTING -$20,400 BALBOA PENINSULA 3 B.R., Close to bathing beach, new 2 B. R. l •-) bath provincial home with built-in kitchen, k>t.a of Wied brick and beautiful wood pa.nellng, wall t.o wall carpeting -attractively decorated, nice patio. $22.500 -Convenient tenna t.o quallfed buyer. BAY & BEACH REALTY, INC. 1450 W, Balboa Blvd. BaJboa Harbor 12M Exclusive Listing Little Balboa Island Duplex (7 yeara old) 3 bedroom.a, 2 bat.ha IN EACH UNIT 1 unit furnished -1 unit unfunwabed, prbl.p disposals-big s un porch, double covered carport. ( wuher & dryer) Live in one unit, rent Ult other. - 202!\ \\ ~l11lv11; lll\'•I lint 41!91 I l!l'lil I h .-~"" ft(\t l l'l"I I MARINA FRONTAGE • NewpOrt Harbor Board of Realtors $32,500 -$10,000 down 't'NITS ~·t 'R:-:' C-uron11 '''I Mu I All lr11 •r•I Gon.1 re>turn i.>n your ln\'u.-ienL $ 7~.oOo. I Owntr, Har. ~409 2:X38 401 N . Newport Blvd. Newport .. ch 260 FEET (J:-J WATF.R. Dl'1111t1rul 2 acrf' point Fennf'I & C.:hr111t111n.en. RNltort 271116 <.;a rlabed ~lvd. SA 2·8231. 3()('33 JOHN B. PREN.OERGAST, Realtor Curt p osh, Je113lyn Bn.Cner, Margaret P(_eodersut 223 Marine Ave., Balboa I.land ~ 1111 - - - , . -l'6E I. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New .Car Dedier 54 Mercury Monterey R-B·Muoo. Pwr. WSW 54 Ford Custom Fordor R-H OD·2·T6ne ~ WSW $1795 That'1 Right! Free Turkeys! A Free 'Oven-Ready Turlley Goes With Y.our Purchase of one of Our USED CARS 54 Dodge V-8 Royal '4 Door " ], R-U WSW Aut9 Dr. ~ . $1395 SJ Chevrolet Bel Air R-H h •r: Gld. WSW .... ~ $144$ 2 • Tone Green $1295 52 Cadillac ' Fleetwood R-H HydnL Tint Glaaa $1795 52 Chevrolet Styline 2-door ft.ff MechanJcalJy Perf~t $695 52 Buick 4'-0oor R·H Dynaflow WSW $895 52 Chevrolet Styline •-Door R&H New Rubber! $695 50 Olds. Super "88" '4-dr. Sed. Metallic Green ll. WSW Tins ft.H ~ Hydramatlc -$645 52 Ford V-8 Ranch 'Hagon Fordomatic Mii U. S. Muter WSW Tirt'!I $1295 51 Ford Cu V-8 Tudor R·H OD New 'nJ'e8 One Owner! $665 50 Plymouth Spl. Dix. '4-Dr. Se~. R Ii H Perfect $495 • ,,_., These and 40,..More to Choose From at Orange CountY's Largest Used Car Lot -''The Lucky 700" with NO DOWN PAYMENT Frre Turk~y Offu Explre11 at 1:00 p.m. Wf'd., Sov. %Sn!, 11166 MILLIR CH.EVROLET CO. Liberty 8-2261 Oldsmobile Cheyrolet MILUR'S KAR KORRAL 700 W. Coast Hlthway Uberty 8-2258 Newport leach YOU ·WILL BE DOLLARS AHEAD W..... Y• Drive to Joh._ and Son la Newpott leach For Yow SELLING WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Our Volume Selling Assures You of THE BEST DEAL ANYWHERE You Can le the Proud Owner of a Beautiful Brand New '56 MERCURY aslowos •2092 NOW AT JOHNSON & SON . Lincoln • Mercury· Continental Sales & Service 900 W. Coast Highway -Newport leach -across from lay Club-Uberty 8-5545 ~n t:nalnir" '1111 11:~0 p.m . II Wiii ra~ \1011 Tn N-1' .lnhn,nn .& l"on ~'°"' V-Ba1 Tllat S~w Car #3100 Theodore Roblb Ford \'Olrd ('Ill"' Tlt,n1lr rhl "' F<'1°d Tnu·l<' co.ur L •• 53 Chev 210 4-clr. 53 Ford Cl~.Cpe , . ~~ 8/Glor/ 195 ~!..~.! 1195 995 ::d~;; 1895 . 53 Ford 1195 Convert. 54 Trl'ph 1795 Tr-2Rclst. Many, many more to choose from THEODORE ROBINS "Yow Ford Dealer Since 1921" 3100 W. Coast Highway oa Mari..,'s Mle • Uberty 8-34~ We Want to Deal! • NOW NO ONE CAN OFFER MORE FOR YOUR .CAR . -. ~ So We're ·Volume Dealing NEW 1956 PLYMOUTHS ~ Low As $199 .. ~.9WN _! Bank T erm1 -Same Comparable deal on NEW 1956 CHRYSLERS • Be sure to bring your tltlef e Bring along the family, tool • We deal so easy we'll surprise you! LOU REED & ASSOCIATES l1nperlal. Chrysler· PIJ1llCMlfh Sales & S.rYic-w.mational Trucks 1200 W. Coast HMJllway UIMtty 1·3416 , • '