HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-19 - Newport Harbor News PressNeWport No. 12 Tidelands Well Now Being RedriHed N f>wpori l'lo. 11 IJ ttlll produc- lng a t a high rate and hu brought the total en.Ide tor t he Cit y or l\"ewporl B"ach lo 11:)0 bai rela daily. Stitt' PRC w .. 11 !'\fl. 1 orluf' 1 ~49 Is ~mg re<.1111\ed from " H ewporl =-:o 12 in thl' City 111ho rt 11rf'8. 11rrorohnl' tu E E deplh of 8711 feel. The hOlt' WRI' ot New port lit'ach l,.tt~e to t he l'ylP,;, v i·t'·Pr"~l<l,.!lt .,( ~l•into>I ey plug~ed an<1 •~tng lf'l lo a 111-pth )tont erf'y 0 11 Cu h•·~ b~··n r t11r-I 1: .. "'~' "'-·~ .. \\'ll•k:1l In llS IJf 2681 feet fr()m whlrh II lll red back from 6U'1 ft>Pl anti 11 f1r1H i.l~JN,• i.1.·I fU.11.""hr•I furth er b ''l;:; \ I. P lol·'.;"J llllo <II Slunol. belnit rNlrlllr .I from 111~>3 feet In-1n'l11m1111on un t h,. -a1 I bllUC·lof the lidelam .ls . The wo>ll la n uw lo p roven (JIJ i.a ndfl In lhr oH-1tu1es tu th~ lrdel .. 111 properly. (C'oetln Uf'd on PAI " 8) 148th YEAR -NUMBER 108 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, DEC. 19, l~ PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS -~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-:-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- HARBOR WEATHa TMJperatu,_ t he put week la ~ Harbor .,... "'ere: Hip Low Driven froin Home 1\tuday, Dfc. 13 ........ N U Wedneetlay, Ott. U _ 69 U Thur*<lay, Otoe. 16 _ 66 H Friday , Dec. lf ...... -63 H Sat~y. Dec. l T -M '8 Sun4ay, Dec. 18 __ 66 At Monday, Dec. 19 .... _ ~2 ff by Mesa Father 1 LA SHELLE TESTIFIES IN DIVORCE ACTION Tells of Finding Estranged Marine .Hospitalized as · Shovel Swinger Hits Him A young Camp Pendleton Marim' got more than he bargained for CRrly y<'sterday when he broke into the home of a Costa Mesa family and tried t o find a place lo elt-"Jl• Wife: Son Moved Out of Town police N'porH'it. '\'1 ... 1. 1n h1" hll,.ll' w tl'n• th" I Oonald l lf'llll M.\"'r"· 20. nr thl' 11111111. p11l11 I' s1111I. Myrn1 JUmr«'<1 • 1-'1r-sl Mo1 '"'·' Unllllh11n, w 11 ,. t hRll· I th1oui:h th~ •"'"''II of lht' llv1n1 SAXTA ~A, 10CNSI -Art The hWlky La Shf'llf' •All1 he '"I out uf lh1• h•>llM' h; lht> l'n-I U•1lll Wlll•l11\\ La Sht'llt', long-lim •· ownrr of the went on an O\•erMU to11r wllh I ~8g1·fl n•···11111u11 \\'h•> ~lrul'k h1ni I SO !'4llOTC.t'S rt'lll8Ur8Jlt, Chn11t111n'• Hut. l'\ew-St&nley Warner l&•l .)'CJlr tn work tl\'i'( th .. ho•11d "Ith " •ho\1'1. in-n 11r1 1'll I'" kt"I llp lht' AhOVt'J port Beach. l1'11lt(lt'd Friday after· on "Cinerama." H e a&ld Paul flu Un..: 11 \\ ulln•I wh1o !I 1 "q1111 r'ol 1 <lua ff<i: th1• , h.1.,., nlh l ~h·er11 aur- n()<)n two deteclJvea. two Newport ~lant:r.. lhe Harbor 11 famnl fh<'r, t:. 11111rt11·~ 1111111 liltt'lhltinlll 111 11t n.1,.1,.tl wh• n 111 th.-··la rkneti Beach pohl' .. rnen amt hlmgetr wu in chargts oC the Junket 111 .. 111: H•"IHIRI l 'ohn· lltltr h.··k-ht• 1111!4lo•1k thr Mh1ov1•I for a •hnl · SANTA VISITS BALBOA tSLAND CHILDREN bruke lntu h111 •l'paraled "''t(e'a t'l~~l>S ROBt~RT :;.~llTll I •·•I huu on 11u"r " u•n o l h11r1:la1 y 1.1111 Th·· h11u~ .. 1" lttr r •lr"""••l bedroom t>Brly Dec. 3 a nd found \\"hen lie retumf'd. he lellllflf'<I,' \\'atn"""''" '.t tol ~I\''°'' ln .. 1;. In-"" ~ 111 h1" 11nilo>rWf>I<' <rrrlf'teil Jolly old Kria Kringle had A few hundred eager children...wailing for him when he dro\•c o\'er the Ma- rine A ye. bridge Saturday nig)lt and on down to the Christmas· tree where the kids were thronged arow1d the intcrsC'ction at Park A\'t'. All ages t urned out for the ev(•nt which inrludcd frt•c canuy for the youn~­ sters and choral numbers prci;cnled by cho1rs.-StafC Photo her w ith a n other mt.ll. he Wf'nl l o hi.II wife'• rlaie • .:,:, lo th .. ~ .. m .. "' \\ .lhn111 Juhn the M.111n .. 1 .. 1.1y ''" the rrrnunit Arter hearing lengthy teatlmony \"I Lid so d !'\ l u h Buir .. 11 .. !!I "' l!lil'l T 11•tin A \'f' '""" down until r<•hcl' arrt\'rd a 0 u • • ewpor I'll<' •• t.11111 I 11 I from La Shelle. SUJX!rto r Court He said lie fot1n•I h ie w ife. 111 111• lllh I rh'l1 lu hi\' A1111nhn1: 111 r n ru·•r. M vt>ra &j'• J udgo Raynwnd Thom peon sa id he ahCJrts. having d inner w ith a m 1.<n 11"1'11 nn " II'' tf 111 tlw lt\'lnl: pu1 .. 11lly h• 1•111nr """'"""•••I l hfll Willi J:"Olng to 1nJvanc11 th•' trial date he ldenllrlcd 1111 Robert Smtih. I roi•m. . . • . MIH•\'11 """" "" 1111n •nit d,.<'ld~ 1•n the .-ont1•11ll'\I LI\ :o;h .. 111' <11vorcC' • Ht.U O< C' PIT.ll J 111 11111 k .. " ttm 1111· 11 wht>n Har· It now 111 s.:l for ~1u1 1 h I~ J u<IJ(e All hP l••rt the 111"""· La ~lwllr i·n1••1t"11·•1•'1)' r .. r 111111, l hP h rol 11•1t <loht» lf"I h1111 w11h lhl' 11h .,11 - SEAQUIST ANNEXATION VOTE WILL BE HELD TOMORROW Thouip'l0n ""'"' 1111 "'"it 1:n•ng to assertl'd he notlcrtl the doulrlt.: bell \\A~ ah"" 1, ""' upi•·•I, hy Utla -•·I Irv to 81'l the trial tor mtd-Jan-was "turned b!lr k on bolh s ides." •O'll~ I:!'" 11 ,.Jit •Llui.;1 111. wh" """'r" 1 .. nk lh" ,,.,uule•I Mill- a • La S hell .. N lld h•' "'ent to thto ian ., '' .11111111; t., h•' iu .. th .. r ... r. •n•· t .. th• h"'l'lll\I v.h•·re th•v u r) · hou.tte to u e h11 IOn . T he bo.v wa... 1 1 The Judge ,.13o rule"! t hf> 8 -year-asle .. p anti he was unabl,. to "• '• ,.,.,, •1t11I he bl'• Riii•· 41111,. v111ll'11t AnJ 11 f t h , ~ "'h II · h II Mi" IJ•lll'lt tl11nk111~ th• I 1111 t11 I •· ,.,1101•rw•I tu t h" t>nur· o • 11011 o e .,.,. " " t' •II a rl'-aw11k"n h 11n, accof'l.hng tu La s.~a4u1:0.\ .\.nn1•,ttl1 lft '1111 t 1 in "'·111 n.· h.~11 ton1•1r rhV.' frnm 7 11 m lo 7 p m, 11 """ a 1"11uu1u •Cl t•~iu)" b} ('11; Citric M!\I" y ~d11 r.U<I• I ma in 11o·11h Mr A Cam11l" U. Shell,.'• Shr lle "''1'" ""·• 11• 1 "1111111 lMhy • n ·1n.:. ~en1 Y lahl,. ):"l up ltlld ""hi anln ll1t• kilo h••n l'11ltf'" I k I •t I mothl'r m :-ldn l.u111 Ub111pu until La Sheolle d arm.-d hf' waq ""' ~• " .,,.,-,, on •11~1· • full htr court <llapo1111on or the awakt'n.,.J loy a •lr tl't 1 lvr ahout 4 tor 1111 but ti•· "h••n llhl', too. l'J•H"I """ or bur~ hu y whf'n I hf' l311r- )I Y"ra "11111•l1na.: Ill th" 11\'anJ: rowt111 1 t'll11 1<11h.I he w•• Wt'lll ing a h11nd· am !Jee. 3 •m1 t<Jld to go to h ts Her A('a f'B n1,. w ok" up Harre ll krn hl,.f m 1111k Thf' Hui rel\ • r11Jt<'. Rriu.J<'nls "'ho Bit 1< 1;11<lt'1 "t \·nl1 r~ In lh• llrrft b<111n1k •I hy l!H h .rnrl 16111 St1< t"t'""" 1'11~ttn an•l ll\llh' ;\\•" 11r• .-h g1ble l<o 1iO•l bnllul • Tho• Hnly p1olllni; j>lll•l' 1~ l'llU11lrd 11o·lfe'• plaC'e. who 1·sm., runntn " nlll , r h•111n•• d8 U"hl 1 l 1 P robal1un M fll'"' \lot•rf' onlrrf'd La !'<hellr 11111d he •lid. Ht lN•ll-1 the bt'Cu.i.tktl M~·••r • mt•~~ th: " "' 118 ' "" a t "01Jll ...,,.. In ln,·e11llgatr th11 homt1 In which fie<! lhlll !'\i·wp<>rl llC'al'h J10l1t·<' i ----' m 1<de tu molr•t ""' I X\'El';T ICJATE HOMF. I h" lt0y now la 11l~)'lll~ at San Lula WPre m\llfle.1 and wenl to the 1 The• ••h •1 l1"n h.11' 111 "" d11luv11d 1H1nu Jturnth"' t').rl1 tU~11 ;,( Uh•~ro llC'Pllt' with him 1111<1 two dt'IH'llVI' ... " I Local Nava1·0 Re1·1ef Truck h\1u nt111ry 1r .. 11bl•" "'h1d1 l"'"''"l"d l hl' '"'''' h"llll: l11ken Thr r rew-cut La Rhellt bo out H" 881'1 lht'Y 11tnod out•11le the 1 AREA POST OFF ICES ., REPORT BIG BUSINESS ~~ .. f~~:~:'~':: .. ~:~r!n:~~e~h:,~;: ~'°°:m~·~o;~:o~o:.::h~: ";!_I L T a...1-. f T •b ~:i::::i. ~d ~rotNl,;;~~~;·r;;: :~rti: ~;,~ r~~:~ ,c:·hl-:: •• ~~~=-ke eaves uQuay or fl es muit.e to hi• ma le. Olmiik AouJd FOltc t;s DOOR Ol'T.S I ba <'Ul to $1~ and that U\e n111.-I.A Shelll' cla1m"'1 he had l o The todv nf their boy ehould be awan:I-rnn-f' th-"nl)r lntll lhft ~lroom NaV11J<>c1 In A rfznnit '4'111 not worlcln~ J3 ho ura a <1A)' fnr " I'd 10 him. OJ'W'O with hi~ llhoulll"r havr a t>.-ttrr Chrl&tmu th A Y"llr par<'el ,..rvk l' 11• a1'1111.: 1n 11111 Ttl" delendlU\l rlalnlll u,,. blnnde "\\n at r1t<1 v1111 fln<1 ~ .. hi• Al· l>rr11u11e nf 111,. J(l'nrrn.~1ty n( Sn111h ' loadtnl(' o prra!l•rn. ~Ir~ La 1'h,.llr 111 a n unfit m nthr r. tom ey, Mu Sturgf's ... krol C'OAl'l r• •ld.,nu lrnm ="""'port I r1a rk find ru11t11na laha. Ch• tt•kr• L.-. Shrll(' llllf'~f'<I th•· h .. y h11Mn'1 Thr \\'llnl'llf Allltl hf' fn11n11 hi• ll4>11•·h In l,llj,,"\IOI\ r ttr J<lln\••llllll' ..... 11 lt ll \'ft 4\n thf! \'l\n IUlll"I MIW -_._ ~ HORTON AWAITS STOCK TRIAL H unUn(ton ~a"'°h lllrrraft tnvf>nl<'r Wiiham E. Hur ton, 11tn1 above ln ha plane, tod11y Ap~rrd In f<'<lr'rLI < uurl, Lt•• An- r eln WM Nl hL9 anaJi;,'Tlment on a l.it'I Ant,.l••J< r t!d!!r11l (.;riu·i.l J ury lndlct.ment wa.a r unll.nUN to J11n. 2:1 H orlon, "'ho h11.o flc.>Wn h1• "wtr\J~" crllfl trnm Ors ngl' ('ount\· Alrp .. rt, "'' ... Indicted on 16 r ount.io nf 11 llr(t'd fraud and vlolallon or l:""v' rn- me1tl ,...W..Uona.. -OCNS f'hul11 ('0111,1 \lr·-a pn•l 11(11• c r•inl 1nu•"I to ,, t rt '" )11 at10•1 1\( It ii 11• I "'. ,, J:Hl"lh 111 a Jilt t·llt•• tiito r 1~·1' '"'''"""Ii £'''f'aL!.!' • •1 '~ t• r u,c )'•1r l11 d l b an •-.•ti J Srt'" '1 t '* f1~urr" tuuu lai-!t :-• d -:'\• \\ 1 •rt B .. :u h p 1 l ''' h1 •" lt•-• • 1 •• r 1'k• • \\l!<t.f" rc1°ott h1,.. h. I•~." f:\'t"U bl'I• .-t• lh•· H•' i •I t 'h11•• "'·'~ ru~}" h• ,.:.an•. I 'n'~ u '~ • 1 \\ llAZf'l 1;111 \4 •8 HI.Ir lo ,. I"'' I• 1 ~f~"j} ft' I :rt., Jil t1 1\f'}lftl'tl t 1Tt )\' Slntti•f) uvtr 1h•· l!f.'"•' I:? 11 ~ r1t h I"' il:o 11n'1 Ahlollt t ""~pnrtttl\f" u•:1 t 1:i $.,111 llt~i ti'••\\ 1 (1,.. IJI I' .. 1 fl I ••.• l.n•t V<'Ar'• tnt.it ""'''llnl h •'' 1- 1,.•I I>\' lllf> (',•I.I \l"•ll I'• •I I •I· (lq• ~{ • 1;1ol •II I. \\ 1• J II"• • 50 ACRE EMERALD BAY ;.71$~~~ ~~~;~17 ll~:r'~~~~ l~~~: .. i:·.',"'. I • af'.kl In lfl.>4, th,. t ritnl "'lU S 1.., - I DEAL BRINGS $325,000 1 :~~~~~-'·'~:~:~~·" "· The lut ~ acre• of the exr lu-1 Th~ 11111.. w 11• m1111«' tl1rnu,.:h •I,,. l:mn-a.ld S.1 pro~rUea ot t hr F:11rl \\' Siii! I•' .,f:11 r nf na Beach baa ~ 110ld for A•lb.)a .I •Inn" I An·111 •ttrii: 1 .. J I~ ~ G11 llant •Al• -r"fl"""'I ''"" It '• a prk e ln ex~ of ~.000 anil w all h" ioolol 1 .. r "' 1 "'' • n ' ( "'111 be dcwloped lnlO 122 rMI· C"UJ't••lll h111ll hnn • ~: ... h I' Caught Here at End of Fast Ride denlla l lou. pert\ m•nf'r "'II hl\r 11.. ' -C'l11 .. 1'1rr 11 11~• n1 p1 it•·• The h l''h cla.ae OCe&JI Vlf'W pro-ll'j;I'~ oC th,. t:mr1 11 111• \ '"" 1•r•"I 1 \\••' '.\.'"r"I I per1y waa purch&aed by ~·erell,'111t1"n "'•lh ,,. 10"Jllh1 •• 1 ""'I~-,'" tlt ~n-111 '·'I"'' I DaVlt a nd AAOCt&le-• of Pa.aa.dfn" bf.Ar h f f\r11 ,,,... •I• jl ,. ·o'h" r •' t• f rom ownerw Alva \\.'lllfOn of Loo• J 1,.-t • "all "" 1·1 ,., ... , 7 "'" ; h•r •I '"' 1." I · '" I " h-rn In srhnol fnr Ill '111 \'IO Rnb<ort wlf,. a n•I t hr othrr ffil'l'l, Ht1hf>rl l•>n111n11w "" 11111 I( 11.1.f,.•l w1tlt l.'i fur U1,. lonl( rlnve to Utt' :-.~"~JO t :111 f"P••r\1"11 '"""IJllll Al S li .230 18 1 Corfman, roun,.~I fnr · Mr11 1"'6 Smllh In hr'<! t<1ns nf rnnt rt but .1 (111,.1 Rnil d "th· '"•untry of A rl:r.<ma . Th"Y wlll ti. I '•11 j•llr .. 1 l<I the IOllll .. r•·n11•I Inst Shl'll,. atlpu lllltl'll t he 111d hAd ~"" 1..11 Sh!'lll' 111\lrf !hi' "'holr lh1rii: ant: 11o1ll .... ,, ... lf<llll l hP burt11lr> it•vbrtw .... n. 0.-t w .... n th,. kind cnn- \ '''" "lt~n lite t••tl\I ~tr.1J•I kl S 14,-I ll\k• n out of St J "mf'll F.pla"rpal w 1111 l)l lf'f 11n11 • lhrr .. v.·;u• h~rir h C11r lf.,lhr•"•k /\ r1z nn•l VI· lnbuturs nf l hr Harbor a rea and u.,:.._.u_ f. .. , lllMI bM "'""" n1'" rtf'WJ:l'fl(J'<r ~ .--wi'ii ,f 'nl;r"' -"'"nmty ---++>-~hnn t.mrl1~ ..,. II)' of Anullocr lf'toril ""' h11n,.: 11r by l111t_: f.,llowing lh<' Art11111,·1t rtlf'fl 111111n); h,.r t111•hantl• I P'lll1T1""'' A rnir Itri; tQ i; .. n,. f "lnrk of lhr whom ere Y"''r 'rouncl without 1111' ~lo•i.a J"•<l'l olll•I' ~.-lo1oli.y ll\'l..Al'h"llf'h"rf'h\Ot ~rlilll\ ~t l"'I I.A ~hrllt' ll.l"r'1 •tr•1'I' flt1ff&li llt11h ,.r !ribll'tllll1'·h,l\• ll)1lk fnJll ,CIOlhPS llln<1 f'Vtn dr1nk· ,,11.,n 4'' HI I''''',.,. nl 11 a il "''rt' Ln !'hell., ll'llllflf"lt ha" "'"" IJt •h"' k hrr h"••I a n I "h •1 •. ,. I 1 1,.. n 1.,., 1.,.: ,1 rr , ,, , \l f\', hurt h 111,r "'"l"r 111 l1.io 1~h t he "'"" ll 111; 1t11l· "\roy nelllN·lful " •ml ~I'""''" n•nat <'11 rfntllll 11 ",. 11 ,,1, , 1 • 1 ,., 1 11111,. r II• tr !Javry <"IUl ltPl aw av t rom hit n·· • •U ., .... ,.tJ '" .. lllj,.h •If •.l.-<>( h .. r lime • r111nni: f"Olf an,, T l ....... ~1 .. 11r11"t n '" ,., • ~ I • It \ I... 111. lh• t lll I I •Ill I~ ""' 1at1 .. n1 a l lhlA f'nd, h .. m a y 10. "'" 1•1N "" lu"l ~ • .11 \11 • ( .111 r••-hri I~~ ' f('nn tinur 1l on r'•tt•· lh •·f h"ll , 11 , " \\ ,11 1~ ••ir 11r, .i '"" II II bo• h i.JI fifth t nr the!'"• I"'''''' I f tj~ ,\I~··'"' f "' ,,rr11 , \\•1uff ~' C tr~ I tl 11! ••'l 1u I l t1111 ••f lfH• ~'l'l\t ~·I•\' i:'.l'~" r :11118 :-un.i.iy '"''" 111 i Martin's Bequest of $100,080 I ~.''.~'.:,:·: ,, : ... :::·!!::: l•h•;' ~· .. "'' :·; Co"ta M•"-n Hurt I'• ," 1t••H1•1 11 Pa.~·n" Tho\·•\r 1r 1 ,,,fl •'11: 11n•t ,.,,. ~. 1 u1, ,. •1 .\·tr',.; ~ ... r· 11•'•1 Ill 1'11111 "'' l'IJ•l• r •. ,. =--· \\'• A1.ds ··n Hoag Hosp1·1a1 Dr1·ve II • t ,., I•\ I , 1 I I h ti . l• as Car Hits Pole p1,11 J :~.11)1 ~\J;ttn~•,'uJlu 1•J;(fi) i J11 ~"-•I' '' •'• h·•n ,,.,l\~1 1: •n 1f 1 S lt tlt •1 ,J,1 1n·l\\f'rt-~ J•, H lutt a· I •·••\" .. '• nt 94'• .... ·11 'I •• , i '" I riv Sl.:'11• II •·rl . (l',. jllllt lhf' lm1'4'l U1 "'I' ""'''I r,,. r AA J'·•ll~nt .. "' ... I I •••• I .. •'"< r r Ill~ I II,. '"'ti ' 1. h ' I I ( I help r~t ll1r funtl dr.t\f' 11• ""'"' " 11 1 I•~ 1 1'0 r, 1" " !11•\1 1 t . l l tu ,.; ~11•.:~'·~•'fl ~ 1 ~Jr~ K L Bar•n. Il ia .: ,.,,, ,( 1,.t ,,, f , ' '1 "" 1 t " 1 "" fltll Y• au • 1"' ''1 II ·~1utal Rtlmlnl1t ratnr "' the i•lln• '•II "' "" "'"' ' " 1 • !•r 1'1"•' .~ <~·•4 0,•1 ·~f"""t"'I t • .... ,St,,. l h• , '"'\I, H lll.\f(OO \\'\' $1(10000 brr111r,.1 In thr ""·r1tal <mt1nmn1'\ '"'I I '',. < ~tf•lll A \ lfl h •I ,.. 1 •-.:• f1r 1 ~ 1 11• T l " h11•tk lm•n Ill' "'" \<\1H111• (1 m lh" It!,. i ;tf'nn M 1r1 n ,..,. "''h '"" II '" 1•111 •, i. r • " 1>.,.,11.ct1 u1 II.• • '• •.'.· 1•••,.I to'• ... , 1 1~ ,,..h ''' l t j'I n•' O\.uU'•t·tHrf'lr 'At-· a,.. t h1~ hk,. •n ur'' '"•' itnl '.uqt.11, h 1\· '" n 1 .r..s .. Kl .$!. •. ! '"'' u l Ill ·'' un ,,, .. lllliUl tn 01:ang~ Cnun\) ~II l!.H ,. r•• ,,., • .,., ,_ , •••.. ,k, ,.· rhr••ll• n .. ,, f I \\ k , , .,. ,_.,.,, .. , •• ; U1 r.,'tot1.1, ~t •' ··n · T hf' h·'-p1'1t.l hnar1l h"'' not fl'X· "''"·r•t f it 11''-0 \,, h .1 '··· I 11 ·.~ 'L: I ''" 11~ h ,, ... t • '\. t l'.I ""' H' J: . .tb I J•J.flt•f r··, lt!'tJ ;.u, h 8 w tn1ltall br.·•u., •. ut fHr t..1't\ f '1~~,.u t n ·'~ '. 11'. ,,,, 11·.u1 a It"' \ "' •l1f I n I f,r l'l!t\ f,11 '•H f lt •i('t \\t•r~ )>ft\'tf)U!I gt-nf't<1tut y HR l h f' p~rt rnr,nt fl•Ul ff•I • ••11 • \\•t, JI t}l t ~• t" ' -. '" 11 ! ....... 1 :1 ,,.. 1·1.' I I ". ('1 •Ii\ ~1 r4'11t , ...... 1 .. ,11 J'Jt lllfd• y 17H1 SI. t t I I\ 'I I If,, lf'l-t .......... ,, '' I• Pl n" Jl"I#. l 'J<IN•I 1r11n1l· I• •• "' II •1. 11•'8· t" t I f I f • • •ti J J~1 I 1 \ "Al \''· r <1l~1·• 1.'l ~· ,,11 l 8p· I ',._.,' \ I ' • I ' i ( lt1 ~ \ rh &· • k II • 1111ol 11, .. •I "r I I t\r f'\'•lt (1_:;"1!• .... \l.t1n $ :;,1 .. 1; 11i llMI· o C ~larlin both durinir th" 1n.·1al !<hr Al"'• .. 11.1 Ila" I 1 t ,,,,, :. '""""I ~111 11 11t 1.111 .... 1 11111111,1 1bu1M1ng cllmpa lgn and 11oh"n hl' Iron !lrllnl ,.1 H :'.1111 """'I l~ ~ n ,. 'Ir I • •• ' • 1 r I \ " ~ r ~t"" I''" ;\•• ,,,,,, • .-, .. w.1,. tn· "' \ I\• I lh., IOll.,l\l llJI ••<Ull ~ a t I t " flt 1, ,. \\ • wa• hl're on a Visit. • ,., ("('l•lf><J ... n ···r "".-, H 'lo., "\l ( fl· __ ------------------------------'' ~. ,,,,.,\,,., ~·. •• ' I : It • • I \ .... ,. bf..- • • 1 , , t • I •1· J:, tt " \ r1tr • I I t ( 'ltl. ti t .. ·~ t ')f; - ~I •II'·'""' \•111 11 \\ •• <~·l ':"'•ff33. \' t " tt .... t 111l11 ll•t• •'1••fl ~ l •.111 ·~" \ l .. tL·tu • H·~• t \\h•• \\h•t1 1 I• .An1tf'IN1 and Mra. ~ Howi;11I 1111 fl 1; 1II1111 1 .,,., ,, ",, I' ,. S I 1111 .. , 1:.i" 'If I ' • • 11 I'• '\. 1 of lAIC'Un& ~•ch, F'rrd How11ril !111· r~·t I " I" I!\ ''"•".•'II ; .. ,\ ,. I I ,.,, I' n • I . ' r I""" Ba nd it Suspect irio Change of K -P ica Studied w u lh4' llngln•I 1ubdl1tldt>r of p11rl 111 •11 11 ..ri t 1.,,,,,,., lll',11 1t 17 1·, n h· I• ••11 l•a .. i. Em~ntild Ray. t nol nwn1•1l t.,· t hr I t \ rw 1 11 • .,. ' ,.,.. '' •• '' 50 Car Club Pilots Finish Safety Run at City Hall 11, H ' \\ • •; I I J •· I 11 \1 t• • t. ' ' I"' 1 ' I' " •I .•• * '• ·1 I I\, I ""' ',.ttt\ • n : I\ I ,, t • ., . Ii ••I Qvl'r ~(l rani brhinj[tng In yo uth• , .. ,: .. frnm h1~h ,..hnulll m MtUllrn11 .. n ~···· I•,,.•.,,,,,. •'l l '•ll' B fitlt'h AJht R•l1lnn,h' Ot•a1 h ' 1 • ,., t '' \ '"' I .~" ' 1 1~·'• l '' •c-rirt'•I on :->r\\'rorl S.'ll<'h" '''' , 1 , II -" :-.. 1 , \1" 1 ,, tlall \'l'llt H 'rll\\' HI\ lht• ln•l l"j; "' I d , ~ t', •, • Ill 1 '1 a un;qu.-AAf;ty r1"ll11b1htr n111 1" , ,1 , I••" 11 1 .. , " '" 1. , Srnn.1tor•-,..t hy •'1Jr ,.tub~ "' ~t1+ • , 1, r•qt ,, n ,d '• , li • 1 ... 1 C"-ll& a n l'I Rr<1nn1lo l\agh ,, h•··I• 1,., S \'>:'rA ,\ . \ ltl'.I' 11• ,,, 'l:.~r \\l'l., '"''r"'~ ''""· I 1 ,. I , .. '-~•• • •) •n ,.. 1 l•·a •t ..... , ,., •I I·_ •. ,, 1 t.t-w1 tn ,J 1.-" ~1,111 • 1 .I •hn I" ,,, .. t"'"' 1n t 1 ,.,. I +1•1u 1 6 fl11 Hit 1'< • 1 '"t \ tll .. 1•1 ti T} t• I t 111 I ·r;.,. t ' ,,, ,, .r , ~1 ........ 1 •·f t>••i•tcn.:. I '"I r l.t. n1 l .. d t • 1:1 t11 r• ,,.,. \ f1 ::f' I' t t\ f • J \;I l I :i .. • !ti t f" Jtf • 1 • t '~ •• •· ''ii' lt•' \••r 1r,1n ' ru '' r~ • , r itr 1 \, "1"''' t pullc• drl'C""' 11111 n1" lnh th 1 1"1 ·i"r',,"' 1.11( \I, 1·0 1.11 "111 QQ On'y antl Mira N tll Autn ll "r , · i t o r11. H . F" ON"rr tl'At'k ""I n :-;. I/ ., , .. I " , •• :: I •. I B .• I Ii • • .. ., II "I: I )1 I' ·• 11 1" • 1r n "'1111 h H1•hnp \1• 11 11·.,. hL>·rt •' "' tn th,. H 1l111 t hr rell11b1lll\' n an ll "'' .:n· 1 ., ,.. 11 s ; t n 1!'111 h ~)t'><I •lnvinl) p r111 Ill •• 11 l ,.,, a •' h t t K .. t l '1 I « to t..rn-11.t" .. n,·r1~ . :1 I. ··~•: n \o Rn •·T.-," l• '"' , , ""' I•. i , i .". ~.I(·· Sh-~p·1n9 ,. T\\'n j[ruu rk , r '"" ""'' r~ •'• ' .11 "" ,., II· I Io•: ' -,.J 11- 0 --u ... \( .!" ":h ''" \ A .. I ., • I\ I D }I plltll'J fr1•rn t he °"" • .,.,,. •H•" ill a t n1'(1n 111111 .,.,,,.Pd in s"w"""' '"'''' r ,• ... 1 • T•1 .. " ... , i•n ays ahnrtly a fter 1 P .n1 nnf' ~' "I' ,,,. t1 .. 1•lr \\111-1h"'h 1. <'ti I ,. ""'k ~ 'til ~ cam .. by way nf H 1i;hw11y 111t nn•I '" h;id In r111 "" 11 t ... '" !.""'' 14 ,.. U l f' rlther by !l cl11·ul.1r ro UI• M• 11 I'>• r-o( t •· • 1 • '1• 11 11·~ ~ l Ut~gh Compton 11n•I l.l!k""' "'~I 11. <111r ,. • 1uh• Ir"' 1 J, I 11 11 'I J 1 ~ II Bh ·.J )fem~"' oC the Manoot\1411 111 t l I I r llr1 d .tr \.,. "'I ,, II•\ 1" Christmas : Beach Junior P olle r Club wrrr r0 111111r I t <I lhi!'tr h••111r ,, 1 ,11,11n. fl e•eu ad a&~ JJG'.GU alOfl& Ul• Lie&. I lcwwww ______ ... ll• '•I I f 11. t I l"\rt' • A• f 1 (t lJ\ ,, .. '" •) f i:1 • t. '"", •· ••;·I •l' ..... ' 'h1n~ •'• \ t 1 • ' iO 1 '•' r .t ~l"I \ti• ll•t 111 ..... Ill· '"'"I ''' • "' 1n I tn J 'Id Ill• I lh" 11111 .. It • n •n \\h•1 1-•·,·k•'t t.11t1 1 It '"', ', ' t P ' ' • 1 • • I An •, r•t•n Iii n•I '''kl' h 111 l •·!11o • A• 1 .. 1 n•" I{ •b• 1 t .,_.,, • .~n·I • 11.1 It• •l•'I • n lllnt• •I J Jll\'M l1f> 1111111 t111,1 tur a aunU&r Q((fnM. l"'°ADL~G l 'P -Pushmataha. chief of lhe ,·1llng«> at the Buffalo RAnch. and his hel~rs load up ll \'&n that •·ill lea ,.e tomorrow for ll11lbroc1k. A nz .. lo pro- vide 15 l.ona o! food for needy Nav&JO lildlaua. Allio 11hown <i lx•''" a r1 ('htef Blar khawk. Mohawk Indian, third frnm n~ht . 11n rl yr111ng11ll"r!4 J>rlncrM White Fawn, Sly 1-\.x, \\hit\! C:loud. and Tall Eagle. -Sta.ff Phol.o DISCUSSING DECORATIONS for Orange County Delta Gamma alumnae Yule Wassail party tomorrow which will fete husbands at the Carl Hill~n home, Balboa Bay Shores, are these committee chairmen. Many Cocktail Parties Before Debutante Ball Patrons and Chairmen to be Pre-dinner Hosts Many, gala cocktail parties are plannC'd by sponsors and others to preceed the second Annual Debut aute Ball, spon- sored by the Newport Harbor Auxiliary of the Children's Home Society of California. DC'bs to be presented are: From left, Miaa Jacque Gaudin, decorations; Mni. WUliam Gothard, refreshments; Mrs. J ohn R. Carson, gener~l chairman ; Mrs. Hillgren, president and host- esa. -Staff Photo NEWPORT HARB O R MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor PAGE 2 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 SEALARJ(I By GISN\' (MUS. EDWARD L ""'ei.._. ... ) SMITH RESS ABOARD TYPEf:: Whllt out son·s lunchron h11tt \\'ednt'l!cla y al "SHOWBOAT'' FINALE was when Dick Berryman and Katie Fitzgerald, wearing old fashion<>d costumes and sitting in a red sulky, sang the very new "Love and Marriage.'' St. James parish hall was packed both Friday and Saturday evenings when 60 mem- bers of the Young People's Fellowship put on their sixth annual olio show under direction of thC'ir ad- viser, Mrs. A. Alexander Hamilton. The sulky is an antique, loaned by the Westminst er antique shop. Don Bush Photo St. Margaret's Guild Election St. Maq;a1 el'a Guild c;,f Costu Mt!l'a t:pus.-opa l M11<sw11 will mf'el al 10 11. m Dec. 21 at the home nf Mr.'< F l"Y•I H ubbArd. 427 Santa An11 Ave. ':\ew ofrir er11 w ill be el"\'ll.'d. i\l r 3. E111tt>ne W ells, g w ld rhalr· n1an, 1n1•1lra alt co~l8 Mt'Sfl W0· 1 "'"n who are 1ntt•rfstetl tn 11Lten1I A b11tiy 111\tt'r will be prnvh.led a t "°' h mrt'lln)( To be pll1rert on lhr i:utld malhni:; h.•t. call Mrs. Trd JnhnAon LI 8-38~6 I Everett 131 ace. Fi ank Clf'nd<'nm•n Paul flunlup. R l1·t11H•1 J1 1bha11! Clarence L11tC1', Ht11• l'irlsen, ll.11 · o ld Shaw, Hlct1nrt1 's1mpson, Hu·h· nnl Sn1t1US.'. J ne Str""I'· !. Z Tnylor, t'larl'IH'e Smith, ft1d1111·•t Hunt, Clllt'!'nt·1· Fldll'I ' Mull'•. Geori;e Bt.zbf.'zta.n, F. !':. Smith a nd M J . B arbeau. the host anrl hostea11. Camp Fire . kct ,·u11q1 Ji.n ~ 1:11-. 111\J l~lue l'-1PI \1• H··~I t l !'' .,. ,~ .r S9'a j.IPllf•' nr llll' H 111 b .. r " ('~ "111 ' ... A\C' 1, ll l•ort•r Im Seattl • lll•·rl. llt"l' :.?l! Ill tlW l'a1 )'11 \\•_..I f, •I rnol ti ' h"h ll<Y' With rt"ll\ Rl\•I I 111 •• for a glamorous gift Put Open Evenings to 9: p. m. until Christmas Eve LI 8·2778 for "Her" • Grey ll: Black • Tan a Brown s 1095 la91 t-0 mat.eh Mesa Center -Costa Mesa &tween Alpha Beta and Thrifty Drug • CommunJtv CredJt • Mr . i.n•t Mri< <.: S Brokaw wtll be pre-bs.11 host.s In tht" table gi1riHJ1 of Mr a.nll l\·t ra. Lvman f."arwtll. Mr F,.1-wdl v. 1111 In tro· 11a1Hnr )Ust 11ut11l1t" lht' l':ewpurl hH L1J11 fa'e prov11H 1At home jelly. pa1111ed by ""vtrat frlenJ11 (t"al1J rt'1J a glamorow; whtle a n•I 1o1o1aved to Ii-Ob Carl..on c•n l he lfolrl Chrrntma.~ 11-,.,. wh11•h w u e beautiful l>lur hull.-d €><r11paJr qui LP the renter of llll ra1 \Inn ..• 1tucr1t t11al )'l'ar" 1lt·bul<1nlc11. will 1 h [>11111•we Caslt'nl1yck Corll Vtn :tn· _ out Wit lull <'rew on 8 11ll11 k•·· l11vely blond J 1•1<n l•••ke t 1e1.llent Ml~srs Susan Carolyn Betz, Tit· JR Eliz.a Tohill, P !'nlae NAdlll !"dri<, Ellnbelh Jiii 1-l11wt'IJ. Mu· 1;11rel Johan H 1rlh. 1'111lv lAul~" P f111tn. Mt'lintla IA1thnl•I. J ennn" S.A.E. Chapter Is Entertained Male• it a Wonderful Christmas wfttl these largalMf 1 , ' -pre111<1e a.a ma!iil !·r n( 1·eiemonl•·•111own fort"• J1tn. 1·, Ars111l•11 l 'f h 11 L J IA t rtt11<, A nn G1b~un, Clare 1.011-I thlll Vt'1tr This fCI OllJ'I will lnrhHlt' . "' I • lf~rll•·· 1111 " t' gi-eett·• 1t'r I o '"" Sr111th. J•:ltznb<'lh Ellen 11 .. , k t .111 ~nt1 · l\t i,. A 1,,,, Ml• kit' lln•I Ra«!'' • . \'Am,. 11.tong 11ldf' C' VI I,. lllle nf'll!hbor 11 . r ha ttinl(' a nd 8 11<1 (..'011,.11n.Jra :-;11utttwwk Hoyt. M r end Mrll l.J4'wev l'a llhlln IV I for111er F ern • Delight• I • cnmparlni; hllllcla y11 n<olf'' WNt! AT O\'l:\iT HO~U: · · 1t•lk lo F:v1•lyn 11n11 (;f'"rl;t' l!rad UfJ11c Uetta lwho won lht brl<1ge l\t .... T oll Ov1olt. prrM•knl n ( • Mr. an1I Mn. F,(lwarct L<·~lt'r ,.. . .,,, "'"1-e duwn fur lht w ... k·('n•l I r1 IU I, 1l11r11thy IM•. F rtctl th .. A wullnl)', wtll t:n·hn•t fl "Ort.\· Sno1lh h11v<• 11ls(l tit'hl'dlllt'd a p111 · •1l t l.e1r lil<lhnJ< UAV l'hrh •J'IB•I· .,.. I u 11 I I ,. ty. ~h.11·1ni: h"n"r• wtlh M• an•t m l'nt '"1bb" '"nil ~·.1 l<1•1 f .--.m th. "'1 ' ft"I i i\l r~. Al 11 Mt'lld. With Mr. ant1 Mr.• F.lt11n (' Hal-"' ' " "~ " J .\11~ r;,•nri:c \'111•tlcy. Bll!O patrons ~nomrd (,y 11b<1a11l lhr11 V('I\' f11~1 1 ••an l ~t rs J ohn• Giii'<!!. ,\ll1son tf'tl. who 11rr ll•trd 11rrutnR' t11r i:mup M plltrnnll for th!~ y1>Ar'1< ,.f the b1tll 11·r111,.t'1 Lu<kv r>ut •·hu11rn \\'llh l lllt A [11ck 1 Luvelan<J. \'1q~1nta bllll J\mnnJ:' thf'lr J?llf'~\ll will br Mr 1tn'1 Mr11 F:<tgAr Wittmer lif'Vf'rll\ i.11,.•l•. "r11"111( lhl!fl Rtl· I Mt~ Art I Rt&Ulllt', Hl'IPn t Mra. .----.llll...-AlMl.....il'.\tll..Jt)'.fnr<t Jrvlnt M r I w111 enl~rta 1n M 1 and Mr~. Vin~ e lie 81111 ~:urlt Pai khu1 i,L wlto V."1 t' Harry 1 K tl!IO, Dorothy ; M rs. M r 11nd Mrs. Ml'l Berry, M l \hf( Orin•. hosl!'d a ("h1111tma..q party fnr Eta EtA rhnpter of Stl{ma Alpha E f)tllon Pt<". 10. G!t.11H'a wrre plRyl'd und jtlft.4 ex· 1 \ h111lged ln a aettlng or gay hoh· dav tl~c-or. l're.l'!t'nl we re M ,.s.11ra. 11n1t Mmu. Burton Rer k. Rex R e 11, Make "H II er G ive "Mom 11 "Sunbeam" Appliances Life Easier! Jrvtne wtu present the JJOH!u· 11~-..\L_Jlfuj ~ W illiam •t•>wn fl>1 thr day frnm lh•·•r 1'111011 How11Nll lllo. :-.:r ll 1 Mr" o o nl Harry\ Oatea, Vlri:-inta 1Mrs. t.antPll. \\ llllll"t, Mr 1tn•I ~tr~ \\ 1lli11m l'rrtirr 11 h~ w h n · ~ , , --. ---~":-b t-Smtttt;-imd-mn Othtr (UMita nf t he Ovllll lA 11 nt1 '<Wl~ht'I . M1 11n•I Mr11 J 1;or1l('ln 11h1111ld '"'"" 3lunf{ IOlllt nut lillll' \n.tgrnH . :0..fllr~ 1 Mr11. Btlll Ml· 1 DEB BAL' tll'f'T---1-HI-----~ Hallett.11 ,.. .. 11 .. ,. Mr. An" .. r•. S1"!11lh tl'lr J ohn l\lltn~ 11n•l Rob· 11lonp Tvi;rt. hot " r"1n .. •11I wh1<1 .. • r11in• !'at 1 ~tr11 Vrn1·•1 Healy. 11 k .... rrserva 0 "" s re 11 ·1 t 'o r 111., "Kiii•'' " ., " "' ~ F.'1· • mnsl a ltt t n. with only a few wlll"d GroPntnih•ke An•t ~-f r A nit r1 I C1'1dn~1" -l thf'1r prr· 1 lu"· <'no111:h tor lhe bam111 Ir• £'111k1e 1 Mn• A 111111 ( '1181!'11 Mai · 1 ( B It 1 d " b II 1 , 1 , 1 11 t h ... . · 1 " l • • . a prom su to out o The 819 '"'Buy" G . "G E II enu1ne .. Mr•. Boewlt':V Allen. 111"0 pal1i>n11 11 1""'1Y I " '•""' ""' 1 " 11 "nrl' 11111" Ian I Mno l:i11rr 1 Maple Mar1:11rel llll thf'r l'\t' rt a!!Alra or· l.he __ .. ... 8 l'ATU()"' I l""T /\ll(I '"" (If thll'll um.-~ lht' !Olf t• •. • ~ <> WJ'O ..... ..~• pencf'r Hon•~·· J nhn n ·' • ,.. rnrlPr \\ hlll', ( ha11 .. ron 1 ~t r 11 put In eJeganre and l{T&lldl!'ur. Lowu. P llul M&nlz:~. H11rolt1 l.<tC1kln~ r .. rwl\111 lu Ille bait 111 11f 1111r t)i>AI' \\'r hopPt1 h•• "'"" -:;;;;::;;,;-:,__,=:;..-:;;-;;.;;;-;_;;;;;;..===:;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;=. Malht"rll, RA\· Srm'r~ \\'1l1t11rn R 1ll•tm1;ul1>h,.•I i:r•Jllp of p.1\r11n~ " f1 lrnrl 11li<11, bul ",. n•'vl'r r .. 11n1t ' Pin•. E. H Sk lnnf'r!I. ~lt'Mrll /\rt wh11 h 1nd1.1°lt'6 MrA•ts atilt M uH•A nut f·~r hr ... 111 r.1• !'<l ll\\A) r. "'" La Sh .. lle and W aynt' fo"lltt<'ll lln11 1 lt1t\\AllJ Ahml\nBon. \\'tlltallt n1rn Ill< ln i:n lo1w11rd Lai:11n11 for Whl!'h Mr,.. M11rg-\Jrrtle T8nl'low11kv. ~1. J H"~• ('a•lrn1lyrk 1-:vnrll we "r: r Jlllll •-~ J?]Ad. Mr. llnd Mn. W llliltm l"111lrlt. S <:11111111 .. r, E•l1<11r Hill ~t ~fnrtl <'llltl1'TMAS TR£!': RA l,t. "t 'ethe llt.\lt"r ts b11ll r hillrmllnl wlll ll\'111" F:ll1•u 1· H1lllrtt l"•llllld U th" ll.1\' Club IR •l n 111r•1l8\ prnv-1 joll\ the H. P 11yne Th~yrrl' 1Mr• t!Arw .. nd c: H11rot0t Mnlh!'rl'. r1l l\n11lh• r h1 lll'<nt ""' ud ''"' !'~' Thayer IA cht\lrma.n or d<'b11\1111to 1 Nrl11nn ~"!""· 1..awrrn• <' f'C1~tc1 J;I"' lmi.: the Jo:ll<'lll~. mrmhe1 In en(erll\lmng a hu g e i;1oup Cl \\' ft~t11nlf\ £'11111 R"i;rr11. LroJI hn11l.11 \hi" J H•10 C&>l"IVh"t·k• which lncludt~ V Smith \\'1tllr1 Sptr .. r, ''""''11 Al"yn <•1t1111I• llAlflh An il'l'•"n~. C'HAflUtE~ St11rtt'v1tnl B1•wlrv Allrn. Ho rnr<' Rirha11l llu\\rll• nnrl r»w 1.t Ma•. MeitllT'll. and M m!'• s J Cnlyer llrnJ11m1n <' S Rrnknw Lv11111n \'ymr nt . a t1••llt t t-1' Wav-nr St.anrorrt Atwnod, flobl'rl !'fth~· F"'"rll F'of" 111 I ,;,.,,n.,n•1\kr F'tflrells 11f 1: 11 l1•11 1-;t"\" htolltmi: bury. Mort p ,.rl""ll-". JI<\' fl•'-• .,. J; hn B Hui n1t11ll Mnt rlit\)11 1-"I' -<•I< k I t1I• Ano I I\ I nht" (••1 ll"W>· "' myt'r, Ja r k Adami<. f 11111i:l1<.• l..:<>n · hnltl. l'1llll l'nl111r1 (;l'Mll" l'flrg· f'Apl'r r.,lk tll" 1>,.rirl(I' \"nr1ll,.y• u ton, L. K R!'ynulds, \\'il'1om t'r J 1.hn M ltt>hlnA!ln E H Skin· ,:,,, 1111.t 1, h \\ d1 ··~ 11i .. 1 I h • Gwinn, Rlllph 1-\innC"y. n urt.lt<k 11"1'. ll1H\I'\' ~orn'IA. F:nrl !'lt"nl"\' Ri1bt>rl l~1n,,fl.,.. _ \ • I'• 11.1 Wllllar'llll. R 1rh1tr·I ll\\)'tr \'Idol Thilmll~ \\ Pblltl'r lhr Gt'<ll j{t' \'Artl· tin.I ("1ppy n '1\\bPrl \" "rl' A.nd rt'Wll, Ro bt'rl T\Jinrr. o wrn 1~1·•. H11l>••rl Rl'11u rh11mp!I 11n•l lAll· .in•t .i\11" n.rt on S Smith. i\1111"• WLn1. J ohn ~haffrr 11ntl J ohn t<'r !."""~ l , 1flnd i\l"""r• 11 .. 1b,·rl \'1r1,.:i! If~•· Foaler. j -. ----hrr l Hulker. \\< •• Ir v I l !'mll fl G t T h (~enri:.. Hl'lnrirh Jl ... Itri t r: c -oget er Th11n1a:o. tt .. w n1.1 1,,.11.:··> Master Point 1 Christmas Party 11"'11n mu~., •1rr:1m~' I C ANDCF:LIC Hi' B A L I. 13•1 Pl t Balbo Mt>mbrn nf lhf' G"t • T of{tthl'r f'rlday nl~hl 11t lhl' Amh;o1111rlnr'11 ay a a l111b of lhf' h1u b<lr Arri\ relrbrat-Grnve toOk Nl'wportrr11 flntly 11n1t \'1nnns Of M1u1t!'r P nlnl11 In ~I th•lr 181h 11nnu11I C"hrl.l!tmu Hnwarll Ahmnn11nn. O"t111 Rn•t party ThurP1l11y •Vf'nln« a l Har· I Mac Brown. alM ~sw Gladv11LJ1W·1• I ths ttctnt l'Vt'nln it tnurn'Bment bnr H111111e t'11llow tnf{ d lnnn th~rr rf'nC'e. the Brur• Mr Nt'il" ~nil thl" h"lct ln &lbo11 Wt"rf' Mu Arrh McAllill!l!r i1nr1 Mr.«. P••i:g~· ParR· Wl\J! an f'X.:-h,.ngr nf r ift.. 11n<1 Wlt•on Alberll!<'ln11 amnng hun-.,.t'C'rtl pal9" wt'rt' rt'vt'alNI Pru -ctrtd11 mor1> C&ndy CRne n11ll dru. MrA. A. G Dot 11bur11t "n ti Mr9. Henry E1rnrrt playing r118l· ~~~ ;;,e;:,.:1~""Jt>:kn,D lA~~11M!:1;;. ~~n~h"pr~v~~i ~-~~~,,~t·" ""m::.:;~: west. while north-11nulh wann"r8 " wrre Mr11. Ch11 rl1'11 RnArtlma n rlll. \\alter l'olla r. 1Cdw11rd Zube. Claudie and H111th Hul301l Kallr d .M 1 lbb La V M F'rullfr~ Puluk1. Fr ank Belmont, I and Burton Rn mb11r1ter Dornthv a n r11. • Y wr . inc-t ar-Rona lll MM Donlllrt. M A. Mun..-y. tO'H11r111 a nd Ha n k Lunnry I lnrr and Frt'd MorrtlOOn ('h1>t Pnltard. E•1ward Mlrkovlr h. 1 ~111ut1ru1 re rt h111red t1<1roth\' Placlns WC'ond t'Bllt·Wt'~t w"r• 1 B · 11 • , Ro.... R ,. E 8 I -"'-'TPnc-r Ngnon and \\ 11 am •tunning In a whlt1> <1r11ppHI Jer-,.f ra. ...-rt Olis a n.. IHI run•. A C rn,.3 S 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. /\ Strrnbf'rJC · · 1 ~•Y gown 1 Y "''" • n rt DIC'k a nct tn north ·llOllth p<>~lt 1nn. Mr• I Smith. Mr~ Y.vr Smith, th• An· Katherine Smith 11nd Mrll A 0 Ch F d dr4'W rrtf'<lncklt the Art Cnrnna W r t.berb Mr. and Mra. Joe Wll· 1 est Un S and Mn. F lo Mtnilt, Ball Chair· y, m1m Mr11 Robert Crownrr • n d COll: -l • Ullrd l M f s h } her A1111l11ta nct' Le&lt'Uf' r rf'w d•· Gt'onrp carrori ;~ ~. -;:r~'"eth;:· rom c 00 s H rvr 110 Vt ry much appl8Ull!' fOI b \'. Mra. Vtnctnt Shea and Mn More lha t $2200 hu ~en con· a •Uptr tV*lllng ThClm&a Kennedy, MIH Mar1tarfl tr1buted to lhe Community Cht1t HOAO A \; X I LI A RY boarct \\'ilt and Mr11. Martha Mc<.:onnt"l. fundA by C<>11t.A Mt111 achoo! em· membera hraded by Charming I Ml1111 lAalle Fowler and Mn. Rny 1 ployees. ala.ff. teacht'n and clu11I· Pruld ent Mr 11. 0 M Hummel St ro ta. I fled em ployeu. report• Gordon honort"d l...Adttll of the Prtllll lul F.:ut--t wlnntra of J.1a•t11r l m ltr. principal of Main School. Thunday a l a 11111h Chrlalmu lun- P otnu In Monday artrrnoon·~ 11chool dlatrlct chalrmlln Break· chton at I rvine Country Club .•• r•m • were Mn . M. E . Clt land tlown of lhe conlrtbut1on1 •bow• 1ntt"rt1Un1 to heu that lht Octo· and Arthur-. Brown and north· Or•nRt' Coaet Collt'Jt'. $82:'>. ele· ber F\Jnd Fair a t the BaJtxia Ren- •nulh hl&h 11coren wer·e Mr 11 Hf'· mtntary &<:hoola, $1220. Soul.hem desw ua netted ovn $10.000' Jen FaJt and William Gilbert L'ahCornta ?s1ble Colle&•. .S•~; NTTA Al"n PHIL Ellerbroek R unnen ·UJI eut-we~t Wt'rf' Mr3 I ':\('wport Hsrbor Union H I I h hoatt'd a Chr\11tmu party Sa tur· Gr&ce ~eman and W 11lta 011p:sn ~rhool I 1!10. day nlf{ht ·In honor or t.he1r Umon A n ita B&nchu anti W 1J1111m Dim -Th" hm1at' to hoUJll! ca mpatrn HelKhlt! nelp:hbor•. m k k. Ml .. l~stlt J.'owlt'r an11 Mrs n"ll"d $31 ~0 lo Monda y of t.hl•1 LIDO l~LF. YA ~HT I h • 1 Frank F oi:C'l "'•.\\ A111·unt' nf'll enllnt1>d al ~ • 1 c ll mtm LATEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is BARBER SHOP BALBOA THEATRE BLDO. l\AU\OA ()pfon TuHC.lay lbru !lleturday If you wa'1t iomethin9 really nice for smart little 9irls and 49ctive youn9 9uys you can find probably it at JERI'S of LIDO · p ,. R u.Mel'll·Up nnrth·90Ulh wt' r' th,.,r h•lm ; 111 oked to contllct brrl\ gAlhtrt'd Sa turday njs:hl at 1111 M rs. Rom " lAber 11nJ Percy l n d<'r 111 Msin ~rhool. LI 8-34 7~ the club houAe rnr lhtlr annual I Crswley, Mr11 C'arl P owell an d Hu•.:» s;o flrma not con111r lt<1 m ay rl,.r ttnn nf offlt't'r:o a nrt a Chn llt· 1 l !1 3405 N~rt Bh•d. Phon~ Hamor 4~18 From .......... . 4095 ELECTRIC Our Plan Use Easy Pay Courtney & Lester 1 ;;~ -"'~""''" lll\'d., I n'ta MM>a Phonr I.I ll· 1197 I ) IRON only 995 for • • • • • G1vr Dad a N~w Electric Razor! .. Sthtl k .. "~untx-am" Remington Lat~t Models her Li ngerie Robes Hosiery Jewelry Sportswear LIDO r11. Ha r, ~fi71 Mrs. E. J . t\'lr k m •n. Mni. A nne r11ll ~11m f'rawf'lrd. r nersl rha1r-miui d inner clance. 1 jl ~U~U a nd n~ M~~~. 1~n.at LI 8~7~ I JUN t ~.~NCAI ~~ '·~---------------------------------------------------------------------~ • JSpring Events Planned by Bethel Mothers Club NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.P~ESS PAnT I . PAGE 3 HARBOR PANHELL'EN1C mem bers made plans for the party at which they will entertain husbands Wednesday in the Student Center at Orange Coast College. Shown here 'at lhe home of Mrs. Be rt Espiau, Carol Crain New 'Queen of Mesa Bethel Job's Daughters Induct Office rs in Ceremony Jn a red and 11ilvt'r setting w1th !'>l ar thi>m<'. Job's Daughters Bethel 157. Coista Me1-m. hl•ld 1ts 19th instalh1t1on, Saturday. I)(;c. 10. 8 p.m. in the Friday Aftem<Xm tlubhou:<e. Miss Carol Crain. daughtC'r of Mr . and Mrs. Ernest Cram. 4M Via Marina, Coeta Meaa, wu installed as honored queen tor the enauln1t aht mont h11 term M11111 Crain <"hOl'lt "llopt'" o hl'r I h!'r!\f', U!llOR tho lllJH 111' r n rhlem tl'l 1 ~fll!<'l 1111 m"""'"r throu1o1h l ht hnllrl11y 11et1rn~ c."l('lll!'<I w ith p-0an'· ~"ll 11!1, pyr11canth11, glow ing <'Rn· c11u and cluater" or •llVl'ry •L"r" •1111pended l rom a bow l' dll h. pe11t hnnort'•1 qu1•rn B"t hf'I 1!17 r1 .. 1r bl'11rr 1 Thf' "''" , ... ,, •• ,.,, t.>fll••'I" 110-I h••lh~·I t"h n1r n1•n,b1•1 ~ "" cltd u l h - .," pA1 lit IJiRllnl(, mAdl' 1 h .. ,, t•ll· lr11n1 r th11111i;h A 1.11 ~,. •ll\'11 rr ... 111••-t "'"'' tl1'nk1•1t •in •'•" h ~"'' if\' jlh•\l'l\lnl: K\11r IU'Hltl ""''' t • Mt~• L vnn P~u11' aurn.ted th,. hlll •lini: \IHlllti;h 8 1., 1,n ,.,1111,1 ~11·At bnok 1nc1 M1,.11 MJl<lr«-<I Ti<)· bu"' In h1•1 v.1111 .. ~r.l ih '""" 10 1 11:ave lh""" r nt.,ring pt••lolr""'" Mt,.• r r .. 1n ,.,, Ill" •I th1r·t1~·'1 th• or SllVl'I l\nd rt'd l!o b Ra.it"' 111111 1,!•lltll ~llll !'Al .. , 1 .. 11 by ht r '"""" T l'lm NlqU•llt from lhr l>r11nl(r ,.,. :\h•• Jn A nn H a1:1•n h•11 ... 1 1---'Ul&SJ'-~-~D+M•~Y .-.1.11..J f1FI f•11 111f'rt -rn. M.'M" ~ ttf'r a11 u11htra. ! ~h" 1n "~1 .. r [l11•l M•••I'• 1111 .. •n 1 ·~c1.r: F.:\t<'t:t:l'I nn1l t111q 111111 n .. 1 ... Jt1ln•"I 111 11 Roy t n11:mundMtn. u m I" 11f th" '11•\ 11\' T • h111k·•v1<k\ q~~··'("n • ~lf-tt Ac tf"•I 8' n1ttrit••r of AJ~fl'•IMt.\., hff1• •·r . ltntl t h<•lf <<'rtmnnll'A, W<'lt'llmtni: t.:U""l" •A· 11 .. n 1t-.. •• 1<•:011m1e..J llt,.11 .,tJhi:.• """ bll'd t o Wl ln••~ th<' 1mprr,.~IV" t111n1< l<flll h l'>k th"ll A\1111(•11> r •• 1 rilf'A.. l·\\t•l IJ\ ,.,~~I\',• 01 :111•f" \ \\ l'rl'r f'dlng th,. l't1lr11 nr" .. r t11•••11nd •trn~111ni.; 11( M••• M••in111· m.uter or r<'r•·m11n1•J1 th,. "''"""~ l\!t"\ "'"''•l fll llll .. ~~ ttJltl li1·1•\o1h Marian KOl'r n,.r 11nr1 J11h••n <:r""" ll"•·nt J11n1n1 p11n•'""" (Hhl'I .. 1,., hg!lt ed the rows nf n»I ti<r"" 11-. .... 1(11 ·i. '"'" ~''" An1> h"i.t In tRll whit• r An,l••l11hrr1 '"'h (',."!'' 1 1:111"" 11n1l .I 11w1 /\I\ 11lw•ry flornl 11 rr1V11:r1ru•nl11 .. 1 th•• '"""h"I T hi HH"n11t 1"n "' ''"' ba11e. 11• '' ••"•"•'"'' ~ J 1n,,,,.,1 th• I•• • it1t11I M1111 GIC1rl• Charrn•r P"•V\oi<''' "' .. ,.t ~I•• !.••"'' I 1111!· 1 """ m11~lci.I ar compR01 111f'n1 111 th" r1 lv." ""I• r h,. I_. l•I" 1'1.<\o I 11 nl'l l hrnuirhout thf' n tv111t•t1t 1rn·I ... th" fl•" II 1'""1 • I 1,. "" ceremony. fl"'< hf"' "'"11,,n 11 •h• , , •• it1• • l,/tl,,, f\ ' !-4 .. ri,~ \!1•• Jl,11111IL"ll '"111111111 Ji•d 11• I ch airma n, 1617 East Balboa Bl\'d., arC' ti to rl Mmes. John Carson. J ,11uisc Ga llagher l in rc-ar 1. William Crumly, Bs p1au anJ f~oy Hallbc·rg. --Staff P h•1to COAST COLLEGE SE'ITING FOR PANHELLENIC PARTY Th<" Cn~t11 M esa home of M ra. ('. 0 . J1tc·obA provliled a fHtive hnl1day tltmo~phere for the Dec. H e\'entnll meeting or J ob'• D11u~hl•'rs Mo thers Club, M r •· Rex A lbnght presiding. M11rn to- ' c·al p<11nt for Mrs. Jacob's Christ· mu~ m ot tr w a a an ornament~ tree on 1t low. w hil e draped I.able. As members U!lemble<I. t heir be- nbbon<'d packttKH were placed I untl<'r t ht' tree. C'<• -ho8lo.>~se11 ror the eve-nlng I wen• Mnws. H"rbert Jack110n, .;ohn M<•Gann. Ernest Church. and C'harl»s A l'Y J r. Mr ~. A lbri1:ht presl'nled pro· jectl) 1tntl events fur !'On111derallon llunn~ ht>r coming term or office. Mr~. Harold Beebe was appointed i;n1<>11il c·ha1rman for ..LbL..·C lub'1 1 annual Valentint> T ea. Committee I !'ha1r m1>n u11iatlng Mrs. Beebe I wall hr: Mmes. Joe Kinca id. lnvl· tatlons. C. 0 . Jacobs. prlzea; . Charles Ary Jr .. refreshments ; A: j L P..i·twson. kitchen staff; and M1>18 !'\ancy Hill. ente-rt.aanment. Upon completion of buaine111 lhe )l!l'"llP opened secret pal gifts and Christmas ex<"hange packages. SeC"ret p1tla for the precedt.ng year WC'I •' n •vealed a nd applica tion m11d" !or new pals. Refreshments Wl'rt· l!<'rvt'd on Individual glau I tl'ay,., each gay with red and n11111 1< tu r e candy cane ii. Thos1· a ttending were; Mmes. K1nca1tl. Ary, Jack son. McGann. A lbrl,;ht, Robe110n. Dean Smith. Hnrultl Willsey. Gordon Smith, Cl1111·<•h. Mabel RoM, JAne Thom- l!On. H. J . Villagrana, o. E. White. C"y Tur ker, Beebe. C. 0 . Anderson. Robert S 1wth. Jacob~. E. L. Hobl'I. H11rdanjt Edkma, Clifford Ll>wl11. Ralph Herr. and Milton Steller Next meeting will be J an. 11 at t he Lido h ie home ot Mra. J~ Kln<'111d. R. E. Hendricks, D.C. What Makes Us Tick A chi.Id la curloua when he bean1 a watch tick . H e prle' open t he cover , takea the watch apart, and trlea to di.e<lover th• cauae of the tick. Few people atop to think bow their bodlea function. The body 111 made up of about sixteen element&, auch u carbon, hydro(eD, 1ulphur, etc. About 70% of the body iJI water. The market prkt! of all theae element.a 111 t.bo1,1t 70c. lf It we re poulble lo com· blne all theae elementa ln exact proportion u found In the body we sun would frne no trace of lhe "lick" or t he activity we know as IHe. C hiropractic 18 b&.sed on the pnnt·iple that the body ia con· A ll tt1,• 11111 111 ,, "'1tl111tt;~u nd1 • l""'Y w 11h pr1z.-,. fnt th" \\UUl•·1 ~ J hi"',, tq •;s,.:1u n 1 h v ~h H11•.:• t '"'•~t ('oll•~· t:J.,• t •luh •tu •·t. lt·d t,v Ju11a. ·• F1t1 . .:••t •Id 1~ on lh•: K~· ndo l•H llurh1H f11tt1h•·1l••rur-. ( '111 l"'l l Urn. ptu t \ '.Ir" 1<nd !\!rs. c" e_ Rudel, 2~76 1 trolled and coordinat~ from th~ A r b<)r !Ji 1ve. ha w• JUl'l rt'tu med brain. The brain dt'lh era int.ell• Home from Me xico Till'"""" \\Ill ti .. hold \\•dllt $ol4\ "''""'I! Ill th· 1111 '··ntt•r ut CuH~t t 'nll1 ):• I lul\h.n lft,. l\lld t'~' "'ti\ \\ill tw (fl\ 1tt1cl I . gen l eleclrlcllJ energy t o all part.a r~om " munth l! Jltllfll to Mf'Xlco I of the body, via nerve lmpulna ( rty 1tn<I Acapule<J They enjoyed that a re 1/1100,000 of a volt. Thia I m 11ny .111<11• trrp1' from the two energ-y i. ure Itself and i. com - c111 .. 11. I monly 1poke.n of u nature. Inter· 111 ~htt ••· tht' f,.~(J\ 1·~ 1-:tt• h 1111•111h• 1 I• .... )< .. d 111 h11ni: e It>\ l••r " tt•I 11r 1111111• ,., !t•lli11i\ f u >t l1l l • t ht1 t-:lk,. 1 "tH '"'' "·,"' p1 t•t.:t •' .ri T ov ... "'huul1t ~·· '' lhJ J••'d und .._,,,, k• d ''It• 1 t1•·1 fu1 u h 11\ 111 J.: 11 l ,,,td '' hHl ''f.!'' f Ullt.'t• Tti .. ~. '1111 111• 1 11 t 11 ,dl1 Jtd 11 •t\ 11 ,t\t\ tht'lt ):l ft!C ~t·· \\ o11 .. , 11 .. 11'11. 1 17 1': \\'111 nut l'Lt• • 111 ~l 1~ II '· ..... ' '1~ • ' ~' t C • I' • '• \ 11 :" \\ I• hll K"• l• 1 'L'L I llall"'" B h d t•t :11. I''''' •I • ~1 1n•• \{•·1 \ t:•11tnu •""h>t••· I\ di .ti' • • ut •I\. )(,.,. V. ll11Jlh .. 1 i.: ·''""'Jlh I l-••11 ...,,. \1 •, 1U 'L t11 1 s~ntrtt th• '''-''" f\f•\Y I'' '"",.."""''II Ip £ Wllh J""" r 11.t1lf'll1"I" ,.( l)H I rogram or hh:h ••• ,... 'c· . L "1·1· ·II'"· .. 1, ••••• "' ...... 1 i v1c eague \\'f t • c;1tt \ ~""""''' d lHf''"'' I• II\ l{o,ri1, lt •'H 1ft • Latid.t :0-' • ,,., ld11u111111 l'u' tlu 111 .. t•lt 11 1 I I H .. 4 ~1 If ,.. 'H I· I "" u \1." ht 1"' ,,nd lr.:.lh·~t-. of thf'" \\'o-- t1 .H 1 C 'i\tl ....... ..:u..-uC ~P"''J'Orl I I"'"" "rll '"'"'I 1'1ll'rt'll1y Oec ~n "' Ill 11 111 rn \'1ll1t :\f1tr\n8 to 4. I·'" I,,,' I H•·h· . ,., ,,.,, Pl" 't r•'f l~itl ~llH 4 C •!Ill, t•f •IO•I TU• h1 t i (••tr\ ~.1,:H }H~h lt(t\(lf'\) ~X· 1 ,. .. "·'' h .. •t,, t'.1,,1._,,h q ~'t Jh •11.,, t•1l1r1t tr''" •;•·1n1"nv ,,.,.. .. nu·:c.l"l•'n.:••I ~ ... , H F ·lhu I 11•''1 •t l1ln• t 'lut•lllOOll lfl tu,. h11rn~hu\d tit•• , n L.'• 1 J11r1 f i1 t···I ,,, • ., 1 1 l f,11 ¥ t ~hl 1.Jltu.t.~ t on(•~rt p rfl'· 10, ,, ··~·· 1 1.,. , , "·' , 111• ti, )ii .... J 1, ,,,.,~ HA~"n , ut1ii' d l '"""' \\~'T" il?T'Tf'"r • ••-11.P 1!.i...!1 \1MfqH1 '·lfl•h f ' I ,, I , •au, I I I I ,, I k1oa,: ll t--~1ngt~ "''' lUI f"\tf'nt J :1111 I .\r t111 l "lf f' di • •'1 1 •'• t ' J .. •1ta.•111• .. 1ttlt·.,n1htr Tu".M• t:,,,, I I !1 l •· \\1,•il/H •!1ol1t ,. I'' h.'•1111 ''111 bt• tttll••'A••tl b \• 1litfl [••14r·1 \It., h' ~•' 1 '-t'' LiJtf•f lurt h•·••rt Al t 'J n .. uri I( I Hf ... I Hiii Ii Mil t..\1•\ \I II· I ,, ... , I .,,1 )11 •t 1 I t hull ".., t11'I • .I ~'' t I J tJf 1•' \It I ! 1 I I • ". I '"' • , I· t. I .,. t t t \:., f , ,. ' I~ I t:t,t I i•tlft•f , 1)11r f\ t \ hllJt h I\ t ... ,., t L· •111\lf'I' , ••\I I ••• • J ~. I\ .I 1Ji• I 1 t\'l"' H\11 l \r •1 1 I 1 J M tt •I• t ... n ah.,11 I ~ ''' l· t''"' ''' r p.. \ 11 ii t \ \I ' I • II I\ • I' If ,., J ,· ~:·•t r H I t: '''' J " ltt ~ ... Pi1111 t r. I ~I• I••' t I If\ J t h:· ',1 t 1Mf1 I ,, . I I I • \11 h'• •.t !(, ,.1 •• , ,.. \\ dt h• ~1n1t•" Lf\•' n• l••k • "'"''''' J f{ J.,..tnJ:· I " , '•' ~1• '"" 1-:111 .. 1 t ,\1 111 • St reet of Candle_s _[ 't .... f H . •ti 1,1.-llVP ~·ir~lA ,.,, 111. 111 , '' 1 • .111111 .. 11i:111 1n1: t., 1 ' .. 1•1' t 'undl1':-Hn· ti •1r ~t ,-1•rtttt•• t .q ~''" JI ~ 1 1 ( >n ~•.:u.11 ft.,,..1 I "' .... , Harbor Rest Memorial Park ~•u•ol .. um-lnt"nn""' tiardena, ('«-met .. ry Harbor at Glalt'r rerence with th• tran.mlaeion of l t h,IJI energ-y producea a.n area of lowered reatatance a.nd dlN&H en- tna In. 1-·or g ood Health 1ee your Chi· ropract.or. R. E. Hendricks, D.C. Call Harbor 15471 or •61 • For Ap- pointment, 700 Ca rnation SL. Oor· ona del M.ar. RESERVED FOR MEN ONLY Tuesday Ni9ht--6-9 p.m. Christmas Hints A Lanz Orlg1nal D,_. A Bernh&rd Altman Pure C..ahmere A J eweled Sweater from Parl1 by Schlapa.relli A White O'llegro ma.n·made fur coat -· by Claire McCardell A Lovely Blou.ee ......_ A Smart Silk-lined wind·bre&ker Jacket with Velvet Trim A Gorgeous Cocktail Dreea M r 11. OE-an 'smith. in111 .. h11n •d 8 C"I h .. I I 'I 7 <'ll<'(•rtf'<I bv MI•• :\'An ,, . C'Y Hiit and J_,.,. 8"mr• "" .. uoti ~ 1~1 u11 1 ~ f•111 t11 t 'u t •d 1•h'1 ,,. •' 111• ~t t 1 \~ ••'t '~ • iiia rdton. 'l'K ot-t e-d by J o•ll,. Ml'I· '"'"'"'I lw1 1·~·• """"'',,, .. ,,.II••••' I "' H,,,.•11 1: DO YOU NEED MORE INCOME? A Beautiful Scarf chPr ent c'rtd. Mr• Sm 1th nrt1ne tl\ I " f1 .n p,, 1 ~"' 'I'"· ~I • • 1 ,11 '1 ' I ".• ' I 1 ' .: dt elal 1nR thtt m•~·,.ttn.,-r '" .._ .. !'.,1t•t1 I , .... Jut. 1 h,.. dau,. ft,"' ¥. 1tn • ~h I·, '11 ~ • 8&.rn~tt t 8f"Ortfl'd M 18-.lt lJnnnA H An1 I•\•'' I•.• 1. L H• I ••t1 tu••l;1 I \' 1t ~ h \ .... I llton. rPllranr.r hllnnre.l qu,,Pn \n 11 ... f .. h • I 1°111i;h1 • 1•111 Ir 1 ' • \ hf'r l'tllllon "" p r.-111d1nJ( ln~t11 ll11· lrl· 111 "'"· "'" "\'"' .. r11i 1",, \\" r '' \I• tlor. nrr11 t'r. '""' ll'l" "" '" h \ti .t 1 r., 1 .. I! 1 \\ " '' • ' I.' In11tslhn' o r r Jc t'u a1u11•lln ~ "'1rt•rl "''"''"••\I i ~,.,,, .. I• ~lt1'11 H am Utnn "'"tr. .JAn\1' """"''•• 1 I • nna \\ 1'tt ' ti.·'"' f11 White, p&.~t hnno rrd fllll'l'n ••f "hit,. 1-ti hl" 1 .. 11 ... 11 11v I h1" · •'• • t• 8 Plhel Hli , l('Uul•'. MJff\' Ann 1 f ho 1 "' 11 ~rfl 11 •II• \Ill•• ·' .r R u1111. paiot !ln nnrel! qu .. f'n t:\7 •'' l lill J•>t•I ·hi,., 11 ' ,.r 11111 " 1, r m 11r11ha l: Ma r i l y n ln11m11n•li>"n lt<l~,..1 1·,; •'hKrl•· "" I• l"- rh11plaln ; J antt M11rk..rr1t~. 11rn1n1 pr1n<'!'~. Btlh«'l 239. l'an Cl,.m ,.n· t11. n"('nrdtr: J o111 .. M tl<'ho>r, r11"1 llonor•r1 qurel\ Bf'th,.I t:\i, 11~n 111r r u11tnc:111n. N11nrv Hiii r11.iot tvmN • ed quf!f'n Bethel 2!'1. l.c:•11 A ni;:el,.11. fUnlor cu.11todla n 11 nd Cnnnlf' Mf'r"· --DIBT--· COLLICTIONI A-•ta -Notff -Cla&m.1 of M7 k1D4 of ~wlH/re lo ~ "?\o oollectio•• -X o fee." W• ach·-ee all coat.. C REDIT BU R.EACI of "'"t.e.n Onare County •-rlJ Cf'f'dli Bu,._u of Newpori ~ 1..a..-Beacll UICI Coa&a Meu. ... Rlvenlde Ave .• P.O. Boa :tH lli"EWPORT BEACH. CAJ..JF. PARKES· RIDLEY ~MORTUARY f'onnerly ffnllM'I C11apel 1111 11,_.,.,y -Coa&a M,... PhoJWe LlbertJ' I-NII LI l..UU '\.,~ Worldy Wise~ for Xmas ~ thlll r.-nrlf' ... 1,. t lhl' ll ... t h l"I ,.,, • r 1: •! \'l;o" 11n<1 .-nlor~ In tHU hrart~ R lf' .J <>-Lee SPORT SHOP I 82H Newport Ave. <'Ot'T A l'fl:~A 1' • 01~ !'AH Gr..n 8famp• t. '. '" _, ' "j !\ I~ I~ \\ .. - 11 t 'tfi I I • 1 I t if i,, I "' I ., . '. II "'.ti W£ Q l"l'£Q SCLCCTCO !ST M O R T GAO t: LO A.NS WITH St:l?V ICC ~\1. B. HOll • • .. ; •A'-'"4,.N A (Alf' I l•I• e ~p~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ • \ D S HFOE NHEl~M f>istrict Mana~r SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 T• 11 """"' letter ti s.ta • • • a w.-.rfll.tf.tl1Hllt-cr11• Clriltllal 6lw .......... ., ...................... ... .......... -.............. tllt """" " ...... tdrl ....... . .wa1 ....................... .. ......... ,,, .... -... ... ......... _.., ........ ..... ..,,.. .... ~._v111a.11 UDO MAID'f- AMERICA'S UMOOE FOOD MART · MIM'OIT llACK, CALlf. o,_ Su•J I Deir t A.MJ P.M. 3433 VIA. LIDO -HARBOR 2828 IN THI UDO SHOPPING C .. T. , PAG! ~ • PA~T 1 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MOND AY, DECEMBER 19. 1955 • NEW Z.ONTIANS were inducted at the Cbristmaa party, heJd at the home of Mra. R. L. Bacon, Emerald Bay, with board membera u hoateasea. Here (l to r) are Mmem. Carleton Mean, Lin Sheeley. W. D. John· son ; new members. Mmes. Henry Brent, C. L. Board- man and Millicent Hitchman, al far right Mrs. Earl Stanley. -Zonta Photo A VERY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS Gll<"T wns presented to Mrrt. F.arl ~tanley at th<' Zonta Club Chri.atma.a party held al the home of Mrs. R. L. Ha~nn. Emerald Blly At left Mra. James A8pin atl&chea an o rchid t'or11age to th<' box whwh t'nnlainl'CI a part of the set of Bavarian china which was gift to M n1. St.inl<'y, f'R!.l pre!'•· dent of the club and cha irman of Zonta Ou1t. H cnnfe r1•nce h<'ld lwn· 111 Cktrrb<>r. Watching are (1 to rl Mmes. M11l1ccnt Hitchman. Harold Hird and ~!rs. I. K 8tevena -Zonta Photo BUSINESS MEN AID SYMPHONY PROGRAM MaJor leaders of uidustry 1n Orange County are amon~ "' n1 11 .'-I•• h.•n 1 """'" i:- the new dirl'<'torl\ and new members of the a dnsory board of l<·n I«•" ;\Ir• ''' ''" 11•' \1 •• f 1rfl1l\1•J1 H1 i I• 11\'I ~ll~ the Orange County P hilha rmonic Soctt'ly . 1t waf' annoum·i•d H to members at the bn'akfast mec-ting at tht' Ralboa Bay (.1ub ·'' ~ 11 1 \\. h• I) 1\1 ... ,, I I \II I ' • f!to'<llllM I :I' fl 111 I I• I hl'll ""'"'' ~f\•1•1 \l rlr •l11.in Poetry Group at Glendale A ttend1ng the annu1tl Christ· mas rarl)' at l'ul'll\" Re11d1·zvous in Clen<IAle T h111 •ol&)' ~vt!ntng I wrr I! ~f rnr• Strr •Mr! A I bl' rt F.. I I J ohn"''" 1•r C'11:11 " Me,..a. J rw•ll E I Woll and F;•ln1t Sl t»•rnl!I of LA~una I li<'at Ii M r• w .. 1r op,.n•·ol lhr program plll \'lllJ: a ~··lel'lwn nf ChnslmRa 1 \.'arol1 on lho &Cl'v r dhm. Al~o on lhl' p1011:ram WU F.U1tl I Mrt Lo111, • Ji .. c b11un 1.f f'ullerton wh••~" p•11·111~ hB\'<' 11pprR1ed In \ le&<JlnK 'mAl(ll&IOU o( the ('OUnlry Mr .. J&t'Vb"'un gft"I' c)l.ct•rpla from h,.r n<"w h .. ok. Mu l' on lh" l nk" THE OROA~ \'OU CAN l'l.A \' AT u~cr:: the 1vo11derhtl OC'W HAMMOND CHORD ORGAN Tfie\TI!ole f'am '1 Can - l'la.) It \\IU1out LC'H<Jna ! Now! !\o ,'\INCi Co Take l.A'Mo nil Come In and Prove It to Yourself \\,. a l'o ln\"ll4' you to «>n»e la and try tho nt w Uam.moDd ~11toet Urgan-~o"' Al"allable DANZ-SCHMID! t\ICi r1A~O &" ORG.\~ STORE nu nt " , •. 1,r-• f ""A'"' .d ··i •·t ~"' t n thr ~11111t' "" \'U \ tt•f"I .\ 11\'\'''°" ~h 4' A ll••"•I l'~yn,. 1 ( t..•• r Hrftt h o htt r r• 111 "' l hr I • • 1· • lnio: '1;11" ) • 111 11..rt l\ Ill Ill• I' h" t n1.,n11 H" I ... h••·llllf'•t f, 11 J ~ New 1956 SprinCJ & Summer Shipment of I' II olnv l-.i. .J ... • h• 11111b .. • I • <"fut>. uut hn.,,! It , , ,, t pl•u ' hit th1tl fh t fl.""l••lt ;\Ir•. \ln111~ ~la1 i: • t f 111le1 I• '''"'" t'• ru·.•r '' , h1111 11 an I• 1 11 .. 4·1H1nl\' a n.t h t·t tldrbt•t ar'"•• u .. ""'"Ill M r~ John :'l.t>ff. I" ~11tn1 ... 1 ' " 11'}'«11 of .. ft,.rt• "' J elt 1111 b• ht1 1f of th1> Prurii.:" l'•·llnl} 1'1111· I h nrrnun11 c .. n,•r r IJI for 'io11n1t l'•'"J'll'. thf' f11 ~I •·( whh h 111 being jl1l 111 hr•llll•••I In lhf l&tlrr J)s rt '''I J lln1111r,· ·" rn:~ u !'lf~"'~'n' I ThoN r r f'•.-•1t in a <1dll>ltn f•l I Min F"l IHI• Rellnta nt•. lhf' •IW'I · 1111 •?;\'I J"(':Tml ntf1t ,•f'\nciurtnr And t h, 1 a bove • D'lfnUont d, i n o Ill d • d: I KORET 01 California Capri Pants ... Dresses ••• Smarty Pants ••• 81ou1e1 ' Open Sunday 10 to 5 Week Days 9:15 to 5:45 Be The Fint With Th• Latest We Give S& H Green Stamps -_:-:..:tfsdJfr Ti~io Inducted~ by Zonta Glub on Fete Night Christmas Party Held at Home in Emerald Bay Three new mrmber9 were Initiated into the Zonta Club of Newport Harbor at their Christmaa dinner meeting Dec. 8 in the home of Mrs. R. L. Bacon, Emerald ~ay. Inducted were Mrs. Henry IZeltha) Brent and Mn. R. L. (Rita) Hoardman of Balboa bland and Mrs. Millicent Hitchman of Bea· . ron S.y. ARE HOSTI:S~E~ '!'he Christmas spirit Of giving 11nd receiving prevailed during the c•veninf. w ith the turkey dinner prl'pared and 11erved by the preal- 1.lent, Mrs. Harold Robert11on and board member11 under the chair· mnnsh1p or M rs. Joaeph Ha mblet ,,nd Mrs. L. E. Stephen11on. Mrs. Blanche Benz. tut month'• \\"1nner ot the "F"lowera tor Fr1f'nd- ~h1p" rorsage prt-senled an orchid 10 Mr.11. Carleton Mean~. for her wor k aii publicity chairman tor lhe year and Mre. Earle Stanley r ece1ved a set of Bavarian china from the club In apprecia tion tor htr chairmanship of th• Zonta C<•nference In October. aaid the United Stale• With IU democratic s overnment. freedom and opportunltlee remain• t be moet dulrable place to llV•. Mu. A lbert Stockton reported plana are prO&"J'Ualng for the Chrl1lmu party to be ctvan tor thr T.B and c enatrl<:.1 warde at Orange County Ho1pital. Ctieata Included Mmea. Lee Bam &rd, A llee Burke, Rollo Bou. Marie Dennlaon, E velyn Green and A lice Stader. Yule Party for Ebell Sections Mesans Eastern Host Kin lurnrd trnm twn a nti a tta lt ,..an •n T111k1) \\h1•1r \\'alsh htlpc"<I I pul up .,, ••II r C'fm1•1y •I ~t111an btenalve tnavellt111 In ,I: u r op• and the Holy Land wu made poe· Holida y fUMla at Ule 11om• 09).81blt Whtie Ule family Wat ab..,,.d. Mta. Olen Towna. 2UT let~ Ave. OU.er su•te w111 be Mra. Jan are her a\atar'a family, Mr. and Bla.ke and William T owna. A. Mn. CharlH Wallh and daurh1er l:dllh. and H. p, ChrtatiaaNn ot Cl\r\atmu Eve f&mll)• reunion Chatham N. J . diener wUJ .ii. held at the bome The Wa lsh ta.mlly hu Juat r.-of the Guy ChrlaUanaona. You will be pleued with our beautitul Gi~ Wrapping It's Free Opea Sunday• 10 to 5 Week DaJe t :UI tO 111'6 0. Ule 0-. Froat at Jl•d 8lrMt. W" Oh·e 8.tH O,_ l'ltampe APORT :? .. /. COllONA Dfl MAR h All/11•ll1tUY Wl!D.-TlllTM..-.1'1U. CAllY OaA!'l'T I• "NOTORIOUS'' PLl'l'I LORJ:'M'A YOl'.SO .t .108EPH 001TEN la "The Farmer'1 DaUCJhter" Merchant's Free Chrlstma1 Show l'4at. ~. U, t p.m. oa '"""' Annapoll• l"tory" C-omed'-Too! STARTM ('HRl~TMAK Marti• a Lt~ I• la hARTll"Tf' .t MODEi.A" Board membtra turned In their pledge of $200 to lbe 11trvlC'e fund. ~:1tC'h mt'm~r ha~ ~en ruponal- hle for S2:1 e11rnerl 1n vanou11 way11 from mowln~ lawns, wa11h\ng 1he1r <'l\r11. baby 11lttmg. book re- v1t·w11, luncheon11 and card parUH. Ebell prden clul> .nil book MC· lion :i •hued a festive party Dec. tt In the clubhouae. Mra. MuJTay Rabbitt, carden aectlon chairman, •erved punch from a luge cry•tal bowl. It was 11urroundf'd v.1th larite red gla.q Chriatmaa tref' b11lla a.nd In It floated ll&hted ~===§:::::::::::::::§::~~f;~~~~;;::~===~ candles. r Mrs. l nhn Clark played Chnat· TRIP TO E l 'ROPI': lltrs Be C'on entertained mem- h<'r" and guula with a narration uf ht r 11ummer trip to Europ#. and 1hough 11he covered m1U1 y be1\Ul1· ful countries In htr lravri.. ahe ma• <"arol11 on the violin with pl· ano accompaniment by Mre. J a ck Boylan. Mr._ Frank C. Perew, a• Santa Claue, pruided at the g-1ft exchange. B lidgl' and canuta <"Ompleted the afternoon . DID YOU KNOW that If you don't wait too dogcJoM loftcJ, Lou (Santa Claus) RHd can still get a new CHRYSLER or PLYMOUTH.under yow Christmas TrH? CaJJ Uberty PrS486 ! Now I THORPE'S China, Glau, Silver, linens, and Decorative Acceuorie1 Open Sundays & Evening• 'Ul 9 :30 1601 Waat Balbotl Boulevard N ewport Buch. CaJttornla Telephone: Harbor '60 1 Even Santa Has His Eye on These SMITH-CORONA CLIPPERS Save $14.00 Reg. $92.50 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL! N•v•,. btfOrt a t\d prob.1bly "•v•,. •o••" l\•1 • wonder ful Smlfh.Coron•. the -..ortct•1 ta•t•et port1bl• •ver b•ert 1ofd tt '"'" ••"'•""ltl Yow ttt • fuU f t•• • ew•r•"''' •• wt ll At a lO d-ty 'u ll ••'"'"U' P"v11eg1. CompJet1ly .,,.o•Ctfd f•r fat\ort dctec.u , '"''Y ,,,•t.f'Hn\ t old m ut t twittt our atrlct 1pt C-•f1c .u1en1. Co"1t •n for • d•tnoP\1tr1Uott. 78 5~ TERMS TO SUIT YOUR IUDGET 902 North Main Santa Ana Kl 2·2365 MUST MOVE BY DECEMBER. 31,t All Gift Items 20°/o to 50°/o off Corona del Mar U03 E. Cout Hwy. Ha rbor 5071 1LIDO sHoPs CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY APPLIANOD -Romehold t'URNITURE Part.a -Dealer -s.rv\o. LIDO ELEQ.DUC NH \'la l.Jdll -~ • .,., A.l]J'2110BILE DEALERS N-and UHd Can NI C&S.aTZ 8TUDP.:BA&.Ea 8-lee Semee f'art• 1416 Newpert Bl•4. -Bu. 110 D ICK MACK t;R MIO Vta Udo -Harbor U21 Olf'T SHOP ~RD'8 UDO 'IA.Bil.Er IUI \I.a Udo -HartMir !8!1 INSURANCE AGENTS W. O. BtT K, ISC'. NOO \"la Udo -Haner•«• •BANK.8 INTERIOR DEOORA TORS BLA."CllE fl.:UU:ll140S A.l.D. MJI \la Udo -Harbor &IM Ol<'ll MACKER 1 a.aar of Ainertea N'T a 84 "" Via Ude -...,.., .... BABBER SHOPS I UDO 811A VL"'iO M'VO WO \'la Udo -flarfl.or '3%1 DOS C&EIOllTO.S A. l. P. ,....... lmpor11 la IMdweJJ'• St.oN for Mte MJI \'la U4So -~ 11~ IBEAUTY PA.BLOBS 600 \'la Mala1• -Harbor SJU UDO SAWS OF BEACTT I Ml& Npt. Bh-d. -Bar. ""' BOOU MARXETS RICllARU'S LIDO MARKET UIS V&a Udo -llamor tUI I BOOK C ASI: S• 11 \'la Udo -Rart»or 6'°' CAMERAS A 8appUea \TNCENT LIDO DK~08 Ufl \'laU.e-~MOS CA.KPJ;TS A DRAPt:BJF..8 DICIL MAClf.&R H%0 \'la Uc1o-11Ar~r Uit CATERINO IUCHAJU>'8 LIDO 11.AJU[ET USI \'la Udo -Harbor Qtl REAL ESTATE P. A. PAl....'IO:R l~C'. Uh Yta Udo -ll&rbor 1500 VOGEL C<>M.l'A.~I' UH \la Udo -u.,rMr '911 BAY ASD BEACH UAJ.Tt' \'la Udo ftrtd«e OfflNi II U IAl'"ayeti. -Harbot 1141 UDO at;.U.TY AS!KX:IA~ Udo SaJu A Kenla.1.t MIO \'la Udo -Harbor MU SAVINGS 6' LOA.'i ASSOCIATJONS Clottimc-ChJldttae • lalut. 1'"!;\\"l'ORT BALBOA ~A \"l~'"GS n:Rr!ol Of' UDO A LOAN A8.SOCl4TIO~ 1408 Newport 81,..d. A Sa vtn11 JnaUtut!tm l-cmc Tf'rm Home Loan• CL01111.NO _ Met1'a &etall UM \'la Udo -Han.or UllO BIOWELL1' SHOP P'OR MF.S SERVICE STATIONS HH Vla Udo -Harbor 0848 I.JOO RICHYIF.LI> Cf~-Women'a RetalJ NJI Newport IUvd-tlar. un I.A SHOES -Mea'• MO Via ~..,._ .... BWWJ:U,'lil HTORr. FOR Ml;S 1.100 FA~lflO!'f~ NU \"la Ude -Harber ~II Hit Npl. Bhd. -Harbor lfll MtlADDO<l1l'lil SHOES, WOMEN S•ll Via Udo -Ra.rbor .. ,, Rl'U :'I'( Ot" C'Ar.IFOR'"I \ 'AOABOSO Hon u r; NII v .. Lldo-llA ,,..~ Imported Span.wear ana \'la Udo -Harbor !OM l'llEAT&ES DANC~G -BaJJroom Kl!"O 1'4TUDIOM SHO \"la Oport-Harl>or t6111 ORl'G STOR~ UDO TBl:ATIUt Consult thl• re~r fllr r rnCTam \'la Udn at N~ Blvd. Harbor "" l'Ol'S \'JSCJ:!'fTH LI.DO D&ti08 LIOO TOYLA..VD lttl \'la Udo -Harbor tool HU \'la Udo -Barbor ?t!H ELECTRIC CONTRACl'OR8 'l'RA VF.L ACESCIL~ I II)() r,u:c'TRf(' HAABOK TKA n:;L AClf:.'"< " a•u \"l~ Udo _ llert>or Ut'I HI& N"wpora Rtvd.-lfar. 6rtU FLOWEB8 RICHARD'lll LIDO KAJLla:T <..:oraace-T•IJle Arran1emtnte ..... ,.. LWe -llutier 1&11 FOt.JNTAIN,ORILL \'niCDTs LIDO oau o1 Nel \lAU.0-S......r .... t.:l>HOLSTEKL"O DICk KACKt:K U 20 \'la IJdo -llarttor U U WATCH REPAIR \"l.S('t:.ST'~ \\ ~T<'lf Ht:r•AIR 1.100 ORl"HC( I FRAKl'.8 a ALBUll.8 14' I \'la IJd" Wli-.'l>OW CO\'ERISCi TKE 8 H,AIU. '4HOf' o~aHAIDT 811.JDI08 Mii \"la Ude -Harbor uet Nr•t I,, p,,.t Oltlr,. ""' llAt , HARBOR _.,,~O~ BILL PHfLLIPS. Sports Editor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PAGE 5 MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 JUNIOR GRADE MUSCLE TESTS SUPERMEN GET OVER YULETIDE Supt•rruen or th,· fourth, (11th. '"'"' w 1·e11th eli:hth 11n.I hlf(h ;1d1o111I g11'd1•" w1ll l11• 1'111\\'lll'd dur111~ lh1• (.'hr1sln1ll!I \'ll\'llllOll Ill l1;111Jur Bnyi.' \'lllh all•·• fl ''""'"'or )•'~lll ""'l'rtll.,: lh" f\\'O \\l ... k p.-n111I Sllirl111g Imlay I><•)'.~ w ill "" l•·'l• ol •t.11l y 111 :1 J' 111 anJ j :to p 111. 1n \'urtn1111 phy11u .11 11111t1·:<l:. 1111•nsunnit 11llt'nl(th. a gihl)', sp .. .,J. t>n1lurar11 ~ rind '111u1 "nsl balan•·e E .11 h day "111 frnt urt' " """' • 1·1•nt. TI1• "' .,, ,. t •·i:111tC'rrd by a b<>y w ill bl" 11< r111nulul .. .t . ""' h 1h1y 111111 1111· "tn111·r~ 1n grnJC' ~roups \\ tll bt' Jch 111111t1•of T ol.la\''i< l"'l "·'"th,. \t 1l1t J I "'"" ;11111p folluwt·d "ll .1111« •~··chng ''"Y" hy th .. m1,.-• h111h, tslaii•hn.: •bNlftol jUlllll pu8h up11, free throw11. pull up11, tw11 1111!\Ult b114kt'lball .shon\ing. aL&11d1ni: brv1<J huv unJ hubhle 1 <"" Comp<'lstors will bt> i:r•11h·•I o n a deC'alhl11n IYJ't' l'Cllll' with handicaps for thP J.1w 1•r .,; 1 Jttl•·" BUCS BUMPED OUT Of· COURT FINALS BY HORNET QUINm . CoaC'h Stu lnm&11'a Ora n,.. whl.Ued out of u llon In the nrat Cout Colle1e baaketeera were overUme penod. ••hlC'h ended ~· knoc-ked out of the champlonllhlp ~. braC'ket of the llllh annual Chai· fry Baaketball Tournament by Fullerton'• Hornet.a, 79-t&. at On· ta rlo Friday nl1bt. The Buu had dl1poaed of two other tou ta move into th• Mml· fln1111 a1aln1t the po-rtul &.•t· ~rn Conference H ornet.a. In nrat round C'ompetltlon, Inm&n'• forcu df'feated Eut Loe Anpl•• 79-70. I Thur1day, the· Buca 1ot by San Bernardino 82-&0 In a double-.over- llme heart 1\opper. Aplnat San Berdoo, Dave Bld· nick wu hls'I K or.r wtlb :tO polnla. He foul~d out before nru- lallon time ran out wtlb Ult acor• llrd at 113·~3. Guard Denny Fltspatrlck w a 1 nettlng1 and four fl'ff throwa. Lort>nl.Mn foUQ..wed with 14 dlJ1ta on five baaketa a nd four foul line connection•. The Sailor• collected tbe aame number Of field eoaJa U the wtn• nln1 Piiot.a. 17, but loal out on tlle Co ull. Ellcelelor bit for 18 of 21 J1ft •hot.a whJle the Tara made only 9 of 1•. Goin g to The Candy Cane Ball7 Rent Tux at A Mal or's Tux Shop Compl .. te Jl-lal Sen I~ Piii-IUm~rtJ t ·&1M lOll 1 E . tth !41., 8-ta Alla Opt-11 t: w'lll .. • by Appol11tmt11t 1ZOOM BY ZONE Ji;!i!3•1 Rogue Rive r s ChoicHt GOTT A KICK HIGH FOR THAT CA~BA! It looks llkl' Don DolbN' 12) of Harbor Boys' Club Dolbee al.o made oft with high point honors, but the 1s gorng to ma k1· off wtlh the ball in this bit of under· high 1ehool B team won the game, 71 -51. -St.a.ff b:ai>kd action in th<' ~atlor gym ThursdJly afternoon. Photo BOYS' CLUB REVEALS ~ HOLIDAY CAGE SLATE 1•11• 1 111 .1n~,. c'1•in'' ti.'" An•t t h,. lwn hl1th M'honl ll'am1 II I<· h 11 I ,, ., • .. 1.111. 1. • • 1 11 .. 2'1 lh,. •1xth. 1r vtnlh an•! , _ t• II , 1 .. r t~ " 1 tuh •• 11 <'l~hlh 11raders play a pr&C'tlce '" ,. I • " ul 1\11• Ill I'll.I k •wnr .. With Anahrlffi a t Anahtlm. :-: ''" •'·'' ·1 r I' \'1111 ·• II• l'p<·•111I ba . .Xel baU tr1p1 f o r .. m r.~-t-1_,_. M-... ,. ......... ln1oor-SOyi Clubber1 are Mt ror • • ' 1 1' 1 •' 11 • I •'l!;hlh 1 1111orrow nl11hl to Oran~e Coul ''"I• I• ••' II•• II ("ollr.,:1 l o "tll~h o~n1n1 gamN 11 , 1 ... 1 L .. 1 11 ti '" 1 ti . 1 1 "' Ua• ili,.~ll&t•onaJ tourney .. I I '• •U• I '". ,..:.,, I II ... ""; rh•11 ... 111y mi;hl I n Wllle'h 11, 1 1 " :-1111 1 r r •I• of the aa.me tourney. The ' • ,. II • • I • • I 11 I• ''"' ~ "tll Jr11\'I' lhf' tlub via Bov•' ., '" 1' 111, 1 •• ,. •• 1 111 •11o 1·1111> 11110 ·•l 6 30 and rl'tur n .11t •I ,, • ' 1° ,,, ,, t I , 11 '• I • 1• 11 t'llt'h night. 0.C'. 30 the ,.1, • I, 1, 11 I JI •I 1 .. , .d• '"II i;n lrt the high achoo! n '" "ntc h Iha v11.n1ly and Jtmlnr ' ,, " • h lh· ,\ ""I ,\ \ h1i.;lo \II"''" rlav Exr elslor Hlg'h. "' J '' .,. t 1 • 11 I "11 .\l.• 11 t h1 ..:' 11 '"'1" u.. \I H _, \ I ., l 11' 11 \ II <td \ J If ' .\' l~h;'U t t 'tfl..: tf .,,It t! J •• '\q L 1 t 1 t I• t•' 1 r r1tr'i.: Irr!•"'' tf 11 1J I).; .i .. ff • I• 1 ! • f1 I ' I \ r l Club Fives Get Bopped by Sailors II ,. ' I' ' ,.,,. I ' ', ·, ''I ., ' II • 1 f.t r.11 I < • 'ii 1.1 I )i.'.\111 n •h t\ tf • I ,, ,,, .. ' • I it .11111111\ \I llt·I • fl ' l'l11 t 11• 1 I' •11 I ,, l11 (''"'' h 11111 ; ., • Foes 01bcore Tan in Finl 5 Cage Battles Mabee 27. Denni. Harwood and L&rry Harper 24, ~ Green and T om Ho1111ton 20 and Hoy Oanlela and Tl'rry H.all 2. Pope alao hl'&•ll'rl lh., !'!Allor n oor l(IUnt', clMPI\• fnllloWf'l1 by by Lort'nlZ"ft a n•I Cr"• n. Coach Julu Ca1e'a Ne>A'J)Ort A • Harbor High School Sailors W t'N' I nahe1m Cops One ou tacorM by nvaLI ln lheu· ,..rat Jn a c11p81•l&l1011 b11u k• t , nn· five ~ea ttua ••~n when they tf'Jl "' t h" Hunung'ton Hr " h a. ... ~n two and loat three Rlval kl'tb&ll T1111mamf'nl Ill 1 wrtk, hoopatera hll the bucktt for 2113 the A nd.h,.1m Cnl n •Ill • ( 1 hr !'•in· pninta lo 276 ~ through by• !1rt t.foas;ns._ ~NU lh11 Tara. I q111nt t>l 67~6 ~y T11n1fflf'\' l\nd Maklnf 10!\ out or 218 goal al · K,.n lluk,.r w""' hli;:I\ " ,,,.r~ trmpt1. I.be Oar• 1uya abot for ror An11 he1m w11 h 12 1••1n1 • •'&• h a lowly S3 perctnt&p. Meant1mt lhe oppoellJon WU nellin11 113 I d" •• w· or J 70 lfO&I attempt.I '"" a to per I ft tan S lft ctnl avtn&&•· Cna~h tt .. y l,;rn \ 1 1 • 1"11llr1 tnn The T ar attaex wu par•'1 by B • la.sl "C<"k ll"" 11 .. 1 lhe !11 ""' F'orward Eddie Pope With 86 Ohn<la qumtr l : .. t :!!• c:.1tl11• H><r· 1 poln'•· 0..ve Tamura buckf'ltd H I rt>ra P'" "'' l ht' l nclla n 1u1111 k with polnta, P aul Lormtun 29, O~rKe 18 po1n1..1. and Prosperous 195& for all Our Customers and Friends" Coy Watts BALBOA Ll9UOR STORE 704 E. lalboa lt•d.-Harbor 2479 ....... '> .... __. ... -•• :~"'.:-..·· .... • .... .: ..............•• Sailors Settle for Third in Annual Oiler Tourney Jn a game slowed down by the nval's zone defense, Coach J ules Gage's Newport Harbor High School Sailora seltl<'d for third place in the 2ith annual Huntiqgton Beach Basketball Tournament Friday night by edging the hoet JI"' ll'd unly three 1cattered coala J."'\11lnlun·1 Jnd1.1n qumtel nab· 1111 6 points N!d r hamplon11h1p h11non by tdg· I 1 'au1 L<•ttnlzen. who had juat Ing po!!l F.Xt'l'l111or, t he Sailor 1111ru1l<!'d h1a ~hoollnic f')'t . had no nemt>••~. M .r12 1n A tight tullllt' I twit"' 1111 k Ht• w1111 hel<t to a pair Anothrr s un 8 "t Le&~u.. l«>am 1.,r goa l5 fur I points . copptd thf' ('()IUIOIBllOn t I n a I a llOl'!•TO:S tll(lH when An11ht'1rn .turnp ... 1 LaRUnit T iu hi~h 11rurtr •·llmt from lht e .. ar h, ~:'>-2 ~atlorl! h1lbt'1lo weak r t nll'r •pol t~A \ 011 EU p A IR "hPn Tom Hownnn put togelhtr • FREE , eHllCIW Buy iiH~;i Direct from Wholesaler! We Sel•ct -Cut & Haul Our Own TreH You Get them Fre.h and at • BIG SAVINGS! Fullcll<m anJ \hi' Tani wC'rt' l w<> goals and four gift toqu for co-hn,orllea In tht tuu1n• )'. :-.: .. w. "4 marker..._ He was followtd by port Ha rbor • aumnwr bukelball Gu&rd Dave Tomur1'1 tllr•e buck· J.,ag11e (1v .. bt'al out thr FullC'rton Pla and one klft C'onner tlon tor 7 qulnll'l for tho u own. Howevrr. d1g1la. 1-'ullt't lon LWltl! Jt'IUlC'd the T1r11 The Tara ( 0 u n d lhC'mHIVf'I In Lhe 1ummtr loop. Adding theu lralhn2 9·8 a t end of the flr1t roull a l 0 gel her, the a nawer r1ua1 l1'1, but tut ked I.hr tall away 1 • ,.en11 to be thal the lndla n• w1ll an llw °'"' •1nol r rtnlo with 12 polnu I be favored lo l&.l<e the SunM!l lo 2 for th e Oiiers. H&lftlme acore GIPTS for the White Fin Red Firs Dou9la1 fira KIDDIES • r..eai:ue C'rown wtsh th .. c:agc ruY• ftton11 l8·t1. I battling Santa Ana tor •econtl A R•ln•l H tond pl&ce Excelalor plore. TI1uraJay night. l 'Ope waa tu1h Guard Don Keard or the Ollerll point IA llh 18 m1Hker1 on ~ven The Famou1 "Bi. 6" Brand The Bi9 Lot et ~ 22nd & Newport llvd. Coste Mesa wu bJKh po111t m an of lbe New· port ~ame Yr1dlly. He poppe-d Ulrough four field 1o10&1a a.rad t1v" t~• lhrowa tor 13 poln L!t Tbt zone defen•11 thrown up by Hunt· 1n1ton Reach •lopped t he S&llon hl1th M'<1r1n.: Eddie l'o~ fnr the f1r•l llml' t htl!I ~ftiot'ln Pop,. col· SOl 'TH COAST CO. '.!:!rd &l :SI',. port fthd. Open Every 0.7 A ~ ...... lacl. Suacla7 • \ The oar wii:h i:ha i POWER I t I C>NALITV I . So power~ully amoo~h I So power-Fully aa.fe I lu•l •t•n•linl! at t.hrrurh il•avt. •c- in•wlr •ntl ta!.,. • ntl,.!" A od on th,. rn•tl. ti ,., • "1.-i,.. in unm•laLabk IAnf'llWt'": r nr lh..,.,.·. mnr,. purf' aC'ttnO 1intirr th,. h•.od of t.hia du~lani u~ AA fnr IQV1 than yoo ,..n ima,tifM'I I •M~moh1i,·, 1rrr1fir ft,,. 1...-t 'f.r.o mQvra 1111~ l11c l:w1utif11I rar •" ·~ from a oklp t&gl11 rlJorth.tly ••• glYtll yoo 1het ,..Ian« of the ...,.., Nft rt)llff"'I of unlimitf'd pow"'· Anrf 111 tb"' fl .. h1nc pow,.,. .,. •moothrd t n •ilkm R11thl hT orw J .. t•• U If, tlra· \fatir0 ! J,.ta•81' rttf'On•e " l1•/11n111~ rr•pnn•" - 1moo11b. a1lr nt. '""'""ful! t'M tb,. 1brill nf ''"" hf" ,._ m and r1 arqu •int,.ti "''" • , .... , .. ,., ... ,., l""""°"''jty'"-, .... Sol""' 88 Oki•mnh1,.. ""' l'J'1t.! _, .. -...c .... ~ • ..--............. .._ .. _._ to.--.. ·-·-· "''..., -,_.,. -· .. -· .... -· °"'' ~ -.,, ........ ,....,,... el. ,.,..,... .. ...... , ...... , .......... Qllilll • ~HJ*t-............. 1 • , ........ ..._, .. , ............. ~, *,...,, ........ I • Dllt-... MllG1911 • , .... ,... ..... , ... ,,.,. ....,,. -'"'--' ,.,..,., ,...._, .. ,...., ..... ,..,,......, ,,.. ,,.,, NEW 166 0 L. C> s IVI 0 El I L. E --------------Ylll'f "" .. oa&ft IOOll",,. AT TOUI Ol...oMI IMurtl -------------- MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 w .. t Coast Hi9hway NIWPOIT llACH l'llo111 Ulterty 1-2261 --·•• .... ,.. ... •••r•• l(lllltit"•tit,..•"• _. .. .,....,. .......... ,,.._, ... ..,.._,.,,. """ ..... ...._. •• aw. ....... •••• •.• ..._ .......... ,,...,.._...- J I ! H G J Planning Commission Gives I ome anti _aruen Ned to Mesa 11o~se Move!ns PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEM BER 19, 1955 BOYS' CLUB CHRISTMAS MEMBERS COLLECT FOOD FOR NEEDY Thi' Boy:<' Club or thf' Harbor Art1< "' l\l(lltn holding Ill a nnual Chi 111tn1aa rommunlly guoJ will piuJ"('\ this year. 011 Dec. 20. 21. and 22 h11nd1eJ11 of Boys· Club membl'r• will acour lh!' tirl!a or CUllla M<'ll& uklng hou~etwhl('rs 10 shnr<" can11 pf rood with lhe nePJy Al C hrtstmn,. lllnt' The thousands of c·a1111 of food collect I'd in p!U!l y~a r,. nttl only havt provld••d happy Chrt11tm88 drnnt'ra fur m1111y fam1llu tare..! w1lh e ble11k hohd•Y 1taaon for one rt&Mn or another but Lhe balanc.• la UMd throufeh thf! year for other nted'y fam1He11. The food cnllPctt>d by 1h1• Boy11· Club '" combined with £lr-... tood rollectf'd through the achool11 11nd f'·TA '11 &t'ld adminl1tered by lhe Costa M«:H Sl'hool Nurllf', Mra. Cert rnde Mtyns. Soya' Club mrmbE'rl! collt1..unr tood will bf' td~nllhtd by lhe1r membtrah1p card•. FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Co!lla Mes&'8 pl1'nnln1t comnu• I ly wllh n•1•~l nr t hi' olc1 111111• 11lon Monday iravP •ppro\•al to bodlu t o bt' ha11ll'd 11way T h,. thrt>t huuR movlnK appllcatlora. I conrhct 1l<'Vl'lopi-J whf'n he """' Jel'lartng "lhf' 8tructuru would h<' pljnnt•I to ,·nnllnu,. 111>1111: the Improve thrlr nf'11'hborhoodi1". bul ph1<'t h11 bu:<111r11:< nu11w~<'ll movtl1 tu hl'l•I up 11 lnurth apph· J ,C11mm1,.~1nnt>r 1-: I, l'll\\<"ll•l'n ('3\llln Whl'n " 1llM'UlllllOn \'l\mf up polnh•,1 (\UI lhi.\ lll••Vlng a l<'"I· itboul how thl" propl'rly, nnw an d <'OC'I' 1111t1 lhl' C"J :r.11nt' W<•uld I.Ir r11.ll'mobilt' •<'pair y11 rd. would j ('<1rtrBry to a fHtwl~lon ,,f th .. r 11y bt' U~l'd In lht future nrdrnnn('" 1u1 bi.1,1.n.: 11 1t'111tl1·111 I' 0\\ nf'r C .rrt)rd \\' Lind.say 11H11l I on 11 ron111wrr11tl h•t J1•J<11 1 h 11 n the properly a \ 233& Nf'wport i2u<• 11r1t11\Te fl't'\ 111 11tri1 tt .. nw\. Pl\"I would l>4' m1rruvrd gradual· 1 ed th<' 11pph,·11t1"n he t1tke11 un· - - ----• --n ti a ch'1s1'lllt'n l In 1t :<lll1vn. lht're I B Pl ~ \i\tf,.. n1ttn~·1 ou:-1 prPlt·~ls (runt uena azans ""'" .... ut .. nts th11l 111.. h 0118 .. , I Lln<l<ll\' p 11nn1•,1 111 ll mi.: 111 "'""I V A • n•" l'V•'" · <11 l,, mov .. " ole ct1on I . Appl11 at n;-i:. 11p(ll11\'t'd \\'t'I P "' v• ftl' H1t1 t. hOllSl' to :!~23 81111\R Against Taxes ~ I /\nu Av.· ; Hoi>lc>n G Lomttx. h111•~•· 1(1 280 !'itntll l"ll hl'] AV<'. llll•I P ~It ;,h, rn h111~·" 111 l!l~O T"1.1r~"" Bllf.NA PAr.K 1'0C~S 1 S1111u• /\\'f 1:.8 rl'.,Jtltnts of the Bu1>na Plaw lracl voted vn D~·. 8 to bring I ('· ti .. n 11g11m"t tht county lax Of· IH:r. Tht' 11\t'el tng. hel<I In Crn · u·aha Sd1nol lure1 11bo11t 300 p~oplc. lnl'l11d1ng 1 e1mlt>nla of l lraclt. from Anah1'11n. Fullerton and WcMlmlnster. MESA UPHOLSTERING l 11hoh•terlnx ~ l>rarH"ry U.''>O S"11t. 81\'IJ.. ('o .. ta Mri.a LllM'rly 11·0 81 CONCRETE Sati3f action POUR IT THE EASY • • WAY AND. SAVE e '4111 Ila\ r "" 11lmpllfy 'our ""m'rt'I<' \\ ork "Ith a ln1td of 11r1'4'l•loa-ml~f'd t't'mf'nl ... P"'Pl'n<d lo ) uur onlt•r al a .. ,•ln1. LI~ BAY· 8-2283 Rl:A.l>li M"lx l.~C. • • • 711 w. 17th St. <'O~T A Mll8A In Floral Motif Camellia Liked by Most Gardeners Th• camellia I• a favorllt of 11.rdenen and laymen a hke 10 what could make a better Chrlal· mu rttt, and you can choo"e from amonf the r~ent camPllla varleUN. for they offer 110me· Ullnlf n-tn the way of unu1ual blOMOm fonn1 and ahadN or re<l &lld pink. DebulAllte la a fully doubl.r ball· shaped flower 1n a dellc&tl" 11ha<te or pink and It makea a lovf'ly coraage. Red blotchu 11.J\d atreaka on white ta the unusual feature ot Flnl:lnd1a Varl,.gatC'd a.nd the red In lbh cu e le a beautiful wlnl' tone. Cited by the Ca.tllomla A11· 11?Cla tlon of Nunerymen aa lhe C!nut of all format white Qrnel· Thrr.e allr.rnet1ve ... wt>1 e g1,·en thf' VOlf'l'B. I Al'llon i;~alnlll dt· veloper11 luw11u1l for 1tt'fra11d. 2 Acl1nn 11211lnsl lit .. t•ounly lax of · flee ; 3. Ml11repcesental1on agaln1l the contr11cl<>r J~111: on the "prtn· clpal of th«" thtng" J ohn Stecco. pru1dt>nl of Lh1• civic u 11oclatlon. 11laltd that all tract.a In the i:ounty 1n a 11tmllar 11tuatlon are welcomt to 'oln with t hem lo fight. Seve~I ~­ pie from the olht'r Lrect.a voiced their own Lax trouble. to a 1ym- pathl&tn1t a11dlenre. HARBOR AREA BUSINESS GUIDE BIG TREE FOR LOAN ASSOCIATION Tree cutters ae8rched the tall timber In the H igh SJerru to pick a Chri1tmu tree for Newport Bt.lboa Savings' lobby overlooking the bay on Via Lido. St.alt mem- bera erected a lwo-11tory scaffold to place thousand• of tln.ael "iciclea" and bure colored omamenta on the broad branches of the ailver apruce, which wu eelected for the uao<ll&tion by J ohnny Hart of Richard'• Lido Market. Doing the decora- ting, clockwise f rom the top, are Steve Smith. George Walker, Ruth Clarke, Mn. Fred Croxon, Mra. J ohn Redllng. and Mnt. Thoma• Cox. The tree, lighted with spotlight1, abow1 up briW&l\UY Jbrough the two-1tory glUI walll for pueenby OD \'ia. Lido or on the Bay. -'B6Ckner Photo Wallpaper Makes a Magic Chan9e ,,.,. Ont of tht ea111ett waya to tum any room into • &hinr of b.autt u to d«oralt wl&h one of the H•· 1on'1 colorful wallp1ptr1. The bllthroom 1hown htre waa darlt. boxy. a nd 1ttmed com• prHffd. To lruhen It ur. and meke It \ook cotorfu\17 1 amor· out. a w11lp•J1tr patUrn of 1•r- den ftowera wu ~lttled. Lo•tlJ bloet0tn1 In dHp coral and lliht. plnl ffll\T11t btaotitlltty wtth ''"" lilac bl~• and bticht gnen lea vn . 81'\all whit.ti b\ltterftin ouUIMd ift black ftit lasilt thr'O\l(h the flowera a nd lee•n. Tiie ~"4 ua eoft•hlt.. TM rnat d l"'"ity "' ••""""'" tlll• tea~ mah• ft ~lbt. to aelect tndltlonal tJpff of •allpepn for traditional type hcmaa. er. to"" the ..... papen to add·~ t.o 111oden N10m11. S1 Million County Health Center Officially Opened CALLS POUCI Missing Auto Frustrates Mesa Driver Jt hapJ)U'a to almoat every motortat at leul once. Chari• E Jonu, 2692 \\'tllow Lime. Coata Mna. parked hi• car aomeplKa. then couldn't find It, h1 told pollc• Jonn Mid th• frualratln( u · perltnce occu"ed a l t :SO pm. Wf'dnteday He wa.a W1lb trtenda al lht \'ilia Man na he aald. but tnmf'whrr·e alona-the llne be Joat t rt.r k or ht• automobllt . When he Wt'l\t to look for It. l hof < ar h ael 1.ll1apprarf'd. To mLke 111atterio "''01 ""· lhr < •r dtd.n't 1 l'allv btlon1 to him. 1t wu a loan ca r. Jonu U\d hla frlt nda 1pent the .,_.ttu p.rt of tht rut ot lht t1ren· In( lookl"C' tor the t lu1lve vehll'le until he finally l'a "• up and eaJJed pollr ,. Tht hunt ••u e&lltd ott When the <'ar wu localed at a drlve-\n re.taurant pvklng lot la Cott.a M"a-. Archeleta Held A N-iiort eannery wortier wu nm~ held tn ---ln 911.,_.... lor Court on bad dleck ch&rfM 11.fter Ma prellmln&tJ' hautnc ln NewJ>Ort Juatlce Court Thunday. Th• dllfmdaftt. Jot\JI Joeeph Atthet.t.a. 11, ot ttt-u..d I t., i. Charfed with ~ a SI() bad chr.t'k ln a market at 2121 Harllor Blvd. and a •1a bad oheck Ill a liquor 9tON al ltM M..,,,.,n JtmL, both Oolrta ~ o.orp 8-rJ Itani OW.-ot tll.e ~ U4 ll&rny A. Uct\l· tuM, pt'Ol>r1etof' ot tM liquor Mon, .... d t.be7 u.. .... ,........, Ill the put b7 ~ to lw>Ad Jn th• relk ulalM the new va· rlttlfll are Ch&nJ'• Temple, U o n Haad and Cr!mt0n Ro bt, n ollc nam .. to de~nbe beautltul tlow · era. Chang'• Temple tnturea wavy, flu~d petal.a. deep pink to llfht red variel'ated. U on Head'• .,.t.&la are ecallo~ and tw111ted In roM pink and clear while and at amena are tnlenpe"ed In the c.nter of the bloom •. Cr!m10n Robe, true to Ila name. bloom• In ahadea or red. Newut membera of lhl' Suan· qua typ« are Ocean Sprl.np which 11 a pple bloeaom In color and haa wavy matg1na; Jfla.n .May. blu11h pink and eeml·double: a nd Pink Snow. a roee ptnlt ln color . la tht Japontcu you can chooal' new va rteUea C. M Wtlaon, Shiro· Ch&n and Dr. Tln•ley. C. M. W1l· aon .. a mport or Cl\&ndlert and 11 110ft pink. Stllro-Chan 11 a white •port of C. M. Wllaon and Dr. Ttn1ley Offer• detlcate plnk. Mml- doubl• bk>Moma. Jf UM camellia favor1lee of your friend& and rel&tlv• are •"'°"« the eatabllahed ca mellia vaneu .. you have a w1da uaorl· m1nl to cllooM from. ll:mperor WIU»elm 11 a peony • t n>e bloom. brlpt Nd matkf'd and blotdled W1UI wblt., out.at&ndtnl look lnr . 11u. Alba Plena grow• In a rully Lawson Gm Permit double form, very delicate. Any and all of t.heae camellla H. B. LawRon laal wet'k took v11r1etlta will be happy ('holcea out a S l6.~00 COllt.a Mua city fur the Yule aeaaon g1(lA And building permit for thrrl' corn-yo~ ca.n obtain your fflecltona of ';i"::.1•1 0 :1t:;;• ~~n•~~,::uo~&r~: lhl1 beautlful everveen Clower· wu Ualed as contractor. Ing 1hrub in attractive container• -;:;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;:;::;;;:;;;:;;;:=;;;:;;;:;::;;:: whrn you 11elecl from your local 1 nuraeryma.n'11. MATTUS8£8 Boat. -Homee -T rallera I rtt JUlar '"'6p!'e Lrbt'rty 11-1103 CO~T A MESA MA TJ'Rt:88 CO. 1160 Sewt>Ort Blvd. Camelllu. of coune, bloom all dunn1 the winter month• and In thrtt dlatlnct pt'r1oda. early. mid· eeaaon and lalt. Your nur.-eryman C'&n a dvlae you about the bloom· Ill( perloda of your camelll• 11e-l~ctlon11 and If lht y are aultable .. ____________ _.. tor your l0<:11lf' Remember whrn )'<tU m11ke your cholcu tha t thl' S11unqua Camelhaa nol only makt flnf' or- namental ahrubll but aleo t'an be trklned on wall11, tra1lln1t tivotr rock• or u ground con n• The ReUculata. and Japoolca1 func- tion !beautifully u abruba In the 1arden. border or yard Wh1h ynur fn endJi " "JO\'f'Ult Noel" W1lh g-lfl.41 of r•melhu They'll convty your l>l'~t Wl&he11 for many yt11r. lo comf' a.a they continue to bloom wmttr after winter. Ready Mixed Concrele CHRISTMAS IDEAL TIME FOR BARE ROOT -ROSES In 1plte or Ille ~-nt 8boria.re ~._~#~ Effor\ &.o ga£hfy tM NM'Ch of Our Gro••"lJll C'ommunlly. For Coecre&.e -CaD Va. WELCH'S It you rully want to ple&H I.hat (&rdtner In your family or circle of r rtenda, S'IV• bare root r·-• tlll• Cttr11tmaa The quttn or all nower1 I• a vaJlable In many new war1ttlea nnw &nd a ll. new and old alikt. will (ladden the heart of any 1ardener. Top ro" of 19M t1 thr. All Am· tr1e& Circu1. The 19~ All Amer1· ~a roMa W1ll aurely be welcoml'd too u d I.Ny ant Queen P.:ltutHoth. T1rtan7 and J lminy Cricket. Ear· lier All Am erica w lec:llona Mo· Jave. U llbet. Charlolle A rm· atronr and H•l#n TnuMI W111 all J l"n~ too. a.Iler Chn1tmu Ir nnl planltd rl&hl a"'''Y· cart 11houlc1 b" i.k~n to prevtnl roolll frnm drying out Cooault your nur1eryman for your Chrutma.t g~t ro1u •nd hav,. him prepart lhfm 11<> U\a t U\ty "1U IM l 110mt lime before plant· Ing 11 necenary Malu• It • "rn8y .. Chr111tmu ror yOuT p rdrnpr frlotnda by f1Vlng b&r• root roue thJ1 ytar. ROBERT READY MIXED CONCRETE 116, C-.mettt8' \\'a7 008T A. KESA U I-MU Qw.c, a BWJ' ltlA H1111Uq1oo lkL &AL Ml. .. FORBES ...... PllO~"'E 8.AA.B()a llot Roff11 Lo ti. f1v«-n as Chr11tmu 1trta may ~ oblaJned In bare root I fo rm now a l your locaJ nurMry. ~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;-;~-;.;~;.;.-~;;:;;;?;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;g According to the Calltomla Alll<•· II r1at1011 or Nu""rymen. th~ N•· u may ~ planted 1mmed1a lely I GARDENER'S CHECK UST 1. Prune R-. fNlt tl'Mll and omamt!ntal ahrubhery. I . QI" }"OUr ~a.rdm th.at n•w l"°k. Uke f u r n It 11 r '· lllNbMTY 1hould occu 1nn· ally be ,._a.rrangf'd nr n .. pl~d. 'Mil• 11 a ~cin<t tlm• to t.ran"J)l&nl &JJ typH f)f 81\rubbtry. I Tll• ntw All Am r nr11n Ro11" 11w111rd ,..,n,, .. r fnr ltl :'ICJ 1~ <'lr<'t" Many nur- H rymf'n ha vt I ht• 'ho1rl' novf'lty a ,. a I l a b l • tor Chn atm111 1tlft8 t P la nt Rol"'ll. <nn\ lff'"~ ll~C'1n11 plant• a.nd •t1 <1v. · ~rnu nov.. JAMii D. RAY General Contractor & Builder MICoMtBIYd. ooaoN" on llAA Or••• trp worn furniture surfaces wJth mica rto• SANTA. ANA (0CN81 -~ a.nee County'• new 51,1.00,000 hullh bulldlnr . 8 th and Rola Ste.. hf'r• w.. dedicated 0.0. 11. wu made pt'ffldenl of lb• eount,y checlla few -.& d&19 Mton I . aroedcut h a rd y tlower !\MIU. ottlcu·• (l'('Up. Cer.moalu caahlnS U.... 1i\1a ~ UiouP. 8"d lnto the r anlen n<iw Ya11 ('9D -1e old rvmitufoe lool bke -a~ Wlth M1-~the lllper-tou5'1 plut;e 11Urf1ring. jual CUI \l IO m.e and glue it oorer thct old eur- face with w d dwooJ•Contaet ~ent. Qplr • re. 1implc &nol. are requtnd. M 1o rL1' 1 ~c:amm~ beauty "111 wt l<>f vcan b«au1e it oifcn 1mu· :n~ rcti1ta.nce IO llCTltchea, 11a1naandburn9. ~'""' "'lnra, p 111ern1 i nd wood gu1111 be cU4 not ..,._ U.. eMioU ...0C. and. let the winter rain• -r• conduc ted lD the M&ll~ \M:J Ml4. b1lp aprout t.hem. -llVaJ.abk. alldltorlwn. ;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.:;;:iiiiliiii:;;;::Miiiiiiii;;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:::=:;;;;;;;;;;;; Spolct n lncluded CtlAl1IN &. 8 m1th. pr•1dent of the atat• lx\ard or health; Malcolm K. Mer- rill. a t a t • director of pkt.Me hralUI; Edwln Le• Ruawll. ooua· ty health omc:tf and WIW. H. W•mer. l'h&lnfla.n or the boerd ol au pt"rv\901'11. • A medium.power wrt>o-jet air· cr'lll ~"In• burn• II.JI own -.trht ill pfirolfum fuel every 20 mln- u tea. ac:cordlnr lo the NatlonaJ Automoblle Club. MAX W. POPE Inc. WARD & HARRINGTON ' ~· t0'7 &o-. An. G&!fZ&A.L OONl'L&Cl'OU LUMBER CO. 1'U11.<t Id11bel Durpn. on.re County'• Initial publlo be&IUI n11n1t. wu r,.cognl1ed tor !Mr con· tributloni<. Shi' c1U91e hf're Wben thl' dtJ!flrtment waa "' up tn 1922 , .. •tf ,..,._ ...... .. • .. e DCVSLOPll&NT Newport BMcb a.'ibJr1 )' &-Ull J300 W. Coast HICJhway-Newport leach PROMPT SERVICE-FREE DELIVERY Uberty 1-3411 AUTO Rl:l'AlllS ('umplete ('ollh1lon "'ork Auto P•lnllnir PATCH'S IODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH Fr•'•l ,;;,,111111111-.., r.,, i,·, '""' 'JAe W.-.. t I 71b Ml. C09ta M....a. \ 'aUf. U M·7~K COSTA MESA MOTORS C'nmplt>\P A11\omo\lve St>r\'ll't Bocly & l'a1nl Utp&1 tmtnl R1ake Shup H uonc TO\\l:\c; "A A A Al'l1ftO\'l·:U l.lb<·rt.~ 11-2:!ffll I HO -~"" J)<trl Roulr• ard n .... M~. < 'a.llfontla 1 £AVTY SHO,. MARINE BEAUTY SALON ~ • ,, .. ,, .~1 11111111 t\llllfillll/ Prrn111tt• '''' .,,,,,,,,~ ~H/I' r f t•r '' '"' Violet I J~~ MMiM..-"'"" -tlarbnr 1.H, j i ftlstt>na M ftnif t l Minutes LUSTERWASH A wtttt1111fu ,.,,, ",,,h.,.,, Ill lf.O f I I' \I tu•"· t o ... 1 tll11th"•) Hl:ARltolC AIDS The Flnl"8t la Hearta1 c •• ,, .... ,. .... ~11.1. s •••••• , .... r.u._, .. , ... MAICO Al.JDIVO)( WE!>Tf.RH EUCTaJC ~n·l11e 8alter1ee Corfia All Makea ff. DALE BATHER "H r11ntt11 Ce>1ter" 809 S . Mahi Aaata A.a Kl S-6610 MOVIMC 2 Skttl,.J, l.n1111Nld A Fu t MO\'F;Rs only J8.8tl hour t 'rt"f' t; .. 11mat ... nn Pl•tae<'t' Mal.f' or :'\atloa "'Ide LOWEST Pl' C. RATES NEWMAN Transfer & Stora .. ,....,.,.., ll·•n• ·~ l....a3 l'lAl'IO!I WOODWORTH Plano COlnP611Y 1.14.,,.. r••••• ••4 0.-1._ .. c .... , •• , •• , .... u • .-4 ,..,.,. ••• ,.., o. ..... 5eJ•e -lt-..tal_e -S.rvke HHl E. Co••l H"Y· Har. Hiit corona drlYar f'LUMBEM Your O.,ttthlol• ,.,.,_... H. H. HOLBROOK .'llftt fl J!JJO N•• c.""u "" ''•• -ll•••4•11"' w ... ,. ....... ,. -l>t• ... aJ• ,., •• , r ...... , •• .. RF.I': F.~Tl~ATF,I' :\<'\\ptlrt '"""' h. l allf. Phon.. IJbrrl.) 11-U 12 1 I :tll-01 (At'r·1>4• Yrom r url Oran5") ~~~'!~S~~"~·~~~~ W. ft&J boa Hh•d. Har ... !• ~,.•port lkoa.rll CHAMIERLAIN & SON «ommf'l't'l"I -tc .... ldrnt111I ,..,.ndnit -l'allo• !KK t:a•t 171h '' I n•t• ~...... I.I 11-6.'\0I MAX W. POPE, Inc. (?f'HIT11/ (OH(f'•ltff1T• Commercial -~ldf'ntlal Industrial .., .... Tract" I.I 11-U IH _____ o_R~~I?.!_. ____ _ CRAWFORD PR&~RIPTION PHARMACY I 114lt :\""port Rh rt. J'llun" l.ltw-rty l'·IHt ~·n .. ta M,....., ('a.IU. f'OOD LOCICClt~ ------------·--~-~-------HARBOR MEAT CO. ll"rhor t·r·M"n t ""'' f.1•t'l<rr t P""m• 6 (holt• M,•t• Onlr at -...· .. 01 .... ,.. ,,,, ,,. .......... "•"hi•. Cu•••• S"'oll.49\I Cutt•"•· W r•opu11, A e•in t Cv1. ~"'•"'"I • ••~. 1 v•'-"t •. C'hfclf•fllt Clll · Soth '' ll•rt..•r 117111 :\""I"'' I Kt-arh f UltNITVllf l'l"IUllNf, ---------------- FURNITURE . FtNISHING Awbr".11 f;ll•11•1rth P'tc:~ .... , ." .. n .. u •• ,..,. S..rv1,.• rn• l.tU"'•tt ton f'tlattetla LI 11.iw\I a~. U 8-6Ht r ... •a ~ ..... GILLMAN PlumbiltCJ Co. C••H¥"-"• -··••htf'• llhM•4•1f,., -Wat .. H••,t•r• W aU H••t•r• -f •••' P''ll..-nac •• tlO • Jhl lSt. Harbor "81 R .... KJ G-SM! :\I'\\ port ""6coh f'OULTaY HALL'S RANCH CO. • Ranr h •• ,_. ··~·· e t·r-b D,._,.. r 11111try UM Harhnr Blvd. l.llW'rty 8-&Mr. ('n11la M....a. ,.a.llf. IAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE BILL ll'R/f#TIT, OIL'>IM !00 \\ ,..t <nut Rwy. Ph. l .l,,..rty 1·91'6 s .. ~Pf>rl 8-rh, c.ut. ~~~-":Y-~~".!:!~'!_C_U_·~~~- \ nur l.uarant-.d TY and APPLIANCI •u• Atl --r r••• •f T•H•t•••• O ft4 M.,. ... -Yt••t•"•~•• A••f1.,-. •• Ph. Uberty 8-3437 1101.'\ HArhur Rh1I .. C •l•la M"•• \ "'flt ,. ...... -, . ..., ... ,,,.n,.r•I In.,,,...~ f'prt t'l/U tnf] lot I ·"''""" ltu11rnnC4 U2 • lht IU ...,._ .... ~_,,... ..... • f THE SPORTS WATCH NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 7 MONDAY, OECE~BER 19, 1955 By BILL PBIJJ.IPS I ~pparl'nlly Conch Al lrwin bu another pair of pl&y.. ''r11 on hh! hamis at Newport Harbor High who well m&y rompare favorably with another duo he mentored to grid- iron fame and fortun<'. The cuf'l"en t toothaome twoaome arc• Fullback C1rnrlic Berry and End Paul Lorentzen. ~.J.... 1 I f!ll l k 111 1916. Irwin ruarht'd a 1 one of tho pivot mtn llvu up to 11\t-"'°'4\1 , h1rn1plon~h1p • l•'Hn Kl A ntlo<'h I Pxprdatlona, tho Tara w111 bo a I I Hw h S< h"nl 1n ~ .. 1 lhl'r"?l C' a 11-four-man ball club. Eddie PoJ>9 I (orr1ta wh11 h boo .. 1rrt t~f' lalPnls and P1111I Lo~nuen w1U bavo to 1.,r P11anr P utnuni tt ml Gan., Mar-l carry lb• Koring burden while I • l<'h•'ttt Pulnnm 11• now" ~ational nlmble Onve Ta.mur& and feedlng ~ I h l '111t1•:-i<1unal All-I"-'"~"" nrf"n~l\11' Gary Green pace lb. o floor r ame. c Ot 81 i.;1111111 fur thl' \\'~~t.1n D1vis1on l Fll':RF.'S THE WORD • I f • I I ht1nl1'itm~l11p J.n, ·'11i:"1"" Hrunl', If you nllllll w orry about bowls. spec ta ly or Htm I !11.tt •h"l\1 '"'an .\ll-t .. •.;i;ti" •!efrn-concl!nl1at .. on the Orange. Su·I ,.~, •' 111•1 \\'llh tht' pru fl31!1morr ,c:11r. Collon. Tani:eorlnl', and Al-At Christ mos • < 1:"" ph~t eoup bow la, beet.UM I'll • I I 1111:. pair of 11wln -C-Oll<'hC'd I tt'll you nirht now ••ho's «0lng I J!n I t 1 la n,. r!'1·rntlv bump!'il to wan thl' Rose Bowl i::IUTll' cnme I THE "k11ll • 111 th!' Lo11 Ani;rlt-~ <'11l1s ... Jnn. 2. Tho Bn1in1 nf lTCLA, I I J llm :"<'Xt rnunth lh•'Y bN·ome th11t'11 who. A n<\ If that bnwls yn11 • l l1•11111111:ite~ og111n, hnth pl11ylni;:-over, j11~t don't !ori::et that l'm I M A N r .... rh· "•'St1•111 ;\ll-!'t:ll~ i n thr tho ~y who tnbbl'1I lhl' HRmll I·• I .1nn1111I l'rn Bnwl c 111,.~tr .l11n. l~. wan \ h t' \Ve 11 t I' r n Oivll'1on I ! tn th•• C11liseu111. I C'hamrt11n~hlp an d ~ui;ar Ray lllSI Sf'" port Bh·~ .. ro-ra !'f,.,..1 I 1·r f-'(lfl nro...; Rohln .. on t., whrp Rollo Olson 1 I .~r~ .... ,. Wrarplnl' Jlnt h n. I .... ft 1111 Lo11 rnt.r.rn mn•!" <1111ply JR: kt'<! the g\llll to Ila)' IJO. I "' A! H tlrM'D ~tamptt I All·S11n-1•t LP!lf:lll' th1.<1 ~"a~nn that 11 &II. I Charr• and Uud&et AcC'nUDh I h\\ln r.nnke<I thi: rn11 "" hi:. All-I with <'omniunlty c r .. dlt Plan Time :>;,•wp,,rt llRrb11r ll1i:h fnql-T p• o 9 t 9 I I bull 1<'11111'., 1111il 111111 """'l·;not<'1I orrey 1nes P"ft •t~.n~m;it p.m. I Lnrc11lzu1 Lh!' best "n•I l rva '-••••••••w.• COHd1et.I." I -----1 \\'hf'n rro~sinr at"'"'" k"f'P y cour bt ad Up a.nil Y•'t.1 w.1n'I be at"9Clk down. po1nl3 ()UI. \hi" Nall<'lllal AutoNoblll' Club. SAVI SAFELY At Orange County'• ·y Institution Leading Home Lendin9 CONTINUING TO PAY v:a cyo SPORT TESTS FOR COP HOPEFULS I K atnr all,·. th I' pros haven't s sl:ll tf'.J bui.i.ng 01\ lhl'll 1w rv{(·('s et for Race P . P 1. Y• !. blll it look.<1 llke thr """"~e r1vate 0 ice 11thlel1c i<«hol11r:.l11p11 un• p1llni.; 11p I llw1n .. p.-nlls most of h111 spa.1t• I The iport• car competition ~u.-• PER ANNUM Among Newport Ha.rbor High School Athletic Direc- tor Ralph Reed's chores is t hat of holding athletic testa for Newport Beach Police Department a11pli· canta. He re in the Sailor's Little Gym, Reed. fore· DOWN COURT SCAMPER Nimble 011\f' Tamura of lhr ~r..., r<'' l Horl><•r II ,1:11 S• h"'•I Sailor v•r•ttv qulnltt dnbbll"• •lu\\ n thl" fh•·r 11flt'r I 1• q111c It halltl• 8lnl" thl' tMflbl f rom & 11\141 B<'l1ll"1I )11111 • >ntr e l,ar\ C~tn. Th!' ra1r t .. a mtod I > 11pa1 k \ht• T11r~ hr 1l Clcl(lr gam e of \hi" uuun for a &4 ·61 aqueakn win O\'"r l'a lltom 111 St11ff Plloto ENSIGN SQUADS NAB PAIR OF CAGE WINS The Horert En~I~ ~chN>I A H<'nrn\m 1, Biii Fr,.11hhn1: '2 Rill and 8 b&lik•tbt.11 tom~ dtftal-1 'l'l.\1-l 2 S teve Hlli:h"' t 11n•I J .. rt ed Huntlncton Buch Elementary \\ wl11" ! School qu1nttt11 r~c: 8 tn lht IOC'&J gym. Th• A J v.·nn 29-25 a.nd t.h" ground, watches J f'rry Tufts of 401 Pirate· Road d. a standing broad. Ci\'11 Sc•1v1ce Comm1R!H01tt'r-s T. W. Jay (with hatJ anu E.T. Healy record res ults. -Slaff Photo 1 lnu' tht·~e da,·s pnNl<rni;: inf••rm11-I !1<111 u.bnut Paul und C'harlit> 11lon.-: son up<'nll J11.n. Hand H'> wit h lhe l•t ~11rnfor1I, l 'SC 1rn1I L'l'l..A al· I California Srorts Cur Club'll M\'- u111111 i;1 uttps 1 t'nth running o f the T orrry !'Ines I At Ornni;:e Co a IJ l rn11Pi!1' Road RrH'l'll. This wrll mark final I ,.,,,,. h Ray Ros.so U. J11•t l111pmi.; j outing atai;ed over the p~ure-1 MESA'S MERCHANTS IN -2ND PLACE TIE ~"~II\ M rs I\·,. ~h'r< :111n1 <1 11rr c:Ur rf'ntlv 1n 11 H'' ""'I plan~ rl"11•il1h k 111 thr clr11n.:1i C'n11n1 v \\ mt"r Ha~"h11ll l,;t•l\- ,;111' A lung \\ 11 h l h• l'llf'111" Athlet11 • th«' .\lrr<l1ant" ~how " r Pl'OnJ of 1 win~ f\n•I 2 IOll'I"' nmi: th.-Jllnl••t '"' ,,,. h\' f111f .. 1l t<ll theo coll~ge n1sh Rc·ta 11:• t B<'r-,.. 1 l< 1 · · n · .mtl Lort>ntzcn 1'" 1,.11ru:-vol sque • m1 e trac • ,·ac1111ni; the Tlt~1" f .\'"BO I I It• \ II wan•J up wltlt lhe p 118tes 11trel\ being necea11&ry by Feb. 11 A 1 Full•· JI 111 1 ;, "'' ;-.;,,,\ 1 1 • 111> l••r n 1 • ~t r111" the r"l<t c::urt' when conatrucUon btglna on a , lnll1:1•11• 111 •t lh•· Tur """ k ••tub· b••ang for l he Bue el('Vt'll, ur l 111unll lp11I golf cour1~. llrah .. .t 11~· (':i-tro I.a·• ·'''·11 "1 10 l'Oui:.e. A 1lx hour e ndurance I blU-min11l;·~ 11·•1 r.v,•r tho· J !I 11111•· 1 ('tiff 1 i;o 1 I F'ullc1tun .:11u1M' rLA:'\'S '' t\l J lln. H With a tull prorram I A J'Pllt••nlly C'llA\'h J ulP" f:l\I?<' t I I u Cur r ... nt ~1.'1 n.J111.,• (.;a' ,1 .. n "' lltr i:;arlnr bn,krll"l'rtt 1~ i:nin,i: vr arge 1111• ams aporll Ct.1'11 1 Crow 7 II ·'"" l'."1 l llarl1"' ""ti ,,., t h111·k hi" orri.:tnlll 11nuhlr r 1vol a\'l. Jan. 1~· Both profTIUIU et.art I Full .. 111.n l·•I. t>a111 a ArM I I u.t•ntr· n,. oul lhf' w inJnw thl .. a.l 11 L m. Ttunt ot ilA typ. lo Huntm i;lon 1: .. 11 h .rnJ Ur.it ht' .,, H11on Hts pla.n11 10 u1111 the haml· be run. lho enlluro ui t'xpectell t o 1 0·1 Anllh• '"' 1' :! 1111 ot sxyacrnplng yttuni.;,l• r~ aural t a hml.l t relJ of 70. --"ho l"ol<lod 11n l;•~I nn pRpl'r lM>· 1 J:;xprctullon1 u e lhat 300 drlv-s t• h• e rn rl' tht' pro<'lll'o '""~" ~f'&l!On Cor IC lnl , 1w11t 1I have ta1lf'<I to m&tHmltz•• era will 1>lifn up tor l <'Uon In the MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMERCIAL SECURITY PATROL ALL ACCOUNTS INSURED UP. TO $10,000 All Accounts Opened On or Before The I 0th of the Month Earn From the 1st LAGUNA FEDERAL SA VlNGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION !!I~ Aneae PbOM! HY ,_,.,, The ltlAndlngs: Or11ng" 9·0 , ('1tro1111 A '• and M t:1>ll Mrr- •'lll1n1 .. 7-2. La. Hahra. 7<1. .,.11lf.o1 IPn 1111.t A I'.-Sl•"1 t111~ ;,.1 1o:1 M••l .. n.1 1111ol c • r .. n 1 ~1t•H h 111\, t '• •• ,,,_ t·Ol),, ·~ '°: 1n c; • .,,, "·'•' 1 ... ~.111.1 t hu:1 f..&r. Tho C• nlrr •111111Uon ju11t I lwo·day event wllh all t ype1 of hn1m'l jelled. forc>l1't' anu dnmullc 1port1 care F·1ghts Boyd \\'hl'n the J!Utnn o~nl'(\, G~I' vying over the nine tum. 2.7 mile LAGUNA BEACH a ppettr<"I to have lhlC'« l><•Y• at run::_·------------~~============~ •-------------• G·i ur hi-lier arrapptn~ for lh«' :!l•••Jlt!l-••• - 1 "ntP1 rnlt• To llalf'. nut even on~ I ......._••...i••-~-------~---- Kl 2-7027 1 WINNING WAYS Reed's Squad Captures 1st Harrier Duel l"nnrh RJ\lltn rt••"·I • t hhl l J'I' M "~"I' X1ar1 •I 1 ,, '~"' !"oh t , 111, ... l'"lllll I\ •Ill 111 fr •Ill ~' \\ r1n1 I 11111 ~"' H 1a.h ~1)11111 Tt11 !tv ''f' ttu • '' , t • • 1· • I' \, • r , ... I n. l•li\ J:.,\ I OHilh 1.111k111~ 1111•1· lllllt ~tl tn~er has Jevelopl'IJ, JI'\ i ~ •II••\\ 1•1~ht fl• t1 t 'li11 • ... • 11\1 t•t!" u!•1nt~ l W o. \\'h o 1A'OU1~1 ha VI' 111 .. 1 .. S<'<•rlil'Jrn i ,,, Italy m w .. J-lh• 11.:ht lo 11ro a. game auch as '"~ f llN«ln \ nrvt· I " \ 1 I< u Ii• \II ,.1 111 Ill~ I h It 1l~lll11Sl 01'8111;4.' tn the Hunt· ~r0r;t _ 1111;tun Bv11d1 , to11rr111mrnl lut ~t • I' "' "'. k ~ T u\H·Hni: nenny Harv.·ood. S~"rt u hint tu1nt••I pro in t9t811.any H•'1'"r and T o m Houaton l 1u1•l h 11 '", 11 , 1111,1 J 1 .... 1111: 1n 1 hi' wrrr able to r <innf'ct for but a l'nl'• 1 !'I ..... , , , , I'.• 'l II• 11-'lns;:le }'(>Int 11mong th•m, that 1.t11tly ,, !UJn .i 11 .. 111 ,. 1 .,1 of h)' 1"1rwon.J In t he lhlrfl quarter I All•l•&lu• 11111 1 l h" l 'h1llpf'llWt j ~n 11perrJ 11ntl "IUITfi<alveneu ., .. 1111.; 1-.. .. l\ll• "''I l1i;P\llni; a ,,.. m ln be tho points C'al(y G&l(r IZ 1,,1.,..1 .11,.,\. '""1 1:,., 1 i.: C' n111,;t <lf'penrl upon to k«'PP th r I 1: .• 11,. I R~llClr~ In conl,.ntlon for the Sun- In ~I pro ti~ltt ~., 1•11 hill! 11111 •• t l...-ns::1H! t1l lo when <'lrcult ~'I , ,rl , .• 17 11 ~~ • ,11 1 ix pl11y of)"n1 htre Jan 10 11g1un1<t 1 '" 1, 11 • \• •:,. 1 1, ,. 1 .. , n t.anta Ana . l'nfortunately. unttl 1 thr ''''''' -.,., n t..,•il '~ri' J\f '""'"" /\ 11 , 1 ••I' r 111 "' 1" R• r•I~ 1.uutiil'r t \'"" "" \ 11 •.I\' •IA h ~I '\~. n rt,. h u 111,, "" t .. 11 11 .... h ......... " ·" 11i· Beac Connects l 0 IULS I O N £' .S Mesa Auto Wreckers l'IM'<I Auto Partt JlllllHI ' 11 .,, I' J.:" I fl I I I 1 ·1t,.i1.~ 1·1t11k n r ttlf' S 11nl• antf 1',. ... ,.,,orll"' M•k" R ... " 'r /\ "' 111 "'·" 207;; Placentia A\'f', We have all the famous names in Xmas toiletries for "Her" n11hh•·•I t11•t pl11• .. \'' th·· •• I 1n• r 1111Ur 10 '• I J I \\ 11h ,,\•o_ • f) I• fl\\ k Jl•I "'" lt.t• l f I •1 \ l''"f' In 9 1:::1 Btll I' .. R ',, ,, n .u.: ,. .. J 1 ... ,, , , • !"lU,.1 , , I.• ·•~''' '"' , ., 1 , ,,,,., f fl t'l111t nth it 11t1ltr bt•hH1 t ()tt.\f•·\\· 'kl 111 h"r l"I' 8 .11lur l1ntAilt'r~ \<•fl' 1••11 111111.111 ... \t•fh Ki i R.1n•h l 't•• 1.·r r i.htl' 1. \Kt I\ I lll'T 1 11• • 1, •r• 11 or :0-.r" I'<>' I Her t 1 t•k ir•r \u .. 1';, fir·• 1n 1 lth;or S 'tn ~t '"'"I:"" l•·11•tv r fun~ 1<'41llh fo•rn1I ~11nt11 ""'""'' tt'~ 111 n1 1rH.;f1 ri H''•• It :: ... ~ \ • ., ti 11 It f\ (:Hi\t' 17 1•• \lltt•1t\ \ ., ... 1 •I '" tt \ ,1 '' d1·\\ "'"" • •r.1n .. ,. "n I lff·•f5 J""'''' • t t n t .r r , ""' Al 1P\1,, 1 ~ ~I \' I I\ ttl I \\ 1n , la·t 1 r11 " )II• I• I • I • •I 1.lbforty 8-~0IS l't11'la Mf'4'& ... ..i. l I " It .. I '"''' n II r-·._ ____________ _ I f't• ,1\.f•.tt( \'Ill n\rr ~ •h J ~ • 4.t'I ,, • 111 'I ( •• ,, '"I I I 1•11 I t)ip II .. ~.' I ,1, Olllll\'l<I l..u"I " •·•I • CORNER 1' n h • r I I l1P Ille! • ''U" SHAPES • BOWED FRONTS \\ATER HEATERS l.,llS SUtiCl ••d ll!AIU Joe /Jee/, lof J 1'1.1 ~IU~tl ru ... s 10 ,u C&Nr DOWN Pltou H e r ~o• 6ll0 • UNUSUAL TYPES • CIRCULAR CURTAINS • STRAIGHT SCREENS • • • • • • • • • • beautifully gift boxed Elizabeth Arden Helcna Rubenstein Oermet1c.1 Faberge Lanvin Angelique Caron Yardley's F1alr D'Oraay Ciro I • Colonis.l Damt'S I • ... fora man's Christmas Toiletries Top The Lid! We have th• Kind "He" Uke9 bMt • Bportaman • Klnp Men e Old 8plce \ • W1nr huttr e Y&rdll"7'1 • LenU!ft'io • Faberr•t Electric Shaven by ~mln(ton. Schick. Nor•lco. Ron110n, a.nd l unbeam B's 111-14 Dennv 1'0111 nf Hnrar t En",-n I wu hri:h point m an, dropp1ni 22 polnl• thrmri:h lh~ h"Op f .. r thr A 11qu1d. Olhl'r '"'nr~rt for F.ruli.:n I we re Justin l'\1t'mlC' with 2 an1I OUR SEASON'S BEST TO YOU YOURS CHRISTMAS GIFT SPEOAL 6-PC. ~\ODERN ENSEMBLE I . Lentheric ShuJton I . •. Ma.x Factor • Du Barry WP have a. Full Line of Ronson li9hter1 Newell SUckler "''IUI 6 !ltVtl IA,;rr1nf J"ll'P"! th" ln(lll I B tum wtl h :. J"'rnl!I. Othn Ht1r ~~~ .. ,~,;:: ~::~·,· 1 Lawn Roll Honors 1 Taklnt advflnlll~" of lh;o \\I<"<' wa.rm da y, 26 pl11yer• ~th!'rt'rl Ill I UI• Ne111,pnrt flf'at'h ~t11 nl• 1p11I 8vwllnf Gr•f'n• to pMllllP"'" In I tl14l Wft'kly AUl'lrlllllln Rln~'"" tournament Tuu•d•y. I Mnt. W llll•m Brims Ir• d th" 1 fteld fM " high l'lf 15 potn ~ \\ hlr h I ••on tlNtt pnu \\'allf'r W ontt roll td 12 porn t11 (n r lll!COnd plat" Fou.r play .. 11•. Lt'w Ptlllt. F.·I Mura.I. Rnlan1I Ba1ll"\' • n.1 ~t ·~ \\"alter J'tllr,l'ln \ll'l';t ! Ir<\ f •I third and fourth placf'' with \0 I polnt1 eech. Jn lhl" r l:t ) ·r>ff L"" Pettit wo n lh1rt1 11nrl R nl1111.t HAI Jev took tourlh. 'c. 8 . Rudd wu wek nml'<I In. k on the l ,.._. attu a m .. nth't 1·1l· u Uon In Mexico, BE SURE -INSURE "'"" MAt'ltl('r, !i'TA~Lf:\' l11a11ruc-e (ml:r ...... ....,_, ,..,, n1s t:. c ..... t Rtrh• •1 C'orn-dfol MM" '• J...-·' •. ~- We sinr('n'IY hope that your hMlid1w11 ,...ill be happy 11nd Joyful ... anrl lhRt \f'l\1r amhttinn!I and d('!'lrC'!' will finr:I fulhllmc•nl in th<' new y<'ar. fer l11ftnNtlo11 tit Olly SttNor~ 011 Ct111patty 11 Ctlif11n10 produ<I, <111 CLAYTON THOMPSON 1)(0'? \\. Balhoa f\h·d. Harhor 1.·.:1 ""'" • c:torr mr•h rurtal" 1Nt~. ~nil I r• • nnt'"'P nn f1rrc,.t. bluli ,a\Jn llnhh. :O" •lrtl lr•t"· l.lmll~d •urph. Only $25.00 WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE Of FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT BARBECUES 2204 S. Main St. Kimberly S.27n SANTA ANA OPU EYE. 'Tll CHRISTMAS 2 TO 6 SUNDAY -----~~~~ PASADENA-1215 E. Walnut St. SAN GAIRIEL-401 W. Las Tunu RY 1·8067 AT 1..-120 ~ • Pnncc l fatchabelle I • Rc\'lon I' . Dorothy Gray • Marcel Roch~ ! 1 I I I I l '& I I Clfl Boxed Candies • Albert ~hl't'IZ • \\'h1l111a.n ~ • P11.ngbom'a Cwc "Her" an Electric Razor made for her! •LADY RE:~tl Nl;TQN •LA DY NORELCO Crawford's~ Schurr .. ,·, Fountain Pens & Desk Sets "H"' Y.111 app~rl11t '9 a ))Qx of H1a P'a.vorti. a rar• Gift Wrappings al no f'XlTll rha rc., ! The Prescription Pharmacy for the Harbor Area • . '" I 1804 Newport Blvd. the Heart of Costa Mesa • ,,;:=x,mi,iiim;ac:c;w,J;n:..mL';.~lir.nJ ');1;;-;,r;::i; ;":"·,~ .11 • I -------·--· ···-. ---·-------------------------~ -:-l'Jll·----w:rt.:•·----------------------111 ... lii , .. \. fAGt f.l°A(T I= ~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -------------- • MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 ,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ jToo Late to•• Rabies Endemic Classlflecl lo County Area GARDEN GROVE INCORPORATION HEARING SET FOR TOMORROW CHRISTMAS GIFTS .ADORABLE, female Slame11e kit· ten, puree b~d. Housebroken l 19·311t , Newport Beach. 46p Fl'Ll.F:Rl'fl:\" IOCNS I -C'lly ' off1na1.~ rt \'ellll'•I Saturday the I St11te llepartnwnt or H l'alttl h&.11 , de<' lo ri-<I all or ()range County a ''ralllrs t>ndl'lllll' area", effe<"ll\'l' SANTA A N A, OIOC 19 -(OCNSI -The county board ot aupervtaor. wtll hold a public nee.ring at 2.30 p. m. tomor· row on t.he propo11ed Incorporation 0( more than 11 1q. mllu Into a 111xth d a.v c:1ty of G&rdl'n Grove. Purpo11t1 o! the hf'11rlng 111 to allow thoe, who wl.th to be dt'leted f rom tht' pro)ecttld lncoflXlraUon boUndarlea to 11tate lhe1r point.'!. The <'lty t'ontalnlng b.-twten 30,000 and 40,000 p.!raon.a w ould mu.:hly be t>oundt'tl by We.11tn1111.1ter A\•e. on Che south. BerrydHle St. und JitUtt-r St. on the ea.st, J:<atE"lla and Oranre· wOOd A ves. o n the north. 1111!1 Magnolia on the wewt. BOXER P UPPIES 1 male 6 1 fem,le left. 11&81 M/rOurt. Garden Grove. LIChlgh 9-0Me. 4k -4R %9-Help Wanted last Tueeday. A lettl:lr n!CE'lve-1 f rom ('ounty Health Ortl<'f'r F:clward L. Hus11ell lndh!11lt'CI the l'Ollnty fa t'Xpt•<'tl'l'I to take "nt'CCB•ury acrlun~" which C'OUld mtan eompul11<>ry ''8 <'t ina· lion of all doge or othl'r t'Oll'rgen· ..:y rne111u res. City Alturney Walter C:h11ffee will be requ&ited to Jr1tw up an enwrgl.'ncy oruinllnt·e un n1btu, The prorio11ed city 'IA.'Ould include Ole Sun Gardl'n.11 aection. !'uperv1aors are <'X~l'tt'd lo tllk~ the matter of boundar1<'1 under 11ubmlM1on. Afll'r the boundarlu have bHn adopted &n election <Mte ean be S<"l: Voter·a Jut yeur turned 1lown an Incorporation move In Garden Grove by 11'1\8 than ~00 b11Uou . DOCEDIATE o~nln1 at Orang" eo.&t Collere for Intermediate •teno-clerk atarttng s11 l11ry $202 per mo. Split ahlft hours from l to II p.rn. and 6:30 ll• 10 30 p.m. Mon. thru ThUt!'I 8 lo II p.m. Friday Apply In P"rsun Ill B u•lne .. ofrtc:e of Colll'ge In Ad· mtnlatratlon Hldg, t 61 4b accu11Hng to a c·1ty cuun1·11 ax •·nd11 I s • I H i•d s hed I for Tuesday Oljlht'11 n1eet1n,1; pec1a 0 I ay c u e qu~~~1r~t\~,..~~':~~,:~ u::i:u:.~~~1y I~~= nut IJ• l'O •'l\l>llnd1·•I hryuncl th<' T 11M-s t f H b B f Cl b tln-Snnta Ai* IHI'/! Whtch Wtl!i llUt e or-· ar or oys u 11ntl1•r lli;ht rl'~t11<'1 mns <'llfllt•• l>ist I w1· .. 1< ·rhe ro11nty hRs bern fun- slo!Hlnit R \':J• 1•tn111111n hw Stoffel Bew Hurts F OR..RAl.E. To bt-remove-I, l unly 18 fl. x 30 rt. ant.I 1 only 17 ft. x l7 fl.-2 x 4 franie ..:onst ruc- tion building, redwOQd slilln~ .Apply Robert Crowf'll, Mumt tp11I Traller P ark. 17th & Balb<•a Blvd.. Newport Bc.-nr h, l'allt. \'a1•al1nn 1<r hed11le Cnr lhe P.•l\'8' From 6 30 tn 9·30 p m , the club C'lu b of the Hatb<•r A1t'11 wn~ i.,.l tlll•I ~hop wlll he open. However. dtl\' , .. i.•n:1 ... J by E.xe .. utt\"I' Uu <•l" lhP sho1> will be C'lolM'd Tuesda y lor A I sp .. nt·l'r. j evening A rl cla.•~es 11nd 11pPc111l i·,, Inv th1 uui:h .F~ri•lav an.I nPX\ rnntl'sti; will be condu<'led from SeH in Street Fall w1· .. k . 'T 11 .... t1ay throui;h F 11·'.iy i 1> m . tn 9. th .. ~vmn.1~1urn only will b" , rwn On lht' Mpec1at eventio e1•htilule An a ul••mub1lr 1nrl1re1 lly 1·f11tll· 1 from 9 "· m. to 1 11 m, elt• t'pl Ht~ the• f111lowmi: !'Vents: T OllRY t'•.t tht' 1nju1.v "' a 6-1•1•:1 1·111.1 Thllfl!(loy. j untl ~1rrtln1-, Dt>c 2:J 11n<1 30, lapl· 4!k 48 ~"Wll'•rt l:lt'ltt'h °'11' Ill ·:.I ~(J prn., Jo'inm ·, p m tn :'Ir m th e 1lary rla:<.11'• frorn 7 p. m. to 9 : S1alutd.i1', "''"''"~111-to P·~~1~·e rnt1rl' ..tub will hr <•P<'ll 1111 th•"l'I f hur11da1-. Oei-22 ond 29, tumb- 1'RU-MPET In good rtm<lll1nn $09 J1tnw.. J,1ot..t" Mlllf•·I, 1-1 •llth ol.•h'q From 2 p. m to ~. I h " lln..: and I ri1mpnllni> rllllll!l'll; to- 28" bicycle $9, Hotpnlnt ref. $.'> ~t • "11io t><ken '" H "8!: H11•p1tal Wll•i•l:<h<tp w ill br open: from :! I mnnnw, \\'~1lnl'M!ay and Thuredity Harbor 2401-J. ·M urn1ng1 nnlv frillnw~ni: lh<' "' •·•·lf'nl at ~!'th St. pl11~t••r of 1'11rt11 cl1111>"'" will h'' 1•ull1·rt1on nf <'llnne-11 foods fo r the 46r48 anti Bnlb••a Rlltl l'••lit'•• ~11111 the ht•ltl 11rt 1•111,•1>• will tw r·nn1l11• I· n""'IY ---------------1 bo>\' 1 "n 111 rr•ont "' 8 ••91 •lrtven <'•I on•I th•• 11t11lv gnm M room 111111 Th" Soya· Club will ~ rlo.ed U-ll'anlltme for Sale '" l\'<'n ll\' F:rn•••t H l,owk• · I:! g1·m 1•1>11tt>•tio "111 ••<'1'111 all J8y ~11turd11y, Sunday and ~1111s .. t Uenrh Th" l'••Uth 1111.f of-' · 1-•111111 ~ tu ll.:lO 11 111 . 1 ht rlub Mon1lay, Del· 2~. 2~. 2e 11nd Otoe:. DUNCAN PHYFE LYR ~; TA 1n .F. f ll'•'1 ~. ht1\\ '''" 1 hi' WH~ ""1 111·-I will bt• dost'ti for the d1nn1·1 lwur I .1 t. Jan. 1 nn<I 2 &ad ' chalrL Har. 4704. 46t"18 t111111y h11 h~· 1111· r " H" "'"" h" I ------ w11.• llUI t wtof l\ hi' fplJ u11 thr t:.:::"" ....... , ,,,. ······"""!Freedom Taxpayers to Protest '68 CUSTOM NASH Ambasutlur Rock l lrlk• f orC'U Hit> 6 WklJ old -3200 mllu, 1280-0. 1 '1tll Llberty a -41!H . 46l'ill Newport Man Book~~ Tax Assessment 'Inequalities' F D k D • • Thf' Fr«tltr.m T11'>r1•1·!'r11 1 .... 11-Wtlh thl' Alrl'n~h and unltv of Or run rJVJft9 lllt' In 1111 Qr1111••e Count.V t RXJ>•Vf'r!I. be· l."llr w ith h<'1t•lr)llA 1 l,.r11 " • ;-.-... 11 hind th•·m. Re<'~ 11all1, tht 1 .. a. ("n11t,1 M•'l'8 It! ro11·1111t1111'11ol1ng to l(Ut"8 board Of Jlrt'f!Orl arf' hop· 48-A-AJ!.t& for Rent A1TN1 EASTERNERS I I c--,,11,..1•1n 1;1 •ii 111 v, •• ,·,-u~. ~''\\ JM•l I t:t Jtl h " .... 10 0 1 Hrl"t' 1· .. 1111tv )·••I !;:ttu11l1.v un .. 1111111~ NEWPORT BEACH. I bdrm . tu1 n 11lr1v111i.: , luu I<!" ntt••r t '" 1111 1 •I apt. Oarqe. near water. Ow~1n ) Frt.fav 11flo 1n """ "' H 111 tm 1 lli\•tl P•Y• water. $62.Ml mo. < .111 nn11 1-\.ll• IJ,, A\t' :'h••f'lll ~ 1h 1•11 Uberty 8·H 09. • 46Ut 1 .... ..,11,1 48-B-BOUM!tl for R4!nt I BORK. HOUSE at 2044 Contrn· ental, Coal& M-Ph. FRonru r {)c put I•'• "1111 I ho•\' ~ 111•Hf NJ [\111'1 ftth ttft••I h~"' l ol 1•IUll-.\"CI OV•'• lh" r"11<t dln1hn1: ~11111 unol ~t tUI k k Hlj?n •·'715• '°i>•S Offshore FirinCJ tht 1111·1·11111· .. bt111r•I of the F'ull,.r· 1n1e that 1 ounly cillie?n• ~·111 "<'all ton T1tXJllll• r11 lhHl thl' twn !or a t•le11nup of lhos1• re11pon- 1o:1nur~ J111n fnl"''" In n rrutr~t to tobll'." llw S t>1le BnMr1t of ~·111111l 1znt lnn l ______________ _ f••1 .dk)H·~t tn••quollll"'M In """''~frl· tng p111pNty In Onina.:e l '•111nty DEATH NOTICE Jar k Ht•r., pr.-.o.Jior11 ••f F rr«"· I olmn Tu>.p>1)'f'1 , ~lnlt"I thlll lw _F l.O''U ft. MARTIS l111tl :.1·nl II lt•tlf'r F11ol1<) tn tht' SANTA A':\A IOC'NR1 Flllyd nt•t lh••t u (>i Rllt.:"' r 1,11r11\ 1.r""I' 1 R Martin 110. rn-rnuntler 1tntl l,.f!,11111 tnt .. 111 111.,11 11n,1 \\hlll-,r ••tnrr "'tile M11rtln E\<'l'IO(ll of 1 ,,,., 1 11111 "',,. 11 .. , .. 11.,1 rui 11 unlktl A v111t111n 11n,1 lor11llv '"'Hlw·nt<I UGAL NOTICE lll'\l<m I rtu•1 111 ... 1 1-'rl•lay ur " rh11111tr 11tl· Marlnf'r1 h8v1 """" wllm~·I h\' /Tll'nt In ~l J<>'l<'Jlh'• Ho.11ri1t"1 th .. L'h1t1<t <:11111 4) \1( 1l,111~f't1111• n!fsh!>I" I 1t1n1: t l 1~ \\ • ,.!( 111 !llC' ('ERTIP1CATE OP' Bl'IU~S~ S11n < ·1,.m. nft• 1.1111111 '" '' • Th" JlleUtioM • .,nn N-nollrf' ~111.i f JI II•" W"tlld I 1k.- T'he undeT.11lcned do htreby r f'r· 11'"''" ••II C'Mtlr tt ... 11 \l••n•l•V tlfy lh•t they u e con1lu<"tln1 a r,.. thr11111:h 1-·11•1•1\ I•• 1 II• ~.. 8 latl bait. t.ac\tle 11.11d •porUwear 1 a n1 tn mt In r;hl 1111 l ~;1&ht1•lll\' bu11lnf'U at 200 Ml.In Street. Bel· "nil Runt!&)', lJe.-Zl·l~ llUI Int( 1>011, Ca llfornl•. undt!r thP rlcll!lt>ua 1J11yll...-111 houi.;o only f irm name of TRADER HOHN -----~ 8PORTtNO 00008 and that .. Id firm I• compo9ed ot the following J>ertO"I. whoee name1 111 Cull arul plat'ff o.t ~Jdf'nce ue u Collowa lo-wt!: FRED J OSEPH EDIT'K J OSEJ'H 806 E. B-1bo& Blvd. ....._ c.ttfomra ...,lnMa our haml.11 lhl• 2:1\h <lay et No"'9ln~r. tllM 11/ JO"RED J OSF.J>lf 111 E DITH J OSJo;rH llTATI: or C AUFORNIA COUNTY OP' OR.ANG!-: •u Petty Theft Charge For Costa Mesan SA :-:TA 11:-.:A 1rX':\Sl ~hr1 • 111.. tit 111t1c • J1t1k•I r .. 11r1 .. w .. ,nr I 11.lc <!I ,• f 11\00 W Nr"· l"•H tllv·t <.:""lot """'' 11n " I" t \.)' tlldl d 1t&1i.:•· 1'1 11..1ii.)• nu.:ln 111· ll'f thr1· Hll• r r rt, '" 111111 I 11il , huh '"r 11111l•r a ••r 1n I:-; •Ill h ~. "' I h1h '"" k lllr. I •t I •l'Jllllt•• • AHlll t ho•v (m11ut 11111• I h11li ' .. , .. In th .. t rAt t rh.-.. , t ,., 1 " • nr If •. $427,498 County Given Schools RAt H \~lf;:-;Tn 1(·,·~1 lt•1\' I "''""'"' """''It,., (n r thf' S11nt a A n1t • l><•rn fhrr w"r" tn b~ hf'lc1 I "t I 30 p n1 nl 111,. ~rnwn Mor- llHir\', f:11 nt11 A mo 111,. Rt'" n11n 1rl Htl'•lf'r ••t lh" 1'"1r:<I Bar t111t rh11r• h <'t r11·1a u .. 1 Y. ~111111,. .. n •lll 1<' •up,.11nlrn<1,.nt 1 li-t1llrow1ni; •N ,.,,.,.. f'ntombmf'nt 11( publl« HMt 111rllm1 t1h)I\\ Jtn· w 11 hr tit t'•" Mrl1rn<f' Abbl'y """' ,.., '"' •1•r••rti11ru11 .. nt "' .\t11u•"lr11m un t.1 tl1r AU8plr <'M 11( $ 127 t~l8 tn ~h.,ol du1t111 la In Or· :J1ulla Ana Ltod.i:" i!ll Bl'OE . of I "nl:f' rn11111, ~h,..h M1utln v.11" • m,.mbl'r. Th•· >tll••l111!'nt w11~ t>H1 t r1f a I' 1lllwll1na w"r" ml'm~r11 or $1il:!'.!illu 111111 .. whh• ••h«r•I "I' ttw Or11n1e" C11unty Sheriff'• '"""' nr•1··nt fu • ti \ ,. I I llrJ •·n! Al'rn ~q111.11mn ...1 ... ·I 1 ••1• Merlin t• '"1rvlvt'd bv h111 \o\1fr !'·I'll' •Jll /U•HI lhr •1•p .. 1l1m1111 .. nt \\·.-,. ''"" tif 1u·v ... rnl lt• b1• 1UH1tt' , ... -. ... )\ .... •"' ,.,...... ........... ~ . ._. ..... , ·~· , .... _ \'t It t t I 1 It 11 u t IA •f "l tt' \q t t ·1 1.. "I"•'"'' n I• rt '1 I "''ti H•1n,d *4f•p '''''~nu\r-11'• '' 1 t t It• ,.,,. ... HI ~·· ""' II\' "" 1 I "" 111 li.t.tfi I 11at1\ f t ._t '"th II •t\fl I ,,I?,. •ttt 11·t1.n• ,. rt• 1..., , ""'I lr1•n.,, .. in. John E nf Santa An11. hl~ fl. I h• r J nhn \\' !'lr . I wn !nm~. Y.r1ftno •n" J n11rr. 11 :ortcrl"'r- \<11111 r,.n Mt ("11ri" •It tt! ~.U\l8 An 1tn•I "nnth .. r .-111ter, M'tll M ir,nrrl ~hnnl• nf 011r1lf'n (:I tt\f' Ot lhla 21!1h day (Ir Nn••f'n11><-r A. D. 19511, bt'fore m", MOll<lf>:: R OR.DIES, a Not..ry J"\ibll<' In ""11 tor lhe ..xi County 11n<1 ~'"'" r.-ldlnC lh,.reln, l111ty i'Omml"11ltln· LA SHELLE SUIT 1t1•nt• \\>I tot 11 ft lh111 J~(I tnll 1 n t"•· f ''" t'•·rv11 "" f111 ,,..,,. V""' ,.,~,,. <;a\ lt11lhtwln,. 43, of ('urnn.• ,1 .. 1 Mllr. Wl\11 pu•...-•I llll S11nolll\' RI ''""t II •r•t•I will t>--11 .. 1.1 ""' lr1r,.,111y "' 11 ,. "' 1n 11.,Jt1 ~1 .. 1t1mrv .c1and1Wom. J'f'rlOOn.111\ ·1r1•rAr" t nuco JOSEPll and ... I •ITll JI.•~· J:PH known to me to i,,. thl' r"r· I 901\11 .-·h~ n•m~ •rtt 11111.-rrllWo•I to lhe Within ln11tr11m .. 11t. ""'' aclt.nowledfed lo ""' "1• t t hr ' .. 4'CUtl'CI tht Ill Olf' In wttnua whrrt!C>f I h"'''" h• ,,. unto H l my hllnd anil art1.11"'1 my official wal the •J•r 11ml '"''r 111 UU. ~rtttlrat~ f1!'9t •h<"'"" r11 ttn MONTF. R. ClJUME~ ('t1ntln11rd from fo1,...t f•11ar ~\1(~ ''"' r \\f'n1 f, A ttf' ~ 1 •I I ,rt\· 11 J 11.' lhr I ' .,,,n,. I• t l•tlf 11r n1,., h\ I.A ~tu llr "·'"I I ,. \\ nrl\~ I,,,.. ""' I\ " '· ' , ... , ... LEGAL NOTlCE •n1n 1; •• ..-•r\ H"'I I:-:~ .. ,,.. f •1 .. ,, • ~ NEWPORT WELL f nnt11111,.1I '""" 1'"11't l'•t• Ir Jin ;; •' ~I"~ fr,' I I\ I • 1 ..... h t" ' I\ r 111111 .. ,., \\, I • , \\ I •, ,, <' ''"°'' 11. I M"r l 'h&f"'I ~1th t hl' Jt, \' 11 .. 111.t.t ~11rr ••lrll ir111n1t t n t, 'll••nl will h" 1n Fl\lrhn \'f'O rf'ft\ f ,,., \ A n11t l\r .. r ~"n F'r11.n• 1M>o. Mn H 1111tv.n .. h• I I \•.f n I-,. ~nn "'1rl hl\•I lov"tl h• 1 r nbo•ul l!I m••nlh,t :0.hf' ti.• I h••n 1n 1111• m,.nhsrthalnir h11-111•"" 11t • 1, •• An1t,.le11 11tnr,. ll<-1 •r" m •\'tni,; h· , ,.. My C-nrn111ll'11nn f:'(Jl""" Sovt!m~r 13. lll:ili N'o. 832 I kTl• •" •• • 14' I \ '11;r \I ",.,., 1n • lu ,,r I ltf t, t' J. 1 J.A t,. • \It ~·••\"-l!~1 1•H(f\ ,,,,,_.z!tt1 • I I I I • I ti" ,,,, ll , t \~ .: II t ,t.l \\ I '' ..... )oihl' I• '""'" h• r ,.,,r ,. IJnn a.nil 11 .. t,.•11 H'\ll h-r,. ti' • h M 1-'tl'~n ... h,.r "., .. , ,\I•• !>or.,thv 1;11 y (•on- ' 1 I 1· •ri·nll 11• I ~IM', h"r btn\Jl .. r II• 1 brrt Tht'OOI •rt' \l\)'. Turto0n. N-•·~811 11 18 12 ~. 12 lP 19\.' ----H1·. •1 I '''"~\· II t ''·" • ·' ,,, NO'l"ICT. ot~ l~Tt;~ot;o ~A•.•: ,ff ti '•'"'' lln•t I' II ".,,, '"". NOTICE JS IU·:REUY G I\ F::-.; I• r •• , t 11~ '"' , '·' .. r ti" .,, • ThatFEt.TOSO MAYf"lt.1.1• ,,IJt>•n • llfl'I"• ·~·.ttl''•n Vf'ndnr. WhOllf' "1JolrMtJ 1• lflll '/ 1•1· I 1r o.qll I• I ' I "' '" ••• \\'ell• Plac·,. In thl' f'tl\' nf l""''" "I•" >I "" 1 n ' " 1;·11 I \ d M flll'fL. CC>unly or ClrRnjtr, St.\tf' pf ~· .. 1,, •1 11 . I '1 ••• •' • I. ' '' '\ ,1, - C.lt!oml-. tntl'n•hl tu "ell In I • '•• •" .. t I'•' I( 1 \ HO MJ!:R M . SMm1, \'"n'"'" w tiMr ~ T A-~ ' , ••• 1 1.. .. 1:.1 9ddrH• i. 21~ f; fln\· Avenur tn I· 1 JI" 1 11. •' 1 tf ,,,, IJI• City C'lf :->rw1>nr f HN1r h, (',.1111 I""' II• t 11 • • ,, • 1 '" t • 11 I" t y ot O~njrf', State n! C 11hfornin SI,,,. "' 1 ·,111 • Ul• tnltoWl nJt •lr•<"rlh~I rn•t"''' \ 11,.• ,..1 I" r ' "" Lo·WIL FFl.Tt.t'\' I I ).4A I " I I \ ,., • t All t lOC'k tn t railr, rixt utf'•. 1t11.\1t.lt \1 i-\II I II "t 1o •' equipment 11n.t jN>C'»I Wiii fl( a rPf· ~" 6111 :-.;, W I< 1'11 ·~ ~ "' :.~ Don't run ••. lust reach ,.t I phHI And in c>vf'f"J nthf'T mom you uw a lot. ntf'Mt1m l«'lf'phooN •"• tlftlf' and l'lf'J)!O. Call our buMrwM o~ nbout it today Paclfte Telepb<>ne. @ r eh '"• •••Y ... -· .. -·-~­............ " . ., Imported Fine Italian Serve and Give the Best! l'Arti""' k t:ifl (ii\ in~ •ntl Champagnes in B<'a ul1ful \ont1un<'ni 1\e<'antl'~ & I ;1ft P ackagr!l I :1ft \.\.-'r111·~d • \\'(' ('.1 r~ t hf' I ..ari:f't1t • St oc:k of Imported Ita lian De lica c i e~ 1n Orange County \\ .. I-I'~''" f' II '' ,. "1 Ir 11 • t ' :-;A "'"~" Anthony's 1r111 I ' If ~ 1•, k Market ,,,..,. M•·..a Of"'n 'l 0 11\ • 11 \\ ,...\4-'t:llO A.lit. t o t :no P.~ •:->ntfl "-""'Ill bf' nP"n 'l:SG A.m. 1(19:00 p.m. Xmu 0.,Y • ~un. TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK· REPORT & COMMENT NEW YORK NOON COMMENT COMPILED BY B. C. GARSIDE, DEAN WlTTER CO., SANTA ANA -Encouraglnl' report• over the weekend Collcemlnc the Preel· 1tent'1 condition l\nd lndlcatlon.1 that a 1ub9t&ntla1 lncreue In the forel&'n aid program may be plan· ned tor neKt year helped the 1et1· umenl In e.rly tradinir. Howner, a Wall Strnt J ournl.l atory of a 1lttllne In new ca.r aali'I had a da mpenlni 'effect. Aa a reault Ule market 11 one of Individual 11tock1 wt lh aelected • v1•llon.1, drug•. rui>- ber• and •J>t!Clalllu provldln&" lh• beat group intel"Mt. Boeing wu favored on dlacloeure that a Laree fund purchued close t" 20.000 &hare. during the lut quartttr. Thia I.Hue haa recl'lved t'Xt'ell~nt aupport during any ~r· lollfll of Irregularity with buyert apparently looking ahead to a good plr kup In l'arr'nga next year as the B·52 production expandm. DRllG!-4 STA~"D Ol'T American Cyanamid and Ml'rck stand 'out lmpreulvely l.n the chemical-drug group. .American Cyanamid repruent.a an exrellent value. particularly ln relation to caah flow w hich ll e1tlmated at $7.00 per 1hare t.hla year and at a higher level In 19M. With early accwnu1 ... uon · ot Wl'ekend order. out of IJI• way we look tor a .el.c:Uve markf't I over the .,_lance of the day with tbe aJreratt.a and drup amon&'' lhl' best 1ituated to Vtlend c-a1na. l>o•-1-1 p.m. An reca I 30 lndu.trlala -···-483. U Up 1.06 20 Raila ....... -........ H2.09 up .73 llS UtUiU• -····-.. ·· .. 84.!f oft .()3 1 p.aa.. Volume 1.no.000 x-York l p.111. Stock Prt._ Aml'rlcan T elephone -.. ·-···-178'• Anaconda _, ........................... _ 71 ~ I Chrysler -·"·-··-·-··-"-··-··· 88'1 DuPont .... -.......... ·--······--· 226 General Eleetrto _ .......... ---...... M General Motol'9 ... . ............ _ •e ~ lday Co. ..... .. .. .... ·---···· 43 :-<. Y. Centr al • . ...... _. •:P. N. Amertcan Avrntton ----83t.,. S11fl'w11y Slorf11 . . ......... __ 1121.& So. Cal. l:dlson ................... -•. ISi ~ So. Paci no . ... .. . .... ---... 11e •, Standard Oil ot Calif .... _. __ 911~ Union Oil of Callt. ·-··-·--·-IS2 U. S. Steel .... _,. ....................... IS8 ''I Police Confiscate her from Youths Newport Beach police Frlt1ay night at 9 :30 p. m . confiscated five qua.rta of beer and five can• of bffr from alx male juvenllu Ot11cera had •topped a su~plctov~ rar a t 30th St. anJ J,.11Jaye1 te fol· lowing a hub<'ap IJlrft and locattd lhf' brer ln8tead. ........ . . - lec)l11nlnt Jan_,, 1, 1956 Newport Hcwbor Coron del Illar ~o on sayings C'han&'f'd ~dltlooe illl"011Jhc1ut the ~untry .._._ ......_. ~ a .-ent-ral flnnl~ or IDll'F'rlll ratft on IOAm alld la...__ta .-·lllt'h DOW "U'1Ult lhfo lnr ....... to !'":, -_........, Plan now to place your sa\·lntts ln thl8 bank when t.hl"y wW eam 2% lntt"rHt after J&DQU')' 1, 1156. ~poMt8 made Ob Or bl"fore January lOtb wm _,. lnte""'t from January lst. Our 19M; C~ Chb ls now oP,tn. Yor. al"fl lnvl~ to Join. Newport Harbor· Bank Corona del Mar Member Federal Deposit ln..surance Corporation Member Fedt:'ral Reserve System Rubbel'9 maintain a firm tone with tr. S. Rubber steady, 111lght- ly be~ow the year'• high. A i.11b· atanttal l'amfngs recovery la In pros!)e<'t next ye.or tor thla com· p&ny with Jld poulbly alivanclng above the $6.60 leve•. On this bas11 the l1111ue la very re&11onably priced. Polic:e ll&ld lhry nollfll'd t hi' p11Nnt.e ot the !our l6-yea r -<1hl 1 1 -- 11nd the two 18-ye&r·Old youth1< Hi"gh who were In volved. Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1616 Many of roa have Wlllted until the la&t min~ to do your llhoppiag. Don't ma.ke the long trip through traffic, doa't ~ht the crowds., don't MMrcb through depleted •tocka. try1D~ t.o Mlve the «I.ft problem. \'ou can •hop la comfort, at your ~li>ttl"'f', and bfo8t of a.II. you can find juat the ri«ht ~t In our bi1t •t.ore, ri&ht hen la Newport 8-eb.. RANGES-WASHERS REFRIGERATORS CLOTHES DRYERS G.E. PORTABLE RADIOS & TELEVISION SETS PEl!COLA TORS-SILEX DINNERWARE-GLASSWARE SILVERWARE-STEMWARE POTIERY-CARYING SETS TY TRA YS-DESCOWARE REYEREWARE Yes , we still have a number of toys for that youngster-. CotT\e in, see for Your1elf. Free Gift Wrapping • OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL CHRISTMAS- SUGGESTIONS Lady • .. ,so. ~ COfHEMAITll ... IC'• ... _.d Ya. cati'I ....., ....... cdlH ..-ery U--I cwp eo t . No ...... '•c -_.,.Al.• a-tab ctw--.. ,...._ No ..... t>o-h 10 hru .11. s32so JiiiiJjiitnt TOAlttl C. Aaotoa•uc Bcyoocl Better. AJ1 rv. .. 6e dto p "' dw brud .• Brr# '---1 -¥ _. ' ...-....117. Ne"--,.,_,;,. r---. '*"'¥ .,_.,, wi1hom p<>pp•n• or belt ...... 1.-y .... ... -···dry, dYdL ....... diia. s27so ~ WAHU·IAUI ~ A .. ~caJt7 mailt1 4 deb<~ "°°"" utt<I •a.Ilk• •• one rime. No w 'uo.,, ........ CK cklay ""-a ...... -- 4 ~ with OC'.\I ~ s32so ~ llOl•Allfl tf•u q uodltt, MA)'• bocMr, W-'-n. l locill Otitt~Th-beipa...,... la.tcw in handk, cool, ea.ar-wc. _...,;. -.ly -.riled. Ava1lebl11n rwo .-_..._ ·:st ...... " ......... ,_ ..... ~ ..... s179s ~ l,C,COllfl JiiiiJjiitnt SIAYl•ASlll ~·,rASJUTSIUJNG_. MOST POPlJLA& •I-le , ... ,,.,. ~-k w-c.loMI, ~ ... L&S511M.I ..... •"Y ocher -IMMI •-p.e•w.M • electric:. T..0-.....W. ............... ~~ Shavemasten '2850 la Prf'Uy l'M14'1 Colert FORCilT HARDWARE 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 PAR1' 1'\\70, l)AGE ONE Otm.INE on map trace. route to Needles, Indian mesaa and sc<'nt' of annual Marathon boat rac•N;, ·'-.: AJllD8T SCENIC DESERT, official travel ca r. Do<lgc CoronC't con\'r rt1bl<', stl•ps t n tnkr in al&bta. The "preview" car wu loaned by the Al Beatty Motors, Costa ~Nm. WA.RIONO UP on Colondo River, prior to Marathon nee to Pa.rhr Dam and baclc. ls the "Speed L&Mr'', a clu9 ''D" boat, tbe 11.rpet. of five clulte compttmi for trophiea in evenL CROWDS mill around pit aN'a before start of Colo- rado R1\'er boat race which i.tarua at Needles, goea to Parker Dam and returns to Nl't'dles. a d18lance of l l:S m ties. l t 's the large11t mo- t 1•r boat marathon in the We8t. RA t: DRWER'8 "helJ>t'r" ch<'Ckll o,·er the ''Flyin' Lo' .. 1n p.1t area before the Nf'lo;Jles Chamber of Com- m1·n·c sponsored marathon rac(' gtls under way. Thia yea r's e\'ent was the eighth annual outboard race slag- <'d t here. Big Indian Figures Dot ' Trail of Needles Area Ancient and Immen~ flgurea Bcratched by Indians on deeert mesas. a.nd a thrllling, modem-day spe<'dbnat race down the Coloraito River highlightC'd our trip to Nt:'edles thill autumn. These gigantic effigies portraying a ICl~t legend of the Indians that lived along the C0lorado, and th.-roaring Mar-' athon race down that same river from Nc.-edks to Pnrker Dam, furnished us with memorable experi<'nre~. We left the Harbor in a 1956 Dodge Corom•t r nn\'l'rttbk. a preview car loaned by A l Bently Motors. Cl•:;t:i ~h·~a. and headed for Riverside, then followed Highways 611. iO 11ver the San B e rn ad.in o th11t t h•• 'l!l•·rs hRJ h"P"'"' 1 Freeway. fnrtun1•1 111 i:"t.l un•t utlh•r ConUnuJng pa.1t JnJto to mlm•ral• in t h •• lull,. 11ruun1l ~eerl Centt"r, w e 11t rurk lllll :-.;,...,u," ovt>r the and cou ntry11h.le 1111 Anoth• r J:111" h<••m ""·~ ''" a paved secondary n.uh l t hlll iu1tl !'\l'f'fllf'.• h.>1·;1111,. n '"'f'j·ly offered a 11hort 1·ut thrnugh r 1•11tPr u n1I 1mp111 l:rnt >h""'lll' R ice and Gromnw l lo High· bo•at IRn•hni: 1 .. r ~"' h 111.111 .. 11>1 way 95 at VldRJ Junr toon. Colorado t·111tr as th.• l.1llt From here the h l K h w 11 y lln1I $Mr.-hhi.;h1 atretchl'a almual • t r 11 t g h l ROAT)4 UI:< .\ l'l't:A It t;n through Lobeck11 J'11n to Needle.1, on the b&nka of the wide Colorado. Needl('lt received lt11 Tlt:&Jllt' trom the 11tras1ge • 8hDJ}l'll pee.ks 16 miles eouth or th(• town. &nd H hwo a h111tory H.• long &11d colorlul u thst of U111 l'nt1re West. WAGQS TKA11'ia4 I n 17Tl the Spa.nr.;h U · plort'r Padre C krt'l's pUSl'•I through the pn'll•'nl Ml <' <•f N l'l'dln a.long what 1• kno wn as lht' Pa Irv <:111 <1·~ TtlHI 11nd latfr ht' WU follOWt"d bv oth.-r Spanlah print..• 1&nJ conqulat.adoru, I n c I u d 1 n i.; Jullll Bapl111ta de Alw\. The gold rush )'l'8r of 18•~ •aw fl'MU'I)' '°''&«Oil tra.ine trek by on t.heir way north, but about 1884 It WM dl.ICOV('rf'd H nvn'Ver , ~•ettn1hnal/\ dl~- 1\PJll'll.re•I r r11111 lltt• l'I\'• r 11hn rtly btdur .. th1· t111n 11( th1• <'entury, \\ h1•11 tll1· 11a 11111 nf the Allu nl1r s n1I J•r ... 11tc H 111lw11y """ .S11ulh• 111 1•,.1·1- ''"-' h••tHflh• lh t• t tOl e11 U( lht'" <"ll y'11 1htt'f m.lu~tn', Iran~· poc-t Bl1on. Jn r~rt•nt Y•'fir." ~. • .u, .. ~ nJ~ ~<>IHI~ 1urn1·d 1111 .. 11.·1.t 1u11 I 1 ll<c na t ur .. I 1"11' "' a >111•111-11 P~•ri.rruunil <t1mh111111: th« litl\aJllltt:•'" uf •It '" 1 l .111.t nvrr. In 1111~ \1•1n ,.,. <.1u11.l th· r1ty ln I\ 1'lalt<> u l t"A'-tl• 11• .. ·nl ••V• r l h•· 1•1..:ht h ttn1.u.1t C·••·~· r1t•lo ft.I\-. r ~h1rath•1n .,.,,_ boanl ra1 ,. I •1 t>;> h•·l1l lhr fulluw rni:-ohw Al ll\'ll lt'3 ut fl lht,.\'·•la\· ('lrni\·.U we n : 111 f ull '"' 1"1( but. Wp lpamed whf'n w,. m•t Hob J.tcCutchen, pN"•ldf'nt or t he N <•t"dlea Chambu ot C r11nn1f'1"\'P, lhf're wu aUU llllll' to tour t he ~Rion be· tor tht" ff'atur .. p1tr1t'1f' .R••b 1t11v1 .. ,,J 111 flr11t t o H• 111 .. hui.i,. l n ttlftn l'ffliti<'~ .. eo jlll:Mlllh lht•y ('fln bf' Vll'Wed 1n tht"tr , rrt1rl't.v onl\• rron1 Ith' l\lr. Rn1I ht• t1rrnn11•·d tor uio tn flv O\'f'r lhf' 111lt" 7() mdr!I "out h or l"l'rtlll'Jt l~\:\ll~IAftK:-1 T h 1•,... "t:rHv••I p11 l 11- ll' "l'h~ ... 1111u1 .. hr l n•JlAns "11 .. "' '"l" ·I "" ") lhf' JWb bh · 10111""' to •'IClk•M' lh• \l*llu\\ 'tr\h of \h•~ flh•fl.tta. ;,11• t'"' h11 i.;r anol "h"ll"w to h .. l'"'I'' 1 f\· '1 ........ 1 I 1 om1 lhe ,R1uun1S 11.,,.,.,., r thr\' t<l1tnol out !'h.11 pl) 111o:1;i11~1 l hw h1 o nu •I Jot r" \'t•I \\ l\•·n l ht V ft f .,. ""~" fr11111 I h•· 1111. lllhl l••r \'rAra l h1•y "'"'" 111111 11·111 11111 1n:v•· lt•l h•U.~ l.OlldllHll k~ l" pll••la, 1'htt lHI ~\·:tt uH•I IUHltl ttU• p,t•;o.. .. J\'t' I• .i I •, ;tJ•" I ~llJ ft 170 fo t'l loon~ 111111 1:111 ft'•'l \\ Hlt l l•Hll th·· t ip:'\ •If ltti' out· lluni.; """'. ·111, • .,., •m l. 111111 I'( u 1111111 ~I I I'll hO'' fi I f l't•t '""" 1111d ,,,.,,,. , ...... 67 ff'f't IH IUJrr.:i' \h~ Kiii\,. Tiu• t111r.t lh·" 11( a hur""· lll•'\l~Uf ' ._ ; •. ~ ,. I I l•,ll(C IUHI 111111 .. •t 11 I • t IHll Ot hf'r •t·~"'l th~ Ith hht. .. rnuah l'lr· • It* :!}•6 t t-r"I u1 t II• urn I ,.,,.nC"&J. ,i(l\U1f'••I tUln t h•• ... Kr\h b)' llHn'K '10ll1 1l lt.•1l Th·~·· r it'""" ,,.111a1n"d a 111~·,.trry 11nt1I 111 •2 Whl'n A11lhn•1w1lu;:1•l r I IHlk M ~t'l7h I t•I th,. t 'n 1l,.tl ~llllf'll ,,,tJuf'h l odl f a.11 r•·ur1t1 """Y •lr f'" '"'' "'" rur,;:otll'n Y11111" l nol .. 111 It;:• net 11! H•· ttk tl\l'RfHH-.: "•110 .. th1ni Irr .. '1bJ~ ,_, ,, , , .. ,,, ..... J~UIA:\ C'JIU.U , Th" 1ll,Vlh 11·!111 01 " •tranr• l ntl11rn th11tl b<mt "''lh Joni( 111\Wll 1'11\•I "h"fl' t .. f'l h, that 11l" 11ny krnd 11! meal Th• i'"''f>lr trl,.•I W kill her wh~ .. h .. "'"rlt'•I ico bbllnit r hlld· rf'n, hu l 11h~ • """""'' l o a r•vt- Thtn lh,. 11r<1p1 .. • 111lrd up· on ILll·powntul "Eldl'r Bl'f>- 1 h,.r ' f 11r hl'lf'. a 1111 hi' tf,.1. lr<•y~ the mon.atf'r Allhoul'h th" fltrurn tlrat •f'rf' l hnu1tht tu ""' tO 000 yrara oM , Setzlrr d.-·l~d by rr'Olllon dl'<1uctlona lha l Ul"Y we,... m••lf' 1111m,.llm,. •rt"r J~lll We l'f'tum l'd to Nee<flf'e antl ••f.lln ,.i1 Ill• mM1'Tn Mo-l'""' l nlltana on lht"1r r.,.r. V8llnn i.11.nit tht1 frrtilf' flood pl•ln• l>nr•l.,nnc th,. 11•,.r PORTICAfT Th""'° lnrl11ma today ar" a '"' 'rv rrum th .. lr anc-.. ato ni """ "'r•r<••( oul th,. ii:raw•I l"' '"1otr"Jlh• h111 ""'"" 11r lb• • 11 riv ~··1 ll• r,. r,.m ,.rntwor th., plt'llJT•'"'llJl'n• JIJI ll , l h I'• e ,,..,., • ful n.&t ,."'" t '"'· 1 ·ha.r· 1,~ 11~1 1 , .. \'Ill"• \II tt ,. \l"J ''" 'll"n ""I• ltoflj.: hM•r "hll II fh,.v h1 a1t1~. Th• 1r' ·-t1u11,. '"""'.'"'1 t1f a l •Rhl f1ttrr .: 1111 1. ••l11 rl a \Krfi I •1n • • tt ",.,, " l"nK, ({.,\\ •n.: t: 1111t r•''t:. ,,,,,. rnt h"· I tnd 11tr1 •I t11 I h • $U'ftUn I. fln•I t h•·v J \:nu t l h t"m li',.I\"'" .-1.-h rtlrlv '" tr1h"l t•r,. m ••..-•1tJ u1 A•1t1• • Thf" I It "' ''"~" ""'. ~k u •• 'r •h •f'l t.l,.t1 .... u n .. · h.u k tlUI lt ' \ UJI lt'"r "-" u • h ·ur.•;t , • • ,., 1n- •• '' •nl l't11 r'l1 ., ,,.. r1 ~k1 U1, ,,.,, lt•lhr• t fllr "" \ d tM• lie tn t w n " '" 11111• •l 1•,.rl.-1 h f r Ill" a nnll•I ~J .. 11\t h• 1 l'11rA•lr " ••lrpn111n11lv l11 ric• •1·•• •a• I& r .. r " <ti v l hr """' '" ·"'""'""• 1 ... 1 .. , 1111 uult!1ior l.1111l< <U" ,.. ,,. I , .. n,.0 1 ~,,,.,., l'"'"tn~. ,.,,., lhtn p,,, 1tl\' '""r"•I In 11\tRI! thr llll\l'Ml hrtn lh .. ""II\ 1IA_\' MOTOJt~ JlOAH 'f'llP n•1Kt rlH~f n "K ~" W • r"l AWllkPn,.tl by tht" '" H "' pow,.rlul 11u 1t..ar•I 111111 "1 • warmlni.: up ••r> t h· ,,, , 1 , 11.lld "'!I J01nt"<I \\'11 lly I 111'·1•. Jl""""'d"nt •·f 1 h,.. •J•• •n"'' '''Ji? Nf'fl'JJ,,. .MHr"rhnn A"'""' ,. U on. Jnr . tn m""l It .. •It '· "I'll In th .. plt..o IA\rr W'I cl1n1hi>•I Ab •1t1r•I a plA.l\fl &jfllln l 'l V l"W lh,. I I:,. m11,. <'"Ur"fl d ""n .. t ,..,""' to Park,.,. l>111n anti hArk. the W()t'\d S tnugh,.al boel f &l'f' Alt«r hour• "' wa t. t •Of th,. l1n\ hr·"'" • -.r,.,.n .,. · 'n La.k& HavU\l ov•r lnrky Mnll w• a.nd J>&lll ah 1ru nr l1l&n<1a. """' h"&/'.1•'1 bllr k trw hom<1 Pl<:kL~G DATA:;S by hand in funoua date rrovea of N~a. Here pair take 'cm tluwn by handful. Th1A u m .. w• llrov .. Htr h· .-·ay U ln Ambny, wh"r~ we t1.1.n1e'1 ont'l " •1111 r<••d to l'TljHy t h" rl,.,...rl 1>1 "n"ry h•'" r ... r,. jn1nini: t "" r'-'v"m~n l at T'wrnt)'llln" l'11ln uo '"1 r nn- tlnuln( nn II) lllch w11 v• 80· ;o, then black to lh• llarbot': (louernmenl Gxcepl :J.rom PAGE 2 . PART II NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS..PRE$S MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 •-11DINGS OF COMFORT AND JOY!" ''God grol"lt us thti serenity to eccept the things we c ennot change: the courege to chenge the things we cen end the .,,,:sdom to know the d ifference." (A. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL By EDITORIALS HORACE PAJUlER Holiday Season Brings Its Memories of Local Leaders With Chr i8tmu nearly here it's a good time to count our ble88inga just becauae we are reaidents of wond<'rfuf Newport Harbor -an area the late famous aon o f Orange County, GJ('nn L. Martin, could not forget . Friends or Hoag Hospital are moat grateful thia wc>ck after announ<·ement t he institution, now in the fund-raising drive, was remc·mbere-d with a $100,000 bequest from the lat<' Mr. Martin. The philanthropic pin nettr designer-cr<'ator of aireraft had many !riend11 h<'rc and other parts of the county, among whom was the late Harry W elch, another Harbor booster . This Christ.mu w ill ha\'e its tinge ot sadne1J11 as ri\'ic lead<'rs gather for t heir annual Amigos Viejos party because Harry Welch will not be on hand to greet hu1 host of frie nd11. With Newport Beach about t o f'ntn it.s fiftieth year and o bserve 1ta golden anniversary, it i11 only fitting we think back on some of those pioneer r('s1dents and friends of the city who aided it in it• marcn forward. Me88r8. MartJn and Welch are two of tht-m. We cannot forget either the late George Hoag ln wh06e name the hospital on the hill carries on today and in whose name the Hoag Foundation will match doUAr for dollar the funds o thers put up to give the h ospital ita new wing. The late Mr. Hoag wu a.lao a man w hose love of this al"\.'a was exceeded by hia gentle- neft8. Y<'s. those of us who are fortunate enough to Jive here should never forget the contributions of our civic lcad~rs who have gone on, yet whose g~at stature cut lengthening s hadows benefiting this area. Those o f us who call the Harbor area home have additional obligations bttawie of these men. With the City of Newport. Beach's g olden yur at hand 1t ia only fitting we pause and remember the city not be such a desirable place for aJl of ua to live in were it not for the personal and financial contributlone of our earlier residents. With this thought in mind we 11hould all rededicate ourselves t o the futu~ growth o f Newport. Harbor. We should ne\'<'r forget the men or VWOn who made the Harbor fl()S8tble. And, having promoted iu growth for all o f us they have passed lta weUbeing and the com· munities around it on to our ban~ tor future develop- ment m wiae manner. May we ever be !&tthtul to that trust. Knight Sounds Economy Note We All Can -Admire ~mt-of the bt't!t new• out o f Sa cramento'• polilf· can Olympian height.a 18 the statement of Gov. Good· Wln J. Knight that the~ probably will be no nque.t for new or incl"t"a.acd taxes at the 1956 bud(tt IM!Ulon of the leg1.t1lature. P ointing out that state income wu $46 m illion fTe&ler than anliripated during the Jut fi9<:&1 year, Knight uld indJcat1ona are that revenue will h old up during the prel!<'nt f&Mal year. Addltiona.lJy, be a&1d, dunng the last 8<'\'r n years the atat.e bu 1pent $484 million In UCe88 of ita income &nd "th\a 8\1Re9la an eve.ntuLI increase 10 revenut9 lo keep the normal budget requ1rt"ment8 in bala.nct." We can think of no m ore aalubrioua newa for the taxpayers during the n<'Jtl. election year. A declalon t o hold 11tate expendituret1 10 reuonable line will be a ftalhC'r in the cap o f the go,•erning Republican party Gov. Kmght b eads. Jt al80 ill a move which la common ~ue a.nd wo rthy or any poliUcal party'• eerioua and fal'onble cons1deratton. Thia nation i11 sllJI staggering under a debt piled on 1t by those who believed in spending to mue m oney and ta.xing, 11pending. «lecting. We will be genet"&tlona getting thia load paid off. We are happy t o t1ay the City of Newport Beach dur1Jlg put yeara bu been bendlted in the main by council membt-n ••ho no rmally \'oted to keep the city'1 expenditures at s reuonable rate without in· creuing ta.xee. 1t would be nice i( we could aay the same thing .. about the county bO,ard of 1uperviaora, but u you know, we feel the board of 1uperviaors in recent year1 hu extended itself to apend m oney ,on ita ever..<Jecreaa· ing-tounty areu. The only iuue which they apparently will come a cropper on in the near future ia the propoled $42 million flood control bond i.saue. · Not until the bond iaaue propoal ia reviaed in tune with the facts can the board hope the public will e n- dorse its projed which now loolc.a like a pork barrel. We all are stuck with state taxes, however, so all w e can do is elect asaemblymen and 1tate senators who will do their utmost to hold G<:tv. Knight to hie state· ment regarding no new truces in 1956. Meanwhile, it will behoove our local and cou nty governments to follow the state "hold -the • line" tax policy, rather than provide things at extra expe111e and of doubtful value and need. The Tragic Chrisbnas Story ln December, 1954, there were 351 d eath1 in Call· fontia traffic compared to the 1954 m onthly a verage of 258 death•. • In December, 1954, there were 10.942 peraona in· jured in California. traffic compared to the 1964 m onth· Jy average of 9022 injuriea. I n December, 1954, there were 18,203 traffic acci· denta, compared t o the 1954 monthly averag e of l !>,· 016 acciqents. I.n December, 1954, there were 89 pedeatriana killed, compared to the 1954 monthly avenge of :>9 pedestrian death.a. In December, 1954. there were 1168 pede.triana Injured in traffic accldente, compared t o the 1954 month· ly average of 910, During 1954 20.3 per cent of all fatal accident& found at Jeut o ne driver Involved who had been drinking. , During 1954 20.8 per cent of all pedestrian.a killed in rural area.a of Ca.li!orn.ia had been drinking. During 19M Llmost one-filth o f all rural traffic accidents involved at Jeut one driver who bad been drinking. . During 19M 26.1 per cent of all violat.lona commit· ted Jn fatal accldenta in the rural areu were commit- ted by driven who had been drinking. During 19M 2:5.3 per cent of all violations c:ommit- t.ed in injury accident. in rural area.a were committed by driven who bad been d.rinkln&'. Every year nationwide Cbriatmu Eve, Dec.. 24, l1 the date for more trattlc death.a than any other d ay 10 the entire year! The an.nrer Uee with each individual Highway uaer, f or u.!e ·~· aobriety and common atnM w1U do much to reduce lheee &ppallln1 toU.. AFFAIRS OF ST ATE Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITED PRESS (Ed. Note -ftla colmna by Ho~ Partr"' wUI ._. wtUI the Utlle-knowo llilll•rk•l I.eta IM lllM dN<Clpd up 18 Ida ....., artpe Into th• blw'Jc coat..,. I• l'W'llet ,,..,.._, The "elfin fores{" is btginning to atir. It.a tiny oaltl and olh<'r dwarfed t reea which we call bru11h o r chaparTal are cominy into their r fowing seuon . The "fire aeuon" haa ended with the rains and the public i• invited Into lh• forests. 'l'he finest a dventure trip into th~ elfin forMt ii ovtr the Orltl:'ll Highway con-lod h!'r holiday drf'u with brilliant nPct lnit Rivcr~llle a.nd Orange orangt end y!'llowa. A lthou,;h I Countlu hav,. travf'lll'd th• Ort«'ra hun· Here I\ 111 jui<t btfore Chrl1t· dred1 of llmu the tall dl1play or mn.s and tho' •'<thlr 1tlong lhe Orte· 11roorl'll drtH caulled me to etop nn 11 mllly day and take • "colot ~a Is lremcndoua. Thi' "llllsoi" or 11hot" und4'r what I knew w.r• moat adverM condlUona of ll&ht• ln1t. Juat to catch thla colortul. mlaty moment. lt you •re 1olnr to live In and ll ne lh1'1r m8Jt'lltlt' forrn1. Tht enjoy Southem Calltoml& to It• syr!lmore ls nn" nf my favorllt' I fullul you mu1t IMm to lo,,. arid treu of 1 hf' Pl fin forr-111: 1 admlrt' undC'r•t•nd Ila bruah rountry and 11~ (Mm. color snd eplt'y odor duert .. The plnea and hllb moun• The hoary old irl11nt11. towertnr taln a('enery ..,.. the "cream" but a hundred ftf't or llO Into the air, thf'l'fl If• the euenUala o.f a tull ahowtng t htlr nfw tc-ndtr white life In Ill lower reac:-hH. Uk• bark lllfatnl!t lht olt!H dark re· the Greek Phlloaophel'9 who -.Jk• mind me or forml\llv rtrl'lll!e<1 Ma· ed and m9dltated In the ahade Of ann11. rt-pltle w 1 't h lamb1kln the Plane treN which ..,.,.. In ~ycamoru in the lower rl'nfhfll of the var1ou11 WR11ltee art beaullfol In their rr!'·C'hrtalmu ~rb of tiny reddl:<h brown• which oul- 11pron.11. reality Old World aycamorM, ~ Whlll' t he arnaller. whit,. bark· 1.JK£ LITTU OIRL8 chaparral t>elt and deaeri. Mc:koa to Ila Southland mhablt&nt.e. ed. aRphnga In t~·t ~roupa are How lonr aJnce you b&,,. -.n my little whlle·•tv<'lcmgl'd gtrls on old-fuhloned f &mlly picnic? (A Sympoaium of Editoria l Comment from al t'hurch on Good l"ntla)' There Select a nice day. The.n th• devil· CaLifornia Newspapers) le one dump of thue errl'l lllllt> I'd •gge, the dill plcklN, Miid• The merger of the two labor giants, C IO and AFL, Ml .. 's neRr thl' Uppu San Ju.n wll'hta, and ot t'OurM potato •I· Pubhc Camr on the Ortl'1a, thnt ad, a t.henno1 or two of hot cot• was noted in many editorial columns last week: u the hl'adllghta catch thtlr tee and th• old red table cloth. Th• Chtco Entupr1se -Re<'Ord' Lonit 8t111•h l'lf'llS • Telrgnm· trunk& on • dark night l alway• Paper plat.ea, cupe and napklr11 "Union leader• and othere claim "A gc1vct "'gn lh&t the AFL and remark to the wife. "lhl'rt1 are 80 mom will nol have to work CIO u111ona mRy recogni:r.e the my llltle 11lrll• agu1n" cltanlnt up, are th• mod•m In• that a hu1• lncreue 1n the 'Ot· ....... dlenta ot .... pl~ft1c lun h ~·eater re11pon1ttJlllly \hey hrwe The "loyun" trel' or California ··~ "'' ~· c • Uverable' union labor vote wlll Incurred by ffifq llnK t11"1r f111rt1 Holly, aa IL 111 bt'llt known. alwsya t•[Nt: PICNlO IPOTI reaull from the merger l'rujl"C· WA.'I lhr rholi'e uf Ge11rgr Mrany hu a brlllltlllt dh1play or Ila red The Ortep HJrhway provide• Uona of thi1 'con\rollablt ' vol<' 1 11~ the union l'hlef MeMY "' rel11o· bl'rrlca alunjl' the Orlrga juat bl'· a number of uceUent picnic: TUJI a• high •.t JO mllllonit, with ll\'tlv "'in11trvut1v11 rnrnpan•lf with fore Chrlslmu Enjoy lb er arl!'I apal.9. C&rtllO Camp at Ula top of more 'conaervallve' f'lttrnatr• nr \\ 11Jt1•r Hl'uther. and the A F'L hu dltplay, but •lon't m11111111e tl by the rradt. Upper 8&n Juan iow.r abOut 1:.. mtlllona. Actual!} ho\\· l>t ~n 1el•ttvfly ruMl'rvallve .... m. r k lc 1ng \hi' bc-rriu t1e wither and down, a nd Ute low"t ot tll• pie• ever. the Rt'publtcana 1houhln l bf' 1•1t1..d "llh lht (.'JU ' fade nut <of 1111 muur11I environ· nlc apot. la lh• Lower aan Juaa too ecared by •uch quuted CIR·, E \ £STI AL t "!'HT\'~ mcnt I• t ••ther 11arrw. holiday Camp. uru. becauae lhe mem~ra of th«" Th.. San F'ranr1en.1 ~rw~: "In t>riuml. lourl"L• P"rt11ke of na· It k combined union will be the aamt an 01gan1tattnn "tth sul'11 tJ1vtne ture·11 Chrt1tmu dt'C"orauons. your Id• ..,.. Uke mine lh•)' 1 want to yell ud run Uk• kid• voter11 whom ne lhtr aepa~ate un; pc•rll(111ahlll'1 •• W11ltcr Reuther, A11 f'\Jll,., In hl11 exc4'11f'nt llttJt are wont to do. Boon they ,,.. Ion bu ever been ab~~ \o deliver ti<"Orge Ml.'a ny, Dave1 llt>I k. l"lsve I book the · F:trln ForHt" rail• lhe quiet, utchln1 water-dop in the 111 prevloua elecUon~ ~l<'D<•nald. Hlirry l.unolcb<•r)( tLn<J 11ldl'r1' thr Beau BrummelJI of lht' creek, or uamlntn1 a fallen yuc· Ontario • Uplan<l Olllly Rtputt Jc>t Curran, In nlllll" 11 '""'· It rlrln CM<'l'I. are alM> 1n their 11u• ra curloualy, or perhapa even ''fJohn L) vw111 wa11 not J11111 81't'm1 h1<rt.lly 11r••b11bl.-thnt NllO· 111mn ll•,.~~ 111 brilllnnt ,. .. uow •ll mf' nak root f\Jngt UTe•t lhalr calling n1UT1f'lt whm he H I(! th<' plele, •11111ll•·1•1111•1t·,1 uriilv will bi· I Th,.y ~h•rr with lhf' •vfa1r111r"• / •ttent1on. I.At '•m So· Jet •em new mer11td AFVClO wu a I aoon com•ni; Th•8 prt1b1&bly la all \ht lntennllttnl 1lreama of th• 1 1 • U\Y bl 'roP9 or allnd' lhat could not Jut, to th" 1ood l"nr If th,. cumblnetl l fllrftlll, th" •)'c•moru lower down P ay, et em enJor P"' IC: rot ht hGJo ,... "" and \lnder•tood Ctderatlon rvn 1 1>11hl two mentpu· and lht' ~al ll'rA hiieh,.r ''P Wh!'rt land part ot lh• Cleve,land Natlon- thl• l•rk of 11• 1111in .. rf'"p<'ll\Jllblhly h•ld by • •tnl:IC' mnn • r """n • Chey IC"••rJ lhr atrr"m btJ In al Forttt Dul tlr•t of all alM>w on th• pul of the new organlza· •mall gru\lp, ll ru1ty rnuhJ t>t-I t..ht<lr tmmat'ulal• d re a a a.nd them polaon ou , arid warn tbtm lion'• top IH drre. Jn11tead of l'Ome • monopoly 11nd a far KTl'AI· hau~hty •ppellra.nce to alter clar of lt. for H I• bruahlng L' wt a ' ol;iterYaUona t"r mt'nace to the nation•\ wtl(arl' Ulde and making 1mu·t rtmark• tha.n any truat we h1<Vr known " BRU.LIA~T DILESS lh• worat f'l\emy ol "•u.eepUble \bout b1• Mrloua dl'mand ror an I Oalllaml Tribune• ' l'rt111Mnt The Jowly •·illow. p•I of lh• mankind" In the 8outhern C&llfor· ar<"ououns or union fund11, the t EIMnh11w .. r 1 "u ron "' t wh('n aycAmore aocl aldt r, hu br1r ht•n· nl a bruah and Umber eounl.rJ. Af"L.-CIO mttgf'r managtment 1 he •tat rd lht' opJl()rtunltv 1~ r ru-. ""'OUILI do wtll to l1attn cloaelyl anent for ll\e rnrn who now ctir..ct Jlo A tot or th1nkln~.. the d11"11n1"• or more thnn I !) 000.· ~ 000-ml"l"I' wm1 wmn,.n rrr tl'H"-Nu1l411- POLn1C A I .L V roTl:!ll'T · ot orl(11nU,rll J11hor II I• n1ll lhl' S A C RAMENTO, (CNI) - Whenever Paul R. l.AaJle, mem· ti.T of lh• atAt• board of equa.1- uatlon f rom lh• third dttllnct. and a ne,,,.peper publlAher ot Woodland. makH a public trpeecll. he man&lfea to throw Jn a ffw pbrl.Ha that -... atttr1UOI\ catch· tnf, and utually plthJ enoup tor r•p.tJtlon. Sa_n R.a!ael Independent J our· lark of the cha no .. 10 d,.mnn~tratf' nal "Will th" new org11n1:i:a11on the bl'1t <it 111 thr th1ni:s ltlat s:o be mnrr errl'l.th·,. pt1l1t1c111ly than Into bt1n1t l\n Anw1111en ll ta lht' t11'<> olc1 nnr~ • Only lime w11J ""h"lhl'r nr nnt th•l QJ•(l1ttlltnlt) "Slmple falrneH an'1 tile WT1t· tf'll But lhf' •mllllf't C'IO and t• UJ11>c1 tnw1u·t1 that Jnc1 " ltn !aw ltlt lh• board only one AFl. h11d <ltfCll'UllV t'f•n lrnlllnt lhf' Mnclr,l•I n. r • ~. n. h••W '" LeaJca'a lalHl appeant.11<"11 WU btfor. a rroup ot city and CO\llllY ottlclat. h • r • In ~ramento. when be ~ and defended Ula tio.rd of equallaatJon'e acllon Mrlltr UU. )'tar In alArtlnl' the proctM of equallalnc ..-1911\ent.e throupout lhe .Ute. OOOSE PLUC'llViO courw. to dt rtaand ...... m•nt or I voting nl lhr1r mrmb,.nhtr"· It 1 m.ake 11n11v , 111 '"" \t· I <"IOI property at a 11t•ndard Jcvd In """Ml' """n 1"'11' lik,.ly that a larit-harmnntou• thl'rl' rnu-1 Ill' •••ml' "1atlOll to mArk•t valu"" l er unton wtll h•w11 b"Ut'f lutk " "''''or 111JJ11~1m,.nt '"'"""n th .. 1 Oetcrlbtn1t thl' bo•1tJ'a authnrl· Tht SM Oll'"o t'nlon: "Whtie II' .. r n1111n•I 11ppronrti tr( !hr A ~·L !y In tile nialltr, lA'dUt .. Id that ~Wt'rlt"' Ill l'ltl'Ct 1'ny 111ntr1t · Intl th11 m11rt-11$:1;1!'••1\'~ rulollfl<· only the pt0ple and lht legl•la· !landed lncrt u r• In lh11 natlonnl !nit of the C"IC1 'iht h•t •r t• ture have lhe authority to e•tmpt Uvlng etandard the labor comblnt' lxlun<1 to prnv1.111 111.. "I•'• 11 i!'ltv I.he board from tu leral obh.ia· can. ho,,.·evtr Je<lpard1u lhe cur-In th!' h"ll'\' AtlllMf'f .. , ,. nr thr uon to etCect Inter. county equal· l't"nt p~rltv It ran do thla bV Af•IA wtnrh n11l n11111l1t" !hf' r 10 1 l&allon. u111n1 ll1 n~ ~wer to fnrce un-b\• t"'o to on,. ~Hh 11 •rt11r I• "Home rule J O., 011 th• rod&• Whvi Ultr. IU't tu tnJUIUCM and lack of Wllformlty ln &aMu1111 proptrty. ll la a rule by men rather than by law that Wlder- mln• local ro••rnmtnt." he "--clued. OIU>D PBOTUTED Tb• boal"Cl'e uaH11mmt ol"Cler economic poll~l"ll on lndu.ttry The 1>:oln1t to j:ent-r•lt ml' •lurm\ clu.alc He.mple rif lhl• •• John L. ~otng ln make 1111 full 1mp11C'I ft'li (A,.-ia' demaJvl11 of coal produtfr11. fl<lhl1r11lly or tnd1i.tr111llv, unlll It which h•V• l l''"" " prll'• advan· l'f'Y throur:h thl' flr.t ftw }'<'llr& t.ega to ('OmJltllnl fuela.'' of llA union" Sacramento Sidelight T'or oM lhlllr. h• recalled an old Mylnr common to public of· ft~i.. or .ome of than a t 1 ... t that : W'U prol.Mttd b)' MYeral COUnUU , ---------------------------'"111• art of ta.uUon ~.u In 110 plucll1n1 the rooee u to obWn tbte i..r,.trt amount of f•lh«N w1th the iaut poMtbloe amoun l of bl.m1Jl1 and honltlltl'· "ror ocit, l can't '° a.Jone wttli tbat." h• d.cJ&red. .. )(oat tarp&y- en already ban roo.e plmpl• trom t1e111r o..,,.lucll-4. .. LMJte t o I d the local J'OY• anune11t ottld ala that "preferen· Uat tax treatment pt.ante th• Meda for economic chaoe.. and u a f'e9Ult. th• .ur't1n.l of k>ca1 ,-ov- v1u1Hn t l• t.hre&taitd. "Lack of unJlormJty In WN tnde lo d..UO)' Ule public'• con· ncSene• and morale, but wttllout ui.e .....,u&Ia. cSec4nt SoYtm· mt11t caallot conuaue." DOI.a MILUO?tll Tu 1nequ1u-. ha atd. have re.ulted from th• at.at•'• qu.e .. u~ formula tor cSoUq out and one countv w111t to court ov-w the ~ct to ltlcrtue property --..inent.e. but lM bo&r-d ao far h.. bee n upheld. Eventually, 1-k• decl&Hd, Ute ordtr tor ln- CrtUe w I 11 tum out lo be a "bl-in. 1n d.11~1-:· ~ lt the bo&Td'• order• evtn· tu&lly do brll\s about an •Meaa- menl l•vd wtlich l• approidmat .. ly the Mme ln alJ COWIUel, thtA •llll rtmaJM th• problem ot un· equal -...uamtnta within the counu.. them1t1lv•. Th• boerd. of courwe, bu nothJnr to do with the lndlvtduaJ plecu of property wtthln a county. thne are handl- ed by county UHUOta. SACR.AMt::-;TO, !C:SSl -A m11y be 80me ml•11ncttr11tandlng pubUclty h&nc1·oUl from the C'alt· • <>nctm•ris: the rr11rnn•lblhllf'11 of I fornl• Ttarher• A11.ll<>('latlnn r!'l•I· lht tearhrr11 1n1 to lh• 11t1vlltn nt th" Sl11tt Thl11 Plem• from lhr C•l't that Council nt F. !11C'11tlnn. 11•hlch lit the mnt1"m day -'<'hool 111 h .. ..,.1m· the policy m1k1n1 botly tor \ht' 1n11t more 11n°I morl' li:"llftd to th"! 80.000 m•mlx'r ora-1nlu llon. ron· 1t1edtncre atudtnt, 11nd In atlt-mpt· t&.1n1 a "credn" r.lattnr lo publl(' 1nr to torrt e'1ur11tlon dovm thl' 1choot.. thrn11111 nf "1 11'1,.nt• whn r 11nnnt The "credo" 1111\'1! Ab11nrb It, Ill rrf'11t ln1t a Wllllt" r ( The public !ll'hool 111 hr111n1 Rnd 1ntrl111-; .. n1 !', "hll-h l. The majnr 11g,.np· bv whlrh 1·111111 ""II h" 1111\f7r l fnr th" 10dety &NUr"" tw>th 1\11 lllAbllllv hM1l'f1! ""'' 11l'\1·l"r1tu•n t r·f 1'1~ and lt1 evolut Ion rountry. 2. b-.ed urnn a nnn btlltf In A lrtt,.r frl'lm " b11v llrC'a t"erh the lnt.,.nty llnd wnrth of !hr n •uppo1 t" lhl.o <'onc,ntion Thi• lndlvtdual. lt!IC nt-r "'"" wnrrtl'l1 about th t 1 J. la rommlll"d lrTt Vfl('ably tri 113me ptuhl"rn .. ll">c faft th11 t •trlve ror eq11111 edurallonal op-bniihttr 11tt1tl!'nt .. ti,., nrit •t<'Ul e portunlly for 1111 ln11trurt1on th l)rtnir nut lhtlr ruu j • Is dl'dlt'lll"'1 tri the ldf'al lh•l r apabtlllle•. llntl thn,.for• Io• t human hbi!rl" 1io b!11t ~111rantttd lntert11l In llr h!'t'llln1t lhrou,h rt'l'f"fll'nt11t1v,. ,overn-Hl11 11urv,.y lnd1r11lt-'1 thiil 11nmt ment ant1 t11'mnrretlr rrnrt!ll!f'll 60 ptr rtnl or lh,. brl11ht rr 1<t ti· A., . .IL\~ CAMP -Thie acene on Ort.ec& H ighway lx-<:kons to the picnick~r a.nd camper inlet"· ~sled an bcaut1ful outdoor area. btered u 8~nd-OU1 Kattn t.t the Poat.otnce lD Newpon ......_ m1Wou or doUan tor Khoo'-and CalllomJa under th• Act ol M&rcll J, 111t. for lpecl&1 SJ'O\IP .. .uch u war nterau u4 Ula ac'9d. Un~- In many countJH. It I• ob11erv- td that 10me property of appar- ently equal value Ill ..-~ htrh· tr than oO!er property. Moel u - -.oni, however, have a formula for aueMment. which I• r entral- IY follow~ lneq\JIUu . rif t'Ourae. are bound to ruult from any for• mul&.. u pec:tally when thH11 11 a human rtlat1on1hlp But In any event, the ~umtnl pro1tum I• ~tter than It hu bten In many 5. le or 1111,.lf 11 rl'l'nirnlllon that dt'nla dftl nnl •vl'n 1t11rh • R only an ,nllithl"nf'd Jl""Jlle m11v avn11gt. &llhnllli'h all or lht JQa 1111fely extr('tv llt.erty and wl11tly Wtr" •bnv" 110. whlrh I~ ('Onl!lller· pur1111e h11pplnt'llll td tht pl11tfnrm for ('ollritl' v.-nrk . hW..Md e.._ry 11..-t. W........, ... P°rMaT .,. tM ..t GOUD~ laJtlnl' a4nantqe ~r:W'POllT RAllBOIL Pt:BLUllINO OOllPANY of the formula. ..... elphOl\lnf ott *'-tlmd9,.,,.. e<>WIU• con· t!ll 11611>M BIY4., NEl\'l'OaT BEA.CB. CALIF • ..._&artier lilt fol"llllq Willa approncl 'YlluaUon ~ to hWWt Lc1ll No..._ ... U••« .. ., AJ1 m.11 ltJ 0.CrN of U.. lfaperlor Court et OrMc'e 0.. la...._ Jira. A·tl• ....._ CallfonlAa New 11111 .ht' Q2n .&.Iida._ ._.. N......a IWll11W Am1•1._ ...__, ., OrMp ~ 1' ......... BEN UDOICK. P't-"BLlSBER WJ(.l,U M A. MOIM, Sdltor ONIOND &. ROUNTREE. Advt~ Dtrector CB.UlLE8 A. ARMBTRO~o. X edlanle&J Bupertntendent 8t"MC&lrnO!'l &4Tt:81 , N..,.n llutior ~-•Pn-w. T1'1·\\'.-J7 la <>tuir'• c.-v ...... "" 1ear: ta.et ... m~'i au~ ... ,.. -OwtlMe .i onq.. C'oamty .,.00 ,., ,.... , p1'CtJcaa. •• •ta~ year.. Grass Roots Opinion JEFFERSONTOWN, KY .. JEF'F ERSONIAN: "The chcWc. ~ to ue to be plain, we un have aoclallam (a.n opening wedge for communism), with go\'ernment in the uddle to over-govern and inhjbit u. all, t o the point of deatroyin1 initiative a.nd ambition -or we can have free e1>terpriM, and auch other frr<'doma de. tined to live or die with St." Thu1. the ~l.ttl' l'n\1ncll of t'r1U· In an<llher clu11. iO Pf'r ttnt fall· C'll tfnn plll• lnl n wnrr111 lht lcll'U t'd tu make " B avrr1111:e that have t~t'mmt<l Crnm lh!' In· Thf' llllrv"}'. Iliff lrtt"r 1t11tf't, ,11~ri.tinn or lht public A<"hl)(>l wu brouaht It> t11,. •tl,.n tlon ot 11yattm •tnrt the time It V.'1\1 ('I· the &dmlnl1tralnr or the aC'hool tabllahe<I In thl' tarly t1nn11I• of 11y'Jltm ln vol vtcl Amtrlcan h111tory by Thomu Jef. ·It wlll nol 11urprl•" you to hear ftr1ton. that he did nol ac-knowltdr • re· \\1111• lhe a~optlon of the ao-ceJpt of lhl' aurvey c.r the let tu called "crtdo" I• to M t'Ommend-ac:companytn1t II." lht' lt'll"r HY•· ed lJ> many ,,..,.,,, the atate C'nun-Thu•. It tchnol admlnl1trator1 I ell or eduC'atlon m11y hava a lot are r v1ng to f~ll <.It•" n «n lht' Job more to do ln puttlnjt' It• t I ,,,. Ir> th~ f'lft"nt th11t th••· r>••' nn r ·: int11 Into 11er1 ou 11 11r .. r11tlnn lltlMtton to lllt\ld1u m•d• by \.htlr I throughout the 1chnol ')'1t.-m of 111100 tl'&rllrr1 nn auhJ .. , 1$ • f p1trR· 1 CallfnrnlL mount lm~rta.nre, now <an lh4! I Yor In tht thlrl! lt•m In wh1rh public exr ert the arhonl" to r11r- Ui. publlt' Khnnl I• rnn m .. , .. , Ir· rv out th"' h11h • ~unr!lnfl{ tri,.•I• re'"OC'ably t., •tr"" rrr "'l ·~I ~ h1· "Xpr• •lll'•I by th• at.ale ''uv11 ct catlon opportunity lo all. lhtn, educauon 1 A l.l~-That 1R Cahfom1l'l·~t"x1can name for 11yca.- mnr,. l'f'C'n in 1t~ natl\'P hab11a 1 airing lower reacheti of lhe San Juan Crffk -Photo• b)' l:lor&c. Pu-Mr NEW HALECKEST ESTATE HOME -Thia archi· tect's drawing shows one of several elevations of Halecrest Campus Estates residences available in Halecrest Campus Estates Setting Record Sales Pace Th,. nl'Wl'!!l H alf' C'ompany re~· and lnw onl'~. plu,. n ormal lm- ldt'nl 1111 •tPvplnpmenl. Hllll'rrr~l pnunrt11. for non-vel!I. < '11mp1111 E~tatt'~. 111 Costa MeM, . A nhlng the many fine built-In h MI! ~.-t 11 fl'l'r•rcl pa1·1' for !!11let1 in fealur eis a rt'· We 11 t t' r n -H olly t h,. 1»w wel'k" lhl' 1w»lf'I h•llnv~ rnn;:e and oven. \\'estanghouse l\H \'" bf'f'n np1'll, 1l wa~ .mno11n f'('d I rll'h -was her, U tility for"ec1-a1r t 0<IH y <·•mN1~t an;: 11f I hr<'e 11 net fu1 na<>e w ith Bummer vent1lat1on follr·h•'•h 1ocm1 l1nmt>~. 1•1muu n 1ng j 1'w1tch and Wa ste-King g nrbag e t hr V•'I y IBlr st fN1t ur.•s for mocl-•ll ... r usal Wrellnghouse's famous f'rll. lux1111 .. u1< 111·111~. H11lccr ..... t wi•shl'r-clrycr laun•lrom&t 111 a lRO Camp111< F:~l8tP~ "' f<'1 ~ t he h nmt'-1 in every hvme, plu" a ll t he lux-j llP<'ko•r •'Vl'I \'thani; in !ht' \\'t•.1· of ur.v ff'Rl ures usua lly fnund in Tf"lll (':ihf•oa nm 111·111i: ho.lllll'" C111!\ing t w ice t h e rrtl'e. I I 't,n,.,·111c•nlly 1111111,.,1 an 1up1tlly-,·t:Af( 1.<1<'Al. Ht:ACHES Rr11w1n~ r·1111ta M t•1<a. 11l H 1ubt•r l Halt« re:<t C>11n p11:1 ""'tall'!! ls B lv•I 1tnrt Bnk.-r Av,.nu\', acJ)l•Cl'nl I onlv fl (o>w "hort m 1le11 from the [ to 01 ··n~·· C•111llt t 'Hlll'J:f' ~h it>-I m•·~t b C'a1·h"""· m1nllt!'8 t r nm c , ,.,.t 1 '11n1pu11 ~:~tBtr~ will l)IOA'-l s~opping. 11rhoots 8.11'1 Chur<>ht'" I 8 l11 rgl' 4-11111• rrc l"•ll !Jt'ln pa1k t'JC · a nol • a :-1ly rPllrhed Via tre1»n•y clu~av• Iv rcir r!' ... lrtcnl11 11nrl thMr f 1flln itll sections of t..111 Ani;:•·lei; ftVP,.,I • • Th· t,1•1wr1f111ly lnntlsn•p-1 anti Orange ,·nunllt'l< Sale~ r1ff1c·~ et1 ••It • k will f'nntam a little 14'11· anu model hofllN• &rl' 11ttu1tl1•11 Bl I gur h .. 1<1'111dl flrff-t. lat i(E' rli1b H1u bor Blvd. Ill Baker Ave , urlJH• ho11v lPlllll~ 11n•t han1tbsll rr1111 ts.• C't'n l lo Or11111(e C'uBlit Coll!'Ji!•"' lc hlfll<'!'I r111 yi;n 111nd 11nd ll lsrg1· Co11ta M P!'l8. aw 1m1t111 i: P""I ••OOD AT\tO!"PHERf': I • An a111irn•ph1•1 ·· of c·r·un l1y 1 luh Identify Owner of brand new trn rl in Costa Mesa. Sales records are falling as publlc'acce11tance of the new homes is prov· ing daily. NEW DEPUTY CITY TREASURER Mrs R11 1111rd L1l11:nlh1tl, lefl, w ill ™' t ho ut-w t.leputy city l re&11- ur.·r wh .. n th•• pr~i>nt ct~puty, Mrt<. Louis K. sc•t'ly , 1 .. a v1•11 nPXl Wt'"k with hf'r hWlbaml L11 re111oll' rn the f'oln Alto 1.rr" wh~r" hi' w ill tnll.llllJ:<' a '·''"' pl11nl <>f f'Ah• o l'1ll1hu ti', ln<'. M111. L1henth a.I fvn11N'ly worked ln N«wport H"tH /'I P uhc• 1.>1•partment. -SWt Photo 11v111g 111 ""~'"' o1 purr h•t st"n• 11! ReC)ister•d Bike homi>s 1n Utcll'f'lt'Sl C'IHllflWI Ea-, Sh St d. o· . I talt'~ /\~ In p1uv1 .. 1111 Hlllf' Com-A1tvant a1<e hf gel ling a llrt'nlll' ea u 1es 1sm1ssa pany lf"""l"pn11•11 t~ ... 11 hn mf'I• 11 r,. fHr a bike was brought homr d ialtr11 I I\ ••I\' "''"'J:"•'cl 11n11 &rl' nf j T11esd&v when Nf'WPQrt P ollet' I 1 enu1n•· pl.1>1tl'I lllld l11th ('UJlllll ll<" I were a bll!' lo ldt'ntl!y an Rbanrtun-Pleas of Beating Suspects tton, wit h '!Hole .. cl( h··av\• Cf'<iar / t'<J blkP &8 belong1ni: tu So nnt•e ahak.. Nhlnl!'I•• fi r r nt!lheti r uck P Sl.tlllm an. 448 Serra Onv1• The roof,. i n 1'<1l11r bike w aa found by Mra. Edwar·\l Av•'"''1'" lot MV a l C'ampuA ·~-Careon, 12211 W. SalbQa Blvd. SA NTA ANA -(OCNSl -1 J udgto S hea alM> continu ed the flilt'~ 1 • i 1:1 I ••1 fl Hnd tht rO<lm.t' A nolhtr ,-1r1·.. blk... unidentl· 811pe rh•1 <•m111 .lurtge .John Sh•·ll arraignment vf Lhe qutntet until hfimu ''ill 1111 hsve IHq :e pat1u" fll'f.l. waa alJtO found. Ot rtcn1t de • Frid11y took u nd••r .submi. ... •lon mo· 1 9 :10 a . m. next i.~riday. Hf' said w ith ,.Ji,11ni.: 11,'lf1111 1loot• tl'admg \"cn~d 1l as dark it·noen 1n color I tlorui to t.11111111311 lt>h>nlo\u• IU§lla1Jll I ht> would rule on the motwn.a lo tn tnl'm 1r1o111 th .. home Thl'rl' 111 Hwa.a foun(I by Frank. C reen, 820 cha.r1tl'I! a¥•ln•t fl\•e you th11, Lwu dtl'!1ll.l ft8 after he h ll.lt eludll'd a no ll'•"'" 1111v111.,nt for v .. t•r&n11. Ocl'&n F ront. 1 or C'<111ta M<'M >1r•·r" 233 • pah-e prl'hm111ary h"'1rlllf ~o I off ~On All Our Toys! WE ARE CLOSING OUT ALL TOYS! ,. THEY MUST G0-20% OFF New Stock! Latest Features! Fine Selection! Many Famous Nationally Advertised Toys Including TOYS FOR BOYS! # 2ocro off TOYS FOR GIRLS! Educational -Mechanical -Constructive -Entertaining Dolls -Games -Paints -Many Others For All Ages EVERY TOY GOES NOW AT 2()0/o OFF Buy Now For Christmas an~ Save NEWPORT TACKLE STORE (near Newport Pier) 105 McFaclct.R '9ace Harbor 97 1From Spreckles to Smith; He Sheds His Name SE.\TTLE. <oc:-..s 1 J 11 h n Dole Sprel'kt>I,. Ill, •on1•e 1111 hPir to ll HllJ:rllr f•ll ll&no>, Shl'1I hts n itllll' In S uperiur (' .. µrt he r" Thur:.Un~· and be1:am P jui<t pl_!Lln John U Smith. S11le1<man . He l!Jlt1 Judi(<' Lloyd Shoretl he wnnt«d to change hls name be- t AU&e employees aS11od lllt'd It "with th1• Wt.'1llth thti fan11ly onre posse.~se(J" He said frllow work· ,.,.~ to11k him fnr "a f1na nC"1e1 anJ plt1yb".'' " j S1111th now IR employed by his I bru\h .. 1. A1lulph, who ttpt'r&tt'~ ll cu~tom cabinet shop hert' _ A(tolph a lso 1~ a g ranctsun uf lht' la tl' J 11hn D Sprecktds. the su~1u· '1mg w ho ll'fl a fortune lo his heir!!. Adolph ,,. \o\'t'llknown 111 New· pnrt H 11rbnr for his be1H in1r o! h1a e>e·w1fe, Kay W illiam.!! Spreckela, now Mr9. Clar k Gable. He went lo couoty jail for the u 11a11lt, a sim ple m!11c1emeanor. Ask $6000 DarnaCJ•s For Newport Crash SANTA A NA IOCNSI -John Sprocil lntom of S11n la Ana Tue11- day M kt'<f appro xin111tf'ly $6000 damag.-s In t h" wak e of a colll- 11ion bt•twern hi9 rr.ot or cycle an d an a utomobile at H li:hway 101 &r1<1 N l'wport A ve. on O ct 11. Ullom named Lawrenr" W. Gf'r - rard, no a<ldrl's!'.1 given . T he Plain· 1,ff r h11rgf'!! Gerrard drovl' hla car in a no•1:hKtrnt fo11hlon 11nc1 wa1 r~11pc.n1>1ble for (he colhslon. tr11.11scri pt. I NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&l 1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 TYPICAL OF MESA BUILDING BOOM Thr dt>fendanta, charged wtth ~11unf uit Ro~rt Hr ok sw or Lorraine 25 ton twin crauea lift six tone of truBSes into position at Van's Bowling, Santa AJ1a, a.re Gary R. S 1rgel. 1703 Superior Ave .. Costa Mesa. The expansion of the bowling emporium is a 20. Tustin: F'rand s om. 70. or $47,000 South Coast Construction Co. job -Sta.ff Photo Sante. Ana He1ghl9; James Ed· 1 ---------------w 111 d S 1en1<m11m1<. 18. <.:o&tll 1'h'8B, ---I ~:~taB~n;: James While. 18, or 5 Local Elks Named South Anaheim Annexation Will The five aUt>gedly pounced on I to State Offices Bro kaw, hill Sl!H'r l'oh'll. David B p rt f c·1 N . t M th Sulhvlin •UlJ Sullivan 11-'1 the trto Newport Harbor Elkll Lodge WILS e a 0 I y ex on tn .. d to pull out o f a tlril•e-ln l'afe honored thls ""'"k by 1U1 a nno unce - ht>re Nov II Mn1. Sullivan, preg-ment trorn James B. N1eh1en. prea- na.nl a t the time. a.J14;, waa 1nvolv-1denl 1•f the California Elka All- ~ In the a.lltgl'd !1ght, a..·cord1ng sodutwn A !'\AHEIM 10CNS1 C1tyoppo11ed. co u11111 T uuday night acceptP1I A nahPlm'a t h ird large.t ann•• 11111.I c11 n vasard the ret uma frc,mitllon t hll! yea.r, South A.n&b.elm the Sf>Ulh An11he11n 1rnnex11l1on ann!'x11llun w1ll become a part of elcctlon . r<'lldln.: otr an uncl11tn~-lhe c·11y about Jan. 31. accordlnl' ed re8ult or 82 in favor and 22 to C aty Cle rk Df'nll W ILU&ma. to te11t1mony. Sulhvitn &IRO was 1Hl.6cke<l. but no c:hitrgetJ w !'r e fllt>d In t hl11 c·onn~<'ll?11. Two olhl"ra a rTe&Lec.I w ith thP 11u1Jpected qulntl't were releuod by M unicipal C'nurt J udge Howar d CILm eron. They w1're Ru~ll"ll W ayne C&rpenler and ~-Ona.rd R. B<?atty. .A llorneoy11 argued Friday th11t thl"lr d1t'nl11 s houldrl'l b(, ht ld for trial. They said w1tnl'&IM.".it told confilctlng 11tor1ea. AU drfendanl.1! &re f1-on b&il. F ive m emben1 of the local loctg11 have bel'll p1CkNI a.11 chstn ct cha1r- 111en or m embera of <'Ommltttta. Put F:xaltrct Rull'r Toni 1'orton. hu ht'<'n 11ppolnt td 1u1 cH11trk t ner, ha• bef'n ulected to eerv" on <>h111rman of the l'tggy Bank Com-the State Rltu Lll11t1c Committee, mlllte. 1111 f unC'lwn 111 lo l'Ollf'l'l Put ExaJte<1 R uler f<'rllnk Linnell mon«v for the Callfornta E lkll on the New Lodge committee, mttJor rroJPl't thn t trains a nd m&lnlsin11 t h er11.p1ata who arlmtn-Leading Knight Richard I. New· t!lter 10 childre n llffltr ted w tlh ma n on lhe L&peatlon <"nmmlt tea <'l'r .. bral paley. t.nd Wllllam A bbott on the Bowl- Paat Exa lted R uler Clltf V&r-Ing committee. lurCJlary Attempt T he proprll'tor of a nursery a t 2ht SL and Baloo. BIYd.., told po- lice Tuu day ther9 wiu ev1dl'n~ untdfJnUf aed penona were lryln_t to brf'a.k tnlo the eatabllahmer1l poealbty lo llle&l a Cl\rt1tmu U- Offlcera will watch U\e pl&Ga. I'll ANNUM CURR INT ~RNINGS 328 AMERICAN A YE. Ph. HEmlock 7·1203 • .. .. PAGE .. -PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 I -------- Furtough For Clay LEGAL NOTCCE A Chr1atmai1 ru1 '11u.:h r1ir Ua\ n ay. aon •1f Mr i. I-~ Jo" P11 ii:,. t 023 •~ Balboa BlvJ •t111lrn1 Al Krrn· l"'r M1ht111 v !'kh•••I. B0<1nv1ll•· ~to . wsll bti:sn !>, 1 Ii nn I • •Jn· 1111u!' lhruush Jon l Mrtny a1 ll· c·.,unty nf Oranor ~HAit' of C"nh· r111 nsa lh" follow ins.: 1Jro11l"t11l .. 1I f>t'rllunnl jlrOVt"rly \t>·Wll A II '4l<X.k 1n t 1 aue. rixtUar"'• l'ljuspnient and guoo ""II 11( 11 <"t'r· lain buiHness. knnw n '" THE \lllc11 h•v• hsi;t ll1;h\\'1I \ht" prt· \\' ASHERE'T'TE. and lc,c-8 1,.d llt 1 "hrtatma:; seo..•trn at Kemp•n m· 1 l11d1ng a ps•Jli:r•m hono11n1: th" r.omed Will K11gerft a Kempel ra· "' t In isoe-98 LEGAL NOTrCE 3:'!36 East Cuut Hlghw11y sn \hp C'lty of Newport Benl'h County or I Orung... Stall! or rrihrornla arH.I that a sale. tnmsfrr 11nd A.'lllJKn · ment of tht> Mame will be 011:1dl'. and the con11dera\1on t hncr<1ro will be paid 111 10:00 o't•loek 11. m., 'on the Ullh day of J11nuar·y. 191'>G, !"-OTICE OF INTENDF.O S~Lt: at thl' eerrow department or NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN . NEWPORT HARBOR BANK At that ROSE VAN DER LINDEN :W3~ E. Coast Highway , In thi> I AND JACK BEELER. Vendor!!, I City of Ntwport 8Pet·h. County of whose addresa ta I ll'll 2 Alundra Orange. State or Callrorn1a. Boul.-vard. In tht Clly of Norwalk. I Dated Oect'mher 2. 19l'ltl. C°flunty of l.olJ Angele11, State of ROSE VAN DER LINDEN t"allfornla. lntendA t(I Mii to JACK BEELER I.LOYD BARNETT AND V!:RA j Vendors F: BARNETT, hu11~n<I and wire LLOYD BARNEIT 1111 joint lenanls. Vendl'H , whoae VERA E. BARSETT a•ldrua ~ 110 Diamond Aw nue, Vendee11 In the City of Balboa Ialand, •Nu 638 -News·Pre11s 12 19 :'>:'> LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE AD\"ERTl 8EM£:\'T FOR IUJ>s Nolle• ta hereby given that the Board of Trus tees or Lht Orange Cout Junior Colle1e District of Orange t:ounty. hereinafter relerred to u the '"Owner"', w ill te<"e1ve up to, but not later than 2 00 P.M., Janua.ry e, 19M, aealed hlda tor the awal"d Of ron1ract for a poultry klWnc ahed of about 2~ aquare feet, o! w ()Od frame conatrul'tton, plut.e.r Walla lllld celllnr•. wood Jol11lt1, and compo1111lon roof. concn~te ala!I. Such blda ahall be received In lhe orrtce of the Owner. in lhe Ad· mam.tr&Uon 81dldlnJ , Orange Coaa~ College, 19910 South Harbor BoWnard. near Coat& Mua, Orange County, California, &nd ehaJl bl' o.,...cS and pubUcly ,._d aloud at the above atated time In the Board Room of th• A.4m1n.latrallon Bulldtns. Each bid muat conrorm &nd be tf:l!Ponslve to this l11vit•1t11rn, t h1• plana, apecUlcaUon.a, and all other documenu t·ompra.•ing Lh<' pert1n;.11t contract documenl1. Coplee of the Contrart Oo1•111nenl~ nre now 1111 f1l,. &nd open t o public lnapectlon In the 1&Id otfk e.a of the Ownrr and muy I be obt&lned b7 depoeltlns '26.00 for H eh llt't Thi.II <lep<>l'•l w111 lie rt'· 1 tunded It the H t or aet.11 of Contract Docu111en°t8 dchv,.rr•I at•· n·t us n<'•I ' In l ood condlUon w1tbJn five days afttr the blrl opening CoropleUon Ume Teque.aled to be 11et by bld•hns A :-t'lt<'rttl'l1l 11r ftnanci&l ooridltJon and depo11t of 10•, of the t1JtHI bl1I IJt· <l'1t1!11·d check or bid bond LI required with H eh bid; labor and matcru11~ b<>n<t and pertorma.nce bond required of contrar tor BelN'l•·ll Each bid ahl.ll be made out on a form lo be obtH1n•I att th.-•1!111 e I of lb• Own• or cont&Uled In the 1pecltlcatl01U1. Each bid ahaJJ be accompanied by a rerurs~ or ca~hto 1 !I , h<'• k payable to the Owner, or 11atl1factory Bsd Bontl In favo1 ol tlw II\\ 111•1 executed by the bidder u prlnc-lpal and A 11at1sra~·tory ,.urccy 111111111111\ a1 1Ur-.ly, In an amount not lua tha.n ten perct'nt of the-bul 1'hl' rh"• I< or bid bond ahall be (tven u a r uarantee that thl' blthl<'t wtll '"""' 1111• the Contract lf St be awarded t o him In conformity with th,. ( ·1·nt r"' 1 r>ocumenta and w ill provide th.-aurely bond or bonl'1A •~ .sp,...if1"d therein w1thln nve daya after no11n cauon of the Awar1t of th" rnntrnc 1 to the bidder. The Owner reeervee the prlvllefe of re-jectlng Any and 111 b11t~ o r In watve 11n1 lrregularttle11 or lnfomlallllea In any btd or In the b1rtd1ng Pursuant to lhe l.Abor Code of the Stale or t:allforn1•. the 11a1111 RO&rd or TruateH haa aacerta!ned the i ent-ral rrt-vatlll'g r111r ••t l'l'I •Item wace. for ea.ch craft or type ot workmen ncelle<l t o "i.""'Jl" 1 hr 1·o ntn ct1 which wUI be &ward11d the a11rreS11t111 bl111frr11 ; Rnrl th"fl" pr••· vatllnA' rate• are contained In M id 1peclftca llon11 actoptl!d by th,. B111u t1. a nd ar. aa follows C:L.ABSIJrlCA TJON: APPRENTICES: May ~ •mployed In ccmtormlly w ith SN 11on I 1771.6 or the C"altromJa Labor Coor. l "ARPENTERS: C&rJ>f'ntcr ......•........................• F"loorl11y1>r -····································· M1Uwr11ht •................... Saw 1''U11r •. Table Power Saw OperalA>r ················- CEME NT FINISHERS: C'ement Flnlahtr • ~ Flft&Mff 4C-po.iUon Gr Mu fln Cement Floor F'lnlahln& Machine O~ratu1 JRON WORKERS ReinforcJ.nr I ron Worker ····-····· ....... . LABORERS: l..&bonra, Oflleral o r Conatructlon _ Operat.ora and TMdera or Pneuma tic a nti F:l~1t11< T o .. I•, Vlbr•Unf Machlnu, and almslar 111t·• hl\n1• .d 1 no1~ not Mp..,..tely clUAlfled hareln OPERATING ltNQINEER.q · Concrete or A1phall Sprea41ng Merhunh RI Turnplng or .. "lnlllh Mar hlnl' 0f14'111111r ('oncre\e Mlxrr 011rralor Jl"' sni;: I "P" L"onrrete Milter Upcrftl•>r 11H.1t•1I,• 111IX<'r Conarte Mi-cl'r ll1>'•r11t1ir ~kip typr Concreto Putnp 11r 1•um1•1 '"le t:un Oµt:'r&l<'r Tractor 0Jl('r&tor Bullrfot••r. 111111ptr, ac:raper ,.r •lrai tyJl(I a hovel or boon1 "t 1111 l\m81'1ta Tractor Sua,,..r 11r Ora~ T )"pe ahovtl-ta.nd61ll Trenching M11chlne O~ralM TRUCK IJRJ\"ERH J)rlnra or Uump T ruc-k3 leu than 4 yda. Waif!" leVPl Orlvers or Dump T a 11ck1 • yda. but leu than 8 yda Drtnni <If Eucllct l.'"11" .Spl"'ader T ruclur . Drtvenr ot D umpattr T nu kl OT1ven of Trlllll!ll·MI"' Trurka under 3 ya. nrtven of T n1na1t ~1111; T n1rke 3 yda. or more- GN It 0 11 PIP<'lln• \\"orklng Truck Dr1ver, lnr lutllnl( \\'lnrh Truc"k and "" 11u• of Truck• Root men nu.mpc:rl'te Truck. Ina t han IJ I ~ )'dll watl'r ll'veJ f"1.mpcrt'tt' Tnlrk •1 '"; y1!11 wa ter lev"I an•I "' N H.o.a C1r11"r 11111 rr I l&g hwsy Watrr Truck dtsHr un11er 2:'>00 lf•I lnd111tn"I un ~ll'k l lTl\'l!r \\'a lf'r Tmc-k DTlver 261~1 Oal. or more Tnu·l( c: reun and Tlrfl'm11n . T ntrk Rr palrman T rur k R.-p11lrma n HPlrn \\'ar,.hnu11rn1an \'ll'r k A11bt11tn' \\"orkfJr llrlckl11yl'r a nct StonemaMm Rrtrk Tendrr , T tl r Layer or 81'ttrr l:LE:C-T(UClA N S F:l~ctrlclan Oenera I F orr11111n F.lt'Clr lcal Fort'man F:ll'Ctrlcal Sub-Foreni11n }:lrclrtclan O lhle Spllrtr PAl;\"TF:RS H"it11lar Bruah l'alntf'r t :ta11Pr and C\Jlte-r Hrn•f rr FM'8 m llll '2 776 i 97~ 2 976 28M 2 :'>~ 2 70 2 611 2 Ill 2112 2 611 3 09 2 ;"I) 2 18 H•• ·C•·r 2 .1\7 . --· DELIVERY GUARANTEED Dcli\'cry o f the Newport Harbor News-Press 1s guarsnt~. Carn er boys will deli\'er their papen be· fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wednes<.Jay and Friday. If your paper 1s not delivered by that hour please call Harbqr 1616 a nd your carrier will bring your paper. Classified NE\\'PORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER - Wednesdays f'oa..taJ 4 Llnl"8 4 UnC!il 4 Lint>S 4 Lints Sllor11,..r Ad• run I' Insertion 2 lnM>rtion" 3 lnsertloH t Insertions In lhf' Wedllf'"'111." :\°l'wa·Prf'tH $1.00 1.50 2.00 2.;;o add'I. linMI .2:; ta. add'I. linett .25 ea. add'I. lln~ .2.5 ea . add'I. lin~ .25 t a. Situation "ant«"d Ada "Ill rt'C'f'h·~ l.l''., di""'""!. ( ·a,.h In ad\ a nef' only. MlS Dll')I AD I~~ U 't:~ 12!-RuJldinJ. Sen it'H -~ CARPENTRY MINOR REPAIR WORK NO J OB TOO SMALL ff 0 Alie •l"llOll 10 U E. Balboa Blvd~ B&lboa ff.arbor 2'50 l!tlc FOR RENT Skill Saw1, Elee. DrlU., Pollabara, all typu ot Bander-, Wheelbal'- rowa, etc. BOYD'S HDWE. 2G30 W. COAST RIGBWAT Wberty 1-Sts:i, N.wport Bcb SIUo Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LlCl!NSED CONTRACTOR 878 W. 181,b St., ·Coata Mu& Liberty 8-84128 Painting Contractor Llceru1cd -lnaured I "Complete Painting Service at reasonable prices" JA!'-H;s. Harbor 1239M 36p48 ~tuatioas "'ut~:I . Roy's Maintenance HOUM c1eanta1-noor wu.:lal Wa!J waallinJ-wtndow dMnlq Veaeu,.n bllnd-. Upboi.tery lnlUr\d. ,.,.. lttU.matM Uberty •nu. ttrc BABY allter, matu,.. wom.A. BJ bour, day or -k. Good Nf.,.. enc•. ~r. 0'7'6·J. .ac•T Expirienc'd nrdener LANDSCAPING and CLEAN UPS Liherty S.18G8 CLEAN UP JOBS Call Yard Malnten&Qce nu.. ,..,... •perleaoe th1.I loc&lit1. LI 1·3'769 Real Eat.ate Saleaman WHY SITU.KE A FROG on a lor ~ We are snowed under with proa- .,II Cla .. lfU:od Adro mud IH' paid for ( "a•b In ach·anrr 11f puhlk allon. I The pubhaheaa will not be tt'11pc111.l1hte ror 111me than um tnrorrtr t Insertion of an 11d, re.sa ,·e the right 1 ... ,.urreclly l"la."1S1ly any anct all I ad1 and to reject any a<I not cont"' 011111: I•• rul"" a111l 1 l'~ulat1on11. PAINTING M. W. ROSS 'pet'ls. See our office end read our rommi•lon contract. You'll be clad you did. There ta no- thlnr Ulc• our otter anywher. .. poe.ltJvely. lntervlewa alrlctly contlde:nllal. We are a member or Multiple Uat.tns. DEA OLl!'[ES for plectni:; or rancf!lllng ails arc: For Mond:iy Publll0:111nn -Fn1tav :, p.n1 For Wednt•1<dey Pu bht'ut1u11s · T u.,,,Jay 1 pm. ).'or F rltl11y P ubhret ron -Thuu1rfay l f1111. Sf:\\'f'OttT HAltnlllt r•t"IU.ISIUS c; co. :!:!I l OaJboa flh•d., ~""I'""' U.•:u·h, ("alHornla. Special N otict.'8 Special Noti<'Ps ------------~ PUBLIC NOTICE YOU DON 'T HA \"E TO RELONG t o a U NION. work for lhL' CITY or the GOVF.RNMENT t o pa rtic ipate in th~ NEW C'O ~IMUNITY DEPARTMENT STORE -'10NEY ~J\ \'ING rLUB. Everyone is t'lig1ble to belong t o th1!-t 111·w 1111tl daringly <.Jiffcrent store if yo u wish to sAW' hun<l n •ds. C'\'Pn thou. ands of tlollara on your a nnual 1•w ryday purchnses of top quality CLOTHING. TOYS. t..l'c;r;ACa·:. APPLJANC'ES. LAMPS. RADIOS, TV's, FL'RX ITl"RF:. CARPETING. BEDDING. COSTUME Jt-:wt-:LHY . WATCHES, CLOCKS. CAM ERA:-;. G IFT C'OS~tt-:TICS :rnci JUSt about anything you w1~h. Tht• s lort· h .111 bc,·n t•o mplctdy r<'n1odc·led, r e!'ltocked and r1•dc•nir:1ti·d 111 mnl-ir vour shupping a plt•asure instead of a< )r111'1• I >11'·"' n111 anll l<'t us l•·ll ynu about tht!i new ;mu :-i·11~att•11wl n 11111t·y-s;1\'111g Club PIA n -over 7000 sq It. <•f 1-'rt•t· l'ark1111:: 0 11 our own Jut Wr·'ll bi · 11111·11 1•\'Pr y t•\'1•n111g from nvw until Chri.stmas. I >1111~ !• 00 .\ ~t 10 311 r M ClosNI Su nduys. FrC'v Ctfts to tlw lud11•!-l -1-'n 'L' c :1fts to l1l'W m cmberH. l\llH:t .. 1'1 0:"~ -l-'r11m beud1 a n·as. ta ke Ha rbor Blvd. nnrth t11 A11l::d. turn n~ht und go 2 blo1·ki; Eaal for Hat b11r Rin i Community Department Store 12 131 t-; ROLSA ~ANTA ANA Kl 2·6015 46c48 Classified Index I Special N otice9 • I I 11111•ral '"'olTi "' '! t 1.r1I ••I I honk' y ewport H~rbOr :i 'IW• 1111 \11 ntt11111·,.,n1r nr .a I 110 .. r.1 I r>lrt'r l "" 10 l\U,IU•''' t.ul1h· 11 llulhllni; \l ulrrhll4 I'! llull1ll 111; .. ,.,, lft• .. B. P. 0. E. 1767 Meets enry Thuraday 8 pm. Via Oporto -<.:entraJ Ave. Newport Beach I I l 'rt-..unn t ... I.) !-ohatl" \ 1111 r C 11r lfl T ran .. wirtal l••n 11 1to<1fln11 I Al~t H, Matthews~ £xaJted~ 1 10-1!..,usl~eH Gulde _ COAST I~ "4>11UI) \l•I• 20 11•••11 h \Ill• 22 1,o~t anrl I 1111ttlf 24 ~<·h1101 .. , 111 .. 1rur 111111 ?II Sll11all1111 .. \\11111•'•1 t 9 llrlf' \\ .tll l• 11 :\fl ~II"""''"'""" .111· \ :0.\\ llJI• SO·I\ A p11llon1·,.~ /JI \\ anl,.•I 111 H11.\ St t-0 ur11lt11 r,. for 'Alt :\t. , \ n I h111'"" !\~ n .. a1 ... :-.11111111•'' !H .\1u .. to al. 1<1111111, T \' ~ Ool(•. ( 161,, f'r h 36 f'o111l r) 37 lJ"'"''H"k :Jlt Auto" \\ anll'<I •fl \t1111• '"'' :-. .. 1 .. •o-\ T lrr • &. l'r1rt" I I \114n s..,.. Ir•• u ·r,.11"-"' &!\ \lqilAnr" n \\'ant•'ll ... •<~nt OFF"ICE ~~Ql 'IPM 1-:='1" Typ~Wl lll'IS ~<.IMI~ m11chtnt'~ I 01.rr1'rcli1n1 ~ S1t!lpl1t•11 SAl.F.S RENTAi.$ 19:l.'I Ha r bor 81\1.I Coo.ta Ml'H W be1ty >I 7704 ~2-Bulldia§ Sen ·lef'& __ _ General Contractor LlCE,...S F:D N4:w Work -Rcmodcltng J . MILTON McKENZIB Ha1bn1 t>399-W 5Mtfc Custom CABINET WORK Licensed LI 8·3321 280 Avocado, Coit& Mea a&tlc CARPENTER Repair Work Ooe.. r our Home Need Repa.t.rlllc or Remode~T Call Frank, Llberty 8·496' All Work Guaranteed TtUo Painting & Paperhangln& We do the work ourselves. 30 yeani experience U cenaed It l:naured. SaUsfactlon ,uarantff(f. EattmalH tree. Call Jobnnle. LI 8-2687 & LI 8-5289 81tfc Rd. 011 5pl'l!adtnr Orlvewaya PARKING LOTS Sub·dlvta10tU1 our apec.lalty. We fum tsh any type 011 to your spe-- '1flt•t1on. Large jo'be -am&Jl Jobi. J.'ree e.'tlmales Aleo wa- rer 1preaJmg. Motlern equip- ment . LExsnglon 6·4008, CU· more & Page, Hunt1n1ton Sch. ' 6ltc Alcobobca Anonyinoua Write P. 0 . Boll Sil N<'\\"'J>Ort Be&Ch, Calif, .Phone Harbor '79~ A.NY01'f: K NOW l:'>IG address, "hcrcabouu1, Leon•rd Satter· tlf!ld, conta <'l daughtn" J oyce Poor. Box 2l'l:S. Susanville. Calft. La3l known 11ddrc11.~ "Ya cht An· chnrag,., Newtiort Beach." •6pt8 16-Tran"~~-tl_o_a ___ _ FLY DC.e NON -STOP N.Y c. sso• CHICAGO I§~ •Round TTlp OnJy F rre U mousine to Airport Box Lu1whu. J.'ree T icket DeUv1>ry WAS IUXGTON, D.C: •••..• 19i PlllLAUE LPHlA .. . ......... $88 llA LLAS . ...... .......... . . S49 111-:TROIT ....................... $711 l 11~>:'\0Ll"Lll ........................ $109 :'\E\\' YORK -$88 t"HIL'AGO S69 Plu~ TaJC 124 W. Ocean Blvd., L. B. 111-: 2-114 1~• !'\~:v , ll·-411:1:> Slllllll A m\, I Ii ·~ :l11I Kl 3·1l36l'l Seven Islands Realty & Investment Co. 603 32nd St .. Newport Beach, caut. Har. 6868, atter 6 p.m. Har. 2298-.1 39tfc JCXPB:RDCNCJCD bo&t bullder1 Wllllted. A ppl7 Mr. D&vta, ua 3qtb St .• Newport Beach. H ett WOMEN, ateno., bk'kpr. It othenr. MEN, encineen: meeh&nlcal, elec· lronJc • cbeznlcal: 1&1.., PD· art.l It othen . JUN!: FARRAR EMP'I... A.O'CY. t 02 ~-!2nd St... acroaa from City HalL •4cU )i{AN to drive etaUon ~n on deUvery of Newa-P,.... carrier and New• dealer bundl• MOC!· day, Wed., and Friday. Houre 12 noon on CaJJ Mr. PARKER - Harbor ie1a. LOOK AT THIS AD Earn $8 -$H daily Women of all aJ:l'I dupera ttly needed a t once. Earn while you tram praetlcal nuralnf. Hlfh ac-hool edurat.lon not needed. C&ll LAmbtrt Cl·7:>2l or "rtle CAREERS IN N URSINO, Dept. 15, •01& w. Commonwea1Ut, FuUerton.. 3Stlo GIRLS - EARN MORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, blfh"r ata~ •ac• and frequent lncre&He SiV• yau lhla opportunlt7. <>p.ninp DOW tor - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wUI train you a nd you'll re· celve many other benefit.a. -Apply - 61'~ No. Hal11 Street. Rm. 111, B&At.a Ana. . 9.00 to • 00 p. m. PACIFIC TELEPHONE WOMAN tor p11tl lime JOb In accounlln1 o!flce -Mu1t be COod typlllt, nu t band, tA mlllar W'tth p. r. I.Ax. llshl bkkit Rtply In own hllnd 1'0rlt1ng to llnx R·8!i c/o th1" paper O tte GOOD nppor\Unlt \' tor full time rxrrrs .. nrrd 11t'rv1rt 1ta llon Al · 1 .. n1l11nt :lfl3 ~: 17th SI . Coa \11 M"!!" •~r4i ARE YOU TIRED OF FICHT ING TRAFFIC CROSS · TOWN Superfluous Hair Permanently removed from fa ce -R OL"TL"lli: INSlOf; WORK a rma. Jtga. Eyebrow• and halr hne 111\aped-No more tweulltc. ,-LOSS OF T'AY J-"OR VACA· Ew.EN L.. BRYANT R. E. TIONS Wdos Salon of S..-auty Bu. ~:, ~~;:ANCE F OR ADVANCE· A pply 1030 E r 1r1t St. 22-l~!'lt and Found s .. na A n•, Mon lO F'rl . wsi-,~,--:-;~-~.nnolc! tort••llle 8 :io n "' t u 4 00 p rn. •hrll 1 &rll ''""'"I: glAlllll'Jt f're· 111 11p11 .. n J1•n11 s:. r~"' a r•l rel um t" .!I:! .11,,.n rn!' f~r4T SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. IK \111 •. A. Hnll"'"' fnr I K-\ \J•I•, fnr tlf'nl Krnl 1••1••(· •·'1 I,, II t I ]'Jo J•ill 1 .... ""''II l'hnne> "J 3·-1.14" .,,, •Mh 1 Z4--~hool~. lnHfl't1rtlon Hu lntrr•,.1 tng out ·or · tlon111 Joh" lnr h11th "' h•r•l grn1l1.111I•"• Jll-4~ with 8nm1• mrd1•n1raJ aplllut1•· !HJay, 40 hr week. 1w II llou•r' flor ttl'nt 1ic.f fralln l'lr11or•r 411 H1• .. n1-. fnr tV-nl 411-A 1.1• •t tfum••• 4fl· I\ llonm Al 1\1111 ril 1\0 Hf'n . ,It .. ·· Ml I'll.,,,., ,\ 1111 lr•r• t.:\ \ """'" ........... l:1•f1t••· o'>~ 111 .. tn•·'' 1.l'I'"'' 11nlt It•• ~:I M11tt00\ 111 I 111 .\6 'lnnr• \ 1 • II .'Ii 1:, 11 I u I\ .1111•"1 ,·)x 1:. "' ' ;. ,,.,, ,,. •. 60 l n1•1>lllf' I • 1·• rt) fin. \ c "' r ! lruhto' rial 61 1:1 111 I • I \l'h10n1tr fl! tlr.11 I I 1 • CEME!'.T & B UJLDIN<..: All "'""" FREE E ST IMATES Liberty -6100 ASPH ALT T ILE LINOLEUM 20tf Lf:AH:>\ l't 11 !lo Al Nu"lnlC E11m $ii . $11 d 11lv whilr• tr11ln!n,I;'. LAmh••rt I\ ;·,21 :l;\ttc China Painting Day nno £\1rntng Cla.ues Urda.• T11kcn Now rhnnc Liberty 8-r>648 4f('UI Beacon Personnel lOO~c employer retained agcn1·y :'\() FEE rollfr te1I rrom roppl1r anl U 3-.llat Nn•port &a.ch 1nsstall l ht et>o'c cht'•Pn lh11n !8--SltuaflonH \\'antf"Cf m11st. Aleo 8ell T iit & L Ul11l1•11rn --------ATTRACT!\'!-: ,.ic,., U\l\"t lt'Crt'Lllr}' :'\on·unson, l~ Y• 11r11 ei.p1 r1o·11rr 1 .... II.I. d11 hnh\ "tlinit in my horn" musl ha\"e M~ell• rtl ltlf'j)h11n,. l"o·mpi.re nml '<"! , d ,, , 1111 :111 P , -32nd St per110nA.llty for nrw oNlc.-. N .. w. BILI.. (;UK.ER 111\r. 4i9~ or I.on.it ~.\'I" rt 1: .. 1" h 11• 46 porl 1iN1 1h Rrply Roll X-111 lJt'nCh 7 ·697:1 1 ··~ "!•!fr -this nrw~pllpttr 46c41! ----RELIABL E: J APAN~"E-1 ---- Pam ting, Paperhanging A M C: rt J C A :--; W A N T S ~MiM'f'lluf'Ot» 'Thf' Finest Muney Can Buy" l;ARDENl:'-:G IN HA R---------- Sympson & "'°llar BOR AHEA BY Wl!:EK ORI BAMBOO l'twrt ~l"l"I \\1•1lt•1 31111 ~n:.. All ut t he Ill>•" .. 111111, • .t J•' 1 t .. ft111i;r t1• &1• r.1. Plcn::.~ t>\"f;RTDfJJ: RATES f'(1R SIX BASlt' TRAf'F:S Jnr1r1ton11l to th6 CALL ON \ ·s rs Aft ln\"OIVed \\ h•. \. I ••• l)\lertlme ahall ~ flAl•I fo r work Jl"I ro11•1l'J 1n ~'"""or th• 1 ~~ 111· 1111v~1 1111_. 11 111·r " '''" , nur 1!A\" I' or w"k"1 work anol 111 lht rat., t<>1 o\••rllmt ,.f t h,.• rail w11h 1•.i 1.11u1· ,11 .,. . llollJaya a• h1t1t'ln rtrers t•I Ill thall b• lil'<'O •·11 l• b,. N~,. \'. •I • h<'lfl \ 11 I '' 1; t 1Ay O.C-oratlon Oay. InJt~n•trn1 ,. l •11y IAbcir Llay At "''"'" -I"" tt~lll).: h \ 11 111nrd 11 · \ 11 ,.larlly f ,., ,\(I 1h 1(1t· Th1tnk1rlvln,; Ila)", ant1 C:hr1•t1>1111, If ftny ot lhl' •00\'t' hollol11 \ • full u 1 ,41111 t• lu 1 .,.,.,.<, •uun I kd• "'' HunJay, 1he ~on.1 .. y 1 .. 11.,wtn1-•ha .1 l>e ron"1•lf'r• I ,1 l"IC·'' h ••I•.' \"I'! I '''It ,11.,.J , 1 1 •P ,011 1."I It ahall br ma.nJa tO!\ "l "I\ ·1. ~··1 tr 1°tor tu -.11u111 11 11111t1.1<t ta oml-r.111oh11 r··-1111 111.1 a rdtd. a.ntl upon 1111 •Ill"''""'·'1 1 1~ 111:1"' l'lw. 1 .. pa~ nnl 1•· • lhiln NE\\'S.J'l<J::~S 1tllhl s eneral pr•'\08lhrtl 11\ttll •: JW· oho 111 I.I ~11"8 lo ft JI \\01 kll\fll 1•m· 11toy!'d In th1t t \ecutlun (lf tll• • nt r 1 t I Cla <1H1/h .. •d Ads ~o bidder m ay wllhdraw h" h1ol fnr 11 fltrlot1 or 341 rl11yo •ft~r lhf' HARBOR 1616 I.late Ht for t.h• openln« of bid• ~12 J8lh St., Newport H•ll<h MO:'-:TH. HYATT 4-5471 DRAPES Ph. Hllr,_24'0_4_or 1:'>67 It 1·11c _:18p:'>OI 1·1"STOM MAD£. ANT 8UJC COMPLETE PAINTl:'-:C; Swed"1sh Massage l'JI<'"• ata.r1snrr at 2tr a aq. ft. llf'aUtlfUI ='••W \.\°()\'I'll & Paper Hanging Ser\'1Ce La 11,,, 1,, 11 11,. .. 01111c-rn ui l'alt,.rn8 ~ 11r A ll I •t<un 1-:t 'G Ei\" ~; 0 ~,\ (; ;-;[Jf.:f{:'( , . .,,,1 hur '" 1<11 a< h Curtl!Jn 6 Tra """.-Roda !I0.1 !llat ~·r pel. :O.:••w-pon BPB•t 1'"l11111~t lv ' tt••I'•'•" •' Arr••"h•11•I -R"• Tht m On l1l•play H1u bor :?!17G or lli1r . 6446 tr, :;1,nn1e• 11n1 .. 1 In '11sr .:-t•1r,. --, r 1"8"". rt ll HMt bt1r 4714!1 .. , ll11rh11t SANTA ANA Botlrd of Tnlllfl'I!~ rr1nn10:t ''"11.•l ,lunll)t Colle&• Otatrlc1. Or11ng,. Conni)'. t'Altfornl• ::hant-1 11 H rF:Tf"Hl'1 l:-; !'r.•retar)' f'uhh~h · okemMr 19 a nd 29. ltt'lti Cl('f'n .l11n1111n· II, I P~ll. 2 M f' '.\f !'\•"''"'·Pren :Sn 6:1P Th" Ne ,.1•1,.1111 pub1t1ht • m"" <.:1u.,1fle11 Ad11 I han Any other nftw1paper tn the -,ru. Thia lead1rahlp v. 1111 att•sne.I h.-1.1ouae Newit-PrMll 1 ·,aa1 flrll A I" r et rf.wu : t;ET RESn .• 1s·' : :•• •:-i11~is 1 TENT le AWNING CO. r "ll Harbor 1eie. aay "1 \\.1111 In CLEA:-:INQ .. mONING by -the SA="'"TA A ~A placr a CIU81ftell Ad," an•I ~11111 d11y lt:iqlf'rll"n<.'f'd i111lbria J1<l11nd 11126 l't ~fllln, KJ 2·3~4& f Otfc advert.111nc ruull.a comlr t: your prr f1•rr,.'1 Kl 3·60M tr -----------\\H F.El.BARROW ra1>3d ly ..... way HA:-o;l•Y MA ;\; 11,111nt,.n11 n•. & ""nl n11x"r w ith •IHtl'\r mnt<>r \"ou reAd th• o 11• r rello'4'A \\ A='1 , .. r 111r , , 1111-• 1 lf11 r •• ,111.\\' p1i11 .. , A-t>,.Jt S-.0 80:111 "•rn- A t\ hf' \\Ill rtad yuura 4'•1(1 l,.11f ('rornna ""' M11 1 41 r 411 • .. .. . All new m•teriel p•tterns or hit end mlu See our Mlection of imported ch1Aa, JCnalllb blue, ecenery and vine '" wheat In brown. The-House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1UI ao. KAIN IT., CORONA COAONA. T'fl JIOVINO ABOUT .I.AN. lat INTO NEW WILDINO WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE HOLIDAY SPECIALS New 1956 TV We Are Selling Floor SemplH end Demonstrators WESTINGHOUSE 21" Blonde Conaole. Regularly $299.95 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 PlilLCO 21" Console with Golden Grid Tuner. Regularly $339.~ ·With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.95 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN 1885 Harbor Blvd., Coata Mesa LI 8-3437 46<'48 Bicycle Spe-eiel1 WlUut THEY 1..>.ST- NEW ENGL.18R ll•Mwelf ht .. were ~9.9:'> • . . NOW $4:> 9~ NEW MONARCH MlddleWt'lghl. waa JM 96 _ NOW $44.96 ALBO palnteti A recondltloneJ 20" ..,.... 24"' bo)'• and irlrt. blcyclu. WE HA VI: SCHWINN BICYCLES LARGE CHOlCI: of auto A btke CHRJS1'MAR TREATS The Sav111 ,. Pre&e.11 l<o tr Al.l&lh.mal • C'h1 '"' "'•" Cooke.,. 11nt.1 h1thl f1111t lAk•~ AIM! Ol•I fUh&ulll'd N~"' f:n.:· I.And dMk r11111 t l\k••ll A VIOi• lety ut tx-a11l1l11I 1-:ni.:h~h • "". lalne1 11 for )"Ur 1t••kl"" anol ··•1111!~11 TH E HA\10 f\Y liAkF ~1101' 3:;211 K 1..'•t Uwy 1-.11 .. n• do•I l'o\IOr HMI ln;s :,:,JI\ accffa<lrte.. Finance plan for purchun t.ot.&UnJ $26. SI DK \\'A LJ< 1111 '' ,,. 1:11• .11 , ""'"" ttnn S 12 .'1;111t· II\ t• 11 1>111111 Newport Balboa Auto Supply 2!08 Newport Bl•d .. N-port Bch. H c4e BELL 6 HOWELL lllmm. ma1a· 11ne mo•I• <'a rnera. Wouen .. k Fl.& lena. alao proJeclor, cioet OVt'T p oo, Mil all for 1186 - 606~ P'emle&f. Corona del Mar 1C•enlnca. U cU rol<1r('d B1 t1l'l•llo1fl111 J:!:? ·,n tin 1 3007 4 ~1~ CHRISTMAS SPECIALS SIG S A \'IN<:H t.rl ~<'"t11tl 1-<pln ... phon1>11 111aho.i;i.n\ "•ln111, mar11 ... blond,. """ ~ fl'll• 11 1'1 .. vlnrlnl , ..... io l.ih"r"I tr"""~ Conv,11\f n\ \~rm" a l 8 HAF F.Rli ,,_ltt•fl 11><1,, 421-423 ,.: RV• 'lnl• 11'" "' 111 r. A 118 Phone KJmlH'r ly l. t>ll7:! CHRlSTMAS TREATS -A n- H.un.mond Cbord 0 Tf&n tor the whole family. Everyone M O M . DAD. BROTHER. SISTF:R C'ftn Det11gnt•nt Ht)(h Mylr J.'nhrw8 play It, It'• ao ea11) tr you ' & 1mport<'d wooh·nH al t:ost. <'a.n r lns a doorWU you <'All MARGIE WEBB pla7 tbe Hammond Chord Or· pn. nt ~ monUl"payw tOT tt 1956 S. Colttrt Blvd , we dellYfl' foT Chrwt maa Laguna Beach DANZ-SCHMlDT, 1120 N . Main. Sant.\ Ana. Chrlat.mu Lay-Away Small Depotll Will hold /uJ)' Jnal.nlmt nt Wld•l ~l~llon of NAmt Branda &!lmer • K ing • Old• • M11rt1n I RODNEY MUSIC STORE 9104 C .O, Bl vd .. LE 9·7703. Udll BOYS BD<E -English ln· d1an Scout. fully equipped & 1'.:XCELLENT cond1t100. Only S25. Call LI 8-1986 evenings or Su nday 44c46 Ji'1 fc K 0 DA K I'""\ 13:1 M1ll1111• t"r Ol'Uly nl'W' $20 Hill• :;.1111 n AnA AYrt Ll 8-621'• I I• 111 TH E F:NTJRE FAMILY \\Ill 1'11JHV I\ fllW 11111 •II" 111 vi11 I i.bl~ typrv. 11tn I'• II I'll t1~1•" $211 Economy O rf1c(' 1'.:qu1pment Co. 309 ~; 01& •I St Sarti• An.• Kl 7 :II I" 4 >•Vi CHRISTMAS CHRISTMA S TRF:A TS T'ht' ORGAN SPECIA LS! IT"alt~t of all-A H.A)1M0;'1;0 1.11\'l-:l.Y tVte<I 11 , 111•,..1 l'<J•ll '"l ORQA:-o;. Wt ha ve all m r>1leb l ln~rft'<'tc:on llt 1nn llsi; '''""'• HammQnila for Santa Clau• to chOO!lll! from. Th• betluuful OEMONHTRAT (llt '"" 1 .. 1 \l.n- H O M F. MODE:L th" '"""h' 1th11fl ~rtnf't • ro• us Ilk .. """ lllll• l'l'l;'l;ET MODF:I. ttn•I the ~11,,. SJ•~· ""t r popul»r CHt:RCH M<ll>F:l. 1111 l\aVf' 2 ma nual ll"'bt'"t1b rond fo'll Pf'•lal• u ht\lr "~ $ 10 A m .. nt h w ill 111t11k" th~ r ... ymenl' \I/,. d ti 11 v t r fur Ulrlat.m11.-lJANZ· SCHKIDT 620 N MAln, Sant11 Ana. CaJtf Attent ion Artists For all Your Art Needa 8£Jt City Paint & Art Center 412 W. 4.th Santa Ana o :-.:F; c1;-.·1.Y •Ir • 11 .. ni, "'~"'n s11i-·. l,1t.-1i.I lr1t·I"• 1 "'~"'' nt 1,,11," •A ~111,.JI tit 1•••1l "111 h•ol·I '"'Y 1u.ann .,, '''J:'Hn fur < hnJl~J'fla• dell'• n" ~•u .... :11!'1 1!4ir•,. 11 .. 1;, i21 ·~1'1 ~ l'\• .11111• I ' ~""'. "'"' l'I"•"" Klmt•,.rlv i "Iii.! Oran..:,. 1 ·,, '"' \" ~ '"S:•ll ll•l'llrll LEWA <'A ~F:ltA J ll·lt roi"tM. t 2 '""'''"' lr·n•. 1 """ $12!'1 <or. rnrn-plrlf' wllh ·~:l1111tr " trl1>11hlll<1 0 ~~ Y.lq•OAlltf'll't .. ,.., 11.0•I • 11rry 0 lnl{', IYl'I Iii .">. J,/ ll-~·,12 4.'ipH JO 2-4362 t3et8 ELJ-;fTRJr" lr111n m1•t1nl"tl nri fll.V• . - MINK coat 3;4 or 7, 8 length, size 14 . good condltJon $250 Har. 4645-R 45c47 WuUnf hnuat elt<"lrlc rouler U O J.f rxmuter S18. Tou unu ltr S~ Worlng llif'ndCtr Sli, r>e,.p rat W•••t\ H t ll "'' ..... '.ti. P IJT A ,., 10/ ll.f: In l!Pr r "hi!· .• m"~ •l<o( ktni: '1 rov & n 111111111111 /I., K. (.;. flrl( (°)Hln&jl 011 .r ·~ k. Har 32411 \1 • ,.... f ,, 1111•• 1.1 . men\ 4•,. H fryH Sl2 Ktnmore Con110le •ew-CH !!;F S •I•• 111• trr.111 .. r ~ •1••t l"' m achln• 166. Sunbe&m srfll UHd one t $20 llu 2~1. H1• 17 • watrle '"'" S t~. C E portAble -( .. I I in .v, ,.11~nl i·••n 1&. radio 112. e nat meta! Bohm 8 ="' J n"IH l ' '' 1y~l~m clartnel 6 cu. MO _ lion. Gl111111 rt.uuc IY•l'"m flo.flt All neerly n,w. Uar. 411711 dolly • 'U\'l'r. r•,.rr .. , I r .. r yo1m tt•l"r for xm~lO llnr fl1h!I .,. ... You are moet h k•ly to rind a buytr ll\IOVl(h whit h people t t •d tor claaaln.d Rl1Vf'r\l"1nJ - HerfY!r 111111 "I KAN"S rolltr alc•1""· •ll'I \f l, • r &Af'. LlonPI "lt<' 0 lr1,. 1 '"'" "' t1 b<Jy 1 Jrolr 1 l•1h11 J,I lj 7·1~14 4<1• II STANIJAHIJ a1r.e 8 • h"''"" 1~• • r type h1kr 3 yr1 ui>J. 111<11'1 1.1 "kl • lsJ ht. 1.;..14,.J t l•n•1tt 111n $27 :111, H&r. uo. 4tl• •• $MO .F'UR ('OAT, xlnt. ron•llll"n. 1'76. Har'Mr 32~!1 411• ii -----(;IRL ~ l11tlf" llll " t11r yr1-12~. 1·n-r1v ~ .. .., rthl •17" • "'. r•\" Jll\ll Hitr 2114\1 41\. 0 CAFFER~ & SA T"TLER table top gas range . $49.50 C AFFE!tS &: !'AT'J'LER white table top gas range Year Around Pleasure GIVE LASTING GIFTS -ALL NEW-w ,th 1,\., 11 control $79.50 WEST ER:-.: HOLLY gas range with oven control \try t !tan ................. $79.50 SMARTEST TOO K EL VI ~ ATOH Rt<frigeralor: 6. cu. ft. .. --·· $59.50 PLATFORM ROCKERS--Swivel ba1e Pla11tic arms A headru t $59.50 value .... at Bay $39.95 r;rn~o x R 1·11 ft. R<'fr1geratrir $64.50 WESTINC:H()tTS8 7 <'\J . ft. Refrigerator $99.50 SER\"!<:!. H•·fd~1·1·ator 51 ~ cu. ft .. left hand door S89.50 PLATFORM ROCK~RS-·All plas- ll<'. Still a <'hoke of color•. $69.50 value ... at Bay $49.50 KEL\'l ~ATOH ~ ru. ft. deluxe Refrigera tor $99.50 I\ F.:N~H 1J(I·: \\ 1111g('r washt'r dc•luxe $45.00 E ASY :-;Pl:\ I >H IER, deluxe model $59.50 RECLINER LOUNGER CHAIR Plastic-a rma. headr1'11t A: foot- rest. Steel frame. F oa m cush- ioning. WE~Tl:'\< :t!<JL"S E electric rnngc, late-model $99.50 L & H <'11·1•tnr range, di>J uxe model $99.50 ALL <.;l" AfU\N T E ED $109.50 value .... at Bay $77.50 \\.ASlll.'>1; .\r \t"fl f:\"£S, _\t;TOM.\TfC AND WRINGER TYP ES :--i "\11-:HAL TO sr·:LEl "T F'ROM Bl'NK BEDS, HARD WOOD SAl_,.. Al.L HP..\S11.'\ \kf.Y f'RICELJ BUDGET TERMS -FREE DELIV. EM FINISH . Complete with lad· der. cuard rail, 2 s prings. 2 Jnt1e,.sprl ng matt rt'eea. Con\·eru t11 t "'Ins. KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 E::io;t 11h ~t. Sa11 ta Ana Kl 2-2336 $129.50 value ... at Bay $79.50 Kni tters \\"C:L( 't1~t1-: l o I \ !\•"\ ,111 (1 I" 111• tn t.U·l lw1;1 JI\•• t1 'hld l •1\\tll•l Y"'" ',., ,., ,, I 'I"'"''' I 11:1 Sit N' Knit :w. I. 1. I I r:hd, H11lh.111 ··-r1 ,,, \l{l .. l , ·111. ,., .. \\".-Jd···· ,0 .. \\' I ,,f1f .\11 t ' '"•·,a, ... 11 \'•H *''"' .. , 1. ~· .1t P'\T<~1 r~ 17th:-· ·•' l'l 1• I 1111 I.I i.. 70,1 1~ ".!I'( I l l'll "1' I 1 1:0 11 H •ll\\ oil 21 wh1. I I r<11f1 I \t .. 11<•1 .I It 11"'•1 IV II•\ I I ·1 )t.1 )1 '"•1.!11•·•1 1 I I, I -7•• '.: 1 • I 7 :'-I \I' I \ Im •f 'I .,\f•'t,• I 1\ f ,1, I\ l U ~··· i \\ 1J11p ''a r•·• h Htl<"•, ' I.. ' itkt f ii "lk f, t• 1\i 1 I • ' .... '"'I I' I "" t .. ,.i , ,\. I ,1 I ' , I ; It : .o \\" 17111 Li1 17 i. ·1 ,-r:y 1 •0A~J·: . · .. ,ti:•;,,.,'" A11p<1 1·1·I \\I ' I I I I• I I '' H r :t nng I'\ 1·11 .. HI I· S A id \\'('o C 1\1• I II <:1,•t tt St1:111,p9 <: l'P l i·. 111 Uni;.:-Co. .\Lt t1 • • , 1 • H 1lf l,h··J. f}.1Jbi 18 11 .• ,, .. ,, ,1,, 9blrc J ' 11·••11 ' \ ·~· •'• t t ' $1.: t. ,(•I 161 Tl!; tit/!! I \j,. Art I /dl1Hph j.;IPl1t l j'\ it .,:1 ut•t S~:O. """'" •l•••I <I: 0,1 1<11-1 \f f If •• ., s J .:n <2.u "' l 'I l •• '.\ t If f1 I ' I :t ,,, ll U I tr I l.Al1GE: H F'T. REFRIG- F'RE EZER SOFA BED, FOAM Rl.BllER cu~htons. Con vt'rtll inlO full Ml7.e ~<1 wilh ~ood lnner1prlng nH1tt. $249.50 value ..... at Bay $177. 0 5 PC. SALE M MAPLE DL"<ETTE COM BIN A T l N S ET. ~2'" round t11.blt·. 4 11p11ulle RF.C ~I-:U .S F OR $579.95 Or.ck chairs, saddle seut. Lfl\E N E:W NOW $185•$127.50 value .... at Bay $87 PELl'XF. GAS DRYE R & Jr•EAL PRACTICAL G lf.,. FOR T1':EN·AGER S. 10 PC. TWIN AL:TOMATIC WASHER BEDROOM GROUP. Includes 2 WOT Tl .D SELL NEW for $600 firm loneraprlng matlreH e11 - l{l::-RUlL1', AS GOOD 11mported Belgian dsmask lick- AS NEW . $189.95 lngl 2 match. box 11prlng!I. 2 metal tra mea. 2 bookcuo head A L~O $ELECTION OF GOOO USED REFRIG'S F ROM $·19.95 & UP. TEIUt~ TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES I f1;li I L1rb•>1' Ulvd Ll 8-rin!>i Costa Mt-.ea H~·t6 111 VI" 1 "PIOGHT frf'e:t1·r Be~t .. , • o111dt11<111 S:lr,o LI 8-1113:1. • lpH! boards (111ldlng panels) 2 4-dr r-he11ts. $319.50 value .... at Bay $199 8 PC. BEDROOM GROUP -ln- dudea 6 drawer double dre11ser. 30x~O mirror, bookcaas hea1t- board. 2 nlg hl sta11d11, aleeprnu· ter lnneor1p rlng ma ttresa 110-yr. guaranlet' t. box aprlng. metal framr $279.50 value ... at Bay $177 Bay furniture lt1·11 1i:~1nt11r 19M f'hllc:o Ueluxe .. Whrrt' P rtcH Arr Held At Bo)"'" /111 gc r,11.11/y t.IZt:. Ht:po811t'88td ~27 E . l7lh C03l& Mt1»I• 1111:-1.11 h'° • u lo1 1•11 '"'1tet11ble ,.rill· ~·rel' Slo1trront Parking T f\111111 ,.,., ~ll1•lv~8 tn tl1t• dwr Ir aJJ ! 0 E 't"I 8 ••\tl fl.11 5y1 i;11;1111nll'e nnthlllK . pen ves. I l" 1~•1' 1ltt>\ 11 if • r"lllt U K by lllllk l ~l f111)11t\•1tt O( $!1!13 dU4' 1 ------------- I •5 •I.iv~ u .. 1 •lilt' 111 $1111·sc. SS--Boat., Suppliee ~"1' 11ny11nw U11y or l!:vt ot J'-4 1 _ \\' t 'llttpn1.1n. Url\11i.;1• HAVE Umlled ca1>1UU to lnve&t c· di 1·1111 ... t KF: 8 -!'>1!17 1u worlctnic U llOCla t.-. In "">'· ((l".FRIC.1-:RA TOR s• .. ru ti \\' •I !Hi; h11u1w l'Xl'l'll l'Ondl- l 11111 si;:, I.I 8-3260 •fltr 6 pm 45C'47 lhlng-conet'nunr bo&ta. Wn to Box w.90 Ca.re ot th111 paper. 4:,pH -14" PLYW OOD bo~l with wtnd· O'f<,.,.r,. & Mrrrltt gu ra ng<!' lll:ll)I •hjeld. •l•f'rtnr whe. el, torw1mt ti• lux~ lvJOlng-lop mooeJ hu all contro.i., as hp. Johlulon (Ilk" c-h1oml' i111tl(lll! on top, l1m1p A new) 2 wheel treJler complrle I lO< k With 0Vl'TI timer. <"hrome JftSO. .:• trl t1101h•1 l.°llf'<l only 3 montt\I, 111'111); \f\lfU1rNrl'<1 E•Ull, IAkr over 112' PLYWOOD flt>t>rrrl-.-d b<tal my •·nntral'l with the Bank It w ith l t hp Johraon It 2 w hrt l '"" 11(t lht hat. of 5137 6!1 (.lnly l•a1ler only 527~. I'·'' Si'<:! P"r ri111nlh ="o C'1'tih 12' CliRJ8-CRAFT plyw<>e>d boat, ,.,., Ir· r Mv "li"llY frl'f• •••• ,.any. itooe1 tnuJ,.r It HI hp Chr1.--l·rdl t 111 ,. ''''v ••r •:, •• :it I H 1 W. motor AU In very r OIXI l'11n• t 'h111111 11rn. (111ui~r dttton i 21:> <"1111 l'oll• n JU: li-!'1107. BALBOA BOAT SALES -· ~ Jt...AL.L \' •• IOCA~µ ~lo:W lh .-11 ~f. A memr--,uo W. COiOt""' Hwy:-1.t-tt-s~i • I •11.ht IH'<'Z•'f A \'1111 lrnm•·J 'I.I I I i-'I \\ r I 11 \ !I '\ '" lllt, lll~Ctll "S't. l'nv&te nwn·IC A RVL"D C rt l O f l ,.f'd l ,. I\ I ;i 1 •.11:1 '4&1 47 ...,, rs . •P s "'"· r1•mott c-ontrol WhtJ•I. 1·•r t vp ln11l11r. Almo•l n tw $)~.'>. S~,. Artu e p. m. -3~.t t•111.il1Mfl Dnvt a l r~.u. 'IJ tfr "Season's Best" Used Car Buys '--rlss Chrysler Windsor 4 Door Sedan-2 tone-Power Steering- Solex Power Brakes-Electric Seat- Save -Only--$2595 1955 New Yorker-4-dr. sed. 2 tone green Radio, Heater-Power Steering-Low Mileage Only S2995 1953 Chrysler Club Cpe.-Lt. Green Power Steerin9-Excellent Condition Now-$1495 1953 Oldsmobile-4-dr.-2 tone blue Fully Equipped -Radio, Heate r, P-s-P-b Wonderful Buy at only-$1795 1953 Ford Ranch \/../agon- Fordomatic-Radio & Heater-Excellent tires. low Mifeage-$1595 1953 Willys 4 door sedan-$745 O'drive, Radio, Heater-New Paint Perfect Second Car 1949 PlymO'uth 4 door sedan-$345 Li9ht Green 1951 Mercury Club Sedan-$745 Radio & Heater, O'drive t0-Atlt08 and Truclm Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER JAGL'AR, M c;. A l 'STJ:-1-HEALEY MORRI~. Al'STL!'l' ALF'A HOJ\fE O RF;NAl "LT Z'\.,w Car 131,ilt!• & S~1 .. ·ice C'll'.'1111 t:.i .. <I C..11~. All Mllkf'll, l m- porl•'r! nmt Oome11llc. Z:ZOI SO J\lA lN ST SANT A AN A Kl 2-0i66 1!13~ H AR UOR DL\'D C!lRTA MF.SA LI 8-M :'ll FOR SALF: 1952 M. G l.'nviitt 1•111lv P 1•1(1•1·t ro111llt1un 1-'thr" NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PA&E 5 MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 U::X,et& I Roa.. lor ... £ U:::X,tta. I 8~ for .... Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt .. Bcb. OFFERS Delightful living. Apt.-Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht tlip accomod&tiona. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or re.ervation, Call Har. 2992. 34t!o ~1,.,.,,. tup ra1t111 ht•at<'r f.980 , 42_Tra&Jen 48A-.4.pta. for Rent ~l.1y ().-,., ... 11 r<llY 1lu~ utt .. r ~ .30 • I' 111 l:tlU l,111g R1Jfld l~lb..rtyt* PORT ORANGE* RENTAL ti. I IJ·t'fl7 1 ~.~p.f7 TRAILER SALES SPECIALISTS ..... P,\1.li:ARP l"llsto111 Ch pper ,. and SUPPLIES Ca.11 ll:dna cralg 11 r n ... 1t... h.·att•r. O'llTll't'. As .,, H " • ··ltan ,.,, H \\li>I th•· clay ii 4wu ~200 w. Coaat iway. Blanche Gates, Rltr. "I •K•na lly s1.ri1 l:frs l uff~r by Newport Beach LI 8-4420 au Ma.rin• A••· ~ur11t11y a ceeptecJ. 371u W. Bal-J ·Ml-30' KH-Cuatom 2 br. H Ve $1000 ..-..iboa. lala.nd, H ar. 1871 h1ui Bl v<I. 4:1p.f7 ·:~-4 1' Pa remount l br. bi&' dl.c. Tltto I ---· ---"61}-1:1' Traveleu. A beauty 188(1 $8:1 MO .. Yt>a r ly. N'l!:W one bdrm. 40-A-Tirrs & Parh '66-All modela--•11 •u:ea on di.play dupln 20:11~ 44lh St. Newport New and Used TRUCK AND Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping ... Service Com plete Bn1 ke Service ANO Front End Alignment HUA D SER\'lCI-~ Jo°trl'l•ton" Budget Plan Your$ f rir the Ask in( HOWARD RYAN 01 • 809 W. 1st St . .SANTA ANA Kl J.!'1363 33ttc w,. nee<J clean uae<I trade-1.111. ~ach, unrumiahed.. Uptf PAN AMERICAN P1ramount·Ken11dll Trave.leu -Terry 47-Wuted to Bent Rentals Wanted We need apt.a a.nd b~ Ln al IMICUONI for bOth wiater ud yea.r' a leue. hnL or Wltl&nL U you ha.YI a. Y&caDC1, pboae ~ Charm.tng Harbor Ha veaa Apartment.a -Patloe NJ:W 4 ROOK , 1treet Jent Neu 1ehooll, allopptnc diltrtct.. Quiet. pleaant, u cluaive. O~• dllt- poeal, laundry, 1torace J"OOIU, ,.,.., .. sa2.ao up. OccuplM •• Ure •ltMt. Good 1upervtmon, M&T· 11101 Haven Place 1 Block South of Hlstl 8ebocll ALSO FURNJBHEO 4.PTB. WINTl:I\ JU Tllll 6tfd Th V 1 Co TWO BICDRM. APT. turn. .... e oge • Wlllter rent&L 8ee a.It.er 8 p. m. 1201 W. Cat-Hwy .. Newport 8elL 131-U th St.. Newport 8e&eA. ! Pb9ne Ubert7 M"1 Utlo 208 .Mar1Jle, Ba.Jl)O& Ia&ud Phone HU1MW"' L.U\Gll a bdrm. turn. d\q>la apt. I 26e7 E. Cout Hy., Corona de1 Illar canal trontap lllnalJ bcl&t dock Phon1 Barbor 17'1 A pr. $90 mo. with utU. UU Udo om~. aue via Udo JUiy 1 Harbor IMT-W or Ll Harbor 4911 1-MH. ~7 1702 N•wport Bl\ld., Colrta M ... -------------~rty 8-3591 LIDO ARMS APTS. & Merine VJ:RT MEW LOU REED and )SSOCIATES h I I ' h 0 I l 41-Auto Sen rtce C rys er-P ymout ea er EMPLOYED COUPLE want to r'nl houite or a pt. wtlh atove 6: 1 t frlg. Furn. or unfurn. Prefer Wett Side C08ta MteL Llberl1 8-71161. ••d e Wa.U t o wall ca.rpet1llS A drape.a, G. E. Refr1&'·· &hae 1t OYM. Each A.pt. bu pn~ ........ Ttfl&nla have tint call for .atp11. One b&1I bUt. to bl••-oe11i.r. H 08·12-ll fa 20 VI& Oporto LI 8 3 .. 86 1 Motor Overhaul • "' NO MONEY DOWN 1200 W. Coast Highway See Me-Ta Nelson -------- * * SAVE * * . -1· ~yl:.it~-~-~~5..~.i~ CHARMINGLY FUR N. 2 bdrm. CORON A DEL MAR Oftlce Har. 1002 atter G p.lft. Ll t-1171 4~:>0H at the s s s Grand Opening $ s s of Mark Downing's New s s s Used Car Lot s s s To be lo cate d at the inters e ction of H ighway 39 a nd IOI in Huntington Beach Our I s Cy1s. . ..................... $M.ss lno.:ludt'a both l1tbor &/Id part& Nt'w r1nga, wrut pill•. valve g-rlnd. ntung• or m&UI and rod bt'"rings. Expert motor tune up 110-dlly or 4,000 mil• ruara.nt" <NO MOl'\EY DOW~f. RE BUILT ENGINES 1a doors from ocU11) '123 Sea Shell Apts. adult.a, ku.. CLOSE IN ATTRACTIVELY tum. 1 • 2 llEDJUl. DICLUXI: FURN. 1 bdrm. combination llvtng a.nd APTIJ. To preter1'1'<f taaaata. •411 dlntnr rm. ''° lr a.M. fa up, utlL lncl.. 1210 W. Balboa. FURN. BTUDJO, eep&rate ~. Blvd .. N ewp91'\ 8-ch. 39c~2h nea.r •veryuunc ioo. Dl:LUXJD apt. for e moa. or )Tly. -UP tu JI} MONTHS TO PAY-CHOICE RE.NTALS, turru8bad • 1 ..... Nl<*f turn. lmaU bed Bu11l In our own lli<'tory by akUled un!urnl•bed. room 6 bat.ta dCN'll 8t&tra. LAIJffl machtntau1. Don't cont11nd wlUI Mrl'A NSLllON Jl'll'lq ..-.. Dovb.I• bed room the m 1ddla mon. Buy dlrt'ct. 2908 E . Cout H wy. etc~ OYer doUba. ...,......, Wllh REBUILT and INSTALLED Corona d&l Ma.r, Har. 5!!&0. U c4t n... YI-ot Bay. Dock pnvleg· S HUKT atoc K .. atra. T o qu1.t a4ult8 w1l h- '8B--ll.ome9 for a.t FORD ... . .. -········-···--··· 1129.:IO NE.AR.L Y n-unturn. duplex 2 out p.la U 26. -lot 8outh C.:HEVHULET . ··--·-·-· IH 9] bdrm. tiwd. fln. f . ._ hta.t prt. Bay rrt>nL B&lboe Jal&nd Ha r. f'l.Y.\l. & lJUDCI:: .. -··-··---I I~ pa tio, garag~. COM. U 05 mo. 1714. 4~p:•• CHR 'fS. & LJ~ SuTO --·---U 70 Harbor 1684-ft. •llc41 STl.mr,:cAK•;n ·--~·-1 110 --•&;;:: WINTmR NDft'.AJ,-2 bdrm. a pt. t O LDS i rID.'TT.<C g --$17 -Q ~OJ4M. p u 5u.gx •mfum -~to--IW,...W.--fllyw.-,. •• llU --- UUJCK --·-·-...• ···············-1111> dl11pou.J. flreplau . Acl"ON from W. BaJOO. Blvd., H~ .. !:ti.; I 7~ acho<oL Corona del MU' •~ _ H UDS0:-1 ... . •..... ·-··-.. l Ava.IJ. Jal\. 1. Har. 60U-W or Lo&n Car Free Tuw1111 · !"EW CAR QU ARANTEE Hu . 1)()32 45c'7 1l11111 ,, ..; 4 I ,. •; !:: l'•:.J H1':~I01;.; <II, ft 1':x. • .. 11 •. ,,, • "'""'•'•n $10<1 A lsn ~ 1•111111; 11.111 hlr11• • atuvv H&r ::••71 46dll 32-t•urTliture for Sale 14 r r . O LASS BOAT . MW E\•ln· rude motor, all control•. Set' S evtnmg1 l)J 2-38th 8t, Nfwport Beach t 4r 46 Main Attraction . Will Be Top Quality Used Cars High Trade In I s t{l()I k m il"\ trte .. t uur 11tlU\danl1 f'lue t.axca, gukelt and oil op.·11 sund1y 10 a.m. to 2 p m . BELLES ENGINE I REBUILDERS Choice Wmur Rentala on Balboa lala.nd 6 Udo Lale Sm&11 Is cocy Ol' &&l'l'8 6 dema •11> to POO momU. VOGEL CO. l'iEWPORT U .\CH. tUl'1llaed - Modern 2 bedroom ~ near b\11111-1 • b9M:b, b7 JMI or month. SY 14008. 418'8 .. • r / .. 1 II- l .t ' ~ I f •! t '' f1 t ...... , ' • ~, I•• I '• ~ .,,, t, I:",,.. f1 l ~ S ... , I)' I. 1 • ., ... f' 't I I ~I \l.1 ·' I I I .... 1.111 '$_:. 1 • , t.r .,. ·~ ... , •1 jn.. r I ltl :I '.'I c t I ,_, .. t i ..... . , \\ ~O-R--Applhlnc..,.... lilt.- ••I ,, _____________ , ________ ____ Smttll Ron e y 1s Appliance Repa iring I 1·n' ii ., '• .•.• .: ~"'•':f" I t \l1•1iri1 t 1: I I. I I•' I ll I \ 1.t ' f~I! I,, 1 1111,1 11 I 1••11 .:•·t ,1• .. r R~ l1l 01 11>~,. I 1f' t l • 1 I t l \.• l\1 ~\ft J'•t.!t IJ .\\I \,\ ,y d ft ~" t\f fl,\\ f ,~, 111 ..: St I t ••I t t ' •• i!f ••,'t ·' ' I \ ' \ • : 'h ' J , \\ ~ TllHONS(tN'S l "l • :\•"i" ''A\ t 1 t 1 • I l C BEDROOM ~El's Ii & I} llfl1\ \\" r:it •Ir ~ ... r r. mirror , 2$ F'T. DOUBLE E NDER. C<I()(! hull. glW)(J motor. Afl" 111 Q 209 Udo P enW\ll&. WHI conslrltr A v A v Oprn l >orly !I to 7 Stale Bondtd 208 Manne ""~ B&Jbo9 lalu4 Ph. H a.rbot 04 or Ru~ 2161 Ru. Ha.r. lTM-1\ or Bar. IOG9-M CORONA DEL KAR. untum. I bdrm., 2 bUb, oewJ,y decorated lna'lde u d out. 1128 mo. Call Harbor 47. U '""'kt·u .. hra•lb<111111 from »9 60 trade for auto or "''hat hav• T\\ 1:-o; M)•1•lr bl'•I w ith •t •l\llrl'N • 1 yau ~ Har. 29 i&--.'100 lbl St No Down Payment NEW LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. .. tit -~-~~-~-~-~~ l5c4i i..,I( •p11n1e. <inly $69 M fa . -------------11 & !I I •rt.\\\ ~:It m11rt~ ctr """~r with 1111rror ftrom '79 t.o I I Modern & Maple WlL.L SHARE ~xprn.1~11 on U · tended c ruiJ111. pr ... f,r1tbly auinl- hary i>all, W nte Box W -PO care lhflt paper. •:O.p-47 L 11•1ng Ro<lm &_.~ 1 ,\~ ;'\"IC.:!.>; A Ltl'\E U you WMJhl ------------ lrnd 1111y"hl'rl' \\1th our low 10 FT SAil..BOAT -Never beM 111. rJ , .t•I )•>ll II bf' Aurpnsf'd how 111 water -U 8·1138. 4~r~7 11 •· h "r <-1rn l'l\Vr vou l•Je~ tnk·· ,. look lt wii1 pa y you. C'HAMPlO!'f ~tim&n dlnKhY :'\o , ;1 11 If• T F:RM!< C Oan o n M ll4 It lnlll,.r ~id E E * * Mark Downing Ford * * 22.5 Fifth St. Huntington Bench ~xmgton 6-2566 -15<'4 7 nr;TAIL Ft "R~ITt.RF: BRO KERS r onlllttnn. ''30 Ll 8·TlH •~r>iS S..._Mu1ttir•I. Radio, T \' 1 40-A~ llDd Tru<'kl "P• n 1-ri.in ,· 1-;, .-1< 1 3-24~ I i lltf<' J.1.-Ma.klal, .RadJo, TV jfoutl flllltlll l' fllllfl•• 1;n1ny ''"If n rr ~lllJil •rJI $71111 ::121 SANJ A AN A SARVER r UH BRAKES iJ:" uRA:•v1-; cui.:x n· >·• YRS/ --~~~~~~~~~~~ .A TTRA c,•'IT VE 1 and ' bdJ'1Q.. rum. UUlJUu pa.Id, l o~ 2 cbU<lren. Laundry room. 8 L U I: T 0 P APT. MOTEL •03 Newport Blvd N pt Buch, Juat a.bove lhe Arc he•. 74ttc I Hnn•I•· I Urnkf'_. 4 whe~i. U I lie 2 BDRM.. d11plex unl\lm •. p ra,ge. J.MLalla llun . .$9 160 mo HtOll1:a P lacertUa., Coe- ta Mna.. U 8~. tecU 112 96 'l"<ll Tiu 48 PA\" :'\<• MORF:. S13 ~ 48-A-Apt.t. for Rut SARVl-::R MOTORS RRA KE s~:RVICE F: IST /\T OHAXIJ SA:O.'TA A ':'A flrr Th~ CtL~h lt011 Too 1..etr UNYURN. 2 bdrm. a pt-clOM lo •lOr"• • transportation 146 mo. 6-020.,, Na.rt1~. Ha.r. 6689 -:,., 111 l-'111r~ron Santi\ Ana l 1-"l\IF: l)()f.f.ARI' r•·r "'' l'h '""IA I J!1-,z Ji'OR1• C'1111•nm 2 •Ir K ... It L hri•tn1111t w1Ul m u .. 11 1;, •. ,1 Mir 11111,11 fl"•h"• H .. r 11 ·1:.: w '.lH.~ S f'r,.,z., i·oui·h 11""rls nl'w CH RlST>tlAR TRE A TS. l i6.'I pra1 ll<• ptMw • 11.3 low U $!'7 · a rt• r ~ 11 111 ·1 ~1 ti ---CORON.A OSL MAR. OCE AN 11111 b"r ;.iiuq 4·,,.4 7 buy• lovely Baby C.ran~. Eiuo)' $12., · 11r All 111 •·•11·11,.nt '•·n· Vl-, a tlra<'llvely f\Jrniahed one 44C'46 21lttr _ ----------_ _ BALBOA ll5t.AND ~ atll'ac• u ve ll bdnnq 2 beth home, com• plett ly carpetM. 'nlermo. h•at.. ttreplal"e lonly trop1c.i pauo 112~ m o. ttU J W'le lit Wa~r pd. Harbor 4000. 41k~7 "LUX> JSLE, ll bedrooma, 2 1,9 bilth home, on &1111u1l -.u. IJllp tor 40 rt. boa t., uae of 18 fl. VUdnr runabout pow~r boat.. 2 car car. bo'autltully tul"D1.lb• ed. shnib41. 1700 Jl"r moalh. . Inquire a t 41 Balboa Cove., Newport." a&Uo J7~ M O. :I'wo bdrm. bol.IM t um. 2009 Mtramu Dr., Pmtn.Wa Po&nL -Wlnt.ar rant al - C. 0 . BltAR.081.Zli', 724 Luton Or. Olenda.le 6-Ph. CILrua J -63 HI. 82Ua r lemui A nother 1.491}. M1111y Ol(lllO. LIA ::-:z -8C:llMI r•T B·~ G t w Mus"1ck .t?.-Tral1~n ~rm ger•g• •pl Harb<ir ~7 .1 t•lf;!'F. 1'P:<IH1NA1 •. J r.t!n wMl othtr11: Knabe. S~lnway, l<1m· f'u111" 1tn1l (Jrg1rn I "' :.i 11 :-J ran . Hr•e upf\01~· .. ry '~ll :111 l!t<I mnhni:· hall. Monarch -Baldwin, Starr, M11n !'It . ~<tnln An I Your Hudson Dealer Now on Display ----BALBOA Wlnt•r rf!nlal. Cosy " ,. ' •t f• ,. lit hi• J ln 2:'122 VU1ta Ma M!n A H amhn. \\·urlJtz•r. • T l'1 ·--:r "R Rf o • ,. .,.~·r•J .... E I PE:-O:L"ISl:LA POINT 2 bedroom .3-rm !um . C'OllAil!· Cloff to • I 'f" 1$ii1·•ilr1r"~ 1.1 ~-4811} l"" pie.no• a1~v1. DA ..... z -CHRISTMAS TRE A T l' H1i.rnmr0n.t SALES and SJ.:R \·rcE ·:,,, "' If , :,,(' -.;.<.r.. .... ., turn. 11pt lnC'I Ultltttf~. S71} -'"' ~-~ ·' I •n .......,.. .., ~ 1 B&y It 11hopp1ng renttr. •110 44r46 Orjlan h~rtl. ""' nnh 1u~11t 1ful N I KL~ -...,-' r 1 • '"rm· manr """ Vtrw of Ray It <>cea n }{arbor SCHMIDT Bl~ r 1u o and Orit•n 253 . Los Ange ea .-. 5. 1 _, 8 rr it 111 ,., mo, utll. pa. Har. 307 aft er 2:3() 1t•·.L·1•1r·, " ST•J\ £,-.!':•• now Ston, :120 :-I. Main St., S&nUI Jlnmnm111J ~111nl"f . .i..11''' ''" 1 .. r 2226-J . U r •6 .. m . ~tit r,.. ' -' " ·~ lhl' hll ,. r • • 1 'll n 11<" A na heim 4Ztfl' ·:,s T lll ":'l.IJl'.P.nt;11 1; Cl :~;STLJ:-.-E ------·------'' 111 t•Jl• rll ll<•n <:unp rnni11t111n, __ A_na.___________ nf'w, ~~n-rr~.',~,.,~11:.,,:·~· ;~, l h1• ------------:i:1 Fr I b·h•11 F"UR:-lJS llEti A PTS K-A W • •••.., mod•m tum. l bdrm. :'>I ,,. t . II b tf l d ... '•P 1-·111·1{ flH 6:! r ,\'f•ll,l.i\r b I I "I lllll ~....,, • "' rn 'P" "'"" u f' a n Onl". Al111> o n" t.nly fin• ll.1111-T • n I t MOO 2 hr · 2 11 th nr 11" n1 ut H , hou•t M.3hog-. kitchen, di.lpo"~ 01\~:1-:v~: ,, :.11-:Htt rrr 1.11 i:r ·;,:i ~~-A-_A __ n_ttq..-...t_lf'll_. _____ _ lltlllfl!I. liar 2 125. H r •6 OUr CHRISTMAS TREAT. Ele('t-mon<l <'h11r•J llr1:11n T hAt I~ :di nl!W pR ln!, \.\'\\' 11rr1t. "l'h"l"trr· !'ifi :-ottAI' A :!'.'1 A ,,• SM mn l br tn,.I ulll l"I\ mo -all-' t roplc&I pa tio VIO unti1 tronlc Or (&.Q. wt ll known make. In~ c ~· rp\1•1nnlly • 11•1111. r un11 '~ At.JO 2:1 ~I MODY.RN ., h l l l I utll .... mo -""'' 1'<1w11 huv11 1trr 11111 ... ~· 111 I"·~-0 11" "or •r "" · · .,., · June HI ·or U 26 y rly. Har. 41)1)(). K ve 1480. D ANZ-SCHMIDT. !!llll~ t•) ""'' l •,\:"/,·Sl'H\lf l•T !'"''°<!. t 1:Wr1 <'At'IJ Hurhnr 7~ 'I)!\ TRA\'F.J.F.ZF: 1'1 F"i TWJ:-1 J M ,\U J,L.ER C0 ~CS l'a.moUS' P lano 4 Orgu Btor•. P111.no 1tnr1 UrJt?An l'n' ~:w ;:; 421(" REC"I~ All m i•lr rn 2<12!1 W B•lboa nJvd. -Ha.r 41>91 --trnul· I 1 ... 1rup .t.,, , 101 k " ~ t1 ,., ,.n t1m• r t •tir"lll" gnll ti r 111 1. lllHJ tlmt I r: up t. I" I ' I ""C munth. $111•"11 1.,,.h ... (•) S!I l"'r n 1o1 1111 \\'. Cl\<1pm11r, 1J1ll11t.;r. l<E b -~"l i ll ,\"rT Antique Owners 1>20 N. X&1n. Santa Ana. Milin S t., Sant a Ann ------ -·~o l<IT 27 FT. MOL•ER'.\" NI• "P· f near the N•·W('Orl Piu l U .-•6 F'Uft J,£/\l'F: $6~. mo, 1 bllrm , OLDS.MOBILES I Hi-.\\ AHLI .JCI VO to1r ""Y Wlllh~r 11h p11r<'ll1Ute "r A n'"'' Hn1nlltnn 1111t••m111 11 wn1.h1 r 1'1111< " new Repair C'Hfili A. GLASS .\ BRIC-~·BRAC t:rcMor o·K~re 8~22 Wa.llcer Jl\rk.an i·2ii7 Cyp,_. tf • ha tn ,1m .-n trtk<' -"0 •lr1wn I I BUY AND SELL So r11ymf'nt Ill l!tM I EARLY AMERICAN cut colored T llRO;\'.S()X ~ J 1:. -'~WjlULl A\•e pattPrn •l..U--PttmlU0vee-A~ 1 •"ta ~lr'11 t! I ttque rum1lu.no and r1n1 <'hlna. \\ lllllLl'uuL 1rnto11 llt1• g.is "'Y"r THE BJG OLD RED BARN OUR ORllA TJ:8T CHRJSTMA S TIU:.\ Ts -8t•ln..,.y Ora.nd. magnificent condJtton. Thil won- dertul ptano &lmoet like new, can ~ bou11tt on I yean time. Kllabe 8 p1net. ebony flnh1h. U.led very llllle, a ve over 1300. Doha.e ot ouau Ut\le •plneta. Many oua poeltlftly not bt told from nfw. Some only $3513. DANZ • I CHXIDT Big P l&no a.nd o,.an 8 1Dre, ~o N, Maia Sa.nta An a. l 00 Pl&11u,,. \\1th Alltnmoll(' 11o:nit111n 11 .. ,., E FIRBA:'-rK KJ 3-32'1 ------------- 1•''1• SZ89 9:'i. Solr prtl'r $ l{l!l !I~ 13861 Harbor Blvd. O&.rdeJl Grovt I ''"' 111~111lh\llon, :"l• 1t.•wn, :Z Hl 38c5tla 1•rr wk :>lo> pl•ymt nt 11nltl 1!11\(1 7'11H0Xsnx ·z:: l~I r. X1•Wp<:>rl A\!(• I ""t.< :0..fl'lill. tJ Knowlton Electronic• TV ANTENNAS (Clear 8-in -H1 Oaln) J<nowlton Elrctronks TV REPAIR FAST SF:R \"IC'F:. RF.ARI):'\ A Bl.E Service rall11 1111 9 p.m. LJ 8-~201} lt 11on1tll)' t lean. unfurn. hr,1111,., 11tovl' An l1 rrlr11f. CHi::VRUU:TS L SLE. USE D CARS ·G2 :0-1(.JUILt; <"Rl"ISER U FT f00 l ;o.;,.wr-ort H,.t~hl11 11 r .. a fUfrr- 2 hdr m. prl<-,.•t lo ~C'll BA C-HF.VtR a.nd o ne A two bdrm ,.n, "II r~111 rl"1 Li berty ll·M77 LAl11 111vdrll', $995 r11 All pr1<·••11 46 4k !n~tur!tng t1an,. <'Ill-". 11 . ., 10 Sl·:n~;H ,\L OTHl!:R un1..1P l"SF:() 11pt.~. Shcrt term a nd yearly. aftrr 6 pm e cnn .. ~ f rom wtlh Ml OK cn .. v-THAI L~:ltS Al.I. u:-; Rl'ECIJ\L Al.l-'1..1. L.11.lo Mt.mu 11.nd Bay f'ront I ~NA C>El. MAH ~yr. rolN i'\l&rantt-e 7VQ C: o M • t l:l.A.l.t. AT T lf l!'I T SM£. H 'lmu a.r.d apartm•nu . . l"'•fi'' I •f'l\lr14hl" ''"''•let.. C•1m- H ighwlly. Miller <"h"·· co LIDO REALTY A ssoc1atc1 f<•tll\hl\" r•im 1 bdrm. home w 8-2231 JOE\';\~ Nv Y West Coast lltOO Via U do, Karl><1r •H•1 1'"1rt pl•1• '" 1tvln1t r(>tlll1 Ide111 H c:'ii TRAILER SALES 19tfc: ,,., '"'" "' r>1111~ Phont Ha.l'tA:1r g I' JN £ T s. SPl:o\E:J'S. lievet _:i 19H F <;>R.O Stat ion Wa.{fon. Good condition '26~ cll.!lh.. ~6 Bea1 on e•••al N"nt11I 1rt11rn~ hkl' n"w 2JOJ Ao 1--r11 ,\IA!.'\ Kl 2·31C7 YEARIJ Y IVnL•I I 0 \-\ :\"l~R. ill' RT A L• RUY bl.lrm r11r n ""'" <'itll J!.J7vr tt73 W •6p41\ l!tlmf' Sa.ll'm MApl<', Hl11n•I Oak ~}'. H ar. l :i92-J 44p•6 Frent h Provlnc\t.J , S1\•11 S!!tl. JAQt.;AR !'>3 Road8ter. 18.000 t o $1~. Terms j1n1l lik e 'r ent mllet. new tub<>lcu tlrf'a, R&H on bala.nce. UA NZ -SCH:MlDT. WsW. Price $2.l:'JO. Brttlsh ('Rf 020 N. M•ln, ~Mt• AnL a.ntce. LI 8-4TiL '4c47 NEW :IOVO lb 1 ap ttllhty 1teel LrlJln w ith u 11k 1 ·" k 1'1tr· ~ Hlt r h &n.t at"'lll 61' Ja.mint . Corona det Mr.r •&,.18 •JI( $:10 1110 W 81"r 11•1 bu" It bu~lnHM IJl•l11r1 Harbor 1:Ui ·J 43• :;11 flELl:Xf; FVM AI'TH. 81n1lu a dbl~ ~ mQ. a.nd up lfli E. Ii.fly A v~ .. Uelb<HI Harbtir :1344. Attc ~~~-~~~~~ 1..\1:1,1·: Sl'M·~;:; 10K~. l"IJ CHG. f111 • t11lol r,.n ••fl flC'l 111 bul•. 160 fl from •tor"•· Blvd . End .,.... &Villi 1.1 8-7fJ96, .0lfr -For A dt>pendal>le u• .. a car, lff your loc:a.I dealer 'llo'ho •·IU b4I here TOMORROW to back up what he Jn ~!'IX fllllv 11111" '\ll .. h1ni.: m 11 -M>IUI TODAY! Check the uff'd 'h 1·r 1n i:• •• t r """''Inn. :I \'t • '"""' In the C'IU 1<tf1ed lle<'Uon to- IN8T A.LL&D oomplel• to 7our .. t. 15--Dop, Oa&ai Pt ta $9.~5 SIAMESE k lllva. pure bred $10 Hnun brnl<en. U bfrty IP024 MUBT S~ 1HO LINCOLN Fon:tor. Sl>a.rfl motor pan.. <lNl<f wot'll car wtth top ca.mer. brlng beU.ry Mid drh'e St &way U :; I00-3Llt S t. Hu. 29i8. 46<'47 W IL..J.. trllde :l.2-tt. lraller plu• 1n~ J6. mr>!l,.rn cahanna fo1 " lot ln Ctll!ta Meo11a Cl'n ~ 't•n "' 2111 W atn11t Pl . 1 ·n~t• MH11t --19-Roome for a.t IJTUD10 A P'T'. w tt able frtr ont 1---~--~------­ huain,... JM"'°" 143 mo IOI, LADT elon. hu rotim In nlr~ IArklpur c orona ,., M.ar a.tt.r I hOme tM employed lady L/ \•JJ. 1•11, H •r. ,18~7-M H c•e d1tr . 3ttlc '5ct7 .. • 4 i8J>4~ 4 30 p m. tlet7 .. ...._ lftlc ..... , PAGE ~-PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS n-•MI r..aa&e _____ , MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 81-Beal FAtate Exeha•~ B/8 * * "A GOOD TRADE IS BET· E:-JJOY LIVING on the OcU!l TER THAN A POOR SA LE" OPEN HOUSE Front Kttchtnttle apt11. It nna. with prtvatf' bath. Maid 11ervlce. TV 2aoe Wu t Ocean Front. H1.rbor 8091 • • * HAI.BOA Pf:Nl:>;HULA Room w1lh private hath A f'ntninre Ap111tmf'nl hu1ldtng Har. 2450 :13tk s11 ·~: room rot wo1k111i: mu n l'nv11te entr·'""'" $7 v.·Pf'k, IM3 <h ani: .. AVll . ('1111111 Mi'118. l~ll'47 NORTH SHORE ARROWHEAD &~i{[ully Curnlshe<! e yr old I yr anm~I c witom BUiit home. I 4 Bdm111 JI apt .t< Floating I l>ock. 145. . Will I rrtdtl for home. tneonw or bn11t. Sat I& Sun. 1-4:!0 203 Via Nice A Grtcioua New Modern Regency Fmeet Appointment& Smart Entry Laree Patio 3 Bedroom•. 2 Bath• HASTINGS RA:"'CH. PAS-.\DE:-J A Jo'tve year old 2 BJrms. It .Q,.n ruslom -Built. Lovely s ... c1 li:fn..._' NORD CORNER $28.600. Small lnan. will tra<lf' I fl'fll the Mo11t dl11<:rlmlnallng l"l•·Rr or Rs11ume for near toqual • s_ Bedrooms 2 baths v .. luf' nPar O<'ean. • Oen MONROVIA·FOOTHILLS • l.Atrge ~tnr Room 5S-Stortt a OfftC'A"M I Lovt'ly Vil li<')' View. home. 2 • Sepaiale .QJning Room -----Bdrms. It o .. n. :lyre. oltl. Bu l • Bl'autifully Appointed COAST liJCHWAY. newbulllllng. Distrl<'l. $27,600. Clear. Sub-1 • C'arpetA It. Orap~IU from Bill 'S BEST BUYS MOYE IN FOR CHRISTMAS • Brand new 3 bedroom 11-: bath, complE>tely & beautifully furnished. Fc~cc J. i;ewer::l. Fine wall to wall c a rpet ea tire h ousc. f:::rt>llent cloae io loca· tion. Full pr ice only Sl3.750. !'30CO down. FOUR BEDROOMS-$ I I ,950 Corner lot nicely landsc:iped . G rapestake fence, patio, wall t o w all c~rpeting. C wner lea\'in g state $8300. FHA loan at 4 1 ~ ', int erest payable ~$70 per m onth includes taxes and intiurance. NEWPORT HEIGHTS--4 Bedroom-$1 '4,875. Nearly new-F enced-2 Baths . Fireplace. W alk - ing distance t o Hig h a nd Jr. Sch ools. Priced right for quick sale. Only $3:!00 down. B /B VCG~L \I ALUES -Costa Mesa Office •fl 1 ' I 1' I: 1 •t :: h, I , not 11i'n ~ II":.•\·~· r"11l<f' rno( • I.,;: i 11 ~·· !1u-; • C::ull>t:i .11.11{<' oven • <.'u:;; "11 1:11.11 • 1 f.t l 1 '.\i't·, • IJb1 : .I r '"" & I \'Ill .. n1 111nce • l'llej .1 't' .n tl1·n • r:r x 1 '!'" 1111 • J.'u-,• ·d • I ;,,•.t\ • I 1J y .· .I t•11l \ I• (' ll f' •ft I )1\'I J: 1010111 • (·Lu • \' , L pi .ti e ~r I! , a~d .I: lli,h 1>1'hOl'll" 3 I l~ \' .• II ;\!.I.. 11·.c'1l bn• k ') U:r. ':: ,o;: h 11 11. 1•11 b1 ark .• . • • • • * LAKE FRONT HOME R"aut <••I rustic hom«> with fl/\ foot frontage on C h.rry 1.:-.':r in Bu(•k 8 .1y l nr\•11cable fo~htng anJ sw 1mm1n~ rights. Lo\'f'I~· \'ll'W of 811rk Ray. 16x20 ltvrng room L a rge famil)' ro(im , Call us and let u. 11how you this 1 yenr 11ld h onw m restril'ted areL $26.500 Full Prwe OU Pl EX H igh rncoml' unit in East Coi<t a Mesa. Oose to 1:1hopping and transportation. Incom e $140 per mo. Only $3000 ()11wn NEWPORT HEIGHTS ~00 A4· fl offu•e. Suitable In· I 1n1t beach property homr or rn· • C!'orgeouA Vif'W or BJIY suranre. nttornf'y, I'll' $90 nlo. .-ume, up or d(Jwn, ~an add caah.' Sun-deck. RU8S VORU, LI 8·6.141. 2Qtr ' • Shown by Appointment only CHOICE INCOME Large very w ell kept, nearly new duplex only one • F1:1t I• I.. S l';.P~U e :-le" 11::~' \";" ""'"'" t 11!' k'·~ 3 bedroom home in a m ost desirable arc-a. H . W. floors. t 3x 15 living room with fireplare. Only 4 12 years. 1100 s quar<' feet of li\'ing a rea . WANTED S.\IALL OFJo'ICF: ror rent Suit· Largl'. Busrnelll'I vr tncomf' prop· 1 Bay & Beach Rlty Inc nbl,.. rl'1<I f'Alatr or tnsuranrto erty that will trade for San 00 Gabnel Vallr)' j Ll OFFICE 41!l BAlhoR Blvtl ('all Har. 471&. • . 3112 LaC&yf'tll', Npt. Har. 3&43 _______ 34tfc , .. LIST IT Ji'OR TRADE NOW"' 1-- ----I B ACK BAY • NEW OFFICES Gordon L. Andrew, Rltr. 2 b r. den. 2 t>ath. HW nra .. e IDE AL FOR PROFES-u 8 ..... 27 , Ha · 12~3.J I patio, best locat1on-REOUCEO ....., , e\ e>1. 1 i • $l8 ~ SIONAL o r BUSINESS USE., 40c48 3 ~r . 2 ~th. HW fir• .• t>e~uty Located in -111.100 Harbor Investm ent Co. Bldg . B I B 110· lotio. i utr1cted 18000 30th & New port Blvd. . Chol<'e view tot, lar1e 73'6x 226032 3 b.1 . den, n.1mpu1 room. Har. 1600 t f $27.000 FOR RENT· 1oom In attum••y 'H 11111!~ To nttornl'y or cnmp1t llbl" 1n nfeftl!tnn Harbor 2~•00 44t' 16 Exchange Corner • 10 I 'nit· Deluxe Apartment In Web l w 11 o ol VIiiage nelllng M·A-8U81Dc•M Rentaltl I $16,000 year wlll exch1tng-e for 3 b<Jrm llcnnc-or ln••ome prop· Cor. 19th & P t11 c1mt1a C M I t'rly 1n Ha1bor Art'a, FOR RENT two b<l1 m. nomc -, l•l(Jve cl reti lg. furn 1 1nclutle1< • Xlnt 111con1e pr orerty on B•I· •tore room & 1 wo ocrict-llpun:s , l boi.• Island wall eX<'hange up or $ 100 month. OR will rent •PP•· oluv. n tor Acreai,:e In Oranae Co rately 1 office at S76 and l a l e .1 bdrm. home in Chrf Haven $:IC> n.011U1. AlllO 8111all l!tore $100 I v.111 l!xchitnge up ro1 4 hdrm. mu. Call owner LJ ~rty 8-8223 twme In Santa Ana or T uatm. mornings or Aflt'r !> p m . 9t C~ --t• 1:-1 a1·1e 1n ·m·a J11 &. lemon gruvf', HARBOR BLVD FRONTAGE 2 bdrm 1.n<J den home In Fall. Two DICCerent Lo<-allon:< brook v.111 rxchange ror 11pta. Onf' w1lh Off1f'e, ont with Buni:a· or motel tow Mf'M11nu11 1999 H1trbar W 8-3333 4:Jlfc MONEY! v Fast Action •I Low Rates loan1 2nd and 1st Wf' s,.rv,. All Oran1re County Service Jn Y our Home W e Buy Trua\. Deeds Top r .11 ('ll 1•ahl (."a.•h now • Royal Mortgage Co. 28(YJ Nrv.•port BIY<l . Nprt Bch. Harbor I 5'49 LOANS for Homes 6"' -10 ys. 1..-- \\'e ha\'e m1t11)' mo1 e txchange11 L<'l us ahvw you bow you can Improve yo 11 r tax poa1t1on I hrou~h exPhi.ng4'~ Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 18711 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa, C1111r Ll 8·7i1', F.ve11. Ll 8·31!>1! CAPITOL GAIN CAN Y OU AFFORD TO S ELL? HOW ABOUT A TRADE. tor man· a.gl'r o~rated clt•r lncoma prop· e.r ty wu t entJ of Loa Angele• VaJued at SM .000 with over SJ0.000 a yei;.r Income A low f'XJ>1'nff. Am ullrlnK A am In· ll'r Nttd In Bay Fronl property Wiil I rade up or 1lown Owner. WEblittor. 4.6961 or write 2907 South Coc:h ra.n Ave , Loe An· ~-#r--- BROKERS JS\'ITED Construction Loans I l:il!:E BVB 8 ATTLl:K ----------- 2blb t!:A ST COAST BLVU WF: HA VE TWO lovelv hermu 43trc Corvrw Or i r.tar HatDul 086$ 1n 1'11lm ~pnntt• One 3 ~rm kt"p P\Jl k l l-;H. MURTUAUll: W nn r·nm,.r lol (vlly ftor~I. lrf'n )ttoLro Life Ina. •'Unde KJ. J -&18) ""'' """""' Curnu•hl'fl at SI-:'. 4lllo I ~.o<t full 1111r1 Thr othl'r a 2 -------l><>drm •no.I rumpu11 "'°m Cur· CASH m11h!'d Owner 1 will lrtd c> up (nr H11rbor •rra, rf'llhlt'ntll1I or t OR THI ·~·r Pt;l'::l)~ 1 c•lllntf'rr la l. \\ M H llOLT J M Mll.l.Ji:R CO MOlt'n:A\,1': HANKJ:S~: 202:i W. Halboa Ulvd. Har 4091 l'll ~<"lt ll':IU. I 16<19 ~ Ol "S ll ~A:-rf A A~ A KlMOF:RLY !l 71111 W A Nl:i I U d l..\l...LJ JMJ'RIJ Vlt f'OR SALE BY OWNER-4 bed· e t·y. Mu.Jt::HNIZI:., OK r~m home. 1-'. balha, land· R.t:l>"l:"I ANL"!: erllr<'d A hmcf'd FHA loan We l:tuy Ttu.el U• eesa F'1 ~•lorn h•>m!' area Call Nit\.\ 1 1 •k I ~ALllUA ::.A \'ING!:! I l.Jb!'rty 11-6223 mornings or • l..41 A :0. A~i1.'IATluN .. (ler :. p'" lflllc 33M Via Liilo (''I Har '200 TWO·BIJRM H()l.SE. hAnJw~ ll•1 rlc>V1J1 r .. '1,.corat"'1 1nr111lt ano.I 11ut. SIO i~ NO COMMISSION ~II f'I wer l't Coata Mf'a&. Phnnf! Llbt'rl v I i80& No A pprats.aJ Fee SAl.i-..~ n t;t tNAl"C.:E 33llc C:O:\l"TRlTTllJ:-1 CA II tor ,. r« Fut Commitment& I 1n :sT Hl"Y Corona dr l ~hr duplu: t-lndrm 3 br 2 balh horn nn Rt a1'1encu a.nil "nit.I only l!l"r>atratr I br and IMlth a pt Only Sl!l.!>llO. ll'nn• Don I. Huddleston 11::A~'::"'~~,-~:;~~4~~ ~47 I i3 E. lith St. COSTA MP:S• Income & Re1. Loh LI 8-~l Ll I-Mel IN RESTRICTED Sl:BOJVJ SION, 60·A • Commf rt'lal, hsduatrlal Mell.. Ar roM from park. All I 2 hlt11 ks rn1m C'Pnl f'r (If C<>•ta ------· lmp1nve111enlM a1e b!'lng lnMt&ll· GOU>El' UPl'ORTl.NITY i0xl60 ,.,1. F'rom $3l~O. Ph. W 8-l781 rt on N ~bin •l ift!, near 17th., or u 8·6621. 44<'~ Santa Ans Ripe for ctevtlnp· m,.nt or ""irrA or 11pt• Oood olol· PEN 1:-.:sULA • unit apt . 4 rar , er ho\L~ Could rl'nl to rarry or :. n• olct. •, bhxk to bay rC1n\•t 1IN1 tn oH lrH Somr trN11t I S34 hUll f:&'I)' t....-m11. Al•o NEW- acceptabl r SU,:\00 PORT Hl!:IGHTS 3 bdnn. home. COSTA MESA, for Mir or leuf :l 'ts nit!. \\"\\" C&rp«'llD~ fire· 14.400 aq Cl. of a1•ace 1n 3 n""' Jllih •' dbl i:a r plu• S l~.:.00 bulhllnga. \\'t it lllfhlf'<I. 11 n1rlr f"..11'~ '"' nt.11 o"'·n, r, 406 River· park In,; or l1>atJ1111 apace. 1 "n 81dt I •1. ~I 8 ·3336 41 r:W •ell 1 or morr v utns at •l>P'"" 1 --- ::iy~ rt. Xlnt. terma to rlJhl LIDO R-) HAR. 3291 or 1770 . 1 2 -30 f t. Iota on So. Bay Front, Ew• call F:OlTH M AR()(l;o.; I S31.:ioo each. Ca ll T. o . Rorer• HYatt 4.,.e222. H ar. l~·W, or RYan 1-4039 .. LOii BOYl\l'ON, Harbor 2878 18llc EARL W , STANU::Y, RMJlor Bayside OT. and Coaet Hwy. HOT SPOT COSTA MESA AREA. newer bldt: ltued to 8 Kood tenanta. Sho"' s ONE: -120 ft. It two-60 fL all adJolntnr Back Bay U'ff--Could ~ rnur lnl a-Sell all or llepcl· "'le -Cuh or t•~ Owner W&nlJI ll<'l10n. ffjlr 3381 39lfc over 10",. on price ot J 80,00<1 1 , ~ term• to rt.-hl buyer, Call -Whether you •rt' In bu.Inf'• tor LOU BOYNTON with vnurwlt or work for 90meone et.., EARi.. w. STANLE\", Rt.el!M I )'"II ra.n 111'4! rhe f'l&Nlftf!d at'-to Ba,·11111 .. Dr l!t r o-ut Hwy.. .'"Ur attva.nr&«e to ,_,.II you~ ll«r· H1r. 329; r-r J 77:0.·f"~" Har H 1A .,C't, rrN!urt nr merct\&ndtee, '• lll're, 2 b.r., view or hllla $12.000 '·• acre, I b.r .. PLUS xtra unit 1<>m' view or bay Sll.000 TRADE UP-Palm Sprlrl&'I area for 2 b.r. Harbor area view, or Income CHOJCE BA YSHORES 2 b.r. plu1 car. unit, kn. pine Int .. 2 palloa $22,GOO Claire Van Horn REALTOR 2731 W. Co.111 Hwy: LOTS R·2 WATEKFKONT, With bulk· head. Cloae to U do ahopptn1-s 1:..~oo lerma. NEWPORT HTS , waJk lo M&r· Iner Mlle •hoppln&'. $6260 tar-rm. R-2 LOTS, Newport.. 2 only at S4260 u . OCE AN f"RONT. :10x12a on COf· ntr. Can have 8 unit.a -N .. r Newport Pter $17,000. PENJNSULA LOT 40xl00. But lol buy on Penlnaula. HOMER E. SHAFER REALTOR 1oe McFadden Pl .. at t.he Npt. Pier Har 140, E v•. H.a.r. &2M-W, Har. I \37-M or 1629-M 3441 Hazel Drive, COM OPEN H OUSE BHUllful View home of J bd.nn• .. I 'I. bathr1, walkinl" dl1tance «> ~thl~ ~b. TlWI llom&....Alld. out.ata.ndlnl" loc.allon could not bf' duplicated today tor the aak· lnfC pr1ce or 132.600 -t•nt\.I. OPEN SAT. A SU!'<. J .~ Call now ror pre·ahowtn1 Call Heriror 20'42 Frank James & Linwood Vick R Rayle. C Travta. C. Ruu A111oc. 312 Marine Avt. -Balboa. b land Balboa Dl.'PLEX, Curnl•h~ 11'.850 Two 2-bdrm apl.I. All on one floor. Watkin( dlat.ance to downtown iialboa. ShowlnK l"ood Income. Submit on tr rma Ocean Front $1~.000 GOOD TERMS. 3 ~nn. older hom•. parUaJly rum11hed. C·l a.one Heart ~ B&lboa. 2 car r-•r•r • a\rt.Nt~ for a pt.. abo•• Coast Properties 301 E &Jboa Blvd.. B&lboa Harbor 2t68. 26t7 and ..00. Bt OWNER CORON A DEL MAR, mode.m 2 bdrm. home., tlrepla.ce. furnace, hdwd. nn.. WW carpeUn• and droape.1, dbl•. ,-u. 8tl"IMed for apt F ull price. SU.7&0, $S600 dn. 603 Pol.nHlUa. Hu. 1900-N. Utlc UNUSUAL . CORONA DEL M.AR. Can't attcwd to retUM any S'M*>n&ble ottu. Well localed a ttrec:Uve bomt. 11e Uv. room. w1UI a lovely vt•W. Indoor-outdoor U~. 14•· 1tudto type ~room. "1th beam· Pd cellln1 It nrepl~. AL80 •mailer 2nd bedroom, bath and haJf F A heel, (Ub. dlllp. - COMI: A.ND SC& rr. -Own« Harbor 1417. t&c47 Beck Bay View Lota 1'0xl40 <..'ORl"ER-Vt.,,., of &y 6 mounlalna, In '"!Meted 1ubdlv1- lllon of 116.000 \o 136.000 born. $8600. 7hl02 CORNER. VI-of moun· lalna I& eur~undln,r are&. In f'Ntrlf'te<1 •ubdlv. or 126.000 hnmf'&. Sll600 -LJ 8-M2l. H cH CHOICE LOT8 -CHEAP LEMON HEIGHTS AREA. Kl 2-HI I al\l'r 10 L m H c4e " block from town, 2 Bd. rooms in each unit sepa- rated by a double ga rage. Can be handled on very low <;town payment. Full price on ly $17.500 A m ust on yo ur list. W. A. TOBIAS and A SSOOA.TES, REAL TOR You'll like o ur (hendly (()() E. 17th St., Costa Mesa se rvice" Liberty 8-1139 Save S3000 """" On a beautiful view hom e in Corona H ighlands - 3 bednn. and den, bath a nd ;t 1. 2 fireplaces , built in Weatern H o lly range -ha r dwood floors -lots of tile and many other fine features. Muat eee to appreciate . OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY •28 De Sola Large Family Needed in Corona del Mar to occupy a la.rge older ho m e , located south of the Highway ~':! block from the ocean. With minor ex- pense can be converted into 4 bednn., 3 baths, din· ing room and large playroom . 4.0 ft. lot and on a nice quiet atreeL T enns are very fle.JUble and can be arranged t o auit. Call us for any a ddition al in formation. w. E. FISHER & Associates 302( E . Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. ~32 v v1 Best Buys Corona del Mar I . SHORE .CLIFFS OCEAN VIEW HOMES Llated eicluaively with ua. See ua for beat buys in thia area. Shown by a ppointment only and priced far below ttplacement co.st. Call WI for particulars and appomtment to att. 2. SHORECLIFFS LOT ~ Only one at the tox--prrc-rot $H:'T~O. 3. OCEAN VIEW HOME & INCOME Beat buy o r the year. Large i bedrm. bo rne, 2 bat b. plua 2 bedrm. garage apt. plu.t1 furn. etud10 apt. Only a few st.ep1 lo ocean f ront & China Cove. i-5 fl. front.age. Quality cons t thru-1.>ut Better hurry -Only $38.500 CORONA DEL MAR REALTY c:o. PRJCE T. McCUISTlON, Realt or 3447 E . Coa.at Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 47 (Office localed next d oor to Corona t.Je l Mar BankJ OCEAN FRONT 2 OCEAN FR0 1'"T LOTS SI0,400 for both 'a -Oown Sise ll4x110. l OCEA.:-1 f"RO!\"T LOT S7870 ca.ah Sl&e 30 x 96 COSTA MESA LOT eo x 290 l ood loca.llon '33()1) cuh. BAL.BOA TRJPLEX-CIOM Lo OCEA:"\ anti * Newport Hts. l RVINI'.: A \'ENUE 2 twtr m rno.tNn \\llh llll jtf' II\ rn11 "'°m r1r .. r1111 • d1n1ng rrn l"''"IY rauo. rrnrr fl ) aul Trrma 11.l 7.)-0 BAY. Oood Income. Juat 13000 ALDEAN PI.ACE down-I er ma. UDO JSWC ON A :WxAa rr. LOT over 2000 11q. ft., 3 bectrm., 2 bath home, a nd vuy larre patio Jur1l com· pletely re<leoorat~ 129,11&0. - Good tenn1. We have the key Seven hlands Realty & Investment Co. &03 32nd St . Newport Be1r h Hu. 5848, a.t'ler 3 p.m. Har. 2193-J S.auuruJ rambltnr ra.nch•ty~ homf', nqu1111lf'l.r 1ppolnted. all bullt·ln11, I '4 hat he Rhm"'n I>) •r p<1lnl mf'n\ 1.nly SM OO t1own $2• .~(HI Greenleaf-Severts 11111 bl•r 2062 31 12 1'r.,.po.orl Blwl , :-;-wport l::\•f'• LI fl.J Jlltl ·I.I li·6405 l'OR SALE OR TRADE FOR JNCO)(E PROPERTY OR 1-·- W HAT HA VE Y 0 U . $1000 DOWN BEAtmFUL 1:: A C R E 2 SErAl:A n : 1-1T1 c t o l":'•'ITR ~TATE IN WHITTIER'S EXCLUSTVE FRIENDLY llllLS. W 8-7341 H c46 OWNER l..&88 THAN ONIC YR. OLD I bf-J1 .~m "" h, r"nt"t1 $4!1 !'II <'<.i;ta MeroA nt~r '\l'Wf"1tl Hl\"I Only 4 yr• olrl 1112~1 ttr w ill lrat1e o)n Hrar h horn .. or 1n""""" Al.roo lfl(rxJOO lot near lith S t Buain .... rf'nt,., noh $42!\!1 N. B. C. REALTY CO. 3211.i It ~~wpo1 r llh'<I :Spl n. h lfa1 IA•r I tfl6 • C ··ll n.•w t••r 11ppolnl111'nl • lt'a t)l'a11t1'ul' Bay & Beach Rlty Inc IC:96 ~C""'f)tt1 I Hl\ll I l'<hl8 !>fC',.8 . C llllr __ w 11-11;1 i::"'"' 1..1 ~.3111u 1 Down to Earth VALUES 276 Magnolia Bl<: 3 h•'•lr 00111 11l1le1 ho111e In Co11ta !>ti',11 r.f'al hn111 ey 1<ntl 1 tup 11t.1lc h lOrl;il1 \l~llurl \\llh lllll1l\",1luil l·••llS HOii ···p11111lr •hntni;: 1 ,,..,., So. ll!llf'il I'll 2 tot" I wotll a tin~ fnu1 )' rnthurcl :o;11b· S 13.500 Full Price -$62.56 mo. incl. Taxea & lna. Rac k Bay Corner Lot -~700 THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Nt>wport Bh'd. Pho 11e Llb<-rty 8·5597 Co1ta MM& En•nings Llberty S.7•:ST SEASON'S BEST! From our nc-w m ode rn office o pposite the C ity Hall. we sern t h<• entire Hurbor Arca. mil ul (t'I ~ Sulc or lr8d•• I Alio i LI DO ISLE :-Ch olc<' h st111gti of ht1m es & lolA. Moil 1 comple t<' Melection11. 20381 Cypr ess 2 BF:Dn o M ll1C'kv1 y b1111t with 8hllke ,.,.,c -!111rctwCIOd (l!KJu Ill~ 11ncl :l20 "Q.1111 In klll'l1rn Trul)· • 11111sll 1•n1rr111 y l'lllilte 'SH O R!<: C...1.IFFS :-Ocean fro nt lot , the only one of tls kind left -E x pensive ! (Tht> breath-taking Vl<'W ~ pricclei;s) Ill 11Hlnlh• uld A l:•'l\l!ln~ ale•I CORONA HIGH L AND.' :-l .. OWt'St priced, but one of ar Sl0,7W with only nooo •In I tht! finest remtuning lotfi : $!l250 Unsurpaued ~ RALBOA COVES:-Wate rfront, pie r & slip, 3 bdrms., \'I EW U >T O\'C'rluuk 1111: •II of I 2 baths, runabout ~'al mclud<'d . =""'"' pvrt Har llor ano.I 11 fll!tfC"< t CO NTRY SE'l'TING . S kl h 2 '--d \1tw 01 Cat•llna u nty SH ~uv • .-. par ing corner o roc, IA' • ~01 a ltab<"hnld rooms and d<'n. barga in at $16,500. Duncan Hardesty I OCEAN ANI> RAY FRO NT:-H omes. lots 1tt 111come. ltf:A l.TIJ1l 2602 :>;pt Bh·d . ~pl U1 h HM 4i lli' KILLION_, real e1tate 3341 Ne wJ->Ort Blvd. Harbor~~ PENINSULA OPEN HOUSE l · 5 SUNDAY I CORONA DEL MAR 2017 I!;. OCE AN BL\'D, SPACIOl"SNJi;!'I~ 1m11df' ant1 nu t markJ thl• luu urr.•1 ln,ar In i. quallly • prolr<"l ""I ne111hbo1 lt1>11<I of (lnr htoml'a 3 I.tr • I '• b&llll' IUlllJI 11,u_. l'llll<> !>2 Cl h•t Hr1.nc your r hH kboolc .,rl<'~ to I 11• II PRE·VlEW RY APPT, I rall I Muriel M. Pinover Realtor I ·"P' u .... , h ?604 :>;l'v. flt•! I Bh I Eu y Pnk101t 11AI b .. r 48 lfl I HARBOR BLVD. I 00 x 375 EXTENDS FROM STREI:...,-TO STRl!:ET ThiB 18 g ood clran prop<'rt)' with 1-be<lroom house s url· able for office. \.\'e fee l thrs property to be the best buy on Ha rbor Roule\•ard I 2029 Hll thol Ul\ll , .... , .. M h K I.I 1J 4i 61 ttr l"1h I Att~ntion lnvHtor1! PRl\E R EDL'<'EIJ r l•r qulC'k •• t111n t•n 11 .... h118lnf'11a I rrt perl) 2 mo.11 rn 1>1111'hnloi" • n 83 11 137 l•1t th11 I •n.,11hl I~,..,,. nr rrnl Cur " total of al ll'ut $2!'>0 pl'r month l'll'nty tlf room fur f'xran111nn A•ll'qu .. tr l'•lk '"I Lo\Alf'•J 1n thr l•Ult•l er""' ong part ••( l'11'ta M"'"· 11ghl 1n th!' h'lll I 11r ll li.r.t• I n~w 11hopp1ng rf'ntC"r Whtn thur 1~ gont lh-1t"A It' Appro11 SI I 000 , u h dnwn rC"l1u1r"l1 t &I I <Jwner Llb,.rly 8·822:! mMnlnjtA I or .. ttn 8 fl m rrr CLIFF HAVEN PRI\~: R~:t •t l'l·:r 1 REA l,.IFl "I. C'Tl'Tl1M Rl 'll.T \"If:\\' 11n~n: on King• l'I•'" 3 bl'· Inn• 2 11• I h11 1.1v1n1R: rom11 I hAA ti111tr rir•pt11r" "' -11111n1t gla;ui tl'lOrA ''fl' lllnlf 1•1 "nl 111~11"1 palw r1111tn111 t'lrlf'f'll lJ, ,,.. ,. t llrJ>"lln,; F' A h "IH. •h•TW•Mll "' r11n ""h '""' hJ11"1" • at .. nl'ta 2 YI~ l•ltl I •;'I:), Y $11\ II! II $11~',tl , oln (J\\n•·r 1.Jhr1l\ "7'-ltj 4!\f 4i l.C)\\ (•()\\ :'\ l..C fT~ 1:-.: ('<Wll8 Ml"M 2 h•I-!>ti II 11!\ tat h g 20111 ~I Si6111J I rll p1 I<~ S 111011 ''"" n THRt.:r: lol• f\:I ' I,:'! ~11 h F: l.lith SI SIU,,,,., rull r•rh " 2)' • oln llAN A I Af'flHl'I~:.~ !'t• 111 •I ""'""' :'141!' 1 ror 1.l t. .. rl Y •HSi\li ...... ~ NEW COLONIAL 3 B. R. HOUSE. J ·11 bath. Pro- teetc-d pa t10. Exel. location. $:.!8, 750. IRVINE T F.RP.ACF., 5000 will handle. Alm<>11t nc·w 2 U It. <.'1111 \' den. 2 baths, inside BBQ. Drap- \.'n t:11. Kto w , fully lamJKcaped. Low pnce. BA YSH O ltES ATTRACTIVE 3 bdrm. home. t el'l <'J 1 •• ta·'· Owner anx1oue for o ffer. A11k1n;; ~21',000 Pro- SI-:E Uii Cvr....l;Jl;;.AJ.X>N..llAl' .and BAYSHORES pr:opertJa Har. 1175 -Eves. Edith Maruon, H Yatt 4.-6222 J ohn Macnab. Ha rbor 535Y Lou l311yn t11n Baysrcle l>r office. H&1 3297, eve Har. 2878 EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 2l5 Mat tnc A\'C., Balboa b land B /B JUST LISTED! Nt'w 3 be<irnom & den mod e m ho me, Balboa Penin· 11ulr1 IUOO Nq ft. lt\•1ng urn, lge. built-in l<1lchen. l•Jt fl or l ll<' ln t r r -rum & I a tltn to :tll room s. 2 ft re· place~. fun·ed a ir h<'at. S undC'<'k w ith Ocean \"1ew. Nicely la ntl!'c apc·d patw -$32.500 . Own<'r m ight 1·om11d('r \'8t'ant pro(l<'ny Harbor Area BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. l 1541 '-'• 1;,11boa Bh·d . Ba lboa H a rbor 126 1 Our Under Cover Agent- h as frna ll) rouncl a largt' 3 B R. ho mr on 11111• of ('11ff flnvc•n's rrnr11t etr('l'lll PRICE $16,750! LAR<;J>; ll\'lng & clt mn~ area -I.AH(;.,; kJt!'hr n LARC!:: lx-uH 111m11 w ith bu1 lt -1n11 -J.ARl;i-; lot, LAil<;!·; rn t•vt·ry thing out p11cr. f11C'1111c don't than k a bfl ut 1t t oo lnng '. t:xclusrve with THE VOGEL CO. 3201 \\I. Co1ust lftghw ay, NeWJr<>rt H1•a1 h LI 8-3481 HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! One ,,f CJllr dw11lH JUKl bi111~li1 a l111m•· I h1·n h ud a thnnK1' 11( J1l1rns can't u111• rt -mu .. 1 Kf•ll 1t :.! RH.I\, ldl'~l' 11111. rm . !'Utf· k it . h ug1· Ii\' rm with hrc>pla1·t•, l<1w1y p1t110 . 1lc1uxt' ('aqwh'd wall t <J woll. A rt•asonablt: down pmnt an•I a1ir1um1· lr1f nil thtng'1) J Mdnn , I bath home. hwd. noor1, 2 car rarace s12.m 824 KnoweU P1., Coeta Meaa LJ 8-IJlt 41cM LOT 6<I lM on ~llM"t ore Mon· I rovla. C't\1l11 M1M 51 600 pr l ' ownu . \\'rile Bm1 1. 7(1 th11 ---a (;, I. l11r111 wrll g et yrr u in H.•i;t l11cl\t111n 10 Acre Grove ON TUITl.N A VE. -$4&.000 EU)' tttme.. DAN 4 JACOBSEN, "-lhir K&I'. ..1 or Liberty I.a J 7 .... 6A pci per. 38p48 LEMON H E IG HT8 ARF:A COZY " WARM WATERF"RO:O.I I Nrwrort l1lcs b11n1ea.1ow. ONLY I I HI 000. ttmi- HA RROft 1:'11\"E•TMENT en. Ha.r 11\11() !!:''" HAr 4AU ·J •~r47 F'OR GP.AC'l•Jl'X l.l\"l:'\1: :-;p;w ALL P.1.~:1'T1tl(.' HOMF: J JIOO ~q (I f"l<•I lant'I~' llP"•I IJRANC';I-: COl':-;"TY ~ Fl~P.l'IT ~Hfl\\'N AY ArPn 1:0.-rMP:"'T :-J ~:" HILUIR0 Rrr f:~TATP.1- KI 2-1\1\l I A F\f'T.R lfl AM H r 411 ~nly $1 5.2.50. tx•tkr hurry. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R B HOO<;E, AJ1111')('111tr :1622 1-:. ( ·n11i;t Hwy. Corona r1 .. 1 M11r Har. 277' • a ••• r..tate BALBOA ISLAND 80 FT. BAY FRONT ACE. On Little laland, pier, noat, formal 4 bttrm. borne. Tbe land value is close to the asking price. ATTRACTIVE 4 bednn., 21 '.: baths, nr. So. Bay. Owner will l:ilte t1mall down. Asking S<\2 .500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 bednn. 1 1:: baths. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- ished home. Submit down. $25.000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot, 5 bdrm. 3 1:.: bath houae plus unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Bolh units newly furnished. QUALITY STREET, Waterfront at it!! be11t. Fine pier and float. Lge. lawn &. patio. 3 fine BRs and 2 baths, m aid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside 11hower rm .. f. a. heat. Glassed in lanai. Asking $73,500. Good terms to qualifiec.1· buyer. Hnr. 1775 -E ves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 John Macnab, Harboc 5359. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa I.land STOP!-STOP! Don't Pass These by--'s. LtDO ISLE ':.: blk. to clubs & tennis courts. Large living rm. with fireplace. Bar kitchen. 3 bdrms. plus dre88ing rm., 1 1:: baths only $23,500 NA TERFRONT SPECIAL $18.950 2 bdrm.. lg. patio, 64 ft. bulkhead with pier & float. BACK BAY 482 Esther. s hake roof. 3 bdnne. plus family rm. with BBQ. ash paneling thru out. This la quality plua at $26,MO CLIFF HA VEN 406 St. Andrews, S14.i50 $65 mo. Incl. tax. Three bdrlJUI., fireplace, fenced yard, near achoola. O~n Sat. & Sun. G. I. RESALE 3 bdrm. furn. modem. Only 9 montha old $14,950 -4 ~t -$73 10c. tax per mo. JACK BRENNAN, and ASSOCIATES 3320 W. Coaat Hwy. "At the Ar<'hes·• Realtor Liberty 8· 7773 The Main Road To A Sale IS VIA MULTIPLE LISTING Good Valuea When You Buy, Or When You Sell SEE YOUR REALTOR TODAY FOR THE FINEST PERSONAL SERVlCE Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport Beach GOLDEN RULE VALUES BUY OF THE WEEK 3 Bdrm. homt', fi e. wood floors. furnace. lg guest houu. ork sho1~ and 1-tarsJ:I' All on t1ful ht1lr a<'rc for ot'lly ,, St2.500 NEXT BEST BUY OF THE WEEK $500 Down Mo\'etl you in before XmR1 to thts n1re 3 bdrm. home. J )T. old. Yard fen<'e<l -AND IT HAS AN OCEAN \'JEW $10,()()0 With monthly ray, like rC'n t NOW HEAR THIS Large bminest1 tonf'd lot with 4 yr. old furmshed duplex all for Sl0.000 -Room for 12 units .. PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON 1856 Newport. Blvd. <."•'t-la Mrsa lA<'ro11t1 fmm CostR MC'sa Rank 1 Phone LI 8-6761 £\'rs Har. 4360 -LI -2103 THE VOGEL COMPANY takes pride n · Beal FAtate ---------------------------------*--------· ... p. ~a. palmer incorporat"'1 developers of Lido Isle If You Mi~s This The Living End yo u miaa a real value, Very nice 4 year old 3 bedrm. 2 bath home on a 35 foot lot plus a 35 foot lot adjoining that is walled and may be used as it now is for a lovely patio. or may be SC'parated in BA YFRONT luxury is teen ln t.hJa tum.lahed 4 bedrm. 3 bath on Via Lido Nord. Almoet D811', thi.e home is the ultimate in waterfront living. You just have to 1ee thla one to believe it. CaU Bill Farnsworth, then quit looldnc. and sold. Phone for appt .. as you just can't do better at $34.000 Open House Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. Sec this exclusive home on Via Genoa, Lido's widE>st street. 3 bedrm .. 3 bath, 40 by 20 patio. hard w'd firs., 2 yrs. old, and in pPrfect condition. $34,500 Magnificent Corona del Mar view home. Ununal floor plan includes 3 bedrme., 3 bath.a. Lot. of closets & storage space, and priced way below c09t at $40,000. Come by or Call Dave Osburn for deta!W . . Lido Bayfront Duplex Mister1 Careful Buyer 3 bedrm. 2 bath upst:iirs with Jerk~. 2 bcdrm. l bath downstairs with c·nclosecl patio. Bolh apts. have forced air furnace'. fireplace. c.:arprl111i;. Llrnpes. Do you demand plenty for your money! Then .ee this 3 bednn. 1 3'l bath home. Thia one la dealgned for fine li ving and has a wealth of wonderful ap- pointments. Priced at $32.500. lnteruted ! Then rcfngcrat or , s to\'c. UnbehC'\':tbly µnced .. a l only $57.000. S 12,00U down. call Joe Kincaid for appt. to aee. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co .. sales management 3333 via lido, harbur 1500 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. coast highway -liberty ~73 Houston Values Hot .• Spot Location $7950 $29:10 Dn. NICE LOOKING 3 bd1111 on rt>ar or 1111rh level, deep lol Santa A n A\·e. nr. 23rd SI £\'e P h L YTL..F: LI 8· 2:14 2 C-2 Special :-.:EWPORT BLVU., flJll half acre, with 'ood 2 bdr111. home Thi• j la a roou de•I for $12,bOO, lerm•. Here's a Cutie! :"EAT 2 bdrm , flreplace. on ll 601tlll~ R·4 lot only '1'1M>11 with S:!IHIO <Jui' n 1tn•I s.JO 111v un liulan~c. l:!"" thu1' $7500 Full Price 2 BIJ,{~I , reotnrnl lilk. fcnl'r Bar· II·~ Un sewrr, ~nly 2•1 p•i.1• old. owner very an•ooue Tnm a J::\·e l'h f'ETIT'TE LI H ~1i!!7 Business Income A I .I /\I.. M.J. 'I,, l \I \ : h >f'<I 11l.4lnd. paddle bo"rd" It 3 renlal•. IS11lt10a l"'""" ""1t1o1ci111 1l n I un\t OVl't $ l•I \IU(j lt\r a11mn1l'r •• 1>J10nl. Tht• 14 " Rt-:At. UI'\ '311,f)()(). (;..,.,., 'fl'l 11111 F:1·1· Sti:YMVl'H, 11•1 llZl•li·W Houston Realty Co. 4t /\!'\~IX. I.\"fl::- ~)9 Ctnl,.r ~: t: >H• ,,, .. ,. Ll 8~911 .. r t.J 11.;;1q "C" THOMAS ''C" TUO ~iAS BEFORE YOU BUY SEE COST A MESA'S FtNEST GROUP OF RANCH HOMES Three and four bedrms .. 2 baths, built-in gas ranges anc.1 o\'ens. the very best of natural finished hwd. cabinets, glLaming oak floors, large bedrooms, s pnc1uus living rooms. dfoing rooms and breakfast a reas. u~cd brick fircplac~. cloaet space galore, hl!avy .shnke rvofs. large lots, fenced a.nd land- scaped. These homes have many more features I han nre usually found. SEE THE NEWLY OPENED FURNISHED MODl!:L DONE JN FRENCH PROVINCIAL BY DANIGJ::R Ft.:HNITURE OF COSTA MESA. HAflBOR M~SA RANCH HOMES J rvme A"'"· l Block N. of 17th St. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor E XCLUSIVE AGENT 15th & Irvine Ll ~rty 8-2664 Or Llberty 8·3123 BA YSHORES 2662 Circle Drive OP£N St 'NOAY 12:30 to 4.30 ln 1 his cxclUSI\'<' delightful dlBtrlc t we have a 3 0 R. horn<'. comp. furn . on largo lot -with apace fur swimming pool. \'cry lovely new patio 2.2x36 I' art ly co\l'reu with plastic glass. Vacant and if you art fa~t. you can enjoy Xmas in your new home. Prkc $2-4 ,500 -BALBOA ISLAND FIND TIME FROK YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING TO CHECK THESE VAL- UF.S. 4 Peninsula Homes! 'A nlcely tumlahed 2 bedroom home wllh dlnelte. paUo, f lre- plac11 and double garare. A ·l t or s1e,:ioo, l t'rm•. A 2 ~ i bedroom, l \. ba\.h home all mudemlzed a.ml rt'decorated and cute u the dlcken• tor $17 ,l)OO IUld only $4600 down. A ~uUf\11 • bedroom 2 ti.th home with wall to wall carpet· lng and dr.pe1 ••. 1&r1e corner lot 1ncluded, badminton court, p iillo and apaclou• &round• and double i Ii r • C' • tor $30,600, tenn.e. A 2 bedroom ft.mlly Mme wtth he&¥y t\m!Hur-. lllcluded and tn nJc-e condlUon fo r Sl&.000. FKA with monl.h.ly pa.ymt.nt.a on p~ vit lo&n of J7t ~r month. HERES ANOTH.ER 0000 VA!, lJE ••• lN FACT TWO OJ' THEM: BALBOA DUPLEX •• ha.It block rrom beet ba1 IJWim· mini' buc.h. 3 bedroom down and 2 bedrooma up. F\U'llt..awd. Situated on two lol.8. Swt.11 rent.er or a. 100CS t&mtl7 ~~ • wHh 1ncome. 120.000, tunia. Bea.ch home on llul Bay A ven.ue. Slttpa t ~pie M\d nicely t~ n!Ahl'd. A dandy property tor UI • money. S 12 ,C)()(). $6000 doWn. Balboa Realty Co. Oppoalle Sank ot America Ro8' Urttlt)' Ed ~ NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART II· PA&E 7~ MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1955 a •••r..taae a .... ...._ PANORA-MIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Larr• family view bOl;e, e bed.rooma, 6~ bathe and a .Up out front for your boat. ThJit 80und. older home Sn a prime Lido location will ottet" a wondsfW way of life tor every member of tbal larp family of youra -you too, Dad. Full price 174,500. Submit your term.. By the way, the owner will trade f or good Income or buaineea property ln L . A. or Oranse County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Udo R-3. Strada corner lot iO x 115. Price p0,000. Your laat chance to develop your own lnoom. Gil exclualve Udo Iale. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 2~ bath.. Huge carpeted muter beclroom with private aun deck. Thia at.reel to atreet Lido home bu many luzury fe.turee auch u built.bl atove and oven, d»hwuber -loadl of cla.ete - uaed brick fireplace and an extra large laundry and atorage room. Price $31,7M wtth euy term.a. F or the.e and many other excluaive Uatinp on Lido lale call LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATU W. KEMPTON -J. H. GROHMAN GENE VREELAND -VIRGINIA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor -4.f4'4 (Across from Richard's Marlcet Entrance) ------------ DEFINITELY-THE FINEST AT BALBOA ISLAND Lovable, one story thick shake roof ranch .tylit home. Large bum ceiling living room 1~ Complete electric kitchen. Thermador eye lt!ftl oven. Automatic dillhwuhcr & d1spou l. Kitchen baa large dining area opening to patio. Largeo used brick fireplace and forced air beat. Two bedrooms, one 1a king aize with bi' wardrobe cloects and built ln drawers. Buutiful full bat.h· room, g&rage Ii laundry room. Lovely drape.. cur- t.Alna, wall to wall ~t. Price ls $28.MO ~wilh L . C. $15,000 at 5h7c-lnt. Bl' value Ir well worth the money. eau now to .ee tbil real dreamy home. Har. <f« lt'a th• fi.neel ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Ave11ue, Balboa laland Next door to the P06t Office Eve. Har. 4059-M Har. t2.S-R HAPPY HOlrDA YS - Bayshores Cl'TE 2 B. R.-Comp. fum. ln immaculate cond. on rear of excellently located corner lot. Build a home in front and have an Income from this onr. Al Cornellua JoHphin.e Webb O JO acre comtr, M·J. • . .. -... ····-· ·--. MOOO a.c. t--. Water Front PIF:R A:'\U SLJP 4 M\JrOQma, • bath..• h::r family '"'"" 14 oUI bulll·ln bt1. br1ul' buut 1ru1binh 1 lulchtn with all built In a, 2 tir•pllu ~'· IM <'IY l~I' JI~ in~ 1 m 1 ovrrlooM.1ng bay rlt~.nC.•11) on· lrollt'<I r:•ra.i;e <Joor. lull .• ur •I lrar11'" t~aluru $&.),fl41n Ocean Front .;0011 ,.,,, c \' ···" \\tth • ,. lfllf ... ,h 11r\\ 1 lx'·l••>'•n hnrnr .,nl t:•U· llr,r ,qol .'\r IA '°'°'" ll'<ln h d ,, r\1•Jlr 1t' •'rr'•••uri.··. r,r I lit ti! A tn· utl' t• r , '•" ,-.,""' i tSI'\' f\ Pt \ f' "'' I\ h ~ f r \ llr•' I 1°"'1111 iou1k •1ll•h"'"'1 r1 /,, 111 • ,.. •• i.l ''" nN •n'1"1"' Lido Isle l\l\t t-:111 .. ,, • Jt .-.t •. 111:-: - I J 1 l'IV 3 bt!r r ht•"·" .;n ~· fl I I I\: "'111\f" 1 •• I• " I •• 1,.,. ht n'iJ •'''I r•.ll 111 11\, r 2it ,,, • i t"' r ,,, I ir i.: r. l • 11 • \ I l.. H olt '~I\~ S.!I ••:,11 "C" THOMAS, Rltr I i:z. " \.. •. 11 , u '!·!'I: z: "C" T HOMAS "C'" THO~IAS Bay :: •• J r 11r ~ 1 1 Shores • i l I lt1 of around $2000 per year. Only SJ .600 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3416 \"1n L1tfo, Npt 11r h Har. 4971 or Har. 49i2 Eves H:i 1 2191 ·M Har. 299 -R or LI 8-5297 NON-VETS OR VETS ~2fl:'i 1mpnund~ mo\·ri. you in new 3 bcdnn. 11. bath, Hark Bay arrn home before Chnstmu. Tax<'.'t paid to D('c. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES Cof!ta Mesa 'DON'T make a MOVE" l"~TIL \'Qt; SEE 7110 t:;, IJ"I~ Ul\'d • Balboa o J'honl! Harbor 3177 B/B Corona del Mar Shoreelift • Q111,.1 ranyon V1rw lot • SJ''"' 2 bdrm. & dt'n • 2 t."UU· ptrlf<'I ktlchen • L11xu1 y b111lt t1.roui;hn11t • SJ 7 ~llO full pr••t'. ltrm• • Come 11ee thl1 won(lerf\ll' home Corooa Wghland.9 • A lu,ury home •ltt • ~pt<"Ucul&r vltW • a 13 ~JO rull pnce • Rra•IY tor your cwotom hMll" Coast Highway • < b111t e rnn ml'rc1al ln.-mne • Xot ~el 2 y~ar• old • 2 •tnru l"AArd • 4 •ph rt'ntt<l • Rt.al l1>ol111n • f'Arklnll' In u11r • Excrllrr1t 1nr ume • $.~ OflO With (OO<I trrm• • Jl 11 l •H><1 Vl!Ut Bay & Beach Rlty Inc <"nrr.na <11'1 Mar om~e 3:,3n F: '""""l Hw> . Harbor ~2•9 0 0 a \l y !'I A 1. 3 ac-re Tr-a.lier pa.rl< •lte, &cmtd olt ........ -··· .• f ll ,OCIO -. 80 acre (um, bldl'• , Wtll 2(1'j dn. •. ··•••-· .. UOC)O M. 78 ~r• Coachttla <:ottoo ranch, well. ··-··-··-·· '700 w . l...., 2 acre C-2 on Newpc>rt Blvd. Moltl 111e. -• $10,000 -. J 1. ftcre. Placeonlla Ave. J.l·J -O•t 10\d mine \-.. Mua Drive Back Be.)' wmttr ''lcw h1Jmt •Ile HllOO t"""9. 11211 x 26<1, •, bl()(k tn !'\pt. lJln l. 7 unit Ille • .. • 12000 dn. 60 "' 300 Harbor Dini C-2, 15us lt><aUon .. ··-J lJ,000 l•MM. ~ x 136 R·l Sewera • •LA. In tft paid • -···· . IUM ~ 2 new rum . home., ratlll(H, rirtvl•r r.t, . ... •mall datnl. Bay /I Vt ror 2 br (Jrn, palln, vlrw Only . ·--_ U !U OO '«ma. Ktnr • P l&r1>, 3 t..r , 2 b6th, 2 yn ol<t, \'t•w . -···-. 118,IOO t.,..._ ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES r 1837 Xt"wpnrt Rlwl . Co.ta ).(rM LI 8·1032-l':vu U 8-H M LIDO ISLE To our many friends who have a.Ned for a barr&ln -on Lado -here sl ll -It.a .a good we c.an't 1et an u clusive and It won't laat. 3 btdrooma, 2 b&tbl on a ~ ft. lot -7 yra. old-ovtr 2000 feet in ho u&e, would coet over $36.000 to repl&Ge and we can deliver It for und~r $30.000. Excellent Fina.nclng. RUSH ! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. 2602 Newport. Blvd .. Npl. Buch Hu. •718 ~"·• I .1 I•.· I • .1.1,I, ~ ti"" 1 , 1 • 1 r 11 1 ' O'NEIL'S hr I ·~+I f ~ ' • fl•• H , .. HASTY Moving & Stor•ge See Me-Ta Nelson _ _ g -BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE I It l.11~ ll\ 1·.~~ \l\r.,IL• , ~"'' t.r ~t'.1• ~ .~ ,,.,_,, J,OCAL A;\;U NATtON-WlOE MO\"lNG C(JRO~A 11EL MAR in offering for the first time-RALPH P. MASKEY P h 1\1 :l-!l:?:!I ~vc LI 8·2%1 Corner l\'ewport Bh·a. and So. Main ~t. U)\ ELY Juplex. 1hiikt roor, beam r111llnir Carp,.led One bt<lrm 11pL ld1u·1l Ont' )l'llr l it\. T\\O bdrm •pt. ren l.8 1 126. 122.000 We can build for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. home for SHJ()'Square Foot. 100°/0 Square Square Fir.encing One of the most, beautiful homes in EXC'Ll'SJVF: SHORECLltFS -ELLERBROEK dcs1i;ncd :111rt custom built to the cvrry detail Briefly-4 bedrooms. 4 baths, lff x 21' h\'ln~ tonm. 16' it 26' den-dm1ng room. Interior dccoratrn~ by one of the foremost profr!ls1onuli; l'urnl't l11t 3-car garage. And Oct•nn \'1cw. We would apprt'date your call for details and an appouit ment to show. The Vogel Co. 1117 &. Cit. Jlwy .. Corona del Mar Har. 7~7 Ir Har. 1477 1:;: \I.,, •H lh1 lw I 4,.= I :i• 11 :-\t• ... :"\r1 Ftrh 1-5 Acre Ranch - Ctl~TA ~IF:~A AIU.A U I ~111'\ I "~' 11 1111" liar c.tltll ur Lllla\y 1Hl317 46<'41i I •\=" 1\ .IA\"110~~;~. l11 11tlut I BALBOA ISLAND Almt1st 1w w t h11u(:htfully plannf'<l, 2 bedrm ranr h style hum(', A J*rfr<'t l11l1 h1'n with bu1ll ·in appliant'<'!I. l·hor ming h\ 1n;; r111 •m nn<l ntt'e patio. Con\'entently located. .. 2~.500 Reasonable terms F'OR !'ALF; OR RE:'-"T N&WL Y redl'Cor1te<l modtm one w w SANFORD -STANLEY HADFIELD btdrm home. Oarqe A etorap R I room. Nice locau on. 834 La I ea tors Pule. Newpc>rt Ht.. dlAtlct. c. M~e and Park Balboa I.aland Harbor 2462 M. 1.1'*17 •HTI . lltlc -1 CAT A LlX A JS L.A:-00 WILi.. EXC HA:"GE BF,A\_"TJr\;L 1'"l:HN. TR.LPLEX. one 3 btlrm. 2 b11lh•. one 2 hrm, bi.th Iii 1 bdrm apL wl\h bet.th. t"lne h><"allon, ahowe terrific re- tum1. !'"or buatnt.. .... lnoome or? ln Newporl an" M E."TA ?l:l:L80:"1 2lf08 E . Cou l Hw)'. Ct>ron" ttel Mar, Har. 6060. '4c•t WA T!:RFRONT DUPLEX. Lower 2 br., 11.t b&th-t.:pper J br. and l>Alh. Home • tncotne ONLY 12~.000. KA.RBOR INVE8n<E:O."T CO, Hu. 1800 l:Yee. Hu. •S•"'1 '6dT 937 1155 Foot Home-$4295 Foot Home-$5295 Att&ched 10 x 20 garagea ---·--·-$296 We ue building on Wallace, Bay, and Avocado Su. St.&rtinr ahort.ly on 18th Ir: 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information ••• OPEN SUNDAYS A WEEK DAYS . SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11oc1 w~ Blvd., Gard.en Grove LE 9-oal • ._, ' PA .. I • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, DECEt-48ER 19, 1955 NEW TRl-Hl-Y MEMBERS INDUCTED AT RITES Sev•ty new memben of Newport Harbor Tau Eta Psi Tri-Hi· Y Club, some o! whom appear above, are shown at annual induction ceremony. Tri-Hi-Y is a bran.ch 11ervtce ot YMCA. Recent orienta tion meeting at high school revealed many girl.a were lntereated in learning more o! movemt'nt. -Don Bush Photo Chief Warns of Holiday Rre Danger '"Don't let nre mar your Chrtet· mu?'" '8 th• warnlnr of New· port a.ch J'tre Chlfi Jl. J . BrU· coe on ~ eve of the holiday•. In ordv to have a aate and happy ChrutmM, Chief B~ bu H · *Md the toUowtnr Clln.tmu M l•t1 wrpa!ONI: l. ni. pnctlc• of mulns co•· t u.mu for ehlldAn ot hl~h.Jy nAm· m able cnpe ~r or other clan· s-rou. flammable m a \ e r I a I• 9bouJd .. diecclclUnlMd • UraJy. I. care lll pu.rdluan. \Oya for dl1ldren ahould be -erctMd. We ba,,.. recelwd r•porta of aomf' lm· ported toya made from a nltro rtlluloM plaaUc that tirnlta very --0,r_ ~ 1AlmMI¥-..llM.y an dtremely dan1tel'"O\JA partJcu· l&rly \o .mall chlldntn. I 3. la ae.leoeUnr a Cbrt1tmaa t ru. Local Banks Awarded 'Minute Man' Citations for Bond Sales The U S. Trr uury Dl'fl!lrl· ml'nt todny rxtt'n•l~I 11 furrn11t thank• tu Newpo1 t BU<'h bank11 tor their ··1ea1ltr1htp •nil pa 1110- tlr aerv1ce.11"" In help1nr r11t11.-rum· munlty 1nvP11tmen ta 1n S•v1n1:11 Bondi dunng 19~~ to a JO·yt'lU hlgh All local bnnlu llnd b Mlnrlw.; were lnt'luded In lhe otru I& I tri- bute a.nd pre1tent!'Cl thro Jrp .. rt· mml'1 colorful• "Mmutf! Mr.n·· r 1 talion• In •~la.I re<'ul(mtllin ot tndlvl d ua.I ti.vi k 11\J p port AccepUng the awardA ron bf'- tl&lf ot tl\elr ti.nk1 wen• Rolan<J A. Wrt11ht. ma.nagu, Nt!14°po1 l BeM:h bran ch 81U1k of Amt-rim . H. M.. Hol.ku , manaicer Balboa branrh Bank of Amerlra ; Ed Hiii. pre~a<ltnt Marlner.11 Bank. soil Jame& Vf\n Oyk t>. prt>llldf'nl New· port H1u bor B~nk Prt111'nt1111on In ear h CAMI w11s madt! in U1e name of the SI'< 1 , .. tarv of Lhe Tr .. uury. C<"Orge M HtJmphr•}' amt R. H Moullun. 1'h1t11111an of t he Sou\h1·1n t:11h!or· nta A1IYlllOI y ("Olllmll\t't' fnr ~llV· Ing• Bond•. L . H . Pr-ovv"' • s1 ell aale11 r"'JlrP~f'nta\lvl', p11r \lclp11te-d tn tht brlrr b1rnk r eremomu r!'· prt!8f'nUnl( the Trea11ury Dep11rt· men I Onr 4:) mllllon A ml'rk•n• <Nrn bon'111 111 th .. pr-1·l'en1 1111\I', \Hirth more than ito B11lton. ffroV<1•t reported. Cook's Hangin in Effigy __ Startles Chapman College c~ It cantully lo det.rmln• ORANOF.. (~g, -Ch"11-1dt'mon-t1 1 t1un. wh1th hi' li.~le<I Ulat It hu been frNhly cul a nd man CollPlr«' t0<l•y rxp'""""'' 11111 • a.A • f!rt111nlv un)u"' ''"'•I Ill mo\. dry and ha.a&rdoua. Twtg1 prtse that 11tuden111 Th111 ••l>i v u .d branchu ahould bend with· hunic An etrti:y of tht rolltg• out ~. anrt nt tdltJI 11houltl t'OOk aA a ('CllllJlllltnt ll~lllRl'I r""' 1IOt fall when lh• brant'ht11 an foo..I. ancj t'lllltttfl o fC1< 111 • "'.ltph11n llball-. Flame ·r1"\A rd 1ull C."hrl,.t · t<I 1h111 a 20 iw-r '""' 1n1rr"•" mu U-.,.. avaJla bl• In mO«t "'U rttt!ntly mad .. 1n (1Kwl 111111 .. \ .,... of \ha •Ullt arul \ht )' pro. Offlcil\111 ea.Id. I '1cM ~ Mffly. ''Thf dtn1n1t hall OJ'l'fll\•" 1Jn1J<'r 4. Clln.tmu t rel"e ahouh'! be the 11upc'rv111un of lhf' 111hn11rv Jr.pt out of door1 In a <'Ool. 11h1dy <'otmi-i l. rf'prnt'ntln,r 1111 11, f'Hrl· pl&ce.. atandlnr; In • t'ont atntr n( m t!nU• of t h" ln11l1\Ulh•n, 1n1 lwl· waler unUJ lt le ready for PIAce· In~ th11 AAMX'lttNI 1<11 .. 111nt ll••l\" _. l.Ddoora. &lid t he AA*lCULlt •I \\omf'n l<IU· a. na mowiUnc the trn • tn· d~nu. I ~ malte a fruh ('Ut on a 4~ by , ,.\OU • '""' 1111 A ""~ ""' ...,... ancl• at I.ht! baH or lhe PurpoM ot lhl" count'1I "' to u.e a.ftd lltand the lru In w&ter hur &JI t'nmpla1n111. ron11hlf'r 1111 • ....t ~ St t lhe t rtt In a '"'ltkl'•llona and a ppnivr •n•I .... j .... U-aW!ly from any •ource Ulbllllh mtnus. SILVERSMITHS el beat and whtrf! it wlll not ob-Cm1t1 !or foo<t •n•I tl'rv1re 11 ,,. 8trVet etaln or t irlt w 1 y1 Brar t a.m1.J)'~~J 011 " monttil~· b11.-1~ 1""1· J or Win th• lrM ee;.-u r•ly In polll· loOA·tng lhl' lut a n11h0•1•. J1111t pre· 1 Uan. '""u.a to lht d"monslrattun \hf' 1. U • only Chr\almaa t r f! e kltt'hf!n wu lntitru1 If!<! 111 11pl'n•I 111ectr1caJ wtrtnr a n d tlJtlUr-H 1 20 )')f'r rent mnrt' t>n fnt•I tn 1n - wtdch bear the 'Tl."' l11b<>I or ap-crn .11• lhf! ~·rVlnit~ """"" of t h' Unrtt rwrll•r1 Lab-"'To dq Ull11 ll wu nrorf'•"lrV tn oratory. Dem•eNl 110rlc ,.la or fray· make a r ... 1111·t11•n 111 t hl' lc1t• hrn ed wtrtr11 ahould bl> d l!K'an11'd 11nc1 1tatf. :"n ptofot •~ J1f'tm1llr•I eand1-O? o,,.,, tl11m e •hl)\Jld n•v· 1 R 1rhard lmm,.I, 111111l1>nt h<1<h' "" be ulM to ltftll a Chrt11t~u pru1dt nl. 11a.11.J tr'<lAy "" toolc.-'1 U-. JClectrtr trtt lll'hle ehou ld with grut dl11t1tvnr nn fll('h 11 M tu.med out wh~n rellrlntt ·•nd fterlenr lht! t,....,. I• un•tl•n11t!t1 • ~lh ror.("nppror·nnuo .. If .... n1 .. r l'oll•hl'd-ttuffNl-1....,...quf't~I n.o ... t 4 111\lll), ........... , N>nlA" fo'al,._t P rlr ,... \ 1 .. 11 our 11llq~,. l"hnp I nu .. 11al \ afo,.~ k l'aaonablf' Pn~ e WJRTH'S e Bayside Platin9 Co. 191' H arlw.r Rhd , . .,.., .. ~·~ ... -l.J fl -I •fl'! ~alntf'l1a11r .. • T. U. only """ • rnmb11111tbt,. flllf nam.. • Jll'OO!fld dt!C'nra tlon11 J(e'ffr u.. untrt•t••I co t\ o n . ,.per, or olh f'r flamm•ble clf'('orl\· IT~FFORD & SON u.n.. a. Provide 11u lt•blt rontatnera 1 for dl8<'•rd•d wr11ppin1J11 •nd N'- mon t hem from lhf' houl!f' u 900n a.A lflfh •r.. unv."Tap~. I t . Tlltrf' 111 a n lnrrtuln~ publt<' d.nanct ro" ('t1r111tma... trf!"" n OC"k · I ed •Ith a Nlyfln nork lnir: 11nd 11n~ ,._ the fl!W'ktnc •n•I the •dheiotve "':"\F.J.l' ,. n•l I •u1 · t:U :C'TRU"AI. < ll'T l<..\(IORl'I l'h o>nt l.ltwrly /1·~':711 I I 0 Rb·r ,.,.ld" A''"""'' ~ '"' 1><>r1 flf-ar h the Richard Beeson Company Landscape DesicJn and Construction C'OROXA Dt;L MAR l'ffO:\"E HARBOR IM . bot.II are Of • n1in • n 11mmablt matt!rlal. UH• t:hr1,tm1111 trl'e tire baMrd I• Vfl')" rnat,.rl1 lly lncrea11· 1-- ecl. n ork lni:' 11ho11l1I IH' 11ppllf'd r-----------------------------. only to trrf!!I whlr h h8\"f! bf>f'n rrf'· Yl'>ualy treAtf'J w ith 11n a ppro\"t'd 1 tlame·N'I Ar•lant rheJTitral I 10. Tht! trf'I' 11h1•ulf1 be-dlKal"d· ed 1Mfo~ drvinJt r au-..e n"'11H • to fall w hen °bN1nrhl'-arl' •h•ken I Dry t rr"" are a 11enn1t1t f ir. men· ace t o \Jui horn•. Yal•ble O•tbourd Motor 18n)lariled LCM.al• Vtnr,.Qt \\01'1\, O . plumb- Ins r on t ri11 lor of 1117 3 Tua Un ) .A,,.. Coetl\ Mf'M . told p o I l c e ........ Dffl. 12 l.h•l hi• ... ,...,.. b•d I '"II entered n~r ltla 'tll'M.ll.rtd and a 1329 t •· hor.epow..r o u t· board m otor had l>ffn taktn. The u.Mt ..t~l'f'd thro"'h an unlocll· 1 .. ..._ dbor. NoWns ..... wu st (?11 be .... SOUTH GORST CDUSTRUCTIDU CD. RESIDENTIAL -INOUSTRIAl. COMMERCIAL NO JOB 100 LARGE OR SMALL UO aot.la St~ Nnrport ~ Harbor 1511 "----------------------------------------~ LOCAL ELKS HOST YOUNGSTERS AT FREE LIDO THEATRE PARTY Nf'WlX!rt Harbor Elle.a wiU play ho.t lo the kiddie. of Ole H arbor aret. nut Wedn"8day afternoon, ~·tlh & f ree party ..t the U do Theatn. Santa Claua 1'.111 be preaent lo &ive the amall try sack• ot goodlee and there wlU be & full program of r11rtno111 to ket'p thtm a muJled. All cbUdren In the Harbor area are In· vtted lo •ttend. Record Student Cards Sold By Horace Ensign Students W ith a motto of "'Let'• Ma.kt It 100 per cent." 11tudent council member• or Horace Ensign School have just complet ed a ~ord aalt of 11tudent body car1l1. Under lht leaderahlp of Davia Pope. s tu- dent body pre11ldent. a1xth, 11evenlh and eighth grade youths worked toward t his yt'ar"a golll. equipping a room over the gy mnasium 1u a re<:rl!4tlo n room tor table tennis. checker•, chus and other arllv1- Uu . Aiding Wt rt! Vk t Pruldt!nl B ill F n.il'llng. Set"retary Patty J ones; eighth g-raden Richard \""•tl!On, Mike Fitzwatu , Brian Bruderlin. Tom Mai kham, S11ndy K napp. Chip Porter. Ntwell .... St1cklt!r, Denny Po~t aod Nam·y Mangan. At.110 stvenlh grad1>r11. .Mar- shalle Forg l')', Mike Davis. l<tnt H odJ:i!On. Su•an Porter, Robbie W1nterbothan. Pal t y McCombs. 8111 Twist. Jd( Dik e; 1lxlh gTad· er•. Tom Gilman. Tom Gamble, Mike Murphy. Rll'h&rd Macna b, Stuart Pinkerton. Bo b Horn, J im B1·1<11rman and 8111 Spurgeon . Proceeds rrom tht! sale go Into U1e Student body fund and are u.led to Improve the echool. Last year the f und paid tor nrw ba1k etba.ll uniform•. letter• and apor L' awar d.I a..nd two epeclal .... lf'mblle•. SCHOOL ASSEMBLY The 1tudy botly u 11embly De<:. !I featured Sl.a.n f'leld11. one of the country'• top ta ble tennla profu· 11tonal• for the put 20 yeara. to- (tl'lhu with Bob f'leld11. Pacific Co.at and Southt!rn Ca11tomla. boy11 champion a nd Ro~rt Aahley. 111\4 Army m en'• 1unglu and dou · blea table lenn111 chllmp. dtonl challenrn with auch a han· d1rap were able to defeat .A11hley . OIJU8TMA8 DA."'WCE The Seventh grade h eld Ila an- nual Chrtatmu Dance Dec. 9. apon11ored by the P-TA. Mre. Bon· nie Berry and hf'r P ·TA com mJt· lt>e provldw 11bc door prlu11. Mu- 11lc was provided by the Horace En11ign Swing band dtrer tcd by Lewl11 K idder, 1 n 1 t r u m e n t a I lea~htr. Master and mlatru e of cere· monle11 w ere Kut Hodgson and Pam Thompson. Host.a and h o.t · euea wtre Tony Prlt!r11. Terry Wa idelich. Biii Fruehllng, Pam Zandl'r. Sherrie HWlb&lld, Br uce Fay. Jeff Dike, Nancy Taylor. flUke Orr, Marian De'ak. Chrl1U1Ln Nea l, Robbie Wlnterbot.ham, Bill 'I'wii.t and C&roJ S tott. Probate Asked Of Johnson Will SANTA ANA (OCNS) -Pro· bale or the will of l~• Rue Johnaon. who died ln Newport Be~ch. wu uked In Superior Court bere Tu e 1 d a y by her 1pour.c, William A. J ohll.an. 80e W. Bay Ave. Newport Beach. Heir• at law are the hWlband and two daurhter1, Ma.rraret J . Corkel l. 30t Buena Vtala, New- port Beach and Francia J. Fuller, San Marino. The utata lnd uded peraonal and ff9.1 property h~ted at "more th.an 110.000·· and a.n annual 1.n· come in "u ce1111 of •1000." DEATH NOTICI M.,..m Bt>IH 8obH1- ' F'Urleral eervlcH we" llC'hf'duled •t 10 &. m. today {Monda)') for Mrs Marpret H elf'n R-0~rtson. 20. In Ball"£ Mortuary rhl\J't!l with the Rr-v. P. C. 1't!11mann ortlrlat- lng-. Mr11. Ro~rtaon died F rlr1ay m orning •l Ho•K Hosplt•I or rn- JUrles recelvt'd N ov. 11 In " Hvnt · lngton Bea.ch •uto &r<'ldent. The victim realdt>d with her J'l'N'nlll at 449 E F lower, Costa Mrsa. Crem ation waa lo follow ln Fairhaven ~me\l'ry. A native of California, M r •· Rol>ertM>n graduated from N f W· port H arbor High School In Hi:'>3 Survivors Include her hu.8h1U1d, A. J . ~bert.on or the U. S Navy; h er pa.rents Mr. and Mn . Byrqn L. Marallall of Coat& Mesa; '"'0 brother1, Byron 8 . Ma.rsh111l with the U . 8. Navy Al Arlington. Va .. You Save 10~0 oa your Prftcription~ at PRINGLES ~rtpllona ftllfld 'tU 10 p.m.. Free Film! Wltb eMh roll of blaC'k and 1111d~ atue 1!'1, t!O, Ill, UO, I JI left wttlll u for clevelopiac &ad prta~. we <111111 1h·t1 yuu • roU Of tbe .......... FREE. Maner 8lae Prtat. a& No lt.11.ba Claarse H H01ia 8&1lVlCJ: 11nt1 J uli' M•rJ1!'11tll or C'\'\•! a ~'"'" lllll•I '""' ~»:r1 , M l'· E lotsf' Go~C'r· ty 11r ~wport BelH h. •1ll"lp11t ("'t\urt hf'rC' T\11"1•Y lh •y f; Hannon. 29, of 1&89 Rt'<ll•rHI Pl•t>e. Coat& Me,a., w•• 011lert'd to p~ a »00 fine. Judfe Howard Cameron alao ot'dtr.cl Harr1Min°1 dr1ver·a UoenM 1U•• pt>ndC'd for ont ,._,. Fine Costa Mesa Man For Drunk SA:-:TA ANA <OCNS) -Tv.'<I admitted drunk 1lr1vt'r1 Wt!n! s<?n· tenrt!d In S11nla Ana-Orange Mu· Th,. rl'<'Ord ahow.-d It waa Har- ri11nn"e 11trond drunk drlvt~ con- vlr\ll"ln within a Y"'•r. The other ..i!Ullp~·t \l"H of Sanla .Ana. ·' ..... ~ ... :· w •• f"jf-"''jM ... ~ what'• s•••• ~.;,. :, ! et Newpttt Awe. 1114 ~; H1rw Blvd., Cost• ~. Meu -soo.7 . .. Be9inning New Year January l there will be IOIM vacancies In the primary and elementary «JN des of St. James Day School • AppUcaUo.. •ill be rettlved at thf' Church School Of~ Phoa~ Harbor 3989 Re\·. Rollo M. Bou, director The <'h•m plon• dtmonstrat.t!d a wldt" v1<nety of •P~l acula.r \ril'~ 11ilot11 lllltl a.ti a final a It ract1on Ai.hley pla yed two ch111len11en from the 11t11dent body. Steve Ha.r· pt r and Dennta Po1l Ea.ch chal· lo•ngo:r w1u l{lvrn a 17 potnl hand!· rap In 11 21 point jt&ml'. The l!lU· BALTZ MORTUARIES St. James Day School COSTA MESA CHAPEL 17'1 Superior Avenue Coet.a ...... Callt. Phone LibertJ 11·2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA ~20 ll. Coaet Blvd. Corona dd Mar, Calif. Phone Har bor (2 '"EPl~COJ'AI." NEWPORT BEACH Two things that make .for SAFER driving I Tl1P fir~t Ano most imrortAnt U: ::lit i~ you -lhr d rivrr. As the highway safety or- 1tnni1.atton! and law enforcement agencies point out. the courtesy, u re. and common 11rnse you s how count more than anyt.h inJl' elM•. Y 11u can drh·e a rtl/ car safely -or tbolishly. T he se(ond thing i11 the car ltsetr. A 11 C'Ars a rP safer today. That'!! 11hown by the number of a ccidt'nltl in relation to the number of miles pa11seng"'r cars Alff driven. T he figure's been going down stcad1 ly an<I sharply. Chevrolet en1d neers anrl desiirners ha,·e alwars made your &afot.r a maJOr C'ons1d- erAt1nn. mtro<luC'1 ng many surh f1>aturC's a.-thr All·!llrel t op, gaf ety plaf1> JZla~ a ll &rounrl, and wi nc!shield-w1de c!efrm1l<>n1 into the low-price field. Anrl this '56 Chev· rolet 1s the safest one e\"e r builL l l.tl lively new power me&M Mfi>r pMs· ing. ll.tl sp('("ial Rall-RaC'e t1 teering-lhe O\"ersize brakes with Anti-D1\"e rontrol- t.hr t ~ n ist('f ! construct ion anrl sa frty door IAtrhNt of 11.s Fi11hcr Body-the nailerl-to- th<'·road st.abtlily that comes from outrig- g1•r rear 11,prings. an a1franced su~pen11ion 11y11tr m and better balanct'-lhe swl'l'pi nf{ panoramic w indshiclc\ -all lhe11e things add t-0 your ufety. Seat b<>lts with or without 11hould<'r harness ? Instrument panel parlrling? Of course. they're a,·a 1lahl" at extra co~t on r our new Che,·rolct. But the tx>st protl'('- t ion of all is to lurp 011f of acC'i<lrnt11 in the first place. A nd that dPpen<ls mostly on )'OU anrl the b11ift-in Mfrty of ~our car. As your Ch1>vrnlE>l rlPal"r. '"'"'II be ~lrut to show you the many aa!ety features of lhe '56 Chevrolet. MILLER CHEVROLET COMPANY 1000 West Coast Hithway NIWPOIT llACH