HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-07 - Newport Harbor News PressPioneer Mesa Qvlc Head to Quit Job on Jan. 1 . Chart. W. Tw~ tint mayor of a.ta 11 .. when the c.ity incorporated in 19CS3, today .ubmttted a Jetter of reeignatJon to members of the Kea. Qty Co\&DcU. U ac- cepted, the resignation wW be etfeetive Jan. 1; leM. 48th YEAR -NUMBER 103 ACH, .. ZENO ZEE (HELP ZOOM:- HERR PROFESSOR ZIRCl.EBAUCH "Help ln tl'OUple, ZWn& Bwb, Mi man""'n, come quick," ..,.. \be 'tR7 tAe not. re.cl wtUdl ...._ tlJ'IDCI tD a bottle on UM bee.eh &Joas e>o.n Front ~~ 1 ~· . , NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, DEC. 7, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 • . \ I FIVE CENT8 . VOTERS THUMP CITY The reuon TeWlnkle pYe tor tende~ hill l'Mlp&UOI\ "'8 th&t I cannot eoeUnue to devou Ule nec .... ry Ume and ..,.l"SY wtaich the ~UOG dem&nda 1t duU. of councilman are to be ,.11onnee1 properly. The bu~ Jll'Ol'1Ull and city annQ4Uou requtre houra ot work for wti.lch I am unabM to find Ume." A.a employM ot Vallely Boat Rant.ai., llOI 8 . Bay l'l'oQJ. fouad the bottle and tumed It owr to police who •)'911 It with &lk&llce MpeCl.&lly when It ,.,... 8111*1: "Proteuor Zlrclebu&ch." NHutheleea, lo be on the &aft aide, they tu.med It onr to t.lae MaJJbu, Loe A.nf'el• County Sheriff'• wb8t&Uon. CHARTER AMENDMENT . ' TeWlnkJe Mid, tt wae wtUI re- ,nt th.at he ten4.rei1 ha l'Mifl\&'" Uon. But he prom!Nd, •;t. ah.all continue to take e.n tnt•l"N~ the municipal affalni or the city.' EAALY a&BIDENT TeWlnkl• located In Harper, whk)I tater bec&me Colla x .... 86 yea.ra &CO, be<:omlnl' owner Of a reneral •tore In J&nua.ry, 1920. Apple growinl' wu then the matn Meaa lntere11t. TeW~ Bani· ware srew alOl\I' with the com· munlty and the ownar become one ot the town'a leading' cJllMM- He eerved u poatmuter for M'1eral yeara. He helped orpnl1e work for the Barbor t>t.trtc:t. He the Soutbem C&lltonua Hardwan ,.,.. a member ot the orlctmJ Dealere Aaaocl&Uon, Mrvi.nS u eo.t& ktM Park Bo&rd. an officer and direct.or. J'Ot' 10 FO&ld:D llUA. BAN1l JMr• he wu boa.rd cMirmU1 tor TeWl.nkle led form&Uoe ot lbe 8outhwut HIU'dWan Compuy. Colla Kea BaAk in 1147, -~ A dJrector ot the local chamber u prellldent f<W thne yean ~ of commeni. tn the early ,._,,., conUru&.lq M board chainn&A. H'e TeWlnkl4 Mrved with UM tlnt '8 a dSnctor Of UM Newport B&l- poup ol m.a wtlo laid the pound· bea BaW.C. and Loul AModatloa. MESA CESSPOOL LEAKAGE HEALTH THREAT CLAIMED OCC GETS $510,000 NEW BUILDING PERMIT Rock. Gravel Construction Strike DelaylftCJ of Science Unit Oran&'• Cout CoUec• tut week took out a $510,000 Colt& Meaa city bulldlnl' permit tor conatruc- Uon of the new llCJence buUdll\I'• on UM ,,Junior coller• campus - but th• Southern C&Jlforni& rock and ,...avel .-trtke I.I dela.)'1111' at.art of a.ctual COMtrucllon, It wu r. vealed today. Offtclally, coller• •pokumen dlKloM, coMtrU<:Uon of the pal&· U&I a'clence atructure bu 1tarted. Workman are •hovlnl' dlrt around and l'•tt~ nady Wlder dlrecllon or M. J . Brock and Bon, contrac· ton. But where coller• authorlllea hoped t.o have th buUdll\I' ready for UH In September of ltlle, they now conelder they'll be lucky to b&ve tl ~y tor bl.Lein ... In Feb- ruary of 1807. There la a 300-day workJD6 M:hedule on the buJldJll&'. "1"be balt-mlWOll dollar atructun II dealped to take eve of all the eclence and chemJ.atry nffda of 2MO •tUdenta. It wu announcec1, cont&lninr three clauroome In ad· dltlon to nec-n-laboratortu. • Square footac• ot th• n-Oranre Cout CoUere addition la 20,000. DORA GETS CAKE Birthday Party Saturday Set with Tree Lot Debut Wben M&70r Don Hill Tt&Ju wUl proWlit ..... and ...ut wtth the Boy Scout Cf\rtet.mu t.ret wpem.6GL City ~ager to W_. wltfl ,___.,.,__ Ap...J-a-.i lot al Cout JIJPway and Bay· The )Ot will ._ opea from 1:50 ...uTTWJ · f"""•WWI aide J>rtn at 1 p. m .• eaturda)'. L m.. t111W t p. a. lroaa Dec. 10 *-wUl -. UMft flor a two-tDW ~ll Dea. JI. Dlslalct, Tract ~~:!:7::: !:: -: ---------·---............ ,........ ••rst~en Oea.poole lut.&IW .. & ••• Owwe CllDtteiJ' ..... • .... t n. ... ....led "' tbt .... rv.1..-VWI tr-.ct la Coe\& M-.a u a t.m• w"-a -. ....-w a ~ cMc.at be& 1al&nd Coaummtty Meu.ocu.t porary mea.tUn untll ......,.. -" .... ~ of lelltau .. .....,. wt>-Cbu.rch. will benefit lb• acU'ritlM Passes· Rites provld~ throufh a pendlnf bood rnJt~ "1 wbdl.tdera. Coffey of kout Troop 11. la awrecla· I l•ue have o'1erftowed &1'14 tbr•l· added that the elty • n I In•• r UOll· of her appearance at their •ned to Cl'ff.te a MrlOU8 bealth lthould be appointed a Ualaon Of· openlnl' ceremOfty, Mayor Hill wtU Set Saturday problem, It wu claim.ct at Mon· fleer bet•een Ule Colt& M • •a be pl"Mented a btrUlday cake by day'• Me,. city council meelllll'· Sanltaryo ~rtct. and the Nbdl· the local Scout.a. The cettmony City councilmen leamed of the Yldera. for openlnr Ule lot and honor1nr problf'm fr o m City M&ft&l'•r Bou...wtna In a n-tract be-U.. mayor J\aa become an annual 01y, Torra nee Bow to Pirate tween Vlctorta and HamlltOll lta., tradlt.lon. WH\ or Placentia Ave. ba'ft pro- t~t~ to t be Oranre County HHllh ottlcu of un.anltary con· dlUone In tha area. On• of Coeta Meaa'1 m01Jt proml.n.e:nt cll!Mla, Forreat Owen, 82. of 2007 l'fewport Ave . dlrd Monday night In Loa Angele• Preabytman Ho•pltal. He wu • pu.onal friend of ChJaf Ju.aUce Earl Warren. Charter Vote bJ Precinct ... _ ·vora BY PSECIMOT8 JAM'&tioa tYD NO 201 . 40tla ... ''' ,, Newport._.. at,. 58 8+ JSe•'J)OTt llMeh IWboa Fire Ball 37 93 MO .U:ehar. -28 94' &JOO. ....... 5 C. D. II. Fire Hall 72 76 8 N. B. G.........,. tk!ltool 53 101 '7 43S HolmwCMMI Dr .. 29 1+2 Ne•-pott &.h 8 2U Diamo9d. 39 140 Balboa ....... • a19 \1a Udo, 18 219 Udol• 18 !Sit Oo~uod, 88 76 eoro.a cld llar 11 C.D.M. Grammar ~hool 91-90 13 I Vf ard System Proposition Whipped by 1824 to 939 By nearly a 2 to 1 majority vot.era here yeeterday rejected a propoaed city charter amendment which would have changed councilmanic election• to a Ward Systam. The vote against the proposition wu 1824 compared to a "Yee" vote of 939, not counting abeentee ballot.e, the dt1, cll'rk reported. Thi• gave the for the charter am~90t ape "No" votera a 88~ majority. pare11lly. Thi• ww one Clf u._,. Out ot 1930 reg11tered '10teni, main battle cryw which 8nl1tJa Md thfl lvtal of 2784 ca.ling ballot• the Harbor CitlSey L8&l'M 111a4 amounted lo &boUt a 3~ per <'ent uud In &rl'WfttDW acaJn8t tM turnout at the poll•. which wflh prut-nl nominate ln tbe dllltztl4 lnlt>tmltlt'nt ralna yuterday, wu and tltct' at large ayat.tm. a little hnv1er vote than 110me MA YO& HILL HAPPY had expected. Percentage-wlae It Udo bit'• Precinct t ~ wu 1.77& to 1 agaln1t the amend-Madam Mayor Dora HlU pMl ment. plea11ure with a total ''No" wt. SMITH WSES of 219. compared to aa 11 ~ Former Councilman Andrrw W. tally. At the la•t minute abe Jaad Smith. originator of the move to 1M1utd her 1tattment to Ult am .. nd the charter. aaw hl1 own Newa-PreM, endoniln• tbe ,.- Precinct 16 defeat the propo1~ ent election metllod. amendment by a count o.t 112 to Th• "Yea" vot. carried tn Ollly 108-a four vol~ majority. four of t.he 17 OOIMOUdated pre- Had lhe propoaed amendmrnt c1nct11. The predrlcu t&.orlnl' the carried loco l votu1 would hove amendment were N08. 1, 10, 11 ch°'cn thf'1r councU rn«'ntbu11 and 1:'>. Gfoognpblcally. tlloee pH• from the Jullricte In which th!'Y clnota, lilted ln on:tfr are Weal llv~. thus a Baloba Island can· Newport, the l&al three all In dldate, tunning In his dlat.rlct. Corona del Mar. would have bttn votl'd for by on· Supportere of the preamt dlar· Iv lhote residlni: In his dlalricl. ter had fe&red a llpt Yote would The propoalUon ha'1lnr beet> de· 1tUow the Le&sue'• and 8mtU1'11 fcattd. Newport Bf-•ch voter1 wlll force.a to pul .croM U.. propoNd conllnue to nomlnatll'cowicU can· amendm•t wiU. relatively no c!fdate• trom ~ reap«tlve aeven trouble. A. heavy Corona. dd Mar ccuncllmanlc dtatrtcta but the vol&, aome lboulbt. would •i>tll wlnnen will be choMn by tti. cl· ruln for the p..-t met.bod or ··==-at ..... WcUna IOWU ......._ tlllLt 1aac. ~ A.I I\ ._... --. Preetacu :1 -....al c:&ndtd&taa. win a ~ 1f NtJl °""9a del Illar, If'• tllle 4.1.utet. whldl bad uomlnat.S Jec:tad the cMrtw unendmenl b,v t.Mm but loae In the over-au city I.Ile nanvw marsta ot tour votto• count enrendef'ed 110me wpport u rh.. JO!eo:..~ ~-1oa 1 '2 'SKILL' GAMES REFERRED .... ~ .... ----..... ~~~~~~~~-+-~~~ .................... -4 •• .....,_11 __ ...... _~_!icbool_____.,__21..........,_.,~___.s TO MESA POLICE. COUNSEL 95f 81... "SlclU" gamu, aubJttt of a re· 1111 made. "-----------------,.•llil•ioii.., ___ T..,. cent huel• II\ Newport Meach SklU pm ... tet'llled ~I' before they were approved by a eou.lne'' to tbe pin be.I.la, would .-pllt city council vole, came be-allo be coln • operated &ad would .-.~----DSN'Y Aoct18A noN8 ~oeral aupeMaion of the tot wtU be prOTlded by parenta of Scout. and pAriahlonua of lhf' church under lb• chalrmanllhlp of &t>erl Bl&Jr. TM 8coulAI have .......... W-....,....feto-. ...... OW!!!-J_!._!!Ured r&Ul'O&d rna.n wu an early eecretary of1lbe COi- la Meaa Chambll.r of Commerce a.nd wu one ot the orl(inal mem· be,.. of the Fairview County Wa- · iy Post--Officea --to-Oltserve Extended Houn for Mail Rush for• Coat& Meaa C It Council con.I« ef abutrla • &gq, •w..._ _____ __ y nTillfa:iiiJ-wef'e mm pool pme and Uile • quta J ' I l I •en ... ,tn'ID ft1r' Dlh-.nct & fY'O"•. .ubdlv1dera Of the tract. dl'nlfd the ce.wpoot. had not ~ 1 n d LCX'al vuaity bukett>.11 tame 1 dur dMp enourh.. Moel ot t b • captured '11ctorlea yuten:tay. Or-I complaint• were from famlUee an1e Cout Colle,.. Ptral.ea of lhal abl!Md I.Mir cn•pool• by Coach Stu Inman won their fourth dumplnr too much water Into atra!1ht 1tun11 of the p~cllce tea· them at on• time, he ea.lei CUb 8cout Pac.k 11 wtll follow lhro\&lb on d ean-up. Free w.e of the property h .. bMn a.rranf*S by th• lrvtne P'ound&Uon. Elect· trtclty i. provt~ by a nearby MobUpa •u'Vice 1tatJon. Th11 Newport Harbor OpUmi.t Club aon In lhe Bue fYlll tut nlfht. Coffty .. id the compeny put beatinr Ot'clclent•I FT011h ,.lt>·O . fn the aubdlvlllon with lhe under-HAllOI WEATHER Coach Julu 0&1e'1 Nev.-port Ha.r-atandin& the area wo11ld develop · bor fflgh 8<"hool Tani nab~d thtlr fHter than It h.aa. Ceupoola ------------- fln1t lnumph of Ule .ea.on •t Wt'1-e pul In for about al.Jt month.I Ttaper.!Wl"ee tile PM'"""'" la tile Torr1nct, M -42. uae. he .aid, and thne have bten .~r .,.. were: Oav11 Bldnirk collected high delay• lx-yond that. point honona for the Pirate• wtUI Now, be aa.td, It loou u It 20 point... foUowtd by Ezra Van t.h"re will be a turther delay of Hom .. -tth 111 and Jeddy Youns three or four montha. A bond l•- w1th 18. aue to ln•tall eewera In the tract Eddie Pope pitch«! 17 potnt. wtU come up for a vote nut thrnuirh thf' netting •l'alnat Tor· February, Coffey pointed out. ranre for game hlg'h po4nt po.I· But even lbai It looh aa If the lion. PoJWJ ai.o peet>d Ute 1ouJ Irate hoUM"Wlvu will have to J* n oor l&mf', aided by Gary Green up with thelr problun beyond and Paul Lorent.Mn. that l)ttau1111 of naturaJ delay• t.n The Sallor jWllor varelty team conatructlon followtnl' the pu. dropped tu nrwt. p.me of lb• 1111a-•are of web a bond 1-ue. m,. Low 'nlund&y. Dec. 1 .. . 68 M Friday. Ott. 2 .... 61 82 Saturday, Dec. 3 .... 611 42 Sunday. Dec. 4 ···-··-~ 47 Mond~. Dec. II .... _ 62 49 Tu.-day, Dec. 8 .... _ 118 63 WedDMday, D«.. 7 -· 6t 63 Rainfall Npt. Bch .29 COllla M tll1 .29 Seuon 1.22 1 Iii Lul yta.r 2.11 2.13 ter DlatricL He ,.... aleo on tbe All post ofrtcu In the City or f1um '12 noon to 4 p. m. ortgtnal committee fonned to or~ N-port Bt11<'h will be oJX'n for I Mnller1 are Invited to aecure l'&nlae lbe Co•la Me• Sanitary f'e()elpt ot Chr111lmu m111l11 on an labC'l• at the polt nmces. he wd, Dlitr!ct and h., bffn Ila only u tendt'tl hour bu\11, H. Pa>'l\t wit h which to Identify their bun· aecrelary to date. Thayer. Newport Bf'llcll po11tm11•· 1 •lit', or mall. local and out-of· ler. announct'd todly. town cards. By depo11ltlnr; the The ch'1c leader died after an Thi' tollov.rlni: ext,ndl"d hours ro.rda 80rtcd and bundled, dletrt· UJn-of M'Ve,._, wffka. He ,,., .. will be ob.~nvl'<l: bul11,n wW be upedJted, enabllnr n&UH of Obk>. Wttk• deye. Dec. 12-20, to I the Poat Office Department to Owvt wu a member or the p. m : rnr parct-1 ix-t ffNlce only. ~rve more ttrlclently the a.nUct- rand aerie and Callfqmla atate I Saturdr.ya. Ott 10 and 17, until pattd holiday mall r\WI, Tbayer aerie of the !Arie. for 20 yea.re 6 p. m.; Sundaya. 01'<:. 11 and 18, aald.. and wu ai.o put pre.ldent of lbe Ba.ltenfl11ld lodft. Survivor• lnclude hie wile. Etta. of the bome addrua. A reeldent of the Harbor a rea tor ~ yea.re. Ow90 wu for many yea.ra Coata Meaa·a "pre.enteu ve on the Aaaoclat~ Chamben1 ot Commtrc. ot Orange County and tbe Orange County Cout A111<>· (C..Ulllled ....... 1) eon to Torrance JV1. 34·3l. after PUXP Ot'T POOL8 thrtt 1lralghl triumph&. Jf'rry Meanwhile, It ,,.. 11Ul'l'ffled to CITY HALL IMPASSE Krmper ot the Tara wu hlrh Cnffty, maybe It would be a l'ood point producer with l~. Idea lf faulty ce.-poola w • r • B and C ~u with TorTW\ce, pwn~ out whm. onrflow prol>- echeduled for Ule JocaJ l'Yll\ YN-lema dno.IOJ*I. terday attemoon. were ~ed Council membtn, until tomorrow a.ttemoon at 2:65. actins mayor Bnlc• The va.nlly takea on Calitomla approftd Coffey'• twn at 1 p. m. rrtda.y. un&nl.rnouaty. LORENTZEN, BERRY ALL-SUNSET GRIDS f headed by W. Martin. .un•uone ltnd Paul LoNnlMn and "111· &MuaJ poQ of lun.tet Leap back CharUe Berry of the NIW· football coa c h• a: Clare Vu port Harbor H ip Bcliool l&Uor Hoorebeke of Anaheim. OU Tuck· er, Fullerton, Don A 'ffry, Garden football \earn wer. today named oro .... !'.<Idle l:aelon. Or11n~e. DS to U\e A.ll·IUDMt ~· l'fld Goddard. Hunlln&'lon lkach, Lee· elnen. P'ln other membert of ter McKntpt, 8anta Arla, aDd Coacll Al Irwin'• third place Irwin. 11quad ,., .... named ID ruru1er-up aeede9 LorentMn a.nd Berry poaltlona. ot Ntwp0rt Hartlor, the ftnt 2-2 Mesa Council Yote Blocks Architect Fees A two "for" and two ".,un.t" Yote of Coeta Meea City Oounetl Monday rMUlttd In an lrn.,._ on a ttaoluUoa to appro"ff 58000 In a.rehltecU' fClft t or the con· ltr\lcllon of a new city ball at ~ comer of Pomona A.n. and W, ltth St. Councilmen 0i.ai1., W. TeWln· kle and AJYin Pln1lley maintained I\ was too eoon to appron any Only 15 ShopplllCJ aort of feea U11Ul the final coat of t.be bulldlng la determined. Ar· chltecta' fee8 ..,.. computed at I per cent of the total coet or the balldinr. It I• believed the,.ttnat coat of the atn.ictu.re will be about 1100.000 but 1M>mt ullmatea are u 1ow u s10.ooo. I City Attorney Don Dunpn u - wred them that a reYI~ r~lu· lion could be pa.aMd on at a later data U the coet wu lowel' but the councllmen vo~ ap.lnat the me&.a\ll'e anyway, Approvtnl' It "t.o avoid any un- nec_,,-delay11" were acu nr mayor Brvce W. Mart.Jn and Councilman Bert Smith . .S.cauae of t.be tm,,._, due to, the ab· ~ ol Mayor Clal~ Nel.on who had the deciding "t"Ole, the m-l W"t wu Mt &aide. ately referred to the city a lter· amonl' otb.«1. ney and chief of pollc. for atudy. Appl.lcaJ\ta a r e ti.. Orwiac'e Four amwiement companlu In County MU8io Oo., ab& ...-: tlM C1>Wlly haYe propoaed LO u -Bea.ch Am~ Oo., tour tablllb 30 all.Ill pme mach.lnea In l'&mH: N..-port • Balbe& ~a vanoua ct.Cu a.nd ban throutb· Co., four .--. and lulta A.II& out the city. They wm reput~ly NonJty Co-. Jt s---. talce the place of the pin b&11I banned a.ftu Jan. l when t b • ... «+-llR praent pennlta e.pl~. -.,._ When lhe new ordinance ellm· lnaUng the pln ball• wu puaed early ln November. It -. clalm· ed the machlnu were 1>e1n1 ouat· ed becauae cuh pe.yotfa were be- Tom111y Nllr9fte7G', f, el 10t Acacia An,. told N""°" ~ ti.la U& bicycle Md Nim ...._ from In froat of h.18 ._.. ...., twe.n 1 :~0 and a p. .. ~. Watch-charm Ou&rd Je~ Sam· etrtnr lineup eoM.ta ot End Don Ml wu named on th• MCOnd Joo.ea, HunliAl\OQ Beach; TM:kle team, Tackle Dlclt Nuon lll&d• M&nuel 8udoft1 anc1 au.rd Tona the third atrtnl' alonr wt th Uie Bat• ot r..uerton: H&ln.clt Tara "moet luplrallonal .. ~rfor• R.oftnie )(.,.... Of aanta Ana; ud mer Ha.lft>ack John H<>j>klra. C.,,ter Jerry r.tL Guard Don Days 'tll Christ nm A roup alretdl -the new city ball WW probably be pr..nted by Arcbltecta WUJa.rd T. J orda11 of Colta Meea and Un<!. Plertr, Blvock and Houpn of Corona del Kar 111 about JO da)"ll. A pre· ll~a.ry coet •Umate will prob· ANJ-~u-.. PLAN COM CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY DECOR On the honorable meritlon lift Abbott. Tackle Ed Chambera. Wf're Quarterback a.or,.. Sc.hultt Quarterback ~,.,. O.nr.. Half· and Hr.lfbadt Dave Tainura. back Mlckf'y Fl)•nn and F\lllba.cll The ..iecuou wwe bMed oa an Joe A.YlU., &D ot Aa&ia.., I .. I -----· Corona del Mar merchant.a divlaiop of Newport Har bor Chamber of Commerce, above, listen to plant out- lined by Mrs. Karen °Margareta Bruning, standing. ren· era! cb&irm&D., at t.b.ia morninc'• breU:fut meeUai where varioua •ubchainnen discu.eed ideu f o~ gT'Ulll openltw of Chriltm1W bO.pitalit/project along Coutu Blvd. -SWf Photo I ' ( 1 I l l ~ 11"9" • 'AGE 2. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECE .... BER 7, 1'55 GOINGS ON AT THE . BALBOA BAY CLUB By DAN BAYLESS Certain facets of the Good Neighbor Policy, a cozy title embracing the free rnterchange of goods, ideu and culture with the countries to the South, can be viewed with alarm without really working at it. We have yet to find anyone who will step forward and praiae the high price of coffee or the destructivenesa or the hoof and mouth disea_111e. • • On the other hand the Policy baa paid off hand- 11omely in many other a rea.a, including muaic. The United States hu, in its time, exported some pretty awful jau to the Latin American countries (we are thinking specifically of "Man:ie D onts") while we recei\·ed some wonderful Latin music in exchange. Clearly, we have had all the beat of it here. Among the importations arc the rumba, tango, eamba and mambo. The rumba proved to be the moat popular of all, probably betau.se .it was the first and the easiest of the lot to dance to. That is, It la easy for most people, Including Arthur Murray. Arthur says there's really nothing to it.. You put your left foot out, bring up your right even with it, then slide the right to the right, bring the left even with it, and continue in this fuhion until you form a box. We followed him this far, but had to brea.k off our lessons to go in the Army and learn 'another popular step -the Routt-. To th.is day we can't find our way out of that box when the castanets start clicking. However. we plan l o end this embarrassing situation when Diana Castillo and her Latin-Aires show up for the Christmas Tree Ball at the Club on Thursday evening, De- cember 15. It is said that you can't help dancing like Fred Asta.ire when this group makes music. even though your eouth-of-the·border stuff is strictly border-line. So, we are counting big on Miss Castillo to show us the way. We've bf.en hemmed in long enough. Diana p,lays the guitar. sings, and is the prettieet "front man ' we've ever seen before a band. It is this talent, musical and otherwise, that creates such a demand for the Latin-Aires. They've played the most sophisticated rooms in the West, and are the most-wanted musician1 for large private parties. Judy Garland has had them at her home eevet'lll times, and that recommendation goes a long way with ua. Alternating with the Latin'-Aires will be th(' Roundel"8 Orcbettra, so that thero will be continuou8" music and plenty of !ox-trotting for those who have never felt com- fo{'table on t. shake-down cruise. The Rounders play con- ventional music in a very unconventional way, much to the delight of the hundreds who have heard them since they opened their engagement at the BBC several months ago. The Christma11 Tree ball. a black-tie affair. ia the I aeeond in a eeriee of monthly r1arties planned by member boats and hostesses. Doing the honors for this one are Dr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn L. Cloud. Mr. and Mra. J. Ross Cutendyck. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howel.11 and Mr. and Mrs. David MacClyment. They've de· vieed tne glamoroua decorations and the gourmet-ish menu. But getting back to the dancing. we figure it will taJte ua only a half·hour under Diana's expert guidance to get straightened out on thill rumba routin~. We take to the floor at 10 o'clock, after dinner. Yolf can cut in on ua any time after 10:30. HERE'S HOW TO WALTZ RIGHT! Mr. and Mni. Al Wot phkl. B11lboa, abo,•11 11l&g,(l "" olrl· ta.Jllon w.IU. "Let Ml' C&ll You Sweethurt," 111 the< ~atur­ day nlJht Bu•tnf'lll .. r rnft'MIOnlll Women·11 Club 1111nu111 Cbr1atmaa Preview piorfonn11nr r Thl'y drfW much •rplau1e tor their da.nctna-. -Bt.atr r holl\ Sally Sanchez Pleads Guilty on Check Rap; Smith Held Over Pl"llY l'lur !'!11nr hr7.. 111, 0( C"n~tll ' (11 !n "'"!NII· M"~"· :\l•'ndn1· r "·n Ir I J:Ulll V •• , Th~ 1· • .-:~ Mtvi i:lrl Wiii •r· • p!'l!y l h••!l 1 llttt ~I' t1 n1f <fllkf"l'I 1.0~!1' •''PJ •hP ll~•~rt ... (11 ~hnp· tor pn•bat1r n hr11 1111.i: lll lt•d in ...... , .. ,""''" ... Ra n t& """ • 0ronJ;"r ;\f11nld pal j1 t· .. ~ts ).tr<\ <'vnl1 ar lur F'l ~nk Cnurt J udgt' """""'"" ('nm r rt•n J . !'ml'!• II.\ r h"r.I:" 1 w ith 1~11111n.i: "' h't1Ul,.·1 h rArlni:: An•1 ~"nl• n c 1n,.i h111I •!'eeks "11~ l'oounJ o,,., tn tor Ult defentl11nt on Uec. Z3. Sht,Superior Cm11 t l~c. 16 . • ' Utt to A .... ,.... Jnltmallonal n.1auon1 C\\lb. gTOWt.h of Oranrt C'ount)•. dull•~ Ith• lnterfor '"d lsumtar Aftalro GoCt'C)e \Yer ds r ove "' • ~· ·---• • • ..... The HM bl 1'' U be held ln r..-pon1lbHIU~ and &CUV!Uu of a C'omrnlttee. He la altO chairman . • • • Q , ::O, -..t41 ;; • !!.:Cn m Y 1 conar.-nan. &11d procedurea I.JI of ll'le arnculture committee, Ca· Th• o~ 1 ~ \\ • • • 1 •• lnterllll·onal the colll'ft audJtonum and will bt' enacUnr lert.latlon. lltomla delerauon. awia. Ill L tJu "'"'' ,,\,111 lJUr11I ,\ 11 (I l. •• .•• II 1111 I open lo lhe public. Sponaor.d by haw f\\<W••I t.i l ht<lr MW h ul'W 1 ;.01~• IL \\ ••fle'n. ~'I i \'la fln• me. the meeunr,_ will con.Ut or A repreeentatlve from the Jat)I Introduction of tlle conp-eu-no. Clift Drive. ,11n11 • .,. ... tak,.n , .. 1,11 ., 1,. ·1>«1 • ,. R I I• Cl b an Introductory report by Con· Con~e.alonal Dlatrlct, lncludln1 11\an wUl be ~ bJ Dr. Ba.Iii e I 1011 U rru.man Utt, followed SllY a pan· Oranre County and a part or San R, Pet.nan. p,,_de.it at Onnre ft4a• EJJtoU. LM Brown, Roav 3 l:l I" nl, 'Mond•v from t\ "1""'. . el dl1eu•lon with collere atu· Dlero County. Utt waa el1>ct.ed to Cout eou.re. •ctiac -. cllalr· A.anrold a.nd John· M&aon. l n ~ Ill tlfo t•n(l ot Vhi 61111 .Rl'tt '· Conpeaamaa Jamu B. Utt will dent.. Tht 1tucJtnt panel will ofLlc• In Jll62. He ha1 been a mu Of UW ltudtnt J>&Ml will be dlarre or llrr&rl~ratmt• tor th~ W&tionn toltl poll<" Th• ln•lt \\a \ •peak at. Ota~• Cout. Coll•I• queeUon Utt on .uc:h 1ubjeetl u member of U!e HouH Wa):.I a.nd Ron Annati:oas, studl'nt body pre<· meetln&' 11 Dwam Gattl'n.huu, r• ~= .,,.,..., 11;o .. 1 u "hi\.. w it h );1•'•'11 ~· Friday, a t 11 a. m. u 1\1 .. t or u:i. r.dtr&l Aicl t.o .ctucaUcm.. tu.tun Meu11 Committee and I• now Oii aldenL Panl'l membe... will be aicknt or IRC. j 111Ml•I" un I 11-.1 t>.•llnm ~ ''One of tile Lido satopa,. MGl Via Udo, Newport Beach Complete Uae of luaa Cardozo Grfftlftfj Cards Clutatmaa Cau.lc A•t. 1a cUattMtive canta & MVl'IOpH fl.00 Clllrhtmu PreaU.e A-mein,...- . 15 carda prhlted oa al-.r Kromekote $1.49 Style HICJh A110ttma11t !O ""'-• c.rc1- thft aew look l.• Xm.u Carda $1.00 XMAS DECORATIONI l HARBOR DRUGS UOl &•Cout Hy., Ooroaa del Har 8hl11.r Brite 01-Tl"M SPECIALS for December 7th, 8th, 9th lrlAll!lll~~ I 2 'I I Use our XlftCls Lay-Away 2 Wl"lllllllll.,1 24 Hour Service Oouhl,. \"t1lt'1 on Xmaa C1ard Monornun• .J l Rt'''°" X&.11 Pol:,b. LIV"lk k Ii. l.lt1uld 1:1111;.:•'. ~' t. I \ .11111· ;_ l MATCHMAKER SET . ~ ri t,o ;.i Omcunents Re9. $I .2 5-91c ~ I~ OAllTON TOM TRl"'Mll -'il .__R_~_:._L~-.-~s_"_1_:_.~_o __ ...... __ R_~_:U_. _2_. :_:9_--~-~-'---. COi.OONf ·~ '-~. · .!U S:I f J U-11-)" ...... ~- Holy Ughts XmM Tr'M 1411& 8lrillp CompleW -1Ut le 7 h Mlbt Re9. 2.35-$1.99 ~DOWD Xl'l\M 8 U9ht Serles Indoor seh -98c Dou~ \'otf'il oa Xmu U1ht• T'" Tops P1a!a • ~tf'd -from lie GIFT WRAPPINGS ~~!C..~~E XMAS P~PERS 6 c Cascade Xmas GIFT WRAPPINGS 1r Tie-Tie G ift TYING KIT 6 spoo1-1to ft. rt1rthlc rtl>bon Atlat. ~IO"-ftl& Buy 5100 HIGH SILICON ' spoo1-no "· Oreea. atl,'f'r a ~ RIBION4r VINCENTS ICE CREAM LAaos Cone •• 5c DOV.I.& lfk. Cone.. u- 1Taucro Truck & Trailer 8114 rt'mOV.,,le craae. Hta,-y mc<t&l- eJtanl,r -f:namt"I flJllith _.. Ploor _lladboard ~ ....... 24" BABY DOLL llfoM.ltlluUJ D~. , I.Uc. Ufe-llkl', Root~ ~ Ha.Ir Regular $6.98-$3.99 36" Dancing Doll-$1.69 BROADWAY CHARACTER DOLL Uf&-lllu! Hair -llo\·liq t:yH $1.25 Value -79c $7.25 INDOOR -OUTDOOR RUBBER HORSE SHOE GAME Suction Cup Stakes -Fits any Smooth Surface Has square boards for use on ru91 and lawn. Value -$1.29 * H•d Packed Pints -3Qc Beautiful OLD P'OJU:STl:ll I. \\'. RAAPEa Xmas I OLD TAVLOa "11Jt~ BEAM llorMI Quarts sCJc Decanters rAU a TILFOllD tkletC'h OLD ll\'. T4\"J:&N $626 01.Jl PTl"ZGF.RAl..D i Gallon 79c • • • • • • Pl-'VOU TO CllOO.S nlOM i:iif i0i4S'Ef ~~· .... . ..... ~~ oc : j -------------d ~! 'l;SD ~ ~ llt'lrn• ltutwn•lt'ln Zlppn l nrr) ull ( 11l11,1t1u· BODY POWDER In Ar11lr Blu~""'" \\hll1• \111 ~11 .. 1111 a 111I """'fl '• 1tl. BUY NOW! Ronson $7.50 Trade in on any of the above !.navers. ' < 11~·•11 •• l 'r1;1•11lnn r A IJ.f-\•·r.11:.-'-•~r,•~r S I L E X llr c S1 •,o ('()pprr 11•111]1 .. 1"1 1.1 .. '\: s59s. CARAFE :::~ .. ~.~ ~::·~. · . ' 1'1•! ""i? ')( ••.• \\ 11 h \\ ........... Portable Electric PHONOGRAPH with TWO seven inch records including Ballard of DAVY CROCKETT s7" A ., ondrrful buy In a bl1h qua Ill)' c hllrl"• 1•ht>n•1rr•1•h, Thi• •turdy w& ,,,,lunoe baJ&nt'l't1 '"""' arm anit 11,...p , .... 11nallnr cJla,m~r. \'oultJ ltn,. th,. allradhl' lralhrl'f'l!I' rarrylnt f'AIM', tM. ''°"" llfrtlm" lt'll"rnnl,.,., , t·i WORLD TBAVEl.F.R8 -Walton and Richard Tregukia look over the neweet edition of Tregaakia' book Guadalcanal Diary which an'ived at their home in Coet.a Meea during their two-month'• abeence lp Europe. During the yee.r they have o~ed ~eir Mesa home they have been to Aaia twice and Europe once on maga· zine uatgnmenta. -Staff Photo TREGASKIS PAIR BACK FROM EUROPEAN JAUNT Writer, Photographer on Contrast of Two Comment Nations By LP:ONARD 8ARGl:ANT The Richard Trega...kla -he's the a uthor or Guadalcanal Diary, )'Ou know -are back home from on" of tbnse flying lrlpa to other parts of lbe world. ~coverihg from travel weari· neu In thei r Costa Men home al 218!1 S t • le St.. Walton and "R ichie" Tregukl11 have on c e aratn taken up Lhe thread or nor- mal Amerlc11n life thl'y lntef'T\lpt- ld two month1J ago lo go to Ger· many and England on a special State1, he add ad. 'nle U. 8. bought mo re of Uae Oerman Volkawa1j'n1 wt year than all or the Brttlah make• combined, 'fregaskla declared. MORE CONTRA.ST The e-tt .. &-ln.. former war eor- reapondent., while &dmlttln1 he I• part l:nrli•h him.elf, Mid the Brltlah oppo11e American prove1· •Ive Ide .. while the Germana em- brace them. Germany -•verely bombed durtnr the war -II re- bulldtn1 rapidly ppeclally with new hotela for t8briata. Encland to.contra.at la buJJdlns: no a aw hotels. he point.a out. U 1<lgnmPnt ror Nation'• Bu11tneae mllli(azlne. Tregukl11 contracted to write and hl11 wile t o photognph Another reaeon why Wut G4lr- many'1 production I• 120 per cent above Uie pMk .year of the whole an or Hiller'• Germany, he claJm1, la automaUon. a1 l11·1e 1t'llltln1t to the 1nve•lmenl ot Amrt tl'an cap1tkl In Germ&ny an•I Bnlllln. CH ANGE 01" PACE Tbf' .. ll(nment aeema rar re· mnvrd rrom lhose be handled u " w8r correspondent tot Intern&· l'llnal Newa SerVice In the Paci• f nncl !:urop~an theatera which ',. 11ltf'd In Ouadalr11nal Diary and In • "t fnvulon Diary on the Ital~ .,.,, 1·11mpRli;tn, Stronger Than 1-· .. .,r. a war novf'I. and s~en Lea- JtUt'll to Para<hl'f'. bued on a lr1p around the world he m ade In ltit. New machinery and equipment, mucll ot It 111111plled bJ A11:11r1ca.. h..,, been atiie to do what old rultJon hand n:ietboda .,.. waat>Ae to do ln other countries. LOW INCOME TAX Btul another reuon. he .. Id, 11 the low Income tax. .. peclally In t.b4J uppv bracket.. Now, all German workeri want to work overUme. Thia attitude farther boost.I production. 1TI!p.akl1 waa able to make a quick trip by automobile throurh Eut Berlin. accompanJed by J oa Slnrer. an lntem•tlon&I N • w a Service correspondent from Call- rornla.. 1btta they found the u• ual unprorre•lveneN of a atran· Bulbs. Good for Chrfsl111as Gifts Moet prdmera r•1U'd bu I b tlowe~ u 901r1ethtnc '"'Y special -for 11rithln the bulb that they hold in their band t.. a proml .. of a beeuUtul 8pwl.n1 tloweT that i.. certain to bloom If flven a cool, dark home in the 11<>ll, and that la why bulbe eepedally mtke •ucb ncelJent ctuUtrnaa (1tta. They'U perform for everyone! There are a rree.t many tlow- en that faJl ln the cate1ory of bulb& Some are referred lo u corm•. tubers or rhlsomea (The croc:ua. tuber·oua be11>nla a n d bearrted lrl1) but for all practical purpo~ theae are bulb tlowe,... Probably the fa1r0rRe among the bulbl ls the tulip. for certainly It 11 thtl flower Ulat com• Into the ml1ld1 of mo•t people when they thlnlt of a bulb flower. The tu!lp · makee a moat •tllfactory Chri&lmu ftlt and there &It' a (Te&t number of ..neuea to •· ec:t from In the var1oua cl&Nes. A cheery 8i,tlt In a iardm la the oartodll a.nd thl1 early-bloom· Inc bulb makea a pleutnr Yule time r ttt for any (&rdener. The datr"'1U Ill a mo1t •U..tactory bulb tor It le 1ure to bloom and to In<:~ .... l.n nwnbera yMr alter year and what la n:iore UM bulb flower'• WORt enemy, UI• l'OPher, won't harm the d&l'fodU beca\18e ot It. bitter tute. The· other n:iajor bulb now en. the Jrta, tuberoua beKonlu. dah· llu. and IU1e1, will .urely pleue your g-reen thumb friend.a too. If you'd Uke to make a rather unuauaJ pr-nt&Uon of bulb flow- er1 you mt1ht Llffmb\e a colle<:· lion of early • tlowertnc little buJba, IUfge.at. the Callfomla A•· llOCiallon of Nunerymen. such u th• fragrant narcl111. the crocu•, !rMlia, hyacinth or the mu1carl ( K"~ hyacinth l. ll wu lhl11 lalrr book Incident· ally whtrh detnmlnl'd Trt'KUk l• to settle In lht' :o-;,.wport Harbor arra "There •nt m any pl&el!ll In the world thAt h11ve A Me<llter· n nran climate In addition to Nrwport Harbor," hr l&ld. "but tht'Y don't all havr the benetlta a t Amerlc11n rlvlllJ:atlon IUCh U 1tled economy. Durlnc the tr Ip WOOD SERVES 8UM lh.zy wue t&Ued by llt'ettt po-l!!quJpped with the lut word In hce. ~ctronlc l&dret1. the Navy'• ~---,.,ma-er an c ean nr W&l~ a hl~hly attracuw aubmarlnta neverlbeleaa h a v e .Soutbern•r who wu Miu South Carolina In the Miaa Amerlca~ooo.=n=.:._+w~ilt'ft~np-on lta.k pm lu 1ha.fta. &uon 11 that •Ince tut of 19:1<>. mamed Dick Tre-tl\e be&rtnsa are iubmerred •t I ~lthoujo?h Tregukll had ~n ti' Europe t111r1ng the war and r1cht Arter lht Pf'!lr l', ltl• pruent trip. ht' Mlct. wu a revelation. gaalda two yeant &f'O. When they all' Umff, then'i no way ot lubr1· met ahe wu an airline ho.t.NL caUon ellcept from the water The trip w11s an QUt(l"OWlh ot a 11lmtl11r trip he made tor Na- t lnn'A 811~tne8" II) the Far Ea.et t or a r!'port on the lnveAlment of Amer1cAn cspltal ln Jape_n .. She waa prel!Hd Into Hrvlca u ltHlf. Bearlnp are made of llg- hla official pMlo(Taptler. at the num vitae, hard t.roplc&I wood. IJU((fftlOn ot o n e ot Dtclr'• friend•, enabll~ her to accompa~ t ny him on h\11 f\Umeroua forelp jaunt1. She hu proved lnv&Juablf'. GRf:AT ("OSTRA8T Thr t'conom1c rt'porl on Eng- land and Gt'rm11 ny revj'aled a "tnrtflc contra.•t'• betwffn I he two t'ountr1t11 althoulfh they are about tht 113me lllU, have ap- proiumattlv th,. !'ame populatJon. a nd arr both hlfhly tnduatnallud. h .. 1a1rl. "Althou11h Oermar1y ~ had onh $31 ~ billion or American cap· Ita l lnve.elf't.I then • comp&rtd to 18 b1lltnn In Bntaln. lhf'}' have b4-rn b u1ltlln1t up Ml fut they have bi'rome a rul mi>nll<'f' to Br1Uah u poru:· he explained. F'or tx11 mplt', ht M Titlnued, au- t omnbll,.s h•Y9 be,.n the m•IM\,ay or British font~ l'xchanite. Yet. 111111 yr11r. Brltatn rxrorted only 400.00<l c11r• comp1ul'tl to Ger- nu1ny'11 up •nit roming 382,000. And Gt>rrnan cant are becoml~ more popular every year, e11J)«lal· ly In Scandlna.via and the United jl!IHARE8 \'1EW8 - She •harte Tresa.aid•' opinion abollt O.rmany. uped ally •hen she -. ... able to pick up eome u- cellent camera acceeeor1H lbere a l a fraction of lh• coet ol the American producL Her 0>1ta .Mua home la atlll n.-to her. Tbe much • lraftled 'I'Np.aki• t\aq occupled their ple&ioant 1tucco cotta1e o n I y about two moaU.. ol Ula year lhey have owned' It . Tre1ukta wu able to work a little durinr th• European trip on a novel he la WT1Uns: u well u andwich ln another u.atrrunent ror 8porta llluatreted. And JU•t hltllnl' the book 1talla l.R the new L.a.ndmark chlldrtn'a edlCJoft of Guadalcanal Diary. A• tor travel. the writer -photorr•Ph•r tum hu no tripe planned for the tu· ture. They hope to be able to ~ home f« aw11ll~ NEW BRANCH LIBRARY . APPROVED BY BOARD Anoth"' bt"allcll II~ may ti. a \•allable for th• uaa of Newport BtM"h ~dell -lhl• time on Nl'wport Hf'llhlll -If aclloo lull l'ia'tit or thl' elenwntary achooi bo11rd 11• 11pproved by the city II bruy board. !'.lupt. Roy AndeTMn •Ill Ui. ll<'hool tx.rd hu approved the JOI nt u•e ot the ffor.ce l:n.elp 8<'hool library ~ both 1ludtllla and adulla.. Th .. library would be op('n t <• the public dur1~ eYnln~ hour• anrt ctoaed O(f dUr11\A' the c1ayt.iJne when elem,nta.ry M:hool 11tudl'f!U .,.,. Ulln1 Lh• bulldln,. etlll haa to 'W'Of'k Wt detaJle with lh• IJbrary board. ·be ll&ld. 1'111 11 ape-clad to be Lluuh..S dut be- fore Jan. L Allhoup It would ..-me tile tu.U atatua et a library ~ lt.9 ma.la tunoUoD ltlll W1lul4 Ille fer 11.M of .. t .. b1Cll ....... Md eletnent&r7. be ~ A '6rp ootJecUoa Ill retennce aad tator- matlonal boob would be lUt&IW u weU .. lllact1 ...._ on..r. WOI a llO be a mmaU adQI\ fteUoa MC· lion. h• unl11 1n,...1 Mt. Markham. h lr htet IU\OWYI Andel'M>n addt'd the actim waa t f""•k on t'ht Antantlc conUMDL only tentaUve: The 1chool board I~ •rrroxlmately 18.100 f .. L . - 2-&a,w . Mllr0.111l11e CAICI ••••••••• Jf'a ..... _, 4\tW • C111._. •. 'IB DOUOIWUll tir ~­.. , ._ ... • O•lii 111, ... a lhwtlw11• COC*M ••••• 25'-.. ........ .,.,.,..._._ ~~~~ OOftA Ila& ,,. If....,. 8h&. OOllOJlf & om. IL&.& .. <>.-111'7. &ocmD'e L&OtrN& -.ca -......., ...... lal.AJl9 ... .......... JlfKWl'OIJT aAm -o..t ...,. DAIRY CITY PETITIONS TO CLERK SANTA ANA. IOCN8l -The eou.nt1 board of aupervt-are yea· terday referred peUtlou tor the propoae<I 1lxth ~ Dairy City to u.. COWlty clerk to teat.I their IUf· t\ctency, but ordered Ula clerk to tuna down a Lo9 Alamjto• Incor- poration DIOYe. 8upenU!on told Clerk B. J. .Bmllh lo retu. Ula requeat of 'Lo. Alamltoa proponenll tor per- mi.lon lo circulate a n otice ot lDt.nUCJI to Incorporate. Reuon for the denial wa11 bued ca the fact that the board loat jUriadlcUon after Dairy City !fled lta tncorporaUon petition•. Lo• Alamltoa and Dairy City bounda- rll8 overlnp.d. Dalt)' Clt'Y boundaries roughly are Cerrlt.oe Ave. on the .tlOUth, Bloomfield Ave. on tht' weet. Holder St. on the eut and L\n- coln A.Vt. on the bOrth. Dhtas1ios Parents Mr. ind Mra. Anthony Olatu· 810. 713 PORPY Ave .. are· lhe par- ent.a of a baby boy born Dec. 2 In Hoa1 Ho1plu.1. MllD BURGLARS TAKE $218 FROM • MESA CAFE'S 2 MACHINES Bur,lary or Ul8 rrom lhe SPffdY Lun<'h Car,. at 20u Plac•ntl& A'4• . eo.ta Mtaa, waa ~ported to Cn•ta Meu pohft early 'J'\t~ay by Dor11 C. Hedric.Jt o! lNa Meyer Pl.ice, Costa Mtaa. The victim aatd JI~ wu tak,.n from a pinball macllbl9 w ith approx1mattly M8 ~moved from a Juke box In lbt nataurant. lnvuttga\ln1 ofhcert1 reported entry .waa rained throllf·h • window and into the a.muument machines by mee.n1 'ot 1 .mill Jimmy, probably a ecr•w drivf'r. AT LAST! Police Remove 5 Abandoned Can from Lot Five abaildoned can which have been •lltlng on the Balboa parking lot tor the put two yean have at lut been removed and impounded by lhe police. Anne Sturgeon or 1'>00 E. O<·ean Front told officer• I.hf' car1 were an eyeaore and •lowly through the year1 were being •tripped by un· ldentltied, penion1. One or the a11ln11 evrn caught tire lut Sept. 18, It WU ttported. Police aaJd the cara varied In 11ge from 1928 lo 1940 model1. All the vehk lu had been partly itripped of auch lt<'ma u radla· ton. carburetor•. 1Ulrten. r1n1-- rato1"1, 1>a:terle11, tlre1 and wheels. Otrlcua 11ald a.n 1Uempt will be ·nade to torate the ow1'era. Jr this ' unsucce"'1ful. they wtU be 1e>ld 1· rhargj'~~ Roy E Riley. pop11lar U.lboa lif- t.ind pharmAcl1t and yacht1man. autrered a heart attack ye1lerday white working l.n the Wand Phar- macy. Let' McColloch. proprietor, reported. Riiey I• in ·~I HOii· pilal where be wu reported tm- P"!vlng. He may llH vlaltora. Mc- Colloch n ld. OREGON ~.~u~!DARIL wrop,,.d • NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 1 ·.PA" i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 011 Firms Protest County Sanitation Tax on Wells SANTA ANA. 10CN8l -Can, t alion dlatrtct'• boundary whJd\ .. the rounty col~l tu.. Oii oil hllh Ude llnf'. walla that are eurtaced In tounly Osle aald lnu or the tax raWlflue 1 would be • ,..rl~ blow to th• aanltetion dl1trict No. 1) but dlatrll't which hu entered blt.o (T'OUnded outalde lhe dlltrict In I cont,..cta Maed on the ratul'N, the oce-·· floor! Orte wu lnatn1eted to 1tud1 Ula Courwel Paul Ot toeon ot the mat tu and make a ~port to Ule Bouthw-,t Exploratton and Blcn&l board. OU Comflanlaa ay It can't. Coull· ------------- ty coun.,..i Joel 0,1, l111't I UI"@. MorrhCM;I Da ......... Ottoaon addrellMd the board of aupervt.ora yuterdfly artemoon Mr. and Mn. Melvlll~e>rrUoa. and &aid he would pay approxJ· 7U Larlt•pur Aw .. are the par- mately "3,000 In t&xea on off, &n\a of a baby stJ1 bom Nov. IO ahoN! oU producln1 well at Hunt-ln Hoac Ho1plt.al. tn11on Beach under prot..t. Mammoth redwood m1Jl1 U..t reduce mat Jor• to tlnel)' t\n• lahld •trip• of wood In a. matt.er of mlnutu are located at llootla In Humboldt County, a«0rdbe lo the National AutomobU• cau-. Otto11<>n clalma hJ1 cUenu have bf.en unfairly ta.xed In 1'62-M , 1964-M and the upcomlnr yeer. Thi' two al(nal I~• mineral rlfhla have an .-Md •alue. ac- cordlnr lo Aaeqor Huft! Plumb, of H0.000. The Sout.hwaat min- eral rll'hta have been ~ at epproxllnately 119,000,000. J U 8 T 1 N JORN80N CU1"r 111• well• are located op~Jle City all'cralt txec.-'The ~t7 Huntington Be~h and• "Tln Can ot handlc&pped penona an tlllOd Beach." worker1, and abould be ampao,.d Ottoeon contend• the oil produc-for Ulelr merit. rather Uiaa • a Uon I• r o•nc on out.aide the aani· bula of aympaUly ... PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES :~~~n 1:251 KITCHEN CRAn FLOUR lltK .. s.:;3~ 1~771 llOCADE JOllO SOAP CHUNK TUNA STAI KIST 6'fi.CiltL25C light Meot 'ociftc Tu,.• SEA TIADEI HL 19' light Tuno from'"' -·I • . . DEL MONTE -CORN . n:1sc GOLDEN IANT AM Cream 1tyl1 po<~ CREAM o· CROP FRESH ECi<iS APPlESAUCE RING CAKE Molt!, ter>ftr, ... d.. 43 frethl lolted from o C delici6'11 old·lim1 reel ,,.1 .-ch alliuLM&. T 49c HOUDAY FRUIT UlE Overholffruluo,.d 49 RUMP ROAST IONIUISCUT Jftc :;:~1,::~~·~· ho~..... ' ._~~'.~~ .. ... . IONI .. Wf ~•alCMCIMal. Tri"""'9d M"'9 •'9i ...... '";;.;-llfAD SIRLOIN TIP ==~=f .. 7~ ..f.1ul~ed Whit• o"4f Wh..:..":....'...:."_-' __ • -t1.-ir.._,·NN£n-D-A1CON Regular-;;-10,,. 28' U Dff1 Sandwich Sliced loaf CtMWitM l"\l lllOlllH.OIM fully cv'" o"4f IMOl!edt hmptienefty eoocf friecl wltfl Cn9"I O' CrOfl eM llich cream and .... ctn. •99,, ,piced ond 59' mixed for perfect good,.e111 HOM06BllZH> Mill 'omout lonu1 Quohtyl qt. 20 J Alwoy• rocher l~o,. C'ln. C Stote low reqvir11I PEANUT BUTTER UYllLY, CMUMK oa <a.,.,.Y ._.,.. ,..'"'"Y ,._.,., thot comas frelm the flMlt U.S. No. 1 gr~ peonutt1 roo11ed. ..oM»33c grov"41 by 12 .... ax,,.,,,1 fer I MAYONNAISE MU MADI. pUllTY·llAl.ID JAR htro-egg rlcht Ail the flovor of fr"h holM•lftOda =.: -9' MeyonftOIM ••lnbntl CHICKEN WINGS ~~~t·;.~3t n..6t PORK DAINTtE :'6~~ l le 2-tb. boneleu butti. Prom U$0A GRAOI A chicltent. SMOKIE LINKS ~v~: '!:~ 57' 'ROUND IErr IN ClfAR 3nc U' Vl$1UNO •• 7. CAPTMN'S CBOICE SEA FOODS OCEAN PERCH F,ILLET ~ 39' COD FILLET ARIZONA THIN-SKINNED Swnt and iuicy while gro,,.fruit from the 1un-clrenched Aria-.._., ~ti I vy plen1yl They're top1 for good 1011,.g ond good t..olthl RED YAMS M!~:.11. IOC'Olly grow,. DATES IOXmlUDYfOIMAIUNO Hyclroted Deglet t-4oors Notura'1 ow,. twffll 3k 25c zv1:5~ WINESAP WASHINGTON lfAft. All·pvrpow APPLESopple with delicole wlna·lilta flovor. In ptlo P'ottlc t>G9 RADISHES or GREEN ONION$ ~4t .:: 5' lllllllihlMHllHWallll&i!EEEL I I !ill&! I 2 1 22 SANDWICH SPREAD W:::JL ~ 39' ~ ''"'49.1Sc '" .. ,, •. .-..vcel -IOXIUIY, TV fllAMI~, ... 3ac SPAGHml CHOCOLATE DROPS MmlllnMlml.. ....... •&.t. tt. ttSS.UWMt-1 • aml. ........... _ ............ ~ -... ..a..to4 -....... .._. 0Wfc ... IC41JPe .... 7 YINU SAllSA .. ..... ...... ~f ., ........ u 01 -·~ . .,,... ..... '•"',,....., 2 .... 25• tltHii.... - •• ~-~=--=-~Ms noas 110tlll9 DU1J t wa. to 8 p.a. .j (Frtda7 UJ I p.m.) ...,.~ ........ 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa ~ ------"°'=~--------.... ~ --~-.-. I • I I ' I ... PA6E 4 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, tffS In the Harlaor Boulevard ••• •• • • 1 SHOPPING CENTER ' Plenty of FREE PARKING A SYLVMIA , ~~et:~ tlfk'TV • Is all -~ HALOUGHT ) From top lo bottom •.. from side lo side Sylvo n109 "Cabinet of l 1gh1" telev1s1o n •S o ll pleosonl p oclure and soo•h1ng, restful Holo l19hl"' Syfvo,,•o hos thrown away the b\ll~y bor 9'"'"9 you p uro televis1on Tlio t means more v1ew1ng comfort os you wot:h TV s clearest, brightest p •cturcs on th e • Solver Screen 85" p1clvre tube. See- ing 1s bel1ev1"9 when 1t come\ to prool of SyCvon10 super o nty Come '" for o demoestrat1onl 33995 TM l YNDU 2A ,,.,.., ~Cobine• of I ,.,. - Ad1•11•oble ifolol1gll1 and "S,I•~• Sett~., 85 • Mo.,oqony gra ~ fin,.~ 810,.,,j~ ~ r O••no e•"o lf91 apttonol, ••'•o SOOO 00. NUU..w HALOUGHr iSki~r io )OJr' e.teS You nMd o moNJin of "surround licJht like tf\is DRUIS .. BROWD sales and service 1885 harbor blvd. • costa mesa, calif. Llll1rty 8-3437 -----~------- I \ ' Visit the NE·w Alarm Clock Special! Listen for the Alarm Clock in each of these Harbor Blvd. Merchant's Stores. If you are making a purchase at the time the alarm rings you will receive a surprise! Tomorrow, Thursday December 8 -·- FREE WEDEKING'S Bakery· Coffee and "Goodies" From our regular stock will be served All Day. IN COST A MESA In Our New location et 1863 HARBOR BOULEVARD 10 ·YEARS e FORMERLY LOCATED AT I 838 NEWPORT BLVD. e • • • · Opening Specials We ore celebroting our I 0th onniversory in the bokin9 business in Coste Meso. We ore the oldest bokery in the Horbor Area ond we ore happy to be a port of the ropid growth of this fine community. We cordi- ally invite you to visit us and see our new 5tore of which we ere very proud. One of the most modern bokeries in the Southland. we ore !_gujp~d J.9_gill OJ.!L Cw..f.oJrum_ 1b.e._ finest in bake ry qoods. W e invite you to visit our s"nitory kitchens o t ony time os we pride ourselvM on cleanliness ttnd quolrty. ~60c ptt d&. Cake Do-Nuts Choice of Plain- Chocolate Orange Crystal Apple Spice .. , .. ". 48c Cream Puffs & Eclairs r Tef(l'Tir 15c quality Our D.elicious ,. Layer 79 Coconut Cakes Th•n butter l11 yer11 "'1th ltmCln C fllhn~ ronrl'd "llh roron111 r, 11~11ng In 1 rmn 1<1ng ~-price 1180 Complete Linea . Harriet's of Salon Paints Beauty an~ Permanent Wave Wallpapers Speciali&ts and Supplies Expert Hair Shapin9 -r catunng -and Tintin9 "DuPont"' &. "Dutch Boy"' McDonald's • Harriet Dopyera Paint Store 1888% Harbor Blvd. 1~70 Ha rbor 81\d. Coat& Mesa ('otila Mesa u 8-2602 • 1--Llbcrty 8-7032 LARRY'S ma'Jtl?,.rlJ ~ PANTRY Shoe Larry & Irma Wheeler Repairing • Me-et Your One Dey Service Friends et I-• "LARRY 'S " 1890 Harbor ltvd. • • i1194 Harbor 8hd. CO"ta ~e.a Costa Mt88 Wf' Give '"~0 UQI Oil l'IER\ f:O" S .ti ff Gre4-n Stamp& 1•-- 2 for 25c · "Vir9 .. " M. Wedeking Owner & Heod Boke r BUY FOR LEIS TIMMlsancls IMIY• pro"" ttais alnacty- Selectioft, 9.allty Frleftcly Service BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS 1 L•r9e Selection . 7 7 Sizes up to I 8 ........................ ValMs to $2. 98 ......... . MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS U you wut 10methiac dlffueat Larp M"leetiom 8 • II • Lr XL b'ery Shirt ,_,...teed wubable ,,,. ~·1 Voltoll Hurry! WORK SOCK from 2 9 • 6p 100 . Hurry! Boy1 Cotton Knit Nyk>a 98 SHORTS-T·SHIRTS ! ~r0reec1 C Sise 2 • 16 TiiJllll" SHOES Y H Save Oft Every Pair- C•l .... '1 loy's Men's l:ae... VU-l'f- WASIMILUR'I Wortdagmaa'1 Store 1894 ~ ll&rbor Blvd. t 'r?fJ om Wrappin~ • \ ,: • ~,~- . ' . Harbor Blvd. Shopping Center ip Costa--•• All • llC --· A -· u 111 .. ·1 · I · Clothes for loys SANT~ ct:AUS wm•lt JIRl'I PRIDluNJOY Thin.. Dec. 8 6 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. Fri .. Dec. 9 2 P.M. to 4 P.M. Clothes for Girls 1881 Harbor ·Blvd. -Costa Mesa -Ph. LI 8-7061 ...,... • • Soc·on y S porl1<\\t'IH a/Id or .... ,...,. • .lf'an J>umJn C'aJltornilt \'1.1uni:-11t1•ri• Sklrh We Give S & H Green Stamps Official Ope11l1HJ Thursday, December Ith You are cordially invited to attend our Official Opening Thursday, Dec. Stli and inspect our fine stock of clothes for girls and boys. In this store we expect to carry moderate priced clothes from re- putable manufacturers-exceptional values for the money. We also have a complete Baby Dept. featuring Wilson's and Vanta baby shirts, gowns, etc. Tee Shirt. • Pal-.lno .Jacket. • Do.a .Juan Dl'MI ud Sport 8hlrt11 GRAND OPENING SPECIALS Boy's Suits Dresses From % to I x U monfh.1 to H yea,. FrH Gifts for Mother and Child Opening Day reg. 3.98 Special $3.25 • Boy's TH Shirts IAnr or Short 81eevM t•rom % to Ix reg. 98c Special 79c • Boy's Jackets l"I..,. I to I! 150/o off From 1%.U up 25 ~; off • Girl's Paiamas and GowM R4-«· I J.N to U .98 15 ~; off •• Evenflo BABY llO'JTLE8 Reci-JOc-Sp. 1 Sc Sat .. Dec. 10 2 P.M. to -4 P.M. . . TIL CHRISTMAS ~ Save on Jody Dresses for Little Girls and Sub· Teens-All Sizes All of These HARBOR ILYD • Merchalltl Wll le Open NkJhts Ulltil t P.M. 'Tll Xmas .Talk About Holiday Gift Excitement! Shop at El/gene's for Glamo'ur and Casual Fashions , at Pleasing Prices. , HADLEY'S--' f~·H·30q • • TOYS· XMAS SPECIAL • • • . . ClaUclreD'• 11'" .... -s 1195 llKU PRICE 14. 9l '" .. -.... Now ........... . o-a111e wan Dlime7 DAVY CROCKm s229 f'IA TS RE&. Pll~E 2. 98 ..... NOW .... -S·A·Y·E On Toys NOW/' 1181 ....... llYd. Costa Meta ,A e We Gtve 8AH GreM Stampe e .• BRADD Y'S . Barber Shop : _. ..... -.-Holiday resses ---------ttt-------- L English Bicycles~~ 26'' t:nglisb Racing Blk"' l<,or Bo;rs & Girls Rt-~lar. Price $6995 Only Hundre ds of Gift Items For Y 011r Car We arc memben ol the Community Credit Plan See the New 1956 FLASH GUN TUNING No wires _t o t rip ove r cuts off a nnoying commercials. Chan9e stations while sitting in comfort. Turns set off and on. ,. • Leisure Hour Lounging Ensembles • Play Togs e . and SO many excitingly different g ift .items fTlendly Service • Personal Selections • Gift Wrapping Ute Our 1.ay -... way Plan. • . • Make Your Selections Eal'ly! 1883 Harbor Blvd. -Costa Mesa STEVENS & SONS · 1m Hmbor, llvd. -Costa Mesa .. ~·- See the New 1956 Mobile 17 inch ZENITH TEL -E VIS I ON Only ntl CAMllllDOI -..f'lflllU. Wo4 .... ' only A.S p..,fldtl Co,,y II by llt b•ll•·"' .._..._ " .. PoW..+ul "'""°"'" -· lolde ·owoy ,.,..,., cO<tl .....i ewhe ............ , ..... Liberty 8-2301 1871 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa Ura~ Salon of Beauty 187) Harbor· Blvd., Costa Mesa Liberty 8-2 161 Bm ms~ <1!{f +t ,~o~~- . Martin Furniture Offen oae of UM! iarxMt stocks of gUt ltem.11 for the home of any lltore in Oran~e County. Hundreds of pit Items to pleue every memer of t he family. la.st a few sugptttlou ••••• • Lamps Floor, Table I: Wall SlylM • Tables End. coffee, occaalonal •tylu e Wall Plaques In brut, r~ painted I: novelUu • Spke Cabinets • Wall "What Not'' Shelves • Mirrora e Picture8 • Haasocks • Chain We Give 8 & H Gniea Stampe Oran,,_, County's Maple Store 1955 POSTHOLE DIGGER H!TS p;~t:. CREA TES 20-FOOT GEYSER Minor darnac-to u "*9eii•~nd water pipe ~Ion&· lac to the, J'airvl-Oount.J W.ter Dlal.rict re1ulted at 3;15 Jl· m. Saturday wllen an l:di.oe Co. Crt'W acd drntaJJy knocked a bole In the pipe on llverpttn A.ve. near Monrovia Sl., Coat& Me1a. WlUlam Scott, m.anarer ot the -ttr ('om.rany. 11ald the eJfCtrlc company c~w wu ~ging holea ,for new l1pt polae la U.. r...som Bomee tnct whm the poathole dlqer Mt lnto Ule uade~ p ipe. Water ahot tnt.o tbe air 20 ftet and n owed for an hour before the water dlatrlct wu able L9 tum It oft. Dam;ice -waa MUmated at 560. BOYS' CLUB ACTIVITIES 1 DRAW LARGE ·AnENDANCE I 117 .&L 8PDOD 'Viiru from bo3111 ln t he Newpo1 • .Atomic J:nera plt.nt no. 1 lq,. Beach area. ln Novembe~ t~e. e t.M form of the Boye' Club ot were ~ v11lls from Nt"wpt•ol tbe Barbor ~ at Coat& )(... B•ach mrm beni tt 11 d \•ls1tur" I.I .un productnc boy enerl)' al ThNe ar1• now \62 reg1str1eJ a prod11ioU8 rate. Durlnr Oct.o· memben from Newpo1 l Bo•ftch ber an4 NO¥ember 1115 bo'9 and ar.... Many people hM \'t b • • n )'OUDC men ....,utend for an· under the lmp..-lon thal the en- other year of tun and companion-u... Newport Stach pa rt1clpa· ..itlp, All Boy•' Clull m•mberlhlpa hon wu connectrd with the sum· I arplred Oct. 1. mer ba1ebalJ progr1m. only. 1 . ' ............. -... ,_ ..... .. Alb&'1l '" 11 "h o t ;..;,; I ,111 " Blvd F11.111v nt\llllt'ol Nl'Wp.>11 Be•r h ).>011, ... ~r•rt m.-nt ot lhl'l I or tour hulx'11p& lrom hi• n 1r He !Oft val11~ <•f thl' '1uhii at $6(). New Cox laby J.lr amt M1' \\'rlhn~ton C'ox. 2!\8.2 Willow LAnf', COAta MrM. a ni th .. parrnta ot a bllhy boy, born Of-1·. 3 1n Hoar; HOlpital -For t he flne8t In Commrrclal P11nlln1: ('Rll Harbor 11118. J ob Pr1n1 ini: fll'p11r1nu-nt. SAVE SAFELY At Or•n9e County'• Institution Christian Science Church Dedication Here Dec. 11 DAILY ATl'END&NOE The abovf' 11ttr r.J a nce flg\lrfs adequatrJy demonl!lrate thr )'l'ar I .Averap d&U7 attendance dur· around use that Nrw porl Bracll Inc October and Mowmber wu youngsters flnd tn th .. tr B oys· chrcked a.t 371 boy• each d • Y· Club. Many ot lh(>m hke to par· During the Wednuday. Friday Urlpate In the ~mu m lhe and Saturday of the Thank11gw-gam811 room and In the crllft 11hop Ing boliiay1 •TZ boya tound ac U· u w ('IJ 83 n a g football. basket· vily at the Boys' Club ea.ch da y. ball or whalev(>r maJor sport Is LHding Home Lendin9 CONTINUING TO PAY COMMUN.ITV LEADERS AT OCC Dedication or the Jl'lrat Chun:h of Chrl1t, Sclentt1l, or Newport Beach and lta adjacent readln( room and nuniery 1tructure will be held Dec. 11 at two 1ervlcu . the board ot dlrecton announced today. "We rrjolce and are grateful t o God tor thl11 day-our Dedlc&llon Day." the dlrector11 declared. In tbe ChrlaUan Science mov<>ment no church or Its 1tructures can ~ dedlcated until debt free. Dedication serv1ce1 wlll be held at 11 a. m. and 3 p. m .. Sunday, Dec. 11. In lhe church edifice. Amons the many community leaden at Orange Coaat College for the annual Voca- tiona Day were apeakerw in the field of buaineu. College students were given in· formation by more than 90 leaders in different occupational categories. Above (1 to r) are: Maurie Stanley, real eetate and insurance, and president of the New- port Harbor Chamber of Commerce; Milo Lacy, manager, Richard's Lido Market ; William Winkler, merchandiae manager, Sears Roebuck : Aldo Vidali, Lowell An· denon, regional aupervilK>r, distributive education ; and Ed Stroot Sr .. owner and manager, Stroot'a-TeWinkle Hardware Store. Chrl1tlan Selene<' had Its begin- ning in the Newport Harbor• area whf'n a 1m11U group of 11tudmll of Chrt11lian Science held meet· inp In pnvate homea and In the Balboa Theatre on Maln St. from 19UI t o 1920. Later meetings were held In the Pa vilion and the Wo· men'1 Civic Lea(Ue room. SOCIETY 8TAJlTJ;D In 1921 a .oclety waa organiz:l'<l with 11 membenih1p of 16. Thill group wu recognized by Tbe Mother Church In 1922. The aame )'t'llr ioRw a Sunday School 1tarted. 0 11 July 4. 1923 WednUday eve· nlng meetings wrre added and a yur lattr the reading room wu opened. Automobllu reprMent 92 per cent of the total Unltfli Statu bar..poww. accordin1 to tbe Na.· u-1 .4utomobtle Club. Captain Nathaniel Palmer, an American wh&Jlnr ca ptain, logged the tin t lli1ht of land 1n Antar· tie&, 1n 1120. Sclentl1la aay that It the tee melted from the Antarctic conUn· enl, the world'• ocean• would rl8e 100 fef't. ihe growlh o/ our Area ... During 1923 thr" lot1 wue a c· quired on Bal~ Blvd. near tb public hbrary and dunnr that ,_ ____ a_n_J_J;~aJi11f} :Jk~ Parade/ 2211 THE NEWPORT HARBOR AREA IS GROWING (St:\\'PORT BIEAl'H 19·">0 <J t:S1'l !i U .llOI NOW Jfl!WPORT .-t HARBOR RE-WS .~ PRESS ...... -... -. -- HAS ::!CREASED ITS PUIUCATION TO 3 Times Weekly MONDAY-WEDNESPAY-FRIDAY c f'l.I I" n1t: ( '0/\1'CT "'· 1" .. 0 Pl't:tc o~ \\ t:ost:1'DA \') 5930 Paid Circ~•lation The ~eat Paid ClrculaUoa of any ne"·ttpapt'r in the Harbor Area. Covers the entire city of Newport Beach. including Balboa. Balboa Island. Lido Island, Corona del Mar and the City of Costa Mesa. The fast.Ht growing and one of the wealthieat marketing areas in Southern California. Blanket Coverage of lhe Orang~ Couaty Cout I.Jae. including Ne"'port ~ach. Coeta Mna. Lacuna Beach and HU11tlngt-0a BHch, it1 available by using tht-COA~TAL SHOPPER. Phone Harbor 1616 for Representative Newport Harbor News-Press .... Blvd. Newport leach. Call~ year a bun,atow -t ype church wa1 built. 'Mle first 1ervice wu held In April. 1924 and the f ollow· Ing year the IOClely became a church. belnr recognized by 'Mle Mother Church under It.I preaent name. Thlll Orlf&l\lr.&tlon WU lncorpor· ated under law1 of t he Stale of California In December. 1928. B UY UDO l.OT8 Durlnr 1941 the church mem· ben decided to buy Iota more centrally located. They purchued fuur Iota at Via Lido and Oporto. The1e Iota were rxchanged 1ub~­ qur nlly at the request of the Grlf· tllh Co. for four Iott at th e pree- ent !oration. In 19U the Balboa Blvd. property wu JM>'d and aer- vlcu were held In U do Theatre. The new church bulldlng 'wu br(Un 111 April. 1947 and flnt 1ervlce waa held there !l'eb. ie, 1941. Th•n on Feb. 1, 19M a new readinr room building wu opened tor 111e adjoining lhe prement church. With dedicat ion 1ervlcea now torlhcornlng, the dlre ... tors of lhe church 1tated, "We are grateful to all our friend• who have eo ge11erou111y ajdecJ In making thl• dedlclllon poa1lble; altw> for the &irt of our organ and lo lhe Corn- l~h Foundation for the donaUoa to our bulldinl' tund." If the Thankagivlng attendance on the agenda. I .record& are any lndlcatlon of 'Mle Boy1· Club bUI picks up what la in afore tor the Boys' boya trnm Horace Ensign School Club Btatf durlnc the Chrlatm111 every Monday and Tuceday at Holiday1, It aeema likely that ad· 3:30 p. m. However parent • mu11t dltioaal tunda mU1t be found to arrange to gt'l them home. hi.re additional ataff. A . total of 1911~ membera join· ed th• BOYi' c •ub ... ot ()(t. 1 l t w.111ch 88~ H-l'flrl•tered ln Octo- ber and Novem'b.r. Thie 11 2l:S more than we1oe membert u of Dec. 1. 19M anct ~2 more mem- ber• than HIM· were on Dec. l. 19:S3. ~'EWPORT BOYS Vll~rr Of parUcuJar lntereat to l h e Newport Buch a.rea I• the tn •t that In October thrr1 were "4:1 D•bas loy ArTivn Mr. and Mr11. l<~rt>drrl<'k Dubas. 2018'-t Santa Ana Ave .. Costa Ml'· 1a are the pa~nUI of a baby boy born Nov. 29 In HoaK Hospital. Thompson Girt Mr. and M r1. Chestt r Thomp· IOn. 412"' W. Hamilton St .. COlllll Mell&. l rl' lhe parent11 of a baby flrl born Dec. 3 ln Hoag Ho1p1ta l 'Freedom and Power' at Kiwanis luncheon Film Due Tomorrow Bert Connell ot the Soul.hem Calllomla Edi.on Co. will ah<n11 fellow membera of Newport Har- bor Kiwani,. Club a technical film "Freedom end P owe1" during the Thureday luncheon at Villa Ma· rtna Restaurant. Put }lvellidenta day'will be held the following Thurlll.lay a.nd t he annual chJldren'• Chrietmu party WW be btid Thuraday, Dec. 22. JD p~ of tbe re(Ul&r luncbeoa. ac- eor dlnc to Pl'Uld'!nt Roy Your- a•..one. An lntn-club luncheon w111 be held Tut1d11y, De.:. 13, wllh tbt' C1.1ta Met.a dub in lhe Meaa Le· glon Hall. Walter J a.mu of Los A.n1ele1, ar~a director ot the Com· mlaslon on Socia l Wallare of th• Prt111byterian churl'I\, will be Ulc 1puker. The t harter of the Ct cJe K Club of On r.('I Oout Col· le19 will &190 be prt'Mllt.11. 1/:a.cro II PER ANNUM ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP TO $I 0,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the I st LAGUIA FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Ill Ooeea ...... n...1 BY •-un LAGUNA BEACH . ____ ..... M ~....... _ _._..,.._._ •••••• n•• • .--.,... ... ••••II•••••• ., _., ~ ....... -..... --....-·---.......... --..... _. ....... o ......... •/•..,•=•••........... • ... --a•1rsv.-1·1nt...,.... aa I a -----t?a ..... ~,,_. .... _ ~ ........... . .... •••tans• T .... ..,,_..... II ....... ........ ......--·---.... ····--.. . T_._ ............... -.......... ..... ...................... -........ THEODORE ROBINS YOU& roaD Dl'!ALEK llJINCf; IHI -IOS l!IARL"'°.ER8 IOU:) ?100 W. Coast Hlthway-Newport leach -Ubefty 8-3471 TV et Its lettl DeR't ~111 1Pertl "'"'"' KICA (4), "'""'2• 9:30 p. ftll. _, __ -------------_._ _______ _ • ( ~ \ I I I ~I Harbor !ayceer C~arter 81nq1el Set _Tomor,ow N.wport Harbor Junior Cham· ber of Commerce wtll lilold It• charter tanquet and danc-1' at 7 30 p. m ., tomorrow in lhe VIiia Mar· Ina R•taurant with State Pre· sldent Ric.hard Flla&'erald, atate vlce-pttaldent, R obf'rt He1J11, atate national director Robert Moshrr and 1 t a t e l'XecuUv• aecretary Davi~ Holt u honored &'\JUll. Al.o plannl.ng to attend are Maurie Stanley. presldeJJt ot Ntw· port Senior Chamber oC Com· mercf'; Executive Secretary of the, Chamber. Hay LMgcn'helrn ; Superior Co u r t Judp. R.ot>t'rt Oardnu, a nd Bill Dennie, presl· dent of the Santa An& Junior Chamber ot Commerce. Wllllam Wenke Is ch&lrman of thl! lnat&llatlon commlllef'. TO THE CHAMP GOES THE SPOILS Foreman Named Representative Bill Gotha rd, center. c·nll<'cL-; trophies right and left at recent Irvine Coast Country Club dinner meet. Gothard was club golfing champion. Hancling out the loot are Tom Henderson, left, and Irving Waccher, tournament chairman. -Maggie Price Photo ASSOCIATION TO AIR HAGERMAN BIRTHDAY GIFT DEDUCTION DEAL Mesa Party Boys' Natal Community Sparks Protest to State to HICJhway Group BANTA ANA (OCNSI -San· IA Ana dJrl!clor ot public work.I Hugh Foreman was named repre· 1entaUve to lhl! new C'lty·county t I &' h wa y committee Monday nl3ht by t'lly t'Ouncllmen during last night'• council st'ssion. Councilmen also promised the county • wide group not to enter 111t-0 any hlghw•y 11greeriienll with the 8lllte, w1\hou\ first rl!· viewtnf any matter with the county h ighway committee. The move 111 a part or county fl oor of tho house ot repreun\ll· organl.iallon l.nto ll cooperallvl! ttv1>11 by Cl'ngte1111man J a ni l' 1 comml&1lon t-0 carry out a flant Roosevelt The blll was Jointly county muter road plan. Plr 1 r..u thurt>d Md present t>J on \ he lncludl' freeway tle·lns \hro -h· ''''"r or th• l't ntttl' by Sen F'.stes out the county and new six vnd I l<l'fauv1•r How .. v,•r. Orang,. Cuun-erght • lane traJflc throughfuree i:;J\~T\ ,\~\ 10t':'\S1 A p 11ty An nlder br olhn •it the \\ 111\1 .u:ur dHlrnphy 1•lf.r111ls l <'nMcro1111ng lhe county lo nllf'· l'r•·• m l I•' 1• 11o11 "' C11 11 n i: ,. I\' , lnit" t .. 1 dt•'•I ,,,,. 11 .. 1 frnrn rr porr t••rUy. want )nlrrl Cullfurma v1nte growing trerrlc cong,.11llon I •·11'1'\ l"I" •1( lllr• i\111>1111 I thr• !>ll:u• •·11.'8•1 dl~t'llbl' 1111110 IO r•l"Vt•nt 11' • U<TUrf'nl·I! -both Cil)' and COUnl)'·Wlole. 11v• ''['I \ • 1111 .. 11 ,,,1, 11 .i 111111.1 .. \..., \\ . .\1<'1'1: ••f thl' "•l<'<.lutll11n:;' frn m l:lflR \r•I 1, :-. , .. •'.""'I ,,,,,11111 1.. fl1.tni;1· l ·"·"'' \\,!1111. 1·111.t ""flVt •I 11\' musrul&r dy~trophy l G.lrt For Mun'-"J•t•· 11 t • 1-"' • •. ftu1ul. f 1 T11·111•~f) J ••11.,;l.1·.11 K\• •• u uu1,.; v11"an1"' IA r "' •'• 1 111 ' " i;•fl " 11 • .,. 1 .. • '""'' '' , ,,.,,,, I• '"' '" th• 11111,,.rl• f'hlntl'tl nul that the I Mr .and Mn . Atr1eJ Muniz. :11~ r u1... I'"'·'· ,,. .1 111· , • .ii•·· .. f 1,ll\• ,,.. \'lllUl' ur 1\tma IU<h u ~d11, OX')'· Bemard St .. Co•ta Mua. are the I I•· ti •' " \\rll ,,,, •. 1 •• n •.• , ....... ""' 11 •• , •• 11 '" : 111111) i:•n '''"'''"'''nl Hnd Wh••l lh 11t•1parentl or a b1&b)' ~lrl born 01'<' ~ I.• h•l•f '·I • \\ I• 11 1 11 ·• '""'' """''•I I• 1! 1111 I• •I I 1 "'" llw 1111tr~~ fll 11\'1•11•11 hy t h1' 11Uitl' tn Hoag Ho11rltal " t 1 4l ' • 1 1 ~ t ,..,,., ,. ·u; t•th• r "'''''f'' ••"" 11th h \f\••IJu , , t.• k •1r uu111, JA 1te•IUt ted f rom 1-------- 11. I .•. "' I ll I •• t \\ 'h 111t1 ,, ~I s,:!n. tf;e-•lllllf" 'iiUt> l'llil• llt ,. "' Wtl~···~ tht~k8 If ih••\' .. ,~ )1.IVPO r, 1l ., , , \' ,, "'""h I '"'"" lht '"""" (lull .,, .. ;u 10•1 .... '" hi •htn• I» t o 1111 111 Y••llth. Vef)CIS Have Son I I 11..., \\ ITlllll' 1 II th• I. I\' • .. :,•II 1111111 .. 111,·ol !hr· ti ;\!Iii\.\ I fflr1 nl ~11111 th1· J:'l nup l l'ol r and Mr11. Thu111at1 \',.Jtll, 1143 '" I I. ''"' ... ... I Ir• .1 .... '"" "· I.. I•,,., .. , I 1\\ \\Il l llt\kt• ur II ... r <!lf8\'.1n tol \\' 17th S t . CO.Lil l\1('11A. "'"the ... ,,, 7 l '~" • 1111 I ,,,,, ,. ' I lllHlt JI rn .... 1: t •11 :.;, ......... 1.1<1 1 .. 11l1•111I fo r td f<X''1· parent.I ot . boy baby born Dec. e I 1 1!.1 • • I f,, 1 II • f •• I ... 1 ,,,, . ., \\. 1 .• lr1111,11111 tit.rt 11•111 of 1111• V.l'lllll r• 111\\l< 1n Hoag Hoap1tal :; llr• P h \• lw•·u \\1l11 I"'' h J.1\\<it \\Vft~ 111, 1ll ht lit t,v lf1t .. " "' lhr' t• 4 It •1l 1 ~· t ,.,., ~• .. 11 d• ni.·d t h at a ny n, l.1\ 1• lti1lh1t •V 1 tJI\' ji\•t\ , .. , I• 'tJ•t ·h \\1 .il.J lw uiud •· B\Jl 1,1 i\ l u1111 \ t l 1.:•1 cuan ht-'l Au i\ n '" \A,tr v •l•jn11tf' ,,( f'Ul h I • I I! r "'" 1111 fl l••llt\-1iiTun 111'1. \•'h~rl >11<1nJ:11 ('11u11ty 11·~11lo "'" l(fll'•' """~ 1111.t olh<'t i:•tl~ 'loan••tl • ti • l • ) • rr ul1I 11111u11lt•r rly,.111•· 111!! It " rn" lo lhl' tlug.-r m11n f•!lv vii' 1111 hundr 1·.t,. tif 1:1ft11 ) .. uuu. lll•t1•11d •If giving th"'" tu ""'" lhr1• , .. .,,,. .. J thf' \'(>11111. u11tl '"" fj\llfll)' t J• •·•p,.i'lv • d ·~·t1 •··I 1.·, '~·u1 • lol l.ul• 1 IC \\Hiit JrfurH«I "-,·on · h 1 I , J1.t111t \ t1, I 111 \',.; hn1I h •hh•tdl1h• >t1u11uf\C. ut ruo ntty ,,.,_ lutlholrty 11111' 1·1,1• M1111n•• t'tllf'"l\dk1n 1tvrn what trtU~\'U 1H dv.) I• 11 ''""' l·I 'I '''' ..,,,,,1,1111 1 .1,.,phy , tf11 1AI• ... ,d w~rt' ·• h • '\\U t t IJ J Ir l 111~ l 1t1101 lt;• t.•11rtlJ• 1 cf ~fl "' lfH.;.:• ttrl"n A \\•I I '• t1 1•nt ~ 11 I 1:11t rrloinr111 I,\ 1 .. ,. •'••r< A ·, .. ,1 .. rn a 1111•unt ti,. ._ -.!r lt!f' .t• I \\l1h t k•~ 1t11!1• \\.J~ t• .. •tut lft•l a, '''ll'-t" ,,f thr- • I ,,,, • ''· I! tt h ,. ~·I h· ,, •'h Ir 1.·tt,. J• hnr\ MESA BUILDING PERMITS UP $657,500 DURING ONE SHOOT DAY 4'h1r(' th.n $800,000 In Coeta Moa city buJldlnr pennlll w1u lMut•l.I by Building Otrlclal A. J. Volz Friday. Ora.n,;e Cout Coll.•g" ortlcltl.!Jt took ou\ a permit. for S'\11111-00 on lhf' n .. w rw..r .. nrt' buHdlng while Dike &J1d Cole- 1Jr<1Vt' tuo k nut iwrrnll1 for canitlructlon or 17 homu on ram .. 111a Lani· w11h ~onatrucllon co•lll .. umatf'd a t S H l ,()Q(), Ano\h..r 011\J ur con11\rur tton permit luuf'd t.o J o11Cph ~mllh Sr fllr c11n11tniclln( a home at. 6.52 Bttnard St. tor S&:.00 1hot th• 1.11~ <18\ tot.al up to 18!17.500. ,. I 1111" .1 I ,,,\' 11, I J'"' ,., ...... • •l'1lllni.; l u I •\1ol d• •I lo\ tt .• •lfdl•I •I• '.\TIO,o\I, \l "flll' 'Th .. '"t •·l<nt .. , '"""'" v.•m· Santa Ana Hospital Clea tl ~::1:·.-,,--·,.~I~.·· .. ':.'.~" .. :t:t·~~·:·::,. :~:~ rs LOCAL TRUSTEES ACCEPT BIDS ON BU CUPBOARDS ~f'\\0rnr\ fl r R r h 'lruu 1il 1u \' "' ho~I I lf•I I 1• llol:hl Ill r "l'l .. d ft low l•1 I • t $11\ &lti'I 70 1 .. 1 "'"' nl'ol f l 1• \\'Ot\< "-"'' 1 \IJdl ·•U•h ft.,,H ,,,, t ,.,, tt•or"I t llH11' "' Hrlti l'llf I IV I ' I ( l-;.111 111111 nl•I I r th" I, \' ~· t ' I !': 1 ,_, .. ~lll•l Jt"I \ I• I In Til" "' t u•t I"·'" I el l ~•lh ~l ft n l l-'11\11 \1•1 \\, 1•11•1!11• I ,1r11t \t !tr'-t "1 "tt•I !"lth1M•I 1) 111., '' 1r t 1hl\" uurh• &' :l'l'· t r tr." t • •t •' t ..... '' tr t, a•t I < I ( ICO\\' tH ._ IUn Tf'.t I h• t Pf 'I 'n;.• r • I .. 1, • I I ' II,. h•1• I •' I ' I I ~ ., t t • I•' •ur " nr-\ ;(t J ---· -. f u. t •' c t 'r Trt• 111111:• I' 1t t f ~' h ",. rd ,.. ,,. A I• lttr In l hr "' hr~ll i. .. 111•! '""" .\111" l.ar \ "~'''''""•"I:' "f'· I t ,. I IU' h 111 f• ft 'h• 1 ' ,. ' "t 'I,, 111111 1•n)"' "'I 1n tht' l11u l>o.r \'1r\\' "'h•~·• In llv I.Arv 1 h1l.ir.-n "•• '''"I h' Ar11IN1>l'h Newport Youths To Get Pomona Cadet Awards T\<• '\:"" 1 r• Jlr11n v ·••It:• \\Ill I ~ in n., 11 •ft !•'• f Ill• H«JTC 1:,t~,.,l1•n•t l '•111 1tt• •r.• "rl 't t •' 1 t ~l•T t\ t".,t ,•.:t \\l11l \\1il t ,,,, •• I •Tl 'Ill ! l'I J ,, ... t•. 1 It t.. .J r,...un 1"C~ •• ' ~" •' "' • t«" .. t I u ,11.,11 t t l..-•• • IP ' r I •n•· r t ,r t1 \• I ;\I r• H• r • I f ' IP' " " l f l'U'\\' Ill I I~ I " \I f I\ ••II I " \ • I I I '<111 Id•• h,,., \I '. I ,rl I Thf \ A lt· ... .t•!• t ~, .. ,. •• I :--;"' I IL•t ,.,,.,, 11.• ,,,,.., •\ '"' i;;ht .n •f I '"k" ;\It "''I ;\11 r: lm l \ "''•'•' ..( 2"111 C" ft t •ro11• .1 I t i •'I , 2 Doctors of All Charges Reinstate Pair to Sur9lcal Stam ·Aftwr OC-NS--ExdmiYe RA~TA ANA. J)eoc 7, IOC'~St I "Thf' mttttn~ are llO rontlden· Tw11 ~ •nlll A n11 dll<'tnr' hn"' tlal.'. a hOt!pltal 1pokt'rrman Mid, 1 .. ~11 • 1, .. , ..,1 of 1111 1 harit"' ,,., ... ,,.(! "lhat ev•n t.hfl ho1pllal admlnl•· ~l:14ln'! thf'm 11y lhr """' uth•r lrator la no\ allowed ln1ldr ·· 1 nmrn ll r f' nr \ h" ~ant II A Tl3 I 'tom • The h(Mlplta I tpokt~mtUI did nnt n 11rll \' 11 .. ~rltal lluw"'"'· hflfl· I lf1vt any r"••t•n f or lh,. "11Upf'r· I 1•11111 nr111 Ml,. 111111n l ''"'""' th•l vu.ton" ot lhe \wn mt-n. hu\ em· th" ,.,. . ., J•h\'11111 tn• ""'""" nnt ~I phu~ "a rf'Vlf'W o( th,. r&11e1 I 11ll••Wr 1l t.1 "nrk "1thnu1 auiwr· 11howf'd nothing MrlOUJI had \llk"n \ 1•l"n r \'rn thnui:h 1hrv Wf'rf' plMl'" ,...,1n•t•l"t1 \n 1t11r11" .• 1 ~1 .. 11., The hn11pllal wd the chUJfll t, '< I.I .,I\ t "roan •tr•IMl lhr h~'O mf'n w"r" lev"l"d The Qu11 \l·r"1~ •!Ill• 111rnt w.111 through t..'le 1mrrrtr31 ftnd tl.uue 1111\tlr •fl"r f 'll h1•1 •• 1)(·:\~ 11'\'f'· I <>JT'nll\lt"f' of thf' ho'lpltlll 111tl<•n ot tn .. '"Wlr>' ""'"" or thl' '""'" lfnw" !'r lu t Wf't'k , OCNS •I" tnr• I ia\ "'"k l~•mC'l thr C'Omblnf'd commltleee Dor 1nln1"1h•ll •II "'ftf' ll'llmf''1 1nmplrt,IV r le~ lhl' tWO rhyl!t· f• """"I': rn .. rl 11" j: uf I,, .. "'""'tit IVI" ••an~ of ( ""~'· But. lhf f'llffU· • "fllml'" n( \h" r•thl" •u b"'nr-tlY<' rommlll!'# a t h,,l rl'twied to '1• n .. ,r · ,,,,.I ~•tllllll"n Th" 11t'\ nn lht 11Uftrl'•t1nn r f th!' 1wo '"'" ii .. ' rr • "' \ lh 2f\ Y• l\t 4' gro Up!i that cha"l!"'" .,._,"Mt l hfl ""'"''' a \ th,. hn•J'rUlll hA•I been twn m,.11 ~ dropprd O«;<.;S ltam· f • •I I• I I ' ttr "'" l 11"' •'lr~l Ill ,..I On" (If !hr •llPJ'l'n•f I dortnn •: 1' a• .,.hrn \h,. \Ulllllolll 1 Mr a•I· _. ..... rt'portl'(Jly tllli1 ~· Ulf• f'!U'CU• 1 I•• '··• ·• 1 ' H 'l•l !lvl' comm1tl~ •. .,.,.II hrw,. to I' int ' ''" I•\ I• ,J 'hAI,.:,.• 111:"1"•1 f1n'1 out v. hy 1111r~ r l\.l Mtl \l~f' I h"n 111 .. ''"" •111" f'l •ll '"tu•rd mat!,. t hl3 rl'rom ml'ndft\lnn," 11(tf'r I. ,,,,.1 .. 1111.111 "'""I llH I ha ri:~~ rut 1111 .. 1 '>1•· I\\ 1 •un ..... '"" "'-t' ~ "ii e 11it; f t \I 1'1 'U dtM tt•,1Hn' \\l"f~ l''"1 i;1 <1 II • p1C r1 l11ff1r1a 1t e•rh!'r tclllnlf lhf' Mm" rhy~lri.•nt, ·you'll ha'·" I<> !>.-c 1.,., ... 1 by t he 8Urgical and lt••ue c-ommtt le"• " "~TA S DIS n Ot:AJ.." TODA Y'S N. Y. STOC REPORT & COMMENT 't NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PAGE 1 WEDNESDAY, OECEMl,ER 7, 1955 Nt w York Noon Commf'nt - Complied by B. C. G&mde, IHan Wllter Co. -lrnorulanty carrtf'd throufh In the e&riy trading today aJthOUJh lhere coollnuea to be a auftlcJent number ot 1tronc apota FORREST OWENS lo kttp the market on an e•m keel. A vl&Uon. and aluminum etocka matnt.aln the ~t tone with Chance-Vought a f~t.ur• tn nt· mponee to an award ot a 1100 mil- lion contract. Dou&1u encounter· ed eom<' proto alonal pl"Oflt·taltlnc on new• ot the Ea.Item A lrllnu order althoufh abaorpUon power ll conatrucUve. North American, B-Oeln1 and ~eral Dynamic• ro- s~ded ay1II J>6theUcally aad have &lao bf'en aided by plana to ex- pand 1ubat.antl.ally m!Mile produc· Glenn Martin lites Friday ·1 Santa Ana 8A?\'TA ANA, DEC. T (OCNSl Funeral rttu for the lata Glenn L. Martin, aviation .,.hll and form· er Santa Ana realdent, will be b~d at 2 p.m. Friday In the Santa Ana Flrtt P?"eabyterian Chu~b. OW· clatlnf at the 1t>n·ire will be D r. 0. Scott J.fcFuland Firat Preaby· tertan pulor. Martln'1 body w111 be n own to OoatlaDed ttom Fll'IJt Pap elation. A membf'r of the local Lions Club, Owen wa1 alllO prom· lnent In the Frall'rnal Order ot Eaglea of Bakeratlt'ld where he formerly realded. He continued hla work with the atate Eagles until tht end M a. traveling audl· tor. Uon. ALUMINUM GROUP Sa.nta An" from Baltimore, and The aluminum •cUon a b9ortled will lie In stat<' Ill the rhurrh atock well and taauea w ch u rrom 10 a m. Friday Ullltl the af. SEWER PROGR.A.l\1 As a member of the Orange Cou nty Sanitation District. Owen wa11 Instrumental In gelling atarl· ed tho current 8"wer construction program In Cost.a Mesa. ternoon atr\'ll'es. Alumlnwn Limltf'd, AlurnJnurn Co. The bo!1y will ~ l!ntombed In ot Amer k'& and Ka,i:ier Aluminum the family rrypt et Falrhavtn Indicate further potential. Aluml· Cemetery nur Santa AnL nu,m Co. of Affierica ha.s been 1ub- He had lived In Cailfonila alncl! l9U3. formerly working tor Ute Southern Pacific Railroad out of B&k•rt!leld. When he retired, he moved to Co1ta Mesa and 11-00n Joined In civic atra1r1. Ject to a long ttlltln&' period from Pallbearf'ni fnr the tunf'n1l wlll which It appe1.111 to be f'mf'relng be A. H. "Cus" Allfn, ot Santa while Aluminum Um1ted ha.a t'X· Ana: C:Mrg< 1A'w11t, Harry L. Han· cellf'nt gNl•o'th Pr<>l'}>eCt.e and po-son, Mytord l r\'lne, R. Carson Smith, former mavor of Santa tenllal of ti •pltt. An11: snd Roy fll'ni. plene ml'<'h· Montgomery Ward which la &l'll· ln th anlC' who.worked <'n the first plane g ex " year end payment, ha.a Ma rlin built In 1!109. reacted to an altracUw buylnl' -------·------- SUU active In the rhamber of commerre, he W&.8 a member ot Hs Upptr Bay Development com· mlttce at the time ot h la dl!alll. MAVOR COMXEXT8 Mayor Claire Nelson ot Coeta Meaa declarl!d that Owen had "proved hlmll'lf a hard and eftt· dent worker &Jld that Coiila Me· aa wa.. certainly a better town because he lived here." "The trul\.I ot hta work are In evldt'nrr and will be tn evidence for many yean t o come," Nelaon added. level, Aided by new J?WJ'.l&gement poUc~s. alea tor the month ot November were 17 per cent ahead of IMt yeara and ouUook 1ug. gests a conl1nuaUon ot thl11 t~nJ. iPEOIALTY BUYING The blftlly melecllve major of the market le evidenced by weak· neaa In the mot-0ni otrlll't prlmar· lly by Apt'clalty buying. W e look for conUnua Uon o r this pattern tor tho balanco or the day. Dow J onea 1 p.m. S tock Averaa-u 30 Industrial& ....... -... 487.07 up .84 20 Ralls ........ ·-··· .. 165.36 Ott ) .02 15 UtiUUea 66.09 off .01 1 pm. Vuhtn1&-l.·I00,000 Don Huddleston. president of Che Cllambn ot Commerro last year. f:Jld he had often worked with Ow<'n on civic 11111ttfri1 and Nt>w Yurk I p.m. Slock I'rlcu de<:lared his df'ath "a great loM Aml'rh·an Telrphon1• 179 •4 tu tho • ommunily." He added Anacon1la 1011 \hill tht' commumty "Could al· Chryslrr !IJ way• dr penll on him w hen ll D\Jpunl 229 nl'o deJ help" I Crton t<ral F.it><'\rh.' :.11,, City Clerk Arlie Swartz 11ald · Cri-n•ralMo\11rs ~Sa,,, "1'ht' community 1.11s lollt a •tnut.. May ('.• 42 11t.alwi.rt clttun. W e \\'f'te rortu· N . Y. ·.-ntral • 4!1 rrt~~ to have •uch & man in th1!1 No. A n11r11·un A'1at111n 75 1·rty, HI, work here will lnng be Sa!tol\'llV 81111"" :i:i14 rl'ml'm~rf'd " I So. Calif 1-;d1son ~12 1-'\lnl'ral rtervl<'C'• will be conduc· So. Paufw • ~7•4 tl'J bv \he Yratern1I Ordrr or Standard Oil t•f Calif.. Illa. J':,11:'11!1' at 2 p m Saturday in Unlun 011 .,r (.'altL :,111,. 1'11rk~t·R•dley Mortuary, <'11111 a U.S. St•·~I 0111,. Mt'"" l ntr rment w•ll be In Mel· rot" Abb<'y. Mr. Owen I• aurvlved by his wlff', Ella. oC the home addreAI. two 1on1, J ames Kelley Owen and Wttt1a.m Wmde-ll O'#iftl, ~ Dayton, Ohio; two ailtera, Mn. Bernice F oley ot Columbt..W, Ohio and .Mn . Bf'rtha Armplet.r ot 8prtnrneJd, OhJo. Novarro Clalld Mr. and Mra. Robert Novarro, 867 W. 17th It .. Colt& Me.aa., are the partnl.a ot a boy beby born Dec. II In Hoar Hoeplt.al. loy For Kellys Mr. and Mn. R-Obert Kelly. 2:143 Orange Ave , Colt.a >otua. arc lhr r&rf'nll of a baby boy born DK. 6 In H oag HoepltaJ New lrlftl laby Cb"rl>·hf'd llt'lrloom• are "WIRTH" H~ving & GivlnCJ • Sher SILVERSMITHS Slh er-<"opprr·ntaH a Pf'"'1.-r Pull~hr-d-8uff~lArqu,.rNI •in.._t Quality, f'&0ot <'"l N-nll'tl .. alf\'11 t •• ri<'ft \ l•lt our AJ!tlque ~hop I nu•l&&I \'al.- R."aA-Oaable Prl<'H • Phone Hearing Due Dec. 15 A propoal to gl\'e On .nge Coun· ty telephone users additional rx· tended ftervlce comts up for hear- lnr al 10 a.m. Dt'c. 1~ In the coun· R. E. Headrtcks, D.O. If Y Hr Spine Wen Where Yow Stomach Is: II your apine were around In t runt where your stomach la, pe,... hap. you would give It more at· ttnUon and conaidera uon. We a~ corui lderably like o•tricb•; we have our •plnr• wherl' we can't att them nnd we think \here la abllo· lutely no da nir;t'r thf're. When, In rtahty, lhn 11r1ne 11nd aplnal cord are Ute mo•t Important orrana in t he b<xly. Our ruur •tomacba ar" tn t runt and a re 1bulM'd with an •m~a.aonable a mount or a tlenllnn, while we neglt<l our •pin&! cord•, &.ltbough thf')' do more for ue ti.- hind our b&ck1 than our 1tomachl e WIRTH'S laysi• PtclfhRJ o. F or good Ht'alth "'~ your Chi· ty welfare' bulld1~. 801 N. R099, Santa Ana Joint ar pttca uou by General and PaC'lf1c Telephone Oo19pull• haw bf'en ttld with t he PubU• UtutUu Commlulon. Reciprocal Hrv1ce between ad- jarenl areaa or Oranae and Loe Angell'.9 Countlea 1-eouabt 1n apo pUcaUona by the two com,..a-.~ ............. ! with .your Given away with your purchaM of a new AICWASHEI orDIYER Look what JM ~I 6111ttiT.,..._, .... H•M•6 ...... .................. , .. 2•··~ ........ p~ .... ,, ............. ... a..M, .... t2 a t2 • 6 D18" T.-, .... .a. t7 •IS• 6 .... -.... .,... ~ .... 14. ,. JAKE'S APPLIANCES . Mr and Mn1. J amn Br11tir•. 212 I O&Je SJ,.. Co a .MaL..&U..Lhc..Jl&l·t en\.I ot a baby Jirl born Dec. 6 In Hoar Hoeplta1. Private Police c rJ.o ~"~ ----- 19U Harbor Hhd. rorr11C'tnr R i-: H tndrlck11, D c. ('o~•· Metia -l.J l'l·ltA! I Ca ll Hllrbor ~·471 ur 4!1H Jo'or A p· 1 Costa Mesa-LI 8-5594 __ pol11tmtnl. 700 CarnaUon St, CO· rona •ltl Mer -• · 'llIJf.W" m 'IW"".'. ................. _ I .. ~ ....... ;.,~··,_,.. • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL Kl 2-7027 ™·'-. CONVERTIBLE -TOPS .~~~.~~ ~ow SHOWL~O Ma.df' Rl{ht.--Look Rlgbt.--Wear RJ~ht.--Prittd 8'pt Joan Crawford Mid larry Sullivan In "The Queen Bee" "Por1 of Hf'll" Aui-oWJ" l 'pbol•t#rl•1 ~ t Co"•"' TAYLOR'S TRIM ____ ==-==::: SHOP -=----=-- YOU KNOW that tfte man who places a new Chrysler or Plymouth under the Christmas trH this year, will see stan in his swfftheart's ey" .. '"" ,. ~;ur• I" t urn1"'I t """ ''"' ,., lu Cuur t )H I It' \\ h• I 1• ~ti+ :.; A'" ' t rlAt I I flr·•· .. II llu ' ' •• fl • ' ;\I r nn•I ;\11• :.; I• l:.111 I 11' :11 : ~llr l\11 i.1r hi"'" ti th" "prl\tl"it_.., l..cl a bual· """~ f11 111 ln.•k•nJC 11 \1• 1nt•mt~I l""lllc•lll • \\ 111 n 1t "''" po1ntt rl .. 111 11t111 S"n' 1 l\nn <"communHy 11 .. ~r1:nl w11• n"l ,. 1>11~1n,...,, h1•l I p<r hh• 1n11\l\Ull"ll h• •f'll•I o f (I · '' 11 I di 11' .. 1 ti ti "' f~ll lhf' 1\l'm~ 1.1nd< r 111••·11•• 11.n •lrnulrl not Thi' hOl'Jll\&l 1p.1kr•m&n j>Xplllln· ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I'd th~ charg1•11 M •I 11u1>-...-qutnl i ,,, ,.,.-,,.,, 11•' • ' ',, •:1•n11 •n. I '• r 1' t ,tr~hl it I I 11 1 I, "• l •1•h lt I tlht:ll l• port '' I '- J I 111kt111 I q 11 •hi' ~h.. "Ill "I .. '\91" ,,,,. "11 I d•oi •• l r It ~t • Ir I hllll llrl\ I '""' "'~ \. fnr rr\ 11 lT" Ill Ul'n • r. • r 11 • .. 1 h''1 ,. I I • I •I • I • !hi' ' •• I 111 '• • u I• • I i; 1 blr • c "' • n • f • I '' ..;.j t•tl fy 1&e rr--nln..: ,,.tr,,,••' 1· \• , .. '~ u ri• 1 rn !hf' f 11 r• :. • 11 I I l ft ll<I 1u11~ \\'I 1 lu• n• • I• \ f t l),1 ~u O 111 hnr I 1 • '• ' • • • -• " II I r I'• • •' ''•• r 1V tt-' • , • \' • ..,, n H "'" ""n rhr 111111n l n• th,. 11111 1\an•h11.1: 1 uolr\ 111 "'" HI ITi · ,..,,,..1 "'"r 1 '"'I'111 ~. I .••~ \\11 lt111i;. t nn ( ,.,. r t 11 h r 1 ! t I 1 It 11 I 1A ~ JU ruuf At Cl1n l"U unt ~1t fl 1' 1· II··~· ,. ""'' : 1'• '• t I ,, t • \, • rnt In r 1d_.t , \\ hn t ,, .. f1lit ,.., \:1 '~fl •rl rr l 1 I,. •• ,., t • ( 1 t~,.,r • •nc._ • '\\f J;t " I" '•f I! Ir\ t •'t•1 1tf\1 \11 I • ('pfl• i:'I' l<llll n .. I ofl 11 I o•h•I 11,, .,. ,..,. .. He>1pitali1e Police Chief at Fullerton n ·1 1.F7.T11'\' tK.:-i S• l'nlr • I •zt, t l"'I • • • Jlollt'll I r11 '" r " 1 , 1 ·111d l"r nr•• 1;1~11r1 \\ 1• '1k•" In I' ' •.:• It l 1' 'll al I n " t" l•1 y ti;' n· I"''" I r; .ui '''';•'H I• flt ,.,, I"' ,...,,01111 11 1tchntna,1 • •' 1\, .io 1 ''' , • 1q I~\ "" ii,. .. t 1l11•d u~ • in+tlr '\- 1 '·• "l\~ •ft\ f'•\"r' t,,•:\it "tttrk '' 1 • 1'.lj•I I. \I \\·h1!1• lt f•"rl••I JI. ' I l'of' J:I I II "''' I" r·; "'' 1lt1• "'I l.i• \u'" \\loll• n1 r 'I Y ~ t""n 11 11 1 I ~ 1ttl. 111n l1•r1 '"" 111111p!111n1n,; "' II<"\ ~r~ .1. hlll'A A.lt rnd)' ""'' 1. \• I h\ ""' l lirl~ 11 .. \\A.• t/111tin b\' lll!lhUI· 111 h<~)lll ru wrll •• lhrr .. cor f1·11r ""''" ''' 1:1" ho~pltsl. !'I'<! \'•nn,. ""tl'lrlf'rll Thf' ,,,mmlll!',. 11111.c "''" .. 111, ,;11mtr cnnirl"""" hi~ 1 • '"' up "11.h not lf'~!l rt an II\ n .:~th 1 .-,,, w11 h the ~ ullcr\un l'u· adm1nl.tu-aUve C1L11c1Jd&\e1 t o r 1 llco u .. 1•a.tt.ment Dec. l . h. '' \' 't\ l • rl,.llrin&' ot lhr doc tnrs by 11l,1tln«. "ThfY hii"e a 'ta nl11n( d!'tll th11t I( anybody 111 -"ll~I''" 11nl'•I M tlolnlf JtOmrthlnK rhrv 11h1111l1ln'l 110 thl')' hold up their at11tt111 ''" 11p<'rll· llun.s. · • ln-t.llallnn STAFFORD & SON 110 "':-iF.LS t n·I fllK. t:a.t:C'TRI< A l, C'O;\TIHC'TOR-. l'hODP l.l!w-rt!' ~. l'li8 Rhf'.-.ldr A,·•nlM' ~""P''rt BALTZ MORTUARIES n1~TA MEl-,\ CllAPEL I ~ 4 I HllJ"'rl•!r A vf'nue Cn.ie Mus. Callf. C HAPEL BY THE ,SF.A ~20 E. Corut Bh·d COt'f\n& del Mar, Caltf. Phnne Liberty 11·2121 Phone Harbor 42 • CONCAETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 Pt"lD·BU>CK COMPA~,, -UtO 8. MaJn St .. fiuta AAA Pt:MICE -CL"DER A."lD C'O:\( ttt:n : IH..OCK~ llt::l,~FORCI SO 8Tl:EL M d tH'f'l'Lll:~ Newport Harbor Veterinary Hospital 125 Mesa Drive-Costa Mesa announces the addition of Richard Shea-0. V. M. to it's staff .. Horace Parker. D. V. M. -Paul 0 . Butrher. t:J.V. M. ' I I I M COIOU DO. llM I 11.e ~u.I i llUILEY IELl ...... _. t •1 l COAST _.., .. ....,.:1 .... llAl'9r.n11 Viaor Hugo: t I • .. --) .. / .. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESOA Y, DEaMIER 7, 1965 12.~~ , •• o ••••• , WITH SALLIE Deoember 1, 1956 Newport Harbor Yoa u4 yoar pet plaater have a date thla Safllrday, December 10 oa our lies· ....._ ..• If yoarpet pluter II uBecl or cemeo~ ed down. brbag It.a me&IW'· meat. ~ •• If you don't ba•e a pet planter. we'll MD yoa a.e . . . But for decoratloa'• -.ke and that bue epot la your home that eftee Oat fOT a bit Of gremery,d•'t leaf. slD,;le word of the following un-.....-... Introducing a new line of arti&lal planta and foliage . • • All your favorites . . .. Pett u ••um. Dieffenbach la Rudolph Roehn and Piela, Dutica, Cordatum •. Dracaena Sand.erian&, Ivy, Lily of the Valley .•• l>lutic, Fireproof. non-fadlng, not effected by the element.. including salt water, .ea air and gas or electric heat . . . Washable too they can be dunked in warm auda and rinsed off • . • I might add they are very natural looking ... They look the way every house ,II plant should look with it.a ~ leave. all made. bright and gliatening with Leaf Luster ~~2) or Britt.er (F1owcr Shop ) .. · s Allo they are very bendable You can bend each leaf in ~y direction you wish and make the stems go just so •.. When you get tired of one arrangement, they can all be bent in another direction ... Now here'• the "datf'" part of Dettm~r 10 •.. "'1e're very prood to ha\•e lln. Lou1ae WU8on, who hu made decorative ar- nacemeate with tbeee artl- flclal ~avN la lal'Jce rHtau-ruta. buak9 and offlcfi8 all over Loa Ange)H, 11pead Ule day with WI to plant 7ov piaDten for yoa •.. There wtll be ao cba.rKe for tlala 1enrlce ud we will eapply the JDOM or atyr. foam Deeded to make your plut .............. com- plete • • • 11n. WO.On II a true ana.t from away ..._ ... i;,._ lf you are aot uUndal plant mlllcled. ri&llt tide mmate. you•o en- joy watebla1 bu work wltla U... plaat:a and ob- tala a world of ideu In plaat declor • • • I !II S'wende.rful ! Newport Har· boT went accident Cree on S·D Day! Tbanka Harborites for ~ look and llatenlng on t68 ooulile ! A OUW-. play .•• .atetty kid'• atuff •.. Har- bor View P. T. A. undu &be DtrectJoa or M&tteUa P•edal, wW~neeat "Tbe llagle ToJ II •• la the Barbor View udltortwn, Tlna.nd&y, Dee. 8 at 7:SO ud 8atu.rday, Dee. 10 at 2 :90 • . • )In. Rudel al9o wrote the play whkb 18 all abotd fa,•ortte •tory book daanden comla1 to ure ••• Cklld.rw %5c ••• •dalta 1~ Collect all the b r o k e n , and not played with, toya a.round your home ahd put 'em in the Toya for Tota bar· rel in our front lobby ... You know the Manne Corps Re· .erve doee thia e\'ery year for children who would otherwi.ee go without . • . They do a a l m p l y marveloua job of ptJ.oUng, fixing ~d repairing. lllU apla .•. Netft&t type of .luvenlle Chrltttm.u c:ant la a tar-=e chocolate cucty bar with a compleU, pieta.re of Sant.a, VbM and llllx• ud the l"fet of the ...,. .. reUef ••• The Choc- olate bar eomea completely eano.ed. ..-dy for mallbl,; la a py cerdboard con-w.er ... What to five the millan&n, the poet.man or the fri~nd next door? A Gift Certifi· cate for the nice11t grocery .tore I know ... Let. them buy food plain or fancy, a bi( thick ateak or a aack of potat.ea .•. A garden .hoee or an electric coffee pot .. . A ceok book or a pie ... A box of candy or a carton of dprettea . • . Office on the y..,ntae la the place to pur· u... a Gift OePt.ifioate for Food is always a safe bet for Christmas! It's bound to fit. Everybody can wear it. And it always looks good. . .. ")-:.~ <¢f1 . M . .J.B. -Your Favorite lb. 79c COFFEE Darlgold Pure AA ·FRESH BUTTER lb. 59c ________ __. ---.................... ~--.. ----- Alkweet Enrlchtd MARGARINE Salce Food lor Christmas Gold Medal t:nrtt'bMI 49¢ FLOUR .. 6·1b. 84' It y c roc'k.-r •·roeun.-I.: Cake Comblnatlnn! CHO(". M ALTt;o 59r MILK MIX <If-•• Betty Crodcf'r-7e oft~ .... 11k. A reM •pttta.1 •r-·11.1.1: CRUST MIX JJkic.2131 ¢ ~tt1 ('rudu•r Nrrl"l-.1 t put-k BKOW~lt; 2169<' MIX .. ·-·······--pq. BurlM'lt'• \"ASll,l.A 39( EXTRACT ?~r. From the Delicatessen • Smoked Tul'kt>y Bufft~ .. 'or the 'hrlJlt maa ho.l A whnlo burfl!l, r~.ady to ••'• veo 8 n10kNI Turkl"y. Gourm .. t Rc>ll~. Ajt,_.I Ch~ltJar ChPf'llC'. n f'f'"-•lng An•S Frull Cakl" Sern1 lo 2~ guf'!ltA, $29 ~ llhlpfl<'d Spac.d hlaad Lt't w pu k a buut1ru1 girt of Sp1co lalnnd.., ~pl< n . Y<Jur fl\\"O- rtle •Pk"• and our ~•l l f'llf'n mako a ii•tt nt'vt'r to bo fori ott'n. Ooo4 wtlh Hot Konpl 8SO\\ Fl.AKI': CRACKERS • lb. 23' Uunl'a l'f'Uow O lnf 25' PEACHES :-.o. 1•, Nu1 e Ubb1"• STEWED 2/35d TOMA TOES = SO:t c-a.n A Lo•c nm. Fa\or1tol :O."IBU:T!'I 2133~ CORN. __ .. _.11,.. .From the Produce .f -~ .· . : , , f .. -i ~ -· ..... .. . ~ .. Deparlmenf ... L&rfe, Sweet, Xaw Vr9p, Artlona 3 GR~P~FRUI!_______ for Faac1 • Crlap, C &all Typa CILIRY ·each IOc ------... -......__. ... Gold O.p, Bee4z lo Slllp DATii 2! lb. pk1. 65c -----New Crop, La.rs• Dtan-4 WALNUTS lb. 49c BCSHT.L f'JU:S B FR lTJ\.- J uif y Ora.nc•. tr1flp DPll<:lfl1111 •rrles. ta.ngy tllng,,rlne•. J:111n t n 'An nu pea.rs. dat•. ~npl"Cn11l, a\<" .itlua. limes 11.11d mrxNI n ul<c ~r rll '" 11 tat· Ing rll'llluro lo whoever r t>lc1 \·e1 lhl• 'Sunny F&\"Orlll! U1der a rull, bale or quarter blahel bukel. F rom $6.9~ to Sl3 P6. M 'X·DRU:D FRnT~ A. full 15 pound11 OC A!'le<:ted <lrrM! and l lllfftf! fMlltll. r .. rf,Cl fnr lho larga ram1ly St urr~ \111th honPy. 8 lntnn1111 l\nd cherr1u. Packed 1n tancy Chrltt.mu carton. $i ~o 1th1ppeJ. •• '&lebard'tt Lido Markf't. .. of tbe Udo 8hopa at tile ntl"aMe to Udo We ••• ()ook bookA, bot utu- nll)' ta oa.r ma~e lleC-tloa: .. AU your fal'Oritetl ud ~ dlffereet oHB J'O'l'D f1ed fu to Kl''e or 1ece.l\'8 ••• SPEClAl.S FOR DECF.\IBER 8, 9 and 10, 1933 \ From the Shop for Christmas -while you shop for food. You'll be surprfsed at the selection you'll find at Richard's. You'll find just what you're looking for, for both business obligations and family. We wrap and ship for your convenie~ce. Pid up our gift booklet, the next time you are in, and leisurely browse around our gift display. Here, are just a few of the gifts. you'll find at Richud's •••.•• Gilt . Shop Mezzanine ... Rlchard".s la aJlowing $2:)00.00 In Clrt Shop d1scount.H ns 11 Christ m111 C1ft to you. H~rc'a a chent'e to purchn11e all your aupplt~" an<I Iota ot Gifla at ruJ aavlnga. S&.\'e food recelpu and CW!h In on th11 on•!! a y .. 11r off~r. ,. Ufet1me DlHhware The ideal dishware for daily living. Chip· proof and breakproof ... suitable fo r beAch, boat and eepecially large families, even the kjds can handle iL 20 piece starter set. $19.95 ShipPed anywhere in the U. S. A. SumiMr Chefs Set A complete barbecue set for the out.doon chef. Extra long handled tools for safe reaching. A hamburger pre.a. Long handled Salt & l'C:'pper's. Buy 'em together or ln· dJvidually. N1ct' as a ~L All three shipped &nywbere in U. S. A. $13.69 Pt>lf"r Pan •'EA Sl'T 49" BUTIER ............ 1s-01. 0111("krt'• t;1.ut;1uu;RI( \" 11r CiltAJ•t; 2145 f JELLY 10 011. • c·1 .. -. lo_.,.. ..... l\AIJO CLEANSER n .OROX BLEACH •1 4,aJlne "rta1o1-.. :0011.\ t:n C!.EANER <'hril'ltmas Brt•akfa., Baked Fresh Daily THl:Ki:;OA \" ISludlecry 1132• MUFFINS ........ . YIUDAY ()pm Top 52; PEAC11 PIE ·-· NM'la tORN IREM> .,.., 2f SATt'lCDAV l\an.M1 PJXEAPPL.E 3125' SNAILS -·-_ LA YER CAKE _.17t I • A bo AUi 11111 ,..,..,,,, 11u•11t nr Oark lnimn"• a.,.nrtt'<I J•m• and J<'lllf'•. A ( 0h 11ro1 m11,. ,rift tn ,,.. t • lnl'mlW'rM hN All•" nf l11" 1lrl1rfou111 Dlrkhwon I . • n a\ ""' 1111 nnl\" I 11< k111•• n ''10 1~ r fr, t C11tu•lm1111 Orl!akrut 17.?4 Rh11•J>< I EnitUab aad A~n Trntttt A bt1n1111Ju 1 bUkf't fllh· I with Jo~nill•h a nd Amrrll'Rn tawi- ril• 11 I lrm\ I•')' 1rnJ l'•lntl'r •"' k1111I •n111 lo . I~ \0111 .. 1-\abu. l''Anr1t111><1 1 ,,,.p~· d rll£ht11 and 1111H1v 111unv ••thl"OI N11r1t to plf'll•t' rfof'••"•I In b.aUl ll\11 t•hr.-lt1111.o trll11ph11nt> II.lid rib· hon SI ~ l\f) Thf' Ra\\alla.o An Allr.11 '"" 1:.fl f<•r all /\ 1111mrl" nr lh c> H11"1111n lalRn•I•. ffflr•' )'uU JI •h • .,,,;,' h ••n:\ Ctu,•t 4·,,,rc,,. ('".,,unut t "h 1p,.., ~lu· u aJ,1111n :'\ut• 111111 mnny otl,•r 1111" 1111111 oll'lhAd"ll $1~.~ll. ~Uf"•lb 1111Jtl, ,.,., 1111' '''" • 11:,11• unil• 1m In q unht)" •n•J d1•lln1 U\'" In • / rlA\'"r and u u11Ut A r• ,, I • "' ln r tli" n111n of 111~• r 1T1ment \'!Jilt r11tr ~ pat lcajt t' d rp1u t111t•nt a nti •"I"• I lhl" $:•1'1 <•r )'111tr <I otco _,,/SERVE LAMB OR HAM TONITE Tblorr"• eolhler 41uJt,. .... 4"11rlnu• •• a blc Joli 1 1 .. , .... r.iunt. nr Manhatla.n ham poppl•• nnl or IM nH11. l\nth bin,. I hat c ll•l,.nlnli? •f' ,..fl,lnr 1 .... i. and b<•lh i.a..c,. 1u1 .. ...,.,. lo U.. utm .... 1 In lluor. :-..-n,. ·,.m b.>lh • • thl• \\,..,.k . Try Our Br11lW'I SriroutA. BrooroU or Bakf'd t:i:g Plant "ith your 69c LEG 0 LAMB lb. ---- Ham It up to11t~ht "ith Manhatta n Smokt--fla\ on•d lb. 49c WHOLE HAM Good 90 muy ways and ec'OftomkU-Maah.attan Ham lb. 49c SHANK END ·- ~ ~f' juicy end -Good for mornln11t itl.ic-oP8 and utra mf'al" MAN'TAN aun END lb. 59c Kalil'• BIM'kb• k 3nc SAUSAGE lb. roU 7- , x { hol<'e .,.eo~-i: • 3ne ROAST _ ·-. ,.., 7- MorttU'• Pride SLICED 4nc BACON _ .. ·-····· ... ,.,. 1- F .1'1. ('1101 ... o.eo:si: 49c ROAST -.------'"· SBOP&J -.... - HARBOR ST AR PTER, 0 . E . S., aeated ofti· cera Saturday in rituala attended by guest.a from Orange County and Southland chapters. In front row O to r) are Mn. Bernice Kniea, conductnu; Mra. Elkan Ragan, aaaociate matron ; Mra.. Yax Owen. worthy matron; Kr. Owen, wort.by patron and Yrs. Harold WU.On, auociate conductreu. Sec· ond-third rowa, Mra. John McMillan, Mra. Arthur Fitzmorris, retiring worthy matron and Mra. • Rex Albright, Oscar Hulatrom, Corwin Home, E . I. Moore, Henry Deister, Mmes. Charles MacGinnitie, Henry Deilter, W. E . Lachenmyer and Harri• Cottle; laat row. Mmee. Martha Strol.eee, Corwin Home, Ellis Poulter, Charlea Yal.et!, Oacar Hulatrom, Aria Ram· dall; Harold Wil.aon, Mmes. Blanche Lytle, F.dith Holte, Ora Lillian Church and Blanche Beru. -Har· bor Photo Lab Magic .Toy Shop Phantasy Play Dolls Will Come to Life in Harbor View Program • Once upon a time there waa a toy ahop and all the dolls were favorite characten out of the fairy books. Bea cauae it was a magic toy abop, one night out of the year the dolls oould come to life. But becaUM no one believe. In magic any more. they hadn't bffn able to come alive for a lone Ume. SPELL WOR.fl8 The doll• e&n all be aeen In their •hop on the 1tage or Harbor View School 'lllur9day at T :30 p.m., alone with three mice who live tn the toy •hop. The latt .. r, wllh the help of two loat children. are able to work the a~U that make. the doll• come to life once more. The Magic Toy Shop la being produced F'rlday f•)r the public, Saturday at 2:30 p.m. for chlld~n. Jt Is a combined production of Newport Harbor Community Play- ers and Harbor View P -TA u a benem for lhe latter. Preluding the performance wm be alngini; by the nrth &Tade Boyl Choir, this year wearing VHt· menu Whi<'h have been made by P·T A mothen1. TOl:~O ACTORl!I Charactera In the play and tho.e taking the parte Art': Mice, Suun Hayton. LeaUe Gate• and l<athlren Goodman; chll· dren, Stephen PalUIOn and Unda f\UCT&Ve: DoroU1y, 8all7 Bar• grav.: Scarecrow, Todd Hem; 11n Woodman, P.t Croaanil.n; Coward· Jy Uon. Jock Mc8evney. Winnie • the • Pooh. KlcMte Pol'Ur; Eeyoe, Mike l"l&nesfn: OWi. Jeanne Brock; Pia'let. C'hrt.1- Une ElleboUt; Allee, Kimberly Ku.tter; Mad Hatter, Sondra God· win; DormouM. Kathy Wauon: March Hare. Sandra Wat.on; Snow White, Sonnee Stallman; Que«t, Susan Gar.Jey; Lady-In-wailing, Marilyn Yamer; Blrd1, Cheryl Un- key, Katley' Walp and Shelley Ku.t· ter; Squirrel. Chrl1Une HrmatrHt: Bunnlea, Kuen Galea and Gail Olander. DWA&n Skunk, K.Jrk Buttermore; Doc Noel Annatronr; Onimpy, Sandra MclAin; Sneesy, Patti Baume; Sleepy, Pamela Goodman; Dopey. Shella Williama ; F ore« Jo'airy, Carol Denner. Peter Pan. '!'wry Jl'lanfll1.n; "ngw Ully, Orace Buttermore; Captain Hook, 'nmmy WU1lam11 ; Indiana, Mark VIU\ Dyke. Julie Hanaford, Bruce Olander and Robert Ol&nder. United Church Women Set Installation Next Month W. B. Wript, .tee p1'911dent; D. C. Wedekinl'. lfCreta.ry; W. H. Tnuly, tttuurer. Report.I ot tbe put year'a ae- UviUea were bee.rd and lhe bud· Tea for Veterans 'New Year's Eve ThOM pa1 tlclpallog in 0 pt'n Houae -r.a. rettnlly at Lone 8each V1terana Admlnlltratlon Hoepltal from th• American Leeton Poet and A.ux lltary 2111, Newport a.&cll were Mr. and Mr.. Albert Laut.. wyler, Mr. and Mra. Robert J . BrtcP. 'th• tea wu tor dtaabled v e t • r a n a their famlUea and frienCS.. More lhan llOO f'H'llt• were eerved from 1 Lm. to 4 p.m. Death of Brother .Accompanied by bla younfftr brother and nephlw from Whit· Uer. RwiaeJl Hannlt Of 2010 Fed· n"'1 Aw., eo.t• M-. lert Jut wHlt for Ilia old home ln \\'I•· conlill to attend th• tuneral ol an older brot.ber. Dance for Elks Newport Harbor Elke will f&UI· tr al the lodCe roon\I tor t.h•r UI• nual New Ye1u'a Eve Danc:e Dee. 31. Member9 and"'their ~u wtll daJICe to lbe mumc ot Ted Tracy'• band. Then wUJ be DO dinntt Ulla nJght but revelen wt1J * .erved an euly momtnc breaktut et 2 Lm • Heney Vauitui. cllaJrman of t.1111 atr&Jr promlMe a tull evenlfll' ot • run and trollc. 4ll Elk.I are urst'd to-eKure r-rvatlona earl)' u a la1'1'9 lUl'l'l OUl bu atr.d)t bwll Indicated.. ,., CABELL CHAPTER Eternal Vigilance Is Theme for DAR NEWPORT HARBOR United Church Women. a t a board mttllnf held ln Coat& Me- l& Methodl•t Church, elected orrl· c:~a and made plan• for their In· 1t.allallon and annuai mMUng. Jt wlll be a lunc:hton event on Jan. e In Corona del Mar Community Church w I t h Mrs. Culleman Smith of the hoat church u chair· man. There will be a apeclal apeaker. Mra. Chuter Flaher prtelded at lhr election at'aalon al which the toUowll\i were named: get for the comtnr year planned. 1 .. Tentatln plana were alao made fof' the annU&l bene.tlt tea. del&ILI to be announc..S lat.er. • A commJttee wu appolJlted to revtlle the bytawa. ll lncludH Mlll Ellie Newland, chairman, kmea. P. P'. Ba1nu. Hush Balrd. 1 Clifford Tbomaa and Robert Me· redtll\. A report w1U ti. made a t ... Mra. Earl O. Corketl or 304 Buena Vista Ave~ OJ>('n~ her homf' ror the lunchec>n • progn1m mtttlln1 of the Col William Ca· bell Chepter, DAR. on Nov. 30. Mn. WUlla.ra B. Tritt, rerent, prulded. Them• ror the day wu taken from • rttent •J>('ech or Mre Ruth Apperaon R.ous, atale re· ff'nl. who Mid. "\\'r mu•t r""mem· btr llbtrt~. areordlnf to Thomu Jeorrtr.on, c11nnot be completely MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women'a Editor NEWPORT l·<A~aor. NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 Inherited. bul m11at IR! won anew ---------------------:------ for enry lacue Ui every geonera· HAWAII TRIP INSPIRES Uon. Ecf'mal vlf1la.nce la the tuk f&elf\6 every ~ter. I.« MC!! :; :1'n::~V:" b.a;·0f ~~BON · VOYAGE LUNCHEON to protect and enr1cb our her1- tace." 1'1..Ufa KAI>& MN. Alice T1ylor. :UO MOlllf'l:'P Ave., tL'U booor iu-t at a bon voy.re party hoeluaed by Mr9. W. A. J•aaume and Mr• Calvin Kins 1t lrvlne COU't Club. J.lra. Taylor la leaving the tlret ol the yeer for Hone> lulu where •ht Wiil •J>"nd a monl.h "'1l.h II.er 11.ter. ln ltl'epln1 w ith the i.1,.011 thl'me waa °'4 Morrl cenLerplKe of w()Od M>ff• and tropic&! f•)lhJ(e which centered l.ht luncheon tabl•. Brlnf1n11 1Ht" In the honoret and WS.hlng htr a pl-nt trip wtre Mm,.11 Br\h BHuc.hamp. Benrly Black, !Htly o ·conner, Omer Brucken, Ray Wlllla.m.a, Emut H&nCo<'k, &nd Ptan1 to ,.._at rm• to J u•en· lie H&U at Cbrtrtmaa time •erf' dlacullMd by, the Amerlcanlam chairman. Mn. Adr1u lrvlne. llpocu1orahlp ot an eJ1hlh 1rade Olrl Scout troop under the ll'adf'r· thlp ot Mrw. Robert Schock, de· velol*S aJ\d a recent •Lilt to the troop wu rrported by Mn Ir· vtne. Membere eonlr1butN1 to the ~• fDAR approved 11ehooll the hoale:tUIU . 1 wtUI a llllow"•r or pillow 1llpe w111eh Mre. Cb&t'lu K BoaNtman. -------------------------- orpnllllnr rerent. wtn wnt1 to GU EST N} G HT UM llC.bool aa a Chrllltmu 11rt . ~ F . I.A,..... Mnll'd the NvUed che pter by- l&W I which we,.. acceptfd. HEW MEJnl~ll~ New memberw were pnaented by Mnt. I'. L Lowe who lntroduc· ed Mmea. Ltw:t1 Reed. ~bert Christmas Salmagundi Slated by Panhellenic Mmea. Lloyd Folaom. p..-ldent; Mothers' Club of DeMolay "'Tt\11 bl t pro.feet r1 aon.. let"• have tun" wu the motto ot 0.- Molay Mothere' Club for a d1nMt' m•t.11\• baa. lA.t WMll at a-. ard'e ft.-t.a&lNDL '!'be btc Jll'OJect wu th• Muloan diJlner rt'"" recently by Orallf'e Coull Chap- ter Of DeMolay In ~ w1lh t.M Molher9' Club. Membel"ll J>f'"C'll were Mmu. J o Tatum. Hadd RJ.n~. Earl Guat· key, Jame9, McCa.ndllah, Charle. Oammoo, l:dward nah, G.-.ce W rlfhl, WUllam Nichol.I, W llllam Melcher and Pruldrnt Mra. Ed· ward St'delmeler who lntrodu~ n-r:nembens. Mm""· Harl Bar· nttlt. A rt Thron110n. Bobbi Hiibert and l:dpr Hirth. No m~Unit la pianned for ~ oembtr. It wu announet:d. In San Diego "loTrs:-~rf't AT'"J. '308 St. la In San Dlf'ltO ffll a 1u.y or ~vtral "rcka Sht ramt hnm" tor th11 Thank•givlnr.; Wt'tk t nd having allent the holiday In Lo• An11:rlu With h,.r •111Ult'hlf'r a nd ramlly, thttn ~111mefl to the bor· dtr ell)' Winner of DAR Award ROP"r. Rutb Jdfuwon Ru•t. Har· At holida y ruuvtty. H a r b or I u ld111 fund• for th• purrh11Jt or old Hou•r and Nell Willlama or Panh4'114'ntc pl111nnitd • <."h M•lm•• Cllrielmu Jtlft• a nd for 11d•llllonal lllil <'lty. M. H D«kartt and u lrn•«Undl ptirty whl'n It fTl r I perty e•pen~a tor 111.. Foun· Huch Honu or Coeta Me.aa I Nov 30 u the home ot Mr• Ric h· tJa tlnn throughout u, .. Y"" • At Pasadena 8«.>nd ¥\Ce·rerent. Mre, Anne &rd Wenktr. S72S °"'." Blvd I Al9CJ VQlf'd WU tndor..emf'nl or Mrs. M K h·~. 31:1 Anadr. Rarbnon, p~Hnl~ the colorful Th• artalr will bt hrh.I l>f<' 21 a anH or l~lurttit by Elf'a nor tuu ~ .. n r~<'nl ,1tue•l or rnend• l.)'1lll PM.M. H&r1lcJr wp edlool prorn.m or mUtlt'. rolored rum a l I p. m In thr •ludtnt luun1" Kl"1t11ft v f•n ":'Julr1ttnn tor 11,..llh I and rt'lallvu "' l'•,..d"n" ~ and d&\Cbla' ol Kr. and and talk or the El To ro I.Ady Ma· at O~n«ie (.'ou t Coll'.:Je w 1 l h 11n1J Enrricy The lK turu -.111 bt _ -- Mn. ffan'e)' P-ol th1I city la rlnea S\ll>f'T'Vlffd by MJijor Mary htubanib "'•'I u curta al"):ue•I• held rrnm 7 30 to ll 30 r m ln MM reclft1-t et t.be auu.al D AR Tatum. tt.e a udit orium ('If C'ua11\ Coller pvrt lh' D"<'emlwr-111mp11rn roT "'Oood OU..." award wtlldl la The ho~l""• rommlllf'e ln~luttu on thtt d•l"~ ot Jan 17, :u . 31 mu.cular d)•tror hy And "n y pree.et.d a.n.nually by tbe Col. F mil R Mm~" 8f'rtrlm ~pu1u. ~"Ir~ I and Feb i , Hi:.8 I nll'mb<-r wt•hlni: lo ''" "" m•) j W ll"•-,.._ ....... ., ,.... • .,._,, a y eunion men , J OJ1eph L r arver. L M 80 M6m .. -ni wrrt ur"'t<l to l\IJ>' call Mn . Bnrv••V Hai 1974 .. _,. .....,... -....,.~ Oall&lt'h"' Rov & H•llbt'•f( Wll· ~ ...,. " _ Tiie award, (1'(• by lbe Call· Mr and Mra MarlJI !llt'wlen<I, llilm Gnindy, John R•r~ (•a NIOn p;;.....;;;;;;;..-;;.._....;-;... _______ .;.. _________ .., MO San Bemardlno Av" . ho•t~ f tornla 8oclety of l.h• DAR, la b&Md a Thank•«ivlnr dlnnt'r ror thf' 1nl' Ptl• r Barrett £'° rom on dep«ld&bWty, lead«'ahlp. -· l"leW'la.nd a nd Mclntn hmlllea Ho,..·11•• C'lnr ;i. ()("(' 11 rt 1n11trur· t(,~ R OB F:R·rs Y1ce and patrlou.m .. 8eMc:t.Jan ot T\rmly two rel&Uvu rrom var · tor. w•a ·~kn for th,. 11"'•-•on I * the wt.ruwr ta mact. by facult.y lou1 communlUe1 1rathert<I for Otmonat~ltnJ pellr l'l'\1' •n I '""'h· ~ t6 J mem-. from lb.• top OU. caadi-UI• tee.at and famlly reunion nlc.un of noral •rrana"mt'nl &a· 0'u A lo~fw E LERS Ml• named by Ule Itri lltUdeftta. t mr htylni-,.,, talk 'IHr" l h' """"' ......, Oii the Olrtl' "--St. James Women atr.k ln1t an<l u.nu•u:.I IH•lhl11y er· rue ubbMt tor tOlll' 1..,.. anc1 a. ranr:em .... t.a nc t10""""" 11nd toll· B•lbo• lsl•nd now p,...adenL Dw1nC' her Jualor Board member9 of the Woman'• •ae 'lllh1·1. 1d<Jp1J tu t11~ l"h.um or .. "" "" 1.., &be awpc-t.d the blp Auxlllary or SL James Epll<'opel th._. Lenkrr hnm• I W•ld•t~ ~llw•f"4·are llCllool at Oh1• SlatAI bl lac:ra· Cburcll wfU meet Tbunday al 10 Mr1. J""1\ Kt'd f'r rrr.ortr<I lh•l l.IKhletll Earr1nl{11 R1nJC• :-;, rkla1 ,.,. -to. 1111• ta a member of tl\e a.m. at lbe home of th~ pr .. •ld .. nt •h• and lhf' prtllltl• nt. Mr11 11. O 1 lndh•ltluall y l>f'~•inu•<i nu111111n11~ llChool Honor 9ocletJ and of Tri Mra. Joeeptt Rief•. 211 Eut Bay B<>yvey. ha•I l<J"'nA"I NI • rart)' I •• I EWE LR y f"'ROM EST AT1':l'4 • 11 8'p.a. hc91orvy rtrl• club. Cur-rront. Balboa laland. tor the Rl"lru · .. :f'd f"li11'11f'n '11 1'n11n·1 22!~~ Martn~ A\•e. llarhor 2321 1: ""t.17 ahe la nprwmt.Jnc Hanor ----------11u1on The e-rour ..,,,,.,, tn ""t '----------------------:-----, HAP ·an lb• C&llfornia .u-:l&t-4 Pl d d t D D D ;;;..._,;;;;--;;;;;;-..;;;-.;..-..;-~---------------------, •tucte• Oounct.L AD acttn m«IJla e ge o 1 bw 1n OAA and Tau Rho f{appa. Ml-. Cora Virginia Petf'ra. UM l'f'O'IP eompoMd of future dau(hler ot Mr. and Mn Geor1e ~ th.ta ,...,. •• DAR "Good F\IUer Peten, UOI Cliff Dr1Vf'. OU..." award wl.mler hu merited wu ~Uy ple<lred to ~It• U.. appronJ of boUI et.ud .. t.a a.nd ~lta Delta al Lonr Be•ch Stat• raeuJty. eo11tre. Wait! .... Listen! ..... To the Superb Reeli1m of Modern Hiqn·Fidelity -Presented in N~rt.·1 Beauutul New "Studio o/ oflving Sound" Opening Saturday SANTA SAYS Wife MOCCA~INS Indian Camp MOCA AU Leather with Rubber ~ompotdUoa Role by 8 . F. Goodrich . . . • ~~rty vaJued-Mucll. Mucll Mo~ Specialy Priced Now -S 3 49 IN'' pair Sbet B-12 bushnell's HAR•OA HI·~ -......., ... • MIWl'IOIT ~ CMI#, c<>n-e .. av ... , Ideal Glfta for Did -Brotber -Son -Sweet11nrt & all Men t THE ROD & REEL SHOP-ISLAND HARDWARE lalboa Island Harbor 1124 th• annual mHUnr. I Prnent were Mmea. P'laher. Wr1eht. Baird. 8mllh, 'nleo ffaUI· w. J'ollom, Baln-. ltulb Allen and Kial N .wla.nd. Fiorida Stay Ia Intertupted Ml'. ud Kn. Tom Tnamp, 11 HUI I t., have returned trom a buil1nea tnp throup lh• eoutb· em 1tatee to n orld&. They were LD Jacltaonville when Tl"u.mp re• cetved word that ht• father, Clyde Tnimp, waa IU In a Santa An• rm home and the coupl erel\frned home. Tom T rump la N'pruenta· llve ror a Loa Anr elu wholuale tlrm. to Acapuko b~· PLANE ··1th Alr-to·Sblp Radio on Aerottaves cle Mexico Leave TifMIMI 9:00 a .m. Jan 25tt. Follow thf' annual ~by Air ~n·atlon" So" CorOIMI clel Mar Travel S.nice Harbor 1U6 Orcllld ~ Coa!tt Hw~" I I , . ... YES • • • Bf THRifiY -I Check Your Attic or Your Basement -for Unwanted Items. TWll Thein IMo CASH! -TOr Christmas . Hun•ech of Folb Want Tltose Items You No Lonci-r NHd. List Them in the Classified Columns for Quick Sale. The Cost is Low So Easy It's to Get CASH! for Christmas '--------------~ , .. ________ ,.. _________ .. __ ..... __ ~ RELAX I -thn~s 110 rt11St>11 /tw Christ,,,., BiU Tittm wbn yo• joill U.S. N.tioll4l'1 <;HRISTMAS CLUB UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK . ., Newpon Blvd. OOSTA KESA •••••••OI cou. • a1a111 "11161 ltll.#•t -~-. -______________ ..... __ r • f I , PA6E 2·PART11 -NEWPORT HAUOR NEWS.PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 \ UDO WREATH ,MAKERS -Proprieton of Lido shop• aid Southern California Bible College student. who have been working on Christmas wreathe to be \Wed to decorate the Lido shopping district. Left to right, are Jeri Hipea of Jeri's of Lido, Ja.n Davia of The Book Case, and Lorraine Dani'el of La Relne, memben of the decoration committee. -Staff Photo r1 WINESBURG-PRIDHAM VOW EXCHANGE IN LAS VEGAS . " . MISS MARY HARRIETT FOSTER Bride-elect of John Lan~enbeim June Nuptial Date for Eastern Girl, John Langenheim Wit.h planA for a Whittier church wedding changed when the bridegroom wae called into eet"Vice, Miu Velma Joan Pridham e.nd Gerald J oe Winesburg repeated vows ln a November ceremony at 6 p. m. in First Methodiat Church, Lu Vegu, Nev. Dr. Donald O'Connor officiated at the double ring rite whlrh turning to Alhambra whC're they united the daug:hter of Mr. and ue &t home al 218 E . Bay SL Mr11. D. C. Prldha.m, 21143 Orance qi l 'MCA WOIUI. Ave .. Costa Meaa and the 11on ot The new Mre. Wlneaburg wu Mra. Vera Reiger ot Lu Vegu. graduated from Newport Harbor Pl!\'"K FAILLE Union Hlgh School, Oran.1• Cout The bride wore a pink moire Colh•ge and Whltt\er College, d id faille 1ult w1lh rhlnutone button•. graduate work at U.8.C. She la pC'lC'r pan collar ecnd bracel•t a put honored queen of Job'a ltngth 1leevea. Her hat wu of Oaurhtenr, Bethel 107 and la gtra.·· pink velvet with ff<ju.lna and aff<f u cretary at WllJttlC'r Y.M.C.A. pearls. and at htr ahoulder wu • Her hWlba.nd wu paduated from gardl'nla coreare. Mn. Reiger Alhambra High School, Puadena aerved a1 matron of honor. wear-City CollC'g" and U.C.L.A., took Ing a rray prtnt c own with black g-radUllC' work at t.o. A.nJelM hat and white carn1Uon conrage. S tate Collece. He la paat mut..r Oonl.Jd RaJ«er.aerved u beat ma.n. ot DeMolay, teeC'hea English and Th• honl'ymoon wu 1pent In dramatic.. at King Junior Hl&b Lu Vegu wtth the couple re-School. Loa Ang"lea. Many pre-nupUal event. were g'lvan In honor ot the bride-elect. Among them one for 2~ relaUvea and nelghbonr with Mmee. Dav1d J>rldham and Paul Parrlah u ho1- tu11ea; a pereonaJ ahower gtven by Eva Caldwell of Ana.helm and at- tended by Mmea. Jam• Wella. David Pridham, Paul Parri11h, Harold Caldwell, MS.. Joan Cox and the honoree, othan Mn~ (ltla. A mt«eUaneoua ahower. a ttend- ed by 21 camp counulonr ot the Whittler Y.M.C.A.. a rul&urant dlnner followed by a party at the home ot Miu Unda Moerhe&d; a pereonal ahower given by Mn. Ben Brownell of Whittler and a t- tended by membera or the women'• commiltte of the Y .M.C.A. tnclud- tng Mme11. Hugh On.ten. KC'nnetb Ballka.rd, Wallace Wtcrtna. Her- bert Be.llrena, H . A. Albert, the ho11teea and honoree. Miss Mary Foster Will Say Vows in Cathedr:al Mr. and Mrs. William Anson Foster of Washh.0 ton D. C. announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Harriett. to Midshipman J ohn PC'rry Langenheim, son of CHAPMAN COLLEGE CHOIRS S-D Day Lesson SHARE MESSIAH FESTIVAL All Year Need Mr. and Mrs. Hay Langenheim of Newport Beach. Th" S.">·•oke Chapman Colll'(e Concert Choir will obecrve "Ml•• "Yo•ll'r la the grandda ugb-1Jaf11\.1\, lhe \\"urPnlon County the anllu•t 'M~dlal\ ftatlvaJ wllh 'a compreht'nelve pruenta.- tl'r of M ra. Wallace lJnrllngton S<'h, .... t for ~trb i n W11rrtnton. Va., tlon of l f'lec:tlona !Tom lhe "MeNl&.h" l.D Ute Cbapm&n audJ- Connor or Klnrc11tref'. SC 11n1I Mr•. anrt \he GC'org" \\'ll!lhlnitton Uni-tonum •l 4 o'ejock Sund1y llft•moon (Dec. llJ. J nhn t"o1tl'r of Rhf'frl~\11. All\. vt'r11l y In WMhlngton. D .C. where Wllh Chapman'• J-11\ .. M. McKelvy aa cooctuctor and I~ ARTll'>T aht' ls afflll11.IC'd with the De.Jta Ronald K. Hunllnl(ton u conductor ~ the three -manual Mi.a f'oeter I.a an uUat of note Camn1a &>rorlly. K1mball orian. lhe all-atudent chofr and C'Jtal aololat.1 wUl a nrt btl"&n her atudtN In Nurn-AY'l"E• O R.ADllA'l10l'll -'"' numbera from all lhre., part. of the rrut rellJ10WI b"r~. Oermany Wberl her falheT Mh:h1hlpman L&Jlgenhetm WU oratorio. wa1 with lhf' lntemaUonal MlU-CTl\d111ted rrom lht' Nl'wport Har- tny Tribunal. She later 11turlltd bor l'nlon Htich School and Rulh· Oue11t aolc»e~ w\U Include PhyUla Althoff. Katherine und•r Hl(at" .lahll of T<•kyo. Jop11n l'rfonl Prrpa1atory School tn Lonr Ftlllf'nden, Rlcha;d RobtM<ln and Cha.rlu Scharbach. Th• and In the l'nlted ~t•t~ at the lit'lll"b The wedding t• JllannC'<I for Muelal\ festival ta spon!IO~ by the Southern CaJJfornla Corcoran f!allC'ry of Art In Waah· nf.'<l June In Waahlngton. U C 1 Councll ot Chrl•t.an Churchu In numerou. pruenlatlon1. lJ'lgt~. J) C. Collow1n11: hla gr11.du&ttun from thl' I Hf'r ll<:hoohi lndu<1c \hf C(onvent l'nltr•I ~lAll'• Nll'"lll Ar 11dcmy 11 POTLUCK SUPPER of the $a nf'd JIPut In Tokyo Anna polt1, bid. Lido Isle W o m e n t o See Christmas Decor at Tea ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- To Play Master Point ·Bridge Friday at Club ~. l rvlnc-Watc er. rh•lrm•n Dodd, \'emon Edlf'r, C f" Hatch. Thi' Bllboe Ouflllt'alf' Br1dgf' 1 Runnera·up cut-""ere were Mre. of the U do .lal• Woman'• Club RnbC'rl L. KC'l>Jlt'n, K•nn .. th Krn.r1-Clu b wlll hold a Mutl'r Point I SldftC'y Cort and Mre. Amy Wol· Oarden 8e<:llon, t'llP"<1" a largt l•y, Ma.nan Olaen. Mari;r111r"t T nd· Open Came o.n F'rlday C'Vt ntng at cott, Mnr. M.. E. Cleland and MrL att.ndance Ft1d&y at I.he Uc(·•rn· er \.\nllC'. Lee Sam•~. Eflw1ril the EbC'll C'lub Howor wn h play Amy Kennt<ly t}1nlf with Mra. w ml'C'tlng. a Sliver Tf'a fcal11r· HariJlng, Lawrt'nct Loco Baron. l.ll t t 7 30 · I k Th •R• "Chr1atrnaa Dttoraltoo~ Wrap-C'harlu \.\'lnflf'ld. 1"1nh Ahrf'na 1 r Ing " : 0 c O<' e g•mt> Grrtrude Coll and Wllltiun Cugan. .... ,, will be prt'<NIN1 bv a pot lurk pec:t PAckllgf'I and Tilt Ir !'<'I lln$:" A ,,; )!itchC'll 1n<I J1mc• Beatty i upprr whlt'h will "atart •t 6 30 On Moncay afternoon U\e club t.o be held In lha lalanrt C'lubhouae o'clock I w111 1ponaor a Maatrr Point Open from 2 to 6 rm. All Ll\\"C' menr-Lt. Thomas HolmH and Mra. gam" al the Ebtll Club HouH By 8HAJU>N CROWL 8-D Dt.y, D«. 1. ha1 paued ln Newport Beach but drtvln« aoea on. The Prelrident'a Commltt" tor Traffic B&fety M;,9 ltl Ulti- mate ioat la. "To lom from 8-D Day that t.r&ttlc l&tety la a y.ar- round Job." Two elernenta are nqulred for luting and pennanftlt 1&fety on atreet.a and hJ&hwaya by Ule Pruldent'1 Committee. 8 o u n d. compreheulve. otflclal aafety p1ogram.1, aCflclently administer- ed by our public a uUJ.orttl-Ule year around; and pubUc 11Upporl to• theee prornma -lb• year around, are lhe two element.. "Public otnctala &nd pr 1 •ate cltlaens," polnt1 out th• Prui- dmt'• Commltttt, "mu•l tulnll lhl'lr penonaJ ruporuibtll(y f o r .. rety: not Just for a day, not ju•t -for-• )'etf', but every year." A mammoth 8UJU plne tne t1 located off Orecon Hlcbway e2 on the wa.y to Crater Lake N~­ llon.t Park.. accordtnr to lb• Na- Uonl.l AutomobU1 Club. Tlae tne 11 2l4 fHt hi1b. 600 yea.re old.. 7 feet 11 tnchu ln diameter, and ber• ara lnV!lM hy hf'r to attend Calendar M1rcarf'l llolmc• WCI(' north·IOU\.h Wllh pla y 1tartlnc at 12:3() -A 11 1t1.T<1C'n • lull "11'11 hf-r• "111 .,.inn ere ln Sund11y a(lf'moon'1 o"cl~k ·~ conl.&Jna 29,000 board feeL p.rUclpate in the """"'. a<'• 11r1l· 1 MOU1trr Point OpC'n toumamf'nl. __ '111{ ln J.tr ... \\'111.t<'htr. and r•nt«'<ll' while uat wtat wtnnf'ni wt r' Mr I ~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wUI k"O toWU•1 ht'lllltlflcatron .. n•I, of Events and Mr11 \'tnCf'lll She'll II p lan\tnir of U 1lo Isle curml'nt~ RunnC'ra-up nor lh·M>Uth wue Just Like Real • • • Membt'MJ ualatlng with thf' It'-• M t• Una Mar Muter an" Mn table an" dtcer w tll hf' :.1r11 \\"11 M er IC' Mc<:omber. :.tu )t11rtt Mer- hAm Smith, lf'I\ r h11t111u1n. '.\Irr ,.,. r ill anti Stan Ho, k ,.y !Inward Allan C'rtll"ll 11nd F111nri. "''""l>l'I 1 OEC 8 Brnwntll an" FrC'd Morrleon. 8f't'<'l•I C"hr1~tm11.11 Ulblf' it• "!""· EBF:LL Tl:'\SEL TEA 4 11111111· Runnrna-up eut-w,.11 wC'rt Mr11. I lion• "'Ill "" Pntrr<'rl I•\ \1111"'-ral,. 1 4~• J1 m lA,it"tun ll&ll Ellzab<'th lla,•l.JI an•I :>Ir" Lloyd 1 Come fft', LoulM Wli.c>n. t.hla Saturday. O.Cttnber 10th, &nd R . H J<lrby. \'1nrf'nt ~;"'" •• 1.1 llARBUH \'IE\\' Yul" 1lr11ma -Sharplr,.a Mrw. l..lbtw l.Awf' and bring a tw-lo\"ed boWlthold planter wtlh you. She'll tlJI It beau· and Ch11rlu r..111mb ... Ith 0U1rr I j :JO I'm llt'hnol 8\l•lllnt 111n1 IM.., K11tllryn Carp<'nttr Mr• 11 Chrlalm1u iurnng,.rnrnt11 11•••,.nt· W XTA Ctu1~lmn.~ part\" Rl)ton John Merrill and Mr11 A (l Wl't-1 tlfu: •nil you 11 n ever ha,·e to wattr It or worry aga.ln. ed by Mmu. \\ 11r•I :.tnq;an :>tar-homf' E m,.n1l•I BllY l hrrby I I Sprrlnlut '" Arll/wltal Pla"t• 11"4 1'0U119{t Un Loc:knt'y, Jam.-.. 1• Km <'n A I . :-.:orth· ulh wlnn,.rs In ~lon'1ay /1 I PLASTIC -FIREPROOF -FA OEPROOF -WASHABLl! F. Heinu. A rthur l.ewL~ t' t~ Ot:C. 9 •ftC'm<IOn 1 gamC' werf' J\lrll 11"1"n 1 :-.; AT't;RAL TO LOOK AT .. Jl'ST LIKE THE REAL TJilNO. Gift Ric hard'1 Lido Mar~et Mena nine Shop llmllh. Wiiiiam C'hrhltrn•rn. fo: t •. 1 t'AXDY CA:-.:E BALL p m Fart a n11 Wtlll1m Gtlbl'rt \\htle RemeUn. Jnhn \\ 1l..,..n, 1t .. 1 ,.,, B II &y Ch1h I hli:h M 11rtr11 et11l·w .. 1l \u•1 ~ !\I ca. Walker. A. M °)'nkt1 R11rtnn Of;<, in Pa11hne Sa )·re an,, M1., ~ 1 I'd J\ombergtr. \ L M •Mon. \\ L. . . J nhnllOn Morrta, Ar11011\ llm~ lu . Clar<'nct llARBOR \IF:\\ rT-A •lrama -' Runnn11-up nflrlh-11onth 2 :lfl rm al 8C'ho<'1l I J\ln< A W. Tummel 11nrt .11111~ PAl'1;HTF:R~ r uhllr Brnwn. l\l rt1 1 lll1rrv ~rh•ll'I•~ r \ Salon 163, 8 40 Balon 183 of lhe g ~o wtlt ht1vt1 tte annual Chr11tmu party 1<nd dinner lll'C'. H d lnnf'r tn l>f' "' the \\'agnn \\'hf'• I r• '''"" 1n1 41 :30 p. m. Mr.... Ttrt Mllll'DOn '133 N \\'r!'ll ~I , ;\nt1hr1m. .,. ·II be pt1rty h<,~lr~~ !'•<rel pnl• "Ill be rt\"~tilll'rt 11 n•I i:t<t ... M • h n~r.l nc••!l <'hJhhnw•f' Jae k Po\\•f'll 1n•tallt1l ~n A r m ~rt·~v Afle~ ~P~t~rr~J~·~C~r~a"~·~lt:)~.~~:l~rA~~~u~R:y~e~l :a:nd~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nu. 11 I - MiRISTMA~ C'ONC'ERT r rn Huhur Luthtr&n C-hur<"h Ot;C. It A Ll'H A r'll 1 lun1 hrnh A reminder that an early order UBures HoUday I>ellvtty of Selected Pi«ca of Fine Furniture Belboa Island I BMCIUfn.I <'Olo"' -~""'-· Pa.t#I bhw, PMtel r'H'ft 8hlnty • ply -Med '"-' ,,..,...._ ~,e ..,..a. &tr.la a -tt ~&. W•rpnof. ,.,.... ....., wttll .,.,.. .......... ! • • • 5-P·E·C·l·A·L 3 PIECE "lel-Alr" Matchln9 AIRPLANE LUGGAGE SET \ lnyl ('na tf'd l..oe1 Bound PlMUC 12" Tra1n Case Oomplfote Sf.t F'ull m lrrnr I.I P'*'llr tra7 All s piett& 21" O'Nite Case .. 'oily lllff'd "I .... ,,,. po<'kC't sz1 lmi&de of the ltd 95 26" Pulman Case lhM!d &Ille~ u O'Nlte c- 1710 Newport Blvd.-LI 8-4511-Coste Mesa e V• O.r OirbbnM 1'.Y·A·,.'Q ·Plu e Christmas Play Slated by. PT A .. A Child Ia Bom", from the ndlo play by Steven \'m- cint Benet, will be preeented u the Christmas program by ,. 11 ... ' t\ 1t•f1H!l1I I'•. II~ 11 I • lN ln or1lf'1 111 I» 11h:r to v t • L'nrtl'r Mu 1 ... 111 S\\tn1<n1 t•f Ult' "'t\ • .. nd IH """ , ")llll'l'llt lH lhC' P ·TA b.11\f J "IJlkl'.t \(\ Hll 11tvriti&lni; '"' Ill•. 11t'\hlt cl••• fll.•v ptoi;11n1 r,,. '"·''11 111n1I•. t atslnjt rr•>Jt'• t Hrlr•nlf )t r ~ Swtntur I )111\0<' bnn M n1u C'hlr Cl<'ttry. lt1 lwt I Zll'i. h•t J 1 Ill I'' Be&t\le, II A ll:lmt'r fl B. the Newport Harbor Union High School P•rent-Teacher As-O'Neill. Andrr"''" 1111,1 R 0 b" r ~ 80CJ&Ucm on Thww4aY. Dec. l!S at 7 :30 p.m. in the echool Blarkmar. auditorium. The story will be ctven a atylbed background.'---------- wtUl moclena ..._ dtPC~ th~ kEOl8T~Rt \ Harbor Red -..old <:::bJUtmM 9toc'7 Ill a dR· LeRoy ~Uleon 'or tne clvtca de· M · I p k maUe .. ttftlc wtUl dia'DI~ and a p&rtment spoke to lh• boud on em 0 rt a a r .._,. tor all. the apaUly ot wten' ~,Utratton Mau,;owum-lnt,.rm,.nt 1hader th• o....n d1ncUon of Out ot an Ntl.Aiatt'd 180,000 ell-' c;nr'(Jrn•. ('1•111•·t•·rr 111.. &at.ha Tallman of UM Dir-clble vote,.. In Oninge County llarbor ut 1.1.1,., lie departm•t. snuic wtD be 7'.000 are not rer;1atl'rt d, he aa111.1 ____________ __, proftded by the Luiteti. aing· p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..._...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;...::::::::::::::::::::::::;: ma t r 0 m the balooa1 M\d • clrtona9 on It&,. tn the back -P'OUa4 trained' by Kl.9 Ma r I t Hlebech and Cllnton Bawtn. with Robert W•t. act tnc u drama advber. Unda Wlcll:ey, 90pho- mon, wUl play the orpn. All lo- cal clubll and' youth croup. will be atended lllYit.at.lona to ·attend. O&&DINO SYSTEM At tile P·TA board mf'etlng held on Nov. 28. !.tn. J udaon Sutberl&Dd prealded. The achoo! rndtnr eywtem wu expWne<S by I JOMph Hamblet, prtnclpa.I. Ac- 1 cordin1 to H&mblet each leecher u.ee. hUi own judgment u to rradu. with no 11tt rule u to the number or A '• or F's lflvtn and dependlnr oo Vie lndivtdu11l etu- d•l'• pronn ability. Prosno1uc tellla are gtnn In the 8th grade ln order to help a student to de- termine what cou,... he ahould t&ke. Ml11 Marjorie A d am a and Ralph Reed of Ute phy1lca l edu· c&Uon dep&rtmenta outlined their marllinr procedure-, 1tre811lnc the fact that &Tade. &re g1VC'n on lhC' ~ of alUtude, lntem•t. pactl- clpatJ011, and improvement. rather than athleUo proweea. r;1vtn1 an equ.i opportunity to di. TOWN MEETING Kr& C. Orby Anderson, juven- ile prot.ec:Uon ch&Jrman, give • report on th• Orange County I Town Meetlnc at Chapman Gol- lep .)llfhlch t. attempting to plan , ahead tor ,.out.h ~fore t.he n~d a.rtHa. An Ora.nee County Youth CounclJ la bel.ilc or,.anl%ed. com- prlalng young people from echool.s and ftl1ol18 youth ~pa, to di• cuu Ile own tnteruu and pro- blem•. A wani. were g'lftft to the w\n- nera of th• al\nual P -TA po3l.C'r 1 contelt on the-thl'me of "Team·; work Do.-It". In first pl1ec wu Laurel WoodJlon, wtth Dav I d Yellley Meond, and Xaren w~­ ner third. Trojan Dance Trojan Club wW hold llA dln- nar dance Saturday, 8 :30 p. m. ~ . I the JAcuna How. AU 8. c. Alumn1 and fr1-4a ahoWd reeerve I Ucuta bJ' caJJ1nc LI l-'429 by 1 P'rid&y. The C&lltomla HJgbway Petrol made 9842 ure•UI !or dn.tok drtv- ln&' durln&' the flret eight monlh11 of. ltM. Th1-fl~ni ~prtarnta an lncreue o! 72:1 or l l.M ~r cent over that for the nrat etghl mootti. ot 1904. Going to The e.mdy-etne Ball? Rent A Tux et Major's Tux Shop CcapWle fleatal 84-niA ...... IUm~rly 1~18' l M YI E. Ult St., Santa Ana Opf>ll t:na!ap by Apl")lntmf't1t XMAS SPECIAL! Sewing Basket J ust in from Boston Finished in Salerr Maple • • • Many other gift item1 . +.. . • I • .... ,\(, . .... ,,. t- this JJ '011tlir-fi 1 II Christ111as . , . pul!oJ'CY S1J 't.'"1lt'Y 0 : · · ; 1~ 1~/' C/Jr.rd . The rri::hc combinarrnn ... 75 't• 1mporrc-J 1.imb's wool ... ::!5 r•;, Ju Pone '"hi-bulk"' orion ... in rlw ~l'.lSl'n·s \.... grcJtcsr vcc pullo\'cr swc.ircr. L11\urious, ~ li,i::hcwcis hr, ro.1~c-w.Hm. \\'.1~h:ilile Sub- teens . ··no S:i[.:. no screech. M .1rvd1lus m.w co lors. Teens 221 : MA•tNI AVINUI IA~IOA ISLAND, I•' r ll 1!01 ,,. •. I"' ur ,,, 1 ~ • Smoke,.. ... Magazine Racka c: ,, ' t Picturu ... Lamp• ... Bellow-\It,., II 'I ~UNTAIN & BROWN'S Arcade Maple Shop I .r•e JN THE ARCADE NEXT TO SEA llS SA.STA ASA Kl ~-t 1 •. l • READY FOR ROUNDUP -From Jett, Diana Sandera, JefT'Y Nack, Mra. William H. Spurgeon ill, Mn. Albert RyJett, Sudy Spurgeon and Peggy Buah. Mlu Nack and' Spurgeon are echeduled to repreet'nt Newport ~ at the Senior Roundup in Highland Park, Mich .. 4-0 milea from Detroit. Mrw. lyJett ia coordi- nator of the 1ie11ior roundup while Mn. Spul'g'f)On will train P,atroJ 31 compoeed of · eight girla and eight alternate. throughout Orange County. -Staff Photo Savory Meat Appetizers for Easy Entertaining Big and little occ-..iona for entertaining a.rile through· out the holidays, from complete dinners for the family and frienqa to parti.es and buf!eta for many. Preparing food for a variety of occuiona requirea careful planning. liito a 325° JI'.· oven. You don't need to cover It. bute It. or watch It during cooking. Uainf a meat thermometer, cook until the In- ternal temperature of the roast ru.chea 1110• F. or that'• abo\lt 28 mlnutu per pound for a medium done roast. (A rare rout ehould reach uo• F., well-done 170• F.) Cut.a of beet that are food for rouUnc are 1tandlng and rolled rib rout.a, whole or half tender· loin•. and h1rh quality rump rout.a. SCOUT COUNCIL CHOOSES SENIOR ROUNDUP GIRLS • Go With County Group to Summer Campmeet Newport Harbor Girl Scout CoGDcil bu announced the Senior Round Up winners and their alternates wbo will go to Michigan next June to join 5000 girla and adult.a from all over the United States in a two week encampment, the first of ita kind. IN t'IR1'T Pl.AC't: ricu1l declalon of the aw&l'da wu Oeraldlne Nack .. high school headed by Mra. Ted Hambrook, prealdent; Mra. John OerUy, aec-aophomore. daughl~r ut the H. E. J l _1.d t · M C w N k 621 F\ II 10 Ave end on v ce • preaa en • ra. • · ac 1· 1 er n .. Crowl. troop -cam~lnr chairman; Sandra 8 p u r g eon. treshmnn, 'Mr1. Everett Nun~. put preal· d~hter of Mr. and Mni. Wllllam dent and current ,UtUe HoUM Spurgeon Ill, 436 Snug Harbor chaJrman and Mn. Jack Qulaen- Road. won the two first placea. be 1 bbo hood cbalrman Alternatee are Diana Sandt'r.. rry. ne f r · daurhter ot the Sidney Sanders. IN OOMPETITION 133 Shorecllff Road a.nd Peggy Twelve aenlor acout &1.rla were Buah, daughter ol Mr. and Mr1. In compellUon for tbe honor ot David Bul'h. 435 Catalina Dr1ve. repreaenlinf Newport Harb or. Diana and Peggy are ' junaora at They were, in addition to Ula win· Harbor High School and all win· ner1, Marilyn Seely, Dabney Wat- nt>r• are membera ot Mariner aon. Patty Wilcox, Joan Reed, Ship Na iad. •kippered b)' Mr.. Sharon 81ng'er, Sue Brown, Dt&na Norman Oulworth. Wolfe and Robin Rylett. C&J1)plns Selection committee for the dlf· aldli., ablllty to r•t al~ with 'Cradle of Conquerors' in Review by Haarstad Wiiiiam Hunt.ad. Orange Cout College hbn1rlan, review• "Cradle of Conqueror•, Sibtrlt." by Erwin Le.Hner. Hert-. at laat, le a definite hla- tor y of the vut lerrttory known lnnuence ot Sl.,ertan lJlnaionl tn Europe la continually noted In the work with sound. IOl'ical reuonlni behlnd the obeervatlona. otll•ra and penonallty ..... amona t}I• faotora &Allen lJlto con.lldera· Uon by t..be Mlectioa commJtt ... Xra. Al (VtrstDJa) ft7M't la YOI• unteer ~tor for tbe Mew· port Barbar Jtoundup poup and bU ..._ wortWac tor MftN! manU. CIB U.. projeft. MN. Spur- ,_ la tbe YO!unteer tftJMr wbo wUl \ra1D a.. lf stria from °"" anre Count.J' (Santa Au. N.- port, l.quDa. J'ullertaa and .Ana.- betrn COUDCilll) la order u.t U..7 wW be r-..dy tor nae June IDe&l'D~ mmt out~-door Uytq. Th.,. wW wortt and tn.ln u a pat.ro) (No. 11) with 11 stria .. 8*DMn. Coolde AUTHOR SPEAKS AT LONG BEACH z.tMr We.n:iar, eo.t& 11 .. author, WU su-l .,...ic .. &t Uw 8chool Llbrv7 ~ uon m.eeuns, 8outh11m e.e- tlon, .held at tM ~· Hotel IA Lons Beach. o.c. a. Mlle Warner la th• author of New Sona' in a Strang• Land and '"-• DaJa t.o Lom& Land. . Altand!AJ from thla area were Kn. Bruce McCartney, diatrict. ._Ubrvtaa tor Oollta Kea ~. Md Kn. WU- )Ud kucerman. Jloraee DI· alp 8dlool llbr'u1U. Hessells Visit F or open houae, recepUona, cocktail partle•. or even 1top-for- •-anack lnvltaUona, you'll nffd a luge 11electlon ot appetaera and anack& Here Is '& selecUon from balla; chill until firm. Roll chilled ball& In crumbled becon. Serve on cocktail picks, If you wlllh. Make• 1 doaen. • aa Sl~rit.. Over 700 pagea have From readinr the book It la apparent lhat DJenrbla Khan (aometlmet known u 0-fht• Khan 1 11 coialdered by the author u belnr the .,.eat.eat of lhe con- queror•. The life of Ooor Khan (or ruler of the unJvene1 la adequa tely covered lJI the book. Recerlt OYlr Dlpt put.a Of W:ra. J'rancla Coa. 2230 Paclflc Drive, were Uw .Rev. and Mr•. WUU&Ja R. B-U. Kr. H....U, former putor of Cl\rl.et Churdl by th• Sea, W:.u.odiat. la pre· eenUy with Hollywood Flrtl MeUlodi•t Church.. Ttle couple vWt.ed mMy trtenda w hile here. which to~oo11e. Many of theae reclpea c prepared In ad· "anc•e. F or thue ham llllAClu, u11e left· over ham or aubltltule canned Juncheon meat. HAM 8NACIC8 2 cupa iround cooked ham •a cup minced onion ~. rup mayonalae or aalad drua· lnr 2 lC'Upoona horMradlah •, teupoon mustard l cup ready-to-eat cer1'al <com· tlaku, 1hredded rice ,etc.) Combine all Ingredient.a except c..real. Jl'orm Into 1-inch b&Ua; roll In cru11ht'd cereal. Chill. 30 1n•rk~. Thu• little me a t ball• are "1ade from liver aau&aft and an .-lJ-4 1A-j1'1'al.e4J CIUTol, IJltftd U.. meat mlllture early and retr1fer· a tt In a co,,.r~ container untJI rtady lo form Into b&lll. 1.JVEa 8AU8AOE -. pound liver aa~p l tablupoon celery llHld l lable1poon m inced panley 1 tPupoon onion u lt 1 tl'airpoon Worcealerahlre aauce ~ f'llP dry bread crumb• or tine crarker crumba c:arrot. ,rated M•~h hver aau-.t' and mix In tt'mAlnlnr: lnpedlenla. t' x c e p t carrot. Form Into amall b&lla and roll In carrot. (Dry carrot thor- Ol&Chly ~for" grating. I 18 ball1. Her11 11 another reclpt u11nr cold cuta u a bue. Jt la eapecl&.1- ly food u a potato chip or crack· er dip. • COLD Cl'Tf4 ~---.r•"c;;-;;e~ lune eon~ 3-ounoe package cream chetM '• cup cream or evaporated mllk 2 tablupoona minced panley J tablupoon prepued mul!Unl Orlnd enough lunchl!Qll meat to J'l"ld 1 cup. Soften cream chte&C' with a fork. add milk. and bll'nd until 1mooth. Combme with meal. panley. and mu1tard. Spresd on <"rarkera or aen-e u a dip. Maku about 1 cup. Crl1py bacon la crumbled for the oul81de <"O&l•nr of tbelM! cream rh..-ae nlbblera. Peppy ta· b&l'<'o aauce ~vu r!'al "bite" to ll\eff. BACO:S -C1Hl:U£ • lo :'.> ahcu bllron 1 3-ounce pa<"k•ite cream cheett ~ leupooo W o r c h e 1 t e r ehlre aauce ROAST. BEEf' When you're plannln( a 1peci&I occulon dinner durlnr the hall· daya, for example New . Yur'1 Day, chooae rout beef. Arter all the ether elaboratt preparation• ot th• au.on. you'll be clad to Mlect lhla 1lmply-prepared, de· luxe meat. There aN no preliminary pre- paraUona -ju11t place the rout In a pa.n, fat aide up. and lllp It ptrson.lhttl 1tlu110,, of rlnth11 "lld'lf {<ff Ifill ' JEWELLED -COSTUME WATCH '111re11tHd le Yt, Pf!'· f ec1 I llnt IS It cllcOf • alts htr llPll Of n l1t· line! l'tlfi 11111 rtlfM. 1ton1 1~ lfll1411t Sold. 6.98 LA lllNE • • • Zuniga Daughter Mr. and )Ira. Lull Zunlp. 2183 Oran re Ave , Costa Mtaa.. are pa1 en ta of a daughter. born Dec . 3 In St. Joseph Hospital. The baby welrhed 8 lb8.. a 01. Pneumonia Patient Mra. P. V. Parku of Co111.& Me- aa la recuperatinr at home from a hurt condlUon and pneumonia after 12 daya In Hoag Hoapltal. SPOIHSWf"" COCKTAIL OIU~srs l lNGt•I! A.CCHSOll l(S $•1•t I t. II LIDO 1• te&apoon tablueo aauc• DHh onion aaJt l,,t..,,.. ltdo ~ ... C9'\I., fr-....._. I MI, f\A'n •'O'V ot v.. Ol>o'I•, ftnl 11•"1 JOO Vt• M.tlttt• N1upor1 81o1rb HArbor .fHO Cook bacon until crl1p; dra.ln thorougtlly a nd en.amble. Mix ehee" and '"'a90nlnga: 1hape Into -•4-lf'• Mot-. .~---------------------, I I I •• I I I I I I I I I I Grand Awakening ... every day I l'Mtt's no bMter way to perk up sleepy •pJ>f'tit~ than to serve heartv, Inn-streaked Morrell Pride Bacon. Cur~ by a ;.._.w special slow proc~u. ~ery slitt ha.' the' sanw delicious. delicate smokinns! And the n t'w "pf'ek·a-boo" package lcup1 it fresher I Look for Morrell Pridt! Baooa in the pad• age with the ht-art oa ib sleeve) Morrell B Bacon I I I I L rHC ()H(1 fliCC#ll MrH 1'Hf. f UU "1IONE'f·IACI< rtMOlf GUM4NTlEf I ---------------------· been uaed to tell the Mtory of the Impact on history lhal hu been dult by Siberian conqueror•. Vlo· lence hu bt>en the k•'Y word ln Siberian history with auch stormy ch&racter1 AA Allila the Hun, Djenghl• Khan. and Tamerlane 11preadlng blood and dettrucllon from China to Europe. Along with the tt>rrM and vio- lence perpetr8ttd by thene men a re the many 1trange crte<le and 11ub· human p1·act11·ea ot thl'se wild nomad.e ot the deaert. The Mon· gol rellgloua practlc(' termed Shamanllm la graphically explain· ed by the author alonr with many olher Siberian cult.I. The luting The vlolenee ot the early Slber1an conquerora la noted u al· fecUnr the political outlook of lhoae later Ru.tan eniamu Lenin a.nd Stalln. The Author'• momument.aJ wo.rtt taku the reader up to 1920, whtcb for all practical purpoaea la to the preeenl hour. Hlchly recommended tor at11dent.1 of Or1e.nt.aJ hlat.ory u well u I.he (eneral ~ &JI· tc.reated In an ar• of htatorJ aomewhat fofl'Otteft by bllt.orlLM. j6til•t,., by g.arg• Handmade Contemporary Origina.la In aolld Oold and 8Unr 2S·nth Pl.Ke at S.lmont Pier Lons Beach. Calif. Cloaed llonda19 MR. ALBACORE MAKES GIFT GIVING A DELIGHT INSTEAD OF A DILEMMA! G ive A Curtis Gift The mo.t ~ about of all Cbrtttn.e p ..... tat It's th~ ~lft that can be eajoyed by the eetbe famlly. MR. ALBACORE 18 tbe •peeclleltt aad cr-*Mt ~ame t•h hookNi by Callfonala fl•bennen. He • almoet u my•iertou• u Mr. , anla Cla08 him9etf. We offer two ptlCk9 ••. lllldly Smoked and Natural Fla\•or. The rich, white meat• pneen•ed In '1 OWICe cans by a uniq.w pl"OOtM tdentiftcaJJy developed for this •pedal Pack pa.ck . . . attracth·ely gtft boxed. ORDJ::R FOR \'OUR EVERY Glf'T NEED NOW l DeUvend Other point. l• Oallf01"Dla .. tM u. 8. A. 6 Pack Natural Fla\'Or .............. _ .. sa.15 J 2 Pack Natural f1&\'or ....... _ ....... 5.80 6 P~k Mild Smoke Flavor __ ,, ___ '940 sa.~ 6.46 '-'10 To Western Cannen Co., Newport leach, Callf. Pleue Ship ______ Gift Padm -....... N•UNI nanr ______ Gift l'ac-b-11 Pa.ck Natural P1awor ______ Girt l'M"ka -I Paek ll!W ....... n...~r • J'o thf' n&mf' ¥d addrt'M attached. Endoiwd a. my chf"ek for •------ l»ul't'haM'f"ll ,Name -~------------------- 0 8f'lld Otft Card 0 0.. Card• ~ AddrftM --------------------- City ----------7.-e ----State NEWPORT HAr.BOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 -PAGE l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 aale pl'OCMdl ~ rtnance th• pro-P'or two we.lu 1Jt1vua1 t hol.laand }let. 11rla wtll 11¥• out of docwa, p~- 'IBl:DS DIUT AGE partq Uielr OW11 food, taldnf C&l'e l'ocua ol tbe Roandlqt la .A.Ila· of thC owa aquipm•t and pin· ertoana -U.. eaqm and aon.. &as • ...._ appnd&Uon ot Ulelr art.a, cratte. ak1ll9 UMI ..,utt Uaat owa ~ ..a ..., ~ta ln· rr-wtt.ll t.lae ..._ ud an .,., to tMlr own .........,llWU. ., part ol t.lae A--. .......... ,..... ...... OONDZNllED A. L L _ ............ ". .. ............. _ ............. ~ HEINZ KETCHUP ....... . IONl1TI: 11.UD ~ ORANGE JUICE~ U•Y'S PEARS ......................... -.~0.11 ; Mmlfc 8DD8En nOCEN SPINA.CH ............................................ 2 tor 33c: DO ... FRUIT COCKTAIL .·-· ... DEL llONTE .TOMATOES . So. IOI - us NA.PK INS _ ........... . .......................... •"•· Don'• --·· • • • • ........ ••••• u ... PllDm 95c SWISS STEAK -.. --·--·-;· .. ··-_ .......... _ .... IAc"o N ____ ...... ., ... -......................... 53c EA8'l'S&H -· .. -......... ·-··-·-· Ste SPARE RIIS • • • • DICK'I Green Groceries ''We Haft Tith Week'' T oder OnJGnlc French Canots stll Nice! Kentucky WOllcler leawn- Clalna Peas . l'i DINER'S CLUI MEMBERSHIP HONORED AT the ' ='a.· ..... -= CAD ••••••••• 7P-.......... Cr I • ........... ....... • 031 .. ~. ... ..... . ---..... 21'. ..... ...... SH ?SOD 18 , .... You Seled The We Deliver Market Spot 200 ........ AY911•1, l•o• hla11d ...... 1000 -· \ . S & W LARGE.-lUW-cROP -UTRA-FAN You1ll want plenty .for the holiday · Mason I I RED VELVET SELECTED, MEDIUM-LARGE BAKING SIZE U.S. NO. 1-BAKING-SIZE RUSSET LIS. UOUORS r - - - . Fi1he~1 Chopped -8-0z. Pkg. Chicken Livers HOLIDAYS AHEADI IUY NOWI -------------AH-American ~ $399 VODKA . Full I Quartl Old En9llsh Tom & Jwry &9c BATIER ·G. V. AGED $401 BRANDY Fifth Olcl S.rafotl• 6-Yr. Old $379 BOURBON A ITIA .. HTI Fifth 1 ARMOUR'S CANNED : HAMS I I 10-lb. Avg. -Wa1te-frMI I .: 69u,. ; L---------' HOFFMAN AlL-IEEF 3 5 ~ OR ALL.MEAT ., FRANKS " iOLOOiifl .. g· 39~ -or - Chicken Salad ... utfful Decantert $623 4-ROSES Full Que rt HOIMI\ HID -.. U V1·Ll.I ]& CHIPPED BEEF . . .. .. . . . .. .. 7 ,.,. I Tlw.nl -Fifth , S l119ing Lantern '9" CHEDDAR :=ONll•... .. .. .. ... 65:., • ·- - ~~o w .. k, to go befo,. tfte '9 feHt, •nd •very ext nan . ra r--.-ny 901n9 into Chri1trna1 • 91fts. 'Tis the time to be thri~, indMcf. AH-Amen. teen • buyen have laid out a aaty 1p,.ad ....... , with the m I weekend 0MYI So•mphasls on ECON-••he. cost and rty ., lo__, mammott. let ~ for a mas Oayt •reed on Cltria,_ . Ml.ADOW GOlD AA SEGO EV APOltATID ·BUTTER MILK MM> '10aYIOOtl 90LL OMY 4t• WnM PUICMAlll LUNCHION MIAT 2~~ 25° 'TREET' l ' BEST FOODS PURI . p N ~:59i ... -l~L39· y 47 ~ DEL MONTE G04J)EN SALAD OIL Ml CORN QllAIT Whole Kernel with _ Sweet 'eppen PUDDINGS My·T-Flne 4 r.2 2 1~~2t Inst ... OI' .... DRESSING Mexlun V-.. llM Chun SKIPPY APRICOTS S.n'I Mfnloft DOG F•D No. 2~ Can TALL CANSI GREEI BEANS CrfttO 4For29c Cut CRACKERS BIRDS EYE -Your Choice! e Cut Corn I 9 Mixed Vegetables 9 Peas & Carr:ots 9 French Fries 9 Chopped Spinach 9 Leaf Spinach Pkgs. Nebisco Snowflake 1-lb. Pkg. ' • l·LI. CAN 3-LI. CAN HIAVY ANTIQUE I llOND FINISHED .• WALL : P.LAQUES • 10 diff.rent attrKtive stya.. ~ which • to choose, In these big, hefty antique • bron• finish wall plaquest Each is in- dfvtclu•lly boxed rNCly for Christl'J1•• I wrappingl Your gfft will be in perf.ci • taste •nd show off ptoudly In any atyle ,,_....ERICAN FAMOU$ 9UALITY I setting -ANY room in the houMI • • I EA-p t1oR & GAMBLE'S • I CD9i I • ~ DOU•INUl'S 6 ._ 25' ..... .., • l Od nts.g..& ......... 25' CC)()l:lll • • • • • "" ... ,......, GIANT SIZE PACKAGE So good & whol• some you'll find this proudly st•cked in •lmost EVERY m•rketl 18-0Z. JAR .. -I I • c \ ~ •. Fancy, Fresh, Pink Eastern ·corn-Fed Pork At 1.-gain Prices! ~ - - - -PILLSBURY c~ll SALE!-- - - , I IAll A LUSCIOUS PtwMT CAii TNll ........ - L .. Hf AS A MOONllAM I AM• so DIUCIOUS YOU'U. WOM9& WHY TOU'YI .... IUYIM• CAlllS UA9Y·MADll I I PILLSBURY NEW WONDERFUL MIX ~ : CHOCOLATE-OGR FOOD 't I I I I PILLSBURY'S PILLSBURY'S COMPLETE I 1 Caramel 29c KIT 31 c 1 I CAKE PKG. CAKE I L h1el ............. ,,_ I •Iii ------~--------~~~-~ GREEN PEAS Kounty 2 Ju 25c Kist CAMS PEACHES St., Orchard 23c Sliced or Halves PICKLES Homade SwNt 35c 24-0unce Jar APPLESAUCE Mono 2 HJ 25C Northem CANS r - --w ALKER AUSTEX SALE! - - - , Picnic-Style PORK Shoulder PORK -IONILi"~- ROAST FANCY EASTERN PORK CHOPS Kingan's Hickory-Smoked -Center Cuts Only! FANCY EASTERN BONELESS PORK CUTLETS HORMEL MINNESOTA SLICED BACON 1-lh. Pkg. I to 7 ... Aver ... IEST CUTSI ~-t-~lliiAJi:DriiMCf LZRil STEWING CHICKENS ~ 33~ 79~ . ....____ All-American'• F.mou1 GROUND 79•. :i~~2s~ 39c WIUAPOINT OYSTER$ 55c 12-0Z. JAi ...... ~..... -:CHILI CO.I CARNE3~!~:"25c:1 ~~~~!!~ ...::::;...--=.:r;:·... I AUSTEX AUSTEX ALL-AMERICAN EASTERN, First Quality BACON Center Cut Slices I 1-lb. Pkg. c Coobcl • 4 5 Wonderful 49 . CRABS a ----1 TAMALES BEEF STEW : I .. o. JM 1ac .. o. ,.. 27c I CAN ~ CAM ~---------~-~-----~ We._......., , ...... lkS.-f• ....... 29•: ilia .17~ 9 DOWNEY COINll flllHTONI It DOI.AN MAT .......... tA.M. TO ltP.M.Mtl. ., ·9 NORWALK e GARDEN &ROYE . e CORONA DEL MAR Mii .... .._ ltftL ,._... 14t-J 104f COAST H....WAY AT ........ DAILY tztl A.M. TO 10:00 P.M. DAILY t:OO A.M. TO 1trll P.M. l 9 NIWPORT llACH 2'11 COMT lllHWAY AT TUSTIN OPIN t:OI A.M. TO t• P.M. OA& Y \. 9 SAN CLIMINTI .. & Clll•IO IML t A.IL IO t P.11.,, ... Af t IO I P.IL • .J . .. • (}overnmenl f:xcepl :J.rom 'AGE 6 ·PART 11 NEWPORT HARIOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 ''God grant us th., serenity to occep+ the things we connot change: the courage to change the things we can ond the ~isdom to know the difference." (A. Anon.I TH .E ·CAPITOL WEEK EDITORIALS SAa~RAMF:NTO. I LT r I -A f1t•111l C'!'llJIU~ An•1 lhf' party In new f'$> 1ni11l,. plfl('ina: C1thto111ta'1 r11nt1<JI nt lhf' IPgt11l at,1r ... br It pc1pttlat111n "l 13.0~.(\(\(I h I!; h· Rt•pttblkllD Hr l".-mocrallC' In IN(). ll~h111 IJ•" l"'\)Wlni: ampnrtanc·,• \!.'Ill h•v,. 1111• Whip hand In eet• ot lhf s111t .. IM natin111tl polltll·• I tang ttp lho· nl'W •1181,rlrta Booming Mesa Area Growth Shows More Costs to Come Our neighbor. in Coeta Mesa and ita immediate county environs are in tor aome tall erowth in rap~ • fuhion, according to figurM compiled by Everett Rea, Me.a union achool district superintendent. The figures ' are enough to give any civic leader charged with orderly growth of an area ataU.tical nightmares. Look at thia tor aize: • Rea reporta there a.re now under construction some 1300 new homes while the Costa Meaa Building De· partmeot, he uya, hu 2990 applications for new ttBi· dencee before it. Add the two f iguree together and you get a total of •200 new bome1. Then multiply a population factor of 3.5 times the 4290 and your product ia 15,015 new resident.a the Meu and ita surrounding county areas will poueaa u aoon u the bomea are eold and occupied. Thia ia enough to stagger any planner, echool official or civic leader. In the ume breath Rea reported the new home11 under way or on order, he mentioned that two new elementary achoola are planned, one in the U"e& be· tween Pali.aades Road and Meea Drive and the continu. ation of Orcha.rd Drive, while its twin will be built next to Orange Cout Cellege. The veteran Meaa achoola 1uperintendent declared before these new "back-to-back" type school buildings are finiahed they will be needed badly, they will be full when they are opened and will not aolve the prot>- lem of houaing and teaching the children •till expected to come aa the new re11idencea are occupied. Clearly the moet intelligent planning for growth ia needed, not only by the acboot. but all other civic facet.. Parka, atreeu, curbe, aewer connectiona,-the myriad thing1 which make a complete home area muat be planned for ahead of time by Co.ta Mesa otricia!JI and their county counterparts. Coat& Men ia aeeing what Is eometimea referred to In national magazine articlea aa the "plight of the auburbe." Several articlee have been publiahed, ahow· mg what thia newapaper bu been reporting for aeveral yean. Aa we have pointed out in previoua editorials, building a new community or adding a tremendoua "ahot" of population to a.n existing town In quite an expensive matter. Someone mu.t pay for all the"houae· keeping" 11ervicea of a newly created community no matter whether it'a in a city or the county. In the cue of the City of eo.ta Meaa we see a thriving community, incorporated a little over two years ago. struggling to get aet up financially u a municipality. Then, along come & few large aubdivia· ions. The new owners want to be annexed to the Meaa ao they will get city aervicea-eervlc.es which the Meu already ia paying to create, maintaln or extend. Aa you can !lee, a financial enowball ia the rHult for the t&xpayera, many of whom do not realize when they buy property what their eventual tax bills wul 1Al}L Were the ~unicif_al coat all, the problem wou.ld be aerioua enough in tbia day o? hlgli l&ia"Uon. But when you aee thouaanda of new reeident.' children wanting to go to achool-then you 1ee more fiscal problems and construct.ion coet., not to mention the added administrative and faculty coats. We cannot bJame the potential new residents fo r wanting to live in the Costa Mesa area which bu 8-0 much to offer its population. We can only offer our best wi.tlhea to the Meaa BChool officials and city offici&la that thty can dev1J1e aound plans for abeorbin' the anticipated onrush of new population. One of the aoundeBt method.a we know 1a tor cit1ea a nd school district.a to insist the aubdividers of the new hou.eing areu provide free school 1ites and free parka. Thia could be achieved by the City of Costa Meaa and Orange County officials maklng acceptance of aubdi· via1on platw and mapa contingent upon theee aite1 beinJ •mply provided 10 advance. Finally, the new residents of these areu should ,' ag-ree upon annexation to the City of Costa Me.a 'to auume their ahare of the bonded indebtedneu and the varioua ta.xe. impoeed on tt\,oee resident.a already occu· pying homea. Only through 1uch a plan of •haring the high coet of new area development can the municl· J'onner\1 ~ Newport·BalOO. Nnn-'nm• and Ult N-port·B&IOO. PH.a Entered u ~ Jll&Cter at the Poetotrlc• lit Newport a.cJi, cautonua 1111du lbe .Acl of Marcil 3, 1879. Pallllmlled ...,., M..-7, Wedmeday ud Frtd117 lty UM NEWl'OllT llA&IM>& PUBL.18HL~O OOMPANl' 1111 ..,._ ....... .NEWPOllT Bl:ACll. CAUi'. n... Hartler lilt qtn",,_. ................. N.UC.. .... Hnrtlw .. er All &IMI 87 0-... ef ... .....,._ OMr\ el ~ 0.. la Adlea N .. A·1~1tl ·--Oallftllllla !few i ,... Pa......,_ .t.11 •nlle= ·--Nllu..I IWl .. rW ~ .... M..-el on.,. 0.-1J N-9 8entee BEN RllDDICX. PUBUSBllR WlLLLUC A. MOSU, Editor ORMOND I:. ROUNTRU, .Advutiaiq Director CHARL1:8 A. ARXSTRONG, MecMntcat 811pennter1denl 8UB8CIUPl'IO.N U.D81 Newpnrt HarMr Ne-PftM. Trt·"'Mkly IA OfUlt County, •oo Pff ,_,: ... '° .u -.; 11.u Ua,..--. o...w. .. Onap C.•'7 • ., ... pu ,_ • pality and or school diatricu lnvolved m't.nage to swallow the large bite of 1udden population lncreue. Thr c<0nltnued irul\lh l'f 1 ho RA :\I TllR<U'Citl stat,. ""1•11 11ned tw ~1.><' l>ep•rt· Aflrr tit(' 111r,o r1'n11u1<, Repub· mf'nl of F'int1nce II.I 11 23 l'"r Ct'nt 111 111 lllHJOril 1"" In both lhe •late Cllln l'lnCe lhe lattl ft•(leral l'flll!llll 1 The time is far gone when much of UU. could have been done but there ii rao time like the present to start. 111 19~0 means 01111 C'11ttornl• ... '111111• l\nd "~"~mhly drew up and 11tl1•r 19110 Wiii hff v•• tho• ~Pc.-vnl1 r11111111etl th10111t h lhr rt>spporUon· ·All-time High '"""' hill ow1•r Mlr,.111101111 but ln-ltu~rl!l ile!<•.1>(8111111 an lhr l' ~ .. rtl'1 l111tl ubJ<•rtlull• rru111 ~mo- Ho UllCt:' ,,( Rt•JH t•"'tt•nt ._• t •V•'>-t~rttltt Th• 1<' al110 will ht' " 1•orrt'11po11d· n,.111, ... 1.01_ 1.i.111 •('d thl' mnjor· ing htkl' Ii. el,.l'lc11 11I rulh·i:~ vt•l,.,.111 1 '"' 11 1 ...,. v I'" r ,. J?,.rrvn111m l'r..,., AC>m• There wu a time when it .eemed that the days of the newapaper might be numbered. What with radio and television cut ting into the available advertising dollars it waa feared that newapapen' aht.re might be reduced to the point where the dalliee and weeklies might have to give up. But edit.on, publi.iten and newspaper advertiaing managen are sleeping better now (if they ever la.t much sleep.) •nd !n lltl' voUng "11<'nitth ot tht' d lstrlcl11 pllrttrul~rly an Sa n Fran· alate 11 delejtatlon1 to1 lht' prl'sl· rtS<'o llnl1 t.oa An~f'lf'll counlll'a 80 dentlal nomlnAllnK 1·11nvl'nt1ona. that Rf'publlt·An riondtdlllea would STEAi>\' OKO\\'nt h&Vf' a t;wtltr C'hlllll"f' nt J;&lnlnc By l~O. Cehtomh1'11 pop11l11tlon rt'prt>~nlatlon R<'publlr ans.' nal• will far oufltrir r '°"nn,.ylvanla anol urally. d!'nltd the rharl'e. will ~ puahlng N11w York atatc Thi' facl l.c Iha\ bt'fore reap. for the lud. porl111nment. when C111ltomla ha.~ The Oeparlmtnl n( Fln&11ce'• only 23 llf'ftlto. Republican• held eallm•lf' I• lhat. Cour yru11 hent'e 1:1 llf lhf'm, Oemorrall 10. Callrornla wlU have a popul•tlon Aflt'r t he 1961 reapportionment of Ui.OM.000. a 1•ln of clollt' to bill ,,nrl the 19:12 l'lecUon whea ~.000.000 tn l t>n Yf'&r5. 30 sf'l'lla wr rf' at alake, RepubU· National newspaper adverti.lng lineage hit a new aU- time high for the !int nine montba of 1955 showing a whopping jump ot M.l5 per cent iii automobile adverti.8· ing in September over the col'T'Mpondlng month of lut year. By Jan. l, next, total newspaper advertia· ing revenue for the year should exceed $3 billion, the greatest aum, by far, ever invelted J.n any advertising medium. A Wee Bit of Comfort AFFAIRS OF· STATE At lht prttit'nt llml'. C'Hl1for111H 1•QM boo11tl'd thrlr holdlnp lo 19 h11s 30 a,t'Rl.c an lhe H.ou"<' or Rt· ~Nil• whllt' Ot>mocrata picked up pre111)ntallves, lht' same num~r only one • net aeat for a lota.l of Ill! Pen1111vlv1&nla. but 13 lr&S lht<n JI. N!!w York'e 43. MOOT PQINT However, N ew York IOlll two How much of tha l Republlun se11t• In thr la"t rupport1nnmcnl gam could be atlrlbuled to the in 111~0 from wht1l It h11d le n votlng magnell•m of Prealdent year• tiefo1 e and Pennsylvania E lunhower. to the atrength •nd drvpped froni J:J KC&t• down to weakne11At·s of Ule r ival con~•· 1111 preaent :JO. During that llAJTle 111onAI candlliat H or to the reap· 10 year period, Calltornla J11mped porllonanent blll lt..elf le • moot Total national advertiaing for the fint three quar· tera of 1955 wu nearly 12 per cent above 1954. Retail ad. were approximately 7 per cent grei.t.er and claui· fied advertising close to 17 per cent higher in volume. By HENBY C. MaeARTlllJB S A CR AM ENTO. (CNSl -Ing A. D. 1Cdmon1ton, al&lt> en· WheUler the Cahtomla St al f' I gln«r, retired before lhf' ballot· lr<>m 23 ffKla to 30. point. IN('Kl':A St: SEATS Th.-r rowth of CaJlfom1" Wiii What doea all thill aignify ! Why •imply that there'• nothing like your local newspaper for getting an advertising me.uage acrou. The figuree -and the tteulta -apeak for tbemaelvea. Em lo " Allll0l'l11llon hu made 1 Ing. ;rhey ronlen~ lhey would be P Y e.. money ahl'lld tn quit before any a corrt!c.'l tleclslon 111 r1;1Jecllng in· lnlegrallon bl"<:arne effrt•Uve be· tegratlon of lhe 11late employeee cauae d · th lat 11 • 1 rellrl!rncnl ay11lem with the fed· lh 1un er 1 e t"u I' ya Uc•m Whu Ule t\16U <lftlclal l't'nHUJI not be reflected an voting 11\ren~l I\ Is made. 1 epres.-nlatlon 111 the at ntxl s<•ar·• D'mocreue pru1· luv. "r huus,• will be ruhutrled. denllal numinallnii: 1·onvl'ntlon but. C•liforn1& llhoulJ pick up al leul t;..illfom1a undoutJt~lly wlll wield .111JOt s .. tot.s, p•u111lbl)' ll<'V<'n 81111 111111 mur" numea 1clll power In the llHIO an oulllde chanr..,. lo i:11n e1!;hl convtnllon. . t'rt' s no 1m1 a on on ae places. Callfo1·n1a Democrat.a had • 81 SCENE AT THE CAPITOL era.1 old •;e and 11.urvlvor • lnaur· amount ur moll•'Y they could earn ance pr ogram I• a queetlon lhal atler retiring. Under lhe federal only time can arurwer. 1y11tcm. there la a llmlt.aUon. But 1n any event, the employ· Ml did •-rt lhf'lr Independence F ULL P AY, NEW JOB New York l1 unllkt•ly to i;111n. votu In 19~2 •nd party leadera P1..nns) lv1m la will be lucky lo lut wee.k announced the •t.al• hold 1w own on thf' uuaui ot pre1-w.1ultl havt> the aame number of tnt population tn,nds. v11ll't1 In Ule 19C>e convention ha SACRAMENTO (CNS ) -I.A.It ""e.:k lu Sacramento w .. marked by lrl'tnf'ndoua pro(rtN tn devel· opment of califomla'• m ajor road .-y11tem when t.be •late dlv1-lon of hlrbway• o~ed bida on a 1er1ee of four con1tructlon project.a ln SOiano and Contra Co1ta counU•. Th• project. Involve a parallel brldl'e acroN CarquJnea Strait., and approaches. Four day• were taken to open all the bld1, the lol.&I approJOtlmat"l!a aonre '30 mff· Uon. Tbe dlvlllon. tiownu , llll a 1nar on one of the bid• -tor t he aupentruclure of the n- bndre. American Bridge Dlvlaton ot U.S. Steel corporation. 8&n Francisco, tendered lb• low bid of Sll.0:13,IHI0.48. but Phil Murphy, of Ju<taon P•clnc Murphy Corpor•· Uon protealf'd. declaring th.Ill the American Bridge d1vl&lon did nol haw 11 contract.ora al.ate llcena .. n.RST CHEC1l First che<·k by highway ottl· cl•la rcvealf'd that a UcenM e11:· I.tel.I. and the protest wu held tflv&Jld. However. later Murphy announced he Intend• lo aeek an lt1 juncllon •J•ln•l awa.rd of the bid. ant' lhlr cauMd lhe hlfllway <.11vl•10n lo check furlher wllh lhf' cont 111ctor'1 ata te llc.-enae buruu. Tl'frblnTfll. tn ~um. TPffTn.oct lM e&ae to !Jle •llom ey l'eneral to determine whether tht llcenee •p· plied In the 1ruitant l'Aae. H·r h-y otncl•I• ra11ed atll'n· tlon to the feet that the-bid• mu-t be awarded and Lhe contracl.11 elgneJ by Dttl'm~r 9. and polnt· ed out that .ome 1er!GU11 dela)'I mav ruult unleH a rullnc la forU.comln1 1mmedl11tely f rom the •llomey irentraJ'1 offlre R£CREATl01'A I.. SITES. An aurmbly lnlenm 1ub-commtllee, bud .. 11 by P'nl.nk Belnttl, Eureka , met "'·1lh otflcW. or the stale di· Vllllon of ~achH a nd park11 to dl~UH future recreational •rea• arnw1d new reurvoln created by danu under oonllllructlon Tbe meeting co·l.nclded with publklly gt~n a t.r~n1acUon In which a pnvate firm .cqulred one of the c:ho1re acnragu around Folaom re.urvolr . tor devflopmenl pur· poeee. Newton B Drury, Chier or ln• dlYl.IJ!on. told the committee tha t 'ht1 1t•ff bu not N yrt com· p1eted a flv•year plan for the •lat• le~atur't, and refU-1 to IU'.lllOWlC~ ·a 1\et of recommended park proJ~<'l• for future develop· mrnl, .. tatlng b.. dJvilllon mual tlnrt. prnMl ll• rteommtndallona to •ba •t.al11 park commlNlon ~­ tore It <'all mue them public. Drury did A y, bowever. that the dlvtt1on bu more than aoo park lit•• propoeed. and U\a.t only half Ulal number can be 1J1ch.1ded ill ltt recomm•dationa. W4Tl:R HXARJNGS: Anotber UMmbJ.y IJlt.erlm commltt.. held bee.rtnr1 on walf'T problem•. and ANemblyman CUpa.r Welnbe,... er announce<! tha l plant are u.ndtr -Y to uk lh• 1ovemor to ln· elude a n-11..&te departm.,nt ot waler ln hit call t o r a epec1a1 H•· alun next March. JKTIXJfU TION RE.JI:~: CaJJfomla 1tat.e employ-ttjeci:· ed, 43,203 lO 12.~ll, a pl&ll Whe'°*• by lhe CalUom.l& 8t&t. R4Uff- mt>nt ayattm would have been In· t•(l'&t.ed Willi tht ted•ral o&4 are and' 1ul'Yl1ton ln8Ur&nce prosram. The plan bad been apprond by the b l•. and al8o lb• board of dlre<:Lon of th• California it.alt' EmployHI A..oclallon, which' re· tuttd adnrU•lnJ from opponanu of the plAll la.It tall. S U R PL U 8 ANNOUNCED: Sta t• Controller Robert C. Kirk· wCl"d annnun<'f'd tll•t the 1tate·11 pnerel !land clci.1ed tftt> fi1eal yea.r. Jun• 30. 19~6. wtUI a IJ\lf· ot the board ot director• or their Thu11. a alate en(ineer for ex· plua of f715,488,90&. TblJI tl&'UN, UllOClatlon In the flnal vote. &11d ample. could draw full rell~menl, he eald. .,, .. $1S mlUlon hlJb• demonat ra lf'd t.hnt al leul, they and at the 11Ame Ume. have a full· tJ\.an prevlou. e.Umate• of the have ml!\dll of their own ln di'· time Jub With a private firm If wrpll'e. Al Ule 196.5 -Ion of the cldlnc fundamental IHuM. he ao d.,a11 I'd. l.e(ialalure, the r onmor uked The vote for rejection or Ill; AnoU>l.'r item that helped k ill tor new and tnere&Hd t.axu plan. a ccording ~ Secrtlary ot the lnlei;r11Uon plan wu lhe fact whJch had Ule requut bf'en rrant• Stale Frank M. Jordan. wu 43 •• Ulal many women who work tor td by th• le,Ulature, would have 203 a~llUlt. and 12.859 for lnte· the state plan to hold their Jobll amounted .to approximately 170 unV tur short tl!'rm1 t"I H , .. _ • paUon. Thf' poll wu conducted The r r t I 1 "m I' n l cont11bu· m •on. owever, ....... pvemor a by mnl:. a.nd approJOtlmalely 70.· requut wu mad• at a Um• when 000 i ta le employeu were qu•ll· ltCll\ll build up lo conitlrll'fRhll' It app.&red that there would be fled to vole on the ls.ul' 11D1ounls and this 111 looke•I upo!'l • 4etldt ~ ot_a J&rc1. 1ur-In many caaes aa a 11iw1ni:11 "~- plut a t the clOM of the tltical • ''lrXJLIU)kl>'" CffAilGED-ccunt by-the st.a~ t'1'n~P Un· ynr. Income hu lncrru.d to the Many at.alto f'mploye<'ll •'Oncede der the Pl•n aubmllte•J tor In t.- pot.al where another request for !Jal one of OI• lhlnic• whl<'h belp-c1•llon, lhe worku upon qutlllnll new or lncr-...d t.uee la not •· ed klll off the mergl'r wu lbe the at.Ile Job, ('OUld nul dra•v 1111 That will put Caltlorrila an a t.:hu·tt1to. key po1lllnn In Con&re1111 • n <I Rl'publu:a.n allotment.a tor In• Bj>Otll£hl" tne 11n1>orllll1ce. from a dlvldunl it.alee have nol yel beea j llrly al11n•lrw lnt, ot rOl\lrol <H the announced but there have been •l•t.e leg1•l1tlure Cave )'"Ari! henrc rumor11 Ulal Callfomla Will J"l For It 11 U\e legl11lature which more In 19:141 t.ha.n .th. 70 conYen• reapporUona l h ,. coni;re11s1onal I l!on vvtell ll bad In Chlcqv In dlelrlct boundtr11'8 llflrr each of· I 1 o:i2. NO COMMENT By .IAMES W. DOUTHAT pected next March when Ule ler· appa rent al tempt ot not nnly the ot her cont rtbutlon• t1 '''" t he 1alatur. enl.r11 Ila budl'•t -iOG. board of director• ot lht' employee runu. 11 ahe can un<lirr thf' 11t&te w ASH INCTO:"" -The furor when ht> &cell.Md the RepubUcana N Ill W JUDICIARY CHAIR· aMO<'l•Uon, tlol a t.o th<' atalto ll· ayat m. Jlbal pi11 l of th .. , onlrl· amoni: 1Jem~·,.1t1r pt r~ltlentl>tl "ot helping only the larr• corpor· KAN: lpeaker L. H. "ABE" Lin· aelf lo ullroad thl' eon110lldallon bulli.n Q!qulrfd by lht: ll'<lertl 11~111 1 ~t. over the "m11Jl'ral1on" auon., w ith the pluua hope that. coin of the a•Kmbly. a1u1ounced of lhe two rellrl'mtnl •y11ltm1. g•Jv.,111111f'nt I• a pc-rm1t111•11t <'fin• m l'ut iunf'd, bill nnl r11p111J11ed. by 80mtl.hlng wlll t.rlckl• dowa lO la.at Wffk that be had a ppointed The board r e"1lvetl in favor of lril11111111 11nd cann<>t I>" 1••ll.1rned Adltu s 1 .. vt>1u1u11 •~ prov11lln1t lhl' the rut ot us " H . Alltn Smith, u~mblyman lhe pl11n, and tht> ~l11L,. t'mployee lo tllr rnnlnbulor 11 n t I I ht> R••11uhl, ''"" ... 1 t h fun1111lersbll' Thia 11 .. publlt·a.n explained thal from Loll Aneelu , to the lmpor· p•pn r .. t1ui,.cl 11•h•1'1 lls1 nii: pre-1 l'IH ht>1 N'tlrl'menl •i;•'. "1 •Ilea 1111H1~1 nu·nt. I evro 1r Mr St!'vuao n were cor• tanl pc,9l ot c.balrman of the U · 11entl'd oy llOmt· 11( \h, upponen~ wherl hi• ll1m1ly obt•ll'l11 I>< 11° ltUI. l'hf'y hov,. two l)O!Ullbll' t'X'fll•· rl't"l, whll'h he wu nol. he 1hould "mbly'• Jud I c I • r y committee. ot Lhe plun \\•ht< h outhn<<1 lhe \I.\ y BE Rt:-ltXJ\ ,11~ t:u 111tltul\ll tor ll'lr Mlll·Stev,.n•••n al· haw• r•ll«'•I the ruult a to~nl The poet w .. vacated when OOr· dtHllvantattu Tt••• f1t c4' wa3 •x· 'fn .. itrllun 1,r th" tlllll' ,.,,,, 111, k b' 1;,,, "' ""' H111 111n.c11 nt t•lh1•1 than • trlckl,.. The R~pub· • doll n eury, 8acrunenlo, W .. ap-poeetl by "Atf111111 or S\11\<'. lul ploy•-ell, howrw•i. 1,. nu\ 111 _,y0.ji-;1.w Yurk ,.,.,1 ollll'tll 111 Tilr )•l lwan th~n JlrlK'•·f'ded lo polnl oul pointed to UI,. IUJ>f'riOr court fal l, •nd u • lflUll m 11ny lelln11 r ablt> Aftu 11 1,,., ;>• "'" fUI • 11 Ill' •r • koni; 10 ,,11,11, ltl M, Slf thkl lh" 1111 ~ •·•l number of per- b«lch of that county. Smith wa• c•mt lo the othrt t1~·ry1"i.: lh<' can l>t' broui:ht up AjCAlll .,,,1 lln Vf'nllon ancl to 1,,.,111,,,,. 1 h• 1 ''" n ~"" an ht•tory "''er' w ork1n,r tor the t't'ltf contendn &catruil Lln· boiud'f' 1 .. cu c11. l"lhH poll htltJ If thll llla tr 0 , ,'""''"l"•Y ,., ,,1 Iii••) 111101 ""I) thl' h111h .. •l Y.llltl'• they ever bad coin for trhe •l>f'aJterahlp at lhe Th< •l•le llll('U •Pp•rently wu lhl' l'mployt!"• think 11 I.I t1d\•ll .. f n",.."I'· 1,,., hr,.,11111.... "" 11111•111"1; 11nd wr11· "nJ11y1ni U\111 )1lrt1t11t ope.ninJ 0 the 19~ HUion. and In h vrr ot \hi' ml rgrat11in. due •bh: llltllln to ,,,., ... 1 min(' whrlhl'i •mr>ca .. 1 .. 111on nnol •h·I llotl bt1lh"1 ''""<lard "' ltv1ng l'Vrt known genera.II~ ha• l>f'tn thought to bf' to the tHt thal It w!'tuld h11ve or nul lht'y w11nt ctinwlldllll<lfl lo '"Ad lh• t• .. 1 ul thl.' oul·11 11tl 1111\'Wht't !' In o.l>f>'A·l lon lo 110me or t.b• Lin· .meant coneldcrable nvln1111 in thl' wtlh t ht 1eiln111 •y111rr11 Allmlt· 1 out N .. w ll1•111 ~r·,... h T iu• lt<'JlUbhc11n 111111 wonde~d colri pollt'fd l n ~bly. A payment of thti 1tatca 111u·t 11t •tt'!dl}'. tl'ltn" vr 1~rn.iri-wrm j In~ ..i ,..,,.,_.,I lhec ~.Clll'-hclw ~ &.evcui.-..n c.o.u.l4-upa_ pointrnenl of one• chief opponent tmployff l"ell1,.m!'nt I rlin<lvan\Agn nn bnth &1clu . but ~ .. 1 lln• "'' 11"""" lh11l "Ven rflnvin11111tlv 1 hat Mr. E1at'nhow- to :in Import.ant job Of UU• k ind During lht bllttl!' JJeYl'l'AI o(· thl' perml .. 1ve l11w Ulll l• In <'f · i "1ttVe·t1t1·h r I I 111111 \' Tntm•n I'~ 11 tnrrt1tn r ollr V WIU • faUuno1 l.1 110meU11ns n • w In pollUca flcla.la nt'&rlllf: rellrtme11t. lnclud· fe< t · , •ll"fl '' I h• It· •1 :-;,.,.. 11o•M I '""'' thl\I 1 h,. Ot'm(te1 eta 11houJ.1 around Ule Ital• C.pllol, e nd ad· ,.1,.,,. h 1 .. , ,.,. tu '"' ht11t m111<r " ,.,. r• tu111,.,1 t" J'O"'"r to hanl11,. m lllt>dly l!ave 1M>me of Un4'1>ln·a 11 1 •.• ,.,,, tun ii:n ro•h<')'I wht'n thf' nalll'ln frl11nd1 • "hock llr rt nrt• ,..,me-1•! lh• h1i;h v.u ril "'"r an Km l'a Whf'n Mr. ORT CHRJSTHAS · A round sacrament 0 s 1' de I 1' g ht 1>01nl1 '• \~, ~1 .. vc•na<m I"" ~· , nf,., i•1·r ''"'k "''"I rrnm the lh• •tale capitol at l'ut. the ti1tm llf 111 1, 1,111 .. n ''" th" 11,. llrnu .. r•l• ••• •n<1 now 11 •t pro~l lll tor a dry Chrletmu Unn fl• ••,. tor •l•t.e t'nlployeu. f'·1r1t. Rua· lncrt'il.otrtl •I • I " n • " •11l'111hng tell 8 Munro, director of~ d... whirh ,.11,.,,1\ 1.,1 ,,. ,, •1,. .. ..:,.11111 ._Tl 1.L P• 1.7.1.F. Partm.nt t a l .. 11 ,._ ThC' fl• publtt·an 11 111ly11l 111 •1111 o couo c ~nrag-e 8 ACRAME1''TO. 1CNS1 -._.. ronta lnC'•I In lhe r onl111llf't'11 I•· $JI ""' 11<1t1 t•"' .uonunlh control ""am..,. b'--ploy ---... r·••Yzl r11.: O\'•r . of!" "'lalt'mrnl In • ""' .. c ... e-"'•rt. l'1J<I lht ,,.,,,.,1111 .. nt• I•' I M•OI • f•lo t ~n Mii \dooh ot li•'"'" that they a.re n ot ui •ccepl JlflA parenlly. lhu r •till 111 loo n:ur h ,,. Mr ~t1••••n.r1n'll •Pf'l'rh • , . thal d r l lllllll ••••• ''"" .. l lUOIK)O<kl 1 .. lh hN ~· •r· ·I 1 .. " I '11 tit $i i f\IMI, "1uolh111i.; 11111• lt kl' •Ult !'M .. Thu• from firm• or lndiv1dua..t. doln( Um' ~lwttn • opllon o • •t• " ~I .. •, , ""•'I Ill fi.nd ,.1 1 h """' 00 000 ""' r 111 .. 1 ••l I•. ).,..,.. bulllntn wllh lh 1l•t• tn lh b d l'" I 1 ....... 1 .. 111,. th" Rq•uhllt .. n "")' hr ha11 • .. e I u Ctt 11nd "' c.-onc Ul •ni """,:•· uf ''" '•'·':. 11•1 l\I ).,.,., • 1 rJVt0001100 on '•nnt• •ll•I St I . asl ll h been th t ( • "'"' ~ nut t;l'~tnrot f'\rn II jtllll'lmf'r of P • •• e t'UI om or pf'rlod, &• lll'low n by lh!' rl'port 11( 000 OCrO 1J()oJ "" 101111,. Uquor houwi lo provlde a ft'W . K k \f(t.l \l•.~T" ltt t. \I 1 1 1 1 , .. t ••.1111 th•n111••n •n1t •V«'n """"t bottle• t o r C'bn•lm&.1 p•rtie•. SI.ale Control~r Rob<' t < '' F'oollu" n i.: "l'l''"vnt ••I I h" hu·~ ,, ,. '" • " , "' 'I'",, ~ '" I • r "• l" • '"" t 11,.l It a "'. 'nltn Oo<-emor'Ooodwln J. Knliht wood. Th• report tevealt'tl 11 ,l\l'I ·' t:c>t b\· lhc •ll'p.1rtml'nl .,, r1narn" 1'""1" I'''" 1 1' r ,.,.,, ·11~ "'' •• 11>11• Mi St1·\'"n"'in u l(ttlnJ It> follow~ this up wltb ban 11111>lUJ1 In the gtntrlll fuiul 01 1tn'1 lhr lf'f"llllllllvr h11 t~rt rnri.· I l u 1" I"''" '"' Ii)· 1""f'")"tl l11 lk ltk .. tl • .;t .1 .,,..,uld bl' vu tl,Y C/ui.atmu party liquor ~n ofnc: 1711.488.908 •• of JWI!' 30. 19'•~ 1 11111 l• r 11 l Of'll to the •tAtt 1,.crl11· ""'"'"' 1111 • •n11 lr• '"lllP• t,. hl'l'··r '" 111m In J;:l'I (1111 ""' Joe around Ute •t.&le Capitol. T bt-tapre more than $13 mtlh••l hitu•t' ""''"in Miurh n( n.,x1 \o\1lll lhH l'll\'111' 1'11''" '"•I •n \lill•i ,.11 .. l•••k •n•I 111 in ~ (OV&mOT llld1ealed \l WOUid be •bove f'V!'n lhf' ff\'tAo'll t'.OlllTll\lf'• H "ll II v·1i1 tA' orj.!t1l'1l The' a r1:11· I ll'~ ( • .O\ "• 1ln Juat too b111d If a Ital• employfe of •urplu1 mldt' l111r1ni: lhl' lllttr1 mrnl,. t1•u11lly are l11nlt 1'<1 to m•l· I An•l " I ••' "' ulh"' l''''llf•.-0111 H••"""'' th,.r• ,,. I''""" f!l'll"I · beume lntollle&led al a pa rty l.n part or Ju.ly. I•'" nr r<·"'") "'" h u <'hlld rl\1 r for tn 1' ,.,..I •r rn,1ona.. "'hll h .i ,.,~ • " • t t11 .. 1 1t1• "nmln•tion I I h t h• wnultJ ru t untnlil t11llmn • ,,, ,,.... u .. ..._ -a Ila le Offlte, and tha n ha.ppened The A.llnual bUtlgel, Of I nut C\. r f':'I •I I' "''II r r nr W • t''t'r nl'I "'Ill t t I • .~ r ,,lf'\'l'l1'°"n ,.._.. • to be lnvol•ed ln an auU>mobUe 1llow1 for bl'lltr ro11111ut1l1n11 lol'n• tu b1• ll'f' bti: l••t1e t>f Inf' l•rH 11111.' P••tt .. til""I" r ••n h11 p11t ••r autdenl on the way home. than did II" b1 .. nn11l l)uola.:,.t• 11n· mnm,.nl Th,. 1"~1,.IAtllr" Ill'• It I (Jf '"111"' 1"1" 1•' I 1 '1.' 11111 1 ol• • llJ'IH otrr .. ,.t 1n """' tor mn1• BAT BARRJER: An errltn111•e der •h1rh Ult> •lalt> l•p<Uall'•I "" 11or• nt\ t:"'' rll..llv 110 Into lh" •I" "' HI,; ~1'<"'1'n~ h\' Hi1; r,.,v•on· ~t•t,. p.r..,,,,1,111 r 11111•r1" l'll•nl Y.h •h ""'n• •nflit "" h h II t report cnvutns aeven ttUIJt•ltd tore lhr ron•t1tut1on .,..,.. • hnni;:•"' 1•11r1n • nul ''"''It'"' . lr11 .. 1rti: thr•• 1 11 lnolu "'' n• "'" 1 "1 ,. "''1 I " barriert tor 8&11 Fra.ncl~o Bay. to prov1dt rnr" y•Arl1• 1u• .. 11on ut tJ,.t,.ol• '" r1n11nrl" 1tn•I t~ bwli.:• t , Mttl "' thN•/"'1 '1" 1"' .,. ,.., 1111 "'ft i ••I •11111 1n th .. Minni· any on• of •hlcll could pl"Od\Jcr th• le1r1"laturr a n•I th,. 11111nrt111n 1ommlltr,. •• m '1' ' '1' •I 1'"'" \\ "'11 h i:: •·II '"' l I'' 11° !IY '"""•" lh" IN1111n~ d <•\ti lhf' "' /••• t lt\ol'> I t h I n ti 11" •'1b•t•" more frtth water, we.a l'llbmlllt1 of • ou (ti In lhf' •pr1nJ tr•1 lh" Thi' buo,t'I will ti. ra,.y.d hv ' · , .. ,,, ''" " "" · ,. •· ~· • U> lbt w.leT pr oject a ulhortty by 1ublle1J uent f18<'1l yrar I th~ ll'llLllli•ltt •• dunnir; lhe IAlll'r !'Ill T~ t.\ •:~ 1•"' '""''l"•rl It l'l'f'l\lhlllJt J:~• 11• llle •tAtt l1lvl1lon of wa ttr rf'· But here 11 how lhe llm,. IApl'· \jty!I of M~ 1 h .. nd thr~ 11'111n • 1111 Onr R r r 11It11 r 1111 ' """"'I 1'l11t111• •I II '"ulol '""1111 in lh• ...... I _... h l •1 -'• n 1l•t ·1111l I 11-1• r•r .~. n·•··· Humr hr .. y fur IO\lrCee. • .,. report Inc Uded the ell. an Which lhea t' llrt conttnUal ... Ill el•pee lxtfCorf' It It'-Into l'f· "" I ff " I ·-'Vl'llW• "t n " " cont.roveral&J Re~r pl&n. whtch chan(lnlt' butlne!I• condllion11 and f~l. which t• enouir;h Llme tm hiA t )'f'll to "' ''''"""" r"11ht ... ll t \ "" l'I • "1'1"ntl&I Nomtna llon. bu been promoted by '°"'' ta:· con11equrnt tht\Jlgee tn •tale rt· ma)or c.-hsnau tn revenue t~ll· Uorua toT MWrlll yrara. ll lno1· vm ue. v.·ork. mlllt'tl to oc1 ur. Ct led ll\al none of lhe plan• SCM~!\,SO ft\'l)(;r.r Ml'an .. ·hti". 011111111.. ot "• t \. would con11erve more than a .:OU· m lllU , tht>re 1~ n•i "'' u1 •tr tli:ur• Pia of million nt'rf' reel of •llltr F or 11prrox1ma t .. 1y ll monlh lh l.t d Pa .... -·nt of ti •tn which to b.llf' f'>.Jl('n•Jt t "'"A· "' a "t•r. wht<'h wu In direct con· now, " • e t 'u uc • A d ... I I u ud1l • to drltnnlne lht fr\'f'nw·• rha~ lnul to <'l•lma I nal llOme -Ill.I n.ll· nanc~. a n .... e rgu • ve 11 '' h .. _ ~ann th• 1 ,....., 'i l'lln ptrm lt 1 •11rphu1 tu r11 .. up lion acre feel per y•ar could ..__ a ve """n ~ mg ~ .,.,,, .. , ~ .,.. b 1 t Thl l" l .u tl did In 'll~.f .:>I). nr 1'>11"'"' "" utlu..d • ltrou1h con•trucUon of • rl•l• '" gt . I! mt>arui ... .,.1 119n1t'r. mo't' of the 1l11te dt>p•rtment.a • 1ntl1llon1 ftln caus.. majvr •I!'· COURT DI: c 181 0 NS: Tb• which prl'pt1.re thrar own b1•dl(tlA. Uf'alt'• In '"'' ni-r wh11 h '"111111· 8t.arted in thl• w ork hu l 111mmH. • lllely h•ve nvt o..curie•l for m 11•1y It.I.le aup~mt cc•u rl ruled on llOme NVU C&Mll of hou•lnl pro· ln olbf'r word11 the orp111tmenl11 ye1r1 ~1.8 w ithin or con.llrucled f 0 r 1la rt pnope..o'8l1on of a budKel nl· ~ o Sf:f\10 ' '"4 PROftLY.'I mUlw1 uic, and lea.Md rrom Ole moet a t the n me ttmt thflr cur· A.tmlllt'•Jly. ,. ... l•·ng .,. thl' aur· 10,.wnmtnt tor rent.a! to mill· rent bud1trl goe• into tftt>cl, or plv• p11 .. ~ up. 1he 11tuauon cau.1·~ tary pu.onnel n. comp&nl• a ) ,., •head or lhe ettec uvw 11, ,.,,., u11 prot.11'111. Actu•lly. thr ltulnJ llOU!Jhl Ylrtu.Uy laJt t,... dat e. auq1lu1 lhe l•11t l.bCAI 7aar 111 Ir •• pro~rtln, but UM .upreme court Atl•r the department ttnlahee tba.n O per cent of the tot.a.I ou~­ Hnl the gl•• back to th• aiper-paddin& lti lnJ1vlJU&I budJet. the lay. which 11 n.-l a laryt ft~11-. lor r.ourl IU'ld lnalrvcted lhal they dep:irtment ot tlnMlc-e. and the conip.red to a b Uhm and • .1alr be remanded to county board of le1t111ltl1Vt' Auditor attempt to wl n p .. ndlturt. equ.ltaaUOll tor f\u'lh•r h...rtnr. It down to .11.u. Thie t.aku from Juet havo• a tncire fl\\ II.-A\'•l"rn M.lLK LEGISt.A TION~ Po.I· 0114' lo thr~ monUw. Th• fatl l'OUld I>.-.,., .. , 111'<1 Olll I ' p<'r rn1t'. bllity that UI• apec.lal leg\•latJYe that the finance director 1111d lrit· mnrr • urr<'nt l 11111nc11l of)"1 ath.1:1~ -ion to .M.attb m•y be opened 11latJve 1111dltor. u 'll'f'll u lh•· •• 11 p1<1blt>m .<'~t< h u Y"t hiu, • to milk leg1alaUon wu 1een u lerl•l•ture do • ,-.t)ler ~uraory bffn ,, lved. y, l 1t rema1n.1 " ottlcl&~.~nc.-unced lht'y would job lltf rutting down nn lhe de· problt~1 to pl••ue the l'tat•'• fin· ...a 1.,-•Uoa. p&rtrn'11tl It •bown by lhe fa<.l anclert ' Dec. 9-15 'Bi11 of Rights' Week Proclaimed by Knight ~ACRA:'tlf::'llT() 1t·:i:s1 CM· ""'' ,, ... ., Bill or R11thll' Ulue ,., nor G•t<atwan J K11l1thl h"• 11'" f11 •• 1 .. n """ n l111••n111 iuarant.ee ., lit • ' II •• r 111• !Ult tJl\•H rllP;'hta llUmf'C'I lhl' 1"'111"1 f l (I.. I ht<. thr•111a.:11 10 u ljlil uf lt1 11,t.t \\;rl'k 10 t:11l1ft11 n111 1n l:Clllltt" llt<ll 1t11>n ur lhftt •dupl icm 111 I Y~'" A " t ,, 1••JL .. """" all of 11~ ctrt•la t1l11ti:•" I• n• Ir• '"' 1111 ,.. othln our f>'IY.• 111 •u•lttn ""'I •lren1Ulea 11111 1 lt"ll•IH••I herll"1'~ •t:•J Tlle t OVMno1 '• ' ' nlll!,. •t<ll n111!1tt1 Ill enic•&~ la prorlun111ltun " ·l••t , 111o111,.,1 ""''' t l" n•tntala 11n 1 •HI• ...... ,.1 11,, 11v .. nt1111 llbeT-o I ~hi'< ft n·I '.. l•I l1•m1~11 1l)" ... , Jl#rlOWJly reed In pail. '111" l tAtlll llOI 11 frl'otl11n1" V.t' 1•11J"' "~ • 1111 .. n• •I r r• .,,, ,,,.,, ti\· t\ 1anny i nd op• lh1' J\rpulJllr t 11'1" lh"H l••llfloho r•rt'"'l"ll, j fll nol\' ht>llo•ve ll la 11on• In lh,. 1 llf'fl ,.,. an•I r• •I• It "r••""' t 111111 1111 ,0.111rrtt1ln• till• •1btlll1,,. ~n11m"1"•-•I an In~•• 111111io 11lly ,,."""' lh• 1r 111.oluUoia anllllll am,nrtmt'nl• to our l'ton I•• ar 1 "Pl 1111•1 pr111 l it fl U\e prln· •11tuuon. I r1rlrt1 ~ .. l '°'th "' lhl'lr BIU of "P orularly a ccepted .. t. b • 1 ~JhlA. • 17 \ I ( NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA.&E 7 WEON~SDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1915 -HARBOR HI LITES . By NANCI CAllPBELL One of the m08t awe intpiring performa.ncee ever put on by a high 1enool dramatic group, wu aeen Friday and Saturday night. u the Senior Play unfolded it'• myateriea. "The Remarkable Incident at Canon'• Corners'' wu the atory of & boy who five montha before had fallell throufh a brok,.n tlre e11upe rail· Starr•r•. Doug Tugwell and Lau· Ing to his dt'&lh. The aludenla ot ne Hendrick•, Rod Calderh-4 Cal'llOn Comera H I g h SC'11ool and &tty Shannon, Dave P owen found eome money that h11cl bf.en and Barbara Thompa<>n, Ne a I g·tven to th a Janitor fer safe Bea\ty, )farg1e StovalJ, Debbie keeping. They believed that he Cflleman, Nancy Maat.en, Jenn7 had push•d tht bQy through the Lund. Jan Blum, Norma Reffner, rallln~ to save hlm11elf from be· Ann Long. Alan Ryplntkl, Bob Ing dillcovered u a thief. lnvlt1ng Parlin, Steve Wa lchtr ' and Shar- thclr parents to a "1how", they on Mann. Olenn Buford and Pa t 11taged a trial to prove the <'US· Tuttle, Jane Enrlg'ht, Jerry C)'oel Wlllan'JS guilt. ar.d Kayla Hurat, Marilyn H 111, However, lhe guilt rould not be Cuol Kth(, Jim Ollatrap and T, rut on just one man: For In Lhf' Tom Counter and Sawidy Swift. c:ourse of the trial. It was 1111· Rod Zelbell and Judy McKinney, covered t.h111 one of the men had and Da•rlth 8barrl1L lltted thd boy after the fall. that )tELP AT PREVIEW the doc~or, being tlr~. had ne· Friday and Saturday ntpt u.n- .. glect"ti t he ca.ti !or halt an hour. da Kempu, Terry Roe.: L yn n th"t the president of the <'hamber Le.'Ue. and Shelby Tunnel helped of commerc" thought rt>bulldlnr at the B.P.W. Chrtatmu Prmew M-ain Street was more Important by worktnr the "Teen. for Pollo" than r"f'l&<'IDI:' the rickety o ld t>ooth. Althourb the project I.I school. a"d that the county build· •till In the orp.nlzaUonal form It Ing Inspector h812 not checked ttte 1; wcli under "'*Y· 8o watch for fire e,car·• throughly! a b\Jf J anuary d.ate when alJ the The climax came when t h e 1tudenta at Har bor HJC'h' will do boy'1 01tn father told the 11ory of their part In the tlg11t aptnat u yeara before when, beln11: In a polio. h11rry to get home lo his family, he -.act not bothered to put the CHARACTER 81U!:T<JH !ut angi.c brace on the very rail· Have you ever 1een an Oltrich 1 Ing the b<.·y plunged through. Well I've he.rd that i. the new l'b all the unlor11 who have nlolc:namt for Sandra Willi.am•, been wC'rklng for the put two Valorie Colton p..nd Shirley Claw- montha on the play, the memor· i.on. It all came out 1n third per- lzing 11n,1 the rehearsals ar .. ovu. lod drama ln a cha.racter aketch Tho late houn and awkward fl\'en by Rod Caldtrhead. )ftg11ty schedulti. are no more. All that lntere1Ung I PASSES INR ECTION -C&lifornia Hir'bway Patrol officera of the Orange County diviaion are lnlpected by I>Wtrict Inspector R. A. Schmoke, San Diego, for the annual event conducUd by the commander of District 13, Orange, San Diego and Imperi&l Countie.. The patrolmen were checked for appearance, condition of the 1ervice revolver and of e<1uipment. In the inspection party are, extreme left, Set. J&y Holcombe and Capt. Herbert W. Null, c~mmander of the Orange County dl· viaion, u well u Schmoke . .__ OCNS Photo CELEBRITIES AT ORANGE COAST 11 left la a wonderful memory of 1 t eeem11 that the carda that tha mtiny curta.ln call• and the are being •nt to Stanford theae gTatlttcatlon ot knowing that • d&ya are caualng quite a aenaa.Uon Job 11 well done. among the student.a. ParUcularly Stars of motion pictures, radio and television were among participants at Voca· tions Day held rcccntfy at Orange Coast College. More than 90 leadera from the profrssions, business and industry spoke to students concerning vocational oppor- tunities in many fields. At the luncheon following panel discussions. the Hollywood personalities put on an impromptu musical show for students. Above (I to r ) Nor- man Luboff, director of the Norman Luboff Choir; Margaret Wh iling. TV song· stress; Johnny Mercer, Lido Isle songwriter lat the piano) and Paul Weston, noted orchestra leader. HOLD CA.'JT PARTY the onu 1t~1>71>ne 1.L. In fact Saturday night after the per· It even dlarupted an EnglJah Jt,. formance a cu t party wu htld ion when the laughter broke for all ot the a ctors. 1t11ge and loose. N ow don't you thJnk that light crew., directora. eriUcs, and 11 a UtUe comey, J. T promptel"ll. their d at e s and I am proud to report \Mt Sale • friends. Doing magica l c ard Dr1v:lnl' Day waa a tta.l trucceu trick!!. llatt>nlng to the music of amon1e th• Orange County teen· a 1teel gult11r lllld dancing were agera. For not on• accident ln· Denni. Hendenion and Perle Hol· volvinJ a teenager occurred dut· land. Mik e Mach1tud and Sue Ing the 24 hour period proclal.med Ouaaler, Jll Anderaon, Dave Tam S 0 . Day. So pat youraelvu on SENIOR CLASS PLAY CHARMS BIG AUDIENCE Theme, Procludion Freshness of Dramatic Novel Staging Aid fl.v \f AR\' 1.t:t: Rf('tf\fOSI) 1 11ncl proJPC'llon of ltn~s wf're "The fumru k11 blr 1Jwl<l1•nt a 1 cellrnt ~1011 l hllt wu tr.uly gratifying . ura a nd Olorla Cha pman. R o n the back, bec&uH you truly de- t> .. nnu1 Hl'ndtraon 8 performance Plcka"'1 and Sandra "'Rlckty" \lrll· serve It fpleue, not whlle you w11:1 n .hhltung rxample or thl• ,lama. Larry Launlftr and Valorie are driving). q1111111v nr malu1·1ty. His aecond I Colton, Heather Llddlt'. Sherry an•t third 11.ct clo~lng 11peeche1 I J.nloes Derry Noga and Beverly wr·c 1.JI nnl(illt• i;r111~ of slnr rrlty, StAfto'rd, Dave Orand and Su• u1111 ~howNI 11 tlt>f'ply Intelligent Brown. George Schuttt and Jack· i:rn~p l•f nll lht> lmpllr11llorui of i 11' Watson. J oAnne Suese. Laural the piny. H1J1 Vtllf't' ond gestures I Woodson. Toni Burroughs. Anita p.r.O.}o:~J llJl•uUon.a 4f ..twmlllly p~ann. "TOm -Peart011 ancr SU• :NII· and p11111 w ilh un impact that ffn •hAl"fllV un(l('J IU'Ol fU the play'• ti· • nlfl mtMIJlgt : '"All of u•. becaute Roy Daniel and P atU Kelter we're LOO tared or too lazy or Jack Smit!\ and Jody IA.lb, Pele J on"t care. pul o<r doing thin(& ·Sohult>ers and TM:eoa Hay.., Jim we ,.hould have dont:', lhlngs we Taylor and Pat RJley. Denn I• olhn .. \\"e have to ll'srn lo be DEATH NOTICE I OHN I. N"EALON Funeral aervlcu for John Io•· epb Net.Jon, M . of 218 E . 22nd St .. Coat& Men, were held today at 11 a . m. ln Parkea·R1dley Mortu· ary Cbapet. Colt.a W-W1t.b th• Rev. Alellander Ka.den, J>&ator of C..ntral Bible Church. officltat· l.ng. rx· Hl'rt'lun et uur kids ror not doing I Harwood. Gawain Mauger and . \Ve'vf' gul tu llve for ""ch I Giil.i, T11n Niquette and Charneth l'>f.lt1 r p<'oplt." Uon .. ·orked "'1th tlrdne etflcl· OT11t:Rl4 P:XCELE~T f'ncy to Insure the ev•nlni;'a 1uc· rnt~un (.:1,1 ner1", ti'''"" Sii l.hl' I i\10\"ISG PORTRAVAL =--· V"T' rt H•1bor \'nlun H I " h nrrry :"oi;a. Wllh hill llCCl'nt. . . cu a ).tlu Zatha T•llm1.n, In n .• v.11 Cranl. Sue :-;1N1m. and I h r u Cll.nl s I ru k.• llt·r ta11tu1 4"<1 the a.Hee· c •rite o ae . .on awn con· llotn• ul t/lt' llu•tlt'nt·e with l he ductor of the orrhe•tra, whote SUPERVISOR WILLIS W AR~ER RETURNS TO PRESIDE AT BOARD SANTA A NA, (OCNS)-Board or Su~rvlsora Chairman Willia Warner reLumed to hi• prestdtnc role Tue.day after ha.Yin( been at.rtckcn with a heart alt.ark recenUy. Warner wu back to work brlefly . He 11pent last wetk recuperalln&" tn hi• home. HORSE RACE LOOT EYED ·- More Funds for County Fair Discussed by Board Members CARDEN GROVE (OCNS) - AJterna te melUUI of ra.latnr addl· Uonal funda tor the Ora.nge Coun· ty Fair were dJscuued by fa.Ir boari.l member11 a.1111 the ag1icul· turaJ committee of the UJKX:lated ptt cent comea from Soulh•rn California but leu than 20 per cent or It I• returned to Lhr Southern Cttllfomla fai11. Cr111e pointed out th.at t.he Ma· cham'oera of commuc• be ra Nov. MARINE 29. Th• agT1cultural committee al· INSURANCE eo recommended to the board of l!llaoOtb 8Mllac directora of th• Auoctaled Cham· OMo..-60~ a-it1 Co. be.ra or Commerce that WIW• HU W. ~ Rlp-J' ~tltrhel\ and Ralph M••key be n· Ubl'rt l-10Ct appointed to lhe fair board when ••11•11ilil ... 11iililii•llllllll ... l..helr leml1 expire In J1.11uary. Frank Cr111e and Clay Kello~( "preMnll'd Ula !atr board ln lht dllcuMion. jorlty of the 1t1te 1enatol"9 ere frt m 1'1.11llw111 C:11l1f•llMIS, tht l't!· by hlnderln1t lhf' pou lbllll.Y or 1·h11nll1ni; li·1111la11on to 11ve more mvrwy lo hl\'llol !'VtnlJI It was !1\lh> !'<>•1111'\I out thal 'th• rar1111t ""mm1~~1,111 will nnt 11110· cutf' r11C'lng days until t1c1llUl'1 ero a,·1ul1ble but the Oranie C"ounty Fair bo11r.1 dof'11 nol have lhe inon.-y l o 1·unM 11h.l lhc trar t. Cr•"e sa1r1 the hur board hu 111k1··I lhl' Ally. t:,•neral • offk • for 111tor111 .. 111o11 ro .:111 .hni: lhr ro1· reel pro1·t>l111re In obi atn1nr th• neCC!ll!IOlry IUlld!t MESA UPHOLSTERING l pholtolf'rh\& ~ Drapery UlO ~•,pt. llhJ., <"iMlta M- 1.Jbnly K-411H Htwport Variety i·ovK 6 Md 10 8TUU We Give ere-Stampe ~ Y'f.ont l'\f'ar Pier NEWl'OllT ftE.AC'll , ARl<ES ·RIDLEY MORTUARY FonnerlJ Ors~I C"Upel :-.1 n•-•I """'"r I'll'\'. rh1<1 l\\t'•l I\ <"I\· hnlt1111: "JW""h 11nrt 1narvelo1111 f'M'llV Au•h"n(" ... 1hl1t}' n11:hl with f'l\n•rimlm,., hl\VI' n rno,•init por· I'• f:r•hnr~., ••t dr11m11tk lhN11r . ''")Ill "' lhe '""1l•h·r•·•I Jnnllor • 11i:1naht v ut 11t11i::1n11. 1>n•I l111:h nn 11•~ of ni•t• •'"' ~lf'vr \\'l\tc-h· '" ol•r of a1·tlnir; 1 ~r 11• ;1r \a l !\\"II ll"'ullOlt'll rur 1 ovtrUJre and lnlermlaalon num· b11,.:hl1ir"• Anll 'h11rm or th,.1r In· ber1 were beaulltully re.ndered. I• rp11•1 .iwn• :\1111 \ Havn!'• &11 ~l ·1;,. \\llhn11t ll!'llllll; t•r •I•• · .. r, al 11111: r,.1,.,111111,,. 11r 1119 '"" •' ••ml 1, 11 1 1 d ,· d 1 d and etudt'nla dlrl'c tor1 0 Io r I• T 1 r 1·111! 11n rr "" fin "" 1111•ttrf' ... u1 •• (1111' HC'O• • \\llh the' win· Mr. Ne&Jon died Saturday Dec. 3 In Or1nr;e County Hoapltal a!· ter an mn... of five week.I. He wu ' n11tl•• ot Braddock. Pa. an-I had lived ln lhla at.ate 1lnce 1929, In Cotta MN& for two yean. He waa a machlnlst by lradf'. Surv1v· ore are hi• wlfe, Lucille; two daurhter11, Mt.~• Darlene and Pilla, all ot lh• home. The 1ubJKt of hor.. rac:lng during t hl' fair wu dlacuaMt1 and Cr1.11e pre11ent.ed the ta.cla that of the 70 f&Jra 1.n lho elate, pnly 14 'i!:•;t,. llO ISro-.4-)' _ Coeta 11- are In Southern Callromla. Of the Party Reatal I~ ''" • • ·u • or r t>nee l.!!p aye • 1 l1t loft ". 1.-t 2 ''"'!•! 1· • h,'n ~ In "" •11 , , Ill v 111 I"' 1 1 1 a~1111: 1 111u· 1111 1111 ••lhi;c Ill, """~'llY•· frtohnit Chapman, Jim Andtrt1on and An· it.ale !undl for Ule faJr1. whlcb 3403 E. Coo•t 1111., (;0 ,.0 ,14 ul Mor Mlo- Ul-MM Inlermtnt wu In Harbor Rut Mf'morlal Park Cemf'lrry 1111.11 '""' 1Ahllt' it t111J .. 11"'1 1111111 .. r i:1111t 1611,J H·•11• 1~1· (;,,. ,.,1 11, 1 hn• • 1tn•I 8 flll"h··s hade<I Ila Palm 11l110 df'~trve a('coladu •h1•'" "' 11,.:ht 111111 '"'' '""' .. r \\,1,11 Molllll.•'• 111u<io• \\1ll·11"·un11"11o: 1.,11 .. 1,,.11. tt•i.I l'ihJnhl'uol a nd for their lnva lUJ1ble contr lbullonL 111111" • •'tll•·r ~tngoi 11111.ll' lip 1n .. 1 :\11 H"l(l!t" tr1 nu•n.inu. ly r on,·1ni • Pnrr•·I 11 11 r 1 , h., r n 118 llllll'ltnt ·• --------------- 11re derived from lhe parl•mUlUtl ffarbor 607 r ~r11 &·SU3 betting at the rac• t.rac:k. ovn_T:.:O'.:..:::::::::===========::.:~=-==-----==--===== r• m.11ning p rup• 11 ,: "l'h fin•• 1 nun. i.1t111n 1111•\ 1111· JWIJ.;t' an•I prolM'('UllDI( a llur-n<'y .-1Lt: I~ TO Tllt:A Tt<t: \Ill oll1• '"· "IHI<· ~\Ike Mi• t "u'I BA '"~n1·1 l1Vl'IV lntl'rprl'll'1I l hr e e ln nn inlnl)Ulll.Jl. "rt.lrn!ll.J:..JD.Utl.:.. th"~.!~!!!~!LP!l!!CJJ!!ll .L.1..n:"k<l.,..,.1..., with ~or a.nt1 drl\t'Tfrttlc Th -- l • ..... Ull' n1~l ... 11111111 ... 1 , .. Car· lhl\l r11r ............ ,.,.1011. ~ quid nncl f1r1• ~hrrrv lnlOl!ll IU !Wlllrry. -® e ca l'On (°01Jnf'r~· l•·tHll111: 1·1t1~··n~ fl\1'<1 lulA-Jlll• hi .. 1 W•JI ,. thll( • llrt1rol t•• .•llJ11r111 • mtnllrd ~11 •• Frank jlllVt' r d""'" It-,. 11111ll~r1 um Hl•I .. ~. tnlk· th" ln•t row ur II"' bAlt''11" 110 •1 lh•· 1 .. 1,. ~xrr1•t1nnr1I cnnvl! uon. lnl:' In lnw lnn~11 nr1d r•l11 1t 1n~ rt'-1:•1"" 1111•111 r1ty ""'1 •lttnll:-O' 1" hlll T· ll' :-."lr,uNlt< 1(11\'t' n rl'hlXtd sayS'trO'' n rn\1 D"' 11h1111h1•" tr1111l " rr w In lnl"l l'r~\.11 111n, H••l\l hl'r t.11hllr in I f h ,, bo , ,. ,.. I I 111• rv11 r "r llnT1ll n1 t' IUI l .. u l' n· II,, lPJ•l\o ,;, ,. """ n11~t.•nk llv· 111. lh•• 1111• n( Mr• \\ •1111llH I• I:•'. 8 sn If 1 b I·• I I f I 111r. 1:11 • r nying 111 ulnJt n· t.•1 • .. 11.I "' t 11•. M"\ f11r '"' """1olrt • I'''' 1' "'' 1 " "' 141' .. r iriillt• 11 "l'"''to1r, 11 n11 Darrt'lh ShHrtll. fll• l.1••• • • ""·•·r• 'I h<' m\~11 t\' 11"''1111"11"" im(I i lnnly I Noima Ht ffnror. 11nd l..Uclllt Tay- ' I'""' I \\ ''"" thf' r.1'1 ''"'k 1hr11 I ( lfOI< t1 1101.t: lor 0 11 othl"r mem~ra ot th!' jury J I •·•~ • 11 l11r "'·'l:l lo "'""'" 11• C1J111" .i "I'"''' h and • levrr llm· "'t'rl' r xrrlltnl In minor role1. In l•J"' ''"I• uf •1 J111 Y 111 A 11n1qut' in,. 11111.t" I >o•11111" 111111\'()(•11'1' 111 ro· 1 hi' rt'n1111n1nir 11tuclf'nt n>lt'll Carl· 11.11r '' 1 11 1.11 • 6'11.!u1 lf'ol bv l..".11 :<on i:11nt. m"m·y·tnl\•I • 1111: tiu~mr8•· ton P aw!lnn and M1kt Bartlet\ ~ · r · • • • h i.;h •t hlll'I etuolrnt11 man· """ .,, lh4' l'I·"·'• <'h(l\l'f' wert "PJ'tAlm~I\' n11tural while T h,. t• II pr• l'rJ•••I ln a bll'n<f-rolt'll As hilt hlRh·vn1rrt1. t<nf'Hty• ftt1 \' na111d, C11 rol Klntr. T I n y tr, 11 • hl\11• k,,. 11n•I 11111111h1ni;: m1n1lf'rl \\ 1r... llf'\rrlv S111trnnl :O:nnw I< n 11nd K,.~·111 Hurst hand I· 11 • 11 11 .. 1 l'"lllrtl.I m.1M.f'l11 011"11>\\t'I "Xrept1onal f111tr \\hit .... IHlf role~ .. 11h mul"h 11k1ll ,, 11111" • t II IOI: lti;:hlln,.: r r· ~t.a't(rl(' Sln\•aH '" u ... tuJf' or the • :O.r.11 lll'flll\ SAntlra \\'1lltam1 I••·• •n I 11 •f'IC'•a • """"Yllnrt bl'rt1H l'i.l molhf'r "~" m"11t r.vm· ll "" l'PW!'U a n'1 n111n,. Jnyf' Il l I I•., \i\I 'I 1•r .. p• :. .. m .. d•fh· 11.11h•t1r l\n1I rrf•f'llVt" "''" ct••uhlC' • ("ll•l on Satur.tAy '-· o 1 \ in t 1 11 11i.. ltnu and I\ f~ I ·,,.1,, l>lr.-rl••r Hohrr t \\ rntE ~ 111~hl 1 "t I r• •n r •' " I 1«• thniml'd thr an I dflf•lh 1•rl1""•J h,· H "'" r • :\I• 1111,,.,-,. of ti" u n1ni p I 1 Y 1 I·• 11• "n I 1 .. 11. fr nm ""•" mf'm· 1 tu1 .. t.1gl' th,. 1'n111l111n11I nu1111r11\ 'O\nflTTT.P: ('()\f"l:~OEO q 11 1:1-1 " • • ti .. t from lhf' )'oUnf:' 11la111 ltltrd th,. 111·ttn1C In rnn,n.11t"t' of t !.< ~l~h aehO'>I 1 j.j)t' (•' I hr 111 •t Ile t. lh" r llfl' l:l'nt'I Ill 1nlo a • Tl'll J.llft " thmPn• l'T;.. which llJ>C>D&Ored lhe prodUC· GREETING THE THRONG AT NEW STORE Fr<'d an1l E<l1th J u?'eph. pr1>pm·tnrs 11( Trader Horn Sporting Goods. arc shown as t h<'~· J?rl'<'I nn c·stimat<'Ct IOO persons who visit('d tht'ir new Alore at 200 Main St. o n ~aturda~-. llr111innl o,·l rhrad lighting. n('west in fixtures, and attractively dii;pl1y<'d mr rl'lrnndi11C' pr11mi11t' to make th<' nrw location a popular gathering place for local sporsmen. -Staff Photo . ' f!nd the price won't stop you! ,, Tblit lone and lovely ~tion ahown in action 11hove-1(!11moroU8 with muutly di&- t inct ivt> <'nr-0f.1 hr.future ldylinl[ 11nd p11ckPd with 1111 the t<'mfi<' "go" 1ruggt1t1Ud by it.'! 11<-et Md flowin11; lin('tll-i.s actu1'11y ti member of rontillt ·11 IOWl'lll·priced l!CriC!I, the vaJut>- ll('ltinl[ fl60 ljn<'. And ht'-re·a wht1 t thiio inform11tion Tm'llM to you! \\"hftlcvcr your new-car pltlN f'or ·so- ~orn 1( ynu'rr ~hopp1n!{ at tM bottom of tlu! prict 8t'ak-this birt and beautiful mile- ahrin.lter l'An be vours! racing-bluint St:raf.o.StreaJc performance from the m08t modem and et'flcient V-8 engine that evu powered • car. You can plan on it, <U(ini~/y, becaUll8 t here's not a thinit to Ill.op you-u the fi(Ul'9 o n t be price tag plainJy showt1. For irvitance, your (avoritfl body ltyle in the 860 .eriee carriel a price within a whi.tper of the rort of the mlAller, liirhter-r><>wert!d loweet-prioed ca.111! And th.!lt'a jwrt the It.Art. IN A IACT-YOU CAM HAVI AU Of PONTIAC'S 1u;.u1 GLAMOUR AND GO FOi LISS THAM Tiii PllQ Of 44 MOOllS Of THI "lOW-lll<ID Tiii&." 'SI STR A TO·STREAK You c1111 now look forward to Juzuriating in the gTl.triOWI comfort and aolid roadability m11rle poMJhlo by a mnn.11i1..ed 122· wheelb8118 -ju.:.t 11hout 81' long M they come! Ynu can now erpect to enjoy the 6rk8t, ~the.t perform.aooe t.hat ever eet pu.18ee we·re trading right no,or to let an a.lJ-Ume record for December. When you've heard our deal you mAY very wclJ <li.cov• that there's virtua.Uy no ditTerenoo in pricle at alll Come In &nd ronfirm that tho 860 i8 Uw ea~i<'11t C'lll' to uoant nncl to buy thnt evv ('AltW your w11 y. The proof i.'I f'My -jW1t toke the w~I nnd go u you·ve never •one belonl Fbnti Roy Carver Pontiac 1400 W. Coast H'V. NEWPORT Llbertf 8-34(.6 • • '· PAGE 8 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOn NEWS-PRESS OPEN FOR BUSINESS -Grand opening of Wede· ldng'e Bakery tn their new location at 1861 Harbor Blvd. Thuraday through Saturday will be highlighted WEDEKING'S CELEBRATES NEW BAKERY LOCATION Fonnal opentnic ot W/f.'deklng'l! l1zu In fan<'y pR11trlt'll, l'Onfectlona WEONESDA Y. DECEMBER 7. I qss by free coffee and samples of lhrir "goodirs'' being given out to customers. The slore is a unit in a new shopping center at that location:-Staff Photo KEEP PEACE IN OWN SOULS TO AID WORLD PEACE, UTT SAYS ORA!\CE, (OCNSl-"\\'hlle the t>Xl'h1111ge 8tu1lenl plan11 11rl" J:•l'><l, and f't>r1&1nly a tllt>p fl11v.·111<I, we rnulil not lo~ 'OCC T raffle / U~b~s Denied ; by Co~~ncilmen 1;._., 8 llSt' only nne of the signal.I I " uUltf h1<1·c be<'n \\ tlhtn lhc Costa :\!""-' cit\' l11111l~ an.t the olh,.r I 11i1 .. e W• 11• dellll'd by the <'<>linty. 1t louk:i 11>-luy It.> If Or.i11ire Cuasl L'11lki;•• s•udu1l:< w ill hu'" t o do 1· .th11111 lluHk h;.:h1:1 ut tht' Har· bur Lh.I ·A.tam11 St. 111hr.1ect1un . .\le. n 1·ounc11men, al th .. sug::c·s· tl••ll pf ('lly .\luuager Cc11rg1• l.:of· try, , t·c·l .ned to appnl\t' the rt" 11u1·11t in«llgated hy stu11«nu the1ot- s.-11·cs "' tho 1·1111<'&•'. Jt•«larlng fl w1ui r~ol r!ght tor tire raty I n 8 .i· aunte all the co~l of 111,::nuls fur n "priv<1~t' roadwuy ," a11 Lhry tt>rniod It. There wu..s uo di11c11ll81on ma.to ol u a'<"iucst f'lr un 11mb1•r w111 n1ng l1s:;'ht Ill Fairvlrw Road 11ncf A<!11rns St . also r ... 1ucs~e..1 by tho sludi-nl~ The urtlun tool< JJl!Wc folfowl11g a 1urvcy u< tho 111krl'c<'licm mu1l1> 11)' the County Roat.J U1•partmt>nL Inst week. Offl<'1als thrro foll the traffic al the Int ersec tl(ln di1l n~t wurrnnt t''l:pendllure of l"nunty funds for R1gn111 hght,11, acrortlini: to a leuc·r recrlvt-rf l1tter by Po· Ike Chart Art ;\frKenz11' HEAR REPORT -Department heads al Newport Balboa Savings and Loan Auo-- ciation galhPr with P resid<'nl P aul A. Pal mer fo r a recent staff meeting at which he reported highlights of the Unit~ States Sa,·ings and Lonn Lt'ag~e convention in Miami Beach. Florida. Left to ri~hl are MTs. ~l ax HentschkC', l Flor<'nre Earl) Fred Croxon, Bof Hicld, Palmer. SpuJ Eastman. M ti;s Agnes Blomquist, Fred Preston and Sleve Smith. -Beckner Photo Elks to Sell CanadJan Spruce Christmas \ Trees Tightening of Credit Will . Aid Economy. Says Palmer Furniture, Tools Taken from Toon, Webber Garages Newp0rt H1trbor Elks, rt>AU:r.lng "Another veal' or lugh·le~ bu!ll-, thrng for our f'<'onon1)' In tWt lnnc that due to Ole rapl<I lnC'rcase Ln n,11,. 81.tl\'it~" \\llh 1•21~1•111 1 """' 11111 • ""1m .. r ,.111d. "In tht>lr catt· population In lhls art-a In lh" J>lldt home!! (or · Arui·ri, Hn fan '""' .. Cully ro1t>1tll'n•tl opinion, the rt.t. b 'l'wo J:'Ur&ge1< Wl'rt> broken Into year they mWll raise enough monC'y thul'• th.-outlook fur 1 -o re· I"' home binltll1t~ In 111:16 will <'<m· \ yrdburglr:nit • ~1h<'er lt·Tllnled 2~:~~0· 1 to lake care of lhl' needy during portetl to fl"u1!t'r1t uf th1• \ 'nlll'•I turn<-hljtll ~·1 haps aetllng an all-,, /J.Y· " rs. .. inn e •>On, -1 the coming holltlny 11cuo n. • , I d " Cturnnel Rd. Allld two end tables With t his In m!ntl th.-local ' :--l1tl••!I !Savini:" "61~.t 11LotUl 1-< 1 ··•1:'"' llrn<· rclur · a.nd a IOx 18 rug \'&luffl at a total lodge ha11 branC'hl'<I out In tt:I st tlw 1 ... •11J:u•"1< ... 1 111101111 • •>n· 1•011111•1 sold U1at •• he lans..f or $200 had lx'«n taken from 6 rund • nuslni; WOJ k by .11dllng '• ntron tn M1111111 '.s.·.,, h 1-'ltor·"'"· i l" U!ll<m 11.uon ~xt•1·11tlvt'a from N• sloragl1 )lhu·c In her r;1uag .. l10me· C:hrl1lm1111 tr <:<'II lhis vent' w ith all l'i 1:~111< Ill f'u1!I A I ahu<'r uC :"\•'"" \'\•I k , l 'hh tti;o, Bollton and many trme pnor l-0 11 :~O p . m. I prot'etJUll oln to sw;ll Its <'ltnrot puo l fblh.-11 ~111·111g" >tnll r.. •. 111 Alt· wr11t .. rn , 111 ..... ht' round a geneNJ The~•ore \V '"A'-'-~ 217 VI f d ,. g .• f> h 1Y <1<11'1a11on tulJ h1" Htaff 111t•111li0 111 •p1111 uf •1pt1111t11m 81111 procreuiYe • .,.. • -..u.,.,r, I\ un ..... anau1an sptllH'. l e uny •. kr " .. • ltfrnton1•. N ewport Bclll'h, 11ald 120 ~urh to Le av111l11blC' In the lfllr· I "t 6 rt>t· .. nt "1 r.t a..'!l m~dlll!Z I planning for lhC' fu\u rt'. l..t&deta worth or tools hat! !wen lllOlf'n bor art'& will bt> l!•Jlcl by the Jl:lkli "LN\tlt>1 11 1n thl.' ,.li,.,111u1 1111<1 111811 111 llw industry," he ••Id. "Vt frorn htit 'iarsg..-~twt'en N ov. 24 ul tlleir lol IO<'atefl 81 20bO New-tn111onrM flf•lll r\'t'•Y 1•arl 11f thl' l•1uk1ng aJw111 f to )'t'ara of expand· and Der. 6. ( i)(lrl Blvd., CoHta Mesa. l'nlle<f l:ltlllt'~ re..i tlutl thP tri.:hl· oni; hn ... inel!ll baard on a peacellra• <•n1ng of rrt"\111 wh1d1 w1• 111 <· nnw e,.unumy wll h adequate prepal'a• "'P•r1ent1ng wtlf tw " he1tlthy llun.-for any l"mergenf'y." cal· aighl of th<-foct thul to 1«'h1evc I\ t1111t1ng pPar •' elll'h nnl• of SA c •1 p d • Ch Bakery In their new location Al un~~u~~.,;icc:~·~~~~n8.wlll fpature Us mw1t h8\0() peace In Ollr own souls,'' {'1111grt'N!ntlln Jamf'H OURCI I on er1ng arges •onvenllun llf)f'llkl'r. 11e1 Harbor Blvd. I• being crlr· B u h f o c t HI -I LI 8-st in the Att•1c rakes t<' ordt'r a nd a l'Ompt..i.-1 . ll Mt1n<l8Y nlg l told a group o range oun Y • ·• -Both Mr anti Mn . P&lmtr made ---lornt" firnator Knowland wu-a brated ~1lh free ('Offee 11nd &am· lme "'bake ry atapll''4 ""well u~ lllt'llllurs Jn lht• 1.1rm bUt l'BU bulllllng. on Annexed New Subd1·v1·s·ons R p 1· lhl' trip lo lhe convtnl1on, ..ct PIH of .... 0 0 d I e ... Th111sll1y novelty lttml, \\'l'r1E>kln"' llBYI< •• hi b I • I eported to 0 IC• Joinf'\I 8 Lel\""lt·•i>Onll<lred lour ot " "' Ho wll!I f••t1 tUrf'd llpt>a ... •r for 11. morll y u11 nt'llll ntt't'llnl!' ,,. through Saturday, according lo According tb the L°1•1>ta Mf'i<a rl" I nC lht• t"Unl" H1·l·H "l'OUp, v.•hJt h aJl!O h• Aid a rounol tab!<! <>A "TA A"°A l"" .. 'SI o-~n 1 ~1·• lh• <'Oun<'ll h" .. 11• "'""ln•l •• Th••··,. •·•ma klntl "( "nlrnal L"1a11l)l>r11n 11l1<nd.t followln« Ult proprlf'tor VtrgU Wedeking. first In the H a rbor an·n when hr pRnPI 1H11ru~~1on or t he vttrlnus pl11n11 or student eJCC'hange Ann l' I l y coun<'llrnrn start<'d the 1'hur1tr11 1u w .. r,. ><t'\'Crlll othl"r runn111K aroun•l II• t l1P 1111 ,.. 11 1 Ill 1 8 nn•I Haiti taolt'r, hill bakery W88 011!' of I he v , " •• .-, •• " ....... " -n&nlu I .. u ' ~ r ,, .-' -• v .. lllf'• I llljt. Tht>y \•!siled Puerto Rico, A.ul11tlng In the Opt'ntnit a rt with ndghbonn!C and E urOp<'ll.ll countrfe:'I, i.tu•ly on 11 new 11y~ltm ot tt'klng city 1.1(fkml11 nnt on the 1·011n .. 1I '"mrnn l'°Xl'ltrdly 11111l1'J•t1"I t111·8 "' • • h•· If 1 ht K •I ~ n came here JUAt l O year.11 °~0· 1 1mllihvision11 and annf'xallom• Into, C• unc1lnu•11 w111 n•\'1rw th•· 1 .... 11.-="•wpm t R.-a . h pol,,•• :\111r11l"Y r nln11:r ft'flOl la that many pan. ... w t', 1 aug r r an•n an. "'' Tli•lr for r·n~r 1~c·n tlon \••o• nt Sundra \\'ood, ll1·1 ·U member, YorbA Un1llt, lnlroouc:t'd • ~r f'I • boomln• ''Th•y h , ' ' ,. Q 'n lht' l'lly .Mond11y n ight lfunnJt 8 1furUwr 111lrr It rt-port uf .11111n11t· m11111111g "S,nd an 11fC1t•rr an Ii -, oru.aar., ,,. ~ &Y Waynr, u weU u Bert Brolln, 1838 ;'\t>wport Blvd. 11 11hor t 111,.. l'Hl'h 111ienkrr 1t11•J I• d In lhc queslloo 1wrlod. aei.:uJa.r meeUng. l•'<' I'll lht>lr nri.l mc• .. Llnit on tw" trnrrv .. In n••W 11Jngun down therr. with ~· rn&8ttr baker who lt'llrnf'1I t he t1t11ce hum t he prl''«'nt new 1<h11p· Controvf'rafal luur alr!'d wn 5 ~··•ks l'ttllC't' 1 ht• kf••I th" h""'" of{'<'· 11111111111 L"·A·l,.l·F.'' he report.I baklni; t ral.le In Sw.-<lN1. ttnd M lr11 1 pong renter. \\'e•l.tkong hu uf· SCHOOL CONSTDIU,.TION Whf'lher to <'hargl' 8t1bdlvldl'f1i1--~ ••I•• H llun11ll""· ~1:..!l On h1J Avff . The\ ""Y It 11tand3 ro r 'Come And \YQIMJ) ~1111• •·auuJ~.''... Cllllll.l.lliln I \Ul.r.1 Jl.UJJed hll!!:o1elr on ll~ Balli·! -• ~ y mtng1n5r nC!W lll'l'U Tnto 01e rllv s ed . s· . I\ Ott ...... l+(' 111111111• to llot'llll' th t' LtYI' In .F'lortd•'. They didn't ('Oft• and 1'1rs. Nellie Roonry. tnry baking kit.hen, tlo·1l1trtni: ant.I l h o ae almply COl'\Jlll"Ucllng y een to lftCJ '111tlo-r A llllJI •hw1r t•p•·n~·I frnm nnl'll lll!I'" Rrrihn wa~. known In l-lwe.len &• llrnl ll 18 oprn to the pulJllc to Coffey Tells Mesa Counc1·1 8 l1t1lllt'8 Wllhln f'lll1't111g rlly l1mll.Jt I'" D .. Ch lhl' .,;arlltrl" 1nt11 lhr llKI(' llntJ ,,. ,.. ______ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;--iiiiiiii l! "K• 'td 111r Clllt' Wht• "P' t 18• l'l l'I'( l Ill •n.v tune. An approxtma~ pMcf' nC $110 per 1n GYIS orus '" t'l!I ~111m11t•••t that thll' l<"O Wh••r(' \\'ATF.R R E ATt:Rl'4 DI\... Hudson to Lead Annual f 17 C C.,. w . Jr lol \\'Ila dJ~. Tho ch&rge DA\'I ~ C';trl R\•1•dN'n o( N"W· 1h .. uni 'c>11l1f1t'OI l>f'lllll "'"Y hll\'f' S•IU .. UIVICI •• , u r.t.tU 0 ounty I 1es atve -... ee ~·n11ld ('OVl"r dralnAg•'. IUld other JY•rt B"uh I• • m··m r>t r Of th•· n1111l1• hi• 1n1r.1n•·.. J n I 1 1 nl'ljthborhood fmprovl"mf'nt11 1!\IC'h 196!\ l'nl\'t'Nlily Chonu1 1m !hr T}lt' t'Xl'ltt'd hull~t hnMrr ""l•I oe,.VL-', ..... •echNOlold much aa fire prolt'<'Uon. w11tpr 1111rvl<'e Unlv·-ity nf 1~1ll•l••rniM <'arnn"• the "animal" rAml' 1nt<1 lhf' 11tti.· I C'1l\' .\fanAi:<'r Ct"nr~,. CoCff'Y 3<honl r an 11mount lo "" ~... ~ ,._ tol 1 th., ;\fr~a '11.v l'oUnrll Mun· 11• S600. nnc4 pol1r4! pml<'rt1on. Tbut' flw at CJ1w11 'nly a ft,.r dt1'k Shr waa a1lv1,...d u .. ,, 10 , .. cu" l>O~ b -mnm rlem' murll be expnndl'(I t" ,. .. , " 11u1111lilr l•KJ> I t'ho•• H .. i. •• au. • • E~~~s Memorial Services oJ11v h{' hP I iont1H IPtl 17 Orangr Pi.1 l nf tht~ mon• y mu.~t ,,.. v. llh thl' 111l!flt11on e>f 1'll<'l1 n t' w Th,. c h"r11I e:-rnup nf 7 1 m,.mh"r• ._ _____________ _, i 'ullnl ,. , tll\'ll r1•;:e1 d1n1o: l ht It U••••I h,. ,. lltf, 1 ... ward I h1• h I J:' h lr u l it WA'I (l(llnl~ P·•h• 11 ,. fo r w11iv1ni.: r. "" Cnr <~Jll· •'•"t nr 11l111111i; plans 111111 re-cord• lll1<o bH•ught up thtlt I.• r• hf"ut"•n6.:" "'' t•hrllcl· ---I out. It WR• nt•W .. Dr F:wt• i; H u1IJ<On, 111<.'<l!lt&nt f'r 1'11byterlan Church o f Long strul'tlnn u r ~• huul... 1 uvtr the Y•'llr!l, nnvl\lrlf t h ,. l•l••a lll<'\C I uf St Andrt~"" T'1 t'\b) tt'r· I.kill h. I H P '""'' ht• 1 .. 1m1I f'l)!hl o r the.-----·----------t\h<.lll n r.o for t'&Ch 1110 l'huiih. will be J•rlnctpsl l Born In MllTl\hAll, M o hi' Wiil\ 1·1t1t11 .,.Hl\'t"f (••~ uncnn.J1111nall\' C I D • N "' Mty. i:ra lu11te1t rrom Mll'."l.IUI I \'iillf')' l111'1>1• tfuf not \\ 11\'I' .... " lin•l ~IX ap an airy ear . '1l" l'.. lllnnnr r c~ •pei.ker Thur ,..fa\' pv .. n1ni; wl1rn 1 , • ,.. o · l' .. ll•~t' in 1908 11n.J trum M•C•ir· ""'"t"tl ft"• 11n·l•r 111 1nln conot· M D • d p •t :-;ewpor\ Hai l).,r 1-:lk~ Lo•lll' holll• 11111 k :-lc1111nto1ry 0 In I !ll I Ill' WIUI t1nn1< Thr I l'f"•rl • \\ 111 h<' UJ<t'd lu ftCI enle erlftl 1la annu111 nwmonal l!t'r""" al Uu• 111.1a1n•"J th11l yrsr b\' th«' J'n••l>.v· ··~:.1hlu•h 1·· ~la :\1•·~11 ~ p1•11unn•·nt ~A .:\'TA A.:\'A, -!'. I> <·upl11 n Crawford Bike rl'itular mrrt•l•l'l h'ry ••I L'h11111:0 H1• frr•t p8•t r· l"•lu \' 1n th1~ r• 'I'• I. \'l'•t• r•ll1\' "·-" !" n·c· I 1wm\11'."l"n Thi" llf'l\'1t e 1, heh.I fACh Oto· at(' .,..n,. at Belllni.:haon, \\ 11•h 11.. n !fr\' !<lll•I th• , >t y ~ l'"'~f'ol lo • tabh•h a .f 11n nn 1h«' ~ •uth A blkl' ~hni:1ni: mM prn1o:rn.m t" bt' prr•" nt• •t l:w· .I O ll ~STOSt:' . OM E.ttabll1hed 1Nu r&11ce l'11•111ftnfl In· nn1l rh8r•t'i< fol(\ the full "' uil~nl i)o1<Jy l\llff Mesa Aut o Wrecken Arenc:y lot In that llA\'l.f ,urnrnuntly on lho1· 1;. lfl AU ltnea written. 1 l'tr~r1 II "" lfllll ton 1111' /'\unpu.tt I ,f'<I \oto l'arh HOWARD W. GERRISH 110<1 Arr•·•"""'"" rl Thornton ~Vl'•h·«n. "' I (l:ll B11''""'•' lJ11\,., 211;:; Phu·1•t1t la A \'t', 1. 11!08 :'-lrwpurl Blvd., Coata Meaa I• A ..r•pttHU••tl"' maj11r1111: In l't~ --1.11>.-1 1, 't!fllll ( ....... ~ .. "" f'llU."Y. UDERT \' ll-1611 Taken I ""''""n"'>' . ·---·- tn LP11 C'ntw· BE SURE • INSU RE M A lTR •:MAE." ft<••I• -lfomH -Tr&Ul"rw llwn "' rvc'<i ln F ran•" ft• Y:\ICA 1 .. 1 .. " 1~ lu, h•ll K• fr•~, 11 ., 11.,,,,. "'"' uf <: •l"r '''" 111IJ 1renl tn for;I .. r 22fl LJ1rwnnn•l 9-----~ ~m~r ~,). l h_t_ Jtx a I t<i ::l.uJ. J.lliri•l<!D A n11tf!· •t-...1.hoo.-1 out r .!• 1. ..l.u.:.LIU.J!il..._....llll... I ht (' 1<1t l/llAlL.J.41 1 lu• l'an~ A Tiil _ror\t'~ \Qll'l),Jrum .!.ill' pltrli;t' anrw 1111 t1f11•f1t\· lu lht lt m ~:.xl""•loth;nary F<•r•• 11n<1 111 i«h•llll rh•l!lll Kn·I th• ••into11Clm R1vl'r. TI1t' •••linty buartl n( 11Up<·r-S1pph1r .. Ave. a.ntf memor) of 1111 1lo I' illo •l b1u\hrra. C1·1m1111y Wllh lht' Am1y ,,, O<"•U· ... ,,.11l11t<' ltll' c;ronl•Hrl• I ,. 11•t 1••V \ ,..,.,,. IH l« .. l •II lh•• r••qul'•l. UJ'• 1't)<111l :, r m. TIJPllol Av ... WAI! rt'· h v11 J!!Hy od H11lt>.,. Bl\"rl ' ... uh M ,\f'R I( t;_ :...T -I.El' --r. .. ru'JUll'<' Unl,r r-~ (!!!•~SJ~.;--~ ·-_ ... tm<iirtsr ~ -,_ . -- Uhrrt)' A·UOJ .; Dr. H11JM•n '""'" th•• Yt>llr lo 1 atuon. h1• own bu1l•llng h•el! Tlw (1ty htol!fln~ th!' ""11nt v rll!n11tni: ""'"-I"''''"' The 'Y• 1 .. "\', poll• r rr. Phunr ll•rlw>• 2n • SO\ 'Tit ('0 .\ST CO. ( O!O>T \ ~t:"IA MA1TltT.f4M C'cA worth I UJ'I t:. ('1111•l Uttth"llY ~&II St. Antlrew11 Wh•r•• ht ~hlll<' •r9~· He rPtllmffl In thl• rountry "n ll't• •·•h•• Ian! h11,. '"'" "11\· mt "'"11011 tr.llmn .intl .. th•n. ''"houl $1:1. ('11n1na ""' M11r l?llrd 4' .:-.,.., 1w rt ''"'' t 1:.o :\°r'4'Jl<1r1 111\ld. I . (oral duue11, nl~n llpfd1ill:tl'll In llntl l't'I Vt'd I h111 I'" :0 Ill lllonn" 1ni.; \hr r ... tr th•· '"lit\,,, l I'll lflll• c<>Untlt'llin~ an1I mrn'it w ork H•· an1I OhlD \\ htlP 111 L••n.: Uv11< h lalt•c th1• •• h"nl t11M11t t rnu .. t II•· ha.d prcv1nuitl)· ""rvrd for 2:, h• 11• r \'1·•1 1u1 n1u•lf'11J lur of lht' '1111 ,. thf' I" rmrl rn><t•. t'· 'I• Y yP11r11 "" r11•l11r nf lhP f!1•1·r1nd 11 •111 r. t \' 11( U •• \ni;:,.h'~ 1 polnte•I oul lhf• '""~ nn 11 lr.ri:e . .. DEEP WATER TRIO When real deep water yachtsmen get together, they talk of many t gs. Thr· gentlemen here are (L to R) Walter Franz. president of South Coast Co. Hinckley, well-known boat builder of southwest Harbor, ~le.; and Gnu Id Rear-Commodore elect ot L. A. Yacht Club. The occasion was launching of Eddy's new OweDB 40.ft. cutter, Y Como. which v.•as built by Him kt<'y and launched from Franz' ways. The b<'l:it in t h<' bRckgrfl\lll<l is new South C'na11l "Blul' Wat<>r 30:. Express Cruiser whir~ Ill I It• 11-. d· 1111 tn 11>1'1'1 r owr1 l' .,. II'~ ('ire-It<; la.'lt' week., -J3eckner fbot.o -~ DRIVE THIS JET•AGE ,:IEAUTYT The rar thfl t's goin g br~ with the Young in Henn! Hurry o\·r r '. Thrill" ;l\\'A1t :.·011 in f'lymouth'i< ~n t lly-Fin• rn11inet1, m 1mr Ir pr~lurt ~ r1r I 'I.\ mouth 'i; new $SO,Ooo.ooo ··ni.:1nc plant. W ith up to ::?OO hr 11nd 11('\\' 90-90 T urho-T11rqUl', t hr<1t" new po we r innn111 oi I h<-low-pm'C 3 ltive you jd-11ke ~k1>-<>tT nnrl blam 'I( "Mlcty- ~rnnt" OC'<'('lcration, plua l!('()nomy. Y r>u 'll nl11<> d i8COV«"r Plymouth'11 rr.ogin1l nr w Pwch-Bullon Driving •.. new Arrodynnmfo Styling •.. 1<moother nl'w ride • • . end man y llf'W !lllfoly fM lurel!. Orive lhr je~ire Plymouth '56 at your dc'aJcr'e today! Plymouth'• the ~ low·p•k• ca r to •••' you 'v•h-l utto" Driving. Try It I THERE'S GOOD NtwS lll '"II' l'hmo1Jlh tf,.all'r'• I ) .. u U "',. ,,,m .. ,,.,. ·-.,yhna 1•1.fa, in t hr l1t"&lh tak.1n1 nr., l'I< m .. 111lo anti \1111'11 finti 11 ro• .. lrrn hn11nr1n11 plen th•t wrll 111 l'hn1mt1h'• J.,w prl1'1 1111" .ilm,,•I '"' lo1ti11r1 R-111"f ... r \"'" l 't.m .. 111h .t .. aler .•• •Iii •uon a• )OU c:.an ! Aerodynamic PLY/lllOUTH '58 B~t boy new-better trade-in, too n~ V 'hp ~ wtlll ~rf'a~ 111 flA C t111n-9'Mdtl't, S..0,. ,._. 8'IC! Sot.!1>en Or dloo9t m llo rn B~lvildert an~ Subvr)1n 11110 In ~ ind Pt.11 luaes yoe,.. 1st> ¥-t hp. I'°" pNflr Ille •Pl'«rll!OnlY ol ,,....,.,..., PWltlfw 6-lho '"'I.Ible rn 611 ' M111n-rou ttl 11S hp Of 131 hp •th POW111P1A. LOU REED & ASSOCIATES 1200 W. COAST HWY NEWPORT BEACH LIBEIJTY 8·3486 - .; :. ~ • . " ... J; ~ +. . . • _, ' ' / NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEPNESDA Y, DECEMBER 7, 1955 PART THREE, PAGE ONE r, l ~HNIOUE -Bill M•ssie, Los An9eles food broker, ties • calf which w•s roped by his cowh•nd "podner," Fr•nk Allen, ranch forem•n, as fun •nd ixl~iness is combined. Desert ·Lures with Sun, Sand With the local cold weather, moat travelers' fancy turna to the warm. dry desert reg1ons and our& toolc us recently to Wickenburg, Ariz .. considered the guest ranch capital of the world. For the 375 mile trip from Newport we drove through Santa Ana Canyon Freeway to Riverside, Beau- mont. Banning and into Indio'• San Souci Restaurant for a fine dinner . .... From Indio, Highway 60 la a straight high-speed counM> and we aped 1wiftly onward. We wheeled through Deaert Center and acro&1 the Colorado at Blythe and now we were In Arizona. About two mile.' abort of Wickenburg we took a rlibt t um to R&.ncbo de Loe Caballeros. Our welcome waa u warm a1 the Arizona 1unarune when we were met by the rancho'• manager., DaUu 1rnd Edie Ga.nt. Lo. Cab ( u the locals cali the rancho) Is a real, func- tioning cattle r1mch with many thousanda of purebreds ru- minating on the range. For the gueaits, the accommodation• are deluxe. There is a low. rambling ranch house and fine bungalows with the added comfort of radiant floor beating. There la a fme atable of hontea for riding. a grand pool for awtmmlng and all-day aunahane for relaxing abeorption. We alao took the abort trip into Wickenburg which bout.a that 1ta population ui composed of ~ of the "hap- pae.t and friendlietil people in the world." There are. ~ide Loe Cab, four other dude ranchee within a radaua of five miles o( Wickenburg-the Sla11h Bar-K, the Remuda, the K-L Bar and the Monte Vista. While hi•h-heeling in our Weauro bootl m Wiclcen- burc. we met a l.os klgelee friend, Bill Yuaie ananii nice *if-Dee. Maule la an authority on the atta. Amons t.be pointl of lnterest he indicated wu Wicken- burg'• up.ide-down river. The Hauaya.mpa couraea through the center ot town. On the surface. it la aa dry u a week-old triahbone; undergr ound It la a good-siud stream. Poeted on the Ha.aeayampa'a bridge i11 a 11lgn reading: "No Fiab.lq From Thia Bridge." This. of course. i11 a atand- lni town ~e. Wickenburg la no come-lately Western town. It wu founded by Henry Wickenburg in 1863 when he pan- ned out gold from the (then) rigbt-tiide·up Huuyampa. Gold 1eekera made the town the bue camp for their proepecting operatioDA in the surrounding h!Ua. One of the moet auc~ful dacoveriee wu the !amoua Vulture Mine from which mineni picked out more than $10,000.000 in gold. Once a month each of the guest ranches ha1 a rodeo feaWrinc both profeuional and amateur cowboy1. ln the evening, the natifte and the dudes quake the bo&rda wtth mquare dancln1. .. • RODEO FILMED -At Remuda Ranch, one of W id enburg's fam- ed guest ranches, profession•ls •nd •m•teurs vie in cowboy spork while the c•mer•s grind for • movie tr•velogue. BREAKFAST -Dolly Biehn Oeft) and Joyce Willi•mson prep•re the brHk- f ut toast ov.ir en open fire. It's part of t he fun of en Hrly morning ri de over W idenburg's desert terrein. SENTINEU -JN Arbone d.....t bristles with these giant cacti, standing watch over the warm desert d•y• •nd cool, cryst•I nights. Euterners find them str•nge contr•st to "our trees." Sunday rooming. after church aervicea, Is de- voted to &" "breakfast nde" into the deiiert. F orty- e1ght of us. following a five-mile trek. were more than ready for the ranch-band size break.fut pre- pared by Mr8. Gant and Foreman Frank Allen. _ In a skillet (larger than a manhole cover) 180 eggs "'ere-8Crambled aft.er the frying of 20 pound.II of bacon. With toast 1cnd tankards of coffee. it was a tremendou8 brca.kfuL Incidentally, the trekiers will probably tx> m the movies aoon. Paramount Studios shot reels for a !Ucker travelogue. As it must for all week~nda--Sunday evening romC's and we had to leave for home. Travel to and from Wickenburg fwhich i.a 56 miles weeterly from Ph<><'ntX) 1s a IC'1!1Urely eight-hour drive either way. Many do 1t in A safe seven and a half hours. Those who prefer the 11wiftne• of the ainvaya csrn go from Los Angeles to the Loa Cab ranch in a little· more than one and a half houn. A 2800-ft. landing strip, enough to handle any two-engine pl ane. is on the ranch range. J ust telephone ahead and a station wagon will be walling. ~." ~'ii ~ : 1'PPIX).tlt~Art ~ ~"'.-SCALf: Of' l••Ui..Q .. "'~' ... ..:·~-....0 tO to )0 ··~,.... ·;/_.1.a.;.-~ -----. Mir · - THE OLD WEST is still very much evident alon9 the mein ..,_. of Wickenburg , rip-roaring center of eerfy-days told rush. The underground He1Myampa Rive< flowt through ...... ol tow.. FOLK DANCE -Squere d•ncing h•s survi"ecf t.he Oftsleught of im· provements in the cow country of A.riron.. To the ch.nti"9 of "do-si· M '•" tlMM happy danoen .,.. at&rtinc &e form a ''Tea. atar." ROUTi to Weclenburg stem with Highway 60 arMI eour... 335 mile. Hst through a changing topotrephy aftd n1nery. / PAGE 2 • PART I It'-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1q55 !Strike Hll'ls Total State . Tuna Tonnage LIGAL Nbnct rower ud ea~tly ac· 41wl'*! by him and \lied In bla Commercial Photornphy bufineee ldnaated at 407 Eut 11&1~ ~Y&l'd. Balboa. C..JJtol'llJa, or elMWh•r• In Of'a.np Oounty, Calltomla. n. col\lideraUon tor ll&ld Ch.at· 8ACRAMl:NTO, \\1,P .) -'nl• t.1 Mort.pp la to be paid on the itate n-... .. imr nl of l1ah a11d t&lb day ot O.C.mber, 1~&6. at .,....,_. and Ula oUtce ol Small Bwlln,_ Ad· Game nporlll turia ltahln1 mJnlttratlon. 1031 South Broad· cannlnc actlv111u were Urht dur-w1y, Loa An19IN, Calltomla ln1 October. (9Spe4) DI JACK WILLIAM BAl\CUS A few pµn1 11 at San •ro. Jack WIUlam Barcwi dba Monterey C d San 1'ranclKo re- ceived and p1 oc-d lmpoe'ted Jack Ba~6a ltudt09 ind U.8 .-caught tuna. Loa Anae-Mortc~1 tu and Lon& Beacb plant.a dJd not operat. due to tbe canaery ::w::'Pr... l2/T~ workeo.-.' 1tr1k<' Albacore del1verl"• at Termln&l laland went 111\ o fr_.n and freeh flah chl\nnela. The tlabiJll waa orr northern Baja California. and from 100 to l~O mile• w .. t and eouthwut uf the FaraUone b land went Into fr41eae.-. and Francl•co area wtr• 1hlpped to Ort' con. Sardine fis hing In aouUtem wa· ter1 produceJ 11 .~ t.on•. _of which aboul 9000 torui were trucked to lht" Monterey aru. About 600 tons w•re landed In Monterey. anti thr balance were proeNMCS at Santa Barbara. Port Hueneme and Oxnard. )o(ac:Xei d . both Paclttc and Jack, were rt'pOrled abundalll. with a bout 600 tone beln1 trucked to the ),(onterey area. Scuclder Found Beaten. Bleeding H .. A-IMn MOl'ICS TO Oll&DITOU J:atate ot Ll:ON I:. SANBORN, O.Ce&Nd. NOTICE IS KSRl:BY orvEN to the credltore ot and al.I pereona havlnc clalm1 apinat th• .. id decedent or aa.id •tat• to nle them wHh the riec.-ry vouCbt'r1 ln the otftce ot tti. Clerk of the Superior Court of the Stale of Calltomla. In and t or the CoW1ty ot ON.111•. or to p..-nt th• aame, with the nec .... ry voucbeni, to the underalined at hi• or her place ot buatn-. to-wit: Snyder a11d ,,etcher UJ4 r.Jr Oa1l.t Annue South Paaadena., Califomla within 1ia montha att•r the tlnt publication of Ulla noUce. Dated November 26, 1930 JOl\DAN L. JONES Eaecutor of the l:ltat. ot •1d decedent. No.~ Ne.-..Pi'um 11/30, 1211, U . JI, ·~ UGAL N011CI p.rmlt le made under -UOlt 9103.32 1a I on Lot 3 • I'> Blo<'k 232 Tr·act Corona d•I Mar ••• 303 Jl'•mleat • . . CdM. NOTlCE 18 HERltBY f\lrther SIVtn that Nld public hearin( wtU be held on the l:'lth day of December Jt~. at Ute ll<>Ur elf 7:30 p m. In lb• C'oundl cbanl· beu ot the Newport Beach Cit)I' Hall. al which tinie and place any and all J)f'reone lntere•ted may appear a11d be he•rd th•....an. RAT Y. COPELIN. lecretary !llewport Beat"h City Plannlnf Comml...p~n No. 19 Nnn-Pr .. e 12/T/G3 CE&TIFICATE OF BUar:NU8 -" J'1rUU-.,,.. ?ri ... The underelped d<>ell berebY cerUly that h e la conducUnc a boat buUdlnc . Mrvlcln&' uid repair· inc b111lneu and •tllln1 ot boat hardware and ·equipment at 220· 28th St., Newport Ueach, Callfor· l\la. under the n ct1tloU1 firm name of MESA BOAT• HARDWARE and that n ltl flm\ la compc>Nd of lb• f o 11 o w I n r pe,-.ona, wboae na.m.. In full and pla cN of realdence are u followa. to-wit: C. W. PHlu.J.J>S 220-26th Strret Newporl Bueh. Calif. Wllnea• my hand Ulle 21•t dey ot November. 1966. /1/ C. W. PHllLIP8 8TATll OJI' CALIFORNIA. COUNTY or ORANj21!l 0 )u. Of thl• 211t day of November, WHEN HARBOR ·AREA BOOSTERS. HONORED MARTIN Thi• hbtoric picture of the late Glenn M¢in, pio· Newport Harbor Yacht Club, then as now a gather- Co.ta Mua police are looklnC for the men who beat up Rowlett G. Scudder, 38. ot 4H E . eo.ta Me .. St. at 1:16 a. m. Saturday and lett him bltedlnc and cover.d with muc In an alley in the 1800 block ur Newport Blvd. l 'lfl Penalt 1 ltNrhlr MotiCJ: or PUBLIC HmAJUNO A. D. 1966, bctor. me, ROBERT F. wu.ua:a. a Notary PubUc in and for Ule Mid County and State. realdinl Ulerein. dul1 commJ..aon· ad and 1wom, peMIOn&lly ap~ared O. W. PHJLLIP8 kJ>OWn to me to be the penon wboee name la wb- 1crtbed to th• w1thln lnetrument. and acknowledred to me that he executed the ea.me. neer Orange County aviator aecond from right and ing apot for Harbor boosters. From left, Newport bis mother, the late Mn. M..inta Martin, in whose Harbor's veteran boo•ter, the . I.ate Harry Welch, NOTICE 18 ltP'.REBY orvt:~ that the Plal\J\ln1 l"om.ml•lon vf the City of ~ewport Beach <NIU b old a public hea r.I'( on Ute ap- pUe&Uon ol O. W. HudM>n fOC' a -permit No. 204 to permit: ~ wttne .. whereof, 1 ha!.t h•re· unto eel my band and attbted my official teal the day and year In Ulla CerUtlcat.e ftrat above wntten name Hoag Hospital aurgie&l wing was dedicated Capt. Brown, the late Harry Wllhamson, then Mayor aubeequently, wu ta.ken May 20,' 1937 on the 25th of Newport Beach, Mn. Martin, Ma_rtin, Lew Wallace Police aa.id Scudder wu bleed· Inc Crom hit noae and mouth and wu covered over hi• body with numerou. bru'tea and contwilona. He wu tal<f'n In an uncon.cioua condlUon to Hollg Ho11pltlll. Offl· cera 9&.ld Scudder wu alllO b!ply '" lolllca tad. /1/ ROIUl:RT r. WILLMES My Oommi.&oa Expire• November 11, JHI anniveraary of Martin'• flight from Newport Har· and Theodore Robiu, owner of picture. bor to Catalina laland. Tbe dinner wu held in PLAN FOR CAMPERS" -Mt11. Kevin Neleon and Mr. John Nu.zwn recipien~ of YMCA Campuahipe for their support of the Fint Annual YMCA Com· munJty BreaJt!ut last month atudy pictures of the new Camp 0 8<'eola f11ci1Jties with Duke Cox, Orange Coast YMCA &>crctary, ct'nler. They plan to pre- sent the campcrships to two descr.,.ing campers next summer. SPEAKERS AT ORANGE COAST VOCATIONS DAY More than 90 leaden from profeeaiona, buainef!.8 and indu.try apolre to atudents at Orange Coast College at ~ent VocatiOOll Day Program. Speaking in the fie-Id of home economica and related 0ccupation1 were 11 to rl : Bartlet Vance. Mn1. Raail H . Peterson: MiN ~tarjorit' Hale, Halt Schnnl of Chann and Modeling ; Mrs. Mina Hutchinson, home> economic• instructor at Orange Coast College : Mrs. JC'ri G<'rkin. home tX:onomist. So. Counties Gas Company: Miss Patric ia Jameson. airline atewardesa and Ernest Gluer, restaurant managC'r. J Tb• conatructtoa ot a add.IUonaJ unite on a11 R-3 bulldlnr •II• now ccnlalnlnc two unlu. la total of II unll•I ... Req11ut tor the me No. 63 New•-~ 11/2S. 30, 12/T. 14. 196! CITY or NEWPOn JU:ACll nAn or o.u.ao&NIA NOTICE TO OONTRACl'Oll8 Sacramento Sidelight LEGAL NOTICI ·---------------------------- SEALED PROPOSALS w1U be reeei yed at Ule ottk e of lht C1ly Clerk. City Hall. City of N-J>Ol'l Be.ch, C&lltomLa. unUI 7 30 PM o'cJock on lb• JTth day ot D.cember, 1860, at which Urne they will t>. v..,.._,.. 1 ifNriae publkly opmf'd and reed, tor Pftfonnlnc work u toUowt: CITY OJ' NCWPORT BEACH. CA.LIJI'. OCNS)--On NOTICE Of' Pl'BLIC llEAIUNO For tlle eo...t.ruct1oll ot a Banlt&rJ SACRAMENTO, ( ce Notice la hereby liven that lh• Sewer Ma.In alld Conn«Uona t1-galn, lt hu bC'en rather clearly Planntnr Comml111lon of th• Clt1 on North Blde of Balboa Btvd. d•monatMlad \.hat th• MtUnr ~ r ot NewJ>Orl Buch will hold a pu~ bet•-'"B" atnet and "0 .. 8treet. ...S4-of a. pa.rtlcular "day'' t 0 lie h~r1.nC on the application ot No bid will be rec•lved uni-It la made on a. proPoMl form furn· .. ce-drlvlng It riot the answer to .,, ... ,... f h r P ASQUALE ZAMP 11:-.&..o&JV or a lah~ by lhe City E'nl'lneer. l:ac.h bid mwit be accomrw.nled bv Ccu h, I.be crow ing traffic •lau1· le 2 It r-· " th • variance -No. 84 to perm : a certllled or cuhltr'• check. or blddm"'t tlond) made payable t o the problem In California or • na 5 rt. Front Set-Back ... and a Can· City ot N"GC)J't BMdl •. for u &mO\lllt -ual to at leMl ten -rcmt tlon. for that n1aller. d _, ,,,. tllever or 2' e·· on the neon 1toTY ( JO'i" J of the a.mount bid, •uch ruaranty to be torfalted ahould th" CaJlfomla traffic deelh1 In· ... 1n an M·l Zone. To acc:om· bidder to whom tb• cont.net la awarded faJI to mter Into th• contrar~. creased 200 per cent on "S·D modate a garage a partment .. · ln acoordanc:e wllh th• provt•lon• ot S«tloca STTO to 1781 of the Day"". which w,.. Thurllday, Dec. on lot 329 block 4 tract ~e&11ter Labor Code lh• City CounctJ ot lhe City ot Newport S.arh hu u - t , from ll'trff laat y .. r to nine AddJttbn ... •nd further located· C•rtaln~ the 1111naJ pre..Ulnr rate of W&&' .. applJcable to lhe work lhlt year. In t he naUon. there al : 507 29th St rttt. N.B. to be done u f ollow•: were ~ dloath3, compared to 61 Notice i. hereby turther st.,.11 CLAQIFlCA TION a year aro. that ll&ld public htarln1 will ~ The deelgnatlon of "S·D Day" held on the 16th day of I>KtmbeT which 11 the Initial for w6-drtv· 196%1, at lhf' hour of 1·30 p.m . Jn Ing <Say, or coun.e la merely an the C.>uncll C'llamt>erw of lh• N•w· attempt on the part of well· port Deadl City Hall. at which mean1nir pt"ople to obtain publl· Ume and place any and aU ~,.. city, a nd draw the •ttentlon ol eons 1ntu utl'd may appear and the n•t~on'• motorl•lt to ll:le need be hl'ard ther~n. R our1y Pn Dlfm for Clrlvlng aafely. RAY Y. COPELIN. 8('('rttary MISSf".8 l'ROBl..EM Newport S.ach City ~ laudable a.n e11terprlM u lhl1 la. ll allll d~a not •trike .at the heart of the nation'• trattlc Planning Commlu lon No. 71 Newa-Prua 12/7/6& problem. ln..orar u cJnl-M and \·a~ Pf'nnlt I ...._.. acC'ldent• are concemtd. NOTilT. OF Pl'BUC HltAlllSG Vl'mment oftlclalit wno h ave NOTTCE TS 1fl!RP!DY C"l'Vl:N"f- had long end •cloae connttUon that the Planning CommlMio• of W:lh the problem• or accident th,. City "' Nf'wpnrl Beach wtU goenerally llttree that the laws I hnld a public hMnnr on Ute •P· pt"rtalning to 1.-u•nr" or ttr1vf'r·11 phcAtlon of Harry M . Well>l llctmar11 nrr nnt. 111ron~ t'n<mih to l ror-a vartanc-P • P"rmll No. 263 P• 'Trill .. ,.,.n rr1u onablv rlo11e •u· to ~mlll n rant \hf' waiver of f"'rv111u1n "' r r who tlr1''"" an au· hrl1tht 1r1Jtrlrl1on11 for arctJ.AOry t"mobllr t1n•I who •• prohibited bulldlnu I 1:, I A two atory .trur from dr1v1ni: 1 turt' 111 prorond ... A vartan~ And th1-n I here ~ th" enforce-I• rtqUf'tttd un~r Mellon .. . m .. nt pruhl"m· for many ~pie I Ol<HI 3 of ordlnancf' No. ls:I .. . whc. do nnt rvtn have a dr1n r'• on Lut 43 Tr11cl 682 and t\lrUler l1cC'nw. 1111:" on lhf' h11thway11. l<X'alf'J "l. 221l Waterfront Dr .. 11pmrt1m"11 rndanitrrinK thf' llvt's Corona df'I Mar of nlh•rs who RH' w,.11 qu11IH1t'd XOTICE JS HERE;B'f t\lrther to hAndle a n a utomob1lr 1 r.r1vrn that u ld public lltar1nc Cnn11Mjurnlly. ll 1§ thl' rontrn· .,.,,,ii bfo heM nn lhr l:'llh day of li<'n or 110me ntt1rlal' thAI mor" !".·1 "ntb"r HIM>, at the • bour of t'mphu11 shuul I be rt•r "•.I nn thr 7 :10 p m In th" council cJlam · IM118nl'e of " d :-IVt>r!< hnn• ... 11nt! b"fl nf I hf' N.,.,.,>W>rt Beach City that It 11liouM b" mt"lr a 11111ll"r ! Hall, 11t "''hlrh tlmt' and place any or urtou,. P""'"''"'" r11thPr th11n ant1 1111 ~ninna 1ntf'rf',tfd may I.be pll~l:'t' nf what Amount• I n srr .. u 11nt1 bf' hf'11rt\ Ultrl'on. a 11lmpl!' "llftm1natl<'ln. 1tnd In RAY Y COrEUN. Se«Nllary Mme inst11n< I'll. a 1lnv1n1: tf''L Newport ~ll City 11."ow, 11 J rivc1 " llcrn11" cnsu only Plannlnc Com mi.ion :;e> <tnt• a yt'ar \\"1th "''m" 1th1 No. ;o 11nt1 ll h11IC m11ltnn pt"Opl" hold1nr N-..Preu 12/T/~ Wac• Scale Cupenter ... .... ······-··-····-··-··-····-······-··········· 2.90 C.m•t riniat..r ........... ·······-·---·····-··-·-····-2.1128 Relnton:ln1 lron Worker ·-······-·· ···-······· ., -· 2.~ ReJntorelll1 lrOll Worker-Fonm&D (17 'it per hr. more than J oumeymanj Labo~ra. General or Conat.rucllon .... , . Opei-.toni • Tenderw ot Pneumatic • )l;Jf'<'tr1C Toola. Vlbr.Unr Machin-. • e1mlla.r mech· 2 20 anlcal tooi. not wpe.rauly cl&Mllltd h•~ln 2 u Cemf'nt Dumptt Ion l yd. or lal'lfV mlxera ud handllnc bulk umwil) _ .. --·· .•.. __ 2 4l Cr1bMra or 8bo~111 .... . ..•••..•.......... ····-··--··-:l IMS ..Uphalt Raker and l rontr . .. . ·-·· -·· 2.41 cune-rfTe C'Ul'tr= 'lm~llffbffl!E .. . .. ::; 7.3' .-ine Grader IHlway 6: Street Pavtnr Only) ··-2 30 Flagman . 2 20 Srwer P1p. Layt r IE:aclu.d.1nr Caulker! . . .... 2 Ill S.-er P1pe caulker I Uall\C Caulktnc tool• I -·· 2.311 Tarman. 6: Mortarm&11 2 :lO Apprentice En11neer. lncJud1n1 F'l"m&n, Oller. Ort&ul' 2 ~ Air Compreaeor, !'"ump or Generator 0J)f!ralor 2 37 Concrete or A.tphalt 8pnadtn1. Mechanlcat Tamp1n1 or FtnWllnJ Machine o.,.rator 2 611 Concnte MJ.ur-Operator -pevtn1 type &nd mobile miller 2 I I Conc~t• M.lxer Operator-Skip type _ .... _ 2 62 MatenaJ Lo.der or Co11veyor Opera tor • ····-2 37 Pavement Brt'&ktr ~rator .• 2 tlO Pump ~•tor 2 62' Roller ~n.lor 2 80 BkJp t.o.der O-swrator-W'hffl 'Type . 2 62 TrMtor Kl·Ull Shov,.I Operator 2 IH ~tor Operator Bulldou.r. T&mf)"r. Sr"'per or Dra1 'typ.e Shovttl or Boom A ll•chmenla 2 6& Tttnchlnr Machin!' Operator 2 78 l'f\l\·er••I ~q111pment OJl"rlltnr r Shovtl. Ora~- hnf' fJl'rrtr k. f>f'rrlrk·S.r,;r. Clam1hPll. ct-• or Pile Driver) . 2 tl Orhen of Dump Truc.IUI of lea Ulan • yda. watu level uoe Dri..,en of Dump TrucU-4 yet.. but 1-U\a.n & yda. water le?el 2.~5 ll~nlll'll. II 11bv1011•h· ill lmfW)r>lble tor lht' lu 1.1ni •1tcnc\. th,. 'lalt deparlml"nl of 1nntor V!'h1fl!'~. to ln1'UJt\lh\\e I'. pn:.prr rxam1n11t'on and r l\r pl't'per <lrlvtnl( l<'llt• Th• depsrtmrnt llil.• fl<'lnc.-th!' b< 111 It c-nn with the. mn11t'y nn whlrh It hall h11d ttl ••pt'rl'\f' but V. \0,11'1 big PnOURh or "'1ll<'~prt'&•I tn«up lo <lo U1e proVf'r Job SOTl("g or ~ON TO Driven of I>ump Tnlek~ ydl. but lf'N than C'RAn.;L MOKTOAOE 12 y<S. wa~r leYel n u1r \Ri: LI< f:'\!«EH TO WHOM tT MA y CON· Drtvere of Dump TruclN-12 yd8. but 1,., than CE.R:'\ 18 yda. wat«r level 2 460 NOTICE lf hueby (1nn purtru· DriYerw t'1f Dump Truck 18 yrt1 or more ant to the pr0Y1alor19 ot Section water level 2 6811 3440 1 of Ule CIY11 Code or the Drtveni of Trucka-lAcaJ P,ayload Capacity leu :,1.at:r ~~h~ll~::~.:t :!mo;:; Drlv~,.:n o~ ~ck;._Le~al Payload Cape.City 2 m CllltUI I'S and equlpcn.nt of that betWMn • and JO toNI ctrtaln comm.,-clal photocr-aphy D rivtn of Ttucb-lAfal rayl~d Cape.city bulllnrH situate and located at betwfff\ U and 20 t.oM 2 4M 2 330 •01 Ea1t Balbo9 Bl•d . Balboe C.· Blackamlthe J 126 llfurnla. Intend• to place a Chat· Blactumltha Helpe-r 2 90 tel Mortgage upon tile aid fix· 8T1ckla.yer a11d Stonemuon • • • •. .. 3.8() turt11 a_nd equipment. Br1clllender . 2 60 Jack WUllam Bar'cu• l1 lhr Electrtclan .. ~ 3 M ownrr and ~ lntendt'd Mortpa· Any cluelflca.lion omitted he,..ln, not •-than 1.90 or or the 1ald prope-rty, addr e!MI Drtven ot Tnlckll-1.esal Payload Cape.dty Wac• 23 20 :12 eo 22 80 Iii 40 Ii go 20 Hll 19 1:1 111 no 111 no lllM 21 H 23 21i 20 Ill lllH 201111 2n 111 2:l 211 21 44 Z2 011 23 211 J8 H 111 n11 J 7 ~2 21 411 lll U 19 T2 UI on 23 2n 21180 211 no 211110 23 :zo <"on1p&rf' th" 1 ... unnn• 1•f an au· I< n1r1b1I•· •1tl\"t'I'>-lfrt'nll" wllh lhett uC an,1 1r;• •nf' p1lnt ThP ;>1· 11 •l 11111 .. t not 11.11\' hP in i:oo.I phy· .-11 "I 1<ha1'r. hu• al"" mu"t !-\ave dtflnita l<nowle-Jve of lhl' 1 rt of hnrfllln~ •n a1:r1•nc. kn11v.· 110me- thlni;r o( mt lt'rolo;ry M •I have ma· ny other ••·Mm! ll11hmrn1" wh1c:1 11re nnt 11ppll~d to lhf' tlrivror llf an l,lU\l}n!ObllP. y .,l th!' J'llOt "I\• <langcu fllr !eM llvr~ than •..rr t!rh·er oC 11n lllll!'n1ob1lr. i"llY on " trip bt-lw~n San Franr1~r;1 '\nd Lo" Anitr•e•. 11 tt-7 Eut B•lboa Bl"ld., &Ibo&, ~tween JO and 10 Iona 2 33-~ 111118 The rn-l!on. r.robllhly. lha t JIO llltlf' attention 1s pe111 to the di •v· er·a llceru1e la that ~ople In thla i;entrat1on RI eY' up w11h the IJe 1 th11l driving ~ r a1 wa11 11 rl1thl .u11! not a prlv1lt1tl', a th!'ory which WAJI romp11111llvl'lv rerr ntly blsat· Pd by lht eu1)r•me ('C\Url of ~M llalt' B11t 110 m:11:rr h"w itrf'al :h~ f'-fnr • ""14'1 • •n I ho"· mu1 h n( 1< 1 hf'1 k ~hr1 r 1~ on d rivl'n, CalHomla. All bids are to be compa.nd on lht b&alt ot lhe City En111n,.~1 Sm•ll BualneM Admlnlatratlon Ntlmat• ot the quanu u .. ot work to be dooe b the Intended Mortp1ee of the I No bid w1ll be a ccepted from a Contn c:lor who hu nol 11 .... n 111 .. .,.. .. Id property. and Ila adctre.1 111 td In accordance "1\h Ole pro;rlalon1 of Chapter 9. 1>1vi.1on II I nf lh••I· J031 So. Broadway. Loe A.nrelta neaa and Prof..ion. Code IG. California. Pla.ns may be -n. and form11 of propo .. 1. bond•. rnnl "" t. •n •I THE PROPl:RTT. flJrt\n'ft and 1peclflt'alloM may be obtal.ned at Ui. office ot the Cuy E n1r1n .... r. ( ·111 equ!pment upo11 whlcla Ule .. id H&JJ. Newport Beach. C.Jlfornla. Cbatttl Mortfqe la to be placed The •ped al attenUon ot pr·oe-pecllvr bltllln• la n llf'd 1 .. lh,. .. ,,.,,. coaaltt. of UM followtnr: poaa.l Requlremuta and Cond!Uona" a.nntll"d to th• blank l"rtll or I"" All Equipment, Machinery. ~·· for full dtrectloN u to blddlnc eu Ftxturu and F\&mltun, In-The City ot Newport 8-cll r-rvft th• r11h1 11/ '"J~•·t any ••• cludJ."' PhotofT'apbJc JDqWp-btda. m~nt, Home Work • 8hop TOOIJll and EquJ pment, ltM F ord Automot>li. and' Ottk • rum It u re "°" OWMd by &or· C1TY or NT.WPORT Rf;A<'ll, «A I.IF". MAROSRT 8CHROUDEH, 1 'lty Clt rlt 0.ted: Nov 2t. JM& Me. IT N .... ....._ lltlO. 11/T, 1MI -------------------------y.rda and Ht up • 11C'Ortn~ pluna-e TOD'S STILL TERRIFIC WHEN IT COMES TO SPIKE HOOFING N...-port ll&nor'a Tod Wlalte II ltlD t..u\o ..._ )t -to 41.-laAC. NNUDc· lablrdq wiast.e "W'OQ u.. aouua.a oalltorala Oaatw •oe •a c 1111mt17 nee few lr'elllm• .,. IA. ... .lalGDIO'• S.T ade .,..... Wldte la at~ Oocf,_•1 .. Ume WU 1'1L .. Ocdcllntal ..Wept tbe~ &9& a.. ,.._ .. lllotJa ..... tT &Dd tro.11 eomp.UUoll. f With Newport ~ HJl1l klaOol'• tnck eq1IAoll IMt ..... White r.11 tht t-..t..t ,,... au. ..... recorded .. o.utornia, •:ao. u .tood .. u.. ••• ....., 111a11c tor .. wMlt unU1 Tom Skut.lt& of N,.. Jer.y lonnd that dOek• Ins to 6:111.6. Wh.lte WU n&nMd • tM llOI AD-8outlaena CalJ.tonU& err tncJt 11quad. by Rig ht HalCbac.-i. Phil KolMcer A. Rotlll to 81ac" PAM ra •• Ole w1.nntn anotbu TD. UU. for II 1ard8 I.JS the tlllrd ~uartu. on naa&AT .,.... Del uar.ttMd _., ..... ~O...<>tA9= -· roll out. .. tcW to llllok ~ Tela fto ..,...... &... ...... tale l'uD aoa.a. IO _,... ... WM balllild ..... a.. -....... n. paq--. ... .--........ HARIOR to~ tint Mat...... ----------------------- Ja ta.. --**-"' ant ...._i NEWl!Oltt HARIOll NEWSftESS -PAAT 111 • PAGE l t.b• .., ,,, ta.. ....... told. -. Puo ..._ ,..... .. u • a. WEDNESDAY, DECEMIER 7, 1915 ........ 11 ... Ka1er Dtl .oond 111 P.111 to 11 11y tu oomblM OJIPCl&U. w. ------------------------------...... SANTA ANA COUNTRY CLUB SLATED AS TOURNEY SITE SEASON OF SUCCESS ....... $30 , .... OCC BASKET BRIGADE Here's the Orange Coast College basketbaJI Piratn. Fint row (I to r) Bob Mu• tin, Costa M(.>ea : Ted Martinez, Costa Meaa; Denny Fitzpatrick, Newport Beach; Ted Coutts, Los Angeles; Hugh Vanasek, Newport Beach: Stan Hopkins, Santa Ana; Sonny Cuane, Newport Beach ; and DarreH Phillipy, Huntinston Beach. Second row II to rl : Dave Bidnick, Costa Meaa; Bob Norman, Newport. Beach; Bill Wetzel, Newport. Beach : EZ Van Horn, Costa Meaa; BUl lnloea, c.o.ta Mea: J eddy Young. Westminst~r: Bob Chapman, Laguna Beach; Lee Doughty, Santa Ana; Don Minson. Garden Grove: and Coach Stu Inman. -CXJC Photo ' S1nl1 An1 Dons ' lomp to Wins; Harbor JC Next Harbor JC ot WUmlaftOn tra· nJa to A.ndrnla G 'I m Friday nl1bt at I to f&C4 t.M tut lm· provtn1 Santa AM OoU.1• Dona. Don coach C. \V. Murrel baa bll aquad In top ehap. u evidenced by th• eoun4 l&c:inr tlley P" Paiomar Coll•I•· ei to .. , and Sant& MOiiie& City Coll•c•. 81 to ee over tile WMktnd. tl . Monarchs In Rrst Grid Loss after 10 Victories . . 's ' I '{ear fu · t·on Paced by sharp •llootlns fD r· ward• Jlrn Stanley and Ch u c Ir 1Aw1a. Ttl• Dona r a n clrclea &r4Nnd Ulelr taller opponenta. ra.t reraJJUns 1aat -..on'a acor· ~ eb!Uty, ltanley leada the Don.a wtUI ti point. scored In three S&ft!M tor an a.erase of n .i p.r run•. IAw1a ha. acorcd ST, center Bob H Wl<ie SS, p.arda Lee Kath•wa and Dick ltannu• 30 and 11 point. r.-p«UY•ly . ~-············._. ............ ~ b criP ' Su ' P. E. LEADERS AT ORANGE OOAST -Opportun- ities for young people in phyaical education were dia· cu.aaed during the annuaJ Vocation. Day beld at Orange Cout College recently. More than 90 lead- ers from buaineu, industry and the profeaaiona participated in l he hall -daf progr&m for college at udent.t. Above (J to r) are: Robert Gingrich, recreation director, Newport Beach; Miaa Mary K. Browne. former Will}.bledon a.nd national tenni.a champion; and Walter Crowe, a.aaociate proteaaor of phyaica.l education, Long Beach State College. - OCC PhotQ FIELD DAY CHAMPS 6 Youngsters Top Rivals In Boys' Club Grid Test • llal)'lns on thdr fut bruklns ott-to oft.et their opponent'• al Ut I.Ide lld nnt.as•. the Docl•, Ill I fancy drlbblen and ball handler&. eurprlM<t Ulelr foea by co11t1nU&I b.ad.t up ball hawlr1A1. After anartnr the ball, lht O o n • charr ed down court ao fut that th•lr oppon•nla wne lert In Ole backcoutt panllnc for brulh. Timi and asaln ~lnal t h t ranJY Cor .. 1r1 of Santa Monica, Ul• Don'• fancy floor work -..ck· .r..s ll'HI Oonaln out of poalllon 11.llowtn1 num.r'Oua Mt up abot.a. Yotter Ul.aa a poCM.o 111 a ,._ ~ U.. Dou lll1-ed tew _.. Inf opportw\JU.. and ranj' Ule ~II 11 Um" on UI• l&Ally vtaUora k turday nl1bt al A.ndrewa 0Jm . After the Harbor cam• Oil lM Don'• ho~ court, Uley Wlll tra· vel to Cllrua Dec:. U before ope11- tn1 t h • Chaffey lll'Yttatlcmal Tournament O.C. 14. • • • • • • • • .. .. .. • • • • • • ill • • • • • • Steve Robinaon, Neil McMillan, Brian Lewi.a. J ohn • Leffingweti J ohn Taylor and Mike Buford topped all comJ>e'-POR'rER NABS 2ND • tition in the a.nnual Harbor Boya' Club Footba.U Field Day AT PALM SPRINGS • Saturday at Co•ta Mesa Park. ·.:. NP"'PC>rt Harbor Jilfh footb11ll aurc-c•11a In Inter-city p mea. NP&r-J ohn Portn of Nnrpott = roarhra Al lrwln a nd l)(in Hurna I 'Y 400 boy• played on 38 lnlre· Bu ch nabbfo.d MOOnd wtUI 1191 a.aatM In run111nr 72 b o y 1 mur11I tf'am• or~anl.led on a v ade hi• PoHld\e 8pycS•r In Ule un· ~ der l:IOO cc moctlnect 9M!I· i.. lhrouih • Mrtee of rootball tu ta 1 ba•la. f,,urtll throufh hip ac-hool. main .vc-nt et the Palm • lncludin, pau tte•lvtnJ, pu •lng lntf'r·cltS' lo.ms on grade ltvtl• _ _.,,__....,iiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;;; tor accuracy. pea11nr; for dl1tanrt. rourth lhrou(!I_ ru:.IUJl. ar--H>l S~ ~ ft9C'ft 1tmrfty. • place lr:tel'1nit. pWlfrnir for ifl•· 1 p•rtTripanta •nd ut•bll•hr<I a rt'('· Thr r11rt.1 completed th• • t ance, oblltacl• runnlnc and foul· or11 or 31 win•. riv.. ln•M• • nd c-urrtnt amateur 'PON car ww bAH 11tance. 100,. 11., n c1n1 a.aeon In Southern :w. C&llfom.1&. Top honot1 went • r:so8 &EAlllOS I R•lb11u1on KOr•tl hll'h for "lthlll to Muton Oregory ot Kaneu ;.., Th• tlf'ld day culmln•ttd • 10 gr&Clrr• with IMI polnu nut of City I.ft tht owr uoo cc main i.. wHk 1111e.aon for Boy1' Club g rid· I t llO T,rtdy Haddock 'flFIUI MC.Ond nal • .tu•. a M uon which .,.... th• r w,l.h IM. Brla.n Lucae lhtrd wltb • moat eucce .. fuJ yt l from boUI 11 Id and Ptt• Featti.,,t<>n tourt.11 SIMlll!IN•• • ·.~ eta.ndpolnt of participation a.nd with 133 1r1 ..._. .i: I CLOSE lll\'ALJlY i.,; Or L ks McMillan pectd the • ..-'-"0i Colona·_,_ n • ange IC irrade. cl011rly follow('(! by Butcll •I• 80 • Vlneya.rd. Glenn Girdner and R~ • R·1vals 39.34 ,~~ ~r12osco""lr .... ,~3 t•o. A11i1d S11 • Bnan Ltwia. O.On1a Ptrrin. 9• F •.I • Sl••e Harper, and Jim Cur tla tin· 1ego rluay • ORANOE, !OCN81 -Ol"lnite 1thtd lhl• \•t •r • lf'At In the aame WW, C'rdtt lhf'f l11d hull year u !lftb ANAHEJM, 1CX-:-o;l'11 The ~ H11fh School • ra v ba qulnlel r a j'· ti r .. 11• ..~ond .... n In thr-.;radtn-Tb• point sprl'ad wu CU' footk ll Mmtllnal tray ~· • 1 r" ~ ... ~ .. , ~ ab<>llt lht .amt ,.,'tt.h Lcwla llOllill.I t.,..n A.n&ti.lm'• Colon111\1> and ~ ,~ N11t11rd11y n1r;bt •• Ulf'y ,1ut Pf'rnn tor the eeoond 1t rlll(bt 8&n Dfero will ~ h•ld 1n Lhl' 12 . ~. rllpped Santa B&rbara Hl1th 39·34 year by lbreo9 point.a. 121·118. 'Mle GOO -t Loftf B,.arh Ml'mon11I ,.; 1n the Ana'1r1m Hlth School fYTn I dltrtrenrf' betwee.n hrrm IUld Stadium, Canon •nd l.Alc.....,00<1 ... Har~r wu one la•t year a.nd 1'l1d&y nlfhl • Th• pune 11'118 pla yed u part four thl~ yr·•r llS·IH whllt Har· Anahrlm bumped Uld• Ol«n· :.t, • ~ •6o0 • an .ApprecialeJ Y/t A Subscription /or One EuU_rear/ Former iesidenh or part time residents of the Harbor Area, wiU 1urery appreciate receiving thi1 Gift Sub1cription to their favorite New1paper, and you will be remembered for your thoughtfulneu the year 'round •• they receive three iuuea each week, every week for the entire year. or at a~d Call ·· Harbor 1616 Come to Our Office 2211 W. Balboa Blvd. Order the Subscription. f1f an annu11I a rra 1r w hich r•ta p<'r nr.atd oul Curll.a by ftve both dale 21·13 1n tbe ft.o" Bowl lut :.-; Anahrim and Oran1~ va Sant.a yur1, 1:4-109. WHk while th• Border City boy• • Barbtlra "nd Vf'nlur11 I F'lrth 1raders were very cloH ,Wt'IO b&llJllll OYt r Belltlowtr 2t-. Approprriate Gift Subscription Cards • Tb P th 11 k 1 <1 b w1th Ltffblpt ll ahead or 8111 e .on Ule bu t• of thON colll.Jon•. ww ~ • IU\ H " l\r WllJ " Y BrO<'kman He-1u and Brodtman the Colonlru W111 be favored by ~ ~ "'01'·11r.s Ken Pur< tll who buck · 1n tron t of third place Chuck Ka· a TO or two over Dl•ro. • .. rted H ro1nt:. for the Panlh•r• b11, 1"'·143. I>eftnl• Lorlon ""'"' a OTRU 81:XtnNAL .. M • 1 d u 'R • f h Q d .. J'Ol"Wlln:I Jim :'l:,11£"'r WU .flf'C· 1' l'IO$t' fourth wtth UT. ~ a1 e pon ece1 pt 0 t e r er -....:, nnd In tht a tlllck with 10 point.a B&A. T8 ALL I In t h• other C JF eemltlnal bat· i.; ,,,,, red I ti!', St AnUiony·a of Loni .Bffch !« ~. l!C'O • John Tayl?r beat all fourth ...,111 mtet Alhambn. ThfJ 8&1111.a ·.~ =. Oran ... trallf'lf Sllnl• Barbara I .,-adr,. wllh Ut point.a: Harold df(talt (I Bntrly Bill• H ·ll laat ~ "" P-3 a t thl' ,.nd ''' lh,.. tin t p.rlod Crim wu second wttb 119 11nrt wt ek wllllr Alhambra ec:npp.d to • .. but JUmJ"'d to a 10·0 ln t1 It !ht Gary Robtn.aon bartly td~td out 11 7.7 ti• with ftJveralde bUl ,.r. ;« • "'"'' ol thr 8f'('cind qun tl"r GrntN! Rf/a for third •pol. l 14· I nP rM on.. mo,.. nrst down to ;.., 3 ISSUES WEEKLY -....:. Tht vlaltorp thl"n wrnt OU\ In 1 U mo\. .. ehn ll In the playorta. I:.; 19': front t 1·10 hut r urrfll"ll l'll!hlh M1kt Bu!ord amt Terry Sfn1lh ..,_ 1 •-·"''"" f .,,. -....:. ( ht I t third de h ......,.,, le A,.... .. ,m aYOrillnn i.; ,.,, J"'lnl of I h· '"'"" i.:.w .. Or11nt' • n111 t out or 1ra on· d I I all'Mck .,,. <a:.' I I ors ""'th Buford llC'Ortnf HI polnt.t ue \O an " UI " h by the :,.; ,.,, 17 .11 .,., ln SmlUl'a 139 Bob Rouo wu nam• of Mickey "11\11. &an DI•· :...-MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY -..:.· It "11 • • .., .... ~.,,.. b11ttl• 111 t-1r h 111et out t • d f t :,.; ,.._ 1t:1rd w\lh 124 and Randy Holton ro "" 0 vence a ! .e :...-~. ~•• Ortl111e tt!a,1 lh,. '•"'• t'1n ~2· Court.h With 122• at the h&nd• at Claire Van Hoo"· ~ • ..,:; 111 •l lhe l"lld ••f lh" hall nn•I b) belte'f eJo·eft l.n JN3. The Colo-• ~ 2« 28 at finl•.h l'f \hr Jtllrtl prnoJ nMlte .Uaitnated Ule Border Clt.7 • 9! Sa nta Bftr bA •• \t"(I th .. •· nr .. OCNS Awmds out.nl from Ult o r playoff• 2l·T ;... !11-28 At lhr ~1111 I "' I h,. fln•I Ola\ ,._r, Ulen deedloclred 8ulta :.i le! ,, .. m,. \ll llh 01 •11e .. 1 .. k11111 • ..h111 · l"ullti.ck Ml.kt Haa1 and End Monica only lo loM out a nMJl•t • wn~oW'WW"~ HARBOR • ~~:~,..10-7/ol 1 ..... 1 '"' " h•~l.l't b\ J ack Kennedy of Orans• Cout = by the rnarrta of -tlnt • ]( cnw.:;;;•.Y'f rs· & p R :es s .. ~ L"olle,•'• football Plrat• will re-~ !..: ,,,, nurth"'''"'' t1°-,1 t hf' r1>11nt ~BT •nv•-•o• .~ ,.... t'f'ITe Opn1• County N .... Ser· ..,.._ -....... ,. • ia.:. !\\l !\I) ""I 01 an1" 111 •1111pilv '""'' , "• Atllt.tlc-Achievement' A0warde Ia t.hal Dltll'J cl&*, AMMlft • ~ I :::: ,.... 11&aln ""'hen rum , ... 11"1 ""•~ '• "' fur Ml"I nanaed ort the All·ltaat· waa a -..•·point ~. --""""" :.! f"I An.J Hnk I'll (ltr lhlil\11 rm Confennce f'leven. Hau wu A.I ..._ ..._ -1 UU. ...-., • • -. hr~7:': !!:~:~·1:h~•7"~11 .. ~'" ~~:','.'.:; '1';-~:1~·8 Kc:~~:a:~:r out· !:".an°: 0": ~,,u.. ...:.":: • 22 f I W. Belboe Blvd. · Newport Beac~ ~ •hr aJ In f1n•I mllntl'nl• •t"no11n, perfonnance u an aUI· 'll'ttll a wtll+~ lib n)'llD • •. However, Thoma-f'1i,:11r roa rut !f't" 111 Oran"" rounty·· wlll be pre· on their...._ A"..._ i.•t .,...._ L-.. _ . . ., . . WWWiiliU!MiWlllli lllinMM~lllatlMV•-'~ the P1nlhen oul 1n front lo •\.aJ'·i Htli.d at lonlfhl·a 9porU bu4u.t. Nc1. i, ............... w..IJ.W,JJ.• ... •·•••J'-•---·~"'W..••W.Jl..Jf ... ••J.W•W•WW•:..:ir.:.:;ir.;ir.;ir.;ir.:.;:.;;ir.;ir.;ir.;ir. .... :ir.~ I ' I I t ' ' . FEM OLYMPIC DIVING .CHAMP ATTENDS BUC FETE TO~IGHT ~AGE 4 · P~ "T 'I I -~1~•·1P""''n t-'~"'"0~ MF.'A/S.f»Rf)) WED~~ESOAY, DECEMBER 7, 19S5 Nutlonat Womrn'1 Diving Cbamplon Pat Mc:OonrUck w01 be gue.<it or honor at thr an1111al Fall Sport.I Award B&.nqu.t • al Ora~n11e <.:ol\JSt Collt'ge tonight. She wtU be accomp&n(..t by htr huftband, a diving t:nut·h -tor the LAAC. The· rumou11 athlt>te w111 spea.Jt on Ule torthcomtn.a" 1tM0 Olympic Gnmt'/I. Winner of the fqcy t1pr1n(bo&rd. plain a.nd fA.ncy high diving lllll"S 1n the 1932 Olymplea, lhe wu eJeo (Inst tn tht' P8Jl American Gamee one u_d three meter dlvinl' for women t'llrht•r th111 yrar. ln the 19M AAU meet ebe t>Oltt'rlt•d five div\ng llUt'-'!. Pirute spor'tl awards will be pr-ted to letter wtnnere In football. water polo and croea country. Letters, two year jM·ket awards and spedal awarda will IO to IO OCC 11.lhleln. Football coochea from all county hlsb mcbooia have b•·en invited a.a gueslll of the 'A.uociated Student& Rua Norman and membeni of the Hollywood Judo Club.wtll stv. a spl!dat demonstration of their art. Huntington Beach Sets Southland Salute to Santa A11he~m Cagen lplit -2 8a01e1 ANAHl!irM. <OCNS) -Ana· helm High School'• bulu!tball varsity .utter~ f1nit dttffat ot the aeuon when VenUlra copped a tl-0 duh In the Colonial 1ym Saturday n ight. Forward Terry Tanrney . of Anaheim wu hlgb point man for the loaer1 lo\rtUl 18 point.!!, 12 nr them via frC'e th~w11. The colo- nl•ta led 21-18 Al tht' half. Friday Anaheim c:letMted San- ta Barbara 1'19-41!. Tangney talltrd 21 polnta. Clift R-Ogtra followed with 15 for the victors. T he Colo· nlllta led' at halrttme 37-28. Coach Bill H11Mtock of Ana- hflnl aahl he was 11urpr111ed wllh the offensive work. actdlnJil. "Thl'.)' net'd mo1 t' dr1lhn1: on 1le!l'n:<t>." Current i<t ttrtlnic hnt"up for Anl\h"lm'~ q111ntl'l · Tony 1tnd Ter- ry T!lngl<'y 11t 1111·\\·11 r•li<. Ho~ers al cenll•r and Lero~· Slt•pltans &11d Kl'n Harktr 11t g1111nls. Pre11ldent R. C. Schw!'ltzttr of th e Huntington Beach Chamber ·of Commerce announced today the annua.I "All Sout hland Salute to Santa Cta1111 Band Revl!'W" to be held in Huntington Bt'Hl'h Friday Evenmg w fll be the largest musi- cal dt'monstration ever attempted, In this city. par&de pa,-throurh on review Santa Claiw will brlnr up the rear riding a top bla big anow <'Ov- ered noat ottering greettngs to Racer Parts Taken Approximately 37 bancl.8 and drum corps Including Orange Coast CollPge Pi1·ate Band. wtll appear this year against 26 last :V<'Br. All un it11 in the parade wtll total 2397 partlclpanta coming from as far south u Sa.n Diego a.nd Perris In R iverside County. IJ'he reviewing officer will be 1111 during this CbrU!1tmu seuon. fr Iii B "Id• Ma.lrl ~t. trom Ocean Ave. to •. Om ey UI lftfJ 11th St. will be cleared ot all SANTA A:-;A 10CNS1 RarPr l'ars at IS p. m . by Chief of Police parts worU1 $23~ were stolen rrom Ben Dulaney · and hi• atde1. with a corrugated sle\'I b11tltling at 11800 a bomb 1111lute. to be followed b\' High\\ ay 101 Monday nlgnt. the a battery of bomb 11al11te11 at 7 victim, Jack 7. Riiey. 640 See· p. m. which wlll et.art the parade. ward. Corona del Mar, told Sher- Hunllngton Beach mercha.nta will tffa deputies. A door was pried hold open houae Friday n ight and open to gain entry to the place. wtll be bo11t to all vlattora and cu11tomera aerving hot cottee -do· Special Notleee nuta • c(>QklH and many mer- chant. lf1vlnf candf • ~lloons a.nd othu artlclea to the children. Newport Harbor TROPHY FOR INSPIRATION' Captain J . R. Terry U.S.M.C. Res. or the Seal Beach Amm. A: Net Depot. The parade llne up will be under the direct supervt"ton of Gt'neralissimo William Oalllenne. Hubcap Talen y B. P. 0 . E. 1767 Accepting Newport Harbor Elka Lodge trophy for Orange Coast College Fullback Mike HIWI, designated Pirate. ,"most wieful" performer tbi.8 seaaon, is, from right, Dr. Buil Peterson and Coach Ray R~. Looking on, from left, are Exalted Ruler Al Matthews, USC Line Coach Don Clark and Frank Linnell. first local exalted ruler: -Staff Photo RED HOT OC PIRATES • OFF TO FAST ST ART Tilts band event ts highly com- p!'l ll1ve and will be judged by the Amnk an Band J udgei1 As1mc1a.· t10n. Trophies to be pre1wnted In the Pavaton Ballroom &rter the p11r11de will tndude \he coveted sweep11tal<ea pra:r;e won tn 1953 by thl" Arcadia Apache Band and In 1954 by Ozzie11 Band of San Diego . Trophle.11 will be prttsented by the Chnatmas Queen Ml1111 Pat Bilyk loc1.1J H igh School Co-Ed and her prlnce11ses Pat Talbert, Deane Le- V81111t?t1r, Donna Toutou:1f.', Shirley Off to a fast start with three straight triumphs, Hudg~ns. Kay T tnslt'y, and Carol Orange Coast College red hot cage five faces Long Beach H~ges. Dancing will be enjoyed In the Pavalon BaUroom by aJJ City College in the Pirate gym al 8 p. m. tomorrow night, participants following the parade. then travels to El Camino Friday night. George Jac.-k chatrman or the Re-• I tall Merchants committee eaye Slnl·r thumping th!' OCC Alumni Uob Norman. a ret urning 11ervlt'e-that this year11 parade ,...ill be the 114-65 1n their or>< nt'r, Coarh Stu nrnn: Lee (')oughty. J 11hn Muir; biggest sn<1 besl ever. lnman'• chrug1<11 Niiled Cleridale ITt<d Martine7P another lell•'r-mun Tile judge11' reviewing stand 411-41 on lhl! ravel t'<Jurt and fol· !tom Newport Harbor; Stan Hop-will be located al Main St. A Wal· lowed up with a 73·69 triumph kinit, Eua Van Horn. Hugh Van-p 1 nut Ave. The garland llghlll over- over u!d~·nK Cl~ ( 'olll'Jll'. • Ii.tick JUld. IUllltlleL .liw:u.mgtan ilf'lld ot-Mttn Street &Jld et-ee.n Theft of a hubcap valued at S7 wu reported to pollc• Friday by William H. 8a11ndera ot 312~ N. New1>0rt Blvd. Keet.I enry 'lbunday 8 p.m. Via Oporto -Cantral Ave. Newport Beach Albert R Matthewa. J:u.lted Ruler SOUTH GORST CDUSTRUCTIDU ED. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL 280 SOtb St .. Ne'!'POrt Beach Harbor 2633 Key men '" lnmnn'a l'Urrent 1 Bt>ach fla.sh. Darrell Phlllipy. Av~. will blaze with light u i.ti• club appears to bt' a pair or ex· _____ .:_::..:._:_::..:.__:_:..:._=:..:_ _ _:..:..:..;:.:_~::...==...:.:.:::_::::.:.:._=_::.;~============~==~~~~~~=~~~~=~ Nttwport Harbor High School atarll -Vt'ttran Blll Inloes and freahm&n lJt'nny F'1 tz.p11t1 tck. BW B OOK l nloe•. a returning· lrttt'rman. hu an u .crtlent hool<. 11ho1 and 111 able to sink buckets rrom any point on th!' floor Smkang 10 polnt11 agntn•t P .u11ldf'n11 S11tunlny n11tht, Riii play<'d h1a bt'itl gAme of lhl! Yt'llr n•boun•hng Wt'll anct bk>t'klnir ma ny r1\'lll "hot.II. 'Fltzpu\rll'k wu hlgft point r1111n agaln•t the 11.tumnt wit h 21 a.nd htlttna for 9 and 14 1n the rullow-, lnit tiko outing" , Other frf'llhmtn who iohnw i:ro•at pron""" IJ'H lutle J NJtl)' Ynung th" Jtunt1nKton Bear h prep fUuth . 1tnt1 Dave Bltlnlt k frnm Down<'y H111h Young h1l for 26 points a11:a1n~1 LIDO sHoPs C LA S·S tF 11 D DIRECTORY -APPLIANOD -BoaMbolt Parta -Dealer -Bervtlle UDO F.Ll:Cl'IUO HH \'la Lido -Butler 01'7 AUTOMOBILE DD.y;jll_- Nt>w and uled Cara NICKERT"L !!lTVDEBAJUtll s.IN 84-n'k"fl Parta , Hl~ Sewport Blvd. -Har. 1111 BANKS Baak of Amf'rt<'a 1''T & !'lA ll4U \'la 'Lido -Harbor S3llA BARBER SHOPS LIDO SHA VISO Ml'U In Rldwf'll'a Store for MN: ll4t8 \'la Udo -Harbor !!W BEA.UT\' PARLORS LIDO SAL0:-0. OY RF.,\l'T\ Hl6 Npt.. Bh·d. -Ha.r. 14'11 BQOKS ~OOk C ASE Hl8 \'la Udo -Rart>ot 4~ CAMERAS & Suppllee \'I:\' 'ENT UDO l>Kll 08 S'81 \'la Udo -Harbor aooa CARPJ::TS & DBAPl!:JUES DICK MACKER WO Via Udo-Harbor '321 CATERING . RICBAIU>'8 LIDO llABJU:T MN Via Udo -llarilor U1I Olotblllg-Ch.Ddreu & lafaat. IERl't!I OF U .DO N~ Newpon Blvd, CLOTIONG -llea11 BetaU IUDW£Ll..'8 8Bt>P FOB MEN Mii Via Lide -llart»or 1M1 OLO'l'lllNG-Womea11 Betal LA ll&1N1C 600 Via ...........,._r 6811 LIDO FUHJON8 Mlt Npt. Blvd. -Barttor llTI 811ADDOC&'8 HU Via Udo -Harbor H11 VAGA.BOND BOUSE Imported Sport.8wear 1'28 Via Udo -Harbor 1006 DRUG STORES VINCENTS UDO DRUGS Htl Via Udo -Harbor 1001 ELECTRIC OONTRAc.:roRS LIDO ELECTRJO U%4 Via Lido -Harbor nt1 FLOWERS RICHARD'S LIDO llA&&ET --Corsag-Ell-'T at>fe Arrangementa - lHSS \'la Udo -Harbor 108 FOUNTAIN, GRll.L VINCE.ST'S LIDO DRUGS utJ Vla Udo -Hanor loot FRAMES & ALBUMS 0£JUIAJlDT 8TVD108 MJI \'la U4o -Harbor U01 FURNITURE DU 'K MACK.Ea H2U Via Uclo -Hanor UJ8 GIFT SHOP RJCUAJW'8 LIDO lll.AJlAJ:1' SUS Vla Udo -Barbor 1118 INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. Btil'K, L'1C. UOO \'la Udo -Hali»or"" OQA~-£.O~Cll!d_.l!l...inJJ:iL£Wlll!Jcm,~ nl g&m~.and f>Op~ In 9 11galmot Puadt'na INTERIOR DF.OORATOB8 BLANCHE t'Vl.A.Ell80N A.Lil Hit \'la Udo -llarMr 6181 -----~-~--,D~l~~OKER HAIU!JOB HOTSHOT-Denny Fitzpatrick. ex-Newport Harbor High School Sailor cager. is now with i he Pirates of Orange Cout Collog<.'. He rattled the hoop- for 21 points and game high point honors m the Bue opener with the alumni. Tht' Pirates host Long Beach Cit y College quintet in the Bue gym to- morrow night. -0CC Photo 4 MESA MERCH~.NTS ON ALL-STAR SQUAD Jerry Rice, Lacicero, Pierce, Named; Ed Lane Coach Wetzel COOL. MA .S Bltlnlt•k IA! a t'ool rh~lll'ler Whtl hu A terrific tay11p JOhol from undC'r tht> bukrt. OthC'r potf'nt mrmt>er11 or lhlll llt'atonn'11 8 •11 t1v1· wall hf Bob Chapmlln. lrorn ~1•ntebetlo High, Bill \\ t'IUI 11nnlh<"r..from !\'rwport H11rb.1r ll1~h. r ~•n ~Tln.imn of Nar- twinn• H lith n .. ti Mnrtan, Harh .. r High, Tr<I C111tll •. ~i1111l«'hdl<>. 1 Sonny t'm1nt front Bevrrl\' MaM . ' -- ! Inman. Gage ·Conduct Kid Cage ,(finic Stu ln1111411 Or11nr" """'' c···l· lr,l?r bn,kNb.1ll 1 11.1. h en.t Hr.1 11 H•mr Mr'lh<t J 111t·~ (; •1tr .. r ;-..;,." Coach Ed Lnn<' and four members e>f thr Cni;ta MC'Sa P"'' ll ••Mr 11 i:ti "'H ;''"111111 " hR~kr•'h•'t rlti !-=+•!tu l•~\ (}1ttn Merchants baSE'ba 11 te&m ha \'C been. 1rn m<'d members o f n 11 1n 1., .,,., 11 1. , .. 11 ll'". "' An Orange County Winter League squad wh1C'h will partici-1~,. 111,.1~,, "'" • 111 '11• R•" 11• pate in an all-star fray at Orange City Park, l p. m . Dec. 18. < luh in t •• , .. M"•I\ I T hr r ltntr ~"I""' 1h11• yi-111 H< Named on U\f' Smtih All-StRr l tnrz. tr.I ;\fntlrnn nn.t flun RRtrH·~. ,., th,. l'·•~I i•i< lh• .. (fw1"1 1111,.11. team whkh will b11t lle the N'nrth Orang(', Sr<•trl•l A:t•r111s1n E<1 1 tnll ,.r tti•· R•i\11' 1't11h hiok••thllll n ine werr Mttllf Chuf ktr J,.rry Br<>wn Ornng••, Th11 1I B&s!'man ~Pll-~c>n Tli.-rr1:"H·l.r. ,, 111 ,.111 phA· R ice, Third R&.'Ot'mlln Bnb I.Ari-Don B11·11nt, 0111ni;1•: Shnrtslnp "'" rundrrn1 rntnl~ "' 1 h<' llRH\I' 1n cero, and Outrttldeni Butt Pier<'" I B•ll Ha11ll\n<I. 01 ant.I' Ou\ fttlrlPr~ • 1uJ.J1t 1nn In r1,.-.·r1h1111; 11nd <Hgnn· and Bo b \\'~tzel ~ti <'1ll11 1•r11, F:l :>1"<1-'n" "n rl izln~ "·" '"'" .i .. r, ""'"'' ro1 m 11• Or !hi' 2\ &Juth llll·lllArc. fiVt' ('H~h F.llJl<'lM'IW t:1t1tll'n 1:1 01<' I t• 11• f\1111< n trlll n-n'ltl p1•1r fl· nf lhem. anrluolinll \\·rlZt'l <If the HAin '"'"'''""I ''"' ht~: l"un-nn;: ,., tl;r 11k1l1-11! 111.. ~,.,11~ C1nc1nnat1 Rf"lll bf Ion~ '" profrf-dAI ~ "' t•1"l11l1•d • ''"'· lll"l\\"'I n "ill • "i•· up 111 1 11.1n11 i.r B .. th •tonal b•ll rl11hio l'llrht r R11iu Hf'· \'"''" :-1 ••• ,. 11n.! ~I M1 .. lr n11 Kt 1·uiwh· • , .. 111 1141'•1: .... , • alii•I• mlln of Orani: .. Ill Wtlh '"'" l'hl•M· 1 -.1~t.1 ~l·~H l'iqk lh .. """''will rl•1'•1• I • 111<1 Ill •1111•1•11!111..: 111 .. co \\'hate S-Ox oriranl7.allnn St>•-bf' pht1"t1 »I 11 11••·1 .1 .. 1~ 1·1.. rt11111 ond B1uem1111 Krx B1tlJ< "'k 1•1 'w11to \' t Ill' ~IN• hnntlf 111ke ,,,, Sant& Ana A 1·,. I~ "Ith 1'111• ~~l "'""~"" bur~h. Shortst11p P •·nn Hutllll•'I •. r A 1h11h .-10 put h"•' 1u 1n tr1• 111111111 111\ ·11, .. 1 ... ,. ·•·•·kin~ 11 La Fonda la In t hi' St 1. .. 111" ('ti'· G dinal chain. Outfl!'lih r Hill l >thl ridiron Glory l(H•;t l"' ""~1 ''" "1 • ,,, ""'1111'" '" "'ilh H olh"A'OuJ ATHI u,11 1 1 hn·· 1 uu• \ i~··rt 111 tt1 1111 tHl"' ''' 1 h• .. t•\ ttlt aom with 8~lln1111 Bolh hll' 1111•111-I•an •'I •~ •«11 of \1 1~ F: F' 1111~"'1 ' l""",. t" 1"' "ll;At1i7. .. .i bt'rw of Santa Ana At '1 ~q!lll•I Menlli l'r ()f lhP s,,,111 h ,oq1111.1 'll11ll bf! Pat<·her Bob Bayll>l k of Oranlf•'. aided by l.ane. P >tg• 111\!:l f: H .• 11~ ... h:•~ b"''" ""a ".1111• hll •I"" r11u1l h lhruu1:hl :"' 111 .i .. .i 8 )lllllHI 1 ,.,,, ,.:• , • ., ,.11) hl1¢h •• 1111ul 11 •Y" w1 111111( 10 )(Pl lu .. 1 hl'll I••• i.•1 101 .,111-rnnillnr: on ~ I• 0111 >hP\lhl '"I"''' Iv lht 1 • tloru\1ttw •• "" ht .. .:rid t ,. "tn Lltnlt ~tt tu1it11\ "'"'"'").! , th,~ ~··•"9t 1n 111 it n hthh·t1r n .,r1· Other membe1'3 of th,. t,. a m bl\' , •lO.f\11 t••ll In 1,1 r '111 J 1; I F Hi tncludt: Plkhu Don Hairt'mllll. l\1 ""''" 1h11•1•fur llf 11t hltl ll'~ Al PY or n•s Jtt M<>deno: CatchttMI J oe L&J~r-K""'J'l'I :\l 1n1Ar .1· ~·"'"'I A.ion· M1 """ Mr• Kt'llC'rt Hin""· borf. Gardl'n Grove: <Hne Rafflu. v!llr M1' u,. WAii J.ll\'l'n h 1 it h 2~•'48 F'111rn av Onvt . Co111" Me,.11. Orup. and Don Trout. ltl Mo-recoirmt1on for hi• pteyln11 abtUty ar" the par#nt.a .,, a baby boy .... ; .,,.. ...... Rud7 a. ~, )Ila coac.h. I borb Nov. n UI Boec HOlptta.l. ' 328 AMERICAN A YE. PU ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Ph. HEmlock 7·1203 KIO VU. Udo -BArfllor UJ1 DON C&EJOBTON A. L D. M&1a4a lmporte 1100 Via Ill.up T 11anu UJT MARKETS " RICllAJlD'8 LIDO llAIUlET HSI \'la Udo -Hatttor UJI REAL ESTA.TE P.A. PAL.KER INC. asu via Udo -lllarbor , ... VOGEL OOMPA.NY Hll \'la Udo -lluMr M11 BAY A..''1> BEACH a&ALT1 \'la Udo Brtd,fe Ottkle JUI u..Fayett.e -....,._ IMa LIDO U .A.LTY ~ 1.Jdo,. S&Jea A: ~ntaJ.a MOO Via Udo -....,._ MU SAVINGS-" LOAN A.SSOCIATION8 ~'EWPORT BALllOA SA VINOI & LOA...'i AS!!SOOU.DOJ!' A S&vmga .lnaUtuUon Lonr Term Home Loana JIMVlaUdo-lluMrUM !IEBVJCE STATIONS UDO RICBFtt.LD HU Sewport Blvd-Bu. 681'7 SHOES-Mea'a BIDWELL'S STORE roa KEN MZ8 \'la Udo -Barber 01U1 SBO'ES, WOMEN Rt;u;•" OF CALIFORNIA MIO Via Lld-aA 9111 DIEAT&E8 LIDO TREAD& Conautt Ulla peper tor prornm \'la Udo at N-,,ort ...... Harbor llH rovs LIDO TOYL.LVD un Via Udo -Raner HM TRAVEL ACENOIES BARBOR TRAVltL AGENCY 1416 Newport Bh·4-Rar. 66t4 UPHOLSTERING DICK MACK.l'.K IUU VI& Udo -Barbor U!I W A.TCH REPAIR \'l~CF.ST'li4 WATCH REPAIR Ull() DRl'Uli' I I.CH \'la Udo WINDOW OOVERING THE 8KADE 8HOI' Nut to Poet Otnce--Har. IM Claaalfiecl 10-BW1?!!M Oalde ----------~-- HAULING trull or ? An)'Ulln&. A nY""h11ra Llberly 1·21411 l i-.Balldlq SenieN H .H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE l'L\IM]IING A Prompt Rrp-•t St'1v1 .... •h1!n1a\ned Phone: Harbor 412f. pejl Ba.!b.A. Bh<J., ~""''purt Br acl'I ... "A1s 1 ' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THlt NEW machlfu1 proc .. ._. mt'lh· od. ftt"&90n&ble price.. A ,,.rsee 2 tapa rM.ld .. nUaJ blind. Bltndli Qre~!n:d $=~~ .. bu.Ht. ""• Pick Up and dt'llVt'I')' Work don• by appolntm .. nt Phone Uberty 8-5701 or Klmberly 8-8274, ppttc CEMENT .t BUILDING ... ""'"' FREE l!:.STIMA TES Liberty 8~109 CARPENTER Repair Work 0-. Tour Roma f'ft'ad Repa.lrtng .. Ramodellq 1' C&U FnU, U bartJ HiM A.U Worll Guaranteed 74tt11 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TQO SMALL H. 0. AQ'1e\'90S) I 1-- / I !9-Rel• WuW n-n .. t11 '''•ntf'd "'--"""'-~"'-i'--~~.""'--"-.;_-""'""-'--~~-30-111-Al?PU..... 30-B-A~----INEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART IV • PA6E I. COMPLETE P AINTlNG "-Paper Hanging Service J .l!;l.'Gl:NE 0 . 8AUNpat8 ~ lllt t 8trwt, Newport Beach .Harbor :911 or Har. t.t.41. tlc j 14-Penoa• AJco.holica Anoaymoua Writ. P. 0 . Boa Ill NrWpOrt Bet.cA. Callr. . Pl\Qna Harbor 479~ Superfluous Hair ... Pem1an,.ntly remoYtd trom face arm.. leri. EytbrOw• a.ad hair lln,e aha~-No more tweulns . STANDARD STATIONS Hu opt'fllns tor Statlot1 S.l<~•mrn Agu 18 -3~ Orante County 5-Day -40--Hour ~eel( High t\artlng pay F.11cttllt'nt' Benefit• COOi.i opportunity for Advanc•m•nl Apply STANDARD S',l'ATIONS D8hlla &11tl CUll11t Hl,hway Coron& d,.I Mar Ctiapn<an .. 11<1 Sp11.d"" Full .. rton 8:30 to 9:30 a. m. P,fonday • Thu1ll<illY"· 37C·l2 ---P.:Ll.EN L 8ft TA.NT R. E. Udo'a 8aloo of 8eaUlJ Bar. 2071 MEN~W,QMEN -------------'-".1cROCl-':RY caah\<:'r• and l'llEAT wrappen, '80 -SIOO \Oo'eek. %2-.1.oiit ud Pound 308 Spurgton. San1a Ana. Ph :::-=::--::r. KI 3-8300. Se• Ad Chua 24. -RE\\'ARD t..o.l pair Bitoea\1 with 32c4~ blue pl•ftllc frame-aomewhere 1 --~-----------b<>tw . 8&11k of Amerlt'a, Np!. I 4 Cttil place. Coel& Me.M. t..I ARE YOU TIRED OF 11-1821). ' 31h:41 -FICHTINQ CROSS -TOWN LOST. BOXER, male, fawn color. 'l'RAFFIC1• Reward tr returned lo J . I.... -ROUTINI!: INSIDE WORK Duffy, 427 Heliotrope .Avenue. corona del Mar. 4lc 43 -1.0SS or PAY FOR VACA- U--Schoola, lnstructJoa SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT GROCERY cuhlf'r1 and MEAT wrappt"r11-e•rn $80 --$100 per Wt'"k. 308 Spurgeon. Sanla Ana. P h. Kl 3-6300. 32c45 LEAllN Prllctlcal Nur1ina:. Earn $8 -$14 dally whne training. LAmbert 5-7521. S3ttc China Painting TIONS -NO CHANCE FOR ADVANCE- MENT Apply 1030 E . F1r11t St. Santa Ana. Mon. to Fri., 1 :30 a. m. to f ;OO p. m. SOUTHERN C'OUNTIES GAS CO. -Has lntere1tln1 out · or -door• joba for high Khoo! gradu&ll'I! 18·411 wlth tomt" mechanical aptitude. 0-day, 40 hr. wee:k. 3:7<'~2 'fOMEN, 1eve,..} o!tl.ce poailion•. Da7 and' ltve.run1 0- 0rd•r• TaJl:en Now Phone Llberty 8-Mf.I ffUa MEN, engineer•: mechanlc&J. f'l<"C· ____________ , Rral Ealtate Salesman USED APPLIANCE BUYS WEDNESDAY, DECEMIEJ. 7, 1~5 \\'H Y S IT LI.Kl: A l>'ROG o n 1t Jog ~ I \\'a •n! •no"'•d undt'r with pro.- ~l•. s~ our offk t .and rea<.I our ('On11nl•1on contract. You'U 1 tie &l•d you did, Th"ra i. 'no- th1n11 llke uur <ifter 1,nywhtff• , _ po11ltl\'f'iy. hllf'rv!C''ol'll 11trlctly confld•n!lal. \\'a ara a men1ber or MuhipJ .. L,.unr. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. M\3 3~nll St . r-.·~11·1)()r\ llc-11ch. Ca I if i ll1tr. :i868, aftfr ~ p rn. Har, ;!293-J • 301 fl' I LOOK AT TH_I R AD I Earn $8 ~ $14 daily l\'0111<'11 of all •.:•·JI <.1 ... qpera!t'ly n.-Nle<.I at oncf'. Earn ..,.hi!• yuu 1 .. 11rn p1·.11.t·tlcal nut >1fng. High M·houl t'(lucel1un not ll<'t'<ll'll. Call LA n1bert ~-7~:?1 or "'rllt' CAREER8 IN N UHSI NG, D~f!I. I ~. 4016 \\', Con1mOn\lo't'llllh. t'llllerton. 33\lc O'KEEFE & MERRITI' gu nnge ........................ $49.50 GAFFERS &. SATTLER, ~·hite table top gu . range. Very clean ............... ·-····--·-··-·-···--·····----T9.5o WHITE TABLE TOP, gu range. g-riddle, WES0;~cc:Ot;;~g ~le~t.ri~··;;~g~:-ial~-·~J~i .. :::: !~:~ PHILCO Refrigerator. 6 cu. ft. , ................ _ ..... $99.50 WESTlNGHOUSE Refrig. 7 cu. ft., very clean $99.50 SERVEL Refrig., ll"f\. hand door .......................... $89.:wl GIBSON 6 cu. ft . .......... . ... $79.50 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 8 cu. ll. Deluxe .... $119.50 DEXTER Automatic washer ·-·--······---····-·····-··-· $89.50 KEN?-fORE \\.'ringrr washer ....... _ ............... _ ...... $49.50 EAS)' SPJNDRYER __ -···-·-Special Only· $59.50 ALL CUAHANTE:ED \VASHJNC MACHIJ'f~~S. AUTO!o!ATIC AND \\'RINGER '!'Yf'ES ., SEVERAL TO S ~;LECT 1''HO M ALL REASONABLY PRICED-BUDGJ,."T TER:\IS-FREE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE co. <i20 East 4th St. Santa Ana KI 2-2336 ~ :tn·R--.4.ppllant!d 29-ffelp \\'&nted \\'Al\"T 11;ood expenl'nrt'<I 111111 m11n ---~--------- for furnH11re pll111t. s 1e11.dy A Planne.d Future V"Urk Vlu 'llllnn &, in~uran<'f' POS ITIO:>; \\'1tn old t'lllllh. Co. bent f1t. LI 8-63:12, 4l c43 Build 11. hn1rine11" o r )'OUr O\\'n. GIRLS '- E ARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our Ill'\\'. higher 1t111·ung wage 11nd frequent .ncre11se1 gn'f'll you Lhia opportun!ly. Opt'nlng11 now for - Rr Jl"lll >111!""· fno.1 produce Hl r;::h,.~t 1nt"<•tl\r br11ck<'l. !:lub- 11h1ntial rc-t1r..,1nfnt pl1u1, :>!n Inv. LI 8-5740. 29c42 Beacon Personnel 1.00~~ employer retained agency TELEPHONE OPERATORS :-.o FEF: coll .. .:tt'd rron1 llpplk an! Nt "·µo1·1 lie11ch Y.'e "'lli l1'aln )'OU 11.nd you'll re-413-31,.l ct'ive 1nll11y 0U1er benerilll. 1-------------- -Apply --:JO--MlStt.Uaoeou11 ~14 \1 No. :M,.ln £Lreel, Rm. 211:--·------ Santa An.11.. 9:00 to 4 :00 p .m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE MOTHERS H ELPER, l child. U 1·" !n. Harbor 0318-R. 31k~ I Attention Knitters CLEARANCE SALE Brand nl'w 1955 appliances 1'"Lo0H ~IEP.CHA XDIS•; Norge. Easy, ABC. \\'hirl1>ool Automat ic \'V11shcrs Sa\'c up to $100 Norge Refrigerators Save up to $125 O'Kcefe & t.lerritt, Norge \ Tappan. \\lt>dgewood Ranges Save up t o $till -BED SPRING and MATI'RESS, complete .... $10.00 WASHING MACHINEti -·----···--····-·-·-··-$12.30 up Theae and • tho.PUJld other bout1thold buxaln.. Everything for the Hou.1e-Fumlahlng1, Toya, Ra<UOI, Clothing and Sh~ for the entire family Re-cent additione ot several disabled veten.n penon- nel -Y.'ho ha,•e completPly refurbished, rejuvenated and placed in top codClition everything In our •tore malt!! WI HY "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS ~NDUSTRIES 402 E. 4th, SANTA ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 P . M. S2--Funalture for Salf' BEDR00"4 St.'TS ' 6 & 9 nRA \\'ER <lrf'11.1e1·, nllrl'()r, bookra~t· tit•dbo>lf<I, ft'Om $.59.60 T\\'IN !>l1t1'lf' btt1 wl\h 111~1\l'INlll .. bnx ~pr1n11:. or.I)' . ~9.W ""· 6 & D r11~'A \\'E:n n111ple rlrr1111,,.r. "'llh n11n· .. r. f1.,>111 STll.MJ p.tp S:&-MUAlt'.al, Radio, T V I CHRISTMAS TREATS. If.IA buyll lovt'I)' ~by Orand. l:uy teM1111. Another $496. )la.11.y '<"lhera : Kn11b<!, Stein-)', Kim• b11ll, t.lona..rch • Raldwln. St.an', lda110n • H11.mUn. Wurtlt.aar, 100 pl11noa alw•.v•. DANZ- SCllMIDT Bi[l' r1ano &nd Orru S tore, !'120 N. Mil.In St., Santa Arii. Living Roofll Sets I Afodem & ,_,aple AS :\"!C F: A LIX•: llR yuu r1nll a.nywher.,. \\'Ith our low U\'t•rllead ~·uti'll IJo> 111rpnsed hnw HllKh we <'BU ~In'!• YOU. P\~11111' lllkr 11. l<'l<lk ll wlll J>•Y )'OU. GUUIJ 'l'ER.\!S , "'OUld F IVE DOLLARS JM!r month tente i:ood 11r11ct lce piano, !:njoy )'O'llr C:hrlatma.a wHh mWIJC. Good pr•cl lt~e pl&nC"" •• low .. ft7 .. S l:l!\ .. up. A U 1n f'!lrtllant con• <lillon, DANZ • SCHM:IDT Btc' 1't11no 1<n~ Oi·c-an Co., 620 M, t.la (n St.. S1n ta AnL n•;TAJL Fl "BZ"IT\;ll~; BROKERS O!'en Frtd11-y };\'p, Kl 3·2•311 31'1! llt Spur"eon S11ut11. An"" 4iltfl' Our CHRIST){A.S TREAT. SI-'" --------------1 tronlc Organ, well known B!Ma, a1tve lt60. D ANZ-SCHMIDT, F'arnn u• Pl•.no Ir. Otc•n ·~ ::020 N. Miiin. B•nla A.NI. :-IAPLt: Chlllr. n1wp1t-··•nlly "'1111 nurror. rnuhog. t.1ookl'ft•<', fL,I· "'<.>O<I hlln•I T-1<1111"<1 r>•llCI !11blr. C:fnhl'i< l (>hl<'Y chair 1)1\0'• Jo:. 1014 E. Balboa Blvct, Balboa Harbor 200 SJLlc 2S--81tuattona Wanted I ronlc •nd chemical; llf'rvlce Ill•· uon ... le& and uther1. J UNE: 1'"ARRAR Employn1enl, t.02 1._ - 32n<t St., a ero._. from Clly J-taU. \\.'OMAN for liJi:hl hou"!I .. ·or k f.:30 a. n1. to 9 :30 11.. n1. 6 <111.y• per W1'"k' A1u~I have own tr11 n11· portation. H'\r 1907 afl"r 4 1> 11• \\'F.1£0:\fE lo n1y l!t.\\' 1hnp ComP in a nll hel11 nle build t'>\\'&rll ~·our nf'e<i. tor nt't'<ll<'f'l'llll, Sit N' Knit Norge & Whirlpool Dryers Save up to S50 NOTHl:\'C 00\\'N & 24 MOS. TO l'AY ON TM•.: ABO\'~; EQ!'lP.\l "T, SUMI-.: 8Tlt.I .• J:-. CltATi:,;S. O<•f'11n. H1tlt;,11a 11111~1111r11 . 40pt 2 Knowlton ElectronJca Custom CABINET WORK Done on premu•ea No job tov amaU. Phone Kl 3-3348 33c45h Painting, Paperhanging "'The Finest Money. Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar 612 38th St., ~ewport Be1.eh Ph. Har. :Jt04 or 1~7-R. 15tfc General Contractor LJCENSEO New Work -Remodeling J. MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58Uc Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty Water h-ter1 on t ime pA)'ment• 38111 N1•wporl Ulvd., Nt'Wpor\ Bch. ljar. ~~ Rf'11. Har. 4387-J 27c4l Rd. 01\ Spre•l1ln1t OrlVf'W•Y• PARKING LOTS 8ub·dl>'l.l!un• uur .apec.1alty, V.'f tumlsh any t)'l}e ou l u your •P.,.. c1llcaUon. Large Jol>a -1n1all jab .. Frt'e t'1lln1a le11-. Also wa- t•r aprt'adlnJC:. MoU"rn f'QUIP- m .. n t. l.E11-ln&lon f..4008. C ll- mora • Page, Hunllneton Eich. Otfc Pe int in4J--Cont red tor U ct'ftll<-d -l tu1Uft'd "Complete Painting Service at reasonable pricea" .l'AMES, H•r bor 12311M: ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 36p48 I ln1 tall tha abo\'tt Cht'•per than moel-AL.o sell Tile .ft Llnaleurn. Non-union, 26 ye11r11 operience. Comp.ere and --"""' Roy's Maintenance Hou. e1el3ln1'-rl00!' "'aalnl Wall wuhlne-wtndow cleantna: Vtnt'tlllll bllnda. Upbola:tery ln•ul'l!d. FTea J:aUJn&l•• Uberty '-"1332. lUo EXGRAOE echocll lt'acher want• />0.1i l1on With chUdrfn. Uve: 1n !'Cf . C!IChllngl!d. Ll 8-713'1 39e HOLi.DA Y TJMI!:: plan naw for that Informal dlnn"r or party Con1u!t me! Baby aittlng or wttkt'nd1, E11t' .. tlent ref. Gt'r- trude Brailfortl. U 8-9096. Swedish Ladit'a, -by your hom•- ' 391)41 Massage appolnunent lo Fornlarly m~ •t A.rrowb"ad Sprl"I'• Hgtel. P l•ua call HarbQr •TN or Harbor 70. 3lc44h MATURE WOMAN w1\l do baby 11tt1n1 nlg'hlll ucepl Sund&)'• - Liberty 8-3M17. ,•le PAINTING 8 Y HOUR . Smit.II or large Joba ok R•all<ln11ble n.t~1. Llbt'rty 11-2722. •ir•J 3\ic4l :::A;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~ -"'"' .. "'"'"' "'"" "' .. "" ... "" "" '" .. """'"" "' "' . -~ ~ . a ~t~ ftUa& · a . -·-~ • • ~ .... ~ ................... ~ ................ ~ PRE XMAS OFFER . Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. #. Rugs All new materiel pattern1 or hit and mi1s our aelection of imported china, English acenery and vine & wheat in brown. blue, The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow l !IS 80. MAIN .!IT . COHONA L""ORO,NA 778 MOVING ABOVT JAN. J1t INTO NE\\' e u'JLOING ·we HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE \\'ILL adr1 .... ,1 your Chrl111mu C HRlSTMAS TRE A TS. Thf' r11 nl11. N'Jee handwrltlng. AlllO 1 rc•\c1t of 1.ll-A HAMMOND Order Now! b11by rilling. Call Har. 3999-\\'. ORGAN. We have all n1odt'IJI ,. 41C43 H -1t1mond11 for Santa Cla1 .. u1 to I :c=c---cc---;:-cccc---::--cc-:c:-:I chOOM trom: Th• bt'aul!ful o~ H~letntn1". • )'f)Un-+--tf'O"M !l M<>f>EL,-the---kl-w-!'1 PersonaJi.tcd Christmas Cards wom"n workinll' a• leam. $1 .M> llHI• SPl!'i'l:T MODEL, 11.nd the Repru~nt•llve "'Ill ca.JI at your pt"r hr. Hat. 0802. An .. r alx. evt't popular CHURCH MOllEL. hon·ir.. 4\pfJ •ll hAve 2 mllJIUaJ kf}'bo\U'<h PHONE Har. 1516 or Har. 2'2~3\V --------------IUld toot -pedal•: •• JHtle 1111 t2p42 C1..£.A.NJNO A rROMNO by t.he $40. • mont h "'Ill nia.ke lh<" i------------ d1y. Eltperlen.,.'l!d. Balboa hJ.and payment•. Wa del i ve r for liEAl.o'Tlti--;t.;L to-UR J ACKET frc.m pret .. rnd. Kl lf-tON, U Chrl•U11U . DANZ ·SCHM.IDT. 8 aka f"lftll A•·e. Co•t SM(), "'f>fTl Experienc'd gardener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-1M9 ..... 1'120 N. Main, Santa Ana, ~allf. t"'ICt'. Sac rih<:e $."tO. H1r t.194\\'. 027 Se«"·•n l R.vail, Corona H1gl1- /1nd•. 40c42 CH R.l8TM.A 8 TRl!:AT8 -A nf'w Hammond Chord Organ for thel-------------- Cl;iRISTMAS SPECIALS whoJa tanuly, Everyone MOM. D"-D, BROTHER, SISTER can pl•)' It , 11'1 ao ea.11y. If )'OU UlG SA Vl:>;G!i on 111\'eNll sr1nie; 313 E. Ualboll Blvd, lJ.aJbo11. 1 :121 rc FI\'t; r;o LF ('1\U B8 & hllj;\' lll<t'<l. brj;:lnnt'ra. rhfllp. 11.ar. :11~8·J .......... z C !RL..<; 2~" bike. \almn~t ntw Sn111ll 10" trlvyrle lov1•ly firepl. •rrt'.o<..,, & draw IYP•' 11<'re .. n. Con1b. H1gh & Youth rhaJr a.tum, Uke nf'W. Pllly prn, 2 b11by bt-d~ ""1t h matt U.lly'11 "'"lrdl'\Jbt' a 11rawer ch~!ll. J"r. Duncan Phyfe !ol11hoi:. l10blf' With a utr>m, 1iif, C•r lug"e~.­ r1ck. Oddi Ir. t'nd1. A ti li•l<'d 11.eme VERY REASONAIJJ..Ji;. Ha.·bor ~-311ct l N42 DODOE 4-dr. "'W t ire• H.AH $1~. • AL80 t hot" KELVINATO R ICE CREAM CABINJ,."T $15 U ti..rtv 8-4 7~ I. llk4 I KATE\' DOANE Nearly New Apparel ror .... ·un•f'n 11nd fh•hht'n \\'c ti<• ~lL k1il<l11 u! a !tt'1'•t111n& 2721 E COM\ B!l'tl , K tn•lf'll~ l'AllO, CnronA •h·I .'ol11r. 4ct'1'>3 Fresh Hear ing 8AlT£RIES Aid Wa Olva SltH. Green Stamp1 _Gunderson.Drug Co- "'ain SL. at B.albaa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor t.15. tltfc MARQt.:r.M"E Arc \\"fld .. r. lnewl 3 hp Air c-omprt'11'0r. 220 Volt •lnl('le pha1r Ste &t PATCH'S litJ1 St. Al P Lacen(IL LI 8·1~08. BAMBOO DRAPES 2l!f Cl'STO~I r.I A01'; Al"Y SLZE JAKE'S APPLIANCES ID37 Hlirbor lil\••I. SE\\'JNG t.fACHlNE Bargains \\'HTTP: pcrta·r.11 .. 1ew1 &ood 149.50 SlSt;i,:H ll\Jrt•bl~. t'lH't'llf'nL $1111 DO SEVEN por-tal>le elrt:trir1. ,11trt'r· "'"' rnak"''· ¥11 j(LI•ranlee\) S:lfl.~ SJli.60 and $411.00 lffNQ)!:R conM!le electrlt' "" J9'.C)O \\'lllT~ ronrol<r. ..,zt't'.tn c .i•i;.w 10', TO 4.()', Uf'F ON AW.. }'I.OOH ~I VLIELS ASO DE~IVN'STRATOltS. \\'111Tt:s, N E\\' H O.\tt;, FR.kt:-,, • .,;s·r i :-;(;H(IL'i;t: ASD \'ICORt:L1.1 0 1 .. ni:r t '(lunly 1 OIUei<t 8ew1ng 1'l••'hln" l~J .. r 1j Y•• HI :.nnLR An11-l\l 7-t401 Wheele r Apr & i.1•1<·1111(' !>1 .. r111n .. c..~o. 310 1>;. ~th SL . S"'1l• Ana 31k •l USED AUTOMATlCS 539:50 to S99.50 SISAL rul:' 1 0111~ N11t11rlll <'olor. hilll r1111n"r to 1111<l~h IMl, LI 8·4217. .39<:"41 S1 .... G L>;1;1,.~0. bull 11p;1n1"1 Inner 11pr1ng m11rt"·~s • ehf'll ..,r <.lr11 '-''I'•·• 111 1 hkf' hew. 3011 E. IJloy A l'e . Slllboll... 19ct l ftOl.I. 'J'O f> f)E!:ll< , .. ~ or m•kt .,r1t•r. Ubrrly 8 ·4:176. 41 pt S Ul'llQl,."ITE:REO f'U)' t haJr S2(1 ':! t)o·rA111nn~t 1·11atr• Sl(I ,.._ Fire ..,.,,.M'l A ..... ,. ... SlO. H11rbor J jJ1 f lt TV REPAIR FAST SERVJCE, Rl:A.80NAM& s .. rv1c, calill uu • ,_ .. LI 8·610t .. Knowlton Eectroa!o. TV ANTENNAS ~ Cl~•r 8-m -RI Oatn' 11'/STAU.EP eomptet1 t. J'OW' ._ $9.95 l.ol l-:'120~. JOLI• BlLL COKER Har. 479_, or Beach 7-.,1113. 89ttc 1--------------E..XPEREZ"C ED caok. l\ou10e kffp- f'r-Live 11'1-Good rcft'rt'nCtl. \\'rtt.., P. 0 . Do11 18.3 Caron• can ting a d<)Orbf'U you cAn p1111°1 mll hoi;any, "'•lnul. pl•Y the Hammond Chord or-n1•plt'. blon1\11 and f'rl'.nch Pr9- r r1r•:!!I ~1Mr!lng 11t ::1c ~ "'l fL 1i .. 111Ulful S-t"' \Vo1·cn J-IAUSKEN-WATSON ~POltTS CAR CENTER JAG!"Aft. M G. A t '.!iTI ,..,../ll':ALl!:Y !>H1H H/S PAINTING M. W. ROSS L1r .. n11ed LI ll·S32t 280 Avoc11do, C'o1ta M t511. .. ~, FOR RENT 811.ill Saws, El•c. DrtU., Pollahart, all Lypee at Sande,.., V.'beelbar· IV'l'I'•, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2630 W. CO.A.ST KIOHW AT LJbwt.1 w•sa. Newpon Heb •tte Painting, Decorating dt'I ~la.r. ian-f Zfl. 11 month Jl')'I for ll. \'111(111.L l'IHI. l.lllf'MI) tnllll!I -- Y,'a deliver for Chr\Alm.. Cun•·enlenl l .. rm1 Al DAN2·8C100DT, 320 N. Main. SUAl'"ERS 1S1nr" 10071 311ct 1 B•nt& A:na. •2t-42l N. Syc1t1i(l1·e, S11nt1o An1 BABY 1llltr, l'halur• wam an. Byl--------------·I -l'hnn" Hlmhf'r·lv 2-0672 hour. day or werk. Goud ~f .. r-e· 1 rnc""'· H1r. 074~•-J. 311ctl 1cyc 81 RELlABLE JAPANESE- A},IERICAN WANTS GARDENING lN HAR· BOR .A.REA BY WEEK OR AfOJ\'TH. H.Y A TT 4.54 71 ,.,.. IRONING. J will do your Lronlnr ln my hoin&, 1!:11cell. work. C.tl LI 8-73115. 40))41 NEW "' USED LAT AWAY' J'OUI' n-bleycle while there It a eho1ea ot colon .. 1tylu. LARGE cbolc. ot b1eycia A auto, accruan .. •. %. " EU:CTRIC ORJL.L SET ""Hh buJ(t'r _, .... ·-···-···--·~ 119.115 8A.n:TT BELT8 -$7." A up TOOL BETS ...... -$1.112 .ft up FLASHUGHTI -·---teo A up nNAI\'C!: PLAM '°' pureh ...... totalln&" sz. l';oUcrn!!. F ur All l •f'\'flr8 K1r...h (.•urt.a1n & Tr-.v .. r~ .. Hro.ia Sf'" Thtr11 tJn l\1Jpl~y In Our l'l!orc SANTA ANA TENT & A \\iNINli CO. Firewood Al.~'A HO MEO A l"ST IS 1t~;t.1 1t·FT s ..... •"ft r 1'•le' A kTloe ('ll!'11h L'.81'(1 Cani. All Ka&•,~ Jl'll tr•1 11nd Dc,)m•Ue. t~tJ I SO .\IAJ:-< ST. HANT A A.JfA Kl 2-4)166 11132 11.-.RBOR BLVD. COSTA Ml:SA l.l 8·30~1 "' 19.'\0 )!ERClt C.1._,b epe. O'd MH (.'ult1 omlt.ed, Drl"9 It and y ou'll buy It. :110 !:. Palm•, C~t.A MP•L Ll &-7874, nc.l Paper HaoctnJ %9--Help Wanted GEO. BURKHARDT REL.r~:f' TRANSCRIPT MAN,·~- Newport -8&Jbo9 Auto lupply 3108 N_,:IQtt BIYd., Npt. Bt'ach 41e43 OSE ONLY t'ltttronie orji:'ari J l\11,'.i Libe,..} lrldN . C"OVl'nltnt \el'ft•ll f A 1mall d~Jl(ll'll "'Ill hold lln}' piano or orir-11n f<>r ChrJ;<Jfn11111 <fBll\'f'r')'). SHAl>~ERS 1Slnrt' \9{171 421-t.2l N , Sscan1ort'. ~11ntx An• Phr.ne l\ln1bt'rJy 2·0672 Orange Cnunt)"A Org"n lldqt·r, r h(lnr rl11y n~ nu:hl K.I 7-4890 231.fc '.'.'>~• F'ORD Country 8ed&o-1.Ak• nf'w. J:.00 worth ot •tra"e l'r1v111e Jl"rty. £vanlnp llllJy. 1111oor 32•J-\\', ltc-11 uCZNaEO CONTllACTOR p.rlenccd .. -Ith tOO(I and bar 178 W, lltll S t .• Coat• Me.. f'httk• "'!Ullf'd CAii HY&tt 4~ Jrl(U8JCI.ANll R.ECOR.I> COLLEC· TJON .U TS. 10 • 12 Inch .. 50. GRE£N' F'rl.,Zt' •of11 Ch<"I r lPf' hro1lrt "' Rr(>!J Quik 11 111'. 2'18.~. lll<"41 MIJST ~~:LL, 'M Ply. 2 dr. alurl .t .\11!('11 . 1(1'/0d. Below •bo11•l• .. ... .-i. ll•rbor &021 da)"8 t.n-17 8·6913 Ev"'. tk•t Wbltrty 8-8628 Mni. Swift. Sl'afar" LodJ• 40c42 ,711 fl A manJ r•,. • lmpottf'od. ANTlQt.JES. Lo11d11 or 11lv.,1y oJ'1 Painting: Ir Paperhanging W• do the worll: ourselves. lO yt'&rl t'J:P41rlf'l'\~e LIC!'tft.Md .ft lnaured. Sa.u.tactlon ruaranteed. Eat1ma ta1 tree. Call Johmlle, LI 8-2687 Ir LI 8-5289 81 tfc Visit Our Alteration De:pt. Y.'"E COVER 8 1.,'Tl'QNS, m •k• bul- lorl hol"" anJ <.lo 1ll•ra.u on1 - PLUS Dr-Making. ALSO: A1k a t.ioul our ''LEARN TO SEW" Sewing Couree S1wll1i1 J.fa~hf~,. :\ol t'n S1nl"4! lil t STRAW BROS. !Miii :-;, M•ln Kl :Z-tl7~. NAME TAKERS for Lacuna OR C H I: IT I\ A 8. VOCAl-q, C!llna., uld Jr"'elr)'. cl11~11"''"'" Btach A South Lagun• City CARUSO. BCO'rn. McCOR· ll'\.m11. cuno11. o1'1 clnrk~. ht1npJ1. Utrt'clary. Good band wrlUnr )IU.CK )l(J!LBA.. OUl.LI-cuRC'I p1c tUT't'•, n1ovie rqu1pment. fl~h- f'lllll!nllal 'Vrit" 204 Jt. •lh eto. HA?'. J292.J, 89e41 lnll;' fqulp, t'<•Pl"'r l)r111111 Ir iron room 7, Sant• An• or call Kl Pl•Ct>•. f'lL". 3-3181. :J3tfc CRRISTMAS PUPPIES BIO XMAS SALE 110w on to ro0~: RF.t"HIG. fldeely but h .. 11lthy 110 j:l11.-.s front .1 urrl' 011 k b<><•k c•~~ l~5 ru,.:llJt••tncnl l'ln~ •.., rJ1 rlll, i •11lt' S I~. I.I 8·~t2 4\r l l ott. Oealer>1 .., . .,Iron'" Vo~I! our AOVERTl.SING tlrm •·anta ho1»e-Black Ocie,_.., l.ot'9A!Na, etidiUey, l11ra-e •tor.,. At.a buy Ai llaJe l!.f!_-B-Appll_an_.,..,._. ______ 1 "'!Vee with c.le•r 11.ndwrltLng. ftuUJJJO'll' 6 J>layfuJ. Be&uU-ant1qufs ur "'h•I h11•· .. ~ - ' ... ,_._' ~• J .... oJ'·• ' 'H RI • I V J O'Kf;l':~·i,: .. ~IEHkl'M' ran,,o, ".~~ Mak• good nu.1n•Y •para ume. ,,._ ..... -..., \; A .If. >A JS (:ltAXTS 8 \' (1RJG INAL OWNER In llb'IL m..,.h <:"6n•Ut 1t1 n. 1~8 CKEV. ("lt1t1 r hupe. With lol• cf pep /It m11~11 I<> r;(I. Re-..onabla - ll•1rbt•t 4117. 41cf.1 !:!>:Lt. I J.100 rq\1lly ·5~ IJIOk PI Jo'~•llln r .. t S:tOO. :u·:o. ••. MJTC 41...,,t! s-" h 1 B rno•l~I. l..anlp • f'lock "'Ith ovtn l·l\\'t':t:T Ill ~••\·,,r ~·1 11.11. ~«n\· \\'ntf' s tU~Y KELL. .... l vu .. ~. An .. t'lrn, •. . WAR SURPLUS lJ c w f l:.til Belnlont 8trl'l!I, Belmont,l--------------I HI:: t!·~•(r.lll. tln1•·r. Chron1f' ir:nJI bn11\,.r. •nd '{\ 1"11. 1011111••~ •h"k 'J.:J.~, tip 11111~ ·~2 f'rH t ltAZ" It l[l'tll'l. i>r<1· ---=~-~--------that Ufl up h-'V• UM'\l un~ ~t .. •\ E\·n,rl!•I.,~ 1 "r11ut~ 1n11tri•I .,,11•t1•. H. • It R.1.y11! mall"'r i\l•u 3!)pt! 1 ;~ Niw-JJOrt Blv(l, Cei"!t• ~l~All ' < ' Dt9igne" High Style Fabric• PRE CHRJST!>l/\!i !tALE !olt'n• n11Jnlh. 1141180 1:a-.h, or pay '8 r · LJ fl-•':l•I r u8t t ilt l JJTl{ .,r t::XTltA N "'w ~ lt>n• w.r,...n. one -~•~ n \VA?\'TED -E11~c..:i U-.1 hll'l( ~l<'•\·cd J1h11n\ung ~Jl"'' p~r mv. li41 \V, Ch•pmAn, / l ~tt•I I.I 8·f:IHO t l 1• Ao u1in<·l~tt ry -l m 1n11e..-tr, car lot man. )h1at M &bla to ._. A imported w oolena at coet. ah•ITT S2i18 rrdui-... 1 to $198 Orllllge. KE 8·0817 tf 11111> --~ 1111 .. , tv •"e Iv a ppret'l&ta. No tail ura t• -.ia. R9fereuc• re-MARGIE WEBB t>ONALDlJO N"S j _ _::__::_c::.:__::::._:_:::.:_.:_ ___ __:~1--T ,-----------11•J{JCf:O f "()f{ 'tl:lf'K ~A l .• f:. I(!>· ho:t or II• .. n~ hy nwner. Will quired. Cont.ct Dick John10r1. 9M S Coa Bl d 300 Mii.Jn, B'l.lb<Ml. tt~:\\'A H.iJ S~.W lot 11.ny wuher :J2..-F'nrnlta:te for 8Ue 1na-!)V"1Y'"• I~ f"T LAI'-tr-11•1.-, or bto.nk t•nna. Phone u 8-~45, Unooln • Mercury 1 '• et V ·• •lr i 3 on purc)lue of• n'"' lfllmlll!.11'1 'STREAK UO.\T w1Ln -:• .. !111 I l.Hi<i'•IV "·21104. 18\fo Dealer. 900 w. Cout H...,. 41cf.S Laguna Beach .~-==c--:--------_ a11t.,m1 u c w1111ht r, P,lU• " n"'"' DR~SER with m !M'Or SlO, fltt· 1111rbQ.ard rnni,,, 11100 b"i\ •1"'1 _ 37tfr LORESZO SMUMln" trnor 11t.,1t <'ha1n tlrh·rn trlkr. N r. down. rrt •ry 11!\ I full •IU he•d 1<1eal for h~y or nt r1h11f" f\J1h-\VIS H TO S ELL equity la '62 CHU.I' CARE • lmnlng-I day A--------------11.~0. Barbier h)· Selmt'r Cl,.r1· ;o..·n r>"y ment 111 lP~ l,P11n! lt l 1Wln 11\7.e h"at1 boar<l11 Inf Kid• 1~nt , . .,1'~•1..-l h,. """ l.1n i;o ln C•rrt Con....uble .,,..,.k. Rel~rrnr"~ rt"q ll per hr. BEAUTIF1.JL Stn~ Cliwe C"--rirt S8S Btlth In r-00'1 cnn<'llllnn. THRON'l'ION'S 181:0. Ne"·port Av" f\ "'llch, a:r•y cotton n11 113 1 125 11 1 \'1" L'1Jnn, Ll•l!"I l•I'" H"r .'.it'\·J •rtrr 4:IO p. in. l r1·1ne T•rTllc•. H>1 r. 6\<lO. 41cf.3 Luma fOf l'ftll. Har. 43&0 4 1G43 Harbor 2348. Jflpfl 1·,,.1" ;-.1 .. ,.. tf al:Z Hllrbor 48118. 3ilc41 Hubor 4!170·R. •1c•J 60ef.:I I r I PAGE 2 • PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ' ~~:_~~!f_n~&H for Kot "'-.~PJ.!· I: llouSN for Rent WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1955 1 1~·8-HOU""8 for 84-nt 4{}-Autoe ud Trudm $":"1 MO T'' 11 t;.lrm hQlllr turn • ~cm:i M1111•nar 1•1 P~nmeula LOANS for Homes J't int \\ int"r 1 ~nl3l Cabanas Marinas See Come and Drive . '" Our New Lido Peninsuja, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS (.' t: 111-:.\ RllSLF:£. i :H L uton l'>r I 64)\ -IO rr. LoeNt Git 11J"1" 6 r u c 1tru.s 3·~~11~ Construction Loans -1 tlltE BUB SA1"'1'LJ:R 2"16 EAST COAST BLVD. .J~f'-Trallf'r ~------l:orona oe1 Mat Harbor :till 19'"J6 Buick Delightful living. Apt.-C:ibanas. Utilities paid. with ' I~'.~<..!•: ~l'Al"E:S 2:1x66 NO CHG. R,.p POIRl!:P. t.tURTQAQll: CO fur lh1ll.lr1•n <•n J'<'lm twu1a. 160 Metro Ult lna. l'W>CS. KL 1-:'il M !t fru111 ~tur,•~. 81\'d , £nil ap&Cf taUe 1w111I LI IS·76!l~ 40tfr The S-pecial Yacht slip 1tccomodations. ( Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. \ It's Really Something Special For appt. or reser vation. Call Ha r. 29CJ2, 3-Hfc 49-t"1om11 tor ~"' ~-~~----------~~~~ * * * R~AL ~'TATE LOANS lotPN"~t Ratto 5-51 !, % Lo110A qulr kly made n the Harbor l A r<'a, l..s~una and Costa Meaa. ·The Century 1XA-Apts fo r f(eot oc .. an Singh· or multlpl" units. Nfw Fr .. m l\1t1 h1 1w1 l" 1<f>I"· & rm11 1or olil Be wlae a.nd aavi-by re· F.N.IOY 1.IVINC: on th~ It's the Drive of a Century 48-A-Apl•._~~-~ Lovely New Studio Apts. with prl\'Alt· blllh. Maid servrrt> fln&n• lni: your pre1ent loan. T\" '13015 \\'e11l 0 1·e111 Front M.l ntmum f'Xpense. 20 year tenn The Super You will like t he-quiet r <mvenient lrication. the H 1" hnr 61191. 1! Clt1J1red. No charge for pre· * * * l1111lnnry tippraJN.l. Kl 3_.933 I ---- It's Sensational -h<'a tell swirn nung- Bc-glad pool. the fn en<lly a tmosphere>. t u show you anytime. BAL~U.\ l'ENl:'\SUl~A R oo m w ith 11lvale bath I< <'nl rim ct' A p 11 ln1t·nt bu Ill.ling. Hnr. 2•~0 33tfc A HTHUR A. MAY Mong11.4:e Loa.n Corrupondent Uccllkntal l..J!e ln.lurance Co. The Roadmaster Ken Niles Villa Ma rina Ruu M fur \1w k1ng 111on. S6 and $": pl•r "eek. f'nvate t'ntrance. j ~:SJ South Mam Santa Ana pp Custom Bu i!t By BuiFk Take Off is Terrific The We 10:?1 Bayside Dnn• Har. 1 00 32c45 123 28th SI. Newport Jlp tfc CASH . . . O:'\ 1-: OH TWO b1lrm11, Wlth home pm·ll1·~c-:< ll:JU Arbor. L I 8-3665 FOR TRL'ST DEEDS Take Pride in Selling the Best· Buick Yet .&7-\\'anted to ffrnt \\"A;\"fl::ll :t lJ.Jt 111 Ji,1111<' C-o.•ta ll!l'J..1 11111 I llol\" dltl t"•r. Pr!'· I• I lal ;:1• l •t \\ tll ~IV!' !:"• .. \ 1 •r•• t.\£. tw p••11111•r.1•nt I In\-· :!. elo:ldl•fl cl< dni; I.I "·1":1 . 48-A-Apt~. for Rent I 11.ft"r :i 11 111 JStfc ------1.APY 11l11n1• hRil I UOtn in n ice LIDO ARMS APTS I h'.'''~<' Jul l'lllployell Indy. LI •. 8 !16111. 29ttc WM. B. HOLT ~IORTGACE BANK.ING S INCE 1930. 1609 N. Dl'SH SANTA ANA Terry Buick & Marina J> R I \' A T F. n1crly furn room $37 r10 p!'r Ill(>. yenrly !)06 \2 ~I:. r1i:o1<1, l ·01 •>nn dl'I Mar, Har KIMBERLY 3·Tl18 57-Real ~~u.te Wu~ 5TH AND WALNUT, H UNTINGTON BEAC'H LEXINGTON 6-15\8 4X-Apts. &: flOUSNI .j ·~ l '..! A pis tu 1. ll"". 3011:1-H -41c43 1 WANTED T\.\'O or THREI!: Bl!:DRM. HOME or Yl\<'&nt tot. Wiil trade 34 ft. Elco rnrlur as part paymenL PHONE owner, Har. 6188 or Kar 4{}-Autos for Sale GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS '•7 ~Tl"OP:fL\"1-:H ·~ t 1111 k11p · '41! (;\!(• I: 1 p:o 1'11Jl '60 F"ORP \"-'-1• t f•lt'k11r ·~o ('HE\'RCJLF:T 1, 1. ,1. kup ','>I <:~tc '.-1 J>nkup 06:? IH>DCE 1s l p1t·kt1p ':1:1 C"llE \"HOLET 1, t p:in4'1 ·~o CllE\~OL~:T '. I fll<'kup ':12 VODCE ·'• I Jlll"k11p '!14 li.\IC '• t pte'kup. llyrh,1·11tllltr I rurt ,; ':II l'ltr-:VH.OJ.l•:T I I C' Iii C '110 IJUL><.;l!: 1 t. alake '•O l:'\TEH:'\ATl():'\AL KS 13.1, Truns 8 2!1 t 1r"" '01 l;\'TEH:'\ATIONAL L 160, 2 l-P\'l.'d, b :.!O Ill <'I '63 C.:.\IC CUE, 2 L 1 i 9"' WU, :!· "P""d· 8 20 tin•• 'We IM\" a ~IO•'k ot over 30 u1t\J t ru,ks ltl •hO<llle from pncNl t ro111 SIS0.00 Ufl. It you are In '" "'l nf 11 tr 01\ k now u1 the time t u >'rH·(• some real monfy. W. \V. WOODS 615·19 E. Hh St. Santa Ana Open Sundav a.m. Ul·A-Tlrcs & Part!! Tubeless Tire and ----------------------~~ C''11Hl'e Wmtc-r J·:e11tals l>ll Balbwa l:il:rn<.J & L1du Isle S111all & cozy vr larRe II< deluxe $7:i tu S:SOO montll :; ll•X \' 1\1 C>l'Qrlo ~lxnai:; .. r 1 lur \002 afl• r :i 10 111 I.I S·~lj l .>3-Ston•s & Offices 11·0,\ST HJC:HWAY. newbulldlng I t>Ud sr1. Jt office. Su1tt1.ble In· :.111•:.no ~. nttorney. elc-. $90 mo r.t·ss v1Jr.11, 1..1 s-6141. 20tf 1216-J. 40d2 Recapping Hdqtrs. VOGEL CO. '' tr1• S;\I,\ LL u Ff.'lt't-: fur rent. Sult· WANTED by pr'IVat.e party direct from owner 2 bdrm. or 2 bdrm. & dt'n home. Write full dftalla to Box N·8l thl• paper. 39~ 8 hour s. rvh:e 2118 !111111r.e /\ve. t:l11lb11a lslanJ Ph Harbor 4 14 or llu1bor 4!1~1 Crown of t he Sea Mot e l J.'r ee P ick up & J<'ltvrry Res. Har. J7btl·H ur llur. :io:.~-M 84ltc Courtney & Lester i ,\TTHAL)I\ t:: l untl:? IJ<lim. furn. l:'l!l6 Newport Blvl.I, Costa Mesa I 'l1h1H•s 11a11l, 1 ur :.! 1•h1hll en P HU:'\£ L IBERl"Y 8•1198 P&P Lu111:eJ1 ;v 1011111 n ." u !:.: Tu 1• ,\I "r, .\!OTEI~ 411;1 :-; ••\\"J>Urt Bh·ct In Corona d el M~r ron1fort11hle roomll & klllhl'nett.: 11µ.s T\" D1•\' w1•1 k 11w11thly ml•' 2600 E C::oa.~l Hwy. Har. 31!!~ :l:h" I~ I x pl. Ut•il( h, Jllt;l ulN\'C I he !.!..-::_Auto Se~·~---A n lws. 74lfc T WO HElJlt:ll Al"r rum .. i;ur I \\'1nt1•r 1~n1nl. So•() ll fl<•t 6 I'· nl SARVER \'(ll'H H Ol\J t-: 111 Alll<'rh·n·s l :ll l·lth ~l .. Ncwporl u~u1·I~ Fl•lt I Va1.t111111 ~p•t, HEDECUHAT· 41l(~ nl;lt• tt d t'!\in:t' ur in~uranre 4 l!J Bnlh .. u 111\ll C::all lhor. 4718 3•ttr e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROFES- ::>IONAL or BUSINESS USE Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. I Need Listings Many buyer• comtnc here from my om ce ln San Manno to escape the amoc. We will five your llatlng personal attention and 11ervlce you have a rtght to expect. Alao mem bet of Ui. Multlple LlaUnr Board. Har. 1600 tf 0 . H. LATHROP, 3636 E . COu t Hwy .. Coron& del Mar . Hv.r. M U li>ve1 Hu. 6880 31lcU BRAKES I ~:u ~ 1;, .. 1rvu111, tll• th•·rmost "m~ uc~:A S FHO.:"T .:"ew- 11 .... t patr<•. ;.:.11 .1,.... s-.11 '1•11r l\' -1 H 1 1 b 1 t 1 :;s.A-Ruslncss Rentals llN ORA X1:E COL":'\T'' 17 YRS 1 1u1 1111. :1u7 .;:1r,1. ~ . 11.11 b;,, I pnr .-ui '· ' 1111 urn, d f.I FROM Ownere-&ach houae or two unit.. Wiil pay $2000 dn. Llberty 11·24'M a fln 3 p. m . 4lc4S , J . .,, II duwrn;IJllS t•l('\I rc(rri:. 11111:1 Bon1lf'f1 Crakca 4 v. herls SI t !HI 1 .. u~-.... 1 l.h f 1 '1111tallallvn ... W . l1v111i;1m '" ll•PR<c ,.a1 ... , l 'QR IH::'\T two bdrm. home - Cut l!ilh & Placentia C. M. J•EXl:'\St'LA ruin ou1111 lr!r. 3 uul. pJ $60 mv for lWu people I (!!IOvt.' 8t refrlg. tum .) lncludea $12 9!'! ll'llr 1 h 111 .. • llulo Ill\ 1•1 \\C<'kly Own··• un prclllh••':< Wro.J 11111' stun• ro<1111 & two of<il'e 11pacee, Tax 411 1 t .. Jun I:! F ir• 1•l,11, 1 •.11111. .Iii Lii S.it l'<tll or phone JJai bur $100 monlh. O R will rent aepa-• YOL' PAY NO MORE 11:1 43 i;,11 11tit pd 1. ""'k :!llkl l1"11 M vr Uplun<l>1, Yl"kon rately 1 o((lce at $7:1 anJ lat 60A--Comme.rclal, IJldutrtal SARVER MOTORS I i», on Hlv<l. v1t111 1:h1ll U·l!JM! 3Z t-l:.O I. 4 h S~O monU1. Also amaJI etore $100 HOT SPOT BRA KE SERVJ('F. cvll,·1 t. :i!JN l l''':'\I :"'SL' I.A l '••lnl tum apt 2 mo. Call owner Llberty 8-6223 "-r r 9U COST A MESA AREA, newer bid& F: !ST AT CRANU .SA:"iTA ANA t>-'tlnn Si~. on" btdrm $65. nion11n1o:i1 or a ter " p.m. c - Attrr T l\e CruH Jl'11 Too l.1111·' $1!1) 2 Bl"RM l"'Wt'R:-:ISHEl> Bae h•·lor $1:1 lllll ln<'llldPd Hftr -------leaatd lo 6 good lenant11. Showe :igrrc ti q lt·'· lll<'JlllH I', i.:nru<1i.:•· elt"P Z:!:ltl-.1. •tl'l:J F UR l .J~.\SE, new bldg. on E11bt over J07< on price of 180.000. Truck hcndquanera tor Orange C~. _ -12-TraUen --------------""•l"r pd. ~~•·I 1111,rntoinrd 1 17th st We nerd BARBER Guod t erms to rl&ht buyer. Cail vwnLr ~T2 M1uatlwuy, LI k-:.!ii6 FL'HN .-~xtra ci .. ;:;;;-;i~pl SHU P. Bl-:AL'TY PARLOR. TV LOU BOYNTON with 31Uc r len 11°r11h· pun<'I 1ay hettl S/\LF:S & ~F.llVICE. REAL l':ARLW.STANLEY,Re.altor '•6 E l.ICI< Se1la11 l:""c! t1rt1. R e•lttl $1:10 r rt\•11 111 O\Ancr :?21 :lllh ~I . ;\'O\\f)(lrl Clp4J 40-\-T lrr1' & Part~ ---------~~~~--~--~ New and Used TRUCK ANO Pa ssenger TIRES 8-Hour Rec.appU-9 Service Cnm plctc- Rrake SC'r.·1cc A . "ft F ront End Ahs:nrnc-nt ROAr> ~ER\ WF; GENE'S Pre-Christ mas Specials Don't buy Any V:icat1on Trailer until you SEF: the nc·w and Vl'ry l'l'nlia t1 onal MERCl 'HY 15' Christmas ~pC'<'1al ~7flR A"'k nhnuf t.,.•y·M·'-'·•.Y ,\I.SO ~ti !"lln 1;11t11o I '.l:l $:::211 •,a r· .r•I n ol 1'11-.111\ •.: 'i ~' ..... ,,f"..,..,r :H t1ke TII"\\" •:!.,, .. • .! 1· 11111 111.1 :11 1 hur 111 s 1•••11• !'{ I HH: UF S l•EC IAl..S ••n T··a.t•tPtp.!111. eon1tJAl•·r .. nnd '"" ,1 \4'1t6\lt101 r,ll flttfU $l7:t lJp. . ~';\~\: B,\:"h'. TEH:llS -1 (, I·. !'I lo. S TH.A 11..f:H l:>A I.~.!{ 112112 ll.11 h111 Bl vol s~~ , ... r mn to .lttn•• 1 ~1h. 11111 I ESTAT~: OFFICE, G IFT S HOP Ba\-Wldr Dr .. Cout Hv .. y. R I ( II b I _ .. 1 I Har. 3°297 or 177:1-ev· •• Har. 28711 Sl'A KLJ:>:c; 1ux11ri111u1 y um . " •p<I HHf Jll'.oO·J !lO I E llav rlc-G~t your ue nfa,. atart .... n - llf•W. f111ly ,·aqu !•·•I :! b• & «•II· "\(' u .. 1bo11. 41 t'4:l I h!' b•'~l l1.x.at1on Ill ('011La Mell&., "'rlohl,. dl'n l:o•am 1 lg• 11111 f"I Fi.r lnfc1r111atlun 432 E&.!l 17th 61-~al F.sta&e Ezchaap l;.1111~1· ('o•111n1t ol•I ~tar s1:1U MUUER!'li Two b lr111 urtJ', fu1n 11r !.ltw1!)' 8·~2114. 28dl 111" , r ,,. .. ~.. H 1u UI 16 ~It I or un1111 n 1• hl•rt k bt.·a< h ll.1111;,.ri:. t•\•t•I Hll .1·,;, I H lltp I:.! t:ru ">:• ~. t. tll H AI. !$012-H ,;it, 11 ~ l>l •H;\l . 11111111 11 \llY nnt.tl ,- 1 1>t11n• 111111 111•t 11J1.111n"1. sMi Sea Sh ell Apts. s .. 4..htlct1etn ur pt.1._, .~," •·1rv I I.ill J llt.J F111l1•y H .. 1 ~.~~·o ~1 I lit -.z LIEl tH~I 1 rJ-;t.l , i.; I I H:-; 17th St ll"•r Thn fly Orur; In C'lo~t .. MtllA 1111-RI 101 a llon for I ~1111111 h11~1ru ,_, u~c.t fut nHur•', TV 1• pntr <'lt or llF:hl m11nu- '"' t111"11..: ssr, m1•. JAMES - liar. :.!U 12 39tfr ~"'' A l"rs T·oro·f·rr 11 .. 11.111t11 SI!!~ I N "'" 111.i ''" 1 1.!:11 \\ 1 ~.o1t""' ..-,.i 8101ioH1~ Opportunltirt1 I "l-'t\JU\' '"'" 111111111 1l11pl•'I Z llh•I :'\o•"'l"•tl Hiuli :;f•r~21t ._-__ . __ ·_ ........ ..._ ____ _ I "'" Im I •Ir I " I •t 111 \I in r.r \\"uman I'·"'" ~ ·11 "I'• ' I t~t $1 '~• 011" l s I• l IL" .: I 111:.\I I •1 l'l.l:X ll\\ '> Yt 11 I! (>\\' N BL"Sl:-:ESS I II 11 h"r Ill" 1: I I• 1 l 1 ;111 '" ,11 .,1 .. 111 i;-~···• r •!llh A ltt"ll' tt .. 111 1' 11 •t lime o<fe1t•1! --. r 1 •fl'l' 1 l"tnl"MTtTtt f,I II !Ml'ttt-~ ~ ~ trm~ 1111~~. HA~.llfl l!"l.A!"O ,. :l!'o 41 thl'n ,1 .. 1k full tim<' '"'"<h•" 1tl hr rwn 111'1 t .n R"flllln..: l\lttl e11lleod1ng monl'y p.i 1111) 1'1< lll1ltl10. lllll1I J11o1' ="H ~: 11 .. 111\ ll•W UJl(Ufll.:.: l>llnl from t•lll lll"rfllll\•• tn \hi,, llrC'I\ I •I h •tur•h" ll•h' •I rl". 1011 • ''' T·i ri11nhf\ »"'' 111w1t h"ve a '\f .\\l'fll!1' llT~ i\ltr 2 hi (11111 !tlo, ••'l\"H•' l'"l'h l tl\1d1•el 1:ar , ,.,.1 .. H'f•1tru•· $'\lltl 1·.ulli 111 11e- l1 •Ii·• J•hl t11J11!1U .. ,. 11111 ,.,.,,. "''"''"' \\JtlkK, 1Jr1\'l'\\'.HY ,\; p:•lJf1. ttllt! ,,..,,,,.,,) 9Ht.i 10\1(\nlo ry h 111• tu1'<••1 1•11(1 .. Ji lli ttrt 11111 t:1~1<l lcM 1<t11on $ifo I"'' mn l~IJ j tpv1111nK 4 h<•111 ~ fl wtork lo CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL! HOW ABOUT A T RADE , !or m&n· a,ger op<'ratod rlear lnr ome prop- erty "''at end ot LcMi Angele. Valued a t $66,000 with over $10.000 a year lncome 6: low f'xpense Am rt'tlr1nf A: am In· lercated In Bay Front property. Wiii trade up or down. Owner. Wllr.:IMttr . ~ l>'r wu-"2907' South Cochr11n Ave . Loll An- relea 16. BROKERS JNVITED 30c42 _a_-_..., __ FA_ia_a. ____ 1 ._._. r..taeie 5 Income Units Corona del Mar I oN.: 2-BR. u Nrr and four 1.a R I Cho"ice Income unit.. rumiaoh.a. All 1n &ood re- pair. Sun <Hock over 1ara1e • All Ull• plUll vacant lot and nMr HER£ IS . A NICE CUtAN C'Om• Bellt'h, O.y and ahopplnt: for nlf1 cla l property In an alt l'&C'tlve 128.600 '7lM>O down. and bu1;v •·ommunlty. tt·a almoat new a n<1 problfm·frff. On the Ho~ JERE. SHAFER c ro und floor a~ two •lorefronta. JVI both rnod~m and a ttractive; both REALTOR 1oe litl<'Fad'1•n Pl .. at the Spt Pier Har U O, EvN . Har. 6268-W. or 2029-M. NEWPORT HTS. ONLY '16.600 with about U~ down. 90 ft. l'r 1:8, nlnety feet I. landll<:a ped. waUed lot. 2 bed· room•. lanai-den. Ult bath, Ylew of th" Harbor. Very llllle work will make worth l lt,600, Poe- seH tOn ~fore Chrl•tnuu . EX· C1.USIV1: AO!:NT, FORD VER· RINDER. Har. 4283, e vea.. S•'tr. O c'3 OCICAN FRONT LOT $7lM>O - BA YVJEW. -2300 W. Balboa 81\•d. Har. 3371. O cO VERY DESIRABLE 2 bdrm . Cape Cod home In Cliff Haven on deed- ed lot. All rooma extra lllfTe. hdWd. n oora, · n replace, natural wood kitchen, Mrvlce porch w ith laundry, Dutch door l•da from lvl'. rm . to SO by 11 fiueed Ir COVtred patio. Lot la 76 by 136 well landacaped, ·fenced It rear y ard croae fenced. Two car car- •ce. lath houae 6: fUKhl& ~ den. Reu of lot bu 8 bearlnc fruit trea It many r&re planta. Property la neat Ir c:.Jean It well located, near 9Choola It church•. Sec ownen1 Mr. or Mra. Fred J . Crosier, 309 8lcnaJ Road. - Ll 8-•667. tlcO PENINSULA 4 unit a pt., • gar .. :I JT•. old, ~ block to bay . 134.~00 IC&ay term.. Alao NEW· PORT HEIGHTS 3 bdrm. home, 3 yra. old, WW eupeUnc tll'e- place dbl. pr. plu.. l lM>OO Euy t.rm.. Owner, toe R1..,._ elde Dr. LI 1-333'. O clH THE LOAN IS 41/2°/o Bil A 0HAPPT HOK!: OWNER. Pay only '8U50 per mo., tu .. Included '°" thla 1~ yr old, 3 btdrm., 2 bath home aero.a from Ca tllollc Church. roun _jt .YOU hurry! BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1&0~ W. Balboa BIYd., Harbor IU88 or Harbor 1218-J. 40d .2 Family Home Open 1 :30 to 4 :30 Daily 276 Magnolia, Cost.a lifeq Very comfortable older Jlome - hardwood n oora, modem ktt - chen, hobby room and a loYely orchard. Pnce ftduced and wlll oonalder trade or ta.rm&. Duncan Hardesty Realtor Har. 4718 Attention Investors! PRJCE REDUCJ:D For quJck actJon on Utlt bu11lneaa property. 2 modern bullltlnra on f l ' x 137' lot that .ahould le.a.at or r ent tor a total of at leut I~ per month. Plenty of room tor uplll\.llon. Adequate park· mr. bocated 'tn-~--fntut rrowtnr part of Coeta Me-. rlJ"l In l he bearl of a l&rgr . new ahopplnc center. When thla le eone .•. lhtlt•11 Jt~ Approx 111.000 ouh down "!<IUlrTd. Call owner Liberty ll.f233 m orning• or a fter t p. m. tic are ln •erl &lthouch one wtll come up for renewal nut ,_,. It your plan• Include a bumtn- of your own. Your nel&hbora an the bNl atoree and abope tn , ~t;>M1 Pan<tnc In the nar. Up- al&lra are four moc:t"m tumlahed alnrl• a partment• tone now available). The Joc.-tlon and rel•· lively low rental• wtll kMp Uts. but1111n1 occupied-yet th• ,... turn I.I adequa te on the uldq vrk e of JM.000 and we can work out lat ra te terma. Olll ua and come tn and -tt - It ·a rood n h& .. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Corona del Mar Otnce !530 E . Coul H •7., Barbor 12'1 • Irvine Terrace Magnlficent Custom Built Home • Two bdn1111. and den • Prime locaUon on Dolph.ta Terrace • BeauUtUJ ~ and drapae • JC)tpen.lvely landK&ped • Modem In every d•l&ll • Electric kitchen • Two complet. bath.a • Owner wanta lmmedlate u le {Dln-) Price Nduced to m.aoo term. HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1800 En•-H arbor Hll PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 SUNDAY 2017 E. OCEAN BLVD. 8PACJOUSNE88 llllllde and out marka thl• fln• otferlnr 1n a quality -protected neighborhood ot tln• homee. a br'e., 1" b&Uuo. luxurlou. paU~2 ft. lot. - - Brin&' your checkbook. Priced to aell. PRE-VIEW B Y A PPT, call- Murief M. Pinover Realtor 2~ N.wport Blvd., Hpt. S..eh Euy Pa.rlclnc Harbor •6lfl B & B Weighing Values 1 LOOKING :roR YOUR MO~EY'~ W ORTH! Then take a pttk at thll Immaculate 3 bdnn . 1 yr. old home With w111l to wall t•a1 • pet throuchout-&ll electnc kl! - chen • . . unequaled value 111 110.760 wtth 11600 down. FHA loan. Trust our Judgmen t TODAY, we'll have your conf1t1- ence tomorrow! Pull yournlf away from worlc a n•I a4e ~­ decorated and repelnW 3 bdrr11. home wlUt hdwd. Ooo~. flrt'rl , •h~ltered lanai, etr . ~I<', <l<>!'r In Eutalde , .. W e 1111y ll"• a rral value a t 1 12.~. Bay & Beach.Rlty Inc fo 11 .. •lnn .. Uudgt'l l'lnn '" 1111• lur the i\~1<11111 :'IAnta A 110 r 11r l'lt Kl :?·ll/HIO ,, , '· ·~ > "t (>1.rr•1.1 A 11 1 :II .;ti. 11 L111i11n"ll~ y1111r l'n•I on piorcrnt· 1.1 ,\'-'I'll~: i; \II..; l:llr I u i.. • ,.. 11•llrdlrm" ehorrld nPL ::11 '''" ,.,. 1·.t l•lf' It lt'l:o'H~:ll Al'f I 1.,..11r111 n•llt ll JIJ'""'m•111h• $1 7!\ mo nth I )' )hr· )•,71 • r J1,7_: H11• >II I 1:11 1rl• .~ <"1 111•1 \I•• \•.rlh ,,,, 1 •ul l'"~~•lllll y <if EXCHANGE CHICAGO SUBURB home for local or So. Calif. land or property. Rec~nl 7 ·room rrame lrllevel, CORONA DEL MAR mod!'rn. at Aurora, m . price 730 POPPY, Co1y com.tort.&ble ar- 1876 Harbor BJYd. C~ta MeH. Caltt. Uberty 8·7714 Evu. Ll 11-31~8 HOWA RD RY A N <iO I -"O!l \\' I s t St. !'-\ ,.,. \ A ~A h I ;~ ~ ~t,.J 41-Anto S.-n 1<'fl 33trr Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * ti Cy ls. • _______ .... s t8 88 8 Cyls. ····--·-···-····S5S.88 lncl111f'1 both ls bor llnJ partP Nrw r1nits. wr11t p1n11. valvt' ,n-lnd. fltUn~1 o< m11ln an'1 n oel ~artngs. Expert motor tunr up, 90-rl"Y or 4.000 mlll' guaranltt. (NO MONEY DOW:-.<). REBUILT ENGINES -UP 10 1!1 MONTHS TO P AT- Bullt In our own fsctory by skilled machlnl1ta. Don't contend with Ute mtddle man. Buy dl~t. REBUILT ILlld INSTALLED SH ORT BLOCK 1 11rprl • 1ll'l1<•,.•I I'll lllrg•· •1•1'• r \l,t(h J1ll IJu lh All·" l'n1k tlil'.! t.111 I l..ti-•lru .. rl ltp·~ •II"•· t"kin1; u\rt full llmr lnconM- t,..i.:., 1 "· nh s;o .... :-... 11r1 .. 1 .. 1r.111 ':":trll l"llDntl 1•,.,. 1n11ru1ni;-11t•u1o.J1ni:h• ltapph· II u -1 I 1:!17 J :!'tl(o • bill '.111 q 1a11rv r1m<nn t1.I .... $ t"-4111 l'h• ne II' 1' l t ,1171' IX,\-Aph. for Ri>ot •• :. 11 LllXJ ISLE "''' '"'" "'" he 1;1\tn hy Cn (tor ""I'""""'" l •o full 110 . ., po~1· RENTAL r * PORT ORANGE * SP ECIALISTS THALLEH :-;A LE~ and SCPPLIES I Call Edna Cra1i: H\CHF.C..Olt 11nl unc & l\1n h•ltM 1 111111 \\1!h """" .1v!'r"•I:<' 1mumr BJ l-•· ~·,,,, I• till !ln•I )"IHly. 111 Ill I<· 1011 .. 11~ •II 11ppllc11t10n ,\ l.~o. l.i.111 1!1>1111 ~ fl"'' 11 •y I runt 1 H"" I..! I< I, :->r-.. • I '11 "" Blanche Gates, :?:!OU \\, C 1>:tbl H1w:iy. 311 MArlno Av,. )l .. ,,,. .. nr ... "l'"r' 11 .. nu.. I Rl tr . 1.1 00 KEALTY Al'lsoc-intC'~ 5.-.....-Monf',. to 1..oan r\l'wp11rt o cach LI ·I l:!O t111.lboa l!t.1r. l, ltnr. 1s11 12uc ~~··'.!,, J.;11·CU11tom1 2 br •a\I' Sl•M•l 1 ---- .:o-i l' l '•1r11111u 1 1 1 hr 1111: ,1,~. Charrnmg Harbor IJa,·cn :.:.-1:. Tr"""'u A 1~·uu1,· ~ ":'I ,\partmc-nl:1 -P a t1rn1 '~li-.\11 1 .<11Jrl• ell "'' 11 "'' •ll'l'l·H :"EW 4 P.C.Ju~I. I'll• rt lf'\CL ~r:ir \\ c n• ,. I • ll'lll 1 • I 11 .1 " 1n d houl11. 111101 Jlln1' d.~lrh l. Qui•· I PAN A~I t:RICAN l'''"'"ll it • ,. I IM I' e .11 IJ11:-1' ''"' l'ar11mn1m! Krn. k ill 11·,1 re 1'"~"1 lR•m•ll\, 11t111ni;n r .. 011111 i.:a1 iii;c, $\2 :i11 up U• 1rlr• <'n· t 11,. 11t1, rl c .. 0.1 ~"'I"''"' 1llh•n Mi;-r t:>(tl tll\\0rn l'lnro :! 100 \Iii l.lrlfl, I l>Hhu1 <I I 1• ~'ltf· I ():"' ~: Ill •11:11 I IN1 II pl ll• " :II 111 E="I t t 11r11n!l •I• I ~I 11 11 • r 11 "' J 141• i2 188-llo~·!I for u~nt IJ ),II()\ \I 1111 h·hll t' ~ ,,, ". II 11 l•"r J 1.1•1 \I 11 , .. I !l;,J Thir!~ .("'" fl 2 bd1111 10. \I •lltt'r, awn111.-:-. auto. hr11l, 111r l tmdtUC;n('r. Olht1 e.~lra.~. I '111 c $2,9:,0 LI 8 :,4 l i J!ic 11 '•Hr T\\ n HPJ:~t 1111111111 11• ..... ) Ill ; Ji1~4 , to '-h('lflf11n.: ut•·o-t LJl .. 11 ·· 1 l Ul<1• le South of l l11:h Hrh11<1l ALSO l-TR:-:1s11~:n Al'T S Wl:'\TER RA rt::s 1 •1".LL·x~: FTHX, Al'T~. s .10,t;"I 1 ·no T 11•' in. 111 1 47-\VanW t o ~nt Rlnr;:l••l' .~ dlil~ $:111 mo 11n•I 11p !"~ J::. Uay An•., Balboa Harb<u '\I.\\ 1•111<1' I:~ 1\1 II t 11111•h•·ol 53 .. 4. ' ~t(, ~f,1,lt•rrl ~ I r ht•t tt1 t , •"" /H""' Rentals Wanted ha .. ., •1 A I r11 I. I\ ~··"· or We need apt. and hOU9ea l.D ail I :-.-~ L·nx 2 hctrm. 111•1. <:lr·~r 1.. t· .. n J1 ~ Y : "• " •I• If> LUA:\K I \I Ul.11.IJ ll>IPl\uVE BUY. MUU£HNIZ£. OR RJ:;F"l ;ll ANL"E Wt Buy Trull! Deed.a NE\'. 1•11rtT RA l~llllA SAVJNGS J. I.II \=" A ~Stll":ATIUN 3:166 Via Lido r'~ Ha.r. 4200 Ue NO COMMISSION No Appraisal Fco S AU:$ -REfo"IN ANCE CO:'\STRUCTlQN c-1111 ror P rioe Fast Commitment.I on Rr~ ll'nrrs M d Unli.. onlJ Don I. Huddleston eecUona for both wtnlt r and l'tnru 8r lr11n11 $1):'> Mo. 11..rlK•~ • 1 ... L"l ~I p 1 t f•ll n :t l 73 E. ] 7th St. !'!•l"\I. C'lllhnl\ 111'1 l\11\r, 41" 11 ( 11 !I I.,/\ I •r ' • \ · Sl 7,:IOO Low t.axu . Clear, In· tlatlc colt.ace. lovely view. N~w 1ur~ title policy. Trade "en llvlnf room, l tltlf muLer br . ur duwn tor d ear Callf. proper· with flreplace: S mall 2nd bed· ty Box K-78 lhla pllper. 3&pu room, 1 ~ bath&. Iota or clou t•. TRAU E EQ UITY In 2 br. It de.n home with 2 balh3. pat1o. flrepl. lllso equity in &ii new furniture Total VAIUl' OVl!r 14000. ·~" r, I lolln. In Cott.a MHA. for I.A T F: MOOF:L 36" 2 br. TRAlL- F.R C:-"11 I.I 11·2~11. 40cU t-TRAP~: Four clear lots near f\l111nnrt •nr1 tnvmauona l Har· vuter Co.. d~p frttu , on hnu~ .. nr v11r ant rroperty. 192:1 Churr h S t.. Coat.a MY&. OIH3 62-Rea.I E1ttate PRIC'E R.:Ol'C-ED -1hould aell thl~ ,.,·r rk. LAl1fe horn,., famlly nrc h111•I, 11n !lro~tr•ble atreet In ~<'.18111 Men. t;a.11 Hrir. 47111 311lt 1!11 CLJ!:AR IWlny foothllla, cozy 0 rm hnm4' It "Xlra lot. Nice yd treu All fent'rd. C onald!'r t nldt. u..·nn 1~:11 Mather. Sunland 3t~l 40 rt lot Ptlva cy wtthetu\ up- kf'c p. 1111.~ -Ttrm.1 to sulL Mlr ht la.lie la te model car u put down payrnenl F ull com. m le11lon to brokrrt1. Owner Har 347i, If no anawer call Harbor 4263. 41c'3 Costa Mesa 's Best Buy lA.rre corner lot "'<'II loca trd ••Ith two 2 bM1 room houAI'• • yn old Only. $~ down movea you In one and Ult rt'nl from the ot her ma.kn your p1yml-nta. Why pay rent. Set' lhla and m •ke oft~r. REX RECHS 2307 W . Balboa Blvd.. Newport Hcubor 0156 COSTA MESA • bdnn. 2 bath home, many otraa Owner haa left .tale, 0 Ulerw111" we would have to ult murh mo~ than 111.000. Low down, l iO mo. paya for everylh111r . ·~~ F' H A. loan. OPEN HOUSE 30 I I C liff Drive Sunday only 12 to 5 Ooriteou• Yi-of bay It oc,.an, bulll In ranir• It oven. 2 bdrm~. .tr den, 2 baU\ll, flrf'plare. Clo11e tu bua1nu1 6: &hopping. Can hfl 1thown anytime by appolnlmrnl. ExctUent f ll\llJ\Clnf. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. l~ 1'rw-port Blvd, ea.ta )fellll LJ 8-3792 or LI l-688f 2~17h Heights Lot 1..AROE WALJ...P.:D·JN LOT. partl• ally lmpr<ivNI. Ocean Ylf'W -- CloH lo markelll. excellent IOC'a- llon for nic• h omf'. Yery ff'W lert. quick •~lion for Kood buy, $1500 Down :'\EAT HOMP., near Oct-an and Channfl, only S 11 .noo FORO --···------1129.:)0 CHJ:VROLET -·----1149.:10 PLYt.l. 6-0000E ···----1 1:,~ CHRYS. It DE SOTO ··--l liO ~TUDEDAKER ... ·····--·-11 iO OLDS It PO:"<!l.AC 6 -···-11 70 BUlCK -·-·----·--···-111;, HUDSON -··--··--·····-··-··· l l i:• 7.ar·1 leaae. Furn. or unturn. l drm,: l a1!1 1• •I\',, .. , ·1.111 1 COSTA M ESA u )'OU ll&\'t • u cancy, in'to!I' 11nd <1111 ~I:!'\ "'" t' Ill LI 8-:'>M I. LI 11·8~2 COSTA )IU';Jo,;\ family horn• lOOx 1'18Hl:R • co. phone today r·~~:l~t~!I m;:.~rn S~~~m~.U•~::,r~~:1 H Ml.r,r ~i I( 12~ ft. Int that could ti. dJvldtd. 2t03 Newport Blvd .. N-port Bch. .N.8.C. Realty ' Loan CAr f'rt'I' Towing NEW CAR Qt" ARA;.;TEfo; Block mu.at mfft our eta.r11J1rd1 P lu.a ta.sew, g saket.t and oil Open.. Sunday l O &.m. h > 2 p m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Opt'n Da.lly 8 to 7 Stai. BondeJ NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. i:;A;\' fA A;\'A The Vogel Co. cM ~lnr. H ar 011:,;1-R 11trr r.irin Jl't.I. 1 -1 ... ,11 .... 111• ".l '. NEED MONEY? Patio. workroom . brea.kfut nook 39c4! 1201 w. C3t. Hwy .• N<'wport Bch. l;,1111 1. o "· "" n1.nu.11 hru•1>• 1 Fest A ction 211 Macno11&. ca.u Ha.r. 4711 Phone Liberty 8-3481 1-T ll:"\ ~TUDIO apt -IHll\' '"'"1 l'ltJ' f•ll' Ill fl lo. .. ,( II'"' .. r 11$ 311tt 208 Martne, Balboa llln.nd I"'"'" 1 1 9 <lult ran"I I •·111 1111 • fl, \'1kin.: ,-1111 tli• 111 r nw• 1 tinnt. 1' Low Rat es Phone Ha.rbor H4 c "" ~""I s1;. 01" 1 ~WI "'' 1 2 1at ~"' h.i11111t1111v t111n1~11. Loans 2Mi E. Coeat Hy , Corona del \l"r Ave, ;-.;l'wport. liar 11500·\\' i 1 ~hll•h• s:1H1 l"r no.nth Pl:one Harbor l i41 41• I! Ir 11llrt' .1l 41 l11t lholl c; .. ,,. 2nd and 1st Lido Office, 3416 Via Lido ;\'r\\1,. 11 :i6trc 1111.rbor •ll:'J :'\l:Wt,\" •lf'1nr11!• ii m• • ,,. fu1 n litl2 Newport Bl\·11 . cn~tll M,.1111 l 1,.1rm 1<pl ~II\ 11nt•I $1l~ L.Jberly 8·6:\Pi mo inr I• 111 ·I A •llllt~ 111:.!'• \\ tfc DE SK SPACE WANTED I Rv lno omr T •A ,, 'rn1nt"n' Llhr11,l!i,11 :1P1 11 HalllOa U,\,I, llM, 12J9.\\'. '1c43 L'ORO~A ~IAR VI t W. 11tl r1t l1,·rlv t t''t' h "dttll lri..Aftt.,_,, mro 11 .ed"r 47. OCF:1\ :" fornil'hl'tl 11rt 1 1-.n 411 1; 0~ Ji: Bl~l >R \f hnui<" furn Y• ar ly rental li111.11;1 Har. 42S6 •Oc~2 'a AC'fU! ranch ho1nr. ft'n( A1I. l!\O fl. (rnntllftt'. rh1y f ill 20 ~ 20 Mro,rl for <'hlltlrrn enrl anlm11I~ f'Art .\ f1t r 11 $1!10, )t1'JU'. RJ.1•k !"\~\ 1,1 II. 71\A'\ 4n1 fr ; w .. 5,.,.. ... All Oranre r ounty 8('rvice In Your Home We Buy Trust Deed8 T1tf1 rrlr r1t pal ti Cuh no,,.·: RO Y AL MTGE. CO. 2602 Nl'\\l'ort Blvd . N prt. Bet\. Harbor 1549 4 lc:,tH FOR SALE BY OWSE~ bed· room home, 1 ~ ba tha, land· acaped lk fence:c1. FHA loan. Freedom hom e ar-. Call Liberty 8.f223 momlnp or aft<'r & p. m. l fllc 0 NI: -120 tt.. • twe>-40 t'l. all adjolnlnf Back Ba7 .,....._c;ou14 be/ four lot..-Sell all or H p&• -..ne -Cu h or t enna.. Owner "'ant. &ctlon. H•r. utl attic NEWLY r•decorated mO<Jern one bednn. home Garage A at craJ' room . N ice location 3&4 UI Perle. N~wport Hta. dl1trlct C M. Liberty 8·11 Tt 38lfc TWO-BDRM. HO\:SE. hudwutMI noore, r Mlecorat.e<l lnaidt anti out, 110.7&<>. l&ll ,,ow,., SL. Cotta Mesa Pbone Llblrrty 1-7807 latte LOT toxl86 on 8ul\Ml off Mon· rovt&. Coat& Wea&. l ltoO prt owner. Writ. Boa L 71 thl• ,.,_, M p.a 32nd 6: N ewport Boultvart! !ll!!wport 8"acb-Harbor H Oii BY OW~'ER CORONA IJEL MAH, modern 2 bdrm. home, fi~pla< "· rum11•.,·. tvlw1I. Ont . W\\." Ca.t1>4'!1nl( 11 n1I drftpe•. dt1lt car ~tr~11,.HJ 1 .. ~ a pt. Full prtre $13 760. U &OO fin 8'13 Polnu lll• Hftr 3900-M 181!0 LIDO R-3 2 -30 ft . .Iota on 8.,. Bay Front. '31.600 n ch: C all T-D. Jtoteu, Har. 1686-W, ot RYan 1-to2!1 J81(f: • "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More 8.1:1.d more Harbor •rea families arc inapttling these cxqul•ite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central tocntiun. More and more famllics who prefer a home in a re- atricted quality com munity are n1ov ing inlo thei r Irvine Terrace homc8.. Dri\'e in today antJ ~ce for yourself the many nut·'-- •tanding features of this remarkable community. Inspect the model built by Macco ' hon;ies. Corp. exquisitely furnished by Marlin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is loca ted on Coast Hi'!h'>l.'t\Y opp0tiitP. the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 44·1.8 For Further Information * F or Recommendat ion, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Est.ale in Jrvine..... Terr.ace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shotta and Cliff Haven B & B BALBOA V ALUE PACh:F:D F'EATURES are abundant in this BAY A VENUE 4 8. R .. 2 bath home. ~icely decorated throughout. Lgc. Jiving room. full dining room. handy kitchen, Jots of tile. fo'orced air heat, patio. dbl. garage, close to Catholic Chu rcb._. gµi.mmar school. beaches and · traneportAt~ Owner must move inland. 523.950-Lilx-ral terms to qualifcd buyer . BALBOA OCEANFRONT 3 Units -Sho"'' excellent income. Complr>tl'ly furnishl'd S22.500 -Trrms 2 CHEAPIES! They ain'l nrw and tht'y ain't purty but they are clo)je tCI good bf>aeheM. Btores and transportation 4 and can be boughi..ior $1.500 down. No telephone information will be given ! BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC . 1450 w. Balboa Bl\'d., Balboa Harbor 1264 Balboa Island RA YFRONT HO~fE "''i th pier and float. 3 bdrms. 2 bath. Onf' of the be.st. $57.500 R00~1 TO Bl.D. additlon3I unit '~"bile you enjov 2 ~rm. attrae. fnrnii.hed home. Comrletely !C"nced. S1 8.000 B & B OPEN HOUSE Sat • Sun. 1 • t :)() 2tl! Via Nice •:VERY INCH 18 SMART and YO\& M ould an}Oy UT.a Holl· da yM In thl• Br•nd H-3 bdnn. 2 bath hom•. Ellterlor l• wh.lt"' -..·Ith black trim. ~fie. Btllll·ln k lt<'h<'ri. Grty earpelLnr U\ru· .' out. Lllrg• Patto. Sp••·•~lly 1u·ln••f·t'&1h lo loMn 1·or· n<'r lol 1\rc.,1 to 1lrttl DO YOU \\'ANT A P IER 6 'i~YLOAT AT YOUR ffiONT r -D?OR~ V.'11: HAY!: IT. near l.Hl<I 2 ~~Al•. on .fO' ~orn11r B.-J.ut1 r111 p '11nt1n11:~ e~rround th"' prv11~1 I)'. C!e11n & ntal •.• I run. Save smJ On a bu.uutul vi~ home In Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. and den, bath and ~~, 2 tireplacet, built in We.tern &lly range -hardwood floora -Iota ot Lile and many other fine' feature.. Muat tee tO apprttiate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De Anu ~ ~1 C>qean ''iew and swimming pool. Ranch style home, nicely landscaped and many fine features. w to w carpeting. Priced to ae11. OPEN DAILY l ·5 P. M. • Houston Values, NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -P/IRT IV . PAGE l WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1955 a Real Eat.tie .-Real- Gold Mine Income BALBOA ISLAND Waterf'rollt.! Nr, feny. Ramburser and irnall •ti.Ill!, paddle bo.ud9 • S rwritale. INCOWE O VER 110.000 P'OR SUMMER 8EA80N. JU,600 wtUI l low doWn I.lid l""1U. ~ • SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME! OOSTA llESA . ' . $7000 -$1378 down, 1 B • .R. tn.me, 782 W. Wilson. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY· SATURDAY 1 to 5 P. M. Full Price $6850 2. $7:SOO.-Low down. 2 'BR -den, 222 W. Wi~on. 0000 2 BDRM., eut•lde, knotty pin• Interior, room for 1.11other unit and expand t o 3 bdrm., 6 3, yr1. old. &Olr.l:l'l on alley. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY ·SATURDAY 1 to 5 P . M. $12.000 -Low down. Ul Cecil Pl. can be bought. on contract. Well built. Excellent condition. Close-In $7500 OLJ)E:R, NICE CONDITIO~. ttn· ter ot t o ... •n. 1 bdrn1 .• road terma. 4.. $13,600, $2100 down. 3 BR •tucco -Trade for 3 · 4 B. R. 582 Knowel PL Nord Corner 3 BPH.\fS. Z bnth~. l~rs~" l•1•1ni; I •X>m.1 "l'lt h flr~plare. ~rp:u·a~<' t!in1•1'; 1·oon1, f>c:'nu1nent 1·le>1' 11! i 1,,,y r:·n n ~unllrch. twhlrl1 ~·011\d br. l't:>;;'e Into a btdrn1.I. C.1r· I 1~t11 nnd <ln;por h•11. 0>1'ner 1·.•1JI l,.:•c!e f<JJ' ~.ll~ller hon1e 1n :>.II'\?• 1\<•r< .' .. 'ea. St:n.,..•n /Jy 11pp'1. only $1000 Down Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar ' DOR". 7 moo ""'· '" ~w•~. 5. Ideal Bu•inese -office, 1torage, parking and room for expaoaion on Newport.,Blvd. Will teue apace. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc LrOO OF"FJCl'J to occupy a large older home, located aouth of the new range • refrlg. Incl. i '"''0 Highway 1 ·; block from the ocean. \Vilh minor ex-loan, at $60.f>O n10. f\.lll prl<'e ID700. pen!.e can be converted tnto 4 bedrm., 3 baths, din· ing room and large playroom. 40 ft. lot tnd on .a nice quiet etrcet. Terms are ~very flexible &nd can be arranged to-euft. Call.us-for any additional information. Asking $8500 J BR. Nrwly d,..cnr•lrd on ~o;Jl'l(l lot. R01Jm for add. uni!•. GOOll I':. •Ide rent&! locallon. Submit. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 1. LOVEI.. Y 3 B. R., 1 ~~ bath•. 3 ca.r gan.ge. Encl. patio, ahrube, plants, treee a.nd fenced. Excellent. neighborhood. Immediate poueuion. Idea.I finan· cing. 405 Holmwood. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY. SATURDAY 1 to~ P. tf. 3112 l.at•r et:I', Npt. H1r. 3114:1 w. E. FISHER & Associates Houston Realty Co. 2. NEAR HJGH SCHOOL, 4 B. R ., •ingle garagf', 2 baths with WestinghoUAe intra·red n.y heat $14,500 Good terms. .FISHER'S BEST BUYS! COSTA MESA · • l. LGE. 3 B.R., only I y r. old. Lot llS'JtllO' -Many fealu1,..9 4 '•'• loan - $93~ Try $1~ do,.,•n. 2. LARGE F'AMJLY ~ See thl11 4·RDRM near. "~"' hon1e 2 baths. low llo.,.·n. ·0n1y i t l ,!IOO 3. SMALL HO¥E "FlX·ER-UPER" Lg ... lot, rQr '.actdri 'I. unit ''nu l'l\ll make. mOnl'y on lhu une! Only $6:!-00 -Ttrn1• 3024 E. Coa9t Hwy., Corona del-Afar HAR. ·..032 BILl.'S BEST BUYS RESTAURANT-GOOD BUY Going business on Co8.st Highway with 5 yr. lease and re·newal option. Fully equipped -seats 35. Full Price $5,000 with 1:: down . Good terms on Balance. O"·ncr ill, must sell. STOP LOOKING-WE JUST FOUND IT Nearly new three bedroom, l Jh bath home. Choice H. W. floors, Wall to wall carpets, drapes inc., fire- p\a.ce, covered patio and large double garaee. Full Price $13,750 with $3,750 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-Bedroom-$14,875 . Nearly new-Fenced-2 Baths. Fireplace. Walk· ing distance to High and Jr. Schools. Priced right for quick sale. Only $3200 down. ~ 4-CORONA DEL MAR CHOICE INCOME I Nice 'l· brm. nr. ni•iket centtT Large very well kept. nearly new duplex only one u~ your o . t. Loan •nd b11; bloc k from town. 2 Bd. rooms in each unit .eepa· Lhl~ f<)r _ll230 lln rated by a double garage. Can be handled on very Full Price 112.300 Fisher -& · Co. 2&0.1 Newport Blvd. IN CORONA Dl:L MAR $2000 l'a.•h "'di h11n<llt> t:""M1 bu!hl· - In~ lllll"'.1. 80 rfl'I-Whl'h t\<'IW h•, one unit 011 11 . In tilt Tu•l•n S•:hoo! Dl•tnc l A ,llt'llUJn~ •lr"t'~nl ho1ne 2 bt!tn1 and rll'n 11.1111 ,w11nn11na 11'1'll •nd a;uco<l hou"' :-,tr,1t J<"hld'I\· Jul hume low down payment. foUll price only $17.500 400 E. A muHt on your list. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR You·u like our friendly 17th St., Coeta Me:aa aervice" Liberty 8-1139 ------1 GOLDEN RULE VALUES 3 Bdrm. BUY OF l'HE WEEK home,' fireplace. wood fl oors, furnace. lg. house. Work &hop and garage .• All on beautiful half acre for only $12,500 6 ASSOC1ATES Ml9 Ct>n\er St. ~la Meu LI 11-6911 LJ 8·77114 Eve. ph. Pttltte W 8·!1487 Lytle LI 8·2llf 2 Seymour, }far. !1298·\\. "C" THOMAS "C" TiiOMAS OCEAN FRONT 4 BDR~t. H Or.!E &nd garnge npt. .... ff'd~ some fixin' but &ti t>XCefl- tlonl\Uy t ine opportunity for ho11a1 • lnron111 with only $!1000 down. Price lncludt• new H ot· point elnll. dllhw.Uh<'r & dl•· mu.I. Good locallon -flne ocear:i ,.,., ...... BAY FRONT E:XCE:Ll..E!'T LOCATION-.5 bed· rO-Om•. 2 baths. tile k11o:hen, t1re- plD.ce. good he11t. partly !urnlah· l!(I, snre ~afh tor l'hllrtren - PRICED AT $29,:i()O w1\h low dOWTl p1ymtnt. BAYSHORES LOCATED ON BAYSHORE Or!"e w ith ·VIE\\' <,>f bay-Nice c:om· rorloibl~ J bedroon1, 2 bath nOn1e, lg,. u... rouu1 With tlq1t.one tlrt>pl1LC111. full d!n. roorn plu• breakfuL room, hdwd. noon., ttlapo&al, l'Orner 1o1:>11Uon, f~ $23.:.-00-Cuod tenna. "C" THOMAS, Rltr 224 \\'. Coaat HIW•)' -Ll 8·~27 "C'' THOMAS !'C'' moMAS ;.\partment House NEWPORT !\EACH I. 6805 Seaabore Drive, 2 B. R.-den, l lot ·from ocean. Firepla.ce. Good eonditi6n. $11,500 Small down. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newport Blvd. Liberty 8•5501 I BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd, Harbor 1428 On Little la1and, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. horn<'. The land value iB close to the· uking pr!ce. A'rl'R. furn. 3 bdrm. 1:;.4 bath, din ing room, lge. patio, iota of gla.aa with 2 BR apt. Near No. Bay. Not a give-away but one ot the best hou!k'H on lbe laland, $4 7 ,5oo A'ITRACTIVE 4 bedrm., 21h bath•. nr. So. B:iy. Owne:r will t..a.ke a.mall down. A.Ming _S42.m. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bed.rm. l lf..i bathe: $26,500 About. 200 ft. tram No. Bay. Neat. 3 bed.rm. furn· iahed home.. Submit down. $25,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large Jot, :li bdrm. 3 \6 bath bouae plue unusual 2 B. R. a pt. over 3 car garage. Both units newly furnished. Har. 177:5 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-622::? John Macnab, Harbor MMt. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK B h ,\lull1p1 .. 1.i11t1hi.: Rf11JL,,,., $500 Down EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ayS OfeS Bu111nf1111 Brok~r MO\'{'S you in before Xmu to this n ice J bdrm. .. -------·s yE'ffr1-0ld 3 bdr:m. 3-bat-h beautifuJ bay ..,;e~ -313$ v..Cii\H ... ·y~.~c'o~rn~,~.-,~.~,~.,~,~,l----tiomrryr.mn:-varcr 1encea -ANDTI HAS - THIS NEWPORT APARTMENT HOUSE Ideal !or ye11r round or •11n1mrr rental•. JwiL right for a cnuplt. 11n.-e the upkttp I~ pl"llcl1cally nu . The owner'• 2 large DH. •pl, 13 un!umiahed. Another l•rc• 2 BR apt. 111 rur- nllhf"I, n iere are ~ very big 1 BR apl•. furnl~hed and 1 b11ch· clor apt. f urnished. ..ui •pt•. hR•"e \\'.\\' l'a rpeung 11nd , . .,ry .nice t-..mll..W'.t._ 7 c uqe1._l@.r1tr w11~1l r(M)nl, lotll <>f lllo rage. Cpts. & drp11. incl. 1n this true Vogt! \'&lue. H•rbor 21:.2 AN OCEAN VIEW Priced at $39.500 Corona del Mar View Home NC""' -3 bdrm, & den. 2 f1 replacea. BeAutiful 0111.hogany panelled Irving room. $49.500 THE VOGEL CO. 20$ ~fn rine A\·enue, Balboa Island Next door to th1' P•>st Office Eves Har. 3059·~1 Har, ·l24S-R CORONA DEL MAR NI>-:\\' (.'O J,ON IAL COTIACE 3 br., 1·11 bath. Pro· lttted p11t10. I::x el. loe:ition. ~28.7;'>0. lR\.lNE TERRACE. $5000 "'ill handle. 1\lmost new 2 B. I{. conv. d~n. 2 baths. inside BBQ. Drap· t•rics. st ove, fully landscap<"(I. L<iw price. BA\'SHORES ATIRACTI\t'E 3 bdrn1. hC1mr. lee.led 1•atio. 0 -A•ncr anxious for o[fer. Asking S28,000 Pro· SEE US for BJ::,\CON BAY and BAYSHORES properties. Har. 1 i'i5 -E\'es. Edith 1'-faroon, HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou Boynton. Boyside Dr. office, Har . 329i, eve Har. 2878 -EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 P.larine Ave., Balboa Isl and 'GIVE YOURSELF THE BUSINESS PROPERT\', that is Here's an opportunity to own one of the better pif'('f'S of business property in Corona df'l ~ll\r. Four fine leA.M'ft bring you a minimum of S.~.iOO J>l.'r year. µlua percentage. Tht loc1lt1on is ideal -no vacancy. Priced rt'Alistically and "''i lh terms. By 11ppo1ntment . plcaee, R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B, HODGE. AAeociate 3622 E. Cout Hwy., Corona df'I Mar • ------- BALBOA ISLAND ()t"f'L !':X I.WOO oc."'·n Cl·IOll:E CORNEH loce l!on 2 It 3 bo'drm unit •, 9."llCrlL •·•in ohlH\n .\l•y t>•ctlang' !l!r i'l.lladena t1r l((Jf><I lfll Hait.or •rra. $29,950 Osborne-Forton l~E.ALTY CO 2Jl3 \\' \;<>aal H11:y 'Ill P'1f\ Vr11ni;,.. •. !'1;11t Jlr•t'h I I LJ /1.7,:.tl~ H11r bc'lr ~l~i ,..,.,.,, I I TWO OUTSTANDING ,1 ' BA Y FRONT HOMES l o ~ UALBOA 131.Ai\·u, " .... ,./! 11 .. .it <hu1 nuns i h~ h<'l.11, "'Jin p.f'r •no! flr>•I m,.-•,,n,v pr1r...i ar I l~i ">/\\J unfut•nl,.hf'll t~ THE: \"JCl:>.l !Ti· ro r :\'llYC:. an IHtt11r t11·,.. .. h'lrm hc.U.•t' \Vllh f'll rrll \'Ir-\\·; p1 r r lln•I ~1 •r fin~\, hun inr1 11rrth•ncr~ Sl !l,f"ol\fl Louis W. Briggs fle11\\o>I' 71 ' t-:. ll•ll><la HIV•! R11l)(llll Ph. H1ntx>r 110. ;J~i2 & Builders Speculators 8 Good )fol~ ~f"~" ~., 1<11ho•r1\\n~t111n DAN A J ACOHSO:"< Rf'•lt<1t Har :'•691 E''"" L I ~·6.1 17 Jlil<•i I BY OWNER LESS THAN ON.$ YR. OLD - 3 bfo.drm . 2 b&lh hom,, n"'·d Moor•, 2 f i r IJ'•rAJt · S\2,:IOCI 124 Kno"'·'ll Pl., COila Mt ... w 8 ·11111 41t !l1 JCEA:" FROXT R·2 lot rJ(br;lil:)I I J 7lil00. !l()j Ea•t Balboa Blvd Cell Hlr, JSOI. Har Ol:Z3 ev~~ ""' $10.000 with monthly pay, like rt'nt. NOW HEAR THIS Large bus ine1111 zoned lot w1th 4 yr. old furni 11hed duplex ~U for $10.000 -Room for 12 units. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO . T. EVERSON 1S56 Ne"'·port B\,·d , • Costa Mesa I acroMs from Costa t.-tcsa Bank) Phone IJ S-6761 E\•ea H11or. 4366 -LI 8-2103 ---- BALBOA ISLAND UN USU Al,l.'1' N ICE 4 bednn. home with din1nfi: room. up t Q tht' minute kitchen, fireplace and forced air heat. 1~1 .. us atlrncth·e 2 B. R. Apartment with fire· place anti 111\l\lrf' v11nd(l'>l.'S. large gArage. For a real ho1ne rlu~ income, we recQmmend thie, Ml'..'nf . • • • lrnm11.cul11tl" 2 B. R hnmp anrl ,R'Ul'tJt arart· n1 rl"ly f11rn1 r.herl. l~rgr patio and RBQ. db l. car g:1ra.,:f', \·cry nc1lr No. Bay. $23.750 terme. W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD Rea It-ors ~farinr and Park l~a.lboa Island 1-tarbor 2•162 COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth ... ~JNCO~I E PROPF.RT\--New 2 Br. home and six nice 1 1:1.r , r.:"ntalK -all furnished-near Bh•d. and marketK. ~lonthly income $435. Price $39.000 3 Br. homC'. partially fumished, hardwooct Ooora, good Ea.<1t11irle lncatio n, home in A-I condition. B<'Autifut la .... ·n and ahrub1:1 $1 3.500 NEWPORT 'VISTA 3 Br. hoine -Nice lawns & lrttt. good location near 19th St., shopping center. $10.500 with terme. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd .. Coata Meu LI 8·1601 • THEH.E: JS A JJ0.000 l>ITG. on \he propt>rt y. itnw pa)'fl"le J300. 1no !>•~·; \\'e ,,..ldom have 11<pU. or t ht• q ua lity fOme on the nikt. RALl~H P, MASKEY ft l':Al.TOR 3.f\1 Ne"''l"llt D!\•<1 .. Npt Bc:h H14rtx)r 41)2 HOMEY HEit ~~ IS A !>OLJI) LJTTU: two b«\r(oVhl ht>me th•L (an be h•d for • nly ISUQ.) Nu·• rot. rltJlll' In. only 6 )'e•ra old, lo.,.· dn pymL DUPLEX I FJ:-.·y, t:OR="ER UL"l•LEX "'•th "'""' rnr 1no!/1('r untt In K•l()J ,.111 iude l"l'1\1<>n 1-:.:f_.11,..nt ron· 1 <11t1on. 6 yr~ ol•l lnt'on1e 113!) 1 Jh lfO J Hl :'>Oil tern•• B. A. NERESON RF;ALTOR 19112 ;-.:,...,-port l'llV<I. Coata :'o!.,~a l.J li ·t!\72 t-: .... ,. /,J 11.1120 Balboa n1·1·1.i:;x, furn1,.n ... 1 11~.-~. Two 2·h•frrn "l'I' All on ~·ne ri ....... r. \\'1!k1ni; •!U.llllltf' !n •lownto"''TI B11lbon Rl\{)"·"1,1; f:&od lrtcon1e Suhn1Jt CJn lftrn11 Ocean Front Jt!),nO(J GOO!> TF'.H~lS. 3 br<lrm. f•l•l~r hlllllo'. J'1Htlally f!l l'Tl!Rh~. c.:.1 i:i•11e. H.-11rt or H11lb<Ja 2 c11r g1r11ge 111rc11""d fo r apt abovt Coast Properties JOI E: llfllhn• lll\'d,' 011 tboa ll1rl)fl r 2'l!l8. 2.'i!i7 an<1 •600 Cliffhaven Speciel 1'\t.·n Rrd1·m Doll HnUl>I! 4 yr, old. O<'>uh!' G11n1i:t S111111l y•rol with 7 fnlll lttt'IO Tl'rrT'lll. ft41aJ bUJ °'"'nrr ,...~nt~ 111 orrrr 2:!07 \\' REX RF.CHS Rltlbol\ Rh·d.. ~1!'4-port H11.rbor 1 1.'.>e HAPPY HOLIDAYS J. R·l Lot pave:d street & aewera ... $1 ,000 Dn. 2. Water View l...ot Mesa Ori\'e . Sl,7!'l0 On. 3. C·2 Harbor Blvd. 60 x 300 . .$5.000 Dn. 4. s21 ~ x 200 R·4 orr Newport s1\•d. s2.ooo 0n. 5. 100 x 200 All ulllit.ies-M-1 ... ·-60c fKI. fl. 6. 15:5 x 314 M-1 on Placentia .... ... 29', Dn. 7. 5 Acres 1.{·l Trailer Park Site $15.000 On. 8. 47-Acre Cotton Fann, Coachella .. 29 r;. Dri . 9. SO-Acre Bet. Santa. Ana &. Costa Meu .29•(. Dn. A. I~ Ac. 2 Bnn. Obi. G11rage A· I .s 950 Dn. B. Carpets w/w 3 Brm. FHA F'inaoee S l ,000 Do. C. Lo\'ely 2 br. Dbl. Gar. nr. Al pha Beta$ 3,000 On. D. 2 new fum. homes. garagee, F. P. $ 3.500 On. E, View Kinga P l. 3 br., 2 bath, beauty $ 7.000 Dn. F. B'ay Ave., Cor. 2 br. den, View, Patio $15,000 On. G. 8 units, income $510 mon th . -····· $10,000 On. ORANGE COAST . PROPERTIES 1857 Newport LI 8·1632 Blvd. I Costa Me.11. Evc11 LI 8·1400 The Main Road To A Sale IS VIA MULTIPLE LISTING Good Velue1 When You Buy, Or When You Sell SEE YOUR REALTOR TODAY FOR THE fINEST PERSONAL SERVICE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Bl\'d. Newport Bl'1u:h 1 • !. I I I I ( 62 --R":t l F.!Jlate ftA614. PART IV -NE~RT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS B2-~a1 _t:~t~!~-------. ~}..::!.f!~~ !'°:~~t,. . __ -· ...•.. ~----- It-Ro i f" .st at4! ---.... ··-~----------------------WEONESOA Y, DECEMBER 7, 1955 6i--Real F4Jate ------- BALBOA ISLAND XTRA XMA S SPIOClALS DELUXE HOMF. & INCOME. Our exclusive brand n<'w 'Heling! 4 B. R. d;nm·~ room. 2 bath h0me. 11 ·cc'y !ornii>he<'. rorr"ci air t>eat. be3Ul. pati'l. /'II t 1l'S ANO a l'Yl fl!lt attr. ore bedroom n t1t. l\nri hRtl-i. E xtr a bi-th a nd drt'iu:•n~ rol)m in gMa~c. 0-m'Tlit built . and a honev. Near Vill: .. ~e cent"r and No. Bay. P rkrd ~34 .!,\~0. SO HURRY ! Terms. $19.9:50 ATTR. f<'tTHN. home. Lge. liv. rm . sun ro0m. dining room, 2 bed-r ooms. convenient kitchen und lovely patio. gara:;-e. Will l'lhow anytime. LET US SHOW vou some beautiful ~ay Front hnmP s. that ar e PRICF.D RIGHT. CORCNA DEL ~IAR SEEING IS BELIEVIN G ! $13,500 lmm('diate posseM:on. A mir;ht\' nice 2 B. R. home. Choice location. Dbl. gar . A real goo I value. BLANCHE A. GAT~S. R~c-!tor MEMBERS OF MUl.TIPLF. LISTING 311 Marine Ave .. Balboa Is land Phone Ha rbor 1671 or 16i2 GI RESALE $14,950 -4 r;. -S73 MO. THREE BEDROOM modero, Jess than 1 yr. old & fully furnished , incl. carpeting. drapes. built-in stove and oven. refrigerator. Forced a ir heat. sliding glasa walls m lge. liv. & dining a rea . Tile bath. Lge. lot & detached garage. Good Costa Mesa location. Will consider trade to $25.000. BUSINESS BUILDING NET INCOME l O'i PLUS. Six top notch tenants a ll on lease. Best location on Coa11t. A· 1 const r uc- tiop. Owner living in East desires qui<'k sale. BACK BAY AREA OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 482 Esther St. An architect's drea m. this. beautiful 3 bdrm .. 2 bath home. Custom built by Lloyd C. Howard. Has everything Including buiJt-in stove a nd oven. plank-- ed hwd. floor ing, Dobler brick fireplacf' covering entire wall, brick BBQ in kitchen, fenced yard with several trees. "SEE IT ANO YOU'LL BUY IT"' -011ly $26,500. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St. Andrews. New port. HeighUI. SH.750 -$65 mo. Incl. taxes and insunnce. -Three bedrm., living room with fireplace. fenced yard with patio and 1prinkler ayat.em. Cloite to schools and churches. "Vacant" -Owner has mo\'ed to San Francisco. Immediate possesS1011. WATERFRONT BARGAIN 2 Bedroom home on 64 ft. bulkhead fronlagr P1<-r It. {loat . Near Lido ccntt•r .& City Hall. Only $18,9~0 -Submit on down payment. JACK BRENNAN,. Rea~tor and ASSOCIATES S320 W . Cout Hwy. Ll bcrty 8-ii73 "At the Arches" VOGEL V ALUEACosta Mesa Office * • • * • Duplex !\mall d uplex wit n g•'od tnCllmc. ~mstl l11t with lJttlr u pk~p Pn<'e • 12.000 New 2 bdrm. & den. I 1 bath. lar~<' lmnj;! room Wltb fuUy g lasnf"(i rc:-ar \"leW :tntl Oil(' full lll'rt' or ground $24.000 Cafe Good and popular rN1launint w1lh monthly tnc-11mr of 4500 at a Mt:ST S ELL 1•m.'"' THE VOGEL COMPANY J 702 Newport Rl,·d Phone Llbcrty i..-55!H ( '11"°1 J ~I I'S.I F:vrning~ l.lb..r1 y i"l57 'DON'T make a MOVE" l NTIL YOl SE!': CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND :'\ATIO;-.;.\\ lf>r. ~10\"t~r. Ph. KI 3-i•:?:! I Builders & Speculators 2 N F:'f R .. :.'\IOl-:NTIAI. I.OT~. 1 l(ll't• tn H a1b<1r & Wilson ~ewt'r!I ... w:• lt·r ll' a 1111 hit I '.u1h ,>ut pru·t•- $1 :l50 JX>r lot TWO LAHC E PA R<:E:L .. ". Hh ii . (. 7,onr prnpcrty. Both are TERRIFIC BUY$ for larg1• dt·\"<'lopmenl. N o Phonr lnfu1mntt1l ll. plens<'. RUSS FORD, Realtor 1600 W. Coast Hlgbwa)' Liberty 8·611 l • p. a. palmer incorporated developers North Ba .. front of Lido Isle , homt> l)n 80 feet fronta~e. 5 bedrms .. extra large llv. rm .. lovely walled ya.rd, pier & slip-there isn't a betlt>r locA tion on Lido hde. We han t he key ant.I will bC' pleased to show you t his home. North 8a,1front Home 3 bcd rm'I. 2 balh!i and ftuwdcr room -2 ser vant's roomR with bat h -large liv. rm. -co\"ered patio with tN rific barl>E'\!ue-modern kitchen with but· l<'r's pantry -3 ear ~:uage-PLU~ beautiful :! bcdrm. 2 bath apt-phl'> 2 utility rooms -less tha 11 5 yrs. o l<.J , & the price of ~15.000 includes repaint rn~. I 2111 \"ta Or\'ielu 1s thl' adrlress of the b r<inri nf'w Visscher-bu1lt hl)me that we thin!< you will lake. 3 bedrms. 2 ba ths. papered diniug area. steak grill in fireplace. e:.lra good storage. Be finishC'd in two week!'. S3l.500 including lands<'apmg. OCEANFRONT. 60 foot corner. best posr-;1blc P ENINSULA locat ion. Sl7.000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, ha r:bor 1500 Back Bay Beauty! Art 1s t1~· t>arly American -brand new-2 bedroom• plus den-2 ba ths-full p·rice $20,500 with terma. Call Dave Osburn for details. Lemon Heights Estate Own£-r of a b<-autiful h ome on over an acre of the fmest view property says "Bring me an offer or t radc.'' If you are interested in a large home, call Bill Farnsworth A Home for Xmas? Buy this 2 bednn. home for a Xmas present. It is \'ery well located and could have an apartment ; added for future income. Let Joe Kincaid 1how you th is cute house and tell you of the pouibilltiea it presents. Full price $27,500 Spectacular! View o f entire Harbor, ocean. city and coast line. 3 bedrms., 3 baths. Cost $54.000 -now $40,000 Hurry! Not Leasehold. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole h anson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty 8-6573 B & B WAKE . UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS! ! Peninsula Homes! NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING! T lfl-:N PIJ\\"' Thill new It ling will Here is what you hav1: b<>en looking for. A give- away. Never again will you have a cha nce to buy a 3 bedroom home with brick fireplace a nd large sepa rate rumpus r oo111 that can be easily turned int.O a guest house for Mom & Dad. In t he Bac.k N o I ·Redccora led 2 bt'droom. nice· ly furnl11hed home Fireplace. U1111dy pal10, double garagt' Top cond1t1an • • • U ll,f>OO, Lerm11. v v Best ~Buys Corona del Mar I. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Beet buy of the year. La.rge 2 -.Srm. home, 2 bat.ha plu• 2 bedrm. garage apt. plua !um. ltU<lio apt. Only a few s teps to ocean front It China Cove. 45 !t. frontage. Quality con.at thru-out - Better hurry -Only $38.500 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH Excellent condition. both unlt. have firepW., hwd. firs .. laundry and garage. Priced at $22.500. Terms can be arranged . Exclusive ·with UL 3. DUPLEX CORNER I BR. EA. Funtiture included in one unit. F. P. $17,500 wltll $5000 down. 44. OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Only lot availa ble uf this kind, 40x118. Choice rental dis trict. Priced at $15,750. 5. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price of $14.750. 6. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA From this choice lot high on the hill in Corona Highlands. Best view lot a\•ailable. Priced at $13,500 t erms. 7. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN ·view HOMES Listed exclusively with us. See ua for beat buy1 m t his area. Shown by appointment only and priced far below re placement cost. Call u1 for partic ulars and appoint to S<'e. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUJSTION. Realtor 3447 E! Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 !Office located next door to Corona de! Mar Ban.kl LIDO PROVINCf AL • • • I r j>&lly jjllr lhtng11 up' Tl.\•o (11 ~· ·p1Bcta for Sant a. l•l<'' 3 bdn1111 . plus 20'x20' rutnJ)UI rvum Wll h l)a1 H•'-• 11 floo• •-. c.:11.11lom butll \\'ond slung I~ ruuf l..31 ge lot l-'l11 e Eaahl1tl,. lt.><"Olton 14~0 •q ft nol 1ndud111g garag~ t:omt• f1CJNNJ-:K & MLJl.lEN' Only I $:1!1:111 •luwn • 1-·1111 pt 11 •• S l :l !1:')11 I'S 2 16" bf'>lroo111& l.'llMJ,; l>A!:'HF:R' Bay area. T he lot is I 50 >t 105 and i8 fenced. S 1 :!.500 -Terms. NO-THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT A 2 bedroom homt> and separate income unit plus a 2 car garage Ear h fam ily has complete pr ivacy. In Nt'wpnrt Bea1·h w ry close lo the Channel & :'\o 2-2'• ~room, I' balh tum· iahe!d home. ,.,._,o •lory for \'lt'W anc redece>raL~. A \'ery cute home •.. allrac-• uve, loo. $17,000, U f>OO dn CLOS E TO THE CLUBHOUSE This choice two bedroom ca n be youra fOI' only $22,700. • Beamed ceilings j REDUCED! • Wu Slk.000 :O.:uw SllS !l~U e $4f>lol) (lu" 11 F:11J<y l1 I 111~ • 2 y• ur~ l '11~l1J111 h1111t • O• ••an Vt,."'' • H 1t1•lw11111I llc1111" ljtr rt11·phfl e V tr·y l1e• k 111 hr11 ~:Ill \' • 1-'ull •limn)( '""'" e 3 1811(~ llf• 111~1111~ 2 ti.ti hA e Ubl 11•• Ql(r A 11,.y • WO<NI Rhln.:tr t<l'•f , • 81'<:" 'h •• I •'II I "' ""' ""'' • OCEAN VIEW LOT! PF:RMA:'\t:-.:T \'H•;\\ tu11l11111g 1111 O lll of lt11An (),..tl('t .aa\a · ~1':1.1 . • S&~t11 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I t){~ :>\r"" I'"' I HI\ •I 1 1 ·c"'I" Mr"" ("tit! I LI bf'! Iv 11 I 1111 f:, M LI 11.111 HI Beaeh. ~1x yl•ar11 old -$14.250 -Terms. EVERY DOLLAR HAS TWO"'slDES Come on in and we'll show you how to make both sides pay you dividl"'nds -For instance -a Tri- plex in Balboa so C'lo~ to t he waterfront that you can call to your kids tO "Stop throwing sand at each oth!'r," Summer rPnta ls enn gl,·e you free rent a nd pay lht• plac(' (lff. ll "' fully rented month to month now. P rice completely furnished. $18.WO -le rms. FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE A Super Duper lo<·ation in Newport &>ach on the Coast Highway. Building is au1table for a Snack 11hop or s1m1IHr busin('ss. $5,000 dow n. monthly payfnent $105. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 503 3:?nd St. N<'wport Bca<.'h, Caltf. Har. 5 6 aftRr p m. Ha r. 2293-J .• I 0~r~·~·-~~~~~ f =====-=-=-==-=:--= ~o~ l ~t k~r111 VISIT <'nrr•nn. 11,-1 ~t~t ~·uu ,., .. ' s111 •111 VERY lt/\lt ~!l .Y 1111 1u11 i.rl 11n npprnluntly to h tl\ A •11 ~II r 111ll\ flll!I h11l1tt' I'll I t •'>•I nh,,. l•'\'f"I ..-~t f111 " t•111 •· l'I N_V "hf' ft U 04f t) t• /\1 f ~f·\\ [l11rt l R.. lit AH I I• •1111.,j. \\'.,,, H l•H tUt\t l'fl ft tt J:1r.tfll• "t ll t t11 .. i •f' J 1 t ~ I hftt \ ttll rtl I • .... 3~ I Hatel Drive , COM OPEN HOL"St•: ArAu t.t11I ''""' /filTif' •·f h11n ~ 1 • 1 •• .-t1, ' lk n.,:-•I ,,,,, '· h.1 I hu . .: 111 u It r tn!ll h• " ' ~ nrt t Ut t;U tl11t.: lh ttt1• fl •••ht ta h.-•I 'J I ' u t' "I w I 11t ' I• "' I t~ r .t 'flt "'~ p • • 1lf s.,z :.on ',._,rt·" t •l'r.'." >-\1 ,t .SI ' I· 1 t \It n '' t r J•,,. '"' '""- Call H arbor 204 2 Fran k James & Linwood Vic:~ R l":.R .. '. (. T I i t\ I ( t: I \ j ~I ;112 M11 "" """ p,,, .. •I I "'" Bay s;1ores , 1· I • .. , II , .. , \ I I If .... I I I ~ !. -4 h '"",, 1 't " • ' f I t t" h• ' ~• I ' I ' • • ' • art•• ' 6 I I 1•;11I1• ' II 1 ~ALPH P. l ,·!AS~~EY :1.1 ... , • I '" f• I I • 1,,1 LIDO ISLE F: IHI.\ >\ \l ~:H ll ,\:'\ $:1 ;:111 r 11t n1 •ht•1I Osbor.ne-Forton ''*"\'"I ' f "t l :: .••. 1 \\ 1·i-i .. 1 H "I tfll 1'111 1 lllP11."' ;\'~l lll'1'h LI 1'-~M'Z Huhor !'11.''14 ''~" , cm•TA MESA'S f'IN E~T GROUP OF RANCH HO MES Thret> and four b<'dnn!I. 2 baths. built-in gu ramt<'S nnd O\'l'llK. lht• w ry bc•Nt of natural fm111hed hwd. rabinets. glenmrn~ oak floo~. large bedrooms, 11pue1ou1-4 lr\'ln<;: r11orn!I. drnrn~ rooms and brt'akfast arcaR. usrcl brirk f11·1·1ilac.·t.'S. rlcuirt 11pace galore, h1'a\'y i..h'.lkr r,,.,j " 1.11 ~t· lnt11, f•·nrrd find land· >1c ap<'<l Th1·~1· h••mf'11 havr m11nv mnrc fratur("lll th·tn arC" u11u-.llv l1111n.l ~EE THE :"1':\\ LY OPENED Ft:RNISHED ~tOUEL 1'0~1": J:" l'HEN<...'li PR0 \1NCIAL BY flA:'\IG l-:R foTT!:'\ITl"JU ; Or CO~TA MESA . HARl30H ~I ESA fiANCH H0~1Fh<; lr\'1tll' A\t I Hlock r-; nf 17th Sl. · EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor .. :~< ·1.1 ·~1\'E M:F.l'<iT 15th & l n ·1111 1.11,. rt~· ~-'.!tit>I Or Llbn ty "1-3123 SELE CTE D WATERFRONT HOMES LIDO ISi.i-: · l-:x1 Imm'(' ba yfronl Pu.'r Md shp. 4 bdrm~, .j t1l1·rl bath!! C1111t<>m fu rn111hm~s included. HAI.HOA < 'O\ ~: -:\ bdrm .. 2 bAlh!! l'u·r 1111d 11hp boa t tn• luch"I KI LLI ON, real e5tate :ni 1 :-.;, "Port Hl\·d Harbor :'>505 1 E\ cmngs -Ha rbor 3il5 I ·RI Opf'oi-111· City Hall VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE * * • * * Will Trade One nf thr ,.,,, y f1•w h>\"l"l r nm" I' lol11 in Corona Hij?hlands for :i bdrm. nr 3 & dr·n nome in Bac k Bay rir H11 rb .. r nrf'11. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W, l'ol\l'I H1;.,hw11~'. i'i<•wport HN11 h • :-:o 3-0oclor'a be&ullful hon1e. 4 be-drooma anll 2 b1&lh• Lge waUe<I cornu loL 1ncluoed. Badminton courl, pa lio, lgt. garage a.nd pt'rfecl for lgt fa nuly. 130,000, lem11. :'\o t ·ln Belvue Lane ••• 2 bt'<I· 100111 famlly homt Hp1,vy fumnu.re lndulletl. SJ>l6cluue rooms •nd Jn nice condltlon. •OxlVO fl. lot ... ~.H.A. IOILfl $111,000, m onthly paymt•nu un pruent lua.n 474 per mo, DUPLEXES A IU: HARO TO fo•mo B UT H li:R E A RE TWO. AND PRl CED TO SF;U.... :-:o l·Ocffl\ f-'1onl P tNl\llula Utt• r l!'X. A • 11lee~1 ·• If yu11 km•w ,·alm·11. Two alory .. ternfll 0<.e11n \'1tw \\',.11 turnl.11hNI. ~11rneor P"'fl!'ll y with lllrge \talll"<l r..ar > ud !;wrll for h11m., wllh income or for rrnl11I 1n<'t>mr $J2,:wl'l :>:o : J1JJ1t a "'"r 10 lh•· h11v 1n 11.ilhoa ,I t...-<11 uttn • ''"" n 2 1n upper 81tua ll'\.I on 2 Iota ~·urn1l'h!'fl. of counr 11n1I r,.nl• "rll l.:1••111' to Lral b,.y be1tc h \\'111 mak,. ""'"" -bcaclt b..uwa 1or. w Ate wn-.. ily anti yo11 r•n n-nl tht UI"-' rer no.ooo. tf'rm 11 Balboa Realty Co. I Oppo111t r Bft.n k nf A lttf!rll'a Ho~• C~tf'• l•·Y Al C<tml'lttu f-~•I ,...,,. J11r k T'111kh1\ITI .l11.11i-ph111~ w,.1i11 1 700 E H•lhw1 Hlv•I ""'_be>" I P hon,. U 111 hl•t :l2ii RACK RAY Z ti r k •l<'n 2 b<llh II\\ flt• • hn1t ,. lt.<ll ll•·n \•kin~ $1~ V III l:i b r 2 hath H\\ lh• t>,.11tJ11 u ;;.n :! hr ''"" • h111 n 11ni.; $ltl , ... t c·orn,.r l<'I :. •• r• • :no it r.r.o r. r •1t>.ll' A k1111; $J'1 llOC• RAYSHORES I 0ho<1111tni.; 2 b r I l.l S "' 11n11 kn r1u1, tnt•·1"'' f tJ0 1Jlttfl k.1t bkr~I tl•1 2 1•11 tln• A •k rn~ '22 -~ .. ) 132 Hwv to R1ty. fr.t i.,. .. ,., "'ll b111l1I 111 ~IUl lf'nll nl hi "'""" 1 .. ~11111111111 ln•·.,t111n -"'" TRAl •F: l"I' r'1<lrn Sr11ni;• Al'H f11r 1 b r. HArbor Ar•• Vt<'~ •r tnt "n"~ ClaireRF:~~~n Horn I z: .I \\ c·.,,~l H 1A 1 11 k IJ7i BACK BAY BARGAIN I Al\'"'' "P"''"'U"' n• w 1 • •I• n F111m h11uJr \'"n ""'"' '"'" 1 ... nd .... ,~ .. , Y1'1 I •, ....... ''"' ,..r "'''•••ii"' .M •k•• •• ,, 11tf• r ~ •• lh1~ t• 111~ Rt-:X HE('HS 1-Acreage 1;q11·~THJAI. h11•111<'0 I!. r<'lll• rltn1,ttl "' ••·<11!1' Al"<! r11•rh~• 1'n1t ftJ ,,\.," I •/\;\' /\ .IAl'ORS~:.:\" 11-.. 11nr H H ~.11111 F:vt"' LI !l-4H I 7 !\f!C'4' • Used brick firepla ce • Inside window shutters • Quarry tile kit chen • Large t wo-car garage • Large walk-m closet We have the Jcey to t his immaculate, near new Lido home. Come m and discuss lerm1. ,, LIDO REALTY ASSOCl.A TES W. KEMPTON GENE VREELA.1'10 J. H. GROHMAN \'IRC JNIA MANSON 3400 \'11t Lido Harbor 44« (Acruas from Rich ard'• Markel Entrance) LIDO ISLE REA UTIITL home on Lido Nord corn<'r w1th per· mnnent vt<'w of Bay. Near bt-11t beach for 1w1m· m ing Thrc-e bl-cirrus., hobby room & drn. Charm· mg king 111ze master b.'<froom wit h alcove and connect1n1: f'rl\'alc> bllth opentn~ onto la;&e •un deck. The unusuAlly attractive ll\•mg room ha.a 11hdtng glau doors op<•ning to the patio. while the modt>m k1trhcn has bu1lt-10 dishwasher. d1•po8&I. copper hood. el'ram1c tile and numeroua olher frnlurel! t o please the mo11t fRstld1ou8. Truly one or 1 ht• I tnl'l'l. of homfiti, and pr1cNJ to 11<'11. SHOWN RY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 l'\ewport Bh·d. Newport Be.eh Harbor 101 3 Vogel Values :-.:EWPORT HEH-;HT~ l..i1\ely J bc-tirHom home with 11: bath8, FA heat. th<1p r'(h:\u~t fan Beamrd cel~at ext.end on 11\t r I~ patio Wlflr 00' lot beauU!ull}-.landacaped With il1n1ndrn lilwn Dbl. gar. Low. pnce or $15.750 CORONA [)f•:L MAR Modc-rn i t:>Nlroom ho me. nrrr ft.replace. clo.e to msrkf•t11. f'tc llbl. garage, Pri~ lnclude. atove. rrfr1g('rntor a nd automatic wuher Al only $13.500 Hurry I The Voge! Co. 2667 r-: C'st Hwy. Corona de! Ma r Har. 1741 Har 1477 CORONA DEL MAR WANT SOMETHING TO Btn:LD ON ? 30' level Int, J I: bl. from Ocea n MOUth or hwy. only $8.950 WA NT SOMF:THJ NG TO FlX U P ? 3 b r . home on 1'omer lot. has v1Pw of city and ocea n, lots or poM1 bU1t1es. TertruJ. $16.500 • \\"ANT A VIE W HOME? Brand new quality home on t hl' edge of the pali88d~ in Jrvine Terrace, th111 loot11Jn and viE>w cannot be matched In the barbQr arc·~. $42.500. TE RMS. RAY REALTY CO. 3 t·M E (.'ni.11l Hwy. Corona.de! Mar Har. 22~1'4 1 Ar roRe from Bank in CDM ) \ I • .. - Clrculatlon 16,000 Diltrlhated lo Newport ae.eh. Balboa, Balboa Wud, Corou del Mar, eo.aa ..... ~ SoatJa Lacuu u4 B•tlqtoa lleMh. \'olunw 8 -~u111twr 31 WfldnHday, l>ttember '7, 1955 Publl8hed at 2211 We.t Balboa Blvd., Newport Beaela, CWlt. Barbor 1116 ------- After December I 5t JOE ROUDOT Formerly of The Arches New Owner-Manager ROSSI'S CAFE 2325 South Coad Hwy. Corona def Mar Lamps and Shades li'eur Choice of <h-.r tOOO Lampe 6' 8bad.-. ' ·~-.... -" . 7'1e I.AMP IEPAilt Oftcl MOUNTING F or a JM'rff'Ct fll brlnK ln your Lamp Enchanted Cottaf(e .... a. lllala. a-ta A•• · P•-• IU·l·U95 . r olrlln&-(1'\•lr- T~IH !"tf'm\\ 11 rf"-(·.,,,,.,. t ni-C'rlho. Clothes ESPECIALLY FOR "HIM'' AT CHRISTMAS e SPORT SHIRTS A IJtr11r .,.•I••• !Inn nf thf' $299 $J99 la1 .... 1 -1 ,.,,., A fahrl<"' d '....... '6''fl an tn ---·. e SLACKS •·•h•rtlh11• l\ll'J'fft •..• •··•••••· ····••···· .. All \\uni •1annl'h• -··· ....... -frntn e ANGELUS PEGGERS Whltf', Rhu·k. CharNllll. Turqunl""· Tan 1md BIUf' -·· ..•...........•.. e SWEATERS by "Catalina" Bf'lclnwrf' -100 • lmport.-<t \11,lntltan \\onl. t,..nc •I•'"'"'-\ ""<'k It Cosifl '"'"" to Shop for \'(H'R Man at The Man . . . . 1831 Newport llvd.. Costa M•sa \\ t: I.I\ t: 'A: II 1.ttt.t:' ~TAMI"' ( harit" 4 Rutlicf'I \rro unl .. 1th ('nmmunlt~ C N-1111 l'h•n-:\n Carr' Inc C'harc• ... ·. 6 Ill DO YOU NEED JO MORE INCOME? WC O"''CA 8CLCCTCD l&T MOATOAGC LOANS WITH 8CRVICC TltUllT orro• •OUGHT AND •01.0 WM. B. HOLi NOltTOAO[ e ANKINO 8 tN CC t•XJ 1609 N IU$H SllHT •SANTA ANA. (Alll klMBU LY ;i.7118 .-. This will STOP You Special Purcf!ase makes this pouibto LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S BARBER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDG. BAI.BOA Opea Tuesday tbru 8at11rda1 BRAKE RELlt~E 51795 FORO -CHEVROLET AND PLYMOUTH WITH GUARANTEED TO~ t;iUALITY LINING FR~E 1000 fl.~~LE C~•ECK ·UP ... Cour~ney & Lester Newport Bl vd. Costa Me5CI U I· 1197 ... MR. ALBACORE MAKES GIFT GIVING A DELIGHT INSTEAD OF A DILEMMA! Give Ttll' mo .. 1 talkt•J ahout of all Christmu p""8f'Dl"8 ! 11· .. tlw ~ift tha t ran h·· ••njo~·f'd h~· tht' f'Dtlrf' family. A Curtis Gift Pack ~IR .. \LIJA{'ORt: j .. tlw .. ,wf'd....,t and icreatest gamf' fl"h honkrtl ti\ {'alifomil\ fi.,h1•rrnt•n. lff' i°' aJmMt &!I mysUoriou" U Mr. Snot~ ('lau .. him-.('Jr. \\r offr r twn JlM'kM ••• Mildly Smokt'd and Satural Fln,or. Tl11• rk h, \\hit .. nwat l!il pn>!ten ·f'd In i ounrf' c·nnK h.\ a 11niq111· prcw1 ... -. M·i1•ntifi1•all~ 1lt•\•elo('INl for thJM Mflf'('iaj piwk ... attradiH·I~ i,:Ht ho'\'.NI. ORl>t:H FOR HH't< t;\ t:H\' (;lt"T St:t :n SO\\ ! Ot•li\l'rNI in Caliromia Ot hf'r point,. in tht> l '. S. A. 12 Par k ~alural Fla\or fi l'ark ~I.lie! Smokf' f1a\ or . . :;.xo . -t.411 6.4a 4.10 ..................................... _._ ............. -·-····----------- To Western Canners Co., Newport leach, Calif. Plt>Mf' Ship c.Ut l'M'k" -II P11r k ;\atonal t 'I•' "' Colft l'lu·k-l't I'•• k :O-at11ral f"111\or., Co IN Park .. -fl I'll• k '411<1 'mokf' Fla\ nr To thr namf' ud add~ attlM'ht-d. t:rH'loM-d hi m~ rhf'C'k for $ Pu tthatif'n S amt' O S.-lld Gift Cant Q O"n C'ard11 Enc~ Add,.._ ----- (.'It' ---------7-onf' ---Statf'----- • - Flow..-1 .. , Wirt Sq 1' Willa brtJ' Reatal lt.e .... '•01 i. coon B'JI., c~ c1t1 "°' Barbor 6011 BALTZ MORTUARIES · COST A Kl:aA. Cll.APllL aUPmL BY 1'1111 8£A 17'1 Bupel'W A.nnua MIO ID. o.ut Bl't'd. Coet.a MtA, Calif. Oc:rclina del Mar, Calli . Phone L1Mrt7 1·2121 Plaon• Barbor U CONCRETE BLOCKS Kl 2..0754 PUID-BLOCll OOMPANY -hit & llala St., l!luta .U.. PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY t'onnerly OraDel C11apcl llO Broadway -Coet• Meu Phonet1 PUIDOIC -CL~DER AND OONCUTJ: BLOOll8 llEINn>JWlNO 8Tll&L ... SUPPLIES Liberty 8·8411 LI 8-304 ----------For the Best Results in Advertising -Phone Herbor 1616 Fragrance by Prince Matchabelli Ducheu of York Perfume 1 ~ oz. Gift Bottle $295 Regularly Priced ~4.50 .... "Beloved" Perfume i" oz. Gift Bottle Regular $6.00 .. Boxed by LENTHERIC Four KeeIMf Tweed -Mucuet -Red LUac -K1ncle.. Attn.q.. tlvely Pactared. ~ $1.80 l'&lue ··········-······-·· .. "Wind Song"' Perf\une % oc. Gilt Bottle •650 Regular f8.M --...... .. ''Holl7 Blnf9 Qqm ' 0&. Gift Bott.It •111 Rep&.'2.00 -.. ''3 AcxmGl,Wlr oal1 Nall~ _ _.,..._ Uq1lild..... .. ... 1 • acec1.-.. ........ , BROWNIE •7•s KocWI OuU'l• m HA"UYC. PLM411 Ol 'Tf1T '15" (.'-ra-PUlll· '21'. ~ Batt•n..,.,..,.. AMMJortzX. Koda.le "Pony" •3310 'Browai" HoUday •321 '16. FLA8H CAIJH.:.RA. Pltoto-1..&11 '97tl AJtGU8 75, -pine '226° Outfit. FLASH SET. CHRISTMAS SPECIAL ON ~y Ear lllHJI -re9ular $I per pair ..... -... ····-·-.. -..... __ 2 pain fer $1.69 NYLON HOSE 99 Grl Extra Pair Frtt with pu.rcballto of % .,.tr at ........ -. C I A.ri11tocrat -I 00 ShHt. -~ EaveloPfe a.c. $1.16 69c I STATIONERY Sellick "25" Electric Sllaver <-'t11 .,.... .. ) •2 00 Your old elfoc-trk shaver worth 11.M la tnde Oil U.. 8cibk* ""25" CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS e WRAPPINGS e Cllll11N•S Royalftes 8 lfl~t .. to Ulfo .... 79 lo trtm your *"""'· C Rer. Met • ...... w G .. 1• Onnea•• .............. O.,Yt I lho DON'T MISS THE HALLMARK CHRISTMAS CAIDI IQ! OFP HALLMARK RlllON REEi. 220 Pllt ONLYi 11.00 "allln6rtl .......,tbillaN' Anltlm. •swlar M.00 Val•..._. e O'S 7 I Cohctioll of Halllllal'tc Car• for 1.-., U... °"'f-IJ.75 Wh. . S 1 $2 00 b Saylor'• CreftMeae 1tman s amp er ... . ox Choeolat.t ,_ f l'.10 box . . Other Famous CendiH Dittincttwfy Bo•Ml ·&a.. levC#t 81ftitua TOYS TOYS TOYS For wlrl1 A Boyt ol ~ ~ Special *· =::~~':..-11• ::.. a •: r 'If lf1llal :::~: TIJRllR DBG iE:· Newport laud 2542 W. c .. t Hwy. I Ii&"' 1-1 llJ '· ' ~ . ---·, ~-I · S & W LARGE, NEW CROP -EXTRA-FANCY You'll want plenty for the holiday season! RED YELYET SELECTED, MEDIUM-LARGE BAKING SIZE U.S. NO. 1-BAKING-SIZE RUSSET UOUORS HOUDA YS AHEADI BUY NOWI A'n-A,;e,'ka~o:f»,~f-- - - -- VODKA ;.·~~' 53" G. V. AGED s401 BRA I DY Fifth Old Saratoga 6-Yr. Old s31• BOURBON A ITIAl•HTI Fifth Beautiful 0.Canterl $623 4-ROSES Full Quart Parle & Tilford -Fifth . sg" Singing Lantern LBS. r - -- 1 ARMOUR'S CANNED : HAMS I t 10..lb. Avg. -W•st•free! I HOFFMAN All-BEEF 3 5 OR All-MEAT C FRANKS n. I L---------' Fi1her'1 Chopped -8-01. Pkg. Chicken Livers .. -or- Chicken Salad Ho1Mu D111D -fULL • •• u .1 39c CHIPPED BEEF ........... . CHEDDAR !~~ONllN ......... 65~ CORNED BEEF :~l~~ ~~~'~.'. $2.89 T ~o weeks to go before the &>19 feast, •na every extr• Pi-;;1ny g~ing into Christmu 9 . •. 'Tis the time to be thrifty, indeed: All-A . c ' b meri-•n • uyers h•ve l•id out • ••sty spre•d th. With the e , ." weekend OMy, S mph•111 on ECON. o ••the ty cost •nd •r •t lowest m•mmoth get re•fly for • 1P'••d '"•s D•yl on Christ. MEADOW GOLD AA SIGO EVAPORATED .BUTTER MILK H•O STOIYIOOI DOU. ONL T 49c WfTH ll'UICHASll LUNCHEON MEAT 2 TALL 25C CANS 'TREET' BEST FOODS PURE • la 59' CTN. 12-0Z. 39' \ CAN BREAIC PURrt ALL-ii PIU NI' PRO· DEL MONTE GOLDEN 47 « ·coRN SALAD OIL FULL QUART Whole Kernel with SwHt Peppers PUDDINGS My-T-Fine 4 2 12-0z. 29C ln1tant or Reg. For Cans DRESSING Mexiun Village Bleu Cheese I SKIPPY APRICOTS Serr• Minion DOG FOOD No. 21.h Can TALL CANSI GREEN BEANS Cresto 2 TALL 4For29c Cut CANS CRACKERS BIRDS EYE -Your Choice! 9 Cut Corn 9. Mixed YeCJetables 9 Peas & Carrots 9 French Fries • 9 Leaf Spinach , PULICI SPAGHETTI QINNERS PkCJS. 12-0Z. PKG. ---- FOUR FISHERMEN FISHSTICKS MINUTE MAID (Fight holiday colds!) JUMBO 14-0Z. PKG. lEMONADE ~z. CAN , Nabisco Snowf like 1-lb. Pkg. 29c 49c I 23~-~ 25c 23c - . iFAST CLUB -All Grinds! VEGETABLE SHORTENING -For all holiday baklnCJ MERICAN FAMOUS 'i)UALITY 'Il- l fOR & GAMBLE'S GIANT SIZE PACKAGE 1-LI. CAN 3-LB. CAN So good & whole- some you'll find this proudly st.eked in 1lmo1t EVERY m.,ketl 18-0Z. JAR Christmas GIFT "NATURAL"! ( AND ONLY AT ) AU-AMlllCANI HEAVY ANTIQUE BRONZE FINISHED • WALL : PLAQUES Iii 1 O different 1ttrutive styles from which • to choose, in these big, hefty 1ntique • bronze finish will plAquesl Eich is. in- dividu1lly boxed ready for Christmu • wr1ppingl Your gift will be in perfecl • tHte and show off proudly in any styli I setting -ANY roo~ in the housel • • • -I I • c 'I . Fresh, Pink Eastern Corn-Fed Pork At Bargain Prices! r-s FIRST. 9U~LITY MARGARINE ~ --· Miik a.o.1u .. Ulll~~··· .•.. 79' ... -~ ... ..., 4hWt "" -. ea.tu 6 25, DQUCll INUT'S .. ....... ., • . O• al.Sugar& ........... coac1rs • • • • . 25 ,.. .... "'"'' • ~ --- -PILLSBURY cAKE SALE!----' IAU A LUSCIOUS PILLSIUIY CUI THIS WllllND -LIGHT AS A MOONIUM I I ANO so DIUCIOUS JOU'U. WONOll WHY YOU'YI .... IUTING CAIU llADT-MADll I l CHaOCOLiiEERFAriGEL FOOD 4 7c : I I PILLSBURY'S PILLSBURY'S COMPLETE I 1Caramel 29c KIT ·31c 1 I CAKE PKG. c A k E I L lacl_.. f rettl ... ,_ a ... i.! -----------------~-~ GREEN PEAS Kounty 2 lOI 25c Kist CANS PEACHES Stu Orch1rd 23c Sliced pr Halves PICKLES Hom1de Sweet 35c 24-0unce Jar • APPLESAUCE Mono 25c Northern 2 IOJ CANS r - --w ALKER AUSTEX SALE!.-- -, : CHILI CON CARNEJ~~~:.25c: I AUS TEX AUS TEX T 19c .. ~.~oo . 27c -------~~---------J Picnic-Style PORK Shoulder PORK BONELESS BOSTON aun PORK ROAST , FANCY EASTERN PORK Hickory-Smoked CHOPS Kingan's . -Center Cuts Only! FANCY EASTERN BONELESS PORK CUTLETS HORMEL MINNESOTA SLICED BACON 1-lb. Pkg. ALL-AMERICAN EASTERN, First Quality Center Cut Slices! 1-lb. Pkg. All-AMERICAN Country-Style Bulk Pork SAUSAGE 5 to 7-lb. Avflf ... 39lli. 79•. 79•. 39( BEST CUTSI Fresh-Dressed loe1I STEWING CHICKENS CUT 33~ UP! . All--American's flmous GROUND BEEF qu1lity ;.. Sam.flne 25 11 alw1ysl ~fzs!!Rs 55c 2 9 Cud1hy's 17 ib. LARD ~ • • DOWNEY e NORWALK • NEWPORT BEACH I 2600 COAST ..-MWAY AT TUSTIN I ONN t :OO A.M. TO t :OO P.M. DAIL T •. COINH "llSTONI It DOLAN DAIU 'T1L MIDNITI. t A.M. JO 10 P.M. SUN. COINH FfllSTONI • ptOM•I o"" DAIL y 'TIL MIOMm • GARDE~ GROVE • CORONA DEL MAR tHI ~ Gf9H W~. IG«dn Sq.) 104' COAST HIGHWAY AT JASMINI DAILY t :OO A.M. T6 1<':00 P.M. DAILY t :OO A.M. TO 10:00 ,.M. e SA~ CLEMENTE 602 B. CAMINO HAL t A.M. TO t P.M., HNUT J TO I P.W. . ; l PA61 ' WEDNESDAY, • Siver PlatilMJ SILVERSMITHS IWver..("op~r·:Jraaa A PlllWUr Poll•hrd-BulfMJ-l.acque"'4 Flnnl QuaUty. t"aat ... t ~rvleoe t "alf'f'at PrlC'H \"lalt our Antlquf' !i4bop · l 'nu..ual \'ah- ~nl&blf' Prlf't'll e WIRTH'S e Bayside Plating Co. ltU Harbor Blvd. Coeta MH& -U l·UU Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SECUllTY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 BE SURE -INSURE ~u. llA UIUOS 8T ANLEY ,_,._. <>my P"-llariMlr U7f UI& E. Cout Rl1lll•·a7 Co~ •I .M&I' MARINE INSURANCE KmooU. 8&1Uq Oebo~F•nota a.It)' Co. tUI W. Cout Rip__, UWrt 8-lMI Harbor Rest Memorial Park .._.___1•14'mwat O..,._, C~t.ry ~rat m•r fHMS It l'U CllH OOWN ,.._ Har~ IJ.H 1-.IOBNSTONE'S Mesa Auto Wreckers Ulled Auto Parte .. d AceeMOrte. %076 Plaoentia Ave. LJ~rty 11·101S CCHtta II~ MA'M'Rt:SSEH ftoat11 -Homf'19 -Tr&llf'ni lrf'f'plar SUpH 2·layw _;> Ml• Chocalllte CAKI •••••••.• 79'-. ... "' ... ' ..... Coconut • DOUGHNUTS 6 ._ 25' ... .... , • Oatnwl, Sutor & Shonttt.ad COOKllS ••••• 2$1 "'-, .... ,.. ,.,_> ""ft'),-..h_ ,,,, ..••• ~~.~.~,~~~ ~ COSTA llUA 1100 Newport Bhd. OOKON A Del MAa IOI (;out Hwy. &00&1>'8 LACJUSA Bl:A<.:8 US BrNdwa1 BALBOA ISLAND Ht MarllM' Ave. NEWt'OKT BEACH IH C-.t Hwy. e CONVERTIBLE Tops ARF. OUR ._. I Al, Tl" TAYLOl'S TllM SHOP 1Jondshire '--' C-tr~'4 ~c..U.. 10t• . , WflNllfHHla • Put yourtelf in our thou and fft how much you ca.a 11iJJ gee today. 11 yesterdays prin. Style? . . . . brog1os. moccasint-whatocr your ruct you·q 'nd it in tht Bondshirr lint. Comfort? W't-.•t bttn building it io for o•rr half 1 ccotury. Va.lur? Yell. -already told yov-yu1rrday"s prier. Let u• 6t you IOOn in 1 pair of Bo ndthirt- you'll MC for youu~lf "tht but buys arcn·c always she big~n pric~." A Ufe Time of ShOf' fltttni EXPf'Nn<'e Wasemlller' s C08TA MESA · Ul94~ Harhor Bh'CI. Uhforty K-60'!1 LIDO DRUGS "Olle of Jhe IJclo 811ope" 3461 Via Udo, Newport Beach ('omplf'tf' llM of IUZICI Cardozo Greeting Cards C'hrb1trn&J1 ('l.,...lc-AMt. 18 dhtlnc-llu c-•rda '1 t"nVf'lop ... 11.00 C'hrlAtm .. l'rf'alllf' AMOrtment- !!I HnlJi prlnlt'd on JIOMY Kromf'kote $1.49 Style Hl9h As~ent to XmAA Card- t IM>..,.~ look In Xmu Carda $1.00 XMAS DECORATIONS u. &4',Un • Malatf'a&AC'e • JaataUaUon STAFFORD 6 ION • "NELS and DOC" ELZCTIUCAL <'O!li'TllAC'TORS ~ Llherty 8-Ule 110 RlnnWe Ana-.Newpert BMc-h HARBOR DRUGS SSQl E. O.Ut Hy., Corona del Mar SPECIALS for December 7th,. 8th, 9th ~hlny Brit .. Cit""" T,_ Ornaments OAt<TON TOM TtnJMll lloublf' \'olN on XmM Cud M ..... ,_. COSMETICS -~-~ .. l&#wloll NalJ P1>lh•ll, IJpatlf'k Iii UquJd Rm11f', •t.14l \'ahw MATCHMAKER SET 51'° Reg. $I .25-98c I!.-!• 1" .,.,.,. c-nlo~ VELOCIPEDE Casll leglster Dorotll)' o....,.,. mJntatu~ l •OL. ..__R....;;;eg_. s_.9_s-4_.s_o _ _...__R_•9.._· _2.9_a_-_2._4t--t COLOGNE ................ . ~50 Holly UCJhts Xm.u T,.,.. Uith& P4trl11p C'umpjcote .. 1th 1c 1 •1 buJM Reg. 2.35-$1 .99 ft#now11 Xmu a Light s.n.s Indoor sets -98c ()oubl,. \of.-. o" Xmu U1h1 .. TrH Tops Plal11 • Ornam,.nt,.d from 15c Rrltr )>tar Icicles GIFT WRAPPINGS 1 ~h~~1~~~~E XMAS PAPEflS6c ft,.,u1., '°" Cascade Xmas Rrt;ular "111.CTO Tnldl & Trailer a.act ....._\'11We n-. a....''1 -t»- ltt.,..,. -t:MnWt n.1 ... llackboard $1 .55 24" BABY DOLL ""91ut lfuU) Or .... 'W'(I, IMr. 1.Jf,.·lllc,.. '""''""' ~,.,. Hair Regular $6.98-$3.99 3b" Da ncing Doll-Sl.69 BROADWAY CHARACTER DOLL Uff'·llk,. Kalr -Monq • .,...,. $1.15 Value -79c $7.25 CAH.l>t: S 0 LO\\ TEA sn $1 .98 iOTIOtf if.:·..... ~ ... '1.00 iODiPOiDEii'' --5250 , IUY ' NOW! \~ and ""'I" I I l>ao FREE TllAL '91Jl"llln1 nl r,..._ ~\ GIFT WRAPPINGS 1tc Tie-Tie Gift TYING KIT t-----1-ND_OO_R ---0-UT_D_OO_R __ -t s ILE x "·«· N .M t )>1'""1-19:, rt. •·11rllnr rlhl><"1 A'•'-""'"'""· f\ir llu~· s100 • RUBBER HORSE SHOE GAME ----------------------------------HIGH SILICON 4 !'iponl-l'lll ft. 4,r,....n. 'lh••r ~ rrtl RIBBON 49c Suction Cup Stakes -Fits eny Smooth Surface Has square boards for use on rugs end lawn. VINCENTS ECREAM i Gallon 5c 1& DOU I LE Cone •• Hand Packed Pints 3()c Quarts 59c ftulk ~I) If' 79c • • • • • II FLA VOU TO CWOOl.t FJIOM lflt Beautiful Xmas Decanters $1.89 Value -$1.29 * Of.fl t'ORf:STf.R I \\. llARf't .lt rn.n T 'n.ott fl •• " " l'\MK /t T1u·mm Cll.D K\·. TA\t:K~ Ul.U t"lnt.t:KAl.U ("n rdon R<llll" ('hampacn,. Brut 58" ... , ... Whit•· Ho,..... ~t .. h $626 f-'lfth ("opp.-r thndJ .. ~ .... ~ s5ts CARAFE tt"«· ., 9~ I ': t llll ""If· -· - • ~t CARAFE ""If· "'·''' "Ith "arm"" --· -~'95 PHONOGRAPH with TWO 1even in ch record1 including Ballard of DAVY CROCKETT Req. $12.98 .... '"•rlt,\ -• 1 .... t11r .... t..lan•""I t1onr •Rl• a.nil tS-•1• '"'"""•~C r haml ... r. \uu'll lo\~ th .. •llr1tdl\ .. 1 .... ch...,,.11 .. 1arr)llt1 •a-. ' .... l -. . .. valurl'f at $6000 l"O\' 23 The per-Wells Home Permit mil I.I tor con.atrucllon ot a real· Dalla. O. W~lla wa" 11181!~ a dence and iarai e at 2214 l:lckn Coal& Mu.a r 1ly building permit Ave., C041la Mua. Just Like Real . . . Come 11et•. Louise Wllll()n, lhUI S•tu~y. D~l!lber 10th, and bn ni: 11 br lt,,·I'(] houuhohl planter with you. She'll tlx It Mau- tltu: a nd you'll ne\'er have to waler It or worry .•rain. S pt c\11hat 111 .Artl/lcla~"t• 0114 Follag11 PLASTlC -FIREPROOF -FADEPROOF -WASH.ABU: NATURAL TO LOOK AT ... JUllTUKE THE REAL THINO. Richard's Lido Market Gi~ Shop Mezzanine '-" U N C9 L... Opr ON• Mov1• STAR NOW" 8BOWING ENDS TUES. AIM> "BOBBY WA.RE IS MJ881NG" Kid's Mat SaL "Ch~a1e to The Wlld., ST ART8 WED. TWO FEATURES • .-\" .... ri ftR.~ ..... _.. NINA f'O CH ·HU°" M Altl..OWtl .U.VNC MA,..,.111.0 Pim (&l'Uloa -New• Evf'.UK Sbow StartA at 6:4:\ ContJnuowa ~u.a. from Z:SO p. m. . .-- Mesa-¥11 ·~ .,, NOW SHOWING PICTER ORA \'Elf "FOIT YUMA" "' a. Tecblcolw Pre-Christmas Price Special We are anxioua for you to enjoy the heart -warmlng story of "Good Momlng Miu Dove." A. a apecia.l induce- ment we are offerinr wilh tbia ad, a two adult for one price special au day S...day Dec.11 2 Adults for OM Regular Price of 800 Pre.eat thll ad a& Box Offtce 8TABT8 WED • • ........ •111s111wn1tt _., SMUl. cnDlttN. Jl =-.: .,...., o,...,., FOR EVERY HOME Ue rm•" and wondtrf"1l7 pnmur, to 11" gifca •ilh a .ophiruract4 ta.ch ~ Pot lht fin:si&: contnnporuy Of tn· cuiona.I ftrtpllCt f111uttt. (1rtwn. 1ndirot.1t, bell~ ftOlkn. •ood bulctu. f1tt· liahttn. ... ~ ind • ~•ntcy of od1tt eperldltlg Jilt htmt. Por outdoor cncuwoing: di11inccivc Lucnh ponaW. 8&1°S.V11or-Bruicn, wagons. smell belbeNu, chch•·tu, cabl• scmn..,, tkilltt in and bro"~! Thrtt uorn "'11h ailts for '""> Saou I . - I ()pea Moa. & Frt. EYe. <>pea lua. s to • ,. .. 22CM I. Main It. lanta Ana Kl. S.27IO - COAST AL SHOPPER -PA~E 5 APO RT /Im~~,. COllOlllA DEi. MAii 1•,1.fiRNllBl, NOW SHOWING Joan Crawford Fully Equipped Md OtHr Kodela larry Sullivan ,,._ ······ ... SH our bl.I' lint! of "The Queen Bee" TOYS at Lo"" Low Pr1c-f'1 ''Port of HeU" OREGON CHEDDAR P1e-cu1 o"d lb. wr?pped BROCADE TOILET . PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES =~~~~~LATE KITCHEN CRAFT FLOUR t•Kmo s~39c 10~,77c SOAP CHUNK TUNA ~:~~~~: 611 ·II 2 5c SEA TRADER 6-t1.19c 11 • l oghl fu'IO <JI from detp ,.011 <II DEL~ MONTE CORN GOLDEN BANTAM 11~:1 sc Crt om tlyle poclo - CREAM O' CROP FRESH ECiCiS ~ u!62c --SILK TISSUE-- To1Ln PAPH • ••• 2 15c rtiwtf •oo• mOfteJI co11 lwyl ,,odvc9c1 on l'llod.rn, lotol 999 ronchet. Kept fre•h 111 you buy by fctntrolled rel11gerol'lo'I. (co'lomy·prlcedl • i.r rellt PEANUT BUTTER alVDLY, CHUNK ~ CJIAll'Y bt ~"vtty ...,,., t!l.t comet fr::. the ,,,..,1 u $. ~o. 1 9rod: ,_onuh : root ted. .eo•o"•d 30" 9 roul'ld by 12~ 3 C 011per1tl ,.... MAYONNAISE NU MADL pualTY-SIAUD JAl btro·•OO ,,,hi .All the flovor of lre1h home.mod• moyon'IOIH ol itt be•tl ~ 49' LA MESA WINES fOt your tobl• pleowre; for coola•"9 f09dntttl rori. Sh•"Y· or MvKOI•'· Ith 49c helf 119 .. 1. .. ••• W'-t ,.......,.. _. 1a..~...i S.•o••T• !~!~ ~o~~!~o~b~~r!!yl Bf:E ,.. , ltnd-.r ond fV•ry for po" fry•,.91 Tttmm•d of ~ , ••c,. .. bon• orw! ro 1 brio•• ... ,.9hi"o' $p•c0olly IAA1fifSS ..,.. ..... maw · a. J5c proced 01 !>ofewoyl "" llVVRll JllM • • • 18e -· '·""l" . RUMP ROAST aONRUSCU1 79' IOHI IN CVT . \. 69-1 USDA Cl tOICI USDA CMOICI b .. f. >, . beef $olewoy-oeed •• T11mmed before w t •gh1no 1' •. SIRLOIN TIP .... :~.~'.m-d 79c , ..... ::::.-:._.?:-95c• CANNED BACOUIOACMOICI : ... ~~~:..~:;~ ::::..':':'.~~~:~:Ol~'"'M -~:~ 3. 951 90od fried with Creom 0 Crop t gg•' lll • POIK DAINTtE ~~~~ lb. 69' CffltfiN WINGS ~~~~l11 ~~::39' 1 lo 2·1b. bo,.,.l•u tw111. f rom USDA GRADE A ch•<~tna. SMOKIE lltKS ~~: 1!:~ 57' GROUND BEEF ~~,t,:'~ '"· 39' Ci\PTi\IN·s CHOICE SEA FOODS OCEAN PERCH FILLET ~.i: 39' COD FILLET ARIZONA THIN-SKINNED Sweet ol'ld j ... :cy wh••• gropefr.,.it from ,.,. N 'l-dre'l<h•d Artl Of'IO tlt1trt lo,.chl 8uy plt nryt Thty'rt •opt for good •o""g 0"d oOO<I hPohhl • locolly 910""' 3 "· 25c RED YAMS Mr~~:;~a. DATES IOXlD HADY FOR MAIUNO 21/ibo·lbl. 59c WINESAP Hyd•orrd O~gl•t Noo,. N fl1Vrt' 'OYll"" ,....,.,r-,t WASHINGTON STATI. All purpote 4Ng·l't,49< APPLESorP'• ""'''" d~I co•• ...... I 1,. no.o• 1 1 l•' o 11•01•·< boo RADISHES or GREEN ONIONS < VIENNA SAUSA&l DUIUOUI MAfl9 Oo•"'Y 1.111• •ouMg" .. ~ f0t oppt l•a•rtl Foney quollty 2 ...... 25' '"'"'·"· .... SEEDWS RAISINS vtMr CIUf 'IAHO TNOM'50H VA•trTY Blend of '•ncy ond Choice grodo• 2 11 ... '·29' '·'"·29c ,.,... ,.,. IROCCOU 2 :;: 29' CHO,,ID. 'opulor w 111 clloldrenl fconom•col •u11dl filllltl'"'"I 1r m ''"' "1"' "~ .... 1·11 11r11 11111m11~ 1 11unmnij1m1~111111•111·1111nnm . ·i11111lm1mmq11111111p11in1111P .. • ',r·· • SANDWICH SPREAD LU~~~N~ox '~: 39c ..._ _____ .. FRANCO-AMHICAN SPACiHml CHOCOLATE DROPS In ,,,,0 good IOUCfl nm mmm TMUtS.. Flt.. ut .. omM- 1u I. 9, 10, 19SS. &T SlfIWU SlOtU II IMIS Utl I t'-• .. _...,. ,.. .... ....., N• ~1•t te ti••'••• S.'-• .. , eeft~tl ...,_ to•nb'-•••-• ROXBURY, TV FEA TUR£ Old-lo1hioned type 1s•.-0•·15c cen 1-lat. 39' , .... STOii& BOC'U D9117 t a.a. to I p.a. (f'rWa7 tO • p.a.) .... , 1-.to• , .... 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY or PA&&INO O?f ~~PAVDun , . ; ... , .. .. , OOASTAL SBOPPD F.dition of NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -WEONESDA Y, DECEMBER 7, 1955 . .__ ... "/, 1155 Newport Barbor Yoa ul JOV pet ........ bave • c1at.e tWa s.ianlaJ, ,._...,. 10 Oii oar lies- ...._ • • • If JO'U' pet pluter II Mlled or ~&.. eel ..... brtq ........ me•ta ••• U JOe cloa't bave a pet pluter. we'll .0 JOG oee • • . Bat for decoratioa'• --... that ...,.. .po& la yoar home that en. oat for a bit of 1111ae:J, doa't a.I • •lie word o the foUowtac aa- tlal'99d. ••• Introducing a new line of 'Ill~~ artificl&l plant. and foliage ~II All your favorite. . . . P e ~ t U I I um., Dleffenbacbia Rudolph Roehrs and Pict&, Elutlca, Cordatum, Dracaena Sanderiana, Ivy, Uly of the Valley .•. Plutlc, Fl.reproof,, non-fading, not effected by the element.. including ll&lt water, sea air and gaa or electric heat . . . Wuhable too they can be dunked in warm sudl and rineed off • . • I might add they are very natural looking •.. They look the way every house plant ahould look with ita leave. all made bright and gliatening with Leaf Luster or Britt.er (Flower Shop) ... Alao they are very bendable ••• You can bend each leaf in any direction you wiah and make the at.em.a go juat ao ••• When you get tired of one arrangement, they can all be bent in another direction . . . Now here'• tbe .. date" put of Declember 10 • • • We're Vflrf proud to have Mn. Loa1M WU.O.. who bu m8de decorative .,.... .... .-i. wttb tbeee artl- ftclal lea'Vell la large reetau-raat.. bub ud offlcee all over Lo1J &aplea. llpead &lie .., wttla -to , ... t JOV ,..._. for 1oa •.• n... ............. .. .... &2* ...... .. ....., .. __ .,.,. foea ...... to make )'OU .... t ...,......t OOID- pletie • • • ....... wu.o. .. a tne artlll& from away be.ck • • • E,,_ tr yot1 are aot u1Uldal ,._t •laded. ~U.mlaa&e.yoa'Dem- Jor ~her work ~ u.e .. ud ob- tm a w of kleu la ,._t deeor ••• S 'wooderful ! Newport Har· bor 1INllt accident free on S-D Day! Thanka Harboritea for stop, look and lilt.ening OD th• double! A ClartltlMa play • • • stitctl.J kid'• • ..,, .•• Har- bor View P. T. A. under U.. J>lloecUoa of Marcella ...... wW~l'Mellt ''Tbe ..a;IC4Toy e " hi the 11.utMw View adHortam, Tlla.nday. Dee. 8 at '1 :90 aad 8am.rday, Dee. 10 at % : 30 • • • ....... Budal aa.o wnt.e ta.fl plaJ whlcb .. all abo9* favorite story book olaandien oomlq to life ••. ~ 26c ••• Adalta '15c Collect all the b r o k e n . a nd not played with. toya around your home and put 'cm in the To)'8 for Tota bar- rel in our front lobby •.. You know the Marine Corpe Re-~rve doee th.ia every year for chLld~n who would otbenriee go wit.bout • • • They do a a i m p I y ma.rveloua job of pajntln1, nmn, and tepalrlnc. KW. ...... •. ~ewes& type ol 'aw.De Cbrletmu card .. • larle chooolate c-.ud7 bu wtda a eomplete pk tan of 9aata. Vbm ud Blbea ud tM niet of tbe bo, .... relief ••• The Choe-ol&te bar ec8M llOtDpletely cartAJeed. ..-, for mallllag ta.bier • • • What to ctYe the ml!Jrman, the poetman or th• friend next door~ A Gift Certifi- cate for the mc.t poceiy .tore I know • • • Let them buy food plain or t:=z· a big thick ate&.k or a of potatoes • • • A prdQ b098 or an e1ectric c;pf"lee pot •• · A cook book or a pie • • • A box of candv or a carton of ctpNtt. . ·. . Office on the Meaanlne ii the place to pur- cha. a Gift Certiflcat. for .......... Ude~ GM ol tile Udo 8hoplt at • ..true. to Udo .... • • • ()ook boob. bat -· ra117, .. ..,.,........ .... Food is olwoys a safe bet for Christmc!ls! It's bound to fit. Everybody CM wec!lr it. And it c!llwc!!ys looks good. M. l . B. -Your Fa\•orite COFFEE Darlgold Pure AA '• FRESH BUTTER lb. 59c ~·-------.....;-------... ··"··-··•l ______ ----·-- Allaweet Enriched MARGARINE lb. 23c Boice Food lor Christmas GoJd lllf'dal Earkluod 49' FLOUR .. 6·•b. Bett:r ('rock .. r f°rOAUac II Cakf' Comblnatlon ! ('H OC. MALTf.:O 59( MILK MIX • ., Betty C~ke~lo off •ai pk. A n-al apttl&I •Pf'C'lltl ! PIE 2131 ¢ CRUST MIX pkc. R.-tty Crocku H1M"Cllll Z 111u·k BROW~IF. 2/69¢ MIX pkr;. Bunwtt'• VA.SIU.A 39' EXTRACT :!·H. From the Delicatessen Smoked Turkey Buflet..- F~r lhe Chrl1lmaa ho1l. A whole buffrt. rndy to lf'rVf'. Smokl'll Turkey. Courmt't Rf'hsh. Ajtf'<I Cheddar Chl'l'i!f'. flrtMlng and F ruit Call!' Su n to 20 (UUl.I. $29.:>0 •hipped. Spiced bland Let WI pac-k e btoautlful gift of Spice l.aland11 11p1lr1. Your favo- rite •p1cu a.nt1 our bf.st 1rlltr1 m&Jce a g ift ntver to bci Corgolten. Good with Hot Soup! 8SOWFLAKE CRACKERS • lh, 23' Hu.nt'• l'eUow• <1 tnr 25' PEACHES Xo. !11 can Craa!M-rrJ & Appff' ~r APPU:BERR \' 2135 ¢ SAUCE . .s<>. sos C'UI • U.bby'a MTEWl:D 2135' TOMA TOES 1 30s ('aft -· 7 .... .... :.,., r · From the Produce Department ... Lart~ 8-t. New Crop, Arl111nna 3 for 19c GRAPEFRUIT -· . Fuq, ert.p, t'WI Tfpe Cl_L~R~Y----~------each 10c c N-Crop • .....,.,. ~ lb. 49c WALNUTS llt'IRl:L l"llUB FltC'lT- Juicy Oranree. cr111p ~llcloua applH . tangy tangtr1ne9. g1s.nt D"Anjou ~ara. datee. CT•J>l'frult., a •'0<"11dos. llmu &nd m btf'd nuu ,,,f'll rul eat· Inf ple&J1ure to wha.ver rt>r eivea u1 .. 'SWlny Favorite: Order & full. h&Jl or quart• buah4tl buket. t'rom $6.90 lo $13.90. Smf·DRfED rRUinL- A. tull ., PoUnd• or M!l.Ct.d dried And aturre<'I fnllta. P~rteet tor the larg,. famlly. Stuffed with honey, lllmonds and cherrlee. P&dted ill ft.QC)' Ctuvt.mu cartoc. $7.60 1hlp!*L tloa ••• AU yoar favorttee ... -Y dlffermt OIMJI 1"'1 tlad fan to ~'-e or 11 I I ••• SPECIALS FOB DEC&'IBEB' 8, 9 Md 10. 195.l ; ' Shop for Christmas -while you shop for food. You'H be surprised at the selection you'll find •t.Richard's. You'll find just whet you're looking for, for both business obligations and family . We wrap end ship for your convenience. Pid up our gift booklet, the next time you are in, and leisurely browse around our gift display. Here, are just a few of the gifts you'll find at Richard's •••• , From the Gilt Shop Mezzanine ... Richard's 11 allowlnl' 12MO.OO In Olrt Shop dlK ounts u a Chrlstmu Gift to you, Here's a chance to purchase all your 1uppllN1 and Iota or Gift.a at real aavlnc•. Save food receipts a.nd cuh in on thl• once • yt'ar orrtr. Lifetime Dlabware The Ideal diabware for daily living. Chip· proof a.nd breakproof ... auitable for beach, boat and eepecially large families. even the kids can handle it. 20 piece s tarter ~t. $19.95 Shipped anywhere in the U. S. A. .J I Sum.mer Cbe.f• Set ,. A complete barbecue set for the outdoors chef. EXtra long handled tools for sale reaching. A hamburger preu. Long handled Salt & Pepper's. Buy 'em l-Ogether or m- divlduaUy. Nice u a aet. AJl three shipped anywhere In U. S. A . $13.69 Pekr Pu PEA~'l.JT 49" IUTIER ............ 1s-o-.. Baked Fresh Daily Tlll'&8DA\' 1Wnucker01 ELl>t;RBERRY or I' " . J ,, Glt.\PE 2145¢ JEUY .. OL IU.....,rry 6/32¢ MUFFINS .... .: Al ,"'' !J ·f ran>AY • s n-•·--• BABO ;Ac..,H PIE ... _.. 521 { ' !/ CLEANSER CLOROX ILEA CH 11 {,aJlo• Wri•hl'• ,., IA\'f:tl CLEAN El Chri"bnatt Bn>aJdu. ff_,-.. , COIN IRIAD kl&I W l"ATl'llDA \' O.nl,.11 PISl:APf"U. 3125' SNAILS __ ··-. LA YD CAKE rwa.17; A Do Al1lll111 ..... ,,rtm1>111 nt n 1rklnlll(Jn • ">llJfll"\Nt Jan'a "n1t jf'llll'• A C0h1iat111a~ l(lrt h l ti.. Ir ... ,.,, IH'rf'f't ™''au .... l•f l hl' 11t111 1n114 nu kln"'OO nav11rt1 u only Ur< kl1110011 (an ~rfH't C'hrifltrna• Hrukr .. t 17 ':'O Rhlpflf"I. En~U.h and Amforican TrHL!t A be•uttful buk.-t flllt'tl with E nith•h ""'' An1rrftan f11vn· rHn, llunll"Y 11n11 Palmt'r 1 orkt1111 t1n:t1 k1. LA \'11t .. lirth110. F'anC"lflX>d rr111py 11f'ltr;htM anti 1n11nv mnnv nl hrr• Rur" In p ln11I' rtrn11N1 In b<-t111tlf11I C:hr 1•tm1111 1 • llt>fll11111r 11111t rll•· bon 110 86. The Ha..._lian An "ttrullvt r;ln ror •II A 1111mr1 .. or tht Haw111tn b l•n•I• Htr • you II <ltecovrr K11n" Cnt111t l"otf~,. C11<'on11t f"hlr-M ... cadam1a Nula &nrt nlllny other Ha" ••••11 dl'llrac1,.• $It! !'Ill OR HAM TO.NITE n.,.,...•, notlllnc 41111l~ .. drllrim.-u a Ma Julr y '"C·of·lamh "' Manhatt•n ham P'IPPlnc llUI .,, lhf' 0 \ rn. Botll lla\f' , ..... 1tll"lf'nJn1 Af11wll&h1c a..ok .. ,,., holl1 wt ........ ~· I• the ulm••t h1 fla•or. ~rvfl '"" both , , tlll• •,..k! Try Our BniMf'I SproutA., Brocooll or Bakf'CI E~1t Plant •1th your 69c LEG 0 LAMB lb. Ham It up tonl1ht with Manhattaa Smoke-flavon-d WHOLE HAM lb. 49c lb. 49c Good 90 muy way. and NlOllomlcal-Maohattao Ham SHANK END The large juicy ead -Good far monll.D.c 8ller-s and extra meah MAN'TAN aun END lb. 59c siuSAciE _ •. '°' 3fc ••rntr• PrWe sucw:o 4ne IACON -·-·--····-.. •~ 1- , l . . • I I ' , . ' ... l " FEM ~PIC DIVING CHAMP A TTEND-S '"luc FETE TONIGHT N11tlonol Woml'n'11 Diving Champion Pal Mt"Cormlck will ~ ft'\l<'l!l of honor al thl' 1U1nu~ 1-~a11 Sro1111 Award Banqu•l at Oruni:•· Cown College tonight. Sh,. will be &Ct'Ompanied by her husb11nd. a diving C('IH'h for the LAAC. Th<' r..mnu11 11.thl..tf' will spesk on the forthcoming 19!'.18 Olymp1<' G&nlt's Winrwr of the fRJWY 11pr1ngb()ard, pllun and (11.JH')' high d1v1ng lltlC'8 Ill the 19:>2 Olymp1c11. •he WU aao fuiit 1n tho• f'an A mer u.:un G11mes one and thrf'e mett'r diving fu r "'omen esrlH·r t his )'• ar. 1n the 19M AAU ,..eel ah• «tJlle1 te,1 favt' Jiving title.,. P1rul(' 111)0rl11 aw111'da Will bP prnentt'd t o lt'lter winne1'9 tr1 fuotbsll. wal<'r polo a.nd cross country. Letters. two y•·ur J&• kPt aw11nl11 and spt'<'llLI awards wlU go to eo OCC 11t hlel1·~ l-'1llll b!lll .. o..whes from all county hl&h 1Choot. have b••1·n an1•lh'd ft.~ guests ot the Associated Student& Russ Norm11n 11ntl nicmb•·r~ or lhl• Hollywood Judo Club will rtve a 11pi::l'1tt.l J t>anonst ra tion of lhl'tr art. Huntington Beach Sets Southland Salute to Santa P resldPnt R. C. Sc·hwPil:ier of thi' H11ntangton D<lach Chamber of Commerre a n no unce.I t od11y the annual "A II South IA nd Salute to Sanla Clnu11 Bnnd R<'vl1,w" to be ht>ld In Hunltni;:lnn Beurh Fr1day E v.-n1ng will Ii•· t he lar)!er~ musi· cal d1·mon~t 1·auon ever attempted In lh1s city. Approxm111telv 37 bands and drum cctrpq tn<'lullm!\' Oran~e ('oust Collt>ge l'ar&te Bllnll, will appe~r t hs ;rear 8J.:aln~t 26 la~l yra r. All umt11 in thP parade will tnlal 2397 pf\rllclrant• coming from 11s far 1011th u San Diego and P t>rrls In Riverside County. "!'he reviewing otrtcer will be Captain J. R. Terry U .S.M.C. Re1. parade pauea through on review . Santa Claua will brlng up Ute rnr riding atop hi• big m ow cov· ered float oft.ir ing greetings to all during lhi• Chrl11tmu 11ea.son. Main l:lt. from Ocean A ve. to 11th St. w l II be cleo red or all c11.rs at e p m. by Chief ot Police Ben Dulanry and h i• aldt>B. with a bomb 1alule. to be followed by a battery of bomb 1111.lutu at 7 p. m. which wiU 11.8rl the parade Huntington Beach mercb&nlll will hold open house >Tiday night and wlll be host lo all vi.1ltor1 and cuatomt'ra aervlntr hot corte. -do- nuta • cooklee and many mer· chant• g1vtn1 candy -balloon• and other arllclea to the children. PAGE '4 • PART I 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PIU53 WEDNESDAY, OECEMBE~ 7, 1955 Anaheim Cagers Split 2 Game.s ANAHEIM. tOCNS) -A na· he1111 HIJ:h School's basketball va nity auffl'red first defeat of the •PUOn wh'"n Ventura· copped a 61·4~ clash In the Colonist cm Sa :urday night. Forward Terry Tanpey of Anaheim wu h!g'h point man for the l<>Hra with 18 poiJllll. 12 of them via free throw•. The eolo· nlalll led 21 ·18 at the half. F riday Anahl'im de.teated San· ta B11rb1tra l'l9·48. Tanrney tallied 21 polnla. Cliff Rogera followed will\ ll'l for the vh'tor11. The Colo· nlsu led at halftime 37-28. Coach Bill Hunatock of Ana· helm 11Ald he w1111 11urpnsed wHh the oH••nalve W1>r k.· adding. "They need mo1 e drilling on defense.'' Cur~nl starling lineup tor Anata .. 1m'11 qulntrt: Tony a.nd Ter· ry Tangll'y 111 forwards. Ro11:er1 el cent1>r and v roy Stephana and Ken Harker al .,'llardll. CLASSIFllD DIRECTORY APPLl&NCD--............ Part.a -Dealer -a.nt~ UDO -..ormo "" Via ...,.. -....... ,,, AU'l'OllOBILE DEAIJ!:U New and UMd Carw NJCUAD 8TUDEBADA 8-'" 8enloe ...... HI& .Newpert Bl•d. -a,u. 111 BANKS Bull of Ameltea NT ~ SA M4' Via Udo -llutlor 1U1 BARBER 8BOP8 UDO 8BAVINQ KUO b Bkht'eU'a 8t.N tor Ilea KU Via Udo -llutlor ftN BEAUTY PARLORS LIDO SAWS OF ftl':Al1Tl' Rac•r Parts Tak•n ••1& NpL Bh·c1. -ear. H7• from Ria.y BuildinCJ ,J BOOKS SANTA ANA lOCNSl Rat"er BOOK CA,Sr; p11ru worth S23:\ wert' 11tolen from SUI \'la Udo -RarlMtr t* a corrugated et eel b111ldrng all 1800 High"' 11.y 101 Monday nlg'hl, the vlct1m, Jack 7 R11 .. y. 640 s .. a . ward, Corona del Mar, told Sher· lff's def'IUlles A door WU f'lrled o~n to gain entry to the place. Spedal NoUeee Newport Harbor CAMERAS & SupplJe.e \'l.Sl'IE.ST LIDO DKUOA Ull \'la Lido -Barbor IOOI CARPL'TS Ii DR.APERIE8 VICK MACIU:R KIO Via Ud~r Ull CATERING RJCHAKD'8 UDO MAJt&ET 1'51 \'la Udo -Harbor HU TROPHY FOR INSPIRATION ·or the Seal Bt'ach Amm. A Net Depot. The parade line up will be under the direct 1upervitllon or Gent'rahiuumo W11lta m Galllenne. Hubcap Tak•n y B. P. 0. E. 1767 ClothlD1-Cblld.reaa a lafaa~ .ir.JU'l'I or UDO Accepting Newport Harbor Elks Lodge trophy for Orange CO&l!t eouege Fullback Mike Hau, designated Piratea "most useful" performer this season. is, from right, Dr. Basil Peterson and Coach Ray Rosso. Looking on. from left. are Exalted Ruler Al Matthews. USC Line Coach Don Clark and Frank Lmn<.'11. first local exalted ruler. -Staff Photo RED HOT OC PIRATES OFF TO FAST START This band event 111 highly com· pct1uve and will be judged by the Amrr ic'an Band J udgu A1110Cia· twn T rophies to be presented In the P11valon Ballroom aflrr the 1111r11de will Include the coveted Sweepstakes priu w on In 19~3 by tht> Arr11d1a Apache Band an.:1 In 1 o:H by O u:IN1 Band of S an Otero. Troph11.'s wlll be pre1<enteJ by the Cltristmu Qul'en Ml1111 Pal Bllyk IOl'lll High School Co·Ed and her prlntl'll!ll'~ rat Tftlbu1. Dea.ne Le- v1111seur, Donna T outouat', Shirley Off to a fas t start with t h ree straight t numphs. Hutti:c"rn:o, Kay T im1lry. and C.rol Orange Coast College red hot cage fi\'t'• faCl'S Lcmg Beach Hod!:""· 011nctn1 wil l be •nJoyed 1n the P11v•lon Ballroom by all City College m t he Pirate gym at p. m . t11mr1rrnw night, r·•rt1<'1pants following the parade. then travels l o El Camino Friday night. C:H>r1:e J11ck chairman of lh• Re- l t111l ~h-n-hanlJI committee u y 1 S1m·e thumping thf' ()('{' Ah1111n1 lloh :>."c11111an ll returnln" ~Pl\'IN'-" that this Yflll"I pnradt' wm be the 114·M In lhflr 01wnr1 r· .. arh s1 11 11111n , l.E't> l111111;hl) ,f.,un ~lu1r; bl,ll'l:!'irl and beat evrr. lnrn11n·~ ch1<rgl'a rol1:••1I I ;1,•n·holo• T•••t Martin• l, 1;n1,thPr I• 11r11111tn 49-41 nn the i·1v111 i1ou1l 11nt1 11 •1 ''"'" """J•nl 11.111 .. ., St11r1 ll••P-The judgra' revlrw1ng atand loweJ up with n iJ·lll* t r11111q1h kin~. 1':211 ·' \'11n Horn H ui:h Vtrn· will be lt>Cllled Ill Main St. A Wal· P (" nut A""· The r 11rla.nd Hghta over- OVf'r uadfnn 11y l'•,11• tH 1 a,., k 11nof, 11n•1lh1•r 1111111111i;:19n head of Main Street and Ocean Theft of a hubcap valued at S7 wu reported to police Friday by WlllJam H. Saundera of 3121.s N. Newport BlvcS. Me.eta e"ry Thunday I p.m. Via Oporto -C.ntral Aft. Newport Beacb Alb4trt H. Matlhewa. J:aali.d Riller SOUT~ GORST conSTRUCTIDn [0. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO LARGE OR SMALL :2SO aoth St., Newport Beech Barbor WI HO& N-pon Blvd. CL0111INO -Ilea'• Retail 81DWELL'8 SHOP t""OK l(r;N IUI Via Udo -llarMc OM1 ' CLOTBING-Womea'• Betal IA &EJNJ; MO Via lll~r tlJI LIDO t '.u4RJON8 Hit Np&. Blvd. -...,..r lt'Tl t4HADDOCll'S UJI \'la Udo -Barbor M11 VAGABOND BOV8~ lmpurted Sport.aweu UH \'la I.Mo -ll&rM, MM DRUG STORES VINCE~T8 uoo oauoa MllVlaUdo-Ha.rtlorlOM ELECl'JUO OONTBACTOllS UDO l:u:.craJO MHV•LWo-....... '791 FLOWERS Key mrn 111 lnnurna '11''''111 9,.,,h rt1~h 111111••11 l 'hlllll'.I Ayt>, w lU blaze with lJ•ht u thl club 1ppe&.1,1 lo be a Jmlr uf r>. _______ ..:._ __ ..:._.....:,:_ __ :..:..:..:.:....::.:.::_.::=~;,:,:::_::.;"::;:...::_=:;.!~~======~==================~ aJOHA.&D'S LmO IUJl&rl' eo....,._Table Arra..neetnen~ MllV•UM-11.nor ... Newport Har bor Hll(h ~1 t11>11l I •t•r1 veteran B ill Jnlof'a 1o111l frP•llmll/1 IJf nny "l!ZfMJlnrk Bill IUMU\ Into.... 111 1 l't11rn1nK It ll• r111an h11a "" ''"'rll~nt h1...ik •httt 11n•t •~ llblr tu 'In!( 1J111·krt • f11o111 '"" f'"'"' 1111 lh" thw11 )4lnk1ni.; Ill l"'•lllh •'IC"in~l I'""" 1•·1111 .~rntu11t.111 n1j!hl, U1ll pll1y•·1I l1ro1 lw•I .:u1111 "' I h" \'1•1u 11•l•oUl1illOI: ... ••II 1tnol 11111.-lon.: 11111r1~ 11\ al 1th•ll • F11z1 .. 11111 I\ '"'' hWh p11111t 111.1n Aj;llln•! Ill•' llllllHnl \lo 1th l/I 11nd h11l1n1: f11r ,. ftn•I 14 Ill , .... r .. 11 .... I tnJ: t ,,. ""''"K •t>th"• fH ._t,n1tn \\h • "t'''" ~·· •' ru••li uo an• I I lfa J, ... ,, Yuuua,: t t ,. llunt .n~ton HPll• t1 r r1•11 fl 1.011 ,.(,t r tA\f't }U1h,srk rtn01 (Nt\4'l1 \ Jlti.,:t Yuun..: hit for :.10 JVllnl.t 11i:1t1n•t (.;ll'n<llllP. l'"Ollc-. l•...S Ill l11 th .. a l •IU nl i:•m,. ""'' l"'f"l ... •I tn II "ICIOln•I P11.cutlf'tn•~ ('O<U~ \I \' Buledt k '" • t•Hlt 'trntll• t• 1 "'rau h~t1 .t l,_.ttllH' lr.\Hf• "hol fftlf11 11h•h•1 thl' l1A•kl'I HARBOR HOTSllOT-Dt>nny F'1lzpatrick. ex-Newport Harbor High School 8a1lor rnt:t>r. Iii now with thl' Pirates of Orange Coast CollnJ:1• He rattled thr hnopi for 21 potnts and 1i?ame h1~h pomt honor!' tn thP Rue opener with the-alumni. The Pirates ho!-t Long Bench City Coll<•gt• riuintt•t m t he Bur izym to· '11 h,.r l"'t"nt 111f•111I ,., -"' ch•• -.f'"-IM'r. • thu fl\' "di tl,.. u. h • l11•r111•n lr<•m \lnnt• lu II•• 11.t.:I• 11•11 \\"'~"I 11n• thr r ''"'' -;, ,, .rt ••••••• , ll1£h , ... ., \11-.•' "' '" 11 ... ,, r ll1.c11 Heh '' "' II • • ., ll1i.;l1 Tr·! c .. II \I 1 '•I., II, ~mn\" rn.,n,. ftun1 H••\• t \ \1 ,., morrow niizht. ...,... 0 'C Photo 4 MESA MERCHANTS-1 lnman. Gage. Conduct Kid ON ALL-STAR SQUAD iCage Clinic Jerry Rice, Lacicero, Pierce, Wetzel Named; Ed Lane !'Cu lnttu-.n Or t~l. .. ('qpd C'11 Coach 1,.~, 11.,~k"'"~ 1 ... ., "", 11. 11 t tl1 ·•11 ~lrntnt .1111' •, ,_.. o( ,.,." Coach r..d Lant• and four m('mbt-r11 of the Cc1!1l M fl"' I H~r hnr II .. ,, . "•II ' ..... 1 ... t ' a • ('1:48 hR~krllJRll < lllll< Sftl•ll>I"\' ,,, Ill M<'rch1rnts baseball team hn\'f' h<>C'n rrnm!'d mt'mbt·rR of 11 ,. m 1 .. n· ... n t , ·•II ,,.,, .. , 1 fin OranJ:'t' County \\'intc;. 1A'fil{llf' squad w hich will parltrt-th•· 11"1h<11 "'' • "' th• H .. ,. l'l11h 111 I.,,..,! 1 M• •l pate ln an sll-star fray at Orange tty Park. I p rn 01'<' IS, ""nw•I • n ti ' ~ .. 111 h A II ~I 11 lrAm v.hu h .,.111 bMllle th" ;1. .. 11h nine "''I" ~t·~ .. Ch111k1•r Jrrt\ R t1 f, T h 111 u,. .. rmo n u .. 11 1 ~•n· rroJ 11nll 0111 f1rhlel"" Rmt P 1rr1 ~ a nt1 Bnb • '" or thl' 71 ~ .. u•h "" ""r• fll• "' thf'm 11" :11 t111...: \\Pl to•I ••I I h• C'ann nnllll Hr 1• hrl1mg '" pr• r. • •tnn11l h11 ll 'h1I•• 1'11' 11•'1 H11 •• 111• n1 n llf ()r rn._ .. I!' Wllh lhl' t'h1• II ll•l \\'hill' :-.. it llr\;lllll11111•n !-I'• nnl'l Bll•"m",in ft,, 11.<l•"•k 111 ~anta An" Al,. •• "'llh l'1tt• huri;h ~h••t '•'• r f\.•~n H 1fl .. ,. 1·f 1..a F onrla '"' 111 lh" St L<•ul• t ·111 d1n11l rh11 n th11f ol lo r 1111 1•111 I• ••ith H "ll"'" I An•I Hnt II 11 •nm •·1th ~111n1• H th "" r w11. bo·u or 1'1111• 11 \:.• .\I • • 1 • t Th,. d1n11 •· 1\• .. lh1• ,. 11 ~· rt•r: Fl ~1·.J•·tiu Ant •~·fl H•tr1•·"' 111 th··"'"'' 1, th• 1tft 1111•I ,1.,.. OtAnsz-1· ~, ... ,,., u.,,.,, 1n f"d 1t,._ of th,. 1 :11\·111. 'h1h t P·~t~hAll Hru'A 11 <hanJ;t rhu t ,.,. •• 1111\1 I •1 , .... ,n I h•' 'I ti' ... "111 ,.,, ;thft P on Ut\·dn(. Olc4fll.• Sth•tt~t•1p ,,~ tundtui, nt ti 1' th•~ '"'tu, ' 1111 H11 ii tml t11 11 " C•utll1 I h '" ••t•l,.1,,n tu u<» t1b1w "'" , 1 ull ~ d ( l !''h"I''" . f•u rnu "n • 171nc \ Hltitl'I 'rft n'l\'' f, t11A f"tt11h ~up·rn.n.\ r:.u-lt u 4;1t•\r 'IHI' f)••u·-n .. 1r 11 ,,n .. •11t1 I', f I It 11'1 ' 1nr··ll•d 'II( •••I Sun r1·" ' r '"'" •le .I .. r 11. k ""' I IH \ ~ '' hl'•h 1Jr.t • I~ •t• ""'" • ''" \\II I t Ill" 111• tt •' "'"' n11c I:. 1 h t 11JPR ~t ..-ca "'"' 1-:t M1Mfrn-. •l • "''• h"~ w•ll hnnc-•''"'l" 1 i ,,., . ., ~'t\'\"' M (,,.:f\ r 1ulc Thi"' J:t11H~ \\tit rJ1\"t"•-tn fth l IM 1nnd1wlllH' ttl• h" ,.1 .. 1 • .,J ~l , ilttrr 1lnlr l h1• rlsnt1 lllln•ln\ I h,. ~Irr• h11nt11 111k,. "" Th" A.Ill' l'hth l•tr• I' 111 '"''' II d111111• lo 11111111 11 ... ir If' 1nt11• ntlllAI r•~\' Thr ht•\ ..... k111; " li:l •'Rl•'r tll'jll f'f Of I I lllJl<'l Ill •ll n1' ,. pl'rfor m on r.n,. of th,. ~,., • r. l•11n 1'11\ ""n "' lll r• F: F lnlf'r• II\ r .. io11.-tu ·~ n11:1\01ZP<l Gridiron Glory Manl\~rr 11( t hf' ~ .. 111 h ••1• ••Ill bl' l '11lt1•r H..b H1"l"k Orlllni!f', ua.h·.t 11, L111 .. I' IJo:• )11:,0.1 f" ll!fht•lil h \jl bf'i n I., " j!IA>lf' 1111•1• r .. 11rlh tb 111.:h 11\\ II •lo I A tllnl• r <"II• j:• \ I I •ll I hlllh Ill"'"'' f{.,\" \lo t•I 11'11 I" j.."! •·I • 11 • thnll lt-ltl': ror ,,,.11111111,hnit 011 " 1<·11n1 •h•·ul.t l"r'"' to th,. •I f,' 1111 •unn•"" nn ht"' ~1 h i ',-.. .. rn • l1na, S"tur.tay n11u nu 2.. Olhf r nl<'111b1·1~ "' 111.. I, 11 111 fm ludr: l'tl• hr1 I • .. rt li11i, 11 ,.., >~I Mnd1tno; C'l\t1h1r• J, ... '"'"'''' bore. t:ef""ft.-n tlro\'• <: • ..,,,1 k~111t " Ontn!fe. and 1'10 11 Tr.out ~:t ~''" .... nm Ba.Mm• Rud¥ Oo- tt .• , ... , .. "" u1 sn Hthi.1r. ,.,.""'". ------ lil1 1111111111 .. .i h\ L.1 1 .. 1 .I G I For HI "'"'"'" "'"'''lttr uf llllill"lll ~ hi oy "" K1·111l'"' M1hla11· S1 ll•"'' U'"'" M r •n•I Mt1 Hob4'1t lllrt•"· I ,II.,, ~In H<! Wiii! f,tlV• 11 h I it h 2M8 f.'atrwa~ 1111\'"· Cu~l l\ l\l•••M ll'•u11n111on f•\r h11 plapnc ab1hly •~ th~ pu,.nta or a hJ<hy ht•> by ht• M&CI\. I bom Nov. 29, In H oe.c Hoaplt.al. .. 328 AMERICAN AYE. .. PH ANNUi CURRENT EARNINGS l'OUM'T.UN, QRUI. 'IMWWWI a I.DO ...,_ aav..u..-....., .... num • ALBUJl8 os••••DT ln't1DI08 KH V .. I.Me -...,.., UM -nlaNrrUU DIO&·llACKD l&MVlaU..-~UU . GIJlT IBOP &lalA&D'I UDO .. .._ MN vaa u..-....._ _ INSVllANCZ AOEND w. o. auca. INO. NllVlaLWo-11.norMM INTDUOB DECOLUOU 81.A.~CJD: rm 4 K'U01f A.Lil U.lt VlaUdo-....._1111 Dlo& K.U:llJCa M!tV.U..-..._MM DON cu:IGBTOX &..L D. ................... ... Vi. 11.&.p -....,._ _, llA.RKET8 RJCBAIU>'8 UDO llA.llm ..... \'le Udo -.......... Rt:AL ESTATE r. A. r .u...ao:a OfO. SUI 'la Ude -Mner uet \'()Of!L COJIU'A.''"Y .... \ la Udo -Rafter ..,. BAY A."0 BEACH a&A.Lft \'la Udo Bride-• 0ttW 1111 La.Fayette -a......., UDO REALTY A.8800IAJ'U Lido Sal• A Rat.ala "°' \'la Udo -........ "" SA VINOS a LOAN ASSOCIADON8 N"Jr;Wl'OaT 8A..L804 aA VDfOI a LOA."11 ASeOOl4nOJr A 8aYUlf I liwt.lbldoe Lonf Twm BG1M i.ou. .... va.u..------ §ERVICE 8TADONI LIDO IUCIDD.LD MUN_.,.n....._._._., SBOl'.8 -..... BIDWEU..'8 STOU l'O& MEM NII VIA I.Me -....._ tM1 8110E8. WOllEM aua..t'llJ or OAJ...DOmlflA. ..... Via U.1 IU. ... v .. ..,..U:C:.'r~ ...,._RU l'OYI UDO 'IOTWJll) MUV1al..Me-..... 9M DAVEL ACl!:NCID llAJL80ll T&&Ya. AGDCT ...... ,,, ........ ~ _ .... UPBOurnaDO DIO& II.USO NJt Y'9 U.. -...._ 6DI WA'l'CR &RAIS Vl.SC1!1'T8 W~ _.AJa 1.100 navos NllVlaU.. ... Classified JO-Bae'"tM Gu.Ide ----- HAULING 1 t 2-BoUding St>n le~ ---------------· COMPLETE PAlNTlNG & Paper Hanging &>rv1ce Et:GENE O. SAUXDERS :ioo :,at Slrt'<'t, Newpurl Be11d Harbor ::976 or Aar. 4H6. ttc ---------- tnun or~ Anything. Anywhu f W berty 8·2146 I &6Lfcpp AJcobotica Anonymous Wrtte P. 0 . Boa ~81 New-port Beach, l;;a ht . 12--Bolldlnit Sen1~ Phone Harbor 4795 H.H.HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLUMBING IK--Beaut y Aids A Prompt ftl'p&lr Service Maintained Phone: Harbor •e2• Superfluous Hair Uc: 1111' t•p«l l"J: l11r S \&llnn ~;ilnmwr •Ai:•·~ l~ 3'1 ')f\11\):•" t uu11• \' 5-Day -.\\I-Hour Weck l lli;h >!(111 II>: r ·1v 1-:x .. ·lh·11t H 111•111 ~ t:uu4I opp111 lun~:v lur Alhua, 1·11a•n\. 1\ 111ol1 STi\NDAIUJ !"TATI 0:'\:-5 I •11hhu 1111•1 I·., l"I I lli;hw.1)' ("01utH\ •'-t :--\a' r ·11,1p11111n .111.i ~pnilr\• 1-'ult• rt• II 1<·:111 ... !l :111 It 111 \\ llY !"IT 1.1' i: \I-Kl 11 : •·II u I ' ' \\ 1• U ,. llU\1t\\ ,-...j UO• I \~.th J ''" IJ• 1 \4t: !"\•·to uur ,,, '' ,. snl\ ,, •. , t t••tr • uu ttH"'"·"n • ·•~·' 11&• t ,. ,,,. JI h•• ~lail Y-', • .111t 1 !i• at• 1, 110 I 111111! l·\·1• 11 tr 111 i.·r .II.\" h•·• 1 p11s1t11 t·I~ •• 1nr. ·t•11t1.1I \\ •••• , •• ·L n •'•LI• t ••I ~I • !• 11 I•· l.1~11111: Seven Is lands P.ealty & Investment Co. f ~10:: :~~nd til .. ''t.4.1 JtU \. 1:,•.H 11 c· 11: I liar ~'-Gb, 111\t'I :1 I• !!1 l!.11 .:::11·\ I :a•• I LOOK AT THIS AIJ 2801 Bslbun ~lvd., Newpurt Beach plcp Prrm&nr nlly removt:d rrnm race arma, legs. Eyebrow• anc! hulr tine ahapt"d-No mure twcrzlng lll·iuday & Tl11 11N1L1y~ ELLEN L. BRYANT R E. I Eurn $IS # Sl I dally 11A's" Lido'• Salon of Buury Har. ::!:'>76 MEN-WOMEN \\'"'"" n "' ull Ai.:· .. ""'l'"l•tt• lv VENETIAN BLIND 1--------------u_o <:l!C>L"J-:HY "'~hwr,. uni! .\fJo:AT fl•ethd al u: ... · 1~.1111 "'""''"Ii I wr •Pl""'' $~0 $JOll WN•k k 1•rn 1 1t..-trn•I nur11111g l lri:h O'KEEF1':: & MERRITI glls range . ··-.. CA FFERS & SATTLER, while table top gas range. Yery clean ........... 79.50 WHITE TABLE TOP . gas range. griddle, o\'\.·n con~rol SH.50 \\'E::iTINC HOUSE <'lectnc range, late model $99.50 l'HILCO J{efrigeret or. 6 cu. fl. . $99.50 WESTINGHOt:SE Refrig. 7 cu. ft., very clean $99.50 !"l~R \'EL Hf'frig .. left hand door ................ S89.50 <~IB~ON 6 l'll. ft. $79.50 1\E L\'I NATCf{ Refrigerator 8 cu. ft. Deluxe .... $119.50 D~XTER Automutic washer $89.50 l\IO::NMORB V.';-inger washer ... .. . $49.50 EASY SPINDTI.YER ~pecial Only $59.50 ALL Gl' ARANT E F.:ll \\"A:-;Jll NC ~IAClll NF:S. Al TOMATIC AND WRINGER TYPES SEVERAL TO SELF:C'T Jo'ROM Al.I. KEA!;O~Al!LY l'RJC ED B UDGET TERMS FREE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE co. , BED ,SPRING and M4TIRESS, complete $10.00 WASHING MACHINES .. . .. $12.50 up These and a thousand other hoftsehold bargains. E verything for the House-Furnishings, Toya, Radios, Clothing and Shoes for the t>nt ire family Recent additions of several disabled \'cter an person· nel-who have completely refurbis~d. rejuvenated and placed in top condition cv('rything in our store make us 11ay "BUY WHAT THE BOYS REBUILD" VETERANS INDUSTRIES 402 E . 4th, SANTA ANA Open Friday and Saturday until 9 P . M. .. p&p ~:·u ... spu,;.;.._11n :-;,,1''.i Aoa-,..Ph ~,hi ol ._..du1·alt11n Utt n,·~d •• t. J\l :S -t1Jnu ~··t' . .-\d CL.JS~ ~I ,.:•II L\•1i11•l l :1tr•:.!l .. , \\II•'" .'\~• 4:1 <'Ali ~;EHS IN NL.l{:-1:\"t : I " l'I Kl 2-2336 THr. ?'\l-~~~~~!~111 ml'th·l 2~1~d Fountl n<I P.e119onable prl<'el'I. Average Hf'.:'.\ ARO Lo11l p11rr ~if\>< Bl~ "1th M-MusfoaJ, Radio, T V S2-Furnlture for Salf' Santa Ann ·l'.!(l East 4th ~t. I l !i ~"Hi \\ t '•w111111n\\•'"l,h. Futl1•1\1 i !!~·:. Z tape ruldcnt1al bhnd. blue plo:<\1'' framr ~"""'"' h<'I" 0 I $ 0 bt'lw. Hank 11f A1114>r ,..,., :"\pl 1 n Y 1.0 & t '•'< 11 plll<'P. ('o~lll 111 .. ,.1 I.I Rhnd11 repu11 ed am.I rebuilt. ~H i;:?ll .:\11 II TIREf> OF AR~ YO \\AX 1' J.!•tt•ol • X!h , .,., •• •' J 111111 n n1 BEDROOM SETS ':!~t!t_:l.J.!_~~~~~l-~-1 30-R-Appl~----- A Pl anned Fut ure CLEAR NCE S LE CHRISTMAS TR F. ATS. 1411.'. buy• lovely Haby Cn.<nd. EA•\' lrrma. Anolhfr $49!). Mam · n\hers· Knabe, Stelnw11y, KJni· ball, Monarch • Baltlwln . Starr, l\lal!Qn & Hamlln. Wurlltzl'r, 100 p ianos alW11y11. D ANZ· !'CHM IDT Bl'> P 111no Md Ori;:11n Stnrf, 020 ?'\. Main SJ., San!.1 Ana. n t:llT I:"<: F"ree P ick 11p nnd dehvcry -Work Jone by appolnlmrnt 1 1.C i~T HUXF.H, m.11<'. lll\\fl 1111••1 Tl~\I· l'"I<' l•lJ t 11 ,u1 u • ,. pl.1J\I Slr11••t\ \\ode v ,, "'"" ~~ au, u.u 1•1 1~1Tlll" w1\ll , i.i ,,.,l;ib. Co A A 6 & !l DRA Wl-.:R 1lre!!ser, mirror. book~rue he11.dboard. from $59 00 Bran<l new 1955 appliances TWJN Maple beJ with ma llreu & Phone Liberty ll·t.701 Hl'w111J 1! ••·\11rrw.I lu J 1. or KJmberly 3·8274. pptrc I 1111 f\' -42i Hl'lrotr'l•1•e A '""'"' CEMENT & BUILDING All Kinda FREE ESTU.1A TES Llberty 8-6109 29tl CARPEN T ~E R Repair Work Dote Your H ome N ted Rfpl.lrtn1 or Remodelln& 7 ( ·111 utla 11"1 .\1>11 ~I• ~3 24--Schools, Instruction -----SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT GROCE R Y !'A11h1er_. 11nrl :'-IEA'T' wr<'Prt>r:< l'Brn $RO $\On pPr \\'t'!'k 3111! Spur I>'-'""· San! a A11a I Ph. 1<1 3.i;auo. 3~· ·111 I.EARN Pral'lkal Nur~111g J-:11rn $8·$14 !111Hy wh1k tr.tln1n1: Hl\t Tl:-a; l:"'Sllll·: \\'ORK h •fl 111 I.I IH\'I'::: 1 lo I I I.OS:' l ll-' l'A \' 1"<1lt \'.\(' \· 1:IKI '°' T luss EAf{N ~10RE ro:o 1·11 A~1·1:: ..-u H AuvA.sn> THAN E \'EH. r.EFOnE! MJ-:N·r A l'PI)' rn::u ~: Ft"' Ht. s .intlL /\nt• J.l•m 1 .. Vn , I! :IU •I Ill 111 ·I (){I I' '"' l)11r n1•w, h1gh1•r ;o1111t1ni: \\HI(•' ttflll f f('ljlll'rll Ill' I l'llM °' 1-:1\l•:.i. 1111 11\1:, •1\'P••r1 11111l>'· t 'I'' 11111i;i. nuw for H1rrl.f 11 I l•llh''-~ "' your uwn H• P• 11 ,. .i. '· '''"I pro1l11l"l 1111-.h• I m• •nu• hr 11 ke\. Sub· >'l •111lt11I 11 I111 111<'llt pion ?<>o Inv I.I 8 .• ; Ill 29<'42 Beacon Personnel 100';. cmploy1·r retained .. al{cncy SOUTHERN COCNTlF:s TE:l.EPHONE OPERATORS .'\ri Fr-:1-; Gi\S CO. \\'1• wrll Lru•n y1111 u11•I yuu'll re· 4 1:1 :lll<l 1·ollrr lrd (1 (lm 11pplicant :..;, ••. ,,1111l Hc1wh 1 l'l,'11'6 mu.ny ul her li1!n1·111:1. 1011 1111<·r1·~\in)( 11ul • ,,f • .111nri1 Applv "'\.-"'\. •II• , J"h~ fur hl"h ~i·houl .. rn.Juut •s I • .· , 1 '" •' 1s r1 1101 Oil!\ . ,.. . ... ' ~.u •, .'>;u. M111n ~lrP•'I, H111 ~II. --------------- FJ.<1llR Ml-:HC llA:"OISE box spnng. only •..•. $59.60 ea 6 a. 9 ORA \\'ER maple drel!lllt'r, Norge. Easy. ABC. Whirlpool Automatic Washers Save up to $100 Norge Refrigerators Sa\'e up to $125 O'KN•f,, & MC'rr1ll, Norge Tappan. \o\\·Jgi:wvod Hang-cs ::i;H'I' ll p tu $60 with mirro r. from . .. $'19 :'>0 Living Room Sets Modern 8' Maple AS NICE A LJNE u you would find a.nywhere. W ith our low o\'erhead you'll be 11urpr1at'd how much we ran aavl! you. Plrase 1ak,. a louk. Tl wlll pay you. 1 ;uur• Tl-~ltMS ru:TA IL F'l'tc..;tTlJRJ,; BROl<F.R~ FIVE 001..LARS ~r month ttnr .. good practice piano. Enjoy ycm r Chrl11tma11 with music. Gn.~1 practice p111.nol'I M low u $11';' , Sl2:J .. up All 111 f'X <'rllent C'toll· dlllon. J\AX?. • l'l.'HMlllT f\1~ l'1Ar1r. 1rn1! tlr1:11n , • ., , ~~o !'\, Jllnln SI, ~on111 A 1111 rlJll'll F1·11lny 1':\"C. 1-'1 3·Z•t36 :h ·U al Spurgeon tianta Ann ----4tll f<' I Our C'HRl~TM AS Tltl•:,\'T' 1-:11•1·\· N orge & WhirlpC1nl Dryers ---1 t ron11· On:1w . W"li hn11\\ n n11ll1••, Sa\'f' up to $50 :-1,\f'LE 1·hrur. rnaplc vanlly with 11a,·e $Hil~. IJA:z • tit'll :'l~I Jl'I, I nurror. rnaJ1og. bookcase. r.:J· Fum<ltt~ I lu11u 11/J Or1:11r1 S\ot ••, :\"OTllJ:'\C IJU\\":'J & 24 ~10S TO wwx1 h1<nil parnt•·d pstto ta\il1• t1:?0 N. Marn, f;AnlA An11 CARPENTRY Jll .. 16 _w1ll1 i.nmt•. n11•C'hnn•1•al I si.nla Ann • 11pllllld•. ~ lld)', •o hr. wt.:~ .. " \) 1111 l O 4 (JU p . II\ Attention China Painting 3 '(" 1 • 1 PACIFIC TELEPHONE K . Day an<l t;venmg CIU Hl'S I ---n1tters Or<lHa Tllk l'n Now \\0~11~:\". ~,.,.,.,.11 nrfl•·,. P"lllllOM :llOTIJ~;RS H f:IJ 'l':R, l 1 !11111 I.I\• Call Frank. Wbe.rty 8·6954 All Work Ouar&nteed 7'lfc LAmbi-rl Ii· 7:,21 33lft' MINOR REP AIR WORK • NO JOB TOO SMAW.. Phone Llberty 8-66-48 9Hle M 1·:.:-: l'ng1111·tr.• 1111·1 ll~nt•ol. «I•• I '" Hur h"r OJ lll·ll :m. I I \\"l:J .1 ·1 l~1E I•• 111y "''" ~»••r <'"'"" 111 11111 l11•lp IHI' l •lllrl t nw:11 1I y11•11 n• ~t'i "ur nflt••flf\f'ttttt l'i\ Y U:\" Tiii': ,\Bl )\'t-: 1-;Q1 ' ll';\l"T l'hlJil"" llmley <'hll1r 1581\ •, 1-; 1----SU~ll-: STILL 1:-.; C.:HATt-::; ,,, Nm. Balbo a 111pstalrs 1. 4tlp42 Knowlton F:lrctronirs IL O. An<!eraon 101' E. Balboa Bl\ld., Hubor 2450 aruboa I imtc 28-SituatioDJJ Wantff (IOlllL'ftn•l•h•'llll Ul,.!lt•f\'ll'l':!lll 1 \\'0~IAN fur lti;hl 111111~. \\•IK twn. sa!J:I! ttn•I 11tll4'f.:I. JI..' Xt-: I & 311 " m t n !• 30 11 111 6 •h ,.~ 1-·AIU li\ll E:lnpluymenl. -402 ~ • l'•'r \\•;•II ~t111<l have 11wn 111111-.· 32nd St . a r ross rrom City Jlall [ll•tttllton Har HIU7 Kft!'r 4 1• 111 41<'43 'tlt. <11 Sit N' Knit :: I : I·. II •II"'·' Ul\'d. Balboa :l2! ,,. JAKE'S APPLIANCES -I SIS AL rug l<lxH l"ll\ural colnr. hull runner lo match $:'>-0 LI 8-4217. 39c~I TV REPAIR FAST SER\'lC t:. RF.ASOXAlll.Jo:. Custom 1 Roy's Maintenance CABINET WORK llouae cleanl.ng-Floor wainnc \ \"all hl.n l " ... ----I !137 l!J r hor Uh·d Pone on r r .. m1~11 Vfn~~:.n :1~; .. "·t:'p~o~~:~ne :_;:~.·~·~~~-··~~-~~~··~~·····~~ .. ~ m :ww1 1, \l!S n,.,,. 1 6>.311 S1:'i LI IH'J!)!•4 c 111 tn Mell" No Job t oo a mall. ·" ~ -< ( I J'hone K l 3·3348 33c45h Inauttd. Free Eatlma.tu "JA' • • I ,,:,11 '•' -..~"'"~ , ... 011•cl <'fl• -41c-43 T\\'0 c rrbs, ROod qualll v 11.1 \h brst ma llress. Cost SiO each v.111 aell $20 eac.h. HYa.L\ 4·3116 39c-ll Sf'n •1cr t'l\lla tlll 9 p m. w 11-620!) Uberty t-1.332. ltlc :.; ~ ~ ~ l n•I\' • "' 1111 ll'>\1111•nl Llo.·rl.y I ------... ;r . 1o1 7i;,•• •J!lpl l Painting, Paperhanging E XGRADE Bl.'hool teachfr w,int!\ :,,.; t .. I WH IRLPOOL automlllll' go dryn "The Finest Money Can Buy" poe1tlon with children uve 111 =:; • llfM >. Fl\'1-: 1;111.~· 1 '1.t ·11s & l>·•I: u~1·.i I "•th 1<utumal1( 1~111t hrn Reg • tf!f. u cllanged. LI 8-7136 30c I::;,• · .. ..:.. lwg1n11,., .. , h..i1p 11111 P ll'S·J p11u• S:?'-!I !I~. Sult> prltr fl9!111!) Sympson & Nollar :. .,, 40,.4:? I Fr~c 1n11\allst1un, No 11nwn, 2 49 HOLlDAY TIME! plan no~or I; : >. _ pPr wk. No paynwnt until lil~6 a12 38th St.. Newport Beach :.' • I ' lhal Informal dlnn•r or puly :.. •-!_. (;11<1.~ :!I h1k1• ul111n~t 111·w TMHU~:SUN'S lbl:J :-;..-11.1w tt Av1• Ph. Har. 2404 or l667·R. 1attc "JA" :or. Con11ult mf! liaby att\lnl( or :.; : : Sr1111 IJ 111 ll 1• \l'I<· h•\'• IY ftrrpl l'to•l.• M .. ~11. \C wcckrnd,.. Ex<·rllenl rl'f Cil'r · '41.'· ...• .._ ..... ·-.;jjgj'ii'li. ·;u;···· ·· ···;u;-·"Milli•Y.~ "'"" tw 1t1aw 1v1u• '"'"'" TURQUOISE modern t.able lamps 17 !)0 ea<'h : Rallan corfu tabll! $1! 00: E bony glua top C'Otrfr t a l.llo U2 0-0; Mahog . nlle stand $8 M : Smllll walnul drop h'ar ta bit S6 00; 6 fl. cork top rnffl't- tabfc $36; Harbor 4233-M. t.tk U CHRISTMAS TREAT'S J111mmond Or.-:an u1<r1I. one onh·. ~11uur111 HAmmond Splnl'l, 1o1lorl,,1111 fr· U1e home. p~rhrt c11n1lll111n hk" new, 1o:enrroua 11a\1111s: .. 11 t 1'11 • one. A l11n ontt only fin,. 1l 1t11 mond C."h<J rd Organ. Thal 1~ 1111 S111·h buy• &I'll almo111 l!ll J"" •Ible to rind. O ANZ-SCH:O.l ll>T P lllllO &.nd Or~IUI C'ri , f>:.!O ~ Main St., Santa Ana. t rude Br11.d!ord L l 8·Ull!,l6 :.~••:..• .... :Y.:Y.:-W: .. :'l': ........ :Y.. •• .~:Y.. ·• ··•·'I t '11111li. lf1i;h & \",.11 t h 1·ha11 :5EW1NG MACHINE Bargains Mesa Woodcraft General Contractor LJCENSED New Work -Rem odeling J . MILTON McKENZIE :mpn PRE XMAS OFFER . .iu111, tik.• ,.......... l'lt•) 1wn. :! I/lib\' ll"d" w1lh 11111\l Haby·,, Swedish Massage v.·.1u1rnnc & "'""'''" rh•· .. t. Jr Ladlu , by appoint.men~ IA Hand Braided Wool Rugs ~~:::1~··~111•'.;::· '; .... r M~·~';lo: lu"~~b~: WHTTE: porl1ilJl1•, ftl:Wfl good $49 !iO s 1:-;>1;l·.K porrnl.J<>, t'~c-.-llent $69 110 sf:VEX r<•rtablt rlc• trlr11, tllHer· f'flt mak .. 1. all gu111ra.111eed $211.60 Unpainted It Juvenile Furniture Chridmas Spacials! S HELVES; •pk e cabinet•: mai:a· z.lne J""acka: doll tum. (cradlu, hutch'•. chut.a) chlldrfn'11 \.able 6: ch a ir ael.8. child'• BoeLOn roeokeni and knHhole deaks, toy chn lll. r~rd cabl..neb . S P J NETS, 8P1NP:TS, ~"""1 ·1 I ~est renW retum11 like """. aorne Salem Me pie, Blnn•I I Jal .. Yrench P rovincial. Save l \)•1 to Slat\. Tf"11l' j uJ1l Ilk" 1.-111 on balance DA="Z i:1·11.\flllJ, 1120 N. ,M ain, S11111• Allll your hom.-. rn• k °'"'" & 1·n<ll' A II 11111 r1I ---F ormrrly maalleuae at. Arrowhr MI $3 per sq. ft. lli•m• F:HY KJ.~A~ONARLF: Harbor 6399· W 58Uc Jennen P\umbing Pl~:;:n~ll~~~~r '1795 or Harbor H11rt>Or :.M~O ;ll)c41 Repair work, a specialty j w 31~-4h All new material patterns or hit and miss 1~2 l>O IXl,E 4·tlr WW llll'• H&H $7~· $39 6U klld $411 00 SINGEH. <'OnllOlf' eleclr k \\" H ITf: ronsolt' t"ll"l't r11· 10·~ Tl I 4fr•, 0 1.-1-' 0:-J f"l..OOR MODELS $99 !IO $-4U.60 AU. Uu our Lay awey plan 2121 H arb<Jr, CM Llbf'rty 8·16i5 W"t.-r h'a.\era on tune payment.a 21119 ]';ewport Blvd, Nrwport MATl RE w o:MA N "'111 do baby See our select ion of imported china, F.nglish blUl', lkh Har. ~38~ l\cs. H&r. ·~~;~~ ~:~~~~y"~~.~xcept Sunday ·Uc 8C('ncry and vine & 9.'.hN1l m brown. AL~O I l11tl<' KF:L.\'l:"ATOH WF. C'"llFi\M <.:ABl:"ET F~ l.Jl'lerl\" 8·\Hl .t\l<'ll KATEY DOANE Rd. 011 8J>tta41ng Orlveway• PARKING LOTS PAINTING BY HOUR Sma.Jl or lar1tt JOM ok Rr~nable n tu . The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 11 t1 l'11 M "" l'T, conoSA <.:ORO:-I A I i i! Nearly N('w Appard ~l o\'l:0-:1 : ABU\.T JA~. U\ !!'.'TO :"f:\\' ijtJJLOl.S\l ten '"" o•·:i un•J d11l•lren S~t>-dlvta1on1 our •pe<:Wty. Wf tumlah &ny type oll lo your 1pe- 1:1rtcatlon. Large joba -1ma.JI Joba. F'rH e1Uma tu. Al.lo wa· ur aprtt.d\ng. Modem f<JUlp- ment. l..Elllnicton &-•008, Gil· more A raie. H W\Uniton Bch. I\\" ''"all }on•L~ of •llr•tall .. n• WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE :ml ~: '11t\lll B ini K 1nr1 .. 11 .. l '.111n wf!i4·h _ <"w• '"' ol· I ;\I.tr 4•1r:I:\ w11.L a.<1dre111 your cn11•tm11~ c.:H1~1 ~1 '1 ':; r it 1-:A Ts 'I"!'" Order Nowl IF H --A .d Liberty 8·2772. Glfc: rat<.1~. Nice . hllnd .. rr tllntt Al~o I 1:11 111• ,, I I hi \ llA~L\IO;.;l> • rcsh earing l b11bv 111f t1n1t. Call Har. 39fl9·W 1 >II•.,\' \\' h3ve all ~ m<w1"1" Prrsonuhz«i I BA TI ERIES • 1 1 , 1 :1 ll.11 HWl'•l~t·1 ~l11n\11.llA11~tu C' t C rd We G1v,.S&HGrtcnS1amp1 ----I I "'""'' fl •"' The 1>e11u11tul 1lrlll ma.M a s G d D c Pa inting Contractor vi'.::>: li11U•l'r lr11 n1n..; 2 )tolln,. 1 111\J I·~ l ;'lf•lllf:L lhe )t1\'f'I)' A LL S li'.I'.~ ;\\.I. l'Hll'F;!'( un erson rug o. Llcenu~I -· lnaured wnm,.11 wmk1n~ 1u tl'~rn $1 ~.11 1111 1r-!'1'1 :0-1':1' M001':~ Qn•I thr Repre,.••nl11l1'" \\Ill , 1111 111 ,·1111r Main St Ill liolbtla t;lv•I , Ball:><>• · lltu bor C.IJ 08ttc "Compl.rt.c Painting Service ,,,., hr llio r. 11 <1'J. Aflr r .. 1x , ,,.1 1· ·1•11l 1r l'llt'HC'H Mo11r.1. h o1111· al rl'(L&onable prices" l ___ . ____ 11r.i1 1 1111 "·" •' :: 11111nu nl k1•voo111 •I~ I PHU:"Jo; ll 11 lfH•l 111 lint ~ lfl:I\\ -Md fu<Jt • pt•1l11l '" 111\lf' k '. 1:1°42 .l A}ltES, Hubor 1239M Cl..EA~l:-<G flit lRONlNO by thr $40 a monl h " 11 m11k,. t11r --38p48 day. E.ltpt'rt•nced. BAiboa lsla.lld r11>·ownt~ \\(' 1l • 11\'fr r .. r lJEAllll-'1'1, I-TH J '('Kl:T f!<•lll --------------preJerrt'd. Kl 3-e<>i6. U l 'hrl•tmu l >A::SZ . Sl"ll:'lltllT ~flK~ I-1tlh AH~ l"u,.t $.'•1"1 ""'" ASPHALT TILE ruo N . ;\\'In SIUlhl Ana.. C'1lr( 1 .... 11-.. Sii· r1t11 I' S~ll 11.11 t1llll\\ Ll.'\OLEUM Experienc'd gardener :i2; ~r• .... ""' Koa•1 r . 1una. 11 ,.,.,. Inst.all the abo'"e tllfar,.r than LANDSCAPING CHRISTII AR TRl-:ATS -A n,.w '""''" 4 11 • 1z m t.. At..<> lfll n le & 1..Jnoll'Ull'l llammf't I !'h111 I llf'ltllJl !f'r I h• and CLEAN UPS \\hPle 11 ' ,, F \r n•>fl~ ~f()\1, Non-union, 25 ynn expc'rttnct Comp&.re and •ff -· Liberty 8-1659 J>AC>. RKUTll~J<. Sl~TEH P •n B.1LL COKER Har. 4ill5 or J;0ng 30tfc l"'I"' 1\ tl 11 "" • ••y It ~otJ Btac.h -;.a9;3 SPUc ·an 1rn1t 11 1111 "' 1•11 w1u """ EXl'ERF:SC~~[) 1-<lOK ho11•,. k •r r play 11Y· H1<mm•>r. I .-1, .. r 1 Ur· PAINTING M. W. ROSS U t'PnMd LI &·332l •r llVP '" GOO'! plf'l l'lllt >:an S!r.l f. mrorlh r "' .. r lt \\r\lt I' <• lio't 18.3 C:o rJI'& \\'" d,.11,,., fnr • rl''m'n t!PI Mar :l(k-11 DASZ ~l'll:ll Jl •r ~·-'" :" :0.1 "" UAUY ~•l t•r mnturr w cmU'I Sy h 1 ur •IH\ 1 r Wl!l'K. Go<id r "ftr· •n•r• 11111 OH'•·J. :l9c'1 Sa nt& A M Bicycles CHRISTMAS SPECIALS !:IL: SA \'I :"\I ;s 1'11 jlf'\'l'r\I :->pr•' r 1;,n11• ,,, .. 111 1:110)' \\ ,,, • m&J•l" 11\i,ndo "11.t ~ rrn• 1, 1'1 • '1111 1ul •a "" J.1Ll'n1I \1 • t •unvrntfnl tl'rfll• at ~HAFERS • Srn• e lit<•; 421 .473 N. l'\~'I omur" SK•• l 'h••nl' Klmh• II)" :z .rlf\';.l ,\ t • CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS ! M A Hl,ll'FT'l F: J\1 I' \\ • l•!t r. 1 nvw t ;t lip A 11 • "•Hlllf ,.,,,.,r, ~::o \"• It ~111•!t• J'li'I"'' !<1•4' Ill l'AT<"ll !" 1.11t !": "' l'h1<1nt1.1 l~I 1<-:~•''' BAMBOO DRAPES :!I fl I I ~T1 1\I \I \l•I· A'\\" S l/.r· ,., 4 '1 ·~n,,. n l Z1 t '~I !, I~· 1 1 • t1 '.'\ • " \\ '• r 1· •'••1 .., I ut All I ••·• ur h. 11 ,. tt 1 t n .\ T r."\•,., H1•:• :--•·r· it. ,, • •n 1 r· •' I • I lt ~, !'.\:'\TA A":\A Tl. :\°1' A i\ \\ :'\I ":\I ; ("() -.\.f \\'\ ; II I. l '' If H;\IS "80 .A.voe.ado, Coela Mt• 86tlc FOR RENT :-O:E W Ir n WP R EL IA BLE J APANESE-L.AY A'WAY y1111r n•·' t i' A hl E R I C A N WA N T S I "'h\I' t..hf'rC! 1• a rho•• 1' ,,: ' ,,,. "• • .. 11tylt" GARDENl!'G lN H A R· LARGE cMlre , t hwy• 1.-it. "1110 L • >\~I,\' 11~"'' l(.1n1n1on11 s1 r" • ~" I' In I• 1 fl'l l r11nd1l 1ur1 lhl( •I\ 1 ,,.. ll:'-I I r I.I•'\ 1 ~'.~!:'!'-,;•IL-• Sl"••l II Ir " I .... r otll I \ n1 Bllln Saws, t:.lec. Ortlla, Poll.lhen, all t 8&114 Wb 1 BOR AR EA BY WEE K OR 111 • • -•11111·• type. o er9, "b&r· "IONTli 1.rYA""" 4 "-A71 I ' l-.Lt-:er1:1<; DRIW.. s r.r wit h ro••· etc. ,. . :i .L • • ..,... I • t1111 r. r S l!Hlr> BOYD'S HDWE. 381'60 S AH:TY nEt.m~ --119~ .\up 2'30 W , CO.A.ST HJOHWAY LRUXJ:"IG. l w111 do your ironing T O<JL ~~:Tfi ...• U 62 & up Llbe.rt7 S.,S'a&, N~rt Bcb SSltC! in my home. Excl'll. work Cnll f"l,Al'\llLIUHTS P9o cl'. up OF.M(1~8TRATOlt 11111•h•I M1rt 11hr•ll H J•lll"l !'lrjtrtll likl' n r \\ $11\'f' $2(~1 \>;'\"I: l'tt~ ' 11 fflt t' r• ff,,.: !; • l loll. \I I. • F.. I I ,\ l ~-11111 1\ 1,!:1 (",di • "'' 1 I I /\ 11~.I., m 11111'1~, I 11 ('• r .'t p111 !•'I• Firewood A !'\L' m ::o.tU:"STRA TOllS. \\'II rr1-:s. NI':\\' H0.\11-:. )' tn:i-: \\ l';STl.SG HUl'SJ-; A:"U \'l(;{JIH":LLI 0111n gt' l 'uunt.1· • Oldt~t Srw1ng :'II 1111n,. I it .-lrr 111 !'uni t An" Kl 7-H l\1 Wheeler 1t1 I<• """'"" lrrin1 \M\I\• r• 11 1n .. t8lll'<I, l?IHlf lln! .. l'd T1•rrn• 1\·.u11111lr Henderson's \U ''' 181 t \\1t-"h,.1 ~t'T\"U.t .'•l'' "'"' f•'rl Hh1I , C-"!\1'4 Mc11a I.I 1' ~'-11)\ I flf'IU t:•>lf \,.'011r~rt 101 re 1 ----------S INGLE BE:D, box eprlnU 1nnfr 11pnng maltrus A chrt1l nt <lrawt'r• all hke new 308 !-: Bey Avf' 8"1b<>IL. 39c4l EARLY AMF.RIC AN ('Ul, ~u\11rl'I\, p11tltrn g lsu -Prtmlt1vf11 -An· uque t u m 11 urr and hn!' C'hln~ 1 THI-.: Bil; OLD RED BARN I·: FIR8ASK K l 3.:1:HI l 1·:i.~1 11 .. r1><1r P.l\•I , t.:or1lc•11 1.r11\·r :Ill• •t1 h 11 1-.l'l'I, .. :\\ l llTI. !'fl\' <111. n• r ''" f""'lr Ji; }. llfl(Hjlll' fllrlh< l.;.11 Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS IClt"r ~am -H I G111n • 1:-.;STAU..l!:O complfte lo r (lut ..,.. $9.95 Jiit . O l'R c;R&ATf:ST C"l lltll'I ~IA'· TIU-:AT8 ~ldn•o \ 1;,,.1 m al(Tl1l 11·rnt roniJ11\nn 'I h111 "' d,.rful r•IM ll 11ln1o~t Ilk" n•·" • •'1 t> .. b<1111thl "'' a '""'' '"' KnAb4> l'plnl'I, ... ,. n\· l trol 11~.-11 \'try Jl !llt·, lll'IVf' M '#I t ,lo' r""""" nf o\h• r 11111 .. "f''"' 1 111 .. 11.v t "" r n,;1tlv .. Jy ,, .. 1 '"' \11\.1 tr .. rn nrw ~,..,,,. nnf\· s:w JIAS 7 •• snlMIPT lt11t l'I•• ' tHHI ( ,, ~ "n Hlnr •· •.;111 ~ ~h1 ' !'.1111 ~ A lll'I 11111 l 111n"• 40-Aut.'" and Trurk' -----------------. HA\ '~l\EN-W /\TSON ~POHT~ CAR n •:NT F:R ,I AC;\ ,\H ;\\ •: Small Roney's Appliance Repairing • h,.•l~ ('o"I $1\<HI \\'111 ~,.II f11r I S I~~ f'l)l l A l'IO 7 lllt\r~ II' l 't'I· ~1 ln •<111"• I JIJJ!• J•l"SJr.\I A :\" :' ~7~>;" }o" f .. ,, \~· f f ,::-h~ dY t ·, 1 ••rHl l \I "STJ',; 111-:At.l-.Y .\l11IU.IS lr1y..111 ttta•t ,.,., • 1ff1 , r 1ak1 "' t lt :~:\:? ·'°''"l""I llll I I'•••'" \h•3a ot \ 1• r "' "' 11t :"pt Bl\ ti I •I• I :0.IH II 1r 1-..!ll 411< •..! ----------Al.I \ l!l •~H II Al ::Tl" Hf:J.l•I IT ;-;rw I 1r ~•'"' A ~l'l""I• 11 1 1 .... .,. ,.,,.,,. \ll \ltl<,. I . ;\\1 1111 ~~~~~SupJ>!INt~~~­ Yacht Remodeling Service ,, [ .! h7•,r, r• rt"' 111 1 I rr r111 1 22ttl SI• :'II,\ I'\ ST SA :\"TA l '•12 II" It ltr Ill Jtl \ I J .. C(I f 1U lf'• r•rt1 Hn•llV nrw Hlf'f .\l;tk R~!lnt111l11nL. '· 111,11 1 ., '"~"l'l"'111ini: ~11,1r Jt "t "'11n~ I I ''""'' • & I rr~<' l(rl•l•ll• ,.,.,. 1':•'1111<11•1' liar •21.1 V.' 1'1\I \I' I nll 111 :!11111 1·1i rr IJr :1:Jr4:,ti 1 .1!11 1 l I 1 11 FT un ,·r & TRAll.r.R 111· l '•'ill lllf.Jlf'~: r ·11111 'I'" ()ti HA.II 1'1111.f'll t.~ '" II rrt111:"1aH>r Iii 11 .. 11.1 \ ;; .. ,,.,..i. r•'f'"" S·ll 1'11 '"" r111t l orl\" 1• "'I 11• 11• , .... '''I' frrt•T• r E x1 l11ic1vl' ,,,. ''•••Ir '"' ~•rn• 1 r • l,Jh"r l\ \1•11 ll fiq•, II :.'.•1 f l '11h1•• •, l "l11lc11 twn \\II\' 1ffl11r, 211 l1•lt1" "111>1< 411, ,~1 (· .. ~1" ~,,.)< .. J,I II ~fli1. :1111 fl t ..... ,111~ 1 .. n 1 ... n .1 ur .. i :i11t!•t1 I ;, , F'<1IU• 1'1 11111\ S<' Ian l.lk•• '°" 1""1 fH '"'"1 :! 1'" I"'' wit PIER & SLIP n"\' $'ri11 w11rr1t nl •Xlffl • 1·11.T\ \!FSA I.I II '•II'.\ I ' Painting, Decorating Paper Han&inl t.J 11.736!). 40p41 FINAXCI': T'l...A N for purchun tlltl\llnJt U t'J. Z9-Help Wanted ;o\rwrnrt • Ba.Jl>M Auto Supply 21ll'i x .. wport Bh'1I. Npt. Bl'l'll'h 4 lc•3 O:"E O:"\L) • h·• 1111111• »rl: •n s r.11 .• L1bfr~l Ir 1•k~ • ,.n\'r nli-nl t 1·1 ''" 1 A 11mnl\ •I• l" H "111 hul•l Ar1'• piano 11r "' ~ 1n tur Chr 111111111~ d!'ll\'l'rV> !'iH AFF"P.8 •~Ill•., IP.I:'• 421-4:!3 :"\ !"'o •H !Hirt l'!Rnl < \1 I PhrirH t..lt t1•\r1~ 2 ttf•7~ 'IJIH!''S"=' S l"l 't l'••WJ"''1 ,\\·• H~ \Sii'\ \II l,L:\"T 111 flllll1nn 1 l'"'"'•· I 1\fl \ .. ;\"111111:' ••OI\ '·, "• ,, ~•· '•~ 'r I ~,!ft• \'""" 1 ~11 1111 • 41,,11 ;\\"°' 111)•1~ I l lnrlt 1 .~t 1 \\ :1•u 11 ,-, 'I I• ,• ~ \4 HI "l ; 1'<'111 GEO. BURKHARDT t.JCENBED CONTRACI'OR Lllxlrt7 1-162.8 Painting Is Paperhanging We do the work ourselvea. 30 yfara expenence Llcf nae4 • WUffd. SauatacUon IU&"aJl~ EatJm atu frH. Call JobnnJe. LI 8-2687 & LI ~289 81tfc Visit Our Alteration Depl \\"E C'O\'F.R HUTTO.NS. make but· ton hol .. and do a lter&tlona PLt·s Dru.'! M"klng ALSO! A.ak a bout our "LEA RN TO SEW" Sewing Course !;!'Wini[ Ma('hln<' Mtn Sine~ 191' STRAW BROS. !M!I :-; ~t111n Kl 2-f\1~' , .SA Mr. TAKf"R~ for LnguM He•e h A Soulh La(\Jn& L'll)' Dl~tory. Good hand wrtUng i-ioHnual. W rite 204 E . 4UI room 7, Santa Ana or ull K1 3-3681. 23lfc. AD\'ER'nSlNO n"11 'lll'&nl.8 houae- wh•u ~'1th clfar hlllldwrltlJlJ: Ma.Ile good mon.-y aps re llml' WrttA SH1RLEY MITCH'.ELI,, 129 Belmont Strfft. Bflrnont, :'llau. 3:'1p43 W A.'ITED -Experienced Uee<I r!U' lot. man. Muat be able to d.- tsll can for we. ~fert'nru r~ qul~. Cont.act Dick J ohn1on, Ll 8·:'>!'1-4!\. Unc-oln • M••rl"urv IJH.lf'r. 900 W. L'ou l Hwy. -4 lr 4B I ------C HJLP l 'AIH : k 111•n 1111: I 1111\" 11 W"l'k Ri>f•·••n• r• 11'11 $1 l'"r h• lrvln ,. i<'11 "' • 11 .• r :1 111:, 4 I ••-~ .. k b l-\\ant4"_d_!~~~L----Flllt S A Lr 1 ~":~. Hm,,~' ~~t; ;1.w:-;~ 1~11 1.1 •. " • 1~·1~1w2 ~~'.,;,'""i'.'. \\F. Rt\ v.1lh 1,,,, :·, llr :'ll·•riury ,, • Jl urlr r :,1121 "''' 1.lh>1 ' ·. TlO:'\ 11.JI 7111 10 .t 12 Inch .!'.iO. ;:i U A-m11nv rare Ir lmrort,<1. 0 ft t" H F; S TR A ~ VOC' A L~ . CA.RUSO. s1.:0TTI. )tcCOR· MACK MELBA. Gl'LLl·ClJR Cl d e. Har. 2292-J . 3!\1 11 CHRISTMAS PUPPIES BIJl.ck Coc:kenr. Lov.-a.ble, cuddley, Rolly polly Ir. playful. S.aut.1- fuJ •tock.. Kl 3-~06 ~ler 4 , 4Jp.48 Designers H igh Styh-F abri<'S & imported woolens at cost. MARG1E WEBB 1956 S. Coast Blvd .. A:\"TlQl'I , 1oll l nf 1,,.,1, , (. •t rt • 1 \• \\ • 11 ' LIK ""\\ t t t' 1.. m • 1111 • • 11 • 1'-<'k• I 1' f • p trlu,...•11 ,. .,,; .. "'l'"f'lll••nf ,,,,.. lnj! I 'JUI}' 1 rpl'r l•t I\!\~ & l"ln prct••11 Pl• BIG ~:O.IA S S.\LF.: fl(j\\ on I' :it• .'• It l>I ~I I•, -11• I• Ill\ l • ,1!1 ' Sl•I ' I • f I Hf I f r ,,.ti.! l1°~ k <,.!'\ I f ~ •a:•" I UI t , .! I • • J1:,n 1,1 •All . '. t ., •• t ~·· .. nf! L>1•al,. 1 " .. 1 ... n ,. \'1 1 011r lui:e 11torr A llio liuy .t '"'"" ~~!';-:-!'_~~li_8!'5 .. " --~--· 11nl1qut• nr \\h A! h1n ·." ---CHARLIE P t\ VI:'\ '' J'~:i:;~ ~. & MEHKITT rirni:r •• ,,~ 1110.."I !-: AnAhrlf , I. JI O•"l•·I l.r1m p .tr ,101 \t "'Ill t1\'rn HF: fl ·,11 •'' t•R~: ('JIRl~ff:O.I \~ ~o\l,F: IC•njt l'llM'\'I rJ ~hl\ntllnj!' ,hirta $Z !•~ t'f'd11.-,.,1 tu [•< t;>o; A 1.0SO:'ll' R 30I> Mntn. Balboa .\ll'n' 'f'M I $1 !18 t ' • r • ·11ri n ,. 1.n ll hr< 1l1 r "!\ti t i ll lilt U(l I r ,_.,, d 11n t r .. ,,111 $H!l J'l1 1 '"''" or puy $8 J"r 11111 "111 \\" C:h:\JllT11HI Ur nng~ 1.-E 11·6817 U -----I !~lo:\\ Al\f 1 $~11 tMh for t.ny "a.'h "r •l• I:\ "" I""' h8Jlr of " npw H 1.1111111m ,.,1.rno11 \,,,,h,r l hlMH rw\\ Laguna Beach 3~1rc LOREX ZO • ~ ... ,-<me I•"' r . •'I ' 'hon ''' ''""' It .k.. "" .1 ....... n -----SJ:,o. B11rtwr lw S,.\llll't <"larl·' ""I"''"'"" 111 11<;1<1 ~11nt11 Cl11.11-C11,. ""' $8:1 HA•'h 1•0 t .1 • n I' '" 1111: ,,·!'11'>;' l~t •·"'"'I"·· A\<> 1\11 I 1\11 II II 11,·l t :11-. '''!ti If llF ,\I ·11 Fl "L 11111 ,. I r r• r l .... . ANYTHING ~f•~f:~~,/UI :,..'.'::~rl~ ·.·, :-:r,'::11.t• ; •••• ~,.I 'I r.•1; I I '' :'111 I I ll 1t \0~1 \\" ,.1-. llY l 1Hlt.l:O.\L tJ'.\,~ll Ir l\lr' U d Sil . sun '"' 12 r r• h • rl'l1l1fln 1'1111 1 ·11~ \ New-Se l 'I H ("''I"" \\1'h I 'II,,: f 'I' 12 FT SAll.Fl!-'H !•All•ll• I~ 1<r•I ;., 11 •·• '" I:" It""" 11111l1Jo ,,, v.i•ti tt•rtrr hn111I & n1•Jol"r llu11>11r 41 l7 41•4 : ,, n "rurJ1 $111 l-1•1 rv1I•, $1 Abused , 11• h 4hl~ Rl\·ri /\\I' :"pl lid • Ht1 r lli<1'1 \\' 41142 WAR SURPLUS \';~.0 ="t-\\ptotl llh"•I ('c1~\A ;\ff'•ll LI II 4!HI l~P S2--fumitore for Sale S \\ t-.l:T 16 I "'\•t r I 1at r, t "n' I• p m.1h• lot •t• • k 2-Z~> hr 11'!\~• rJt • t )-:, tf 1 ,.f• ~ r • 1 '•',, J..• r \ '.,, ru>1I \!It JJl°r8 "' ~-xTHA ~ ......... I,/ \11!'111 .,, PRJCF:IJ !'llfl (.,!f 'Jl'K S \l.1-' r"· ln1r ,,,.,., ... 11.11 1•, 1-·1 I.A l' S1TtEAK Bl IAT w11h 7 , l.J.> ull' h1111rd rn•,l"r r•I'-"' li11t! ~II'•! )IJ<'lll (111 l11t ,. 111 ••ti 11 , r" t 1•I 'o)! Kt1J111 rut1 c t qdi1• \tu t1r ' 1 12~. 11 l \'111 I •1 )1111, 1.1 "' 1~1·· ~Jo.I.I, $111•• •'•'"''° !,•. ~I U: I• )l!td 41 I , ·~.2 F flltlJ 1"!1\'\C'll \\"111 "n I I ''' L11t11 I. h II H• 11 n 1•" ""' J. I r1" p 1tn l•tl!' J•" o' N tq•frt1l '• '' ltr1r1 ,, 1111 1 • ••f•\ I ' I ~( 11 { 11 l't•l•l t•i' 14' (' r ,,, •11 I '', • fr td•1 C ~ h I k l.llwr I 1· >-')f,11 \ t.·. ,,., n••f ,, "''* \'. I \.\ 11"11 'fr I l-IVl.I, 1•1111 '\ In :,: \.,' t• c J}' I\ f. ·,,pt ' '·,lf1\'f t f tl1ll 11111 ;,u 1, ,I ~fl• r • Ill I' Ito •V• I. 1 •K F.SSEH With llllrl'Or $I 0, Rtr t•(l\f\' Sl'o, 1 t11ll "'7" ht>lld t..~, I ,j &. :I t Win IOIZI' h,.11!1 b<Jlt rib i ·, •a l h ir11 v • ot1 nr1 n•ir $Ir> !•xl'Z 11111\vlr ~~!lA J !lr41 Hubllr 46rn·R I I• 0 ----------------------------- Y" ' PAGE 2 -PART IV -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 t0-Aut"8 and Truck• See Come and Drive . '" Our 1956 Buick The Special It's Really Something The Century New Special It's the Drive of a Century The Super It's Sensational The Roadmaster Custom Built By Buidc Take Off is Terrific The We Take Prtde in Selling the Best Buick Yet Terry Buick :iTH AND WALNUT. HUNTINGTON BEACH LEXINGTON 6-4588 40--Autos for Sale GMC TRIPLE CHECKED USED TRUCKS STl'l1f:BAl'":1t 1; I pukup 1;~1!' I pto k 11p i I 11:1 • \·.<. I J•I• k11r l"Jll:\·~!<11.JT '" t l"I• k1lfl • •• t ' ':<. i 1 f'll :, llf) •::: I •< 1111,L·: 1• L J•l•kllll ' ' CI' \ l!f1J I T I f'lln••I 'rt<• <',ti'\ 1:111.1-r , t JIH'IO>p ':\:.! I 11 f 11 ;i: '• I 1•11 k 'lP ''1 t l.~11 • t l 1 :. I 1111 It",, I ,.,., ,, •• , ''ti 1 '111'\ 1,111 Lr t I I ' & C •:II I •I •I •1,t; J I. lllUk" '1~ J"l:Tf':t::-:ATl<lX \L Kfl B·t. i'I •Ill /, :!l't tlrt•lC •:,1 l '\rf:l!='~\TJ<>:".AL L 160 2 , t*rtl M !!tl tu r11 ·:,3 '"'"' CUI·:, '.l l. l 7fl . wn. 2· "I"'' 11, I! :::--I tro·~ Tubeless Tire and Recapping Hdqtrs. 8 hour urvlc• Free Pick up It delivl'ry Courtney & Lester l~OO =-:ewport Blvd. Costa Mesa l'HO~E LIBERTY 8·1198 P AP 41-A ut.o &-n·lce SARVER f'OR BRAKES 1 r~ OR.A!'\i;J•: COl!l\'TY 17 YRSJ HonJ•'ll 81aku-• whet1' $11 96 Jnetallslfon .99 \\' .. h 11e· a "t"' k or """" 3:1 """d I fl• I.• '" •' ... ~,· trnrn prh ed T Sl2 9~ t I' I• 1• I IX 48 '' '" ' ' "I' ' 1 '11 8 '" n \"Ol' PAY :'\O J.tORE Sl3 43 n•·1 ti or " tn11•k nm1 111 the ume I SARVER MOTORS 1 .. r •\•• 1011n•r tt!lll monry. BRAK~ Sl':RVJCE \\' \\' \YOODS F: l~T AT t,;RAXD SANTA A NA ' • After T h e Cr .. h lt'a T oo Latr Ct:• I!• 1: I'll ~I ::;uni& Ano 29lfc 111,.•11 S11111h•Y 11 m . T 111.-k h• ud•,lllilt• 111 tor Orange Co. 'If. f•t fl I\ So"ll\n i;•><)ll llu•a. I •I• ~1.,11 11111 11,. ""nrr '.?21 :11111 l'·t :->o•\\pnrl ·'1p l3 --..... --------- Tl~t ·c·l, A~J> Passenger 42-Traile'9 GENE'S Pre-Christ mu Specials Don't buy Any Vacation . Tr11 iler until you ~EE the new and \"ery SC'nsalional MERCURY J5' Ch rtstma~ SpN't&I $798 .. Cabanas Marinas $711 MO. Twu bdrm ~OUM• furn. 2009 Miramar Ur . ~lnsula Po111t Winter rt-nt1>l - C. G. BEARDSl..EE, 'i24 Luton Dr. LOANS for Homes 5 Income Units II~ -20 yr, 1..o&na o:-;~ 2·BR \ ·~rr a nd four l·Blt Cort'na del Mar Choice Income Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. Glendale 6-Ph. Citrus 3·!'.1310 32t!C Construction Loans 11mtJJ. rum1IJ1f'11. All in gooJ ,. .. SEE BOB SATTLER fliilr. Sun .1.-<'k iwn 1arag" 2~.1 :. EAST COAST Bl.VO. All t his plw• ,·ac&nt Int 11nd 111'111' HF.RE I!' A l'\ICF. (\LEAN com· meruul l'~"l\t'l'l.I' In llft. attractive and bu~y <"<1m111u111ty. It'• almotl nev: ""'I 11roblt'rn.C!?t'. On the jrruunrt flo.•r 1111• two •loretrontJI, bulh modnn &m l attracUve; both are h•M1~ &JtJlOugh one will c·onit up for unCowal next year If your rlan11 tnrlud<' a bwilnNa o( your uwn Your nel,hbora a re t ht' h"-"' 11t nri•11 a nd ahop• In 1'."0"~f. I 'ar klng In U10 rear. Up- 11111.1r11 arl' four modt'm f\Jmlahed OFFERS 48C--TralJf'r 8pace c dcl M H 00 3,,.,0 llNtt"h, Bfty &n\1 11hopping tor __ o ronu . ar a.r r ooo I J "6 :100 S7:WO d Delightful living. Apt . .C.banu. Utilities paid. with LARGE SPACES 2.'l·.ull. Nl) l'Jfr. Rt>p PlllRIEP. MORTGAGE co • • 0 " n ... for ('hlld rrn n11 pe1 rn l~a~i~ 1110 I Metro LUo ln.a. FUnda Kl. 3·:118"i HOMER E SHAFER Yacht alip accomodatioW1. fl f1 11rn 1<tror1 ~. Uh d , 1-.ml sp11«1• '81ta • avail. 1.1 fi-~69!'>. ___ 4_111r, I R~;ALTOR O&ily, weekly, monthly, yearly. RF:AL E:STATE LOANS 11'lllM·Fa•lt.-n r 1 at thl'Xpt P1"r For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc ------2!\ZV·M 49--Roomic for R~nt l11t1'r<•l't R n tP 5--51 .'(. 11..r 111> •=••• l h•r :1:!6!1-\\', u1 I l_.•1111.~ q1111'kl~· m11.t,• 111 thi> II tr!)or • __ * * * ,\1, 1 lnl.1111.1 lllHI 1'1\o<' M .. l 48A-Apta. for Rea& 48-A-AJ.>ls· for Rent ENJOY J.Jvr:-:c 011 the 01 "lln Si: 1 It '" i. 111111'•" un;t•. ~." NEWPORT HTS. Front. K1t1hl'nt'lt• 1;pt• & 1 111~ • r .. 11 lit·"'" ,t11 I ,...,,., h.\ •• • with pr11•11t1• bath. M.11d >Wt 1·11·1· ain.11" n,; yu111 I"' '""I l11•n 1 111ni:le ap11rlmf'nt1 ion• now •'\'I \' ""!lot•" ,. 1t11 •IM•ut Jt:tl)(l a va1h1bll'I. The loc11Uon and HI•· TV. 2306 \\'l'>;\ 01',·ru1 .. ·11111\ :.1111111111111 1'>q1··11~r :!II ~"' u t .. 1111 Harbor 6091. 11 olf',lll'<I ="" • 1111 •i:•• I •1 1•1 .. * * • h 111 1.11~ "fl'l••1.,l. Kl. J GllJJ Lovely New Studio Apts. """" • 11 \'>'.11 nin .. ty ft•f't l, 1 llv<'IY low rental" w111 ket"p lhl• 1 • ., .• I"''' .. •"l~t 1 .. 1 :: t-1-I luHllting !XTur1l'd yet tho re· '•"f , , t ii• 1 q """" tum 111 1l.l.lequa1 .. on the uklng , t • 1 I \,,. 11111" ,. urk pnt·e ot $11~.ooo a.nd w• <'an You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. BAI.BOA l'ENJS:-;UI..\ H 11''111 W1th Jll'l\'IHI.' IJltlil & l'ntr.1110'(' Apart1m•nt bulldrni:-Har. :! 1:1\) :L.U\ A l{'l'H UR A , ~I A\' ,. 1 , ., 1tt. 6\t1 r,uc1 1· .... I work out l8t 111t11 tl'nna. Call Mui 1 ;;ui:;o• t.c IHI l ,1rr""l'"n.J('nt 1 .. , ,. '•ur •11tt u . •:x. 1111 an1I come In and H• It - (1,11tl11 1.11 Lr!., 1.Juturamt' Co I I, i-1\··: At1t'''T ~\ltlfl \'ER· lt'a C•'>Od value. Be glad to show you anytime. \l:l!I South -'lam S1tnta An:i 1·1'1 t;t< tl•r •~. t \C\S, 3n 7 B & B h Rlty I Ken Niles 1021 Bayside Drive 47-Wanted to Rent WAl\IED 3 bdnn. home Coeta Ml'll!l. must havl' dbl. gar. Pre· (f'r. large Jot. Wiii givi.' good care It be prrmanenl. Have 2 children A do,. U 8·793~. 37c42 48-Apte. ~ BoUN Choice Winter P.entala on Bal boa laland It. Lido hie SJIWl A oocy or i&rp A dehlU '76 to $300 moa~ VOGEL CO. 208 MaliJt• Av•.. Balboa 111ud Ph. H&rbo1' «t or llarbol' 1161 Ru. H&r. 11M·ft or H&r'. 30ll9-M .. Uc ATTRACTIVE l and 2 bdrm. furn. Ullllt.Jea paid, l or 2 chJJdren. Laundry room. BLUE T 0 P APT. MOTEL 'l03 Newport Blvd. Npt. Bea.ch, juat abov• the Arc.hea. 7tl!c YOUR R 0 MI:: In Am•rtc•'• Vacation apot. REDl!lCORAT· ED 2 be!'droom, tile. Ulermoet. heal, p&Uo. ,.n,e. $80 yearly. un!um . 307 Jard. S t., Harbor 43~8-J. 39C41 PENlNSlJLA tum. complete, 3 bdrm . houH Holiday• or weekly to Jan. 12 Fireplace PaUo, dbl. it•r Ulll. pd. U 6 WMX-2100 Ocelll\ BIYd. Churchill 9.,.988 coUecL 39<:41 $80 2 BOR..\1. UNFURNISHED triplex, fireplace. •arti.ae dlap. Watt'.T pd. yard m.alntalnod OWIM>r 212 Bro&dWay, U a-277t 31Uc SPARKU:-:o luxurloualy furn. a.U new, fully c.a.rpeU>d 2 br. '*coo- vertlbl• den. B.am c:la• .. util. pd. Garsgr. Corona dtl Ma.r. $130. mo. yr. J-. Har. 1618, M.ta. Hallbtlrg, eve•. HL 36114-R. 40p42 2 UC>HM , u nfum . yrly rcotal- J bdrm furn. a pt. lllJ Jun• l , ™ .No tnlJdren or peta Near Clly Hall. 3403 1-'lnl•Y· !Ur. 2629·1'1 •1c43 Villa Marina ROOM fur Will k111j':' 1111111 Sll :111.t PP 4 lr 43 ay eac nc ----------1Wl'\'I.' 1 tto.:-r t..1YT' 1rr.7;1 • I Corona dl'I Mar Ot!lce Har. 1800 32c4.5 Si p<>r \\'(•1•141 Pravatt.' ··nlr:t111 •· l'l3 2Slll St . N('\\f><•1t 11'11• CASH 11 \ \ \'W\\' ::30:\ \\". Ualboa 3~30 F. Coa trt H wy., Harbor 8249 • • • llh .I 11.u :JJ7 I • 1<'43 I ts.A-Apt•. for Rent LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina A pta to le~. Slip• a.vallable to tenants. 3408 Vi6 Oporto Manqer Har. 1002 after !'> p. m, LI 8·2171 ON I-~ OR T\\'O bdc n1~ "tlh h••"I•' pd \'lle;:•'S !t3U A 1 I 111 ti .:r.:,:t after ~, ll 111. !Jiil f, LAD\" stun•• I.a!< 1c om m nh • home lur c•niplv) •••t I.toll· I.I 8-~MS. -;!tHo• 1'' •H THI. :-;T Jll:J-~11!" \\ .\1. l ; I IUL'I' .\II IRTt.Al:t-: llAX1'1NC s1:-;1.·1-: 1!1:;11 1c;l1H :-\ 1:1':0.ll S;\.:\'.T l·:t.\tBF:Rl.\' :1 -~ 11/\ AXA r RIV A 'I'~; mc1•lv fu1·n ..... 111 $37 :10 l'<'r ""' .• Y" orly :.c~l I . .)i-l~·al f.. ... Ulte Wan~~ I\ ~:H\' I •t-::-.IHAUl.1-~ 'J bdrm l'ape 1 • .. ,11101111• an< ·11rr ll•V••n on llt>ed· r•I lul All 1ou11U1 t•~tra l:irg1• h hl•I '1oor ... !•n·phwt>. naturnl \I ••lfl k H1111'11. M'r\'11 c pord1 With la1111tlry. I >utrh .Joor l<'aiis trom I\" 1111 1 .. 311 by .12 i;:las.~rd & , . .,,.,.,"rt 1mllo. Lot ia 76 by 136 11 di lan1lsn1p.•.i, fem <'d It rear M11rl~ol1I, l'ornna Ml :\\i).r Hn1 \.A/ANTED 3018·R. ~·i C'.l '(Y I I T\\'Cl "' Tl lll!-:E m -:tlfnl 1!0~11::: M-Sto~ &: OfficN or 1.t •rH lot. \\'111 tr·,t•I<' :u fl yo 1 d • r1>Sl'I fr1tn•d Two car gar· 111:1'. lath hnu~o & fuachla gar· 11· n P. .. u r ur lot hu 8 hen.ring f1 111t trl'I'" & 1U1tn}' rare ph1J1u P1 ••f'I • ty ltt nral & clean & well lt1t tlletl. near 11chool11 & churchu. :-,,.'-' uwnrl's Mr. or ll!rs. Fred .I Cro7.1er, 309 Signal Road .. - LI fH~~7. 4 lc43 ---------J.:?t u t 1 •11!C1 r &it par l f'H ynu•nl COAST HIGHWAY, J\('W bu1IJ mg, I l'Ht1="I: u.,n(.'r, Har. fill.ti 01 I tar! 1100 eq. n . o!flrt'.', Su11abte in· I:! 1 ci-.J ~uetz aurnnc~. attorney. <'ll.'. $90 1110. 1 _____ _ Rl'SS FOnLJ. LI IS-611 1. :..'OU \\'A'l:Tl:11 by 11r1\,ttl' p:11t.1• cl11N t fr .. 111 cm-ner :: bdrm. u1 2 IJ•lr m. 38t!c SMA LL OFVIC:f.; r1.r 11>nl ~url· ahle rrrtl e11l1tl1• etf ln11u111111 • 41!1 R11llJ011 Uhd c·,.i1 ll.11 ~7 1'• 3 41 ,, ~ 11• n 11 .. 111 ... \\'11tl' full Jdu.11.i. 1•to::->1:"SliLA 4 unat 1111t. 4 ru .. Crown of the See Motel In Corona del Mer - '" Ill ' S -!IJ t 11111-per ... r. :lffp<1_1 I :1 )'rH. ohl, '2 block to bay. $:H ~1<10 Ell•V lernu. Also NE W· PORT H~:IG HTS 3 lxlnn. homt . I Need Listings I J y1>1. olol, WW cnrpeUng !In'· Comfortable rooms • NEW OFFICES Ir kitchenette apl11 TV ~l~n'· hun·r:t 11m11nv h1·rl' from • IDL'A J. L'QR P R OFFS· ., I Day -wu k -monthly rate. £-• '" 1111 1111,... 111 ::; .. n Mio auo 111 2'°° E. Cout Hwy. Har. 3194 SIONAL or BliS JNC:SS 'SK '~· ·•t" ti,. ~rr "II \\',· "111 Jtlw 111.1c l.' obi. gar. plu1 U !'i,!'>00 F:11•y h ·r 11111. O\A·nt'I'-, 406 n iver· ~Ille Dr LI 8·3336. 4 l r:ii 33cfll Loc·atC'u 111 -)' ,, ' ''"~ I'• •011 .. 1 '"'' nl1"n THE LOAN IS 41/20/0 --------------.u •\ q • )P'I 118\t' tt tl).;td l•~ /C TWO BE.ORM. APT. tum., irar Harbor Investment C'o. Blog. . • Al11o 11111110..r l>f the Winter rental. ~ a fln 6 p. m 30th & Newport Bl\'U. ;\ t 1 • .. 1 •. ,.uni; 1.St•ar11, 131 4lh Sl., Newport Beach. Har. 1600 tr 1: II l 'r111t<1l ' '.IO,:) E: '"•al'j 41lfcl 11111 l'•ruu.<t1 .. 1~t.1rll111'ttl21 2410 W . OCEAN FRONT New· ---I ' • II or Mi-0 :!fl• 1 l B · i bd r \ 53·A-Buslness llt•nU!l.'1 W ·: A llAl'l''i HOM~ OWNER. l•u.v •inly $84 ~ fl"r mo, l&Xl'I 1111 hul"J for 1111.a l 11 yr old, 3 l11·d1111. 2 bath home •croH !rom I '1t\h1Jh<: l:'hurc-h. Yo111 s 1f you hurry' port ea cn, rm. um. &p , I -~---1-1.u~t c i .. 11\•1 • Uo '" h huli••' m I downsl•-1,.._ l'lect. rtfrl<', lsrgt c· 1n h •'· Pl (' •1 ., or. .,l .. ar• nt '\ •• 1 • , t H \\ 111 , • .,,. J i1~111 dn 1 BALBOA BAY llvtnpm. with nrrplac• plltlO. F OR Rl-::>;T l\\O \>.It Ill ht11tlt' l,l.1• 11, /\·21"6 a fCC'f J J• 111 u trl, pd. $60 mo. !or two p.:uple. (l tOl'I' & n.f111(. /u111 1 1nrtwlt t i• l:J I PROPERTIES Ownu on premJae11 Well. n ltl' i tore room & '"V nfl1<1> HfllP, l o Sal. Ct..11 or phnne Harbor $100 m<inth UH \I Ill 1 <'nl • ·u , • 1:011". \\' J:.1lbo4I Dlvd., H.ubor l! 188 321·1M. U c t "" lh •· 11 \I ........ noon . A ... o t.I' • '"''' "' 111 I' ~POT • Irvine Terrace Magnificent Cuatom Built Home • Two bdnns. and d"n • Prlme loca tion on Dolphln Terrnt·e • Besullful carpet. and dnpee • Expenelvely laJ\d.caped • Modem If\ every detail • Eltctrlc k itchen fl Two compl•t• b&U,. • Ownl!r v.·anta Immediate M1e lllln-) Price ~uced to $33.600 lemur HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 Evu. Harbor a6A PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1-5 SUNDAY 2017 E. OCEAN BLVD. S PACIOl;SNESS tMlde and out msrka lhl.a fll\e otf"rin~ ln a quality • protected nelgf\borhood o! fln1.1 bomea. 3 1'r'a., l ~ bal.M. lu~urlou11 pelll>-62 tt. lot. - Brtng your <'httkbook. Priced to 1t0•1J. PRE-VIEW BY APPT, ea.Jl- Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 0811·M or llpl&nds, YUkon r111rly 1 off1ce nt $il'1 1\11 1 I 11 ~~::<_~~!_!1.!':f!_!3~_J,!1~~!~~1-"r J1111t.,,r 12111.J 41k42 PENINSULA P oint rum. a pl. 2 mo. ~·au ownt'r Llt11"1 ty II 11::.:1 F "I H mornlnlll or 1111, r ·, l 11 \i· t. • , \ II . \ A Jn:\. llt'\\'rt hlclg aml y ome 2604 Nf'W'J>Ort Blvd., Npt. Bea<:h bl'drm. $75. onl' bt'drm. s~. ----I •• I t. ....... 1. """' ~It'"~ I Euy Parking' )!arbor t &l O Bachelor •~:> u lll Lncludcd.. Har FOR LEA~ .. : nc" 1.11.; un I • t 'I t '' I"• ,. "' $' I 1~10 0 1wn I .30 to 4 :30 DaiJy 2226·J . 41c 4S 17th st "e t1, .... 1 UA10 ••• !: t • • • I•• • i Ill 11'•)" \.'all 276 Magnolia, Coata Mesa FU RN •• extra cle&&11 3 rm. apt 8FIOP, DF.AtTTY l'ARIAJk, TV I 1 .. 11' l \\l\':>:t;iis with v ,.ry <'OmfOJ'lAbl.e o10•r hom. _ elect. re!rlg., panel ray heat SALE~ A: -1n ;HVl<"K R P.Al. Y. \ltl. \\ !-'TANI.I-:\'. ltr,.uor h11rdwoo4 floor11. modem lr1t· B & B 14.11 per mo to J une l~lh, utll. t.:S'I'ATF: OFJ. J("f:, 1:JFT 8 11 111' ' 1 l ir ~ <" '" .t 11") , h<'n. hobby room &11d a l<Nely pd. H ar 19!')9.J.-30t E Bit) ,.Ir Crt """ hu•llWh •I •rt. I 11 If" 'l~ll7 ttr J7il·('\' " H II 28711 (ll'(hU•.I f'l'l('e l't'duced and ... -w . We1"9h·1n9 V•fues? Ave Balboa.. 4J c1"3 lllfl ""'"' ln<'Mllnn in,., •• , .. \lt•i ----con111J1 r lnulr or term•. u F11r 1n!orm11t1nn 4:12 l-:11 • 1.111 (jl -l<rat t: .. tntc> F:xrhang~. J.tODERN Twu bdrm •rt". rum or LJli.-clv )<.r.:111 ~·~·II ------"'---------------1 Duncan or unfurn , t 1 block b<oach. Hardesty Ganges, Call Har. 3012·R. 39r4 I Sea Shell Apts. 1 A 2 BEDR.M OELL'XF. Fl'R~ APTS. To prderrt'(J tenllllte $116 n"'r Thi .r \' 11ru.-'I !'r,,t,t M• • 1 I•:• 111 l •'I ·11 I t am.11! l>u "' .. ~'. 11.1.t 11011 1•11 • TV r •r•11r• •• •I I~ l I ti. f•u I Ill I !:' ·~ • 1111 J \\II;!( Jlllr. Z11 1:! , 111 II CAPITOL GAIN <'AN YOu Afl-'ot~t 1 TO s.1:.·u • ., • 1 . \ ' \I J; l'I I• lln· I_ I Realtor Ha r. 471 Attention Investors! J'RIC'F: REl>lT EO J.",,r 111111 k ••lion nn lhlf bulflnrn LOOKINO l'OR. YOUR MONEY'S WORTH T Then t.a.lce a ~k at l hla 1msnacUlale a bd.nn., 1 y r. oM homt> ... 1lh wall Lo wall U r· fl"l Ulroo.:hout-alJ tied.no k ll· rhe.n • . . unequa.I~ V9.lu• at Jlll ':.'.10 with $1600 down. FHA 10&11. TIRES AAk ulxout Loy·a·"''3Y ~EARLY new unrum duplu 2 • ur. uu1 1nr1. J24'0 "" Balb<Ja ."'>-l-Bu .. 1~~ .. _!)!'r~1~~,:~i~I!·~ -· Blvd • .Newport Bea.-h S~62h • I• ••• ··I I .••• II • .--.,, • r r•1r· • ·~ ,., , .,d •' {_.At'I \11h;1·lt·~ \ J11I ti• J•,!\tU"\J "11)J l'l\Jl t ""1\ 3 \4 .r 1'i• ••UH &I lt1\.\ 111 ·1·• rl \ !! lllcMt.·1 n bu1ld1n.i:• on T J d •l I ~ 1 •7 1 .. 1 1h •• t •h .. 111..J , ....... • rust our u gment • 8-Hour Pr c appin g Service C 'ttrn• •h I 1• Hr:il .. • :--i<'n 1rr I • ' I • f 111 \ HOWAR D R Y AN '-•l!I \\' t ... t ~l. \'l.j\ , •• , t-.1 " ~ • I Jl -\uto Srnlr r --------------~-# Motor Overhaul ::-:o ~osr.Y DOWN * with this ad * f. C\ I~. . ............. ~ l~ ~S 8 Cy ls. . ..... s;q qg Jn 11·1 " ho 'h l111'w'ir 11n I rnru ':\ • 11 "1 •I I"" . valvr r· an•I tttll"'r• "r mR1n nn.1 rC'1d I h• 11 .ns; 1·,,,. 11 11 ••lur t unr up Al.SO I bdrm. hwd. flr•. f a. hnl pr1. '68 Rl\n Oabriel 2l' . $2220 t.:~Fl RX. 2 llDR~f nt PLF.X "' .... ' \\ ()\\~ Ye l It II\\' :16 1 'srJ1n~I. Ht'\Hlty sz::i.7 pau11 cara ,r COM. $1!1-0 mo Ha.rb•>r 1684·R. 4 lc43 '!12 Sup1C"rn.-l:I' like' rww $239~1 ------------- Car , near ahnpplng 1611 month A """" tto•m '12 r .. 111mbl.t J:l' 1 bdirn $1999 B AL.BOA IS LA.ND ll\09t" l'lacrnlCA -LI 8-~80 l:ila•l lM "I'' ,. t "" ti 111 :-.\'Okf; o .. · SPF:f"IA LS Very chHrlUI l br. turn a pt H O - --lthU 1111n " ak fu'I ~ti• t>n T· "nlrop", t 'amr-'l•'r" anrt u~rd pt r mo Inc. Ullhlln. Unlll June Sl<'E nrorl)' nl w unfurn 2 h<lnn 1 "' n t111nr I" rrnm $Ii ,, up I 16lh. I <Juplt'X. Hdwd flr11., lttt A ut !-:Al'' llA:'\K TEHM~ .NY.\.\ PORT HTS At tr. 2 br !um l1lr, .ervlce porch. lllV\d('d jtl\r , ca·;:-<F: s TRAIL.ER 8A.Lt-:s home. plu• rumrua room Love· r rml'nt walk11, drll"l\\l!.Y It ra11n. Iv Pntloaed pallo 5110 pf'r rn<> c;ut..d locall•m J 7:'> pn mo 1643 1129'l Hl\rbnr Rl\•11 I ~l'arly. I 01aor~ Ave, c. M 3!1\41 s.1111A .\11.. t H c-431 Kl 2-11890 B LANCHE GATICS. Rltr. I 311 Ma.lint , Ha.J hit J. l 'R~ISHED Al'f. t>fflrrn n1•JJ1 :>' • FT "'T l:'u.•tt•nl 2 l>lrm I Har. l6il or J6i2 I Hu' and Irualn,.M C•·nll'r -41 .. 1 , •ri •I• •l •P·••al. on l..arrr •r•c t 'l •2 • r, I iv..~ 1 bffironm apls on \\A· I v 1th I'' 1 ..b11th Ah•u P cark. 1 ---, 1,.r!ront. 3706 Chanl'I 1'1.irr, 1 1-"t .n• \\"nrl h ST0•~1 "'•rnrtce S• >QC1 Ph""" JIV.tl t -3078 ~A-Apt&. for Ben& llllr!Klr llli·J ____ 2llll• 3Dc•l LlDO ISLE RENTAL v * PORT ORANGE * TRAILER SALES SPECIALISTS BACHELOR and one 4r two bdrm a pt& Shc.n tenn e mJ yrarly. 1 ALSO, Ullo Hnme• &Jld ll11y Front Homea ant! apartmrnU flr fllhn11 11 I •"I•• •ol' ftun\ t•"-H ,,h t,., • 'Ill 11\ Ir • • 11 t Ttt ,.,u,Jttv , ,u tr,..,., h "•' " c I ll'' t t ITH' \ 01 I .o. t l~vnll11.: I h"111 l.H•• r\•.._, \ 11r • r I • rt • l.,:t ,. Of I 11lj1·~ t 1H "' Ap(•aux ,, •'• ' <r;·, r " th ,, \ .,,.,,., ' t ~kin~ • \ ••r lull • 111 I ' . and St.:PPLIES 2200 W. Coast lf1way. Ca.ll Edu CnJa Blanche Gates, 311 M.artne An . ~Ibo& t.Jand. Bar. 1871 LIDO REALTY Associal'?i'! I :>.*.-'.'lonr ' to 1..o:in 3400 \'la U do. Harbor H ·U ----·------------' -· Rltr. Newport Beach LI 8·4420 :\!\ :l~ Klt-Cu11\om 2 br 11avt $10CIO :~-•I' l'"ramoo.nt I hr IJll'r di•< ~ .. 1:1· T r•H•lr:tr. A bt-a uty SSM ·~·Ii All 1111><trl11 all "'7.<'A un thi1r111y \\ ,, n"t'!J 1 ltl\n Ullt'ol lratle-1n11 PAN AMERICAN P111 an1ount-Krn1klll Tre\'l'IU<'·Terry 8:'.ltfo 'Y1Uc Charming Harbor Haven Apartment.a -Patios NEW 4 ROOM, ltrHl level. Near achoo!•, &hopplnJ dlatrlct. Qultt, pll'aa.nl. viclu.tve. Oarti.ge dla· posal. laundry, ato,..ge rooma, f'Arqe. $82.60 up. Occupte• en· Ure •lrt'et. Good aupervlllon Mff. 1~1 Hit.Ven Pia~ 81/lfr 1 WA:\:-11) l.11 11." I I •\ BUY. r.t1>1'rr'..-.:1, I ,1K ONE BDRM fum a pt 6"1l MM•· 1 ·R•:i-·tN A:>.<'>. ~<>Id. Corona dt'I }.far H11r 11 M•.J "°" Uuv fru •! I>• r ·l11 40C-12 S&Y.'lttllJ H ,\' l'•I\ ~ \I"'· &.1,(IA:-0. \S;:c.c \Tf1 "~ ~ 488-HomH for JUnt l:l&6 Via Lido r>i lfnr n w BALBOA w1nler rrnta l rutn :? NO COMMI~S I 0:'-1 t\n 1111 o• I f'oto\ •1 lo j.•1Rr11nlrr I W1.1 Thlrl\'·flv,. fl 2 b<lrrn Of· 1:--0 \lt>~I"\ I 1 ·\\''I lrt11l1•r, awmni.r. a uto ht'at. &Jr l Bloek SouUl of High School AL.SO l-\,,"RNISHED APTS. b<lrm houRe n<'ar hf\} \\'1ttrr pJ 14!1 mn H11rhnr 111111·1\1 4 Ir 11 No Appral!'al FN> SAL~.s r:1 .. '" ',, ·r. Rl·:Bt -1 LT E~GINES r .. n1hl1"nrr. Cllher utru. J'111·r -1·1· 1 .. 13 ~11 1-.;1Jf~ m l'AY-$2.!liJO LI l!·M17 3!lcU H t r In our ''"'l' !utc ~1· bv ~'kllll'd I '' h nl"t.". p , It l '• ntrnd Wlt..b 4";-\\'antf'd t o ~Dt t ~r WINTEJ\ llA TES 6tf c DELlJXE Jl'URK APTS. Stnglee It dbl•. UO mo. and up. la. E. Bay An .. 8&.lboa Harbor 03H . 8tfc SI 1\11: r Hl.Of"K We need •pta LOd bou.u 1n all L'Nr l.'RN. 2 bdrm. apt. Clorte to TI\ 0 BDR.\I un!urn h"u"' 11:" r clt>"c to sh!'pp•nK en'>< LI h<'t I 1 8·1668 l~O Tu~lln. 41.-4;1 :>;EWl'ORT BEACll. !11rn1 hr<J ('0'\ ~TP. I '1 'Tl •:>; c ·,, :1 lur I • ,. Fnet Comm1tm«nt.~ on R1 •,tr 1-. Ah I l"h~'" • ! • 1 I I• ).; A ll111 In• • I , .. 1• \ ) ,, 1\ 1•r l•Nty I ~ ' t llJI Pf dn"'H (J\\flt r, \\ t , , , l .~,,d .. ,. \4 ' 11,. ~,.,,7 •.. I t I I •1 ,. t I t I• I 1,•1hH I\ I f'\\'ITf'ft ;\II I t Hit ' • •I~ t tr 11 1.J I • \f"fi ' t ,. •I 11 A. 1~n f I "I I I •r T• \ 11 - ••r I• ut ! " a WI I of at lrlU<l TOUA Y, \At' II ha''I' your confld· $ t ~· 'w r " •nth. I 'lenl r or room f'ht.. t«morrO\\ I Pull you rat If 1 .. 1 t•1tpun11111n Adrqm11.t' J'lflrk· 1 f A k d th'· 11w11v rum w,.r an 11e. ... rt• "'I' Lu<"••t•»I 111 t h•• fn1<ttt1\ tlH'£;rat"'1 and fft>•lnt.ed 3t bdrm. ~,..,..,~. I HI nf l o~l C\ M••M. homo "'"h J'l•l'A •I floou , flrl'rl. 11.:1•1 111 1 hr hr or• "' ." br~ •· 11h,.ll,.rMt lo01tl, l't r, 4'tC, d11IM! r •"' •hurran~ 1 .. n1~1 \\ h~11 th1" I 1 .. \ •1 ... I\ , 11 r. • ••• e • . " • aay • a I• ~·1rr · • thol • ll Af f'rllll r•'.•I \•alur al $12 &oo. c 11 1100 , """ I.I"" 11 rr<1u1r,.,J. 1 "II ' t >\111 r I.Ibo rt~· tl·62ZJ rn1>rnini;11 B & B h Rlty I • , .. 11-r 11 r ,., 11c ay eac nc CORONA DEL MAR I J'I-:'~ Hllrbnr Alvd. : \11 I'• il'I'\ t ''' • omfort ••I• •r· I fhl' ~o•7:•l J.lr·;· C'&JIUf. • • \ •1rr1:• 1,,,,.1>. \.1,"' :'\i w ..-rtv ~· • • ·''"'" 8·3lU I''" 1 •1 16xl0 n11U1trr 1.r -------- \\ 111, I t1 "'l'l,1t • S111• II .Jr"I 11"'1 t •t rl, t 1, h"'tLA. lttl!ll 11f t loJtfl• 4" ll 11,1 l'rt1nr y '"lhnul ur•· i.., · '1~ :...11• Tt rn ~ lu ., 1t OPEN HOUSE 30 I I Cliff Drive \I ·ct I tU' l l'C' II•" ••r k• , ... ,. ti•"" P\\Uor nl I 111 """" Sunday only 12 to 5 , 1 ·• 1 , 1 rt•kot• 1111 nrr "'" • l',<tri[t-ntM \ 11'\\· nf bfty -" oc:ran, :'1"• f r •11• .. rr , •tll II H t I fHllll Ill TAJt"r If> OV"1l, 2 bdrm_•. 4,!w, •1r n I II •l•n 2 1>41~/'I fttrplace. Cln-. l , .. li•1 n•"• It J1•1pp1nsr Can bot I 11hr ..... n ""' 11m,. by a M>Olntmf'nt. " • • rintr c t M • B t B I f;);t rllr nt rtnA.llclnft. 11111 '"1 "" os a esa s es uy , .. '• ,.,·::~ , .. ~:~." ·t::.:". :~'i ~:~~" ·~:.~~:·' "ART'' ADAIR, Rltr. I \ • •·I I O MIY $"11\()11 •l"Wfl 16611 l"•wporl Blvtl . Con.a Meaa .,,, .. I I" I • 4 ~ f I I < • 1, • ' '" 111 ''"" tn•I I lw 11•nt I .l II 37{12 nr I.( 8·668& :11111 ll,t• •\h•r makr ' )°"l"l 2-4c37h I "111•·11' \\I\' rn\ 1cn1 l'tt tl11• '"'I mi><• • tt• 1 H • ht L t HEX 1u x·Hs I e1g s o ,\ .'111i \\ l llllt••ll Ri'''I . z-;,.v.ror\ l~ARf:F. WAU..ED·l :-J LOT. pertl- 11 111-•r ~I '.il at: 1111rrc,vr<l Ocean vi--- ---( 1 .. r-Cu rn1Hk•l• tX<t'llrnt Joca· I 11 .. 11 (1 r nlr ,. tio1mr. Vt'ry t~w ('OSTA M E~A I 1,t;. qturk lll\i•m rnr 100<1 buy. h hrn z ,,,., t. t urtlt ll\.tt\\0 • \.t rnl!l f L• r r I 4 11 q i"1 -\tt t t , ''" • ·•"'' cc '"-: " I 'I:! I I" I f f •I I I I• \t, I ' llt •I ''I I u t \f 1 ·: ' \ I .. , I' ''! .. , r . " J I \ I I (' r, •• h f a nf't th' nl't l•I I ,\l ~'·" r •,.,•)I fl111i; r ' I ,'•J 11 FORP $1211~ attUoo.a for tM>th wt&tlu aod atoru • lrana. "8-ltlo. Harbor l7~ P. 17tb ~t. • l"HF.\'lli ll.rT ...... ·-··· $149 ~.0 vtara lrue. Furn. or ---"'·-0689. Coron& del Mar. 40c41 CORONA LIEl. ~IA R. unfllrn. ;: •'OSTA 'll"S \ r , ............ bdrm .. z b11th nt•l l_\' t1P<"11rlll<'•I .... " L\'M & r 'iJ"i;F: .... ·-·····-si;,,-, U you have a vacancy, ln•lde a.nd out. s 12:i mo. CAii Ll 8-5:i4l Lt s .11-.r.2 N.B.C. Realty - C'HRYS. & pf; ~nTO ············ Sl70 phone tod•1 DltLUXID modem tum ltUdlo •PL Harbor 47 lf ~Tl'l'l-:ltA1'f:ll ... --···-$170 Th V J C \JUUtlu paid 1711 mo. Corona OLDS ~ 1'11XTIA!' 6 _ ... -·· $170 e Oge Q, del Mar. Jf&T, Ol63·R. 14llc ''LlDO ISLE. :i bNlr•<1m-2•, .Bl'lf"l< . ··-·--St7j '201 W. Cat. Hwy~ Newport 8ch. bath home. on annu111 bAl'l~ H Ul1~0N .. . .. .. .... $145 Phone Liberty W 481 Fl.:RN STUDIO apt -<Bay front !\Irr f or 40 !l. bollt u~e "' 111 Lollll C'nr F r"• Towuts 208 M&rtne, BalbOa lalaad home) 1 •dull pbiet heat. utul· f t. Viking runnbt,ut rnwo•r boRt. =-:E\\' \AR C:\" At\ANTFE Phone Ha.rbor ((4 llt>a paid, 1411 mo. •008 River 2 car gar .. bi'auufully fumhih · BIO< k m11~· fr'~l our 1 tl\ntl•rd.t 266i E. Cout Hy., Ccrona del M.£r Aw. Newport. Har. l f06.W. ~I. ahrub.• SiOO P"r month f'l11• l:l'<•s. i;:u1krls and oil Phone R arbor lHl 41c42 I nquire Ill 41 Bal\NA Ctw~" Op"n SundAy JO 11 m. lo 2 p.m. Lido Ortic!', 3t16 Via Udo Nrwp<>rt." 361fc ELLES E G If bo 49•1 NEWLY decorated n1cety f\lrn B N INE 1;oz Xl'<A'f'<l~r u~1·0.1<:0111 a Men 1 bdrm. •Pl. yrly. rent.a.I S60 ONE BEDRM. hnu11e !um. y .. srly REBUILDERS Llbert)' b·.SMli mo. Incl ut1I. Adult.a 182~ W. rental. Garage. Har, 4286 tic Ba.Jboa BlvJ, Har. 1239-W. 40r42 Oswn 0 1111.v Ii tP ~ NE\V LOCATION 310 East J rd t. • DESK SPACE WANTED l h I n 1.11 • I I '"' ' .:. ... • , 1unlant :l!'pll 41 cn C'ORO~A DE L. MAR., OCEAN v If' w •ltn('t l\·f'IV f\Jrnr"h"'I One bt'<lrm ~ae 11pt. 11 ~ '"'' 1-t"rbor (":° 41r l:l, '• .ACRE ranch h•'"'"· rtn•'l'tt. J:\O fl. frontage, play rm. 20 't 20 lclf'al for r hlldrrn 11nd an1mrua. rrirlly furn $100. ll'a~. Bark Bin-r~I ~-iGP:5 40lfr NEED MONEY? Fast Action l ow Rates Loans 2nd and 1st \\.,. l-l••r\C' All Ornnli.•' , ... ,,,.,,. S<'n·irc In Your Hom<' We Buy T rui;l I.>e--Js Top 11r 11 •I" pn 1 f t. no\.\• ROY Al MTGE. CO. 260:.1 ="'"'l"rt Ul\J , :"J"L Harbor 15'49 11.-.111 ,., -T ' '11 • ' ''' \ I ,, 1•~1,. • 11'11~:rt & r n I I.''• f '" 11 1' tit h· •I' •l~d .!I\• ="•'"l•Wt lilvd. N "q•urt Urh .l2n•I & Nrwpn1t Jk>uJevard I< ~fl· I I "\'. ' f"lrl II• I• h Ha t!)t)r un~ I •' '' 'Lr'' ' I t • \ rt-.\ r :,•-;., t •I I II ii '\I \\I \' ,..,fN·1o111tt•I 11 •lt'111 .,,,,. I I t '" h••r • 1;,1roi:" .tr •" rn1:• I 11 \' O\\ :-Jl':R 1 ... 11 :-; , ,. lrn 111,.,0 111 1,.1 c·nnc1NA fll':l. M AR, modem 2 1- •• , •I! ~ \U. BY IJ\\ :"1:lt l 't I• :'\l'\•pnrt It'• clutra•I c l~lt11 hnmr . flt~plare, fumar,., .\' 1.11 ... r•; 11.1 li6 :i-.tt. t .. 'I Uc•. \'.'\\ csrpetln~ and , ti• n r. 1 , ~· 'I ·"I ·'< I l't. • I • r••r,ln• 1 t ',,, ,., 1.111• rt\' 1' 1,n:1 kl' r ~. Jl IH J~j) (' I ,. htt I I I J- J. 11 ' ''"'" l \\ t> lll •!.~I HO\ ·si-: h11 .. 1w ... 1 1o1tA ( • ."1111 '""'· r •l""llll•·ol ln•ol" 111 111111 nlllr"" l•f I 'ltl', $ l (I i' .. 11 llllf• ''\:.!• ..-1 •. " ••r SI Co•l& '.\-ll'AA I 'hun.. I.It.. 1 t \' ti 7~•17 :i:itr1 11.fJ· "" 1: 1111. k H"Y 111• 1 1· .. u1o1 1,u'T' f>c11o.lll~1 nn s .. ,,.,., tt tf ,...,., 1,.. I 111 l••I • ~· II 1< II , r _., f1t1 r "" ~ t't •~1.. M • ..a $ JtSOll 1•11 1 1' r ' ,.,h ' r lf't "'' Ov. n• r ..... r11 r. \\rile B'•ll L ill UH• """J'• ,,, •U 11 11 :llf>I J'•'t f"l''I 31\p48 •It If"• 1lh!,. J' r ~tr .. Jl8fld for •I ' I 1111 I" 1rr S 13 i'61>. SMOO dn. 1103 1'1111111 .. 1 Ua tl11r 3900-M asuo LIDO R-3 2 :10 fl 1'1U1 ''" Bu. Bay rrtint. U Uht rttt h c ·,.11 T. IJ. J\l>it~o. H ar. 1~85-W, or KYan 1-tOW J8tfr ~~~~----~~~~--~~~~~~-- -.. I • II P1£1WI ............ .. B & B U-Real FAtste ---·------------- Save Sm ttouston Values NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.f'RESS -PART IV . PAGE J WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 "We're Moving'. to Irvine Terrace" More a nd more Harbor area farnilie~ are insp«ting these e~:qulsite homes -noting their comfor t, con· venience and central location. More a nd more families who prefer a home in a re· atricted quality commuritty are moving into the ir • Irvine Terrace homes. Drive in today and tW<' for yourself the many out· ahtnding features or t his remRrkable co~unity. Inspect t he model hom~.s. built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnishr d by Martin & Von Hemert lrvlne Terrace is located on Coa~t Hi~hwav opposite the new Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recom mendation, we refer you t o anyone who holda a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorea and Cliff Haven B & B BALBOA • VALUE PACkED FEATURES are abundant in thia BAY A VENUE 4 B. R., 2 bath home. Nicely decorated throughout. Lge. living room, fuJl dining room, handy kitchen, lots of tile. Forced air heat, patio, dbl. garage, close to Catholic Church, grammar school, beaches and transportation. Owner muat move inland. $23,960-Liberal terma to quaJifed buyer. BALBOA OCEANFRONT 3 Unit.a -Show excellent income. Complet~ly furnished $22,500 -Terms 2 CHEAPIES! They ain't new and they &in't purty but they art> cloae to good beaches, stores and traruiportat1on and can be bought for $1,500 down. No telephone infonnatlon will be given! BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1460 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 Balboa Island BA YPRONT HOME with p1'r and noat. 3 bdrm" 2 bath. One of the befit. S57 ,:x>O ROOM TO Bl.D. additional unit whilc you enJOV 2 bdrm. attrac. rum1aht"d home. Completely fenced $Ul.500 Bayshores 3'.~ year old 3 bdrm. 3 bath beautiful b:iy v1t•w Cpu. Ci drp•. Incl. in this true Vogel value. Priced at $30,SOO Corona del Mar View Home New -3 bdrm. & den. 2 rircplacca. Beautiful mahogMy panelled llvmg room. $49.500 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marmt> Avcnut>, Balboa Island Next door to the Pust Office Har. ~4 Eves Har 3059·M Ha r ,a2t8·R CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONlAL COTIAGE 3 br , l 1 bnth. Pr1l· tee~ patio. Exel location. $28.7!>0 IRVINE TERRACE. S5000 will handle oe• 2 B. R. conv. den. 2 baths, inside BBQ erlee, 11tove. fully landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home- Almost Orar· Pro- I OPEN HOUSE 8at. It Sun. 1 • -4 :30 203 Via Nice EVERY INCH IS SMART and you ahould enJuY the Holi- da ys In this Brant! Nf'w 3 bdrm 2 bath homt. Extt•rl1r 111 whltt with IJIRrk trim F,;J«"' Elu11!-ln klt.'hf'n. Ga..,v <'Ill P•'l•n~ thru· out. Lu11,;" P!l:lo. Sp~l'h1 1lv p1·1n•.l·l'!lhh lu lo.in 1·01·1 ner lot llll e el l•1 "' , ....... DO YOl' \\'<\NT A PIEH l'· FLO AT AT YOuR F RO=" r On a beautiful view home in Corona Highlands - 3 bedrm. an•! den, bath and :11. 2 fireplaces, built in Western I: ..1lly range -h:mlwood n oors -Iota of tiit and many other fine features. Must see to appreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SVNOAY 42 De Sola COROl'!A HIGHLANDS 510 De Anza Ocean \'iew anri swim min '! 11001. Ran<'h style home, nicc'y !"!'l'l~c'lped n:id m:rny fine features. Gold Mine Income BALBOA ISLAND Waterfront Nr. ferry. Hamburger a nd mall •land, paddle bo&rd8 It 3 renlalt INCOME O\'ER $10.000 FOR ~0~f!~~ ~~dA~~:~.$39,r.-OO with l . -SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR NEW HOM'E! COSTA MESA $7000 -$1378 down, 1 B. R. fr:\mP, 782 W. Wil~C\n OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY. SA TUR DAY l to 5 P M.( Full Price $6850 2. $7500-Low down. 2 BR· den. 222 W. Wilson. GOOD 2 BDRM., eutslde, k notty pine Interior, room tor anolher unit and expand lo 3 bdrm., 8 3. yrs. old. 60xl27 on alley. Close-In $7500 OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY . SATURDAY 1to5 r . M $1 2,000 -Low down. 121 Cecil Pl. Can be bought on contract. Well built. Excellent condition. 0 10R? \/E llAV,·: !'1 lll"lrl Lido. 2 b.I m~ on ~o· ,..,, n.;1 8 ;)11Jdful p nn tin<;~ '1,n 1m111d th<' 1)10: "l'ly , Clt'Rn & neat n"' o pin I OLDER , NICE CONDITION, ccn· 4. $13,600, $2100 down. 3 RR stUC'C'Cl -Tradr for 3 · 4 8. R. 5S2 Knowel Pl. w to w c~rncti ng. Pl'!tt•d to sell. ter of town, 1 bdrm .. good tenna. OP~~N DAILY 1 · 5 P. M. 5. ~!ord Corner ·1 Pn : .r.:..i .. 2 u .11 .. l"I • 1 , ..... : I 111 1 \. ' CJ ''f'1 , • • ,. drre ::,~r.1::., ~I ~c-c'e d rn Corona def ~~ar 3 BOR~~.~Oll.~~~nn"l'WCrl', I ld<'al Business -offire, storage, parking nnc! room for expansion on Newport Blvd. Will lt'ase Kp111·e. d llll '. If l f't' .. • ·~t I '. h. ,Y, h t : .. ' f '-1., I ' : I t'I l•I lit 1.1.. R 1·. 1 a l:l'.lr111 t (.'J •• fll'l' ot \II 11 .,.. , C\;.111• \•Ill lr:i: -,. '"'' ~ l .. r.-.. • l ,-"' t 1 N',.\\- pnrt : _, 1 ·110, n by 1• .'~ l only , Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1 LIDO OFFtCr: I 1a112 Lllf11yt1 .... :-!pt. H1r :1643 FISHER'S BEST BUYS! COSTA MESA 1. LGE. 3 B.R., only 1 yr. old. Lilt 66' x 110' Many fo>atu1P11 1 1,•, loan n3r>O Try $151)() down 2. LARGE FAMILY ? See thl1 4·BDRM ""'Ir nf'w home 2 b11lhll. low 11n"' n. Only SI 1,!IOO 3. SMALL HOME "FIX-ER·UPER" Lge lot fur ad1ln I unit Yn11 Cllll m11 kf' money on th1• on"' Only $~ Tern111 to occ:up~· a !:tr~e o'd< r home. located south of the Pi!_7hw. ~· 1 . block from the w•c:an. With minor ex· pen_(' c::n c.· conv~rtr<.l into 4 bc>drm .. 3 baths , din· in:;-roo:-.1 :. ti h r.;t• rl:iyrc1om. 40 ft. lot and on a nice qu=e~ street. Te rmi a re \•ery flexibl<' and can w. be arr<t11~ed to suit. Call us for any additional information. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 Blll'S BEST BUYS RESTAURANT-GOOD BUY Going business on Coasl Highway wilh 5 yr. lease and re·newal option. Fully equipp<'d -seats 35. Full Price $5.000 with t :: down. Good terms on Balance. Owner ill, must sell. STOP LOOKING-WE JUST FOUND IT Nearly new three bedroom, 11:: bath home. Choice H. W. floors, Wall to wall carpet.JI, drapes inc., fire- place, covered patio and large douhle garage. Full Price $13,750 with $3,7!>0 down. NEWPORT HEIGHTS--4 Bedroom-$14,875. Nearly new-Fcncro-2 Baths. Fireplace. Walk· ing distance t o High and Jr. Schools. Prict'l:l right for quick sale. Only $3200 qown. 4-CORONA DEL MAR CHOICE INCOME N•n 2· br1t1 nr m nt k~t <'• l'll'r., Large very well kept. n<'arly new duplex only one lJ"<' you r \; I Lmin 1rn11 buy block from 'low n. 2 Bd. rooms in each unit sepa· •h~• fur s12:·0 drt r at ed by a double garage. Can be handled on very J.'ull P11t•e $12 300 . Fisher & Co. 26-03 N!'wp<m BIY•I H 111 t 12~ IN <'ORONA UEI. MAR f 200tl r ... h w1fl h11n1ll.-.:<>'11! hu1lt1 Int a1t r ff() frf', "hh h nuw hlo• 1111r Unll 1111 II In lhf' 1 u•lln K. hoo t 1111111111 A J 1 .. tr1 I •n•I .1 n wnt1 •" u r ••. J"'-t.4•1 •nd l(llt•l ftull• ;.1 ... ll•l i.hl Fitzmorris Rl+y. Co. J I.I!\ t-: t°•I .... ,. 1·.,1111111 fol M11r fuu b1 1 21 : • BALBOA ISLA ND ' Hi I I r'!!t)h • h·:~.~ I 1•1111 Z It •• b4'1• llhi. • I I ~f .\ t 1f':z•. lhf I •1 "" t•f "'"'~J lu I ~ t •21 r -J ' , . '_, I ,I I . I Os:,o, n_-,·c;··:·on ' t ' I • -• I \ I I \ • ' I ('11 I 11 • I TV/O OJ I .1 I ... · . ..J ..• -.:.? ' I ' I U 1 l I low down payment. Full pnce only $17,500 A must on your list. W. A. TOBIAS and AS.<;OCI ATES, REALTOR You'll Uke our friendly .ervice'' 400 E. 17th St., Co&ta Meu Llberty 8-1139 GOLDEN RULE VALUES 3 Bdrm. guest BU Y OF THE WEEK ho me, fireplace, wood flooni, furnace. lg. house. Work shop and garage-. All on beautiful hair acre for only $12,500 NEXT BEST BU Y O F THE WEEK $500 Down Moves you in before Xmas to this nice 3 bdrm, home. I yr old Yard fcnC'od -A ND IT HAS AN OCEAN VIEW $l0,000 with monthly pny, like rc-nt. NOW HEAR THIS Lar~c bm;in1·~14 10 111-<I lut w1tl: '1 yr olti furnished d ujtlrx sll for SIO.Oll() R<Jom for 12 units, PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON l ~M Nrw)1'Jr1 Hln1 Costa Mei-a farrtJSll from Cnt4tn M('11a Rankl l 'hono· I. I ~-t\ili I 1-:n•11 Ha r l360 -LI ~·2103 BALBOA ISLAND L'Nno\l.ALLY NICF. 1 ~rm homr w1fh rlin1ri~ nl'lm. up t11 tltr rn111u tr k1t<'h<'n. !1rcp)a C'e .1nrl fur r .. d 111r lw at Pl.\., •• 1Ur.1• t1\ 1' :! R H ap.1rtmrnt with fire· pli11C' """ I''' .111•' v.111 l11w~ tar ~<' garas;r F'nr 11 rr;il t-mr p1u .. 1111·mr11\ Y.1' n n1mm1'n•I th111. • • • new range At retrlg. lnr l. 4 1 ~'. loan, at. $60.M mo. F ull pnre $9700. A sking $8500 :I B.R. Nrwly dl'coreted on 60x300 I lot. Room tor add. ttl1Tt'S~ Good E. •Ide rf'nlal loca tion. Submit 1. NEWPORT HEIGHTS LOVELY 3 B. R.. P 4 baths, 3 C'ar garai;:<'. J.:nrl. patio,· shrubs. plants, trees and fcn<'<'d . Exrl'll<'nt neighborhood. Immediate possession. Ideal fman- cing. 405 Holmwood. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY · SATURDAY 1 to :> P ~I. Houston Realty Co. 2. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL. 4 R. R .. single garage, 2 , baths with Westinghouse infra·r<'d ray heal $14,500 Good terms. It ASSOCIATES M9 Center St. Co11la Mesa LI 8-8911 Ll 8·7784 Eve. pb. Petitti! LI 8..{1487 L ytle Ll 8·2642 Seymour. Har. 6298·W "C" THOM.AS "C" THOMAS OCEAN FRONT 4 BDRM. HOME and garace apt. Need.I some tlxln' bul an excep· llonally flne opportunity for home It lncome with only $6000 down. Price Include. new Hot· polnt 1lnk. dl.ahwaaher It di•· posaL Good location-tine ocu.n view. BAY FRONT EXCELLENT LOCATJON-6 l>M· roonUt, 2 bath.I, hie kitchen, fire- place, good heat. partly furnish· ed. aafe beach for cbJldr.n - PRJCED AT $29,600 wtlh low down payment. BAYSHORES LOCATED ON BAYSBORE Drive with VIEW of bay-Nie• com· fort.able 3 bedroom, 2 bat.h home, lge. llv. room wlUI fl&e•tone fireplace, full dln. room plua bre&k!ut room, hdwd. floors, dllpoa&l, eomer location. fenced, $.23,600-Good terma. "C" THOMAS, Rltr 224 W. Cout Rlway -U l-&627 ''C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Apartment House THIS NEWPORT .APARTMENT HOUSE ldt1•I for year round or 1ummer rental.I. Juat rig'hl tor a ClOUple. atnc:e the upkffp la pracUcally nil. The owner·• 2 large BR apt. I.a unr~m11h~. Another larg-e 2 BR a pL I.a fur· nlabed. Thtn a.re 6 very big 1 BR apl.8. fumJN!ed and 1 bar h· t'lor a pt.. furnJahf'd. A lt a pu have w .w c:arflf'linir a nd veory nle11 furniture 7 gar11tC'.'I, l&rJI' w111h room, lot1 of atoraft. THERE JS A S30.000 MTG. on the pro~rly, now peynble $300. mo 0 1v'; Weo wldom have apt1 ot lhl1 quality t·ume on the mkt RALPH P. MASKEY Rt-:ALTOH 3411 ="twport Blvd . Npt Sch Harbor 40! HOMEY llF:RE IS A SOUL> LJTTl.E t~n bt-•lr•"11 1 hnmf' that c-an ~ h11d tnr ( nly $800!1 XICf' lot, C"IMe In only fl yeoll! a old Ill"'' dn I" nit DUPLEX rl'>F: COR NP.R lll"T'Lf!'< 'IA It h I rntun f01r '""'~rr unit 1n IC'""' re~l ""l" J•>1·1tt1nn r.,,, r!lrr Iron 1ht1un, I\ yr 0111 ln1umf' $1.1.\ I"" Cl ~Ill ~•'1(1 lrt1n11 B. A. NERESON NEWPORT BEACH • 1. 6805 Seashore Drive, 2 B. R.-den, 1 lot from O('<'an. Fireplace. Good condition. $11,500 Small down. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newpor:t Blvd. Liberty 8-5501 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1428 BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm. home. The land value ia cloee to the asking price. ATI'R. furn. 3 bdrm. 1 ~.& bath. dining room, lge. patio, Iota of gl&88 with 2 BR apt. Near No. 6ay. Not a give-away but one of the best houses on the bland, $4 7 ,500 ATrRACTIVE t bedrm., 2~~ batha, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take amall down. Asking $42,500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bednn. 1 Y2 balha. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· i&hed home. Submit down. $25,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 3 \h bath bouae plus unuauaJ 2 B . R. a pt. over 3 car garage. Both unita newly furniabed. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dit.b Maroon HYatt 4..e222 John Macnab, Harbor 6359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island HAPPY HOLIDAYS I. R· 1 Lot paved st~t & 8ewera SJ .000 On. 2. Water View Lot Mesa Drive . $1,750 Dn. 3. C-2 Ha rbor Blvd. 60 x 300 $5.000 Dn . 4. 821 ~ x 260 R-4 OH Newport Blvd .. S2.000 Dn. :S. 100 x 200 All utiLitics--M·l . 60c sq fl. 6. 155 x 314 M·l on Placentia 29' r Dn. 7. ~ Acreti M·l Trailer Park Site _ .. SL5.000 On. 8. 4 i ·Acre Cotton Fann. Coachella 29' r Dn. 9. 80·Ai;re Bet. Santa An& &-Costa MeM 29'-r On. A. 1; Ac. 2 Brm: Dbl. Garage A· l $ 950 On. B. Carpet.JI w w 3 Brm. F1iA Ftnal'lce S l .000 On. C. Lovely 2 br Dbl. Gar. nr. Alpha Bela S 3,000 On. n. :? new furn. hom<'s, garages, F. P. S 3.500 On. V1t·w KinJ:s Pl. 3 br .. 2 bath, beauty $ 7,000 On. Bny A\'f'., Cor. 2 br. den, View, Patio $16,000 Dn. c;. k units, income S510 month .. $10.000 On. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES tected p8tl'>. Owner anxious for offer. '" . 1 • • '' ' Aakinc $28,000 I 1~ ;.r:: \ 1< SEE US for BEACON BAY a nd BAYSHORES prope1•t1cl' * 1 .. 0.1 • HU lmm11 r 11la tr 2 R H home-1111d gurst apart· m~rt n1rrly rurn1~h,.,·I. l:ir~r p11t10 and BH<~. dbl. rir ~ 1 :-1•~1· \"l·r~· nrnr ;\n Bay. 1~i.2 ="rwron Blv11, <"t•11l1o M1•0 1 11'57 Newport Blvd Coata Mesa u I! 1672 ,.~\'('II 1,1 11·•12n j __ L_' __ .1_6_3_2 ___________ E_\_'e_"_L_1_s_.1_•_00 __ Har. 1776 -Eves. Edith Maroon, HYlltt 4-6:r!:r!:.1 • " .• 1 I I I I John Macnab. Har bor 5359 111111 1" Lou Boynton, Ba~ide Dr. office. Hai 32Hi, evt> Har 2.1fi~ EARL W . STANLEY, Realtor 226 Marine Ave., Balboa Island GIVE YOURSELF THE BUSINESS PROPERTY. that is. Herc·a an opportunity to own one of the better pu~ces of busines.~ property In Corona del Mar. Four fine lea.sea bring you a minimum or $8,700 per year. plus percentage. The Lo u·s V. ·. L l'h II "'' " I , ··' . 0( I • ~ Ci • ) • • ,.. ·- ' '•' I I I I ~. ,. ., ' ' •~' I.I • '•!Ji II BY OWN E~ l.J;;~S TllAN (1:-:1<: Ylt OJ.fl location i11 ideal -no \•acancy. Pnct"d tt1Lllstically and with tcnns. .. , ,.Lb<o<lrrll 1. b • "· '"'"'' hA'<I fl•Hffll J I tOI I! 11.11(•' $I:/ ·~Ill By appointment, plt>a1'(', R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. Aseoclate 1422 E. Cout Hw'y., Corona del Mar Har :l7i4 • IJ"J.1 l\11,.,.. d 1·1 I,,.,,. /110 "" I.I ll·lll I'• 11 ... 1 ol'r:A;o.: l•t:O~T 1<·2 lut 1~ux\1·o1 Si~lll l•Oi ~:.1•1 Hl\llJ11it Hl\d C11ll H1.r ill!•~ U111 011.t.1 ,., • • 3!k41 $23.i .)fl t f'I mit. Y./ V/ SA . ~::-CRD -STANLEY HADFIELD ~I .I llll' :mil r II k H arb~r 216'.? :OST A ~1:::SA The 3est Town on Earth ... 1:-:co:.11.·; P i:OPEnTY -N,-w ~ Rr. home and six n1tc-I Br rc·n ll\:11 all fu l'n1.,hL'<i-n<'ar Blvd. and marl:,.:s. :'\f11~1th ly inrumc-$4::,;, Pri<'e $39.000 3 Br. homr. partially fum11<h<'<l. hardwood floors. good F.asts;iie l1 1catlon hnm<' 1n A·l condition. Brauliful }ln,n anJ Rhrub:-S 13.500 NEWPORT \'l~T A 3 Kr. hnmt> -Nice lllwnf' & tr1•1•s. guod l.1('1ll1 .. n f1 l'Ur l\•lh ~t.. ~h·tppmg ('l'n~. '$.10,!\fltl with ttrm!i. G. N. WELLS , Realtor lSIO Nf'wpurt lilwl., l'oMta M£•11s LI 8-1601 Balboa I · l•l Pl.f.:X. f11m lal1..U $14 l(l')(t 'l'\\·n 2 ·h<l1111 a pt11 A ll "" ttnC' rt<1t•r \\·a lktnt •:111U n1 r lo 1111" l\ltl" n !>olJmll "" t r r 111~ Ocean Front 'I :1 11(11\ r~OOI I TEfl.\t R 3 t>rolrm otc1t-r hom,. rm• llall\· f11m1•hl'c1, l"-1 m r r 11,.Krl nf Cl\lb<•A 2 r11~ t;&lfll:" "1 r!'llll"'1 fnr Apt •bow• Coast ~roperties 3111 f: HAlbo" Al\·11 Ralhoa U11rbor 2n;.11 2~.n; 11nrt •ffOI• Cliffhaven Special rwo H'"JI 111 ll11ll Hull~ ~ '\'I" <>Id fl.1111>1., 1~111 111(•' :-t11utll vlltl wllh 7 fl r11 t tr""" T .. , .,,,. H1•ftl 1111) H.EX HECH8 l :lCJi \\', RMlhoM Hlvtl , ="'"Wl'lurt H iuhor 61MI IS VIA MULTIPLE LISTING Good Valu e1 When You Buy, O r When You Sell SEE YOGR REALTOR TODAY FOR THE F1NEST PF.R.<;ONAL SERVICE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N Newp<>rt Bh·1l • • I PAGE 4-PART IV -NE'NPOftT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 62-lt#al P'Atate WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 U-ReaJ Eatate 82-Real Estate .• 6%-Rtal Estate _,...# ··------------- BALBOA ISLAND XTRA XMAS SPECIALS DELUXE HOMF: & INCOME. Our exclusive brand new listing! '1 R. R. din in~ room. 2 bath home. nicely furnished. fnrl'rd air heut. beaut. patio. All this ANO ·n m<1si allr. one bedroom apt. and bath. Extra bRth enrl dress ing room in garage. Dimmit b1111t , and a honey. Near Village center and No. Bay. Prircct $34.950. SO HURRY! Terms. $19,950 ATTR. FURN. home. Lge. liv. rm .. sun room, dining room, 2 bed-rooma. convenient kitchen and lovely p:il10, garage. Will show anytime. L ET l '["; [";HOW you somr beautiful Bay Front homes, that arl' PRICED RIGHT. CORONA DEL MAR SF:F.ING IS BELIEVING ! $13.500 Immediate posael'liOn. A mighty nice 2 B. R. home. Choice location. Dbl. gar. A real good value. BLANCHE A. GATES. Realtor MEMHER~ OF MULTIPLE LISTTNG 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Phone Harbor 1671 or 1672 GI RESALE $14,950 -4 r;. -$73 MO. THREE BEDROOM modern, less than 1 yr. old & fully furnished, incl. carpeting. drapes, built-in stove and oven. refrigerator. Forced air heat. sliding glass walls in Jge. !iv. & dining area. T ile bath. Lge. lot & detached garage. Good Costa Mesa Joc&Uon. Will conalder trade to $25,000. BUSINESS BUILDING NET INCOME 10~ PLUS. Six top ootch tenant.a all on lease. Best location on Coast. A·l construe· tion. Owner living in Ea.st desires quick sale. BACK BAY AREA . OPEN SA TURDA. Y AND SUNDAY 482 Esther St. An architect's dream, this beautiful 3 bdrm., 2 bath home. Custom built by Lloyd C. Howard. Hu everything including built·ln stove and oven. plank· ed hwd. flooring, Dobler brick fireplace covering entire waU, brirk BBQ In kitchen, fenced yard with several trees. "SEE IT AND YOU'LL BUY IT" -Only $26.500. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St. Andrews. Newport HelghtJs. $14.7~ -$85 mo. incl. taxes and insurance. Tbr~ bedrm .. living room w ith fireplace. fenced yard with patio and sprinkl<'r system. Close to echoo~ and churches. "Vacant" -Owner has moved to San Francleco. Jmmed iat~ possession. WATERFRONT BARGAIN 2 Bedroom home on 64 ft. bulkhead frontage. Pier & float. Near Lido center & City Ha.11. Only $18,950 -Submit on down payment. JACK BRENNAN. and A SSOCIATES 332" W. Cout Hwy. "At the Arches'' Realtor Liberty 8· 7773 p. North a. palmer incorporated developers Boyfront of Lido Isle Bock Bay Beauty! ·I home on 80 feet frontage. 5 bednns .. extra large Ii\'. rm., lovely walled yard. pier & alip-ther<-isn't a better location on Lldo Isle. We have the key Artistic early American -brand new-2 bedrooma plus den-2 baths-full price $20.500 with terma. Call Dave Osburn for detaila. and will be pleued to ahow you thia home. North Bayfront Home Lemon Heights Estott 3 bedrms. 2 baths and powder room -2 servant"s rooms wit bath -large !iv. rm. -cov<'rcd patio with terrifi arbecue-modem kitchen with but· lcr's pantry 3 car garage-PLUS beautiful 2 bedrm. 2 bath apt-plus 2 utility rooma-leBB than 5 yra. old,&. the price of $75,000 includes repainting. 204 Via Orvleto is the address of the brand n<'w ViBscher-built home that we think you will like. 3 bedrms. 2 bathe, papered dining area, steak grill in fireplace. extra good storage. Be finished in two weeks. $32,500 including landscaping. Owner of a beautiful home on over an a.ere of the finest view property says "Bring me an offer or t rade." If you are interested In a large home, call Bill Farnsworth A Home for Xmas? Buy t his 2 bednn. home for a Xmu pre.ent. It la very well located and could have an apartment added for future income. Let Joe Kincaid ahow you this cute houae and tell you of the pouibilitlea it preeenta. Full price $27,500 Spectoculor! OCEANFRONT 60 foot corner, best possible View of enli~ Harbor, ocean, city and coast line. 3 bcdnna., 3 baths. Coet $54,000 -now $.t0.000 Hurry! Not Leaaehold. PENINSULA location. $17,000 · p. a. polmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout bigJway -liberty 8-6673 • B & B NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING! THEN POW' Thi• nt w h tlln& wtll rtaJly ettr thlng1 up' Two tire· r1acea tor S~ta, too• 3 bdrm1., plua 20'x20' rumpwi room w llh bu-. Hdwrt. n oora Cut tom bullt Wood ah1n g le m ot Luce lot - nne £u t.tl<Se loullon. l U O lq rt .. not Including gar-.•. Come DONNER It UWTZE~ I Only S39M> down ' Ftill prlcl' S13 9Ml P.8 . 2 -16' Mdroom• L'.OME DASllER' REDUCED ! • Wu 1111.000 Xow Sl 6 960 • 14600 down t::u y l"rm" • 2 )'tlHI C'uetom bulll • <Nran \'1tw • • Hardwoo\J lloon -la' tlrf'pl~r' • Vuy lllf k1t1·hen 220 V. • P'uU dlnlns room • 3 l•ra• t..<Jroortut 2 l:Nalh• e Obi 11:•.rAI• All")' e WOOd ahlnatlt root • 8ff thl.• rta.I valuf no,.' OCEAN VIEW LOT! Pf:R..M..ANJ:!llT \"It:\\ bu1lo1tni lot I (.lut nt tn,.n Ownll"r U )I '"Sf:l.L ' SNOO WAKE UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS! l I Here is what you have been looking for. A giv~ away. Never again wilt you have a c.hance to buy a 3 bedroom home with brick fireplac~ and large separate rumpus room that can be easily turned into a guest house for Mom & Dad. Jn-the Back Bay area. The lot is 150 x 105 and is fenced. $12,500 -Terms. NO-THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT A 2 bedroom home and separate income unit plus a 2·car garage. Each fazmly has complete privacy. In Newport Beach very close l o tbe Channel & &>ach. Stx years old -SU.250 -Terms. EVERY DOLLAR HAS TWO SIDES Come on in and w<''ll ehow you how to make both aide. pay you dividends -For Instance -a Tri· plex In Balboa so close to the waterfront that you can call lo your kids to "S top throwing sand at each ot her."' Summer rental.a can give you free rent &nd pay the place off. It la fully rented month to month now. Price completely furnlahed. $18.500 -tenns. FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE A Super Duper location In Newport B<'ach on the Co&sl Highway. Building ia suitable for a Snack shOJI or 111m1lar bua111eu. $5,000 down. monthly payment S105. !Boy & Beach Rlty Inc I Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. HIM Nrvq'<•M lllwl t•o•IA Mua CaUf 1.11>4'1 iv 11 11t11 i:;,·f'• 1,r 11.:io1n OPEN HOUSE A fll'm noM • l\ly 81~ LA• l<Aj'llll ('nr un" .1 .. 1 Mor f'ltll 1'11 .. • s 1·,11 :)03 32nd ~t .. Ne\\rport Be.ach, Calif. Har 586 after p. m. Har. 2293-J VISIT COSTA .MESA'S FlNEST CROUP OF RAN?i HOMES Peninsula Homes! Xo l ·Redt'corated 2 bedroom, nke· ly turnlah9d home. rt~place. Dandy pa tio, doubl• •i.r&&e· Top condll1on ••. $1 6,600. term11. :'\o. 2·2 ~ bedroom, l "• bath furn· l11hed home. Two 1tory for view and re•lcco1all'd. A very cute hom• •.. &ltrac· Uvt , too. 117,600. $4600 dn. So. 3-Doct.or·• t>tauU!ul hom•, ' b.clroom e a.nd 2 baths. LS•· walled l'OI ner lot ancludtd. Badminton court, pauo, lge. sarage and perled tor I&'•· !11.n11ly. '30,600, tl'rm.e. So. 4·ln Belvu<' Uuie ..• 2 bed· room family home. Heavy l urnlture 11101~ Spactou.a room1 and In nice condition. •Oxl()O IL lot.. t'.11.A. loarr S 1&,0W. monthly paymentt on pr~~ ~~ • H per mo.. OUPLEXlt8 AR& RARO TO J;'lND B t;T \U.;RE iR.I: TWO, A.VD PRJCJ:D TO 8EU.. :>;o J·Ol'ean F Mnl Pcn1rau1& Du· plex. A ··11let'per" If you know v&JutL Two ltory .• lnrtflc Ocean View. Well turnl.Ah('(I. C-0mer property wllb lArC• walled r·ea.r ya.rd. 8w"U tor home with lncome or for rental Income. $22,1)()(). :-lo. 2·Ju1t a 1tep to th• bay In Balboa. 3 bedrooma d<i,.•n, 3 In upper. Situated on 2 loll. Fumlahed, of '""Int. and rl'ntll Wt"ll C1«8f' t Q ''""l h1<y btR• h. Will moke l'Wl'lJ bt a<h home ror l1trgf' f1tm· lly ~·• you t an rent tht' up· I pf'r. U O O<~l. l1'rm11. Balboa Realty Co. VOGEL VALUES -CQsta V!:H\. HAltEL) 1ln \•111 i:'"I An esa Office oppo1lunit)· t .. b .. , " •m•ll f'llr\ly rum hnOlt or1 • 1 f'-'I Thr~e and four b<>dnn11 . 2 balh11, buill·in ga.s rangea and ovens, thr very best of natural fll\Ulhed hwd. cabintt.8, gleamin~ oak flooni. large bedrooms, spacious lmng room11. dining rooms and br('akfasl areM. uM'd b1 irk fire place~. clos<'l spar e galon~. he&\")' shakt' roof11. large lots. frnccd and land- sc11ped 'fheRt' homt's ha,·t' m M y more fraturcs Orrw-1111,. Aank nr A merit A Hn111 <•rl'Plt>y Al Com•llu11 Ed u-.. * * • ~ Duplex - Smalt duplex with food income. Smsll lot wit h httle upkeep Pnce $1 2.000 New 2 bdrm. & den, 1 1, bath. large l1nng room with fully ~l&.MM rur view and one full acre nr rrmml!. $24.00U I nll'<I' lt vrl lot fur " I" 1r.. 11n1· I Whfr" ""'Ir U.1.. ,\,I :'\uw - [>nnl Bl' r>uu•r•1• .. 1r11,.·I' I I\.\•,. "'~" h •\. 1itn 1 h.,.1 11 l"tl""I '" f 111 thA' .... It . ltf' •' \t•U m1 -.t • 341 Hazel Drive, COM OPEN HOt'SE Y••ut1f1tl \ lf'W ti•··· ... I l fl.It m• than are uaually fnuntl. J1ck Pink.ham Jntiephlne Wt hh 70-0 K l!aJboa Blvd , 811.Jbo" J>hnnt Hu bor 3277 BACK BA Y 2 b r & tl,.n 2 l'>Alh HW fir~ choir,. Jl'l("almn A•k1n2 Sill ·,oo :! b r . 2 h•lh HW fin . b"AUl\0 I lli .':':'iO 2 b r 11 .. n. rh11.m 1h•r n n noo I si-a..1 r .. tate v' v' Best Buys Corona del Mar ' I°. OCEAN VIEW HOME I INCOME ee.t buy ot the year, Luse 2 bed.rm. bome, 2 batM plu.a 2 bedrm. garage apt. phaa tttm. atudJo apt. Only a few ateps to ocean front & China Cove. 45 ft. frontage. Quality const thru-out - Better hurry -Only $38.500 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH Excellent condition, both unit.a have fireplacea. bwd. fire., laundry and rarqe. Priced at $22,500. Terms can be arranfed. Exclwilve with ua. 3". DUPLEX CORNER I BR. EA. Furniture included in one unit. F . P. $17,500 with $5000 down. .f. OCEAN VIEW LOT Zt lNED R-3 Only lot available of UU. k .nd. 40 a: 118. Cbolce rental dh1trict. Prit ed at $15,7!50. 5. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price ot $14,7!50. 6. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA From thia choice lot hieb on the hill In Corona Highianda. Best view lot available. Priced at $13,500 t erms. 7. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES Liated exclusively with ua. See u.a for beat buya in th~ area. Shown by a ppointment only and priced far below replacement C041t. Call ua for particulan and appoint to aee. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E. Cout Hwy., Corona de! Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona dt'.'I Mar Bank) LIDO PROVINCIAL • • • CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE This choice two bedroom can be youra for only $22, 700. • Beamed ceilings • Used brick 'fireplace • Inside window abutters • Quarry tile kitchen • Laree two-car garage • Large walk-in cloeet We have the k ey to t his immaculate, near new Udo home. Come in and dilcuaa Lerma. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 Via L ido J. H . GROHMAN VlRGINIA MANSON Harbor 4444 (Across from Richard's MarJtet Entrance) LIDO ISLE BEAUTIFUL home on Udo Nord comer with per· maneot view of Bay. Near beat beach for swim· ming. Thrff bednn.a., hobby room & d<'n. Chann- ing king alze mast.er b<-d room with alcove and conne<:ting privatl' bath opening onto large sun deck. The unusually attractive living room hu slldmg glass doors opening to the patio, while the modem kitchen has buJlt-in dishwuh<'r. diapoul, copp<'r hood. ce-ramic tile and numeroua other fenture11 to plea!!(' the mnst fastidiouR. Truly one of tht> finest of homl'll, and priced to sell. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd .. Newport Beach Harbor 1013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Vogel Values Cafe Good and popular restaurant with monthly incnme of $4500 at a MUST SELL price ' 1 •. b"l h • ,.,.lkm11 ol •.c nr .. In i. .. t h1n11 h· .. h 11 ·• h• n ,. .. r.11 • 11t•l1.r••lir.1r I""''" , 1111 1 n· t h,. dur111 "'' 1 1 .. 1., '"' 1h,. ••k· ~EE TH.E NE WLY OPENED FURNISHED MO DEL 00:'\F: IN FRENC1i PRO\'INClAL BY DANIGER FTH~ITURF. OF' COSTA MESA. I R<r< "I l l' f·nnt Si ,\ll() l'\EWPORT HF.lGHTS I THE VOGEL COMPANY l i02 l"ewport Blvd. f'honf" Llb(.'rty 8-5507 Cnslll Mesa Evl'nings Llbcrty S·H5i tnir Jll 1 ,. "' I ll :\<1'l lrrm~. 111·~ ~ ~AT k ~1 ·:-.; I \ I ~II n"" 1 .. , I''• ~h"'" rni: Cell Harbor 2042 Frank J.mes & Linwood Vick · R ll~"I" (' I '~"" 1' Hu Al>~"' 'DON'T make a MOVE" I 3 la J.IA II n!' A"' R11 111'•8 I 'Ill n<I 'NTLL YOU SEE -------f"""t:Ht-ttt-ey-oR~KE -I raf 1 O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & ep. I Storage LOCAL AND NATLON-WIDE MOVlNG Ph KI 3-!1221 Eve U 8·2961 Co rner Nf'wport Bh·('I and So. Main St. Builders & Speculators 2R NF.T RE~IDENTIAL LOTS. cloRe to Harbor & Wilson. St'wer11. WRter avallablr. Cash out price- Sl:!!'x) 1w Int TWO LAHC E PAnCE:LS. Blvd .. C·tone property. Hoth 1m• TERRIFIC BUYS for large de\·clopment. No Ph<J111' lnfonnation. pleaS<'. RUSS FORD. Realtor 1600 W. Coaat lli&bway Llberty 8-6141 l ;,iJ C llll• 1JllY• r1~n n"1h· t-4 ~n """ !'Ric ~:I• T< 1 !H·:lAI. 1 h•lrOI I '• hAlh trr•I F' A hi' 11 1tll l'lt k11J h • n ~J•Arrlllll! p&ltO h1t1ll tn II U<.i lh "r•lt l' aarAi• .irnrr1111• ,tnr ll.l:f' RALPH P. MASKEY IU:ALTUI\ 3• I t N t'-pnr I Rh•I! N pl tkh HR 1 bor 4112 UDO ISLE EARLY AMJ.:RICAN, 122.760 flrrn111h('(I. Osborne-Forton REALTY CO 1113 W. C~t Hwy •at Port Orang!' I :>;pt Buch W 8-7~2 -H&rbor 6164 evee. HARBOR ~ff~'\A RA:'\CH HOM F:~ ln·1ne AH·. I Block N. of 17th ~l. • EARL W. STANLEY. Realtor EXCLUSIVF: AGENT 15th & l1"''11tr Llh<'rty ·:?f,64 Or Llb<'rty 8·3123 SELECTED WATERFRONT HOMES ,/· LIDO ]~LE · Exrlui-1ve bayfronl. P1 Pr und llL1p. 4 bdrma .. 5 t iled bath11. Cu11tom fumish1n~s includ<'d. BALBOA CO\.E .· 3 bdrm.11., 2 baths. Pier and slip -boat included. Kl LLION, reel est.-te 3341 Nrwport Blvd. Harbor 5505 I E\·emn~s -Harbor 3554·RI OrflO. llC City Hall VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE .. * * * • Will Trade One of th<' \·l'ry frw lcv('J cornrr lots 111 Corona H1ghland8 for 3 bdrm. or 3 & dl'n home m Bac k Bay or Harbor 81'<'8. THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Cout Highway, Newport .Beach LI 8-34 1 1111 ., •• f'~ltt•l1 d ·' 11trl'~ 310 IC ~All, tnr ,11bJlv I A k IMj: $:J:, l •IMI BAY~HORE~ 1 <.:h11rmml{ :.-! h 1 l'LI·~ i sv 11n1l, kn ptnr lnt•·I 1 .. r rn1nrn1 t kll , hkt~t bnr, :I p11t10,., A11k 1ni.; s:12 r.110 132', Hwy to Bay, for 1.-u e, w ill build lo •uJt t1n.ant.-l'll·ch11111 t!'•l811T8Ul ltor l'l!lnn TRAOfll llP-1"11lm .Sprln111 •rf'• t"r 2 b r, ll ~rhor e rf'A \'1ew I Clair~ Van Horn rt&.At.T{IR 2i3 I \\" Co1t11t H"' Ll 8·42i7 BACK BAY BARGAIN I/ ""I~· •p•dou~ n~w 2 A d,.n 1'111m hcau11t ,.,.,, atlrta<'llVr l,11nrl....-.1p .. d Y Aril It. l'Alll) 0 -A•ll r r Al '""~ M 1 k~ 11 11 • f (" l t•f' th•• \W A\ n1-:x RF<:cw" Z:I07 \\". llAlbo1& lilv.J., 1'•WJ>Or1. Hau l1••r :.i ·,11 Acreage 1:-.T11 ·~TRI J\ I.. llu1ln'""" It r l'l'll· •ltnt111I I C'fC.llKC. A lll<J rBOl hN! llnd grow•11. f1A:0-: A JA<'00°SE~. RMltnr Jh t. :"3Pl. f:\"f'' l~I 8·631i. 311cU IA \'<'ly 3 b<'droom home with 1 1: baths, FA beat';./ d1sp .. exhau11t fan. Beam<'d ceilings that extend on OVf'r lg. patio. Wide oo· lot beautifully landacaped with d1condra lown. Dbl. gar. Low. price of $t:S,750 :ORONA OEL MAR M<•df"rn 2 bedroom home, nico fi~place, clo1e to markets. C'tc-. Ubl. garage. Prire include. 1tove, re!l'igerator and a utom.aUo wuber at only $13,500 Hurry I The Vogel Co. 2667 Ji:. Cat. Hwy., Corona del lilr Har. 17U Hat 1'77 CORONA DEL MAR WANT SOMETHING TO BUILD ON? 30' level lot. 11: bl. from Ocean south ot hwy. only $6,9:)() WANT SQ){ETHl1'G TO F1X UP? 3 b. r . h ome on comer lot. has view of city ~d ocean. lot.8 ot pot1111lbwUes. Tenns. $1&,600 WANT A VIEW HOME? Brand DllWf' quality home on the edge or the vaJisadea in Irvine Te!Tace, thla location and view cannot be matched In the harbor ·• area. $42,500. TERMS. RAY REALTY CO. 3444 E . Co&st Hwy. Gorona dcl Mar Har. 2288 (Across from Bank In· CDM) / I l PA6E 12 COASTAL SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1955 Buy at Home From Your local New ·Car Dealer BIG SURPRISE luy The ·''BIG M''-BRAND NEW '56 MERCURY :;.. ~· FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY'S ' -··· ' MERRY · CHRISTMAS ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL CHRIS1MAS BONUS To all who purcb.ue their can for Ob.rWmu Pfteents -r· * Duk Term.a -With payment first due In February * ... t Payments as $4687 Deal Low as Aftywherel lad. Tax • UttlllMI tuy Mercsy for Far Less Than You Dreamed of at- Moat.II IOH NSO N &. SON Llllcole • Mercsy ·Continental Salft & Senlce 900 W. Coast Hlgllway -Newport leach -across from lay Club-Uberty 8·5545 Opell Ennt ... •uu l :IO p.m. It \\111 Pay You To ~ John.on I<~"" &-tore \"ou Buy That Xew Car -, ~If--it's Amlica's most smartly different gift ..• __.~~~~-11~~.!;J:s(IS~. - B.-e'1 a perfect opportunity to give "PowerStyle" Chrygler n010 ••. in time your family a truly diatinctive Christ-for pre-Christmas delivery ... anrl wait mM sift! Our 1pecial Christmas Pur-until Ftbrimrv to make your fir-.1 pay- ebMI Plan let.a you buy your new ment! Stop in and get full tf1·1:-d-t ¥fa11! TIE #EW !'PowerStyle" CHRYSLER · •••. also Many Fine Used Cars Th~t Will Make Wonderful Christmas Gifts for Membe" of Your Family -at ••••• I.OU REED &. ASSOCIATES lnlperlal • c...,..., · Plymotltll Sales & Service-International Trucks way I co.ur r '- NO DOWN PA-YMENT at Miller's Kar Korral Try That "Lucky 700" for larC)Clins Galor- •54 Mercury Monterey ···-······· .......... _. $1795 '53 Chev. 2 Door _ ...................................... S 965 R-H-Meroomatic Pwr. Brk. WSW Ti1'e8 R-H WSW Tires '54 Chevrolet Ste. We9 ................... S 1595 '54 Ford Custom Fordor ... _ .............. _ $1345 R·H 9,000 actual miles R-H 1 OD \\'SW Tltts '54 Plymouth Plaie Sta. We9 ....... $1495 '52 Ford V-8 Victoria ...... . ................. S 995 AU Plymouth acce880ries R-H Fordomatic '53 Ford V-8 Reh. Wag ................... _. $1595 '50 Pontiac Sedenette ........................... S 495 R-H OD WSW Tires R-H SWS Tlre8 '52 Buick Riviere '4-dr. Sed ............. S 795 R·H Dynaflow '50 Plymouth Surburben . ....... .. . ..... S 665 R-11 -Lug~e Rack on t.op '50 Olds .. 88 4-dr. Sed ......................... $ 595 R-H Hydramatlc % to cb«>08e from l • Trucks • '53 GMC 1 ton ................... _ .............. -..... S 995 Heat -Hydra Dr. '54 International i t. pi~kup ......... $1095 1 0,000 miles '47 Chem»let 2-ton Flat Reck .... . S 695 2 Speed Axle GOod Rubber Mecbaalcally Perfect! Many Many More to Choose from at- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. Uberty 8-2261 Oldsmobile Chevrolet MILLIR'I llAR llORRAL 700 W. Coast HICJhway Uberty 8-2258 Newport leach le A Give Her A Real Car of Her Santa Own at a This , Price that's Christmas "easy to take" 55 FORD 52 CHRYSLER 51 FORD Thunderbird WlodM)r Coa'\·. Victoria $2980 $995 $795 52 FORD 50 FORD 49 PLYMOUTH ' \'ictoria. OD 2 Dr. s.cs. 4 Dr. $1095 $395 $395 52 FORD 51 FORD 53 PONTIAC Cust~ 2 dr. 4 Dr., Fordo 2 Dr., Hydra $895 $695 $1095 THEODORE ROBINS "Yow Ford Dealer Since 1921" way on • • r . ··.