HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-23 - Newport Harbor News Press., . - 48th YEAR -NUMBER 110 !~-------------------! HARIOR WEATHEll 1 Temperahuw lb• pul wMll la the Harbor .,... "·ere: tup Low Saturday. IHc. 17 . 66 48 Sunday. Dec. 18 _ .... Oli 48 Monday. Dl'c. J9 .. 68 4' T 11ru fav. Dec 20 . ~ 43 W~dn~day. Dre. 21 . :19 02 Thursday, RD~. 22 . 08 02 Friday. Dec. 23 ...... 09 M I Rainfall Del'. 22 ... -.............. 01 RQJnfaJI Dec. 23 .. -........ -... ~01 ------- ... _ BARBOR PRESS PHONE HARBOR 1e1e nvE CENTS News-Press Gas Co. Fee Expos' Sees PUC Action REAL PBESENT FOK KAREN -Officer George Myers, left and Reeerve OHicer• Sid Butterworth beam u Karen Carver, 5, squea·e her delight on being told the tele- viaion .et at left i8 present to he.r from Newport Beach Police Officers Aaaociation. lllneu bu confined Karen to bome.-Staff Photo l Kennedy in 2 FRONT reeTH NoT NEEDED. SANTA, JUST SAME OLD BOAT Gas Statement Teny S mith. 7, of 1040 W. B&Jbo& B.IYd. lm't uldnc Santa for uiyUtl.nc new for Cbriatmu. He would j\Llll UJr.e Santa to 2 Utility Giants Request Connection Charge Change 8BOU CLD'l'8 WINNER -Mn. C.H. B&n")'. 302 Evening Canyon Road. above receivea first prize cup for Shore Cliffe area Christmaa outdoor decorationa diaplay from Superior Judge Robert. Gardner. Presen- tation wu made at home of William Fiahera, follow- h-s popular vote of Shore a.lfft ree.ident.a. -~Wf •:.---~lwl'll~ Mrs. Harry Wi11 Finl Prize in S~ore Cliffs Decor Voti1g With Kn. C. H. Harry, 302 E vrnlftC C&.nyon Road, voted flral prt&e wtaner ln 8b0n Clltt1 ProJ>- ert y <>wn.n Aa9oct&Uon·a ttrat an· nual C1ln.tmu dl.aplay contest. two oUMlr ,_.dent.I alao were 1 1vl'n tl"OpbJea Wedneadlly nl(ht. Sf'conc prlM wu awarded Mr. &nd Mrs. lldnl)"· Sanden, 133 Shore Clltf1 Road and third prlH went to Mr. and Mra. AJ THfany. 202 Orlltwood Ro&d. A popular Tote ot area ruldenta detarmlned the flrat tllre. place wtnnera. Kra. Harry had made about l& Santa Claua fl(UNl9 for homea ln the U f L 1 ·HOUR PARKING TIME ON NEWPORT AVE. SET McKenzie Recommends New Zone on Mesa as Merchants Protest Revlaiona of Southern Counties brine hla boat aomeone "borrowed" lut Seplember. Terry FOR INVAUQS Gu Company'• Ru.lea 2<l t.11d 21-la th• aon ot the wuu.m JC. SmJtha. By BEN REDDICK concerning free allow.ncH on 8. _., di.a~·-" t Newport Poll·ce I main and •ervlre exleruUOl\A to Terry'• 00.l, • bright yrllow dtn,.~1 .. ....--rom Soutbem C&llfomi& Gu Co. &nd Southern CountiM Gu cuatomera -8Ubmlttf'd for call-lllh St. &lld Wea Bay Ave., lut. f.U dW'\nc an epidemic Co .. twin offapring of Pacific Lighting Gu Co., have filed '!omla P\Jbllc 1Jllllt1es Comml.ion of amall boat thefta. Since the Harbor Department e.nd r-1:1 • Pub!'-U•"'"' Co i89io OHl·cen Round I approval a~ part of a general police couldn't find It, T•rT)' Wnka rMybe S•l& could applications wilh the ~onua .. u.u ... M mm n bringing up to date or all 30 of the 11Ucceed. for authority to reviae their rules and ch~gea for extend-u M G•ft firm'• rulea and regutauona now "It wun•t a n-bo&l or & fancy one," TerTy aaya, "but ing gu mainA and service. The move la the direct 1'99ult p any I s on tile wllh the cornmlaelon. my brother and I sure bad ru n rowlnc ll, and W• were •v· or & Mrl• or .. ciualv• 11....,. forced unUl the p&.t ye&r when The pre11ent f1hng wUI be fol-in& up for an outbo&rd m otor ao we could co tlahlnc." atorlu publlahed laal ~ptember elect.rlc:&I equlpmeat m&nulactur- By Lr.ONARD SA.RGEAl'li'T lowed within 30 day• by an enth'9 ---------------------------by the Newport Karbor New• en made favorable ··119ckq • 'nle gmeroalty of membc!r11 of llat of revllt"d rule• lo be aub1111t-c y Pre ... accordlnc to a 11poke&man ale•" ortere to bullden. the Newport Beach Polle• Ottl· led to the P UC. Joyous hristmas to OU Of the PUC ln . 1taurnent tow. At th• Ume or the Newt-Pnae cera AaaoclaUon thl• Chrt11tma" R ule 20 h.u bPm fllrd with the new1119pn. u..-of the melhc>cU &nd prac- ta brln(lnf Joy a.nd hAppine"" to commi11&1on 111nce 19 14 an.d, to-Recently the oomp&11lea' qu•-tlcea of the c...a Co .• aome Oralle• two Harbor area !•mlhu. gel.her With the comp&11y'1 other from Newc:!-Press Famt'ly tlonabl• pr&ctice ot lalnr • 1H2 County bu.ll<kre aUesed th & t Jn one ftlmlf}'. a Ii-year-old girl. rulr • and rPgulaUona. ha.I had ~ t&rlff authOrtu Uon of t~ PUC to comp&ny offlclaltl h&d lnUJnated a polio vkllm, will have the uee su; h minor revl11on.1 u n~ed In "blackj&ck" builders and .ubdlvld· ~t "ll ml1hl not M convenient ot a telrv1suin ""' sa loni: aa .she I the llKht of ch1rnglng condition• In Everyone here at the Newport Ha.rbor Newa-Presa era or new l)oualnc tract. In Or· to lnat&ll maw l.n ecrta..ln tract.a w1nta unlit 11he rt'l'<w n11. the bulldlnK anti naturul gaa ln· today een<b you a.nd yours the merrie.t Qf Cbri.stmaa ance County wu vipolH'd u clua-Wl1-ciert&ln bu.lldere d\aconUnue 111 the 1Hhu. t he hea•I of the d\Ultrlu . "-~-_,_ Inly ..., the Nnni-Pf"fM. The Uw 11M of electrical kit.chm.a." K td greetings. We ho""" the apirit of v ari.u.uu aurrounWt v,. .... _..... hou"''· auff!'rln.,: frorn a mshg· Acl"Onllng to J ustin t'nn y, r-paper W'ICOYered and f"fpof't.ed u· llEn l'OU..OW8 ........-""" .. nencv wlll r•'>•l 11 1t111.. r1u1er g1u1 romra ny dlvleton m11n•rcer ot you Dec. 25 and every day. clualvely, ~pl. 21 th• melhod1 1'oUowlnc the N-•·~ 0 • v. \ ; ·h~ knowJ1 ht11 wire """ threr Or11ni:~ <'uunty. the currf'nt P~ We rejoice with you that we are livi.ng in Newport UIMd by the oomp&ny t o force r-. Oaa Co. offldala, bW.lder- 11111111 ~h1ldren will h•vt> 11 lergl' po1111,1 revision ot 1tlf th~ t·ompat1y • Harbor where we all have the opportunity to make bWJdera to pay a r .. of J06 '°" and manul&cturere were call-9 ln· Christmas bukt'l. 11 p11rnh11M nr· 30 n 11 .. ,. &noJ rrgula llons wa.a made ..ell ttom.'• CU line In deVelop-to conference w1th IDd McNaup- der from a 11fparlnwnl ~lnrf' for n~eupr)' by l he ln!mendOWI thia wonderful &rea even better in the years to come. m.mb where t.be builder proor1ded too ol the ltate Public UUUUu dolhlng, 1U11I $3!'1 rr .. rn nell;hbora irrowth In Ole gu company'• lt'1 been a p&e&.ure aerviJlc you with latest newa, electnc rans-or ovena °" refr'tl'e-Oomm.lmoa. An Jnv•U,.Uo. of tnr addJUonal meal &nd aro· Southland Mn-Ice a,_. I.JI recent f•t\lnlll Uld p6ctuJ'll9 ~ tbe Barbor .,_ plm U.. ~ ..... • ta.. ......... .a.. 'n. a..~ ,....u._ ... -~. tart-yea.ra. ..-. GI tM M-•••w w 'ftle iw. ... .,.,.. ba••....., aitk · A commlttu ot t~ u!IOC'l•Uon. Rllle 20 t1u IMeft lM baata r~ 1n merchandl9e OUf! 1oeel -.laanu ad .. tile. A. we ..nn.t and admlu.d br tae au ed ,_ taltff NYtatana •.,.Lion headed by F'u nk Olltmt>n, and Ln-lh11 gu rom-r-ny'• main and •er-are on the eve of ChrUtm.u Eve when all of ua can c.. otftda.111 altholllh tM1 Miiied ot fomwlM for.......,...,.._. cludlnt Frank Kelly an<J s 111 But-Vlce urtenllon allCJWIUI~• to cua-ponder tbe wonder of Chriatm.u lt.aelf, Chriatendom'• "'9y Ud..,.., uu-tened to 6ela,y ~ t4 th• comm..._. \trworlh, !Lii membera of the ro· tom,.,.., ... N "'I> tod m.Ju llNild.,. pro.i.cta becau.e paaN UM nqu.t ot the two alnJlat.d llC'f' N'"erv•. llf~nl@d l h~ ~lft "Th• rule WU, and wlll COC· most import&nt feut day, 1.ue ew.-.-reel •Y 0 ,...... made lo lnlteJJ el.ct.rlc a .. Compusl• --. to Mtablllh lrlt'V\111011 "t to ~~n C1trvf'r. O. Unu,. to be." Krnnedy o ld, "In· ita editorial page and ita va.rioua aocia.l and political raUltt than ~ equJpmal and a aet tonnuJa for lnatalJallon ol <la ughter of Mr. and Mra. C". O j ltnded to ma.ke free alJowa.ncu for comment.a. &ppU&ncea. matn1 ; charl'~" to a.. mad. Wl!f'n Carvrr J r , i3~ C• nl,.r SI , t"o>11l11 tnvntmenl In equlpment per cu. COllPIAJNr8 LOOO&D & bouae Ml to be equipped wtUI cu Meaa. 11fter it w as obtalnNI bt· I tomt·r to the extt'nt thr allow-We hope the troe joy of Cbrlatmaa will vi.lit each Compl&U1la -re lodpd W1th the fa.cWUu ror all Mr"1c ... .,,.i..r ,,,,.. ('Mt f rom Oavi11-Bnwm Co ant'e <'&n I><' )uaUttf'<t by Ole t'On· ot our heart.a not only on Cbriatmu It.eel! but each PUC by bUUde,.. &nd contncton and epue ti .. Unc. cooktns and ol Co•t• •n" 11umpllon of natural ,. .. by uw.t day of the year to come. • and aome ~pliance manutact.u....,. ndncenuon: mater c " • r r • • c11rvl'r~x• l'Jll~1 th .. ,,.l r o rl <'U•lomer. To that end let ua all remember Illa whoee day we had .Wt.a p"'pare<1 t o be nw would ba ._-4 °" & t1.Ud ..i.. Ill ~hue undM uA&~ (c-tlau.ed. OD l"ap ll ali.ctoc 11nt&1.r ~-~.nii !!!' ea~ln °'!_ t&rU~~ -that ll bf' rf'tllmf'rt tn lhl' n•· • celebrite Dec. ~and UK ffi&flli Tu~ ollf indivfe!UIJ the part of the Ou Co. wtlen any ot tbe ,.. .,,.,u..o.. llonal fl<ltlO fllllnillllll•n for II~ by footatepe be guided by Ria example. Orlc1n&lly Ule PUC had ~opted ..,... delet~ ~ aomt-nn .. l•••t-Whf'n K11rt'n re<Q\" NEWPORT POST Al the 11H2 t&rlft reru'-Uon ravor-Thi• method would pla.ee on ,... er• from poltn CLER KS LOV E IT Inc th• 0.. Co. dur1n1 the abort-ord a f\xed formula for dn'elop- 1'he llll IA rortflnl'<! 10 ht'r ~ MESA COUNCIL OKAYS ac-e of mat.eriala. pe.rtlc-ularly alHI ml'n\ and lnat.allallon oC uUllUee mollt of lh' lime rxrrpt ror POIUI clerk1 of the New· pipe and brau manut&ctuN!d w be levied •CaiMt 11Ubdln.ton.1 m!'alt. S hannit l hl' lelr\·t•lon ul port Bnrh nm~" h1we a •IH'C-met.e111 dur1nr Wurld War IL ni, cnalon and ulllm&lt!l)' to tie~ v.•lll\ h.-r wlll be her yt1unger 111•· \al Chr11tmaa irrttllnr ready 166 C'huir;e p<'mlllled under the ed on to Ule eve11lu&I 1toaw .,...... ltl"ll, c .... •rno Lynn. 3· •n•I li""11 • tor a ca1eful r.-s11t,nt of the 35 AMUSEMENT GAMES recuiallon wu nrver broadly en-or the property 2. There I• allltl " 9·mnolh·ohl c-onimunllv. Jn a beauUful ------------ baby who 11 1 hllle y<1un1t lo 11p· Krlpl 11j of lhe carefully prf'<'late the-g irt. bundled 1euerw wer• labeled, y d Sailing Classic At.o lxondlllnit from lhf' 1\11· ear..Aft 11od11Uon'1 efforts 11 lht' J 11mr11 ~~~111 .. ~~~ .. k~!~ka~~!0:1~1f~~d~!~ C08l& Meaa'• clty council wtU The cbelt recommended l.M -...n · J . Porter family nf 121 E 23rd pe.rmlt the lnatallaUon of ao lldopUon of &n Ol'dl.n&l:ice forbid-YC f Mond ~t . ---1. Mt'MI Porlf'r. ~ h11 la :"11y1 ·. a nti "" nn throu~h a ...... I 1-·· b .......... t ....... ot a metertn• devtce Set by NH or ay -._,_ <Joi.en or l'I• 1n th" l1111t pack-amiJMment p m.,,.. n ...,... ars, uu•• -v ,r-• an Inva lid. la lo have 1n opera· r•taura.nta, liquor at.ores. and on the n..., pmea. deacrtbed V&r· tlon llOOn. ·~t''.. "This parkA.JC' all 0"" bowline alley to npl&c• th• m uch-loual1 u ahutfl6-alll)", ahutne- The polit e uaoclallon W"nl lo rnall171ed plnba.lla. Tba w aa voted board. pool came &nd ttie-quJ._ (Coetla~ on 1'•11:1' 1) Monday &ftf'r Police Cblef Art Arm.ct w1l.b th.lap~ ordln · McKm&le reported he had lnveet.1-&n~. eow>Cll m~ben vol.ed t.o ir;atrd the ma.ch.Inell In & nd(hbor-gn.nt pennlta tor 11 c•mee l o lzlJ city and found a payoff "wu 8 &11l& Ana N o••lty Co .. alx p mM almOlll lmpou 1ble." to Oranc• County Mu.Jc Co . tour McKenAie waa accompe.nled on lo Be&ch Amuaemtnl Co. and tai. lnformaUve lrip to blalf'OI t.nQ aevtn to New-port·Balboe. Amil.M- otlier 1uch placff ln Huntl.nltOD m anl Co. Beech by City Manacer Geol'Ja TR081: UCZIVINO CoffC';>' Acting M.ayor Bruce Mu-Amonc the eetabll11\met1l• which Un and City Attorney Don Oen-would re«ive c-mN from ooe or 1 an more of the amu.ement oompenlu ~l•rt on Monday The larce tio.t The tr&dJtlonal year'• end •llil· d1vt11lon haa two ra.ou .cheduled for th~ d•y. w hllf' the amall boata ~ c:J&aslc which i. pul o n a.nnu· will .ail thl'ff. or more racee - ally by lhe Newport Harbor Yacht d'penrhnr; on lh~ wtn'1 rond1Uona. Club v.•111 fafl on Monday this yrar Quit,. • numl>tr of vl•ltlnf craft N~net~n dlfterenl cluae. of n t· ar• 11ln1Uty In lhe ltarbtir. 1111·1ud· Ing aa.llboall arll lnvtlM to part1· 11ng a r oodly tlnl Of K·U aloope c1p•lt . with a ll •l•rt.a •nd t1ftlahe1 and HVtral 8lara fTOl1\ P.C 01 from l.o t>. In the ~y. The •mall 00.t.a I Lo8 Angt lee Harbor. One-hour parking will ht-establlahed on both 111d~ of I Newport Ave. ht-tween 18th SL and Superior Ave . COftta Mesa. the city council decided Monday aftt>r recC'iving a pelitioh from 14 mt'rchants in the area prott-sting day-:ong j parking of other merchants' employees. McKen&Je aald lhtre were no were Van'• Bowling Alley. Bava- melertnc <UV\c~ on the rnuhfnff ran Inn. American Lqion Hall. to 1ecord frff play1. On eome of Waeon Whffl Reataurant. Sh~· the machlnu lhne art tr1p de-rock and Ha.rVf'y Uquor •lllree, vice• Which ~'Ould m a.k• It euy S~y Lundi, f'red'a Onn-ln. tor a pla yrr to boollt the K ore Mtaa U quor, Sliver Dolla.r, Mf'&a ot hi. Jrlll'lle, pl"!'('ludlnc 11v1n1 any Club, Wqon W'lllMI &nd Arrow free g1mu , he pointed out. Club. amt 1ttngh1Pa w111 •tart llnoJ 11nl11h I f'avoreble WHl htr la arde.nll.J' ()ff \he Club'• Non•CAlm dMk, ho~ for alnc• a.n uoellenl tum- wl\Ue th' IAritC'r r raJt will o~r•t• O\.ll Ill ln<!lr•lAd a.nd Uti. 18 ua.d- lrom a 11nr t o !>" &fl up In ltlf' ly & rMI "bal\c-up" rec•lta under maln bu 1n o tf the en1I of Udo any condlllona. IJIJe. Tmphlu wm be pr.-entf!d In the Mor~ than ~o f'ntriu hatl bet>n rlubhouAe Monday eventnr &t the received by the Race Committee conclU'tlon of the ~ 8114 &JI by thr mlddl' or lhe v.·eek 1.n<I 11t 11klpJ>f'r• and crwwe are conMaUJ le .. l double that n\Jm~r are u · 1nv1t"1 to avAll Uu1maelvM of lM ~t~ l o •Ip up l>eton• the rtr.t farUltle• nf the club. Polloe C'hlf'f Art MrKrnt.lr f'ONll Involving 11111•.-tt'. J'N'Ommendf'<l lhP nl'W nn,.. h<>ur The rounc-tl '"' oinmrnrlrrl t hat sonl't! after hla d11partmt'nl rpcrlv· " mf'rnlY'r hr !'4'n\ '" R 1 .. , .. ~ 1rnn11· ed numt'rou• proV•t" tr<'m mer-portal nn h"111 1ng •n Lo~ Angrlr8 cti.nt.a ~·tao 0 111 th,. parktni: JIN'b-Jan li-20 to b• •"n1h,1lt1I bv \em In lht blctt-k had br<-nmr State-ReonlllM !<11 h<Hol H1r hnr1l11 acutl' HC' M id ll wu 1mr0Mlblt Th!' m• Ln•rollton "'""'· l~cluollnl! tor hi• off1Ct'Tll t.o tllg lhe c11r11 n .-..ni:r Cnunt~'. '' 111 Ii.-1h11r11·~· r1 w llhuut posted llmf' llmll.ll. •In th., r1n11l d11y .,r tlw hea11n1: In other •ctlon. the rouncll mov· TO t1t:A1> URI\ t: ed to w•h·e f'te on •Chool CC'ln· MrKl'n7.lf "1u i:rnnt"tt A r rrmll alnicUon joti. "''hen the 11rhool 10 con•lur t a Mar••h 11( Dlml'~ r,,J. prO\idea a t\111 tlmC' 111atr Ins~-tectinn d rive In ('•~I• Mr~'I ""rlY \or on lhf' Job. The N!qUHl to rrxt yr11r. Youth w 11f r••n11t11·1 • walv\ ff'ee cam" from Ora.ngr i•~rnut ~l\lr> 11moni; 1>lhl'r ~n1nr.~ eo.Al Colleir bu t Ute motltin or \lly l'-fana~C'r Cf'<.lri..r C<o', .. v pllee to all achool Jobs pending. \\All ·,.uthort:tetl \n 11:1n •fr r $10:· OFFICE Mt 'l'rUES ••(Ill r111m tt-" f:• nrrnl r11 no1 t11 I'" Bid.a v.•ere ~tl\'l'd fr·~·m H11rbnr \\Slrr •'r r111 mrn1 11.t•n .. "' "'""' a tta office 11Upply el on " on dt'sk8, : " k.-rl' 1 h• " , I• , 1f• r r 1 11•n • ch&Jra, typt'WTilt'NI. filr a a nd J)•>ll· 111n•I u1 th,. · til111 k · lure chair" tntAlhnJ[ O\'f'r $'!QOO The 1·f1ur.UI h c111 In ~ r11lq1 r 1()- and pro\'1dr<t rur In tht IHI buc1· ll'llt (rom lhl' Nc-wr rl 11 11•!1 ~et. F1rl'I l::\rl1111 ("hi•. I I II: A('tlna Ma,)'Or Rn11 e ~I 1rt10 ·ht> r •lnhl1•h111rn1 .. ( •• 1 .... 1 r~· k K Of"fd the stf'f'f't •il'J'llrUnent fnr nn thr (.)rAng1• I 'o 1111,y' I· l\•r· aJlow1nr Ole 11lr('('L• '" bf' 1,.r1 1n .:1 ••111 •Ill. poor rondll•tlfl aftr r 1lltrh1 • llN' c·ounc1lmrn d• 111\'•·•I tn J1111 3 dUI M •i r•f\111>1t , rr• .. mmo•nrllni:; 111t'f'l 1n~ lll•• 11rr•1111: 1.1rnf ur " new l'l09f'r l'lll>f'rvllllt'n of • r•ntr•dor" m<'mhrr fnr lht' M• "I" tu .\h11tr· ln ch11r11r of thf' w ll rk mrn\ llls111n 10 r!'pl 11,. I-urrr•I A ltl trr .... ·a.1 I l"<'~l\'1'<1 tl'IOI lht' o" tn .... ho rfa•d 11'1 nl I\' St.alt t>w1s1oa or H 11tnway1 In-MA \'OR"!' U.IT•;R fonninr Ull' c ity that $4000 from A IC'll<'r fn1m M11yor C'l.11rl' :"Jrl· ltal.e (UOline tax money would aon., corulnl'<I In 'be><J wllh pneu·, "' ........ .,..,.,~ pu.r-1 ,c ........ -.... 1) , SAD YU~r:Tl v c Fon PUS SY CAT l'at At"'"" •11. f>•'< rt t ary f .. r A l.rn 1;ray, h11ld:; untdt'nll- f,._~1 k1\l"·' ~trurk ,1,1\\'ll bv n h1t·run dt i\'er hr rt' ye1- h H1ay 1.1 fr.111t cf l;.•.: ·a i \·,:port Bh·d. off1cr . The stnp<'d kitten. unh3Pl1Y about L'hnstmas "1th 11 brok- en leg. wa.a turned o\'fr lO a \lelcnnanan for t reat- ment..-St&tf Photo .. NEVER TOO COLD AT NEWPORT BEACH 'Twaa the week before Christ.mu and all the boyw were aurfing. Fred Tbomu. ricbt. and Newport Buch lifeguard Graham Clbbona brave the pounding •urf an~ the rold waur near Newport Pier for a bit of 1PQ1t. T• ..,.., ..... of ui 4il!orma1 awfrid.-. '(. club participated in the fun. Part.iclpanu aid U.. aurf wu the belt ainc.e a year ap Tb&nUcMar. The betit condltiont for aurfridlns are when UMn la the Weftl awell with a atorm •urf, t.bey uplalDld. St&U Photo I LUNCHEON PRESENTATION -During a jolnt luncheon at Villa Marina Dec. ·12 of Orange County Kappa Alpha Theta alumnae club and Orange County ch&pter National Foundation for Infantile Paralytis, a check for $378 waa preeented by the Kappa Alpha Thetas to the polio fund for the benefit of James D~gan of Laguna Beach, late.st child to contact the I .• druded d.illeue. Ml"I. Walter Gooden, left. vice- preeident of the chapter; receives check from Mrs. Robert W. Wilcox, alumnae club ways and means chairman. Others, left to right, are Mrs. Harold Knipp, secretary of the chapter; Mra. John Murdy m, activity chairman of the alumnae club, and Mrs. Kt:llar Watson, alumnae president. -Staff Photo Harbor Women Foster Parents of Greek Girl Assistance League Aid Is Extended Overseas Amidat the hustle and bustle of Chrbtmu with ita excitement and perhaps regrettably, ill element of com- mercialism, there are no doubt, many throughout the land whoee thoughts are g~ntle and WUlelfiah u they turn to far-off countries. Perhaps their thought. are of a relative <'" family not -n ln many yean ateadfut faith In God and her but whoae exlatt'nce become. more know1~1e that tar from her home are lhOM wtlo ca.re. polrnant at lht. one time of year. So It la true' of the membe,._ of the Aulatance League of Newport Beach, for far away In Kalawata, OreC"ce llvu a little (trl of 12. Vayla la her name and 11he I• the adoptC'd daughtC'r of lhla large group of fo1ter mothers. AID AT ROHE Cornlns clOMr to home Mm•. Charl• 8ulllvan, John Jotm.on and Job.ii Boyd .,.. headln&' a commit- tee who are prepa.rtna' Chrutmu baakela, toyw and d othlll( tor needy, local tamUleL 18 GRATEFUL The December meeUnw of the Island GirJ Home from Ea.st 1 l{l'<'llP of fn t>n•le and •pend ab tnl'nth1 -•nr t.he eouthem atate• M l• Patricia Alaander. 212 Munion Son Born Co Ulna A VC'., ta home wlth her parc-nll for the holldaya havtng been touring lb• eu tem alatu since r ariy Septem~r. AftC'r thC' tlr11t or Ul t' yC"ar she wlil join a Mr. and Mra. Raymond Munion. 1696 Monrovia A•e.. eo.ta M-. are p&Nnla ol a 90n, bom Dec. 12 1n Bt. J-ph H09)11t.al. He welfhl'd 8 lbll. 8 ~ OIL Thank you for yqur Patronqe We Est.end . Sincere Seuon'• Greetinp Our Removal Sale Offerin9 Everything 20-50°/o off Ends Dec. 28t~. Corona del Mar 34-03 E. Coast Hwy. Harbor 5071 Each month a letter cornea to Learu• had u boeteuea MmH. them filled with the quaint uprea-Spaldlnr Eutman, Eve.rett Gard· ~o~~~~~g~W~~hr~e~ln=e=~~R~·~R~H~~~k~·~~~an~d~J~~~nJ~~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~ $8 ahe recelvea plua aucll pleuure-Osburn. gtv•ng ,.m . .1 or perhap• a aweater. atocktnra, a bar of llO&p, needlee or 110me tr1voloua UlUe preeent to bring delight. In her narrow little world, once torn and ravlahed by war, llhe doe• not know the com-• • • • • -------------------------fort.a, abundance and Juxurtu we taka tor l"r&llled in our more for- NEWPORT HARBOR MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE. Women'• Editor PAGE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 'PHILHARMONIC TEENS' TO AID CONCERT PROGRAM Newest and ml)st enthu•lutlc unit aiding tbe PhJlhllr- moolc SoclC"ty haa ~C'n formed by a group of g"irla aged 12 to 15, who hav1: 11Prved u u.hers at two Philharmonic concC'r\JI and who call tht'mttelvca "The Phllh&rmonlc Teena." Theoy are purt1cul11rly lnteruted In the Philharmonic Conl'trta for younr people and haYe already hC'ld a candy Mle Which netted $30. Tti.y plan to raise C'nough money tor a dinner to which Oley will l.nvlt. p.r.ane who mlrht be lnterested tn aupporltnK lhC' conce.rt pn>g'ram. Mrs. MlldrC'd Alll'y I• supervlalnr th• v oup or which Jo11.11 Lundy IJ1 pre!tdt'nl. A• soon u 11 Jnder ClUl be M'Cured another gi-oup will be fClrmt>d In 110uth Onnre County. Two 11lmullaneous prO('T'Un• an plannC'd for younr peopt. In the twl) !W'ctione, on the same Salurd&y ln January wtlh MJIJJI F MC"nel& Beltnftllllf'. conductor, expl&.lnin( boU\ th• mu•ic.' and the ln&trument1, tunate Uvee. The Foeter Parent Plan I• lnd-1 a heart-wannlnr project and one which brtnra Into focUll th• true meanlnr of Chrlatmu In a lovely way u our llttl• Vayta aend.t ua her expreaalon.t of lhanlUI, her • JERI'S Clothes for Little Folk 1881 Harbor llYd. • • • • We Give sae 0..-n 8tampe A1 we pay homage to the b l r t h of the C h r I a t c h i I d, we humbly give thank& for the blessings be- stowed upon u1 by Hia coming and the inspi;-ation of H i II m e a 1 a g e of peace and good will. • HADLEYS Toya Costa Mesa Ph. u 8-7061 PRETrY SAUCERFULL ia Trudy Weaver, her a ll wool flannel amartly belted walking abort.a topped by a mane aUpover that hu a matching c&rdigan. Jester boot. of Moltofoam complete the cuual playtime cn- -.mble, all at Elgene'1 of Costa Meu -Don Bush Photo -Silver-Wedding for Joyners met Adraln Evan.w, who wu born 1n LoUliflnr.-Mo. They were marr1ett In the Epl•· copal oburch In T oledo. Ohio, wue llvlng In Dt'trolt when Joy· ner enllsteJ in the US. Army. He waa 1tatlon"d in Arcadia and Mr•. J oyner made her home In Monrovia while her hu•band ,.,.. Harbor Couples Altar-bound M&n1acw lJcen1'U were tuued UU.. week to George Robert Glb- 80ll, 19, Edmnnd11, Wash. and Nancy Arlina Thorn ton. 19, 983 W. 19th St., Coata )ten: to Jack Paw Corvin. 47 and Dori. Mae SmJtll. •O. both 606 Marguer:lte Ave., Corona del )far; to Paul Grenville Kn o e I l «' r, 31. 10202 Chapman Ave • Oardt'n Grove and Mr. and Mni. rrC'd H Joyner, 403 4·0lh St., wltl be celthrallnJ lht'lr 26th waddJng annlVC'ra&r)' ~c. 27. A native of C&mdu.tf, vC'd ovtor•e.u. On his relllm tbey COtlta Meea Uved ln Loe AngeJH. thton boUfht Sukat.dlewan. Canllda. Joyner lha Tide Ofttce SuP})IY on New· U 48·7666 Open Frt. 'UJ 9 ~~Jay~~~23.~w:~u~l~~~IJ\~g~ln~~~~~~it~w~h~e~n~h~e~po~rt~B~lv~d~.;·~~~m~o~v~~~t:o~t;hl~a~c~ll~y~.~~~~~~~~~~=~~ Marcua Ave. p Othera were to Oedua Wt.llln1· ton Bank•ton, 3 2. 2127 Republic: I Ave. and 8olveg W1Jaon, 28. :nu Republic. both Coat.a Mell&; to Edmond J~ph Rel-h"n Jr., 20, • Je((eu on City, Mo. 1111d Shirl«')' Ann Bri•bln, 18, 2560 Newport Blvd., Co!ta Mu•: to U oyd Ad- rian CXhellrtt. 36. 208 Cryttal Ave. and Lyla Jean \\''llltmore. 32, 101 Via .Anlibu; to William PynchC'On Stewart Ventreaa. 23. Jack."On. Miaa. and JeMle Jun· nine Lamtwrt, 27, 124 43rd St. ..., I ' .... I / ' Mar .aeh Clu1.atmaa candle odd ll1 light lo the bri9hleet. boppl..t Day of th• year for you and yowa. May all the joy. ol the M0900 be youn ln fulleat mecaure ••• m.ay lt1 memorte1 llft your ; h.art and warm your 1plrit throughout a New Year, rich In 9ood health and happlneu. " I ·DAVIS .· BROWN CO. 1115 Habor llYcl. LAerty 1-3437 >..lite wW men roand Him in the humble man~r o( BrthJ,... fiem. ntay we find in oor heorh en iiHttated me•ore of d"o- tion lo the shining glory o( Ilia m~ge. In the ·~-tpirit-o( Ori1tmaa, we e•t~nd our"' n m· e11t gytttinga and bett wi~i1tf to one and all. We wtah to lhanlc our many frltnris tor their loyal patronage thruout this. our bC'wl yt>ar In bu.lnCM ln Coeta Meta. WC" pledge to conUnue Ote aame penone.I aervlce you have appreciated In the put. " Crawford's \k The Prescription Pharmacy for the Harbor Area 1104 Newport llYd.--M tlle Heart of Costa Mesa Liberty 8·1'42-Free Delhiery -1\'e Gh·e 8 a ff Greea 8tamp11 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&E 3 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 In Callton\Ja u • •tudetit under UM •IMIP'e<W of th• .A.mertcu Fteld •mce Oommlt.te.. Y'OWll' Nop aid be ftnd8 Chrlttalu much lbe ~ ta aplrtt dellpl\.e UM rre&t dStt-. ln ell.mat., but feela It 1a adftnel1 attectect by throne· lnS automobile trattle on the titrti- .._,. uad u c..tve televl.lion ........ at the bearthlide. rLVTll QUAJn'l:T TM luncheon prosn.m al8o f•· tund mllll&c bJ a fluta quartet COO• ~ ot the Mi-C&role Hyden, Robtn Rylett, Bhan Toblu and 'l'erT7 VWacnna. Membera ot the executive bo&rd, Maded by Ml'9. Forreat 8 . Allinder, prMlldent, Mrved d e c o r a t 11' • C!uUtmu cooklee. H o1h1u1, In addiUon to Mmea. CUmow and Morrta, Included Mmea. J . R. Loo•- ley, Lee B&me8 and l'ersue Mc- Kay. Boy For the Duenes Mr. and Mr9. Peter DIJenee. 833 W . 17th St., C:O.t.a Mua, are UI• parent• of a boy baby born Dec. 18 In Hoag Hoapltal. To wWt , ..... Hollclay • Sherplatlat ... , -... all A SILVERSMITHS Slhw.()opper-.,.._ a r.wt.r P.IWM!cl-llulffld-~"'4 ,,.., QualJty, Fulfft 8ervtc. f'a.l"'•t Pn-VWt our A•U.-SM>p UnWMaal \1.a- l&eM-Wti P..W. e WIRTH'S e laysl• Plathtt Co. ltlt Huttor BIY .. C'CMlta II--LI 11·1'3! CHRISTMAS IN GERMANY wu deacribed by Derry Noga. Barbor High 8Chool exchange student, speaking at the holiday luncbeol\ ot the Woman'• Q.vic League in Villa Marina. Left to right are Mrs. Elliott Morria, &88iltant b09teu; Mna. Louis Csenar, vice president and program chairman; Derry Noga and Mra. Jack Curnow, hospitality chairman. -Staff Photo THORPE'S China, Glau, Silver, Linens, end Decorative Accessories Open Sundays & Evenings 'Lil 9 :30 HOSP IT AL DECORATIONS -Gray Ladies of the Southern Orange County Red Cross Chapter are active in planning and carrying out Yule decorations at the Veterans Admini.tltration Hospital in Long Beach. Decorating the main lobb}'. Christmas tree are, from left, Mrs. William P. Boland Jr., Corona d•I Mar: Mrs. Frederic SchumackC'r, Santa Ana; Mrs. Carl Haeger, Garden Grove ; Betty Bayne, on top of ladder, Carden Grove, and Jeri-y Peterka, Santa Ana. The Orange Coun- ty Gray Ladies of the cha1iter a re working throughout the hospital to make the Yuletide happier for the hundreds of ill former servicemen. Exchange Student Featu!ed on Civic League Yule Progrrun lllOl WMt Balboa Boulevard Newport Beach , Callromla Telephone: Harbor 4601 .. SEALARKING By GINNY (MRS. t:DWAKD LESTER) SMITH ABOARD TYPEE: A very Merry Christmas to each and everyone. Isn't It dreamy to live al Newport Ha rbor at Chrialmu time and enjoy the singing, floaUng tree which cruiaee about the .,_y, Thia year a pyly Jig ht<'d ketch J follow11 the t~ barge with cRrolers .•. DISNEYLAND Mntlnuu to dra w Newport,.n1 .. nm into Bu bar& tMn. Ralph) Andu..on •nil hu enn Dick com· ln1t nut u T ypel' C'rew l'nl40rf'd for a C hrlstmu vl111t • • Bub .. ra arat1 Dl('k revf'd 11bout the "Tu.- rupa" . . • howevl'r Advf'nturt'· land cauitht our f11ncy. CHftlSTMAS PARTll!:S C'Ontin· ue lo dot IJI• borlson. Gibby and ' IW K"8ft or U do l•le Ulrew a Joodll' lut Saturd11y night 1n hon· or of Lonttll and J o fo~ontana nf Ban rruici.co . . . enjoy1n1 the Lobettt Newburc were Mllltl' and John Ste~n11, lof11ch11 and Owen Ca rur. Jenralf' and C"lvf1r Uraham. Joan 1 lan'l 10hr cult' 1 11nd Ro\ M aypole an<I Mary and l"rank H•yd"n wh1> have JIUl moved to Southl'rn Celttoml& from Ken· lucky. T<11I Oviatt.~ 1 !\1<nl1t with n11 "orert icla1111u l . lhf' Lym.in fo'arwt'lll •&int.a •I lhl' wh<>l'I fl( R•1Hlt1ftl. Bud, Jo 1<nd J t>< k Alb111tht 1 SanlJI holdin( a 1rurwu1 f('f\.-.l with hlA rt'indef'r In ll11rmh1l111 I h,. \>\lalll'r fo'r11nz:' lov~I)' M llbo«l \<'ard with W•lh•r. Rf'mh'l', 11nd \~i&ll Jr '11 p1l'lu1.. tn~ .. 1.. With II pl'I M•l\Jll note ... Wirntla Hf'noferaon'11 I A C'unft'11i fllle<I C"h11•111111.111 with <'onf,.ltt 11r11thng forth ••. OVER AND OUT. SATURDAY l':IGHT •I"<' l"lta -wmt Phtt E.lt~ tt<<IMCS ~~!­ party al ~Ir •tunning v mon Ht'lirhta ruich homl' for lht'1r nf'IKhborlfl( f rlend11 • • . whllf' lMt Wed.Deida)' eve Dorothy and P'red SmJlb of Udo lllle t'ntt'rtaln· .-<I w1lh one of lhrlr beauurully appointed C'O<'ktall pertlea In the ir lovely pink New Orll'Al\8 home •. DlllLTA OAMJ-tA a lumnM p lh· u ed u ound ,_ Yulf' tlm• W&11· N II bowl lut T\Jf'May and w1t.h their hu1balld.• celebr11tf'd tOJ(l'th· ,.r .t the home of Mr. anrt M ni. Carl HllllT.a In Bayabt•ru . . . Talk tnr ovw old tlmt'11 anrl irood tlmH w.re UM Payne Thayera. W alter BJ*:iln. John C&r110n•. Robttt ........ W1lli&n\ OothArcta. f'n.nll SftNt bl. O.Orir• W. J ohn• and 1~ Ooddea. AOOHl:I..I. NA.Bars baa aent OU t COT .. u.. ... ·• rota• to be • partJ'" ~OllJI for DK. 29. Bla cll1 tie tockl&tJ..buttel .uppu w\11 t&M ~ In the Bay Win· oo. "-.t t.M BBC and prorn· tMI te M tl\lll41 a party • • • Adonell hu ...,..,, enP«ed a ..,e- ~tal 9"cheetra tor the party and I• plaarltnr te dKOrate thf' c:osy Bey W1ndow With c11nd)'C'anea araJo,.. ••. HlllAR THAT Ool and Mr• Clift.Gii 8m llh .,.. plannln1 a lt'r· nflo Tear v .. u ·• F:vf' <'l'l~bnatl<>n o n tWJ' palatial yar ht Al11mo ••. a lllO )4IU' Ulat Jrllln Mtl Jol\n 0 1... ..,.. llollllnir a P41rly th" •ame ntpt •l lhe B BC ... 'TIDll PAUL PALMER~ hllvf' ju11t r.turned fmm a rll~ht to Por1e 1\1('(), JamJca anti Mleml ~ 1'lorida • . . At M IAmt 8--Palmer attendM the ll3rd annu&I eoowmuon or the United tit.at• 8avtnp and Loan t..cue CRIU8TNA8 CARDS •re mnrr unique and .a.prat than -"er th11 ,_, • , • eo outaita&ndln1 are. the Music· Recital by Students '!be ffCOnd piano rM;ltal "'' !hf' ,....,. •·11.11 Jin n by pup1la Of M r11 W. !:. Coffman 1 l'( rnlly at hfr tlome 83() Pl\lm Pl., C'09la MellA A p ravt'r to Ood thanktni Hom tor lhl' irre•t i.:1ft or mu~u 11nt1 Chrtatrnu rarol~ Ol>f'nt'•I thf' 1•111· IT&""· 't'alllnc JMlrl wn• Mari •ret Null. M11rll'l'r"I J nuf' Coffm11n. Alice l<11hlml'\·t'1 t-'1r.td11 Y1111no: blood. L11l11 Y ••llno:blo<><I l'1·1111:v lkO\ltt'n nno l Mu l!•t M df')' l'•r ·I ,.nta rr,.~rnt II.I'll' Mm r.i!i J f' 1 D k kf'nl'l"l f'rl'11 Younji:blond. RAV· mnnt1 t"h11 rrt'ttt'. Mr11M r• and , Mmu . :-.. ••ton 0 :'\"oh Allnt1 W JC. Coffm1n, aJ90 M 1M Bar ban CM~ c: I Festivity and the relating ot Christmu traditiorui In Germany supercecled public affairs for the Woman's Civic League, meeUng in the Aquarium Room of Villa Marina Dec. 20 for the annual holiday luncheon, single social event of the club year . Ceramic Santa Clauaea, band cut and THE FINEST ••• YET LOWEST PRICED Early American MAPLE FURNITURE •••. angw~ere Open Fridays •ntil t ... prC'f!Cnt~ for your ltst<'nmg enjoyment . .. ChriRtmai; Aft emonn ... from 12-4 p. m. . . Chruitmas Garol1t ... sung by Rlxt.een •• , Orang<' County Choirs . . . over Radio SUitum KW IZ • 14 0 on your dlal Richard's Lido Market ". •. nrecS by the boep&talJty chalnnan, Ml'9. Ja.ck Curnow e.nd ....utant chairman, Mn. J:Ulott Morrt•, dee. orated U11 tablea and were t.&Xe· borne tavol'9 tor over 100 mem· bera and su•u atundln•· QIVJ:8 OONTSAaT v -~--Jt /! . Inll'Oduced by l b • procT&m ctWrman, Kn. Lau.1.8 J. c.ena.r. Derry Nop., uch&n•• .tl&dent al Newport H&rbor Union H 11 h School, pve an lntormal talk con- truUnr Chrt.tm-. cu.etom.. aa h• bu Mfll U\e:rn i..r.. and Ln h18 home 1n BNmen. Germany. ... -~ I .. .. .---. , ' < ' :l . -. ' :-~ , ~ M.idAJt all our gf~. Jet WI give tint our h ea.rte in aincere devotion to the apirit of Oiriatmu. SEAL'S S...,lcal Sllpplles 6S5 O.ter St. Ooeta ... true ............... ~C'099 ........ ......... ., ...... ... ................... ........ 91. Liberty 8-SW 18'71 llABllO& BL VD. dresses Colors that ere more than stocking colors - they're costume colors. Fresh color11 that came out of Fuhion ltAelf -out of the Neweat Fabrics, the newest Leathers . • . We carry complete atock of •izes including tamoua stretch hosiery .•• Some of the coloni -American Beauty Roee Beauty -Blege Beauty -Plum Beauty On Hie Ocean Front w. GIM S&H ., ... ltaiu41 you! CJ08TA llESA u 8-6411 .. lfte Alw•r. Acceptab • Xmas 6 ifi. Closed s.-, .. Mo.day Dec. 21 & 26 w ... .,.,. 9:15 .. 5:45 f I I J I L PAGE 4 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECE~BER 23, 1955 FORM COMMITTEE TO STUDY. TAX ASSESSMENT METHODS • fte "Oommttt.e for h1r TUatioD" bu ..._ MWb- ionnect int.he Newport-MM& &tt&.. Uld Mft1U mMUl!p Mft 1M1D beJd. Alarmed at the •J>iralin&' tuee. th1a oommilt.M _... ,__. tel with the objective ot .Wdyt.nr t.he llMtMda al tu-. ment 1n the county. H ... • tM loof Due to the bolldaJ NUOll, the Dat ID8ltillS wtJ1 h liMld att.r the flrat of the year, when a dilllalte poiia7 Uld ....... wt1l be adopted. Appointed t.empo1VJ cb&lnnu ... 3 .... Xentnr. An.Jon• intenist.d in atteDdiJIC U.. ~ IUJ' _.. 'l.-J ...... ____ ~----~ ----- I I Mannlq at Harbor ftOl. · ' Financial Troubles Beset Southern County Red Cross s.mc .. to Mlltmy, v ........ May le Cmtallecl 1eca .. of Mo••Y Lack ' ------ SANTA ANA (CNS) -Fl· It wu apl&IMd bJ Jobla Jobla· IWlClal d1tt1cu1Uea h&V• tie.t the ecm, boU'd ~ clla1rmu, w1lo .... Southern Oranc•• County Chapter sid.s at the meeUq .. tllat iroable9 ot the American Red Crou and 9l4m from the lut f\md •.....asn tru-.t.en to curt.all .Stal Mn1c• ~ a Jack of adequate nt1U'Dll to military famlllea and veteran& caued a M'Nft pu1Ds al t.be 1111 VILLA MARINA CITY HALL WOMEN HONOR DEPARTING COLLEGUE A gay luncheon turnout of Newport Beach city em- ployees on Dec. 16 in Newport Harbor Elks Lodge honored Mrs. Louis Seely, deputy city t reaaurer, who has left city employ to move north where her husband has been trallJlferred to a plant in the Palo A'.to area. Standing, from left, are Mrs. John Palen, Miss Bar- ' We WW Be C1cM1H C.rte._ Day Enjoy New Year's Eve with us A Great Setting for Welcoming Lhe New Year Band -Entertainment -Dancing -Favors Be Our Gueat -Tom Ir Jerry Party 4 -6 p. m. NO COVER CHARGE bara Boya,-Mlsa Maryann Cain, Leelle Freitag, Mn. John A. Macdonald, .Mlsa Marilyn Coleman, Mn. Elmer Patterson, .Mi.es Marcy Schrouder, Miq Flora Lewis, Mrt1. August C. Theil!len. Seated at table, MNI. Seely talka with Mayor Dora Hill. -Staff Photo YIGOIOUS ARGUMENTS HEARD Board Delays Garden Grove Boundary Hassle lo Jan. 3 Worklnr on a near-depleted bud· operaUnc budset. (et, the home Hrvice department '!'be J1oma MrY1ee budstt WU hu been overwhelmed cturtnc the cut ~ wtth otia.r 1JWftoeL last few month.a throurh a f"&l Jolm8oe Aid. Now, wttb u a · lntlux of 11erv1cemen in the area. tnme demand belq made by ..... It WU reported to th• board of vlce f&mlll•. th• la.4 .. ~­ dlrectora by the Rev. Joh.n R. hlS to bft&ll dGwa the aothtt7 Tutft, committee chairman. which la a "mllft!'' ...-nee tor the Much ot th• expenditun of Red era.. tunda bu ron• to aid military ramlllea in the aouthern eecUon OMNT8 AND LOANe ot Oran10 County encoms--tnr It wu potnt.ed out to boU'd m-- lh• San Clement.e-San J.uan Capis-more than SlOOO wu beln6 ad- trano areas, the chairman Aid. Va.aced lhJ'oUa1a lfl'IUlla an4 ic..- FlnanCU are ln llUch a depleted monthly at the PNNDt Um& • atate that d!Mat• cb&lnn&.11 Dick A montbl7 report alaow'td tat P. Barke.meJJer De Wit WU tum• 2T tamW .. WW• aided ftnenc:teU7 ed down on a reque.t to have tut month and SlOM al*flded. SANTA ANA COCNS ) -At· Len Brown. He ur&ed the board placed ln op.r&Uv• condition a C... kNa4 tor U.. month totalled ler he&rlnJ Vl&"orou• uruments to c~ntlnue the heartn1 before d.Leuter cant.Mn truck. '"-~· cha1nnan Pobs'-1 out. from both lidea ot the luue, the the HMlon even bepn. He aid NJ:EDS B.EPAIR8 It wu potnfe4'ou£ toboard lliem- l'Ounty ~•rd ot aupervl:wr• Tuea-he waa a tepreHntaUve or the The dlauter chJef Aid hla die-ber9 ~ 1n C.-. ot au.in. em· rtBy l'Ontinued the public hearlnJ Weat Orange County properly uter truck WU in "diautroua er(ftC)' ill flmd d~ CC*dl- on boundarlea tor the propolled Ow1an1 A.uoclaUon. condiUoa'' and needed pa1ntJ.ns Uoaa uaat natSoaa1 ~ fted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~ 1lxth-claes City of Garden Gron ~ tranamlMlon repalr1. Tb• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii = - --lo 7:3o P· m. Ja.n. 3· AllClheffn CHS• DM boards decl&rtnr that funda aim· I'. ~~~ ~~ Approximately 60 perM>na were ' Jiii&." •A• • ~ ...... · _. on hand for the :>O-m lnule hear-ANAHJCJM (OCNB) -A ape-ply were not obt.atn.able, tabled tnit Jn the courthou~. clal cenJ1U1 by the federal govern-the requ•t. Leadln~ the proponents wu ment reque.sted by Anaheim. wW iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiijjii K 'S Oe11n Eutm&Jl, w h o brought be&1n Jan. 3. il wu announced ara m nlonr mapa <teplt'ttne-the proper· yeaterday by a<tmlniAtraUve U · ty uwncr~ who tuw c gone "" rec-alat.ant A.lbert Hair. Hair •lated, · tho 11rc1 "'" tavM lnK tocorpora lion. "we expect the population to be Ba d d H1•111.11n11 the o~lsy Move wu In exc•• of 40.000. CORDIAL HOLIDAY GREETINGS FROM FREE CUSTOMER PARKING We are offertag The Ideal B~ Show A sbtfull Comedy APO RT ~-) CORONA DEL llllAi: ··ii•',.' -ll H/Y NOW SHOWING ()AJll' 011.&NT .. "NOTORIOUS" PLUS LOu:TTA YOU1'iG a IOIJEPll OO'l"l'EN la ''The Fwuno/s Da ....... Dinner -Dencing Fun -Perty F,vora * * * 41 • Complete Dinner • Servec1 9 p. m.. to llidnicbt T ov cboAce of New TorlE Cat 8'-k Prtme -..... 8nOed ... Lobel.er _..__ All Your Drinks ,- <..,....s c.uton1a wa... a a......-> $11.00 ,.; peftall Cell Herbor 3930 far Villa Marina For ~u -Harbor %1U Open House (Cloaed Ch ristmu Day It Monday) New Year's Eve Regular Merchent'1 Fr .. New Year's Eve Party IA Post.a Wiii tw CIO!W'd Chri1'tma" Day I• Monda~ Merry Christmas fo All We will be clOlled Chnstmas Day Come RinCJ The New Year in at l Jarbor { ll-4t.11ttuJ ..J. -lou.s~.1.t~. e.IJod .e ... ,. fiifi!@ t.;?l!fP11 • 2260 Harbor Boulevard • Coit. Met&, c.lifomiA Gala N•w Year's Ev• Party ,. M•ic -DancinCJ -Fun -Favon Special ••akfast New Year's Mora -S.-rved from 2 A. M. on - Att•-••U.. avali.Me IH PAITIIS, IANQUETS, or CWI DINNDS PHO:S-E YOt;• llESEaVAnONa NOW Ha tw llYd. at Wlsoa L••rt'J l-Sl4J • I Prices Wally St.acheli at The Piano 17th & Coast Hwy. Newport Beach af are.. LODel ANO llSTAUIANT Dancing Every Night DINNER SERVED 5 p. m. 'tiJ midnight COCKT Al LS -4 p. m. 'til 2 a. m. 12 Noon Saturday It S)lnday Special Sunday Buffet 2 til q p .m. CIOM'd WeclDHday .Ju!'t' ~uth of lag"una "1'att 4-6.'i08 from all of us at We Hope to See You New Year's Eve Muaic -Favona -Fun Entertainment -Special Dinner Reservations Suggested Phone· liberty 8-9006 ~. W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach Withe..··; ,..._ .. ~;· And a Fut Movlag Acttoa Plctun Start. Wednfllday Humph,.J lloprt ''Tiie Desperate Hows" alllO t:rml .,.,,.... "Let's Moke Up" Special Mat • Mon. Dec. 26. 2Jt.m. MIJ'araa'• R.ldcletl ilap" s Dlllley OutooM ud Comedy Adalte 50c CltJld'" • Cllrillnw Sltow llet..Dee.M.t..-. .. .,... ... _, .•. ..,,. 8TA&D-ClllU8Dl.&8._-1t•· 11.u118ar.-te .. "AllTl81'8 a MODELS" ... . . Qimpi.te Dinner -Dancin1 Fun -FaYOn -Entertainment Pill.I All Your Drinb Treat Ya. ,_., tO ... last a. Holldmy ....._ ..... NOW SHOWING rw 1:9 .:..... UDO N= ~ I i I. Alie ftek Webb la "U BOU88 ALERT'' &W's Ila& W. 1 :45 i.ani1 ... Bard,-.. VTOPIA" mt 8llow Wei.. Dee. ti -I :ti ~ ~-- t I I ... - 0 ? COME CLEAN WITH ME, ' e W 8 • ~. it th• mo.+ woncierful •re• that any l.e.Y ~ feuncl clon't w. Isn't that whet you and ,., tell aU ...-aunts end uncles and the peopl~ from Smogd-7 . Now Mom, Come Clean With Me -we do have a complete town, don't w.7 &Goel schools, paved streets, .,.... to breathe and pow in. Ancl Mom, have you '"" the Citf Hell with Its flowers end green grass and th.+ weuerful Santa Claus in the chimney and his reinde• on the ,..f1 Y Mh. Mom, Come cl.• with me. Have you seen the Mcoretiena al~ fewft in the Udo Shops area, • leHtee hlalMI -"'it Newp.t and S.tboa too? Mom. you coulcl ICNk up some good edvice fro.m the reelly sm.+ shoppws are...d town. They've found that they .,et extra .,..;.1 a.vice from the local business- men. They find shopping in the local stores is pleasant and relaxing and with plenty of parking near at hand and no congestion-and no smog. Yeah, and when you shop at home, you and I can get home in time for my early snack and we can fix dinner for Dad. The folks who shop near home are saving real money, Mom: and we 're iust kidding ourselves if we don't get into the swim with the smart Buyers. You'll be dollars ahead ... You'll be hours ahead. And you'll be playing the part you should in our own community by dealing with the folks who help us pay the bills for schools, and streets, and parks .••. The people who support our charities and civic organiza- tions .. And Mom, lets come clean with all the people and wish them A Merry Merry Christmas -and a Happy New Year. FORGIT HARDWARE THI llllllT -MOST COMPLETI STORE TO BE FOUND ANYWHERE Hsdwlre ..• ToJS •.. Paints ••• Wallpaper ••• Appliances ••• TV ••• Radio A Goocl Friendly Place to Shop . Harbor 116 Newport Beach • ~ ,. ! . ; NEW nAG OFPIC1318 -ThMe ll*l, from left, Rear Commodore Paul Elmqw.t, Commodore Kenneth Kinpley and Vice Commodore John Carr were installed Sat· urday night in colorful ceremoniee at Lido I.ale Yacht Club banquet. Clark Takes Bull Lobster with Hands A giant bull lobater, Uppl11r the acale11 at H Iba., 11 ox., wu l'&ughl by hand Sunday off La· guna Beach by Bob C larie of Anaheim, prea1dent of Uie New· port Harbor SUb·M'arlner11. local ,.port diving and apu r fiahtng club. Member-of the club spent the day diving off C IJlrk'11 boa t, Reno JJ. The lobster waa found 1.n ap· proxima tely 60 feet of water off Laruna. Clark wu u111ng an a Qua-lung when he na bbed t he slant lob- ater. John Evan1 Jr. of Balboa aleo brought In a !o biter, welch· Inc about :I po11nd1. tocether with a few rock K&Jlop•. Wayne Car· roll of Balboa nabbed a a lb. lob- ater and Ala11 White of Santa Ana 1hot • am.ii aheepehead. Th e water waa clear and n U· mated to be a cool 80 des ...... The Sub-llarinera le an open c:lub that welcom• new membere, White a.nnounc.cl. Skin dlvera, be· (1nn ll)g or experlenc.cl, may get addlUonal Information by calllllf Harbor 037~M. ------------- License Platea To Be la1ed at Local Banks MARINE NEWS PAGE 6 . PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 F riday Oec. 23 Saturday Dec. 24 Sunday Dec. 2!) Monday Dec. 21 Tueeday Dec. 27 Wedneaday Dec.23 Thuraday Dec.ft TI DI 'n.. . mp 3:50 a. m. TAILI B&. 4.9 4 :42 p. m . S.O 4:S7 a. m. 6.4 1 :06 p. m. 3.1 11 :24 a. m. 1.0 7 :OI p. m. 3.4 e :ua.m., I .:) 7 :511 p. m. 3.7 t :&9 a. m. e.9 l :t6 p. m. 3.9 7 :41 a. m. 7.1 9:29 p. m. 4.1 1 :33 a . m. 7.2 JO:U p. m. 4.3 Time L9w 11:10 a. m. 9 :41 p. m . 11:06 p. m. 10:t6 p. m . 12:53 p. m. 11:4.2 p. m. 1:81 p.-m. 0:3t a.m. 2:22 p . m. 1:21 L m. 3:0I p. m. 2:19 a. m. 3:49 p. m. PACIFIC STANDARD TD.fl: .rua.a. lt()()N Dec. 28 l..&.n' QUA.STU Jan. ' • nw llOON Jan. 12 Bt. 1.J 1.1 O.t 1.9 --0.a 2.0 -1.0 1.9 -1.& l .I -1.I 1.7 -1.I Mesan's Parked Auto Hit. 3-car Crash Blamed on Fog FQS Wednelday ntpt WU blamed for a tbJ"ee.-car accldent °" 2lt.h I t., ea.at CYt Newport Blvd., N-- .port . .U.ch. dur1nc which one per- llOJ'I wu Injured, ucordlnl to po- r.daral .A.ft., When Ole Crub OC· curt"ed. Neta.er men _,. hurt. Bank of America brancbu In lice. Police Mid Ul• Baitner car al.a •lrucJt another parked car, W\· occupied at the Ume, re«l•tertld to Beulah L. Rorick. •~. 6:19 W . Ha.mlltoo St. Haffner WU cited tor not havinC an operalor'a la· cen.ae In hS. ~on. Newport Beach and Lacuna ha ve Kathleen Nancy Jennlnr •. 37. bttn t'etabUahed aa a uthorised HunUn«ten Beach. paaeenrer ln a bl"anchee or lbe Desi-rtment of car driven by Loul• C HAftner, Molar Vehlclu for the, pu.rpoae of 20. ot 1014 E Balboa Bl•d., wt· l•utnr new 195e llcenae ;>latee. fe~d minor hurt.a but refueed f.1--T__._ 1 _ .. _ ..... __ ' ~uembly~~E&!I Y.'...._~tal)I~ o( .me.die&l...ald.. __ __ ·~ !.JnlD llVU'. th• H lh Dlltrict announcu The Hattner car wu belnr dn v· J erry Tripp. 230 3ht S t,, New· ''The State of Callfomla hu en ln a hMvy f~ about 1:30 p. m. port Be&cb ,..ported to police 1trcamllDed Ill mot or vehicle rf'· whf'n It plowed Into a parked car Wed.needay that a tool box con · r ••tnillon law• to ma ke annual rer\lle~ to Kenneth V. R )'bef(, ta lntnr e I e c t r I c a I equipment llcenH r l'newala fut and convm · 30, of 4SI ltllther, Coeta Me-. worth about 11:>0 had bMn loet lent tor lhe State'• a1x and a halt RyberJ told police he wu •IUI~ I.he prn lOUll n enlnr aomewhere million motorht~." Stanll'y aald. tn t he ear talklnr to another Co•ta bet.--32nd St.. N~rt. and The new 1~ llct'rae platu wll!M -;;;N&n;;;;;o,.;;';;;;;;;;;1oiiihiiiniiin;;l;;;<';;;;;;;l;;;t;;;rom;;;;;;;;m;;;e;;;,;;;;;;;4;;;04;;;0;;;;;;;;2.iii3iiiniiid;;;;;;;;Siiiitiii.iiiiCoa;;;;;;;;;;;tiiiiaiiiliiiMiiitiiiaa.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-, be IH Ued for mCH1 t car owntrt ~-11 • 1tlnnlnr Jan. 3 Commu c111I vr- .~ hlcle rer 11trauon1 bt'r •n Dee. 1, Rt"newal ~nod t nda f"<'b • Sanlca will be autnortu<l thl• " y r ll.r to lu11e pla tu and certl!I· • ••I<'• only to private pa~nrer l'Ar ownen, Stanlt'y H id. Trutk, tra llt'r and cycll! owner1 mu.t go tn a regular branch of lhe Motor \'~lcle Depa rlmt nl or C<'t ~ nt wal• by mall I Al•to Club membt'ra <'an bt' rer ·' l•terf'd by thf tr orir•nlzatloM. too I Th" pla tu will be black letter. a nd fl(\lre.a on a chrome yellow b•ckcmund with a new euy-to- 1 fm<'m~r combination • three I lt'tter1 w1tn t hre« number1. Th" plat"• wlll ateo con form Wl th • nt'w national standard 111w . lhc1 2 lncht'a Thf n m e pla tu will be • lltoed for riv .. ~·ear• · . Dinghy Disappean Rudy A. Evan• of Sa.n Gabriel nptlrled Ntwport Beach pollce FTlday nf theft or a 10 t t. Wla&rd dinghy V&IUM a t $300. ICARJNE t'PBOL81'EIUNO BOAT OOVEU BALBOA CANVAS SHOP H.,-111 -114'1 Jlot M, HlWl'b lT llACH Harold I. Johnson Pro .... ........ ()olww ....... .....,... l'tloee 4£:, ... tell VIiia w.,-. N-.ert ._. ~ ~ 80UTB OOd'I' 00 • ..... aNl'Wpert...._ MARINE INSURANCE Olll•~-~c.. tltl w. V.-t ...,._, U"lllf rt 1-Tact 1 A MERRY CHRISTMAS George 1 Meachem SEWPOaT BEACH Ult 1'". C fiAllt H"'}'. TH• N•W t988 ·illilll/IY MAlllK ao /JO,...,, r • ._ ,,.. Promiat ol a New y.., ol f lmily fuol Thlr1y Mercury boltepO'IM° a a comped 110-poued .,.ct•-· akem&le firiac fovr widl MercElectrk ........... ......,.., u ... rt1 ._,.., KINGSLEY 'ELECTED NEW COMMODORE FOR LIYC Many Trophies, Out at Annual B1 Ma&. MATT OBER Lido Iale Yacht Club pt p e d aboard. a nrv commodore Satur· day nJpt. Kenneth C. Klnraley. ~ with two othar nae ofll· cen and ttve dlnc:tora, Kinpley wu unanlmoualy elected a t tbe A.nnual LIYC benquet meetlnr at the Udo ClubhoUM. In 1108, lt'U be John carr, vtce- commodore an"d Paul Elmqu.lat, rear commQ.dore. Director• for lm'M·year tenNI are Keith Cor· drey and Unn Wiiiiama. Dlrector for one year (to complete term vacated by Cur) will be William Grundy. Tenn• of Incumbent di· recton continue u f0Uow1: How· ard l.Awla. 'IWS; Leon Ware, 'r>7, and Charle1 Lamb, ':17. The awardinr of LIYC'e t o p troph.I• tor '56 WU al80 01\ lb• apnda. llASll.&LL HONORED Honon Given Banquet Meet perpetual wu awarded to Keith Lumpln, with MCond place going to Bob Bngan, third to J o h n Blalt>n. IU:NOYEU 8COaE Flahlns laureil went to t h " Harold Kenoyera. The Clarenct" Beebe trophy for the member catchlnr the largut marlin dur- lnJ the ye&r (1:)2 Iba. on light tat:kle) we.nt to Kenoyer. Mn. Kenuyer eamed the Paul D•niel per~tual f?r hauling In the larg· eet albacore I 24 lbll., I ou . on 3-3 tac kle). A brand new LlYC junior award, the M. A. Ander10n tro· phy, wu· announced. A• donor of the trophy, .Andereon explained the award la not neceuarlly a yearly preaentation but will go to a younpter, under 21, whenever hi• yearly a e t Iv I t t e • warrant .ame. 8.&WYEB HONORED An utonl.lhed Burke Sawyer wu called front and ce.nter a.a flr•t w1nner, for belng the junior On the Jut day lent•ce wu 1J\own I atter all tbtr• were m.any lovely allver trophlea) and we went weed f11hlns ( Y"llowtail Tbac.11er a nd Annette Th acke.r anrt 1tcrra mackeren. O. T won the t rophy for aggregate point.I. HIKb point winner wu 0 . T. Thacker: etcond high point winner; Ray Roe mer; high point woma.n. Annette Tha c-kt>r. 11ttond high pornt wnman waa a Ut' with Doris Van Dam<' and Emlly Roe· mer t Dorl11 w <.n the t 08.3) , la rg· cat co1·b1na, O T. Thacku . Bt'C· ond I a r Rt' 8 t n>rbma. Annette Tha r ker; lari;est ~•err-a mackerlll 0 . T . T hacker, second largPsl 111· erra, 0 . T Thacker, l&r(t'St tora. Frt'd Johnson, 11c•·on•1 huse•t Lori• Tom W1lll&m:<. Nol NIOU~h pr1H8t" Clln be t'X· tender1 l o E. C. Vim Da me, R Koy Dooley. C. E. Om1h and ue Jonas. for tht'lr untiring efforts In m1tking th111 t11urnement 1 11 out11tandini:-sul'<'l'li$, S EW OUU BALl.S Ever hear of an "odd bttll" '! Perhaps not .. but in th18 per tlt'h• l•r sense 11in1tleton flshem1en were 11Hecllonatcly dubbed "odd ballll". T hus did not prove lo bt &a dlsadvantageou11 u you mlc-bt think aa the ueual camaraderie amonr tl11hermen prt'vatled, Your11 truly, for one, ia counting the day• until the next t ournament. lnc.ldentally lhe International Salltl11h and M11rlln Tournament will be comlnr up In April -1:1 to 20-for which the Balboa Ang· ling Club la the J\oel club. Commodore M. A . Andereon p,_ted the Tbomu Rutter ~rpetual to John Huk~, to r diatlnplahinr himaelf In yacht· mr duriftc the put year. who contributed an outltandlnr ------------- Wlnller ot the DeMark c u p wu none other than Commodore Andttloa for betnr t.he a d u I t member wbo entered the moat race. 1poneored by LIYC and tal· lytnr UM moat point.a. 'lbe Robert Bopn albatTOU job for LlYC lhl• put year. Over 200 membera attended the annual meeting and dinner· dance. Staff commodoNa p~aent Included Cutt Chapman, H a y Lanl"lfthelm, Georr• C&rrlnston Jr., Boward Lewi• and Cllarl .. Lamb. MEXICAN HOSPIT AUTY ~ACr Rshermen Enjoy Visit Even with Marlin Missing 87 IOl8. ILAY (STELL) MAR8H6-ll\ ,,red of TV, telephone. and ticker tapea ! O. K. -go down Mexico way. The gTacloua Melli· cu people who place family We above ewrythlng and with un· complalnlnr cheertulnea1 know bow to rel&x, live and lov~ teacb the accreaelw American• tha t tile &lmJf hty dollar la not u valuable u we t blnk. lpeaklnc for 32 e.nthualuUc a.ncler1 . wbo tr&ve.led 140 air mU.. to the .Annual Ught Tacitle Marlin Tou.mament of' the Balboa An(llng Club which wu beld at M.&latlan Dec. ~9. wbat lmp~ ed WI m09l wu the tranqullity of the Ood·made ha.rbo:r 111.lch u M.u&Uan provldee a heaven oa •rth. We know that tbe marlin and Milli.ti Huon IJ no'l tope WI time tYI ,._;., but tOlt Ule nr1t time a complete blan.k wu drawn and It would nave to hap- p.n to our ran1. lloftV.r. thl• made ua feel right at home and after a.11, B UI, flah are not too Important. HOSPITABLE FOLK t o Jerry Barnard for lnvttlng u1 to cockl&lla at the new Balboa Club de Mnatla.n. Thia •pot will be a paradlaical lnveatrnenl for tuture anr lera. The modern P ia.ya de Mas&llan wu the ecene ot a cay and lively cocktal,l-dlJ2.n_er party. Roberto and hll lovely Ann opened thelr ch&rmJJlr Mexi· can·a ppolnted home for cocktal11. How could we Improve on ac· coouriod&Uona? J'or youn truly the good old almoaphe~ wu per· feet (boa co.natrictor 4Uld all-ven lC 1 did not meet up wllh hlm- perbapa It'• a lerend). But you may a1ao enjoy the aeml-(Tlodem. It you are a gourmet -the food i. p&r excellence. 11.A.TTU OF TaOPllU:8 Inctdent aUy, 1Jnce we wer~ a ftlblfll croup, there LI the matter of trophlea. TIM only dolphin wet~ In w ae a 22 pounder brou(hl In by Ray, Roemer. An· nelte Tha.cker releued a dolphin. l'our A u t b o r la e d THAL 0 0 flbeJ'llau Dealer lo the Harbor A1 a huah of peace Calla over the walling world and all eyea behold lhe 1Uenl , knowln&' atara above . . . we take time out th•• Chri1tm u Eve to expreu •int ere food wlahet1 to you all McDonald's Paint Store 1870 Harbor Bh•d, C.ta MNa U 8-HH Ble•s lbe.te ho•pltable and lov· able Mexican people -to m&.ke orttli ~n~c~rwrn. ed. dined a.nd cocktailed Ill to Ule point where we all wa.nt to re· tum. Our alncere t.hanka to R-Ob- ert.ct Ooru tlu , Lula Patl'On and Ernuto Cop~I and their beautl· f\11 .. noru for eo laYlaJ\ly •ter· latnlnc the STOUP at nvmtf'OU* oock\&11 si-ruee and banqw~ll and ~J'JHl.f_....~--fi--'iiiiiR..---·-J.r!L.n;UUI,....~-' ,."' clue problem• to aa. Pacific Fibenjloss HOl \\'. Co.el a..,,.. n . u 1-u11 Aeroa fro.m All·Americaa MJrt. !T CllISTMAS lrom the home of Sovth Coast Co. Newport Blvd. at 23rd St. Harbw 2600 .,.. ................ • .. IAf 'M lloelU NOM ITOH•, • '°"" • A COM""1 UNI Of .............. to all of you Red Croa Asks Read~ng Matter for Servicemen SANT& ANA 10CNSI A call hu bel'n 'sent out by the South.-rn Oranco County Chl\plt"r ot tht' Am<'r1can Rl'd Crnllll for p•per·ba ek"c1 book11 a ncl 11111llll magaaineA f1\r u,,.-by Marines en· headquartera. 1104 W. Ith 8t .. Santa Ana. not later than Dec. 30, l'QUle to O\'f'lseas lluty Q.ab()l)1.6 Troop 8h1p11 are no1 cq111ppt><l I q w1Lh llbra1y 1al"llltles for lht' h•rg•' ~ numb<-r of ll\('n tr·anspor.l'd 111111 the cons~qul'nt. nt"ed ror reacting .J;, • • • ma ter lnl h 11A bt'en bmu~ht lu l he allentlon or lh1· R,-d C'nl.'ls. Barn<'y Jo'rt"t'b<'!r·n. Rtd C1·0& rtelrl ,11;edor et 1::1 Toru Marln1· 1 Au· Slallon, uid· a con I mgenry ,,f troope 11 leaving the bust' ln the nt'ar r11 111re and Is in nel'ct of dlt> smell h•w•4• nnd mllgl\Z:llll'I! I ,.~·· Stricker Mann•; The matr r1 .. 1 sho11ld b<' (>f fl'· I , cent vmt.age, o(flcl11li1 s11'1, lln<I i HSO \\' ('ua .. t tt"A) · s hould be brought or ~enl lo th~ \."" n Southern Orange County r h11pf(r J ...... ,, .... ,•;\!&. W-.., · 1 · Mesa Boat & Hardware 220 28th St. Newport 8Mcb Chrh-Oralt Boat Kit• Bo&t Bu.Udere llaalouta Motor Be.,.U PauaUDr St--re 0~• o.8J I a.m. to 10 p.m. LYLE A. HOSKIN & SON IU O "" Coul Hw)'.-Oppoelt41 .. 7 Olull Our Sincere Thanks to You • A JOYS Of THE SERSOn rwr1 "° ~· ., '°"'' " -c..,,,_, ,,., of f.w..l.1h;, -J.,J, • ...ii. ·-,ooJ WUHI IO #If from all of us '':J~oJe /atufouJ cfe~manJf" W. D. SCHOCK CO. MM 29t.h 8t. Barbor 1518 Very Merry Christmas KENNEDY 811 FILM EDITOR'S ~IATH NOTICI POLICE al" the INJctlbor•' ~ «>ritnbutlon NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PAlt I • ,AeE 7 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, ltsl Newport, Coda M111 Pl1ee i1 A1111I Coiled c. ...... ,,_.,,... ..... "Bn.tly put." JM add.s. "unckr BOAT BURGLED rull R ottman ot Coata JjM& save c r ' ..... ~ ... U:am a Cbrl.tJllu ...... and \he Jf.ul\'L"i 8111UCY the All·AJDeric&n Market and Coat.a 11 ... Uofta Club cu.e ul'I obta1ned a Larae bullet of food wit.II a l&rl'• turkey. Prtnte Chrbtlan Sdence fun· w~t -i alt.bouftl they were All t.b•M rtfla will ba flwn to er&l MT"icee for Marvin D. 811'\lley , pnp&l'ed to ,.,,. In &ddiUoe to \he Porten on Cbrwunu ave. High Quality Printing-Ph. Har. 1'1' U.. ptopoMd MW lntupret&Uon Of tbe rule, t.be more ru appliuc:.e \lad, the &""•ter the frM allow· Newport Beech wu Meoftd a.ad ance. the ru company wtll m9Jce Co.ta M-Ullrd In Clue I city La pro'fidlnf m&ln and Mrv1ce U · rompetltlon tn the &Jtnual "tO tenaion11 and connectlona." Bul'(lary ol It.ma Y&Ju~ at MO trom the 31 ·ft. yacht Mme-Leone U wu reported to Newport Be.ch police yuter- day by l"llm Editor Danld Mandell of 10'2'7 Okep 8L, North Hollywood. 'ni. theft occurred here aometime be· twMn Saturday and Ttiunday, Mandell aald. h , of 111 E. Ocean P'tont wUI be --:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:;;;. MIJ.• Of Chnatmaa lmll•" OOll• tut Hunllnrton a.&ch captund Yaaclah Rllill Decor t.be tint place trophy. The Newport S-Cb Clvtc Cen· tu dl1ptay wtlh the bur• Saat.a C'laua prepannr to d..cend th• chimney, won the Outatand1n1 ct~ lhhlblt Award. Hununr· to:"I S.acb wu eecond. A ftrat place honorable mtn· tlnn went t.o N91dent. of 81p&l William Kanold' of llOl Hth It. notified police Thurada}' t h Chrl•tmaa daco~tlou out.aide hi hom• had been dMtroyed and an tmlt&Uon anowman c:&l'r1ad a-y. Decorat.lou on th• Newport Ialand brtdr• ••hi &l.ao damartd, Kanold reported. Road. Newport Helfllta, for their ------------ Strut ot Glut Ca.ndlee. Th• block·lonr dlaplay won almllar PARKING hOllOre In ltM. Lel\DI& S-Cb won both th• lrWMptlt&k.. t~ for bMt OY• •rall deconUona and th• Harry Wekh trophy for the ahrtna beat dapleUft&' the ,.IJrfOWI aplr1t of Cllrtltmu. Tha ~· Beach alu1ne, an· larsect to Include &n anrellc hoet &nd the Chriat atar thla MUOI\, won the Welch award In tlil:S.. HunUnrton Be&ch'• Ocean Blvd. ohlbJt ot 8&nt.& a.au. and ht. rel1'4Mr won U.a beat downtown UpUnr award. 1ea1 Beach p1ned nm place ttonon '\ C1&aa n clU•. San Clm!mle U MCODd. Dula Point Ullrd. m011l&, ncommanded the realpa· UOn of Councilman Charita Te· Wlnltle be accepted with rerr•t and a ..Ut.able re.olutlon be drawn up by the city attorney eapreHln( the ctty'• apprec:ta Uon for hla Mrvica to the community. rr-t permit wu stven t o the can Lesion for a dance to be d -.ch Baturd&y ntp t tor the nat ab: month.a. Permlta _,. &l.ao approYed for a New Taa.r'• EY• dance at Ba.rold'• a- t.aurant, and to t.be Newport Har- bor S.Yenth • day Adv.nu.ta to p~ Chn..t.maa carola onr a Joud ..,.Uer for 1 ~ baun a nlpt for -JP'or Ula nn..t I.a Oommere!&l four nll'bla Juat bef01'9 Chrlatmu, PrinUftS oaU Harbor 1tlt. Job and &1.ao a permit t.o eoUcJt tuada PrlaUef D:putm•L · for enn,.U..Uc work. TODA Y'S N. Y. STOCK I REPORT &--COMMENT DEA TH NOTICI KU. TAl'lal: ... IUDJIAN lnveatlpttnr offlcera Nld the •u.apacl p\llled ope11 the canvaa coverl.nr the cockpit, entered the it.em and broke open the hup on the cabin door. Taken wer. a tlahlnr pole, a 400·ft reel and a jack· tt. Le.ft were a radio and other valuablea, police aald. beld at 2 p.m. Saturday 1n Park•· RJdley Mortuary Chapel, Coata w.... Mr. 8.mlley puNd on Y•· tenS&y, In Hoec Hospital aner a ahort IUn-. He wu a naUve of Onalulte, Wlac. and e&m• to lh1a it.at e In 1126, bad Uved In thla community for 20 Y•"· He wu a retired trutlc mana1er and a life member of ICmulaUon Nuon· le Lodre. P' • AM 216 of Clinton. Iowa. and of th• Conalatory of Ulat lodge. Survivoni are hit wife, Grace. of the home; a eon. Frank, Lo. Anrelu. Interment will be In Spnnrdale Cemetery, C 11 n to n, Iowa. S.,-••-'119,.., tlN It .... '-'•··~ tt....,.. Awe. IM f , HerW BW., c.ta J \~~-~ Christmas Greetings • May the Star of BethJehem shine anew in our hearts, light. ing the way to Peace end Good Will to all. WASEMILLER'S Mn Tau b4l rrtf!dman, 87. f'lf 207 Oflltva l l.. HWIUnJloft lleaeh, j died Dec. 21 at Loa AnJ'elM CM• f'rll.I Ha.pttal She wu born In I P oland and bad Und In Hunt· 1 11\&'tOft it.ath tW'O y•ra. She ,. 11Unr1~ by two d&uctit•ra. Mrw I 87lvta liD• of Ulla city and Mrw. RoM Wat)ll~ of Huntlnrton Be.ell. Harborites, , Oraveelde aervlc.. were btld today at 11 a . m. In W•tmln· •ttt M9mortllcl Parll wtth Rabbi Roaant>.rw oftl<"l•Un1r. Bale.. MM· tuary. Corona deJ Mar, In cherr of llrT'&l\J.in•nt.&. tJK8 MJ:W. &lfOL18R IUCl:ft II" bicycle In l'OOd condJUon. ~ xmu rtn. no. Hanor 1t4t·Jl. tlpeO 80XEft Pt1Pa. A.KC Nf. lift N. hnadale, Ana.helm. K l:y· atone 3·1311. t lcOO ~ ........... ... for the wonClerfut, warm welcome you have 9iven our beeutiful "STUDIO OF LIVING SOUND" May We Wish You All A Hi-Fi-Records-Pfeyers-Redios~usic Systems bushneJl's HAR•OA HI· ... Harbor t&al I ~~·. In Decorators ·colors One Group in Fringed Antique Satin Pastel Colors Filled with Kep~k ALL ~ SIZES AND SHAPES One Group in Pastel Antique Satin Zippered-Filled with Foam Rubber One Group of Corduroy All Shapes & Siu1 Buttoned- From 2.95 to 4.75 Priced at 4.75 From 2.25 to 4.75 . OPEN WED., TRU88. a FBI. EVENINGS THIS WEEll DICK MACKER FLOOR COVERINGS 3420 Yla Udo Cvpet.a for every room la JOW' bo-Md yacllt Oomplet.e Declaratlq Se"'- Newport leacll wish to Extend to You and Yours BEST WISHES ..... 4321 A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS ROY CARVER PONTIAC '· \ = = • • • i • .. = I .. • = E .. .. • .. = . ~Dedica.tion \ - C~remony at .Christ Church Dedication of a new 1ectern Bible !or the church anc- tuUJ d be an Important part ot the morning ..-vtcee aa Qariltmu Day at Chn.t Church By the Se&. Thia larp new Bible la ln tbe recent ReTi8ed Standard Venion. 'bound in maroon morocco leather. The Bible ia & gift iroa OlllUNlJ:H .. CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE' . AT SAINT JAMES CHURCH FNtival Communion at St. James, traditional midnight ~dleUght eervice, will be third for Epiacopaliana on Cbriltmu Eve ana will be followed by two morning rites on Cbriatmaa Day. Earliest will be at 4 p. m. Saturday. a carol .ervice for the primary department, with ain1ing by the Cherub Choir. At 7:30 p.m. there will be a family candlelight communion eer· vice with elngtng by the Junior Choir while the Senior Choir will participate In the 11 o'clock rile. l'ltJNDAV There wtll be Holy Communion &t 7 &.m. Sunday. t.'Ommunlon and •em1on at 11 a m. at 9 1~ am. with <'Ommunlon and healing ltr\'lce at 10 ;30 a.m. . TO l:Xt'AS D Enl11rging o! tht' chur<'h will ,,1en ne:-tt yenr and ll building committee hu been namet.I. lt ln- t·Jutles Lyman ~·a1well, Mnlor war· den: F reJ S. M&rkham 111ut Gt'orfe HolBttan. PhllmC'r Ellt'l'brcwk I• bera are the RI\'. John Parke en• from the veatry. Wllltam 8 . Kil pe11kk and J . E. Pinkham: from the Pa rent•' Council. &bert ln· gold a.nd Mni. VII an E . Couch, trom the perteh et l•J'l'e. Mr1. Henry Celee, term• of otflce run· mng untll Lh• May, 1966 vealry meeting. J&<'k Pullt:n, ronntr principal ot another church Khool, h&1 bttn aJded to the •<'hool •tatf AnnuAI pariah dinner hu bt'rn tel for Jan. 12, 1966. At th&l llrne H er bt>rl Holker wlU t&ke ov41r 1!111 lrs u <'hurch treat1urer. BAHA'I FAITH Pr•ter DiscuuiOft Study "It 11 I he wllh or our hM venly Fath .. r 1hal every heart a.hould rrJolce and be filled with bapp!· neH; that W• llllOllld ll\•e to- &eU1C'r ln ~llt'I~ ancJ Bah a 'I Wrtlln& Wrdaf'tlday. 8:~ p.m. Phone I.I 8·1638 --I.I 1·1111 · Harbor 011'10..,, Pre ·~ chlldren ot U'I• nur-.., and ~ In th• churdl lldMlol wtl1 i-rtJclpate l.n the e&rty •l'Yice at l :IO L m. Led bJ their teadltr. Mra. J'rancee ~lllott, they wtU 1f.nc, "Chrllt· lllU Bella" and "Awa7 Ia A Man· pr." AU dllldnn ot the JWtlor Department wtU attend thil early 11emce. ains bJ the cqnl>tned Choraller Uld ~wary Q\oin. An offer- tory eo10, "0 Holy Nlsbt" by Adam wUI be mrll' by Kn. WUll1 Jl'lelda. Ttle Chrillt.mu eermon at botb Ml'vtC9e bJ the ~. Roy A. Cari.on wtll be. "R-ttnbertnl' Cbrtlt On Chrillt.m&I." I TICE •AnVE LAlfD of Saint Nicholas-or "Santa Clau1," a• hie n..-hu come to be wrlllm and pronounced In America-- win honor hlm UUs Christmas by llluinc a spttial stamp throuah tlw sovernmMt'1 Post Oft\C't! ~partment. It you're 1urpr~ to reed that the North Pole has a post otliC't!, the expl1nallon is th1t -·re not referrina t.o the North Pole, tor St. NKk'• native lend waa far from there Indeed: he waa born in sunny Turkey, In the palm-coWftd province of Anulya on the Mediterranean. The abow ponra1t ii found In Turkey in the church where he .erved .. a biahop tantil hie death in S42 A..D, Reoowned few hil m1ny kind de9d&, and esped1lly for hia lovlnc lft'ft'OSity toward• Th1l· dren, the aood biehop hu beconw a le1end1!7 ft.s:ure in the folk· lore ol mfllY NUona. To att0mmoda~ the m1ny· tr1velen who 'lvialt the ebwd\ k>cat.ed -in the blue moun&aiN of the city of The Brotherhood of St. Andrew will meet a t 8 p.m. Monday, Tue.11· uay at 8 p.m. there wtll be a <'&.sl party tor the Youn1 People'• Fel· lowshlp, which lut week pruenl· ed Ill alxlh ollo ahow. preparing plan1 for openlnr the r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; eut wall for an annex •ml for a balcony at rear of tho church. Special Chn.tmaa muatc tor th• iucond eervtee at 11 o'clock will be under the direction 0( Mn. A. J . Rutter. ni. anthem, "A Chrllt-- mu H:rma" by Junpl will be Three Services for Lutherans Two beauUfut •n1c.. of ean· dl•ll«hllnlf at T:ao p. m. and 11 p. Jn. will hl1t•.ll"1t Uie OlrUt· mu Eve obeln'Ulce a t Newport Harbor Lutheran Church. YOUTH OllOUP8 Youth of the church t.•• two ••enlD&'• ot holld&J acuvtu.. juet before Cbltltmu. On 'Dlund&J, the annual Chn.t.mu' 1' outh Ban· quet wu held in Ooodell B&ll, Mrwd by the Women'• Boctety of Chriltian Bervt~. Teachen and cowwek>rw ot the youth clUMa _... honored ru-ta. Tiie Rev. Noel LeRoque, mint.st.er ot lh• nm M.ethodlA CbW'dt 1n Oni.np, wu banquet 9)>Mlter. Tontpt, Ule ...uor 'fltp youth will vtlllt older and abut·ln -berm wtt.h carolinl'· Choral Vespers at St. Andrew's A Chrl•lm&I choral "9per Mr· Vice wtll be h&ld a.t I p. m. 8&· turday ln st Andrew'• Pnl9by· l#rian Church. The Sanctuary Cholr wtl1 lllJ\I eome of the mat choral mu.ale and the Rev. Jam11 Demn, the Tllrkilh aowmrnent hu ~ • new roecl. BibUcal tndition la very rkb U'I the ancient lands of Turkey. 111 the city of Antioch, where the followers ol Christ !\rat called thltnlelvea Chrlatl1na, the 1ite whrre St. Pewr ~ the first Mus cen •till br Men. lbny other saints. lncludin1 the Apostles Paul, John, Jemes, Luke and Barn1by were bom In thit region. Mary, Mother of Christ, retired aftrr thlt Cniclftxion to the city of SpheMaa. where her •bode h• bHn excavated and opened to Uie DUblk bf the Twkiab IOwmment. Prayer Guild Will meet Dee. 29 Lutheran Group Seats Officers l nslal111tlon of of t Ic e r • by Pa11tor Lothar Tornow and adop- tion .or the .Jlew con•tilution waa accompllahrd al the tint offlclal meetln1 of the Christ Lutheran Women• Ml111<lonary IA'ague al the parish hoWle . .M r11. Gary FTed- rtk11en 111 chairman of the Par· liih Workers a.nd Mra. Kenneth Dutro of the A Lt a r So<.'lt'ty. Chrt1tmu retre11hmenta were 11er- ved by Mrs. Dutro and Mra. Frednkaen. 81nf1nr at tJte early 11ervtc• will be the 45 ~le• chlldr..n'• Carol Cholr under Ult direction of Mre. Robert Orontund. T ll • Chancel Ololr will pr-11t lhr" a.nUlem.t at the 11 p. m. Mrvtce. Director ol the S5 wlce fTOUP le Fred Martin. Ouutmu En .. rmon by Pu\or ft.obert B. Gronlund wlli ~ NN1"1t of Won· der". St-art wUl 1IY1 Cllrlltmu ------------------------- Harbor Rest• Memorial Park 'nit Chr1tlmu Dey ol>Hrvance wtU bt combined with UI• nru· lar Sunday worehJp lnlo OM Mr· Ylce at lO:SO a. in. BolJI dw>tn w1Jl atnr and Putor Oronlund'1 .,._'111on lbeme wtll be "Day of Am.-nent", No Sunday IChool will l:le beld t ll"-r Chri.tmae or New Y..ra Dey. Family Services for Presbyterians readlnft. Four-Square Church Rites On Chrl1lmu Day at eo.ta Mua P'our Square Church. 1734 Oran1• Ave.. chlldreta will pre· Mnt a prorram durtn1 th• Sun· day echool bour. 9:30 L m. Each ct.pa.rtmrnt wtU take part and at cloee there will bt a l1ft for each child. At tbe worahlp •met the Re•. V. C. Houres. putor, will ll&ve u topic ot hi• meaaac•. '-rh• Cbrlll Who .. Lord ot .A.11". On Ctl.rtatmU llUftda7 eblldrt11 ot klnd...,..n. .,. and elder Tll• Rev. ud Kn. William Nlckenon, racUo paetore. wtll be will attend lb• famn; church ln charr• of tbe 7 p. m. Mrvtce, .. mce wtth tMlr parmll et both pnMnUl\J en tlhalJtrated atory on 1 :30 aad 11 L IL houn at 8t. "When the Kini Came". It wtll A110r_.a ~urdL ni.r. wm be t•ture radio arti.t Cla.rtnce ao 8Und&)' lklllool c1-e. •t c ... ry of ..._. a-.ca.. a.ial.ed by Clt'e wtll M pl'O'f'lded f« dLUc1r9 Clannce, Loie &ad CUol Buchlll. throup 4 ,_,. flll .,. wtaUe Merlin a.nd Mary R.ay. ,.,_.. .,. at ....-.ldp. 1emc. en open to the Jl'lbllc. Living Picture Program -lS-Giv-en HighAcclai-~ Cralc Alktl Nutter in the var· lout ecenee dt'plctlnr the Infant J .. ua. There WM a pner&l feel· tnr that the p«rformance had prot .. lonal quality comparable lo Ule Art h.Uval •ch ewnmer IA ~ ~ lo the Rn. PAGE 8 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 Mawt0leum-lnwmM'a& Gardea•, C'eaM'tery HMbor at Gleler SERVICES AT COSTA MESA lST BAPTIST The Rev P. O. Ne11111ann, ot the Ftnt Ba.pt.lat Church of Coat& M u&, MAlgn oha and Banta A na Ave• .. will have u hi• 1«m1on topic a.t the 11 a. m. worship wrvlre. "How Thi• Chrlatmu Can Be The Happlut " Al 7 :30 p. m. the putnr will havco ae h la 1ubJ<'•'t, ''Chrlatmaa Tft.g<'dy Tum~ Into Trlumpll ~ T Mre wtU be 1peclal mu1lc al boUI eer· vlcee. The Sunday School con· ven .. at 9:•~ with elute• for au area. W~nudsy nl~ht al 7 30 the ueual Pral•e and lhbl11 Study group will mef'l and al 8 30 p m. th,. varloua . !!'•)'er p oupe will connnC'. 'l'hey aro etudylng 1n t.-posl· lion of the F"lnt Epl•tlt> Of John. Theme for the 11t1.1l1y I& "Pleuure of Ftllowlltllp M T'onlshl al 7 30 the Sun· day School 111 prr11entlnir ll Chr11tmu pro1trAm In the cllurch anctuary. BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA MESA CHA.PEL 1741 Supe,rlor Avenue Co.ta Meat.. Calif. Pbone Llberty 8-2121 CHAPEL BY THE SEA 3!120 E. Cout Blvd. Corona del Kar, Cal.If. Phone H&J11or U BecJinning New Year January 3 ttt.... wRI be some YCICClllCles In tlte prl111ary --......... tary .,.c1n of St. Ja111e1 Day School • AppUcatJoDI wlD be rettlved at the Cha..rcb School Office PbOM Harbor S989 ~v. RoUo M. Bou.· &l'fl<'tor St. James Day School "EP1800PAL" NEWPORT BEACH Nearly llOO pereone witnfflld the drama Uc pa14'anl. "U~ Plctur" of the Ufe of Chl'Wt" 11•• at Chrtlt etiurch by Ult a.a ln Newport Beach on 8u11dey and Mond.ay. Dec. 11 and 11, Tbe ~e cut 1.Dehaded M penona ol th• chl#'dl &114 cll\are ll aclw>ol. la addlllcm m-y otllir pe,_ We1"t lft the tech.nlcal 1laft to arnnp U1ht111r. 1taJ1n1• C09tum11, pro· pertlH and make up. ftOJ Clu'l90n. 1'tle Ufhlinl'. ooe-~~~~~~~-~~~~'...'.._~~~~~-.---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wm&n1 and m&k .. up were out· 'nit Pr«>fTIUTI wu enUlualuU· u.lly acclaimed by all wllo •• It. A. lovely part of Ult proinm ..,.. th• appearance of baby At Christian Science Church Th• Chrtelmu D&y l.A..on· lermon ln all Cburcbn of Chrlll.. k le11U.t. •Ill be on the eubjeet "Chrt.Uan Scltnc.." l ncluded In tlle rud!J\J from t.bt Bltlle by lhl &econd Readt:r Oirtet Jeeua decla.ru. "I have yet many thlnp to H y unto you. but 1• c&n11ot bear them now. How· btlt when he. tht Spirit ot lnlth, i. «>mt. he wtll (\ll4-you tnlo all truth: tor he 111&1.l not irpeall of blmKlf: but whai-nr he 1llall h•r. that ah&ll ht -i>Mk · and h• will llh-you thtnp to come. Rt ahall rlorlty me: for be ahall ncelve of mine, a.nd .-hall •-It unto you" I Jalm 19: 1M4>. etandlnr to riv• a Viv!d aenM of reallem to t.be entire procram. The papant wu dlre(ted by Mra. RoUy LMh Vllel of B&lboa lal&Jld. 8he .... umtated by Mn. Leah Lancer ln chars• of •tar· lng and Mni. A. J . Rutt.er ln charrw of all mualc. Ttl• accorn· pant.ta were Mn1. Omer Jae.obi and Betty Hacen. At th• clOM of ttw Mond&y "mini ptrfot"ll\Ulce bot choco- late and COtfH wen Mrved with bom•made eookiM to the mem· bt1'I of the cut.. Ttllt hoepll&Uty wu planned by mvnben ot the Woman'1 8oc.lety ot Otrt.uan 8t:mce. Communion at CdM Church Holy Communion wUI bt ob- eerwd &t the 1!45 L m. eervice at Corona del Mar Community Church on CluUtmu Sunda,y. A recular wonhlp hour wilt be beld a t 11 o'cloc:k. Ttle Rev. mctwtn C . Gomk•'• M.rmon topic la eaUUed, ''The Grace ot God". The Pllrrim J'ellowlhlp wtU be repreMnted at M.Jdwtnter Confer- ence at Claremont. Dec.27-U-ll. Tht Flrwt Reader wtll ,...d ror· N.l&U" pamap1 from "Selene• and Health wtlJI Key to the kr1pturwe" by Mary Ba)ler Eddy, UI• l>tecoYerer of Cllrtlllan Brl· ~:U. and 11..=., ~r 1o; ~: Cathedral Film at Newport Baptist Church ltatement. "Cbrilt'• Cl\ri.ltl&JlllJ .. UM eM&a of .cttftunc Mlnr re-.,,...n.c IA all ea-ea. ma.lllt.ain· Ille lta ~ e<>rTMlpOftd.,,ce WIUI U. kr1ptwee and wllllnl &U,... .. dM...,,. ol Ood.'' AJm. "Our ~ ~d. '!hat the A.t 1:45 L m. UM cburds liChoel ~ • , • aba1l tea.ell J'OQ of Ult nnt Bapuat atunib. 1U ot.p.•• (p. m> 19th a.ad Balboa BlYd .• wtll ob- TM Ooldm Tat ._ trom n .....,. Olr11tmu by the e&nl1nr 'GM (1:t): "lie lat aM4-th 1.n ot caroll and tll• ahow1nf of a a.. Mt1iM at OrWt. 1M baU1 colored. IOUDCI C&Ulednl ftb8mtp ~ G9 ft1Mr aad dlle lloft.." ''I'be Bethlehem Story." 'I'll• Chrtat.mu m-c-. -0.- naft mt7llCll OW CWt 111re ot All NaUoM," wtll be WWW'l'l81 ~t 117 U19 ftn. Hen.rt O. -~~'ft:.~..::=-at UM.,11 Lm. wonNp ~ "" .. ... Pnelnta ot eumed fooda and _.....,. ....... -11 • La ...,_ wUl att.U be ,..., .. tor UM ......,. _ .. ,. .. -...-Cllll' .. S... IA ... --,¥..:. . .,,... .::: ~ ... ~ .... ~ :.;::: .,.::, .. ~ ,,.... wUI ... eudlellpt ...... par 11mce at 7 p. m. Mld·WMk ftl .... II ...... .._. ........ Mui' ol P"-Y" W1U lie ba&d at =:.. .......... .., -a. ...... T .. & WednMd-.,.. , FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT Reliance Proudly Presents THE NEW SENSATIONAL Motorola TV RIGHT UP FRONT CONTROLS WITH OVERSIZED PICTURE r,:;;;;=1r,.,. • SeMGtional MODI\ 21T2SCM ..... m. 17995 Performance • Picture Perfect • High Fidelity Sound • Right up front tun- ing and Exclusive Push Button on-off Switch • Alumini1ed Tube • Tinted lens • lighted Selector Dial • Beautiful Styling • Gor9eov1 Cabinetry Home ~ •• r "'~ .. ""·· 0 pen SranJ..ye Pd Eoery Eet>ning Until 9 :30 RELIANCE Applmce Service Co. ., I"~,.. you Slaop in 2102 I. 1111 ST. Conf iden~~ and Bay for C..H" UITI Ill Kl 2-1658 Kl 3-7100 CHURCH OF REUGIOUS SCIENCE l'\CH OOI, BOARD Emut Holme•. founder. author of "Selem·• of Mind." Thi!' VNtry baa announrM the appolnt111ent of & new Dnv St'liool board i nti the ••loptJon toi a new school con11lllut1on eOard ITI<'ffi· SUNDAY SERVICES 11 Lm. .Jwalor Church and Nol'9f'ry Care 11 Lm. Rev. Ina Turk, MllU1ter LAGUNA HACH ART OAU.ERY B\'att 1-1!8' M1 Clift Dr. ' CHIU8TMA8 IN OUR ll&UlT8 " ... And 10 i n this ~ay. my cblldr•n. Cbti1t was born in Btthlehem.'' But Chri1trna1 ia more than tht cel•bntion of this evtnt which happen~ lone q o and far away. It i1 a prue.nt rulity. Through tht eyea of faith w• ate ourselvtt kneeling before tht mancer. We .vt come to adore o ur new-born Kine. Through tht wonder of faith, tht Chri1tma1 atory besome• 1hve. The Chriat Child i1 bo~n 1n our he•rts. T he angels speak to u1: "Bthold I brinR you t1dinrs of erut joy ••• F or unto you i born 1 h" day in the City o f David a Saviour, which 11 Chrilt the Lord !" Our Bethlehem today 11 our Church and Sun. day School. Let us go and t1kt our children to 0 w ouhip our new·born Kine. L'.lilk:::-:=7.~ ~·~"~------~~ ....... v .. This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms Mario's Smart Set Hair Fallal0111 Complete Stylln1 Permanent Wevtnr and Tlnt1n1 S407 East Cout Htry. Barbc)1' &UK NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. Complete Jlome Furnllhlnp 2620 \\'. Cout Hwy. Liberty 8-11 lS Fred Orgero11 CheWOll Senlce Tlre11 -Batterle1 --Acceuoriea Complete Lubrication 2100 W. BaJboa Bh•d., Newport Beach Harbor 1515 UNl9UE CAFE Brealc.lul -Lundi -Dinner 410 S%4a St., (ACl'OIJI from City !l&IJ) Ernie Chwch-THE ARCHES Union 011 Dealer S400 w. Cout Hwy. Newpon Beach u 8-9063 HOWARD'S RmAUIANT OoffM 8hop-O~ 24 h oure 19'6 W. C..t H7. (at Balboa Co~'M) Harbor M20 GEORGE M. GRAHAM· Ru1• a.nd carpet.a 122 Apte An. Balboa WMd . Harbor 3266 ART C. ICISTLD CO., ltalt_.. Bey J'ront 8peclall1ta 2901 Newport Blvd. Newport 8-cb Barbor 6228 NEWPORT HAUOR IANIC An lndtJ*ldcnt Home Bank Corou del MM The Port Hole lreokfast Hw Mldnl&"bt t.o 1l A. N. 2%17 W. Cout llbra11 Newport BMeb STAHORD & SON Eleclrtcal Contractora llO IU\·enlde An. Newpon BeecJa Liberty 8-2276 YlncHt's Rexall DnNJ Stor• Th,,_ locallona to Serve You Newport Beacll Balboe Corona def Mar Lan Wooctwortla Plaao Co. Compll!'tt Une of New A UMd PSanoe 2610 E. Cout ff•'Y· ELITI IEAUTY SHOP so.& Marille An. DICK MACKER DraperlH -Carp<'t• -IJpholt'tery Complete FrH Uffon Un1 lkrvlot 1420 Via Lido Harbor UU MAD MOORE NURSDY Cot Floweni -Ptt 8uppli.e Balbo& Blv._ at 2bt • I l Pope Lone . Tar to Rate HB AH-Stars Forward l:ddle Pope, high ecor- lng pertt>nner for the N-por t Harbor BSp 8cbool Sailors. wu the lone Tar dloeen on tbe Hunt· lngton Beacb Invitational All· 8tar Tournament team Jut week. Coach Julee Oal'e and hl11 guy• ''1tn18h@d ln, tblrd place to cham- pion Fullerton and aecond place Excelalor. The .Bailor quintet de- !f'1tled Bell Gardena and Oran«e. 1111tfered lone tourney defeat by the Pllota and knocked over Hunt· ln&'ton Be&cii'• ?I011t Ollera. The local ladl wtU get a chance for ren nge aplut Excel1lor In the Sailor (Ym next Friday nlgtit. Two playera from Fullerton and Excelalor were tabbed for the all· 1tara "'lt\ one ea&h from Hunt· ln(ton Beach, Anaheim and La· guna. Bia.Ides Pope, the other all- 1t11.r11 1elt>cted were Pete Long a nd Kent Pembroke, Fullerton; Stan McMlllen a nd Ron Booth, E.xcel1lor ; Don Heard, Hunting- ton &&ch: Cliff Rogere. Anaheim. and La.rry Blxley, Laguna Bear h. Aa n!llult of the tourney vic- tory, the Indian. aut omatically auumed favorttea role ln the Sun- at't League cage race, w ith New- port Harbor •lated for aecond place. Share Pirate Point Honors Ds ve Bldnlck and Denfty Fitz· pt.trick sha red high point honors for Coe<'h Stu Jnman'11 Onrnge Coo11t College Plratts In the re- ctnt Chaffey baskelba II tnurn1t· ment al Ontario. Each pcr C•Jr· mer flipped M markers thinugh thP hoop aa the Buca nabbed lhlrtl plaCP. LOSS. PAIR OF WINS FOR HBC CAGE FIVES 2 County Triumphs O• Slclecli 8th Graden Drop Overtime Go Opening encounters of Harbor Boya' Club Orange County Baaketball League entries in Costa Mesa gym Tue.- HARIOR ,o~ BILL PHil..LIPS, Sports F.ditor NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 day morning found t he local eighth gn.del"I dropping a -----------years ago. It wu re•vealed by Athletic Director Rod MacMll· 1 24-21 overtime thriller to Buena Park while the Boys' Club seventh and aixth grade quintets copped victories. The local eeventh JT&der bu-ny Hughes 8; Glenn Gardner 2: keteen romped over Buena Park Neal McMlllan l , and Danny Ar· rival• 40-17 while the alxth gTad-nold 3. era did llkewlae 36-22. With Tommy Bryan toulng ln TOUGH TUSSLE 8 point.a for hJgh acore, the aixUt The elfbth (Tade l'O wu a to41'?1 grade Harbor S oya' Club cager• tua1le au the way. The Har bor euUy rambled over the Buena Clubbera were deadlocked with Park oppoaltlon. Score by qua rters Buena Park at end ot the first favored the Clubber1 12·2, 20-8, quarter •-'· At haiftlme, the lead 32-8 and 36-22. Other local acor- wu held by the rlvala 11)-8. The ers: Eddie Hia tt, Dave RoSllO l\Md Clubbera. leaped ahead in the thrrd Jim Cur ti.11, • each: Gary Schones. period 18-111, but were deadlocked Dick P ettit, Denms Carpenter, 21-21 at the end of reg'UlaUon Roge.r Wataon and ~tlke McCarty, play. 2 each ; Bryan Lewla 1. In the overtime. Buena Park came t hrough With a 1ucces11ru1 Ch p foul •hot &.nd a<Mlcket for the vie-a pma n aces t ory. Bryan Lucu WU top acorer for P1·rate v1·c1ory the IOC&I younptera with 10 polnte. Other Harbor Boya' Club SPORTS ACE, BOWL HEAD VISIT HERE A 11porll figure and a mem- ber of the Rose Bowl Tourna- ment Co mmitt ee wlll be New Ye&r'1 Eve ~ueat.s at the home of A. A. tfamilton. 122• E . Ocean Front. Ralph D. <Let ty ) Sproul of Monter- ey, who waa a tootbalf, 1ft11· ketball and baseball star at K11nsas UnlvcrAity, and Tom H e I I e r ot Pa3adene, the B n w I committee meniberl!, will be there w ith their WIVel!. Sprou l 111 one of the few men to have retired from the U.S. Army aa a 2nd L L lh •erve1 as a marshal for Bing Crosby'1 annual golf tournament and lives juat oft one fatrway of the Monterey Country Club course. scorer• were Steve Robinaon 6. Jerry Hehn 2 and Rl.chard LA· Comb 3. Bob Chapman paced Crance Coast College'" Pirates l<> Tues-------------- Han. J'\ow t he nam~ Schultz may not ring • bell. but maybe that of ; P aul Neumann. who adoptNI the SC'hultz llllas for klcka, will Neumann, now or S tanford. W8J! one or the all-time Newport Harbor High Scnool baaketbsll stars Jut 1ea110n. Home for the 1 Chri11tmaa vacation. Neumann Jumped 27 In. to t op ti1e mark of 2~ • .. In. l!t>l by S.,rry, All-Sun- 11et League fullback, u a fresh- man. The no el best vertical weJI jump Mon<lJty was another ramll· I iar name -that of Tod White of Oc<'1den1al, holdf r or the CAll- fomla prep mile m11rk. White leaped 23'i1 In. Other outatandlng l m arks in the open dlvl1ion jump were J rm Schone1. 221.i. Rk h Palaterrl, 2•. and Roger Peter· son. 2i 12. Topping eighth gn der11 In the event were Steve Robinson and .. MERRY CHRISTMAS from ..... SportslllCllll Uquor Store * For your Christmas cheer we have gathered together a choic& 1tock of imported liquors, wine. and cordiala that we believe to be unsurpuaed in thil area. Jn addition to our selection of fancy gift decanters and gift wrapped paclcage. we offer a complete ae'.cction of popular. brands of Scotch, Bourbon, Dinner Win•, and Cbampag_ne, plu.e 1uch special items aa DOM BENEDICl'INE CREME de MENTHE CHERRYHEERING CHARTREUSE ROCK & RYE TRIPLE SEC * ANISETl'E CREME DE CACAO DRAMBBUI We Sincerely Extend to you Best Wishes for a Very Me rry Christmas "Doc" "Bob" "Jim" SPORTSMANS LIQUOR STORE 2823 Newport Bl vd., Nt"wport Beach Phone Harbor 1700 NE\'l!:K HEADF.D ctay night's 81-43 vu•tnry over UNDER AUAS the 'Redland'11 Frosh qulnt~t in Tommy S~doval 17 I~ Seventh ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The aevenlh grade quintet from Harbor Boy1' Club jumped Into a 12-t lead al end of Ole lnltlal stanza a nd were never headed. Al halftime. the tally favored Harbor 16-12. lt waa 32-17 In the thlcrJ period and t 0-17 at final buzzer. Dick Butterworth wu high point man with 20 polnta. Other HBC ma.rkamen were Butch Vine- yard 9 : Ronny PaJaterrl 2; John- the Buc's four team buketball It toumamenl. Chapman •cored 17 uuy Name of points tor high honors. Denny Fitzpatrick t nUowe<I s h I s with It> markeni. Other 11corer1 C U tz ets for Coach Stu Jnman's Eastern Conru ente chargea were Dave _Leap Record Btdntt•k 11: Ez Viii\ Hom 12. Don • l111nson 10; L<-e Dnughty b, Bill Wetzrt 2, Hill lnlOl'S 2; Ted Coutts 4. grade chimp w1<1 R u..e.11 Rapp, 18''J, follo,.•ed by Mli<e Bolton. 18 '•. Bryan Lewli topped 1lx th gradl!rB with a 18 In. leap. High Quality Printing, Phone Harbor 1616 ~ Jnauruce ...._. "'~"~ .. , ...,..... .,,... 11.ubor '1"q Thi'~" Bue• popped 20 p<)lnlll _____ ..;;;;;;;;;;;.....;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.. __ ..;;;;;;;;;;;.,,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ A 'g-1.1y by thP nam" ot Schultz Monday broke the Harbor Boya' Club verl1cal wall Jump record set by Charlie Berry a bout tour m ~ Ne11Vpert ........ Ollllf, t hrou11h the netting In smc1e games of the tourney. Jl'itzpat- n ck rttorded 20 aga inst Eut Los Ant;eleit, Bldnl('k 20 &flt'Aln11t Slln Bernardino 11nd Bob Ch1tp· ma.n 20 agAJnat Riverside. Othrr Bur 11cort'r1 In the tour- nry: Chapman 31 ; Ez Van Hom 29: Don MlnlJQn 26: 8 111 lnlor~ 22: 8 111 W l'tr.el I ~. Ted Coull• H . Jeddy Young 13; Stan Hop· kin• 2 Smith Cracks Rope· Record ttow11rd Smllh thl11 WN>k ""l 11 new H•rbor Boy•' Clllb record In thl' rope l'llmb, ahoo11nir up th,. 20 fl. lll'and 1n 4 08. l O 81llMh hla own mark of e Oa. wlllch wu IM'l IAAt Yl!al'. I Smllh wu nllW'l tlr•t IU'tlOnK h11th a.h•••I 1om~l ll•>r • In th .. d.i1111b"!' v. Hli J "rk H 11ye1 and l.A'wl• Fron•· tr\IHI df'1Mllod11n1r for H C'Ond •I II k~ O U01•r ml>f. 'llmh tlr•t~ 1M-ordrd t)y 111 .. .iu Ttttrtl, Oa "" \ ;1r 1111<1. Ill ii t 'ourth Tt'rrv Whtte l!l 7 1-'tfttt, ~ -Otnamr, ~ r. StkUI. J• d Huuaton , 10 6 . Sc vcnth, Mtkc Bnlton, 9 7. Etl(hth, Allan "'ood· lll'h, 10 3. BO YS' CLUB GYM HOLIDAY SLATE "4111 bor 8 0\ 11 1 '1t1h Ii: \'mnu- 1um "'II I~ """"i 1111 •Jay t ... '"""' '"' .l'unola v "'"' ~l11n 1~ ,. II """' annouru ,.,, l/y Athl«"llc I •1rM't11r R NI ~I 11 Mtll,1<11 llul 'rill'Jhl4t)' 1l1m11~h rn 11~y n" .. t W<'•k lhr ~\111 "'II t.r np<"11 fnr rr ~1111< • •1 I l\·1l 1r• frnm II A n1 lo I\ J' 111 l!Md f •Ill I\ ::11 I' n1 lo 11 :10 t• rn "' 1~! Going to the Debutante I Ball? •I ~nt a Tu ~ at 11 Mai or's Tux Shop '',I ('MYll'l~t,. Rf'nl•I "'4-n ,,.,. I f'llonf' JUmt ... rly 'l·.\784 103• 1 t:, "" ~I .. ~11nta Au ~i ()pfoft E vrnlnt• b1 Appt1lntmf'nt ANOTHER "FIRST' •••• for VILLA MARINA MONDAY, JAN. 2nd in COLOR v I L L A SH! Hearl Rose Parade on Cofor TV bea:innlng 8:30 a. m. Monday, .Jan. 2nd Football In Color TV from, the ROSt: BOWL l .( .t.A. \ ... ~l<'hir;an ~tat,. 1:30 p.m . ~nnda), .1811 t nd Special Breakfast-Brunch f '1onday, Jamar) Znd. 1966 t Ham -Sausage -Bacon -Eggs Toast Jam -J uke -Coffee t:njoy 8N'akfa•t-8rnnr ll or Lunr h In tlw Fc>pul•r AquM tum Room 1t \ Ula Marlna ,..·hllr you -and h,..r M A R I N A 111.-Roee raradf' It R._ &"'I G~ In ('olor. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year From All of U• to AD of i·ou Give for Christmas • lowllng Balls • lowtlng la9s • lowling ShMs VAN'S BOWLING 1'703 8apertor, Cotta Me.a BILL KIA)TZ. M~r. With the money-saving DEALS lt..£1s making •.• Everyday is Cbristmru; ealers W e're out for big volume and we'll play Santa to get it. We'll make you an extra-good deal, right now that will make you think Christmas is here Our top-volume ula mMD juat one thins-you can make a bill •Yins on • '56 Ford. With our qyichr-than-eTer turnover on IM!W Fania, we can olfer a bdwr-than-ner deal on your prell!Dt car. Here'• your chanee to rttill11 aave on t.he car that eot it.a gHtt.er from the Tb_underbird. Tbe •fie Ford is lone, &ow and lovely .•. Thunderbird-inspired f!'ff!rf inch ol the way. And the new Ford gou like the Thunderbird, too. There'• a Thunct. bird Y-8 engine• under that gleamini hood to put you aA«ld in an inst.ant. And belt of all, you11 aave on the car th.at brinp you t.he added safety ol Lifecuard o.icn-You Ket a whole family ol Ford afety featurea for added prot«tion apinat the major ea~ ol ICCident injuriea. •·•-"-. Thunderbird Y-8 power THEODORE ROBINS Your Ford Dealer Since 1921 Phone Ub11 tr 1-3471 3100 West Coast Highway .............. Oii ...... .-.... r t \ PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 'SANTA'S NEW PACK', CHRISTMAS EVE TALE 1he needed tor the aandwld1u. 10 the pocllete could be clowd up When the aandwlch• were all and UI• tor• woulda't tau out. made, and atai:ked 11eaU1 lJI Then. to make the bottom of rowa on the table, Mt•. Claua the aack, •he ptbered up a.II the went to Ule rtlrl•ualor a,..a.n mate.rial at the bolt.Om Wlckr th• and iot the m.UJt and ttrou,tit lt bl1 podl•r. and MWed It torelll· tu the table ln a blc pitcher. er aoo. ta. boUom. 8be pt a When the aandwicbet were all on piece of white tur (ldt over from the plat.., and the milk had been ll'l• n-wit ah• 0 had made tor paured In~ the rlaaaea, they all Sa.nte Claua) and aewed It to the wne very hun1ry and ate e.,.-Y bottom of the aack tor trtmmlnc. bile ot the aandw1chea a.nd milk. She put a atrip of white tur BV LOl'llilE WHELCHEL to ~att:er all lhe b'ocll• and put "You know," eald Sant.a.. u he around the top of the l&Clc, with put do,-hil 1a.-when ll wu a red cord runnlJI&' t.hrourh loope (Ed" l'>ote: The N-•-Pr ... lo· them In boxfll and baga. "You empty, "l've been thinking about ,under the fur. The cord could be day 11 prlvtleired to prewnt a uni· can put the bag• or big block• your kitchen, It'• very uay to pulled up a.nd tied, eo the baC que Chrlstmu gill ti) the chll· on the othu end of the bench,'' tlnd th1n11 when vou want them. would etay llhut and the t.oy1 dren or the Har~ area. a story I ahe told thl'm. Isn't It. m y dear.;' wouldn't fall out. Mra. 8 ant a written for them u pf'clally bv N ut they •II worked on th• .. .. Claua wanted Senta to have a LouJse Whf'lchel. New p o r 0t tralne and alrplanea together. All ,. Yei. It 11· replied Mra. Claua. beautiful aacJ< too. eo ahe made Helrhta. It'll well worth readlnJ Of lhe electric traln1 went on one l keep everrthlnJ In Ila own hla MnAlble ea.ck a. beautiful -pe..rllculf-l'IY on Chrl.st.maa Eve •Ide of another blc table, and all =~!! P~cek' ::: lh~he!0,;;!~ aack. -W.A.lt.) of the w ind-up train• went on "--•-Claua aaid. .. 1 wilh my While Ml"ll. Clau.e and the help· 8ANTA'8 Jllii"?;W 8ACI\ Santa Cls111s 11&1 on the floor of his bl&' work·fthop A II the tnya were really, 11pread out on l h,t floor 11mund him. J.fore toya wefe J>llet1 up on the> big tobles and on the benchri1. the other end ot the table. "You .,....,.._ 1 th k can gather all the tracks to· u ck were like your kitchen. Th.en era were aew nc up e new aac g~thl'r." Mn. Sa.nta told the llttl· I would know where the traln• and maklnJ all the pock,ta, San· were when I needed a train, a.nd la Clau1 wa.a very buay ln one eat helper. "and put the tracks the t1ol\a when 1 needed a doll. corner of the big aewlnr room. tor each train In a s~daJ box." Even atter we put the toyi to· He !OWld aome labela In one of Santa Cl11u1 'and Mra. C I au 1 ltf'ther, rm afraid they'll ge t lbe drawer1 1n the workroom. nntl 1111 tht> helpers worked very all m ixed up In the aack. and brought them to the aewlng hRr<I. S()('ln t he room w as neat .. 1 think we can work that room. Tbe.n he wrote the ne.mes The toy11 wert-vt ry mlxe<l up. ontf orrl!•rly. and not m1xe1I up out," Mt·a. ('laus aalcl. and llhe ut ~II the toya on the labels and and the room was vrry t1i~orrftr· nntl dlsonlerly 1ny more. "Now lltd at Sll.Dla ClliUll. "If gave 'them to the helpers to put ly. Sa ntft's llt>lpers stornl I n back we're •II rl'Rtly to par k my big em up on the zlppera. That way he ot Santa C"lnu11. readv to help u ck," s&ld S&nla. you and the. helpers ran work would know what wu In each pa ck the big l'l&t'k full nt toy1 "Nut quilt ," rephed M ra. Cla1111. with me. Wf' 11• make you e. &en· pocket. ind It would give him a tnr tht b<>y11 and i;1rll'I a ll ovl'r "WI' all nel'd 1-0m ething-to eat •Ible asi:k. v l 1 go Into my 11ew· bigger zipper handle tp pull. He the wor ld. betMe •tatting to work. Let's go ~nr .. room and see what we ca.n even made a labl'I tor one pocket Santa pulled toy11 Inward him Into the kllchl'n. and I wHI fix o. that H id "LETTERS TO SANTA a nd t1tl1 them Into bundl,.s. Mix· :1anctwichea and m ilk " "I do hope we ce.n figure It." CLAUS." Jn that pocket he would 1.~ ~tlaeftt would be made between Chrlatn1u s~Li-'ft..-.&.. t diw by La\&~ E Shot~!. Ill .,.., Tw a.nd New Ye&l"a. ~ lllWTT I of Co.-, POlt .. _ 1 B la t 100 •-'-l>'lower,. I t. Th• 1Wtat.ablr'9. yel· nT1 U "It m fbt be made lhortly alter Wf '7 o _ea_,lru the Clr.t," the 1poktaman aald, from beneath the Coata Meta I lnw, N'd. blue llJld ore.n,• In color. ORANOll (OCNl)--Oov. Oood-"aa the rovemor want• \o mue Park r...ndlt&Dd wu reported to a ll uv. 'Harbor Boys' Cl\lb' ewn• will KAia'hl'• office )'•ttrday told aeveral appointment• at the Mme CO.ta Mea police 1t 9 a. 111. Mon· rilled on them. <>CNS t.bat a ppoOltm•t of a lltC· time." p;.;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;...._.;. _________ iiiimii on4 judp for the Orang•-Santa ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; A.Ila Municipal Court probably exclalmed Santa aa he looked at b!At watch. "I can even set a.n early 1tart thll Chrl1tmu. 1'11 be home early, too, he aald. Banta Claua wu very very hap· py when he loaded Ule bl&' new aack idto hi. eJelch. He had puJl· ed lh• red draw etrlng tlfhl eo the toY• coul~ faU out of the aack. All the ~put were pulled tight to keep earh k ind to toy in Ila own 1ped&I pock't. 9*k Senke FO& Roller Shades atandud lbade aou.a u4 Cuat.om Bpeci&JUM e Drapery Bardwar. e Venill&n IWada CA1.L BA&IM\ll U6 THE SHADE SHOP &aa.d9t.Newpart ..... ............ omc. Sant& whi.Ued u he hitched th• relndMr to the 1lelrh. Thia ~==========~~ waa ,olnr to be a Cood Chtlat· mu, &nd a very ft1Y merry Chrlatmu. becauae everythtnr wu ready early, all the t o ye were In the pockela and wouldn't get.mixed up any more. The h 'IP· en and Mn. Santa. Claus were happy too, beca.uae they Uked to help Santa Claua w ith the Chrlat· mu toya. "Good-bye!" ~v ealltd Sant a •tarted otr. The bell~ on the 1lel1h Jlngl4'd a.a lt they were happy too. "Oood luck, Sant.a.," called Xra. Santa Claua. "Merry Chrlalmal'' Santa call· ed back to them u he drove oft. I aald Santa. "I have to lea ve llOOn put all the letteu be had -c·lv· ed up bund H of dolls and 1t•mt11 In the kitchen Mra. Clau1 told n ~ ant1 tr1.ln11 'llll'tre hard to lie to-thl'm a ll to •It down a t the table on my Cllrlalma.a trip. and 1 ed from boy• and glrla. IO he 1ether. anl1 the JltUe toys slipped while 1ba made the aandwlchu. don't wa.nt to be !alt tor t h " would be aure to five them Ule r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;~;;;;ii out from under t he ropea. Santa Santa Claua aat at one end ot the children on C'1rlitmaa." toys they wanted. w .. wwy unhappy. The more ht blc clean table. wtlh three belp-''Tbere'11 plenty ot time." Mra. "Thal'• a wonderful Idea," eald tried to hurry. the more dolla 11nd era alttlnir on one aide ot the Claua told him. "It we a.H work Mn. Claua, when •h• eaw what llooaa and boua ot crayona .Up· table and lhrM helper• alttinc on loJelhu. we'll have your n 8 w he waa dOlnJ. Santa Claue wu ped out oC the bund(,.., and landed the othf'r 11lde ot the te.bh!. That M Ck ready llOOn. very plea.Md. "I ~t the Idea in the bottom of the H ck . The ltn. a lot or room al the other In the aewlnr room. Mrs. San· trom the way you mark thlnp helper• couldn't make U\e toy• end ot the table tor Mra.. Clau. ta Claut 1ot out e.11 tbe red ma-In the kitchen," he told her. "like llla7 lJS the bWldlU eJUa.r. There lo ma.J<e lhe aandwlchu, tor Jt tertal ah• could find, a.nd ther.t lh•'can that 1ay1 "Flour" and the were j uet too many toya lo be la a very large table. can that .. Y• "Su1ar." p.cked Wa year. w ... loll or red maten e.l ~ause They a.II went to ·the work· "J•'int," eald Ml"ll. Claua, "J'U that waa the favorite color for '"nllt won't do at all." Santa get all the thing• I'll nffd to ahop a.nd •tarted lo pack the ll&id t.o hil chief helper. Th I 11 make the aandwlchu," a.nd ahe the Santa C lau1 family. S he 1ack. Senta Clau1 did mo1t ot the yea.r Uiere are m ore chUdren ahowed the chief helper how to packing. Cor they couldn't all be lhaa nw. a..nta picked up a blc went to the retrl1erator and took cut out pockell to bold lhe loy11. pulling t hings lnto the pocket• at bundle ot iamea and train. and ba.m out of the apeclal place She allow«! all Ule other helper• the aame time. w orklnc to- blockl. and the tnln on \op alld where ahe kept the meata. butter how to eew the pockela to t.ht gether. they handed th1ns• lo out from u.nder lhe rope, eltpped out o! the HCUon that held but· 11ck. Each helper hall 11 long Santa Claus u he called out the lhrouch Santa'• fln&'en and went ter. a.nd cheeM out ot the box piece ot red material on hie le.p. name or the toy he needl'd to tlll a1Udd1nf acrou the tloor w I l h ~·here •he kept the cheeee. "Ste," with pockell to MW onlo the lhe pocket. Soon all the toy• ll'• bell ringing a.nd r1ng1nr. a.lie called. "In my retrtgerator I tonr alrlp ot red material. A• were ln the ea.ck, each kind ot •·Maybe Mrt1. Claua can help me," have a place tor everything." and they !tnllbed aewinr on the pock· toy ln Ill own 1~clal plact ln a he Mid. Thtn be ca.lied. "Ml"ll. •he allowed them how it waa di· ell. Mra. Sa.nta. took the ttr1pe pocket wit.A ill own label on the 0,.. E"'7 t:,•,.olns 'til '1 P. IL T• ••r frlem•• -wn-1•• y•• ••• ..... • ..... pl•• ..... - "MMTy Qrt.t...., ev•ry•••!" LUDLUM Carpel 1622 So. Main St.. Sallta Ana Phone Kimberly 3· 1615 - Sant.&; Oh., Mr11. Santai WUl you vldt'd with 1helvea and drawer. to the aewlng machl.ne a.nd Hwed zipper. p~~rome~na~u~" ;~~·~~~w~aa~e~u;;;;;;y~t~o;;;;;;fi~n~d-lh~e-l~h~ln~g~•-~~P~~~·~l"ll;;;;;;~;;;t~h~e~~-~-o~f~lh~e~poc-·~k~~~~ ''Wh~ w~~ lhroup early;•-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Mr3. Clau. ca.me Into p;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, the work-ah.op ahe p.aped, "Ob, 8&nta! My coodn-. wbat hap- pened la hen. AU U-• t.oya 8.1"8 •o ecattered ~ They're aJJ ao mixed up. Wou.Jd JOQ like to have me help JOU put the room In ordc-r ' 't'ben tt will be euy tor you to pack JOUr MClL "Oh. yea!" aa.ld SUit&. 'The ltnll" 11nd booka ,won't 11t&7 ln the bunllle11, and If I don't c« t.M u r k packed t.ollllbt l'U t1e• tate tM C-hrt.tmas. and the cbildrell will be very d\a&ppolnled & n d unh•ppy." Mn1. Banta kn-bow lmpor- 1.Ant It WU fOT Santa Cl&ua \o ''' •tartt<I on hit Cbrtatmaa tr1p, with toy1 tor all lb• children. Sht' told ~ bl(1'811t helper to pu~h flU the trlcycl .. and btc1clea nvl'r t o the comer by the ftre- 111a .. • Whllf' M wu puahtnr Ula trle)'c-lee and biC)'dee to tM cor- ""r Mr• ~lit.a cl-.r.d ott the b11rKr11t work table. Biie told the <>thtr ht lpt r11 to pther 1.U the 11nt11 a nti put t.bem on the table ~~ hFf rl• H ter.'Uf• l>Tr Oolta on flM t nd nf tl\e la.bl" the mlddlt· Al'-NI t1olht In the mhh11e n( th,. b bl,, 11nl\ the l ittle 1lnll1 "" th~ other t lltl or Ule table Wh11n 1111 ot the r1oU• "'"'" 11t&cked nt atl.)' on the blir;r e-at tablt'. Mra. Saata tolt1 the hrl~ni BE SURE -INSURE ~1tat MAtralCf': 8TASLEY ..._,,_""'Only ..._ ll&rber ""' Ill~ I:. C'out RW~1 ODro-tto-1 Jrfw •• • The glad tidings of the first Noel As procloi191td by the he1old ~ft llpOf! o lftidnighl ci.or, may ti.. meuooe of 'eoce o" Eorth, Good Will toworcJ. Men enter yow i..ort Oftd inepir• yov oritw with th• true apirit of Chri1t"'o1, The Three of Us Send Season's Greetings to FABRICS All of You •FRAN • FERN • JACK.IE 1779-A Newport Ave . Costa Mesa Wish A L • fo all our Patrons May you enjoy the merriest of Chri1tmue1. and a brand new year chuckful of happlneu ! ROTH folTOR£~ 11415 s. Main 8uta Ana AO'!>M ._ St~t ,,... ...,.. lllmberty !-666 l 226 I!. 11tll St. Co.ta,. ... M-Oftl~t,..... ftltftJ. ~ .... l'ta.i.a.t,1-ml May the spirit or peace and good will of ·th.I.a joyoua Cbri..ltmu eeuon a b l d e with you and yours now and alwayt. .J () -I~ et~ S P O RT S HO P I 823! Newport Ave. 008TA Mt;SA We Give MH Oree• Stampe TOWN TOPICS from Bank of America r · Newport leach Branch •olond A. Wfi9ht, ....... FIRST THINGS Fl RST I lc'1 dine now for thoughts of Christmas, of co•f'M. II.at perhapa J'O'A'W found thar tnra tJrpeoaet lib ...t ..... tans. wiapecud calla for the clonoc aad, of C09l'M. ........ pinching bilb for gifa hatt ieft you ttmporaril1 "1tnpper for lftllMM1· I( to, why not comt in and aee 111 abouc a n,.. pltn Ptnonal Loan. Tim.plan Cott ia low and you can npa1 in n ty monthly imttlrnmta.. le'• the buai,,...lib way te borrow-and you C'lln pay off all your bill• all ac one time. ? Bof A 01.t1z ~PA ;> • DID YOU KNOW TMAT you can make a dtpoNc to yo.r Bink o( America savings accounc o n or btforT January 1°"'9 and it .-ill eam full 2 <"'o bank int~rut from January I ec ! It's a good id~a 10 Uart }'OUt I CCOUllC or make I depoNC now. ~ that ... ,.. in cht homt Mncdi or wfMl l90P lib die._ • bigesc and bat bOlid.ay MUOn of all, ,.. would like to .••prat our ho,,. that dW wiU bt tht Mttriesc Q,,uunu ""' for you and yout &miJy I And •• a thought for nnt year, we'd like to 111gest tt.t one of the best rnolutiooa you can make it to open a Benl of Amttka uvingt attounl and lcttp ic growing with regular dq>osiu.. h 'a a wonderful way to surtthe Nt-w Year and it .-ill g;.., you dYt att-frec fttling of having moMy in dw bank. To the tune of dear-voiced carollers, to the chimes of tin~lin9 bells . . . we send our wishes out to all our friends end neighbors: May your Christnias be • merry orte, full of peace and good wiH. I 7 6 7 a Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa LI S-7431 .. CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS EXCHANGED AT ROTARY · BANQUET Members of Newport. Balboa Rotary Club Tuesday night feted a1 visa student!) at their weekly meeting in Villa Marina Restaurant. Six of the students attending juniCJr colleges tot(! the membership about Yuletide customa i11 their native lands. In photo above seven ,atudenta from Orange Coast College and Southern California Bible College gather for flag ex-change as Orrin Wright, president of local club. kneeling, holds Rotary flag container. Standing. from left, Hoossein Shenavar , [ran, Ted De Jong, Netherlands, Myung Choe, shown giving hie native Korea flag to Steve Showier, chairman of club's visa students program: Mr. and Mrs. Endf'I Meiusi, Esthonia : Kenneth Watarai, Japan: Apost ulos Mamalis, Athens, Greece. -Staff Photo ANOTHER CHRISTMAS AT JUVENILE Murdy Starts HALL FOR HOMELESS BOY, 14 Water Flow By P AT M•<· ..... 1:,~ 1 kHI" y ou t Yl'r ffif'l .. w111 ''"''"rgo • !ll(lll·•I . lh• .,..)' """111'11 ll\Ol"' into County SANTA "·'A. 10C!'S1 A pl .. l"t11· ~ura..t•ry 1 .. h1n-" l '1h'hl1<'t> m11rk• ll'lll•IVl'.t 1h111 t"h11~1ma11 I s A -; TA A to:A. IOCNRI tall, aad-.-ye<l, H ·)'Pllr·llld Sl\0111 me1k,. r('mt1\l'd fl om hll' h11n1I" jThn1·,. why"'' 111 ... 1. th,. e1 renJ;P• Sf'n John A M uro\• Jr. lhrl'w lhe Ana boy who hiu ep!"nl 1110111 of Although lht> b<•\' IH\11 untl• r · rn•·nt~ 1111 lh•· ~11r11,.1,v nt ll•" h•l•· v1<lvo 1<wit< h \\;'"'""'d"y and !hp pa •l AIX yeara be hind· the go11c nt least ~IX ('h I l,•l IHAlll'~ In• j pi I RI "I hi' ~1111(•'1 \ Wiii< 1111 r.n1111•tl ti~ flllfl Iii 1,. I I'd o l 1'ulltl11d11 RI \'U 11IN•I t1oor11 of the Or11n1te <.:ounly Alrll' lhl' d111ln l•••·t1<nt • ~ni!'llan.: I with lh,. ~pp1°1v.11 ~ntl '''"""'"): "ul• 1 tr .. i;t1u It~ fluw Int" orang,. Juvi·nllr Hell r!'I f'IYl'<I hill rnM Jtir J 11vPndv J >1ll, u.,, nn1 ti •·1t11 1 ~1-.dl I"' ll1o• 1'11111111 I '1 11111•111111 ''"I' 11 I 1 \iun\y nndt'l 1tttmn•t bll"lll~ Chi l~lml\11 )lreHnl l\l Or&nli\•' only •me t•r1nu11al ch.11 K,. 111(1\IOsl rn1•n1 I !l.tllt'llV a. .. ~1s11•1I In nffln~I 'i·rP· C ounly Hoi plU.I Yf'•lerdKy. lhr bt>y petty lhl'ft I · Ir 11111\ t 11. IH•V 1 •1111<1 h•· 1¢" •·n "'""'"" ·111 \hi' Arlini(l•m Nari owi. Thf' youth, deAC rtbPd by J uvtn· ··H~ Wll." a n 11w1ully RO"ol h<l\·." 11< 'hllll•" ·· H•·1 nl\l •I ~ .. 1•1 "H~" !\ 1 nt'1tr A 1 llngtun Tlle w 111 I'• µur · ti~ H1tll ~upl'rlnlendf'nl <.:e<:tl M . De1 naM ""''' "M""' "' tht' lime fuw kl I. " I:"'"' ''"Y wh11 "•l1l• 1 l·h1u1NI thrt111gh t he MelrOJKilllun B~rnard, u "one o r the n k C!J!l h f''• lw-,.n ht-a hn11 hr .. n l><-1 a 11a,. 111 1111 llw 1l1i:hl lhin,1t "'" I''"''' \\'at<•r J11s1ru·1 will flnw Into the hl111 f1tlht'r ... ,. In J!lll 11nol ht-had B•·1n11<I I'""''" I lo lh•· w.1v lh,. Sanuo An& R tve 1 c11anntl ruill ttif'n LEGAL NOTICE no pl11r,. el>1<' t 11 g 11 " 'l"ht' Juv. n -vnulh 11•4'1 "'"'"•"I "''°' 11 I h "' '"'" lhl" hrl•tw·lh,. 1:io11n•I h•11lna 11 .. Hull ~'JI'"""'' od4'nl """ th•· \'11un11Mtr1 11 111 l"'I""'~ I h • Th,. IJrnni;: .. 1 ollnl\' ""'' r OIR· y1011lh wa" f'ljthl y .. an 11ltl "ht'n b .... .,1,..,.,. N .1 I I\ I\ .,. • .,,. "111.t , 1,,. 1 ha" 1,111 dtft•r.I thr 1 '«lorniln NOTl(.,g INVITll'CO am" ht• (at'Jlll tU flVt•tt Hn•I,., f'IO h"~ h••if/l 11u.111flh 1•··• ""th-'''""' t:l\fl'I \•.-Jtl•'f It J tu ,,f•f "fff" tu11t s .. all'd bula will .,.. rf'<'MYNI l)y i lt-l'llVt' <"Ull!(l<J) . "'"'II ttl I' .. Ju•' Ill' H 111 u .. T H\I .. •I $"""I~~· the SchOOI Trual"H of \hf' N .. w. , Tllftl':t: RRtl'l'Ut.R"' •11~1 1"' ii I• I '11 I'' 1'1.. "" I' 'I'll,. w .. tl'I flow "'"" tat.\,. ii 1<\ port Br111h SdlOOI l>1iolr1rl f11r l· .. ,,,,,. w .. 1,. lhn..-b1 .. 1h•1• •n '1 '11' 1•• ''"" ''" 'fl • 1 1thh '""' /""r ""'""'' 11n1I 111 .. 1&ppro111ma1rly th 1 r t y t11111uoantJ ""'" 11 11 ~1<1•1 °1n th11 11 .. 1 "1• 111"n1"1 ' .. at lu 111 .. 11~t r11 I "111 r·rn ot.o1n I Thrf•\'\\A ,11t u1nl"1llc1 ~1'"•1 I t:lll,000 JlillOl\I or flral 11.nd M«tnd I II' \• 11111..~·l ' H P .,t,.11' I l h" I • "'" l'"r '.q· II "J,O • 'J'ltln"'I 1tra1ll' It Mlhne fllr thf' pPrtcl\J ~'tb· d i 111'1• "' lh1• \ lln~'l "I• h 1•I J ll\o!IOIP ll ill \'•I ri ''" \ 1"1' l'llJ><••t In bll\IOJ' llr \\,11•1 10 urary 1. 19615 lO J anuary 31 19:1i llf'I• r hr.?n 1n tt•1ubl,. 1111111 ••>i lnwin lh" "' '1 "1 111 111 '• t'• tl<'ltt 111111 n1 .. h lh.c' •l\\1n1llin1t Rll'I" w lll bf" ,...,.,.11,,.d llJl t n IC no \f'Alf' "IC" 1l•••r 11111lh,., •111•1 1'1111111' lli >J••l.>I \\. r• "''"'" 11nd .. .:1 .. um1 ""l"r 1111pph • ., lh bt ""' ( h• ''' r ,,. ,~uin• 1 "" Thur~ I On I,,, ~7 th• "''" "•II 1,,. l'l p M. Jan oory 3. Ill~ Ill llk lll11· ~ •n ~ ''' v.•rf' ,.,,, 1••11ni:: ,,1., 11,.11. 11 ,1 lrll'l 8uf)i'rlntc-nd1 o l a Orf1ll' at I"" f11n1111 ,..-,.n1•·•I tu K'' all lo ft " 1 I .. · 1'"' 11 Ut'U•··l Lu J&l ., .. ..,,. f--t C"llff D -pt.q•11 thrn ~"n" ••f lh"m 11 .. 1 "'""' ~11 "' t • 1 .. 11111;•1• •~ h• ,,. ""'""" TPVfl\I' Avl'nut a nd ""1' 1 11 "1 1 1., ,., , .; 1 , ,.1, .. ,1 ,i,. Nf'wport Bt'ac."h, C•llfornr" • v .. , ,.,.,. In I rirnhl•• b<'t111 r ""' "' f •nllll•·" .. TheBoardnrSC"h rt0I T1u.•\l't'A nf f'lt n 1h,. l1'lh•1 ' Ur111.1r•l 11ta1 .. 1 ('hlo•ll.A• \'lll\lh•ll tht Nl'wport Brar h Sc h0<>I 011tnrt ho"''""' lh•I 111" \f111V1 • ••111·1 I~.\\ -"T \\" "' Permits Valued t e&f'rvr& lht-n,t{hl to rrjl'l"t 1tnY ' ri: r 11r1·n1 h "' 1111°.,1 11p a •nrol11I Onh· 11 hAn•lftll 11( h• 1 • tl n '1 nr aJI bid• nr walYf' 11ny lnft1rm1tl· h1 ... l11ry of minor I I lln•·• 1n lh!' J.'ll I• \\ 111 ,.,,. ,. rm th .. •• "hn at $75 173 G I Jl.)' In ll bid. (II lf,j,f' t'u\lnl.\ Al\.ft tJ.-'o l)r1•11 hll\•• 11 t p l1<1 •· tn l(f• In I f'lrhrnt•• ' e H ,.l,.nt C"l'nllf. C'l!'rll I'" 11nt1 nut nf Ja il 1dnHi.l 1·111111nu· 1 lh•· b11\h tJC ('hri•l \\I' II try '" 1c• A Boarrt o r 1'rualt!oa ''"'IV "'""" h•~ wlJr •l11•d ' 111•kt-,, 1111 " r111 l hr111 , .. fl·''""' I 1ty pprova I N r wport ~lll.'h School Dlalrlrl Thi" !),•\'• 1wo 11l<l1•r hrnth•·r~' ~•••l. h11\ II w1111 I br "~ ti Ill''' Nl'wport H•.rbor Nf'W~·rr,. .. ~ 11"'' ''"''t' nf Iii<<', ll••n9 ••l lul.J w•'1" w \lh 1""'1'1'' un 111'' "' ''"1" Allh•lllKh lhC' trnll1l11y1 h"'' 1111 No. 1!183 I l)np h1t .. " 1 l!'>1 n l<'l'ot•I h111 lh• 'fh• ht11 w ill •1•• 1ul 11 ,. :-O:all\ ''' down nn lhr n11mbrr "' nrw h1111il Publl1h d&let O.crm~r llS . 23 , 6!'1 olhl'r r .. purt,.dh /11111 bl'"n ,.n••Jlt· ln•1.tr ttw n111r1n1 • nf th,. J11v1 r11I• In!( pr" I'" IJ\, th••,. """' 'rf"•r\NI ~.,.,....('£ o t• .~-Nll-CO "'Al ... ('d 11n l~Vl'l'lll ll(<'il.•lf•nll '1 II I . H lll ll \\ttllA, ..... nllttl ,...... unlo •• ,,,, ....... k fl~· ,,.,,. "''WJ"•r1 llu1l I ..,...,.. ,..L .. , ,.. •• bc'ly, though," he NOid. l!Jl"•klnit •nmrt-..11· ''""'" 111 1,.k,. h1111 ini; ll<'J llrln •nt In ,.l!.11.,.,1 t'J l .ll•~• A.SD N()Tl('E OF ISTE~llf:D ul th .. ~"lllh 1n •u~t•"I\ 111 111r out '"" ll 111 v~l1tation T1tASt}F'£&0F U C't:Nl'lt: f'tlll b•••l r1C ll\P bunth Su• hf'A nnl'~ liul th"n lh,. Juv•n 1, II.di ~u llri iv T y 111.11 •if 1,.,. AnJ!l'I,.,. n1r: PIA.LE OP AU'OHOL.J< hll•I " <h•n11• nut 111111" ,, ........ r r nntrnolrnl .... 1 ... ti 11 '" Ill \L'lll '""•'• ltl .. I,., •11•1\" 2 17~- BE\'ERAGES Vl'l'l>1 l>ld l• IP•l" I in " '"' Ir "~ J•.1"n•I" "I fl ,,.,,.." nt Jiil \ • n,.11.i In NoUC<e t• h~noby givrll pur•Ulllll In T\\ Cl \.EARi' A<rO 11.1 11 ~ Thr\' •l"n I kl""" " -r• '··• ,.,, in ,.,,,. • .. r Sl7 7:-,11 Huil•llni: the p rovalon.a of Sl'CUOfl 3~40 of ' R,.rnat•I tf'('oill•"I h11w th,. ynuth d••nt •• ith lllC """"'" Th,.1 '"'". I' 1'1 .111 .,., I • ll;.O lfl•lh' I tu J f: lhr C1v1I Code IUld 8".t1on ':2 n f 11111 •nr 11f h.-ht<lhf'1• V.f'l l' 1n k n<•" 11" Jll•I '1'"''"1 1111 " 111'' ~1111'.ly 1 .. r i\ twn·•t111y hntt1• the A lrohollc J3#1••n11rf' Control J vrrttl,. H a lt t"r', h"• 1.,..,. ,., "r" PIA',. tn f.:11 "',, h : ·~•" •<1 ft of f1,.,.r Af'••,. ,.1 Art "' the f'tate of <"Ahfomla lhal 11~· \\',. 1 ", t• "•T• r·• mii•• "" ~; 2i r" ran Bh-.1.. , ,...lmi; 'l~ ')I)() \\'ALTER 0 BAl,,C}f a nd v.·1:-;1. I•· r 11 tru • ,, 1.• "'' •'•n• r .. r Vandall Hit Cafe 1111 10 J nhn ,.. \n11;f'J ('n rnr a 1-"REO V. BALCH, h u11bftnd a.nil 11'0,, ..... 1h. r • P"'" n• ~11111 1",..•lnn• 2111'1() "'l rt hnma to w1r ... lnl,.nd IQ l'fll to CHARLES 'l hr\ """' .. I ' •' t I ""'"hi Kn•I Closed fo r Seaso" •n•t '\ .. , $.!I flZ l '"' "'"'' At Gill 1' l>IE1"RJCli IU\d JEA ~NE T I"'. •II•"' th,.m ,,.,. 1 .. th• i,:r,.1" r. R11y A' p J)IETR.JCH, hu11band ttntl wife 111J • I• 111 I• I lh"lll , .... r ,, Th .. 1.ldl'l. It• M.11.H.tltl :11·.o \ •• t.hal e..,t.a.ln penoon•I J'l"'P'"Y m n -I tnl'\,.\'I' lnl·I mr . "•1• """ "' tht Opnrt" , I•• l'•I t r 1 tr "1nll't •l•Unr gen.eraJly ()( • •P"<'llllly I ( ,,,, •l ,.,II 1•1111.\>I I ll'•"Ml• lh••\ Yf' WllA ..... k• n '"'" I>\ ' rn•l"h J'llflT Thinty Thief rut1111ra.nt. k nown ,.._ TH~ PfZZA j •'\'r1 t 11ol •· F hi holll r hn hnll 1 HOl'gE , lncludtng •II tum1l1t"' T'11• <"ht 10111 .1 • I ., .It . h\,.11 lc fnr 11" Tl••·•· I~' 1111 1 ' "n•idri, hlr '1it ,.,.,;:!, 11 1 s~: 0 Wl\1' ur, •lt•n 1~~,:~ And flJtlUrf'fll, •tock In trllllf' f'(jll•P· j ',. r I~\ "'"' 11·1 II•'"'"" ~,.,., 1111111:" .1 .. 111 /Ill hfOlll!h ""'"'"~ HP· •ht unl•u kt" I i:"r8Jt't nr Mrll M11r- ml'nl and tron<I will. t oJrrlhH with lh•t h!' hll-~ h"•'n 11n11hl!' '" rnn-' perf'ntl\' "''"' '"'"'" .n \\'iln1n1 1:1:111 ~,., """'"" T,.,. a Bf'er and \\"Int llct'na .. Num~r 1111•1 11 rol.•l 11 r """ '"""'I lttkl' fo~1 n1r \\'~11 7 '"' k ,.1 1hr ~'lk• , '"' l'""r In 11 11 n1 ~11ntJ11\ A16498 of a I J>f>l'llllt\I rt'st1111r11nt th,. Ion\' 11111 1 .. 1 tt,. ("hrla1m a11 l rlu1J 11 ,,,1 "''"' 1.,11v"''" th• "h•• 1111.t :"'t<wp111t r• '"" l'"I"'' bUllln"""'· known AA THE f'JZZA hr•h1ll4\ lllVl'll 1\1(\1'1 ,,, !hf' l11w~ I ·IN•>' 111 1hr • "'" nWnl'•I tn n .. i. n111l1 h•' l1111n1I 1111 11\r IV'"""'' HOllS F: h r l n n it,tn f ln Mid t'n•I Jll;,b "'..'"" 1n~t1111t lnn 'llf 11111111 of ''''"'II\' lllll• hnd 1,,,,,11 \\•II!'"""' h,1· ttrr wl11•kr1 IJ111 WAt.TER C BAL{tf a nd WINI· rn111•0• llPrr11•N '<A• I .\n.-h.,.lv n 1,., I•• f•n•I h\11 Y..AY llhl\\tl I'""'' Jl'RED V. BA.LCH lllld ll)<'tlltrl 111 I" h1•.1 Ilk" lot. • "" 1,, kr h1ni "'II 11"11 ''1'"11 -,11,1 M04 <"out li\JrhWlly, City nf N!'W· I""' N>I VPtY m .. n\ f'"<•l•lr "'" in· l 'ttlrt" '•111•1 lh,. ••111~1.-r hll•I port &AC'h, C'nu nly of OrtUl..,-. IP•l"•ll'll In nu r ''"'. "'"' lot"'' I f'll1'o1 """n II ... J<Ar1•l lo m "' h1n·· G1a" nt Candi• P·-L.-d Bbl\~ or Cllllfn m lll, "Jlt1 th11t l h" I Rt;T{ R :\' 110 \ff: lh.i hll•I pht1 .... 1 ·.1 I \I k··~· 1 n f ..... -•rch!Ulf' nrJrf' t hf'rf'r>f wlll !><' r 1i;11rrt:,., in ., l'"I''' h11p: Th,. 0 b J ., •·-" f',.1 llllr•l l• 11 h"w •11111n r I h " I I •' ._. Ver J UVeftl -J'll.h1 nn F"rit1ay l hr 11\x th 1'1111· nf " '11: •••·ti•·~ ''""' '"' \\ 11, ... ,11 '" •• J . . . . 1>1 11-f '"""" "ht'n I • ""' • f11' h,., in " in r11ll"I llJ• '" " t 11 '' l "ti ,. anuary, 19:'!6 11t &nk ~r A ml'n· r 1 ' N T'r\ rl """ ""1 ro Jll · lhf' '"llnll ,,.r,tp(t Ml t hr ~l"nl' h n \\l\"('I H··~•·lrnl• .. r l hl' ;100 blMk on ca. allnn•I l~l "" fl"1•1n i:• ", 111 1 l•I' ti ll•"'. •I '" r 1•11;, ·1 hnn r AMio<-lal\nn. rnv <'f N"'''l"'•I n111 J'f'••J'I" w rottl·I , lo•1f\• h1n1 Be.ch. Coun t y nt Onini: ... St11lf' nf "" , tuui;h " '""' ·· rr.1m JU· Callfomla. Ill I I) 00 n r loC'k A M ,.,.,.11.. hllll ;-.·,,.,., _. w nu ltl J'lll ~ &mnunt of thl' 1ntl'ndptJ JlUr· 11n1 .. 11rntl'>n t , 111m Th!')' •lrdn't chaae prl<'f' for lht-h• """" I• ",.,,. ,11 , 1 h n1: '• "" " 1 h ,. '""' f 750.00 That I hr "(hlr••1111 11( AA1r1 "h•• o1 '"'"" •n .f• It Oiiton The' vendor llll<I lll't'rutt'r '" ."I O() A I· I to t k • 11w 111,.1 111 .. bo•,. hAd ( mond, C11y nt f'lllll•h•• ('otunt1 uf "' , .. , In t· .... , .. olnn.. Mn\ thmi,: Bulle, SllHI' tlf t'"hf11111111 !ln•I •rllotll~I\• Wrt•ni: ™" nnh• 1•'11• the addreas of """' \f'll•t... ""'I .,,n ,, ,. ltnd h ull .,..,1~ ""''"U"" h,. tran1r .. ,_ "' ZP:tll \\'r•t 1'"""' 11n,1 1 • 11ij,,. 1,. ~ , H l1'hW11)". C"lly nf N••w1~1n """' h ,\• ,. , 1>~1111 a .. , fl"''' .,.,,., lhf' C'ounty or O nU'ljtl', St"l" ttf l'llh· I "'h ••II Ill \\Ith .. 1.1.·r Ht'.11 l\ll•t• fomll1. '' "' "' •111 """ •··d ',.111 h • • r 11111 • Pated: Dt'•••mber 16 Ill:" """n h .. hrH1 lhr l'1<chuco m.11 k•1 WALTER O. lMIX ll '---...... 11,w•d 1111 h1111 Vendor lln•I Llcf'nSI"' 1"h• I'll• 11111., m11rk is " r1111!Rnt W I N IFREI> V. BAL<.'H • """ f" 11 11rn1•ntly n111rkNl into Vl'ndnr find L1f~n,...,. lh,. .'llon b1•\wl'l'n lh<' lhumh 11n1I CHARLICS 8. DIETRJCH ftlr,.r1n1<«"r cif "ft<'h hllnrt Mrm- V•ndtoe M d TraJlJlft'f'ff bl'r• "' th• <'Ult al'f de<l1n1 W In .IEANNI: T. DJF:TRICH I \'lnlf'nr(' 11n<t J"" th Vl'ndet' and TrllNf Pl'<"f' Rt:.Wo\·p; ~AIUl8 .... I~..,..,.,._ 12121,.111 ~Mo" lbUl ~." lhl'1IAl'd S111n111 R•11111, :-.-~wrort Bt,.rh I • .. ' . . . I '', ' • ' I • ~ r-... • .... ~ • -~ ~"' ., ~.. > ., . . ' . . -+-· • .; :sourtt GORST CDUSTRUCTIDD CD. RESIDENTIAL -INDUSTRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO JOB TOO LARGE OR SMALL ?SO 30th St., N~wport Bea.t-h have twice r ornrf•lne" ,,.. poli<'f' I Chrl.etmaa l'le<'ora tlon.a w h Ir h lh•t juvf'nllu have v1llllt'd Iii" I have daunaui.tied tht nPl&hbor· .,._ ·Tuuday and Wednesday M d bood. Tbe a t t.aclta havP oocurrt!d puahed ...,. the rtant candle t'a.rly ln the momln•. thf'y aald. ~EWPORT HA:tDOR NEWS-PRESS -PART II· PAGE·) FRIDA Y, DECEMBER 23, 1955 ( Jtrftct bomt ~tbdopmtnt) In dw -· .t.m.d '-uty wWcll only a aunpua ·~ ~ oler, ~ H..uaoaT ..... will reAeclt dwlnc .. yean to conoe yow ~ sC9d tullr. Nowhett «'be caa )"IMI l..d ..>di .. kW oetting f« the truqull Ille ,.w w..c I« youn«'lf md )'Ollr '-'Jy. Of ciourw. .u ,....,. ---· .... pODg center, tdlOClk for ...... ~ °'all~·~--dim. ... ,... H..u CowulfY ~ tt.• aldt -II ln"°""8cl Ill • iJ w. ...... ~ fadllti& P'or dllt ....... you11 lad in~ C&aaw f.nAftl • large priV8t. -=rutiolt .,.., Hele- a'dt hrk-111* _.. cU' un, Ut· de Leep .......... ..-....-... tlemall ud ir-n.n--.--.... pool-all f« ... adileM ,._,.el ....... ,; ••• .. IQllMI Ale tMM HA1EcREsr Campas 4-ACBE UCIEITIOI PIO IOI USIDEITS .. 1SAn--.CIOITA .................. ..__ ............... ""Tl4' U...,..W NIVACY· IHWlfO lOU 7,411 '° "· AYIUOI PH ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS 328 AMERICAN AW. Ph. Hlmlock 7·1203 , 1 PAGE ... PART U -NEWPORT HAR£0R NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1955 LEGAL NOT~CE Kt111,. hf C"11llfornl:l 0.-partmf'Dt uf l'uLlk \\ urt ... LEGAL NOTCCE LEGAL NOTICE ty of Or.n~. 8tAtr of California, and th:\l an ex..cutrd mortcacr OI the s.1m• will be dellvrred and thr DELIVERY GUARANTEED Delivery of the Newport Harbor New.-i>re. 18 (llaranteed. Carrier boy. will deliver their papen be- fore 6 p.m. on Mond'\y, Wedneeday and Friday. U your paper is not delivered by that hour plea.le call Harbor 16US and your carrier will bring your pape.r. OIVl!'JION O:>" lll(illWAV~ 1·onmderllt10n lherdo r pall1 et ·~do"<'!l.~ 1s 29:S w,.,, <'Ga.It Hl-;h· 10:00 o'<·lock a.m on thr ar xlh v: y tn thl· c ,1-.· or NrNpo" Joy or Janu11ry, 1966, at tht u - :e ·1. C lJnly or 0 111:i:;e, Sta r I c:ow dcp:irtment or thf' Bank or (' oltfo:n •. 1nlr 11'11 ln mo· t:;:i:1e Am erll'11 Nallonnl Truat and Sa v-._ _________________________ _ • W.\L'Ti,;~t 1: O.• t..CH n..,t.I 1n111 AMOClallon at Newport SOTU 't : 'rll C'Ol' TR \(TIJf~:-; \: 1: :w r.i::u v !'.\LC.!. h1: ·b.-:nd 1 Gca~h 1; .. a,ch. 1n thr C11y or New- ~., 1 :·· 1=01.')'u-;:c, whl)~l' w1-por. Ceac-!1 County of Orirng<', c' ., • d S F.Al.E D 1·1:r>l'OSALS will IJ '· • •' :·· 1 ,\l'l'• .. : '. l:i t hr ('1t1· 3l'lte or C:-llfornl.. • ''"'IVed bl ttl• Departmertt .,, .' J• (' ,.. y Ill Cut t~ 1).1 • l flr-hlllber 16. 19M a SS I 1e l '11bl11 \\in .. t>"•1:i o:i or 1-11r,:1-" 1·••:1•1 C 'l,\"!LES s oa.'TRlCH. I "·'~" 111 th • :: .. , or l'I o :rlricl I ·'I r. ;. 1. • , •· ,11· .1~ ... ,. on • • 1.·.:l-;or 1 F:n ... lnl'•r. t •• ,.,I 400. D:Vd 'ln or ,. · t c J1 c· 1l l::~.111ny, J C.\NNI!: T. DIETRICH. ---------------------------111,.;hway~ r-111d1ng. 1::1 r.11 h · :"1:1: .... 1·1.-..... ·n1·11 ::.r n-:r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS :-;f'rtni: s·r I Los An-.!:~1. C-1111· 1 Lll ·~~~.1·.:::..; 11'1 t ... a·-.'I 'I I '.\l."i'E:~ (.;, B/.l,CU . I 1,.11111. un• 1 2 1fclo~·: fl 111 on :1 c .y r c :r t n 11 r n n t b~:=1·es' : ·111·.:;c:;c-Every-Monday WeclHsclay Giid 11:.1.1.u II 1 t' I!, ... Ill whlrh t .m• a11d ': ,..,,.,.,, "IJ The P .::::.a Mou::• a-itl I l:!IV:1ED V BAI.CH. ' • • ._, "'"" lh•Y '"" b· r uh!1r'y opened "'ntrt1 '1 C"Ot Coll~ l":;:iwty, In i:·"'"~C'e COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays :•n•I <!811 I ' pertormln·~ w.;.k 811 h . City or Ne-wport o~:ich. C:>un-::o l:''!i !'l>eWl'·P:-c!IJI 12 2311111 I 1 .. ll••Wll I • ---------------._-... -_-.... -.------.... -_-N _______ _ ('U1· .,, : r\\1111·, r:-.C'b coa .. ta.I Shopper Ads NJI ........ _,. -~-- • '".•ngc c-... 1n1y al ··nlrancC' to I ~·::~:-of c·-,11 ·un !n 4 u~ 1 lnwrtlon $LOO add1. u.e. .25 .. I.I ,. I :-; CT"(. : ·:·:, (.'(1x~·::.\CT01t:; 4 Llnl'S 2 la.wrtioH 1.50 add'l llDee .16 eL tlt>t·6Q·R• 11.o•h•ni.: I>-""''" 11y1· <-t··r L'J) f "'OI -" LI • •-·-rti 200 -..1..1•1 "--... • · "" "' ". '( ~·.\ L::; 1·:,11 IJ~ rc. <'l\'f'd nt lhr oHlrt' of theo City .. nl'S o> .......... on" • MN • uaJ>9 .~ ea. , ..... lll bP (urn"h"d I 11 1 ,. t·ilhl (" c ·y t-!nll. c1::· ,,r :;,, 1or; B1•rl1, c·1.llfomi11, Until 7 ,3(1 o'l'lll<'k 4 l.lnf":i 4 lnsertlon8 2.00 add'L lba"9 .26 ea. l'l&nl! "'''1 •1 11·•1ri.-n·,,,;i~. 11··.t J .\' "'\ 1h•'th 1' yo, 1,om .... :~~G. r t \",1h h tlmt lhry will be-publicly Situation \\'anted Ad• will n'('t·h ·e 15~. dhc!ount. Oull l.81Mh'Uce .-.,. forn111 11r pr11r•i:1111 110·1·1· .... ,., ,.,,,,. 1 • 111 1 1 c 1 I M1>c·11111 'M •o 18 • us•s • • m·. 1 • 1r111. 11· pr-rfo1 un~, 111·; a~,,. ll)W!I ... , ,. . .. • L I• k• t may h ... ht 1tnNJ rll t he ab11vr Fur the lmprovcmienl 1,f lhr mlilr"SS Cit v 1·1 alk r r .,rli l•H ·t~I All C'la"•lflf'd AdA mu9t be paid for 0..111 la..,,~ of ptllalteado& ;-.:,, biol ~111 hr , "nsl1l,.rt••I 11n1,. .. s h i:r•n lCth Rn•l l '·:h Strl'e-ts The pubhshe1s wm not be re-11ponalble tor more Ulan one lnoorrect It I, n Q I 1 pro"'. I 1 n , ""lh 1,1 1 lnst'rt1on of an ad, re~rve the right to correctly clualty any and all " 1"'' "1 '' ,._,~,• "'' • '" "· a • v1 ads and to rtJl'Ct any ad not conformln& to rulea and reeuJaUona. r 111111;1hc-.I b1 th• I It t 1 o1 1-:,,:;1nl·1·r :"\ '' biol "Ill 11<' 11·1·e1vc-I unle1111 11 •~ 1113tlr on " proposal form rur- an•I 1,, m11•l1• 111 1w1·01 dun,· .. with n1 hr I hy lht' Cny l•:nr:-ln<'l'r F:ach hid must ~ accompanitd by tc11sh. l "" pr 11v1sl1111~ "'' f11rl h umlc1 S 'l'· •·t': t1f1ed or ,·a.shl<'l ':t • ,,,., k • 1 b111.i .. r·1 l-<•1<1 1 marlr pnyablt to the City ti"" 2, "l'r11p .. ,1t1 tl<'q111n•n11•111s .. r :"cwp(ll'l BcZ!.ch, for un 1tmount <'flUlll rn ot lenst l<'n prr<'tnt I 111'1 1 1111•1 C"umllllnn~ .. ••t lh" !\t H1l111r1I •t t 111' amount bid. 1111• h gunrllnty lo Ile rnrfl'ltt'<l ~ho11ll1 thr b1ddt'r to ~P•'• l(1t•a11011,. 1-:,w h bul niu,;1 be 11·fw1o1 1111• c·on t1ar 1 1.1 11wJ1dcd fail to t'nter lnlo the c·ontracl. OF.ADLJNES for pl11ctnr or cancellin( ada ant: For Monday P ul>llcatlon -Friday & p.m. F or We<lnt>sday Publlcallona -Tueaday 1 p.m. 1''or Friday Publlcallon -Thuracky 1 p.m. SEWPORT HARl'ICIK PUllUSlllN'O 00. ~!I I Balboa Bl,·d., .Sewport Beeda, eaw--. "' ,•.,mpan1rol hv H rirnpoul g11ar-Jn accordl\nce with the ,provl11lon11 or &ecUona 1~70 and 1781 of Hilty In II• r"r•lun•·c with th1· rr· the Lahor Code the City Council of the City of Newpbrt Beach h .. •111 r"mrnts u( S••• t1on 2. art 11 I<' &8Ct'rllunt'd the general prevailing rate of wacr• appllcablt lo the Special Notices Special Nottee. •i:•, of t he Stundan:t Spectr1<·a. work lo be donr a.1 follows: ------·--------------------- t 11on11. The City Council or lht City of Nt'wport Beach hu u ccrtalned The l>t1m1t1111•11t ()( Public lhC' general prevailing rate of wage. applicable to the work to be done \\'olrks r,..,..,, VI.'-tho• right tn '"Jl'Cl as follawe: Bny or aU b1dic. Thi' quant 1\lcic listed in th,. Slit le H ighway E11g1ni:er'11 E.11t lmate hPrt•lnfl1trr Jitlllt'l1, arc upproxl· 1111i.t1• only, tw-1ng gtvPn a11 it bi.s's rur the con1r £ir11ton or b1d11 1rnd t hr Dt>pa rt mcni 11f Public Work1 llOO'll not. Ufllf'~ly or by lmplkt•· lion, Hl{rl'•' lh11l the a l'lua l am11ur1t nt work wlll C"t1rrN1pOnd lhen•w11h. llu• l"t'6ervc•11 thr 11ghl lo> tn(·n'Hice "r •lrcrc1t11c th•• 1111lounl "' •ny I •lass or 1xirt111n .,r theo w11rk, ,.,. t•• nmrt porttori~ of t hr work. u may bl' deemrd ntC'•'M3ry or adVU1able by the-Englnf'f'1. 8 1ds 11re r•·qu1rf'd for the .. ntlre I ""' k dellCrlb••d he1 t!l n. 111 u cconllwce wtth th •• provl•· 1 '""~ or Sl'cl1on 1770 llf th<' l..11 htlr c·,"'"· lhl' IJ1•pertml'nt 11( J•ubllc Wurk11 hu 11"4 t'r\H ll11'd the ti:"n· I I I Kl prl'\11\llJn.: I ,\I I' ~f W 8 g l't1 II fl• 1 It<" ble t•l t hr wrork to bl' do11r '" b,• u rollo~ .. 1 ,., hour (;111..UlfH a lion $ ~ 1111 Carprnlr r :! 11~!'1 C'tmrnt t1n1ahrr Raio :t .j .. ;uo ;/ 211 2 t!O t:un1•rrl<' m1xr r opcnitor. 11klf'l '"Ill' U llVI I 11f It llC kll 11 .. gal J>ll)'hAHI < ilp&CllY ltM than 6 tf)n• 1 Elt'l'lr u 1an ,..,a.-m aa Laborer Pa.Inter 1 bruab I :1 O,"i Painter t epnay 1 .\ nv rlAMtrlcatlon omllll'd heNtln ""' II ai1 than $2 00 J>"r hour ov~rtlm• not leu than on,. and ··~" half 111,, 1 llm..a lhe above 1...... I Sundays an1! holida y-. not IHI! tha.n one-and un,.,hA.lt 1 Ii.,) ttml'• l!.'r above n \t tl. 'J.')le holldan upon whld'I •O<'h N lf'_. shall be pn"J ahaU be &JI hollday11 recor • 11 11.-.1 In the oollectlvt barratnmc "lir••rm<'nl a ppll<'abl,. t o th .. pat· tuul .. r c rall, d aa1t1oallon or l \ ~ nr ~ nrkmrn f'mployC'd on 111• ,., .. , .... , ICT \TI, lrlllll\\ .\ V IE"·ISt:t:R'~ f,"Tl"ATl. I t..rn I. I 1 uba.· yan l 1'lllll9 /\ r 1111 1 r• t• 1 founrta twn11 • ll<'m Z F l11V1 tnic llra~n JIY"'"m [IF:f'AHTM&NT Of" f'l 'HLI<' WOIU<S l•l\'JS IO;o.: O f/' Hll.H\\ A Y5 (; T Mt oy ~I.at.-Hsrrhw•y P.nJ111""r By I'. 0 . Hardtnir A MUl11nt !ttutf' llll:h"•ay En1t1n•~' n •• ,, .. 1 \ 1• t>ate<l n,., 11 19·.,., ~() -13M> N-•l'Tr•• 12 18 23 CLASSIFICATION Hourly Prr Diem l..a~rers General or Conatr11cllon Cl'llll'nt Flnlaher Wage Sca_le W&(I' .. 2 90 23.20 _ 2.8U 22.60 Reinforcing l ron Worker )86 22 80 Heo1nfor1."1ng Iron \\"01 kl'r Foreman 11112 per hr more th11n J 11u rnt'}'tnan ' Opera tor11 It Trntft r" of Pntouma llc .t. Eler lrt<' T oolJI, Vibrating MRch1r11>s It similar niechan1eal lool11 11111 sep!l ra!(•ly l'lu.111 fll'd herdn ll.41 Ccm tnl Dumper 1 on I yd. or larger mlxtrs and handling bulk cemt nt 1 • 2.41 ( '11bb•r11 or Shoo ('rs _ .. 2.IWS Aaphalt Raker and lruner 2 41 ·oncrl.'J.I Cur .. 1 lmpc·rv1ou11 Mt mbrane 2.39 Fine CTatltr t 1 llway It Street Pavl"' Only I _ 2 30 Flagman 2.20 St'wer PIJH! "Layt1 1 t-:xdud1ng Ca ulkf'r 1 .• 2.61 St-w1·r Pipe Caulk••r 1 U•tnK Ca ulking toul•I .. 2.39 Turmun It Mo1111rmnn 2.2~ A11r rt•nll<'" l':n1;lnl'<·1, lnc1t1dln~ fo'1111man, Oller, Grl'.'tuct'r 2 2:1 A ir Compr!'HOr. Pump or Oenerator OPf'ralor 2 37 L'oncre-l" ur Aaphalt 8prea dln1. M tth. Tamping 01 F11o1ich Mar h Operator 2 68 L'oncrele-Mrxer Operato1 paw ing type a nd mobll.- mtxer 2.91 I 'oncrclc Mllt"r llflt'rator S kip Tyflt' ll 02 M•tenul Loader or (.;onveyor 0J>(lllollor 2 37 l'avemrnt fir c.-11kl'I Opcratur 2180 Pump Operator ll.02 Roller Operator 2 60 Skip lAtad4L'r Opet a lor Whul Type 2 62 T ral'\or H1-l.trt Shovtl 0J)C'rator 2 91 Tractor Uperalor Uullllozrr .Ta1111><'• Sc taper nr lJrag Ty pe 8hovel or Boom AttachmentJr 2118 TTe1chJn& Ma('hln' Operator 2 76 Llntveni•I Equip. Operator I Shovel, Oragllne Our1c-k, Derrick ~ ba.rJe, ClnnAllell, C!'ane or Ptle Ortver 1 2.01 l>rlv<'re of Outnp Trucka ot lee• than 4 \'llJI water lt-\'r l 2 30& J rnn•ni •1f Uump 1'rudc.-4 >"'" hut II' 1o. al Pr II'\ .. 1 than 8 )'dJI 2~ than 12 yd• 2334 Unv<"r• .. r I """fl Tru1 k" "'all' I It'\ C'I 11r1vl'r• 11( I •ump Tru1 k11 WtllC.t lc\'cJ llrtv1 111 11( l\11m1) TruC'k11 Ir \ r l 11 ,.,,. but 1 .. 0 12 y1Jt1 !Jul IC''8 t han 16 yd.II. 2.4'4 18 yd•. 11r '"'"<' water 2.&86 I lrtv,.1 ~ o f 'fruclu1 I,,. .. ,.,. fll Truck• e 11n•t 10 lon• LAalll J•11yload ('"l'"'"'I v ,, .. than 2 30& 1.Arc11t Pt)'lllat1 Caparlly l)f't Wffll 2 :\:lb I •t l\'4''" "' Tnt('ka t.rgal h yload Cap&fllY bo'lWl'f'O I~ 111ul 20 ton• 2 46:1 BIA•·kAn11lh11 3 12:'1 HIRCk11m1lh~ Htlllf'r 'J 1111 Brlc.klay«"r t1nd Stoncma..on :l lltl Br1ck lender 2 ~111 Elec'lrklan :i 114 F:lf'l'tt lcl•n F'o1 • 1nao I UI Plumbf'r 3 34 Plum.,.r Foreman 3 09 Or1ven of T111c1ca LA'j:AI Pa) lnad C'apa.-tty bf't"' "•n Iii :.!8 19 28 20.•8 19 28 J9 12 18,t-0 1760 20.08 19.12 18.00 18 QO 11196 2 1 H 23 28 211 16 UI 96 2() 110 20 18 20 80 20 16 23 28 21.H 22 08 23 28 18 H 18h Ill 08 17.1.1 210 ll!U 1168 IP 12 2~ llO 2:1 2'1 21UIO 2000 3(1 72 27 60 10 a nf1 10 ton11 2 3JI:) 111 08 An \ < l1111•1r111ot ton om11t~ h•rr1n. not lru than 2 90 23 20 All b1.1,. •11· tu l>tt compared on lht bu la of lht City fl!n1rlnN11 '1 f'Atln\Mt or th .. quanlllle• of wor'k to be dont 1\o bid wlll M "' • ~;>tt'd from • Contractor who hu not ~n llf.,•n• f'J In af'oordance .,.11h lh<" rrovlalon• or Cll•pltr II, Oh•lslol'I IJ I nf liu~•· nn. all() l'roru .111onJ l\l<lt' Pla_na may t>t V • n 11n•I tnr 1111• pf propose.I boncl1 contn.-1 a n•l 4J>«lfl<11t .. in11 niay bl' .. 1ot-.1n1 •I "l lllf otrlc~ ur lht City £nr tn""' l '11y Half, I"~"' l"'ll lJ•·1t• h I ll hf••r 11" The 11pec1a.J a u""' t"n ••I f'l••~JW'C'l IVf blddna la r ailed to \he "Pro- po .. 1 Requlre-mtnL-nn•I 1 "•n•lall11n~ anntllN 1.u the blank form or pro- pot1al, for full tllrt< l1un• ., .. 111 ln4flrnl( f'\(' The C:tl )' or :-;"" 1~•rl 11 ..... h 1 • ~,., ,., " tllf 1 lf ht to r •jt<'t any or all bldtl PUBLIC NOTICE YOU DON'T HA VE TO BELONG to a UNION, work for the CITY or the GOVERNMENT to participate in the NEW COMMUNITY DEPARTMENT STORE MONEY SA VlNG CLUB. Everyone ia eligible to belong to thia new and daringly different stote if you wiab to save hundreds, even thousands of dollars on your annual everyday purchases of top quality CLOTHJNG, TOYS, LUGGAGE, APPLIANCES, LAMPS, RADIOS. TV's, FURNITURE. CARPETING. BEDDING. COSTUME JEWELRY, WATCHF.S, CLOCKS, CAMERAS. GIFT COSMETICS-and just about anything you wish. The store has been completely remodeled, restocked and redecorated to make your shopping a pleasure instead of a chore. Drive out and let us tell you about this new and eensational money-saving Club Plan -over 7000 aq. ft. of Free Parking on our own lot. We'll be open every evening from now until Cbriatmu. Daily 9:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. Cloeed Sundays. Free Git'ta to t.he ladies -Free Gifl.8 to new membera. DIRECTIONS -From beach areu , take Harbor Blvd. north to Bolsa, tum right and go 2 block• Eut for Harbor Blvd .. Community Department Store 12131 E . BOL.5A SANTA ANA Kl 2-6015 Newport Harbor B. P. 0 . E. 1767 MOTTELL'S AND PEEK Colonial Mortuary 7801 Bolaa-Ju•t wut 11( W"•l· minater Memor1aJ P1u k An O~re County In10lllut1on Srrvln( ramtllu or all faith~ T,h·pllont 11'>11 ., r~ 1 ZEntth 0231 No oiw evrr tumfO(J •way bf'<'au.,. or lack ot tu11d.\ 10-BusiH99 Golde COAST OFF'lC'I!: EQlllPMf::-.·T TYJ)t'Wrilera 46c48 General Contractor LJCENSJCD New Work -Remodelinc J. MIL TON McKENZIE Jiarbor 6399-W 58tlc Custom CABINET WORK Donr on preml"o No Job loo am&ll. Phone J< I 3·3348. CEMENT & BUILDING AU K lnda FREE ~TIM.A TES Llberty 8-6109 ASPHALT TILE LlNOLEUM 2tll Inst.All the above cheaper than moat. Alao 8('11 Tiie It Unnleum. Non·unton, 211 ycara upertenc,e. Compare and He - BIL.I.. COKER Hu. 4711:) or ~ Brach 7-:11173 Uttc Addlntf macl\tnl'• Painting, Paperhanging r1upllra tora Suppht• , _ , SALF:S RESTALS 'Tbe Finest Money Can Buy' 1113.'1 H.1rbor Blv•l I Cn•ta Mf'Au LillH lY 11.;79, --1 COurteoua Nr..-.·•·f'rl'J<t C:IA~tfled .Ad·T&kefa a.re lr••n..,I ru \. rllf' Sympson & Nollar 11ta ll8th Ml , New-port Buell r h Har 2104 or l~7·P-l&lfc Thr 11n.fl'rlllftn"'l rln••JI h"rt by 'f'I ttrv lh11I hr 1J1 rnnd"• l\illl • Rchnol or r1nnr1nir h111tnP•I Il l :lH I\ \'Ill lljWlttn N"""llOrt 11 .. arh c 0 Rllfnrnu1 1111 Irr t h•· f11 1111u111 rum nam" hf K11111t )4•111h•"' .. r t ••nrln.it nn I tha t p 1e.J rrrtt1 '" rnmpn•<'•I nf r hf' (nllow1n, f>"'"""~ '''ho..•e-numo In full •nil fllar('11 1•f 1 f'•l1,..ncf' 11r11 •• rn11n .... .,., tn ..... 11 CITY I W :-:lo:\\ I'« 1HT llf:AC'H, CAW.. 1 l'ftt'Ctlve ad1 \IAl\GERY S<'HH111·1 ,~:R, City C lerk I CARPENTRY KLOIN T OATl':R·!l:\72 fllll>f>rt, Anaht"lm lllllr•I 1% 1:........ Thro111n Ions f'llJ>t'rll'nn 1111d a I ~" 11\i ;-.:,. .. 3 .prf'» 12 16. 23. l9M thoroukh undtt1tandln1 1•1 "dv1>r· ----------------1 U11ln1t "'I' cen put your "'~nta tnlo words tha t rr;et action. I.fl 11.11 hrlp you aell: MINOR REPAIR WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL H. 0 . Ander.on 1014 P.:. Balboa Blvd,, Ba.lboe Hubor 24~ 83t!c .PAINTING M. W. ROSS CARPENTER Renair Work Do-. Tov ~ 1'..cl Repelltas or Rm...._! Call mu.~ .... All Worlr CJauuateed T•ti. Jennen Plumbing Repair work, a specialty Wat.er hu.ten on Ume pa1111ent. 2&111 Newport BITd., Newport Beach. Har. 6116. Jt.. Har. 4MT·J. 47C!IOB. AJcoboltca A.DoD.J1DOQ9 Write P. 0. a. 111 H.wport ...._ OllU. l"IMJDe Barbor '711 ANYONE KNOWING addrwa, whereabouta, Leonard Batter· field, cont.e.ct dauctiter. Joyce Poor. Box 263, 8uaanYille, Calli. lAal known addr ... "Tadlt An· ~. Newport Beach." UpU 15-Slaare Yoar Oar WANT ride to Sant.a Ana or Ana· helm by 8 a .m. for Rlrh School r 1rl. Call Har. OSllt·K evea or Kl 2-tUl eat JM day.. 47c411 FLY oc-e NON-STOP N.Y.C. $1()• CHJC AOO Mii •Round Trip Only Free Umou.ine to Airport Box Lunchea. rr .. Ticket DeUnry WASHINGTON, D.C. ·····-PT PKILAD&LPHIA ·······-·····-Ml DA..LLAB -··-·····--··-·· .. --···· a.•11 D ETROIT ............. ·--·······-$79 HONOLULU -·-····-···-···~ Slot NEW TORK ----····--Ml CIOCAOO -·-··--·-··-·--Mt AU hna -Plua Tu 124 W. Ocean Bll'd.., L. B. KE 2-44 l~ --JO!Y, l--4QI Banta Ana. ltT E. lrd Kl a..aee Superfluous Hair Perm&IMllLIJ removed trom fee. an:u, ..... S,.lrrowe &Dd bal.r U.. ••ped-No more l~. ELl.EN L BR YA.HT I\. &. IJOll:DIA'IW openinc at Onqe Oout Oollep tor intermediate ~ .tarttnc a&1arJ uu per mo. apUt a11ttt 11oun 1rom 1 to IS p.m. and l :IO to 10:30 p.m. Mon. Um& Tllun. I to I p.m. ~· Apptr ln P'l908 at Bu.mt-offtc. ot eou.,. la Ad· ARE YOU mti:o OJ' -rJOBTINO CftOU ·TOWN TILUTIO -AOtn'Dm DfUI>• Wm& -u.a or PAT roa TACA.· 110N9 -NO CIUNC9 l'OA ADY AJfCS- lmHT APW JOIO a ftnt M. ... ~Au. Ila. to,.... l :M a. m.. to •:IO f. • SOU'l'HERN OOUNTID OAS 00. -Bu ID ..... eat•el•._. ~ for blp edlool ,...._* lMIS wtUt llOIDe ......_teal aptitude. 1-da7, 40 llr. WMk. Mdl mtns.tralba B14c. ...U ------------ New 1956 TV We Are Selling Floor Samples and Demonatretors ~GHOUSE 21" Blonde Con'..ole. Regularly \299.96 With your old TV • NOW ONLY $219.96 PIDLCO 21" Conaole with Golden Grid Tuner. Regularly $339.95 With your old TV NOW ONLY $219.96 ALL SETS FULLY GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN 1886 Harbor Blvd., Colt.a Meaa LI 8-3437 46c48 PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool Rugs $3 per~ sq. ft. All n•w meterial patterns or hit and miu See our Mlection of imported china. En1liab blue. aceoery and vine le wheat in brown. The House of Y Mterday & Tomorrow 1113 80. MAIN BT, CORONA CORONA 'T7t MO~O ABOQ'T J.Alf. Ut lNTO MSW BUll.J)INO WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE Udo'• Bal4ll of ..... ty Bat. J17' -------------------------~ AND,QUU make ~ Xrn.u. -------------,Uta. Vi.It our IMT• •lort.- Loeda of rare lovwly old dllna . cJocka, &&mJ19, plCtUr'N, Old LOST ltye rl~a In Ralboa phOnOsrapll, curloe, btic·a·brac. Black ell-.11, lltlver tl'lm etc. REWARD -Har. 2360 6'P'll C KARUE DAVut. 1806 I: An•· helm I t . l...B,-HE '-6039 It China Painting 0.J jand ~a..... Ordua Ta&aa How PltoDe J..Dauty ._.... MUe RELIABLE JAPANESE· AMERICAN WANTS GARDENING IN HA~ BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HY A'IT 4-5471 SlpOO Swedish Massage Ladlu , -by a ppolntmmt a. your home. r onnerly maaNUH at ArrowhMd 8prtnc'I Hotel Pie ... ca.ll Harbor n9~ or Harbor 70. t6p68 cu TIE kltteiv llOUM bTOk"'· weaned. l'IU:E U t-JOM-. 47p49 BICYCLES 24" PAIHTSD It "-dlllonf'd, OJJU.8 It BOYi N'SW SCHWINN btcyclo •llll .... a.u.a bl•. AUTO It BJc:ycle a~n• tor lu'l minute a.boppl111 Open till 6 p m. Xmu EYt Newport Balboa Auto Supply 210A Newport BIYd .. Newport Bch. CHRIBTMAJI TJl&.A T8 -A DC'W Hammond Chord Or,.n for the whole ra.mUy. EYt ryone MO M. DAD, BROTH ER. &J ST ER ca.n pla.)' It, lt"11 110 eaey. Ir )'OU can rlnr a doorbell you can play the Hammond Chord Or· ran J2t. a monlh pa.ya tot It Wt ~UHr for Cllrletrn .. 0 ANZ-8CKXIDT, 020 N. M&Jn, &nlA Ana. CLEA.Nl.NC It O\OHINO by Ule CHJUITitlA.8 TR I: A T 11. The day. Expult11ced.. BaJ~ J.aland r ru.t.t or all-A HAMMOND preferred. JU 340te. ' ti ORGAN. We ban all m oct.la H ANDT M..A N. malntt11ar\ce A repair or what? Har 4&t4·W. 4&Uc M.1a Wood.crafi Unpalnt.ct A JU"81'4 rur111h1.n Cleere nee On apenaJ Xmou ll«m.a, r.l'llldrena rum. Incl table 6 >..,.. ~ drak11, rockeni, f'M•l•. hutf'h. wal"drobf', doll tMd.a, cradl ... wtr AU.0 •helvu 11plc• calMn•\.a, atool11, e-tc Un our lay away plan 2121 Har oor. c-M LJ l ·ll411 CHRISTMAS SPECIALS BIG RAVI NOI on MVval lpUtet ptanott ma llOf"&nJ , walnut, mapll', blonde an,, P'rendl Pm · V1nrlal f'AM• l..lbttal lradH Conv"1\lf'nt t f'rm1 at - !HIA•·•:tlS (81noe lll07l Ul ... 23 N Ryea.mo"· Banta Afla Mione K Imbf'r1y 2-411172 8Pl!:Ell Ora pblc C.mera t 1 Lma C'Omplete ~utpment S160 PTo- f~I O.Vry 1• Mm -.nd proj«lor. """' larr .,_11er lboellf'nt 11~0 Har 11 f .. J . Hctl BTAN'DARD ela. l!k'hw1nn rK•r type blJc•. 3 y,.. old. hand ~e 6 UJhl. Good condition. UT .110 Har" 042 .-C•8 CHRISTMAS ORGAN SPECIALS! LOVELY uHd Hammond 8p111et In ~rlt'C'.'l condlUOtl. 8'-.. .rn1• W 1tn-h111 hitn•I thll• IPth 11!1\ nf 1-. lPM f':U::l:-.1 T 1;ATF.1' ~TATE OF CAw .. ·01t~IA TOO~ 1 Sltlll Sa~~~c:Rc,~~ou.Mrw, ~~uR ~~':~.0' Sandere. w be.lbar· Roy's MaintenanGe HOUM c~1111-J'loor tra.stn1 Hammond.a for 8anta Clau. lo <'~ rrom: Tb• bfauutuJ H 0 M E MODIDL. t he loY'tl)' little 8 PJNrr MODEL. and tile eY'tr popular CHURCH MOD&!... aJl ~vt 2 ma.nuaJ keybo&rde a_nd toot• pecS&a: u hlllr a.a s•o. a month will m ake the peymmll. We d e 11 v, r for Chr1lllmu . DANZ • 8CHMJDT. HO N. Ma.1.n, Santa Ana, Calif. DJDfON_,TRA TOR model. Ml•· aball Spinet orra_n~llk• -· aa ... e u oo ONE ONLY' elec:lroftlc orran .. ~ Uberal lrad• Cooven.lent t.erm • tA amall d•rioall w1U bo'd any piano or orsan for Oin..mu deJtveryl , ('CH';'l.'TY OY ORA~GF: '"" Of lhll llllh <lny nf f)for A I• 1 !I!\:) ""'Ore m... !'(TA~ l..F:" I: t'ormerly the Newport-Hall-:>:r" •·TlmN a nti th• Newpurt·Balbua l't l'l'I' -------------~ A O..peltdall~ Lof'al lnalltutlon for O\rr t -orty y.,.,.. ~nlHetl u ~C<"und-CllUll Malttr at ltlr l'11~t t1ft1n· 1n ~"WJ)Olt Beech. t'a ll1<1m 1a untler llll' ~'· t "' .\l.ln n :J. 1117'-I A ;o.:pf:R~ .. ::-:. a Notary P111>111 111 1tnt1 tnr lhl' ••111 C'1111r..I ' .111°1 :0:1 tf" rrAhlln..: I hr1 ru1 t1111\ • .,, ••t• •n f'•I an\.I """' n, I" 1""""11.1 "l'I'"&• · 1 .-1 &LCJ:-J T GATES known to I --------------------------- me lo be the ~rlOn "'hrn•,. nam.. hbb~ """'rf "'oedlly, Wf'dllnday •1141 P'rl4.-1 by ti.. Ill .uti.cn~ tn th• Wtlhtn In· S t:'W'PO RT H \RllOK rt'BLISlll~O ('Q;\IPASl' •ln.Lm«it.. a nd 1r kno1Alf'11'"' tn me U ll Balboa Bl'<I., NE\\PUHT UEAC11. ( ALlt'. l'lloa.. Harbor 1111 that ~ V!KUl.-1 tilt ~m,. BUS INESS BOYD'S HOWE. WaJI wuhtnr-wtndow c~a • 2630 \\' COAST HIC HWAT VeneU&n blind&. Upboa.tH"J CARS le TRU S I Wkrty 8-3011, Ntwp<>rt Sch 21tfc IMu.M. P'ree m:.ttmatM HOUSEHOLD ARTlCLES Llbe.rty 11-1332. JUo MUSICAL LNSTRUMENTS Painting, Decorating Ex . 'd d er • • • I Paper ffanstnc pe~~o en OR GE'T A TENANT GEO. BURK.HARDT and CLEAN UPS FIND YOU A J OH I 97~<..~~~ ~~~t&~:. Liberty 8-1859 GET YOU A HELPER Ubut;y &·14121 lo wttnHm w hul'Of. I """" here· unto Ml my htn•I amt l\rt1v,1 my nff\dal eeal lheo d "' •ir1<1 1·r11r In t ht. c.runcatt fh •I at .. """ r1 •· n "aa.llrt<-d to Publh•h ,....., Netkft a.d Advertltw·-•t• of A.II KlllCh Thne N""•·Prua Clu111r1"'11 Ad· Ry llerl"H',., lhl' l'IUl•<'rtur Uuurt or Oranr• C'o. la Af'tlon No. A-i 11n rakert .tit exp..rtll a.nil t h•'Y art' at Painting Contractor U Ct' IUINI • I nau red "Complete Painting Service CLEAN UP JOBS STANLEY G A:"'M~R~F:"/ MY Commlu11" r 'flll"' laa.. 28. 1967 fl:o. 1187 N...-Pr..t 12 /IS, 30, 1N6. 1/1, l:l 1P'41 llf'ftt.,..r l allfontla H~·r Pul>ll•IM>,.. A..,tel•U.. ~.,,..,.., .Sauo-1 r.dJtortal Al>--tloo Mt'tft!W'r of Oruf9 V.unty .S-• ~l'Tk-e BEN R.EDOlC K. Pt18U8HER WIU..lAlil A. MOSES. ltdllor ORMO NU f! ROL"NTREE, AdverOlln& Director L."HARLl'.8 A. ARM8TRONO. Mechanical 8upednleedent 11'118<.'RIPTION aATa: N..,,.n a.net N .... rn-. Tri·"eeldJ y1Jur Mrvtcr. J u1t phon~ HARBOR 1816 -Whtlller you .,.., In bwlln,..,. tor 1ourMlt or work tor llOmMnr th1e, I at reuonable pricea" J AME3. Harbor 1239)1( Mp4t Call Efec. Tool Repair Yard Maintenance ThrM )'e&n d'pel1HC• lhta loce.lltJ. LI W1111 PAINTING UUe BT HOUR. 8m&ll or/ l&rfe joba ok. JW.aaon•bJe rate.. 8NOWBUU> -In ea~llenl concti. t~on. 01.. plu Uc bottom. Boat doUJ It COHr. Pufec:t for J"OW'Pl•r tw x.mu. Har. me tee•& BOXER PUPPIE8 1 male A 1 ''male lefL 11111 JhcDuff, Oarden Grove. Ll:blJ'll t-OIM. He•& '300. ruR COAT. lllnt. condition. sn. Harbor l21t. .-c.a THE ENTIRE FA.KIL Y Wlll «nJoy a ftn• ruil ltU or portabM t,,,_.ntft'. rrlced "'°"' na Economy Ofrice Equipment Co. ~ E . lrd IL Kl 7·ltJ8 H'Ol'ICI: OF nrftl'O>ED MORTf; \la· NOTJ((E IJl H&l\&BY 1:1n ::-; That CHARLEl!I ~ btr.TRJ<'}I I a nd JEAl'fNl: T OIETRJl'll h11~ band and ""1ft, Mol'\A60r. "hMe r la oruce o.-t:r, .... ,.. ,-r; .... lb .... : tuJ 1111 ..... -0wtaWe of O...p Cowity 17.to P"r ,.,., I you ran Ullf' th,. rlu•th!'t1 •(la to 1our adH.nl&1r to .. 11 you r err· TIC.a, produce or mert>hand1M Skll Saw•. Drllla. San~re QUICK SEP.VlC& LEWCO EUX:TRIC 00. n• No. N.-wporl Bl•d~ NpL Bcb.. Ubf'rty 11.113-.1 pr WfM-11 kntAt Aft&. UcU ,. SHATER8 18lnce 1807) '21-4~3 N. Sycamore. Banta Ana P)lone Kimberly 2-4172 On.nae Count)"• Orran Hft4ln BOTS SCHWLlllN 2' In. blkt. MW· I)' pa.Int~. Sood condition. Ill& Ea.et Cout. ff"'1.-Har M88 nc .. Attention Artists For au Your Art Neem a&IE City Paint & Art Center 412 w. 4th Sant.a Ana KJ 2·4382 MAM'8 roller akat•. ._ 9 l'f 6 c-. Uonel elec:tt1C t rain an,, boy'e roll clube. LI I-TIA• ~·- ~ . -. -. .. IO-B-Ar?!ll »! . !ft! ry USED APPLIANCE BUYS GAFJl'l:M 6 8AT'l'Ll:R table top pa,_,. ...... $49.80 GAFFE!tS It SAT'l'LER whJt. table top pa nap with oyen control -···-........................ -... ·-·----f11l50 WESTERN HOLLY pa ranee wtth cnen eoatrol ' Antiq• Ownen I Repair CHDfA, OLAU 6 BNC·A·MAC l:leaaof O'Xeete 1622 Walk• SALE OF 'SAeES I YEAR END CLEAN UP I USED TRUCKS 48-Afta. & ROUS8 for ~nt 4R-Apt". t; HouSH for Rent 11\JEWPORT HAR BOil NEWS-PRESS -PART I I • PAGE S Cabanas Marinas FRIDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1955 Lido Peninsuia, E ast 31st St., Npt. Bch. '\r;\\l'••l!'r HF'•'ll I,, Ir· I LOANS for Homes ~I ..,, I : I I·& • ' . ,, :J"'• -211 yr, Lo&ne very clean ........................... _ ................................... $79.50 K!!LVJNATOR Retrtcwator e cu. ft ....... -............ $59.50 '_•_e_aoa_T_·m_T __ enw-___ u WE HAVE HAO THE OFFERS Delightful li\'ing. Apt.-Cabu1~as. l 'til1urs paid. with t 0 , ....... 4~ l "'I• t h h :-; ' 7 .... "'' <, t-\ \ r '' 11 1" Construction Loans 8~1·: lll>ll SATTLElt GIBSON 9 cu. ft. Refriprator ........... -................... ~l50 WESTINGHOUSE 1 cu. tt. Refrigerator ............ Sf9.50 SERVEL Refrtc"erator !5~ cu. ft., left bani door $89.50 KE'LVINATOR 8 cu. tt. deluxe ftefriprator .... $98.50 KENMORE wrtnrr wuber deluxe ....... -............. "6.00 EA.SY SPIN DRIER, deluse model .................... $69.50 WF.STINpHOUSE electric ranee, late modtl .... $99.50 L 6 H e&ectric ranie, deluxe model ........................ $tt.50 ALL OU.AAAMftlm W 41Hl.NO MA.CHJNE8, .A'UTOM.A '11C .um WJUHOU TTPU 81C"fDAL TO lm..llCT now ALL ftl!AIONABLT PJUCSD-•UDOllT T.l:RMl!l-11\D DJCLIV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 Eut fth St. Santa Ana J[I 2·233e O JJtt..8 - EARN MORE THAN EVER B&l'ORE ! IO "heeDs•1a.. DA VlllNPOAT 6 dl&lr, 1004 coa· dJUoe .... "~' type ..... er 110 Dtaette Ht I ptteff la&. U I-TON er U I-MIO. tTcllO Our aew, bl&'Mr 11tarttns wap and tr .. uant inc~ ftv• yo11 .. ao. ... , ... a __ A_f!,._Nlallelm .. !!! .. ! ... !9 .. ~-·----­Ulw opportwt.1ty. Opaatnp .ew for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS W• wUl tnla you &nd 7011'U n- cd v• many other benaflu. -AJ>lllY - . -LAJlGE H PT. REFRIG· FREEZER OOMBINATION REG. SJCLU l"OR ~79.98 LIKE NEW ........ NOW $186 I BUY AND SELL , LUU..T .AKl:IUCAH cut. calGr'ld, patters .,..._ PrlmlU•-A.n· Uque t.rmtun and nae da1nL ~ BIG OLD RJ:D BARN E. J'DUIAHX KJ S-U{l 11111 .... bor aaTd., OMSen ar&ve Slclllh .._ ...... !J:!nl!! CilYD cratt 10 ft. ~er. r•mota C*'ltrol wbeel. car top JGMlr. Alma« ·-· 1116. 8" .ttu t p. m. -181 Catalina Drt" at reu. •sue C'll.UIPIO" LMm&a dJqt\7 No. 4. Daeroa ..ua • t...U.. Oood eoedlU011, l48G. LI 11 .• TJfC. t'l?C8 Boat Repairs ROBOT VAUGHAN 6 CO. ltOO W. Cout Hwy. Newport Beach prU Slip & Rowboat Space fori Rent AIMMu LetMn 111-lltll St. 11' ii No. Ma.In ltrMt, I'm. Ul, 8&n t.a A.Ila. 1:00 to C:OO p. m. DELUXE GAB DRYER 6 MNttap 2lld • ftJl Wed. 8 p.m PACIFIC trELEPHONE A TTftACTIV& •.ucuthe HCret.&17 muat )Ian excellent telephOfle per80tl&llt)' for n-office, New· port 8nch. Reply Bex X -11. Ulla new1peper. ttcce WANTED Colored ma.n un~r '°• n per1tftc9d In autoe. DuU• wuhln1. pollahlnf. lubricaHnr A Janitor work. 8M CO'l"I'ON COPT, J U I Newport »lv4. tac .. AUTOMA'l1C WA.SHER PRU WOULD BELL NEW for MOO ,.._ .., 11 n. omua.c1U.rr JlE..BUILT, il GOOD a.daa cnm.r powerect wiUa two A8 NEW ................ $119.8& HI hp. rtdllCUoD drt•• Chri1· Cretl ....... LM.W w1Ua 32· •oil Au. ..,..,_ V-.1 wu MacM4. Cu M ncout.Net.ed tty llalpe cupenc.r a.t mbll.mum co.\. Coat.act. z . Jl. Cl&yt-0n. Iaa. Aft. LI I-Mil or Lr 1-3111 ALSO SELECl'ION OP' GOOD USED JlD"JUG'S FROM "9.96 6 UP. TERMS TO SUIT JAKE'S APPLIANCES tk50 !! ~.....,rv 1H7 KatMt 81\'d. OUR -.-TSr CRJU8TMA8 BEST YEAR IN ~~ YEARS OF SPECIA(-Yacht slip uccom0J a t1ons. IZING IN THE SALES Daily. weekly. month!~· yrnrly. OF MOTOR TRUCKS. Du R' NG THE BAL-I __ F_or_nP_r_t_. _o_r _re_s_e_n_'a_ti_o_n~ c_a_ll~ar. 2m12. 34tfc >tNCE OF DECEMBER 41-Auto s.-n•tff t>1 A-:\11t"'. tor R.-nt WE WILL TAKE ANY ,------~------------~- DEAL ON A USED Motor Overhaul R;E NTA L •' TRUCK THAT IS REA-NO MONEY DOWN SPECIALISTS SONABLE TO CLEAN * with ·this ad * <'1111 r.11n11 cr•1i: 6 C ~ 888 Bla nche Ga t es, Rllr . OUR LOT OF OUR yls. : ............... _ ...... 4 · m M1u111" Av~ p RE s ENT s T 0 c K. 8 Cyls ...................... ~58·88 llalbr..1 1-111nd, 11.rr 1671 lnrludrs both labl\r Bn•l p!irtl\ OUR STOCK INCLUO-)';()'!\' nni:.•. \HISl ""'~· \II\'(' ES PICKUPS, PANELS, i;r1nd. f1 tt1n;;:~ l\f 111111n :inti 1 I bearings. Expert motor tr.;nc UJI ST AKES AND DUMPS. 90-day o r 4.000 11111 .. {!llltrlUllt'l' ALL .... AKES ANO !NO MOl\'EY [){)\\':\'I m REBUILT ENGINES SIZES. DO NOT MISS THIS SALE IF YOU -UP tu 16 MO'STHS TO f'A Y- Bullt In nor uwn lnctory by "k1llc•l mach1ni1-u D1or1 t ntntPntl ".ti: ARE IN NEED OF I lht m11ldlf' man lluy rl111•ct j TRUCK EQUIPMENT REBUILT and INSTALLED • S HOKT BLOCJ.; W. W. WOODS GMC DEALER FORD .. .. ..... _ ...... -....... SIW.~O <.:HEVROl.ET ................... _ Sl49 :,v PLYl\l. & DODGF. ................ s1 :.~1 CH KYi:;. & UE l)UTO ........ _ .. s qu STUD.1.;BAKER ................. $170 Ch:1 rrn111g H :irb1l!' l ia\'t'tl .\pa rlmt•11f,.; • l'<tl1>1,.; :-.-~;\\' 4 H• 111~1 -tn·t·t 11•\t , :\'1-.1: I t ...... ant. • ,. lu ••\ ... t :a 1 b.:u • ·h~ f'tt:-u! l.1111 II \ !'\I "I ·ti..:.•• r • •• l-4 ~Hr11,.:r $~1 ~--up 'I• ,·uptt" • n tin• ~u.,· i:u1•.t ~up 1\1:i-1u n J\1,:1 1:,111 1111\1 11 I 'l,u 1• 1 II , k s., ith , I lli):h s 1, ... ,1 Al-':ill H 'll!\'l.Sllt-:1 I \l'TS \\l:'\Tl:tt l\.\rl-:s •!!.· ----------- T\\'O H~:LllC\1 A I' I t 111 JI J: 11 \\"tn,. rt• lil d ~. •' ,d\1 I h p u: J;J J 11th St , :'\•·\\JIPll H1 .1•h t I! I I 11 >1 I I :'l.r ·; t 't ., ,, ... \tatlt It 111 1•11 11nn111I ,.,...,, ... :-: r• 111 10 '' 1 ..... r 'I"'" , r 1' It \ hi .. lll'H"" ,, I' \\I t• • '...' l HI J:.u J11•Jl1lfd\l'J\ •lf t 1h t I .. ht ldh 7,,~. I • I ,.,~, l '!ifHil•' d II l'idh U t ' \•"' ;\t \\ J , !f +t I )7';1 \11 ' 'f\\11 l'1t1f'1\ h1 ll'"'i1 fi ;f ll I 111 \l1t,ti•1,,t l 'I l'• talt:OO tL' J •, 11.t \\ u11 ,•r 1, r:t.d 1' 1: 1:1: \l:t i!"IYF ::1 1 111"11 l •r l.ol1• Ii l'lo ('II 111~ ;1 'l'IJ•i I I •It 1.F \:-1·: • ,,, .11 ~· 1 I " ... "I" 1! , .. upt• l.'\1 ' 11 I: \I I ~11 \ 'II 111111 I' \\ tJll1 I I l.lllo llO II •' (. ! •'• " t J .~ .... .., \ I' \l.~11 '11 I )j,p l ,1,,1 1:-I I t, r~tul ,·, .. , 1:." A •hill ,, 11.,: f I',,' "·•l Ph• •11 I f' I 11.u -\H~ n11••r ': ~" JI 11 •• ~. ,, r\\11 1:1 l •ll1111~l 111•1 :'I' '" • 11 (JiU IU I \:It I iJ1lJt•ft ' .. 'It, ..... f'-th ~' ~ 011:--.' ., ~It !II.I' LI ~· 7t'7' ''1•'111 \1:1.I•' :'I ' \l'I . ..: _;,,,,,, ;\'(I I II>: ;! .. 1., l.A:-.T \.'0 A 81 Hl..\'O. •, '""·' '" r \Jar ll11rt>.1r 388S Ht p 1'1 •ll!ll'I' ~l\lftT1~A~E C(,). Ali 11 u l.•l u lua F'unJ• KJ. 3.:r(g9 '8ll4 I U \ '·' I 1• Ill ti.t o JMl'HU\'J:; l:ll'\', ~i1lllt:1L-.:1z11:, t lH Hl·:l-'J .'\ ANC.I:: \\'1• l ilt\' 1'1U•I llrl"d• !"!::\\ t '1 •l<'I ll.\ l.llllA S,\ \'1:-.ICS Iii l llA:-1 ASSIWIATlllN ;J,:\itl \'111 I.Hill 1"1 liar. 4200 t,. CAPITOL GAIN t'AN YOll J\FFOHl l TO SEL L? I It 1\\ ,\Ill II I' Tit.\ 1 1~;. t "I hllln n..,;•'I --1·· I ...... t ,, j~r Hh "'"' J'f"t'P· t~tt\ \\t' t h .I tf '"'"' 1\Uj:•~ft•,1t \ 1\111•"1 ·•' S':'t 1111\I \\Ith 11\rr (I 1t tUU I • ''''" ••• \11 11 luuu: &. "'" in· ltl• :: I Ut H.1.\ I 1• l't JHt•pr11~·. \\ 111 t 11uh· 111• 1•1 ,1"" 11 l h' nt•r. \\l'lt,t t•I l.'l'•1il 111 \\1111' Zflnj :-... 1111 1·,.,1i1a11 .\'"· IJt!'I A n· i:rtPio tti llltl•lil-:R::; l'S\'ITJ.:p tl5·111 E . 4th S t . Santa A na Ol.DS le PCJNTlAC 6 ............ $1 70 Truck headquarters tor Orange Co B!JJCK .......................... -......... S17? H UDSON ............. -.................. $17,, G k Loan l:llr F1 1•(• T11wmg rant W. Music r-:Ew cAR cuARA:>:TEi:: It * '' d ,,, q I 'I 1••'1 II I ........ '·1 .. 11 lt,1•1t "-I•• 1:1,.t r;111I 1"'1'i • E=--.111Y 1.1~1'."•~ .. ,~ lh·· (1, •• m Il l.Ill I.I .. -:'l\!I!\ 111 ···' Today's Trade F11 111 1.;,:.11 .. 11°11· ·'I''' & 111:<., .. 9-l(,oomM for R.-l'll Your Hudson Dealer SALES and SER VJCE 253 N. Loe Angeles KE 5· 7278 A.nabelm 421fr ~MERCURY MONTC LAIH t'l'I:.: Mercomallc dnve, many ,.,.11.18 had It 4 month11 J ust rN·1•1\l"I onneu on:ter11 $26.W 111 Via Dijon, UJo Isle. I-Jar. 41)711H H <-411 Block m11,,1 r11l'c•t our :<landarU, Pl\111 l8lh'8, j:8Ske ts l\nd lHI Open Sund11y 10 a .111. to 2 pm. BELLES ENGINE REBUILt>eRS Opc·n IJally II tu i SIJIC Uon.!ec! N E\V LOCATION 310 East 3rd St. \l'll/1 f'rl\'ftl1 hlllh Mu1d ~"''"'' ----------------1 8 UNITS PENINSULA 1'\' :!:t11ti \\1•~! ()11'1111 /<'111nt (,,\11\' tJI II• ''°' lo" Ill 11 f l I(' 1;,, .,, l•".111\' lll•"lllt' ~'<llltJ \\Ill\ H.uh••rt>11:n I h11111• '''' •••11•t11'1 'I i 11 • J I r 1H1 trt•n•)•i•t,•t••un,111·nJtnt ... ,. * * * 1' :,,,pl :!'.•II• ·"" •llillllll'I l(•flll\I• All 111111 .. ~...__,...·~11111H lll'Hll\' 111.llllO 11'1'1 :.! AT'TN: r.A!'Tr:Hl\'J·:1::-: I ;-11\l.IJ•l \ 1·~·"''~1 ·1 \ Jt .,. I 1.1 1, .... , II»\\ ,..~1·1~• al $'.11111. :'\t:\\1'11HTll·'\t'lt llhi. l10•n OJ•I t, UJ.,;r. tit 11 \\k lt•f \j\\ftf"t l U \' \\ I f ~It~ ·~11 I I I )I I.II" I\' i.. I lu!• ~riff, \I I\ rt·Ul11I"' St 1oJu1 ~·,u If,,, ~ tuHlt \\ill\ I 11\ 1'• l .. i•lo "-• ll'I o!t• 111ttrll •,i \\Ill t 1ldt" ~Q\111\' ,, I "I I • "' .. I I I I ' II •f :: t 111 .. ( > ,fl • •••• ~ I I •• 1 ' l1 ·1.F,\lt 1111\llo'. TO $'.\0 0111'1 Oil ··~"it • & Otfki' I sM \1.1.1-.1< 1 111~n; A:-.11 r ·A ~11. ·!·---~.:·.:~ ________ ; ______ C•lt \\11\r II n : Ynt'~ \t \I 1. • '• \ h I · 1 1 • n' ~ 1 ' "THIS IS HOT!!" SARVER !«JI! Ll t-IMc co.la N.. ft&.t.ft -at.ebnra)' Orvid.t---------~' 1 11 , I ''"u ' lltH Al ~ti ' 'If I •..: ' I .. , .•• I I~\\ 'I ft ·· h i tal lh): ('ff tll••11 ,. J f Jt ti f·~· I'•' •tr' lfl Ill I I t• J 1 ••t 1~.111 • 1:11 1 1 .11 11., 1.1 ... Gordon l. Andrew, Rltr. .: I' I I I.I l'I ·,:,;n 1'-:\'•'. II Ar. J :..'7 1 J BAMBOO DRAPES . CUSTOM MAD9 : ANT 11.ZJr Pnce. 1tarttnr at 2le a ... n.. BMUtlfUI N-Woven P altema P'Ot' All Decor• K l recll CuttaJll 6 Tra•U'M .... leeTbetn 0. ~ In Our Store SANTA ANA TENT It A WNJNO 00. ltANTA AJU. JUI 8. Main. IC l-»411 >'OR l'IAUt To be rWO•e4. 1 •ly 111 rt x IO ft. and 1 only sT n. 11 17 t t.-1 a ' tr.me ~­ lion bulldJ.n•. Ndwood Mtfts. A ppl)' Robert Crowell, MVAlcJp&I T "tl«r Paris. UU\ • ll&lbo& 8 1••d . Newport a.c-. Calif. 4Ac .. TRl'.MP£T ln &ood c_,IUotl NI. 28' blrycle It. Hotpo4ftl ref. 13 Harbor U Ol·J Nomlaf'a ol\ly. 4kU t7c• ,,.._tftt9t emdlU-. 'nil won· ...-tul ptaao alftloet lllle n-. c.,, PHILCO 11 •1&. ft. ntnpn&ar. IT M ~ • J yean Urne. J1-. aenu top ,,....,., Sxd\a9lft &aaM 8ptMt. do87 ftnJ&. ft1leo two-wq claw, It ltlatow ued "'7 llW.. MYe offr isoo. ,,.....,, temp.ratan QM.II. DolMU et euwr uttJe eplnell. H• dowa ,.,...t. 1.M ,_ n lrhaJ eu ..-u...ir Mt be THAOHe<>Jra 1111 Jf..,_n .... told ,,_ ..... a.ne oeJy ma. Coat& M--. tf D.ud • IM"Jl11YI' ~I Piano O'XDl'S • llDIUTl' nqe, •• :: .. °'::. ~~."· Wain model Lamp 6 clodr W'IUa o•• -------------tllner. C!\rome plD bret'-1-, ... ~ Ill\ ., tAlp. Uaed _. ID-Ul. fld.IO eull, or~ .. ,.,. ...._ 16'1 W . Qarn, 0nq-.. a I-Ml 1 tt ~11Nntko0..ue lare• faailY ..._ R.p a• m • d ........... ~"~en.­,..., ah9l•• \ft U.. ._r 6 Ill •1ru. I JT· l'l&fta'-........ CIDUsntAa '1'Jll&A Ta. Hammond Orpa Uld. oee CJ&l7, l>ea&1UM ••••• .,.... P>r*lll tor a.. ~ ~ ...SJU.. IJll• ........ ,..,.... •VU.. Oft tJUI -.. .u. •e oatr nae Hana· ~ ~ Orpa. n.t .. .u. heh "'-J'& u. &1-t tmpo.- ....... ,.... D.UG-aCllMlDT ,..._ 1M ~Co.. UO N. 11a&a at.. 1Uta AM- to pey dr#a H ttedlt O.IC.., ------------9-11. lit ,.,..._t el fa.II .... CllRU1"MAa T J\ EAT I . 149&. In &a 4-71. Bal. due le lllT.91. -.,,., lo'nl7 .. ~,. Or&l'd. ~ a.. aarti-Day or C..... u 1'61 ttnll\I. ~ UM. Maar W. a.a,.n-. Onap. .u.n: KaaM, l lalnwa.y, XJm· Call Collect U a.NIT. '-II, MGMIG • B&ldwta. 8t&rr. ..._. 6 ....... wvtst&er. Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER BRAKES t 1t \1 .,,, ,., I •• , I\ .. \,, 11 ~· ,, ... ,J'l•tl ·~··hh I • ,. tit:'; ,i,ft, 1;1 I'• e NEW OFFICES 471 I~ JACUAR, M G. AUSTJN-HEAJ..EY MORRIS. AUSTIN A LFA ROMEO RENAULT 1L"' ORA:-.1 ;~; !'lll'~Tr 17 "Fl.So B on\.l .. .J U1 Ilk•·,. I \\ht"" $1 I <1tj ln8l~llut 11111 .IJ!I 'I\\• I 1:1'1111 \1 ,,, ll I ~'I\ ~ II I~' I I ti I d Uf1', I \1 ti I ~It e 1l 11·:A I . 1-'0 It l'IW F l·:s. ~2-f!.'.:!'_l_t~_,._l.t_f_,. _____ _ N.w Car saJ .. & S!'rvlre Clean U1<ed Cua. All Ml\\\1•' Im portl'd llnd Domu tic , 2.201 SO. MAIN ST SANTA A'SA Kl 2-07Ml 11132 HARBOR liLVO. J J: ~··"' Tu,; I'\ YOt' PAY :"0 ~IOIU; SI ' 1;1 SAR\'ER ~tOTORS I J:HAl<fo: ~~:II\ WI-: 'I-: l ST AT 1:HA:'\'l1 S.\'ST,\ i\:'\'A Tl1c l 'l'llJlll II• T ... , t ~.t· 1 A ll~r COSTA MltSA LI 8·60:>1 tr .. 2-Trailf'n 41 Jo"ORD CLUB t:Ol'PE $11111 * P ORT O RANGE * Radio, hnt•r. •pot ttt ... ff.~"1 I THAlLl::H ~ALF:S u,..... 11•w brake•. Kl ~.i,r.1 I SL'PPI 1 .. ~. ~1:1p;.o :ut• , ... s HAPPY UTT'U: :.:i f'L\'MIJl'TJI Belv~ere \'·Ii rJub HJan 1purl trim. dua l m11ffl..r1. ,.,,... •'I''" A white l lA'O trinf' !,CJ\\' Mll.F: AO£ U 1110 Prl•·at,. fl"'ntr KI &-UH mon\lnlf• It f'• '"'"lit' 2200 W. Coast H1way 1'C'wpo rt &-11t h I.I ·"·11.?0 ·~:i,. ~ K t1 , .. ,,.,.It ~ •·· t • •k\·4 t p,., ""'"'r t I t11 t • !">il tr. T r H .i •• ,,. \ t 1• • ~,-.. !'ttl .o\ ti r ·'• J, • t I /• , , \\'t l"•f'.J 11••1<•1 11 •I Ir.•\.'; I II• •~I-II " ~10:-:AJ. 11r Rl':-~l!'\l·:~s t ·~r:. Attention lnve,tors! L11c11t<'J in I . r1<1ct: REouct.m ll.11 b11r l111·t•stmc·nt ( ·., Rl1li; I-•r '11111 lt oMlnn ''" thl~ b111<lnr~ .. :•111 II ». :'\nwrv1rt Hl\'d, 1.''. 1~·• ty. :., le 1111•1•·111 h111l1l1ni;1< 1111 IL\l'llELl1H u11•I "'" ~ I"'•' ll-ln•1 ' '" ' 1·-i.1 x 1.r; Int 111111 11h1111l1I 1 .... ~., upi .... .'1111 1 '"'" 1111.i >" 111ly H ur. 1600 ll ,., r• n t fnr a tntftl o r 11l l<'1.U1l AL.Su, 1.1.i.., 111111" .< ·'"" 1:11) ~ 11111• S.!r.u I'' r monLh. 1·111mty or l"Xlni 111111"'" .u,il up .. 1tr110 l•l.N 1:1 1'1'\I 1'1' .\ 11• •\II' :. '" 11111 I• r • ll.1111111111111, AtlNjUl~le l"<lk· Lll>O HEALTY AlitSOdUll'8 1 .... .,.. 1•"'' h•· ''""' 1111 1·•· 111ic-IA'11 &t•·d In tht-flu1tr•l J11ltl \ ... l.ltlu, 11 ... 1,.,1 4444 1· .. 1k111i: 1.1 ... 1 I ., •I•~\•·• .... 11 JCl t""\111( J>ftrt or COil\& MtM, M'lf< """' 111~0••11•"· r!t "" :i,,,..._ 1111ht In the h""'l nf" luri:•. r '' 11h I 111•1 r 1'•111 1-1, • 111 1i.·\1' ,.h•'r1nng l'<"ntrr \\'h•·n 1t11 • I'''""'' 1•1 1, \I \I~ I 1•l1u itt 1 '" .. "·" :i1 •• ,.... I• l:"H! .•• 111>.t,. 11 : A pprox I 11 ' •II• II I 111 I • · I• \ 1 I\ $11 ()0() t•&J<h flown r"«!uJ r•'<J CRll I I ,. 7,.·111 \\, • Jl\h I • t ,,,,,, ;)3·.\-Ru .. in r-"" l<i·nt.tl'i rn.zu ,. IJh• ttV 1:1-6223 morninio:" (JI r· \ .'\ \ II \\ 11 I •I \ '" .t I ir. I .I .•J I • 111 •• I f"t ""' II I :-1 ,t ---------------------ur Artrr 11 p. m . ti" 11 •'-· I,. Jrtt1•1 ' 1 ''Ht A ••• ,'"' t t • '' , 11• • ,,. 1 u I 1 , 1~ r:1 '' r « I, • I \I' I\ It 11 ._ •t••\ • A 1• 111,,: !1.r 'I 1 a1 I •• t \iii I 1 • , t tt!l 1, • t • ""f-,. I U! I!: \ 't Low Down Lots I:\ • •I" ;\I• •ft 'J l•il• !111 " , •·I I' ~ttth ~t. l t':..-'l I 111 11 I O $1tHllj tltt\1 n. , t ' I Ron.y'1- Smell Apphanc• 100 ,..._ aJw.f'I. DANZ·------i l (L PAN A~t~IUCA:-: I II .. \' .~ .. ~ 17 < 11'1 , \l • I JI I t . ·• ' ; .:.: Tlll<I f: I •~ 1;:i.,. t'I:,. ••h > 1't $I•' :o•oli full pr 11 ,. 2\ 1"''1 •Sn. Knitters \,•;u..v1Mr; to my new uop Com. tn .u1d h "IP me bull'1 tow ard 11111 n-1~ for n~lf<'rlfl r.1vi-: a 11anit ltntt fnr C11n1tm .. S·,t N' Knit R1pairint lrona. toutl'n. coffM mutn. etc. 1232 Newport Blvd . CoetA N.._ t OOf. °' Vk&ona • Hf't. •"-> U l-40Tt. Uctell 8CBIGD'I' .. P1aeo ... Orpn ......_ .. "· x• at ..... ta Aaa. 0... ~ m&AT. Sleet· tranie Orpa. -11 ~ m&lle. ... MIO. l>AlfS • ICIUCIDT. r...-Plaao • Orru store. NI M, M--. 8ut& AM. REW..YlD ll0.00 for aay ....... ------------- .'!!!: >: fl•lbn• flh·fl Ralbc'>I on pqrcb ... of• MW *1TU.ltoa HUc automauc WUber, pl111 a ..., J'IVZ l>OLLAM per monUt rent. pod p...U.. p&ue, Dljoy your C'tu1.et.raaa wit.la m\MSc. Good J"Ctlel plalloe u low u 117 •• JUO., up. All ln a callat con- 4".lon. DAJU • ICIDCIDT B\1 Plaao ud Orpa Co., 020 M. _ __ chaJtt 4r1Ylft trtb. 1'• ~ l~lftl-'\ •hn• ~kalu P:•ttll~I\\ eoft· Pio ,.,_t Ul 1 .... <lll111n Jin H1rbc>r un-w ITHJlOPf80N'S 11111 N....-,ort .... U r-41 Co.ta JICN&. U \,. 1•h ""' m1ny tne.nda a \l•rry Chrl1tm u and llappy M-'Y•r. I 'lfARLU: DA \1 18 A •mrkry .... t>f llavui Ant lqu• 8Jiop 1i.o:, F: Anaheim 8l , L.9 11 f: ll·:Y\':9 47c:41 _, Movie Proiectors f OR RP.NT tll·Mli( 35-M)( HORRY an<J MODEL \IRl't.A :0-:F. !\\'PP L.n;S Meers Camera Shop 17'<% !II ~v. rort Fllv'1 . t:oeta .t- r llnn,. Lr'herty 8· T'Mt rr lf MA R<.!t'r:T'Tt Arr Wdder. (l\ .. l 3 hp Air C-ompr~uor. UO Volt •Incl• rhan . 8H al PATCH'S t 'ith ~l 11 r 1ar•ntla. U I · Tllot. KATEY DOANE Ntarly Ntw Apparel tor won1en a•d clllldHrl. ntt "'• do 111 lilftdl flt &lt.nUoe.. ?T2t It Cout 9l"'4 .. ltlft..U. h Uo. Corona d•I M&r tOc.11 Fresh He&rlng BAllWWW We Olft MB 0,.... ltaaJa Gunderson Drur Co. Ka.la It. at ...._ atY4: 9alflioa Hanw 611. lltte O'Ke.te 6 Memtt 1u,.... i• dfilun foldlftf·top model U. all chrome JTiddle • ~. Juftp A C'l-Ocll w1U. ... u-. dl.1'9'M (T'tll br9'1er. Ueed oaly I MCMltM. lkVll' tra.nlll!n'H Sul. tall• ... my contract wtu1 Ule llaU 6 pa7 ott U\e Mi. ot 1117.•. OaJ.r pey IT JJ ~ mollt.11. 1'fe ea.6 l\eeded. My 9'\dlf ""' ... Mf· tlm• D&y or 9Ye. at 1"1 W. Oiapma11. Oranfe. Call Oo&Wct U ~MIT. lilllla -~ .... Ana. Kllowtt. ~ TV ANTENNAS (Clea.r ..... -ID a.tn) Df'ftALLm> _,... t. ,..... Mt. $9.95 lttlc 0 E. l'N JUUlUO. 'T eu. "-Ell· TV REPAIR u Uent condlUoo 1100. A'9o ...au.1 nia.elUM 6 ....... Hu 2t14. ... rJJrr RRVl'CS MA801fA.BL&. WHDU.POOL •Ul-Ometlc .... dryw a.nM eaDI Ull I , ... with automatic lplUOn. ftat. Ll a.uoa prlc• UH.II, 8&Je priu llM.M. tt ''" lt11ta.llallon, Ho itowa. 1tl per wk. No ...,,.,,_t IUIW 1 .... IPllf•Ta. D'IMa&a, M.....-al THJ\ONSOK'I lll& 1'.-.port Aft. ,,_t ,_tel ntun. lake new. Co.ta M..._ tt ..,.. IMm ~pie. Blond OU. ~ """1lldAJ. .. .,.. Ito. t4 1111. ,.... ,.._ like Niil °" ~ DAJCS . ICKMIDT, no N. 11a&a. aanta Ana. 1948 Hudson l '11rl'lm•••1nt•"'" I. I f r Ii\ ~IUC I 1·11 \" I< ,1 'C • 11 I-. •I' ''' h ' ti I It\ I I f I ~ f .I 1 •ii II II \\ ~ • t ' ... ,,., I t I I ~ I 1• 1 ....... ). .,,, 11 \1:11111: l!l.\'I• 1 1:r1 '1 \1,J>: 1 " .. l •tlltt•·r~· L" .t , II , , \\ I. 11 f 1 ,, t\ jf lt t •! ' I f I.. \~ I ... I I.'" A ... ,,., lll!'r:~ H• 111 r 11 "1 .. I r.11111 !Ir Lll ... ny .. Ii:! I j .... , "' $195. ~I-'\\ :?'"'IJ 1'1 t "I' 111 II\ ~'"I tr111h·r Yl tlh "Bk 1 11 le T.11 1 ' \I ~1 H ,.. ,.,,.,, 11" • I 11 ''" ' I • •It )'<\I.I 111: ltt;'\T 1 .rr.-''\\I\' ••I<''""'' I rr• I I I'll I ;\. ·'I I • j , I'• t;, f 111 1:, •• h COITON GOFF ltit'h uni -.Lu I h t• Jt ' •• <"111111& •l'I ~l11 r 1Gp1' VOLKSWACO:-.' l'P.J\L~:lt LIDO ARMS APTS . MONEY~ Jlle Newport 81\'rl. X r" r1o1 t B1 h ·fi-\\'.1 ntf'(f to ft.>nt ___ Ttlll!phone H ut>or II j ----------- NEW CAR w-:" r~R ''•t<' 3 Ren t a ls \.\'anted & Marina \TH \ :q \\ weelc11. 11nlol "" ~ .. 11 • h""I' 1•11 \\'e nr~d •pt1 11ntJ h ·U!k'• in aJJ \\ 111 ,, •111 , '"\ .111 ~ "' tlt111 • Harbor 27111~-J t\ ,.,. t l\t r1 "t"<'tJOM for b11lh "'1ntf'r and , : i.1 1, " •' ''"'' ,1 , • Fast Adion l ow Ra te s l oa ns 19~2 CH .l::\'ROLE'T. l dr 11f"'llln Yt'lt 1 lt'Ut! Purn ••r uni um ~ , 11 AJ 1 1 ·• 1•11> ... ~ 11 ,., ll you have A \'a•anc y, l · 111r"• 1 1\, 11r 1 '"" 1 r • Sha,•e<I It Im•"'" t RA· ho "'"' pipe. 111~ L1ct•not• I'" I #-••••• Harbor 2802 •"t ~"' phone lo.lay 11r., t 11 111. 1 , 111•111• ,. , r •· 1 2nd and 1st ---------li~ CADJL.l.AC 62 S• 1M Ml\n daJ\ t~. JlNl<'lH'&llY n~ 4 11(1(1 mll'!ll. extl"al, $4tn<> Ownf'r M r Batty. Ll 8·2211. 41!\(1 111&5 F ORD I T!"T I 1;\t t<A:-.:<·H V.'ACO:-\ wirw. "''""· 1 .. w n rli ar•. on_1t1n111 ,.,... nrr l.1k" n • '' mecha1uce llv J>l'rlKt. Call ;\fr Liiiy. Har. 21 44-\\ •"• 49 1201 The Vogel Co. \\ C•t. HW.) . :-.;f'""J)'•rt PbrJne Lib• rty -JUI! 208 ~attn• R.1 bo• il•Jn I Phor.~ Harb 1r H 4 flrh 2U i E. Cout Hy. Cur''"" d AI \I,· l't:Ol'I• H 11D•11 1.11 L l\11 urru .. "116 \'1a Lit:!• ll1ul • l":'I liO~ J'l:~wpn1'1 HI• I ' ,q J,..Jl'-r. \ "' ·•·'·i \\ II I (1 40-A-'l'\r9 Ii Partlt I __ ,_ ~pt!'. & Hou~ New and Uecu TRUCK AND Panen9er TIRES 8-Hour Recapping Service Complete Brake Sen ·1ce ,.;..·11 Front End Alignmrnt C...1lo1l'C \~ tnll'r l:ent als 1111 Balboa lslanJ & l.1«111 li<lc Small Ar l'CJZY "' 1a1 ~·e & d!'llllte 11:, tu $:"10 ruonth VOGEL CO. 2(18 Marine /\ ve . Rslbt•R l •lnnJ Ph Ha.rbor i H ur 1!11rb• r 11:11 R<'J'I H .1r libll·R , r II 11 :1r1 !•-.\1 6Htc .\TTI{ \•'t'I\ r. I 1111 I~ !>•Ill I ll'l l 'lrhllc>"I p1111l. J ••r ;! rhrMt<" l..n1n·ll \' r 1•1,1·1 T11J' A l''T Ml •Tr.I,' , '' 1 I"'' I! I ;o.;I t I!· 11 h. J ·" ul• • • •· Arrhr tit ;l'ft 2 01.JR~f •I •I I' 11nltl1~ Sli!'I Mn I'•'. 1'11• tA ~r. •a l .. J " • "'•"•• ' I t• I"' ROAD SEJ\\'lCE F1re11ton,. Burlgct l'l11n Y oun for the A ikin« l o<'EA:'I: FHll'-1 \l!fll•• ,, .... t HOWARD RYAN 801 • 809 W. 1st St. fllrn llJ ff 1 .\I I I.. ' 'J• n .. :ir bu•, mkt & ,,.,, ~· "'. , .. ,"', n,~l f11r 'l. ,ft I I ht I , .. Jan. 4 lh<i ·•\R.1-l t 171 1•1 SA:"TA A':'>A 1<1 3-8363 JJtrc 48-A-Apt". for R!n __ t __ _ WILL trade 22-ft. trllllt r plut Jo'x 16' modern r abanna fttr a l••I I In Co.la MHL C'•n bf-._.,.n 8 1 311 Walnut Pl Cn8ta M M& 4fl p41\ \'E A RLY ttr ntlll I li.trp f11111 •pt s~.o ""' v. o•·, 1 • "' ,, t>H-. It hta•1n" .. ~ d •', ,, • ' d H t bl•r l.ll ~ J . I ""'• l i•.J.l'>-r: Fl P.:. Al'T~ Sln~ll'I oft dhl.o $:!" "'" sn•I ur IO• F: Jl,1.) A •~ HAll•••a H 111lo• I ~344 ,..~ ~•''I .' t•l 4\ • .:'' \,t ''f J'•• t •'! 1 11> It H I •n.' • I'• r I • I.I • • I; I Sea ,\ • I I \l'T:- '' i 1·,. ·~•It Shell Apts. I .. \I I I I ;I.I I t I ,. rt, I •••• i r• I t• 1 •• u11 ,, . ' I t'I' 1 t .. :• \\ 1, • •1 '•.I \\ ... ' \ 1 " ~· 1' 11 ' In Y •tir I Ii 1111 \\t 1~11\ Trlll'I 111 ·1 !; Royal Mortgage Co. ·'·'' ... I I . Harbor I 549 II ·II I I I I I ,, •J' • ' ' I • I \ CASH I•. I : ,, 11· 1 1111 :--11 1.I I" • ,,,, 1 ,...,. ,,,,. 11 '' t t it l t • r ~ 1 I • tl1/• I I 1 " -1 j \I r ii tlf 11 :.," I t • \\ I f1 f • f \ • ,1 I : J : J I • ·~ I I I\ ' . ' ,._,,. r .. qui• t Jtl ''II \' 1•11 , ,. .. 1•··· l • I t11 1•, h· , . ' 1711 \\"'Tl I: 1:1 '.:I \I. : 1 )It I \\ I f I \\ I : 111 :\. ', l~·R--111111'''' for ICt•n t ... 11 I\" 1 1 111 I I I • •I 1. • ft , .. l••H TlU':-T 1.vn -t \\ \I I I lo d I' '"•I I•.\ I I 'A' I , I " I I" I ; ,, I ·, I I I I • " I \ I I \I I 1 I; I ' ~I' .. '-.. \ NO COMMIS~JON 1'11 AprrarRal rl"<· ... \I I;-. l .!~1 ,\="l'F: ,,,·,~n:1•11 ~ f "I ' ' f f I t F;1 <;l ( • .. 11111111 nl"nl" ,, I. , t I • ~ tj~ y '~ ~~:.~·!::;.;~~-,-1 -~ ::.-~.~~:;-"· Don I. Huddleston I tit • fj lo• r I• of \I 1, I • HA\\ \JI\' , •I• n 'll'l'I I I• \J ,, 1 ., \ • • I ll 1 t ii I • Iii·~· l • I , '\ 1 .. ·, 'I H II I I t· ,, I I •I~ l,I \~I $• • I • I I 17~ F 171 11 !-l , ., 1.· I 1\ ;\I' S,\ I I i.. ·,.q I I '< r.·r,": , (111 r· I t I ,, I ' f •• I •• I ', '• ,, · ,. t' h , !\:t ,\I' , t , ., ., ti•.. .. I • J :. I I \ •• I I • • •• . \' , "" ,..,, • •I '· l t. I. I .. • I ~ • J .tll• t •• 11 11, ... , 111t11.'A l•l'.1. 'I·''· s~ .. 1 l••ftv1 lh ,1'1d1'' iJ 1111rr1 • c-• ft•P 1 ftlt'v f rn I 1 .. 1111 f ii• ftJH• n n II \'Jn 1: , •••II I 1• d I f1f t \ I I If ' I" l 't111f't • l l1t 1 • ,t l :d ~ , ;r 4 I 7 .: \\ . ... , fi p I J:l •H\1 lflll'!•H•: Ill .'114 1 I '·'" 11 ,. •• 1 1 ,,.ta ,.,,.~-l'h l'H•in• t•f\;1 ~. 1r.1 I' .. I I I '1 • a .. ti ' ' .. ·. •t i I •• A HTll l 'l! A. ~IA Y !\tr .••• t .:1 I; tt. I ' r ft \ l J1 t l ; If qtJt t~l1d Lt:... t.nci.•u U1• r ( • 'I .'l :;:1.11tll M•Un s .. r.ln Al ' PP ' tr 1" 1 on IHltrt h1. '•ti t\.• Iv'''!'•• ,,,,,,, ~,.,, ,,, .. ,,.," ~'' I.a I• rlr :,nlJ·"'' II! \I I It" I 1 " 11 ;11 ol 11 ••• '1•1 ll llH >ll\I~ I '" \I I~"' h 111'1• 11 I I •• I I ti I f ~I • •·•• I t I ~ .. t Ill\ I \11 .. I.I " 1 ·1t1 I'• \I.I I' I I. I I! \I •~ • l11la "' I •fl• I . ' UNUSUAL r I ••• ' ti Ir'• '' j f 1' I I'' Ii.tr , "'I 1 11 1 11 I I Ir • • • 1,1 r tt ti'"' t ••• I' , \f,I , 1:\ 11\\ \.I I ; I Ii• I· t , I •I • I• r I· • •I" o\ ,, • I I IA I 1111 I .. • r 1 I 1.1 • .• t \ • •1 .. : • IH f hllit.:"1 ' r , tt t I f • 161'f I' t \'. • 1 I I I. \I I I• 11 hA1 ' tJ I I '. I ' I" "n I . ' ·"·'" :-.:· f J , , J J'., • ti. : .. 7 .. '" 1·1-·r ,•11' r ,,. "'' 1 r •r. I t • l '•• .'.I \\. I I I~ I I .•• I ,,. 1 I I ' ~•, H,· .. 1 '· ... 41• ' LIDO R-3 \.I IH '' f' I' '·. I \'1 I lh·: Fr••nt. r ' -f:r • .,, r ... 1:' tfl J 6111•1 l lllfc 10 Acre Grove ,., ,. •, t \-. ,\ I \I 1 il:i.I ."., l :··•ll nr I h r t.• •I • r 1.1 hn, y " 11:1 I ~ •II• l'I t • \ .. PA6E 6 · PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS C-Real FAta*" ft-Real F.etate FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 , 1955 --------------- BALBOA · ISLAND &O P.I'. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island. pier, n ottt. formal 4 b<\rm home. The land value is close to the askin; price. ATTRACTTVE 4 bedrm .. 21 .~ baths, nr ~o. Bay. Owner will take smRll down. Asking S 12.500. GOOD F AMILY HOME. Near So. Bay. Lge. yard, 3 b<'<lrm. 11 ~ bnths. S26.500 About 200 fl. from Nn. Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· ished home. ~ubmit down. $25.000 LIDO NORD RAY FRONT INCOME. Lan;e lot. 5 bdrm. 31 ~· bath how1e plus unusual 2 11 R a pl. over 3 car garag<'. Roth units newly furnished. QUJ\LIT\' STREET. Waterfront a t Its bl'i't . Fmc• pier and float. Lge. lawn & patio. 3 fme BRs and 2 bathB. maid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside 11how<'r rm . f. a. h!'at. Glassed in lanai. Asl:m;; S73,500. G0<><1 trrms to qualJfied buyer. Har . 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Ha rbor 535\l. EARL W. STANLEY. R~ltor 225 Marine A vc., Balboa Island p. a. pa 1.m er incorporated developers of Lido Isle ·. '45 f~t st. to at. on Orvieto $16,500 $20.000 $17.500 35 x 150 on Havre with Bay View 50 feet st lo tit. on Havre See this exclusive home on Via ~noa. Lido's widest street. 3 bt'drm. 3 bath. 40 by 20 patio, hardwd. firs., 2 yrs. old, and in perfect condition $34,500 Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs wtth decks. 2 bcdrm. 1 bath <lownstairs with enclosed patio. Both apts. have forced air furnace. fireph.ce. car- peting. dra!1<'S, refrigerator, ston:" Unbelievably pr1cl•d nt only $57.000. $12.000 down. . · 204 Via Orv1et o 1s the address of a brand new V1sscher-built home t ~t we t hink you will like. 3 bedrms .. 2 bath, papered dining area, steak grill m fireplace, extra good storage. Be 'fi111shed one week. $32.500 including landscaping. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, harbor 1500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Bright and &hiny new 3 bedrm .. family rm. '4 bath· rooms, carpeted, draped, and in the center of Heavenly Lido Isle. Never tor eale before. How Wonder What You Are " Thia is silly. 'cause we know you are a lot In Shore- cliffs. What we really want to know ie who will build a house on you. Only $15,800. Hurry I Up Above The Bay So High with a view of everything from here to there. T hree lovely bedrms .. 2 with the view. You can b uy thia for $14,000 less than it cost 4 yn. ago . Like A Diamond In The Sky Diamond shapes windows invite you to eee the Har- bor through them. Cute 3 bedrm. 2 bath h ome, yard, 2 patios, and room for a pool. OnJy $24.500. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales m anagement 1700 w. coast highway -liberty 8-M73 • Xmas Specials! B /B V V Best Buys Corona del Maf oe1~ .. Ranch Estate • 6kll hl'Hllt 1tul view a ero In F1tll· DEFINITELY-THE MOST TERRIFIC AT' BALBOA ISLAND Rambling one-story ranch style h ome. large beam ceiling living room 18 x 25 complete e l.:clric kitchen, Thermador eye· level oven, automatic dishwasher and disposal. Kitc hen has large dmiog area open· Ing to patio. Large used brick fireplace and forced air heat. Two bedrooms, one is king size with big wardrobe closets and buill·in drawers. Beautiful full bathroom. Garage and laundry room. Lovely NEAT TWO BEURM .. f1r~pla~f. • on 60xlll6 R-• lot. Only $8600. $3000 dn., $60 mo. on balant e. 1 SHORECLJFFS, Ocean view ho mes. sevnal rxclu- sive listings with us. 2. DUPLEX -One bedrm. each. ror. lot $17,500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdrma. ea. cor. lot. Exclusive $22,500 4 CORONA H IGHLANDS -J ust listed ocean view. immaculate 2 bdrm. & den, 2 baths. Only $2 .000 5 OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -'45' lot. A steal et $38.~. Only few feet t o oct>an front &. China Cove. SEE US FIRST for better buys m homes & build· Ing aitea in Corona del Mar. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUIST10N. Realtor JH7 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. 11'i (Office locat.ed next door to Corona del Mar Bank I CHRISTMAS SPECIALS VOGEL VALUES $600 DOWN-Nie<' 2 b«Jroom home m Cottte Me"a. Hardwood Ooort1, noor furnace Dead end strttl. Near shopping. Thm 1a nice. Full price only $8500. Vacant -move nght in. RAY & OCEAN VIEW -~ b<-tlroom homl' in New· port Height.I. Fireplace, hardwood floors. P rice or $15.000 includes plans for arld'I 3 roome & full bath. LOT BARCATN IN CORONA f4J C HLANDS-H1gh up with permanent, unobstructed \'l('W East to build on, street-lo·street lot Total 11n ('t> only Sl 1.950 Cbe<:k this with any other11 you may h11,•e seen ' The Vogel Co. ~7 E. Ott. Hwy , Corona d<'l Mar H. Hii H lli57 CORONA HIGHLANDS Thr~ bednn11 and den on strell to slrt'<'l lnl Outaanding \'lt'W of the <'nlirt> Harbor Ar('a Buill in Western HCllly rangl' and o\'cn. garba11t• dis· poul. lots of tilt' Excellen t h:rms irnd pricrcl 111 sell S34.!".>00 i 2 l~ ~ola BACK BAY AREA Three b<:lrma .. bath & 1• ran1·h i1lyle horn<' I .. 1rbai:r d11poea..l. Iota or lll<'. Locrttetl nn a Oil'(' nr\\ quirt l'ltret"t. Pnct' $23. 750 384 ~f 1 ra Lo me W. E. FISHER & Associates 3024 E Coast Hwy , Co11 •n:1 dt>l Mar ------- urook 11tll w11h 200 a\'1t"11 1n new wllll'r t1ll1lr11•t 1n1111r1ng 11111plr Colo1a<Jo a cq11t'dllC'l water plu11 3 wfll11 a nd pump11 arnd 3 , .. aervt..u1111 • '• mil• ut hlJthway tront11gt • l\todtl n, apaclou. 2000 aq fl 3 bdrm, 2 bath all fleclrk , shake root Ranch home with a brt&th laktntr panor11mu.· Vll'W from all lldl'll • Wt.llt<l, tlood·ll&hlfd pat J with fl rt' plan an<I bar!H!quf , aut., Apnnklt'ra tor lt.n•lacapt'<J yud • Family {1n:h1r11 a nd n11nw1ou" out hu11tllnl:I' 1nc-l11rllng 2 ~11~•1 < ott11~r-. rn1<'lllkl'l 8 hu1l11" I. ~ milt'" "' , .. ,., '"' And (I .. ~·· f1·m ·1n1: 1<11 •Ml tlr • Thi II IA """ 11( I"" ,,..,.. I r111aln lllR lari:~.' ru 1ly " • • ,. ~ • 1 b I •' r1111cl\rA t lli.t II• 111 I fir f>"lh 111 I hf' phrr11H"'"""I S11111t1r1 n C1<ll· fornl11 gro""lll • f'1111 r• Ir • $11\0 00!1 e \\'Ill TRA !lfi: tor h u 01ilr p1 op .. , 1 ,. Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 1~7~ ll111t1nr 8 1v<I Cu•I~ J>h•~ L.J lj.j T 14 Down t o Earth VALUES 276 Magnolia n u: 3 bf"lrOo•lll llltlfl home In ~· ~10• R-1 hornf'y anf1 IOI' llull l'I 111n11tr 111 llun Vo'llh h""'"'""I fl•tnl' an•I "'r•rt1ll' 1hn111jit ""1m i.1t 11,.l r1l "n 2 lot" .. 11 h 11 fin,. to""" "" l\a r•t ~ub 1 m ll n tf'! ~ X" If'. tor l fll •I•· I Also I i 1•1 1 •Jt11t JM 1111 k•·I \' l:H11ll "1th I lih,d<~ ""': ht4tll"'"'"" ''f"''" t1l< '"'" 2211 111lta 1n kit• ht'n 'l 1 lo\' A Afllf<ll 1 hllnlf\ l'lt!KI ~ I l " n.unlhA t1l<l A j!l'nu1n,. 111•·•1 I a• SIU ;~If " lh .. nlv $'.l,'llMI •In Unsurpa ued \ IE\\ l .'>T " • 1 I,. k troi.; a I uf !'• ) r''"' ti 11t ln•r 1tn~t A I,.,, .... l '• • .. 1 1·,1.1111" llnh S I •~"' ~ ... " , ... "" hf til Duncan Harde sty IH \I T••I~ :~111 '.\ r• I :h 'I 'pl "' n 11 • • ; I Ii Merry Christmas HAl'I\ BA\' hii 1t ·ti tr I 1n1tl\ I ••Ill• dra pes, curtains, wall t o wall carpet. Price is $28.500 with L $15.000 at 5 1 ::'' int. Big value and we ll worth the money. Call now to see • this home. lt'a the finest ! ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Manne A venue. Balboa Island N l'Xl door lo the Post OffH•e Ha r. 444 Eves Har. 1229·R Har. 4248-R Cambridge Estates 16th & lrvine 7 NEW HOMES • &-\'en different Elevations • Each lnd1v1dually Built • All have Beautiful and Except 1o nal Charact<>nst lc11. • Some have S wimming P ool.8 • All have bu1lt·in Range and O\'en11 • Ru tncted Art-a • 75 foot w1dr luls • F 1replacei. STARTING PRICES $21,000 Sta rt t he New Yea r with a New Home PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO. T. EVERSON I 856 Newp<>rt Rlvd CMta Meaa 1 aeros11 from ('1111ti'l M<'M Bank) Phone I.I 8-6761 l-:\'t>R Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 BAYSHORES In th111 exdus1,·e d1•hghtful d 1stnrt we ha\'e a 3 P. R homC'. cnmp furn on larg<' lot -with 11pace (or sw1mm1nJ: J><H•l \'cry IO\cly nt-w 11at10 22it36 Partly co"ert'\.I with plut1c ~lass. \'s cant snd 1f you act Cast . y1•u tnn ""JOY Xmal-> in y<,ur new horn~. Pnlr $21.500 BALBOA ISLAND 'L 'TE 2 R R --<..:om1l. furn. in immaculate cond. on rear of <'XCt>lli-nlly lo< alt'<l c11rnrr Int. Build a home 1n front ::\nrl ha,·r ~n tnromc from this one>, of around 2000 I'*' r year. $79~$2950 On. NJCE LOOKJNG 3 bdrm. on rfar ot high ltvt l lot. 300' dtep Hol apol loc:. tor unila On Sant.a A na Avt, near 23rd NE\?~r~.efl~ !.~ ~~~ c M Wt.lkmg dlatance mkt.a. It ctn· ter of town. Xl..N'T. terma. MERRY CHRISTMAS trom Houston Realty Co. A ASSOCIATES Gfrtrude Sl'ymour Ht.r 42H·W Tony Pelllle Uberty 8·~87 Floyd Lytle Wt>.rty 8·2M2 b09 Crnler St .. CO•l& Mua Ll 8-6911 It Ll 8-7784 * Newport Hts. lRVINE A VENUE: 2 bdnn. modfm with lars• llv. tn& room. tlrt'plan. <llnln& rm . IOVl'ly paUo, fl'n('ed )'••<I ftrrn1 ~ Sl3,760 ALDEAN PLACE: BuuUtui ramblln1t ranch•IYJM' home, "·"qu .. llt>ly 1 r 1>o1nl.cl, •II b u1lt.\na, J ~ b11lh• :Sho"' n by a ppointm enl only ~down •. U•wo Greenleaf-Severts >hrbo1 2662 3112 ?'ewport 8 1,•d . Nl'wpoal J!:vu W 8·3 1118 ·I.I ~·~41\0 Ha.r. 3921-W B/B Corona del Mar Shorechff • Qul"t 'kn) 1>n '1•~ l"t e Spi« 2 belt 111 It drn • 2 h Iha, Pf'rff'< I 1111• t-rn • l.11x11ry b<nlt t hru •llh •u•l • $17 .,,., t di Ir • tr11o111 • <.: •m• ,.,.. th•• ""n<lr1 tul homr C'-'lrona Htghlantl!' • A JU'ICUI y tlOl'.1 •llr • ~l""< Ill•""'" , ..... e S 1:1 MIO fllll pr11 ,. • R•••h ftlr y1111r c u~tllm hun1• 6%-Ru l P'Atale 6Z-Rn J Eatat.e ----------------------- PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family vi<'w home, 6 bedrooms, 51:: balha and a slip out front for your boat. Thi.a sound, older home in a prime Lido local ion will ofter a wonderful • way of life for e\'ery member of that large family of yours -you t-00, Dad. Full price $74.500. Submit your tcnns. By the way, the owner will trM!e for good income or business property in L. A . or Orange County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R-3. Strada corner lot 40 x 115. Prke ~20,000. Your last chance t o develop your own income on exc h1sive Lido Isle. ,NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 21 1 baths. Huge carpeted mastE'r bedroom with private sun deck. This &treet to street Lido home has many luxury features such as built-in stov<' and oven, dishwas her -loRds of clo~ta - used brick fireplace and an <'Xtra large laundry and storage room. Price $31.750 with <'a&Y tt>rtl18. F or these and many other exclusive listings on Lido Isle call LID 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W.KEMPTON J.H.GROHMAN GENE VREELAND VIRGlNIA.lriANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 (Across from Rich ard's Market Entrance) "We' re Moving to Irvine Terrace" More and more Harbor area families are inspecting these exquisite homea -n oting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and mo re families who prefer a homcin a re- stricted quality community are moving into their Irvine Terrace home11. Dnve in today and see for yourself the many out· atanding features of this r<'markablc community. Inspect t he model homes, built by Macco Cor p. exquisitely furnished by Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coaat High way oppo11lte the ne w Irvine Coast Country Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor E.-XCLuSIVE AGENTS Phone Hat-bor 444 Fnr Further l nfnrmal1on * F or Recom.mendat wn. we refer you lO anyone who holds a Leasehold Estate in Irvine Tl'rrace. B('8con Bay , Bay Shorrs and Cliff Ha\'en LOTS OF LO TS! Now 1s the t1m(." to g1·t on I h1• bandw11~<111 Whr t hrr 1t II' for sperulat 10 11 nr I uture homc•i<ll<'. ,·hr< k m 11 h11t nf lhO~! 8\'lUlubll• Attra ctive Carpets and 11 r11 pt>!>i inc I 11.t• d n 1n · ly la ncli.nt f')NI with pallO end fish pond :~ b<innll ;! )'f'r&NI old 10041 1luwn will h1rndli·. Full 11m·c • HI tHIO Acre Home Ran( h ~lylr 2 b<lrm ~ ii• 11 "'11 h al I r.11 11\ r f1,-..rl:.1 r :10<'1 full Ill rt' l1f J?:ft!Ulllh f,.f ft1lll rr• d1 \I l"JIO\"lll :"\r,,r b.1ck Oil) ~Ji .-.1111 .ind uni~ :llMlll drav.n l ook-it! \\"I'll hutl :! hdrm h1mw h1•;111t1fully tfr..,1i.;1w.t a11rl 11111\' ~ hl .. 1 k1t 11 11111 trnn'lf"''rtal11111 11nd ,.h••1'1 ·1ni:: 1111 11nly ~ ... ouo t ull 11r11 1· BAY FRONT Com<' -rrlax play )(r\d J':rnw youni:= with mr. 4 bcdrm. and rlrn 11n thr Ray F'rnnt near Balbt•:t. This older hnm<' h11!1 thr Wf•lt gronmed and cart>d for look Ai;kanJi:' full pr11·r for co~t ra( Int alnn<' Only $ OC)() down to n1 ••·rt rd bu~ 1·r -" t \h I I ndttli f \'If"• ;\ltt ,,.,,' 'J'1••n t11 ltU .'"'2h~1.1tl '2 t1•t1 ,,, .. , , ,. ,, '\ r\• \A 1111 - Only $1 '1.500 1 Bay1 .~,,~:~~~r ~,!~~ Inc I :1!'1111 r. l"<>A"I liw\', ll11rhor O:l4~ Income ~e\'<'lltl"rn fu11w;h1·d r P11 tul 11111111 w11 1t 11w11ni1 tif THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE t-.1 ZOl'l': 3 bednn hnusr in hC'art nf Balbtia Could bf> ut1rd u offirr. 'l:l.;)(IO ll'rms BALBOA BAY PROPERTI ES 1~05 W RR lboa Ol\'1f liar 51 '-'-or Har 12 16 -J • 'DON'T make a MOVE" It •11 I ~ • • t I I t \I"'' ',.. s' ·. :-,1111 1 f'•l 11~ f' f ,I•, • 1 ' A I 1 ..: 1 \It \!\ I" I • 11 I t h •• If hh ' ,. "' \ I I h tll Hf'•t B•· k ft.H hit \ • .:-111 :,,,1\ I ;pn11 ~tUR I •• , C ia;re Van Horn 1:1 ·'' 1111< 27 .1 \\ 1· , ' I.• II '· 127~ Bay Sn ores ~ ... ~ t '111 h· 1111\r ''1"11 I .. 11 I I 111 ~11\\ 1'11 11, 1 • Tll :-1:1.1. l'NTIJ. \'Ol' SEE CHARLEY DRA KE -Traffic O'NEIL 'S HASTY Moving & R .l llol1m I'. 1to1th f i pl ~· ep. It'° ... 11 ,.,J "'l'•h•11 ~'""'"'''" S I 1•1111<• h11ilt 1n BIU,.i lh f'I .,7, torage "'" 11•· 1t••11··rn,.. •1 .. r11i:,. LOCAL AND NATION.WIDE ~10\.INl; RALPH P. MASKEY ru·:A 1.TWt ,IU I =--~"'!"'" Alv1t ~pl lt<'h 1 H1rt>nr 402 Pb. KI 3-922 1 r:,.,. Ll ·2961 C:Orner Newport Bh·<'. and So. Mam St. J 116 \'rn 1.1clrt. N1 •I Br h ll11r 4H7 1 nr Har Hli2 1-:ni;; llllr :!1!11 -M H11r WU • H or LI g.529; BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE \\'(' ran build f11r ~·1111 a tw11-b.•d r•,nm or 3 bedrm. h11m1 fur • 1 GO ~quar" 1"11111 100 % Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Squa re Foot Home-$5295 Atlachrd 10 x 20 ga1 a1:1·'1 ~29~ \\.t> 1111> bu tiding 11n \\'nll:u 1· Hny, and J\\'m·nd11 ~t ... ~tartinK ~hortl~· on l ~th & :!ll'W StN Call rJr P h11m• for l n f11rmal1on . OPl::N Sl'~OA YS & "l~r:" DAY:-; SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. I lMl WeAtminl'trr 8 1\'CI ., Gardf'n Gro,.,. LE 9-0633 Balboa 111 ·p1,~:x . r11 mu1h""1 $14 ~o -rw11 2 hllrn1 •Pt" All nn ""'° t111 .. r \\ a lkln«i <:11.st1nce In •lowntO\\ n Ba I t><1• !'ho .. 1 nti ;::ou<I Int 11mt ~11h"1•I on !!'rm• Ocean Front I HI Mn ';01t!J TF.RMS 3 bf't1rm okler hom ,., psrllallv furn1.n~d l '.) rnnt fi,.art of li•lbo4 2 r 11r .s:• n•i~ ~1 rUtH'<l te'lr a~ t.bm «' Coast Properties '1111 f: Kftlt~,a ~h I. U);ll••M l lar b<1r :!l\!)11. l~·fli a n.1 4t)(li• BY OWNER LJ.:!-IS TH"~ n;-: F: n t oi.ri - .1 brd tm. 2 helh /lumr hwt1 nr ... 1r11. " l lH ltlll ll~l' $J2 .:i<l() ~24 Kno\4 fll ~I.. l:lJ8lll )!""" u l ·&lla •1 c:>• SRfH) 1.r·r rn ont h ~rifl I 11)0 S<>P th 111 • THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 !':cwpMt Blwl Phone Liberty ·55!li NON-VETS CostA Mr11" J::\'f'nings Liberty s. 7 4;-); OR VETS $295 1mp<>unds moves you In new 3 bedrm. 11" bath, Hack Bay ar.-a home bf-fore Chnatmu. Taxett pa1t.l lo l>tc. HIW. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES J ~57 Newport. Rlvd. Coeta Me""' L1 8·1632 Eve. Ll 8·1'400 62-Real Eatate "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ''C" THOMAS HAPPY HOLIDAYS ·I "C" THOMAS, Realtor AND ASSOCIATES H. Verne Snodgraaa Ethel Shirley Frank W. Hill Gordon L. Andrew 224 W. Coaat Hiway, Newport ~ach LI 8-5527 ''C" 'mOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS p e a ~ L;:i~ll=iil..JC May the meesage of the flrat Chriatmu dwell in your heart at thia joyous season, inspiring renewed devotion to its 11hining ideal of Peace on Earth. Good Will toward Men. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor !11 Manne Ave., Balboa lalaod Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa bland, Corona del Mar, Costa Mcs11 and Newport Beach Ext.end our heartiest thanks to you for the privilege of serving you in 1955. Our aim in l956 i11 to rontinue to muit your confidence! Newport Harbor Board of Realtors .> 401 N. Nf'wport. Blvd. ThU. la our own way of ~ying 'Thank You" t o all the folks who have made tt.le year auch a happy one for us. I Newport Beach RAY REALTY CO. A. J. \'ICELI .. IO, Manager Ed Bucko Helene Cst'nar H. M. Ray John Flood Ro b Kal11mm 3444 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del .Mar .. ar. 22 R Here'• a wish for a Holiday Sea.eon. full of joy and warmth. May your family be with you •.. your wisbea fulf1Ued. REAL TY COMPANY Realtora Bu1inesa Broker Multiple Liating 81~ E. Cout Highway. Corona d<'I Mar Har. 2152 To ftll our f riends and palrons. OW' wishes for a Chrietml)J) eeuon that really rings the b4-ll in every way. May its happincaa brighten a u the days ahead. WOEL ti/OE'[ ·• NOEL. STANLEY A. SMITH, Realtor 26t 7 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 882 LIDO ISLE To our nulny fnends who han• aaked for a bargam on Lido -here it 11 -Its 1tO good we can't get an exclusive and 1t won't last. 3 bedrooD'ls, 2 baths on a M ft. lot -7 )'1"11. old-over 2000 feet in bou1e, would cost over $36.000 to replace and we can dehv<'r It for under S30.000. Excellent F10anc101. RliSH ! DUNCAN HARDESTY, Realtor LIDO SPECIALIST 2602 Newport Blvd., Npt. Bea ch Har. 4il8 BAY AND BEACH REALTY, INC. OWNER· REALTORS -William P. Yeager, Anne Y ... er J. Leona.rd Smith, Gloden M. Fay and Randall F. GeddM. and Associates Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fay, Mgr. Katherine Olson Marjorie Chase E.·s. Chue Ruth Telfer, Sec. HM W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer, MgT. Worthington Lee Dick Norton Helen Baum Ann Hutch.lnaon, Sec. 3112 LAP' A YETl'E HARBOR Md COSTA MESA OFFICES -4-rea CORONA DEl MAR Tbomu Campbell, Jqr. Doria Walker Cha.rlea Hamilton 3530 E . COAST ffiGHWAY HARBOR lS249 R. F. Geddea, Mrr Robert Goouen Mary Bell, Sec. • Arthur Tietz, Mer. Gillette Balley Bobbie DeFir 1875 HARBOR BL VD LIBERTY 8-7714 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8-1181 MERRY CHDISTMA s ti Newport Harbor Realty JIM a.nd SALLY NEWLIN 515 E . Balboa Blvd .. Balboa, Cal.ifomia B/B BEST BUYS !6.950 :0-:t('!' I n n "'Ith ~IH B.R -CIOM In 12· oc 1:10' l'>t -i yr dbl g 11r clun $9.500 3 ~ R I~ ~· H A fenc:ed- l• 1 h "~' ~ Sl0.750 :I A H All •Hlfl"l••I hnd111"IH'•I 1111rh111:" I •1~r 2211v Ki t <"Inn ~-II A l,nw I >n $13.950 J n R 1 •1111trtm H1Jlll 1"111~ Rum· pu~ Hm 11111 2 1"11 •'Pl 1• • ~ II \\' FINO $:19110 dn t,,; I For the Holiday Seuon, we wiah OM and all: Smooth aallinc and a 1~ full of peace, prwperity and all sood thlnp. W. A. TOBIAS, Re•ltor and ASSOCIATES Gene Buma B. T. Cook Ed Jones Matt La Borde Hal Tanner "You'll like our friendly llet"Vlce" 400 E. 17th St.. Coat& Mesa Llberty 8-1139 Houston Realty Co. ~ C.nter, Coel& )( ... o.rtrucS. S.ymour Tony P.Utt.e Floyd Lytle Merry Merry Christmas From All of l'11 To All of \'ou - B. A. Nereson Rlty. Co. Jey Bryan W. E. Wehmeier Donn• Smith 1982 Newport Blvd , C<Mlt.a Mua Llberty $·1H2 HOLIDAY SPECIALS! Mk to ate our llatlnp M prefer· red prorutlt-11 . . . our m11ny y .. r& nf rx prrlf!nce 11 your1 ror a phone C"all. For IMlllllct>: Pt>nlnsvla homu from 116.:M> up NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 1. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 a Be.I l'Ata&e · EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor MILDRED STANLEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES lor a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Lido Realty ASSOClATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 To All Our Friends-·~I -a Happy Holiday -.~ .,,, t , J -ae.t. Wi.ebea . "~ •' " for the New Year • I ' ''.~J •, l I '{ffi'~ .,. ' . .. ... ~·' CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FINEST F rom the Drift Room to the Waldorf. It's time for Cbriat· mas chttr. Let's live It up-- Let'11 have a Ball -But let'• not ovt1"do -Hea.r 1 Remember what True Chriat• mas means. It lan't JU•t for kicks. So let'a survl\'<' '5!5 and be here for ''56." R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE, Associate 3622 E. Coast Hwy .. Corona dcl Mar Har. 2774 Sl6.950 Signs of the .ea.so11 : good cheer. warm friendships. light heart.a, high happin~s. deep contentment ••• 1t ia our sincere w~h that they may all be yours 1n fullest measure. Ouplexu from 118,7110 and up ----------------- ----- :"J'll Il l~ 01"""" \'1"" • 2 yr Own!'r. 1lutlt, >Ii· Firs Fl~pl -r1bl. gar -220V. Kit L11e Oue-1 HH Hta. But Buy lt.ri-00 O N ! ACREAGE ~ :I Ar, lrv.-1. 1 lr.M 111 $1~ ono ., Ar level. clOH In $JI MIO 28 Ac Jl'\f'I ""~" In .-.. r Sl68 ()()U 4 M·I Ac. Ocran v1t"'· '"\<'I s r; :i-041 -2 B. R. UNITS LOT S: R·I l,nt 121 x 1:12 Allr\ HW· er~ 11111kt'·2 "n· 1111~ s~ 1100 R·l l,t1l Perm Ore11n View' 1 6.~) J. M. MILLER CO. 21)25 W. Balboa 8 1\'d. H&J'bor 4091 I Near the Newport Pier) To all our friends and patrom, we extend our heartiest good wiahea for the merri~t.. bright· eat Chriatmu over. h I HAPPY HOLIDAY, everyone I Bay & Beac R ty Inc 1696 )':ewpnrt Blvd COSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. co .. 111 l,l 8·1161 Mr\11, Ca lif E""' LI 8·3010 G. N. WELLS, Realtor EL..t;JE WELLS ROY & RANDY McCARDLE In p 0 rt 1 10 Newport Blvd .. Costa Meu Liberty 8·1601 H•y ~~::n \'I"~' f~n~ ow~rsl----.,----------------- 2 bN1rm Apl -4 11n1l~ rented f"n• t<I to •ell S!'" this now. Low down payment Tr rms lo eulL HOMER E. SHAFER REALTOR lot McFadden Pl .. al the Npt. Pier liar H O. to:\•r11. Har. 112611-W, liar. 113i·~~ or 2~29·M LOT 60xt6ll on Swatt otr Mon· rov111. Cona .Meaa. 11600 pri owner. \\·rite Boa L 79 thl11 paper. • 34p48 BY OWNER 60xl211 fL lot a cro1111 from moel •Ille propel'ty 1n Co9t.a K~ COOd tor apec. hoA-ie al 13~. Llberty 8·11103 '~lh There IS A Santa Claus! Two bedrm. furn. beach house l doon from water. $1000 down. FP $9i50. bal~ like rent. -PENI~St;LA Point 2 bedrm. !um. home. $2000 down. Balance like rent. Move right in. La.rge pie shaped cor. lot ju.st acrosa the street from Lido Shoppmg Center -Only $7150. $2000 down. Bal. $M mo. ART C. KISTLER CO. REALTORS 2901 Newport Bh·d .. Npt. Beach Har. 5226 ••• a d1111dy 3 unit Income at 123,7~ and many olhu•. Our exlra •J)t'C"lal Holld11y value IA a be&utU'ul Bay Front rtuplu on the Penlnsul&. 8p11.r1ou• 2 bedroom apartment.. 1n each unll ••. up~r nlc,.ly t\lrnlahtd 3 car ~I•· lau.ndry and uUhty rooma. P r1V1lte ~ach and pier rlghl1 for 1:,: •. 000 an•I term1 It II only • year1 old and In A· 1 cC1nrtlllon. WE WISH YOU ALL A MERRY CHRISTMA~ A.l\'0 A. HAPPY NEW YEAR Balboa Realty Co. Opposite Bank of Amt r Ira Ro .. Grttlt y Erl t ... e Al Comtllu.a Josephine Wc-hb 700 J:. B11.lboa Blvd.. 811.lboa Phone Harbor 3277 LIDO Exclusive We have an exclu1lve llatln~ l)tl one of t.he nnut 3 ~drm , 2 bath homu on Lido. Loc at!'d on a comer lot which ellmln11tu lllly "hemmed In feeling''. OthH I e at u re• a.re \\'e11Unirhou11e dlahwaaher u.nd dllpoaaJ -c.a.r· petecl -Ul'ed brlrl< llrtplac' - lovely paUo 11nd lan!Ucappt'd Truly one of Lido' 1 ttneat homu. $33,t\OO. Call and we will ahow. "ART" ADAIR, Rltr. 1eee "ewport Blv•I . 'neta Mu11 Ll 8·3792 or U 8-~ 47c411 5 Acre Ranch COST A MESA AREA. Ji l.600- Eu y terrn11 DA:'\ A J AC:CJBSE:", Rtaltor - Har. M~I or LJbu1y 8·83li 41lr 48 01''E -120 f t. A two-60 fl. all adjoining Back Bay are&-Could be four lou-SeU all or 11epa· rale -Cuh or terma Owntr wanll ac tion. Har. 3361 39Uc HAPPY HOLIDAYS! BW KiWon Letty Murdodt Wally HallberW Berl Pe~ra.m Btll S~erd Judle Doohllle KILLION, reel eatate 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor~ Opposite the City Hall WISHING YOU TruJy Joyous Da)'8 A.head Betty Roth Ted John1ton Jack Pinkham DI rlc Co lll na P'r&11k 15oule ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES 1857 Newport Blvd., Coat.a Mee& U 8-1832 To .All Our Friend• Go Our Very Sincere Wi11bee for a Very Merry Cbriatmu and A Happy and Prosperoua New Y car: Lee Bolin Charlotte Fulola Marge Hadfield Nona Hyer Mildred SU!ord WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD -HADFIELD REALTORS Marine and Parle, Balboa llla11d Harbor 2462 f -. PA&E I • 'ART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1955 \ ; ·~. GREETINGS From Your local New Car Dealer .. ti1~1!1DlHD!mBD l LOU REED & ASSOCIATES JOHNSON & ·soN Imperial ·Chrysler· Plymouth -International Trucks Sales & Service Unc.ol• ·Mercury· Continental Sales & Service 900 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 1200 W. Coast Highway Liberty 8-3486 Uberty 8-5545 Ope1t EvenlnCJI THEODORE ROBINS "Yo. Ford Dealer Since 1921" bri~bt •• • wreath ol holly. May Santa anawtt ,..,.,. wiehea wilh e•eryt~ jolly. Aod-1 JOU hne a New Y eer ....... I uJI or ~oocl cheer. • MILLER CHEVROLET CO. U'*ty 8-2261 Oldsmobile Chevrolet 3100 W. Coast Highway on Mariner's Mile Liberty 8-3471 MILUR'I KAR llORRAL #SIOO .5 i E-4 Fl'rcl Ca"' nenc1~,.,."' Fef'd ~cb ------------...:C:_OAsr N'f'WJ)Ort Harbor Chambu of .Commtrce 700 W. Coast Highway Uberty 8-2258 Newport leach . I