HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-05 - Newport Harbor News Press'· I 1, f j ' Dt~DICATES WINO -The late Glenn L. Martin, noted aviation pioneer of Newport Harbor and Orange Count.y, above is st'en {lS he. dedicated surgical wing in September, 1952 a{ Hoag Hospital aa "Mother Minta Mart.in Wing.'' -Staff Photo Glenn Martin, Pioneer County Philanthropist, Aviator Dies A pioneer avia tion expert - whose flrat !llm11y <:raft wobbled Into the air from a bean field al the 1111e of the pre.sent Orange County Airport -<lied yealet'tlay lll Ba1t1111orc. Cletin L. Martin, whoee curer ranged Crom the manufacture of nickel boll: k ltl'a to mulll·mllllon dollitr Purlh utellllea expired al h111 farm near BaJtrmore of cer•· bral .hemmoraee. lo J90!1. the flr•t Martln mono· plan~ a f\Jmay two-w:nged <"raft -lunged a.croe. the bMn field thal 111 now t hi' alle ot the aJ rporl and rose halttngty In lhe air. The plane 11t8ye<l aloft for a whopping 32 minutes. nesting hl.!!lory in a1•la- Uon c1rrle1 by proving an al/C"raft was <"apable of being more than • t oy. The' plane had been con~lru<:t· ed In lln abandont'll tchurch. now the site of Santa Ana Clly Hall, and Orange County old·llmere say Murtin'11 mother, Minta. gll1'e hrm fight by holding a lantern u the youthful pioneer 11trugglei.l with Ule atruta and pa~r can1• .. from which the ship WllS med«'. l n 1913, Martin conllll'U<'led a (ContlnUl"(I on Pac11 8) Rex Brandt Letter Opposes Change of Council Election The Newa-Preu today present.a another opinion on the charter election eet for tomorTOW in Newport Beach. The following wu wrltten by Corona del M&r'a natJonalJy known artist. Rex Brandt 1 Mr. Ben Reddick Publisher, .Newport Harbor Newa-Presa Df'ar Ben : December ~. 19~ As a member ot the fi~t frec-hold<-r g roup l have watched with concern the initiation of the proposal to modify Section 400. Aa we near the date or ell.'ct1on on this vital proposal I find that S<'veral import.Ant comoderations have not been brought to the attt'nt1on of the vol<' rs: h ~~coUDCIUm•akt-el~on .M.-been ~tM by· proponents of change as an example of tht> failurt' of th<' present m<'thod of \'Otm~. I would say that it \\'88 an outstanding f'Xamplt' Of "U<'C't'AA; in one {'Xamplc, llt least, a candidate who had shown a I rucultnce and na r· row-mindedness which had literally brought the actions or the previouB council lo a standsllU wu ousted in spit<' of the voles of his own neighborhood. 2. l ..n!t Anitrk-1' has been cited a.s an example of the sucCPl:\11ful ward sy11t('m. Thia would lntlicnt.e consider· abl<' 1gnoran<"C on the part of the 11tud<'nt of c1v1c law. Thr notorlou.111 orni.tn.u·tfonl!'m of th~ Los An~f'~ Cound lmt'n -responsible only to the voters of three narrow districts h~ httn lamf'nff'd b~· f'\'f'f)' rl\ic l..adu f rom thr tlmr of Mayor RowTon on. lf Los Angrlrs has su<"CPt'<lN.i in doing anythlng all agrl.'e it was in spilt· nr. not h<'causC' of. these three looked-In blots to rro~res.q. 3. Ttw rt>cort.l t1hows that when a publt<' official is n>!'pon .. ihlr onl~· fo a minortt~· he can get little good ac· complish<'ll ('Xl'<'Pl through a ~~""l4-m of barg-alnlnJt. t rad in~ ... wapplnR 'ot'"1' and f1i\·ors. It was this u1x-ct (If th1• borough type of gov<'mment which <'&Usetl the 15 m. mbrrs of th<' f1n<t Board of Freeholders tn rr jcct t'ur h ;1 plan -n ncl 1t likewise was rl'.)Klt'\I by another J:'l (rt 1zc1111 serving nn the s('('ond Board. -t. The sy11tt·m of swapping \'Ole.ci is particularly t.18{'· gcrous whl'n rt comC's timl' to r<'·dt•sl~n dl"I rkt~. Our Chnrt"r r rq11irrs, (Article X, Section JOO!'il tha1 tl1~ counetl ~hall undl'rta ke the re-dC'str1 cting of thP Cit y, <'R<'h four yr:ir,;r; (an<l an~· other time 1t w1shrs1. Thia ill rinnc by OrdinanN-, not by the vote of the peoplr. An~ h\o round lmr n nndf'r thf' J>ropost'd nf'w amtnd- m•·nt ran "ork 0111 a mutual swap of tmundariN-to heir l'.Jr h ~ta\' wrt~ his fn('tHls -s nd in offirr. It's jusl 1•1<.l fosh111:wd i:•·rr,\ mandf'rill't. It IR p r ntt:'r lr .I RJ!'Rlll~t at p1 l"i-l·llt soldy h~· ~<'<"tinn 100 wht(h n ·qu1rrs thl' r1'prcsrnt:it1,·r (rr-m l':tdi d istrict to bt' rkC'lcd bv th<' whnll' l"lty as i-uch th<:r(' rs no 1uf\·antagc to him m .pla\·· inJ<! w ith thr tmun•l.1rr<'ll nf hrs d1~trll'l. C'<'rtamly, 1( by an~· n'mntr rh,1nn• this J'1"11posrd amrndm<'nl ~Ot'S th rou~h thr rntt•rl' w rll hnn next lo mod1f\' thl!' 6'.'C· tion rno:-1. . 5. tr you wnn t t Ill' lt1<"krd·1rt r11lr nf thr n11nonty \'n1(' YES nn ~t'(t IOO. If ~·nu want thr rtpr~ntation of the mlnorit~ hut rt1lf" h~ lhr majoritr \'otf' ~O. For your 111formal11•n I am urginJ? my frie nds who knuw the nc-eJ. of u n ity 111 City <'ffort.a to \'Ole a resound mg NO! Concernedly yours. au lN'andt. ,. .. Coast Cagers , Rally. Defeat Pasadena CC HARBOR PR.ess Or11nl".fl Co1111t C'ollege rlln Into ' tts 1111Cff'~t <"1>mpf'tll1on or the sta· 1 ,,,n ~aturiltty ntght and had to 48th YEAR -NUMBER 102 NEWPORT BEACH. CALJJ'OKNIA. MONDAY, DEC. G, 1955 PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS ·01neo frorr behind In the last six --------------;-----------------------------_;.. ________ ......:, _ _:_..:.=.:.:..:=:.:.:~:.=::. __ :,::_:..:=......==~:.:: manu1.-1< of ~,lay t•1 dtfl'lll a atrong --------------P&~111ltnl\ City C'ollrge 73-67. HARBOR WEATHER L>on Minson rameo aft the beonc-11 1n the 3f'con<I half to •park !hi.' 1-------------- ralli• that 11pelle1I ..Seft'at for Pua-Teml)f'raturtt lhf' put "'"'" ln the Jen~ Harbor !Ht'& wnu Bill Jnlof'11 played his bf-st ball -:amt> or lhr> year. rebounding well 1'111 hlo1 k1nK man)' 11hots that ron· tribu1t-t1 mu1'h to the vktory. A goo•I r rowd WM on hand for I he game aml they we-re trf'ated t•1 a fll.l!l moving nip and t111•k 1)8!1 j;':tnlP. Pa~adl.'na led 111 ha lf time :1:1-2i Denn)' ~·11 zpatrh'k leti tht-11ror· lnK f11r C'oast with H p111nl>< An•n11 of Pesnd!'na Wll!! high man for the i;11111e with 19 polnt11 111,11 Tuesday. Nov 29 M Wednet1J11y, Nnv. 30. 68 Th11r11<1ay. DPc. 1 .. . 118 Friday. Ot>l'. 2 .... 58 Sl\turday, Del' 3 •..... !'>9 Sund\ly, D•·C. " .... 1515 Monday. Dec. !i . . .. 54 53 !13 62 42 47 ~9 CHARIER AMENDMENT VOTE SET TUESDAY R&lnlall Jl:(JI Hrh .. 16 Costa M"sa .17 I 17 1 13 \"l'ar 2 I J 2.13 l'asa<IPna hil a f!\nl a11t1c M per cent of their slwts l'n lhf' ftr11t hRlf TRIPLE PLAY With Aren11. L'drll a nd M<"Glll 11'3•1· mg the way. Orange Coiut College c-ontint1f'll play T uesday n 1ghl. DerPmbt•r .6 at 8 ;(\() pm. wtlh an enroun\1•r with the 01'<"1dental Frosh f'rl'· hn1ln11ry gsme s tarrs al 6 30. Tht> l'CHL or I hi' Wl'ek f111d11 Q('I" 111 hon1,. Thursil11.1· night 111:ain~l Long HP11c•h ( 'lly (0nlltge 8nl1 lh"n 1n F nd11y t rll\ rhng to m~el 1-:1 ~.'armno \0CC 111 3·0 !or the sen· Burglar Hits 3 Places in Local Landing . CHRISTMAS WINDOW JUDGING TO BE HELD WEEK EARLIER A committee of three Newport Baach c1U... wW be a.aked to Judfe Chriatmaa window• of loc&1 !ltorea 4'&rtn1 the day and everung of Dec. 10, It wu announced today by .M.llo i...cy, chalrm..n of the MerchlLnta Commllt.ae o( Newport Harbor Charnlter of Commerce. The judging ake.a place th.la aeuon • week and a day earUer than prev1ou11ly ICht'duled, l...&(y aald. to encour.,.e the merchant• to aharpen up their Chrlltmu 4l1play1. l..&<"y aald Mayor Dora Hill wlU be uked to wrw u a Judge or to a ppoint & atand-ln. Other judfN will be named, probably one from Corona del Mar, the other from BalboL 10n l. I Young 9 F F Utlell-16: Chap· A buri:lar broke Into three es- men-G · F F Ahrenll -l9: \'an tabhsl11ncnla at Sn 11port Landing ----------------------------· Horn _ 12 cc Frazleor 6, over the we~kt>nd end tonk s way Fitzpatrick 14 G _ Slont'y _ 4; a quanlity or g11n11 and s mrGuni· Bldnlck 6 a G _ )fcGlll _ !8. lion u Wt'IJ aa S60 In cash, New· SPEAKING ON ELECTION OCC Suba -Mlnl!on-7: Inloes port Btach pohl'e reportec.J. 10: Wetzd 11. Paaadt'na Subs-I The gun.11 and ammo Wl're tek· rrlllht't --•. 'l'n from a tack le 1tore l\l 2633 W . coast Highway owned by A rthur Mayor Dora Hill Advises $100.000 Bay Club Verdic·t Set Aside A Kemper. 3028 Oceun Blvd M1si1ing were two .38 cal. und one .45 cal. rnolver~. one .22 <"Ill. au· omatlc end one <hll'llng pl11lol. a Against Charter Change <"Ollector'11 Item. 11!1 w\'11 as 12 boxes of 11.mmunrllnn Ko:mper said the burglar tr u•tl to .:et Into hl11 sare but wal! u1111ble to kno<"k Mayor Dora KJll. ln a Jetter to I pre.Miit.a a c'huter amendment on the New•Prua publlaher, Ben the method of elecUnc oouncll Reddick , today aald lhl' follow\.nl memben.: of the ele<:tlon t omorrow which •·0e.a.r Bent oft the <"' mb1nulion. The thief a.lllO took $50 In ('Uh SANTA A:-O:A tOCNS) -Su· and a $:'! <"herk from thl' Allen pt'r 1ur Cuurt Judire J ohn Shea 11et Broth..r11 Cn. !18mt' a<1..Sre1<11 when aa1.Je a $I QO,Ol/O verdt( l 11galn&t I h"" for•·ect nJ>t'n 11 () .. sk "nd ra.n- llle Balboa lilly C'ub Fn1lay af· 11nckc11 a canlboarc.I rssh box. \tmwon u he dt!lernunel.\ plain-The !laird theft wu r"ported Where ·10 Cast You.r Ballots lltC E Jwi.n l Hanimtmll, 27. ot S11n by Brure Cald of 2119 Ol·ri,n View, Tomorrow'• election on an Diego had ~ .. n guilty uf <"Onlrl· proprietor or tt t"Rft' •l the land· amendment to the city cl\arter, bulory nt'i.:hi:~nu• I ini;. Cai•l ~Id 111., bur~IRr pncd tuking a chan,g• of melhod tn H.11mn1011J . a ~&thu -111t1•in an-open t.wu c.1?ar1:lle n\ll1·h1110 llnd I elecllllg city council memtx>rs to nuuncH , suffelfiJ parelyzrn.: In· t.•ok abOul $.II froni rarh. Hf' l ried a Ward Syatem. will be held In Junes YI hen t>e dl\'e<I 1nt..i t h" unruccea~rully lo break opt>n a lllng placea of 17 coneolldated plu~h rlub'a ~w1m1111n.: Jl'lOI St'pt ranliy me<"h•nf' p<'lrre reported. ::ecmcta. 19, J9:i4. Nnw a QUftJrl'JJlcj(lc, Each or the clty'a re,t1lered uyour r.eent odltori&ll concem· Inc I.he Chart.er Amendment baft been factue.J. fair and lnlormatlv.; and I thank you tor your effort. t.o k.eep our oonunUIUty unmed. "I am deeply dleturbed, boW· ever, when I mlna'Lo 'IWWl my f..!· low clUMNI and hear them M Y 'l cannot understand UUa chartAr bualne•.' 1 can eym.,.tJllse With them. bul I cannot -Wby they would be wUlinc to vote tor a Ch&nl'• before they underat&nd wb&l they .,.. ~· . Voters Asked to Choose Council Election Method~ .. Some 7963 regiatered voten1 are eligible to caat their ballot.a here tomorrow in the Newport Beach ch&rter amendment election. 'I'he propoeition aubmitted the elec· torate ia whether to change the present system of nomi· nating city council members from their respective district& &nd elecUns them by lhe city I abl!entee ballot by C"alltnl' city votera a t. large, or to rutrlct ti.ill, uklna-for the C'lerk. council candidate· nomination and PollJnr pl&C'l'll arf' upen tomor· t>lecUon to the candidate'• own row from 7 a. m. to 7 p. m .. ciur1ng diatr1cl. Thua, city voter• wouJd which time placu aelllng liquor vote for only "<>fie COWICll can· will be <"IOl!l'd. There are \ i con· dlda.te tnate&d ol aeven u the aolltlated pre<.·mc~. ea<'h <'ont.aln· ch&ner now permit•. Ing a polling pla('f'. Voter. quaU· The pruent. m~lhod of elecUnf fled llhould by now have rttCIVed eev1111 council membera from the 11&111ple ballot~ ttnd ur<111 from the city at )&Jore wea written In uie rlerk, deslgnallnl( tht"lr pArtlC"ular city ch&rter by lht> lu l board of J>Olhng plact . fteeboldera and by Ulelr predecu· H OW HEA \'\' ~ llOU who dra.tted the r1r11t char· City Clerk St·hrouder today de· t l'r aevual yeu. ago. The flral cllned to Pl"'IK11t•.!ll l1·11.tt on how charter WM dde&led by the pub· bra vy tomorrow'11 ''Olt' today. "11 ·, lie al th• poli. but the 1econd m y flrat elerllon.'" i.h..-said, add· cbai'ter won ln a Jandaltde. Ing, hOWl'1 .-r, "tht'rr .. ~mA lo be AB8.ENTEE BALLOTS quilt> "' b1\ of rntt:rut In this rll'<.'Uon " ~h.. 11ahl t hf' t 7 con. City Clerk Marcy Schrouder l<>-Aolldaled prt'crnrt.11 wtr" the ..,..,,. day &IUJOWlct.d ahe hu given out AA usl'd by the pr .. v1nue dty 33 abMJltee ballots for t omorrow'a l'lerk at tht> 1811t munrt ip•l ell'c· elecUon. Howevu. peraon• who I l ion. H ow••ver, NII' llHl•l, 8()mf' or e&.n prove they a.re too lll to 10 to the pollllllf place• u e dlftel'Ult U.. poll.a tomorrow can obt.a.ln a.n lhia time. Harold Pearcy New Commodore Of ·Yacht Cl1b Hammond • • k f d ~00.000-plu• u • T lk votora hU rec:el'Nd a aampl• b&l· dam11gee A JUry In Shea'e ('uUrt tt 1n a lot 'Nlth hla polllns p1-ce deal&"· .. Our Ot&IUr WU aPPIOfed and awo&!dre~n.11"•h1mAt't~•oo. .oooo .: n "'-wn•n naled on a card. Bowewr, the becam• th• law ot our Ci~ lut At Ule anmaal llleOlia&' or llfo ~ ~ ,, v wv , January. 1l Q.DMt M wtM t.o ....,... &ad ...,WU IMll'lbel'll ot Ui. N'-· Y•Mter<lay ttrl(urd 11nJ won • mo· T GOP H Nt'wa·PttM today prlnt• the fol· a ch&n1• whea we J\a .. llvtd Dder port HM'bor T&Cht Club on Deo. llOn for )Ullgnwnl not w1th•tllntl· 0 ere lov.'lnff precinct detiguatlon and thill charter rof' barelJ one )'eU. 3, the propo.ed panel of flag off\• mg theo venlll'l "" wntf'n•lt'd 'on· llA )Xilllnr placll. Peno~ unable ln aplte or the worda or a 'Ca.IM _,. &nd direct.on prevloualy 1Nb- \11butury n•·ithl:.l'll<'t' Wit« ~hown to rmd their polllnc placu •hould prophet,' the FNellolden dJd ,tve milt.od to tho membenl\Jp wu In the ev11h'n4·1• Th t' J111lge I C"onirr,.!<llmllll J 1u1-u•11 l't l will call the city clerk, Harbor 3131. ample and eenoue U1ou1ht to th.la Yot.d ln tor 1954. i;rted 11tv .. lht' 1·onclud111g Ullk on ttOV· The llat followa: porUon ol 0\11' Chartef'. It should Headed by Harold W. Pearcy A murion tur 11 n<'W lual was t•m ml'nl "\ vtu1nu1 levtl11 In a Precinct l -201' 11 St : Pre· not be CS!JIDt more ot ow a. Commodo~. the tla&' otflcen Jl'nftil !"1t'ellnrc o( th, Nt'WJ)(>rt Httrbor elnct 2-clly hal . ',C'Cln<"l 3 -clU W3 ··=-...... "9~nry tJud) Cracy u vi. ce· Hi•llHIMll•l a uttnrn,.y, warrt'n J Ynunl:' HermbllC"11.n Club, 8 p. m . O.lboa ,,re Ha.JI, P recinct 4-cb&n .. • ,eR....e#..._ ht• tamltlO&ora and J ohn P. Rurndal1 I.An.-. l>l"ll~hl 1111 in thr ltllll 1J"hur111tav In th" crly 111111 rouncU 200 Ab&.lon• An., Balboa ll!lllnd· ure ot our city. Bocau.e of our wlll u•ume the dull«'• of rt'ar· thJl th-i luh ~ '''" """''I h 11 11 r h11mbl'I"' Prt'("tnct r>-CdM F lrt-H11ll: geo(Taphlc:al ~tion. we mu.t. eocnmodore. Re·ele<"led to the l•"n 11h"••111 r1111n U11· l •"'l "h"n 1·tt·11 t nptr wtll 11" "Havf' thf' P~lnct 8-Nt'wport Orammar work for gTHltt unity wttflln all ~ ot direct.or. wu ~rge A. th,• lio·r.·ndnnl t 11ok hi~ I 1 11~1• 'O• morr11l1t Rnholllf;t'•I !kt"• Pro-SCh()()l: P~cinct 7 -433 Holm· ..,.,as of our municipal &~em· MltcheU who will ~e with dlttc· '''"" i ·t1•· 1 .!•e '" ,.ul>J•, t 1.. •P· l(rRm "" A 11hnrt bu .. tneefl mt'<'l• wood Drive; Precinct 8 -223 me.nl. , .. ,. Harvey Somer• and Ed rt''<I to h111h"r rourt 1ni: will p1 • <o·•I' l h .. t.tllf bv \on· Diamond Ave.; Predn<'t ll~lll "F'or ftlJ'Wlf 1 WOUid not chooee '*o.rmlnston. A cUng aa &ecreU.ry l:'r<'l'llml\ll nt l n..tutlf'•I ~'!lL~ \'Ill Udo; Preoc-tnct 10-230 Gold· 0 ltrte 00~1 nrtton of my r.. 1~ ww be .Jadt . 1 tl'pnrt.~ from mlrmen of th t!! 111"1'& ~ f'nmtr Av e : -pfeflnc I -l\.eU I ' on prrc-tnrt wnrk A ,..11,.~tlon l'l11d 'Oramm&r School; P~clnrt 12-<"lly;r~l ~ rtpreHnt all o.t rn1t ta \Jlf' dt11lln1t~l1ht'd ., 1 n-... t 9 3 th N•~,,.,I\ "a.&clL 1 '(I 111 not wortlil ...U or •talf • commodoru ot Manor 1nJu11•·-YI,.,,. s11tfri rol hv An•w<'r f"'r11'W'\ "ill tiollttw Ull'e <11 l A ll!O: ri""'lnc 13 61 :I HHYC ~:mm11 Ht•" .. ,,.1, 112, "' 1131 1 211th tulk • St : Prf'<"tnC't H -l!\30 Ocean the \Im• and effort which I have • Harry A. Mann r,.r,.lvf'<i Bl d ....... 1 1" • t• p de\"alf'd to lhe city •o,·emment for tlle whole heart.tod UulnJ<e anll eon· St , f'ewpor t U4'111·h, 111 !'> 1>111 l-.11n-P11r1n~ pr\C\r t11l11 .. In l hf' cur-v : ,...,.,(' n<"t "-, " oppy the pu t year and : half.• ,.,..tul&Uona ol the mf'mber•hlp on •lr.y "'hen hH C'l\r colll1lcrJ .. Ith rl'nl .-.·ii ""· Newpnrt r ouoi ii man A"'' . Prttlnct 111-302 Evening Woman Driver Hlllt IU\Olhl'r !\"r wport 11 Jll•ltnl , ar 8 1 J. B ~lNl!1ar<'I ,.pnkl' on lt'Ol't'm· I Canyon Jtoad: Pttc\nct 17-Hor· Cordlalb' r ourw, • Job well 8lld ta.llhtully perform· -.-e.,.porl Ul"ll anti JGlh St. Co11ta m4'nt at ~ht' 10<'8.l lc-vel an'1 Sl.8le ac• Eru11gu School DORA 0. HlU.." e11 __ u._i._y_e_a.r_. ------------llAJtO--LD "'· PEAJICY M~:r1r11 111.Jd the woman drln r I ~~~~0~1r~h~h;~\~~~~tl •rnk;IA~ -M--0--R--R--,-,-s---w---,-N--S---B-P--W----------- .. • ., croHlng ~f'WJ)Ort Bl\'d '\O.hen C<>vemmf'nl." a.n lntmsUnt: In· Associated Chamb~ers,. Orange a rar •Ir \Vt"n by Oorolh)I Ka.rin "llfht lnlo lha dl'lalled OP"'rallon ~ ~:i~,r~8()::,~:·ho:,.:i~:h~1:.:: ~~~t:~ 0 '.:.::: ~:~:r~n:!• .':~;~~tur: he&r SWEEPSTAKES AWARD Coast Gro_up Plan Yule Partv to Hna.K Ho11p1tal fnr trr11trnrnl. CongTf'11J1man Utt'• Wllk. · ~ 'Ibe annual combined ChriJit.mu lA-f' Wfntrrtnn •nnoun<'M today MESA POLICE SMASH party ot the Aa.x:latt'd Chambers lhal ~uprrwr ('1n1n J udg" R.obert ot Commerce of Orll11ge Coun ty Cftrdnrr w ill a<'l All ma11t,.r or Th• sweepet.altee wtnnJ.nc bootJI Beach. Clua C tnve feet and ~d the Oranie Cowlty Cou t l't>rcmonli•.11. Thf' R"v Ja m,.• Stew· In the annual Buelnt'M and Pro-under)-Thorp'• Girt Shop. Brown a rt. pu tnr hf th,. !'IL Andrew'• ft dlonaJ Women'• Chrlllmu P~ Berry Oven of Co9l• Meaa., and Aun. will be rondurled •t 8 P· m. l'r~bytl'nlln C't:ur-.·h N~wport HUBCAP THEFT RING .-l~w h•ld lh the Rende.xvoua Ball· Brat ShoJ> of Coat& Meaa. Honor· ln the NtWJ>Ort Hubor Yacht Be•<"h. wall preunl the "Chn.t· rtlOm Friday &nd Saturday wM C0'~b •. 13 72. 0 W. Bay Ave . Balboa, mu StQry " unou.'lced by JudgH today u able mention.a were 11ven lo Jar· ·~ ~1ervall(lnt1. wllh " 260 lllnlt. Mom '• Ylower• or Balboa. r~tt'a and Hevtleln nor\•t. A aoclated Chamber-a Pr'eldent close al JO 11. m Ott 13 Attendance al the 1how wu ~-------~-----~~~----~----~--~-~ Councilman Bruce Martin Lends Aid, Reports 3 Youths StealinCJ ullma ted al a pproxrrnatrly 6000 f)f'raon• w1lh Impartial o~rven d,.tlanng that It wruo the "pretUHt ,how htltl lo dalt." One of Ute r""!lllnl for the rrowd a ppl'al WM t • 1,. \I•'" l"·I ,. I •• II,. 'II' R '5,., I'll n•1mlwr11 Ctn hrr 11.1•111ng lh,. "1tlf'r u11e of <"omlc co1tumt'll h11 11.ni.; 11111., 1. 111 •I' rto~rt 11 hull• •r·• """!;••Ill 111al1 l\r I thost an11 r nlnrful dl'<"ora Unn11 BPW loll" ~lllll o lll\' n •~ll t(lor •IPllll( f•Ullfllflfh••bn,\1'0 <"1\r rHlitl'/11\llJ,l ~f'>OkC.~mf'll 1'1\111 boo\h11p•C'8 I Old 111o1r.1 rnn•1•I• 11.t•il I ' " \11 '' r11' ''' •: l.O< \I, \'O I ·n1 I &has ~·ear lo pped the prevlou1 year , 11.'u lln .. n "h11 i ' th(-.. ,••fl•-, t f)f thl' !hi•, .. 1 oul h~ ho •kt'<\ onl' by $200 IU t•JH''rtt lt11H I !ll•lliH1'1 1\1 •1"' ~l.11\.n I II \\I<• lol1nl1f1,.1I "' " li·\flt·ttlol l J11tlge11 Wr Tll Ktn Niles. Mra. I'',,,. ,.,. :, .. , ,1 11, , \I ni:i~ 1, '\r~·T'•''' 1:,11 r h hr•\" Th,. 11thrr!I, Virglnlll C1111tl~ and Mr•. Georg-e l, .... • !hi"' h \. ',k .. A '1·~· li 1nol t) .. dll\'of'. 16 .'1'11 l \ht'V MIC'haut1 , 11, '""" , •1 11 1 11 I', 111, 1 .n \\ • 1" f r''" "11b111 It• 11f S><11!, Ana llther bOOth wlnntr• wer' Cl ... 1•,r .\l••J<i< Tl , 111, 1 Ii 1 ·•••·I '''"'' l'11lw~ "'"" ell lh" ,.,,1111" r"n· A 110 '""l llfl<I OVl'rl -\'tn('ent'• ... ,, 11, , , I, 1 1 11 (,.,., •• 1 t" 11 ~P• It'• , ( ~;n11 l11r thdl.'1 l.1110 Pr11~1. Bill 11 M11l'ktt and Jlr • 1 h• I.I'll• , 11 ,,,. 1.111 ,, ,. n in th" l11trb .. r 111 ft11 H1r h11r1T'11 >.larkl'l, •I 11 •· 1 , , ,, , , to" 1 .{'••Ii·<' .,1,j 'lnr· "' !hf' b<•i• lrti C"ltus B f8 to 9 ftet 1 • Dnn lol " I 111 1 , 1 1t" 111 '" tti• h .i ,11~ j IH•,. nl '"""" 11\l!lh 11hnt"1tn1phrr, Rult' ~of Udo I 1,..,.1 "' 1 , 'I" 1 1 ,0 ,1 11 : •·I ll•r ),11)11 111 1111 , r ,. 1,, ,, "' And I •11•rr·.11 Surply nf l"ewport ''', ,• _, • • •• I ''"'• .n Jtn .. 11t·. 1•,,,. ,, t.C thr ----- 1• J't f 'f I }1 \f. ,.,. ltl " I Ir! • r I 11 H I 1 tf,: I \I 11 I 1 f tU"1'•'' .. ¥H!1 •• •• l ''P 1~ I'° l• ; nl1t• 1'01.1( 1· 'Tiii' < \II J},I 1 fitjlt • n 1 t • f f, 1 1•,\ tf11 f I "r · lol Inf I• •.• Ill.. '·" thr\ K•' II• -,·' t "hu·J l l 11 I• 111 \\ r • ,.. •,, 1·uti. 1 • I'\• r lv tlu· ,.,,i. • t ltit· ''''''' .u1d h t1<1J( ti dt•\\'l ''·' v 11111''" ,, \ I• rntl ,, I r hlllo ·;,1 "r~rl• .. I "'"' 1•r1 t ·11 • r f r .. ,n 11, tht1 \ nr itt 'h" :\t.. •• r h· .1t••r I'" kins 1111 ~I I• \.\'1t!1tlR \\ uu•f1.11 \"• 12/i I, ';~th St h11 l t11IJ 111•!11, ~hf' w11• A !l ~n1l11 fl " ~huw Rl lh~ M· '" I llrl'tir hrlWf't'fl A l\l'lrl 10.:lll I' 111 nn·I 1d1rn ahe rc1ur11.-<I to her ra1 abo loi.ati Ule bl.lbcap• JlUNU\I, '"'-l•I• 11"1" nr•lil. I Tire-Wheel Theft ·~;i:s<.c:Blld~l~'H::~~-Jld-;;; I Tht>fl or • lire Mil w hPt'I I"' I rl'portf't1 to poll<'!' Fr\dlly b)I Alltn I Only r B•h II nf Anahr1m He uld I thrv wf'rf' lllkl'n frc>•n h11 11tat1on I W 17 ~ \\'ll lfOn 8 t:1·k ~rt vah" nf the j i I Jf··CaJ'lpl'd t ire at $7 to SS B11ck'1 1.1 I veo' H"l" "'"" p11rkrd 1n lhf' 8111· .. ShoppinCJ I 1><111 Puk ing 1,,1 •t 1he 11mf' i1 Days I M,~; ~.~. ,~', "' '""" 'f.ll ~ Inn Ave., November 30 l"nle,,.d I I 11 ••g H111prlal t or mtn111 11u1gr1y I • I :.'i .. 1• • rrnr,,. t 1lrun11 f1nf' a nd L Chr1stmas ! l'llJ'lf'I u It> r"t11rn home Monday !-;he Wll h hH t111er, Mn Avtrlll w _______ _. lib&W. VINCENT'S LIDO BOOTH TAKES FIRST Looking over Vincent'• Lido Drup booth. winner of n r1.1t place for 10-ft. anl.t O\'er displays. are from left. Judgu Ken Niles, Mra. ~rge Micb'aud and Mra. Richard Cu Uc at annual Business & Professional Women's Chriatmu Preview. -Don Buah Pboto • J J ., TWINKLING STA RS of th£' winter soeia l season a.re the lovely Ha rbor girlii who will be prcsC'nted at the second 11nnual Debu ta ntc Ball by the local auxiliary of the Children's rrome Society. HclJ each year at Balboa Bay Club rnidway bcl \Ot'Ct>n Christmas and Nr-w Year's, it ii-> an evt>nt for bot h pnrt·nts and young HOLIDAY FUN Christmas for Fa~ Wives people. Plans have bt'en made by these chainnen who include ll t o r) ~I mes Jack Riley, programs; William Curlett, ball ; H. l'ayne Thayer, debuntantes ; Af. S. Bernard, reservations. Decorations are to be in pin k and silver. -Staff Photo N E WPORT HAR'BOR De bu tan te 'Ball Details Revealed by CHS Group Harbor Debs Will Shine in Holiday Spot Light Mrs. T od Oviatt, president or the NeYlport Harbor Aux-1 lliar y, Childrcn·s Home Society or California. has Rnnounl·('d that fin.a l arrangements for the second annual DebutnnlC' Ba ll, sponsored by t ht' auxiliary, have ix'en con1plC'IC'il. 1'fr11,. ,\.lllJtun 'curl('Lt. b 11 I I rh&1rn1R n. h111 pron1111tod l h&t !hl~ ye11r1 11lr1.1r v.·\ll b"' &!I n1<"1nor11bJ<' 1.nrl t'lutatanding a a lasl y rnr·" ~•utiful pA rly I:'\ C'llARGt: ~1 .l'l'f:ll l'.~HT\' P rPet'"<l•n,i:: thf'1T 1•r1»<'nl,.\!,,n ,,.·h1rh ,,..,u be "llf"'t\·1~<'·1 b.\' M •~ Roll';n{j \'Rlkly, \hi' drbu!Anl••.< ~no· t h('lr e """'"'" will trn v,. /I. pn· , .. itc ~urr~r p11r1y. ""hl•"h hn.~ t,..,.11 f'IAnned by t-trs. Robt'ft ,\l11<·FAr-~Ir". 11. Paynt1 Tlu•yer. r 11i;t pr,J1id<"nt or thr 11 u~ll110ry. i:!I ~l'n.·· lnJ,:" &3 dl•butllntr i:h11 irnu1n, In\'!· rrn. tat!ons And tf'!lf'r\'Alion~ "r" br-P rogn1.n1", n1 f'n1rntn~ nf t h~ Ing ~uptl \11<f'tl by lllr.s. D111'ld Hnl-b:iJi. \l"!li b<' f'tO\'hlf'<I !hrn11i.;h llw J11.nt1no nnd t-l rs. ~\. S. Bl'1TL11 r.l. ,r1o rt1 o t :\!1 ~. J 11rk R •lrr . l;11 r•1, F'OI·: F.\I' '.\·:~!•J \' '" I ! dr nt ,.f 111 .. z ,,.1:•1 ('•u" a rl11 •1•k 11• ~I t .' I\. I . 1· l !,•~J'lt :1J. f 1· !ll1·)} ..... 1 fl (IJ<'!' /'.<11)\ l ,.. I\,,< l':1rn11 .tl ;.:i. l :11 1' ~\rs. Alb1 :·t :-'l 1,:,,r lo11:ts n :\. 1..11 .,, ~Ir.-,,,.1 '.', I !', 1'\ ' !i .... ! ... " . I' 11 .-, A b•·11ut1fu\ Jlink anJ. 11,h.,.r rolor \\'lll be grrrtr.I by 11u:oc1h11r .v n.~111 · arh«n1r. 1wrr .. .-t ~Ptt1n~ fr.r th<" brr11 ~r1.-.-r rJ by t-lr.'1 K<'nnr1'l f rt·l!h 10,.(•Jlne~~ nf ltir ikbnll'nlt·B 1::;1,11r;:r. <"hu1rn11u1 ••f hn ·t•-..~,.,, ~N ° M ' I) _ 1 · . h:11 b<'rnpl11nnt'<lby llt ra.CharJe~ The ball \<"I ll l!I' h<'l ·l A! th·· 111 e e 11 ~1 '\C\L ~1 .Jl1 <\ Peyton. Hulh<oa Ba.\' Club ''" n,., .. ~S I • AT E~SIGN P-TA 'Each Child Different' Says Dr. Don Bridgn1a11 "Each ch ild is an original!", said Dr. Donald C. Bridg- man of Orange Coast College whC'n he 11pokC' on "The Phy- chology of Individual Differences" at the meeting of the Horace Ensign P-TA. "Y.'e Bhould n ot matl'h 11. ch!ld A r.-nmpanylni:;!" his t<1l k. fir 111:11.ln!l anoth .. r child. but i;hould n1 1dg1·111 "n ,.1ir,"·ct1 l •h11 cr1l\v1I con••d'r .,,,hat h" looka like In "'\'1\Ue 11.nd th., 1'lo11!1e" \\"ilh '"ir- n1t1un b)' J hhn N"'"h lH. "''hi• h rel11tJon Rhlp to h'~ o"·n polent!11.I· !ties.· Nol a )] brlg l!t nor 1111 cl!Ud ren 11.1·11 over· overdutl; t hry all wn~ ln<lk nti\"e or in1!11·1.i1,,1 1 "I" rrol'rhe~ lo le11'nlll):. 'rhLl'I \\" il N St ory o f Sup!·cn1c ( '.()t I \\ dlU<tlL I 1 .... , ' ' ' '.' • " • r t I ' .... 1 t ·, I , J I :\ii '' '.\\' '' 1 •· ·u1 .1,· l I !>; l•> I • • ;-. l I • < ol .~I "''•I • •l,..•I II\• l I \\",,,;.~•!·di //\.; \\ lh 1·~· 1111 I • •t• • '"J I• Ir:>-.• II !."I • r I"·"•' h , •I If•, " 11;, I\\. 'l"i1•· '" 'lh;·' h.o~ Ht:. i ur1, I 1 ' J 11 • ·Iii• I! I " , I I• " I I " '. i·•· d I I pf 1!1•· "''"' 11 "' \~" t ·'"I . :. 1111~ r··~ul1 • .1 r: 1" J• • • II /111rn l .. ' • •I \' '. I. • •••11•••1 J U! • l '··'" \ '111,11\•l•·c d ,,,..,,., 111 .. , .••• 1 ••• '"" d " '. I<,! d H•l\I ·"f \,. • • ,, ' l " H.::r S o r R .:~t tl.c1 ...... r i ~! ·.i ... , • ' '" ' ' I" l'•n ba briglll or dull unJrr a pecl· ThP "OCC' F A,. 11 I t y \1·, .. .,.,.. ~,,,. J1on11•11 l'•ll•>n And !>frs. It"· 1.fRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, \Vomcn's Editor tic aib:aUon~. C"1!11l\\rtln.'< l'"rt)' \\Lii ho• hel<l at I• i t 1~ .. ~1 . "•II ''''"l'l"ll' lhl' rv.n·l·-------------------------------·I • ,. .. ,npl!fied by thro'e whlt,. nll<"<', tho third ot "•h lr h I'""~ ~hy In r o.Tipet1ng ... ·1th \h,. o\h,..rs 11nf \I U1ty "'•"ro all rAlle<I on In dn 11nnic1 hlng: <'llTh knl'w 11 .. ". to <Jr. ,,., . .,u Bihl 110 out.~hone t ile othcn• 1,( ) ',·JHj ·~'II ,111,,0 .. SPECI LS 7.<10 r. n1 . \\"1•!no•~.J11,1·. IJ•·•'. II. Ill •n,,;'., •'ILll'l'lllllll>lt"lll. ,1' I'' " ·' C c.-, ... i ...... ........ .. ' ;.U ihe :-O:!tult·nt '"'n1•·1· tJ 111 l•llnJ.: Ill · 11\Lcr ho •.•l~"·"'·" ur•• ~1 nl'""· \\'I!· lhi.' ,.,,llr,,;,•. ,\II !II"~" ·<lt<'Lhllnj;. l\,1111 ,\,l1;,•n"11n ~:Ji:::111 Hall. 0~· fin• a.,)!~.1 !••"·~:o r " C:h1'lst111n.•l ,111· ·1 ,._1·h1t. Eu.-Luo ··· H••JH~. Rt\<l Ju• .. dp1~1·.-,.( ""II"' ""rt. \1·,1h ('h:orh·~ Hu i••\·. \\"n•nf'rl fAl"illtl' J'fl1••~ 1" hf• ;<\\lll •lo••I f,,r (lit• !HO"! 1nr1nh!'I.'< \\'\ll 0 hP \h\! J.:U"~! ... dt PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER S, 1955 ' '"There llTt! ft l'IQrll in lndi,·i,Jual· ill~···, contin ued Ur. Htitl.:en••n. Pehplf'. All l•·~l'n differently; ""nie "You CIH1not <'XP<'<'t ll •·hd·I 1•1 Jr•m by li•ten1nt;. 110me by l<>ok· be d ! , .1 hi , .. n B I ----.,...---------------------------l ing. and aon1"' by t11ul'h. And i goo "~'"r:';1111nt . r. n•- !,"'•;;II,.,.. t • , :•:I II·• ur I" "h• '" loOl•l <I ,\j II• 1 ,. 11!! • I ll•· '· . " I..._~~-, $~~.::; r~:-l":i.a:1cnt p;;: Pc:·r;i \' '~- <11 1i;:uml hat•. 1,1,1111 1• \\"JI'""''" till" ,.,,.,.,,.lun. An••lh• r entr rtlll!Hll<'nl fe.1t u1.-. "111 ho'> th' ex c h11ni.:"-or "''h•\f' •"'1•h>lnt j.:iflR. A pro1;r1m ur' ''"":hPr /1olnl")' <\'ell! planned I 'h ri~tn1 As .-arul~. l•«I bv ho~tl'!lll<'>; lo.\" tl1r 'h1h '·' a ,•,nnrr "n [lee --__ . ---!l \oJ f>l"t'<'<'d l' !ht< !'Oll<'t;""" Chri~t· 1 •nn.~ •lano ·~ F 1<<'Ult \' ""l\·~• 1<·111 rn· t ••!ru n th"" J\u,,ban•ls h \ th i • , '"'llL l" he lw l·! 'n the Chart j H1•dn1 n ( 1 ne N""''purt H Hr b o r ,.,.,·ht ("!uh t.l r~ !{Ob••rl O~b<>tOt' EBELL CLUBS WILL JOIN IN CHRISTMAS PROGRAM SJlll'e tho! t;h1·u1n1i." prugrsm u11ually \~one of the niost pnpuh1.r ,,r t!1e cluh Yt 11r, i.;ut•l r~"''r•·11t1on" n1u~t b« n11Ul1! hy thcl'e al'e V<'ry re w l11Jh·ltlua l• i;rmkAn .. RRU · "'''" ~hnulfl rna e Ina n102t of \\"h8\ h1i b that WLf'. their full 11bililir11." be!l tn." AXD Alumnae Will Install Th,. ln\•oc111ion l\'8,• 1:l1'('n h1· !h e Hev. Hoy Carlll<ln flf t'lu •~I ChU!!'h by t he SrA. \1·)111 pro·f;i<""•'d thr e\'enin,1:·11 !r,·!~ra 111· ~rl.\"i n,i:. ""It takr~ t <'t1m11·ork :'1 11 .. ur~ " . ' r,..1~ 1111.J JI',""" .tJ I\· lo ll hn.i t•ll"•·I ll )'t.:1111•• ~ ''' n ,1., ,I ~'"' -h.oll. Ji,,-·' l nm! • il1\""r \\ , J>•l• 'l I I• in 1;:l1t lll\h \lwrr 11; ' ltl \0•1 </ l.~ ~II· •I< n 1·1· I r >:bPll mrmbt:•·! pnor 11. 'rhur9J11y 11 nw<'11ni.; 5., w.orns .\!r11. 1JRy, 111.'l'tn l\ll\'" R "t'' k f"r pe11· 1:1 ... ~,J J ·,.1~r1mn, pn.>l(t'lun l h1ur1n11.n of Lh<' uri,,'\ln1z.at1<1n. The Orl'ng11 County Alumna" ple to llve and "'Ork t<Jj;•'lhl'r in ~llony ''1 "11 r i;••·•i •~t Thia !11 the Annu•l TlnlW'l 1.'r •. 11harec\ by bOlh ""1110.-11.nd. ctub or Alp h11 XI Dell& .tororlty t ht11 d ay." H e a d\"J,...,! 11trnni;Jy ••~·e riin •I" "1''' th· l•-•TI• Junior Ebt•LI, The prOJ.;Tl<lll. ''Chn~l nll•& 'Hnu11d the \\'nrl<I," v.·1 11 ln,.!1111 officer" on S11t urd11y, lh!ll Jlllrf'nl" "hot1l<l \>l11n plfl y :~/11 '"""'• 1 ' !J"· ,-,.,,t w ill fl!H!llrll 11t>n,i:• an11 a1 11r1e11 ~·n 11'\at llit.-ine u.nu v.ill ~0111• Df'<'. 10 11\ lhe hon1,. or J.tl s 11 llm 11 for <""hl!drl'n ns V."t>ll 1111 "''urk 11" ntnbi•i•;l 1~. 1111 1 '·.• ,, ... 118 In •·hhfll" t•f llrTlllll(Pm<'nl,.. Thi· •·lub ~ ·""""'nJ.: 111•clion n1.-1 •ln l)o>r ! 11t lhP J:lAlbn11 l!urne of ,\!1 ~ r>nn linol,i:n111 n t<• """' 'loll ::;hir!l'.I' Kaye. 2670 Sol11nn. \Vay. lln1t . fn r p lll)' i11 a11 ,,. .. ,.,.~~nry fl' .,. • '""' ' '"" '1 ' mo•nre Ill l "•l.'i r n1 l kN1r~ IO Tf' to b" OJ'<'O tu """llllM'I J 1111d l,ll).'""Uiia Btal'tl. f\l ra. R !ctlllTd E , t'Vt'r)' other f'llTl 0 fs:-r<IW\n): "I' l><>tl.1· !!1:0" I),,, 1 ur I• '' ! • •I lh<'lr gur11!11 l<l I pn1, 1n !hf' Amrr1c11n L(>g1on hall 1n 11n\er '4 1•1•d AH i!•l"l • I ,,,. ~h,.Jlenberger. JH<>1•\nc" pr,,.~ident. ~!rs. lilt~h G•.Jwin".• r.11 I ~r .. u! tti;• 1..,,.,11 r , . , 1 1 .. 1·1•'"' ~Pt'• 1 .. 1 \'ul~ nrt~ni.:~n111ntR for t11 blc11 and nllHl\•!ls. 1 rrl · t otrl 1 • 1 I t d t" I ' "'·1 10 C!A l'. Cl'I"& Oue n· TO<lp /'re~!'1\f .,.,...,,,.,.~ nn"ll•:l••f \\,~~ .. .,,11 The~ ,,..,u I>,.· 1·or11nbut•d ny n1 .. n11><•r11. Jun1urt "·UJ ha•·e a lltlllltd n.re : the rr•.,.,<l•·nL ~I n•. J """l'h •··•t'-,,,, ,.,., '" J ,.,, ., \I h1111.1ar 10·!11·1c ,i:1f;,. will b.i 1<\"1tll11hfr. 1.l rll. Dnnlllrl t,, snyrl<'r, G11rden vrr, 11nnnunr f'l1 lh1tl 111.. 11,,r~<'" 0 nly 1,,,,,1 1 , 1 ,., •• 1 •• , ''""·•n.i: "''1'111'111. I .\lr11. Anu·l,11 t :a rn hl .... ,,,1 her"'"}"~ 1111,1 inran.• rnrnrnitt"e Grov<'. prrsi.lrnt: ~ll~!l !'>'<ncy Ensign !'-T A C".or·nh·~·I 1111<1 l1•'<'n ,., 1o "' ,.,, 1 t 'J,.,, 1 . llHllH ;t: 1.11111 .f' w ill haJ1till' t ho• Rr\Olllll ~111'· ,,f 11'11l t~kt·~. A IMO "long th!! Bnyd, S Rnlll An11. \'lCf'·p Tl"!ldrnl; " ~u1a.•hJn1: "11'•' <'~~. fi11.11,.·111Hy l'n,J. I :-;• ,1 .., ;- T li" luidi.:·· S•• 1,.011 . w i!h t-l r• hn••s .. r \hi' spu !t .. r th•· 11<';, .. \fon . r11,n1b,.rs \ltc bt'1ng urg•·d to Ml11s R~•)•I Srt.:ley. G11n ten Grov ... and in r:vcry o1 hl'r 11"' j 1(.111··•\ t•~h'""" "" ,11 .. 111n:•n. I\\~\ hnn,i: ~·pd·1nfly w"'l'l"''r J:•ft~ ,.,r li ilu!t pati.-n!s •l Or1ing.-rrr ordinJ( 11 .. 1-rrt .. ry; :'ollss Doro-A f]IW~t io•n 1111•1 Afl,.,;.r r"rl'"' Tt,,. h 1' 1' 1 11 · 1' t">' R1<'tk••k. F'ull,•rt,,n. ,,.,,,,,. fn llO"-""•! \h,. ·1, •• 111ro•. 10!1 ••· 1<l•"h '''\ f•r th" ~·•1 •' ·' .1.-.r!i•• f••r 1h<' •·ll r!dr"" At lh" 411:i tt;:• r·,,,.11 \l" ""~l'•ln l M i·~ l {:1·1 .• l<' l"'.1!1-. "' 1hn111n1i n of th" .. , " 0 (' l (I I'_../ l e i i ·' ( .. , 357 N. r·-.. ·~--· r · • ... • l' .... r· Pl i'' ·I II I : l , I " 1 I l.1•! \\••·k In 1h•· Ill•"•" ••f t-t ~~ C•H>n!y ll•""f'lllll Thr y 1<h,,t1!•t ~ >t•Rtk••d whcth•·r for 11111.11 " :-:,11.,u..i ·''' :'\"r,d in ~"ll lA A 11 a, <'r : .M r•. \\"•rren Hawkin•, O r-re fr<'~hn1rn!.• v.· .. re l'~l"\'•·d. ·-------------------------1 o r""""""• ~T l .• J /t<•k IJ"}1Rn, v.·rlrRr<" ch .. 1rnlllfl , 8nnoun1•fd. 1----------------I ,. ' 'l•th ~1 1· 1r1111 l<•o):RJI ·'·"' ,·.,·11'»1· an1tr. corn>~pondtnr ,,,..cr.-tary. _fl &:-Li Q' . "~~. 'f t ,. J 1, 1 ~nl\)1•1 Ill•• \111,i: II 111 1--------------------------------1, .. ::,:11."\·"· lll~fl,l~~\Qn!',(,W.'"\•ll .f~~ a ...... • •, I ug __ · r,"'e t . --~,,:) /') fff"l-.1----..----, __ ,.,_,,,_ ...... ~~--"·~"'"~"'J-OAYGH.'.f.ER-1B-H0S'f-¥.SS,-------t-"·"·-·· -. . ····"-. ~" or0pt1·m·ists-~ ,...,. _..,.,.,., l'.-hJk.-. ,n (',,10>1111 olrl ;\\a r Alurnn11e at thll Chf'f"11 Inn, C'('l r-~~:0~\r~h~::~ll~~r•. snyder 1. hin-Aid Girls Cltib ~ Upholst ery C !ca1~e cl Named President or Toaatmistress (S<'e l"art 1 !I.In• J ~n'"" 1,n\o• "''" ,.J,.l'lf'tl 'IH1111ll~IL ,,f th;. [)<l''k ·'"~ll"n RI I •11' fir -t n1 .... 1111i.: ="•·•I n1.-. .. 1111t;: ••r 1h" h<>~·k 11·1\1o n ,,..,II b-1n '.lan111111· __ 1 N oven1 her Projects of Cub Sco ut Pack 187 .. HI 1111 ",\ T" The rnlntf ul Hnlh Kt ,\\\Al •l~ t••r "' '""'""!llf'nt1> f. un•I h••n• r~ h"~\'"''"•I •'11 !hr fvllow- tl\L J ,,.,, ·\ ll1 "'" • \l.~n.!rr. W•>l f h11d1:P .l'>hn \l".ll 11im~. w ntf-llR.•!.R,., 11 ,11 .,\.I l!..0 1k.-r "'"lf bolo\):" "'"th i,:•olol ''''" fl•ll">I i lJ Rn'i<"! h<'R.l h.•,Jg··. !'.·.! H.11·k,.r. If.,., h-"•I.:" i ""·l Hroh.!!•I ]lH\\.•hn. lion IJ"•li,. w11 h lt"I•! ,,,.""'" 1,11 1.ll AJC(l\\"S Clinton Coanes Note Wedding Anniversary "tlh ~. "'II~ l<fl-1 110 IH.•Sf':I. ]1"'1 I \l."A . In ~ .... ,,,,,, p!B! ". Drn 3 ........ 1n \hi!•\ p\,,,I' {h'n JO l'nn1• 1n 11 f11.:h11ni.: !"llr lh Hll ·l l l~n~ 7 ~n•J ,»B bo1Th rlt•\<'rn1lnrrl nnt In he in 1~,t ,.,,\\···•\ II" n11tl t~r Iii· 1)1111: r .... r,r1h r 1. .. " J A. P.n1•r n or 2;.~7 \\"r~lmln· 1 •t• r """ w ~~ •11r pll~"'I I ~~!. ~ftl • ur .,,.. r,1_::11\ bv " .:1 o1up nf fntr:(1~ ~rrl~1n.: to hf'lp ""leb rllle h 1 I 1,,,. h•l>t ). T '·pir:>! (All ro ''""hmf'n!• ,,·err M'l"l•··I l•I '.\l o ~ B•·""" P r .-.~··n t 11"'" ~f,,.~,~ '"'I ,\l n1"~ 1!111111•1 1·,1nn1n1>"I•""'· T .• J F••"rll Jr .. 11 F 4"•,f1 n11>n 1i .. ~1 "r l'~r1 ,r' Hoag Auxilia ry to Enterta in Press \V on1 en ·r hn r !,,•ini: ~~r1•n10 .nr. b1· flrn !O o1.-.111 .. r1~1r~1<'d h \' l11:ht1ni:: n •ft ll•ll" 111 t h" •ta1ko~·~ thft! ,,,.,,. (•1 111 •' Hl•I 11 .. ok., h1.• hri n1r ht:i:ht· 1' II "l t,,· (.,II," l"l~ th<' 1 ·11 h f:, •>Ill .,ni.1""'11 A l~n ,,,,., ""If >.h·· •• "n •·\1 ••I I •"1l"•r e 11\nt . D··nnl~ 1:.n•!• " '11'•! 11 11 nn ! 1 ~1.h.1 1 •! 1 1,,hn~r. 1•·,~ll "'h •r Al · '"". ~1··111 !'"" .·, ~1ar ,· ~1 '11"1 ·""L\l•,. ~!A r Rno\ rrRll: ('11 11 1~ 11••lf l•·•·li.:,. Vi •Ill f'f'n ~. T1n1r11y \\'11l1nn1• ti• nn~1 • ... 1r1r" 11 r:·I .l ·•h •1 l iu~h, A~~•~l-"nl <!f'nn,.r ~ •t•·I"' ~·1 "n1 ri~n l" l!"lr h :-:111n· n•• I f>l l'<i •!,,. 1•1\h ~hi "I'"". A11: 1•.1 ' ~.11~,. nrr•"' t >a1·1·! r.. ... - J.:• .J ! •· rv1. r •Lu "n I .J11n1 f~ ~·h r1<T"T1 '"r: •l'T\!." .~t .11 . Ft Pn\ I •"n I l'l,.,.,. i'h•'<!·I Travel P ictures U~h<'1 1n,; In 1hr l'l~ · IH\lt.lRy ~""!'On rh .. ,\,,~•h'\r1 , r I!•·•>: .\!('1nnn11 1 rr,,•1111111 "'!I lr .. !1• 1· lh•• "Ol'•1rn o f l h <' l'I<'•-" Al " 1·h1 ... :. "'8.11 h1 nch" n 11 .. , -~ ft ! th•' It· \lf\e L"nun11y i·l11 t1 '1'hla l.'1 n1ir 1u<.I ~<trh 1un· f ht>on ·. ""Y~ :-.1 1 ~ !• ~1 11.n.n, .. 1 r rr.'1Jdrn1, ""11 n<\ \\<" hnj'<' 1\ \!Ill J.<'r,•t In II .!tlllRll \IA\• (•l •tLt W ""' 11 ppre~11.t 1nn '" th•"" !"r U,..,, fine co1·r r-"1:r ,.f ,., >t "' .,. •• ,,, • The P,,ro'\l!l\'f' h H I 111 ! ~l ll n•I · tnr !'on1m11 \r" h•" • 1•1 I i-:1•"\ \he 1tU".'<l • a n.i 11 •t>• 11 <1•1111n•u · 1• J'll.tln"<I "h"tr1 n lho• h·11<h • ! rnm rnl!tf'I"• 11•111 .,., fc.rth thPLf prtl T ''\II \L Pl"."• 11 , 11 \IXLh ~I ~" • '"' . ! ..• ~ ~·· I\ ... 1• '•11r l' . I ·' ' • ' ' • An,.llw1 l1Lt· ~1 ,.p T""••r•I h1<rnn1- 1n.: 1• 1:. v :-:. 'lli ":>• t"k"n hi' r~'T h ll • i Hr I l1n\\.•"!l ttn•I R1 rh~r'l H1<1·v.o .... 1 "r• .. 11''"1"' <:T•-IUIO !,.r! 1n · '" I ,. \I I , J ,, , ·r i. · 11 ' ti • J' n· ... 1 ·1 • I .. ' .~ 111'··1 •,.tt .i·~ 111 "1\" 'I" •!,• r!L\" l:or•I _ r"r ""!Th l='""J •IP<•ol '1"11" I' hk,. h~lll !i1g 11 • nr ·L·· 111 •l,11 knl'•.'< '"'" 1 .. t h•· 1·11 11•1 11111• h !1•lr11~ 1•11,lt 1.s: "n h .. ~.t 11. n ~11 1 fl •t'•l;ni.: "" F11,l n,1· !)<>• 11\ Am • <'I I• •I II >II t)•· "~""'" II ( -~ r rn Tu"••!,,\' 1n th<' J,tl !le F."hr ll ('hib , ... ,., 11 n aJh"1 u ;1 ' Hord Cenes Condy • Candie s Modelin g Class a t Girls ' Club R•pre&enla!l1·t 11 or th,. :-;, ...... r ort ll1u bor ~·1rnpt1 m lst 1·111h 11·111 m ret \\'!lh lh<' el(eo:ut f\"f' b ... 1it! • f -~:. '' ';'., r i''.'..,:·; ;:::" r;, $ ( ~ :il C.. ~ L, ~: :: rr, • Pcrs:c n £\:.:q .::..--1 \ . .:-~:..s I ' 11, 1.,. \, 3420 Via lido -I IA. ' .. ~ .. -·"' ;::::.========:-====··-----_ _____.._ --------- FOR HOME PERMANENTS 0 AN' S BARBER SHOP J I ·. _\ 1"1 !IHI I, r I ' I ~· DALBOA Tllf:ATltt; JU.1)0, llAl.llOA Corona d e! M.J r Opt>n Tuf"S(l•y lhru !'.11urd111 1tl.I 811Bn Breaks Bottleneck 1rs SLOW TO SHIP MY FORTY THIEi ES ALL 60TTLED UP IN JUGS FE !;:H ~P~ TH E · YELLC'~V P~C-=S WIU HELF ~\E MOVE MY TH UGS Ust!d by 9 oul of 10 peep/« ;>!' fltose who s,11 or '"'n 'e .tl ' ~.' ,,,. ?/'" (f ,r., .. _ , . (_ ..... , , j "'. ,,, • . ' '· II '" Fe.::: T ~~:~E ~~-r ="~i 17 f\\.: ,_ ....... ~\,. \ .-., ". ''• . - • 'I I' I"" t -• ~ ... , l ~' • , ,. • • J .... .............. ~ -~ ~: , .. ' 'i .. .. -· '-fR. ~~~ ~11~ & 1'.fRS. ROY NEl~SON HUNTER ' -Don Bush Photo HUNTER-.ABBOTT DUO WED AT MT. CARMEL Nuptial Mass Unites Harbor Young People l.01•ne P )'•' •11 fl<m'<'t g irl. we11r- 1ng a plr11led 111rquoi11<' blue t n•t•k and pink hal 11nd t'1<rryinJ:: a ,.111<111 '"~•·i.:ay ot n 1rn11u nn11 ><nr1 ~n1Rl\ purple flower11 for good hwk. THE \.\'01-.fEN'S GOLF TEAM and altematea were honored guests of Jr\'ine Coast Country Club's president Tom Henderson last Thursday at the club. ).frs. Harold Arr(•s w:o; acting-hostess and responsible for the clever table decorations. Tean1 captain !\!rs. Ralph Compton presented gifts to the two high point playera. ~lm('s . Ra .... ·son Foote and To1n Henderson. Jn appreciation for their help and support !\Iris. Cornpton and h<'r assistant, J\frs. Lindsey Youngblood, were tendered gifts by the team. Consist<'ntly good golf btought the team in. third place in their first com1}Ctiti\'C n1atches held this fall in Southern California division of the WSC;A. L to ll standing: l\frs. Ral)Jh Compton, Capt. 1.1rs. Harold Small, J.fmes. J Tl)m Henderson, t:l~ie 1.t iller, Edward' Lenihan, Rosalie Vance, WaJync Hall; (kneel- fngJ 1-.ln1cs. !\lary h'.. Brown, Robert Mangan, J ohn Drury and J erry Helperin. - ~taggie J)rice Photo --- --------------------= LAGUNA CHURCH TO HEAR DR. E. S. HOLMES SPEAK Dr. l::nn'11! S. H oln1t'8, foun.Jer of Church O( ·RellgiOOi s,••f'11c" 11:id <io-1<n of lh" 11Mt1tul .. u1 Loli Angt'le.9, will 11pt-11k Ill the 1\1l L:,t!t,.1-}'. L1i:uu1< l:l<'>h'h, De<:. 9 Bl 8 pn1. Dr. Holm('&' u pt>"Hl'IUl<'O". "')llt'll UI "J'"ll~On;(I by \he S,•rv1ce Guild, i• • "'l"'('JHI ""'""' 1n hun .. 1· ut lh• h r"\ 11.nn1veT1111r;' or the charlet l'",.~"nl 11t1<011 to th,• 1.,.~un,• LWIH'h Churrh ut ReJ1giou~ Sc-!pnce. For Alpha Phis litrs. J. J. 1'.:yman. '4 12 \'la Pi· uztt, Lido 1.~1~. will be hoste:i• 011 D~. 12 Ill a J11n~h«1n to r men1- ber• ot A lpha Ph.l A lunin11e club. At the Cracker Barrel 1'1rwe 11~ 1n•·t<pl1un:. ytar 111:0, "'hen ffi!'01bcra ""h O n1ado Jn a. 9 ll. m. Nuptia l ~f u ss at Our Lady nf ~fount Car-\\'11.yne B. Huntt'r ""'"" grnou15-1111p111·,.1tun fur •hfllt• r nunibert'd 60. the c-hurrh h .. grow9i mE"I Church, ~liss ~fargaret ~lary A nn Abbott and Roy inan. • 1&1111 1<]'r•· .. ;t until nn"w 1t11 "'"nil>f'n1hip hu nearly tripled and C'Cl ""n Hunte '""' U "l"d · · Th Rn I ·as I 1'he r~·,.ptinn 1•••• heht "1 the fn,,not~ 11r" 1n••ll1&11P .t b.1· the h1111dr•'d ll. = r .. , e n1 " Ln m arr1agC'. e ,-\'. ~uc 11 0111,. or th<' bric!•'~ iu1rent~. w11 11 j Toucht>y officiated at the t;ingle ring: cc:rf'mony for the .\Ir-a Ahbnll lt""''ll<"I in hh•c-k J;H'e Th·· ni. .. ·t1n~ ,,. Pp«n !o th" pubUc. Th .. re .,.,.11! be a. rrl'e daughter of ~lf.. and Mrs. Claire Lee Abbott. 206 Billboa w1u1 wh•L•• Jllr k<'t. while hut ._,,1111 ...... u .. rt•·n n i;:. A •"l'H<1ty rro.,..·d 1a 11.nta·1pated and 11:at1nc an·t'•~nril'll a nfl pink <'Prn1&Uon ,-,,r-"!"""' Ju,,•!•·d "''' l'"t~••llS un~ a1h ·11ed to 1·on1e eAJ"Jy. Blvd. 11n<1 tht RQll n r ;\Ir. 1111'1 :.trll. \\111\2 h•ni;th. A 11ho1l \'CIL "''&I Kl· ~llJ;:f'. 'rhe bn<leKTOOnl'"' lllOU,..r l-------------------------------- H•r•m Ntll!On Jl unler, 107 'fur-lllt'he<I to it ltn;.-"'hlltl a11un hir.t WI\!\ IHlllh\e lO be prl'Sl'nl, ~1 rs. q11 .. 11111 Al'l'. adurued "'Ith 11ee(I jlt:l rla. !11• hill :-il:.nfr.\' l'ulukl. 1111,1 ,.r-Hl-i&"' o r H&.ll:Ql 't:T <'01.A.Ht~ "''nrn lll!rr "''11h lhr i;:riui.i;: '"1'11)' the htld•. &1'11•1<ted ""1\h r•t•rpliun Altllr flo"·l'ra w«re ot White an~I <'l•.•lun1• nf "'hrlt' hh,~r """r ·~,.11n, r1e~a!la. pink •loc>k nnngl•d .,..Ith pur•pll' f111! llklrt«<I An<t v.·1th mal<'h1n1 rhrym11nthe1nun1", t'c>hoing the \'\II-"'h"r,t or11 ot lhe brlr1aJ bouquet or pink r11roa tlon1 r•ntrred "•1th a lari:e pur ple orrhld cor883e ""'Orn l11ter by I h11 brtr1 e on lhe honeymoon ,\fargRret .,.. ..... e11eortl'<f lo the 11l111r an1 I it!"en 1n ke .. r 1ng hy hr•· f•lh•r. She .,.. .... g.1 ... •n..,J in purl' WhllP Aalln W~ltl lllOlo1ed bc>lll\ ... hrl .. r sleeved" 111111 "'llh M"nol1ni: ~.,1111r, The •kirt tJ11re(!.11n(t .,. . .a 111 FORMER SHERIFF AT 110 .\lt: Mesa Opti-Mrs. Will Install Holiday Plans of Auxiliary for Veterans Tv.·t n ty-1 .... ·o 1•t:ter•M trom Long lh •11c-h Ver.rsns Aclmln111tral1on Caro Eaton ia loo busy painting, X-mae ahopping and addret>lli.ng cards to sound o(f in this 11pace as usual ANO HO\V ARE YOU 00.. ING \VITH YOUR X·MM LIST.! .IO<ln Crawford Barry Sullivan '" "The Queen Bee" "Port or H,.11·· • NEWPORT H/\OS":''l r '!".'.~15 PP.ESS -PART I . PAGE l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 Calendar of Events f)t:(', • calo:--1 4l p.1n . Le11011 Hall. HARl\OR \'JE\\' Yule dram• T:30 p.m. •<"hool au<1Horfurn. nr:r. • C'AN'OV CA:-.E BALL -I p.m. " Bal. Bay Club. Jlt:c. 10 HARBOR \'IE\\' PT-A dra fl\9 - 2:30 p.m . .al r.chool. TOASTMASTER S-D d11y Pro· J OB'S l'lAUGHTERS -pubUe rra.111 7 p.n1. NliYC. l11•l&Jlatio11. 8 p.111. f'ttday A.n_.. 11oon l'lubl,jowe, CHRISTMAS toy .. ie-10 e.rn.J,:===""====;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. ~•rue Center. BOY SCOUT-Rero(nlllon din· ner 7 p.in. OCC. !:BEU.. nu VEL Sec:llon -I p.nl, ··tubhUUIU'. UF.<'. 1 CH.RJSTMA!:l T~:A-llaµ.at 3-6 p.1n.-St. Jan1"' l:hUff'h. ~fT. CARl>tEl. Counrll ~ o·arol progran1 12:30 p rn, Ill churc-h . nt:c·. 11 EBEW... Tl~SEL T~:A A n111ml- * * * * Tote Bags Knitting Bags Crochet Bag Kits· Hand-Knit Wear Give a Certificate fo r Knit Dresa or her own selection \\'e Give S&H Grttn Sta n1pa blanches Yarn Shop 3og 11:? Marine A ve. Balboa Island TllE O•O~ rou CAl'f PLAT AT ONCJ:I tlMw~-- HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Tb11 W.ote r-u.,. C.. l'la,y " \\'l\laoll\ r.-o-1 S ow! So l'oleed .. T!Ute L ·M<lrl• Come In and Prave It to Younelf \\'11 aln lnvtte JOV. \o 0-9 .. .00 trJ the """' U&m1110Dd Spin"' ()r••o--Sow A\·.ua.ti.le DANZ-SCHMIDT 810 PlA!'<O & ORGA...'11' 8TOU: ll1•adq11arle n tor "-11 Modele H.a.romo11d Or•an. Kl 2·!\140 !\to S'°'. :"tlntn ·~~to~t;i.e ~t11u((e,. ~¥Jtt/tl" CT/ Corona del Mor 3117 a..,.,.-~ -'di U"yinl "° ··~H s.U. ll dr-<m ... 1•6Jl'Mll ........... ..--~"'"" _..... ... -1ntpo.. ...,. ....... -.,,.,_ .. .. o·-... itwa~ _.._.,..,u. UAurnJt SYSTUI _, n. ,..._ p6iloi .,,,,..... ............ ..................... ,__. blpe. ~ ...... ............. ,..0.- ,..:te ••• ---... d tnUtlnn .•. ~ _,....,,_ .... -·--~--11------""""'-__ .. """" ............ ··-<-.,.,... ..... Qtrl~nn.• P'"'"''i • ....... •• it/tu('~for 19'15- Stauffer Sy srem Herbor 1742 E. Coest High.way For the Best Results in Advertising -Phone H•rbor 1616 Toastmistress Club Names N e\v Officers l••n·~ 111 thu• ,1 .... p Rt\·1 pr"!"""'I 11.1-ea •>t hu111"n kr"'""l,,!o:~ kn•own .. ,. l&•lrOIJ"Ul\ '" lf\"1'1Tt:lll' l'ill1•" th" 1n1! 1,1I •lllu f't ~··n· Offlr"r" -,.Jto,•! r ... r '"" n r w •atu•n •. 1 1~11 ; •ru .. •u· an.I ~11n•l1' Y'"r ""le ""'"''! ti" lla1l><•t b"vk,. h ~•·r ,..11 .. 1 111 l"••t!I~<' nu111-Tna•l n11~tt ,.,.rt {'\uh 111 lh,.1r nw,.l· lwr r1 .. n1 lh" 1:ri11t u1~ )'1>«•.-~ lnir: '-lvn o\M\' 111..:ht 111 llc>~r•tah1 » "~' M p!Hl"''l1n~ lu 11111• 1h·· 1or- Ho u11 .. llrtlh.•a :-.;,,,. <'111, ··•• !•t I" t .,,i,.1,.,n 1,. th•• tnt•u l""" nn - tJ.e 111,IAll•ol f'/lll.\• Ill .l10 llU"" tn-:0r1 :;<'Ill" nt !ll"'" "·t k• 11'U•\ ,Ju.I"!'!•!<" 1 ~t r·,. A I':' J r>hn~••n, P"l l••l•P bo• l'll\Pi.:<•111."•I rt ~ "''~tl\,. r rrsld•·nt . :\It• Jo:.t""r<I :\1 ,1 k••· lhl11•11 ~nt1 .. ,,. tnnk·· "'' , .... ,.!•·rh••• 1·1rh. ~'"" "'"""!P!\1 . :\1 1 ~ Fl IHlk l'lt h1•tut\•".•! ·····u 1 Ml'\' 1r1ol 11.111111 <"l,.nd(11r n "'"1"\•''' :\1 ••-• 1·1111 t .. 1.,1 ... u A Thu •I •fll">.:"1' a1 - lotte ~k 1n11••t 1r"11•11r.,, ·rh .. 1·11,n 1 H·k~ 11i. 1•1•·hJ.,,, ,,, 1111-h1r1 .. 1 rerre,.en1 rt l!•'•• 11111! uJt,.rnaT,. "'" '"'" f1u1n \'.01.u .• II • ,,,i,1 f'l"''~,., 1111! t'le("l f<I until 11•)0.\ ~I"'"~ ••,•"IT>lu !•1111~ ~<I,,.,, on{!hull 1 l 'll'll:'I.'!; l 1,0 .. 1. 111 Jl•",6 '.\lltr• "Ill ,,.. >•II !" • •I lh " 1,.~. 111 t ' .. ··~· ll•I""'"""' 1&! ,.,,.,.,, ,11, n, l )I l\Hhil!ol~•!I J""!il• "' . '"'" "' '11 •1 ''"' ~.-.·11 t !'""'''-''''' "~ , f , h1!!"1onc r1""' .1 .. 111 .. n 1 II•· ! "" L ••• trutl !Ill<" ,\ ,·.,nq h·I •• hl'I •I\ r ~, '"' 1• n••:•··l h1 111 .. a .• n •.• 1 ah•I "•'"" ''"'dint I),,. l•I'~"-'•H•· a\11,..-1 '"11~ ... 1h• ·•··~· '''''"•'1'•" •·! lh• lte<I l'!an• ! ' IMesa Matron ''l•n 1L,.\\• I 1.<t ~I "Jn\' ""'·n1111:. ti l ••n I '' " '"r 111·1111: t'•nn1 !1\1,.,\ w11 h "h•• l'l ''"""t"•I :Olt,. (_'•off· I '·; tn1 ! II ! " < ., k,. A 11 <1 n·11r,1· L•J!• l '1••~ 111 f'1r thr 11u 1pn,oe P1'l'I)' .,.,.: .. \I ••··•.• 11n•I '.\hlh''" F. H Ji•• ,11. T .J ~···"•11 .I r t'h,. .. \~r ,. 1i.1 ~."1"n 1• ;'o:a~h and •1 n "Lh1"1 M ••O:"'"' M i~ Jrl'JOI• ('.I." k'''"'' Hrl•I f o, hr'•~h J 1111,!le. ll1' t '•'11nu111• nnd lh•• l.n•I'< '.\Ir R:!ol .\1 1• ~··!•••!' ll• •I I hlldtPll ll••hll\ ll1•h.or1< 1'••1111 l ,1n•I H•>n· nl•! 1'11·11,1•· 1 .. M l !~n I W•'f" ~Ir ''"! :111· ll"' ·1·1 ··•1nn1n~ha1n ""'' ~\1 • • -,"f111nr. , 1»•·1 ll• r ~r .,.,,, .. J1 ·1·w1.: "f :<1111 -r~~"~ Renner J l>1 r,,. A nlurnn. f'l&n~ ".,.,., 11\1\1!~ 101· 11, .. ""-1,1 l•~n."11 1 .. '"'t'l'"'h"n•t null ) f'ht )JOlni•~ P•ll• ,., b.r 1,.,11 Pr P,"h"l•l"•n htt,o ~lii•·rn /<>r ArrP1>tlnt • lln1tl1•d n111111><·r "' 1•upll• for l>lllnn Dtr 1'2 •T th" , luhh"""" A n "'"t•llr t·~il!n ~ on 1h•t "" l'lt\.,nlpt~ ('nnt'rrt l'lRnl•T "t Thto•f' ( "nlfnf'nl• "ohn" Dutt h l\U r\1011 f, 11""'••1 lh• 1n h,. ,._, •tntlf1r 1n ~<·,·unn i.; 11 11,1 Hradualr !011111,nl of t\f'ls llJ1r1ol. bu81nen meeting R .. rr .. "hm,nt• J•lh,rin,1: 111 .. tA r t•. yr! •l thP 4S6 Sf.rn Dri\·r; Ph. llar. 2089 """ • .,.. Mrved by Mt1. 1'!1rkn•·1eh . """1' ''"'" h'!' rlll"~ d1~c11MO m any ! Corona Hicblaadl -Corona del Mar l'i~••. and Mra. P•l B,r1Pr. 1 •1· ~. " f'•••,, '"' 11'1• hn-m•n. 1" !'··'·'··'·"··"··"-"··"··"··"·-._., .................................................. ~ ............... . for11 •my Cltri1t111111. '. • give ELECTRIC ti/II Thft'• 11 '°""'hl"I dtttrk•1 l•t1 rtpt f~ netiOM Ofl yMr tkt. S.. Y'*' '-k-r .... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON POI A MAPftll ltlf.':!I UVI 1ucra1CAUYI, • " I J j 'I GAVEL CEREMONY FOR NEW PRESIDENT Charles E. Hart, president of the Newport Harbor ~ard of Realtors, hands the badge of office to presi· dent-elect Roy McCardle, following realty board election Thursday. Seated, left to right, are Kath- erine Olson, new secretary-treasurer : McCardle; Mabel Fitzmorris and Art Adair, vi ce -presidents. Standing in back, left to right, are Matt LaBoi-de, new director ; Hart: and Hub Powers. holdover director. Farel Walker will continue as executive 11ecrctary. -Staff Pboto WEIMER'S CAPLAN'S MOTION DENIES DAIRY REQUEST SANTA ANA, \OCNSl -On m otion of planner \faller Welmn the ('()Unty plannmr 0•11mml$llion Wl'dne-Say denied s. D . Capkln's r.qut'l!t for pe1 m 1 .. Jon lo utablt&h a dairy on the 110uth 11hlc> ot G111ltr Ave. At!Jactnt ~ the ~ut bMk of th• B&nta Ana Rlvn , n.orthwut nf Cost.a MuL The health department recommended denial ~ of • 8eMOUI d~lnl.&'• problem. WAY TO GARDENER'S HEART Gifts of Tools for Christmas Said Ideal Way to Please Him Confuclu1 didn't aay "the way to a gardener's heart 11 throuch hut .tool 11hed" but IC ho! had con. cerneJ him3eJr w ith auch matters h4' in1~ht well havl'. For It !ft true. Parllcululy around Chrlal· I n11u1 tin1t! wht>n family membt>ni and trlenJ1 are Meldnc juat the right gift to pleaao the cardener. A big Item In it•rdeif gadget.II for a tool .11hed and certainly a 1pec11u treat for any gardener \s U\e spreader -uetd for laying gl'lll!,. ll4'ed or dllltrfbutlng fertlll· Ur. The Cal1fom1a A._'l.lloc1atlon or ~ur~crym(•n B•l\'\•w that ot th•• KT'f'Bl vn n!'l y of type!I of apread· er11, th,· lhopper should choosr only froi;q-thuse that lel the seetl. nr fertilizer out In a gradual, uni· form manner. Ot courae. there a re any num· btr of t oo\11 -rake11, hot•11, 11ho· vels and cultivators -that will be welcome In the tool shtd. Each type or hoe. t'lhovel and cultivator docs a el'rlam Job best. Check with yo ur nurseryman when you llt'l<'cl them to be sure you're get· duuta: othera ipee.tallM m one upect of planll. Ally and all of lhNe w1U be we{come s1ft1 to a ,ardener. Another type of prden a1ft are the bird bath•, am&ll benchu. 1tatuazy aii d ceramic anlmw that m!onY prdenera enjoy ualng tor decoration. Your nuueryman '\\1U have a f~ aelectJon ot lh•M -in fact, of all type. of garden g1rta. Whm you do your Christ· mu popping for your prdmer f riend or tttaUn, atop at your local nureeryma.n'a to maJce your aelectlon1. November l•Bcllnt 'Low' at Anaheim ANAHEIM (0CN8 ) -Build· Ing fell ott •pin thl.a month, ac· cordlll&' to recorda \n th.a building lnapecU>r. office. Total n.Jue o f permJta f..u.d tor November, BuUdlng Inirpector H omer Wal· 1aoe llLld reachrd $2,035, H8. He "" . ~ .. '-:un.y enn .s l1cre1se 11°/o in November SANTA ANA (OC~S) -Or· anre Cc-unty BuJldJnr 1howed a 18 per cent inert.,. h1 N ovvnber O\·er Oc~ot>.r. a bu1ld1ni depart· mtnt dl•cloHd I»c. l . However\ the total valuation wu do•-n 39 per ~t over •tht Mm• m onth lut yev. Tot.al P<"r· mlta l•ued In Ult• county o~r 11 monthl: U ,187. At the aame per· lod laat year 12.9112 pcnnlta naJ beM bandtld OU l. Valuaum on ~MJ'lltt t1111ued for L'M year to date 1:1&1 .oared tu $111.m .eoo. Tiie total vaJuat1on • year &&'<> WU $92.M U>61. Dunne N ovemtH!r. "78 bu1ldlnr J>tm\lll were i.laued, callln&' Car $7,502,IH •·orth ot building In Ora.np County. pointed out, thla ttgure •llll u · ceeda Jut m onth'• total, wh11'11 w u Ole ytar'a luwut. with a tab M t at $1,806,SOS. I Remarkably enough. Wall110·11 revealtd. or the dwelllnr pl'nn1111 luued, an were for thl' alngle variety, "no dupluu, trlpl<'llll'll or apartment hou-." 1 1•' "fl • •1n, 1r '"'""'. t1wf'11· In. • h•I ,,, I "n 111 $11 078,79'.l 1 l lU I" h&J jillll\IU &llllChP\1. Ready Mixed Concrefe IJI 1plte of the Cfl!Wllt Sho"-a" We A.rf' M.aklA« E\•f'ry Poe-lb\• Effo rt to 8aU.ty lbe NHda of Our Oro••ln& Commualty. For Co~rele -Oall llL WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE l!.'\ C'ommettlaJ Way COSTA au:sA. I.I IC·.\11'!! ~ulnC'y .t Hwy :JllA Huatlnaton f\r b. t ""'· e-•tsv Dress up worn furniture surfaces with m ico rta· \Ae n• ........... r ••t• • ••1 e Home ana G. d ~t~:~:::::t ct:e :~r P:::: g::~ 1 a r en sec: ta and tllKeases your J:arden· I 11ng a cqualntancee will a ppreciate hnse altad\Jllenls. pump liprayer• Chl'rtaluocl Heirloom• are "WIRTH" Having & GivbtcJ • \"011 can rn~lc nld r11rr1i111rc kiok like new Oll:d'" '''th \11. 011 l:t-t l1c lllJ~t·I• •ll:,.f 111f.o •1 oC 1url~c111i:. J 11,t cut IC tu >11C 111.t s:luc ii nHr 1111· ,,f,I •111· f.11l\1 1il1\\'d .l ..... 1 l ~Ull.111 c. ... 111t'lll. O ulv a ll·11 ~""I le I•••'' a1c f l'IJll;H.!. M h ,111.1', i:,10•4111111~ hcJuly \1 di Lo•I 1 .. 1 '""11 ""'·"''"it olln • J11•.11· IU~ rf!'l'LHll,_C ltl ~, 1.•h 1ti -.., or t!u.&tl'rs for &pr:\ylng. Ho wUI PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I ccrta1n1y be u ble to use pruning equipment too -A nvil • type, I MONDA y. DECEMBER 5, 1955 Jrup -forged or lopping shear•. Silver· ENSIGN SPEED RECEIVES WINGS .:'llavy Ena. Robert C. Spet>d is congralu"1t.ed by hl11 l·11111111a111I· 1ng officer. Navy Capt. S. L. ~l ead, upon rt'l'l'l\'lllJ; his "Wini:" oC Gold " o ( a Naval Aviator at lht> Naval Air l;t1111un, (.'01p11" Chn11ll, Ot'l. 28. He la the llOn or Mr. amt M rll. RobL·rt A Spr ed <of 212 G6rnet Ave .. Balboa bland, and hu11band of thc f11rnwr ~tu1e Tammy Utter of Dea ::\lolnC'A He hM bc•en u111g nl'IJ to Pottery, Gain in Redwood Containers Gardener eopularity t:11nllu11er g1tr<len1ng hat'I' be-plonlln$:S will be c1nt1l>ly Apprt C'I· 1·01111r n101 <' 1tn•I "101 e popular in 1 t\l<'tl 1f lh<·V "'" 1;ruwong II\ al· rel·••nl \·o·ar~ in C'.ihfiirnia, •·or· trnc-t lve c11nla1ner>1 ... redwood rr!lpnn1itnl( tn thC' 1 urn\/ toward 11nd pntlny in a ll 11ltei1 and aha pt•. m01 ,. .,11tllix>r hvmg 11,. C o loten •An I 1·p1'latnlv ~ys the nur!M!ry· s1,1,1 ... '"'"' 111 ,.:.!lhrriul!~ an•I men, yuu LUn i.;1ve nu filler gar· 1 l«>•~•tri• l imP llpenl in patinic 111111 cl• n 1;ifl fur c 111111tt11a11 than such t»11 k~ :11 •I• F'o11 "lwn lht' ).(Ill olo·n · a runlomo:r. the Nav&I Air StallM al San Dw&-o. tr llll•f h"' frtf'nol• ,l!Rlhl'r in lhr He1lw11n1I lAkr1 m Hny 11hapes II"''"''"' '", ll~tl'n 1, mttoh• 1111 lh•• 11n1t l •Hlll" tn 0Ul·tJf·ol11o r plonl· 1111>1 (' "llJllYoiblo· If tlw1 ,. 111 •· plunl!' tni.:,. rnr instance. tl8 1111~1'1.1 be<I•. g r1o\\llll( .. b.•Ul ,,.1,,.,.1.,111.: 1111.i 111b1<. h11xr1, lt1w w;itl" nmt 11c1tU1. adcloni.t t o \hi' b•au\\ uf \ht di· h angini: baskel11. P olll'ry In ma ny __ t mate 11nt1 W•'Hlh"' 11.zo•s l"&n be tAsleClllly USt'd to I An lmpor t&nl p111t nr l'Olll1tinl'1 hultl :O('•'lltt•\l'll r n uv.c>r" anti low GRANGE HERE FIGHTS 'BAD' FISHING LAWS "f'allfoml11 1-11tlll the b~l I BROADr:R IS TJ:RF.!o!T rl•• 4' In the rountry to llV'f" In ··we a re ""'Y «!lated on lhl' t hP npinion of 1't>"'J)Ort Harbor 11uc'rc>M nC our rnolulloni< "'''I gardenon~ '" or l"<•ur11e 111,. rem· ~~.~:,~s n~.~~le 1~:tui::•h· ::~.~~~e;! tatnl'r llll"tr, 1ay11 the C11l1fo1 n111 dillpliiyl! A •.!lot1ut1v n uC Nu111er~·rnun. 11 , ,.land.• to ren8lm lhul su<"rulenl>1 F''lr s n unll~ual anoJ very plC'U· mm1atures 11h1 ub~ 1<mall t r<'•"• '"lit l!·•nkn t ·h1 1~lQJ81< gift con· hanitrnl( flowt'r~ nnc.J 11pPr tmr n 111rl!'r rt'dwood and pottery con· t&int'rll nn•l RMk your nur11eryman GARDENER'S CHECK LIST to h"lJI "'II in your 11elecllon1 Crom hlll AlOf k Chrl~tmaa w lll ~ mi>rr11 r for th<' gnrdrner who re· llleJr llCCtfll8nl'1'. 11nd W (' do n n! "''•id~nta Mr. &nd Mrs. Karl Mc· hM lla le tu .. y that A brt•lltl••r llougall who have juat retumtrt 1ntere1t In our h sh in1t problt m,. from 8ll<'n•llnJ tl\e 89lh a nnwll , and effort• tn 11111111. wht'rPv.-r 11 11Pa.1lon of t hr :-.;"u onaJ Orsn11e In' 11 po11lble, 111 now 1 cl•tu Iv r\•I· f'lrv"._111 nt!~ "htf!_lhty_w~ In· dr~c!<I by Ute act10..!.1.,o r lM10 i>:a-_2 11l rumPntaJ tn pn>11c>ntln1t lmpor· lfonal ifelt(• ;-Dody. Mr[),, 11tt1ll Lant C11<h1ng lq:u1llll1nn befQ,.. lht ta1d. "rt brlngK lh«' prnblt1r,. "' f11rmrr•' J:lllUI" whoae membv~ our three P sc1Cic cout (1,.hlng numbt"r 111010~1 a mlll1on. 11tales and 011r ea11tl'rn •tlll•·" In· rtrml'ml><•r wrnr cA1 •l,.nmi: f1 l"nolt' t h t • 1 ·111 1~l miis Wllh I\ "ltvJn,.:" jtltl ~ (~ng-611~1.­ auc-h su luhpi<, d11tfo'l'11t•. anti hYll<'lnl h,. ,.houlot hr planted without del•y CONCRETE Tho Mo nou~Plll'I t1 re the owner to lhl' llmrltght. ll le 11l10Q a mill· I c>t the> bol\l Blue Hprny ,1ocked ll'r of lnlnesl And n11 1r.~tl)' to Il l RRlbn.t l•IMd and ar e oleeplv th~ Interior 111a tu who hav1• nolh· lntrrr•l!'tl In :--ewporl Harbor 1nj{ In n>nlnll•n With (Hlr t \ r .. I ( ··~hmi: probl .. n11. r1~hln..:. b111 "ho h11v(' '"'" .,... n On I hP1r t rip hnrnl' thrv t'n· C"flllnl'·1 • rl r n11ui:h b11ol Wl'alhrr t•• 1 unf1rr11 lh1·1r lll<1n1t f o1r t '11hfu1 m a . Th"Y rl'J'•lrl•·ol the fnllo" 1n1t o•nlt•tt'1I In our r 111110-. t;<•V• rn"r 1l1uohl t\rth111 or \h<' i;;t 1lt-<•f '°"' n11m l. df'l"l:otr I nun lhjlt ~l81r v1,i:nrou1d\·\ ~11ppur1 ... 1 lhr t't 'uhltu•n~ It• .tl41t • btAtn~·t l'<'1.1. pm l ll.1rbor c :ra ng-t ln1l11·, ailtllllnnAI l'llflflOI t 1 rum ,,1.,.trr n tNI lhr•r 1•11· 1111po11 t.011t ro"'loiu·11Ll te dr•IN:ct1>. v.ho, ''''llll' n•l f jOn• Al th" ,·.,nw•nl11•n p~rta1n· hAvlng 11111 prnbJrm In onv crr•I 1111( \11 ll't fll'hln,i: prohlrm, hf' mPA..•llr(' (• r \ \)1(' f lll\111' 11''1111 • """'· n11 mf'I) 1"1f"•ll• \.l.hlch had !&ll'ps to1.1.,11ot p11'\'rnl1•on, f •11111l11r "'"'" t11k1>n lhro11~h rhi\nntla of occurant"• 1,, thl'lr 1i.t 1ni: 1n 1 hi' or a n l .-C-"11nt v • Pomona dustry'', t,ntrH:f'. t t.1• t'nt1 f11rnu, Stale ! , Grnni:o 1111 i t hi>n hl'fnrt the 'CQn"•l•·11ni.-; lh111 fo h1111: fl•" 1'atinnnl ~;1 •nce 10 oblaln n r· pl~. l h" bo•ic for nv r "' I"~ "'"' J:!M L2t:d at1eng lh tu comb1H tle·I nnw hnv• lilt hrlp •''Ill• •am11>• I nm en la I lr~nshll1on wlu1 h 111 nf th~ 11011 .. 11 """m!I I hi' c-nmbin"· "·1p1n• oul t hr do me11t 1c flAhlna !Ion •hnulrt now mal<" R 1?1"''' " front f<1r " Joll'I rau•f' ~•ve Our lndua1.ry. ,, m,.r1,.11n fl•hln,i: tncln•t n· J>Ar Thr~· \\l'r" JlllC't'P'l#lflll In hK'''"J!' 111 ul.uh· nn th•• \\·, ,, 1 .,,., fr n m ft1 rl't,.:n 1nt•·rf•·rf'n• •. ·ind d· n1tn~· tron It 1~ ~1•11 1111· t t "tP tn· ""''' lh•• ,, l\<J\l)t . fl "' " 2:'1 r"r ll rlt•lrp 1lr hnrlv frnrn :l7 !'11111'~ l"'C'Jll'f'•fnt1n.i: "hat h11.11 lra•ht1unlll· h· ht-l'n kno\\ 11 All " h1rm• r" nt · ,i:11nfT.11ti.'n 11nan1moualy a 11 n p I thl'~!I 1 .,~ .. 1u 11o n• Thrreby \hr.· • rnt 'Jll••IR "" Rll lun11 11n<I l11n11· 11ht l\\n1>1I th•• "1ora l 1upport ,,( hkr f1•h 1mp,.rl•. Mr O<'llgl\ll 11 lmn•t 11 111llllon member11 •not "f\J•I. 1\flrr I\ b4-ginntni . ott" r l hf' lri:-1J<lJ\fl\'e (aclltllrti of a atatr ph11Ju'" will Call onto pl11ce 11n1I I» n \\'n11h1ni..1 nn D. C. who have 11.I·, \,11,., 111 ,.n vtry tiworably f?• I l11kl'n up m turn tor th• tH-ll• 1 o ~"'"' tn n.:11cultural ma tlera, tl "'' nt io n•I a s11lul rtCO&'llll1on 11f ''"' " h1~ •l ••p toward 11omP ~·'--------------­ • "~"'' n !'< •nt J IVl'n the f111hrr· II''" tho• ~ •lllOf'r ot lht! St• lll'PC>~l'l"E Th •• r I •. "''ma. when 1n11h Z• ol "',. 11111 ... .r lho•f" l'f '·' r n••''.,. 'n .> •U\t• h \ 1 r-.lw"-l~ ='ilru~I). lht f1• 1• a r..1111 .o 1 J•lu• l hl\1 I• r1111•tn j!' • '1rr111t , ·~th'••tn "'"' U1r 1_. 1.• " 11"11 ll"''••I I lll'H I• 1:111 cni: (•011 , ur ''"" • .. ,h ,d• 11~, a' -1q P•' ·1" kr1t '' a,, tt~r 1 hf' P'' hi !'\ , • r t ''htlf 11h 11 -.n .. f th•,, "',,,, .... '"l'f'ol In ltl(l8lal1 .. n 11,.. r •, i • 111·" 1 11 NatJonAI \\· ... 1 1 • 0 ",, • llilf'<l \c> lht 1°1'1~i:•t .... I\ llt lt " 11)mlllll te .. o•n (l•ht111. IJe • •t11hli•hrd Rl the nallnnnl lrvPI Boal" -H omr• -Trall•ra lrr••itular Sh•Pf'• J.ll><'r17 B·UOI ( o-.T \ Mt:"'A MA'M'RF.~,. C"O. ·i 1 ;,o s c>" port Rtvd. .J 0 II S S T 0 S t: ' S Mesa Auto Wreckers I •"ol \11111 Pert. 11nll \~ c,,,udtH•· 'lOi:"> Pla<-t>utla An. Llbf'rl~ 1'-Wllt ( O"lll ~1'•3 T '11• \111• al•• 11nRnlmou•ly adopt· MESA . 1 I (nl1 .. w1n1t lhl' ll'ad ... t by th• UPHOLSTERING c·Ahfnrn ... ~1111" Oranitfl 11 1 thl'11 o .,,., ntum IM I )('fObt'r \\ hrn 'U' fl f r hnl•t•rfnr ~ flrarrr,- 11 ol'mmltltll "'"' arpolntr•t "' thr ~:\lO '"Jll. f\hd .. 1 ,,,111 .\tr '• 1'11111& lt vel. F"lorfnC'e M • Pnu~atl I LnwrlT 8-Ulll 1a d\a.lrmu o! Ul&l committee . ._ ___________ __. ,, r.111rt1nl1 b11lh • wh1rh '"" li;-iot pl11n1 .. ,1 ch111n~ ~r1 •nK 11n11 o u rtv ,..1111111wr . \\ rlt h,. t va 1J.t l1l1 1n fll•1,r n str -•·r· """ "'"'" GlacJ1.,h h 11 I li ~ llll<K!' l'XCPllt'nl l •hri•t 1118" J:lflN 1 •1 1111rn~ anct • t' 1 A ) 1 n I( .,h•1ulol bl' t1ut nn ~u11r 1:1111frn chnr,. 11~1 ('.,11.>111lt v11ur n1Jt~· rv111.t n r1•IAll\'\ Io I h r f'N'J""r 'I'"" m • ll'f · Jlt ,, L ,, 1 d ••11 "' ''11• I h,n" 1)1" 1 r 1·h1 •lo :.- f~I f9 \ (~\\'f" 1~ I I UL.• f (#) thr • .. 1 .. rr111 J ·" "' .1nt hn, f ·h1nesr ltnlly cir thl' 1-:11.:· 1 L.h H • lh lht• lo••~I J'r'""'' "r lh•· ! 01111•·r o•f tho ~· I I" o 1 0• 11110·11 T h• \fo•fl• llJ,:All• h~'" 11t trr11\.1I thn~ ~,\tt• n.,t >• ... ~1 •• n .... , ht ran~ thr jtT'nunclu·mk fo11 1111rll n11l1nni.I r<'o'"l:Tlll• I "t I Iii" l 1~11\• rrnu.! ,,f 1 hr :"'1 \\}"\rt H 1trh.,r ('";rJ\nR'f' b1111i.r lhr ln,1111 •r • f II" f fl rrt-e· tn·r ,,,, ..... "'"' ROB.ERT POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE e mpllf)' your ork with a blOD•mUf'tl rrmeot . . . parl'd to your ordl'r a t a .. ,·tnir. Liberty 8-2283 BAY R EA.DY l\HX ·~l". • • • 711 W . 17th St. < Oi-TA Mn.IA FORBES Builder l'lf<)'\'I: HA"8c>R SICMI r.,~-==~-··-··-·-···-··==--======-== "---·.= JAMES D. RAY Gene ral Contractor & Bu ilder 1100 C'ou' Uh ol . C'OttUNA Ut.I \I \It l'HO:\"E HARROR 476_, MAX W. POPE Inc. clf:~t II \I, < O~TRACTOll S A.II Or•Ofl' County Rt;:-mt:~TI.\ I. • <y~utt.flCIAL • Wi Roi-. a . \' f'. OE\'t;LOPMt:'.\:T Nf'wport R('arh l.llM>rt., 11·.!~IC t I I.lat nff ·'P'· Jlhd . •t P~orh d~·111gneol for a speolnl Job In that very Important garden tuk of pruning. Among 11mallc<r gnrden itadgc>la that are pleasing t o every gar· dtner an gloves, hand trowels. redwood and pottery conl&lneni for nilnliltures 11h1 ubs: or per· hapa you'll bxe to preacnt your grt>en thumb frwnda w1U\ packeu or 1eetll'I', bulbll or ll special type oC plant Cool! or ferlJ,hzer. I To many gardenl'rs t.ht re'a noth· in.: 110 plrnioing 1\11 a gard tn book nnd l ht' wealth of subJeclJI now being wr!ltc•n on fur the garden· l'r pro\'1de:1 a pll'nUCul choice for lhvee llhopplng. There a re book• on all phu11e1 ot Jr&rdf'n1ng; aom" lt!ll t heir story Jn 1ketchca and SILVERSMITHS 811\•er-Cop~r-nrua a Pewtu Pollabed-Blllfed.-Laclquel"fld Fl.neat Quali&l', FMleat 8en1ce Falreet Prleee Vlalt our AAUque 811op l:DU•ual \'alu. ReuoaaWe J>rl()N e WIRTH'S e Bayside PlatlnCJ Co. ltl• Ha.nor Blvd. Coeta Meaa -U 8·1tH Hate to hang up laundry? ~1 •• 1ns:uulluuri•. '' '"', ,,f,,,.._, Jl.ollrrn• ~ncl ""v.J 1;r.1111• IJC :l\.ul•l1k. ET TERMS ON ALL PURCHASES WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. JJOO W. Coast HicJhway -Newport Beach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 8-3411 .llff{ \, GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DRYER J lSTU T1lAll SUflSllllltl Ci\ drits clothti in m1n- utu -011es them d3y or n•ghl, 111n ~ stunt' Ito SUTI lad•nc no tu11ne. •••••••••• ••. and you'U never lift another clothes baskeL .. never touch another clothes pin! WllAT A DlnB£WC£1 tis d'necU.owtls ¥t thtd .. fluffy soil -no t "'' end h11~h 11\t the outdoo1· dtr~ •-Is It r•rM! H1AMHTll Thlfs Ill it cosb • t)l)QI f.am11, of four to ope11te an 1uto1111hc Gu clothu dryt r 1Sff 'dttnoM trelion 1 Only GAS' gives you such modern automatic apphances Nor9e-Tappan-O'KHf. & Merritt-We~ewood Gas RanCJ•s Ja~e' s Appl1anCes SAW -LllERTY 8-5594 -SERVICE Our t'olti.me of ballS-,....u, ... 70111 ln-t pr1t'O'<l 1MMI lll"~t tradfl In. 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA J .. ... I " .... ... LOCAL NAVY UNIT GETS BIG "E" HIT-AND-RUN DRIVER DAMAGES REPAIRED AUTOMOBILE Somrt1mt11 1l JU~l rl1lf'f!n l fill\ I" kf'"P Y• 11r • IH UI Al lo.at that rould a pvlY l11 th .. , hr tx<l11ng111~ 1 .. 1' r11 k H1s.~0·ll or Ill&!\ Park Avf'., t'o11ta Mt>s<.1 l:li'S,.11 h.td ju"t (111i-l1o •I rf'p•a1rlng df'nta In hi~ Jll~:i l'Uto11111h1lt•. h" s1111t "h"n '' lul · and-run dnv~r bsngt'd 1n th~ 11 rt frimt ''"",. und 1~11.i 1 J.1 rs Ida 8 1g.>1o•ll :l!'l, l••ltl 111•11< « hh,• hEul J 11k•11 II•• r ar al 18th SI anl1 fo"'uller1011 .\ ,.e aud wh1 11 ~h,• r0 I 1rrw.t at 10 11 rn. Satur•h1y she found th1' •l«mai; ... Mariorie Johnson lr·ur~e1 in Crash .\l1o 1 11 I\' II l1•1in1M•n ~1 0~ \\ 1!•111 !-t I 1., ~"'""· ~ulfe1'-d 11111111 1h111111 l' Thu1 ~.t11y wtlen h('r 81 '' · q \ t 1Ut ,.r C•Httrul a ud -..k I ! lt·~i tf\l•l tt f"''\\ ,., rtttlf"' 11n A~l· ,n,,. !'\t 1;~" ,, ··l \\•1"t u! uu,h· ,1.t ~· 1lh''' ~i ''' Santa Ana ,. t 11t1 11111• 1 utJ ,.\\', l \ ~lrt'tt FROM RIVER Anti-oil Law to Protect Beach Strip? I 'Blood Police and Stucco Sp illed But Unable to F~n d C5/clist An iu11.t. .. •nt 1l1••d n .. 1\ul• ,.~ \,. r;it ... , I P :,1"r1• t•• thr Jl'''ru-rt~· "'ft& • 1 :-.lh:'""h1.•J ha~ n., Ju.I•' lhl•• , • · • ·'· l .il $ .• u "':tUl\ 1awh 11 bl ~\~";' :'\J.11U1.• A \'t :\ c" I"" l lfrarh "''"'d 11111 , ,111\ Su,urclJ.V 111111 nHtt-' • olU...,1Jt,.: 1 111 .. h ft'I :dJlc1 cl.lUlit._:t• (11 1h1 hu.t I'\ SANTA ANA. 10t'NS1 1'he 11nol •"Jlll'lnJ: 1t111 .11 J,·11 p••I" •' county btJard or supC'rv1s<1rs t1nd ""'"' 1:11.11>1 .. '" 11nd Ill!· I"'· 1 Counl v Counsel Jud Ojo:IP \\' o•d · r• :ipt 1i-1hlr • nrsda)· 11tud1t'd rhe J>C'~lobhty nf :\II :! ,.,,111,,~ l'ulu~k• ,J,.,1, I"" e.naclinc-nn anl1-<11l w~ll drill in~ f'l I• rnr tu!d ol I 11·f'1 ~ 111 .. 1 ~ ..i, llil orrlln&nre tor the beach slnp be-th•' '"•dol.ni: wi1h "J:l<'.11 '"'•' tween the mouth or the l:lanta I breoluus; 1 nc• ~t11r1"11, knnl'lc1111= Ana River and the San Ou•go ' r1t1w11 a !llgT1 P"~t 1rn1I tra11n~ up county boundnry. a fl"'""' bf'J. P.1rt<. ,,, U••· mot 1 • Whull were pul In motion at I rydr \\'f'rf' foun•I "" lh<-i;rvuntl the~qutst of the Laguna Bf'&Ch ~·ti~"_ p•'l()I ur hhu•d ~r Ch11~«r or l"ommnl'f' I ···--- Tht chambu expla1n1•t1 that l s a.n c1"mente. l':ewrort Reat"h Pri·vale Poll.Ce and Laguna Brar h have anti·dnll· 1 mg ordinances. • The county wlL'! called e>n .. to hf'lp eliminate 1h111 lhrthl tn our l o Ai·u 1mlc·<1 PLANE wit h Air-to-Ship Radio on NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I · PAGES MONDAY. DECEMBER 6 , 1955 Four Named in $51,0ll Auto Injury Accident Action SANTA AN A tOC!\'SI !'\11m~d df'ftnoant" werf' J amr• 1t•~1r , 111 1 .. I' 11n1.," '"'" '" 1:1 Sh• E . Cannu11. De1tnna Campbrll lillf'~t'l' r•t"·nH11wn1 1n111111·• SMITH-CORONA Clipper Save 78~.~. C"dr T . F.. Barrett uf thr Elc\'C'nth N:l\'al District Commandant's Staff, left. pre· sc11ls Efl Jl'i( 111·y h ·nnant tn Lcdr. C. E. St'mple, Corona de! Mar commanding offi. ~r of Naqtl H .. s,·n ~· Surface Division, Santa An.a. as an award for "outstanding" wr1rk don<> by llw lnt·al Ui\'ls1on during the past fiscal year . "Men, this is your pt·nnanl. It 1s ~·11u "ho h:i,·c l'arned it.'' said CDR SC'mple as h e a ccepted the award m formal c·t·n ·mon1h ; before the m assed gruup of his command (190 Orange Coun· ty Rr :'!C'l'\'lsl s l at tht· If. S. N aval Train ing Center. Santa Ana. cou t ltnt." I The chamber a..,ked lei:111la1 ion ----------------------to blUI drllllng from lhc .shnrehne MERCHANT PATROL Aeronaves de Mexico 1 Leave Her•'• your once In a lifetime oppottunity to buy a WOfte derful Smirh-Corona portable of a reduc.d price. And r• member, a t Tiernan's, you get a full 'yeor'1 uni;onditlOMlf guarani .. with every typewrii.r. Evary n-machine la completely in1pect.d by ow expert tervlce deportment te Insure againat factory defects and to mMt our 1tnd ,,-. flcotlon1. ·40 H08 '4t> 600 I 52 9 S 3 So 9lS ~t.1 r1 1:1:.: 1.tr 1 h•· a1111ual sale of Christmas ~als to finance tile year-rou nd l\Ctivl· w •s nt th•· Or:111:.:1· t '11unly T ub<·rculos1s a nd H ealth A uociation , C harles H. Bald· w111. rn~l1 1 1111n:i"1 r of l 'n1lt><l Stall's Rubber Co.':; Santa Ana plant ia introduced by Stq u r u•r J ud,.:.-l!11h1 rt (;,1rdnt.•r as ~ur11t s1waker during the lunr h('on o f ,·olunt~r ""' k• 1 :-:i ud '11; Ii .a 1 d 'm mlx·n~ 1n San la Ana rC'Ccnlly. Seated art' Ann K. Hn111 ·', 1·:\1 , u1,," ~cc r l'lary of thl' TH Assoc1atiun. and H a r ry L. H anson, president. = 1- 0ID YOU KNOW that 'the man who places a new Chrysler Qr Plym outh under the Christmas tree this year, w;:t see stars in his sweetheart's eyes th:zt he hasn't seen since that eventful day 'Ill that she said, "I DO"? Phone Harbor 1 0 for Pick-up Service '.!16 \bnn1• AH-. B:Lll'loa 1-.hrnd 2M t 1'<1. ~fain St. Sant& Ana Quality Printing, Harbor 1616 ~-::...r "~ - Acv :'".,,,,. ,.1 '. J :'" .. _,; .. ~SUUTtt GOflST /tDDSTRUCT.IDn CD. RE SID ENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL ~Cl JOR TOO 1.AR<a·: OR S~I Al.I. SAVE SAFELY At Orange County's ln&titution Le.ding Home lending CONTINUING lO PAY PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Open ed On or Before The . I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION :??'? Ot'f'an -''."""" f'honl': H\. •·ltn 2 mllu lnlAnd. Osle llllld he wun·t prepared I to aay whether the rounly rould lmpose 11uch r1·str1ct1nn11 and i<uit· C'f!•ted the mlllll'r bP giw n 10 hia department ror 11t11dy AJn MfftilH) Due0 A ~ubllc mf'etirg of A lrohollrs A11ony1nou1. l1e•1R"fltd to arqu•inl resider.ta of the ro1111t11I orl'll wtlh rr.eC"hanlc11 of lhe Fell<1w~h1p. will !>" held at 8:30 p m. 11l'c. 8. in I the Embuay RoolT'. Mnqcan Hall. Long Beach Pr1nc:1pat spt>akn 11( the ()('('Hton will be Ur J I m. Payc:.lalrt.l for a 11tatl' ho11p1t.al &nd h1rnulf nn alrohohc who !nund rf'covery through the A.A. and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 Program. '-'"-======-====°"' Tiiuana 9:00 a.m. Jan 25th Folio"· thf' annual Ra<'f'fi b~· Air IW!Wn ·atlon .. Xow Corona del Mar Travel Service Harbor 1246 Ort'hid I: Coal'it Hw~., Terms To Suit Your ludget • • •• 902 NOllTH MAIN IAHTA ANA This Chevro"let keeps a secret ... beautjfolly ! TM "~Fifty" 2-dnor M'dan-nnr nf 4 m14.l"ic 111 Clwvrold'• •marl and &priR}ltJy "( )nr-F1ft.v" 8"rl('I. It's one of Chewolet's New "~-~" series ... the lowest priced 0 S'"'~ of a ll the hi gh-priced-l oo king Chevrolet -series for '56. But you 'd n ever know i t to loo k at that speedline chrome treatment or to feel that new power There·11 !l'> much fl'f"-h new !'l\·lm11 in the "One· Fif1y" it'!' h· rd tn l-w-l1eve the l'nr ro~l.c; 80 little. 11 hn11 nE"w1 hrom<>-inrludin!( hoth windshield :inrl ho1 k window rnenlR-and it.cl own diii- l11ll't1,·e tv.11-loning h ~tret1·h("I Iri ng and clenn from griUc to tml ltght11 I the left one hfrlefl the 11n~l':ir . It offel'<\new power.\', nrfi ... tef'nng and handling enf'e few l~1rs can mAld1. plWI all ranging up to 205 H.P. of Cbe\rrolel'l'I great perform11oc.-and AA fety fealUJ'e8. Direcliorull si1.Znllls And s11frtv rl<..or lock!\ 11re standard Pquipmrnt. ~at IJC'llJ'I, w1tb or wit.houl 11houlder harn<'tllleS. and in11t rumt'nt panel parldin1t are ovailable nt ex1 r.1 Nl'lt. 1'ru.ly. t.he "One· Fifty" repreflf>nt-. mnre qU11l1Lv than h<>fnre. Come in soon anri l(lt uoe 1•'11 \'OU iui big IW."t:l'E!l-ita low pric-e t.:1g'. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY ~ :11 :~··:" ~I.. ~I'\\ port n1•:u·h llarhor '!."1~:i LAGUNA. BEACH '-----------------~ .._ _______ .. 11000 West Coast Highway NEWPORT IEACH _ _j_ ----- • .J PAGE'. f'ART"I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 Other Cc~n;~c: Join Orange in F:ght of t~a:ch:n~ Fund · AHison Honer Company Narr -~ Suit Defendant DEATH NdTtCE CLASSIFllD DllECTOIY APPLIANCD5 -Bowiebold Part.a -Dealer -Serv1.!e LIDO EUCTllW MU \'la Udo -Harttor OH Al1TOMOBILE DEAl.ER8 New and uffd Car11 Na<:IUr.Rn MTlJOP:BAtU.:a RAIN H«lmce Parta 1416 Newport Blvd. -Har. 610 BANKS 8-k of Amerk'a N"I' a 8A "" Via Udo -Harbor 16.16 BARBER SHOPS LIDO 8HA Vl!'llO MUO I• llWweU'a 8toN for Men ~an Dlr~o an•I \"•ntu111 <"nun·''• l''"'"nt 'tlllf' pa1k 11rf'a "' 5:1111 tlf'~ "'' Juinint: wtth Or '°It" Ju11n ( ·,,., k. • 1 frnm San Juan Countv in a· '<"8mpatgn lo l!l'l th" C"1 t f'k hi l'ana l'rnnt. tf\r 1Ulllni; ~l:itl" ·lt>cr~111lur" •,, tllnunlllt th,. I •111rn !'cunt Co\'f• an1I with l'On "m11td1rnii t ur.c1s" rl1t11ioo-an wh11 h •11 11 ''"" of a hrf'<ikwatrr and thP s'.\l • park a nti bl'al'h 1·011111111'· ,..;nill l•uAt hatbor pll\nn<'•I Tilt l'IOn will purchiu•• tl.•Rtt llblP pa. k 111\• I• 11lt!'aolv c·rrnntv p1 01wrt)' 11ml 1<<'1~nt1on 111111w1lll'S. ,u1ttrol .:11tl ~l<•lj.!011 :-;,.bl•'. :-.!t'wpoit Har· tni: 111 [);1\'<" ulr11i.:r.1, ·prN•til•·rl, "' h1o1 • 11s:1rh'"'· hu• a • rew 1111rvey- th .. 01:ingr ('\JUrtty l '•lllll! All.-.01'1• I 1111( lh!' I'll\'" 1 awrn. • · I 1·1.A~M Al'l'RO\'ED A r 1ur · p11111t pr•u1t1 lint uf •lo · Tho""' pl11n8 hllVI' btl"n approv· 1111 ... 1 .!!It.IP 8l'<llll"1tion or beol'11 ,..i hi' lh• ruuniy plunnang cont· (mnt propertlt'S. lnt'lt.!dlnl( Bfl'llH llllll,.lttll, t!1e l)oard of •UJ)o!f\Vlaur8 11 11111 S11n C1 .. n1t•lll" II• !'\1•111 R"1"'1t, 11111J lht Cl•Rdl alll!Od atlon. wu.• 1..ulh11~d Ill la~t we .. k's rnvt'l· l.111{u nt1 Ul'IH'h, ~purkeJ by May· 11r J "'11111k \\'hat lun, !KlllM as· I .~1·1·11tt111n treu11rer. la ~olldlf be- hrncl lht' plan tor coast develop- H~n y Bcr14h. rullnly plo11111n~ '"' nt lrlJ( u( IJ:" l\SJ<Ud,H.•111 h,.ltl al 1111' H••lt'I L11g unu. f'<>t".ST\' ~IASTEK 11'1.AS ' rr m1111>l"ionPr. oulllnrtl th .. r .. nn· j 1 ; .. n1·,..,. HJellf'. ic-neral man•· t~ 11 m11~1er pl11:t mlltalNI 1n II.Ill gl•r or th•• Los Angeles R ecrea· IJul held 1r a be~·,.nr<· bf'< It 11st• ,,r t11111 11nd P11rks dep1u1 m13nt, waa I llOROTll \' Tl'l.E R P n\'lllf' ft1nt r11I aen'l<'f'~ Wirt' 11rhed11l,.d toda\' In F'atrhavt>n SANTA ANA IOCNSI -Al· Cf'lllf'ten• tor M r~ Dorothy lit hson Honer Co. Wedneaday w.. ·rylt>r, 6~. who d1f'd F'r1olay al hf'r na m«>d the detend&nt 411 a bttach home. 288 lllornmi: Canyon Road. ot contract 1 u1 t ln connection Arnngrmt>nla Wf're han1llf'd by I wllh the ettcllon ot the Santa Baltz Mortucry. Corona 1ltl Mar. Ana c~uec• 1elellc• bulldlna . A native or Ohio. lllni Tylf'f Ch I lived hPrf! llf'Ven Vl'ar11. Shi' l• Bringing lbe IWl _we'Nl ar " aurvl\•ed by hu hu~band. F~ L I D. Waite. Jr., dolng bualne.. u ~r. the C. D. Watlee Co. The com· c f' family hu utabhl'h~d a plaint wu tlled 111 Su~rior ourt memorial In nam«> of lhe del-eu· here. Named as defendant. were A.Ulaon Roner, Helen L. Roner, f'd wllh !hf' Rt-&rt Fund. Richard C. Honer and Donald A. ------ Honer. WaUte elalms he made an •(l'eement with Honer t.o fabri· cate cablee tor use In t he colleae bulldtn1. He said the cables were allowed to harden and were no loacw UMble, costtna him 1317t.· ~. The plalnutf blames tlle d&- tend.a.ntc tor hit predicament. THE NERVE Culprits Put The Skids To Walkway l4U \'ta Udo -Kartlor l:IN , l the "hl'll<'hinit funds" l'laui.., Th <htef llf'"Bkl'r. J u11t rt>turne<I tram Corff hldl"'J "The nerve ot 1111me pt<>plr." d<'· clartd Wilham Kinder or &910 Ocea n Front wht>n he complain~ to Ntwport Beach pollct> that 30 trrt or a wOOl1l'n walk had been torn up from the r,.•r 11f his J'l"fl· ptrty. BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO SALON or 111.:AVT'I' MU Npt. lllYd. -Bar. 1&1t BOOKS 800& CAD Mll Via lu. -BartNr UM .CAQRU a 8appllee \'INOZNT LIDO DBVOll ..... Viau.. -..,.., .... <JA&PE1'8 A DBAPEBIE8 DIOll IUOU& MM Via 1 •1: aarw ma OAD:IUNO UOBAIU>'a LIDO 1U ••n MU Via Ude -llartlor Uta OWlalllc~ • Waata ._... 01' LIDO ................. Olm'lllNO -llM'a Betall aann:u.•a .. or roa JD:.N Mii .,.. ..... -........ 1161 CLOTlllNG-Womea'a Retail CA. aaNS ... Via ...... ...,.. ...... UDO FUlllONI Ult Npt. BIT'--llutlor 11'71 ~ MU Via lu. -..,._, M1' VAGA.90!1D BOUU Import.eel lpartnrear UlfVlal.Me-....._MM DBUO STO&ES VINOENrs UDO oauo1 Mil Via lu. -llArMr IOOI ELECl'&lc ooNTR&croaa UDO 1:1...ECDUO M.H Via Ude -llarMr t1tl ".?9a UDO llilllET Cor:ac-Table Arran1ement.a MN ,.la U4o -BuMr IUI FOUNTAIN, GBD..L VI.NO~ LI.DO DRUOS Mil Via U4e -a.r.er .... FRAJIE8 A ALBUll8 OE~ 8T(;DJ08 141t Via l.Ue -~t UM FU&Nll'lJBE DIO& llACIUta MM Via l.Ue -~ tlD GIFI' 8BOP &ICllA.&D'8 LIDO MAAIICT Ull Via Ude -lla.rtlol' ti.ti IN8UBANCE AGENTS w. o. avca. L"WC. .... Via a..w. -...,.., "" INTDIO& DEOOBATOBS "K.Ufalllrfti1..u:ll80N .U.D. Mll Via a..w. -...,.., .... DICll llAOKE& • l'"J 'l :.:1 oUJ>3 '"'"' thf' •"tmtrl'I'. " may .. 111' junktt to Japan. he wrth th" "'"'*'rH1 'n t•f I;·~ An· tourhrd on va r1ou1 phaR a or r•· i.••lo•s ''" 11n1 h,<\'f' 11v111h1blt> fun· I~ 1 c1 t'Btron. I tu t111 n over In the statt ------------ The fnur p1 ,,_;, .. l>' are a1·qu1'11· 1 la G--p-t.... 11 .. ns n( I mes .... ... ... ~ 1 l I~ 000 r .. et nf "T in <:an" Ralph L Barnu hu taken out hrach l .. twren H11nt1njl tun St'at h two Coat& Meaa city building ~r· "nd Sral Be11r h . 21 H.000 feel m1111 for duplt>xea with attached or San Ctrmrntf' Bt>11r h. exl,.ntl· itarage valued at $7296 u ch. Con- ing ft om Cotton rHnt'h to C11pr:<·l i>truct1on wtll be a t 1933 Maple t 1·ano P11>r; 31 Capistrano Prl'r Ave . Coata Meaa . SHUFFLE ALONG -Bob Rice and Martin Frost of Lee Marquis Hi-Y Club battle a close game at the Play Night for all high echool 1tudenta interested In joining Hi· Y or Tri-Hi-Y Cluba.-Don Bush Photo 'Y' EXPANSION SHOWN IN 'PLAY NIGHT' GROUP ~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~--.. ·~---~~~ F ifty !llewport Harbor t:n1on I and Duke Cox. •la tr mtmbNll ot • High School youth• mleruted 1n lhe YMCA. to lnrn mor .. a bout I• the Orange Coa.tt YMCA Hl·Y thl' Orange Cout "Y", the pur· • and Tn·HI· Y Cluba attended a pc>ffll or "Y" Club11 and to IH'gtn : ' ··play n lfhl" al the Con a Mua the or1t:11n1zat1on.. or a11<11t1onaJ .. Community Methodlat Churi•h9fol· club"' lo merve nigh ar hool aaa • lowini lht! Harbnr Hl1rh a lumni youth .. Beaketb&JJ came Nov. 2~. lilf:SI08!4' MEET llJ"E :.., Thia WI.JI lhf' tlrl'l of a al'rlta M ( :.; ot cventa ""•nnf'd tor "Y , Club any o lhfl proapect1ve mem· ••• ,... ber1 1rt• JUUlrng exl•tinit cluba but membera and all lnteruled hlg-h addlllonal rroup.t1 mu•l atlll be • school atudtnu. orga.n1zed. parucululy for girls • t 'Ol.IA>\\'1'4 St:~lSIOS Cox satd. A 1111·••t1n1tt of 1111 1urnlor : : The "play night" w111t followffi year .. 1mle111,, 111 tf'11•>1tPd rn a rc1-.. by an orientation ffif'l'ttng hl'ld ed "Y" cl11h h• ""' t1or St. An· .. Nov. 21 at Orange Cua.at Ct>llt'(ie dr..w• Prc~bytl't 111.n Church next ~ tor ovf'r ~00 prn.t1pl'<'llvc• meml>Pra Tul'llday, f'Vtnlnl(. itl They have lndll'ated their cle111re f'ollowrng thue orxan~allonal • to Mlong to a HI· Y boy• group mtttanga for Newport Har bor • or TTl·Hl·Y Club tor glrla. area vuuth. the combined Hl·Y .. At t hla mttt1ng tM younl( J>f'O· and Tn-H1·Y Club• tro m 8f'el .. pl9 mrt with M r". F. Roy Ji"m1 Beach to L'Oruna del Mar will con· .:...; -du<'t lhf'rr Annual New Ml'm bf'r :..-; lnt!Ul'llllll 11nd ltulallMlltlO nr HI· • 1 Y Trl·lll·Y Council OtrtC'f'ra In • 'Huntms:ton lil'ach. Dec 11. F\.lt· :.:.i I u1 • arra • v. 1de u ·t tv1tlea wlll be :.. plannt'J by the councrl. lncludlnf • a •n11w I n p In ,..4'bn.iary .. • ~ an City buhdlnr permit. valued at $12.IOO wve 1-led to H . S. Con.If in COata Meaa Nov. 2~ tor con· •trucllon of r'e.ldence: a t 237 e nd 237 ~ I:. 21st. St., Coata MM&. .JUDD HAR.KUR -B e v e r I y Hilla Paychlatrt.rt -.. Psychiatry haa never l!IO'Ugh t to ellmina te worry, mf'rt>ly to make bt'tltt worryrn~ poMlblt ·· Brown 1111111 he hP11 rl1 a rnmmo· lion l11tr on ~nv. 2:'1 and 1aw ..... ,., .. , 8 I p • lfh nu1 ... 11!•• h 1N hnu:-•~ ll \°I UJ:: ,,., flJU\'•' 8 °4 .U "'htt h hM•I tlt. n . II '1 I t 11 " I rl'' State Seeks Car , of Harbor Area Dope Ped~ler • • 1• I• • • -~ A. SubScription for fJne FuH Year! ·,,I I 111, rr '' t" ,,, ... 1.t '""' ' ii • I t 11 f'J\ hM•t 1Ht f't\ ph11 k. It '"' I • ""II\ tu pla.i• un· .1 .. r thf' • ar \\ h•, la You Save 1ocr0 -youi Prescriptions at PRINGLES PrNcrtptlon1 ftUf'4 'tu 10 p.rn. Free Film! With NC'll roll of bl!M"ll ud M'hltf', .1 .... IU, t \!O, .... ll!O. 118 l•ft with u11 for d .. \.f'loplna and prtnUntf, "''" "''"' r;h·r you a roU of the aame alae t'RF.Y.. Muter 8 lae Prtnt• a t S o Extra ('Uri'" H HOl"R 80\'l<'t.: -J 'OJU.nqk J S;lf StRVllE ORU~S , ·: ' Mii Via t..w.-llarMr HU DON OA&IOBTON A. L D. ....... ...,. ... Mll"-......,.-~r un T hi' .. f'f'oo •pll' pf f'1ll 1"rn1a ln,l11 v Jl'•lltll'lt .. rn• ... ·••l'ort .. r a 1u:,;1 1111t11m,.,btll' :.; 11•• .. ,h .. llv 11••tl b\ \'~u11hn l;r :.; 1irt11 k1rmn <:I\ fl! :l:.!I A ll•n ~t ·~ !"\;'''I""'' IS,.'' h ~·tit• h"" h,."' n .. 1'(11\Vlt 11'1! ul nrHc •rtrc • 1wd1ll111~ • Former reaidenh or part time residenh of the Harbor Area, will surely MAUEl'S &JOllAJLD'a UDO ltAJUU:T Mii Via t.w. -a.nor ltlt P • .A.. PA•.MJt& l:NO • .... ,. ... _...,_,l&Ot VOO~L COMPANY I Mll V .. tM. -HAl'Mr 6'll liY A.'"'1> 8£ACH &!:ALTY Via UM lllidc• Offlc'e I at U l..Al"aseti. -Hal'tlor 1141 LIDO &LU.TY "'880<.:IA TES I Udo 161• 6 Re,nl&l.t .... , ... U4e -.....,.., •••• 8AVING8 A LO~ .&.880<Jl.ll'ION8 JfEWl'OaT BA.LSOA !'A \'l'SO" A LO.&."I ~OClATIO"' A 8a'rift«1 ll\.llltuuon Leins T enn Hom e t.o.ru ..... \'la Ude -ll&rbor noe IEBVICE STAnONS LIDO IUCllFIELD M1J Nawpor1 lllvd.-Har. t.llU IROE8-Mu'a lllD"'D...l.'H !!TORE FOR ms MJI \'le Udo -H&l'ber Of .. 81101'.S, WOMEN RULE'S OF CAUf"OR~,A Mlt \la U4o-llA ow l'llEATBES UDO TIU:ATRE CoMUlt lhlll pa~r tor prorram '\'la Udo at Se111l)Or1 Blvd. llartlor II 1 t 1'01'8 UDO TOVLA.~D 1661 \la Udo -ll&rbar tt6t l'RA VU ACENCIE8 RA.&llOa TaA\"t:L AOESCY Mii N_,on Bl•d.-ffal'. N H VPBOLSTERING DIOIL llACUR MM Via U4e -llarfHir U H W ATCll REP AIR \'INOEST'8 WATCH REPAl.a UDO DR1:08 Mel Vla Ude WINDOW OOVERINO TD 911A..DI: SBOP -MeKt .. ._. OOJ• liar. IM f't:.ARI. H A ttt\OK 'f I " •• E Ja11u lh l"S :'1 '"" ,.f \Ir •nd \I r11 A 11\o>o l \\ l " '"'lh•" or 227 \'•a t lr" '"t" s~·" r "rl ltf'o•h '-"U ,,i,.nt ty ''''\•rt• I tn th• r "'" t•f 't'••rr 11n ,,.,., ''n•I rl~... J•q11tlh "'••rk• 111 1~ .. C1ntl"lll t'lll'• Al th• 111"14•1 'lllllrlr r• ••I Ith· t '••n n1 'n•l• t Ill (°hlf'f 1'111 1f1r Fl"•" l'··MI H11rbr1r lfo...,ft11 H,. rnlt•ll'•I 1n th" =-:r.\v 1n Jt1n".,llll\,111r .. 1 '" rt1rt"'1 tn cancrar f ll 1n ,M11' 19"). ... Kl 5-1181 Aq~unirnl' nn th,. nnt11 ,. ot • • "~'""" .. ntt tnt 1•11tlr1 I f111 fr1111r1 !« r ro • l'lllni; .... ,, .. 11 .. 1.1 J:.Wu:Jsy ~ • ™''"'' ~u1•r•l••r i 'nttr t Jo•l1t~ Rll\ • iC'. nlttn I Th• rnp ... ," th',. • • lid n lin)o: "1th lhrnkrn •n """ ~'. .,~, •M tlr ·I (• '" 11o11nl \ 1111 l• !C( th .. t 111ttto• n, "'""' •hr ~ .. "JI'• r ·.~ Ho ·Ith hrolll• lo I Pl. 1• 11\k ,.( A nt· f"I ' I r\f l•n tf I II I t I :c: U1 f\kl11 Hl h • ..._. t ' ., ,.,, th -:c: ''• tn lt'-tt1•Jl••tt 11 ir1 1•1 I I•~ hu1 l•••n ••f'•·t1•"•1 I ' 1 .nl'IA , 1 t \I tf t ,, lh " C, 111 • • Jh .1 • f 11•h1n..-: T t • t.-., ,,1 .. !Ill: ......... If I .,. •• 1 I rtin C ft \iff,.f\,I\' ~ct tn :i;ur" ra 1 ,.,., .. , .lH·1;!'" K,·nn1•h • : f \I lt1'1 11 :c l<rtri)(oH n ~ P1 Hu 1 ''',. ''" :C P•• 1ha1L.•" I t• Ut•·'lf "''_. un· :c: "'''" t . t• "' r ,, ,,., ft, t th~ '""'' t 11,l't Th,. •t,.trn tarir 'l:11n ,..., ti"' :C h.t t ~••t fran-1.-tt h\' 01'r•of tt • IF\ .,,,. .... • t lA \II,• ~ ul llni: ( hill,..._ T hlr._.... htna '-ff•n H'. 1 r-.'--( uff f'r I rn~'rl..., ~ •• ,, ....... 1. • .:c; :c: :c: :c: ~: ~: c : ~· c · :c: ~ :c: :c; :c; :c; :C'. c: :c; C'. c : :c; :c • • appreciate receivin9 this Gift Subscription to their favorite Newspaper, and you will be remembered for your thoughtfulneu the year 'round a1 they receive three i11uea each week, every week for the entire year. or at and Call Harbor 1616 Come to 2211 w. Office Blvd. Our Balboa Order the Subscription. c Appropriate Gift Subscription Cards Mailed Upo11 Receipt of the Order 3 ISSUES WEEKLY MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY 22 I I W. Balboa Blvd .' ' .... JUNIOR TARS TUCK ·AW A Y THIRD STRAIGHT VICTORY NEV/PORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 MONDAY, DECEMBER S, 1955 Kemper, Babbs, Hubbard Pace 44.39 JV Win Over Riverside OC PRESIDENT LAUDS BELIEF IN f OOTBALt I , Conne<.'ting 0n f)\'e more gift t osses than the opposition, •·we believe In thl11 STeat game the cavortjnO' New11ort Harbor High Sch ool junior varsity of.~ootbsll." Dr. Basil Peterson of ,... Orange Coa!t C'olll"ge Informed quintet tucked away its third s traight \'ictory Of the casaba l\"e\\•port Harbor Elks and playen season a t Riverside Friday afternoon. 44 -39. Each MUad con-1 or lhe P lratl" a nd Nl"WJ"Ort Har· -r· al b · · T dr d h h 10 bor High School football tun11 nC'cterl for 1' 1cld go s. ut JUOIOr ars oppC' t roug I In Elk8 Lodge Thursday night. ~hnts frnm th<' fnul lin" C'omp11rr<1 1 Othrr junior v&r~lty scorers for "We are alway• out to wtn," .,. to [1 for the f:l\'i>n11dl' JV10. I th-.! Gob•: Bob V1llagr1U1a •· Jim Peter10n ()()Jltlnued "but If our Rh ·<"rs1Je's De• "rn1nn h1•lk high Bento :.?. Stan Schones 3. boye d& their beat, we have 110 ro1nt honors wit h Ill, bul J erry rrgretc." ' l\:c'mper \·;1th J:l. Don B11hh'1 with I Peterson aalt1 Orange Cout n ~'·'' ~ene Hubbard \\'Ith JO EASE TUSTIN FROM Collere WU .,ere to llflrve the kt>pt \lhlngs too hot for the m·als CIF GRID PLA YQFF community. "We don'l try t o C.OAL TWIS~ bring In •tan," the rolltoge p~sl· dl'nt d~clorrd. "We'd be 11att11!led If all our football player• C'ame from our two high Khool dis· dl1trlr.h .'' Bot h Rahhq 11nd Kt>mrPr whip· pPct !Jve f1el1I i:;oals th rou~ll the cords. l<E-mper 11unkect a gift toM· t'll to 2 !or Babb~. H ubbarJ 11.lso 8C'Mrd with five i:oals. B ubbs gut the lor11l lad!' otr t o A fllst 1<1a l'I, n<'ll1ng 6 points In thP first quartt>r. 111 the seconrl slnnza. l l was Hubbard who took nver. d r op p In g t hree baskets th1·oui;h In a fluny. Tustin. Or an g e Leag\Je chnmplon. was edged grom tht> CIF football playoffs 34·33 by the Claremont tlt'v· en F ri.Jay night In F\11\erton St11cti11m. Dirk P oll)/I 11rored all Clart· m ont's points t o shoot his tPam Into 11emlfinals of the Southern Grnup playoffs. Relating Zeno'11 p&redox on mo- Uon, that It you go halfway )WU 11Ull have h&ltWay to go. Peter· lt"n told ot a teacher who used a .;tudl'nt ,. Rlrl frllnd a11 a.n" exam· pie. Th~ tea chl'r told the stud~nt. f "It your ~rl 11 acro.1 the room and you iro haltway. ~·ou 1tlll have halfwa) to "°' and I! you l'O hal:- woy fr"m the~. you attll haw\ ha!l'woy to g;o." An'd the 1tudent!' r<.'pllet1, Dr. Petnaon •aid. "Thnt may ~ true. But I u.n 1till lfet close f'nough for all practlc11 ·pur- roua." Petenon aald that wu lh11 w11y It wu with t he Orange Coaat Col-" lere football telllT\. In Ea11ter11 COJlferen~ <"ompetltlnn 1 .. t ,.!'•· 1011', the Buca won na.ry ·a pmf., This l f'!SOn, Pet t"l'llOR rolnted ou: .• lhf'y wrnt hsltwe..v tow1rd lha loop chitmplnn~hlp, wlnnlnr tt\ne ind lnslr.g thrre. "Orange Coe11t Collc1te football - Is on Ule 11pswtn~." P~rson con- claded. "lt we go hatrway ap'n next l!<'Afon, we wtll IOOn be cl •Ml enough to the chamr.lonlhlp fer a II practlr11I purposu." J\' C'Ol'l?T S<~L\D -l 'ndefcated to date, the New- port Harbor H igh Sd1()0! junior varsity court t eam appc-ar:; sha1 1in~ up fpr an outst'anding S('ason. From left, sta nding: Coad1 J ulcs Gage. Gene Hubbard, Ro· ger Peterson, Bob Villagrana, Jerry Kemper, Jim Bento and Manager Gil Sharp. From left, sitting: Jeff Smith, Don Babbs, Bob Allen, John Lewis and Stan Schones. -Staff Photo Bue Quintet in 49-41 Triumph Over Glendale M fARE HOSUltS Krmpo'I' nn•I Babbs sti11rrd hon· n1'.'I in thr big third pPrln<l wh•·n the T ars !cored 17 pmnt11. K em- per tAtlted 7 point s, B11bbs 6. Kemp"r poll11hl'd off the tilt with !'i markrrs tn t he final <"llnto. Orange Drops Ventura Fray MIGHTY MIKE Haas Named All-Eastern League Back For t h11 at>cond 1tr11.lght year Orange Cout College Fullback Mlke Hau hall bern selected on U1c A ll·Easlt>m Conference fool· ball (eam by the Orange E mpire Sports W nt<'ra' Asaoclatlon. Haas HARBOR AREA BUSINESS GUIDE REVERSING HIS FIELD FOR TD Thal 'i. wh:1t T1 ti H:ttldrwk ( 11 1 11\ 1ln ing on Costa Mesa Pa rk tu rf m recent Harbor H11yM· t 'lub 1·1ghlh grade outing aga1m1t F ulkrton. Haddock made the ma nucver to ( \ .1111· taC':d•·r·-. iift•T h.1 t1!1r1;.: 111 a pas!! fru m Jerry lfrhn. Final score favored the lo- ( .d lad.~. l ;-,.tj , -!"ls.ff I 'hqlu Hilling on !H per c• nt or his Thursday nti::ht In Ne\•.rport H ar- fleld goat nllempts. J eddy y .,11ni.:. ORA:'\CE. I OC~SJ -A pow-bor Elk.ot Lodge was namr•I "mn:<t r x-Hunt1ngton Beach Otlci>r 1<i·e. r>rlul Ve.'llura H igh School ba~· lnsplrallonal" player at Coach paced CoM'h St 11 lninnn's Ora.,i:e ketbal? tram d"frate1t Orl\ngc .R;iy R 111<:<••'11 ~Pt rates, Coallt"'>iit:olh·~e l'trntrs to tht·1r High's qulntel l'IU·•l6 Fnolny nli;:ht. I :SA~n; Kt::oo."t:LJY llCl'Ontl i.l ra1i;hl lnumph •ti! the Tho !'anthers cam.i"'rrom nowhere Bue E nd Ja1·k Kennedy wll.ll the court ~rn:.un 49·•11 m-.·r Gl• nol:tl<' to take a bt 1,·r les •I, only tv be only olhrr OCC perfonnt'r t o J?8r- 1'hunulay nti:ht. The !ray w11:1 on cnui;hl ft om bi·hlnd. I n .. r rrcognll1on among lh" bu l the rival floor. I T he Orani::e a tla l k wai1 IPd by 1('11dJt•r11 In the EC. Kennedy waa Allhuugh pll1ni: up a 2i·17 half· •.• p 11 h L 11 .• JU l Jc11Jgnatt'd 11rcontl atr1ng J n.C'n UfCl \\' 0 u lC'u JIUlll ~· 1 . . lime te11cl, thl' !Ah !I hoJ l o boun•" Traihni; 28.21 at the h.tl!, Lhe Hall!! topped Pirate acorlng In b11.:k 1r·•111 a four p .. 1nt 11..r1..it l'anthl'iR i.:ot har k Into lhe gMl t' the «onf~rl'nco thl11 11Nu1on with In the 1111111 11i;ht m1111111'N uf lh<' 111 tho t hird prrii><I to tuke 11 40•11) :!I J>0111 tR, f11r twh1nd F'ullerton's game A ~u111d1 u l !Ii"'" .:11111o• ov 1 1 l th f 1 t j Cary Camplwll who r egistPrl'd 72 ·r . ea• g11mg 111 o e ma cnn o. e<.J L uutts, who '"•JI I'd <mly ''"'' A lf ex pc< t•••I t he Hornets (!om· point 111 th(' cun!l" l. t O!"llt 11.iutl'•I I T hi•n v .. nluru pourrol In :!O lnatt»l the All·EC, 1<even belng to thP 1·1,mt··from·b•·hind 11111m1•h. points to 6 for the Panth,.rs. I named on U1e f1r1t team, two on Due l'<·r.tt>r k:zra \'.111 11<11 n un.t In a rr<>vlous 11ullng thts w o•r k, lhe Mron.J. Th" ml~hty Mounlll'I! I Fo1"''·lld n .. t> Ct> 1pm11n 1 irn•"I in the l'unth .. 1,; uf l'o111r h Hil l 1-'l'an\7. or !';an Ant.ontu plal'l'<J three on a f1n•• J"h 11l t.1kmi: th•· 1·11,.1!i,1 <'••Tll•' th1«n1:h with 11 I 1~ q11111t.·r tirst 8trin~. four nn tho 8<'C'On(1 •• rr t h" 11 .. a1 ii• l".x·;\'o "I"'' 1 11 ,r. llf'Url to d~frat thr \'al,•nu<L Tt· 1 l"lltST :-.1'1tlSO I b"r llq;h ~la c 11. nnv t'1t.c1111t 1 wk i.:•·r:i 4;1.;H; T1·11 Y lfrr 111111111 an•l l\'amrd on the ftn;L tr11.m we-re: J11nl<•·d II •l t~ll• lh1u111:ti !111• h""I' Th,.mo~ F 1g-u .. r11a ll••J l11r ht~h , Eno! K en G:ci:ury. Tacklt·~ Bob ()lh•·r r 11 11te ~··11r(>lll . \'hrirmun point hon .. u for Oran(;e "llh lZ ("hnmho.'rll l\Otl ('harlP1 M•Murtrv, 8. \'t.11 If• 111 :, Tomnuuw n1.;-hl lll"1l• l'B.< h . .{.4.;uanl-1 G <'" r I:,. Jllu'rer::i. a~d 1n lho OCT i:ym. lhe Uut·.s titkP I \Vayno t •ayu ... 11.n1I J.\IH k11 Camp· 'n thl' <111•ltlenl1<! l'"r•.,•h al 8 I'm. Cha Ed d he.II and Durdl Rob<'rt.a. eJI of Tt1ur~""Y 1111.:111 . rn ·c· 11 .. ~1• r. .. ni.: pman ge 1---uuerton: En 1 Bnb Bletcher Ilea• h, thl'11 ltttvo·I~ to 1-.'.t C.111111111 c .. nt,.r Bo!) H.unnrli1 r.nd Oack Vmlay ntirht. Ch11pm11n Co 11 e i; e P anthers Ma rian H ollanrl. Mt. SA<·: na .. ·k dtoµp.-11 l ht•ir llN'onol hPartbrl'llk· Overt.on Curtit"e ot San Dcrnar· tr In the Infant basketball 11<'1111on 'dir.1'1 and Hun~. 1''rld11y nlghl ft S Uwy wrro dump· Tho ~f'rond 11trtngers werr· End Dnlt&.11 0 Wr•lls wu t11,.11r1I ft cd 68-71 b.v Pomonu -L·larcnl(mt Ci>C'tl All~n. 'J'du!' Bob Vol1;hl -----------------------------1 bnv~ Yro11 cant 1 «phH'C' A boy llkr ro~tl\ Mr"" city bu11tllng p~1111lt In the consnlallon bracket or the 1 llhd Ba<"k9 {Aul" Diaz il.tltl J nhn valurcJ al $6000 ;'\uv. :!3. The pl'r· i Redl;,nd.8 tourney. Lastrr. Ml. SAC; Ccn(.('r l'rc.-nt11< mil Ill for ronstru, ttnn .. r 11 1 •·M· Trailing by three pofnls I.I\ thl' Portrr l\nd n.~rk Bob .BMhmlln rl,.n<'e en•I f(on11:0 Ill 221'1 f:J.J~n way, lh4! l'anlh<'r• were nrnr Fullerton; Cunrd ·r om Wfttktnl! Ave. C'ost11. Mt JO&. I "blo to rlo11c the .:11p AA they J(lr.t j 11nol Bar k Grne Britton or S.ui THE SPORTS WATCH u .. rlltn• • I :'\n, i:uy~ hkr tl"l'l'.V aren't r.~ Rll.t. PHii.UPS "P"' IA< 11 lur plHyr1 • You •lr•n \ nn'h " thrm p.u11111!a1ly 1111t1l I v111 'v.nnt lh" Job tJont' Th• 11 you .1 .. 11 I 111•\lftlll' " ~ ... "11" \'1.11 I .111 •·n th••1 11 Kll•I th•·v 11.1 1\ Ult'lr l!'l'Oflll lltraJi;ht gitmll or lhl'' 1 Pmardino; Tar kle Duff F'lnlay !';rtentt IJ< e11tlmate that Ant· year. Ll11ve ~m1th l•·n1I th .. lr1•cr• nf ChaJCt'y: C unrd Don J or•lnn of "r•l••·' ""• t1u1•w d ;i;.(lllil(),O(jO Ill the llt OrllllO <Olumn v.llh l l Snnt t Alla. nark Rni:rr Fol1om If n• r :l ~··1111g man dc-srn·NI "mttsl 1n~p1rallnnal" f.,1.thall l1111o 11s. 1t \\'.1:' .lolln ll11pk101.1 of the N<'wp0rt Har tmr" H 1;:."h :-+rtmnt ~,. rh~\'C'i1 This S<'a!IMl.-rfe f('('<'frNl a f" 1111 u 1 1,t 111·1·nladt· to l)1at 1•ffrd fr11m thP N1·wpo rt Har. lo. ,. I '.IJ; .. !."d l.!1' Thursda\' n1i.:ht. l fit'rso11ally would h:l\'f' I' \\ I ' 11 ti I 1 1111 .. '1" I ,. ,. I I 1• f I t t 1\f' \ h•1n k n( I h· h tH •J••n r f ' 'fl I~''" 1q:tH rpr t du 'n 1 ·' t n I 1 j I I fh t , I qf "" ', ,, ti r !f1 •, Jf I 11T tf ' t U•t ., t I .... 1\11f1,1 J1 I II 1 I I· I I f 11\ll, T lllllll •·If 1 • • 'l • II 1 n · n B'"•1ot1 II"' . \I 11•·1 1 H••rt\'I 1' 1, '• , I ,.,,,I ''" nft•'n r I ~ 1 la t I J'lf h• 'f1 11f h"H1J'flft t 1• ' "' 11n l hr h111 •!111 !di r 1' ... I! 1 H1• , .. n.<• lhr"llt:h >c r11t h II I "l It 'I I II t•1• 1 I t I'-tt1rn !\.h ~t nt•'•t I '•.• t q ' "''" 41U t n..: , ,..,.,.t k r 1 .,... \\ti' h v..11n n IC"H._.,,~ I t ;. !' •ml' ""' T 11 • "• 111•1 h1n" I· t .\thP\J r ,,n lft•t •tr~I' 1frttr •r 1 11 tt.tt\tt '11 n h·.1 v.~t1Tn1•r,;•' '" •i•rt' ·rw T•r ~t l· '/'1.';,.:1 .'~~lthrt\1:'"1~1~11 h::·u "~~~;~~~~ ,i l '••\" I Jiit' A - t \ .~t. r !L• F •d· l 1t ~ t :, t 4 \\ t'l r '~ ut ·~ \\1lh1Uf 1'1" .. 'f • , ' \ '" t ~ ,. !' n. r. t f ''I I t I f o• \\ ,, "' ••• , ... •1 lo• I "'1 1 •11 It I Kil t . 1· ( ' I " I •f1 ,, •• ,. ,,. h I • I I ' I- I• f'l ""'I tl•P olll "' r n " • ., , '11 h ,.t lt',.."'t' 1:·01.,. ... S.t " rim 1111 r "1n1 In •h• ~,.u .. n \\l\t·n I l'IJllP•'• •1"1'1"" 1 Tor 1 ~n k•. II I' k .nt11 \, .• , .. 1t1• '•·'•tnn l1t'IJ: h, 1 1 '.' "r nn 1 ~ .. t • 11. ~ 'It ' 11 I f. l t n~•· An I tJ"f• 11..... 1 \' •• 1n R Jti"•\' h"' \\'S\~ 0 lfJlf't I ~.t•J I r1( 'h'' \\'Nk 1 V l h•' .--~\'J ••tl lf11tlY1l \ t•llr htnJC ~IR ff Tiff: t l.T"l.\Tr; Thr r+in4 h,...., 1 P r-n~ilt\tvPc JZ1'"" 11 '• ·• 1 •,. ~1· ., •,. rr• 1 ·~1t 1 1n \ t \ 1 I ,,, .. ... , 1r • •hi t 1 l ' \\ !• ., 1· • I • Ht I l '' l'I I \ • \l I I ~ 1 " ; f , ' I ' 11:1' l•I '!Ill' \', t r Jll•t i•1dq 11 ' t ' It 'I' o I 11 .~.' I 1 r r-1 kc: kt,, \\ !l1l II ,•f•tf f(t'rltt1' 1 i \I ~. .. ~ ' ' • ,,. ~ 4 l'l !1 I j • ' •J 1 IH I • 1);1 I :i .. " H. C. Head Will Up for Court Prcbate I' . A ' !"A ,\'A •''' ,.,,, Th~ \\ ll t I f"• ,tri.._ 11 C • ,, • \ ~ j, I '\~f ., ' ' ; I ,' n f ' , ... ft\ f-1 '• J t i~" f ,. .,. ,,,,, '•'!".\°"' ~1 ''"~'tl•r<"t ••r o , • t 1 t' I f11h'-t 't• ~ \ :'O h \ h,~ ~''M ., 1 • 1 1 .1 ,., h '•• II 'I II· 11 l"\n 111 I . , r ''' 1. t' ,Jt; n : .. , j 11 • "·• • I I lh • ..;ti.~ • l '. • ' I • • I I ,. l1 f'll J ' '" 1J 'I , .. t ,.,~ \\•1 ,,, '', r f.Stll nwl l ',b· ~, ,. I \\,. ~. •. 11\i•• 111 'l''" 1nr• ntt !inn• tht n · 1 tn'" h ' llrt1'• $120110 T' t ·ii r ' ",. • h \'I\ I 1 In 11.Pll" \J• •\I It J.11 1 i ~: Tl\'I t • l"1 ' u !· , r, 'l ~-r ~"r r:nP,. , , u ,. "' ·"• , 'rt 1 j t • 1 H ·~ -c• 11 •1 H···' """_. :11 ,• l ' !I\ •\'rr l"l"1h 1hr Ir. 1:' J &r.J H i f )' "'' 111;c-0! :'\. rth 111,J S(IUth PolC'll ~l'M1 ~ n1:u lpoinLI. lof ~1\eratde o.nd K cn n••<ly I' 11 ' I I I I \ . \ ' I ' ' / / ' ,......_ •I .;, ,. __ .... _ I Arrive showered and pressed ... on the '<sunset 1 Limited'' -( GAY NIW ORUANS seems even gayer when you arriYc on~. P.'s S1m11et L int itttJ-not only shav~'<l, \mt .•h••l•, rrd, not only brush~'d. but ptc.~m1. ~lww.•rs and \'alel service a r e only two of many Cl' lu xe fratures of this luxury hotel 0!1 whc·rls "·hich make your journey a tlcolightful 1•n.f in il· self -not just a means of jletting somewhere. This is the kino of pmdurt Southern Paciflr THC WEST 'S lAllGEST TllANHORTAT IO N SYSTEM L. W. Gordon, A9ent likes to produce-and iie!I. Whether it be p3$sen- ger or freight trains, we want to provide the kind of S('rvire that m<'ets a puhlic need. ma king u11e o( e\·cry new devclopmrnt to ronstantly improve that ser;ice. \\'('arc y•111 r railrnad-!'cr·vin~ more or t hP \\'est and Southwest than any nthrr railrnntl-and we want to be a good road for your benefit. Southern Pacific 2500 Balboa Blvd. Phone Harbor 4 ., AlJTO lllEPAIRS ComplPle ('olllalon Work Auto .Patntlnr PATCH'S BODY & PAINT SHOP R . W. PATCH Freo E11t1111catea T ry L'" First '1"6 \\'f'<lt nth l"t. COtlla Ml"*a, C'alif. u 8·'1Ml8 COSTA MESA MOTORS Complete Automotive Service Body It P 11ln l Department Brake Shop U BOHR TOWL'iO "A.A.A" Al'PROV'li:O UbfortJ 1-%168 n•o .Srwpor1 Boultward {'o•la Mna. Cellfomla 9 t'.A qt;! I HOP MARINE BEAUTY SALON E r pttTt 811111,.g -8Jlaptt1g Pr:rmn>1• "'" -Tinting Sup"1'1'bed by Violet an Marine Av". -llM'bor 151 Balboa l•luld CAiii WASH 3 Minutes LUSTERWASH -JJ&t.om41.k2.. Car Wcu111"!1 at lta Tined 2%4' \\'. Coul 111«•-1 N~"'lXlrt IJf.acb, OaJlt. Mtone Uber1J ~-UU (Arn-a From Pnrt o,..,,.) COHTllACT°"S CHAMIE~LAIN & SON (. omm,.rrlaJ -RMlc1f'llUM .... ""'"' -ratio• llAA ~Mt 1 ltb SI. t'o•tA !\l""ll I.I M-4llot MAX W . POPE, Inc. Commerdal -Rf"Sldentlal lndoMtrial -Tract" DlllUCCIST ~~~~---~--~--~~- CRAWFORD PRESCRlPTlO~ PHARMACY 111111 S""JW>rt Rh·ct. l'ht1n,. l.llw-rty 11·12t2 Ctl!lte Mr !'&, CaUf . FOOD t.OCK E.lt5 HARBOR MEAT CO. l'rlmo • Chok o M .. to Onlr •I Whof•••l• Pde.•• Lo<kor 1t .. 1ah. Cutto• 5•ololllf Cuttl"'•· Wr-ep'u'•· A1•••e Cut. Smolit1"1 Flitt. T urk•1•, ChtdHftl 4111 • 30th St. Harbor Ollll Sf'WJ)<'r1 RMt•b fUlllNIT~~!~~l!:'L_ s .. w 11 Oh.I FURNITURE FINISHING Awbrt)I Eli.,1111rl/\ ru 1r.u~ • ._., OeH••f7 sn .tc• f r•• £.u a ... ,. 20s? r1a,,,.nt1• LI S·T951 • Rf'a. LI ".,., tll a Costa Mna HUlllNG AIDS The Finnt ln Jl~arln1 Complotolr la•l•lllle 5•h•fect1•• eu.,.,_, ... MAICO Al,JDIVOX WE!>TERN £.LECTIUC Ser\·lre tlatlrrlt'to ('orda All Makl'A II. DALE RA THEB ''llr11rl11'1 Cr11trr'' 809 ~. !\la.In iiMlla -'• Kl 2·~10 MOVING 2 Sklllrcl, l n111rt rt & FHt MOVERS only 111.8:1 hour •. ,_ E1tlmel1"• e1n lllwtan~ Fila~ or ~•tlon \\'Ide LO\.\'J.:ST PI' C:. RATES NEWMAN Transfer & StoraCJ• Llbf.rtJ l -tU4 •r 11.flOM PIANOS WOODWORTH Plano Company •• u .... ri ......... o., ... c •• ,, ....... .. u .. .i ri ........ o., ... a..i •• -a ... 1&10 -lenoko HIO r;, Cou t ll"'Y· Bar. 118' Corona d«'I Mar l'LUMBVIS Your 0.•••••ltlo Ph•_... H. H . HOLBROOK 81..ce 19~0 -_....._ .... c .. 1trw tlo• -• _, ... W ehr H.-ee•r• -Dt1 ... .a. Fl-r funoecM P'REf: ESTIMATES !llOI \\'. Rallwla Jlh•d. Bat • .a. 'bi e""i>ort Bil.ell GILLMAN PlumblnCJ Co. co .. trec 11 .. , -•• ,.,., •• a-odoli"• -W ehr H-•- We ll H••t"• -r t•er r-.,.... .. •to -111 .. 1 !'It. Harbor ,.. Rf'•. Kl 6·SAO% S""f~rt Rrarb POULTllY HALL'S RANCH CO. e Ran r b F rl'lllt Eu• e Fr,....h O~ P llllllrJ !U.'\ Hul><lr tnvd. 1.11>1-rt r 11-~~u C'n•la "..,.._ ('a.Ill. ~tltVICt STATIO~S ~~~----~---·~~----BAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE • f roo l'ltlo·u• A Ooll••.Y 8 11,f, V.'Rf(;J.IT , Ointrr too w~"t ('t1ut """Y· l'h. UIJf'rt y 8·9H:\ !\rwport ~h. C.:a.llf. TV APPU ANCU -----\"our Guanuit-' TV and APPLIANCE ""n1rf0 ...... AO Tr.,.• ol Ttli•hl•• end Mert•• -w .. 1ln1ll"•• Al',ltoacoo Ph. Uberty 8·3437 J llM Harbor Bh•d., Czr!a MNa YACHT ~ALU CLARK SWEET J'R£.D $CH£.rtCK IA• .. •l•tot l 'vbt l'&.18 -Cllar1en Oen.-raJ IMaruee A prdca14Mg t11 M ·1nne 1.._wro"c• I •n. llht "'· aan-0111 s"" rnrt "-"tt I ,. • PARr°I :_ NEWPORffrARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDA y I DECEMBER 5, 1955 346.200 County Population .. jCoasi.ill ri1·i~g Shows 60.1% Gain Since '50 ~arnings Given . S ACRAMENTO. (CNS ) -Re· poea. N c\'a da, P lumas and Tularf' By Coast Guard \'111ed population figures for the Seven counlltll grew more tha n slate of Callfom la, baaed on u tl· 100,000 ln p-0pulallon atnce 19~0 The Cout Ollard anno11n~~ lt\&tes m1ule by the et&te dep&rt · the rep••'1. 11huwt1. T hey are Ll•11 thn e will be firing off Cutle I mt-nl or tlnancP. today lmhl'&l· Angeles, San Diego. Sant!\ Clora, Rocl<. San Clem-:nte bland, Mon- 1 t'c1 that ~he 8l&te jlas 13.0:l:'>.OOO Orange. Al8meda, San Mateo amJ .!ay lhrouth Friday from 8 a. m. living within It.a b~rders, 8 i:am Sacrarnonto. tn midnight thla wnk. TbHe will of 23 1 per cent over the popula· 11tso be firing during daylight TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCI\ REPORT & COMMENT NEW YORK NOO!'l C'OMME!\"T terly a.beorptlon powl!'r I• very COMPlLED BY B. C. G ARSJDE, ron11trur tlve. Bol'lng wu a ble t o DEA N WlTTER CO. _ A firm adv&nre to a new recovn y hl~h In active d..allng1 w ith United lone carried through In the early •Alrcr&tt. D<>uglu and Lockheed trading wtlh t he rep~e1N111lative putlclpatmg. t..Jews Hen Victim Of Purse · Theft SANTA ANA 10CN8I -?'\l'W· port ~a<'h new11ra~r woman P hylll11 Jayne JackMn of 5703 Seuhor .. Drh•I' waa the ,.;cum ot a .. n<'a..k thlt'f S1tturd1y. She-tvld Shrnrra dtpullea 11he plact'<I hl'r 11ho11ldt'r b&f on a bt'nch 11 tho no11r of th• nf'w•- pa p.-r offk l' Wh l'rt! •he work• in <.lBrdPn Grovt'. l ion u uf Apnl 1, 19~. named &ft er Ule aerial pioneer by hours Saturday ll.lld Sunday, Large ' I The department t'St1m&t~ the the studt'nta tht'mselOts. In pop11h1r ~rate photo murnmatlon nare population by cnunt•f'll . l'how1ng balloting. when the sc-hool buHdini; .trop1 will be conduct<'<! on \\'ed- an ln.:1to~~ 1n OranJ:I! count\· ur "''U fumlsh•'•I In 19~1. I nl'11day from i ::lO L m. to day- llBt ot lndJvldual luuee actively Leading tob11cco1 utendt'<I rl'· higher. Selected chemical d ruga, cent gain• wit h Am r rkan Toba r· 0111, lobeccoa, 11lumlnuma and av1a· ro and R l'vnoltls In nt'w h1~h tiona are participating. ground, refl~tmg prospect.a of \\'h,.n 11h!' rl't Uml'(I a fl'W mtn- lltl's latt'r the bag "'•• ,;on• It t11rn .. 1 up htlf'r In a m 111I box Il l 7tt: lll\li At'BC'lll Su.. Gaf\lf'n Grovr. but approxima tt'I)' '12 IQ l'!l•h w1111 m lMlng FLOWERS BY MORRI RING THE BELL Mn. Don Sout.hwort h &how• award to Morrl Molhu, ln<·al flrmst. wtioee booth wu judged 1rNt'epat11kea winntr at annuul H&tl"\\' Cluiat.mu Preview held In Ren~z11ou1 Ballruoni ov• r the "'~· k· eod. -Don Bush Photo 150 High School Senior Girls in 'Homemaker' Day 1 J29.921S people, to bnng the total ~IANY ('OSTRI Bl'TIOSS hi;hl and from 7 to 10 p. m. I p<'put:.&llon of t he county tu :l lfl.· Marlin's cuntnbu~1ons tu 01angn Thf're will allO ~e n rtng off :tOO. 1 t:ll 111 a gun o[ 60.1 p~r Cou~ly aro l~gwn. Al~h~~gh o:e ryramld Cove. San Clemente. I t'~nt. • 69-)iear-okl 1n illllun ex pct t neH 1 Tueaday through Thur!lday, 7 a.m. E ight Ca lifornia counUc11 ~how· marrwd, h e Ofll'll statt>LI he 1..i.t tH 10 p. m., ar.d F riday, 8 a. rn. ei1 estimated populauon~ t h I~ t hat Orang!! County "111 m y h~me ' 1,1 4 p. m. Y•"U Ulat a re less than the 1 9~0 I Ho almost annually vtslle<l Santa I T h ... th t f . e .-avy announct'll a our «nsua l'OUnt.8. T hPy ar,. A111ec.Jor, Ana &nd wu co.niuf1ered a Yl'lll I). \'ellow target buovs, approx:i· C11tavo:rns. LakP, La,.sen. Mon-speaker by the Santi\ Ana R ot:u > 111ately four f eet ·In diameter. -Club. On his VLl!ll last year. h<' d nated $3()000 or en to Ow huve been establlsh1>d Al lrrt'gular GLENN MARTIN .0 a · .g 1nterval1 In a line to 11eaw&rd I' lrst P n•sbytenen Lhurch. 'l l1e from San . Clem ent!' llll&nd be- P118~0r of lht• churrh, \V, S<'o lt tween tlOO and 4300 yards ore Conllnul'd from F lrt11I l'al'e McF arland, was a lif~·long friend shore. Eac h buoy exhlbiU a of Martln'11, 1'he organ was recent· . factory at the Orange County Air· 1 installeJ tn \he loft ot the Hteady white light ot low candle· port alte. The Navy g&ve hllll the I yh h d t ·'I l I pOWf'r. Offshore n rlng will be first cuntract In h1ic1ory to b111l<I c urc 11~1 a •hc" c,a oryh P1 aque t·nndut'ted In thl11 vicinity odai\y was na "-"' to 1t M ow ng t e 'onor. au plane11. The youthful a' mtor M 'ti 1 1 (\ U Mondey t hrough Friday, 8 a. m. con11Lructt>d tht.' two rraft at nie b :run "1:11 !'~~"' r~I ~ :," 1 to • p. m., during Ule Wt'ek11 of h 11 11.: r 1 v 15 mo er. · rll. 111 a • ar-Dec 5 12 Marini!' 11 11re warn d lllte. gl\'lng' t 11 rm 1 a ry 5 irll t;n, who also dw1I in Baltlmorc>, · · · r · e ac-ropianPS and prO\'ldlng hlms1 If she pnssmg un 111 Man-h, 1953. fol· to rt'maln cleat ot this area dur- Wlth the background wl11rh l'\'t'nt11· 1 1 11 1 111 t t l ini; operations. ow 11g a nger ng ne11s 11 1e ally developed ln~o M11rtln fa<·tor-age of 119• -------------- lr11 a cro!!ll the nation that lalll year t'IRST WAT t:R FLIGHT Burglar Robs" r111d an annual payroll 01 $92 mil-She was almobt ..... wellknown In lion. , Nl'wport Harbor as her famous Martin II lntereMt In a\•iation har1 son. both henng been a lmost an-c t Cl b starte-1 M ll buy. He hkt'd to "·•l<'h nual vu11tor11 here-. I t was over oun ry u blr•i& 111 fll~ht Rnd 811111Y their 11'\t'wport Harbor w11tf'1 s that M11r-w1n~11. lie hwlt tmx kllrs ?nil ~"111 tin made the first over-water flight SAJ\"TA A~A. <OCNSI -Bur-ll'."'"' to hi" n"IJ.:hbMs. \\ ht'll the 1n avrntlon "l~tory. That was In J.:lars alruck the Meadowlark \\ ngltl IHol h·•r11 1118 '1e their flrllt 1!112 when hi! m&do aviation hill· Country Club and home of t h t lHl<'t'l'H~ful !lighl at Kitty Hawk. tory by flying h111 lll'l!.pll\ne out links owner, Mra. lic>len Sima, ~1ai tin 8 1nlrrC'St In aviation km•w from Newport Harbor to Catal1n& 187112 Graham St., H unlillgton ~o bounili. He beg~ work on his Ulland and ret urned. Beach, Thursday night. ~larttn :O.lonoplane -one (J( thfl In another lint> the Martina wer,. l11Bt """rti1sfully powerrd cr11 ft noted here. The llUrgical w in or Approximately 1200 worth ol t'\'er to enter the air. H K clothing and cs11h wu takt.'n from Aluminum eectlon wu fea tured dividend lncrPllM bj' Kalaer Aluminum ,,.·hlch a dvanc-MARKt:T GOOD rd lmpruslvely on dl11clo1111re that The m111·kl't't ton1• la eatt1f11r- the company ts launching an ex· toty wnh Brh•<'ll\'e buying lm er- Pl\Mlon program to lncreue ca pa -e11t off8et11ng t ho proflt-taktn~ Hean Noise, No Caps city tome 60 pt'r Ct'nl. We look for continua tion of thl~ Stl'ph<'n $hl'rllll. l H Amelhpt STEt:L.S FlllM Vl'I')' 8<'le<'tl\'e flllllem O\'t'r the I A\•e . told police he hra rd """'"" Steel• maintains ll firm tone un-balance of t.he day. uni' tak111i; hutK·aps from ht11 .-ar drr the continw•d leadu shlp of l p.m. Oow .lont'• A\'f'rRKt' a bout.3·30 a. m . Satuiday AIJeghl'ny Ludlum and Bethlehrm 30 lll<lustrtl\ls 4 !\ 62 up :! Pl\ I=::..:::-__ . . _ -:-: ::::-_-_-_-_-__ - Steel. The latter a dv&ncl!d brler-211 Ra1h1 168.S:? up .:17 ly Into new high ground anrl whlla 1~ Ut1htle11 . .. ... . .. 6~1.96 11p .c111 some conaolldatlon may be nee<led 1 11.m. \'Olume 1,400.ClOO we feel that any minor weakne11s will prove another oppor tunity to accumulate atock. Relative to earnlnga ot $17 to 118 per share Bethlehl'm Stffl II atlll re&l!On· ably prkrrt and It l!l'f'mll ju11t a mat tu or t !me till a 11plll kl pro- po11l'l1, Although American Avl&llon reglsterl'd 11om11 dl.11appolntment upon declaration of 11l1ual quar- New Traffic Sl9nal SACRAME::-.ITO. IC~SI -1'he ~tale department ot publir works t o..fay awarded a contract for $38.· 276.9:1 for .lnat.allatlon of a t raffic algnal ay11tem, hJghway lighting and channelluUon at the lnter- 11ectlon ,r>f the cout highway w ith Lo• Patoa A.Vt'., i,,. mile aouth · euterly from Suruit'l Beach to Cox Broe. Oonalnlctlon Co~ Stan- ton. llit'w \'ork I 11.m. ~tll<'k l'rtl'f'a Amerlran T1·ll'phone . 18:? Anaconfla. .. .... . .. ': t "'~ Chrysl.-r . 9111, DuPont . 227 Gen. 1-:l•'<'t rtr . . . ........ ....... .. 11 1 •, Gen. Motors . ..... •....... . 41\ 1, May Co.... ..... .......... ....... .. 4:! N. Y. Cl'ntral . ........ H1 N. A m. A\'llt lir>n • 7:l SKft'\\':JY Stur•'l:I . 114 So. Cal E<ll~on !\:! So. Pacific Hit II'< Stenc1ar1l 011 of C'ahf. . >-!I', l'n1on Oil ot Cahf. • !17 L'.S. Sterl . ~~ WAT•:1t llt;ATt:ICS U .U.$ SU ¥1Cl ••O IE,AIH Joe .. ~f.~lofcJ fflMS 10 ,U ClNl OOWH Phone Hart.or il.M> F1o••n bt W te ll With Party Rt>ntal ltf'm" J ill.t E. (',~i.•t llv , C'11rri1111 rl • I fllar Harb(lr 507 l ----------·---- PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY 110 Broad"° ay -C• .. ta M,... Phu Ma U~rty 8·303 U "·HU ._ •. , l"'ITED SITE o11g Ho11pllul Presbyterian, ~an the Suna r esidence. newly built. · 1 d the legl'nd: Lou In the xolt .shop and lunch BE SURE INSURE ~l,irtin fri•quent Y re·Vlllltf' th)e "Mother Minta Martin \\'Ing." 11t1J1d 111 undetermined, sccordmg -6~ DO YOU NEED ----DE ;a T----. ijl\•• or 11111 fl rat ochirvt'mtnts. ( n It wu named for ha in comme· "1th U I l .., t , 1 t y to A.sslnent Pro. J 11ck Henry. 11 111' 1' ~an 11 ' rH• us ear, moratlon or the 1Jt11unrh aupport • MAURICE l!iTA..'"Li:Y MORE INCOME? \\ l11•n 11., "''"'' honore<l by l'l\'IC she gave hl'I' son In hlll t'&rher Roland S1m11, l!On ot the vie· l••uraace Only COLLECTIONS .11gn1t11111'~, M11r11n 1uud. "l thall days of flying lltl'I man-rarrylng llm, ..-id u veral ~hrl8tm118 pn·ll· hone Harbor 24it we orrcR BCLCCTCD dlways r .. mcml>er, alwsys rher111h "kitea .. The Mio tins rnntrlhuled enl:t were Included In the loot Ula t:. Co .. t Hlrh"'ay 18T MDRTOAOC LOANS Aooounta -~ot4'9 -l.'laUlt• uf 111y t'.Hh' f'\p1, 1<'111 l'i< ht>ri"" some $IOtl.OOO lo the Hoag llrni· taken from the hou11e. Entry wu Coro-del Mar WITH aCAVIC£ ~~~ ~.~,:e:~~i:'J:.':: ~: M.1rt in't1 fu 111• lht' (;lf'nn L. ~lar-p1tal win!( whlrh bt'llrs her namt'. J.:lllnl'\J by forcing the cutmR t "'-• ... ,..._ ._,c"""o... ,_.. \\'e advanC'e all coal .. 1111 A v1atton Company. recently rf'-trum a "'·lndow. -MARINE TttU•T ou:oe eouoHT ANO ao\.D CREDIT Bt:Rt:AU of .. Homemaker otTomorrt)w D&v" '''"r" In l'Rrh !'f'hO<•I will h•• ••n· ct'l\'ed the r1rst IJefrn11t' l>rpnrt-Fe I B'k Th ...,,.. Time ot the houae brPak • ln We11kra 0raa10 CoW1ty wtllbe obet'rvt!d atN .. wport H11r· l•···"I Ill ~IHll' l'OlllJll'lltlOJll V.lllt 1111'11t<"•>nlrl\f'lll tObtliltll•llrlh11111-1 ser I e en WIUI flxl'd 8l 8:20 p. rn. The INSURANCE WM B HOLT fo rmerly Cl'f'dU Bu ...... u of bor Union High Sch()VI tnnrnrrow ""' h "tlil•' Hu11wmuk1•1 "' To11111r· '11.'l''" r••r m1l t"r "I'll• t• • CoMlll ]'.l .. ,,c, ,. .. 11<•r wt•n.• Inform-electr1."lty switch w 1111 thrown at • • Ne"'J>Orl Beach, Lacuna 8"1c-b A atart llng total 0 1 2a6 ~:lt rnw r.•cl'ivtng 11 $ l~HI 1<dtoJ.u 1<hip I rhe Mvl11t 111n. ~>lnnen 11 .11rhlt've· t>ll Nov. 22 th11t u. blc:yde._bt.'lon);'· that tlme by the burglar•. Oet>o,!:;:~Sal~ty Co. NO•naMH •AllMCIND aod Coe\& Mna. carMr-mlnded l('rulu&tlng g1rl11 in I and ~h runner-up R $~•1141 M hut· "" nl' "ill 101' '"r ~e 'et ullt"•I In Ing '? Robt'1 I J. f l'Jllf'r, ti ,9 C1tp· S heriff' a drputlu 11Ktoy were %1%S W . c ... t HJl'laW&.J ••NC& ""° ICM RJn n11de Ave.. P.O. Bos llM 10.222 ot the nation's hl~h achoul .. ari.lufl ~·'"'" Arm by •.ho: l:lt'nn L :O.tn r· llul St , ha•I b+ot'n 11toh•n from t he quulloning JUVl'nllea 111 the club'• Llbllrt l-l1!41% uot N. IUSH m en• SANTA ANA, C.Alll. SE\\'~RT BE ACH, CALI•. ~nul~n~~~ will tul their Th<' winner Ml H~r~ir ll~h ~11~11~1~:1~b~tt~11~tt~H~r~~:•~h·~~~l~.~"'~h~tl~h~v.~u~~ga~r~a~g~e~a~l~th~a~t-a~·~t·~lr~P~~~·----~~im~m~~~~~~~~a~r~~~---~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~k~1:M~M~l~t~Y~W~1~11~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=- a ptllude tor th<' c a rt! I' r th&l will rf'rl'IV<' " i:••ldrn I l••mt•mdk• r • 1wa1ta t'lght out ot 10 of thrm-ar Tum .. nuw pin tit •i:n•••I 1,y Tt 1 tlomemaklng. fa.11 11n1l the ~ht><>I "'111 i, .. i:ivt·n Approxirdatel,y 160 &1rl11 -all 11 n1uk botik. ft'nlor• -a t Newport Harbor Th .. ,,.,1 will b~ 1:1wn 1l11r111s: H igh w1.U take l he 00 ·minute •<ti\ 1ly 1w1111tl 11111111 tlw hllf•<'r· wrlllt'n homvnakin~ exam1nat1•1n vl&lrm or MIJUI J u)• 1• Ai1o)I r•un which WHI be the b&als for JOClt•Ct· lnR the 11ehool and Ill.ala Home-h••11u•11i1t1k1ni; t~a~h~i. mak~ni of Tomorrow . --------- The examlnaUon pal)f'r of I.he girl receiving the hljthut lf'MI Spare Tire Gone R . E. R.oti.rta of 3803 F. ~Pa· ahore Drive Frtda y rt'porlNJ ltl ,.. polln the t ht'ft oC a l'p&rt' ttr .. and wheel f?'om hi• car. N~~= ~:~:~ r Ro:1 N I S.y Front nollflt>d ("•I r" f'l'l· i d'1 of l)lgt ot " ni,chtitown f1mTl htT clothe1llnP Th,. t:i\nn~11t v. .... 11111" anlf ~11cli t'ol .. rf'<I, thr Yl.et1m report "'1. Too Late to Be c1 ••• 1,1ec1 aa-ao.ta. Sore"" I R. t:. llndrir ks, D.C. J'OR 8ALE -18 ft . Btrc:hrnift '°9t. rf'<'f'nU\' ,.;111,.,,..I '"" rt• 1.- 11lt1th twf) ;1., hJ'. Mrr• 111v moton ant1 <'11mbn11t tnul• r & ort·llhCll"" 111oorin1t. $!100, t \11J H ar. 4024-W Mfltr :1 p 111 "I Sat. . Sun HI• 12 12 FT. SAll.1-'l~H pa1hll,. bn&r1t. with renlrr hoar.I &t rn1f.1Pr If Your Spine Was Where Your Stomach Is: v,ry 11h•rr s 111 ~1·h 1 1 .... $t 11 )•• •r ~;·m,. ~·I • ~11•1.11 1 1 t'Arh -4006 Rl\'f'r A,,. :"pl 11 "11 wh,.rr• '""' ''I• l• h ,, rn· Bch. Ha r. 18tltJ-W I I• 12 h:il • \ •II \\ • oll I l'l\ 1 ' I ~I t• n t1on an•I , ,.,,,1 1, 1 11 , \\ 1 .,, "tl\ll10!1•fld1IV ltkt• H~! I I• ht·• \\I' \\'JSH TO SF.I.I. HJll.I\' ,,, ·:.2 !111\1• "'" 'f 'n"'""'"'''' • '"' L I n ~ o In t:apri I •r\ r'1hlP lh• i Ill" I'"' 'h k II ' ,. ' Har M48·J 11r1. r 4 .w I' , .... I:? I 1lrl~ n . •h• ~· r I I• \\I · l'I .. Ii ' • ti ,. •fll'" ' I 1' .. d • I I '8-A-AplA. for Rt"n_t _____ 114',. 11 " ' 1 " 1~'10 "1 ' '•.: •"• t ,.,. , .. ..,1~ t •1n f ,. • r J ~ ,. • ONll!: B DRM rum 11 pl ljllfl .\t <11 &0ld,Cof'\"8 drl ~!Mr HAr II ,a .I tJ\ (I"" f An 11 I 1t 't I • i \\ I ll t tt 11n1 1•n"''"''1'lt• "''' .• , t • t u\', ··' 1 .. n \\ t I),. \\1• fH r.,;_lt' 4 II 11 ' , .I I J t• 48-B--Ho~ fur R.-nt .• 1n ,,u.,.h 11 ,., d•1 "'''r"' t• 1 f.10 I•• r •·H• ""' •h .,1 riur .-t t" 1'1 (11 r I ONE BEDRM holfJ<f' furn ~·""ti~· nnta.I. GllrB«"· Har 421-6 '40<-12 ----1 .. , -1 BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHAPEL C ll N :L RY T H F; !'~: \ 1741 ~urerior A \'Pnue :l:'l:!O 1-: I', i•l Hl\•I COllta MeH, C&ll t. Cur•'nJ-d,.I ~l'lr. l'lll1I Phone LI berty 1'-212l l'hone ILu l>n t 4:? - the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Design and Construction CO&OSA l ' '~ ~ ... ._ .... ... I • • or:1. ~IAR l'llff' t: H \IU ltll: 1;,11 - K.rpalf" • \l11ltt.,•nan1·.. • l 11•tnll11ttu11 STAFFORD & SON · :"F:L.Cl r>n.t 1'1 'I<' ' ELt:CTKIC'.\I. ( H'TIC \l'Ttllt" l'tao-l.lhf'l'I)' 14-'..!~;11 lit IUnraAdfl A , ... nut> ::-.. "" JKll't Bt'M-11 . I The experts acClaim LINCOLN NEWSWEEK ... "TM 1956 l.McoAii Ito c... ,.,,.,, ···~ -..... ~l low.H. and Wlder ..• with 28."1 ho rl't'power and 11tylin1t patterned rutn Lhl' e spcriment.aJ 'Lincoln Fut ura . • B11uie211 mnov11lloM are MJety fen. t un.-«. dc:vdori<'<i nllC'r yp;u·a of cra."h.lestinit ~ ... 11 Mfl't' 0Px 11t<'C'rin1t wheel, 11prin11· l"CftlMlAM r!r "" 1,,. !\•, t•f>l llllVll safel y i:x-ltA." WAU STREET JOURNAL ••• "TN ...w '956 "!111• ......_ ............ fl .•. .com. plek ly n.'elylcd, longer and more powerful ••• Ont' o/ the few mokn ro f«Jtu"" a ~or rt"-dn 111 loolr1 for 1956. Hesd !Amps are hoodoo. l.IU'1tcr taillightt1 Alaah forw1trd ••. 'Jct-pod' bumper gu.lU'd! bouae oval-ebaped u .hauata on bolb aides." COLUER'S ... ""Lincoln's attempt to~ tte• tbe~"'\e( more eep y ia hued on more t M n pl"t!llJt 1ge. Linooln iii a big Ctll, yet. .•. it convey• an im~ o( .m&iJ-cM ma neuverabili ty ••• b&rely five ft'flt biJih, it has a ground-huititins appelU'- ance. Honiepower IJOOl!ted lo US, and lhcrw are new ea.fety deviom." V()9UI • ; : "FMhion new. arrivinJ by car: t.he Lincoln'eboay ..-new.It-~n.rine ia new. it. aktty wheel iii new. and ao are the airpl.anMype to«f '9 llWitctw.. With the fl~ ol ai.rpon limouai.IWI and the like, t bi. i.. one ol the ~ e&n1 in America. lfa.ndM>tM ltOOWOry to fMhion. &oo ... It h'1151P"" .. • • • and the public agrees! Fine C41 buyen are eo enthusiastic about thia new Linc-oln th.at there bas been, literally. a waiting liAt for lhei<e Clll'l! t1ince announcement day. And the demand is 11tilJ mounting. To be sure of driving the Lincoln oC your choice at an early dat.e. com• 1n '°°"- FOR1956 AttOtlt.r Lincoln "Finl";., 1'te Ro6ot·Top : •. The 1956 Linroln Convertible h411 the first completely auto- ma tir fl<'lf-lod uni top-for the qwckMt, euieat "top-up, top-down" convert.inir ove-r. No handlM or leven1 to st.ru11glo with ••• nothing to touch but the oontroL JOHNSON & SON, Llncoln ·Mercury Liberty 9.5545· 900 W. Coast Highway NEWPORT BEACH · Acrou from lay C ... • ,. .. ' I l • J 1 TORRANCE NEXT FOE . FOR SAILOR CAGERS • I Tars Drop Third Straight Go At Riverside Friday by 55-45 HARIOR ~o~ BILL PHn..urs. S pN 1 s F.dito r Beginnin g t o s h ow sign s of ~a111ing tlwir t1hoot ing t>~'es. I NE~PORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I the N ew port H a r bor.H igh School ~a1lor:. basketba ll q ulnt<'t MONDA Y, DECEM BER 5, 1955 Friday a ftC'rnoo1: d ropped It s t h1rJ ::.t ra1g ht pr a cttc<' fra y at'-------------------------- Riverside, 55-45. The Tar bueket t'<'rs hit o n 34 per rent or Dons Tra·umph l'""'n•t ""'""'h.o11 1-11111• " I h I Lo B h "'••utri11111 Bt n·h•'"' \:\1U their fierd goal a t tempts. n t e1r rrccnt oss to ng ear I S ~T ~ ()( ~~ ~ .J1n1 ~'"' •,., ite~ndt\\f' ..-11~\'A rrt \\'ilson. thr innl ta•ls wrrl' 11hl0' dt1•p111 d 111 1.'> t .. ll1\•f'1s1Jr'11 11. 1 A. ~ A. A • •. ~· • ~11 • ,,( !hi' 11 .. 11, 1''1'1'• l••I lhf' n~t ' to )0<'8l1' th!' b:t~\"l only 2~ P• I tl~ll\\CIOU llOT ta Ana ltll•'l.:t"• P nn:I i.:•·1 "11 1" (011 :::.? l'"''t' ,,. r.;111h Jl•r j;1'111• I t~enl Of thP l 10lt' ~Ju4' ftlllhl !'\l lt--.""k ,•(HUp1letl h\' ;.t fl~tn(: .lfit,t1 t otn1i \\t'f t,. lh'\'tl h ('nu<·h J11l1·'1 G:>,.:P rreJl('l Pd lho• .l T ... '""' Ill 11 ..... ,,.r.rnd nuartl'I hPAoh•d ~·1111111· 1 .. 1:ht A• !ht•\' •••11 111): ""II"'' r.u11ro l ""'' Mat . Sailnrl't Wl'lll<I nu•k<' tht'tr' h ·t \' 11, ., 11, ·11' H:tl \\110.t hit ~:11 frntr do"n"tl 1111 \'l•lllni: t'ou111·t• of <''\" "( )t, lfll'\\l'o ,.., .. ,.,1 10 tor rhowm~ of thP i.•ason to cla !" :-l"l;£h! l >t•hl j!OHI~ for 8 p<•tnt• f'Ahllll>ll" t'o•tl••l!l' ti:!~ I In l ho•lr tht• ri. II:< CURRENT TAR BUCKETEERS -Coach Jules Gage's Sailor basketball varsity at Newport Harbor High School ia thia aeason balanced between speed and height. Here's the squad. From left. atandini: FOOT IN THE CAMERA -But it'a the ball tliat goes into the buc k et. That's Larry H&fl>er'a foot and he's a bou t t o score points for the Sailo r varsity in Gage, George Mabee, Denny ~rwood, Tom Houston, Larry Harper, Terry Hall and Manager Paul Tamura. From left, s itting: Eddie P ope, G a ry Green, Dave Ta· mura , R or Daniela and Paul Lorentzen. -Staff Pho to recent game with alumni. Look ing on is R oy Daniels (20), P e te Mo rris (13). Jack West (19) and T om H ousto n. -Staff Pho to when thev travel tt1 lht Tnrrsnr" Ou l.~t.111tl111i: 111a n r>n thl' flnor w11~ High cr>11~l (<'r 8 rla11h RI 3 p m c ;• 1•,•n , 1t t ''"' 111 Cai:o• 1t11 b•'Hll: tnmorro.v a<t«rn:>nn. Tnrr11nt·e d~· "'thP f,111 "1 that k••pl 11~ In 1hr teatc·tl thf' Tu• !'I ln~t ll<'3Snn. IPllH' · :'\"l':i\fC Rt'S -A\\'A\' Jt.1n.ll1t11-' ~1x ro•boundl' tu lrAtl It ln<·kt>ll like I\ run-nwnv whf'n thr w11y. <:11-1 n pll1'<'1l lh<• ~:.tl<'r R 1versldl'. bo11stmi::-a 6 fl. 7 111 floor gAmr A l~n ~h11w111,1: rap11I r1vot 111,111 and a pH1r of 6·4 lmpr•nvt'nh•nl. thouyh nnt \'l'I hit· 1 gua rtl!I, ru.,hrd into a 6-t lrad in 1 lfl!! th• b11c ltrl 88 hi' "huulol. WAI' I Uoe optnin ~ mom•nts o! play F"ro-Pi.ul Lorentun. nay. But thr Sntlor11, led by C.01 \' 1<1\' Al. lllGH Green nnd F.dJIP Pn~. raliu•ol w i-urgP into 1111 I I 7 !1rsl quftrtPr l<'nd. 011t :;r11rr1I 20·11 In the ,•et·· onl'I t•anlo. tilt' T t1ra trallPd at halftime :n ·2:) Rlvl'rshle :. t:nllPrwoo1I i:nrntr-*''' high p111nt honuo·,; woth 18 f'"'nl.~ follol"""'l b\' ".,...,..,.. '' llh t 2 1 opplllf( TRr t ntRl!I WPrl' """" Rml ~nustn"'l with 9 t>ar h. PopP illl tor T he dt'ct~lvt> period followe<I fou r rltld cunls and nne ittfl to1111, the-it1lHmi11slon with the tower· 1 Houston for three netting_. 11nd a Ing r 1 v a Is ripping H polnt..1 t rio of free 8hote. through thl' hoop against :) for I Other Sailor acorera: Lorl'ntaen t he Gobs Ct•ntcr Tom Houston ;i G\'orge Mabee 2. LArry Harper ,:ot hot In lhe final stanza, con· 12. Harv.ood 8. Dave Tamura and neC'tlng fur 7 pointi<, and t he Tars Creen 6 t'Brh. -----Jn all, th,. Tara r ollectPd 19 FLYNN AGAIN '1eld goal• a nd 7 free throw• R1ver111dt' hit for 23 r oals and 9 Anaheim . Co S rr om the tour line. . 2 d St • htp TAB MICKEY AS n ~alg PLAYER OF YEAR CIF Tr1umph J uiot a s hi' ha.11 all nason, elua· 1ve Mock"Y Ftvnn provtd the d1f- frrt>nC'1• a" Sun11et Lt>ag-ut' chem· pum A naht1m C'apturerl Its 11th ,.;might vu tnry of the :<eason. 27·13. over the Glt•ndale D.vnamll· er1 1-~mla~· n1i;ht. Th~ RoM Bov. I l1iumph 11~nl the Colonl11l 11 Into the L'I F p I a yo ft ~morlnala against San Du;i;o. a gamp lh~ Culonl~ls hope to hold al P1ra~ SU.d1um next F rld&y nilJ'hl. (WF TAC'KLI: On ~C'ond play or t he Gl~ndalt' C(lll'e1:1t , F lyn llpt>•d oft tackle and runtp•· 8l yards. Mickey &<'Ore.I i&I( n midwfty in the s .. 1 .. ond qu11rtu on a 12-yard •la11h. A 73-yard TD 11r urry by J."lynn on f ir1>l play Of the SPCOll1I ha lf WU nulllfl•d by a holdln&' penalty. Playln< In or.ly part of lht c-ame, F 1ynn wuund up with 13:.I yard• galr•d in 9 carrlu fer a J.1 .6 toVl'r8f!:"· T he Colonlal8 ehc.ow· ec.J t h••r b .. .'!Jt orr .. naivP do Ive or t he MllM>n grlnc.lin1e out 4 J :'> yanb a.nd H firal ctownB. Dirk G:-ovr·r bol\t>d acrolll!I frl'm lhe Gl<'11ual• 28 midway 111 the lhlrc.J pt•t rnd, And J nt Av1tlll l'lam· med O\'~r from th• riva l I~ ln lhl.' final quart• r , U-6 AT HAJ.F" Th,. l •~·111Hn • t-r .~ ma tie ll 11 ·6 lll half lime 011 a i !\.yard p11s11 pl:J} nn<t n1nnai:P•I 11nut ht>r tally on thr f1nnl r,11nut1•" of thl' l(ame. Gruv .. r played h1.1 lnp gllme of the til'll~!l!l (p r A nah••in &Ali "Ii._ a dc>ff'n~t \'P 1tt 11noluut (;rovl'r w ith Av·t11i 11nd 1>011 P•·n!1,,l<t 111!!0 p1lc•I Ufl 'l\ )11l Cl( } Rrtlllj(P bl' hind lht q11;11 tl'rhHrk rn,K of {;t><irR~ n .. na. John Uaker bool!'d lhe funvu · 1110n,.. Elusive M1ckt•y FI y n n. Anaheim'11 high 11C'orln1 haU· ba.ck , hait bt'en n11mel'I Foo\- bnll Playt'r ot lhe Ynr In Orange County. 1t hu l>Mn annnunn~d by RAdlo KWlZ. F"lynn won lh!! honor over M 11 l " r Del"s Quarterback G»nP Oldh11m An<I Fullerton J C T1ulbar k Gary Campbell. The Colonl11t 11t11.T 111 now eltg1ble ror Athlelf' or the Yl'11r honnra a lon~ w I l h W 11yne •Cough try, 0 r a o g e Cu111t C'nllege blUll'bRll play· tr. Fullerton J C"s Danny Schwr1k1Ht, traC'k &C'e, and .An11hr1m"11 Mtkl' Be&ch, ~· l<etb111l plByt'r of lht' year. Anaheim Quarterback Paul Grnvn t ook top gYld honore la11l year. Adverlleemenl Anodizing Protects TV Antennas Against Salt Air, Dampne11 CoutaJ aN'a .-...ld•nta wt.II bto tlappy to l•am t.hat they can no" buy a T\" Utf'rtna •Pf'<'I• ricaJly d,..litn"'1 to f'Ombat thrlr rllmatlc and atmnt1ph.-r· It• f'011dltl11n ... Wlnrprd Com- pany, manuf&rturu• of fem· UI II ~r Alllf'nn.a•. ha\'f' Int rndut'f'd uodlLlnit .,. a pt'rmanl'nt part of tlH1 U · t11nn&. Thf' uodl&lnlf p~ p rolf't't• th" aluminum rle· m f'nl• of the an~n-acalllat aa.lt air. dam,,.,-a, · IH)Ol, du•t and othf'r t'O rrMlve &lf'nt• that ar" knowu to det.,fora.U TROJAN COACH DON CLARK GIVES ~~!: ~p~~~!rk nf AM· htm1 Md LoP Mo~lt'ller nf Hunt· I lnglon B<'llrh hav•• prt><l11 tt>•I a ~ SOUTH COAST CO. 2:Srd ~ Sewpqrt Bh·d. I INSIDE LOOK AT USC GRIDDERS IW'O·Wll)' 1<rhl m ~un~el r~agi1' --:.-------------., t ajte 10tnnrtm~~ thu1 1w11.!H•n They I I Stanford Best Team Faced All Season, Line Mentor Reports Fonthnll. \111rk dtclartd. I~ a RllOl t" rn1· Hl'llOn. nol hp M't VICf'. ""Y l\'rwpt>t l lfs rbor anrl Fuller· I ton will b.<tll" for f ll lll plaC'" while thP Olho•r rive tf"anl!I Wiii I ftltempt ~n 11t11\· nut nf lhe r1•llar J j ll '~ v. h"l Y•lll do. on th!' gridiron 1 thal I n11n1 ... <..'ls rk recallt"rl back Lots of Action l'I 111 1 !'41 "hrn hf' WD~ f1ghl1n11: t o I l'niv('rsaty of ~outhern California Line Coach Don Cla rk mak,. th<' -19ei' "ll 8 hght 1116 lb C'api•trann Ho~h ~rht)OI IM t I . 1r1111rl'I Th" 49~1l' llfll"n"d the l'X· Wt>ek rlc>ftllttrl :-.tatrr 0..1 ll-1 =-:o, 11 'Thursday night ga,·e m('mbers o f N ewp ort H a r bor E lks hll11t1n11 ~rason a g111n11l the Lris not In bn~rllllll. but ha,.krthall , , AnJ:Pl!'!I Dron" or th• flld All -Am· C11 pl11trnno "' nl lnln " ~nn,. rte· Lodj!'t' ;rnd thC'lr gueRtS, th e footb all teams o f N ewport Har·, rrrran C"nn!f'rt nre. Clink n1 trrl'tl ftnse 11n1I tht .\lnnsrrh., rtfu!'\Ptl 1 · bor H igh &-hnn l and Orange C oas t Collegt', a n in side look ' 1h11t th,. "old prn11" llnN1 11P np· to pcnrt mt... 1 l'I! ru~1te him hD•l \'lil'llnrlt-" Whtrt' -1, al 1h1• '' 1• .. n'• TtnJrrn i:-rld ~'1111'•1 St:\n(nril "'"" lhP hrst t,.11m thr•r frnnt l1'1>lh llhout.I have HP~11l1 • fill\' nff 1101 nnt enu111,·• t'!>.C far O'•I all '"'"""n in Clark'~ .. H 1 t ht If 1 k 11mnnr; lhnY \\ hn w1•r1• 1'1l1u1pfl'ltnl • I ,, -• """" .. r nn ... 11 Prr1 mse 11c y I .. I Clr11 k ~111111111 .. 1 It up nr lnlon H .. Rt1clcd tha t lhf' In-Ill hR'(lng hl!I h'l\ry tntaf't and, to '',rt With tlllf ~hol\,:111~ till~ ~·~•llnn. I Clllt k \\hn nn• ,, f'lll\••rt tarklf' 1hnn10 n1n all n\'t•r thP RI" Tt>n"11 nlRk • up r .. · hi-. 111, k .. r """tl!'hl Clark '<lll!l:l'•t .. 1 1~~~1:if" t~~ tlt11· Going to The Candy Cane Ball? Rent Tux at A Mai or's Tux Shop by nxldallon ordhaary a1-i. num antf'Nlu. la fac't. aao· dldnir marka UM!! W-irard l nll'rr~ptor -!tie nnt com· pl•t~ly non·<'OrrOCLlve TV ... tl'nna on the market. In addltlnn to preeervllll' the Jtr,. nf th" u~nna.. uocU.da,r 1th"" lhP &ntl'll-• aparkllni. rolorful appraranr,. that rom- 111tmr nt• the ~•t•r1or of 8111 homl'. -· YES . • • • BE THRIRY Check Your ,Attic or Your Basement -for Unwanted Items. -----H11111-lfte111 Into CASH! for Christmas Hun .. • of Folks Want Those lte1111 You No Lt.11CJ.,. NHd. List Them in the Classified Columns for Quick Sale. The Cost is Low So It's Easy to Get frr lh" T1 1 JRn~ 111111 i;111u.1 rror tht Hn•e Bnwl rrJ'rf'll"nl lltl\"t" Jol iC'h· 11nll rnnf11l-nr ". l 'lork d11! 11 Int nr ap.,intm~: t. ""Ill l St f<'ll. 'Ill nrnft.'<..•innAI San Fr.onii'<n ·fllrr~. ri;nn ~t!l tl' bill f11mblr• coiol thf'm t•lking In th,. hn• ll""Ul whRt he Tt.e l ~t !!l llH<'t1 ••h•·•llll" nrKl 1 ,. A ' or• lll'A!IOn l!I l I I r ~ ( umpt .. , .. R~nllll ~r\11'~ 1111111 111•111 rn.tuu11 prr,•ure wa~ 1 lhr Spart11n gantt. '-'Ollld dt1 In tht' guy ll<'mflll from th · ' ""t·J 11~k i.p,.r no·t1 1n T~ it. ~I'• I t•ct A 1~ l§f'IB"(nn. ;-r tf'rvltlt\• , .. ,. , I Kl t I .... I plnr~ol •·n th,. lfl.,!'I <h11ri:P11 of A• fnr th,. . ..,.... 011• to •. him •IP•wnotm,; on h11 IJJl"fd to .,. 1 1 '"1 \\ I 'h11n~ ni ~r .'· ~-·••II ,,. h b r ··1 h I I ro11tn.~ )'I a y l'XRJI ""' ·~····n· I'' , nA1 h J• ~• 11111 \' u1ldtn1? th~ni l1<rk n11I. n my nneJ<l op n1nn , u rnpe 1n)lll)'o 1 · 1 t 1 T 106 • 1 r:. 4th "I .. ""•nla Ann up 11.1111 n11nlll1I: ~om~ tn All·Am· wr \\""ff' Inn high tor l hto 1:11mr "1 1" tohn ti 1• 11"11 1°P •t11 1. 1 1•t> i:nm•'" .. ,11 , hr!111 ,. thl'\" hail tftrn•·J thr Tht btWl! wnnted tn b~ftl lh~ Bru·I 1001. AD\.IC'P: 11 " '°11 Ani:r•·• 'lli<'l~no fur I 01wn f:\rnlnR• rallng. I In~ m.;rl' lh11n 8 11V othl'r tea m I on .. rf Cl11rk !I 1tlnl11 on the 19. T,rnyt~vrt11l pn•tJHb~~· hP tlhl .. ( aliftor· ', h.\ .\111111kiltnPnt • " 0 8. ..A IH11I ·'Olr'•' IHHP t'hO• Wlnl'prd lntrrf'f'ptor TV Ml· ll'nnu are "•II knoM'll for hrtnacinir In th" •11.a~t. d earf'11& TV plrturt'll 011 all rhann~I•. C.'nn11ult your _,_ ,..,, Wln,.1ard dral~r. or wrlU. \\' I 11 • If a r d Cnmpany, "" \\,.~t llOth ~tl"H'l, Lo11 An· CASH! I Chrisimas ""'""' 46, c.·alltomla. I i I I I (;REATE!CT •. ,\IL 'l'l m11n\" or n11r plll\'l'r!I t11rne<1 l'ri. 1,1.,k h1n1 AJ1<1de ofltr lhf' ttstio. C'lnri< ,.nort , ____________ _ "Snm" 1 r nur j.?rrftt»r ptrsonntl tn th!' Ir ""''no" r rr!11rm1'nC'e 1:11111e Hr "!f111il he hll<I nnllr l'<l · • ta11 ... 1 to rnnt!' thrnu~h." Cl111 1<,11i.nin<l l '\LA .. C'l111k ~Ill•~ the l"ln1k ol111 nl( R Int or talking <111r-----------------------------.. ·----------~~--~-----~-~ n portl'<1 ·On thr nt.htr ha.nil, 1r l Bruin!! h111t an n11tl1t11n•J1n." tr1tm 111g Uw fray 11nrl w anled to p.tJ<l! we hA rl i.nne <'n pntrntlR.1 a !<>n•. anti Wl'UI I makl' • ~11od t<h ow1n1:' aln111t 11nme ndv1C'e ba11r,1 on what we v.·C'nltln"t hRvl' ISJ'Outrl ll um· Jan. 2 •j!llmlll M1<'h1ir•n St11.tr hnd h11r1 tn~d tn him In h i11 brf'ak· form to \rnter M11rv1n Gnux. Ht l "Our ~ut11tan<Jmg .. ~~mr w1111 In 11nm~ llg'Rlnlll the C'h f<'a !lo C'ar· W!'lfhed only 174 lbs. a nd most 1 a~tn,t :"ntre name, l:la rk run· din11lt 10 ~·tar• bt'fnr,. of t.he t>nn at N•"t><"rl Harbor t1nul'<l ··we jc-ll•d ror the first "Th" "''" oppMtt11 m l' w a' I High Sch~I a nll Or11nge Cont t1mt' 811 """90" again11t t hl' l rl11h . r le&nlnjl.' my plow," the old pro Colleite wtre flll!ll f'r than h~. But In lhl11 .i:amt. the Trojl n!l put ln· told Clu k, "llO I ata.rtl'd talklnK It l.hnw11 yn11 v.hat llllltu<ll' r al\ ~n, f'!fl'ct A motto from lh• Bibi•. ll u p J told th111 fr'IY I ti cut him 1 do, for ht' wu onf' of our ftnel'l, It" betl'r to "IV" th11n r~rt1v~ down to nw 111u Hr cit ln't Mv ll oull'ta nd1n11 ph1ytr1 all 1eaaon " \''• c-a\·e Nntre DILIT\e more than thing, hut ·n~Jlt play I found my· l 'l&rk rlll~d Snphomo rtt Don (11-Y C'OUld hand I' ·• . I 'f'lf nl\ t on ri1y bao k. i;:az1ng 11r B ir k man "• th• bf'lll LU-a.rounrt t:RROR8 Ht.RT •l tht lok\' w'h~n I gnl up. ll WAS I Trojan b•C'k . H1ckm81\ welf)l1 11:) Clark r lalmed two or the Jtia'h to apll out four rronl l N t.h. The lbe. C. R. Robert.. Cla.rk Mid. la TDe In the TroJ .. n·a "cent '2·20 guy opposllf' me itnnn•d and I a '"t\JI• r11tlem&I\" and l'OOd ball "1cl ory Wf're c.-uMd by detm1in ••Id. 'You h11d 32. '"ou now 'hav@ C'a rrln who ''dldn"t quite ret the l'rrtorio. But hP pointed oul lh1t on 28. W ould you like to try ror piC'lure on dt !erue:· lhe fl•ld of play. a boy h.u one 24 !' ·• I "BaJI nrr)inac l'Om t1 natura.1;· to two u conrl1 to ma.Ice hi• d9Cl11· Clark 1&ld the Trojan• were ln· Clark noted. "Blockln1 la unnatu · Ion and take h11 rounte of a cUon . ral A pl.<IVl'T h u t o be coat.Md to "So lnnr u a boy ma.kn an •«· t!'rt't;d ln root ba ll pl&y•ni who I t-lf'IC'k l~11 · 11 11 ma n bln<'kl well. 1• , ~•I\" mi.tllkl'." \lllrk 11a1J , rntr·.· th" i:Rmf' Rn·I r'•\ up In in Cooperation witt. s. D. I DAY We Offer. ABSOLUTELY FREE! Brakf' Chf'('k StHring C'hf'rk Tire ln~pt•dion Ught lnspt>ctlon Winds hif'ld Wl~r Ch~k SO OBLWATION OF COl'RSE CHEVRON SERVICE l'aul \ 111111hn •·l'f'd Orr.:~,.nn at tl1r lnfrr..,,.rl Inn he ~h· uld be a rood tackltr." ~ I ll .i a ll r1s ht." I their cap.billUea. "H you were ·-----~----------------------.. ------ THI! BIO latt ERCURY ·' looks BIG .... feels BIG acts BIG ••• is BIG for '56 S.. it ot Your Mercury Dealer JohMOft Ir Son -Uncoln-M.,.cury • 900 W . Coest Highway -Newport Beach -liberty 8-55<45 -------- • ). ·I I I ' (}overnmenl I I Gxcepl :J.rom " PAGE 2 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE~S MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 ' "God gront us thi. serenity to occept the things we connot chonge; the couroge to chonge the things we con ond the BRUSJ-I CO TJNrI'RY v.:sdurn to lc now th e differen5e.11 IA Anon.) ~ JOURNAL ' ilii'CMBf•IOI UUOT n~ EDITORIALS ...... :5 nR 11111 Pal OI ..... , :~ (WJlft& won MAY • MAllB mm \< 1: 1•.\flh.t-:tt We Favor Present Council Election Method; but Vote l 'pcoming t omorrow. Dec. 6. is the day o f decision for all Newport Beach \'Oters who will decide whether to kf'c•p thr pr,·.s1•nt syHlem of electing rily council mem- hl"rs nr lo t<rkc• on th l" do ubtful Wartl .'yst em. If you <·!tmc'in latr. h<:re's the contrast : I 'nuer (Jiii' city C'harter rrcsl·ntly a council candidate 1s nominatt'd by h i:-; JIHrtir ula r district o f resid<'nce but electNI by the C'ily \'oters at large. Opponents of this m ea surf' w ould ha\'c-:-·ou f\urrcnder this privilege. s ub- i>titut ing the plan f\f the candidate being n ominated in and t-lrctcd b y h is home dis trict. N o matter what you ma~· hear thi." callc·d. this is the Ward System of politic11. Ynu whn \'Ole fnr the W nrd Sys tem will thereby d l"pri\'e y nurst'l\'t'S of voting for o r against the other six rn11ncil 1-\l'a t ranrlidat es. The Ward System lets yo u \'Ole for only ont> council candidate, you r own dis trict's. ~o. as we said b<'fnrc. y ou who vote for the W ard Systr m will disenfrant hi~e yourselves quite effectively. You will have no control, no h ope of recourae if you don't like the way llic s ix council members you did not gel a chance to \'Ole for arc behaving. Yo u never w ill nnd<>r the W arJ Syst em. You can only cry on your own council m ember's shoulder. H e, h onest and efficient though he might be, can pass· the buck like a h ot po- tato if he doesn't want to w ork ~r a measure you like. His t-xcuse that h e has and you have no control over t he other six council members -BECAUSE YOUR VOTES DID NOT ELECT THEM -will be quite truthful Now, frankly, w e don't see how the voters of this city wo uld be so naive as to vote away their control o f their city council by casting ballots for the Ward System . The ar~umenl for Ward Syst em is.patently ridiculous. That's why we cannot understand why any voter Rho uld want to give up six-sevenths of his control of tho 1'<'wpc1rt B t-a ch City Council. Why should any one want t o h a \'l' t1nly one councilman ~ponsible lo him whe n he can ha n' seven? A°"' w e s l al t-d in time pasl we ;ire s nld on all th'e p~s<'nt city cowl('il membe rs. They ar<' an improvement g('m•ratty on som e councils w e have h ad during pa.st yc·:-tr'l{. But sh ould I h e pr<'$t-nt syste m of electing them h<' rf'l:11t1c·d as W C' hope fervently it will be, we want the f<rl\'tll'K<' of \'O t in~ against any incumbent w e believe 1i; rNtdy In r t'lir"'tn pn\'Atc ltfe. W e think any reasonable 1w1 :-011 wo uld aj:r<'C' w ith this. :'\ow 11 happPns that a formr r city co uncil mC'mber whu has sparked thl" dri\'C to amt'n<l the charter for 11. \\'nrd !'ystcm lC1 sc·IC'< t council candidate's claims h e will not n111 M~a 111for1 1111nr1lma111r position . H e h as admitted he fa\'o red th•· prt'Sent s~·11te01 of registered voters vot- ing f11r all Nl'\'1·11 1·11u11C'il m t-mb('rs· seats UNTIL ht-w a!! <11 f,.ntr•ol in tlw l:ist 1·IN:tt<'n. H e saw the proplt' of hi11 own d1!'\ril'l give lum a good m ajority, th<'n ht-saw h ts hnp1· n f rt·• l1'!'t111n \'an1sh when th<' city at large fa\'o red hts ntl"'l\•'llt who was the iublrc's c hn1cC'. -\\'l~h;r ""'ih.sm u;--runs ;,g:lln forell'rttrm is -h1s pri\'1h't.!r . W1• frl'l hi" II' r idir ulously wrong in wantin~ In <'llrt,id ynurs and m y cho1re"Of our counc il mt'mbers h~· a!lk111g 1111 to lrn111 1111rsc·h 0t's t 11 \'<l llnJ! for ont-council mr·m ~·r wh"n w" 1 .. 111 \'Ill \· fo r s1•\'1•n umkr our present rhar11·1· 11,.11 't bl.' foolt'd by slick talk of "contr olling'' your 111\ n d1:-;1 n r l N f'Olln< 11 m<'mber undt-r the Ward Systt-m . Yn11 1·1int rnl y1111r ft\\ n t11stnct's council member now if , 111111gh of 1 ht' ''"I 1 ri-itrt' \1kt--mindro. Also. your v oice 1i-lt!'ll'tH'il t11 by \h, lll hl'r i;ix distncts' t-ounrtl mrm- 1,.,,. n11\\ 1:v 1h1 '' 1y 11:1 turt-of being rt-s ponsible to \·1111 d11·1·• t ly. bt'c·at1St' ~1111r vote was c ast in thr 1r elrc· 111111 1h1 y mu~t l1"tl'n '" yo u cour tpo usly. Should the \\'ard !'\',..11111 1a1ry. v.,• 1,1n well \'lSton your counc il rn1 ml11·1 ll:-.tn1111~ t11 .''1111r plea in council chamb<"rs wh1b t 1tw Plh•·r !-t'\ 11111111 11 m c-mbeNC ~t :t rC' at thr retl· Ing 11r do di·· w11 h J1<'111 II and paper. l~cmc 01 b<'1 :\.1....-~"u 11 111\ri•I the st-\'C'n council members with ~our 'ntl' J f tho: \\ ::i rd :-:yst em carries tomorrow you 1 n nl rnl d111•dly only ~·our distril•l's rounc1l mcmb<"r. ( t:~. S11lf' -Thltt rnl11mo tl\ tl••r:11,.. 1'1id,1 ' "Ill •1••1\I "Ith the llttlf'·kttc11•n hl•tnrll'ul ''"'" h" 1u1• tlro .ti.:•••l "'' 11• 111, n111n1 sample ballot and don't know where to vote. call the city cl<>rk's office at the city hall. H a rbor 3131. But be sure to cast your vote. This election is moat important to you! t; wrnr-n1AR•8 JJIR.) 1 \Vhrn I a m in th(' B11r 1 ~II \ :t lli \' .11l.f ha1 1· Il l I nn h m1 r C..Wlll'9tte .. ltpetfetllft41 ... , o r two to !Utt•11d in d··s1·rt 1•"J.•r111 1 .. 11 t h•· i-11• ,,f u d Hnro•r 1 trip• 1111 0 lhP b1rk 4'0 UOlt_\ Ill ......... )•'Jlr• I ...... "!.~~~-~·~·-it~---i jspnngR ct~ws nw hk1• :1 111:1..:111•1. TP th· 11.i1111 . :111· ti·· 1~1.,.~.;;;~1;;. 8 nr<'g0 BaJln nd-. ((I tlw 1·:i t I" J1c11\):•1 11r 1:, l \l111111la1·1 . 'Presenting Gov. and Mrs,.' BALLOT 1 I and \\'t'st of it 1s A r:111,t:l' "f l11\1·, 1111t 11 11'1" I t 1 ,,.. l,,,.Hlt"it Hl lh&: bltllld lU lf\\'1t • ' • '\ t I • ' " I I\ HH' l'JI (",)\'n\e (~c•,k ... nn '' •nctrr rt•n ,. •' \ 1. • J 'h • f1l1'>if1Ult1• tjllf\J.;.h•.., f"l1!'>1111\\, :-l' I, 1 I tf \\ "1 ~IJt\0.40 Hfk~:tt ffH•.tl \\' l"lu1l<o1 1 ' t I I ~ \\ 1,\ :-.un • H n t \ • t , .. 1 • ,if Ith ' • 1 Add t'mbarrasing m oments: the recent introduc- tion by a wom an television columnist of G ov. and Mrs. Goodwin J . Knight at a televised Ho llywood film pre· miere: "And now friends, it gin~ me great pleas.ure to prC'Scnt Governo r and Mrs. Earl Warren." P oor d <'ar nev<'r did make a correction. Wonder how sh<''ll vole next time? 9P~Cl~L MUNICIPAL ELECTION CITY: O P\ N EWPORT B!ACH l fllll't<Pf'I .. ,,., tl1t •111 .. 1 .•• ti II '"''· California in 1965 If all the prediclioOR. estimates and for~ast11 o n h ow much California w ilt grow in the nPXl 5'. 10, 20 or 5-0 years were laid end to end they wo uld rc·11d1 from here to there and over y onde r two o r three t1ml·t1. Yet, there sto ries never lac k for llltl'nt wn. Th1> people of California arc n ot only mtercs ll'd 1n whnt they've achie\'ed thus far but what their f1ros1wl'IM are in the years ahead. Among the latest "f1i;un·K 11f the future" to be tossed o ut for public con:-;umplit.111 are those of the Natio nal Association of Manufacturt•r.i who predict t hat the populatio n of the Golden Stale will hit 17.781 .000 by 1065 -a bette r than 4,000.000 gain from the present estimated population. ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFOR NIA D~CEMBER 6, .19!55 •;'{S!!l !~!~!:l~ !!!~~~.: < a; aquat• afttt tht word '"Yn" or a(tcr t~c word -,.,._: .All madi.t. tstiepc the O'OM ( • ) arc forbiddeft. AU di1dngu11hi.og snark• or tra~ures arc f..,rbiddcn • •nd make chc b&ltor \'Old. U re?" wtoG .. )' ac.amp, tear or Jtfacc this. ballot. rrtura I~ to the 1iup«t<.>r of clcnloo and ohfal11 •nothrr. .. . On a~n.t votu'1 t.llots mutt a emu ( + ) wicb p9A Ot penal. ' • AFFAIRS 0 .F STATE Ht1H 111 1~tr , t\ ll ,. l•tf'"C • ( 11i1• •, t I I • I \\ t \\ '~ I )cl\.\' h1U ..... '•'hi 1u ou t th \r ''·' • ,, • At,. tnun,I rt't'I,\ 11t I • Hll( ~· • r t 1 • n ..... , lt1lr1t• \\1'11 l hl" ···1· ' ti ·'' '1" .... ,loh " '" t '•ti 'l Ill I I fu\\ J,;• .tt •l' t Un\ 11,.. t '' Ca.•! rr I 11,, n '' \\ di<. I ., J,u1k un I I "' 11' 1 ( 111 • T" \I '\I "· t 1;01 )•111•1\. \\.,.lot \\ I 11 lfl I I ~ '' "' :. l ~ 1\ h " r ,. ,. H• • t .... , l 111• 1• t It '~' • • I "-'l I ' I '~· I HI fll"- ,,. I •d' ~ t I·, \' \ 1 \ . ' ;u. t t t IJ1 ' I I ot ,. II j ,, J111 • 1 1•1 r \\ 1 t• I I,., t 11"' • ! ' I• f ' \ 1 J 1 ••••• nv ,•, • 11 1.,1, .... ·, th~ 1:.-.u 1 t \\' ,t I 1t r'I .,11 Uy tlt .. ,.1 "' ,,,, h·~ •d ,,,,. anuth"r I•, I• 11• l • ""' I• I I • I UH' 1'1i·H\\ t 11H•"t J1H, un i t t Y•iUf~ II• \}.,i hi•· .,, tl11• ,j; ""' t1 ,, t' .u I·''" ~ ( " t l1 ;4 If\ \I I t I u( lllflt' l·'\1 n tlw tol 1 Ill\ (I c J11• ti••ut \ t11H Al lh• 11o \' r·1 J;t 1 Sp1 • li)..:ii :-• ~ 1• "" 1 1• '', ' vf C•ld J:Hti.'H ~J'1"• I~•,, hH no .. p11na..' J\n•t J ,\.,n \ l t , \\1 1 l,lX(llulllt"ll th1• oll\olkl• •, r~..:u ~J•fJUJ.!" t--tV1• lh• l• 11 t \\ l11·n h• U•l• "\\.h• I• .1 , I h • ~111 ;11v• A h••lll ril l \II•\' 11111 1l•t t~ 1•11lnt \JJJ.!Utlv ttn•t 1o1n. ''''' thu1it\\8\'" ~ltlltT \l<S c;11:-.1: I I I'' ' I \l I I I I• ' ,, "' . fl!!'"'~ I• l 1• ,,;1• t. I '\ 11. I ,, I 1 r . ' I' I II ,, I I • 1 • \\ I I.•\' 1 • ' I ,, I J f • I f \ '1 1 I I} ' ' I ( L\ ~ t tt\lt llll'oh~ I I ,, . I •I II I t It t 'J •. j 1 t I i 1\ I I·•• l I' h ,, .,., I ltt I,, .. l • ., r ...... t Iii tf I I I I I ~ " 1 I i' l•t I I~. ti 1 r 1 , 11 • ~ • "l'lt l '"' I I. , .... I II \'. H\ 1 Ill II•· 1-. .. . \ .. ,, I I 1 ,,,1 .• _ p• ..... 1'ht·r,· 1-c ., J.,, ~nn•I\· 11 1 ..... h•·!•' 11 u1 t' 'u \•.t 11 I \I 1'• I ,,h,.h •\·'"' t r1n t :1•• I ''''''' \' l•' t 1 f t !"'~ '• lt\H t\n•\ \ u nd4•t .,tu1ut l t Ht h.h1.1d>-\\ •• It.,, tu ,.t ! u,• .. 1• 111'•1 ,, I 1 ,, "· t. 11f "'''•' , .. un I n.,,,," ho\· t • •1 .r 1, tt1,11•• u ''" d '•' ti t' • h1t1t1d u\\ll\ 1n 1H·.1l.u.,." lillh'' tt. t1\' !lt1 1•• ,,,. t1\1st\ ,\ hu\ lnd1.1n'\1\l'l...•' In H hU'''''' "·' h ·•, •·l h t1111 11\ , "'' ''• t ar1 l '5•1ru .. ct1 .. 1 int ti t111\a flt I,&:• tJ.,,.,. 1··' tJ,•,n \\,'h .. 1 fl 1111 1• ... Sp1111;; I 111•1• I 111' '"" 1•"11••' •1111• 11 111 .. '' '' •' 111 1111.• n1·.,,,, .. 1 t n•\11n -.:1,nr~"~ ,.\'"" 1 ·,, 1111 ,, 11 .. 11. t11,11 •f 1h . l11)t11,: urt i "tul.u•· "' 1 h• \\ 11·' ''" 1 1.1 ... "' 'r ",,,., J.:fU\ILd Atnl ,, .1 }11 I \\I 1, I~ th•• 1!1 • ll I " • \ o\• h h ·•'• ti••' •h'l'•'lt ~1u1 '1'11 \ht'\ 1•111\' Jn Huit 1.tt• i· 1• · T 11 ''"' ••t 11,, .. .J, • ,. dtu' tt '"'' .• n, r , • .,,1 , J r. ,. ft,,, 1 ••• , .... i-,, , .,., This estimate, striking though it is, will n ot pus h any eyebrow s out of place because the Stat e's growth bas been s lightly s ensatio nal along all lin<'s for the past decade or two. Since 1945 California has built m o re houAing units than the next three ''buildingest" states combined: las t year there w e re 2 1 '~ million m ore peo- ple w orking h ere than in 1940; the nlue of manu- factured products is six to seven tim<'S great<'r now than at the start of Warld War ll ; in finance the largest bank in the wo rld has gro wn up in California with more than ~O branches, 23. of which have been made necessary in the past 10 m onths to meet the expanding need; agricultural income excet'ded $2 ~:: billion in l 953 and has been close t o $2 billion every year since 1946: as a retail market California has m o re than d oubled in v olume since v.J Day now running well abo\'e $15 billion with approximately $4 billion for foods, $3 billio n for automobiles and a ccessories, $2 billion for general merc~andise and $1' :: billio n for gas and oil. 1111g., ~''" ""'"'· "''" , t 1.,f1htt 1 i.u. 1\1 1 r 1 "',. 11. , 11. ----------------------------~n•l <'ndll',.• •lump~ 111 111• .. •l'l \1 dkrll 11" "'1'"r w .. Hl•I lo ltl• 1 By HENBY C. MacARTHUR SACRAMENTO, (CNSJ -h. E\'IDE~c ·c ORTAl:-oit:o ll<'•. (tltln ""1"''' ... " "' 11' l ,, ". " .: \\ • ,, I tit•• Ill ll•I from the alAte auprc.-me court. the! "Thu1, whrn con11hh'rnl1<in 1,. 1h·1 lhl'\' C1"1111°'" rln<1 1'••· \ •:o1 J 111 1· :"'1L'1 1 .l i ... Ith• Yes, California's past and probable future gro wth is the biggest story of its kind m the 20th Century and maybe for all 20 of the C<'ntunes. light of aome rt'cent dec111wna rl'rll'<! 10 the quP•ll11n ,,f th .. Hd· -~'" '''"''" 1" 1 ··~r .. 1111'111 In ,,, , "" "' l •' "' 11 probltlfti11 of law mron·eml'nt 0 (· 1 ITIIN!tb1llty or f"YI l•'.H" • 1>11\ln•" in 1.' I 1 ... •I ····~'· I ' • I I t I " 11cer11 have" bf'en lncrrU!'d 88 far v1 olat1on of th;o 1·nn11o\Hu111m11J 111"''' 1" '1' ''""; 111• 1•'. ' 1' " 1 to• • IM>-!° 111\ ''if'• ~ittt l l h•· .. >t •' l~I COURTHOUSE BEAT By JACK BO~ER rui the legality of certain an uls prov11'lon11, 1l ~ar< t'•1111h1"1"' II nl 1 d I pHll\ .II! I' I lh• hlll 'II'" la concemc . • thr <·ourt I• nut ron• "rn•·ol 111111•1\ 1 ·h 1 1 Whereupon. a dellUlt' qut'11tlon wit h I he (ll:htll o( th1• ti• fo·ncltrnl ,.. l ' \\ "" 1 """ h•·~ in '' ''If•;, 1 " 'I 8riae8 aa to the point 1H 14•htrh bt-h11t 11 ht1Wl'\"l'r 1;u11tv h•• 11111, "111111 ~11 '1' ' 1 11" hitl 11•~ 111 '°'·'" l •·If \\ ·~1 ' ~ !!earch and 11flz~1rt' 18 ll'gol. or vlo· 1 arre1.r. bul with lh•• n•11•t1l11t1,,11- latu the const11 ut1onat lollJaNlnltt' I al right. of all th1> l'•"'l'I" 111 hr 10 the public or free<inm from II · ttcurr In thrlr hOnl f'I'. rn~· n~ lln•I lt'g&I 11earchr11 of puson llnd pro· dfecl3 " I It was rough and t ough on the \.\'indrng str eets of perty. The court utd lt t:o full" 11"'''' The cuu tnvolvt'd In the •lalr or the fAC't that 11.A rnhni.; m1i:h1 Ba!hoa..wbrn Superjor Court Judge R obert Hamilton Gard· l'Upreme court deC'ls1on11 Involved l'trmlt guilty perll4'.>n~ to "~•"1'1'1 ner was a boy. But it wasn't the v icious ~Ion Gf n~. -Ordlminty,-a -.-t bot--tt ~~ violenc<' a s sh own by a segment of Orange County's J'uve· might t>elltve t hat almml any op-thllt tt I• .. neceuery to .,., ur" rr-ra\olon on the p11rt of 1'"""" offl -llJ'IH'l llv l&w "nforc'"""''H 11~1n. I I niles today . cer11 to br,.11k up 11 na11·otlc 11ng '" ~ / r 111n11ttt11t11111 • .i !:•1111 1111 .... · The judge 11c1uinlrd 1111tler lw\·,l\t thf' l'n1Vl'l !'\ly 11r ~flU!h!'rn _or to ll rrtllt prrJOlln~ In th!' pl>'UIC'J" Thi~ r•11r••i>e ""1111 I.iii. 111• lie brow11 all he r .. !IKl"tl on the Callfornl..i In JD~. HI.' w<>nl to 111on oC narrlltlt ~. "'"uld be Ju~ll-rnurt p .. tnlr•I ri111 If 11 11t1rt"'' I• I rounty '"""'· Ha wa& brlnnd his w1,11 k It-" " o.Jrputy 1.11 .. 1 rlrt nllor · fl~ th,. srrl'.'lltni; nfl" • r brrl\11.,• h•· 11 .. ~k. orr th•· S11pr11nr Cnurt l.>1'-nry here 111 1(131). Two ye1\r11 later I ~ ('0:-oi~TITL.TIO~ h1tpprn .. o1 Iv · i.111~, "'"" '•\ J'artment (o\lr tl1Ul lf11om "hr1' 3t 2i )l'llr". lillrdner WU On the Tho• r<•Urt , hl1Wl'Vl'r, hrmg~ l<t tnl'kln1., 11111 •1• ll t n al Wll~ tu g•'t underway In a :'\n \ port city <'ourt bench th!' 11tlrnt1on of the rubhc th,. 't:W \10\'F." fpw mmutl'• lhi 11\~o w1111 111 private pinrllce ron:illtut111nol J('lllH&ntr,. 11i;eln~t It I" n .. t unr• ""''""b" t • ~11r· I But Gardner. "~ l\lwaya, h ad \\1th Alty Don Harwood nt the aearrh anf'I 11el:Wrf', a nd In 11r\'rral pt••e 1i,111 In lhr llj:ht "' \ 110 ,.,. Ile·, time to pau~r with I\ memb•·r of lbl'l\<'1. G"rdnPr t'nlc.-rtd the navy r11sel!. Tf'\'<'11!N\ dt'l'lslt\ns (l( lht 11~1· 11• thrr" "Ill "" ,. "'" t" \•' I lhe pr•· ... ~. Perhap.'I, lhii1 I• why in 1941 :inf'I Wf'nt Into the Paef. tnl\I court which ronvlrlrd per· hy P'''"' ••rlH • ,., lh.•t1111•1 • n,• 11111· nl'wsmr n go (or lht' t1ll'nd,.r. crrw· 1 fiC' on th .. !!'tafC or Adm. C'htatt'r •on11 gu1lt:v or narrrill• • f'Ol'-l'S · In( lh<' nrxl -··~s1 .. n or lh" lr1;\11· rut mll'l un the b<>nr h 1n I\ hi~ :'l:lmllz . lie Julllr•I Bl! an tnlelll· "c>n lulltr,• ,,, (111 ttor1 ~lll'n&:ll • n thl' w11.1· , • .,,.,., 1ni: a 11 1111 In Judi;:e l:"llre offic t>r, hut quickly w a 1 Thus the rourt el!tabli~h"ft It-• 0111''\ In )tP tnl 11 "rr ,,.,."""~ In G11r <ln1>1, c11111 t 11<tu111ly b<1nl,.r:1 ,luflr1I 10 tha prt'~ .. cen,or de· &tit. anti J'Mf't'llV Ill' u th,. j.'.Ullr· n11lk1n~ 1111c·••~ ll"""'' • 11 np nn i,1 rng 8 pl<'l\!Urt >Dr lmt•nl. di11n o ( thl' con11t1t1111on. wh11 h 11r · Jl"'"" that ralh"r 11 ... n nn / • 1. · 1 Juel 1 ant un.terslnnd It." Brforl.' hi! 11,8 xe pliu nnl only l•• thr h11nr~t 'Ill· mrnt.11 to tht> l'"""I • ... 1.. 1111rn• th!' JU•IK" 11tinok h1• hl'Rtl ,. n d ""'" rhil'( rr<"s• Cl'n~ :r:.en. but to the dl,hunl'~I <•nr a~ other < >nst1tulln11o1I J> r "\'I ' I" 11 atrolll'd to the wmdow to gaie :'\1m11z 1ot11rr. mu.~t hr rnn•1•ll'rr•I "n l , • n•' out on I\ !('rnllr tailing rain undl'r \\"ARRF.S APPOl:!\'Tf:f: polnlP•I out thnt If It "1 n th,. card ..... 8.'I th" 1<.111ni: I:"' lraden aklrs. There·, crrtaln ,.,. \.oi·. f:llrl \\'arrrn BJ'J"•lnted unju•t1f1t't1 ""llrthP• lhlll for lhP r~PI" ••f th" Jt'llt" l\T1d r lo1111nr118 evldrnced by " &mall Gaiilnrr lo lhll SuJ'Hlor Court 'ot!lcers ould b,. frl'r lo arre,.t nallon for thllt m~lt1 r '" .,: ,.,. ''I' p~rcrntage of the juvt'nllt!I t••· bent h In 1947 At that t 1 mt. and HArch anynnl'. hnwcvl'r lnno-lliP1r i:;11arnntPri< 11.:atn•t 11nr" ,. flay. \\'' didn't have Ul8t In my Gsr.Jner v.all 3r, sntl rtpnrt~ly cc:nt. ln the hnpt' the• lh" 11eurh 1nn11blr tt~arrh "n I ,.,Ill"'' .n. r• day. Sure. there 14·ere fight! a ncl the ~·uungest euperior Jud~e ln woul<l JU.•tt!y the ure11t. Th11 con· wu trio lonr • t1tht fnr lht" rr"· fl··nwmh<'r your duty n~ a Cl\IZC'n of this great na· l'ltnly of th'm But it v.u mnn tt.e atate. 11t1tutlt>n11l rru\•l~lnn• make nn tr• ttnn t111r1n 1r t h,. rMl1· tl11 \·4 r ' t lon I m rr . 110 matt"r h ov• \'OU \'Ot c the Ward nitamat man a.nd """""' &galn~t SI h lntm t b th dl&llnrt1o;n ~twetn th.I' gmltv &n•l th•• "•untrv 1m1:u.n !'-l'l:I'<· "' fll• I . Tl I. l ' Tr ' I \ ), Ill I I 1,. t l11tl " fl 0 \\ • ~· ... • C m ICllllg .. ~.. • n<'e ;• appo enth Y e the lnnor<'nl, Md It wc111M b" I But ll 111 rnth,.r 11rpllrrnl tho t ~~·!IH'm l harter nmt-nrlment. J ust be fiurt-and \'Ole to-~o\'ernnr he d'\'O~tra ot lhe r~unl~ I m11J1tfe.t1lly lmJ'<)11111ble tn prr1ll'<'t snmP m""'" ~I "'111 h.. ,\,•vt•11 I m orrow frnm j a .m . t11 _7 tr.Ttl. If y ou han• lost y our I SOT \lOl..£:-O"T SORT ave relurne •m to ~ enc the r ights n! th,. lnnount If th" 14 hrrrl11• ~"'"''·' l•·r n11r 1111.-• \11• 111•'11 ..... • l••'f "J -1I•1 11 • I ' 1 l r I ,, t I • I I I . 'I I ', . ~ /' "Rut ll w1u111't Lhe "'lnlent llllrl. ~\II'!'. Once he d!'~llle<i fowan: I police were p'rmlltt'd to ju~ll(\' lattnn~ 1111,1 um\', 1. n~ th.11 ' ~1 11,,i -Nn klck111g J\ ftUow wht n he wu 11mHon. now on h et munlclpa unrtU Qnable IH'llrr ht>ll and srl~-t rroulrl 11• 8.._..11rrr) in n ~tat" \h1\1 ~ a: ~ ;_,-r--_,.~ lfeWPOlll'J;i HARBOR I down ... no beating up ot wo· brnC"h hl'rr. lhl" ot er cme Gard· ures on thl" gTnun<i th"" ""~11med ta df't,.nmnrd '"" f'"" 'ut lh" ,.,·ti ~ ~ -~ r--" / f' 'ft men. l can'l aav there wtu ll'11S nrr wall unoppoeef'I. lhelr vic'tlmll wH,. r1 lmlnal~ I or the 11"1'" trnrtlr ' -.:-,,A -( J ]( Ews PR :es S flrlnklng nr lll'XUal ot!t'nSu. Hnw· r.ardnrr hall tne.1 ll murder __ __ C:: /.Jo..-\. _ .- rver. J ran f'IPrt nltely llllY thtrf''a C'Mrll. All rr~ullf'd !n ron,·1cllon .,, / ""' • "" .:f; b mnrr vlcit1ui<nPN1 and crlmn by Thrtf' Wl'I'<' 81'nttnr••rl to rlrl\th. ThP qulr k -thinking, r1111l-rt· 81 'st0•d r ·~· n~ "'"' "' "n $:W· y '~ _ " ·----_ ~ force and \'lolence amnnr t h ,. • F'our or the mun.Irr trial, W<'re llctlng , jUllf:I' hM ll~rvl'.J Ra lhlll rn !"''' .. 1111n h\· r;,11 dn• r I ,. .,. ' ) / -. F"ormrrl\· !hi' :'\l'wpnrl·R:1lhoi1 :O:rws·l'lmu 11ntl lt.I' :"\••\\ pvtl·ll •lhua l're~• ,,.,.1111gerl!. mf'n And womrn Jealnu,y rn1't'a." I <'JUnty o r12•111n11I cou~t JUrl~e rn.ur · r f11=11rl'.' I!~ j:•• I 1., .... • r f1or ~-/, l "I 11111'1 l1111t Vf'lll' thllt J roul1ln't Gllr\)nPr l'itpl:iln~d 'Thrr' WH~ Yl"al'!' -!Iii,, lP•'I. 19 .• J 11nrl l!l."4 mrn(.'' hi' ~n 1 '" lrtl" II r •. l .......... .... __...--' ...,,,._-r r~memb<or !\ 11tl11ck l'l\SI' J'd t r lt<I hnked to liquor, the others 8ltm· He 111.•n h11 ~ p1t•11lt>d ov•r the ~l'rllllr fo 1 I\ 1•• •l.ll•·t · , --- 1 .,. here there wu rul fnrre 11p· mrd from 11ex. money. nnrcot1ca JU''rnile and "'"nlAI rut's CJ\ltn· I:'.' 11111•t:'i ~ -· ~ ,,/""'-~ ~ A 0.-Pt"ndable Lol'al ln•tltutlon for Ovrr Fort)' l 'ean pllt<t:}Thal wAll btfore l hentlled l 11n1l r111tl.' mnt1v~~" dl'r. I Gardnrr 81·1.J m i:1 untll ~11 11i:hl ,.., / tf' 1 ' ,,/' ., ----------------------------thr i'fob<'rt Rule .-11.~e 1Rulr. 21. Tho l11lriot k1llrr trlM ht-fort TOO F.A~\· proba11 .. 11 \\'h"n h,. 11• •'~ · 11 • E nterrJ as SrrontJ·C'llL'!~ Mnl\cr Rt the I 'f'&lofftce In Newport Dtacb, I A 801dlrr of Newr•>rt Hartxtr wu Cardnrr WRM Vrrnon E. Rtrhsrol· H r.ar1lnrr hn•I h1ii w11v th~r<''tl '· htn 1 in '• a• .. r..ihly """' ll11 \' C- C'alHom1a unll1 r th•· .\lt c>f .M&rCh 3, l8711. ronvli'trd of rorc1hly att11cklng lln .•<in. Fullrrl(ln 1rurk clrlvH, ~·~h· be morr an I l'ttrfr r r"n111!1r• for can nrnkl.' i.; .. 1111. 11" n • t 1o1· 1.. ,. -J 1 Anah,.1m girl!. nrd•r n .,...., nnkit>d tu J>llY t~ 1rt<'o:1<' .. Of!f'nilr1,, t spt"rlally £1\'•• I'' •l•&llll\ 11h•n 111 ""II•" J'uhll"ht'd ~,·ery Monday, \\'Pdnffday 111\d Friday by the "What'• lhe a.nswtr! J'rn aurt '111Hem11 pl'n11lt,\' lln•I now I• In ·puAhPr!" 1•1'1\n thr n·•n "''ll i:•l l"l tr 1·/ J _Jr -?,• ,; ~E\\ rOR'T llAHROR l't Rl.ISlll:O.O CO~PA:-oi\' f don't know. Wh&t'll the 0 !'8t1tl(l? Ssn c.turnl1n •lenth t"W \\'h(n he ramr on lhr brnrh In Iii<' "!:'~ •1 l flnf'I ll 1\t J•r•·hnth II ~'., •• , ,,..- I '?\ 1 &lhoa Uhd .• ::-IEWl'OltT Ht:.\< II, ( AUt', l'hon. Harbor 1618 I don't )<now th11l either. I <1un't ('LARK ('/\.'IE 1947. thrrt wrre only fu11r nllr· 1 .. 1 .. n,i: V.'111 " J 111 8' Ill• nr" IH know IC 1t'1 the rnovlu anti the The mn1t lntereatlnic alaylnr ttolc1 ca1ea brouf?hl In !'up' 11or 11bnut the brH mt 1~urc •' I •in· crime book•, or If t.hry mHrly In the Ju1l1,re'1 1'11llmat1on wu the Court In lhll coun\y r .A!<t ) '"lr, j lt1hmPnl ,· QullllftNl to J'ubUJab LecaJ Xotkff and Allvl'rtll'emt'ota of All IUD61 reflect whal'a going on. ?-hwleJ one 1nv.1lv1ng nav<> Clark. Gardner J'l cu 1•s found their Wll.Y IJefort "Thro j all """'"""" 1~ '" ln1-__.,,,-By llel'rf'fl of th!' 8UP"r1or Court of Orance Cu. In AcUoa No. A·%1'10I t 1 1 1 :; Uk& Ole "Bllll"kb<lllrd Junglr" 11nd r:!Hln't lly the C'll!le but had a hand t.pe Judge. fll'P!lll on th,. " lrn• rr \\ ut ~ • •• ~ltmbt'r Callfomta :'\ro\\'Wp&l>f>r rubll,hrn Aa!loclatloa "Rtbl'I Wllhoul 11 C11u~e · ar' on 111 Ill! procesA1nr . "I a ppeared l>efnn an Ml'i>mbly I type or behl\\'lllr "'ill mrll n I • ~ ~ Member ~atlonal EdJt.orla.I Auoclalloo the aubject. \'lcl1JUlne1~ 11 nu \'IO· C'lnrk 11Jm1lttd kllllng h1a bul committee." Curl.Iner 11•~< r ted. t.1m Jn cthrr WM•I•, Ir\ h I 11. Mm:ibu of 0'11D6• ()oa.at7 Ne"'" fkn1oe h!llC'B -thtl!O ar& the n~w de· fnrnJ .s wife. t..ut <'nuhl nevH tell 'seeking heavll'r pen1l111'• Al ! know hLW unrlr'l•lln· It I• b!'l,\n I , vrl•Jprn enb In juvtnlle crlm•. u .. ·hv. He .i.tJ aoon after hit aen· tha t ttme. It waa nne to ~1x yf'art b:n~ I tr:v ~." 6:1\ e tV<'r)t•ne l h!' 1 ~ " ~ :;;." BE:'li REDDICK, Pt:llWSHER t ~11 It " tr11c1n~ nn a H cond dtgT,,. mur· Md on~ tn \5 yrus f11r pPddlrr11, u me .·hak~ I 1 • I / ' • \\"JLLIA..\t A.. .)fQS&S, EdJlor \"OrSOEST Sf~l)(;E dtr r hnrgt'. ror tho first anr1 srrnn•t ot f1ndtrt11 I Gl\rdnPr Arlm~tr,..'1 mr ~t rt t t-."' '}/ 616 · ...._& ~ OR.\10 :\D J.;, ROU!\"TJU.:E, A dnrth1lng Dlrrctor G11rdner. ca lie.I the younKett G11rdner. a policeman at on e :-;ow. It'• one lo 10 llnd twn to ruts whf·r.-h11 h" ~ lo. 1.in•" l: • _ ,..,,-: ~ . \ CHARLES A. AR..\lSTRONO, Mecbanlca.1 SUpn1.ntende.nt Judge in the u. s. Whf'n he .sa t tlm~ . .hat puuued the rather 20. Cornmtrl'lal p~dltni V I ron• .. tral~hl proballon have1 ""nt ~n ·n~'"''" I •'II· • Ir .1 • ,. "•o on the ;'\ewport Beach city co11rl i.trcr.uoua P.p111 t ot •kln dl\'t.nr;, 1ec11u;·e eentencu u C~r as I am awry. I btnch ln 1938, returned t.o h I• but. hf 11 lmll• "J'm 1low1ng concr1 n"t1" I Tho J1.lll1tt anti his rrr\l\· t.run-, H,1dL1 II !•. I 1 ~ } .. II ., ch11 r '1C·W'l'I <>n •!:at (';f'lttnr too old. l The 1ut11t" hll.. ":i rftr" «rrfl· elle "t!e Ka lhl')n. ll1•,. ''" f'1·r· I • 't rr,,. 1 1 t .•, , • .. , :\"t'1"Jlr>rt Harhnr ~"" ,.r"'"'"'· Trl·W!'rkly I 1 .,_ ~ h t •-.,...-~-co~·n•,,., ••.oo .... , ..... , .. ••.oo ab: mo•.. 11.3" lbnoe mOL C8r'1ntt ot Cc>rona dt l Mar (\Jell!. 1 ve 1111nPd to J'Olt and am 11ton11. 1hnwn lt!'n•n":v on n11rrot1r• nlng C-11nyon """'· ant1 .,e "" , 'I 1 '" .-V&.._..., 0:t;fff,.~1 f t'~;..n";,,. ,. ~ •· *"" ~" . • • "' • , ~ -,..,.~,. .,.~"""1 rt~'",... • f"'IV'l1" •'"''°'.. ,,,.,._.""'~nt • t """"""' \.\ hn ... ._v,. "' ~-'1 t' • h 7 1tr •I 12 l u~ •' Ul ll l ·' ;.,l Utt' N l"BSCRIPTJOS RA n s 1 IC ..;s MICROFIL'9. £.'\'.PERT -Inventor Verneur Pratt, Fullerton, inspects a microfilm of the Gutenberg Bible. Pratt perfected microfilm process. took out 70 patents on cameras, reading machines, film proees- .sors. H e now runs plant in Olive with his son and a partner where he de8ign11 and produces pc><:ket com· parators, a low cost fire alarm system, children'8 microacope and viewer. -OCNS Photo Motor Cop Gets Pavement Burns MICROFILM INVENTOR PRATT HAS rr:sT JOB .. DOES WHAT HE LIKES Newport police motor plltrol offlr••r Geralit ~-Jrwln, 29. of when the ex.cut!ve dullei of the i03 HeJ!otro11e A\'P., 11l1frered m11· jor pavement burn.11 when hh• b11J1ll'le1<.a ~Kan to Interfere with motoreycle "''l!nt out or control his lnventing. aa he wa• riding on Co....,t High-Record Resident Has ~UCJe Accomplishments Fullerton of 8.)' MOI.Ll' DtlRRELL J\'.ow he 11 ba.c:k In bu.dness In way near Morning C11.nyon Rd. 1t a ~1naller v.•11.y w ith hi• partner 11 :4~ L m. Sntur'<l11y -1f flipped or 20 yf'ars. Gtorgl! Gray. and hla him to t he pRvem1•nt. ~on . Erlrnond, at the 1ile of \he Irwin Wll.4 treated by a private rormer 0 11 v e National Bank. phyal«u1n, thf'n traan,.tf!rred to Pratt Am<J nK their lale1t projects are H~g Ho~ltal. H11 n •portetl he a nilc1·0.cope •et ror ehllclr'!'n, a waa traveHlnll' about 46 mlll'• l"'-r LJ:i J both his succe11s and hi• infrequ ent bad luck' on hi• po.:ket companto r 'A'hlch will hour whrn the machine 11.t11rte<1 Fulll'l'!on Nelli'!!·Tribune Staff Writer ·1.1.~;1:1·0N. fOCNSJ -Inventor V<'rneur t)un1 u r curiosity. mta11ure lhe e!.r.e ot • leHer of to w ohhle, Beror., he could ,.1ow h ,, th " · k ntw11prlnl, 11nd a low co"l firr dow" <ho <Y<lo <Olp-<I ""'' •"' I Defer Plea For Youth s Charged W1t h As!auU SA.:-;TA A ,"\A •()(':".'S • .. ,,,......1 "' 11~·111111 h• ""·'"~ torr,. l •k.-1~· !" pr .. .tu•·r ~,,.;11 hud1I• !"11n1 ll\'<' ~"·1lh~ F 1i.1f11 rl't'('l\'~tl 11 '"''·"'•·.-k ol•nl lnumn,·<' un lh"J" •:1 r"1~1tn•,n\ Su1•r1 '"' ! 'nu1 t J u,\1-r .I '' 11 n Sl;r,. i:1Hn1t·ll th.-''"''""·•11•<' '"' pl,•11 or ntt urnt••·~ t .. r lh" >1••1.-u· ,t;t nl•, "'hu ""' uu! "*' bn11 Th,. .J. f•'nl!11111',;· r,.,,,,. H ~1.-­ ~t ... :10. T11,!in: F'1111u~~ I'. l'l 11 1 2.1. ""'' J 1tnll'" Hh h11rd Si•'lllU!l· llTI•"· UI bi)l h f•H•'llt !oh·~a . ~"II A l:!"!!UI' Ao• T111i. 2CI •)I lr\·111.- J ,.,,,,,~ \\'ldll' 11'. Tl•l' ljUlll !••l 1.• o·h~r~I'•! WI! h 11.•~aUll•ni: Huhl'rl Br"kl<" •>f :{~r.· ~" Ans. T hi')' Ill"<> "'''"'' H•Tll~•·•I of "t l1u•klr.c 11 1•n'i:n10 !1! .,.·nu111n and ht•r 1n11tr. Thi' 11"''"'l't .-.i nrfi.'n~Pll <>t·•·U1'rt>d T"<'l'ntl.v i.t 11 ~flrtl1t Anti. dt1\'"·ln T\,.,, nth•.'r ,\'<ll llhs wrrr a1·1·<'.<tt'd in !he r1;.•p nn•I llllt'f 1'1Pan"I o f O!P rhnr~•'. 1)111 nn~ Wll l ,.h,.q;:t<J "'ll h lU l~d··!lh'Un .. r RS!<llllll. Hollywood Man Admits Passing Bogus Check SA:\'TA A:\'A 10C'NS1 -Paul J nhn!<()ll, 28. "' H<1ll~'\\·oud Frlday fll<'l<•lt'<1 ~11111 .•· lo p1111su1~ une had l'h<'<'k u1 \hf' N""'J>t\rl H11rbor "'" .. 11.11,I •1<•f•·······I Jl]\'11 on II ll•·l'· !•nol t"'''"~ <'11 1•1•k 11ll,.i:;11t1un until llrl••r 1t :11.,1J111on h•·fl1 1n~ !'"f"'I '"'' f'ourt Judi;•' J u h n !-'t"·" "l!f••lll\•'•I lht' 11n1ll"t1un l•eu11ng ,;~1,. lur !l.~O ll. rn. !:>er ;!;J, l"•llh'll<'l!IJ: 111\d "Tl'll1j;l\llH.'!ll 1111 !hr ·"'•'<>ll•l b"d (·h~<·k •·uunt. Th" ,!,·f··rHlnnt 11(hnllt•'<! p11!<11· rng a s~;\ 11:i "'orthlf!<ll ch,.•·k 11! B1dwe11·,, 11tt.re for 111en. 218 1'.far- ine A\'I!., Ort. 26. He •t~laytd plea on \hr 1'h11 rge h<! l><11Uetl 11nOtll•··· bad cht'<'k. thl11 um,.. ro r s:.o. i n R 1ehard'1 Lido >.1arkl'l, J ohn1on 11 In cu~tody. Checks for9•d T\ ·o •llrgedly forJt"d c heck• en· dor!\etl by L. J . l'o ... ·er "'ere rt'· port~d to Newport Be11ch poli(',. by local merch>1nl• Jo'rlday. Thi' check1 w ere rec:eivrd by the Cor- ona del ,.lar f'harni•cy, 3127 E. Coul H!ghw11y. and Ca nnon'11 Food Center. 2867 LI!:, Coast H11:h· ... ·ny. Both chl!Ck& were tor $28.18. polica aald. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II . PA6E l MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 < IN MEMORIAM -Mrs. Bob h.1 urphy. aided by Bill Thompson, president of Balboa Improvement AS!>oeiation. attaches first Christmas ornament to the Bob Murpb7 ?\.femorial tree on Balboa Bl\·d. near public library, -Staff Photo Robs Former Gets Jail Boss / prlaon !01· the term prescribed b)' I !11. "'. SAZl.'TA A:\'A i ni: guilty <o Term tOC:-;S f-Pll'ad- bur1JlR1'1t 1ng ht 11 Suptrlor Co urt JudJ;t John Shta dl!niP•l probation 10 U111 de· rrnl!flnl , who h11d " prior convlc· 11on. Oran9e County Share $144,134 Tax advt&,..d County Auditor 1-r.cr o•L. that OrMng• Cowit)"• •hllra or the $6, 12!1.221 NO'lt'ember •ppor• t1<1nn1en\ uf h!l!llwfly UHtll 11.XM dl~lrlbut.ed Lo aounli#• la 51•4.- 134 03. ' or the $2fl.29!\.9:1s ln hlJh- way U~t'fB laJl.l'll colle..:tl!d In Ot'• t obl'r "11(1 npporttoned In N ovrn•- bol,,r, u.,. S!11t., Hlghwlly Fund fur Clll~ ~~v..i $2,421 .111: the ~~I.At• Hlg'iway Fllnrl tor H iith· C. ""ay• $17.749.621, an4 Uta roun- to Ku·k,·:ood Stale Controller, t oday lie• $ll.l2e>,22L torn"·r p11 .... e of en1ploy n,.·nl 11 Huntingto n Bcat·h ~·1<fe. r.t 1Hard Grant Dunn1en. Ztl. who ga''"' hlR aQd11·11~ o~ !1 16 Al\'nrac10. r-. .. wport B1'1trh. Jo'n1li•~· ....... ~•·nttll<'l'd SACllA!>fli!:NTO, -RoMrt I'\'(' 1111\'fl}'K wanted to find out w at maue ings tic -al11rm •Y"t<'n1 which ..... 111 bf' autll· t.h.nl; hi1n 01r th• b;t·k, he .,.;d~ even n o"'· I nc\'er ~o through the day without B~ing bl~ 1n every roon1 in the averi•iel--------------·I ""IT"' Ii n11: 1 1•" t tul •II.!"''~ in·· I , hume. LEGAL NOTICE 110111rll, ".: l think llH~h\ bo· duln \ r .. 11.lly want lo know-main· OTllF.R r..i\'ESTIOS!I Iv 111111 I rl1dn't want It;> be a r •· ~ 1---------------· •bl,. 1•• ""'"'·\•' t'" '"'"! I oorl"'" Other P r11tt Invention~: ''F'ren11· Fni t h• 1"11" "h" 1"''1 ''"1 ~'1 !h" lli.;tllft"r hr t urnl'd Into a "h· m1nt"l11xa live gum; the controll••d m''''"''''' '''''"~ ".i,.h t ...... , ... , ' '' ,. 'h · · ' l•·i~ll' lR x lrllb ' "Tha t'• a,,.,.,.. c rru 11 1on u"11 ; a c.11n1l'rl!. "' ic h1n1 " 1 •!\' t .. 1turw Tin· •'ll'"·q"' ,.. 01 ho h <2 h by <O """ "'ho ,;n"" :,oo w 11 rrt1 for thl' lwi P n ogr11p .me f!& · bltllll' ,11•uhl l r"h~l•I\ t"' t •'~ll r •I· •tur~nl lllrl·. Tl'IJ:llrdll'llll Of h l • f l. l!ng1ne('r!ng dru ... ·1 n.t11Of1' pro· P•1 11 " ·' 111"~11n~ ,,.,.n l"'fJl<lnlll >nt~~!lt 1 n l!v P r jPttPd plan" or 11ubm11 nne •cl ion , Zonln( t:.'hAnl:I' "' ,\mf'ndm,.nl 2 ll•·arlnr1t SOTICJ': C)I.-l'l'lU.IC' 11.t:AHl:"<'(J Fnt 1·1 •II ~1•h«h••• '" 11 h• l<l · n.,,1 .. <•<<•ho<I '"' point "'h<re 1 !he opt1gr11ph rNul1nir 1n11ch1 nr, '' ' I ' .' '' ' <k< ''"' ' I 0 N'ntk .-111 11 .. rtby Kl''"" that thf' I • I tlfJ.HI ~ "'" • • " , •·uhJ 1.,.,.,_,11 ,t' 1111 indPp,.n•lPnt lrl· uvr r11 I •11le11 tra1nll1J: m('lh•" 9. D••\'r ,, .• ,, ,. r 1••·," rh " '''l!••n '"'"' ''''"'''''h 1 "'''' '" rurn out Olh•·r l'r•ll o('rupatiol1ll; fo rn•· PL11nn1n.1; r11n11n11t.l"•011 .,r ti•" cay I k ' 11 1n f •r " ,. o f :-.lewport H'l1rh will hr>Jd !"'" "" ~ "" ,. "111' "• " 111 " ,r .110~ 1)1 -luff 1nf'h1d1n1: 11ho1 t "f a dvt'r11iing nuu u1.i.:"r <J f r-ic-puhhc h••ii11n1i:• on th .. Rpplu•a unn tiou~. f•in· 1'' •H•I """'~'"'"'11 '' •h .. n~ r .. r Lhf! old Lobrrty n1a1:•· f\1!,..'"<ln and Hobbins ph11.rm11ceutl· or ~~ '-10 JU{J.S !:i~l lTH ~OJ \'ia ,\,. ti t: l.lht.l'i IT "'"'' .. h" ""-Y·• r11.l l1rni. form••r hl'l!.d of l ntrm~-L><IO ~>ll<I , .. Llrln llll(' to 11111,.nd "I h <\•'•l l t•»•ll•• """' 11 •ln\~~~\\'twn he loun•I hlm1't'U turning llon11J .. llm ~k C(I, Sun d 11 ~· .0...h-n~Xn, 6l!. ;ui.J..Rl:;.Z.0.~E I J+--'"'.O.t:.k .... ui.....t...•-f.>-0"~ ......,.,..._._...,.. t1rfl~l>ic·1<u"" ,. , .. 1n11nc· l'iiTn!i'r!he liO'li'f Alrli..,-<.'utpul "'"''" \hi' bt·ln"· rl•••"•l•••·1L propf'r\y •• d••n" ... h••I I """t•·>l 1., "" 11nd 1 •. ,1 1<t>•«lut•· 1101•! fl (>n1 hl• thr•" ~u •·• two 011,, or h lR chlldr"nl . ri·r,ni H·:Z tu t.:·IH 011 l<l\JI 1, 2 4. TI\11'1" 1• 1'''' h<' •J<1 •l11tn1•ol •·fl"J''lni; whil• hi' "'llll "'rillng. <•b•n"t ni"k"r tt he "t r1 k1111: 1'1, ll /I; l!I •• t>l<"k 4:ill trn•'t :l~'.l • I I Thi' f'•!ll ,., rir"ll'I "oJ''"l t1•1n., l'rnlt 1n<lk .. rl••r Ill 10 •l\'Prt i~1n1: .•1.ll k<•"'OOll J)•nelln1i: t1nrl tlllht<l•'t• lo<'l<l<'d fr.tl•I 11'•\JU•ll'>I "·'' .laMllllf" '""'"11,,. ,,,.1 ... 1 r-~t•l~.i "l•tP1 · "n<IP•1 Vp with h1111 ""'" n ~·-nr1f'.1 1n hl• hv1nio: rnorn 1<1e h1:i "''•rk l an•l Jr·•• Sli,.el1t, ;••Fl J.'in1t S\l'('~l ''' '""' "' t111 n•ol '" •n•· .. ut1ni:lin ,.,,,.,..:., 11 1«! :-;''"' y .. 1k 1""' 1n\'t-t~tl\lr n11i:ht o ... ·1. 1·1" 1·11••'' '-'"1'1•1 .,n.t " ,.,,,,.,.~~t1•l /\l!h•'u~h 1'1 1111 hll~ ;o p11t.-11ta t Another P rati tl'lv,..ntlnn 'A'hlrh l1u••'i''" • ,,,,., ~l!1·r h .. h11'1 no m wrof1hn proc,..11~1n1t. re11d1n,t 1 ar1<1~ ('Qll9idO'r,..bly I<.> !tie .... nn1for1 flunk<'>! r.,1 1 "' !\H'h ~,J\r,;•I l '"••hLn('~. Hnd 11r111nll'11s f!lm. hr vf !>l r1. Pratt who llk('ll to 11:0 to ,,,..,,1,1,n1 .. r 1 .... l:"n"'•"'l'•'n,• 111 <Jl11rk In duirl11.1m 11~ ln'·"nunn ~l,.Pp r11 rly. 11 11 ,.,.,lini: -hf11:ht or r""'"i:'·'I ':"''~ ,..,,,.,t•nc 11 , ... Th" fi~~t n1kr<1filmlni: e vrr TV ""! In l h(' l'r·Hlt b•·<!n"''" .,..,,,k,.t r•I r~1o· •ll••·n1••t nf f>n1i:· d<>tlor "'"" durinR t hf Mlt'Jtl! nf l'ar· whirh '" 11udlbl,.. only lhTOllJ:h 1n· ,11,.11,1 11,, 1'••!1 '~""!'""' ttt 11n "•n lll';"O 1h\·iJu11Uy rontrnllPd r.ice1v,..r11 un· ~il •h ~•" 1 .. "~''" n••ll'"'~ t11 dn 1111;\tlSO 1•1o t:11:i>!>1 tier lllr bl'd p1llo,.·11. "l!h ~ '1ncl'LI H<' 11111<1. •>ffir111,., W<)tlll'<I 11 boul P r•!\'11 nfW Pfl))~t ~ ln<'lud" II IUl'1 t h•• l'o•&;ol litJ"ir•'llnl :-;,,(I,,. 1~ h,.,,.i.y rurth.,r 1:l\·en \.J111\ ~<11•1 f'l<!<il< h<'aTUIJo: U'll! Ii" hl'ld "" tth· 1:.1h •l"Y of l •r•·eru )'<'HI' 1&.~!o, Ill lh<' 11 .. UT n(; :'If• r Ill in t h" 1·,,,1n11J 1'h11n !ll'r~ of th•• :'>.'<"Wp<>i t H•'ll<h CJI)' ltull. 111 ... ·h1··h t1n1~ an!I r1111·,.. an,I' Mn•I •IL JX'T· .'IOn~ inlfte~tl'd 1n11y &r•rr11r 11 nd ~ ht11 1•L th•''""'"· HAY Y . ...:nrELI:'>.'. St'CIP\ar)' :'>.'••"'f'l"ll"l BcHt h C11Y l'l1tnn1nic Con1null..•lon s .. l>.1:". :-,·,,"~-l'rl'~" 12 ~ .~:I 1rl•'"~'t h h•• 1 111~ II f't1nlt'r A\ 1.,,11p1vini:; ,1,111 rO'r<>rrt~. r>n1rrr•t ,book ''1110n1" •Ill y v.•he n I i:rt lh<' '~" "h· n '" ., t>.o1 • 11.1,. "" ,, 1 h"!••i.:tllrh•r It• 111 kr 1•irturr!I amun1I to it" 11nd nn lhOURh! ,.1 rnn 1 n~ •'!+I•:'·""!' I\\ tho• l11 '1<' ul ('"rtl/tflltO'll, ,,,....,b , ~n•1 olht'r 1et1remrnt a.1 yrl b<-r:au""' ''lln 1n· h" "" \: !i.. '1 "'"'·I 10 ,,... lh" P~l"'IS Thi' n•>ll•><h"n 1m11r"'"1on11. ""nlor n"vf'r rtally rt'tlrt'" )·nunc•·ll! 1'••n1 1't 1 n.~ lhr !'not f'(I whirh ""JUld (''1r-1 Pflpnnr1 l'l ont lhert·., 11 lway• l'Oml!lhlng butt· .s r .. t.•• n~~1u1 v""· wer• th"n Pf'"l.-rl nff 1nll:' 11round 1n h 11 bonntl and he C't:llTIFll'ATt: ot· HI ,..:1:\'t:~l'O Th1• 111t htrf""n••I ••n thr !'j·l 1:111,.1 pl~t,.l'I. "·i •ri~·I in l11:ht· h11• lo l(t'l II out." l·h·t111..,u11 .. Inn -'lllll" I nd it ••n•H1n<'•I '"• h,. l11n•ll"r•1 "'"li.:ht m!'\~I r11.p•nl•'!l llntl fl""'n l T h i' unt1tr~1 1J:nf"ll 1tn hrrehy Cl!r· 1rrt•1•'r.!lllh· tn l••ll ~·n11n11: l 'r~lt'• ,,111 nr th<" f'll\' on the '"I!" of N port C N b urv that th!'Y ,.,.~ r onrt11et1n..:; R rt'· t•th"r 11t•.,•t l~r th!""· t "o m ho1nlni,: pl.1!"11"~ ew ops Q ta il bait. t11okl,.. •n(I 11pnrt1 .. -e11r "Pto!l • r111r1,. •I 1•11n1 .. ,.y. \',,r · i-t•)n>t' •10 rt'11r11 l11t "r r r•!l r"'r· hu .. 1nr~,. ><I Z•>tJ !>l ain Str,.,.t. Aat- nru1 .... ~. ''1" tn!1n i: '" •10"'Tl1 n"'1l r.-.1",J 1h<" pro\'•"" "tu. h 111 no"' Hubcap Cloufers 11 .. 11, t.·~1ifonu;1, nndPr llw fl<"tlt1ou11 '-"'"T" Ill in 1111e 10 f11f'ton••11 l:'"'ft nn1rnl11\J llrtU """'e nf Tlt Al1t:ft HUR:-; r r11tt h•d p11r!a 1·..,t " tny nut· 1i:tnr•"•· 111"· enr..,rc em rnl off1('e.1 Nr"-port e.,a r h pollt'f "'"Pr''"1 ~f '•lRTl :>.·r~ (:1.10J1!i ~nd thHl """I flt "'hHh 111tn<"•I nut r>1ll1 n~ 1'11111!1 11 11 nvi•r th" "'"11<1 t.,..,, ll·}'fllt-Ol\\ bo}',• dnv::ii.: IL fnn1 111 ''""ll"'••t•I "'th,. f,.ll•>"'"i.: tntn IHl~l'r 11nd IH IJ:<'r mll• h1nf'f)' Hiii r1r11t b:ol'k••r 1n thP mlrrn· pl't~on-. "h""" nft nl~ll 1n full 11 n•! u n1 il h" ,.,._. rl'll1\v in b11,.,n,..11,., fllni work ..... ,. J.,.~~!nl! H.,•,.n· c11r ... 'llhout 11I(h I 11 S•tot <l!l)' J>ll" Pll ,.f '""'""nte aic a~ 1..,11,..1,.11 "f:l'll\I);:'( Hf:l'OflTf.:H w 11ht. "''" or thr fnunrll'r nf Sear11 nli;ht. then booked lhP r11 rr rnr 1,,."'' '''•lh lhl' 1nk 111111 "'Arm In hi~ Aorhut'lt !I firm for whlrh 11iup1rlnn o t Jl"'lty theft 'Wh('ll I FHEIO JOSEPH ,,.,1n11 r r:Hl hl>r n.me 11. 1·ppnrter on Pratt '"·ork .. rl fnr 10 )'ear,. )).·f"te the~· rnund an e1ttra hutx'Ap In th• El •ITH .!(J!<El'll th,.. A11rrwA D111ly J ourna l .... h<'1f he jl'lnl''I !olr l<l'll.•nn 11.nd f{('<bb1n11 berk nl thr fAr. .0.11 1 ~: H~il•"I\ l!l\'ol. hr •·roun1\ "llt 11 lot of !hlnro:11 l Trulny lht ron1pl~!.-rrror•lll "'I Polit'!! 1111.Ld tb,.. 'boy• t11 r f'rl n•1t B!1 ll~•11, ,·a11r .. 1n111 !hi' larft'~\ factnr~· ln thf' rnunt r~· l'r thr \'11111. ~lllnn11o p11rkin" I"! j '\'1 !nr,•• .,.,,. 11:111.I~ th•• :?:.111 ,11,1 M• I I Fa r an he 1111''1 in " r .. 111··dr11oW1'r b#fore thrY were 111npre•1. '\'h •n ,,, :-;""'llTl·~r 1~•:o,\ lft mum US f9 rah1ne \ a nr1 th1p!ir11 te ll"l:l'llVt'S lt ht 11ff1C:tr~ r hf'Ckl'd the lc:ot lhry l II FP.~:I• J (J!"~:!'ll lncrea A d ""'" br ""nt t9 11ny br11nrh pla.nt. fnund a ('llf v.·ith hubt'11p11 m11t ('h· " ~:v lTll JL)!<El'H . M pprove 11•r11tt 1111.irl. \nir th•t fou nd tn thr ynuth'11 au· !<TATF: n F (',\J.tFnR:-;lA , The r 11 11rornla P ublic 1·~il il\P!< !'l.\IALl.l':i'T .tOFI tomnbllt'. The clip from nn., of cur·:-;TY , 'F ~•H ,\ '\• ;E l•.• Comml•~l'>n h1111 11 u1horl.r.,.d t he l TI1e worlrl'• 11rn111l,.11t m lrto· l.h" w htelll "'M n11118ine. ho"·ev<'r_[ ('f !Ill.• ~:o111 .t .. i· ,,, :-,"1,.·r nlh•·r La«un11 8<'>&('.h-Sant11 An" St1111,. f1111un1: "·1111 dnnt d11ring th,.. .... ,.r "~11.'!(9 1111id th,.. bf>y!I 1111"1>:"''· A I• 1!•.~."• b• '"!>' .,, • ., ~I • J:'>.'T~: ll Line to tncrl!llltl! it• m ln ln1um l "·hrn l'r11tt produc•·<I • 11ai;:e of • ly 11d~ tllklnr U fri;ni th•• (;)tl!>I E:' 11 ·""'·•!'~' l 'uhlu in an adult rMh t&r• from 10 to J6 bo<'.lk ""'hl<'h <'Quid be hlcldl!fl un· pe1k,.,I Vf'hlcl... f"r tht ,.11,,1 f',.uut\' l<ll•I l"IKt•· MtllJI and to n1lH the pr1Cfl of drr a Pf'tlod In lhl! Newi<p•P"'r I rt•,.i.$1n~ lli• '"•n. tll•ly r"lll"""'"l'lll commUlllllon book•. eflr<"l1ve DK. Thia w11.• hla "l•tt"nl lm11j(P" pm-lo Took C p .. ,t 11 n11 ""''rn, l"''"""~ll.\' "l'I'<'•,('• lP. No tnc~ll.H In childtt'n'~ farf'I <'f'M Wh l('h ht CAil,• rntir·.-L•· toQ ys Q $ Ff{\:Ji .1•):-'~:l '\l Rn.I J.:l•J l'H ,]<)~ waio pnlpo11t'd or 111Uhot1:r.~. r~P""''"'" and 1n1pr1ctkai ro1 \\'Ull11.m c· Gna.11'. !'i:IO Irl11 A'''. ~:1·11 kn""" '" 1,,,. p, ,,,. !hi' 1,,.t Undl'r pl"l'ttnl f11r,..•. a rrordlnir J•'nfrnl ullt. I 1old s .. ,,.-port Pohr" he •a,,.· lhrt'" ~ .. n.~ "1,., ... "'"""~ 1.,,. """~', ,,,,., kt Comm1e111on 111Un111t ..... the bus r r11tt t<l111m11 mlctof1lm 'll'al rr· boy11 taking hubcaf'ft fronl h1~ r11.r tr, 111 .. "'1!1in •H•l• ,11,,.n, ~11, ltne would lof11 $1000 11nnu1111~·. tpon11•ble for lhe bi;;: •trop 1n .. 1 11 ·46 p. m . S a turda.Y but u·1111 IOf k n.,\,!n \,.:••·1 tn u ... that 111,.. ~r-N'd to <"l'ltlmatf'd ,.11mlni:;1" ~•botai;:e durinr \\'orhl '\'11t IJ '1tn11bl• to n11.b th~n1, The re.p11 ,.,, .. 111 , .. 1 lh•· ""'"" or J6700 • ytar unOer the nt'w rompa rPd \li'l\h the fir•\ big "'•r ... ,,..re worth 5:10 he !Ill.Id. ( rn ,.1\n•·~• "'h•i•· .. r 1 h"'"h•t(' r•r• .t.ntf'U1r.. Mori' lh11r1 62.000.000 enir1neer'1 1 unt" ~"\ rn\ 11.u1ol >tlld "!ti\l'·I ,,,, TJN compa n" ~by S am-drAwtnr• or t \·ery pa.rt Cir r.very Hub Caps Disap~r ,.H 1 ,1 ~1 ~·111 111 .. •lo'· n ~.t .'•M• It" •<'IP. Carr an11 hlti t'll'n l!Qf\11. Sid-m 11ch in11 anr1 ...... 11 pon 118"'d 11pilnAt ,.. .. -i lhl~ (..-11 111• ,,, .. : 1~1 1•1"""" 1111 .. n bf'Y L. And Dr.lbert H. C•rr. a ll th• '"fmy ... ·•n• f1lfrl "" lhtft or \\', F. \\'!lllnm~. ~HI HitZel nr I :-1\J:>.'TI·: re t:1u:.t~:." or 8-nta Ana, ~"'t"'' bl'l\l'f'l!n l11ny of I.hf orlg-lnal• ... ·ould bllve reporta theft of hub c11.pA fr"m !>1\' , . .,,, ··•~••nn ~:'f''""'" ll&nla An a and 1.Agun11 Beuh ~n f'l'..'inllf!i1. ~ .. ""r111 1nl'd. hll c•r \\'hen Lt .... "II P"rkrr1 <>l.I· ."cn·o>niber l J, Jll:OS, lhrou1h Co,.ta Me11a. ;-.·,."·port f'r11!t, \\'hn f<:>r1'l"r1 l1 np<'ratrd a 1tide hi. hnm~ 11 hou! !l'i :'J r . n1 S n 6,'l2 BNell. Balt.o. ltland and Corona 1mtrrnfllm p 1111 n t 1n S nn.·11lk. 8•turd11.y, :\'"'"1"'rt El""' h 1"•11ce Sr\\·l!-Pre1t.• JI 28. 12 .'I 12 IP, lP.'\.\ del MAr. Conn., 11old< r.u t to D11!bold Co report~ I 328 AMERICAN AYE. Pll ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlock 7-1203 ·----------- ... GUARANTEED PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 I I LEGAL NOTICE I Delivery of the Ne"'port Ha rbor News-Prt'8s ia guarantffd. Cartier boy1 will dellvcr their pap<'rs be- ------------fore 6 'p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. (f your Onb.u.n<"e .!'lio. 111 !'Council 11r thr City ot Ntwport o\!'f OIU>lSAscr. o t· THf:: c,JT\" Bt>•ch : paper i8 not delivered by that hour plt>ase ca ll Ha rbor DELIVERY LEGAL NOTICE Roy 's Maintenance I H()UM cleanln1-F1oor waxtnr .\\'aU wa1hing-111·1ndow clr.antnr Vt'.neuan bllnda. Uphobtery ln1ur1:<1. Free J!:t"Unuuea Uberty 4-1332.. "" or SEWPORT 8t:Al"H 1 sti::cno:-.· 1 That 11 1~ th .. ln 16.16 &nd your carrier wtU bring your puper. " I li:XGRADI: M:hool tuctr.r Ull AMESDISG ,.t:C::T IOS tl08.4 j lf'ntlon ot the Clly Council ot the, ' IJOl ltlOll wJJh ch!l!l~n. 4 9 In 01" AllTICl.t:: IX ot• THI'! Clly ot N"twpvrt Be11eh to <'•ll • r•t. earhanged. LI 8·7131 3a.; )l:t;:'li"ICIP.-\L GOPI: t::-O'TITl.ED 1~1•1 dM:tlOn to be htkl on the "'VA.llDl'I" 14lh d1yotF' .. bn1ary.l":'lt.1no: .. r·rc , • .,. d 'EXPERIENCED WAITRESS Tll• Cit)' Cou11<'1l of the City of t'"'-'n Inhibit~ territory •·on11.i:uou1 want.a part lime even1n1 work. 'Sewport Beach doea ortl•ln 11 lo 111d cHy. propueed to be an· ass• •• LI 8·23a1 :lief.0 f•>llow1: ne•~ thereto. tor the purpClff ot 811:CTIOl\' 1. Section "l"".t of I ~ubmlttlnK to the qua!itlM 1•leclor1 llOUDA Y TIME! plan now for -di I I · • • that Inform&] dinner or party d I onault me ~ Baby elttlnJ or Real Estate S&1euna.o \\"HY !>lTUKEA.ntOQ ~a lot'? \\'e are .,now.ad undu'°"1th pro. Pf'Cl•. SN our OfflC• and, , .. d our t'omoil•!on contract. You'll be flad you did. There ill no- thlnr Ilk• our otr« anywh•"' , , po.iltl'l'eJy. lnl.enr:lew. •lrl('Uy eonndentlaL W1 an • member of Mu.JUpla u.tlq. Seven l1lend1-Reelty & lnvellmenl Co. &03 3:lnd St., Newport 8-c:.h, Cl.lit. Har. ~. attu I p.m.. Hu. Hl3...J '"'' Artl~le JX ot the MunLCli"I Cod• I rC•I ng n ""J(I tiirr tory \he qu .. 11 C of the City of N1wport Bea.ch, be t1on whelhPr or not Ml terr tory I NEWPORT HARBOR N~WS-PRESS weekt1t1d1. E•cellent r.t. Gtr· Mnd Ula aamP 11 htreby a mende<t •hall be annextd to the City uf !rude Bradfon1. Ll 8.8006. l ·a=m=L8~----------- to rud ... followa: i"wpurt Bfl<'h !11\d th• dproperly Every ~onday. Wednesday and Friday .. , 39ptl - .. S~tlon 01011.•. Yard•. n thr tPrr!tory ~ubJr<'te to .11..... COASTAL SHOPPER -\\"ed n esda~·s ------------!THAN~ EVERMORE BEFORE. '· .,( ) Archlt 1 It t h •tlon att"r J nllfJl.A\lon ~quully • tc Ura •a Ufll IUl' with pro1~rt)' within 11\e City ~ ---Swed1'sh Massage •~ corntcu, eave1 and canonls c .... taJ ~hon~t Ad• run ln the \\'f'··~~1 ... y .:'l..f'l••-1'~• O"• ,,.. "-h•• -·-•--..., ,.. N"ewport Bt •<'h. lf1 p¥y !he tnllre .-r.. ""'"~ ,.-" • , ..,. • ......... ,. in11,y.extend not 111.ceedtn1 two •11d bonded inilcbtednea~ nf the City , .& Unt"S l Insertion $1.00 add'I. llot'S .2,j ea. Ladlt•. _ by appolntznf'-nt 111 and tr.quant Inc~ rtv• you I f>n1-h1lf 12'1' 1 feet lnlo any re· , 4 l..ln@8 2 ln.ertlonli 1.50 add'I. llnr!l .25 l'L yuur homf. thl.I opportunity Opentnp QOW f;U\r.U front or rear y1r<1 ictback. :~t~:~::t.,e:~~l~~\~·l"~;~~~n,11·~~ .4 Lio-•· S ln,.rtlon• Furmerty muse111e at Arrowhead for -• ""lbi •• ,., ,1 'h .__ "' '" 2.00 adtl'I. llnt'loi .25 ea. I " " • e a ...,vc nieo· publlct.Uon o! thr noth·e u f <'ii!'<!· z.~n Springs Holel. ll\•n~ •rchltectur11.I feature• n1ay lion fl>r •nne){•\lon. fo r the Rcqiu-4 I.Ines 4 Insertion• ..w adtl'L lineit .25 t'a. l 'li'L!lle cell H•rbur ,790 or Harbot f'ncroach Within lwti ~2 1 feet of •Ilion. run•tru•'\l"n ur completion Sltualluq \\"Ulf'd All• ""Ill tO'fi•h·e I ~~~ dl.,co111•I. <"•l•h tn ad1·11nl'11 1.1nly. ;o. 3Ic•th 1u 1y •Ide lot Une. F!replacu and of inunh·ipal llllJl!'""'n\tlllM, Ml:SlMl"M AU I:-\ .a 1.1.\'t :is <ti1mnf'y1 nut t Q exc"'-' nine 191 S•O • ,,,.,,,,,,. ,, ·'••"•••··• •• ----------------u " • ...-u .,II Cle.!<llllfl~ Ad• mu•I be flald fur ("a.~h In tuh·unrr ul pnblll'lllllon. feet In width. con1tructell of ln· follow•; rhe pubhe.hf'rll will not be re!!pun.'l"lbte rur 111ure thau on" nic.,r rttt •·.,mbu1Ub\e material n1ay encroach &tinning at •n ang\, p.olnt In lnurtlon ol an nd, r.-s~rve the nrht tt• c.,Tr1•ct1y clll-llllfy llny and all tn • distance of two teet trom th.-ada a nd to reject any a<J not confonninb tu r uS•·a "nd 1·o:i:-ulat1on1 CLB:ANING tlo IRONING by th• day. Experli.'nct!d. Balboa II.land preferred. Kl 3-6090. Lt TELEPHONE OPERATORS We "1.11 tni.ln you and rou'IJ r.. c~lv• many oui\r ben•nu. -Apply - !114% No. Main Street, Rm. 211, Santa .Ana. t :OO to •~o p.rn. •••le line, pn>vldln( th.-oth.-r •Ide· th .. boundary \!ne of the City ~'>ord 1etbac.k In the aatne bulhllnr ot Newport Beach, said anc!e point' being In the we•ltrly 111• la kept clu r u a ~rew•r-Un., of 17th Stre .. t. 80 Cect in DEADLINES for plul'1ng "r t>11n1·r.llu1g 0.-!1 ar.-. For Mond11;y PVb!!r.ativn -F n•tay !> p.n1 For Wtdne11<J11y Publketiun~ -· Tu1•11•1a ~· I p n1. i;·or Friday PubUcat1on -Thur~<1:1y I p n1. !'li"F.Wl'OllT HARROR 1'1 '111.1~111 :"-'fl ()0. !21 l Ralbua BJ,·d., X11\\·pur! Br.ioctl, ("allr11rnla. PACIFIC TELEPHONE Experienc'd gardenerl-----~--- LANDSCAl'ING A Plonned Future Ill~~ ~r.~ ... ..,.,~:~er;!oJ~~c~';t width u~ de11cr\bed ln ue.-d <"ll<:tecttnr •Ix (8) feet lnto any rt· ~corded ln Book 40 1, Page quired rmnt Y•rd. 411, Official Rt<cord1 ot Or- .. (d) Wh.-never an Official Plen an1e County, Cal!fornla. and J.ine hu been u tabll•hed for a ny b't'aring north 2:'1" 21' 05-"'flit ~treet required yerdl &hall be IJ\d diala.nt 49.413 Ifft trom lll<la.lured from euch Hne and In no the rnWll e111terty t•orner ot r ue ihall the pro\llilon• of u.i. Lot 18 u ahown on • map or Tract No. 1218 recorded ln Ordlnanc• be conltruell u per· n1o ttln1"anyencroachment upon a ny Mlscelleneou1 Map1. Book 37. Official Plan Line. P•1t•• 47, 48. and 49, RPcord• "It) In are1• havtnir alley• to nt 1111ld Oran1e County; th.-nce lhe rear ot lot•. rear yard require· l(ent-rally nortner"ly along1al<1 • 1nent• m•Y be meaiurid trom the City boundary llne rti an a ngle <'enter Une ot iuch alley. point In u.ld City bound11.ry Hn.-. 1111<1 an11e point l!Clnc t'n ""{!) In cue II!. acceaeory bulld· the aouthwe1terly hne of lng I.a attacl!ed lo the maln bulld-Block :'12. ot lrvlnf''• Subdl· and CLEAN . UPS POSITION with old •.Ub. 00. Liberty 8-1&9 I But!d a. bn1tn ... of )'Our own. :i6uo Rfpeat aale•, food product . Special NotlcN ! 12-lluil<_!_ing Sfo~l·ices F..X PER.ENCED cook. house keep- 1 ---~----------l't llve In, Good r .. rerencea. ! Painting Contractor \\'rite P. o. Boit I8J Corona H!l(hest Income bracket. 8ub- elanU&l rettrement" plan. No Inv. LI 8·:i740. 29c43 V' Newport , Harbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Meet1 every 1lHirlfday 8 p.m. \Ila Opurto -Central Ave. Newpurt Beach AJbfrt H. Matthew•. Exalttd Ruler IZ-Bulldlag Services CEMENT &. BUILDING All Kind~ FREE ESTIMATES Llberty 8-6109 I l~i.·tnt11·<.l -Jn~U t<"•I del Me.r. a9ctl "Complete P11i11tin g Sf'rvice uABY . ., ,__, 1ltt<'r, mature womRn. By al rc~so nable prices I hour, dlly or week. Good refer· JA~1F:8, Jl,.rbor 1239~1 ellCI.'~ .. Har . 074~-J. 39ctl 36p•8 :------------- C0~1PLETE PAlNTING & Paper Hanging Service J~L"t.a-::-:E U. SAU::11EHS ~>00 :J lst S!l'fl.'I. NtcWJIVl't Uc8C'h Harbor :?!:ll6 or Har. 4~~6. l!c ASPHALT TILE RELIABLE JAPANESE. AMERICAN WANTS GARDENJNG IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR P.IONTH. HYA'IT 4·5471 38pll() LINOLEU~1 -------------'-'_tr l lnst1<1! the 11bo1·e ~llt!11 per lhJl.n GARDENING <'l~an Uj'•. a J uhnoy CARPENTER Repair Work • 1110.111. A tausl'JI Tl!c &. L1noJ.-um. Doa.. Your Hom• Net>d Rtp&irin1 or Rtrncxletrn& ! Non-uu1ou. 2f.> )"«lll"IS eirp,·rlence. Co1npue nn<.l isce - l.l 8-106:'1. :J8pt 0 Bll.L COKE"R Har. •795 or Lonr d IHONll\'.C. J "'!ll o y our Ironing Beat>h 7-59!3. .!i&-tlc --------------in rny /!0111e. Ell'ct'll , "''nrk. Call FINISH cabinet· ma.ker with P:• perlcnce Jn 1ener&l woodwork. Work Jn • out ot &hop. Neitne .. -Speed • Accuracy will qua.ltty you t or a pPnnan- ent po11!Uon with Jood pay. BkENEMAN'S CUSTOM WOODWORK 8410 W. 11th St., BldJ". No. 21 Co•l• MeN., Ca.Jtf. Ll 8-d041 38p40 Beacon Personnel 100?0 employer relained agency :SO FE E coll<"Cled from •ppllcant 41 3-Jlat Nrwport Beach ~IOTlll-:RS HELPER. 1 thlld. U.ve 111. llarbor OlllS·R . 3k4.t Attention Knitters 'WELCOMZ to ntT n-alH>p. Come Ill and help m. bulld tow..-<1 your n""9 for n-.d.lecratt. Sit N' Knit •11 I:. Baltio. Blvd. a.Ibo& 32ttc BINOCVLAM. new 1-IJtSO u:i. 1·1x&O $4~ Couno• coated lena Ind•. •1• adju.atm~t.-LlbtirtJ 1·7f:)t. ' 3tp4l \Jllll..:> <'4 btli<I. IO olllu•l r'll''I' Small JO' lnc)·cJe Jn ~ .. !y llr-•rt l.CC4'... It J ra w \)'Pt' 11<1·rr• n COnlb, Jl •lh • T outh t'hK1r alu111. l1k., ntw. Play flf!n, ~ bf.by bffi1 v.•111'1 matt. llab\''" -rdrobe A Jrav.·er cha1t, Jr Dunc&11. Phyte M&Mf. tabla Wnh autom, 1 .. r. car lu11•~" nck. Odd• • en4'. All •II•!•·• ll•m• Vt:.RY REA!IONABU: Harbor MK. 39<'4 t 1942 OODOll 4·di. -Urq R6H ,,. At..80 4 ho\• Kt:LV!NATOR IC'I!: CREA),( CA81l\'rr 17&. l.Jbert.v l..f.741 . .301"41 ------------FIVE GOU!' CLUBS • kc Uffd, "clnl'l•r•, ch•p. Har. 01'3..J.- 40c•I KATEY DOAl<E Nearly New Apparel --------------lfor women and ch.lldrtn • Kl:NMOR.11 Auto \vuher work• We do all le!nde or &lt•Ntiona. l'()Od. 139.tfl...-1334 w. Bilbo& 2721 E Cout D!\•d., Klnd1llaP1tt.i. Blvd., Balboa. 31c'O Corona (ll'I Mar. 4(k~:I Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All new material patterns or hit and ml11 See our aelection of imported china. Engliah acenery and vine & wheat in brown. blut'., The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. :MAIN ST., CORONA NOVINO ABOUT JAN. l•t lNTO L"OHO:">A 7iS Nt:\V UL:ILDl:\"G . ' WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE --------------- Deeigners High Style Fabrics 1 & imported woolen11 at cost. .MARGIE WEBB 1956 S. Coa1t Blvd., Laguna &a.ch 3ilfc Order Now! P1~t':S<llJ!\l !7.t'I' Chrlstmu11 l.:a r.111 ALI. ~lZE:' A l.L Hcpr•·~enlal110 "'JI !'I~ 11 'l·:s •all ~ .\'J"I Ing. It •llall be made •tructur&lJy a part ot and have a common wall wilh th• ma.Jn buUdlnl" and 1hal1 comply 1n al.I r .. pacla wtlh th• re· q 111r~rnanla of thla Ord.inane• ap- pllcebl• to I.he ma in buUd!nr. Un- #1 .. Sll so al\achfd an acc.-llSOrY build· Ing in an '"R" DL1ttlct 1ha!I be Jnr 11ted on the rear ona·l'Ul.lf (~i i of the lol and at le111t slit (61 feet !m in any d"''flllng-bullllinr r al•Unl" or undet COTU!tructlon on the san1e !ol or any adjacent Jot. Said de· t"che<l acce11ory bulldinc 1n1y be l1111lt to within on• (I f toot of one ..,r the eide lot Un ... Such 1cce1- ~"ry buOdi ng •hall not be loc•ted within live !:'Ii fet't ot any alley cir within five 15 / feet of the •ide line <1f a.ny alley or wtlhln tlV• \Ii) l<>el ot lh11 •ld1 line or the tront nne-hal! j Y.i ) ot &l!Y adj acent lot (•r In The cue of a comer lol to p1'0Ject beyond the tront yard re· <l1Ured or exi1t1n1 0 11 th• adjacent i.-.1. In the cR11e or • lot abutlln« <111 two or more •ll"l!!e'UI, no bu!ld- i!lg ith~ll bl! trected. cl~r to the fJr<lpcrty line lh&n Ule front yard ""'~ck, r11tabllah.cl on •llher ~!reel. In the c ... ot 1ubdlvl.llo1111 "·l1<'r• th11 rear or Iota normally •~inJrr 11lr<"•ta and Ule front of the vielon, a, recorded In Miace!· M.neou• RfCOrd Map~. Book J , on Pare U ot Record.II of ae!d 0"1!K• County, and bflng dill· tant 12"0.00 ft.et 1outhr aMter1y nt ULe ROutht.a~tcr!y Une of lrvtne Avl'nue a11 1hown upon a map or N•·wporl H~lght11 and ""cor-derl •n t.11,.rell11.ntous ltlap Book 4. l'a1e ~~. Record• of ~d Orll1111• County. t h<:n<'e northwe-terly alung tl1e 8{JUth· we~tt>rly lin•' ur ~11.id n L .. ek ~2 11n<J alo11g 1<11111 City hot1nd11ry Une t n •n 1111,.rHl·t lon wllh the aoutht uterty llnl• nr ""'d Irvine Av.-nuf"; lhfnCf' 110uth- we11terly a!on1t tht> ~uuthl'IU<l· erly llnr nr !Ul!d ln•1ne A•·e- Call Fran.11 , Wber~y 8-41":1-1 All Work Guariullf'f"d 74Uc PAINTING LI 8-736:>. 40pi I V.'O~lAN for Ug-ht houa• work 6 :30 a. m. to B:JO a. n1. 41 d1y1 1ier wrt'k. ?o1u~t have nwn tr1J11-l ------------~- purtatlon. Harbor 1907; 3k41 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS l'HO . ..,~: llsr. 1n111 "I ll•r ~:io:J\\" ·::1 1: nl1c lo an· lntersecl•on wilh tht llOUthcu ttr!y prolong.:&tl on ,.,f th\' nurthe~lerl y l ln,. or 20th Str1.'Ct 8~ ~ho,,.·n upon 1.a~<l n11p or Nrwpurt Hc!i.;ht s. aa!d p<i1nt allo bo.-ing 11n 11 ngle point In th<' boui1dar>" !1n(· or lhe C!ty of t.'.Olllll Mu.a: then<~e r.on l 1n 11lng l!()Ut hwe11_o:r1y a long 11a.ld toulhl!Qllt.,rly 11n" ot ll"l"lne Avl•nue to an 1nte1- eeoctJon Wllh the .so11tllwe11trrly Une or 16th St1·,.et 1.1 11huwn lhLll lace a. common walkway, the upon 11 nu11p ot r r1<ct N11. CARPENTRY MINOR Rl-.:PA IR \VORK NU Jt)l::I TUU S}.IAL.L H o. An~er•On J014 E. Balboa lll\"d. Harbor ::?4:'10 \\'Al.T'S HO~IF: REl'AIP. Sfr\"ll'f ~a1ptn11·y. plllll\lnr.::. p:.p.:.r h~n g­ lnJ. uphol•lrt )' &. n•u~l fo!lnor r<:p1t1t11. LI ll-1'>5~. 3Spi 0 Custom CABINET WORK ' 11211, rt'cun.leJ 1n }.llill·l"Uane-"11un 1tructur. an /or acc..,.ory 1)(111!' "" pri'1l11~.-.~ bu1J.Ung1 may bt co1111tructed with· ou. }.lll pH. H"''k JP, Page 7. s o j"tl tov ~mall. M. W. ROSS LH;ens.-11 LI 8-3321 280 Avocado, Coeta ?.lfM 841tfc Skill '" FOR RENT S•w•, Elec. On1l1. Poll1hera, ly~., of Sanders. \VhetLbar· row1o, elc. BOYD'S HDWE. 21530 \','. COAST HlCHWAY Liberty S-343:.. N"aW'pOrt Dch ll8t!c Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT Jn 111·11 (:ll feet of lb• rear prop-R.-cord~ uf Aai<.1 Urnu!-:•' Co-Ph Kl J :1"!48 33e•~h .-rty li n•." unty, .. 111 pn1nt (Jf 1111t•r""''l •'<n oiie · ·• • I LJi;ENSED C..:ONTRAL.'TUR ... I I . ---. 878 w. 18th st., Coata Me .. "1 .1n Every bulldlnJ or portion 11111" !lU ui:: ,. pi•!nl "1 !ht Painting, r•apcrhnng1ng . Liberty 8-8628 t hrrtol which 11 dM!Jn~ or uffd boundary Uric ur .11!<1,! r..·11y nf C New"''!'\ Flt'1t•'h. tln•n•·,,.~, ... uth· .. The f-'ines t ~lv~y an Huy" -for IHlY dW~\llnJ purpoae In any ,..-! p u· & p h . C or !>l Dltt.rlct, •hall comply w!lh euter!y alun~ \111· ~·u lllWt'ft\. S N II ain ng aper a.nging ~~at:eq~~:~~~~~~ o~1.~~ci a=~~ :~~ "1i~~~ ~;1~~~~•11~~1:;. ~~~e~~ ~.X~se~~.~ :-o~·"·r'?r1 ~"a~hr j We ~~ ~~~,:~:~~~::ivcs. Uetennlnl'tl by th• uae to which ~Aid City vr N~"'·port Bea <'h to I ~-!tar •• ~0 1 vr !Jti7-R. IJ Ltc Llctnlt!'d & ln•ur.-d. •uch c: nr ~t Dl1.tt1ct PtOR'!rty i1 th,. Jl'Hll l ot bcg1nnin¥. ------8au sf11ct1on lj:UArant <"C'd. b••lng put; ,ro1·td~1. hnwci·er, u,.11 SF.CTION 2. Tl111t ••Id terr!· I r.::.ener.:aLC.ont.r..acior E:aum1te1 rr.-e. can J ohnnie. +----~-, • ., .• ,~,MOC.,:'""!,~,C.,c,,~,"';;g~ro='•"'"~'i' "1i.1~00c,~0c,01'''"•1 >r--<1"""'''''·'' ~1,~~~pm-m-11~· · · --bl-8..-"i6&7-&--bl-~ 81tf; 11ny 11ur.h tiui tdlng 1,. u~r<I for a ny l<!• n11ri .. J l"r 111" h l'lel"t1o n pur-Llt:F;:-;sF~D I _ •• corrtnlfrt"t&t or nia nuf•rlun ng pur-l~''"'" 1111.-1 lor !U<c upvn the b11llot1 New Work -RC'n1odcling Visit Our po~. t ht y11.rd f'ro\'llli•!nll llp.cifi-'d At ~U•'h rl<'•l•f•n "'-• ··H11bor High-J . MlLTON ~1ch:I::NZII:: 29--Hel(t Want.d~"'----­ LOOK AT ·THIS AD Earr, SB · $1 •1 daily \\-"on1t'n tit a ll 11i;rA (!e11prr ately nee<t.-J at one.-. E&rn wh\l., you IP&rn pn1l'tlc1I nurslng. High achoo\ education nt•l ne.-ded. 1·111l LA1ubert !'1·7~21 or ,,.·rite CAREERS IN NURSING. O<"pt. 1:.. 4(1 141 W. Commonwe"l~h. J>Ull'fl"n. 33ttc ------------1 J ourneyman Machinist A.filling Machine Operator Turret and Engine Lathe Operators Boring Mill Shaper APPLY Sheffer Tool Works 119 N. Pomona. Ave. BREA, CALIF. JA&per 9-2134 S8c40 CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! LOVEL"t uald J-1.1.111m•nd .Spi n<'\ in pct-feet con<hllon. Big'"" 1nsb D£MON'STRA. TOR n1ode.l, Min· lhllil Spln•l otean -llke new.- Se.vi. $200, f;:lf'~ 6o !ICL"f"""'"J"lt•e !-'< 11\\ 11\u ~-1 lo•' ,( "' SI · , I"• 1,,,) i\'.t" 1~•1 t ft,<) I"'" •' ; "1'1''1' :?1 08 :s .. "l"'rt 1:11,1 '.\; "' ~•l'~ll 'lA .'\':-; n~:r·1>r ;11 1 ·~,1 .1. •rlO.'I" 1<1J ~.q, IU & 1:: 11•• Ji " 7:t SI <4.-111·1111 ''"' ,t ll"f •• I O l!1 "1J ~:S'f j{,\~' \I'!.'\. C ARtJl!O. ~~·a 1 ! I -~, ,., l:- MA('K !>ll':l.::A C l.:J.1.1 l'l "l\\'I f't.. }IAr 22112-J 3»r 4 L ?\'AME TAKERS for Laguna Beac A: South Le.gun• City Dlr«cy-ory. GOOd hand wrlUng taae~i1I . \\'rite 204 E . 4th room.; 1, Sant• Ana or ca.II Kl 3·3681. 23ttc --------------ic-'"'--M'-"isc<~.;.:Wuoo;c~eo°"Wl"'------·I ONE OXLY eloectronlc or~an $&9~ LOHF.:'1."ZO ~""'"''n'" 1•·11"' ~•" AUVERTlli lXGtlrm"'·an1a ho~•· Ai"d L1be1·al tratl<"• <:on1·l't1!tnt ter.-i1i1 l 11.f•U lt1t1h•••t· I"' :-: .. 11'"'' l'!IHI 1>·1\·u1 ...-11h rl~ur handwr!ttna:. Fresh Hearing IA aina!I ll1•pu11.1~ ... -111 hn!d nny n .. l 13:, ''"''' 1n ._ ... .u ... n.11,.,,, ~laile g1~I n1ont•y aJ11.re tu11e. BATTE.RIES piano or ori;lln tor Chrl11tn1 •• 11 11.rb••r ~:J l!J !~1 1•1 1 \\'tile Sll[RL.J::\' ll11Tl.:Hl-:l.L. We Olve S&H Gre•n Stamp• lleJ1\"ttyl. lll::/\!.TIJ-'l "I. ~t "H Ji\i"l·\l:l' 11 111 12\1 Delmont strr<"t, u e11nont. Gunderson Drug Co. SHAF'ERS tSlnr • 19071 Silk/I ,.-1,1h Ai··· 1,11,1 J:•"" ..... n J\\11~11 35p43 Main St. at 8alboa BLv.S .. Ba.Ibo& ~21 ·4 2J N . S)•c11nore. S&nlll Ana 1.,.,. 1• /'Ju 'rlt•f" JI'!'! lint :•l"i\ Harbor ti!~. 18tfc Phonl! KJmber!y l ·08i;! 1127 sr11v.111 ,1llr•1ul.1·u1qn11 II '• ARE YO U TIRED OF Orange c ounty'" Org•n HJqtr•. r .. nd..->ti• , , MA RQUETTE Arc 'Vl.'lder. (new/ _ -F IC:llTlNG CROSS -TOWN J hp Afr ComptCll:IOf. 220 Voll SPECIAL THIS WEEK \\'F:ST~:l tl\' r.s~TS TRA ~·~·JC 1lnglf pll11~ Set at PATCH'S \Vt·~ttrn \~·1,11 r r<•t J>', l\'••I k ltn\~ f\fl'I -l?Ot:Tl:SF. JN""'~lili: Ji th SL I L Placf'nlla. Ll 8-7~8. CJ-IA!>IOJS rull •kin. 011 tanr.f'(l UJrJn :t,lfl..)'.- %1tt "-onty-._ --J:f5n Jl:NIOl l \\ t~S'l".,•,-.,-,-.-,-ll(il' -LOSS O F f'AY ti'OR VACA-I--------------S AFETY t>.-lt.1. 11.a.'1\. &Olors Ji9~ 1811~; ;\"l'Wf>'.'r l l!l•··I 1/n ArtM•l• 1 TIO:\"S BAMBQQ SAVE ON Q l::Al.lTY TOOL.S. Ste!• Cu•l• M •·~11.. C•ht ;p,, HI for Mich C or J.f 01,trlrt m 1y tw lvu!I\ Ann,x."" 63 appl l,.d." SECTION 3: Not1r~ \~ h"r.-by H arbor . t)!J.\\' tiFX."TION" :?; The ll bO\'• 11n,I given that on the 12th ,,,..~. of De--- ~>!:ltfc Alteration Dt pt. \\'t: r-O\"~:I~ Bt·rr1 i:-.:s 1ua k,. but. 1 t<ln h1>lt·• 11.nol ~IO r.ller!\l\u11i; s o CHA!':CP'. 1-·on ADVANCT.-DRAPES A ln<l!•1dual pi<"Cf'a. t>IE:NT Nf"''port Ba!bna Auto Sup1,ly CJ.;STO~t MAl)E• ANY ~IZI: 2108 Nt!Wpott lilv<J., N11t. Ut'h. Apply )O:IO E Flr-11! ~t . J!!.:tO S•u1\(I An11 , }.l f•ll tu J.•1,. l'rh r~ lltll!"'l ln~ ·~ 2lc " 11q fl. H ~:HVll",.! f1\r l!L. ~l'"•l• ch1111 4 Jfa1>•M··"' r fv .. 1111 H>:A!'IJ:"I· AHLI:: 1!1111>t•r 2111!1 H :1&·1(1 for<"Koing 0,,1,,1p11,.,. ih•H ~ pub· cember. l&:'.i~. •t the h11u1 or • 30 Jennen Plumbing ll1hed once ln lh" l'l't"''PDr l-H.•rl.><or P· m., In the COuncn • Ch1t n1 br r11 N"e,,.·11 ·Pl"\!!Q. 8 newipapi1r o t gf'n· or the City Hall or th,. Clly nf Repair \.\'Ork. a spl·tialty f'r!ll circula tion, pr1ntf'd 11n•I puh-Newport Beach. any v•·•:ion u11o·n·l \\"1<1'r h.-11tr rs ""tun•· 11~rm•·nt11 l111h~ll a.nd r.l rcu!11ted in thr City Ing teal prt•fH"t\y wit hin ""Ill 2819 N•·,,.1iurt Uh·d :-:c•...-po1·t of :s,,,,.·porl &11ch. and th(' 11anie l terru or)' •o prl"r"•~c<l tu bo:l 1111-l.kh. Har.:-.38:'.t f{e11.tlo r.4:16;.J ~hAIJ he In fu ll forCt' And rllrrt nrxt'd 10<1h•Y1ni.:;11ny ohjrcUun to ;,!;\~I • 10 •la)•• after th!• 51111111.,g~. th~ propoM;·d 111ne1u1.t1on 11111y •p· Rd. Oil Sprt-a.Jtng Dr11·ew1y~ PARKING LOTS PJ.l "S l•r'"" ~1Ak lnl(. ALSO' AHk 11 bo•1( "'" •·J_.EARN TO SJo:\V"" Sewing CourSC" S'·w11:i: ,,ll" nJn,. ~!rn :·<onre 1!•1 1 STRA \V BROS. Ml'lt• :,;11 11t11 Ari11 Kl 2-6~~~ T he 11.bove a nd fnrerouig nrdin-JM"llr bo:olor~ "'l<l Cit)" Cuun. d •nd •n<'t. 1>·1111 lntroducieu at 1 r rgu/Ar ~hvw caulM' v.·hy Auch t~• r •t.,ry 111flrting-ot the City Council nr ih.-. should not ~ lo annell'"'' Suo h C11r nf N"r,,.-port Beach Jwtd on \hP pn>trRl mu11t bl' 1n w11 11ni.: •111LI l 4th rh1v ot l\'n•·t>m tJrr. 19-".">. Rntl ah•ll •late lhr n;uu•• r.r n11n1.-, •·r 1 ""I!." flnilJJy ['a!IRNI 11,,11 ad<)fl!"<l «n the owner or (l,,..n,.r.• ot n1r l'r<•fl•t !hr iR <l•Y nr Xnvf'rnber. Ul:I:\. hy crty lffcctt d by •llCh 1111n .. ~11:1o1n lhr. fnllnwinl!' tnlt cell \"Ol f'. to .,,t and the Location !In(\ 11 r"~ 1•: RIH h A l"""· Cnun•'llm,.n · l pruperty ~n ~enr ra l trnl1' Jr II Flf::">."X~:T'"r. ,,.11.f)Eft, :>.t.Al "KAY be found that 11 n\l j(ln\,· 1•1·1•1''>1 j f:Tn l)T•AHI>, 1ur.nw., RIDf/F:H · hu nnl "'°en mRde "'" r r""' '·'"'l J1 ub·t111·1 .. w:.• our ..-pc1·111 lt~· "•" 1·1--l'f'nounalit tunu11h •n)" type 01ltu}"•lUt ~1w· ----,----~--~-- 110~·. Hll.I. -"' Se<:tlnn .1~12! of th" 1·,.1,r .. 1n1a ;\"~•. (""lln••llfll .. 11 :.,:<)ne (j• '"t n'J'Pnl Cfl<lf' rutll1• r l't'l• Abl!rent r·,,11n,.1l1n,.n . Non• Attt~t : ,\t A f!.r.F.P.Y SCHROt:ol!:R Cit\" 1 '!erk Pt"'lll A 0 ~l11yor HILL 11.111 :-.·e.,.·1·Pru• 12 ,,•,•<1 111~~ .•h:il! h·• 11\k••fl 111 11ro• .. r1I· Mn<•• "1!h thr J,.,,.. t11r th" hOl•lll\I( or •lH'h •pro"llll 1•l··rl111r. s ~:{~r10N ,' ThRl th .. f'11 y rltrk .-hAll r•·rl!fy !t1 !hi' 1Hlront1on of th1!1 r.-.••·l111l•in Rn<t ··~"-"'' ll•P ~/~~ __ 1pnrt llurt1t•r :-;-,.,..,..1 •1,..~,. "II•" 11.l Rt:)'OOLl"'TIOS NO. 4404I wr~k f,.r 1wn ""'"k" prior !n th" A Rt:!'ln1.1mnN or n1r. (·m · 1111Jt1 hr.11 1nl.'" rorsc·11. or THE c:·1n· Ot" Th~· "I""•' Rn,1 l·1rr1ru1 nK n ...... J\'.t::\\"J'f)JIT JIF.AC"-11 bl:("l.A.R· h1t1••11 ·"·' l 1•'6 IO'llll ilul\" Hii d ISO IT:' ISTt:NTIO~ TO r·••i.;111,,rl~· l'"·~"''d find 11.Jti;•!~<l hy (",\l .L t'fllt ' .... rt:rlAl. r.t.f:(". lh·· c 'a.~ l"•1111 ii •)f I/If' C it)' IJI T IOS IS t 't :ltT\IS 1!'11'.llAHIT· S•"1,.•1t 11,,.,,, 11! ·' 1••'1 1ll~rtt""'· ..,,,'.I) Tt:llHITllt{\ t Ct!'l>Tfl;(. oni: 11,..,,.,.J h• lo! ••!' thr 111)1 •I"• !H'S Tfl !'IA IU l'IT\" f'Hlt· <>I :-:"1·,.,u1,, 1 IJ•,,,', tJ.1 th•• full""" )'ll!"f:O TO Mt: AS,,'t:'\t:u llljil 1 .. u ... 11 ""'~ ! .. "''' Tllt:Kf;TO. FOR Tu•: l'rH. A \"l::i' •'••l'!\'1·11 ,)IE:\" 11·•.n•·ll 1·~1)'0t: 11t· !'l'llMITTISH T11 l\"dol,.1 :l1'1·Ki.1 .'11.~1,1 .,,1 Tllf: Qt.A.Ut"IF.11 t::t.t:f'TOK,,. 1-l•J.'.IJ•· It •l•I· •h"r 11 111 Kt:0."41fllNO rs !'IAlll Tt:KH I-:'>.'CJt;s ('< •t'NelL~I EN :-.:""'" TUii \. Tiit: Ql"t:ST l ll!'li'. Al:ls t:NT l"l•l"Nl 'll.Mt;N x .n .. '\"llt:TIIER UR SOT "All i lJt'1 \1\ II H11.I, Tt:Ktc.n'Oll\. ~11 .\J.I. ltt:' "-:"· )\.''"""' St:Xt:O TO TllP: l"fT\ ntr ArTE~T· st:\1.-PORT "t:AClt. \Sii ,..._,_ ,\IHT"l(('!I s .rr 1n1 .. , l:SO " nME A.XU l'l.\(."t: 1•1t)' L'lrrk Ytllt:N A.ND "'Hl:Ht: A:S \" SEA.L l'l:R~ON OWSl:i.'O Kr. \ f. ~" 41.11 PRfll'l:.llTY l'"mll:-0-SI t It ;o.;,..,.,.p,,,... II l~ \~ ,·, !!I:,., Tt:RRITOAY lllAl' Ar1•t:AH f\F.f'(IRF. lllA!P err\· f•(H "!lol II . A.XO SHO\\" (_'Al"SF. \\II\ fll'Cll tEalUTO\" SHOI 1.1,1 !<'OT a& 10 ~Nl;UD. as IT R&SOLV!a>, by 11'.e City , '""'"It •11i e 1 • t •<>u IJE~:r - 1 ll F F:1.~-Po-:0.'11•)' • nr11•,1t Ant· ~r •''' t'.)11•-d1llnr1. ~&\"_\" pl•nra "·111 l•kr nft and le nd al the f>.-.1,t h r "tr • ' lli~1111on. lArice JOIJ.$ ,.,,1.<ll J<l bl'. Fret Cll tUnlt'" Al111> wa-: lt•r llPJ<'ad1n1r ,\ll!<!,.rn "'!lup- n1.-n1 w ;ltingtlln 6°40\11\. 1;11. n.uo.:-A-l'agf'. :1unllngtor1 Uch AJ..:ullol11..M Anunytnoue ~ \Vrlle P 1) B••ll' JfjJ NCW'J'1<rl IJf',\<11. t.'aht. Phone Harbor 479~ i'>l!c 1 _____________ u_, L"t1111 t•··oi111 :-.·rwll-1'1 p~ t.'l:1,.~lf 1td I 1 ~1t.,-1111l~· 1\ld_• ___ _ A•1-TJ11k,.,,. 111e t1·a!nii•t. lo \.fllr --I f'ftet h1•r ,..,. 'rhrr•ucn l•,.,I: '''!"'l \~n~f' ~'"' "' lll"'"'"~h 11n1l'. ·,.11·~ll1i; "' 111lvc•· u~1ni: "e , Rn I'"' ""11 "'11z.111 int•• Wf1fth t!1'tl ).•\ 6t !1••!1 Lf't u~ 11• Ip l "11 ,,.I!. TOOLS 8 {J1\'f :-i FUl{:-.'J"rL'ltE 0 1~ t;ET A Tf-:N,\NT Fl~IJ Yl ltl A JOIJ la·:T YO t : ,\ H t-:1.l'i:o;R -Tn r .. nt fl !lt'.ltu r ,., tiu1 11 ll•1U$r. the eimplt.&I "''}" 1 .. ltn<t • pl•1 r to l11·r. 11 lhrouth n•-w~nt ~"~- Superfluous Hair f'er1nn1 1t·n\ly rcn10,.tJ lrom t;ace 1111n1. ics• EyelHuwa 11.n~ h1ur Unr l'hlpc>J -!'>r> nlort (wrr~111 g t;Lt.EN L. BJt\",\NT ft, t;. L1do'1 gn1on of BeAuty Har 22-l.osl Rnd Fflund -------~-------~-· China Painting Dey •no Ev~11ln 1 i.;1uae8 Ordcr1 Tak~n Now rhrne Lll><!'My &-:'l.648 11 JO a. 111. tQ I oo I' 111, lit>•Ullful New \.\'Ol'en ::;OUTH1':RN C.'OUNT!F..:S (:AS CO. 1-111.1 lnt~·rr11o1 1nic .. ut ·of · <1110t11 Jub.11 1 .. r hii;ll ~L11•~'1 )!n1du~t1·a l8-~5 ,,.l\h I OI!\'" n11!\'.hiUl"lll lt.fl\l\ud• 5 ·Jll~'. 41} hr. "'"l:.:'k. STANDARD STATIONS H 11.~ ••J'•'n1112 rnr ~IHtJ•·n ~H!•·•r11rn A)!PH Ui . 3;, ()rHn.I:<' j·.1..,n1y 37~1~ 5-Day -40-Hour \Vcrk Ht.i:h l'(Rrtln.1; rny f:"I.• cl!r/1~ a~1,,•1>t.• On<lfl "rr>nr!un11y t11r Adv11o11r,.n1,.n1 A f'fll~· ST1\I'\lJAf{IJ :'iTATJONS l!nl1Jl:t 11.n•I 1 ·,111~! 111.i:h1\'ll}' l '"'"n"' tl<•I ,\1.,r Ctlt•1•r1111 11 1111(1 Sp1itlr"l'I t_.ull••1t .. n h :l(l \() {• ~0 M. 11), ~lt>D•h<)' & Th111'3!lA)"3 3~ct2 P•t t<'rn~ For A ll Ptt1.1rJ Kir1ch Curt1.!n A TrRver""' Rodil Sell Thr•n On Dlllplay In IJUr Store SANTA ANA TENT & A WNINC C'O • _s,\:\'r A A"::>."A 16:?6 !;. ~111 •n. Kl 2-:i~l:'I SELL 0:-l TEHMS 40tfr 6F"T. ot;LJC ATESSl:N c•.,..l l~. O ~~; R ft r .. trlr;•.r•lor ._ ... l t.O. O;>o;t~ l111 1;e c-<1mm.-rc. rt frlf . Si.5. l $<.:Al.XS. 1115. I Go:-.·oo~ 12:'1. C•ll n"""'r I.I 8·~22a morninit• nr ntt,.r !'I p m. itfc Firewood l'hon" •Uy or Kl 7-•890 nll:hl 2J llc -----20 CC. ~··· DEEi' f'rfftt . 200 pll )'er fllanD r<oll•, ch1]drtn1 111111\d bn.-, h1•11vy g11!. ~lf'<!:I t"Yln . ~et. Ha r. 1 303-~1 38ct 0 --~--GH.J::f'.:'\ Fri~~" ~nt• • Bro1t Q ulk Chi"! elec. broiltrr. Hu. 1883. 311c•I 30--B-Ap__ellulce. SO~~~_pj!Uanc._.,. ____ _ USED APPLIANCE BUYS O'KEEFE It ~tERRITT su range .... --··-·· .. ··· .. $49.50 GAFFERS & SATTLER, white table l op gas range. yery clean . _ .... _ -· --· ...... 79.:'>0 WHITE TABLE TOP, gaa ra.nge, griddle, . O\'en cootrol ...................... ·-· ··--·-$74.50 \VESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model --$99.50 PHU.CO Refrigerator, 6 cu. ft. .... -······ ··-···· $99.50 WESTINGHOUSE Refrig. 7 cu. ft,, very clet.n .$99.50 SERVEL Refrig., !~ft hand door --········--······-SS!l.50 G IBSON 6 cu. ft .... " ...... _ .............. -·--··-·-·--$79.50 KEL\tINATOR. Refrig~rator 8 oo. CL Deluxe _ . .$119.50 DE..."XTER Automatic washer --··············----$80.50 KENMORE Wringer wuhcr ·····--···············-···-$49.50 EASY SPINDRYER -···-·····-··· ·-··· Special Only "9.M AU. GUARA. ... Tr:EO '\'A.SHING MACHl:iES. A UTO~tATIC AND Y.'JUNGE.R TYPES SEVERAL TO S ELECT rno~t ALL R!:Af!ONABLY PRfCED-B lJDOET TERJ.tS--FR!:E OE.LIV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 East 4th St. Santa. Alla Kl 2·2336 MEN-WOMEN ,s_o.~B-~A~pr~1_1 .. _ ... ~~~~~-1so.~_Ayp1~c.!"--~--~~~~~--~---­ SEWING HACHlNE "'t1u::o t3 co. rt. ,,,rig,rator. 87 USED AUTO MA TICS ""'·111 1,1~ 1,. nrr1t. Kl'l""''!,.•!i:re ot furr:u •u" ;i,.,. .. n1bly r•"luir,.rr r.1 $ "!1~: tiitt :> • HFl,1 1".~ TIC A:-O~t .Hlf'T ·'1A;>o;. "~·I r,.1 •<'n•·"" 11·11 h fn<•'I ,,,,.,.., l11tr lb. •~ro:<t• top frt fl<t••r. F..'\cl u•lv• l•hll\'O l\\·o-,,.·1y dlltlr. llO below lr,eiflll!( te111~r•L1Jrt1 13311 1111. No 110 .... n ~.1 u1 ent. 2 ~ p .. r ""'k . THl tO:\'~UX:,; l lil ~ Nrwp111t Av~ t"'•"t"' ~1 ·~>1 ti 0 K ~;F.:FE ia-MERP.ITT rang<!. ·~ ltlO<l~I. LR.mp • cluck 'A'>lh oven l lm<!'t. (.:hro"1• c nll brulltr, a n.i lh•l l•lt up top. Ultt'd una nionth, $l4P II() cash, ur pa)' 18 J1f'r rno. ltil \V . t:hapm1.r1. \J1an1rr. KE ll·fl8l"1 Lt llf'.\\ ARI 1 i.:.o •w1 fvr llfl)' .. -uher "" purchu e of a new Hamllton ""!"11111\!c \O"llh~". pl!u 11 new thfl!n d•ll'Pll t n kr :O:o llo,,.·n. :'\o T"'•)'menl 111 1ii~11- • h"' k • 1• t n1 ~<1 f"•11 ll Y•U 4 ..... ~f1.~ ~1 1~ 1'"1!t. l'~•Ja1 ~ l.n111• 4fl.c42 TH rtnX~O:'\ ~ 181 ~ :-:~ ... ·rort ..t.v~ ('ott~ ~tr~~. ti S39.50 to S99.50 1:i to chooee from D1l1•1red, lnttall,..j. CU•rant c9<1. Terms a v1.1la n1.-. Henderson's A u\01n11 tlc \\'11.•hrr Setvire :Mt /!. ~fWf>OI"\ Ul1•oJ , L°Ol'.1H J.1 ~~11. LI 8-7.'108 1nt11r Oo lt Co1ir11e1 •ottc HIGH Cf.AS9 O"Kttft' A }.!prr1t JIU! r•n&:~ Pnu.ti~1 1y Ill'"" 1 1 GtHlRl"alor. (11 ~a ppe1ri ni 1h•lf t hurn'i • 4-1~1 -'' 1;rl1l•ll ,. <.:HEA P 1~1 11 II\ 23"0 Ll•lt nr 3"l ' ! I Bargains \\'JIITF: portablr. •"W• i.;oo<l 1-4& f,fl S l:"llJl;:lt port•hle. '"r.-IJr nt llJ!o -~'' gl:;Vll:N port1i..1 .. electrl<:~. d •lf,.,. ent makea. a ll 1ruaran1 .. ..,J I~\' 1>•1 1311 &IJ 111\d 1.t!l.li!J Sf.:'llGF.f< con-1<>le tl~lf1c l~\I .~•1 \','HIT~; <'On~e 1·h:' lrU! I\/'~ TV 411•• t1 ~~F' U:-0 A l.I, ~'L\JO)( .MUIJ b:l..H AN!.> lJf.:M O~STHATUH~ WHJTt:8, Nf:W H U}.1~:. >"t<J.;J.:. \\'EHTJNGllOI. ,o.;~: A ~·1 1 \'J(lVJtELl.1 Ora.r•i:e t ·,,unty • ()Jd .... H..,.·1111 ~l11rh ln" '"'-•l•r 11 y r• 1n ~•n"A An• Kl ;.~tlll Wheeler ,;~ ... ·"• ~\h 1-'t :<.1~· IHn• r 'I J;anr • A11• ··~ii --·---- I \ CLEARANCE SA LE Brand m w 111.:>:1 1tpphann·R rL••JH :J 4 1 'llo\:'\!•J~~ l\'•,rse. F:11.,y ARC. Whirlpool A u ••m.111c \ ;u1h1•rs Sav,. up to S1 1)0 NMt;•' nefri:::.,ratrm1 Savt> up to Sl :!~ O'Keefo & Merrill, Norge Tappan, W t. lgt:wooJ Rangl·s Sa\'r up t o .. iJO Norglo! & \\"hirlpoul Dry..rs ~aVl' up t o S50 .:>:r>T Hl;'l;G P()W~ & :.!f .\I••~ T O >,\\' u:'\ Tiii•: 1\1;11\ E F<.Jl 'll')l T l'O.\I~: XTl!.I. ·~ rr:.\TI-'.~ JAKE'S APPLIANCES l!l:li J1.1rl><Jr B.1 .. 1 ..... :-\(;LJ." l:H•:CJ i,. x •r111nga lnllt'I •J •111.i: mlllll"S., at ftlf'~I 11f Yecht Remodeling •hl\\tl• 11\l l1k•· 1trv. a111' "~ kuv A,,. 8alb<13 :1111 11 Service J u111uwork -ReflDlahlnJ Repairing. !i'l-A-Antlqnt-9 -----------llrte Eallmaln. Ru. 4%1-l·W lllc•~b J.: \~L\~~~t;it(.~~ i-~~;,,Tu,f''1. !4 1-'1' BOAT .tr TRAit.ER in· I boaTtl V·S f\O NHdlJ repair S<>U l"tltc-m gl"'" Pri1n1t.veJ An· \ ••r • "!Hl.e f or l"'r\9 or 1 Llbert y tJ p.e fu!'n11u re 11 nc! f·ne rl1t.1l 11 13!< • "°"'2 ITllE BIG OLD RED BAl~N _ ---- 1-: FIHBA;'l;li: Kl :1.J~il SL p I 1:s>..s1 Uarbor lll\•d , Ca n!,·n c . "e PIER & I I J!lr"l :h H F:<\'>0~.\llL~: kE:-.:T in 81tl1*1a _ -------I Co1·ts. Coll Har •631-MK. 40p.f2 H~ l'l'l.E\\ lllTJ,; prtv o....-n~.· di:!· 1 1Jt1~,,.~ -i .. nu4u t' n u.1 ... 1;.1"V The Newa·Pre" publlahu mott , 1 .... 1. <"'u~l $t1u11 \\'tll .. ctt fur Classt!1ed Ada thlln any othtr SI.'!.'! t'dt 11 Ah1n 1 antrqu .. l '••r· nt>wapaper 1n the a.r ea. Thia '""1 1111111 .. r rui;s. Pl ·s11 ~I .\:-; s . leadtr11hip w•• a ttained becau11e ::7f1"> ~: (' 11111t H1~11w1ty, 1· .. 1·ina News-J'resa Clt1.1Slfl~ Ada get I tl1I \1111 liar l '.!H . ~111 ~.2 1 ~·11uiL11! J 3 l--Mu11lrul, Radl<.. & T \' 3-1--Musi<'al, Radio, T V ------ PRE-HOLIDAY SPECIALS NEW 195b TV LI l'·:i:i!n 1 · .. ,111 .\l~•a 1 WE ARE SELLJ!\:G OUR FLOOR SAMPLES AND DEMONSTt1ATORS \\'HJRLP(.)(11 . 11 utomatw i:a:< tlry"r \.VF:=-'TINGHOUS E 21 " Blonde Console w1lh a 11tu111.1lw 11;1111111n H•'i.: $219.95 rir u c S:!R!l !l!'I, !':.Ii• 1., h ,. $. l~t<J !•[• I R'-·gularly $299.95 Frt>c 111 •1.illl11 1 .. 11, :X11 if••\\t1 :!49 [ w11 11 y11•1r t1ld T\' rwr wk :-;,, 1•uy1111·111 1111111 1:•r11: \\ I·:~TINGHOL:SE 21" Mahognny Console T11n0Nso~·s 1111:; ;\'1·w11111 t ,, "'' I Regularly $339.95 $239.95 c nsla ~I ••<a • tf ---1 \\1th ~"''" uld T \' O•) F~ . r Co I PHILCO ::!!" Console with Golden Grid Tuner. .~-um1t11rf• or .~u •' . · -95 -------------------Alumm1zNI Picture T11L ' plus Tinted Clas.s ........ $219. EVERY DAY 'til Christmas Day BEITER BUYS at Bay ALL NEW CJll·:11: I I ' 'IHI I l \I'\•, l,()CJ~I I • . 'I • 11. I IC I.II \ , ~ )'\ I ' I i ~' ' n n • t I , " t , "'It"• ~ f II tt 1l t •t 11 '. Hrgularly $339.95 \\ rlh v11ur r.ld T\' PHILCO ::!l" Dclux<' Consoil'. Aluminized Picture Tube. ~cw M 1r ro-Grid. ,. . ........ S229.95 Rt'gularly $3•19.95 "ii h yuur 0111 T\' ALL SF-TS Fl LLY GUARANTEED ANO IN8'fALLl:.:O FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN 18 5 Harbor Blvd., Cost.a Mesa LI 8-3437 38c40 I ,,l I I I 1 ' .\ 1 flu!' \ I TV : , , , , , 1 • , , , .. '"' 1, , -.:. ,. ,. :i 1-Mustcal, Radio, 6' T \I S-1-Moslcal, Rado, ----------------· I I \ I I 1 .. 1 •1 "~· 111ti:A :-J I El,..1 lrnnlC' Orgun now ''' t , I •'' f •\" 11 'I I' .. nh· s;,-;:, All !'.:lcdrl• Uc gun, 11111 ~11ly $78!1. 1"'wry Ori;nno $ )l1.1. A II w 11m!t·rful bUf)(•lllltl. 111\ !'\Z S(•t t l\111 •'1'. ~,io N (I. !ltu:n, \ 'l 1 · \ ,. 11 l 't' r1~u\ I 'fc 'I 1\T. I :I 'I •Ht •(J.\f Sllntu Ann. 1,l!f1 ,. I 1 • '• tJ \\ I f!1111t1h• , \ I , J \H ~ l11t~· tt.ih·1•1\ 1 ,11!• I llH I 11k• I~\· I 1 t lt I ' I I ' ••\I' 'l j , ' •I I 11 I'~ I ... I ... i I ,I h. l•fll.1 •,.. 1j1J.d1 d'1 J/11 • I lf1r1 'I ' I I • •t h ' 11 lti,... I •• \ \I t, t \ I H .\' '.! •• , :11• . t "· -I"' ~I At a:I> tn ~hipping :! Spinets, >II\\ •• $1"'0 l •1\ ~Z·St'H~lll>T, ~21) No. Main, ~1111ta AnH Knowltun J::.J<.•l:lront<.'S TV ANTENi,IAS it 'I• tr' I:,. t111 l;'l;l'\'J',\~El l 111mpl••I • I I .11 i 0\11 Ht'l, GRANO f'lANO Ch!Utmu Sale . !\fl\lly wondu!ul barg&.llls, !am- ous makc11, Sulnway, Muon Uuml1n, K nabe, etc.. delivered frl'r , benl·h 1nclu1kd from $387 up. DA=->Z·SCHMLOT, ~20 No. MAin, Santa Ana. l'nowlton E lectron1c1 TV REPAIR FA.ST Sf:RVICE. REASO:'JABl.E. Ser1'1C'!' call• till 9 p.m. u 8·~20~ HAUSKEN-WATSON SPORTS CAR CENTER JAGt.:AR. M C AVST 1N·HEAl.£Y ltORIUS AL.FA ROMEO A USTIN uux.i.1o--r Ntw Car Sale. "' Strvlc• Clran Used Can1. All Maku Im· pcJrlcd and Dorneallc. # r 2201 SO MAIN ST. SA!'\TA A':\A KI 2-076e 11132 HARBOR DL\'O COSTA MESA L.l 8·~0:it 4&-A-Ttne a Pam New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES ~ 8-Hour tf Recapping Serv,ice Complete Brake Service A:-\0 Front End Alignment ROAD SERVICE Firutonf' Budgtt Plan Yours for the Asking HOWARD RYAN 801 • 809 W. l st St. SA:->"fA A;'l;A Kl 3·8363 41-Ao~ Service 33ttc Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. __ $48.88 8 Cyla. ·-··-·-········-··$58.88 l.ncludca both l11bor and part1. New rings, wrist pins. valve gTind. llttlngs of main and rod beutnga. Ex~rt motor tune up 9C>-day or 4,000 mUe guarantee (NO MONEY DOWN). REBUILT ENGINF.S -UP to 15 MONTHS TO PAY- BuUt ln our own factory by 1kUled m1chlnl1t.a. Don't contend with tbe middle man. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED SHORT BLOCK FORD ... -·····----·--S129.60 CHEVROLET -·-11'11.60 PLYM . .tr DODGE .. ·--··--ll~ CliRYS. It DE SOTO --$170 STl,JDEBAKER ···········---$170 0~8 .tr PONTlAC 6 -Sl 70 48--Apt•. & BoUH for R4-nt .. 8-Apt1t. lo ffouM• for ~at l NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 5 -. MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 Cabanas Marinas .. ~aoonu. rur IW• e•-R4'•• Eittate E~chaap Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS * * * ENJO Y t.l\'J!'\C 011 the Or1•&n t'ront. K11,•hrnf'ttt• •rl• A rnta I wllh pr1v11tp b11th. M alt1 8"n•:c-f' CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SE't..L ~ ~tful living. Apt.-Cabanns. Utilities paid. with TV. 2306 Wut OcelSI Front .1 HOW A.liO\'T A TRADE. for 111a.n· H1trtx)r 609 1. •i:t'r <>p1•rat\'\1 clt'•lr rnl'Ollll' prnp· Yaoht slip accomodations. * * * trly "I'll"! f'nrl ll( v.~ A ntr<'IN!, \'ahtt'll ~ $:1:1 Ull(l Wllh C'l\'l'r Daily. weekly, monthly, yearly. HALBOA Jlf::-.11:'\Sl'l.A R oom $11111<~1 d Y•·ur 1111-(lllll' &: llllV wrttl prh·att be th It cntranc-c ''J'l'llM' Ani rl't iring It ""' tn· For appt. or r<'servation, C:ill Hnr. 2992. 34tfc Apanmtnl bu1ld111,:;. Har. '.H:IO. t.•r.-i11<•,1 In llny ~·ront pr<'t•t'rtr . I 33t1<' \\'111 t rtt1k 11p nr '""' 11 c )wnl'r. --·--------\\'F:bslt'r, ._.,!i(ll ••r \1•r·lll' :.1907 18A-Apta. for R~nt .. ~.A-A1tts. for Kent ~---~~~--~~-~~-- 49-R-Room I; Board ~ .. 111h l \,,hrnn Al«'. t .. •t! An· &t'le.!i l j\ liHu..-1-:m~ 1~\'lTEP Lovely New Studio Apts. tOOM • board tor t'lderly pt-Opie 111 pnvat" homf'. 2~ hour <'AN'. I 1<11111> .. rly :,.1~~R._ 381·•0 EXl'HA ~l~E i ·1~t'M~O s1·m-;n~ 15•, o; ""to-~. ... Offlr"""' hu111e ,,,,. 1 ... ·el ••r ~" C'1<llf. You will likt· the q 11ll L con\·enicnt location, the .~ •,"' a ,-. l.lnd or propt'1 ly. heated i;wimmm~ Be glad pool. I 1!1· frirmlly atmoSJJhere. to show you anytimr'. I l.l)A:)T H lGHWA Y. new bulMtng. 500 sq fl Offll't'. S11ll11ble Ill· !111rtlnll'. Ill I01'1ll'\', f'tr. $VO mo. FH'SS J.'llRll. L1 °!1·6HI. l.~IC Ken Niles r• J 021 Bayside Drive 47-Wantffi to ft.font WANTED 3 bdrm. h111111• ('nr.tu Ml'l!tt, m'url hen· tlbl. i; .. r. 1'1t .. fer l11ri;1• lot . \\'111 S:I\'•' i.:•'"'I <'•re le be pem1111o1'nl. H av1• 'l eh1ldrl'n Ir dog l.l 8-i!IJ~. :171 12 DESK SPACE WANTED B y Jn .. orne T11x Ar1·011nt1tnt Liberty 8·2336, 3!/p 11 48-Apt.8. &\ Houee111 ----Choice WmtC'r P.cntals on Balboa is land & Lalo lsle Small .t: co:iy or large A: dehlll• $7~ to $300 m oolh ·VOGEL CO. Villa Marina Har. 1 00 32c45 ---------------~~1 A LL UFl"IC'i'; for rt'nt. Sult· ""''' r1'11I l'Sl,.te o r 1ns un111r t'. 419 lialh11a Ulvd. <.:all Har. 4 718. 3Htc 48-A-Apts. Cor Rent • NEW OF°'FICES DELI ·x~: m 1:i;;'ll r11rn Mtmho apt. I• IDEAL FOR PROFES- i ·i ihh··~ P'"'1 $i f> "111• coriina 'IONAL or BUSINESS USE. 1\d -'\.i1 Ital' 11!':1:!-H. Htfc !::i ~IOflERr-;" T\\ t1 b lrm. opU , (11111 "r 1111'11 11 •, bin• k h<'al'h l;ml\~"' 1'.111 Hur. 301:!-I-( 3!1rll Sea SheU Apts. & z m~nRM 0 1-;L.t "XF; Ft.'R:"\. ,\ PTS To nref Prn»I t enants. $80 & up, 111 11. inrl J:.!20 W. Ballina lih·rl , ;'l;,•wpor l l:SC'Bl'h. 39c!'>2h t:N J.'l'H.'\' 1 IJLJRM. lJl.:PLEX- LocatC'd in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har. 1600 tr TWO OFl"l C.l::S-Each hu own private off1i-~. Call at SWAN- SO;'I; BERO PRINTING CO., 12-t Broadwlly, Costa Ml'I!&. 39c(0 (;ur. nC'Ar s hnppmg $6 • ., month. Cor . l 9lh It l'l&centl&, C. M. llN!l', l'larenl1a Ll M·6580 FOR RENT two bdnn. home - 391 4 t (stove &. r~frlg. !urn. l tnclude1 stt1re room .t: two office •pa.c:e.t, )':J<'J.; '"""''Y .raw unrum. Z bdrm. $100 month. OR w ill re.nt aepa· 208 Marine Ave., Balbua lslAnll Jupl\·x H1lwd. fir•. lots or rately l ot!lce at S7~ and 1 at P h. Harbor 4U or Harbor 21:.it lll". ll<'f\'14'1! pvrth. U11•l1ltd gar.. $50 monlh. Also small atore $100 Rea. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30:t,·M I , cmcnt wulks, •Inv," ay & pal10. mo. C all owner Wberty 8·6223 6fttc U0<"l 10,><l101\ :Si~• per mo. 1 ~13 J mornings or alter 6 p.m. llttc --------------1 Ul'IUIJ,;" A l't·, C. !\I. 39eU ---ATTRAl."I'JVE l and 2 bllrm furn. F OR LEASE, new bldg. on Eut UUllllt'.11 paid, I ur i «h1l.!1l'n !:>EE THIS 17th SI. We need BARBl!:R Laund1y room UL l' E TOP S HOP . llf:AUTY PARLOR. TV • ....,. MOT"'' •03 "'ew""rl Ulv11 1S H,\kl' L'PH't'\'A flEI. MAR S A' "'.S a. SERVIC"', R"'AL n.r .. ..._.. ,, abo··-ti I I bl ' 11r11I 4'@11\'o 1 l1hlc 11e11 apl. t....c• "" c.. IC; Npl. "~ach, Ju11 t ve It' l I d F 1. ESTATE OFFJCE, CLFT SHOP Arches. iHCc LuX\lllou~ y turm~ ll' · u •Y f'l r. Get your bualnou llt.&rtl'd 1n ---l'UJ)i'l"<I ull rww. U<'u.m 'lg. t h t' but IO<'lltlon Jn Co11ta Meaa. TWO BEOROO~t Cnu11ge ,, Hur t il•• k•t• h nnil bttlh. Car. For lnlormaUon, •32 Eut 17th block Cf'nlt'r of Co!<l& -'le11e • 1 ulllrti.,• pcrnl $l 'IO 1110 t..'ALL or Uberty 8~2k. 28cU $60. Ll~rty 8-771~. 3!k10 Mr" 11 11111i,•ri: liar 1616, or __ _ ---I J::\'ES. 11111 ;J:.:.i.Jl. 38p40 YOUR H 0 ME :n Anw11<•1t'11 i ·t:Jl!\'. 1 b••th nom up~llt1r~, izar· V11cntton 11pot. REDl-X.ORAT· ng<', TV. J;Arln1gt' d1. JIO~al \\'111. 17th Sl, ne&r Tbri!ly 0Ng in L'n8tl\ Me11a.. Ideal locatlon for 111111111 bUllUlt'U, UMd fUrnilUre, TV r,.palr . et~. or Ught mllllu- fl\• \unng $6~ mo. JAM.ES - Har. 2042 39U'c EV 2 btdroom. lllr ~"' mol<\ t. r ro nl ii $60 g.1~ w11t• r p a ul hut, pall.,, i;arni:e. Siio ).1'1\1 lv I Balboa. n• a r bu" umi bl11re.11 I unrurn. 307 311rcJ. St . Harb"r H:.r. 3 121 39c!l2 4308·J. • J:.144 1 ---·---------- R l'•'••nt ; ·room rramf' trlll'Vf'I. m od1·111, 11l Aur11m. 111 .. prtre $ti,r,oo Luw tn:or:cs. t 'lt'11r. In· i<un•.J 111 1,, f'!•lk.1. T r111l11 evrrt 1•r ,1n"'ll for 1·kar <"'nhf. J'f"~r· ty Box K·71l lh1tc 1'111w r. 3:1(>4 l -----TRAllF. F.Ql'ITY In 2 br, A den home with 2 b11th11, paUo, flrepl .. lllJIO tqu11 y In "" nl'W fumltl.IJ"e. T•'l &I valut< ov"r $4(100. •'ii c;t. r. J. Jnan. In Coatn Mf'A&, for J..A TE ~1on1-:1. 35· 2 br. TRA.n, J.:H. Call Ll ~·:!~9. 4~ • Irvine Terrace Magnificent Cu1loal Built Home • Two bdrme. and den • Prime JocaUon on Dolptdn Terrace • Bea\ltlful ~t. and dn,.. • li:xpenaJvely landeeaped • Modeni tn every d.u.&l • Electric klti-he.n • Two complete batM •Owner wante tmm_,,... 9911 tllln-) Pr1c• rectuc«t .. PUOO i... HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1800 Jtwa. HM* Mii Trad1n' SMOO ror &AND Goln' back to TEXil CLlFr BA VEN Cl a..Je, a bdr m., dbl irar., L'scaped tncct. yrd., Patio, euy tinuoe, IH.· 860. $2,900 ~ wlU eell furn. ti~ Pirate Rd. .. . ' h ' II ,. I I " < I :,11 \ \ 1,1 'I" \ I JI,\\ $9.95 Ll " :.w.·. :mt re tf BUICK ····--··--1175 HUDSON -----~--117~ Loa.a Car Frff Towtns - ---PRM'"TJCE pt&noe $89, 1116 to ti,\ ~tM ONO URGA.NS, •II m Cldl't.,, $ 18!'1. Splnl't ty~ mirro r plllno u=-:t; F.lflR.\f fo"l'R:->. AP'f ne11r PENllliSUL.A t um. rCJmplctc-. 3 L1br ir) 1n B ,Jt,. 1 $:0.i :,o pe r. bdrm. houae H olidays 0 1 wukly I mo Year!)'. Ul.I ixi. Adulla to Ja.n. 12 Flr.pl11ct P11 ll11, dbl 1>nly 1.1 8·6~•07 38<'40 M-Monez to. Lou LO.A.NB 'lV tsun.D. DIPROVE BUY, MOOERNl.ZE. OR R.EFINA1'1C31 HARBOR JDGKLAND new ' bdrm., 3 bL, FA. bt., Fireplace, Dlap'I. H<hrd. nn.. OVtT•t&• l car ..,-., L'.c11pcd f ncd. yrd ,, l.m.m.d. Pou ., 671 Terulla Lani'. 1111.1100, '2700 dn. A&sume GI loan. .. I II • \. r ,, \I II\\ 1\\.1':· •• 11111 ::- 11 '., I • <I I •• If • f• I" •I ' ,, I It q .t I'\\ (.'I 1t\l1 1.'ll11:1t11 • .i ... bt•1< II. 11uw c.1111ing 1 $23fl _ t. blond beauty. Eutelt 111 $11• OQ •l•·rm~n wlll ,.,.,.,.rve 1, rm11 1111· 1111 ·l• I v. hilt I ht-y 1.uit T1 ~ill' DA.NZ·SCHMIDT. 020 No. M&Jn, 111 '" '"r <old r11rnn. Santa An&. 100 p1anoe to Ch001J8 l •A :-0:7. !-ICllMILIT }lom" ot tht ''.,JI•! L<t11"u." 11111111111111<1. !litO S ~I 11n , :-an\1\ A nu One S1 cn .. 1 :lltielt•I •·n~ H.1mrn .. nd •I 'I 11•.nn 11 ··ti hut Ilk<· n1w, " 11 I II 11 I.> 1q,;11111" 1:1 :-... 1' .. I '"" r .. r C'lt11.•tOlA~ All 1 .. 1, r.1o1 uil11v."I C11111\ µ1111- \ • ) 'ii'• ... It U\ s·. l'•'r' n\unth from. S l'I Nf:T r1ClnO~ Rt-nt11l rf'tUrn11. Tr1til1··ln.'I nn nn.,'lln.~. Ilk,. nrw ~onu! Maph. Blond OaJ<, F~nch f'rovtnclllJ. Thi• 1.1 a chllllce for bl l(' .tll1·1ng. Open l~rrday nlghL DANZ·SCHMLOT, 520 No. Main, S anla Ana. 111-' tl1• l\ tilu'*I I• 1ttl 1-------------- \ '\l. ~· II \I II• r .:11 ;s,, ~''''" \\'" XTEfJ V •W prll'l'd ~ U t I \ 11 I f'lllnu. LI 8·111121 Bay r urnHure 40--.\uto" uncJ Trud•" _ 40-Ao_t~ and Trow ' ------------------~--------- I \I I: I'. I • \11 • Open Eves. 8 Come See and Drive . '" Our 1956 Buick New BEDROOM I The Special ,, t\ •• l •h ',, t 1: •• ..,. • 11 i+ r , • ~~ .: 1 .' ;: : ~· •• ••• .... :.·:·: ~: It 's Reany Something Special ' ., · · · · · The Century h " ~ ' ~t \ ,\ l H I • •• • Iii ' 'ld'h I 11 '"7 I U t.• 111 •• H<•""1 ~"1 " It's the Drive of a Century ~I •, 11 6.. ~I q•!. , .... '' ' 11 • • f I. I \I 101 \ll l \:ITl t.1 1u:1 1k.I h~ 1, I ~I ,, ;i I I I\. :-• \I ,.J ' !"-l t. \•\'\ .. '"• \ ' \ ., I ' • I 1'-I J • , .,. I 111"'" I ', t , t , , ,. t1•r -tZ I • )((Jl'l"IJ.,J.~ 1n,..,1rr11 I 1l•1t• INn· 111 I '1 ~\I ) ' .. 1 I\ I J(,\q l\ I' 11•'t' \l\t r 1 I,. t• ~ l I .j '' P I ,1(! Pr- t ,..,., • t 1 ~ "" \1 d ~ n11r ,.,,,~,I .:1 • ,, t.h •it •l•ur '• .1r f i I i· ' \I .t • 'I lflt ' ,. I If"' r i I\ f'T ; 'h · .. ,,., 1,. ' .. n r· • , , ~ ' ,r H '\t h1 t •. • \I "4fl1 ·~ 1-1\ '" \I I l(C 10\1" . , n··tt•h •···"' \ 1(' ..... ,, I. 'I I ,· It • . .t ' • I• ..... r ' 1t1t•t.• ... , .. " i-1 •\I, I .. ( ,, I • I' I 11 , I I •'I 1 1•n,.,. t > 11 ,,, h ·~· I.I 'J \\ ( l , 1 •h.. ._.. d 't'' If \'. !1 lr•' n1J<lllt• .. ('~·· t 11) r11rh ,. " l s:u • h'h 11\ I\" 1 •. \1111 .\'· rt r ·H~· ... -n. v •ti 1 ,., r S 1•• ~, .. ,. \' $1 ... 1 t11 I .,,. ).,.11d ~ , ' ,, 'l 1"'1n , ,,. ~ ,, • \ ~ ..-···1• ,, ,., Ill •• '"" $1~ 1•\J .! JI Ht l I ~ ,, • I t l The Super It's Sensational The Roadmaster Custom Built By Buick Take Off is T erFJfic · The We Take Pride in t Selling the Best Buick Yet Terry Buick 5TH A~I> WALNl'T. Hl'NTINGTON BEACH LEXl;'l;GTON 6-4588 t O-Auf08 anrl Trucka 1 4~;\ut°" for SaJe ;.~;-;~.~~;;~& Thun· :;-;'ORD RA:-\CH W&J;on.. ford· , • r l .. r J 1•• "' • r' in 11l>uul Z un111t1i-. R .tr H Roya.I mu ter • I. J II.,._, II· 71 ;: ·'"' 10 WW 2 t one (Tttn 0r1K p81nt I'"'' :-1 f"K<'F' I 1 .11 • I''' Pol !(.Joli • i •"111d/• .J l 'tJ\ .. , '1 Aud • .11111 t ,,.,. I' :!i•I F l 'almt>r. I •I• ~1· ~· I I I!· ill:• ;111. {I , ~ 11H I• 1 · 11n •" ~· 1"11 l.1kt' r;r" $.•1)0 "ull h •it t\ t 1 11· s l '<11'.H1• 1'111·1 1-;vc111n ¥, nnly. lhr l• r 3!1'.l·W 3!lc0 \\I -.T l-1'!.I. 'I) I' 1· 2 11• rtran & .\11'1 h .-:on1l Ho I· w \\~·•I• Mlt' • uphol•ttry -Immacul1tlt. Have to u e lo a pprfl:llL\e. No \AX or llt'tnse by owner. \\'Ill l111dl' or b1u1k tl'rm• Phone W~rty 11-26<>&. 38t tc ?'(F:AT. twn ·ton!' ·~3 Plymouth 1Hl11n. Radio arid hraHr, O\'•'r· drlvf', Vt'ty S:n<>d tlru By own· er Ml"!'\T l'ELf~ Call LTberty 8 t 130 E1·u U berty ll· ;021. 3&4(1 1 ' II 1·11 r !lllZ L il11)~ l~lb• rty ------------- ,lt.j\ft;l F"'' :wr41 '4" 'f'L YMOt.'TH rood C"'1dlUon •" ~111tt• •l·•h '"'1pt \\S\\ !Ire~. I •• 1' rr t .'fl:\ I.I 11·6104 3'<'40 n • H LT 8·2792 244 BrC>llCI· wa y c M atrer &·ao p m lk •O Nr;W C.AR GUARANTEE Bloclt muat meet our atandud1 Pll&.1 tallcl, ca.akete &lid oil OPft' Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally 8 t o 7 Sta~ Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA SARVER .. OH gar. ut1J. pd $~:'1 wet-k 210-0 I __ _ 01'<'"1 Alvd. Chun htll IHU/18 l'L.1-:AS AST k notty p1nr. studio collect. J!l1 11 nl'l. T.1-4tl'lully 111111. Jor cv1·1 y 1 , 11111lu1 l lit<.. l•fll~hoorbuctd $80 2 BDRM. L"?\'Fl'R:'\ISHt::O lilh Sl & U~r •n !-runt 2nd triplex, flreple •e. JC•rbagr llu•p huu .. • ,11 11 i.:hl ukul f"r coupfr WllllL'r pd. yard fllllllllMlfll'd $1,", 1111 I 11111. 11 .• 1 l•"I ~ 17;;.\V. We Buy 1'ru.t Deedll N'l:WPURT BALBOA &AVIJ!fCJa 6 LOAN .ABSOCI.4 'MON "" Via Udo. P h. Bar. U00 tit Uwner 2i1 U1u•il11H)', W ~·2776 1 ;01 \\' 01 t>lln ~ rw1t, :-.:t'wpurt ~11 11 u. , .. 1i 3t11>10 CASH ... -----• 1 FOR. TRl.:ST IJEEOS Sf'AHKLJ.:>:G h.1xu1 1<>111 ly furn 1tll .. t'HXl:-111.1 • A l 'T , 1 ht• llm nor WM. 0. HOLT n.,w, fully C4rl•"l•·tJ 'l br & ' ,,,. H iib 1111.J 1!11•1nr...io t.'r•nt<'r. AlllO ii MORTOA<.;1'; DANKlNG 1·crllblf' 11t•n lii-11111 l'ill.!I . 111 rl l•I !Wu I h1•11t1111111 llJ'l!I on \\II · Sl.'ll.'E J93U 01r11~,. C"o1nn11 •lt•l Mor $1 :•1 rl'r!1 vnl v7lltl l.:hun .. 1 l 1lill'"· 16011 N Ol'SJI SANTA ANA mo. H lea~c-llar tfll6. Mr~ 11.rtlNr IZli·J 29tr1 KL\lDERLY 3·7118 Hallbux ... " ~ Hi\ r .•.i H 111p u ---- 22l68 LAGUNA CANYON RD. x1n·a 1ncom• rrop.. l ·2 l><lnn. t um. apl. newly dl'co,..tNf. J • 8 tudJo turn.. a pl., • turn. room11, dbl pr., 21.ii lole lo build 01\. Hwy. t ront.1.g<'. out11trt11 n p11tnt· ed. U3.2~>0, $2.600 d11, \\'ouM consider J11te mnd!'I c1tr, or ! UY O WNJ::R. '"TJ::X" Ll 8 liOO. 3 p.jl) TWO-BDRM. HOUS~:. b.ardwood n .,ors. 1 r1fr<'eitat<'d Inside and out. $10.7:.0. S~t Ylower St.. Costa MN&. ~RAKES ---I LIVCJ IS LE iSA.-AplJ.Jot..Beal I B~~H.EWH IU'ld one.> two bdrm. a pt.' Shi r1 tnm onll y1•1Hly. Phone Ubarty &-710l LO~NS for Home$._ ______ a_att_0 __ __ (I:\ ORA:-:GE COUJ';TY J7 YRS1 Uontlt<l Ur~es -t wheda $11 96 lnala.Jlallon . .911 • •2 116 TAX .48 YOl' rAY :-;o MORE U 3 4.3 SAR\.EH. MOTORS BRA1'.E ~ER\'JCE E lST AT GRANO SAl\"TA ANA ACler The Cruh It & Too L.tle 2911t Al.S ii, Li.tu llurra _. 11ntl ltuy Fronl Hontu a11d aparlmt'nt..a, LlOO RE ALTY Associates RENTAL ti SPECIALISTS Call Edna Cral& 134'1\) \ 1• Lhlu, Harbor OU Rlt 6illfc . r., Blanche Gates, 31J Mllrlne Av,. tsalbo• l•lanll. Har 1671 ----- 72tfc Crown of the Se a Motel In Corona del Mar ('Qmfurl.llbll' n" nl't It k 1trh1·n~lll' ,. • '• T\' f ll'\• Yd f l( 11111,dhl\~ r •"' 2&110 £ C1)11_.c Hv.·y Ii r 111•1 \\ .\~T 1 ·u1.u11. v.1111111 11. ~un • ~ •• ,. LAW a · 1 bl'olrO"m apt fut n I "I l•o'I• 1\, < l<l..., ll\ n11l<'nly p•1Uu ~ ""0:" Y~atly !76 utrl 1n1 I .l 1 I J:l1<I ~l 11111"\ 4308·J 3!1c41 -IMB-lloUSt'fl for ~at ! ;:, '111 T\\•1 holn11 l iuuiu• furn o~ -30 .,,.. 1.oau Construction Loans BR BOB BA.Tn.ER 2010 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona Cll'I Mar liubor Siii Rep. POOUJi:R MORTOAOll CO. Metro Ute laa. F\lade IQ. 3-618:1 tltf• NO COMMISSION No Appralaal Fee SALES -REFJ.NANCI!: CO~STRUCTlON <.:au for~ Faat Commitment• l'fEWL Y ttdecorated mOl1ern o~ • ~dnn. bmn .. Ga.rap a .tora.~e room. N ice loc:&Uon. lM La Perle. :'l:ewport Ht~ dlatr\ot C. .M. Llberty s.111e. aauo TWO Be\lnn, t•. P ~ L(e. anrl. patio MUST ffll t.hl1 wHk. I J6,000 w1\h t.rma. HAT. 802l. lk'O RUSTIC HAVEN ~·,.3:-, PT KJT C'u,lum J bolr rn rarpet" fll,.po~al. on l1<rge 11pa(e .,.IUI prl. bath A luoo Park 1Agun11 w .. 1111 $1c•n() l:lan1f1•'" ... ,,. ·--------I i1 .. 1!1 M111rnllH 111 l 'i•nlrurul1 I on Rulde,nc.u and Unlt.e only I' inl \\ "'''r '' nl.tl D I H ddl t Ret1lfUI pr1V•<'Y. Jew el)' view, d .. IJ~htful i-ottare. 1up.rt>l7 local• ed In Coron• dtl Mar. LArg• 16rd 6 bedroom ,.,.llh flrtplve,. acn11ll ~!rm. ptr1'ect f or baby • I•, hat.ha. Liarge pictu re \l'tndow In U\•lng room ~.-alh unoti.tru< c.- "'1 ranyon '1ew, c.pena to ll.Q en• trrtaltlmi; deck. Yorco.1 alr fu,.. n•c'11, Jnt..t of n orag6. ~l&O rt. lrit T r11ly a lit\ lo pa.ndl.M -;- '1 • f\Ctl'I llbc'llll •&MO dO'lm. By "PP'>lnl m,.nt. Owntt Har. ('63. 1-;1·'-. 34ii. 12tra 1• '• l.~:\l!l•l'l.~;t. 7!1 l.Ut<>ll llr I on 0 u es on t.\• : .. t .. " tl l'h Cltrw1 3 :.11 6 I $\!\00 P hf'ne llYl\ll t ·30i I BAI.BO A l!'Lt: ,, "" 39c41 1 rlr1111 t11.J1tt •J -- -L-------n'll"J)(ln•lhlr '"I \ ,\ 1 I• I \ ' "" I'' :J.:tfr 173 E. 17th St. * PORT ORANGE * ~1;:1,. P·111~1t:::'.:\: 11 \;'1'"· :-~·111 TRAJLER SALES I Marinn. 'I 111 I • •IH ·~A I •I I, ~I A It ur1furn.. 3 COST A MESA and SUPPLlES I Ir • 2 •·•' 11 """ lv 1ll'<'on\q\ Lt 8-~'4 \ Ll 8-6~ 'l.!~1 I• n Call 2200 W. CQallt H1way. LIDO ARMS APTS . \ '"' .• ~" t ' ,. 111 • r l ; u 51-Bf.&I Lt\&te Waated Nrwport '3<'ach LJ 8·H 20 I '56·36 K1t-CW111m 2 t>r 111vt s1000 & Ma rina ~!'1-U ' r 11111mm1nl I It hl ji; '11•• !'I!\· I' Tra\'~lf'1t• A '< • 1• 1 $'-"II ~ll·All 1110t1l'l11 ,II •11r. '"' ol. f'I") "'e need clnn u~ttl l•ll•l•'-ln• PAN A~ERICAN J'ara monnl·>i:rns\uli Traveleze-Tcr ry \' .. ,,.. I .1 IH" \"hi t Jf .. ' I \t II RJ.:• r 11 11 11~12 ... .:. BALB O A ISLAND l \\t·.1, I' 0 11•11 \"1,1 ,,,. 1 l{lt>3 Thrrly·tlvr II :; \);lrnr 11r. llfl1r .• I' IH I.I I\ .'.Ii i I It• 11111 II""~' '"'"-'' 111•111; '" r11 ln>C\tr 11wnlng aut•• hl'RI 11tr ;1-.11, '""' 1, .. ,1 ... ''"1 " 1"'' 111 cond.lt1oner. Olh~r ~JCtru 1'1"" '' •, u ulh 1 ·,.11 '" '""~ 11,,1 $2 9~0 Lr8 :1 1li J l1•ll j L'Ul1C1.'l:A l•Jt, '.\l\I! •J•1 !t-~.:. ... 1 1; J"\11 ____ _ 1 .. 1:11 turn. I-for !'14"~' ~ht!• 47-ll'antf'd to Bent Rentals Wanted We need apta and nouae1 ln a.II HCUOna for bolil wtnter and 7eu' • •-· Furn. or unfum. U you have t. •aca.ncy, pbone lod•Y The Vogel Co. U Ol W. Cat. Rwy , l'\ewi>ort Bell. Plloae Ul)erty 8-3411 JOI Ma.rtne, lll&lboa lll&nel Phone Aubor •« H417 IC. Cout Hy , Corona d el 11.f•r Phone Harbor Ii i l L&cso Oft1oe, S.16 Via Udo Rub<ir 49it Charming Hr.t rbor Ha\"e<n A pa rtrnen1 s • Pa tins l'EW • ttcx1~1. ,.·r1.t lnrl ;\'•••r .rllool• 1nopping d•~t n1 t. <.1u1o l pl-al(tnt. NCl'J11.,11'" c;arl1.i1i:e •h• po~al. l1111n•li-v, ~111ral{r n .. 11• • g arClgl'. &~2 .'>II up Ut • llJll<'• 1 n ttr,. •tr ~"l t.:ou I auprn 1ro1••n M!'"r U OI H 1111>n l'l••f' l 111 ... I< R .. 11th of ll111h S1 hrw1l Al..::'U I l H:'\l$lll':L1 ,\J'T~ WINTER RATES :11fc DF.Ll'XF: F"L rt:>: APT~ !'lngll'• & dhl/I $30 nlt! lln•I ur HH E Rll}' A 1 t H11l111• H.artvc r ~344. l\lf(' • ,\ 1 111 1 1 n' h 1 .. • .. r • ,,, · 1 1 :111 fl t I ,n• ,1i.;r '"·"' 1111 :!II "( ~II 1·1• .ti !• t It tl·tft 11 Utl•i hUlt ,_,,. 1•t1'\ I :.)nu l•·H•" J~,,1k J: J\ 1..1 .• ,:,.;, • ,q,. 4~('-Trallrr C\p1u·~ --~----_, _____________ _ l"\J:t.#t . :--.t'.\c ·r !'--._,.,,,j,~ ,~u <'H e: f1t1 'I d·lf• ri 'It JH ft11 \~-1,,Ul 1'>11 I' II •I I •' U1.I ~.r I rot I" b' u•I r. 1~ t\, •• ~. \»-Rooms for l<A>nt O'\'F: 0H T\\'n ll•lrrr • \\'Ith hnm,. r rl\ drl:'I'• !'11l "I ... 11 I.I '!~~.~~.~. l\Cl"I ~1 p n 1 36L!~ 1102 J\f9WT'0ft 8 1¥'11 , C'"Mta LJ'Mrty e-&6117 ,..,. •• t•:-;p·t·n :-.i 2 b-:lrtll ><Jll Cl"~" tn l,AOY 11lr•nl' h .... '''"Ill 1'1 ll•C" .ale>rl'• .\ tr.in~ ii;~ Mtt H• • 1'1'11 I hnm,. frir ,.mrlo1 t''1 l'l'I"' 1,1 U'c 116~!1 •'~ U 11.•,114i. 71ltf<' llw\' c·.,.,,11 dol M 111 ... ,." 11111 ;,6jjU II " r11 IJ Jfl 11 I ---I '"I ' tf I ''" ti• ""lf tl•lr A~ rt·• 1 •n I '<•II ll .. r. -li 18 3&1f 601\-('ommf'rclaJ, fndu11triaJ 1' ' 1• .. "1 ~ • 11•0 Y f«illl!U1, et.•7.'f ---------· ----------.,,...--', rtt. h '" & •.:tr& lnL N it a HOT SPOT \I t•"*'' All ft'11tl"d. 1AN11rl• r 1·11~TA ~tL:->A AIH:A °"\\N h l•ljt 1 !l•ll" Ownr r J(J:;.(i l M.ath••r, ~11t1IHnil IPpH l~AP.Pit t , 6 J '-'' J t,•nttn'"' !'t.''"'' fJ \f'f Jh", on rn• ~ t1f '""'"""'' <rl>t•I trrm.t to riicht buyer ('•II "'°h"ll·, .. r yt1u a.rt In bwlln.eM 101 W U Bu Y:--ION w1U1 your.wit or work tor eom.eone t !v, EAHL\\ liTANLEY.flrailnr 1YOU c~-'!~e lhe ~.U!IM1 ad11 lo """1'1r n r ,. !'nu t llwy. I your t.dVIJl!ll.I~ \.o •• u your •"P Har. :1297 or t 715·fv~11 H 11r. 2371 1'\Cf'I, p('Oduce or mercha04 1•. ,, PA6! i · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER S, 1955 Balboa ls,and BA Yl•~RONT HOME wilh pier and fioat. 3 bdrms. 2 bath. One of the bt>11l. $57.500 ROOM TO BLO. additional unit while ynu enJOV 2 bdrm. attrac. furnished home. Complet ely fenced . Sl.8.500 Bayshores 31:: year old 3 bdnn. 3 bath beButiful bay view. Cpta. & drps. incl. in this true Vogel value. Priced at $39.500 Corona del Mar View Home New -3 bdrm. & d en, 2 fireplaces. RcautrfµI mahogany panelled living room. $'19,500 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A venue, Balboa bland Next door to the Post Office . Hu. 444 Evea Har. 3059-M Har. 4248-R CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL COTTAGE 3 br .. P 1 bath, Pro- tected patio. Exel. location. $28,750. mVINE TERRACE, $5000 will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den, 2 baths , inside BBQ. Drap· eriea, 1tove, fully landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro- tected patio. Owner anxious for offe r. Alking $28,000 BUS INESS PROPE RTY SPEGULATORS HERE'S A GOOD BUY (),..,. XLNT M ·I btL11M31 JH"O(?f'rty 63'<211<1 ft. ln<'ut.-d1 on P larcnt1a """. t '111<ta M.-ss Hu ·a 2 br ho11sr nu II too A I.so rl'ar alll'y Srntallle ror orr11· .. nr 1t·ntHI anti 111.-nty 11r flr"r"'rty left for mr~ , sh••flti, .. t 1 Only s 10.~1K1 r p llt't:\'1 hUll\' nn lhl~ 11nf': e P ·l rlt'SINESS f'ROPERTY. 611 x 200 r1r>.t ttmr uften•ll I Liu q p1111 11 I $1\11:10 OPE~ HOUSE :1 11 Haz••I Ut 1\'1• C'O~I H• 11111 1111 \'lt'W hon1r IJI :t b 111118, 1 •, b11ih .•. w11lk1111; <llsta nro· t11 tmt h•n:: bdll'h This hc:onw and 11Ul!'o:un•l1t1~ l•u litai;u t out.I nu t tw ttu11t111tll'lt 1uduy fur 111 .. 11~k· Save SmJ On a beautiful view home in Corona H ighlands - 3 bed rm. and den, bath and :; 1, 2 fireplaces, built in Western Holly ra nge -hardwood floors -Iota of tile and many o ther fine features. Must see to appreciate. . OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De Anza Ocean view and swimming pool. Ranch stylt> home, nicely lan1sc:aped and many fine features. w to 't' carpet ing. Priced t o sell. OPEN DAILY 1 ·5 P. M. 1111: prl<'P ul $32.~0U terms. 0 1'1-:N SAT & SUN. 1-l'i (\;II ll•IW tor J'l l'·~hnw111g : Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vick HE1\LTORS R R11yh'. C Travis, C R llMl A.!ll!ot· 312 Marin<' A \'e. --lialbou Isla nd I BIB Corona Do It del Mar Yourself! WE h ."\u\\' how ht111.J 1l •H to find Jlhil whul y1111 n1•1•J ll\ C llM I \\'e spe11u our t11111• ht>lp1ng """' pit' uo 11 Uno; 11n11\\ "' J!'I lu bu1hl a11<I the l llrn•nt phR,,e !JI the lul I prtl" . hume p1 ir e <"Y• It· Jiies to occupy a large older home, located south of the Highway •-: block from the ocean. With minor ex- pense can be converted into 4 bednn .. 3 baths, din- ing mom and large play room. 40 ft. lot and on a nice quiet street. Terms are very flexible and can be ar ranged to suit. Call us for any additional information. 4 w. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 GOLDEN RULE VALUES ASTOUNDING BUY You can't beat this - good fu.rn. d uplex only "from large market. Large C2 lot with a real four years old. •:: block All for $10.000 full price. ti.,, I • ------------- "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS BAY FRONT ONF. OF TJIF. NICE 0 1.f"\F:R HO:'lfES. ti bf'droom•. 2 nwil· 'rmz~ ba th•. 111~ k 1trhen. f1n•· j plarl', good hC'al. Par<ly furnl•h· f'tl. Sa f e bea rh for <'hllJrf'n PRICED $29.600, amall down 6 owner wlU c1rry. OPEN DAILY l to 5 1411 Cliff Drive CHARMING new ranch 1tyle homl' w1th panoramic view of harbor rrom 1un deck-room for 1wlm- ming' pool-3 Ir•" bedroom•. 2 1 v bath•. hdwd. floon. tolll'hplatl' wiring. dl'll(htrul natura l k 1t- (hVl with buOt-ln range and ()\•en. 1lldtnc ctaaa d001'11 on to patio fn:>m Hv nn. It mu trr I bf'droom, fireplace PLUS many atlra<'tlve fealuru -P ft!CED AT $27.MO. Bayshores VTEW OF BA y from t hill nk t 3 bedroom. 14. bath h oml'. lgl' liv. rm. with ttagslont tlrl'plll<'e. din room, bre11krut rnom, hdwd. floors. abum1anre o r cupboan1s. oversize dbl. garagl'. reni:eil EXCELLENT VALl"E al $23.500 I Tl'rms. "C" THOMAS, Rltr. 22• W. Coul H1w1&y LI 8·M27 I "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Apartment House I THE GREAT ORA~GE COAST NO pOWN PAY ~fl-:J\'T lmt){\unds & E'~11 row char~N1 only. l\'P\I' 3 bdrm. 1 1 • baths . llt'Ady for occupancy Dec. 15 Rt-:~1-:H\'I'.: YOl 'H~ NOW, 011 ly 'j ldt ' EXCELI.F.NT RAY A \'F. .. 4!l ft. comt>r dr•li ghtful 2 bdrm .. dt>n hom<'. Hwll. fi n-.. flng~tone flr<'plRt'<' Walled patio. Obi ~nragt' with plumb1n1: Rn1 l strt"SS<'d for upi<ta1rs Bay ~·ww. $185 MO. JNC'0~1F. from 3 furn 11n 1t s on l11t ht rgf' enough to sdd •1 mo r<' 11n1t s. ~ rion down might make you ownC'r. Full 1•ri1·c• 11nl~· $11.0011 11nf11rn TWO BRAND NE\\' h11ml'S have fireplni.:es, g:.tr:t~l'R. P rup1•rt _v l'll'lll' ~1•1l1•rs will carry balanl'c af\('I' small down pa,\'mrnt. WONDER Fl 'L Kil\'(;~ Pl. ·\Ci': , tt•w hnm<' :t bdrms .. 2 ba th 0 s. Natural w1111d 1·11b11wt ~. ;.:uch ciisposal. :no w1 n •i11)!. wnll \11 w11 1l 1·uqwt 111g. Ion 1• I heat. Firepl11 1·p -:-\l•d1ng gl:.iss do11r~ tn rr111f'1H pat IO. 0111 y $1 !\J);}t) t 'I !ltS $60 MONTHLY P A Y~'l·':\'T::;' 1t11'111dc•s t a~1·-:. ins in terest & pri11. $10011 d11w n. ~Jo\·<' 1nt11 th 1~ 111•w 3 b<>tlrm. homt'. Color•·d b:.th 11:.1'11'1'"· 1·a r p l 1•d thru-out wa ll to wail. F :·•nl b nd"":qwd. R<•rgam !'r w1· d $K111tl ~MALL RANC'H <;11r I 1111 '1'1 1\1•11~ •111" 111du !1•.; 2 bt.,drm. home, ::! , ... ,. ~~·" :":• • 1 : 11'·· 111 p11t t1·r around in. $500 might m"\'1 ~"" 111 :\7.'1 n11• k1·l•p:; you 111 COAC'HELLA \'Al.LE\' 11•\t•I & Jll 11•,I 'j(i :i.'I ('" cotton quuta ranch (;1111J f11r a "'" 111 1· 1111 - 1600 ft o n main hw~. --as'111 ~ ,,i !i'I ,11'1'1' w ith t<'rms or 1·ons1tll•1 s111ll• t n:d1• ORANGE COAST I85i Nt•wport Bh·d LI -163:! PR o o -r. ···re I a.:1< I •(.~ ( '•1. 1.1 ~h·:-0 1 E' l'» I.I 1'· I 11111 SEE US tor BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES properties. I Hu. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 l&vur d111ni; 1><1 \\'(' hR Vt' srn11•· I (111 ,· l11l:1 llt!ll'•I .\fn.<l J t'IL~tH18hh!I •~ an H-:! 1wa11t \' .IUld 11' lt-Vf'I &. '' •·ll-lo<'lllt•<I fur at.out $5000 Howe,·1·1 the pt>1 fe•'t two U11tl lul 1:1 rn \;1.11 ona Hlghhind:1 ror j11al llOvUl IWh'e fill fllUl'h bul wurlh It, hlg, w ith 11 nice view antl null11ng hk .. ll. We have an unusuull)' nll"f' Bquar' co1r1"r lot tu dch\' r Jttt!t undfr S6VOO a11<I what ll wum.Jerrut 11111• for your In n11ly'11 ne w horn• Again '"' l!IUnet hang rnnre tlian d..iuble lll!<l Jllllf' 'A t h iHt hSIC'tJ 8 ""'"sh1ng goo.I 1111\' in I '01 nna ll1ght.ind11. " big 11 .. rn .. i.1t.. with 1 hl'C' II hll\l,1111: \'II"' I •'Idly ljUft1f"• thing ~'<I I l\ c '11111~ 1n &n•I ll't ua llhiU •H•• "''U•t \t•U 'Ui •l•I \\•th Also The . Best House Buy THIS NEWPORT APARTMENT HO L'SE 1delll tor yellr round or 1ummf'r rental1. Jiat r1glH for a coupll'. amce the upkel'p 111 prRctu:ally nil. The ownei s 2 large BR 8pl 111 unfurn11hed. I Another l81ge 2 BR apl. la fur---- Lou Boynton, Bayside Dr. of!ice, Har . 3297, eve Har. 2878 3 bdrm. and dining room hdwd. floors -2 bathe. F . A. heat -1 yr. old. Dbl. garage. Corner lot. malled. T here are ti very big l BALBOA BR apls furnished •ml I hach-ISLAND EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22& K.nne Ave., Balboa hland SELECTED WATERFRONT HOMES LIDO JSLE:· Exclu.aive bayfront. Pier and slip (I bdmul., 5 tiled batha. Cust om furnishings included. BALBOA COVE!· 3 bdrms., 2 baths. P ier and slip -boat included.. KILLION, real estate 8341 Newport Blvd. Ha rbor 5505 I "",.. of t tu•11p uu \'uUr u\\ n bud· , .. , >'"" II ~.... I\ hi\! "l' m .. an Bay & Beach Rlty Inc l'111 .. n& d1•I M iu t>ll 11 ,. :l:.Jn 1-; c· .. 11•l H"' ll1uhor :12411 And only $11 ,950 Submit your te rms. Older 3 Bdrm. A real deal in a large o lder farmhouse now in town -Huge rooms and basement -Lg. land- acaped lot. $8950 -$1500 down. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 NewpQrt Blvd. Co.ta Ma.a I acros.s from Costa Mesa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761 -Eves Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 dor a pl. r11rn1ahetl. All apu h&Yl' W-W carpeting and ve1y nice furniture. 7 garajCea, larce wuh room, Iota or 11or11ge. THERE IS A $30.000 MTG. on the properly, now payable $300 mo. 51~..-t,.. We nldom have apta. of thUI quality come on the mkl. RALPH P. MASKEY R E ALTOR UJ 1 Newport Blvd .. Npl. Brh. Harbor tOl Balboa (Evenings -Harbor 3554-R) Oppo11te Cit y Hall ~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~!~ a: .. 10 Bill's Best Buys BACK BAY DUPLEX, furnlahed $1',850 Two 2·bdnn. apta. All on one floor. Wallllnc dlat ance lo downto"'"' Balboa.. ShoW1nr f ood Income Submit on terma. LIDO BAYFRONT THIS IS HOT! M ft. P ier and 1hp pnv1le~e-. $29.500. CLYDE MEYER, 307 Marin<'. BRlboR Jslan<l Harbor 2950 >----+-·wve GU'f ST ANetNG BAY FRONT HOMES OM BAUK>A 181..AND, a we.II bulll ebal1rUq • br. home 'A•ILh p1~r and float modMUy priced a t NT,IOO u.nt\lmlahtd. BA-VfRONT Pier and Slip ~TR:"l!OIF:D HOME \'a rant 011l or lO'A n o"' nrr 'f'I > 11n"""'" 1111~ to 1lln~~• TUl'R Mak•· """' I H A \'~HOrt l-;!' 1·nz1· 2 b r ph1- h111:,. r.:•" 111111 kn p11w 1111 ~• 1ur •l• p "' 111..: lu te h·n & bk1~1 hit• 'J. r •ll•u Jn"• uf c lu111~t~ SE~: 2 ti ~ 1'11 •IYI''" 110•1 I fill '"' .. rp11111t 1111·n1 llA<K HAY l'I l•HI 11•1"" 11pf' I fut >lll•h\1~1 11 ll1i.ill~ 11'1<1111 I 1 ••I la oi:,. 1 .. 1. !liO(I() A l •, ,., • • ~·ntr \•u•" I h 1 h•tU•tt New home, nt>w exclus ive 11treet. H igh Jot com- manding permanent \'iew or lovely aurroundmp. 3 B. R .. 2 full balha. natural cedar kitchen, bujJt in range & oven, forced air heat, kit ch exhaust Ii c1rculator. ceiling fan, healers in batha. Every- t hing in best of tule $26,500 MUST TO SEE .. .,,, 1,,.,,,.11lltit•r• u i 0011 NE'wly decorated inside ·and out 2 bedroom home I I with nice hardwood floors. F ir eplace, dirung room <'O~T A ~11-:SA •J.iptnc 2 b r "" rir .. pt. , 11w r1i "' mk i,. I & b reakfast area. Rear yard ha.a cement block wall. & """ I' n"" 11i '•tlU Underor:iced at $9950 t i:L. - c:ittorl 1 li , k ·I ''"'111 fut ,~;;,~~ NEW 3 & .. BEDROOMS UNDER CONSTRUCTION SI0.2·15 to SI 1.245 u low 8"'1 $495 down. Excellent Claire Van Horn east1'11de locat ion. 1mft>walks. All with large double HI-. \l.T111t ga rages. Reserve now 'ZiJ I \\ 1· ...... , H"' Ocean Front $111,000. 0000 TERMS. 3 btdrm okler home. peru ally f umtshf'd, C·l sonl'. He,&lt of Bal boa 2 cu r anac• strealll'd tor a pl. aboY' Coast Properties 301 p;, Balboa Blvd , Balboa Harbor 2838, 2097 a nd 4&00. AT 'MfESE 4()(1 SA:-.'TA A S A l l . l\'f'wporl H iii l btdrm. h OU84' $111~00 full price. T"""' 4118 E STH&R St. COST A MESA. IJf TD YIC.INITT or NH YC, an attTac:Uve • bdrm. houae Wllh •c.ll. Yiew : pin and 11/lp rt<1lt 1 tum.. Inc l. a ppllancu $7tl,O<tO Sacrifice F ·1 l.Jt'IO ;-.:11ru1 lt\rn('t \\jilt~ ... 11111 I amt y Home W. A. TOBIAS 1rnd A~SOCIATF,,S, REA\,-TOR "you'll like our fnc>ndly servlcr" 3 bf'drm 11, bt1tll. i4l' Nice It t I~• n Owntr VC'ry an- 6. ,,,.n llo1m,. $24 '""' s~1h•1 Opr11 I :40 111 I 30 l>ail\' ('11111;1 ~·l'~ll I Jd1 f h 11\r 1111111• $22.:'IOO Ttrm1 Louis W. Briggs down h11lanrf' $1211 11111nlh 27ti .M:ig1111l1a, 400 K l ith 1-'l . Co11ta Mt'Ka Liberty 8-1139 CHESTER F. SALISBURY I Rea.II or Ocean Front I\', I y • "Mtf t l thlf" h.11 lo\•~ I (I I II 1•1• I U ktf, You Can Stop Thumbing The Pages llEAl.TOR I '" &. 8&.lboa 8 1Yd • BaJbM Pb. Harbor 80 31k•2 PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 SUNDAY 2017 E . OCEAN BLVD. 8PACJ0t.;SNESS ln81<1e and nul 1r1a.rk1 thl• flnl' orr..nng m • hnU~f' UJI ~j()ll tll r h<.O•• Crnn '"'"' ti•" n T\\ () "'9)1lY • prolf'C'led n'lithborhon<I 2 B B h H of n ne homo 3 br'a ' , ... b11th•. ! r. eac ome lu:rrur1ou1 J'llltn 32 fl lnl 3••1 FT T O fU~A I d ~ I' \~'•••• Brt"« you.r chKkbook Pric,..1 lo 1 S l•MlH dn" n t•"' '""' S'1., ,,,.,nth M ii IU:I • llllT ' Art C . Kistler Co. HF,\ f,T1 IRS M~riel M. Pinover Realtor 2!llll :""'1'"11 1.1u1 'I'' !llpt. IVlll"h llllrbN l'l~Jll •·~' nr :-!1i:11 H1rbnr 4610 ~ N-ron ,,!Yd • ~7 Parklnit u ..... h 1 1(•1·•". COSTA MESA • bdrm. l ~th hnmr m•nY f'Xt ru Owner h.u lf'fl •lat I' Ill htN 1111' we would h•Vf' tn uk mu• h m or' l.ha.n $11 :>()(\ l..<)W rtnw n. SiO mo. p11ys tn1 l'Vt'I ythHllo: 4 1,r, F' H I""" F'ISHf.;R It l'll 2803 Newp.•rt BlvJ NI'"' !•"rt B· h :11•1 11 WATERFRONT 11\\M'f' l'111 .. t bdrm r arity r111 1 ;-. •. 11 • ,, '' Sh oppin J J uat r ... 1 ...... 1 t 11 T,1\()(1, terms HOMER F, ~HA~'ER R,.111tur • 1oe Mrl>~adllf'n .Pl At th· ·"•' · port Pi~r Harbor 140 ~; • "" H1r 1128~·\\', llarbor 2~21f·M ONE -120 ft. It lwo eo ct 111 adjCllnlnr B&c-k 811y arl'• Cnul•I ti. four Iota-Sell a ll or l'f'pA·, rat• _ Caah or terma.. ()'A•n•r I wu'-.-Jc& Mat. 1111 atuc SCARCE AS tn:Ns n :1-:TH C"nn I ,,. "" f•11 • 1•h• I ! h ti •11 hun1f" M f'\\ h p.1tr f r.f 6\ tl1 u 1 ~ t l'•J f"lH'4" ti,. Jr,: I .J 111 U .t ••·I } ,.! ., tt\ h1t1!,, t'°'h\Jf h ,(, 'iif1•1J•j•1n.:: lta:'t t.1,n;,: \ r ~ut1a .. •·'I Ml•, k i1t" ''''" I I • ,. 1·1 , h• • '" ,., ' " '.:' 1 tr ~~11111:,. rnd 1/1,. I· ,.ntu•I\' 1tHh,,..•1•I \\1lh =" ,.,,, f1'n t •' t:otul t 1•fll1• ~:,,t I t".:J\ I·: \\ ITll 1 ':-: Seven Islands Realty & lnvutment Co. 01 •1 i .,!, ' ~. ·'' 1·•'1 f 1:11;1 11 t' h' .. " .,,,,,., nt1 ' "• J \ tt!'1t ..::.n•.l ' 1·11:"T-1. \fr~\ •, l~', 1' 1 .. 1 Jh.I! • 11111 hr •II\ I• I r1'1• "''k'.f thO l,,,.Ak fll~t n' k CAii H tr 471 ~ :\Str • h r· h11hh\ ,, ... , ... •t~ I "' I•''' I\ "n to., ti 1·, • t• tht• •· t '"'' -.111 Costa Me$a 's Be st Bu y ,...,,, ... ,., r , " I At last you ha\'c founrl good return plus opportun- ity for inrreaS<'ci v11lue and income, 1n thl.8 2 1: acre bhd business pro pHty. Partially improved and l<'ased. l n<'f'lme S6000 s y r now. P rice $62.500 T<'rTTUI. RUSS FORD, Realtor 3t'• Ma rin,. 811lboa b l11nd H11rbnr 0911 Jlk 10 ____ , Cliffhaven Spe cial 1 I .,. .... 0 lll'drm Doll HOU/II' • YI' 111•1 Doublfl Ga rA l{t Small yard with 1 1 fruit lrtt11 Ttrm• Rnl ~uy <>v.'nrr want.i 11n nrt'r ·' 1 t'I t '•• •' t' I • 'I• toll f I h. I • I tu•,.,,.,. f.. ••'it'!t ti "' n Liberty 8-6141 REX RECHS ------I 2:10; \\' UAlbflit Alvd . :"•wpnrt t.t I 1 I • f "' \ II 'f \ ,,., • BALBOA ISLAND I Hubor 11_1~ __ I I"" • I \\ l h 1• ... I " I • ! I B/B THE LOAN IS 41/2°/o 1 I •I l'l..E>. S:'lliQO l 10wn I~ dh· •I I~\ I ll llhT ~f ',i\ ''"f\"11 This Ranchy CHOJC'E COR~ER lontton. 2 It BF: t. HAPPY HOME OW~F:R I 3 i:..-drm units, u crtl. cnn•tlllnn . f'ay only $~4 110 J>f'r mo, 11\llfs '"" hr h _..,,; -n.i lff'r h11m"" v.111 \111y .. "(r h•nitl' ror Puad#na or 1n1 IU•tl'd f nr thi. 1 • .. yr oltl. 3 h.,.f.J' \ rtU AUJ thUllr';f I t11• tn"-Ut IC'""' lot Harbor ar~11 l>f'olrm. l bath he.ml' a l'rOl!I frnm & Buil ders Sp~cu l ators "'"""""" lt.o ""'lk•l""r ,.lr•·1 $29950 llll' k l r '' t'I \\ 1lh 1111 ti.I' i;:1ul;:rt11 I r "" 1.pllo l~!rt1> t hl <'~kr.1 •l M<M•k EXC"l.1.!"IYE AGE:'-"TS v. "' f.1 t t ,..,, ', •r t1• 11•• kt"r1•1na , ... ~ .... l • ' ,, .. flt r r, 1 lt· .. 1 1·. tu • ., "'""' 1•·1\• ''·1" 11 ... ~ 1• Osborne-Forton a h11H 1 ,,. 11( lft"•I "Ith ll• 1•• '' \:: •. ' \ ( • it;. I 1; I r • , ., r •I~ "n•I .1,,i: k~nn•I• J. 1111 H 11 .,irq I-\ 11 'l\:117 I''" I' f l•i ~"'' \l l'h 111~1 l:t~1~1.t11 :>;f:\\'I •llT H T:-. 111 ' • I 1•t1 I Ir Ii. d t .: t ! I ' I •I ... llt \It.\ I '111\ (1 •t 1if'lt f t •\ I I - 1 I I "'I\ I-. \~·I. ~ • I \ ·•·I II •I '"'~' ~;, II I' 1\1, 11 \\ •h• !' 11 \ ~ ' fl1h .1!•1 '"" Am I Getting lf11+t .. t \i: I 1t ~ \ -~ tlt·ftrut• J\ ,_.,. ''" 'htt l!1u.: ... y .. ,1 ••• tu·Kt tn•· \Al 11\ ''" 11 \1111 I\"' ,.Jil :' h•~•I ''"'"' ull ~I·' t ,,, kit ta•~n h•.tl ,.., I t+tl Jilt'\• \' t HI J ~ f'l1f Hfl•t J.t•A1 "" ill J•·n $1 0 7~u ·•fhJ \uu ~llJfHll u"" "'''' o I''" n•nt · Say & Beach Rlty Inc I'\ (I\\ :"~:H 1'<7.'l ll~rtw•r Hi•·•t •He 1' \ I I L \I \H 11 •wl• rn '..' 1 1••111 \14'.llll l'11hr 1~111 I ' (uq '"' • I 1rn1• ,. J,ll>rrt\' ~.;7 14 F,,.. l.J fl-31 !'1" ltd 1 I !h• \\ \\ • ll•f'l'llnlt 11 n•ll I. ,11 ••. 1r1t ,. ~!.1 "'· , .,.,.oi fnr or F:A:» FR<l:-0.'T R -2 nt o'lOx!lr-1 1 1 t' ~llll 1111 1' ~117~11 SJ~) tin 1 s;nnn l\flj ~~.11•1 R11 lllo•ll Rh·d fk•'l r .-1 ,,f'tl Ill H11 r ~~1(1 M I ('1111 H IH :lll!lfl H• r 11821 ,.,.,. I 38lfc 3Pr•I RF:A I.TY ("(} 2123 \\' l"nt1 ftl H wy 111t J'1•rt Ot11ni:t' o. :-l'pt ·Brach (,/ 11·7~2 fl11rhor ~1!\4 "'U , Attention Investors! f'Hl<'F: REDLT ED J., • 111111 k 11 111<111 on lh111 bu111nt11a pl ••I" 11 \ 2 mlllt,.rn bu1 ltltnjta on I\ I Ii 1:17 lol th11t sh .. 11iil IPIU(' • r 1 • nt f.,r a lf•lal u( 11t leu l J l't(I J'I• r mnnlh 1·1~nly •·(mom f11r txpnnllllnn Adt'QUlll" por k· lnat l,(l('t11<lt In lh" f1111te11t ~p nWtnat rsrt "' C'n11la Mu.a, r 1thl an th,. hl'11rt o f 11 llHI?''. nl'w ahnrp1n1: r l'nl,.r Whl'n t hla 111 aort ... lhftl 1 ll ! Approx $1 I 000 l'Uh d llwn r"f'QUlr"d Call rl'A'Tll'r Ubf'rty 8-8223 morntn111 l'lf a fter I p. m. Uc <'s tholtc Chur(lh . Your• 1r you hurry' BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1rio:, \,\' Balboa Rlvd. Harbor 1118~ or Harbor 1218·J . 4t'k-42 LIDO R-3 l -30 fl. 1011 nn So. Bay Front. s:11 .~100 U l'h , Call T. D Rog~u. Htr. J085-W, or RYl!Ul 1-eo29 18L!c l.OT S.lx 1 ~ on Sun•Pt otr Mon· rriv1a , ('ui.IA Mr,.. '1 eoo p r1 riwr"r. Wrl\t l:Sox 1, 711 this p11 pn. Jllp48 FUR SALE BY 0 \\'1"t:R-4 ~· r<>Um homt . 1 .i.. •l'Apl't1 It f Pnl'l'd. F'rf'f<1om hnmtt L1Mr1Y "·f\22 3 alvr 6 p. m. batlu!. l11nrl· FHA loan arl'a. G11ll mom1n1• or J8tlc ' 60 FT. BAY FRONTAG E. On Little Island. p1<'r, floal. formal 4 bdrm home The land \'alue 1s close to thc-asl<mg pn<'l'. ATTR. furn. 3 ~rm. 1 ·1 1 bath. rlin111~ rn••m I~<' patio, lots of glass with 'l. BR ••fl\ Nl·a r No. Ray N ot a give-away but v111 • nf' t hl· b1•sl h1HIH•':-. un the l!!la mJ. $Ii .:-XKl ATTRACTIVE 4 bedrm .. 2 1:. baths, nr S<> B11y. Owner will take small down. Asking $<1 '1.,!"><Kl. GOOD FAMILY H OME. Near Sn. Bay. Lgt" yard. 3 bedrm. l ': baths. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bcdrm . furn- • iBhed home. Submit down. $25.000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT JNCOMI::. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 3 1:: bath hou~ plus unusual 2 H. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both unil.8 newly furnished. Har. 1775 Evc-s. l-:d1th Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J o hn Macnab, Harbor 5~tl. EARL w. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Manne A V<'., Balboa Island B I B LIDO ISLE Nord Corner 3 btlrrn• rl1•n 2 ltMlh11 J41 1i;r h\U1Ji,! r t .. tnt \\6th tlU • fu'fJI A I""''"' I .11.1_. •lininx I • 111 p, rriue.nrnl ''""'" hf bit" !111tu ~un ""' )\ 11·•011111 lw ,,., .. 1 11• llNh ou1111 I ·" l•rl' ""'I •h A I' ~rlf' Int ........ , I 1\\ nf\I .... 111 ' ' II 1111lr r 1 r •·lrni.i 1<11 ~11111 ll,.r "'" ... In :-,; .. ..,,,...,.t A 1r" Sh11'A !I t•\' Af'J'l<ltnl Oll'Ol ttl'll\ I .C •T !'-II"' ~I r"rl St:t IMMI Bay & Beach 311:? Lafay<'tle :\1· .. q •11 rt Open House l•.1 h· I tn 4 :Jn 6, .... \ ,. :"\If ~ ;-. \! >\ ltT I-1{11\I ><1 A fCT TO I-l'IS ll 1-'"'J"" th,. lltth•I•.)'• 1n ., """"' "'" :I ""'"~""rn. 2 l111lh~, 1111111 1n l\it1 h••n \\'1111 ""II ,.,., , .. 1111..: '""'It" I'"'"' f •\f"I~ l1tn·ttt• .q 11M1C Iii! \111· \\A:"T A f'll-:R • H AIAT AT Ylll'H 1-RO:>.'T I •1tl 11(' \\'!-: I IA\ f: JT ~r111 t ,,,,.,, '! f.·h ''"'' nn '01 n,.r 4n l••I \II th1• ""'' mote fm s l f· '"" Realty, Inc . Harbor 3643 Unsurpassed View of Ocean & Harbor NEW 3 RDR~I hnme with rxclu111\'l' sedWJinn plus large rumpu11 -extra f1replnrP. ~tany bit. in fea- ture,; -pri<:Nf r1.i::ht at S4!l.750 -Euy tf'rml'I. BAYSHORE Delightful R<'d wnod honi<' -3 bdmu. comp. furn. On extra lar~e Int 36 ft. new b n ck patio. Partly covered -A w r y cnmfortablP home -or excellent inc<)me prnf)f'rty for S24.500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 Via Lido. Npt. B!'h. H11r. 4flit nr Har. 4972 E vee Har. 2HH -M Har. WHR-R, LI 8-5297 or LI 8-3040 TALK ABOUT VIEW! From the BIG linng room i l9x26) , from the din· Ing room and 2 beJrooms. Y 1 ~. out.Atan<.lin~ view pf the. ocean. hill" and THE!'; somf'. fro m all th""e r ooma -AIM a d<'n with f1r<'pla<'e lnnc> in living room. too7 2 full balhR. Many extr a11. 4 year" olrl, Cnr ona uC'I Mar'i. f m('Rl. ~ Only S2.'>.000 -Term11 to matC'h. R. STRICKLER, L. Realtor Hllr 2-;;4 3622 E. Cout Hy,ry., Co rnna dPI ~tu '· r ' . ' GI RESALE St<.950 -4 ~, -$73 MO. 'fHl~EE BEDROO~l modern, lesa than l yr. old & fully furnis hed, in cl. carpt"t ing, drape15. built-in • slove and 11\·c•n. refrigrrator. Forced air heal, !';]itli ng ~la ss \\'a!!1'l \n lt;f'. !iv. & dini ng Rrea. Tile ba1h. J.gc. !iJt & d r•t achcd g:a rsge. Good Costa ~feaa location. \\'l ll conside r trade to $25.000. BUSINESS BUILDING NET I NQ!)~f P. 10 '• Pl.US. Six top noteh tenants all o n lease. Rest location on Cna11t . A-1 construe· lion. Ov.•nl'r \i\'ing in 1<.:ast des ires quick sale, BACK BAY AREA OPI·:N ~ATURD A X.., AND SUf\'DA Y 482 F:sthcr St. An nrchil<'ct's f!r(•am . thiH t-..ca utif ul 3 bd rm .. 2 balh hon1c. Custon1 built by Lloyd C. Howard. Has cvcrythin~ inl'luding built-in s lo\'C and oven. plank- ed hv:d, floof"inh. f)ob!cr briL'k fireplace coverin g <'nlir<' \'."all. brick BBQ in kitch<>n, f•'llC'•d yard \O.'ith i>('vC'r ll l trc<>s. "S F.E TT AND. YOU'L.1. BU\' IT" -Only $26.500. OP.EN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY '106 St. Andrc\Vs, Nrwport H('ights. Sl·l,750 -S65 mo. incl. taxes and insurance. Three be<lrn1., li,·ini:: room "'jth fi replact-, fenced yard "'ith patio and sprinkler system. Clcse to 8Choola and churchf's. "\'acant" -0 \0.·nf'r haa mo\'ed to San Fr¥1cisco. In1media te po~1>sio11 . WATERFRONT BARGAIN 2 Bedroon1 hon1c on 6·1 ft. bulkhead frontage. Pier & flo<tt. Near l .ido ccnt<>r & City Hall. Only SI8.95U -~u bn1it (JI\ dO"'n paym<'nl. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and ASSOCIATES 3320 \\I, Coast Hwy. Liberty 8-7773 "At the Arches" B I B BALBOA PENINSULA VALID URGENT NEED! Q\\•n<'r wanlp <tUit·k action. Rusinc!ls nft•l'fl~ital c!I mn\'ing inlnnd_ ~fu~t fl<'ll thiR 3 B. H .. , 2 bath Cape l.'oJ h o111c on lnrgc cor ner Jot. ~fany l}:C. c]OS('lfL Ikautiful cnrlos:M patio with cabana. Sunlh-£k -Ocean \·1cw. EYE APPEAL-PURSE APPEAL! l1r.1n•l Ill'\~/ 3 Jt 1-1 •.• 2 balh h orn(', 2 doorM fro m nrl'an. l ~ll.·11\ l'.11'1Vl· & o\'1•n, 111lt'r-com. & rsd10 to flll rt}onl'•, lt:C'. attracti\'C' u~c.-<l br1rk fireplace. F. A. hf'at. H.Mml'l nil lgl', \\'il h 11paciouic ,,.Jo~l'l,'l anJ bit-In fcntur\'N. Niel· p.1t10 "'':Lllcd fnr pr1\'ttc~·. ~:.>9.750 COZY BEACH COTT AGE Nrar hbrnry -nr.it ai-4.ll pin. '2 ll R. fu rn. homr. ~~-----'W''Jll3£.f .. !_lll"r <l lnin~ nrra. lgl'. rncloi;rd patio "'Ith BRQ. l·:xtra · 1 bnth ln panc.·llcd ~ara i;<'. T njl rental area. SI 1,;_)()() -Trrm~. I I ' 1, BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. l h1r. 126•1 ---~---. Vogel Values B;\f.RO;\ ('harn11n;: 3 b<'flrnnm, 1·11 ba th home-be!!! Balboa l•'('at1 nn nrar 01 1•:i n & ll:iy_ 3 ycarl' ol rt. Used hrk. f1r rplaf'C'. pal11) "''Llh l'{BQ •. FA heat. tile k itch. A· bnth:i. flundrf'k. brcakfa~t nO<•k. cl1"'P· & fan. ,:.;'()"'' \ 0lt.C';1nt -C'a rly O('("U J'RIH'")'. f:u bm 1t 10"'' d•JW!l 1•r1yn1·1. T"tal rrirl' nnly Sl!;l,;"50 COHO ~,\ l)J·:I. ~l t\ll :! C"hn1cc l<l trt. L'ontractor-o"'·ncd "''1 11 build nttrac· ll\'f' '..:! or 3 b<'\lroom homl' or d11p lc x. Thcsf' arc l11r~.~ lotN & lorn.led south o f the h1gh "'·ay The Vogel ·co. • 2G67 Eai;t Coai;t H igh...,·ay, Corona drl ~la r l-fa r. li'-11 Har. I ti'7 STEAL THIS CHOICE LIDO LOT r~t·11.J1F.R;:; 1\:-:D IN\.1-:ST O RS '. 521 ft . 1'111 \'1a \·t·!l.1 nt ;.:,irtl )!f\C~ t >J t he best \O.·r1tt~·n c<i sh offer 111 llf'Xt ft'"'' days~ O\\'ller "''an(s 11r llon. ('L\.111·; .\11-:\·F.::R. Jn7 ~larin f'. llnll:><•a lslanrt. J.l 11rb..1r :.:0950 l:,c·IO LOTS FOR SALE OR WILL BUILD TO SUIT l.•·\~·I !~-:?. (li't•ru1 !<ldl· 11f h1~h\0.•;1y. t• n. ~I . S5750 \·1,•1\· 1.,t 1111 11 111.l'I l1t11·l'. Occ·an i;1d~· uf l11g h"''11y, (". ll. ~1 $;"fl50 0 <'ca n f rPnt R-2 on C. D. ~I. main twach SI -1 .750 CH>:\RLES W . MASTERS, G en'I. Contractor Harbor 350f or Huber 3286 . . p. a. palmer incorporated developers North Bayfront Home 3 bcdrma., 2 b1lh1 and powder room-2 sen •ant'• rooms with b11th -lovely large living room -CO\'· ered patio with terrific barbecue -.k itchen with butler's pantry -3-car garage -PLUS beautiful 2 bedrm. 2 bath apartment -plus 2 utility rooms -less than 5 yrs. old and the price of $75,000 includes repainting! Once In A Blue Moon • lucky buyer benefits from the many SSSS an owner haa ju11t spent for ncw features. Such ia the csire in this almost new h ome on Lido. Ther· n1aclor oven and range, wall to wa ll ca rpcti n~. nicely furnished, s liding glass doors to patio, 3 bedrms. 1 & :1 1 baths, a nd only S32,950 Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs with decks. 2 bftirm .. bath downatairs with encloaed patio. Both apts. have forced a ir furnaces, fireplace, carpeting, drapes, refrigerator, stove. Unbt>lievably priced at only S57,000 $12 .000 dow11. Oceanfront 60 ft. comer, best PEN INSUl~A location $17,000 p. 11. palmer, inc:orporated ole hanson co .. sales \management 3333 via lido, barbor 1000 of Lido Isle Billion Dollar View SPECT A CUI.AR bt1ft describe1 thia fine property 11ituatect hi(h on the bluff v.·ith breathtaking view of Harbor, ocean, coastline and city. 3 bedm11. 3 baths, dining room, laundry, large buement, beautiful living room wit h floor to ceillnr 1lua wall commanding a fairyland view of night light.a. Cost $54.000, now only $4.0,000. Harryl NOT LEASEHOLD! OPEN SUNDAY 1 P.M. to 5 P.M. 2215 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar Come by or caU Dave Oliburn !or detalll. Interested In Money 7 Then by a ll means, read this and call us. Some one will make money on this 3-unit apartment houae, and it might aa "''ell be you. Each unit bu 2 bedrms. and all are rented. The owner really want.II t o sell , so call and let's talk about this one. $21,500 See Joe Kincaid, Beautiful Shorecliff \Ve have one of the few ttmaining Iota in tbi1 outsta nding subdivision. Priced at only $15,300. The on ly Jot left on Driftwood. Bill Farnsworth will give you deta.111, p. 11. palmer, inc:orporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. co&11t highway -liberty 8~73 Peninsula Homes! SELECTED VALUES FOR YOUR PERUSAL. ,; ,; Best Buys Corona del Mar Houston Values No 1-2 bedroom homt" nlct'I}• tur· 111Ah!'(!. ~"Jri:plac('. Ua.s\dy p•UO. duubi.., t:•ra1:11 lup t•u11t11t1011 and only $Lil,~. t .. nn1. 2 11 l>t'•h r.oom, 1 ~, balh fur- n11111.,11 llOUlt'. 'J\O{O 11tory fur VltW 11nJ ri:iltto111L~J. l.'utr aa l hr. tJ1rk1'n1 . , , J I;,~. JIOOO Ju•••n. DVC'tur 11 t>t.-1utlful homt t l>t\ltoon11 lllld 2 Wlll1 On 1. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Only $6850 Best buy of the yea r. l....'lr ge 2 bE'drm. homl', 2 batha plus 2 bedrm. ga rage apt. plus furn. studio apt. Only a r .. :w i;teps to ocean front & China Co\'e. -1 5 rt. frontage. Quality const thru-out - Bctt('r hurry -Only $38,500 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH Excellent condition, botri units ha\'C firepl,.,ce11, h~·d . fin!'., la undry and garage. Priced at $2"2,500. Terrna can be arranged. Exclusive v:lth ua. 3. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Choice GOOD 2 br., knolty pine Interio r. on :'JOx 127 lol. Can build another unit . Eic~. t-::. •l•le location. Only e yr•. ohl. A rt'al buy, Close-in $7500 01..DElt 110 !-fE, nice condHlon - wa!lt to 1tu~f'•, nr. center of tov.•n-i;Uotl 11n111. Bargain-$7500 EXCL. 2 bdr rn., 1ev.·~r. "ement blk . ft'n('t', bar-1>-q, pauo, 68lll~ lo t. onl)' %'1 y .... old. J('• ·a (OOd IM-.J! NEWPOR HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7 MONDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1955 NEWPORT WAT-ERFRONT HOME NEWLY REMODELED lnalde and o ut, 13 x 20 Uvtnc room, We kltcben with brealtlut bar. Inter- ior plutered and decoratfd mm attractively with wall paper. Bulkhead and anchor piling for •lip and float all ready. Permit INued !or alip, R-2 lot and room to build. $17,500 full price. . CHARM IN ·NEWPORT HEIGHTS Two bedroom and den, 2 beautiful brick tlreplace11. W W carpet and dn.pea, large living room, J I~ baths. Heavy ahake 1hingle root. Only l yr. old. $18,500 full price . IT'S EASY TO OWN A HOME THREE BEDROOM home In Ea.at Costa Meaa - birch cnbinets in kitchen, 14 x 20 li\'ing room, patio, WW carpets. $1~ down. 4¥,:';o lat TD at $64.45 per month. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport Bl\'d, Phone Llbtrty 8-:i.:597 C06ta Mtu. Evenings Ll~rty 8-7{57 . LIDO PROVINCIAt . ••• CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choic~ two bedroom can be youn for only $22.700. • Beamed ceiling• • Uaed brick fireplace • Inside window ahuttera Quarry tile kitchen • Large two<ar garage • Large walk·ln closet We have t he .key to this immaculat". near new Lido home. Come in and d1scu.11s tenM. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. liliMPTON GENE VREELAND J. H. GROHMAN VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Ha rbor 444.4 (Acrou from Richard's Market Entrance) COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. n.1n1.1n '"lHI , p111u. 1h1rn1· llf'!I h<1n1e /.,t l••~\' l•u11ly. J311.r.oo, l"ru\A, HERES T \\'0 S\\'•~U. \'A L U ES JUl&l • JUH•I• lv Lil~ U;if)n llalb'>>I. Only lot available of t his kind, 040 x 118. rental dist rict. l'riced at $15,750. Nic:e 3 br. on 1/z ac. BACK BAY RANCH0-1 tull acre -~ bedroom home 4. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price ot $1.f ,7M. -lk'•<"h h<>•nit .•. n~11t 1111<1 I • l••an A•I run<llllf)fl, lur. 5. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA 11 ~110:.-i •n'1 •k<~1·• I) 1"'"111" 1'~rom thia choice lot high on the hiU in Corona fur only f \2,~, l :.UOO tJo.,.11• H ighland&. Best \•icw lot a\'ailablc. Priced at $13,500 tcrma. "'"'~' "'"'".'~' ' ,~ .... 6 SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES 1111111 b•)' \\111 n11•kf gOOd • 11v111f' "" •l•ndy 1,.nt"r J L iatro excluai\'ely with ua. Stt ua for beat buy11 \\'lrol er or Sur11mt"r s 1:.,1.00, in thi~ area. Sho"'•n by appointment o nly and l~rn1a. I priced rar b:clo w rcplal't!mcnt cost. Call ~ fur II·· \'t>lf \\'ANT INt:0!-11-: l'Hl H'-particulars and appoint to ~- l!i:H'I\' T1 tAT l'i'\'~ 1..1~·~· •n•t SACRl.FJCE $29~ t.lan ... ~ m o. Rl!<l...-,.,,.., Ready to rnoY1 ill. See 2331 S anta Ana .A.Yanue.- Lots R ·4 70xl:0.0, S.A. Av1 ...... , $22~ R-4 110x200, SA. A\'lt, -·-f.1330 R -1 l rrt>g , Bari. U•y ·--.. ··-·· •~~ )1-1 70xl:l'~. rornf'r ··---J jo.QO .\1-1 ll!x47(1, l..evt.I ..... _ 112,600 Gold Mine lnc:ome UAl.JJOA 181.ANO w•lertront, nr. •"t'tT)'. Hanibur1 t"r 4 ml.It l la.nd, paddle bnarda • a f'l:llt.al.a. Nel· t f'd o,.,.,. I to{)()() tor aumm•r M~n IJto,300 Wllh low do'"'n with many extra• -room ror that horse or more homH. NICE VIEW -Oppoaite S, A. Country Cl ub. A ~sl home <2 Br.) plwi two 11eparatc rental• I pri\'ate e ntrance11 & garages) corner location, beautiful Iandacaping, s prin kling t1yatem, ILll A · 1 co~dit1on. $28.750 with $8750 do\\-n, INOOME PROPERTY : New 2 Br. home and all: nice fum iahed rentals, near Bl\'d. 1tnd market. Monthly income 5435. Price $39,000 with terma. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 18 10 Newport Bl\'d., Costa M ~ LI 8-1601 ·. I "ro"-J now, ... '"-"''-C""D.eu...~ ..... R-REA' TV GO th••,.., \~lu.-•. '-71' l"lll1"'\ · v-.;L. -fVll"'\ ~r ~ • ... ffiMC ---1--------------------------if-ll -On tilt' l't nln•ul•. 8 W1 1lJI, 6 ,..r11;;••8 All \\.t'll hH•I nu.nrJ t 1111, •1" l<11j;" In .. , ... 11.i \'"' 11 !1<11, , .... I Olllrt Jll "f~ll)"but '"l"'"llll- ly .,..,,U bu1l! l'ra~ ... l at »:.:,.u.o 1.nJ \••m o• I:>: :0.:E\\'l'UHT • , rlNr lu OCtan • Uliy. 3 /IOU&el nn :! 1"1~ AU ,1 f{ol1\•~J ~814i:t~ ,,,., S Hl.!l(i(), J:"I.• I ~.., ,,, .. ..," Balboa Realty I Co. Urr••••lr H•n" ut .A 11•11r" •• Hnu 1_,r('•J!")' Al s,_·oorn"h"-" F: I ,_,..., J111 k l'1n kl111111 JOJOt"j'lflln11 l\'t bb I 71~1 >: Jl~ll~•• 1:i.,1, l!a.PN• l'h••nt' H111l1&•r JZ7~ Bay Shores ~;.~~t .1 "'""" 11p.n lJ•1ly l·I 30 ;>.'.l<1• l'fll1 El• T() J->f:l.I. J bdnn , J ', b.1th f t J•! >' A llC"n ., 11\ el~·-k,1.11~n J.ipl\C1~••11 l''"\v bu1.t 1n l!llQ f""'~lt• ll:·~'"it" "lil"l1 ~tnu~ ~lnr>11<• R,4.LPH P. MASKEY 1 :~. \' ,01 ·(~ :H 11 :'\'"'-'"l>t'J. I 1 ,, 'I Xf'I llrh llllr I • ~ •! BAC K' BA Y BARGAIN Lo\·1·ly ~1" n "' n."' 2 Ir \.-n ~-111 1n h"U••' \'"ii 'Jo rrl\• l<Ve LflntJ1o•pt'd \"A••I .i,, I'•''" v .,.·n- rr •11 1110111 ,\l"k•• 11 r1 .,fl,.r !'<'t th•~ lortAy I PRICl':: T. !ol cCUISTION, Realtor 31·17 E. CQ1u~t Hwy., l:orona dr\ ).far. lfar. 47 IOff1<'c l<.x:stt"d ncxt ll•)Qr t o Corona d~I ~t a r BanJc) SEASHORE DRIVE t:XCELLE..'\'T BEACll &>e thn~ s llrart1\'C OCEAN FRO!'i"T homc--d('11lgn- C'd for yr . round h\•1nh. K notty pine liv. room wit h d ining ar1·a. Fon n1ca kttch(!n. Down11tait\ bu 1 tx>drm. & 1: bath, 3 bdnna. I t! baths up. Sohd conAt .. c11ncrl.!tc & pi Hng roundation. l::nclOH'd yard, 2 car gp.rngc. S22.500. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor 311 3 ~rv.·pon Bh·d., !\'e"'·port Beach liar. 1013 LITTLE ISLAND Situatt'<:I on a cho1ee com cr , this apaciou11 home pl anned ror hOfl!'llllblc 11\·ing in,·ites one to enter. The llvin~ room. garden room . and dining ro..1m all adjoin an ntlractivc patio. Up11tair11are311unny b<'d rma. -2 ex.t r11 \<trgc. -a nd with ample clof!Ct 11nd storage apace'. Do not delay !<tting this fine property -inspect ion "''JU 1nst1;111tly confirm ita value. W W SANFORD -ST AN LEY HADFIELD Realtors ~f3 ri111: a nd Park llalboa Isla nd Ha rbor 2 162 I R E X R!'.:C'HS "2JO; \I l h•ll~'" 1:1, .. t :-;,."/'°rt H •1 1~.r .i1;"\ l ---1--Acreage :'\'[)l'!-ITl(IAl,. hllM1o<·_.11 & rt'~\· ott"11tl RI Rrr.-lli,:(' A "! ran"''" and 110\lr• n AN' \A J A C-OHSF::-." H~n lt or ll1t r ~6!i l . 1-;''"-'· Li S-8Jl7. J9ctl \\'AT~:H t"HONT LOT. ('On1plt'tt' .,..1th bulkhead-Yery clOle t o U do 1hopp1n(. hll1llt con1Ctkr tnat dttd for equity. _ HO~ER •: SH AFER, Rt'altor 106 McFadditn Pl., Har. l.0 Evff. Har. t.,.W.-Har. Jla-M. 'DON'T make a MOVE" l 1;'\l'IL \·ou Sf:E CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep . Storag LOCAL AND N1\TlQN.\VlDE MOVING Ph. Kt 3-9221 E"c LI 8·2961 Comer .Newport Bl\'tl, and So. Main St. ---------- Houston Realty Co. & ASSOCIATES :>OI Citnt•r St. <.O.la Joie.a I.I 11-(.Pll 1.1 8-7717 •;""· ph. rf'tl\11 Lf 8-Hl7 Lytle L.1 "-·:lfli :I "' fif')'"10Ut. llAT. t121!8·W B/B Bac:k Bay! $11 ,750 • % bo'<lroom pl ... "'~ra Int • J-'rult lr,.r • • t'an<'lt'cl l1v1ng roo<l\ e Rant ti I YP"' • • Out"lt hou-gaA • t lf'ctrlClly • Plw1 )' (Jf rovm • Near T\l•l ln 6' 2lrlf 8trHt • EJtlll' l;it 7.S ' :o: JM• • !olalte ofter ...,, dnwn Ocean View! GOOlJ Ut 'ILDl:o;"G LOT '""" Bay & Beach Rlty Inc: I&~ :"'f'WJ!Ofl Bl'ld. t.:Ol'I• :0.1.,s•, Ctilf. Wberty 11 ·1161 Evu . U l ·JOIO 3 BEDROOlf HOME On 65 x 350 lot F.XCELl.E:\'T cnntlltlnn Jn and nut You t•n be 11 l:t"flt l,.n1an tannt"r nr b111IJ J n\t1t1 hou~t"I on lhl1 ll·' 101 l !'Y.l . . l•nn• - £XCLl 'Sl\'J-; \\'ITll l"S , Seven l•land• Realty & Investment Co. :o.n3 l l n•1 ~l . Nrwpr•rt Beach, Cal!! H1r ('iqfl.~. 11.flt'r fl pm H1r. 22'93·J LIDO ISLE F.AP.L'i' A :l>tt:R IC A:'oo', 122,7~ lllm!1ht'1.I. Osborne-forton REALTY CO. 2323' \\'. Coalt H.....,.. lit J•ort Oran&t l, Npt. Heacll LI 8-7M2 -Harbor 6184 ...._ LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUi .. home on Lido Nord com er with per· manent vicw of .Bay. Near belt beach !or •wim.- mlng. Three bednna., hobby room le den. Ch.arm· ing king siz.e mu tl'r bro.Jt>om with alco\'C and connecting prl\·ate bath opening onto large aun deck. The uouaually attracUve Uvtng room bu 11Iid.ing slua doon opening to the patio, whlla the rnodl'rn kitche n has built-In dishwaahrr. di•poe:al, coppt'r hood, ceramic We and numeroua other f N.tW'el!I to pleue the mo.t futkUo~ Truly one ot the fincat of homee, and priced to -.,11. SHO\VN BY A_PPOINTB.f l::NT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 ~e"'1>0rt Blvd., Newport Btac.h Harbor 1013 2 Lots CORONA DEL MAR 2 Lots 1&0 fl.I OPEN HOUSE 714 Goldenrod Sat. and Sun . 1 • ~ 160 ft.) M ost •tlnctlvely decorated 2 bedrm., 1 1: bath, gar. dlapoul, mercuo-switches, covered p&Uo, plua Iota of extra fcattll"N and frontage to build another house or unit.a. Asking $18.500 Good tenna wlth ~~1% loan or aubmlt cub offer. BEN J. WHITMAN , Realtor "Buaincsa ie Good" 354 2 E. Cout Highway Harbor 1862 Harbor {{53 Builders & Speculators 28 NET RESIDENTIAL LOTS, cloae to HuboT fl Wllaon. Sewera, water available. CMh out pric&- $1250 per lot. TWO LARGE PARCELS. Bl\·d., C-zone property. Both are TERRIFIC BVYS ror large developmmt. No Phone ln!ormation, pW... RUSS 'FORD, 1600 W, C<>ut HJcbway Realtor Llborty~1U • ' PA&E I • PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER S, I ~55 .CHICK THE FACTS! Read Chae ler Section 400 as well as the Charier Amencl-.it, then check Section 401 A careful study of both will speak volumes! • Aan cu: w CITY OOU!'OCIL !llecUoa "'6, t.:aectlve om~ra. ~ ~h·e ol'nttn at U1e CUy • 1111&11 ._.qt of • Clly Cou•cll of M!'Yea __ ..._ CaacUd..ta for City COU.ril da.11 be noml- ...... ,,_ ... lty U.. e"1<'ton ., .m of U.. Mffll d.lalrlM:a Nfernlll to bl .Artlde X of W. a..ne.. .... -...... be ~lfll ,,_ _.. of llUCb .U.lrlr:l• by U.. Yo&en of UM City a t WJ;:e .C Ute U-. utd 111 U11e -.r ~ .. tbM C~r. Tltr7 ..... Ml"' for a Wnn of '°"" ~ .... WIW tltdr r'eolpecllve 111 1 ,. -elee&ed w •U&U--~.._--a..nol tlleClty c-dJ 111 eltloe a& U.. Ume U1llo ~ &akM etfflf:t abaal t'oa· U... a. ottkle u.tu Ule nr.t ..........,. follotrial' lbe fiNt &'f'-11- .... -•'d~ elo!cl~ ~' -""""-'· Al U. ftnt W-nJ IRUILlcl~ ~ ...,, UU. C..'llu1er, IH fw tta1H•'• ~led to tlHI at7 c:...a.I ·wlU. UINI IU1t .... I -bl!r of v-ote. all.a.II 11rn ·e ... 111 U.. Ud,.. ~ la Aprtl, 11.\11., Md 1-. -•n of ,.., C:.1ty c-ftl ,,_ the &Irle from ~ .... , .... ~ ... """" ._,••1'4 ....... be elec'lt!d al U.. ~ •uakl,., elf!or.Uoa ' eM'll f~ 1-tllienstter. TIMI rm le'•I" ~,.,,...,..1w..1"'"...,...1· .. '-.. °'' COU9dl Ma1I -........ '*'" T...-y .. April, INI. -d tbe -ben of lh l' (;lty Counl"ll from the dlJltrh~lll from ll"hlrll la.Id t.111'8 CMdldat .. '4'ere noml_.N .ball be elet"tf!d •t ltw. ceae~ mum~ clpal. elflcllon eat;h lourth 7~ t~l'9J'ter . The 1emt of _.b nM!lnber of the Clly ~II •llall -~ on lb nrmt Tunday loUowllll' 111-e~tlo11. Tift In ''otlll&' amonir O't.ndldatft f ur ut f1ce .i.atl be IM!ltled by lhe .-utl.q uf lot., M t:ASl 'HE Sl'BMITJ't::O TO \.OTE OF \'OTERS P"'po.-..J Charter Alnend.lnent1 !olh&ll tb11 pro p o•,. d Chart"'' Amellodnk.nt amen<U•c lbe n nt parqraph o r ~tlua f OO ot tbe t;ha r l"'r of lhfl Cll7 of Ne'4'port ""'M'h, tu 1't'"'1 u fuUow•: "SN!tloa fOO. t:lttth·e Offl.-en. T he el"'-'th·e offlttn ol tQ C:lly .. ball ~oui.t ut a Cit y CcHUH'll of ..,,·en ,__,... C&lldkla t... fCJr <..lt y Coundl llhall ho! noml-Sf'CI ,,_ Mtd hy lhe rir<'lu" ul f'&c:h or tbe .,.,.,.n dh1trtrl.M rf'ferl'NI to 11'1 Artk-1" X o f l hl• Charter , aDd <lftf! •hall l>f' llWO'l~ ,,..,.. l':M!h of •U•·h dh•lrtrt• by lite \'Oh!n of ,..., dl•trtrt noml .. Unc ........ O'AD<lidal~ al ~ tin- and In '"" ._..._, pro,·klf'd la lhl• (_'hartf'r , n .. , •hall .. ,, ... for • lf'ml of four y..,.,._ and unlll th<"t r "'"pe<"ll\·e •tKr..· .......... , .... 1~1...:1 Mid quallfi.ct ... 1"i '11Ufl..c11 ........ I. J;J&ctWUty. No Pfi,_ •hall he elJclb~ to bold ....... _..... ..... Ctt:r c..ar.11 .. ._ ..., ....... Mall ... .,..,. ._.. hr a& ..,..... -ye.u lmaw.dla.le p........,.,_.•&' Ill• aoml· ..._ -.............. a ~ """'l•r ol ll>e dMlric!t from ....... ~ .. __,_..,. or ~lf!d, a..:I for al W..t llll'Y'e ,.._,... b • 'e'J' ''""' 0 •1 ~ e'8ettoa. '" appotnl-at. a ~uaUfl<!>d ..... ., .. OIJ'. Check the List of Residents,_ Prager·_ ty Owners &. Busi· nessmen, Listed . . on this Page· Then Join-Them at the Polls TUESDAY and DEFEAT THIS MEASURE On II I • Charter Amendment Proposal • • • the best interest of all the people of the -City of Newport Beach undersigned believe the proposition set forth on the ballot for December 6, 1955 should be defeated: &caude. • • Councilmen of the C ity of Newport Beach are now nominated from their respective districts and elected, by the voters of and for the entire -City of· Newport Beach · :Jhere/ore they must represent their home neigh- borhood and the best interests of the entire city as a whole, this gives the best, most complete representation to and for everyone in all sections of the City of Newport Beach ---------. W Uge you to vote "NO" Dec. 6th- BUT BE. SURE TO VOTE VOTE NO • If this Charlt'r Amendment ia pa.MOO., you t'&n \'ote only oace e,·er')' folll' year. fo r one oouacllmy, Mtd oaly fO!' the cowicll"'N In lOUr o•"D dlAtrlet. J( thia &mendment is pused you will IOBe your franchise to vote for a1J the councilmen. IAace the Charter the ,,.·ay It Ii. eo )'OU can \'ale for all the coundlmea at e\·ery eltttton. John Boyd Ted Hamb rook 0 . W . "Dick" Richard Stanley Ridderhof W. W. Sanford Ma urie Stanley Earl W . Stanley James Seth Stewa rt J. Lesl ie Steffe nson Austin Sturtevant James VanDyke Lon ni e Vincent Gordon B. Findlay Rob ert Mangan H. C. lllo Don Harwood , James B. Stoddard Donald Be rgman Le land L. W ild er Walter M. Longmoor • Ralph Hoyle Maxine M. Bradford W illiam Holste in Beth E. Herwood Relph Holden R. L. Patterson Ray Y. Copelin W . J. Cowan M. D. Jame s B. He rman Betty McCullough J. T. Tatum C. W . Jackson Marguerite Collins Ethel M. Richard Milo G. Lacy Maude T. Anderson Roy Armstrong Gerald Be nnett Mrs. Payne Thayer Bill Thompson S. W . Richardson Robert A. Ramsay Joe Ni c"ert1 · George Hoag J. H . Grohman W . 0 . Buck Wm. Ke mpton Ne lson Stefford Relph P. Mas key Geraldine M. Hipes R. L. Stable r Charles Spe rkuhl , DDS W . L. Kill ion Roland A. Wright Frank M. Linnell Erne ~t Hartman Leo Bolin Mr. & Mrs . Clayton Thompson Eugene R. Ell iott M. E. Newland Mr. & Mrs. Tod Oviatt :.J . A. Gant Tom W. Henderson Lari A. Lavagnino George H. Moore Max Arnold Sturges Roland Chacon John Abell T. Weston Jay John W. Arant Edward Haro James H. Estu1 Al Forgit John Norek John M. Pelletier Guy LeValley Ray W . Williams Wm. Bush Jr. Helen E. Grace Coy E. Watts Mr. & Mrs. Murrey Rabbitt Vote NO on Charter Am.ndment TUESDAY ------..------------ I ., I I