HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-14 - Newport Harbor News Press.. 4 th YEAR -NUMBER 106 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA, WEDN1':SOA Y. Dl-:C. 11. l!l:l;> --------------l'IJO;<;E HAHBt)H lliHi Fin : CENn CHEST ONLY $1668 SHORT OF REACHING YEAR 'S QUOTA "L+:t's rut•t'l our budget f or ChrlsllTltts" 111 1he nt'W 11log8n ur Nt•\\'J.lorl Hai bur Cummunll y C.:h":f•, 11l'l'nr<11ng l-0 Chu1r- 111an "'""· K .. nnelh D>oltni:. IUI llJ.6 pt>r C'ent or the $28.:JOO. t1ui1t11 wus rt:ach t·d yestt'r<lHy. Plans Okayed on Enthu~1ast1c Chc~t vu lu11te<'f8 pmntrd that &nly $1668 "''s ne• .. f.od l•J ultam th11 m11i;1t· gu1tl 1111 1111othn out Nt&ntl,ing ,1mtributnm \\011 rt'Corded, a $~00 <hed< from the-l rvmr 'cu. TRIO'S HEARINGS DUE THURSDAY Tiu:; b1 uu~ht d1 poMlll to '' !:.!6.666 total, Mrs. Cuohng ~.11,1. Cuntributwn>1 are sllll lx'•ng rl'•'t'l\'E"I at Chl!Sl head- 4u1u ters. 219 M11.rtne Ave. o r & volunteer will pick up con- t1 1llut1on11 If dnnors phun" Harbor 20~1. School Addition Appearing In Newport Justice Court for arraignment on \'arying 1·h arg<•s F'ri1la~· were, from left. Wesley Allan Crimes, check fo rgery: Rny ScJ;"fm'CI Manthy. granJ theft, auto: and Louis Charles Foster Jr .. posst'SSion and trun:>porl11 t 1on uf nar- cotics. All wer e arrested by Newport Beach police. Bail was H'l by Judgl' Donald J. Dodge at $5000 each with preliminary hearing for each Sl'l al 1 30 p. m. Thurs- day. -Staff Photo CONGRESS COMMITTEES OKAY HIGH SCHOOL SITE 111.:h I.HI\ 14 New Classrooms for Harbor High Authorized ..... 11 1.1 '" Herrmann Blames Two m orr hurdles we~ clell~d c11;J from \\'a.~hington. in ohtaln 11g the 'l'O·acre high D1H·11J:.un '4Hltl th" 70·11c re !!Ile> ''hunt >41t1· on the old Sanla A nll plea of the hiJ.:h l!l'hoot flt'XI mu ... t .-1 .. 11r the Gr11en1l !'it>n •11·1·.s Au· ,\n11y Air llas<' H!! Sen, Tom nw111111n1ion 0Jf111• .. 111 \\.'n~h1na- 'Ku• l1t•l's orfi,·.-. Lo~ Angelea. t his ton. ll <". a nd 1n S.111 F1 i.n1 1.1c•1. 1 u11n a 11nuu11ce11 both a.rmoo 11er-Th•• lnltl'r nHl14l srrern lh<> non- ',,.,. 1·u1111i.11tees in congress have 1nihl1i1·y >:•11·c1nm<'nl H!;Plll'•e11 nu •l'f'r"'''''I !ht> purct>I. • th,. ~•l··· II lh•·Y do llul w1~h ••> Th11rl'•lay. l'<'<' '\ r1 11t,\\· n.-. 11 ~al1.1.hy, l >•· Ill !'\Ill< l \ f' •f 11 Mo nday, Dl'l . 12 Tl1o•i<d11y I i.~ 1:; \\'otdnrsJ11y. IJt•t· 11 6!1 tl6 ,. ... 1•1 I ~ ~I I:\ I'S Thi' h1g-h ~l'hnnl bnard nf trui-te<.'s a pproved on Mon· d:t\' l'l'•·limma r~· plan~ fnr 11 Ol'W classrooms at Harbor I l1gh ~·1 lt1ml and :iuthoriz• tl work to proc:l'C'd alfead .... 1;11'1<lly ;1s """"'bl<·." II•• 110:• .. f In JI.I\'" lhP /"(IUllty tre&• I I ii· 1i •1, 1, w.11 ,.,. '"'" "' ,1,, ~ -111 .. r 11 "'"~" $:.!011.0110 <>t the N ew- Spoaise in , Blaze I :-;1d11"y Dav1<\son, 11uperlntl•n1l-Ullc 1t, nr,.,.11n111hly lhc sl'l'l0•1l »llt• • nl .,( Nt•Wt~or'\, Harbur Un iun 111 re.1tly rur lh\' hlJ.:h 11t huol. 1 I l1>:h :-kh•><1l D1stnt'l, s1Liu he hnu < ·un~n·R~11111n J1u11r~ ll. Utt 111<11 " l'hni1., call from l'<'ggy \\'h1•l8J1 1 ti('l'.'11 '"" k111g on t h., ~ll<' prup.,llal '' • 11 l.1ry In S<·ll J(u<:hod !t L<.>s An-1 fur t ht' IHJ.:h ~d10,1l Int' )ltL.'l twn I!• 11 !t utfrce, r1•1x.rt1ng l h6 l'lear-y .. Rr11. _,mll·avonng to get it 11p- ""''" She had JUSl received & I rruv1"l. Bl Christmas Party Slated Saturday Eve 'LI t • 1,11 , '.!I' ;,i• ,\Hd h ill· f'lltf JfrUlJt;r Jl1,t1f(ic'l 01C re9ef'ft ,1 .,1 ... 11111 .ti . 1 Ii , 11 I , 1 '". fund.• lnr tn\'<'-'lll1t•11t In 91 • da,. 1, 1it.111t, ;\I., 1,, .,. ll'f''"\••I 11""·""'' l11ll• fur 11ma.ll amount.a !•,· pl..t • If •, J!ll•'d 11 , .,1111,11 t •11 11111•11••1 flll\'lllX()ll f'llpleUned , 1111 \r, t 11, I ~:11.1lh. J',.\\'t'll. ti••• 111\"""""lll !14 II g oo.I Ofl• 1 ~I 1• 1, , ,. ,,1 1, ·'' "'', ,.,,,.,. •ll.~1 111·1 f11111J,• 111<' not tied • 11·i1.11 "'"' 11. ll •I II II 1111 ,, I 111' I•·• If I• 11i.: 111 '"'''· i 11.," ·'' ... , .. II 1 ... ,,, ,,,,. ....... fht A 1 1dtl11llll••f\ \\liS appointed '° t if,.,,,, .. ,,jj .. I •Ul t ,,, u .... , ,,~It••).[ t 11ul1•1 \\'llh C•t1'0,Ct! Coa .. t eou.,.. I ,JI 11111h"11l11•, fo•r 111IJU1Jlrnent or f oot • Says Finding Her with % MILLION DOLLARS l!all1 .. ;1 l"lllll J', ,.,11111111 C'I t.•I· rn.1 f•UI I)' r •r I h• 1hrldr 1·11 \\ 1 I bo· h• ).I l}lt. :-;111111 .. ,. lllfhl fr .. 111 ; lfl K o'thJck Al 11 • 1 uJU•J 11 .\l t· t 1u•· und P." k A',., ,.,. r11i .. ' •• .._ •• 1 u (11'' "'t•·d a t 1or.r1u1 I 111 lh• , "lift• 11 t 1111-1 I (, r ·'l'I '~•\ l 1111 •''·'•It..: ti .. huan~, t ,,, • Ju• t • • J. r f t '' ,.. , • 1::1u, "'"' lfJ J ft ~ "' I t 1'111\\' t f• r l.111 l••t IJ • 1' ,, t ' , \J. a I .r !t .. , I , .t t>.111 tf1<l•»• ne>.l y•·11r In Plrai. l ;\:O.l'R.\:'\'C'E RROJlp;Jl Tho tu\ 11 11·1 ...... • ltl u ~ I lt'lll .t rir1• '"'" 11111 hnn%Nl th• .. 1 '"'' 1111.1 Renrro br11k<'r11 ur record to Another Man Angered Him NEW PERMITS ISSUED ~.uu a <~I~"'"' u• J1"' lu ,,~,, 1h'· , h1ltfl<'n ~alll"'<'U .. t llh· 1 I 111•1 l l'h11~1n111~ tr•· .. ul th,. 1111'1 ~ ... tum H •· w111 <'II·"" th• :-.1111 1111 A,.~ lu ttll:,"-.. 1n H ho! ... t t........ • u 1 • lliJi(" lhl• )!!Bl Ill f Oillltlt~l I" 111~ t '• I ' J .,, l h•· J1 1 • t s u 1I • \, - 1\lf J t "I •11 •• 1..· '' '"·"'ltu l A •n•uta nr• .. 11 .. ) \o \ ... I l o rt'tomm•nd Olat 1 1 I ,. I 11 •111 II .... t>. r &rT1rd 01\ I l a • • pl ft• •·ttl• n1 ,.,. lu-: rather than d•-,,,_ ,_,I t 1 .. 1\1011 \1tlUt' 1:1 .... 1(\ •• ,_., '""' wife in bed with a1111lhl.·r m tn :-('t1t1 1d 111111 111l•1 :-'ll1n~ l1n lo h C'r home. John LA•she I h·rrma 1111, ~:J. told l'o:-l .1 ~k:-a I Construction Post Office, to Start Jamaica on Inn Main Motel =-"•In•·\ I H I 11 \\,\lit 11111 \'JI l•1'L \ •'·H 111 a T1111ntl• 1 t.11 •I FltASK C'. \\ OOl>, ''· Jtood Named Com!!L·: ~ore of rte for -Year pohcl'. ll••rrm11nn l:t tin trl1t1 ht S11r< r· 1or I ·11urt IJ•·l'l. I h• I" 0 11 1/ir• ,. l'ount~ t"'t• t1f u t ""''" ''"'' ou, CJt buq;l.<ry. Ht~ stul• "" nl tu I'""'• • wa.:o LIU1Cl11"<:.Q. 111 ll w11 •· ,.,. tJrd111., pln.)'f'tl bt''""' J111 nr~ t11t1.1.1·. L'1..-;tu .\ksa ti. L. .Si; l. L~•\\'• II P e1111 l40 Uu111 lnlrt>tlu1 ,.J lllc """ I r~:::~m 11&Jd tht'! d ci-f.:-nd&11t \•nl· untarJly 11llowt'<J h11t 1tl11trn1• nt tu be ~(Vr<l~d !!lltJ1 lly allt·r t re lrvrl••d lhll' hflnH• nf J•11ul111r ( '11r- rllll H rrrm ann, 6:111 W , llHh ~I Coela Mt<l!B, on 01 l. 1~ •. I Rfofon-f'r<•lll• 1n~ I lw "''" n rr•r•ltr1~ p1,1J11m , ur •l1·r ,,,,,.,., .,.,., of l'ttuu. ut"r l > .. "·1t t,• Cfn "l• ,,,,,. •111tl 1J,.r111.••r>11 1 .. 11 111111 11 • II , •S.: lln~p•t1tl lt1"1 •I Wt·nl out lh•., I • hurn lh" hQU•1• dtlwn '• \\'~"" a.•kf' I "'h\' hr h:\ll .'Id (11 • •, t h~ ,,,, u1~rlllf J•,.un~n ''' '• f 1 k r rn '11111 II.A '8\ 1ni.:: .. , rnuncJ I • I 111 b<•1l ,,. ... h 11tu•t h•·r ""' n " \H; Yr 1'0 T \I ,t. TlM! \\ J.r.c. ..Lil.. I.!.l.w..: ''"' I ,.., th 11 II• r r111'1n11 h.ul !:""' I • II '• J•t l tt••.J fUHl•"' ,.I.at 11 ••h"l4t 7 ft)' :'\'Y.<\I, Rt 'I K'f:H r• m. 11.i 1·, 1 .. '""" "-l:tlk \lllh Th,,. Rnn\•.il r l1 • t111n ,, ••. , '•Oa: 'r h1•1 'J l1.11I ,. ·•" • t h r ••IJ' ~ B11lb< ... ,,,,hi 1-.111) \'•I• h• ,, l.1 . '"''''' Ill 11,. '"'' 11·1• "·It Satur•l.•\' f'\lf'nrt.: "' \~1,• .1.i, '\t Hl 11n 1t1• t•••·rd "J ._: I•• ho1u't-Thr 101111• 1 P'''' ,. ... ,\I\ th•• lh1nk 1~IJ: "' •• ,11 \1 11ft r t\\.1r ~ ,., I nomannl1n,K 11111 1 '11••1 "' .,. 1\ A.:"1on1nv 1 •t\t<tt11f l 1h"•h ... ht crpt••i1 h\' \11lt"' 1 t ,,,,. l1 , .. , 111 t ) •1' ~tit• 0\1,i'.:hl d1t ,,.,,,_,d t 10;.: thH tw. an•t thr u ffh t't .. r1•1 1•1 •*' n t" u i •• 1 \\••nl ••\• t 1•11 ,,. it l ,... 11 I' 11 I <l'I' •• ( fUtt\••.t uul •• ~flt \\ t' ., ,,, ....... ,u I I •fl •• I h'•d 111 ('t.111 .1J j!l llllJI~ \\fl! >-111~· ( 'hll•I· I m11a t.11 .. 111 '"' I'·" l • •t l h" 1 •111· ~~Rm T ht·\' In• ,,.,,. th~ 11111 ""' \ •t•IRI Ir r or I\ m 11llon dollarll bfl provhJtil for l ht'! pubhC' <Ill 11n \'1PW Sdl•••I h \ ,· • h"ir 11n•h r •II .Trailer Park Plans Up t \ •. 11ut ••• I jl"'h.• I lwt ,,It \i1ll .,1111).: t 1 J H•' 1111' ,.i .• ,,,. vr ,f,, J f1 1\1' r , t t 1 11t 111 t,,A '' ••• I ' • .it. t "" I I 111.1( 11',_l,t l•I 1'1 Ii, J.l.a1i.: 1'"111111~ )111v1• h t•l'fl Ill· 3,l)uh11nl( J.,t. Wll h mull l1u,k 1t•rl1t1'l t1( C'l11 11 ~·11.n Spdlrulln t ,.. I tr.1r< \1, Pk b~· Liie N< "'p111 l 1 )1111 k in!( 1n 111e rl.'nr. lh" 7.· l11 Ch<1ritl • :1 .. 11p ''" '" l••ll o 1: • .,.,11 111111.tiui.: 1ftn111lnw11l IOI ! ·ri 1 1 ·11 l bv M'""'''' l,un•I, 1~,·.unn 11.1y ,, 1• 1e pro•111·n m otr . w lrh '"'" · • · , · , •11 t 1"'1 l••n o r nn new m111n 1 " 1 t lh r 1 ..,. ~ lhc ..I, .. 1. .. 111 111·11111• t.·.J bv 1 u111 h r ul" "" por o r 11 11rr p 11vTI1' • , .,· I 11p.l11, l/t• ••• l h id ,,f.,, 11 ... 1 l'"'t •ilh•t-1\ :t~·O rut h •l t)I nnd k I l (th J !lt\fl-=" And 1'1•~ ( 1 ~ n»tth'l\ . -I"" 1111( 0 (I f'• """l Off I•.. ,,. , .ii . r 1or I ""'' ""' d t1111k .•.• 1n """"l prvfc,..111onaJ bu1ld1ns: uow cnnillila u( •O unit~ \\'ilh l .._ttnllv Cu r th~ •hllthPn ".111 b<• \\'fl• 11 ""'' 1,. 1.1:• d ,,,,. 111 t """' c "•n•t ruct '"n Wot k t)n I.he hott'I. 1 he 1<ddlllon ut 1 hi' J>Ol!l lltf1t·1> g l vt•n out by Sa nl.1 ll l th .. 1 hr h1l- l>1.11 I<. ;.111• ,.,,1.1 .,/1•· ~.11ul1J11 l fl;ok tlw ullra-l'lnborRle J~mslca Inn, and the MCIJolnlng S-unll prn(,.9• llHl'I _trf•• at 11111)()11 r 111 111 • • • • 1111 l•·tl Yt'1tlertla y. \\Ork on tht< 111nnal bulh:lin~. the m nt,.l ,,..111 b4' ---------- Council Tomorrow Shows 957 'Yn' Election Canvass Votes A9ainst 1832 'No' lallots \\ '' uo.u " .. m t: I po .. t ,,rflt·e ""d pr°'C."lon&.1 bull•I-r"'1urrr1 t,, 30 un1lJI with 1>11rktni: Coast Guard Brings H ' l m 11111n .. ,, ttw ,, , nr1l1n~ I'"~ \\Ill b.·gln ...... ()l)n ... two fur a1 ('QrJI I Arrrnval .,, f'llln•. ., ...... (It'll-nin~ , , 11 .. 111 of a ml)trl a.re d~mollsh· T h r 1 1 .. 1 1 Sea Toy into Port 11 .. 11. •"'' "'""'"'(''' r"t"" '"" u1 .. · O<ot· "' I h• .. "I nl ' ~ t " \\ ... A h• t\Uh• •.• , f) rru (',.,. nnft. 11UI tltng "'' I • • • ·•'-I Cu" r•I fu 'tV tuur;1~ I ... t I ..... , p .11 k \\ IJ lifllf ln r 1,tnvaaa U.. 1"0t• • lh• 6 .-hartl'r amfndrn.-nt e l•c- .1h I \\ dk• I 11 1d•· f h• ,. u•f h' h<' l.u 11lrd hli•rta,: Rtvf"r"u1r-A''' ,;\:t•\lit(l•••t l f.iihn r 1, 1 u J t 1 .,,11 ,, \\' ,1 t• 1 t 1 .. •-1w I 1• \\ti•• '" lh I"' J 1111 11 I Th,. J"••l 11(f1r1' bu'il,dinit. "htth '11n1l "'"'""I "'' l'•t 1m NI• I S'l2 -•llll•r i-;,.tu r'lo\· '"""' '" lh•· II "' '·Ii"'''' •l.11-h I "'"I' (),.. rn11nf "' •hll•n· ,,t., t \ f n ti•J:•lht!r lh" ""lt"l\' -,tO T ,2 .. 4i f wlll ft ,1,1 ... ,., ~. 1 T••\ "hii h " • .,. 1•ut ••·I • '' 11'•11,.,. .,., ,,,,u.1 .. Eh•· ,•Un•1I ,f,.tflnritntt1I Ill f ,.. H'l' l \'il l U( \hr \"jjflflU~ 0 .... o• ' •Jiii ( tl\HldtnJ{ 111 f•lf ' , I f11t d 11( '' ,: • y, A f tflUL_" ~·fl'rfl J\• 1• I,,,. •n ft, •••• ,.' ,, f,1.•1·•"~ h•· 1.',,,,lt••l h ... 1~"" ffl••t &•·tu " th•• 1runl Jl\Od fti•t rn Ch•~ I ·~ •h tt ,,,,., f1•1IH, '• '''' '"'''' 11•1•' •·I \<l •<I• I"<" ','11' v<11r11 ~. 'J .. ll • \\111 •/IJ r,., I f :-1.'a f u ... ah h 111 u,., , •. ,, f )tj II dh ., ' '"' \\ ' •'. 't ''"' I I 1 I" I • r ' ,, t I I 11'1• r ,,,, ,,,. ill 1111• II "" 1 I ti I I I A al lh•· 1 ur-"0 '"'I' f \) I I h II • ,, I.• !\\t•1'11f•" v~ I ~tlt" u.nch11tt~.J Ill lh11 k rue ,,,, 1111 ,,. ' ,.. I\, r .. tt ,, ,,. :1 . ,,.,,,,,,, •• ,(4 Jn \i\~r• •· t 11 , .J '" u 1,.., , 1 ,,.,.11 A\'ot tH 11,llt.t< I ;\; C'llARr.E l..•J!U• 1 I-YI" h """' 11 • n1: 11 , , , rJ.• 1 .1,. '" , ,. t 1,, 1 , '•hi ""'" "-;o .. Whiff' • ~· I •• 'Y I • ~:111 .. q. rt bu1IJ1ni: l<> n .. "r F'tl\llk J 0 (\ nnnr II . '" r Jtlll th. II 11.. 1.11 r I 1 I ti ,. • • , •• ""' " r t I•• I ,..,,, "' ,,. 111"'" I 533 :1~.11 "'" '" 1-;1 .. 1 K1n11~ Roa•! :-;,...,.r,.•rt ,.f th• r·rur•.-r c It \\•h •·rtt ,,.. 11. 1 \\, 1.1, ,tr .111. II 1•1 11f , r •·h· h1•,. k c •n,tJU• '1 n Ii•·•' h v.1)1 bfl tn <hflrR:,. ••( ro n-,Ji .... J 1, 1 c·, ..... 1 1,141" 1 14 1 '\'" 1'1 1 •tr t••tl .,, 1 l•t' d•ccr-ltPd ln front~ l r'tt ' n o n OOth Jav 1 r1ffu ,. nn•I •th•• H•iu JJ• ,,,.J ,t 1f;11 1 "'''' Jp, !'I!• n \\ fh J., aq,,,. C·1u~un "l••l1f> pruf•,•l•,nAI hu1l•t1n1: H••th fltr\H· ,.,~,·Is_,~, Tuv \\Ji~''' tiH• ~··tJ ,, ''' 11 11 I ,. I' \IUU,c; A K t • .\ llll• .. \\Ill bf' •·n~·•lt1n• In ht'll(hl , ..... h ... '" 11 ...... I •II l'l1• I~ ,., ~ .. r' I ''!._Jl~I k in.; ....... {'~ Wiil A l'J'rl•Xlnllllf'ly 21 (r .. l .,, tw ... Wn• I by l..i,i:h1hnu ,... \ 8 1 hi :-;,.,, ~ p ·I· ., " I • t "'~t:" m'T.Jtl'r tmttm~ ........,11 ~ ·--------------- . , , .... I I Ill II• If' I RETIREMENT .. .. ,, ,.,, .. . . ' \ 11.I • h•llllllK ••n lh" flMJ>OA· f' t• i. 1 ll•i;hl"n •~ """""•lton •I .,. ,,, tt \; Jlr1 •t "''· Th11-All"' 11 •I• 11 .. n l• ••I fur f",.b. 11 I""' ... '"'"" UU1 Wc11~ !\cwpo.rt ,, \111r11t '"'"u'"'"""· C'"ttnltal ·.. 1 t Al11t 1 h,.. ~r'\\'l'url l•l•nd ,. I • I ' " k· d l O \IOf H arunn • 1 n 1, I' it 1 11( 11A1nt\ '"'C•tdtn« ,.\•t I ·"'' '01 l HH tPt Jf• I t1 n JOINT CHAMBER, COA ST G~OUP YULE FETE HELD 1 , .11 J }p \\ ;tlk J •• , ,,,i1 "' )1i1 ki,t IJ• t z ,• I ' I 1,.. J•t• J,1 tJ IJllU u,, '.in I l id•• 1 .. ,,. 1 f t• hu nt I• I' f ff I fl t11,. t I h•• :.;1 ~ J rt I -, .. , ,, It• I II •I ' o ' .,,: tl • ~, "'' "'''" C11unrl1man 11 ;-;· .. l •• 1 ' 111 .. 1111n to nottry I • (OllO\\• Frnnk r \\·.,.,I .Ir th.-hf9ln1 1t .. '' ''" ' "' n I '' drlc 1l'")1p l "'1 1t'\~ h "'l\'11 rnmnt .. •1· 1 r. 1111 I I' 1111 II 1111 "1 \'In~ "'"' f f •r , '"" · I 1 • .I· hn Po\l• """' ,_. rl1 h t t.1 t hr p 1 1 o< II• f't 1·11 pt 11n1 ,. h 1 .. It" II• no•$ w ill lllk• o' "I l h ·· ••I! • J>Qrl ' •Pi ll n 'DARK MONTHS' BRING MESA BURGLAR Y RASH (Jt1t I f 'ttlUlf \+ l "JH •I I\ I~' tt111t1 ,n, th•""'''"'''' I t 'hn'''''''~ '' f'••trtn•t1 14 \\1f H lhi·tr J.,:.•fl "I' i;.11 lt"ll••I 11 t :" • ''1•>t l l I "J,.,, y •• h l { ·111b 1-•'l llt i.;hl f,,, lh• tr 1otnn11tl t•t•,1u1 P• I'"'' P • J. Ula,: f l\ f"t ,. I JI •• \'JI I• 4 "'" .. J J .. ~ H• t .. 1 t;' I• 1•r \ ' r ,.. n.: l•ll•l•'t 11n1l" 1nt1v S.<nl • 1 ·1~11 .. "" J 1 1 v ~1 •',11 1 ._ 1 of I .. 11 n J: , ~ \ , t '• i J1 ,,J 1 • '' • , I, tt. r, J.,, I tJl\ "'ttl .,, "," t " • llJ • ,, 111 •It\' 111 tltm takf'n • t" n • )( I h•• ri 1 v dld no t ,. 1, tt 11 .. • """' ,. hu don• I,, \ \\ ,, •rl'HlVf"•I The •• rr , .... , ' .,.., r•: ''' f• r t t 0r r nmini: \ t 11 '" I I• I 1n ll• I I J•ff (lP\\t'r 14r, t I\\ I ft \ I ttl • b"r• '''II h .. -• ,,,. I n th• IM 11 I or '' ',.,' 1 • ,,, I h1 Rt>IH-1l ""' i ...... 1''' .. r .. , r ,. • .,, \ l'\n \uuc .. h 1 ... ~ U fl\I I n• tt fr\ •1tr• "' " "111 • • nt "'',. I ... ''' n t• •• hf\l\r•t IU r f<t•1 I t I; t• f+' P•' 1 G11 l1>• lt.11n ll111.,• ,. 11111 ~; \\'l'W'h• •.: ll \\II hi' r>o ll'•\ lhlll IJ.r •11111< psnf't 1•( orf\t·•·r• ",,1 •l'1•''" a rr a ll 11•t1 '•1111, 11• •v• .... 1 l•1· mrn ~" Lh·· IJRlb• I 'Ill h l 1 ·111h CAil Wr JI l•••k fl'r\\nJ •t In A h11lji• Tar Hoopsters Enter Oilers' Tilt T ~night "'' Rll.I. 1'1111.l.ll'i- \\ I Ii 1' r LI tt .. t J.' • 1·1. t " 'I!' ...... ',.,., I , I ,,,. • t' ,.. ' \f h • ·r •t .I 11 t ' • f > .. ~ \f"•t fut • I I . ,.It II t ll I' • . ( '" II •I 111· .. t A·• •' r i; th•· Jul/\ f •' S .tr.I\ n th•· ,..., h""..:' ,,, .._ '• • t .. "' •·n • f ti; t n1J'ftf •n I• I n )u•t 4 "I f • i'fi,:ht ""I 11 "' II b" Ii· 11 ' I• 1: ,, • '& ::•, l 1'11 \\ l:>anL& Ana. :-· S \Y r.\ .\'.\II ;\I \\ O H :-:a11\a ('1;111" 111 th1· Jl<!r8<>1' 1.f .l1m mv 'Ir•; 1rr J• I .111 • 11 ly \'1,.1! 111 :'\1 wport ll1·111 It 111 .f tt,. ·J·' I ,1 • [ fh ,\ .... 1;t1 1·rl Cham- IJ1•1 •d 1 ',11 11111 .. 1 ! 1 :. l lt .11 !• f',.11111\' ('•ra!I\ A 11111> 11.111 -11 1 1 ) •I :-., " rt 11.rt,,.r Yarht Club f I• 01 • I ';t I '.• I lf• I ,di, 'r . , . , ., • .•• 1 ..: .1 r 1 rrH mhnince . , H1ll ,, ~ 111•• 1111r J udge -:--: .iff l'lwlo \ PAGE 2 -PA RT 1 -1'1 ~w~o0 r 1-'APBOR NEWS-PRESS Employees Group f 1•·1 "'Ill l l I ~ ' f f J • t. ~ ht\t l .\ • I 1 l·~f ~ t I 1' /' 1 ' J 1 l t•·t '' •·f Ohr !t>n t :t '' s~u\t;1 ll ,,,J1 ~ J r Ii'' If I'• • .. "l 1 \\I' 1111111 1111 "'' lt:l It: .. · r • 0'1: I y:>e wr1 ter .,~o.en 1 Aucust l lll'ti J r. a r rintf'r 1n Hubcaps l'aken \.',', :c.;·, CtCE~.·~ER 14, 1955 1 --------------,Meets at College An11. r cHa M"•« anti Ora ni;r 1•1,.•1f.•nt .r U1an1." l ' .1•1 1· t A W ,.•l Ln" Angrl,._, \ •llnr to RJC'hmon•l \'11 hu r11n1'•l mnt r Bl"n1 ht' F 11ti<,., '' n 3 4 HI V I 1 C:oa 11t Wf't r prt·~nl I 1i ):•'. ~1·1·1«· ''' 1 • ••' 11 J•I • " • 11 c: : ~ .: ~ < ~~ 3 () i I 1 "f T i-1 E ~ta:-.t,•t 11( t •• .,,1u, n11 • f.ir th• f,11 ,.t"ll\'t1 •'"' 1i11·h" I '1 111 • ... I ' .·""l"'rl Ottuh, l rmrn ~111\\h kl. l hirn !!.OOO{l(I\) <•JllP~ "'II),. f ir· L11lo, t"lol :'\'"'l'"ll l'••llo·e " r n1· 1 h1ra llon o f ln•lept'nolent'r. tre· ~VI nini; \\'118 H "WJ I ·I LUl.t cs1-:A I\ t .. ~~1f1pJ 1•1111· t I.. lo ' ' r .. r111lrJ lill' r111 wa• ~111ppN1 of qut>nlly at a 1111111 to h111111elf. ""d lablit type\\11l t'r "'""'J •l S'O 11 ~ f••ur h11bo•r~ w 11th 1211 .tur-lthC"y have b.,.n t'l r cul1<lC"J h ad t>.>.n takC'n fl•lll ~loni: 81•~ A • • hin h .. J I a d1nn•·r rue. ta· .., ut ,. I lr811 r Coi••I C'ollq,i> :-.t 11· ,• ('1•111 .. r lll~t S81111J11y l'hL'l'I· l"l•eh1.l1t'1\'t> for Urani:r County •1>.ak"r <>( I • 1'1" ·r: \\ '' 11ntl ~UJ"" ..or of 1u••· 11:11 ,.,.,. Cta:ulr11 J l<r • r •I \ 1 • lhruugh our • .-hools by t.hl' l:it•r· i1 . ., a \"I'll lh I•' u.. i Th,· a 111> tn'ma ( Servtra to M1nk 1n.11 "lub", I her l."ar while" ll "'•~ '""'' ou"' I . -"'(\ l . I ~ .. ~ .. ; .., .. ' \'ht· J 1r ~111ta A na H• ~ .. fx Jful< Sldl •· Pf'\ 1hnt ,., .t ti ,1. ~·.ttt· l(""nn~...i~· Otani:•· CM•"t Coll••t,;e E1111'loyo;·• A.'<.,ol111I .. 11. '' ,,, p11tkt>d "' ar Coa"l H1~h""Y I lite E lka ot Bnultl••r. Colo .. Boy a1<te nr a local boXJkatot·e 8 .. 11111 M itnirolrt Avr. Sco11li1, and uthf"r lrt'OUPJI. I a. m . Munday. , ... I (I II. ' I 'I ~ I ) I I t ' I I 'I'. •' t I \ t I I • I I • I. • • It ,. , I i f1 ~ . • , I "t• !° •' I ' \I ;> 5- • ' h. I I • l ·I t ' I h• ~ .. , 1 • , "I a ft :t 11 _'?' I .. f") 'l I· I : • I •Wll .• ·:· I,, 01 t r:\ . \o ,.t't '· :- ! 1'1 11. 1111 ••.·1·.:).l•"lt ...... •lllt P l 1 ti .. 1.1 111 \Ill" .. 1~.: .. ~: ~' ftl 1 ,,, h J'••i. ll !tt •• , I •1 \'. SPECIALS for December 14th 15th 16th DRUGS LIDO HARBOR DRUGS !'I I "(1111• 111 I ho• I lttu ~111111'" ·1 • r.11 1 , 1' 1 I lllol I )'1 I 1.111• Jo•r I 'I f I ~· . • 1 l 11 I t ( 'I I 111 I 111 111 .o 1111111111.: • I II •Id tl.1· .\.·:t l1•1t1\' 1.I llhr '11. \'Ill• 1 I I :-,f, II t 1 \\ I 1'11 11 l" I., I 111,1,. ,!1• I 1"'1.'. :-tlUlflJ)' ltt\.ltl• \, J., 11 .l Io o • I , ' ; ', • ""!'., ~"., 1 '.I ;.I .l"ll ,td" oil i.;tll ii11t1.·1:. \'.,' .1:. ~·1111 11.11 ... · .. (I ()1ily 111u 1 \\ 11! b1 .1.t11.1t:. I ,, 1 , !, .. 111 1 .. u1,:. !I\' ;•11 ... f n··ws 111 l h' 111. • * \\ ,. d11n '1 l.11• \\ \\ h 111 .. 1 \'rt11r-,1·lf !;11 Ill ..... '' '• ,, it 1 " P·I t ~ 1 I a t 11111 :" I 1 : '' .. II I \\ 111 .. 1 1.111.h d·•·1l · 4JI .. I• td !1 11 .. •11 It I~ 1111\\'. \\._1J111 11\'•\tll J• i·:_>l 1I, .. l.\t• d111l:-.d lauH .. 111 ll.1· (: 1 \\ ! .. ' \\ I "1 1. 111"1 .. 1 l I ii Ji .;o h11 I :md <ollq.;1• 1)11\:..:1111.J ~I l l ... 1. a '\I ·I 1!1 •1 I ... 1·11',' hri11~ 111111-mo 111h•·r ti 1'1 • J.ti ,. L •• t• ! ·, • 1 1.-1 • 1 .1 * • TIU' II h11\' t O: ' I : ii r I I , \ I 11 1'1 ' I I '-1:<1 \' Ml"\ Ill ii I t•ll 11; \ I I I" 1.'11 111, l1.1,,t,: I Wf"k. Jd)1• l•tl 1111:. I' 1 II h i', ·1 h I' Ill 11 \\ Ii.. I ' I\ ~l \11 k, ~. lit· I I.: .. I. I I I ,., h I u .. I'· I•' If• I ,\ 1 l 111, ll 1• ! t I I' I ,, ' " I 11 .. 1 I" I' ,, I '·" '. \\ • t I .., .. •' I I l \ I~ I I I • t ti I I '' ,. ,J I I • z • . " • ""' • I I " I ..... I ,1 I I I I t. '• I 1 11 !" 11 •I I .\: I , __ -t--t j I .,,.. -.-...,... •:-p ,.--, r t'') JI ' I I t ,. I • ' I J jt. \ d l ~ I , I • \\ . \' -I • I • ' I I I -1 ' r I t I II I I \\ I ! ! ' I • \ I .t ! I I 11 l I I, I' \ LOWE AT .. '.:JS FLORIDA MEET V •lrr • p .• s lJI Ne wport I " ;~Iii I \ i:.i l .itlu, ~f'\'l111rt H1•aC'l1 830 L E. Coal.St lly., Corona dl'I Mn r G!FT WRAPPINGS '''""" 49e '·' lltJ•hon.'. I !it fl .-I 'fl' .. ''"' Ribbon Special 111 ''f-M'rTI ''" "",. r ,yr.,.. l:lectro Train Set Transcontinental 1:1 ::,ufBt !'1-I ! 'U~ ~ Oouncing Sprir:g Horse c • I .. """ 'I ft 11 ' ~ Tobie & Chair Set • Stroller Jackie Gleason Cus Do!I Ced FJ.OO R BLACKBOARD l't 1\ '• fh 111 I\I f lon1 •• Req ular $1.98 $1.55 ~ 24" BADY COLL ~ ,., 1 I di•'\ l>r1 ,._, f. f:~ 1\1• I "' I 1.. 1: .... '•I '•'""' II "' ~ Regular ~6.98-~3.99 ~j BROA ~1y1 ~ '°,.~}-t_'.\~.~.~T~.~ DOLL 98~ Gift Subscriptions for all Ma9a1ines Taken Hera DECORATIONS 69 11•.· tf .. 1111\\ Spray Snow I • ,,, I •If t:.' , .•• '"~'" u ••••. ,,, ••••· 98 Ornaments .. 1 ·, ,,,,,.,. '~ ' "' 1 • tlll&Jh• 1•, Icicles ,,. ~ 21 u .. 11, 1 •i.:h• • String Lite Set h • ,uhtr '~t:. ,\n1h11r flu•l<lng; ll• 11" 1'1111. Glassware '' r\ t1 •~ f f \ ll• h11r t ,J.,,,. Range Sets 11 l'lt 01' Punch Set ,'"" ·~II\\ I ... " Gi ve .. [1 ~rhor, Mesa Kiwa nis C1·'.'rler to OCC Circ le K ,·~ S 1.25 Value -79c Bowl Set· $269 l. '!. ~ A l •ti'· h I ' ' I I ' , .... 1' \\ .. I. I " • 6 . l~ Bea utiful Xmas Decanters ,111 II I O fH "'rt 11 I \\ II \l:P~ i; 01 n l \ \ l.flll II I \ \f t'\llh A 11t•o 1111 111 ll t-.\ T \\I t<' 0 1.1> I I J7.r.F.n \I.II 10 · · DISCOUNT ON MOST LIQUORS BY THE CASE ~~ I Use our x-s Lay·A:J Wlllllll'llA y~ll''PAY LESS~ . AT v ...... t._ 2~ Hour Service u .. 11111 .. '"'ti'• "" Shalimar Perfume ..... \I t \I "· Cologne .... 7 1 'II \I l'I \II l'alcum "t.· ,. ,... JO . ~ .?, ~ 'i "'"\I 1\1 \I. Bat:1 Oil Guest Soap Asst. Manicure Set FOR MEN I • nt It• r" \\ •••"' t 111Ji· r Travel K•t ,, .. , ,,, t\t• ••• ,,.,,, tt ... I\ I t ·•· ~ Ut ..... ,,,. ,.,,I,, 111t Busy Man's Bar \fl• r 'h,.t\• I ••U •ti I t• t111 lht1t \.tnlh\ ""-h1\• .•u•I Shower Set • 'l11\h1, I 'turn1n"' {"u"l••n H•11u;r t h11111pa,11 l lr111 I 1r11i ,,, S:\~Tr\S AU. O\'t:n -Mrs. C.•H. Harry of 302 Evening Canyon Road lite rally ll~t's ··;;nipi:< and. snail::; and puppy dog's tails" to put together her collection o f Santa ~·1a11SN; and Mrs. Sanlas to be distributed to friends throughout Newport Beach. Thi" tallC'st Santa 111 the l<'ft backgro\lnd will grace the top of a Christmas tree at thl' entra ncf' lo th<' Shor<' Cliffs a rea. -Slaff Photo S~~ore Cliffs Inundated NEW PERMITS. II I I .. " \I II••• t j I ' \' I \i h 1.' 11 'I 1 I I ,. ('011t11111Pd from Flr"t Pa1t .. ~truct.-rt A f"(•!;l l.IUl'Bnl And II i;wln11n1ni: pn11I Many Santa Clauses R111l.tcr~ l ni.;rntn, Collins a.nil 'lltS. (;. :-1. t•t:A~Y. I"' lighted ttlld J\l r11. Harry·~ Santa11 1 Rlllkr~I• '" 2:.!I l'••PP.\" Av .... s tart- \\tll 1111111·ttr nn ht•r nt>1r•hbors , .. 1 p1t>l1111111a1y SJ.mole w111•l< "" 11• !-'.rn t' r 1."''"' ·1n•I ,., ti J ' l11wns u111I •·~•ls. rlll alu11" ~:;vi·· 11' P11111'' t ,\"l'!lll'1·1 ·'" The '"'' ,, , .... "' 11\•, lh11 pl.11'•' Ht ,.. t II t t 2 "'' "' :-.1 •• (' 11 ,, ... , n111i.; 1·a1n1•n 11t>a •t. f1 nm s .. award Ulll \\I )\• ft ll+ut I (100 '"1 (I ·111 ~l<H11111~ l"1t11.v1111 as \\"l•ll 8R in on sozP AmflllJ: 11lh«1' p ro \'H1to11s I •I ,, I ! 1 I •ii :o~ f•:1 "11111).: ( "1111-11 II l h k ( I 11th••1 ~l'"l" in :Sho1P C'ltff~ 1 "'' 1""'' u ~ a e rou am tln1· wh11 h ~Ills. ttr>bl'rl <i11rot-1 1""fll1• JH11 king "\ • t 'htt .. titikK Kf'"11 nt·t h•·l1wd \\"lt h hos Hllt•A•ty tuk---.-- I • ''"'' .. 1 .111 .11 ''"I' "" "1· , ... ,, .. n .11.Jg.. •;ardn· 1 • ldent1.fy Jet 1 • •1 ' 11' lldl • ... iz•· , 11fJf .\ 1111'1 ,., 1 ... 1n A o,•nt at t-l tu • 1 • 111 ' th• ''"'" 1 1''' nld t•u t1h\1 II -4 h11uu• " ... "~·:~:, ... ·~ !'.tnla ·~ l•· "I'll"'" In all '''''" Crash v1·c11·ms o( ~·111•11111 •• 1tu ··~ a~ ht• 111H.k··~ tu ... 1"' \, ••! h fiu J4 '1 \\1t V f1,11n th•1 ftfit ty ;..::ltH,_:1• 111 '1" ~ 11 '' I th•· n,.11.:1111111·:1 h11111•·s ''" 1111· ~A:-.-r.\ A\;A l•l·:r '' ror.-:s1 :-'•;nL 1 r1 1 h• 1 ·•·11 ('h1 l"tlnH."' \.\t•t•k 11ltl1h11,r 1l1 ··t•la\ \'n '111·"" 111 OtP J1•l l1r8~h ,.v~·r 1 ,, 11 , ,, t.11,. llairv '"'" :it i"h1 1•111111' ('111111• 1'1 11df••f11n l\IH1111r b.1i;e ·"'""· 11111· ,, ii , J 1 litlh ltn lf' sh1""1 ltk1•~ tu 111.tkt• tJ1\u11 :i 11 Ht.i\' h.t\li• ht•t•n Hlt>nliflPd J\"' 1 ,11 , k h· H .d 11 .... 1 tion-c an•t !if•• td tic .._,1tHhl\ u11tl :-;,.1.tirtd Lt Th·•n ui .... A 1't .. ev(·~ :!t Ill\ "' 1, h \' 1 "' •1 tilt' l 1 .. 1t1 11·llo\\~h1p 1\011 ~h~ '1•1 C.t1u l•f S tit /\nf+miu ft nil S''"n t 1 t1 d .it 1u~1 ._,,•Ji,,,' I\ pt 11t·t1t·, .... th•· 1wu"o n:1 ~p111C "'-Lt I h I J 1 II I ' I ' r 1111 1 .i 1 11nu+ lh• I ,_ti., pt .. ,u .-.,.~ ~.••1hn ~lll\'f , :.?~ 1.1C l'1ltbbUJ,L:h. P .. L "' I \. • I r• : 111 '' ·'·""• • f,,1 ~h•• 11ft.-11 11\Vll •·~ 111" < h1ldr,.11 I "fh,. l \\'H pllut,,. """'" lollo'tl v•» .. ,1t•d kt jit '1.,:hl 11n t11 , '"111• l•'• :• •. h••• w 111 k 11n 1l !iih(' h •z du\' v. h••n 1 h1•1r 1-·-o.JZ" l'.u1lh•-'l ' tO I 1 '"' htl1 11u~~ 11lh•, .. u1i1k,. 1•n1J pht11 I• l f1).;hh t 1' •·n fl1d1 d ovt·r thr ~"tn hi~ , If 111111•1,t,,i 1t tp11 •1• Hr,1~1.;u.,. all (o• t un Chtnft•· J11lls uhnul 7 1111f•'S ~outh· i'." :''" . ,, 'Iii• l~ C"ht""""" :in.I ,.he ,,. II tO:l>t "r s.on Clt>IH\!llt•' 1 ·ooA Y'S N. Y. STOCK r~EPO RT & COMMENT --------J ~f I '111:11, '""~ l"l•MM~.~ r 1 l\V I: ,. t:1\H!'l1tf: t 1 .. h of tth• H n•~\1lllr pall,•rn n\'rr I \ht• ,, 1 lhlli ... HI th•--•tit) f I 1 f1 .. ,. U l I I' " I II I I.I ' ' ' I " \ '\TA I .+ tJ\\ I '>\ it•lttf """ ·'""'"' I I'·"'· AH•raf(f'~ I •th .: .. '"''" ""'l• ... 2 •2 .,,c 2 17 WI your : , 1. , 1 • "" 1a nrr 1 17 \' I ' I •t •' f1r111 ( • t f I I. ' •• I i ,, i11 ,,, .~"" th,~ l~1 I "ttlol • ti~ 01\ nrt :.!7 • I I' .... \ Oft1m•· ~;>Go,000 I• I h \ · t ,• 1' I hit '' ''"' \ 11rl. 1 I' rn. ~lnc·k l'rlN·' , I •1, .,,.,. •, 1td\ 1n1 tflL ''•'• 1 1 11 .. ,11 ,,,""'t \tt 0 11 trl T•l,ph111w , .. , ... i•I \ I ·•>I .. u1t )•1111unh I•' \tlt1t .. r•tr\ 1 t \ .. i , 1 •• n.T .. .,.,,,., "t' r .. ,. ., _._ l 1t i JI I \1 1f If ' t11 f l d'hn' 'lli', !11 ., 7 4:! H I ' .. ,., I ' ! \ \ 't ,. , I J ! •I I•' 11 ~\ I I 1 ' 11 f' f I fl I I d \ • I I 1:., (,If f1fl \\I I f• •..: I 11 11• •I 1' •1a.: • ,1 f 1,. ; .t • h \\ 11 ' • ' "I" t I ii I tj t flT t I I 1 H l ' I 1 • , , f .I t I I\ t 111 \ I"• I• I• 11 , ll•t ,ntp If<( I It •• 1(\1 :i'f1t1tll If ' '-· 111t1 ti •• t\ ··~ • I fl1H ,., \\ t11.,;h "'".'"' ' .... 1 ... r 1' ~ 1, ... , .• ' t 1 r t1u•h1f ""'' 1,.. ... ' l~•~ • ._ \\l1uh.t1•• ... ,,u•l"'j I ... )11 tn •I. «.~\ ,,, (H p··· •l••H' ""'"'' 1-:th H .tl (t1UJ.:"-t• '•111111 ~ lth (UI' l'f .,:• i' ' H• ,..;, t 11 I IU)! ,,, t• ~ ". I '' t " I II I I ti. I .\I"'' k h Ii I ~,.11f'ft' "' 1 "'•' \ 1• ,. i •'' •1tntnrn IA 1t•~n • nrl\ I' \hi• \\t • k Thr l'''•tJli• It I t •11• ••f th,• hlrtr k•t l"t IJ 1 t r• 11\'IT\: 1'11 11• d •IJ\ I;, t h •· 1 J , tr&.: , '' '' •' 1 1 1' 'lwt •1 '" l\1tl(' t••lld\V thftHILH d!UtnK f ,.Jj\ H..: ,,, ''''" t\,1 l•11·k '·I 111•l'il" DEATH NOTICE T'nvrttt• r1 •\'"'°'"'" "''' ,., ..... w"n lll'J.1 r110 dHI Ill lfl ~ Iii 1n ,..,,., r•'il(' \ht"\ 1 "1 1111ti1\ t• • s1~ ph 111 )th h •·I ~~ .. t' ,., 111' "'' ... " "' J.fr. 11n I M 1 < .f ,,hn \llu•J I ~l'"n t•f r 11h '7th !'' \\ hd •It• I "1 "'rt h !"1111.t .-· "' II ·~ ll"•l'lt.tl H1..,.11f,.., hr-t p .. ,,,,t., "" 1• ... ,p VH•'1I hv a 1'-t1·1 l.1r1•t.• 1\d11• "' T h• And li1<11r1 n it•,,,'' .._, '"'tp1ut>11t 1'tr. nnrt ,_,, ..... l••t n t: Hliik•• •1f t h111 ''\'; hi .. ~'' 11 ._., "'"P·'t' nt~, Mr. Al\•1 ~1 1• Ill\ :--1111111• nf l;ni: .... 111'1 Th" ll<'V ( "hnr.lt·~ H1rn.J ""'' t· "lt••t l'f\1 k r•_.;-H1d '\" 4\\f•f'\1'\f \• \\"HA •n t'hHrL:,.. 11( u11 '"~'''1 "'"' .. TAR GAME Cnnllnur <I fn>m t'1"t r 11e•· nt·rl 1••11!1.! i;:.11•11• i:l\i;:'.I' 11 j:U\"\. tn f•I• I h1wr !.,q f hr cr111111! llllll· 1rni;:ton Hr ... 1 l••l'l1nt'\" i;:111111• !111 t hr'f' ~t1 •1i.:ht ~·1'r~. ~., ,.,\•rn n~ ~ 11-ritvnnv~" 1n th..-. , urt tnu1 nr,. 1n 11nt \\'Ith f>~Hll1•ft nu •~1~e r11. J!"'•I• l••n111h1, h11t11 .. Rs " cn1· '1RI t~n. In t•l~u·r lt .. ,,h,,1 H·•~•\ J't••p · •11· In.-.. .. ~, ... ,,. •• ,." c ... ,, h .ltn.n \ ~\J' l•·J :-T''t B ~ d· "Ord I ""~''",. H 1 nth .·.1.1;t , , ti ' 1 ''' 11, ·, l •..:-p1~ c:u >n1 .\ , , \• 1 c• ti\ "f '' lmi; < -..~, h Hill :-• r.11• ~ 1 • •I'" 'Q t f\ • u •I II t• H I f U •, 'ul ~1111nt 1' " '.. . " \ I • 'l ti \ ll I .fl \' ltd lllft ~ 11 1·\\ i \ :-tl1H ••.4 ~. ' d 1 1!'4110 I l 1 t 1 i! • , I .H 't I t l t!I or I ' .• Jt( I 1111 11 t tol 111 1";d11 I :-t :-,1,,1 ,.., :1:1•, :1 J T • :t• ~ 'I l•l ~·· I ?\~I I / 2-layOt' Chocolate -""' PECAN CAKE ... acr .. ( .. f. He " I &6c WI Cinnamon COffH LOAF •.. UC ... (Jtc V .. l ~=l~~RTS .. 4 t. 27• !a.,.•t.Uc) .;/;~•I •'''' ~~.~~,~~Po~ ~ COSTA MESA noo S"wport Bhd. COl<O~A DEL ~AR 90S Coad fl'' ~» \( ORO'~ LAtll'~ :\ 8.f:ACH tllS BruMhuy R Al.llO.\ l ... l..\:\"l> \!0(1 Mnrlnt> 1h c. '\'t.\\ l'lllCT Rf:.\<'tl ll'?!l c "'"' ti\\ v. Given away w ith your purchase of a new ABC WASHER or DRYER ~~at'" getl 6 '°'" To• .. eh• 2• a J6 • 6 Motcki"ll foe• Towelt. tin 16 a 21 • 6 Fri~v•d Fi119••tip loweh, 11ae I I a 1 I • 6 Motchi"9 Wo.k C-..th1, .lH 12 a 12 • 6 0:111 Tow• .i1. alH 17 a l2 • 6 Woffl• w-v• Olth Clo .. t , tiH 1 • a 1 S JAKE'S APPLIANCES 193 7 Ha rbor Blvd . Costa Meaa-LI 8-559_. CHAMBER CHRISTMAS DECOR JUDGES TO TOUR .AREA SUNDAY FORD GRANTS <:ontlnm.od from t 'lr"t r·a~·· i:1111r< \I h11 h 1111'1t"I"' s ::111 111'1 · 1NEWPORrHARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I . PAGE l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 lit1n I•• dl ~• "•,t'rr .J '• t ,., ,,-,•'ir:"I\ l! 11lt·•r ('h,•n1be1 Tan Tops 'Dr~H( r~ONTHS'.Tab ~l"•r• I ti,,I lilh t al _., ''" I t '';. t • • annuiil h•1n • .-. utid tJu .... rh ... \'uh' •it! !'>l"H~•n tl''H't al1onJt , ... ,, ... te~1 11 will lllhk1· 1h .. 1r 1 .. 111 oi-:'11t1•hl\ 1111.I ~lundHy, H11y l.iula::i oh• tt11, lh:i111b• r t•\t • n1,, s••L r•·l,try ttnll(IUnt·e.t tt><h1v, •'111•,_.J:<'li( und un1\•,1 .... Jt11 1n Lft• .-(•,nthH••·•I fruru Fl"t •••r•· l''*•+h lt:dph 1<11·~1~ ~·t'\\·("M"rt t tn11,.,-1 ~t.tt 1·~ t•l h1·J1, 1 1 .. ,. • ,.,t, h •P ,. ,, 1111,. ht \\ . , lt'' ,, 14 n•t :u., tt• 11 '1 h· ,, t I \. h ~1 h· 11.l 1'f\•-'ll·t·,•un· Pl ~· ssL•rh-:--, S.2011 11.11i.u to11 t t 11 1 1 at• \\i ht•·t t1\' ·11•t •I ''":-. 111\1,··if as. nne ot •·,'•f)ll 1 1· \\I I ·"' ' •• , 111 ti f t I .,... l k "'"Olf' J pn\':t1 • ' '''i p •q t1• •• 11 Jil• tj• \\Ith nU 41t11\t•nt~ H f1 it 1• \'•• "1~ t r tr-Hl\1.', lO A e ~\t ... , t ., ... \,, t .Jp IJ1'J'I••\•• .... I I\· 'I "'" t 111 1l ll ""'""''·•\• t ltt:th ,,, '"" 1" .. , • l.i11t•1 ,j ... ,., .,, t1•nd lh•''' ... ''""'•'' t•1 1111 pi;hh• ~I r .... ;..;t.·lt• tf L:tt"'i•'lt "' Jttl\ i'I• p h.111111)!. 1n 1.," 1\nj:•-.1<'1 t..-.· :t1t.f ~•If\ JU1Jll fl tiq 1 '\ !1 • \ ''lf1 :J:tid ~I f\1!\1Jwi p,iJui uf l'l'f\ 1'1tllt1\\ fht• f'Ht"i. htt1f t.1 t\lrO I •,I :..;;. , ... u llt\• • ' t t " 1 ~ ' ' +h11 :c ,, lpu·l,•d U1•·h •. d "h"t " -11•\\U l ff1\ tl\\ll tth U 1hw t1• a Sun- M Pl A .. , ~:-.. Ul , •• '" 11•H1\ th·· ~· ti'lh h··' . I esa an"ers ftl n .. ~rove ew :r .. n w :i• l•"•"I'""' I 1"' !\Ii· J( I. 1 'l11h Ill '•!"\ l ".llllilil"t !'I <"11,.111 ,\~I.• ln•IH•n o•\\ ~ ~..., '!J * BRt'11n h 11' p I I ll I 11.tll 1111~1 t •1t"I ~I •t I I I t I t• •• .:-u11• I\ in.,; 111\ 11\1• t11lt1t ~:11. ,J 0 H SSTONl<~'S 11 ,. hr.·I IW• n m11ol.. thrnu~h t lw I H ... \ t.1,·~r arn 1•1 n i 1t1, J.'1•11H I·• nt thi• ,,fl •'lll•·H·d \:itt~ ~.·.o1h 1 Ml •'.•,..•11• d11.d tltt'""l Al Santa ~1.,nlla,v 11 ~H••I T ratt Map. Def er Another ~·;:::~·'::.~";,,~.·:::~.~.::< .. :.~:·:.: ,.: ~1:.i:::: ,. '' +l•,1 t "' ,,.,..tun..: ll1111u._:f\ a i Mesa Auto Wr•cken Tl'nlativr lr11«t nu•p of a l\l-lnl J .. r h••tl • 1· I rnfr1r· n>nl f"I I h' sub.ltvhl"n In C<,.lll !\!"Nil w 11,, 1dann<'r ~ m11111ttnn 1 '•on':; vtdunt.•rv fP •'·1 •••,1t t11 ...... i- i ·I~ lf"l llU(0,1\ lug-111\d l \I 1•1111 ll.! h1t1l(1 t\ \\1!1•111\\' IJ1\•t1~t1t.:1~ 1111-.: 11l·I 1·,r1I Auto ('•rt" I fl• l'l "oi. ll'Jllifh•-1 T ho• \\ lnd<1\\' \\'a :; I ""'' ..-\r,••••""••rlM 111 •l" II I .~, 1• 11 t I\' "hl"ll .t1h1l h,•r •·n-20i5 J>ll«'t>11tia A\'t>. lh••tt' "'•'1 ~1',·~ lt1 II'•' I '' 1u•1 11\'1' t•; 1iHHIU\ltJ1·S 11 \ \\H="' lllH•I,. Uh.-rt,· 11-70l:t ('o,.la MN. on 8 ~t·•·ond ~1 !'\-.l4 1l t r"Hi•t \\',1-C O•'-\\1 111.i 1;111 l.11_. pu:--s-tbh•, llH•Uj;:h, l o fotr two Wt·•·k~ for r111•th•'I 111 Ill 111 .. -. !>It .-l'ls '"'"l'lt"ll"I\' tl.11111i·h l•• l'ofln•_.,., \\'ilh tHh••' '!"h1!it lflti 1 .:-.uh1nttt1•d h~· l\.c'U• ••);!1 11•'111 ~ ur (~11Jl;,:I•'!""' Hild (;1JVt I · n••l h \\1, 1-\, ti l!-4 lw·u\i•d lit•l\\'-'1111 IHW !:)L, t·d ... t ••f P11rnuna J\Vl'. ht•· \'it tnl 1.t :J ll•l \\ ,f •UO !'4\ ~ t•U:-l ul t !ltl:-il'' UOt1l h11f' }'J',·\'lUtl:-4l\' H.fJ· f l! 11·1·nt 1:1 A\'t\ TIH· il1·lny V..'ltS rt\• p1t1\'\•1l ,..;11b•l1v1~1on t :lS1 c1f t hf' 1<1111 ,1111 ...:.'1•1l tn ,0 11,·r l'' study lhl' th···· I 111<,f wt l\' \\'t1tthl htui·k U11· \\'H\' ,,. lh1 l "''l'''•t,\·. \\h1rh h .1::: Tht1 f(t'•/fHl\i !'\Ubd1v1s1on fJ'arl 1•h,,n;:·· I h 110.1. , .. ,.,,1 d l1111r~ ,. .• "'"I' ol t> 11\.."•ol h,v 1he pl11nn,·1 ~ 1·"1111\ .. mol '" 111\" ·ltgut.-l h•· 1111:1-/l''"'"rn-l""l'•'l'I\" il1t·11 trJ 0 11 lh•• ,. IHhlV <•f p1111lf11.! 111 t!IOll' ~lrP1 l't:-. • ea ,;t •utd "'''"' 01f Plarent1a. ~ ""ulh !!id•• 11f \\'dsun SL. 9!1tl '""' Thr• I ,1 t l 1, I' l'lt>\'l~l"n wntil•I 11'11~1 11f f-1111 but BlyJ. St1lm1111 Pd mak•' th•· s11bd1v1s1n11 ~fd··r fn r l1\· ~ullivai1 uni! 1l wa!< schuul "pp1-.1vt•d I a1n Jdt'l'"'1J l•• 111,111111 \111• th 1t \\I' Ii' fl\ \'i1 \I !If ... , ... ,!llJlf .; •I •ll" tJlu:-rt-• rH 1hk ln t 1 • ,.1, • ·• . 111' 1n l h1 tr•fl\,tli\'1• UU\••tJHl of $l.(,~1Ptl \llld1 I l h1.; JH,nlf,1111 ,\ lt•l1t1f \\'11 h 11111 •'••tuH,. \\ill l--• f ul \\ It ii t,, \'HU ~hilt t ,, ~ti I • I t:11\\ HU 1:,11th1•1 J1 ··I''' -t.t• 111 F .. , I I•·"" (litlHIJI ' :.11';. ll.1• '"" '"111d 111" 1 .. 1-. • h .1 I n •1t y(·t H 1 t I\ t•d hut .. )h· "'\ •1\'t'~ 1hu .fqn .:_1!tntt • ••n \\"di h .. 11. .. 1··1 tn c•u·•~·n; • '''·•:, ... :11n plun!lt ,\Ip. h 1n · \'hlflr· .• H"\\ \\ 1n,.; t11 -.Ji•' 11 :-'ht• .~''Hl•i llh·lt• th 11\ li ,\1•\1t •'~" l h1• h"<Pf" ol 1111111.t hH<I \\'llll• 11 11 l•'I· lt·r (H1lltn1t1~ ttw h11,p1ti.i·..,, 11•·•·tt..., ;•n.J l.u d1I i""' h• ,.,. Try "the cookies with the party flavor'' MINCEMEAT 1oao1N'5 NONI SUCH ••AND DRY 9-01.23cMOIST21-c:>t· 45' FORM pkg. FORM 1ar ECLAIRS s ·~·••· 33c ..... 39c pk9. '*•· Monhmollow on coke cookie, chocolott coated. GRAHAMS Coaled wilh rich dork chocolote ._•·33c '*•· Plump ro11in' ond lp•<H for o delo. cote ly navored cake_ le911larly 29c GIJtllR'S STRAINED W•d• Auortm• (Gerber Junior foods 6 cans 59t) DONUTS ~:~::~:... :~·, 2Sc ~·. 23c SKYLARK RAISIN NUT BREAD ..... :;,~ 21t SKYLARK SLENDER-WAY BREAD'-'=~~ 2Sc NIBLETS CORN MAYDAY OIL - ~t A ·r r1< t:sst :s I \\'.\ Tt:tc HJ;,.\ Tf:RS tl1111t• -"""""• -Tralli•,.,. s .. u s SUVtCE ••d U 'AIU Jo 11 1 .f!:,·6/ofc/ lrr,.i:uhtr Sh a1w" l.lb••rt,· 8-l!itl:i (OST\ !\lt"S \ MATl'IU~ss ('0 . IUMS 10 '1,1 'U<l DOW~ '.! ...... ,:\ t•\\ por1 fth·d. Vhontt H •• bor SJJO ll•'l'lll,.,. • 1'bJnh•nan•~ • ln•tallatloa STAFFORD & ION "NELS 11nd nn<'"' F.U :C'TRICAL C'OXTl<Af'TOR8 .rhone L ltw-rly K-:!278 110 Rhn .. l.tr Av~aue Nrwport "-"11 POPULAR BRANDS SHORT SHANK 6-8 lbs. IL in Visking U. PORK LOIN-ROASTS °' Only top o•.._ ~ ........ ..........__ ~k are M>ld ot Sot.wort -........... _ .. ~ ~~~N .. 3r :. -.. 33• ........ -...... .. PORK lOIN CHOPS. LOIN 45c la 389 IND •. IND · .. .,,- (Cllftl (If .. '--..... PORK LIVER ~:'l~ .. W CAPTAIN'S CHOICE IM l'OO ... FllllT OF OCEAN P£101 ,.._ 39' FIWT OF COD ....... ~......., ~l9' HAUIUT STEAKS ~.~ ::•9' Vocvum-pocl.;ed . 212-o•. 29( l•~~ corn on c.ob-can• without lh• cobl · Hl<iHWAY CORN ~:::::1':;: lS' THI ALL-PUIPOH LIQUID SHOllTINING pt.25c aar -.•.49c jar CHOCOLATE COVE.RED BISQUICK BISCUIT MIX llTTY ClOCKllt The "12-ttt-l" "''" CHERRIES . FLEET BISCUIT MIX Ro•bvrv'• foncy moro•<h;no chert1el In 11ch fonda•"' Oe li<•011\ly 1 ·lb. 57( cooll!'d ""'" dorl< or bo moll< chocolote Bo,.ed. " llST JOOOS MANO NUCOA MARGARINE SUNNYBANK MARGARINE l'vr• Vegetoble Morgorone TAJTl-TDT PIOYalllTI Ckf ~~ INSTANT SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX 2~~ lt COCA COLA The pov\e 6 6••· 45' th<'1 refruhu . bottlea ;:'~i:r:~ ~Fight · .~.1' ~ ~I TB • -... i ~ i l 11v i:h•i•tl"lo• S.ol• I. r!.,v -r ~ IDAHO ,.".. I~ U.S. No. 1-A IO RUSSETS 1 ' :::'' :t RED APPLES WASHINGTON ITATI GIFT DATES Hydroltd Oeglet Noor• 2Vi.:~'-.· 59c All reody f~ moiling .... PlnED DATES ·~;· 29' CONFECTION ~25' Wliole fancy. COFFEE 0·'fu:Sfio 2~49-': 79- HEINZ KETCHUP T:~~~~~ ~19- STRAWBERRY PRESERVES f;t-;· -.i!39' EBONY RIPE OLIVES ~ •:24' RATH'S LUNCHEON MEAT ~;~ 12:!35' PUMPKIN PIE SPICE ~~~;,; 14.:; 17' ZEE TOILET TISSUE ·~~~~~:d 4;:: 29' WAXED PAPER ~·~~~: '!r.181 AJAX CLEANSER RIK RAK CLEANSER PUREX BLEACH D'5infoctant, Deodarlaor "u.,..17c holf·~al. 29c bottlo 1u1 WHITI MAGIC ORiy lloech hite4 fe.r "'"'"'•"' =~15' h•"1:!;26c PRKES mtCTlvt THURS.. flt.. SAT .. OfCfMlfl 15. 16. 17, 1955, Al WlWU StOtlS • TMIS ARl.i. (lhru Sund1y m Slorn open Sun!Uy) er9~I to U"''' , ... , •• d 9*o tnWt 1e deiai.,1 S,...f•t ·~· c.oll•f••d.,... to•ebte it••• STORE ROt'RS Dally II R.m. rn I! p.m. 11 rl!1." tll U rm I ~""""'' 9 "m to II f' m . 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PLENTY OF P:ARKINO ON LABOE PAVED LOT ' PA&I ~ • 'AltT t -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1.f, 1955 SOME OF us GIRLS have h een ta lking Mom, and w e all agree tha t the way you do the fa mily shopping just isn't sm a rt a t all . What's the point of drivin g through heavy tra ffic for miles and iniles ta b uy things tha t a re fo r sale righ t here in the stores of o ur own con1m unity? Why w ear yor1rself out-\vh y waste 1noney on gas, oil , parking-when local husincssn1e n have a lread y brought what you want right into the nearhy sto res? You're d oll ars a head a t the e nd o f the rnonth if ~·on shop right here. Prices in th e local stores are ju st as low as anywhere else-and the 1noncy you're wasting on th e car could huy me a n ice pcrn1ancnt. ( \Vell , maybe ne\v shoes would b e more prac:tica1). Yo u11 have lots more time at home wUh me ... and you·n be Jots b ette r company for Dad when he comes h ome ... and you'll h ave time to fi x him a good dinner, even on the days you've d one a Jot of shopping. Thaf s what us girls think, ~1om. And w e also think you'll get b e tter servic_e trom .the ..Jnerchants in our own <·ommunity than-you could ever get from a big-city store whe re you 're just another custome r in a whole mob of customers. So shop the sm art way, ~f o m . Sh op the right way. F or your sake, and for mine. S hop h e re , with the husi- ncssm en whose taxes pay fo r o ur parks and schools ... our poli ce and fire departme nts. Newport Beach Has Everything -_, • • • Whether you want the biggesf . or the coziest But in all cases the best is here at home From homes to hosiery. from diaper pins to donuts Your season will be merrier at home FORGIT HARDWARE a1 .22os w. Balboa Blvd. THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware ••• Toys .•• Paints ••• Wallpaper •• ~ Appliances ••• TV ..• Radio A Good Friendly Place , to Shop ( I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I . PAGE 5 WEDNESOA Y, DECEMBER 14, 1955 IT'S A LONG WAY UP FOR THAT JUMP BALL BILl PHILLIPS, Sports l::d ttor PAGE b -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I WED\IESDAY. DECEMB ER 14, 1955 PREP CAR WINDS UP CLUB'S SAFETY HERE NEXT GO SUNDAY ="""'1"•1 l Ho tt< h ll>'ltl ~u111h1y wlll bt-l h•• lu;.t r ill'• k p111111 "' rt11 .i11111111••l11I", l11h ~"''°''' 11•t:.t1)11ttv r1111 .•lrHI tit; •n ~I.Ill h11tu1n lh .·1, h 1 luh 111 :\111.t t ••:-l:l H 1..:lt s. h•1,1l ·•l ~t.ruh.t ll tU ti1•.1• h 'I lf, ~,·\'f'''l l H1 .tth J•"h't' il•J·1ttt11i1·11l '~ lh1· 1u111l •'·•k I"""' ••I th, ru n .111d ,, ln1 Kl 111r .. ··r \\·1U "' ,,:i-.,1~l1t·•l \,. t 1 t 11 11t .. I llro· .11 ... 11 ~ >1)ly '' u~I• Ul~ I ruua :\1 •ni. l \•:--Lt .1rllt H t•dt.>Jhlti Ut'U h 1111:11 ,.. h•••I• \\ 111 lw 111luw ... 1 lu r ill• 1 I :vl•I •up;. '' rU h•· h.t .... 1•1t 1n ~lft' d i \lfU.: p1.1•\h t1'-r' fnl "'I'•, ·I tt n•I 11.•tth \;1\\ "-• .r\•t R 11,, .f ' n ••• tt •it' ,\111 tthnJ,! ''' H 1 nty F -P o1nh1.n•k 1ri. • ll t1,:•· •·I th, ttll1 l h• :-.Tuil.111 ,,_.,"'''II k R\•• .tt ~t.•i;~··i t l t "'' :--1,uttt.l;: •• h .. ut noun Iron\ th•· S• hu••l" .. nut .. :-.hr•p h .•lt tn !k 11..:. lh• n1n 1•• l\'f'\\ r"rl 13,.11, h srntl 111• "'h•·t lmlf l.11 M.1l1hu RHUBARB ON MESA Merchants Cop Thriller From El Modena ·in 11th Toul'hing off a torrid rhubarb at Costa Mesa l'ark Sun- day. the Ml·sa ~frr('hants l'oppro a 5.-1 tflrill<·r from El I M o<l<'lla in Orange County Wmtt•r Bas(·b11ll L1o;1gu (· w h1·11 Gaylr Hcrb<•I stol(' home 011 a close play tn tlw 11th 111111 11g . Jo;t Mt><ll'nll l hrt'Rl1·11ed tn pro- t ,•:--t l>u t '', 1 ,. t 1•1u1nd,•1I ru1 vi u· H,., .. ,. \\llHI l11pp1·1~··I th .. !'IClll t' kn .. n .. I •• 1 I I \\ I h 11. ''"' Oiler Quintet May Face H~rd Tht H. 1. ~n 'l• 11 J',•111 u • • • ' ... ... uf•, "i'' •I, lh "'l t ·"""' ! h., t •l1 ' d ti\ !-., •ho!lJ .s, • tt1• \1 "''"" I t'~'t I ht ~.tn.t .... l \ t I 1 1 • f I '" .... .: l '" I I• •,,I t I B'ruins Launch So~:·I Tr:J ining \. \\ t. )\ 1i1,. rr 11 I l! 11J tt J:·•ll • t f I' ·1 1 .,., ,11 r 1" - \t I I t I '• t,1 \\ " ~ •t•l' 1 t\' .,, ' I. " • i ' I 1. ,, . •t. ',, :! '1111 4' \1 • , .tr1 ~'Al t• U\ lh•I • l "I Ill I · ~ ··I t I~ ltt..• !-It.,. , I.• t~\U' ,,:'\ .t \\ rt I ll It 1 !1 I to l I\ I t f h 1• "Tlw ~nt~. , ' . .tnpt•'""t.q• "i~·1 ~,. ·t 1 1 •, ?~•111' ''ii l'H'hMh - qtuntt-i jC'l.1·.1 •. t&1"-t T h1•1,.·...,, 1 .~ u I t d111thl1• \\11d\t11;1 " o\\1ul · 11·turnini; 1,:,111nnn All t''• ti\... 1 •. 111 ''·'' n ,.,.L A" I ,, ur fJ•UU l h11 H11 ttu.f ,}\... ,., '11.t'\ ' '•I• I\ h_t.:lli'"- • Tht.-t ''0 t\'•" ~if,~oil1•Jl, ... r t ··1~·· 1-··l ~,' ' l ''""'' lut 111 t 1 11t 1 n ,,.. n ... ~, t II pJ.1y .. 1 p \'1•1 ,.; I r u ... r '11\ ;, l' I'''" i I j f f t f I I l\'1Hl ..... l!\Ot\ Jt11nt1n1nt 11 H1·tH ht :Ir '''"' I 'I th· 'It ._ 1' I, .. • q 1h .... J'tl'f1Hll ••I:-Stl llHj' •iU tl;1~ l1tt1t f, f \11\1••1•· • ''l''i !••I t 1i•p• 1l .tl .hnuj:h 11t.·~ 111\\lll •''' t).~ u 1,.,, •••fi'i'i•t\ 1 11 tt •• 1-.nh)! Thi>l lil· , ... 1.rtl1u~ •1uin1o1 l111"'" 11 .. ",I .!till• """ 11. ,,. '1 ll11 ..... , 1 n ~\tlh l ~t: :--=-tnt1h t1rl·I ••'•\1111 ·I J •111 ,, t U101 ,,, h7Ui•\ I \"\ ·'' f••f\\,tl .. t•.1\'•• TUil• \'I' •• I t t ti .. 111· 1·~1\ 11·,,.: " , .• ' ....... I JU Ji .p,j '·' , JI \ II, ... l,01,\\"fl 1111t I .. '' ~ l! ? \)t J I I• I •"Ii \ 1 11 ,.. \\ 1 t \.\ \\ t • ·r h.u•' I 1 f \ '' •'J' HU I ·•tttt•cl t1t1 .t U \ h\ lhtd•I\ 1·· I I 111 i11' ....... lh• " I ti. ,,hi. ••• SJ •tt t l'rtt•• lit llh• l"U1lh Jr "·' ':••••rt!•· t-l-1 .. tiup ''ho ltPh. I r 11 lht· \l •I t '' '' t ··n h,. ""''"· 1··tl ltill I h t '' 11 I \\,'·-'•·I l nif If .. , .. I \\" .. I ~-----,, I' '' .1 .. ::0: I 1h t d"'''tl t t 11 t U lh t\"1111 1hl1 Ill II . 1p ll11 ·~ th1 _,.,, I t'I \ 1 '' \\ •t .t 11 ·~·· f(,,,, I ~ ,., , I ~ rll ' r::::~~ I t t\t\ J .111 U-4 rt• \. r ~,~~ ~ --.-~ ~1\\tiS ""---.___/ WHY PAY ..,ORE-THE BEST FOR LESS Beef Hind Quarter lb. I u't••rn -c '"" I •·•I :'l:t'W)'flrt lla1 b11r l l1g h :-;11111111'1"1 l >t•ll Habbi. 1171 l<'ap~ 111).!li a :.. h 1· .1um1is fur ca saba 111 t he .1u11 111r \ ar- •1t:-· Tats 1tll a~a11111t ..J;:.lifornia Friday 11 1g hl. Awa1 t 111g-thr I If' flip from Ha bbs ''"rn p1•r and, right, ~I an -~t·hwws. f!Ulllll.'l rornpPd O\"er l ht• rn·nls 61 -35 are t23l Jt·rr:-· Th<' local J \ · Sl<lff Photo I t•·"' l't.1111.l tw ullow t••I on nr1 ulll· p11 ,, ,.. 1lf'1·111111n Hl\'ltl •11unw ks '"''' r1 tu • hani:" lhl' ump'J4 1 u long ••II lht' pllt\' dnubl~d 1•• ,,, .. n t h•• I tlh t -" uu llllt'llll'IP•I I" j,,,.I ''" 11 •• 11.1 3<'00lt>r1 t r, l h1r.I \\'1111 I \\f1 Oill ~:I ~toden3 1~8U•" " .... I lk '" ...... I.II) ~1oal:o. 1n 0 11h r l•• r••l• h I• I• 11' R ll't' Pork Loin lb. Our""" IHtlBl\1 .1.'\(, I OH Hl'('t\t:T n r 111•:m;.; l~lt' J>t l11ta pnsl a d1·f1•n:-.1\'1• fCI\' 1:-. J ohn F11n ll11:-. hi~h i.1 111111g f11rwa rtl 1111 •'••it• It 1;t11 ;o;11,1w :-="•\\f"''' l h rh•·r c· 1111111t<'l. It W':tl' .l-'11111 111.;' I.1s t iw 111ntl Jllllll• .. 11 .. 1 th:tl h .111.f• d t h• l11;·;tl fir ,1\1•1~ht,, ,1 ... , 11· :-..1111111,,I .!7 ::.-, 1r1 '"'I h "\., 1 T .. n ,1111 1· h 1·11· T h u1 ,;•l.1:-· :'tJl l 1•11,.1 .. Name Co-Captains. Present Dons Clawed Awards at Annual Don Fete by Owl Quint . l '' :'-I r. n I •' .... f' I • .. , .. .. \ • I \ . . ... \' '. ,. ••I• I I \ 11 \. ~, .. , , ... ~f U• '• I ~ ' t ' I~ q1;.1 \\ 1 ... I l n1•11n 1• I' ,. :--: tt I I l I Ii I '• IJf t •'. \fl llh I \ I ' •'I rl• \'; \ \. ... t •t. t \ • I I' I, ,t 1 "',. 1, 'u I 11 \1 I •1 t\• I I •1'1 • r IL.! 1\'1 I • 1 1 I • I ft, .. , I I I•' .. ' it f I I'! II l r, HI \' It ,. I 1'.\ 1f . ' \" \ , I ii \ ' •' . ' , ... .,, I • I •I •t,v B •~t<· 11 , I ·' f jf. ,, •• \\ "h thl t t t It I • n \I 11°1.1 . I ' ,,. I ., ,,, , •.• l 1l111, t I\\ " J • I •1 , .. "'' t• 11 1dlfa l.C 1u .17 • JI ' , ,, I 111 " • " ~ I 'II ' \ I • I ' ••• ,. I 1 t ' '"' I f 1'1 I ltl lifl"'lt \ it; I l\ \\ tl I ft , 11 .1. f• '• t •h·· '' 1 ,, 1 nc I ',,,, t'i I· I Ht I h,\lf1) ~l I Hornets Get by LANGENHEIM AT Vaquero Cagers But Mnal" ws~n I ",, '"'• "" IUI" r •lt"hini: H•• trw•k .. rr f 1 .... '""" II• I 1 .. I ARMY-NAVY GO, I • OLYMPIC MEET for 86-64 Win \\ IWn ht' dlt'W R lhtrJ\\ hrdd•\•J 101 h unu• ''" ''ht.II ,.,,, '" I 1 ed t o a df'f&y• •I 1<lral ll w.ur • 1, • but thr "°'P" flllJ:J:t'•f Ht"rbrl • 11• Rh ,. lu~l!l'rl lhr f 11 :1 I tu111 t i\•• ,,,.,,.t.u\· OI 't'"'J"l l H n t~tf ( 'tJftridJ•'t llj C '11111· ttu·rt •, h u-4 Jtturn#\d ff'•llt a n 1·.1 ~1 1 1 n 11 1r du11n>i: w hh h t·w .1l'•11d' ! 1h~ A tHl \' ~1•\ \' t11olt1 II ).'.·II'"' u n.1 1tn• 0 '\ , .... !'•• It .v. ••u.. ( • u11111l r. • t\' ,,. tJ I I! I I I H I '\. \' 4! ~ :!h I :1.: ' 1 I ht 1'1 "' '"'' ... , .•• , , , • ,., J t11.._•·11r1<•1ua " ,, •• 11,,.. 11.~ !'II• J ••hfl Fl'l.~"l<TON. tOC:->"• A fr11mr11 for "1«!<8 w 11h J 1111 ~""' 111 ,:1,:i· (;t, 11°J.1l1• ('tty ('r•llei;:t• •Ilg •• k11 k J:111111: t• ,.1 llf 111" 11111\r f,.1 , r• '·' , ""'"'' th" ll<;mo• " qun .. arth" w i11 b1I •·f t 11•11hlr• ~1<turtlll \' "''""'"on I 11 .. 1 lwl l""".,.J lh•• 111.: K"'' in lh • """1"l~ g ym lh11•111;h11u1 lht> 1(8111~ Hr <11 11v,. 'I h<' V Htjtil'llJ,. v.lio ll:ul "'"n hutll•' Rn h \\'••11:<'1, w hn had W1Jlk · )111'11 "'"' r 11111o• 11' 11w• 1'"'''1"11" <"I. 1n lh • r1u1 1nr11n 1:. i<ltoll•'fl In I' 11 1 111~11 11"' 11 11'1Wk "11111 1111 11"' !h1• rr,urlh c11 nl11 nnd l.irlt1·1I \-\'rt- 11111 nt'l• •tild ,, WK~ll I until a ,,,,., h Utnl' 8 1o:l•h i w 11h R l'IXlll •• '" I"'"'' 1111 ""' •tr 1rt Ii\' l"ull .. 1 ton u h1n1tl" th ti l h• \ 1"1 1 l\'Pol 1h.'1r firth lol<IO '' 1111 "''"'"''" fo ullt·tton "·"n lht-\\'rtzf'l lrtJ•l•··I u1 tf1•· ,,,,,,, ,n,1- 1 .,""''' ", .•. , I t 'JH,.iT S C'!ltU: r.!rTI<t1'11"' ..,..,,r"'1 11.-1 ""'' ,.(l~ th• (11 I '"" lllinlll • • lo-ol lhl' Vo I· Sausage -Ru t Country Style lb. 29c Rump Roast bone out lb. 59c .\1.:1·11 -\\ rapp,..d -t "r1n.t•11 for l..oc•kn o r 1-'n'C'v•r LO<'Kt:n Sl'ACt: FKt~t: FOR FHt:t: ot:uvt:1n HARBOR MEAT CO. llarhqr 0718 n1 "' h c1nru f hr fh•ld H• ~n, .. ..,...._I~ "f q.,. llHh ( ·,. ut U\4i 1''" d .,.\1 'It •11 \ T ht• ( ... u1t•·n !" "' ... , • , • d Th.in~ ,.:•v111~ \\.I I I tr •. ,, .... '" I, , ,,,. "I ' tff I \ '-·• ,. ,, of.I• I I " 1,.,, J1t•k•l• 1u a f'h•· tl11rn.--·t .. I 1lln11 t•·•I \\I h ""'' \ t l\ 'I II t t k ,,.,;1 ... t •' 1:,, ' ,, ,f.,,,., •. , '" ,lfl•''ll•·1 H• 1• 1htto\\ lu It .til ~q.~it1n ANNOUNCJ~G THE l? II rht~ ,, t t t h.tUL:,.d }·nnrbt. 1 :l ,.,. ' .. ''· .. ,,_. • t ,. l I • l OPENING 111u0 • '' lh· 111 •I t •It .,. lh C"n•·h \f,., l•tl\.tf• \ • • ·~· •• 1i;kln1? ,~,. ... -i .....&... b..U.L._r...,u..,141 -~'~>_,. . ..U.-UJ--.»..W..-1 ... :.•11 If I• I~ t LITTLE TARS B, C Cagers Face Harbor Boys' Fives " .,.. 1tr.· 1.!'h " 1t; .. ,.,.rlMt hn- ' '' •n tli• ,, '\ 1•·.-.n~' f~l~n '·''' I. '. "Hfl I hr• .. l;\llJW• from r ul. l•·fl ,, flt.I ..... "''·" I :11 " I t I H• •"' l•·<l I h r c '""Iii ~. • , .. \\tlh 21l p<nnt11 f 't u'\\ '~''"' ••rt\'' whu tn turr•t tu •,,,,,• 11 1 •! .,, tht• ""''k n\Ad"" It .,,, •• , 1'11 I• ·I Chi q i f.,' ~· t ' • t ' , 1 , • ~ 11111.. v. 111 hr II ll1o 111111'1 l 'h"lrn· Ill· \ I t I , 11 1 .. ur1 "", ,,. Th• Jf11t· •1 I• l11i , ~ ''' ,,.,,'-'J I• In \\ ',, ' •• \ tt•il\ ., ,, .. I 1k11 ~ P 1 •Ill• I " • l ., If I 'H.'.. h t'td l . h •' II ,. ,, h I tr • l !J Ill• '"\\ II o.; I .t I.• .. r .. •I •, H il f 1 , :O-••I !"-w' '.\ fllf - If I 'I h •t I'"•' • I h \ f .. • .. , . ·"' '•'°<• I ti I ft \ • I '(llh '• State Asks Fish, 1; I I n Director for 30 New Men Game •' ':\':-- u ' 11 1 ,.,,.,. tif"• ... j.:' t•1 ,. an- •• H'•• i t I .,. R lof. ,. 'I ·" ~ ,,r,, '"' ' '• T .. ,, lh .. t•J ~,n,n• 111~,t;.'17 t 1 f"I 1;.' I·' • t h11 t •"*It ,h .. ,, \\ lh l I\ ' 1 I ff t ft ~·fl ,, .. ... ,. •• •1 tit• •r •·t I I' .... ~11._; ! t l : •• , , , "O' , • u 't 1·"'"•rtl ''•Plt lt•1t11 1 t l11 ... ,t l•dKllf"' ttnt Ht,t >1 p· '' t• t I' •1 '' I'' \r-•I t·•i·• t1r1 •·nt tf~I ft 111,,: frnn, rht tt•f· unct •'·V t t ~•·\\f i ' H 11 h"•' l h• •'tt111n ''"" t ,,,lljt nh11u1 J..!.ulltlO Ji d ,. 1•" • J• I I • '·' 11t lt\I• 1 , .. , \• 11 If q·r '"''••l tt, thr 1 •• 11 f•, t •1.1 • I i• .. J d Ii i l,1tn1• th• 11 •.' \.\Hu I • I' 111 J 4h rtw t J ti,,"''' I 1 (.; I oll •' (Hl!11 ltH• 1kptt''I I u' \. ~111 -- 1• \\I l•u l!f0 I 1 t1 t 11 1111 r: 11 'I . ' ... " . Friday, December 16th of HENLINE , 5 Men's Shop at 1859 Harbor Boulevard COSTA MESA • Now Two JnJl •I IJ lt'1 Ul ,.f I 111 j:ll• ' "". C••Ht ll ,d I ..,, • I · I '• • f 1 '1 111 \1 .. I I ,d 1:. ,. \I I . " I•'' I •' :--. •1 , , ' in ~ < • '" k 1 • ",. 1 r,, t , ... 1:: '. . ' 'ti'""" l)t· Costa .Mesa r and Balboa ll1•lt1 \I I.: I I 'I I ~ •• •t I I II 'I ' 7 fourth "lt11 l ' r , f f"'ft"*nt'f' U\ \ t ti ' I 1• 11r.J \I "''" I • r ruhf1t t II klo r o II ti• c.111 .. r I•·•· I • n ... '' I \\t ,. J t r•1Rn. l "~, • . 1' • n ., n f'f t'·1 Pttn ri" i t . ', " . ' \•, " . ' .H I \ ' J , 1 d an. " ', 1 • 1 .-1 1 ' n • t, ,., \\ .t f , rl.t\'t'" Jr,:.ll•'"''' 1, f qt 't't t \t I f'.'n~ p " '1 ... 1 1 1 \ • I I 1 "· , ;, f'r t\t th~ 'f ,41 rl ,\ \J •• \\I f\' 1: II • .. ,., !°I I 1: l•li I 1r11\ I .. I \ 1'!t ,. t • I II di • II '' ' • 1: .... . , ft fl I • I' I \• " .\1 iii. ·n I• J, r·, r t '•Ill.• , .. " fl\\•n )'• ·'" :-..; ' I ~ 11 (411-rt\1 H ('trft "l '''"'' ~·~·· 1·.1 "" .r '~" .. l ·l•rtl ~·1 ·( ., ... ,\·.:· f1 1 •:\I til • I~• \ t • I" lit I ""' \1 ' I Ii I. , ... ,. \' I . ' " . . \ fJ,I \\ 'rt \1, l' f '• It , ll'' f I '•I ' ft , ,., ••• \1 ,,, , I I f tt Ito •• k 11! , Jl,,, t I 1 , .. \ I ,, ' r I .. • I I ' h 11 II ,, " II \\' I l I '\ " \\ 11 '• 1 : I I '"' ,, t ,, 1.-I , 1.i . 1z , .. 1 j '·'"' ff) , r.J\· ; ,., t I f t • 'fl f l Jf •)1 If ••••I I I 0) •f \\1·•• ~11\~~· I U •• I I lit o 0 ll I I,\· I~ HI •. ~ II •mh11 110, 1 I. l.iu " ( •1 I •n 2fl l" •1', .._ • V.ll h Ill Al I I< \I n n•n h I \ t ,f, n 11• ( (',•1u• I l'I'"'' "' ~ ·~\· J t , "' ~ Ht" k \\ ll, I I '"'· 111• f'·n• 1h·· rs'' , 1u1d " J f"ll1" C.u II,. : ,11 lh It• ,.1, • 11 l hl' 1".•n • ,,., 'n r .. ti J\ ,, "Ill n l Gru d•·n t :1, ,,. ,, •. ,, tt1r \I• •t In •1 ·11\ltonRI l 'li\•I l'l\\llr·I \I \\ J ,. I • I ' J '• , . · Turkey Shoot Set Diamond Immortal • .,, If I ..... h. "'Pl\' f 1 : •• t"i I·· 1'• l• I 11' I ti ' 111 I ' .. .,.1·11 II • I\ I•''''• l ! '•I .· . ,, .. " . . '' i •11Mt• •It I (h1 U t\: t i •' Klr,'•' •I ()t ,. !I (: H ·r· ':"'I It ·''' r' ' \\ l .•• , : .. n '" ' ,, ~· t' I•• l,1 .. ( ~ft11 I I H' l~t • 1 '· ,., ' . t ~ It •' l I t I I t •• \ .. ' ' l ' ' t: f' i &.· ',. J '!; I I 111 tf I \ t.. f It \ :1 • J 1 I I ' 'It 'I I •• .. ;~ .. ... . ' I' 1: 11 I .. ,, II • i.,:1 • 'ti. ,. ,.,, ',, I 11 • I• \. l 1 HI I h• -• I ''"'' ' I' II RESI DEN TIAL. INDtJ STRIAL -COMMERCIAL :\0 J OIJ TUO LA R<;F: OR ~~!Al.I. • Hours from now . t ii Xmas-9:00 ~.m . 't il 9 :00 p.m. ti ",\m·1h l :rnd ll1•· • ·1 .. hl ··pc.ra. ri i1 1r: ,. a t•" • :.1·, tll' I r"m 111.~ 1.i ... h1d:1t•·1 g1\, 11 I 'n; •>' : ' '>: !.) Ill I: ... I\•\'.' ( >1.tll,'."C• t',., -.· (' lJ ... ,. .Ill ill I· 111ni. T !J.> 1·olur L1l • · i.·· 1 "II t • .\1· ..J.1b • l•' . I ·· :.: :u1d 1 • t·,1111:1·~. .\h . v.lll h1 p1 n \1.J1"I h\ '111 II · 1.f ~)I \·1 .\l I :111 1 .,'~1 11':1, I )1; ~11,.,, l l:;lo1 . a['(' 11 t ll I 1 " ' !''. 1 '1 I ' : . .. r· 11 ; r. d ! . I I'" • ! ' I 1 n 11 ( : r '\ I l 'I ' ·: t ' I • Hild Ba1b:u 1 .J,1! 1, l l\o 1• 1 \"111,\.·ll\1' l'J11 .. 1i.1·.\.,..'..:-· AW ARDS PRESENl~D s·t" UDE NT~ IN COLLEGE FEATURE CONTEST ,. 11 1:. \ II l' .\ \\' ' I J . ' I" .. ,. 1' ........ f .. ,. ....... ..._ ,,_ • L.,.,. ______ ---~-.' "'-".,,,.,., ---....... S:int =r A~ct ~/ ('IIHIS'DL\S PHO(;l~.\:11 REJLF.ARSAL -The orchestra, under the direction ot l·:11~::i 1" 1; .. j.1:; 11t-r11. will bt' h eard in the Chrislmasopcra,''AmahlandtheNight \·1"1t1.1" at Or.in:;:l· t \1ast College Friday. The spectacular prouuction will be open \Cl th" J'llbllt· \\1th11ut lh:H·ge. 1t is bl'ing presented as the Christmas gift to the rn111mutlity IJ~' Ora11g1· l'u::is t College. -Photo by Lee .ViotU Co,lege to Give Yule Opera By CcrDo.GMenotti Friday wMk. The Orani;e Coast produc-u .. n Is the !irst "lt\•e" pr<'!'Cnll\· Ul)n In Orango Co unty und will at f\I nJ thll u mtl t'm·e 1\1\ o ppor I 11 • 111ty to compare lhe <'ulorful thrft' •hmrnstonn l <'Xperlrnce with t he l,.h ''l~~·<I 1 'hrlstmas vns!un of the l·;ni;lu<h lunp1a1;e opern. • I '• 'I ' 1 • I I :<tusto for the orwrn will \J(' fur-1 h<' p11 hl11• \\'llhr'llll \'lilt I).!<' • .,, I •r J ,111_. • \\' 'rll••I 111 ,1, \'IN'· nbh• d by I\ chorus or PO vo1t·es . 1• 1-.• · '" 1d•·lll .. 1 Ol'C RJ/.J l""' Jrnulnr du,., t1,d by James F ltzi;<'rald, a ot 1 1 , l th• l'l".:111111. p .. onll'd ,.ut t h •l .•ltl;.:e dw11ts ot :!~.and n ltl pu•er Id · \1n 11,I ' "·" 1 ,1:,1111:-:-•""' I h).: 11rdw,1ra 11nd .. r tho tmt1m ot fl:us· p-.'..~ C. • 1·~· 1all.Y 1 .. 1• 1..i,,,·1~11on, l 8• •· 1:o0p•. The unh1•s11a will bi' 111 ,, .i 1 r• 11 , "' • f l •1•• I r;1<lll1l•n1.1l I uu).:1111 nl•' I hv t11n.. prul1'"'~lunRl 1 , 1 ·1,, i:.t 111 ,, "I I•, 11t~·· , t that 1wl· 11111,;H:lan"' futT\Hlh•·J by M1u1I· ; t·lt\VPO ~T 1-:Ar~o~ NEWS-PRESS -PART ' -PASE 7 I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 Mayor Hill Opens Methodist Church Christmas Tree Lot Mayor D<H"I\ 11111 ,,fflrlally !l('· 1•nrJ tho Balboa b land Commu- nity Melh•'1ll!<t l 'hur1•h Chrl!!lmllll tree lot l1111t Sat ur1lay IJy purcha.s· Ing tho t1r11l ",'<'8lh from B<•b :-.eaJv. " m<'mbrr or Boy Scom Troop SL. T ho lot I~ 011 Coa!!t H J,i:hway t-ast <>( Ony.•lllt> JJrivt>. Tho R1•v. Do nr1l.t Sapp, mint. Mer M the rhurd 1. W<'komeJ lltaynr H ill 11nd w1:>ll<'l.I hvr 11 "hnppy IJlrthrlay'' on h1'hl\lt ot the church and Doy 81:011\ii. Georj:'e 1'wl11t. 11 member ot Cub Pul'k 81. i1re.,1•ntf'il 11 blrthdity 1•11\te to Mayor Hiii f rom the Sn•Ulll. The ,•itkt', bakl'd by Mnt. Jo>hn Loy. \••as d~corated With fuur ra.ndl .. s to r ommemol'llle Ill• fourth annlver .. ry ot the Chrlal· ma.-tr&• lot. lll r. SK pp r<>cel v«"rl on behalf or the rhur('h I\ Chrlatmu lrc-e from the S1·0111s f1•r use In the chUl'('h'1 f'hri~lmR:< prognuTI. lt will be di'· corl\ted by a patrol ut Troop 81. A 11 prnflt11 from Ute tree a&l• will be lllrnl'J over lo the two Scout orgun1:z.utlon11. tx•lh apon- s11r1'11 by lhr church. tor their nf'e•lll during t he coming y t'ar. cla.n'1 Loc11l :!'\o 1387 from their I ..,ver mail,. bv R. L. Grollh .tr Son eduro.tlon.a.l funll. I llf H ull\'WclOd. will be used for the P(•g-gy c '11se, l'i·Y•'Jr·Old frrsh· r1n•t tl;llP Al~n Jn \ISP tor the pro· man from Oi-ntrgl":' l'!as ~tepped 111 I1luct1on will be four new atrlpa nf IQ take lhe t olu t\f Am11hl within not,rHl~ht8 J1t~l purchHe<t for the JK.<t twu ",•,·k~. rt'pl11cln~ Sl;">()I), ~Kl'& Mt'\Clllf. P••i:i:~· 1~ <lulng 1t11 j C08tumea for the wlae men w1U nuts tRnd tni: J••h. 1tt 1-.1r1Ung t11 be n ch Flltln Rnd b ror11de robea Howard K:1y, .t11· .. 1·t ur. TI1e i.1•t t1ni.: !tor th•· ~hnw w11s •IQ:<1pwd tn Uw ~lYI•• u f the R en· R1~Mll1<'•• 11111! M1•d11'\'fll 1wnod~ by I lvw,.nl Clnpp, 1u I 1n~lructor. Sets Wl'no con:.tru1·1t"I by i;tudcnts Ill th<> SlllJ.if'•'l'llll < h1~~ 11nrler • th1• su}Jcn•Jsfnn 11f Lur uut Sc<llt. A new ryrlnranlll. 1 Oti fet't from end t o end u ntl uni' o( l he lari:esl Hh>111:-f'f'r'Sl8.ll and JtaJJan lradl· t u•n:-. Oth1'1' roalumt's a re beln( n11tdt' by ~t111!t'nl11 11n1ler the 1u- P "rl'l.•11111 nf llfrs. Mina Hutrhln- :1n11, 111111w 1•1·onnmk11 lnlltuC'tor. Chcoreor11phy will ~ directed by lit'wrly l'ampbtll. Over·all d1rec- Unn ot ~t:c production will be by H1iward Kay. .f~tv-ERY -NIGHT UNTIL 9:00 'TIL CHRISTMAS lt -i:: ~ : .. 1 C ~>P E RS: Chrj3:mo~ li st with . '; . .. ..-. . ' I I • I •• I • r t r I\ '• : Sears is ready to help you finish out your hundreds of specially selected ••• -·••·-........ I "' . I ' I • t I I '· t. I I\ I • I • ,, .. ' I I I ' CostJ r ~ --: Fo ur . E';'~ ' l .. t • ,. j, I! 1 .. '~ .. I I· H \' . • \! \ I r ' (' ·,\ q-.. ~ • T ' ,-,.. '"I" r -"~q ,,., ''"" ·r· ""'.. ... • • ; \J • • ,,. ' .. t . .., . · r (' 1 r· ... . .. '' \ \ ... " c: ·,.. ·, L: " .1 ~ I Tire , T,d;~ r :: ·r.d l'olh +1 ttl I f,,r C t,.p t•f I \ , J !ln t r , .\ f HU U.-\ ,.~~ "t ~ '' + • t • • I~ Jl1 d.1 I I 1 , \ :. I I r .. ""' ... . . ... • r J ... . . \\ Ii 4 I . . "' ''" . -'I '· .. ''I .. ' . \ ',, ... 3 2 . ' , 5 /. ' , .. -t~ ,,.. •' 1 ,.. ( .. I' , • ~··· ~·. • -- .1 1 t t t • r • r i'"' ·1 1. I 11• I 11.1!.; l 'Ot '-1 1' f,11 J '10\'IU!"' ' , • 1 l ' '·· 11, I f. 1 I' ,, t 1 It 1.11 . )o.JJ\\l Hill'' 1 .. 11 J•, I r t,' 'C \I \l I \. Ill''" ... •. I ... I .. I 1 ·, 1 , • r , ... 1 r ,, 1 11 !l.i ~ i·I '(. '' \1'1.1.'' I \Bl.I,\\ Al:i. ~. (I ,. I ..... \ I ii I ·1 'I I "'',\ 11111 111• .\lill•IJ h11 ..;l11: ltO l il-ta:Ol L · It HI'' \ • j tJ I I l!l ~ of J I t ,; I 1' ',\ l• h I:...,,., I.II I.I t-.('lf:f( ,\J l,1.1: • I I ' I• 'l I ' : JI •• "I.- I ' 11 l , I I 1 \l 1cn1 \i ll 1·11:< d l,\TOIC '' ,,•, 1 1. i~J1'11tUt1·,;. 1 '• J • 1 11l1, :1 H:1 ... l l.ll '! l.!1.-, ( I J( ih I .I: . \\ " I 1.1.1:: I 11 . I . 1... , . I' ' 1·1. :1 I· I :.:u1:. h i.' \lf ll~I : l<O A,1 1.1: ··'! I .. I~ 1. di \ : •· L ,, ..... :', 11 .\ ·'''· h· 1t ' n tr .. I I 12" 34~.-. TF:RR\" (1,,QTH Sf:AT l 'r11tt:L t a ga iust dui;t \\'n~h. drv hk" a towel 00\.F.RS ALl .. "iTAtt: (.'.\I{ HADIO l'"ntrul panel ma t< lws d:i-.h. Pul"h butt tin . r\1.1-'oiT.\T t : <.:AU llt:ATElt"i !'\tiic tll·fkctor lluorK. F"r m oi-t C'll ri:i Ul'Jutt'.1' (Al< IH <iS l 'atchc11. hold~ dirt and watrr. Blac-k. 16x.23 :~-I '°· I JIA1'1U SPO'l'U GHT 3-way handle. I :.:!00 ft. b-'am. G v1Jlt. lt1·d :-;1~nal !-'amn plastic 1nt1•rwo\·en t-ll\Pr-tolnr thn•adl4 .. 3ss 5750 .. 5"9 2495 n t:..\\T l'l.ASTI(' s t:AT C.:O\.t:fL"4 ..;11,t:~·T fil'AIWl'i.\IA~ ;\.·1·d nn trade-in. !-=av1· fi !•:I to !1 2~ !'his tax 18 ,\IO~'TJI BATit :ll\' :,1.::-,7 plnt1·s. JllJ.J:3o 149;; am1J1.•rr hri1 .... nnd nld bal.tcry Al.1..STATt; Sll .t:~T c 1·s m os ~ Less rriaJ hum. l'lu~ 1645 ~ ta.x and your old tare . .... .. . ~ 1716 So. Main St. Telephone ·. Santa Ana Kl 7-3371 .... o ...... , WITH SALLIE December H, 1955 NewP<lrt Harbor I '§(81~f Gf'fl It's great to be part of the Jr&Dg ••• to he necflf+. 8&ry, wanted and needed • . • to know that without you the gang wouldn't be quUe complete. . • Christmas is coming! Write what you feel, the books say, and what you write will be read ... 0 . K. I feel humble ... I feel sentimental ... I feel like saying thanks ... to all of yous guys out there for making us part of your gang. Sure I ought to bf' full of bri~ht fCihberish about "our Christm88 Tr.~ are the finest, frt>sh~t. greN1- Mt. bf'stu!il in thfl la ml". that "Our .lohnny Hart t>an flame-proof, flock or "llraY 't"m •ky -blUfl -pink if lOU "'isb" . . . But from the heart comH • . . "Tha*" for looking to lL"I t•uc•h Chrl!itm&.8 J:One h~· to filJ that Christmu nkhr In your lh·ing room .. Thanks for coming ha.ck again thiM y~ar •• .'' Candies an <i Christmas~ Fine Chotolatcs, lowu a nd welcomed by all ... Ca11d1c:;, have the particular tah:nt (lf making themselves ver y gifty or not gifty at all ... A box of candy can either say "for you, just because 1 think you're a swell person ... I .know we don't exchange gifts. but I wanted to give you 11omething" or "espei.:ially for -,.ou. beG&use I Jrnvw you like ~~K}lll~ candy.'' Again I should be I tickling your sweet tooth via McClendon's fine chocolates with five different assort- ments ... But my heart just ' did another flip ... Your 16l.~~ acceptance of McClendon's Cho<'olatcs since we introduc- ed them last l':ast<'r has bN'n wonderful . . . Thanks fur reaching tor McClendon's when you want a truly superb box of Chocolates ... f.t'&\'I' It to twnnf' whi:'h bi a spt•1·tl~· "a~ to "11&!1 me bad< to m~· own trui> "l\t' ~ut !ooOOH'thin~ no· hod\' t"hw's i::ot'' <'h:trai·h'r .. ." Rennt" i-. t h r prinripl•· 1ll~dtnt-tn-o:ir-c• -Ut"f-tton of Olcl ~l~'f' Mn rt C 111frr. tionio frot~ t11e d••••t• Sn11t •, ..• ('onfl'<'t:on .. t••1nro1·tf'll from tlw ~ dlowi>d paAf'" of frt,\f'd ninn11M'rl1•i;1, dim jot· t in;:~ on snc-11•nt ne1lf·1o1. not""· wnr ·l ·of-m1111th 1ra- dition ..... 1:n \\fl1tld \1111 lilo• to wh:p up th;s ... lid< dM1 nn n 1ur r!:·rt rl<' i-1\illd "T:i' :•• '~ hw c :nnamnn. t 1w "hill' or irn r~~ amJ rlmH·r to m a"-•' it in ~o a th:n hut- t•·r and. p·1t it into llll iron mould and ha iw it O\·rr 1·harroal ... " I rnl~ht stdtl th" rlwf of Shtw ltt"t·1•ipt'" ha" 1•omhin1•1I t lw nu\,.:i1· of mockru <'OC1kini.: pro~·1•1l11rt' to rromlly offrr ~ 011 l\ r11llnan hr ritnJ,:t' of tf'm1>t· l.n~ dt'l1i<'a<'it''4 . . . Brnn!' I~ a hnnrv · r11l11rrd 6N'il. wli wh wa!l 1'•lant•'•I 1n th<' i;la,·..: Jan; as a ").!P<•.! will <'rop" _ .. H1rh nod ~I'll'\' II Ill I hr mnm 'IOJ'f't'I l11·11t. nr man\' f::lmnm; Charl<' .. t11n n·c·t- IK'S · .. D1·nne Bnlllt• rnm· hint's with pun·~t c·:llll' sugar to produr!' a pal11tahl1·. rntw· mg crunch<'r f11r y11uni;: or old ... fknne Bil~ ... a ~mall square bisrlllt. well sitlk•'I and with a dn11 h of rC'd prpp<'r. sharply appet11.1ng-to .Jlrll\'Jdt> an idral M mpll'm1•n l for cocktails &nu 11tht'r b<'\'Hag1•s •.. Benn<' \\'afrr11 ... A criRply pap<>r lhm wafer, tan- talizingly sweet, SpiCf'Cl Pf'Call"' a hf'rita~l" from the llUJt\H'nob with a complex combination of 8UJtar, clnn.amon and hmt"\'. are about u notic ai. ·a 1 Pf'<'tlil nut <'1UI Jed .• _ Pt"M'h Lt"ather, the mMt funous of Charlf-ston n·~t8, a ron- fttt:ion to, pique the mOl'lt cllecrlmlnatlng p.late . . . comhln~ t h e f'M'net'I of • free!I ~bf'S. ripe aprirot11 aad tang of lemon, rolJM tlda and dJpped in 110~ ••• Same Oki Slan! Mart without the Bennt1 •.. In Glue ,.,.. ••• \',.ry· J:lrt- able. \'fl'Y oauual. hut traditional for •.• Richard's Lido Mark rt. nne of the Lido Shops at tht> en- tnnoe to Lido Jsle . . • " Dart gold BUTTER Riduud's Jtanch Fn-sh U ouhlf' AA ' NEWPORT HARBOR News~~ESS -VIEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, lfiSS F rllm t>ur BaJ..·try Old FashionNI F.ngllsh PLUM PUDDING 1-tb. 75c J)(•U<'ious Sherry Hard Sauc.--·--.. , ........ SS<- A.11d ••• R1ch111•d'A 0""' F or111t<l11 Chuck full of Frui1s and Brand~· Sotlkt-d 1-1b. 1so FRUITCAKES GoldPo State Coeooul C'on·rt>tl SNOWBALLS l 'ou'll find ewr~1hiftg for merry meny Christm&..<t flohopplng at Hil'luml's. .l\ot only the fim·st foods of your choice hut thr most. pradical J(ifts ~·ou can gh·.-or mail. Pick up our g i' l hookld and plan to do pa.rt of your Christmu 11bop11i11i; ••• ut nlchard's. Holiday Favorites T ill lt~DA \' Pfl'ff"rntllNI ('lllUST:'llAS COOKIES ... doun ··----.r-111.--4 6-pack 98c . . . . Delicatessen Rl('bard'• UuU., • 39~ MINCE MEAT ______ ... 1 ~-1tt. ! ~ 1 ·ltt. ·····-···--·-'1641 LARGE EGGS lb. 59c dozen 62c t'RIDAV Lar1re CHRISTMAS 46' STOLLEN ............... -·--·~ .. ... ..~b lmp41r1~d 39~ LUTEFISK ··-·-····-----·.u.. iiARNAISE SAUCE ........ ~. 91' - pound 79c cHEooAi'cHEEiE .. _.~ .. _J;19' 0.-llf'lou" APPLE PIE ...... _ ..... . rM'b 54• 2-Jb. cab .••••• l .58 " MA'IW,.11 Hnu'f' INST. COFFEE Shu rt"nl n ir CRISCO ~110,.hlno Kri"J'Y CRACKERS ~-lh. 111. 79' 23' Hrln~ Tomalo CATSUP 1'1·0l. 2141 ¢ C'Mnpflr,. 31' MARSHMALLOWS 1-111>. l,lnd .. n~· l'll:<·d IUw• 29¢ LARGE OLIVES '"· I ··iu1 \\ 1l~hlr,. 53~ SWEET GHERKINS '! .... ,. t •••rtwr'-. ~f rnln•"'•t BABY FOOD lll••hur11· .. rurr MAYONNAISE 'I'""' 53~ l1tior.. 27c BARTLm PEARS "" .. , • • -J S1PlC1ED PEACHES "" .. , 37( • -I TOM. JUICE ~hr1 tn .. 111 APPLE CIDER TOILET TISSUE z,.., PAPER NAPKINS 1111·. 23~ 33~ f'nr Rriitbtr r \\ "hlt<'r \\ .,.,.,.. 15~ PUREX BLEACH ''"""\ I 1 Jllllon . '!!lo llftt,.ra:rnt TIDE gia nt 59' Oor t 'Md CALO I - I I:>. Hi. a ncl 1 ; • l!l:>!l Fresh Fruits and Ve«Jetables t.\-1 .111r-y, \\ a .. ltlngton, ll'Anjnu PEARS I "'""· 1.ari;:" !'-lln·\\l i ltl! CAULIFLOWER I . ~. :\u. I \\ 1111,. l:o .. • POTATOES •••• Froten ~l lnut .. ~l ahl ORANGE JUICE . i..\\an•on'~ l\t.1:1· 11 ltkt.\ or CHICKEN PIES .............. .. \\ nni:'" CHINESE DINNER . 1 2.b .. 2sc Mt·~ 12c 5IM.19c 35c .8-oz. 2 fnr 4~ IZ--OL 73c l•••nrnn .. tr&llnn 1111 .. "''''"""'' -~lt'l.A-ao'a 35 FISH STICKS ... ~---· .... i0-n11. c llrf'l~•-d ~hrlnip 11-oL _ ... _, .............. --669 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS Order now tor Christmu. We've S popular turkey8 for yoor wledloa.. ln<'lud.lllg Youag'• Frelih Ranch Tur- keys which we bell\·e are the f'lDMt Tarkeyw anya11e wUI flDd anyplaoe. Malce yours Veal today! iicoN lb. 49c T""''..-'"'"n,orluJ r . 8. ("hol~ 8-f -ii~A.-lb. ~9-c DeDdo~ wltb'muhf'd pota"1ei9 and ,.~ itm-y VEAL 7-BONE ROAST 1b.35c 39c lb.43c Tfttder u 8rl'Mt O'Chlc..k«"n VEAL 0-BONE ROAST lb. For tha t old f~ruonf'd 1114'1lt loaf GROUND VEAL To fry or braise VEAL RIB STEAKS W e've jud +he Christmos Tree for you •.. in • ?anto s lot in fron t of Richord's. Beoutif u11y 1hoped, frog•ont ord fresh. Take your pid now while selection is best! SHOP&! lb. 59c ------------ ,. t r I . NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS 'WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 PART T\!VO, PAGE ONE - ' . \ . \ BEAUTY AND THE BEASTS ._ Little ~!rs. llubvrl Philbrn•k is ,-;11l·1·n u111l1•1l by two savage African fema les. with dt>:.;i~s un h• r l1illypnp. ('an· \\'11111an 1,,; ,\frs. J erry Helperin -Ubangi -Mrs. E . \'. t;·it.ld;inl ,,f ll 11111111~l1•11 1:.·ad1. YOTEN-0 -Drying thl·1r Sl•akl•d c.,.t11mL,;h1l1111 1J. .. t11 •1t!111 "~1 ·1111 d,11"'""~ t he "burning question" th1• lkl' ti 1·h·1 t 111n. (' 11111.1t..,P11 \\ 11 h Ii 11 l1 1 • • •fll•·ra Is Mrs. J ohn Schumat'ht•r, from lt·ft . ~tr~. I'••• tl I'• ,,.11 ~1 1 ·''1111•• J1d11.,.. .. 11 ~tr ;; A . V. Loeffler, M rs. T. W. Jay. flp::1ah1· \'arH•'. ~lrs. J .1111 • (I 1:11, 11. .. T!:EJNO OFF -Gathered at the first tee, the early starters of annual Stagetle at Irvine Coast Country Club wait their turn for nine holea of "i oofy golf." t SOAKt:O Bl'T GAME -Two latr s tarters who can still laugh about the cloudburst are Mrs J ohn Wil!lon and Mrs. Willis Hunt, h<'aded fo r tht• clt.b and dry clothea. • Mrs. Tom Hendi·rson porlrayL'<I u rasunlty In a wh('('l chair, compll'lc with hantla~1·s and n sign. Golr MUST go on. -All Photos by Maggie Price l'l'TTl~(i co:•n; . ..;1' --L<>t'M R('f' ~·rm :, . ' t' ., I 11 Mrs. Paul lh1n1..J to Mr!'I. f-AJward ~1 1111111 :i' '' pull 111~ conl,.:-t. II wui; a roug h fi\'1· ti.... .. • ... &nu catcnJla am.J very tncky cu11s . •'OOTBAl,I. PLAYERS -Who woulrln'l lrk1· tro f.111· this co•~llnokrnK lm<'up? From left. Mrs. Bruce .Marsten. M rs Tc·d Tei;man. 1-lr , .lnlr11 \\ 1b•111 ~1r!4 ~1mam Schmidt. • WAITING FOR DIN~ER -Over a hunc!rt'd nf th<' women golfera who attended the annual ~lagettr at Inin• Oout Q>untry Club it'acefully turned into 111d1111r ~r••ri:; '' hrn rain took o\·er the C'ou rse. Late !<lart<'rs 11u t 011 thl' farrway!i f1111shed the 11111r hnles drenched but game EXH.\ t 1STED C'O~OllTTEF: -Ti~d but h:i pp~·. th<' ha rtlworking Stagf'ltc NJm· mitte(' relax for l\ breather before d mnr r 11 I <1 rt ~1 ri;, Lindi.f'y Youngblno<l. Mrs. J erry Helperrn, Mrs. Robert Phalbrn .. k an<.! ~11 :;, Huland Lagr-rlof. ..... __ .. -·-, --I -t_ _ --'" . . . f YOUR TICKETS, Sill'. --Bul irs tHl usu for tlh.·s1• Peninsula Point wo1r1t:n !11 l'Xl·rl 1rnlL•1:;rna n::ihlp on t he • one man-he h aM 111 k r l s t11<J. Tl11· 1•:1:;lt'b1111nl:; an· f or the P11i11t Ai,s.,1·111l111ll's d11lJ11•1 d.1 11, 1· t u Le h··ld Friday ut Nl'W(Hirl ll11dl1•r Yiu lit ( 'lub. Stand.m g a~·e ( 1 tci r·) Mrs. Eui;~·m· I 11 fll .110, bl .. ck cha1rma11. • 1 I • J 1 I I 11 11 , ' ~I ~ .n l : ,,1 r b\' J I I I 1. \ ! I ' -· \',!• 11(11.1 • , ... ,11..iil fu11hl111\ . , I I' ' ~·i, I'· ( ·, •I.I ~h-:.ll, I ., I 1. I I' i:· "II I 1ol1.1111 'd .t .. I• ~·l,dl l'h;olt1 I n·crgc n I I c~~ Farnih· I l ('rl' ~Fro 1 n I ·:~ 1 :--.t \I •I t \1 1 < '.It I I .. '' Ill. I• • I I. I I II I• • ,, ,, 1 l I I' ,\ 11' \1 l \ I 1 " 11 H I 1 ' I \I 11 \\ 't •I ' . ,. '. ,, . \ t ~ • il l 'I' i I ll H: 11 t fl I II '. \\ "' ,\1 • ). \ I I I I' " I I NOW OPEN IN COST A MESA 8 & B Hobby Shop Onr ur tlw l.lir~1· .. 1 ~wlt•1·ti1111"' In OrttnM•' ( 1111111,1 Tii t-: HOllll\' MllOl1 t'OH 01.ll A \ Ot ':'\c; .}. t:. uncl t"rnnk ll11rr 1831 Newport llvd. .,_ I. 111,. I 11 I \o: ,, " 4 • th1· hostesi>, Mr11. Guldlc Jusc·ptt . H ar. 0318-R •with whom la~t min uh• r1·11crvatiuns may be m11dc; Euwn rd ( '. l la n ., pn~~idont nf the ussocintion : and Mn .. I 1111\ I· ullt·r, blt•<'k l'h111rman. On floor, Mrs. Em•iry :-·, .\h111l't', Jirl'• tor· and Ml'li. Art l(i11ller. dtrl'l'lur uf publ1t·11 y 111111 blol'k l'hairmnn. -Start l'hulu W INJl.'HED BARBRE, Wu.nwn's Editor ?AGE 2 . PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS WE ON ESOA y I OEC EMBE~ 14, _1 955 CHU l~CH BE LLS RING IN EI3ELL SAFEiTY CAMPA IGN ', I t • ,\ I • 'I\. t t ~ 1 It.• I !t • ~ ll.,... lfl I ' I \II. ,, 1 d\ ••: ·,~\'i' rl l ~dhl1 .Jul\ 1• l .. bdl. t It. '11 •I 1 .. ·' ' .. : •• ,Jp 1 I ,~., 1 1 ,,.,,, lt• hy 1he •1•, t • Ttt • I 1 I,, ,, ''·'' II t It• 111.1:,.., •'-I • I, I• \ • 11t t I • I • 1 1 , 1 • \\ , ~ • 1 1 t ~ 1 J 1 • • r r I l ' f f t I J 1 ~ 11\H' I r hi' 1u..;11f<. .wtH "~·· l ,,.,,.' ·''I• 1 J'' r1 ,u11.u..: lh1 hi ... t\ ,.. , •• u t Jpu~ 1 , 111 ,T '" I ... ft ••H;1t\t'\ h ,, .• I\'"'"" \\,•"i d I .. t'I'' f' I I' t .. llw "'\~•ol I .. 1. "~ Ill I "" ..... i"rl.1·h"" .-di· .. ,.. " ... 111•" link"' 1n tl1t! • l ,. ' 1 1 lh \\ u1 1 I•''''• I U ii1. l."1 l'o •n ~1 t U I J ~I I• Th•·' '"" t;1111•t• l li, .!. I II I • t! ~,,. l •; t' t , ,l, .1 :--r c ,,\.i ~,. 1 t t I ' 11 I I I \\ ,tf t ld'll f .. it.,11 ..... THORPE'S China, Glau, Silver , Li nens , and Decorative Accessori es 1'1•0! \\"~I II.di ••U B•>' ' \ • I ;-.:. "1~•1 t n. 1• h c .• 1. , ., 'f,,,,,.,,, ll11r••r I' 'l from R (>t 11:wrs J n\·ELERS of Balboa Isla nd Ii 1\I I II f 1 11 e I 1 1 I 11: \ I I, •\I I :-n \'I I ~ e lt1ni:;11 =--··· kl,10 .. ,. '.!'!~I ~ )t11rl11r .\\ '" llarhor 23'H MUST MOVE BY DEC EMB ER 3 1st All Gift Item s 20 % to 50 % off CllrC\na J,.1 ~l:ir :l-403 E. t'"111t H'-':~" -· --- I ' ! I 11 1 I i~ I \ I " 'I Lh. ~· '' -t ••I ,J \'I \I,\ U \'rt. 'O J Ln1 •t. \\ill r . J\.1 11.• 1 ,I 1• ·'' 1 l 111 t Ht• l h I tt J ~,·.u f,,, lu·i. lt1 j " •• t t h. 11.>tll.ot ' ' I 1 1 ~ l1,.... \\ h ,\ ' I I l. ' j.. '°'l'' t ' .J ,, l "' "j .,. ' 11 d -MR:-'. JOllN \\'. Lt:THEll i;hnrcd honors at a recent Zont:i p,1rty wh1 n s h l' was pres('ntcd as a wcdJing- glft a bt•:iu: 1fu l <'DJ111<'f' drnf111g dish nnd mnkhing tray. ~I rs. L11lh1•r ii> the fun m·r !II r!>. \'irginia Mc}.1a h.11i. -Z1111 ta f'h.,111 • Ebells Join Ill Christmas Fete Tr:1\'1·ltn~ hy nwuns 11f soni;r and story, nwmbl0rfl nf Sl·111ur and .Ju11111 r 1-~bl'll of N1 Wf!11rl Bl0lll'h t11'1t • d Cht isl 1an c<1untr11 .' ;1 t l Ii• Jr f)l'n•m b1•r nw1·t1n;.;. wlitn t hl'y \\'t·n • mlro· 1l;1nd t11 •Jr t •f t• ,-h,·d • •n Yul• t id<· custom:> 1if 11thcr lands. .\ I\\ A\ • f 1 h •' ' '" h \ I '4 \l.1• 111'1 \\11•' ••t\ 1l ""J1lu\' lll H htt.- l1UJ ~\I\ illll .fllt' lt•.I h)' I h 1• Jlln• 7.t:t: -Mii C 'uunt NAPKINS llllllli'lt:\ t; FICUZt.~ PEAS :-.:-.-o\\ ( HOJ' "' ~I I:"\ I n : M .\ 11 ~ I "'"'" ORANGE JU ~C E 11111.1: PINEAPPLE '\11. 'l I :Ill 29~ .. l'I .. \:"\ 'l't:li:o- COCKTAIL PEANUTS :-.T.~lt Kll°'T <'1111111< :o-t.' 1 .. WHITE MEAT TUNA TI D E 1 .... ~·· 29c • • I ' .. • 2 t• r H "' ! I! t ,1,t 11'; ~5:: l7c 37 c ~C c o ~} HJ·~\il_111 t '".,.l it •V·n1 1111•\\ a • • 11 ,t I l '\\'d t ' It\• A ll Ill Ull l.o' Ill I.di \\h• 11 1it•· .. ,.-1"11111 1lonrtttn::-t1rr rmnmrrtf'f'~ 11 \' 111 l h1l4 f\H\lll i' \\f\I\ ~ftS l1\,.hf1•f ('t111 ~It '' 1t•~ Ctl ,..1rHJt· • I ... I 111ol I I I" \• ' ,. ,. t " I I ''". 1 I I ' \I, t f f11f f 11,\\ •I II ,,U I '! of 1 • t :' ~·fl ,,\t' '•,:.,tit Harbo r Re~. :--' 11, ~ ,. • • •• 1t I ''" t 11• Memoria l Pa1k t ,,u ' 11\/\\lt "l.<TIO~ 'l nt1,••lt•un1-lu11 ntH ul t •1t fll•'lt"-, ( t'll\• I• r' ll;1rt .. 1r ''' h J .. ft r Jl•._f11I\' ' ,,.,, 11 1 ' d !I? I Ju Ptl f .J .. I I ti• I Look Betfer- Fe el Better Howard .Steam Cabin et ~<11 ·n t t111· ~.,, .1·h ~1 11 i<:;a~l· Posturo' ( '11rrt•rt11111 Hu~t I h·1 i·l"I •lfl~ "'" t~l\!)f Fottt h1r1: 1 , '' I : 1 •r I • r ,. 1' h u , H •• '''* • i '°' r " \\ t1 I ) 1 t t I\ •• t. \\ 1: t• I II , ' .. ti J ' '' I 11 • : t 4 t J •' ,.. • , I (I j. ~ • , • t • • ... , • , • ' ' ' 11 •1~ J •• ,·. "'t • f i f I • I t i • t \ t' •• \PJ•h1r~ r1r \4 I t \LJ.. Llh•'t''• ,-1;.! l•H HllJ•lflfllll1*f HUGH A. MclNTYR E, L. P. T. UNITElfSTATES NATIONAL BANK .......... -..... ~ Ml.,llt lrPtU~ Dl•CS T IN\t.t•NC! CO" J >Hi"; ~ l'\\ p<irt nlnl. -----4----4- ···-.... ON TOP (JI Cl•1 i11111t1s lii/1 1 1>1f01 c ) fJil .I/}(.) p: Join U. S. Notionol's 1956 CHRISTMAS CLUB ./ -:. //). I • So".' (loco I addre u ) (;O~TA ~n:.s.\ D 'on's Meats l'l 'ltt; l'OrtK....-- SAUSAGE 1\1 TT t::'\ II HAMS JO:'\'t :-. n .\111\' t '.\JC'I Featuring Pri1T.2 Center C uts BUCKWHEAT FLOUR I lh II· 49c "' 4~c ttu~ 33c • .• -,. ... • DICK'S Green Groceries Specializing in 9~clity Produce • We Recommend This Week Northe.rn Colif~rnia Sackle l'cars Sweet Ter.~.:r r;resh Peas Extra Lo190 Fancy Mu•hroc ms MEMBE RSHIP HONORED AT th e >-' 2-Layer Chocolm . .Ja PICANCAKI ...... .. , ...... ( ... 1 Cinnamon COfPll lOAP ••• SJ•• (HcV .. I •nell•h JAM TARTS , .4 i. 2J• C..,. • i. Ht) rriN'' EffN'tlVfl Ot'JCf'mher I :i • 16 • 11 You Select The We Deliver Mcirket Spot 200 Marine Avenue, Balboa Island Harbor 1000 ----------------' r' MR. & MRS. IJONALU H. JACK."ON -Mike Hl·aly Photo Jo Anne Ogden Is Bride in Methodist Ceremony Nevada Honeymoon for the Donald Jacksons . I :-. I .. I ,, . •I of'', .. , r• 1 t I • ,, ... 'll• I 1\ \I I t I I ' ' ~ I t ' ... , " ' \' ' t• I I I, Only members of the immC'd1utc fom1hcN and a fl'w rl11:-1 friends wcr<' prcs<'nt on Dec. ~> nt C11Hta ~h·Ha l'ommu111t y l ~,· ' • n Pl• I M ethodist Church for a pretty ring and \'OW "'x\'11,1111-:• which I •I ' \I I 1 I u I ,!1,, t \I + I unit~ Mi~11 Jo Anne Ogdrn and IJonnld If J arki-1111 Tit·· Hn Joeeph McShnne lt<'rfonm:.'tl th<' 7 :30 p. m cc.>rf'monv 111 w h1• h l hl' rl11111:hl• 1 111 M1. ""I M r' Al· "1 1· .t 1 k, ,fo • I bfl>rl '•c-•l•'n. :lt\#;A (hrt11~·· i\\11 l'•f •H •U ' \\• '• I .. \" hi t S Y.at;n~~ Party for R,nn blc r s ,.,,~,, \f•·~rt "'" l.:'l \•n in h··•·r· \\tll1 ~·t ,, ,, I Ii ,~,. ·• j., .. l 'I I tn 1 • lh,. '''" uf :\lr ""'' \\J<C Jt11tn t.1ltu tf 1, .. t \\ 11 I};. t It 11 .-\ g " , .. • ._rnuftl Ufhf ~H· t ,. "•f1 11 f11 •I Herhr•rl J ark,.un, 20IO:l S . \\.<)·\fl\' 1;,11 , nutilhi·r 1.,11 ,,, ,, tl i 1 'I 1: 1•r1>J11<(. ~Rnla Ana J bt •• .-.,, t 1'1tt •t II J 1 ''" 111 .,.,-;:; I' P'l7lll \'t1.tnt'Tl~rt11iiili'" tl~ ·~ • ~ --._..,- tlrllt• I i. .. 1h l lt•· d11111 h "'"' 1111 I \t11r111.11 .. 1·111 ... t ' I \, t'hUIC h loun..:n "'hPt •• I h•• t t'4 • l' ... ru 1tu1 \\ ••d t ru.: ~h q); It " ttun '\'I h•l.J \.,Hf t H r 11111 •'u•• 1 '', ~1111 11, I rl·l\"~·I lhf' l n11.hl1Ul1 If n .111 I •• \\I h JI , ""l••lt" 1,,, f -".J 'II t. n n1t lh•· a\•,niurt'.\ntn\1•t1l '"' \II 1"·''' h 1 , 1,,,, .• h hit,\< '" 1. lht> Thingll Yo u Ar• . '""'!.: liv "" 11 •• ''"' I:'" hnui ;· ,j. 1 .. , \I M tM Unnn& Bl'M•·e .I,, I 11 '"" rn 1111 1.1 \\'tflTt: I<' I T \I • 11 bl •• k II • "'""'" • I •·" Thfll hr:tJ• \\'111~ ,, \\hlh._\ k111 t th'~tl!A ('1 ,f~Rj!t 1'111l \\II h .. ""' 1!111•1 I""" I "" '" \l 1" I.,. k lltlh ' .... I' ..ry 'n lht' n>ll1tr H · 1 i.:I"''• .. '" '' '" I Mt !"h .. • 1~~ \\ 1' <I• n , t trtmOt("t) lO fTiftt("h "t\d ,\,I' ,,1tt1 C', \I\ \l'"' U J,.Ht1\1l11,1 ti·,.,. u t Hi• I • '· . ' ~ ' ,. ~ t"' '" l ... '• I. " ' I'" II 'h• t t ' \\. - SHOWBOAT CAPTAlN Carlton Dawson (I t Q rl is not only emcee of Showboat \'a1wl1f's but participates m this rl'cord pantomiml' with Gene Hubbard, Bob Allen and J im B1·11to. 8ixty nwmbers of the Youn~ PL'()plc's Fellows hip are presenting th1•1r ~1xt h annual pt.•rfo1 mancc at 8 p. m . both Friday :ind Saturday o f this W('('k nn thi· t~11la1 ~··ll !ilage of St. James parish hall. Ballrt llances. son~s. acrobatic a "*e1lh1·r ads 11rc1v ide faRt mo\'ing cnlrrtainnwnt with the audience seated at t ahi~ and ~··n·1·1I r C'freshmcnts. :--Orin .Bush Photo tt. \tum Jr Smtih N l'whnry Rtht IJ11n.oltl II. Hall , NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRES<i -PART I I · PAGE l WEDNESDAY. D cC~MBER 1'4, 195:> RIDERS COLLECT FOR NAVAJOS Mtml>t•r11 1.C lh«' R1tl1>r8 .. r U1r !'an J naq111n Harhnr 1.r1•11 r 11hnl( <-lub. &r<' \'llll!'<"tin17. fuo1I anot , lolhmg t111s Wf't'k f1•r 1J1s t 11bu1 '''" lo Uie N11ve· Jo Indians \all!\ lo th!' fr>l- low1ng l ,. I«> p hone nu111· bt>r11 will brt "" 11onu.•on11 lo pic k up d11nutwns. l.J 8-3061, Kl !l-2i0i Kl !'>·2682, or lhPy may be brought In 1!170 .,~,.,1. t>r&I Avt , Coal& Me111\.. NOW SHOWlt4G Jf&llftfl Crain "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" Tom Holt Will I Be Home Soon Tom Holt, i.on of Mr anol Mrsj Alan I Hal Hult, Bllllt<Ja 1 ... 1a.ml. '"" a r I "'TOun~ l'l\'t' h"llh' 0t'f' 17 (111111 ll1tl \Hf.! Sc•ott Brad~· Rudy \" allf'f' Umv1•1 .. 11 '" "111 h" "" ,.,., 11\ '"''I unt ii n .. .-:t!• tin P1·c I "I h•· will 1111 .. nrt lh1· \\i .. loltn,.: 11! "'" for11h•r Putu,,ntt. l'olt,•~t.· 11 h'l1•1:-- n 11·w !'l·h .. nbrun 1111<1 z •• o1.. c .. 1. ""'· th•· htll1•r from 0 11t111. .. C'hwma.""c.·0111· T f'Ch n !coif> r 'S HOWBOAT VARIETIES' FRIDAY AT SA INT JAMES \ • ,,,.l 111 t.1 11 • 11 '"111 o( 11'1,• \'uung P{'('lpl•'"" ~·1•llow,h1p .. r :-<t '·"''" i. E 1 , • r ot Clt111. h w ill pt t'!.enl "Sho" Lo 1111 \':11 ., •• 1 he ll•'XL meeting w111 be h l'Jrl , 111 lht' hn111e Clf Mr11 \V1lhH m H11111-, 11 •un, 30:1 Ol'l'l1td Ave., o n Jsn 10 at 12·30 r m . c11rtstxna.s • BOYS • ''"' t1u"1 1111~···1 11 1t11al .. i.11 ~1 .. 1w ul 8 p111. F 11d.1y 'ff.,. •',1,:••ol Iii" I'·"' 1 l.1d lt.111 l1•1n 1rnm1k•lu11t tn p11o\1tl1· 1'\llll. !'-I,.•'' .ind .1.,.uu~: .1 l\f•Hut ~h1 ,\\bt1f\l ba(•kdtop lh<•1 t-' '''lll bt• Jt•·~·nlt'll tl•'W ,,, I till :'!oUlt~ .Jnd H \'a rl~ly ur 8tl~ 4J~J IJ•t llw u1t.1 ... •d l lll' l•,J:tJ\\Shtp. hilJ;C'Sl lTI th·· tlHU'•'"'t~· 1tf ( ,.., ... \11s.,:• J•,,.. \' 1 I ,, 1 JU \HI U•H"t \\,t)'S f-"""Rl .)'l'Ot th•· I'' r • P h. '''"' I It ....: t, t, ;..t1 •~f' ll ltS ~··a1 tin •'\\'tt l.u;..t~r ·• +·B• IH .. l:-. • :\t" 1 1. I .\lt ... \ ,\!t•>-.>•nd .. r Hflu11ltun , •·u h 1>i1'1 111 rh. 1::11• f 1 l•1 , is... 1 "' l•' p~ut.•111~ und ft;rnu~r "•'t1d" ,., ••I \ L• I •·U •\\"""'I I AT IRVINE T ERRACE Rcvic\v Plans, Officers Nan1e(l by Nightingales I ' ., I• '. I I I .. \1 " I •11.1 I \\ JI ' I• I .. . .. '•' ~ It ' f I I, \f I .... , '•' ', 'h••• .r .. ' '. •I• ,, , h ~ I f\'-\\I t' . :..:• ... ,, I"• " I , ff "' '' •f I I( • .... II . ' ' '" 1 \ •'. . . '' • Ir 11 ,, \\ ' ,,,, '" A ITHn•Jnirnltt tu lhr h\• • IR'I"'.• \,\\ ,.. UR8ULUU•llt-h t.\~•1,Jr1 1\lt•'1 br Iii, ·1~ Ill• ml" 1 • ~I t• Jrv111i.; \\'.1l I h •' .., r• ""•)?TI1U1• n ".,.,"' u •, pt•·•l •• \\•ff' {\\'O t1~f(1Jt•!Cl1t f .. r )1f1\t' trf .o11"''" t' tiy J\lmt>~ 1111 11 \ II l '.1· , v ""'! J111 k X. Ctmi.:.J.,n ~''" •.. • 1• \\. ( 'u((, y '"a .. ••l'l'"tlll , .. 1 '" I ,...,. rnr M ri<. ('l\JOI')' 1\11 ftr!il I I• ! 'It I t lll tn rhllTl:l' 11( ""' • • • • •• I l\lr11 ~-... ,1 fo:lll~ " II t 1kt• It,, 11fl1t •• V&t'Al••1I b\ f\lr~ 1 ""W•lun '"' uorreapondlnK 111ecre· 1 .... )'. \11 • F '"' 1rt1 B F 1ah, 1tr llng .. , 111 ''' 1 1 1111,111 S1tnlll. d1~lrtli1tlnl ''"' 1:1 •• \\l11h• Pl(J:l1"1( I''" un•I • •ll••J \\•t •• 8tl\•tl tJ\· thf' ho;.. • ,.., ... ~ "' lhe , V•'noni.: •. J\ln11•• v . I Give a TR IP for Ohristmas . . . e trip is a GIFT that lash a lifetime • Corona del Mar Travel Service OTdlld ll Cc.1&8t llw~·­ Harbor 1248 Hn1 ~•-ll,..,<•rf .,_ftall- Alr-"hll' I. ( rul"" '.\tulual n .. ~lrt' Tl<k•·l-._ ________________________ __ • Jackets & Sweaters by McGregor Don Rancho Shirts Le\'tR -Blut.' D€'nim;; ·Washable Bath Robes • GIRLS Dresses b'.'· • PrlB8y Mu;sy Shortie PaJamas Laune P1zc:>r Bennul.111 Sut'k8 Spalding's White Buok.a and Saddle Shoes Top Drawr r's Own Make Pedal PuHhe.rs Bt>rmudtt Shorts Ski~ of lo,elt -Velveteen Full Pett1coat1 Collon Washable Bathrob~ Spttl&.I Pr .. Chrllll mu redu~ Lion. nn Boy'• 1l&cka, a porlll j a<'keta. 11rort elltrta a nd rtrra11 111111111 .• alAA •.• Girl'• Woodmere awNler•. ~llAI and n11' r 11' h ''' I ar· pllq'*1 Chriatmu llOCk•. . . OPDRMER 2211 MARINI AVIHUI i A L I O A 11 LA N D, Christmas . ... -dreams '"'lr.th,.l w 11Horwh11• '"'"'ti••'" h f·•t '"'Pt'"", , ,,, , 11httf'"' 1·1h~fl l he nutt1 ,.f .,:: .. 1.1 ••'I •• tl ·tt un\ ~""" I••,, H ,,, t t ra rhtton11 '°'.-re l"t\rl lf'•I nUI 1\ ,111t.;•1 rtunt \tt• l • r •·•J•'11 ~'"' DID · YOU KNOW I! Hl•'r \\!I• t hr bit llf hhl•' ..... 11 IM•lh • r '''""I!• 'I t And b Hr•v.• Iv..•~ t!tt lv 1 I ~t•~" .h I ''" •> .. •t,.,1 k•pt 1h• I ti .1nl!k•l•h1,.I 'l"htoh h 111l lw•n •II· 1:11.ct t. k 1 •t hot ,,,,, 111 1 ~I t lf"I by her mnlher f\t lh• l.t1· 1 l •1<1nt> J.•• k ,,,,. • _,,., .. 1 t lw ht1·I•• 111r'" ''•"rflnt: A l:«> amnn.,;: thr .,_,, "' ._ '" u • t ,1 • • ... ••• ltli. a of 1 h" vl\llev "nrl wh If' 01 - r •"Hf < "r •P>.l' "htrh l"PPf'•I l h • \\ h1l1· 1'1h1 .. I i.: 11 .. , '" r mtllho•t I w.1 ~ R ttbhon I Pllll h· r m "I lw1 • h 11 .:i I bt•uqu..i VFW Party a nd Potluck The """"'~ A n x illAry "' Pn•I ~:'1:16. v .. tenrnK Pf F r>1e11:n \\Hr~ will h11\·e th* 11nn11nl 1-n11 -11111• 1'«1 hl<-k rlmn• r F ri•l1'\ .t' I\ I' n· 111 Am1•1ln1n IA'J:t1>11 H11ll, <'n~la H andmnde Contemporary Origrnals In aolll1 l ;,.1d an•I S1h e1 2S-S9th P 19,l'l' 11't Bf'lmont P1"r Long Beach, Calif. C'IOltNl Mnn•11l)'• \T 11.\10\llH 1111 •II rh_, "' , ,r, \j ~'"' kl"W•ri ... ,, ... , j I ,. , 'I \\ f If I J fl,., h-11 f II I •• II ••• h "'' t • • I" lu r I f I K TX 11 ol 1 ti·• t 11•l•1n t , .... cT.•d11ntt ,, ,, 11 t 1 .• n •t H :h I --------- thot the man v1ho places a new Chrysler or Plymouth unocr the C hristmas tree this yeor, will se e stars in his s~eethcart's e 1es t hat he hasn't seen si:1ce that eventful day t hat she said, "I DO"? a r e niade of and here·s your r hanct> to mak<' h<'r rtl"f'nm "' d11 .1m!'I n1me tn1e-... any on1• (If a h11nch1·d and "''' l1ttl1· 'ap<'s. St riles and Jackl'ts in M 111k , ~1b; nan ~1111 n •I. Fox , Muskrat and Persian tn 11ur Christma11 Kl O< kH no"' SpeciaHy '1ic•d for Christmas HI~ l'TOl.t:S N;ir ural ~ h1tr. silw•r. natural b lur anrl hfaek From $9lJ.!Ml to $.19.">. Ml:'\I\ STOU~ ri-g. S!'1f1:1. r<'g. . 70!'>. rrg. S 1,0!1:; ·'r NORTHERS ~tl'SKRAT STOLE Now , 17.i. Now ~ -,!'t.). ,Sow $79.i. reg., Sl 79.50 _ ········-···-····-··---·.Now $189.50 ... ..... ... ~IBERl.ui SQUIRREL STOLE reg. $159.50 ··-····--·-····-·-___NC1ff 1129.50 S ECK PfECES • • • KOLL~SK Y~. MARTENS, SABLES From sr .. s. to '395. per - ·'. Thursday night, December 15th ia MEN'S Nlf:ffr. Fur l''"ceti modeled by profes1wmRI m1.ifl'IR 7 30 p. m. MF;N ONLY ( J p • 3 SALE DAYS! e THUIS. e Fii. e SAT. -DIC. 15-1~17- ,,] U.S •. GRADE "CHOICE" EASTERN GRAIN-FED BEEF ROUND STEAK SW·ISS STEAK • RU.MP ROAST ·~=e FRESH, LEAN GROUND ROUND er:~., GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF All-Ameriun Famous Fresh, lean! Willit1r1"11 Boneless Round BACO ll S~lice~~ 39~ Al~~~ri::;.:~rst n .u Center Slices -1-lb. HAM HOCKS Meaty, flavorful, freslt! Fine for seasoning so many holiday drshesf All-Ameriun 'Tip-Top' PURE PORK SAUSAGE (Effective at all stores except Downey} VARIETY BM.GAINS 1-LB. CELLO ROLL HOFFMAN aEG. $1.39 mnCH ggc IYLOIS ~'1':.=er PURE LAltD 2-lBS .... 29c ANGEL SKIN I iOYIQll tnl91.$1.00Size 79c ~ I I n PIHtic Bottle ~ 25~ 55~ --SALAD DRESSING MILANl'S 1890 FRENCH FARM & HOME FRESH CHURNED! PINT CARTON CHAMP CANDY! - HARD 0Mix 1 ~0•· 29c Cht1mp's Pure Chocolt1te 3 gc DROPS 14·0z. Pkg. 45c -w.1-ke<'• ~~~~~.~ B~~LE! - 25 -c CH I LI CON CARNE 19 No . 300 Ct1n ;., WALKER 'S AUSTEX N JOO 2 7c BEEF STEW ~"" c PAPER BUYS! Northern Yellow or Pink ROLL 2 lg•. 33c TOWELS Rolls c lb. NORTHERN TOILET 3 lg•. 23c TISSUE Rolls Complexion Site Bus CAMAY Bath Size Bars CAMAY Medium-Siie Bars IVORY • ~ TOMATO Hunt's Tomato JUICE Hunt's Sliced o PEACHES Hunt's Whole, APRICOT Hunt's Pork & BEANS -~ ···~ , .. jt Pillsbury Whii CAKI All-American ICE I 19° AlnR'S-LARG FLAPJA / 3 For 25c~' 2For 25c~ I ---3 For 25c ct, No. 2~ t~S FOR $ PET · EYAP. MILK llUI GENT , .. ESTIES CHOCOLATE MORSELS Pkg. Hunt's CATSUP 6 L•L s1 IOTS. Ory c-29C PHAM, '4·0.. . PICTSWEET 2 3 5 e CORN.QN-COB C e BUTIER BEANS Pkgs. e SUCCOTASH e PEAS & CARROTS GORTON1S-lO.OZ. PKG. FISHSTICKS CHICHN Of THI SIA TUNA 2'°•39c PIES MICKLllHIY, Hit' STICKS DCUCIOUS OUtCI FIOll• ENCHllADA DINNER • WITH•OSAIUIA 27C ttt r 1111 o Bl •~s ( ' SANTA'S HERE! SATURDAY e 10:30 to 12:30 •t SAN CLEMENTE -e 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. •t CORONA del MAR A Beautiful Re-usable Deunter •• ~:3~E=P~!~ ~·:1cH : . OLD FORESTER Fifth s111 -~ .: Buy• Full C... •nd Seve 10%1 CHAMPAGNE FHth s 4 ZS t9IO M TAYOLA WINE ~ CJ9c lwolr•WH ROSE WINE ~~ DIAS PACll EARL !tf iMES Sove ~:I $ 4 99 RHEINGOLD . RUrtPoRT ~.0.1. s1 1• 24-CAMI s446 · .... , . ~~ .. ,.... r.· MANiSCHEW1Ti sl 19· CHAMPAGNE s1 91 ~ , .. • "°' .. ~ _,,. . . . .-,:-. ~ . fresh FruiU S. Vegetables FINEST QUALITY JUMBO-SIZE FUERTE EXTRA-FANCY OREGON STATE D'ANJOU - U.S. NO. 1 LARGE IAKING SIZE-RUSSET LIS. Hoffman All-Beef 3 7 r--Order Now!• ... FRANKS ;~l~: c : 'LuTEFii i Dubuque Canned 26 9 : 3 9• : PICN.ICS 42A-LBS. I • I L~-----..J r-------, RA TH 'S SLICED -6-01. Pkg. 25c Rath's Canned : HAMS : BOLOGNA or a.a-•• 13' PICKLE· PIM. LOAF CC!i&LO#... • ...... SELMA SMOKED • no I Perfect ChristmH Gift! 49~· 5 4 27' LIVERWURST MMtMl'I .... : 6~-lbs. 599 ....... .. ~-· .... HOptaMAN ALl-lllP IAN9UIT A ......... ll'Oll ~~~~ •1 free! SALAMI LONGHORN I Wute-' 49:r, 45:. .................. L----------' ............. c:-...... } • I ' " PAGE 6 -PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE<;S WEDNES DAY, OECEMBE~ 14, 1955 I THE CAl~ITOL WEEK O•/ep• 1h1:: II-nos we v. ~dum to I now carn'1t c. honrie the d 1ffererve. (A. Ancr I EDITORIALS J • .• 'l .,...., ... .,. : ~ ............ '>,tCC' \."'r J .> dCE,:~ '(.,."'.(: //,.)] (..., .~ ,-,~~-,, ....... , ... • ,.''1t'/XJ.\1£l> ~#t.1R 1 1 1 l' P 1-A ~roup of law· I mak t'rs h11s t.tllt'll tht• f1r:-1 sll'J•:-1 l11 m od('r11iz<' t he ho~ and-bm~·!~· l'n•1·1'dt111·s 111 l h1· :-:1.111• L1•gisl:1t u r<'. ·Again A Light Sentence on Youthful Dope Offend er ( ;ond 1•1l 17.l'nS of Cost a '.\h,sa and NPw pnrt 81·111'11 this p u s l WN·k havt• \'11·w t'tl w it h :lla rm lhf" l1g hl s1·11- t <'nC'inl.! 11f a loc·a l Jll\'1•nill• un h: .... s•·1·nnd c·nn\ 11 1,1 111 l••r }l"""''"' .1 .. :1 of rtl tl"IJU 1 lla . Tito · f11 ,·t llllll' 1 lwr J1t\".i~1il1· "\'.:tS a111•n •h1·111I .I w ;•::. in :'\,•\\'1'11l'L Bl'lll'h wl11•11 H howw l 1d nf .\'1n1n;:...,L• 1,.. \\ ·•• r1111wt .. d 11p :ind 1nro·11t1l·s 11.nl,~1·.111·d by t lw 1 :11 1 111~ lrwal 1•u l11 1•. This lin\' l'IUl'C• l'I 1111\ \\',IS at It !1,ol Ill nn••lh• 1 111 •·,•;1111! a rp1;u1l 1I\ •ii n1.i11,1w•n:t wa-11•1•0\'!·1··1. Thi p11111n11•:it 111~11n11y wh11 knuw uf llw 1·1..;1• II' lho· t ac t th .. '1111Lh, ~htt r e11 l\'1 I J•P•b::itllll 11•1 th• first 11111·11~,. lh1"' tim1• ~111 nft \\1th nnolht·f' JU•li1·1al p nib:1t111n. 1t b1·i11~ .1 rultn;..: whl'·h ""11f1111·s lll m (11 his h om1· all1·r" 11'1·!111 k 1.11~htly anti d1·m:.u11b lw h"IP his mot ho r \\II h I ho· ol.111\1 r dish••"' Thi• C'rl l ll'!'I of the· :-:11- rwrin 1 ( '• 11111 .111dgc 11w111\'1'(I t h111k I h1° you th m 1·rtll·cl mor1· s1•11• •11-. s1·nt1·111·111g \\"I'll 1111111· 11f 11:. 1s a I :11d _1udg(' but \\l' h:H't• lhr nght I 11 • "tt :"1z1• f.1 rly tlw...,1· 1111hl1! sen·ant:; .'\'I'\\ :-o·l'I'• "" I d1t111·1.tl:-Ill llllll' pa"t h U\'I' d qilori·d lht-lt:.,hl H 11t1•ntl'S n11 t1,;rl c1ul b~· th1 .11ula·1:ir.\' lo nar- 1·11111·s •• 11 .. 1111' rs as w..JI 1n;1 thns1· 111m·11·t<'d .,,-sex :111d ""lid rn• ·11·~ t :ilJ1111~1·ri m1·s. \\.'I:' c•a nnol g.1 b lung w 1 l h t lw t.q• "" Litt· wri'!t phil11s111'hY wlwrf' s£•r111us 11ff1•ns1·i- :11 \' ('I tlJll !Jll 11. 0111 1 hildrc·n :ir1· 11ur rnu ..... t 1•111.1•d • 11lh·:i,.:1ws. a i-.so·ts ,,,. lrabll1t 11 s though tl11·y llld)' bl' I lir1tugh t hc·1r guud 11r l)ad :11 ll••llS. N 11w th1%: llH-'-cls a n · ondan){l·r1•J g reatly 1f lh•·y :1•1· all1•\\<'ll b\· ltrl\'11111' to mix with c·h1lclr f"n w h•• t h111l< it's ,..m;11 t l•• us1· n1an1u 111a "' w 11 r·s,., l'1 •11111•g 111 n11nd lho • Hbh;..: .. 111111 11! s 111111hl1· nw rcy 1111' 1·11111 l s must 11111s11lcr wr t h ink ll hll.:hl\' 11111·st11111- abl1• \11 1111 n out into sot•tt•t v a t wo-dnw 11f l1·ncJ.·r with . . l'\11d1 ;1 11/ht pr1 1hal1on as u11 o'tlntk cu r l •'\\' and a "d11 tlw d1s1 .... " rul111"" ~onw 1·asf's tn\'O l\·111i.: c h1lclr1·n nl t hl· s.1m1 ·•~<' wh11 ha\·e stolen h11btaJ1$ h;1\ 1 s1'1 !l l h1·m w 111ol Ill' 111 JU\'1 nil1• hall for 30 lct 60 1h\''· w1 a n · trl· l••rnwd. \Vhll'h 1111ne tll th1• i;rl'11t 1·r 1itty l hPfl 11r .J11p1 · 11 ... It ,.,IJ .. uld i-· 1 lll ••bn ous that ai:.~<>n.1111111 wllh nar- ' .. 111 ·' l ' a JU\'1•11tl•· "" adult is f.ir mor1• i-.,.111111s In thr 11111:: 11111 11t;111 a 111ll\' thl'fl although w1· .!11 11ttt 1111 11 11 1 .. • • .i.J •JI•· a m ~ I· 1n1·an11r in an~· s1·11s1· \'., 1\1· ~1 111.n C'•hlurials bPfore 1••1111·111111;.: th• 1114'.1 1 .. 1 \' .111<1 11 • ht..:hl tw11!l'nc111i.: ,,f m1"'' 11·a nt s 11l <>11l , r 11 , , , • , • •• w>-1 , w" Th• unly ~""I tlll'Y m .1.\ d11 ultunat..J,\ I" 111 a wako 11 1l11· 1·11hi11 1n th•· .i.11• ···r 111 t11rn1n,:: th1 ·,.,•· .\ .. ung "n'r• .11- , 1., I· ,. 111 1·1 •11 • t 11lh1·r t .. t•nngt'IR 111th11r 1'\'tl w.t.\"· .\11 t , kq11 ' 1 •ltu • nny mak1· \'Ot. 1,., r;':1ll1" th1 y ll.t\ ,. , • • 1i-1•111 1 • m.1k1• .it lht' poll;. wh1 n 1·erlA111 ,111.t,,.,. .. i • Ill• I•,, r • ·• li•c\11111 LI 11.:tr,,, n1u ll!J I 1 " i.lln".-.l\-'>-..uc..n:...cl~ .llul. ;1 -t I I\\' j l1Jt• l \I•· ll\1_f1 II d, lh1· )'lllk d 1111 I "' :• "' 11, m r 1of• • 11 whil1 nwtmg 1 111 ·• 1111'11<'1 s wlt11 h ">·"II· •• , 111~· 1 .... lli.:ht fol th1 ('I Jiili ltllH r•r111•.t \I • ''·'I'( Confidence I.•\.\ n.•· ... \'(( . 1•r • s1.f, 111 1ol .J I' 1 •• th• A 1111·r11.m , ..... , , \\I I II 11. llllght "'II 1•1Jlld•, ;-:,,, ii 111:..:' 1d • •·l!Pllll1' .1ffa1r~ 11• h.t•l 1 lt1R t n s11 v Tl Ji, w 1 v 1 1 ·r • 1 \, • 111 I 1.f1 1 • " 1-. l , pro \, 1 t 11 11 111 111.: 111t11 "''1111nl1dl·nr1· ('011f1cl1t111 1s bai-1·d "II 1 l1o t .. I• I 1 i. t ", c ·111 nmkf' 1 h1m~i-c11 n i:hl "''' r - ' "I ' 11· do! I' • :1 1111.1 b.J11 \In~ I h cl '" •l 11111:,: • ,,., I" • 1hl•. \\ ro ·1...: < "•nl 1 !1·1111 "'" ... 11 ... 11• 111 I 11 • ii 11 . ,,, .1 1111 , I' ;ind II.db th.it 11• 1111h l\ will l'loll'IP' ltf•l\11·1 r11.1ril1 ••\II• •11/lol'I"•' \\Jll • .. Jl.q ct I h1· 111 "1 II' f ,1\ • 1.1h:1 11 n \ ' tl1d• I "' Jl 11111 I· llllf 1'11111>'\)dll-\\ h11 11 111j)1 1 111'< ).:1t1P~ \\t •I II I I •I I" a 11,1'1••n but ,114 md1\'1tll1 als \\ h, 11 .ell , ... 11tl• 1r1. I'."> I • r'-"llil I .d f.111-. 1t ~ h.11.t t • '1 ... 11;1!111 l-:llh1 I \\I' h.t\1 I 1111 k lll1•n1·<>:,.. that 11 .. dt' I 11 11111° ~ \\ 111 .i, \ ··1111 11r ", Jlhl If. ll•H • 1 h·· )"'' 1- li1l1I ,\ :-.;, II 1111 11111• l1k1 s lo :111IH 1pcl1 II• 11hl1 .111d 11 .. 1d l1 1 °1.111•1 •""'''' hul 1lh•ll:-t. f,,•'t,h l11 I.ill 111 J'l"\l lo f,,, .1 f'<1ss1blr 1111.11111.d 1 m1 t,• ll•Y as II \1 1111)d h1 t11 h;n ,. 1 •• warm • 1111 ho,., r":"h l••1 c 111.f \\ 1•ath• r Th• m 111 11 h·• h •1ilds up :1 I•':•• 1\1• lund 11 111. ba11k nt u f'r \" ·" I , ti,. :"'• ,\ f" t !. n., ""·' ;\• ,\ fll(U1 .. 1 .. t I• t ~. '·' c. r ••, • ,.,. "' A llq •t•n1l•hll' l.11t·al t11 ... 11! 11tluo f11r t 11 o•r I 11rC.\ E ntfl'rrtJ f\.8 !'•·<""•1nd ·t·1,. ... ..i ~l:1 1 tl'r RI fi r J1 ,. •1 I 'l'ltt I Ii I loll h t lJ" 1\1 l l•f ~( '" ' ·' , ..... ,, lh·a..:h .. 1lil.1,\ (fl\11'\'' \I has a basts fcir l'l •nf:Jl·nc·c· 111 the futlll'l' T hi• hajlp~·-g11 ltu ky i:u~· wh11 bn•t•Y's t hroui:h 1'\'l'r yt h 111g hl· mahs ofl1•11 f.ncls bl.f01 e Inn~ t hal hr 1s 1w1t hc>r ha l'J!Y nor h11·k~'. ('111il1d1•111·1• 1!' a c1111;..truitin· at11tu.tl• balk<'d by 1 •'nst rm·t l\'f• act inn O\·l'rl·on f 1dl·nn• 1s n •l'k 11wss bar knl b.\' w 1,;hl ul th111kin).:. A 1·h11w1· b<·twc·1·n thl· t\\'11 sh1111ld11't b1• diff11•ult. Ncn\''s Tin1e to Kee p Your Ho1n e, Car Lock ed 'fight er If .n••l ha\'(• 1'1"1d rl'<'•·:q IH'W!< ll•·rns 111 llw N1•wi-- l '1·1·i-...; 1°11ll• "rJll":.: a ll:11b11r :n••:t hu:.:lan· \l :t\"I'. y 1111'll know )'<'\.!gi-' b11·.ih111i.:-and ,•1111·1111).! 1•1•1 f11nna111·1· 1s al a tc·m111 •r·1r~· hig h. Ti,. th.ti kP11wl1·dg1· 111 wit h tht• fo<'l 1·\·1·r~·c111" is busy \\1th h1s rht l~tma,_ llOW sh·•pplll~ and Wt hJ.\'C' :t :-1l11:1t11111 wurth~· 11f 1·•ms1dl•rnt:c111 . namC'ly, now is a u 1·.xc·l·llcnt t mw to .itcep your \'a luab:e;; uni.I\!' lo('k and k<'y. J ust as l hl' holiday sca!-'1m p1 um1H·s sumc sur-. prts1's l'ht 1..;lm;1s morning f1 1·. ;.:11 t r1 ll)ll•'llls. it's ·•·qu"llly lnll' prt'l'l1·111s cnn <·um•· 1·ad~· for burglar~; makin ~ llrn; 11rra tlwir lwadquart1•r:-. 1111til cau;.:ht. So. lolk ~·ou r l'a r w h1·n you 11 ·;1\1• 11 :end kN:f' your h11ml· wl'il lcll'kt•d ,..., you won't han· 111 fill 11\ll a p111ir 1• n •p11rt 1111 ~·ou1· valuu blPs h1·1ng st1ol1·11 T hl· h11ltday Sl·:ts1111 usually 1;; a lush Pl'rtud for lht> housl' hnakE-rs. 1'\1'\\)•11rt ll.11b•·1 a ri·a. grnw m;.: .cs 1l t:l, hal'! lxTOlnt' mo rl· att1 al'l1\'1• l11 honli' lu11l1·n~. Wt• fi-l'I sur e our New port Beal·h am.I Cost11 ~ksu p11hcc· dt·partments will apprl•hend th<:-.\.' l ht<'\'Cs . U1ct1l t hl'y arl• l'a ughl , h1)Wl'\'t>r , both det•nrtnwnts will appr1·· 1·1al!· .vnur :11d in kPPping what you ha\'1• st•<'l}l'l'. Who Benefit~ Mosft Who bc•nef1ts m1)Sl fron{ thf' op...·rntion of Am"rkan muuslry that ui. from caplla lt1'm ? A rq)l1rt from the A:nfl-t 1<·11 n 1::1·11nnm 11· Foundation ts re\'£•nltn~ During th<> last :!6 ycurs for wh1«h f ig- llrt's are it\'llllablc-. t he payrulls of nur corporal1ons 1·amr to S l.5 16,:!11.000.000 The d1v1d<-nd11 paul to t he 11\\'Jlt•rs Of 1 hl' l'll1'J10 1'fllinflS, WhOSt' llU\'tngs and lllV('Nt - 11\l'lllS made· th•· p11yn1lli> f'O>'s1blC'. t11lal1•J lt'>Oi than 1111•··\l'lll h ;ii, lllUt'h 111 1 '°';"°>11 I Ill' 11h.i rt• 11f th1• lldlllll'.d 1n1·11111•· rt·p11·- >1t•nt1 d by salatu·s and wa1;:1•s wai. a h 11111 ~tj I"" t int N11w ct 1.., ab1>ut 711 1-..·r lt'lll pr;11 th all~· .J 1uhlo ( ·.q•1Ulhl'm lrns dorw m11rt• go11d I lungs fiir ffilll l' p1·11p l1· th11n any utlwr 1•1·1.11om1c 11ys11·1n l'\'t•r Jt•\'J~l'd. READ ER S \VI~ IT E \ J • • .... :::oE / Ol..1 71•.: " . -~£ 4...'l\;/ .. s ~ :ZACHARY fAYlOR The Bible-Book of Great Truths Sacramento Side.light \I f \II n * \\11 t I ,. \\ " 111·1 Hi' 1 t• ,. .• ·.1' 11 ... '" •..: ' ... ul• 1,1 IJll •• "''f •''•''..:\\I In 11 .•• t1•" • -:..1·th t.d ~t'"'"-llU1 tiH 1>.1:11 f H1l1 lhtll 6,70~' tnll'°" IJ I j. I lhi '\\ j h1lll~•·I' ('1,IHU1tt .. ti h • 11\ -. ,• 111fl1t ttl fl fl If t " • r ·· .. ,,. • 11111.. ...k. t.~t.-.n 1,.. ).._'1~1rtl ltll\ 1111 I chhh t•lf h\' f1H•tHbC'fll "' 11 ,. lo II 1111 .. .i111 I Inn pl'ri<'•I • ''11\' ,, r11t.flll1 1• lttt•y htt\r,." ,. 1• t•• ,, ... , 1.u. r 111 th.-. l't-t•h'n ti I h1 \ \\Ritt lo ttlJ••1•1 a OflW la• Ill ..... 1 1} • Hll•"' ' t I. ·11 t Ul11 I ll\q,.t 1 .......... 4 r t .• t llU ..... "' ' .,. I d.u .f\ d,.\'lf"tt \\,re. . .i 11' h·~''''u 1 ~• ...... , "'111 .. 1 111•'t 1rh,·1t• ... 11• ):1''•' ll('ec-dy .\..; 1.····u~t 1ll\1• 4' •UI ·I f ~ t111 h tr• tlllll'flt Iii II •II t1\f1ll••\'11tt!thtl 1 ... \: t.\ I· ! ,..,, 1•· 11\t• I 11t1t t \. 11 1•111· ...:1:-.lu puu t-... ,, 111111° l ,,, I~ t·n I· 1 u ,,1u~,·1u .ulrn•H\r si'tur. 11. ,,, .i lo• 111 hi· di h 11., ,.,,..,,,_ 11111\ 1111 h nmlln• t l1 '"' \\•·1 , !"UJ, 11 •I In ,It It ast lli1 '• .. 1, .... 1u 1th r 1•hnn ~·\" tn lllWt't, I\\•• 11\11!•· t11111d11 1.... 1•·hl 11 Hlt•n h.1 ... 1.111nn "ntl r u unty \\, 1 ,,., i. .... 1 ah', , ,,,, ... , ••·n· 11:&1 r t••I ... "''ut.l h,• f'AJUCf',t by ll ~ • "' I • 1t1h1 1_.,. lhl • h 11 ILll •-.. f)I.,.,, I• ii r Ill IU f'Uf h hCHIM1 \\•Uh· 11 n •. , ··•1 1t•~11tHd•I·· ~u •• 1-1111 '''' n1•1• ... nv .r ds·hnt.-11n.t " ••• lh· ll•'ll 1'll•l11U~ ... ,, .... ~ \lf1th•\" '•Ill ,j,. 1 1111f'•l'tlfUHlflHnj? rot' \\ 11 h 111. ""' '( ,,, "·" l.··i:1•l1<· 1·11!11C. '"'" ,, f"c:nn111"I lo\l•t,.. .•tlol Son lk11 11111'~ 1R-EI C'rnlro\ \\llHK I.II \0 tit.\\\ Tht• \\111K l1•11t l 1n 1t1111t ~f\:; • ,.., .. us 1111111 ply tu• ... tw.·n ln11 n1 11eh lur ft t1\ "•ll h4,'f"', 1·pt111ally II It ' 111 .. 11 •• I '''"" l n l'IH t1nw11 • 1 111• ""' k l1 •1td HI" w a nt11 tn • '''"'"'''" 11, .. , .. ~l<t'nt 30·1111y h11<1- k•'I .. , .,,~•nu h•·hl cin rvrs v ev,.n· I Ill ,,,., .. ), .... , """ i:o b1.t1 k tu Lhf' 1h11'"• u1 lt •• ti11 "'U h,..t· :.:11"IJ "l.t hu 111t1 .1 , ....... ,Inn~ nn1t & lv.to· H1.1: 1111.if,\Hu.: ••Bl ''' 1t1al•n~l y1at h1t1h:.1l Ill~ •·-1 J.ill\'t~ JHP•• h11 1• , .. nu • f'.l 'Y ""I• ll 11111 I• ljlllll' 1 .. ,p,.. .. •. ,C:Tttt: ... l't:l'll'llOS t hi hH"' I :"'\\ •• )111\\ I)' I fll i ti• Pl ( ifl \hr • ,, ~ll'f h.tn1t, ~.II e h•rlf'!I 1.tu111 .. 1 t ,1• ••t !Jill• .,11,1 '""'" tlli Br"" 11 •I• ~hthhnnl' 1 ~""' h t> f R · pl1t.11!11,,l lq.:11.11 .. 11 \'UHi l•01.:!h•r11n.r:: 1111• (lt PJl("Jll H ut Ill•· p11l1•' 111.d\lliL tHI•·"' l11hl .. •• t ;o..•':"\.""H'" t111n1 :111 t•1tl1~nf1t1r ~J\('lt;\~tF:.:":'lcl ·~·~~· t '•••H· h1ndn1;.: i•p•·1nlut Th1.1 <:ab-.nn c•Hl1· ,1,ui1tt•I '''" ••I th• I\.\• h-11 ....... ,, • IJ"'"" tu :Ul J.•..:t~hit ivi· dov,... 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I••· 1 ~,·,.~11111 J '"' fur Kll nutnv •ht'\S '"' no• s11 .. ann " .1tt11n 1t y 1.. •' llHA ~Ttc• A l "l'J(l;'\ t" 11trb lhl' ... u ~ 1'i•11at .. !"ot'Rt h.1f t ', ... .,11 h\ th • 111111uil•t ,.: u inib•t tf ''•t 1 .. ltl tl· lo•~ t h• 111 .111tP """ ... utu1•1I U• ''"•"'. •lo.ti h "' I •»If \\'1lhn111• .i 1t•• In l 'ulll '""" , • ., ll)'i1I I>~· llwm '" 11,. I" "I' .. 111 the !'\• '' ,.,. 11111,,. '" ~lh"I lhHl h1 ~ pl"n ho I .,,. 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''''' )Par. 1 111111 1ttl lu \\Ut tt11 "'''"' JU tht•lil••Hlhr"I 1nllUd1n.: \;11 •U :-, I J 11.1\ 1.11\ l1dl 01h1,.,!U11 1HH f'-.. tl••d ~1rt•I Ani•lhrt td••tt.-4Ht•h•r f't•llllhl.-.1tt- t;-.. .. 1·1tthl\ \'a1hl1•d h\ Ju•c• C 1•t ,, n.•11111,11 H .1, 1a,:1 tl•1I t•1 1t1 :to .Lt\,,.,, -.\\hh h h1llt1\.\ti>1 d ll••u "'1 Ill•· 1u1.-. •11uu111ltt'f'r4 ,hrt Flr11t\ ~to1H1 •I•· \\l•• ,,,1 •. t'• •lll\Jnj,! h t~._tit ,, kr•t t••I n ,,, ~·n•• 11 "'*'"H•tl \\t1Ul1I l li·tuJ11l thfi u1tn .. hJtt1un 11f ,,,J th•· l ••·1J1ut1.tl1~ ••·l•J"" \\'••n 11\•Jr llllt.1 . .1-\t,.; '*°""_. ... ,..n'T""'T'tt trr Rri-1 ~t ""\I'' I••\• •t • ... r111d "'·"•' ,f,·1tr•r tru11l tl l11ll-. In buth '" !'l;\\'4••1.JU,.;: \1•tu1\ •~\·••t h11' tv.·t1 t1EttS1· t•llJi •f"I >tl11I t 11111t .. 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H11d ,, .. , •• ,,1.1hit1t i.~ •nun 1·1u1 r t hi•\.\•r ,, 1 t lu ,1 •• , t '"'•1 u1 r t .... '-11·n t11 •.,,01 4 ,11un1tt,1~ •in bt1l'lln•""'" .l.11d 1tr11hr .. ,. u1t1,l ·1r1 •·nrtrnr--n1~ ti. 011r •1tJflrRlt1•t1 11,11 ut 1 ,,. fl_,fl ·~ ,.,.,,,,,I •"' I"'' ,,r 'l+• 1•"1 1J , '•ft""' '•ll\•nt•r 1\\ 11 ti! ~\It I It,. \\'t11h• llf·UV4 11 1\ i, ft 1o•·r11 I , 1h,. rr f•4' .. 1••11~ h>a41• I ,,, !"\1•n1tor' n t1•ut1nr1 'h• JY fl• •R1 •. ,,. ' \• ~ . . 1r I ' \I ~·· \• r • t a-.1 1, lrLl·lo' L .tlho r f. r.h,n f \,.IPJ'""•l 11-11-:\t~I ••' Tl" •11(t' •lt'-llt•·•" ~"''I.II T llnl •·llT . ;;'.~.·:",1,,,',',~.1::;'.'.~: :11 .. r ,;~~~,11"hR~~I :::·~·~~ nl•h:.' 1 ."~··~/41;1.,: •• H;•:,"' r.:~:;" H· •,.. \I ,· "' 'J h1' '"''' t d,,, tor 11~..:1 .. tll -.J1•f" b1•k11• \1 u,hRll \\It'll Al· ttt fll O\'Hff• I\ ,,, .... j ft11t1l I•/ r1<e .. •t1• J: .,,, I tt)ir1 ~ •tt '~luih 1111 .. ' '.,•t dii•, ,,.,.. tnrk••I 1n thr t nuuatt.-..,~ h\ H C , •• ,,in n rnr U"'-" u 41tllt•,. I ""J•'•I lh•ir 1 111 'I.• 11 '' •t • •' • 't'I• n 11~ I· ... , ,, II• htld 1t·t :-;,, \T1·f14' 1tp .. k• .. , .u f,' '" ' hcut l· "~'J'Prtri t nt .. ""''' 111 f ti tu ul•. ,,,. \\ .... hi H It· ... It •• u •' ' r "L. •1 I· , .. I I•• tlh 0~1, '"I..;. tn l ,... IJ', ••••• ,.., fl ~.H117•1 111n fll •• , .. ti( lh1 ,, •l'fr'llt 4Vt hl .,,. , •.• I•' '\ tlf I ,.. ., • I' I f '"" 1:1" ;11 ,.. • 1, I•, I H I ' ,, '" i •• , '' .• .• 1 h• .. '''"'''' ! 1 1 1 1 ar 1 h \ ~l•\'•'! .. "'flld ti• "'t1Hl1I h,,. dl.,_,, .... 1.01,f th,. l•lt\'1'11111 f·t JHl•lv ,...,. •' t ,,, 111 1t,,. k•\, 1 , •• 11•·•1 1 l•n· d '"' • nt.: "1111; In tlll' •·I j.:an-h• l1,f11I In t h•'IAf•\ ... 'k ,. h I' I ·t·· L•\flt11 ... , 11, f'''"'' 'Zl\IJ·f1 ,, I \•1·· htHl hUl'lnP'.~ ••in• "-"hU "" nol n•~lt •I IJ•f t • , \\ '' t ,, t '' • ., .. II 1:ro111• II• .. 1 ... •hnn.•"J" P'''"ll" ,. It' "t '1 11'"" • "111?1.''"· J><•" 1 '''i-llh•l• •n lhi<I hrnkrr~ l:ARl~I' Th~ <1°p1u1n1<'nl 1•1 'ff•ttt • tr t •·dfl•r h 11UN•1 hn\'P \\f tUt-.,, Hllfhf\fJl\ n( ho8l 1u,.·1uUl 11Jr1~ 1~'f'lf\'d V.HIMHIC~ tf;n• lt.d I J 1 H ~ t~ ; 1 '1 111. • o n o ( a I I ,,,,·n••J"i , .. 41Pll 1httr h•·..tl' tv,fr-.rP , rrr11n~ I \• ' r P~•J • • 1Hh11ut I I! It f •h'•t "' 1•1 1,,, d 11f'I' A ~·l l••l'-'t .,411111 ~''""" \lt~fJl·lf"'•· t•r"lkh•>UI th• •t.1•1 ttlt t' .H' Ir ., . ' 1 • :........ Farmer McCabe I II,, ..... ' • I I I ol .,,. k I, Jt,' •I l If , "'••. "',' t ,,., n • .. ". t • t ti t• i t •I 'I•,. ... II 1•1 11 1 ft I , ,_,, }I I o It 11 f I l\trll,;' llo Writes • • • rnhl1•h,.1I t •\ o>r,\ 'lonolR~, \\ •'tlOt'•da,\ nn1I , •. \\ l'OHT II \KKllH 1'1 Ul.l,111'•· rt 11 Ralho R llh 11 . 't \\l'ORT 11 f .\ < II. c \I II 1·11 .. ,.,. ll.1tl1<•r lfll6 Irr'• 1 ~'I I .. ··' I t ,\ II"' Hf• ,I I I•• ' ' 1•• 11 1 1 ''II•·'" 1•ur·1,.1''• ~1 .11 ... 1;,.11 •h•f .. nile<I h•-11.i.J,.t lh,. 1111lht1"k t• "'''',. l h~n II m101•11 11t1"" "' \ll•hl 11n<l Phip· 1,,,, tir•t1 111 r0 r1' ,,. •• It h1•• b1 nk1·1~ ol1•r ltu1ni: hP Yd\~ Pl• .. I h"r" 1n1moJ In '12 •I Iii• •''I''• 1t.•1ni: th• "'ntt1'n 111u1 hnr1u l1"n • 11r'1•• 1·1 r \<Al•ll •n o10l!P <•n IUff hf11 S,H'( .. t1p1kt•f~ \\hfl t)J· \\h• h S\f*" If" ft OlAfV ffPff ~·r' f'r"I" Jl<-at l11n•hn~~ w,.r,. t1Ppr1v-, Anl••I ~ 1.11man,. i.n I vR• • nRl n 1ni: h .. 111 rownr111 of lhrtr 111a hor -•~ 11t 1t'"d by lhl' dt•p1111rn~nt M~ lll!P• 1 '11• ~~ lh<> h•1111 uWn"nr h11l· prr1·auuoni.ry to wa11l .. 1im111al1ni! ' EkltC'\'e 11w old ·1 .~.11;;:hw~ H11\ ' :-;t<•,\1·n~<m 111 in (flftt• l f\\ 1•1flt'1I ... v1t1 1f AfJl.,.\· \\11•• J'tt • I~ qi.,.•L ''""l11n ,,1,111.t ~oallflfld In l'uhll•h LA-i:aJ ~u l h'<'• a nrt A1h .. r ll"<'n li'nl• o f A U h.lnd11 i ><I lw ch .. 111 .. 111h•·r-1 1.f th• ~•II•• "1 Rff.rl 11 .. "' "" t.11.i.:•'l .,.,.. 91 ~rtt of lbtt ~UJWrior Court nf Oranitl' (11, lo Ar llon ... o. A-~1 70! 111 \\h h I"~ t •ll '''" i·t• 1 •<l 1 r In,, .• r .11t1 1, l \•HI•~··· ~lt'mbf'r C11lllomla ~«'" 8J••p.·r r uhll,hrr' ""'><"lallon Ml"nthf-T ~atl~nal t.d1t1>rl&I \.•1>1 !1111.,n Mf'mlw-r of Oran1r ('ounl~ ''''" s r nlre> REN RF.DIJlCI<. l'l"I l.l~IWP. \\ H.LIA ~t A MOS~.:: I ••. r ORMOXn i..:. Rl.Jl',:\IRt:K. AJ .. -111,: I •11 e-<1 •• r CHAHJ..t-:s .A. ARMSTRO:'>JO. Mech11 .1. d :'1111rlnlf'ilJ• 111 I'll H~CRIPTIOS R \Tt '· S r 1\"pf1rl llllf'h11r ~1·1\ •-Prr "'. I 11 \\ • 1 1.h Lo OrlUlce ( 111rnl~. $6.00 rrr yNr ; $3.00 ~1, mo•.. ••:1.l lhrf"f' m u•. Oul~hll-o f Onlllllt' ('ouol) • J.1111 I" 1 ~ "" ' ' Al tt1r 1r1 •II t1nr l•il .. j,· ,.., 1'' I • f' 1 •:• IJ'K\ tH.• ~AOl8 r,n 1nr1 !ti " h ii• \\llh• Il l II I· I I •7 ''IL~· ., l I I; •I lho MlltlP t ,it1•1n J ninc th•' 1ntrr·dtH'h•'t 1' '11 " t• 11•'n1il htHh;1t~ unU p 1•11··.J I 1C ,.,, hnit••d 111 C\\1 nit., ~·r Bio F H u l a tt "'~''"'''''"' ~rr.r t ,. , 11 .. t1tqt,.: ti t: '''ti''"'' .. ._,,.., L rd thr1r bo111l• tor 111le w ith lh• lh,. d,,eu t . f l tt• ... -. H1"-·,J .,h ,. lt..K•.!'O'" 111•' u. u.11 \\ II I ,,. • I '·"' '• '. l k• ' f ti\ t I •···~ _.,, L •• \\ 1• I ,t t •I J' .. • I t' 11 t t •f1i• '•·II If I• .... ·~, .... lh t 1-. ••• lt1• • L .., 1:1 ... ~ \ t f Ill"' I . " 4 11 I t I I ~ 11 ' f IU • Ii I,,, I I • !I < I I 11:1 l11 h t lllt ''I \I. 1\1 t~.t.T ~,.1 hu 11, rompll"h~<1 11 IA> ... ·astt • 111 for s "C'on~f'l11 • r alrn t .. r 'hH' H 111 . ..:, •• *'''"' 1;1uu ... k' An •' tin.e _..,..1 ruun•·y. 1a tnAbllt1,t d t•' t,,.,..11,. ,,,n , It , t111 • .... • • • '' d 11.1-ltu--K1.rnu1J a tntf' buhc•t• ~'PN '' ''' ttl 11 0 .. 111 M ... 'l I t ,,, t '' • ;..• 11, t ,1,.,t ttJtpl•·tl '''"Jnally tu I( \t! R 11101•• \1 \\11111•1 ·1·• J u1 I• ... 1" '' 11 " •Ill I b I' •I r •ttll71111o. fl• 111• 1t.111•tllng of llli;I" !'Xl"'h.fi· II I ~ vi• l~it '"' I• 111~ I " 't• II f1 I. I ,, t 1 H' I I. t\f t J•l1• 1Ul •lflll I • t • r "'" .. lf1 hit\''* hJllJlll pu1 .,, 1 1 1• 1, .. 1i .' 1111•1••' 1!111~, 111 Ant1•h• 1 ~ll1.?lt''~l 11•n •Ii" 1•1;,r.-~•' thP ritl~n>11u If thf'y "'""'"of "1"'1 :, •. •. ) ••l H&l ti • ••Ii ~i t 1•l· i l•~lt1U1~lt..."' u 111d kUt~ 1,.. • l1'' I' "" • •t a .,_itu • "' f,.r the suq•ri"'t of h1~ Jif, II•· I hink,. hr ft a~onn11 be n••mll114led J•r .. 10.ft>n t nn 1 hr '" mri1 rattr T wkl'l. b ut hf' am't. J f, ..r h<· s ~·l'n 111 .. trn111~ ,,,,, f'lu~··ly ln A bunch of knnlht-ari A [) A ·,,,.~ i n I • •,• r • lt11"1!1·tl Pink-Blooded J t1•fll11• 1 ,1\ \ ..•.. -... 1111"' l'.11 \lit •' 1111 \ fl :.tl(nn11n r11ntrol the r .. a l I h•nH11 ral 11 will IC 1 .. 11 '"ll ••;;ht.a t ll'r\td J r I • THIEV ES ST RI KE UNL~El Y PLACE :-: .. • f I t't~ J" .. 1l ft' ft • IU " It , I· 1 l I ·.,\\ : , ~ t • j h I I ~' , 't.,l' l \ 1.J I d 11' I.• I ' I .. • t 1 1 1 u i It, n .t 1i111 11 j i • t 'I\ 111 11' q . f .I I l \1 '* I ':- 'I Hi• i. ,,flp•) a \\ i "' l.1•fd tJO >t I I If I l ll tt1~· l• ! • ~ 1•. '1 1& I :"I • i> Spouse Obiects ·NEWPORT HARCO R NEws.PREss -PART 11 -PA&i 1 I WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1955 When Wife Makes .-----------------.... --·, "" ....... "•"""'"" '"· ..... ,CfiJ;;;Dfin ~ 1 .~~~ !~ 1.1 !IJ .. ,,,, 1111 .. , 11 t1tt1••11.., 11 11 .... 1 ~ J We 01"• Orowa • .._,. •I 1111 l111obun•I W u1t.1r, 31, on a SOUTO 00""8T 00. ~ t'"•' N.., l'tiu •h.11i.:1· 111 11.111 .. r\' 1.-11.iuv n li;ht lllrd A Ne"•po.r& Blvd. Nl:W'JIOaT UAOH 11111 11 11 111 '' ,J t J~., lila"r" .. nrt h1 Ip "------~~---•-•_II!...--' ~;;;~;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ .. r I L<' 1· .. ~1 1 !lh ~u J'"l11 c tu bnng l • t: •· 111.111 1., p .i. I MISA Old lllt&bliahed wuruce Citizen's .Arrest I < .i 11 .. I • ~.11 I thr1• ,,·,•rt1 ralle J UPLIOLSTIRING Al'etUIJ '" t 1,,. • .. 11pl1· l! h<•nt•• a t :HJ 1 R o· ,.... All llnN wrlltea. ___________ 1.-1101.l•l' ~I In rl'blll(1 lo . 0 1mlly t '1•hol•terlnc. Drapery HOWABD w. omllH .1t-..n1tl;a111 •. ~Its Onti>rnllll.;r 111-1860 N"'Jll.. Blvd., Co.la lilffA llOINewport Blvd.,Coeta 11 ... t I lh 1• 1 ( "! STOCK SALE Horton 1 Aides Face 15-count Arraignment I t ;.; ,\ .._. ;1 ·1.1 .~. I (H':-\:-1 ,, ! Ill j l••ll I 1.it11 Lt•:; ...-\• ~d· s I ~11 ,1 U l h U I ) l I 4 ~ '" t1f'id 1'h I "''l" I "" l •'• l111ru .. n1t'.; &rt•lil al-Liberty II-Oil , PHON1D ~~ •1112 th• u ;.h l"•l , ,. Mttd they lfl<'<I lt• ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;~;;;;~ 10.ttt h llf' lhl' rat lm r M rs. O~ler-... ,.,111,,. 111.11 1111.J 1lw1e 1llgned a • llJ1,tiU'.; Hllt'~l JUllll. BALTZ MORTUARIES I ll<"r s1111u'" ol'>1•'<'lEll1 violently COSTA MEliA CHAPEL CHAPIDL BY THll DA 111h·111~ lllo h l'L't·1 .. tt>d 11nL1 tl h 1ok 17U Superior Avenue 1610 II. Co&at BIVd. 11 11. 111111 , •• :1 1.. bnni; him In Coat& Meaa, C&llf. Co d I N C&l'• 1 111 1 111~ 11w 11·a. l\s orr1rl'r n. G. rona e ar, ... 1 ;111 .11i. r 1,,r, iv».t 11 Lluw to the ~==P;h~o;n:• =Ll=b;er;ty=l;·a:1;a:1 ::;::;;;;:;P:h:on=•=H=a=rbo:;r:;U:;;5g '" 1d '' h1o II t l\tt&Pd conslilc:ruble ,. ~\1, Jlll1i; un.t l h lnrss. lut 11.11 of g<iv <1r11111»11t H'g1llalhms A IJ t 111 l'U 1>lirt .i11o.l.-nitl lu fr<ler11l e CONYERTllLI TOPS .. ~~.~~ C Al<E AND Cr-!rUS TM A S TREE ON "1 ~ ... ,·JDA'Y I... .1. l I I t t111 t • t,,n I: .. "h ~''' 1 ! ,u, I 1\1111111 1 ~· lt ll tltll 1111 1 .11111i .... 1 .. 11 1"al1lay. 1111111111 w1111 rul~llB•'•I toll l fiUOO lw d 1\1111 .. tile 111·111'11 sei:retury, A 1111,11\d Hon .. 011 111 ~an la Ana Made Hlsht-IAOk Rl1ht-Wear R11ht-Prkild ...... Aulomoblht U1•hol•terln1 lW!at (~OVl'l'lt ,\T 1y11J' J 1 .. ,,. I !1 l lh t• 'I J 1H1jl !lid ( J1 f1.ic\ ~1 (i' '• 1'• t•il · ;11 I h \' ,,i.. Jl11 · • • I I I . ' i . II" ... :· • I I 1:-·. J II l 1 l \I [ ll, ' 111 I ,. I I\ I I ,1 I I':! .. \ I " ! F<·''" HARBO R HI -LITES I I~.' :,.\\(I ( \:'lll'Hl :U . 1".1·. ! • '.\ii Ii ' 1.1 •• ! ('ii I 1 I I .·1 t .. I I I I ~ •11\ I .. ) "ll ':? 111 ;.;1:d r I h11t1 , '11 •• 111. \,I I I • <1 • "' 11 ... !I • j :: I. ,:I'. j .. J : 1.. ,: ..... · I Chi 1.-\ .. : •• College Students Get Leave, take Chri~tmas Jo~s "I \• .•. f 1 I ,, I Io ' + 1 I • '"" \\1ll 1.h ,. 1111.i1r.uu • nl • t I 1-• 111\t I• ,i, 1 l ~ 1, ud Jnl' · fi • t r11 l.I :\l1d1d1t\ TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP oi nd •t111'11 p1 1111111ll'r lo'nrn M11z· i1 •' 1 "' I '''" 111 1t.1h ·~ •·f :tll11 u f l'tH nlH \\et o relc-n!'ieJ un I 1. , ' '" A 11 "' "' t t •.,11 .. 11 "'' 111 • ~ t IJlli t lmtl "u 1'h . 11 0~ lnduatrllll \\'ay -lJIMlr1y l -,111 -'CJoeta ar .. 1 '', , 1111 • 1, I J 1 1 11 , • It 1 11' 't'h., 111dt1'l111cn l 11lernmod from ~~~-~,~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everybody Reads The C L A S S IF I E D • '' """ t I \\l1h h 1ha1 , "' l ht> 111111':i USO 11f m utls lt•r tilOCk "I'"'' nt it11•ll. f111u.1 und n 11· 1 »ule!<, JcJt-1al uulhor lll<'H i;atd. I I l ·• ,\ I } i d :i I .. : .111'1 ('11'i1 • liiiu 1 ... l I ,1 ( Xl'il If?'-! :1.1 Jl lt 1•t l ,l' , I : ('1111d1 I · ,\ ,\ 111 1 1:. ·,· I i-:011 11•!1.\· )i, .it l l 11 11 r •• , I' ,•11: , . I I . I i. !I . li I I . I ' ... ... ti ' I ,,, · .. ' I II I··~ " I I I I I • I ' j . 1 ••• I .' I ... ! 11 \ . I I t I'' I ' I I Io . ' •I I I .. ' \ .. t lt 1 , I • I. f\ I ' .j • I I " . I ' •, 'I' I . I I' t •• o I I 1, .\ I' • I I I 111. .. I ' \\ I ' I . ' ' I I . II • '• i I ' ' \' 1 I • I ' I. ' ' I t t lq ! .. ,., I I 111 \I .; 'I .. ' ,, i •. h • I ,, I ~. .. , . , I II ·: I • I 11 J, •' I • I "i • 1 ,. ·-' ,I 1• (I 11 ' t 11' ... • I\ If• • \• ,, lt"L I J; 1 I I, . , 'l . J I t )'o I l ,. \ '"' I I 1\1111 I H \I.l it ., . ' . ' I I I •7. :'- t ,,,. t ' I' I I' I~ j l ' " I l . l l • 11 '• I I \ I • 1 • 1t t • ' •• h · ~.I l I I l r \, ~r r. ~ ~·I I I ,••. \ ,\I " \J I • ~ I I I MAR INE INSURANCE 'Ol••11lh 'U•l•fl~ O'hn rtt•• t , rt n '" • '' C z ;i • ·' \ \ t I l I 11 I~~' t 'I t.llwrr • PARKES-RIDLEY MORTUAR Y t t• .•I I• l )". It fl "'"·""' 11,1 -( I •ltl "'•!I l'h••n•·• LTb<'r r' l'·:l l'\.'.\ J J 11·!1 1:1 I ,,, • t •• : .. ' ~ l .. f' t I I , • 11! I• 1• 1 I I• I ' I \--... I I I I • j I I 4• tf I I ' t BE SU :<;: -IN SU ~[ 'I ' I t; I 1 11• •• I I I ' I \\I : \ II I t I . " I ' ' Priva ic P o Hc~ 0 MERCHANT PATROL and H A RB OR BO AT ! PATROL !· CALL COM ME !CIAL SC~l!r.!TY PATROL I i i I I Kl ! 2-1021 I ................. ~ .. ! . , ,,...,"I I ' ',,, • •t I t ' . •I I 1: fl tr .~ rJ TJ {'3 ~ ... . . ., fib ~A t .....:1 c ~~ f! ;.~ /;' (71 ~!~ t ... i ·-.. ·--J • l \,.' ~ . \.' ~-~~6~6 ~~----~···········\ ~· ~ ~\ ~· '~ '· ·""·' _., ~: .... ... '<: .. , ' •' • t.1 -4-ppreciafeJ a1i --11 I .,, ---------------- A Subsrription for One Full Year! -I ........ "'_.. . . . .. i ·.~' 0 • I LA C::~'.\ [:. S '. J .. . ) St.fl CL:.: ~ :: ~:: #• l _ • fl I I.. "} r:'. a r • ., L.:; J '1 ' ESCROVJ St~ v;:E E FFi:1 E'1~LY Cr:PAi tO LAGUNA BEACH PHONE HY. -4 I I 77 SAN CLEMENTE ' I • i ,.. .. ., .. f • .. .... ~ ' ... ... . ,, ~ .I . ., . .. .. .... . ,... . ... .,.. - ..... l I I .- ·,... • ' r ~ . ' . .. : -·"': .J...fi'Prss I:!-l L1il 't 'J H:RO Will ' -,f I • S/,JJ U>AY .. • -. ' ... --·-·--;, .. Former residents o r part t ime resid ents of the Harbor Area, will surely appreciate receiving this Gift Subscription to their favctrite Newspaper, a~ you will be re m embe red for your thoughtfulness the year 'round as they rece ive three issues each week, every week for the entire year. or at and Call Harbor 1616 Come to Our Office 2211 W. Balboa Blvd. Order the Subscription. 1 \ppr<)priate Gift Subscription Cards l'vlailccl Upon .Receipt of tl1e Order 3 ISSUES WEEKLY MONDAY . WEDNESDAY FRIDAY __ ....... 1 ~ • • • I a • • Ill = • ., ! • ~· ·~· .NE-WS r-~ ,PRESS :. ·.c: '-" 1 z = cz . 7'E?' .,; 6~ I N. El C.smi"o Rul PHO\JE H Yacinth 1-1195 or HYacinth 2-119b ,:~; 2211 W. Bolboo Blvd. Newport BHc~ : ~ . L=:=======:J pc~v v · · ,~· · · . · ..... , ....... ·-...... ·· ·-·111•· .. • ·-.. -· -· -~~M~...,1.:A'"11nrlliillAMli . -·~•w••• ... i! , '·. .. .. v v V. 9 "" "u v v ~ .. Y. yy y y J. v v v v .. Y. .. Y.. Y. Y. :v. y .. y .. y ... :Y.:.. :Y. :Y. :Y.:Y. :..:..:.. :.. :.. ........ :.. •• :Y.~JF.A• -. PAGE 8 · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRESS ;:~N ESDA Y. DECEMBER 14, 1955 COUNTY WEU. R t;CEIVES HONORS-44 UCLA petroleum engin~ring s tudenlR this past weC'k Sl'· lected the Colden West Oil corporation's <>peration al S unS<'t H eights on outstandin~ example of effiC'icnt operation. The 1:1ludents made the sdection. from t~e basis of repo rts. then trave led to th<' coastal LOCAL MAN'S OIL WELL . DRAWS UCLA STUDENTS Joe Lieb Leads Inspection of Big Producer Golden West's An 011 wtll 1n whtrh Orsnire w,.,,. All "11'rnbu• or tit,. b11•11 County takM fl "l111ppln1t 11l1Brl", 1w t rolcurn en,;111<:e1 In£ , 1.1"" 1tl ltM bttn ....+...-i,..I •t< " "lYl'11"tll, 1~ 't.A. well·manai;•••I 1111 "P"llll11in or out· ~l••ml•<'r• of \,11" J:l<Hlf' '111otu ol alAnthng l'Hlll11 • h\' It ~ll•UP of th•• tJ1r1•1 t111nal di ill.11,.; "I 111> ft• UCLA ,.t u•I• nt J>f"t1t1l1'11111 •·n itl· !'lt'nl w o•ll an;t th" """ ·'l'I' ".1111, j ne~er 3. Thi• f" tilA•• w 1u hr11p('1l on \\'lii•·h hu1< &lrt'11dy f•l11n1" 1 .. 1,m J o,. Llt>b Jr , :\<·\\ pw l W.•tll'h......JWd 1 211110 '""t Thl"y wrrto 111:• '' 1, .i 1r1 hill (;nltlon \\1·At llil l 'tll prn;ol111n Ith .. ~JR'tllll type IHI" llll•"I t .. 1 oil• .,. r 1 t 1 th 1 re1·1111n (lrillln1:. L11•h "" 1111• •I. r 11rty· 011r 1<t111 ''" '· 11.111 • rl fn8l1t1•lh1 l't1•l i\I J T1t1•·• \·1~1t· A.S~\\t.ltt~l t.''1'10'" ~ thr r·1111111v l•R••· on u ••·•tnl l,11b 11nol orf,..,,,i,. "' lh·· 111111 Wf'• k ••nd ?tn,i r%1tn11n~·I lltt" ''' 11 .tnl'l\\4 tt••I tp1r.~t1nn~ l1•r lt11• J:t••l41 fcoru l••p t•• ._.,. • 1•'4''' ti• h11\f••IU ••~ in I• 'I 1 .• 101·11 tht1 11h••nn1u0 UHi.,. •• I thr v , •ml t a,.:yt T h•• lh•tt11th tti.' , •. ,... ••I ltw • l•t·111u.: \1•n11''' • '' U \it. \\ ,,, Hl s:ruund Jr\•f"I, hut lht• tf1HIH \' 1•111J>f fl)' .... • It Id I h· Wfll I~ ,.,,1 11n..: "'''f•• 1hot11 1HHU \(11 ltj...."-I •·'• lhd H" 1tilln\· """ ftr• J b•u i• I• nl ho1o;h 1111.,1o1 1• "1 •I Ill\' • • '' \\111, 111111· ~ 1111111' I"" 11 ... 1 fro111 ~• il •1th 111i11nu.tt• I,.,. >i:.••tttvr ,.,, ff1• "''·•'t•I ·.-1,.u l h1tl .,, 1 ' than 1':.!•tt 1 .. l I •11. I I \' "'" r11 •l II. II "I . I • T hr •1tr lo•·•I• l•·n •II "'1~1lnr· •haflt'•I f'IU ••I 11r II \\ti I• I •I'" I- .,., •• 11,u• •. or 1·1fllH1'1.:: I ,, \ I tl It '"'' 10 '' ...... 1 I ' •• 'Ill f l' ,,. 1111• " • 11 IM• l•'UIU I hlfl•. ,,, t f 1.1 .. i. • ,,.1 "'. ' \\. R oad .JU.o.d .\ltn P'J'!!U sr Sll"h I ~J...J..-M..__J"'ty• 'ttffetit' t H eti.:ht• \\ .. I•' I \u ttu f1 r1 1 .. \\ "' r·· l.1nfo\Jn.: • \' r Ti• by th~,.,,., •• f .r.1\· lt1.1rtt ot \\1 11 ... t .. tftt Ot\\ t11l l""''' ,., lu· Sup.-,., 11111 ., "' Tt •.• , •nl' , "' ,.., ,. ... 'u ·~1.tt .tr• .1 37•., P•' ,,,1 '''"'"" ftt•n "·' Tt1•• .. , ••l1•n11f lh1 t:•l·f.r \\,,• well l.1• t ,.,, I tu ... 1 11 hr•· •h ll1r•.: ••'• t' lh11 f'ltl•f• rll.211 ~' l t• a A~ttt1I '''" ttd ,1 fit l•• th• I" 1, rt, 'hf•r•'" 11•· • •, •·• 1•n1 ••1111111. \\lhl1 11., t1•11•-•' ,, •• ... ' t• Wiii LtH~h lft ti tll 1 r1f11 •·sur• 1 ,. •· 1 ,· :-.; • Th· r 1t•· I•• I• nl11 T."··~ L I I "' th,. :--um"'l 'H • ~hi~ n MCKEt~ZIE HEADS MESA 1956 MARCH OF DIMES A rJ"••nl1111 nl • r 1·11• r Hr,. A 1tl11t \1 I'""' t n t ~ "" • f '. " . rn-' I •r Inf 1nl , .. 1'111 II\ •1• ,. l I I I ' " "' "' •• ~ ' \1 1.; • , I ""•II r • I. ,, 11 t, ;u, 1 lo d I • "' Ma rth •·f I• lj• .. "'"" HH1 IUh • 1 thl1 "r'" lo\' I 111 \I I" !Ir ' ... n t ,, r. • I·•,,. I I I• 1 I ' Uf r t' Tl• I' . .. I I\• 'I f.,. ' r . Tul'I u t ,_ " I ~ " ty I 'h 'I:. t l t<llll t. I f• I \I ft ta\•' n1mrnuni1 y l\1r a f.i -t '1;!!,d 111 .. k a ~ th•• dt 11: ·1~ s1l1·. Coldl'll \\1.•st \'lll'·!•t1s1d1·11l, J,11• Ltl·b J1 .. :\. s1•n1t H1•al'11, t h1Jld1 n~ t1111f.t d•p·:-.t :0·k I l'.\f•l 1111" t h1· \I , JI',_ 111tr11·:11•i1•s lo th" ~l1lt!,.11t:-; <ll :!'t':•· ('0111.t .\· 1°·1 I'"'" 3i 1 ~ J>L'rl'l'lll 1·11·:.d1 11s Jto lll all uil l•l'tHhknl al t hi: !-.II I!. -Ul':'\S l'b11tfl COSTA ~u:-. \ ( II \ llt\1 \' -ri l ~ 11f I'· lt • ,\rt h 11r ~It ,,, I /ti' I I L· fl ; •I I I I 11111::1!1 I I 111 I i;·,1; .\I 11tl1 .j I 111• 1111\• 1 I' '1 'l Tl• •11 •1· wtll ht· 111 111 \I J .11111.11 y. .\I "'' ~ t •, •I I \\ 11! :1:d 11111111 \ ti I lll' "•·th t '1r1I ti,. I'., ft r!J I I i \\• t· ' f 0 .. 1'1 It ' '' •I' I • , , ' r t '11> 111• n • • I ,. h '' ,. l• I ,J " ' . \t 1 h• ' ". 11 t' I• I t I f 1 I \ f ho \1 tt ,, 11 I I . \I I t \ t •• , .. t• I o NEW LOCAL JUNIOR CHAMBER GETS CHARTER ReeC'i\·ing ch arter T hursday niRht we>re the>ite C1frtc<'r.. of N<'wpott Harbor J unior Chttmlx-r o f Commrn c from state o{ficrrs. ~Rtf'd in frrn11. J im P C'n1H y. 11rc>· sidcnt. lef t. takN1 c hartC'r from Dic k F'ttzi:;rrald. ~I nt•' prl'flidenl of junio r cham!x-r. In background. fn•m kft. Bill \V('nke. Santa Ana, part~· cha irm:in for t lw 1'\'<'· n in~·11 c<'r rmo11iN1. Rill ~l n nn1n~. local \"H t'·fll"• -.1 l1 nt Bob &rkley. local treasurer, J oh.n F . LJ~an, stale • d1n•11or 1.f ll 11Ji,.r d rn1•t•r \\, 111•1. "'"rrtary of l11l nl g1 • 11)1. i~· b ~J ,,_,IJ, r. I ., L •. 11 .111 .. 11 ii dtr•'t'· 1nr . 1>11\td l111l!:..l' '" Ull\" m:in,1 r , !'\.1!1' 1un101 r l'iinmh1 r L 1·1\· rr;, h.!:-••n. ~1 1:' L · \. :-: l'olll At 1 ,1111111.r 1h.1mb1 r 1-:d ('r11r•1, :-..1111.1 ,\1.1 1h.i11rtn11 111 1· :-:. J11111"1 1·1..1111b•1 "' 1· 1m:111 "' l t!-.. :1n1. IHI If 1m1ll11·. .Jim Th •n 1 ""·:in• th"r I d \II'• ·1 r1•,,1 l1 nt. \\t18 11ul lll•'N Ill I •I f tt.lt1rt:· -~la.11 l'ho1t> 1' - 1 Bib.le Authority :college Speaker 1 WANT AO will cost you ~: .~.11 J c,,,,.• .. 1 '•·I. in'f'r·' s2so ti •1'\ tlh I f"t •r 1111•. I I' t 'II ' Hll''t •nt~ \\. II .-,,. , '11 I' f• ~ •'J f0 1 •• ft t.1 1111 \0 II • 'l - l' •. ,, .. , (011) .. rh111, 1" \ ·1 f tlt ... I I I ,, If , •• , ., .. ff h~n' ,h·• 111 I~ •• I ) • I I I 1 \'1•.j .. 'f' •11t1 nt ut 1 • :o-1 '' 11( l'1h a1 Lt'• 1 dUI• , 11• • r t 11·· !" ·• ,,.," t•r ~1, t ,\ 11 ' f I :-4, 1ifltJ II lll••t"llht'l' I' ·, 1 1 I\ 'l'I .t II·· has Wllll• n : '• f \1 1\' inl h 1h' t .l hl 'At ff•• t I 11:1 l"..t 1<1 1 1.-. ha\,. Rf'" I I ""' '" H "I'•'" :0..1 t):A~lllf', At· nl • ~I dll hi\', t h ,. ;\Iii•" 1"110 r, '"' ti (11 I 1!Hl1il11j.!:\. fln1 ! ( ~lit!"lif"I , f J•t 11• 1 'l!'· ,,u •·n~ ••th• !'I I·· 1 ~ "•l!"l-J't ··ii I u ~ 1 t ;tv~·l••il ,, i•h h· 'u J-:11J •1f1t', <;1 t•J.l L.:1 1latn l'.1. 1tn•· ~:i.;11" Sp11111 Italy I 1 '" ~ ·' 1 I :-Ol\'ll 7.•'rl 111.i only and it will run . 1n all 4 issues A Minimum ad is P~or~ Harbor 1616 . :\'1•w11orl l 111 rhor ~f'\\i.·l'rt•si. Montlu~" \\'1.,t1w-1t?ny ond Fri1ln~· rdition", I h1· C'ou~l.tl Sh1111p"1, \\'Nhll',;,ln.r "' lines. Plus \} J I•• I" ' ? Ill<' 11111 1 ... ,. I ___ _ nrP;• -·-----·--------·--·-------·---- '+ ,...,, 1'1 ..ti J\ .. I t'l'tl !f•fl Hn t IPJlll· ,,._ .. , J1 1111Lrh'l• n 1i . • \ h I \\, I 1 •tl"'lPr • ),u1, th'." h~l \·• 1 ' • n u \ t ti 1.. u tt ··n l l h· 1 ._, • t • ) I• I' I ...... 1-I \\ II \I •t •I .111.i :-:1 ,11•11:ol \"ti· I• ,, Fl·.• 1•1111 Due~ and Cover 1 ~0 Methods DELIV ERY GU.AJ?AN TEED .. L>C'lt\·1·r ~· of t hr· i\1•\rp<u l l lar·bnr !':c·\\·s-Prl''S~ as g-11aranh'<'·I. C'a t'rll'r buys w ill lf,•lt\'t•r !ht tr p:q11•rs bt'- furc ti p.m. on fllomhy, \'.'1•d1ws day and Fr1J.1y, If ~·our pap1·r ts r.11t dC'll\·en•J U\' tha t h1111r pl<'a:-.l' t:all llarbur Hi I li and ~·our rarnt•r will bnng y11ur 1••l)'t'r. l'!-.!!_t~~~~Sfin~t'fl9~~~-­ CEME!'\T & rHllLDING All l\1nf'ls FREE r.:;:TntATES LI bat y ·6109 -----------CA R~ENTER I Repair \Vo rk 1 lloo'" \"uu1 111•11" ;-;,., •• 1 Rr 1,•1rmr; lot Ht 11 1~11'11ng • t'nll ~·11111 11 l.lhu:y 8·69.\4 1\11 \\,.,k 1~u .. 11nt""" 74 t fa { ·0~1 Pl .J :-n ; P/\IN TINC & I '.q•C'r 11 :111).:tfl;~ ~l';'\'ll'C l"1'1;l":\I•: II !" \l '~;p~:ll!" '"it•H :t ~ ... t ~ft,.,,, ~r\\ pc11 t lh"lh'h 11.1t ho>1 :'~711 ur t hr ~ 1111 tr•· H ot t l I :-Oj 10•11,:t•ti; I lrl\'•'\l llYI P ARKING LOTS \\'r t u1111 .. h .u1.v l' p1• ntl tu ~111&r >Pf'•· '"" .111.,11. l.11q: .. J"l•s •1111\ll Jn lb .. ~, f'•• '''d Ul tt t ,., A J;o-.-\\"A- ft•r ~pr••ttd n,; ~li1.l1•rn .-c1u1p. n11•n1 1.1-:"lll;l•lll ll-•1~111 l ;,1. llh•lu 1\t l'.•.;r 111111110').:ton lit h . !Ille "A's'' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY rt I E :'\"I:\\' 111.11 h1n1• rm1·1·1<~ mrth• 11.t Ht .1 .... 11nuh11· 1u " •. ,. A vt•rati:,e :! 1.'I'" l<'1<11l .. nt1nl blm.t Only $1.00 Ol111tl• f•"l'illl •'11 Kilo! 11 h111lt. Sh own Trustees 1 • ('"'"~I"'' S•·h<111I l'•\1 h.,l•1·ic3 ·1. d ' \..! l l<·d l le·1hl411~.tll \\"1dn·~d.t\' ass1 1 ·~ n11.:111 111·1"'" 111 •. ""1' 1.1 ti"" I" ,;, • • 11",-~I ''""''''"'J'lt••ttl•'+l!1 t••1+11d1 l,11tl l ~ ,,, pl•''' r11 .r,.,,, ,f, f•l• 11n~ •.1. .. tti. t Ft,.,. l '11 k up nn.t 111•11 V•'I y \\'ui k tltoll" IJ)' 1tpp41nl 111c11t l 'hnn•• J.lh1 rtv b·:>ilJI nr t.; I mh<'rly :J.b.271. pptta H .H. HOLBROOK D~PENDABLE PLUMBING A Prompt f'llJ'lllt''1n ... 1111 l:t 1 1\'I d1l1rt•H' flfil t :1u1 H (JJ,111 •• t'uu u t v !·.:.t111•' "lt1U' 11d111 f'ht1l1•j.'.l .tph-. 1.11 •• ~. I i\' Jl•·1kltt1t•n lit•• Ut"\t11l-1 '••1\IH• I It\ f1•t1 rdlH\.!"" l1f th1• \1•1•'"" • ; • I' I I 11'th 1.1'" •• 11.t I h dd11·11. >..·I 1I1•1·1•11 lh1• ~.I•• I· · ·ll1o k .111ol 1 1 I 'I I I I\ 11 ·•· I• 11'•' f I "' • 11t I !'t' • 'tt t l}\"t' I'" U ,. )'lt:H'tll t'l•·U '''' 11 I t.\ Jl"liic'··r11 t n thrtt 1 "' 1111.:"' , r th· J·f•'L::' ''11 tun·t 1 h· • u • 11· :-0.11 I I.\ A, .1t1• u1 a1 t :\:t 11•11 1:1,uh ,,,.H,"4 till u ..... NE\\'POR1' HARBOR N E \\'S-PHt.:SS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL • HOPPER -\\'edm•stlays t ·oaMaJ :O-h up11 .. r i\11~ ruo .i I.int•'! I lns.·rtio11 4 Linr"I -I 1.iru"' :.? lni.1·rtion" 3 ln,c·rtiont1 4 ln..,.•rtlon' tu I hi' \\ r1lnr ,1J11\' ~"""·t'rr•~ ~ 1.110 u ld'I. liru-.. .:!.) t>a . 1.:141 111111'1. lio1·, .:!:1 1·a . :.?.IHI adJ 'I. lirw, :.?:1 t>a. u<ltJ'I. linr, .:!."1 t·u- • • ,,,., \ 1·1•1 ••110lt"u I· r.• ' 11'11+ •· in ~I lual ton \\ ant1·1t .\J, "Ill rr' • h,.. I:. •'•"'""''n1. < ...... h ht alh ..&nc"f• unh. :-;.111! I \I I -'11'1-'11 \I ,\U h I ... , ..... ~.If t J \• tt 11 ft• I .t I •. ,, t l. ·h· .... 1.\ t 1 11ol I .\J1 t, I \' n t,. f t ,. •'I I \' U'1 J t \ .\II ("lu,~lrl"d .\ti' lfllhl 11<• 1ual1I lu t t "'h In rt•h .1111·1• of l't1hll1 atl .. n. T l e I Ubh"'t.th ~ \\ .u Uul IA· I J I l,. r... I ' '. t tu111 I f I 111~ u n I J~ ... •t' 1U t1J an ;,it t11,l\t If• I !l lh t •tr•·•:,,· 1 1,, ... u\ •If\\ ttt1t ull R~pstr ~!'rvlce Maintained Phon~. Harbor •42t i1w1 Balbua Ulvd., Newpurl B"•ch p6p Alcohohl·• A.nooymoua W rite t>. 0 . Boa Sil N""''l"'lrl Uuc.n, Ca ll!. t•nune Har~ Hll~ 16-_!r_"..".:"J•~·~ta~~~n ____ _ FLY 1 1 It f.\1 IHlltt11• It•• tiohJ\ ,,•f ln tt•l"" h !ul t,1 I t t• 1 l UU) ,, t I ul • 111: 11116 It~ lu I ,1• .u I ff'• .,ti11·JU8 I I " 11 ;\1 1:-\ !'TOP 'y ,. ,,., ... it' \II 11 -"'ri 111• lht• fi '•t• t \ lh I' Id u.. ..... 11 .. kl111 ·11 I " .,,j l 'i.-1 .. 11 11; I :r • II ' :->1 1,,, ,,, 1. ,.,, J • If , 1 L11··•I 111 Ii. d 6 Club Slates Past President's Day 0 •1\\f111t t lf11r lu11 h7f\\,111 .. \\Ill I 1·•t • I'' 1.f•·nl...,. ! H lh• H tt •I fi ,, '" h1 t •• \II l \1at1f I fl ~'I! l •F ;\111 1 ~1.:-; fu1 1•1 1 11·!: 101 • 1111 •111111: a " ""' l*t+I ~h•tl 111\ )',,I u .11 'I l It ,,1\ t fl fl J IH :.1\ ) I h\. ·11 ........... , I I 11. l--111 ht lht ... ,. \ 1· ,. 11 I ••1 I '''•·•) i ' 'htu .d" n ".\\l'lll;'t II \llllll.C l'I 1\1,l,lll'c. I et. !?'!II llnll1H1A 111111 .. ·'""I'"'' u • ., ... i., l a lllurnla. Classif~ed Index I J llfH r(ll ·, u .1t'•'"' 1l ( Ht"•I •+f •• 1.111h-. :i ....._, .. I 1 .. 11 ''"'•Ullf l'ftH'Uf I I uru J .. I .,,,. • lur' 1 u Hu ,,. ...... '•itha- ~·:_~~'!'~'!'!1:; _ ~':r~~~---­ C ARP ENTRY 1\ll~UI ~ l ~EI 'AIH WURi' ·'ll lt>ll 11 IU ~;II Al.I. 1 '1111' At a 1 St\P , 1 H 11111 .t Tttp ,h,lv I t• r l .. 1111011 '"" tn /\11 J'f'lrt 1: ,, I lu1 t • I , •. ,. T11 k.-t l •rl1,,.rv \\ \~llJ:\1;·1 11:-;, II(' $\17 l 'l tll .. \l •l.l.l'lllA Si.II I• \I .I. \S 119 I •1. l't<• ii'!' 11•1:\tlJ l"t.I 'l\\\111\h I lll\.,\1,q .,., II Jo 11r• !lif Sia J 1111> $"" ~·.11 I:! I \\'. Ckt•a n B ini., I.. B. 11 I I ': \ 11 I I • I f • I ' • I I\ ,,, 11 1,11.11 nc ·:.111 tl•I, I ! U od ,, 1 .. "'• t 'u , ... 1 1 1·. r ... ,, 1 ••"' JI u A n1.••1 """ l•tl I ~; l':tll" a lol\•I , l1 1111o r !i .1U U• lhoa 111". ~ 114 I'> N 1-;,, 6 41l.t.'I ' • I • I I I II I ,~ \. J \I i..,u~ ;-.,,111 .. '''"" I Ii 1-; :lr1 l h i .1.11J6~ .. ... II I I \ ..... • I t 1 II' lfl•• t of I I • f n·11 , t. \ • h s ,,. r r• ' ,, 1.j 'lutr1· \ uur ( .1r It.• l t ot ..,: HI 1di l11h f'°; '·I ot1t-. II' II ,, ti • '! •• : •• 1 It \ .... I ' i n 1i.. t ••ttntl .-1o"ur u..i i , • " '-'•..oJ·1Ll.11 ... ll..1 ................. d!-...--"'..1l _ _,,, ........... _~.,..,,fl ... ... J, I 111 • • r LEGAL NOTICE '"· \·'!r. .. \1'! 'llTIC 111 I lit lllTllll~ ,1, ,,f 1,1 "1 I:\ I !>-\ :-;1•111?:\ • I ··I '\••'I I• 1· 1.-. llF'ltF'l>Y • ,J\"l-::0-: t I ,,,,.I, .. It•'. It ,.,.,, Jtil 'I, ... ""' 11 ,, II ... t l' t\;'4 Hl: 111 .. , lt· •. ,, I "' (.if• llf fll 11(/1 d ( 1 it• • ' , ,,_. 1•t•Jll \\1U ft, lt1t'11i' \ \ 1111>\.r" I Ill• i I'••' ''f lh1 I tl.t , tJ • ~ Ill • ' ., ( ti f1 " ' 1 ' ,, •ttl' \ .,, ... 'I· Ill I•. t hu • l' 11: I ~ , .. " It. :--t ,., I! 111 ttf •l f r If• t ,, . ' ' I I 1 t ..... f , , ' ' .,, JI I I..,,.,., \ 111 ~ • f ft, .:• I 11 t ",rt r J 1 ... ... .. l•t·•·. r t l 1). ,, II• J I' f I ·~ 0 \ ... , ' I r • t.~ ,. r t ..... , 11•1hl ••• I,, I! I h • I I •1t j s •\I Jiii.i•\\; ,,,'.".;,. .... , ., t f .... J .. ,. I f -I " '!'I II :I' \. t 11 •I !iU ,,, ... ,.I .it' .... " ;,11 \ '-\\hi''- ~" n \ 1•111t.e.nt •.• :ii \1 ~ul o I 1 .. 1111\' :i ! I ur1t1t ,.,, lur '•Ir ~! \ \Uittl'lf"' :u It ... : •. '"1'1'11 .. , :t i ''"'".al: 1 •• HU11, !i.J .... Ir.:"· ....... ,.,.,, ~ti J',.Ullt I :r1 t.h .,,, ... " :·c• \ utt., '' auu ,,,, ltt \Ht ""' fu r 'ti•• tu \ '"'"" ,\. l "nr 1 .. •I \ ut • '' r\ 11 r .t ! 1 r .•• 1, , ... I ( \tq tl.Hh • 17 \\ """ 11 111 llrnt t-t \pf' ,\ 111111, ... , fur 4'1· \ \pl' I Ht llrnt 11' I\ 11110"'' fHf f't pnt .a~.( I rwH• r 'l'·'' •· .tR 1:1 .. 1111 .. f••r M• r1' -~ \ J,1 '' f t 1fltt"' t I II K"'''" A Hu • .rd "" l( .. n • '••·· ••• c "'-!t1r•· ... ,\.. t1ru. "'• • •. c \ •~•t...in1 "'"' u . otal• It""' T'n rnt tnt; l'a p<'rh·rngrng "Th .. F111,·,,l ~l11t1l')' l'un Huy" Sympson & Nollar I of .! . .A I :-0' ;.., .. ,~.rt li 1 .. h l i+.. ....... ,.-._, ...-MfT'T.r: I •lfl:' 1'::11nt1ng-. lJccorating l'JI ~ r JI J11g1ng c; r:O. l ~U RKI-L\RDT 1 111'\.ll •••'\ll'\1-l••H ~."Ii \\ l':h SI t•,. •11 .\11 A I 11 .. 1 IY ... >-•·.!!\ G eneral Contractor I I.I• ~ '• :-1 I > tfrw \\t•rk -H1 m0dd1nJ: J Mll.'l1l:"\ .\11 l'E~l ll·: C ustom CABINET WORK '' . . ' '. 1, I ;i .. I .p Painting Contractor I 'C'om1 I• II-l'.11n1111;..: ~·, r\ 1• r .1 l I,\ \ti I ru • II• ., .. ~lfoaUIJ' Aid.A Superfluous Hair f"~r11 •rt• r lly rrmo•eO f rom lae9 81 .... IC i;• L) f llrowa Ud llAU tm.-•ll'llJ"""d Mo m6r e lwrdJIJf . 1:.W..t-:-. L. tm Y ANT R. It. L du • Salon of lkau17 Har. 2~. • lt• It • r 1 ... , i: ... ""' l '"'""'nlnl( l!I,\\ \ltl• uffrt1'<I '"' "· I 'I • I t 1 1 t ·•1t.11 l ~rank II !';1111111. ~I •• • " ~~I l!n. llun11n,;tun 11 ... , h l ,11._1 :.11111 11· vl11n1ty 14••l 12111 11. It 1 ti•'" lllv1I bn"' 11 111a1 .. I " , t.1111ol I ',1 II I.I I\ ISll"I\ •ir Ml l .. • • 11' t h I m lla1 ,1•.t•u f t It• J'~l ... k•f'"I hAA ld'U• 111 • n i.~n.r l'UI to:a111 llall~·" ,\I I •I JI /. l-."'4·hool"· lnt1truM Ion SC HOOL, DAY OR NIGHT I• n,\ '~I r1 ~ •r I \l~:i\T •-tr r, S"'U SI ,.., l•f"r Y. I . ~ 1. I ~ ' 11.:•••t• ~.r 1A At t .I:• I' ' ! • , . ;,c llthln." CIJ>f"••lun111 .... ... '"'"'" ·'•I I' I I • I JI :-;,,, 14 I • • ~ .. t•" I I 4 f II ~ ,'\'f1 tl ll lllll\11 Ill 111'1'1 I h til1uu ... 1 lrto 'a1t1• T '• ' ' ,. r '. ...... .. '. I j . t•h \100111 ' \\ .1nl• 11 .• , ft• •I t ... , ... ,, \\ ••nt• 11 ;,A l.•MI ''di "'r\ift~ fiu lo• nrtt•• f'r••,wrt \ 611 \ I .. n1n1o rl• "'· ln1l11•I rl"I HI 1; ••• 11 I .1,,1 .. t "honi: .. H! H•·.d t "''·•'• A:-:l'JIAI T TILi: l.l~Ul.I T .\I ' .. ~·r.n -1u 1 'I . ' I 1! I ,, 'I t" If ' • I flh:l •''Hf• .. ' I .. o It •' -----I.JI.I 1 .,,I 1: I L1 l ,'t I II, ,,. fl '111 , ... I. t l o\ I 1 \I" t 11 \I \0 I ~:'._;~~~;~.:.;:,~;:'.·.:.~-I '" ' PA'l~HING • Jj'l)j I• ~., .. 1,.,~t\ Th•u··ln,,. ''" M. Y./. ROSS \\It \, 1 I I I II ,., \01~ lJJ 11 l I t I • 1.11 A\.t' .'• l I r " 1.qu n . . . I,_ , ,,, I I Alh• 11 II ,\I 1 '" .,. } ~ti!• 1 Hul .. r I. \\ r .• ... \• f • •t t I • ~I"' •I· I I \\ I 1111.1.11'.~ f\TI "I! \l.no11: I\ \:I\ • 11 t •I \' .!-. f'11\ • •• t ~, ... ~ • \ • : I• 1' .. , t 111 •' t, ~~ ,., ..... if', J:• I 'I lt1 I • ., \\ :J.J,\JI ~ '• I ." 1 1 f 11 I I t t ,. tf • ' 1 • • • .... Please HAULING I , ... l I I .. \ r \ · 1' ... \ • ' ·' t' 1' I.II" 11 v >. : I I '1 f • 'l'\1 I • • llo f I ,. of 1 ~ I f I\\ lltlll.11;:1 \111•1• '" CALL O:'\''S • +• 1t•• ft "\\'H '"' r.~u,. '~ ,1Jl1· \\lrn ''' •u.r.111 •r•' ''' \\'11l ''•'Ir tL,I •• tt1" "•tt1n l*"~'t.' rnt. 8 fh •t'•ri~ 11 tlr·1" \ \r•i'lNI •• I .• f ., "1 •. I~· I 111 r .. f• u.,,. hr l' '" t• I ... "If '4)1 r v. ii J.IA J1)' 1i1, l n, ''"" k"'lf' .\•1U J 1•51arr tHr-t t1\'e 11 •J\•r· 1'1 I\ .I •• \I /ir'tt•d I hA\"" h<'I"· \ .. l!lJ:. 'I( 11 , •• 1 1- 1 ... , 'I ., ....... , 11 I• ~l ' \I ... •f BOYD'S H D\\.K I \', f I'\:--I HI• .11\'. \ ·, f 11 '. \ .. ... ' ,. ff l '111 t .. 1 & l '.q• rn.1 ·1:i.: \ \ f' ii t ti I• \\ • I k 11 11 "' , \' 1 • •• .. ' •4 '\r f I Ir I I.. t•i) .... ,, •• t !"•"I ft ~ q d o I ,...,,,,, .,,, r, .... ('••' J 1hr·n1r LI 1'·.!C\ 7 6:. LI \.,j'_! ·!t \It It • ' I ~· t ti I 11 n' I It 'I I II rr. ~ ... , n ,. ' ,,J t• •l tt. '1·1\' "'.J \••ar ln (l1r ··um t• tn ptr vil,. 'nuntl "'1· f~ •.• 11'-i ltlfJ: At• f r~t fd1q\"""''Pt , .... ,,,re '''"1 ,~. Af j h·~p you "'l II 1 \1.1/~·; ,. ' ltl•f.J l!T I \\ ILl.\lfo:SI" il-tl\n•lort.: I• •1111• I• I.'"/;,,, :'<h· 1 • "r 1• 1 •'1 •-:"lp11 • • 1'£\\"S.PR f,.t;;S A lr : •• '•, .. ,,I n 1; l\•:.11 c·1 r I ArJ I r '.\' I ai:i;t 1<'1 I' or • . &-rnl ~hnt .. 11 :-.~"•·l'rc.•a It 23 31l,12 i,H,19~ H.ARBOK 1616 'Io I t .. I '• 11F It J •' t ' 'di I. f Iii!. ~ • ,, ' I .I It .,..,., 1 ~ I' \~ I.\ t• 1 •uh ' •, -:1 China Painting l tay 1tt'1J I I I OIOl I llUI•"• t)t•l•·rit t t1k •" N f'w I 'I '" I , I II• 11 \' ~ !>&HI Ditta Swedish II 'I H ••• ,,I \. I I' • II 1,,, I.I Massage •I 111•, I ••I In ,. r 1 ~ • "'• \" ··I.H I , thuh•1r t l• "'' ... ·•·. : I I 1·. 111•1,J:•. "' lit" I 11 .• 11 .. , I I I.or I t .,,,·1•. tr l' t t t" • • A; I • I ... f • h I • • !• '. •• I t • I IC I I • t I 11 , •I .. , . I \\I •l:t: II,\ It\ b ll· , I •. t , 1 1 r •·, ,...... '• I , · 1,.: t 43• I 'o PAINTING 1: Y 111 •' H ~ 11 I ••1 110 It" Jt•l>t 11k )',.11.11 , .... ,,. ,.,.,, L.l~rlv 8·2722. • Roy's Maintenance "°'1H cleanJnr-rtoor waxlnc Wall waahlng-wlndow clean1n1 Venttllln bltnda. Uphol11tery lnsured. Fr~ .Esllmatea Liberty 6·1332. Hie 29-llf'lp \\'ant.ed ___ _,,__ Real Eatate Salesman WHY SIT LlKE A f"ROC on a log! I \Ve 1trt snowed under with pros· .. pt-<·ts. See c1ur office and r~ad : : our ronimt~slon r!lnlra<'t You·11 1.C SO-B-Apl!_liaDtt9 SO-B-Appll_;an~----' NEWPORT HAR601. r .J~\· ~-P~::~s -r/.~T ! I I r'AGE I USED APPLIANCE BUYS WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 14, 1955 GAFFERS & SA TI'LER table top gas range . $49.50 GAFFERS & SATTLER white table top ga.s range with oven control .... y........ . ...... .... · · ....... $79.50 S2-Funtltur~ for Sal~ ll)-A utrui ft nd Tntt"kt' ------- -----· I B ABY 11tttl'r. mature wo man. By WESTERN HOLLY gas' range with oven control very clean ................................................................ $79.50 STl DlO N Ul'h, or rtu l1I bf'd 1 no bolstt>r& I M a t t r e " 11 &-B<1x l pnng" 30" x 7r. 111mple Jlt'J.; lrg-s. Uke new. $20. Ll 8-46:14 SALE OF SALES YEAR END CLEAN UP USED TRUCKS hour. day (Jr week. Good refer- ences. Har. 074&-J. -t2rH Experienc'd gar<lene r LANDSCAPING Seven Islands Realty & lnvestmen,+ Co. PRE XMAS OFFER KELVIN ATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. ft. ··-·-··---$59.50 GIBSON 6 cu. ft. Refrigerator ......................... -..... $64.50 4 Ip 3 PIECE SET Heywood-Walk· f1i'ld 1111Jple t>n1I table11 $3\l n pr GI~• lop cof f«'e tallle $3(1. Harbor 3326. and CLEAN lJPS Llberty 8-1659 !'103 :J2nol Sl. !'>ewpnrt flf'•wh Calif. 30ttc Har. MM, aCtcr r> p m 1 lar 2'.!!•3·J 39trc Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs WESTINGHOUSE 7 cu. ft. Refrigerator •........... $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerator 5 ! :! cu. ft., left hand door $89.50 KE;LVlNATOR 8 cu. ft. deluxe Refrigerator _ .. $99.50 KENMORE wringer washer deluxe ---··-·-····$45.00 EASY SPIN DRIER, deluxe model ···-···--·--···..$59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model •... $99.50 L & H electric range, oeluxe model ..... ·-·-······-······$99.50 SZ.A-AntiquH I BUY AND SELL WE HAVE HAD THE BEST YEAR IN 25 YEARS OF SPECIAL. IZING IN THE SALES OF MOTOR TRUCKS. DUR I NG THE BAL- ANCE OF DECEMBER WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON A USED TRUCK THAT IS REA. SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR P R E S E N T ST 0 C K • OUR STOCK INCLUD. ES P!Cl(UPS, PANELS, ST AKES AND DUMPS. ALL MAKES AND SIZES. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF TRUCK EQUIPMENT. EXPERIENCF-0 & P.F.l.IABLF: -- woman wishes b11 by sit t •ng 1111ys or evenlngi.. G<)l)ct refl'rt"n1·1's. Own transportation. LJ 8-5 i06, -t2r H CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance :r'hrt>e yl"ars exp,.rlence this locality. Call LI 8·376~ . ----H tfc WILL cto baby Blttinic 111 my home 5 tl11y11 $10 . 3031-. • 3:tnd St Newport Beach. H l'46 RELIABLE JAPANESE- A M ER I C A N WANT S GARDENING IN HAR- BOR AREA BY WEE K OR MONTH. HYATT 4-5471 \\'.'\:0-:TJ.:lJ .\!~I~ ~lnJ:'!'r 111 1:~1" I to JO in t fin. M lll<l he 111 !t> ro l'lnJr all rarls harmony , Llh<'rty EHl 121 9 II.Ill lo 4 p.ni 4'.:rH ~()-~flsef>tlanf'OU8 Chapman's Custom .Draperies 10-day Delivery T op Quality W orkruanshtp Guarantl'ed FREE E STIMATES ln Our S ho p or Your Hom .. Bf<:OSPREA OS· -SLJ f' COVERS All new material patterns or hit and miss See our selection of importC'd china, English blue, scenery and vine & wheat in brown. The t;ouse of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. MAIN ST . CORONA ('ORO~A 778 l\IOV1NU AHOL:T JAN. lsl 1.'lTO N EW Bt.:l LDING WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE HOLIDAY SPECIALS New 195!l TV I~STALl.ATJONR w A s 11· Fl s I d D 2•8• Nc•wpnrt Blvd. Lt 6-li671 ' e re e 1ng oor amp es an emonstrators <.:011tu. Mesa. 43r43 WESTINGHOUSE '.?l" Blond(' Console. ALL GUARANTEED WASHING MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WRINGl!:R TYPES SEVERAL TO SELECT FROM ALL REASONABLY PRICED-BUDGET TJl:RMS-FRl:E DELlV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 4.20 East 4th St. Santa Ana Kl 2-2336 30-~lscellaoeous Attention Knitters WF.LCOME to my new 1hop. Comfl In and help nae build toward your need' tor needlecraft. WHl.RLPOOL 1&utomatlc gaa dryer with automa tic Ignition. Reg. price $289.96, Sale price $199.9~. Free tnat&llatton, No down, 2 49 p•r wk. No payment uru11 19~6. THRONSON'S 1816 Newport Ave Costa Mesa. tt 32-Furnlture for Salf' EARLY Al\IERJCAN rut. colored, pattt'm glllllll-Prlm1lfvt's-An· llque furniture and fin,• •·html. THE BIG OLD RED BARN E . FffiBANK Kl 3·3241 13861 Harbor BlnL, Gar1!cn Grove 381•;11h ATT: Antique Owners Repair Ci'lrNA, GLASS & BHIC-A -Bf'tA(' I r:tr11nor O 'l\t'••fe x:l2:l Wtolkt>r J A c kson 7 -~7 77 l'yprrss t ( :iS-Boab. SuppliP_s ---- Yacht Remodelin~ Service 38p60 PRACTICALLY n e w matt'hlng Regularly $2~H').93 With your· old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 Sit N' Knit 313 E. Balboa Blvd, Balboa 32tfc Year Around Pleasur~ GIVE LASTING GIFTS -ALL NEW- Jolnerwork Rl•linl$l11ng Rrp1111·lng. --------------tablr larnp11 & Rhflll<'ll Half ori· F ree E.stlmot...s. H 11r 42R·l -\\' ZS-Help Wanted ARE YOU TIRED OF -P'IGH'NNG TRAFFIC CROSS ·TOWN -ROUTINE INSIDE WORK -LOSS OF PAY FOR VACA· TIO NS g in1I «lllll. L.1 8·~467. t 3t'I~ KATEY DOANE Nearly New Apparel for women and chHd ren. We dfl nll k1nrls u! alle1al1on11. 272i E Cv1<11 t Blvll . l<lnoJelltJ PalltJ, C'o11,na. ct.•t l\h1 411<:~3 PHILCO 21" Consule with GolJen Grid Tuner. Regularly SS39.95 \oV1l h yqur old TV NO\v ONLY S2l9.95 ALL SETS . FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE MARQUETTE Arc Wl"ldtr. (new) 3 hp Air Compressor, 220 Volt nlngle phuc. :See at PATCH'S 17th St. at Placentia . LI 8-7608. 2llt SMARTEST TOO FOR SALE Royal porU1ble type· PLATFORM ROCKERS-Swivel w riter, like new $75. Call even· ba11e. Plut1c arms cl heci1!ret1t. mgs Har. 1881-J. 42cH $59.50 value ··-at Bay $39.95 !Ck 1;,h CARVER Cruft 10 ft lilWt'<blo·r re mule r•.rn tr11I wh1•1•I, 1·111 top loader. A lm ust IH'W . $1!1:• S1"' aftt-r 6 p. m . · Jr1 1 t•a1.d1110 D11ve at n•a r •l;ltl(' It FT. ti LA s::; B l •AT, n1•\\ 1..:,"' - w. w . GMC WOODS DEALER 61!'i·l!l 1-: ~th ~t Ana ( lf'•·rt :0-1111 I.I\· A :II rudC' ntolor, HU \''unlioh. !'{'" 1Tf \1tl< h··~11h,111 t•,,. f•H t ···~re ·,,, l!''"nlng11 512·'.llllh SI , ="•'"I"'' t DAVIS-BROWN PORTABLE: MANGLE, THOR -NO CHANCE F OR ADVANCE· llg-htwelght CIMhrnn Xlnl l'un · MENT J1tlon. $:.15. l11tr. :ll2 ur L.l 11·1·1112 He1J•h. ·1 11 ~1\ H I W ' PLATFORM ROCKERS-All phts• -aus ~en-. dl'SOn tic. SttlJ a choice of colors H · PLYWOOD ho11t w ith "111d ·: Apply 1030 I!:. Ftut Sl. Santa Ana, Mon. to Fri., 8 :30 ._ m, tu t :OO p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -Hu lnteruttng out • of • doora job& for hlgh achool graduate& 18_.6 Wllh llOm" mii<:h1U11ca.l aptitude. 6-day, t O hr week. -t3c4~ N AME TAKERS ror Laguna Reach • South Laguna City Dlrl"Clory. Good hand wrlUng 4'.Uenlla l. Wrltl' 20.. E. 1th roorn 7, Sllnta Ana or call Kl 3-3681. 2JlJc t;l':NERAL HOUSEWORK 6 1J11y wnk. R~ferencH, 3 adulu. Mlu•I have own tr&111portat1on. Har 6880. -t2c•• Beacon Personnel 100~0 employer retained a g1mcy NO FE.I!: collect~ Crom applicant 0 3·31.at Newpon Bn ch LOOK AT THJS AD Earn $8 • 14 da.il 1885 H arbor Blvd., Costa Mesa LI 8-3437 f>PORT t 'AH ( 'l·::'\TER STOVE, <'rn"h, """enr•>rt & n1atrh1n~ c·h1tll It lllll" lll'ms ' H11rb<ir 66i!o •31• 1:1 Attention Artists For all Your Art Ne1•ds S I· : City Paint BEAL'TH~l·L d11.p1•11, J p1111 llnl'ct & plPntNJ pun~l •· 11llh :J'.'., len.i;- t h 81'' $81! :? likr rw~ •·l•.,\llC I •IUtd1 ov•·n~ S.1 a f•I• • <' 1·10,111 1 bttlh IU<llll «UlllllO< & ,11.,\\••f 112 1·urta111 .,.t s:i Call llH ll)(Jr .& Art Center \V. 4th Sant.a Ana 4.k ... 1' •.>f3~M 'KI :!·•!JM! Fresh Hearing Aid BA l'l'l::HI f-,1' We Give :Sll<H (.;reen Slampa I Gun derson Drug Co. I Main S t. at 6&!boa ljlvu .. Ba lbm• Harbor !.IC;. l;llttc THE £NTlla: FA~llLY \\ t ll PH;11}' ll I r ••• I ull ,., t •• Ill p•11 ul>J • l\'lW\o\ I , ''I I 1t 1~ ··I I: I I < ~ ... E<'onomy Offh·,• Equ1pn ... nt l'n. I I I'' I\ l T\\'J:'>l Hf::fl ~E1' ~11111•\ '""''I· .'(,nl • An" !'lll' puuw. "llllJ~hl """ !obi• - • • """'"'· t·nrnl'r l.l'Jnk , ....... L.lfaf'r Wl';IIHIT J.:n,.11.11 ho•)• Ir , antu111 .. b1 1t• .. 111111-. •J•I 1111.. ""'Y"1 $1 1. I''"' w ""' '""' tll• .. •love Mr1ddle IOfl, 4 'hlfuu .. lull' ::!#:! l>rl Mr" '"••t.1 .\l.,•11 •lt>oU., oh••t ot •Ill'"'"'' 1'.ill 1.111 lllloi 4.lc l \I f'V•l'nln,K• H ijo 2327-\\' <1:!'41 I Me~a Woodcraft BAMBOO t'np.1in• .... 1-& .l 11\1·nd• h. 1111111· DRAPES sH~~~r~~t:~~. ,s1~.~~·i".~~.! ... z.tn• Ul• k'. '•"11 furn ''•••ti•' 42c45 LARGE 14 FT. REFRIG-$69.50 value .... at Bay $49.50 11hleld. 11t····nn..: Wh•'1•I '""'"'" <'onlrol.11. 2:'> hp J ••lln;.•111 1 l1k. n..w1 2 wh~t'I tro1l,•r t"llll'l"t•· $6~10, .IAt:1 · \I! 'I 1: CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Uh; S A\' l.'\CS un >rt'\'cral Splnl'~ I'""'"" 111uh1Jprny, w~lnut. 111 q11t • lllunlic ttntl I-rt'nl'l1 Pro· '1n1 Hd < t•.~··~ L !)J .. •1 nl trut1e.11t \. U•l\ \'lih '•ll let It :it Ut S 11.\1-'E RS 1 Sill<" l !l(li I FREEZER RECLINER LOUNGER CHAtR- PluUc arms, ht!adrut A foot· COMBINATION re11l. Steel frame. Foam cush- REG. SELLS FOR $579.95 toning. Lll<E NEW NOW $185 1 $109.50 value ... at Bay $77.50 DELUXE GAS DRYER & Bl'NK BEDS. HARDWOOD SAL- EM FINISH. Complete with lad· AUTOMATIC WASHER dt!r, guard rail, 2 aprtngft, 2 1:!1 1:::~ :"\ ~y.111 111>11-. Sanl1< Ana WOULD SELL NEW fo r $600 lnnersprtng mattruea. Converta RE-BUILT AS GOOTI 'tl>'tWTroc-~ AS NEW . . ........... $189.95 $129.50 value .... at Bay $79.50 CHRISTMAS SOFA BED. FOAM RUBBER ORGAN SPECIALS! ALSO SELECTION OF cushions. Converta Into full 1<l:te t.<n 1;1. 1 ""'•I H.111>1111•nil Sp1r1·I GOOD USED REFRIG'S bed with g ood Innerspring matt 111 I"• :u 1 "'" .11.un ll•o: "'" 1nil~ FROM $49.95 & UP. $249.50 value ...... at Bay $177. I •~:.\ti •:0-:STlt,\ 'f( )fl ,, .... 1 .. 1 M in-TERMS TO SUIT :I PC . SALEM MAPLE DINETTE Al'i->1'1:-\·lll:AJ.t-:\ ALl·'A W o..11·:• • l! .. :Si\I l.T 12' PLYWOOD r1:w1 i:lr."""" h•m1 with 16 hp JuhnR"n & 'l Wh• ··I trllllrr 0111\ $~i". 1 :-;..,w I .1 ..... 1lr~ ,o;. S""'"'" t •l('nll I "'I I 11 ~ .\11 ~IHk••S 1111• 12' CHRIS-CRAFT f!lywo .. ct h<u11, l'"ll••l >illd 1,,,,1• 1, l:'lfl(l tra1l1•r & 16 hp • ·1\1 1~ 1 ·, afl ,,, ,1 · tllOLOr. All •n \\'!)' i:•~J<l 'vn· --SU ~l.\l;'>I ;; r l'A:O-:TA A:>:A d1Uon $2';~ I Kl :: Cl7,.il BAI.BOA tro~T'5AT.~S 300 ·w, c.,.1~{1twy. · LI t'-;11n JAt.;l'AH ~J-1t ... a<.1,1.1 1,c1,11 • miles, ntw tlllJd•·"" 1111 • l<,\ II \\' ~\\'. P rl!«' S:I l ;.o Iii 1I1 h , ... I Se1 VII'<' L.I 1:1·-'4 7i I ~I• H; 34-Musical, Radio, T V I 1!1:;2 llAto :11•t f~l .\'P I 'c 11 'I'\ :\11·: • .;A l I ~ 'I I '41 Buick $125 -..11111 "''"'"I uq;1111 like m•w SET. 42" round table. • apindle ~· .. .,$..!IHI JAKE'S back eh&lra. -4clle aeat. C HRISTMAS TRI!: AT S $46~ $127 IU\ &J ... t Ba •07 buya lovely B&by OMlnd. E<uy !'i('I! HOT .ft HOR, o~r: CINI,\' .. 1 .. rt1t\nlr orglln $6~11 APPLIANCES .<JU v u ..... -•. • y ~ term•. Another 1496. Ma.ny l,11!11 111 t o ~ .... ,. <'"n''f'nlrnt trrn11 1937 Harbor Blvrt. IOEA.L PRACTICAL C lrl' F'OR othl"n : Kna b<!, St.ernw&y, Kim· 310 Marini' Ualbo!l 1"hrncl "'""" d• l"••tl wlll ht11d Kn )' LI 8·060-i Coat& Mee& TEEN·AOERS. 10 PC. TWJN ball, Monarf'h • Dat.Jwon Stnrr, I''''"'' .. r "•I. rn fm Clir1111u1u -t4c-t6 B&OROOM GROUP. lncludea 2 M1t11<Jn & llnmlln, Wurlitz•·t, 1 '" 1·''' 'Y' firm lnn1•rJ1pnng matlre.llllttl JOU pl11no.. 1•1\\'H\'• p ,,:-.;z . Grant w. Musick !<111.\1 .'!:.• ·~Ill•,. l!1t1i 1 19 fol l"l'HIGHT . fre,.ur 8e8l flmportl'd Helglan llama!lk tick· Sl'H~llPT Hli; I''""" Milli u1p.r1 ·~I 1:.; N ~' .• Hl•1•• l'11n1.1 Ana CJ( ron•httCln $3~0 w 8-lfl30 lng 1 2 matrh. box •Pring•. 2 st ...... ::.20 :-; Marn SI. Sl\11111 1 Your Hudson Dealer l'h""" h l11.lu•11_v 'J ll<li'.1 H~l46 I f 2 k An1< meta ramu, bo(> C't•.111' tiew-_ · S ALES and SERVICE o,..,W .. <'•""''' • c '1 ,.;..ri 1 hl•rt• • -KdrtKl'H.otv r Jll~r> Philco l><'IUll«' boarcb ul1thng panels1 2 -'«Ir 18 1.,e fa mily tiu. Rf.' ... )llMHffl rhl"•U ,•·n ·t: DOLLARS 1wr m 1°111h ,..,,1., 253 N. Los Anb<>lcs KE5-7278 --------"'""-~ .. "":11 ...... ~~ l1•[tlt\lflll :--;,,,. \\'""" J •(IJ( I'.\ P.l.L I ••. \ 'tiHfi it • ~'"" r1TTtrtr·rrr f"' t1'h••· -nrrt-tl f'" t,...., ,.tit 1111.111. Ciiio< 111 .. .,.. ~ •• II r<•r $11'1 1;11 ·~ " '"' i::o(l(I prno l 1r1· p1a1111 EnJny n iur Anah••l111 •21 fc h!!a 11111_! ~CJIO!~ ve elabu cr~ . .;i$.,,i3t.Jl9,JJ,,,.50'11.1-XVJ1aJ.._u"""e-_.._LULJ1-....;i.~41-1 t nrtMrtilri with hlWit r;;vn1 ·-----------w., m .. n or all &gr• durt"r•ttly D"tdtd al onct . •:am whJlot you ltam p1actlc1l nura1n( H1,11 8'·hnol l'dUt'a l1on n<lt nel'drd. .U LAmbl'rt ~-7:.21 o r w nt .. C AREERS JN NURSING. l>• pt l tl, 4016 W.·, Cvmmunwulth, F\illerton. 33trc GrRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! 0 1Jr nl'w, hlgh,.r atarllng w•g• a.nd frequent lncreut'a ~wu } uu lhll opportunity O~ntnit• nuw lot - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We w1U train you •nil you'll re· I Ct'lve many othu ben~fllJI -Apply tl1'~ No. M ain Strttl, Rm. 211, &inla Ana, I r•i. t 1,.r n • F •Ir A II I 1r1 "" K lllU II C'llrt'41n & T o."' r•r Rt•I• i;,.., Th,.ni I In I 11•pla) I n lh11· ~'"'" SANTA ANA TENT & AWNIKG CO. RA:"'TA J\ "•' 111211 ~ MAUI, Kl 2 :l~I:\ si.o:r.1. n :-; n:1~M~ 8 Fl ri>;1.1cATr:s~1-:=--,o, •1·.o o:-:•: e 11 r1>r11g• r11 t111 f -,.1 (l:>;E JAi j;I' '"'llHl1•'1 I r· fr Ii;: $; l I S<.:AL•-~. H:• I c:n :-;1101,A $Z!\ Call .. -..nn I.I 11.1122:1 1uo1n1tti:• ·• art"r ., I'm 1111<" Firewood l'hnn•• 1111 \ or J{] ;.~,119\) 2'ltlC' 9 00 to 4 00 p m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE • sen-.· n ~t<\\' a : 1•ro ... , • 1 .$' z·. 'WOMAN for part tlm" J!lb 1n arcounllnit nffirt M 11-t i,.. I jl'OO<I t ypl•t nut h11 n'1. lam1h1u Wllh p r. tu: hi ht hkki: ltl'ply In Cl"''" h"n•I w111tni;: 111 Box R ·86 t' o th•• l'"f"'r •2H< MEN-WOMEN GROCERY cuh1tra an<! ~fF.A T wn ppera. S80 -$ J l')(l v. ,.,.k. ~ Spurgeon, SAnta An11 Ph KJ 3-eaoo Sl'e Ad ClaAil 24 I 32<-411 HOl'SEKF.F.l'ER ('UOK "-Ith 1 own t nrnsf'Orlal 1nn t.wr nut l.I IH'•33i . 4Zt 44 f:l..,tn ,. •t .. .-1 ~""' S17 -.o r . rt a bl' "•\.\ •ni: '11 u h S i~t An t 1<p1• 111 .. k f.1n ,\r,1 q1 .. 11111• '"'"' $1 I T\ •• . S~!I "I" "'u ~u t •• , s.7·, r 1~"'' ·• d Sii ·~1 "·••I .... , .. Sil • .j ~ I •h"'' 1Al> S in ••11-.·• S I:~ Jhr '""' ,_ "'If r 1f •' I J211 •tt• 1 nf ,,t.i \II fnlf '" ' tH'tt. I .i.t NW·ltrpt $~ H • '-\ \\ trH ht IJHn l•w " ,.,.~t $t7·,11 H111•• 111 111 A '-'''""' h;••h tr•'''' Si .._ •• ff ch1h' r1 h 1~··· ,, 11"1 •n•l• lttA1h C•f tdil 1 h1n' Jtld )f'\\ 1•\f \ 1~r11 J'»I •Ii•' w' pt• t•n•·• . •lftr"" <'UI j!I~•• •lroi:h 11" I• ••Ir \\'•· b11v ~'11 Ill •\it· inrr • 111 •111• Htc ~,,,,.~ .... ,1. n• '·'' •n v. 1 our lAr Ji;'• ""'' 1 f~ SALES P•::RS01"NJl:I, tu work full C'llAIU.1 .. • PA \'Ji' or part tlr'11" In 11..-111 11prlla nr·t' I RO:> F' /\ n 1h r1111 I 11 atnr" SalP11 Pt<pf'tl<'nc:'e pr,.f,.rr ... t I I U·: ;;.:,n11o \-\'nll' <1 .. 111.1111 & it"·" phon!' :>:n ;-. , • . to Box S~86 thill n\'W!IP•r<"r Q l 1' K :-Al.I-. ""1111'"1 '' lllll••ll•.11 1• U r.f• \\AflhE"r In \Jut \\1• ~ ,q,fr• I IA~lk!l oll.ty >,:·, Al··"._ ·I I""" \'ACHT Cspta m t1nlfln1"n 1nm· 1ni;: hn\! 7f.111 t h•• si..:;.•1 btnallon 106' 1w1n All11~ m••tor ).'\.H \\· l!nlhl 11 l<o•d II i""' cruj11tr. Lor&I rt!t-rtn.-r rt'b I ~ 11 •; Good WO"' &nd •b•llt~· LJ~rty 11'\·1no11 ,, \1-ll'l I\\ I 3 .. :\61 () 4:lt•-4:• , • ' ., • ', • .,,. n nu' •r \~1 \ t•l r•• 1 t 'u 111•t• '' FOOD A COCKTAIL :Z:'>JO (.'c>ut H 11Chw11y, Beach. :-; <'"''T'"' l .:lc-4!'1 M.AN to mlllntaln l!ll1l~at 11t<'ii•IY b.-lt $!t0 (\\)~ 1, f. • r nl.-.1( t • r1Ul1l ,u•I ,\t;.1 .. ' h~ CHRISTMAS )Ob. (ond p11.y Wntt Boll ::T-1!7 NAVY ~l'RPI.l 'S ~·p, nc; :II F: N rare thu1 P"Ptr 43r4 ~ 8l.ITS. Crt1m $JI' t>i $,:: •. ~·"'fl EXPERIE:"CEU b<.wll b111ld11r• 1 "''&ntfd. A pjJI)' Mr O av1s. '25 30th St . NtWJXHl ~a\h H r46 n l't'\I r!'J;'Alf ~l.\J{l:"C: ~H'HPl.l S n .), 2i•4l S" ~l111n S.1nt<' Ana •.:ru WOMEN. lllt'no. bkkpr cl nth•r~ I Chri11tm 1~ l..!l)·A\lil)' MEN', •nginttrt mKhanl<'al. rl~· 1 S111all I•• po~1 :. tronlc It rht'mlC'&I: .. in. i r n· \\Ill huld An~· ln~trun rnt fltal It olht rw \\'lll~t s,.1,., 1111n "r ;-,,,n•r l\1 in l• JUNE FARRAR £)(P'L. AO CY l Stlm,.r e K in;: e 1)1 :~ e M1u1 1r1 40:Zlw-Und st ... acroea Crom City ROONEY Mt:SIC STORE Hall •tc•e 910t p \J. Blvd .. LE 9-77:.J. 4tct 6 J. I hl\t I .. , '" • t .. '~I I •ti '"' ~. 1" Hn,I kr111d 11 ti •h l.• tu\ f h• 't~ tt•. tH d • 1tlllf'•'t fl I 1 I I c I t s' ~;. ll •th•t ,;; ,.,. 110( (..,. .. \ ,1\\,,'t ftlillf\ Jif('''t'.J-; IJt•ll•·· H,14)••1a.i;h 21:!1 l1 .11t••r C'~I l,ll•""' I> 11.1 ". •1~·1 la I.Oii•· ''"' 1(,11 l .... ~nt,•n r•7 , I 4 ;lo I!, I :44 II\\ I:":>: l'.111lh• 1 "1lh •,•llt• fcok I.; ~r\' l h Jt•tltU •' 1 •fu 1 "''• ... .,. •• 1 •• , ,.It '" r .. ,. 1 t,.~, t•1 1 Jz·, -.,)il t ut tH I! , I t ., t•ttt clt'll ~ht <'••I ul h ·r ii•• d 11,..,,,, l lCI; •:'••ii ~:1.~:· IHll' l'H ,, I;>.; "1lh ' J'• I !II 11.: I f!lllk I ll 'ttt' f • \f ,\ t f• I t ,11J\A tt1 t"H' ft\ht10 t t ~m j ,,_ •\ f 1111 '· 1: .. 11 .... llh t 11. ..... -;-: • -~j .... ROY ~ Rll~l·: -Englt~h lri - d1;m !'t••,ut. fully 1'<1u111rwt1 & E:"\l'F.LLE:'\ f cn11.J111"n Only ,.:!."1 C.11l I.I ~ I !•,Ci t"i'lllnhl! ur· S 11111!.1v 4 Ir I() I • ·1 • I :{I.' I ·1 I ' ' I' ~ t1 It f,t• .• ..-, ... l'AIH • '1111 1 ,,,,, 1• .r, ., • i •'1 td l. t1 J '•I 1~ ' It t I ,, UI . s.:. j I t. . .. lt 1 •• ,, 1·• IU•t 11. 1r1 \ I I• ' •\ 1111''" Tl'• In :'\h "' . ' It • " .... t~ l I " '· ~"" Christr.ias Dinner Tl'l~.._l·. \ :" 1:1-:1-::--r: I >I "<'"" l , lJCI\ ENS Frt•.·h drr,1:.-.1 -lh·1.·n rt'ady ,, . .. I.\' I'll••:-.~: I\ I. l '> Tc 1 Newp ort C ity Poultry f I •• ~ ' 'f'' \ ' I ~ ... , .. 4.u l ' I J'f'r. ShrlVO'ft In lhl" door • •II l ~ \ L • ·1 r l' 6 c I 111 extra.a, 0)'r g11111iU'ltee nothlnic 18 P C BEDROOM GROl'P -In· 1'''"11"' 1'11111"" •1.~ ""' 11~ SJ•, •1 r lh < 1 ' 'l A l •.At', $il'. "I' A ll "' ••x«•ll,.nl 1 ''"' l ntw f'Hlllt. \\'\\' tirrA. upholatC'r· 10 pny <111wn 1C rrt><ht 0 K by llUtlPa 6 <!rawer <loubll' drulic>I .11111111 l •A:O-"'l. • ~c·11~tlJIT l!11.: 1111r """J'tt1111Hll\' <lt>11n. run• &1l ,. PR e 0 J•1 •• n .. 111 .. 1 1111:1111 \"" .o:.!11 :>: I(•""'· f l.1~0 '""" ll1111>11r 7<Je. B k 1 l ym nt r 111113 dut' :111:0...411 1111 rr 11r, toookcue hr11.•I I In 4~ OllY" Bsl <lur i.11 S 1117 fl• h1tartl. :l n11:ht at Hn•la, •IC'epm11~ M J\111 1-'I S,1111" A n11 •Ztrc Sri' a nytlm" (JAY or Evr al l'• t trr 1nnrr~p11n1: 11111llre1U1 1 Jo vr \\' Cht<JlmRn (•rnni:r J(HAr11.nt r ,.1. b•l'I .opnng. ""'tal c·.1111 c 'nllt•• l K•: x-M!Ji. f1nnw SEO AUTOMATICS S39 .50 to S99 .50 1~ to c h<,.,.e !rom I '••llVl'rl"• I 1n•l 11ll1 .. 1, ic1111.r .. n1 ••ed T"rm1< 11\'11.olllbfr Henderson's Au q11 kltC' \\'tu•ht"r :o;~r' t•,. .!fH<, :-;, "1••rl Hl\•I . 1'1111t'1 :'ole~11 I.I "' ;1111~ 1 n~111 I :t•l( ( 'u11r11r 1 4utf· S279.5-0 v;i lur at Bay $17i Bay Furniture • '"""''" l'llf'"" Alt' fl•'"' Al HHV 4Z'i' t: 17th C'olllA :II• ''' ~ 1 "e ~tur "''<JOI 1'111 kiu;: T 0•11111> Open Eves. 'til 8 BEDROOM ~ETS 6 & 9 f>RA \\'F:P. drt>!llll'r , mir ror, b>X•k1 l<JI" hf'1<fb(lnr•l, r1nrn S:'>P 30 TWI;>.; Mapl,. b<"I "'1th lll"llf('!ll! A Roney's ""~ ~pnng only S~9~11 ea I 6 Al !I 1 •R /\ Wf;R mu rl<' rlrP11•1·r. Small Applianc e with 111111'1', frnm . Sill ;,o 1.1,·mg Room Sets s 1 •1 x ~:T.s i-:1•t'>f:'f.S ... ,.,.,.~, jllfl<I r• nl1<J , .. 1!111 · hit•• 0•'\\'. ... ,,,~. ~Al••fn \tqd•· Hlnrt•l t )~k J1 •'~ru h f 'i 11\n•o•I !"1t\1• S'•I• I , $I'•• 'I 1 1 ill'< 111 I Ilk" 11•111 "" lu•l •n" I •\'\~ ~1 ·1111111i J ~~t) :,; ~l.lllt ~ •Hiii J\nH I"'''''' 'vnd1l h1n, ,.,,.,. I hAO hll lf for l~Ult k ti~ 11' .:'.!7 .J •ll.i't" ' ,,,, llt1• 4~tft 1!•!'111 l 'Al •ll.l.A<' ~::-;1;1:-;t; $1M . 1w11 :>;A.Sii llr•ilY .. ;ngtnr $1 75. H tHt• \''I f\11 E:>:1:t:'\•: $.!'>O. \I & ~I ;o.111-r11H .s 21 111 \\' <"nut lh\\. :-; .. v,1'"11 llN11 II LI l\.JJlll •2• u Ii 1 ·11 \ \ll'Jll'I; "''"·r1 ubl,., n •Ir , tu ct l•t ti:••1•J \It •'' nr-.M)lt n4'w t••f• Jt:\o, 1 rt111k, ••:t'"' LJhrMy "'-1:.·1 ft!t' r :1 I 11 42t •• SI;::, .... ,, :-; ... Mnlnr Our <"llHISThfAS TREAT •.t.•• I· "h11" I•·•''" 1 "1 S 1;o:1 l '•'.1/ ,.-, 1Jtl 1 I It t mni.-<iri:-1.1.n, wr ll known n ... •k•· ~ 1 V" $11111 PA :'l:Z • RC'li ~11 l •T 1'11mn111" l'tnn•• & <>ri;'HI i-1 .. 1 • .'.JU N. Main. Sunt.t An.1 I - Knowlt<in Elt'ctronicl'I TV ANTENNAS 1Cl••11r l11• 1rn 111 • ; .. 11. l:":'TALLF.l •, "" f•lf'I•· l• }"'" r• Al I• I• •kut. 11 w :"1 1 •! f •11<J 1 HA,1 ·11 ""a:"n 1 .. r .1· 11J11 ti; H N Ji n 11r1tl llH•.41'• r ""' l t •fl•• ,, I.,, 4 lflJ.: P"•flt At upti t ,,., Ju.11uuu1 •• 1,. llu'\1· 1, .,, ,,j a.r•pi,.•1 •t·· :i.:,, r ., • t I•••,,,, tn· u1AtH\1 \\flt 11 1•1' ; ' t .. ~Hk lf'I rr.~ l'hnnt I.Jiu f l\ ':,t ... 1d :"tft• TH . I l :' , ' I llHJ .;T•.,\~ • , t f•·.•! " ,., \ J!. '•l\111'• I • \ Repairin g Modern & Maple r •• I• 4" •• •I; ,., fll't fr nll• toll't .. r• • nrr .... 111<1-<<r•. .... ,,~ :>:IC~ A L.1:-."E as y .. u w mild f •• I • I I ••• f .... ,, ... ~·Iii HM I $9 .95 I •1.1,~M< 11:1 t.~·i-. ' 11~:\'l!l If,~ l s I .S ~.11 l 'AHl' <•I :c :.t '-' flHI\ n1 .. \\. t t\ " '"'""'I I.!• 14 :.::ii ,'\•"I'"• I Ill• o1 I "•ta ~f,.MH ~ind any"' hPrl' \\1th our low l.f • • .. , .. r \ 111 ... ri11 & ;>, f•l II vii 1 "" thcad ynu'll bl' aurpru•f'd how r f • '1• \. f'J I ht ,, f ' 1• 11 11 )l F: \1 •t • 1 .\: , ,,.,1...,, ~-~·ll 1'Jl'H4J:'\ 1 l.l ,t.,1'..ll,:• 41c:o4h H111ol1 \\('•an 11n,·r \'OU l 'lt'a~• , 'I •• ''~"'''' l'oll llir lnkr A ln<1k It w ill JlllY y<lll 1 , ~.:, 11 1'1111.l'll t.~ 1•1 II r..r11gen1tu r i.; 1;01111 T~t-:M~ <>l'I-! 1.1n :A·1 .. :;-.r 1111:1~''''" llU:AT~ ~!·in""'° 1;, . .,,1 ll•Hl..n•ll' «nl t "n :JI•"" ·111,,. '' r. 11 I ti•· :: l I'\ I I , I •I r. "' I '11 'f \1tf 1 il I tf t .fl !11~'1! •1 t,•7 ! \i I) I , '• ~ ' 1 l i; .t ,,,,I ! •I 1 • •1 1 ,1• f.. ,, " •ti l ' I • \. t• I \ f I 1 r ;:.\W i11: • .. 1•:UB I I I r 1 ! •.i i :; l'c';i st Rl \'cl . ·... .... ·; ~ \ ::.:. It • i \ 1 \ -ll: l. I I \ I I 11. I' ,, I \I I I I' f ,, I '' I I ).. I j , 1 II \\ . ... . .. ' . " : c I I I I I I ·._ t •• .. \ ~ ' . . . . I..\ )\ ' ~ ' ., , $I ll:i .;, > I • .. t •• p \ ·:1 •. ...: ! 1 ,\ '1 I J • ; ,, I ~I 1~ • I '''' I .. :01 \IL " ' UH • I . • I ... l< .. \ }II l. " ,, ~I 11 •• I' ,. 1· • (•' ·. • l .. •• I ,, \''!1, 1nl I , •• • I ' : /. ' .. I \ • I :.: If 1' ~ \' A l' I •••• I I• .\. JI 1 •1 I •• '.. ·"I I I. '. 1,, 16 ' ~lll E\\'.A I h h ." 1. " .• ' .. ~h· ti, ~i .• b l'l ;,~ x 1' "'IX n 1' 11 .. 1 .1 .. 1~1 l : Id, t • t i • S:'i LI I' lor.• 11 I 1 A"ll<..>I t; l•lll'\I rA RLt. • . I • c I '' I ' A I J ' • • ~ • 'I .. , ) , I· I I. I a I ' , .. I I [11,~t "l.V tr. I~\ I' l It> iwl I 1t I h1• d h II I '.\ 1, I •I ""'""· 1118 • J. lh ~I :-;"''l-·rl I ,,. Harbor 00 0 H p A u .. A'"" -l.l l!·liJI • '. l ' ., 4 I• Ill l , "' '"'11 l"l' f1rt':t• r ~;,, lo1~1\r r: .. "TAJL. f'l'H:-.'ITI'RF. RROl\F.IU~I l'hll• .. t"" "'"' •l•,nr .!II hl'lto\1 I• ipi•n r 11.i8y t:v.. t-;I 3·!•:1G f•r•·1 · •• l•111prool 11r,. J1:l!ll11'• 11r•I l\l Sp11rge<1n Sa111.1 An11 '. • • •, f1 f•·•· 1 • 111 :! (;;i pt • •I k I .fl1lfr T llHO;>,S<t'\' ;-; 110., :"••V.[l\lll A V• .. ~1····· t ( \) l'l:U· t-: ..._, ~IF:HHITT rnngl' ~,;, t• ... 1 •• 1 I. 11111• "' I 1 .... k Wilh ' \'l'n 1111 .• 1• 1·111 ,111•· 1-nll 1Jr .. 1lt•1. "'"I I h ti J II llJ' l"l' 1 ·~· d "nr llt"f ! '1 $111! W.11 i I Ii "' I' I\ $1< FL.OUR l'IA~ll'I.F: \II •DF:R:>: Ct '~TUM G J·• t.J• •• h• ,.,1 walnut d inlnK bl'!. 1, ;I f Pt t111ll11 k -t 1hn1rs Th111 111 l\ ",,,. ,.,..,. & 111 11. 11f:A L buv .in •• \ r.1 l.1•10 Har 4~2'! 4 2« H .. ,. lf ,u"hl ,, a \t I f~ I,,,, K 111d JP ~f•IOf l .. h. II\ '"" h O•..-,J vrrv ltl'l1• • ,\, .• u, $...-uo , (kt~t'M1' q( IJ1h• I l1'f\f1 >tJ•Utt·l• ~f~tU\' • .•n P'•"diV••I\ nu t h• tnJiJ f fftfJI "' \\ :'1 I,!• qt\f\,I s•t1t I f lA :'\'Z • !H'll.\111 IT 11•1( l'oMl" 1;n.J Oq:nn .S\,.p · ··~" ·'". Mlltn ::-.anti\ Ana 1111J 1•1 .. n•·• l"r ""' 111 1 \\ th.•1'111i.n.:1 111 .. np 1\t-; ~~ii.I; tt ---t:Hlt l !>'l ~!A S Tl:t-:AT~ ll1uun1<1n•J l'IEf'F. SEC'TIONAL. i:r•···n "'"'I I Pl ~dn 11,, .t ,.11 .. <•Iii\' h .. 1111tol11I ... ••.1 J• .. r, Hu •. ,., I H u• ~' li1 . 1.t in .. t u \\ S\>.J,. f JdUA fl fl''"' 1 1, ,,, .• , \ru:•· ~u dl•"-U I ' • \ t,\f'O 1 t ti 1 t•:,i; ,·1:.,11: .. ~tJ;\ 3 l'.f, :"r"'port Av• II uphvl,.tery $50 :16,' ":t. ~1111101>:· Jla111n11md Hf" 11•·: r 1u1 '"'" 1 .. r 111.y 1,.rr •. ,, t 11blr t .o !l.122 Vi.•111 the hum•-. pr 111••.t , ... nd1t1 .. n Ii.hr !Jr . l:iay~hor··~. l..l '-' I'll ~• I ,1, • .,.., i;('nrr .. u~ ~11vin,: •.11 t h., • <!lo -46 I ••II<', J\ I•<• IJn(' <•Ill'/' I .II" If >Ill· S M A I.I. SOLID MA f'LF: dr<•p lf,1f lnbl .. , & 2 1h>lll~ H•'lll• .. 11Al1lr ll a.r Jk1!17 ·R I FUR SALE b<'llUllflll hflr•b nt ll 1 r;F.~lJJ. · r111' 111i'" wn,.hini: nia· n1arle <lrt•r 1.-11r •l1111n11: l~hlo· k •1" 1!'1 i; "I • 1n1:11 hlll, :i Y• i< • ch"lrl' $~. H S\r, ~:!66 or llHHlll ( 'htlfl} 'Ir ).:ltll 'I lo <' 1.c hll !-CU• t. )HJ\"' llf " Aluui•d lrt ilf'~jll· Mhl" lu f1n<I. fJA:\Z·l-iC.:11\ll l•T l ' .. rno :in•I 1111i:111 ('.,, t1Jh :-; )IAln St • S1111lll A no. • I S ;.1 11 11 ,,1,.. ~I 41t 16 LI 8-tl761 41• i6 Knowlton Electronics .. • • •• •• • 1-, 1.ir1g ... t9M HF.¥'RJLi .i. s Tu \·E ti'~ ff! '1"'1 I 1• • tHICI h8A &.)) Sf'" nu\.\ 1n opuat1on • GIJOO < nn<:hl 111n TV REPAIR I I •'j.,l,i,. •Jll •p.htJ11p&_ 1 111 ~ " 11 1 , • • n liJ ·•'r. chr<u11e I.•· I 111 .... ' I J•C'<I 01.l) J months , J •• • L. t1.u~'1('f e•"'•t L .. ..-~ llll\tt o\·~r 1 : • •rit111o l "'ltli t 11r lh1nk A. 1 If tiH' hill 11( i1 .. 7 It{• lJnly $:"•"-..! J <r I :, :.o t "'h h J ·''" t I '' ' I • ..f ,.. 11; ~. " i'"'' <•r I " ,,, 11 11 \\' iJ d I •f st'l.,. • c· 111 L'11t,r·ct f,t. ' s.1 ;, I M odern t.\ pc: 11malt but I ~t snot , F ST lamp~. Har. 2425 44<41) A ., SER\' ICEI, RF.IA'~():\ ARl..F. "'"r' '" 1 .11 " tll " p Iii, :-;i:;w t'OAM Rt·01n.;R 1"""1! ron ~l. maplf b•!rrn APt. T\' 1 h"l1 • r•nlit"· flrn·,.I r!'fn it . wt<11h1r11r If ""'' n1nr & :1,.. I' Crrn.I' ~a• & 40--Autn' anrl Trurk11 i.:111 ''"'· J, A-I ~ from 11 s 11 '-----------------------1 1, :1 r ,,, z.,1 Hill st. ,.,'flt • 1[117 r r11.11 ~· • • , \\oil ,,, 1;..A1'1 ~1 .. , I off 1:-\110'" JAll h--1 ""'' I .. ~·I I "' J',!•; •• 1•h ..... 111''1 on ! 11..ritr H c4:\ li&y. H..r. J.,!JJ.J ~ lpl6 ------~~~~~--·~~~-- I. 11" nornl• I I l 'l!r:. r11 A ll 1•• 1• •·• 1111 111011111; I •~·· • ~ '" 6" to , t1•••1'4' 1 f'uf•• \\ t n JUl CJK ( .h, \'· rtt1•·t ~,1,,ranl ·. 7nn ,. o " 11 l ll ~h·\•V \l oll•r Chiv c·,. J f ~ '.l~.\li\ .1.,, \'011 ~...... f \•" I.I )\·:.!60 1 41• ·,; ~0-A-Titf"I k Part" New and l .ll<'d TRUCK ANU Passenger TI R·E S 8-Hour Recapping Se rvice ComplC'tt' Brak~ Scl'"\'l(r A :O:I• Front End Ahgnm4'nt nr-r A rt ~ f:rn r• · t: f'lrr11tron" IJi.•l,.;P' l '.·1'1 Y r, rn r.,, I hr 1\ • .,. 11)( HOWARD RYAN 801 · kl)!I W. hit :'t ~A 0..:T A A "\ 1\ "" J.$\J1;a 33tfo PAGE 2 ·PART 111 -NEWPORT H"RBOR NEWS-PRESS .tO--Aoto11 for Sale WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 14, 1955 '°-AatM and Trt>('ks 40-Aotos and 1'rocb "Season's Best" Used Car Buys 1955 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan-2 tone-Powe r Steering- Solex Po wer Brakes-Electric Seat- Save ·-Only--. $2595 ~ MERCt.:RY Montclair, 4 dr ' Mrrromatlr. R•H. power brak .. W. \.\"1. 3000 mllu. Ui9~. Coat u o.e -u &:BAIM. '2cu 19t7 FORD Sportam11.n con\·ert· llJle Xlnt. mech. condition. Call Ownn. Har 3498-M 42cU t 1-Aoto Service Motor Overhaul NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * I 6 Cyl11. . .........••......•.•. $48.88 8 Cyl11. . ..................... $!58.88 lncludu both labor a nd parta. New rlnga, wrlsl p1na. valve grind. ritltngs of main and rod I bearlng1. EJC.pert motor tune up. 1955 New Y orker-4-dr sed 2 tone green 90.c1ay or •.ooo mile s-uarantee. , • • \NO MO:"\EY DOW:'\1 Red10, Heate r-Powe r St eering-Low Mil eage REBUILT ENGINES 0 I $2995 1-vr to 16 MO!l:THS TO PAY-n Y Bu!lt In our own ractory by skilled machln1sl.8. Don't contend with 1953 Chrysler Club Cpe.-Lt. G reen Power Steering-Excellent Condition the middle man. Buy direct REBUILT and INSTALLED SHOKT DLOCK FORD ........................ _,_ .... S129 !10 CHEVROLET ... . .......... -... $149 :JO Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, E ast 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities p1tilf. with Yacht 1lip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. S4t!c 18A-Apu. fo r Rent. 48-A-Apts. for Rent Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet convenient location, the heated swimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. Be glad to show you anytime. Ken Niles 1021 Bayside Drive Villa Marina Har. 1800 32c45 ICOAST HJG H\\'A\', n~w\1111ld1ng 600 1q. f l. 0((1ce. Sunnhlu tn· sur&nce, attorney, etc. $!10 m o. RUSS F ORD. LI 8-614 1. 2011 SMALL OFFICE tor rrnt. Suit- able ruJ e.tate or tn~uranre •19 Balboa BlvJ. Call Hor. 47111 34lfc e NEW OFFICES e IDEAL FOR PROFES- SIONAL or BUSINESS USE. Located in - Harbor Investment Cb. Bldg. 30th & Newport Bl\'d. Har. 1600 tf F OR REl\'T; roont in &tt(1rn')"~ · •ulte. To attorney or compat1hlr pr ofession. Harb•,r 2!'i9~. <I lr 16 58·A-Bn.-.lne88 !Unt.alfJ Cor. 19th &c Plact'ntra C. ~I. THE VOGEL COMPANY tak es pride . '" offering for the first time- One of lht' most beaut iful hnm!'s in EXl'l.t':'-1\'I·: ~HOREC.LlFF~ -El .L ETml:O! 'I\ ,fl "IFl1•·,I :lnd eui;tnm bu ilt t 11 t h1· l.,.,,,~~· dd:lll Bril'fly-4 b<'d rooms, I b.1ths. l!r :-: '.!7' l1nnl! ,.,,11111 l6' x ::?6' dPn-dining 1-.io1111. l 11\1•r 1nr 1k1·1 1.1t •1i.: ll\ one of tlw fon'most 1 •rnl 1 ·n-1nn:il~ t '.,n11•1· 1.1t. 3-ca r ga1·a g1•. And 01 l'all \'H \\'. \Ve would 11pprr1·1:H1' yc>ur c·:ill fr11· ,Jdatl:i a11.i an 11pp11intmr nt tn show. The Vogel Co. '.!667 I::. Cst . Hwy .. Cnr111111 d..J ~I 1r l l:ir i:l7 f..· l for I 171 "A coon TRAD E I~ 1~1·T· .: ...: I lhlll f)(l\\ :-: Now-$1495 PLYM cir DODGE ................ _ $1:i!I C HRYS. & DE SOTO ....... _,_ $170 FOR RENT two btlrm. honw - (alo\•e &c rett1g. f urn.) lnC'hhlc11 atore room & two offu·o llJlR< 1•.s. $100 month. OR will rent ll•'f'll• rately 1 offlc:e al $7~ Rnu 1 al $!IO month. A lso s mnll store $1tl(l mo. Call owner Llberty ti·fi:.!:!3 mornings or aflt>r r, p 111. ttl fl• TEl1 THAN A POOlt :'.\I .I:" : 1 ·1 • \I ' I I : 11 • I I • I I I "\' 1953 Oldsmobile-4-pr.-2 tone blue Fully Equ ipped -Radio, Heater, P-s-P-b Wonderful Buy at only-$1795 ··-. 1953 Ford Ranch Wagon- Fordomatic-Radio & Heater-Excellent tires. Low Mileage-$1595 1953 Willys 4 door sedan-$745 O 'd rive, Radio, Heate r-New Paint Perfect Second Car 1949 Plymouth 4 door sedan-$345 Light Green 1951 Mercury Club Sedan-$745 Radio & Heate r, O 'drive LOU Rf ED and . ASSOC1ATES STUDF.BAKER .. . .... _ .. _ .. , $170 OLDS &c t'Ol'TlAC 6 .-... -... $170 48-Apt!t. & H out1et1 BUICK ................................... _ $17!1 1 HUDSON ............. -................... $17!1 Choice Wmter P..entala on Balboa Island & Lido Isle Small 8t cozy ur large A delWle $7:'> to i 3oo month Loan <.:ar Free T owing I NEW CAR GUARANTl::E Block must ntetl our 11tandard1 PIUI l&XH, gaektla and 011 Open Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m . BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Oatty 8 lo 7 S111te Bonded NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA --------SARVER I v .: BRAKES VOGEL CO. 208 Marlfle Ave , Balboa ltland Ph. Hcubor 444 or Harbor 21M Ru. Har. 1786-R or Har. 30:19·M 114ttc AITRACTI\'E 1 and 2 bdrm. tum. L'lillllea patrl. I nr 2 children. Laundry room. B L U E T 0 P A.PT. MOTEL •03 Newport Blvd, Npt. 8Pach, JlUIL a bove the Arche.s. 74tfc I T\\'O BUR_\1. Furn. Duplex. Oct'an Fronl near 17lh $ O 11nlll Junl' nr Sil:'> yrly Har 4i8i. 4:Jc•!I t!N ORA.'.\l,;l:: t:ut:~ • \' l7 \'RSI -------------- Bondl'd Brake. 4 wheels $11 96 Jn11tallation .. .119 -$8-A-Apt.a. for Rent $12 9:'> UNFURS. 2 bdrm. e pt. clon to TAx .48 atorea Ir. llnll"f' •rlallon $6:'1 mo. .iSA-Apts. for Rent RENTAL v SPECI ALISTS Call Edna Crate Blanche Gates, Rlt r . 311 Ma.rtne Avt1. ~Ibo& bland, Har. le71 72Uc Charming Harbor Haven Apartments • Patios NEW 4 ROOM, 11treet level. Near 11cho<1l11, 11toppl.ng d latrlc t. Quiel. pleasant, exclu.lve. Garbage dis· llOH I, laundry, 1torage roome, garage. $82.60 up. Occupiu en· lh e 11lrC'r l. t:ood 11u pt'n•l11lon. Mg~ 1~1 Ha"n P~~ l Ulock Soulh of H igh School ALSO FL'RNJSHEO APTS. WI:->TER RATE~ :>tfc T\\'O BEDRM. A PT. turn • gar. Wintpr rrntal. St'e afll.'r 6 p m l31-44lh Sl .. Newport a .. ach. <ll tfc YOU PA y 1"0 MORE $1 3 .., 60:?', .Nan IS~Ull Har :'>II 9 -188--Houaea for Rent T\\'O BR. H O.\IF., l'Ll 'S 4 '"'"'II front ortl<'e11. Parking l•ll'<ll for doctor. rt'al e.~ta l•-. 1 n~1111,u11 1., etc. on ~ewport Ulvd nr. l!llh St .. Costa Me."1. liar :1156 •~• 14 ~Monf'y t.o IAan MONEY! -.L Fast Action ,1 Low Rates Loans 2nd and 1st \\'p Ser.e All C•r1&nj:;•• l 'u11n1v Service In Your Homt· We Buy Trust Deeds T f)('t prh•:ti pt11•l t ·H~h Ou\\1 Royal Mortgage Co. 260:.! .N l'Wpurl Ill nl .:\pr l , 111 h Ha rbor 1549 411·,111 LOANS for Homes SARVER MOTORS 1 H cte r. 1sT :~~~~;~n~~~~A ANA l:ORo:-:A DEL MAR. ocEAN "'!~;;.R •. ~;~:~~,a~:~ea~0~;;,· Con~tr~~tio~oans j After The Crull IL'• Too Lal@ V\t'W, lltllaCliVt'ly fur nll•hf'J 0"" Httrbor 11&4-M. • ~.·.u-r 29L1c b~rm 11arag ... upl H arbor ~7 _ ___ Slt'll BOB S A'I"J"LER Hr46 2~1~ EAST COAST BLVD. :-;oHTll :;11n 1!r; 1\Rr.fl\\'lff \l 1 Bt'l\UlllUllV 1111111,1. I 0 ~I • I 1 \ r uround t t •u,l 1111 th. I' ''· ••• 4 l1olr 11 • l'hl,. .cpt ;. F l 1.11 11•~ U t•,k ~l"•illll \',111 I tdt• !t i h ••ll1••. Uh •lln• • t .!"\du •. ' HA!'ITl:-\1 ;~ HA:"• 'I I I',\..:\ I IF:'-/\ F f\'t' )•·llr .. 1o1 :: l\d •'11 • •'-' I•· 11 C'll~l .. 111 • 1111111 . l.n\o I\' t' .. I' '1 ~211000. t'11 11;l1 1 ... u1, will 111do c I• tll"_..r A~"-\lltl" '''' n1 .q \\lltlt r.1111 Ol <'lill. ~l<l:"Jlll \'li\ J:-()(JTltll.t.~: l.OV!'I)' V11l11•y \II'\\ hn•t,I" :' B1lr111~ & t lr CI .I Y" d•I ll" I P l,ltt•1 $.:.!';~OU t "l1 11 °!°"ii1t 1 Udl lu itt h t •tt J1• 1 I\ I .,,... ' t tt I fCUHt , UJ1 Ut f.i,.,\\ I', c ·• U ,Htd ',t'lif1 \\' ,\...'l:Tl:I l L..Uh• l:u J~hH., .. nr 1rt •• • I'' f'rl} lhul \\ll 1111••: ,:0-•11 t.ab1 kl \ .11!• \. LI.ST IT 1:-•lH Tl~ \l•!:: :-\1.1\\ G ordon L. Andrew, Rltr. I ~• 11 B & B I '1 I • I v I ' I "I IS, .. h I ~ • I \ ' '•I ·II I I I . ,, 17111 '' ! ' r I I~. t' 1:1·:,\LTY t'C) • I -,;, I 11 '.' I • II 11 • Attent ion I nvesto r~! 1·1 t· 1 1:1 Jr• 1 , l ,. ,., j\1 I II I I I ' • ' .~ I ' I : ~ 1. I 1 1 I it I '~ 11f I J I •,: ... I I I I •• •I I• I 11' 11\ I I \ 11 l I I 111 • h~• 11·,.-.41 • ., ti .1 ··~ ... ,, I • I I 1. ,.,,,.' 1 I t ' •• I • 1· I 1 I• I l 11 f ' '• \\I I 11 , I ,: • 11 ti I ~ 't t II fl• I I t \ .. , '.1 If 1f'1 h It I It "' . -- Income & RM. Lots I I• l l I , 1 1 ,•. I l '.\t•' .• \t t ~,,_ IH \ I' I \ I , , 1 •\•' 1 J ·, 1, ,. t r 11 I I • I 1 1 I ... , ,, ..... ~ ......... ,, -1.-1 Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer 1200 W. Coast High way I ------\\'l="TER RENTAl.,-="icfly tuin. ,.:orona d'I .a.tar Harbor llS88 12-TralJers I $6:1 MO, Yt'ally :-F:\\' 11nr bo.Jr111 home, 2 bdrm., garbage Jl3posal. Rep. POIRIER )fORTOA OE cu I LI 8 3A86 duplrx 20:,•, H lh St. Newp•>rt dlshm1u1ltr. laundry fuc1lllil'll, Metro Ute 1na. F\uld1 KJ. 3.:,1isl · "' * PORT ORANGE * Beach. H p lll ft'nC'ed ynrd,-328 Sapphire. Dal· U lfo Exchange Corner 1'01~ SALi: UI~ 11:,\1 ol : H ii: I 1:-.:1 ·o tr: 1·1:01•t· l:T\" < ·: \\' JI A T II ,\ \' E Y 0 I . 1:1·:,\t 'TIFl·r, \l'lt t< D·•TATI: l:"i \\lllTTll:t:'.· L.\l'IX:-'I\ E l'l:l. .. ,111.\' Watch for the Grand Opening of Mark Downin g's New Used Car Lot 1 _ boa J11!11nd. 42CH TRAILE R SALES PE:-INSL'LA l'OJ!l:·r 2 be111·oom and SUPPLJES 1111n. apt Incl utlllllt"t, Sit> =-:1-:w 8 ''"· hou3u unfurn. 1 ~ CASH I 2200 "V. Coast Hi"·a'y. \'irw ur u11y & Uc'P&n Hnr hor b11 th11, w w <'11rpN, eler. range • • • " " 2ZlG·J H r t6 A wall nvtn, W&Jllhl'r It dryer. F OR TIH 'ST l>F.EflS I Newport Beach LI 8-44.20 J--· RA<llo OJ14'1 •lf'cl · gu. door. pre· \\'M. U. llU LT 'M-36' Kll·C\ialom 2 br aave $1000 1 ~·1 •nNISHt;LJ APTS. va le beMh, pier & alip. Yearly M ORTCAGE BA.:-\KJNO !1:'>·41' l'ar•nwunl l tu hlk <11ac ' -i hr . 2 balh. lnchclllng ullllllt•. lea11e :>J liatboa Covea. Harbor Sl.Nl:E 1930 I ':'>6·1:>' T ravt>l1'71", A hf'nlllY $1lllll $'1~ mo 1 hr in• I 11111, $~ 1110 J 10 43c.:1:'> 1609 N . BL"SH !".\!\"TA ANA 'Ill\ A ll TnNll'lll l\ll l'IUS Pn ct111pl11y Uechrlur apt. 1nd. ulil $I:'> mo. 1 • • Kl;\IUERL y J• j J 11! \\'p nrl'rl clrl\n 11•1'•1 t ra '11'·ln11 J ~I .\llLl.t.I< t:\J :-;E\\ !•ORT UEACll, fUlnt!>hl'd - PAN AMERICAN 202:'> \\' llalhna Bl\ll llar 4091 Modern 2 ll~room hoUlle, ntar I' L k 11 c n•llr 111• Nrwnnrt l'l~rl 44c46 biumeu 4t beach. tiy year o r ilt amo•1nl·"l'n• 1 < ~ •"'· month. SY 7-8008 4 1c46 TraHlne·Tt 11 y 8:,uo LOA.NS '1 u UlJIL.L>. IMl1R U\'t:.. BUY, MODERNlZE, Oil REFl!'IANl:li: • 11\ l'nlt I •c·luxe Ap11r•mrnt In \\.,.,., w ti,, ti \'11!11i:•· fl• 1 \ti..: $l~•.t•ll•• ~-·'' \\Ill 1•\ h11t .:•• :1 t 3il'·hHI Li. 1.1 lh1 •l~'J ft• t•11y 111 ll.1 1 i. .. 1 At•,, e X!nt In"'"'" ('l'l"ll\' "rl 1!1• I'"" l •hrntl \\ill •" 11.111·•· 1111 I r eJu\.\ n lf•t &• 1 •·•..:,. tn t J1 .u~,... • •• • 3 l •lnn hnmo• 111 1 1 :r llHo?I \\iJI t. ''' 1t ""'' llf' 11q .f I 1 • J 1 1111 1• In ~nutft J\n • tr; t1• e l'• 11111• 11\•1111" N It' • i,:1•, ... .:. ... Ir I I dtl I t!f' I J •' t ,,. • llJU ~ 1.J ".:11 1 1 I• "'"' \',\( ',\:'\T l.U 1..; I. ~ I • j. • l To be located ;it the inte~ction nf I -+ Now on Display Gt:T into )'uur U\\ .:-\ H(J~U'; bP· ro11• H olhl&y11 2 bdrm . 'OIA>R· Fl"t., lht>rm h~al. t1lrt.I. unturn Apt Yftrd r11110. J:Br"fitP, urm. 1n• I y,.arly $ :t07 3Jrd St , N I'. B Har 4308-J 42• H COR O.NA DEL M AR, unfum. :t bdrm . 2 bath, n twly decorat""1 llWNde anJ.ouL ~ ---~ llu \,or 47 U We Buy Tnut Deoed.I NEWPORT BALDUA ~A \'INCS • LOAN ASSOCIATION UH ¥'6 ~ Hu: 4t00 1,rv< .. < " I c'' h.11 ,;•• I •r 111 ~ t" W-"' .. .1.~t tf • \\ ,. Im • 1 M y n • I '' ' • I 1 ',I , I I ,, '··- .. Our Hig hway 39 a nd IOI in Hun t in gton Be a ch Mein Attraction W ill Be Top Quality Used Car,s High Trade In No Down Payme nt I on approved credit ) Mark Downing Ford m Fifth St. Huntington Beach Lexington 6·2566 4'..'!c41 \'our BANK TERM S or NO DOWN PA YMENT 1o1n •rrrll\ell , 1t.11r ' .\I<" l"ymt1 l"w u '50 Cadillac 4-dr. Sedan $44.30 Rall. Hlr. H~·dra ".,..w I ar." In11n111 111a11· F 11ll Prlrf '53 Ford VS Convert ible $1 199 Rad , K tr .. O'dr . R r1lhAn' ~lune l1n1.oh 'SI Ford VS Club C oupe $ 599 Rad., H tr O'•lrl\ r w·•·w ll~• hlu~ fln1~h '49 Mercury Ciub Coupe $ 249 R111h". Htaltl I I o1r1\'P t.•n f1n1~h :'>6 T llt':-;111:-:n111•:1t1; l"HE~TLJ:-;F: "LIDO ISLt:, J b"dronma. 21, bath homr. on unual baio111 Slip for ~o rt. b<\at. use cif 1& fl. \'1klnl( n rn>1h .. 11l l'Cl"'' r l)c111 I. 2 c11r ~ur. bt•au11111!1y furm~h· l'<I. 11h1 ub-' $7!>0 pttr m nnlh l11qu1r..-1<t 41 Halti.1a l:nv• .. ------------J ~I Ir• f\t11,\ :•ltt I NO C0~1MlSSION .. •• f 1 I'• •II I 11 I I •I 41\ FT 2 b•lrm mnny n<-\\ :1& T111·:-.:11F.nm:nc nu:sT1.1;-.;,.: :I~ )-,. 1 litlr Iii ,,i; Slll\~TI\ :.!2 1, ~T 1\t.I, .\10P M /\WO :Z'.l t•r .\l()l 1!-:R :'I: M THA \ 1-:1.1-:.u: Ill FT T\\ J :- 111 .1 •S ;\ll 11.,,t1r 111 I :in Kl'T 27 rr .\!O J 1~:n:-; P )U rp lll1n11 lly rlr11r1 6J 1\10 1111.E 1 'Bl 'l~f:R. H F'T 2 1tdrn1 . I'' 11 ' 1 t11 ._,.u :-;E\\'LY LIEi.:UltATl::l.I APTl:J f111msh!'d Yr ar r uunll <·r "tntrr onlv ltea11t1na1Jl~ l 111 1n1 lu<lr<I 11nr.i11.\ y APTS . IO<li E . Uall•"" l:l\•J 42pH T\\I J 11~:!,l<:ll H 'H:'\ Al'T 1;ar· nJl;I.' & Wlll f'r ;-.;ro 1"4'tll $9(1 l'"r 11u1 2:Z2 \\11lm1l l'lcff<'. L'ro~I R ~!11"8 LI 8-~244 42• H Sea Shell Apts. • Xewp"I l .. :i6Hc Lii 10 l::>t..~: •11111·11"" 3 b<lrin . '1 l.Hllh hn1n•' \ omplt't1>ly & ncn·I\ r11r11 \\ llllCr tor )'Hi d)' 11111 ;,::rn or Har. 364:t 4.to 1;. SE\'l·:l!AI. 0·1111 .n 1:1111!• nn:11 I "' 2 AEfllt,:11 !•ELl0 Xl-; ,.T it!" \\ J:-:T\o:H tU .:\TAL r11111 11 .. 1m 1 l•C' Ir m. •llih• ~ftrng... l••m .-J I• 1• 1, ~ 11 I \\ .otf'I I'"'''· $11"• n.n TH.\11.EK:O: ,\I.I. 11;-.. ~l ·~:l'IAI. SAi-i. AT TIU!' 1 l.\H: West Coast TRAlLJ::H S ALE::- ::!1•'1 ~11\'Tll \!Al°'I; 0 \\ X E H Bl RT A t1-\\.rntt>d to 1'4-ol I; l!l 1Y Rentals \\'anted \\ e n1 1-0 •VL• anO huu~11 tn ell ,\l'T!:' T11 J'l"!'.r ir•··I t••n.tnl" S":'J & 11p, 11t1I 11ic-I l.!:•1 \\ ll•ll•" • llhtl :-;pwpc11l Bt'nth :l!*• ~.~h 1 tu.;11.1 ;:.:,."port H • ~1; I LI OU l~LE Is;:, .\Ill T\\u l>•lrm hnlJ•C' r..rn HAC'HF:LOR 11n•l on~ /lo l" <i boJrl'1 •P'"-ShlTI l l'rnl ftnJ ytArly. A 1.:-:IJ l.1.:n H n11'f'' 11n•I Ray Front H un r~ nr,ol ap1H' n.rnls I Lll>O Rl::ALTY Associates ::1~1f1 M1r1111ar l >r !'1 ntn•11la l'oint \\ .ntl'r 1~nUI -r· 1, u,.;ARl1t'l.r,.:. ;14 Lu1nn f'r •ii• n 1.~1e G f'h C.:ltri111 3·:'>1lti -Ha rbt1r 4H 4 l ·t1R1 1:-; A 1 •f:I, M ,\ R 2 ::F.l'R.\I \ 1-:AHI.\' H,.r.t,.1 I I >ltn llpl Sin n \\ 1!• 1 J I b11• & b•r~11 ··•~ 1h.•lr 111 HRrhnr 121 ;.J l'>\lt(c f 111 onll\' flc rn I • , ... " lh 5:·" r11111 ,.,., 11114 Jld1nt ror" E• r• I.! "· 17ill <IZ•H f •• 11 j \\'t) rumt~hr•I DOI.I. No Appraisal Fee SALF:S -IH;Fl'.':A:-OWF: CO.:"STilt:<'"TION Call for "'n r Fast Comm1tmcnls on Rc~Mt-ncrs and t'n11 a only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. Jith ~l. COST A lit ... SA LJ 8-~~.4 l I.I 8-11:,IJ:I REAL ESTATr.:: LOANS Interest Rate• 5--f11 ,...,. L(I~ qul•l<I\' r1t1I~ in t i•• ll crl 1 A~a. l..a.,:01111 111 •1 f • 't .\I• c Sin~I· "' rnul' 1 1.. IHI ' ' '' ttr cil t U·· \\.J,., •• n t "'"' h} t f1na.n .ng ) •U l'I • '' 1 t 1 •. r ~ltntfUUllt fl~Jtit'f ' .:1r \• u t• 'IH If ,1--~ ... I ·'''th.sf~· t If ,.,, l1m111 cr}' ••/'I r.1,•.ll ,.;1 .1 I,'• " ARTHL'R A. MAY Mortgage L<iM \ ·o,rr• "l'"nch nt U('('ldH.tal 1.11 e IJIAUI llllt .. ( " 11331Soulh Main S...,1.11 An" Ir I''''.. \ ,, ••, ' II .:h • ' I If ... Bay & Bea ch Rlty Inc , • I , 11 " I I' f \ H \1 I I. 1.1,7,t l I I.I • CAPITOL GAIN l"AN Y< II" A FFOI: I) T(l :-: I 1 I. .. lltJ\\ ,\1:1" ·r ' I J II " . ' • I• ,, . \\ \\I :- L ' •I ..... \ , •,o : H J, . ,\ Business Prop erty PASADE NA I ' 11 1 I ... t' I I 11 lld 1:· \I I f I 11 I I " 't '· '" ' t. ~ \ ... I I ~ ' . ~ \ I 11 • •1 I ee.:r ion• tor b<rt h "int Pl 1nt1 yt'ar • IC'MC ~'urn n r 111tlllt11 It }OU h8\'f: II •aC'an1y, ph<>r.e tndAy l!ALR• 1.\ \<'.111\ I Iulo m Al'T RlllntlP 1111 nnL<• 11()1 '~F "1rrri1in I• I t.\· )«H•l & fJ()\\11• J;,o I ll• t,,,t"\j:r :":r\\· 1"•1 1 Bii •i n"lll !!•llo. Coftll\ )!f'•ll 11.ortxir ~d :11; 421 I I l•P Ill\ I' h !'1 • I I BY OWNER 3201 The Vog-e l Co. \\ I •I II .-.\• °"'"1"•rl Phnne L1b .. rt y 8 l!481 211~ r.tann~ r ·•lbtlll lshrnn Phonr 1.arb111 4H J urrutu1 * lllt' S1t.k l i'"HI lth1 .H \ "tt'rf '4 " htt• :'\h 1• f .. 1 r-ld ... I.' '" r m pl"'" d • 111 I f'1l II 1r 1il!ll 111 Ll 1Hl01 I ,.,,.. 111 1 ·, 7611i r. C'na.t Hy , l°"ronn 01 I \1<1 • 1'lo111" t.11rf;1>1 1. 11 Rl :-\1;1.F: llJ'I !111 n $40 ) "" tly t.TCJo Offll'C', :11111 \1111 L1o10 """ 111' ll I lhr linr •:i7 1 """ liar 111 ol :Jfl!l F.: R1' \' 7 1:1.\\' l:lc 1:> 1702 :""wru 1l lll\'rl . C'MIB Ml'•" I l.lh .. , ty II fll\!17 ti• ~:~ll'L(I\ .. :II t '• 11 . .,I.I-: \\Mii '" rf'nt hnu•,. <"r At l wit h ~!"'" & 1 rfnit F111 n • r 11nf11111 l'ro t• 1 \\'r~1 Re.I,. l' .. ,.1 11 :.1 r •J< I.I lu 11' ,..7p~1 44• I•: ~Aol.". If llOU!IH flF:Lt'XE FTR:'\ l\PTR l'l1nglt>!' & tlh11' s:111 lllll 1tn<1 /I/' 111 I f: ll 1)' An. Balbn11 H11rb<1r ~~·· ~tfl LIDO ARMS APTS. & Ma rin a ;,,,:-.; I 1 .. 1\•1i: J I 2 h.Jrm. 1111- furn hn111P 22 ft 11, 1ng ro11m &-r 11 ,, pl1111•. rnnd*'' n S~H• HU• Rl\!'1 F1•rnl•• of ll.11 22:19 12• 11 48C'-Trai_!-:_r_~att -I I.A lli .i; :<I' \(·r:~ ,::,,.;I) ;:.:11 !'JI•; ~~...:'!'!.~':):_'~ :'~!':'! _______ . fill ':"T 11 1:1·1' • 7,,.,,, ,, I I ,, I ,. rh-:i• •• unt I 'II• ,l11nf" 1 1u •,•1 k Int 1·1111 II 11 '''' ! \I U • 11 $5000 Wanted rr1r •h1lolr1•n .. n """' lr11~1· 1;,11 I h 1:-;T1·:1:1 :-T f l '1 •I 1 ~I 1: Bii I F 11ol •f"'',. \\'II.I, 11ET' \ y I '> 1 YI'\ ns 11v·11l l~I f..,119:. 411!1• 49-_·~~'!'.!_!·~--'!~'!'-~--' OcP11.n I * * * E!l:JOY l.l\"l;\"1 ; , n 11\f' ;\n I Ir 1u·t ~;1 \" "''' 1 1·~1 t \ \\1 J r~'11t1h ... h• d I .. ,, • ~ f 111 1 'I 1 rr• ht' en • .. ,, • o •I• I '' '' \\1:1 1'' Ul•l I 11111• J ~I I •tt I~ tf'-1 .. •1 ~·•ll'•n J,11111n t .. t • J'• • I I \ ;-.""l•·rl ll u l••t l<.irk 1 , ·r11 c!• I \ll\r '''""' h 1')1-.1, .. • 1111 II •• ·~· 11 I' t J, i..' I &\ I f , II I \J 111:• I' i hi\ f "', I • I • ~ I t •t t .,, ' ~l.1 II ' !,I .... 1 I I \ ', I • \ I, If I .• 11: I . I i ··~' l\. 1.1 p I ,., '• ,.. I If ( ! •L:• .,, I 1. f I JI I• - .. 1-• ,, • \!t * 2 BR . ho me PLU S ' I Ba c k Bay View Lots I I I I ' I I •, f,:"t I 11 I I I, l t ( I •'·I I ... • I \.11J•11 ' \ ' \I I I l ~-.. 1 .. .. I I .. I Ir I I I• 10 Acre .. ' I I I G rove • ... 7 Buick Sedan, Radio, ~eate r ... 7 Ford VS Sedan, Rad io, Hea ter $ $ 119 II 9 See Me-Ta Nelson CHAR;\11'.'r:l.Y 1-Tn:-..· z h•Jrn1 1\ pt.. to 1.-11..'4' ~hr• RI iil:lhlP lo ttnanl1' :Hllll \'1n Oroi'n Mllnag•·r HRr 1002 Frnnt K 1t•h•nrt'> nr•~ &. 1n.,. With rn,nl< bRlh )IHl•I l"'l'\0llt" T \' 2'116 \\'r:ct Clo ran I-l"nl BAl.flCIA I II••!• f , l.•11' • ell \I J.J-:~I0:'-4 llf-:!l ;l!T:-; AIU \ ~ ,,ti I uf , 1 1 1 ~ \ II I ./ ., I·, I I 'I MANY ~!ORF. l0 Hf lJn: HI .,~ Ch~ck Th~se & Many ~l orC' \"alues ~, llahln K•pnn<"I . . CADILLAC VILLAGE 800 East I st St. OPSN E\.EXl.'l:GS AND St::'\[),\ \"S • S&.nta Ana 1;'l ,1,1 t• t1111u 11r•·An1 S l2~ adu!U. lea.•c. CIA>S E IN A:rTRACTJ\'F;LY furn I bd1m 1111nb1nauon hv1n~ and o11nl111r rn. JllO lf1131' PTRN STl'OlO, IH'pi\rate hoiae. I ncl\r e\'erylhlni $!10 CHOICE R.E~TAl..S, r\J rm1hed It 11nrurntth to.J. ;\lF:T A ;\'£L.C'ION 29M F. Cout H wy. I Corona dfl Mar, Har 11~0 H c46 arter ~' p m LI 8·2171 38tr<' O:-E fllt T\\'ll bol rrr • "ol h hr me 6<1A--Com mt>rc-ial, lndustrlal 2 Crown of the See Motel In Corona del Mar Comfortable room" & k ilo hl'nelh' llJJWI. TV D11y \lo to k -m onthly rl tf'. 2e0<1 E. C"n ut Hwy Har 3194 33<:46 HOT SPOT t'llRTA ~IE~A i\Rf"1\. 11 .. wrr l·l ls; LArJ Y 111c1nr t,M 1,,0 m In nt•C'I IPAJ!t<I tn I} 1t11url t i-nanl!I !'11• '" • h11me tnz cnirlojP•I l&·ly LI ewer 111 • rm 11rlc t' ,,, SW! nrn1 pri\'lll'j1;1'.~ 113\l A rbl•r. !Al fl J . .,:>~ ar~<>· r. 11 m .i6l!c 8-:r641! 29llc Gor•I l<'rm!I '" rli;ht hur• r C'l\11 I W t: Hu \'XT1>N "'1r11 ltOO)l for \\nrklnli' 11111n $6 111111 EARL \\'. STAXl.E\', Ht'llllnr S7 rn \\et'k. T'rH·att <'nlranu• I Ha)11lo1e Jir • l:o ut llv.} 123 2 t h SI. ;\'!'"j'(lrt rptJc:-U&r. 3297 rr li7.'o·eVM liar :l87'1 LIDO 30 f t. 1.,•,. ••!t R • '" r 1 ·,r.1 ', h < .111 ,. u r r t . 11111 !~··~ \\' ••r HY 11• l 1, ::·• If ' I .. , \\ I ' Jiii • I "I ''I 11 I' 1·1 II I '1 I' j I I ' 1J ••• ,\I I I \ I \'.:.,I I• I I ,. 1• 11 I" n 1'1 ~ l•A· "'' ,. h" I •Ill I 'l' ·"ii ~.1 . ' " . It , .. 'J 1 I I f t i 1 I.I '', • I • I I J • i I \ I o ,, . Bill 'S BEST BUYS MOVE IN FOR CHRISTMAS Brand mw ~i bl.d rc,11m 11 _ bath. compli>tC'ly & be:1\ltlf11lly f11rnishc I. F1•:1crd . sewers. Fine wall tq wall 1 ·11 JI l 111t1n· hnll!<t'. E:•ccll•·11 t C'lnst' 1n loC'a- t11111. F1111 1 r1c:e 11111y s 13.i:io. s:;ouo <lo\\'n. FOUR BED ~OOMS-~ 11,950 C'm·n1•r It .1 111• I'!~· l"'ni!sra!1r1l , Crar t'Rlake fence. patio. wall l11 wull l':1q wt1nx. Lwner kaving state ~ 831111. FllA l<>:i n 11 t 4 1.: ', int .. rest payable $7u 1•1·r t11!l11 l h rnl'lu ks ta:-w; and insurance. NEWPORT HEIGHTS-4 Be droom-$ t4,875. N rarly nl'w-Fl'nrc·d-2 R:iths. F ireplace. Walk- ing tJ1,;t ·L11t ,. ln ll 1;:h a :1d Jr. ~rhCJols. Pric<'d nght for q11wk sa:l'. Only ... :l200 down. CHOICE INCOME L:1rt:<-'"''Y wd 1 lc~·rt. n<'a rl~· new tluplC'x only one bln1 k I rn'll town. 2 r.cl r coms in rach unit scpa- r.ilt d b~· n douhl~ p1rw~I'. l'an be handled on ,.,.ry lrnv .Jn\\ 11 1 ·a~·m1•11l J"ull prtrf' only ~ 17.500 A must l)n ~·our lrsL B&B OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun J-4 30 203 \'rn !'\we A Gracious New Mode~ Regency F'lntst Appoint mt'nt11 Smart ~:nti y Llu g~ P.1t10 J R!'<lrooms, 2 Asths NORD CORNF:R F\ r I hi' Mnst rh11r r 1mlna11ng • :i l3C'llrro(1ll111 2 b11ths • Di!n • l~f\rgr Ll\'lng Room • Sc•p11rnll' Dlninl:' Rc>om • RP11ullh11ly Appointed \' • c'tll'l"'l,. & IJN,pt>nl'" • (;• r)I ~''11\l"} , •• ('\\' ot BRy !'iUll·<ll'l'k from I • Sllfm n by Appo1ntme111 Only Bay & Beach Rlty Inc I r.ino OFFICE I 3112 1..are~·,.ur. Nr1 Har 364 3 I DUPLEX---1 62-Rnl F.state 6Z-R4-al F~tate SPENO CHRISTM>,.S IN YOUR NEW HOME! COSTA MESA 1~1 Cecil Place LEASE w ith Option to Buy 2 BR. & den. Exc~llent condition. Near bus and stores. OPEN HOUSE Sat. & Sun. 1 -5 p. m. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 40!i Holmwood STOP -LOOK -This is your home. Move in t omorrow. 3 BR .. :l car garagr. Fenced-land- scaped. OPEN HOl'SE 1 -5 p. m. Sat. and Sun. NEWPORT ISLAND 4008 Channel PlacC'. Furn. 3 BR. CHANNEL FRONT -pil•r -float -sea wall -barbecue. patio. ExeellC'nt condition. Open house 1 -5 p. m . Sat. aml Sun . S22.500. Terms. WE:-\T NF:WPORT 6 05 Seashore Dr. 2 B. R. & Den -Sl 1.500. Terms. One Jot from ocean. Good condition. F'ireplace. Sgle. garage. B & B Outstanding! • 112 bath• • 2 bdrm . a nd den • HEA \''l 11h111te root • Beaml'd relllnr: • Bunt-In rang~ven • C113tom llu1l t • 2 fittpl11cea • Dbl. g11r .. front .ft rur entrance • ~·1repl11ce In den • 63' x 128' tot • Forced &lr he&t • 1 i. yea.re old • Carpeled living room • Garbage dl1poeal • ~r. High and Jr. H igh Khool1 • One waJI AU.. Wll'd brlrk • Break!Ml bar Ulled brick • Full price -$ t 7.9~0 • See thf'll? We h&\'e Ole kC'y • Call now for appointment • lt'• buullrul! Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1696 1'ewport Blvll. <:oat a 'Meu. Ca.lit. LI 8-1161, E\·~· LI 8-3010 . •" "'4EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I 11 . PAGE l WEONESDA Y, DECEMBER 14, 1955 VOGEL VALUES -Costa Mesa Office * * * * * LAKE FRONT HOME Beautiful rustic home with 98 foot frontage on Cher ry Lake in Back Bay. lrrevonble fiahing and swimming rights. Lovely vi<'W of Back Bay. 16x20 living room. Largr family room. Call ua and let WI show you \}}is 1 year old home in rcstrict<>d aru. $26.500 Full Price DUPLEX H igh income unit in East Costa MesL Clo1e t o shopping and transportation. lnC'ome $140 per mo. Only $3000 Down NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 bedroom home in a most desirable area. H. W. floors. l3x15 living room with fireplace. Only 41:: years. 1100 square feet of living are1t. $13,500 Pull Price -$62.56 mo. incl. Tues & Ins. Back Bay CornC'r Lot -$5700 , W. A. TOBIAS anrl AS~OC'IATES. RF.ALTOR Y nu'll like our friendly sC'n ·ice'' I Two nl<'C' fu1 nlllhl'•I un!l:o nn"' b11ni::1nJ:' $1:1:) P"r mo J.;nin .. 1· tot 60 x 127 has room tu buclo1 I annlhl'r uni! F,xcelll'nl cnn•h· thin, 6 yri1 <1111. 1 '"'" Ln HC'll"t ••,. this :->OW. T otal pr1re SI0- :100 Term11. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newport Bl\'d. Liberty 8-5101 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. H arbor 1428 _Down to Earth VALUES 276 Magnolia THE VOGEL COMPANY •100 E. lith s 1. .. CoHta !\lesa Llbcrty 8-1 139 SEASON'S BEST! F'rom our nl'w modern office opposite tho City Hall. WP :wi-ve the· cnrire H 11 1 bor Area. LIDO ISLJ-: -\hott'C' hsltngs of homes & Jots. complete seleet1on11. ~fost SHORE CLIFFS:-Ot:ean front lot. the only one of ll8 kind Jt•ft -I::Xfll'llSl\'C ~ I The breath-taking \'ICW 1s pr1cf'less I CORO:\A lllGHl.l \:>\DS·-Lmwst prll'<'ll. but onr of the f1n1•st n •m111n11;i.; lot~. S!J:.!.)ll BALBOA l."O\'ES .-Wut1•rfro11t, pli:r & shp. 3 bdrms , :.? baths, r unabout boat 111ducl1·d. rOUNTR Y .'l-:TTING .-Sparkling lornC'r horn<' :.? bed- rooms am! <kn, bar~""" al ::Olti.500. OC EA:-J AND BAY FRONT Homfli<, lots & mcomr Kl LLI ON, re al estate 3:J 11 N l'".;''J111rl Bini. ~~~~ ~ CORONA DEL MAR NEW \OLO NIAL 3 B R HOL'~E. l 11 bath t1·t tl•d pJtlt>. 1-:xd lueutton. "2£<.750. l'ru- IH \'l~E T!o'.HltAC'I-:. :-.;JoOO will handle. nt·\\' :! Ii H. t cJrl\' c11•11. :: bnths. 1mo1h• f3HQ I .uw ('I ICC. HA\'S llORE:-> ATTHA<IJ\'I·; 3 blhm. horn• l<>r t1d 1•·•11•1. Uv.n•1 Jll"''u~ lo r 11flt:r Ask111~ ~:!"-.11110 Almost lJrap- Pru- SEE I 'S fnr f.I:A<"O:"\ 1:.\\' and Bi\Y:O:IJORES prnpNl1cs. Har Ji-;";, 1:\1-. 1;,l!lh ~l.1101111, IIY..lll -t -G:!:?:! J nltn M:11.11ut.>. ll.11 bur ~3~1.1 SPECIAL Llw l'ly two bl'rtroom hom" ju•t R block from Harbor Blvd. 'This ftnf' Jllll~l'O hnmr hHS lMj:i' '""ms t.P:.111 1f11I h.11 lwon;l th' nn1111 ol 111 Ppl11<·e. , ••1nrnt phi to. 1 llP kcl• h~ll Rnol b•llh luV<'IY y11rd. J:&rn;;,. Anti 1s 11011~ tu '" hnnl, t1anl'po1l1Hit1n an•l ~hop• plllJ: f'c l\'t>d lo i<dl fR~t Bl $.I U2M 1. mis If l1e11refl ~EE T HIS -------- Save S3000 On a beautiful view home in Corona Highlands - 3 beJrm. and c.len. bnth and :i..i. 2 fireplaces, built in Western Holly range -hardwood fl oors -lots of tile and many other fine features . Must see to appreciate. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 42 De Sola T\\ o TllRF'F. A:-;n f'Ol'R I DORM Hi-;~T A LS :'\O\\' .~ B. A. NERESON 1 Large Family Needed in Corona "del Mar REAi.TOR I to occupy a large oldrr home. located south of the HI 2 :-.: .. " pvrt I.!' 1 cm.ta Mf''<A Highway 1 _ block from the ocean. W ith minor ex- Ll h-167:.! i-;,t', LI IH 1211 pens<' <!<In be con,·rrtcd into 4 bedrm .. 3 baths, din- 1 BA :K BA y ---, rng r oom and large playroom . -4.0 !t. lot and on a 2 b r rttn 2 hl\th rrw rtrll nice quiet street. Terms are very flexible and ca n rnt111 bl'•t 10,1111nn nErnT~:f'l be arranged t o suit. Call us for any 1 • s1s.:.uo add1Llonal m!ormation. J h c. -: h.ith. ti\\' fir". bt·au1y SI i -;·,u 110 lot•. 11·•l11cr .. ,1 $k0041 1 '""'' ,. ,.1 .. ,,. 1 .. 1 1"' "" s;.::ri11 'i b I • dt ., f \UllJtU~ I it1tt", 73 X :!.l!! f.:!7 fll/IJ 1i ,., 111 ~ b r \'lf'W "' hlli1' $1Z 1110 •, fleet 1 b r 1'1,1 s 11tc11 111111 A(lln" \'Jl'W 111 II•\' $11 00<'>j THA DE l'I' I'• m l-l1111nji!s 111"" ft1r 2 h 1 H111 hur AIN\ "''"" r+r flh 11111 f ·111111 I II\' !--ltflT:~;s :: hr rt11• ~,.., untt ku I .:u• 111t !.? f'A\tt, )..:! ~l~ ... Claire Van Horn Hf:\ll llH :!7 I \\ I I II,)" .. LOTS rt 2 \\'\Tl H~ l!l 1;, I \\ I h I lk I , I t I •r t '' I l•ln h I I'".:. ) ·~ ,11•1 t• t w. E. FISHER & Associates :mu E. Coast Hwy., Co rona dei Mar HAR. 5032 v v Best Buys Corona del Mar I . SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES I .tl(tl'ci exc lusively with ua. See us for best buys 111 this a rc·a. Shown by a ppointment only and pric<'<l far tx-low rcplacemC'nt cosl. Call us for particulars and appointment to aee. 2. SHORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price of $14.750. 3. OCEAN Vl.£W HOME & INCOME Lou Bn,·nt1111 . H.1n.1d1· P r nlfHC', Hnr 3'.!Ui l'\l' Har 2'<11'1 • -· I :"lfo:\\ l 'tll,T 1rr~ ""'k to \lt<r •' "'''1~J.,.ht 1J111t·s::St\.i.".lfl•f . Bl'st buy of the year . Larg<.' 2 bedrm. home, 2 baths plus 2 b<>drm. ~arage apt. plus furn. studio apt Only n flow sll'J•l'I to nccon front & China Cove. 45 fL front.age. (.Juahty const t hru-out - Better hurry -Only $38,500 EARL W. ST ANLEYt Realtor In:: • 11,.~ ""'l'"'r z """. 111 \ \ •:1 H .~., :!~fl ~l a11nC' /\\ 1•. Balboa li:.lan<\ BAYSHORES Jn thi4 'xrf11q1\1• <l"l1;.-htf11I d1i;tnrt wr· h,C\t' :1 :l H J~ h11nw. t ••mr. furn 1m l:trl!1 lot wit II !lpac •· fu r 11w1mmm~ I" '"I \ ··n · 111• l I,\' nl·w 11:• io ::?:?xJ1; f'ar11~· r oi\l'lf'tf \\Ith 1'11,.111 ;.:lit•d. \'nuint 11nd 11 you ru·t 1a-.1 '"ll • .111 , llJ 1\ :\m.1 .... tn y11t1r rw" h11nw l'r11 r S'.! 1.:111ii BALBOA ISLAND Cl 'TE :! B n -('oml' furn. 111 1mm11r11l:lt!' I >n I Olfl rt'nr of 1 '" t·ll• r t I\' lex. t• ti • r·1• r 1 .. 1 Ru1 lol a h .. m1· in frnnt :111•1 h.1\1 .111 lll• 1•tTll' f1 1•m this uni· Ir '114• tnd ~~Oun Jl''r \f .Ir O nh St._,;-,1.11 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 31111 \·1:1 L1tln. :'.'\1°1 p., h 11.u !!lit nr· )far l!lj'.! E\'CR ll:1r ~1!'11-~T l l.1r 't1 ,.,, Ii' I ~ t I\ f • f~ f 1 I I''\ 1 "I :°\: f'.\f :--; I "I~-, I I' ' f (I-; ,jl' I l 'E:\'l'\!'l'l.A l ,l•T 411\11"' 11 .. 1 t I I fl f '11t It CORONA DEL MAR REALTY co. rrun: 1'. ~trC'l'ISTION. Renlto r 3H; E. Co11i.t Hw~· 1 C'nronll d<'l Mar. Har. 4 7 !Office locatNI mxt door to Corona de! Mar Banl<) LOTS LOTS 10• \I : A I I• I\ f'I ii II C: 'I; ••I l 'I• r 3() X 1J 11,,. 11" I • H or •,z, ~ \\ fl-2 le' i·I lot. :" of hwy Jlf'rfe1,t lO('atJon for .. ,,. 1.·-'! , , ~'"'' ,, home with J:ar a pt S~,j()() 35 x 11 34 1 Hazel Drive, COM Just 11\'1 r n blnc·k from lhtc b<-ach. le\'<'l Pnnrly loam. ~!ti n1·1~hbnrhnod. S-;'.950 I I r • I ~"l'f: 31)~ 11 !'.111t h 11f II\\~ L~nl R-2 Int Our l)(-st bu,-. • 11.n:->0 OCEA:'.'\ \"IE\\ 1111 "' f'rlo<•ktng Little Corona B<'ach. qu;ility n<1ghbor ho11<1, only Sli.500 A JI !'XClUSl\'l' Wtlh 115. RAY REALTY CO. '.l 11-1 r.:. l'oast llwr . Cornnn d<'l Ma r Har. 22S~ (Arrot1::1 from Rank in CD~t) BIG 3 bedroom older home In CoRta llle!<a-Rf'itl homey and top notch con.strucllon wllh ha rdwood rloora ant1 lleparalt dining room. Situated on 2 Iota wllh & fine f&mly orchard. Sub- mit orter&-S11te or lr&d~. Also 20381 Cypree• 2 Rl!:DROOlll Hickory built w1th lihaka roof . hardwOO<I tloora - t cle and 22/l \•0111 In k ltC'ht!n. T ruly a 11mall country f'tilnl._ 111 month11 old. A genuine 11tul a t $10.7M> w1lh only $2:100 dn. Unsurpassed VfEW l..OT ovtrtook tng 1111 or ?\rwport Hnrbor and IL pnfC'rt vlt>w ot Catallna. Only SU :)OU Not a leaJIC'hOICI Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 260:2 Xpl Dlvd., Npt. Reh. Ha '718 • Irvine Terrace Magnificent Cu1tom Built Home ,. • Two bdr1n1 ttnd 1trn • Prim e location on Oolphln Terrace • BeauutuJ carpet.a &nd drapee • Ex~lvely la.ndac&ped • Modem In every deta il • Elcclrlc k itchen • n.·o romplete b&lh• • Owner wants lmrnfdl•l• aaJe IJllnl'IUI P r1c'e rt'<lu<'l'ff to S33 ~ tum1 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. H arbor 1600 l!:vu. H11rbor 36118 Building Sites l'wn h,.&ullful tn111<11oi; 111t1111 ont' nn •'1\1111'r 1n !hr l 'rpf'r Hny Hrr" ERr ll 1n nrli;hbnrh•X><I of \'t'I )' g<•O<J hrmu 11 I In Oranrc Cn11nty ~tWf'<'n ('r.11ta I 1702 Newport Bl\'d. Phone Llb<.'rty ~-5597 Costa Mesa E\'C'nin~s Liberty 8-14:57 BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little lsla.nd, pier, float. tormal 4 bdrm. home. The land \'alue is close to the askmg price. ATTRACTIVE 4 bcdrm .. 2 1:. baths. nr. So. Bay. Owne r will ta ke small down . Ask111g $42.:SOO. GOOD F.MflLY HOME. Near So. Bny. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 1 1:: baths. ~26.500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- ishet.I home. Subm.1t down. S:.?5,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot. 5 bdrm. 31:. bath hou~ plus unusual :! B. R. apt. over 3 car garagr. Bolh ui'uts newly furnished. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith ttaroon HYall 4-622.2 J ohn Mache.b, Hai\Jor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2~ Marine A ve., Balboa Ialand . GOLDEN RULE VALUES BUY OF THE WEEK s Bdrm. home, t'irt'place. wood n oon1. f urnace. lg. gueal house. Work shop and garage" All o n beautiful ha lf llC're for only Sl2.500 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Moves you in before XITlAB to this rucl.' 3 bdrm. home. l yr. old. Yard fenced -AND IT HAS AN OCE AN \1EW $10.000 w1Lh monthly pay. ltke rent. NOW HEAR THIS Large business wned lot wi th 4 yr. olri furnished riuplex all for $10.000 ·-Room for 12 units. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON l 856 Newport Blwl. Costa Mesa lacr oRs from Costn MC'sa Rank) Phone LI 8-6761 Eve·~ Har. 1366 -1..1 8·2103 )h-im nn•I san111 Ana arr~"!;"'------­ that 11 r•·1 .. 1.v f,,r df'' rl111'm~111 j F~~:?r~!~ .. ~lt~; .. ~?· ! R11•1n• •11 Hrnlcr r J JJ;j E C•I HW\' c • .. r,.na dl'I Mar llA•I• r .:1-.l PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE l -5 ~UNDAY 2017 E . OCEAN UL\"D. I ~l',\l IOL'SXES!:> 1n11tdfl anti out n111rk11 th ~ rmc off· rt~ i; In n PENINSULA POINT ~harming IS the wo rci fnr t htR home & rusonably priced for the t.l1t«'nmrnattn~ buy<'r. S<'<' thr ocean from largl..' i-un deck, ada:nn.: the SJ.000 drape• & carpeting. EnJl)Y t he two ftrc>placeR & F. A hut. ~frty too, for the ch1ldN'n 1n thC' lar~f' cnclo&ed patio. A II around comfort in 1 i50 sq. ft. o( 11\'ln~ space with 3 bdrm., 2 bath. 3 ycara old Only 2 .750 with te rms for the qualified buy~r. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. 81tlboa Bl\'d. Har. 1588 or Har. 1218-J ------- COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. Call H~rbo r 2042 Fra n~~ James & Linwood Vic k I q111tl1ty-prutHl<"t 111•1i;hl,"1 h•lf•rl ---or hn<' h"m<~ j hr'~. l '\ t.~thlt. BALBOA ISLAND 3 Br. hnmr t!l """) :111d t lor.1~r· rl'Prtl lot it x 1'•!1 with r .... m 1111 111• , ,. h111lwn~. !'.":l(ln with trrm ~ ~. A ·ount ry (.'h:h l\h •a fkauliful :? Br. horn••. plu~ f\\1111111· "'l'·ll:llP rl'ntab. 3 gar;•i::.1'!< 1· .. r111r l1•t nn•l m••11nl;w1 '11•w. :-~ .... 7~1tl with I• rm!< l hinw Ill\" :! h r I and lllt •inw St.•\1•11 11:11t i: all furni11hl'd. ""·'" Rl\·d & m:11 k"t . monthly tn<"Omt' ~ 11~> 1'11l t' :<l!l.0011 "'11 h t.•rmF G. N. WELLS , Realtor LI '-1 till! JUST LISTED! """' 3 brdl'l"'nl & ,Jrn mnth•m hc•ml' Balbna P rntn- eula -IP(~l t-'1. rt. hnn~ OJl'U I~·· budt-10 k1tchrn. lo t!' (If til1'. lnlC't-('(lm & mull • IP Ill rnomi;, :.! fin·- plnn ~. !Pr1 C'd air h<'a t. ~unJt•rk "1th Orran \'1C'w N111•ly lnncl1ol'8JWd pat111 -S3~.5nO. Ownrr m ight u111111J11 \',1t·:i nt prorcrt~· lta1 bor Arel\ BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. 1450 W. 8ulboa 8 1\'d., Balboa Harbor 1264 1 t ~", I•· c r, 4 ,. 1 < • n 11 .. \ ...... 14 11.: \1 .,,,, \\1 f.,4UH•H 1'.i•rl J I•' l 'I ~·...: f 1r I 'll '-,'' T· fl ~· • "!" ' ,. " \ 11 n • "' 'li•ot \\"Kl"\': ~·111 ,. I 1!0\• nlt \ n I 1lh 11 :'h • a~ C:oa I :tit,.,.,. :-: ~ t 4 n tf ·• 1o Ocean Front $1'.111• ;, ·••l' 11 l ;~t,.; l ~N1rm n .j. r I ... r II t 111 \' fll n 1.•/ , ... I I 7 I I I• ,, t I I I ' 1'l·•1ll .: ' .. , J:"I ·~{' , ... ,IC~• I (1 ' A('t ~~)fl\f' ·Coast Properties .. Ii F: ll11lto11a 111\·ol l!,tll••A I lnrbor ~tibll. 2~fl7 and 411•>" m u~\ :-.:F:H 1'(lRCl:"A ··~:L MAR, modl'rn 2 11 .. c 1r1 hr•rnf' f11 l'f•hu f.' f 1macr h1!w I nr• \\'\\' <'!lr}'Ptln~ 11nd '""P' ~ •II ii' S?olr 8 trt''"l'·I !or 11('1 r 'lll 1111r~ SJ:\-7:)(1, s:1:,o(I rtn 6<13 ro1r.•l'l~111 Aiu Jfl-()0.M asuc I HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! OOC' ••f l')llr r henl11 JUst bought a horn<'. thrn had a 'hnngr· of 1•lan~ -ran't U!'lf' 1t -mu!-.t S<.'11 1l 2 aR·s. lar~<' c.ltn. rm .. t•utc k tt., huge h''· rm. with f1rC'placc. lo,·cly patio. llnuRe carpeted wnll to wall. A rC:lRonablt• Jo\\n pmnt. 11nd assume (of all thmgsJ a c; I lo:in \\111 g('t )OU tn. Hest lnrnt1t1n Only ~15.:?~n. bl'tl<'r hurry. R. L. STRICKLER , Realtor R n HOIX':E, AR.c;nrrntr 3622 F:. ('oa"t Hwy. ('11rona d!'I ~IRr Har. 2ii4 $15.000 OCEAN FRONT 3 &drm . 2 bath. fu rn1shrd, c11rpct1ng and dra)"M's too. We will pr<.'l'<'nl you r 1t.IN1,11 on p:lyment R. ~1-:f: !hill bt•fort> ll's l!Oltl. M-1 ZONE DUPLEX Asking Sl l .~00 -O\o\·ncr will trade for? ThtR propc•rty hn11 a future. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. "Balboa Bin i. Har. 51 ~or Ha r. 1216-J "'xur1 .. 11s p111t•• r,z rt lut II ring y.1•1r 1 h~r ktmok f'ric·rtl t" 1 .. 11 f'IU·;.\'t f:W llY Al'J~. l'.1111- Muriel M. Pinover I Realtor :?fil\4 :-;l'WJ'l('•rt Bhtl. :'l:f>I Br•Hh I r:My r 111k11 s.r ll1111>rir •fltO HARBOR BLVD. 100 x375 EXTE~DS J'·Ro~r STR F:F:'T T O STR F:ET Thl~ ist 11:oocl rlP;tn proprrty w ith l-brdro11m house suit- 1 ablC' fnr nff1 cf'. ·w e feel this I prop<'rly to l1" the be111t buy I on Hn rh11r RoulC'\':I rd. Almost new -thoughtfully planned, 2 bed.rm. ranch style hnmr. A perfect k1tchC'n with burlt -in a ppli&nccl' Channing living room and nice patio. Con\'en1C'ntly located. $2.S,500 R.ea-cwnable lcnrut W W SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD Realtors Manne and Park Balboa leland Harbor 2462 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU S E E CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. 1 202!1 l111rl1nr ntv1I <'n11t.11 MtM I I.I & 4i61 H d'ih O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage l)')T 60x II\~ on Run1tl ort M11n· rn"l11,. r n,tA J.r~ .... Sl!!llO rrt owner. Wrl • B":rt I. 1~ l hi .. I p8pP~ 36p48 LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING Ph. Kl 3-9221 Eve LI ~2961 Corner Newport Blv<.1. and So. Main St. I ' PAGE 4 • PART 11 I -NEWPORT HARBOP. ME'NS-PRESS fi2-Rrnl r.st•t,. ti2-Rl'al t:~tatt'I 62-Rrnl Es tate 6'!-fuoaJ Estate · ~-m·al El'tatr 62-Rt•a l f:state r WEDNESDA Y, DECEMBER 1'4, 1955 I ACT NOW, SPEND XMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME 324 SAPPHIRE. BALBOA I~LAND. Move right into this lovely 4 B. R. home comnletely furn. Every- thing the heart desires -a big window for your Xmas tree, a firepl. for Santy. forced air to kc>ep you warm , patio for outdoor living & a mooring for your boat. Priced ri~ht with low down pymt. OPEN FOR INSP ECTlON Sat. & Sun 1 -4 or call us for key. SEE us for Bay front homes. we have some mighty nice ones ! BALBOA ISLAND INCOME. Attract. 4 B. R, horn~ plus 1 B. R. apt. Top location. BALBOA ISLAND, 2 B. R.-sun room-din rm. home. nicely furn. Lovely patio, garage. Only $19.950. BUT HURRY! NEWPORT BEACH, Income MindE>d.? Deluxe.LB. R. home and 2 story duplex ( l B.R. ea. J all most attractively furn. This is beautifully kt>pt r roperty and nearly new. Xlnt rental locat ion, 1 bl~. from ocean, 1 blk. from bay. Top Income. ~27,500 WHAT A BUY ! ! ! BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 OPEN SUNDAY 482 Esther St., BACK BAY AREA: 3 Bedrm., 2 bathe, plus family room with BBQ, extra lge. living rm. with massive brick firepl.. bar kitchen with built-in st ove & oven, as h paneling, ahake roof, eliding glass doors to patio. This is real quality at $26,500 OPEN SA TU RDA Y AND SUNDAY 406 St. Andrews, Cliff Ha\'en $14,7~ -$6.5 mo. includes taxes & insurance THREE bedrm.. fireplace, fenced yard, brick patio. Close to grade and high school. Immediate Possession. I GI RESALE $14,950 -4,' r -$73 Mo. One year old 3 bednn modern, completely furnisht·tl incl. carpeting, drapes, built-in stove and o,·en and r efrig. FA heat, sliding glass 'doors. t ile ba th. large 2 car garage. Gt>od Costa Mesa location. Low down payment. JACK BRENNAN, and ASSOCIATES 3320 W . Coast Hwy. "At the Arches" Realtor Llberty 8· 7773 The Main Road To A Sale p. a. p a I m e r i n 1c o r p o r a t e d developers If You Miss This of Lido Isle The Living End you Miss a rc"I value. \'c•ry ni<'e 4 year old 3 bedrm. 2 bat h hom1t nn a 35 foot lot plus a 35 foot lot a<ljoining that is walled and may be used as in BA YFJ?.O NT luxury is seen in tt¥s furnished 4 bl'.'drm. 3 bnth on Via Lido N ord, Almost new, this horn!' is the> ultimate in waterfront Jiving. You just ha,·e to see this one to believe it. it now is for a llJ\'ely patio, or may be separated ancl s old. Phone for appt.. ns you just Call Bill Farns worth. then quit looking. Open House Sunday. 1 to 5 p.m. can't tlo better at $3·1.000 Se<' this <'xrlt11<h•e home on Via Genoa. Lido's widt>st street. 3 bedrm .. 3 bath. <tO by 20 patio, hanlw'd flrs., 2 yrs. old. and in perfect condition. $34.500 Magnificent Corona del Mar view home. Unusual floo:-plan includes 3 bed rma., 3 baths. Lots of closet~ & s torage space, and priced way below cost at $40,000. Come by or Call Dave Osb4rn for _details. Lido Bayfront Duplex Mist.er Careful Buyer 3 berlrM. 2 bath upstain; with dt>1·ks. --2. bedrm. l bath downstairs with <'nclosed patio. Roth apt!';. ha ,·e forced air furna('C', fireplace. cnrjwti11g . .Jr.qics, Do you demand plenty for your money? Then see this 3 bed rm. 1:i 1 bath hom e. This one is designed for fine li\'ing and h as a wealth of wonderful ap- pointments. Priced at $32.500. Interested? Then refrigerator . slo\'e. l nlJl'!ie,·ably pr1red at only S57,000. $1::!,00U d1Jwn. call Joe Kincaid for appt. to see. p. a. palmer, incorporated P· a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co .. sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 ole hanson CQ .• sales m anagement 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-5573 Houston Values Hot-Spot Loca ti on I $ 7!•f,ll ~w~o 1 •n. NIC'F: LUUl:J:-;<.; a hd1111 on r• ar o! 111.:11 1,•,·cl. d"CJI l»t. ::itrnla Ana An•, nr :.!:lid lo;\ E:ve. Ph L \"TL8 LI l'l·'..!54 2 C-2 Special ~l-~\\'J 'Ul<T l~l.\'1 1 , Cull hlllf 1trrr wilt. gl)11J :.! lJdt rn honw. TlllK 111 11 i:ou.f •lo·ul for Sl:!,:"11111, l••1111n. Here's a Cutie! :\'F.1\T 2 l>-11 111. ltr<'ph<''" 1111 II t\Ct>.111;} H·i Jul only $'-:11111 111•h $:llll11I <1111,·n 11rnl $:10 llh• 11n hult.nr (' l-lo•t• I hi"' $7500 Full Price ~ Hl •HM , 1 •'Pt 11l hi~ (1•111 • lla1 . H·<.J Un hf·\\ e•r ". Iv :? 1 ~ '1•011·~ ulil ••\\ n..,1 \'1°1 \ ht\,~ou... T1·r tu" I F:H J'h l'l·:Tn n: 1.1 ~·Ml\7 I Business Income ,, I'. t •• ',, :,i ... ·.-,, • .• I I\ 1 '""' •land, padcUc boa 111,. & :1 I 1 ntnll! h lHl1ua !. lufl•I V ,, t I f\JUl 1 In f vHu• f1\'111 $ lll •1tlO tot KUl111t1t'l '"""""' TtH,.IH Aln:AJ. lll'Y s.1~· ~,110 <:outJ ·r.·t·t,,a ":"" l'EY 'tut 1:. 11 11 r.211,. w Houston Realty Co. & 1\1'~ll\ f,\TJ;:- ~.1 1u c~1nt 1•r !,t. ''""'J' \t, "·• Ll ll·tilt 11 or I.I k · 7~'< I "C" THOMA8 "C" THO~IA S WAKE UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS! ! ! Here is what you have been looking for. A give- away. Nc\'cr again will you have a chan~ to buy a 3 b<'d room home with brick fireplace and large separate rumpus room that can be eas ily turned into a guesl houi:1e for Mom & Dad. In the Back Bay area. The lot is 150 x 105 and is fenced. $12,500 -Te rms .• NO-THIS IS NOT A MISPRINT A 2 ltc<lroum home and separate income unit plus a 2 ear garage. Each family has complete privacy. I n Ncwpvrt e cach very close to . the Channel & Bearh. Six years old -$1'1,250 -Terms. EVERY DOLLAR HAS TWO SIDES Come on in an<l we ·11 show you how t o make both s1Jes pay yuu 1.hvidcn<ls -For instance -a Tri- ph.-x 111 Ualboa so cl11Sc to the waterfront that you cun 1.·all tu your kids to "~top throwing sand at l'ath 0tha." Summ<.'r rc·ntala can give you free rent und puy the place off. It is fully rented munlh t o' month now. Price completely furru.sbed. $18,500 -terms. FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE A Supt'r Du1x-r location in Newport Beach on the Coast llighway. Building is suitable for a Snack s hop or similar business. $5.000 cl<>wn. monthly payment $105. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 503 32nd St .. Newport Beach, Calif. Har, ~61') after 5 p. m. H ar. 2293-J FIND TIME FROM YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING . TO CHECK THESE VAL- UES. 4 Peninsula Homes! A nicely furnished 2 bedroom home with dmett1•, pall!', hr&- pl11.t·e Md double gar 11ge, A · l tor $16.~00. l1•rms, I A 2 12 bedroom. J •. bath hon1e all modem.azc·J and r1:11«co1r1led 1rn11 I cute 11.5 the d1ck~ns for $1 7 .~00 and unly $4600 duwn. A be>lut1Cul 4 bedroom 2 bath home w1lh wall to wall carp•·l· mg and dre.pes ... luri::e corner lot included, badmlnt•m eourt. patio nnd epac1ou11 i.:rounrlll and dt>Uble g a rtl g e !or S30.ti00, tcm111. A 2 b<'droorn family hnme with h C'll\'Y furniture UH'IU<lt•(I 11.nd In n ice condition tor $111.000. F HA with monthly P"Ylll<'!ll.S c.n pre11- ent lol!.Jl or Si -l ix·r n1f1n111 H ERES ANOTHER GOOD VAlr UE .•• l:'-1 FACT T\VO Of' TH EM : BALBOA Ot;PLEX .. h>t.lf bjp':k from be!ll bay .ewlm· ~bt!1tLh. 3 bedroom down 11ntl 2 hedro"m" up. Fun1t11ht'd, S1lu1tt•·•I on two lot.11. Swell l<'rll<'r ur I\ goo<J run11ly h ome With fmnnw. S:.!U.000, lt•nns. B eR<'h fiomr nn Euitt Bay Av,.nuc, Slr<'Jltt 6 P"urle ruul llll'l'iy 111r· nt'!lll'.t /\. 1!11n•Jy pl'lll'•'rly fur Ult.' 1111mc-y. $12.~0, Stllll.10 tlown ~a~!:_~~--.~~:~~o. J IS VIA MULTIPlE LISTING Good Value' When You Buy, Or When You Sell l Bayshores I .. 11-:1{ ~e~,:~1· F~~.~~"""1• V1SIT COSTJ\ M E~A 'S FINE~T CROl P OF RANCH HOMES Hos~ l.:rl'rley i Al Cm rn•ll1r,; F.:tl IA'r '"' k 1 ·cnkl111111 .l••~rphln" \\'!'IJll jf111 I': B11lh1A Rlwl 1111111'>11 1·1111nr Ht11 lmr :i:n; SEE YOUR REALTOR TODAY FOR TIIE FINEST P E RSONAL SERV1CE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors fOl N. Newport. Blvd. Newport Brarh ON "UTILE" BALBOA ISLAND A most DISTINCTIVE and CHARMING 3 bedrm . 3 bath home. SPACIOUS 2 s tory hnng room pan- eled in wood wi th huge stone fireplace. carpt>tl'd wall to wa.11, forced air heat. lot.s of t tl<>. IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. An IDEAL year round home for easy ho11pita h ty. Offered at $36.500. Good tc-rm11. FOR SUMMER FUN AND WINTER WEEKENDS NEAT 2 bedrm. cottage>. d1>se to Bay, F in,pln1•c· and n oor furnace. fu ll lc )l , doubll• garag-e. X~1 AS SPECIAL $19,()(¥1 Low down pnynw11t. MARINERS ISLE REALTY 318 Manne Ave .. Balboa Island Harbor 4781 .. NON-VETS OR VETS -' $295 impounds moves you in -new 3 bedrm. 1 1:.: bath. Back Bay area h0me b<'fore Christmas. Taxes pa11J to Dt•c. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1~7 Ney,rport Bl\'d. Costa Mesa LI 8·1632 Eves LI S·HOO 4 lw th,_. J; ... •• t.1l111!V f Hf•t.I \\ th 1111111 Ill,,,,, 1 .. •11111· .... 1>1•1 r'tl t.111" I k 1 l• lwn " t1 II 11 I I ""·II 1 u • ! I tu t·fd.•( ··~ 1 •\-'I\ lh• 11' 11,: • n o\'••! hl•1l<Ut~ It I) •In I l• UL \ • • ·11 I H II• •t "-.~•11lk•' I t uq 11•n1t"' •J ul lr••~'•\t ;,•UL••'''" ~•11 Ui'" I 1:111 •l~l:~~I~~ '~'~'~'~: .... ,,,I \W\\ 4 l1•11Ut11t11 J l••'I ,, 11111 r It· ftlr\•' •r I :\1 I• • ·• i t'lt1 tu 1 Ut\ ··~· • IJf·t1~ • f'i" 1 1puf \ I nt hon-·· l+t •n· •1ltl• r .. r 'pf\' s~,lllhl d,,.....,n 1•11 1' l111 ..... n••\\ If.,· r•••tnt • inj( th II\\ II... t & '11'- Lido Isle f;\l;\l rloJ,\T1 1 •11~ •• ~·:<io l'\'. f J•\ • t .l h I•"' h •11t11• • n ;.i1 t• lt•t If 11 tp1• 11 I •' l~, I r ti 1 r' l P•• • 1 • r ."•l 1 "I 1,. .. , '" It \I• I I I f:-.: rllit "'•1 \! '''' 1• I "C" T~Ot\1 AS , Rltr I ~_., \\ ,., I II I.I.,·.:; "l ... Tl lO~ti\~ "\ ... Tl!O~IA :-; Ba y Shor es i·.~ .. • '., I I 1 •rwn f ~ .,_., •\1 I , •• 1 .I 11111 I•' r 1 Iii I \ ! 'I di ' I 1f t I : I I 4-. t ' I( t• .. , ...... RALPH P. MAS!~EY Ji.r ;\I I t 11.: .I~ I l .'.'I \\ i ' 1.. " I I: ll llt t\>1 11 ~ .. ! 5 Acre Ranch <..:O~TA ;\H::O:,\ Ar-I-;\ ~::1 ;,1111 f:l\i<I' trr11 llA;\: A li\l • ll>:-:~·'\ n .. 11'lnr Hnr :16}'11 M uo~y ~ 11~17 .;;. t:\ FOH ~A u; nn n1::-.;T ~1':\\'L\" 1 ~ IN •11'1<' I n;c l~rn 1-nc> b1·drn1 hi r t ;· ltlt~, ... '" "t l 1,;1 n,nrn ;\1• t hH t•t.110 ~ I t .. 1 Ptrl,. :'\r\l pn1t 11111 d1!<tlh t 1 •t l.lb«r 1\' b·ll76 31<Uc Thn·c irnd four h<'1frms .. 2 baths, built-in gas ranges and ow11s, t h1· wry bt•st o f natural finish<'d hwd. n1b11wts. glcamm~ oak noon~. largr bedrooms. sp;1n11us 11\'ln~ r1,11ml'l. dining rooms and br<'akfast nn·as, 11i:.-.i bnd, fin plal'es. closc>t spac·e galorr. lwa ''Y Kha kt' 1'<•1•114. lnr~e lots, frn~NI amt land- l't·:1111·d Tht·M· h11mt•s lrn \'1• many mni·e fra lures lh:tr1 n r~ usually found. SEE THE Nr•:Vv'LY OPENEIJ FL'RNlSH ED ~IOUEL D0::'\1-: lN FRENCH PHO\"INClAL B\" l1A'.\:l< a::H Fl 'HNITL'RE OF CO~TA MESA. H ARUOR M E~A RANCH HOMES Jn ·mt' A\'('., 1 BIO\:k N. CJf 17th :St. EARL w . STANLEY , Realtor 15th & Jn 1111· Llbc·rl y K·26tH Or Liberty 8·3123 . .;.... Our Under Cover Agent- hl\11 fm11.lly f1.1wd a large· :1 B. R. homt' on o ne of Cliff l f.1\·1•11 :< f11w st strerti:. PR ICE $16,750! l.Al~la·: ll\'illf, A.· d.mng ar~·a -LAP.C:F. kit('ht•n - I.AH<:!·• l'-1·dr" mi: w11h l111tlt-•ns -LARca=: )(1\. I.,\ H< ;I·; in 1'\ l·ry t hmg nut l'ri<'l'. PIN\St' tl• •n 't t h111k 11 bc111t 11 !1•11 h•ng'. 1:x1 l11s 1\l' with .. THE VOGEL CO. 3'.:!nJ \\', C11a,.;t ll1gh\\:1y, !';ewport Beach SEE THIS! LI -34 l "parkhni; :? bdrms 8: den at S16.;)fl0. Beautiful cow1try sl'ttlng -i•WllC'r lca\·lng state-Must sell. Wate r~ront 3 Bdrms .. 2 bath~ -p1rr and glip. Boat induded. Many gout! lislm~s in Harbor area. Kl LLION. real estate 3341 I'\cwport Blvd, H arbor 5505 B & B Corona del Mar !-ihorecliff • <.j111• l • 1tnYt•n \'h w l11l • !')l!I• 'l IJdrl1I & th•n • ~ ltnth•. fl"t l•·• I k1'o h"n • J ,or)llH \' l111tll l/,r l>lll:Mlllll • !l:Jj~!'1ft"t Htll 'f '"I ',.,",. • Cnm" ;.,.,. this w n11tl1•1 ful h1•Jl\1' Ct1rn11a Highlands e ,\ h1xu1~ ln•llj" ~1tt~ • .SJ•t•I \Kl Iii.If \ tt1\\ • ~1:1 !'i••1• r"ll I'''"" I 1~ e Ho•ll•ll (o•I .I'• 11 1 U!ltt11ll hum~ (I Coast Highway • \ 'hn,\ t i I •Hl *"''I t t,1 l ln1 fttlH e ~ul \ 1 1 J »• 1\.1 !it uld • 2 ,.ft+f~.~ )1',l"il~d • 4 H jll> I 0'111 f'd • "'''>if ,, ...... ,,, e 1',11 kill)! 111 I i'tir • 1:'(1 t I• Ill 1l111 f1H1 • ~·.~,1 11111 \\ 11h ~,, .. ,, !1 ''11,. e JI 'II ~tu~•I \*'lJlp• Cl I • fl t • y :-; " I. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc L <' ,, • n.1 ol• I ~lnr <Hitt •• See Me-Ta Nelson 1 •iHl1:'\,\ l •EI, ;\1.\R I f.(t\'12LY tlllf•I•·'· l'hBkf' rnnf h('Affi 11•11111,:: l' 1q11•1, .. 1 '•n« h•"lr "' Ai•l 1«111.,.,I on1· Y"'" $7!\. 1'"" I ""' 111 • .ipt. r1'11t11 $ t:.!r• S.22.1•1n «A TA I.I;\";\ l!'l-A:'\l 1 \\.ILL .f:Xf'ltA::\'1~£ 13F:Al"Tl l-Tl~ Fl 'K;\" TRll'l~f':X, nn,. 3 hdrrn. 2 hrtllu• nnl! 2 hrni, hnlh & 1 hdrttt llf•t With lJAl~I F in« l!><.<l111n, ~h•"''" lPr'Tlrtl' •~· 1111 nq I"• •r h11s1rn•NO. 1m·m ne 0 1 ~ In Xr" r11r t 1trl'I• • ~tl':TA :-;F:l.SON' 2!11•1< E t'llA~l l!Wy. <'orona <11'1 ;\1Ar, Har. f,~,1.1(1 U c48 8 Good Lots E1\ST SllJE Co~la MeM. 29', <In nr IP,.~ 1 Lli\~ A JACUB!"£;\", Rrnllnr 1 I liar. 1'1691 or t..Jl>uty b·6:l17 4:\C'i l'I "We're Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area fa milies are inspecting these exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience an<~ central location. More and more families who prefer a home ln a re- stricted quality community~ar~ moving into their Irvine Terrace homes. Drive In today and see for yourselt the many out- standing features of this remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coast Highway opposite the new lrvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Furthe~ Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Shorf'S and Cliff Haven DEFINITELY-THE FINEST AT BALBOA ISLAND Lovable. dne story thick shake roof ranch style home. Large bl'am ceiling living room 18x25.- Complete elect ric kitchen. Thermador eye level o\·cn. A utomntic dishwasher & dispnsal. Kitchen has large dining ;.irea opening to patio. Large used brick fire place and forced air heal. Two bedrooms, one is kmg size with big wardrobe closets and built in drRweni. Beautiful full bath- room, garage & launtlr y room. Lo\'ely drapes, cur- tains, wall to wall carpet. Price is $28.500 with L . C. $15.000 at 51 ::'·;. Int. Big value & wrll worth the money. Call n ow t o see this real dreamy home. ll's the finest ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine A vt'nue. Balboa Island Next door to tht" Post Office Har . 444 f:ves Ha r. 4059·:\'f Har. 4248-R LIDO PROVINCIAL • • • CLO~E TO THE CLl BH OllSE This t'hoict'.lwo hcdn•om ran b1• yours for only S2:!,'iOO. • • • • • • • BeamC'd c-c1lmgs u~ bricl< ftrf11htee Jnsiue window t1hult<'rt1 Quarry tile kitchen Largl' two-car ~aragr Lai:g(· walk ·m du~t:l We ha,·e Lht" key t11 t.h1s im1m1t11lat1'. nC'ar new Lido lwnw C11ml' 111 and d1 scusR terms. LIDO REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON (;ENE \"R EELANl> :Hoo \'ia Lido J. H. GRO HMAN \"lRG INIA MANSON Harbor 4444 t Acrol:is frnm Hit haru·,_ ~brkcl ~ntrancc) HAPPY HOLIDAYS 1 .. '" II' I .. r 11•·1 .\I I .~ '"I" Tr1tll•·1 p111k ~''' "''' HI 'j till ,, I,, J..... \\ t•J1 ~'· 7ft H•I• (·h,Hh .. Jb\ tt1t l Hi f ti h ·,\i ll !. u. 1 .. t• '.! 11n ~••\\f111Jt t:h·J ,,\t•dt•I "''t •· I•. '" 11' J ·1.,1 .. n11 1 ,\ 1 ,. ~I I ~l··~u l•r•\•' t!1ttk J ~:t\• \\.41•1 \'II\\ h;.rnr "''" ';q ). :•1111 ll1'1l11 f J~l\d f 1 I: 1-t lt11HftnU ~,f, ' \,Hi H 1 :-:, •. , ... , '" N tie!"4 111 1~ p1ud 2 nrw f1.rn ht•J•H' ~HfH)!•'"' fiti'Jib•' e,., H••,v.-.A ' •. ',., 'l t11 t i+ '' 1''•1 •"· '1~·" ~ Jnly )-(1ri.:• l'ln1 •' :I l.1 , 2 b3lh. 2 '"" nltl \'It'\\' $1)1 Hiil er 1 f'I rt1 • S ll'l.11<10 tin. $30111) ... $i tol1 At' l!'tm• S 1n r•IO tln c:1•1 g1>ld n11nr too sar.oo l r r nu1 . $2000 <In. S l :i,ooo tl!rms. $221t~• t"rm ... Arl'IAJI dl>Wn. 125 r><1'> l@'rm11 SllUl:IO lrnn1 ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES l\riT ~1·"pn1I llll"I, ,.,,~ln •"'""" I.I k lf1.l:l ~:"''" I.I ><-lihll BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE W<' ca n builrl fnr rnu n two-bedroom or 3 betlnn. h11m<' for $1.6() Square F oot. 100% Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square· Foot Home-$5295 Attacht>d 10 x 20 ~arages ........... S295 We are building on Wallarc, Ray, and Avocado Sts. Starting Ahortly on 18th &. 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information ... OP EN SV~DAYS & WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. l 1041 Westminsl•·r Blvd .. Garden G rove LE 9-0633 I I I co Clrclllat... 16.000 ......... ..................... ..... a.-........ ~ ...-.••r ...... i..-_.. r;a ...... Volame 8 -Nmnber U N+hed at nu w.a .,._ ..t. ._,,;...., 8iR .,,..,. 1111 9 SAVED WHEN BOAT SINKS NEAR NEWPORT ,,ve children 11ncl fou,. adult11 Vlaclch and hi• party were out were reporte\,I Kuved when a 36.·fl. for a weekend c1'll18e when they cabin cruiser 6ffiL!lhNI Into ro<'ka ~ot loat In the ovc'rcast and crllah· ed Into the r ed rock1 aout h of l mUe .outh of tht Newport Nelo\'J)Ort, knocking a gaping hole Bach city limit.I dui ing a h"avy Into the 111<1'1. of the cruh1er. overcu t Saturday liftemoon. Men ln the party slipped over The adult11 broui:ht thl' C'hlldrf'n the •Ide and swam uhore to a lo ahore by holding thf'm above 1mall beach at the bue or a hlrb Uletr bead.I and groped thtlr way curt. When they determined It t o the beach thrQugh a hf'avy 1urf, wu Hff' to bring the children the Coa1t Ou11rd reportrrl. a11hore. they went back to the di•· The reecu1d were a ll pa~n· a bled craft and the rucue opua· r el'8 of the Marilyn E, a ~ewport lion began. Vlaclch then climbed crulNr owned lly Robert Vlaclch the high clif f to Cout HJrhway of Loa An,.el•. The tl'Mt of the where he made hi• way to Co..t pusengera were unidentified. Guard headquarter• for help. Mn. Mary Griffin Dies; Was Declaration Signer Grandchild 11'\uMral •rv1cea for Mn. Mary lntermelftt wu tn Weetmllllter A. Orttnn. 93, of 427 Weatmln· Memorial Park Cemetery. at . ., Ave., Coet.a Meaa, were held ---------- Friday In Parku • Ridley Morl1a----------- ary Chapel wltb the Rev. Jam• 8. Stewart, putor of St. Andrew'• P rubyterian Church. offlolaUnc. Mn. O rtttln died Wedneeday ln Oran re Count,, Oe,,....J 11.oept tal alter u exteaded run-. Sbe WU a D&Uwe of Wbeebna', w .. t v~ and um• to Udl PARKES· RIDLEY MORTUARY ................ ~-· reUNd ec!M>ol t.acber r pw.nd· lit 1Sroedwa1 -Ooeta 11-fal.her, Junaa W wu-. ot lhe alp .... ol ~ Uon of Pbo- l ndepeod-~ WU tM lata LDwt)' 1-1411 Pl"M6dmt W o jt d r ow WU.O.'a "AWll MMY'/ ......... ... • ====~======= &oil, Char'-.. Ortma ., y~ ----------pa; adll~--.---~ tier of~-... i--. a ~ e.r, ~ ..,. ft6 ... ..._.. .dMO; 19111' pa,, _..,. a a d t-...-& • '" 1 ·--~ ar~attrc Private Police • MERCHANT PATROL end HARBOR BOAT PATROL c••i: co1•1•cw; llClml'Y PA•OL Kl 2-10Z7 T•wtJlbe pmNd wttla our beuaUtu1 6i~ Wreppin9 It's Free 0,.. ..... ,.. 10 to 6 .... ..,.... ''" ... , .. o. ... o-r,..• ............. ... at.. 8MI ............ LATESl HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN'S IAllEI SHOP MUIOA notAT&S BL.De. a&.UIOA .... ~ .......... ,...y a bolpttal bed raise• the patient's !pirita \low9ra the nurse'• work ... nntl for ptnn~• a day A boepttaJ bed I• waJ•t hiah for c...-. of peUn1t without •tooplnr ... keepe h im comfortable at the t\lm or a crank ABBltY RENTS 80 YOU CAN REST ... 4!\'U)'thlnf for the alckroom !Tom C0111"1!l<ll' to OXY(l'fl tent. Ka....rty S-1181 !190 8. ..... St.. S..ta ha ....... ,. la W1attta. -S.Dflower -Loa1 Beech" Fire Hits Entlne Room of Cruiser Sew Your Christmas Early! • JUST ARRIVED Skinner Satins and Hand Washable T1ffetas • l'IOU B OUIUI Ufttll Clwhtnlal 9 ..... to 9 p.111 • FABRICS 1779-A Newport Ave. Code Mes• Clothes ESPECIALLY FOR "HIM" AT CHRISTMAS SPORT SHIRTS A Large Selection of the Lai.t Style. & Fabrict V ALU~ TO '41.95 299 t o ,399 Slacks Gabardine to Blend '}95 All Wool nannel• $12.95 up Sweaters by "Catalina 11 Belgimere 100% 995 Imported Au.stralian Wool, Long Sleeve · V Neck Nylon Jackets M&chln e WUhable, feaU.. u,t.t tout warm. Navy. brown. cbar· -1, red while. etc. 14.95 to 16.95 It CGee. Leea to Shop f• YOUJ& ._ .. The Man • • • • 1131 NJwport llYcL, Cesta ..... WI: 0 1\'Z 9 AB OmN ftAm9 QM-pA ....... * I ... ... o--lt7 c..M ...... c , ... ..... e 8t.or'e HOVI: I a.-. .. I p.-. W.. ... X-e ' THE FINm ••• YET LOWm PllCID F.arty Amerba MAPLE FURNITURE ••.. an'lw~er~ o,... Fridays •ntll 9 • ()pm ~ 'UJ t ...... u.ea~ Et-• • em u 8·2'778 MwtlfW AJpba ...... DI«) ... . Metac.....,-c.,...._ - • c--lt'Y Or.-• ~~~----------------------------__.! SANTA SAYS --.:.. .. ;' ,·.~ .-.-.~---. J IJ ~ i ;~ : , 11 M MOCCASINS 10Blf9TO!fm•a ........ w ..... U..A-.Plll'tl ... A.1 11 rlee lfll rlsii: M ...... ....... u 0...-- IMI Glfta for Did -....._._ .. -lw l&beert & all Ilea t THI ROD & REEL SHOP-ISLAND HARDWARE lalboa llla1d ........ 1124 Malle It • W••1 fwl ~let II wllla .... IWflllllll Make "Her .. The ..... ..,.. wenuJne "6.L" From -------4095 ELECTRIC IRON u. Our Easy Pay Plan only OM o.d a Neiw Electric Rezorl Cow la•y & Lester IMIN...,..nm.._,0-...._ ..... u .. ,,., .. 8ehlck" ''&unbeam· . Remlngtoe t..teR Moc¥1- Do Your Chrl1l111G1 ShopplllCJ at D ,..... ......... 5 .._. Newport Pfer Newport lwll TOYS 1-se Oraad Pia• $5.95 Electric Traa. SI.II Doi tto .. $2.91 ~ ,. ....... $1.ft Special 91ft , ...... a;y Coty CtiertMrt ow ,,... J'alHI ..ct Ciro ,. ( • 3 SALE DAYS! e THUIS. e RI. e SAT. . -DEC. 15-16-17- U.S. GRADE "CHOICE" EASTERN GRAIN-FED BEEF ROUND STEAK SWISS STEAr RUMP ROAST·:· FRESH, LEAN GROUND ROUND c:=.1 • AU-American hmous Fresh, lean! Willi•ms Boneless Round ~ 25~ 55~ """"-SALAD DRESSING MILANl'S 1890 FRENCH :!:~ 23c ~~~~ 39c MIL.AMI'S DtDSUt• 29C BUCCANER 6-0Z 1onu COTT AGE CHEESE FARM & HOME FRESH CHURNED! PINT CARTON c CHAMP CANDY! - HARD0Mlx 1 ~<» 29c Ch•mp's Pure Chocol•te 39c DROPS 14-0z. Pkg. GROUND BEEF CORNED BEEF BACON ::3 39~ All-American Fint 45c --AUSJEX SALE! --· Qu•I. Eutern Center Slices -1-lb. • wC.1Hker,'sLAlustex,c~~h cS::~sE 25c Meaty, fl•vorful, fresh! No. 300 C•n Fine for se•sonin so m•n a--oliday dishes! -WALKER' AUffEX No JOO 27C BEEF STEW c.n 1 Jar t •t.· •.. Jiii'"~ .. Hunt's Sliced PEA CHE~ Hunt's Whol~ APRICO Hunt's Pork & Pillsbury Wh ,CAK I ~merica ICE t 'oce•n Spray Whole or Jellied 19 CRANBERRY SAUCE ALBER 'S -LAR FLAPJJ VOGUE -GIA DETE VARIETY BARGNNS (lffective •t •II stores except Downey) All-American 'Tip-Top' 'UIE PORK SAUSAGE C ·--PAPER BUYS!--Comple>don Size Bars CAMAY ,.EG. $1.39 STRETCH ggc. NY LOIS ~~r 1':;,:. 1.&.8. CELLO ROLL HOFFMAN ANGIL SKIN Lo,1011 lnReg.$1.00Size 79c n Pl•stic Bottle LARD 2-lBS .... 29c Northern Yellow or Pin le ROLL TOWELS lath Size Bars CAMAY 2 Lg• 33c Rolls C NORTHERN TOILET 3 2 3c lb. TISSUE ~::~ iVORiY .... ,.,,....., _... 2 For 25c ::= --- 3 For 25c . . . . . . . . . . .. ~UNTS TREASURE HUNT ' • No. 2Y, Hunt's SANTA'S HERE!. SATURDAY • 10:30 to 12:30 •I SAN CLEMENTE • e 2:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. .. - ot CORONA cl.I MA~ A leoutlfvl ..... ,s,, -. • ~'3~E=P~!~ ~CH . . OLD FORESTER Fifth $671 . .': Ivy • Full c.. ..... s.v. 10%1 . Plfth s42s Padre 1946 Vint- .. CHAMPAGNE MON. fAYOLA WINE "::-99' ~s FOR s CATSUP -6 ~~5 1 rHalvn llnpeeled s No. 21h s C•ns Sm1ll0 Whole New ai -POTATOES ft, Chocolate or Yellow MIX ·onr~· or Neapolitan AM t-Gal. Ctn. Goylord -Fifth • CHAMPAGNE . ;._ .·v:. -r: .. ·r fresh Fruits ~Vegetables FINEST 9UALITY JUMIO-SIZE FUDTE 2 '"" 25c c.n, PET EYAP. MILK ..,c_ ........... o.. 29c EXTRA-FANCY OREGON STATE D'ANJOU TCATUNA 25' SAUCE 2 :~:. 25' U.S. NO. 1 LARGE IAKING·SID-RUSSET LIS. I 40-0I. PKG. CK MIX 15'ZE ! !!GENT '"5TlE'S CHOCOLATE ~10 RSELS Pkg . ife Sp•rki,ng Sod.a 6 49c :tQp All Flavo,s! For NO Dl,Oio. IOTTLI ~' l>eli'c~tessen Hoffman All-leef 37 ,. -Order Nowl-:"" PICTSWHT FRANKS ~:!: . c: 'ruiiii: e CORN.ON-COi C 1 e BUTTER BEANS Pkg1. I GORTON'S -JO.OZ. PKG. 33 flSHSJICKS r Rath;; c;n;;d 1 RATH·s SLJCEo-6-0 .. Pkg. 25 1 1 IOLOGNA or C 0 Ill oa uaLOAf •.. 33'-.,.,.. TUNA'"':: ~ : HAM s I ::~~~M. LOAF ~~~~~~~-~--1~~ ~a.i'LAOA";.:::~ ~OOn~···~•mn11n0~~~1.-"L~IV~E~RiMOIVIU!l-U~R~S~T=--~~~,4~9a.o~-~1~~--~,r:n-.-~·!--A7! ... :-t-~~----i Wl1Hlt0\A•ll -27c : 6%-lbl. 599 M~.t.M Al.L-lllJ IAN.-0-...... -.... ~-·· "'" v 43c """'"'" 1 ''""' SALAMI LONGHORN \Widel<amps a{, -----------I W•ll•-49•"' 4:: ·.. M.:.::.:L':;:.:,:·;;_ 1jj .,, .. ...,.. ..... c-... ..... ·-----·-•·m-~---~~~ .. Di:E~~!ll!!!!!i_.._ .. lllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ I ••~-• DOWNEY ""']~ ..... -_ '• .....,., COIN• lllllTOHI & DOLAN I IAM.T "fN. MtNfTI,' A.M. fO II P.M. Wtt. e NORWALK e NIWPOIT HACH ,· COINll PIUSTOMI I PIOlt• 1 ... COAR' •••IMAY AT TUSTIN ! ortH DU.Y 'Tl._,. ontt l:tl AM. TO t:tl P..llt. DAILY e GARDEN GROVE e CORONA DEL MAR tlll .... 9"ft ""1. ,._.. ~.) 1049 COAST HIMf'#AT AT JA ...... DAl.T t:ll A.M. TO 11':00 P.M. DAILT t :OO A.M. TO 10:11 P.M. e SAN CLIMINTI 611 & C'l'•IO llAI. ' ......... ft)' •.Ill. ..... ,.''° ..... ---= PAGE .. COASTAL: SHOi-PER WEDNESDAY, DECEMIEA 14, 1955 . t.er tooO ,.._,.. of tldlt f'rom their the land promlaed to Abraham an~t homeland. ~ problana anJ hi.a ... d forever of hl•UN will be touched on b)' A,IAIO. Xr. Slt~hof wilt be -----------------------Ute r-t .,ealler. Brtnrtnr to at -&llov.mir blautlf\11 t'nlor9d 1lld1t1 :':~Otes F. rom the Gallery \tntJO«l th• fac:t \hal the probluna whk h h~ look wblle on .,, U lf'n• ...,. hwlu'mo1111table. lanai t. 10· •In vllllt to the Roly Land. He lfts npt ahead buUdln1 up her afient 33 d•)'• '" brae!. v1•lllng lndependitnc9 aaalnat ttonomlc ' lwrly Jl(lnc M'rvlct lf'd by Bnince llttd rr.111\llr~· p1eu urt £,1w .. rdJI. Wh<1 will al.a b4' 111n1· Tht pa~tor of lhe t'hurrh 1nv1\· 'Ing that "''l'll·lu\'t"<l t t'l\Or lk'IO, 1•d RPv Rltl'nhof 10 rt't111-n for "T he Ho h · C'll.\ " anothtr cn~11i:tml'nt &ftpr having Tht annual t"hri.tma!I 1'"1,:111111 ' t njo' ... , hi" mlml!lry last Scptem-will lw hl'ld on )o"f'1d11y. ~c 23 a t I bn Ht 1nvllf'11 llll ot hi• t 1 lt'nda '1 p m . a t w)\lrh llm l' the Sunday to romt' for th11 •pecta l eerv1ct Srh()4)1 , hllllrt'n will bY"lni: the I Harbor Red I MATTUMES Memorial Pa rk "' .... -"--,.,...... lrf'f'pl&r ~ M11u ... 1l.-um-lftlf'nu l'ttl l.Uwr11 l·tlOI I ,3n ll'ft"• ( 01'1\\f'tf'r)' ('0:-.T \ ~n~sA MATTRUS 00. Harbor •I t.1,lrr '!I~ ~l'\\por1 1\1\•d. , By 06WllL IAC:.80Jf nau-.J. •0 c l a1 and economic almoat every nook and comer or 1 .U.,ur, with th• a.unnc• that thta tin y democracy lhal 11 atru1-Th" Sumll\y IPVl"nln~ urvicl"S bS.·:<&eJ J.tor\• 11f <'hnalm«s in I ----- . · In •Plte ol tM fee • ~ ...me there WM a tier da9t.tn7 lln within Palutlo•. 1Un1 deaperately to ma intain 1\JI , capacity att•~IM"' at tM LapDa a..cll Art Gau.r, now bt~ln at T .i'clock with • 50ng, 11to1 y Bn1I rt'<"I\ i;tlon • H jg h Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 . Cbn.tmaa puty. .,.., ........... ~ tt .... of the -- -d.e!i«bttul '" 11a.. .,.. ...._ Tla9 m n Qaart.t trom -Y orb& Unda, ~ r ¢1•1 flt WMt Qea1t"lll, 'rob)' er..nw.ll, ~ Bob Yeary ud !>cm .... ..., ._ ftu1111a ... Kn. •rtla& ~ pruenltd a deU,taUUI ~....-lrl ..... O. ·'ehn • f • r t II• 1 old favorlt.1, a ~: wtlole pa11;r ... Jin. a..r ... : 1 rand opera aad .... ~ ~ ..,. 111r9. llll4n4 ........_ 1 They alao tead tM ....., el LMt ...-W. .,_. Won the : aome Chrlatmu earol9. 11......ta w--·· Oball and the _After the entertammd ..... IA Olana4a 'l'llllmday Komial' f nch and fruit oalle ,... ..,.... Quit oe ·~ ta PtcturM om two bMutlfUO, deocln.... and ~. blu arranrect 1t1 1Dart o..11. 1 9-1 u ldlnf at th• cott" u.... ...,. · r..a <h'7 ,...,... bae four of &ra. John Btnp&at ud Mn. 8J. Mr p&Jnttnp • ~t ta • ~ertr. Helptnr too wtt.ll Ua. Mr-larp allow at llt. a.or,.. Utah. f\nic ot coffee _,.. Km• .,_,. 81'1 aao bu a p&Jnttnr on •llhlblt 'trice Jack, W.tda J'ranllUD. c.ry1 at Mt. 8&11 ~o Collere with Wood. Katlu'yn oi..i, LucW• the Womea Paint.. et the Weet Paulu., Mary Couelt Uld ~ eidtlblt. Adami. ~~~~~~~~~-~ Jn dlal'I'• ot UM pundl bowta H b G t wer1 Mre. Chart• Jlndl•Y and e rew UeS Mni. W. 8. Thompeon, .... et.ed by - Mmu. Blanc!h• Morn, It. t t )' Speaker at GarC:ner. Marjorie ~. Jian.e Hutlity, Leonard Wood and I.Ao L•ttl Ch h Dumaer. } e UrC The refre9hment. wen donated • b y a l&r,. croup of llUllainlnl Next Sunday, Dec. 11, at 7 p.m. ! and a rt.l•t membera. Mmea. Thom· • p,._holJday mMtlnl' will be t!• B. Kennedy, Mary 8 . Raymond, held with the Rn. l:mHt Sltl'n· Le.> Dumaer, Marpret Kea.ma, -I Co I\ St I y Gill, John hot, 11.D. a t The UtUe Chtarell by .. u uc · an • th• Sea, corn._ of Leston and Sherer, William Mathew•, H. R. Throu.-h Sta. L&JUna Beach. Bullett.. Leo Fo•ler, ~ .. Out· ' land. Otto Paulua, !Httrlce Jack Th• 1ubject wtll be, "Ood'• Pro- end Ml1111 Beatrice Jack, pam tor lar .. I." a ttmely m ... Decoration• tor the ChrlatmH HI'• of propheUc import. llrael tru were t um t1hed by Mr•. Kat· Jl&I been Htablialsed a aattoa al· . \. MUST MOV.E BY DECEMBER JI at All Gi# Items 20 "· to so-;. off C6rona cMl Mar 3403 E. Cout HWJ. Barbor 6071 LIDO sHoPs U'PLIANCD -llome'e .. Puu -OMJ«r -a.n\c!e UDO EL.£CTalO MU v .. UM -~ ,,., N ~w and U.Nd Cara ~l(.'~HTZ fJTUDl:llA&U "6lt"11 IWl'VlN! htta 141~ s~..-,.n .. .._ -Bar. llt BANK.8 BAak et A-rte. NT & &A ,...., ... ..,..._~ .... BARBER SHOPS l.11.)0 t'HA \'INO MtrO la lt'ch• tll'• " .. "' for NM s.4'8 \'le IMo -ffar11or II~ Bt:AUTY PARLORS UlllO 14 \I.CJ~ ot· llF.AVTf aua ~P~ Bh·tl. -Har. 1611 BOOKS IM)VI' ('A MI'; Hll \'la l.IOo -R aftlor u.6 CAM.t:KAS ~ Suppla \I~' t:~T LIDO UKl:O~ I.Ml \'la u ... -~' .... CARPf.:1'8 ~ DRA.PEJUf.:8 Olt.:Ji M.A( h.£A l .. te \'la l.H-H.Mhr tnl CATt.:RING llll.'HAIW'8 UDO MAllUT MU, . ._ ua. -Har1wlr tau ClothlAg·Ctdld.reM & bfut. 'r.JU'8 or uoo .... s"'"'°" .... CLOTHING -lln'a Ret&D IUDWJ:U.'8 uor FOR 11.&.N UJI \'ta UM -llarhr ONI CLOTlllNG-Womm'a Retail I.A au.~ ... Via ....... ...-. .... UDO FA81110!f8 1611 !(,.. .... -..... 11'11 IBADDO()ll .. MUV•U..-....... 11'11 DANCING -••••-IWfG ilf\IUIOe .... .-.o, ... --- DaUG lll'IOSD \'Ufc::mrPa .... ..,.. ......... _....__ t:LBOnlO WJC i+MJIOa l'OUN'l'AIN, Om.&. YDfmJft'a UDO ~ . Ma\ltaU..~ ....... - n•maALBUD GICIUIA&ln' 8"1VDI09 IUt \'la I.Me -...,._ ...e C'ASSIPllD DllECTOIY FV&ND'UU DI~ IUC&D MM Via UM -...._ Ull Oll'T 8110P &IOBAAD'I LIDO 'IAaa&'I' NII Vta UM-..,-. llN INS UllANCE A.0.EN'l'S w. o. avca. mo. NOi V• t.Me-llutlw 666& INTERIOR DIXX>liTOU BlAl"Clll: f'UUL&a&oN A.LO. Mlt \'la LIM -..,._ 1111 Dl(;k 111.ACU& Ult Via LIM -llu'1M UN DON CllEIOllTON As I-D. ~a •• ,.,.. ... , .. ......,._ ........ , MAB&ETS aJCHA8D'S LIDO 11.A&UT uu na Ude -....,_, IUI REAL ESTATE P. A. P A.UO:.& INC. aua via aw.-...,._ tMt \'Ot.EL OOllU'A..,,. M t• v• tue -...,._ •n M I A..'-D ~CB &£A.I.Tl' Via Udo B~e <>me. llll t.a..f'a.,-eti.e -aan. ..., UOO U:A.LTY A.MOCIATa Lido Salu A ~ ..... , ... U4le -...,.. "" SAVINGS & LOAN A.SSOCIA TIO NS Nt:"'POaT aAJ..JIOA 8A \'INOI II WAn" A880CIATIOi-i A SavlJll'• l..natltuUon Lonr Term Home LoaM ... , ... i.w. -&an.r '"' ~ERVICE STATIONS UDO IUCRP1&LD Nll Ne.,..n Bf.-4-llu. 611T mom -M•'• .9U>W&LL'8 ITOU roa lmN NJIV•U..-BanwtMI IBOU. WOMEN am.rs or CA.LU"OaNIA Nlt Va U•• BA ttll Cl'llOUITDJNO Die:& ••casa ... .-.u..-..... 6111 W A.tal al:PADS \'DrCSM'J'"W WA~ KSPAlll UDO oauoe ... , Via.,.. WINDOW OOVDINO TD 8llA.H UIOI' !fat t4' 1'-t OM-a.r. 114 SPECIALS for December HARBOR DRUGS 14th 15th 16th SSOl E. Cout By., Coroaa del Mar GIFT WRAPPINGS itib'i;,; .. s~ m 8l1leoa 4tc ,,. .,.., , ...... ..... ........ s100 Gift Tying Kit ......... -·•16 n. Oueeda, I allleeta IOxM 6 Decorated Papers -.. ieo c o.c.de Dalu .. I ...... lbH 1 fte Gift ·wrap _ ............. -.. .. 1--Val••• GOc BOYi -OlllLS ••. How Are You 8tand1as-la *he Olanl Boy'a and Olrt'a Ooll._t ! Chrfsf HNll c:.ds (II _..JQ-lie 8UN tD Have Your Jl'rt.-,.cl• uad Reattw• \'at. tor You -'n*r PurllhMN - AJae LoGll tor Extra Vote M11rcl\&ndJ9t',. • ......... , .,_,. FltD TllAL .... , . ., ....... ...... --tu.60 arm>,_ _ "7.50 &-hick 129.50 ... -~~-.., .......... ......... OperaW -... ...,...,, '2" Electro Traa. Set Tra111CHtiM11tal -.1. sua ....., ...... lawlftt Sprlftt Hone -...au ...... T.W. Ir Chair Set '&" ....... Doi Stroler __ ..... Jaclrle Glecnotl .... Mital Doi led ... ___ , __ ,,_,,, ____ ··--· 11· FLOOR BLACKBOARD Regular $1.98 S1.55 w .. mi....., -•mac Er~• $1.25 Value -79c * Beauttful OLD rousn. L W. RABPEll Xmas Ot.O TAYLOll B EA M Decanters PA.JU\ .t TILf'ORD OLD an·. TA \"EllN 01.D Fl'ftOJ;llAU) WRJTllA,,~s SAMPLEK I lb. box $2.00 2 lb. box $4.00 PANOllUJlN'lll RAGTIME l lb. with Doll $3.60 MA.NU1ELD • lb. box ___ f2.%5 Boa et H Peppernlint Canes .......... R~. fl. .. 9tc Gift S.bscrlptiolls for aft Ma9111ines Talcet1 Here DECORATIONS 19· Make I\ MOW Spray Snow -····· J 0 OL C.-"'°f • 8fto ~bi.117 Bnte Otaa• T..-M c Orwaments 11..u _._ R Boa of I S-t »" ~tel' Brtle 81.ar Icicles tw-c. Ue t,ttproof -utra 9-c 21· Holly ~111'8 ·1 Ot Stri119 Ute Set ··-- •(Ular " ... Dlft"f'"''are s41 • !M<n1oe ,_ fnur •~hor HM klnr "new· Pink Glasswcwe AIM'hor Ol- Rancie Seh 0....p ~nn-~pla.•h-~C· ll.t6 '2'' Bowl Set .. Fov ....... I , 1, I .t ' qi•, 10 CJ1,, DISCOUNT ON MOST uquoas IY. THI CASI , =~~·w~ ~ I u .. our x-· Lay·A-y I Wllllll.,11~ 24 Hour Service OouhLI' \'otH oe Xmu <'ard Moeorama l\' ~"' Bn>wllle II m.m. Movie Camera Tur,..t 3 h'n-t · t .9 T,.l.,ph11lo-Wld4! AnJlf' Rn>wale lftft&O Movie Kit a m.nt. c·.:n .. "" .... 11 1.9 1 .. n. and ptoJf'c'lnt 8'11 • HO"'"ll S89SO 8 M.M. Kit u.m .. ,.. ...... l.ampti and H oldfor-411 I• a carryiq - FOR BABY sr froftl •••oo••-••••- Little Lady Cosmetics C'lll'~)'•Mr•ne.o laaulatM T Sanitary laq . ... __ _ K...-pa &ltJ'• BotU. B .. • Olel f'or 6 mueth• to I ,.., Cradle Gym .. ___ ···-·--·-.......... _ CO$METICS Shalimar Perfume \\ l/ 8RAUMAR ._.,·~ Talcum ___ Sp» ____ sr Do~ Gr.,-s1 so Guest Soap Aut. ---- -r-1 h4lltal ......_,, uuae OMI $'»21 Manicure Set _ -·-·-·---1,- FOR MEN Yard~1 t'hav" 1Utd Shower Set l'he\lltc f",.am, A~r ~ P..._ Mumm'• "111 .. ("•rdo• "-&oUl;f' ,,..,,...,.. .. ~tdl ft rut '8" '626 ... ,. .. .. ., ... Somen Gm Pennlt Kan•ey eoml'ra took out a ssc .• 000 eo.i.. Mua clly bulldln&' per· mtt Dec. 6 tor coMtrucUon ot Ulree commercl1tl atoru by Galaxy ConatrucUon Co. at 622 W. l tth •t. • " '. u.,.~~ PICANCAKl ••• 19'. ...... .., 4'c .. a..mon C:OWU LOAJ ••• 31'-. IJhY•I ..... h .IAM TAITI •• 4 e. 27' ...... Jc) t!lt"J~········· ~~~c~Po~~ COSTA MESA ITOO Newport Bhd. OOKOSA OEt. MAR IOI Cout Hwy. AOOIU>'!\ LAOliSA BEACH %3S Broadwa7 BALBOA ISLA.'>D 100 Mariae Ave. lfl:\YPOKT B.t:AOU l?O CO!bt U ..-y. Sftbram Waffle Balcer & Grill o.ul•~ Toostmastws Freedom Taxpayers League Wams Home Owners of Rise SO f" Tax Hike Per Year Rate Cited by Jack RHs, President of Mesa Group Jack Rl'I"•. prf'11ldent ot FTH-a variance u h I g h u f17 a clom Taxpayl"r'11 League ot Co11ta month waa overcharged the bom• Meaa, and It• board ot dlrectore owners. today w&med reslden~ or Free· It atruck ..-.in tbla November dom Homu tr11ct that home ow11· at Buena Parle'• Buena P1aa&, be er1 there mu.st Uchtt>n thl"lr belta claimed. Tallu tber• were t lrur- another notch. ed at SH per month but ttrat Ta.xea are rlalnc a t the rate ot paymenta &bowed nc. a ceneral :)0 per cent per year, he aald. He lncre&M ot f20 per month. AU llJuatrated: Itemised taxee added to S208' but The enrage three -bedroom their tax bill la ttrured at .'408 borne wu boucht at approxJmate· per ynr. They -~ to pay ly SlOI a year la.xu, roH lo $87 per month but now have a a pproxlmateJy f 1114 lut year and taua now are approximately '216 With Improvement.. Thia 111 an lncreue ot 100 per cl"nt ln two year11. he aald. By 1968 thla rate ot Increase would boOl!l these 11ame taxee to 5432 per year. he added. TAX O\'t:RRIDE Part ot the r-..on tor oi. In· cre•M la the 63 cent laJl over- ride ~ la.et May by th• tucb achoo! dlalrlct. Tax llrhlnlnr ha. now atruck twtce In tbe aunt year. Reu Mid. Jl hit In January, 195:) at the Freedom Homaa tract where DO YOU NHD MOU INCOME? WE D,.,.EA 8ELECTED 18T MORTOADE LDANll WITH 81.'.RVICE TllU8T 0110• •oueMT ANO llOLO WM. I. Ill I MOllTIIA.81 eANltlN• a1NCC -t• N. t USH STlfff • &ANYA MA. Cllllf. llMlbl.Y Wlla Lamps and Shades l'our Cl1Mle. Pw a perfect m brine la your Lamp Of The LAMP 11rA11 Hd MOUNTING Enchanted Cottage l ... L .......... Aaa ..... llJ.a.lna e. wdt&u,, ,,...m I • lllDen raDa. 1'pl!C'i&I for X-Ml1' WJat& Power Unit -.. _. ... , "'1 Ir. \'~rater Sander ~ C'ontro&W Beal. Ith IJIC'-'191'0 Electric Fry Pu_ _ . r .. iu-, OWl• a lfflel ·- ~r· ~11--15 ......... Mbrnuter Jr.--·· '198& ea,.,.J U.U let of t '14"' Steak IC1tfvft "'t •f & n&.t--1~ for k.ltc.k• 11-. $99:1 lo '19" Holdster Set . _ WOODPECKER WOODWEAR In a wide Yarltl.1 o( lnexpen.lve Pr-a.cUC&J Hom .. m&.ltlng GtfU .. TR.EXWARP.-RY.VERE WARY.-B?S~EU. •"-~&RS -KlTOi£..." STEP STOOLS "fUI Roy" '"" ~uf'f'd for "- Charcoal Brcai9'1 21'' off 8t~llnr<t Sp IUC.._. hocon Lamps Skotch ICaddy "Uttte lrown Chest" !'IOI • 4 "• for .. ope or bu.Uitl.n Drill . ............. k.Ck,_ Ice lucket A Buuty! '9: ·1r5 '9" Tool loxes r -·--·-·----·-.. Home larware ··-·--_ 2f .. H11nclredt of Tools a.u-A'-hrw:L Nonlty 0.0.ntt.M "1 w::,..,., ... .,. .. __ T COASTAL: SHOPPER PAM" I f 11' J)ayment to mMt, JteH claun.ct. Chris Thunstrom Wins Music M OU T A.1'1:8 81:.ES RM• warned Cool.a Mehn• that a U to H per month lncrea~ In payment i. Inevitable, dependln& Oil UI• amount In tho lndh1dua l • Scholarship Second Time laJlt a ccount. High hotoor blls again c-ome to sons tor Chrb from Mr. Alll"n ~"" said the Stale Board ot Harbor Boya' Club n1t•mtwr Chris U mlquesl or Emerald li11y. Allio, Equalization lllepped into H coun-Thun.strom or I 8:?:, f'lacenlll\ ptono anLI rlementary mu:.tc lhe- lle11 In California lo equahz•• 8ll· A\'l'. Costa ~esa. Chrl~. son ut ory ball bP~n prov1dt••1 by the Ep- teNlng In those countlf'11. E fforts Jltr. and J\11'1. Rick Thun~t rom hu •tell\ Scholarship from Ruth Bar· wtll be mode by thl' Leegue ll) again bet>n •warded a s1x-monlh cume or Cu111nn dl'I Mu Jee what can be done for Orange Epetetn Scholarship In m 11slc. Any Bu~s· Club member with County, he 1111ld. The Stt'Vt'n o e. v 111 .1£p,,tc-ln b~tter than nn~rage t&.lrut In mu- Ugllts Out Memoriul Jo'oundatlon wu round· tic, art and drawing, 11C11lpture. t'•.1 In memory of lh" y11ung sun urtoonini; or llDY olht'r art ma y ot Jullu1 P.:p11ttln of Chlcai:o. The a pply tor aesl11tan<'e throuah h is scbolarsh1p Is a d m In I • t e red local Boys' Club. through the Boys' Clubo of Am· P1clur• abovt 11howa Chrto re· erica which recommends arholor-t'l"tvlng $260 rhl'dl for hl1 Hcond WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 New P1 .. b1R1 Code wATU DAnu SANTA ANA (~8) -Ttlf IAW. SUYICl w •14111 C'OUnly bo&rJ of 1Upt'rvleora TU•• Jo n J ,_ 'I <lay aur•ptl'd a new pt11111b1nc o,... ePLV~cJJ0cold. Jlnanr e for tho rounty. ..,~ Tl:PrP wt1·0 no objecUona at a I'll~.!~ ~~NT.Jr'" putltc bearlne-htld by Ule boa.rd. ------------. Rep.In e Mabl'---e II t Dz•~, STAFFORD & 1011 "NELS and DOC" SUCTal()Al. OO!liTILACTOIUI n-~l-t11t llt .......... A.._ N"'-port ..... , All ot the etref't llrhts were reported out on the west end ot Balboa Island about 7 p. m. Friday. Ediaon Co. repair crewA were unable to repair the ltn!'I! until Saturday morning, accord· lQ&' to a police report. ahlps ln various arts for t11'S<'1V· Hix-month erhulnnhtp In mu.le. ------------------------1 Ing youn1:11Lers ot better tbsn av-11•1uenting the c:beck 111 Albert ·====~~=::~~==~====~~::=~=! troge talent. Spenrer. F.x,•1·11Uve Director of During tho put 111x month• tllt' the Boys' Club ot tho • .Harbor &cholarshlp has provided voice It -I Aiea. • CONVERTIBLE TOPS SP~~~ BALTZ MORTUARIES ., Ihde Right-Look Blgbt-\l'ear Ri&ht-Prtced RIP~; AatemobUe t:p"bolatertn& COSTA MESA CHAPML 17'1 luparior Avenue Coota Wea, Call!. CHAPE.L BY TIDD Ill.A. 3020 E. Cout Bl'f'd. Callt. a-& Coven TAYLOR'S TRIM SHOP Pbone Liberty 8-2121 JtO! l..._hial Wa, -LlbM'ty I-TSU -C.... .._ ·~ 5:05fc APPLESAUCE HIOHW AY 1111C1 QUAL!TY Id Ith yovt $rnolled Plcni.c din· S.rv• to w =i.~liclcw• ltk.23' dethof -(lnno"'Ofll MINCEMEAT toaDIM'I NOMI MICH l&ANO DIY ...... 13cMOtSf2'4L45c f()IM ,q. f()IM '°' BABY FOODS == 6-39' WW.~,...,.. .. ( ....... fooG 'CllS 5'c) NIBLmcoRN vec1111rn-poc1i.ed. l',.. .. lftc lllw col"1' on cob-C91l• 7 _......, ..... , AMI "--l ',....15' 11U1W AY Cv.n ,.,... - cHocOlAn cov1a1D CHERRIES f "'onnchil\O J,en iat In h tcbvrl• ortey 57 rkt> fondonll Oeliclovtl'f \.It. ( cooted with dorli or M • "'Ilk J,a<olote. loxed. Try "the cookies with th• party ftov~' ECLAIRS ··~ .. :33c ... :39< Monhmollow on coh cootte. dlocol~ 0001er GRAHAMS Coatwd with rich ML 33c dork chocolot• pile. POPULAR BRANDS SHORT SHANK 6-1 lbs. IL in Visking U. PORK LOIN ROASTS 4 Only top grad" eot9fvlly MledN ....... po+'k -· told .. .... ••• .... ... ~ .. 39-:.:. .. 33c «11111m,a.Stelml119 • lllllW, .. Of PORK LOIN CHOPS ~ y SNf~ ~PICE CAKE ~~~N .. 45c ::., .. 3r """'P rol11tu ond epic., for o cftH· 2 5' «Bnl Cll "9 ~ .. 5'd coi.ly flovored toll•. eech • ..,..,.,,,:.,,., ,.. lSc .......... .... 23c PORK UVER ·~:':,~ ._ 1Ac DONUTS ~ .,,.. .. .. "°"' .. • CAPT A .,, SKYLA.., IAISlt NUT 8RUD ~ 2k IN'S CllOICE IU ...... "" FIWT OF OCEAN PE101 ~a• SKYlAIK Sl.ENDEl·WAY IREAD--: 25c FIWT OF COD N ..... ~~· !:' 19' MAYDAY ·OIL HAUIUJ STEAKS ~,~~ ~~·· u:~~r::.:o r.:.: 25 c t'! 49c ' llTTY caocxa The"\ 2-ln· I""'"' AU. PUl,gsl (l'j A al I II I J I . ·I ' : f . , .\ .1 . , ·! 1 1 f 1 :• If •I 11 I ' I Modern Desk Lamp '1 r:a.c"1cl ... WllMI·.. '311e Tm H;,fd;;: --1~·~1&-•---'-C .. locllllllliioaka.1.,..,._, --------~•• -•1-----: T\' Tray•tt• Seh Atl,.....lhf' •Ort pla,llC' Waste Paper Baskets 1'1'f'<'lal tor X-at An1n Autnmatlo llectric Heaten ___ _ '1191 "' Fireplace 5cneM Ir Accessories lealltfftll Chrlst111a1 TrH Uthts Christmas Ley Away Available -We Gift Wrap U:S. No. 1-A IDAHO RUSSETS RED APPLES WASH~~.'!:. ITAn Gin DATES Hydroted Oeglet Noott 2Vt..'.:~lt111• 59c , ... 1oc All reody for moiling - PITIED DATK'~29' CONFECTION ~25' WMlefo"C'f. OaM eweelfMGt w ith ol~L PURIX 8UACH Dlshtfect-t, ~IM ~17c helf ... l. 29c bottle ... WHm MAGIC °"" ...... hle4 ,_ ,,....,...., .:::15' ... i:'.;26( non 11ot.'"M Dall.1 la.a. .. I~· (Fnda1 tu• p.m.1 ..., ..... to.p.m. 1722 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa PL!:.''TY OF • PAB&INO ON LA.BOE PA VJ'.D JDI I ' ' , • I J • t • ' ) t•·-------·-----------------oo_An __ AL_s_o_o_P_P_rn_. _Edl_Uo_a_of_NEWPORT HARDOR NEWS-PRESS -WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1•. 19SS I "".. . .. -·~~ 'e • e a A I at t WITH SAWE Newport Barbor· , Gee Wa pat t.o be pM't ., t.be ....... to be _.... ...,, ...w ud lleeded • • • t.o Dow tMt wttboai '" tile pac woalda't be 41alt.e tlOIDplete. •• Ch.rt.tmu •com.ins! Write what you feel, the boou eay, and what you write will be nad ... 0 . K. I feel bumble • • . I feel .enUmental . • . I feel like aaying thank.I ... to all of youa guys out there for ~W~ ll&kiDg ua part of your gang. Sare I ou1bt to be full of .. "'1gtlt stbbedlb • b 0 u t , --oar CluWmM Treee are -.e ,.... treebeet, pee~ •t. beetaa la the land" that "'Oar ilo= Hart cut ftam&-proof, or apray 'em sky • bl~ -pba.k lf yoa wlab" . • . Bat from the It.rt oomee • • • ''Thaaka tor lookl•c to • each Cb~ by to fW that alcbe la )'Oar Uvtag room ••. TMaka for eem••1 beck agala jhl9 .. . ,., ... Cand..,,. and Chmtmu! !II J'\De Chocolates, loved And welcomed by all . . . Candies, have the particular talent of maltinJ them.8e1Ve9 very gifty or not gifty at all ... A box of candy can either say "for ,-u. ju.It becaWle 1 think '~I you're a swell penon . . . I ~ lmow we don't exchange gift.a, but I wanted to give you eomething" or "eapecially for you. bec&wie I know you lice candy." Again I &hould be tlckling your sweet tooth via ""IE~ lifcClendon'a fine cbocolat.ee .c:i wtth five different ueort· DRnt• ... But my heart just did another flip •.. Your acceptance of McClendon'a ~ocolat.ee aince we introduc- ed them lut. Euter baa been wonderful . . . Thank• for ill reachjnc tor McClendon'1 when you want a truly •uperb box o( Chocolatea ... '... ~ve It to ~aee ..• ;.tuch • a ~>' way to .-p me beck to my own true "•e f.Ot 110«Dethllll no-body .... I lOt" t'ha.rvkr • . . Beue ls the prioclple bllJ""dlent lo our ('Ol~Uon of Old Slav,. Mart C-Onfre- Uou from the ffeP South ... ConftcUoo• eoncocted from the yellowed p&lN of fra)'HI manUl!ICriP8o dlrn jot- tlni;s oa aock'•t no~ a otH. word-of-mouth tft· diUoH ... How would you Uk,. to whip up lhbt Alick di.Ah oa 3·our f'lectrie .ictUet '°Takf' wlM Cluaamon, thf' whit,. of an eu ud nowtr to make It lnto a thla bal-~r and pot It lnto aa Iron mould and bake lt o'•er rhan:oal ... " I ml•bt add the cbef of Sla\·f' Rttf'lPf't' b8 comblltHI tile~ of modena <'ooldDJ: proced~ to proudly offH you a eullaary lwrl~e of tempt· lllgclf'l~ ••• Benne !JI a honey · colored ~--~. whicl\ wu planted in I the 1lave day1 u a "good will cl"Op" ... Rich and 11picy It t. the main ingreclient of many famou.1 Cl\ar leston re<:i· pee • . . ~nne Brittle com· binets with pureat cane sugar to produce a palatable, entk· Ing cruncher for young or old ... Benne Bits ... a small equare blacuit, well salted and with a dub or red pepper. tb&r\llY appetising to provide an >deal complement for cocktalla and other beverages • . • Benne Waters . . . A crisply paper' thln water, tan· talmngly neet. Rleb.ard'• Udo Market, one '1'om Otlr Baktff'Y Old FuhionM En~llsb , PLUM PUDDING 1·•b. 75c DeUclou.s Sherry Hard Sau<'t'I ....... v ....... S.'M> ·----· -··--·-·--------Alld ••. Rk'lmrd'a 011·" Fo"u"ln ()back full of Fruits and Brandy Soaked FRUIT CAKES ., •-•b. 1so ....__....,. __ --· -._ ...... ,_ --------- 6-pack 98c Golden State Coconut Co\'f'rt'd SNOWBALLS , I ,,, .;;~:' • I .~ )t ... Dutpl4 BUTTER Blchard'a Rueb ...._.. Double AA l' 0011 ft.ad everything for merry meny Chrlatmu 8bepplng at Richard's. Not only the flnKt foods of your choice bot the most practtcal glfts you can give or mall Pick up our gift bookltt and plan to do part of your Cb.rtatmu aboppin' • • • at Bicba.rd'L 1b. 59c Holiday Favorites THl"RSDAY • Pfdfe,_.. CRJUSTMAl!i 2143' COOKIES -··········--... do- LARGE EGGS dozen 62c FRIDAY Lvs• ()BJUSTMA~ 46' STOWN -··-····-···--·-··-·········Ndl ------------- pound 79c A;;Li PIE ·-····~·-···· .... ~11 544 Mu•laS-a COFFEE SATl'lU>A.1' ()bop.,., 5123; COFFEE CAKES ·····--···---2-lb. eaa • • • • • • 1.U 0e'Vt18 J'ud1e 1 tJKla 87' LA YER CAKES -···-·--·······MC• ·-........... ·1· INST. COFFEi ,, _______ ...... ·ciisc·o .. ---····-............. .... 11• 8......,,.. llrt.p7 23' CRACKERS ··------_ 1111.. fff'laa T..-te 2141 ; CATSUP .... ---·-· tt-oL 6tock 11p 0 11 C\l'Wt...u Co"411I • • • • Delicatessen I lmportH LUTEFISK ·----··---Ila. nay..-. 91' BEARNAISE SAUCE .... _....... / A1NSW~~ 19' CHEDDAR CHWE __ n.. CHRISTMAS TURKEYS Ordf!r aow for Chttatma&. W•'~e I , popular turkeys for yow Mleoll-.. baclud.hlg Yoang'1 Fre8h RMctb 'hr- ktiya whM-h •e helh·e are the fblf'et Turkeyw uyoee will ftad anyplaee.. Make your1 Veel totlayl iicoN lb. 49c T"'"'•" ,.,'\\'Uff\tl t'. 8. ~ ~t ifiAK lb. 89c .. '/ , CMapftn 31' MARSHMALLOWS 1-alb. DellcloUtt wttb muhed pot.toe. and ,.,..,. V-''Y VEAL 7-BONE·ROAST 1b.35c ~ UINba7 l'Utf'od R.IPf! 29' LARGE OLIVES No. , - SWEET GHERKINS u -o .. 53' Of-rbf!or '• 8tl"alliW'd IAIY FOOD Rk ll.or4'• ,,.,.« Coke/ "-hoo~t ,.~.,, IUc...,..'• hn 53' MAYONNAISE ...... .-. i'i'itnm PEARS s .. ,~27' GloneU.a 37' SPICED PEACHES No. t•, .Olorie.t1a 23' TOM. JUICE . .. .. 'kL •anlMUI 33• APPLE CIDER ···-··· cauan t:s·•·uu:y. WM1a1a~to11o D'aeJo• 2 25c P E A R S ______ ---·-··-·-··-,.,._ Fre11h. t&r«e s ... w11.1t11 CAULIFLOWER 1J. f'. !'Jo. l \\lllle RoM POT A TOES ········-······---·-····--···-- Teeder .. Bttut O'Chlckt11 VEAL O·BONE ROAST lb. 39c 1b.43c FOi' th.at old fu!Uoat'd meat la.I GROUND VEAL To try or bralle VEAL RIB STEAKS lb. 59c TOILET TISSUE ·:::.:'.···'"~pk~._:4_13:.:1:..' __ • __ • 1111• re-• •fmro1%8_"-------.~...--.------- PAPEll NAPKINS,.., 2119' ORANGE JUICE .................... 2 ... 35c 11.....-·. Bf'..EF·Tl"RKEY or 2 4nc: ruuxi&.iAcH--:'..-n 15' CHICKEN PIES __ ......... 1-na. ,.. 1-.r------... 59• CHiNEsE DINNER _ ........... ,,_ 73c .,.. r~--.. ·-········ l'M2'125• FisHtnsTici<sMd -Mc.~·· _I._ 35c CALO -·-.... i .. ...... 8neMC...,... ...... ----u. W e·ve just the Christmas Tree fer you ••. in Sonto's lot in front of Ric hard's. Beau';fully shoped. f rogront ond fresh. To~e your p·c now while selection is best! .t the Lido Shope at the ea· • Ira-. to Udo lale . • • 8Pr£1A.U FOR Dt:CDIBER t!, 16, aad 17. JIM !Ma. tu aa.. hi • ' " ._. ELKS 10YS FOR TOTS' WRAPPING PROGRAM DUE 11t<'tcti •n rnrm the nuc-ltu~ t:of " al11 ft of :io to 00 wonH'n who will ,uher thl1 Wedlluday to cet th• toye wrapp«I In time for dle- trlbullon before Chrlltmu. \·oL•'NTEl:R8 NEEDED Lot11 01 volunteer• are etlll 1500 Gifts for N~ Children Will I ~n ... ~e"~~)~:,w,ver, .. wen u many .......,., Jl:l'wmnn ,..Id lhtr• wlll bf! .. Assembled for Distr·ibut·ion Here mmt' ntt<h ramlliu 1h1. year~- d••11u In th' area. J.fn1t ot the dt>-I caul!" of the lnnux ot nPw re11t- Opera.llon "Toy,. For T ou .. will ber11 •Jf t h" Jl:i-wpurl r11,. depart-P"11d11nu ore willow• with chit· be laUAched tor Nl'wport Hat oor m1•n1 anti ulher volunt .. ,.1 s on thr ,Ji ,•n or w1vt•J1 with a t ick hu1ba11d nu:t Wedllelld&y whtn ll group of rep&tr ol :ioo 1oy:1 tor their .. nnua l anti no lnt·omt' women voluntet"rl meet in th,. give-away program tor kiddies. N.,w1n•n 1'1110 lh~ F.lka program Elka Club central cll'nrlng hoUHc, About 1000 othl'r tuys will have 1~ strictly 11n rn1rq;ency charltv N ewport Blvd. llnd 30th Bl , to br l'n Oonated Mtnr.. Chru1Ur11u1 wtwr e t11mlll t'll nee1t lmm4'd1a1e b<!(IA wrapplnl( anme l :'lll-0 toys that neell nu repair. help fi r 'llCI' a blttk Chrlatmo11. ft>r neet.ly d11ltl11·11 "" well a11 Arcordlng 10 Ou:k Newman. On Dt•c 16. 11111'1 Newman. nnt' a eoree of Chrlll\mll! b.1ak1•t• fur leatllng knight or tht Elk•. who or hu1 tr11ck11 wm bl' sent over to -needy Hai bor a.r,·a ta11111le~. hu been 896,gne<I the gigantic thl' Ct•sla M eaa Friday Aftemoon The Elk• have been work ing U\Bk ot wllecllng the toy11. he and Junior Wornan·JI Club to collect ll the pul three weoe lu with me111-h18 <'nmmlttre h1we been very bu-hlll(I' Rmtlllnl ot toy11 whlrh hnve ay 11lnce Nov. 23. whl'n the pio· lionate1I rrcim thr Co11ta Me11a ·u· l(l'B'l'I 11tartetl, chf'ck111i: on nl\n1e.11 l'a. NOW SHOWING al.o F..dward O. Robln1W>• "IWGAL" Kid'• Mat Sat. 1: f5 ''BANDIT8 OJ' OOB81CA" "' nte•ly part..... II\ lhP Hat"bor M Y.Ko\ ('OSTRmt.,.IOSi-4 art>tt who wlll be the benetlc1ant~ The Co11t a Me.11a women ot Kl· of to.vr ·' nd Chnstnrlis baaketa. J OL.,._T E fl'O RT Olht·r 11ervlce club• 11se the Elk" rtearlng house facllilirs, NewmRn explained. l'IO thl're will be no> <iupllcaUon ot charity g-lv- lnr etrorte. Names are obtaintd f rom ap· prove1 we I t are orgaJ1lzatlon1. from prevloue 11.st.s ot needy fam- llte11, from member11 l ht'mttlvea who hl'ar of needy ra sea, and from c1llzen1 ot the commuruty who tl'lephone hlm. he aald. The c-.ntral clearing •ta.lion thl• year I• In a. room of a 1u- v1ce •talion run by Fred Powell, an ElkJi Club member. Powell cleared out the room, r egularly ueed tor dl11play of auto acceaao- rlu, an1 turned It over to the To)a For Tote program . Women of the Kiwa.nlll are ex- Mesa~ ·~ .. ,, NOW SHOWING .. Ill WIS fir m .. *"'win ltl wnn111 h11'' lilrndV prornlHl'd fuur $<!0 b111<k"t11. he •11ld and prlvRt.? lnu1,•1i11111t~ h11ve a teo put t ht!!m- 1Plve11 flnwn ror similar donations The l'\ewporl Harbor EI k • '"Toys Fllf' Tots" lnvolvel' nl'l'dy flim.lle11 from the Sa.nt& Ana city limit• south to the Harbor area. Laguna Beach. Huntington Bl'&l'h a.nd Sa.nta. Ana Elke have theLr own programe, Newman .aid. Bike Tags, Dog Licenses Ready on Thunday • Bicycle tag• a.nd dog lwcnM'& for 19M wlll be a v!Lllable at the Newport Beach Police Dt>part- ment. •tarting Thuraday. Ip tht' pu t, doc llctn•• feee h•Ye bt'· come due a.nd payable by ordl· nance, at the tl&e&I yur -June 30. A11 ot Ja.nuary l they wlll be colltctf'd on a calf'ndar year be· 1!111. Llrenee fl'u. for doit• arr $2 tor main anr apayed femalte and U for un~payed trm .. lt•• For the convmtence of young· 1tf'r1 whoa• pa.rent• do not wt..h them lra velln1t all over town on their b1ku . oWceni trom t he po- Uce department wtll again 11ell blkt' tag11 at lhe var1oua loca l 1chool<1, 1tart1n1 Jan 14, at Co- rcna drl J.1ar School: theon J an 21. at !he Hora<'e El\Algn Sc!lool IP.nd ttn•llY al ti\" Newport Gram- mar Sr hool on Jan 2g, Pe" tor bike tac• are ~ Cf'nt" Amphib LanclinCJ --------COASTAL SHOPPER PAGE 1 t !-BaDctbtit ~nia8 CEMENT a BUILDING AU IC.lade JOINT PURCMASE OF S.CHOOL. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER , .. , 1955 PARK SITES RECOMMENDED Truatee Huch Jenka Informed the ea.ta K._ Uruoa School Diet:rtct Board of Truai-W~ ntpt that perhape the Cort& Ml!M Pull Boal'd would be~ top tn wtth the 11ehool dlatr1ct on purcbue ot oomblMd 8Cboo1 and park 1itu. "The matter wu dlecuaaed at a recent Park Boe.rd meet· Ing and the reaction -med favorable," Je::ka repon.d. He noted that the P ark Board mt>mbera -med more lnt--i.d tn buylng' a contJruoue 2 acru to 8 a.crH purcbued b)' the achoo& d11tncl, ratht'r tha.n lhe 11·6 acre&&"• pure~ doo• la J"\lilet'- ton. Truateu c. Chl•holm Brown moved a letter be dratted ateunr the 11ehool board'• •urcutlon to the Meaa p&rk bo&rd. 'UNFIT' BATTLE CHARGE WIFE IN CUSTODY An order to ehow cause waa flied In Santa Ana Superior Court here Friday by A rthur Wellln~on LllShl'lle. owntr of Christian·• Hut. Nt'"'J>Orl Beach, aga1n1t h l11 utranged wlte, Ca.m1lle LaSht'lle. The ordrr callJI tor Mra. La8he1Je to a ppear In Superior Court next Friday. LaShelJe, defendant and" croea- complalnant. chargee Mrs. La- Shelle Is unfit to have cu.t1lod)' of a minor boy. He clalm1, In a.n af- fidavit to eupport the order to 11how cauae, that on Dec. S he, two detectives and N e w p or t Beach police broke Into the IA- Shelle home at 4M Via. Udo 8oud. where Mre. LaShell• and a man ldt'nllfled at Robert W. Smith were found In bed. The minor boy reportedly wu awake In the next room a.nd knew what was g'olng on. La8beUe chuml the cruld WU 110 dlelurbed that later on ln the day h• rode hill bicycle from Lido l•I• to the Balboa Bay Club where 1.A.Bb.Ua 11 Uvlng. 1be a!fldavtt cla.lma M A . La- Shelle hu t>ttn carrying on a love a.tfalr with Smith tor 110me time. and that thry have engaged ln lnUrnate relat1ona. L&SbeUe ~ for reduNlon In hi.I pay menu to Mre. L&.Sht>Ue from S600 to S~O. He alllO uke that he be awarded full l.'ualocly ot the chHd. L&Shelle contrntle Sl76 or the $600 awardl'd Mre. L&S helle by Superior Court wu to pay tor the boy·• tuition at a m tlllary .chool. He UMrt• the boy bu bfofn tek- rn out of the echooL La8ht>lle 11.ald he i.. wt111nr to retum the boy to echool U he ta awarded cuatody. QueeUoMd about La.shell•'• .. 1erUon that he, two detecUvw and Newport Deiach police "bt'ok• Into" Mra. La.Shell•'• home Dec. I , Captain Hatty I.Ace, Newport Beach P olle• Department. .if thl• wu lncorrecL i...c. npori.ci the Sa.nt& Ana 1ibb9 In...U,. tlve Service, headed by C. C. Tl bbe, ha.d ulted N ..-port Polloe tor a loan of their f1uh eamera and poUcem-. lAOe MJd the de- panment retuaed to loan the cam- era but th&~ N~ ottlcera •U>od by out.e&de while IAShalle announced h• wu r om. lD the hOUM to find h1a wife. .. A ftw momenta later a 8CJ'MDl wu beard," I.Ace quoted hie d• p&rlment police nport. He ..sded the Newport otftcera then W t the 11Cene when Laahell• aal4 t bK• would be no aeed for Ulelr aervlcee. Doshes Angling at Mamtlm1 Say No Fish on Hook Mr. and Kn. Curt Doala. Bal- boa laland, haw bea llJ*ldiAC eome Ume at M.s.utlan. when lhey planned \o do aom. f\elU.nc. Doeh, a rtal .. tate llroker and oom.mander of JI a 1 b o • PVww 8quad10a, wrote a fn-d : "Wind and dirty -t.ef'-DO ftah ca ufhl u n l l l tomonow." Tb• oouple expect. to ntura .. t.Mlt lala.od hOCM thie ... It. 1 WANT AD will con you only, s2so and it will run ~ fuuea In all A Minimum ad is ,._ Hmlfor 1616 4 hnH. Newport Barbor New.rr- llOllc!ay, Wedlleeda1 ucl Frlcla1 edition, Pim the Coutal &bopper, Wecla•lla)'W DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor Newa-Preea b paranteed.. Carrier boya will deliver their papen be- fore I p.m. on Mond,y, Wedneeday and Friday. It your J>:aper la not dellnred by that hour pleue call Harbor 1111 and your carrier will brin1 your paper. Classified NEWPORT BARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Moftclay, WeclHsclay and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays c-..1 ....,_ Ada ru la Ule W~ New.-rr- 'U.. l luerUoa $1.00 add'L llDee .25 ea. 'U.e. % luertJou 1.M add'L U.. .25 ea. 'U.. S luertJou %.00 add'L llDee .%5 ea. 'U.. 4 luertlou %.M add'L llDee .25 ea. ........ w ..... A.de wUI ,_. .. 16~ ~t. c.alt la .. ._ oal7. Kl.NDIUll AD l8 6 UNU All O's .... Ada ••t lie pe.141 for Cull la lld.-oe of peMlcaU-. n.e pllbllaMn will not be ruponajble for more tb&n one lnoorrect laearUoa ot ~.ad. rMU"Ve the r!lbt \o oorrectJy clueify any and a.U ada end \o reJect a.ny a.d not eaato~ to rul• and rqulatione. DJ:ADLINE8 for plac~ or cant.ili"6 94-an: For Monday Publication ~ f'nday 6 p.m. F or Wednuday PubUcauon.e -Tueed&y 1 p.m. For Frtd&y PubllcalloD -Thunday 1 p.m. NEWPO&T B.AABO& P OBU8111NO 00. nu ....._ 111.c.. N..,.n ......_ ci.wona.. J'R.EE ESTDlATD Libert7 MlOI CARPENTER Renair Work o..w .................... -p I •*If 11 a.a • .__. i.a.t;r MIN ....... 0...rteed ,,u. OOili'.Pilirii PAINTING 6 hpw llusbsc Semce muamnl 0. UU!fDD.8 eeo n.t ea.t. Mewport Beach ....._ lt'N • llar, 6Ut. Uo lt4. oa .,. •• 1>rtnway1 PARKING LOTS 8u.dl,,.._. ~ IJ>41Clalty. We ,... aQ7 f.7pe oil to your epe- .tncaUoL L&r,.. jot» -email Jobe, mo •Umat... .At.a wa-w epreadl.ns. Modll'm eqmp- mmt. LExtncton 6-4008. Gil· more 6 P..-. H untJnrton Bcll. 6tlo "A's ,, VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY THI!: NEW machlne procu• m~th· od. Reaeonable prlu e. Average 2 tape realdcnt1al blind Onlv $1.00 Btlnda rt'pall'l'd an•1 rrbullt. fl'ree Pk k up and drlivt•1 ~· Work done by 11 ppo1nt ml'1tt Phone Llberty 11-~701 or Klmbl'rly 3-8274 pptfo H.H. HOLBROOK DEPENDABLE PLU~IBING A Prnmpl Repair t:lerv1ce J\latntalned Pho11eo · Har bot 4U 4 2101 Ba.Jboa l;jlvd .. Nt>wpurt Buch p6p . t4-Penonal11 AJcolaollcs A.uonymou• Write P, 0 . &a 311 Nl'Wpol l Bt'llUI, l.'•HL Pbon• Harbor 47116 l~Traait~rtallo_n ___ _ FL Y OC-& NON ·STOr N 'I <.: $ 11• CHICAGO J611 •Round Trip On ly Fl'l'e Umou11lne to Ali por1 Box Lunchea. F ree Ticket Deliver)' WASHINGTON, U C. 187 Macie By LaCJUnan M P f Offi B lldl NAEA. ()Kl.ll:AWA .... H,.NCl esa os ice u ng -Classiflecl Index PHil..ADELPKIA .. SU DALLAS ...... . . . • -U t DICTROIT .............. ........... ...• S7t HONOLULU -····-····•· ...... Slot GAiiY C.OOPER • ,_..... -........ -1/ie#" o ......... c.-E• lJCUi• fifWs BICKF 010 'f RAlPH BEUAMY·ROD STEIGER -lUZAlm ltlfctlHT· m1 cun "UHllH Oii 'iHi llUED SIRED STARTS WEDNE8DA Y '""" Oov1ti.. "btdian FM)hter" NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL Harhor ?MS ~ (J,.,. ~-·~··· ••lllft .. _S _lor.__ rl"~nwa:~~~:~::~~. 6• .. ~'11,~";. ~~~~; Perm·1t for $30.302 Issued t•f th" J np1u1-hn• .. <I ~rrl .M 111 lnf' Olvl111on l.'K J>lvr .. 11 1nla111I obJ""" J ......... Notk-M • ~ .. n-a I,,.....•• ••rm••• ,.._,...~ ctvu art«"r •torminc uhore •l Ktn &-•ch. Okln11 w• Amonl( lhe p11rtlrlpu11_. with lhe 31<1 1>1onlll' lk ic1m,.nl wa" Pie Th•>mu \\' tS•~1 p ,...,,, "' Mr and Mt~ 1..Pw1• r tSh•rp of i ll21 C:0.11t H11rhway l.lliruna llnth The )t11rinr11 ti••'""' bv do~r •It eupµn .. ~ .... I n,.v .. 1 l(\lnllrr ruov"d 111t•111I •I!•''""' 11n 't'nrmY" ba1tal111n fr um l hr CJlc1nawe-ba ... d 111.h Mattne Rrcimrnl Thf' WoPrk lonr .. 11nrl ., wa• prttf'.ft tl by r .. 111b111 l~•·llne an•I tra.nero1 tin ir or pt>rll<'lnnel Crum f'4'1rlll In Japan Dons Down Harbor SANTA ANA, 10<'N!(1 Ran· la Ana (;t>lll'lf" Don buk,.tnre. 1parkplu1r1re<1 bv .. orwud Churk ~w111 end hi• 3~ ro1n1 •ronng barr•irt. rd11r<1 ll•rb<•r JC"'• Su· h11wk11 Fttday llll(ht tn 1111 nvn- llm,. thr111,.r H ·e8, In Andr,.w• (.;vm Thf' Uon• rf'('f'IVtrtd f rom a 3-1 ·28 halft1mr dttlcll Most Yalmble Ram ltthl Tom f"fan htu ~rn nam- ~d mo11t valuable pla yer on lhe l..o. An1tt>lu R.am• pro rootbell tt'a.m lhl" •e•eon _ 0 RT J/.,a~·· COllOlllA Dn MAIJ NA#lt>1118lf NOW SHOWING "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" Jettf'nw:in Propertln lnC' ot C'o11la Ml'-. have taken out a bulldlflf pum1t tor a neow Pf'•t of- fll.'e tor eo.ta MeM to eoet In tll• CM.I oJ $30.302. Th" onl'·•tory cont N>le block alnlcture wtll be located al 1683 Oranc• An and wlll Include off· 11trHl parklnf tor nlnl' mall truck• and 2e poetal CUltQID"Ta· 00~8Tllt"CTIOS lilT ART AcluaJ COllall"UCUOn work by contractor W R. OrollC'han ot Le» Anftlu la exp<"CtM to «d under- way nut wttlc. •~ordln.r lo a irpokeitman Of J f'fferllOn Pr11rn · tin . An •11laUn1t bu1ld1ni on the proputy wlll ~ remov~I The ~rmll caJh1 fCK the bulld- ln« to be rrc-tan.&ular with 11tmen· '101'1 of • 1 ft'et, four 1nrh,., a.loni- Or,.ns• Ave. ant1 110 tf'et on lh4' ... , .. Rine-• th• l.r1haped tot 111 an In· 111de lot. a 3~1l ·Wldf' llrlv t way Wiii lud to the parking lll)l'l~ In th" rear. T'he l11nir""t d1m,.M1nn oC lhf' prop.or'ty I• 300 f!'el 11lunf one aide and aJ:loo\lt 10.1 fe« acrou thP bUW ln addition to larJ• roome for publle and ,..tal -,aoy ...... there wtU be ...,..,..t.e ,_. felr lnepeotor, ~. j a DI t GJ', ewtns rc-n. •t.once. aad reet rooma. Tb• kladlnr plattona ac:roee t.ti. lledl ., the buOcMaa wU1 lie 10 • M f"L ..ON T ENTILAJ'fCS Front .. lr&ll~ ot tba 9\.NCb.-9 will M oo the left ... wil.ll -~ wt11dowa and o~tal plaatiq 11vtnr • trtro ~ ap.,..,_oe t. the •tructure. The reot wtD be ~ .. witb II.ft acou.aUcaJ Ule ..,._ pended colllnc. 'Iii. -eni. 91&11 noor wtU M eonnd wit.II ~ Ule. .Arcbttecrt ot ~ etrucnan te o . C. Mc.Ali.te r. a.lao of Loe ~. Pert.M Stalin A bottle ot pcrl\l.rne wonJI a boul SU .... tallee by a llbop- Uf t..r f rom th• ebelfte ef lbad- 11~·· Inc~ JOI Vt.a Udo, It wu ~ported by Mra. l:loanor• F olk. 36. of 132 l:faUotrope A Ye,. ee Tueeday ati..- ASSESSED YALUA TION LOST Costa Mesa Schools to Set Definite District Boun~ary An execuUft IM'Nlton wu caUed I ll.mlte. by Cc>AA Moa Vn1on S<hool Die-The two ._,. met Jut .Au- tnct Boa.rd of 1'nateu alt"' f'Ut and ma.4• a cenu,men·• Wed n e • d • y r ti ht • ~J'llU t.pee111et1l th.t Harbor HJ(blaada monthly mttl1nr 10 dl11eu11e dll· thould r o lnt• UI• Newport dl.- trlrt boundan u ll1ct. but aow UMt &Au be~ A ml'eUng I• echl'duled w1th Harbo'r Hlfh.landa and the la.IP H• I 0-.. u ......... ....... u ....... 8orftfta HPw ah 16...,.. \'-Cw ··~ 11 a..n.s u .... .., AMI& .. .....u. AMI& n 1..-_, F--4 M lkMela, 1M&nactl4'11 II lltt-*'-"'-W ..... w .. w • .... d '· ·-......... .... .,.,. ... """ "w ....... 114'1 n ...,..twro te r ,..._ ft-4 .A.&U.- ........ 8Dp,.. 16 ........ Kadto. T V llDop, ~ ....... M P-.ll'J' ., U..toc.-111 • A•toe w-l4ld .. AD._ fer 8alfl 6t-A 1"l.-a Par" '1 Aat. S.ntoe u TN&lera "~ .,,., ......... M...-,aa-rer._t '8-A ...-, for S-t "-•.._ ...... ""° Tni&ler .,... .. ._,_._. ........ a-.... .._, . ._. .......... II...,_ a Of"'- h-A a. t ........ .. • 2 Opport..aU.. ll~&ieLoaa II.._, "· .. w ., .... ~"·-· .. II a.I m:.t.&te ~ .. ._ P'r'Opf'l't'y .... ~ ...... rial 11 .... Eeta&o Eu ._,e ..... lillta&o :-lr.,,,,,ort Be a c b Eltmmt.ary ec:hool and to 2let Bl. want to Co H<'hool Dl•tr1c t nut m<>nlh In an lot.o the Newport dlelrlct. 8~L f'ftort lo !Nlt drnnlte bound1u1ee lilve~•t Ru told the lrulleea. bt'twt'<'n the two illttrlcl• wlilch Put •hltu ln the achool &-IJulal will 11ta y ln efft'<'t regarolu11 of trtc-t boundu!u, R~ Mid, bad ------------- rutnre anne11allon11 to tilhl'r New· COlll the eo.ta. Maaa diet.not mue!I y port Brach nr C<'•lA Mua city uae11eed vaJu.aUon. Newport Harbor B. P. 0. E. 1767 Oftt• Sch I th• nnly tlllun who ref\llarly &t-ime 00 ,,.nda the bo&l'd meetm,.-a. perbape Meet.I nwry Tt.lund&y I p.m.. ~oft Rud~· the dl1tnct will be 'lt1Wnc t. Tia Oporto -C..ntnJ AH. Rnct,.-~"~~oard Visitor -,-L...,, · " _._AJ1*t_B.--~=uoc1aw. Wants Agenda !'lupl Evrr!'tt ~a of the Coata Ml'sa L'ninn School D11trtct It < h,.._ klU "-"1th the county counaet rt"jrllrrlinr; a "'qur11t ll\1bmlt l~d In ,.,.111n« by Mr11 Robll'rt \\.1111<\n al W"'Jnu<lsy nigh•'• board meet- lnit Mr•. Wtlaon 1111111 her rPQUl'&l Wal' lo ha"r a copy of the board •If"""• m•llt>d to llPr bffort m"9tlnp and tn bf Mllfl~fl b)I J1hon11 "·hen &ny 1pe<1.U mtetln1• Wfre ca llt'd. "1 thoul{'h I had tha rlfht to do thla:· Mn Wlllon ••Id today. "but 1 h~ve •lnce b~n IJlformed the 1chool b<>ardl a.rr not requlr~d to do thl11 by law. ft 1• only r~ quired tor lhe nfw11rapua a.nd red10." Mre. Wil.IQe added. "l lnoe 1'1n A8to 1..-, A packac• conWnlns ....... dara. candled a ppl• and C09t1Url• earrtnp were tallen •:IO p. 111. l'ueed&y from a car belon(IAS to MN. W B. Wrtc'h\, 'GO Hu.1 Dr., ae Ul• auto wu parked at \"la Lido azid Via Mal..., polioe &&Id LoN WU 1 10. Always ChamploB <.:oach P aul Brown and hia am&.11nr prof-tonal f oot II a 11 CleVl'land Bl C.WT\I thle llOUOft •J>- ture<I their elxth •l rai&'bt •~ .... aJ cb&mplona.hlp. ShowlllCJ Not SfTOllt Jn t'Oftlota wtU; tMIM from olht>r JC loope. mutena Oot\fer· enc• football teame won t, lOlt 11 Md Uef .. tla'9 put --- IO 8 >Ml Gtdde HAULING traetl or ! .AA~.~'*· Liberty 1-21'1 Pleue CALLON US WMn ,,,.. caa 1111p you wt th )'9\lr d n rtl.ltnc problema. A tn.lned COUrt*1UI apecJallet wUl J ladly help )'Oii ,,.pare etteou.. .,.,_. t.laiq. Our a.Im le t.o pl'O'fMe 90Ull4 ad- ~ 00\a .. 1 &114 111ei, ,..u ret -~..-.Jt& NEWS-PRESS aa..tf1ed AW. KAJPOR 1111 CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WOU NEW YORK -····-......... . . .. 138 CllICAOO -··· .... ..• 16' .All Fane -Plu1 Tu NO JOa TOO ULu.L 1M w. Ocean Blvd., L. B. .. O. •·t 1 rm .. a..Mla __ Jtf112v. •·HM SOH a. lla&boa ......... ..... S&nta A.u. UT z. lrd Kl 1-QU llartlor MOO -latte Paintiq, Paper~ '"I'JM Fi1M9t Koa.J Cu BlQ"' Svmpson & Noller 6U Slt.ll IL. Newport -...cJl Ph. Har. 240. or l oe7-I\. 16Uc Superfluoua Hair .. ...u, ~ad &om ..... ........... .,....ow .... .... ..,. +ape1 .No more t ....... . J1LL&M i. Bit Y AJn" 1t. a Utle'• .._ti Beauty-· •Tl Pain ting, Decorating • Pa,.. Bustac GEO. BURKHARDT ~n=•~-~-~~roaad=~-­u c&Mam OON'MlACTOA ITI W. 18Ut I L. Colt.a M .. U berty ...... General Contractor UCEN8£D New Work -R.cmodelinr J . MILTON McKENZIE Harbor 6399· W 58tfc Custom CABINET WORK Dono on premlMr No )ob too mnall. Phone KJ 1-3341 LOST -Long wa.ll•t conta.lfttnC papen. REWARD offered IM ~ t urn. C()ntact fl'ranlc B 8 mli.,. • 1e Kn Main, HuntillftOft Be&dl or ca.II UU. papf'r U JK' LOST Sundny vicinity wut U t.b • 81lboa Blvd. brown ma.le 0L9<'htmtl C-11 II Ll 8-t-OM or aHflr e p 111 lillr :\.,PO 4llcC!I LOST blUfl pa1 llkt<~I hu I"~· ttrlr atllin blln.I llZll l':ut Ba.JOO. Blvd. A pl i '4P U-.'k'hools, lnstJ'UcUoll SCHOOL, Painting Contractor 1 DAY OR NIGHT U cenHd -l111ured GROCERY r u hlf'r• and Mp;AT "Complete Painting Service I wrap~r• u rn Jiill u oo ptt v.•etok 31lll ~puritnn. 8'.nta Ana. at reuonable prices" Mr Kl 3-11300 u cu J AMLS, Ha.rbor 1239M ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM Mp41 I ln•lAll Ute a bove cheapn than moet. Al.a H .ll TUe It Llnoleum . Non-union, 2b y~a.ra UJ)l"r1ence. Compare azid ~ - BILL COKER Hu . '796 or Lone Bearh 7.0973. 19Uc PAINTING M. W. ROSS Ucen.M u a-uu no .AYOCado. a... ,._ FOR RENT lldll •awe. a.a.. DftDa,, ...... "' allt,,._., ....... ~ ""'11, •tc. BOYD'S HDWE. Mao W. 00.uT BIOBWAY ~a.IUl,M-.,.t ...... Pabattac 6 Pa ......... l..EAR:'I: r ,.rt1ral 1'l11taln!f Eam '8 · $14 dlllly whll'! tra.lnln«. l...Amt>t'rt 6· 7~21 llll• China Painting Day and £¥..un, a..... Ordet'9 TUG "-none Ll1Mrt7 ._..., Htte SwecJjsh Massage LadJee, by a ppotntntent • your bom e. J'onne,r\y m....-. at """"'....,. 8Pl'1.ac• Botel Pl ..... call Harbor .-rte or Hatbo• llXPICIUDfO&D ......s lady, de- pend&!>!-. Worll by _, or ..._ ~ .. ld6. Up64 ....., •Wiie • ~ ... 11• l'w ,_, Ber -..J. 61c45 C'••"IM1l • ~IJ"' CM ......... ~ ,..,.,,a...... " W • do the 1t"Ork ...... -. ' .. ,.,. .... 11 •• Uoruof 6 ...,..._ lau.tacUoe parul~ k.lmat.. rr.o. Call 1.-.... LI l-2e87 6 U ~ 11tto llOUI• P ADf'l'DfO 01.... 10U( u.tnr • ,_ Uiat .._ty-utt baton CUtllbDM. rw tr.. ..-..t.e. ,._.. -U: Alf. Nle ... n Lr a-IMO Bent\ .Montell 8XP8JU8•iJiiS pt .... ,.. 1101Jll W • BAST 1 1T· l'IJtQ. "' ._. • fa7. ret. ..,_, LI ....,,... U c'9 PAINTING n ROU'ft. emaU • luT• Jobi GI&. ~bl•nt- Uber\¥ 1-1722. • ~ Wuted 1 29-U~p "'ant.M ~···~·~··~·~~·~~~~~~Q•~z · ~O;~~\rp~i;t!'!'"~ --------~0.:!'=:'J>_!~l~nN-!t ______ 1 MEWPORT !-!ARBOR N :='.VS-P~E5S -Pl\r.T 111. :'AGE I USED APPLIANCE BUYS WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER , .. , 1q55 Roy's Maintenance Real F.state Salesman HOUM ci.a1n1-noor waJlln1 W&U waall1nl-""1lldow cl.-nln& Venfti&o bllndL Uphol11tery lnlu "d. P're. E.tlma tu Liberty 6-1332. ltfc BABY •tttu, mature woman By I bour . day or week Good ~rer­ encu . Har 07t~-J. 42<'44 Experit!nc'd gardener 1 LANDSCAPING WHY Sn' UJCE A FROC on a log! Vie ar' anowed undcr w ith pros- pe<'tll. St'e our ottice 11.nd rc11d our comml11111on contra1'l. You'll Ile glad you did. Thcre la no- thing like our ofrtr an,>·where . po.11t1Vf'ly l11terv1cws 11tr1,.tly confi'1cnttal Y.'e art fl tnt'mber •1f Mulllplc Lasting Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. and CLEAN UPS Llbe.rty 8-1659 M3 32nrl Sl . Ntwport B1>a• h, Calif 30tft H11r. :llJ68, a fte1 6 p .rn H&r 22!13-J ~i!ltfr EXP ERillNCEfJ le llE l.JABLF. woman w t1hts Mby .!'llll1ng d11y~ e>r e vfnlnJ;a. Goort rtftrcnce.1. Own t r11111lportallon LI K-11706. 42C'H CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance Thrre yea rll experlen«e th111 loca lity Call Ll 8-3'1:19 Hite I W ILL do baby si tting-1n my home I ~ days $10. 303'~ 32nd St. Newport Beuh -Hc46 \\'A NTEO -Ma;;-,.cln,t:1'1 -;ln,C:ll' I lo Join I rlo. M1111l Ii.-a IJll' to. 111n.c: all pu rl..~ harmony Lllt••rt~· 1 k-1\421 9 11 m tn 4 p .111 42r 44 ----- !\0--Misr.Rllanl"OUA I Chapman's Custom Draperies 10-day Delivery Tnp Quality WorkmLnahlp Guur;intt'e•J FREE .l::STJMA TES RELIABLE JAPAN ESE· rn our Shop or Your Jiuntf' ~: ~. $ ,;#~ftUa& ~: .. ~ ; ; ........ ~ ............................ v.~v.l PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool $3 per sq. ft. Rugs All new material patte rns or hit end miss Sec our Sl•lcctaon nf 1mport <.'d chana. Engli!ih blue, Nt:<'ncry and vine & wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 111 3 SO. MAI!': ST l'ORONA CORONA i 78 MOVINl: AR(Jl!T JAN, J in lNTO NE\\' Bl'ILUI:'>1 ; WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE HOLIDAY-SPECIALS New 1956 TV f:AF P'F.RS & SATTLER table top gu range . $49.50 GA FFE R~ & ~ATTI.ER white table top gaa nnge wit h ov<'n <'Ontrol . $79.50 WESTERN HOLLY gas range with oven control ,·cry clean _ . _ _ ..... -.-...... _ ... $79.50 KEL \'TN ATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. ft. -·-·-··-···"9.:SO GIBSON 6 cu . ft. R<.'frigcrator .. . ... ·····-------·SM.50 WESTLNGHOUSE> 7 cu. ft. Refrigerator -........ $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerator 5 1:: cu. ft., left hand door $89.50 KELVINATOR 8 cu. ft. de luxe Refrigerator _$99.50 1'EN~OR E wringer washer deluxe ____ $-(6.00 E AS Y SPIN DRIER, del uxe model ............... -... $59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model _$99.50 L & H electr ic range, deluxe model ····------···$99.50 ALL GUARANTEED WAHHl!'G MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WRINOICR TYPU SEVERAL TO Sltl.ECT J'ROM Al.I. rtF:AHONABL Y PRICED-BUDGET TERMS-J'R.&1: DEUV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 4 ~0 East 4th St. :iO-MIRCellaneous Attention Knitters Santa Ana Kl 2-2338 WHIRLPOOL •Utomatlc 1u dryer with automatic lsnltlon. Rec. prlce $289.96, Sa le price SUKI.~. Free ln•tallatlon, No dow n. 2.411 per wk. No payment unlU l llM , THRONSON'S 1816 Newport Ave. Coil& Meea. ll AMERI C AN WANTS BE DSPRE ADS-SI.JP COVERS GARDENING IN HAR INSTAU..ATIONS W I' I I I WJ.:U'OME to my ntw shop. Come • 2484 New port Blvd. Ll S-6671 e Are Sel 1ng Foor Sa mp es end Demonst rators In and hclp me build tow&rd SZ-Fumltun for ~ BOR AREA BY WEEK OR Coata Mn11 43 ., I ,vour ncl'd.11 tor ntedlecr&!L MONTH. HYATT 4_5471 • ' "· c,., WESTINGHOUSF. 21" Bl6nde Console. Sit N' Knit 88~ PRACTICAL L Y ne w m Alr htnft I Regularly $299.05 Wi th your old TV ------------table lamp.11 & "hade11 Halt nrt· NOW ONLY S219.95 313 l!: Balbo& flvd, Bal~~ttc Year Around Pleasure 29-Betp Wanted ARE YOU TIRED OF -FIOR"l1NQ TRATnC CROSS ·TOWN f inal cost. LJ 8-4187. 43, 1:1 KATEY DOANE Nearly New Apparel tor w omen and chtlt'lrf'n J PHILCO 21" Conso1e with Colden Grid Tuner. Regularly $~39.05 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 MARQlJETTl!: Arc Welder, (new) GIVE LASTING GIFTS 3 hp Air Compressor, 2'!0 Voll • atn.:lc pha.rh•. St'e at PATCH'S 17th Sl. Ill rlaccnlla. Ll 8-7~08. 2llf -ALL NEW- SMARTEST TOO -ROUTIHll INSIDE WOR1' -LOSS or PAY FOR VACA· TIO NS \\'t du all k111d11 ol allct at111ns. 2i21 E Coul Blvd. Klnctells Patio, Coron& del Mar 40C'll3 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DA VIS-BROWN FOR SA LE Rcty&I porrnble type· PLATFORM R OCKERS-Swivel wrill'r . ltkf' new $7~. Cttll ~ven· bue. PlaaUc arm• A: heaclru l. tn1:11 Har. 1881-J. 42cH $59.50 value .... at Bay $39.95 -NO CHANC'm FOR AD VANCE· KENT PORTABLE MANGLE. THOR llghlw~lghl Cfa,llnin Xlnl tun · d1llun, $25. Har :.1 12 or l~J 8·1492 42c44 1 85 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 1.1 8-3·t3i '1 2c45 ~~~App~an~ceA~~~~~ LARGE 14 FT. REFRIG- FREEZER Apply 1030 IC. P'lr1t St. IAAt& Ana, Mon. to f'r1., 1 :30 L m. t o •:00 p m. SOtn'HERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -H u lnt.ruttn1 out· o r · door. Jota. for hJp Kbool 1Taduat..C1 18_.6 w ith 80me mKhLntc:a.J a pUtude. 6 -day, 40 hr. week. t3c4~ NAM.IC T A.K.ER.S for Lafuna B.adl • Soulh t.aruna t:lly D irectory. Good hand wrlllnf HNnlia.l Wr1 ta 204 I:. 4lh room 7, Banta Ana or ca ll Kl 3·3681. 23ttc ST 0 V E . Couc:h. DllVl'nport It m•lc:htnr chatr. A: nttl'f" ltcm11 Hai bor ~6i:l •3c•:• 8 1';A UTIFU L. <.trapu 3 ptUr llnl'd I< pkat• d pa.nt.'I wa<tth 3~ ltn.:· t h 81" $8'! 2 hkc new el!'• 11 1< dutrh 11vr1111 $;) a ph•• .. 11Ja.allr bath room cuitn1n1 & .tww .. ,- curtaln ML S3 Call lla r IJor Attention Artists For all Your A rt Needs ~::1: C ity & Art 412 w. 4th Paint Center Santa Ana 07~M._____ I KI 2 .•• ,:.2 43,411 Fresh Hearing Aid THI-: ENTIRE FA~tt LY BA'l'TERIES \\'Ill <'llJ11y 11 111 t• tull hlf• 01 We Ctve S.tH Green Sta mpe l"11 lul1lr I) 1ww1111 r Gunderson Drug Co. r il•t .. I ftnu W• Maill S t. at Balboll Dlvd . Baltx•• Economy Off at·~ CHRISTMAS SPECIALS BIC: SA \'1:-\GS '"' v'·t-rul RJ'tnt: pianos 111.1hn)(1tny \l Aln 1t. maplc. blonrll! an.a J 'r ,.n• h l'ru ''lll<'uU cue• Lit; .. , .. 1 lr11d"8 <;onvrnltnt t~r •na at SH AYl-:lt.S I Sanr-r t 11(1; t 421 ·4~3 N Syca u t'lrl' ~""'" A n a Phone K lmbt 1 lY :! 1)1-17:: CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! I l..(J\'l-:L\' UJtf'<I llu 11111 1ull•I l-ftlf·rt I In , ... , rrc•t • undttJOn UI)( "'"I •i.:• COMBINATION REG. ~ELLS FOR $579.95 Lil.\E NEW NOW $185 DELUXE GAS DRYER & AUTOMATIC WASHER WOULD SELL NEWfor$600 RF.-BUILT, AS GOOD AS NEW $189.95 ALSO SELECTION OF GOOU U~E[) R!:-:FHlG'S FROM $49.95 & UP. Gl:NER.AL H OUSl:WORJC 6 da y wok. Retarencu , a adulll. Mual have OWll tran~rtaJlon. 11..ar. ~830. 42c•• Harbor b15. 9llttc Equ1pm< nt t•o ------1 3oll >: 3rcl S l ; :ll l'I PF.MUNSTRATOR rnocl• 1 Mln Kl •h•ll Spinet 1)rl{t.n I Ike nf'w TERMS TO SUIT T",N UEl.J S ET. Sp1n.-t rnr .. •ll· $a11l 1 Aru1 4J• Ul Snvn '2ttl.l t ile ~ano. wrouiht 11 on t.;l1lc It 4 chlllra, comer book C'IUH'•, anttqu!' brae " brar apt 1111" atuve frlddle top. 4 rhrt1rTIC' tto.r atooll. chl'at of 1lrnw1:1 • 1 ·1111 ev•nlnc• HAr 2:\21-\\' •k H JAKE'S Beacon Personnel 10090 .-nployer retained •sency NO >""EE collected f rom a pplicant U3·3bl Newport Bea ch LOOK AT THI8 A D Earn $8 • $14 dally Wom• of aJJ ac•• CS..perataly Daeded a t GnQe. Earn w bJla you &eu1l pracUeal nUrlln.. H l(tl K.bool educau on not nttd~. Call I.Ambert ~7~21 or wr1t• CAR.E.ICR8 IN NUR.slNC, DepL l~. 40lt W , CommonwealU\, Jl\&IMrton. J3Uc OJN.8 - EARN KORE THAN EVER BEFORE! OuJ' n.w, ttilbu 1tartln1 ware and frequent lnCAUH S1VI'• you Ulla opportu.nlty, O~nlna• now for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wW tra.ln you and yuu II r«· cetve many oUltt bene!1lA -Apply & 1' WI No. MaJn Street, Rm l 11 Sant.a Ana t .oo to 'oo p m PACIFIC TELEPHONE W OK.AN for pu t ttmf' J'>b 1n accowit.1111 olllu ~hat be ~ t )'l>Ltt. n u t l'IAn•l t..1111l1a r wtUI p. r. tu:, ll(hl bkkJ Rcpl7 ln own h1n<1 ... ut111• to Boa f\·13 c 1o thl• f'"P' r Utr< MEN-WOMEN BAMBOO DRAPES Cl 'S't'OM M.Anf! ANY SIZE Prlcu at11rtJn1C •t 21t a aq tt 8f'aut1 ru1 "t'"" \\ o' "n Pnttt'rn• f"nr All l>rc nr• l'lrl'< h C'urtiun • Tm••,. .. k ••I• See Them Un rHapht Y ln Our ~tnr• SANTA A NA TENT It AWNING CO. 1'A~-r A A'S A 18711 R Main, Kl 2·364_, S F:Ll, ON TERM~ I P'T t>~tCA TESSE~ e&M' 11~ 0 :-IP. a fC rdnJtl'T•tor s·~, O:'>f: lat i:11 n11111n••r t t rls II' 17·, I f!CAl...1:.8. $6 !'1 l 001\'l><H.A SW Call owner l..I g 0223 m ornln.:11 111 afln i I' m Ptlc firewood rhnnl' ., ... nr Kl i'·41\90 l ~Ol''-'11 MCl\'ft-~ 1''"1""1 t SI?• l?IP'lrlr .r .... 1 1(1111 tr $47 .n 1''11 !lbl~ ...... '"' '""' h s • \I\ t1ifur cl<,. k llct Anuqu" s;1 n• Imm $111 T\ atl U V. 1 I t uah ho\. .$ ;~ Ju ft nu '' .. ,, 111 ">6 Wnnl a:'" t i? "I I< t fhrn •ah $11• •i: n ft.::. H r.fw1, "''I I• Ir '•t S211 .-. • tif ,,11 \•tt t••r \n 1hA11u • 1 1•1 r ...-1( .. r• S3 ~,,.~ \\1•111r l1 '"" OROCERT cuhl!'rw a n•I MEAT Inv.. •f'1'1 S.~~ ~1 Hr u 1r"n _.,..ppena, 180 l lllll '°'~"k A "''<>"'I b"'I• ''"" ; i.:1 I' I08 8purieon, 81nta Ari" l'tl r l ill• !I'll I'"'"" tnll"" in•t r ID J-6300 SH Ad Cla.L~ 24 lua•I• •rf "hi t h n•1 .. 1.1 J""' • h v 3'2c •:i 1 ••n•ps <11•1 k • r• 111•"11 ' "'"" -----------rut 1 111 • 11'11·11 1 ... I• ,,,, "" tlOU&l:ICl:lC.PER -COOK • wllh b111-. "'II, &-• "'' """r" 11n111111• own l ran1porl9\lon Ll\r nut flt~ Xn11111 1111 to· r''"" nr1 \ 1•1: LI I-WT. • 42«44 11111 I.Hiii' 111• rr 8AL.ES PERSON!'F:L to wnrk l ull I C'lfARl.IF: f'A Vlll or parl tlm@ lfl local appllLn<'• 1 11~ e: An •hf'lm I. f{ •lore. Salea tXp!'rlence pr•lcrrt"I I Hf: r, •,n;;<1 Write detail• A 11vt phon .. :-lo , • l,J•:ll'I' \\ 1•:1<;11T F:11rrll11h IJW)• Ir. • l••\'•I $1~ f'tih ti• 11llv 11<'"' Ill•'• ;1•1~ I •1 I \I 11. I '<h t • Mr•u 1,1 IC 411.!ll Meso Woodcraft I '111 11111•·11 II J o1v,.11rf,. ~11rnot11r r Christmos Specials! s 1n·1.\'F'.N •i·•· , ... <1111111• ""'~" u 111 1 11 k , JI f urn "r .... 11 .. ~ h•1 t• h,. , h• 1l • 1 h1lclr• n 11 tabl" It • 11 111 "...... • h1lu • n .... 111n I • k• "' &11•1 knr h• Ir clr~k • \H\ t ,, .. ,. • ,,., • 1 1 Alnnr t 1· • ur 1-·~ ""'">' JJhn ::1::1 II 1r1Jo r t '\t I.It.< r l) !I Ill!-, ~I 11\\ I:-; ~ I 'on' h • r With PfHIOJt r 1k t • .._,.,. ''"''"''"r" 3 ~1,..•··• .. .-1. ., •• t 11•r1 tu1 .n ~·,, 1 t lnk,. '" • l h I • '"' "lll\r hlllt'OI •.'.~• ..!•1,!'\ <>t ,. tn Uh I c·111 nnM oll'll M ~r r~,., ••I F"'"'"·•I 1111• ,, ""7 47111 ~:1.~:1 Tlllt • rHA I'\ 111 11 h • f" ra11 ri,c: 11111.C •II •111110 1111 4t "'"t trll •wit• lu • 111111.1ntt••I .. n plywoo•t 1111 •• Hllll>"• Ill\ .J llr.r ti~.'·.'. •2· •• HOY:' Bii\!-; t::n,;lt!\h In- dian &:out. fully l'qUtJlpcd A. F:X<.ELL F:NT cond1t1on Onl\' ~:?:l Call LI R· Hl 6 1 \ 1•11111~ .. ur Suni lay 4 k t6 1,11·1~ ... ,,. 1 , r ~f ft HI• \TU: \\ th t r "' • t'1tu1' I ' r. 1 ... ,. r r " 1-;~ l?f'H 1•1m1~r ""~ TH~: AT=-T t-· tr• ' •' • a l A HAM\l<)"'I "It ·'"\\ .. , ....... n wl• ff I' •U !" ll I t ( I• •• • I f c 1 I I " V.-•111 ol o1 11 11 \I ~ \\1 11>1 .I, th" , "' I 'II" l'l'l:..t I \\111 •f I u i II. .vri 11 .. p ul"r I lfl It( II M<1l 1&f it h ••• .' riun11.•I k•\'h--'" MU•t f1.t1t ,. •••• ,.1.. "~ I. t " I. (111 1 r '1 \~I t 11 Hk• q., I I I ' '\ ,. d I t I \ ,. ' ,. ,,. I ·1.1 I ' I I \ '\7. ~,., l\llPT I ~Jn :.. '1 , n : Ant 11 'ria, 1 •hi 1 1'1fl!l~T\I\~ flll '\I ~ \~n•I If , r nl t •1 1t1.-Jt1l ln r 11,. .\'II•,, 1.ir 1 I 1: .. ·n • n• :\t••:\I I "\I 1 l~hll'I cH :I. "IS I HI • 11:'\r: <>Nt.Y t'lectrnnll .. rg .. n foll!lf> APPLIANCES 1.10 .. 1 •I t r10r1!'• c 'r•n\'"turnt t rr 0111 11137 Jl•rbor Hh·d. • A AfltA 11 of, I'""' t "111 hulol llll y I LI IJ ~"• Co•t• Mwa p11•no e>r 011cirn tnr <'tir1J1tmu •~c•ll dtoftVl'ry t ~HAJo"ERS 1 Sin< f' llJfli 1 IV •'"r. UPll.l<.:lfT freeur Be.at •2•·•~3 :s sv~•mu1 ,. ~1 n1 I Ana or t·ondltlOtl 1300. w 8--1030. r'htine Klmhnl)' 'J tic.iJ U p46 Oranjfe C1111nt) • Or~11n llolr1tr11 1'01\TABL.JI! E"I~\' <'>rl(an, 1>ale fanl•h puf~cl J tfl In lln• r un 1.llt1c•n rn•t Sil.., ... 11 lnr "" llarbt..r 4787 4 Ir II\ ~ Hll '\TLE "" 1111: Halrar:h Lrntun •f'lu t• Ltlc~ """' Har t•i4 I I 1~1 PAIR 1:111n• 0111 1 • •• h l111r r~ I }J 1n hti,h f'rrf•'•' I• r I • 1•t ma" $;,t., H ir 12 d 4 h I!\ l-l.l71'; At tl•I \11>f1ltur1 ln l .>.i. ot , •·nd•'·· 11 S, :, J .I 8-028il Christmas Dinner TURKl::YS GEESE DUCKS C'HJCKEl'\S f.~r"H'h dret111ed -O\'f•n rf'11d~· •tHl•l-.H II \ f•f1 11'>;t, '•n I•HI\ r· '' Tt• Newport C ity Poultry .!'I" XE\\'POlt r Al \'I • :\l"i J.t"JI llAH "..!"• !Jo 4 , Kctngtrato r 1V60 f'bllco l>clUJte lar)(e f.ui11ly •11.e, Rl'posseued h111 lar1o;e colored Y\'get.ablt cru.- r..-r. 811 .. 1v... 1n the \loOr I< a.JI c'lt ru. ~) r ruarant-noUllng t" l'•Y •l<>Wll If crfdtt 0 K_ by llank lal paymfnl of $11 83 due In 0 da)'8. s.i. due I.a J Uii 84 8 .. ,. &n)tlme U11yorF:\e at 14'4 1 \\' C'h•Jllllll-ft, Orang-f' l \ll C..'ull!'<'t Jn: f;-~1 i. \JSED A UTOMATICS S39 .50 to S99 .50 J!'I tu 1'110011" Im m 0,.llVrrr •I 1n11l.A.ll,.I, j{Ull rant .. t'd. Tnm• avallflblf' Henderson's AU\01 .. 11tl(' Y. •ah~r Sen·H e :t01i l\ '""' rw•t1 fll1d . 1 o•ta .M en I .I ~ ;""' 1 n .. r ~lf C.:ourae 1 •otrc Roney's Smo ll Appliance Repa iring : • ., "' .... '7' i • • •"• s:. ,.~ Jrnn• tU"''"' .. t t1ffr• ma.k•n «"h I •C )~,\I.I "' ·:-~ ... I ,\I . I 11!01 I " 4J• H JZ1l ;\ ..... , •• rt Bf\ I . 1·o•L& Mc~• •••• , .. r \ 1c '"' 1• "' :-.:pt 0 1,·d 1 t ,J. I< \1 A' \ "111,JI t-: \fl '"I'' 1111)( 1,1 )l.f>u;•• Ut~4h ,,,1,. i • 1•1• ,, .• , ... ,. t ,,,. .. .,,, I - 1:\4'\ .~ •• 4 1•1111..< ,, n . (' rl'lrlgC'ratur 8i lr1 •• •o>!la !UJI fr,.P;t(r l ;'ld U•l\'r' l'h1kv t"""'•>' chi<.r ~o b<-low f •trr.lnjl lt'OIJ't'l DtUrl' $33{1 V~ [)('111~nc·r11 High Stylr Fahm'11 & amporlC'd woolrn11 ut t·m.t, MATlf;Ifo.: \VEBB () J 954) !'. Con~t 8 1\'d , Lag11nll Bca<'h Bicycle Speciols 3ittc ·'" """" p11\ml'nl 211r. p•·r wk THRO:'\SO~S I Ii• :-:e\l lt\lll A\'f" I •••/\ M~•· LJ u 1n ;En: & MERHIT'T r.lnge. ·:;;, mulf I. l.11mp & rl11( le "Ith oven I,,,,. r I ·11r11r11e j!nll hr.,alrr. ""d 111111 hlr up top. t••ed une '"'"''" $IHI AA .. \Ah, or pay u PLATFORM ROCKERS-All pa ... tic. SUU a choice of color•. $69.50 value .... at Bay $49.50 RECLINER LOUNCli:R CHA.JR- Plu tlc &rnu, headrest A toot- r•t. Sletl frame. Foam cu•h · lontnr . $109.50 value .. at Bay $77.50 BUNK BEDS, KARD\.\'OOD SA.L- EM FINISH. Complete w llb lad· d er, ,.ua.rd rail, 2 1prlog1, 2 lnnenprtni mattrue1. Convert. lO twina. $129.50 value .... at Bay $79.50 SOFA BED, FOAM RUBBER cuahlol\11. Con vert.I llllO full alae bed wtt.h sood 1nnenprln1 matt. $249.50 value ...... at Bay $177. 6 PC. 8ALl!:M KA.PLE DINETTE SET. '2" round table. ' 1plndle back chain, eaddl• aeat. $127 . .50 value ... _ ... at Bay $87 IDl:A.L PRACTICAL OJJIT f'OR TEEN-ACl!lR8. JO PC. TWIN Hl';DROO.M CROUP. lnclud• 2 tlrm lnnenoprtnr maltr-- I Imported B411gta.n damaak tick · Ing 1 2 mat& box aprlng•. 2 mei.J f ramu. :i bookc ... heed· boarda (alldlng panel•) 2 •-<Ir. chuu $319.50 value at Ba.y $199 I PC. BEDROOM C ROCP 111- cludo 6 drawer double d~. 30x40 mirror, bookca11 h e&d· boud.. 2 nlghl 1l&11\l.t, 1lffpmu· ttr ln.nenprln~ m•tll"f!M t 10-yr. 5'\l&rantt"~ 1, box •rnnr. mtt&I fm.mc $279.50 value at Bay $177 Bay Furniture '\\"hrre Prl<'a Are H <'ld At Bay" 427 £. 171h C-0eta Mu a l"rC'e Storefront Park in&' T!'rm• Open Eves. 'til 8 BEDROOM SETS 8 It II DR.A WER drt'Af'r, mirror, bookru!' hcadboard. from $:'ill 60 T WL-.: ~taplt' bf'd wlth mllltr81 6 box lrJIMnl, only $69 GO ea. II ... II ORA WER maple d~n. wtlh minor, trom . $ill 00 Living Room Set.a Modern & Maple AS ~ICE A W:'>J:; .. )'OU .... ouhl Hnd anywhere Wit h our low c>' ,.rhc11•1 you II two aurµn .. ,. J hrow u Ulh "',. i Mn •• \ .. \ffU ftlrK .. ,. IKkl' II hH1lc It \l tll pay ~tJll r:OrnJ T~:HM!'I lU:TAll. H lt:'>ITl.Rt-: HHOKP:R~ I If>''" ..... 1.y 1-:1 t Iii =~ 2436 :11 .i Hl Spurgffln S anta An 11 4Ulfc ~·1,00R SAMPI,£ :\tf>flERX l"l'~TCJM fl P<" blrath• "'' "''Ainu~ \l ining k l . bu ffet. t11ltl!' 4" 4 rhalra ~ I• 11. m1111t "''r 8' '" 11 REA I. buy 342rt Via l.1d•1 liar 432R 42rH ST UDIO coueh. or child bed I no boa.ten) Mattrt1• A Boll 1pr1np 30" x 72", elm pie pt'g ~p. Uke new. $20. Ll MS84. ~ -~~~~~~~~~~~ I Pmc:Jll arr Heywood·Walk· tleld maple end tablea U O a pr ~... top c:otfe. table $30. Harbor 3329. Uc I BUY AND SELL EARLY AMERICA N cut. colored, pattern 11 .... -Primlttvea-An· Uque furnlt u_,.. and tlne c hina. THE BIG OLD RED BARN JC. FIRBANK Kl 3·32.•l 138111 Harbor Blvd., Garden Grovf! 38c5lb A'l'T: Antique Owners I Repair CHINA, GLASS It BRIC-A-BRAC E leanor O'Kef'fe 8622 Wal~er JAcQc>n 7-2777 CyprW'° tr Yacht Remodeling Service Jolnerwork -ReflnWllnir Rcpalrlng F~• J!:ltlmatu. Har. 4284-W 33c45b CARVER Craft 10 tt. apeedBtet, remol• control wht!el, C'&r top loader. Almoet new. $135. SH after 11 p. m . -3111 Catalina Drive a t rear. (3llc 1' FT. GLASS BOAT, new E vin· SALE OF SALES YEAR ENO CLEAN UP USED TRUCKS WE HAVE HAD THI BEST YEAR IN 2r YEARS OF SPECIAL: IZING IN THE SALES OF MOTOR TRUCKS. DURING THE BAL- ANCE OF DECEMBER WE WILL TAKE ANY DEAL ON . 'A USED TRUCK THAT IS REA. SONABLE TO CLEAN OUR LOT OF OUR PRESENT STOCK,· OUR STOCK INCLUD- ES PICKUPS, PANELS, ST AKES AND DUMPS. ALL MAKES AND SIZES. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF TRUCK EQUIPMENT. W. W. WOODS GMC DEALER 81~·111 E. 4th St, S11 nt11 Ari!\ Open Sund1ty A M rude motor, all controla. See Trurk headq111111eri• 111r ll1·HnJo:•' t ·., evenlnr• lll2-38lb St.. Newport Beach. 44c46 14' PLYWOOD boat w ith wtnd· ah.leld, ateerln& wheel, forward controla, 23 bp. JohlUIOn t llke new) J wheel tr-11er complft.e $&~. Hausken-Watson S PORT CAR CE!';TF.ft JACLlAH. M ~ Al 'STIN·Hl-:A l.F:Y MURR.IS. A l 'STIN ALFA ROMEO RENAULT 12' PLYWOOD tlbe~taeaed boat with 111 hp JohnlOD A :i whttl t.r&ller only $275. New Car Sole• ctr Sri,.,, e Clean Ueetl t'11r11 All Mrikr" 1111 1.J' CHRIS..c::RAFT plywood boat. porlf'd a nol 1>1111tr1'th Cood t.nJ1er A: 18 hp Chrta·Cr&!t motor. All ID very sood con· :!201 so. MAIN ST SA:\"TA A':'A dJtloft ~$ I . Kl 2·0766 BALBOA. BOAT BA.LE8 11132 HARDOR HL\'IJ COSTA MESA 300 W. c...t Hwy. LI 8·34:'i2 I LJ 8-00:,1 JAGUAR 63 Road.etar, 18.00u 11 mil•, n-tu~ tlrwe, R&H W1W. Price U .100. Brlllsh car a.mo.. LI M771. U C46 M-Mualcal. a.dlo, TV CHRlS'l'JiU.8 TR IC A. T 8. SU~. buy• lovely Baby G rand. ICuy t.rm.1. Another S.1115. M&ny ot.b•": Knabe, Steinway, Kim· ball., M.onarch ·Baldwin, Starr, :W-.. Ba.rnJlA, Wurlltur, 100 pla.noe alwaya. DA.NZ · SCH.KlDT Bil P iano and Or,an Stora, 620 N . M&ln SL. Santa Ana. FlVil DOLLARS per m onUa rwill 1ood praclke plano. J::njo7 your CtuUtma. wtLb mualc. Good '41 Buick 0000 CONOIT IO!' $125 BM DOT It BOD. 110 M.arlna, Balboa Jll11fl1I •:h ·~· Grant w. Musick Your Hudson De aler SALF.S and S ERVlCF. 253 N. Loe Angeles KE 5-i2i"i A.Dabe.Im 42tl< prac:llc. planoe u low a.a $117 .. 'tll FOUR DR. e2 CA Dll~J.AI ', $12~ .. up. All ln excellent con· n.w paJnt, W W tare11, uph'>1-lt'f. dlUon. DA.NZ -SCHXlDT Big Ing u cepUonally • l<:"nn. run, P lano and Or('&ll Co .. :'i20 N. eood. $13113 cuh. H •1 hcrr i 11t1 Main Bl .. 8anUr. An&. 42tf 8 P INET 8, SPINEI'S, aevera.I creat rentaJ ntwn. Uk• new. •oma Salem Maple. Blond OLk. Frwach ProYiJiclal.. 8av• $90. to $185. Tenn• j ult Hke rt'nl on bala.nce. DANZ -scmnDT, 620 N, Main, Santa AnL MODERN SPINET, fbony CAM. pcrrecl c<>ndlllon. .-ve more than halt tor quick l&le. Har 2827·J . 47Uc ltG-0 CADILLAC .t::.~Cil~Jo: SI~•' 11163 NASH Healy t-:n$:1nt SI j '. FORD v-a ao F.:'-IGl':'1-: $~·· M It M MOTf>!jS. 21 fl I \\ < '11n. Hwy., Newp01 U lrn< h I .I k l'l" I <!:It 4 I 47 CHAMPION convrrllbl~ . ., dt , heater , &ood llre11. nN•d• nl'w top 1 1~0 ur make 1•fll:'r t.H1rr1 v IH!31JJ &II 1•r f; JU tl 4~, t.i 1120. 1940 F'ORn ':'\l'W M11l o r Our CRRll!TM.AS TREAT. El~t-whllf) leather Int tronJc Orp..n. Wt'll known m&lce, u u. Jllr.O 1-'URD 4-1.lr. H .. II ean 14ao. DANZ • 8CIUCIDT, _•_o_· l:J_._•_k_lrt..t I.I b-;'\0411 4 :lrH P'amo11.11 Plano I& Of'l'JJ Store, 320 N. Main. Sant& Ana. Knowlton Electronic. TV ANTENNAS 1Clcar Bcam -Hi Ca.in I I':'STALLEU complete to your u t. '02 .FORD H.A :-:c·11 \\ a gon I• rd· omallc, R A H Roya l """'' r vrw 2 tone ir,..n Orlg I'" 11t A uphollft('ry t mma,.uhcl• Have lo •~ to epprttt•I" ,...,, tax or llcr n11e by nwnrr \\ II tradP, or bl\nk l"rm~ Ph""" l.Jberty fl-260•. ,\ .. I I• $9.95 LI 8·!\20~ OLDSMOBTLE.'I l llltc CHEVROLr.TS USIW> CA.RB OUR O RE.ATE.ST CH.R.ISTMAS TREATS -Steinway Grand. mairntrlc:ent c:oncllUon. Th1I won· df!rtul piano almo1t Uke new, can t>. bought on a yean lime. Kna be Spinet. ebony f lnlab, uaed very Utlle, n va OY•r $300. Doll4!M of othc-r lltllt eplnet.. Many can po1tt lYely not be told from new. Soma only UH. DANZ • SCHMl.DT Bir l'luo and C:Wpn Sto,.., 1120 N. M&ln San la Ana. l 00 Pla.no.t. t.ai. modellt. 1 11111:,·,.. All rr1c •' lncludln1 trana. car•. 6~ J•• c:hooee from W1lh an OK Chf\'• f'Olet (U&l'&lltNI. 700 C 0 8 ~ l HJ1hway. Milll!r Ch!!V. 1 ·11. LI 8-2261 Jo. Vtul Nny f'V•" Ll l-260t 0 1:.1 ----------- New and U11ed TRUCK AND ' ,~ 4t •, 1·114•, If o1 to Box ~-"& th1~ nf''"•r11rer <.ll'l~K ~,\U. l\~nntoul' iwt11m.11, ~ru wa•t•P• on ,1111 "'''''"!: "'"' w1111.1-: T tn:r '"' ~T CHRISTMAS TR&.A T8. Hammond 3 r IECE SECTIONAi,, KN'" wool Orp.n uaed. one only. bfo.a ulltul I• r 11.11 1111 \\ l. .. hapmAr1, I J111111:t. J<E ll·Sl!l 7 ti Peuen9er l t TA~CXplCm f nltinH 'f com I btnaltnn 106' twtn Allu motnr crulHr. Local rt1erl'ncc lt'J Good work and ability ~rtv 1·6810 43c4~ a... .... k. 11k1t~ $2:. "'"" 1(•1<1<1 1 ...... ltit' PO\• n I JJ4 \\ llan ..... HI\ ' 1:.illiHI< u 41; I ~n 11ni: ~ "''"'"'" \I 'I I n .. ... .., -1..A..a _j..J 4 uu141od U;or;d iJa... j.1•1 t ti ;'th f• t \ ,_ I I &I \\ , ... ,..,. ' , ( ., .~· * '"" '\I\\ ... ~1.l .l~H li1?tl\\r111H• ----urh<>l.11tf'ry SM :Ill" "'1 mllho~· Hammond Spinet. J lorlowi for ~'~!ti _,.-,"'-Hlt+l~V~•~A+llWl••~•~-~11~1••·•-+...,.....,~,'-"',.._.Ml<~lf--..LllJW:1111Ci!Uoll.D.lli!-.~~~~l'.Jal.&.1f--"ttt..-tt071rtr._,,.i!rl1eetc-ci"1tlttt'Cm'-h:lite-lf----~-!F:..f-~'-i;,-.~~-~----I .._~.\\ \II •'• \RCH M11hlli \\1 ta 111 1on purrha.~e ur a nl'w H amllton ncw, generowi aa~ on th1.I "'i... .. S:>4 11~ ~11\\ s 11 !•:. "'''' 11111 llf' w11~hrl'. plus • nfW H c4& oae. Al.o on• only f m a Ham· 8-Hour Recappin9._Service Complete P'OOD II COCKTAIL W111trcn ~30 Cout Hl~l'IWA}'. J-;cwpnrt Buch 43c:4~ I \\'Jh:~:l.I : \Hf:r I\\ , l'nirnt n•t r \\Ith"'"''' n•,tn-pt1lll'\' brll 1(10 f\0611 p , 1n1 .... r '°" t••n •• •tel ~11.. • ~' •fl CHRISTMAS (iln'S MAN to m aintain u llboat •teacly Job, good pay Wrllt Bo• 11 T-87 :'\ \ \ y SL'RPl.l'S t • R ut; M f' " care th" P11P" 4:ir t:t ~l ITS. lrunt 1 111 10 $2~. •••''" -PPERl.ENl7EIJ bvat bulklt'n I • ..... 1 t•p111r M 1\RI N~ Sl'Kl'I I ~ wLnt ed, A!Jpl)• M r C>avtt, o o \ ''. 2~• • S11 M•ccn SJtnt • An• 30th St , Ne\\ pur t U..a. n 44c•<l •2· H WOMEN. •t•no. bk'kpr .. uthtr• I r toll•tu ..... U.y-A \\ •) M&N, en.Jlnffrl mr• hllltli: .. 1. , IP• :-.II I• I~"'' tNnlc A 1 ht1n1r .. 1 11aira 11, 11 \\tit h "' A toy ln,.t1 1111 .. •11L era.I 6 eiUiet•. : \\ 1Jcsl :;, ''" 11 .. 11 vi !' 1111e 111 klldh JU NE p·A.ftRAR EMP L. AC'\'V I S11l11m • K1n1' • ()M~ • M1t1 l111 •02 ,.12nc1 Bl." acl"ON front C'lly I ROD NE\' M t;~JC STOHF. Hall O c4e tlCM a 0 Ell•'>t LF. 9-HM. U c4' ' I\'/. .('l t;\l ll•I ·,:11 ,' ~1 1 S r>' , Ana 1 ,fl,I ' I. '..!I ~ 1 t ' t I, tnr ~, \" ~·' ALSll J"Unl•"I n n•1 , •.• l>T ylll'• & '"' ""'ttl run~·f ~'• 11n•l ~trla WF: H \ \.E Sl'l i\\'I!'°" Hit 'YI U':S •. •1ri •h l\·C'n 11111•. So •l•l"'n SMALL SOI..J._D MAPLE drop If'&! mond Chord Organ. That i. all s .. I ""m"nl t1I l~MJ tA.ble 4t 2 ch.&.lrt1 RcMOn.able Bue ti buya ani almoet 1mp<»- rl lll0SSO:'\ S 181~ Sl'wport.Ave Hu .. l8Si·R aible to Nnd. DANZ.SCJUUDT I •• :'\ Mf'1H tt I Plano and Organ Co~ 620 N. .. ,. 1r ' s::•) I I ' I .: •• 1 ,. I 1.111.1:F: <"Hllrt'~~ 1>! 11·1''• & 1·11 ,. FJt-:XlJIX fully Auto w •1.11hlng ma· t"OR SA.L.E. t>eauUtul h&rdroclt M.a1n St .. Santa Alla. maple drop leat dlnlnr t.abl• A 4 t.hiurs $8.$. l:far. 43" or u 8·6781 ••cAt " R-..: • "' l • 11n J"I Tv.~'ll\ II•' l'l<ll •rtr• J. In"'" • pl11n f•,.r lhlllt' in jl••.J C1ontl1t1un, 3 »rll. ' lo I \ • ~.n. lt•h l11k" J~ll I 1:0 l .. c...11 t11U ltn.1t S2\ ull $1 1 llu. 3ti:i;·M H e•& 1111 . ... I I ( •lr•o\· ... r 1 1~. X1•\\p .. rl H11 lt-1 ... "'''" ~1111 ty All • 1'•\·1''"" SI•• ~11n1Jr11 .l•'Xewport Bh tl ,:'>•"'fl"ttBch """ II •• • I $7 • .i H •I :t"'' HI 4tr 46 ... ·=-I 1 u•:1.J. • ll\JWELr. 111111111 r1111g•· Ill" Sl ltt:WAl.K bh;o'olo With II •lt' ir:llll! niu•I• 111111"" \\.ffot ••k \\ 11 •I· >I • I Iii'''' f,t 1t t \ .. I~ It u.• al ... u ~h•J,.t l ttl t ••.81 1,." ~J ' ''A Ill ... b"llo lik~ •••fl S.iuH •·II all l••I $1,•1 H•\\ H ll l J.U~ ~-· ... """•' l'-t>tlilt .r ,·.11111 . d· I \I u .. H!ttln¥• '41 46 Jolt!•,,. 1111 '' '"' l><'•ullful t101aJ n: u u A K p11nr n:, M1ll11,.~1· 1 •l•·.ii:l1 11111 1, • l h St :-:cwJl"tl I n"uly n•w S2u 1!1111 81lnt• lluhnr 0 14 0 H p An" Av• U 1!·82 1~. H c46 1 l ft\,.f'I•' l!t Mrrnt • gu ra.nJte 19~'a ll• 111,e 1 .. i.11ng·l"f' m()(IC'I nu a ll 1 llr"n •' 1(1 I tic vn to µ, lump I< l l•11 k Wl\11 (J\~ll tlOl,,.1 Chrt1m1t IP tit brv11 .. r I at-J only 3 mun th.I U<lllJ( lf•ll•l~lf·"I Eut. 11.ke uv~r ltt\ I 11llll Att Wllll !ht 1:jju1k & 1111 v ,,fl II•• hat vf S 137 1111 u nly ""v S7 ~l ,,,., 1111m\/t, No -=~ull fl'"de-l M\' ~11 ll \' '"""•""any· tune l•ay or J.-:w al 1H 1 \\' I 'h•1prr1An, !Jr•nitr (',.II C'nll••rt 1' f: '\•M'l 7. REPllJG It STOVE -8" now In op•r•tJon-COOO condlUOD.. :001.oJem l> pe •mall buff el and l11Jt1p•. Hu. 2'2~ H c'41 l'>EW 1-'0AM R UBBER Uvlnl rm. eel. m•l'I• bdr\'n. eet, TV ch&lrw, l"ILlll!I' 8 f'rvl!I nfrll , WMhintr 111a•l1tna ... i.lt-~p frffH 2Slkt 6 sun. l:Hc. 17 A 18 from 11 Lm. t, 3 p nt 231 >tlll 81, Ct>1ta M t'AA off ~•ntA 1 .. ~1 and fl r&.n«• U c46 Knowlton Electronlca TV REPAIR J'AST 81:RVJCE. REASONABLE lemce calla Ull Ii p.m. u 1-6206 1147 FbRo 8tallon Wac'Oft, Good rondltll"WI n arr cu h. 611 ~--con Jk)'. Kar. 1114t2·J HpH I Brake Service ANIJ Front End Alignm<'nt ROAD ~ERVICE n,_tone tiUd(el P lan You_"' tor Ule A •k 1n1e HOWARD RY AN 801 • ts00 W. ht . 'I HAN'r A ANA Kl 3 ~;11,;i lt'I'" --.. --.,__ ~- PAGE?. PART 111-NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I .fO-Aut.oe for Sale 1 -~AJ!t&. & Roa.Ml9 for Keat 43--AJ!ta. & B~ for Reat_ 1 ~to'" a Otf'leell WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 'M MERCURY llontel&ir, ' ctr. CX>AST BlOBWAY, MW bulldlq, MtrcomatJc. ftAB, power brak• c ban Ma e 600 11q. ft. oaloe. 8\&lt&bl• ln- •6-Aot"" and Tru<'b 40-Aut09 aecl Tradla w .w ·a. aooo mu-. U7N. eon a as r1nas .uruce. attoney, 9te. "° mo. lt048.-1J 6-M&O. U cU RUSS . J'ORD. LI MlU. IOtt THE VOGEL COMPANY takes pride in offering for the first time-"Season's Best" Used Car Buys 1955 Chrysler Windsor 4 Door S e dan-2 t one-Power Steering- S olex Power Brakes-Electric Seat- Save -Only--$2595 1955 New Y orker--4-dr. sed. 2 tone green Radio, H eater-Power Steering-Low Mileage Only m95 .__ --1953 Chrysler Club Cpe.-Lt. Green Power Steering-Excellent Condition Now-$1495 1953 Oldsmobile-4-dr.-2 tone blue Fully Equipped -Radio, Heater, P ·s-P.b Wonderful Buy at only-$1795 1953 Ford Ranch Wago~ Fordomatic-Radio & Heater-Excellent tir9'. Low Mileage-$1595 1953 Willys 4 door seda~$745 O'drive, Radio, Heater-New Paint Perfect Second Car 1949 Plymouth 4 door seda~$345 Light Green 1951 Mercury Club Seda~$745 Radio & Heat e r, O'drive LOU REED and ASSOCIATES IHT FORD 8porUman convert- Ible. Xlnt. mech. coadiUon. Call Owner, Har. UM-K. 42«6 41-Auto 8en1ee I Motor Overhaul I NO MONEY DOWN * with this ad * 6 Cyla. ······-··--· ·-·$48.88 8 Cyls. ··················--$58.SR lnclud<'• both labor and paru. Nt>w rln)!8, wrl1t plna. valve gr ind, rltllng'11 of main and rod bPar1ng1. Expert motor tune up. 90·'1ay or 4.000 mile cuarantee. \NO MONltY OOW N I. REBUILT ENGINES -UP to 16 MONTH8 TO PAY- Bullt In our own factory by aktlled ma<'hlnlata. Don't contend wit.ti the middle men. Buy direct. REBUILT and INSTALLED 8HUltT BLOCK FORD ········-·····--·····--·-··-1129.:10 CHEVROLET ····-·····-·-· .. 1149 50 PLYM. 6 DODGE ·······--···-·-$1:1:1 CHRYS. 6 DI: SOTO ···----1170 STUDEBAKER ··-······--1170 OLDS Ar PONTIAC e --···-··· 1170 BUICK -···-·-·-·--······-·-·-··-$17:1 H UDSON ·-······---······· ······-··· 117:1 Loan Car Free Towin& NEW CAR GUARANTEE Block mWll meet our 1uuidardJI Plua taxu, 1ull•t. and oll Opea Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Open Dally a to T St.ate Bon.Jed NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. SANTA ANA SARVER FOR BRAKES (IN ORANGE COU:";TY 17 \'RS > Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. UtllitJee paid. with Yacht alip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. 34tfc ·18A-Apta. for Rent Lovely New Studio Apts. You will like the quiet conver:ient location, the heated swimming pool, the friendly atmosphere. Be glad to show you anytime. Ken Niles Villa Marina 1021 Bayside Drive 48-Apts. ll HouM!fl C~oice Winter P.entala on Balboa Laland & Lido Isle Small 6 coa-/'or l&rf• 6: delWle 17:1 to 1300 moolll VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave.. Dalbo& Llland Ph. Harbor C44 cir Harbor 21M Ru. liar. 1786-R or Ha.r. 3051l·M 64tfo ATTRACTIVE l and 2 bdrm. rum. UllllUea paid, 1 or 2 children. Laundry room. B L U E T 0 P APT. MOTSL 403 Newport Blvd. Npt. Beach, Jual llOOVe the Arches. 7Ufc TWO BDRM. Furn. Oupltx, O«&n F ront near 17th. 180 1.nt1I Jun<' or 195 yrly. !for <1787 43c·l6 Har. 1800 32c45 .&8A-Apts. for Rent -- RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call Edna Craig Blanche Gates, Rltr. 311 M.arlne Ave. ~boa l.aland, Har. 1671 Tttfo Charming Harbor Haven Apartmenta -Patios NEW ' ROOM, 1tnet level. Near achool•. abopplng dUllrlct. Quiet. pleasant, toxclu.-.lvc. Garbu.ge d!Ji· po11al, launtlry, •lorage rooms, gari&ge, 182.00 up. Occuple11 en• llro 1lrtel. Good 1 Upervlalon. Mfr. 1001 Havtn Place l Bicek South of HJgb School ALSO Jo'URNISH.ED APTS. WINTER RATES :Ille f'::t!:t?;:k.~·~· :~~~ .1 11 : 14S-A-Apttl. for Rent TWO B.EDR.M. APT. furn., gar. Wlnlt'r rental. 8« after 6 p. m. 131-t4tb St., N.wport Btaeh 41L!c 112 9:> !•UNFURN. 2 bdrm. apt. clOH l O Tu .'48 1tore• A tran1portauon I~ mo. YOU PAY NO MORE 113.~ 602~ N&.t"("IHUI. Hal'. 6689 SARVER MOTORS u c•e BRAKE SERVICE ---WINTER RENTAL furn. hoUllt', E. 18T AT GRAND 8ANTA A.NA t:ORONA DEi-M AR. OCEAN vltw, a uracllnlv t urn1.11he<I one •let~ '· 1ar., furnace ht•l $70. Attn The Crub Jt '• Too l..ate Karbor 1164-M. f2 cH 211lfc bedrm. gara,g-t apl. Ha.rbol' H . SKALL e>rnC!S to. rat. eus-. able N&l .tale °' ~ (19 Balboa Jlhod. ClllD .... 'Tl&. Utfo e NEW OFFICES • IDEAL FOR PROF'F.S- SlONAL or BUS~ USE. Located in - Harbor Investment Co. Bldg. 30th & Newport Blvd. Har .1600 tf FOR RENT: room tn attorney'• aulte. To a ttorney or ~Uble prote•lon. Barbor 25911. '6e48 53-A-8-IDMs Reatalll C-Or. 19th a. Placentia., C. M. F OR RENT two bdrm. borne - (•tove a. refr!g. furn.) lncludea atore room a. two office ·~ces, $100 month. OR will rent •l"Jia· rately l office at '76 and 1 al $bO month. Aleo amall 11tore $100 mo. Call av.mer Liberty 8-6223 morning• or after 6 p.m. 9ttc TWO BR. HOME, P L S 4 .11mllll front orflct11. Parking. ldl'aJ for d()('tor, ru J «'~lat .. , l1U111r11nce, etc. on Newport Blv<I. nr. l 9lb St., Coela Mfsa. Har. 61M. '2c44 One ot tM mOllt beaatlfbl tiomm bl EXCLUSIVE SHORllCLin'B -ELLERBROEK dMiped and cut.om built to the ,,,,...., det&ll- Brietly-' bedroolu, • b&tha, 19' x 27' lfv1nc room, 18' x 28' den-cllnlng room. Interior decorating by one of the foremost prof,.afon1J1 Corner lot. 8-aar p.rage. And Ocean View. We would appreciate your call for detail• and an appolntmmt to ahow. The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del M.ar Har. 757 &r Har. H T1 61-Real Eetate Exchange "A GOOD TRADE IS BE"r· TER THAN A POOR SALE" NORTH SHORE ARROWHEAD BeaullfuUy fUml.ahw e yr. old 1yr. around) CU.tom Bullt home. • Bdmis. plu. apt. • Floatinc Dock . $4:1.000. Will tr&d• tor home, lncome or aubmtt. $1000 DOWN 2 SEPARATE STUCCO trNIT8, 1 bedroom earh, rcint1'd ••~ M.. C011ta Meaa, nt11r Newport Blvd . Only ' Yl'll. <'Ill 192:10--or will lrade on Bt11ch home or lni·ome. AlllO 100x300 lot ntar 17th St. 81111ines11 crnltr onlv $42~11. - N. B. C. REALTv CO. ~Money to Loan HASTINGS RANCH. PASADENA ____ ...._________ Five year old 2 Bdrm&. a. Den 32nd It Newport Blvd • Npt. Bch. Harbor 140ll MONEY! v Fast Action v Low Rates Loans 2nd and 1st Wo Serve All Orange County Service Jn Your Home CU•lom ·Built, Lovely Sect\on. $211,000. Small loan, wtll trade ckar or aaume tor near equal value near oce.n. MONROVIA-FOOTHIU...8 Lovely Valley View home. l Bdrma. Ar Den. 8 yn. old. Beal Dl8lr1ct. $27,600. Clt ar. Sub- mit beach property home or In- come, up or down, can add c:&ah. We Buy Trust Deeda WANTED Large Buslnua or lncona prop-Top plil't>8 pald-C.'1111h no\\'! erly that will trade for &an Royal Mortgage Co. O.brtet Valley. 2602 Newport Blvd, Nprl. Bcil. "UST IT FOR TR.ADii NOW" Harbor 15'49 I --------4-1c_M_H Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. LOANS for Homes LI •·6:)21 G" -20 yr. Lo&na -----Construction Loans SU BOB SAT'I'l..ER Atte ntion Investors! PRICID REDUCED For quick action on lhl-bu11lnoN property. 2 m odeorn building• on es· x 1:i1· lot thitl 11h1111ld lt'•H or rent ror a tot.Al of al lcut 12~ per mont.h. Plrnty ot rooiu ror expanalon. Adequate pork· Ing. Located Ill_ lh<-!utut crowlng part of Coata MeN., riiht In l he heart of a lug<'. new •hopping ceriler. When lhl• I• ,one .•. U.t"1 1l! Appro:a 111,000 cuh down rt'<.1u1r .. d. CaU owner l.lberty a-e2ZJ momln&• or after e p m. Uo Income & Res. Loh lN RESTRICTED SUBDJVlSION, 2 bloc.U f rom cC'nlar of Coata M~ Acro111 from park. All lmpro•M'lmllJI an being Wl•ll- ed. From $31l!O. Ph. L1 S-178l or LI 8-8821. ••c..e Chrysler-Plymouth Dealer I az-TnJJen 41 (.'16 -------_ _ WINTER RE?\'TA~Nlctly tum. ~~--,_;-----~--16."I MO., Yearly. NEW OOC' bdrm duplu 21>:11.i. '4th St. N<!wpu1l Bea ch 41p40 home, 2 bdrm., garbage dl•potl&l, dl&hn111all'r, lawu.lry factlllll's, fenct'd yard.-3211 S&pphJre, Ual· boa. hllu.'1d. 42cH 21116 EAST COA.ST BLVD. Corona Clt l M.ar Harbor 3881 Rep. POfRJER MORTGAGll CO loletro Ule lna. f\ulCS. Kl. I-SIS) B&B Exchange Comer FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR INCOME PROPERTY OR WHAT HAVE Y 0 U. BEAUTIFUL 1, :i A C RE EST ATE IN WHITI'IER'S EXCLUSIVE FRIENDLY BUJA LI 8-73U 44c46 1200 W . Coast H ighway LI 8·34486 : * PORT ORANGE * d Uo • 10 Unit Deluxe Apartment tn We • t w o o d VW&ce neU.tna 110,000 ytar will excbanc• tor 8 bdrm. home OJ' Income pr'Ol>- erty 1D Harbor Area. ~-----------TRAILER S ALES PENINSULA 1·n1:-:T 2 l>e\lroom - Watch fot the Grand Opening of Marie Downing 's New Used Car lot To ~ localed at the intersection or Highway 39 and IOI 1n Huntington Beach Our Main Attraction W ill Be Top Qual ity U1ed Cari H igh Trade In No Down Payment (on approved credi t) Mark Downing Ford 41~ Fifth !"t. Huntington Bc1tch L t'x1nJ{ton 6-2566 Your BANK TERMS or NO DOWN PAYMENT 1 o n """' U\'f'<I • rr.tlt I '50 Cad illac '4·dr. Sedan $'4'4 .30 1:1.1.i, Hl r Full f'r11·~ '53 Ford VB Convertible $1199 acd SUPPLIES 2200 W. Cout Hiway. Newport Buch LI 8-4420 '66·SO' Kll-C\lt tom 2 br .... ve 11000 ":>6·41' Paramount 1 br. bll' dlltC. ·~3--16' Travelne. A beauty $886 '6e·A II 1nlll1tl• II 1dau OR dl•play w, nNld clun uaed tratte-tna PAN AMERICAN turn. apt Ind Ul lhllt•. Iii'> -NEW 6 nn. bowie unrurn. l~ View or Bay ,. cx011 Hnrbor ba1.h11, w w car~t. t lec. range 2226-J. H r46 6: wall ovi;n, wul\cr le dry ... r. KA<Ho orwralf'\l gar. door. prt· val11 ~""'h, pltr • &llp. Yta rly leue 03 Ualboa Covea. Harbor l810. 43ct~ fo~l'RNJSliEl> APT::!. 2 br, 2 t>.th. lncluttlnr utlllllu . ~O rno l br. Incl. uUJ ~ mo, 8a.chek>I' a.pt. incl. util. 140 mo. J M MIU.XR <.:U CASH ... 1''0R THt'ST DEEDS WM. li. llOLT MORTGAGE BANKING STNCE 1930 1609 N. DUSH BANTA ANA KllfBr=RLY 3-7118 LOANS 'JU l:SUlLU. !MPROVJ: . • Xlnt. lnoome propen.)' Oil Bal.- boa laland will excb&A&'• up or dowa tor ec:r-c• bl Ono.s'e 0. • 3 bdrm. bolM ID am Ba-.. will ucil&n(• up for ' bdrm. bome ln Santa Ana or Twit.IL , y ACA.NT LO'I'S IO'Jll.06', R-1 ----UIOO 80'.d&', R-2 ---.. -· _ $4280 IO'dll', Jt-2 ---·--l6000 OCLUf FRONT, R-2 -·-··· S-780 Pa,..mount ·Ktntk I IJ Tra•eJeu·Terry ro2:> w &Ibo• Blvd lla.r .o91 I nnr lh~ N~wport .l'IU I U c46 NEWPORT Bl!:ACR, fumlahed - Mocltrn 2 bt<lroom bouae, near bwuneu A bl!ach, IJY year or mon th. SY 7-8008. f lc•6 BUY, J.IODERN1Zli:, OR REi'IN~"CE We Buy Tru.wt D~ NEWPORT UALIJUA SA VrNOS A WAN ASSOClATJON !36e Via Udo. Ph. Hu. '200 Ue • J:I aere a-.do 6 lemon,.,,,...... WATDU'RONT, Jt..I -f lT,000 2 bdrm. and dea home tn ran.· J . M. MlLL.lllR co &"llt• G F:T into yuur ()\\' !'\ HOM R bf'· to1e Hnh<l•Y• l b-lrm . COl..OH.-CORONA IJEL ltAR, un!urn. 3 bdnn. 2 balh. nflwly decorlltt'<I lntlrle and OUL 5123 mt> C1ll Harbor 47 U brook W1U •cbaac• tor .,,c.a. 2025 W. B&U>o. Blv4.-Har. COtl or molt L (ne&.r Ule Kewpor\ Pitt) Now on D isplay •·ut.. th~rni 11 .. u . Ult•t.l, unfurn •rt t•r<l. r"''"· ti:•1111tt. u1111 Ind Y~"tl)' H O 3l•7 33rd f\l. 6& THU:-OOERBl':RC l..RE8Tt..I"'-"£ N p B Har U08-J i 2l 41 40 F"T 2 btlrm . mlln)' """' -- - -''l.ll.X> ISl.F:, 3 1)(-clroonu. 21• 1 NO COMMISSION fl'alUrN !'\1-:\\'1,Y DEC..:ORA Tl::l> Af'I'S, bath home", on IUUlUlll bn•L• '66 THUNQERBF:RG CRl:ATIJ:'\f: I tumu.l\e<-1 YC'ar round or \\ 1nttr Nllp for •o rt bol\t, u50 t•f 1 No Appraisal Fee 3."I 1-1 I Wt1tl. unly R«'L"On•blr l"til 1n<ludf'd. rt. Vlklnit runttb\lul l>tJ\\l'r hu.q , SALF:S -Hl::Fl:'ltAN<.:E 2 b.-I 1'\111 r h C:O~f'\Tltl 'CTION l'>tl Flll;\ST A 2211 I-I A IJ. ,u CJO Hl 1 J 0 1 1 .,J 0 1 1 •A Y A l 'T~. Hl\17 lo; li .. •.I.~ r11r l(Br , 1<11 1 y 11tn1~ • ,.., , .... • d !olu 111J1t SiOO I" r 11111nth C.:all for 1-'rct' M AWO 23 ,.,. M Ol.Jt":tt=-; _ ln<1u1r1• ,.l 41 H1<lbua t" vi-~. Fast C<lmm 1tm e nl8 '6:1 TRAVELF.zp; 19 FT ,. .. , I:"; 1'\\ 0 w,;IJJlM H f(" A l'T 1;111 1'i•\\ , ... rt •. 36Ut ,.n H1 •ill'llC'l''O Anti Untl.t only llEOM A U modf'rn aite 4 , ... lrr ="" ,..,.1.11 $11\1 prr "60 KJ'T 27 ,...,. MOl>ERN nlCI nz W•ln11t Plll<f' t"1t•la W ll<) IMl..E 1pac1011• 3 btlrnt .. 2 Don I Huddleston llon•lly t'lr•n ,.xcf'p· MN•.11 1.1 fl ·llZ44 4 !1 H ~:,t~ "':~~v';"'::~1.-~:.1:, I~ n1;,:,1; I • '02 M0 81U: C'Rl'JS~ 41 M' Sea Shell Apts. :'>2~{1 or I for 364:j •:Ir I:'> I 113 E. 17th ~t. 2 h<lrm , p r11 ~l lo t1t'll 5EVf.:l'tAL OTfll'!R ·~oon nu·:f> I k :z BF.nHM T•F:l.I )(Jo; }'"l.P N "'.1:-iTl-:H ru:XTAl. furn hou11e, LI 8-!'J'1 1 COSTA MESA LI 8~~2 TR,\JL..F.RS Af,I.. ON ~l'f:<'IAI. Af'TS Toi p1dc-1t,.•I tr•n.1n11< $~!\ ,l b1 .. l11 11 clhl<' l:Rlill:I'. f••ll11•tl " SAU; AT Tiii!) TIMI-; & up, lllll In• I 1'."I \\ 11~11""' hll• ~ \111•1, W1l11·r J'Alll, $11:'> mu I ~~·_:'''"l""l u .... 11 .11>1 ~2n 1 110 lhl, ·"<'''J"llt H <•6 REAL E8TATB LOANS West Coast LlDU ISLE 1 s :~ Mu T ... ., ... 11 01• houu 111 ... 11 l ntt.'11:s t Ih le 5-5' ::% TRAILER SA LES c·HE' • ·R ., ..... ' 2<!09 Miramar L•r . J•.-n1n ... 1la I"'"'""' qui\ kly moiolC' In thC' llu bor BA .uv llll•I "nl' ''" I\'" .,,,rm l'ttlnl \\'tnll'r rl'nlcil A r .. 11. l..iu:una nn•I 1 "•ta ~l1•11a. 210 1 8Ul:T H MAIN hi 7-3147 •rt ... sti,r1 t.-rni lln•I y .. 111y c .; 111-:1\Rl•Sl,l':I': 7~·· 1.ul 'n Pr litn.;I• l•f mull I) 1 .. Unll • :-/PW OW:'lll':R. Rl'RT l/P.O,. Al--..u. Lwo H 11:11n .1f!ol 1111\ l-1t1nl t;l<nrlale 6 }'h Cllrll• :l·:'l'llll 1 r i l I I ~• "t"' J n I ,w1 b) re· 4"'111 ll•ln'"' nr.il "''"'""''nu I ~:•'< r1mll11 oni; \'hUI prr11enl IOIUl. LIUO ftEALT\' A1150C1al<'l1 ------,,11,.,·mum r:11.,.-• .,. 211 Yl'RI' ,,.nn 47-\\ antN to lttont J4no \"111 l.1.Ju llarb .. r HH L't 1t:11 '1:A Ll~l.. MAR. 2 llEI I, \f If '1• "'' I -.; • 1 hu1 ;:1• fur Jlr~ -.nu.· I p..rt1nllv ''''" Ir• 1 !' \\tlh .: 1r l11111r ry ••r I''•"" •I Kl 3·6&.J3 Ren taJs \i\. anted 1111 ·' We b.aV9 many mon actums-. Lrt WI ahcnr JOU how J1X1 can Improve you r tax po91Uon through exch&DJ'-. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc J8j0 Harbor Blvd. Co11la M8' C&llf. L1 8-7iU . Eve&. Ll 8-31:18 CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL ! HOW ABOUT A TRADE. for man· a1eer op<-rated clear lncome prop- trly wul end ot Loa Angele.. \'aJued al ~.000 W'llb over SI0,000 a yur lncome A low "XPf'nn. Am rellri!!I A: am In· l"l'l!l~•l Ill Bay Front properly. \\'Ill trade up or down. °'"'11«'r. WEbs lcr, 4.'1001 or wr1le 2907 South Cochra.n Ave , Loe An· i:elu 16. BROKERS INVITED 43tfc I \\ t "' t'O •pl~ lolld nuu ... ·• 111 a I ~111.1111 tor o.ith .. lnl~1 &JIU yta r • l~aa.. 1-"ltrn 111 u111urn Y f'Aftl.Y 11.»!lt.ol I 1 .. 1111, 11p1 $"Ill 1110 \\at~• p·I It 1 •'·• '' •h-tru 1 1717 J n"IH ,.,,, 1\114 lld1111 .. I" I.\ ... l.J ' liif. ~ZrH AJtTHUH A. MAY Molla.."<>• Luan ·orrc•pon<lent Business Property r\\ ti IUXJ~I f11mt&hl'•J l •ltl,I. u .... r.r.1 .. 1 l~llo ln•ur1U18&nce0_c:Ao."a PASADENA U 10\I navt u ,.., anc)I prio.r,. 111<1•> The Vogel Co. I J:ZUI \\ I ~l h ,, • '"" .... ,, ti• II rr,uot L•~ • l> 11 .1451 f \11.1 :.ta1 11 1 I 1;t.J<•• ,,,a nd Pl\111 I I .110• I 4H 1·t. "•fl Bi\l,B~A A1 1H\1·r1\• ,\I 'I $ •, ~'" , .. • ' I h lt• 111 • h hirn1(11r• I I" n~ I '"A•,. "' •( hhJ U\ !ur It lul• ~11 t (or ,.Jtlfll'dV tH , 1 'f'fu' •• ,, "'" 1•1 H.11 lllfl I "' LI II 0111 1 f'W·- 1.lo 1:1 lh>t ~~; It .rr. llnol•'<I I•\' \·"·I ti:. llJJ ::.uulh M&Jn ~ """'' .. S"lu " • 1: 1r.11:1• :-;,..,., . I 1"·11 11 o1 n• 1r l!lllt 1· .. •tl\ ~1 · •I\ _ pp tJRl('K STORES At AP'I'S EJtcel- ll 1rl• r /'il ~.O 4_:, 11 lf'nl lora llon. good Income, for a ·~~...:'!~~·:~~.!l!1!4:<~--ht1ge home In N~,.·port Harbor JA ,'I I l1J ''"~ :11 1 l1•ltm 1111 • a11·" (11rn h•ll•l• J'I. fl 11\"ol ~ '""' 1 J 1:i !-' r 1 I 1 I• $ • "' 1 ''Ill "I'll l\l 1l Ii. LATHRUP . :163~ E . CO&.lll A.'"'"'""'' "'"'''"' $'H• ,,,, '1•~''""! '"'' ·11111'' I, l!l!J6. 11'r llwy,Corona del Mar,&r.64~ IW, f. ''I nlt·'lf 11111 :!:.!vfl. 121• I I Inf 1 111 11 ii 1111 :.: ~I 42• H F:v1•11. HBr. f,680. 42cU PZNIN8UL4 ' Ul\lt ~ ' sv .. & yra. old, "' bloca to ti. 7. 134.500 i:...y I t l'TIU A Lao N'EW • PORT Rl:IGHTS 3 ~ ~ S yra. old, WW CUJ"I~ ~ pl.a<'• dbl. gar. plu• f lG.llOO Eaay lflm\a. 0-.'TI«'r, 408 RI,,.,.. lllde Dr. LJ 8-3338. • lcM BL"Sl.VESS UJT ('.2 JOO x :100 on boomin1 17U1 SL It! Co«& M- 11:.xcellanl for a 11ltot 1:&&n lnVMl• ml'nt, t r&Jlrr C'lllrl, bualn- bld(. 10 to 18 rrnlal unit.JI or molt! •Ile. U\\ntr, W 8·184.2. 42c4' ------~-------TWO-BDRM H OUSE, hardwood n•>Ora. r.•d .. ro,..trod lnt lde and out. 110 7:i-O. at>ll Jo'lower 81., Coata MuL r hone l.lbt•rly S·i80T Ullo LEMON HEIGHTS AREA i.·o K ~RAC 'IO\IS UVC'>'G l'\EW AU. EU.:CTRJC HOM!'; 3800 aq rt , J'll\ttl, Jand8C'aped. ORANG1'.l COUNTY 8 1--L .... f".ST SHOWN BY A l'l'OIXT~U;:'\'T ,.-e:w 1-0LI-c;nrmo P:ti'TATl!:S Kl 2·661 l At-nm 10 A M. Uc41 BY OWNER LESS THAN ONf! TR. OLD - 3 ~nn., 2 bath home. hw4. noon. 2 ear K&rage 112,600 626 Knowell f'L, Coe!.& Me-. U 1-8119 UcM 266i' £ (•oo .t II ) , <.;uronR dtl \l..i I • 1J t •• a,r_, 1t I.•• L.u:.111 Ort"'· 3·1111 Via l.ldo Hl:'>CJ.~; AIJI , 1,;!1• 1nrht·I h "" 11. r 1111 " $1\1 )"11"Y 2 BR h PLUS lllll 'Ill{! F' Ht•V -1XC-Trailt'r ~paNI $5000 Wante d 62.-Rf'&I El'tat.e * . ome I ll,\l ll••t 4{17 I 1 1702 ="rwpo1 t Blvd . <.:11,.:11 \fr1<n 1 I .lll(-1 I y IH \.\117 "" il.i \\ L':t lf•i---------·---------2 UR. UARA<.;t; AJ.'T. PLl'B 1.., i~t:r. S l'A( ~.s :.i.~,,.,1:11 ="" 1 ·11·; m ·:1.vxE "t tt:-Al'Ts. (t,r 11i11o111'n "" ,, .. , ,,, h11111~ 1: .. 1 11 l"\TI "~ "T Back Bay View Lota z ADD'I... np;o n ooMs l'LUH S1nglc1 & •lhl11 $,ii\ 11\lo unol 11)1 rr ''""'•I I I h I l':ni1 ,.,,, " DOUBLE OARAUlt. ltl<I F:. R.iy A\I' Htdbna ll11rhm 11,,,11 I.I ~-it:!I~. •ott• \\11,1. J:l,1 \Y J'\; :1 \•,AH~ i(lio.140 CORNER-View of Be.y 6 NEARLY NEW •9 block to Of'ean, ri:i11 Mft: 1 _ _ ,'\ 11 1 1 .. •• 1·111 1ty nrrrr"t ,,,. wrll mount111n•. In r~lrlcled aubdJv1-only 561)()() down. ,. ••. doll 1 · I Ii' 11 '"·' 'I''"" '''l''IP· 111nn of $36.000 lo $30,000 borne.. ICXCLUM.JVlll Wl Ul. ' ' I . I 'c;.1 c. __ .J vo rt .. &.. r-. --$ 599 • H 1•1 Htr, 11'1lrt\t. w-s·"' lllfll, hlut' rln13h f.:Ml'l.O Yl•:IJ c o 1·Pu ·: 1\.1111 1 .. rt1nt ho11M nr 1p1 w1:h aim ·,. & ------11'.u.t: A or u.QI urn. -Sitt-I*• Vo!f'•t 1'11'1f' ('n•t.11 M,.•n Llh,.rlv I _ll·i!l!\I -- -44, 41\ -4~Moom" fo r Renl m r 1111 "' I "'""'' ti• I M1<r \\'111 1 11!:'100. J . M.. MlLLER co. LIDO ~R~~r-~,s~.-r---~-~--~--~-~--~--==~==--=-:..-...-... ......... ~--~w....~,,......,...,::--=1~--..,,..---.-~~-um..A-JL.i-~~~--uD~IMid-J~--~--~~-~~··~~ * * * g11l 1nn 1 .... rn tn 1,,. J'lll<'C!!U!rd by i2x 102 CORNt;K. View Of moun· (neal' lb• N_,,art P ieri ' ''49 Mercury Club Coupe Ru.itn Ht11lt 1 0 drh·t . hon r1ni•h ''4 7 Buick Seda n , Radio, Heater ''47 Ford VS Sedan, Radio, Heater \I \~\' MO RE <'HUICE Bl"YS Cht•1 k T hes1• & Many More ValuE'fl ~~ 111 Iola l':.111•1lllul CADILLAC VILLAGE 800 East I s t St. $ 119 $ 119 I< I i ·3117t OPIGN ~:n:N1 N1.;s A NO SC NOA YI '""t' Ana , See Me-Ta Nelson CORONA Dl':L MAR & Marina Apla to I< 11.~ Sii r• '""·" 1 .. hit :'lt"\\'P' rt llarhor llAnk. ('ornn& l&1n1 6 1urroundlnK area.. ln •I• 1 \I Ar to: 10, h l'lr.u•r l'llll J lllr· rt11lrlcltd aubdlv. of l~.000 1 ... r •" 1" r •r lnt111 lllAl111n 421 ... homr1 16600 -LI l-&621 «eel P:NJnY l,l\"l;-\1; <on lhf' ''' 'flll ,..r11nl I\ •I• h"lll'l 1 r H pt~ & rn.~ \lo'tth prl\·11tr• h&lh. ~111•1 .,.,.,_ . .,.,. TV 2306 Wr>i1l 01 ,.an t-·l'·nl Hsrhu r 1111111 ;;i-~al t,~iate \\aot~ t 'HUH'E u:trs -CHEAP * * * -.-------------L~ON HEIGHTS AREA lo t tnnnl-\\ A:-OTI:11 bv c1111rl• 1m Jl"nalon Kl 2.661 1 alltr 10 a m. Uc'8 3'08 \'Kl 111 ll R1\l.Btl.\ 1'1-::-;1-.::.:1:1.A H 110111 11'"1111 11''11 "' l.!•rlll(" \\'all l'">l-------------CHARMINGL Y Fl'R:'\ 2 hdrm I ,, "' •> Wllh J•liY&le tillth It ,.nlt.llh •' 1111 rni<h l''I b1 ukrra-\\1lte 13 •ln')n1 l11tm ou11n 1 $121) Managr r H1t r 1(\()2 Apsrtrurnl buildin11;. Har 21:,0 Uo1x _:··1-S lhH pnpr·r 4:1p4~ LIDO R-3 acfull.t, le11~e. :SJt ((.' - - CL01'E 1:-< AlrRACTI\'El~Y turu efttr ~ p m w 8•21 i i lf -- --GOA--Comnwrdal, lndu!i!trlal 2 -30 ft. lot. 00 ao. 8&7 Front. I l bdm1 comhlna tlon Uv1na an<I __ 38 c OS£ Ult T\\'U bolm1" Will\ hume ----------~---·--5:;1,~ each. Call T. D. Ro,.era. dln1111 rm. lllO lf'&a4!. I Jn'"'"""" 1130 •'""'1 I.I II 3:'>:\'r H O'I' !"PUT I H t.r. J6'6·W, or RTa.a 1-tO:zt. FllK1' t:1T1 :1>1u , .. ,,,,rate hou ... Crown of the Seo Motel ~ .. r :, 1' 111 :i•Htr 1 1«1~ 1 \ _,1L,,., AfU:A, '""'er i..11Jlf 1atto j n ..... , "' "' Vlh11111 f !Xl I C d I M L.A UY "'""«' hu r"'''" !11 n•r,. •· 1,.,.,,~1 111 6 g11(1{! lt'nttnl1. Shu"'• 1 • l 'llUl(.J,; K~;:-;')'AL.". t111nl•l•••J .a n Orona e a r h ulllt' ,.,, t11tpluyed lad~. I.I ,,,,.r Ill', Ull I'll'<! uf S~OOll ONE -120 ft. 6 t~O ft. a.LI 11n llJ1 n1alit'd l'vmrort•hl• rvv11111 11.:i~ll 21• It I 1iut•I l~l'llltt l11 1111111 huya. Call I w Julnln& 8&.(k Bay ..,.... Coulcl ,. k1t1'ht'nl:'11.-"V'• ·n· ,,..,,. llt•YNT1.i:-; w1111 I I M .. ..,.A N"'' .. ON I o I be four lote-8~1 all or arr.a. I "'' .,....., ny wi:ck mo11l11 y !Ill' 1{1 11 ,,111 lur \\01k111i; 111,.n. $•J ttllll j l:AHI. \\' N1 A:'\Ll';Y, Hr1ollur I ....- 2to8 E . Cout H111•y 2800 Ii: Cout Hwy Har. 31~ 57 P"r week. P rlva lo t n'r••" " Bav,111 .. Pr II< c·nol ll\\y rate -Cull or t.ermA. Owntr Corona dt'I Mar, H&r. IM-0. Hd& 33c40 • 123 :Z8lh Sl, Newport I pt!r Hu . 3297 or 1 i7~-ev~ Hnr. 28i8 W&llt. uuon. Kar. 3381 ltttc I ' ' 10 Acre Grove ON TU8TIN .A Vil. -'46.000 - Eaq t.sma. DAN .A JAOOBSEK, ftoealtor - Har. CWl91 or Ubft't1 M 317- Uc4S I BR. llOM&. J"bl.t &o.•!m OnlJI '1600 down. J. K. Mll.L&R co. :io:" W, Balboa BJvd.~Har. t Olll ( °"" tbe l'C .wpc:>rt Pit r ) F'OR 8ALI: BT 0Wl'f1!:R..-.4 1>.d· 1 wtn h1.ni... I •. t.allul, l1rntl· •Caped • ftn!.'etl. YUA Iv•"· Jo'reedom home ar,.a. Ca ll l,Jt>erty 8~:123 mom1n1• "' •tt .. r 6 r m l l\trr. 11!!:::.!!!!'UT!!!l!!!lL. __ .....:. ____ ~11!:_!!!!_......._ ______ ~-'lEWPORT HA~P'1R NE'NS·r"~E:;s -?Ar.T 11'. PAGE l WEONESOA y I DECEMBER 14, 1955 BILL'S BEST BUYS l MOVE IN FOR CHRISTMAS Brand new 3 bedroom 11,:! bath, completely A beautlhlly turnW>ed. Fenced, 1eWere. Jl'ine wall to wall carpet entire houe. Excellent cloee in loca· tion. J'uU price only $13, 7M. $3000 down. FOUR BEDROOMS-$ I 1, 950 Comer lot nicely land8caped. GrapHtalle rence, patio, wall to wall carpeting. Owner leaving etate $8300. mA loan at 4 IJ~ ~ interut payable $70 per month Include. taxes and lMurance. NEWPORT HEIGHTS--4 Bedroom-$14',875. Nearly new-Fenced-2 Batha. Fireplace. Walk- ing datance to High and Jr. School.a. Priced right tor q~ck aale. Only $3200 down. CHOICE INCOME Large very well kept, nearly new duplex only one block from town. 2 Bd. rooma in each unit sepa· rated b)'l a double garage. Can be handled on very low down payment. Full price only $17,500 A mllllt on your liat. W. A. TOBIAS and ASSOCIATES, REALTOR You'll like our friendly 400 E. 17th St., Coeta Men aervice" Uberty 8· 1139 SEASON'S BEST! From our new modern office oppoaite the City Hall, we aerve the entire Harbor Area. LIDO ISLE :-Choice llatings of homea & Iota. Mo.t complete aelections. SHORE CLIFFS :~a.n front lot; the only one of ita kind left -Expenaive ! (The breath-taking view ia pricelesa) CORONA HIGHLANDS:-Lowest priced, but one or the finest remaining Iota ; $9250 BALBOA OOVES:-Water!ront, pier & 11lip, 3 bdrma., 2 bath.a, runabout boat included. COUNTRY SETI'ING :-Sparkling comer home, 2 bed· rooma and den, barg'ain at $16,~. OCEAN AND BAY F'RONT:-Home.e, Iota Ir income. KILLION, reel estate 1341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 550!5 CORONA DEL MAR NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUSE, 1 :\, bath. Pro· tected patio. Exel. location. $28,750. IRVINE TERRACE. S:500Q will handle. Alm011t new .l B. R. conv. den, 2 b&tba, lnaide BBQ. Drap- •rie9. lltoYe, fully land8caped. Lo" price. BAYBHOIUCS ATl'RACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. Pro· i.eted petio. Owner anxious for offer. AaJdq $28,000 SD US for BEACON BAY and BAYSHORES propertlea. Ila(. 1775 -Evea. Edith Maroon, HYatt 4-6l2~ John Macnab, Harbor 5359 Lou lloynton, Bayaide Dr. office, H11 . 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 22& Marine Ave .. Balboa laland BAYSHORES In Ulla ucluaive delightful di.tri<:t we have a 3 B. R. home, comp. furn. on large lot -with space for swtmm1nr pool. Very levely new patio 22x36 Partly covered with plastic gl&.111. Vacant and ti you act fut. you can enjoy Xmu in your new home. Price $24.500 BALBOA ISLAND CUTE 2 B. R.-CDmp. rum. In Immaculate cond. on r.r of excellently located corner lot. Build A home In front and have an income from thh1 one, or around $2000 per year. Only $18.500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3411 Vla Lido, Npt. Bch. Har. 4971 or Har 4972 Ewa Har. 2191-M Har. 2998-R or LI 8-5297 B&B OPEN HOUSE BaL l& Bun. 1_.:IO m Vt& Nice A Graciou. New Modern Repncy Flnut Appointment. Smart Entry Large Pallo 3 ~droom11, 2 Bath• NORD CORNER F or the Mott dlacrlmlnatlng • 3 Bedrooma -2 bathe • o~ • Large Llvlnf Room • Separate Dining Room • Bcauttfully A ppolnted • Carpet.!! .tr On1perlu • Oeorgeou1 view of Bay from Sun·deck. 1 • Shown by Appointment Only Bay & Beach Rlty Inc LIDO OFFICE 3112 Lafayette. Npt. Har. 3643 DUPLEX Two nice turnlahed unit. now brtn1ln1 •136 per mo. Corner lot 60 x 127 bu room to build another unit. Excellent condl· Uon, ti yr•. old, cloee In. Better •ee tht1 NOW. Tot.al price $10· ~ Terma. SPECIAL Lovely two bedroom home ju&t a block trom Harbor Blvd. Thia fine atucco home baa larce room• beautiful hardwood firs .. natural fireplace . cement patio. tile kitchen and bath, lov1>ly yard. carage and ts cloae to .chool. tra.naportatton and shop· ping. Priced to aell fast a t $10260 Tt:nna It dH lred SEK THIS. TWO. THREE ANO FOUR BDRM. RENTALS NOW B. A. NERESON SPEND CHRISTMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME! ., COSTA MESA 121 Cecil Place LEASE with Option to Buy 2 BR. A den. Excellent condition. Near bwt and atores. OPEN roUSE Sat. It Sun. 1 -5 p. m. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 400 Holmwood STOP -LOOK -Thia is your home. Move ln tomorrow. 3 BR., 3 car garage. Fenced-land- scaped. OPEN HOUSE 1 · 5 p. m. Sat. and Sun. , NEWPORT ISLAND 4008 Channel Place. Furn. 3 BR. CHANNEL FRONT -pier -fl.oat -eea wall -barbecue, patio. Excellent condition. Open bouae 1 -5 p. m. Sat. and Sun. $22,500. Tenn.a. WEST NEWPORT 6805 Seashore Dr. 2 B. R. & Den -$11,500. Terms. One lot trom ocean. Good condition. Fireplace. Sgle. garage. FRANCIS J. HORVATH, Realtor 2216 Newport Blvd. 3420 W. Balboa Blvd. Liberty 8-5101 Harbor 1428 Save sml On a beautiful view home in Corona Highla.nda - 3 bedrm. and den, bath and %. 2 fireplaces, built in We8tern Holly range -barciwood floors -lot.a of tile and many other fine featW'M. Must eee to appreciate . OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 428 De Sola Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar B&B Outstanding! • l 'ii ll&tha • 2 bclnn. and dea • BIU. VT llbab roel • Beuned cef.ltnc • Buil~ln ranc-na • Custom Bu.11' • 2 tinplace9 • Dbl IV·· trant 6 rear mtn.nce • nrap1ace ta c1ia • ... Jt µa' k>t e J'aned air beU • 1~,..... old • Clupeted lt9lns ..,.. • Ovba&'9~ • Nr. H1&'h and Jr. mp echoola e One wall ALL UMd brtck • Br-.lr;fut bU' UMd brick e J'\&11 prtce -SlT,900 e ... t.hla! We !&&Te the key • Call QOW for •IJ'PO'ntment • rt'• be&ut.itull Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 19111 Newport B1'd. eo.t& M .... Calif. LI 1-lUll, ICY•. LI I-SOJO Down to Earth VALUES 276 Magnolia VOGEL V ALU~S -Costa Mesa Office * * * * * LAKE FRONT HOMI! Beauutul n1aUc home with 98 foot trootap on Cherry Lake in Back Bay. Irrevocable tlahlnc and nrimmlng right.a. Lovely view of Back Ba)'. 1b20 livtng room. Large family room.. Call ua and '8t u abow you tht. l year old home In r.t:ricted .,..._ $26,500 l"ull Price DUPLEX High income unit in Eut Coet& Me.a. C!oee to •hopping and tranaport.ation. Income $140 per mo. Only $3000 Down NEWPORT HEIGHTS 3 bedroom home in a mo.t demirable area. H. W. floon. 13x15 living room with fittplace.. Only •' ~ yeare. 1100 square feet of living are&. 1 $13,500 Full Price -$62.56 mo. incl. Ta.xee A I.n.t. Back Bay Corner Lot -$5700 THE VOGEL COMPANY BIO I ""' bedroom older hom• tn eo.u Mua-R.&l homey and 1702 Newport Blvd. ea.ta Meu. top notcll coMtructton with Phone Liberty 8-M97 Eveninga Llberty 8-7457 llardwood noora &nd Mp&rat• ----------------------dlnJnc room. Situated on I lot. with a tta. tam17 orchard. lub· mtt ott...._a.ie or l.nde. Also 20381 CyprMa 2 BEDROOM Hickory built WIU\ ah.all• roof, b&rdWOOd floora - tll• and 220 YOlt.. ln kitchen. Truly a amall country utat._ 18 moot.M old. A fenuine 1teaJ at 110,7~ With only '2600 d.n. Un1urpa11ed BALBOA ISLAND 60 Fr. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Ialand, pier, fioat. formal • bdrm. home. The land value is cloee to the uking price. ATI'RACTIVE 4 bednn., 2l)J baths, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take amall down. A.king $42.500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bedrm. 11h baths. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bednn. furn- REALTOR 1982 N•wport Blvd .. C<>11ta Me11a W 8-1672 Eves. LI s.-.120 to occupy a large older home. located eouth of the H. b 1 bl k f th W'th mi ~ LOT overlooklnr all of 1g way :: oc rom e ocean. 1 nor ex-Newport Harbor &nd a perrect iahed home. Submit down. $25,000 BACK BAY 2 b r . den. 2 bath, HW fin . patio. bf:at loca llon-REDUCED to 118.600 3 b.r .. 2 bl.th, HW flr11., beauty Sl7.760 110' lo1J1. q•&lrl\'ted I 18000 Chol~c Vlf'w lot. l11r~,. l i'>260 3 b.r .. den, rumpu.11 1tH1m. 73 x 232 $27.000 •, acre. 2 b 1 • vu•w or lltll• I 112,:;oo '• arr ... l b r P LUS xtra untl •omr v1,.w of b•y Sl I 000 TRADE UP Pa 'm S11rit1g• •rf'• for 2 b r Hat bor a1 ra vu•'I•'. or lncomt CHOICE DA V8 HORES 2 b.r plu• car unll. kn pint lnl . 2 tnllO<I U2 600 Claire Van Horn RF.AL TOR 2731 w r .. 11,.t Hwy LOTS R 2 W ATET.f"i\O:\'o .. uh bullc· hntl Close In l.i•ltt •hnpp1n1 1 $ ll).600 11'1 nit NEWPORT HTS v.alk tn Mar· lnPr Mill' •hopplnic. $:.~.'.11 1 ~11ru j R·2 LOTS. 1'1,.v.poo1 1 onlv "' $42{,() I'll CX.'t:A :'\ Jo'RCJ!':T :'llli. I:!:\ nn l'nr. n~r (\1n k&v,. h '"'• ,. :'\'wr ~~wpcir\ hn ,1;:.00 I PEl'/lN!'\l'L\ l..IJT Cth..11111 ltl'•I lot buy 110 1'~111n•11l11 pense can be converted into 4 bedrm., 3 bathe, din· vi-w ot Cal&l!na. Only Jtt,600. ing room and large playroom. 40 ft. lot and on a Not • 1-eehold nice quiet atreet. Terms are very flexible and ca.n be arranged to awt. Call ua for any additional information. Duncan Hardesty R.ICALTOR 2802 Npt. Blvd., Npt. Bch. Ra 4718 FISHER E. w. & Associates 3024 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 • Irvine Terrace Map.i.fictnt Custom Built Home v' v' Best Buys Corona · del Mar : =~~~Dd~lphtn I. SHORE CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES W.ted e.xcluaively with u.. See ua for be9t buys in thia u-ea. Shown by appointment only and pnced far ~low repla~ment coat. Call ua for partlculana and appolnt.ment to ~. 2. S.,,ORECLIFFS LOT Only one at the low price of S14.7M. 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Beet buy or the year. Large 2 bed.rm. home, 2 bath11 plus 2 bednn. garage apt . pha furn. studio apt. Only a few steps to ocean front le China Cove. 45 ft. frontage. Quality conat thru-out - Bd tt'r hurry -Only $38,500 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3147 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona de! Mar Bank) • BeauUtul earpet.. &nd drap. • J:xp.nalveJ1 l&Ddlcaped • Maden tn ""W7 detal1 • l:Jeetrtc kltcben • Two compi.i. bat.ha • Owner waata lmmed!a\e aal• (llln-> Price rw:luoed to. IQ,600 t«Tl'la HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Harbor 1600 l:Vfl. Harbor IUI Building Sites Two 'bfoauUt\11 butldtnt ••tN -()ne on comer 1n the l:pper &y ! a,.u Eat h in n"•irhborhood of 1 very eoO<t hom1>a. In Orllll&• County t>cotw•en C'•>tla LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 3~ :.i bath bouee plu1 unuaual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car ,arage. Both unita newly furnished. Har. 1775 -Eves. F.dith Maroon HYatt 4-6222-. - John Macnab, Harbor 5359. • EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa l•land -------- GOLDEN RULE VALUES BUY OF THE WEEK 3 Bdnn. borne, fl.replace, wood flooni. fumact'. lg. guest bowie. Work shop and garage. All on beautiful half acre for only $12.000 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Movl'I! you In before Xmu to thu1 nice 3 bdrm. home. l yr. old. Yard fenced -AND IT HAS AN OCEAN VIEW $10,000 with monthly pay, like rent. NOW HEAR THlS 1-&rge business zoned lot with 4 yr. old furn1sheJ duplex all for $10,000 -Room for J 2 un1lfll. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport Blvd. Costa Me"" (acro11111 from Co11ta Me-sa Bank) Phone LI 8-6761 E vc•11 Har. 4366 -LI 8·2103 I HOME~:~~~!-fAFER LOTS -LOTS LOTS I 1(\j\ ,., .. ,..lt.1'1,.~ Pl ~l lhl' :-.:r1 p,,., 30 x J JR R-2 level lot . N or hwy. ~rlect location for Hai 140. •·'""' II r 5:!o ,.\\ .M'tA 1111d Santa Ana •<'fflllt" ----- that I• rratty tor de\'elopment u .. r 1137 ~I "r 1-,1~.M · home with gar apt. $5.500 35 x 1 t Just ovt'r a block from the beach. level undy 34 I Haul Dr ive, COM lollm, best neighborhood. $7,050 OPEN HOUSE R~aut1ru1 \l"W hnm,. Cl( 1 "'""". '"" bUh,. wi.lk1ns: ""!""'" In 30 x 118 South of Hwy Level R-2 lot Our beat buy. $6,950 bioUuni; t>--••h Thi• ?11ttM ""ti OC~A N \'IEW lot overlooking Little Corona Be,ach. r1uu1a n<hnr ll>calum • """' n111 quality neighborhood, only S 17,500 be clupllt"11l"J tn.1~, for lh4" •~k- ini: 1n1r .. 1•r i3z rion 1n.n• A II exclu11ive with u11. ()!'~::-: SA1' & St':'\ 1.·, t''ll nuw 1•11 r "·-h•,,. lr,11: RAY REALTY CO. Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. Multiple U•llng-IV111tnra Bulllnt-NI Bmkf'r 31 3~ E Cel Hw,.·. Corona d~l Mar H arbor 21~2 PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE 1 -5 SUNDAY 2017 E. OCEAN BLVD. PENINSULA POINT Charming ia the word for thts horM & reuonably priced for the d1serimioat mg buyer . See the ocean from large sun deck, admire the $3.000 drapes & carpet.ing. Enjoy the two fireplaces & F. A. heat Safety too. for the ch1ldrftl an the large encloM'd patio. AU a round comfort m 1750 .q. Ct. oC h\'tng tipace with 3 bdrm .. 2 bRth. 3 )e&r1 old. Only $2X,i50 wilb tcrtn.11 for the qunh!1ed buyer. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1505 W. Balboa Blvd. Har. 1588 or Har. 1216-J --I : COST A MESA The Best Town on Earth .. Call Harbor 2042 Frank James & Linwood Vic k 3H4 E. Cout Hwy. Corona del Mar ( AcroM from Ba.nk in COM) Har. 2288 SPA('IOl'~:-.E~S ln•1-'t anrt out mark• thl• fon,. ottr nng In " quality· prolrc\ed rttlg-hbo,.hOOll or nne hum'" 3 br'11 . I°" bath• luxurloll-pnllo 62 fl lot Brtnf )'Our l'h1>r kl)oolt Priced lo M-11. PRE-\'J~-;w BY Af>PT, I Br. home {9 Yrfl·) and atoragc room, lot 71 x Ul9 with room for more building, S8500 with tf>rmt1. S. A. Country Club a~a : Beautitul 2 Br. home. plua two nJce Mpar&te rentaltl. 3 garages. cornt'r lot and mountain view. $28.750 with terms. Home (new 2 br.) and income : Seven uniu a II furnished, near Blvd. Ir market. monthly incom~ S«5. Price $39,000 with tenna. I H RR~'" c rr11\'1• \. Ru •• , ..... :112 M11 Uh Avr• 11,.11,.,,. l•ltn·I Balboa l'l ·pr.r,;.. 1111 ni .... l',J ••• ~;,(1 ~ .. 2·bthm •rt11 All on ,,.,,. 11<•"1 1 \\'s lktng 1,111tan1 4" lo '""' ntov. n G. N. WELLS , Realtor 18IO·Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa LI s -1601 Ocec1 n Front ______________________ I Sl5.llO>• 1;r)()IJ T l::'lM S. 3 hl'•!rn1 old•r h1llllt I'"' tll'\lh· f111 n1•hf"l JUST LISTED! NflW 3 bedroom It den modern home, Balboa Penin· •Ula -1900 eq . fl. living aru, lge. built-in kitchen, lot.a of tile. Inter--com Ir radio to all room11. 2 fi~­ placea, forced aif' heat. Sundeck with Ocean V1"1. Nicely landaca ped patio -$32.500. Owner might con.ider \'&cant property Harbor Area. BAY AND BEACH REALTY, 1'30 W. Balboa Blvd., Balboa Harbor 1264 INC. • C·l imn,. llf'.111 111 llolboA 2 rar J•rn;:e •l ff'~ .. ·.! Mt Apt a boVf' Coast Properties 301 E RAlboa Blwl &lhoa Harbor 2668, 2~97 •nc1 •600. I BY OW~F.R l'ORONA ['IJCL )!AR, mod•m 211 bdrm. llnme, fll'?p1•c•. rurnaC'I'. hdwd. nr• . WW car~Unr; anti Jrapt:.11. dhl!!. fi.r. Stl't'8Md for a pt. f'ull 11rlcf' 11:1,760. i 3600 dn 8()3 Polnllf'ttla. Har. 3900-M 31Uc HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! One of our clienl11 JUSt bought a home, then had a change of plane -can't usf> it -must sell it. 2 BR 'e. lar~e din. rm., cute kit., huge Uv. rm. with r1replace. lo,·ely patio. Hou~ ca~te<l wall to wall. A reasonable down pmnt. and assume !of all thi ngs) A G. I. loan will gel you in. Best location - R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. AMociste 3622 E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2774 $15,000 OCEAN FRONT 3 Bedrm .. 2 bath. furnished, carpeting and drapes too. We will preaent your lde11A on payment.A. SEE thi11 before it'11 aold. M-1 ZONE DUPLEX A11king $14.500 -Owner will trade for! Thi& property has a future. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1500 W. Balboa Bh·d. Har. 5188 or Har. 1216-J C'all • Muriel M. Pinover Realtor 2604 Newport Blvc1 . Eu y Parkin( Npl Beach Harbor •610 100 )( 375 EXTENDS FROM STREET TO STREET Thill 111 good clran property with I-bedroom house awl· able for office. We reel th.le property to be the beat buy BALBOA ISLAND Almost new -thougbt!ully planned, 2 bedrm. ranch style home. A perfect. kitchen with built· in applia.nre' Charming ll\'ang room and nJce patio. Conveni<'nUy located. $28.500 Reuonable terma S-~STANLEY ADFIELD Realtors Marine a.nd Park Balboa 1.alaod Harbor 2462 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE on Harbor Boulevard. CHARLEY DRAKE - T r•ffic Rep. 202' Harbnr Bh•d. O>«.a M~• u s-4761 44«6h O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage ., LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING LOT 80i1 l&ll on Sunut otr Mon· I l'Ov1A. Cotlla Me.u. U &OO rrl own(!r, Write 8oJI l. 711 thll I paptt. 341P'8 Pb. Kl 3-9221 , Eve Lt 8-2961 Corn~r Nrwport Blvd. and So. Main St . I -' -~ I ~~- PAGE ... PART 111 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS n-__ ... __ r.._ ... _te,__ ___ ,;;;a;._-...:;•;:::=al..:;FA::;:,:.ta::::;:te.:;:.._ ____ a .......... WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1955 62-Real Eat.ale ------ ACT NOW, SPEND XMAS IN YOUR NEW HOME 324 SAPPHIRE, ~ALBOA ISLAND. Move right into t his lovely 4 B. R. home completely fum. Every· thing t he heart dcsirPS -a big window for your Xmas tree, a rirepl. for Santy, forced air lo keep you warm, patio for outdoor living & a mooring for your boat. Priced right with low down pymt. OPEN FOR INSPECTION Sat. & Sun l • 4 or call ua for key. SEE us for Bay front homes, we have some mighty nice ones ! BALBOA ISLAND INCOME. Attract. 4 B. R. home plua 1 B. R. apt. Top location. ~ BALBOA ISLAND, 2 B. R.·sun room-din rm. home, nicely furn. Lovely patio, garage. Only $19,950, BUT HURRY! NEWPOR1' BEACH. Income Minded '! Deluxe 2 B. R. home and 2 story duplex Cl B.R. ea.) a!J most ~ attractively furn. Thie i8 beautifully kept property and nearly new. Xlnt rental location, 1 blk. from ocean, 1 blk. from bay. Top Income. $27,~ WHAT A BUY ! ! ! BLANCHE A. GATES,· Realtor MEMBERS OF MULTIPLE LISTING 311 Marine Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 OPEN SUNDAY 482 Esther St., BACK BAY AREA: 8 Bedrm., 2 baths, plus family room with BBQ, extra . Ip. llvlng rm. with ma.Mlve brick tirepl., bar kitchen with built·in stove & oven, ash paneling, abak• root, l&lid.ing gl&u doors to patio. Thi• is real quality at $26,500 OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 406 St .. A ndrew., Cliff Haven $14,750 -$6!5 mo. includes taxes & inaurance THJU!Z bednn,. fireplace, fenced ya.rd. brick pat.lo. ClOM to crade and high echooL Im..medi&te POIMU!on. GI RESALE SH,950 -'% -$73 Mo. Ou year old 3 bedrm modun. completely turniabed lncl. carpetinc, drape., built-in lltove and oven and Nfril. FA b•t. alidinc clue doof9, tile bath, tarp 2 ear 1arace. Good Coet.a MM& location. !...ow down payment. JACK BRENNAN, Realtor and AS80CIA TES ~ W. Cout Hwy. Uberty S.7773 "At th• Arch•" p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Udo Isle If You Miss This The Living End you mlu a real value. Very nice 4 year 1old 3 bednn. 2 bath home on a 35 toot lot plu. a 35 foot lot adjoining that la walled and may be u8ed u it now la for a lovely patio, or may be aeparated ln BA YFRONT luxury la 11een In thJA turnlabed 4 bednn. 3 bath on Via Lido Nord. Alma.t. nw, this home ta the ultimate ln waterfront Uvtnc. You just have to eee thla one to belle'f'e lt. Call Bill Farnsworth, then quit looking. and sold. Phone for appt., u you just can't do better at $34,000 Open House Sunday . 1 to 5 p.m. See thi• excluaive home on Via Genoa, Lldo'e widest street. 3 bedrm., 3 bath, 40 by 20 patio, hardw'd fln1., 2 yra. old, and in · perfect condition. $34,500 Magnificent Corona del Mar view home. Unmual floor plan Includes 3 bedl"DUI., 3 batha. Lot. of cloeeta & storage space, and priced way below C011t at $40,000. Come by or Call Dave Osburn for deta119. Lido Bayf ront Duplex Mister Careful Buyer 3 bednn. 2 bath upsWn1 with decks. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downatain1 with enclosed patio. Both a pts. have forced air furnace, fireplace, carpeting. drapes, Do you demand plenty for your money? Then 11ee this 3 bedrm. 1 % bath home. Thi.a one la designed for fine Jiving and haa a wealth of wonderful ap. pointment.s. Priced at $32,500. Int.ere.ted T Then refrigerator, stove. Unbelievably priced at only $57,000. $12,000 down. call Joe Kincaid for appt. to see. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole ban.son co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor lf)()() p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 ~· coast highway -liberty 8-M73 Houston Values Hot-Spot Location 17900-Slt:w> Dn. NICE LOOKING a bdrm. on rear ol hlfh level. deep lot. 8&.nt& Ana Ave., nr. 23rd St. ICVe. Ph. L YTL& LI ... ._., C-2 Special NEWPORT BLVD., full hall acre, with &'ood 2 bdrm. home. Thi• 18 • Jood deal for Sll,600, terma. Here's a Cutie! NE.AT 2 bdrm.. nr.place, on • toxlH ft..' 1ol only '8500, with S3000 down and f30 mo. on balance. a.. uu. ! $7500 Full Price 2 BDRM .. cement blk. fence, Bar· 8-Q. On -e.r. only 2 ~ yur1 old. owntr very U\XloU.. Terma. Eve. Ph. PETI'M'E LI l..&417 Business Income WAKE UP YOU SLOW POKE BUYERS! I Here is what you have bet:n looking for. A give- away. Never again will you have a ehance to buy a 3 bedroom home with brick fireplace and large 11eparate rumpus room that can be easily turned into a guest house for Mom & Dad. In the B&cJ( Bay area. The lot is 150 x 105 and ii fenced. $12,500 -Terms. NO-THIS IS NOT· A MISPRINT ! I FIND TIME FROM YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TO CHECK THESE VAL- ~. 4 Peninsula Homes! • A nicely turnWled 2 bedroom home "'11ll dinette, paUo, ti,.. pW.-e and double rarac•. A.·1 tcw 118,600, t.ernw. A 2 bedroom home and separate income unit plu.a a 2·car garage. Each family hu complete privacy.• In Newport Beach very cloee to the Channel & A 2~ b9<1room, 1% b&t.b home all modemlsed and redecorat.d and cut.e .. tM d.lclwla for 117.600 and OD11 ft600 down. A. ~W\&l • btdrocm J b&th ~ wlUt wall to wall C&lpll~ ~ and 4rasi-..• larf• comer lot Included, badJninton court., pallu and •s-:1008 ~ and doUl>l.e I• r • S • f Of' 130.600, Beach. Six yean old -$H,260 -Terma. EVERY DOLLAR HAS TWO SIDES Come on ln and we '11 ahow you bow to make both •idee pay you dividend.8 -For m.tance -a Tri- plex in Balboa ao close to the waterfront that you ca.n uU lo your kld.8 to "Stop th.rowing and at each other." Summer rent.&18 can ctve you free rent and pay the place off. It Ml fully rented month to month now. Price completely turuiabed. $18,500 -terma. FOR AN INDUSTRIOUS COUPLE t.enna. A S bedroom family home wtt.b heavy turnlture lDcluded aad t.D nioe condiUoc frw 111.000. FHA w1t.b monthly pe.)'1Mllta on~ enl 1o&n ot 17' per month. HERES ANOTIDI\ 0000 VAL- UID .•• IN FA.<:r TWO or TKJlN: BALBOA. DUPLl!X •• hall blodC from bMt ...,, .wim· m1AI' bffcb. a ~ ci0wa and I bedrocllu ""'° l\inMIM4. 81W&t.ed -C.-0 ...... ..,. "We're · Moving to Irvine T mace" More and more Harbor area famlllel are llLlpeotiq theM exqulatt.e home. -DOtiDi tMlr com.fort, OOll· ftlllence and central location. More and more famllfee no prefer a home la a .... etricted quality community are mO'f1nc Into thm- lrvt.ne Terrace bomea. Drive tn today and eee for yoane1f the m&Q out· ltandlng featuree ot thla remarkable community. Inspect the model homes, built by Macco Corp. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hem~rt Irvine Terrace is located on Cout Highway oppmlt.e th~ new Irvine Cout Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Phone Harbor «48 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to anyone who holds a Leuehold Estate ln lrvtn• Terrace, Beacon Bay, Bay Sbo~ •nd Cliff Haven DEFINITELY-THE FINEST AT BALBOA ISLAND Lovable, one story thick ahake root n.ncb ttyte home. Large beam celling living room 1~ Complete electric kitchen. Thermador eye level oYen. Automatic diabwuher & dls.;osal. Kitchen hu larp dining aru opening to patio. Large u.aed brick fireplace and forced a.ir he&L Two bedrooma, one la king me wilh bis wardrobe cloeeta and built in drawen. BeauWul full 1-th· room, garage Ir. laundry room. Lovely drapH. c~ tains, wall to wall carpet. Prtce U. $28,500 with L . C. $1!5,000 at ~ 1 ~ 'i' lnl Big Vlllue It well worth the money. Call now to eee th ia rut dreamy home. It'• the !ineat ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa hi.and Next door to t.be P09t Office Eves Har. '°69-M Har. t 24.8-R A REAL MONEY·MAKER. P'ood et&nd, paddle bo&rlk 6 I r.nta.la. BaJboa J.land wat•rfront. 1 ln· come over 110.000 for summer wuon). Tha i. • ft&4L BUY. 139,&00. Oood Terma. A Super Duper location ln Newport Beach on the Cout HJrhway. Buildln1 ta .uUahle tor a Snack abop ~r aimllar btaal0 -~.000 dOWD. monthly payment $106. rel« or a .... r.m.il7 borne ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~ ,. The Main Road To A Sale IS VIA ~~IJL TIPLE LISTING Good Values When You Buy, O r When You Sell 81:E YOUR REALTOR TODAY J'OR nlE FINFSr PERSONAL SERVICE En . 81.lTMOUR, H&T. &2"-W. Houston Real+v Co. Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 6 ASSOClATEtf 603 32nd St., Newport Beach, C&Ut. oot C«lttr SL, Coat& Mu& U--IUUID ---• u--.,'V>. T LI Hill or LI S.T7H nae. <JOVO -~ " p. m. ~. - "C'' THOMAS .. C .. TiiOMAS Bay shores Water Front Pn:R AND SLIP -' bedroom.8, ' b&U\I, II'~· funUy room W1tb bullt·ln barbeque. buuutu.J blri:h kltc.hm wtt.h all built-ln'a. 2 flr•plac•, lovely ~·· llvlnJ rm. ov.rlooklnJ bay, tle<:lrlcally con· trolled 1•rac• door. lo.de ot al· traeuve featuru -ff0.000. VISIT Newport Harbor ~ard of Realtors ooo?~~~l~N ~~~! oe.&J1 View. • bedroom bome and 1a,... &«• epL N-18 eome Hxtn' but an u cell111l oppnrtunlt.y for home 6 Income tor only 16000 down. Pnre lncludC8 new Hot- potnt .llnk, dli.hWuhC'r It dla· poaJ Owntt anJtlou.: COSTA M~A'S FINEST GROUP or RANCH HOMES Three and four bedn:na .. 2 bath8, built-in pa rangea and oveoa, the very bHt of natural f1nJahed bwd. cabinet.a, gleaming oak floon , large bed.rooms, •pacioua living rooms, dining room.t and breakfast areu, ~ bricJ( fireplacee, cloeet •pace galore, heavy ahake roofs, large Iota, fenceii and lancl- acaped. Tbae homes have many more featuree than are uaually found. SEE THE NEWLY OPENED FURNISHED MODEL DONE IN FRENCH PROVINCIAL BY DANlGER FUHNITURE OF COST A MESA. '°1 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Buch ON "LITTLE" BALBOA ISLAND A mo.t DISTINCl'IVE and CHARMING 3 bed.rm., 3 bath home. SPACIOUS 2 story living room p&n- elied in wood with huge •tone fireplace, carpeted wall to wa.l~ forced aJr hut. Iota or tile. IN BEAUTIFUL CONDITION. An IDEAL year round home for euy hoapitaUty. Offered at $36.500. Good tema. FOR SUMMER FUN AND WINTER WEEKENDS NE.AT 2 bedrm. cottage, cloee to Bay. Fir.-place. and tloor tu.mace, full lot, double guage. XMAS SPECIAL $19,000. Low down paymenL Lido Isle DDCE.DIUJ: r OSS6SSION - Lovely S bdrm. home on 64 ft lot. attra«'tlve llv. room plu• II•· lanai •ncl paUo. ovf'r 2000 11q. fecet of llvtnl' atta MOVF; JN FOR XMAS-S29.960 ''C" THOMAS, Rltr 22• W Cout Hwy-U 8·6627 "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS Bay Shores 21172 C"trcle Onve HARBOR MESA RANCH HOMES Irvine Ave., l Block N. of 17th St.. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 15th & I.rvme Liberty 8·266-4 Or Liberty 8·3123 Our Under Cover Agent- hu finally found a large 3 B. R. home on one of Chff Haven's flneet •t.reelA. PRICE $16,750! O~n flntly l·4 30 :-.io w PR1c ..:11 TO SELL LARGE living &. dmmg area -LARGE kitchen - 3 b<trm . 1 ~ beth. trpl . r . A LARGE b<-clrooms with buJlt-in.e -LARGE lot, W1t.b a-om.. SJ0,000, lena& Btach home Oil IDut. &)' Av~ 111•,p. t peopt. and nJoel.y fW-. n.i.hed. A d&ndy propttt7 for \be mona;y. fl.UOO, POOO down. Balboa Realty Co. Oppo.ile Danit of .Amtrka Rea OrM.lq A.I Corn.ellWI ltd 1.- Ja(k Plnkb&m Joeeplaln.e Webb 700 fl. Balboa Blvd .. B&lbo. Phone Ji&rbor 3277 B&B Corona del Mar Shorecli!t • Qul,l ranyon view lol • Spac 2 bolrm. 6 drn • 2 h1Uh.A, J)4'rfttl klldlen • Lux ury built lhrouithout e S:li,MICI Cull 11r1c,., lf'mu • Come ~• tJ\IJI wooMrl\.&I home Corona HJghla.nd.8 • A luxury home •It• • Sp«tenilar view • S 13.&00 tu.1J price 0 • Rl'ad)' fQT' ynur CUJttom hom• 0 Cou t Highway • ('holr" C<>111mC"rclt1I Income • Not ~"l 2 yurw old • 2 1tnrea -leu ed • 4 s pt11 rented • e.-~1 lvc:atlon • 1•31 k1nr In rl'Ar • Excclll'nl lnm me • Sl'l:'>,000 with good t<'rm• • 11 '11 f 00<1 value 0 0 B u y ~ A L Bay & Beach Rlty Inc L ( ·i.mna df'I M l\r Of flt'• 31\:lll E Cout Hwy .. ttubor 1\248 See Me-Ta Nelson LIDO PROVINCIAL ... CLOSE TO THE CLUBHOUSE Thia choice two beodroom can be you ... for only $22,700. • Bnmed celling• • U8ed brick fireplace • lnaide window •hutu n • Quarry tile kitchen • L&rge two-ar car&('! e Luse walk-in clOflet We have the key to tbia immaculate. near new Lido home. Come m and disclllls ~mu. LIDO REALTY ASSOCI.ATES W. KEMPTON -J . H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -\1RGfNIA MANSON 3400 Vta Udo Harbor H44 (Acrou from Rlchud'a Market Entrance) HAPPY HOLIDAYS 10 arre conitr, M·l -. • S.000 ac. 1Mm8. a acre TraU.r park •t•. 110ned oil ~---·--·-110.000 da. 80 acre farm, bldgw. wt-II 29' • dn -· ---·· • ~ ... iS ure Coac~tll• cotton nin\h, writ' --1700 a.c:. i.nw. 2 M'N C.2 on Nl'WPQrt Hlvd. Motrl •Ile. --.. 110,000 dL 11, acn~. Plact1ntla Ave. .M·l -O•t f old m1De toe. M~a Ur1ve Bac:k Bay wat.r view home •It• . . MOOG t.-... 82 •., • 261), "' block to Npt. Ulvd. 7 unlt •IU .. -uooo .. 60 • 300 Harbor ~vd. C-2, HUii. localloa _ . -113.000 i_... 66 • 138 R.·1 8-er• 6 •le. In 6 pald 122" i_... 2 nrw turn. home., &'U&«Ht, f1A pl&c'9, ana11 -.. Ray Ave. cor 2 br .. den. patio, view. Only --S2UOO i.w. Klng1 Pia.ct, I br~ 2 bath, 2 11'1l. old, view. --.•lt,teo C... ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1167 N.-port Blvd , coei. M- LI 1-1613-Ev-LI 1·1'00 t--------~~~A~A~·r~+·e~A~S)---tlf5~b:1E~4R~:t c_:1 .... °','1-•:-1TV,bf,----+~he4ui+. ..... lll_l~f'·~....... ...k--lt~Bh~l'n~S~pa~r ... •o .. u!P"a f--.....LA=.:.:...::R.:G~E:.......:.i:..:.n --;,c';'e;ry~;lh;,in;;;g~b:;;u~t ,,;p~n~· c~e;... ,...::..P~lc::a:.:M:.....:.:'d.:.:.on~'.:..t _~~-= Olt<>l"A. OEIA M ~ . Vf" ' .. --,,,_ '' , -~ -·~ LJ1tnk 8D0Ul ll t OO IOOg. --.i • ./tf u 'IH "• RI HI n NOW ••. MONEY AVAILABLE ' 111 Ma.rtne Ave., Balboa I.eland Harbor 4-181 &'Ul\lt't . (f'nf'rou• •tor11ge. C'rt lln" ..... ,""lA" One ......... nn Exclusive with ,... \..a • • ~... .,....., • e pt. lcn.ar<t onn yrsr $7:1. Two ------------RALPH P. MASKEY NON-VETS OR VETS IUCALTOR 3411 N ''"'J'Ort Blvd • N pt lkh Ha.rboT f 02 bdrm. apL. rent. '126. n2.ooo // <.:ATALlNA ISL.AND --• LI 8·3JS1 W I LL EXCH.A.NGI: BEA t.lll-T L Jo-l1t:" TRJPL£X, THE VOGEL CO. 3201 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach -------------------------------ont 3 bdrm .• 2 ba:.J1t. one 2 brm, l29C5 impounds moves you in new 3 bed.rm. 1111 bath. Back Bay area home before Christ.mu. Tu.e:a pa.id lo Dec. ll>M. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd. Coat.a Meaa U 8-163l Evm LI 8-1400 5 Acre Ranch 008TA. limaA. ADA. Hl.IOG- Euy term& DAN A J ACOB&mN, ft.e&ltor - Har. Miil or U1*t7 t-a1T- 61o61 r'OR IA.I.ID Oft RENT NEWLY redecorated nlOdem ont bednn. bome. o.n,,. 6 aton,.. room. Nice locaUon. 114 La Pvle, N.wport BtA. ~ct C. M.~•ut&. ...,. • SEE THIS! Sparkling 2 bdrma. It den at $16,500. Beautiful country .etting -owner leaving •t&t.e-Mu.t sell. • Waterfront 3 Bdrm.a., 2 t.th11 - pier and slip. Bott in'duded. Many good Ustinge in Harbor area. KILLION , real estate 33il Newport Blvd. Harbor~ .. , bslh A 1 bdrm. apt with bath. F inn lu4'allon, llhowa t crrtflo ,... tum1. ror b111ln,.sa. Income or T In l\:f'WJ>llrt area. META :-;t::U>O:'ll 2&0& F;. Coul Hwy. Corona llt'I ~w. H&r. 6660. H c6t 8 Good Lots EAST 81Sf Colt.a M .... 291' CSA. ur leu. ' OA:"ll A J ACOB81CN, RaJtor - Har. 6411>1 or L.Ibert.Y l-t31T- ..aota, We can build for you & two-bedroom or 3 bednn. home for f'.60 Squre J"oot. 1009/o Financing 937 1155 Square Foot Home $4295 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 p.ncee ---S29eS W • are build.ill I' on Wall&ce. Bay, and AYOCMlo 8tL Startins NortlJ OD 1IUa 6 lOtll SW. ~ or ,...._ f• lli*a;wtlr ••• OPEN 'SUNDAYS 6 WllZK DAYI SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 1100 Wtmnlnetef Bmlt Ovdm Gron LE~ J - I i ' I I PA&E 12 COASTAL: SHOPPER WEDNESDAY, DECEMIER 14, 1955 .cbool .appty ft.It. app""9e eellD6I board appointment.a w b • r • a teadl• ~ .,.__ on COUAtY ecbool budpt., and bu __...r lo al decich OD I09Di to .cbool ~et& rN ation President ~,. ::i .. ~b~l ::: Che llloud UM11M felt tt ..Wd bt !and Superintendent : :r:t~~ .. 0'111~~ ' 1•t and tmport&Jlt way. 'nMr• 'Addr o c R T A WW M ftve or Mftll memben. , ess . . . . . ~~ i:. :n:;.tded by • f Dr Dbel ~ •--·-pr..,_. et die Natien&l ~ Mr. WUJ.laml, ttnancJ&1 ettre- 1 • • -.. ~ --. tl.r)', npOl'ted tJMn are now 3eo reociatJon of ftetind Teacben, and Unt. SimmoM, ()ranp membere In W. NCtion. OGe Of leounty .uperintmdmt ot 8Cboolll, broalbt Information ot lbe Jarser rrou,. of lh• 1tate. linterat to all t.-ctMn when thil county a.tind Teachen Mra. Elaa Erklulon, ... 1a1.ant I .ecretary ot Che C.T .A. and lta f .A.mociat1on met Wedae9day at Sant& All& Cammunlty Cub--!fare cb.9lrmaa, reported there •llowie. t.M board .. ie -. elected and an now 85-000 memben ln C.T .A. I Dr. AD4naa wu lntroclucim4 ., aua.t eemUt f/11 en lay mmnber1. the 10Uthem HCtlon b&Yinf more ' the p,..Went, Mr e. v...,.ua. .. acU•• taedMr w awmber ot than halt the memben of UI• l\&lney. Bbe 8POke about GnJ ~.:U"::91m~~t!:u~ ::~ re~l~ed ~==ed ma~·,..~~ ,oablea.' natJooaJ bolll• f« te&cll-namely: to plan UM COW"M of their membenhip by payment of :•i. located In OJat. <>ranee Cowl· study tor elementary 8Choola not a 11n&ll fee and ln'f'tted all to •~ ty ,roup -t UM tlnt stft to UM I.a a cJty .,.um. tt may Mlect teAd the open hoUM at th• Pua· ;bom., ahe l&ld, eo could comks.t eupplementary text.. to M UMd In dma Rome oo Dec. 11, f)'Om 2 to llhernMIYM .. "pdpanllte". .ucb dietr1cte, bu cbar1• ot th• II p. m. , Reprd1rl1 the tneurance plan ftor retired t-.c:ben wti.k:h will JO ~to effect about M&rcb 1, leot, ~r. A.ndrue (llV• the fo~ Int.I: Dl9U1LA.NC& I Jt b n.on-cancellable, no phyll- pl eumll\&Uoo le required lt &c:• ciepted when tlnt ottered, lt co•· .. all phyelcal condltiou, ~­ tlaoM l.n ulltence prior to Karell 1. An offlc• ti to be opened ln Wub~ D. C. With Mn. Orace B. Hattleld tn charp. Kn. Jlatn.14 ha.I been a 1eeretary at bray Gabl• until recmtJy eo 8he boWe the probleml Of UM retired ~chen. - ( 1'1111 Wubl.ncf.On office wtll be ed by th• lnaurance com- but Mn. Hattteld and her wW pl"OOeM all cl&ime tllu• I fatr tnatm•t to the ~ent-. Dr . .ADdrUI ursed all ,..w-. who ..,.. lnterut..d lo C"~.! .. po«&l card. not a letter ~ 0.ble9, li'1nc D&Ol• and : OOff or PIAN ; A UtU. later a copy ot tbe plan "1ll be Mnt to all wbo haft •l&'- 'ttled their lnter.t and they ln tans wW be uked to return a tortion to the Wublnpon otttce. ft. compl.fty tnwlved la an old, ~ OOIDpl.ftJ' &ad ti OGI Ule ~ of Chieqo and N8W )'or1r Mft UMd for a nwnber of ,..,.. .ad tOWMS Mtidactory. l Dr. Andr\u Ulen .poke of bow ~rtwsate the et.ate la to ban ~lat.on with a YUloo of tutuN ~ SM Mid tt been found 111 IOm• •tat. where te&cben' pen· ••·oaa haft not been well plan.Md, ~lal Becurtty often mor• rr- tlom Ulan old •I• l.llllet&nce, UM .uter altanaau.,.. • Uaton ltmmorw, In bJa -1- ~m• to tlM poup, told a.bout an ,_.l)Qrlant cbanl• la echool law. ,.. eaid l.n prenoue yean the eeun\y t>oard of education bU bHn • ppolnted and bu ()()1181ated of tour teecher1 and one lay per- llOn. Under th• n-law pe.ued al Ule tut 11u11ton of the l•~alature, For The Whole Family For Her White Stag Jacket. Catalina Swee.ten Wonda.mere Sweaten Ship 'N' Shore Blouaee Holeproof Lingerie Berkahin HOlliery For Him Hickok Jewelry Pendleton Shirta Suppledrape DMllm Catalina Swe&tera Kurtzman Slacb White Stag Jacket.I. For Children Kaynee Boym' Wear Ship 'N' Shore Blou.ee. Pandora Sweaten Lurrie Pizer Sport.wear Guild Moccuina WE GIVE FREE saa GUT WRAPPING GREEN 8TAJIPI ()pea Every 8aada1 lt to 5 ) ) RESULTS • • ' r . - OF COURSE - If n. Product Is Falrly Priced, And In Demand, RESULTS ARE CERTAIN Mn. Nina M. Slack of~Uplaftd, California, ran this ad. • Why Pay Rent WHJCN CUt• amall tum. cottac• W1U\ ,.,..... on R_. lot llbl211 can be had to.r $6600. or 1-un• tum. An ac.IJ•t lnv•tment. Spend )'Our ncatlon and "" a t 298 I:. llllb 8 t., Coet.a M .. H ewport ffct,a. &t. 78p80 -4 sold tM property,_ CASH °" tile FIRST CALL YOU, too. am be a Nllsfled achw llMe· by •Ing The . News-Press Classified Columns CAU HARIOR 1616 TODAY ~ " , TWO NIGHTS To Show Famous Scenes at Newport Methodist r nt Mt• Dr1n. Mn. 1MJeJ tn- vlte• ail lboee lntereeted to a t- tf"ml. Polniwtt1a Oowera ere nffd- t'd for thi! Chr11trnu d.corauona and anyon11 wl11hlng \o dona te th•m may rontat'l hl'r at U . 8-t>S29. Soropthnist 1o Aid Girls Club Llvtn1 Plcturu , CG11tbl•lft&' mu-The teeh.nfc111n11 who arl! mak- lfc and drama wtlJ Ille preHnted Ing lhl1 produr\lon po11lble a.r.: Dec, 18 and 111 a t Cbrlat Churcb William McD<m1<l1l, light.a; Alden By tbe Sea, Newport. The charac-Doeeberg, J&1Uea Taylor and Ar- tue tnrlude Mary and J oaepn .1 lhur Remley, staging: Mr•. Elhtl I.be Babe, (a tleth-and-blood b&· Lowden, properuu: Mr•. Walter Boorujy Daughter Mt . and Mra. n on11Jd Boorujy. 893 Cov•mor St , Cllll\a )1uo., a~ the par•nll 01 a girl t>a,by born Dec. JO In Huag Hoiip1tal. Will Help With Funds for New Club Building by) the Wiae Mell. th• ahepherdl Blive.n and Mra. Wayne Carol, ar-Girl F or Cards and the angel•. ustic directors. CostumN a re ~-A delegation from the Newport Harbor SoropUmt.t Mn. Jean Kimble wm pley th• Ing made by women of Ule church Marine S S~t e nd M rs. Roti.rt Club attended 8 s pecially called board meeting of the Girls' part ot Anna in the temple acene clrcle11. Bennetl Can! or Co~t& Mc'"' '"' . , and Wildan Tbomu will portray · the pan·nl3 or " girt baby born O ub of t he Harbor Arca to discuss future Soroptimi9t acti• Simeon, •lng1nr a J ewllll\ Cl\IUlt Boy For Wheelers Dec. ~ in Col ttM I" a val Ho11p1lal. I vi t ies benefit iog the Girls' Club. Their project for the year, when hi! recelve1 the ba by J !'aue the l!<'l''Vh't• club ml'mber11 inform· meniLerai atlen/Jlng the meettns ln the tempi!! preeentaUon. Mr. and Mr-. RodMlck Wheell"r. A . F 'l l <·tl thr board. was 1 hc Girl's Club f.'11rel Walker, H1rv•y Meyer. Ar· The beautltul Hofmann paJnt· 46~ E . 16th St., Costa Me1a, are nntversary 1 ffi anti all 111cmles Jcrivctl rrom their thur FHzmorrla and Ruby M.la&lco.. IJ\1 will be duplicatf'd with Mau-the parf'nla of a baby boy born In honor or thtlr 2:1lh wNJdlng planned •<·t1v1t1r~ 1<re to gu to Al'l'nm1)1rnylnic them wa• M.rw. rice Sopp, Roa. Owen. J ack Jonf"I Dec. 7 ln HQl\K Hoapltal. a.nnlvrrdry. \he OorJon Ma rtins the 1'111b'a bul\Jlng fund. Rol!lllle Wa rr of the L&curut. Ralp.h Wet.eon and Eugene Ma· w1U h1we a film mad11 of a day I MAN\' At'Tl\'ITlE~ Ot'a1•h Soropttmlat club. w!lo re· honey eiacting . the Judgu 1.nd B h H So 11pt'nt at th• Hillel Laguna by ac-~ • cenuy orira.niaed the local chap· Charle. Remley u the young boy US mans ave Il tor Don Gardner. Don pla na on FollowlnK a tour or lhe club· ter Rl'freehmente Wl!re H rved JelU.I. Mr. and Mra. Ll!o Bwihma.n, making them a gift or thl• unique house al 111161., Harbor Blvd. thf" with lo1r1. Edward Lewie. Mra. The Rev. Roy Cari.on, minister 4.73 E. 16th St , Coeta Meaa, ere pre.~l'nl. Soroptlm1at m<>mlx>r• v:pr .. ~ l Earl PIJ>t<r ~d Kn. Brue9 )(u- of the church, wUI lmptraon&ll! the parents or a boy baby born amazement al the scope or a cll· un u holteaeu. Cluilt bleaslng the chlldrt'n In Dec., 9 ln Hoag Ha.plta.l. H \'ltles and a<'compUahmenla of the 1'tll.E l'ilTY another Uv!nc picture. ln the fl -ewitt Daughter club In their pre11•nt c-ramped nale Chrl1t epeaX. to the people, J.fr. and Mra. Fr•J E. Htwflt. quarters. AKI t'l"lng on Ule n~d t.eachJng them the Lord'• Prayer Mission Guild 3t08 Via Oporto, are par•nt11 of for a large. well 11qulpped club- and the people respond by atng-M t T d ooty daughter. born Dec. 3 tn hou11e for the girl.II of the cout Ing tbl.a. greatly lov•<l eong by ee 8 UeS ay 15,anta Ana Community H o11plt&I. a1ea, the Visitor• emphulzed plen Mallolte with cherub, junior. hlgb T he monthly Altar Guild Meet-M'lu Heidi Ht>wllt weighed 8 Jb11. nlng for a <'enlr&J location tor school a.nd adult choirs ot tbe 12 n~ a t birth and la flnit K'hild th~ C'lub. 1imllttr to t hat of Ult church parllclpatlng. Mr1. Betty Ing ot tbe Colla l teaa llpl.copal for the coupll!. Mra. Hewitt 11 a &ys' Club, tt1 nrve t he girl• of Hagen 11 the plani.t and .Mrs. Mlaalon will be held Tuuday at lawyer and h I! r huaband 11 a lhl' whole harbor area. Om~r Ja.cob1 the organist. the home o! Mn. Henry Seeley, building contractor. ~ewport Harbor BoropUml•l .. FoUowtnc th• meettnr wttlt tll• vl-ltora the Olrla' Club ~ 41•· cun od plane for U.. CbrtltrDU l*rly tor the 11rl1 ea Tb.unday, De~. 22, at the clubheuee aacl "Q>- plle. for the ~ .. ~ and dlarm room•. The neat lM>aN meet.1111 w!IJ be held et tM bolne ~ Kn. Arlie 8W'&.rt.a on Jaa. 11. 1 Davis-Brown Co. INVITES YOU TO A DEMONSTRATION OF RCA \licTOR. BIG CO•.C >R ... co~ D!'i"- ENJoY -W-ONDERFUL COLOR SHO-W-S ON :e:t:G-.AS-T ·I F'E al-INCH RCA V'I.01'0R TV "• • 1 n "'-TV • .._... &autiful u c1tmc. bmrtht.akinc-!IO tr\le to hfc you· voe rot to eee It for )"OUT9Cl n Yoo CllD ba-n fWJ %1 _.... Sitt Color TV in ~ home n,ht no-in eilhtt or two stunnint mw c:.btnet 1tyle by RCA Viet~. P1cluree are tteady, brilli1nt-i&'1 color ~ 'iliori It b bell.I la ........ baCla ... .. (XJll)pat.ibk_ ·-14-4 .... tea ....... ......, s...e.. c..-~. _,,.. ... _,_.._, -llCA ..._ ,.. ............ TY It ...... "94 .......... 5--4 U"'·VHI-. _.. .......... -4 •11 I I ....... 11>7 ...,.,,.,_ ......... l 1ltdt._ RCA PIONEERED mt> DEVELOPED COMPATIBlE COLOR TElEVISION ... MMT .. 11'1H•......_P_" IRthe _..., .. _.... ef ftt• ......... _..TVWt lft ~ 21·tMh ..._ -..C-TV IR j ~ ,-.. Come In and lff tile following lhows 111 ow showroom • Saturday, Dec. 17 With Red Slleltoa. ~ F\sher ud Ella F1tageraJd •'CBS" 6 :30 to 8:00 p. m. • e Moeday thru Frtday, Dec. 19 • 2S ''NBC" • MODday tlma Friday, Dee. 19 • !! "NBC' .. • Saturctay I Dec. 24 W1th leauJe Canoe. Dellnl9 Day, "'ally Oos ud 1be Baird• .. NBC .. 6:00 to '7 :30 p. m. ''Matinee Tb•tre" 12 to l p. m. "Bowct,y Doody 2:30 to S p. m. TI)f'f aflD bnn R you •I andard ldecMb lia /IN # black~·Whll~-'\l'\lfl). ~.,.. ~I IH on ~ Re.A VdGI' hteck.,.,_ -.ib1lt -..u. A~ trouhk· frft 9"d e-, to Q hJnt' n black·and-whttL TV. ~~­ Ju<t t ~ limpk controlJ qua• £.~ I)' and emly adjUlt ooloc to suit your tMte. • 1115 ........ llvd. Costa Meta ,\.,, J.