HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-12 - Newport Harbor News Press• • •. I .NEWPORT .NE-WS tllth YEAR -NUMBER 105 9 SAVED WHEN BOAT SINKS NEAR NEWPORT nve c:hlldren and four adults were. reportld .. ved when t. 3'-tt. cabin eNller amuhed lnto roclu I mlla 90Ulh ot lh• Newport Beach city llmLta durinJ a hn.vy ov11re .. t Saturday afternoon. The: adult1 brouf ht tha cblldrm. to •hore by holdLng them abov• their he1d1 and 11roped their W'l.Y l o the beach through a heavy 1urf, the Cout Guard report.eel. • I HARBOP PRESS PHONE HARBOR 1818 Jl'IVE CENTS EVYONNE WARNEKA WINS CONTEST The re1eued were all pauen· gen of the MU'llyn E, a Newport crullll!!r owned by Robert Vlaclch of Loi An1rele1. The rMt of lbe pu11r.ng11ra werfl' unlde:nUtl..i. Yegg Breaks into 4 . Ams and Takes No Valuables Mayor Dora Hill, center, look1 on in MTs. Hazel Owens Newport Harbor High School claaaroom in the Home Arts Building as · Evyonne Warneka of the high 1chool, left and Darlene· Kingsbury of Everett Rea School atart work on cherry pies ·in regional conteat. Mn. Hill was one of the judges who finally ruled Miaa War- neka'• cherry pie the beet of five entries Friday. -Staff Photo Vlaclch t.nd hla party were out for a weekend crulM wb1n tb11y ASSESSED VALUATION LOST ~. D9o. • -··-&I w~. o.c. f __ es "nlurede.r. Dae. I --II .......,., D9o.. --.. 11&.t.urdq, o.c. 10 -to 8\mdlt.7, 0.0. 11 --.. KG1Dda7, Dao. lJ -·····''° .. " .. .. .. .. .. C09ta MN& police are mystified. today by a buf'llar wbo broke into fO\lr bu.ineaa ealabliabmenta over the weekmd. a.nd took only a negligible amoupt of loot while tgnoq Lights, Melen .Take Beating From Motorists S!pal ll1ht1, parking mett1'11 and power pole• c1m• In for their •hare: of damarr:e f rom plunging &UtomobilN SuJday, but only ml· nor lnjuri111 wer• 1utfered by two pauengera r\dlnc In the car1. po· Ile• reported. One, Robert P ete.eh, 17. of La· l'Un• 81!:-.ch, WU take!!.I, 'bY.,apM· vat• tar to Hoag HOlipltW" a t l :&6 a. m. 8und1y when a c:ar driven by • friend, ·W11li1m J _ Gulht1e, , lt, of 115 Tt:lpu: Ave .. wenl out of control ud 1truck a pcwer pole on Bay1lde Ot1vt' naar Ui.. Harbor laland enlrll\ce. June Ray Hiil 26, of • 14 Bell- .ue: Lana. r1dlnc In a car driven by Jun• Miller, 2%, MU'lne from Sula Ana. wff1ired a cut on one of h<'lr loee when their automobile •t.ruek a t.rt.t!lc: Llland durinC" 11 h•vy tor at l :lrl a. m. and 91\eare:ct otf a .ipa.1 llgl'IL The a ccldmlt "Oeeurrad near Cout Bll'fnn.T Nld M•~t. AYI. 1Uch&rd Wayne wtnn. ao. ot .._. Dlt:CQ. wmt -athed when Ne ..-icla ...,,t ou.' of control -l'l.wpeft JDvd. JM&!' 18th 81.. at 1:30 a. • and ea.remed Into a pukiltc .._, lllMrtll& ll ott at tba....., CHARGE WIFE 'UNFIT' IN CUSTODY BATTLE An order lo 11how rause wa~ filed In Santa. :A.na Superior Court h11re Fridr<y by Arthur \\'eJlln111:t on LaShelle, owne r of Chn at111n'11 Hut. Newport Ul"ach, llK&ln11t hl1 e1tran11:ed wife, Can1Ule LAShr ll11. The ord('r ra.lla for Mril. L11 Shelle to appear tn Superla r Court nt'lll ~'rlday. boy lo 11c:hool If he I• awarded cualoc:'Y· Que1l1<1nt'd about La8h1'lle'11 1111· IM'rllon th11t he, t ... ·u tltt.-ct1ve1 11nd Ne~·part Be•ch police '"brok' lnto·· 1.tra. 1AShelle'11 homt Dee. J, Captain Harry Lac11. Ne.,.,-port B'l'11c:h P<1llce: Df'parlment, said this wa11 1ocor!"llct Lace reported LaSl'lellr. defendtnt and cr<1!11· t he s11.n ta An• Tlbb11 InveRtlg1- compl1.lnanl. c:h11rKe1 t.f r11 LI· tlv11 Sf'n.'ICf', hl"•fl~ by C. C. S ht'llf' -I • unrlt 10 h1tvr. l'U~tudy ot T i bbl\, ha.<.1 •1kt'd Newport Police a minor boy. He cl•ln1.t, ln an at• fttr a loan of lht'lr tl&!lh c•mtora fldiivlt t<l 1up11ort the ordl'r to 11nJ 1.ntln•ml'n, Lace 1111<1 the d"· •how cau.te. that on Der. 3 lie, pa.r1 1nen t rr.fu11ed co loan Lh11 c&m· two d<'l•ctlvt'11 and N t w P n r l era but that N'l'"'j)<ltt offifl'r• 8e1c:h pollc:e br<lkt into the Lii· 1tnod by oul.o1ide while LAS helle Shelle hom" Ill •~ Via \,l<\o Soud. 1tnnnun\·r1t hf' w111 10\nt; In 0111 where Mra. LaShelle ~nd • n1an house to flntl hill wlfe. ldentlfl<"d •l Rabtort \\', Smith • were: found tn bed. · I "A re ... · mon1,.nt1 J1trr 1 1'<"r,t'•m w1a h~a rd," Lar e c1uott"d h!1 •II!· The n1~r boy rep.ortedl.v \lo'U-l"'rtment.,otu:e r!pOf'\. H t &i:1<1M IW•ke In I.he ll<'ltl room ind kn'l'w the Nt'wpart aff•cPrl !hen left what waa 1olng on. LaShclle the l't:'fn" "'hrn L1t Sh,.t1e .,.Id Claim• the chUd w aa AO diaLurbed !her' would 1.>11 oo need for lhtlr Costa Mesi Schools to Set 1--------lb-ot dollan in valuable toola, <!nip and money. T lier Pn The IWlpect •~It all 1torfl1 at knocked over by the m~ D f. • D' • B d ra approldmately th• u.me tlm1, bUr1lar Who pried ott l~ Joell -e 1n1te 1strict 0111 ary n•ly •unday, U ""' U poUoe lho ,., ·~· ..... nNt ........ An exeeuuve wuton wu caned um1ta. Plans Slated ::' tc~~~ 1::. 11~•~cr;~~ :n:tr: .. '::~:~e;o:~~ '!: by coata M'-Union lkhool Dill• T"9 two ~ m.t lut. .t.u· JoM-. lOf Amethylt Av.:., who l.linlng S32 but lha money - trlct Bovd or Trwlteu art.er (\Jiit and made a smU1mm'1 •Id bi. 1aundrmnat, 718 W . llltlt not t&kan. Mt..ln1, howeTW, .,.. We dne1day nlcht'1 nrular ~ent tbtit Harbor Hlfhlandll for . Approval 8t., Co.ta M-. h&4 Men bn>ken about J3 In co1n1 rrom UI• eou-. monthly meeting to dUCUU di.· Mou.Id l'O lAlo tbli N-,on dW-Into by the burrlar. Noth.Ins wu ler cirb· Up box. hi! Ntd. trkt boundariel. t.J1ct. bU.t aQW U.. anu Ntwe. takn; he Mld. The thief lrnored uauo 8TOKE ENTU&D A rnNUng \1 eehedUled .-Ith Harbor Hlgl'll&n.dll ud tM lllP ..,.._ ,_ and ·--lao ln am.all bllh1 &l\d a quantity Fourth ¥1cllrn wa1 a drul' 1~ Newport Bea c h IClemmt.ary ICbool and to lllt BL want top -----ot 114\ c:en't plttt'll lylng In pla~n at l:ll W . lltth St., opefW.ted bJ' School D!.trict neitt monUI In an Into lha Nnrport dl.ttrlct. Bllfl. U-fl-~ .. ~ .... ~'': U.. """'"" TM bUrstar uaed • crow A.. L. Demiond, 20:t E. 1~h Bl. effort to llil't p..nntu1 tioundarieii Eventt ~ told Ula uu.i.... mualctpal ...... ., _..... up bar, ._. he did In the other rab-~11n1ond .,,,1<1 the •lore waa - betwei>n the two d11tric:Uo which PNt ltbttt. tn U.. liCllKxll. 419· for apf!'O't'&I ~~ •-::1 C: bet1u, to pry open • re1r window, lfred ~IWN"n 9:3:!1 p, m, Satur• will 11ay in effect regardln1 of l 'bound&r'IM, n.a ~ had di IM4ltJDe. f •• J ohNICn Mid. d"Y &.nd 8:0ll L m . Sunday. 'MM tuture 1nne:.;allon1 to ellller N4w-COit the Colt& Kua dl.ltnct muc.b ~ out pl&6 or a n .. UM OAJlAOE llURGLl:U buri:lar ... ·ent to the trouble ae; port ae~h or Co.ta M~ city ..-...:1 ..UU..Uon. ot .._. propertJ'. Contell F. 0 re4'n, •l , Santa t11kln11: V•nlll off Uie r"()()f bul eM ELKS 'TOYS FOR TOTS' WRAPPING PROGRAM DUE 1.5.00 _Gifts for Needy Qllchn Wiii Be Auembled for Distribution H.,. OUa. It.aw dua tor tlle ·coUncu Ana. t old police hU i.;1n.ge 1t tered by ripping a b<>.rd IOOM ...ion lQclu&I a pubUc h-.rtnc' JON Harbor 8 \vd. hid bten en· from th11 tttp of the bulldlnc ud db U.. prcipoMd ~ JUchlatl<a tared thl'OUlj'h • 11d11 window •nd l"llmblng throurr:h W> • 1toreroo& &.naall&tlon. U lnl~•t prot.lll a tray ot valuable mtthanlc1 10011 ~rnond 1111111 tll•nK c:al>lnet.I occur, thll eounc:\J probably wtll ~ bMn taken from t.he bull~1ng Wt're pried open and a m•llll ""11 U.a &1U1uaUon eltcUon for but th.lln wa11 •ban4oned outs.Ide. f h&nC"e bwi: w1.11 removt'd and I.ft aest J'lbN&ry', ct~ oMcla.la be-Th• tool• ar11 w or th 1100, Crttn on a drN top. A narcotic:• cabin« t14nr.. -•ld. ~'llJ\ aJIO Jimmied optn but &JlpU• Ia anothtt' "*" Ula councU II LaeU• Sctun•r, 62. of •lllS Flow· enl/y nothJnc wN tLklln. Thi ..,_ -..Cted to adjourn toNs'ht't .,. 81 .. Co1ta Me••. u1d his b11k · (}('Ct even left Sl,7:!1 Jy1n1 on Ult m..un, u, .10 •~m. tomorrow for 11ry a t jJ9 W. lillh St. ,.. .... •11'0 rounter top, °"lflll)nd ..,.1<1 M ortk:ial CUI-ol. U.. bailotl la i..t. Tu a • d a 1 '• chat'\e1' amer+=wt •laotloll. A~ -• th•l l&ler on l.n th' day h11 rod' llil'O'ICea. Q~raUOn 'Toye r'or Toti" "'1P .......... to Dtail )'f--- h.111 blcyc:le f"'m U do lilt In lhe 1--------------· lbt launel'l-.d frw Newport ....,._. i.m.c ~ el ari. ......... Balboa. Bay Club wh•r• LLShell11 tau ~ a•p . G9 l'r=• -......---... .-........ IMo ............ ,. u.m.s ...... . Mesa Post Office Building Pennlt for $30.302 Issued Ill u,,m,. Doshes. AnCJlfnCJ nt:i;l Wirdl!tallay .men • rvuP ·"' i.au 91. y" .... ..,.. -... The atflda vtl claims Mf"ll. LI· women volu.nte:ara meet In U.. tl:ill t "._ Mw ~.....,. .,._ Shel.It haa bffn ca rrying on a at MCllCltlan Say 1tU11 Club c.tr&I oi-.rtn• ~ "' ..._ "'"· a ..._ tN ,..... k>Ya atta.lr Wi th Smith for tome Newport Blvd. ud S-Oth St .. t.o l'l"l.m lt.arwd. ti 11·1 .. • - Um•. !lnd that lh<'l)' h••·e en11:•cf'd No Fish AR H~ twfin wfW.Pplnl aome 1600 to,.. of needy parUM • Ula Hartor In tnUm&tft relationa. La!:lhrlle .,... tor needy children ... well M .,.... lBo wUI .. U.. lll9Mftcl&ftM aak• ror redu('tlon In hll pay Mr and Mr•. C\irl Doah. Bill· IK'orea of Cbrlitm.u balket.a rcw or LOT• •nd ChriafftM ......, ment• to Mr a LaSh,.lle trom S~OO boa 1 ~111nd, have bttn 11prn<llnJ Tieedy H•T bor arr& faml!Ju. ~un' D'POILT like Tap, 101 Ll111111 le1•y Tk1n•1y 011 .................... llllt. 0.... X-hav. lllt111 out a "'6Udlaa' p.rmCt for a new PO•l flf- nC9 tor c.o.t.a M-to coet in 11:i;· c-ol h0.:t02. Th• Dnt'·1tory C(lf\c'Hla block atructu.-. wtll b9 ~llf'd al 1&83 ,..... ... ,_c..I _,.,...., - oi.r. ..iu " ~i. ,_., ,_ lrurpactor, po•trrl.Utw, J • n I to r, 1w1n11 room. •tnr&«·"· and rHlt room.11. T h ,. IMd1n1 JlL•ttom 1crtW11 l h11 btlr.k of the bu1Jdlnl Wl)I bt: 10 II ~ fttl. to S2M>. H r •lioo a•ks that he be llOm'I' lime al MIL&&Uan, "''here Thll EOu )lava be1J1 work.In& Other Mf'YICll elubll ._ the -...nor:::;; :m::.~ ,._:;:::~ awarded full CU8tody of the child, lhl!')' planned In 1\0 11C1me fl~hini. \lie pail t.hrff w1i11kll wltb mun.· Elli• ci..rtn1 1'ouaa taelUUes. trom Oranp County Who ha.I L&Shelle ronlenda Sl 7:!o of t h• Doah. • re•I ""111" brokrr ani;I ber1 ot the Nt'~·port nre depart· Newman aplalnad, ao lhtn will complatad lb• recant two-Wffk 5600 aw1rtl~ Mr•. La8hr11f! by l'Oll!mander 01 B • 1 b <> • r o"'·r r l rnrnt and ot111er Yolunteen on the N n.:. dupllca.uoa of cb&r1tJ' cl•· t~ ~ ln &Gti·Nbrn•· Superior Court wu to pay for Ui11 Squadron. wrote 1 friend: repair ol ~ IOY• for lbelr annual lnJ idfonL Jtlcycla tap and do6 Uconl-Oran•• Aw. 1111d w111 1n"lutl, olf· tor ltM W\b be t.'l'&llabl• at the: 11tr1Ht p11rkln11 f<)r nine 1na.tl N~ 8taeh Polla! Depart· t ruek• u d ~ !)09t&I C:\UftOmf'rl. rnant, atartlnl" Thunday. In lhf' put. do( llC9t!M f-ha•e bl!-()OSSTRCtrnos !';TART ()orne: ctu• and payable by on!I· Actual c:uratrucuon work by t~:\"T l:!\"TaASl'I: Front entrance of th11 1tru~tura wiu hr on th• 111n •ldf! with 1up .,.1od•"""• ano'.I <1rl'!an1 .. ntal planUn&' iJIVin11 a tnm modf'rn •PPll•~ to lht' att'l1l'tUrf', rt.. ....n"a.n at tbe N•V&l .A.tr boy"• tuition el a m!Ul1ry 1ehool. .. \V ind and .itny watt'r nQ fl•h i.:•v~a"'''Y propam for k\ddl11. Namaa an obl&ln9d from •P· tlt&Uoa. aaa J>teeo. He 11 a mt'm· He a.aert1 ltlt boy haa been l•k· ca1.11ht u n 1 11 t01norro"' ·· The i .A bout 1000 olht'r toyt w\ll ha.'ff prond w • l ta f • orr•1utioa.I, --->-~<-Loa •lam!.&• .A.AU·U:. ea._out ut Uto....ac.h.osl!I. W !Sb.t!I _co_upk..espccll to_r eiurn 1° . ..lheU-b144-donat.911-Mtol'• Olll..pttrioua.llal.a at~ f.Ull,. ..rtn. ~ Va..172. Mid he 11 wUHn1 to r'turn Ul11 11l1nd homt' thui .,..~tlk lt h1t l'!efll no repair. Ille .. '"'111 m-beorll u..n..i.... nanc:e, a t tha ft.cal year • J un11 contractor W. R . oro .. :han of IAR so. Ai of January 1 they w\11 be Angdee l• ••fM"!'tld lo l:'l und'l'r· co'll~edlm a et.1m!tar year-ft--way ne.u.._wt'ek. •Cf'ur•llnK In a 11•. U~ftl'I tees tor dop •rt 1% •poltt'Rmlfh of J,.f(f'r-.:.>n----Pr.-11l"f• '°" m..._ anr -i>&Yed fernal• and ll'I'•. An e•l1tln1 huiltllnK on tht' Th" root will ti. ,l;1rdf'r-1upport• I'll w11 h 1n arnu1<tlc:at Ule - ~----u.. •. n.. -rf'et<o MM rJ.,.,,. '"''II tMI ('O V"re:d with l't'rwmlo Ult A""' Santa a.~E:. h~~:~nce~t~~f.u TO d.:.~ o~~L~an~!S:~;the daahinr r.m- tut w~. thia time ready to de8Ct:nd the chimney. deer which gallop acroM the roof. Pictures ahow W. coU-CU-at ri&:bt ia 1UU 1>usy drivinc the aleigb cont.rut of day and Jll&:bL vien. -St.al! Pbot.oe . . who h8.t or nHdJ ca-. and from c:IUMne of lbe c:onun\Ullty who lt'lephona hlm, Mo •Id. 13 tot unapaytcl femalu. ptopl'rty wlJI be nollU'lV~ Th11 permit <'"II" fOf' the btn\11· .A r('hltrc:t of th~ atnKlur• It 0 . The «ntral cl...nn1 ltatkift thl1 y11.r I• Ill a ,,;iom of a •r· 'ric:e 1llll l0n ru11 b1 f"red ~I. •n ltllU Club mem.,_., PowaU f ltazed out th• room, nruW"IJ uaed for dirplay of auto •~ rlu. a.nlf IUl'Tled It over to th11 TO')'• FOT ToU p~. W ornen of tha Klwanl1 va •· p«led to tonn tM lludt!\11. of • rtafr or ~O to &O wom'n who '111U (0-a....t • ._.a, rwt DI F or tl'll oon_.,nce of YOWll · 1trr1 wtioa. pal11nll do not .Uh them traYelln1 aJJ ovt:r town on their btkea. off\eerl frorn the: po- llca 6tp&rtmmt •Ill apln 11111 blk• t .. , at ~ ••riou1 local tchooll. -.rtini JM. 14, at C:O. rcn.a. dt":I M•r lk:hool; then Ju 21, •t th• •'Mor.<:• D'.lalrn Srhool and ftnally al the N-port Gram- mar khool Oil Jan. 2'. Tt'M for bl•• tap •" 00 <"eni.. Bandit Accosts Mrs. Scott. Flees without Anding Cash Mra. Wlwam aoott. wlf1 of tM proprietor of lM Park AYa. c.t•, Bal~ la1a.nd. ....... th• '1'1ctlm -.rl7 lb.la momln.C of u att9mpl· ac1 ... wt by a ~ Who ae· costed her an4 t0rced brar roup.17 to th1 pl.YemtflL 'I1HI ......ii.nt ran when ht found lh1 •M CUT)'· lng no largt1 amount of cuh. •ht !old pol.le•. Shi had no pulM w\tb her. She 11.\d 1ha \ock..i up lhl bi&r about 2·111 Lm. and_... appm&rh· lac Mr car pa.r\ad oa • 11mca atAUon ldl neaz her place of bu-1· -when Uta mu nddanly ap· pear.rt from behind a •latlon pump and •rabbed her. She 1uf. fered minor pavement butn.1 •htTI .tla hJI tht lf'Ounll, l ht M id. 'nl• man "" and aht t ot tri her ar Md dro•e home. 8 h• bell•V• Iha WM followed but no a ttempt wu mllde to rorc. her c:ar to t.he aida of U\1 roa.d. lh• told pollc• She •Id 1h1 bt:tleved 1tron«-•rm robbery wu the motive. Mn. Mary Griffin Dies: Was Declaration Signer Grandchild F\JneraJ IM'niCH tor Mn. l4&ry A. Gr1 tfl n, 93, Qf 42i "'••tmln· Ill.fl" AVt , COi\& Meaa, .,.er. Mid li'r1da y in P•rkr• • R.fdley Mort1.1- ~------------Only .__ II Shoppl119 Days 'HI Chrl1l11N11 ary Ch•peL with the Rtv. J11me• S. St-•rt. pallor of l!lt. Andrew'• Pre•\iyltMan Churc:h, off1r111\lnlf. Mr•. Orlfhn dlad W l'dne1<<11y 1n Or11.n1• County O.ner1I Ho1<pH.al af111r a.n n:tt"ndlld' Ulnt"u . llh<o. w•• • naHve of .V.'heellnc. Weit Va. and c:am"' to lhll ,,ta.le m1ny J'tln. ago S ht' waa a retired 11chool lt'&Ch~r . Her it:rand· fl.ll\•r, Jam8 \\'ii.an. w•11 one 1•t ll'I• 1iper• of tha Dfl:lar1 t1on of lndependenr t":. She waa the l•IP Pre111d•nl W o odrow "''1"°"'" "Aunt Mary". 8urvtv0f'• at·• a -· Chi.r1• S. G riffin of Yucal· pa ; • d•uchter. Mr1. 8emlr11 Sn- ti<er tt! Amarillo, Te••~. • d!lu11h· er, Beth Sharp of San Blltnar- dlno; tour ,,..nd&N1ht"11 an I\ two gnat • 1Tandton1. on11 rre•t· 11reat-1nindchlld. Tntermcnt •·u In Yllutm1n1ter 11•••••••••••.lliMmonu Par• -C.in•teq. Ln11 to bt: rrct &nftllar with 1Un1f'n· C J\l1•Al11l,.r, 1 l1W.> of ,,,,. A111"tl•1. 11()n1 of (j '"'"'· four lnr h .. ~ a lttf\R ~~:~1111 Av~ and 110 lrrt ''" 1t1 .. 1 Perfume Stollll SillCt' thr t;,h .. ~I Int Lii "" In· " b<'l!I 1.. (•f P"rlUml' wort.Jl aide lot, a 30·11 •WI/Ir <lrl\'""'•)' will lead ln t h11 pa1 kll\): •P••,. in 1 •l.M>••t J Z! w11 IAkf'n by • •bop. lh,. rt"11r. Th<!' h•Oitt'JI tJ•u 1 .. 1 ... 1on l1rt"r rrvrn th .. 'ht'lve1 of llh&O- ot I.ht' pro~t)' 1~ ,lno ,,.,., 111 .. nj; •'<of'k" Jnr. !1 112 \1" IJd".1. ll .... one 1ldt' t.ruJ •bout 103 ff"'•t t<'to"'~ tf'llU• t"•t by Mr' f':l,.1nor11 "olk, the b•ck , "· vf 'l~2 H,.li.,\ro~ .A vt., In 1ddlUon lo larct mo>n1• lor 'J'u,.rod!I · •rtl"~•'IJn CHIEF McKENZIE CONSOLES CRANE Coeta 1t.fcs11. Pf'!hce Ch lC'r Art 1.lcKE'nzle ha8 dutlet wh ich \"ar y from nabbing criminaht to making 1peechet1 on 9<!hool safety.. Here hi.:! minla:tet'll to 1. sick cra ne. Tony H, l.anK'n or l.527 New port Blvd. br1>ught lh<' crane' to thr ,.fesa police Atation after It floJ>ved dowo 111 front of h11 car 1-~riday.-Stafr Photo I Guardian Council Is Installed by Job's Daughters GM Bethel ' Preludiac by a week the Saturday ln.atallation ol Job's calt.. H"9d wttA cotfee and Dt.ugh~rs. Cost& Meaa Bethel, in which Carol Crain waa r::!. at beauttruny appointed 1e&ted u honored queen, wu the ineta1J4tion ot the guardian llOftlJtU CLUB council for the coming term. A.MounC4ment wu made of the Dol'UI& Hamilton officiated at with many lovely sttt.a opened. Chrtlllmu m"tlnf of th• Bethel UI• rite, tut for her term of The refreshment hour waa allO ){othera' CluD to be held Wfld· otnce. ll\lltalllnir officer• Rex Al· dedicated to her with decorated ne8day, 7:3o p. m. at the home bricht. marllhu; II. J. Moore, -------------------------- JUlde and Klqery Whlteaeck, chaplain, --~ the followtnr: ON OOUNCIL MUSIC AND. SONG Yule Progrruns . . at Local Schools Mra. Dean lml~. ru&rdlan! Lff Barn ... ...oc1at.e fU&"dlaD; Mra. }Vlllla llanl"tr, ru&rocliaA eecret.ary; Mra. Robert I'. Speth, ru&rdlan treuurer; Mn. Jaclt Harrla. pro· mot.er of 110ClablUty; Mra. Ralph Herr, cuatodtan of paraphernalia; Mn. John McGann, promoter' of bo9J>ltlt11ty; Mra. Cb&rlea Ary Jr.. Newpdrt Beach Elementary School student.a will be off director of epocha: and Myron th Wat.on, promotn of fraternal re· for Christmas vacation next Saturday and thiJI week e 1.auona. !Chool calendar ii dotted with Christmas programs, all in I or Mfl. c. C . JaN1bt. S-08 Z!lrt1 J hi' rt l'l'llll' I 11ri.I ttl,.,,. will bt • IL. C.O.l& Ma&. aecret Pala wlll 1 ~;ill ex.:.1·.an);c. I . '~ ·fSf -\~~~~ . _,..._..{,... '<~{~ .. ~- STARTS WED. orllt woMM lftY"'lttl .leaane Crain "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes'' Alan Young Seott .Brady ClnemaSoope Techaloolor • Rudy Vallee * Tote Bags * Knitting Ba91 * Crochet Bag Kiti * Hand-Knit We@.r Give a Certificate for Knit Dreaa of her own sete-ction We Cl\·e S&H Green Stampe blanche's Yarn Shop 308 ~~ Marine Ave. Balboa Island Durlnc UI• ctoetnc ceremony coo..,_,,..tion with the varioua,..Parent·Teacher Aleociatione. reUrlnc Queen Donna wu pr. r--=;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~=~;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;::;;;;;==:;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .. t.ed with a boUquet of plnk and Horace Enal.sn echooJ program Newport achool progT&m Is a.I· • ---- wJUt• camaUona, att.erward wu be~• at '7:SO P· m. Wednesday 10 on Wfdneaday, at 9:1~ a. m. bonored with a pe~ 1hower In the umnuium and will be un· and Harbor View'• I• at 11 a. m. der direction of Davtd OIJK>n. vo· Thuriiday. A t Corona del Mar Hewitt Daughter Mr. and Mn. Fred !l Hewitt. S•oa Vla Oporto, a:e pa,.nll of baby daucht.-r, bom Dec. S In Sant.a An& community Hoapttal, Miu Heidi Hewitt Welfhed • Iba. 12 oa at birth and i. nret ehlld for the couple. Mr.. Hewitt 11 a lawyer and h • r hueb&nd la a bulldtnr contractor. cal mualc lnatructor at the llChool, school It will be on J.l'rlday at and Lewla Kidder, dl1lr1ct lnatru· 9 a. m. mentu mualc lnat ructor. They will be ulllated by ottier at.aft mem· Mlaa Clara Ellen Spelman, mu- bera. sic ln atruc tor for the low- ParUclpaUnr will be the aev- enth crade (trla and boy• glee cluba. the eighth lftd• Harmon- Mra, the etpth (r&d• Senior Or· chaatra, a triple trio and the •lfhth srad• speech c1MHI. er (T&dea, la In charge anll wlll be aided by room mo!.heni. In t ach program there will be com- munity alnglug ln which the audience will participate in the loved Cbrletm-on,... Harbor Matron Crowned at Pretty Stork Showe~r the board and he tell It would be an opportunity tor 110me of them to aerve the achoola In an Intelli- gent and Important way. There wlU be five or Mven membeu, the number to be decided !>y a commlNlon tlilil 1prtnc. Mra. ICmW Dawn ot Ill M.odana by a hup atork and filled wlUI Mr. Wllllam1. tlnancla.1 ..Cre- Ave.i entert&lned tut w"k with (tfta, wa.e placed at the 'QuMn'• ta.ry, reported there are now 380 a bMutJfW.ly a pp o Int• d 1tork throne.' Mra. Daum ~ prHenled membe.ra In thla aecUon. one of lbower bonorlnc Mn. KelUI I\. the two ".,..ndmothera • to • be" the lar1'9r rroupe of the 1tate. Brown. wtth attncUve (Uta. Mra. Ela Ertckaon, a11lal.t.llt Amid the holiday atmo..,here The buffet table WU lldom8d aecret.ary of the C.T.A. and It• of ply burnln&' Yule lop and with flowen and appointment.a welfare chairman, reported there py deeoraUona. ru .. t.a llJ)eDt carried out the theme. are now 36.000 memben In C.T . .A. lively evenlnc of tun and pm.. ~eat.a bidden to th• affair the eouthern Mellon havlnr more ln the tradlUonal '1lA>rk' manner _,..: :tlme1. Sidney Brown and than half the membera of the with prtua betnc awarded to Gary I:ehman, Manhattan Be&ch: elate. She memUoned the fact Mmu ; Frank M&cWN. Oeo1'S9 from Loq s.ach. Mme1. Wllllam that retired teacher• may retain M.aronde and Peter Mon1howu. .A.ndereon. Jack Bndsea. GeorJ• their memberahlp by payment of The hJghllght of the n•lllc GrMn Jr., Harry Jordan, Georre a amu1 fee and Invited all to at· wu a coronation ceremony hon· Maronde, IC. E . Wannberg. Robert tend the open house at the Pua· ~~f/~G# The Gift Toal Gi\·cs A L ifetim e of Happiness ! If it's from Thompson's You can be Sure it's Right ~ IF ...• you d on 't kno w all about Diamonds or Watch es it Pays to Know Your J eweler ! Thompson's GEM BOX 1836~~ Newport Bh'd. ••• fo'..-tlte happiest , Christmas I SPORTS CAR FANS in numbers attended the recent racee at Palm Sprinp. Among them w ere the J o hn Porter family, here beaming at hi.I finishing eecond over a ll. Mrs. P o rter, Susie, Larry and J o hn, (I to r ) stopped a.a usual at L'Hori· zon H otel (owned by Jack Wrather and Bonita Granville). Among the many watching t he performance of Po rter's Spyder P orsche were the R obert E. Salia- burys. J ohn Broughtons , the H enry De Oliveras, who raced their Triumph T R 2, the Harvey Mayers who raced t heir Ferrari. Mra. Walter Holbrook, the William Gettles and Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Ellsworth. -Terry Boria Photo Mission Guild Meets Tuesday ortng Mn. Brown, wtth lM b09-P•t-_ and It. L. Sleeth: dena Home on Dec. 18, from 2 to t-ofne'atln•· A. ---... wu. Ml.a Ba11)< CooMr. Mmee: H. p.. m . ~~~~·~0~~~~~~0~•~~;~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t--H cruated with three Jewel• (denot· Gatea, .Arthur Hall. Raymond P lnc U\rff chUdren) wu plaoed on H•ln. Earl Lew\9, l'r&llk M~1re. the honor .. '• l!aad.. With the Howard Rlchard9. Donald Tolmla, crownli11 ceremony a bei.ii'OlW.ly ar:ICS x r.:·-pmy Konwhoww. mcth- decorat.ect baby'• ear bed, meed ar of the honorea, all of th1I city. Co9ta Mesa Uberty S-1813 Th,. 11111111hly Altur r.111td Mrt'l· lni: ,,r tile Co11l.a Mt"• F.f'l&copal M11••1on will be ht ld Tup~rlay at tt.11 h uO\r hf ~11 .. 11-'nrr Seelty. 2!1'1 M• ~-lJllV" M" ~.-elf')' In· v1lf'• I'll thnv 1111..r~ _,,.d to •t· l •rul. f•uit1,..>ll1a l h1wr1 • Mr• ne<etd· H for th• Ctirl•t.m .. d.coraU-• NEWPORT HARBOR and ll/lyone w111hln1' to donat• -------------------------- tlle"! m •y t'On~Cl hH a t LI. PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PREsS 8-6).0. National President and Superintendent Address O.C.R.T.A. Anniversary Film Jn honnr of lht>lr 21\lh Wl'•ttllnfoT a nn1vr111A ry th,. <1nrtlnn Martin• will lla vtt " tihn martf' nf 11 d•Y 1pt.nt 1t thtt Hott'I lA«i'u.n• h:V ar· tor Don G>trc'.lner !)(In f\IAnA on m11k1na th,.01 A gift <>f lhl ~ unlqur pruf'nt. Bushmans Have Son Mr An•I Mr~ IA>o B11~hm1.1n. 473 F. 18th l'll r oat" M'"~ll. arr tile p11ro n! .o ttf a IY•y baby born Dt.r II In H t1ft C Hr•.•pltl\I Sew Your Christmas Early! • JUST ARRIVED Skinner ·Satins aad Hand Washable Taffetas • 8TOILZ BOL-.S Ulltll Christmas 9 ...... to 9 p.m. FABRICS 1779-A Newport Ave. Costa Mesa • • MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 CATHOLIC WOMEN TOTAL WELFARE WORK RESULTS :Mra. Elmer Polr1er of Our L&Jty ot M t. Carmel wet.fare «roup. aaeleted by Mrw. .Fem&n, chal.rm&n. and a et.aft of m11ny women of I.he pariah, hu Mell MWlns and collec:tln&' clolll1n£ !or the nudy at. .b.ome _a.nd ahalA.d, wil.b.. ~ re11ulu to thow for t.flelr etfortJI: Dr. Ethel Percy And.rua, president of the National A•· IOciation of Retired Teacben, a.nd Linton Simmona, Orange County superintendent of schools, broucht in.f orm.ation of in~reat to all tucben when the oounty ~Ured Teacben Auociation met Wedneed&y at Santa Ana Commun.ity Club- t:tght hundrf'd pound• of UHd clot.hin&' were collec:ted 11nd dl•lrlbut .. d ; 400 lbll. wt're aenl lo Korea &nd VleLna.m; •OO lh11. to ml••lonary prlu t11 in Arizona. lo be di.tr11>uted amontr lhl' Na\•ftJo Indla.n•; JOO lbe. of clolhlnf and toy• were col· ll'<'t lMi tor Or11nge County <'hlldren; 100 baby ltemt were made an I •"nt to lht' Navajo Indiana and overweu; 0 palra ot 11hol'll wfr,. 11ent to K11rl!R 1.nd arrangt'menta have been made lf'l send many more to rhlldrf'n In Europe and the Orient; :m nt'w •pron• wt re 1111nt to the too<I dl•trlbutlon cmtera over· ~,..,. 11ncl 11c-oru or mf'n'1 111lll were eent to a rehabilitation r~nln In Callrom la. TWO NIGHTS To Show Famous Scenes at Newport Methodist hou.e. __ _ _ b r . A.ndrua W'U llltrodueed 1 th• pruldm t, Mr a. Vanc.ua R.al.ne7. 8lle ~ke about Gn7 Oablu . naUonal bome fCJr tea.ch· ere located In Oja.I. OranJ• Coun- ty aroup eent the firat ctft to the home. ahe aald, eo could c:onlider lhelnHIVH .. ",odpe.nnll". Reprdlnr the tMurane• plan fol' retired teacherw which wU1 co Into effect about March 1, 1904. Dr Andrua pn lb• foUow\nJ point.I: IN8t..'JlANCS Jt 111 non·canc:ellable, no phy91· cal Vtaminallon la requJr9d If &e· ceptf'd whf!n tlrat ottered. It COY· en all phyalcaJ condltJoN, even thOM ln nlet.,,ce prlOI' to March t. An olflce la to be opened In Waahlngton. D. C. with. Mra. Gn.ce B. Hatfield In cba.l'I•· Mr& Hattkld hU bffn a MCTel&rT'at Gray Oablu until r~vitly ao &M L iving Picture•. comblnlnf mu· 1 ot the chun:h, w11J lmpeuonate know• the problem• of the ~Urad itl(' 11nd drama will be pruented Cbrlat ble11!ng the c:hlldr11n In h•oc:llera. n.-.-. 18 and 19 at C'h rlat C'hurc-JI anolher llvtng picture. Jn the n. Thi• Wuhlngton otnce w1ll be By the Sea. NeW'J)Ort. The charac:· na le C'hrlat apu.ka to the people, trr• Lnclude Mary at1d Joaeph. teaching lhe1n th• Lord'a Praytr nnanced by the lnau~c• com· the Babe. fa rtetlh-•nd·blood M · Md the pttrple respond by atnr· rany but Mr•. Batfield and lier •taff wtll procua all claim.I thia byl the Wlf'e Mf!n. the shrpherda lnf,T lhla f,Tl'f'&tly loved eong by lnaurln( fair tr .. tment to the 11nrt the Angele ,_hdlotte with cherub, JunloT, hJfb clllmml.JI. Dr. Andna urged all M r~ Jelln Kimble wtll play the schnol and adult cholre of the memberw who are lnteruted to f>l\rl of Anna In the temple 1cene <"hurch partlrlpaU"41'. Mra. Betty and \\'Hdan Thomu w1ll portray Hal'en Is the planlat and Mra. H.nd a po1tA.1 card, not a lettu I S imeon. 1ing1ns 8 Jt'W1Ah chant Om•r J aroba the organl.t. to Oray Oeblea, (1vtn1 name -d when he recelve11 the baby J~ The technlrla.na who are malt-addrua. In the temple preuntatlon. lni lhla production poeelble an: OOPl' Or PLAN The beautiful Hofmann paint-Wtlllam McDona.ld, light.a: Alden A. JltUe later a copy of the plan tn f,T will be duplicated with M•u· Ooe1berg. JAmH Taylor and Ar· will be aent lo ul who have •l.r- r1r.-Surp. Rn111 Qwl!n, Jack Jonu lhur Rl!mlPy, lt&(1ng; Mra. Ethel nlfled their lnlere11t and they In Ralph W11tl!On J.nd Eugl!M Ma· Lowden, propertll!a; Mn. Walter tum will be uked lA> retum a honey enacttnit the Judtru a.nd I Bhven a nd Mn . Wayne Carol, ar-portion to the Wuhl•g'ton office. , Charle• Remley u the younr boy I ll11tlc director•. C~umet1 are be· The compa.ny Involved la a.n old. Je11W1. tnir made by womm of lh• c:burctl r.Uabl# c:ompany and la one t.h• The Rev Roy Carlton. mtnl1ter circle11. teaehera of C'tllesro and N- I ~;::;;~::::::::=::~~~~~~~~~======::::;.- THll BIO ERCURY has 28 new styling innovations for '56 ,. .... s .. it .•. drive it ..• at Your Mercury Dealer JohlllOll & Son -U.Ca .. Merwmy 900 W. CoHt Highway -Newport S.ech -Uberty 1-5545 ~LJU&ml>«. yean and fou11d aatlafac:tory. Dr. Andrua Ulen •poke of how fortunate th• at.ate I• to haw le(t•laton wtlh a \'Ulon of tuture neecta. Sh• Mid ll been found In eom1 atatu where taachen' pen· •Iona ban not been ,.,.u plallned. Soctal Secu.rtty offan more rr-. d-Om than old are ••lata.nc:e. tha other alternaUn. Unton Slmmont, ln hi• wel· come to the poup, told about an important change In achoo! law. He Mld In preVloua )'e&ra the counQ' bo&rd of educaUon b&I been appointed and bu eoulated of four tdcben and one la.7 per-- eon. Under the new la• pUMd at I.be tut .... ion of th• lectutun, the board ta to be elec:t.d and mut couUt of all lay 11\embera. no acU\'9 teacher or member of a 9Cllool bo&rd belnr eliftble. Thill boa.rd hu Ila lmporta.nt tuncUon1, M.ftle_l7: to plan the CO\ll'M of .t.ud7 for elemet1t.ary llChoola not In a dly .,..c..m. It ma1 •lect •uppt.nentary toll to be uaed tn wdl dllltrtcta. bu ch&rce of the aehool wpply ll•t. approvea achoo! board appointment.a w h er• • tHcher r•lrna, pa-on county ac:bool budpta. and ha.a power to dfei4-on lo9M to achoo! dlatrJct.a. llJmmclll.a Mid t h rt t rell...d teaclleH are ell(1ble to run fOT ~NGE COUNTY HOMEMAKERS' Favorite Helper For 37 Years Now • • . 2 Convenient Locations In Newport Beach • B11ck in HHS. durin~ th<' rra. of th" washboard and laundry boilC'r, Sa111· tary was <>titabbi.hed. Thro ug h t.h<' yeans we ha\'c m:iint.iinril an u.n.brokrn -f'euoFd-~-frk-nrl-ly,-hPlpfu( ai;:.S.t.a.n~ to th<' homema kt-r rn 1 he rrulm or dry cleaning and launckr111g . New tech niques a nd equ ipment have been installed !or the benefit of our custom ers as 11oon as pro\'rn. Their acceptan ce o f thes~ new mcthodA has been rrflected in t he growth of S a ni· tary. Our complete service -launtlry. dry cle&nlng. moth proofing, and fu r cleaning and storage -1s availab le t1J a ll ot Orange County and Eut Loa A ngeles County. We have now opened ou r aecond plant to better serve yo u, t he residents o f the Harbor A rea. ... Drive la and Visit Us-Today 1100 W. Coast HkJhway -Across from the Balboa lay Club (Formerly C... Pura Laanderent ud Dry Cleanen) lalboa Island Store %18 MartDe Ave. * MAIN OFnCE !601 So. Mala St.. Suata Ana PERHAPS THE YEU.OW PAGES CAN HELP ME LEARN THE STEP No Mark Laundry ~"toe FOR DANCING ACADEMIES IT PAYS TO LOOK IN THE "CLASSIFIED" PART OF )OUR TELEPHONE BOOK ( J • ·1 A CHRISTMAS CAROUSEL wbicb centered the table in St. James parish hall Wedneaday wu deaip· ed by Mn. Harvey Somera, (center) and wu pur- Soropti~ist to Aid Girls Club Will Help With Funds for New Club Building _A. ~gation f~m the Newport Harbor Soroptimilt Club attended a specially called board meeting of the Girl•' Club of the Harbor .Area to diacuu future Soroptimi1t acti· vitie1 benefiUog the Girls' Club. Their project tor the year, the M'rvke club ~bu• lnlo.rm· memlMn atttndlnJ the meeun1 ,.11 lhf bou'1. WllA I h«-Girl':. Club Fa rel WaJker, Harvey Mayer. Ar· 11n•I all mon1e11 denvc'd from t heir thur Fllzmorr1a and Ruby Mlaako. planned ectw1tlu art to go to •ccompanylnc them wa1 Mn. the club'• bulldlnf fund R-Oa&lle Warr of ll'l• t.acvna /ltASV AC'TfVfTIE8 S-Ch lloroptlml.t club, who re- F'ollo'-111( a lour ot the club· cenlly orf'&Jll..cl the local cbap- h <•UA Al 19US'11 Harbor Blvd , tbe ter. Rerreah.menta we.re eerYtd ~nropllml11l member. upre-2 with Mre. Edward IAwta. Mr1. arnazl'menl at lhe acope ot •<'U· £.art P iper and Mra. Brue• Mar- \'ll 1"1 and accompllahmenll of the lln u boat-•. c-tub In their pru~nt cr&mped YUUt PA.JlTY q11"rter1. A£Tffln1 on lhe nttd Followt.n1 the mMllnr wllh the fnr a larce. well eqwp~ dub-vbltora th• Olrll' Club board di. h•)Ulle for .the strll of the cou t cuUC!d pl&n.1 tor the Chr11tmaa • 1 r 11, the vtlltoni emph&Jllz~ plan party for the sirle on Tllurlda)', 1 '"~ fnr a c:enlral loc:auon tor De:. 2l. at the elubhou.e and wp· lhr ('lub, •lmllu to that of the pllu tor the Mwtn1 and c:bacrm R"ys' Club. to urve th• r lrla of rooma. The nut board meeUn• th,. whole harbor area. w!D be held at Ute home ot Mn. ~ewport Harbor 8oropUml1l ArUe Swarta on Jan. lt. St. James School Dinner Served by Mission Guild St Marga.rel'" Gulld of the Coe· ta Men Epl•MJ>AI M\Ulon 1erved a C111h dinner to 1 bQut 6:\ men and women al & merllng of lhe acbool b<>arrl a nd vulry membrra ot St. Jam«'ll l1"Y ~chonl In Sl. JllJTil'll P art•h Hall In onl,.r ln further 1ugm,.nl thl' m1,.s 1on " b1111tllng fund S~akl'r 111 t ht' me,,ltn.r wa.1 lhl' JVv. \\'1ll11tm S Chalmers hr11.d mA•ter of H1n·ard School 11 nrl hrad of the n'"'"""' n 0.-pa rt· m,.nt of Day School11 Coy, lay rf'adf'r. aal.9Un1 Mont• Ing worship an11 Sunday School claaio"" Uf' hf'ld at 11:30 a. m. eac-h Sunday. ~IONIOHT MAM Thf' Sunday School IJI plannln.r a Ghrs1tma11 party for Dec. 11 and a Chrlltmu Evt MJdnlJhl Com· munlon Service la planned tor 11 p. m ~ 24 1 l lhe Boy• Club. Th<>M 1nterelrt ed In ~Ins bllp- tlJ1e<l nr ront1rm~ al Ute Ml•lon ahould cnntarl Mr Or1-r at Ha. 0311R or John DonneUy. w1r· den. at u . 1-eau. cbued by Mn. Yvonne Benton fright) in a "Siamese auction." At left ii Mrs. Harold Beck, de<:orationa chairman for the tea. -Staff Photo CHRISTMAS PARTY PLANS OF MU EPSILON CHAPTER Plana were formed for the annual Chnalmu party of Mu Epiillon Chapter or Beta Slpa Phi at a meeling We.inn · day ntctit at the home or Ml.u Martha Oehlerluni. 920 Clay St. with Mn. Ruth Lewi• 11ervln1r u co-hoaleu The chapter voted to br1n~ can. ot food and tor-tor a needy locaJ ;amity. The party will be Dec. 17 at lhe home or Mr1. Jamu B Tay· Jor, nt Drtttwood Road, at 8 p.m. The eoclal committee. hud· eel by Mn. Olen Walmull, wm provtde ttfreahmentll and en· tert.alnment. Mn. Jack 8 . Qul.aenberry, preatdent. appointed Mr11. John N•1u aa the new h:>tle&I and wcret 1t.ter chairman for the remalllder of the yau. The chapter voled to eend a contrlbu· lion to the City of Hope In Duarte. The pro~m fe&tured a round table ctt.cuulon on "Envlronm«-nl, Health. Work, ll'nd Pla,y" and "'" l«'d by Mlaa Oehl«-rklng. Calendar of Events Dee. .. EBICLL book .. e 3 -12 ;80 p. m 2 .. 1 Manno Drtve. LAS AKIOAS party -I p m. tol WHt Oaaan J!'ront. Ow ... JtBltLL book 11«. 2 p. m. c:lubhou1e ST. JAMl:S Aulllllary p. m. pan.ti hall. DELL PROOR&880R Ocun BIY'd 12 30 3108 WANIKI tea -!·~ p. m. 1030 Tualln Ave. J OB'S DR.8. Mot.hera -7·30 p. m. JOI 23rd SL Coet.a M- 0..C. 16 HARBOR VIEW P ·TA-11 a. m. pro~am. mBELL habetwHnH• -lunch· eon 215 Narclawa. EBJtLL book Sec. 1 -J p. m. !IOI Oe•n Blvd., CdM. PENINSULA POlNT dinner dance -1 p. m. NHYC. NPT. ISLAND Womua-8 p , m . 3911 M&rcua Ave. OM. II GOLD STAA Mother. benetll dan<'t -9 p. m. Lepn Ha ll Dec. 1l 881 Mu ICp.Uon party-8 p m. 23t Driftwood Roed ' ~ ....... "~ ~lllNlt/I Christmas Candy Canes Fruit Cake Hard Candies Ribbon Candy Many Beautiful Chrietmaa Boxes of Delicloua Candy Siamese Auction of Christtnas Carousel A carouael of reindeer prancinc under a canopy of red and white candy canee wu the table centerpiece at the Oiriatmu tea given Wedneeday ~. Dec. 7, in St. Jamea' Pariah Hall by St. Jo&D'• Guild. Red candles, ber- riea and pine conei, were used throughout the room for df'«>r&llona by Mrs. Harold B«:k. ner Jr., CJa.7t,on ~. and 'ntom· 81AME81: FA.SIDON u B. J'roet. HJ1hll&1it ot the tea WU the AuiJJUnr w It b ...,,..__ta .. wer. the Min•. Jam• C. Butler, "Saameae AucUon prealded onr JObn Clark, Raymond c. Doeta. by the rector'• wlte, Mr•. John Burt.on R)'9dale, i-tv 8 mt t b. H. Puke. The carowet, whJc.b Somuw. and Robert Strattitf. had bHn made by Mra. Harvey ------------- Som.&rl._ "·~· auctioned orr, and a ·r1 F r Cards Mr1. N. W. Benton. %721 Bay· 1 0 shore Drlve. wu the lucky bidder Marine 8/S(t. an4 Mre. Robert when the bell chimed. Mr11. Jamu Bennett Cud of Coeta Me9a are li. Gooken wu the winner ot the lh• pattnta of a pl baby bonl fn.lt cak.. which wu alao auc· Dec. 15 In Corona Naval Hmplt&l. ti11nf'd. ChaJrman of St. Joan'1 Oulld, Mr1. Donald Fer~IOn, WU pc· entl chairman ot the tea. Pour- lnK were the Mmu. Joeepb H. R11rir1. Whitney Wright. Beatrice A.. Abell a nd Jerry Hall. A't' TABLES Pttaldlnr at the lablu where Chrl1tmu gift Item• of r r u 1 t ca.kea, calendars, earrtn11. bean· bap and Yule •t.oclllac1 were on 11ale were the Mm11. Henry War· Drohan Baby Here Marine Cpl and Mn. Raymand Alfred Drohan, Coeta Mel&, are the parent. or • sirl baby born Dec. 8 ln Corona Na val H09Plt&l. Boorujy Daughter Mr. ind Kn. Donald Boon.\jy, 893 Governor St., Coet.a MeM.. an the parent. or • (irl baby born Dec. 10 ln ffoac Ha.pltal. '\. " , ) I ~. ' 1•9' anlY8d frOfft Parl1 ••• the couturier perfumes of Foberg6 Aphrodi~ Wood>.ue Tigreu Ad rv ~ed In rovkhfng 1tew sqvore-cvt -. crystal ffocons, rnoni4ic~y 9'f boxed In the French "'°'" 1e1 , .. for the luckiest lady in towf\ 1 o.so 24. 45. UDO DRUGS -S46t \'la Udo. Newport &e.ch HARBOR DRl"GS -3.~1 E. Cout Hwy., Cd M Mn John Donnelly, chairman a11<1 Mra Floyd Hubbard. co-cha ir- man. wer«-...ale<! by lbe Mme&. Henry Sttl"Y· J ohn Teacte, Ran· rllf' A I I' o r n. Chffnrd Thnmu . Heward °"ckar1l. Rowlett Scud· ner. R<>bert Pt'aranl, Gfflrire ~ RouU1ar, C.rl Hall, J ohn K lnlf. Willl11m F\ah,.r anr1 R ntK>rt Millf'r LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS Thr •IUlller wu aerved by teen· •r,. '1lrls nf lhl" mlslllon. Kathy Hubbard. :O.lar)• Annr. l'elly, JuUe Alcorn. Maurtn. Me<'oy and S&n· dy C>Mw1n fo'OR Al"Xll.IARV The """men nf SL Marpret'1 hs ve wo1 kl'd bard on lbelr many fund n uonir event.I a.nd are mak· Ing r111n11 for eervtni the luncb· M n u l.he Dec. H W oman'• AWi· ll111ry meetln1t at SL Jamea. Ttlay 11r• 111Ao planninc a amorfMborir 11.nd monthly clU'd perUu for the f\Jt urP. At preaent lhl'y are eelllni ,,.. ndl11 11nd ahampoo to earn two """"" rnt1 for U!e m l•1on. T hi' mt .. .,ton property hu bffn r 11rrh1111r•I h\' the Lo• An1ele11 DI· ••<'fl'!'<' It 1~ 1 .. r ,led on Oran1t AvP t~lwl'f•n 20lh 11nd 211t Sta. In t'"•' 1 Mt'•ll 1·11111 lh,. hulldang fund 111 ~ulll• rrit I n 11• 11rt <'On· 1 111rurt ... n ""n 1rN1 11r r hf'1n1t hfl'ld 111 lhr llull• r \tt 1 ""'' !"lu!) wltlJ tht Ro Roberl A. Orl-r I ~ff1r11111ni 1111•1 ('tn_:::~·-l\~ B~;' "~~~-.'~t:":~e\~~ .. 1er. I 45;, F. lfi'h SL, Cn11t11 M<'aa, an t hf' r ·11··nt• .. f • 'hllbv hnv bnrn ll•'<' 7 111 "'"'i!: H•l11p11nl I Sapps Have Son Mr a nd MN Donald SArp. 2211 Amf'thv11t A\'e . are th• par~t• or a baby boy bom Dee. T in Moq Hotip!LM. ....... DAN Is IAllD SHO, , ILU.IM>A TllL\Tftl: BLDG. LU.BOA 0,-~Uln~ .. ~ OJ.Ml WHAT A VALUI / "OCKST ~w•"' 8TA"Pl"0 8TYLINOI AT A PtttO•· YOU CAN AP"°'901 SEE VOUA NaAREST OLDSMOBILE DaALER W e wish to s;nce rely thank you one ond oll for the wo rm welcome you gove our new boke ry during our opening ce lebrotion lost week end. Tho nks too tor the mony compliments on our bo ery "Goodies." We pledge lo keep the some fine quolity products thot hos mode us so mony cus torrer friends these post ten yeors tho t wo hove been 1n the boking business in Costo Meso. • • • "Vir9:" M. Wedeki1t9 Wedekin9'1 B•kery 1863 Harbor Blvd. Coda M"a ' t IE'l/POP.T HJ\l"~l)r' M~\A/~-~RE SS -PART I . PAGE 3 MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 •\ lt'a time fot wonderful holidoy portlet and 'crtrldo hoa for you ••• c~ In aoon and l.t 111 penonolly help you. .._~._-,..,...w eft4 lr•iwu1-.. W __, Mclin LIDO sHoPs &PPUANCD -•-11111 .. hrU -Deal• -8erftoe LIDO a.&O'l'lllO MM Via UM -....._ '111 AUTOllOBILI: DMIE114 New and med Can NIOIUt&D 8TUDS••m a.Me 8enSoe r.rte M11 N..,..n ...... --· Ill BANKS 8-11 of~~· U "" vi. I.Mo -...,..., .... BAB.BER SBOPS UDO IRA VINO llllG . la IMchNU•a 9..,. I• ...._ NII Via I.Ma -_._ lSll BEAUTY P.&al.088 UDO AAJ.ON OP' ll&AUTT Mta Npt. ........ -Bar. 1111 BOOKS BOOll o.aa MJI Vla I.Mo -...,._ UM CAMERAS a Sappllee \"IS<%NT LIDO Dauoe Mfl\'a.UM-...,._ ... I CABPEl'8 a DB.&PF..&Dll DIC& 11.A.CllD MJO Vla Uda ..,._ &Ill CATERING IUCllAJU)'S LIDO MAw,m MllVa.UM-~UU I Clotb.Lq-Cldld.rw a •·•·• n;ars or UDO MO& N_.,.n am&. l CLO'l'IDNO -Ilea'• Betall BIDWELL-S IBOP FOil KEl'f MJI va. I.Mo -a.nor "" CLOTJUNG-W01111a'1 Betall LA IUCINE Ml va. ~r '611 L.IDO FA.8IDON8 Mlt N'pt.. BITd. -~, 1111 811ADDOC'll'9 MU Via I.Me -~ tnT V AOAJM>N'D BOCU: Imported 8porUwear NJt \'la U4o -...,_, ION DANCING -BAIJlooom KJ s o l!JTUDI08 u.ovaao,.n. ..,._toll DRUG STOU:S \'INCEST'S UDO 0&1709 utl\1aUdo-........... CLASSIFIED DlllCTOIY l1JBNll'UD: DICa llACWD .... ........ _..,__GU Gift' IBOP &W'&AAD"ll UDO llA•llft ............ _....__ IN'Sua.&NOE AOEN'D w. o. aum. INO. ....Via ...... _..,.._"" INTDIOS DllOO&ll'OU 111.ANCllZ nn.mm.I01'C A.LD. Mll va. Udo-...._,_ Dial 11.ACm NH V\a UM -...,._ &m DON OllEIORl'O?f A. L D. -....... ...,.,. ... V .. lla&eca-...,._ _., IUBllE1'8 &ICIKAJW'a UDO MAIUlft IUI \'a• S.W. -...,._ - &EAL DTA'l'E f'. A. p & I .am& INC. NU9'9llde-~utl VOOEL OOllPA.."fY NII \la l..We -..,._ tl'fl BAT A.'"I> llEACll a&.U.rt Vt.a Udo ....,. OUIN llU a..r.,.ete -..,._ 1M1 LIDO &EAi.TY A88001A%D Lido 8elee • Renl&ll .... v .. u..-...,._"" SAVINGS a LOAN A.880Clil'ION8 N'SWPOll'f ILU...80A M V1JIG9 • LOA..lli A880C1A 'DOI' .A S&Yine'I JnsUUIUon-~ Lo111 Tarm Home Loan.I ... \'\a ..... -llathr ... 5DIV1CE STAnONS LIDO &ICID'tELD NU Mewpon ......__...,, Mn SROES-X•'• BID\\'EU.'8 l!JTOU. roa ~ HSI , ... Udo -~ tM1 SHOES. WOKEN RUl.rS or CAUPOalQA MlO Via I ... BA 1111 ELECTRIC OON'l'llACT081 TBA VEL ACENCIE8 HAABOa TR.A VEL A OD CT MU N..,,..n BIT~. NH UDO EU'£11UO au• \la Udo -...,...r ntT FLOWERS &ICllAJW'!I§ UDO llA&ID:T Cof'MCe-Table Arrancemenw Mii \'la LWo -ll&rtilor IUI FOUNTAIN, GKILL VJNCE?lt'T8 l.IDO oaVOIJ utl \'la Udo -Harbor IOtl fRAllES a A.LBUll8 Ot:IUIAADT STUDIOS N.11 \'la Udo -llutlor Ult UPBOUTEBING Dia& llAC&E& MMY .. L.We-....,._UU WATCH REPAIR \'JN~Tf' WATCH &l:PADI UDO DRCOS utl vi. Udo . WINDOW OOVEIUNO TD II.BA.DE IJBOf' Nat .. ,... om--.tlar. IN FUTURE HEIRLOOMS -Mrs. Robert Roper, rug maker extraordinary, displays some of her prize-win- ning braided rugs near the fireplace of her early- Americaa home in Corona del Mar. The rug ahe is holding won a blue ribbon al the recent Orange County Fair while one on the floor won triple blue MRS. ROPER WINS MANY PRIZES ON HOME'S RUGS Corona clel Mar Residence 'Built for' Her Floor Coven Said ribbon.a·trom the county f&ir, New Yark Women's International Exposition and Peoria fair. The tmall rug on the right is newly atarted u an "heirloom in the making" for her siater -in·law in Beverly Hills. - Slaff Photo Home ana Garden PAGE 4 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 JOINT PURCHASE OF SCHOOL, PARK SITES RECOMMENDED "l'ruAee llUP liaka lnfonnecl tbe Oml&a x-UllJoa llcboal Dtatrict ao.ns ol Tnaet.M9 ......... ,. ldPt IMl pem.,. U.. ea.a Kea Park Baud would M wUllq to p la wtUl Uw 9Cbool clWrict -~ al -* ....... and park lit-. ''Tiie matter WU di.lcul9e4 .at a ..,_. J1Wt1 ........... 1J1c and .the NKUm aeemed fa"'°"'*," I.a NpOfted. ~ not.Id that the Park Board mambllw .....S _.. ~ ID buylnl' a conUsuoua 2 &c..-to I ..,.... .....-ua I _,. Uiia 8llllool diatrlct, rather t.ban Uae 6-11 ....._. ;u P a ._. a ._..... toll. ~ c. Chi.botm Bnwa .,... • lltW ... ~ 1t.atin&' the ec~l Uo&rd'• ....--'° Gae X.. partl lloud. NEWS IN GLADIOWS WOILD Ge1er1I Eise1~ower Variety Pink; Othen le11tif1I Also ..... Chest Funds Reach '89°k Of Quota Mewport BI a o. CommunJty Chest bu attaiMd • per oent of Ila bud("et or a little OYW S25,&QO with -outatandin1 contrtbntlon of almo.t S500 reported from the Newport Beach lllement.ary Tea- chen A,NOCiatlon, accordlni: t o campaJg1l chaJrman Mn. K~nnl'th a. Coollnr. Newport Rel«hta rnntln11Nt It 11 ateady 11Urge with JO I per <'f'nt reported or SH37. Money-wise Corona del Mar •till l•ada th,. community with JCi200 turned in for 81 p er <'l!llt of It. quota. There'• netn being made thla bloom• and In the purple neld la Reports from olhl"r dls111cts year In the Gladlol1111 world. Bev· BenjamlD Britten, deep lavender are: Balboa. 89 per cent. $4621: eral yeara aco teat s;ardena were with amaU white linea running Newport Bt-ach. 79 .pt>r rent, Mlt up throul'hout the country to lbrough th• petal&. '3308; Lido lale, 79 pl'r nnl. tut (1'0W Qladlolua virteU.. and Cb_,k wtth your local nW'tlery· $3171 ; s'a11>oa lslaod, 80 per rent. select the All America onee ...... maa oa bla Gladlol1111 vartetlea S409Ci; mlscellnneoua contrib11· Uke the roae prdena tor All Am· and put 80me into tba ground Lions, $10715. Reddy Mixed toncrele la aplte ot the CMIMt Sito,..... We Aft' Maldac l:verJ P09lolble Effort lo SaUafJ llM Nreda of Our Gro~'lq o-ualQ>. For Ooac~lle -O.U DL WELCH'S READY MIXED CONCRETE ts.\ Cocnmettlal Way COSTA 111£8A LI 11-M1t Qutaey a Hwy •41 Huntlqt~n BC'll. t Le•. S-41:19 Pt'ople do read the Preu a'11t. erlca roaee and other plant.-.nd t hla year the tint All Amerlca now. 'lb_.. •• ac:arc:ely a lovelier ;;-----~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;.. _____ ....;;... __________ _, gladlolua aelectwna .,.. be1q cut Gower and theM newest varl· announced. Finl All America •UH will add beautltul color to Gladlolua eelecUou a.re Royal your BJllf.Dc rarden. Steward and Appl• Blouom. Both Rqyal Stewani and AppJ. BlotllOm STOW to t\ve feet and bear 20 blouoma on a it.em, Roy- al Steward I• a 1tilltentnc clear, Ucht red In color and It.a lndlvl· dual nowen are lightly ruffled and huge. Apple B louom la very tlellf.ate In Ila color tone•. ll 11 predominately anowy whJte, with a touch ot cream In, tbe Ulro&t ot each bloaeom &nd blUlb pink on th• edC•· Other D8W YV!eUea ln Oladio- lua otter a w1de color ra.ni:e. Oen· naJ 11:1.Mnhower la a plnk while EV&ll(elh~ com~lnea p ink a n d Cl'e&Jll. Spic and Span I.I a aalmon pink and Patrol otter11 bloom. of apricot yellow. PolnMttl&, u lta naine lmpUee, i. a Nd wtth •UfbUy rutnect CONCRETE Satisfaction POUR IT THE EASY • WAY AND SAYE .e • • worn furniture surfaces w.ith micorto• You n n make old fomi111re lvul li~e new :tgdiu -.itl1 M1- carta-t.l1c 111pcr-tougl1 pluric 1Urfaciug. Ju.t cut at to aixc: and ~lue it O\'er tlic old sur- fitce•;Lh WeldwooJ•Coatad Cement. Only 1 few 1implc &oolJI are nquired. Micaru '• )'(,lcam.ing beau~y will lut for vcan b«:aUtc at olfcn amaz- ;ng resistance lo ecnrtcl~ 1uinaa11dbunu . Mauy rolora. putern• anJ wood graia1 .. ....... ,. Solnen Gets Permit • EASY BUDGET TERMS ON ALL PUllCHASIS }4rvey Somera took out a m .- 600 Colla Meu city buildins; per- mit Dec. 6 tor conatNctlon of three commercl.a1 ator.a by Galaxy CoD11truoU011 Co. aa GJ2 w. ltt.b St. WATl:K llEATEM s ... Lts 1tt'nCS _.._,..,llS llaft • alml'llf7 TOW -te work wttlt a a-. of 9""Ci•t• mhed -..t • • • pH,.,... t.o ,_ .......... Ne. Liberty 8-2213 WARD & HARRINGTON LUMBER CO. Mesa Man Poli.ce Juking _ 141_, ad on Child Molesting laps 87 LEOMA.RD 8A.ltOEANT makP rxcellcnt Wl'lldlnJ:' g l!LA a.nd J n I 11 The Corona dcl Mar triplex-&a at1ch, hl'lrloom•, OePVL-' • ..!f.•IJ 0 f o{d rclllly lhl"M l\omei ui 'one-med Mra. R opl'r h&.11 made 33 of v -.." a lmoi l lo hav• been built to ac-lheae helrloom11 ovf'r thf' y<'ara. 1 Anulhf'r Co11la Mua fondJlnr 20 with light brown halr cut In T1l.,.S. 11 Na CIHT OOWN BAY -:!% 711 w. 17th St. 3300 W. Cwt HJtllway ~ _lilewpott:_leach_ PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Liberty 1-3411 commo<1ate ti. ruga. ThlJI won't J.fa.ny •ht> ha.' ltl\'tn away. Al lhf' ('Ill!"' involving a 6-ye11,..-6ld J1rl a Oal top and a frecklf'd or plm• ~~~;"'§-~~"-'-§§~aaae~;;;;;;~~;;;;~ooe'r~~:A~;ll9A;;;;:~~;:~~~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~~~;j~~~~--:-~~~ appea.r to be a.n overtltall'mt'nt pre&enl time lht' I• working on a "nd an allt'mptN1 "plck·up" o! ply fkt"e. _ when one aeea I.ht' beautiful bl'tlld· "ra.lded rug for hl"r 11111Lf'r rn 5.,y. 11n ll·)N<•·0 '•1 l(lll toclny had Po· The IJ1 d<lent lnvolvinr the 8· l!'t and hooked rup hl'lrloonlo9 ln f'rly H ills, Mra. R A Y!'llt'h S hfl h• f' ('h1t•f Ar I MrK••n:r.1 .. l\nd the yel\r • old flrl took place at a p· th,. ma.king _ bclon!rlng to Mra, look • 8ample of Mr• Vf'arh'tt M"·" JM•ll<e> ""JIRr\ml'nl "e••klng prnxlmalely 2 ·i ti p. m . Wednu- Robert Rof)U' ot 30• M.arcuerllf' ~ut roqrn waUp&per beforf' 11 111uletllng ;,u•r..,ct who drlvN <Ja~· She wu play1n1r In a •&ClUlt •h• •Uu'ted her ru1t to atta in a • l1Jlf' mod,.I rt•<I r11r lot no Wallau A.Vt'. when a man Avf'. p.rfect mat<'h ''" I l·H11r-old .:irl Informed In a ca r plU'kl'd IH'hlnd a fence F"or .Mu Roper hu won ma.ny Th11 ln pll'll0 h1J(hly p<•h~h<'t! MrAA polu,. lhlll 11horlly arter called her to romt Qver. The man prtz.es for hrr rup. blue ribbon.ti •l l fl \.\' 1 l told the ~h1ld to la. ke off her lhf' Women'• lnl('matlonal Ell· puque 011ra. brllk ftr"r>'""" no"n M "''"< 11v 11 vnun11 man ID ~ h with It• many bra,.. orn1t.tw•nti; n 1 t'11 < 11r wll h whit•· ,., ... t uwf'ni p11nlle11. When .tie refUaed. hi' poaHlon 1n N..w York City. l e f't'nrte, "Hf'llrt of rth nole'' F'arr. 1md apec1&1 bu1lt·in cab1n1 u fur pull• •I up 11l11n~1<1..t .. h"' ,,., h 11 f' fnl"C'lbty fond!~ hf'r Sh d111pl&y l)f othf'r h••trloon.11 "' !Ill' '"" w11~ wntkrni;t 10 lot'hr>nl 111 lhl' DCJI< ripllon of the <'A r the 11\11• a nd IJ\e Orange CoWllY Fair. · e I Roj)#r11 ult '"t!m to art'c·ntu111t' th•' 1;110 bltH'lt "' 'r1111t1n Avl' Sh r pec:t wa. ndJog In. po iNi Mid, taurhl nar malong In adult ('dur a· I od 1 " " brntd~ or h0<1k<'d ru•11. 1 rfu "'•I h111 """' of 11 1111.. The w111 11 red bodlt"d, •!tr m t 11uto llon t'l&Mu In Jllrnola and hopo "' tn t1o I.he .. m e at Onmite Co&11t "llJELV A('(.'f:t'TF.O • _ h;;1;:l•=l ='='"=~=rl=b=,.<=1 =t=h='=y=o=u=th!m1<=11=1=9,..· ..,;w;;;;;ll;h~a;;;;;rna~;;m;;;;l;;o;;p;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Cola. alt-er lb• f1rtl ot the year Mr. Ror~r·" bn()k • rlru tnn"1.a r. ---- SM ::. alao 'flltill.cll_ a boOk on In the Making," h&A ~en wldcl¥ .. j l j arC'l'pl"<I by am1u~ur ru11m/\ktr• th• t u .. ec: · Aml 111 nnw tnln 11 11 ·H11r<:1 P<lltlnn. &ti08 TRl'O\:OH H0 1T8£ Hrr "I" n i<lly h~ ""'" t><>en .... She ta.k• juaUrlable prld~ In l'X· lC'ntl1"1I 1ntn thr l.•1111<Sryroom <1( hJbltllls; her Nit'• ln every room ht-r hu111.. It Wiii\ built u tr11 of ht'r unit of Ut" \rlpl1>x Whlf h hH~t' Wllh arnpl,. <lrylnK 11ru11 aha and bet' hWJba.nd buJll lul fnr all l h" wool ah .. lt'la hiu I<> aumm...-. The rouple mov.ci her!' bt' wa.hNI and larg" •lor•ir" ,...cenUy from Kew•11""· Ill WhC'rt 1•lmt-l11. Sil,. buy1t h<'1 ba.1• prod· they llved foT 28 yearrt to I.Ake uc·l 111 lar~ .. qu.u1t11y. 1f poMlblr """' of Mr. Roru"a J'&rl'nta, Mr. bu1 111 not 11<ivl'r'fl to 11111ni: an oltl and Mra. Elmo Rn!)f'r Fir .. O<'<'U• 1·0&t 1f lhf' qu~llly •nd cnlor 18 p«onta pt 1111othfT unit of lhf' M rly )Ult rlKht. Ame,rtba.n atyll' t npl.,x. Mr. Roper'• brother, E I m " f\optt Jr., tnC'ldt'nlAlly. 11 the n~ll'd radio comm,.nt.atnr &1111 pui>llo op\Jllon an&l)'tll tor ~rtunf' mApsinl'. Her apttla lty Is braltl1ng ntir~ althoutrh It I• hal"\•t'r but lnok• MJ!ter to th• klyman lh"n m&k· Sup«vison Adopt New Plumbin9 Coct. • "ltnl v bo •••I o( au1wrv1..or• 1"111'•· •lay "'"pl• ,1 " """' pl111T1h1n.: 01 '•M1n1.,• tnr tit•• , 0 111'1 I\ 1n1 hooked ru.ira. Shi' tlOI'" btlth, Tt"r.• "'"r"' no ••hJf'• 1wn~ 11t 11 thooa h. ~ tl\e acntflfl from f'ubllr h,.11r1n!f hel•J by th" 11<••1'1 bn.Jdl'd ~ un be u.M'd 1n hook· ed NP-J lJDGE JOSEPH J . OIEST&t. TIME · ('0!11 t·~sn I F'air 011k~ -··To rombllt JllV<'n•lf' JI"MIS D. lfAY General Contractor & Bu ilder 600 ('out 8lvd. OOKO.' A Ot:L MAR PHOS~ RAAllOK nu ROBERT FORBES luUcler PHO:io."Er.HAJUWK JIOI MAX W. POPE Inc. Ot:St:RAL c o:-.TRACTUR8 Rt:SIDF.~"l'IAI . e COMMERCIAL e DEYELO~ Sht' explaJruo t!Ult "dl>-ll-ynur· ,1,.hnl)Ul'nry ltl 11 "' up 8 ,...,m. lf'lf" nit: malclllg 111 a um ... ·C'lll"f· I mill"< '" r;o nvtr lhl' i:;ond lt11n,. t07 Bola A\'(', Newport BMch wml"A' affair Abnut lh" '"""'l lt'en• ... rr~ hllYI! tl•)nr, lhl'n m •k• u ...... -. •-t••1 '"?o olu•l off Xpt. 8h•d. al 115~ -.. # ..-..... ~M~U~"fflMl'X~rt i~m:o:n:t:h~I~~·~~:-:~:·~·~=~~~~~~~~~~~===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~, OMl ma.ke a ruJ{ IA lhret1 Wt'f'kll- wor~ a t rt all d1w 11nc1 lrHo thf' nJl'bt.. lthe Aid. But l• not .,. ~:tllJ:CJJ r =:;• .;;,.~~11~;,~1srn;M u,/!~~,., ,,.,,I few rratt11 on~ ca11 M'llt•J:" 1n 11.tHl ---------11UU wa tch ltll'vl11lnn ·· ~uae brtlldf'll ruit" "r" .... ,. eHRl.-..aa1g m09t l.mpo11tubl"' w Wl'&r out" thry . al IW9" GARDENER'S CHECK LIST J, fff'r. flrf' • r .. w C-hrllllmu J1ft fUjt(!'atlnn11. M y n ( whlt'h wou"1 bt RJ"pr.-clal- f!d by I h 11 t ~•r•lenlnir friend: IU1ododl'n1lrnn . Aa· aJc-a. Oardent11 , [)11phl1<'. 11 choice Row . a bf-rrl"d Py- nacantha. or a Ht'lllht>r I. PH<'hH ahould r«'<'<'•Y• thf'lr rl~t dorma nt •rr11v to pre~nt peach lf'af t"11rl. I . Take t I m• o u l frm11 Chrt•tmas p"paralfon to plant tbole 1prlng nower- inl bUlbe.. Soon It wm ~ too late. iiilel=8 We Fair SILVER TIPS WHITE FIR DOUGLAS FIR Have A Very Nice Selection at Prices -While They Last! ((Jailed 8uppty) Ornaments ..:_ lights -Toys Free Delivery • Open Every Night 'til 11 :00 • 4. There I• a rlfllt and wroni _, to prune. Inexpens ive 1111d euy lo uae pnmJns; m.anualll are a v a 1 l ab I• t.hrouch your nW'Mf)'M&ll. WAYSIDE GARDENS a. o.ntre1 • ..,. and ..u. wtUa but peDlt& 2040 Newport llYd. • ' I ; - Stop being a drudge! GET A NEW GAS CLOTHES DRYER • ••••••••• ••. and make clotJae. drying mw of the .,.,_, tAln/JI lo do/ rASTt.I TllM SIMI~! RAY I tlmlOCll ., . ..,., C.s drits dothei Ill mi~ ~ .._.. n ~ llllr1 Ill I_..• tJpictl utts -driu lhtm day or flutf,...ft-llOt ftat 8'ld flllity ti fw ta"*"' n•allt. rein Of snl11t ! No hmll '"' 011 evtllDOf· • 8lltlNtlc C. clottitt Ml!l-fech"C. no turlnc. dritlll ...,. II rltfltl .,.,,,.., .... IJl\lonl 0n1y GAS ' cives JllU such moc1em aum.tic app1i.ices .................... -... , ... Ncqe-T•p•-O'leefe & M1nl11-w;r-ooc1 Gal ..... Jake's Appliances SALIS -UlllTY 8-5594 -SDYICI ow ..._ ., ........ _,_ '" '°""" ,..._ .., ltlslllMt Inda In. 1937 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA GOING'S ON AT OC SPORTS BANQUET Above, Coach Joe Kroll presents awards to members of his Pirate water polo squad. Looki.J)g on at table, from left, are Fred Huber, O,range Coaat College dean SAN DIEGO IN CIF FINALS OH BASIS OF FIRST DOWNS of men. Olympic dlving champ Pat McCormick, and her huab&nd. Below .. Huber introduces Mrs. McCor- mick. -Staft Photoe HARBOR ,o~ BILL PHILLIPS, Sports Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I -PAGE 5 MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 TARS RIP Of F RALLY TO OVERCOME RIVALS Gate Guys Enter Cage Tourney at Huntington Beach Tomorrow Falling five points behind in the fourth quarter, then rallying to rack up their second straight win, Coach Jules Gage and his Newpo~ Harbor High School Sailor quintet won their most impreaalve victory of the sea.son from Cali- forhla'a Condora ln-ibe""IOCIJ prep rym Friday night, 114-81. The wln m&rked two In a row for the Tll.r vanity a t t • r dropplnr three 1traJ(bt pracUce fraya. Guard Larry noree ot th• rl· val• nabMd gs.me .hlg'h point bonora with 20. HI• clolUl com- petlUon from lbe Tan came from P'orwa.rd E4dle Pope, but the blg- boya UI lhe Sailor attack when the r olng S'(>l roug-h F'rlday ntsht were nimble Dave Tamura, pol· tin' Paul Lorentzen and teed.Inc tnto the lead.-.r-u. TllJmlT& and Oreen took t urns feedJng each other with a dJsplay of brUUant b&1J bandllns by both boya to re- pin the lead, U-4 7. Goal.e by Georre Mabee and Green main- tained that lead a t end ot the 1tanza, 62-01. Once a I a I n l b • Condon charred b&c:.k with three 1tral1bt netUn(I to open tbe final period for their la.T&ett le&d, 07·62. JU1t EASY LAY UP -Here's a typlool hunk ot action being dellvrred this seuon by J ohn HenroUn. high B{'Orlng per- former for Coach Jim Miller'• Newport Harbor Hlg'h School B baaketball squ&d. -Start PhotQ as It appeared turning Into a riot for the 1·1vals, Lorentzen applied the brakes. dunking llls st:cond goal with Pope 11.nsJ Oret'n adding a pair to sneak ahead. ~8-67, anCI leH than two mmulca to co. BREAK BACKS With Tamura and Grt't'n doing yeoman floor work. Lorentzen, a'\- &lated by Center Denny Harwood, broke the Condora back. Pa u I dribbled all the way In for a jump shot beneath the bucket, Harwood sandwiched In a goal anrl Uircnl· :r:en made a qulek stn.I beside the netting tor his third fielder or lhe !Ina.I quarter. T omorrow al 4 p. m .. Cage kad• hift guys into Ult' Hunting· ton Be11<'h toum11ment eg11fnst the Bell Oardena five. If they r u n their win &lreak to three stralgbt, the Tars will c-o 11.ga.lnat wlnnt'r ot tht' Ora.nge-• Laguna B t'.r conteat In the qu11.rterllnala Wed· neaday. SaJlor 11eorlng a1alnet Cali!or· nla: Pope, Mven 1roala, two g1tt •hot.a, 16; Lorenu:en, tour soala. three gift.II, 11; Mabee, th re• goal11, 6: Harwood, one goa.1. ope gUt, 3: Tom Houaton, two iroaJa, two Jill•. 6: Tamwa, five goala. three g1Ct8, 13; Green, tour goal11. one gilt. 9. DID YOU KNOW With fabulous Ha lfback Mickey Flynn turning In bla Gary Green. most aruaiing gridiron performance of lhe aea.son, tbe Sun-cosoou nt:Rl:ATL'J Twice ln the third quarter. &d Leagul' champion Anaheim Colonists came from behind Callfoml& moved wtlhln tw o in a sensational fourth quarter o!!enaive display to dead-polAla Of lbe TUA after leaving that the man who places a new Chrysler PREP HARRIERS FINISH IN 6 TH Coarh R.aJph -.cl'1 New- port Harbor R lg-h School cro11J1-c•ountry 11qu1d captured 1lxlh place In the AU-Ctr Southern D I v I 1 I o n bar- rier meet a t Mt. San Antonio Friday. The Sailor leather lungs 11mal!$ed 221 point.I. Coach Dav t ~man11kl'• Bellflower Hi1rh School tMm ~ored 11 low total ot 94 point& to capture the Utle. San Di· eg-o Hoover was 11econd, EJ Cajon third, Mara Cotta four- th 11.nd P oint Loma fltth ahead ot the Tar~ Bob Monzingo ot San Di- ego Hoovtr waa Clrat acrou the finish line In 9:09.8, a nf'w t>ourse record. FOE AFIRE Cal B Pours in 38 Digits But Tars Win Jumping lnto a aevi>n point lead In the first quarter, the Newport Harbor High School B quintet of Coach J immy Miller hung on !or a 60·6:'i triumph over the Callfor· nla High ltghtwelghta on the rl· val floor Friday. Coach B 11 I Straw'• Sailor C's dropped a 31· 29 squeaker lo the Condor tie&· weigh ta. Forward Rayes of the Calitor· nla B't Wt'nt hog wild with the c1U1aba, dropping 11 field go a I• through the netting and hitting on eight ahota Crom lhe foul line t'or 30 points. H igh ecorer (or the Sailors wae John Henrof'ln with elshl goala and a pa.Ir of gltt.. t.oasea for 18 marken. Miller's men held a 26-23 halt- lime lead. Doing rest ot the acor· Ing for the Tar 8 '11 were Whitt:. H : Pa.la!erri, 17; Thompaon, 9, and Morales. 2. Dons Down Harbor SANTA ANA. IOCNSl -Ban· ta Ana College Don baaketeers. ijparkplugged by F orward Chuck Lewis and hill 3:1 point scoring barnge, edged Harbor JCs Su- hawks Friday night In an over- time t.hnUer, 7'-G8, In Andrew• Gym. The Dons recovered from a 34-28 halfllmi> dettclt. llOME LOANS · 1()( k u. IUl the. Srui Diego Cave-aounded wilh lbe Colonl.ata threat-the floor t nJllnr the loca.I lada OI Plymoutll Mnder the ChriltmaS trff this fll<'f1. 20·20. In l...,n2 B"l <'h Memo-1 enani: on the ravaJ 29 yard line. at h.&lntme, 33 -: 9 . Once T. a.Mura r l AFH>i-~ YLtVINt6SA IMI Stadium Frltl11 y night. A pim ot San Oif'l?O playerw heJp-popped one throurh lo &.!low the year, will see 1tan In his SWHtheart's eyes ~;-l ei ;:me:-111lr111ts;le mArk~cT1 .. cr~nncey [o hTa reft. -O&a• g-\zya to pull-£.way. l:hLn tllll M thc-C'nlnnl11t 11 from th r I Anaheim trailed 13-7 at ha.If· lime It W&a Lorentzen. hJtUnf liafliiliilll Menl fnCe fliiif' eYentfiirdciy 'IF football ph\\'PICll. howr ver llm!' a nd WU behind 20-7 before for hi• tint field goa.I In the that .... said, "I DO"? S&.n 01e1:0 t'nt-r• the fin1l1 1-·1ynn'3 fh'ln~ hf'et11 put the Or· p me on the heela of a doHn l LOAN ASSOCIATION ••n•n~t Alhamb~ who ~w~d anp~u~ty e~Pnb«k~to~e _nu~~~m~~:e~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!l!~!·!·~·!~!·!~!h~~!-!l ~~~~~~~~~~ TWO op•1c1s St Ant hon'"~ H ·O Ek'cau~e whtlf' ooll 1tame. But finally the Condon r Ari,.htlrn 1111111111hetl the Cev• men T •-~ y 311 )'111.!11 tu 2114 anrl <'11lpe11.~.-d J • s .1 0 ....,.... Oii ~>:.::~~:st;:ar!~n~~r 1 o8i t~ega;1:. UnlOf al On Do Your Christmas LAGUNA llACH on tht' ba•I• O( flr~t <1owna. Tht'.!l(' Bounce lack on Shopping at AND t•1 vr>red lhe Border City boya 17 • H . SAN CLEMENTI Flynn l'I() domlnatl'd the often-c w• p th ,1 .... dl11pl11y uncorked by An•· age In a h,.lm lh11 t he gt.In~ 2ll yards on t ht gTound He acortd al.I h I • tt'am'11 louchdown11 on ruM of 66. 67 and 3 y11rd11'. Carrylng the pl1t· akin 17 tlmt'' he 11vt rared 13.6 y11rd11 pf'r tote Flynn fell t-0 hi~ kneu from t xhauatton after lhf' final i: u n Orancie . Y arsity JY's Beat Tustin The Newport Harbor Hlith SC'hool ju.nlor varsity c a g er• bounced back onto the Vl<'lory path here Friday night, display· ln,r thflr bHt floot p.me ()( the 11e1uon to romp over the Call!or-1 nla High .JV•. &4-~. I Center Jerry Kemper wu hlll'h point mill\ for the local lad11, tul· tlng tor •!Jt field goal& and six fnul aholl for 18 pomu He wu rtoa .. ty follo,.·e<1 by Gent! H ub-I bard. with five ga&18., four gift I ORA:'\r.F.. IOC~S) -Ornnge t01'llf'll for 14 tligHs. IUld Don H 11 h !'\•I our' bi"k.il h'lll quint rt .. 6&bbl'. wHh 11tx goa lJJ. one Kitt I in tw•th lh" va1111ty Rn1l .JV r11nks fnr IJ mArktrs. 11 ... r .. n tell 'l"11alfn II l ~ h Fn.J&y I Th" T.ir1' ju{l'lped Into a H-8 night In cl'lurl bnltlr.!1 Wll-,l(td In first pPrlod le11d 11nd left the H0<1 E Chambl'u .MCll)l)rlAI Gym: cnurt 11t inttrmlMion with a 26· 1 hl'folrt' R i:tll'M) l 'l llWI~ n ( P llnlhl'r I J:'i lnRri:in Jn lh!! third quarter 1111pportrr• 'The> jllmor v11n11ty C"nl'rh J ult'l' Gs.ge's <'h11rge11 rPAl· "'' n M ·2:.!. o Iv J"ltlfl't.I on thl' coaJa, dunking , I '"""h t111l F'rnnl7 OH!' \'llf"ily 2'.I pulnl11 th r•1u~h the nell, to , 111.111i;hl• r• d ltlt' 1'11l"r" 66-46 In 11 mnkr It 11. r11n.11w11y llff"lr. I <o0•11,~t "111111 "'"" f,.rwa1d• J im H,.rn11in lt'r of thr Tsr scorers: Nt"tger 11nd Kni Purcell bU<'kl!'t 19 Roger Petenion, 2: Bob VlllagT•· polnta a plKe to Lake high llC'orlng na, 4: J im Bento. 4: Stan Schon•~. honors. Bob Day "''1t.h 14 W&ll high 2; Bob Allen. 4. and J ohn Lewll!. l!COl'e man In lhe JV pme. I 3. In Cooperation with S. D. DAY . We Offer ABSOLUTELY FREE! Brake Check Steering Cheek nre Jmpectton U~bt lnqectioa \llndshJ~ld Wiper Cbf!Ck · NO OBUOATION OF COURSE CHEYRQN SERVICE r aul \'aurhn 2100 w. Balboa 81\'d, F~ Ortfron at th~ lntf'~tlon 2108 Ocean Front D Photte Harbor 5 ""' Newport Pier-Newport leach TOYS L&r1e Grand Piano $5.95 Electric Train $8.88 Doll House $2. 98 Chlld ~$8.89 ~;;&r;tfl ~~8antaFe Rot Tan E Prodacto, et.e. Special Gift Packages by Coty Charbert Old Spice Tabu and Ciro QUICK 24 HOUR SERVICE LOW LOW "REDUCING" INTEREST RA TES EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS FRIENDLY SYMPATHETIC-SER VICE FREE CUSTOMERS' PARKING ESCROW SERVICE. EFflCIENTL Y OPEltA TEO LAGUNA BEACH 222 Oceen Ave. PHONE HY. 4-1177 SAN CLEMENTE 60 I N. ii Cerni"° -.. I PHONE HYecinfft-11'1.191 or HYecint+i 2-1196 Showlftt Not 5lroftg Molt Yal11~l1 -~ In rontetta w1t.ll teune from llllnd Tom F..,. llu beea um- other J C loop1, Eutern Confer-ed mo.at valuable player Clll lM t'nce football teama won · 11'. loat Loe AJ\lelea Rain• pro foot.Ill& 111 and Ued one thl1 put te&aOn. team thl" -~ll· Oh-h-h/ Whaf-~-lyling/ • • l . And Oh·h·hl What a beautiful prlcel SE& YOUR N•AA•&T OLDSMOBILI! HARBOR AREA • BUSINESS GUIDE AUTO ltEPAllU tUAaJJltQ AIDI The FIDelt .. ··-c ................... ..................... MAJCO ~ WDTUN 8ervkle .... HW o.11 Vo1nplete Volllalea Work Auto Patnllns PATCH'S IODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH A.JJ ...... B. DA.LE aA'l'llD "BMriltl 0.,.,K" /l'ree E1ttlm11tr.A Try l.i • Flrat 19' Wat l 'Jlh St. - ('01t• l'tl'tla, Calif. IOt N. Mm .....&.. LI 8· 16'll\ Ill 1-1111 COSTA MESA MOVINC 2 BIU.lled. .1uur.s 6 hd llOVEM OllJJ ..... MW Free l'Atba&ee -.,....... 8tateerX....WW. LOWDrr P.U .C. R.ATD MOTORS Complete Automollvt Service Body &: Paint D•po.rtment Brake Shop U llOl'R TOWl!liO NIWMAN "A.A.A" APAAOVl:D Liberty t-Ull T,...,_ • ltonl1a 1160 Newport Boaleftl'CI 0-la ...-. c.au.r.Aa LDert.r '"'"' -...... auvrv IHOP PtAJICle WOODWOllTH MARINI llAUTY SALON ..... c 0 4 ........ ..__ ... .._ c:..,..... ..... ~ -"'r.::r_ °1::.. ·~ ,,,.,, ... , -""°P',., p.,.__,,_TW..., 8MpM'tMt4 1>v Violet IU Marl•• An. -llartMlr 151 1111 K. c..t ...,.. ..,.- ..... .._ lalud c-a.1 -.. PL!.!"e!ff " .. CAlt WASH "-P • .......... H. H. HOLllOOK ....,.,.,. J Ml11.te1 LUSTDW4 SH "_. C:-..-"--== I Wet .. H .. ...-. -,.... .. __ •htomotlc CGr WGA,.'°'f1 at '" ,.,..,, FU& U'l'llUW. llOIW . ....._..._ ...... 1!4' w. C-t ~,., Newport ~Ja, allf. "--Ubert7 Miii (A""8• Preen Port Oftla&•l ~rt ..... CONTllACTOltS CHAMIERLAIN GILLMAN ,. ........ Co. . & SON c..-·--........ ...... la. -w •• ., ......... OtM'Nll C0tttrocton ConuMmal -"°"ldMtta.1 Well H .. t_ -'1.-r- F"9dnr -:-Pattee ClO • ll•t 8t. llAltlor .. "" Eut 11'11 8t. a-IU 1-1111 Co.ta M-. LI 1-aOl N""J)Ort ~ f'OULT1'Y HALL'S RANCH co. MAX W. POPE, Inc. Ocowral Co,.lnictor1 e .._. T ..... .~~ CommerdaJ -Residential lndastrtal -Tract. •01 BolM LI t -USI Po•ltrJ ttl6 HatMr BmL Sr14port ~JI J...IM~ 8-6146 C'neta .-., c.111. Dt1UCQ15T S£AVIC£ ITAT'IOflfl :{'SHORE HFllLD CRAWFORD PRESCRIPTION . PB ARM.ACY SRYICI . . -l'rH Pic .. ·•r A o.tJ.....,. 18M :\'ewport Rlt'd. BILL WRIGHT, 010>\n> r11ont1 I.Berty 8-IUI tot WNt 0-.t Hwy. C1)41ta M-. Calif. Ph. Llbf!rty M1'6 N.wpen ...... Cellf. FOOD LOCIC.l.IU TV APPUA)f(:U HARIOR MIA T CO. Yoar Oaanmtieect Harbor F~ f'oo4 Locker TY ••d APPLIANCI l!lentoe f'w An Tnee ., Tell..te ... -4 Mari.1 -w ..... _._ ....._ .. Ph. UMlty 1-3437 JIM lluMr BIJ!,a C.-Jtl- ,.r1 ... A Chlo .... ,, O.~ et W'ol•••·'-Prlc:•• 1-.. or 1t .. 1o1o. C..••-S•ekl•r c........ "'""·~··· ·--1 c .... ,....... ....... .. .... , •. c.. .. .... ua -tot• sc.. ~ . ., .. N""J)Ort BMc1a P'VltNITU1l£ J'INlSHINQ :\nr a Old YACHT IAU.S FURNITURE CLARK swm f'UD ICHIJ'fCll( {A11edat1• y.,. ... ·-"alee -~ FINISHING "'-""ew • "'"'°'",. 0..ral IL ••• Plclr-.rp •'°4 .,. ..... ..., l«.t.• ..... !.<11 ...... a~mr~u '" IOll Plae.•Ua U 1-TNI Mariot• IMWrGllOtl a-.uw111 .......... ---c.-... ............ t;}ovemmenl f.:xcepl :J.rom PA6E 6 • PAIT I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PR!!S. MONDAY, DECEMIER 12, 1955 UPHOLDING OUR RIGHTS "God qrent us the sef'9nity to occep+ the things we cannot change: the courage to chonge the things we can and the . wisdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL BJ EDITORIALS ... HORACE PARKER Shop Here in The Harbor Area and Save Frustration · It you want a iood -.On in fl'Ultration, do your Chn.tmu aboppins in the metropolitan area of Loll Anseles. Over the weekend we found ounelvee tagging alo• throusb a 1tore where a tri4=tld bad eome item to uchanp. They e&n have tlieir big department ltoree. Within a few eeconda we wished mightily we were back in Newport Beach or ea.ta Meea, dealing with merdaanta we bow, parkinr within a block of the maporiwn we wanted to visit and getting waited on in a abort time. We were not lmpreaed with the eelec- tiou up town, either. A thundering herd of aboppers had been there tint, wu there at the time of our Ytslt and will be there from now on. frantically trying te tlB4 .omethlns. Altlloqh it wu not a 9111<>1 'Ted," there wu the maalJ7 pr.ept brown .tuff in the air and It wu not too ple911at to breathe. The main thing we bad againat the viatt thia time wu the ~eulty of getting from one lid• of the .tore to the other,' ln and out of jampa.cked elevators ud IO on. You knew you bad feet in a abort time, They told you eo. And they, too, wished they were back in Newport Harbor .,.. rather than under other feet in the met· POpOUtaa lltoree. We knew before we went in the store, while we ... there and after we left that we were in the wrong spat for aliopping. There'• no place Like the home town. .•betb:Jt'1 llhopping for the holiday 8eUOD or &DJ other n. Thia home town, particularly i1 a pleuant place to ahop eompered with the mad ruab in tbe larger citle&. Try bur local merchant. and .ee if we're not riJbt. Let's Not Budget Royalties on Oil Until in City Banks There'• an upect or city rinance which drew our thourbt the other day -the budgeting of royalties from our submerged Udelanda funda BEFORE we know how much ca.ab wtll a.ccrue to the City of Newport Be9ch. We cannot eee bow the city can budpt thia money wlMa tt II planntnc on produc:Uoe ot ou from we11'I not yet deYeloped. At tht time the budget wu broach- ed t.o tll• pubUc by the council, Newport No. 7 weU bad not hem broG1bt in. Some thought thi8 well would be a blc oU bon.&n&a but eventa proved otherwiae. Here we an with an m.imated $180.000 budgeted for development of Harbor and beach areu but tbi9 money will not neceuarily be on band unW the end of t.be fiec&1 year June 30, 1966. We wonder U it would not be better to let the rtnt ,_,.., oil income accumulate, at lnt.tttwt, until the cub for tM ~ ttu ~ colleaed, then procted t<S -•J>end thJa .um wt.ely over the following year. In tbia man- ner we will not be budgeting and banking bope9. Ourinr the put few month• there bu been no public review by the city council, ill city man1.ger, nor more lately by the city'• three-member oil committee to keep ua aU uptodate on the t ideland• wells. The onlhoN lltN and the lidelanda themaelve. h&ve been Seued to the Monterey Oil Co, \lrbich eo f~ bu bl'Oqbt la 11 wella and ii working on the twemb. Yet there bu been a paucity of lnlonnaUon on the we11I lince a rival oil com~ny uked the city oound l to make public certain oil data on the Monterey opera- tJon eo the rival firm couJd bid more intelligently on the It.ate tldetandti parcela t.o the west of the Santa Ana RJ.-er. Now thve &l"tl aeveral reaeons which could be ad- vanced on Uwt dearth of information given the public aboat the tJdelanda oU recovery prorram the put couple of moothe. For one thing the oil committee, conaiating of mo.t repat&ble local rHident.s wboee background la bicb la petroleum lore, may not have been uk~ yet by the council to return a preliminary report on the cur· rut productlon. Or, oa the other hand, thi9 report may have been • 2t·11 "!"T ~. Wf'Cll •laJt ... ~ 111 t6e M&WIOWI' llA&BOa Pl111U8BINO COMPANY 1111 ...... ~ "&WIV&T UA.Cll, CA.LU' • ..,.._ llutlM lilt ~W I ........ Llpl .N...._ ... A•vwl? ... .r AD &i.- --fJ6 IM 14 k:c o-rt et~ 0.. la Ana. N .. A·ll1't ,. 9 • made to the council In one of it.a ••study" lleUlon•. But no one not a council member or high city offici&l would know thia. Then, again, our city manager baa been recover- ing from minor surgery and then took a recuperative - leave from hia maay dutiee. • And 'too, the councll haa been bu.ay ln other fielda of enduvor. But we wonder,-insomuch u the City of Newport Beach ls a municipal carporatiOll ii it would not be wi8dom for the council to bring ita fellow taxpayen uptodate on the tidelands oil operation. We wonder if it would not be a good way to end the calendar year for the council'• three-member oil ' committee to be' allowed to turn in a report covering the time they have studied the city tidelanda drilling program. In the meantime, until the tidelands oil royalties are in the city cotters it would appeu the better part of intelligence to withhold any anticipatory 1pe11ding and let the municipal government live on the funda it bu 00 b&nd. Candidate No. 1 Almoat a year before the ballot.a will be cut and month• before the nominating convention Adlai E. Stevenson baa toaaed bia Fedora into the political ring. Hia announcement came aa a complete surprise to no one. And it marked an unsurprising change of heart from election night of November 4, 1952, when he answered the question if be would run again by aay- ing: · "Have that man's head examined." Four yeara ago fie then Governor of Illinoia played a waiting game and waa awept into tbe poat of party at.andard bearer. Thia tim~ be ia getting a long run- ning at.art. Politicoe are wondering however if be may not run himself out before the real race begtn.. Tboee who early indicate their desire for the nomination rarely get It. . Jn 1948 Harold Stuaen apoke hia piece more than a year ahead or time and campaigned vigorou.aly in the prlmariea. But he djdn't get the nod. In 1952 Eete8 Kefauver wu an avowed candidate fa.r in advance of Chicago but that didn't help him win. Away back ln 1920 California'a Senator Hiram Johnson won numer- ous prtmartee but not the nomination. On no leee than three occuiona Bob Taft came to the convention with more vot.ea than anyone elae. ~ut he, too, wu di.uppoint~. Of SPEEOi OF ASSEMBLY • Of PETITION .•• Editorial Circuit Rider By UNJ'l'ED PREM (A Symposium of Editorial Comment from California. Newspapers) California editora concentrated reeently on giving (Eel Nnt. -Tlaltl •-llJ ff.,,.,. Partin trtll .,.. wtdl UM llttl~bOWll •••tc>rtcal fat"t1 lift haa ctr'f'dc...t 11p .. Ma ~ tnpe blto ..... back ~t17 .. ~·t ,. ...... ), . I am here in the Bon-go alone. Tomorrow the familJ' arrives for Thanks~ving. It was cold yesterday aa I ~ through Warner's in the jeep. At the Log Cabin Cafe ob the San Felipe at 4 p. m. it was 42. A• I came down U., San Ft'lipe Canyon it began to worm up Jtl the "Sciuot;9f SanlenMC-(' 11 n ~·o n was PVC'n on d<'l<'lr "btgb V<lltai:e."~ w1n mer. A bNHll 1f11I warm twl· I ht1VP 11n atom bomb INllde, l1i:ht nn thl' BN-t'J'O Thto Du VAils rlKI r11·11y tnr mllea unlf'• W l'•" hosp1t11blP "~ 11311111 1 rMnf'M f rnm batterlH . Two Agalnet m y betlf'r Jlltlgment I •'-I t111111rark!t with many al.- wa• "rollt>d oul" al 8J . m. for •It''"'' rnmr~ It I• 11vnnf!e "tgJr• and b•<'on." a t thP' n u Va lls' j r•nnl 111 lhf'•r 1h11dr ool of t H Rd lntr nilr.S lo rt'turn tn ~"" nonn drly 11110 F'Pllpe t1nd lntl'rVlt'w 11n 01" In· I R111n~ of olrt bomH t8 d. I dln.n there \\'ho wa nlPd to ~rt' .. a r \'11111111:,. of the thirty'• m f'. t.:mler11laml ht hns prt'pBl'f'd I In~ awttv In the de~rt -c mucBI In t he-rnutlni: pllio in th" re,.1 .. t a rlf. On 111d hit an .... 1,1 day11 Sur h 11 bt'nu11r111 1lay I home~th'1 11lte ""1th a dttlded I'd rathPr w&n•ter over lnl( Wf'll raalnr protrudJnc • ltte desert In UtUe J~ tht 'JCf'p. 1 Wll'h. Dropped a bid ot m\Ml. A trip up Rock House Canyon w11y down. no waler. Be&u ~• Cluk·• O.y Lak• ·~•" •• P"'P'• "'""' b~k• by :~ be the order of t he day. I v11nd11I Why dldtl't he take It' _ · U ltle J o e In f I n e (t'ltlt', whole, would've been val "lubed" and oil r h11ngecl an<l •I PlckM up aome or Ute plec•· Temecula h&d ant1trf'eze put In I lhl'y .re a ~aullfUJ deep PIU'flt. the radiator. Cut acroM C'OUnlry. naor AUUPTl.1' through lhP d11nl'1t And me11qulle I Wf' 1loppefl, LltUe Joe and I. for the "s lrport ro111t'' b;v t he l"eog· whrn the dt'ep rutted t1'Ck• dl'Ot- lel' monument a11<1 I 11m on my P<'<I 11bruplly Into a wuh. ~ way. Pu11ed srol whl're the mo· 1 et! 1t1·011rHl ind f ol down Into ..... lion plcturt "Dnrrt Fox" w & s wuh. Ran o v es aome ~ filmed. OC11er t all r bl'wed up bu11b that amelled Ille• dee•• where t he mov1.. vt hlcle.t capl'r· carrion. St<>Pped s ot out, fld for the cameru . No worry. 1 back curlo1111ly. found buah tew more year& and th ey'll bf' wa.a a nt'w one and "•lunk to era.ed henvf'n " OU> llOMB RASGr: . JleR~l'd for a p o I nt of advice to drivers in preparation for safe Driving Day, and On oown and hit Clark'.. Ory l "°mr 2 mil"• tlll'l&nl over a th '-th I t · r tb advice ; .. good rac·tu11 1.onJ bn11h covered all even oug•1 e annua even 18 ove , e -Lal<e olJ bom lnng ninJ:t'. Took • tun Louk~ llk l' irood oil• the year around: pie ot bnmbtn.: obt'rvatlon 11h<'l-Rl'~·k wtll . vaml•hed" a Hanford Sl'nUnl'I : "There are t lmple and r~a~n1ble rules of t.er. 8 11( 11qunrt i·hunk of conri l'te brc.wn wblrb meane old u two major facton In reducing lhe road, rulea t.ha t are known to about 10 x 10 and 3 feet thick. lu bt•d bould d Uk Jy pll~ high w1lb rock, and w p· r el"I an 1 e hlithway deaUu1. It I H!Ta to 11•. ~.:_~rymbodanvY .•. bul are unheeded by ported by hug~ timber• about 8 Four whffl drlYl'. In and One ta lmprovtni: lhe driving ot ""' tno roclu and bruab eome tn every m an and woman who tal<ea Mary;vllle Appeal -Dem<K'rat' teet oft lhe Srowtd. All I.he •Ide range, brouJ ht to· ~ wddeft ·..., a car on the 1tru t1. A nother re-"If every mol-0n11l operatu his or protection ha.e ~n hijacked br. by a boulder bordered wuh. llDl eponalblllly 11 laid upon the man-her car <'&rdull~ and ln ll'lllgenll)' the two-lecttf'd duert Jackall. only 200 yvt1a way ., 1 1'~ ufa.clurtt11 to ao druUcaUy Im· the odd.a are approxima tely 999 I Muet uk Diii Moeu how ule a waU<. prove automobllu !.Ml they will lo 1 t hAt n o one wlll bl' hurt on f\IY would be with rookle bom· Climbed up lnlo tM ~ 11111 Jel u1 wa.Jk a way from the 11.reda and highway• ... The o<lil bardlrra. 1 Not very-B.M.) 0 Id boulder1 and lhm I •W my dlit accldenla. ~me of which ~ al-cha.nee rest.A, or cnune. In 110me t.arceta outlined In rotk P•tlerna tndl•n petroclyph -a 1 n aD moat lnevll.lblt'. For your own unforeaee11ble mtth•nlca.J fs llurf' la y out on the flat dry 1•k 1· with a ctrcla In hie mouU1, lna.t u.rety , , • ror all lime. here u e or 110me freak oci:urr .. nce. Bui It Suppa.~ to have been a "» m ll· p1lnltnlfl aJJ around on the boldd- t10me well-<:on1ld•red augfuUoM : i. l.ndeed a raM' m l11bap. M'<'Ordlnic llon C l • trAln rd In thl& general era a nd J set ••cited. 1 cllM~ cbeok your 1~. . .check your lo traffic e.,q>erls, that c an't ~ area. . Uke the dlcken1 lookt.nr Into _.. dr1nk1na __ .~your car~_._..:.: t.taccA.tll(tttlY w lb~ <:art lttumu11 Over to Rock• hOn iHlu d -a ery c"'v1ce a.nd en• -1'\r&Sa ,,," l ndto Nf'w1: '1'bere lie• or etupldlly or driver or pedea· YllM'I the"' -old JltOllJ'~tor. whn tt'rrllory. I mu1l be c&reftll. I am the Irony or our lr.tflc accident tnan." cllmbtld t nwnrrt Bll l'k R&hblt aloM 1u1d althourti \M DuVM&a problem ::-that It takee • Preal· THllEE C'Al'1'4r:~ Puk. Three nl)Chle lhl"y eaw hill know within 6000 ac1"81& ot wllen dtnllal bl,.H lnf &nd a hig'h-pow-Orovlllr Mu cUf)•: "'T'alklnl' to n~e hl1h nn thl" rorky &ldu of I a.m a tall would be dl...t~ eM!d eduC'a UonaJ t tfort to ac.hlt've a rf'port.er In San f"raf1t11eo. a n the mountain. lht'n no m ore, ntv· N~arlnir Oll' top aAJ .u.re that ,_aonable conduct Oft the high· embul•nce d rlvt'r of 16 yt 1nr f'X· " eeen axain 1ny m inute a Ion• eonce&.led ola. WA)'• tor only one day of tbt yur per1ence ,-tv~ thrtte ceu11n for MAllEJil t'Tl\,, will pop Into view. 84111 drt•l11s ~ be the year· 11cctrlf'nla: Sl uphUlv ... Too m uch "Bamry" Bam1•1 of Comna dl'I UOOO UJUINO PLACE Of coune, any man who polled 27 million vota wbk b made him the bighe9t 1eoring loeer In biatory 11 not t.o be taken IJgbUy.. But that deft;at wei&'ba aga.i.n.t b1m -even though we have had tlft once-defeated Pre.ident.a. around n 1te. aot the on.-day ex · t.o dr1nk . . . Eit<'l'Mlve apttd Mar and lhl" hi t of l ndl11n !>ft\· A partlcu larl)' sood rocky hid· • c:Ppllon. We could •'Mak• Every Stupidity .. .,11 a<'r<>llol tnr thl' tu y foUJ1d JU•I ur th .. rr a t th,. Ing p lace ta abo•e bul dltOcult to It la quite poulble that Mr. Stevenson will be next President of the United Stat.ea -if be geta a chance to run. But that'a the rub. AFFAIRS OF STATE By llENllY C. lbcA.RTll1JR . S ACRAMEN'TO. (CN S) Somt llm• •ao. Wuhlneton. o c. ~­ came famous for d~J'I frtezrn and mink rQ•~ but It 1ppe•n1 now tha t 110me of th~ rlvll Hr· v1ce boy• In S.crament o •Jrt' ll<!l · tllnf tor rotla.wnu anil "'f'rf' In t.her J•ckl'IA, 1ctlordt.ne tv cJI•· clot1uru m•d• by tht 11t•l" dr · p&rl.ment of public work~. which 11 headf'd by Oovernor Goodwin J Knight'• u -d"11 aervlce 1pp<>lnl· 11. Frank 8 . Durleee IUld allowed a conlMlctor to l•kl' $100 w.>rt h of con•lruc\lon •lakea away from a Job. W illiam H. Mt'lrhcer, another r11· aldenl .-n~nttr. IJI accu1N1 of 1c- Cf'pl lng a rotblf'rlt . and tht rt'- fore WM dl1n1lt18(>1I T he lf1tlhf'r Jackel, lh11 dflplll't • ment Niy11, ~ent to Cuy V. liuck - m·m J r.. who alao 111 1cculed or ta>c1ng a day·1 pay f rom a con· tractor toT work perlonnf'd on l'ta te wnie. Th~ more rolluerlt1 went to C'hutt'r L Brown. P. L Olio a nd Charin L Bunl"l'. who only drrw A.. H Hender90n. Jepuly dlrf'C· tor of the df'parlm enl whom lhl' r onrnor rl'lleved ot bia duUH u dlr.ctor or the departJn~t of mo· tor .. eblclu lmmN!lately ertl'r ht' rf'prtm&lldJI. lhl' drparlmenl ••Id, look office, i.a.Jd an u l valve ln· .,. tbt>re wu "no evidence Ulal n aUp tlon "l'laa nwltt\1 In da· the eccepl&ncl' of th"~ citta had t'lplln•ry action' . 1 •ny dfect on the quallly r' work o' on rayrnenl for any fl11th""•a y DIM."IPJ,JNt: PEA80.S.SEL proJttl. • TWo relrident t ng1nt:f'r• tired Day S·O Day." flr"l and .. ·coM 1·-..e... fnr tJ\c bu.e of mo .. nl.&in e1U<l or RO('k'• l'"l to. l am ca~t\Jl, a IUJ 'WOU1d OKDINA•Y CO'CllTESY man wtw ha" hlld t11C\ m111b w That pfN'f' or p<ltl,.ry varn11Lhc-d fll> up htrl' for day• wllh a brok· Ontario • Uplllld Dally Report! drlnk )18.ll b4'< or11t 11l11p1d 8 11t Willi raw i:old, M" If l hlJI oltl C>llA "" lrtc 1-~nAllv t am lhfl'll, puff· " .. ordinary cour luy llJ'ld com· apef'd I• lh" No t k llln. ar1 urd· I l nd111n tir«-11 rl•Y pot I had C'On· 1ni: 11n1J full of ho.,-lnlltf'•4 of mon eenae on Lhe hJKbwaya 11nd 1nir to thr Cilllrornla H1ih,.•11y tAlnl'd a full load of ~old nug· an olh• there lay a d~l"d· 1lrttll of t bt nation c.an rut the l'alrol " I 1Ct'l11 befort' ll wu brokrn \\'ho r<l. tmpt y Lucky 8lrtk• c1....,.~tt• 11 .. n1rnl'lou• number uf automobile MC'rct'd Sun • Star " . th,. ~·h"•"· ,..h,.t II•!' there nuic· p1u·k or recent Y1nl ... a too. l1C:l'ldt'nt1 tn wl\lch 110meon1 I• WOl.•l tmul>le "f"'l" arid up (O '""' nC\w "(lllll'l ~ol ·~·1n11t lllr l>ttlalt<I. r mal(f my ... ,. dowa.. kllll'd or HVf'Tf'ly Injured " twq m ajor' point• Anyunf' 1utlln1f 1>11.,. ut th.. 111ountA1n ~ l,1>(\ 11 R• mrmbrnod the ye m about Ole Al&meda Tirne9'-8lar· "Studl~ behind lhe whPel of 1t car m11•l 1 note al luiek'•, he w u n'l lh<"re Alrfotl'lll pllul wh(• df'01NI totnato llh••W lhsl. from a m llt-•Ke 11t.&nd· mainta in co11t1nuous, untl•itKlnlC end !ht J~<'P l11r k• would pu:r: Jlllrf' n n• In lna~•ble epot. la pcJlnl. t.hr-. t\mu u many ~r· altrln!'u to Lhe driving 11\ua \lon ! &It htm • \ht' duert from hi.I plane. JWll. to llOTT8' c:tte 1ll traff1c &ct:1dmtT h i' 1'mdlr h ll'ITllf'tt In ~tmmd~ hi' f ftttl'll('l.-t r nad • s r rO•ll thr drv b.-ckle anti dlaIDuafon the 69.rt nlp:ht a11 durlnir the day And more mu•t ao man•Jie h1• othtr llv1nir l.ske 11nt1 llxik lhl' t1111t trt1dco In t'it.plorl'r wh., ha• tolltd mllH and than t.alt of lhr Pt'd"•lrlan accl· habl~ th11t they rto not r ompro· lhe rtthl Nr w Nur11ry S 1111 hot tiou1 11 t<• rrt wber. no White dt nt11 !l("!"Ur bt'twttn ., p m. a.nd mlr•f' h111 drtv1nir prrform11nrf'. In "twn w h«I •II h•r " h • v r n'I '""" hu b!'f'n befo,... BIS Joli• mldnl(l:hl. Thtre arc many u pla-Tl1u11. hi' •hould not drink If bf' l'hllnjrt•I thf' 110111 huh• u )'l'l h1rrlm11n bett•r drop full c an• nation• tor the•e nlf!ht lime acct· lnll"nd• lo dMVf' And hl' 11houltl Hlg tr•ilt• l<,.1m11 llfl (;•'"Ph\ •1rol 111al tn ra.-e \'OU C'O~ down .om .. dtnta but t hr bl.Jiit cau ee la In· 1t•f"t out early enouch 110 hf' c11n 1urvey. wln•l trll,811:«' on rouf. lllKn lllV 1n1t nc,.d 'em, 111lf'QUAlf\ Ylalhlllty. . . It la fool· rruch hi" tlulln11tlr1n without hardv l CI r onllnue Ignoring l h1• llpfe>•tln~ or JC"lllnr; r.,.rkl,.,.." mren1 by whlr h l bo11.1111n•t. or llv~11 Sant" Rou. Pr('•>\ -r1r1110- can t>fl 1a v«>d t-11.C'h yur ... don't cru . · Rf'lllln<c-011 ••lt•llll·llichlt drl\•e beyond your hradll!fblll · Be 1ni1l f'•d of hand • •lgn11l11 •·•u""" I •ure you ct1n eee ahead at lea.It m11ny A<'r ld«>nt•. Bltnklni: PlfCll•I· u tar a.. t.1., dutance It wnuld U,cblA will tt'll U\11 m•n b(ohln1l taJce to •lop. Don't dnvr cars )'\Ill ll'llt you l.ntf'nd lo m a.kt a with Inadequate hudllghla or tum, but c11r1 approachlnr; yuurt I rear ll«ht• 11.111! rrfle<'tora ·• At an lnlt'rlle<'tlon can't """n IH"C' Tht' Slln f'Tancl11Co Newa: " . , thrm .. motoruu UhouJd I o~rve l ht Sacramento Sidelight lln u ."1•lant enft.rlttr l'U•J'lt'ndC'd The lnddtnt furtber d1~INC"a tc.r t f n worklnr; day•: thr~e jun· how l'l•tc rlvll M,.,,,(e 1• ¥tarf'd SACRAMENTO. tCNSI -Ca· ma\' go In t bt' J9!1e f'ltttlon.11 At 1,,r clV11 enr;lnt'u" IUIJ'"n.tN for ror the rh'il itervire employ~. llfomla'a i t.ate ll'g'il'latura nipld· le>R>l, I hey hOJ>t' ao. llvr wotlone O•y•. ano\h• r u sl•· rather lhlUl •he ernploy,.r, Jn prl· ly u 1~111\ni;r mnre or a o .. mo-On t he oU\f'r ha.n<l. ~publican• 1a.nl h111hwa y •n1tln4'er 111L•J'lf'nd"<1 vale lnduJ11try, '' 1 dtplrtmf'nl r ratlc hue. and the 1pe<-1a1 ,.ICC• In S1cram,.nlo potnl o ut tbal J im ror riv,. dl\yt . a.nJ lbru m •re tn· nr.Jer agalnat ClcC'epling g l Cl a, llona bt'ld lhl.9 wttk did noth1nr Pbtlhp11. the df'taatcd Republican irlnf'"tto J1vf'n wr1tt~n nopr1m1nc1Jo •ucb Ill ;o.•u IAIU1'<4 by thf' ""P•rt· 10 cba.nJ(" the plrturr nr bring ranCJld•tr. wa • 1 hut m lntll" en· mM kt<l up the tl'#UllJI ot the In -mtnt nr pubhr worles. were -no· g-reAt r~jo1c1nc-to the Repubhc:lll.n try Into Ille a.11.tembly rar,., that v~,t11r11t1nn. lalt"<1. thf' penalty would I><" Im· llrlf' ot the two houl!f'!I M1r 8 rlcl,. 111 " mt>mbt>r of 11n old H 111 Our let t'• dt'pnrlmt-nt ml'<ll&tc dl!lrnl~~Hl In 111" 1·•~f' ut In tb,. etAlr 8enlllt'. n .. mcx~u and weU known tam1Jy In Rarra · which rtfUH J< cert.atn lnfonn&llun lhe thrte ebovl' emplo.Y""l'. mrrf" now numt>o·r 18. 1 11mp11rf'<'I to 22 mento, a rlly rlch In l bt' lrftell · to the prt>J<.f anrt nubile. anrt while Jy II Wrtl!C'll rtprlml\nd WIU hand· llOnlll nr t hr rut. 11n!I In "'ldlllon, h •·-••ti to the"n. 'r.lu.& lhf' pub I 1 c. Rrpublh'M!I. lh,. lnrrt'llllt' r1111-NI l <1 • la no dtrttt connf'<·\lon bl'· Which In r-e•llty 18 tht' rmplovl'r In· tht' ~1 .. rtlnn 11t Stanley Am oM. hRd lht' 11ur1wrt •1r th,. '"•tllna tw~c-n thl11 11nd t he prttv Jfllftr· hilt no e•mr&nct1 lh•t tl\e orctfl~ i;11~anvlllr •ltnrnry, tn the ~81 nr w1 pap«>r in t h111 rrimrnunlty ln,« d1•t'loted. the Incident rlu rly or 11,. txl'<'ullves Are going lo be vnC'Alt'ol b,v lht' dulh of Dale \\II· Th«>.Y do nol 1ttuh rnorh 1111tnltl· r11vul1 how a dt putmPnl t hAt Cflrrltd out •t all. I llt1mii in the f!nit ,1111tnrl. c1tnreo lo the •Vl'<'l&I .. 1rct10011 II! dne1 nc.t take the people who •rt 1 \\'hilr lhls 111 not a mojorlty. It a for~ut ot whRt ~·111 '"'J'IJ'lf'n In paylnr; lbe bill• Into IUI rontl-f'Ot'~D ll"VEST.W!::O."T ntvl'rth•lr11t1 a lve111 tht Demoaala Novt'mber. HI~ df'nce o n w 1n11 u p dtrr .. t11tlng Fur:hl'r. the lnvu llp tlon rnldl' iruf(lrlf'nl 1urt"hglb In the 11ta te Jn 1tny tvf'nl, lhf' r11J1fornl• s ovt rnment emptoymtnl In 1ttn· by lh•· tltpartmem. lo unl'11r\ll Ult ac·n11lr l o bN'Oml' " f.1rlor rl!('kon-11'~1111\lurf' la not In MY w11y rom- er11l. petty J18!' • otta probllblv h 11 1 l'tl w11h 1n m11\lrr11 \\hlrh s re J.-. parable to Cf\ngre"ll ln11ore r 11 Spttlflc111lly Oordnn D GArrln,.r. roal lhl' l axpa yen ten hmu \bf' c1tlr1t on 1 puty bBJ<lll. party line• al"" ronr,.rnf'<I Over r'9idt'nt tnJ(lneer. Is d••mtl'~rl be· •mount lnvolv .. 1 How .. vrr. l h • F:ll'l'llnn ur T um Ml'Brldt to the lhe put aevtr1t l 111et1111<•llll. but ft w cau11e h' aller-!'<lly lll"CPplt•I 11 ~ft CO!t or the 1nvot1gallon probably l!IJ<C'mblv In lhf' elr hth d l•lr1ct.. 1118\JU have been dK1dNI on • R f'- or a roll-rte t rom a ron· 1 s 1 tor 11 a •t ond lnve11tmf'nl. u It may ~•crsm~fo ctmnty, now i; 1-v e 11 publlca.n·Democr1t bll11t111. 11ml It roUo..-lnr completion ot A ron-helld oft addlllonAJ favorith1m that i:ount v one Democrat a nd 11 not Ukely lhf're wlll br many tract on wtltch ht "''A• the' enitl· !rifll. which hav,. bec-n a 110uru onf' Rtpublii:An u scmblym&Jt. Mc-!MUN of that type In the tuture neer. Alao, It la 1llf',1t"d he re· ot trouble In row m mtnl a lmOlll Brtll~ downf<I a Rf'publJcan and MAr.li DIFTl:aE:"CF. ceh•ed a t~ttr and a pltlol alnce ~ovemmenl began. Ptmocralic ,,pponenl to obt.aln Main dlffl'renC41 htrf' I• Ulat Grass Roots Opinion BALTIMORE, MD., DA.Il..Y RECORD: "Every merchant and manufacturer knows that there ia a point. of dimin.irlhing return• in the pro<:eu of raising price«. They know too that it ii poeaible to price a.n article completely out of ill potential market.. Thia la a point which a few labor leaders might well take to bee.rt, for labor too can price it.Mlf out of ita market. .. the p<>11t by *' w1'1e majority. abould t he Dem~r•~ 'hip up a Jn Uir 11,..f'mbly. the 11uta now m1jonty tn eltht r hOU.1'. there rount 33 DemocralA and 44 Re-wlll ln 111 probablllty !>.-" "'1uf· publlca na. Three &ea ll! n UI r«'· ntnr of the lndlvldusl,. In aut nnr· m11n vacant. A~ Ln the •f'na lt. tty, w \th the irpea.kt rahlp g<1lng the Dfmocr•llc powl!r 11l1ll rt!· to a OemOC'ral In t he f.ll•Pm bly. 11'\!lln11 tn th~ minority. but like-and the president pro t empore In WIN It I~ tinnuJb nf a f•clor t.o t.he ~nate. Sena tor J-lul(h M •lo ron&ldrrabl• dictation on par-Bum., F rtimo. a Democritt, wu tau n IMlJPI. In Unt1 for pre•ldeocy of l he "lf!n· 1.EAl>ER14 n ·an..Al\'T ale l ollowi.nl' the death of Sena· Demacr1ttc ll'a.der•, ()f coun11, tor Clarence Ward. but Senator w•re Jubl111nt over the two vi~ Ben JI' Hui~. R epubllrlUl t rom torlu . and ~ thf'm 11a an lndt•·•· lm pt'rlal county. wlll f'l!'Ctf'd to lion or ho~ Ca lltom ••. rec lslered lhe Job becaUH he WU a Rfpub- bea..U, OD \.ha o.moonua aide. I Uca.A. .. ~ .. . . - .,,. .#. "-ON('t: l'lt0l'D-Th1s family sedan of some forgotten homesteader rµ.sls wearily away on the Boreco Dea- ert. -Horace Parker Photos BOMBINO SHELTt:R-Shadee of World War U oe Cla.rk'11 Dry Lake. th~ j<""p point.A lo where the ~ get.I are ouUined on lake w whJt.ewuhed rocb. I HEY, BALL! HOOP'S THISA WAY That IMlema to be the message Bill Inloes' pointing finger conveys to the bounding cuaba· Thl• under-basket action shot l oo k place in recent Orange Coast College game with Ocd dental's Frosh q uintet. lnloes (33) and rest of Bue squad compete in the Chaffey tournament Dec. 14-17. -OCC Photo THE SPORTS WATCH By BILL PRILUPS ini: the aplne -ttngler 27-25. C'Ol'RT PS\'l'HOLQ<a' It could be lhn t rival 'J)b)'Cho· lus:.v A<'<'ounl•'d f(•r one or those S..lrr vaiatty Cl!-fnls lhla prac· --· Tar .B's, C's PIRATE QUINTET SUFFERS Capt•~ Wiis INITIAL LOSS OF SEASON Here Th1nday Attw ncklac UJ n .. lllralPt ~ .,.. ....... Ptr&te opponent.I, OoKb ltu .lnmU'a Or-Pof,Dta ftunclil.Y .upc. Ex·N-· Jf.wporl RU"* Rip 8cbool'• .... _ Clout eouas. Ptratee .,,_ pm'\ ....... .... Gee DenQ7 • --tMll t.e l ~ --"tapatrtdt eopped 1Lla1l point and C 1 ema cap \II' twect nnt aet'beck •t U.. ---. ._... wt~ IO, tollowe4 tl7 BM eel \riumphl ln Ule locaJ UDl OY• fl·7S, t.l J:l Camlao 1'11dt.J atclat. a..pmn.wtUa U, • n Torrance uptwetpt 11quad1 But on th• x.. court Tbund&7 i..,... a.cit ~ a • pair o1 'nlundt.1 a f ll r n oon. lb• B'• lllrht. th• Bue quintet poU8M ... T M;)«:IJ4C24 llul tai. M&&tat romptnr to a one-llldld 11-s1 Yic· ott Lonr Beub a tr eou...., taaJM .. .._ lluDu'a -. tor)' and th• C'a equealdnr out• ,6.oe. OU.. 000 _... ..,... I.ms MEWPO ~T .. !A"'""'.:"' ~·;w<' ""'ES<; !>A~T 11 · PAGE~ MONDAY, Oc~:::viuER 12, 1955 Beach: BIU W et.Ml, 8; Ted Oout· ta. 10; Don Mlnaon. :S; Lee Doush· ty, 6; Dan B1dnick, 10 and E:ara Vu Bona, 10. Harbor RHt Memorial Per~ ........................ t ~~FY llartlor at GW..r PARKES· llDUY MOITUAIY tT·25 overtime win. Tb1a Yictol')' m&J ha.,. sati-l':~~D John Henrotvi captured hip the occ p«tormen a tiat °""' acore honora for Cot.ch J immy confident rrtday nlpt. ._ .. Mlller'a B aqu1d wtlb 13 potnta. th• Buc1 found tllemaelfte laa.U., Rich Palaferrl wu runner-up defeated the two fiMll9ta from wtth 11 tor the Tara. The local Jut year'• Sam ~ 11ukat11a1J II.All Ca ..... ___ ........_ 1111 .............. ... ...... lada I~ at halftime, 28-H . t.ourr.am1nt. the wmams Lane-============~ B 800RINO Beach 11quad and PM9MaL ft• --==~==~:::====-~==:=:::=:=:=::::!!!=::=:=~~ Other Sallor .coren: Brickner. •rain, abauce of Jldd7 TOWlf, 6; Randel. 2 ; Whlte, 8; Sc:hont'a, 1; Tarnow•ke. 6; Bryant. 4; Thompaon. 6 ; Hendershot.. 2; Mo- r&Jea, t and Mulder, 2. In what may well be the moat exc:ltmg p rep con teal of the year. John Fonthts' last aecond jump 11\ot from 20 tt. out rave Coach Bill Straw'• C SallGra the 27-25 win over Torrance. Th' Newport Harbor boy11 had t o come from far behlnd, ll:alllng 13-8 at half· time. 8TRVOOLE BACK F ading to a 1M1Wn point deficit. the Tar C'1 1truggltod back to rour merkers behind Torrance. Then a foul ahot by Charfey Tay- lor. 1 goal by Gary Ptckena and a f ree throw by Mlkea Hayn na.rrowed t h.e riv&! lead to 23-21. Taylor connected on 1 rebound to knot the l'OU.nl 23·23 tor reiu· talion time. A palr of tree lOU8 by Pickens and F onUua' clutch netting meant victory e t end of the three minute overtime. . MESA UPHOLSTUING t:l*oiatut-. a Draper)' Jl&O Nwpt. Blvd., Ccie\a ._. Liberty B-4'781 IOHN S TONE'8 Mesa AlltO Wreckers l'ited Auto Parta -d AeceMOriM 2075 P\aeentla Ave. Llbc-r ty ll-'7011 CHta K- 1aat rear• BuaUAftc. -.ch Hfrh ace. m•1 hive Pl'OftD dedd- lnc factor at Ill Camino. Y ounr twtated bia ankle oa a lay up •;tempt ~ LGas You Saw• 1ocro _,... PRINGLES . Free Fiim! ... au .... HAMMOND CHOID Ol•AN c .............. . ltto ~ .. .... ----~ .... -... ... 117...... . . .• ...... Gs .............. DAllZ·SCHMmT .. IUJIO a a.aAJI ~ .... , .. ,., ........... 0 ..... ··--···· OrpM .. NUit -···-- a hospital bed raises the patient's spirit. lowen the nurse's work ... renta for penn~s a day A ho11p1tal bt'd ta wat•t hlrh for care or pa Umt without 1tooplnc •.. keepe him comfort..ble at the tum of a crank. ABBEY RENTS SO YOU CAN REST ... everyt)llnr tor the alckroom Croll\ commodt' to oxn en lift\. ABBEY RENTS l All I PIN TA;; Kimberly S.1181 2190 S. Mala St .• Santa Ana ••Bl'UK'hH in Whittler -BeUflower -Loni Beach .. :~: ~~~I ~l ~~;~sl~=8~h\;~ul~ :: I 1ar& fl'll 65-~5 Oer 2. Sru~ylng ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I trust Coach J ules Gage proves the soothaayer with Guard nav" Taniun. told about hi S-'J '---bal · be Th j lhf' 1nr ldt-nt. • IU or 11tu1ket I va rsit y that he pro\'ed to u rs-urun th•' 11q111u1 a urwal at Ute day afternoon wh ile watching Coach B11J St raw's n ea-size I ma1 1o•m, th .. y went tns1dr r1rt<t C'11 ln action a gainat Torrance. You see. cagy Gage predict-lh ng lhty saw wa.i the hl'ad 11.nrt . . "h1.ul<h•r11 oC a H1v .. rs1<le player ed. before the p ractice 8e&aon opened, that hi8 Tani would rcx.1•1in; above 8 llhower room W1nd up lJI e lOl•r ftnt or ff<'Ond pui ft: .. 1 don't llkf' thi11 llort of 1>o11lt M he walktll alol'IJI. T he •PQI In the 8U11Mt Lea1rue. thing." wall wus aom~ inrhN1 higher tha.n Such an attitude by a member But J ultll, t'njoyfnt hl11 on-lrok· Taniura'11 rrlodt'11l 6-7. ot the roac:hln1t profl'Ulon 111 nnt t'r •net Jlrf'<llcltnJi: role waa ••b· Sc..nw of the Sall irs laid bets vl .. uioly grtt ln1t ,. bit: rhllrJ::t' nul that lhc Ji:llY Wll" walkinl( along only refra hlD(. lt'e 1tartllng ot lht wholr t hin!{ Okay, "" 1 hf' on ff . ~··n• h bfohintJ the "'all He llapttlally 11lnct the Gig«' guys lip otr for lht' overllnw got lhr I "" atn t The ~uy w 115 one of lhn11I' h ave Colten ott le 11Uch a poor tall bounrtnit •italn l'lrk .. n11 llJ'• 6· '. J.:fant11 et.art. recordlnC three 1tra1ght JX·rl 11 go11I throu.(h thr rr•r•I~ 11n•I 'I think Rhlv,.~~l•lt won dt h e I h ' h f 11tAmP 111:hl t rn. c;~, ~1 aefback• before nabbinic t he I r I c T11ra shot nhn1I or t «' ••~t _ _ __ _ flr•t victory •l TorTanre I 1111 l t .• ll 't h t D n :.31 .. ----. k 11tnr .. tt•u up po11 11~ t' ~U ill l11nr In thr 1·1mtc.~t 2;'>·2:1 i·.,,. 1 wee . 8&EL~O B t:LIE V1SO TEMP\·~ fTOIT:-4 I Timi' •l•rtrl1 runnlnjt out 8jlll!O COLLECTIONS But alter wllrlealng Cagt' put 11lzrlld,y. Taylnr raitrd on a itlfl I Illa cryltaJ ball Into act ion In thP 11.,11• Thi' Arct•nclll lk kNJ• wihlly AC'l(·u11n1~ -!\ut ... -C1alm1 of htfh achool am Thurttdey, may-away. l-'onllu.1 icot ht• mtlu on any kind ur _U.bh -a.ny"'"''"'' lJI bf> the me.ntnr'a got aoniPlh1n11 . the ·,aub3 llt' <inbbl!'tl t h111 wey t Anl~rll:a. -s u c.~Uct•tluna -l\o hard .. 1t •• Lo...l!dlen t.L .uu.[lll1d wu bl~l'lr.ln Or-lbbT&J mac i ..__ "• ••h-... --.. -at.A&• of the eeaaon. Hert a r e wav and Wiie bloC'kt'd 1 C:KE DIT ftUKEA !-J of ., ... r . · \\Nol«'1'11 O rangr l oul'IJ ' ..,,. act.a. ShoulPrl Ga.ii' "J ump•·• · '" With Ole KOre 19-1:'> ar;aln11l .. ·ontlii. )llmJ't'•I a nd ~hot at th,. f?nnNI.)' C'r,.dll Ouma n of th 'T C' I 1 t th r lh Sf'\o\ port 8.-ao;h. l.airuna Rf'af'll • ,, ar • i o ni n o II our bur k!'t Ju•t "" lht' t1n11I bua r r (' M quarter. Gage told Co.ch Al Jr-aounl1ed. Flip' Tht-bait llAnk lnlo a nd 1>.1•t• ..... W1 ·n t a_m tha t mekel! lht I "' , tlM Rh•rnolde """" t'.U. 8 01 llNI n. r e .. 1 111 .. ht)(lp "*"e ~ prf'dh't1on nme St:\\ l'ORT ftt:A<'ll, C AhtF. neirl b&akel wllt wua the k•me. Lrue the Tai neawe111hl11 rsplur- Okay. 90 r orwaJ"d John Fon11u1 _____ _ popped tn lbe next field 1tn1I to A·~ -----·------------- pull the Tan With.In. two points -~~ Kf'paJ,,. • Malntr nan"" • ln•lallath•n or :U~"::,::· wu runolnR out and Ji ~ ST AFFCfJL!J lJ. S@N the r1vala kept dr1bbhnr point•' ":-\F::.s ""'' n1,.·· tilrouth bere 91\d lher,.. Ctnter El .. :<'TrtU' \I. <'··'Tit.\(' rortl'i f>hnn" t.lt...rl) l'l·'!'!~O Olartey Taylor or lht' Tar11 madt' 110 fth,.,...1,1r AH nul' ~"" J'-O r1 fli-arh • J'lfl &hot. Guard Oa ry Plrken" • • • depo<"~ted a nl'ttln& and )f I le t' ffAYC'• h.lt on• trnm tht rout line But lb• a.core aUll favored Tor- nn.ce, 23~21. PUTS O~ PllE88 Al thla at&p . St raw put on a M l court pre,u.. P icken• drew 11 fou' •hot. but m lawd. Fln&lly Taylol' connect~ on a ~bound amid the wild l'OUrl r olnp-<>n and the Tan wound up In a regu- latlot1 time dt'adloc:k. 23-23. Thla ·Mnl th' fra y Into 11 three mll1ute overtime. " little buJc•t- ball (lmml<'k dt'vlW<i by f'Vil e haracter11 w h I<' h gutariLnlt'e11 hurt f•fluni for lhe ran11 11.n<t ul- ctre tor U'I,. C'Oachr11. AJJ Stniw Always Champions Cot.cb Pa\JI Brown and hi~ arn&ainf proftMlonal r on t b a I I Cle•tllltld Brown11 thl11 •Nunn cap· turec1 the ir 11fxth •l ral&ht dlvblon- a l champloruhlp. •way lack Yonder 1888 wu da!t 11C roun1J1n11 thl' Ama t•ur Athltli<' 'nlon 1n lhf' United l:)t. tf'll I Oh-h·h~1 \NHAT A DE-AL{ ./ - It's I i \ \ • ; 0 L D 5 M 0 Bi I. E ;. SEE YOUR NEAR'EST .. lr ~DSMOBILE D.EALER ~ L':I.~' • ~ •..A>-t '-'! '~ • • -.,,, J. .,_ ·~ ~~· ... ~·~-::.<II:~,, ... Watch y_our Stef!} JJ'atclr y o11r Sup! Loot for new CONCBA1PD . SAFETY STEPS -a mmt ol today's most modem tnlCb elm new Owt1oilt Ta~k-Force trucks bring you. They my dellr ol • 1now, mud and ice to iive you firrnu, aafer fooCiaa. Be sure you get a Jloderia Truck' .............................. ' • Ball-Gear 1teerln9 for easier hanclllng. windshield plus biger windowll 12-volt electrical avatem for quicker An d greater comfort wilh new Hilb-,. Level '1entilatioa. 1tartin9. And that'• only Jh• IMginnlngl Under the hood, you1J eee the lalelt Herc's where you find ~y'a most modern thing in truck power! 'The lhortest stroke truck feat ures? vs• in any leadin& tnact-« tbe newed _ ... ,.:.-of Cbnrolet'a tamoaa truck 6. Lik e functional Work Styling -atyliq 11111Muuu that fit~ the job! It all 8dcla up .:~ly thia: An~& Inside the cab. you'U 6.nd greater visl-lul ii an ~fi truck. Come an bihty with the &wecpina new panoramic aod let ua prow iC to JOU. • V8 u n oNlartl /11 L C.F. ,...,....,_ ,.,.,,.,,, • ,,... .cw ""'4416 Ill ufN c~. YICU a/fa 1'MI' AmW.~ llol.,,.,,, hi ++ub.fiiip -· •* ....... ---------------··--, Watch the Deal! WHY 'AY MOH FOi AN OLD-FASHIONED TIUCK? You'tt lti11 ftnd the same low price tap oo nnr Chevrolet Tuk·f~e trucka. No ftt- t:rMl•I Get our deaJ-aod be mooey ahu d! _____________ J MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Hitll•_, Phone Uberty 1-2261 .. I PAGE 2 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 PRACTICE FlllNG WARNING ISSUID The U. S, Cout Guard hu IMUect a wamlnr to &II cran ol exten1lve t1rlns ott San Clement• Ialand lhl• week. Thu• will be flrtn1 oft C'ulle Rock. 8&n Cle· m ente bland, t«lay throu'(I\ Friday. 8 a. rri. to mldnltht. and Saturday and llunday. dayll(ht houri only. Ofttime School Boa rd Visitor. Wants Agenda Supt. Everett Rea o! the Costa Me.a Union Sehool Dlltrk t Is checkin g with the county counsel teg1trdlng a reque.t submitted In wr1llng by Mre. Robert Wilson at Wednesday night'•~ board meet- ing. Mra. Wl1110n nld her request wu t<> hav.-a copy ot the bout! agim•la malled to her before meeting• and lo be notified by phone when eny special meetlftRft were called. 1 WANT AD will cost you only s2so end it wm run in ell 4 iuues A Minimum ed is 4 lines. Phone Harbor 1616 Newport Barbor Newa-Preee Monday, WedllMday ud Friday eclltloaa, Pim the Coutal Shopper, Wedaelda)'8 DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor N~w .. Preu ia guaranteed. Carrier boys will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednesday and Friday. It your paper ~ not delivered by that bour pleue call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your paper. T RIAL R1'S-T he new Snow· btrl1 cnt-boat wtth th<' all molded ftberglu hull I• put through her paces by young Tommy Schock, eon or w. D. "Biii" Schock, the developl.'r a nd builder o! the.~e and other amall bo~ts. A clean interior -unobstructed by nbs, str1ng- er11, a nd noor gra tings aud the etlmlnl\tlon of t he n!'ces- 111ty !Or t·orultanl painting, 111'<' •-.nly twci ot the many act- vantagu In tllla type o! cnn- atructlon. -Beckner Photo "1 though I had the rlcht to do thl".'' Mrs. Wlh1on aald today. "but I have 1<ince been lntormed the S('hool board11 are not required to <ln th111 b_v 111w. It 11 o.nly re- qu1re11 tor the new9J1a per1 and ra dtc1." .Mt·11. Wilson a dded. ''!Ince I'm the only citizen who rarularly a t- tends the ~arl1 meetings, perhape the •llstncl will be wllllng to grant my request." Classified Sanitation Meet NEWPOB~ -HA.BB08 NEWS-PRDS hery Monday, Weclne1clay ·••cl Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays Cout&I Shopper A• naa la ilM W......., N.......,_ 4 LIDee l luertiOD •t.00 add'L l1Dee .26-. 4 Lines 2 luertlona l.aG add'l lbaee .26 -. 4 Uae. 3 luertlou %.00 add'L Dacie .%6 ea. 4 Uaes 4 luertloaa i.60 add'L ..... .15 ea. Boud or directors ot County Sanitation Dlatrlct No. 1 will be meeting In rerular eea1lon at 8 p. m. Wednl!1day ln room 239, 110( W. 8th St., Sllnla Ana. an- nounce• Secretary Ora Merrill. atwasa-Wuted A.d9 wW NClllw ll~ cU8oMa&. OIM la ~ 0&17. IUNDIUll AD 18' UNU Chris Thunstrom Wins Music Scholarship . Second Time All Oluetlled Ada mmt .. peN fn Cula la ~ ef ,.....u... The publiaher1 will not be re1poall!We tor mon paan one uaconect lraertioa of an ad. r....,.• the ript to oornot.17 clu9lf7 uy ucl all adJI and to reject &z\y ad not conformlq to N1ee and nipd&Uoaa. High honor htis again come to Harbor Boys' Club membPr Chris Thun11trom or 1 8 2 ~ Plat'entla Ave. Costa Mesa. Chris, son of Mr. 11n1l Mrs. Ru:k Thunstrom has better t han average talent In mu- sic, art and drawlni', sculpture, ca rtooning or any other art may apply tor assista nce through hl• !veal Boy11' Club. agn111 b l'<'lt a warded a si.x ·monUt PJc.'l urP otbove .shoWl! Chris re- Ep11te111 Sl·holarsh1p In music. l'l'lv1ng S250 check for hl9 second The Ste~en D a v Id E pstcln ~Ix-month 11chotarJ1h1p in mulllc. Mtm'1r lal l'ounllatton was fo11~11l· r 1'esenting the ch«k Is Albert ed in m.:J.nory ot lb.e. young rnrn. rxec11Uve Director of of J11llt1s Epstein o! Chicago. Th~ 1 he Boye· Club of the. Harbor 1u·hola1 ~h1p ts a d m I n I a le red Aru. • t h1>·11i.h Uu1 Boys· Clubs or Am- "rl< >i wh1< It r1·cummends 11r h<llnr- sh.p1< 1n v.1111111:< Art11 for •kll\'rv· lng yo111111,.tc11 or bl'tter than av· LEGAL NOTICE erns:.r tlllt•nt. NOTIOIJ or INTENDED 8AJ..ll IJul'lni.; 111.-pa•t l'llx month11 t he NOTICE JS HEREBY OIVJ!N: •f.'ll<•l111~hlp hull provuJeJ ''nice lt!A· That c. o. EL.LlOTT AND R. o. sun" fi>r l'hflll frorn Mr., Allen ELL10Tl', Vendors whose addre• L111U(jlll'~t .,r Entt<ral<I 88) A Ill(), Ill 13 H South Ga.mac In th pl11nn ll n•I f'lr-111rnt11ry 11111~1" l~e-Cit t Santa An 6'~unt o~ ory ha11 b<'"n p1·m·1<lrtl by the F.p-Y 0 a.. , Y ~lrtn Srh•i.h11 i.htp rr111n ltulh Bar-1 ~~to s~:t t':: ='i I~: cum~ uf l n1 ~11111 del ~tf11 SH.ROYER AND R OMER W. Any R"'" <'lub 111•·01b<'r with ORSON, Vendtts, wh.ose addreN Board Balks 111 42H I.a. Nlt!toe Drive, Loa I Angcks. 27. C&lltom la and •e2t ~f<>r11e Avenue, Sherman Oe.~ California. In the County o! Loe An~<'lrs. State11 or Ce.ll tor nla the ..!o&v.:lnf 4-Abed PffllOOa.I ·profl- Cl'ly, lt>·Wlt: Drive Plan All •l11Ck tn tl'ftdt. t1xtur .. 11, t'qulpm~nl and ~ood wlll ot a cer· llUn bustneas. known iu COAST ~lTER MARKET . and loot~ at A n"w dllllrkt polky rrR"' lini:; :i3H ~st Coast Highway In U1e chnrlty collect1on d1 '""~ "''" "I'" C-1ly or N"'vport Beach. County ot parrntly 1et by Co8ta Mt'"J\ 1·n111n flrRnge, State ot C&lllomla a.nd Sd1nol Ol~trlct Board o! Tru~l"''" that a l&le, t.re.n&fer &zld &MIC'll- WM ne.iJay night. ment of the aame will be made, C-nsta Mt11e. Vollce C-hl,.r Art M d th& con1l~ratlon therefon J.lcl<tnzle, u or 11 n g, '"111111 y \\i ll be ~Id at 10:00 o'clodc L m., rh11lrmBn tor the March of l>tm,.11. on the First day or P'ebrua.ry, leot, 1111bm1tted a lcllu to t.he t rn8tru M the eecrow department of •M i@ time •go re'jue.allng p<'rm111· t-IEWPORT HARBO.R BANK at l'tl'n l t1 conduct the d11lr1bullon or 343:'> Ea.st Coaat HJpwe.y, Jn the ' M"t'r h ot Dlmt's tnvel'l'flt'S tn lhr f'lty or Newport Beach, County "'h•1nl~. The trust en tell pt'rh11p~ of Orange, Stale of CallfornlL t hr l!C'hOOlll 11houl.t 11 t hnnlll" 1111cl\ 1 l:Mled De<:ember 2, 111113. collf'rtlnns from thl' slurlenlA C. 0. ItLLIOTT, Vendor \\'r .. lnesday night. the R"v Rnb-R UTH 0 . ELLIOTT, Vendor •rt Grnnlund. tru.sl•·E'. <'xpl11lnrd RA !'(~EY lL SHROYER, Vendee that McKen%le merely Wl\OlNI the H.OMER w. ORSON, Vendee c:ollect1on envelopH pa11scn out to 1 No. 837-Newa-Preu 12112/~ the 11tudenta to take hOmt Par- ents wou!d Jnall the envC'lopts to Ule Ma.n:b of Dimes, Gronlund H lt1, T rustee Hugh Jenk11 nb11Prvt rl. "Th111 11hould s"t a p<>llt'y In web chuttable reque~ts I<> rli,tnbule but not collect " Th,. b<>Ar•I 11gned tn u frr lhl1 decision back tn Mc- Kenz.le. College Bookshop Managen Warned Of School Growth (.'EHTIFICATE Of. Bt:81SE88 f"lctltlom FlnD Name The underalgned do hereby cer- U!y that they are conducting a re· tall ball, tackle a.nd ~port.IWea.r bualnus at 200 Ma.in Street, Bal· boa, C.:allfornle. under l he flcUttou. rtrm name of TRADER HORN SPORTING GOODS a.nd thal Mid firm Is compoeed or the followln• pcrll<Jns. whose n11me11 In ti.Ill and f'lll<'e" (I( re11idence are M follows. l<•·wtl; FRED JOSEPH EDITH JOSEPH So• E. Balboa Blvd. Balboa. Cnlltomla \\'ltnl'ss our hands thu 215th day ot :-io,·cmbt'r. 1965. Ornnir& Ct'tll!!t C('llle~"· nn" nt I •s/ FRED J OSEPH t he rh11rtrr 111r:nb<-r11 ot the C'11h· ~. 'EDITH JOSEPH fornla A&«>•:l11 t1nn nt ("(l 11 <' t' .. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Stort':t. "'"ll rrpre11ented In San I COVNTY OF ORA:-.GE )as Fran<'1sc•1 nt th" '1h 1,mnu&I c"n· Of lhla 2M.h day ot November, Vl'ntlon a.nil m11nagement Conftr· A. n lllllll. bt>fore me. MONTE R. •nre ot lhr AMot'lallon, GRlMES, a Notary Public In and PEADLJNE8 for placllla ... CM'"" .. ad9 an: Jl'or Monda7 Publle&Uoe -.J'l'tda7 I p.a. J'or Wedn..cla7 PubllcaUGM -Tueed&7 l p.m. For Friday PubllcaUma -'l'INa*J' 1 p.m.. NEWPORT llA&llO& nm.mllDJG 00. 1111 a.&Ma 8lff.. N ............ o.111..-. Classified Index 1 Fwleral NotklM I Cud of naau ISpMW·h-' ' FwaeraJ Dtrecton 10 B1111ln-Oulde 11 Bull~ Mater'lal.e ll Ballclln« Sen1cee U Penoaala U 8llMe Your Cu 1• ,.......,..... ., ... ,... II ._,*7 A.Ide 10 HeelUa Aide H Loe' aad Found H fkboole. Jaatructlo• %8 8Uuat1ou Wuted n 11e1p w .. w IO 111-oe''·- IO-' 8wape IO--B AppU..- 11 Wuted to BUT H Fu.nit.an for 8llle Q..A .t.aU.- 11 a..&a, lkl,,.. M Muateal, RMUo, TV 16-Dop.-Cats;-"hts II Poultry n u,·eetoc-k at Autoe w-w •O Autoe for Sale 40-A nrea • Partl U Auto Servloe U T,.oen "Alrp ..... •'7 WMted to Rent '8 Apta. A Hou-tor lleat ~A Aptt. for Rent ~-eo .... for Rea& 61..() TnOer 8pacie " aooma for &eat '9·Aa.IB- .._BS-a Board 00 Rell!. llJK. II Stotttt A otn.- N -A BuAMW a-tale H B_._ Opport:ahilll u ll09e7 .. ._ M 11..ey WaaW • ., ........... w ...... II .... s..aate l!lentea to la~ Prapert7 tc>-A C-1 r1ml, llldll6trlal tl Rec.I Eltate Elrcbuc• •i Ree.I l'.et.t.e y Newport Barbor B. P.O. E. 1767 Meeta •nry Tbul'llday I p.m. Vl& Oporto -C4ntral Aft. N•wport Beacb Albert H. llattl'I..-, l:a&lted Jluler ~ABUILDING All Kinch FREE r.sTIMATES Liberty M109 ntt CARPENTER Reoair Work Painting; Decorating Papilrr Renst"I GEO. BURKHARDT UCllMllal> OOllftAUl'UA lfl w. JIG ... o.ta 11.-LDMIV MUI <:7eneralC:ontr•ctor LlC&rillllD New Work -Remodeltn1 J. MILTON KCD:NZDll Harbor eM-W 58tto CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO UCA.LL B.O • .U.S- 101' a Balboa mYd.. llaJboe Barbor HOO Uttc Painting, Paperha.ngillg 'The FiDeat Money Can Buy" Svmpson & Nollar 5{2 38lh St., N1W})Ort Beacb Ph. Har. 2404 or lNT-ft.. lltto Jennen Plumbing Rep&lr work, a specialty Water h•t«a on tlme peymenta 2819 Newport Blvd., Newport Be.I\. Har. 6816. Rea. Bar. dtT.J ITcU ltd. OU 8pr ens l>rt~ PARKING L01'S 8ub-div1alon8 our~. We tul'1l1& &117 t7Pe oU t.o 70UI' .,.. cttl.caUon. i.ars. jobe -aWJ Joba. Yr. •UmateL Al.lo wa- ter •P~-Xodem tquJp- ment. Ll:Jlinrton t-4008, au- more •Pac' Bun~ Bcb. Otto Peintin9 Contractor Llcen.ed -wured "Complete Painting Service at reuonable prices" JAKES, Harbor 1239M ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM 3ep4.3 ( tut.all Uie above c.hMper tJsaJI moet. Al.o 1ell 'nle A: Linoleum. Non·unJoo, 25 7e&r1 uperlenc.. Compare and ... - BILL COKllR Bar. •7911 or Loq Beach 1-0971. 89ttc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucenaed LI 8-3!i21 no A'+'OC&do, Coet& Kua Mtto Mr11. Bun~ler Greely, manni'tt.r for the 18.ld County and State. of the !!ll11lc-nt • owned Ornnge rto1ddlng therein. duly c-ommlaalon· Coast C"ll<'I".<' store. allt'nded tht-f'l l trnd sworn, personally appea rt'd Mnfer!'nce. Dr. B. C. McConnell ).•RED JOS&PH and E DITH JOS· fl( Stantor1! Unl\'ertlty and dlrec· Ef'H knov"n to me lo be the per· tor of atAI<' 11chool planni.Dir •poke 50 ns who•• namu are 1ubllcrlbed al the lunch('(ln ot the first day's tn tho w1tMn Instrument, e.nd ~Ulllness llt~lnn. Ill llnowledged to me U1at they Doee Tow"Bome a...s a.~ • R•nSl"WST FOR RENT Dr. McConnell'I me.....-• waa u1oeuted the 1&me. ''l&rUl.ng In h111 projcctJnn oC tu-Jn wltneaa w.hereot. I have here· college gniv.71.h In CallfomJa. unt•• ~et my hand a.nd 1.ttlxed my warned the man14\'er8 ot lhe otflC'laJ 1e&I t he day and year ln e,.e book.stores lhat t hey mti&l Uu1 Certtncat e t int abon WTltten. prepue now to een •e •ludtnt MONTE R. GR.IlOD8 \bodJea ot alze11 mUIUpUc<S by their ~ly Commi111lon Expire• prc~t enrollment, and that the November 13, J9M large numbers were \\1th1n rH"· No. 832 &atlon 11oon. XeWll·PrrM 11 '28, 12 15. 12. 19. 1 11~ • C&D rr.u. LlbertJ .... All Work Ouaruteed 'l•tte COKPLETE PAINTING 6 Paper Ha.ncin1 Senice EUGEN!! O. SAUNDERS 1100 3llt Street, Newport Beach Harbor 2978 or Har. ,.,... Uc Cu atom CABINET WORK Done Oft premiae• No 'job too miall. r hone KI 8·33'1 Skill Baw1, Elec. Drtlla, Pol...., an tn-of 8and•r-. m..u.r- """ •t4. BOYD'S HDWE. taO W. COA8T HJORWA1' Ubutf l-3Ull, N-.pon Bcb 18Uo Painting A Paperba.nctnJ We do the work olll'l4lftl. ,IO ,_,. apert •CI Llel9Ued • luand. sau.tacuon rua:uteed. s.tlmatee ""· OaD ,~ LI 8-2887 6 LI ~289 Sltfc ..... , .. A.k:obolk:a AJlonymoua Wrtce P. O . ._ Ml Newport lle&cJl. C..nt. PllolM Hanor 61N . -.. ·~.....,..l AMI Superfluous Hair PermanenUy removed from race arma, .. ,.. Eyebrow• aDd bair llae lllaped-No mor. twM1tn1. ~ L BRYANT R. &. Uclo'e laloe ot Beau~ ll&r. 267t u. n-Lott utt round LOST -Lo~ wallet contallllnir pe.pen. REW ARD offer-.d tor re- tum. Cont&ct Jl"rank B. Smith, •te So. Main, Huntington Beach or call th!A paper. OpO ~ U-Sehooa.. laatnedoa SCHOOL, DAY OR NIGHT GROCERY cuhler1 &zld MEAT · wrapper.--rn '80 -'100 per week. 808 Spur1aon, Santa Ana. Ph. KI 3~300. 32~•11 LEARN Pracu,.,i Nunlnr. 'Earn 18 • $14 dally while traln1nr. LA.mbert 11-71121. 33ltc China Painting Day and llnn1111 Cl.- Orders Tu•n Now non. LDlerty .._.. HUo 13-81futtoM WMW Swedish Massage IAdlN, -by appo1n tment ir your home. J'onnerly rnUMUM at Arrowhead 15prtnp Hotel. Pl .... call Harbor '796 or Harbor 10. U c Uh EXPIJIUENCllD colored lady, d• pendable. Work by day or week. Klmberly 3-Ws&. •2p« BEAUTIFUL laundertnc, ahlrt1 a 1pecl&lt7. pl ck up A delivery. Loce.I ret. KI a-atH. t 2c0 CL&A.NlNO A: 1J\ONINO by lhe day. bpertenced. Balboa lala.nd preferred. Kl J-tOH. u Roy's Maintenance Bouae deulJllc-noor w••mr Wall ~-Window cle&ntnl VeaeUan bllnda. Upbolatery Iuund. rr .. Estimate• L1Mrt1 1-1111. 1Ue wru. addre11 your Chrlltmaa urda, Nice handwriting. A.ao baby lltttq. Call Hat. 3999-W. -4lc43 OmN. Houaecleantnr. 2 young women workinr aa t.-m. $1.:SO per hr. Bar. OI02. An.er •Ix. 4lp43 BA.BT litter, mature woman, By !lour, daJ' or WMk. Good refer- enc.. Har. 07'6-J. U cO Expe~ardener ING and CLEAN UPS Liberty 8-16159 SOtlc llXPEJU:ZNCED A: RJCLlABl.Z - woman w1ah• b&by aitunr day1 or aven~1. Good n!erencea. LI 8·11709. U c4' RELIA..BLE JAP A.NESEt· AMERICAN WANTS GARDENING IN HAR- DOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYA'IT 4-5471 38p60 %9-Belp Want.eel ARE YOU TIRED OF -nGBTINO CROSS-TOWN Tl\A.JTIC -ltOUTINJ: INSIDE WORK -LOH or PAT P'OR VACA· TIONS -NO CHANCE FOR ADVANCE· llJCNT ApplJ' 1030 JC. Jl'trat Bt. Banta Ana. Mon. to Frl . l :SO a. m. to 4:00 p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -Hu lntereetlng out -ot -doors Joli. for b1gh 1ch0ol 1raduate1 18-411 wtth aom,. me<:ha.ntclU aptitude. 5-day, 40 hr week. 4.3c411 WOMEN. lfl''"'""l of!lce po1ltlona. MEN. ef\l'lne..r1: mechanical, eltc· tt'Onlc and chemical: eerv1r e ata- lion, ae.Jea and others. JU:-JE FARRAR Employment, 4021" - 32nd St., a1.:roae from City Hall. 4lc43 NA.ME TAKERS for J.A.«'Una Beach • South l.Aguna City Directory. Good hand wrltln( -nUal. Wr1le 204 E . 4lh• room 7, Santa Alla or call Kl 8·3'81. 23tcc --· ADVERTISING firm wa.nta houae- wiv• with clear handwrltlnc. M&ke good rn oney spare time. Write SHIRU!:Y MITCHELL. 129 Belmont Str eet, Belmont. MUI. 35p43 WANTED -Experienced t:1ed car lot man. MU.al be able lo de- tall cars tor 1ale. ~Cerencu r e- qui~. Contact Dick J obnaon. LI 8-56'8, Uncoln • Mt rcury Dealer, 900 W. Cout Hwy. •tct3 CHILD CARE A lron1nr I day a week. Reterencee rec;. SJ per hr. Irvine Terrace. Har. GJOG. •lc'3 GENER.AL HOUSEWORK 5 day Wffk. Re!erenc'8. 3 adult•. Mu1t ha.,. own tra.n1portatlon. Har llllO. •2c" !! tl!!f ...... , < Real r.t&t. 8&Jeeman WRY arr LID A 1"ROO •a kif f "• .... mowed uadllr wtUa ,... ,.... ... ov omo. Md ..ct our oonummca eantn.et.. 1'ou'U be li.d 10U did.' ft.re II no-Wni JJU our otter~ .. po8'tl•~· Jn~ atrtctb' ~denu,.t. We an • member di Mu!Uple l.&.lttfts. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. OOI llrld at .. Jlf...,,oc1. Beadl. C&11f. Har. NII, alter I p.m. B&r. nt8..J ltttc Beacon Personnel 100,. employer retained qmcy NO n:m collected trom appUcqt •tS·811t NewllOrt S..c.b LOOK AT THIS AD Earn S8 -SH daily Women of &11 a1e1 de1perately needed at once. Earn while you leam practical nuralnr. H lch 1chool education not needed. Call I.Ambert 11-7521 or write CA.UDB IN NURSING, Dept. 15, 601t w. Commonwealth. .-Ullarton. S3tfc STANDARD STATIONS H .. openlq for lt.atlon lalMh\en A ... 11·1& -0N.n•• Count)' 5-Day -40-Hour Week HJfh etut1n1 pay Excellent Bene.tit& Oeod opportunity for Advancemmt .Appl.y STANDARD STATIONS Dahlia a.nd Cout Hl•hway Corona dtl Mar Chapman and Spadra Fullerton 8:30 lo 9:30 a. m. Monday • Thuradaya. 87c42 GffiL8 - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our n•w, hl(her atarunr war• and frequent Inc,..... c1vea you lhi. opportunity. Open1n1a now tor - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wtll train you and you'll re- oeive 11'1&11)' o...her benetlta. -Apply - 151'"' No, Main Street, Rm. 211, Santa Ana. l.:QO ~ .L20...J! m . PACIFIC TELEPHONE WOMAN tor part Ume Job In a ccounting ottlce -Muat be good typist, neat hand. Camlltar with p. r. tax. ll1ht bkkg. Reply In own hand WTtttng lo Box R -86 c/o thJa paper. 42tlc MEN-WOMEN GROCE R Y caehtera a nd MEAT wrappera, $80 -$100 week. 308 Spurgeon, Santa Ana. VII. Kl 3~300. See Ad Caa.u 2t, - 32c46 WANT good u perff'.nced mill man !or !u.rnlture ple.nt. Steetly work vacation • lntu.r•n~~ benellt. LI 8-6332. O c43 \\'ANTED -M.ale alnger •In.RIC -lO)orn lno. M lUlt lie at>Te 10 alnr all parU hu mony. Ubtrty 1-8'21 9 a.m. lo ' p m. U cU HOUSE KEEPER -COOK with own tranaporlatlon. U ve nttl LI 1-5367. •2<'44 SAL.ES PERSONNEL to work Cull or part time In local •pplla nc-f •lore. Sale~ exp~r1ence prrferrl'd Write detsJls olt gwr phone No. t.o Box S-88 tht11 new~papt!r.- ~cu CLERK-T YPIST, apply City llall, Newport Beach, HAr 3131 42cU YACHT Capt.aln-nglnet r com· bl nation I 09' twin A Uu motor C"rul•er . LoC"lll rf'ferf'nce r,.g GOOd W1>rk and ability Llbl'r·ty 8-~IO. 431'·1;1 FOOD • COCKTAIL We.ltrl'M. 21130 Coe.at H lghwsy. Newport Beach. 4:1r4~ MAN to malnt.&J n ll&J lboal 11tri1rly Job. ~ood PA)' Write Box /:T-117 care thl• p11per. 43<:45 114).-MhclelJaaf'Oaa Chapman's Custom Draperies l O·day DeJh·ery Top Quality Workman1htp Gua.rantef'rl FREE ESTlM A TES 1n Our Shop or Ynur Hom" BEDSPREAIJS-·SLIP L'U\ ERS I NST A LL.A TlONS 248' :-.twport Blvd. LJ 8·6671 Coata Meaa. O t't!I PRACTlCALLY n ,. w m"tf'hlnst lablt l&mflll tl llhRdf'lt H111( nr l· g1nal co8l t.I S-H 6i 431'1!') -- KATEY DOANE Nearly Ne.w Apparel for women and children. We do &JI kJndl ot alteraUon11. 2721 E. Cout Blvd., Kindell• Patlc'). Corona del Mar. 4()c63 PORTABLE MANGLE, THOR llll)twelght Gladlron. Xlnl. con- dJtlon, S:lG. Har. 212 or Ll S-1492 •2cU C AllPET. •alt to wsU 17 \illl I \t dark roee •bit.de See on n oor 411 MornJn,r Canyon roa.d. Only W It 70'l take It up. A R-1 B&rptn. 43c4G --·····················~ • • • • = = I ~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• i HOLIDAY SPECIALS New 1956 TV We !--re S111in9 Floor Samples end Demonstrators WESTINGHOUSE 21" Blonde Conaole. Regularly $299.~ With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 • PlllLCO 21'' Conaole with Golden Grid Tuner. Regularly $339.~ With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.~ ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED ANO INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DA VIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Coat& Meu LI S.3'37 '2c'5 PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool Rugs $3 per-sq. ft. All new materiel petternl or hit end min See our atlection of imported china, Engliah blue, scenery and vine le wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & T oniorrow 1113 SO. MAIN ST . CORONA l'OHO~A ;;s MOVJNG ABOt.:T JAN. ll!t !NTO Nrcw BClt..l.JING WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE CHRISTMAS SPECIALS 1 PORTAlJLE ,..;"tey Or111on, 011k J1111:•h p1 r(1•\'I i;1ft. In fl 11c c-on- B H.i SA VINOS on at\•eral Sptne' cJlt inn c·rn•1 $1 :!t1 H•ll tur $1':1. piano11 -mahog1rny, wttlnul, Jlu.rlJ<ir 4787. <13r Hi maple, blonde and l'rend1 .(•ru· vlnclol case11. Ltbt'ral t1•111le~ · E IC\'C:Lli:, 11«·111~ H><h•l~h Lrut"" Convenient terme al -1porla Like """' H11r. 074. SHA "'El'lS I Since 11107 J 421-423 N . Sytionore, Santi\ Ana Phone K1111b<'rly 2-l)f)';:t CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! LO\ ),;L\' Wled H.ammoru.1 SP'"'' ln perfect con.JI lion Dig d.l 1 1nge DEMONSTRATOR mOdt'), Mln- ahall Spinet ori;u.11 -Ilk~ n .. 11 . Save l :tOO. ONE ONLY ~lectronlc orgion 1690 Liberal tra\kll. Con111·111<·11t let ni• \A small (l\•p<ullt Will h••lcl a ny piano or oqpin for Chrl•tmu dellVl'l'"y ). SllAFEnS 1S1nc,. 10011 421·423 :'\ Syrilmu1e. Sa11la Ana l'hone hlmberly Z-0672 Or1n1t~ <:ounl)''11 ( 1rg«n Hl!qtr& Bicycles LAY AW AY }uUr nrw btt'Yt'll' while there ta a chmt e nt , ulut • ltt .. 1yles. W\.flt;E; choice of htt'yt•le & out<l lll'i'r MOrt('!I I • ...EJ..E.CTRW DB II I SEI ..u...u.b bu ti er S 111 II~ SAF'ETY BEL.TS • Si 11~ & up TOOL SETS SI fl2 It llfl rLASHLltiHT~ l!f11 "" tip Fl.'\AXC:~; PLAN (Ut put• 11111>•1 lot11hng S2~ ~e ... ·1111rt • lialh1111 A 1110 ~"l'f'I\• 121011 x .. wport 1ih •11. :\pt I\• ·1' It I Ir I~ PA JR l'hlt\ll fll•I <"»lll'h hun p11 :.!3 In h1i.th l'1•rf,.r t l"r Chrl•I· n1n•. $:!~. ll11r. 4;.'.:lf .t!k H1 Fl.t."r E -At ll1•y 11} mph11nv m , IPttt t'on<lllt .. n, cs~c &. ,.1 .. n.t $7b t.I IH12AR 43<'4!> Christmas Dinner T URKE YS GEESE DUCI<S CHICKENS Fresh urcsfl(!(i -Ovon ready UIWr:lt UY l'UDNli: Olt llRJ\'t-: 1~ TO Newport Cit>: Poultry ::otlq ~l':Wl'l•H r J\1.\'P !'\PT llC H , llAH 31<!:0 4::N.'I Attention Artists F or all Your Art N<•<'{]s :-1~1 City Pa int & Art-Center 412 W. 4th 8anta An11. Kl 2 l ,",,! . THr~ l•:NTIH I~ FAMILl. \\ 1!1 n , 11 1• " rsnr hill ~11.e or I' r ! nhJ,. t \ P"'\\•r I ••t ,., ..-1 f flllll !.!.'I 1'.A."unomy Office Eqwpmen ~ Co. BEA t:TirliL S11n!' ( 'IH11• l ' .. ,. 10 1: 'h ,, :;1 Kl ;.311~ 41f'4' I tum~ fnr r•••' 11111 I flu 41•11 ~ nl \ Arc• SCll\\ I:-\;-\ I .rnl ""' IA Ith ~111 u11; 101k k :'\r'A l •~pn1tutf' 3 ~l"•I ai1I" g'tWl•I , und11 11•n .:,, rl 1 .. ke to llA!' IA Ith lllUIOI ll\llU hn1rnt. $20 2G21i •It l'nn 1111"1 '.,,, ,,n.1 dell :'vl&r C.:<Jr . •If 1 ,., nl••'lf LJ1;1fT \\ 1-,J• .llT t:nizll8h lw ytl~. .1;.,,.1 Silo l 'lllfll•llllV 11"WlH"• lh rh<H 41117 Mesa Woodcraft •~· 4• t 'nr 111 •. , ~ '-1 1\•"r1ll" F 1ur11tt•r• £LEr-rR1<: TRAI!': "'1 11 ,,1 ... 1111 rni: Christm"s Specials! mtlk nu. r11ttl•· 1111 .t rtr, '''' Sllr.l.\'r .. .; •!••• •· 1 •l1t11"l" ''•"l,,il• 11w1td1,.11, 0\11ilt\trd Or< f'l)'IA '""' /.ti" 111 k• '"II f ull 1 • ,,.,11 .. ,., lOJ E Uflll)ua Hl\d 11 .. 1 t•i •.! I ''""to < 11• ' 1 • h llH n" t •lilt' .... H & v , ... I .. tl1th l • 11""' '"1 I "k• 1. 111 I kt" r l1t•I•· tlr'~i< l"Y :'\A\'V st'RPLt·s • 1:11•; ~1 t· :-· •h· •. , ..... , 1 '"' .,, SL"ITS. 1nnn Sl•I 1 .. •.::, •· " I'•• 1 • 1 '••\ HI''" I • lfl nf'f'tl 11•pa1r Mi\HJ;-\I, :'I l!l'LI -~ .!L I II •! t,. 1 1 \I l.lt1rrt\ ~ 1111'. ('(), 2~41 &1. Mall' ~an• 1\r.n •.:· 1 • L \);1; .1 ~;,.J/I, f rr• f',) '·' !"'o .. , ... u•r t J~Jf \.,, , • • /1 --4 I I , ~#1 f, ,,,., cmLS .~ n;F:tt 1111 \Tl.f: ltt• \fl~'•\!", •. 111 : .. r .. , J.w!· ..... 1 u " 'i'l-0<1 rl)n1l1t 1n.n. "',, 11 • • "'""'"' hl'lf'JOIC whrPlll! l.J «.1;• ... •:·II •• 1.1 l .. l•l l• ~1'1\:/i1:1.1 .,., .... ('llRJSTMAS I' It~; t\ l s Tl•" i r""'"'t nr ~1· A H A'!Mfl;\I • flRC:A!\' \\" 1'~1·1• 1111 111, .. 1 .. 1 1f.11t11mond" ro1 ~ 111•11 t "11>11 I • hOO~I' r1ott1 'I hr ,, .... ,,. I I H ()MF. Mr1PF.l.. 111• I• I• lltll# l'l'l:'\ET ~I• 11'1'1. •tn I II• f'V«'r pnpul11r l 'If I ICl'll Miil t I 111! l\ltll' :.i '"I"'""' ~. 11•. """ font·r• .. t.tl~ '" l•tl• $111 II t111111t h \\ 11 1111k • tli r•Yml'nl-\\" •I ,. I I' . ' c r 4"l1tlHn\1t• l •\;\i': . lf.\llld 620 :-\ _M,.ln, ~ar1t I\ ,\ t111 r · 1l1l CHRJSTMA~ TP.J.,\'I :-: \ """' H11mmund C-htird llrl!•··· fr,r \tit Wh••ll' flltntf• ~I• I '' ~tlJ\I 111\fl. Bf\OTllE!! .-.1 '1~1< •·•• play ll. II 11 "" •' • ' If 1 80 Mng a tlll•lilf'l l '. I t play th" ll11mmund I ·111•1 I 11 l(lln. $29 a monWl i''" • f"I .~ \\'e deliver for ( ·t 1"'11 11• lM~Z·SCHMJOT. t'>:lll :"1 ~1.1111 Sanla Ana. The Newt -Presa publiahr1 more Cl ... lfled Ads lhllll Ill\)' olhrr newapaper In the arl'a Thi• le&derahlp waa 11l Ullnl'd lll"•·sull' Jlrewa-Prtae Claulfl"6 Al11 J tl r8\lltal 1 t • I''' I. f1m tu ~rntd 411r ~ I I ~ • ., •" <':<' 1~1.1.:t •\ ,. \ '.: f H..it ~;~\I ~ll' Ul1X h .:• 1tf'" • • • 11 •" L .. 1iJl Hnr :~: ... ~ .~, 4. \" ff1,1 f~• • • i •\'t I'. <•I I ' I I ,, .. H ""'~· ~ •' • •qr' 1,1 + ltf• k• btn1p.11i, 11 l 1 •'I 1•1 • nt f ~h I I , •• ,, ti! I "' It 1r• '" .,. • n I •,(I' \ 11 '" b11\ A lt-otS1· .,. • I ~, 7 t 11 AIO H. II.\\ I ~ , .... •'• I \I I • ' I I< IH. 1 '• (" l'Jtl: 1·u 1 I r 'I':-. . \LI : t• r .; ~11 I r ••ni: t. t ~ L. '' 1 "di ''' J 1f I' J\ f ,I 1 • ._:.f J~ ~ :.• ~• M "''· Jt.1U1 •·' ~ld1 IJ, M1g111·r11 11 1>-:h StylC' l-1 nbn C'l4 & imported woolcn11 at cost. MA RCii-: Wi::BB rn:;li ::;. (;out Blvd., Laguna Bw::b 17ttc \ J • M-11-AppllanCH •• 30·B-A.etU..C. • USED APPLIANCE lUYS GAFFE RS & SAT'TLE R table t op gu range ...... $t9.~ GAFFERS & SA 'ITLER while table top gas range with oven rnnt rol ···-······································· $19.:SO WESTERN HOLLY gas range with oven control very clean . . ...................... $79.:SO K ELVIN ATOR Refrigerator ~ cu. ft .................. $59.:SO GIBSON 6 ru. fl. R<'frigerato: . . ................. $64.50 WESTrNCHOUSF. 7 cu. f t. Refrigerator . . . .... $99.:SO SE R VF.L Refrigerator 5 1:: cu. ft., left hand door $89.50 KEL\1NATOR 8 cu . f t. deluxe Refrigerator $99.50 KENMORE wringer Wlll!her deluxe ..................... $45.00 EASY SPIN DR1ER, deluxe m<><tel .................. $59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model .. $99.50 L & H electric range, deluxe model ... . .$99.50 ALL G UAR ANTEED WASHING MAC'HI:\F:S, At.;'I'OMATIC AND WRJNCER TYPES SF.VERAL TO SELElCT FROM ALL REA.."10!'.'ABLY f'RlCED-BUDGET TERMS-FREE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 East 4th St. Santa A na KI 2·2336 SO-Miscellao.-ou!I Attention Knitters \\'F:LCO;\I ~: t o my nl'w :<hop Co me In a nd lwlp Ill•• tiu1 hi toward J OUr ntNls fnr llt'<'•Jlccraft. Sit N1 Knit 313 E . Ralhoa Blvd, B&lboa 32lfc F resh Hear ing Aid BA'M'ERIES We Give S.t:H Green Stamp1 Gunderson Drug Co. l .fatn St. a t B&.lboa Blvd .. Balboa Harbor 616. 118ttc Movie Projectors t 'OR 1u:x·r S ,\1;\f 16·;\l ;\I 3:S·.MM HOnBY Anti M nmi;L A IR PLA N~::: !'\ 'l'l'l.u :s Mea rs Camera Shop 1 7~:.: :"f·1,port Uh'll C1).,la ,M tsR I 30·8-Appllanca CLEARANCE SALE Brand new 1955 appliances f'LOOR MERCHANDISIJ Norge, Easy, ABC. Whirlpool _.,Automatic Wuhen Save up to $100 Norge Refrigerators Save up to $125 O'Keefe & Merritt, Norge Tappan , Wedgewood Ranges Save up to $60 Norge & Whirlpool Dry~ra Save up to $50 N OTlHNC DOWN Ar 2• MOS. TO f'A Y ON THE ABOVE EQUIPM'T. SOME STJl.L JN CRATES. JAKE'S APPLIANCES l'l.1111,. Wb<'rty 8-iU<I:.'. l" If --- - . I 111:r; Jlarbf1r lil\'•l. .M/\H<,Jl:};T'r E An· W ('IU('r. (new) LI ll-511114 CO!!la Mua W etch for the Our , .. Grand Opening of Marie Downing's New Used Car Lot To be located at t he intersection of Highway 39 and IOI 1n Huntington Beach Main Attraction W ill Be Top Quality Used Cars High Trade In No Down Payment (on approved Mark Downing Ford credit) 225 Fifth St. Huntington Beach Lexington 6 2566 M-Mulcal. R&cllo, TV S PINET S, SPJNl:TS. u veral c-reat rental r eturns like new, tome Salem Maple, Blond Oak, ,.rench Provincial. Sa ve 190. to 11~. Term• Ju1t like renl on balance. DANZ • S CHM.l.DT. 620 N. Main, S&nt• Ana. MODICRN SPINi:T, ebony c:a.,.., pt>rfect condition. 1&ve mon• thlllt b&lt for quick N ie. Har 2827-J. t2lfl' 42c 44 IO-Aotos and Tl'UCka HAUSKEN-WATSON SPORTS CAR CENTER JAGUAR. M.G. A USTIN-H EALEY MORR IS ALF'A ROMEO A USTJN REL Dl'F"T New Car Sale11 & Srrvl<'e Clean U11eJ cars. Alt Makes Im· ported and Domeallr. 220 1 SO. t.t AIN ST. SANTA ANA Kl 2·07~6 19:12 H ARHUR Bl.\'LJ. '8-Apb:.~_ Roll9H for ~nt !~-Aph. ~ Ro!1~~~ !~~~t NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I I . PAGE l MONDA y I DECEMBER 12, I 9SS Cabanas Marinas Lj~o Peninsula, E ast 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Uwttlea with Yacht slip a.ccomod.&Uona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. Ji'or appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. '18A-Apta. for Rent paid. Mtfc Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet con\'enient location, the heated swimming pool. the friendly atmosphere. Be glad to show you anytime. Ken Niles . 1021 Bayside Drive 41-Aot.o Service SARVER ltOR Villa Marina Har. 1800 32c45 .tSA-A pta. f or Rent RENTAL r SPE CIALISTS BRAKES (IN ORANGIC COUNTY 17 YRS) Bonded B rakell-4 wheels $11.96 Call Edna erasa Blanche Ga t es , Rltr. In•tallation .. -............. -..... .. .99 $12.91> Tax 48 YOU PAY NO MORE . • $13.~ 311 Marina An . U&lboa lal&nd, Har. 1471 72ttc Channing Harbor Haven Apartment.a • Patios !l.'EW 4 ROOM, street level. Nea r $711 MO. Two bdrm. bcMIM tllnl. tooe lllramar Dr.. ~ Potnt -. Wlnter nntal - C. 0 , BICARD8LEll, T2t Lutaa Dr. Olend&Je 6--Pb. Cltnaa 1-6311. 32ttc ~ ACR.Jil rancb ho.me, teiiced. 160 tt.. rront&l'e.. play nn. 20 x JO. ldu..I tor cblldren and e.n.t.mala, p&rtl)".~turD.. $W, 1--. BacJt B&y. LI 8-7996. t Otlc CORON A DEL MAR, 2 BEDIUrl. pt.rt.tally tum . ho111e W1th pr. &ot HeUotrope. Ev., u s-nTe. 42c4' TWO ROOM tumtshed DOLL H Ot:SE, eurrounded by yard • n owtrs, 1!10 mo. Garage. New· port Blvd. nt'&r 19th, Coata Meaa H11rbor !11611. 42<''°4 JA!I.". 1 to Aug 31-2 bdrm. un- furn. home 22 !t. living .room It !Ire placf'. modern. $90 mo. 60~ F"ernle&f . Har. 2239. t 2c44 -------------- NEWJ'ORT BEACH, fum lllhed - Modern 2 bed room ho11.1e, net.r b1111nua • beach, by year or month. S Y 7-8008. U c46 CORU!':A DEL MAR . unturn. 3 bdrm .. 2 bath. newly <1e<'orated ln11tde and out. $126 mo. Call Harbor 47. t f "LJDO ISLE, 3 bt>droon111, 2ti bath horn•, on annual bu ts. Shp for -•O ft. t>oai. ull4! or 18 !t. Viking runabout powrr bo111, 2 car gar .. beauttrully furnish· ell. 11hrubs. $700 per month. Jnquire a l H Balboa CovM. l':ewport." 36ttc SAR VER MOTORS BRAKE SERVICE echools . •hopping-dialrk l. Quiet, I BAL.BOA wtnler rl'ntnl, rurn. 2 plellSant. exclu1>1ve. Garbage di•· bllrm hou~e near h11y. Waler E. lST AT GRAND SANTA ANA Al.er The Cruh It's T oo Lule 21l1rc pnsal. laundry, stora.g& room•. pd. $1!1 1110. Harbor 16!H -M. garage. $M2.~0 up: Occupies en· 4 14:43 tire 11t reet Good 1upervl1ttun. » LOANS for Homes '" -IO Tf, i.aU. Construction Loans llD BOB UTl'LER lllU UST COAST BLVD. 0..-. cW ~ ' Rarbo.r Ml't Rq. PODUSR MORTG.AOll CO. ......._ Uh Z.. 7'm.dtl KL 1·~18S CASH~ •• P'OR TRUST DEEDS WM. B. HOLT MORTGAGE BANKINr. SINCHI 1930. .at.te 1809 N, BUSH 8 A!l.'TA ANA KIMBERLY 3·il18 LOA.NB TO HUILO. l Ml'RU\'IC BUY, MODERN1Z£, OR REl"IN AN CE We Buy Truat ~eda NEWPORT BALDOA SA VlNGS • LOAN ASSOCl.A TION 13M Vla Udo. Ph. H ar. 4200 tie NO COMMISSION ' No Appraiaal Fee S ALES -REFl!'.'ANCE COXSTRUCTION ~1 fo r Jo~r••e Fast Commitment. on Rtslden<"es a.nd Unite only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. J 7th Rt. COSTA M ESA LI 8·M4 l LI 8-6~2 ------- 00-Monr l Wantf'tl ----~ TRUST lJEI::I• $71•Ull \\Iii ""II 11 t rtlArount P t1t' .111111• I l!l:itt, x • • Int (."all 11111 tlfl:13-~I 4:!• • I M~r. l GOI .Ha ven P lace 1 .Blo<'k Soul h ot High School ALSO FURNlSHED APTS. LIDO ISLE spadOUlt 3 bdrm .. 2 - bath homP. Complet ely • n lC'ely rurn. W inter or yf'arly. Har. $5000 Wanted GENE'S PrP·Christ mas Specials Don't buy Any Vacation Trailer until you 8EE WL--.:'TER RATES Olfc DELL'XE FU RK. APTS, Stnglf':t Ar dbls. $30 mo. and up. 104 E. Bay Ave .. B&lbot. Harbor 6~1u. 8 trc 5249 or H11r. :1643. 43~•11 48C-Tnller 8~ LAHGt ; SPACES 2S x66. NO CHG. for 1·hlldren on perm. t>a.111. 1110 f l. from •IOl"t'l'I, Blvd , End ftpace a va il. LJ 8-7611~. 40Hc Il':TERF:~1' WHJ, RF.P AY :1 hp A•r C"'"ll"'"11vr, 220 Vull I 41t'43 >111g-I.-[lhRSI'. !'\1•1' Ill f>AT('H 'S ------------- 17 U1 !il Ill Plat•1·nl1a. 1.1 8· 76011. \\ lllRLPOOL a ulomalk fU dryer Wll I\ 1wtornat1c l&nlllon. Reg ,,,.., .. $289.96. Sale price 1199.96. F1 .... 1n•l!ulo.11on. No duwn. 2 411 p .. r wk Nu paym~nl unUI l!f66. Our CHRJ.STMAS TREAT . Elert · t ronle Orran. Wl'lt known make. eave a.so. DANZ. SCHMIDT. l'amou.1 P lano A Orrill\ Stort'. 620 N. Mam. Sa nt.a .Ana. CUHTA MESA LI 1!-~o~.1 tf the new and very sensational <.:Ol'W!'\A llE I, J.tA R, OCE AN "'1 cw. attractively rur nlshl!J Onl! 1>e<lm1, J:arllK• a pt. $1r.o mo. Harbor 4i, 41• .(3 A mple '"'' 1111ty 111 t .. r.~t I>.\' writ f'lllRhhxh•'<1 hh!<lllt""" I) Ill:< l'Qllll'· n1enl I 111 Corona .1 .. 1 ~''" \\ 111 s111n1t 11111st 11e1.i • 11"h1 1111""t1· g1ttlon. l..<1An lo hi' 1•t ll~t'~1<,.tl by Newpon Harbor Hn111<, 1'n1"nll IJl'I Mltr hnml'l1 l'lt>h~•· .-.d I Iii". bor 4818 fnr 111!0>111111111111 42"•' 2 11 ( -----------J,'( II{ SAL~ Roy RI po 1111bll' type· \\'l'llur. hk<• lll'W $~:, ('all •'V1'1l· 1r.s.:~ llllr. 11181·.I. •::• H Knowlton Electronics TV ANTENNAS Tl-H<O:>;SON"~ 1111:i N!'Wport Aw tCleer Beam -HI Ot.111 1 { 'o.ol• M!'ftA tf I JN STALL..EO complel• to your u t. -----ME RCURY 15' '41 Buick GOOD C'ONf>fT IOX $125 Christmas Specia l $798 A11k about La y-a -w"y Al.SO j '66 San GabrM 2J' , .. .. $2220 '56 Cud1na.l, Heuuty .. $2:<81 4~Room.s for Raf LIDO ARMS APTS. * * * & Marina 'J'\\ IX IH·;11 S9':T. ~1•111• l 1·1•11801· rttt• ftU•fltt1 \\,nu~hl 1ruri t.1hle /( ·• t h.111 "· I nr11~ r tmok CUCll, IOMhfJllt• hhf' 1\ ......... ltf't ltitt l'tn\•· i;11111ll1• t up. 4 duume bar ,.t,.••l-", • h1·11t cir rll'llw,r11 C1tll .. "nlnita Har. 23J7-W. i 21"H $9.95 Se<.' DOT & BOB. '52 Suprem., 33' like nt:'W _ $231.15 310 Marine, Balboa 111111nd . I '02 Columbja S{t' t btlf'm. .~.$1999 A pl.JI to l•·a..~. Sllpe avaJI&bTa E NJOY LIVING on the Oct an F ront. Kitchenette 1.pt11. • mu. w ith prlvatr b11lh. Maid 1ervlce. TV. 2306 WH l Ocran i'rOnl. Uarbor 8091. FROM Owneri. U• "' h h"ll•"-;.r lWI) 1111lt1< \\'111 pit\' $2U00 1111. Liber ty 8·2186 a tta 3 p ni. ,.-i.,,43 S?---Fum.tture tor ~ u 1-620:>. 39tf<' ----43c•o : sCbRE OF SP EClALS * * ... WANTED by couple o.n peuelon amall h ou.ae. p r&gt'. Will pa y all c ... ll -no brokt're -W1'11e Box tf.aa t..bia paper. •:lp,H> BAMBOO DRAPES 1'111 r~ ''~rtmi: "\ :.llr 11 '"l rt 1~"1• 11111111 !'\• "' \\",.,·~n l 'r l\t•rn~ f."r 1\ll ll••••Hs '"""Ir C"1trt><ln ,t, T111w·r~ .. R1K1• See Tl1c111 Un 01~rt11y 111 r 111r ~1 .. re S ANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. BEDROOM 8ET8 4 • 9 DR.A W.l:R drauer, mirror. bookra~ hea dboard. from 1119.60 TWJN Maple bttl with mattreu It box aprlng . only 159.50 ea. 6 • I.I URA WE R maple druaer, With mirror, frtim S79 50 Living Room Seta Modern &. Maple AS N'ICE A LlNE 11.11 you would Cln1I anywhrrt'. \\'1th our low uv••rhea d you'll be 1urprl~ed how 1111wh we r11n aa ,·e you Plea11e li<k l.' • l(x1k fl will pay you. 40tt<' 1:()0f> TEkMS R~:TAl L J.'t.'RNITtlR lt BROKERS 8 ELI, C):" T Ell ;\lt! O~n f'n11ay l!:Vf' KJ 3·2436 f. FT l •Jo:~ll'ATF.R~F::'\ ti<~. SIM. 3nl 111 ~purgf'on_ _ S•.nla_l-~t n~ ~ ft. r r.f!T1tcr11tor • .• ~ •Otte t !J'\'~: 1Ar£" rnm1nt"11• r • frlir $i."I ------ 1 ~\ 'Al.f:S I ll:'> 1 c':0:"-1\01.A S2~ HUI.I. TOP DESK I ii> or m1tkf' l ill •lln11 I.I till2:/:J lllvming~ u r otl•r. l.lb.-1ty 8·4:.!76 4tp•3 Kflrr ,, pm 9trc ---- FU')()R S AMP U!; --------- Firewood l 'hnn,• 11R\' f\r 1<1 o;.1i.ov \ftll•UlN C.:l'RTLJM fl P<" hl"•<'h· rd w11Jnt1l d ining ~I . bl)(f,.I, loobll' Ir • duun 'Thie I• a 11111,1 •"f' &. la A Rf~A L buy 3420 \'111 l,1<10. H iu •32~ f:U-U 2:itrc I------------- R I ~'R!r. .. 11 .. 1 Iv but hC'11ltn~ 110 lJ2-A-AnUq~ 1> 111>• (1 olll J I It I 01lk btot1k 1 11\if• $~~, ""l.!"1-' rr rnl 11n1: ': r 1rnt. 1 "I!' $l!'tll J.I 8 ·14EH2 4 l r•l 3 l 'SJ·:D AL'TOMATICS I BUY ANO SELL li:ARL.Y AMF.RICAN rill. l'Cllored. pattern gh•&a -Pr1mtt1ve1-An· llq11e tumtturf' 11n<! tin• ch.I.Ila. THE RIG OLD RED BARN E. FrRBANK Kl 3·32U I 38&1 Hl\fbOr Bl"d . Oar<l•n Grav~ 3lle.Jlh OUR OREA'r l:ST CHRISTMAS TR.EA T8 -Steinway Grand, magnificent condition, Tbltr won· dertul piano almOllt ltk• new, ca.n be bou•ht on a yH rw tllltP, Kllabe Spinet, ebony r1n1.11h, u11ed very tittle. M ve over 1300. OoMtle of ot her Jilli• aplneta. Many <'an p<U1ltlvely not be told from new. Somf' only S395. DANZ • SCHMIDT 8 11 r 111110 and 0 1"'1an Blore, 520 N. Main Sant& An&. lOO P lanoa. CHRJSTMAS T REATS Hammond Orpn uMd, ont only. bo ut1r111 H11mmont1 Sp.tn•l. a:lortoua for th• homr. J>i!rft'<'t l'onl11\lon llkr nt''A', grnerou1' aavln1t on t h lll one. A lao onl! only tine H am· -d ~ -Ot-gaf1. Tlttlt hr ~II. Such buy11 a rr almo~t lmpn1- alhl11 to find. DANZ·SCHMl[)T P 111no 1tnd Orgirn Cn. !120 !'\ Main S t . Sa nta A nit Knowlton E lectronics TV REPAIR J'Al!T 8ER V1CE. REASO!':ABLE 8 t rYICe ca lla tlll II p m. LI 8·3206 tr .&0-Autos for Sale '6~ MERCtrRY Mont<'l81r. 4 tlr M•rcomallc. Rl<H. P''"'"r b1ak~J1 W,W'a. 3000 mllM $27111) Cull\ U 044. -LI 8·86511 42l'H --------- Grant w. Musick Your Hud son Dealer SALES and SERVICE 253 N. Loa Angeles KE 5-7278 Ana.helm 42t!c New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Re ca ppjn9 Service ('elm plf't <' Rrakt' ~<'l"Yl<'C' A:" I ' FNlnt End A lignml'nt ROA fl SF.R\'JC:F: J. t1 l'J1tun•· H11•ll:<'I l'l11n \°HUFll lr>r lhl' 1\~k1n1 HOW,A RD RYA N Ot O!l W. )Rt St ~A:-;TA A':'A Kf ,l '<lf).1 33trr S39 .50 to S99 .50 1., t•> • h, ... ,,,.,,. f 1 .,,,, Drll\r,..,I 1nal.A llf'o.1. ,;1111111nteotld Tl'rn1.ll 1wn1lnhl,. 1H 7 FOR D Sportsman l'onv<'rt· Jbl~. Xlnt. m«h t'Ondltlon Call :l3--Boat", S~J!Ues • o~·n•r. Har. 3498-M 471 H U-Auto Sfon •lrf• Henderson's \ i ttl • \\ uh• r Srn u " zr.•" ~··'" l'"r' T'J< I. 1 'r•~•s Mt•ll r.t "711MI '"'"",,,,I( C<tllrllt'I 41\l fr Roney 's A ppliance Repairi ng Ya cht Re modeling ··11 f'Ol'R r'IR '\2 CAn11.r.,,<· 1 "J t Q h I new paint. W \V llTU , uphotatn · IVIO or ver au Service !nJ u repuon1111 v clu n. run11 NO MONEY DOWN Jn1nrN or k R,t1nl111\ln~ •ood, 11311:1 ,,..h Harbor i•~ I h h d H •r11111ni. 4M r * wit t is a * r t"" 1o:ict1mf\lt'JI Hllr. 1284 w J!IM CAP ILLAC t::->•:I:"f: Sl!'lO 6 Cyls. . ............. M8.88 33c4:'lh j 1963 NASH H.aly £nil"'" St 7!'> 1 8 Cy ls. . .................. S58 88 ----f'ORO \'·8 M ES C:IXF. Jflt1 I I .. _ h I "'~ I PHW~:D F"OR Qt'lrl< SA LF:. i;n-M A M MOTOR~. 2101 W rn,.,.1 nr udf's w t 11,r,r 11n part~. 1111( "''l!rStlUI 16 F'T . LAf'-Hw . w """ I I\ •• 1,..1 Nrw rtni;ll, wn11t pmM. v11hP. STitEAI~ B<>AT wlllJ i•., h p ) 'Nf! J'Ol"l 8 h L 4~~.. irrtn'1 Clllln~~ nl mam nnd rt•ll .. 11\b .. 11111 motor nl11<1 hs tl llll"fl. _ I be11ringa Exp<•tt mfllor 111n~ 11p. l1tciil rc.r blly or l')(fahnrr (1~h· 47 CHAMPION r<•nVl!rllblt, ,, ilr , ~O-day ~r ~ 0<111 n:11:· l:'llnranlee. 11•1! K f1Ja llrn'l r Rp1<1z.e lhl-one • hrsler , good lll'U nl'l'•I• nl'w (1'\0 M O?>; P:\ 110 \\ =" l S12!'1 I ll \'la [llJl)n, Lido l10lc t op Sl!IO or makr .,rrer . Llbl'rlyl REBUTLT ENGINES H 1u bor <1670-R. 4 k f 3 8-83:'13 llft er O I' ni 42r U 1 -l 'P to l~ .\to:-.-rHs TO I'\ Y- l rt'ln~ tn11.•t.-rll, .,,rr,.,. m:-hti• r•• (" R\'F:R C'rllfl 10 tt !l~l'dttrr ::>:I~ ;\'~\\p<>rt Ull•I. C'o•ta Mrq8 I r"""';" r ontml wh .. el. t'&r tfl p 1 i•or. ": \"lrt•lJ ii\ &. '°1'1 Rl•,,J 1 ln"tlt1 A lmost new l 13r>. See 1..1 8.r..,,9 ~I :. lh ll!trr II p m . -:in t Catalina l 'llIU'O IJ «·1 c: rdri~··rnl••r. ,7 -l"lrtvt at rl'M 43tfr --Built In our own f8< lu•y b}~ &l<illc-d s 12r.. 1?40 F'OR O x .. w ;\lolur machinist.II D.in t contPnJ wit.JI whltl' lot her ml I the• middle m a n Ru y tllrrrl. U26. l90o P'ORD 4·.tr. R 1t "I REBUlLT and INSTALLED It O'U, Ak lr tt. LI 8·3tl4fl 42cH SHOHT e LOCI< --1 ll'ORO . . ........ ·---·· Sl W 50 lb. 11r-1!'~• tnr tr'rri•r l-~\•·111111\'C' Plul('n '""' \\A,\' '...... Zll hr11'\\ I 3-l-Mualcal. Rad1o, r v f rr nlng 11•rrp.-rn1111<' ':l:l!l fl:'I ;- No ,1, "t1 I',, n ""' ? "" l'"t' ,, k HRISTMAS TR E AT S U M. TIIRO:'\~CIX ~ I'll' '"'' l'•'r' Av• buy-lovt ly Biby ()rand. l:a11y ('Mtl\ ;\fl'-n LI tnm~ An,.thtr S49~. Many __ :J __ "th•~ Knabr Stl'lnw11y. Kim· O ''EF.Ft: ,.., ~I~ H1:1 ·rr 1.11111e. .... ball. Mnnar.-h · Hlll•lwln, Stu r, 1110.l•·I l.11n r· & l"I· k "1th , 1·~11 ~f,.•on .t Hnmlln. 9.'urlttzer, tlm••r {•111 1l' l r II br• 1trr. nr I 1nu P'"""" 11lwnr "· 11ANZ • t h lll 1 :t l·l' I I ' ••• I '1 .. · ~C"HM IPT Bk P lnno 11n11 Orran n11•ntl1 SI til 'O , ~"h ,., l '" $11 ~t .. 1c. r110 :-.; M111n St . S11nta JW'r mo 1 1 ~I \\. ~ hAf n.a n, A"·' BY ORJOINA L OWNER-In Xlnl CHEVROLET ... _ .. _ .. _ ....... S1 19 ~o me<'h ron<l!Uon 111411 <.'HF:\' I P LYM & D1>DGF:. _, .... -....... s1-.~ Club C'oupt'. With lol" or ptp CHRYS. Ar 111-: SOTO ............ 1170 It mllee fo ao. Reu ona Nt• • 1 STt.:DEBA KER . . ........ -... SL 70 Harbor 4117 ~lc43 OLD& 11: PONTI.AC 6 -~-$170 ----BUICK _ .. _ .. _ ..... -............. 117~ ''6 BVlCK Sedan. 11ood Urrs. HUDSON -.. -........... . ... -. U 7~ Rarho Sl.)0 prlvsle owner. 221 Loa.n c8 r f'rtP Towin1 34lh St .. Newport. U p43 :>:F.W CAR Gl'ARA:>:TEE ------ SELL 11300 equ1\y '1'>11 S lude· baker Sedan for S3()Q HsrblJr 347j, 41c43 Block mu'l mcel our 111an<lArd1 Plu11 t ax"•· 11ukel8 and ull Open Sunuay JO 1. m . ttJ 2 p m. o.n111ac. r.; ;: 1' !!:--1 7 t.t --------------------------Fl\·r. flt 11.1.A R~ rer m onth rt nta ·52 P'ORD RASCH W acon ford· BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS H .. ~'' ,\HJ.t S.'•tl ••• , f, t Uf \ \\H.~ht'T on pun h,_,,.,. u(" 11•'\\ JtH1.:Jl11n .,,,1.,mat1t W11•1t;1 J'ill-n '"" I rhA~n •l~ 1\ tin tr tk •· ·' • ·h•\\ :i No payment tll 19M . I THR<1XSO~ S 1816 :"l'wport Avr Co~ta )lea.L IC ~·~··I I''"' ti"" p111nu ~:nJOY your omt.ttc, R A H Roy1l muter t 'h11•tm11A with m1u11c Cood ww 2 ton• (Tffn, Onf patnl rrnrt1r,. r 1ann11 u low 1, Sl>T., A: upholaltty -Jm m l <'Ullltt", $1211 . up All In f'XUllent ron· Have t 11 •<'• to a.ppreclat r N o rtl 1tnn. ["IA ':'Z • SCHMIDT Bir; tsll or hctn11t by own.r. Will Piano and Orp.n Co. 1120 N. trade. or bank terma. Phone M&1n I t., &ant.a Au. LDlft7 ~. Utte OJ)4'n Da lly 8 to 7 Sta te Bondtd NEW LOCATION 310 E ast 3rd St. UNTA ~A on Teuclropl', CRmpstrr~ aml uud v&l'&tlon•'ni from $17:-1 Ufl, EASY BANK TERMS GENE'S TRAJLER SALES Lo t <'nll.l'lltL BALBOA PENl.NSULA R oom with private bath It entrance. Apa rtment buildlns . Har. 2450. Uttc l '292 Harbor Blvrt. Sllll t& AJlll l 'l I c4 3) Kl 2 ·f>8DO 1408 Vi4l Oporto M.&nager Hu. 1002 a.tier !I p. m. LI 8·2171 ONE Ott TWO bdrm•. wtth horn• 60A-Cemnttn-lal, lndui.tr ial prlvilegea. 930 Arbor. LI 8·3M5. ------38tfc * PORT ORANGE * atte.r a p. m. aettc HOT SPOT TRAILER SALES Crown of the Sea Motel and SUPPLIES In Corona del Mar 2200 W. Coast Hiway. Cumrt•rt•ble rocims Newport Bead•··· LI 8-H 20 • kll<hc-nrtte npl11. TV '66·36 ' Kit-Custom 2 br. uve $10!10 ''1"' ""'"k mrmlhly rall' ·t>o-o · Pa~o"nt l. hr h1i; .111"'· 26()(1 E. t.'ol!.Jlt H wy. Hilt. 319' ':'>ll· 15' Trin~lez:<". A 111.••w l.V $kX!'I 33d~ LA OY a.Jone hu room Jn ntca home for emplo)'..t l&dy. LJ.. 8-~48. 2111..tc P R I V A T E nlcl!ly Cum room $:17 :io per m o., yearly ~06 1, Marl~old, Corona del .MA.r. H ar JCH8·R . 4 l c43 'M;A ll 11'10ll4.'l~ all••?.•·~ Ull •li~ptny T WO Hl::LllU I. Al"T. f urn . gar 50--R.-ot, ~- \\ e n!'ed clell1\ \Ulll'•l t ""ll'·111111 \\'inti r 1 rn1.,1. s .. e all• r 6 I'· m COSTA M.ESA A R E A, newr r bldlr 1.-.ed to 8 f ood ltna11t•. 8how• over 10';, on pnn• nt $1"'1,tl()(I. Good lerlTlll to right buyn. < 'llll WU BOYNT ON Wllh E AHL \\', STANLl-:Y, He11 ltor Bt1~"ll'I" I Ir & C n111<t lf"' y Hu . 3297 or i n :;.rvr• ltRr. ::878 f'al"&JTli)\Ult-K~U •ll!c 406 Ii:. Bay A ve., 8 11lbo&. Har. "A GOOD TRAL>E l!'\ BET· PAN AMERICAN 1;U -H l h Sl'. Ncw)l<lrt B••tu h.ILARGF. GARAl..:E FO~ RENT- Travetl!i1e·Terry ------=--n r..w. -47r 4J TER n.-AN A POO R ~ALF." 8:,1re :>:P:Wt.Y 1l•'<'Orl\t"tl nlr f'ly furn - 1 1 .. 1rm 11pt ~·1Jy rl'nLal Sll5 5S-4't &: Offi NORTH ~HORF: ARf!OWllJ.:All 11" 111• I 111<1 A•hlll1' 182ri \V O_!!S ___ _!:!! R'"All l1tllli,\ t111·rtl•l1,.,I fl , t "l<I U:<ltHm H l\•I, liar 121\lt·W. <:OAST HIGH WA \', n,.w bulldlOil, •)'• 11 11u1111t 1 ! 11,.t .. ru 111,rtll I""" 4 J.-13 r.on 11q. rt oHH't" ::;111tAhle Jn· 4 H•hn1· f'hl• ,..,.1 t, r··1 .... t1111r Rentals Wanted .. ta:-t lntn , .. ,Jr U\\';\: HUM !i~ l>r· auriu 11.'<". a llomey. ell'. $90 mo. '''"k s ir,111111 \\d1 1 ... .i., 1 .. r We n~J apl1 and house ... In all torn J lr.lld"~I' 2 ourm COU >rt· RL"SR FORU. LI t.-&_111. _~Hr 1 ""'"' 111• "" , .. , ... .,1111 ti ~Uona for both wlnt<"r and year a leuc. Furn. or u.n1urn. 1'l"J,, lhrntt lll'lll, t1INI. untu 1n SMALL OFFH.E fnr r"nl 1'1111· llAS1'J:"r;R 1:A ~· JI l'i\~\1 1 ~·:0-A U you have a vac&ncy, 111'1 ~llrd, P1'1'"·. ~~tr·t.~t". u i:ll I able rr .. 1 l'•lt•lt1 or ln11u1-anrr ~"'' \•''" "111 : H11!11 "" l " 1 1111 I 'l'llr h Sll!I .HJ. :urJ !'l. 4 19 II II RI . j r· II II 1 7111 I c .,,., ,,., 1: .. j( I • I •• " pbono today X I' U liar. 4:JlllS·J . 121·1~ " >lit• '' · n Br 3411" $111 :ii~· S••• •:t I• ,,, " 11 t•nd .. The Vogel Co. Nt-:w1,y u.1-;n•RATEu APTS.--d • a1 .. r ll' 11111.-f .. 1 11,.111· .. 111111 1201 W. Cwt. Hwy .. Ne~1l Bc.h. f11rn11'hr•J \"1•11r n 11m1! or Wlnl«r • NEW OFFICES I '"11'' 1' '" "'' "' Phone U berty 8-3481 ,..,,, H••1A1111n10lilr I 111 1nrl11rlr•I Z08 1'lArine, Balboa l.ll.llJ'ld lltJl-11 •\'' Al'TS, t1111; E U11lt~1a • ID L'AL FOR PROF ES 1MO:>:J1ci\'IA l•lliiTllJ :.I~" • "-' ·~· t.;.111\ \'.,11•1 ''"' '"'"" 1. Phone Harbor 444 j Jlll'it 42p44 SJON AL or BuSLNESS US E . 11dr11," i. I•· r .: • • • ,,, I J'., l 2667 E. Coast Hy ., Corona <lei l\Car _ --_ _ _ Phon• Ha.rbOr IHI T\\<I IH:UR!>t. F\"I{:-; Al'T. c:ar· Located m -l l••lllol $:. :ic.o ( ..... ~·1" Lido orne ... 3416 Via l.ldo I ni:eo &: W$tll'r :>:o ('"I.JI S ltl) r~r Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 11111 ...... Ii I !lop• 1 I\ I' '" l•t II Jlarbar 4!.>';"1 n•••. !!22 \\ttlnut 1~tAt.t'. t:<>"'t• i 1it1u · Uf• "' ,.,,,,, '.,1 ,.,,ii• 1 •" 1702 =""WJ"lrt Hlvrt .. <"011tl\ .\lr11n :\l u ll LI " "~ 11 42t H 30th & Newport Blvd. \\',\~T~.I • Liberty 8-~~?7 Pf-:1'1:'\~l"l.A l'•ltnl fUl'll nnl 2 I Har. 1600 t! trc ,. -----h•rtm1 s;-. nn~ t)<-tlrm 16i•. I I HA• h"t"r • , ., ut1l tn• lu•lrl.I H11r .'>3·A-BuslnNt& Rentals 22211 .J. 4!<,13 --------------\'or 191 h .It P lar Pnt..la < • M Choice Winter P.cntals on Bal boa laland & Ltdo Isle Sm&ll & CO%}' or large It delWte S75 IA> J 300 month VOGEL CO. F l"!{:". •·XIII\ "'"'" :t n n "''' I'll'<\ r rf11.,: , ... ,, .. 1 IH)' l\l'•I $.1!1 l'''t 11 lo l11n r• tr';lh, 111 11 p·I I l••r 111~1!•-J 101 K n .. y /\v•• H•llhn11 411"43 Sea Shell Apts. FUR flEST two lldrrn. homo - 1 •lo''" Ir. refriK· furn,l tnclul1e11 111 .. re roon' & two ""'"" "PA•i••, ~o•i month OR will 1rn1 Mfll'· ral••lv 1 n tr1rt> a l l i tl An1I 1 at f,l>fl 11.onth A l!lll 11m1<ll 111m r $ltl0 m 11 l..'•ll own~r l.Sberly 8-6223 morrun,;11 .,r aftrr ~1 p m. fltk 208 t.tarlo• Ave .• Bal boll l!llanJ I P h. Harbor t H <lr H u bor 2151 l Rea. Har. l786·R or U11r 30~.9.l\f & , 1-IE:Liln t I 1t::l.I ·x1-; J.THX -TWO HR HUM};, P L L'S 4 an1,.11 84ttc Af'TS T" p•••f••n• ol 1rnan11 1'16 Ar 11p. l•td In• I 1~:.i.· W . Jlalhna J!l\'tl. :-;, .. , rwu t u ..... h :l!J~!'l2h AT'T$ACTIYF. l 11n'1 :! hrlrm furn ---- u'Uhtu.•11 r11 111. 1 nr '2 rh1l•lrl'l1 I LlDU ISL E Laun<!ry rt•"IT1 0 LI' F: T o 1• liAC 'llY.1.1.>l-t IJld unc & two bdrm. APT. MOTF.IJ 403 :-.'rwpnr! Hlv·I f 11ptA. Hhvrt tt'nn ti.l'IU yearly. Xpl llruh . J1111l ehm·c 1 11~ I Al-'•U, L1(10 lli•mC'I a.n•J liay ll't•int A r• hes. 741 re H ••mcs antl apa rtment.I!. -- -L100 11 E:A L TY Associates 2 BDRM., unfum yrly r rntal - I Olli m t.1111 Apl l rll JllOo' I, $11(1 ;-;,. thllcht•n "t fl<'l~ :"l'"r ('111· H11ll :1403 f'l11J,.,'. Jll\t , 2!'tZ!l·M 4lr43 :"1-:ARl.Y nt>w unfurn. Jupl<'i< 2 YE A.IU.Y Rt'ntaJ 1 Harbor HO 89t!c lldrm. furn apl. $:'JO m<>. wat<'r pJ. nriu bu• « busfner .. <.111tnct.. {'1111 Harb• •r l ZI i ·J . 43!"~ front offlcM. l'!irkln& l tJMI for <1'>< lor. real ...,tat.,, 111 .. 11r11no r, "t•. C1n Newport Ulvd nr. 1111 h ~l., Co111a Mua. liar. r>166. •ico ------------ MONEY! r Fast Action v Low Ra tes Lo,ns 2nd and fst bd1 m hwtl. rtrl'. r a. h!'&l prl I ----W t St l"\'£' All Ort.lli e County p8tll•. gfHAlft' C:fl M llfl~ mn I 4MB-Hoosee for Reat Service In Your Home H nrh•>r 16tsl·R 4 1r~;J __ ,___________ T --------------\\'I:-O:Tf:R R~;:-."T A ~ t urn houae, We Buy ru8t Deeds TWO H[•R~t. F'11m . J ioplrx CJ• NUI ... "!'"' 4. f(a.r . furn&<• h~•l SiO T op prlr"• pl.Id Cuh now' r ronl ""8 r Jilh. $A•) 1'"111 Jt1!1" HJirlJ< r I lt;4·;\I •2r 4' Royal Mortgage Co. _o_r_s11_;, y rly .. H1tr ~7_~-_. __ •3r4~ ---2eoi l"l'wport Blvd. Nprt. 8c.b. TWtJ UDRM unru1 n ho!J8e. l(&r H b I 5,. o l. t f~· )! I I•,. ,. II . If • 11\ Jilu' "'11 '• ! ,,. G11hn"I \"i•lh .... !'>fttl "Ll~T I T r tllt Til1\ I •~~ ~()\\ ' Go rdon l. And rew, Rltr. J,J & :t ~i 4:l• I l CAPITOL GAIN CAN Y<W AFFOHIJ TO !'l-:1 .L ~ JI()\\' AH()l 'T A THAI •I-: /•1t rt nn· ttl(r 1· llfH tff.l....-1 •1 • ~u Up "U•• Jlf•1J1• ,-.r1v "'•Nt t'lil 1,t '"'"' Au~d·"· \',.JUM1 •l JM1 f•IM I V.tlh "'""r SIU nClll A Y<'lll 1r •II• " I(, l">N l'lljl~n~I'!. A 111 rrttn nl( Iv 1\111 In· t~r,.11t•"I In Hoy 1> 1"11' f•I' , ... r1·1. ~\Ill l • 1Jde u1i or •lo"-n ciwn<'r, \\'Ebst~r. 41'>111H 1ir "'r-11"' :1~1117 8oulh ('ochr&11 A ve . IAll All· ,e1 .. 16 , HROKERS lNVl'Tl':f r "3l(Q -------~---Business Property PASADENA BRlCK STORES A APT~. Ex• • 1. lent location, g00<l lllrnmP. f•1r " lara-o home In N ••wpor"l J f" 1 h"r area. O. H. LATHROP, M :ll\ F: C'na.l.t Hwy .. Corona d el M&T, Har. 1\442 £vM. H.ar. oe110 42,..., -For 8 d•pentlnbll' u~r•I !'l\r, see I 111»• t o ~hnp111ni; 1tJ"t'8. Wtwrty ar or 'T7 () I t d I h ll h h 8·1t"lH 1·,110 Tu.11llll 4JC'43 4tcMH - -Y ur v• I\ f'& er w O wl e ere __ _ ----------~--TR.AJJJo:. Jl'our r l,.ar \l)t l ll"•r TOMOllROW to back up whal h4' \\ 1.'\TF.R tu;:...'T AJ..,,-.N 1~f'ly tum -WheUf"r you are in bualnu a tor f:bJ.n.ore anlS lnt"'rnauon t.I H Jt r• aell• TODA,'! C'hNk the ll"''' h"lll' ~ h·Ji m . it u bege .h•p<•MI youraelr or we>rk fCJr 1<1mtnne tlM ,I vr •l"r Ct•, .i .. ,.,. fr!'"~-"" cant 111 t.h• clA.t1'\lh ed ~Lion t o-•ll•lil••·••t .. 1 I" •ll•lty ra.1J111t•a. you •an ua" the clualtlel1 ad11 to I hr1UM1 or vll.l'A.t•t ll"•tw11 -.·. 192T• d&y. 1nnct'd yrird. 3l8 Sapphire. lial· 1 your ad\•antage t.o·atll your ttT· Church RI . C'<u1 A M""" bo& 1.111.1.lld. t.2c4" V\cea. produc. « znerchuldlae. 4 l p4 3 I I r - ' I 1 I " - I .... ~. I . \ PAGE 4 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 62-Rf>al F.-tatA' - MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 a •-' FAtate / B & B BALBOA \'ALUF. PACKED F F:ATURESt. arC' abundant in this BAY AVENUE 4 B. R .. ., bath htim<'. N1l'l~ly dt·cornted throughout. Lgt>. li\'ini,t r011m, full dining room. handy kitchen. lots of tilr. Fo rct'd nir hrat, patio. dbl. garage. close to Catholic Churc·h. ~rammar !>Chool, beaches and tra ruq1ortati•>11. Ownc·r must mO\'e inland. $23,950-1.ibc'rnl terms to qualifed buyer. BALBOA OCEANFRONT 3 Units -~how excellent incomr. .B & B OPEN HOUSE Sal Ir Sun. I -1 30 203 Via ~'<'" F.\'t-:RY l:'\t'H IS S~1 ART 11 n1I ,.,,,, ~htoultl ""J'•Y lhf Holl· •h•\·~ rn lho~ Hr11n1I N .. w 3 txtrm 2 t.hth htomr r:xl .. 11v1 "' wh11e l ""It i,1 .. , k 111111 r:1,•, H11111-1n k111 h .. n c;,,.v ··ntp..i1ng 1ti1u· ''"' l.u1 J.:t.• l'altt• Sf' .. , 1.oll\ fll .... ·1·1'11.•h 10 IU<11l '01-I lll'r l••I "l11•l'l lo l!lrt'"I I l •O YO I ' \\'A:-\1' A l 'lr:n &. Fl.PAT A'l' YCJI 'H FHO!'i'I' I H Hll:~ WF. H AV!i: IT n1>1tr l l.1d•1 :! h1h Ill" on •10' t•nrner I H,.11111 11111 plunt111~, ~un 111tnd 111" J'l"f'•lll (')«1111 & fl•'lll 1<~ Il l pin 62-RrltJ Estatt1 8%-~aJ f'Atate Save sm On a beautiful view ho me in Corona H ighlands - 3 bednn. a nd den. bath and '1• 2 f1replacee, built in Weste rn Holly range -hardwood floors -Iota of tile and many other fine features. Mus t see to appreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola CORONA HIGHLANDS 540 De Anza Ocean view and swimming pool. Ranch style home, nicely landscaped and many fine features. w to w carpeting. Priced to sell. OPEN DAILY 1 · 5 P . .M. Houston Values Gold Mine Income BAI..BOA lSLA:\'0 Wat•rfront - N r. ferry. H &mbursrr ti.lid 0 111.11 atand. paddlt' t>n&rd• It 3 renta1a. INCOME OVER $10.000 FOR SIJM)(l:R SEASON. $39,600 tnl h low down and term•. Full Price $6850 GOOD J BDRM.., eHllllde, k notty pine ibterlor , room for another untl and expand to S bdrm., e pa. old. ll0"127 on &1.lt'y, Close-In $7500 OLDl!:R, NJCE CONDITION. ren· l•r of town, l bdrm., good lenn1. C'nmplC'lely furni!!hed $22.500 -Terms Nord Corner '""', ".111 l111·rln• r ~~pura't' t11111 •i.: 1 •10111 I 'f'1111hn•·nt ''''" .. r h.,,. (1·on1 ~urut•' k • \\•hu·h • u11ld I!' lllHrl<' 111l1t R I f'd1111 • (·or· ftf'\~ 11n1I t11Hf'P11•" ()\\!,Pt \\lll t ltit Jp 1••1 ~111alh·r ht1nu~ 1n ·'·~'-'· I'"" Al I'll ~I u\\ II hy ••PP l nnf~· Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar s t o occupy a large older home, located south of t he H ighway 1 ~ block from t he ocean. With minor ex- pense can be converted into 4 bedrm., 3 baths, din- ing room and large playroom. 40 ft. lot and on a $1000 Down BDRM., T moa. old, new range ct: refrlg. loan, at $60.~ mo. 19700. on &•wer11. Inc l. • •., ,.., F ull price 2 CHEAPIES! They ain't new and they a in't purty but they are close to good bcar hN1. 1'tores and transportation and can be bo ught for $1 .500 down. No te lephone infor'!lation will be g ivC'n '. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1450 W. Balboa Blvd ., Balboa Harbor 1264 Balboa Island BAYFRONT HOME w ith pier and float. 3 bdrms. 2 bath. Onl' of the best. $57,500 ROOM T O BLD. additiotial unit while you enjl)\' 2 bdrm. attrac. furnished ho rn('. Complt-tl'ly fC'nced. S 1 R.500 Bayshore.- 3~:.i year old 3 bdrm. 3 bath beautiful bay \'i1c·w. Cpt.s. & drps. incl. in this true Vogel value. Priced a t $39,500 Corona del Mar View Home New -3 bdrm. & dC'n, 2 fireplaces. &aut1ful m ahogany panelled living room. $19,500 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Ma rine A venue, Balboa Is land Next door t o the Post Office Eves Ha r. 3059-M Hur 12 1 ·H CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL 3 8 . R. HOUS E, 1·:1 bath. Pro- tect ed patio. Exel. location. $28.750. IRVINE TERRACE, S~ will handle. Almost new 2 B. R. conv. den. 2 baths. inside BBQ. Drap· cries, stove, fuJly landscaped. Low price. BAYSHORES ATTRACTl\'F. 3 bdrm. home. tectcd pnt10. Owner anxwus for off er Asking .. 2, .000 Pr o- SEE US for 81'.:ACON BAY and BA Y:-;HQHl::S propertws. Har. 1775 -£,·cs. uhlh Marl•nn, H\'att 1 -6~:!2 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 535U Lou B9ynton, Bayside Dr. office. Har 32117. ('\'C H;.r 2fi.i Bay & Beach Rlty Inc Lll>O OF'FJCE 1111:1 1..11r .. yettP, Npt llRr :l64'1 1 FISHER'S BEST BUYS~ COSTA MESA nice qui~t street. Terms are \'ery flexible and can be arranged to suit. Call us for any additional information. w. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 BILL'S BEST BUYS RESTAURANT-GOOD BUY Going business on Coast Highway with 5 yr. lease and re-nt>wal t1ption. Fully equipped -seats 35. Full Pnte S5.000 with 1.: down. Good terms on 1. LCE. 3 R.R., only t yr. old. I Balance'. Owner ill. mus t sell. 1 11·:·.1.~6·1~111n111 ~I KllY l•·lltUl's STOP LOOKING-WE JUST FOUND IT I $1•:1•111 Tr v ) 1~'"" tluwn Nearly nl'W thr<•e bedroom, l 1:: bath home. Choice ~. LARGE FAMILY '' H. W. fl oon1. Wall to wall carpel.ii. d rapes inc .. fire· ~t'.. 1 h111 1 Hl>R.:11 1u u1 n"w I place, co\'ered patio and large double garage. ""'"" 2 1"'1"" '''" 1111"n l?ull Price St3,i50 with $3.750 down. 11111} $1 I .11111 I 3. :-5MALL HOME "FIX-ER-Uf'l::R" Li;,. lul for 11d1l11 I unr:;;Yo I 4 itll lf1HkP lllUUr}' OU lt\1~ n ! Only $671110 T"rlll~ 4.CORON.A DEL MAR :--.: • • ~ hr 10 ru J11H 1 k,., , ... nt•·• I ~· )-l•nr i; I L,11111 ttn11 buy tllJ_. 11•1 $1 '..'ill tlll 1"1111 r nr,1 Jt:::too fisher & Co. li111 112!1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS--4 Bedroom-$ l-t,875. Nt>arly new-Fe nccd-2 Raths. F irepla ce. Walk- ing dis ta nce lo High and Jr. Schools. Priced right for quick salt'. Only $3200 down. CHOICE INCOME Largt' 1·er~· we ll kept. nearly new duplex only o ne block from town. :.! Bd rooms m each unit sepa- l a tt'd by a uouble gara~r. Can be handled on very low down paymt'nt. Full price only St 7,500 A mu11t on y our hst. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOClATES, 'REALTOR You'll like our friendly service" 400 E . 17th St., Coeta Meu. U bert.y 8·1139 LAili;~~\~;~,~~~~ 7A~: parll· I NII.' 1111fllll\HI 11<, 111 \JI'\\ --------------------------- c 'Ju ••lo n1tt1kf'lt~ •\t•tl•u l h'i H I f It ti I I I I I hull t \ t•f \ I,..\\ )•It tp 191 " 141 \l••n IOI ~Ohtf hu~ $1500 Down \;I-\ r I I• •\II l t •' n• I uuh ,,, ~· . ,, '~.,, i I I ~""' N.B.C. Realty HI I BALBOA ISLAND UNUSUALLY NICE 4 bcclrm. h ome with d1n1n g room . up to the. mrnute kitchen, fireplace and forcl'd a ir hea t. Asking $8500 3 B.R.. Newly clecorated nn t>Ox300 loL Room fo r add unll11 Gnnd E . aide renla.l locallon. 811bm1l. Houston Realty Co. A ASSOClA TES ~09 Center St. Cn11ta Mesa Ll 8·6911 LI 8-7ik4 Eve. p h. Pl'tltte W 8·0414i Lytle LI 8-2:)42 Seyrnour, H ar. 62!l8·W "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS OCEAN FRONT 4 BURM. HOME a.ntl g11rag.-apt N et"tls some flxm' bu t an l'Xl'«'P· l>onally fine opportunity lur ho111t> & lnc:omr w>th only $~tHJfl down. P n1·e inc ludes new Hill · poml aink, 1h.thwash1·r It dlll· po11a l. Good IO<'at1cm-f1ne oc•11n \'1 .. \.\·. BAY FRONT EXCELL.EXT IAX.:ATIO N !'I bl'<I· rooma, 2 balhl!. tile k llthen, fir.,. pla.ce, good hl'al, parlly furn11h· ~. 1<1fe be!Hh f<Jr <h1lt11 ~n PRICE D AT $29,000 with low down J)llymenl. BAYSHORES L0C A TEO ON BA YSHORE Drive w 1t11 VIF:W o C bay -N1«e n.1111· f ort.dbl!' 3 bedroom. 2 b11th homt' IK<'· hv. rocmr wtth nairwronl' firl.'~ltt.!'t', f ull tlln ro.1111 plu" breakJut room, hdwd. floon , d1apo114l, rorner locuuon, fen('M , S23,:io<J Good Lerma. "C" THOMAS, Rltr 224 W . ColUll H1way -U 8·!')627 "C" THOM.AS "C" TIIOMAS Apartment House BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little laland, pier, float, formal 4 bdrm_ home. The land value is close to the uking price. ATTR. furn. 3 bdnn. Jll 1 bath , dining room, Ip. patio, Iota of g"lass with '.'.! BR apL Near No. Bay. N ot a g1ve-1tway but one ot tho 00.. b oUMe on the I sland, $47,500 A'M'RACTIVE 4 bedrm., 21 :.i baths, nr. So. Ba7. Own<'r will take small down. Allking $42,tSOO. GOOD FAl.fiLY HOME. Near So. Bay, LtJe. raid. 3 bednn. } I :.I baths. $26,50() About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bednn. turn· ished home. Submit down. $2:5,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot. 5 bdrm. 3 1:: bnth house plus unusual 2 B. R.. apt. over 3 car ga rage. Both u nita newly fumlab.S. Har. 1775 Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt '-4222 J ohn Mac.nab, Harbor 5369,. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ]. 2. 3. 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. u. I::. Jo'. G. 225 Marino Ave., Balboa Ialand ., HAPPY HOLIDAYS R-1 Lot paved street & sewers ···--$1,000 On. Water View Lot Mesa Drivo --$1,750 On. C·2 Harbor Blvd. 60 x 300 ···-····-··$5,000 On. 82':: x 260 R-4 Off Newpo rt Blvd. _$2,000 On. 100 x 200 All utilit ies-M·t _ .............. 600 sq, tL 155 x 314 M·l on Placentia .. ·-·-······-·· 291(. Dn. 5 AcrcK M -1 Trailer Park 8 ite .... _ ... $15,000 Dn. 47-Ac-rc Cotton Fann. Coachella .. . 29r;, On. U·Acre BC't. !:)an ta Ana & Costa Mesa . 29';. Dn. '~ Ac. 2 Brn1. Dbl. Garage A·l _ S 950 On. Carpcu w w 3 Brm. FHA F inance .. $ 1.000 Dn. Lovely 2 br. Dbl. Gar. nr. Alpha Beta S 3.000 On. 2 new furn. hom<'s, garages, F. P. S 3.500 Dtl. \'1t>w K ing::; Pl. 3 br .. 2 bath. beauty S 7.000 Dn. Ray An '., Cor. 2 t,r. den, \'1l·W, Patio $15,000 Dn. 8 unit::;, mcome S510 mont h $10,000 Dn. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 l'\ewport Bln L LI -1632 Costa Mesa F;ves LI 8·1400 GOLDEN RULE VALUES 3 Bdrm . guest BUY OF THE WEEK home, fircplaCl', wOod floors. furnace, lg. house. Wnrk RhOJI ani..l garag<?. All on beautiful half arrr for only S t2 .!100 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Movrs you Ill before XmaR to this n1<·c-3 bdrm. homt'. 1 yr. tlld. Ya rd frnc-cd -AND IT HAS A:\ OC8Al'\ \1F.\\' ~10.000 wrth mo nt hly pu~·. hkt> re nt. NOW HEAR THIS Lar~C' busin<'S.., zom·d lot \\1th 4 yr o l<i fumishro duplC'x a U for $JO 000 -Rnom for 12 umlll. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor ~~~nd A ~. \\ JM•l I Hnuf• \ .,.,, '\o·\'f•tll k •·,.,h 11 1111'•1 1•11:"1 PLt.:S 11t lract1ve 2 B. R. apartment with fire· place 1111d pll'lure wmdows. larite garage. For a rC'al home plus mcome, we recommend this. • • • THIS :io:EWPORT APARTME!\"T HOL'SE ideal ror yrar round or aummf'r renlol& J u"t nghl fnr a cuuplr ain1 e the u pkt'l'f' I" pracl1C1\lly nil. The ownf'r & • :.? I la r1t11 HR >tpl. IJI unf\11 n111h1 '1 A no:.her large :? HR 11 p1 1~ f •r· n111hed.. The re Are ~ \ll'ry b11t 1 I =r ·~;l ~,:~:n~~ 1:,'.7:· 1 PHrL SULlfV AN & GEO. T. EVERSON 225 Manne Ave., Balboa lsland I 5 Income Units ------------111:'\r: ~HI : 1':-.'11 "'"I 1•111 1 I 1!1( B & B Weighing Values? • Irvine Terrace l\fogrnf1c£'nl Custom Hu1H Home • l \\u l1d t lll"-olH I 1lt·1t • l '1 u11• 1•1~ •• 111,rt ,, ''"I ' n 1. •J ..... \\'llRTll ~ T h,.n 11k•· ,, l""'I< 111 • 1:. ,,.1,1111 ''" '"''• ,,,.1 •l•ttf • • t hlll 1mm .1r•1l .t• . I 1111 I \ t • t 1·• "~11.-I\ lui•l•"lf .. 1 ofl1 hnrllf' "'"' "1,I '" "tll • II· • \I 1 .. 1n 111 "\" 1 f· 1 111 r<-l th11111~h1111I "'I • I • Ill• k••· • I .. • .. "'' '". (hrn "'r111 1h I '"11111 11 • T,, 1,,1, 1 ,·t• Sl07~0 \\tlh $1!\tffl 1t11 A n .._ tC ,\ e U"•'t 'A tnl • 1tnt1 •h 1•, ,.i lr )l\An , llln• ., , Trust our Judgment J 111• f" r • t It f l I h J..~J '"•UU 1,.r r 4 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. T Or •A \'. "•II h1111• \ollr 11n11 1 •n• I' tnm1•irn11 • I' 111 1 n 11 ~· r I •"'·ay frnm "'"' k "" t "' ,. t t,1 .. r r t1f'Cnralf'f1 an•I rrp111nt, d I 1·11 1' hom" "1th """ I 1 '"' • J " 1 I ahtlt~r(lft lrtn.11 • •, •.• • '' ... ,_ In Ea.tl111t1.. \\ n ,,. 1• ' •1 ru t ''Ah• .. "' s12 r~•n Harbor JfillO ~ \. )fH h' 1 I, .. CORONA DEL MAR Bay & Beach Rlty Inc : .. , •·· '1·\ I , •• ,,,,. ,, 1 ... , I pi1r 1 111\ t.:•• It•\ ,•I\ \ ,,. · ~•·\\ Cn8111 :.IP~ll \ '1111( L lh• 11 \' ~-7:H F,,.,. I.I ~ ti~·" 5 Acre Ranch I'\'\ ,\ I \1'1 Jl!~t':'\ l h l ~··"I •.• 1 11· I I • t11 •. r ' ..... 2 1:, LIDO R-3 :111 '1 I· I• "n ~ .. Ar11 1-r .. r t $•I .... I I 111 T fl I!•~·: ll"r t:••'o \\ , r l:Ynn l 61•:11 , ,. t .\ I\\ ll litJ fl 10 II &1IJ"''' .... 11., ..... HAY "'"" 1 •• " I h1• I 111 l· • • ~· II ll II ,,r '" 1 1 I Kll' \\ AJ t' " I H" H11r ,l;lfll (II\ n<·r !lf•! ft 11\J i,:' IH 111; l fl.Xlt• 1! ,, •I t f \\1'11 i1~i1•la•• ~:, "• _, fu •t I , .. ,,, I h,,,, Iii J11IJt ft( j .... , 111 '1 1 •• 1 ,.,,,ti\ \\1tf11 ltl ljp• ~ I f I ( , , ~,.ht f I f ... • j 'II 111 \I 11' t 'kr ' , .~ 11111o••·I j • t 1111> I "I •.,,,rt I""'', nt t 1111 , , n I ..... I I t I• k~ I (I·,\ I ft I .-... If ft H llit.\\•f I di fl ttf I I.• . 11 11 11 ,l '\!"l l\ I ••• 'I I ).;II '"" I ttl· " I I t I I .. I I '. " \I 'I '\\ ,., "'I 111:1•:11 I'!" ' 11 ,. h· I ... , • \ r ._ ' I I \\ \\ 1 t t I" l I t t •hi 1 '' I' .... SI• ·.oo t-.,1.,u •t•\.\• l•••iH'• I·· I I I.I ~ .;-. ,;; I I• .~ f\l r•.Ht •lt.\! Hlll'St: h11 111"'""1 1 11' l• lq1118t1 I tn"tci,.. f'O 1 U 1T "''.:JI\,'\ lln ~1111111•1 "(( .Mnn • 1' J tn :-.,1 rn"" I .. I 'l"IUI S1600 r 11 !l'•!1 f'I ""r ~l \•••II' ;\11'1111 r"""" \\nft ~n~ L 711 thlll l r h,,tle l.lbf'rty 8·780i f'Ar n . Jflr48 :t:nlr llOtC >-f111 n1 tw.t \It'" ,._1tt1 J 11 f'''" ~Un It t k 11\1 ' a:'''*~' '\II tt11 .. J111, \lP •h' I·•' ,,, I n•,,, l~~.t Ii J:1\ t U I ,1'11 11J 11~..: ll\r $,t, 1111 $~"1UH d ti •I HOMER E. SHAFER .. t 11.f ••I< I J'' 'ff J11t1 \l t • I II , r I • I I I~ 11 " LOOK , I '\I ' I' " • .: .. , \\ I f LOOK! II \••I l '\'\l \"t .t l\•101ot1 t h ' fa.tr\ .: ''" , ,., fhft I I \ " (I••"' • t rt I 1•. ... I •" h t:• ft\ J I ' Art C . Kistler Co. I I • l.1111 .!- ..:·· •• ;\:1 ' .. ,., .. ' ,,., 1 .. I• Attention lnves'>ors! l'Hl"l·: kl.I•\ I ~(• I 't'lli k M• It! I• ' II h flr,lf I "1 I ,. I . I I .: " I ii •1~~ I 11 h ( ' ) ,; It 1 •f I l 11r f • I I it I 1 .. ,u I r '"' ,• I t "I ti,. M II ... I 4 ,,, t L-;,\ft l! f I! ' I ' I ''"' 'I' rt " • 11 '•I ,,, Jt 1•: J If t \ 1 l fll•llU \1h t I l • ,,, I I •~1• t t t \\1 ' I I' I • ' ., \\ h• I • 1 \I I t • ) 11 tftHI I I I ,\ t 1U I• . II lo\\! .. I I.I I , . \ u r tf t • t\ f I 8 Good Lots f.J\~T :-lff1r: l'11•IA ,\l~•ll 21' ur t('•~ ... dr1 PA:'\ A I H -nmw:-.: .. R,.~llnr HAr M '>l or Llti.rty }l.6,11 7- U r 4:1 have W-W l'&.rf'('l111g ant.I \l'I\ Ill<'!! furmturl' 7 1t11r111er,. l•r.:•• 1 Immaculate 2 B. R. home and guest apart· wuh room, lou or •111111,.r. I ~56 Nrwport Rl\'d. ('nRt A. MeRa ~arross fr11m (.'osta Mo~sa Hank I Phone 1.1 , ·67t)l r;,·1·s lfar. 43f)fi I.I F!-2 l ll3 ment, nicely furnished, large patio and BBQ. dbl. THF:RE 18 A $JU,ooo MTi: Ol'1 tar ~a ra~e. \'ery near No. Bay. tho p1orwrly. now r11y11111 .. S:l••h 1-- $23.i:JO terms. mo :>•~·; We •<'lllnm h1111• 11Jtl• I or tha.. •1u 11.llly romr nn thl' 111k1 j W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD RALPH P. MASKEY R It I H EA I.Tl Ht ea ors 3• 11 ~ .. wrMl1 Hll '1 ="rt H. h 11..rt>nr •o.l Mar uw and l';i rk RalbOA Island Harbor :?46~ Corona del Mar Choice Income "1 1-.lt if l J t l''"'I'\ It tH \ ~•li t At ll\' 1t1t I 11•~' ,. 11111111 \ fl._ tUuu..,,t ''"· ~h'I flll•hl"lll f11'f' (JO l hP .:. 1 u 1t'l•t1 '" r\'"''"'•'.nnt .. t .. 1th "··!· n •h•t w·u ,. ,,,,. bt•'>• rU -t. '"'' I 1o1Jc hrtl,~h nOf'I "tll COSTA MESA O)'rn t Jn tn 1 30 Dail~· 216 Magnolia Balboa &t•rt.EX. (•Jmu•h,..I SI I Ci:,11 Tun 2-~rm •!'LI. A ll cin <•he tlnor \\'a lk1ng h"la.n• .. I • •I<'""'""" l~lbn11 l'\hn" ir g ll'" I 1n1 111111' , S11b1111t nn I Prn•I' Ocean Front S 1:'11\Nl <;nn11 T t:I' \1~ :I hr Ir m r•l•lt r hnn,. p1irt111ll\ f• 1 '1. ll• I I .~ I 1nnr 111'.11 I 1of ll 11>0 11 ~ • garu ~,. .... tr•"""' t ,, ' u11 ht~~', Coast Properties :Siil F: ll11 ll<>1A lll\'11. B11 lh<1R liar 1141r :ZH!o8 2M•i 11 n I 41t<lil 10 Acre Grove V tQ:y l•lfHiA ·''I Jo. ,IA< on~t;:\' n'"""' Hu M11'J 01 Llb,.rt:r 1'·11:\17 4lt'4fl GIVE YOURSELF THE BUSINESS PHOl'El~TY. t hal 1s. ll..r1 ·l-1 1111 n ppnr1un1ty t o O\\ n 11n1· of th<• h 1 I I 1·r p1• <'<':-1 uf bui-11u•i-i. pr11pt•rt \' in \nr·o1111 dt•I Mar Fo11r I 1n1· lo·a:-<1 •11 brmJ: you R m11111n um of ~-...;oo p• 1 ~·1 ·,1r. 1.Ju:-; p1·n·<>nta~1 . Thl' Jo11 at1on Ii< 1d1·11 I -nn 1·1u .tnc y. Pnrl'(t n ·ahst 1c .illy lllli! w ith t1·rm1< Ky 3f•fln10tm1•n1, pl1•al'!''. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor fl B I IOP<.1·;. Asi-ll<1att> 3ti:?:? .. : l'"d"t I"" y .. ( '11ron<\ d t·I Mar H ar 2ii4 $15 ,000 OCEAN FRONT :! f1.t·d rn1. :.! hat h t urn1~h1•d. cn~t1n~ end drBJX'f' t11n \\·,. will f'I • ""11\ Y""r 11h•su. 11n pnytneatA. ~1-:1·: 1 h 1l'I twf<1re 1t'11 sold. M ·I ZONE DUPLEX A"ktn~ S l ,l.:"1i 10 Ownr·r will trnde for! Thttt prnp<'rly has a futun•. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES J \I ,\llLl.l.H l I I 11111 .. , .. ,,, >! ~;,\'.; H ,•1.'\T l.<1T f j .'1<11J Hi\'\!~:\\ r 111' \\ k11 1tv ~ Hh'<I 11 u .1:171 ~ 1 "41 liar. ;,1 ~ or Har. 1216-J l 'J•l••:H J'A Y C'<Jt'.'\THY Y~ATE. 1 T w" h1 .. 1 .. I k1•• tirn 11h~k " """f I. kl' I •.\ $111 ~·,11 F:A~V lf'lll°' r 11 ·~r·A~ 11 \~l •t !''rv )h r '''" f ;\\ ,, \ '--------------------------- OPEN 'SUNDAY 4~2 Esther ~t.. UACK BAY AREA : 6%--RHJ Estate 6t-~al Eetate -------~------------..... _,, _____ ------~---·-------------- p. a . p a I m e ·r i n c o r p o r a t e d '.'JEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, DECEMBER I%, 1955 3 BeJrm . 2 bath!\, pluR family ro()m with BBQ, extra lge, ln•mg' rm. with maiisiw brit:k firepl., bar kltrhrn with built-in s lO\'(' & O\'l"n, ash paneling. bhake rc oof. Rhrling ~bSfl doors tQ patio. This is developers of Lido Isle v v Best · Buys Corona del Mar rral quality at $26.500 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ·106 ~I. Andrt·wi., Chff Ha,·en ~H .7:1n -M5 mn. includl's taxes & insurance THflEE bedrm.. fiN'placl'. fl'nce4 yard. brick 11at10. Close t11 grade· and h igh school. l mmf'iliatC' Possession. GI RESALE $14.950 -4 'r -$73 Mo. Ont' year old 3 bedrm mnd<'rn. compktely furnished incl. carpetin~. drnprs. built-in stove and oven and rrfrig. FA ht>at, sliding i.;lass doors. tile bath. large 2 l'a r g;ira~t·. C:11od Custa ~fesa locat1un. Low down payment. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and A$$0CIATES 3320 W . Coast Hwy. Llberty -7'773 "At thr Arches" The Main Road To A Sale IS VIA r MULTIPLE LISTING Good Values When You Buy, Or When You Sell SEE YOUR REALTOR TODAY FOR THE F1NEST PERSONAL SER\'lCE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Ncw11ort Bin!. Newporl Beach ON "UTILE" BALBOA ISLAND , A mosl l)ISTINCTIVE and CH ARMING 3 bt'drm., 3 bath homr. ~rAC'IOt:~ 2 story living room pan- <'lrrl in wood with huge stone fireplace. carpeted wall to wall, forced air hent. lots of tile. IN m •;AUTfFl 1L CONDfTION. An IDEAL year round home for l'asy hospltality. Offerl'd a t S36.500. (.;ood trrms. FOR SUt-.A°MER FUN AND WINTER W EEKENDS l\'F.AT 2 beunn. cnttagr·. l lot.r to Bay. F 1rrplact>, and Oonr fllrna<'e. full lot. dflublr· ~ar;il!!I' XMA~ !-'P~:t'lAL Slfl..tlOO. I.ow dn\.\n paynwnt MARINERS 1SiE _REALTY 31~ ~la rin<' A\'C'. Rnlbon lRlanrt Hnrbnr HI\ 1 North Bayf ront home on 80 feet frontage. 5 bedrms., extra large liv. rm .. lovely walled yard, pier & slip-there isn't a better location on Lido Isle. We have the key and will be plea&ed to show you this home. North Bayfront Home 3 bedrms. 2 baths and powdl'r room -2 servant's rooma with bath -large liv. nn. -covered patio with terrific barbecue-modern kitchen with but- ler's pantry -3 car garage--PLUS beautiful 2 bedrm. 2 bath apt-plu11 2 utility rooms-less than 5 yrs. old, & the price of $75,000 includ~ repainting. 204 \'ia Orvieto is th<' address of the brand n<'W \'isscher·built home that we think you will lik<'. 3 bedrms. 2 baths, papered dining area. steak grill in fireplace, e.xtra good storage. Be finished in two weeks. $32.500 including landscaping. /' OCEANFRONT 60 foot corner, beat possible PENINSULA locat ion. Sl 7,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via IJdo, harbor 1~ Back Bay Beauty! Artistic early American -brand new-2 bedroonu plua den-2 bathS-:-full price $20,500 with term.. Call Dave Oaburn for detan.. Lemon Heights Estate · Owner ot & beautiful home on over an acre ot the finest dew property says "Bring me an offer or trade." U you a re intereeted in a la1'J• home, call Bill Farnsworth A Home for Xmas? Buy this 2 bedrm. home for a Xmu pr-Ment. It la \'ery well located and could have an apartment added for future income. Let Joe Kinc&ld ahow you this cute hou.se and tell you of tbe posaibWtiea it present11. Full price $27,500 Spectacular! View of entire Harbor, ocean, city and cout line. 3 bednm1., S baths. Coat $54,000 -now 5'0,000 Hurry! Not Leasehold. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coaat bjghway -liberty s..M73 B & B WAKE UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS! l I I Peninsula Homes! NOT A CREATURE WAS STIRRING! THE:>: r ow • Thts new l1s11ng wlll ~o. I-Redecorated 2 bedroom, nloe- ly tumah• hom .. Ftreplact. O&ndy p atio, d()uble K•rai-•. Top condlllon , , . $16,1)00, f. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Beat buy of the year. Larie 2 bednn. home, 2 bat~ plua 2 bedrm. garage apt. plu.a ("m. atudio apt. Only a few steps to ocean front A China Cove. 45 ft. frontage. Quality const thru-out - Bettt-r hurry :--Only $38.MO 2. CORNER DUPLEX, 2 BR. EACH Excellent c.ondition, both unita have flreplacee, hwd. tll"9., laundry and garage. Priced at $22.MO. Terma e&n be art&nged. Excluaiv: with ua. 3. DUPLEX CORNER I BR. EA. ... Furniture included In one unit. F. P. $17.MO with $5000 down. ... OCEAN VIEW LOT ZONED R-3 Only lot available ot this kind. 40 x 118. Choice rental dietrict. Priced at $1~. 760. 5. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price ot $1417:)0. 6. VIEW OF ENTIRE HARBOR AREA From this choice lot high on the hill in Corona Hiiblands. Beet view lot available. Pric.d a t $13.~ U!rm. .. 7. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES I..i8ted exclwiively with ua. See ua for bMt buy. in thia area. Shown by appointment only and priced far below repl&cement coet. Call u. for part.iculan and appoint to eee. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUTSTJON~ Re"ltor 3«7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Offlte located next door to Corona del Mar B&U) t .,aJly 11tir th1ng1 up~ Two fort · J1Ul1'es Cur San\¥, lw' 3 bdrma , plus 20'1120' n1mp1111 room w1lh bat, l !<lwtl. Cloore Custom b111lt Woou ahlngle roor. L&rre lot Ftne EulJih1e l<x:allon. l H ll 14 ft .. not lncluJlng 1tarage. <;0111~ 00:'\NER 4t Hl.lTZEN! Unly I $39:x> down' Ji"ull price $13,900 P $, 2 -16' btdroorn. CO~E Here is what you have been looking for. A giv&- away. Never again will you have a chance t o buy a 3 bedroom home with brick fireplace and large separate rumpus room that can be easily t urned into a guest house for Mom & Dad. ln the Baclt Bay area. The Jot is 150 x 105 and 1s fenced. $12.500 -Te rmii. term•. -------------------- llA SllER. -I REDUCED! + • was s1s.ooo Now tte.m • $0\.0 dOI.\ n E1111y tf't 1111 • 2 )'tan. C111toin built • Ocei<n \'ltW' • HardwOOd tloor1 lge t1r.pl&Ct • \'uy lge. k itchen-220 V. • F ull tllntnr room • 3 IUC" b~lroom,, 2 balh• • Obi garagt' /\ llty e \\'uo.1 1h1ngle I OOf • SN-th•• rt&I value now' OCEAN VIEW LOT! 1 ·t;1::.1,\'\h.~T \ 11-.\\ l111,l •1ng lo.t \ 1ul "' tnv. n (.1wner &a}I I ~~:w, $t;:.Ot, Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I 1111..; :-; r" f" •rt Bl\ •I I I ....... )It•• l' 1ht I l.~rly 1!-l1fil F.TI' 1.1 ll~JO • NO-THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT A 2 bC'droom home antl separate income unit plus a 2·car garage. Each family has complete 11r1\·aty. In Nl·wport Beach very dose lo t he Channel & 'Bl·al·h. Six years old -$14.250 -Terms. EVERY DOLLAR HAS TWO SIDES Come on in and we'll s h ow you how to make both &ides pay you dtvidende --For -inat.ance -a Tri· plex in Balboa so close to the waterfront that you can call to your kida to "Stop throwing sand at each other.'' Summer rental.a can give you free ~nt and pay the place ort. It i.8 fuUy rented month to month now. Price completely furnished. $18,500 -tennA. FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE A ~uper Duper location ln Newport Beach on the Coast Highway. Building is suitable for a Snack shop or sunilar busineu . $!5,000 down. monthly paymect Sl0:5. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 503 32nd St., Newport ~ach. Call!. Har. ~ aJter 5 p. m. Har. 2293-J --------------------------------------------- NQ. 2·2 's bedroom, 1 ~ bath tum· llhed hom•. Two atory Cor vlrw and redecora ted. A ve1 y cu lo horno ... &ttrac· uva, t oo. '17,600, ••~ 1111. No. 3·Doclor·a buulltW homt, • btdroona and 2 b&Uu. l..(•. y.'alled corner lot inrlud~ B&dnnnton court, patJo, lie. 1arage and Pfrftcl tor i, .. tamUy. '30,&00, tenna NO C-In Belvue Lane ..• 2 1*1· room f&1nUy bom t. Heavy tumltur• lnclU<lt11. 8pad out roonu and ln nice condJUon. 4(Ja:100 fl. lot. F.H.A. lo&n. 113,000, monthly payment. on pre1ttnl loan f7• par mo. DUPLEX ES ARE HARD TO t~l.ND BVT HERE ARI: TWO, AND Pft.IC&O TO 81:1.l... No. l -Ocun T ron t Pcnlavul& Du· plu . A "•lffper" It you know vaJuea. Two •tory . . ltrrttlc Ocu11 View. Well rurn.W>ed. Comu property 111'1U1 W I• wall~ rear yard. SweotJ for home wltb lncomt or ror renl&l lncome. Jn.600, LIDO PROVINCIAL ... CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia ch oice two bedrOom can be youni for only 122,700. • Beamed ce.llinp • Uaed brick fireplace • lnalde window abuttera • Quarry We ltitcben • L&r&e tw<><&r garage • Luge walk·m cloeet We ban the key to thia lmma.culat.e, near new 1.Jdo home, Come in and diKuu terma. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON J.H.GROHKAN GENE VREELAND VIRGlNIA MANSON MOO Via Lido Harbor "" (Acrou from Richard'• Market Entrance) LIDO ISLE VOGEL VALUES -Costa Me sa Offic ~ I OPEN HOUSE A fl H n"ton• Ol))y 110& l..111 k•f"ll VISIT So. :i-Juat • atep \D ~ bay in a. Ibo&. 3 bedroolNI II own, 2 Ill upper. Situated on 2 loll! Fuml&htd. ot <'OU1'11e.. 1nd rrntl weU Cl°" to bul bayl>;ach . wnr hlD• l'Wftr beacil home tor l&rl'• fam· II)' and you can rtnt the up. par. U 0.000, lerma. BEAtJm'tJLJM>me Oil Udo Nord COrD!T witJl ,,.... ma.nent view of Bay. Near beat beach for 1'1rim· ming. Three bedrm1., bobby room & dtn. Chann- ing king a\M m.uUr bedroom wit.b alcove and connecting pnv&te bath openlnr onto larre aun deck. The unu11ually attractive living room bu alldlng glus doors openinp: to the J>&llo, wh1¥! ~ modern kitchen ha11 built-in dishwuhcr, dispoeal, copper hood, ceramic Ule and numerou1 other features to pleaJte the moet (utidioua. Truly one * * • Duplex gmiill dupl<'X with s:nod incomt-!-'m111l Int with lrtt l" upkN'p Prirl' 1:? 1100 I\'l'w 2 h<lrm. & drn. J, 1 hnth. lnr~" h\'IOJ'.: rnom Wtth fu lly glal'l>1t'ci rf'a r \'lew am! nne full aC'rt> CJf grou nil S:? ).00() Cafe Gnod ancl l"'rular rr11taurnnt with monthly inrnmP of ~ 1;11>0 at a ~l t.:ST S I:::LL flrl<'t-' THE VOGEL COMPANY l i O:? :'\C'wpnrt Rl\·d. Phone Llbh ty 559• C'nsta ~1rM E,·<'nin~s Llh<-n y • • -157 'DON'T make a MOVE" l'STIL YOU SEF: I 'Ht f fl" oJl'I ~)II 1''11U l't" • $ I 1•• \ER\' HAH~I' •~·II i:r t an "ri•11 tun11, t 1"111\" " •m"ll f•H\I)' fU 11 h••lflf' 111\ II l~ll 1\1• • lf'\•I I \ llol II f ' •,. ~11) "hrrf" tt,.~, 'I I .,\l I :'\'''" l "ln t HI' p .. ,q 1••1nttd' \\(' &JIU1 h i \• "" lh"r gnortl" Al I " 1 hl'1r1• I''' ,. that )OU nrnin ", 1 341 Hatel Drive , COM Or'E~ HOt.::-it; 1 R•\u•1tql I '"' I ,. r 1 •·•ltm•. t • ' 'II"' • •'-" f\.,; • ., 'nt ,. tn Ii 1 t h111;. t1 11 11 T h •• h11n1.. •n•I 1• l>tr1•f roi:: !•" 11111111 ,,nul I nut I • ''•I II',, • ll\ 1 r 111,. a•k· ttl.._ J I 1 11 , ( C ,. ,"••h\ \fi tHA lll'I ' ·\l & :-!•,I . Call Harbor 20'42 Frank James & Linwood Vick CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic o·NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Rep. R Ra~: .. c-T1n'1> <" 1~11·· ,,,.,'>(' 312 Marlll,. "'"' H11lbu11 t'tiitnol Storage'-- Bay Shores LOCAL i\~O f'ATION-\.VlDE MOV ING Jlh Kl 3-!1221 E\'C 1.1 8-2961 •C'nrn<'r Nrw11(lrt T31\"<1. and So. ~1aan St. NON-VETS OR VETS Hnrk R:t\' lllT:t hnnir' b<'fnr<' (1nb tma!I. T .txc., p.11,f l 1 1111· Hl5ti. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES LI ~-1 ti3:! E \'rs LI l'o·l lllll - •.• : C.'udt I •n't upen Clt<tly I 4 31\ i°\(t\\' J>HI< bfl 1'U SELL 3 bdrm. I ~. bath, (rpl, .~ A htal. all f'lr• k1l<'hl'n Spad(l111 f""ln 1>111!1 tn l~f!Q Onratu c1111<1{f'. g<·n ··ruu11 stciro•R~ RALPH P. MASKEY R FALTUR 3~ 11 :-: ('\\ r I • Bl\" :"rt 11, h Jhrblft 4ttZ NEWPORT HTS. 0 :-ILY l lb,t>OO with Rl•uUt U :,00 dOl.\'11, !lo fl (YE&; nontlY ft<el1, lt11'\tll!C8~11 WBllt<I lrot 2 btd· t MH ,_ l11n11H lrn. ltll' h11t h. 'll'W 1 t thl' !11u t,,1r. \ ary h \t1t' "rot k w ill nrnke worUl 11 9,:,1"'· rn-- M ' .. on herore <.'hr1stn•u F:X· C'Ll'Sl\'J-; AGE:\"T, FORL> \'ER· RL."OER, Har. 4263, t Vt.I, 3477. . ue.a C'OSTA ~rf-:."A '.S FlNF:ST GROL'P OF RANCH HOM &~ Thr('e and four b<-drms., 2 b:lths, built-in gas ranges ant.I U\'(•n s, th<• \'t"r)' bt•st of natural fmish('d hwd. e;abmrt!!. g ll"amrng onk floors. largl' be-drooms. apnc1.,us llnn:; ronms. dining roomR and brl'akfasl sreth .. , usc-d br 1ck flr<'places. cloR<:l t.pac(' gn lore. hea'Y shake mofs, large loUI, fl'ncc-d anrl land- i;caped. These homes ha\'e many rn orc feature\9 thnn art> usurtlly found ~EI:: THE !l\EWL Y OPENED rt.:R1'1SHED J.fOD~:L l>O:'\l:: 1:-i FRENCH PR0\'1:-.:ClAL BY n A:'\IGER Fl "RNIT 'RE OF COSTA ~t f:SA. HAltBOR ~ESA P.A~CH llOMES In·me A,·e .. 1 !3lock N. of lith St. EARL w . STANLEY, Realtor EXCLVSl\'E AGE~T 15th &. Ir\'lne Llberty 8·2664 Or LJberty 8·3123 VOGEL VALUE-MAIN OFFICE * * * • Will Trade One of the \'ery few le\'el corner lol8 in Corona Highlands for 3 bdrm. or 3 & den home Ul Back Bay or Harbor area. THE VOGEL co. 3201 W. C<oast H1ghw;iy, Newport B ('ach LI -3181 ------- SEE THIS! ~l'arklln~ ~ bdrms. & 11t•n at , 16.500 Beautiful country sett111g -nwner leaving etate-MU!lt aell. Waterfront 3 Brlrm!'I .. :? bath~ -pl('r and slip. Boat included. Many j OOJ liat.mgs 10 Harbor area. KILLION, re al esta te 3341 Newport Bh·d. Harbor !\505 ) Balboa Realty Co. OJ'p0all11 R11.nlt ot America Rou l •rt>t>lt>y Al Corntllu. Ed Let lark Pinkham Joacphlne W ebb 700 E. 8albo4 Bl~d , Bt.lbo& f'hont ~rbor 3217 BACK BAY 2 b r A dm. 2 ball\, HW nra . choice locauon-Atklnr 1111.~00 , b r. 2 bi!ath. HW flra., ti4'a uty o! t.be fine.At of homu, and priced to aeJJ. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 3113 Newport Blvd., Newport Be&c.h Harbor lOU ., j j~ I U •' MO 1-----------------------------------F .Wl I 2 h r . df'n, ch~nnlnit S8')()0 ~oo l 11 0 lt1ll re,t Lnc tffl CMnH lot Vogel Values ) acre• a:io x 6Nl. tor 1rubtJ1v.1 NEWPORT HEIGHTS A •klll• u.~ noo . Lovely 3 bedroom home wit h ll-2 b&t.ha, FA beat. BA\ SHORES 1 dillp .. exh&ust !an. Beamed c~lUnp that ctteDd on Ch:;n~~~. 21~:,1,~l.~~m~:~1 t;k~•lt: over lg. patio. Wide 90' lot beautilully landecaped bl<ftl. har, 2 r1uo11, Ae>11n~ w1tb dJcondra lawn. Dbl. ga,r. Low, price of $l.5,7SO n2 wo 132'. Hw)' l o Bay, for I"~"· will build \I) .utl tt'nt.nl-ht-claaa rutaura,nt location. TRADE L'P-Palm Sprint• uu tflr 2 b r. ·Harbor ana view, nr incrtm,. Claire Van Horn REAi.TOR 2731 W Coul Hwy. Open for Inspection BALBOA -- a Ft:RNISHEO L""'ITS. bay vtew rourl. cornrr 11th and &lboa Rlvd Will lAke rlrar horn" In area u clown p&yn1r nl ART C. KISTLER CO. REAi.TORS 1 2P<>t :-Otwport Bl\'11, 1'pt Beach H&rbor 6226 -'S:WLY redecorattd mo<Jem on@ bt't1nn home Gar&c• A al.ota&e rt>""'· :-·i<'e 111(11 !11>11 3114 LA P~rl~ :'\ewport H\1. dlatncl C. M. W bn ty 8-lli &. 38Uc CORONA DEL MAR Modem 2 bedroom home, nice fi~p~. cloee to market.I, etc. Obi. garage. Price include. 1tove, rdrigerator and automatic waaher at only $13,500 Hurry I . The Vogel Co. 2667 E. C.t.-.Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. l7U Ra.r U 77 PENINSULA POINT Channing ia the word for thil home It reuonably priced for the ~ting buyer. See the ocean from large aun d~k, admire tho $3,000 d.npe.t le carpeUng. Enjoy the two fireplace. Ir F. A. U.t. Safety too, tor the childttn in the Lars• enclotted patio. AU around com.fort tn 1750 IQ. fl. of llving apace with 3 bdrm., 2 batb, 3 yean old. Only $281760 wit.b tenna for the qualified buyer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 1588 or Har. 121&·J r ' PA~E 6. PART 11-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS ELK'S TOY'S MONDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1955 Co•tl•IH'il from f't,..t Freedom Taxpayers League Warns Home Owners of Rise ~at.her next \\'i-<lnf's<l11v to K<'l thr 1oy1 wrappNi In ttmt for dis· tr1but1on ~fore Chr111tmu \'01.t'~'TEl:Rli SEEDED Lt>ti'-"' volunteers are stm n .. cded. howevf'r, aa ••ell u m1<ny more tO)'J .. 50 ';; Tax Hike Per Year Rate Cited by Jack •"'· President of Maa Group l'\ewmAn 1111ld there will be mrn 11 n •f'd\ femlllee lh11< yur bf- caui<e of the lnnux or new rtst· 1lc111l11 In the area. Mo11t or the d11· pt>nflant.~ 1ue wlt1ow11 with rhil· drf'n ur w1Vl'll with a 11lck husband Jack Reu, pretldent or Free· dom Taxpayer'• t.ur ue or Co11ta Kua, and ll• board of fllrec1.0r1 today warned ~sldtht.I of Ji'ree· dom Homea tract that home own· en there mWll tl&hll"n their bell• a.nother notch, Ta11u are rt1lnR" et the rate or 60 per cent per year. he eald. He lllualra ted: Tb• a verare lhrH • bedroom )lome wu bought at approxima te· ly 1108 a yHr taxe,., roee lo approxima tely S 184 lut year end taJlu now are approximately '218 "'1th Improvement.a. Thi• la an lncrean of 100 per .. nt In two years. he aald. By 1161 thla rate or lncrtaH would Too·Late to Be Cla•slftecl CJDU8TMA8 GIFl'S ... boo4t thu e Mme taxes to $4 32 per yrr. he added. TAX OVERRIDE Pa rt of the rea.eon tor the In· crea11e l• the M cent tax over· ride paut'd lut May by the high llChOOI district. Tax lightning has now atruc\c twice In the aa.me year, Rees llllld. It hit In January, 19~~ at the Freedom Homu tract whert Brlfl no inc-ome. N.-wman raid the Elkll program 11 strictly an l'mergem·y rt1arlt v wh1•re ,,.mtllee need 1mmed111te twlp or fa ce a bleek Chrl11tmiu. On OP1,. 16, :1ald l'\ewman. "ne or hue t n1ck11 will be sent over to lhr Co11111 Mt'Sll Frldav Afternoon Junior Womun's Club 0 lO •'ollert ~ h11gr amount of toys whlrh hav~ tl'>nated lrc.m the Costa Mf'lla u- MESA C'OSTRIBt'Tf ONS a variance a.e h I g h u $17 1t en month wa11 overcharged the homt own era. The Costa M esa women of Kl· w11n111 h1tH' alrPadv prom111rd tour $20 b1111k"t•. he 111tid and private 1n1hvhl11al1 have 11lso put them· srlvcs down (<>r similar donations It atruck aga1.n thh1 Novem~r at Bul"na Park'a Buena Plaz11. he cla.lmed. Taxes there were f1Jtur· ed at SH per month but r.rst paymt'nta showed S34, a generlll Increase of S20 per month. All Itemized taxu added to $206 but their ta.x bill· la figured at $408 per year. They expected to pay $87 per month but now ha ve a $114 payment to mttt, Ree1 claimed. MORE TAXES SU I' f\eea warned Co11ta Muana that The.' 1'rwpo1 l Herhor Elks "T"Y' For Tol11" lnvolveic nt>'\.dy fam.!lu from tht Santa Ana c1ly llmlts Stiuth to the Harbor ert>a Laguna Seach, Huntington Bt>ach Rnd Santa ~na lElkR have their own programs. Newman 11ald. Uqhts Out eIJlUI BJcycle, 24" Schwinn $20 a U to $8 per month Increase an All of the 11lreet lights were or trade for bo)'• 2<t LI 8·8223. payment I• Inevitable, depending reportf'd out on the wtst end • 43c46 on the a mount In the Individual or B11lboa ltiland 11bout 7 p. m. -------------lax account. Friday. 1-:dil!On Co. rl'palr c-rews MAllX elecL train $6. Twenty Reem SA-Id the Stat• Bo6•d of w .... were un11bll' lo repair the lint's 1111 Inch boya En1ll1h hike 120. Equalization atepped Into 14 coun· until Satuntay murntng, ac-coru· Ot'ftcl&I IOap boll derby ca r 11~. llea In California to equ11Uze 1111-Ing to a police rt>port. A.Ito Saxophone S96. Sunbet.m 1e111nr In those rounll~s. Effort• ------------- mill iauter ST.60. H•r 29U ·R. will be made by the League to 43c46 •ee wha t can be done ror Orange County, he aald. -For lhe flne1t 111 Commercial Printing call Har~r 1616, Job Printing Department. H OUlll PA.INTlNO Otw you.T llrinl • room that beult,T-Utt betor. Cbrt.tmu . For tr .. ..umat.. pleue call: Alt. NlelMa LJ 1·2HO or Suspect in Burglary Here Plans Dismissal of Case LI 1·&"4 Upt~ SANTA ANA COCNSl-Charg· -------------ed with helping In the $19,!IOO a dl1mlual motion tor 11 a. m. Dec. 16. Thf' d"fendant la In cus- tody. II LOn ....._, vtclnlty wut U lh 6 ll&lbo& Blvd. brown male Dudlund. Call U a.t08e or alter I p. m. Har ~to. O c46 bursla ry of the home of "Smiling Ed" McConnell, 2561 Circle Drive, NeY."J>Ort Bu.ch. Donald JoM'ph Bi..onette, 22. or Orangl' WU brought Into Superior Court here F'r1day tor arratrrunent. Bluonette informed J u d g e John Shea that hi• a ttorney. Jamea Webb, waa lied up 1n L<Jng 8 1111onet lt, who recently urvtd 30 days In the counly J&tl afler hi• conviction on po11M111on of marijuana, la accu~e.I of burgl11ry and rrc4'1v101e sltiltn property. l 'arllr le& Of llllU IJU&na ll~fl· edly founu 1n lhl' deftn\l11nt's fal~e tet'lh ltd lo hue r onv1ct1on. 8481' .itt lnr In my borne 7l4 Beach. Tbe defendant sa1rl the Ill· Femleat-Har 632~J. U c•O torney wuhed to ar¥ue a mollun Aulomottv11 r t'talll'T &1111'11 In for dlamlual of the charg" next SUJA1.&..N1:_.l> l1rl dMlrll. rrt4ay. ' _ _ ll0\1alrWORK ~ BUY IIT· Judi• Shea 1laled a hu.rlng on TINO, by hour or d&y. ,.,, the Unit"<! Slote11 t•1talled 11 1111- uon lll Ul~. II CCOI dlJlic Lo llllj ·"' .... tlonal Autorn ub1ll' L'l11b. tura. Ll M 77t. O c46 • T' 0 v s. OIMJcb, Da-port • -~chair. 6 m~. ltema. H&rMr N 76. ·~ aAUK>A A 'ITRACTIVE APT. JM mo. )'e&rly l bdrm. Blonde Nrnltun. Ule elnll, tuma.ee MU' Ubrar7 atoru A bu.a.. Nice few ~17 or employed utU. pd. Har. 4081 or LJ l-404t evu . Oc4~ at.NOL& apt., t um. 140 yearly n&AI tnclud.. uUl 309 IC. Bay ____ AJ'L_.._ Her 7~W~ -6k6a ~ I rm. bol.LM unturn. l ~ b&tba, w w e&l"))4l, ea.<:. nn1e 6 wall o••, wuher • dryer. "6ll&o operat.d 1ar. door, pr1· Ya.le beach. pier A allp. Yearly ...... 63 Ba.Ibo& COYel. Harbor l&lO. 43ct 6 BE SURE -INSURE wttla JIAUSICF. IJTAN'l.ZT l-QlllJ' .... ...,._ l41t Illa E. o-t ........ , o.r-.a...., MARINE INSURANCE 811Motll !Wllq OllllerM-r-n-ll.-.lty Co. tlU W. ci-.tt HIJln..ay • ... ,.. &-'7M1 Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SECUlrTY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 • BALTZ MORTUARIES C08T A K1:SA CliAJ'EL 174.l 8uperl0r Avenue ea.ta Kaea, CaJJ t. PboM l..lberty 1·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 8420 IC. Cout Blvd Corona del Mar. CaJll. Phone Harbor (2 the Richard Beeson Company Landscape Dnitn and Construction OOKONA Dl:L MAR O.tr1t~G.p BOAT KITS A WONDERFUL GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY TO ENJOY AS EX CTTt:rn S EW lf..W LISE FROM II FT. TO !2 t'T. PllCES START AT $61.00 DEUVERED HERE COME IS A.Sn 1't.t: A If.FT. KIT l '.SDt:R C'OS f'TR' '<"TlO S EVINRUDES PHOSE RARftOR IMI Whal t:OUld ~ nl<'f'r lhAn • •111 tl1a1 IN'•M v,.,,. "' fun tor •II 11.-lttm•h, S1)w. with n an,. ,.~, 1Uni( nf"w t v1nrurln 10 r hnt·ll!!lr fronl from I co '\<I h<""' llOW'r-11 t ''"'~ 1b .. n rwr 1n ht llif••••nl( tn \tJUr huclc,..t 11·, ,._..., 1n ~n • "·"""' I v1nrudr on our loU•l(•C r>•""""' plan ~,. ttl' t\4"W .,, I "'nrudn aftd 1trt 1ht l..co 10'1"" . . .• ' .. · .~~Ii .; 1998 Harbor Bh·d. U bt>rty 2000 / SOUTH GOflST conSTRUCTIDn CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL-COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL %30 30th St .• Newport Bea<-h Harbor 2.S.U • TODAY'S N. Y. STOCK REPORT & COMMENT Fire Hits En9ine Room of Cruiser Wotkini: "" II,. ( nc••w 'I !I I\ 11111 \\h• 'I . l• I•' 1 1 h' ~ \\,I • th t 1U J\11'.'-1 ,,.Uh l I h• ttr,. 1·1tu8t'd lllll., J 111111-c t<> t h.: GAJtOllne 6J>llled on a hot n · ---1·ru111<'r I hauat manifold atartrll 11 111 .. F ri· J ay evening on the •ll·fO\ll nbm Auto lurtlary I c-ru1str Lady Luck •l•)('kl"•l at ~EW YORK ?l:OON COMMENT OuPont ·-227~ Swales Lamhnf but lht vw11er1 A fl&\'k••t!e <'011111111'"~ !'.lll'll· -COMPll.ED BY B. C' GAR· CPneral Elttlric ·--···· .. MI managed to put oul the f11<n11•s dHrs • an•lleJ appl<':i anJ •w•lllt·H' SIDE. DEAN WITTER CO.. ~eneral Mvtora -.. -..... 4711 before thP arr1•·a1 uf U1e ;>;ew· •'~rrinp were U kt'n 1 JO I' 111 I !II C 42'-port f1rt1 depa.rtment. • 1 1"'~•111'' flom " <'ftr b..>ll•n~m): \o The market enl'Ounlered eome ;._. 8~ Co. al · ........... _ «• I . . !11r:-\\' B. \\'ri.:ht. ~~.11 H1tz1 I early selling due to concern over • 'ntr ..... ......... • The men, Norm&n J . \\ ln!!Or l"'r. a11 tlh· •11111 w as p1trki'J 111 lh6 Prealdt'nt'• condition. How-!\o. Am. Aviation _ .................. 80 end R. \V. Cullema.n. bolh 11r I \' ~ '" l.hlu an.t \'ut M11h1~a. l'"h•'t' DO YOU NEEe MORE INCOME't w e D~~C R aCL CCTCO 18T M ORTOAOC LOANS WIT H a cRVICC TltUST Ol CDll I OUOHT ANO llDLO WM. 8. Hill ... OllTO ... a r llANICl .. 0 16(19 N Bll~~HTEI II • ~11"11 A ANA C Ill ". ~l ... llU l Y J 71 11 t-ver, this Influence wa~ ehorl Sufrway Slorl!• ., ........... -..... 63 Glenda.le, told firemen Ult'y w~1e 1 sa tit Lo~~ "ll••U \l ltved 11-0 t hat lnrllvlllual 1.!!11ue11 !';o Cul. EJlsun .. .. ___ .... _ 61", p;;;;;-. ---.-.-;.-.._-_______ _ again aupplled the nec.·ssary con· 811. 1'11rlrtc: .............. 67'~ --------------------------.... struclive element. ~lant.larll 011 Of Calif ... -....... 91-1. The fact thnt tht market wa.e 1 'nlun Otl of Cahf ..................... 63 able to ab.tort> atock well after l '. 8. $\Pel · 69 a protracted uuvllnce from the September break rerlecll hopeful c-ondltiona of the list u a tension 111 focuSAed upon exc:ellenl busl· ness prospe('ls and tor.•ca1<t11 Sele<:ted steeh1, a••la11on11. pits, chemlcala and aluminums rc>C'O"t'r· l'd nic-ely from early irregularity Kaiser stands out on IUI otht'r· wise quiet aluminum lll'dton, re· fleeting potential of Bub11lanllally increased rarnings upon com ple· t1on or its expanaion progTJlll. Rit"hfleld. and C1t1es Servlre. Honolulu Oil an•I Tex~ Gulf Pro· Cpl. Dickerson On Maneuvers FORT POLK. LA . -Anny I Cpl. Frt>deril'k P DIC'kenlOn Jr .. ~•rn ot Colonel and Mra. Frederick P. Dtt•ken!nn Sr, 1101 W . Bay Aw•. Nt>wport Be&ch, t.s parllc1· p11llnl?' In the lar11est joint Army- A1r Force mlineuvtr smce \Vorld War 11, Exercise Sage Bnuih, ln Lou1111ana. Acapulco by PLANE 1,,,. S. tlradt' t.~ Beef Hind Quarter lb. d11c1ng. absorbed sto<'k "'ell C'On· Snme 110.000 Army troop• a.re sttll'rtng early 1rregult1rily or tht' teNllng the latnt concepta or market. A Wall Strt<'l Journal a tomic, b&clerlologlcal. chemical featurt> 11to1 y rc-garding expanded 11.nd t>lrrll'tlnle warfare. The veer· missile production aMed 11uch ts· c1i-e will end Dec. l !'I. \\itb AJr-to-Shlp Radio on Pork Loin t:a."'"'" -t '11rn Fl'tl lb. 46: Our Ch\ n 11ues u Glenn Marlin and North Corporal Dickerson, a aqWLd Amen<·t1n, which would be among lf'Ader In Company E of the 82d more lmporHint ben<>f1c1ar11•1 Airborne Olv1111on'11 326lll Infantry The chemical t1erllon Is mixed Rt:!gtmenl. 111 re(,'11larly · stationed although American Cyenlmhle. at Fort Bragg. N. C. He enterl'd Dow and Union <..:a(blde ere ab· the Army m March, 1964 and re· Aeronavn de Mexico Lecwe Sausage · Real Country Style lb. 2 9c aorblng pro11t takln1: wt-II. re1ved basic training Ill Fort Ord. STROSO ~ART Dickerson I• a 1962 graduate or The market's ap1llly to adj1111l Wiesbaden (Germany) ll I g h Tiiuana 9:00 a.m. Jan 25th t ', s . c:r11.1t .. C'hc>k<' -l .t•Jtn lb. 59.: Rump Roast bone out quickly · to unset tllng news 1s f't"" School. vorabl~. how••vcr. m ••ll'W of the -=::::::::=::::=::::=====~ restricted interest. feel buying likely to be hmlte.d to llpl'l'lulllea over Uie bat&nce or the d11y. Dow J onu l p:m. A\'l'r&lf6 JO Jnduetrials . 486·14 ot( J,90 20 Rails ............. 164.1 l off .63 16 Ulllttle&. ..... . G:> 69 off .~3 Say It With Follow the annual RMlfJ8 by A ir Beeen'atlons Now AJ:Pd -Wruppt>d -f'rozt•n for'1 H k••r or F rl'rzn SPECL.\L -J,()('Kl-:U SP:\C'•: FHY.t: FOR J.A(((it:: l'l'H('llAS t :.°" }·R~t: Ot:U\'t:R\' I p.m. \0olwne l,<&e0,000 Sew l 'ork I p.m . 1'IO<'k PrlCH Ftowt n •• Wire Party Rental Items Corona del Mar Travel Service Harbor 1246 OrclUd & Cout Hwy. HARBOR MEAT CO. American Telephone ........... 179 Anaconda 70•, .H 03 E. Coast H11 .• l om"4 del llot Barbor 5011 • "18 SOth St .. S t>wport Rt-arh llurhor 0118 <..:hryi.ler . 92 '• Official Results of the NASCAl·Sudionld 200-lllt 6nmd National late Model St0<k Car Road Race, Willow Springs, Calif., t:ov. 20 ' 1. 16. ChevrGCot ·~;IUl~i~iii~~~~~~~~~-~--,~masmobl!~ 18. lukk 19. ·Ford 420 C:h41vro[6' • How. did y:our car plac3 • lll this race ... and why does ~t matter to y:ou '? ThU eoa1 noc only a raN lo pklc tlw /,,.,_.car, but• race lo He 111/akla #ta.I iM bi11a1 1nOrsin o/ roadobUUy urwkr deUberalel11nulJ"I condilloM. Uphill. downhill • .harp tw"D• to the .left and rill>• ... gu~ ahifta end f11t bra ling OD en ry a.p ..• WJth a eptt\aeular mil~lonc drop swooping in to • long. climbing taro •.• thM oSicial 200. mile ttock car tNI Hked lo eee e•ery\hiAg a ear bacl. Fast can. aU of them. but the coane atlted for .,amin.a. rft]>ODtiveoe-. 1 bility to hug tarcu. to maMa•tt. To nery car Crom •t&r1 10 6Aiab it Mid. •Now ehow yoa.r engineering:' In ita demollltrated 1111pcriority, clrina by esperu under C!Olto clition • &Dd el ·~ you will DOl b. called upoa to tnt. the 1956 Ford proved iu u ormou reett'Y• of roed performance aod dependability. TIW. added to Ford'• ..,ecial Uf..guard Feata.re .. i. your gratell aanrenee of eafety nest to J~ar owu good judgment. caution. and ability u • driver. NovembeT 20 tbowacl bow mlldl Ford aupel ierity pea deeper than ill good lool• -to iu mi,,hty Y -8 En11tinr. t o ii• K -bar frame with ft11~ croH mrmhnt. lo ill K1n11· iic l1rnkr., it1 (hll· J oint Front Su1ptmion •n11tl<'d to prl'"-Cu•bion road •hork1, iu true IY"'m.etnnl 1teen ng lmliagt" end m•nr othu fr11urr ... Other r ttenl ford victorit>t include 6r&t plue in both the Sant• An• and San frrnando dn11t racf'e. In wiooin11 thr Si n f'tmando dra 11t race • 19:>6 f'ord f afrlane ~et a Dl'W ell-time record of M.<» milrt pt'r bour for th~ quarl l't mile 'nnl. Uh tlH-famou11 Mobi~ Economy Run whirh yrar aftn yUJ> )if'lda ht piece 10 Ford in iu fidd. lhf' rttf'nt f'Vr nu put• li1tht on cnm)ff'titin )ff'rfo rmanu in tl11• ""tinr,.rine nnd ronatn1rlinn /"'""'"• tltol maltf'r ro yn,.. '56 FORD ••• Thr•• L••ll•r In PoW'er ••• •c•n•IWIY .... • ... ,,.. ...•.... ,. Ford ' THEODORE ROBINS Your Dealer Since 1921 I • '. . , 3100 West Coast HIC)hway Newport leach Phone Liberty 8-34TI / . ' on MarifH'r'I Mn,. TV •t ltt lettt Doft, Mitt 'Fotcl "'""9'1CRCA (4), Thunclay, 9:30 p. "'· .. I I