HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-26 - Newport Harbor News PressHARB012 PRSSS iiilil!!e!!!!=a~ 48th YEAR -NUMBER 111 NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, DEC. 26, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS HARBOR WEATHER Temperatu~ th e put week lD the Harbor an-a were: msb Low Tuesday, Dec. 20 .• 6:> 43 Wedne.day, Dec. 21 .. 09 02 Sweeping Juvenile Hall ThuNlday, RDec. 22 ...• f>8 02 Friday. Dec. 23 ...•..• 60 f>O Saturday. Dec. H .... 61 64 Sund ay. Dec. 20 ........ 62 615 Conditions Inquiry Due / I IN BEATING TOP PAIR -Winners in last week's drive for canned food for Harbor area needy families 'at Harbor Boys' Club were ~ervey Gragg. left, and brother Charles Gragg, sons of the Leonard H. Graggs of 2025 Pomon a Ave., Costa Mesa. The pair collected 405 of the 204 1 cans of food which are piled up above their heads. Staff Photo Joh nscn Gets 9 Month Sentence Graggs _ BrotherS Win Boys' Club Drive for Foodstuffs H:11b11r B1•y>1 Club olnn f11r r11 n· lh1• lnMt C'lln!I or rooct, ~o::i. 11urlng on Check Rap n'"l" r .... .i ftlt n• ··dy r.unllu·s ln t he !1 111).,,. l\reu rf'lllllll!d 1n •••II•'< ll•m "' ~" 11 qans by youlhllll nn·111b1·r.< or 1 Ii.• l'IUb II '"" >tllnUIHh '"I Fii· clHy ~1!•·111 .. on hy u .. yil' l'luh Ex- +•t 1111\1• l •~t••t lor Al SJi•'rh-·•·t Sf" 11• o•r ,.,,1111 th .. tn111I W<iuld h1• clt~t 1•.t;Hl1 d tu A}4 flliH\\' IWPdy 1 HU· th;•,111 lt"I JHft',"41bl~ In tJfH•' J,ir ('ht i-t 1n.1ic, w1lh U11· r.·m»lnrl• r 1ur1L<'d .,,.,.,. ln Uw C••l'la M•'-"t' l'-TA d11'lt1l>11l1"n t.1 "th .. r n•·•·oly I e11.1lw• It~ l1tr '" 11 would lo:" \I 111111111{ th1· h .. nor 1.r <'"lh·1 \1111,t lh" lhre•··tl11y rtr1\'e were hroth•'l'll l SANTA ANA. (OCNS1-=-1ne 1.1.•r\'•'Y 11nd 1·h11rll'11 C1agg, !'<•II!! monlh11 in county Jilli wu the or th" u onard G 1UJ(J(!I or 202:> sentrnr e given Paul J ohnson, 28. l 'om•ml\ Ave .. C't11'1la Mesa. n ( Holll·wc10d after he ple&ded S111•11n•r rl'f'Ol tl'J !hf' lJ 11 Y ll J(Ullly tu if!!!Uing a $93 9~ b 8 0 h1 .. 11i;ht 1n 132 ••a n" Tue'"lay. 1611 , h••<·k tu 11 sture 111 Newport T hur!Sday and 113 F 11iluy. rlui,ing Beat·h. dJ\. or llw cullf'1·t1un d1 lVI' l'rolia.t ion Willi r1f'nlt>d Joh11e<:in l~unnt>rs·np \11 Uw Cra1..i;11 wero• by ::;11p.,llur C'ourl J u1lge J o hn rllo·hunl lfonhng with :13~ c·an~. S hea. The defenclanl was proce9· l ·111u I•·" ('.,opt·r. 321. Cn 1 y <'11th· ~e<l •Jn the one , h••ek However. tr"''· 168, 1.J,,n W11lk1·r. H i . Handy thf' probal1011 repurl Mhnwed he 111•!11111, l:lU, J ohn ~((1ngwc'll, 106, had c'kllh<•<I fnur bugu11 chPrkll In lt11 li111d llr11y, 10:1. C 1•1w 1.. .. 1• .. r1 ... the Newport HPilth 111ea for $:i0. ifi. 1111d I lhruld Cr1111, 65. $4f>. $,10 and the one contained ln Shea Denies Dismissal; Sets Trial SA:-ITA ANA. fOCNS) -SU· pl'rior Court Judjte John Sh e a Fr1d11y denied motln1111 to f'l lJ1ml!!J1 felomo1.n1 a.s1>ault. char~eii against five vouth11 an·usedl o! 11ttacklng 11 Sa~ta Ana man. 'two are Cost.a M t'sa yout hs. The judge 11el the jury trial for F eb. 6 for the quintet. They a re J ames E. Siemonsma, 18, 10731 Newport A ve., Costa M rsa: i.·1 anci11 D. 0111, :.io, 20112 Bay· 11ide. Co~la Mella ; Hus~t·ll A. T1111; 20. ot Irvine; Cary R Ste1;al. 19. of Tustin 11nJ Bennie J. White, 18, or Santa A na. The defendants on ball, 11ssert- edly po11nc-eol on nav1d Sullivan. his pregnant w ire and R o bert Brokaw et a S1rnta Ana drive-In care. How .. v .. r, thf' five are cha rged only with 11Maul11n.: Bro- kaw. • Kaiser Says Supervisor. Probation Group Meet Due A sweeping inquiry as to juvenile hall conditiona ill to be held after the holidays between the superviaora and the county probation committee, Supervisor Heim IU.iaer aaid today amid reports the county grand jury views the opera a tion with llOme ala rm. A new ment u to whethl'r the old j\lw- juvenlle hall la belnc considered. nlle halt would be llOld or kept Kaiaer contlrmed reportA the for county office uae. 81:BIOl'8 P ROB LEM jury hu been viewing the cu.mint juvenile oo.Jt 11\uatlon with lua than &dmtrat.lon, the main concern Kalu r admitted the problem h .. the •upt'rvl11or11' l!l'r101111 thousht, the board dealnng to cor~ct the bt-tng w1lh Inadequate quarters, curn·nt JUVenil., hall alt uallon. number of escapd &nd Juvenile "A lhmk like this l&kra time, control. Ka.1s1;r functlona u the you can 't 1lu 1t ovemtghl." h• •Id, board <>f auperv\llora' committee-a.clcllng nt> monc:y ha.a bun ael \IP m~ for juvenile hlill &nd the pr<>-tvr • nl'w h111l hf-«ause no plana bation d.-parlmenl . have b<'en mnde Pl'1n11 ar• In th• l &lklnj( •taj{('ll now , ht' 1Ca1d. I Supt!r1or Court Judge Kenneth ~ ~ I ThHr Is no f<IO<l problem. Kaleer Morru1on Ill lh<' a.clu&.I 11upervlt10r .11tated, op1n1n1: thlll l)(I per ce11t LOCAL MAN BOOKED ON DRUGS COUNT the 1nformat1nn. Anot her vout h anesl••d Juhnsun allw sllegedly hand· the five hs.s .plc·atll'tl g'tlllt v t o ba.t- Nl out t href' phronl'y c•he,·ks in tery ('hargc"ll ej!;cin•l Sullivan, H e Hntlyw"•'d an•I five 1.n C'OIM·atlo 18 Rui1sell \\' Cit rp,.ntl'r, 19, of or t he op...rkllon, K1tl~cr said, a.,t. I or thl' juvt•nilt'tt hnuMd In the ·hall t l ing th., p•1ill·w11, wh1I" lhe board rec••lve btollu halanc·,.d ml'ala than o r supcrv11111111 µ1 ovh.te11 !uncta for ••l hum .. Tiit: BLA('K Rt:At T~ -Aft1·r I\ :<•t1'('1'3:-f11l 1 .11111~ season w it h a morf' r•111\ •'11111 n:tl \l hit f.' p:i1nt j<'b \\'Riter F'ranz' tn m Cali! -3~ s.<'n p And.1.l' n '3!'11""'ri; with her nng111al · i;:kammg bl a1•k t11p::ndc~. :'.aff· c1)mmodor<-Franz h'l!! t lw :--l•'t':' craft all tuned up fnr N ew )'nrt H nrb0r Y.t• ht t·:ub's Christmas Regatta &>em& held today. -Beckner Photo HP wui< '" rl'sted ~·iv 3 a rter ~en ta Ana H t' ii< rn•e-on bail h~ put . out th.e S~J lb • h•:··k. Ill ltWl\ttlng probsllun h~nrlng. Hull.\ ..)I 11 MPn ~ Stcor0•. l" <'\\poi \ I Bl'Hl'h, a1·1· .. 1d1111: l<l t:,. proball"n C\n1n1<1•l !or the .t•·Cen•lant ~ ar- offt•" f(lh •I [IN· 16 the rh11r1:••s 111ln11M 5150,000 Sum in Dividends be d11<m1s.!!<'d bt·ruu1w n•• ev1d••ncf" 111111 bePn prndurr•I o t a 1,n•l11n· JnHr)' hC'ltrlfli;: 1'h0WIOI\ nny nr the r1vt> 11\rut•k lhe vlt'l11n Th< y also C'c•nt endf!r1 the w1tne11i<es' •tortes cnntllned. JAI LED AS B URGLARS--John L. Stevens, left and Eugene M. Gustafson, ran a Newport Beach stop sign early Friday morning. This led to discovery of a shot gun in their ca.r. An all-day grilling caused the pair to admit local boat burclariea, detectiv• ll&id.. -Sta!t Photo 2 YOUTHS ADMIT LOCAL BOAT BURGLARY RAPS NEWPORT' O~HER COUNTY ,. 1 1r ctni; 011L for a ~unrlay drive I I h•· n·u~t be neared by 1<>me IC ES TO FIG T RABIES a··~~·.~~::~·~·· .. 11rom1a ... 11nl1P~ t111vr ITI H b<· n <1'lnran1 lnf'fl "I' lo 1l>1t r llC· '''din~ to Hu~~t·ll. I ~'"' l '11·11 .. •n1 ,. WH• t h P only rll y FourtrPn nr Orlt:11;• County·~ 10 hr hlU! ll('f'n a .. rsbll'" v11·t1m.!t Ira-In 11 ... ll'lll>IV \\Ith" manda!OtV ll'lllP~ In lhr OrRni:•· l '•••mtv IAA!'\lt' \'clNl th!' 1nad (11 clf'nth. 11 .. l«lld I ;inti rnt11 .. c tnnr 11111tl••n rr'•"rnm uf l·•li<•Q '"' h1d1ni; ;\:'""'"" t HrR• h he hA11 "ren thrf'r l111m11n" dw nn: 11 1.-111,, rt••n 11,1, 111, ,1 11,. ••Nhn· 1011"1.v 1n1h1 ut,.•I th<'Y \\Ill IA kl' fp ,1 frnm \hf' oli~f'allP II.II ,. :-;·rn 1·1, 01, nil' hll• h:i,1 it" 11r\1"n tn ,...l "P rJAndl\l,.ry anti· •·Tht>rr '" nn more hornhl<' w11y pri • ._.1"111 1110,,. l!l!'I~ It Im• wnrkNI 1at 1P-\1,••1n.tl111u 1)( 1to):~ t n t1tp "• Ru,.~··ll R~""llPd 'If l~t k"~ ,.,11 ,. tff,~,.11 ,,1l.\. Uu• tii rnup "·~ lll[•ll' •·111 .1 :1\1·~ ll• nt the 1R ril· nho ut fl\c• dO)<l uf l!'rillil>' "1frrr· lcol I I i•·~ h I 1 \ ,,,, 'It•• • ,,1,ruv t t'll" fr PlJ: J:\'"Tl th ff .. 111n' f1 .. t:1 l f r1JI 111.: '\lfll I\ I pPI tu 'lld\ th ... -•·11 ;1 j di a•fl 11'" 1111 Pndr•t "''htHHh"' f7'\7, .t,,.,,hn.: \\1th th,.. l11 ••11s:,nj.! nn•I nn p••llP I t ,. 11( '•' ,:• lt''tf t nn •Pt 1h•-. ,. 1 'l'h tnro ' n· 1 vul•1••n,. A , .dil•·-\ 1, , lt"l 1 ... t , ., , l? .,, 'H"' I ,., ;d.ttnrd t hPr r "."',. no i\\Hhr \h tn "''lllltl • \JH' nth'\\h1t r:1t11•'tot 1,4c•~ '" th ,'l tnUn1\r tn 'l '\A' J h,.. df'dlh ,,( lh ,, tf11 II H\ 1!1:111 4.,, t11 ·~,z ~Ult(' ~O\'", ]!) or ( '1;n11 Hr: I ! t' A hi , t I \'.'1 I • t '1•· •Ii• \\' ". ,,, "di I' I ~ ~ l -.1q I' \1 1 i•t '\ J r11h:.ld• I It•• '111' '11 1 'f• t•to \ nr\'f\ r h•• u hlf" 1 ,, J.: •'t It ' J , 1 t r ,, I,' 11f h ~ f1'1f1d ' ti I• h•·• n \ r-.n h n\\ f'\ •·: th,-r" hR\'P 1111" ""I?" 11nr1 J'IO~slhly 3 ·'"' •• II "l I·" ,j \\d1 li•li:•· Uu-. '''I ,.,rlr-t1nrtf ,. •. , , •• t11" 1l·· ltfll ! f)\(\Pt r-.;pt'1t~ f··tl the \h•• , 1t'1 1 ••• :. ii '' I th" '.'-<''~-,,. a' 1 in u;· 1 • l-.1' t ~ •" ' ,. r1''11 .. ~,~,, 11 11 m \\·d t ht•· RAb· •I•'\ ,. ' 'H It,. tu' ii ... 1 l.\•tq \' •• 'Hit' 11".t' II•'' f :111..:• I ' ,, .. , "' Skll'li(• t1,1-' l11~rn 'IMUl''Utlly \]1\1 f n' t JJ I 1 1 ·..:Hf' hH! \'t' t•H' 1'\P',;' t 11 °· 11 I\ h~ii H~1 •,. I ""r, ,, ·~1ir.1 I \',' tdHtlh;,.; l hl\ r,d•! 11n t h· t j•t ;1 I :-llr1t•1n l"11tt'""An 4•1 H1 1nn1r.art I'"" I'.•., .•• , •;11 r•· l.1\\ T ; tll ,\I\ \''f'l 'I .' w • •'• lllli"I' \t>t1•r111nrrnn• to ~' r L. ,,,·,r· , ,,. .' t l 'rlr .. qtl11•1•11n1\• ·1.•·•tqi \\l'l , ... '"\l1""' "·•.: ... ai $..!-""10 during i: '!11••1! 1''\ 1 111·r ,. n \ Uillf"ll t 'rr •tnl 't•t' ltl'Hf.tf1't: ,,ll "'f ,, \\'''~lfr' h1 ~ ..... ''P to .ls-.ti t111'1 t ' 1 " • hit · ·:i•r ' _,, H q "t'-"" H '1 I"' ""'lf n• 1 1 1, ,,. _,., r dh._," II l .-.. hstndlt"<t !"*~"'I'' \• t • '1" ,,t "., • !tf'!I n1 1rn•• '"'I ft"'I 11• t 1 .1 ' r ( tl11 (1 ,, .: t. t.\ p u r1n '"fht:rtid.~)'~ 1f J fr ..,.,., l Ii ~ thll" ,_,.. .... \, n. 11:1 11.1.'\ \ .11 ~~.it1 .. ·i I••"" ''Hild bP col· 1•\l,.,t •it'• 1 1~~ •••lU."'•I ti• u1afl \\, \t\ u lt,·n •\' lu,•11 f l1 ,., lttit· 1 Ht tt• tint• !•1ir •In~ n"*"nPr ,n 11' ~ t :ir.1,.. nt1~1 .. r · H ~·,,11 ~At 1 · s1n;J n 1,·~~ :'o\'~ ) ''I '' ,.· llnr ft, f'r!"1 '""' T hn lhe <t.r whrrh tumrd up lwn mott' rtMh llghl.J'. an e .. t11c tr>!Ulter. ff'<h•ng r rnl I WO po•lln<"kll With 111 111\c•n h81'11•~. two pry b11r Jug Wff'll' h"ll sncl a bl'«r l'an upenf'r the op .. rawon. Ot :Nt:tlAL CONUITIUN!i K &J.ser Aid he underaloo..t the jurure were .. ait..rn1t'd 11.l conih· llone In g .. nt'rlf..i," 11uch al made- quale qullrter11 a.nd lht! amounl of !!Upe rvla1011. The latter reporledly may net'd tlfhlenrng up, he aald. Recently, Kaiser obla.1ned the au- pervumra' acreemenl Lo 0811 tor a survey ot Ute Juvenile hall Jobe. a.alone tor 1pecUlcaU01U1 of duUea t.o be perfonned. All l•l lnr1.rr e-n1t1011 Of the youngatera, Kata<or ~a.Id one theory •• thlll "you ahq uldn't make U.. kid• reel lho:y a re In Ja.11." A 11ta.n~mg fen<·e la a round lhl' plaee but thl!' gatt' la left open and "now .uid then the k1<Ui •lip out the gate," hfl aald. He admitted a problem m1ghl arlae ahouJd a lougb Juven1te eeca Pt' a nd eel In- volved In a aertou• felony wh.lle he wu -,ppc>Hd to be Und•r county Juruidlcllon. IA)NO Dl8CV8810N lnaof&r ... new quarter• for juvenile hall la concerned. Kat.er aaid lhe counly own11 nearly 70 When I.be •u~rvlaore met •IOI &Crt'a near the Orange County 1 lhe juro ra earlier, Kai.Hr lndlcated HosplW: \.hal ft 20·ane parrel bf-· o! two houre In •l'N lon one hour tWl'iln rlact-nll& and the S&nta wu devoted to \.he JuvmU. hall Ana ft.Iver ba.n.Jc. la belng dtac:uued dlllCU11&lon. 'Tht' Job le to make u a pctMlble juvenile h R.11 •Ile the juven.tlH UH ful cJU..na,'' be ThU! pll!C& or acreagt' hu .b<'en a&ld. dll1ru3llrtl by county otrlc1aJ.11 wilh AlonK Lhat bne, the <'OWlty ta d•· arcl'ult"rl.11, Ka1~er M id, rf'porUnit veloplng lh,. old Joplin Ranch, the lan1J·UJ1e ""J>t'rt..11 rl'port &II Trabuco Cfu1ynn. Ku aer hopn It ullJIU,.• Mo.I san1t.1try u rv1ce11 &rt' 1 t•an bt• modt>led a!tl'r RJve rald• avallabl .. on tht' 111te for a new C'ounty·io Twin r tnt>• nnch. n juvenile hR.11. No Cl>flll P11t1mate11 howie11 t h,. bed boy•. hM had auc- .,!!!)•t....bten pre.par~..W.... Slm-i c--UA ln nak.IJ\.lf I~ c-illun11 _.._ 1larly, he 11alct Lh<'re Ii< no agrl'e-1ot moAt of the~m. Kal11<'r reportt'd. NEWPORT OFFICERS NAB 2 JUVENILES ON CAR THEFT alrfft In tnt' <'oront' del M ar a rea and followed to chl'Ck It out. Thf'y l'l!ld when th•Y put on their r .. rt light. lht J~-yur-old driver mtrt'ly tncrullf'd his •peed and attl'mpte;I lo jtt'l away. The otftrl'r• aa1d It w u nece•· 1111ry lo force the rar ort the aide of lhe htghWi.y lo ltf'l ll Slopped. Theoy nld thl' bny~. ace1 14 to Ill. Rrlmlt lffl tRklnit lhr C'llr fn•m lhe Pls,1•a del Rfj a rr11 nf I.A• An· ge(P8 In addit ion to .. usplclon or car lhefl. a.n add1llonal chart • or pe.l• ty U\t'fl. wlll b« filed air;atn11l them. pollc• 11111<1 '"01.1 \f'li 1. \T Hl-.lll'i; '"' t.1\P H I "~""" '" pt.11./ .. I: "°" 1rr '" 11 Ii,., l'(l\•'n ~ .rr11f1fltlP Tl"!' 'i n·n ).:ttthr1 tn11t in th" ~lJ -'h~ :io1 ;1lC \'-llh1n ;)., 1Ln 1t 1 rir 'i .ar· wh11 f1 ~c· 111 Jlil prf'"if:tf"il lu U.r J"'•l\, ... •r:, fll'"•'l..n;: lfP'111l t ...... 1rd ant1;1@ g'J•!' 111:.J P'rc-l A ' Rt•\( 1t1P t Ul f•1r lhP !11IP1l • 11nty I rot 11 n'llf"t'r f: 1. H.11.,. ;11'll .i1e 1~ \o·l'y d1~.111.it I•• I\ I tr" , ,, 11 ""' 11 1,,. r~111r....-1 •rll Jo.II (l\~r lhft J'tt'"Uf"''!IP•t AO•hU •nit l8tr r J t 111Pft0.lil It.ti tflf~ ("r II It\.., I"\• r\ t~"P r1 If ... tn flJ~ t ltlinfy • ., lh" 1111rf':H ordmRn1 .. •nln 11o rnmrm:t11t)' Rn•I r:n1nK nut 11 !,1>1H1f <' \1l11<h 1<pphes only l" RuucU aao lold ot Lhe horror• i rnial be cleareJ . Even 11 you t-.ke 1 uii;.orporale<l area.a. WH ERE RABIES HIT -J ohn H. Bower, county veterinarian, right, and county health off1cPr }:~. L. Rus&>ll examine map showing a~as where rabid doga have been pirkrd up in Oran~e County. HU88<'ll and Bower went before the board of SUp<'l"YIMri< and urgrd adopttrm of compulsory anti-rab1e1 vaccl.nation program on county-wide acale. -OCNS P hoto •• I Cal • t L d• ' =-:n rf'1 ~"'' "ill ""',. 1wt•1 on lt1 ump1 a 1es 1.'.Ulllp .. Ul ul Ill• V.&lll ut Ume Wt\CI f never •-&ny. -'nlomaa Jet· Naine Of icers tenon . . -=====;;;;;;;;;;;~ PALM TREES AND ·HULA DANCERS atop the cake were appropriate at the housewarming with which Zonta friends honored Mrs. Arthur (Ruth Paddock) Gibbs recently. Capt. and Mrs. Gibbs have mo\'ed from Balboa Island to their new home on Broad St. Gift.a included a pair of chairs, casseroles and utensils. In foreground i8 Mrs. Gibbs. wearing a fresh flower lei ; around her, hostt'sses Mmes. Albert Stockton, Kenneth Dell, W. B. Johnson, Earl Stanley anJ Harold Robert.Bon. -Zonta Photo omcen for 19~ wer. named &Mt WMk at lh• meetin. ot Cal· umplt Camp No. SI, 8pa.nlah Wu Veteran• Wol'(l•n'1 AW1llla.ry, ln th• American Ltcton Hall tn San· ta Ana. Mu. Edith Moulto.n, pre- lident, presided. N-officer• are Mn. Vema Oakford, prealdent; M r a. J im Pearson. Jr. vice prealdent; Mra. 1:4 Hall. Sr. vice p ruldent; Mra. Beul• Fltapatrlck, chaplain; Mra. Gene Tlbbelt•, conductreu; Mn. Ctlartty T w o m b I e y. ua1'tant: Krl. Scolt Huland, patriotic ln· 1t.ructor: Mra. Alil"e Gay, hlator- llan; Mra. Frank Bowland, guard; Mr•. Charlea Rt'gan, assistant; Mme1. Gertrude Row, Bert La· tham. Biii Brown a.nd Lena Klua, color beart!rl. On Monday tht r•~lar potluck luncheon and Ctlrlstmu party. with 11rt u changt'. wM enjoyed by ml'mbna or Calump1t Auxll· lary Mwlng circle at Bowllnit Green clubhouse, Santiago P ark In Santa Ana.. On Monday evenln~. Del". 19, at the IAglon hall In Sa.nla Ana. l ht' Spanish War \'etuan11, Clllump1l ramp Nil 211. ancl Auxlllary Nn 3!1 will h"l 1 tht'ir n111nt hly pol · I lul"k dinner ---- Reece Daughter A tlau):htt'r w1111 bnm Der 21 In Hna J.: 11 .. ~f'ltlll tn Mr. an•I Mn I\\ 1lh11 d H• r11, l:l73 Cuni;r••!ls $L . ( ·11,,l1< :11 ··~a. t'ilEWPORT HARBOR Choirboys Sing for Lido Women Lido lsle Woman's club honored past presidents, Mm<'&. A PRE-CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON was hostessed at Chef'• Inn by thia hoatesa trio which inchJdea Mmes. Jack Corn, J ohn MarshaU, Earl and James Lee Halli-- MRS. WINIFRED BARBRE, Women's Editor Kent Hitchcock. Hay Langen heim. Nelson Neice, Allen Crisell and Ralph 'fan<lowsky, at their Christmas luncheon and musical program. Unable to attend were Mmes. Martha Gates and charles Lamb. day. -Terry Boris Photo Harbor Area Trio Hostess Luncheon A profusion of w hite carnations. red. gold and white choir boys, long red satin streamers and gold place card!l ~ach holding I\ bottlr of perfume. helped set the stage for the pre-holiday luncheon hosted by Mmes. James Lee Holli· day, John Marshall Earl and Jack Co rn. Fe11llv1tl,.11 broui;hl J!lll'll t11 frnm yulrl1de rh,..,r Th111 tn thr llr· ell ovtr th& 11m11hlant1 to ('hrr·,. fl·mranlment nr backi-;rnun•I mu· !rm whr10 thry w.·rp i:rt'rll"tl J1lr hv Jltrs. Kc-nneth Dell Ill tht wll h hbHai la!"l111:11 nr ye o I ti Stf'1nwoy. which wa~ clet•nr11lf'd -I W llil a i:11ld rrnd 11,rt'tn ChrillllTIU r-------------1 lrec and piled h11th with ic1fu Harbor Rest !•Jr r vt'r}·on,. Memorial Park T hn11e who WPrf' prf'vnt In .. n. joy lhe run, met nmPnl a nti the Mau,nl.,um-lntf'rmrnt. L a rdl'n•, <'tmrtny tr1t1t1t1onal turk• y rrpa'l w P r' Jll r i K"ry Sanuw1111111 and ~I 1 "• Amy L113rku~. La~na Bral"h;· J\1mu Ja ck C urry Tustin. Frank Freeman. Harry Ja('k!IOn. Jack Com Jr. Claire Ballea and Ira Chandler. Santa Ana; Lee Mack and Edward Earl, R iver· aide , Arthur Shlpkty and Ea.rl Miiier. Anaht'lm, John F luor, Beverly Hiii&; Also Jlfmu . H1mry Schaefer Jr. J ohn W IL8on, Frank Can•ell, Ralp&v"tandow11ky, Arnold J\'.11egll. Ma\:larel TrldPr Whllt'. ~land S d aon, H ugh Rawllng11. J o h n Abell. John Bot11rord, Allan Lncf· flcr. Ocl\n Campbt'll, Robt'rl Mor· g11n and Terry Bor11. Set sers Celebrate PA'GE 2 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1955 HORACE MAZET IS FETED AFTER AFRICAN SAFARI B,.mg royally fntt'rlalned at " ~riu or welcOml'·home partiu In the Harbor a rea. Is HorRc11 J1t11:r.l'l or J 25 N. S...y Front. owner or the Mariner hi~ Really Co .. HalbOa Jsland. Maul returnt'd Tuesday rrom Nairobi. Ken)'\!, Afrl('a artPr 11n f'ight month• 11h~t>nrt' during whll h llmc> he went on a ~acan w1lh Micky an11 f'eic CllrtC"r. The Carters wrrtt photop 11ph1ng big ganlc 11n " fJfOJl'Cl wh1C'h is expr1 led tn n•sult 111 movie and lelcvr111nn r11m11. C'urll'I' n •1·,,ntly wrnte a book or his rxpcrlcnces on C1vo previous 11ala11 ... I reolurned lo ht r home on Balboa. With the Mitc:hcll C'hnu OO}'!I 1\8 r11n1t"m"'nt of .. Tht Plrdgt' tn th• featured tnlt'rtalnr111 lltmts. Vin· F IRJ;" by ("h11rlP~ n oiu.urr 11n'1 II I cent Salmllcia anJ Jlobei L Tem· i:roup or familiar l'Ongs in rnr-.. tgn l11n~ua1tt~. Thl'Y rnn1 l11'1f'd plelon carritd the choir boy themf' 1 thf'lr pi ui;i am "Ith· " ~11uur111 through In decoratluns. Th~ hfad rtn•lllll\11 11t C uunoud s "'Av,. t11blt. Whf'r6 put pru1nl'nt11 wt'rt Maria " sti<le•J. wu ct>nlt're I with tin~ AT 1.l"S<'llEOS l"holr boys in & minrntnrl' r hnrl'l I Th<' 1111 k,.v lunch wa~ rr,.parNI wllh l!llllnl'•I 1:huu1 w1nt11>w11 t1nrl hv Jll rur~ 1.,,.nn \\'iu ,., l"larf'nr<' e~l-~r hl~l\llf'r tabir b.0111 111m1l&r D<kJ I. J t•ltn J,1n11011. Ltl' Bamr~ (' o bo)ll. . I \\'111111111 T11l l. Thoma" 1-"ltr ant1 Cll0 11l 80 1 !" ttubt-rl T 1 .. 111bl<'\'. "ho as.a1,.Lf'c1 Opening lhl'lr p1ngra111 with 11n lhl' p .. rmHn• 11\ lunr heon cnmmll "' r1tn1:t>111,•nt or · Ul'\11n1I th<> Hl11t• l•'" hc·r .. lt tl fiv Jltr.11. L<-t Bai ne11 Ho11zr•n" H<•b Mil• ht')I 111111 l h I' Th" I''"!:' stm \I'll" pr,.,.r nlrd hv <.:ho1rb11ys tllvl\ll'tl Lhl'ir prvi;1nrn Mn11·" J «I' l '1r1111ni:•·r nn•J K1•1th 1ntn f&)ur part11, includln~ 'h1 •~l· ('nr.trry Thi! 11.111' or C'IUb ('n(lk I n111i1 n111~lr 1n f'lll'l1 ~rm1p Anumi txwk11 "11s handlNI b1 J\t mP" their MltrL1on11 w1111 11 n1•w Bl -'Jane Har.tin~ and Leon \\'ar f' BALTZ MORTUARIES COSTA ME~A CH.AP EL CllAPl'.:L HY THE SEA Mrs. E migh & Son Home from Hawaii llt111. Elno. E migh of Balbna 11· tliittha.r,ed from Lill' niwy a.rter 1741 SU1>l't •tr Al'fnU• 3~20 E Coa.tl Siva Jiolr.nd tor the l"Ominir; hnlldaya. lln aon !Jon. who has JU1tl bt'f'n l'f'll'\Jlllllni: thr1r 10th 11n11il'l'1 · ~11rv l1ul Runrlll)". Mi nntl Ml !! Jnhn l' SMl'•·I' Wl'rP tl•nnl'r irurstl! nr Jltr on1I :11 111 \\' E l·urrm11n t•f 8:10 1'111111 1'1111 '" <.:""'" Jll r-.1 A Iler dlnnf'r • l rip Will' ma•I" Lt• IA" Ani:rt•• 11•1u 1n1n1: to t ·n~ta ~t,.,.A tur I hr r\'••n1n~ l"'t f''i• n1 "··re tht1 ~el.•1•r11 1tnd ch11t.11 en. Bribhy, H1rb11r1 H"nnl1I 11n11 Don· "'"· us m"nth 111ot 1w1ne, thr corr. "'""' 11"'1 d 1ur ht,.r M111 ::•lfl J 11nr land. who hM brl'n li ving In llono· acn·lng on Kllwlljnlt'n and Hawaii Cotta J\11•114, Ca llr Corona df'I Ma r. Calif. lulu fur lht n11n I monlhs, h111 P hone LP·arty II 2121 Phonfl Harbor '2 -~~ -~ _:.· _ ~~-~11~re~t~u~rn~1~n:g~by:_:p~l=a.n~e::.....::l~o~n1~g~h~L~--'~:=:=::-~~-::--""--~·~--::::=:=:=::;:::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:==! • It S His Business ... JfEWPORT _.! . HARBOR .NE-W~J,&PRESS 2211 Balboa Blvd. Harbor 1616 Y •1 ••• it's his business to deliver your Newport Harbor News-Press to your door Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It's his business to do a good iob too. • Your paper must reach you promptty, and in good condition. His iob depends upon the 1ervice he renden his customen. If you are n~ a reqular sub· 1 c r i b " r:, fill out the s u b s c r i p tion below and we will start de· livery at once. :························-··········-·····-··-1 : Circulation Dept. i ' ' Newport Harbor News • Press : ' . 221 l Balboa Rh·d.. S l'Wport 8n<'h Attn; Cirl'ulatioo Orpt. I hereby w ish to s ubi;rrilx' t n t ht-r-:cw· port Hnrbor News-Press, and agree to pay the Carrier monthly. I Home deLh·ercd only 50c a month I. ~ame _ .......... -. ................................ -......................... . itrttt ............. __ ... ._ ...................... ~ ............ -. .... -.......... ... : City ........................... ---····-·-··--· ..... ····· .. ·····-··-···-··-• l .. -· .. --------------. ------------------·--- .. ··-j(J(Qe,~;~~l .................. , d ·. 60 000 . k.no ... s hi! job. ' "'" ' mile' 1 )'t'ar. Sk.illful, ca1tful, 1 man who He "-•• ltfi ...,., tvtry tum e h II downtown dtpo1$ so convenit'ntly l~ot v~ry a • e1•ery rro•1 •lrcet on the way to "971lc•I ,.,.., d . . . t' nc11 r store•, theaicn and abof>9. '' goo ''mon 'JU•< k r"O I h portant requ1rtmtnts for •nvonc ·1 "'c' nn• ' arp CO:::Ot.dinatioa-«e im- 1ure con~lanl high Plan<fard; of r~ f~I ins:, for Grc) hC1unJ. Rrgulat eu minatiolll in ... ' d1•1rmanc:e. • • 7ew ce•r••••• ... ,, 1 b . . , &O 1r 11ou• nf }'"llf (. taJUn ,:,v::~~ri;·~.''.li~ c:t;h~~:~~llrac11nn• alfJns ..... ~~; 1~· helpsg= ~ ~:: Sc-wport Harbor, 3200 \\'. Coa<1t lllJ;hway THE ARCHES GRE~HOUND , ...... ' tllYltlll .... , •••• , ••• l.Jbforty 8·3l02 TD oaou YOV o.ue PLAT AT ONO'Sf ...... r'nA ... HAMMOND CHOID OIGAN Now! No N ..... Tak• 1--9 Come In and Prove It to Yourself We alao lavlt. yoa to -la and try tho MW ffammood 8plaet Or...-Now Avall&llle DANZ · SCHMIDT 810 PIA..~0 ct ORO.\~ 8TUllE Headquarte... for ,\U llodele Hammond or.- Kl ?-6UO &?O So. Main \ . .. ·' ' \ ~~o asa BANKiAMfm l . sairf•nt! Remember •.. smnp deposits m1de on or before Januuy 10 earn ~ b1nk Inter· est from January 1 •••H••n:u ..... ,,,,,.,,,_,, .. .._....,. Bank of Americ1 has paid 21 interest 1lnce January, 1951 • NE\"rO~T 11.-4.RBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I -PAGE 3 Bridge Games Resumed Jan. 1 n. ...,. DupUcaC. ~ Chb .. boldlac DO IMtlUq ~ b:lc tM "IW.~ but wtU ~ S--OD Ju. 1 wlaeD a XutM" PolDt ~t wtU be Mid at &.1' Dut 0..0 rro.it. Baltio.. wtu. ~ ~ ., 1:30 p. m. Dut·W•t wtnnerm bl th• re· oent enmc cunea were Kra. OertnMSe Cox and K ra. Orace ITeem&n, wb.lle north • 11oulh blltl 11eorera were Mrs. Prrgy Johneon and Mn. P'rank RN:d. Runnera •up north· IOUlb were Fred M.orrillon and Howard BrowneU, Mn. B. M. Wllaon t.nd Et.Tl Bnice, Mra. Pauline Dubois and A. D. Wetherby. Runners-up eut·weat were Mr8. A. H. ~ic­ Oonald and Arthur Brown, Mr•· 1 Amy Wolrolt and Mri<. Henry Eggert, .Mr11. c .. ..,rge Carrol 11.nd Mr11. Joe Wilcox. j •• True Value ln VACATION Lv. New York May 7, 19ee OD Hollend-Americ:en line VISIT The Ason'a Ma&I,.. )l.,..n rurt•«U E o1rlaad f'ruN 'n'lf1 S"t'"'rlaad" and olht1r port• CORONA DEL MAR TRAVEL SERYIC E Coast. H wy. ut Orchid Phom.•: Harbor l 2·l6 M11t11nl 1'hf'KI,... Tlrkl'h CHIEF CARVERS -(1 lo r) Earl Sawyer, Wally Gerhardt, Bill Cowan and Leon Ware wielded the carving knives at Lido late Yacht O ub'• traditional rout beef dinner ecrved al the Annual meeting at Lido Clubbou.te Saturday nlcbt. Talent· ed membera of the Gounneta, they have the know-bow. PENINSULA POINT FOLK crowded Newport Harbor Yacht Club to capacity for the Chri.itmas dinner dance. Part of the gay group included (I to r) Mrs. Goldie Joaepb, party chairman; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baxter, board members; Edward Hare, aasociation preaident, and Mrs. Hare: Mrs. Art Kistler, publicity chairmt.n, and Mr. Kistler; the Emory Moores and Mrs. Louise Gallagher, mcmbt'r1:1hip chairman. Thi.I wu one of two annual fund-raising atfail'll for improving the peninsula, the other being a summer dinner dance. Norlh·l!Oulh winners II) Mon1l11y 11flPmoon'ii game Wf're Mr~. ~all\' Brown and l"\Qyle G1lbt>1 l while cast-west high ecorer11 Wt'rt' Mrs A. H . McDonald anu A rthur I Brown. ____________ _. BY HIGH SCHOOL Music Progratn F AC Christtnas Features Breakfast Chriat.m.a.1 carols by the at.ringed ensemble of New- port Harbor Union High School. Clinton Sawin. direct.or, and a dramatic reading by Sue Nissen of the dram.a depart- ment, followed the annual Chriatmu breakfast at the Fri- day Afternon Club l&Bt week. Bru.kfut wu 11erved by mf'm· by Mra. W illard BaJlt>y. presl- bel"ll of t he F.A.C. Junlora beaded dent. AM1111.mg were M.mc'a. War- A.nnouncement wlll made of lhe Joint meeting J M . J <lf the &Tt11 and craft• and lhe b<iok 11<'<'· ll(lns. M rs. Cl11lre Wi811Ull'I!, pre- sident of the LAguna Bench Wo· men'• Club, wall relate her O · periences in a J apant'se pri11oner of "'"r mmp. ren Collln.a, Muvin Ba&&elt. J.fa-COS\'ESTHlS Pl.AS!'! catamaran Race rie DuM'..ouchell, ,_Lall L&B-Ord~. Edward Lew1a, Carl l.trlnltt. Roi· A delegation wu e lecle•I to 8<'•ompun\' tho pr1>1111lenl :\I 1 ll L>ay. to ltie ('ounty convtnl111n 11t Canlen Cm\'e on F'rb 29. l•• bt btld for the puflluse of rl'Oq;an· t:cni; Oninf" C'ounly Jo'eth•r.11"'1 Clubs lnlo Olstnc t 22 Ot'll'~AlU wlll oo Mmrii n o bt1t:1, Saller, Covt'rt, Arllt' Sw11rtz, Vltll'. J A Payne, H. E. Welton, 1 r v In g Clark, Leonard Lojrllden and nay. AT LIYC DINNER-DANCE -(I tor) Robert Hill, Mn. Ellsworth Betta, Mr. and Mn. C. L. Smith were amonr the 200 Udo Iale Yacht Club members attendinr the annual banquet meeting. Scenes Viewed Plcturu of catamaran raclllc and .urfing In Hawa ii were ahown 8&turday night at two galhertnga, (lnt at the home or Mr. a.nd M re. Sam Emmet, \'alla Way, where cuut.a Included were Mr, and Mr• ~ Rudy·Cboy, her parrnta, Mr. 11nd Mn. Barry ~mer.an. I.Anna White ot Samoa Choy, •klpPf'r of lht cate.maran whlcti came here from Hawaii tor the TraJa-Pactn c nu:e, la now at· tendlns law ac:.bool in Loe Anc-elea. FOR AUXILIARY Guest Speaker at St. J arnes Pohlman Kin Here Aller the tlral .tiowtnr: the .-roup moved on f or • reput per- formance •l lb' De'-11 Hall h ome In Corona d•I Mar. Kendall Son Born Mr . and Mn. Don Poblma.n and eon JonaU\an of 8a.n Lui• Obtepo a.re 'rialUl\c Mr. Pohlma.n'• pu- enta, UI• Walter Pobl.m&Aa of U S Broadwa7, Coel& M...._ A t lb. 8 oa. eon wu bom Re9pona!blUl7 w &lka band Ill Dec. 17 tn SL Joaeph Hoapltal to ha.nd w1th capacity a.nd power. Mr. and Mn. ltlmo KendaU. 3M -J O. HoU&nd L& Perle Lane. Coet& Mea. K189 Diana Prince., daqhter of the Rev. and Mra. p;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;....-;;;;==;;....============~ Gabert Prln.ce of St. Jam• Epiacopal Ch~h. South Pua- dena and rnnd&ucbter of Bia.bop Stneu, WU suest apea.ker at the December meeting of The Wom.&n'• Aux- iliary of St. J am.ea Church. She wu introduced by Mre. J offph ftJsp, auJdllary prutdenl, tollowmc • lunch.eon eernd by SL MarfaNt'a CulJ4. K.1.9 PrtDoe ...,. <Wesat• IMl yMrt.o ui. OIJ'lrF11tn.d11 IJO&ty World A.....,W.,, J\f'ld ln J:.niland a.nd 111\9 .,_.. f'Ok>r'9d alldee of the ma11.J peat.a ot IAl.f!TMt rialled. Over JOOO deltpl"• were p,....,l at a ~t ta Royal A.lbtrt lla11 where the America11 con~t performed a ~cal folk dancr. 80: OOl'S"TRV The IJ'OUP t.r&ftled by ~ through Diel.and and sroUand. etopp!nf at h09telA Th4')' uw Oevonllblre Md 00rn .. ...u and W4're a t Ut.dl.fleld Cathedral d~ • rehearal of tbl famoue M•'• and Bo111' CbcU. The ama.11 Faith C'b.apel -. at llprtl&l l.Dtcr.t to Miu Prlnce u 911e of J\er antte- ton la burtild U.... Hlp.!Ja1rt ot th• utp ... & COii· fennce on tA. IM ot W\lbl wtim rt'~taU"" of 10 rount.rlu 111ped lb• ~r for lb• tlnt Worlt1 Cow\cll of U\e Olrlll Prlendly 8oclety and tiected u It.a flral p.-..tclc~ Mra. Han>ld WoodWard, To Participate in School Confab EveNlt A. Rf!a. Me.sa echool 1uperlntendenL hu a,ppo1nttd dla· nrulon lff'OUP leadtF'l' fur the 1ta1.e-wtde ~oup meellnga al the a nnual conterenct of eltm.nlary Khool prin<'lpllltt and llUJ't'rvl"'rll at the Motel StatJer In Loa A nf>:e- les, ~•r .. JD t o 21 Theme or tht' C'Onfertnce will be · Amerlr an C"lllun.tilp. the O<>&I of Dluca· Uon In the P:lf'mrnt 11rv !i<'hOC'll". Miu Anne Hotpera. ; urrtculum <'~rdlnatnr or Ult C'"lltt11 M"sa 1rl\Nll.a. will lead onl' •rnup, Htr· bert l\'am . JH1nrrrat nt H•rJ"'r Khool, "'Ill be ltAcltr nf a pantl. Bradley K. Swaru, prn1di-nt of the ea.ta Me• board of "1lur •- t1 r1D. wlll rf'pr4'1'<'nl th .. llH"mf'n of lhe communll) tiee4 ol the aodety In lbl• CO'llJllry. Prdod.lnC tbe talk waa • mu· ...-. ~GIY1.ftC Tourwlf Away," from Ui. "Glllde Poet" and bued on • muenc:. trom Bl. Luke. It wu r-.d by Mra. Bu.trice Abell. 1 AU HONOa&D The awdUary honored the Rev. Md Mn. Joh.ft H. Parke and the I R"v. and Mra. Rollo Bou. Mra R.lcp pNJMnllnr them W1lh (1ru from lbe auJdUa.ry and Mra. R. A . Hall wtth othen trom the Altar OuUd. ){rs. R1fl"8 t.nnouncf'd U\e 8UX· I llluy bad voted a chttk for the veetry ~ a (1tt of 1200 for the buUdtnr tund of the Coeta Mt> .. )lla lon. The nut meeUnf wlll ~ Jan I to wttb Bahop William R.vnlnr · ton (rt'll~I of We•tern hnn•>•I· Ya.rU& u ~"r. Girls Club Remains Open The Girl.I' Club w1U be open dUI'lnJ; the two week a of .Chr1et· mu vacation with daya hour11 2 I to 4 ·aif p. m and Tuesday and J"rtd&.,y ncninp h'om 7 lo t lk· caUM of the current fOIJY Wf'.alh· 1 tr. the Chrtnmu part)' wlll bf' held a l the clubhou•" Thunad"Y • afternoon. The Chr l1tmu lret I dttoraled by club memMra. wlll bf' lfl\'tn to a needy family for Ch.VI.ma.a. Towners Have Son It waa " 11on for Mr and Mr11 Cl•m A Towner, 2M I E ldtn A Vt I Costa Me.aa. born Dec 20 In St Jou ph Ho.tpltaJ. H" llpptd lht> ll<'l lu at S lbs 14 01: Son f or Hamptons M r and Mr11 R S Hampton I 2848 S11nte Ana Ave . Co•ta MtH Art p11rf'nL• or • aon, bnm r¥c 17 In St Jni<eph Hoi•patal ~ lad "·t11therl 8 lbe H o& LA TEST HAIR STYLING FOR HOME PERMANENTS DAN Is BARiii SHOP lll.U..llOA THEA TllE BLDG. M.LllOA O,..T--., .... ......, GALA PARTY HAROLD'S Satwday Eve., Dec. Jht Favors -Lot.a O'Fun Dancing SPECIAL DeLuxe New Year's * BREAKFAST * After your party Be Sure to COME TO HAROLD'S · Rerved 2 a m. to 4 a. m. 1670 Ntwport Blvd., Cffl'ta Mf'!Ml A'nd Oh·h·hf Wh•ta beautiful pricel .... ' SER VOUR NEAREST ~ OLDSMOBILE ~ D•ALER lo Bui.Ju, Lyle VandeWalker and Larry BlodgelL CHAIB~S HOSORED Committee ctitJrmen aeal t'd al the hu.d table with Mrs. Reuben Day, p!'ffldenl. were Mmes. C&l· la Viele. t';unnlnc Butler, Stier- man S&ller, T . L. BTOWD, l. W. Covert. Paul H. Roberta, H c>in.i Kalu r , H. B. McAlurtry and A. R. Morrtllon. Following lnlroduc· lion of !."1Ul• Mrs. Viel• rep<>rt· ed on the new d1recllona.J alp.a ordered for the club, aleo on the d18poclllon of CARil pACkagea eent ave~ through club con· lrlbuUona. .Annlht'r tif the df'll&f'rl bridge parties for Lhe nurau' 11Ctiolsr- 11hlp fund or F.A C. wu announr· ed by :t.ln. Payne. tund chair· man. tor Wednes<lay, JIU\ 11, 12:30 noon, at UHi tinme or .M re. J11y B. Wateni, 1078 ·ru11tln Ave Mni. Swartz will be co-hoaleM . DID YOU KNOW tllat ••• N JCMI bouc)ht yow HW Christ· .-. car from OH of ow esteemed com- petitor.. we l9ope JOll had a wonderful Christmas _.,.ay? (Maybe .-e'U get you next year) LOU &J:ED a A.880('L\~ Cllry .. t.-r, Plym outh Iii lmP"rta.I I l t OO W. ('o.,.l Hl·" .. Y Ubl'~~ ~S~M _ .=---=-Ji Thank you for your Patronage We Extend Sincere Season's Greetings I Our Removal Sale Offerin9 Everything 20-50°/0 off Ends Dec. 28th. Corona dd Mar 3403 E. Coast Hwy. H&rbor 5071 * Balboa Jiiland Store 216 Marine Ph. Har. 10 Convenient Locations in Newport leach Ot.·R ('OMl'Lr.IT. 8ER\,CE 1.aundry, Ory C'l!'&nlnc •. Moth Prnn""ll· .. ,, .. or C'l,.anln~ ct l'lt11"'r la a.-ll&hkl tn 8f'f1f" r "41"1fl 1' l'Jll.L * Drive in and viA1l us today 110t w. n-t ructa-r llC',._ from BaUMie Bay ('lluh (t'omw.-17 0.-Pura) Ma.In Of fke %001 So. Maln St., Sutta Ana HARBOR AREA BUSINESS GUIDE AUTO llEPAIRS Complete Cc>IU.Son Work Auto l'alatln1 PATCH'S BODY & PAINT SHOP R. W. PATCH /l'rr:o E•trmol,., ~ T'11 U1J F ir&I .,At WHt l"lth l'it. Coet a M.f'N, ( 'aUf. u 8-7~8 COSTA MESA MOTORS Complete Aulon1ot1\'e Scr\'H a Body le Palnt Df'p:trtmenl Brake Shup U UOl'R TOWL~O "A.A A" APPROVED Ubo-rty 8-2%18 J'T.0 Xf'WJ)-Ort Boulc\'ard Colila MH&. C'al.Uomla 8UUTY SHOP MARINE BEAUTY SALON E.r P"rl .~IJlll"g -li/i.aplllf] Pcrmanr'"" -T•r1t11111 8upn·1iaed bJI Violet I U M.arllle Ave. -llarbor UI Halboa bland 3 Minutes LUSTERWASH A11tr1matic <:or WOAJll"" at 11& Fen• j f U H w. ('na•t HJc hway =""" fKlrl O.•arh, CalU. Phone' U berty 8-4112 (Acro11" F rom Port Oranf") C Ol'fTil.ACT Oil 5 ~~~-~-~ ·~~~- CHAMBERLAIN & SON Grnttcd Cofttr<1ctnr1 C-rf'l.al -Rftldf'ntlaJ Fendn« -r atltJ11 SM Eu& l 7UI ~t. t"..oata M-U "'"'301 MAX W. POPE, l11e. Commerc.l&J -~ent lal lodo.strial -Trad• •07 ~lu LI 8-2231 "°""port """' h 01tu<-.c1~ ------~-------~- CRAWFORD PRL~RII'TIO'S PllARMAC\' 111()4 S°f'W])Or1 Rh·d rhone l.tbf'r1y 11-J:?I'? Co"'" .M~ C11llr. HARBOR MEAT CO. Pn .. 6 O.•k • M••to 0..1, •• Wllolt.U lr ,.,......_ i.-i.~ 11 ... 1ah . C•••-S...n"'•• Cuttlnc. Wr•,tt•••· A•~'"• c ••. -....... f l•h, y,., ... ,. •. Cl11Clt••• ,.,, • 3'ttlll I'll. llJarbor ona ~--f•UllNITUllt;._!!!!.f!!!'!f~~ :'I(.,,., 61 Old FURNRURE FINISHING Aultr•)/ J.:11 ..... ,111 ... ,." """ •"ti o.u .. ,.,,, s,.,..,,. I r,. Ctt1rrut .. !II~'.! f'h1rrnlla 1 q 8111l·i1 Rf'4. l.I 11-.\!fl! ( ,...,. \f•·~· Ill ARINC. AIDS 1'ht> Finr11t ln Hrariag l e•pl•hlp lavi•lt.1• ~••••••' h•• (,,u•r•.-h•4 MAICO AUOIVOX WL!>l rllN CU CTlllC l(,.nll'fl llattrrl..,. l ord• ,\II ~IKkt'tO JI. OALt: RATHER ••//r11n11q Ctutt r"' 809 =" • \t al n ~an ta A Dlll Kl %-~·,111 MOVING ----------------2 Sklll<·cl, 111:-1r,.•I lit J-'11~l .MO\'t:lt:S only $.'\ S!'I huur •. ,..,. t.-.11rr1 .. 1,.. on l>l•lanNi /.1a1,. '" ·'•!Inn \\ lllr LU\H:ST I' l ' l 0 llAT~.S NEWMAN Trander & StoraCJ• l.l bnly 11-'Zl!H or it-64~'1.; l'IA.NOS WOODWORTH J'laJ1u ( omp•n) 8el4wlllt t-t•ftOt atuf 0•••"• ( 0"'PI••• .51 ... a. u • .-4 r ........... o. .. .. , ...... -......... -:S•,-•k• !810 t:. ( '""' "" ,.. ..., ...... ( orona drl Mar Pl UMlll II ' ~~~----~----~~- H. H. HOLBROOK N•w C"o"etrvctio" -••a.tMh-Uaa ,w., .. , ...... ,,. -o .. ,.. •••• •• , ... , .... ,. ... 0 nct.t: t:'T1)CATt:!4 2801 \\'. 1\flllttja Rh d. Har. "1t ;\ r " port &-IM'h GILLMAN PlumbinCJ Co. C••H••t t1n1 -llt, .. .,.1,1•• 9'•mnthf'"' -Wet •• u,. •• .,. w .11 tt•••••• -r•~· F 1.1Nt•cire UO • 3ht !'I. Rr-" Kl l'l·:\MO'! ~""''"'' 1" ... h 1'01 ITllY ~~~~-----~~~-- HALL 'S RANCH CO. • t<an1 h f r,.'11 t I C' • tr• ~h 11,.....vd l'oult r, :?llU llArb<•r Bhd. l .IN-rl,v ll·~llll '"''" '''""-c aJlr. IAYSHORE RICHFIELD SERVICE 1111.1. 11'1\U:f/ r u ,,,r 200 \\ "'' c ''"'' I h1 y. J'h. IJbrrly II !11 fS :-. .... rH•r1 llrnc h, f 11Jlf, rv Al'Pl 1""' f ' ~~~------------~ \'our c.11r1r.intN'tl TY and APPLIANCE .... AU 1'ftt•• •f l•U•h••• an,. M•rt•1 -"' ... ,.,.,a.Mt•• ._., ... ,.. ... Ph. Uberty 8-3437 IM.Ji;, lfarhM llh1l., I 11•ta Ill- ) ACll"r 'IAI r " ---------------CLARK SWEET I Mii• lllf Nf 1 A••<>< l•l•I \"'hi ""'''"' -I hart4'" t ,. ri• '"I f1111tu raure 1'-' fl' I t11Jt 1#1•/ lft .lJ•ltl ,,., '"'" tJ1tt,, fl:\~ • :\I •I '' fla rh;)fo 0159 '• " pu rf l\fo•• h SYMPSON WINS A FIRST PRIZE Tbil beautiful garage door of the home of John T. Sympeon, ~12 38th St., New- port lal&nd, won fint prize in the Newport laJand Improvement A880clation Cbriat- mu lighting conteat Tueeday. Sympeon'a prize: a box of canned and prwierved fruit. -Staff Photo _\o,,;;' OPTIOAL ILLUSION -It DlJlY look like a Cbritlt· mu tree ia growing right through the front window of the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Boswell, UM Bayahore Drive, but actually there are two trees. Bo&well and hie wife spent hours finding perfectly matched paint, trimmed the branches off one aide of each tree then fitted them together again -one tree lnaide the house and the other outside. Mrs. BosweJI made the ball ornaments on the tree and he put together the realistic white birds. She said pueers· by atop ..00 at.are in am.u.ement at the arrangement. trying to puale it out. AIM>, ahe aaya, there hu been a noticable increaae an real birds about their front lawn. -Staff Photo SD Pair Pay Fines in CdM Tree Theft _.ni.n ot.. a I~, lb C'hd8t.mu Ltt&. In Newport Beach proved uptn· 50 ..... Checks Taken In ISCJlary Coeta Mua Police Department today warned Harbor area mer· chant.a of llwft ot 60 blank checka from the otflce of Earl r . Cham- berlaln and 8 01\.1, Bulldera·Real· tora. at 388 Jl. Jeth St., Coat& Mea. The chl'clu wue taken dur- ing a break-In dl800vered Wednee· day mornlnr alone with t.hr .. othe"· lnc:ludlnr that at Courtney A Leiter nre Co. at 16H Newport Blvd., which relUJt.ed In thert of approximately •100 ca.ah. The checb , on P'lnt Weetem National Bank, a re numbered f rom 350-400. pollc:e ll&Jd. They are on eea·rre~n paper. GARDENER'S CHECK LIST l . Divide all pttennlal plant• euch ae Shuta dalelee and phlox 2. Thi• la a Sood Ume t.o (1ve the carden a winter clean· up •pray. 3 Your nureeryman wUI be pleued lo r ln you ·~ clal cultural d lrecllona for ••y plant.A you may have rl'<:elved .. Chrletmae rift•. 4. Here I• a parUal llat of what ahould ~ planted n o w : 'ICvercreen ah rub· ti.ry, fruit. ab&de a 11 d tlowertna t r • • a, roeH 1npe1, and .irawberrtn. !\. Prune rollH. fnilt trtt1, IYeJ'l"'ffll ahrubbe_ry. MAX W. POPE Inc. GEl'l~AL CONTIL\croaa atve for a San Dteiro C"Ouplr In Newport 8-ela Nnrport Juell~ Court Friday .Ju.& off Spt. Blvd. at 16tla U1Mrt1 a-1111 407 Bola Ave. .Aftf!r plll&dln1 rullly to a <'h&rr'r =~======================= o f va,rancy, John Douir;hu Mc· Naman. 2~. wu flned f 60 and Barbara Ann Mc:N11mara, 18 wu fined I~. Wlum th'y a11n'd t o fl•Y tor the t ree. • ,,.tty thrtt rnarc• wu dropped, polln utd. A roullnr aha.kf'<lown anti 11h•l"J>""Ytod otncf'ra provl'd U1e McN1tmara'• undotnr al 4 a.m 1'11<1Ay. Afl!'r ot>Hrv1nr the car movlnt tlowly alnnr Cou t Hl11th· way. • patrol car r onta1ntn11t Of. fl<'f'l'I RArtlav <'ook anti Sam Ambu 11tv •lop~ ll wh,.n thl" a.utn lurnf'd off the hl1thWt1\• nn- 111 Marxuerlle Mc="arnara told lhi> omc "" l.hf'V bad v11!llM " frlf'nd '" C'Oll· ta Ml'fl& a.nd were returnini tn San UlelfO 1'ot1c1nr lhAL ~f<'· l"am1tra hAd whit" maten11I on ••~ •hlrt which WAii Alli<> on a Southern California Plastering Institute r nnstmae lrtt 1n thf' ru·· r,.ar H iil. lhe e>CflC'UI Qll<'~ll'JO~ Ml'· 1'\amara regar'11nl( th" lrrr HI' t lP'A.IT'lfd he haft pu""ti'""" th" f O)k. • lrt-e at 6 p m lhl' prfl'v1u1111 day. l ~ but could not HY \lihl'ff' lflfts VOii f lff t \Vhe.n M1 " MrN11m11r.. wa• t •uuUoaed. •he l"t'J>llftt. "Whal-t hoppftlf Of lfolfflllflS t ever my hu11~nt1 MY• I• wh11t .._ find smooth ••lllnf Jr '111 prenf'd," orrlcrr11 n HI ., " When the ·ofrl<"rn1 point,.(! 11111 "°' tltro119lto11t tlt1 to1tt fnt fltOrl t t he tf'N wu 111111 wrl from 11 t • rain Whlrh 11t11rtf't1 11rnun1I t :to C 'f l a. m. Frld"Y· McN11m•ra 11'1mllll't1 .&.. llUlllGTOll IOAT WOllU, lllC ~· llOO $111PT'.. " tie had ju11t 11tnlt'n !hr tr"" rr"m 'f-101~ m 0~ u , .. 1 s-uur ..., ~ Cnrona del Mar NurAl'rv "t 2i H ~-'O IOl '"' ""' "lO !~~'r'~~~t,:"'' ~ JI.:. C-at HtithWllV H f llll td h,. Jt'. Wlt•lllGTCl'I CAlllQtllltA CAl"Q"'IA ~ had a ft'W drink• 11nt1 t1111n'l ~ .-.... .._.., .,,_. know why he 11111 1t. J10hl'" 1111111 't-1\'J\"A«C-1'"«~ .. ,."' Jt".-.~~--"k-"'Kit"kJt' There wu " I.\ 7!'1 rrir f' t11g , =;;;-;;;-;;;-;;...-;;.._ -;;;;-.-;;.,;-;.....;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;..._...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~· nn U\e trH Tht' J'Alr "'"'" hn"k-1r ~ for V&l"Tal'IC'Y 11n'1 pt'llv theft .. Home .~JG · _, New C.ty Plumbing Code ____ a_ru_je_n Designed tor Home 1uyers PA6E 4 ·PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1955 C>ran6e ~ ~ ~ U..t lluddan ----.a tlmadil plumblzl&' co4M wu mapped wtua and capa tw tbe a.toeettc WUll- an eye to keeptnc pace wtUa mod~ tnc mw..... n&a lllaa not bw\ -------------------------em development.a and ..._ tbe done tn U.. ,.... and hu rwulted problema ot new home buJers. la .. eolllMoonble &mcu.IU•" for OCC 'COMMUNITY ORCHESTRA' . CLASS FOR ADULTS PLANNED Community orchulra will be a n-adult educaUon claae lo open at Oranr• Cout Collen Jan. s, acrordiq to Dr. Thomu BlAkely, dean of adult educaUon. Howard Kay, : mualo lnatructor and ba.nd dlr9Ctor at Oran1e Cout Coller •. wlll teacb th• cl&aa. ~ny adult "'110 playe an inatrumtnt and who enjoye orcheetra work i. wel- come lo attend, Kay elated. The claae wlU meet Wednffdaye from 7-10 ln room 2 of the Mualc 9uUdln(. Re(1atratlon wW be held dw1nc the flnt meetlnr of the ctu1 on Jan. •. Ttl• modtned code C.U. tor the Ule .,... eecup&nt.a.. houalnc-of outdoor awtmmin1 pool 'n.. f• tor hoUM HWer OOIU'lec· water heat.en for the tint t1me.. Uoa. -..clall7 on Jarr• Jobe, wu It a1eo requlna at i...t a 1-lD. booeted la ~rdance wtth the door clearance between the door amount ot work requlNd. A flat and the water IM&tan. U fee wu u-lled ln the put. Ac:<:o~ to Baroid Oold, chief A n.w table on l'Mt room• In ln.pector la the count7 buUdln&' all ~cupa11clee, lncJudlns church department, danfera aroae ..._.. aadlfonwn and other tn.Uuauon• ~ pennttted to bnalll,. up wu eet up In lhe ordlnance. Hard- aCiinat the._ beatar&. J'lr. u" wood f)oon In r•t room. wen been kbowa~Ye NM&lted. aJao prohlblled in the ordinance A.DOUMr major chanrw ta U.. puaed by the oounty boa.rd ot MW ordinance i. tbt requtnnMnt eup.rvilora. FOR •ST GARDENING CARE S1pervison Set He1ri1r Date G• • Gettl p t On. Mi1im1m l1il~i1g Sites 1v1ng or ng 0 . ~ liNTA ANA, '(OCNB> -T1'e day .at a public: b•rlnr ror 2:30 -J'or the fln•t II' Oommercla.I Prtnt1111 e&.IJ Hvb<>r lll&. Job Prtnttn1 O.partm .. t. Pri11te Polite • MERCHANT PATROL and HARBOR BOAT PATROL CALL COMMDCIAL SICUlrrY PATIOL Kl 2-7027 oount,. board ot auperytaon Tue. • p. m . Jan. 31 on prop08f'd amend-~=========;;:;;;;;;;;;!I Plants Takes Know-how ment1 to the county land UIM' _______ ..;,; ____ • plant. be .ure to eelect tlle na-ordinance. Whether you're on the rtvinr or recelvlnr end of Chrutma1 gift plant• tlilil year you need to know how to properly care for euc:h oon- tatner·rrown plant. durt.nr and after the holiday•. Willie your plant rtfte continue to bloom, enjoy them tndoore. Provide adequate ll(ht. uid mol .. ture, aaya the California Auocl&· lion of NuM1erymen. Many auch gift planta thrive on Indirect aun· llght -the ualea. rhododendron and African violet, for lnalance. ClllCCll 80U, In waterlnl' your planta. check the aoll In the conl&lner• rerular- ly lo determine when and how mucl1 molature I• needed. When the plant la extremely dry, the eoU wlU pull away from lha edg-e of the contalner IU'ld feel crumbly. And if the container becomea moldy on the outalde you · ... prol>- ably overwatennr. To make your gttt planla really thr1ve, plant food may be ctven occa.lonally. Let your nurMI')'· man be your rulde In thl. In· ROBERT tural .itee for them. not Juat. at- tractJV'e loe&Uona lo balance the Major change la the s'ltmg of I 1tance. Re can rtve you tutruc-plan of your rarden. Tha ualea. a coWlty -wide 7200 sq. f t. build· Uon• on application of t.be food cyclamen and rhododendron ,.en-Inc alte minimum A minimum of and 1111pply you wtth the conecl erally do but in cool, ahaded1-r- typea alao. u your (1tt plant ta a eu. Tb• po1uett1a will take 8000 eq. tt. now I.a In effect In foliar• plant you'll want to keep bri"1t w.n, tM 01unelll• bot.b Mm fo11r 8ectlona. th• leavea very clean. (In fact all and mh&de each da7. 8et your The plannlnc commlulon ha• Plallt. lndoora need to h&•• their plant. outalde whm tlMlr bloom. nocamend.&A t h 1 Inc i. ftJl1abed for the ---... e euperv eor1 fotlllace "duatakted" '°1tllat) tranapF lialr--Wben tba -tale or l•v .. .._.._ to adopt the amendment.e. a on can e p ace. o ra ,,,.. ..._ ... cleaner can be obtained at your drop otf -w1Ulout walt1n1 waW p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;; nuneryman'a too. t.be plant a. eompi.tely def~ .After the holld&ye are owr you eel. muat delenntne whet.her t he Oartaln ~ rttt plant.I, plant you've rtven or reoelftd ta botNftr, will llVW be.t lndoot'll. but rrown lndoora all year or The .A.trtcaa ytoa.t_ eom• ftrie- outdoon after the Chriatmu Uee ol fol.lap pl&nta, aucculente bloom 11 completed. and tropical ftowwr9 are exam- BLOOll toKC£D pl .. Of the OOIDplet.e ladoor planL Can f• tbem att.r the Cbrtet· Many plant.a ctYen u Yuletlme ma.a MUOD JUllt u JOU dJd dur- prteent.a have been rrowtnr 1n a 1nr the boUdap. lath or grcenhouae to force their Too cu enjoy your ctn pl&nta Chriatmu bloom. And the eatur-llldoon 9Dd oqtdoon tor moDtha al habitat of plant.a, after all i. alter Chr1.etmu 11 you rt•• Uie.m outdoore. While the cyclame.n. th• pn>per c&N u aooe u JOU ualea, rhododendron, camellia and polnaettla may be crown tn-_J'ec* __ ,..._ua.m. ________ _ doon, lbey wlll perform better .------------ouutde. IA lranapUtinr you r ctn FORBES Rt:ri dy Mixed eoncrefe .. .., WELCH'S PROD B.A.&llO& IHI IAMIS D. RAY BE SURE • INSURE wttll 11.U11UVI: 8T~ ......... o.tJ IEADY MIXED CQNCIETE 116 ()en ....... w., 008TA llJ:8A U. I-Nit General Contractor & Builder .. o....~ ..... ...,.. "'' NU Ill. 0.. .....__, o.-. ... Mar QlillM7 a BWJ' ·411 -........... &AL M1Je OOIWNA DICL llA& ..,..,. • ..,.......,. • lwe•a• STAFFORD 6 SON "Nm.II &l'1d DOC" ELIWTIUOAL OONT&AC'l'OIUI ..._ LllMrt7 a.n,. I It ........ A..... New1'0f'l 8eM1i Oh-h·h ./ WHAT A D•AL/i l~'s OLDSMO SEE YOUR OLDSMOBILE Dr••• CfP wo.n furniture surfaces w.lth mica rto• ----...-- You c•n mah okl runiitura k>ok like new again .. ith M1. car1a-lhe11Upcr·tou &h ptutic •orfa<"ing. J ull cul 1t co 1ize and ~luc it O>l'Cr the old 1t1r- C.cr.wcth WeldW01XleCnn~ct (~men!. O nly I few 1imple 1 .. o!J 1re requ1~. f,fiar~·, 11:lam111~ buuty will lut fnr \t~ bcauac it olrcn amn· ing rui1U1oce .., ecntchea. 11tamellldbumt. Menyoobw,. pattern• Ind -ct 1r111M .. anilahM. EASY IUD&ET TEIMS ON ALL PURCHASES LIDO sHoPs Part.a -Deale.r -a."1oe LIDO EL&OtalO NU Via Ude -..,._ •m AUTOllOBILE DUl.DS New and UMd Can NICllZ&TZ 8TUDD•U• a.a. 8erYt. ~ MU'lr ..... Blff.-llM.llt BAND a.M ef ..._.._NT 6 IA .... Via I.Me -~, ..... BARBER SHOPS LIDO BRA VINO MVO l• .....,..., Store for •• IUI Via Lide -llutlior HM BEAUTY PAIU.088 UDO 8ALON or UAUTT MU Npt. BtM. -llm.r, U'ft BOOU BOO& CAU M.11 Via Udo -llarMr ~ I CAKEllAS a 8o,,U. VIXCENT LIDO DRUGS Nil \1aUdo-~rMU CAIU'ETS a DBA.PEIUD Dial llACK:Ea MM\'la~&IJI C.&rEIUNG &IOllAJU>'8 UDO 111.UUD:r Mii Via Ude -BarMr 1111 OLO'DllNG-W011Ma'1 Beta.I LA UDOl Mt Via ••hp llu"4rr UlO LIDO FA8BIO!lf8 Kit Npt. ~ -...... 11''1 UIADDOO&'a Ml.I v ........ -~ .. .,, VAGABOND llOUU Imported BpoiUW..,. NM \'la Ude -llArMr 11t' DANCING -IWlroom AL'iO 8TlJDI09 U4tVla~ .. l DRUG 8'1'011.1'.8 ~CES'l98 LIDO Da17G8 Ull VlaLWe-.....__ CLASSIFllD DllECTOIY DIC& IUC&D NH Via I.Me -llartler ml OO'T SHOP 1UC1LUW'8 LIDO ll••m Ull Via Ude -11uMr IDI INSURANCE. AGEN'l'S w. o. auca. INC. .... Vial.Me-............ INTER.10& DIXX>&&TO&S Bl.A.NOllm rt1L&EIUM>N A.LO. MllVlaUdo-~1111 01(;1( llA(!Jl.E& MJO Via Udo-...,._,. .... DON O&EIOllTOJll A. 1. D. ....... ...,. ... MO Via 11.a.p-Baner 1111 lllAIUlE'l'8 BEAL ESTATE P. A. PA..LllE& ll'IO. ........ _..,_..l ... VOOEL COllP~-Y N 11 \'la UdCI -11a11Mir _.,l BAT A.'VD BEACH U..u.rt' \'la Ude ~ Offtce llU ....,."reU. -...,._ .... LIDO &EA.I.TY A880Cl4%U U do Sal• A R.tala .... \'la Ude -......... "" SAVINGS~ LOAN AMOCIADON8 Jlf'l!WPOST &u.llOA a& VDCM 6 LOAN A880CIA'DOllf A Savin("a .lnatltuUcn Lona Tenn Home IAaNi ... Via Ude -a.no. '"' !EBVICE 8TAl'ION8 LIDO IUCllll'IEtp MU Newport IN.._._ .... , SHOES-.._'• BIDWElL'8 STOU FOil MID IUIVleLWe-~ .... 8BOE8, WOllEN auu:·s or cAUFOuru Nit Via Ud1 BA 1111 f1LllCDU() OONTIU.0'1'088 l'RA VEL ACENCll.:8 UDO l:LECl'&JO IUA8011 TllA \'EL AQ&llfOT MU Vie Ude_ Buhr ntT Nll Newport .... ..__. NU FLOWF.88 VPBOl..8TDUNG IUCllAAIY8 LIDO K•!Ulft DIC& llACU& eoraac-T'e.ble A.rranrementa Mlt vi. u.. -......,. .,. UllVlal.We-..,,._1111 WATCH a.EP.&18 CONCRETE r Satisfacto:1 POUi IT e THE EASY I WAY AND SAVE 'I ffa\'• Ue atJnpllf)' ) u111 CODCl'f'I" "or!( ",th I loed uf ,,.,...1 ... nn -1111\,.J ttmftll . • 111•·1•1tr -d lo your ord.-r a~ a ,.., .na. Uberty 8 2283 BAY Kt..AU\ MIX ISC. • • • 711 W. 17th St. 009T4 ~-- HOME LOANS LAGUNA fllOUM. IAVINU a LOAH AllOQA TtON TWO OPPIC II TolerftY• L:AeUNA llACH AND QUICK ,. HOUa mVICI LOW . ~- PRllNDLY lnMAnm'IC•Ya PIEi UC ROW IMVQ, ••"'"' a•1••m t ONIM'ID ~UNA llACH •o..-.. pt40NI Hf ..... ,, IAN Cl.at94TI ... M.. c... .... PMONI HY.-. 1-lltl ., HY ..... 2-11'6 MESA TO TAKE OVER SANITARY DISTRICT HARBOR HI -LITES By NANCI CAMPBELL Oc•r ny Henderli-On and Ptrle HoF ru.. rlV ft NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART I • PA&E S MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1955 Donn Waldron and Marjor1t Knox. Ir D -L D • I g land. 01~k Ovc>rby IU'ld Bevuly 5 f D--Lecl Pflrrman. Biii Wetsel IU'ld Anita uspec s DVVll I Palm Elaine Dyaart \llld Ted t'nUJthll. Muglt Stn\'al .llnd N11ncl Tim. "Gnd blu1 U• all, ..,.,.Y M~M~!ters Jim Mlllt'r and Sonja SASTA A NA IOCNSI -Sht'r-1cumpbt'll 1onC"" Richu, Tu~y Palllert an<I Clauitia 1ff'1 .teputtu jailed three drunk· 1 know two &'lrl• wht>• werr .;;._;:;;;;;;;...,;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:=~ I DI F h t d driving •u~pocla 0•(' 24. I awfully emb&n'8$e..I al the Lum K1 Monday night the Lura Ki Candlelight n-ll was held I Gi'nto1 , lllle l'a t era on ..n ..,. N k k r , H d j Philip Rc111t• :Sl~ollno. f>:I. Anli· Formal. It uc>m~ Lhal lhey Wf'r .. ~ Costa Mua City Council Mon- day nt&'ht ecreed to take over totaf operation ot Co1lA Me• a SanlJ1.ry O!strlcl. Becaun ot the rt<'.ent d•alh of Forrut Owen, one or Co11ta MeN '• mo1t prom· lnent cltlzen11 and "Jr111d1nl' light" cf t)le Coirta Me111 Sanitary Dla- trlct. It wu propo~d operation t)f the dlatrlcl be turned over to the City, Arthur H. Meyers. a member ot th• aanttu y board and new- appointed member of the city 1:ouncll. made the propoaal bdon! the coun~I. decl&rlng: "the pe<>· pie ·could be Mrved much better and there would b• a con.ldtT&ble Hvlnga of money." EOONOMY MOVI: The city • operated unita ry dl1trlcl would have no paid t1m· plc,yee1. Meyer. pointed o u t, 1ince the duUe1 would be taken c.ver by pre8ent city employeu. City Managf'r Georce Coffey pro- ).IOled. thou(h, lh•t a ttorney a.nd •n«tneerlng tee1 now paid prl· vate lndlvldua.11 be added to lhe a&lariu of Cl\y Attorney Don Duncan snd Engineer Don s outn- worUI t o compenute them for added effort.a needed to run the NnltAry dt.trlct. Coffey al80 recommended that b '"'---Co t CJ b Glitte . 1_ d I d Joel • ew 1r , .... innu.• oo 11 n, H get an lncreaM In ulary because at t e Irvine '-N6Gt un ry U • nng at.an ang e I )hsggie Crant', Oene Crain and ht'1111, wu arreateJ near 1ghw11.y 1 going to treaht>n up lh•lr makeup ot the conaolldatlon. Inasmuch u from the light. above. A scroll WU placed near the en-Lllunr H•ndrlck11, Eddie Pope An•l ;9 and C n d<'n Gru"e Blv.J. and walkt'<l !nlo the nwn'a loung<' Heller Is 1180 1r llng at preaent t gi I I' t of II the officera and members of the 1' Blibbs Smith. Jim Niger and Linda Ot'pUtiH plr kl'd up Crt'llln Grlf-by ml•take Lt-t Ill hope ll 111"\'t'r H Hwtr lnapec:tor. ranee V ng a UI a . Mutin Buddy Thom peon a.nd rllh, 33. of 223 Via Havenna. New-hapJ)4'n& &fain CAN Tl'.RN BACK club. On the lower level tablea were decorated with red J udy Corfman. CiaJg Smltll a.nd ><>rl Beach, at s. Main st. and Now come• tbe time 1 shall mo81 PARKES·RIDLIY MORTUARY t •onnf'rly Gr11u..l C1aapel Meyere ••id thal It th• city c1111dlf'11 a nd place can!1, whld1 I Sue Nluf'fl, Denny Fltapatr1ck and I Dlanl' Riley, Jerry Farquar 11.ntl • .;<'wpon Blvd. Ch11r le11 H. Pru ton enJoy. Wishing a ll of you l!tud;•nts doe~n't want to carry on the op· ha.d the namu ot each couple Pat Kelter. J im Graph and Trrry J ... nl' Enright . Bob Kalloway and 1 • 2~. of :IZO '• Sl. Anni's Orln. at Ha rbor. your parl'nta, and all eratlon after the end ot the fla-placed on them. Jay, Randy Al bns and Marian Taccoa Hayl's. Larry H&rper and :1g11na B<'1t<'h, wrts 11pprehl'nclw our 11lumnl who arP homr f M the cal y•r It can r eturn It lo the The bllnd played aoft beautiful ' Koerner. Barry Muon and Marcia l Jan Blum. Denms Colp a nd J ill .l Coa~t Highway •nd Thrce·1 holidays th~ very Merriest Christ-110 Br-dwa.J _ Coeta ...,_ sanitary dl1trtct. mualc and the iwlrllni ot the Moorhead (lut yror's prC"sident of Blum, Tony Tc,rrence and-Charnelh \rch Bay. 111311 e\·er. And may tht' Nt'w Yea r Meyer• Nld the Sanitary Di•· mulU-colored !ormai. added to the Lura Kl >. I Slarrege. va.n Pom .. roy and bring you t'Very t.hln&' you wlah. n- trict would •llll maintain Ill own &!ready colorful decorallorua. Thon Dave Brlcknn and Sue Ou&11ler, f'hyllla Miium. Fred T11nme und Children's Wer·d of Oro.nee County Rl'memberlng \he worda of 'Tiny Libert)· 8·S4SS U 1-1"6 bond u before and 11 reurvu a ttendln( were Joel Leonard and I Bob White and Jallen Ort>en, I Linda Pre1ton, Denny Harwood Ho11plt11l to sing Chrlstme11 cHr11l1 ------------- the power t.o annex additional Lynn Peue, Tom N iquette and George Moore and Joyce Ville, I and Mar~le Stovall, Lllllnle H ugh· IUld take the kld11 11ome g-ifta. territory to lht dl1tncl. Toni Burrou&'h•. Dave Tamura and Dick Campbell and Merlin Couch, I' ey and Judy Coleman, Dt>nny Ha.nd-made knit doll.s were dl1tnb- Councllman A 1 v In P inkley Glori& Chapman. Jim Taylor and John Hopk ins IUld Nanci C!Unp· Bush and K11r&11 W11ggoner. Bob uted wilh about two dozr n C'omlc moved that authority be given Nancy Muten. Georse McFuland bell, Pete Shulberf and J oyce Pa rtin 1md Debbie Colf'm&n, l!:d book11 and Mme-cht'rrful Christ· the m ayor t o have the city clerk I alld Patty TUt tle, Don Babb• and Chung. Ken Smith and Shirley Lanf and Patty Whitefield, ~orge mas cook1e1. Arter the trip the 11cn an airreement on behalf ot I Lyn McFarland, Nell Bealty IUld Stafford. Charlie Berry and Jo-Schuttl a.no Jackie Wat11on. girls rl'turnl'd t o Newport Bee.ch to £' ·--J~ the city. The motion w&1 paued Norma He!tnn, Neal Mete&!! IUld Anne Sueu , A rlie Blrtchl'r and TO COLEMAS Hot·s i: have" parly of t.hetr own with the '~~ without dluenalon, j Tootl• Rudell, Tom Pu.non a.nd Patty Ragan, Dick Craig (Cal) Several of the couples went to cmnual t-xc·hange or g1ft11. Those THi BftT,I IUld Patty Riley, Carlton Dawson the home or J udy Coleman after lhllt wert' 1.n thl! ChrJ1.1tm&11 eplrlt ... ...;~~·'~ rop PltHt#itlL SHERIFF SEEKS NEW DEPUTIES 7 PERMANENT FOR COUNTY SANTA ANA -IOCNSI-The county peuonnel depart- ment lut week •tudted an application tor aeven permanent deputy Sheriff• 1ubmltte<1 by Sheriff Jamee Muaick. MWlk k'• requeet WM ma.de to the board of auperviaon the boa.rd, ln tum, refernd the requut to pereonnel for 1tudy and report. Mutlck ulttd the permanent po1IUon1 to replace 11x end Trlah Knapp. Bruce Knipp a.nd •the dance to drink ~rman apple In tbe truest tense ot the wc>rd ' "' Judy Sanda, Bill RJnir and l.yn cider 11.nd play 11ome C'ards. Gloria we r e Laurel Woodson, Gloria AVl\tLAll'I Stahler, Roy Daniel Md Carolyn Chapman and Patt)' Ra.gen i'Vtln Ch11pm11n, Nancy Masten, Drbble "tl OiMtCf CTY, Ca.11111, Bob Hender1h0d IUld Cyn-went •wtmrnlng 10 the Colemarui' Coleman, lltury Keith. Marlon I thla Beltran, JaC'k Smith a.nd heated pool. But heated or not. It Kol'rntr. Lynn Pease, Sue Nl11IM'n, Jody Lieb, Alan Ryplnskl and was 11Ull mighty cold. Joyce Vltte, Carol Cram, C u ol Kathy Huff. Wednesday nlghl U!e Tau Eta Kmg, Judy Coleman, JoAnne T om Counter and Saundy Swift, I Psi, Tr\ HI Y club went to the Sueas, Anita P&lm, Toni Bur· I DI BT-- COLLECTIONS AOClOuah -flioMe -Cllillll9 el &DJ' klJld ct ~..,. la Am11r1ca. "So l'OUecU--111'• fee." We adVUN all _.... CREDIT BtJllEAtJ el Wt'1tern Oru.. Couty formC'rly C'rl'dtt BurMa ti Newport BNcll. t.c1IM BeaClll and COiia .._ tot Rh·ton .lde Ave., P.O. Bos - .r\EWPORT BUOB. ()~. Intermittent poet.a now In etfecl. Btreet Foreman Ch•rlN Reller---------------------------The Tournament of Roses Parade C I R C A V. t e· c I TV llloada,f, , _ _,, I In Breath-taking Davis-Brown Co. Golden Arraigned on Burglary R'9ps Antllony LoeeRoy Golden, 2193 PlacenUa Ave., Coeta Mesa, wu arnt111ed ln . NewJM>rt Juatlc• Court Thurlld•Y on two charre. of burrtary. Jude• Donald J . Dodre M t hi. prellmliw.ry hearlns for 10 a . m., Dec. 28 and b~J al J:;QOO. Golden was one ot tw o men ae- culed ot twice bruktnr Into the SJ>ffdy Lunch, 20H Placentia Ave. th!• month and t.aldnr approxi- mately $180 from pinball, record a nd clrar•lte machine•. The other man. who wu arrea~d earlier In the wetk along with Golden, wu the wrek &Jon&' with Golden, Hu- old W. Ravely Jr., ot the aame ad· adrua, wu rell!ued tor "ln.ultl· cttnt •v1dence." Purcell Potent for Orange Five ORANGE. <OCNS) -Oranse High School'• var11ty hoopetu1, 1park9d by the ra.dar-ltke 1hoot- ln&' of Forward Ken Purcell, de· ftale<l 0<'e&n1ld1 Hl(h 07-ff here Wt>dneed•y nllht. Purcell connect· ed tor 23 poln ti. Other Panlheu 1COrere were Tom Ylrueroa 18 : Jim Netser •: Tom Vetter 4; Rex P•nder1ratt 4; Ken Milla 2; Pete Maldonado 3. REA1 CHRISTMAS PRESENT Island. Anaheim Women Saved on Railroad Tracks P'ULLl!:RTON. (OCNS) - Two women motor11t. w t.OM ca.r Ifft the ro.d and wu 1truded on Santa Fe n llro.d track1 In heavy tor; early Ttlurld•Y barely escaped death when two fut· travellnr frtl(bt trallll wete nagred down •• • re11Ult of th• quick think.Ill&' of another motor- lat. One wom1U1 LI a Balboa Ie- land ruldent. Al 2:11 a.. m . police received a call from Geor g-e Yoat, 6-08 W. Amerl1e. who n ported netnr a car traveling eut on Common· wea.ltl\ leave the road and drtve up the raJlroad trackl. Polle• immediately nounld th• Sant.a Fe etaUon t.o et.op all tr•ln1 ud di.patched a ca r to the acene. Jn a "vl11blllty sero" tog, po· lice found Lhe car approJlimately Cwtfs •••Taken Jimmie II:. Curt.II« 2277 Placlflc Ave., Coat& Me-. notified Coeta MeM police ThUl"llday ot the Ulett of nu bicycle from Harbor Boy.' Club at :IH Cenur St. Value of the blke wu Mt at l60. ------------- Dedication Game 1000 feet eut or the crot1lnf Sound aalup lnatde were Norma La rerney Bunker, 37, A.nahelm and Julia AJ\n J:dward1, 2t, Bal boa lallUld. Me&J1whlle, two wutbound h'elcht tralna which nonn&Uy travel at •pHdl up t o •II mllu per hour alone that 1lrlp of track w•r. •topped at the at&Uon. 1t the car ha.d been 1tranded on the track• leu than 111 mlnutea eu lier, It probably would have been II.ruck by another freight which pueed throurh at 2 :Oii L m. railroad off1clal1 1ald. The atranded vthlcle wu tow ed from the track• a nd rail ltr vke wu reiaJmtd al 2 :411 a. m Tti• women were booked on drunk In auto char,.e1 and were teleaaed on SIOO ball each for ap pea.ranee J111. 6 In A.oahelm·ruJ lerton Municipal Court. JOHNSTON E'S Mesa AlltO Wreckers VllM Aww ....... ... Aeeeeeortea 20'75 Placreataa Ave. Ubuty l-1tll c..t. II- Stricker Car Fouled ORA!'l:GE. 10 CNS1 -Orange Mnr. A. o. Strieker of 903 Kine• Hlsh ik'hool'• var•lty Panthe ... Road noUfied police rrtday !Mt wllJ meet tha alumni ln a care Hanken-Watsofl SPORTS Cil CDlTER k ,_1 1 1 trtmml I cont•t Jan. 6 \o dedicate the a aac con ... n nr vy ng1 H .. Ch .. _ ~ ~-• a.nd dirt had been dumped Into nf'w od ""· am ... r1 -emona.r • llC1IU'. MO. Alfa ll-.eo Aldtle tle&ly, Aueua, Mcn1• A1nU. a.e-Jt U1e front and beck -l.I ot ht'r _G;;y;;m;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ car. The ear WM ~lted tn the • driveway ov•m lrht. Mnr. Stricker NEW CAA 8ALE8 a 8Ell\10E rted._ APO RT //, .. /. <011011111 OE L !WAN n AllR/lll/lUP Now Showl11t DEAN lt:IUU' Martin & Lewis "Artists & Models" \1tata Vision Color by Technicolor You Save 1ocr0 .. ,. .. 1' Prescrlptfoa .. PRINGLES Free Fiim! '"" .... roll of ....... wt11te. ..... 111, at, Ill. lH, .............. , ............ ................ wlU "" .,.. • roO "' ............ nu. ....__Prlatll a&N•&stn~ M llOt1a lal'UlS # MESA UPHotSTEllN~ Upbolatertq & DraperJ IS60 Nwpt. Blvd~ V..ta 11.- UMrtJ' 14111 MARINE INSURANCE 0..0::=.~ OD. aauw.c-.t~ lAert ... ,.., llA'ITUUU Boat• -a--Tr&Uen lrn(lllM Sllapee Ut.erty 1-llOI 008TA MESA llATTllESS 00. tlM Newport Blvd. • CLl:A K t78ED CAM lmporttd 6 Dom•Uc 008TA ~A I SA~'TA AKA l..IMrty 8-aOl l lU 1-0'TM 1tn Har. Bl. !IOI 8. Mala /..~ DO YOU NOD ~ 70 MOii INCOMI? Wt: orrl[" •IELIECTSD 1aT MORTCIAGI[ LOANa WITH •u•v1CI[ ........... titO "· ....... •'-ecklC tTATfOti4 T•U•T 0££00 •ouaM~ A•D OOU> IM. I. 1111 M01t'TOA0£ OAN•t- e•NCC. ... I.at N IUStl siu n. SANT• AN .. Ollf. ltlllAIH\Y S.7111 hcjlnnlng January 1, 1956 Newport Hae bor lank Corona del Mu on savings Cllaartid l"Oadld-Ur...,.... the t'Galltry ... .,. ""uJh!d hi • r-ra.1 flrlnlar •f loWl"fllt rat8 oo I-anf Lnnltmt>nta ~ ..... ..,,..., ta.. la<:,_ to !~. ft M Vlap . Plua aow to plaee )'0111' •vtnp In thla bank where the)' wUI eara %3 la~t after Jana.&r)' 1, 1956. J)epo9l1a mMe oa or before Jaawy 10th will earn latelwt from Jaa....,,. ht. Oar 1966 Cbrlatmu Club .. llOW opea. Yoa are lavlW to Jobi . Newport Harbor Bank Coro•a del Mar -Member Federal Deposit IuuraDce Corporation Member 11'9deral R11ene 8)'9tem o or on • • • ac or 19 Q or ~ e:11 A. M. Cbune• , INVITES YOU TO A DEMONSTRATION OF RC.A. \licTOR BIG COLOR KA,,.._ it .... ..,.._, M•1• 1 w """' ....... ~ ,....._ °'"'""• MO<lel l1Cl662. $1tl.00 Color TY now ready for immediate delivery • Terms as low as $8.00 per wffk co~ :IN'~ EN JOY "W'ONDERFUL COLOR SHO"W"S ON EIG-AS·LIFE 2l·INCH RCA VJ:CTOR TV woeay.,.a1 Witll.., ao v~ roeoor., s-... C-od ,.........,,, .. ,,.1,.... , .. ·~ lnrlelletloft o..4 .. ow.,..,.,. .• -· by ,........,.fl'aN4 ledwol<le .... ~ cel•r TV la h9Nf lkautifuJ. exciting. br~thtakm&-90 tru<' tn lil<' you've got to 9CC it for your91:'1rl You can have Ju.II ~J -in<lt B11t Coll'lf TV in your ~ right now-in e11hrr of tti10 stunnmr ~wablnet 11trles by RCA Victnr Picturet arr \ludy. bt1lliant-1t's color telni!ion a t it.I bettl In addition. bolh !It'll are rompauble. UM•-hwy -· I(" V-71.lncJ> <"'°'TV lo •q• "p•d ...... a Hl9'1 ~··" UHf.\ilir -·· RCA PIONEERED AND DEVELOPED COMPATIBLE COLOR TELEVISION ... MAH MAITIN .... ,_,.r ,_ .. ht th9 -~ ........ 9' ttt. .... , .... a...t TV Mt I" ~ 2, _.,._ ..--..C-TV ht '-Y· Corne in and see the following shows in color in Hr showroom January I New Year's in New York-]\RCA. 4 .~O p. m. .Januuy R Hallmark-Maurice E vans Show-KRCA. 1 p. m. January 9 Hallmark-Maurice Evans Show-KRCA. 1 p.m. January 2 Tournament of Roses Parade--KRCA, 9 : 15 a.m. January 15 The Magic Flute-KRCA, 3 :30 p. m. Jaauary 2 W~kdays ... Matinee-KRCA, 12:00 noon Cotton Bowl Game.-KRCA, 10:45 a. m. Week~ya .... Howdy Doody-KRCA, 2 :30 p.m. .. Tbey also bf'ina you 11 and~ telecalta la Jtn1S1 black·and·ti1'h1tl'-sharp, clur. fully• si<>OO M oo regt1 Jar RCA Victor blac.k-and- .. hilt !!el& As trouhlr-free and easy to tunf' as bhlek·and-whit.c TV. Ju~t two simpl~ coot1oll quick- ly and eaarly adiuat color to sv1 t your taste. r - l(A ..,,.... it...._ ....... ll.o"°9o"y • .. _ ......... , .... #"""4 ....... OeA.1• -...110•"· ~ --- SJ!ljOO e Tf'mllt u low u f7 .60 n • e SAW e 1185 Harbor llYd. Open Frtclay Enam1• UatO 9 Liberty 8-34!7 Costa Mesa e SIRVICI e --- (}overnmenl f:xcepl PA6E 6 ·PART I • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE$S MONDAY, ·DECEMBER 26, 1955 "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change; t he coura ge to chonge the things we con end the wisdom to know the d ifference ." (A. Anon.) EDITORIALS News-Press Gas Co. Fee Charge Expose Gets Action which are priceless : freedom. for the Individual, ot speech, presa, assembly, worship. Material abundance followed for America. Tho.e of you who read the Newa-Preu' Page one story of Dec. 23, telling how the two gu compa.niett which eerve the Southland have filed plana with the State Public Utilities Commiaaion t o change their ratea for gu connection.a charged homee .erved by all-electric klt.chena, can ttjolce with u. that corporate intelligence ia prevailing on an admittedly ridicu.Loua situation. At thia Christmas season it would be well if we took stock of ourselves to see if we are searching first tor spiritual security and priceleu freedoma, or are we sacrificing these things for fear of not attaining ma· terial eecurity? -- Can you imagine what this nation would be Uke if we lost our spiritual security and with t hat, our in· dividual freedoma? We'd certainly not have the ma- teri&l abundance we have today. On Sept. 21 of thia year the News-Pree• exclua!vely publuhed the fact that the Southern Countiee Gu Co., t win ot the Southern Californla Gu Co., wu charging SM per house connection for gaa at vuious Orange County aubdivialona whoee bu.ilden provided all-electric k it,cheoa. The gu flrm involved admitted the charge, hued on a 1942 public utllitiea commiaaion'• war-time rutlnr which allowed the fee. NO COMMENT By JAMES W. DOUTBAT The pa finn'a corporate spokesmen denied allega- tion. of builders who claimed they were being "black- jacked" by the Gas Co. to install gu for major uae tn.te&d of juat space heating. The Gu Co. a.tao denied builders' charges that even with the $55 fee ch&rged. the utility waa guilty of alow-down tactica lj n providing su linea to the new "all electric" bouaea. The Gu Co. boye at fint denied, then admitted upon being ahown a photograph, that their crewa bad painted out Southern California Ediaon Co.'1 Reddy Killowatt aign l~genda "'proclaiming another all-electric aubdiviaion. It wa.a all a mistake, the Guho'19e Gang A.id, reported they had paid the coat of the inili&l paint· Ing to the Edlaon Co. And the fat waa in the !ire-gaa or electric. A few months went by during which the New•· p,... expected to eee varioua electric firm.a file auita ap.lmt the Gu Co. for ita questionable actions. Then, Jut Thur.day the N~-PrHa received an lnnocuoua little news relu.ae from the public utilitie. commiafon. It.a bland 40-word text mentioned .ome kind of change11 beinr applied for by the gu utility before the PUC. A telephone call to the utilltiea commiaaion office revealed the truth: The Southern Countiea Gu Co. BECAUSE of the wldeepread publicity it received f rom the Newa-Preu 9eriee of u cluaive new. atoriea, ln connection with the SM per boue pa connection charge, bad been called ll'lto conference with the corn.miuion. The electric&! l l"OUJ>A Who had prepared 8Wla for n.liD& a1ao WU. pree- ent. The bo)'9 Wked It over. Re.uJtilll' action wu thorough -an amended gu connection n.ihng would be sought by Southern Counliea Gu Co. befo~ the commiulon. A commie· afon apokesman confirmed to the New1-Preaa publiaher that the Newa-Preu etonea expo.ing the gu company'• uaare or a war-time PUC n.iUng wa.a DIRECTLY RE- . S PONSlBLE for the '"N!via1on" M>ugbt by the gu uutlty. Thia ta what ia known aa "d1alnter"Nted public -n·lce" by a newspaper, we believe. The utility ia one of lh\a newspaper'• regular ad vt "-*ra throughout the year. Yet, as In other cue•, the counting houae doee not control thla newspaper'• pursuit of newa, particu- larly when It IA " matter In the public mtere8t. W A.SHlNGTON -Throughout the country. It la December, Ill~. In Wuhlng1on. It 11 19~ • No- vember. And November, 191>9, I• not jWlt another national election. Thre. yean1 In office have not been enough. according to ad· mlnlatrallon 110urcu, to brtn& about the reveraAI of Nl'w Desi phlloaophy developed over 20 yeare untter Rooaevelt 1u1<I Tru· man. Sub1tanllal calns have been made but -to k~p the nation on the road to peace amJ pro.- perlty. tour yeara mor.-ot Repub· hl.'an con1rot la euenllal, they aay. Jt Prl'lldtnt E isenhower t• the t lllldJdate lh1•y lttl their t·onl.''m I• over. The poaalblllty that ht may n()t be, ca\JM!11 compllratlone. DE:MOS EAO F.R Thi' Democrat.a are e&l(l'r to take over They are looking for luue1 and they a •I' not ea11y to find. Yet, the u arl.'h for IHUl'8 tell .. the atory of the MMton or Conl(Ten beirtnnlnf In J anuary Explolla Uon oC the farmH'• pllsht -rutJKallon ot bu1lne111 \hi' wooln1t of minority lfTOup1 - attack11 on Tart-Hartley -all can bl round on the menu ror public: conaumpllnn •ver t he nut few monUl•. The admtnlttrtltlon mutt bl.I· ancf lh• budget a '1>2 cam- f"lll{ll prom1a• that mu•l be hl'.>n· ured and Lhe only hope tor a 1.t:.C t&a cut. Jnc~ deten... and c>OC1Un· ued fo~g-n a.lo Dp<"ndl\urta are cert.alnllM And hl1hway and 9CIM>ol coutrucUon Pf'OlfT&m.e, a). ,..dY embraced -wlll eoott mon· ry Dem ocratic •lraltU W\11 be to rain t11e ant e, makln1 tl more difficult tor the R.fopubllcana no-. ()nly to redu~ "Xpendlturu but •180 lO avotd ntw "Jlpropri•tlon• which male• budget b&Jance Im· pc1u lblt . Thu1 tn-H• 000 que1tton ron· tront1n1 R<'publlc-an1 11 how tu tho Admlnmra'tton c•n go tn mffllnf t.hla com~lllll'ln f or vou•• without wr~klnir lh,.1r ()WTI program or Rl'publlran prrcf'pl• It I• a touir;h d«l•lon but In th1• ••ltlnir COnlfTl'N ml',ll In HTI)' January. rounCAJ. ST(>RM Y.xcepl for dtlati.. lea;l•latJve procnm1 have been pretty well developed u the rHult ot Whtte H ouM conferencea and earlier Democratic pow-wowe. Here are two of the 11ubJecta certain to provoke a high drgree ot po\JU- c11 l turbulence a.Joni the Poto· mac: l , The Democrat.s !according Lo the progr&m announced by 86\ator J ohnlOn of Tuu. Senatl' Democratic Le11der. alter t'oneul- tatlon wtth other ~ty otflclalsl want a f11rm prov am which will restore 90 per cent ot parity 1ub· eldlee; utend the benefit• to a d· dltlonal productJ1. and poH lbly Include a eoll rental prosnun. The Republt('an•. deeply con· remed ovn the pr1re dl!cllne Of r11rm produrt11, are 1tevelop1ng a progTsm nf their own. 'J'hey b<-· lleve that \hr 3,000.000 lncreue In popula tlon each year wlll In lime take C81"t! of f\lture eurplu.o u · but It won't be of sutttclent help by next November. Some cont'ea!11on1 are .-xpectf'4 but Ben· aon'a proitTam will not ~ ditched. 2 The J obneon propam calla for tax rev1alon to b.-ntflt the low·ln<'Ome rroupe by lnCl"ffJ!log tx~mpUon from SeOO to $700. Thi• would remove about 9,000,· 000 low income tairpayen1 from lhe la.lC rolla and CMt a bollt U .· :l-00.000,000 annually. Uot PE& VOTE f A poUUcally -'lnlAded ~blf· can u ttmat Pd t>oa t. .-urn Inc that> all I.he 6.000.000 frffd of In· come ta.xM W1)Uld vote 0-...0C!l'a· tic nu t N~ember, the co.t to I.ht ff'deral t~ry would a.. mo,.. than $400 per vote. Tbe Eiee11bower A.dmlntalr•· Uon la -."'&JUnf lo determlne whe- ther a balanced budret ca n bl' ob- t&lned ~fore dtc:ldlnr how much. If any,· tu reduction to recom· BE AMERICA! Editorial Circuit Rider By UNITED PRESS (A Sympoaium of Editorial Comment from California Newapapen) With the announcement by three Democrats. Stevenson. Kefauver, and LaUa<:be, that they will run for the Demo· cratic party p~ldential nomination, California editorial writers began surveying the party in general and former P ruldent 'I'Puman ln parllrular. telton but maybe he actU&Jly Here ls what A()m• or I.hem uld: dew>sn't lake them BJ\y mor11 aerl- San Jo.e Newt : "One th In I ou10ly than eorne ot the upru· evtryone 111 1111,.. ot 11 that 'rru· 11ive eplthete ht hu popululnd; man hasn't ll'llll a ny ot lhe fire one or them In parllcutar which of polltlral campalirntnir. He .. it J• all rig-ht to uy In 10me cir· lllll volaUle and willing and . • . clea, l.f you •mlle " 11 to b4I co.Wdrred o ne of the The Alameda Tim es , • .Star: campaigner• ot the 19M pollUral "Somelhlnc In PTellldent T r U· race." man's &1ve-cm·htll penionallty F\lllerton Dally New1·Trib11ne : l'nabled h im to ret away Wlth "Ecbou of tile Truman adJnm1 .. extreml11m at llmu. It'• not llO tratJon conunue to bf heard-clear that hl1 would-1>41 llUCCl'laort and not alone In the partlu.n will f11.re u well by t•kln1 his epee<:hH delivered by the former a dvice·· Pnaldenl. A (T'&Jld jury now ba.a Mode.to Bee: 'The' lmmoder· lndlc~ two clou &llllOClatee of at\ uee of Ole word moduate ii Mr. Tf'uman tor 1nnuence ped· gl(Une to be a bore already. 411ng. The char,ee brinf lo mJnd Thi• bualneu of t.a1e1 and label• lh• mink coal e,.. ••• wllJch wa.a I.a not only tlruome bul futile. brought to an a brupt enJ by tht One man'• modera llun la an· YOterw who -.Ct.eel Pr.-dent 1:1· other'• lmmode,..tJon." ~ ..... Hollywood C I l I a• n New•: "ll"l>rmtt Pnttdent Truman aaya be lllt.ode to work for UI• noml· naU011 by the Democrat• n fat year ot a "liberal and proJTff- lltn.. pNll!denUaJ candidate. A. party that ..n>uld combine the conNTftU-ree of both pUllu •nd on• tbal would l'Omblne lbe IJ~r· at. or both parUu would provide &.1\ ldt•l ~hblte for the Y'Olera." R.utD ON DEMOA mt'nd. The cJei.y, It I• hoped, may 80k.RY R£Mll'Or.R OroY1lle Mf'rcury. "Dulin' the 111:)2 rampalg-n a ltl"OUP of R~ub· hcan S.nato,. arTIJlfl'd to t o I· low 'l"t\lman around the country, f'd'Utlnl( llla •1.atemenlJI, aa lbey were calltd euphemtlllrally . Thi• lhould not be nece-ry durtnll the ~nt campa11n tor. u we say. hi' haa brf'n r11ther lhorouir;h· ly •tl11rrrdtled, and hl11 l11cl< or c·ontrol la hard,.r nn hl!I own tearn lh11n on hi• opponente " al8<l hold down approprtaUona. S an Diego Union : "'The 1trand O.t.a.llt o r an admlnU,tnttlon l&Jt Jury Indictment of two of e•· cut blll. therl'fore, will rome lat· Prfflde11l Tnunan'1 cl<ae UIOi;I· er ln the Hlllllon. W hl'ther l&Jt &lea, M&tthew J. Conn.II)' i nd T. cut. wtll come In the rorm or La.mar C.udle, pro•I~• 1 /IOrry hle her ~r1onal nempl~ nr ,.. I ~minder of the f act Ulat lnnu- duced ratea tn lh.-eo-ceUe<:t "low-vit'e peddlere reached e vf'n lhe er •rnl middle" ln<'On>t' bracket.I eancluary of the Wlllle H o u a e 1, •Hiii an Opt'n qu.-.. uon Mo"' offlcea dunnr the tu t Democna· <'ertAtn-the corporate rate wtll tie ng1me" be u~nd•..d a lone with aorne u · 8111 FranC'lllCO Ne••. '"It Is clan. put of the u·prealdent'• chann thst he llkf'11 t. IJ!>lrlled contut. F re11no Btt· "Ant1 now romea Con(Tf!'Nman F'tanl.'ta t: Waller endor&lllK bl-\'~'• Govfnlol' Av,~11 Harriman u lhP OC!mo- rrallc ca ndldatf' ... Seldoni htve t her" l:lf'en 111tnan;cer poh\IC'al bec1· trllow11 thM W11ttr a nd Ham· man. To I.he lattu. tht t.MOCla· lion mu1l be 11cutely l'mbcuTa• lllnr " Frankly, we art! not now and were not t.hen "mad" at the Gu Co. But we refulMXi to allow thia at>.ur<I mh1utl(> of a public ut1lltit'ti comm it1111on or<ler to go on 11nd on without full and proper exi)oaure. AFFAIRS OF STATE Oppo11ttlon 1.. poutbl11 without con11p1racy, but a too • rHMn&ble atUtwte makNO tor a dull cam· p•IKn-One m ay crtni• at hl• .,,mewh,.t outmoded chchn from the bandboolt of proleta.na.n ·~- 8i1klyou Da lly Ntw11. "Jn 111~2 &,tea Kef•uvu wu a n avowett candidate fLr tn adY'Ln<'fl or Chi· cal{t> but that dldn"t htlp h t m "''In. H la qui\• po~11lbht th11t Mr. StrvfnllOn will br th" nt•l prf'11I· dc-nt ot the l nltf'll Rta\"" If The peopte·a nght to know, we Ceel. 11 paramount. Bf HENRY C. lbcABTllUR ht f tl• a chan,.. to run 1'ut This appht>$ JW!l u much to a commercial a1tuat ion u to one involving pubhc records. Aa a gua.rdian of the public tn.ist we know no other way than to pubhah the facta. let the C'hipe Call where t hey may. Angel's Words, 'Fear Not', Still Valid to Christians "Ft'u not _ ·· wr~ the angel's fin1 word.a to the 11h<.'pherda on the night of Chnsl'e btrth. r ear not _ .. Man n~ not fear for hu' matenal l'f!CUr1ty 1f only ht" f1nit iweks epm tual secunty. The founders of our nation followed the Chnstian doctrine. rn the Consl.ltut1on they Bought thoee t hing• SACRAMEJ\l'O, IC:-."~1 Whitt' lhf' rtr l'nt union M th,. Amtrlcan >'l'dl'rallon ot Ulbor and thl' C-on- l ltTr•• M lndu•lnal OrKJ1nl1.11tlon•. I A f"t.-t"IO I r1u ... not hll VP .. JCTl'lll <lt'11I of "trC'rt lnllOf'"r 1111 l hf' In- I ,11v1d1111I un111n m,.m~r 111 c"ncrm• -<1. 'Ir t'Un a• fllr "" \hi' 1nrllv1· dual union 111 tonc•m e I. I\ 111 fPA· ~n11hly 1 '• l•11n nuw lhA\ th• 11n· 111n of t}I" two l11bor orv11111111\it•l'I• wi11 bf. r.-ll 1 rrm,.ndnu~I\' tn uu• Calltom ta !Hate Capitol. F'or m11n'" w•11r• (" J .. :-:,.1 ' Ht1tr"rty h•• """n lh" lnhb\l•t for the C'11tir1:rn111 St111" " ... 1 .. r"· t1un nr I~• l>"r "h11 h 1~ n,.. ;. F"L jt ruup nf 1 .. t1or union• in thl• 111111 ... -1 .IU!WPORT 4 HARBOR NE-W~~ >z PRESS orro~r:o roucr r:~ Ju ~uch. he al tlmn h11 • b<>en nppo•••rt lo the pnlh lf'll of lht< CIO. which 1n p11•l ~-""" h1u1 b<',.n r"· Vl't'lt'ttltt1 1n S11.cr11.m!'nto hv J•1hn De11pol who II• b<>th a m1ll!•nl amt a lllnctre worker nn the r..rt oC hl11 labor nni:an1~ttone. and th• Newport-Balboa ~ H•1t1tf'rt) ·11 record or 11rt'om-Formerly the Newport·Balbo& N-..nm. I ----------------------------ph&hmenl on behalf o( lllh<or In Csllfnrnla 18 unrti~Mf<l. Ht hs.• 111ccr1111ru11v waited w11r on b"hA.lf Datand u Second-Cl ... Matter a t tht Po.toCOce lJI Newport S..ch. ot \ht working man, •n•I If thl' Callfomia Ulld~r lh• A ct of M&lcll l. 1117t. "Olt• arl' t11.lhe'1 up, w ill br round lo have rome oul on tnp or !hf ~ 9YVf lllotlday, w......,. Md Friday by U.. heap a lot oftener tha.n ht hae JfZWl'OltT HAJUIOa Pt'Bl..18BINO OOllPA.NY 11quee1ed W our h the lltllr ,nd or 1111 .......... 1\"l:WPOaT lllt4Cll. OAUF. i'M• ~' .... 1 Ul• ham. -----------------------------! Th• AFL tobbyl1t 11 nnt only qntt f • ...... ._.... N•taoet Md Adnrfk • W'lll •I A.a &bida genta.I. actable. and wtll-t1•r•I. but .. ....._el• IN!pvkr o..n •I~ Co. Ill AcUM No. A·ll'Jfl in addition i• a man oC much abl· •M•lll'llll• .. ~ NMt ; .,,, hblt· ....._N......,.&e...WA1 ....._ •I Of'Mr• C...'7 N- ,, ......... .. tt.. ·l'Ttee UN REODIC.K, PUBLlaH&•\ WlLLlAM A. MO&&I, &dStor OIUIOND & ROUNTllD, ~ Dtnct.or ca.uu.aa A. A.IUl81'RoNG, Meda&Neal B\lPW1nt.-dtnt • lily and wtde vcpl!rltncr In tlll! work of lobllyl.ng for labor. He to nnerly _,, presfdtnt of tht' CalllomJa State Federation ot l.Abor. but left t.hat otflce Lo be· comt 1te IH'<'~t.ary, where he ap· paninlly ftll h• could ca rry on better th• work ot obt.alnlnf ma· t•r1al IJIUIUI for lhe w.-orlUng mAll ln lh• many field• lt'g1"1atlon al· recte Ui. union 111embera. Notably thHe ha ve ~ In un.m ployment 1ruiu1 anc•. w o rkmen• com~· , uon. an4 otber field& WOIUO:O {'LO!fEL Y There wu a tlmr •·hPn thr A F"1. and ClO lobbln In S&rr&· m t'nlo were al odJa with each nlht'r Dunntt tht' rul r,w au · •lon.e. howevrr. H&$?~frt)' •nd 0l''Ofl01 h~ve VMrkrd ra.lrly CIOMly 10.i:rthrr. that'1 the ru'b ... Sacramento Sidelight 8 A C RAMENTO. I CNS 1 -the ~hernoth11 mlirht J uat why the "\.Ate or Ca lifornia the al.her. Rl';A R ll lLltO 1' ehould ~ milled up In Lhe s~all- Haggt'rty Alway• It on lhl' 11lde _... , " t 11 1 But u to the compl,.\e aboll· of 111tUnc 1lown a t lh• table wHh '"" 'apon ° wrut nir • a quutaon to which an ..-embly lion of wrotllnir;, Dr Kilroy MiJ bu111nt•• rrprutnlattve~. a nd .. ~ 1 h ... d b .,... k whrn It wa• mtn\loned u a po11-111lkln• tht problem nv•r. Ht I• •u"""vmm lltc r .. ~e Y .-••n " o Bo Ill ff ti t p k •-•lblllty by Bont lll ... 1 wouldn't wtllln.,. t o COnC't'de Wh•n C'On"t'•· . nf' • un nr On ar • ,. "' ~ • tnin t ti d th mind that a t a.II " 11lon11 ArP In or-ier to obtain IOOm" • C 0 n 8 a nswn . Tht doctor uttt the atalf' a('· future "•Ins tn thl• a ttltudl!, he The way Bon,.111 haJI It nirurf'd ,... l'Omph11hf'1 eom,. irol')tl In that It h•" w on th,. rl'•-"l ot •II tht' out 18 that lhe tax from WTf'lll· r -1 . 1 ,2.. h prc.h1b1l..9 t he M f"n111v.-l ypl! ot 1 b1111lnr1111 tntrre11t lobb"'t1t11 tn 811.r· Ing yie d• 1bt1ut ., a • ow to T' •'Te8tllng 11how. n11mely WN'll• raml'nto. 11nrt u well, hu ht11 toot l h11 llla\t' Tu.-1 "' f' p11ld cm the in th,. door ot the adminlelNLl.Joe 1tBtf' rKtlph. And not 11n ltle-hn11 In murt, rl'h nr nther l'UCh off tee. vllllon 1ppe11ranr,.11. wtil('h I" An· altrt.ctlon11. N rl\hl!r, he a a Id• ran wom,.n wru!lr tn C•lffom l•. Th,. b,.ttlng 111 now th•\ Hae· Olhl'r &nltl!I th I' rr.mmittf'e ti1 H ,. 11rtvn<-atNI '1ron1rly th11t tr gerl v will ~ 11f'lr r tf'd •11 th" :-J(). I , lncikinr lnlo to d rtennlne whf'ther Wl"Utllnit were rfmovC'•I !r11m th" 1 lobbv m a n f()r •II of l11bor In Call· I thl! tell'vleed llhnw• <'lln yttld trupr rv111ton of thf' a thlettr !'Om· tomla. come th" 19:'16 burfl'«'I ee•· j more to the •t•tt '• cqrrer1. m11111lnn. that It ha vt llOrne k lnll a1un of 111e l!'irtslature. Thrre a.re Reetnlly Bonf'lll Sub • eom· of et•lf' 1111~rvlslon H<' AIM rom- 11ol many bUls arr .. ctlnr; labor mitll'e held hur1ng, In S11rr1t· parl'd wat('hlnir; wrulhng on tele- 1turlna thl11 budgf'l M'Mlon. but It mento. The r ommltlte 11lsrted at vtaion All l!llmf'lhinir ak in to t he 1~ t'•m l"t lv•ble th 11 t Gnvem or 10 a.. m. R11tunl11y momlng. and Wf'~l,.rns whh'h rrnv• 11 11;rr 11t Ill• Knl1thl mAy open the 11p,.r1"l 1"111 al 1· 30 P m , Bontlll d.-clarl!d tracUon to t.he youn,r pMf"I• of I to 11oOme m .. u uru which m aterial· lhe mttllni adjournfd. the lanll ly &fff<'t union mfmbf'n1. • I ('IRC'f 'M\"F.ST Rf:f'f' It w a• devt'loped eoml!What tr 110. H11gg,.rty I• uptttt'd to A bout Ill! lhe ('ommittee ar· conclu11lvely th•t the matchu are ~ rll(hl on the )Ob. ~ he would · rompll~hrd wa. to hear two ref· filled IMOfar a• Ult' winner It be ..,,yhow, directing' tht llctJvl-erect ••Y they had bttn ctrc-um-conC'"rned, among the wre11Uers Uea nt labor. 11nd kl'tplng !'OUDl vente'1 In Loe Antt~lu ~auH lheml'!l'lvu, ralhfr lhit.n LhrouRh <'n hnw the ml'mbu11 ot the le(111· they 11ald a t prevlou• hearln'' tht retutta or othfr o ttlclall1. laturt' vote. Annually, I.hi' Af'L the 'fl'T'U lllnr m•tchH were "fix· Memben of lhe rommla81on gr l1 out ll buJlrt1n, 1n whh'h the ecs··. and hear mern~r• of th• lhtm11elvee bmurht out the !•ct ".rood " and "bad .. volte of Je(1a-•lat e a thlrUo commh111on deft'nd that lhe 1JUrut w ay to 'klU wnet· lllor• a re t.allltd. the "ta lf'e eoml"What i.x Nper-llng In California la lo enforl.'t LOSE LOllB1'18Tf The tuppollUon &nlOl\f ~m• lobbylste ln Sact'menl.o \a t.Mt Ha11erty may handle the enUtt labo«' prolfT&Jn a t th• leg1.alature. without lbe ali.1 ot O.tpol. but It II not cert&.ln aa yet w hether We has bffn decided. ln Me lobt>ylJ\c work. Hae'r•rly la atd .. 11 by an 1ble atorney, Chari"" Scully. tonnerly and •llnrnty fOf' tbe 1tat1 Der •• t 11t ot Empl07· m•\. m1ori of th• exhlbltlon.. the st.at. 111w1 pertalnln1 Lo Ole At !rut on• mem~T ot the s ame. 1.'ommtulon, Dr. Dan 0 . Kiiroy, DE80lE 8ROW of 8&CTamen\.o. ftcenUy appoint· A.aked why they did n ot tn· tJ by l!MI eo•ernor to help force UI• la-. lht cornmlaillon •lrairhten out LM low ••lat• In· membere apHd tha t the ~ple to whJc b t.hl.e partlcula.r comm1• who watch th• exhibition.a want llon bu fallen, doeen'l care mucb to ..-. a &how rat her lhut a bona· what bapl>en• t.o wreathne . fide •·rt1U1111 mat.ch, and that D r. Kilroy. however, d efended were the matchH Khmtlfle, the the 1t.at4' •upervlllon. on irounda publlo would be bor.d to the th1tt medical t.Jent a t th• r1nar pnlnt where l'at e rK"lpt. wouM 1.1 neceuary, u the public m ight I fa.11 ott ~ \o Jlll1 ot.1 \bt bt oa~ IOaltUmt 11 .. of 8bo1ra. :J-rom '' BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL Ry HORACE rARKER (1:4. Note -Thia llolumn h,v n o,..,... Perkrr "'Ill df'al "1t• UH1 llttlf'-kno"'·n llhtoriral farh hf' hn d""ll:1'<1 up In hi• rn&llJ trip• lato lhe bac'k ""untry In rf'l'f•nl ,..,.r ... I The rirf' Reason is o\'('r and with thtR li fting of thl" danger signnl the "forest gales" art' opt'n . Todny with my old school chum of 30 years, Rilly F'ri<'dt•mann 1•f T1-me<'llll\ we climbNI into the j<'<'P and mad<' f•llr way int n the brus h country. The December rams h:11l st'ltlt•J th<' dust. tht- S)'l"HnlOfP!I. llh!l'r!I l'OttnnwM !'l and w illows wen~ •lrel<S<'o m t hl'or brllhnnt l\UlUn111 hu•·•. anti 1 It •' n~w gr11"' WnJll be11;mmng ''' l(l'Pen thr hll1J11tol<'~. 1111111th,.r111,1: th .. •llng~yeeu1' gTO\~ J11~t north or Murrlt'\& l•1wn 111 & dirt ro111t d11rt111g \\•rJ11\w1t11I lnlo tht lull~ Thi' •1gns slRll' 11\mrly San Mateo Can)'on Tc•n11· j8 Gua rd SUttrnn 11nrt " m•irf' rommf!rr 1RI onr tells of tht Tl'nll· ja Gurs t Rar•!'h. At wt 1u<'fl•rt lht narrow ollrt l(rade Into Ute abrupt h1ll11 t hat r1ne-the Tl'mt1•ula 11n1I M11rr1 et1t Va1lty11 on the wot. the vlew Is brea th-takrnit. ' PAU>~IAR OX ICUiHT Palomar JllH:I Ila famous "Ob· llf'rv11tory" 1s tu ••Ur 11,.;ht 1111 ii HOuthw11r<l. 11~ 11111 "·'" mo""'' 111 a c111 It' northward. Sknla H.,Nl M ounto1n 11 rrear.11 111 rhr .u,.1nn1'" folio" C'IJ by l '11l111111.1 Thi' 81111 Bern11 Jlnol:t kO•I !'an Ja• tnlo Mount .. 1n" 111.-s lmu>l <luco <'•l•l The ttlmn.!lpht'••· 1 IN1t1ni.; IH"»lh ol • mlhl Sanlttm• -...111•1 t1: .. 1 broui.:ht t hl' 1•.,11n11 .'' 11t our f•·••l Iii ah111 I' 1 eltt>f Tho· \\'Ill• h,.Jtl ••r and Auhl a n·n:<, th1· H tm<-l \'111- ley 11n!1 evl'n r l'1 r111 lo lht' no11h Whll11 nt8rt'I' nur vlr<tun 1rnd Ill uur f<-••l w1111 Mu1r1d11, to t h ,. north \'lll1luo11tr and Mrulh w 11 • Temtt'ula. The r"ad ont'e over the crr1t or t he hill" wind• Its way lhn111gh thf' moun ta in potr•ros and r1tn· egu nr-lhe oltt Santa Roiqi Ran· cho For m1lt11 on l'll<'h •11le of ua lay tht> m1k dntll'd Jll'•lur•" heavy w ith nrw 1(1 .11•11 i.n1t lk'Kt · ltrl"t w 1th grazing HnPfOt•llt Eve n lhouiih tht' roart II' not fenctd, no trl'apa1111lnK Is allowr<t U1r public In the conflnP11 or ""' r•n1·h Th•y 11r1' nwst etrtrt on lhla point, ict-nf'o l from •ad l!X- peri1'11ce._ lt y<>11'U follow 1tJor1« with ua, you w111 enter l llf' tor· ut boundLMH where ynu m • y W11nder ta\)1)11t 1111 nu want wllh· out d111turb1nr anyanf'. 1 ... avt' your f1rnrm11 at bomt'. thl'y'll cet Y4'11 Into nothing bul tn\ubl•. enjQy na1ure but don·t d~.troy It \\'t• h">lr fl).'lll 111 tht• flln•ht ''''"If'•• ''~" thi"t s1t,·:ic T~ntt t"- 1:11.11.i ~lnllttll Thu• 111 11 ).'O\'rln· U\t•f\\ f ttl •"P.\ 2'!•~1 VH'•• ~tt4th'n \\'\\h 11 '''"'I' 1111.\ 1'11 n11· 1:11•unrt f "r \'CHlf ( OUVt'J\l('flt•t1 1"'-hr At A\t11U ....... built ,,,, th ... •l\r 11r "" nld 111<111111 \'ill.11: .. '""I 1n the NI• It.~ lll hllnd ll 111 \' m1111v lr1r1tl' hrdrurk lll••rl•·I nr,. whc•r•• t hr ln1ll•l'l wn- mt•n i:ro11n.1 thi-u1.,1rn.• Into bC'I· lu t>t ur ,., or n 1nr81 1n h~'jron" tit\\"" l 'n1lo•1 lh,. p1(1t...-l1nn of ~ 11111:1· .:111n11r boulder bc'IWrl'n lhr 1'1mpp 11un1t 11nd tht' r u,.111 BllttlOn IS thf i:r .... .11y. fl11'·bl11rk· Pnf'1l '""II nt " f11tmer 1 ntl I11" rn, k·lt1,;h In lhe '""" of t h I Jll boulrl•r 11r" r lrr ulnr tndl'ntatlon• ,. .. 111.· :I It• .. illl'ho·• In dh11nl'IPf, I hl\Vt ~"t'll 111m1l11r nn•• nn two "''''""'+'"~-<111r r • _f11:m n11t1111'1l \\'<>1tlhe11111-: i.n1l 11 i;H ln 1r1 " lan:ri ln1li.111 lt\111111 '"'" v. h••1 f' a kin•\ .. r · ,.,...... '' "" k"J'' ••n thr r0t·k• 111 I 111.. 1111tnnl'r l'~rh I un" I II" I to .. T••nuJ.t I ,. '""lrif' t hru 1n · •f• n•;1111111i. •ll•I f11111kly they ha\'e l\lt' l'U7.;tlt•d flt:"I TUT I . ARt:A II ori.• Y.111 rxRIHlr1f thl' i:ro11n1t 111 11..-1111•.t . hll.• ,,f pottrry a ml 1·l11p11 r1 .. 111 thl'lr 11ir1•\\ hr111I m~I<· 1n~ ll\001 11 11111 v bt'_ pll k<'ll up. Th111 1~ 11 ,.put th11l t'l1n be rl'ft!'ll· "'I In Rn lir<lln11ry pa!l~l'llj\f'r r11r. Al~u It Is f"l'"''"'nllltlvt' ot lhe 1noat ooaut tf'11I arN111 In our bru~h t·ount ry If you will •lrlv• 1lowlv alnni: utw1u1 du~k a nrt kl'C'p " ,.tuu p lrn1kuut Kl'llong thr oak• 11n I h•• poui\1111'" 11( lht" Sant" J<.,•t\ Ram hu you "'Ill al't" m 1rny ''"l'r. ThP lut um .. wr ""m" 1h1 u ll~• • th•' Wlfl', kill" ftn•I 1 r-r.un1 ... 1 1•1<'r 11 dou n •ltPk. KJ"llY <loPa ..:rai:1n1t 11111t•tly on th!' nrw w1nt"r g1 a~~ N nr '"r f rnrn where lht' """I ~1nd11 thn1 t he 8 1mla Ro111 Ran· •·ho ""' I hr rl'm1tln11 of a 11n1·" f/11111111,. bull '""d ~llr rlnl( 111 \hf' 1lav11 or lhf' RAln r hol' whrn th" Jtl 1uly """' n11m"""'"· l h" v11qu"r°" madP ,rC'11t "I'"' t n11t of m11trhlna: a .,.u A,nt1 a hull 1n a fl&hl ihl8 be1n1t 11,n nlll ftK 111•hfl. in.-r•mn,.,nl.ll of lh,. (1111 pl\ rf'• mllln. f'Vf'n t ho the 1>1-ar a11d I he d•Y• or the L>ona •"• ex1141n. PVBUC CAMP, PICSIC <·ROl '~O -This woodsy scene at Te.naja Guar<I ShH1on Wt'"l or Murirtta In ClevO:and Natinnal For1·~t lutt·~ frw p1rnirk l'rs be'· cauS<' it t8 n>motr and h\\lt' k n 11wn Photo& .;. TENA.IA Gl'ARD STATION -Here la aite of aa old c&mp u.eed for ccnluriH by LuiAen08 Indiana. Many of their at.one implement.a and charcoal from ol.d a,. cu bt found iD ar-. ' BATTLE FOR BASK ET fl.irhu r ~ "'"'" .... Hu11 t" ,., t 1 •U \\I ,, .... , I\ td;...I r . .ti• ' I I "'' 11it<111 l"\"1111 "' f 'HIKllPHIU1 s.,, I ,,. "'l l '*t-11.llP • t.\dl ,, ~n.inv n11:111 111 rh .. T11r •'"1 :-• . .tr I"•·•, HARBOR ~o~ RILL PH!t.1.11':0:, !'pnrt. F.u1t or ALBERT KNOPF 1TOPS IN MUNI IROLL TOURNEY PIRATE QUINTET ENTERS BARRY SAILORS Gi~L Y 4iH. WHEN IT· CAGE TOURNEY TOMORROW NIGHT COMES TO SL 'WINNINGESr I F'l,.LF.RTO:-<. fOC':-JSI -Nf'w· r"r"rd r(lntaln11 one rid C'ham,,.... AllWl t K nop t nt \\"1·1<l !'\••\\f•i1ll n ..... ri w o n thl' pllt\'• orr f11r rar•t p1 .. , e 1n t ht A u-.- t rnlrnn S1ni:ll'• l• 111 n11111t>nt nn t h1• ~l11111npal H o w I i n ll Cr l'•·n• Tue1<<la 1•. L Bea h C•ty C II F• f 8111 Wrtul :'>. Rtll JnlClf'S "I porl H erbor H igh S1·hc>0l ratC'll ship t1nd onf' bueb&IJ bunU!I&'. OftCJ c I 0 eCje 1rs In thf' I I Oil\!; 1111111 I JrAll'" 11111)• fourth 11monj(' the Sun~t - th•• Gu,.s bh,s1.•1i es1 !" thu lfr·I· LA>1tgu,-. !I "wtnntngPAt'. m .. mbf'n1. Bue Foe Following Mesa Title 1110.1:1 Frosh lll-43 T1tCJ1<lay m,:ht Santo Ana 111 ftl"lll, f.'ullerton ~c- K1111pf 11t•11tlln1 ktd w I l h R r Ill'!' ti ··~,.,. nf Hnysh.,rt~ a l 16 point~ at lhe rn•I <JC rt'gu· lat1nn rnlhnK \\'111111111 W tllArtl or C'oronR p1unl~ Hnct 1\1 r~ \\'olf1"'lr' P•~nr· :.1111 of 1 ·.,1111111 ,f;·I M u r w11und UJI flallllh with II 111orkP1)1 A tntAI •• r 21 l'lli\'{'l~ f'!lllt· c·q1.11, .. 1 111 the kt'•'ll .:01111wl1· t111n. ,cop TRIO Boys' Club Fives Beat Triumpha nt in its own Four T<.'am ln\'it:itional Bask<.'t- ba'1 Tournanwnt h<.'re Just w.•1·k. the Orange Cuai;t Cullegr cage quintd goes aftrr court laurrl:-i in t hr 11nnual Sam hPr.-. Hoard control by Inloes uml ond am t An&h<'lm Oun1. \'11n Horn. both or \\h1)01 e~t•·nd r Th,• 811lh•r11 havt> W1)n 111 llllu. the tape t o 6 ft. l'I In., torii.-.t f1111r •··111.1111: 1n ti11~111•rh:ill an.:t four anything Redhuu1s ro11lu prv.tuc·e In t rack. The Sll.lnta ha\'e ror- srn1·e t heir talle'il pel'former tuw -1 nllll'd 18 varsity tttl•·• In th .. four en•d a nw re 6·2. m ajor 3ports -rootboll, ba.•kt>t· I JI.lift 1m11 l&lly ravored the lcwal ball. blk"f'hall and tra<'I< 1. '"''' l'"''"'1n1>1"• b1·i:an fnHling larls 3!1·18. I !:itlllldlH'" 11hnw tha t AnRhelm Is Barr~' Tournam('nt in Glrndall'. start111g tomorrow. A l 7 p 01. 1h(' t•1rnti•11 rnn_.1 •• with lAni; H1 11. h 1 '11 v < •.,11,·1o:•• T l11• Bll11 y ln11rn1•y ll llhllllt'll th1 •111~h 111 ll11 11· ""~l"'r utu a tt1•1npl:1 l1• ('HA PMAS lllGll t h1• ll>P" rn foolbllll. H untington I I I \ II • 11• I' t h t ' t' B"ul'h 111 Lll<J No I bs •kNball I-"I I .. ,. I ... ' l~Jt .1 >Y t' 1111 C'harnu1n nllbhell t111:h mint lh s I . rn .. h 11,.. (111.il l1111·n l<t.1.,lt· I. l..4•~·11111 haJ hunor;; with 17, !"llow ect bv Fill\-[l(•w~r. le ~~In ~ ,..:';~ t ,. IM>st Th11 1sd11~· nwht In Bur l:\'111 ""I.'· th11•1• )'l.1y1·1:1 ll•ft on lhr pttlrH·k with J!'I. Olht'r Bui' s r111 .1 \ra1.· ;1h111 er•tt b&n b 11J "1rtbun p ro- ('"'" h H:11 11111111'.~ 111~"'·• 1.q.1111-111 ... r Thr 11·:.t h11d fC111IPJ oul o r ,.1.s: Uidnrl'k 11; van H t1rn l2, 1 u1·;:1 ell<'~ a.~e ll ~u '" S 11111ntay. 1•.f ""I'\\!\ t ullllh'Y 11111' lty 11t•r •• 11 -llh' 1111\' ·"'"""n 111; Ll'P Ooui:htv 8 . \\'t•l· I ... l~hl or Santa AJ1a ll 18 loop 1ng l..o\'ula F au•h 7~1-ti3 Alw1..I It\' 1. .. y11ln t1.11lrd llu~ B11ca •3 3i al l:t'l 2 : Jnlot>s :!, nml CntitUi 4 h 1u1l111i;s h1we l'Olllt' rn tra r k . 1-"ul· i 1u•1nt,q '' .rh 1111;r 1111111111'" t11 1:11 h11lf1111w u 1\'11la rlc•wm>o l \\'htll11>r F'rw•h lt•rlun hu wun •'lgt\l boL'k'bllll thP !>ll'Slllnt'n \\l'nl 111tn 1111111 1 .... 1 T iu• t•11a\t'~ runpt>tl thci c·ontosl 61 _4 j t u l'nl!'r lhl' final• llf:llln~t 1lltt 111•1 .. 11•1111"· ,\n11la1lll lr,1.!:< thP tt<s. l1 11nt th• 11111 hn•-. 1!1mk1ni: 33 t" the hflst quint('( llt>dlAn•I won ttw p111·k tn OOE.' 8J"•rt ··mwn11 by itnllg· F O l"I. 0 1 ·T II f' n,·,tf • t1.h'• 11. I..11yo1la c1•n· t'oni<olation flit\' T hurKtl&y Ill ·lit i.;111i: n lnt> tn football. Huntmgtun mlnll.•'" 11( tlll:o Rn•I thl' 111 .. t• •I f, 1 :!Ji h11< kt'ls 111 2 1 fur ";!\.';':I 0,.,.r \\'hillier. i.: B1•11•·h bll.t rt>t·ordetl "P''•'n r1111;e lll" h <Hlh• fJ' •' After 12 IM111<'ll pla ved l hl11 lll'a· tltl~ll 1110.'.\ ICK TOl'S ~""· Fitzplltllrk. the !\:•'" 1-.irt I N.,wport Harbor'l! O\'Hall llJ"~1 ts l"IAVP 1: tnh k. lo>ph1t 111.i: thl' In-llarbnr fla,.h, is 11ronng I• ll•ler for --Fullerton Adds J 11 •·•1 .Jr.at\· \'1111n~ at a ,,.,,,.81.i tht>Ht1<''l\\tth llH1llgiti<f11ra l1 N Ed M II N · 1 n\, \\ 1:< 1 .. p t 1('1' d1f:tl pr 11,1111 i>r ll\'l'lllgA per f1ay R11l1111 k follow~ U en ew "1t h I!• l•••Jlfl.\' l•ltzpalrtC'k tr.ul-~'·,1ethra.,'e4.2 ('llllntcrs for Ill\ I l h Prexy of OCNS • I \\•th 12 111:11 kt>t!< H nwt•\·rr, ~ 0 I \'1"lt••1 \111d1•r 11( th<' t>n,.my nrnr-\'01':'\iO l :'li II S rfs W •t d1·1••tl th•• l1111<tP ronli< by :.ltp· In elghl g-amPI!, Young nf I hm!· po rl ers Santa Ana I Another ~itle llr•rhnr R,.,.ll. c-1111. '1"1"1"'~ to Collection lrnppPrl l hr•• .. ,.111,,111.~ In (•1ani:" Fl"l.J.F:P.T ll:O.: 1<11":\'!->1 prni: tl11011ch 2 4 r<•1nt11 for h1i;h 111i::ton lle111•h prPp f11 me. h.i-11ror-, A:'l:AHF:Jllf. tOC':'\!'1 r..t r.1 111. ( I h ~~lll't>l IHll Ju·11 .. r r .. 11 .. i.:1•. 111 kl'l· 1.-•1tn• ll111Jnlh •• r lht' ballll' t'•l !13 '">11\111 for Rn 11 R K\'t'l'A"e lrn. ~"lll t• 4•11l"r •• r ti\-A11llht•1m 1 'n1:nly lll.'kt'l 1111 !,. :tj.:ll" 1•l.1 \' r· " 1· a ' ~ • hnll '"'"" 11 1111 r1>·d to ~ .. 11th• 1n 1 'lth>'I' I lrnllJ!P l'ollst Collti::o 1111ughty has also 11ppt"Hr1•'1 1n hill ' J111llPl111. wsi. f'l1'1 l•••I l'l •·llt.tt'nl nr in th•• '"""' _C\lll Ri:•t1n~1 Hnnl.I l'.dll t1n1.1 !'.lllltd •• \'. f'''"'''lllf.: 1.1lh1·•~ \\('I(' Hc1b ('hapman Ill; f'lghl llllll for 211 marktrs 1t nrl a th~ n111n1: .. r.111nlV :0.:rwll l'f'r- ''1111 lt•nnis f tld i\' 111"1"'".: rin .. lhl'r 1h'l111p1un~h1 p llO•pll\' I f:1. \'1u1 llnrn 1:1. l'nn ,\lm~on II. :1 1 8\'PrRl{f'. VJ <'I' !'lpurt11 \\'rltr'" nn1l 8 111111!· I Th•• r••VP111 h J:flldP flV" drf111t ·I I· 11 ,,.,. lllJ.!ht. lht• \'1·llo•\\' .IOl'k· ------------< llMt Pr:; All~O<'llltlon Ht 11 r~<'enl ~·~·:Y:~.:~·:.~;·~·~:;~i';~:~.;r:~~1~: •• ~'.~1~'.1:~ • ~~:~~· ~};~~:;r:·:::~~: \'.'::::!'.:~;:·111:.·~:·~;~~ MARTIN, PIERCE, JEWELL :~~:::!;::"~~~;('!'~";,<~~:~ .. :~.;;.~ ::.:, <111tr•11nt~d thi> r1\'hl~ :1:! 1'1. I "I" t h•\' k rt•• k•·d 1111·r ('nllt·.:t I ="•'"~ T iihtrnr Als" ""'• te·l wa" I 'rlllll "t'.:~~·:'..:~ .. ~ .. ::~~l~·h w 111 nf ~~~ll~~·~n ~·s'.~~;}.~·"r;; "'"' kv·I TOPS IN LEAPS PUSH UPS :~~o~~~~n~'.."~~'.::'i,. l'~·~~~.: ... ~~~'.~·\\':;~ q,.,11, t11u1 tpnnt•·t)I 11P11 lh·· H"""'. lh~1r ..,,:,·'"111 l 1"111tt \' 11·J, 1 h 1... I s~rv ... H:ie ,.,.<"lf"llU\'. t'luh l:''lll Th• ,.1"11 I:'""'',,,~··" nunth fh•·1· nl~11 \\nll t ilt' nnnti.11 1 1 ___ _ \\l ll h.I\ ,. JI ••11 l "I l O " 111 • l II" Ch.tfl •'V I '"" n. n.u n,.,. :0.1111I 111 Rt11I l"nn P i<>rrP In th!' gr:ide •hvl11ion11 M1kr n nl· •\•11th i;1 <IP1:. Al 11 ·' 11. th<' F 11ll1•tl•"I J(•tl el hnlflln11• h •l I .. 1 '"' llurhotr H1•\~· ('lllh IJ1 .... 1 ... n 11( LhP l'•'Vf'llth l:l"Rdl.' rtht•~I Rat• Cage Title . l .. ·•• ,.~h··•I 11 •• 11 ... ,,1 7 l' t end r~t.:t 1. ;;').--:~ l •u 1t1p1n)r;. tll \\>1•f unp hnn;1t"I 1n thP C"UJJf•nt h ull· ltu .. Mt">ll H.apJ•. 7 -77 in t he ~tsn,J· ti .. "'' •h\ •l•n Ill .. I' Ill ,.,, .. h ""·x On 11 .. v (t'lll• .. J rtu•. ,,. i.1qu1111"11 colllt••t Wllh ll'iil'.• '"" bl•o,t•I JUlllp, ft•llOWP<I h\' 1,.1 111,. 1,.,,11 , •• ,,11•1, ~ l•l•r~ ••11o·1al 11..inh ""' A 111h•l111 •l I•.! 111111•• \\till<' J im Jt•W<'ll• Glt>nn t:1u.ln1r "'th 76 1ndlt'• 111 11 .. , 1 I•'" .,,.,.r ~,..11 , \n 1 1 •1 f• 1\\1tnl. :O.hk .. 13,.,., h R .... h 1111 ·,., p11•h111•11 '"l'P"'I th"l ca1.-gury p11Rhur•. Holton \1111 37 tu Card· '"' k II .trk" I "'"' '"' 11111n 1 h 1 ·t : .. r 10 p<11r1• 111 111• l•n 11' l1t t \\r<'k All n f thf' boy• are an nt>r'a 30. Ila• 11,, •I i,.,1• 111 11 I'"" , , .,1• Takm i.: :>• r ni.: J,,.,,. •~ f11r th• 111•· ln~h ,,, h d •h\,1111n I D on F'ron11man of thfl n In t h tn~• t•11., I h\ ,J,11,.ll 11 ai;h•, \'ll"\Hr1< """ 1;11,11 l E111I It<·• w J<.,blll Sluan lf'd the lhlrd crede irrade l O<Jk thf' !il&n•hnJ: b rnad at 1,,111,.,. ,,., llHi· t Hu n "'' ,1,.,,1 ti .. n . .t.• :!'J \d11!.-S•11I :-1.n.·1 , •• 111 pttlll• 1n r11-11u1•11 "Ith I:!. l!!P, rnchc-A to Trm J unf'6 8~ a.net 1 .. ~, ,., • h ,.:,11 , " ,\ 1111 ,, 1 1 1 in 11 11•lP I •· 11 '' ""' 1 ·11111 ul lhi' fourth i;t8tll' .Jrrl 2~ pu•hupll 11, .. 1 1,1 't 11111,., 1.,,1 11 •11 1 ,1 Thf' 1 <I I\' "·I~ th" lrAm.. I •'' 1·1.111 k J-;1•IJ1s. llflh i:rad.-OthP1 1>t11n !m~ br<nHI fl r11 t lq:ll 11 1• ;orll 111111! 1111 lhf' 11 •I • ll'h r f ll·· ""'' .. I '"' JI I-·· J.111 l°lllh 11f lhf' l'IXlh places r1>r11r1lf'1I h\' Athll'l11· Ill· r II ••• ::.; 11 Ill ,.,,. lhlltl , •• , .. 1 '"" -· th.11 o( 'J h• \' ),.I\•' lllOI \\un ""' 'I.I' I• 11 .. \\1' I h\' hill bn°t1 .. ·1 r<'•·tnr flo<1 Mlll ~ltlhnn ~·nurth "1 11 ,., "" \\UH '.ti, 1; I lh• 11 l.1•t l•I i:.• •·•, "' 1 '"" I 111 l '<1tl1~. :.!•t 1111.t Toni Gtlbl'rl j grRrt" :\'1rk f'ah•Prt. B'I. 1n 1"1flh OTllt"K l'O l 'T" T l.1•11 ,,,,.,, i.•11 1• I• .. 1 f•11 .Jan do! 'ti 1111nni.; ttw l'li:hlh 11111tler1' J,.n1f'11 C 1111111J, ~1A m Slll th, T•rn1 1 tn tit• I • \\11 "'"• 111,;i;111•t " l '\•I \l•ll'IL•I"• I•• the v.1.1y ln l lir ya n. ~;i. an•! t'rghth, Alh1n ll!h1 r l 'l11bh<'r ••••r•r"' Hu•-..IJ ''''"" 11 .. 11, r J<' t• 11 It •1, •• ., . .r1i.: lirot:i1I an•I pu .. hups \\'nodn<h, i l . It f'I' " t •,•' h \ t • • I I k I p It'• rvt 1•1 ''' 7 "1'h I!• t n11· J•tt ,_ I• 111 '\1• I \I , \I fl.111 ~1 · I !>I ·~ ,, • 111 II <I 1\:11 ·r ,,.,, r-1111 J •m I'•'• I '., I I I ,h :-=1 1•\ •• f: ''1t' n ,, •. ,., 1, • \\ 11+1 I. lt\tt 111 01 f .. hlh i.,thtl1 i"' f •11111 llj Jti J••Hflt • ltllf 'I• h l hr l•n• ,, ttl I h•• 11' 1 1 \If l••I \ 'J h1• f Ju hh1 '" ••f 1'thJ•1f11 r•u ••• ,,,, H••I ~I 1• 'ltll nn I•· I I t 111 t t •· Fl'L l.t:H r11:-; ol Jl':'l:SI Thr l•1•1tl H•\l< l'l1,IJ •·1t•t•ir1 II lt1f' :\ul1• 1nat t ·ny • a;.:ir h\Ut n1t· 111 .. nt l••l>l ..... .-k d • .-..nini; Ran I IJ1•go 111 lhf' finals t 1·40 1-'\Jlltr· tun ,. trAm .tl~11 11t•f ... 9tr<I Carls· h.t I ~·2·4 :'1 11n1I 0<'~1n111<1" 6:1-48 SOl'TH COAST CO. ?Srd A St> .. JMlrl fth d. \ \ JOHNSON'S NEW HOLIDAY UONZI SIA-HOltSIS Thty'rt s111•rt! T htJ t '"'"'! The new '56 Sta. Horsu styled in H oliday Brontt' and Spray Whitt. Come in and sre thftD. N ine grn1 new modclt -l 10 30 bpi Soutt. Coast Co. s .. "port 81,·d. at 23rd St. H arh<1r '.!60~1 Johnson '' I\ •t O M .. , ._ , ,, ,., ,_., .. 1'1 ~l • •tt1.t,. :l•> \ ._tt •U'• a t 1J• .. u•n Ml•I 1t1 12 11t r•l•I 111 ll1r th111! •l •Ii". fill t r • ._ h ' h ' I, I It• Jloft ti • t tit Chevrolets I:• r• I • 1 l • " \ 11.t n 11 " I H '• '. l "' I. • I , •• 11'( I \I \I <h 11! ••I I T ll•1lo•1 NEWPORT HARBOR NcWS-Pi1ESS -PART 11 -f AGE I .. I I o taught dynamite MONDAY, DECEMBER 26. 1955 1 \\It •• n 111 ., ........ , .... ' .. ,, •• t '•' I • ' I I HUT\ l'I \OT PE E REAL POTENT AT POPPIN' POINTS I ' , , "f '• ' II" I l(t ' \' \ f 1ft I •u I 1 • l •H, • 1 • ? f ,, • ,, n ... ,, k• 1·1 I• I 1d1 'r ft • If I t~ f Bt1\ ·, I ' • \ • , ... , '. r ,,, ,. ~ l.' ' ' ' h• ~ • I 11 r• ,, , ,_. I ,, I ~ 1.! t •, It• , • • • -, hi• •I • <.I t h,. J.,,1'1tl h~" R\ l'J ''Ct•d 1; 7 poll• II • r:I\ 11~ hH\'r .. f ,. I I IR •• , ;:.: ... ! • t • f I' • ... :~~·:· :' I~::::·::,: .I . .'"~·:: I tt••· r1r·•t "' ,,.n ~·UH•·-. I t 1 ~ 1 111. '1 1 • .... • , .. ' t (11• t' t h.-t-"1•1l•e\J1n lt1d11i1t• l•P q411• ft 111•,,.t '\ I '" \\ I •1 I'.\ I I h 11: 11 ,,. I I I f\I l1t th• ~llUMI 1 1 ... 'H ljo 1 ... 11 1 ''''"' n I htA ,... , • ,..J 1 i I 111 ~f 1 ,d * t '" I• , "''' ,. tin 1 ,, h· r l~I Ill I ••~ 1'• ''II It" " n ~ f Jt <C f 1 1, f ~ °' -.) I' fl ,1 1t •• tr h., t ,.,. • •J · 111 1 ' "'"' """ ut r ~" •' • 111 ttr • \ •• f\,. t II• I I\ ..... ~ r • I ~ I"' ! ' •• , I' I If Ill ni,; • I , t "' rs .. n ... t II• • • at ' ' u t 1.,,,1£ ~ t ~1r 1 • I ' r • • I •• • '"" 'tit... tll '\1 ' f • t • l I· t '· .1 ' \M" .. ,, I • ' • ~·· p11u t ~ I r •• 1-' ' 1• \ t ' 'L', •I' ...... Tr-·u1 r~ f r"*t'"" 1,,,.,. ,... • • ' it \. " !..; I • ,.. t. ... ""' fl I ., ' I hr ~ \\l'I '" 1• r • , • I 1 I. · tt • , '~· I·'• tf t I ·. I I • ' f , • ":1 i 111t...-fr' 111 1 "''·~· In "11 ,,,•,,1. 'I 11. ',•~•\•Pl .._ , ,, '"" ... h''" , t , • ., • , r • "·'' t t t •• t01l t I 1 I ..... , .... p,. 11 \ - ft'r t f\.tl r ' ... ~u1 .t\., n ·· I I .... ,; More Track Emphasis at Anaheim High • u '::""'• J-h •r. .. • •• ii t' I•·' •• Ila "i I t 41:ff , .. ,, I~ \. •J' I I ll• .-• t· "k •· I l\C'"t'. I • I h f 1 l(A t\ f J,f f ioo H1c,.r , .. 11 t ... I, I I ·" • p I f4,' ~· lff\, f 1 It"'\ ~ .,,, 11•'1' II l' I "' t" I _, .. JI in<' \ A, f •n \ ~ \ • ~ t ' I' f f ftr t t "' h ~ · • • '· •' • ti. ,.n n i111•• t .l\ I 1 • 11 ' \'An tit• ,.~h• t<•• \\ • h · 1 , ( • f,q ,•r• t h11 ... h uh 11 Ii· l.' ~' ,,,, 'lt.ql ""' ~ ... ,. · \\'" ,r .,., d t • u~'•'''''' 11 1r ' h11 1l 1•'"4'rf' in thP 1•1•l 1r!.li lr•r k 1•11111< 1p•t11•n in Ir~. k Rn I tir I '" ~nr • 11rl' g 1 "'I for " f b&JI f l•> ar," f 1, \ • I t • \.: h f i l 111 ~r~t Area Shooters Win 30 Matches \\,,I f I I \\ l\•1 lo I 11 "·· ..• , ,, J,' ••• .. 1 ,, •.. 1, ,\ \I· • II I t J I l '-"I I I I •"' I • 'I I I• ' 1. I• " ' ,, \\ \ . ,, ,. t . 1'41 I '\ft • t:• .. ,, r, I I'' 'It• I•• •' :: .. ' '" \\ 'I .. 1 ''"' \ ' I.•. If .. ···~ ,. I' ... " " ,:1u ,11 ... \l I H1I ... ,, t •• 'I "I ,,, y I I ... I 1. ,. I 'I ··~ I t\ • I ' ' t: •. t ., . \ 'I• ,. f •• •••• H t '• • I • ,, ... lo I t I• .. - t •1t t I' I• I 1J M • . . ' '" ..... I ,., , .... t I t f h, •"•I '" \. T r In "' .. ... 'I ·' t I r t f tt r t I ''' 'I'' i Ii-. 1, .. 11. t J • II• I I . ' I ·' 'ti I I t I t • f ! ' it I t I 'I I •rt 1 t 1 " • I , , ' '\, 'I • I ' I: I I 1 • ' t •t .. ~ ;f t f \f the R:chard Bee~on Comp any Landscape Desi9n and Construction C CllU I'\ \ I ll I \I \H I'll(!'\ I It \ltllflll 1 ·,,. • I / a T A ... ,.IR• a TVLINOI A T A VOV CA N OLDSMOBILE • I... t \ SEE Y O UR N E ARE S T t• .. OLDS MOBILE O ~AL E R 1' . ~ ··--.... ~~"~~~ ------------ good mannPrs ! With its frisky "Turbo-Fire \ ...... lh U. Chevrolet is pore dynamite, all right. But it's beautlfuDy mannered, too- quiet;wcD·beha•ed. iM tantly obedient to your q hteet signal? ~Odltt' lh<.' 9('('{')1'r.ltnr anrl nm'rt' atrart' nf the 11pht-'l.l'<'onrl rha1n rmr11on of your tOf' to the "Turho-F1ri .. , Tht'r"'' \nur d\·namrtr -with bof"l'rtn"·1·r r:1n~n1Z up 1•1 a h11Zh nf 205. Th" rar IS hu1lt rnr ll,, pnw1·r. too-•1th a low, low cc•nt,.r of ~av11y, w••ll d1!\tnhutl'fi wc11Zhl ancl wid<'-ap.lTt rra.r 1tpnnJZ'!I. There'• your stability, anti Mf1•r handl1n1t ! All rfoon ha V(' Mfrty Jatch<'S-ancJ rn..,trum<'nl panrl paddmJZ and !ll'ol ht'Jt .. ,, w 11 h or without 11houlder hame11..\1 art> 1wa1lahl" at t>rtrn C<lfll. Din'<'t ional 111irnalll an> i;t.andard. Come in and try a new Chevrolet.I MILLER CHEVROLET CO. 1000 West Coast Highway NEWPORT IEACH Photte Uberty 1-2261 PAGE 2 • PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE MONDAY, DECEMBER 1b, 1q55 '----------------- LEGAL NOTtCt; LEGAL NOTICE \11\1 1 .. l hl'.'ll.'I 1 111: 11111." 1'u t t1 f} l"n!l'l '"' • •. 1; .• a ' •~t I tH:i\tt-<"" 11f t htl '•rftnl?" ''1 nr ·~· ,. • t \ ht.l «'·"'"'"•r 1rf ... r 1rd t L 11 l r • t .. ll,..r \u.,n !. •• ,. 1• ~t 1 .. u the t \o 1 I• I ' .. t c•1t tt a; t t1,r Ii r· u\\r) .Ld 11\Ar) 1; 11 "',1 I llln~ ,,1, d , r ., . . 1. ' '" l 11( \.\"••''I t 1a 1 f" 'n r.s' t • ' ,, )'laat1r ,. 111 , nl .rl 1\• • ._, 110 I ttr•·q • ~1UHn ,.,,,,. i tlh 1 t•\t' • :1 lJ,, <;tllC• IJ~ lhe I IW!'lt•J Ill lhl' Ad·, I !o.~ \'q(,\'l;i'. 1~\tlll SUllth 1-t liJOOI ..::1• t 'nu l\,, t ·auf1 t rH.t. i~ltd i.thall b,. .~l11b. Su•·h 111•-. r h"H b • ,., in!nt11tr111 .• ,n I 111 11:, 1". 1h11 Aoult\llJd r e 1r t .. , :.11 .1 • ,.,i11'fl•lti ll'.•t I lj I ,· I 1: .. u n1 ;d 1 · ,\ ,f' ' ! ht I ••,, ... \• H\8\f\ llllot' 10 \h~ l11111PI '' E a• h t; It r u>I J'l '"' • , . ' ! " '.' f I I I t 11fit1 at • , ~· ,, ' ., • • t I., I 0)' 'I 1 .. I .. \' I' I h~ obt111n•••I hy '"I'" 1 funrl,<1 1f 1. • • • • 1 ,,, I t t• rt·~P"".,,'' ,. ltl lht~ '"''t\utu~n. thr .: .. , 111,1Pnt;o; • , l" te-.t,g 1 ~.,. l""I unent l, · (on'11tt t IJor•uJ .eut:t f\I•' nn w 1on f1lf" " 1n II ,. 111.f •1f1 1< c·!< 1 f th,. uwnl'r anr1 mil~ • • • ! 1 • ·' h .,, 1 Th .~ d t'ptisll will h~ rt•· • oi • \' ~h f"'tl •.ti' fl •·•t Ill• rr1 uriw t .. I 1n go<><i cundll , '" ". 1 •1 c· ,, 1 ' •fl I t1• • 1•! t \" l d11t I~ .\ titt'-tt ('IJ\Pl\t (t( 'I 11. .. Ito!" 1·1 I li .. •W lfl" I j ,, •• f Pltll'.' l II \ 11\1hf ,,, 111 •t t ,1 I• , k • 1 l 1•1 1 inti h " ." 11 1 11 t 1 • , r ,, , ·•n • 1 • 1 , • , r• Hf 1• ,.. J,•t \1•d I~,. I l I ,.h"1l 111 • • ,. " t • 'I • ft •:-1 f t t'f11~1 1u:• , I.I ' '. ,, :, .... ,,. I I Id•' " 'h• I k. I '. h ht I ·I tt11 1 ... ,. I'. t I ' ' I I \l I f f\. n 1 If• t '" ',,,,, • ,., ..... t t fl 111-. •I • \ lhc t 1 I I~ t It ' II 1 l I 11;1 I 1 l I•• I ht• ( ... ,, t ~( \\ t • \\\ 41 I ,,, , , nd ''· '' I ''' . 1.-1t-1n " ~~tn f,\,1 it.•~"',,,,, .. I 'ii , • t •• f,ptd•·r 'fhf' l l\\ll•'t "'"''l \'1 "" ~1 •!I • 1 •u ; \"Y nn-1 nll hl1t111 ''' \\'01 \~t' Ur'\' 111 1·;.~1tf._t1 i' ,1-. ••1 d I 11 ,u tt '1'1' 11\ t h-· tH ltlln~ Pur:-.unnl ,,. 1h1• f .... d 1 t 1 • t ,' :-:' l•• ,.t (*,,,,fnrn\.1 1h• RnHt r .na.rd or Truxltt :.! 11.JW ll't\ ''f ' I it 1 L1• ..:•, t, .d 1·~ \ 'l JLI ~ l h\t" ··f '""'' 'h r·m \\tfH:P!' (o r f ttl h f'l ld t 111 I'd , • 1( \\ 11d < •·'1 t1• (1dr 1l t fl •'·'' •'U' '' t hr r ontrl\f\."' '''ll\t'h \•, ,\t h(• ;~\' 1H1 Id 1 '' •' ._,peJ )11,f I! 1 ~ tt n·l 1 tl•'~t'" flit'" vtth nJ; '"'' 1111· '' h t .u'I• l u\ 11 t '"t' ff l•1tfl11l1 u.Jr 111 .. it l1y thP B thlftl. ,. nd R rr n,. 'nltr•\''' l'l4ASSI F lf'A T ltl:-0: A l'l'IU·::-;Tt<'ES \1111 1 .. • "•) l"'" ·! 1777 ~ t t f .. t ·:1IJ1111f\J11 I. d11t1 t J. l "ARPF::"Tl-:l<S. C t1rflt'11lr1 F ln111 II\)•' r ::O.l1lh\ 1 lh hl ~.nv F th•r T11hlt' l'<•.ll'r :-"" Pf t I·•'' 1 CE~fEST 1-·1:-;rs tll"H:-. Fml h r r 1·r 11 • nt t 't:'lrl• nt I ·'•'· h• 1 ' ( •• ~a'• •II 1 1 ~1 •:if' a• • ·enH·nt F lnor I int •/11ni; .\I " 1 •• 11. l 'I ••1 "" 1 1no s wuto·a:1~:.; nemf .. 111111; lrnn \\ "' k•·r J.A 111 •H 1-~HS . J.-..thor• 1.c, ~. n1·1 1\ '1 c • 1u-' 1 ti•• Uperal<>rJ! anti TeniJrn1 "' I"• 11 ·•' • •l 1-:11 • t I It T1••t~ \'1brnt1ng Mii• 1 101·~ .11 ~ 1 11 1• • h 1111 .ti t•1•1li nc1l lit put a t,ly 1 l.1,.~. • I h• • • !I O f'ERATJ:'\G i:;:\t:l:'\t.l::lt!' Concrete or A ~phult ,!;,., ... f1rw .\!•·• h.uw ,tf 1'.1n11•1111: nr Plnt•h ;>.t11rh1n•• I 'I' 1 \HI r "n• r• t1· ~\ ,. , c •1"'' "'' 1 1' '' ir,.,: '' f"* t ' a1 l• 1 1• .:\l 'i'I \ti 1·t 1'•11 I 1d ii• J ''' 4 •11JJlt 1 fH ~b'i 1f t 11 ~1tl"I ~k p 1\1 f' l ~tof11 1ll11 J'lf'J' 'I l 'll1 J ll1 1 •' \:'In ''1 •f,l1Ht T t11• 1 , t •i,, ,, ., 1:11 11•/ 1 11r t ··1 1 •I '' • r 11.t~ ''' , • .-11 •\I I Pf '''"''" Jll 1.11' ,, • If' 'T t "" 11 r !"' 1 q , r 1 . 1 J • 1 . 1,.: 'J ' 1 ·•· L •,' • I 1 • n• I• ri t T t 11.,hu..t ~\._.tun~ l J\HIHt••t Tll I • K I •\\ I\ ~:H~ \ 11 I\t 1,. t f l \HU \' 'ft • k• I• • ~ i..: ... ... , ... ,, .-' -..... · ·011,·rr11 of Irnm p T ruck•-• yJ11 but It&..~ t han 8 »•Is .. flrl\·trs of Eu• h•I type Sprtttder Truc-lla I •rwtt8 '" 1 •u1111•~ter TrUl·k • I 11 ''"' r" 11! Tt 11n:.1 l ~tu. T rue ks u n lt'r 3 Y'~" ..... 1 •r I\ .. ,,. 1 f Tr.rni>ll; ~tc x T n tl ks 3 y.ts. 1.11 111ore . I ;,1!0 ~ I >.I r 1('t'l.nt \\'n1 ktnR T n11 k Ut 1\'tr, lncluJmg \\'1n• It ·rr11• k a n•I .. d i 111.1..·s 11C T1 u• k.s . Jl11nl 1••n 1•1111•1'' ll'l• 'Ttll• I<. l•·-~ lhlln 61, ~.1~ "·atH ll'VPl I •t11n1•• te•t 1• T nu h 6 1 .. y•!:.. '' ble1 11 "' \ an\\ u\<-·r • H• ~-1'111 r ll't l •1 I\ <'r Hl~hwny \\'o11tr T1 u1 k J1 l\·~r orn.t"r 2:;1•1 gttl. . ln1h1•'1 •nl I.tit 'Tl 1irk I,,.., . ._.,. \\'11t "r T r11• k Pr\\ "I :!~1111 <:111. or mott T llH I< 1; r, hljl'r "ntl T l 1 ~nian T r111 k 11• 1 ·1 .1 11v1n 'J'111o'k f<-·p.111 111:1 11 ll•·l1•1'1' \\." rt'h'1ll>-f1111<11 < 'lt-1 k A~hl'3l• •~ \\'111 kc·r Rr11 klAyl'r 1111d :-;10 11f'Jn;t30 11 Hnl'k T l'n•I· r Tilt• I ,l\yf't 11r ~cl :"r . ...:1~nuetA:->~ I ;f'r11>rk I l'otl'lllBll E h·1·1rw11I !'11t1·l·111r1o1 .. 11 1-:l• l'lili'IRll (''\hi " !-;1 •11· .. , I'.\ 1-..; l i :!t~ • 2 21 2 :,6 . 2 Ml 2 42 . :!.:.tl .. 2 '.!~ . 2 I" 2 74 .• 2 29 2 24 3 1:1 '.HO 2 411 311:'1 Ha ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS Last of Bishop Bandit Suspect Trio Guilty . DELIVERY GUARANTEED Jennen Plumbing SA :'\TA A :'\A. .n1·::-;s 1 n <'lin•ry nf th<' l'\<'wport Harbor News-Presa ia J!UaranteeJ. Cart tl·r boys will deliver t,hrir papers be- furc 6 p.m. on ~1 otllhy , \\\•llnesday and Friday. It your paper 1$ not d<'11n~r<'J by that hour please call Harbor 1616 and your carrier will bring your pnper. , Repair worll. a specialty W a tt>r ht>a ltre on ttm• paym•nl• 2819 :-\t>v.•r<>rt Bh•d , l'\ewr<••t 8f'ac h. Har. ~3~ R.. Hnr. U6i·J . '7ct M-i • CARPENTER Repair Work Classified Do-. Your Hom• Need Rep&lrinc or Remod.Un& T Ca ll J'l"&J\ll. Uber\)' ... 1164 All Worll Ouarant~ T4 1fa CO MPLETE PAINTING & Paper Ha.nging Service E\..'OENE O. SA UNDl11\B NE\VPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS Every Monday, W •dnesday and Friday COASTAL SHOPPER -Wednesdays !'>00 !s lat Street. Newport ..... 11 Harbor 21178 or Har. 401. tf~ PAINTING Newport Harbor Students Get Voting Facts "( All f"'U• '• l'llrlt •I•· ' ' •, 1n r>nl.l"'lf,. r r,un ly "'" ,.. "'ii ' 1 <~ • I 1 rr•I ,,.,. mH n• Ul f'' • n ' ,,,,,. Ir thr rr,.....n• In II •-, drr 1 1n i.r thr 1·11hl 1r » ... •l u l•rls ""'"'" t I I T' • • • '" .. · .. I I ft<·nt LA'' IU II• 1f' ~ •I • TOOJ.!-; RO.\TS 1-TH:"'ITl ·r~i-: HL"~l:'\r:~!"~.s CARS & THLTKS M. W. ROSS L!cenH d LI 8·3321 280 Avocado. Co•la Mu• H t fr PAINTING 1:0..'TF.HlllH EXTF:RIOR Al-•<C"\ MARISE PAINTJNr. t.JC'F:~RF:P 1 NSI ·ngn Glenn Johnston 3 lllt Rt ~rwport 8 1'11 h ll11roor :1176 491 " 1.i-r rnmna1s ------- '-Funeral Din-ctor.ii Al~ohuh\·a Ano11y11111ua Wt lie P 0 H'l• :oll N!'w1w rt n .. 1u 11. <·au! Phon• H ar1><1r 4111:, --------------- MOTTELL'S AND PEEK 16--Tran .. portatlon ------__ ,, --. ------· Colonial Mortuary 1801 BoL'Wl J u"l wrst of manMl'r -'li'murial r llrk A n Urunt:" t"nunly lnot1t1111t•n S 111 v1nR 1 ... m1llti< 11( 1<11 I" 1lh.s T1·l· f'h"l1•· 1T•·ll F,,.. I :1.1-:1111 h :1'!'\ I :\11 or.e l \' 1 1111 fi'''t 1\\\ ''' ht'• A\\tl" I I '"' k l•f f llM·I~ ---------- l ' • '::-r O Hll'I-: 1:~1 ·11·~n::o:T 'l ' pt \\ 1 ~\I ) ~ A tid1ns;: t11 ~•j t1.nrs [ •t1Jdo •t,"t ' !-\ J.J J \H·• FLY n<.:-6 :-\O!'MSTOP ?' y c '11• C l·U l"AGU $1>\l • Koun•t Tt IP l>nly Frl'f' l,11nnllbtn f' tn A 11 f"'l l Bu ' Llln< llt'a 1-rtt Tll kt\ I •th~· 1 \ \\'A~l11:-;1 ;r11'\ 1°1· S'•7 1'1111.AI ,,.;LJ •lll.\ $" • JI,\ I.I.AS 1 .,.:Tw , rr 1111-.:<11.1·1 \' :-: ~: \\' ' Ill\ ... 1·1111•At ;11 All 1-u .-a l'lu' T u 1 $ •••• $ ;~· $ •'• !'' $f.\1 124 W, Ore-an Rlvrl .. L. B. 111: ~ 1.11·. :-\I-:\' 6 4t>:\~ 1 ~11111 .1 ,\11,1 117 1-; ~t1t Kl 3 k.'lll,, ~ '\IY:-. Ill :"\TA LS l!•J'• H 11 hc•r 1111 •1 _1x-nra11t~· Ald1t (',•Ill Mt~li l.lt1r 1ly ~-771•4 -------· I :!-Bulldini: St>n ic<'lt ------------------ Superfluous Hair Ptrt11a tornlly r111mu~"G I 1 um l t.1.• am ••. 1q:• t-') c 1>1 u" • anc nalf - ! General Contractor' un .. "n"r ... 1.1 :-. .. 111"'" lY.t'n 10 1. p;J-LJl:N l.. Biil' AN1 R &. Lii "F.:-.'Ff-·n t..1<Ju a S"lon ul ll• au1y Har 2!1 18 I Nrw WorK -Rcmodelini; ue I J. litJLTO~ McK!'..:="Zll·: 1idrb11r (i3l•U·W 58tfc 22-1.o-.t a.nJ Found 1.ti:--T I-"' !>'. '"" • 111 1'1< ltl"l• Custom CABINET WORK t'• ,. I'\ ',,,.,. ,., I .. "' k .. 11. '· ••h .., I llfll rt~\\ A HIJ 11,.r 2"\1'>11 41p4 11 '·' ·~ r 1'icr11 k.-.. 1 ( •bait tilu• :0-1 t, I 1111tll 1 I • • I' I . .,., I' ••. ''"h \f4flt ... \ r' \ I f t nan A J••i "' T.,. " ' f\Pli!t .... , : • ' ,., • t 'i t11>ncr f 1 J If ,~ I I I ,. f" I'll I 1thi 1: 11 1: f ·' ••• l';ur.t tt.5:. l '•'I" r ltan~mg 'Tl.<• r lnl~l ~'""''.Y l'.rn Buy" I •I 1 .. 1ri11i; l<r""' I All•,. or l.i 'ti 11111nnr 2,.44 411r.,I 2 "-"'""h•Mll .. , ln111 ru"t Ion ___ , ____________________ _ China Painting Cl1ty a na ~:vl'nlntr Cl ... _ I ht1rr,. T~lcf'O Now r·h "" l.ll'>rrtv Ii ~IHA 941.10 EARLY AMERICAN l•>4f "" ..,,., ... >1nt1 1 •11~11 )tr ft• n.: ••r t ,..,,.., 1~t nn r •"•I f••' t I' I "1• r • \ Y ,,, r\ rntnr •It•~"' .! \\ 111 •I• It•• 11~711 \\ _ ... _, _______ _ ,uu"1 on tr n\h.,r n~t ,r. t \• • • lo 1tN11 Y frnrn "1•>-• \\ '" ,.., sr 11\" ".11nr p••hl nf"'11 tn th"•" w h<> ' r11n .. r •J'"" HO\ ·~r:HOLI 1 ART!l 'l.F:S ~1n.:1cAL J~:--TJH'~ll:='TS Sympson & Nol iar \_!,.., ~ !'·' ~\Al •f' u~at h II t • I 1 • 1 I·•,; It I I IC 10·: I. I A n L E JAP ANESF: · A fJ-:RI C'A:-1 WANT 8 <;A rw1-::"'1 ~c; 1:-.: HAR- BOI~ AREA BY \\'I:::l-:K OR MO:"TH JI YATT 4-~il It b !,.II th,. tr' ,.. 1 • -1 " I 11ZT3M ~mr.,.z.,.. '' .... ,: or.r·F....,. ATL'"'-'"A''T • , • l " r.•' '' l "n'-• "" II ~"rr1t I 1-7!'1 "'' \,. Ir,,, "•r•'lr•n 1n 111 , r th ,. .. r-, .. 1 FINP YOl 1 A JOH olrl\" I.ET YOt. A 111-:i .rr:lt I -I' Th"•" ='"" • l'r"•' • ·1,. .. • r -1 \•I• I IGi rl for H arveys r1k•. r ''I,.""'''),,., ... Mr 1tnrl \Ir• l.A"WI• 11 •M.n 1"2 )U'tr 11"1' " Ju ' I ,. F'" 1"11•t 111 A,,.. 1·n•t 1 \I -~ r rm1t...-J " rll111i:;ht•r IJ t'• ~I 1 • tlMr llRI. .\ . I JI Ii.: I HA HBCJH 11111; Buena Bid for Park Rejects Anaheim Peace 1n Annexations A :'\\ llFl\t .nr" , 1'11 rk \\ • .,,,. •IA,. ( ·11 \nl\h< I 1 J • I ' I "'" ,. 1, I \\ ~ h I ,r.n('l1l111t' ,, ~,,,.. ,. I\ ,,.,1~ I '•" .Ar. t \\r -• p ,. .. '•' '' ' ,, '", " "' I\ 11\C ' • ..... I r ·ti ,.r' ' II' ' ,. 11~ \ I \. I ,, . \hr '• •'" 11 I \1t1l \\ l t > h• 1 t \I • I• \' r• 1t-.. . • I •••.• ,,, • I ••• -.1 L' '\ • I~ •' '1 I" I( q,"' •t , r • 'I ' I II '' I• I I ,, ' ,. , . .. r • \\ . "" l . l\•11 •• •)I i I •' !\, I ~ I r • • ' t• r 1 ..,~ , •••• ) ,, t .. . '. ' , . ' r, . .,. r 1 I I I r 2 Men Sliqhtly ' . f~ • n ' '' ' Hurt in Car Wreck T" "I 11' "le •11 I I t ., , " \ ~ ,. , , r· , n \',: • 11 ,., r r h r "' •• • '• t I 'h . , Kt \. '· t , \• ' • ti'\\ 1r '\' ,,., 'f ,nf: ,,., • I\ I ' CARPENTRY ~l l~OR HI::l'AIH \\ORK ~U JllH Tl'V !:>\IALl. t-1 1) Anr:•r!'ron I• t 4 1-: t:"•'••.t Ill\ I liar t>Qr 24:.>U B 1lbooll llJ\fC F'OH. ll ENT '1<•11 ~ '" • f .I• 1 l >nll~. I l1>hua, iul l)f'"• tll ~:\.(Idell<, \\ll•~lb•t· rt \ , •tr :t•f"l"t Swedish Massage •rl'f'tntm•nt La ~· l1r h,,, '"' Fnrmrrly rr U•"l.l~!' a l Arrowll•afl 1'rrr~ir · 11 .. 1 .. 1 '"""' .,,11 11•111.M•r ,~i.r1 ••r Jla rb<>r 7" tbp&~ I L~ ANIN'i At tnl i:-ITNO bv the 1li1\I ,_ 111" rtfltl• ,.,I H•lltr>a bl.a.ol1 BOYD'S HO\VE. ')f}.1.11 \\ U IA!;T Ill• ,JI\\ A Y !••~frri• I Kl J -6ll'"' tt I 11 .. 11\',.. 14;1;, :-;"'"l""I Bet< :l"ttc II\"' y \IA " m~•n••n•nr• '- Painting, Decorating Pa1><·r Hangrn~ GEO. 1:3 'RKHARDT 1 11 1-,:->~t l t I l•:o.;"Tl!\l "jllf< J.:'3 \\ )!<11'1 S\. I ',, Mf'•• I lb<"rl\· l'I·'-• ~' J'a 1 ntm~ & l'a1icrha11 gmg \\ l' tin thl' w11rk ou r~1 Ives. . I \ • l\r' ritJ"'ll' n•" J., <fl""'' Iv U)" ,ft 1 ~'\'l'"•tt ~J'n ~U •PH1'tt 1\ F •t t1"11'I'• ,,,,. c·n1t J• h11n1r, LI ts-:!61.il & LI g.;,~._!I kltl t 1 JIA Jlf10R lfi 1 f, ', l " r • r ._, t t l ~ t t" r •,•,fl' \\ l~il ,~ Roy's Maintenance H"'""" r l•&n1n1-,.,,,,,, ••ru on1 \\•II ... 11•1\•n1t • lntlow fl"antna \ rn<'ll&n t1ltn'1• I '11h" 1111.~ry lro~urr•I F"rr411 •:st1mat •• I .lbl'rty 6-13:12 ltle ----------------~xpe ri en c'<l ~ardener LA .:0-: lJSCA P L"1(; :lnd CLEAN IJPS l.Tbf-rty ~·16.'\9 CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance U l (O .. iza AMl&ICAN AVE. Ph. HEmlock 7-1203 I PRE XMAS OFFER Hand Braided Wool Rugs • $3 per sq. ~- All new materia l patterns or.hit and mi1s See our .election of imported china, English acenery and vine & wheat in brown. blue, Roney's Smell Appliance Repairing lron1. touter1, cof!ffl n11.ken. etc. 2232 N'•wport Blvd., Cott.a. MeiM. (!'or. ot Vktorla ii Npt. Blvd.) U 8-&019. 4tc:54h • ---•# ____ _ • • • • • • • INVENTORY CLEARANCE 30 to 50';'r Sa\'inp on lhia "Clear the Floor" SALE AT BAY FURNITURE .• 1 Hausken-W atson SPDRT CAR CENTER. JACl'AR. lt,C , AUSTIN-JiF...ALE\' !>lORRJS. At:!:ITL"'i Al~f.·A ROMEO Rt':~Al.'.LT ':>.'l'w 1..:11 r .Snl<'J .t s .. rvtc• Clean L.'.s1·1t 1..'1u 11, AU ?.take1, lm- portt'd a.ncl DomeaUc. 2Z01 SO,:\IAf!"I" i;lT, S ANTA ANA Kl 2-07!18 193!? llARBOR DL\'D. tJEWPORT HARBOR NEWS -PRES S T P,\RT 11 MONDAY , DECEMBER 2b, 1955 -PAGE J 48--Apta.. & llouw for Rl-Dt 43-.4.pta.. & llo~ for Rent. Cabanas Marinas Lido P eninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch OFFERS OE-ligbUul li\·ing. Apt.-Caban11.s. l't·ith Utilities pa.Id. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. ~fAIN ST .. CORO!'-IA CORONA 118 j Rtfr1gtn1.tor tilM Philco Deluxe le.rce t11.1n!ly g(Jf'. Repo!!ll!e•BI!<! h•11 !•r1e "olored Vtf elable c:rl•· J>f'r , Stith'"' ln the dO(lr 6' •II ... 1ttr1• . .5 yr. gu•rantee--nothlng tu pay doWJI. If c:rMit O .K. by Hank l ~t payino>nt of $8.83 due In 4:1 .Jo.y•. RIJ. dut 1• $1&7 .8•. s.,.. anylhllt D1ay or i:vt . •l 1441 \\'. Chapnu•n. Orungo>, All New -- DINETTE sc:Ts COST A :\t:ESA LI 8-~t " Yacht slip accomodationa. Dail)'. y,·('('k\y, monthly, )'Carly. MOVING ABOUT J AN. J3t INTO NE\\' BUll....OJNG WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE %9-Belp Wanted Gffil..8- EARN J.fORE THAN EVER BEFORE! Our ntw, h lghr r •tarung "'lllge .nd frequtnl in1·re11~eR give• you thl• opportllnlly, Openinga now tor - TELEPHONE OPERATORS 1 W e will train you a nd you'll re- c:elv• many otller bentfit•. -Appty - &I•>,; No. Main Strut, Rm. 211. S11nta An11. 9:00 to ':00 p. n\, PACIF1C TELEPHONE BAMBOO DRAPES f'lj!-;TO"t '.\IADF:: AN\' SlZF: 1'11~····· ~lotl'llll~ Ill 21 1' 11 ~Q. fl, !Jeauuful New \\'etV<'A l'nt trrn~ For All Dtcetre Klr11ch C"rUHn & T t'RVer11.-Ro..!11 See Them On Dlspl•Y In Our Siore SANTA ANA TENT & A WNINC co. ~ANTA ANA 1626 S. 1'1•tn , Kl 2·3!1 1:'! Knitters 40tfe t:111J CoU..c:t KE 8·M1!'1. PHILCO l~ ~u. It. rerrlgtr11.to r, 8'1 lb. 1u.:roe• to p frttur. E>1clu1!ve Phllco 1,;·o·Wlll)' door. 20 below frtci;lng temritrature $339.91'>. ':>.'o down 1•P)'1nertt. :?.96 ptr wk. THRO:-.OSON'S 181.) Nt\\'pDrt Av~ CQs•a :>.!<>1111, tf ------~~~--~ O 'KEEFE "' MERRITT r•ngl'l, ·r,:; n1odel. L11."'P a. clock v.·llh o•·en tJm,·r. Cllroml' gnu broiler, Biid th11.t lift up top. U11ed one n1onth. $1i9.80 ciuh, or p11y S8 :;;.~n~~~· K~i48l·!IB0i C~ap1n•;1; !! f'l.' \l'ROL'C:llT JRQ:" :IU>i 4<> :>.l!ci• Top 4 f01<111 ruhl,.,.r ~1·11\ •'!1>1ir~. ~ .. 1~11. \l\blo!- 169 . .)0 VAt.t:F. CU:ARA :'\!'~: AT l~A Y 14.~.~0 .!'. PC. C HRO:>.!F. DJNE'l"Tt: ':\'l'\'!'llHtr T:thl<' 'fnp :\0,40lii 8 ~Slt-11•1> .. 1 t (v11111 rubln:,. '"'Ill ~)u11r~ "'1\h fun\1 ht back• S!l!j :"10 \'A J,1 'F. l 'l1uh ,. •>f 'I •ul<ll'~ \'l..F.J\HA/\:C~: • ii PC. CHR0:>.1~; OR SATtJ\" BJ.,,\C K AT llAY J~7 fl0 1 nr111~ t1·u111 36" round t1•ble \\'Ith :?-12 · ext•·n.<""l 4 t/U<'k ("ll.•)11011 f\)l>ll• !'•'"\ I l\:tll~' h•:n·••s :..11c11 nu.orbit' 1<11' ~1H'•' f•t b:11•k.• 1\'ltl• tll!'!HI h.on•ll•·s l'l..EA ltA ~C ~; ,\T llAY 111!••111 ;~ N ' J'tl'':\'(';\:>:' PUYVE :\IA110t:A:"'' <l llH•ll<'. 1·hnir 'e o f 111•<.lf'slal txtensl•;,1 vr <lr"p ll'!t( 11\bl~ .. lyrl' hiH k uphu lll1'•!'i·rl ~··11l <0h1111·•. $1 79!)0 \'A.Lt'E l 'Lf:AJ{,\:-.'CI·: . AT U,\ Y $1'.!J.~u LJVI NC: ltOO~I !I PC .\IAl'Lt; \\'f10 U ,\H.\1 1:R1.,ll 'l' l11<'1l1d1'• ;:nfn ·j'l1tl fon11 ruckrr · Chit> 1·11 .. tr · ~ Sl•'P ,·nor -I ''"((,>e t1<b!e • :? table 1!11np~ 1ruff!t shAd<':<I "'Ith ""H<'hlllii,IVOud IJHSt' 3·Wll_I' !ln,>r !111111• • $349 . .)0 VALl'F. -CLEAR,\~('~; AT RAY $:!:Ii :10 1948 Hudson Std11.n. Go'lQd rondltlon $195. COTTON GOFF 21 16 Nl'\l'f)Ott Bh'<l., ':>.'<'ll'J>0rt Ur i'\ ___ T_'_''_•·1,lu1ni·~~~r 8 _ Grant W. Musi<:k Your Hud son De aler For appt. or rcscn·ation, Call Hnr, 2992. 34tfc 47-"·antNI to l(font -------Rentals Wanted IV• net'll apta "IL(I llCJUl!<!ll In all attliorui fot bQU! w tnll't an<l y•ar'1 if'll.1<!. F\Jrn. or unfurn. u )'OU h•V• ll vac:IUI<.')', phone tod1y IX.4.-Apti.. for Rt'nt RENTAL ,1 SPECIALISTS !'nil Edn11. C'ralg Blanche Gat es , Rltr. Th " l C 3!1 ~::1nnu JI •'•• C \I OgC 0. Balbn:\ l.Sll\ll•L l h1r. lli7\ 7:/tfc 3:?0l \V , Ci;t, H\\·y., Newport Bf'h --_ Phonl! L!bt'rty 8-:H8l I ('hal'nllllg' 11 nl'bnr 1-i:l\'t'Jl S1\l.E S ilnd SEltVIC F:: 208 ~tarin<>, Unlt.ol\ l.sl1u1d I \ . p . ? , . r. -·)-f'hOnl'l ll11.ibnr 444 " p.1rl1111•n ls • 11lJr'li!\ _53 N. Los Ang('les KE;>·i -•81 ~6(17 E. Con1tt ll y., C"rnnn dt'I !'.l.i.r :-."f;\\' 4 l{U• •:>.I, ~!n·1'l 1r1·,•t. !'>'.<'tt r Aneh1•1n1 t ::111·1 P hont: tl1<rhor il tl I ft!'h•"ll~. rh"l'Jl"lt: <1 11111, r.iu11•f. . •••• --:.. L1,10 Orn,·~. ;11 1G Via l.ldr'.l r•lf'/l~l"•I, '~. hhll" (:.11 1 •. 11"' ·l•~-llAl'P Y l.l l"rl .~ •• L• I /.\.\11ll Ill 11,.rl>"r 4g7 1 I'""·"· luto11,1t l'. ~l•'"'f:" 1 ,.,1,1~. H1i1'1•il<'fl' ,._,. oluh ~1·d11n SJ•<1r! l.7U~ :\l'\\'f'lllt Hf1·<J . ,·,,~11~ ~,~ .. ,. ,l:.OT:r).:P, l -.·:~·•1 "I'~··· •f'\1'~ , . .,. tr1111. <1u11l 1u11ffte1 .~. ,..,1111, lt•J'"' J,!li•·rly 1'·!1.">B7 l<i" f>ll••·t 1 , ... 1 "''l''ll•""'n, ,(·\\'hit" IWrJ lutu• t.(J\\' :>.1JLJ•:. !f l' ~1 ;!1' !:'tro t H tl•!l l 'I•"<' ACE J:!IOO. Prl\'11\c ownr r hl __ J 1:1 .. , k s .. oni. "' l t•.:11 ,-: h·•"I 1)-l ·l·ll rnorn•ni.:• ,(, t.1·,·n lui:-.~ J ,\t.."i\I 1·:·1:xro;111:1> ,11 ~r:-; WANTED Colo red man un'lt:r 40, t'Jr>J>f'rienctd In a u101. Dlllll'R wulllnK. pol1•hlng. Ju brlc11 t1nK ,a, Janitor work. s .. ~ COTrON' GOFF, 2115 N~\\'porl ni1·d. O'Kee:!e A Merritt gu r•nee 19!.!i d~luxe folding-l op 1nodc! 111111 1111 c:hromt griddle on top, Jiunp a. clock wHh oven timer. chrc.1ne grill broiler. ll•ed onl)' 3 months. Being tr&n1ferrl!<I Eut, ta.kt ov•r my cont n.ct w ith the 811.nk I< pay off the ba!. of $137.69. Only pay 1'1.82 Jlt'r n1onth. No ca8h \.\'El.CO~fE to 1ny new ~hop, Con1e nttde<I. My eqully fret, .,.,. any- 2 PC l\IODEHS Bl '.\ll'f:R •'n•I ~•·l · ,\1:1.'1!'11 .. ii' .~ .. re tf1•·:1n Li:. 4' op<'n rn.i rh111 1·. T .. p 1;1·:.oli! • d11r11lll<· ""''"'' ~i.1r,. .!.1:'::-_:\11ls. k llou~ __ \\·1:-:TJ<:r. 1: \T~:s ~~f<1 !>~ .\11.;H(.'!'H Y !>IOXTCl.AIH l'J•E, C!ioiec \\'1nt(•r l·:entals u11 Bn!bua ls lanJ & l.1dt1 Isle I 1KJ\-ll n11~··"' for l~t•nt --1n un1I hrlp Olt build t11w11nl time Day or Evt'. at 1441 \\' SZ79.!IO VAl..UF. CL t:ARA:"CE A'r MAY $\b9W _\'()ur nel'dll fur nee11!~raft. Chllpn11.n, Orang<'. CJ\'E 11 ll1and \u11l for Chri•lml• C•ll Col!ec1 KE 8·.58tj, :'I Pr RATTA.1': S t:C.'TIOXAf, f.'1t0t.:P. Inc ludes 3 r1· ~•-....\itrn· 8\ • f<UUll rubber CllShlOn.<;, bo!ia f!1•:i.. Cl)Vl'I' -l "l~!"'thl. l I ''"1'11Ct \11h!t-. IHl•I !l ·I 11H•n1h~ .Ill~\ l'•'1 •ll'1•,\ -------------------- Used Cer Loi Man Sf:i;; LOU REEi> or ll1U Kr11111- t>ll0Jz. I.OU REf:D Chrysf,..t f'lymou!h, 1200 \\'. C~t. Hwy '"" ARE YOU TlRED OF \\'~ ~l tll h111·e • ff'W Je(t. Sit N' Knit 313 I!: LO-HEET STA1Xl.t:S..'> STEl::t. COOK\\' ARE -FIC:HTIXG C'ltOSS. 1'0\\'X Sl\l••JI T .. rn1• Ser,·u-t- TRAFFJC LI .II :'>38i lln}'1Ull<' • ""~I -ROUTINE JSSIDE \\'ORK 1 ~ ~-;;;-~'k;t~11 l;11.;.;Henl ron· 1tltl•Jn Sl!l HYrb<lr 11~7-\\' -LOSS o~· l'AY FOR VACA-4Tc49 TIO!'.'S -NO CtlA Nf"£ FOR AOVA!'<ICE - .'lf.~ST Apply 1030 F;, f.~lr:ll St. Sllnt11 An11., .\Tull. to l<'tL, 8 3U t1 nl, tu ~ 0!'1 p 111. \\'., >1·1~11 r>ur 11111.ny fr1tntlll 11. .\trrry'l:llr!et111A11 ~n•I llnppy Nrw Yr:ir C/IAliLIE DA VIS A f'lllplo}'ef'•. 1)f IJ111·111 All\lijlll' S/u'lp 111n5 ,.:, A nllhf'illl SI . t. fl 1 HF: ll·!'!U3fo 4j,.49 SOUl 'lif:JtN C.'OU f\.'TIF.S - - ---c· \S CO .t.IAHQUl':T'rP: Are \\'f'ldt'r, 1new1 •' · I 3 hp J\1t Ct1llll""s"'1r. 2~0 Volt 111111 1nl,re11!1ni: nut· of · 1loor11 .111n11ll! p>1a11, 8•e 11l PATCU'S J"h~ fo r hlf'h ~.-houl ~r1u:h1M \,.• lith St. •l f'Ja cr nl111 , J,l 3.;!)115, 11'1·•1.) Wllh ROlnP n1..c:h&nl(:&J 21tf 11p1 1 111r1~. {)-dllY, 40 hr. w•ek. t fl< :u \\"(11\I E:':>.'. Sr•·••rol nrr11·., Juba, I•<'· tn1y &· olrrm .. •l1r .\!r.!N or1·nun- \ 1n\. >1t'Vrt11I tr1i:1n~t'll At oth•r~ :-, .. ..,,. JOba thuly Jl'Nf<: 1-'AH.AAR ~;MP'L. AG'C\' 40:?1, • '.l~n•I Ht Airvu l lrJfl' 1'11y tlall Beacon Personnel 100'~ '."1J .. J<:~: l:J•Jl•l en1J)luy1•r retained a~('ncy rolll"<'lN !rom applicant Nfv.•port B••Ch -------- SF:l.L OS fF.R:>.l ~ .II Fl I •t:l..J~· A T~:.'>sl'::'\' ca.w. I !:;t>. I ()NJ<~ 6 I\ rrf1 IK• rfttnr $:~1 o."'F: l•tJ::• ...,,m111r11 , .. 1r1-= l 7:1 ! t SCALES. S6:1 1 t:vsDOLA J::r. I C•LL owntor LI 8·62:?3 morn1ni• .1r 11flrr !.p m 01fc , KATEY DOANE Nearly New Apparel ror 11o·on1en 11.n<.1 chlldrtn. \\'r dn i ll kind• of· Plll'rl.tl(ln•. 2721 £ Cout Blvd .. K1nd,.1!1 l'•tl11. Corun• df'i 1'\ar. 40c.)3 BICYCLES PAl:'\'Tl::D A ltt"rnnd1Uontd, GlllLS A BOYS SCH\\llN :-1 b!C)'cirR l.\'lll&bl ... 11111 Al'TO rlr B11·y(le arct.,.nnr• lor hurt nu11ut e 1nopp!n1C Optn t oll 6 pm, X n1111 ~:•·~ N""''port 811100. AlltQ SLipply 2111'< .... r\\'p()l'I ~11 , ~l'"'\l\>Tt lk h Fresh Hearing BAITt:fUl':S Aid \\'a G1¥t S.trtt Green S1amp1 Gunderson Drug Co. Main St. at Balbi» Blvd. 81lbol H arbo:rt 515. 98tfc »B-A~l!.~-'!1' _____ sg~p.e!~~ ---- USED APPLIANCE BUYS C;AFFl::RS & SATTLJ::R titbit' top J::ai. r&nJ::l' $49.!>0 GAFFERS & SATTLER "·h1tc ta ble' top gas rangl'.' with oven control Si9.50 WESTERN iiQl..L\' g-aa range y,•1th o,·e n con1rol ''<'ry clean $19.50 KELVTNATOR Refr1gl'rator 6 t u ft . S59.50 GIBSON 6 t u. fl. Refrigerator $64.~ WESTlNC;HOUSE 7 ('U. ft. Refrigerator $99.~ SERVEL Rcfngtr11.tor 5 1 ~ cu. ft.. left hand door $89.50 KELVINATOH. 8 cu. ft. deluxe R('frig(•ralor $99.50 KEN?t.10RI-:: wringer Y.'a.Kher dcluite S·l5.00 EASY $PL~ DRlEll.. deluxe modC'! S59.50 WF..STINGHOLSE clectru:-range. latl'.' model $00.50 L & H <'lccttic rangt', deluxe model $99.50 A \,I., GL'AltANTJ,;ED WAS HlN'G ,\IA<'Hl:"lc.:S. AL'TO~IATI (" A~(J \\'RI NGER TYl'F.l'I R.EASONAUt.Y f'IUCED-Bt;Dt.;ET TEft 1\IS->'Rl'.'.E ' KNOX HARDWARE co. 420 E.Allt 41h St. Santa Ana OA Vf;Nl"ORT lo rh•ir. , -.><l , , n· dltinn 18:1 \\rtna:rf Il l'" "ll•h· •r J IO 11u1rtte •"\ '''"'"" l l,"• U 1-?0PI o r LJ S-l030 471'.50 KI 2·2336 JAKE 'S --~-~ -•~tKE s r.-.·. r.xa1J stt rue-ER , APPLIANCES 2t." b1t'yc)e 1n 1•"1<1 rnnd1tinn 11137 H11rt>or B lvd r l:JU'ECT x.mu r 1n 120 I u ,..~11~ c~ MH• Harbor *4-A. "p60 4 7ct• 1 _________ _ SZ.-Funlture for Sale ~EDROOM SETS IS I< g DRA V.'ER dresaer, mirror, bookca,,,. hcadbo1r d, from S:\9.!10 T\\'l!'-1 M•••le bed >l'Lth n111ttre.e:ft & boli ~prlng, onty J.59,!IO t'ft 6 & 9 ORA \\'EH n1l\ple t1rt~""r. with mirror, froni -· .. S79 :,() Living Room Sets Modern & :P.fa ple AS NIC I: A LJNE •• you would find anywh•re. \V lth our low overhead you'll be •urpr,/ll!d twv.· mu!'h \\'e cen 11•\•e you. l'll'a!I(' t•kc & look It will l'•Y you. GOOD TERMS. RETAIL f'URNJTURF: BllOKERS Open Fnd1y l::vt. 3nJ •l Spvr1..un Kl J -243tl Siont11. Ana 40t(c: 13:?9.)0 \'AL!'t~ Ct.f:ARA~t;~; AT BA\' 5 1!!9~1 2 PC l.A\\'$0:'\ BED i)J\'AN· St.::'r !? \Ont' blrg• l)ou\'11• c<"'"r -bo x ph:•l • 111/IL<'lllng t'on1fy ··lu ll rh3!r 1219 . .50 VALLIE --L'l.J::AH>.J\"!'I:: -AT BAY 51 3!1~0 11 PC 1'10D£RN LJVJJ\"Ll R 001\1 C J{Ot,;P -ln•'h1dr1 hrd <1!\•11.n \\'Jlh 11111.tt·t111i.: , hair -•l1lr:•blt• 1nl'la lro r ut•rr . 2 ."llt'fl t'!ld l 1•ocktllil t!ll•I•• 1 ':\'o•\'i'l l>1>H trop1' I -2 rnuoli!rn 3 ·"'"Y to1!.>lt1 laU•!IR • <111t1blt· ll"r .!!<hl\•l•'>I · I 6·W•Y f111.,r lanlJ< $:?89 ~0 \'Al~C E -Cl.t;A.HAN L'.t~ AT lJA\' $19!111" BED R0011f • lri<·l u<lt'~ ~ <1111 \\'t•r duul.tl" dn·~.~rr 4 ~ bt'\'f'I f'dt:1• t•lrt1 <! lflllrflr -l1nt1kl'R.•t1 )1":t•lt/U/lrcl - 51119:"10 \'ALl 'E: l h oukon 1n~1a\ fr:.1n~ L'l.t:AH/\NCt; AT BA\' Sl2!>~,o 6 PC ,\IAPLf: Uf:IJHUO:>.f {;Hut:I' • 1ncluolr s Ii rln•"•'f doll· l1le 1lrr•11 ... r -l"""'f"r p!O ll8 . lg . f rl m"'J pl11l•• n11tr1tr • ll'~•k· <'R~O 11~11dt.:.oar<l • 11\r\lll (1'8111" • U, !:( Koy\On '"""\ rublwr r11H\tr•·B~ . llftn!l·li"J l1••X ~111111 11: 11•'1' i:-ra•lt' 11l1111u1u'l1<l1~11 134!1:00 VAJ,l.:t: CLt~AHANC~; AT BAY $'.:J~i:~1 '''''·!'~•'"" or•l<'r"-S::6~l' "' \'•I\ ll1J""• Ll\I•• 1.•I<'. l11<r. 4t;711H 4 ~I,' I~· 40-A-Titt" &:. Pnrt11 Nev.· and Used 1'RUCI{ .AN!) Passenger TIRES 8-Hour Recapping . Service Com11lete Brake Scr.·icc ANli Front l;'.nd Alignment lJA\'r:NPORT, <111rk it rrrn "·ooi 1.-JNERSPH.INC AND ROX SPRIN(i SETS HOAO ~f;H\'/('F: ~·1r«~t"n" n 1.,11: .. t l'h1n Your11 f,,r U\\' A~l11ni.: I Wf'f>d Sl!O. H 11r M'l:'!1 , 4~p:'!O J{l()lj rnil m11t!n°MI. IH1i'Urt1.1Lu1!,v ··ornfO/'llOhh· lO·)'t!llr ~U•t- :f2-A.-Anfk}UMI AN'TIQU~~! 1ne..ke lovely Xn••• gift.I \'JI.It our largt 11ture. - l.o•dll of t11rl! lO\'ely old c:ll1n11., rlork•. ]011np•. pl.-tu rt•. old phonoa:r•ph, curio.. bnc-•-b•lll', "''"'· CtiARLl .. ~ DAVIS. 1'10[) E Ana· ht1m Sl , t. U. tlE 6-:1039. ATI Antique Oy,•nera Repair CHI~.\. Gt.ASS A BRlC-A·DRAC Elr11n•J r ll'K .. efe JArk»0n 7·277i 852:: \\'•1ktr Cy11re1• t f HOLIDAY • IUl1 f'•! • "11 ll uutt• luni; ll<1' .. p11n~ $1 49 :'!0 \'ALl'f': t'Lf:AR ,\XCt~ AT HAY I SP.~ Qlj ~~EX SJZt: t80"J Reli..'<-0-l'~ic, r :ro:tr11. /u·n1 lnnr r1pnng m•Llre .. •nd bn• •pr1nc •et -10-ye•r g\lllrll.lll"1.'! 1149,11-0 VALU E: -'c::utARANCE • A T llAY 5 89.~ S t;Pi-::RRE8T tnnen11rlng m11ttreN 11nd boll Rprlng att 179,)0 \'At.C~: t:LJ,';ARANCJo': AT OA \' $ 4.~ fJO BAY FURNITURE "\\'h .. re Ptln·~ Are lltld At. Bay" 42; E Jjth i;·ree Storrfront P&rk 1nr; OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 • • • • • • C::IJ8t9 )fP~ll Ten11• • • HOWA ·RD RYAN 601 -809 W, lat St. SANTA AS A ' i.:1 3·8363 "1-Auto Sn\'IM Motor Overhaul NO 1110~'EY 00\VN * with this ad * 6 Cyls. . .......... -......... $·IS.SS 8 Cyls. . ..................... $58.SS Lllc:J.udc,t ~h l.abot an I parlA. ~Z..i\-"J\.ntlq~ J\""''" rlni:~. v.·r1~t ptn!I. \•1111ve: i!•lnrl. !ltt!nl!ll nr m•ln An(I rod I BUY ANO SELL llllttnn1;s, i::Xf)('tl motor tunl' up. 1-:AHL\' A~IEHlt;A:'\' 'ul, ,.,,t,,rr1.I, !iO-Uay or 4,000 mL!•· j:;\ll'tllnlre. p11u .. m gl11.u-P n1nll11·r1 An· 1:-;o 1'-t(IJ\"F.Y 00\\':•:f. SPECIALS 11,111r 1urn1t11r"' 01111 flnr 1h111... Rf.::DUILT EXGIN BS New · 1956 TV Tlif'' BIG OLD Jl.EI ) BARN 1-1n• to 15 !i-1 0 :>.'TllS Tn l'AY- t: Jt·~l11'A:"I\ K l 3-3'2-il 1 Built In our D"'Tl fll.!'tory by M\111..d 1 1:>/'ll;J Jl,.rbor Bl\'•I. Gartlf'n i;,.,,.,. n111ch1nl~I•. l.Jun t r n11\f'ntl wllh We Are Selling Floor SampleJ and Demonstrators :ui .. :.111 tilt! m .. 1,11 .. n111n. Buv d1 r~rt . REBUILT and INSTALLED Small & coiy ur l11.ri:e & dt!lWI• 11!1 IU $JOO 111unlh VOGEL CO. :?O.!I Marin., A\'e . llnlb"a 1;:11\nJ l'h. llttrbor i~4 or llarbor :ti~! I l.\l•fl \~I .I , '.! 1,. :1·, '"" :.-1, h.•I II 1 ..... ' "' .inn' l hB~•·· :<lip f ill' 10 fl l• .. .,T ,. , d I.~ 11 \'JI(· 1111 I •t' t 11 ... 11, ~ < ltl k"I , t • 10.\, ,Jh l Lll t\1 I) '"I lh l•L 'd"I I I•• ·1111L, ltt'I. liar. I iMi·H or Hltr, J(l;,\1.:..1 tHtre l'·'I""' " 11 J , --------------\ :-.; .... ·1,.,,, ATTHAL-rl\'t; 1 .111\1:.: h•hnl !Utll I I ' I•~. Ct~!l\lt'."I jHtl.J, l "I''' 1i11!•l1 0•1\ $::, ,\h > '1•••1 1,.11,., ll""•" T Lt!1 J.aun.!ry r<~•IU 11 1,1 ·~: 1'••1' ·~rr!J\I .\1 11.<Jn •~ I rr , 1'•111'•.llhl Al'l' .\TllTl·:L 111:; :-;,"l""I 1:!1 1! l ' .. 1u1 \\~hi"' 1•ut .. I :"pl H••a•!I, JH~l ll!>OJI .. lh ,. 1-•: l 'l "\l:r •. -i:J·:l·' ~"JI •11 , ... A t'i'h"'" 74',fl' •.lorr•llth• '• t·11 (I 11o 1 .,: •. io\ tH 'l :A:" F'Jt(),,T. 111111"1 l••r>l"!I ---- lttrn Ul •f'<'t •IUl'l••l< ,;l"•I '~ ti I lilt L~;A:-J.: ,L j., l 1 .. 111 1 .. IJo·,1 t l1U~; 111141.• ,\· f'l"I ~t .. LlLl·I •I '.:I .! '\' ,, , ' " ' ' r • •• $'/o nlu, 1 .. r 2 Ln•\\Lol, util, ,\lllll 1f '"!1!'1·· '"'Ill' I ' ,\ l '\I I)! I;, J ,111, 4 ltur ;,1+;.'1./{ I~ I'• I ~•· !.! • ~ ... , , o II 1 l'""' I;. l ' I ~-Apl.1'1. for lt~~l;..__~-t l'\\11 1~1 :•·1«••·11 11•·1·:·1' 111 '""' T\\'0 Bt:l.JJ(,\I /\f•T f\1111 i.; ,. '""II ·• ~'1 ' ! 'I" I· 1~111 \\'int• r n ·o:,d :'•'" ,.11,..r ol p. 1 1 n ;.( 1 .1~1,. 11 I I.I " ,.,,. l :~l -l l lh x• ~""'l'••rt t\"'" h I t•1•!01l ~ll!r \\'l ''i~:H l :t:.~l,\l. •In , 1u111 w ,. 2'j';;'h'11~1;;;fu1:: "f'l. l.:1r1:t l '.! l1•ltnt ,,,,,.,, II( II lo.•\ Ill GAR/\tOE , •il·'l~'~"I i.,"" '!J t ! ll•llhnll 11 1111.r 11!~•1 :>.I ·~·I I• 11<'~T 111\\' & Mf:At~l l I"" '"" - HRo·. 3621.J Jo:, :J•Hh St. •IHo·!,l S ,\l,'\l.1. fli•n ,nll~~· 11111 t"1. _ _ _ _ _ _ :<ull11hle lor r •""I I" $ '" "'"' P'UHN. A.l'T. Y••rly, U..;\. v•ud. ;120 1\lllt'ln., Ai.· ... ]lajl;., .. •~1~ ... 1. C ar1.1e.. 207 E . U..lboa Hlvd ., •111rbor 1809. t &<-.~ n .. n"°•· ·~"~1 - * * * ENJOY LlVINO on th• OC<t&.11. i;-,..,nt. Klt•·h"n"'t1" a 11tJ<, • rn••. \\'llh ptll'lll" hl•\lt. ,\lnl1I ••.-Vl!'t , T\'. ::::116 \\'1•!lt Or1•1111 l"n •n! ll1trb<•r 6•~1 1 4~-T~~':."_!'J~Ni----- 1~,..f<CE Nl'ACES Z.'h:fl8, NO CllG. f n,. <'hilrl,.,.n nl'I f'o"rm hftl'I• HIO f! f run1 l'l"r• •, Uh'd . Enll ,.,.,.,.,. n1·.~11 I.I ,.,jw•~. ,.n1 r.., ~EL *~·~t~~T * r •fn ;d\' f ~~::":1.~-:·~:-:~:.'.-~~-:~: 11!\\lll•. S!UdH• 1:.11 111"· 2 lrlHll I """"" '"i-.. 1 .. t•lLI . J 1,,11 Ll J~:, ""' "' i~" unrurn AIR"I' l'f -.r.1<1 ::1•11e ""trll l~ I l•tr111. 11 J•L """1"1'11, -- ., • .w •~,..,,,,,..,,,"1: ~""· 1 ,..-·M.Al .1~1.1, i'l':~,,· .. 1·1,11 H •t•••" f,.r "'nt•·r l1<kk ><';Oil r.1., '\"th "111 I 1""''" ',.,, ,.. •·n1111111 ~ :-<L . Xe"P"tt U••tt<h t .pt~' 1\l.,•111'•1!1 I 11 t1•1o 11 ,0L , '.!l,,11 --• --~~;lf.: 1.1 1)0 l~l~f': UAt:~lEl.Ult un I !>tit' J.. tllu boln•l a pt.'l. Sht.r! h•rni 1111d Y• Yrly, Al~>:U, I .1du I I •In• • nm! n~v ~·,"'II u .. n,,.a Anl.I 11 p1t.rl111• 11(~. Lll>O ll !-:,\LTY Asso('tfttC's lf,irt,,,1 •I I t I .~I.II(• e NEW OFFICES I.••• '11•··1 Lil -\VESTINGHOL.iSE 21 " Blonde Consolr. Regularly .$299.95 Y.'1th your old T\' NO\V ONL'i S2lf)95 SllUHT nLOf'K 3·__.1>o~~ Cat" f r t °' 1..:0Jlli,\"A J•f:l. MAI : ~, ,,,,,. "l • ·,; ____ .;...!_.:'...~--·-FORT).. .. ... -..... ~ .. ·--··· s12t1 :.-0 1 , , .• I J.11 h .. , :~01 !1 lr1\••11lll T\\ t',. }\]Ilg, "' :-;,"1'"1\ 11h·I PHILCO 21 " Console "1nth Golden (;rid Tuner Regularly $33!l.95 \\11th your oh.I T\: NOW ONL'f $219JJ5 ALL SETS FULL Y GUARANTEED AND INSTALLED FREE OF CHARGE DAVIS-BROWN IsR5 J-{:i rbor lll\•d .. Costa ~le8a •'l'T t; Kit trn~ ,,,,.,.,, )11•nkr11 ('l tt:\·R('ll,1':1'. --· -··--· 11 ~9 [.0 fuin ln•hJ,j 111• ''"' \•' ,.._ ,, 14 ! ~ '.:H~+I, ,\1· od .l~ll 1 T \;)I:• ,... . .,11r.l'J FHl-:t: L! 'i·2ft'\'3 ·1:p1\• p..,,-)f k tlUDGF: ... -. Sl.1;1 1 •.(1).;~'I( !'!'!'~. ':>.' t-,,, nd,.I•'. tCHH\'S. rft IJ.li: SOTO ..... _ 1170 ,\Kt' 1··~ 1 :11 :'Tt'nF:BAK ~:H .. -.. -... l !7H Anahr111 1. 1-\EI" OLl.J!-4 &. 1'0':\"TlAt: (; ..... .,_. S\70 •~·t,ll Bl:IC K ... -·~··-···-····""·-· SJ7.) 40-Aulos a nd Trurki. n .. w p:11n! \\'\\' ! 1r~· 11rhol•!•·r- 1ni:: "''l'llTU•nll./I\' • lf'Hfl tlfn• ~·ot•I $!;';'•!• • .~h 11.rol-" '7111"1 ,~,r. , tl l:l J:'UN -· $17.', Loan l'H r f'ro'~ Towing X I:;\\' CAI':. CL',\l{ANT~:t: Bl•11 k n1 11~1 mPl!I unr 1\an1\1n.Ji i '!U!I \llll\~. j;.ollk~~" llnd "" OJ>• n Sun.ta~· l!I 11 ni. t11 :! p nl. BELLES ENGINE REBUILDERS Op•n !Je lly ~ ll'I 7 flll'll "!" ~·:., ·'' '1):11• 111• "'''·'' lll lh t 1; L.A l:r:t : 11<'!1.11>." 10111 • n ~ hlrlh ! bill!\ "I' :'\•I"''' 1•111, f1,t n1•I"! -; .... , ,\l1ti:1•to' 1U ''"1trr 11.,r •17 ~fdv~~~f~:~I ~~ I LIDO ~.~~~~~~APTS. SARVER \\',•.-" ,r:, ""!I '!Ii" ll<tt;' .... •lr·'I'""· Jo1H --- H• It r <l• J••'I'" ""''" ~;,, ~ 1\/ t h.1/' 11•11·11• I 110.:r• T••nll.ll' • t' ,..,, flr~t '"II f .. r ><111•>< 11110> !11lf !ilk. 1" IH1"'1!1""~ • "11t•r, 3 11•~>1~ 111 N ~(l \'0:1 iJf"•tltr nri .,.. Hr" l""'.! • l'! ~1 .1 I '',. '•I •'• ,. /' ,. II ' '• '" I l.1r ) 1,•M I .\ HI o\lL '" ". •I I I • '" I"' ·" \( I· I•• ' " , •. 1.1 ,, " I• •; ~''" '~. JI'' I Iii I):\, '"11 "'\'fl.- ! •' • • l • : ' ' '' i ·, ,, l I rtt ··~1,, "' tl . A'•" II•' I 'j • ·.1,1 •111 ~t. " ! 1 .. 1, 1-11" I' y 11·••::1 11 • J1>1 ., ~ "r "' • • r '• J 11 '!',.. • l11l" ,, 1.' 1 ..... •<'!' 1,. (111 .. ""ll •11• .,, ,,·/. 1!1ni.:·1· ),,·... ,\It )!«1 '"' I'.•'•:• •~~l'h r "' fi<t.l'!. 4,',lf" PAGE 4 ·PART II -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS 8%-Real f'Atate MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1955 -------~ palmer incorporated a Real l'Atate BALBOA ISLAND 60 FT. BAY FRONTAGE. On Little Island. pier, noat. formal 4 b<lrm home. The land value is close to the uking price. ATTRACTIVE 4 bedrm., 21:.: baths, nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small down. Asking $42.500. GOOD FAMILY HOME. Near So. Bay, Lge. yard, 3 bcdrm. 11:.: baths. $26,500 About 200 ft. from No"' Bay. Neat 3 bedrm. furn- ished home. S ubmit down. $25,000 LIDO NORD BAY FRONT INCOME. Large lot. 5 bdrm. 31:: bath hou11e plus unusual 2 B. R. apt. over 3 car garage. Both units newly furnished. QUALITY STREET, Waterfront at its bes t. Fine pier and float. Lge. lawn & patio. 3 fine BRs and 2 baths. maid's or guest rm. & bath. Outside showe r rm., f. a. heat. Glassed in lanai. Asking $73,500. Good terms to qua lified buyer. Har. 1775 -Eves. Edith Maroon HYatt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab, Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island CHRISTMAS SPECIALS VOGEL VALUES p. a. developers of Udo Isle ,'} 45 feet at. t o at. on Orvieto ·--... __ ..... . $16.500 35 x 150 on Havre with Bay View .......... $20.000 50 feet st to st. on Havre ..................... $17,500 ~ee this exclusive home on Via Genoa, Lido's widest street. 3 bedrm. 3 bath, 40 by 20 patio, hardwd. flrs .. 2 yrs. old, and in perfect condition $34.500 _, •' Lido Bayfront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upstairs with decks. 2 bedrm. l bath downstairs with enclosed patio. Both apts. have foreed air furnace. fireplace. car· peting, drapes, refrigerator, stove. Unbelievably prict'd at only $57.000. $12,000 down. 204 Via Orvieto ia the addl'ess of a brand new Visscher-built home that we think you will like. 3 bedrms .. 2 bath, papered dining area, steak grill in fireplace, extra good storage. Be finis hed one week. $32,500 including landscaping. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 via lido, b&rbor 1500 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Bright and shiny new 3 bednn., family rm. 4 bath- rooms. carpeted, draped, and in the cent.er of Heavenly Lido Isle. Never for ll&le before. How Wonder What You Are This is silly, 'cause we know you are a lot ln Shore- cliffs. What we really w&nt to know U. who will build a house on you. Only $15,800. Hurry ! Up Above The Bay So High with a view of everything from here to there. Three lovely bedrma .. 2 with the view. You can buy thla for $14,000 lea than it c<»t i yn. ago. Like A Diamond In The Sky Diamond shapes windoWB invite you to see the Har· bor through them. Cute 3 bedrm. 2 balh home, yard, 2 patios, and room for a pool. Only $24,500. p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -liberty S-M73 B /B OEFINITEL Y-THE MOST TERRIFIC AT BALBOA ISLAND Xmas Specials! Deluxe Ranch Estate NEAT TWO BEORM .. fireplace, on 80xl911 R~4 lot. Only $8000. $3000 dn., $50 mo. on balance. PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family view home, 8 hfldrooma, 81A batha and a Blip out front for your boat. Thia eound, older home in a prime Lido location will off~ a wonderful way of life for every member of that large faml)' of yours -you t oo. Dad. Full price $74 ,SOO. 8ubmtt • your terms. By th~ way, the owner will tnd• for good income or busineu property 1n L. A. or 0ranp County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R -3. Strada comer let 40 x 115. Prtce $20,000. Your huit chance to develop your own tnoome on exclusive Lido Ille. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 21 '1 baths. Huge carpeted muter bedroom with private sun deck. Thia street to at.reet LJdo home h!Ls many luxury f eatures such aa bullt-tn stove and oven. dishwasher -loads of cloeeta - used brick fireplace and an extra large laundry and 11torage room. Price $31.750 with eaay t.erma. For theee and many other excluaive llatinp on Lido Isle call LI 0 0 REALTY ASSOCIATES W. KEMPTON GENE VREELAND 3400 Via Lido J. H. GROHMAN VIRGINIA MANSON Harbor 4444 (Across from Richard's Market Entrance) $600 DOWN-Nice 2 bedroom home in Costa Mesa Hardwood floors, floor furnace. Dead end street. Near •hopping. Thia is nice. Full price only $8500. Vacant -move right in. • 680 beaul1lul \'tew acru In fo'all· brook area w1lh 200 acre. In new waler d111rlcl lnaurlnf t.mptP Colorado acqueducl water plua 3 wella anti pumpa and 3 re11e1 ''ol rw Rambling one-story ranch 1tyle home. large beam ceiling liviQg room 18 x 25 complete electric kitchen, Thermador eye -level oven, automatic disbwaeher and disposal. Kitchen has large dining area open· ing t o patio. Large used brick fireplace and forced air heat. Two bedruoma, one iB king size with big wardrobe closets and built·in drawers. Beautiful $7950-$2950 On. :O-OICE LOOKJNG 3 bdrm. on rl'&r ------------------------ BAY & OCEAN VIEW -2 bedroom home in New- port Heighta. Fireplace, hardwood floors. Price of $15,000 include• plana for add'I 3 rooms & full bath. LOT BARGAIN IN CORONA HIGHLANDS-High up with permanent, unobstruct ed view. East to build on, street-to-street lot. T otal pricC' only Sll .950. Check thia with any others you may have seen! The Vogel Co. 2667 E. Cat. Hwy., Corona del Mar H . 14 7i H. 0757 BAY FRONT Come -rela.x -play -and grow young with me. 4 bednn. and den on t he Bay Front near Balboa. Thia older home has the W('ll groomed anri rared for look. Aalung full price for cost of lot 1tlone. Only $ 000 down to a cC'l'pteJ buyer C-1 ZON~ 3 bed.rm houi;e in hrart of Balboa Could be uRrd os office 1:\,500 \f'rma. BALBOA BAY PROP ERTIE S l~ W. Balboa Blvd. Hnr. 51 ~ 11r Ha r 12 16-J I • •~ ntllt' ot hl&hv.'&y tron1111e. • Modfm, apacloua 2000 aq. rt 3 bdrm, 2 bath &JI eleclr1c, 1bake I root Ra n('h home with a brea th lak1n1 panoramic view from all attlea. • Wa lled. tlood-llchled patio wlll1 I fireplace and barbequt>: a ulo apn nklera tor landeca~ yard • J<'a mlly Ol'<'hard and numero1u OUl·bUlldlnjl'll lncludln( 2 l'\JtAI roll11gu, <'aretakua houet'. • ~ mtlH or ff'ncmr a nd noN · f<'nclng for ca tlle. • Th111 111 on" t1 r the ft'W rfm&Jn- ln1t large. ea•uly a cc e • 11 I b I e r•nt•ht-A l hlll 11~ 1n th« path of I he phenomenal So11them Call- f<1rn1a growth • ~·1111 prlo S 16-0 \100. • Will TRAOli: for lnl'(lrn' prop· et ly Bay & Beach Rlty Inc 111711 lhu hor Hhtl Coa t a MHa l .J &0 TT l4 Merry Christmas BACK BAY 3 bdr f11 •y A<'rf fl4mll)• hnm~ ------1 vt!'W x1m C"OTfdttl<ln .,, • .., M•)I ~Monez to LoaD , 61-ft.'al tAitate_~xch•_!'_~-.1 1"""" w u11w1n 10 huv '26llW ~full bathroom. Garage and laundry room. Lovely drapes, curtains, wall to wall carpet. Price is $28,500 with LC $15,000 at ~I:: $c int. B ig value and well worth the money. Call now to eee lhia home. It's the finest ! ! THE VOGEL CO. 208 Martnf' Avenue, Balboa laland Next door to t he Post Office Har. 444 Eve. Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R Cambridge Estates 16th It 1rvine 7 NEW HOMES • Seven different Elevation• • Each Individually Built • A U have Beautiful and Exceptional CharactenatlcL • Some have Swimming Poola • All have built-in Range a nd Oven• • Restncted Area • 75 l oot w ide Iota • Ft.rt' places STARTING PRICES $21.000 LOAN f H l bdrm '• •• ,,. nrlv ""'" (1111)' S or om es T d , T d '""' ,., ""' .1.t' .... 1 ror vl«W ·~ -io ~· Lo&rw I Q ay S ra e •ro1 . ••!'l.~oo Start the New Year with • New Home Construct.on Loans 1 t><ltm 1'1•1 s ""' •, .,,,. ~0"'1 PHIL SULLIVAN & GEO T EVERSON au BOB BA'ITUtk 8 UNITS PENINSULA l "10" r"'""'"11'11"• Sll vW • • 2516 &AST COAST BLVO. UI• 111' '""''V '""""'' u~oo Wllh I b.lr•H M x 1160 "'"" or h 1ll11 la56 Newport Blvd Costa Meaa Conma cs.i Mar KarbOr aasa 1~1n11111••n1 y•·tu i.11111nd tl"nttn t" s12 ~011 t •ro&1 from (;osta Mesa Bank ) Rep. POIR.1.&R MORT~A~E CU ~" "'"'"""' '""'"I~ II 1111111 3 htl11l1 H AI 1><11 11111~ bf'llt1l V llC _ ~ X.b'o we lM. hnda Kl. 3-~J& ""'"'i••u• ""'"1-" 10111111 t(' .. t 2 $1i ;;,o Phone LI -6 161 f,ves Har. 4366 -LI 8-2103 U uc 1111• '"'"" no" $;12110!1 U $3\lO 8 l't1\ H11ck BIO\' l<>l• $.ol W /\:t()(l, tn lhh '. • \\ rll tr a.1,. ,.qutty 71)()(1 11000. l 'P BUT, MOO&RNJZE. OR CL~:AH Ho.m : TO s:1o noo OR Claire Van Horn L0.uJ8 'lU H VU.0. DO'RU l.'11.1 t1f $.Ill '1><I lot l\&FINA.HCE ~~I \1,1.. ... R HOM!:-; A:"L> I ASH RF:Al.TOR w. Bu1 Truat L>uda I UIC \\ H ·' T H '\' E: \"Ll\ • NSWPORT BAJ..DUA ~"\'INCti "THIS IS H OT1 , .. A U)AJll A880ClA T1UN •• I.SM Vla Udo. Pb. Har 0 00 G d L A d RI U• or on . n rew, tr. MONEY! ti Fast Action .,t Low Re tu Loans 1 - -1-.J-;,. '•~>Ji I-\ t' H 1H IJ; I J 17• •9 \\ I u1ul Hv.' I.I 5·42ii Bay Shores 2:ii ' C11dt l>t l\f' Ol'f'n I 11.,I) I ·4 :i•r ;"Cl\, l'RIC"':P TU 1n;1.1. 3 t><lt m . l '• bi< I h f 1 J•I f' A ""··· a ll ,.,., k ilt ••• " 1-'r .. , aulJ• rerrn built on Hll<.l lh,.,.11,.. 2nd and 1st S750 DOWN '>•hr '"" .l '"'"'' """' , 11 11~ RALPH P. MASKEY \\"e Ari\• ;\II Or11n1?" c .. 11nty Service In Your Home w,. Buy Trust Dc<'ds Top r• u·• • "" '" 1 "•h n"" Royal Mo rtgage Co. 29-02 Ntwp1•1l Bl\d ;\'pt\ U•h Harbor 15~9 1 11.'\~H CASH ... FOR TRL"ST 11r:El•!'I \\'~t. 8 1101..T MORTC Al.E BA:"l•U:w: S ll':CE IPJO 1809 N. B t.:S H ~A:\IA A:"A KDIBE RL V 3-illll 81-Beal E!t~ t:x!~~~~-­ CAPITOL GAIN CAN YOU AFFORD TO SELL., llll•I 1-;ul I "1 • I •II"., q·•"I I • H .. : \I .-. lilt l•llA 1 .. 1111 $1\~l J'"I 111P 111•hitll :1411 :-\••\'l "l J,t\11 :"j'll 11th I t1111r• .~ HINUI '"'' •• H'I• IM'H 41'1:.! Newport -Mesa Re a lty 179ft :'\tt , ... 1° nJ.•l \II • \ 4tl# l Llbr1 I\ " 1 •"~ ~:1 ,.,. I.I "' 7 ':17 1-'tJI It l\Fl•H~t~ ,: lt.1111• 'I •11 f'' t• • SI I .!'" :--•n di I•·" n f'"' lllff 1 Jfl~•l ""'I•·• Ill\ I 1•, •' I ~ ...... I.I k 171il 17• 1•1 . F(1R ~\t..t. u' <"':-:nt • t>-.. 1. r '""' t,• n • I • hKt I.~ l.tn•I "' ·•Jll'•I &. ll''l I I r ll A lu14n I t-p..,.Jun1 h·u1• .,..,, ,·,.u LI lX't l' ~-11.U:l 01111 ntnli:' ur "''"' !'I r '" 161.fc LIDO R-3 Attention Investors! l'ftl' ·~. KEl.Jl'1 ' .. ;L1 f. ... , r quh k "' •. 11n ,.n l.11~ b11st.1r,.,. f""I" 11 \ J niud• I n tl11ilo,1t1i;tt "" h ~ " 1 •: Ill • 1• ,. nt I• U f tit It l u111tt r,f tH lt'i41'1 s.:. 111 f" 1 f6tun h f '1r11 Jo ol 1tN111l 1 .. r , '" •n~111n ,,,,,..,,. .. t_ 1• 1 k ,, II I '" l\l'tl II 111• I. 11'•1 Ji:IUV.\fi4 rJitrl 11f lt~'' :.,,.•A. ti., h' 1:1 l t I 1 I t' f '··~· 01'\\ •'1• rl'11t,; ••nit I \\')· rl ltll~ I• .t•• •' 'h.. " 11 A Jir1 ••X s 1111.Ht. ~·n '"'"'" r~1•11I•' I All n-. nrr I 11 .. 1 •' ' tll:? .• munungl! fir ""''' Ii 1 1•1 tic Low Down Lo ~s '.Ill II 11.lls ''" S11 ll11,\ F'ronl t:-. 1 ,,111 M• "· °' tn:~ 1 , >. 13:'1 $.II .o(IO r11di 1..·~11 T I• R ui;.f.'11, I rndi I 2ttlh s. s, r,1!0 lull Ht\r. J:'I&:>·\\, or R\ .. 11 1 ·6'1~9 rrkt' s 1110<I tlt1\\n - lbt!C' • --------THl~t.:E luu ll:l ~ •.1:, ••ttr h F: 181h l -:1-:\\ l'l•ltT llt.tlT~ Lt•1' ~I $1•1:'111(1 rnll PrH'I" 2:0'1 d" !'1•1 ' U 7 1 .. 1 "'11 11 • ·1~ ..,. .: 11 nir- Su•"•' 1'1 "111 .. '"'"•·r l,lbt't l'f "·7 1.t" l'Jl J-t1\t•t,l•f•· A \t- 4\ll~:l l >AN A .IAC'OBSE:", n 1•11tor H 11 rhfor MUii or 1...1 ti.rl )' 8-631 i • 491"~1 ----'' FUR SAL..E OR RE:"'T ROW ABO\.iT A TRADr., fot m 1111- &l'•r OJ>fr•ted clftr lnrnml' 111 "f'· e.rty we•t end of Los A n1o:"''"' Valued al $66.000 wllh 01·•'1 J l0.000 a yHr Income • l11w ..XJHlllH· Am rfllrlng 6 am tn· tu•ted In Bay Front -propert y Wiii trade up or down. Ownrr. WEbl!ter. '6Hl or wrl~e 2ll07 -\\ '·'lhl'r > 11u 11rr 1n bu~llH'itl! Cot South ec>c hran Ave .. },(lit A n·j )'OU•<-lf•r "nrk r .. 1 .... mr•1n,.r lt1I', sel• ur. I you • i.11 u't 1hf' , IA.01tu·e1 ""'" Lo :"F:\\'L Y ,..,11'('n1 alf•I ma<'ifrn on!' bf'.Jrm hiunr c .. r11i.rr ... 1 .. rai:e I 1oom ~11 e 1<w11t1on :l84 LA l'rrlr. ~t" J>Ml Hts.. dtslrtct C M L..Jl>frl,\' 8·117e 38ttc JU\O~JNVITED your ~rl\11nl A1?r I<' ~"''! ~Olll Hr· 4Jlfc \'l('fll, r:••lll<t or 11.~.~11.m1 11M!. BAYSHORES In this cxrlua1\·e del1ghtrul di.strict we have a 3 8 R. horn<". comp. fum on large lot -with apace for swunmtng pool \·ery lo\·ely new patio 22x36 Partly M\'tre<l With rtu t1c gla~ \'acanl snd tf y11u act f ut, you can enJOY Xmas 1n your new home. 1' nc.e S24. 500 BALBOA ISLAND CL 'TE 2 8 . R -Comp. rum . m immaculate cond. on rear of excellenlly IO(at<'d comer loL Build ll home in frnnt ancl ha\·e iin mcome from this one. or u ound $2000 per year. Only $18,500 THE VOGEL CO.-LIDO OFFICE 3·L16 \'ta L1<!0. Npt B(·h . Har 49il or Ha r. 4972 Evrs Har 21!11 ·~f Har. 299 ·R or LI 8-5297 'BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE W(' l a n build f11r you R I wn-bcdroom or 3 be<lnn. home for $ l 60 ~q ua r (' Foot 100 % Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 garages $295 Wt> ar<' building on Wallacr. 8 ay. and Avo<:Rdo Su . Starting l'hortly on 1."'.th & 30th StA. Call ur Phone for Informat ion .•. OPEN SUNUAY S & WE~K DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11041 We9tminatcr 8 1\'d., Garden Grove LE 9·0633 • I or lugb level 101. 300' deep. Hot epol Joe. for unite. On Sanla Ana A ve., nea r 23rd ~E\P~f!e!. !.~ ~~~ c.M W&Jkm& dlat&nce mkta. A cen- t.er of lOwn. XLNT. t~rm.a. KERRY C HRISTMAS f rom Hou$ton Realty Co. A ASSOCIATES a.rt.rude Seymour H&r. 11298-W Tony Pelllte Llberty 8-6487 f'loyd Lytle LJberty 8-204% 009 Cent.r 8 l .. Co•t& Mua LI 8-41911 • LI 8-77U B/B Corona del Mar Shoreclitr • Quiet canyo n view lol • Spac. 2 bdrm. • dtn • 2 b&llu, ~rfttl k itchen • Luxury built throu1houl • '37.000 ruu rrtl'ff, lerm• • Coma -thlJI wondertul horn• Corona Highlands • .A twcury home •II• • Spec• acular view • 113.bOO f\JU price • R~ady for your C-Ulllom homf Bay & Beach Rlty Inc <"o ron!l 1lr l Mar Of tu f 3630 & Cou t Hwy. H•rhm !'12411 Balboa Ol'PL.EX. tuml.lhed I I 4.800. Two 2-bdnn. a pta. AU on one floor Walklng t11Jttance tn <lownlown Balbo&. Showtnlir i ood Lncome Submit on lerm• Ocean Front '1:i.ooo GOOD TERMS 3 bl'drm j oldu homl! piu U&lly (111n1.ah~. C-l uine Htart of Ba lboa 2 i-ar ranee at~d ror a pt a bove Coast Properties 301 F: Balboa Bl"d . Btllooa Harbor 2~. 26117 and 4&00. $495 DOWN NEWPORT HTS. AREA z bdnTI•. Ort p lll(' .. w to w Cllrpf<I· lnir. luU of u le n 1n1ng roc1m. p11110. Parmtntir $!1!1 ~r mo. Ne wp ort -Meaa Realty 1799 11' .. w porl Hlwl , t:oslA M""" Ll~rty 8-6M Evu LJ 8·7237 BY OWNER LE SS THAN 0 :0-:E YR. Ot..D 3 'bfflrm , 2 baUI home. hwd. noon~ 2 car gua.itt. S 12,!\00 624 K nowtll Pl., C<>'lta Mua. W 8-&.1111 4lcM Acreage or Lots RESIDESTIAL. commu c1al or ln- 1111.,lnal ar~age or Io ta. AL80 rnn<'hf'• •nrl ll!H•\'"• OA:-J A. JACOBt;EN, ReallOr Har M~l or Lr 11-6:1 17. •&c61 PE::<Jll'SULA • unit apt . 4 • l'•r., r> )'I 11, oM, I~ l>l<lf'k \..o bay. SJ• :ioo Kuy t..rm• A!Jw> :-:EW- PORT HEIOHT8 3 bdrm. bom~. 3 yrs. old. W W C'Af"J)f!llng fl~ r li.t t dbl. sar ph•• s1:..~ Ell•y term• Own,.r, 408 Rlnr· aide Dr. U 8-alM. 4 lcM LOTS OF LOTS! Now is t he time to get on t he ba ndwagon Whether it 18 for speculat ion or future homes1tc. rhN·k our list of those a\'ailable Attra ctive Carpels and drapes included. nicely landsrap<'d with patio and fish pond. 3 bdrms. 2 years old, 1000 down will handle. Full pnce, $10.000 Acre Ho me Ranch 11tyle 2 bdrm. & d<'n with attr11t't1ve f1rt>pl acr and full a.ere of grounds to r fut un• devrlopmt.>nt. Near back bay. $17,500, and only $3000 onwn. . Look-it ! ,. Well built 2 bdrm. home beautifully t!C'signcd and only:.! blocka from transportation itr\!i shupp1111ot for only $8000 full pn<'e. Income -Sevent('('n furnished renl11I un1l11 wi th incnm'· of '800 per month. ,.65.000 ~i-Lh111' THE VOGEL COMPANY 1702 Newport BIYd. Phone Liberty 8-5597 Cl')8t11 Men E\'<'ntn~8 Liberty 8-7457 v' ~1 Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLrFFS. 0 <'f'an VJ('W hnmi-~. f'M'1 rnl <'Xl'lu- 11ive ltatings with us 2. DUPLEX -On(' brorm each, cor lot S. I j .500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdrms •'A. ror Int l::x< lu>11\'C S22.~ 4. CORONA HIGHLANDS -Ju~t b11ted oc<'an view. immaculate 2 bdrm, & dt>n. 2 baths Only $28.000 5. OCEAN \.JEW. 3 t:NITS -'l5' lot. A 11teal at $38.500. Only few feet to ocean rront & China Co\·e. SEE t;:; FIRST for better buys m homeM & bu1ld- mg sites 111 Corona del Mar. ME MBER OF' ML:LTlPLE LlSTtNGS. CORONA DEL MAR REALTY CO. PRICE If. McCt.'ISTION, Realtor 3•i4i E. Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar. Har. H tOffice locate<l next door to Corona del Mar Bank) OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE 2 homes. bf>aut1fully furnished on large oc~an front lot . Only 2 yn. old Wlth an unucelled Yiew from Newport to Huntmgtnn Bea.ch p1eT. C&nnot be du- plicated for home and gu•t boUM or home and income. Full pnce $28.750. Terma can be arranged . NEWPORT-MESA REALTY 1799 Newport Blvd., eo.t.& Meea ~rty 8-5508 Eve.. LI 8-7237 'DON'T make a · MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE Rep. CHARLEY DRAKE - T reffic O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION-WIDE MOVING' Ph. Kl 3.9221 Eve LJ 8-2961 CorneT Newport Blvc1. and So. Main St. 62-Real Estate "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMA ~ HAPPY HOLIDAYS "C" Realtor AND ASSOCIATES H . Veme Snodgrass Ethel Shirley F rank W. Hl11 Gordon L. Andrew 224 W. Coast Hiway, Newport Beach LI 8-5527 "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS "C" THOMAS ~p ~ a c ~~11t:;;:;wC May the me88&ge of the fi~t Christ mas dwell in your hea rt a l thiJ1 joyous season, inspiring renewed devotion to its shining ideal of Peace on Earth. Good Will toward Men. BLANCHE A. GATES, Realtor 311 Ma.nne Ave., Balboa Island Ph. Har. 1671 or 1672 REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa Island. Corona del Mar, Costa M esa a nd Newport Beach I Extend our heartie11t thanka to you for the privilege of 11ervlng you in 1955. Our a im in 1956 i11 to continue to merit your confi dence ! Newport Harbor Board of Realtors 401 N. Newport Blvd. Newport. Ileach Thia i11 our own way or 8B};ng "Thank You'' to all the folks who ha,·e made lhi11 year s uch a happy one for u11. RAY REAL TY CO. A. J. VICELLIO, Manager Ed Bucko Helene Csenar H. M. Ray John F lood Bob Kalamm 3444 E. Cout Hwy., Corona del Mar Har. 2288 Herc·B a wash for a Holiday ~uon. full of JOY and warmth. May your family be with you , .. your w1sheB fulf1lll'<i FITZMORRIS REAL TY COMP ANY Realto rs Bu111nua Broker Mult iple L1rit1n g 3135 E. CollJlt H1gh~ay. Corona del Mar Har 4!152 To all our f riends and patrflnfl, our wiahea for a Chnatmas .euon t ha t rt>aUy ringt1 t he bell ln evt>ry way . May 1l11 hsppmess Hichten a ll t he day11 &heart. NOEL WOE~ ·: NOE&. ST AN LEY A. SMITH 1 Realtor 264 7 E. Coaat Hwy., Corona del Mar NON-VETS VETS $295 im pound~ mon •i1 you 111 nrw 3 bedrm. 11 _ b;ith, Rack Bay a rea h1>m1· IA-fo r<' New Yrani TtlXeB paid 1.n D<'c. 1956. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES l ~i Newport Bl\'d. Cos ta Mesa LI 8-1632 E ves LI -140{) 62-Rt>aJ EMtate 62-Real E8tate BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. OWN~R -REA LTORS -Willia m P. Yeager, Annr Yeager J, Leonard Smit h. Gloden M. Fay and Randall F . ~ddcs. and Associates Extend Heartiest Christmas Greetings NEWPORT-BALBOA Gloden M. Fay, Mgr. Kathe rine Olson Marjorie Chase E. B. Chase Ruth Te lfer , Sec. 1450 W. BALBOA BLVD. HARBOR 1264 LIDO R. C. Greer. Mgr. Worthington Lee Dick N orton Helt>n Baum Ann Hutchinson, Sec. 311 2 LAFAYETTE HARBOR 3643 COSTA MESA OFFICES ..A-rea .. CORONA DEl MAR Thomas Ca m pbell, Mgr. Doria w a.l.ket' Charles H amilton 3530 E . COAST HIGHWAY HARBOR 52•9 R. F. Geddes, Mgr Robert Goouen Mary Bell, Sec. Arthur Tietz, Mgr. Gillette Bailey Bobbie DeFir 1875 HARBOR BLVD LIBERTY 8-77 14 1696 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8·1161 MERRY CHQISTMAS ' Newport Harbor Realty JIM and SALLY N EWLIN 515 F.. Balboa Blvd., Balboa, Californla B/B BEST BUYS M .950 !"I•" I A R .. 11h "'" nn Cl••" an ;2 JC 1111 Int ; \I •lb' ir11r ,..,..n ~9 :mo 3 B f( h I .. H A r .. nH 1l - l1 lh h~f Sl0.750 3 A R. All •AIJ•f t• .1 l•n·l~u•f>f<l I oAthlll?" ( lll J.I i211\' K il C'lf .. n F 11 A 1..,.w f •n Sl 3.950 3 HH 1 ··1~1 .. 111 lJu•ll l'hUI R11m f'll' 1\111 lt"1 ~ ~·1r,.;•l 1• ,.~ 11 \\' ~·Ir A $ lfl!'\11 1ln ll I S16.050 ;'\pt H I!' l h,.an \1•14 ' 2 \t Own"r H111lt If \\ ,. Ir• ~ ""rl I •It JIH H U\ Kil f.J:,. 11•11' I fl ., I ll• llr•! [111\ J I tllO I :"'' J A• ,,., r l i , ,,. tn !I Ar I,_,. """' n 28 A I,._., 1 I '~ 1n 1 • r t \t•l Ar (1tr1u 1 ,, .. ,, s1:. 00" 1 ! II '•°' Slo'l 111~ I,'~\ s1•:.uo• l'.·2 n rt \;:'-<ITS LOT~' R·I I.Al I l l ' 1;~ .\Ii"' .,..,._ r r • lllAK" : l\(j l••l, $~ 1;1111 R 1 l..nl P,.n 11o-•n ''"' S A ·.011 For the Holiday Sea.eon, we Wttlh one and a u: Smooth amhng and a 1956 full of Jlt'nct'. prosperity and all good t hings. W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor - a nd AS 'OCl A TES G<'nP flurm1 B. T. Cook Erl Jones Ma tt La Borde Hal Tann er "You'll like nur friendly service" 400 t:. 17t h St . '011ta Ml'sa Liberty 8·1139 Signs of thr f\ruson .-;ood cheer. •·arm fncnd11h1p~. ll(rht h1•art11 high h:iprtnt"t;~ dl'rp rnntentment . . it 1s our 1110c t rt' wish that t hey may a ll be yours 1n fullrst mt'uure J. M. MILLER CO. ::?11:?5 W BaJ boa Bl\d Harbor 4091 1Near th<' Newport. Pier ). Tn 1111 nur fr1~nd.s and patronB, W<' extr nd our heart.Jest good w111hr R for the mcrr1<'sl. bright· N il l'h n slma.a <'"er . Bay & Beach Rlty Inc HAPPY HOLlDAY. eve ryone ! ~11.!.': .. ~ :~;.:':r ,l~,',;1 jCOSTA MESA The Best Town on Earth .. I.I II 1111 I I •.,. I I II W I n _ 1 G. N. WELLS, Realtor In come Property B11y 1n1I o,·,.an ''"" r, nm UWTil'to 2 h,.flrm apt 1 unit• tfnt,.•1 r n, t 1I 10 1'"'11 ~jlllo· ' '' r •·v. I.•" ''"" n I'~~ n f'r l T" n ' , . ., 11111 1HOMER E. SHAFER ttF;Al4T<•H 11()6 Mcf'a•ld'n l'I at U1,. Npt f'ln llJ\r 1111 F:"''° HJH ~Zhl\ \\. liar. 11:17 ·M u r 2~o29 M BY 0 \\ :-O:ER 61lx l211 fl lot acrou from moet •Ille prnperty ln l'ut lA MtioA GOO<'I tnr •i>tt h11mt 11t 131)()(). Llbtrly 11·61'13. •6c61h 1-:u-~1-: WELL~ ROY & RAN DY MC'CARDLE 1810 Newr ort Bl\'d . C:ost..a Mea Liberty 8-1601 CORONA HIGHLANDS Three bedrms. a nd den on st:;cct to street lot. Outstandini:: nrw 11( the t'ntirc Harbor Area. Built rn \\'esle1 n Holl y ra nge and ovl'n, garbage d.Js - J•osal. l11tl> nf till' EX<'l'llt'nt tC'rms :ind price<1 t o sci I. .. 3 l.!iOO '12S lJ<' Sola BACK BAY AREA Thret> bd rms .. bath & ·' 1• ranch ;;tyle home. Garbage disposal. lols or tile. Lol'atcd on n ntC<' new qwet street. P rice $23,7M>. 384 Mira Loma. Houston Realty Co. :>09 Center. Co.ta Mt1a Gertrude Seymour TonJ P etit le rtoyd Lytle Merry Merry Christmas l"1 om All nt \ ·• To All nt \·uu B. A. Nereson Rlty. Co. Jay Brya n W. E. W ehmeier Donna Smith !DU Nfwpnrl Rlwl . <'011ta Mf'M Ll~rly 8·1~12 HOLIDAY SPECIALS! .hk tn Me our tuatlng• nr pr,.t•r· rf'r! riro~rtlt• •• our m"ny yt11r11 • r <'Xr .. 11,.nre 111 you"" tor a phone C'llll For ln•t•nr ". 1• .. n111~ul11 hl'lmca !Tom I Hl,:'>110 ur Duplf Xl'll rr<1m Sl 8.~~o a nll ur . • a d•ln•I>• 3 11n1t In• 1t1t1" a1 523.7:.0 &nd nia11y 01t,,r11 Our ,,tlr11 Af•tt"a~I H•·li u1\' \ftl I" 111 a ~u11tul Bav F n nt 11 r It'll. ton lhl' J',.n11\•11I• l'r·n• 111• 2 beJrovm a pa rlmf'nla In "i' h 11n 11 . UJ 1 • r hi• I Iv r trnl•h•d 3 'ar 1t•1rai:r, J1111 n•lrv "" 1 Ulllll\' l •lf n •. 1'11\ A',. hrlh'h &lllJ Jll f r I lithl• fnr $~~1 00(1 AO•I t"rm• It 1a <lnlv 4 .>o re 1 11 &l\tf 1n A-1 cor.•ht1• n \\'f: WJ ~Jl YC W A l.I. A. ME:HR Y C-H Rl !'TMA~ A~n A J!A f'J'T ~ F:W n :.\R Balboa Realty Co. Or!"'~I·,. Ba nk nt Am,.rac11 Rt11<~ c;r .. rJ•Y P:rl r ... ,. A l <'cm 1t hu11 Jo~trhtne w .. bb ;oo F: B11lbna Blv<I , aiilboa J'hnne H 11rbor :1277 LIDO Exclusive V>e h11vt 11n txdu~l w• 11,ltna: on one or Ult1 ftnut 3 bedrm.. 2 ba th h<Hll"l'I c•n Lttfn. Lnca tl'•I on a t om u lot whk h ellmlnall'I 11ny "hl'mmf'd In f!'•llnR'". Othf'r r ,. a t 11 r f 1 111e \\'e~uni:hnull'! 1l1thwuhtr u nd tllapoSlll r..r· r,et~ 1114'<1 hrlr k flrtpl11c1 - lovelv pallo •nd landlcapp;-d Truly r.ne of Lido·• t1nu l homt'a. 133.!)00. C"ll ani1 wt Wiil llhow. "ART " ADAIR, Rltr . HI&& :-:t>wpnr l Ulwl <'r.•t 11. ~feH I.I ll·lli9:l nr ~J 8 ~lie 4i <''49 ONlC -I 20 rt, &, tw~O f t.. ail tLdjolfllng Back Bay a-re&-Could be ft1ur lot.a-Sell 1111 or aepa· .-..te -Cuh <•r tt 111111. Owner want• 11cllon. Hv. 33111 39ltc TWO-Bm·LM. HOUSE, ht.rdwood floon . redt cor&tl'd in.tide and ., NEWP.ORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PA RT 11. PAGE 5 MONDAY, DECEMBER 2b, 1955 EARL W . ST AN LEY , Realtor MILDRED ST AN LEY STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOl:.IDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Lido Realty ASSOC IATES 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 To All Our Frien.ds- -a Happy Holld.a y - -Be.t W iJlhe. for t he New \'ear CONSULT US FOR LIDO'S FIN EST F rom t ht' Drift Hoom t n the Wal.furl. lt't. tinH.' for Chn &l· mJs t hC'• r I,; t s II\ t' tl up- LC't's ha\'c a BaU Hut let'e ncil O\',•rdn lle1tr " R1m<111bt•r what T rue Christ- mas me-1rn K. J t 1sn 't JUSt for k11 k fl ~o lt•l 'R Rurv1,·e old ·55 and bf' hl·rl· (or "56." R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. 8. HODGI<:. A i1~11c-1alr 3622 E. Coast H wy .. Cornna tfr! Mar Ha r 2774 HAPPY HO LI DAYS ! Rill l'\111t1on Lf'rt v ~I rllnrlc \\".Iv llisllt.rr i; 11,.rt f'l'J:rl"1 Bill Sht l nn I J hf' I .,,, II • Kl LLION, real est ate 33-H ?\ew pnrt. Rl\'ll Harbor ~ Orpm;1tP the ·1ty H all WJSHl~G YOU Truly J oyous Day s Ahead S.tty Rolh T"d Johnt l11n J 11.ck Nnkh.a.m Dirk rlllllna l"rArl k Roule ORANGE COA~T P ROPERTIES 1857 Newport Bh·d , Costa. Meu LI 8-1632 To A.11 Our Friends Go Our \'ery Sincere WiRhes fnr a Very Merry Christmas a nd A Happy and Prosperous N <'w Y • ·11 • Lee Bohn t.:harlnlte Fa.ziola Marge Hadfield 1'ona Hyer Mudred Sa.n!ord W M. W. STANLEY r 111n1 R·2 tone-, unr "''"'. C•n" lt vf l Ca~h or ll'rmt . J'rt\'l tr I W. E. FISHER & Associates 302-l E . Coast Hwy., Corona del Mar HAR. 5032 '>ut. s101:.o 1 3:;9 F'lnw,.r St , Cn~t11 Mr1111 •• I T'h'.lnl Llbuty 8-7807 SANFORD -HADFIELD R E ALTORS Ma rine a nd Park, Balbna h;Janrl Harbor 2462 r-rty. Hu. 28U-J. 48p0() Htto I PAGE 6 · PART 11 -NEWPORT H"'RIQR N~-PRESS MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1955 •· Starts Tuel, Dec. 27 Ends Sat. D.ec . list 5 Day Sale on our Complete Stock of Merchandise WE MUST CLEAN-UP OUR ·STOCK BEFORE INVENTORY STARTS ON JANUARY 1st PROFIT IS FORGOTTEN -OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN! SAVE UP TO SO<yo ON TOP QUALITY MERCHANDISE KITCHEN STARS .... '"~ !'ltyttae, .(1&&rant~ ................ 6.1~ .... t'rtr., 4" VTILlTY (;4 N f'IPp-on Automallc rutproot, tia-14. toqh, aolHI.,•• STt::r-os CA.~.~ wit.Ill Retno\'ablt U nl'r 29~ to 4~0 ..... S.I~ tu 11.60 DESCOWARE DE8C0'4'ARE l ",,Uov., hlue, red ~loni, l 'ello'lll' a Red Tr,,Ulll'9 (.'11""1, II pr .... 1 .......... ,., ...... tf.16 CHICKLS f'l 'Rt:R ,_ l!lklLLET ................. ., ........... 1.lG IO YJ llu:b 8KJLL£T l~J·J.'iCH CA8St:R0Lt; l Ql'A.KT .......................................... . CASSEROLX I Q UART ........................ / ...................... . JtOA~Tt:R l Q11ART ........... . 8Al "<"t~ t'A!'I 1 QUART ........ . SAl·<;r; PAS 1 •1 Ql'AllT 11t:AS POT I Ql'ART ..... ... l'!Kll.l .t:T ,11 ISl"H l"Af"(•t: rAS 1 11 Ql "AKT OO• tH.t : RHOll.t:K ? ~l "AKT ~A1·1 ·r. Kt:TTl.t~ t Ql"AKT NORRISWAllE 6.111 ,., S.96 t .96 a.•& •.• & . •.ta •.•:\ It.II\ FIREPLACE ACCESSORIES •·IB&·:>Utt~t;.'.\J.o.._IMJ .s.--..ffir ... ---~ ftl..,.k ,. .. ,~ .. " "" 16.46 ··•Kt; ,"i('Kt;t:s :-.· ... 1'0·f· 8 ...... Pd.ti'• •nd Jk>llnftl. Rl••·k ,. .. ,,.,.n t:J.t (I f"IKt: :->( Ht;t ::O. ioit;T , 'l P'f'. S ·3·2'l0 411,Jt ..,.r,...n Fir,. ,.,., bra,., 3!1.l."1 19" 5" 4'° 3" 5" 2" 3" 1" 2" 6" 6" 4" 6" 8" 11 '" 18" 39" t'IHP.: l'it'Ut:t::<ro ."-t:T S·pr. ""'· ;<oio.1\l'll l"<'r,,..n :<oiu. l t?r 39'0 Andiron• S n. &811-A, t1r. -1 S o. llSOll 6S.2."i t•IKt'. ~·Kt,t:;.; ."t:T t "lr,. •r r,...n :-On. 1 lfl andlr"n• :O.o. lllll -t·1,.. ,..., !lio. tSfl:\-X 89 . .'>0 IAR·l·Q FEATURES Bill RO\ 6All·H·Q Ill.. diam,.,,., BIR ROl ' RAH-B-Q !~ .. 1tlanu•1 .. r "llh .. 11,.,.1. RIO no,· ftAR·H-Q !'•" olhun,.,,., "Ith .,h,.,.1, RIO ROl' i'iMOKt:K · RKA7.lt;K !'I" dl...,1,.l•'f r<•mpi..1,. ioil'IT f\A~K t:T R.\H ·R~ HAT~ RAK-R-t.I Al'KO:'\"S BAH·R-Q ~ITT!C. RAH·R·Q t"OKK"i BAK·ll·Q :001·00...-... 11 .1."i 11.l."i Mt.a.\ 4.11.\ '·"" 1.9.\ l.?(l l.~O TOOLS-TOOLS-TOOLS SAVE 25% TO 50% 7"' 11 " 15" 3000 69" 2"' 79· 1" 1" 99' 1" HOUSEWARES KIMlm &: ..... Prl<"' "'ARISU 81.t:'.\"OOK 1'1.'<11. ut \\ lllTE l'Rt::OOTO l"ITAl!l.'l.t:ss !iTEt:I. l'Kt:!!l~l:Ht: ('OOK.t:KS • f'EKCOLATOK I t:••p f'CROOlATOK • C l 'l'. f't:KCOLATOK 4 (, ... PYREX 41.13 20.4~ ... '!.16 0 1s:o.·t;K"'ARt:, 16 P<'. ."it:T (inld l'dt:•'. rolurrd f)ISSt:H\\'A.Kt:, OOLOHt:JJ Ill l'C. St:T -· -1.93 l'lt: l"IATF., t,a,·11r • ioiou,.r So. t'lll f ·ln<"h ................. ~. l'J8(' l'Jt: P l.A.Tl':, t 11u ·ur :oia•·.-r S o. ttll f 11-lnr h l''t:STI XG HO I' l>C r. t: Lt;( "TR 11; ROA ioiTt:K and STASO 1'0:001'0, l "t:l.l,OU', l'iTt;I' and ('H A I K lllO Kt: Jo'CAJ.t:ioi. t'hti!n1t• A'l'lorl"tl rulnr• ROKG :oil 'AJ.t;~ A_,rtrd t'OIOrtl, ,.natn,.1 COFFEE MAKERS l'Sl\0ERSAI. l ·ot•t·t:t:MA TIC! l"S l\'t:Kl'iA I. t.:Ot"t't:t.MA1'1G "Uh Sr1,.rltir. 10 o·up rhr.,1nr I'S I \"t:KioiAI. l 'O t'l-'t:t:.\IA T ll.! C'Ot'l't:K l.':<oi l\'t:ll ~A l, l 'Ot•t't:t .. 'IATIC <'Ol'l't:K ,l.Stit:A)I t:1.t:t"TK1C' l!li:RA~Jl ,.,'f'o+t Sl ' .... Rt:A.\I Al "TO.\IATlf' t "Ot't·t:t; '.'llA STt:K \\ t:ioiT f\t:S ll t·l.A \'O'fA T lf' IKl.\tl:\'l{t:\. A 1 "'rfl.\IA Tlf' 1·nt..-t:t: )I A Kt'.R Atc\'I " I Ol't't:t :-1•£.:cK hF:Sr.llAI, f.t.t:1-rt111 · ELECTRIC IRONS \\'t::OOTI SI• HOl ":-O t; 1'X I\ t:ttioiA I. r;r....-1.~\I. t:1.t:1-rKU 'l'K.\\.t:I. IRl1S Ill K \1111.T TR,\ \')'.I. IH0:\0 "' ...... 18.81'1 l!.411 .... !l.t!i !9.9."i 1 9.9.~ 11 .11~ 18.9."i 17.t."i lt.•11 111.11."i l '! .. 10 11 .93 PRACTICAL & SAVINGS Rl'KAI. \l..\11, t10 .,_;t.i- 1.1rr1.1. HKO\\ s I 111 ... T 1.1t.t1Tt:tt l.A .\11'~ I ~ \"01.T ''All 1·1,;Aut:rrt: l.J1;11Tt:K l,A)ll'~ 6 \'01.T Hlflll\\",\\. l\t~A<·o~· l..Alll l'S S t:AI. Ht:A)t ' PLANNING TO BUILD? !.II,\ !1.4n 11,1.\ 1 ~ ••. \ l'i•I" l'rlrr. 29'° 14" 2" 2'° 1" r ' 5'° 39' 49' 39"' 12" 9" 6" 19" 24'° 15" 27'° 19" 27"' 8" 15" 19'' 14" 14;' 12'° 14" 9" 9" 9" 9" 1" 14" 5;' 5'° 7" ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS Urx • J'rh•,. l 'ARAt't:TTt: &: \\'AR:\ft:K Sf:T , Du,.,.bJ,. ll•·lll·ll""'' ..._: t'UIJ t 'atah•tlO'......._nu\l .. rn c·olfN' .. arn"'t• • lt"K· .:10 _, !1--1 l lOl "H (_',\SUl.t:S • ·s .. 1 ... r T .. ., , H.-1. f ,\ ""' .... .... ........ Kl"~"· 6" 3'° ICt:-0-)IATI(; l('t: l"Kl"SJlt:'K ' "11 ..... 11.98 lo 16.9:'1 6" •• 11 " UAZt'.l ' u ·t: C'Kl'SHt:H \\'At •t·1.t: HAH.t;Kioi .it GHii.i. Sl''.\'Ht:AM \\'AFt"l.t: HAkt:us &: GRILi. AR\"I .... s 1·;.;8t:A'.\f -SQl 'AKt: t·Kl"J•A.'\:-. )(I I / tn<•h !'!l 'S8EA.\I l"IQl 'Attt'. f'M\'l'ASS liLA~ioi I.ID !!11":'\"Ht:AM KQl'AKt: t 'K ''l'AXl'i METAL I.JD !il "Sfll':AM KQl'ARt: t •K \'l'ASS 11 • r 1...-c-H S l'Sftt'.AM !«,ll'ARt; J.•tt\'l"ASS M.t:TAI. I.II> .. TOAfilTMA ~Tt:Rfil Kt:1.a ·1.Att I S l.IC't: TOA~'rMA:OOTt:K:ol KEf.il'J..AK roA.STMAMTt:KM Rf.:(;1.l.AR 0 . t ;. Tl)AKTt:R8 Kt:10l 'l.AR Ci. t:. T0 ... 1"Tt:K!-i ttt:Cllil .AR TOASTERS 1·:0.·1\"Y.llSAI. TOA ... TMAr;1<• C"HltOMt: l "S l\'f:KSAI. T()A:-iTMAOIC l 'O l't't:R 21 .l l'l 18.ltl'l '!.00 '·"" '!S.911 . ... 17 .. \0 t?.r.O 21,1\f 19.81'1 !l.D.~ 111.11;. PAINTS & SUNDRIES 6" 24" 19" 15" 1" 2"' 19" 3"' 12" 1700 1900 13°' 15" 13" 15"' 19" lllany """1'" fur ,\>f...,r l't...-Ura.I s ...... , a l Ric ioi••-ln1-: l'ITT:oitll"ttli l'<l "S ·l'KOOt' \\'lflT t'. l'RIMl'.K 4" l'l't, cOal. l.t.~ l'ITTioiHI tc H T ITASll ' su;.;.1.t:AU l'Al:\"T (~t•ldp \\'hit ... ,.,.. 1;.1, l'ITT:-lll 'R~. "Al.l..JlllJt: t Kuhho-rtr..-d) ;\\·a.llabl,. In 1111 '"•lur• ...-.. J\.:",ll t"l .OCKH IOt: t 'l.()CIR t:SA'.'ltt:I, (h tNM.I C.',,lo ,.,.1 1-·or l'orr h nr l~•·k fl.fl .. 511 l:'l>l "H :O."\"l ,O:<oi \\Al .I. l\RI S it t ;•tna """lltr 3 1.-.c ·11 .... , I.OS \\"Al.I. tlKI :-.n 1U11 1,. Outrll l I IXf'll SYl.l)S RRl "Sll ("ldttnc Adam~1 1 .. lO . " HANDY ITEMS-REDUCED 1'011.KAl·t· TOll.t:T :oit:ATl>oi l'l.AioiTIC " 1"11,KAl.F TOll.t:T ~t;ATS 1'1.A IS Alt\ IS Al"T0.\1ATI(' t!t:ATt:ltioi ;<o;n. ,\.,it AK\'IS Al'TOllfATU" flt:ATJ:tt~ Su. "It AK\ IS A l TO,\IAT U ' llP:ATt:tt"-:-.; ... ,,11(1 AK\·l~li Al T OM.\Tll· Ht:Art:n ... :0.u, ,\.\IK AR\'IX A l TOMA T IC lft: . .\Tt:Ks :or.·n. !tt\1(1 Rt:1a:'ro' \ 1'01.l"lff::K .111n s"''" 1•1n,1 .. 11t:R l 'llHO,,t t: -llASlllHAf'M t'l ,(ITllt:~ llll\"t'.R Ill.II.\ --•~JI.\ ?t .11.\ ,,,,,\ 119.IWI 4.ll.\ 4" 3"' T' 4" 19" 1r·' 19" 15" T ' 49"' 4t"•" 2''' REMODEL ADD TO HOME OR PATIO? GUNS-PISTOLS-CAMERA SUPPLIES RIFLES I '110""·"'~1 • .\' '!~ 1••:1.1.t.I" 1.I ,,. IX"" I UA l1-1 \ l'I .\II' • ltt.1·t:A'l"Llt !:<oi""I l 't:LL.t~f IH ·' (:\""I Kt:~11:-.·1•rux ,,1, .. 11·1 ;1u.A :i0-116 (:'\"r"I ttt .. \1I S1.To . ...- .,u-1H1 1 :-. ~" J )I \ltl.I '.\ ~·! :-1 ... t·h1 I 11 -··•I I :oi'l"t:\'t:...-1'1 )l u<l"I ~I I '!0 JCL j:\'f'.,.) Kt:'.'lll Sc,;·ru...-Al TO. )l"d"I II, I! IP•· (I -"d i Ut .. \11 :\l;·ro' ,,1 ... 1 .. 1 ,',.\U·A "!'! ''"I. I''"" I tct:.,11:0-1.1·11,, '.'ll"d "1 .~l '!·A :!'! ,.,.I, ( ;\o"\ I Kt.)11.,tOTO!li )l vJ"I ,"d I '!:! r .. I. I:-,,.,, I ltt .. \llS1;1·0...-,\l<>d "I :\IO·A '!"! •·111. t :"'•·" • FOX I:! 111, Uuublf' K11rrrl I :or.,. .. 1 Kt:)ll :\0fll'f"t:\" \\ fH.ll li-~IAl>Cl't'.K M u.1 .. 1 Ill 1 I •••'<l / H\' ... T \.,11\1!11 !! r al. t ,,,.,. 1 c·111.T ~I '"Ill llul-lo•r 11 -•'II) lit ltll·)f \Tic PISTOLS 1'1" lu•rr•·I ''''"I~·: ••I Hlf>ll STA:0.-0 ,\llll 'l u,l..J I k ''"" ~ '!l! ""I· h111n•I l"ni:1 h t;'," Ill 11(1 .\I \Tl4 ' !>< 1" h>1rt• I :!'! <'ill. I,,.,. I 1 111.T \I Tl•\1\'111 lll•dl 'I \'11\l!ll '!~ r MI ...... rt 1 ....... 1 ', .... ' lll•dl "1 \'11\Hfl !: •<ti """~ h•1rd I''"' I "'''"'"' \ll \I\ h 'll I . . '"""'""' """"'-( 111 T '!~ , II 11000"'''' 1, • .,,, .. \11 111 II I "'II' k ·'t'! I '""' • "'llT ll \\I '"'0' .~~ 1'n1nt>"r 1''"'1 Utt It t 1: .. 'l llllt I. "'•l•h !I>! 1 '~"~ f l't. 1\1111\'.\ l!l .. un O»•llJOf"'" I I fl 1,.,,,. •I ..,.,1 1 ""I(. l'rl .... 11,jl.~ 11.00 '!l .i.'.\ l ?l .8l !\I.Ill'! 40 . ."ill !~.o.\ 11 ,\.11(1 J. :.l.11 ., ....... 11 ;,o ffll f\0 IG.".,IMI PRACTICAL & SAVING '\I."'" 1.\1'" llt.O 1111 1 I \l.11\k llll,Tl ""i 4 At.IT ~\I, P'h •r1 111 \\, , I. \Uh l , l \I. l•\h Tl I "'\I \I I , It+ !!t.11" I \I 11\K T\ Tit\\ .. In """""lln" '""'a ,. , ... 1 \ .... 11 ,,-, d i If, I• 111 '"'"' • •• -.11 STORE-WIDE SALE We C a nnot List Everyth ing l'rtra 11 ;, 6" 15'" 99'' 7500 35 .. 49" 74'° 34"' 24" 22" 19'" 79" 7500 29·" 32'" 31 "' 49''' 31 " 37'' 29·''' 29'" 7" 59''' 59""' 66" 69" ,, ... , 1'" 6" 1 r·r. 9 ··· On All Tools All Builder's Hardware Reduced 250t: We haYe one of the mosr complete stocks of building hard· 7 0 ware in the entire area. And we're cuuting prices ro sell! to socro BUT All Ou r Merc handise Is On SALE -Come in -l ook Around Select o nd SAVE! Remember -EverythinCJ in our store is reduced for clearance in If you don't see what you want in this ad come \--------.-.-----""/~ in our Pre-Inventory Sale durin9 this sale and save All Sales Final ' No Return ef Sale Items. "On Newport Hartoar'1 Mariner's Mlle" • • You can as you've never save up to 50°/o saved before! • • • 2630 W. Coast Hi9hway Newport Beach Liberty 8-3435