HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955-12-30 - Newport Harbor News Press• • ,. ~·-:·· 0 -4 • • • . ,. ·~.·· .. Dyson Off Duty Indefinite Time HARBOR PRCSS 48lh YEAR -NUMBER 113 NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA. FRIDAY, DEC. 30, 19M PHONE HARBOR 1616 FIVE CENTS TIME DELA y GRANTED ~u'~. ~~~RJo~~ Cirand Jury .. CAl'T.rUN WALTER D\'SON $9,956.819 in City Permits Sets Record A thumping $0.908,819 In Ntw· JY•rl Beach bu1ll11ng p1>ml1l r N t11 ll. m r~r1't yet., WU &nnounceJ lOtl.11)' hy thcl city bu1ld1nJ( tn11per to r'a 11• r r•rtmtnt. The DPcember per - 11111:0. 80 nt th.,m. nmounte•I to St 171.16:!. a hui; .. 111"nth's tr1\11..l h11t ttl •11 u ml,.r the $1, i 12, I HI of :-.... pt••mbet, 19:'.>t. T h111 yur·s $9.9:'>6 819 f1gur11 II! $1 :127.81:1 O\ler 19~1'• totttl hu 1<1· In~ I'"' n11l f11."'Ur" nf S~ ll:?l• 11111. J•l •'\'IHllS Hll·trm<' h li;h. I Ill\\ 1°\'Pr, I , .. t Msn·h " tn tal ••f SI ·1.11111110 hurhlln~ fl< rmlt. It""",. th .. 11111nthly I dly llhf't•t, l11r1;" 11" I h"'-l'mh1'r I Iii. 1>•1't ) ,..,.,. I ••t"I h>1il•l1111: /l<'r· 11111 • 11m11unt ... 1 to S7,1•~3.:?!lU. 1-· .. r th" 111n11\h lhf' bu1l1l111g Jl"r· n 111 , .. t .. K••rt<'• we1 t• :tu 11in1i:le 1n1111lv 1•·11111111, ':1626:.x. f11u r n• w , 01111• re 1 .. 1 b ulllllng'I. It ~.­ l ito • "" fnUr-11r ·flt.t1.-tnu\hp\t' 11111· ._ Slll~• 0"0 1.llllt11• Ht 11111 111"· l • I . Ji' l i'j'ttlr"' to d\\•1lht1).~1' ,~,,,.., ~lll"O 11Jlt• )l,\0·(1111111\' 111111, $1!> · ,..,,,, h\., ,,.., •• " ... '· S I I ;~ .... IH t 11,~•A ).:it,I'\\~~·' $1•'\Utt. \\\.Q I'\\ u111111t11 I'""'· J 7 rq ·t r~ 111 •I\\ ••11111• • 11nd• r s 1111)0 lhr• ••I• )"\Ir~ \11 o 0111 Tllo 1 • 11 h11•l1llnK•· $., 171. th rt'>' 111i:n11, H Vi1l. Thi• ~"l'I' Ill~>:'.> 1'1\W 131 'lnt:l" Unll <4 h1ult h• r •• iH 1u1 • ,, rnnlt .t • '"'' "' sr. 0.!"4 z • ·•. \4 h•t•· .r.: nr" t i•rr 11e•·r• 1 ti h 1ul1t1nJ,:" l,,ti,l•••I S l · :r;.:. t'l'; ""'' !!'77 rt'J""r 1.-•h\1lhn&: n \' 1 r !IH 1 t'"''' h•tl 1:,; "''' F tollrlr"n thn·P (1111111\ 11n1I• I •II • t s:,:1°l ll'•'• 11n1I :t2 t"" • f11ni1h• 111 ''" r ""' 111 •I s ;,:\2 0:\-.. [IWt>llint.: 11111!-< of 1111 tvp• • 11m •11n••·I t .. "".!'"th a I 1111 \'lll\lr t•( $7 210 U.!:'I Thi• Y'"" • h•lll<lllll{ Aol I\ 1 t , .... 1\\0 l'l:'t"ll r"rn11t• 1-.11 .. I \\Ith •• '"';ll f tf' ~t11m tu ~1ty l'"ff,.rio •·I $1 7.· 4811 ..... State Denies Mariner's Bank Island Branch Acute .Loss to Newport's Police Caused by Illness Ip E CROSSING HERE Lester Jones ot 734 P op· I • • · . py Ave., Is apparently nothing but a middle man w hen It comu to hubcaps. He notified pollre Thurs- R.v RY.:'li ltf:OOH'K I 'f't 11ncl \hill the llCllon i;nuat be day that a ae~ ot hubcaps I ~I th IL he111 1I b<'fore the lnleralate Com-had bun ll tolen f rom hla car , en!\1on .. r thP 1m or y ml:1.~ion. gi·ant>'•I lhr Clly of New port J tor the fourth lime ?u_rlni Thi' rtelav In creation ot the tile put year. Bf' H'h llJ "' l'llle a 1 '"".sing m·er rrosl'm~ o~t'r :l l~t St. w ill no t the 1'11.r1f1t' E IN'l11c: R&dw1ty 1\Plll\' nther work In the \\'est 1 tra<'k:< at 3 1~t St 11nd TIRlbo11 J ="<'";rmrt Al'AC'h l mproveml'nt TOPS NEWPORT Bribe Probe lndirations that Captain Walte r Oy5on 48. will nnt be ablC' to r('tu m t o hts t.lulles Yti th the Newpo rt B each Pulic~ dc1mrtml·nt for man~r months and possibly n o t al all wer•' o bser•rd at ttiC' City Hall today. According t o information com·ry<'d l<l municipal offirials. Dyso n will be unablC' t•) w11rk f(•r 111 1.,,~t fl y1•a r The · off1c·f'rll t1 nd othrr 11ff11·1'r~ <•f th•• S L.Ill' ('"'"l"'""·it1 .. n 111"11'10 \l'P =""'''l"'rt 131'/lt'h r· .. 1 ... (' l•l'Jllll l1111·r I ""'H" Rll'l thv St.ti•' n .. ltrtllll'-llt h·"··· 1<tay ... 1 on ··:is.,. 111"""'' th• H111111I hll\'I' bo•o n ,.o nnt111r•I by 1l11•·k Kntl l'\>'11 for~·''"'''' ti"'' ••I th•• , 11 y ll i,t retrh l•l brlni: R b11\ll 110 111 r•··~ Blvtl . wa11 ur•lt>rPd hy the Call-Dli<t 1 k l wh1rh the city hiu ~ched· tl11.i werk The • ill,,11s1011 wa11 J11"1'l:< will tnrlucle thl' paving nf gr11nte•I 1111111 llc-c. 14. 11156 . Rea-, all 11tref'ts be tween the Pacific son11 s;:tvt'n (nr the requ .. 11\Pl1 l'X· F.lt>rt11r r is;:ht -of-we.y 11nd R&lboa :~:~Ill ~.:::~b;1c lnt:t1~1.~~~ ~~::~:·:~ ~~:~~~:;r ~::R~ll~~o~~~;~~~:;o:!: 0'5n5 MBeusiladinH,1t .. s Con-t•1 nu·, n g In the pt-lltion of the Blvd. from 3111t St. to OHh St. l•y~nn 11urfPr•'>I a hr arl Jtttuck L>y~n ,,. rrPt111<'r1 1.111~1 tr.1111111:: tl'n/11<111 Tholle streets not p&ve<1 lnlRnd 1a .. 1 n:nnth 1111<1 WA ...... n1 1nr1I from 11onwof lhl' !)('st youn~ 11\PI\ on Ill\ city Wl're "llll~i;lng that the 11.C:· ot B11lbo11 Blvd . and Including Sl 0 M·111·1on J M T d :-: ,... I\.:.!~ ,.1 """~ H•·~Jlllal. dl'p11rt1t1t>nt ''"lh a iull llJIU•'rst .. 11 I-r ( t t At lhP 11111•• l'ysu11 ""'~ H<lillK In~ of !ht-nan:0\1111 d•tp 1t II •'-~~:::~IU~u~po::~\a:~nl~~:~;rt~ ~: ~":1t!:le~;~~~. ~~ ~~,~~ :l~e~r!ro,::; urors 0 ee ues ay l'hlt•f of 1'11llt •· \\ 1111 .. t ·111l'f J11hn effon11 h&.\'P bruui;:ht wf1t.• • 11111 · , a maller uf n<>i;C1liat 1011 aml lite i<rhrcluled to bl' Improved In thl' Fln1'hlng o h the year with ll" lJJ•"''" w1<11 u ll..-1HJmg F l:il St ho11l '" mtnd&Uon tn lhi' N~'' port H•'I•• h 11 I project wh1<·h it Is extlmatell will s ixth mllllon-dolla.r m onth. !.he \\'1t11h1ngt .. n 11 (' f'ollce dt'p8rtment. -turt .. f rnn~tnH 111111 ,,, Je 00 s II I B llJ 0 rt s· 'I I •t• I I -~-o( ('"JJla Ln J 1~·.•11n IC) \lie I Ju•t bafore h·· hr11rt 8 \l:\t k l I t t•o:.t $107.0 ewt'r8 WI • so Costa M esa <:aty u !Ilg-t>pn • on 1gn rregu ar1 1es .....,,~, n ,, " ~ ~ J:l'll< .. l'rtl~'1ni.: :llll llll IZt'd 11\llll b t It (\ one 11re11~ in men~ under A. J . Voti; tabUhltt'd N l I> 'l' l I. nb \ n• Dv11 '"I'" 1•ronns~d 111 b" llll' A~ HWl•lt (UI t hrr p10<>1t·i.i· '" thl~ e tnll 8 C' in ll 1 . -I ewpor .. en1'•1 1' 11 " "'''•·"1 11"' ' , un ~ ~ , .... ~ · • " I chtd1ng Rtvtr A ve T he R!vl'r conalructlon valuation tor 19~:1 at t.~ " blttf'r blow f.'••r :t."i y .. a18. 81.~tanl Ch,., o r !'oil~· .. <111 t hl' ="'• w-neli;·n,,~1l11t1<,•,•,1 •· 'rn<•t1n.-th• "r11d• A \'t right nf way ;s carvf'd nut $10.629.020 a t 1 1 p. m . tod11y. ex1·epl tlurin~ 11. i.h1<rt w.1rt11ne p<•rt Bt'ar h Uepa.r1mt>n\ Huw .. v1 1 '" " ' .. ~ 1 h l I I U I ... 1 ·0 1 t 1 1 rr11 ... ~m" at :11~1. 111 u1th·r to •·f 11''' 1"rmrr ··hllnnt> or 1 ' f 1 'ina.l rigul rt-A ..... ,ut~boo11'i"118abt e .. rc3'0• SANTA ANA, 10C',''Sl-Aftcr qu"sl·1~n·1n,. f orm"r "'OUn ty mt nary duly, y1mn \HS llc't'll com· I .... o r 1ty l"OUllCI ul• "" ""." 1111.. ,.. s I A n nt N 'P rt lu ., ' '" ' .. ,... ' ' 11tun1ly un t hf' j nb. Jt Ill Vy.•un to art on t h(• uppvtntnwnt twfurl• n1w n that 1<\I<'"\ untn R.1lb11a ·an 11 nit ive r 1 0 e" 0 owing c os1ng O s l ,.1 u i . l'lvtl, hft• b1•r11 1·.-t•1•1•1t1•1I b\• thA BR)' tn W1•SL l'\t'WJlOrt. The light p. m . le>OOy. cmp oyce ~ arerw c n C'rnrnn. 55. or Long B 1'a ch for three w ho ha,. llll)l>r~ • unt 1n111i1111ly to he Wll.3 strk k('n > "~ • ' ' ~ I .1 b th I Or a .... n1·1t1r L'Jnr111r •\ •1~1111 Th·: n\11· "' "·'" wn~ quit" aim .,., Y ' The 19:1:'1 loLal J:ivrn by Vo z h ours and 10 mtnUll'S hl•rt• \,.C'lllC'rd3 '', thr-Orall"<' C ounty battle the infamous n11n:ot1c Lrar-Dyaon, a \'•·ntabll' g1nnt • "-• Q .. -• s 1 r 1 h ct J ,.. tic In lh1io ILi l'r... I mill\, hu b<'en ln 1 har''"' or h tJ I th lh I f ••1"1" nf 1 .,. 1 omu• 11 1 e 1 Y r"J>r<'M"nl..'I a percent Ilg" ino·r··111"' I ;rand J ur.\' ;1d 11urn('(l al 4 :.!'.! p. m. t o !I 30 a. m T sd ,. t " Wiiy rmani s ·•t " lo Y pay I"' Xrwpnr t Uea r h recrnUy by or 1:,~ :-, O\'•'r wl yt-ttr \\ 11, n bu1l•I· UC ay. 011 many ort•li!llona he 1u11I 11tate n ight detail for mAny y .,urs. all rnsls r ll I I d b 0 111\ Attv lt••b<'r\ 1.-111•elan1I ~a111 ----1 ~ 11' · 11 1 r l h T' 1 11 tht' ~•i:n111i: o 11 bt nit ate Y lng permit• valued at S•I l ~O :'177 · · • w&.11 the 1 .. 111' w tt n"·'" before th• l . • 11 !'•',".' nir 11' nr!' "h 11 1 ,. l·~.u I Stanh•)', A ssemblyman. I Wt>re Issued o n Ult' 1-frM • · rnu11t v b111ld111i.: 111~p1•1 tur Chnrll,. Jury that Aft o·rrrm•n Riverside Judge Sentences MacKenzie to Prison Term l1l1t11•.11 11nlll1l •~l••n •~ I e autl . Llonahuc:' pr,.t111 tily "ill IH' lh" fir,.l wh1111 t he 1 •11 v nr :-; .. wport C11 v Eni:1nl'l'r W,.bb told the Th,. mlllion-001111r JllW. m11nths I ' _.. d lh l!l .. ~ • · t "1tm·ss , ,.11,•11 T111·,.i 1 y n1nr n1ng. RI'&• h f1lf'd for 1·und .. 111nat11<n n( !'>t>w,,.P1t>i< tuday \ital there waa record"" unng e "" '-"II 11 .\II 111'11\' l>ll U'IUF. Former Tri-County Liquor Chief Gets 1 to 14 Years on Conspiracy Count the ni;hl~ ••f wily 11( th•· l'JH·1f1c 1 a l"'""1b1ltty that a l t!m pornry. M,.M building boom u 11110 in t;lrrtr1c b"t"rrn :-;,.wi••lll "''"' · unM~nnlrze'l1 rrolll'ml:' (If the Pa-March , Sl.OH.~:!I : A p11I. 'I 1'11:1 • a.no! !Jn)bu,1 1:1\•I. 11n.r bPtw1.•rn t·1fi.-~:le<-tnc rail hne might be 7i3, July, SI 111 1.3:.t.. A l•.,ll•l :-,1, ~ nrt lrn l'l.11 e anr1 J:!n<1 Sl Rrc llmpllshel1 In time t o Include I Sl.6~8.0i!l . Scpt•'lll~r. $I 1;,, 613 I ll1•1.1y "' th" hrn1111i: """, th •· lmprov emPnl w ith the Nllll end Dt('Prllber, \\llh 1l8 l• nl11t1v,• crl\nle•I 1 n motion "' thr 1·1t\' "' the Wellt Ntwporl Bcar h Im-$1.314.379. 1'ln1n"· or '\r\\r••rl llr .u h I\ 111 l""''·111rnl T he 0!11 re1I Ima la Clo'itng uul the mnnth \\,1-. a ''"" M brt 1111'" I.. \\ .,. """'''Ill· lll'f'•I lur the l.nfrequtnt dthvery 1plurge o r rt•hldent111I r1or-1 I u I •n f1l ft1'111:' 81\ l'Xlt'n·:f'd '''' .11l"ll n .1-ln\11 lhe city Of :--'t•wpnrl flt>11rh permtta 1~8U<'d tn IJlk<' ,q1ol I .,J.~ \ 1~ 1~ nt•W h .11 It at h111 •k•k In 11( (rdght ThP llnf' !1 carrying gro\'e (Cir s on :100. , nn•r int: 11 ~"''I" rt Th .. , t\' 11.111 f1h· I for Ir~ And lus freight all the time home.e in t he 200 1111 .. k of n,,,.,, l'IA :O:Tt\ /\:-=A . 11)(·;;;!'1 J.'or nll'r 11 pp<'nl hf'llrlns;: hrf11rr !lot Dl•I rl• I run!lrmnallfln llll•l 111.. rn1lw1y JUI lo• al bualntM eatabllllhment• L&nf' \Vednc"'1ay, And 111 l ."ll"l:tr L> "" 11 l J.tq111•1' c11wf II 1-; t>lrt"· C'11u1 t of A rl'""'~ t 111111"'"Y f'nnt<•n•I• 111111 th<' CAii· 1 !inti ll more t'Onvenlent to Ullt' Park Co. fo r S~J7.200 ''""'1 •ni: 11vt' ""Ill•• !.:. "11., .,. .. "''I\ 11 1 .. 1 .,( Miu l<enu•· s r.11 <:··cir1?.:. Av"" fr 1 n1, Publu· 1·11J1t1u C'ommll'· moch·m trutk faclhtlea Utat haul h omri In lhr 400 b lollt nf l'rtnce- bi ti>• 1 \' 111,.1 , .r ,1,11 , .. ,. t:c ll•l'l•ll Santa Anl\ b •r ti\\ 11 .. 1 r•'<:t:nlly Jtun hu no a uthonty 1n the mat· directly to thllr Ooora. ton Dr ,.e. 11 .. 11,,. t1.rn~11111 .. 11~ 1n 1·..,11 .. Mr <IN'"'''"·d. v.err \011\'Hl •ll h,.r, )11uy , Th• bu1ldln1t b~•kil•l\•11 for \hf' \\'elln• ••lay w "'s t1•·ntr111 ••.J lo 12 11n thr11c r ('l\llt\!1-tnn~p1racy a.nd 1 YEAR'S TOP HEWS SEES month u of l I fl· m to1•l11Y ~•nJ:ll' 1,11 ... n 1 , n r: .... , 111<· c· ·11111 y t", "' hr•h••r\ Th•''' \\111' foun.J dweU1n1rs. 5:,26.465. 11111ll11ol• .r ...... 11. Jll•l j.• "" nroul ,.1 '""'I'"·'~· l!lllllV flf t1<k 111;: $1 .. >l•ll In llfJIJ"r 1~11. S9&00. rfll'1ffi<'H l 1I 1111 '111•'4 :~:~:::.::;: ·:r 1 ::""'. \ ~;•:I 1~./;;'.'."t .'~ ~.~·:~,~~e:.-::::r::;~w'.'.~·;:::11::11 ~~{~·:~/~~~ HEWS-PRESS EXCLUSIVES ::111~:;~9~~:6~~~1~;.tll ii Oii J ll <I• Ir , ti .\"• 1r l•·1111 tu ' 1 I h t tit-. ''"''"r look Woman Pulled Kn, .. ·l:onr\ 1•i.J1l11111 .. o1. "\\'I' hnvt' Onf' subp• nu!'rl ""•' 111 '" nc-v,.r otn ly rt •"H•pl·· Ill•••·· "1ln1 S.~\'A lo :lf'IH'l\rrd . lie "·'~ n \\ • Marl • X1111l Ill' • 11"): I :.1111 pity, "" 11rr "' 1 ltr Mf'I· lte rl1 ol not"·'' "h" 1111• oth <r 11"" ~i.:n l'" 111 llnll'" • t /\•• w1tn""""~ """l•I h" '11rd111g lo pr1l11 "· M111 f'h\ t•••I\ h" \\'1>111111n d1•'l<·rit .. d 11 • thr prlnrl-lift' n 11 plu~h Sun.w t 111<•.r 111••11'1 pal "1tn1•._41 1n t h•• )\U) ~ rru\>lt nf \.\ t·•ln .. :i.da}' ·"''o>rlt•rl -'•t.:"11 1r 1 i.: 1l1111t1c·~ in thu1 l<n1 rland lr11l11 Ill • •I I ,. •'"I• 1 I• >'1111nt \'. wa~ "'httP "~ l ht<lk whl'n apf'arl'ntl\I ho.1>1 ''" hi ·•I •I·~ "" I hr hi' l'IJ•l'rJ;P•I fr<Hn \hi' ll'ng1hy 1 lll'fl'lll lll\'C'llllj! .. lll•I• A ., ... I('. ht'A 1 wi: with ~ 111ml jurur.. man In M1ll j1h v... ..11... '•"'' h \\'r'lntlln WM d N"ht.rttt'd hy lh" .,..,.. "ubpen"'r•I fn1 111•1"''"•"' • r·o1111ty bu1hllng d l')'l(trlmcnl Jul I here to ldf'ntlfy A '1111, k "111< Ii "'u • "'' rk bv D11n11.hu,. Th .. hu11ky U-ng tn 1'11Y for 11 J,...,,~ "" 1111111 .. 1. H1 "'Ir .111on """' empln)'f'd ..,. In· wh,l'h a alirn """ to ~ I•~"'"" •J" t t "r "' 1111:na lllld b1Jlboa1 ''• tn I Cornr1Ut•• .,.1,.,. m •n•i:• 1 \\ t •' Lhe , 1111nl y . Ot vinl' 1111111 l11r 1,. " 1 • "" tll•lr• " l>0:>..\111 '£ Rl:Ql't:."IT l thin of flmn» "•I ••1 '"''"'' ·~ •I•!• 1 ully 1n1lrc11t,.d 111 1/11· 111•1•111• "' L>nn 11111 .. •·•lit' I ft•r, thf' 1:1111111 llUlll•lt• )Ill)' Ill\• 'II~ lttn Ill' fl'fll!«'ll \n 0 111,.1.,,,. wh,ol hi' luhl th" JUl'f't!I M11rphy'11 mul1\" 1, Ill 11 i.. ••.i.. whrn II" KJ'I" ur<·•I bo•fror e ltl..lt ,J, 11th, at·1·or1hnl( tu "" "'•I''" ',1 lx•dv ..u11 "· • c-• 1d• 11lly ........ I" 1 ,,., "I V:°' """" 1 .. 1.r ()\:'\~ that thl' he J11lr1 t contuJf' 1n 11n)un~ "'I·'"" or I. 111'1. '"'•II•• 111 1\' \\ lh ~111 k•'\' ·''"". """ 11111•• 1 ... 1 ..... th 1 n,· Bl LL MOSDJ ·''"' ,,. '1/ ... I •1.1n .. I ..... : .... 'l.1· h• nl.' llftd \\ .1~ h11t >hi' . -. d . th from Surf as Drunk 1,., , ,., ,.1 ,. , , 11,;11 .. , 1 • '" 1 •r-i 11111, ,1 "'"1 , .. , , , "" 111 ,. Th, .,.. "· F :\sl -brca.long new" stor1<'s an pic tures were e , tll."u•· 1, •t•·d "" ,, hr • ti· r .. , •111n1y '" .,., It"'',, 011·1 s "' II 1 • .. r. •• ,.. • ,,..,1, 11111 i.-r• .... ,., ni:~ nom1 for t lw N~\\ port H arbor New s-Pr ess during 1955. a J Valen e c 11 rry , ;;;;, 1,r Al" ::. 11r1 ""IJ1I•·~· • '""' 1 1 ..:111 1. "' 'k lur HARBOR WEATHER <111111 • "11nt1,.~ •11.-w t hr·, •• ""' ur-"111. ll rtl!Tpl'J tnm ~n tttr r-:m,rttnn . llUr\'C'Y of <·vc>nts iwer the yeal' dleclosea. \Vlth 1950 about ,'Z~th !';\ WllO "'1nt-f"ol1<o-1 J WJi; u~ u lh"r u1&•:.11;.1•' :1~ ..A.I~· r t" i.o1 ----------------- '"11 ''"''I" J 1 '"'" 1>•111• di• I 111~ ,.( ''''" 111111 :OI R• lo\• 117.l• ( surf lll the 2300 uh~ 1, ut l11,. I thru1l';h loi· \\ rk 11;; "'""' f •I tho ,,,,,1 11111,..,, ~11 r;,117 ..... h··~"''''"i:•·l'••1tn 111 b(•W m. a quu:k b ackward glance f ocuaes on some .o UlnJ ·''""ttrrlnv tt:i.iut~.n u!l•r cuuuty rl'rnJl4'raluN'•lhepa•f"""'n ti.. h h • , lla.rhCJr a t••a \\ ""': :.1.1.1'•11 11• "'" 1111•! "'""It '· t\ 111M1•'1••n•"" "'' t,.1,,. ''"lit<• t 11p slor11·s. Thl· many import.ant t i.ngs w lCn nra11ydro\\t11ng ".l'\.lk,.,k .. !111 .. ltl'a•Jolo·I '\ n •• n h••·• roi;ht Rl•11r.: \\tlll L•I"·"" J ~.,111111. lu•I L11~1r11\ 1· .. 111t .. 1 App ... 1~. •··"'''"' 11,.1111• t 111,,0111 h~:1wnlh \\Ill AP· ll.ipplly, the gAI utility on Orr S t>"p<1rt Bea1h 1"•11•,. i<ta· • 1 ""lo h••l•I ''"·'" n , .. t "'" ""' '''h X rH 2 •dl "lll11l •t 1hf\tJ,:•~ ~,,!\ J 11J1•"\ t11••k. h 1lht•'v 1Hl'I\•\' , •••• ,r Ill t)11 J,\lf 'l '" .. \lt" ur th~ . .. C'hJ\rge o ( lnt11.'.\1tnlt(ln ut ~l.:t, .U1•Jtt1(1tl•rh ,,t1•l1tll••H•t\at •~ .. \lo 1.;.,,, ml :-.. .. 111•"' "" ,,,.,.. \\1thn11t hs kn11,.irli;r nr1I """" :-,,.,.,. ,.,,.~ ""''"''I''""" c>lt·l 2.1 lho ;-.; .. .,...11 • f're'll egain rl'· p 111 bh• v.a8 J4 tt>r 1ell'J"'d 011 111 """""'""It• \\1nl' ,.1 $11HH•I ""', 11 h ,.,.;,J •.: 11n ,.,, '11111. ,11,1,.1,,., ="•'"'l·l't•·,., ... ,1,1,r,. hail. lfttt'I eitdu111v~ly. a!llttd lhe Pl.Jl't t>.ul. A tJ••z.•n "''''"'~·~ 11••111 11!1<J11r 'l hv \<" •l.ltt"I ,,, 11 I\ l<tr r.il tu '''"e It• r .. nnt'rtlon chari:"•' 1!11n11ld C,111 Morton :14. n( A Jl' S11111hl tr·I "l" "''JI"'" "•r• Pl Ok N M I hllllt.: ,,;, J 1111 1; wti,.n t ,. ~till 1111• 10 1<Url\ l'\IJll"8 1o thl• rlJlculoua I hi tilt' 11a1111• a.J.Jrv$11. lllihl he: pull· • .. 111 11 h• t.,r,• ft,r Jun \\ • , r •il1<y anners ay ew esa , h• 1 ,, 1111.: .. f t 1111 t l'antu sitUl\ttl•ll Wt•uld not &dd C!ATthtr elf h••r t1u111 the surf afl••r thr Sn« 1.11 "'"P' r '"I'"''" • ,, 1 '•'""'"' inl 1: h I\ 111 .,1 1. ,, ,.,11111,. ,.1 l"nrnan walkl"<l lnlu 11 , fully doth·.,,.,,,. ~u1 1111u••"I 1 .. 1 .. 1 .. ll1· )UI\ I u ,n l.•Jan 1 ~•W 11.,. l•t\ r .. nt anrl embairusment. eJ. lie aa 1tl sh• \\U •ll'i<J••ll·hnt 1·10111,llay 111 .. 111111.; l••lt \\••1111~1 Apartment House D·istr·ict l"" l•lan.f "''""""'-= \\ll h , •• ,Ill' tl'\l ll•\\·~11 1 n l h•· ;\··"~ ... 1~,~~!\ f•J•fl'• I l\\ 1 '''~ • I 1 ~ fu krrp I .-\ nr\.\ lll 'ttf"''"1 t111:,.r •fl•tr ,.t 1t •\11ut.1 Jn111( t, •. ,,, .. .t tl ""'' ''(' v 1'h I .. h.t1 f ~, ·; 111.\ut \ Rn•J 11 , •• "'l \f• 1 t " n i •I n~11\•d rn1il,t\l,t\ \o '''''''""' 1hti f1r~l n •\\ Ul•t l' f•U tl.1• "'11ttl• \\llh 1111• t 1 Ir 1 : 1 f 11 ' 1 • \\ha h 111 tll 1 I ;-\ t\I ,, .. , ... ,, , 'n I •Hmt• rtb ; 1-; "'•·a .,,1~ ''" l 'I•"' .. brt•k~ ,-1., 1". 11 ~·It \\h >1• 11.,,. \I '" l'h111nr,. "rt•r '' t rh .. t•nt·11 , .. rn , I • r ,, t 1 '' t , ' h.• t • h h Jl •nruni.: •tt11r111•11·•n AJl '1\•·I "J ,.,I h•tV.•P'l \i1t•rtr. uril \ o ·•'"' rq i I• t'11 n t1I ~f, J,..,11 \\fl .. 0 ~r 1 '"' l ;I•"', , .. \\• H l'-.~tr'"''I '" •• ,~1 r11.t '•\tn ,, '\n .. , •.! '· f' \*•I·• 1 •,n l tr I' J '• 11 1•: •'t I • I .n 't• \\11)1' \Lt k \\R\ ti.-J'I \1 h I :--=t'''''r1·,,•,·•~'tr1 '"h~• •n·l ,,111 t?• ,, ..... 1l\ ~'·· ·~ t!• II ' ,. it.mt ,.,.,. tr. t,• ri 1 )' • ~11t111d11y fltr Z4 ~ 11nllA \'. I •••• 2!'1 "" •ln1•11do1 v IJr • 21'1 Thul"lthty, I>\'•· i!l 111, .. 1.0 .. 61 1H 62 ~~ 82 62 4& 311 Arri·"'"''"" 11f ~t ''~nrr~ H'nk \11.i•' '' A,,. r1 •1 ' l;; th. ''''"'''''" • h· r.-1 11. to c.~t·•hh,ht\b1An•ht1ftt•·•n B~I· ,\t'h •ach t h,. t''' '" 71.t•·t t,,, ~, •·l •'. !•n I w· ... ,,., r• .. ,,.,,. ,. ' ,, '" l•11 h ZJtiU ;\t ft~ 11." 1 • • '•\ •n I'"'" ,,,.,t•1oll\ hl "ll~hl hoa l•.41.I httit l••'t ti· • t I it•' 1• '" ,,. '' ., •• 1 '·'•Jn· 11 .. t ,,, •• ,,.. • ,,111 t •• tr ..... a.n ""' h· .d1h'1 ,,. ,.,.u r·~·rhl1H,: Ju l ' ...... , n ft ' •' \\ t ... lln"' Id •t··, ! r H"' t.al• •,i..h A\, n•1•l1· ti ,. 1 l\v hm1t11, 1( 1• h •• ,, I • r • 11w1\1 n r1 a h1 ·'"' h , t \ h•• t•.u1k '" !'.P\ t ·1"'· t •u"" t''" I"\'' '1h1 • d 11 "• \ 1 u I '" 1111'1 'c' ,, 1 •I '>~I: t, •I hll· Ill• le Ill' I•• I I"• 11 nttAI \I. I• Ill· nour., ,,,, • ":i' t.t\' • ,. l't•' t. ~t t l' d ' . • 1>:11~1" II.ti IH1 l \\ r\11,1111 ,\ lh11 k Th. , 1 r • etl " ..,Int•• .. ,.p11·t l''tt·n I• Id n f l•..tl h~ apJ II• 11 11 h \ t ' t , ..... I•• .. ,, \\I" I II •f I" ',, I "" I n 1 1\ 1•' .. ft•· .di•\\\ M\ I'' I ·I 1C1\l It:~ t II",. t'•• ~ t\•• M1 I•'~•· i-onA ft r-:hr •l••fl 11 •·f I t, ... it, ! hn111h tlw 111 : th.it 11"' 1'1'11 l Jf1 •'-I 1111• I t , ,,,,. ·: I .. 1' I I JI llj t UHl d 1·~ 111 t \\Hl latflf It•' '•1 t h t' n ,.1 ,, I • • # .. ,, I I lt ... 11 llltU I I • • t 1 ,, I t t t1 I it'l t , ' ; '.. J 1 r I ~ I t • 1 + 1 ' • 11 I I" I thf' ,,, .. ,1 I ... , ••• ,,. I t •I" • 'I . "'" 0 .._U \ Aft J ,,.11·1 r• I t, HI t ttf1P +I.•' lt1n id II ,. t It J t r t" "' n tl~·· i,-~r 11t u t l":ot ""' \ t ·f t .\ Ull"" ,.n·,, r ""'"~ •h tn •• 11n' :'~th,.,~" u tt•1t11 ••1111 H•·tH •"'''th· ~l>\HOt'I " Hni k ''"' trrn, t It :O-:.t ' : H \ the tlJ)~ 11 •n J••t\\1l)i Ct r \hf" t .. ,\( tn \i) ,; 0:1 t• I \•' A ~ .. n l~i•'"'"''" t r111u.h. Jldl M •I 1t htnl !1•, "'' ,,, "''" · \ t 1•·1t•·•"' Wlll ll• ! J I I< ~1 111 1)11~ I 11 i' l l.r• •tll• •' 11 \\I 1\ t \• :Oh \"II ••h'•r-e r •• n~ t•n thf" Halt"hlft 1 ... 4f 'dt ·''"111uth' h•'" ,..., \\•111·1 lanot l·1An1 I lr••I('~ 1 th·· Ill . Ill I· •he I I '. 1 .. I•'" I ",., •• 11 l•C'n "r:I J ,• , ... 1 tt, ttl••I Kl n 11,tf"r l.,., r he l •r •, k u1..: 1u ,,.I t • u datft, h.-n.ttft••I ~W''' lt•,at1•1n l 'l.1nrh r~ "' r••••11 Junior Chamber. Churches Here Aid Flood Victims :--'•'"'P' rt H111l"'r J 11n1 r <'h 1111-·:.., l11t 'tlltt n• an.I .,.,,. t.,. 1. ,,,1 bf'r o' l'• r1111 <'rl'C' s c f\l!l;''llj:rt ( 'r I• rr Aol.r.I f t th•• trip \" :> \• 1 '1· b lnnk.t• ttn I "'"""'' 111 1dtn<' 1 ·1nt. r~,.1 "'°"'<""'' t l.r I ·rill •11ff t'l 1~'"' (l'""' \,111111 .. tn :'\..rth· 111111t>r~ M•rtt t he 111\ ff 1 .. 11111'111· •rn 1...·.11(01n " I• "11t1nu·ni: 1 .. 11 1 .. n• tu the An •ht• 111 .lun1t•r v.·~11 (t•A~·· l\fl,·r 1• la\ ,r ~","' t'? u1 b• i 1 f ~· , •• ,. ,,,.., •• t .. r lrfH\8 · l ',.nnn pr;o~1 1,.111 1<•~o11m••I 11tt1I \c• th" 11•1th 1,· r111nl'$ Pennin~ \\l ... l>ln~ t • 11111.I<" .t r A-'' h11·1t 1':1 ·1.., .. :.hrir" ;\tr llA,.,. tlcn• o' hJ11nl<• t!I 11n I 1• •' 1· '' • 11111~ I I'• ~.1.q· • \ I ti • , 1•1••11l It•'• them 111 a n)•.,:'" •·1'· I ... 1 11htl 1" I • . II·• U \>1\, h• & 111 o!I. :\<I I lo•tll!Oj: I' l ),,, 11111 I I , \j, I,. I ( • I ••I D•t<I~. '""'""n : • .•h1f"' "Ill \\ 1 • ; h· r· Th• JIUUOW' <h&mbl'r m,.n w ill eJ !Jy H nh111 a1o<a u .1ir,h fu.k .... .. ..... M4 Mall &iYU I P«lllt¥ aaJd. South Coast Beaches Named by State Parks Ti , ..... •'• I ' . I 11., I• '' ·' I I P"-"'' t L1r1d tn •t•• 1·, , .. :1' •It (.",,II I T• • t ... •U" fl 1 • t Jh I II ~ "11 • \',.t I I • ••I llf 1!' f 1IW 'J'O\llJ:hl n 'I• 141 l O· ~,,, f't•·"'' ""· oi• v l•\•·d •I .. 11.1111 polling !H" "'"'11l iril1,..~ 1r the :\If\\' 20 , 'h •I •I• 1' i1" 1'hr"' •h•1 lO"UffJ h' L bl '111\t Jc (-Ir 11\ f .. OU\(\' 1. •I t r ,. r, "' "'"J"t 1nn j rH ' 1' h q ,. r 1111 ' \. t '"' k cn n .. 1111 • , I ... hn1 I • l••• 1n n"' •t t, •1 J " ·r.: J: nr h 1n.: too\t " '·'•nt ..... t u .. "l '"Pf • ,, ,,,ur.nr· '•\\II ;-.; .. 1,. J'ro·-. p111 h:ill 1111r-1 'r•' "~t,1 •·f ··~..,l'f't4' '1nr " r~ .. 1 1,, , , ••rt'"~" J 1 1 J\• N f'\\•flll • • , • • · · r ... · " •" "" " " '' • p 11 k... l .... 'it t ·, h 1 h r 1 , , • ... t1 ,... "'"t ;1 h 11h1nflnf ~ lo\ 1'1\• t 1 \ T l•t L • Hll\0 \I l"l 'I\ \ h j\ 11 ~'1\llll'"4 Th\ I ~Jr.ti.:•• ' •: t\ h· •1 '1• • t • , ,, nt 11 tJ , I\~, .. ,u,. ti p"-..•· ~1t lh '''"' ••.t t''' .. !"°'ra ,( !rn.,.tr~trt<l•n2 f"'• t f f• J • , 1, •l r• • 11r '81 A '! r P r ••H(" Of',.r ll• pt••I • • -I' JI •rti1f1• •, r '...'tH• Ii I u 1!\ n 1t lh1 l F·11n1n·,. 1-:h•\f"''H\ n ... ,, ... 1·•1H'\ •~ ,,, I '• ~·,..\ '' r•·'l!,.1111 nn h, n\· !$,..,., r "'I '\ I nr 111 ;.: HI c '":r\•• r·r··.... (' ,,,,, "'' r·A>"f' lft.'4l n-•~tt• ·.,) 1• h •" • 'P'~' l,.r\ 1n ti • \1 ,, ""~ •h~ r ,t •-d \A h1 h ftrPl 'l'1Hl1t' ll s!,d,.. pnrk fur ~:~~J(I lf ld t ,., 11C"• ,t f>X' lll.lrt1\'Pl\' 'h•• fllHl Of Tiu~ :l~:Hf r r''f'"I '\ t h.I' t'' •t 11t1•1n •, f1 p-1A LUil ("'ft l'f'l'I"''""' t' run h8JIO.: Ill J: '0 an·I • thtr Ill hty ,.,,,, ... m !I for 1''tl1d\ fft.A1h, \\ll h "" ·--~t n1.dl•I r f \1 • 111 f,,p ''' .. •WTir) I'll" h8~(! )'II ,. 0\( S I 0\1(\ 0\111 (I 1 .. 1.i 1n 1~ fl\l'~\· 1r1 \\ L• ng ;:eA. n I f'rPrlly th• n ,..n11 1111•• u 1• •r • " ·'I" 1: 1: .... 1, h lh1r\y nth• I llt 'lllllll'" np I • Tl'' 1 'n •· .:! lh•• :'\t Wft· f'•l'1t\' ~2. "·h11 h , .. c· 1run)t ,,,., '.~ •r p' ~, ,J ( \\ n~ lt11• 111'11 ot H''fl•h Thf' t-1rl 'P hop•!it lu 111\ '1•• ·• t d!i ~ ··~n ... t q .. r <:anS?'." lht' art"<\ for s ;;iot•<>o ·"' ''''I nn.1 pinl•"I 1xr l11Rl\'t' .. :"umb<-r 111'1 on t h" pr .. , 11 ' 11' H untington H~e.111 \\hll h •tatP \\lll .. tr .. r $:\Oil flVO for ho I h lij;hU \ 1 l .. h tl>'' 1 h.1 t ll 'In\' ura111:~ 1 •' 1 ·11111.1. hu1ht. 1 • 11nd • .t>.11\ ld<'r ~ I 11~ ;1. ,,. a ll • rl• I I ti< • hiorn .. 1' W P(t 111" 1 .. rii: d111rv•"J ,_-,-, pi>r j;lu m 11n '"'··•I• n fur "I"'" ht 11' ri; hv Thfll' rnnnty lt~I 1h't·,,r .ftn( to ,,,. ~ .. u·h•rn C' in't'1 ,;~ .. ('1' 1h•pnl • he• 1~ m11 I(' in lh" 1 r•h r 1111 .. T nn d 1>• 11rr 1\112 \\,U·l1m~ I .a \\to,,h 111 ... .-.. 1,, lwl.1 ,.,... mua l ~I It~ public ul1htte1 comn 11ll'1vn j ~l for acqw.Uoo.. I ntllnf . BOY SCOUTS COLLECT FLOOD RELIEF SUPPLIES Some or the B oy Scou~ o f Troop 81, Balboa Island, are shown at Balboa Islan d F'ire S t111.Jon a.s they unload 46J cans of food. 45 blank<'l_, plus clothing colleclC'd from g ener o us 1s land folk fo r r e lief or \'IC· Um.I of Northern Caliloml& Cloods. Ron SL Clair, .. 16. right. junior R.Mistant scoutmaster ot Troop 81, d1rrct1> t ht' rnllrcl ion efforts o f Scouts <left to right) Hantly Wright, J im Brid gman. J oel Fruehan and M,.1 rs Hori<. Th<' f1>11d w ill b(> 11h1ppc:-<I n o rth by A ir Force aml Army p<:nio nncl. -Slaff phot o \ • ) lh • rlul1hnu~" 11n"1 rr~..,,.n1 .. '1 11 '"•ti'-• 11111\;!lnl!:" 11~•"1 Ith• g irl•. T:.l,,Ur ".>..' J••·I t" I·• I .. <' i;:t 11 ;\In. l " JI Rhllt)' •11<l )ft ,., I" \' I Jl:aH •n~ J;l\t"'" 11~ • ~ln1'h"ll~<" • l •1r!nc '"" """"I""'"· Th• l•rp ,-1.ll•llll<I' !IM", .i ..... , ... 1 ... 1 "'' It>• ·~I·•! .,.,_ n;: ~ d ""'I:"'" !11 a nrf'<l)' f~rn1\y IN A GRACIOUS SETIING OF THE DEEP SOUTH with candlelight gleaming on magnolia bloN1om.s and Spanish moss. Debutantcs of 1955 made thei r bowe I:>ec. 28 at t he annual ball , highlight of the holiday vac11.tion period . PreS<"ntOO by 1'1yford Irvine and mak ing her curt!ly, each \•:as \\•hir!OO by her father in beautiful Debutante \A/altz, then danced "'ith her Debs Presented at CHS Ball ...... .• ii • ,J young ('Scort. Abo\'C in first row (I t o r ) a re t he J.fiS&efl Denise Niles, Clare Louise Smith, Cora Pf'teni. Susan Betz, Betty Beck, J il l Howell and ,\fl·linda IA>ithold; top ro.,..·. Jil isses Taja T ohill, Ann Gibson. Sally P fister , Cassandra Hoyt, J ca:111c Cai;tcndyck and Johan H irth. -Terry Bori11 Photo N EWP OR T H ARilO R Holiday Party at Girls C lub A•l•i••I 111 \ra.-1 .. ,n 11\ thf c11 la f'ht l•l n\11~ p~r!y h~l·I p •rt"nl l)" 11t t h,. Girls" Cl11t.i .,.,.~th(' llLi.; Ch11~!0111., <'"k" h.ok"d by J ,oom)' H,.~,.11 \t h() hr.,ui;ht H lo' ---- ••• ,. . .:-1 ~·· "'" '·'' AFTER CHRISTMAS e DRESSES e ACCESSORIES e SKIRTS e BLOUSES e SUITS e COATS REDUCTIONS UP TO socro ALL SALES FINAL! ----- Cocktail Dresses Reduced! VJ to 1/2 off DON LOPER Dresses -Suits Coats reduced VJ to 1/2 ·-------------- Group DRESSES Values to $29.90 now •10 Costume JEWELRY HATS 1/2 price U•• Our Free Parking Lot at End of Block LIDO FASHIONS S·l 19 N l'U flOrt 81\·d, Thirt('('n IO\"C'ly young Nc\\'JlOrt Harbor ,1:i rli. made thei r formRl bov.· to 1101:1\'ty Dec. 28 at the Annual Dcbutnntl' Ball, flpon snrc-d by lhL' :\'C\\"pnrt !{arbor Auxiliary of the ChU- ~:;::--~--=--~~ I ~--. -"--~-""" drcn" . ..; l lnmt: Soc1l·ly of California. l.f RS. WINIFRED BARBRE, \Vomcn'a Editor Th~ t:nlb•·a I-Ill\" C lub \<o'll.• \\'Ith ('IHI sv~dtl'n : IM(f E llxnbeth I ~) 11.1n•l•"n· .. ,1 1111 .. I\ l'lnk 1r1tt Kol-J ill llO\ll"l'll wl!h c. E:1rl .S!onfr iPAGE 2. PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS I , •• fll1nl>1n•1 •• .-.11'.•\lll):' fi n f">l•l Jr. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1q55 1 · '"""'"" , .... ,." I ,. ' '"'' ""'"'"' . I 11 "·'"•' ,, ,,,.,.,~·•.I• an I ad,1·1 I '''"'""• ~"' ••Hul ,lt'•t i.:l•·•n•lnll' lhf" / 1.11 ,.,.~ 011 "'" n '"''''" Jiu~<' po u k •n<I '''''~" !Jon• ~tlnot,..,l l hf' ""All~ 1'.h1I.-If· \I "~ \t •·r" f'•lho"lnP,! " '!• " • ~ •n I " •1·1, l.-<~ I \ o•t ~"'·'It \I~·• l•~I \"Ml r·· ... ,.. 11 .. ,.,,,,, ... 11~· '"'''' '''' ''! ,.,. '"'<·i'J'' · , .. ,..\•'•II ,\l•• T •I f 'I 't \<t•·r "··I> '" 1"1' l'.11•·~' \I•• 11, ol' •11'"•\111-•·t .\t 1f .. 11 I•··~· \•)\ .. ••Ti"'lll•<I Ml !tu· r r•· •··1·~1 n 1"J, o ,,, 11 .. 1~,,,... .._,,,,fu'\v io• u.t••·I 0" M "'farH ")pl ,. !•111,. ,. f., ... ,.,.,,. ... , •'•0 ~· ,~ .... I Ml h•!~ '1 '" ·~~ o •'1·"'-'·I 1 .o. 116:'1• '·' '" 'h :h,. ••·ft I t,;l!'f\ '" h11.• p1nU •.111 <I••,,.., 111 o'o1o·i\l<·d i;:• l•I , "" '. l.1f1· .1 1 • ... lo .t I , "' ,r. I " nno., ,,. 11r,~ "'",."""It 1':'·1'1 i 'H ;; '"'' f,,.• .. n•! ,. .. 11\t h<'1 t hr .1 ... 'h ,. "t'\1 " 1'•1•"1 iobt' n 1 Al !h,. 1 ·~1 (.,,, •I<'• ,,,.t,.l 11• I'• ''"11111 .. 11 '' • !< ,'11•"" n .• r.,nn •' to •\ I • '1 •• < '" II••· ! ,.,,,,.1 ""'" .•• ~i. ,,,. 1···-1•t h• ,.,, !1 .. ,n.. I T 1'1• \"11r'1 rl •tlu!11n1 .. ., 1111d tl'l•1r ,.., ... rl.• w•r" ,.ff•··~ S\IMn II 1·11,.,..h n il<''t "·otl'I r.,,n,.kt t. Hn•· kin ·r,.11 E \,1.11 T t h ·tl u.•111 P •v1i! U •o [h•• ,.,~1 £0!,., J •·h1n H 1r1h "''ll ("!-1111"• I· •I< .!'All\• !_.,Ul~~ ~"1 <'•r u.ol h J•l',n l-I P!TilllR, ,.,,..1 l1r 11• 1 .~1tli.tf T " •h l.11rry :-.;,.,,._I Ion. _r,.,,,,r .. 1111•1•1·" r·a.•l"n'1•<k \<·'ti l'· '" 'r 11 ... 11 i · r11 \"1r;:H·• r .. • .. ,, ".lh • ·1 ·11 , • A •tl-"r H nr . J:"r. Jt "'''" '11!•-"'1 "Hh I.Al\· ,,. .. ,.,. 1 .. tin• n r·1,..,. /; 011.., ~n11lh "'"h I •,~,'>,..,.. f'lr11~ .. ·to f"llrn fl,.. le v.-11 h H-t•" ll ~i.:u111. 1·.1~· M n.Ir"!"' H'""k 11 .. ,: \\LIM \\"ti· lo11m l'~lh,o•f1 f >rn ... ,-.:,. l 'l :-.ilf'~ Nr"' \'rat'" Gf'f"f'tlni;:'it to all you nl~ pe"(l[ll., "·ho ha,·e brrn our patront11 . , . &nd u the Nf"w \'f'&r U. ahout t(l da\\·n ~ hnpe ~-ou Vlill ('(lnlhnMI to come In and M."e IL'I ••• Happy New 1·~ar l .J <>-I .. ee SPORT SHOP I 82 3l Newport Ave. f O~TA '11:."A \1"# ni. .. ._,\I/ 1.,.·rn ~'""'I'" SALE you buy one item- the second costs only Vagabond House Surf & Vagabond Sand Balboa Island lolboa I I ) House Udo Isle OF CALIFORNIA I semi-annual SHOE SALE! FLATS AND SKIMMERS 3.98 -5.98 Were lo I 0.9S All Colors -Al l 5;,., ;n the Group Le.a•her -Rubber So le s -O x:fo rds * Women's Shoes 9.98 12.98 14.98 16.98 H;gh Hee l -M;d .Heel• -Sue de• -Calf. Thes e were from 12.95 to 29 .~5 * GENUINE CLINIC SHOES 6.98 Ame ric.,·s Mos• F.,mous Nurse 's Shoe. We A re Discontinu in g th is make ; hence t hi s low Price . * -* i ~ CHILDREN'S KEO~ 0 JEWELRY -NOVEL TIES • 248 i 112 Price 1 w ~ LENNOX HANDBAGS • O xfords -Straps " 1/2 off -• Se..,eral Colors ~ Superb c;>uol ity • 34 I 0 Via Lido, Lido Shoppin9 C•nt•r Phan• Harbor 0355 0 --==-------=· -·- l 11 ' '" 111 Iii 1:1 •I I 11 " 1,: Ill II ' ti I' " I I. 1:.1 1··' I AN ENTHU~IASTIC SKIING 1'~A~flLY AT SUN VALLEY, IDAHO, are the Edwin Slccns of 831 Lido Soud, Lrdo Isl<'. They are picturr d relaxing aft(•r a.day on the tmowy s lr1pes at this r<'sort. Ll•ft • • • • • a to reduce our current stock in order that we may introduce you to many new ite ms we have selected personally from our sources .. will. aJ/m.iJ/.i11g Salling~ may we suggest an earl9 visit to our shop for complete Hlections. .. ' ( _~,;,;,. ~a11nr to rrghl arc·. Don. Cathy McLeod, Mrs. Steen. Sue Mcl.RcH1. and Mr. Ste<'n. ThC' family spent Ch rislma~ al thrs :;k1 la nd and plan to return to Newport Beach Nr w Yt•ar's day. ;Having Fun at 1Sun Valley From Sun \'all<'y comc>s nC'ws of Harbor folk enjoying the ::>k itng. "tons of snow" and gay hnlrday part it's. Santa arri\'ed by sk1gh as th{· brg l n'e in front of the. Inn was lighted o n Chris tmas En'. bnng111g presents for the chil- d ren and aftC'rward the1·1' was caroling in front of the Op- ,.,,. H <•llif' .\111sl Npt>rtll• ul11r \HU th,. tur<h r un ""''" Oull1t r Muun · Stovall Birth 1111n w ith nvPr Hht !'I< tC'rl! parll· h Man ne ~1S<>t. anti Mr~ F;mmltt l'IJ'Al ing. .. II c Cl\\ r\'\ng tW<1 .., · I \\'allaC'e Stn\'all of Ralhua l•lancl l<H < ht ~ tin llt'r :?I IJ!'<'11m1• the pr1111t1 ('8r· I Mr . an11 Mrs 0 11t &r Cl~v1 '"nee enls o< a tiahy boy. boin in the or l'8K&ol~n1t ttnd Sra <'hore IJ11 vc l' S No\'/11 H osp11a1·1n C:n1C111 3 , 1 hn~trd I\ (,,1 mal 1t1nn!'r ttl t 11 " I lodge, gue .. t• mdu1hni;: BaJboans in Mexico Mel''"r '. 1rnt1 M111r11 E.\ ~'" 1"\jl. Svt>n C.:ontu l, T u111 l<lc~ <'I~. 1-:rl· l The M tSllNI yairrle and Luu1a '"'" Sl•'<'n, M•~ F n1tl ~1rn11111<1 H en ... y, I 117 E. ~y F111n1 lll f' NEW BRANCH LIBRARY TO OPEN IN ENSIGN SCHOOL A n••W br11nrh of th,• rubltc II brat y o~n• J.in 3 al ~ p m In H u r111 t' F:11~1gn lk h ot>I hh1ary, Mr!\ M l' Shf'~ly, uty hhr .. r'><n or.11 .. urh '"' l11tln~. F'rirnk 1-i •r:-11111rn. O<"C 8\Udl'nt "l1u hos het'n 111 tra111111g 11l tht mr<m l1bra1y s1111 " S>'J'ltlll· b,.r "111 D•' m ••htt 1 g• 1'h1' ts 11 n rxp••r1111,.nt a11111'!1 .• 1 ,.ru\'1•hr): • 11 )' hhn11 y fll1'lhl lt'I! f.,r b>•lh a1lul1,c 1111<1 1•hll>\n ·11 al n11 Rtlilt'tl l'l>(1"1l~•'. A "'11.11 •r st'lup IJS 111 npera1mn .. 1 Jul\H L.11111 .. r s, ho.•I. Sant" An • .!II r~ ~II<• ly ~.11tf T hi• n~\\' hr.nu h "111 111• "I'• n from :\ '" !l p 111 ,.,., h .•1·h,.t1l day l'X1·1•pt F r1d11y :\ \" ll 11 111 1\1 ti :-itHUI •h<yi<, 9 ll 111 t o I p rn H• 1•k:1 \\Ill ht• h1•t11i:ht lrttm lh<> n •• 11n h bnuy 1111<1 1<l 11tl1•11ts m:iy !<l u•IY 1n tht' "'""mni:~ Tht> Jtlan ha., bl't·n 111111<'1 ''·" 11:-.-11111 f11r •Oml' 11111" 1<1111 An•I t11,. gn aht>u<I s1i:rrnl wa~ t h,. 111111rt 1011 •·>f 11 rt'!<olut 1nn .!llun1IRy OIJ.!hl h\' the 1·1ty 1•otin1·11 ' AT CdM CHURCH \ United Church Won1en Will Hold Annual Meet • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS PART I • PAGE l FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 Camp Fire Unit Party Held I 11 ..... ,. nr J\l 1 ~ lll\l'<•l·I •: \\'lla<>n. ,111!'1 Hn~•l•fr !•1 , (';"nn a t1rl at Tar Pit I ~t.11 ~. ,·r 1 "I 1111 n 1rr t f'A<'hl'r a1- s~~·1,. I 1•!' ''' ~t1 "' Cn1n \\ ~~~ ~":'~ ('Htllp l-'111• 1111.t R \111• H11 ol t;11 1~ 1•( th.· H .. 11,..1 A l <'.i ht•l·I 1111 Ill\ llllKI l'h11:-l1t1111< J'HllY Th111~1lu \ l'\'l'lllllK. l lt'\' 22, 111 I ht' :"'1°1\ I"'' I H11rb.1r T11r l'•I S1<nta <:llw" 111·1 ,.,1 by •:r nr.· I .1n11 111 tll l ht• ltw1tl I" l1t .. drpttrl • 111t'llt. WH" f'rt'"'nl \\Ith h1_.. bR,.: 'pll•·•t hlJ:h Wit h l!lflS 111'' .:iris I 811•1 I h>'ll IP8tft'l A t'Xl'hll llj(f'tl \It,. \\'nt1•r m1111. l'snt R1• 1 n • l..1rn1b.·1 I J\f<'· 1 r'111hl111. Ell1<>t M ort 1•. \\'. \' Hnrr, \\'11 lt1•r R t1\'111 nu. I !II tll1<1 ti .!ll1•to1 c (~11 I~ Al :.·11thn1: m < lu .t.-.t m cm· bP1,. o f lht• \\'asu11111 1-lht~ Bird~ of H11lb1>1t T u1thkotR Bh1t' l11rdli Tnic \'alut' in VACATION "'" New York ~lay i . 1956 on Holland-American line VISIT Thr ,'\1n,...._ !\l1Wrlra "'!lain l'urt ucal t:ni;lantl t 'r1tn1•f' A nn11nl m1•e l•ng 11r l'mtf'<I ~·1t,•lla T 1rn run1p.1•t'<I nf Mi.,. ~:;11~~.1•1 .~~,;"11~t .. r ''~1·'.1,,~.,;::::10:: ~~·,~,~::,~:~.1·::,;;'.a11:~1~''~~i1 ~t·r: ~;~~~~~ ~' .. ,%e:t'~1111~~~"~1;~n~11~'~J :~~',: (.'w•tn Me~11. th .. Hu,.1· Ht'<'~ Uhu• 1·11111 ,11 1·'11duy .Inn 6. \11n<'h VOfl p111n1M. <~111''4\ spe11krr w ill be 1'l r!! 1111,1~. l'hult•irn Blui> Uinlll, \\'hilt'" Th,. :'\'t'lh .. rland• 1u1tl nth,., port• 111 tZ 30 pm 1'1n• Ch e.stt·r f.'l;.hrr. Clt•nn 1' \\'eltn o f Long Hl'a<'h S'"'"" Billi' HirJ:t, n11,.1. Ht'Avrr~ I t•t111ng 111 • :,1•ft>nt w ill 111es1tll' a t , 111 "" i·h 1111 man. "hn w ill m~tllll Dlur B1nl;i anti tlw Odekon> tl:<he I ho' lmsln<':<S :<t•i,,111011 Reports wilt 11fh1 rrs 11111.J m .,lHllP<I l11n1 hf'on >'hordd n 111kP r .. s,.rv1tl111n,. -. I h<' ll•·ard, t1ff1re1" will b" t•IN'l<'d I Th11sl' pl1111n1nF? lo nllrn•1 thf' (~lllllfl Fin• t;uls I !\Ir!< I '.1.,lll'm1111 !\m1lh "' the with !\Ir.. c e 0 r g e 0 a .... ,. A, Mrs. Cain Honored """' 'hur.-11 """ i,,. d11urm11n oC I I.I .ll-fi!lD4 ~u1s1•ry ca re will bt' I 1-"or many yean a t eJlr hrr tn I th" i111 ,. T h>'r•• "111 ''" m11:;1l' by the prn\'11tf'd fnr small ch ildren. th C ,1 1 •1 1 . I! 08t8 " Pllll SC IOUIH, " r8 :Ste - I--------II\ CAin of lirt'8 Wllll lhf' hunnr Guild Meetin g Harbor Demo Club g 11t111 at a rt'union ut 01J tn en•'" R"""" r\ at lnnro now CORONA DEL MAR TRAVEL SERVICE Coast Hwy. at Orchid Pho ne: Harbor 1246 Mutual ThtatN' 'nrk..Ca l:iL Elrzubl'lh'~ t;111ld of St l'Xt mee ing o e Ar r · __ _ N t r th H bo 1 Tue11,1av Ill a l11ntheon at thr .l!lllh!S EJIUll'llpal L'hur1•h will meet OC'll\O<'ntllc Club will be h eld Jan r~;;;;;;;;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;.... __ ;,;;;, ______ ._ ___ ;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. .tun. •. ll! :io p.m at the home uC 3, 8 p.m. l.l Ha~pu School. 18th !lf111. Jerr y H nll, 3 11 Lllrks p11r &nd Tuatm A\'ell., Coala Men . lt Av.... e11d1 to bring a no8ebag hnwheon. To be planne<.1 I• lhe an· la open to all De111ocrata. retre•h· nu111 t1.,11st'rt h rnchwn. tard p&rty 11nd fa~l11orr •how t o be ht'ld In m~nl.a will bt aerved and lht bual- fte&t m~ellng will ft&ture t>lecllon ,,( off1r eni. ro•\\rm11y u! 19~. originals Beautiful & Unusual Winter Samples Our Drastically Reduced off Up to 50 % on our Dresses and Separates Hurry down to 19.)6 S. C-st Bhd . RICHARD CHARLES CRINGLE Certified Public Accountant Announcea That he hu moved to new ottic• at 1828 Fullerton Avenue Costa Mesa, California I Between 18th and BroedwayJ: liberty 8-3320 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ~' WHAT's ~ I Oun Stt .. ·n. Leif Oth·mark :-11 ... -.es, 1n Mexico City. etupptng Ml thP Mary Jo und J a n<'l Coontz. Hot 1 .. 1 C " ... on " 1u1111no. 1 ·n 1e A"»•P g11n111 ~( edul~ "'Ith ~-------~~~~~~~~~~!:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~~ \·'·'-~ IW ' . . ) n· . . .,. • • ~ J DOING; J ' / 111trnct1vc " rrror• I C'orona dc•l Mar :!ilill Ea11t Coast lf 1~hwa y Har bor 5 1'•3 t11•·1r )"'II'>: I •"•I'll', """ .. ,,1 .. r- 1.uu• t •;\ !\1111 .,11.1 ~\t11t !'\t••,•n l of 1.1do J1<le at a wu I fie 11111•p .. 1 I At 111., H lilt, AIJOO at lhe H.un I "'8• a p1u.11 part v illl~ntll' l I>~ .. \•r11 rin•• 11n•l hu~l· I l.IV thro \\·11----------------------------...1 I hnrn 1't• 'r1 • ot 11111 hnr 1'1Rn•I. -I IMPORTANT NOTICE Interest Paid 4 Times a Year on all Savings Accounts • • • March 31 -June 30 -Sept. 30 -Dec. 30 Each Savings Account insured to $10,000, by the Feder a I Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation. S.. Our Ad Part I PaCJ• 7 For Free Gift Off er O,...S.tue.,,I •r1,""'1•tlOOA.& .. 4tOOP.M. 1172 NewpMll.4. • c..t.MeM.C.111. • ~14491 _, --- no seo ms to worry about! I 1 ve ( o If e n ( o r s e o rr { e s s s t o cl i n g s by da y ond dress sheers S 1 35 to S 1 95 Llbtrty 8-7431 I 7 6 7-a Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa • OPf'n Frtda7 1: .... 'tll t e 1 : T. M. H1mbrook, yoe1r Ttlt,,_........, ill~.... : • • • ····~······························ 195& w1n be another big year in telephone pro11- Thia coming year. we plan to put a record S385 million Into new con11tructlon and 1erv- lce lmprn ve menl11 to ttrvt the Paclf1c West. We expect to add new equipment of all kinct. to make yo u r tele- phone service even ~lier and to provirJe new 11rrvlcc for the ever-1rrowmJZ number of Pf'Ople here. More lince to rnrry Long Dialanct ca lls and televiluon prog ram•; Dlrett DU.lance Dial- ing from more town• to plAcet1 u fu away u PIJOadelphta. Chicago snd Milwaukee, more colored phonH and hand.free Speakerphonn Theae are a very few of the many thin~• ln our continued proitra.m to lt~p pace with lbe growing W•L In the year ahclld you'll IK'l' plenty of ruaon. why we My-The mM a nd women of Pacific Telephone work to make )'CM'r telephOM more u11ful every day. • • • "Santa Claus Visits Newport Harbor Foreign Student'' The ~~wport )·fllrbor Slu•lf'nl F:'\l'hAn Re <..:ommlll"• (nr A.mer- it e.n ,..,,.ltl Ser\ Hf , wh11 h 1111 ai gr"'•P •1f 1• rbl1< 11p1rlle<I rtll:u1N1 J11"'Mnr1ng fnrP•Jrn ~t11<1,.nt11 in 111rr '11unr 1 y, 111 r"•rnn111lhle tor Pnry ~••I!" 11( U1tn.rn, 1;f'1 m llII)', 111lf'no\1nic t he NeWJH>rt Harbor l lllth lifl1•1UI ti.ii\ )l'llr l•l'llY ~ .:" •IU/11 I( .... "'"Y h"'re. llV~ Wllh hll• 111•potnl• I fost~r J'l&r•·nta, "h•J ., e n••nt' ot-htr than lh• l'"Pular Ncvqwnl 1Jea1 h <..:lly C.'.111nr1lma..n Jt1m••" D Stool1Ja rd and hi,. fa mily l'novd nir ll\al I •err)' ml~hl bf' a lltll11 hom,. ... lck a m un•t t'hrl10l1r.AA IH'llll••n the Piii mltl"• th•lUi hlfully mail• a aur11ru1e l{lft lo him nr a lelr r·h"n~ l 8 II t" 1118 m••I h• r Frau t·ri,.rJa !'\1,ga a n11 hi" b rvU1n .,,., .. , In Hr .. 11u11. C<'rma ny on Chn~t m u <lay T h111 wonil"r r ul "'""<'nl dt>mnllJlt r11te11 Lhe kind- "~ an·I lhr1ughtr11ln"'"" flf lh" 11111 bt1r Ar"" Jie<Jp h1 and la a tin e WA\' t'l ~trO'l11l11lf' IC'""1 1nt .. rn11 t1nna.I r,.111ur,n•h1p11. v;.., an h11ppy fnr •••>r part 1n bt tnlt 11ti1 .. tr• lltl 11p t h,. ltle ph'11te .-a.11 Al\d thouchl you would M lnlertated In Ulla human lnter•t Rol'J. - ' l ... • PAGE 4 PART Fft t~EWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS! 'f. DECEMBE R lP. 1955 JUDGE SHEA DENIES LAVERNE NEW TRIAL HO· t..""'l 11 f,1 ~I •·r t • H 1.., \ , • , "" ltJH~ , n 1 a r ' r Jt•r pJt!fl • 1 ,., .. l1 1.1I 11tt• r tw t co11v11 •ion <in 1 r.,\ .. :ue bh1>,..! l:u• ••"" on f,.I( '1l•1 t r,:i.,. 8 .. '11 1. .. ii:t11 "1 I"·""" ,, .... J .. n. f't'rl'f'll 11.8"4 I ll'tlly \\"UH fplJOd I l·11·l·" 11• S1q1t>r1ur l'n u r l pr;>k.ni; lrl .. l.1<\rrn···a apart · •••• J t~a "'h··1 th•nt \\•tnd•,,\. ttt "" ea1lv • 1111· • ... ,1'~·· *'l1H'••1 J\ '""hnl1un 1ng ht•Ur Th" d·f.in1J1nt \\/·o )., •"I' .11 I ••·ll'•l•lll! r .. r l.11· haJ JU~l r~l11rnr1t !rum a sw1n1 \ • r" : • :-; ''• • " ,, , 1 l11~1i·r1ni.; \\Ith \\'llllam B l'nu tli a nd " • n• 1 ••' • • 11 J .11 ·~11 'fht .te· b1>lw al\lt·r. , h&,<'•l Pt>r1 ell up f• ""·•hl "·" • u.t111•I· : 111 hatl l!alt>Vll Hfv,J. H1• corn1•rl'•I h I m TODA Y'S0 N. Y. STOCK .. REPORT 8; COMMENT Too Late to Be Classlflecl Ru To T ken 1 t '"" ll\w • 11.1•t' •··n• A11 1111 r 1111•tt •• ·r \\itlln tw-1h ot New CJ· ys a H. J r. ?'\ew ..+lnmpah1rf': \\'altt"r I\ M k . 11lan t h rtl' CTandrh lld r•n. A 111.i: wc1r111 s~•no n nd Siii In • • ti ... -1 k 1 \h b . k I \'l'rmont and J nck, !'<'II' 'ork ln11'1 nwnt \\ 11• In H .\rbor Rut • \'t•t n: t n fttm t AC'· • v111,! "' t t"( lhf''h<1ne o! Mr~ a wter • .:\t1u G1ac ,. Schad..-an1I a •I l '.i1 l< t"tn1elery • Annot•o· I llrr. !:!II \'is \' f 11 e , ---- 11h11111 11 I' 11r. J\11.nllay, •h• re· l _•_·!_-_1_ ... _..__,t_a_n_rt_l'_·_o_u_n_d_____ putt e 1 t • l"'"c" 1 :'\F;\\' yi'mrc ;->f11 1=-: CO~OIE:l:T .C. .. nt'ral F:le· •rlr broke th1 u11~1 l l.OST Yt•!l .. w t·~rektt>I l'P<"1 :!'I v1r lnltv :-wnnl h t•tt•I l'lltr I 11H'n I DEATH NOTICE ():\IPll.1-'f l 1:1 I' (' <:AR~f[JJ-:, llltU 111'\V h.j?h ,.. I nil In rf'~('Vll I IJ 8·"""'". . !'>I ~3 t I , .... \\iTTl't: c·o. SA:-:T.\ ~ .. a ch1<rlmUtl' lhtll l hP ('(Ill.fl.Ir:· •.• ·__ --~ ---------------- . • . ''" part1npnt1ni;r tn t.111 t'lupt• "'·' A-"'-' ll f' "•1'k"1 f,"t "!! 1" a \\'IJlk or ftn .it''""" r "\'1 1• 1 r • ~~SltuAtion'° \\artt-1! I .\l:r 1tt tc 11• )o.C 'HAnt: •1111• k r:•ll/ in 1 t ,. r 11 t)' 1 rn1h•1i;. imbion u•1tl for "'r' rt•t t ll!I \\,It I ---------I , • '..1 •\11111 S•·1· n• l' ~<'rl'l1 l'I! t11r 11111.u,lv 11: •• !•·r t l1· h'.il.1'1 '91111> ol ..is u lul ~1 tM Ly t l;e E l1,1111 E '• ltf&;H SCllOOL r:fl~I. \\,I ~ l>~ih\' .\111 "ll .. 111 v Sl111 IP 1H, of l!)I p,~ d ' '"' u·id J.tt~r a d1•J ~\'a ltt•• fn:i(lht!te th.al :1•\\' (1llff'l:t ;H s1l'1n~ in, .. \t \\t· ,:,, ll•;d .. :!1~t :'I r ..... ,, ~'''="t \\'t"rfl' ht.'h l · c'JlC'tlr l 'c ·tn''l\'r-Jh\l\\ v,·"r Cvl llt r;h''-A'·' LI , ... ~,,;,•• t"h 11 •• .: ;;11 p 1 111 P4uh,..~· 1,111u d.-n1111( t1fn 11rn•I fu r bc•llt>r I"'' n~1111111i: ;,1u'1J1111••11t. . I -1:1.1' .-\I, 11'11111· l "h:it"'I V11MI\ I Jall.ty •l1tt"k• Tl1l' l!lt<l'I•. rhemt-l'l'f:F:I .... !"Tl<OS O I ·~!J-HrlJl \\'antPJ I ,\I, .. 1· l '•. d l\111; ... "'Ch I 11 1'•1 Mt '·•'" thUJtr;:'\. fi\•Ht~1on3. lltu1n1nurn Str1l ""'l a l.,nunun1 •l1hk:t tn------------------'s,t 4\• 1'~\:<.td u" i\ \\1•1hh.•sd.t\' \~'"'"" • l•·• lr .. w•·•. r1s1ls a nd llq· 1 C W d 1 • • h r· J 11 •llrnte that lhr1r l'lrt•nglh \\Ill ..arr•ier ant e ti "'~ •Ill LI "r .Ill "'1f'ndt•t I 11111s pn1tlr lpa led ,... ' II · · · ,... · ('llln· th11>u,.h ••niolv 1n1n n1t.~l !l~ ' • \\P.:< " 1111!1\!' nf ''"" A1•11m~ 1111-11 .. 'lf'r gra•le l•Sll('!I • .. • I' n R I . . I 1-•L' '\ '· t • ~' -Yl''1r, rt-flt"<'llng' th e l'Xfl'li••!f •llr. ,\ .l\llA IS l.\:"\l• t11 1r. •111 .11;. r .. n1f' lO l .. ~ta . 1'1<11 1, t 1\'1 1 , \\,I:• """' 1 ,_11111 11 1,r 11o•sr l!l\ll St Aud Hulb•it< l::l\'11 1TOT AT HELM 1. ,.,, 1:, 1 1 , l'o 11..i1 iH'<•11J1111; t" the pr<»•·t·ut1u n '"'· ),'T'l•\\'lh pro~pf'• ls of tli!' lRtl• 1 a rd t his !'<lUl<' • ",.,. '' n ,. hy-11 t • "'" 11 1• ":t1< " Ollf"h"lltn t•loM 10 capacity opers11ons ut I Apol1>ns. Cni:•I :0-:.1r1•'1h 1> R:1•1 •'1 I n ,.,,.,..,~ r ••C Th,. Mother h•a:-t 10 t hl' tu~\ hair. 1or llw Nor th and S 111th R11y ~·ron11< 1 11111 ,>1, ~ 1-·1 <'lt\11• h of l'hrtsl. opea £1·ery t:1 ••11lui; , 1,,, "·'1" 1•• , 1 • ,1,r 111u11n). Rn.f I ,, t ,•t'•Jr-.f lo club 1 \ r , ·I• .1·t1 1• 1l'l "' h· .tr 1 l ilt' 11•1 ,._..,, \\ 11h a ho.It'd Driverless Car Gives Thrill ~tl'il•. A1 nwo Sttel. Ut•lhlehC'nt bt>\Wl'<'n lhl'!w • t 1 c.'t'I!: •11 • • llu11;on I St.·l'I. J unP:i a.oil Laui.:hhn. am! Al ~IR-l'\H KEH. llAHHOH 11;1t; ~ ·" ·"~ 11rc l1i-wit .. , Jc>nnl~. '-----------~~=====~=====~======~ 'til 7 P. M. , , p ,, H•·•1 1 I >·•·Hta t11••J " <··"'· hHur~ tatPr I , , ( di' ,u ,1 11? ... , 1t-~ p ,? 1 :-..t.o\',_•• ~ hfluJ 1rtJUt'lea U\ It \I•\ I' 1 ., " l I t· 11 • , • •I ; '•• l}.~ lf1J,1:,; hu•Jut1tl .I'·· , I, I ' .J :•'i't :-: • I I I '';1 111 I I .. • 1 .i11·~ 111 l•U• t1••• • ,,, '··ru,.d " t l1 '1t11l1 :it 1 , 11r:l 11 O• ,ita· J..', 1• l •• t •n'""'•n n \\ir' ti•• l11u1~ \114.' ,,.:.r ! un , •• I· Mesa Suspect_ I Turns Self in I I I ·''• ""' , ••• f :··I l m h.tl•I "Y .. 1 1111 ,. 1111\n'l I nu I If 1 IH \ I ,, I I ' \\' i1 ' for Burglaries '1 11 pl·:•.j 111\lt• ,. . -·· ~. i' ., ~ \ !' 1 I I 111 '( I ... 1 II •111'11 ift•j1l11 I~ ) l1 ,, :_u •t Local Boys in Boat Booked by Gendarmes T"l t~ .. 1..-11-111•1 ll 11~1r 111,•·1 ~' ,,. '• \ I I I I • ·'I t fll ' • 1• \\ 1 tr • 'I \ ''n f hht t•N ttf \lt1 .! 11 lu l ..:, 1H•f J,11 k ••I fl.I t•L' 1 '• ' .d t i,. \\'U11 UI l 111 1 • 1 1 ' .t \l.•t I 1i.1 Jui" f1;1.1 I lt '1\ • ruu• tHntz 1u lt1•' 1 1a!l "4 '·'' J, I\ rl I ·;\1ul \ I 011 f a ~I ,, •' "'' I' I .. flf t l11h1 I\ I! T ·11•) ••I I"•···• supr1111r A'' lfl I 11t1U1•1I111U \\lth .• fl ~ta1 I•~ :,n,I tht• 1.JI T '" 11,, ~·· • l f l. 1iu11 J-i;1r ..._,,.. 1: lw10 1-i .I 1\1~;h: 11n1J f:.t\•' hit•• 'II 11;1 '' ••• 1,!;1 b t 11 1h,•pul1t' · \\' •. 1 '•' ~h' p , ....... 11 •·It •n th· •1..:fl? I ,,, J1,urt1\ 1~111~. ~ht--~.t · ot\ ... • t;.. ,,1 11 h.1•tl Hr 'lut JH.S\ \\hHf \\1 ht1J''''t )f\ \\111ll1t " 1: ,,.,.. f ... 1·.1tl' ,., f•t p t:vrl H. l- l • I•• \\utkt•d un 111• •"''' nl1 •n.: ·"Ill ~1-:· \" I :\l. :\1111111; 1l •I 1111· ~1 \\ l' 1t r I<• tt h l'••lt• • I '•'I"'' t Ha••t'\t H t ... ,,, t T tdlfl \ \\ II I ••• h.UJ.\t'tl \\ llJI oll I •l11C l '"'ti 1\ 1f11/,1 f\ h\•I )..,t \t \t" h1 l •flU\t \ t 11t1tw1 11'1\ •ltl'I 1111 ull~liu11t 'I''•· J.•.1'11 ,, •;11u• \' 11.t•IJ•" 'f1111f1\' l11uth•• H •hu1 f 1~· nr , I..... I. 111 !I :--;( ' \·.-~ta ~s. :,,a, I t•nUy \\ ll.d 2'tl\h'U1 "' \ ,, J "''''' un l••l I t .t • • I · I, 111 J.•ft 111~ h<11\I .1 h11q.;l.11 ~· d o.011.•· 1;1 •• I , • "1 11, J \\ht.·fl htt 11•·, T \\O 1 .. 1,t;. i ·•Kl•• lr ;ipp1••'t11;a le- t , ;. t .1 !' :.• 1 "' lo tak~" 11 1r•'h· S"l1~1 •nth,.:-;,.,,,, u • .,1 ... 1 t'"'"· '" ;-;,,, I'.-u • lit• t••• o I lh .. tiu~~ r.111 "-' 1 , t:••H•:! S !I '"'"' HhiJ 111 I 1.,: Ill I Ill <&bin \1•1lh loll! .'l'I. hl'l•l"f' T1111 l1v tl1~t·I l• ·II\' hai; hol I 1 t,, f I !flt• IU 1111 I I ,._, .. .,., .... "-Ill/I I , •• f" \\ ... I I h•·d ff\ llh\t•V "4 f..,.,11 h• t u•t l.t lu 11• h t\'."ttil I I J t1!11 dhl (tllt• 11( lr1r• ho \.H De Vries in Texas .I 11,, d•· \ 11• t ,,,u M• ...:t, hH., C"fh '" T••'(n~ lu \l-itC \\Ith rt 1.l..iu, .. ll•· , .. "'1>''4 h.~t hJ 1k ' •'1 l\ I\•'' f •flrll" legh<'ll)"Luollwn a pp•·ar llkrly 1n I l lw nmu11.c l h6 le11ders All1•i;l1t.'n) .. 1---------------- L1111l11m 1\1&)' be \empor1tllly T"· DEATH NOTICE 1.11 1le.I hy t OO\'e1 alun JJ1"eu111 e b111 to Witnesses 1 111 tl1111 111!111e1h't' 11ubs1de9 the ••· 1 11ut w ill be ln a ravorubl1• """1t i1t11 1 \\'11.LI A~f SU A\\' C1t 1Z.•·n~ ur C'1oRla ~frsa an1I ',, hit F unC'rnl 111·1 \'h "" "'" \\'rlhit m '"•1111• 11rr1 . r Junrt'" c:r1·••11 hart , A11:ung oth•'I lntllv1J11al t1s11. • Shaw. t\i'. l!i7 ?:h I ~I :C•11<t:1 \1f'":l. 111 .. u 111qu,. ··~1''''''''11•· n f Y.lll<'hl11g A111 e1hun (.'_1·a111n111l.t 1s \..elng-''"Ii will b·· lwlol ~.1111rilav nl I rm 1 ,111 :11•1•tt1•111ly tl11\•1l1•:.:<1 «1u · mnke ,'"Pt>Hrlo'•I ttn•I <'•>11trnuc11 ntt1·1u· In P ark l'l>·H1.tl1•\' .:\!1•11111\1)' 1·11111 .. 1 " 1 u:11l h 111d 1111·11 from l 'h11r1 h 11 Ive, 11n111·1paltng u l!ll<'<'t'ssful te~L C'o11la ;o.y,.,.,, \\ 1· 11 lllt· H1'\' ,\11 ':111· SI w 1111 :1111 h St 1w•J 1 n1v"1 "rust .. r ll" I" e' 10w1 lui;h tlc>r Ksil1•111 1•11,tur ur t ",·nt rn I 11111 11rh 1h11•1· "'''I' s1i.;11s befor•' Thi! 111111k .. t •IU<'" not appea1 hke· B1hle <'h11nh 111fu·11t11ni· :>t r , ,,1111ni; Lii r""' Clfl l' law n :i0ulh 11( IV lo ""''OUlll• r 1h1• 11s11ul profit I .shaw r11 ... 1 M11111fuy at hi. h••lllf' I :!•Ith :-:1 1111 th,• ""~l sl1l1· 11( Tu11· taking nr n·1·1•nt •<'S."'llJll!I ln t h<' &fler a n t'XIN1d1•tl 1lln<'s11. lit• waq 1111 A,.,. al llJlpn>xmrnlclv 2 .35 final hRlf of th1~ llcll:11on Anor1I· a nali\'I' ,,r Fuy1 tll'\'tlll' A1 k an1f I' m . \\'t.,h tt·5ila y 11ng1r. we look for a sl'le<-th-ely ,·u111P '" 1 • ohf. , • 1., u • • 1 , .. , , r ~:nwq:inK rrorn I he rtuln aflt•r 1t1rni tone over thC' b11 ls n<'<' of thr 7 He 1t11d h\, .i 111 l'"'' R .\I r-.1 I .. 1111·~~1 'llf•flllll(' Uu' pulrul car l11y. I for 30 )'•"•!"!\. :-;111 \'l\t!l'K ;1r•· l11s I ';,,' n h.t.t ,,ll•J'/•t•il fur .t ·"l"JI sign fl1m •• Jon"" p.m. A l'•·r~•·~ "l(t', F:H11 ' I Iii•' I 1111• ll\" .,11 '..!tllh ~\ u nl.l th" Tualtn Av•• 1o Jndt11<t11sl~ 4S8 72 up 4 16 ~·•fl" \\' H Sil m a• t I" I " p 111t••r1<1•1 twn "'''" 7-yt-in-old W 1l· 211 Ra1l1< 163 4:\ "tJ l :io :'haw "' 1 .1 ,,., \h, 1: \ I lard Elli~ l.k rry 16 \"11tll1ts 6~ I'.! up .12 l'nt-:•'. .olt or ,·,..111 .\l•• 1 I••'• I I I J•.m. \'olumr, 1,4 i 0,1)(1(1 "'""' 11 Ill 1.,. 111 I ••Ii h 1 \ ,.,, t ·, 111r- ad•lr1·~'1 fl!\ til l!l Hazt>lbn~•k, Lskf'· 1 ;l;r \\ \ urk I p.m . l'l ot•k r r1«... l1·r~· ---TI11 )"U~"'' r . whu gave. h 111 . • , , I " ",111 .-x plRHh'd 11.. Ill\\\' hi~ ,\ lllt>rllltll Teleph1me ll>U '2 ,... _____________ _ tnolh•'I:; t/11' rolhni: 11 .. wn the AllalOlltlU 71 n • k Serv"1c"" :.11to-t m thr 19W block or Church 1 'hry~ler f17 i, .,.u1c ... St • Y.'h1·rc !'lh" hall parkrt.J 11. ran 1ft"r 1t1•• "' 111• 11• An•I ntt1•111ple<1 lo ''"" 11 "but tlh' br<1k••:o woultln l J 111Pon1 229 •, t;C'f\t'IRI 1-:ll'l\llC • 67 1 I ;l'llt'llll MulUl'll .. 6 \\I'll k • ~fay Co U In\'< .•11i:.1t111n """"""' t h al :>:1•w \'ork C••ntrnl .1 .. ,1 .. 111:1111,. l'wi·• "•') 11( Lflk .. wooil :-;,, A1111·11C'an A vlallon ""' k .. t II• I '.tr lfl ""ll f11··nds a l ."l\ft'WllY Slorca 1•1.,:! c 'h1111 h Sl Slit' 1<u d ""'' hatl s .. Cal F.•ll11un Pat IC11; I J ... • d 111, '.or k1•)''< 111 h••I purJll' Su 111.t l1•f1 l h" l'lll>W 11\ th• h11lll<I.' &l Slnnil8 td 0 11 n( C:a hf. tlo.tl 1.,J,i,,,._, l'111u11 011 ·~! C1tllf n... : , , , r-.. t 1 tm1· h1~ , ,.,.,.,. t • !" !'tl'~I 41\ 8R I ~7'6 bl'• :'>GI , 1111 .... ~3 I !)710 I • 111 JU~t all1ot11 h•1, t y, 1lh lhe Ja11h. 1•11 .. t.·.t th• t11110 onto 20th SI. 11.11d 1 111 •!"f' •1.:n.• u t lJr 1111i; ... l)anla \n.t ,.., t Tir-1111 AH:ll .. poh•e aah.l. BE SURE INSURE Webber GroCJ Gone ~1 1 1;1 •• 1 , \\ , lJ I • 1 nulll •l'<J "'II h MA rRJCI: i-TA:n.1:1· ln,.uranl"• Ont) l'hone llurhor :zn .a UI~ t~. ('1111"1 lll11tm ay ( oron• t.Jrl Mar \,", ,\ , •• •I 1 .. ,, h , ... 1 .. " Th111 ...J•y "----------------' I OH Roller Shades Standnr.t Shndo Clot hi. Cu1to111 Spe«t11tt11·11 • l •1 11per\' H ardwll,re • \'e11l'tllrn Ulmdil CAl.L llA r.BOR 118& THE SHADE SHOP U~ lf!ncl SI., ·' f'I\ jJO rl ti.•m·b 8',IJt> l hl'I f't11•t Offlre \.\ •• \.\ t'81 l"K a Jltl'kl'l bf'fOM!(llll( I•• 11111 111 th•t• \\,t' ,·.,hth •· lh11l tlo .. ,...,,.. h " I bN•n th"r•ll;1Chll' , It h .... u k1• I TIH r H \\'nJ' s.~10 .,, t 1t~h ''" ;1 ., tr•(l but tht1 \\.LS nnt ! .. · 11.t on th•· youthCul a1111~t•. I HI " IUtHt Doq Bites Unda 11 .. .i .di 11,.. l1tt1111r Wall n11aslnl{tr----....;-. ______ ~-.I 1 11 .. 111 1..-1 ''""""'' l\111111' Ill 7t.1. \\'ATt:R tlt:/\Tl .1<1>1 I• \ I' l I I • ' ., I Tl •• • I " tllll "'"'' S•l U SU YICE .. d •l',.10 tt. h •• .s, ,~,,,.,J hflr 1 .... 1 •• ,._,,. ""'n• J fl I I f ·11 , I• 1\~ ~t••J1w1l th,.\' pl,.nn•·•I !li t g un amt 11111•1 thl')I 1 \ nn t~e OORl "11ut uf . \ :-\twp•••' l ~t·o•h JHlh r .. , ... ,, 11111.r., .. 1 T 11 11 1,. ol " ,. thnl l ,1n•I" I IHWlf'y. ~ ,,, •Ilk M IHI( ,,, ' \\"1t\' t1ul 1,.,,, l·•tt•n 11n lhl' lr ft 11.1111 I\ • <Ill.II tit •11 .. 1t1\•l \h•· hJJJ\f\ft•fll \h••l\ o e v:;eclilol c fr <im ltu• n11ur•1111 r """' har Shi' 1•1,t ·~uu S<.l ~••·I tt'I• ,.. \\ tt~ u( Iott nf • 11\sy • "'' Ttt~S 10 PU CCNT DOWN Phefl• H.,._,.,.. •3>0 Roy c, .. rver Pontiac .. Newport Beach • POINTS WITH P-RIDE 10\'"'55 PONTIAC SALES IN NEWPORT HARBOR . . • Remember ... savings deposits made on or before January 10 earn 2'%. bank interest from January 1. ilunk of Amtritu NATIONAL:!'.',',.·~: A.SSQ(lATION ., ............. ".''' ... , .... ~ ............ , .. Bank of America has paid ~ interest since January, 1951 .· '' ,,,. , R 0 Y CARVER P 0 NT I AC loolcs at 1955 with Pride and a D•ep S.n1e of Apprecia tion for the Warm W • f com• given to the new Pontiac A9enc y . . •.• Your Confidence in Roy Carver Pontiac made the enviable sales record possible. We look for an even better (and the completion of our 1958. • modem facilities) Aga in -THANK YO U -and to You a nd Yours Roy HA PP Y NE W Y EA R Carver Pontiac NEWPORT .EACH 1400 W. Coast Hwy. LllMrty 8-3466 u11 n 111a c." .. , .. \ .. ' ..... '' '' l"''t B1 ,,, h 11.\ r h11r .~u.-• . " . . : _ .•##, • .. . . · 11 rnnon nRt '(iS !l.1111 I I ·11~1 I h\\ .. ( U .)f , u .1r1rnr :?."1:U ' J , r~ ·• ,, GREETINGS ... .. ' ' As th2 Ne w Ye ar scenes un fold, w e hope they picture the "tops" in good fo rt une a nd g ood hea lth f or you a nd your famil y. May e..,c.h coming season bf> lade n wit h joy a nd deligh l ... edc h day be fill ed with peace a nd contentment. W e w ish to e xtPnd our very best wishes for thf' New Yf>ar to a ll of our fr ie nds a nd p a trons. BILLY MITCHELL READY TO TAKE STAND l:t1ry 1·uo1"'' i.:· t~ 1•·11h· to t"ke w ltntiu1 atand In actne from •Th·· l '0111 t M"' 11al 111 Hilly MllcheU," In which he play1 role or t11111u118 A 11 ,.., .. .,. i.:•·n~r11l RAiph Brllamy stu next to h•rn 11.• tld••n,,.-1 ullllll• l 111 ~ourl room acenl!. Film I• now plH)lOj( Ill 1. .. 1 •• T ht .. oll• t ELKS START '56 SOCIAL PACE WITH GALA NEW YEAR'S DANCE OCHS Reporter Describes Northern Flood Condition 1 NEWPORT HARBCR NEWS-PRES S -PART I . PAGE 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 Newport Hanor ~ w1U at.art otf their 19M aocla.l HUOO wtt.b a "'" cl&n~ New Year'a darlce. Re.arrvauorw tor the g'ala nent have been eotn, very f&J!t the Lut few daya. Mu•ic tor danclnl' will be tumlah.ed by the Ted Tracy b9Jld, Da'ncllle will •tart at 9 p m. A. ham and rh b~akfaat will be aerved to th• JUNl• al 2 a. m . W\th tht Elk'• own chef, l!:mle Wa.ltu, ovtnieetng thl' p.llty dtt&ll. .I MATHENY'S MEANDERINGS well extent th&t only th..--&clt and b-4 ot lb• U1m&1 could be ~ I Editor'• ~ote: OCNS Pl\oto· 1 Jay th• R ed Croes wu ft'f'dlng I talked to U &1rman Wbo bad grnpher·ff'Porter John S er,. 1 s and 11t.•l·u rir\1' tC!DlporatY housin~ take bl&AJleu and clothl~ t o lljlt'nt nwl!lt ot h i• Christmas huh-for m e b\)O Jl4'1'110n• whu rould TutMl Ot.1 and MaryavUle. lie 11&1d dKy In tho f1•'°'1·stricken an·a. ot not l"t'lum to 1he1r home• du11 to t.b&t It had taken UIU!l MY'ell :-.:orlht>m {.;jlJfum ta to b r Ing land allJ ee 11.nd the auU-awollm boun to Co the SOO mllee with a :-.:ewe-Press re&d<'rt t he foll 1wmg rtwrs. pol.&c. ..oort. He Mid lbey nooded t )'t'·\l.itnns' account or the tlood Aftn tTOAetn~ the Colden Oate out two or thr'9e Umea. dl11&1ter) bridge pa.rts of t Ugbway 101 were R04M2I to tbe WMt ot Santa Roea BV .ioe:s sr:R\'IS 1ry11ndat~ anJ l ju..t t.lmed m y tnre 1Wl na'Vipbl• only by boat. C l'ER:-1E\'JLLE _ ThU. email car betw~ the Unlo red nap. Kuch ot the area around Santa reaorl town ot a bout 1000 penons ln mMy plat'u whole f'hunk.e Ro.a wu JI.Ult Gwnbo, or Juat a 11opp<>arcd the hanle~ h1t in the ot road had bce.n removed by the i.us-l&Jte. RllR!!li<n Rl\'er tt rea. north or San ragil!g "-'&tt>ra. HOUMI were torn tl'orn their F"rancl11co. when I visited tho area O!\-i.Y BACKS \'181BL!l toundatJou eome &O teet or more ~fontlay. It t ook me 10 hou~ of Callie could t-e •fen wading tn above the rtver'a normal ba.nk.1 drinn« from Anaheim to reach puturea whlcb were floodod to wtllc.h I wu unable to ttnd. not thl,. rlooJ·devutated area. --------------------------- l•rl\'lng up th<' road would have b••en lmpoasible h1<d not Ille nu111erou• sl1lle• been cleared to Aa d og-tired o ld 1955, a gay and hearty blade while allow a. •Ingle lane of tratrtc. I pursuing bia ~~ay epa.n. closes his pages 2.nd lusty baby o uw r n1ud huat\!11 conatst<>d ot By .JOI MA1'HENY 1958 open it• ey• to the dawn of a new year, plans for \clrn out brldi;Pe a nd houseJt whkh I the awoUen rivt:r ha.d depo11lte<1 on l ~~~~='·=w~~:•::O~M~o::s:·r=l~A~\=·s~~"~'INTE&~~~8~~~N~O~:S~il~.~~~· ~~~ gala New Year'• celebration• a.nd pa.rties lake over from a<"ro811 the road In a hapluuard the Yuletide chores. manner. A1 uaual, Ul• rMlaurateura of 1 tom!! lo our annual ~tw Year'• J 11nw h OUlllell. frnres an<1 debr~ I the Newport Harbor ..,._ han E\'e 1'11rt' " N ur ~11111 ~ of all kinda flouting In the ellll· cone a ll out to provide patronll I IL~.ft.OLD'S-a gala. pa.rty wUl swollen nn•r. I With all that'• nt4'11ed tor a hav· holJ furth at Ule p1111ular M~aa Kt:s T:o; I '> Tllt:E!'4 py eve. rendezvoua with .-wrythtng )our One houae wus p1l'l<•·tl from ll51 '1"1111: LOCAL SOl:NE heart dealrf':4 lncluJlng a. ll'J>ttlal ~~::Jatlon• and set In Ule tr:eo Here's a q u I c k thumbnail breakfut from 2"4 a. m. Harold \\'atf'r m arks lnrlltatmg •the Come ioln our Gala New Year's Eve Party llno\Vln C "heot e th•''' Wl'l'f! orls1n· ~·~ . Rttumtnsc fr<'m the flood de\•a· atat~ rountry nortJ1 ot San •°'nl1•· ct.co took l7 ht'un Jue t o tho many to~C'd (1etoura along tho ooutal cenln1I rountll'S. HM''Y ra.lna were eonr<>untl'rr.I nortb c-t Puo Robl~. NOW Sll0"1NO '"J 'rREDRIC MARCH WllllAM WYL[R'S '~ .. ,, THE DESPERATE HOURS A~'.lf~~ I ~\ • I 11.ARlfl~ ' I rlllt• 1m ~ v. h ~. Trailer Fire Minor •ketch of "where to go a.nd wha t •ugge.lll breakfal!l at hi• pli.ce helKht ot Ule ttnofl rould be 11ecn lo do" come tomorrow nl(ht : I evt>n •! your party has been el~· under the eav..e of many buildings I I CRllDTl&N HUT -accord· Whl!re. m thle populu redwood resort Bosa P•rse Theft ln1 to Art LaShelle there will be ! CHINESE CASOIO -for • area. Fun -Favors Dancing lilA'l fl!, Mhl! I a Tom knd Jerry Party from 4 -6 touch of Mandarin fate or r o r Slgbtaeere to tho area were A n11nnr flrt> in 11 t r111IPr h11r· Ann11 M. Bos.' or 0 2 ltillhu St .. p. m. Dane: Ing tllnner party with American llt}'le food ju~t the b 1 r 1N1lr p11rk•·J by thr 1111ll' of lhi' f'ol!tn MPs&. notified Costa .Meaa t t i , ' d f • f 11 pl•c tor ,. w y ar'" ""· di r e ng t urned bnr k lJy highway 1 C '" er a nm.en. an avore n owa. o e "e e .. .:.ve nne plllrolmcn. but myself 11ntJ otlh r m ad :·mllf' wtat CJf nronll dtl pntu·e Thursrlay of thtfl of 17 1 Art aaya "no cover t"ha.t'le!" before th!! "big party" you've newl!men W f'N' a)lowffi t o pr<><:el'tl P.tllr 1 I :~O a m Ot>r 13 • 1111M1"I rro111 ht•r pur~. She left the puree I ' la ned start.II t j 11 b dan~er to ~' &811 aluni.: C'11&.11t I In Wu• rt>ar of the photA> atudlo at llAJIA.X'8 -J im K.anm •ur · P ;herever o~ e ~ whatever ut not without wamlng11 to be H1i,:hw11v and thr fir!!! Mp11rlment I t2 E: 18th St while waltlns on rota dinner on New Y•'11r'l1 F>" Y g • careful. rolled. • ruf!tu~era ahe ~il1. · at thfl plac' where M ' many aay you do. 1·esolve n~ht now lo drive The Red Cross and cl\'ll defense '_ _ It'• the ''bu t." e:iitra carefully 11nd be on httnd wr re !eedlnJ? ond providing cloth- .---------------------------I.a roeTA _ tor Sp&nlsh. tla.-when 19~& givu wsy II) '57! el for t ho flood atrlck<'n nr.:a To We.tern Musk • Saturday, Dec. 31 • DICK'S HOflSESHOE e I '11r111nl,\• Uh-k '1 Ohl l'llM'f' e 2894 :St-wport Bini. ('osta !\1'~1 ....... •V 'I"!•'" ······ .. ~ ..... , ..... ,, Al"'' n ,,11 .. i1 :ii ( elt!lt'd~ J f 1 1 ta 1 1 I Tbat'.11 the ft1h•1r ,. from the IM11I pnpul11tlon. A t one time 1500 per· vnre \)()I ffa ><' ni' ariv ~n· re1taul'1l.llt-bar owners who wl.8h sons wero fed In w hat wu former- terla.lnroent pl•n11 bf gin 10 ;ell one and aJJ a Hoppy New Yi!U'l ly a amall 1chool auditorium. Mon· ~~~~-----------------------' I tr"I I 111111 I 1d ,_ Here'• lo you, cU11tomen and friend•! It our wiahing can make it ao, 1956 will be a grand and glorioua year. with all the bemt ot everything for you. CHINESE CASINO 11 I lbUI St., Balboa Harbor 2%03 JOIN US NEW Vf.AR<. EVE VILLA MARINA Dinner -Oancin 9 Fun -Party -Favors * * * • Complete Dinner • !'rrved 9 p. m. lo Midnight \'our chok# of ~~" Vork Cut S"'9.k Prim, Rlh twut Rrollf.4 Whole Lobatu -PIW!I - All Your Drinks $11 .00 ~r prnMl41 C a ll Harbor 3930 fnr Villa Marina Ne,,· Year's Eve Party lndno11nc ( ·,1111plt'lt• P 1t1tl• I £);ill( 1111:? 1.-1111 I· a vnr" -EnlerLainm<>nt Plus A ll Your Dnnk~ Harhor ~!l~O . .( \'W. Mar1u HAJtBOll HOUSE -"gala par· ------------------- ly planned" l!l!Y~ Johnny M1o;11r1 He add.I U\at dlMn, d1nc111,, tun, favora and a 1prr1al brtakla11t Will hlghll1ht the rvenlng 1 n d nlpl fHtlVltlu . TOP OP' HILL ftlS CA#l'AWAT8 -J o 11 y C:obum MDc11 word f rom t op o' the hlll that there wlll be a.n "o pen ho~'' tomorrow nlrht f .. a. turtnc Wally 8t.acbe1j at the pl· a.no. Jolly • d d . that rerular pt"lc• will preva il. 8E~A&C -fro m Laguna B-acll com•• word of a 11pt r11I 1 New Teer'• Evf' atralr with BC· cent on d1 n1ns . danrlng. fun s nd l faYOra wtlll oo coYer ch•r1tl'' IDl:ltlllT'8 -a •J*:la.l dlnnt'r meml bu ~ prepared for v1sl· tor1 to He"ry' 1 w110 Join th<e g s la affair to watc:b lt&e t um it.a 1mlJln1' race to Newport Harbor. ,_ ......... FREE CUSTOMER PARKING VII.IA .MAaCN A -''Woody" F Kelder haa a rranced an a ll . out ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;o~r;;;;l"NIU'V&;;:;;;;;;:U::;oae~;;;;;;;;;;Harbo1';;;;;;;:=:2:'7:Z6====::;=: I attalr that otftra a pa.ck84f• of r c_,p&el tdlN\er du1<:ln1 a.Ad pu· ty aad a.JI U~ Included In a AO..w.aJ, IOW-oollt ~ foT ceJe- br&Ala of Ou• annual wat~h o'er th• Old•Nf'W Year lradP Y'ALL OOME ! PA.Ul A \'ESVE CATl:-"Pin· lly" 8 C'1>ll ••Y• •Imply .. ,..,. want all our t nenl1• and pa tron• to f'OftT 81.A>C M N Y man Second (.,u• J1 mr• M Wubburn1> 21, Min of Mr an•I Mn J oteph H W1Mibur?1t I 'rn•U I Mna.. rt <'f'n tly wu l(r.-luat~rl trom th• A'rmy fntonnatlnn lkhCIOl'1 publlr lntnrmatlon C'OUl'llf' ll Fort 81n<"Um. N Y The e11rhl·Wrfk C'HllfA" t rllln• mlUl&ry and d "1tlU\ ptrllOnntl In ri.we wr1t 1ns. pru• photnpaphy and r-adln and t1>ltv\llon t~h· ntquH Airman Wuhbum 1> wa• Ptn· ployf'd b•· ll0u1tla.. A 1rr reft Corr Sa.nt£ Mon1r• l:>f'fnrf' "nlr rinr; th~ Air ,.Of<'' 1n Stptt nibrr. tP62. Car Radio Taken "' Theft Oft Mna A car r••ll<' vaJu,.'1 111 S70 .... _ 1 laken frnm a n a•tto pa rltf"rt In I tront o f 1731 ~Upt'rlor A,.,. ~Mta I )(en. Tun d'.v pnllc-@ ~rt~ I Victim ..... Mr• y,.,.IH A Hiii i flt :137 :-0: l.A"mnn !'It OMl"lf' I Mn Hiii "•ltl •h .. F'llrk,.'1 th"'" tn I.ilk" hr r d•uc hl,.r tn th" 11ka t IOI( rlr1k ~hi! WU C""rtaln •II doors to thr vehll'IP WPrt' IM k,.<f I But whtn -hr rttu1 nrd, Ah• told otrlcera. t h• fr~t 11oor' wrrr un lockecl and lh• r&l\lo had bnn rt· j mov.d Now Showing J t:RR\ Martin & Lewis "Artish & Models" 1 · \' .. ~ \'~• Col« by T«: t s'ooMr ' LODOI AHD USTAUIANT 8HOWl'IACtl OP Ttt!! ('OA;8T-I CELEIRATE NEW YEAR•s EVE AT SEAFARE No Cover -No Minimum Din ing -Da ncing Favors M1bli~ "' thr U-0,raJ lAnb..f.rll For ~natlon11 Ca.JI 11\'att 4-6..>4lR Your Old Friends at (Balboa Island l invite you to their Annual New Year's Eve PARTY .. GALA PARTY HAROLD'S Saturday Eve., Dec. 3 ht Favors -Lola O'Fun Da.nclng SPECIAL DeLuxe ?\ew Y(·11r'!( * BREAKFAST * l I AftM" ynur pa rty He-Su,,.. t n i "Let's Make Up" ., ... d ' l SJ. ' PIJ .... I . ri• I '>el Iii ..... t.I I Al"o t"<nt1·: TO H AIWl.I> S ! L _____ :~~:.~~~~:_1_:~~~-----------: Now in 2nd Week L I D 0 74£~..t-r~ -. . . . IOWALL -•1111 STAGIElllG --····· EVEITS THAT TOUCHED OFF THE FUSE IAMED ~~BILLY MITCHELL! ( 1111. 1111. I r11111 ! :tu Also Jack Webb 1n "24 Hours Alert" K lol'~ )fat "'•'· I: l"t STAHl..; \\ f·.ll"f'~"i ll \ \ """ ,, , I h ""I-\rift Ill\ I lo" .. Gu11 lett" "Kismet" \ 1,., ' fh., H11: 111"11" I HARBOR TARS TAKE ON PILOT QUINT HERE TONIGHT Fvlletto" I os•s <:90 I •\1N1• ,.... tlll'h! Krol ,. .. •l ll1t•k .. F'l 'f,J..£•: , 11 , , I.on~ ·• "' • t ~: 1~''"'" T1•n•Kr.t 111 .. In '"~ BtaC'h Poly t'•l.:t"tt l-ullf'1ltu1 11 In· ha n11 b&tllt' h'r t hrr.t rtacr aca1n-t J1ana !1-69 In \he Covina \C'luma· 1l"11thf'\t1al BILL PHILLIPS, Sport. Editor PAGE 6 • PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 FIGHT TRAFFIC? STAY IN AREA FOR COLOR-CAST WHY HARBOR Fo,1tball CAn~ who <lo not po1<1<el!s ntt•r11sar-y admi.oinn 1h11 at-1 1,11 the J9l\6 ROJle Bowl gamr may tllke hurt \\1lh the 11nn•mn<'Pmtnl lrom VIiia ~11rlna 1P11la11n1n\ Tiie UC'LA-M1 t'h11t1111 Sl&,f' gem!' will bt ;wa il11ble for VI<'\\ 111h 1n <'• tor on a large 3<'1 ef'11 tele\'11111>11 m tht Aquar111m R ou111 nL thl! Villa t'\Jlllf' i;:anw 111111' Montl!l.\' a(lt'r11t>{1n. l'i 1ur '" thr foul ball t'I"~-" \\ond\' HuldP1', Cll.l'llt'I' of lht' 1iv1111l.•r 1:1 )"'' ;-><J b , 11la111< Lo sh"w tl;P 111111011~ H""" l'ar"de 1n tulur un 'rV \\llh a f>Of•Ul"r plH'Pll b1 ~11k(HH·l1111n• h h\'llll· i.t1le 111 fnllm·: .. 1 >1 \lf thl' annunl ~l\lllt' nnol plll oi•l•• Sailon Hope to from 39-33 Loss l~nce lack to Paramount Caughl wilh their point.a down when they discovered hig h sconng• F orward Eddie Pope would be unable to play W edne11day n ight. the Newport Harbor High School Sailors w e r e uµset on the rival floor by lowly Paramount High's quintet 39-33. •bl• ot taJUnc up th• alack .. TU.m· 5,, m11•<erahli> Wll~ th• Tar •how· lnir In an ou~tandinr floor ,Came. 1n1: th11l <'••ll•'h Jules Gage read Oreen captured high point honora th,. nnt &<'l to t1111 c-h11rgH , alonl' wltb 11 llMU'kwa. The re•t of the wt\h t he tc'hni: s t1ll111llc. of the od tale: luMIP, foll1>w1ng t he. tray. Lorants., thre. field ~. ThP loral llHb ronnec:ted tor two rttt to-. 8; Terry Hall. ••nlv 22 per 1'l'11l <>r their field one r oal. 2 ; Denni• Harwood. two i-:•Hll attcmp:" ;0111 :?~ per cent of ~tte. 2; Larry Harper, two l'Ollla. their shot-< fr<'m thP foul hne. 4 ; T om Hollfton, two rttu. 2: f-'111 ... •nrd Paul Lorrntzen'i. reat of Green, five 1oaJ•. one gttt, II. 1 1',•p1C'lll of lnd1v11Jual effort• was Dave Tamura. two go&la, 4, and ---------------------------- 1 s1nl<lnj! b11t thrt>e oul of 20 buck· RECICO~lED. WITH l'l attempts. Overtlllle Victory Agaln!lt pow t>rrul F.xcelalor ln I ltie S11llor gym 11t 8:111 tonight. FUUZRTON (0CN8) -l"IJl· ro11~e hC1p1'9 fnr re1Ul"1\ to llCt\on lerton'a Indiana fained an OVt'r· nf J•ope a nd " df>fimte lmprovt'· lime 72-71 vlctor1 over T emple m~nt 111 play of rm S111lor~. peg· ).!NI for a 1wMnd place flnll'lh to City In the Co~ll& tournament ~ It'• Nn11111 .. 4lffanlt I~ It -errfvM • c.t. Mele I I ~----.. -_ _,,,~··· ......... 'WYllV-... ~ . -· UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK ......... S.•t• Moaul:1) ·.., l'"fl''" for ,.,,·ii i111.: 1wt • ', Bucs Lock €cod in Barry Outing; Pre~ for Citrus F 11llPrton 1n the pre·MMOn Sun· Wedneaday night for their alxth Ml Le11Rue ratings. win In a row. Cuard Pete Lon& P r .. vious mrPt1ng w1lh Excel· scored 28 polnta tor the Tribe N e wport A ve . ot Harbor Blvd. ' • C 0 ST A M l S .'\ Offering fair warning to r emainder or the Eastern 11lor toun1l the P 1\ot11 tumbling quanlt't. Con~rence that the Pirates will have to ~ reckoned with lhf' Ttt~ w " 5~43 rte~~t ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~---~-~-~~-• . . . 1 t hi' Hunl1ngtcm Bea<'h tourna· m c hamp1o o sh1µ casaba contrnlio n th is sea son . Orange menl. Odclly enoui:h. a 1hlr11 <'lash Coast College w a11 Wednt'1lday night eliminated from the bf'twet'n the two sq1111J~ will takf' I Sam Barry Me m orial JC b aHkc tball t ournament whe n a 1 pla<'e in openin>: round c>t the Cumpton Ha11k••thall tournament 1urp1 l111n~ Lo11 Anitel•• Hsrhor f>llvt' Uttlmt·k 8. E7. Van Hom 2. at 5 p. ni. W ednesday. Winner qumll'l ,.lltced U1e Bur • for a ~8-:>7 8Jll Wetr;t'f 3 and Don M1nM>n 1 play~ wmntr, loser play• Joeer v1rtury. 111. the Harbor struggle, the ot the Loyola -Jnglt w ood first Attention! Tragedy May Be Approachin9 Your Ha me! •lNGERTIP Fl.JP -H:ing up ano ther bucket for J o hn H l'nnil u1. tht' h igh Sl'11ri11J{ N e wpo rt Harbor Hig h School B b ashtba ll aet'. H e11ru t in paced Wed- n!'li<lay's eas.v \'icto ry fu r the Sailo r lil='hlwr ights OVC'r P a ramuunt by whipp ing 10 f ll'ld goats through the O('tl111g. Eight of h1R ~oals t·am t· in third qua rtt>r o ( the dash. -S taff Phot (J : HENROTIN GOES ON SCORE BINGE AGAINST PARAMOUNT Coach Stu Inman had hl1 P,r-Plratff clung to a 31-30 ha.I!-round 1'0 In lha le-team tournty. a lt'• prepping today for !lnal time tead In what wa11 a.nybody'a Cage revealed. practice outing or the u uon here j!llme unlit the rmal buner. Chap-"The thing I like about thi&" Tue:tdlly n1.-ht aga1n~t Citrus. 111an paced t he Piriile dunklnga Cage 11alJ , "111, win or ln11e, V.:e J Ul!l how ~ood a ..tiowrnr ln· with 16 poln\1. Remainder or the get two good gamea ne1tt we.-k num 'il btukf't .. tr11 m •llt In t he h>ca l aconn&: to aharpen ua up tor the SunMl fj11rry ch\Mlc can b.-11 ... .in by t ht Bl<.Jnick 3 ; V11n Horn 3: Fits· opener a(alnat Santa Ana here facl the PtratM pl1ulleied Lon( palrlck 11 ; MlnHnn 4: Jt'd1ly Young Jan, 10." Beach City College 6~·tll In Clr•l 7; 1nlll4'• ~. anti Coulle 8. Art er the Paramount uhlbl- round com~tltlon Tut~day. T he llon, Gage 11 confident hh1 buke- Vlkmg• lul 1eaaon captured thl' teera net>d a ll the <'Om~tltlon tourney lllli' Sainh Triumph lh'Y can Rel. \'F,STt 'RA l 'PSET To ahow how ,..,t'alt r .mount Fut • breaking Ventura W&I in Tourney Go la. I.hey Mored no "lore ,,uketa favored to cop the c1own thta than the Tara Wednl'~clay night. st ll9Qn. Harbor Tuuda.v ntf ht up· SANTA ANA. tOC~SI The Each tea m dunked through 13 J ohn Htnrotln Wt'nl nn 11 11t· .. r· 1 n1 > "1th 211 J11>1nl" B h t I set Vtntura 7 .. 70. And then had San•• Ana Hlvh Srhool Saint• goat1. ul w n e the Sallora col· Ing bin~e In lh11d quarter 11 a 01 •• 11.1 •~l'. thf' (1 ev Amounted ..,.. ,,_ " 6 1 . :\4 N'"ll<Hl Harbor 111.:h tn 11111,. 111 " 1 ,. than 110 ,.,1,.,. a tou1th time sncak1nic put th~ were vlclor1oua over ra<'if1c of lecled on n ven free t hrow•, or ' B th '\' I • 111 th 1l!Ar San B•rn11rdino 37 . 3:\ TuHday 24 per cent. ~e riva.I• hit for 13 S<'ttnol 0 cn11rl vrrlory ov"r 'f•f·•· l'h11•l1111<• 1.1•111 ni11p rcir Ill•' Tnr Ut.'11 '" •· t" nl'~• .y r < • ~ lllClllnl 11 ltj:hlWl'lldll1< 111 SHtlur fl',. I ·.,,., h J lllllll\' ,\l tll"r Wit_, Jn thl' flr11t l<lllrnl')' \UHle for night In qua rter • fln1tla Of the (lft lO!l¥S, Or 6:> per oent.. Thill I ., th '-\·~ • · n °.-ich' ht ... ll Covina E<l"ewood Act1vt Club I n· proved the dlfff'rtnct . g\ln \\'1'1lncs1 ay •• \l•rnw n. rH nl· ll111.1 n "" h u !<I••.. t 1111.111 110 I C' • < 11111rn. ""' K n • " 1•• " Id h h ' bl l c< p• w1\h th bal v1la t •-nal bukelball t oumt'y. The rtva.11 g-ol out In tront 11·8 111111~ r11:ht ''" j:uels l 1nu1< t.'01 .. h J ul<'11 1;.11?• """ <allf'•I up· ...... una <' 0 ' ~ ' • .., In the first penod. but tralltd the Is your water heater leaking? Do you notice rust in your water supply? Sudden failure or leakage in water, may cause irreparable damage ! Major lrand Gla11 Uned WATER HEATERS Now avaDable at theM ~ nsatioaally LOW PRICES! I WHY TAKE THE RISK? SIZE 20 ·Gallon 30 ·Gallon 40 ·Gallon 50 ·Gallon REG. s 86 $100 $121 $146 Immediate Installation t-'"'rAi;t' (',"I -lt\11 'Ill NOW ,. \ f~ -.)J-·. ·~ ('• .... ' . .. 1 ••• .) ,,,.1 t·r. ... ~, •• :J $98.50 t.hi· nf'ttV\lo:. AdJecl to a p .. 1r 1of nn t .. 1111.nt ••r Mill••• s <hlUf't>t1 Hr i.nceJ aconnlC all!lck CJ( \he P1r· Thi' S11 1nla roare<t Into IUl 8·0 Sailor-a 20_19 al halfUme. Par11- bur kf'tll llo:nrotln !hppNI lh1 oui:h t,11,t 101 ""~" 111nt uf 11 I ates. Ora n.:l' Coatol 1 .. 11 at halt· lead an d were nf'\'t r headed. For· · 2• "2 1 1 d h mount whlpl)i!d Ole cords with 13 1n r1rl'l qu11rt!'r of tlw frny. tl1t• Th" 1,,,.11L vuuni;•lell IPt.l 12•7 lime ,,., •nll •\l'All Y move ward G.io rge ~·inter paced l e I d t k I llY hl"h 11c: r hun I · ahead of \ht V1k in1t• victor• acortnv with 10 point.I. polnla In the Uilrd qua.rler whil" • ur ,., aw ,: u " ' • 1<t <'lltl 11! th<' 111 sl quilt lei 1tn1I · ~ • the Sallor1 were mal<lng 111t •--------21 -1:1 11 1 hnlft<111<'. """· "'llh lien· Top man fur lh• Buel' both point. to tuck away lha lllL 1 GARBAGE DISPOSALS h 0\¥ 1u allahl" a t lh" IM'n .. allon- •lly low prioe of ••• , • s59so. rotm """' '"" th" 1wtu111 thrc1111<h, on offrn~r lj n<I ""'"11""· "'8 111 biic Lawn lowl Results Gara ~vealed that Pope and IHr• tun-.••1 I•• 21! flhllll• "l:"'"~l Biii lnlOf'a Gieat un<l•r lhl' bt<t k· O'°'ga MA~ went up 1n an air· '.Big Bertha .Returns to Lionettes 11111. '"' lilt· 11v1\l• 1n the \hlrtl bua rda., w ht• f' he l'Ull~tllntly oul· M••· \\'alter Pear11<1n look tl1'8t plane durinl( th• day prior to t•Knto jumped two Vlk1nj(t1 14'hn 11t11nd th p d _,, 1>rl1te with 10 po1nta 1n the holiday • aramount itame. an a.udle ~"""•~ "' "' ""' \\''"'" R••n•Jt'I. ~~~ ~nlou f<rNJ ~ 7 ~·o•n~• l~~ou,ah tour11anien t on U\e Nf'wport Baa.ch wu too alck to perform that ""' ''" .i l:"ftl• ,11111 l't ,.,.11... oop, moat " '"' • 1 0 ' night. Nor ••• Pope fulln' much tw11 i.:trl lllAA1·~ 'l R1c-h1t r1I T111 · Uie Bucs lhu auao n 1ttunt'•pal lawn bow llnr p-aci chipper when Gage n nt hi• Gebe Lido Plumbing 11~1.1•k•'. l1.11o )(Ill~ 'i RtrhuHl l'.11111 •·11 I t 1\1 o•r K"ll I" .. nr g1(1, 7: OTllCR ~<'<>Rt:RS Tueeday Etlwan l Munet w aa NC· lhrourh pracUca drill )' .. tuday Bo b Ch11pm1'n hit fo1 14 Ttd nn<I with 14. Taylor CarT third momtnr. ',;,.,,,. Hl\11n1. th'"" !:"""' i\ H11•l Th• 11 , .,.,., 11.1 n i,: 111 • 2 Rohtorl lf•n'••~h"l lwn ,:nAh 1 J im C()11lt1 9. l>enny 1--1lz11at1 t•·k 11. ~·1th 13. 1n Popa'• abRnc•. Ouard Gary 1530 • Uberty 8'3441 ll\' l.f':OSARO R. HA~Ut.I. OH A':':(;t~ 1<X':o-;!'1 l!t'rtha R•it•n, ~l""'l11r11!11r 01anit" I.ton· f'tlll hllrl!'r, Will r1trh 8 1!Alfl In l9M. ~"' th11 1lst1 11nn1111nrrrt lrnrt """ i on th11l Aht' ""' 1;01n11 lo ltlllt from i;1 rl • 80ftboll Wfldnf>11cl11y. 11h4' 1 .. 111 rw:-;s th>1t t111e l o the fl <'I th~ l.1r1nrtlr~ ""' the worM a • h""'Jl''"'~ Ahl' Ill•~ !l•<'ldrd to ptlrh l\nt•lhrr >,., to1 eerta.Jn ~lul I· 1 t• 111 1"1111• >< Rtch•rtl I M111RI• ~ 1111• •' ll(••MI• G, ll1tvf Pel· lit ••11•• ~•fl I. Don Five Whittier Tuesday Plays Frosh Night l'\:"o.l'A A ':'A 10(':"1:~ r ; ~Id l'tt th11 .,.lie ie irl• "11 '"" .11111~ 1•·•11111r1t fnr S•nta ~~" "'llntrl1 111 1·mnr 1>111 k f11 1 •1'HR1C" , . .,11,.i:•· .. 1._,,, b1t~k"l''"t• vr -lor· •n<l Pl"Y "Iii""' tllll ttwv 011•1 11"1 1 tV • .r1 ... H ...... k" lAV 11(( !Wt'I '4•11 n\ In 1<1111'~-I.I •• 1·t111I I tin 11 "' • \f'Aln T hill t• 1.1 h \' I h • t•I•' I lo r•t• h 11nulh,.r ......... ,, l'om111,.nt 1ni: nn 1•1111 n nr 11••11 hi\ IQ the L1onrttr lln••ur • h • 11°·1 F r<'tl \\'o.~h1111 , "'" """'"" h1• J'I"·' l llrl' O\'l'r rrro~t '" I• t•f h•\ IOI( f l .r •"""'' p1trh1n11 lllrt njllh In Ill" l'on11ni:: ~nClh><•I !'r&•• n \\ n,hllll ~"Iii ' \\ r \\ 111 h I\ r I\ Cl11\Jnf'l!ln~h1p lr1110 \\r \\IJI \11<1 &l('Aln lllltl \<Ill 111\\" t •11••11t..'1 ,,.am l/1An '"' I 1•1 1n 1 • '"'' ... r1 h111l r••-,. Th,. L1nnrtlr• "••nl In 1· .. 11l1H••l In ~ .. f'll'O\hl'r ,,, t hi~ \. " tO•I "'"rr ti r" • r 1 h,.. ,1 ,.,_ 11• Hit.: t11,, atrttnl{l'Al l,.Jtll on 11 <' \ < ll·H• n ln t c•Ur n ,.V r l;. ,. h\ r:,t .. •' t "'" t Pr Anti tnan .. ~• r of th•• l 'f "''ti\ llambltMI ----- Orange Artesia Defeats Cag~rs , ORA:-.'GF; 1n1·'\:-01 111.1 n~,. Ji1i:-h ~khn<•I • 11n •1 \ 11~1• \ t 91,.r• llP(t'f•!rl \1tr•n II I •II ~I Tllr01l 11 1h,.nl<A 1 .. " i.:•Rl\nlh l l'rt'lnt\ h11 I< 'J"H I Thr r 1111'l•I• 111111.-1 ,,, ..... ft • f"hf1•tn,.. .. hnlldnv \\ 111 a i.: "''" "'" t"r T""""•' ... , ,,, 11n '"" r .... n r11u r1 •..:"•n-• I h~ \\ hit l lf•t I 'nl J~ '°' t f'1 t1~h t""l\I h 1 • \\ \11111rl ''"' ~n t h '"" 01111 h I mu I· II Jl, I ,, ,. ••1"ntr I! thr F:11•I· • 111 t nt"t• • • hl\Jlkrlhall r111" .. '-· 11n.• • ., ,,,. t tt t ,, .. 1..,. nn • ... I •··n h~l ·S'-'••• ' \\ •h II " ~'.I l"lll ,.tl ... lh" ,,,,, t • •t 1,.,.._u ... U\ th1· ,, H~h1ttnil 'I • • • ~·11 In, I •1 '~ "' I·• kine " • I I '"'-tn t 111.:111· I 1~J•11.n b.t 'tl1na th·· 11k·• ,.r • t 'I I " If I I " ,. I • (" 'JI ... ' .. ,, ... , H Pu.,, •. , !'1,h H-·fUl'1'""' 'Ill ln t" •• Rn I 1 lt1tlf"' • l'snlh .. ,. San Berdoo Quintet Clobben Colonists A'>'A lll-'IM 10<''l:l'1 .. n. •!h1•1 •l•r••Al l.lllJI 1'11 ffPl"l )\th, I 'tol"n ~1& h11•kPlbAll lf'llln A• 11 dl•1''1'" I II h11nl f"lllCht 1'••111 I tinl II• \,, lhl' l'11n l-11'1 01\1!1\11" 1'111•\ 11 ti• 1-·11 1111 n•Lhl 1n I ho """ hr nt ~ 111 h I -1 C'l .. 111•1• Ttrn T11i:nr1 ~n •I see the NEW PltlC W $3465. 11 • , .. S~ll SM>4tn IOAOSrte O.-J.,w .,;., "1-4, ~ ti ~,,, "*IL fl/IH11t~I '"'~• it took JAGUAR to improve on the JAGUAR! NEW! Ptec<\•On race car steer•na tor extra sffttlYI NE W' tncreas,d horsepawer now •"••l•bl• for the enKt04 that m•d• J•1uar \he WOfld's lastol product ion Cal' NEW ! (nla•1red cockpit -more lea room. 1rHte• comfort NEW! NEW 1 Smart refinements of th• um• sculptured ti.a ut, that made Ja1uar lh• w0tld's mosl 1dm11e<I mot0t ,., no• more than e•u, the finest car of it.fl claM In Ow •or\d ! Call fw • de..,e111frwtla" - HAUSKEN • WATSON 'P"rfl C "' C ""'"' !'!Ill !'l. MA I ~-"T , ~ \' I \ \' \ l fl·I'\ Jlf h<Jtl111\I' hlll 1 I• h01K \II' th .l~ r I''• 1n t11r I•• <I l''" r"r1n.I• 10 .. ( "t " h "I':, "'""' r,I In t hr IA•t • ''""' T"n\' IA'1H h ""'" hll:h •rnf'r• f111 Ill>' < 'nlnn1•t11 Wllh II\ 11 nol 14 1 1«•1111• '"'I''" ll\'rl)" .._ ___________________________ • T l\,. 1"11nt h1 1 ",., r ''"" kr I II\' n1 .. ""£11' ,.,,, •h•" 11n~ nf R11n t:nzf'lm•n «hfl hu r k,.11'11 IP pn1nll'I In thl' rnmr~nl"n ff'llllllt' \ht> OHS A hn.•p•ll'1 • "• rr olo•tr11 '"" b y A r tr•ll\ ;,~.:1 1 . Hausk•n· Watson SPORTS CA I< ct;~Tt:lt --·--.1a«m&r, ~ti., . .\If• Ro1111•u HAPPY NEW YEAR! ! From All of Us to All of You Open Bowling Monday thru Thunday, 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. 10:45 to ClosinCJ Au.tin HP"I~ . .\ ll'tlt1. ~ .. rrh• Au,lln t(rnaull All NiCJht Fridays & Saturdays !\"l.:W Co\R_~_,~.-... 4 ... EK\ in : Day & Ni9ht lowllnCJ Sundays ('LE,\:-./ n·~:u l'A R~ ~ lmpnrll'•I ~ l'o111r.o l11 VAN, s .-0 w LING ~.:~~ ~~'~ I M:,T;~"'~.:" 1t1t Har. Ill. !201 s. Mala 1703 Su~rior, Co.ta Mtsa BILL llLOTZ, M~r. Uberty g..3292 ._ ________________ __., ____________________________________________________________ _J ar-ap~arl!d the Ion• Ttr r1'f1· { t)ttfttt bomt lltbtlopmrnt ) .... _ . ...__.......,~ only. C*"P"' .~ .. (:af' "'*"· ~ ..._........,. hem.-wUI rd.ct dwin1 dw 'ftAI'\ llo COIN )'OW ~ jl,..t -· N~ .tw at11 1011 L.cl .ch en lde9 M'ftil'I far ..... lhllq ... lfM )'Oii --b ,._,-odl Mid )'O'oW t...o, . Of -.JI ......, -tt-1 ~ ptntl<'f'lll•.~ball 1.-.~ of all~ --rialir. ht Ta H ... u. CQ"'""" rftOP.Dft tt..t mtoeh ~·~-.............. <'Oft~ ...,_, f'ar M -. )'OUll lod ID ~C..-!nATa • large~ rec:n•noa -Halt· , 0"9l Pu\__,-wtG ~ Ut· t1tLnape'-W .............. ko<'l..U ..d'-dbel--...t~ pool -................... ol _..__ ... , ... ......... 114 -~ """ ,.,.. HALECREsr Campus 4-ACBE IECIEITIOI Pill FOi USllEITS ..... VTW\&OOfU---·--·-... ...._ ...... &-.'I, ~..,_ I ·1•1ue 1n .. 1..i1 .. 11 .. 11 • Commercial • Residential • Costa Pembroke Hot for Redskins f'ULLr;RTON. IO<"NS1 raced by the llf'nsallona l "hoollni; t>t K t n t Ptmbruk,. Fullttt•)n Hlrh'a baak l'tb&ll !t am wnn their Covin• tourney o~nn Tut~lil\y ••(ht. The Ind1a.ns \\on lhl'1r fifth atral1ht came of thf' au/Vin hv ea.ally downing El St'gunll••, 61 · 411. Fullerton ltd at lht' eml ,,f the tint ~rtod, 2i·ll anrl at hal t- t ime, 32·17. Pernbroka took JIC'nr1ni: hnn .. ra t or the day with 23 point~ H r rnade 10 In the ftrllt quuter Ju~t a Junior, he conne<lect on n1n .. nf 14 ~hnt1 f rnm lh" rtoor for a ntw i.<ho-d 1e.:01<.1. In <'t hu tourney «•me•. :rem-1 pl" r 1t v dl'ff'at "'' Bald win Parl<. 41 -:17. C"a\ltorn\a bl'a l Hart. ~?·4 3. itnrl Loni: Bu•·h l'uly knock· I r•I '"'•'r CAntw .. 11. IW·40 In th" '""~r brlll k<'l 11:arnf'a, plliV•··I lll lh" \0"\'lnll l:,\'111, C '11lh•'- drl\I be"t K"ulh Pa,. .. Jfnll, 43· :?J•. l..vnw.u,1S t•itr~e J P1:<""nh•. -41· 10 1·nv11111 l(nt b·.-C111<lcn Cr11\'f'. :u ·27 wh1 e San la A n.1 bt'lll Paci· r1r .. r i; .. ,, Bt1 n .. rll1no. 37 -J3 Panther~ Perform ORAXCE • cc:-:s' fJra111:~ Hl>;h Srht1<Jl0s P11nlhc1 A plrn Co· una 1 llgh tc•nt)\hl m I h~ C"h1•p1nnn C'nlh·itt> gym St81 :1ng (r~ll\ltlt-11 .nr 1hio ('\'t'r11ni; \\'tll hf' i. Jlln .. r r1r tty rra}' \'8 rsll~· go 111 •Pt fur 7 pm. ANQTHER "FIRST' •..• for VILLA MARINA MONDAY, JAN. 2nd .. TV '" · Oiler Fives Nab 4 Paramount Wins JONES RE IGNS 1 Terriers Top AS ROLL CHAMP Colonist Five I Coach ~ Moaaleller'• Runt-Lanky Dill J onrt of 11\T 10th St , Nrwport BPMh, cur- rrnlly rrogn~ I\~ ch11111p .,f tht• L<•itUna Be&•h !..awn 8 0 \\I· 111g t.:l11b artu c-upplni:-t hl' rt'< f'nl Prl'shlen1 s C'up ~1ns:lu tourna.mf'nl In the ne1i;l\bunni; City. Rolling Into a rap1J lraJ. Jonf's oh '" nt<I A I Wilson by a 21-9 arore tn t he finals Jt nu•rkl'\l ~e<"ond Li\._'°\tn1:1. J'l f'lrl· dtnt":t cup caplilred by J nnrs. Jn (ht' iiprlng ot 19!1:1, Junt'll ou1howlt tl F ret1 Aufdl'nkllmp In lhP l'\'tnl, 17·~. A:\AHEIM, IOC:'llSI -Th r 1ngton Beach Oller quintet,, re- Anl\hioim Cnlnnl•t <'llJ::I! t ;-am 1 cenlly downed Para.mount R~ I divpp.,J " llMkdbllll '1811w 10 H-41 on lhe rival court. The Oil· I 11kyscr11~r John Sethkt, 6 II 6 1 m , and the l!tdl.inll~ T.-ri i .. rs. <'r Jun ior varally triumphed 48·21. ~3-36. 1n a t ilt play~ in the Coa r h Scot t Flanaf'&l\'I B Al"H S ~ym 'l'uuday. !squad beat Paramount'• llfbl· Thi' ftrM hlltr c-r thP j!'&mp ""•1· wl'<lghla lll·U y,·hll• eo.cb J'nn)t f'd Anaht1m 20. Rt> ll&n118 :?:\ C"hlf Munoz;' C'a copped Y1ctory SS-10. Ruger. did mo11l ur Ille K Ormg I ror the Cololll .. ta tor U!e !int I half u he made 18 of the 20 Golf Clubs Stolen I pumts. Tonv l..e11rh mad,. the oth-1 A ~llerton visitor, Ted 8hlp- er two pn1nl.!I. C°\lff cOllfcl N a kty wu the victim of th• thatt. I total ut 24 polnl.9 In the game. ot JO worth ot ,.alt clubi &lid -------------Anaheim J \"1 beat the T .. rrif'ra J(Olf balls bet~en 1 and T ~ m. GOALSLIDE! Junior Tar Cagers Romp to 41-17 Win In a double overt lll1f, 43-U . Wednesday. Shlpkey'e car, where Anaheim's 8 '11 al110 played Chi· the Items were 1tortd, w u park- no 1n the l'ac1t1c Tournamt n t Alld j "d 1n front of 217 Agate Ave.. a l · ... ·on by a 41 ·20 margin. lh• Ume. i"1j1 I.II DID YOU KNOW I 1 • Wtth th" orpo11ltlon &r-orini; hut ' 11 that In the compl~iA> Chryslf'r •Plymouth Un~. we a s1ni;1e r<>ant in tho trrst quarter. j ha''" a total of FORTY DIFFERENT CARS, nng- the Xewp1.rt 11111 h11r High St·h0<ll Ing ln prlef', from $1757.00 to $80:17.()()! P LUS, IW> Jllntur ,·11r~11.'· R .. 1111r 111111llt t romr· 1 I mww color c.-ombinations that \\'P'n~ bel-n unable N tu a 4!-li trllllltflh "'""Pant.· 1 to oount tht>m! YOU name it -WE'VE got it !! mO\mt H11:h·~ ,I\' Chl\rl(l'S 1m t he I ri1·a1 c-ourt \\ , .. 1n,.sday night. (\Vbo?) Guar.,•J1m l~rnto f11\UIM I hl!(h LOU REED, of CoOl8et sc-ore honor.!!, hllt1ng for rh'<' ftl'ld l 11l1~'§l§§§§§§§~§§§§§§§§§~~§~~§§~I goals anti lhl rP fuul lihOU f nr JJ !.!: Tar poln\8 Ft1r\\nr,1 Don Babb11 .. ----------------------------tra11,.,1 '''llh 111 lllglls on three field goal1 a nrt four gift toaaea. ! LOPSIOt: J•t;tuou See and Drive New the 1956 Tht Sailors ju111pe11 Into s I~-1 lescl at f'n c.l or the Initial C:llnto I M.L AWP.,"1!:-Charlle Taylor Halftime tally ravorecl the local or Coach 8111 Straw'11 Newport lads of Co1H'h J ules Guge ~r>-4. 'COLOR JAGUAR v I L L A SH! Hear! Rose Parade M Oft Color TV IM"~lnnJng 8 :SO a. m. Monday,• Ian. 2nd Football in Color TV from the ROSt: 80\\'L .l'.<'.1 •. A. , .. M l<-h.11 aa Htai. l :JO p.m. N-.t.7. Jaa. Ind Special Brea kfa st-Brunch (Moeday, ,&11_,.7 hd. 1•~> Ham -Sausage -Bace>n -Egg1 Tout -Jam -Juice -CoCfee Eejey BNMlfMt-Bnutdt er Luadl lll tlw! Popalu A•uu111111 8-a& A R I N A \"Ula !'lutaa "hlle 7°" -a.cl ...., Tile 9-...,.... A a-Bowt 0.,.. lll Co111r. Harbor High School C qulnll'l "I thrtw in tverythlng but the 111ole the ball from rararnounl bem h. l ry1ng \o keep the ecore pc-rfom1l'rl Wednf'11Jay to l!ni11 down," Gage confllle<I. In Ulla lay up all hy hi• Ion••· ln all. tht Sailor J Vs conntetl'd I aome. _ SW! Photo ror H &oals to 11ix fQr Paramount a.nd tor 13 fru a hot. to five I. r Font.IDS Nabs Ule rlva.lsi·oPPIXO HOT I Bento v.u rl'J h1•l In l he f 1rat I · JJl&nza. popp1nic three go11la a.nd a S B ttl foul ehol lhrough t he corrl11. Olhn 1 1 core a e ~:t;s:r~0:1ntfe:i~0::~e hunir up ror I fr T I Jerry 1\emr>n, one 1('0111. one girt Om ay Or tOP, 3; Bob Ylll11grnna, two goalll. one g irt, ~: Stnn S1 honea, one I goal. four gift~. ~; Bob Alll'n, one I I John Fontlua 1''1gf'tl ltammste goal. 2. 1111'1 John u wt,, one goal. z. Charlie Ta)lor in fl"' ans: the 1'tW· 1 - -· -- port Hai bor H t,lo!h :-;rh•t<tl C bukel· J h&\·t orten bl'en at ruck by lht b&ll tum of Cna<"h Bill Straw to fQcl lha l l.he 11,>nlploms of l11z1- 11. lop81rlrrl 60-211 \ ictmy <•l"f"f ntlUI and fatigue 11re prRClll ally r111 amn11nt'11 r agfi fll'&we1ght• In thf' same. _ Frtdrn(k ~i• ...~., .... t.,,:..J, .............. ~ .... WorU'1 fiuu1t P4 IG/111 proc1Mctio11 ea' HARVEY MAYER MOTORS 2137 Harbor llvd .. , Costa Mesa (Corner Victoria St.) Uberty 8-22.56 IM Sailor gym \\ <"·lntad&y &11 .. r· AJlrn. l n(>fln ~~~~~~~~~~~~__:.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· F untl11s ll('orf'<l 13 polnlJI to i:~r· ""' htgh "rore honor uvrr T1tyl"r 8 12 rn11rk,nt. ijoth IJoyA conn I'• I •··I !or 111X f1elrl 1rna l11, but Fnnl Piii arld~l a girt to1u1 to hla bu• krt collrruon. The 11traw mrn ZQOmfd Into • 20·4 flntl qua rtcr lcatl 11nll v. n ,. I nl!vtr head~. 1 .. a,•tng tht flM r a t 1n1rrm1J1.•lon with 11 :t9·ll m1111t1n !lltxt e>Ullng f"r I.he S&1lor C • ,,. 11Chedul'"1 at Harbor lloya' l"lub come 3 30 p m. Thur9day Sronng rundown ag,ln11t r..ra· mnunl Gary P1rk«-n11, rl,.,. r .. tot ~ntllll. \0; M iki' ll••Yf'. f<lllr It•"'" 8. Jim )PWf'll. thlf'8 gni.t ... I\, Hu h· ard Srhllrhr11•1ayrr. thrf'I' goa.11 II Jim J nn,.•, two g n11l11, 4, and t:rnt' Rlcketta, one foul •hnt. l . l From Sunset Loop I F\..'1..LF:RTON. 1nc.ss1 n r•r 8unut Ll'a,ue ""I:" 11q11stf .. "'" tak111i J>3r1. In t.h" !ll't·nnf1 11nn111 I Covina lnv1ta llonaJ R&.\i(f' •·~•I To11rn11mfnl lhla w,_k rca\•• r '" Fulltrton, Sanl s Ana and Ga1 11'/l I Cron Tourney !Ina.la a.re Kht'Jul ~~~~~~~~~~=~~--~~-~~~=-----ed t nnlght. • Some ~About the~of METRO SERVICE The fare you 1"2> tn ride a Mt'iro bus is deter· mmf'd br many thmEt'· T he puh11C usuall · see\ on!) the moto r coach. the o perator and pcrhar' a Station or tuminal. Rut tht'rt' are a lnr nf other di.rttt and indire<t itcmi that muH he paid ..,uh the money you d rop int0 the £.ire b<.1x, A fev.· such items include \\ a~t'\, ma1crial\, f uel, tires. tickeu and tran\fer\, 1n,uranct amJ tuces. In taxes a Ion<'. Mc.-t ro " now p11~ tnft nq·r $I .(>00.000 annually for the prt' tlc.-ge of pro' 11.l· mg tnn,•t 1ervic<'. Jn ou r complt'x. modern life, <''<'n )U\h it >ttmin1tlY simpk ma tter as rramporra1 ion to your job o r shoppin~ aru invulvcs a g reat cap1cal in vtstm cnt ..• the scr' ice o ( 1hnuunds of spc· ciall)' trained ,..-orkt'rJ ... 1nd co~1s amounonJt ti" millions of dollars n ch r rar. METROPOLITAN COACH LINES Serving 12 5 communitie• in lot Angeles, Orange, Riveriide, and Son Bernardino counlies -\\\\~ ......... FIEI TUm. AlMM CLOCI ,. eedl -"<--' " s rooo ., -Tllle "'""9lfvl '--"-' -•-' r,_1 Alo .. c~ .._. • Iv,,.;-. rod""" cllo4 -4 foWI lflto o cOMpO<t cew. ~ tar "°-., .Mic• "' ... -tript.. Fl[[ C..ilt lutllw l lllOlJ ,., •«Ii -O<C"O ... el SJOO ., -·· 0pe .. .,.... ~ _... of SJ00 ~ _... Yov ~ ... o 1.o..--ve--~ billfold ,,.. !•Whet _ .... w i.tY• ....... obi.). r•u CU(ST PAC re e odt 11•• •••lllff -t'••11I. °'"" .,_ ....i,,.. ~ ... _, O"'O\lftl oftd you rK111"9 0 hOl'Cfy .. C11.,1 'oc" lollecl ..ith ~ dn.vo~-41~.~ )'OV ... o ... 0~11ity .. _.... - of 7 S foblllovt r.n r.M. -of w+.ldl It o w.M'• ol ••P9fl18 peod trip •~two to Lot v~ ACT TODAYI Offer 11 limited OM to •adt n.w a ccovftt, b p lre1 January 31, 1956 Ht•t 1 .~, ,.., t~e.,Jt/ -• fl! Ced• Me.. S-l..gt1 I lo.lo ..,.l•o• euew••;, 1,...,.ed '° S 10.000 "7 •"• ,...., S..C..,. ... , loe"' ,,..,.,,.,.... C9#etot•••o11111, 1 No•, rov ,_,.,_.. ,,. .. , .. , .e ...... e y .. r 941t •It $owt""9' A.ccev1111i•t More~ )1. J11"'• )0 s.;; • ..., >0. Oftd '" •1-. ff)' "•tf (~ttt1""9t 0.C:.-t. .. 10 Yow• ..,-.'"'0' ouov"' ..,'" l"t'"' l~ .... nrr,.... ~,.... !loot •"' •v•" °' 2)0' _. , .... _ .. , ............... 'l'ov _r ..,,..br,.....i .-,..,-.......... ~ $ f"IOT I~• \tl"W•t .. of I~" ftl ... dty ,.,...109t W.,!ltvti-., • , ..... ,..._., 0 .. 1, ...... , ...... d. 'fe.,. ,.,..1"9• ect'Ov~t <•" t.. """' ffo.,.fer~ "'C01to ""-s..4"1' f,..,. .,.., O'"-' f•"•"'<••' uu htvho" •. ~ "'-0 obl1901~ f 1 .. ,i.. ,..,, '"• Gt11 r o,.. • ., ,,_.,, .. Y•v• i...-.. .Auwflf "'-' SAVINGS ACCOUNTS OPENm BY JAN. 10th EARN INTEREST FROM JAN. 1st Op.ft,...,,..,, l...y 1, o..ty -fiOO A.M. .. 4!00 P.M. 1172 .... ,.,, 11¥4 .• c:..t. M.te, Celff •• UMftJ t.S491 • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART I • PA&l 7 FRIDAY, DEcEMBER 30. 1955 No Sale •• No Sale .. LE! • We're Sorry Folks BUT We Cannot Hold A CLEARANCE Because Our Gift Merchandise Was Complet~ly .SOLD OUT • Business • IS Always Good Service • IS Always Better at FORGIT Hardware 2205 W. lalboa llvd. Newport leach Everything in Household Ap pliancH Hardware & Pei"h A ll The BHt Open Open Evenings Sundays Yes -We Give S & H Green Stamps PAGE 8 -PART I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 MEMBERS TO BE RECEIVED AT COMMUNITY CHURCH •A New Leue On Uft." 111 the aermon topic for wonihlp Mrvk ea at the Corona del M.1r Community Church. Holy Communion will be held 111 th,. l l o'l'loek eervk e with a regular ~·onihlp hour a t Ii •!'I. New members joining Com. munlty Church will be rt'Cl'l\";'d during lhe J 1 o"rlock eervlce. MISS KARCH OF DIMES -Designated aa "Miss March of Dimes'' for 1956 in Oranp Countf, Mrt. Carol Carlton, 23, former Santa Ana bank secretary who w~s stricken with polio, makes her first public appearance since leaving Orthopedic ha.plW, u leadera of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis hold a pre- campaign conference in Costa Mesa. Shown, left to right: Police Chief Arthur McKemle, eo.ta Meea, 1956 March of Dimes chainnan; John McKittrick, Tustin. cha1rm&n of Orange County Chapter, NFIP; J ohn Hopkins. Costa Mesa, Harbor Hieb School student body president named chairman of the Peanuts for Polio drive; Mrs. Carlton, and Mra. Clarence Haiber, Placentia veteran physical therapist cf the oouaty. The Rev. Edwin Gomke 1<nol lhn>e delegatt'fl, Betty Shlln· non. Jea.nlne Arm11trong and Adrienne von Ehrenberg, will attend Pilgrim Fellowahlr Conference at Claremont for three· day eesxion thia Wl'l'k . S~1krr11 wlll t>. Dr. Harlan H ogue )f Pac ific School ot R .. ltglon a nd Dr. J ame. Peteraon ot U.S.C. School of Sociology. BEGINS TOMORROW Christ Church Prayer Vigil BOTH TESTAMENTS New Year's Day A 24-hour Prayer Vigil ls planned at Christ Church By the !lea b<>ginning at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning. The pastor. the Rev. Roy Carlson. states that this continuous chain of prayer will see the old year out and the new year in. The church sanctuary will be open during the entire fl"rlort 1111 vulou1 member 11 take ( 8rirlttal·llf• ch&lrman or the We> lum11 Ill helf·hnur lnl<'rvlll'<. men's Rocletv of Chr19lla.n Ser- Communion for Lutherans Lutheran Program Is to Read Entire Bible A combined New Year'• day 11rrvlre and Sund11y wnr~hlp will E IL'lttr, Thanl<11i;1ving and C"hrll5l· lw hPltl Jan. l a t JO.:JO a . m . at The Preyu V11:1I will r nn<"lul!t vice In the church. 111 In c hllrgl' ot on S11ntlny m nrntng. Jan . l. jusl prepua lloru1 for this obMrvM<"e. bt>forc the '"'1 Iv r hurrh 1H•rvlre The Newport church Is joining 11\ 9 30 a.. m Holy C11n1n1holn11 in a Conferenrr-wlde prayl'r rm-11911\bel"I of Newport H arbor LuUMraa Cbun:b will begin J11.n 1 on a Blble-readlnr program ftich wlU cov• UI• Mllre B able •7 ~ d -or lhe yur. Jnaugu· rat~ by Pu tor Robert B. Cron- IUnd to encoun.ce mQre Blblt.' l'Mdlnc Ill hia par!Alla and al110 to belp ~ pereon who has "lilw11ya -.nted to read through the rn· Ure Bible" but never haJI, he uya Ule prorra.m hu met w llh t nlhu· •lutlo l"Mpol\M. Readlnr SUldea deeignN! by Dr t>avld L Fant t.lld purehue,1 by &lie church rrom the Am.-rlra n Tract Society are prov11lc1I f 1 ee or <"h&rl• to all wlllinr to 11gru to try to rtad through lht> Btble In a y-.r. nie plu romb1nea .H- l#cllon1 rmm both the Old a.nd New T ut.ament e W1lh two cha p- "'r• In the Old Tt1t1Unent a.nd ont> In the New M ln1t ru~ e11rh •el'kday and four Old Tui.rn•nl cJ11p1era a.nd one New TeeU.ment d:u1rt"r ea<"h Sunday. Thue the readln«a t err l'lunday. J en I would be Oeneai. 1·4 and )fallhl!w I . with Oenul1 J.Jfl 11od Jtlatthew 1-7 r*MI durinc the tll"lt week. By llO foUowtn~ the 111.1lde Ulfl enllre N•w Tut•m•nt r. ('nmpleted on 8•pt. J7 wllh l ht r ,.a(!lnl( Of RanltLUon 22 ""'l\ll<' the Old THlameol rud1nic11. w tt P&alm 119 dlv1d..S Into 11 lt'I .. ttnn1, <"ontin"911 on s n acc«l<'r"t"•I bull lhrou«h De<:. 3 1. ln addfllt1n •J""Cla l rea.dtJap. perUn!!•'lt to 1 h• d&y, are u.ted for Palm Sund•'· Science Sermon Is on 'God' 'lb• ~·B•nnon 11ubJ4!<'l In au ChrUt.lan Science churfhu Sunday II '"Ood .. Tbrour h I h • ac• •plrttually minded ml'n h•n cti.cem~ f"t'Bl l ruth11 J1b<1111 l;,,.1 and l/a&ft 11ven Utem ti\ ua In lhe H oly Bible. Many eur h puea.11;<'1 ..,.. \IMd ln t.hia Ml'DIOn. The Golden T!!lll .. ya ot Cod • 11Upremacy t I Sam. 2 .2). ''Thflr• 11 none holy u lhe V!rd f••r taer• i. none bfotllde tt1N ne1the1 a. there any l"Ol"k llkt> our <..i••I Mar7 B&kt>r Eddy. In htr '""l· tlook. ··s c ienr" 11nd H .. 1111n '"'h Key lo l.h• !knpturn declart,. ''The etarlln1t • point nr !11vln• lklence \a that <'10<I, Spirit. " A ll-In-all and lh•t t h•r• ta "" other m 1«ht nor M 1n11 \h•l Qnd la 1-'wt'. and tbtrtfor,. II• •• 1 d lv1ne Prlnnplf' In a nnthf't r.u· .,. •h• "'n tl'•. ""Thl' tlo\ln• Principle of lhr •"Int Comni•n•I· m.nl bit.Me t he ~coenre of ll"•nic by which m 1 n dt'mon11.r .. t-• Ma]Ut.. hollnoa, tuid \1Ce t l•rnal (pp. 27~ 1401 ----- Communion Day at Newport Baptist Church TM n ... t Bapll.11l Chun h. IPth and Balboa Blvd • will ll*lfln Ul,. N.w Year with a n 1 l u 1 ,,,. k morntnc worship entl romn1un1un I M rv1ce I "F'orwartl I..onk ror IP:wl" "'II be Ute comm11n1t111 m1"<h l•l1nn "tlll the Rt'\•. Jfrrhnt G J11hMOO br\~ng lht OH'l>il/ll:'P Church ach!'l<"'ll "111 bt>~n Il l fl •~• a.m. ·wit h <"IRM<'~ fl'lr 1111 lll!r!t "'Begin Wll.h \.IOt\ ' Wiii beo lhl' I m-Je tor th" ""t nini;:-"ni ~1i1r hour t>eginnlnir at i o <"l('l("k On Wednt!O<lay •l i r m. ll.r ml.d-week h"ur of rr11yn .. ,11 t>.- beld. The Bible 111 1111~· "ill I><' un '"'Mle Trial (If .lt>111ui · I FDST c nt·Rclt o•· CHRl~T 1"<'11::\ TIST I ... J Yl• l l.. H••PO"' I••< .. A .,.e.tt<" of l•e "'("'••• ... •-.· .. •·• ' ... ,• ~ ca.rcJl .. ~lat, k 1t111tut. 1,. tot'O" M•\U ......-..._, t •S•"' = ..... IU 1100 e "' w~·• ,,,..,,.. .., .. ,.~, -''°' , ..,, .......... .., '-<•l•d ot UI~ V1e l •ll• ........ a..c• h .,..--Wt•l Ch•• ho• ..... •·" .. \• • ""' W••*-•4Ut It~ ... ..,.. .. 1.4 •JJt• l'rl~t .-1 I• t -ca..... Ho'l-4••• "-. ....... .. <.-.Ii.fly """*" .. • .. ..... .. a.. ........... _ .... , .... ... .... • maa. :"l:e"' p111 l Ha r b o r Lulhtran will be obser""'' Ill both rn••rn1ng phA11la. EvPry dav 11lnr e lut Nov· Rr-ad1ng g11frle!! fo r 11ny (lf'rson l Clllll < h. llt•rVll'l'll. 9 :rn llo•I 11 n"cJ,., k. The 1 trnb"r &nd ront ln111ng t hrou1th wl11hing 10 partw1pulC' In lhe pl•,. l"llrnmun1nn nit' lllallon b\• lh" May or 19:.6. !!Orne Mt>thodl1l i:rnm ""' Hl'l11 t.1ble by "ratin,: or ' linty runimunann "111 be <"t'le· p~tor w ill bt>, "'D•g1nnang A :"t'W rhurch fa p11rllr1ra1tnit In lhla phonini: lhl' I hua rh n l(11 .. ul :,!jOI lln.1 .. 1 \\llh 1• .. :1t11r lt obell B Yt<llr" \11gil or prayer. '1"he pra)'l't t'Tn· CllC! 1Jr . ;-;'"''P"'l u .. 11111 ·rc 111nl11nd t11•h'" rln..: 11... b r Ip t The Pr11vt"r Vll?'ll 111 11rnnllored ph81118 Is for a mnre t>ffer llve Jn" expl.11111111: lhc p1oi;r1tm Mr 1 .. 111111 11111n n • N1•w Y1·111'• m •.,11· I by lhe C n111rn1.'i"'"" on !'>lt'111b,.r· Chrllllian w1lnl'1'.'t nnd for the hop8 Cnmlun.t ,.111tl'•I. "'I Jur I •·•·rlt' t ill ll•n "Th•• .J,.,, 11! S t:• 1 1..1111: ,111p 1111d J.:v11111o:l'll •m 11! tlll" ln•'81 j or ronllmnng peace," staled Mr. tn1<k ... !:""'' ww of " 1l<'W•l1111111l <iv.~ · Jl111h thl' ( ·11n1I 111111 Chan· I church. M rs. Calvin St1lwetl, Ca rlson. b< ,. 1kl•• 1 "' I" r r. oV tdt" llt • 111 , " hh h ' ... ( 'hw r ~ w 111 ~ 111;; f .... l h,• , ,,,., I :::::;:::;:::;:~=::...:::.;;::;::;.;;;==========::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:=-; lr>ts s ho.r : Hrl1l" rrll•lrr1)..• 11111 I "r 1·1<,. l"u ~und1<) S • l1uol "111 hnpe \ht~ l(Uhlt· "'II 11111• hi•" h,. ht'\ol I BALTZ MORTUARIES lh<'m l11 la11:"1. .'•"l 1f•11 lh•·nd 1'ht .. • h11r<'h wttl rr t 11m to ll• unexplored purtw111< ul 1; n ol ~ r r1.11lur "' h1·t.IUll' u( w .. 111h1p nt ~I COSTA MESA CRA.PEC. CHAPEL B T THE SEA \Vrn<i Arid w ill tnt<'rr•I 1111 111 11101·e Hrrd I l lfi 11 Ill 1rnol !-;un.ltt~· 1741 Superior Avtnue 3!)20 E. Cout Blvd. re1iuf1u U1llll' r• 11d111i: \\',, "uul•l :-;, ,,, 'I 1•1 !I I• 1n 1 rr , .. ,,h .. 111 111111 Costa Mt'a&, Calif. Corona del Mar, Ca.lit. P hone Harbor '2 Ile happ\· for nth•••,. 111 J11111 11~ 1n k11 .. t• •r·'''"" und HI 1 '" 1r1111l Phone U bt'rty 8·:l12l lh_e_p_rc_1~ "'"' "~ "• II · -----"' "'''" lo uJull:JI 11n J.1n. B __ _:..:' ~==~==---:=-:::--======-:-=-=~--=~===== lWO OFFICES TO SERVE ORANGE COUNTY LAGUNA BEACH-SAN CLEMENTE BREAKING A 20 YEAR RECORD~ WITH OUR 41ST SEMI-ANNUAL DIVIDEND OF APPROXIMATELY SJJ0,000.00 AT THE RATE OF 31/2 PER CENT PER ANNUM TOTAL DIVIDENDS FOR 1955-$630,000.00 Dividends On A~I 5~vir'gs Share Accounts Avc:lable As Of Friday, December JO Rcn1c111bcr . All FUNDS PL.t-.CED. WITH THE ASSOCIATION ON OR BEr-OR E J/x i\!UAf?Y 10 EARN DIVIDENDS FOR THE FULL SIX -N.O!'~THS PERIOD ENDING JUNE 30 LAGUNA FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ANDREWS. HALL, PRESIDENT LAGUNA BEACH SAN CLEMENTE Watch Night at Mesa Baptist 11\ava.io Ta lk f o r Church F ellows hip Th• Woman'• !:: I A nd re"" • r1 .. ~l'\'\t>rt11n l 'h11rr h "Ill 1·r~••111 1 h<' ltrv J1u111•• B ~tlllhohtt <If W h1tlft>r •~ •~11kn al th,. J a n. 4 l11nrhrnn A traditional Watch Night aervice will be held tomor-mHtrni;:-, 12 3(1 p m 1n lh8 row at First Baptist Chu.rc.b of Co.ta Mesa, Magnolia and rhur .. h IMin1t• H• will 1"lk about Santa Ana Aves., ~inning at 8:30 p. m.. The film. "Reach-lh• r-;'"'"'" Jn.Ilana ----- ing From Heaven" will be abown and there will be •pt"<.'iaJ I The u nlvt>rN bl'Jlrur to lMk muai~ nwnben. There will &lao be a !Jenice ol bapt.iam. morr like a p-M l t h.OO~hl th11.n a There will be a tellowehlp hour Cl&aa meela a t the eame hour gTeat m&ehlne. -Sir Jarnt>• J,.an• tn lhe Youth Center wtlh r.trMh· Al 7 SO p.m. i. the ••orahlp eer· I - nanllt eervtd by wom• o! the \•tee wtUl Mr. Neuma.nn pniachtnr Harbor Rest churcla. .on the lhame, ·The CluVtl&n"1 .,. Tonlc.M I Memorial Park At UI• 11 o'clock momlnr wor· shfp eervlc• on Sunday tbe Rev. Wadneaday. , 3o p.m .. la lht> I P. o. Neumann w\ll have u hi• Pralu &nd Bible SluJy hour anti t.opk , 'The Land of Ni!W Begin· varloua prayer 1 roupe me.t at 1 Harbor at Ol"1u nlni-1." There will be apeclal 8 3!'1 Pm. ------------- mualc bJ th4' ChanC'~I Choir. Sun· ·- day School convenett Rt 11:46 a .m- wlth cluau tor a ll agee. A nur· Hry I• provided f or small children during all aervicee. CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Erneat .Hohnu, tounuer, a11thor <'f "1't'lt'm'e ot M1n<I " SUNDA \' SEll\'ICES 11 a.m. .Junior Chuttb and Nurwn· Ca re 11 a.m. The BapU1t Tralnlnr Union's varlou1 croup1 uaemblt at &:30 p.m. and the Putor'a Inatructlon R .. ,.. lru Turk, Mlnbitl'f IAG~A Bl':AC'R ART GAU.UC\' H\"alt 6·1!M 107 C'llU llr. THE .SANDS OF TIME 'Remember tbatJ old aong which 11y1. .. the sand• of time are 1inkinc fast"~ Whether we like the idea or not. it is moat certainly true, and there is nothing we can do.about It. Nothinc? That depends on w~at we mean. A11ur edly we can do noth1nR. to atop the un4' of t ime from• running through fhe hour class of life, but we can do much to make those hours worth- while, and the Church stands ever ready to help u1. . The Church is made up of people hke ua, workinc together to 5pread t he r:ies- aag• o{ the cospel. The Church bnnRS comfort to those who sorrow. gives 1trengtb to thoae who are weak. T~e Church needs ua to help carry on tta work. W hen we are busy in the Church helping others, we do not worr1. over the ceuelua ffow of the unda of time. Ar• you doing your part in the Church? Do you need ita help ? . ha doora are open. ita welco~e u.nchang1~g. ••The 1and1 of time are 11nlung faat - how are yo" apcndinc th• daya and boun? This Church Feature Sponsored by These Local Business Firms NEWPORT FURNnURE CO. The Port Hole lrealcfast House Complete Horne Fuml•hfn111 2620 W. Cout HW). Fred Orgeron Chevron Senk• T1rea Baltn les -A! <'<'&Mu to <"ompl<'le Lubn1 a1111n 2100 W. Ba.lboa Bh·d., St>wport ~acb Harbor t:> t.i UNIQUE CAFE Rrt'ttkful -Lunch -Dinner 410 32dn St., (AcrOQ from City Hall) Ernie Cllurch-THE ARCHES 1 ·n1 .. n Oil llea lrr 3100 W. CoMt Hw~-. Sewport Beach LI g.9003 HOWARD'S RESTAURANT C:offu ~ho~pcn 2t 110111 ~ S9a;; W. Coast lly. (at Balboa Covett) llarhor :~20 GEORGE M. GRAHAM RUJ(a and CtUlf''" 122 Agate AH. Balboa hla.od Harbor SZ:>G ART C. KISTLER CO., Realtors flay Front Spe<'.'t4118la 2901 ~t>wport Bh·d. Ne"lJOrt Beach Harbor 5226 Mario's Smart Set Hair Fashion C<>n1rle1e StyllnK I't nnant nt Waving a.ntl Tlnllnc S40'7 Eut CoMt Hwy. Harbor 61M ,\f1dn1~hl to 11 A M. 22 17 W. ( oa..,t lliway, Nt!M'J>Ort Beac-h STAFFORD & SON ~.\,•Ir" 111 C11nl1 su·lor1 J 10 Rhf',...1111• A,·... Nrwport Bo ch l.ltwrty 8·2276 Vincent's Rexall Drug Stores Tl r"" l1•t1t l1•.1,11 111 S rf\e \till Nf'wp<>rt IWM'h Ba.Jt>Oa Co rona drl Mar Laurie Woodworth Piano Co. 2fil.J) f:. Coast ""'Y· llarhor 33.X? ELITE IEAUn SHOP l "n<l11r the :O.:tw Manarcnm,.nt ot Mr l'1tl SO-I Marini'! A ,.f'. Harbor lf\27 DICK MACKER Drapn1,.1 -I 'srr"''" -t'phnl~t,.ry C:nu.plt"te Ft~ [JecorRtlng Sf'r\'1ce S 1W \"ia Udo Harbor 4S23 MAD MOORE NURSERY Cut Fl11~'e"9 -Pet Suppllee Balboa Bh·d. at 2l!lt NEWPORT HARIOR IANK Corona dd Mar l \ .... L t;CKY TOSS -With a first and a third place a piece for two rarl's, Don El.lier I left I and Dick H ahn were all t ied up for possC"ss1on of the C. F. "Bill'' Baxter pi.!rpetual trophy wh1c·h goes to wii:iner of Star class In Nl'wport Harbor Yacht Club's Annual Christmas Regatta. Dick won the toss of the coin and received cup from Race CommitlC'e Chairman Ed Warmington (right). -Beckner Photo Ol.S(ill\" \\ l~~t:rc -Placing-first twice in a r<JW in ~l'vcn -boat f11•1·t o f Lc·hm:in J:? drngh1rs wlm h racC'd 1n annual Chrn~tnrns Hegalta at Nt>wport Harb11r Yacht Club this w~kt'nd won the lx'aut1ful Ea rl Corkctt perpet ual t rophy for Cl·rry ~tad1gan (ldtl. Corkett h imself (right) made the uw:m.I :ilung with the r l'gular clas~ fu-st t rophy. Comm0tlon• Harold Pearcy, who J'r<'s1dcd on·r thl' prct1rntat111n cc,..,- monic-s, Stands al ccnt<.'r backgrounJ .-l3eckJH:r Photo Christmas Regatta Sees 139 Boats Out MARINE NEWS 'County Cities Gain 16,828 10 New Population Since June ·1 1' " ••' .1 ,. ""'•11 J <'1 nl.rd C11hf\Jn1la ..... h"'" 1 ...... ror 11lll\l\ln than l• .. .t\h1n.J A111a1h•r In Amador L'o111nty with l~l 1'4'rJ'ona I• \hf' •111&.lll'at nly follo.,.'f'd by TtfnldaJ in t lumbohll County '"'Ith llll. 1n· Xl :AL BFA:"K~ER Oupit• light &n•I aomewhat fluky b1 .. ne•. (ll'llt'rally fair Wl'll· 1 hl'r p1 Pv1u1 .... 1 u1\ th•· rlay ah .. r I l"hn11tn111s anol aaw 139 boats tur n CIUl 1n Hi thffert'nl ra1 1n1: da>1~1'11 f f"r the :'\t'wporl Hat b<>r Y111ht j 1.:lub !I 11nnuJI t 'hr1s111111" Rf'J::nll[1 \\'1th I hr "'"'rt 11,n u( l ht' ~1·\ t n· ho al flt:"t nf L'"' ~n Hains, Kii , la_s..-PH >iA1t..-.t l\\'O nu es C>\'• ... r NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE I FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 F rtdlly o~c 30 SaturJay u .. c. 31 Runolay J1rn. 1 :O.l•mot"y J Hll "J. TU"'<ltty TIDE Time Blp 9 ·21 11. m 10 ~8 p. Ill 10:09 a. m. 11.45 p. m. 11 03 11 m. O :36 ll m. -11 :')g 11. Ill TABLE Ht. 69 4 . 6.4 4 5 :'1 7 Ttme Low 3 ·11 a. m. • :tJ P m. 4 fl.'I a m. :'1:16 pm. ~ o:. &. m. :'I !\I! pm. ti 11 II Ill. 6 ~3 p m. i J I 8. OL. -: :l l pm . {! 06 a. m. I! :!4 p. m. lO 38 a. m. Ht.. 1 6 -1 6 1 j -1 2 l 7 Orange Co11nty cllln gained 16.1!28 population through IJ)t'Cial l't'ntua, anno .auon or lnrorpora· lion tlunng the ~riod JWl• 1 lo :-.:ov 30, ac<.'Ordinir to a report or State Controller Robert C. Kirk- wood. N11~-port Bu cb ralned TD• JIU· son1 through It.I 1p.c lal cenau. of Jau June . Caina In othl'r eounty <'lttl't through 1(le<'Ja1 cenau1 were; Fulltrton, 8227: Lacuna BHt'h, 1 200~ Or&ng", •Oi2, t.nd S..n Cle· lllflllt'. 158(. Anaheim g ained 31~ ~rl!Ona THIRl'I A NIW through 11nnt"rnl1on with F ullt>r- ton g11nlng 2ta anJ Orani;• 1:18 by tha ll&JTle nlt'IUUI. The uni)' ll~• J)i'r """t "Jrllln"' wa1 rerordrd l•y lhe 11ewly in<'Or· porateJ ruy of l1a lr)'l11.nd v.-hlt'h ~porteJ 2b!i J•t't 110n11 111 It. <'•ly lm11t11. Klrkwood'1 report allowed that ~ SOtTII COAST CO. Hid 41 N.wpon Bh·d. Harold I. Johnson MARINE l'rof)l"llAr ltC'pa.lrw INSURANCE Colmnblaa a.nd Federal ~ s.auq AK•OC.Y Pboo,• llubor t!O 0.Mnt&-Foreo. RM.tty C'o. !ll!I W. Cout RIJll"·ay !811 \'Ula Way, Se"'rc>r1 0..IM'.. u-..rt IJ.-'falt ----------------=~~~~~~~-~.~ rm putting my savme11 to work 1n a • 1t11r.,l's \\hto h ""r" fHlmK11ly w 1th111 thv <unllnt'" "' t 11.-bay All 111111111•1 , •1111111 .. r .. , ,.,;1111t111n ,.f the alrrll•IV vanabl« v.1n•I """ t'll~ltllt­ t'11 sh1;rt .. n1ng of lhf' ""uri.e 1n the lt•Nl rRc·e lur 111•\"1•1111 uf the l11rJn•r •la sses 11 .. n'r•I 11k 1ppers rPput t· 1nic that th<' t .. 1,. \\a• r a riy1ng them b111·k fa1<1.,r thl\11 tht'y ruuld "ghu1<l "' 11 head. rit: tS<'ORt:~ In spite of trying w1ncl cnn.tl- 1 luns. 1 l was 11 n ext r1>nw1y <"lt11<P und h11rtl-!n11~lll '""""' a!< \\'118 rro\·e.J by ue srorrl! 1n six 111t- 1 ~r,·nt clllM<'8 for first plnrl', nnd 1•ne thrrr-wny lie !or ~N·ontJ !11 the A lb11lro!l3 CIMS T he ties \\'Clf' hrn~n by the tradilionRl_toM co( a ,..utn 111 the trophy pr c11ent'ltt1m which. w11s ht>lcl 1n the m a in 1hn111i.; hnJI of th" ,..l11bhn11se 111 thf' • •m· rlu~rnn or the r eogalla .\t1md11y (•ventng. . 11111. :I w ... .tnesday Jen. 4 Thursday Jan. !) J 29 ll. Ill. l :Ori I'· 111. 2 26 .. t)I. 2 J:I rm 3.2~ a.111. 4 ll2 t> m. l'A CIFIC :1 o ~· :?3 p. m. STAS UABD T IME • --0 6 1 8 0 I I 8 Oi I 6 1 3 I 'J. l 8 s ', arR1e OP.~.· .~,~. I I SECURITY-FIRST SAVINGS ACCOUNT F IKST Fl 'l.L lll A RTt:R !\!OOS ,J11n. 20 Jnn. 27 LAST Q l'l\RTEK Jan. 4 Nt;W MOO!'I Jan. 12 F ina l Tl'llUl\l' In l\ll d ll!U't'I! f<0llt1\\'" Seahorse Spinfishing Club Installation Due Jan. 5 Jn,1.lllnl1on rtlnnrr ot lhr St'<\· (1r"t Thurs<lay nt every month al OCF:A !:It R ACJ:'\c,; 1r1 t 111rn... M ll<•war<f LRwson, NH Yr :' Hotul(ly, h"' '" ~p111f1,h111i.: t 'hih 11r '.l:.-1\'I'"' t 1919 r'liH"f'ntla A v .... C08lt\ tl!ll. llob Allan. :'\HYC : Ru·n J<iltt' H ilt hllr Wtll b1• h1•ltl J Rn. :> In I Al the rltnntr, fishing films or I LA•wis l:itnthllm. CllYC'. RllUl it:S Harbor Huu~,. Rl'~lKurant, C"nst& M e-xll"o will be l'lhown by Dave -\ 1 1 \l•R• an·111oling 10 Prl's11frnl St<I-l'.'tnk of Oa,·ey·a Lotkt'r, Newport 1tle1 -111 \1m,J11hnl' .. atl'V,' • 1u h l"llYC: \\itch, Sil ~t 1-:nnl(h·t. I ''11!11r1• J.funiu·o. ea.-. ?l>HYC, Follv ll, 1_..~116 Tarr. BYl:. 1111 •in1111i: prt·J<i•lt·nt. nf t h·· ~h1b, r ers1Jn., 1nterl'l1tet.1 In beoomlng a PC 111,.1 _ • 1171 U\"f'r l\nxinuii I I. &5.'lo.-1ut.·rt w IJ1 the ~at~onal pin-a nt•·mb.•r o f lhf' s-horse club cM Juhn \Jrirrith Jr. .N'H\'C'. \\ .. uoJ C 11h1 n~ A"-' •• 1:0111111, 111 lJw t l.J1°rr111 ubt~n mti•r1111<Lton by c;a.llinr Doug 11! N'""'J"lll l.!1>:11 It In d HHi:•• 11( B!il<')'. Jlarbclr 2789·R . Win.I. 11.uiy \\'u•~I. All\'l', \"t\'lid', t he 111~1111111111111 IS H~rb Jt•t1ks of ---- IJJ\ Ht llfu rmi:t11n. BYl:. L'll•ll\ ~h' .. a LL' 111-:H:-; • ~1 • t ;,., 11n111m. 1 Thll 5, ,,hor-ic l"lub m• l'l• the Rulh lla.-kell. :'\llYI", J.11~t ,.. .... _ tllnt' 1\', l-'11'\l Clt><lhtll. :'\H\'C . J-:11 Off-Shore FirinCJ Warning IHued \"t'lno, u11.i 1 ;11i; ... UYl', K-:IS r.at .. s. Don A•l.im .•. ~un:c: Sea 111.,1 _ •:II Swi·•r .. 1.,0 1.;,.,,nt. 1'~01<111. T•"l :0.latsun, A l~\.t.., C:••n Thi' l"oL~t G1rnrd warn1 111 11)('111 !"li.\"C: \'Hfl'ntanl' J'l·io:Y Sllltn. I ~1~·111~1, ~l tk1• 11 11~11 •. 1:nc.._ ME.ll· m1u1ne1~ or d11ngeroU1 ort-11hore l'HYC. STAR 1111•1 !lit .\l,.nl'· Ll H\ '"' !\linn .. v..lt{)n~tuul('h· r1r1ni; in the v1unny ot Cv.lle hllnl'. It•< k l l tlhll ;\'ltYl'. , K•ix· ton. ll\ <'. t 'h• tf, J11• k Hf'~naull. ltutk . ~sn t.:len11•nte lal&nd, ~fon- t ••r trophy 1 w ,.11.-11 JI I, I .,,,1 l'.dli•r. :O: I I\ ( ', 1:11111.1\ '. ltny •:•llw.r\21, •luy I h11it1gh Friday, Uec. 26·30 :'\H\T , ALH,\TltllSS .iii l.(t-~11 \t L~.ll~IA.:-.1 lit tl.11 8Pa· trum Ha nt. In ml<ln1ghl and Sill· 1 ... 1, ft.,IH•t l Ji,,~, n, 1 I Yl" .\I •tr· "'.P<'d, l-1,.•I .\I lh'r JI • :'\I t ~·l:. :-:o 1m iay 111111 S11mh•)". Uec. 31·Ja.n. !\l1itt>, !'I.ti !"t1tt lh, ;o.:11\ (', j), 111111 • ."11111" . .It t L1n.J•·1111.1n, JI\ I • :So I. tl .. )ltghl ho11111 only. i.•·ll•• M .. h J:in;:h, "· :'\IJ\"(". .-;111 .. g ,\1111 k y ,,rM11n. :-.:11\'L' I ----------. . , _ . I :-.n r1 ·A1.F ,, , , , ''" T>1ro. l.r.ll\I \;\' I. '' 1 l noti-. i••ll' I 1· ' I I!\ . I ll' .,.., · k • "'"~·"· ' .·'. '". 1 '.''11 • \'our Authorl••d .1 1'1 ry MK•hJ( l!I. 1 I· .. , ~"ll tr• 1•1.~ I 1:111• .. 't\\ 1\1 II• II. :-11 \ L. :-;,. :-.: .. nu.', .... ~,, "a11 •· 111•k :-\t,\•·?·· ·'"tt s •. ,.. TllALC O flbe tau <hl•"r l ouh I'.,\\ r nll ~l\\"t' rl.\1~r11: ll&t"I 1111 r llllllllll rg .\I It J .-. 1·1•, )-1,.· l'••ll T 1in. l:whll' h -a&.> ln th ff bo Tll 1 s ru.. • ~, r 1 .• 1 1 .. 1i11 1 .11-s1',,t .. n a n 1 f!, 1 "··~""· T••d uc,-r e ar r tt•t . HY•'. \\ U~!' .1 .. 1111 l 111nt• II 1\1 .. hl~·•ll. 1111 l"ll\'l'. -___ , &rt>a. Brln .. )"Our nber-1'11\'l ', Fntt,. I ... 1111.:hl 1n ·c · " S:'\1J\\lllltl1 •I.I• 11111 .. tny Juu l . 1 glus problema to UL \\ Hrott"~l"n. !\'llYI" :\u :'\n111". !\t \f(l,t; I l'llOl ... TE Kl;\0 c·1ui: car~. \'1ci:-1n1«·ntr•·•· ,'l;t-1\'t·,, ~ BOAT (.u\"t:Ks Pacific Fibet'91all S;'l:ll'~; 1!•1 So•'"l>.•IJ, ·r .. 111 l\A l.BUA ('A S \'"8 teot "' 0-ff F 1rn1!, !\'lf\"I". J.r,. \\11\' Jr J..r,. · t "7· ThntnJ:>~""· A J\\"l". 1'\11 ~1rnw, 1i111 1 .,.~,~~?':o, 1'1t. LI 1-%611 Hothwell. C l.\ t.: iie, 11,1 i1 Ac-rou Crom All-Amerle&n M:lct. l 'E;l:t;t'f;'\ 1$11 SI r..,)i.f;,.n. Hl,.,•O~t l t .. CH \ \ \ 1 I '~ '~I ,,·};I~ I I I I I I 'OHNSON'S NIW HOLIDAY llONZI SfA.tfOlSfS They're •••rt! The, 1u••!Tbe ocw'56Su. Horse• 1cyJtd ia Holiday Broaze aod Spray White. Come io and ace them. Nioe great onr modeu -3 co 30 bpi South Coast Co. N""'llOrt Bh1d. at 2Srd St. Harbor 2600 Johnson ''' .. ,.,,,., .. .... ,,. - 20/0 on ea.vtnge beginning Jan. l , 10l5C3 Savings d e po11h mad• 011 or b efore Jonuory 10, will torn inle1e1I ff om J l"\ ory 1 Branch Main Street ANA Your Nearest 3rd and SANTA S ECURITY-FIRST NATIONAL BANK .. .... ._.,, ... tuo11t t••w•••<• c•u·••••••• '" ....,.,. ••••••• tU•h• •••••• TERRIFIC PRICE REDUCTIONS A w u .. put of our Stocll to IN' Thro"-n on thP Marktt ••• Anet . ANirlf'rd •.. ~gardlf'M of 1~11 ..• In Thi" G"'8t All-Ouf .... lo<"k Oi.;vo...-1 ~aJ~ ... Our Purp&.oe ls to Clnn Out Thi~ J\lt N'hantJi!oe "ml J.i1·t :'\11 l-4.,.., Stand in tht' Way .•• nu,ow WE llA\'f, IJ~Tt:n AS !\1AS\' OF Tiit: <illt:.\T l'f(l("t: Rt.:Ol"C .. 'TIOS S AS ,'f'ACt: \\ILL l't;IC~lll' MODERN DINING ROOM I APPLIANCES Th,.At" .,... Barc&tn PriM"W Oii" ~trkll)' (luaJlt)· Mt>tthaadl.w COME EARLY! SALE STARTS THURS., DEC.29th at 9:00 a.m. U r111• IA'af Tahlf' - n 111ndr t\I Fl h t ,\pt\mla"">' l\uflf'l -\\ 11lout - '11111 4ual1I) i 9 9:, 59'1~ 199 :i 259··:· 199··" u .. 11,.., Rt·ndl1 T1111tlJl1' A f tlon \\ •~b,.r MODERN LIVING ROOM .. ~·"·•· ) ~1?~.~ff!,~1~ .... ~IV~·~'~'t ROOM 229 ·~ 179 ~' 229··:, \\ mucht Iron Sofa ~ hl".-d . \\ rouch\ Iron TUl·h•• k t hair &11d Otlnm1U1 -2 11lt'"''' • l'c-. ( un H ( nr·n f'r l'rrll11nal -hro>\\n C bromn1111n h\rf'<I-\lrfnilm I l't'. ~llonJJ -( Mal T" O'f"d - Alrfoun -Top 4 u&11ty 1Aun1t1 C::balr -Bro\\a T"~ - Alrfnam "rnu&hl Ir on Lounrl" (1'alr A\ OttomRn. WllJle J'IAatla I pbold ..ry -~rloam Modtona Con tou r c·1u1.1-- f>lolu111 11, t'L l'todlo CflU('b "1\b r Alrlo (irr,'f' h 'H'd l,011n1t" C hAlr - Alrfnam Cnnll".mporary l'nfa -Alrl11ivn ltY .;(I 99 .\fl :m:._111'1 S.'>!1 9.\ 9!l·.\O 1 ~1'.! 00 I 011.00 99 .• \0 G,.....11 or t 'oral I IU) 11:1 79··~ 79 ·!1 495 "' 2a9:·:· 79··:, 129··:i 84Q:, 169":, 3211:'1 Y.n" Ta hlM 11nd t 'nff,... T 11hlr• a l fl•'flw·••d l'rlrr•. CARPETING Viscose Broadloom Carpeting Good Quality-Good Colors !'q. \ 11 lndu"lnir P"" 1&ncl 1,.1w,, laYJnc "all to "all 3 Years to Pay -Nothing Down on ALL Walt to Wall Carpet ~llAlll,\ -I 1 .... r "''""" .. ' ffltt I> h •Ill; ( 11"-Jr -l ,f"" II llulllo·d -,\ ,rf,.,1111 \\1111t '"'1• -c.rr•·u i \\•'PO - \H t uill1\\ 1'•11"" \ nn T1lt-h.11 I. "'' .u1 -ll11u t.1 .. u,., h !'p1tn:.; l n.1 -'''""" P1lht"' U••• 1' Luuha,;•· t h .. u r \\lih •1&1ufH1lU - t•t•·• n -\1rto.Mn l\1r. h 1; ... I.• r -1:. 11 l't11.ol - .1 19.tn 1::1!1.;,o I .:~1 u;, J ',!1110 \lrtu.1t1t ''d i A Hui h ·... -I l!t ~t.'\ ........... , .. ~1 .11•·· • '" k•' t hi.tilr' - \~""'·•rt•._,, 4 "'"'"' !h !t '• 119 '·' 129''fl 99'·5 21 "$ COLONIAL DINING ROOM ·, j•, • I .\ i11 ....... h J11 l,11t h ''I -111•,n ~ t1 a t \I L1t•I· .! •.qr: 4 h.ur-. • .: I ., ... , \Int••"' t .i,'"" ·: •· .. ou Ch ,,f f), ,•J• I •• 1r 'nl.I•· -,._,, rn ........ rn \111111 •• -,,1; \ 1;1 U t"I' I • .r l~11.i1•tfl.' I '' l'.tul1· -''"''''' l .1 .. (1111 \J tpl•· -.th\ .-.1 \ h:\ ~,I'•· I ,f l )11u i:•· '•·f -I t•rru1,a '--ul1 Ill -\ • :ft1\\ f0t111 t ( h:tlr' II•'""'"' \\ .11,, '"ht Ill" 11 1111 h - II.rt h -f u11 1/·1,tlll~ l~tri:•• llr.•p I "111 t ,r I riltl·· 'nl•tn -11 't~• \XI 1;11 11;, ;,11 •1\ I !fl ;,fl '!!II ll \ !lll . .'10 249···· 59"fl 49''!\ 109!•'1 189''.°I 84''71 FIRt:PLACE EQUIP~iENT H eavy Log Grates Mesh Screens Fire tool Sets Hanging Tool Se ts from fr om from fr om 3.95 12.95 6.95 8.95 8 l'r. '•'I , .. , .. Tahir -4 I phol I f\1<lr- H11f I r t l1ln111lt• mith••it~ll) \\ ulnut 111111••\ \\llh 4 h1u,, l u p \\'"""ht I r o1n t.' to•o•l••ll 1 ahl,. "1!11 I I haJ~ COLONIAL BEDROOM :iu.\.1111 &a.v~ ) ... '"'"' 1 .... 1 .. , .. '"" h ................ 1-.llil. hr<t-t n 1.•• ,t tl ... -dul. tJr• ''" r \\ tnui1ttl uah ror !\6'l.,)0 ,., '•'' -'a lrnl -l't•,f;·r IS.•fl - ~ '"" 'll\llll• -C lw•t 1113~~ !I I'•. )..• t -"alrm ~lal'lr -llt1nk• ,..,. lfr1ull1,.11r1I -lllil. l>r1·•.,••r -,\llrr•tr 1811 !>O 11. II"'' llor• h ;".·Jll .,.,, bk'""'· hdboard. ? llrttp tr11nt '.\II•· '""''i"• Ill olr •fro'•" r , f n \ln"\I mirror !1119.1111 •, I'• ..,, I. "'11lrm ''"'''"· 1•,..,.r,., l\o•cl, 2 clhf'. nit,. ''""''"· M th. ,,,, ....... r. h .uttt·tl rnlrro r .. 2:i8.00 MODERN BEDROOM b 1•, ...,, r hlu1ttf•· n1a&h. I r~11I•· tlr• ""'''r, rnlrror. «'h*"'t on • h •· .. t. h k 't ... ,. ltt·a.lh.1,,rll • .: ruff' •tan11-4!t,9.M> H1r1 h I rll•lr llrr•..,., •uul \I u 1 ''' \,h ;, llrAl\•'r .,lnitl•• ( II• •I 169..W I I '• '•·l-ll•"·"-i•v hf'&<lhnanJ-t commndl"- 1.11•i:•• II UrR\ll'r Ur""""' . Sot•()(I l)t·luv \\aln111 hct·Mard ,.,Ith attadllf<d aide •lAll4- ll 1lr11" n \\ aln111 d~r. bPautl,., . ... .. Ut.OO 59···· 299'' 159'':\ 139··:1 319t•:i 219ffl 329:i!) 149"3 599l 2699~ 309°° f\.•mlh. A a:llalnr \\ ... 11, r ll"ll"•lnl 0 .. 1,., ... \Jt ll•l11r \\ ·••"-r l kn•ll\ t Ir< I r lr llr ~ • r t 1"'") U..J11\" I '' I I I lldrlt:•'ll•lur ;\U1••U\ \lU l'• tfu,l ''"ll" H<h•H 11111 I t It• lfti!• "''"' , .. \ , ... ,, .... , Famous SIMMONS Deep Rest MATTRESS & BOX SPRINGS 312 Coils Autoloc k Units High Quality 99.50 Value 171111~ H9.t~ ONLY 569'5· SET Twin or Full Size Hurry While TMy Last! 239"~ 359{1~ EASY TERMS 2620 W. Coast Hi9hway NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT FURNITURE CO. FREE PARKING IN REAR PHONE UIERTY 8· 1113 .. (}overnmenl G xcepl :J,.om PAGE 2 • PART 11 NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRE<:S FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 SO SA\' WE ALL! ''God gront u\ t ht1 ~aren •y to occe pt the th ings we connot chonge: the couroge to chonge the t~·ngs we con ond the .,.,;sdum to know the difference.' (A. Anon.) BRUSH COUNTRY JOURNAL R)· EDITORIAL~ HORACE PARKER Teacher Association Boast o.f Public Approval Thin The Califom1a Teachers A ssociation, a lobbying ~rnup. inr f'o rnc rco~mn. se:;mR to be w o rried. When thn t AU~ui;t bod y 11 r po int11 a rommission t o makC' a sun·p~· rcf wha t thl' ·'P EOPL E OF' C'A LIFOH- :'\IA" lour cap1lab1 t hink ;ibout w hat k ind o f "a j o b thC' public s rh 1111ls urC' d ning-in rdur a ting childr e n thl'SC' 1 la.\'~" and eomc•s up \\'Ith a thn 1!'·Jl:I J:il' lll'Wf;JlaJ•<'r re·· IN1~c· nn llw sub.Jl'C't tnl•thlnks 1t prn tC'8lC'th ton m11d1! Thr n·r.:ult nf t h r sun·C'~': ":-;1xty-lhree prr Cl'tlt (lf thr PEOPL}'; CW C.\LIFORN!A (again o ur ta1•sl npprm·p h c nc·rally ." Thf' "survey" was made· in one city. Fre:mo. popu· latinn 60.6 5. whC're 6:?:3 nrttrs w <'rc quL·sllo nc<l. It wnR r n nduc tcd by a panel n f four Nlucato rs and thrre b us tn1'S.<; nwn. nam<•rl by the-Institute for J o urnalistic Studws of Stanford t..:n i,·en;1ty. ,'.-;o plc ast"<I w tlh tl!'lelf l!'I thC' CTA w it.h this com· prrhP11s 1\·e po ll that it slall·s. ":-;ch ool peo ple shou ld t a kr 11!-ep i;;at u;fal't t11n from I h11 results o f this survey. ThC' t xt~tC'n1·c o f t his n :se1'\'1r1r uf public con fidence 111 t he sch ools l'lhould pro\'idl' rt>m·wcd 111sp1ratio n t o all who a re engagc-d in t he ta s k of educating boys and girl!'." A nd what dul the Ft'l'snan~ think about the "three R's"'.' Of the 623 po lled 2. 2 per cent opined c hildren are doing bt'tlt'r 111 a rtlhm e llc t han those o f former days fonly :?5.3 per c t•nt of the wo men tho ught so, 32.6 per cent cif the men): 2 .!) per c1·nt said the y can r ead bet· t C'r, :?:!.S per cent think t hey t'an spell b<'tter , 32.7 pe r c·cnt t hink they can't. A dJ1og to tal percentages regarding t he three sub- j e <'ts togethe r , t h e y break d o wn int o : Doing better. 26.06 per 1·ent ; abou t t he same. 25.04 pe r cent : doing less well, 2i.38 per cent : expr e88ing n o opinion, 16.36 [><'r t•t•nt. ='"w wher e d(l('s that f igure of "63 per cent of the p C'Ol•lt·" cumt: from ? We do n't kno w. Except the CTA i.ayt' 1;;tl\ l ·(·r cN1t of colle gC' graduates expn:"SRcd ap· l'r ''a l a nti 661 ywr rent o f the people who had g one \11 tht> r 1ghth gradl· o r b<·luw : that persons with 1111111 ti 1111 {lm<·s of Si'OOO appro ved b y 6G.7 pe r cent : t hnt membt•rs in gt·n1·ra.l appro\'ed and so tl11l fw ha"" no means o f mak ing a r o mpa n son l . dMt know w hC'rt> t h ose figures came from r w or the prt'C'C'<hng paragraph. ~ .. t t" lw un1l1·rs \ .. •1<l Ill t h t• ''w ay of 1\ mM w ith a 111:11.t · nr I h1· \\ ny 11f t 111• l,. A w ith a sun•c·y o f "the 1•t·111•1c• of Califor nia." -W. B. Field Day for Killers I-:\ r ry rrinr r 1\'ablr l'Upp<'lrt wa~ ~1\'<'n to ''Safe .JJ11\ 11~ lJa..y · u~·n.t..,& un l 1t""'mbt>r-1 Offlc ta Lil from thr• l 111 .... d 1 nt till d11" n 11 i.k1·d f11 r pubh1 <'noperat1(1n Nt•W')' 'I" 1 . :1n I 11th• r nwd1.l 11! l Om mum c atum th11rou~hly 1111\>h c m d tht• J):iy o n1 l 1t .. ~o:i.l~. A ll man11£•r of 11r>: 11111 111 .. i,. I"''"'. 1 I\11. labl)f , b11i-;1111·11.~. 3 ).:rt· • ult111 .d did I h• 1r (1111 1•a1 t Y r•t t h<' di'.tlh t oll was mud1 h l>!h«r 1h.11t •111 thr ><.1111c-day n ~1·a r b r f11N'. 1:. l\\1·•·11 ""\' 111'1 ~. w Y1'nr·s Day lhe r <' w ill be nt"r•· 1•.11I 11,ll, • ild11.1 11111i,., 1-tt . t •J.:rth1 rt" nn•t family r un • 1 • 1•1 h11 1: t h 111 ,, :'Illy r1thc r t ime llf the )'cllr. A!-r<lr (1 1m1 .111 '" • n.ll bout n f m1 rc:ttmg. ataymg out l f)fl 1.1 1• .••• , ... , "' l h ... 1; t u 1111.:•'. m ni-t Anwrt<'l\011 Will be tn a pot.,1t111t1, m.1t• 11 cl~ ~1·• .11\trt.: ;,1 ll·a st. to enJOY t h1m .. 1l\1 !; 0 11• h.1.i ~t·I"·• 111 • t • f .di l h1K J kasa nt act 1\'lty 111 t h:n t h< 111 l11 11 11 ht.-ll\\.1~:1 .r n d •Hr i:.tn•t Ls will ~· 1h1•k ·d \111h h1dtl1\ l1tll11 All t hru uJ.:h w rntr r BO\'C'r i-1• "' t1h11 1 •nol1l 1"11"' \\'tll hc· 111m n111n over muc h , ( t h , 1111'11 ry II u N 11 f 1bt rkn1·~ w ill be ~re3l <'r T hi r• "•II 1 ... m11r• 1 uni• r""" "I 1••11tunit1t·s n nil 1=rcatl r in1 hn a t 1 ·11 l•• w s' . .i. I· I .in I ~a11 .. hnr T he-m nder n 11111 , 1,1•1l!t!11~11 \\111'.!• rtu l thn ~\\1 t h its pow<'r ).t1 ·t·nn,;. f'C'l\\tr b1 ,1 k1'!: r 1•\\1'r \\Uldrl\\1>, a Ut l•mattC 1th1ft111g and ~1111 h n r ... • ·J'""' r. 1-:Hn thr m ost s1 up1J m o to nst can !-I .i• '"' •1t .. rn J ~· n1 1.dh f.t •·• r ""' .. f th~ lrthal pro w1 111"1'. 1 1,r-rt R ••llt' th int:. h11\\ ,., t•r. th::il 1<t11l w o rks JU~t Fonntrly lhe Xt..,.-port-R11lt<-11 Ne-w1-Ttmee and the :"l:~wrort·ll •lh• a Pre~ as it used t n in the old d a ys, and that is the dri\'er's h ead -h e stil: has t o u.se 1t. It 1s t he o nly a ccf'ssory whic h can prc\'ent a ccidents. T his season 1s an e specially guotl tune for all of us t o r C'mem ber ti 1.t fact. 1955 Figures Sure to Show Year One of Abundance ~oon. addin~ mac hines of bus1r11'sS and industry wiJI be rinj!rng t o t;il bells . and t h(• ft:~ures are :;ure t o Rhow that J!)55 was a yt·ur of nbund:11H·r. Lc111ktnl't" ;ih,·ad to 19[,6 m ust A m r r ican bu!-iiness- men r ally ha\'e o nly 01w w o rry. h11w t ,) please fn·e· choos ing cuslomer!-1 and kl'ep nn plL·as 111g them. Pleasing custo mN·s 1s l hc• base o f o ur free enter- prn;e Ry1>tem, a syi;trm w hich haR brought abunrlance through indi\'idual inilia t 1\'e, 1111t t hrough ~m·,•rnm1•nt cunlr ols. Loo k at other countries of the w or ld. C0m pare t h('lr abundance with o urs. The g ener al rule 18 -Thi' morP government contro ls lhe less nbundanrc. For m o r e years w hich will be even bette r yet, let's keep t he free enterprise syst e m free. The Political Observer By \\', C. CAR\' Jlt. Editorial Circuit Rider By liNlTt:D PRESS (A Symposium o f Editor ial Comment fro m California New spapers) ( t:d. :\ ntf' -Thl1 rolumn ti.'' llor"f'f' rarkf'r ... 111 dfOal witll lhl' llllll'·kno\\n hl,.l orlrnl fllC'tll h,. ha• dN"<11tf'd up I• Ill• maa.y trip• Into th" bark rnuntry 111 N'N-nl )'f'ant.I Once n~nin I t ook t o thr "trnil o f thr ~i11nt w&lk.'' which IR thC' forest trtll'k tratl fin t lw Main D l\·11tr o f t he Santa A na Mo unlainR bl'IW•>i'n R in•rsidc-anti Ornn~c-Coun- l 111·s. My w1fr n a nwd t h•• t rnil fnr UH b1•ca11Re shr Mid thli. l11g-h and s uwrb ,·irw of ~outlwrn ('altfnrn1a mndt• h r r fet>l Ii kt• I\ ,::1 .. nl \'tt•wmi: t hf' • •••mt t \' 111 ol "" th .. J•'''I' thp pt I 11Ju111o; t h" 1 • h It l.:1 ~ 11 J:R\" h• r 1111 1111· l '''..:h·ll •·I u ._,,,u1 ''-'Hu1.,: •Jh'"'" 11111>-:h t t:h ;u1.t \'Hn~, .. J:''ll.L!••d ~n111 • ,\1 ,, ~11111nts 1n ... nH' ti •1 t •• ,, l<1h1 I' I 1· tll lltt\' ,., t ht• t ,(. . .,. T •·t I\ ~t' J h•~n •1t1 t' 11' 10 I b h· I, l.'11' .·1 'l•\I• • ( 111·1 :-;.i.( llt h lh h " 1\ Otl .t... \\ t• W 1t\'t• Sh••! II\' nr·rr· ti .. • "'""ttnl: pf th•''•' '"'' 1 111~~ s n,1 ••"' t hf" l\ltl· lU·!·• Hh f I '"''\"' lhr '··llo\\· r tn8 ,.1k1' 11\t'I lt•U\lna.. th,• J':et'U\tOJt 1h1 tt• .• 1 •\ h1'4 n1u1,. 1 •• ,, l\· r"l"Uve th•1 Cc1ult,•1 l'•ntt '" rln1nhe-r ,1"'''" 111" 111 .. 1111 111111 \\hllt• th,• Yt•llow 1'111..-).!W•"t UP\\Jll\1 1<••11'!\' ••r ,. "' th" l1r~t nt the 1>lf111 fu1,.~t I' h11: t rt'!'I' "'" m~rt 111 ut.._.h th1..i f•t.llllL\•• "'t t lltl \ l<t t h•• )'1~: t " J~ !'pJ\h t' d '•r-UtiP- U~d:t l fl1• l1 l' • r ~.t +ldlt hth k 111 ''\lj.::.I 11 ••• J ilt uqq I f11· .. 1r Jl'ht.l•\'ft 1111 flrt•• .. 1 1t wtiw.1,\ 1•n thr .••II h "f th•• ,.1,111'1» """1:111• ~J•l'lll'f' 11f 1 1 ~II\" tJ, ... Ii 111;.:111,.: ~h·1.io1w .. Ir tlw 1\111 lh All··r \\t' Tl"lil'h th .. 1 Id ~!ht II l1i1t k ~1 t S t • p l t•n:-.·1n :!P HO It I••\• 1 ttnf'l 1111'\' eih,a~t \'A "'''f'<I ~·· ""'II Thi" 1, th<' hq~h ' itlni;tll' 11rn1111,.ls ,.r th,. Bl1t C-one I n1sh r1t11nt r >' "hrre t hf' Pllln ~r1111·,., "hu·h tnrrP1ve In num- t rees "Pt 1ni: 1111fl j:Hinth<,.1'1, This 1 b"'" 11~ \\,. J:n upw11n1 The Bl& •~ tht C'llllntry. th11t 11~ I •hi\'" C'nn" l'tn" 11n.1 the RI& Cone 1110111: In tlw Tl'nwsr11I C"n""" l'p1 """· 111tr1 n11ngl" 11nt1 keep Hnd look t .. thl' h1µh r•lnl:I' 11( tlw "{" h uthrr t'\•111r11rn~· rn the ht&h•r lolanta Ana,. tu thl' west. I W••n ler rt'1t1·hps rlf thl" bruAh C'Ountry. "hat Is ur thC'rt' 1 1 ~'"'''' bot11na"u rnn11l<ter It only a \'J 11 .. t y ot the nnr lhnn 1~rlH, HOSOtl!'! B<.>TASl !i!T th<'r<'fure the ttnn "p11eudo or One of thr J:H<nl trt'cs r•f the fal~P." 111 Usf'd tn It• generic brush country and elfin tor,.~I 111 I nllmP. Wh1lfl In the norUI the the Coulter Ill!:' Con!' l'rn<· t 1'111us 1·0111mon nnme e>t the Ooua laa t·o ult<'n I. Th.. C-oul te1· I '11111 w1111 Sp1 uc,. 111 Duuglu Fir. here tn I n_arned •.tl!'r th" l1111h b11tan1,t. th!! MIUthland our DI& Cone I homas Loultf'r, who In t hi" ~rrrni: !'prure 11 11I wt.y 1 called a "' 1&31. m ult-a tn p f rum :-;an !ipru<'e " Jta <'onu allhouch only ORANGE, (OCN S)-A $-1 2 m1lhon flood contro l plan The mternat1o nal situation held attention o f Cahforniu 1 Csbrtel thruui;h the Si.n ~···llrt 8 10 12 lnr hu In lf'nfth. are atlll I '11115 to the l 'nloru1ltJ Hl\'l'T Tu ron,.hltreJ large tor t he •pruct pr oposed by the O range Co unty lloard of S upc r vi.sors has editorial writers Inst Wt>e k . with the emphllBis on G e rmany 111m ~ol'a th" honor of b"'"" "th•· r1.11111 1y. .,,_. tiRIZZJ.\' GROt'S lll' ~~t·n reJ'ectc<l in its pr<'senl form by the county farm I and India. b11tantc11J tll•Mvcrer ot the Colo· l'mr. 1:1 the 1ilt•UL 11! tt1•· I''"" Thruu11h lh,.,e !01ut1 or C'h11p-bureau, the county !~ague u f c1t1eij and rndt\'tduaJ farmers Thi' Mn c·Pd Sun-S tar · Thr I 1rn1t huw 111uc h hl\'I' tlll'y h<tvt' 1n ,,.,i., o .. ~rrt " Tu me 111" Hr).: """" ant! buistlll'flSm en • n ua .. ien fk•llly ul ll) '"J: to bit!' their big f•l h•••u 18 ~la) bl' "h< 11 fAnuly fur 1t l'<'f'rn& 111 lJ•' htl( nrr11I jitantl ru1tmed the now e•· Th •--••IL nu~ 1t&nda would '"llh 11.,6enl amaller ch11nnela In "" 1111 G•rmtsny 111 '"' '1 •ni:t t,.,,. lhl' lf'a\l .. rs .. r lntl••.hB\'l' <UlllJ>.Cr· •tun · to tr'' tu WTf'lll 11 l1v1n•· tm1·t "rlul.v b.•ar le1111 t han t. cen· e p ..... -I ' . m lt11 bB,.I<' el~menlll as 11r .. the e•I th .. wurt..1:; of K remlin rutu• "l " 111 11,·1<J1· a pprvi.rruutely -1:> 1 1 h ucn· Lhe IU<'ll, hthat the . tun, 1 a hpn;,. 1 1tenl'llll Suvltl aim8 ot ...,1111,1 <'"ll· \lllh ll.t'tr w uikll th,,.y Wiii rta ll ze rr11111 the n1<·ky, 111 .. n lr. ll•Jll ur t hr IUI) u1:11 In the hl~h r1l11:u of u~u channel.I, v1ei.lun11nan1y m puseJ 111 L" flood (ot1l1 v 'an· qu,,t Ruslllfl 18 tryuii; 111 ,,.,, .i h:•l fine up~tunurn fellv"'" 111\\••r ,,,..v,.uuni. An·l l1kt' 11 11i1111t. tt..-S11ntl\ Ana Mountain• w11• hi~ tht• we11tt'1n ruuJ central 11ed1orn1 neh1 \\UUltl mak .. fa1t 111vv1ng w11.· \\'n•t ('•rrr nnv t 1 1 1 t i 11 , k IC 11 \OU \\ill"'"' ll 11t1l1t11ry II •", rll11..:·l h111t r ... trerll, a nd only Whl'n to rl'l"d I ... ,..& .._ ,.._. lu U • t• l ' II• 1 ., I 11 V RI H ft.nu Ct"J> \\'t' nv..•tt.y I h 111 \ht' l't)wtly l tr JU111p thtl blUlkl and f vuu Lht' wllh (;umtnUl;l!l 1-:.. .. t t:•lllllin\ llt11J1 tiicm " 1ni; I I II ~ll'l'Jl ~l11p1• Jlt• 11111: 11\l'I JY lllll:Pr, cll.J hC! tll'll' .. nd lntn sot ·yu t 'OAl'IT l'OLU lunr~ 1U1)'\ll ar I on a pract rral, e\ "', .ro ,. 1, , , 1 1 . . . j 'he 11111 .. h t'flVl'rl'J h111~111t 11 l h• liJV. •·r rf'111 hr" c>f lhr t ltln AllhoUJ;h fr\'e ot Ule <'hanoel1 \\ Hl rountlan• al..o r rot ts\ l be 1-'rom lhPSd t'Oforu~ I '•1nl.tl l1< llOKRl.IJLF. ,.< l.?," S!il On 11ur t r .111 of t he P l•llt w .. lk l••rrr1 m •e11n-h nt t. ~· ll"f'• and H'" 1•lt.nn .. t.1 f11r en..l county, 'ht· cutting <.>t f11°t'perty llnl'JI by lhe th " l k " l11tnlurd Sen tin I Tho~e l wo '"' Wf'r f' t "'' 1 •· I l• I l1r u11u u11l hnn• \' "'' .,e 1rve " ""' an.: ''"' n. '" 1 t .. ' •h•lll.> a long the !)1111\h c, ... ~t. In ch1&nn.1~. l\llt.llng th"l t hf')' feel unity ll11lV An;<e lhll l \Jilli f n .. r h.l•lf'•1U•Y h•·r11:i.· S<J\lt'l 1l11V.ll•, tlil 11f" ll•Jll lil'I "' l:u .,;(' ..,r.,.,. ~l.&1 1y jittlolni;l"\t rvnll(lf'r lh• 1..tii:;una &Jld :;an L'leme.nte, 1ue drum1age rouhJ be dll N'll"d alung lh .., • ,. It 1 ... I a rty BoM :-\1ktt11 KhrushC'hev 1,f 111,. 1·1111 11 .. 1 ""''" 'l lw """" !;nnlJt Alli\ M .. untaln• nnl' ut thr 1 ,,. .~uVll't ..,1111111 I' n11t n1111: J p I :-..; k I 1 lJ l I f'l••l'O•lng that 1l1e1r te111t111y lw prv1wrty lllU lv i•r.:\•;•nl •ll•ln~ for u~ 1,1 '''""' cornplA.u •n\IY ·· IM rt:nl •·r · 1 0 a 11 i;i~n1n. '""hill:" th111i.:~ r<•lll<' ovr r 11 111 1t · oltlr•t" In K"OIOl(l<'llJ l1mf'. 1n , .. 111111•11 trorn the plnn r:-\f'"flurl .it t ult1\•111t•J tlf'lds, I · "Un many 1111'1\dll fur lhP l !'~It 111I•11i:th. Ill' tn 8 11>¥/ •J1 1n ol11u n-!;rn1tl1r rn < •hlo1111a Frc•m lh"" ' T h• 1 rr•fir a ''ounty • -1."'"e nr t>cikllUl•l Tr1b11nf' 'Thr \\'tl't-1n ntulr.,t h•l ln1l1a IJ." th• 111r11pla I I 11 I I IC\"'t.6t hCityC..:uUn\.&l Jvea not a\u l 'fL: .... ,..~'"" t.A:r---I ' ~ ,-•·t•r ''"''"'*""ff lh··•n hr1l\\ .. , •• ,. U\~l••SU!f!K,t ••.••v•r.&.•V lll" l••n<l 1 .. M11 l (.'1t1e .. 11•1• ntly '"t"'I fll l"'''tmn to ern countrle" ""l nu t1111• in • xp,.dlent 't h 1111: a tf•• h111qu• \\tth 1·1t• h I• u't h "" ""l:h'· I ''"I • al Slhl'tl\•Jn lo.·11tf'<I 10 They cit.Im Lhat pnmary ~nl'r1t lllr plan u 1l now 1tamt•. <'llllnl· muklni: It r !.iln In ~lo~r w lh.ll 111 r v1u11i1lv m•~l•rt •I b\' th1• h1t r n•,111\· :. 1"111'•1• F:1<1h ·,.Kl• 1 lh•• Cl\fl K1lA •If' M1t•l,.rt. 1l'anvo11 '" uld be lur "'"~t <'"Unty ancl ll·M 1n1o;. "•th thu t11rm lmrf'au, Lhut lhf'Y c11ul•I n111. ilrll'r.•11• oulhnrtl v A•lulpt1 l lctlrr It '" II c 1na 111111,, '""''"I \\1lh " '""Ii:· '11"' hkr nl v.o• .. tl, I• tll11 1'1111 •rllve n11m" 11111l Lht'Y tlo n<>l t~l th1·y 1houhl ••••Jtt111n.tl 1t1J1ty rs """'lr·I 11n1l ,., lhr r."'1 c ... tmllll• in <"nlli l thMt unv unlrulh cr111 1111•1 •"<'1•t· •1•1kr l'nil•T 11,.. 111\11\ """'" , r •f " 1•1111: 1li·11d l1t•111111ng 11lv,.r i. .. ton~d Lo hflp pay tor " l'fan thAt '"""Ile garnt><l will nut t.;e 1"'1th '''" p11~,.r 11,l•"'"'"'tt " 111 1"'"" If II.~ r•'l"'/l\f••I 11111 1 ""'I 1111!1 p1111 tt1111 lu11 h11 '' d•I• 111111111~ t•wn ~hh h ••litril f1trnt> h lh1• r 11•" ut the lrMl(t\' C••nt1 ul Al · lilrt ng " I \\lil<:h woulll return little benc-r11 In 1at10 w11 th<' rn9t. 1 1 • nlt•·ly ,.,.,.,ut•I 11r•lll" 1 rn t h,. hli;:h tt1 thf' arf'a It 111 atrl\lll:ht 11p th" I • th,.lr ar"a /\ l ••li! un n $4 : .;z111111(J Mn•l 1"'"l'l l pt1l1tla tn I\ >"l:lrt ntttl: Sun nil" ... n T'rlh1inf "rtu .. 111'• t1r ,.;,'I"'" 11f l h" 111i.11111 .. 1na •I t 'ana .Ja ti<' ~hdull. 11n1I U1111ugh 1 hf' Or1111~e County Ft.rm B ur· iuue t<l f'"'' fur 11,., JlrllJ<'•l ftr1l "' a11t1lh .. r ••t \h,. f¥rl"'h1· ru111111u· 1,,..mh11~t 1<· U111 n•l111111111 • . ."lkllft 1111111 l11 :111111 It I· \d .,,,,. '"'"' tlw ''I •~" "' ~1h f'1 1t•l11 that "'" wu •"h"•hrlf'tl bv lhf' hoard of 01"1 '""•J>l\ll(~i< 10 h•ir '"" 11,n,J 1 ni· Khru!thrh<'v anil tu.. ~1tlt'·kl<k. fin 1 ~u111• 't thr ('uult,.r )'111• • nu k u n the t ruck tr11.1J t o 8anll· "'" tnlto\11 lng a at1111~· by t. 81111· . b11111•a t h" \\' •lf'I n 11 11 • -:\:1k •1111 11111 '"" n I ,,. I h ' ,, ,. t 11111\t••r ••• the ... ntt·r pr<•blf'llU ... ,.,,,~,.,. 1 .. r r t'l1 111u v I . . ' i.; ' "'" '"',Jnl•fll ti~• I "' !hf' )11\l•r 1 .. ,,,, "I:· •···•k l\nda11\1m ture t.Jnna \he ~rutment, hu requuled the 1u·1 \'OTJ: POSTl'O~t;n !'"t:'<'E ttY hTltl c:c.tt: 11•11 lhrm.i·h·• quit•· 11 t1r1,,. lll '111t h lfw ll•1o111111ni; f q,_t, t•f t111• t1 11 11 d th" i;1>.nl ""lk tn~h l'f'r ''l•<>OJ tu ICI'"' m<1re •Ludy Lo 11 Tbl1 hu be-con 1et back to 1' ull••llun l\'l'Wll·'frlbUnt'. · :>:n-lnJ la •nil lh1r n1< 1 hl'V h""'' 111111· \\'••It 111 'dl11w l'il'" '1'11111" 1""1· 1tJ .. ri1-t l h•· l>n<kll<>ne of U1e An· llO••l cn11t1 nl 1•ll\n th'" 1•.;•1!111 J'l lll•<lry tl~llllll •Ill)' Wlltl l• •'1"" 1., \lie l'•••ll•~ ,,, t hl' ,.., gl••l ·h•n<h nic l't'l''"""1 "l'"1Jcr(l10D I. l1·1tnl Santa Ana.t. f'IU"Tnf'r1 In we1t Orang" County, rn J u111\ f<•ll"\lllnK prult•l• wlicdi •tru1 i;lit "Ith c• n.ri11n1~111 •n •h Jf'ar"nteai l n t u 11 pr .. r•llJ..t&nol.11 11art1• ul11 ly In thl! \\ ea\mln•Ltr lfr"'tf"d lh11 r•I~. I lt. I A l ~'"'" t!,·111 '"'' "" It • I lu '"'""n 11i:111n•t lltf' \\ l'•l.,111 Ill• ,.,,.3 , c.l lf' l lu v.hat U.• v lt11n t hf' Al I'"'• hi ho\\~\tr nn 11 l·ll-I l.111 I" An•!, nu 'n•• ti rn ""u1 1 •·• • It 1·· ll•I• ltp lh" •l11n1tl',. 111• t••·•n•lfl'r n~ '' ,,,.,,. c·t .lhr chAn '••nAI ,. Hfr h'lllli l•·•·n ·,.,,h•t tt.1,.-.J le •\' "')It'-''-' tt•· ''il l ~"'"r \1lhf"•J In a ., •. , •f '""n•bt,11• ntl.,., "I"'"''" 1'11)' I hf' f'U\ Ga rden by t 11 .. •'•f'C'I"\ t..or1. "" I lh" <'l"•l 11... " Ill"'" I• • ·k '" "Jr t :1•111 "" '\I Ith h •<1··11 "h•• • •h\ ••I,. 111 t .;,., .. ~\V1ntt"ntint~ f'h cnn .. l. I ~lo: n ......... , tr•l1 f>t.11\ ,,. tlce ,,, I' , ... 1 •• " ..... n "'"'l" .... Mill. lr"A<lll1t •Dtll t1l4llkllv '!"hi' l"'"'1TI 1• T' !><' ~fllltt, tl,OOUl :i.O llh1t h \ll lll KJ'f'CM luf,,re t hl' It"' I .,(II t1nd dl10<IH •lllll: f11n1·y 10 "nry Ill IOU! d1.1 llni;• \1 1th lhlfl T ti·-· t I""" ........ 1 •·n •"<r rrll'nl' .. '"l"t' I•·· rcr .. l ,1 . I , ... r"" •r •r· r ntw brlln·I nt Ktrn.!111 l••tl • I h1r I "''t 11n In "" t ur "'")"r (Ht• Avnl l thr J'OH thllt '"" l•f' 11 111• U • H r 11n1h 11t•1n of c:.rnu•n\' '"n"tn•r S A'I ~'fll'Ak n·-" tin t., .. , 1 1111 ••ich """ """ r 10 '" "" It 011• qutf'"Cf'n•f'" • 1 1 ••riv 1'""''"•111) • n! 1>11r ! l"HnT Tn 1111.11 ••• , l•.rin "' <~rn111n•: r~mAlll• " Onl11.r1 ... t'pl1111.1 r ·~•I\' r1•p11rt. rir•, 11 v l'Vll t h11111 1 ll"r J\tll'· 1 ·'"Tlle Krf'mlrn , '""•! hll• n••W Sacramento Sidelight --------------------------------ll l•lr ,,. l"f'Ar 11,r r ri I 'r hr• rll· •hltlf'•l lntn high l:f'll r In J!tl 11(\l'r l'.\I ll ,\\IF"Tn. rc:-:i::1 ,.,.,. lni:: tf'le I ',1rurt111n nr the !'an '"' '"I ..,, u •• ~ ""'' l!UI '• , .. ntrnl flhj!'r'll\'1' In ti• •l•Rl- r"IJllML 1 f t, Vf'1r.nr t:"'"'"ln J J,11., unll 11nol •·lhl'r ("8\llrf• "' i:• 1nl ur 111 • n ,;• ,, 'h thr ""•I Tiii• r-h •t f.ill>,ht \n t h"•\''" '1\ n I'll l'·• (I r 'l' I "i\trr Jl1n 111'1 1n f lf 1 1" \Jnl lf\ J1 1' -\II"" l \f h t t•l'•n t • ir l •l'tlirhin "'-"lf'r t fu .. 1u ... t ••r•r ' Uf•A '' • T .,,.,,., •nt Pr unit ''"'utrtt "''* r tk ni; nn•,..C"rtl .,,,,,,1r,. t • •I\ 1thipmrr t 4 f ,.t r&lrtirfr t:• 1•1 l"•lt t h• •ll\'I l••n 1• "'"k m !:" • .,.,. 1 ... r r""""'"•I 11n•I th" ot•\lf' • I' :tn nl>tl\ln rr 1 .. ~n1t11•n ,.f 1·~,t 1:rr-111, .. ,111 m • .-11r to1 11, ,. 1.f th• I run •t'n11ni.: i-;"r'I I ••• I nr• <•·r r • •t <>11J J Ii·• 11.tr;;:r.1'"1 JU1t l''8f1,11"1n1•nr \\~,t Tt.!l nr•• "'" 11·•·' 1·up 1111 n"''""• trilcr1ini.: l'i "''"' 11n 11rrroi-•n• tin"' I ·I t ,..,. ~·\\· I It" ~'"'~ • '"P· n ·1"11 11 n0Har tol11• k, Ir uf '"" 1111 .. ,. 1·1 .., ... ~I n••""r A i.th "' \\'1th 11 I:"" 1 t 111r or r alf m in rr•,.n'••11·1 " t t i: "' r "t" ul11r K•' ! r ~ht ln,.111t , n . r rf'rr· ~;.• .. n " 11 nu,ltfJ th,. i;m \11 Ing J•r ;. n lhl' lhr< r• rt r "' \II I'!: from aUr n'.1 n In r 11'p1<1 tnfi: lhfJ f m · lni; rr i;-n1!11 n 111l ht r than h•H" • •h prt ,.'Ur,. t11 l'Oji;14£1' 11 th fl " re "a'"r l h•n 1t ll ! , .. llt1cn· m .. nt.o hf thr s• .. • .. l r L'l If r rla , I "'""I "'' •n Clll d i "l'h "f'•' trA ... I\ I n..-.. 'tlljl' , •'f ...... 1 .. 1 a"rr.11 ·n I• lt-r.•••• I •I f!'o,!· 11 • t •It" f•1•1l.J1!\ l• •1 "" •n· l;trn11\ny , n "h'n hi' r•\• h • f.,rll 1 II nn "" .,.,. •' n Ar I thr ""'I 1:1nr q "" Jl1U1'1p<unt. vf w r h in· 1 fll'H J;t f\a1lv .'• ,. • !'= ,.,,., ins: ,.1,.,1 In rrtl!I t"nl F:t•rr h•'"" : r ,.,It 11• -..;-lh• "t"'" • "ott r \1'£t n .. 11 hl,w1i.:1 :>:•k• l•nl 1: 111:'""' ""I •n \\'11•t:lni;:l•·n f: 1rn "lrf'lld\· t-•~ 1 r r";:rM 1 I In t t' 1 rnnnf'<"t•"" I hll\'f rf'· :-;1klt Khr11•ht h• v "'' •I'•''" , h-1"1 1 p.,.. rttRrv nr !'•11·,. 1 11111~• Th,. i: '" n• r 11141<• I thio 1t1vl· 'l"""t"•I tt11t th"" 1• n1 k In thP \'t• ul41v JU•t s ,., 11r t" , r 11 I• ••·nt thAt t h• rr .. ,.•ur" frnm llr · •h •r~n 'n t \ f'•Ul l• 1hH Mt l•nl1on <l.,•1" : I •·11p,.rt.llhf\ "' 'h t h,. r rp• "" srrtat1.~ 1: tt-,. ~ •;•I ( lo:••ol· f1rn1• l.,· ll lt• w flt 1r rr•rl ,,f , 1~ , I u·· f A.-1t tt\ ', "'I·# I 't t ... r• ,,.n• 1• \t' ... '" , .. ,. t t ·•U , ,,._ " I Th,.\ "'Htl ,.. \h d••r l'"aac~ J:Ot•i.-tn Hu"' l t r n1 Itri 'h" :-,., I • • Tl""· "'·. • th•r <1 1 ''1 n in • "'"l ri·s: A f•"" nt 'd"ru a n\! h • f· 11 "'"u t ' kn ·"' •1 n hiu b!'<Qme •l"nn•111 t• ,• t"• r t the ('141Jf• rn " "~'•r 1nr ., ,,,. n "ti h \\,ll l"'n • !~f' 1 lio n I l:r"•l lf'M fl• ,,.,1.te Ill'\ rlopmrn1 "' ,\S ,_TORA(lf: "rOT ~ C'111if"I r I • W• l"r rr•,•urr,.• I'>< • h I AFFAIRS OF STATE B) HE~Rl' C. MuARTlfllt \\1t h r d rrnre l<• tr,t-I crttru tfl '~' "' J f(ll• J tll• Lil" 111111,,.d1 •t• llr un l. 11 r ronln>\C'H \ 1• "r.r rrlll• •I ""' ! ••f • '"l111n n • l ll Itri .,,. ~ 1n l 1 .s f "I •r 1 ll'T ""I 11• lh,. ~IT>jj t ..,.,,. In ""k" .o:e•,.J r"' , n•trur •1 ·n 1·n ti'• llilf'q ra•,. 11 \1111 n t 1 lhl' I •'\It "' ,t 1wll', • !hto S11n J "nlJ t n ~111-r11ni:e f 11111 9 n~r.J,, of 11 11 p111t" ol Ir~ ~h 1111 1,,. ''"'"''"I ""' '"'"'' YI lhl' "1110'" j ):A l"RA~!F:XTO 11 'l:~I l11rc,. tcl d r ... Ii\' It ln1t 11h•MI t,, the Tnr ''' P.1vrr 1•r11)"rt, c•r ---------------· Annlhll'r \•rtnl\I" ln thl' fr11ra11 '1" "Ph It• '"11111117M •• n 111 l"t • .,.t,<'lhf'r It ~hciultl he u.11,.,1 11• A "'""P<Olt ,,,rr lh,. •'11tf' bl'ollr•l <•I Tl1" •Alrh I• thlll th,. b-11 r•I <•f .. 1. l dJ:f ~r· l r .. r wal•r ('\'rnt•111 ll\' RE ADER s r1•n ll 111 r n . I r , .. r 1nrrrll•1ni: l'IJlll\h 7:ll ll«n II ... -·. l hr u • I\ If\ be tnn•f,.rrl't1 lo S nuthl'm <'Ill· """' .. m rrt,. In ""''" I I ' I' .... JI r .,. th• ,,., 1t u... • ...... l'<'m" fr tn th11 rrnpn~M f'ta-t• •1"\"I J n;;: '" ~ •t'h• rn c •hi r· "hll" r nun•v ,,,..,. • .,. r~ "'" ,,. thn l<l\'"r r r0 Jf'rl w RITE "' wlv r .. Jlnhrrt F !11 l•.111 l ., ... n ... thll' f r n .. f'l o\lll f' fl' r "r Jn any ra11r, U1e ~11n Llllt r,. tl11,.ril m"rr.hrr fr<•m It 111 11.1 ,.11, I• IV \ll llhcn 111"11 • "" 1 n1111 t r 1 •h 11rrw•1r w11ulcl h11ve to be fl lll'tl h \' '"'!llljt l"" •• l•l 11 ... tl'l~f'll\"f' \11111~1'·, "''h '"'" .t1f!•.,•1 1 11 ,.,.n arttf, .. 111 mrnn~. u t h~re ts r • , f ~ "' 1lrrn11•1I n'l '"'nly JI,. """ n111k1n1o: """'' ni••11t• It ,,,. run f t ot Al'Y ire•t prl•J"'>rtlC'n1 1 1tlr. B"n R,..l l1r k .,.,.. "'" !) un I tu h• 1! •r. ,, r.•, • n 1 , lr fn t h• b11 .. n 'Xewpnrt r'rtM n·· ll\ .. f Rl'"f • "' ~ ... Rl'rn•r· 'l"" Thi' I· Al I • I "11 •I ,1• , Englnffn of the 9\t.t.e dh<Ulon l'eiv Of'n I ntt ('n•rnl\· ,.,,. b,.,. i.; I l·"lnk-I n• 11tttm1 'r I 1 11· • •• ur ') CO~t:.~ - snrnll.-r nrwl'I .. f th t•fr (r11·n.J nf thr hru11h M1mt ry, the 81i; ( · .. .,,. :-:1 r u• • -l l v r.iu! ParkC'r l'bo t11a 1 ct \l.a\er 1uources tune 1 .. n, Thi' Jubllt.nl'e al lll'll ll f'r•·b\'·'"' l•v tlr.r ""n ••• ,,. r·f~lrlnl• r rr rrrt\' Ill :.n f"r <''0' •·f I •r· l:nttred u s .. rond·CIU J ~lnttn Ill ti,. l'oetotr1ce 111 1'\nrport Beaeb. II.Sk i'd by lhe f ederal eovemtne~t I Vrtan Ho~pl!aJ u II re11ult f"f t; .. th•v hll"" n"I ber n 1 .. 1.1 the l n lf' krl VlllUf', Ulll lltHf' I~ "'' ,,. I ·- l0:lllfom 18 11n•l•r lh.-Act ot Msrch 3, l i~. to prrs;a.rt romment.a within I D rerf'nl rcmtl\' mnnl':llr\' ~·fl• t"· f111" "'" ul H P 111.: 1r rr><• 111 "'""n 11" t•\ 1d1.i1 "' 11. • •lttn ('Ol l.Tt.H l'I:\ t . ( .IW\ t: On a high r idge or !'nn1a A11a ~t .. u nt 11nll \\1th t 1.r1ur1111{ "trail nf th• g t.int '>'.ilk ~··II;.!• I 111 a ~l<• I' h1ll--1rl<' b<ilow th1·m and th rn11.:h a .i, 111" '••\• 1 .. f m .11 .1o1111 ;1 rn:ry b(' l'irrn th11 i<t11 ni1 •• r 111111• ---------· day• oo UI• !fderal rep<>rt on f:11n mind• •II 0( 1111 l<' b• ~umhl\• nr· th• ir 11r• r .. rty t11' h1lb ' Jer I In~ h•·,.n n 11111 ln1nr I r uhl.J,hl'd f'' ""' Mnndlay, \\'~y u <I Frlcla.T by lh• Lt.ta. St.ate <'OllU'lltJH 1-neC'"•111 >' prer uH ive or 11 11 nr 1 ~. ,111 I" rt 1 11.. I •11r 1 d ~•·1 •" ""rl In \\' th th• 11• 1.1• ,. 1 " • r' f ' •I ~l.\\POR'l' llARROR Pl'BJ.lt»lllS O (.'OMPAI'\' fr C"mph .. nr• w1lh tf'dC'rAI Tl'·~"'"" \o m• by our fl il"n l aot tht ~11n Hr m11.1Jtn • r 11 r1I\ 1111 1 111 """•'"~I· I !l•• 1·r •"n ' "' Ba.lbc\a run l.. ~r.\\rURT nt:A.r ti, l AJ.IF. Fbo~ Uarbor JflS clAm&Ut1n 111w, u lb• fec1eni.I Jr \'• l'rl'Sll I ~ •• 1r1tl'd ltlll the tn .. ra:e ......... , mari( .. t \•11h111 Ar·! rrl\"K'I' r r I' t n1ment doee "°' ~o ahead \\1th 1 I 11.m ~llTll I ,.,.r rr•• th .. l!l'ntl· hA \'!! '"" lltn• I lh<-.•111 .. tt.. rr l\ '" II 1,1\l'n I >lrl'\' Ill I h ... l ?Jl . I r ri·JIK'l• unl,.&11 •~t• eommenl m~n•· t 1111 t th l 1 \'•rir If th• oo•r·I h11 I f1,.f,.r1f'<1 1 .. w t":1t r1H11r,., It I• -nnt •'1111 L" Qu.aJ1r1,.d to l'ubU•b Lf'('al Sotk~ a nd Ad,.,.rtlwml'nlA of AJ.J IUnd• •d • " u "' 11~11 l ""' Y r nn· · · " " " " BJ l>N'N'oe ot UNI ~upertor (.'ovn of orance Co. LA A<'llOll No. A·!l70t hu been lno e. rl'!nrJ w11h the hn•1•ctl\J. and 1111 nrtlrr t•i I n• 1rni.1• 11••r «mPn'• th.it \\I 1•n lh" J•fl\1111' ,, ••. , Mrmbt'r ('aJUomla Se,np•J><'r PubU•hn• AlllloclaUoa Member 1' atlonal f;tlll ona.l AnodaUon Mrmbt'r of OraQle County S ,,.... f'en 1(19 B~N HEDDlCK. f'l"DU!!HER WlLLl.AM A. )IOSl::s, l:dlLor ORMOXD E. ROL"NTRE.E, Ad\'~ Dtnctor CllAJU.ES A. ARMSTRON G, llK hAhlcal 8upulntendeat 8CB8C&IPDO!'lf ~TE81 ~ewport 11.ar-bor s~--rr.1 •. Trt·\l'ttllly la O~o C ounty, se.oo Pf' f l'&r: ts.00 •I• mo•.: IL3J three rnoe.. ' Oet.Ne •f OrAq'• Co1&11f7 ••.oo Pf'r ,..., 00\'EHSO& ~'lUTES th,,•o whl\ 11rr 1 'n.nnln.: If• l'Xl'f\Jl· In thal l'11unty liy 1•0r0 fl :J!l f'"r '"•nl ~ 11r" tr11 11 .,.., .. 1 ..,,.," "t If• 11 ... I • Ii • • • 1,, · • 11 Th• l'Ovem or 1Dtormed th• de· lllOll. w hen I thank \' •U f•·lk• or cent. 1 •11.x bur<t .. n ..... 111.i hi' l'h fl .. I rr .. n f ••• , "I• I •. I•. l r11.rtment nt lhe lntnlnr t hal he the Xe~pnrt l'rl'Ft r.'.r )•illr r11rt ~lfJtT TO rt Rf.H ! lhl' llll.ill•·• t11 111• r r ·~··· t <'< • t ·•~ ''" "0Uld m&lc• ~''f'ry ('ft• rl to hA\I' In !hi' l'U! l rt t \("l t . u • Yu rr Tt-.. hn&rt1 &l•n P'""I"" 0111 J>A\er. due tu t he '"' l Lh• K ll ......... ,Ill I r ' ' ". 11.e stale • c11mmc-nlll 11v111l11hlr fmP r~·, ' ,. •• : , s L• <•n uu r bl'· CfJ l.IAtlC'All.\·. thal th,. rrpi11l.1.at .. n J•R)' II.fl •Arri.' 1• unt, I " I •I,. :--• In the PO d&y pertod. ln ha ll'tler j haJt have nt1L 1w ne unoburvtd by lnrd er r Alled fort. 11hlfl or abnutl l"St'AIR Cll.AAOE! ll''"''r '••H l ''''\" 1, .. ., '" lo the department. tbe J;O\'l'mor l a.n~· nt 1ur It I~ partlcul11rly fit· Sl.200,000 frnm utility properT,v A11 t. matt!'r nt e1u11 tl ziotlnn Sh• ••l•I th•\' h• •l •'"I '' l • u cr1: Ung >1l thl~ Chrull n 111 1rru10n lo ontn the tl\J1p&y H 1 or t t.e county hO\\f'vrr. tl d"rio n•il ll flfl"H r ,.,1111.,"r lhl' •,t ·"• t 111o;" lh\ 1'' 1 '• , .. ..... f ••r lw 11 I 11( f''f\Jllll• I I /U' lo I•!;,:• r• ,,, • rl' ·••m nn ' •• ' J • ~· ~ (I) .... I. H 11,. •r " '. ,,,_ ltJ L11e public. 1•• • 4 h'4• t '~\·tnl( V"r/ •, • • l 1 ,. ' h ,.-.~rta.l• 1. JI) 1 ti•• ' 11.t lr lt "~ ,,, ,. 1Axpay• , ... ,.,,, 't.v "ltl trirr,.a8e LI\ I 11• "' ,,, 11.t ••t I art1 money the 'J wu partlC"Ularly lnleruttd let )"U k.nnw W I' Are 1n te~ul tor fihlft.a trr m ullllty rr• perty t •1 t11ble tor a ultht v to r"v mflrtt "' 111>1 I" ri '"I• r 'J h.. •• •·! ti , '. • II ' ' ' • tl• lllA nt1'd lhll In the ttalementa of lh• cnm· )'OUT htlp. &r1t1 ex:enJ to you our prl\·11t,. lAxpaytr1 h&\'" t>"en r •l· t h"n Ha 11ha re ct t11•H "h rh •r· < •r~,. " I 10 1111 Ir ''" • ' I• mlu lonn of reclamt.Uon l.h11t belll wl11ht1 for a vtry Mury ,ed In other rnunll"• nf the 11t11t" I J111rently M>mt nf thtm have bN-n lnl•d t i it ,. ,..,,,, • 1 • ••' '"1 there a ppear t o be no lrn concil· Chrt1lmu t.r1t1 Ht.rpv New Ytv. lll'ld l.h" 11h1rt hu jtl\'fn rl•e to dot nir In counllt• w here the 111· '••llrH 11.-1 .. re 11 fm11I •I• l• 1 r •. • I • :• • ·1·n,. "'1'111111.t.lll'lft. 11hl" "ni:t nrl'nn~ nr fln llJh olll Slnr<>•rly, 11 •t"I ,. rh11ri:•• "" Ill" t> Al I ••t ,,..,m~n!A lit '! Jr1w er than tt~-II \ I•·• t<'·! 'I • 11 1 \lot h "!'IY t•ll• p1oblema lnvolveJ ln ce>-<>rd.l.Dat· l ., John A.. Murd¥, Jr. I equal1uuon i. · fa1 <11 lni the i •ra1• t Meu.~h1le, ~tc.l>ll\'ld a11•I 1.1ther 1pa)11 "'vwu Wl• t.o LIU ~ , . ,,. A Da....,ous Game I -~ -~ \Vllll•m Cn\f•rt llf 1 h" ~""'1"•11 ' • n .. al"h llrl'('t dep11rtml'nl I fllttJll•ln· I "'t &o r<>ln e Saturoh•Y m•11 n ni:: t hat btlul1 \ftr•I M••llfl ha•I ""' n pulle-f out nf th" l(t•1Untl 1tl 31\lh .St a nd F1nll'y A "" 111111 h • ,r.•it Away. T hu• "1111 lhl' thtr•I t rrno; 11 t.ad happt'ne•I 111 two "''•'k". C•t·I vert 1a1ct Powen Son Arrives New parent.11 ttre Mr. an<1 Mrs. WUliam Power.11. ltl3U Amultt A, .. Coata Ml'A&, "'hl'n a i<nn wa11 hor~ , nee. 24 In Hru1g lln~ptltol R. E. Hendrkk8, Resolved To Plit Health Fint D.C. Free Gifts for New Saving Accounts Offered by Firm NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS !,_ PART 11 -PAGE l FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1955 HtHtcJerford ChUd GrH)g YoultC)Ster Mr. a.nd lltrs. Daniel Hunirer-M11r1nf' S Si;:t. Mti lllr•. David ford, 269' Wiiiow Lane. Cot11a Tvan Gr11t1t nt C'o.ta Moa be· Important f rH glft1 are await-Mesa Savtnp and ~ ANOCla-Meaa, •r• lh• proud pAttnt• nf • r 11mt1 proud parent.I 0.C. U whM Ing n-aanr11 at Co1!la Mrsa lion. Walker commented. baby r irl born O.C. 28 tn Hoag a .on '4'U bom In UI• U.8. Na'l&J Sa\1n11• and Loan Al!Mll'iauon, lntf'rut 11 currenlly belnr pe.Jd _H:?-:P:l:ta;;;;l.=========:";;;;o;;;;•p;;;;l;;;;ta.J;;;;,=C;;;;or::o~n;;;;a.=====:;;; \872 Newport Blvd., C<>1ta MeM, at lhe rate of 3 ,., pt'r eflll ~r r 1t ""'• anne>uncf'd today by An· annum on all aavtnp u counll drew Walker, v1ce-pre11fdenl of CC'mpounded and paid quarterly. Co1ta Mesa'• only hvme • own l!d Walker pointed out.. and ot.he; tln<Lnclal lnatltution. special featuree ot Co1ta MM& I Thue valualfle and attractive Savine• and Loan lncl~ a ut.o- fre.e gltte will lndude a uiwf\11. m aUo tneuraru:• of •~h M•lnp ll'&lher • covered travel a larm account to 110.000 ..... of add· rlock with l"1u1y·t<>-1'elld luminous Ing to or wtlhdrawlng from the dlol for all new 1Bvlng11 account• aavtnga account. a handy s av .. ot $I 000 or more. amt a a mart By-Mall aervtca and trtendly gl!nu l~o leathl': bllltold ln either helpful alaft membera. ' l&dl.,11 or men 11 11lvlu for 11av-lng1 acrounu ,or $b0o or more. While the tree (1ftl will be of· In addition, evt'ry new uvlng11 fered to new aavtn&• accounlJ! a c .. ount, In any amount. will earn opened until Ja n. 31, Wallter Its 811ver a handy "Guut Pac" pointed out lhal all H vlnga a('- lllled with valuable drug articles counle opened by Jan. 10 w I 11 and tolletrlea u rn from the firal at Co1la Me- • HAPPY NEW YEAR • -From - Anthony's Market Imported ltallan De ...... 379 E. 17tft St., Corner Tustin, Costa Mesa Ubert)· 8-782% MILE OF CHECKS MAILED HERE Thue free. gift. are otrered aa Saving&. 1lurml' the month of January to ------------ acquaint new aavere with the Ml..i.lppt produOM 100,000 b&r- high lnlt>rut 1'te and many 11er· rele of oil every day, accordlnc t.o We t'&rry tb11 ~f8t st.ock of lmpo~ Italian DellcaciMt tn Orange County J'sturtni Home Mad,. ltaU-Satu.&«t'-100"';, runo r 1n11 ~n 7 Da~·s a WH k 7 :SO a. m. to 9 p. m. ~ividend checks were measured in hu~rC'ds of yards when Newport Balboa Sa\'- ings and Loan Association staff members prepared them for mailing to savings account holders at }1ear-cnd dividend time. Here Bob Hield, Betty Krug, Dorothy Orwig and ~lrs. Phil Colegrove of the Accounting Department register amazement at a doi.;en yards· or so of the crisp paper neatly d<.'Corated with pleasing figures. v1ce11 a nd advant.age• of Coata the National Automobile Club. , "'" t1·1U IN! 0~11 ,:SO a.m. 111 I p.m. ~ .. w \'l'ar·a Oay ~ Mnnday lnsuranrf' Rrokf'n. llll, tt&) ~i1lr Urh I' llrlrh••r 4~1.\ !\I'\\ I""' l\<•1u·h, C'.Jlf. Chiropractic Lt a health 11er\'h'te filling a nt'ed h eretofore not fllll'd by any other healing profe1131un A great many bU1lY en•I ..rr11 '"nt people have round per1oxt1c , /1&·• 1 upa the a n11wer to Kl't•p111g Wt'll, 11nd not wa1t1ng 11ntrl they 1u ,. ~•· k t n 11ee their 1.>0C'tor. Jn tlln" '""" d•ya wht"n n11&n po\\'cr h• ~0 th'' •• ~ .. 1111ry. we ~annol afford to lus" 111\<11 hou1 a thr ough llln, 11s. Th111 r.;,.w Yl'<11r hi' rtsoht'tl \f1 P'"'"'t )tlur h1·11lth by 1111 1tll a ru11nJ heal! h 1• r ,, g 1 u 111 "Ill• h 11ho11hl In• lutle pr11U1llc ""'"'"" 1 l mn .. lly thl' du\ lu11< 11( yv11r , h•1t• ,, witll t11e State Farm l1sura11ce Companies Cilf '"Je._ U 8-l011 ~ i£ W. L Landi• L £ l.a 1rn• 1Costa Files $25,000 Suit in Car Crash I I SA:-\T.\ A~A 1()('~~1 ~'"'" lllf&11 $1~.oou 1h1111u..:.·11 ""'" ~· "l:hl I 1n ll S t111t·n11r l'1o111 t !>Utl t1r. .. 11,.. •· \\ l•1lllt'b.t .• y 111 l llllllt'l't1 .. 11 "1111 " dl'llllri l lll·Ulltl) I Id'" ~ .. \. ~I Ul ll•ul11.r Ul\ll, 1111•1 \\ll.••·11 ,\\" L0u~lU .\J, :'\,, J.;wl.:•nJ.: Uh• ,._t ,11t1 \\ , ... \ntt .. ,n)o' < ·,1 ... \1• "'' ._,,s.: , "'"" ~J\ ..,, Ht· 11 u a 1•d I h t• L .Jt 4111.., ·'" ' Jll 11 ,;,, t ·"'" JU "" • ... 1 •t• •·t I'·'~ 1 t u J1 "' S.11.tu A U.i H!"o .i. I 1•u1l.u u 1 Ttw 1h lt•111hc111~ .,, ~··tlt•illy •h t•\•• J •'••ti lhl:h .:1'1111' 1.1•1 llJ.. 11 11 f1, tlu I \'lU o l \ • "l ' ·" I "' 1HIH ' •''-l H California History New Ciass at u~C 1-'ur g u(,J H"r.lth ~•·t· \'1111r C'l11· r "1•1111·1 .. r R ~: l lt·n111 i1k~. t11· l "'" Hijrbe>r !1471 ur $!\14 ~·ur Af'· f>vtnt mt'nl. 11111 <.:arnr1t111n !'I , t "•ir-13!i E. nth St . ·' I lu• Ill "" ,,, •• ,I\ "' l ""' """ •l«"I M ar. C'o .... ta !'1rsa 1"'111'' ,,,11 '" ·•""'' • 11o" "'" r_.....;;;;...;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;._.....;;;... _____ ..:__:..:..:_..:. ___ ' 14 "" 'II ' I.,, .. 1Hll ~ ,. •• d11h l \ "tut l it\ (II 1111~1 C ll I f C •••J. ~· I '·1 :Jo //,e JeJi</e,,/J o/ //,e n""'l'o,./ ....J.Jartor area a,,,/ CoJta m"j" -4-11/.e enc/ o/ our fi,.J/ 'J"a" ;,, t1ui11 l'JJ, w e u1iJ/, lo P.-r/"'".J~ 0 111· ~in rl'rl' //,a,,lJ /or 'JOlll' wann-~enrled 1•et·"fiflo11 o/ ou,. Proc/,tcl, ..... a1u/ U/ / efou feed - ....J.Jarry (ji!rJ/aJ "Coun/,.'J" WaJ/,t,,,.,,i! J ttll .l l1htJ th 11•1 \\ h tu l 111n ~11 .td 11\\ • 11 l•dlJ.:' \ llH( \f •Ill ••l ( ,,j, ""' IJlfl l 1 '• ·~ t .. '•I )t h 'Mi fl J\1 I H·•'• 1 •I.•• 11••H ''' 1 .1u 1111111.111.1 "",. I I '•ii• di 1Ju~ I h tel .... 1 ti• ' fl \ ' ~ \ I ' •Hh t l•I •ih•I h1'.'i \\l l~'•r& 1tt 1•h,. 11l1011J l 'i,I '-" \\ i I K " tf 111 ltiil1> KU It '''"''' 1;1 \ ,,1 111 t l I I I Hlh t wt· it,,\ .. • I t! • • I .• tu 1 I ., i n I I ti•• I I I • I f ' f \\ 11 II• II •• 1· 11f H • \ ~' f , 111..: I .q u .. ,.,, I ,_tu I I di "' J ,1 ' •th 11 ''"'\ lJ1 1t1 ••h .,, •• , ~· , , •• • 11L; • r .. , , ,,11111o t • I I tu .it\ j Ill •' lt ,II Ill I lit I I t ltl f I \ Practical Law Class W ..4 ::..att at ut;C I t \\ I t t f • • 111u.\ d f 1 t iH ti t 111 1 111 I 1,11 l u 11 I 1""-'.\ U b• •4 11• \\ f ft111•~~ I I I',, -,, l~l d t ).\ l 111,.l f \I 11 .. 1 ''•!!if h ~11.f\1 11: thfl " l uUa.llt ti\ J1111>ll•\ !".tm.1,, t)H• f th_.• "'ti 1•\1 1 .a.uh lt ft•' tl >t 1 lJflilUllHll \ I I • I t \ \\ t I I 1\\"' on \II • •I· fl I j 111 I lll '. '" I \\1•• n hit l•ilfl•I t it I \\. I• l t u.•1 •, .... IUI h I ,_f.q•. 1 ft, 111 •h 1lll'" Miid t.11..,1l1Hll,.. i•t u·111rn1• ut \1 •~ "'""". i h•· 1ltt,_• \\Ill 1111'••1 "'" l11Lhl pc-r "''" ~1 ·1ul11\• 111 ut 71111n 11'1~111···• E:1h11 111 ·II J Hf'~1•tnt 11"11 "'" t•k•· rL•· 111 tt • ., !rr •t l11ff•l1n.,; ·~ t hf' , IH~., I Two likes Stolen T '"' 1:111:0 bl 1 • • .• n t " 111· 1 \1lt •••••• , ....... < ...... ,..,. 2108 Ocean Front Phone Harbor 5 D S near Newport Pier ._ ____________ .__.. Newport Beach HALF PRICE COSMETIC SALE! Lucien LeLonCJ ColoCJne Tussy Hand Cream ReCJ. $5.00--for $2.50 ReCJ. $2.00--for S 1.00 Ciro Toilet Water $'4.50 si1e for $1 .95 Sunbeam Ladies Razor Tussy Weather Lotion •1495 $I .00 s ize for SOc ~rbara Gould Velvet of Roses Cream Reg. $2.50 -for $1 .00 Harriet Hubbard Ayen Creams Reg. $2.50-for $1.25 Reg. $ ... 00 -for $2.00 Gene Salee Hand Cream Reg. $2 .50 --for $1 .25 REVLON HAND LOTION $2.00 si1e -for $1 .25 (1 om the home nf !'h~rm11n Hart, 1 71 :I F: 0<"P8 n Akel , hf' r P ported t11 poht'•• M1>ntlay mor nin1:. ''ell~~ ... MONEY GROWING ONT J. A. Ill• ••••cro•• 1AMnL&.Mlftll Ae•11 aLOMct•ltT ULPM ft, MAIKIT PAUL A. PALMI• ,, •.. ~ WALn• I. IPICI• IAMUIL A. MIYI• A••H 8LOMOUllT •· &. •ALMla WALTlll 1.S..cla ••IDl•IC• .. C110XO• ...._._QM., LYLA U•eM ..._., •Ollft •· MllLD b.cvttve V..c•·',..;.,...t n.o•1•C1 IA•L r-OM.. IPALDI•• a. IAITMAll vi.._,,..,.,., _., i-Offlfft W. lft•MI• IMITll ,,.,,.,..._ _, ........ This is what tt.ocisaods ~ satisfied ~ in 48 states .., ii many toreip parts say about puttil& their sa.qs '> mt llilh as. ~ ....., to -save SlfelY ~ Sni1g PaJs.. Toar money ls loaned by • for ballcfing ~ tones m Orange Cotl\tJ. t11e 1asYst erowin1 11u ill tbe West-the_ safest_ at sajj loaDL. And M1J tkfbr of JOSS ap to $10,(0) ls iwed bJ • aeeact d the lbled States Government. Besides JOCI' ~ ae wilhkwmte i» fdl. ~ at par. Reprdfm of your motift -Future SecunlJ, Chndreo's &tr;lfo\, Travel, Study« good old New England Thrift -s1art an acuult with Newport Balboa Savings. As little as $5 does it simes receMd up to Jnsary 10 m hn JarmJ 1 @fien Jhi ~uni ~a..' §,,, fi'~o~i ot ly vllod With on .-ol~ r««d cl divld.Ms for 20 ywrs •• ore curr•ntly paying at lb• anmlOI ro,. ol ft9r•••• Mlll'Clt 3f, I••• ·30, ••f'f..,,,., 30, Oec•••• JO CiJfel.come 10 ou• •••1c11•T •o•• It's a mamf of efficiency where a c:ustums is acalldld tasteJ seivice iD a friendly nf P'easant ~ AMple CVI....,_ Per\if'I 0CoAecfioti• S.fe O.poait Vavh Sa,,... Alo a ''ivate Covpott lootha U.S. O..aa...,.. .... ) C..-ference loom LMM .. 9'fy, ..... c .... , .... hcrew s...nc. ., ........ Meftey °"'9f9 .. I • ......, ~ ...... f1~191•I• 01¢ II NEWPORT BALBOA SAYINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION P.A.PALMD.,.11lll111f 3366 VIA LIDO • NEWPORT BEACH. CALIFORNIA Tll.l•HOlll NA•W 000 CORONA DIL .... o•••c• . 2407 IAIT COAIT ...... y . ftUPllOlll HARMMI l220 MEMBER· FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK SYSTEM -FEDERAL SAVINGS ANO LOAN INSURANCE CORPORATION -SAVINGS AND LOAN FOONOATION. IC. I f _.# PAGE~ . P/.,RT 11 -t''t'.''F()P.T i-V>.~PCP I !~WS-Pr-c5S FR IDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 HARBOR HI LITES U~ ~.\~C'l f.\'.\1PBl::l.I. • ~l·\·c•ral P\'l'ntngs agri t ht' R.-bt·I Club. a b··~·~· H 1 Y g11111p. w1 Ill on thl'1r annual Cl111stmas tan.Im \; pan~-. T h.·y nll hunt11NI up wnrm nnrl p1lrc\ into a trurk t o !Wrl'n:\Ol' t 11 .. 1 .. m11111n1ty Wll h MillH" uf t h 1·1r l<1 •:ural1· 11ld C ':.ir 111:; Afl«r ~ctu ng tl•oroaghly ch!llcd and becoming hoarse from t '•" r ~in~ A t 1n l!YJ 11 k1 l.11J .1 ,\ ft•\\' .. r th .. Hurhor lo"' ,.;.1th· J'•\111 !\' I 1 h•1fU, ... , [\\H.).: lt•il ,,. I •• t l h1 h• t ,. 11f f;}Ull \ C'ti•q 1- 11f 1 I· • I·, .ttHI d 1lll.!~ 111i1... r1 .tn t ~h1 ~rn. '·' E v·· 1., 1x.h 1t1J:t" 111 .. ". , •• var~ Iii• t1Uh·ht1 \\1 J ~·''~ .tH l \.,\\.( ~>\.1 1 ''~' r \1\\ d~ 1r\:io. I •". lln i·l<rlPI ll nil 511., 1 "' "'"' J 111''" Tam111n 8JHI L;lor1r1 • h 1p 7'! .1.it.11 .... Ii rtfl t 1 .. 111°t i r ••• I'"'' 1 • \• 'l ~" .~ , ·•"'' '~l1ir1.1 l '} q ,- 11 j ' ',11' J; t l1 i l H •I f ,,, I) tl I ~11 .. 11•1.Jd\I Th"ll ··~•Ill ""I .111 I\' I . I J ' I tJ ld :i\;1. . , .... I ', .1 r ii 'q I t . tltHlfl• II ( I tit K \',tllt1• '. ',,1 I J 1Utl• Ho td111 k ... ·'•h i ,; " '\ , '\l I ' I 1· "I ., I 11 .. f •~\ 11 \ HP•ll-. 1t1\h•L:• \\t t' .d .. •I),\ '• J't,1 \ \\ I• J: 11 ltll .I· 1111 H .. p l1111• Hl1•1 :-; 111• I t '.tud1h• JI 1\l11ri J~, 11111 ... ~r T •111j B1·, 1••1t:.,:l1... J .. ,, IJ J .. 1 \\ 111.l,i,,1HI ( 1111 k 1 "haJ•H1.<n. II• nth"r LloJrll.-. (. • J t t'I• tt\ ;111ol ~IHI;.!·~· ;-:f1t\•tJI ,\ f, ''· 1,i t111 H ,tth111 ~nl .... ttt• 1•1..,1 1 Jiu" t"lljv\1' ~ Uo• J•I• t lit'' .. : 'tu ~fl•,',\ ,at .\f t 'o\ t • If 'J II\'\ ,,,.\,r.._ :.1 J.'"1. ! 11· tlh•t l 1 l tl1 1:1 •1 c ~1 •11n1:u L:1t1J.tl ''"""""'" '1 1 t .:._.•tt~1;,•1 .... I u1J..t c'J,.,,,. ,1nli \I :-'l •I ii. Ir~ I ,,. n· i..:'•lV ("ill · I ,. .,o\ U" LEGAL NOTICE 'I u,t H; 11\ 1 11,t'1l \11U tll ~<'l liur1 Jll~l 1t• '""''Y Sro w ith lh1~ I 1r'1 • '' t '" 1 •lh It •111:~1 I \ .. tt \11q 111-. I 11 ' tt._tpp~ J' l Wll<>"'' nlilllt'' 1n full irnd µl111·1•e • I _ l·i'-n• •• tl1t" tuc f1•ltu\\.. h \\ ' J;IA;t ;>; T C ATI-::: !<:17.: ,;, I r r· ll•..,f)<;IVU~ :-\• .\ Ytlll DEATH NOTICE It \I I'll '' r UH: A nal:t>ll • \\ 11n ... ~• t111 han•I lhu; 1!•111 ' , .. ~;J.t;J.'\' T •· \'fF S :'T ,\TI-; OF l',\l.ll"llH;>;I A c"Ul"XTY 1 !" UHA;>; .I-" .t._,, f: •'I •1 \1 \\,II· l~n,,\\•o \ J! th.~ Jt11 :1 ~l.ay • ( I 11 t A I• \' t,I I ~th -.11 1 '11t,11 II ·"'""'' HI;);), \W:f,1•' ""' ~T.\~1.E\' ,; I •··· :::. tt h .. ~' •tttt' :!-d:!' \'1 ':t -\:X!Jf.;RsJo::--:. u :"'o~u 1y l 11d11h "' J )t i\1• f't \~t1•.,•"" ~1 ftt11 ,, hn,.:t'I · .. 11111 fnr lh.: s~_...,, Cunn\\ and S\,t'•• "lo: llln•''-' H,• w:i~ ll 11n• 1\·" o• 11 t'~i·!inl': l hPc 1'111 <July •'••n 1m1:<i•1"''" 1,1\\,t .u .d .itt'•nil··d lht• l'1uvt"r..r1t} I t'll uud :-t\.11tv tn , pr 1sunull.' uppt•Ht ,,( l llllfl•I~ l •u1111~ \\'o tl.j """" 1 , .. .i i;1,1;JS T l:ATl-:s kO(l\\ll l" h" h•·• 11111 uu 1\11 <""••111" i1ff1,,..r 1 u1~ l•• lJe lht.• p(~1sun \\h1••00 nu11' :on I 1'''"' 11111o\1t'll \q ~\.11.?·. ~l• 'rl I"' SliJS• t>l.,·d 111 Ill•• \\lllllll "' \ 1 r h·· t 111 ... •· ,,f lh·· "'•"' ii•• .t11l ~tru111ent . :.tnd a i kni•\\ lt·d~, .. d tu 111ti 111•1," ":q I'•. :111•1 J.ih")l,,:1 :•J'h) l hlll 11 ... f'X<'< lllt»l thl! ~llfl11' '" 111•· ~ .. r11 li.r11 l 'al1f111111.J Ul<'>I I 111 "lln .. ss Wht'n:-rof, I lt:tlt' h<'r• II•· I ~,,., lt1•1 tllll' 11\\ tlt'J Hnd 111o,n· unt 11 >ie\ 1ny htt.1d a"'' Hlf1,...l·~l ll'} ;11. ,.,. 11t l111,•,nnt1• u tl ~ll :dHl~ ••flt' 11ff1 r114 l st'ul th1• JH}' a11d ~1'.1r '" l !f tlH· '""'' !tlfl\1•11 f'l•lllrt• -.ttud111~ tl11~t··tlt(11·.'ltt>IU :iol lllu 1\'1•\\lU \11) Ill ll••ll \'\\'"'"' F"''''"''"~ \hl/t l'o'll• STA:"\LEY l: A="UF:ns~::-; 1111·· "" """' 111\u th<' fw lol uf .\iy <:011111111t,.1011 Eiq.11"" "'"' 11.1111• al •I• •1~11 a nol rl<'\'>'lo1p· J.in 21!, JI!:,-:" llH Ht ••n;.'Hl• rnn;: l111 v1~)!' nutn\· Xtl 1":'-7 ~··\\'S4 Pt, .. ,,~ lli\t nt1 .. ,, ... \u I,, , ,, ... ,_, Jo-..nr th..-12 2a . ::u. •~·~!>. 1 t;, 13, H•r,.; ' LEGAL NOTICE flti •,f I ·•i ,. ·~· . \ . \ .... II\ I •Ii• 1 {a LEGAL NOTICE .. I• I 11 t I I • 1 • ,, I •• ~lltt • dt•jiit:" ~Ir • f' "'"" ',! ltHI I Hl ... \\ •. ' It t •' I I I 1' th• II 11 \ .t···! .... 1 8;.!' ltt • \' .. ,.'' h.u 'II' • ,. ,di t ' I ' ' II I' \\ I 'I . , ·r• ,. ,. t, 'l I I l ..,~. .. ,, ~ ·~ I. d t. I If .. "\'I" f. I I ... t,,,.,., 11 T h•• t , lli l 1 H111t•1\ '" lU \ \ I 111• 11•• 11:-t Ii ,, p rt1 I • of 't 'l •1"" I , f l>t' • 11 • • 1·• • T" I •"ti"'' ' I I . ·'· \!" t t,1. I •' I t I '~,, , :u •L•'', ' 11 't' t ' r t'' • t a • I\ c, t'• .u t fttr a ,,. 11,,. "···in 1htl •I \'r'll t1•1 '•••''-• i•\ , "''"' nit •\lutut .c 1f11•• I•' • \h.~' ih\\' ~ •• l. , .... H.i\\ I ''" t'1 H 4t'C -: \:'11".11UI •f11• ·I f'f•''t111 ~l .•ll .• , .. I HI. ', ... \\Ull t i •• t ••· r,·nt11\f' f 11•111 .,., d•t· ar·y ,•nH,1 Hi· n :-. ii :0:1· l 1•n .! h 1-:ott•t 1f ••r hHst.••-.:.-.111 ••l'1•f 11t'\•'''• 1°1 \\a1lfli 1 , .. , I l•V u ,,d\' lti '""••·I \••t t'l'l· 114 tolt111 h,·d u I• · •· ·111 tr" 1 111 • ''·, • n , 1 , ·•.•1-.• 1''·•1 1h 1• •I"' tu 1ti1 ,.nt ,,.,, ... 1; t "'"" r 1:r • 1 ,.. d\•' •• '·' 1 \' ,,,\ •• , app•u\P•I '-ltt h J1••llt •' 11l l lP~ fl1 1Hl 1111\' 1 1'0 \'t•i1fH' \\1'iln l ht• 111 t'I f1 1l 1 1\g "'°\ •• \1'\' do~ h 11111r•t\l lntn 1••\' 1\' I ,, •• , •• , 11' \t\lh~ !';tl•I .f'llUll ot ( •• , \' Hf s I Ji' J f ! !~ • h \\I. I h )t.L' T .. • J 1, 11 H ... I~..: lilt I :-111 1·1111111 tt•1I nn\ h •',•t\ \ ,,,, \'' ,·,~ t \' th "ht' :q•-l ·u\\ b• ,1, •. ,,~. l \\\\h lh,• 11""'1 p1 t)\'t t \ ii'"'' !h h '' f' I ..... I ..... ., ,, ...... J'li1!I~ l' Jtl .. u. 11 t UHt'"t t'Utl ' ,.,l \\ 111: 11 \ \\, )· •• 1 \ '1 "'""'•is Jll'lltl I" t h" lff'I' 11 t' >II • )IOIJ I" I\,,., 11w1,,.1 \\t111 :1 r ,,. ·,. •' ' ftutH U~l t aft··~ 1t""I .1,., • .. ti "' 1 ,\' ,,ud • tt' ·t1•11u \ 11 •tJl 1',t f1• .,( \ Pt'U I I I \ ' ' • I \'• f1 'th I ill ft • f l t 11 ti.·~ ,, ,, ' ,, •'I.• I ,,, }11 ''" .. '' , .... -. fllt' :-o 1h1 • 1 l·•·tl• I .. ,~ Th• fl •1~1111• .. r l ~1nAr1H" • t ~ I • t \' " Ult ' t1 I h •. I If ' I' ' I • ~f i ., 'I ... ,, ' I 1 • I t J ,. I l • ,, I 1 \ t ' ' ''''* 1\1\ I'" I ,,f T \'f\ f"'""' f ' •• \ 1·n1"" h•· h.t"I h' t 11 U\\·ru•r - .<n t ni.cnn.:• r o f E l• "ll ""'" !>\u1 h· O IUH:\A:-."('t . .:\0. 167 ~, · "" , 1 ~ I' I• ,, ' ti•,' t•I I ... ,, h ' h .. ,\;\" UltUi:'\A;\°( t: A~ll .~lll.'\lo • rl•lr•I 1 • , " ... ... ' 1 •• . ; "'"' ', • '·, • , ' I! ' r , • '' ' .1 :-.t;('TIOS ~1111 o•· AllTI( l.t. , , .. , .• rl \ I lllo I o\' In .... \• r . ,. l l• ·: J\' ot• (. llAl'Tt:ll I o•· T ilt: ..... ""' II " ... 11·11..r ·' • . •.• , .... I • I lu llJ• P •uttU1 l:-. l'nl p tit t 'n1tl& ~tl.'Sll fl, "1 l 'I' "" tlo• ll oJ fl"!<I ~It J,rko• l<'i.11'«" hr.-< "llltlW ;-.:. "' y' .. u \ ,,1 ' .ut I t1ll\ ,. Uul ~t 11• ~I l.1'<•" t•t Hn ""'hore~ anrt 'J I ' t t tll I' 1 u 11, L\, I 1 I ' II • J • t 'l ' ,,, l ,. I I 11nil \I 1.... \ ' • '·I" f'I ., I I I I I I • " • l I 1 l 1 '"* " '' • ~···1111 ' ••\• r '"'' 1hr .... • hf41f "'"''•tr• ~fn1P• J'l.~f\rh t ... , I• llttlll.fl "'" ..... I .... \.lo I · I •1111' ll I 1 •• "" I.Ill< h llllll l;•lh•· 1 .. : \\ 'll -.. 11 1111· 1""11"' ih 111k · l 'h llJ·' .llJ '" 1Ja1'<llJ•"rl. l•J\\J ---------------------------------I"",,,,,., 1 '"" ht' in F u1 est Lawn LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE :110 111 '" f',11 k 3•1\l••>I '"ht' f'l"BLlt" \\ t:l .t"A IO:. MOltAI."" ul , a • r·· 1• 011 I I• , 1 1 • ;• I, AS U l'OJ.I("\" coot: OF T Ht: \\llllln "'" 111•· ti I."' ' ' • "' ~11 ~1c11•.t1. coot: o•· TH>: H h s,., t1•1u • '' ·' ( 'ITl ' Ol" :\ t:\\'POICT Uf:A( II . '·' ... I ti ~"' 1 • , • " ,.,"~'" " 1 I ... • .... ,. I l ' • • I I i lit II t ~ ,, I I\ I ( •11 t:STITl.t:D "[)()(;:'. l.JCt:~·,. f I so ft u ut t. "I Ill I .... I ·~ ..... 0 H nr ..... I Tflt• t •• I~ I tit\ r t UH,: I" •'l ' I •'I 1"• l\t \ t t ,., I .. ,"\ l11f lht• II t ···-''" I 11 • I 11 lu I t•H6 • ~ •' t \" .:. 1.J I IJ t I' • I DELIVERY GUARANTEED DC'ht l•ry 11( th,, ="• \\ 1•11rt ll.1rb11r Nl'Ws·Pr<'M t. ~uarant1·1·ll. l'arnt'r b'''"" will .i, It\,.,. \ lw 1r pn)'<'MI Ix'· hlrl' u I'm nn ~l,l1hi 1y. "" In.,. l.1y .111J FnJ,1y. It your p .1 r •'r 11' 111,t JdnTrt'•I by t h.1 l h .. 11r p h ·a:-<' l'Rll Harbor ltitt; :.rnJ your c.1n ·1.-r \\di b111•g ~llllr pap<'r . Classified ~E\\1PORT HARBOR ~J·:\lS-PRESS Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday COASTAL SllOPPJ<:R -\\'.-tlnt>sda.ys ("oatit-lll !Oho111wr Adtt run In I ho• \\ f'flllt'''ll\V S"''"•·l'rNll .\ Unt'~ I lo~rtlon ~I.ti\! 1ulti'1. lh\t'N .:!5 ea.. .a IJntt.S ~ ln!Wrtion!4 1 .. -lU ucltl"I. linc'M .25 ea. .i 1.illl"!4 :i lnwrtion!4 "!.110 111ltl'I. llni·"' .2S ea. .\ I.in!'' -I lnst'rtion~ :!,;,11 :ul1l'I. lint'M .25 f'a. ~ll11n1 Ion \\ :111.!!'.l!..\•I~ "ill r"'"'" •' 1;, 1li""""'I. t ""h In ••h"IUK!e only. • ~11'8\ll 'I \HI '~ 1.l~t . .; \II t 'lu .. -.111.-11 n .. · 11.i.11-1 \ ·, 11\.f'\\ rt;nn • t an I•' o\•I• """' "" p:tl1I 1.1r l '111•h lo ad\IU!C'f' of pubUcattc.. ,, ,I 11 ·! l" • • l'• 1 •rlolr· h •r mm I/ lhan one lnCOrTl'<"l , o! '' ,., 1 1 .. 11,,. r .: l l•• l'urrrrl ly d111u11Cy any and all ,1• \ II j t .. •l • .... r 111111~ l<> r llk" 1111<1 rrvulaUOO.. lll·:,\1•1.1:-\I-'.:-' 1 .. r 1 11 11: ror c11nr l'ilm1t a11s are: '"' ~1 '"" ,, 1· , ·•n -F r1.t:1y ~ rm. F ror \\",.ht• •• 1."· I' 11 It• ••'\\>nS -Tu"11tlay l p m. 1-ur I J1d,11· I ' ll•h• 11" 11 -T h11r1<1IJ1\I l I'm. :st;\\ 1·oitT II .\IU\11 1~ Pt ·11ui-1u so l'O . 2'.! 11 Ila I boa Uh ti .. ·''"" 11-0rt tt.•nch, ('&llfornJ&. I hrl 1 <•l I I' m ~nt111 ·lnl' 1n thP ---------------------------------l.1111•· c '111111 h 11( , ,,.. vi .. w.·1. .• C C l1 I t G t r l un1hr }. .... ,t1n\r11\ .~ ... •1~• 1 ,,,,ut•·' I• cU •l~•·r·~· Al t··'"' 1111\n\\S '1'h1• Thr ·ity uunc 0 t lfll i v n f •'lf 11f f•I C•I \11•1 t111 ,., ••• ,,,,. ,._ , •• ,,. t •r .tllJ.!t ta~hc•1••1C'luur· • :"\t'W~)()ll Belll'h, Sl11tl' t)f C llhfOI· .,,,,,R ur II•""'" ·1·· I 'I• I I\,,,, ·"''•I•' l••J•.·111111.111 &-t'unc ral D1n--ctoffl Spttlal N otlcee I l"I \ I II" 'I.\\ l>OJtT f\t:A C"H ....... \'I'~. Ill ' ( \l.ll"Cll:'\J \ I mil do or dain a11 foll•o\\s 1' ,. '" ·"' .~ t ---------------~El'TlUS 1 That :-;<'<'lton 4110 "I" 111 I 1lfl" '·'''"' .,• !J• • f"'' •I 1•11!1" II• hh. lh11·1· 1wr~fln• 1 :,,1•:Al.!·:t 1 l'J{(JJ 'li~,\1. • .-\\ill 1 ... 11•c·1•1\1"I :.I lht• 011 11·" l•I th" C"11y "r k 1'.t1 I I.ill, < '111· nf -~""I'"' t Jl.:wh 1 ".1Jtr1111rn1, 1mt rl i 311 I' M . 1'11· '.! .. rol ,, ,.,. "' .1.1111.a·' 1 :1~11\, ,,1 "'"' h l ll•ll' llwY w ill he puhhdy o r A rticle l \" (If Chapter I of 111 .. ,i.:111111 "' llll• ("!\" "' ".·•1 .... 1 ,1' .. '"'I'/) hrtlol1lo~·1lni:• 11·1'11111." MOTIELL s Lr t' \\'0•1 th1ngl nn . 111:111 R .1y:<1de Public \.Velfarr. M oru111 anrt Pohry Hl'BI h fur '"'''' 11111ltrn1 ,,( ''"' ...... .i Ill" ·'Ir •.• fl•.'.""''' 1!"111,i: r•n:;. AND PEEK 1 Cycle Recovered Drlvo', l'epvrll•d rro poltc<' M omlay C ode of the .Munll"lp1tl Co<li• of ui:-111ru•t ralH!'<. 1h .. 1·,1v 11.:.111· r "110 1111.111 ri. .. 11· h•"" lu·•·n1 nrterno11n thut a 21!·1n. rl'd frame Lhe C ity of Newport Bfllch l'ntlll· l)IC1rt•r '"'Ii"'''"" a11th<"'l7• I ,11 •! '"" \'"' \11· .. 1 '"' ~ "' ""''"' 1nrc1·· Colonial M ortuary '' I' f 111 fl' t h.i 111111g \\1•t k a~ lttUU\\;.; l•\11 1~, ~"•1tl<Cilth lH•n •>I a t '111111•lt' H1Ukht•ad tin •l b1rv11.. h11<I bl'l'll 8bandoned In ed "'Do gs. Llc r nl'tng" he amenilc•I •l11·r, \t'ol too 111•n un.J '"" < l111,.•11l 111d1• 11\111n H 7801 hill. yard. Offlu·n1 l mp•)Unded t~f by adding a new pnrRgraph lht•n.. ".1 Af'fl'"'" .,r "'" h ',,, t"·· "' 111 l"' ,,,. •. r.rl•••' 1111 , .. • 1••11 11·• "'II Dol~ll J 11i<l wr~t 11! \\'1•11\· 1mnstcr Mrmori~ll P111 k 11 1 il•fl 1'1 11u · l !1'.lJ ,\ho brkt' to. \)1e aame t o read llll !olluw11: \'Rl'•"ll1"H a• "" "'"'" r111d ~'I drl·· ,,. Tl ..... 1111111 lfl h •• 11o>\• .. 1111•1 .. 1 , .. ' "'VacclnU\tOn iihall mtan l he in· (nr ~11• h l"•' Jlt """I !;:·11" 111 • I "I· ; (" r I " ll<1 ,. 1111"\ 111 \ llrll't I 11 k • ·'""I \\Ill lit' ilf"ll~·'-~ H pc n•:td i· ••ti i-1 pruptl~hl '~'''" ur-n· 1nK~ dJltl '~''11111\,tl .11111 rtl·· l 'i•• I I I h ,, •• H• 111 n An (JrHngc c·uunty lnst1lul1nn St'rv111g fl\m11lrs ••< all faith" T'••li t•lh1n1 t 1"'11H t• 11'• , z •:nrth !•l:H 1, 111• • rl 1 1, 11 "'" "·" 1 1,. ,,, , .. 1111.,1n11-<l toy 11 a•h I LEGAL NOTICE oculatlon of a dog with a \'lll'Clll•' I opp~o1•6'' '·y Lila ('1ly llenllh Of· fll•·lll IOI h1~ l111•lrng1< ···d """ .) ::1:1 ~r111:-1 4 '1 11111 11111'1 "l•lln°Hl"' '11••t 1,1 '·' t.•'")l ~J.· 11t li•d,J..1"" hu11d1 H.td 4• ptt)d;e lo Che " • '"' J.1 '--1\ '-: ~ 1 q ·ltt flllllildl ···1~··1 tu otl ,,, ... l lt•ll , ...... ,f'nl ----------------trier of the Clly ut Nt\.\'f)(Jrl '" \h•· (lf•t••• ••t t'i·· , .•• ,.It· i 'h '1•"1 r,l(, ,f(t•ft llllttH'ifl Hf•I\' upon ~,, uf\~ ~\'ll tUl lh1,1 U \\;ty l>"''h\I""•' SOTICt: Ot-' ISTESOED SAU Beanli." 1lf1u1·1 '" ·1 I 1tlr 1"'''1 I 'I· I• •.:" t),.1,..f ·111•1 •h111I 1,,. .. r J,i•k ,.( 11111.f• ,,, ~ • 1 ,, .1 t I' I 'I" h ..,...,,., •• , •• \~. '" &.-.· t••S '',\.,,I !"h<1Uld the • I I '. ,,, ...... 1 'h• • ,, ,,.,, l ,,. ,, \,L •, :.1 I tu ,•nl ~·• ,,,., tt •' ton t1.it t d•• •\.. •·' ~ •• ~, ..... 1::n '" l'°;'l ••I lh~ :0-"0Tl<'E IS llER E flY GIVEN: I SECTl ON 2. • h \'11.1111·• "•It 11111111~· 11 I 1 •.t ti·I•• I • 11• • 111 ti •' :-;,.\\ l'"rl Th.11 ~I AllTHA STEVE!l:S . v .-n. "I. F.vrry p>'rs or1 wh" own .. <11 81'1'1"1 ol 1'' n 1" ' ,,, .. JI' J! "1"'' ...,., '' "'' ' a """~l'"l "1 .Ne w i;-l 'r1 "s Cla:-<:-1ftt•J Ad:, <1r1r. "h1•~I' 11111\(e.'I.~ 111 3660 P io ha.rbor111rnyllog orrlog~~hnllh1t1" 1'''11111 ' 1' •"I• 1'1·"1 •·1 •f , ... 'd •II• i\.i!," 111111"'1 1111'1 I I 1 II:•• /t 'I .1 II If,,,.' •,, ! ."-'• ••f" ll 1:,n1h h\,. a,,,,. •' '' .. •·" tf 1tJ11 tthl,. lo 1h1• \4•11k tu 0: I , ,. , .. '""' .. I '''"IC \I"" 11 .... 11r . \\ ;IJ.!t• ~· It I ..... ,. 1.. 1 :, ,., •·•' ''' '· •• u~\ 1 ., • t ~n I 1 0 t'f ' .. &". •1'• I I\• rd•1t •,, l 1t·t1 "''"'' l:•irr 1 .;: tr.n \\1d1 :,.,, ... a" 1171 ,.. ' I I U1 .. l t' ( flflfl J11.JI flt \ II l'l ''f"·""'" ,• T•I• I~,, 11.1;1111t1t lo_\ r:tt·•'r··· T otd .... ';t11 tlln).; u\~.ll l.ttl• .. A 1'1 11 tr I •• , h· \,.I• ,,, ,, ,. t I )1 1t1 J•· I •' hulk ' \ i\ ilf l I t'IU• 1111 t • ., •• ,,, I.' ' .. I I . ' 11 I Ill t'I '"•f'' i \ l11H!'t \l t•ll f1l 111t1• 111\011\ ,\ ~tl•·•·l l*t'.l*f CJnh 1 . . . ' 1 I ~ ' . ' I' I I O l i& f •• 6 I• ' I I r-' \l ' I t t I ,,t .. T• 1 ·-· I• I ... ;Ji; " I 11 •• I I ..... ·' I' 'I .. , ., .... 1, t I 1'1• • 1 " ll I ' ., .... ~ " ~ II ::"•'· ~ 11 .. •• t .. .,'..t .. --" .. •• 1 .. • ! ,.: . ,,. .: • .. ' .' . .' , .. :: ...... : . .. .. .. ~. .. ·~~. 1'1·1 [ltl'OI Wag" I'•..!~ I''..!'- ::u '"' 111 .!" 1 ~· I.! 11' 1•1 I j l}H '.l(l 1•~ I'• 1.: '' ... , lit loll , , ., .. : I 44 !" 111 ,, ... 11 ..: .. ' I ' I~ 11 I'-'•"' 1 •1 ,,~ • I I ~'' • •, fttl • t 1 l•I ... . . . ·'' ,, .... ',.,,,' .. ,, ... , l'rui, nth,· 1•uy of San 01 ... go.l such ,1og or dogs \'ttcc1n&tl'd n111 1''1' 11 .. hr' '" • """' '' "·'· 1 '" 1 "'I '"111111 " 1 111 111• l 011unly of Snn Dlt'go, ,State of lat•·r than January 30 10!:16 by n fr·t ""1 ,.,., 111'' • 1 • "' rn• • '•• 1 • 1' '·f ;--, " I' ·I I:• "II C\1hfum1a: 1111 .. n.J~ tn s .. u to rluly llnm111'd velt•11nn11an Tht n•· '"" "111• 1"1 .. "' .. ,. ·""' 1 •• ' Tlr• •11ft"• "' '' I• 1•,.; .. rni: "1'1111 l •ORUTII\" lit CJ.EARY. V•·ndl'e, aller, :su ch vac·<1nu11otn i.hall 1_;,, al •111"11 "'' "' 1 ' 1 11 ' ' -'"'' • '' ,,. "'" ,. '1 "1 ""1 :r1 ·I "1"l'""1 \\ """" 111ltllt'I•~ IS :!:'1111 Coa.~L H tgh-1111erval11 or nol i.:1ea l l'r th11n l\\O J 1<\\lll Ill th<" uf' • 'I I' r • •' l 1• 1· .. 1 ,. "'. 1111.i.: ,,( ,,.,, «11 1 "11y Ill Lit• <.:tly o r Xew port S.c>aeallh. )'1'~2rs .. E1·a~.· duly 11~1'n11a•[ \'l'l• rl· ~~;,"'·" llll 'I II •• I 11.:.. I• • '" ':; ··:··;, \:·:I ': ;, : ;1:.\ :!·7: Ir :-.:.·;~,~ ;: I (.01111111)' .,( Onin'1•'. SIRLI' or • ~·. ' u f>1rn1<1, lh~ f<tlh1w1ng \l(•scrtbed na rlan a fll'r vact'lnatmg a.ny 1101:. Tho C'il\" 11 •11 ·•II•' ll'lr '1 • h• ... I'"•" 1·• 1 I'""• ''' II •· I •''"'''' J.: Jl"I"''""' pro~rty. lu·w1l : shall algn a cerllf1c-ate In tnph· 1•Y Cllllh '111'''1 ·""' "111 ., 1' ''' '" "11 1 I · .. ~ P t1M·rJl1t• l t1•• l u110 •l ,,,.,. ,..\\•• ... t '11•11•t1rt•n A ll Hlot k In truol• flxtur .. ~. cate containing the follow ing In· f,•f-•• •• ......... ....., \\ ll,J>'-'.I' ~.·Tc>f'. f1r1t\C' l" lw II~• d \..\ ol11J1· I • • • I • 'r 1 • r ' .-, • '''l"'l'nwnl 1\1111 ""'"!\\di .. r A r1•r· rurrn aiion : 1 • 1· 1 L·1 11 I " "ti The name> anrl RdrlrPNI of t he \!"1<'1111·"""'" •tndt"1 II 1· I' \ 1 t• I• \Ill• II •;I'll· .11 • •r ~ Cl t111 1111\llllfH<ttJrtnl( t.11,..l rl t."~~. l ' f 11 Ir(,,,,, 1111 1 l'W1Wr o r harborer o r tht' \ll)C'C'lnat· II• r!'"1 un• Ill ... , II I • • • I k11••"" L<."l Th•· t"liq;: :o;h"I'· a111l 1>f , , 111(1, .. t .. t•I ,foil\' ti , "" ·! , t :-; "< t'o•t1l1• 11•1 "n ;>;on" 11 ... 1<1.1l 11 l 2:.v1 <"oi..'I H wtiwnv 10 l''1 •l<Jg. II•• ,.,,,,,' I ,. I •t\('l<AY " J "h . The k ind 8 1111 ~f!r ial numlJtr , 11n1111.111" 1•1111I 1• 1,; 111 \ "•'111 • 11n1 • "'"" " th" 1·11v ,,f :-; .. ,..."''1'1. B•'.11 11, Cou.nty I l•t •I'\ 11 1111 I ··-or v1tcrlnr u~•·d 1111<1 the dntl' (If IV upon 1 •'qll''l'I . ' •• "' <l1 :il'i.:• !'ttH .. "' C'.11t rurnill un<l "h ,,1,.li lli11• .. 1 ... ,,.,v 1.1,·11 .. 1 .\I.I\• 1 111 •I n Mil" 111111~1 .. 1· anl\ v 111i:n· n irrtnauo n. ur h111lwo11•1 11( 1111y .j .. i; \\ lh 11 th" l\Tif:~T J. '"""' .. , llr• •''""'' \\Ill h•• n 111.J!', .. , 1'11" )'t'&r. nurnh<'r o ( lite clni.: , 11v 11 n n.111 ,., n 1.:.. "' I \I \l~·.1 .H \" S<'llH Ol"l 1•:H 1 111111 tlw '"ni.11l1r.1lr11n lh1·rdure 1 11'"en~e tllh<l ""'1 n~nw '1( 't v trli•ph11n,. 1111,, 1.,,~ ,., ,1 J .i Jv 1 1•,1y 1'l•rlt ""'bf' polol Cll 10.00 o\:loc:k a..m .. ,where INUr ·or tn t e f!Vt'nl 1181 q•n~<'d 1·t'ler111art8 ll• "'"' 11 .• ":-;,. I:'-'•''"' I'••" IZ :io :.~ I" lhi• Jtlth rl&> of Januaty 1n:,&, th ,. dog he.a not p revlnuely hrrn n ' ltctru11'<1 a notation 1 0 that ,..f(f!("l 11t 1 tit' ,. , rnw 1h·1•llrtlllent 1o( D a vi• • 1 1 lv '" 1111, 1 ,11 :1 11 1; \"H• IJirlu. In lh••' "rt The br,.,.d, lllft' r o or ant u r ~r·x rot th1' ,.,,. 11nal• •I ch•/.: 11" '·11' 'I :-11·\\ 1•111 Ur "h, l '.,un\y •hRll in1mt''11a 1 .. 1y l'I Nll."nl th" fll HllJte' :'l.tl•• tif ("nllfur OIR.. 0f1g"lft,B) t"t"rtlf tr &te t o 1h f" o\\nf t IJllL••d l>r" mbl'r ::!H. J9~~ ,.r tnrl>otl'r o( the 1)10f:, lhl' dUJ'll \IAl!T llA ~TE\'E~S .-:\It' lUft)' nf the ro 111111 11l!' tn \I.•• V.tldur C1tv l h 1m1tn" P ff11t•1 1111.J ti •1 JtllWlTJIY M CLf:ARY ltnj.1u--•tl' ,,ha ll b'-' '"'"'""\"'.ti• I \ 1 ' • !•·,• \ ,.., t'J uuu ta n -.; , I ""> ;-.;, ,, «l'r, ,.. .. lZ 311 !'>::. .. 3 A ''"" may lw lu .. ,,. ... , 1 111·1 I \rt \.tc·canillH•fl I''"''''"' ho\\•\• '\I• fl• t 111 · 1u ....... u1.1·T1n' l llBL ~II< h .1 .. 1-: ~11 .. 11 .... I ... ' 111111• I ' •,., ,., 11 • t I 1-\•JI thet l h• '"' hr11-1n J'lll\l•l• I Jr th" •li•lo! '"' '""'""' hlf' '"''' tvf•rre f'lCl •llni: not \''11't IOHtr.J "" IHrl'1n rn•\"l•I• I I I' ~It . ti .. r lh•· ~ Hhu k \\t)oti1lrow (or tlu• ltc tJinS•· th•,. to( or•· IUllt I ,. • ..... If\ Hll I n 11 a Th .. rn!M rn1• ~111111 1111111r•h.1t••l\' ''"'"I'll' null'" I 11• 1r. ''"~"· c" un1t~r th•• fl("\\t,H\;,. ~·ul•t unl·s~ M1•h •t•tK ~tintl h'''' ''" t •• .. 111 I .. t ,l·· ''' f>ot .. i-;n.t tJr .. n \&t.t 1nat~I hv \RP ~nP nf 1 f1 If f' 1• \f.~t*' !"upt:.nor Ir• ,.•i t ltf l hr l."1ty H• \hh \)f f11 t r "'" t "'" l\lvpl\, l°•l (lrnn~" hi' " •IUI\' )lr~n•l'<I \l.'ltrlntt1 1a r1 1 c· '• 1 \ r"" f , u1 t h:••· hrl'u rl1.-.· 1 ,,·Hhin ''n" 'r,.ar pru1r 10 lh"' 1t1tl" 111 I ""'' \;) lllf· l\1lhdrt1 wHI uf 1<Jl in .. u1.1111o1M<"<' u ( ttw It• •'n"" 1111 I 111 • • n1·i. r-.. 111 Jllll•I tir111 lh" """n• r nr h er t;;,r.-r .. r "''' h "".: 11,1, t l•. ·:u .IH\' ,,f J•ttr'<'rnt .. r . •h,Jdl\V" up•in •lnuaniJ "• t1rt1(*' ·"" 1'1 1"• -ch'''''"g l he fn•t flf ~U•h ,,.,t1nA· ~l:,\~1' !' Ht .i\C'K ''"" 1w a ll1 1•ni<•"I '•'\<'tin11r111n. 1 •1•1 'lfo:'llt•ol '1,y 111111. nnoJ '"11111111101: th" I :'\o·\\ l 'l 1~' l~ .:11 :,:, t11r1trTil1<\1un ll!•l f<•Tlh Ill S11h~l'1 • ( t 11r1t ll \It. 0 1 1\1 "'l "t"" • t T h<' 1·1111 ll1111111n.· C1ftl•rr I lion :! h,..,, 11( I I• tltl""' f "l rm -'utlP •hnll 111,. ,. , "I·,. ,., '"" r• r1 fl• ,,,. I Tt, ', 1,.,,,,_.,,o1 •I•·•' 1t1•1 r lo\" JIP .. 1,~11 11'l,t111 a nd h l4! Ute 11amo l <rrllt\" lhttl ht" ll <••nilUl"\l!lo: II IL• 11 prHt <of lhr ufft<"llll r"l:l•trY .~. h I , ' l•11n1 1ni: I 1•1n1•,• Ill of a ll t1ug1 ll<'l'n~.-.1 \II"\ • 1•1· ' :"""l•rl 1:.-a•h .,., :-;., Jwt~•·n who ''"nB ••r 1 ·•hf• rnH<. undl-r t h,. n r1.t11• •• hn.rbOn any dog llhall r1111 nr rrhuu• ... n I I• • r I\ 11 ~ ~t11•l1n~ "' ltt C''<hlh1t th!! 'erUrtr a111 t• 'I"""' I•••••·• a·J 11-rl .... ul f•rtl Is b y lhl.ll Set llt>n llJJOrl ,Jrni"'"I uf l , • r11111 • 11 nt ti r ( lie '-' lnjt peroor • 1 any 1 r r"<•n rh8Tlt"•I "1th ~nf1•11 • • IT'S HERE NOW ! ! • ' ~ • ' • · , r • ... r ,., r ,. The liCJ Screen 21 inch • t t, I 1 r .. ' t I I t I • \I •• ._ t IC l.tJH tl ?' I t&\ 'I I f lJ ,: r •' ,. I " t I 0 1 t I t I t ~ • • , .,, \ H AHROll llJlG Most H eal Estal <" Cl;1ss1fwd Ails The :-;." .. 1'1• ~ tuht1 .~ • r • .J l .111 • .s ~1 11 . ':; ,. r t · n I • l"l.1• f r·"! ,\•I" '" 1111 • l h• I p111~r.:t ,un In• I HAltBO!-l 1616 Jok,.ly t ' 1111 I A hl1\1·r Lh1 .. 11~ f) ti•• lh\\~1·•1"'1 '°'ht• h J•• I"' I• 'J ti r '!n tlwol •111\ 1·1 t l~•ffl: 11.11 J,. r \ 111 •i ,, \ .. II• ·, 11, "I I o I SYLVANIA COLOR TV l • t I ' '"""tr' I I, t • ... ·'' • I t .,, r,. 1: ,. ~ r , • I' . ' ,., 11 '"' t , , It If t! 1 • i • ~l'\\,"lfl I ' • .,,. I , ,. 'I \f'"' Ctit• '1,,:ltl ,., 'I Wt' ttf \ .,, 1 I ,, t ' l, I I t' 1 ! J' ' \I \l. .1 ll \ ;-oc"lfl1••1 JtER <'1•\· 1·1.-rk J' I.. I I I t • ... ·:-.~, :\ • . '' 't '"' l'rt·'A 1.! ,\ii!)!; 1 fi ~r\ (olOI TV o• '• '""'-O"'d (' tD l 'clf\ O'"'d ..,.,,.,,. "'' '•t tool .. "'•' ,.,i)i t~t.1 ? CO .>f tC .. f'Oh t~eh: ol C.' b•O"de S!l9.).00 "''' r 111111. 1J .. 11 n llllfm"nt Receives Botti Colorcash · and Black & White PrOCJramminCJ ! • BIG 2 1" Vie~init ~no1>n • Simplfflfod Color Control" • Smooth · Rl1•h Audio • .\U Channf'l TunJnic N""' th" T ournan1,.nt ,,f ''""· J&D. i •• ~= .. , ("hartllf'l • I' '\I.\\"\ I Cll .OR: DAVIS-BROWN CO. Newport Harbor B. P.O.E 1767 lllr<'l • every Thuniday I p.m. Via 01>0rto -Cenlral AYe. t Nrwport Bt&ch .A!IJrrl II. Ml\lth1'Wll, F.x11lttd R Ul«'r l~Utu.lnl'si. Guido ---------------Ct•A:'T <H-'Fll'I-~ t''-'l"ll'MF:!'\T Tl J'f'\\' Ill ... /\ l•lln1; 1111u·h1nr • l '111 lw11'• '" :O:upJll r• lff'\;TA I.~ J'IJ I llH rho r Rh ··I • • •, It \\-I J br 1 t v ~-i -:"t•• CE~IE!'IT & nUlLDING A II 1' tn•I~ FHEE ESTIMATES l.lbcrly ·610U 1General Contractor 1 .11'~::-.:~t-:l l I Nl·W \\'nrk H1 m"dC'hn~ J M ILTON ~kKl':NZJE lla rhur n:l!l!l.\V 5 ... tfc Hit ANNUM CURRENT EARNINGS RESIDENTIAL -INDU STRIAL -COMMERCIAL NO J OB TOO L.AHCI:: OR SMALL Jhrhor ?a~3 JAA'l Harbor Bh·d. Ofw>n rrl. f'\"" 'UI ft Co8ta Mf!M lJlwrt~· 8-34!41 328 AMERICAN AVE. Ph. HEmlock 7 -1203 .. l~~::!!J!ll~~~!~!f~Servtc.~~--I t-t--ai8cco:hoola, lutneUela , Jennen Plumbing I China Painting n -· k · It Pay and £Hnlll& O.-nepa1r wor ' a apec1a y orot.ra Talrt n r<ow Wa~r hta\trll on tlmt paymtnla • .... ia ... tit 28111 :-.ltwporl Blvd.. Sewport I _P_b_o_a_e_u-. __ rt_Y_--_____ .. __ &ach. Har. fl3&b. Rte Har .Sf 7·J . 47ctOH. EARLY AMERICAN ST£NCILING a nd gold leer on traya. boaN and furniture. R•· Cu5tom producin& or rea~onn1 orlstnal C palltm• A BINET WORK I DAY or ev81ln1 cl&Me9. Mra. F Done on preml110 J WOOD. Har. 0878-W 49<-62h No Job t<>o amall. I I Phone Kl 3·3348. 4&<-60h 2&-Sltuatioa9 Waated ASPHALT TILE LINOLEUM Swedish Massage L.ad1eii, by appointment lr lnat&ll the above c.heapn than your home. Moat. Alao Hll TUe • Linoll'um. P'ornurly n1asseu11e at Arrowhea d r 8 Non-union. 2~ y,.ara exp1•rle11ce. I !:lprinKll H otel. Compare and 111.'e -Please call Harbor t7~a or Harho BILL COKER Har. '790 or Lon( 70 tOp6 Be&ch 7·0973 89tfc ·--------- FOR RENT CLEANING & IRONING by th e d .f day. Experienced. Balboa Iatan preferred. Kl 3-8096. t c 8 kJJI Sawa, Eltc. Ortll•, Pol!Jlhera, a n lYJM'lll of Sa.nders, Wheelbar-HANDY MAN. ma 1ntenancf' • rowa, etc. rt>pair or wh:it ? Har. tH t -W ·~ti BOYD'S HOWE . 28SO W. COAST HIGHWAY Roy's Maintenance •B-~'·7~ 30-B-APf!lao~ --#- USED APPLIANCE BUYS GAJTDS • 8ATl'l.J!:R table top gu range ...... $49.50 GAFFERS le SA Tl'LER white table top gu range with OYen control ....... -....................................... $79.50 WESTERN HOLLY IU range with oven control Yt:ry clean -··-·---····--·· ····-·· .. ·-··-·--·-·-·-·······$79.50 KELVINATOR Refrigerator 6 cu. ft. ·····--······-·$59.:k>· GIBSON 6 cu. ft . Refrigerator ............................. -$64.50 WESTINGHOUSE 7 cu. ft . Refrigerator ............ $99.50 SERVEL Refrigerator 51.:i cu. ft ., lef t han~ door $89.50 KELVJNATOR 8 cu. ft. deluxe Refrigerator ... $00.50 KENMORE wringer washer deluxe ·-.................. $45.00 EASY SPIN DRIER, deluxe model .. ....... . .... $59.50 WESTINGHOUSE electric range, late model .. $99.50 L le H electric range, deluxe model ··-······ ........ $99.50 AU... GUARANTEED • WASHING MACHINES, AUTOMATIC AND WRlNCER TYPES SEVERAL TO SELECT FROM ALL R llASONABLT PRICED-BUDGET TERMS-FREE DELIV. KNOX HARDWARE CO. 420 East U h St. ARE YOU TIRED OF Santa Ana KI 2-2336 ~~Applian_·~Of'1'-·~~~~~ Clearance Spec ial! • • 32-Fumltutt for Sa.If' • • • • • • • INVENTORY CLEARANCE 30 to so:c-Savinp on thle "Clear the Floor" AT SALE BAY FURNITURE -All New - DINE'ITE SETS 6 PC. \\'ROl'GHT 1RON-30x40 Mica Top exten. tablt- 4 toum rubh"r aest c halra. 569.:IO VA·Ll'~ -CLEARA1'C.:E -·-······· ........ AT BAY l41!.!IO ~ PC CHROMP.: Dl::\'F.TTE-Nevemar Table Top. l!Ox 40x48 l'~lerutt"J-t foam rubtwr seat rhftira, with torin !1l bat'k3 Choice of Colors, $89 60 VA LUE -CLEARANCE ..• ····-········-.. AT BAY 507 00 ~ PC. CHROME OR SATIN BLACK -(8rRaa trtm1 36" 1-ountl table with !!·I'.!" l'Xlens1on leavu--Mlci m~rble top • th1,.k cu:<l11011 !oam seat cha1rs-aur1 flt. backs with mel11I ham.lli-B. $16!1 ~O VALl.:E -CLEABA:"\CE ... -... AT BAY $119 00 ~ PC D l':-o;CA:S PHYFF: ~IAHOCA.NY dlnelll', choice o! J.Wdeslal exle"a1on or drop l1·1r t able-4 lyre b111 k 11pholst r red • NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS-PRESS -PART JI . PAG E 5 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 40-Autos for Sale WE WISH YOU A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR We WE HOPE TO MAKE lT MORE ENJOYABLE nv PUTIING YOU IN A 1956 BUICK COME IN -SEE & DRIVE CHECK OUR DEAi. . '" Take Pride the · ·~rty 8·St S6. Nrwport Bcb 28ttc Houae c:leanlnc-Floor waSJn1 Wall washing-window cteanlna • VeneU&n bllndL Uphollltery lDIUred. Free I!:atimatu CROSS ·TOWN LARGE 14 FT. REFRIG--FIGHTING TRAFFIC FREEZER COMBINATION -LOU or P AY FOR VACA-REG. SELLS FOR $579.95 ~··ttl 1·ha1ra. $179.~ VkLU E -CLF:AH A~CE .. . AT RAY $1ZJ ~O Best Buick Selling Yet Painting, Decorating Paper Hanging GEO. BURKHARDT LICENSll:D CONTRACTOR 171 W. 18th St., Colt& Me• Llberty 8·M 21 Elec. Tool Repair Skll Saw1, Drill•. Sandera · QUJCK SICRVlCJC LEWCO ELECTRIC CO. •:st No. Newport Blvd., NpL Bcll. Liberty 8-8383. pr C ARPENTER Repair Work Ooee Your Home Need Repalrlnr or R.emodeUnr T Call 5'rank, Wberty MllM All Work Guara.otffd 74ttc COMPLETE PAINTING & Papei: Hanging Service EUGENE O. S AUNDERS ~ :u at Street, Newport ~ach Harbor :?978 or Har. 4448. Uc Painting, Paperhanging 'The Finest Money Can Buy" Sympson & Nollar ~12 38th St .. Newport ~acll l'h. H ar. 2<t04 or 1667 ·R. l:llfc CARPENTRY MINOR REP AIR WORK NO JOB TOO SM.A.LL H. o. Allder.on 101' It. Balboa Blvd.. Ba.Ibo& K ubor 24:00 '3trc Painting &. Paperb&nging We do the work ounelvea. 30 ytllrt e•-s>trltnce Llceneed • lnaured. Sa UJStac:tton ruaranleed. E1t1mate• tree. Call J o11ru>le. Ll 8-2687 Ir LI 8-.5289 Sltfc PAINTING M. W. ROSS LlcenMd Lt 8·3321 Llberty 6-1332. ltf e . RELIABLE J AP ANESE AMER I C AN WA N TS GARDENING IN H AR- BOR AREA BY WEEK OR MONTH. HYATI' •-M71 38p60 Experienced Gardener LANDSCAPING and CL EAN UPS Liberty 8-1659 30lfc CLEAN UP JOBS Yard Maintenance Three yt&ra expenence ttua locality. Call L1 8-37~9 U lfc -------------. EXPERl!:NCED ctrl dulret hae cleaning or baby alltln( by dlLY or hour. Beel ot ret. LI H77• 49c61 PAINTING BY H OUR. Small or tars• jobe ok Reuonable ratu. Ll~rty 8·2722. General Housecleaning BY TWO YOUNO WOMEN. $1.00 h r. ellch. Harbor OI02 tHp61 -----------~ BAB\" SlT'TER, well bred m iddle a ced. Excdlf'nt reterencu . Har 3MZ·R. :Ile Beacon P ersonnel lOO<'"o employer retained agenc..')' N O FEE collected from a pplicant '13·318l Mewport 8-eh EXPERJENCEO CO<'ktall • food wallreaa. A lao ,.,ant dt.hw&aher HEl'"RY'S, 2330 Ol&at HJr hwa y ()NIA' m<.PlllRJENceO H~O APPLY. 60cA2 ~ROUTINIC JNSIDIC WORK TIONB LIKE NEW . NOW $185 -NO CHANCE Jl'OR AOVANCE- JRNT DELUXE GAS DRYER & ApplJ' 1030 IC. Flnt Bt. Santa AM , K on. to Fri., 1:30 a. m. to •:oo p. m. SOUTHERN COUNTIES GAS CO. -Hu tnterutlnr out· of · doora joba for hl1h IChool rraduate• 18-48 with .ome meehanlcal aptitude. ~•Y. tO hr. wttk. •9c61 onu.a - EARN MOR~ THAN EVER BEFORE! Our new, hi.her atarUnr war• and ir.quent tllcru.aM (\v• you thla opportu.nJty. Openlnp DOW for - TELEPHONE OPERATORS We wW tram you and you'll r .. celn mui1 ou..r t>enenta. -Apply - 61Hii No. M.aln Street. Rm. 211, Santa Ana. 9 :00 t.o • :00 p. m. AUTOMATIC WASHER WOULD SELL NEW for $600 RE-BUILT, ~ GOOD AS NEW ............. $189.95 ALSO SELECTION OF GOOD USED REFRIG'S FROM $49.9~ & UP. TERMS TO SU IT JAKE'S APPLIANCES 1937 Ha.rbor Bh•d. W 8·5694. Costa Meaa b0c62 1952-ElCHT CUBIC FT r efrlg. cood condll1on $60 1!08 S. lilly Front or Har. ~187 :>Oc02 Ll\'ING ROOM 9 PC MAPLE WOOD AH'-l GROUP -l nclU1le11 sota·platto rm rockl•r • Club Cl11u r • 2 step enJ -1 •'Otfte table • :l t11ble lamps (rutrle shades) w ith matching w ood base 3-woy floor lamp $3•9.60 VALUE -CLEAHA!';Ct; ............. AT BAY $237.:10 2 PC MODERN BL.MPER tntl aet -Massl\•e 8' sofa (h\'111\ Lg. 4' open end chau--Tup grade • d1Jra.lJle t over $27ij.60 VALUE -CLEARANCE .. . AT l:IAY $18900 5 PC R.ATTAN SECTIONAL GRO\;P, lnclulle.11 3 pt 1e1·uon· al • loam rubber cushions,• bolt& fitix cover -1 •lepend, 1 corner table. $321l.50 VALt;E CLEAHAKCJo: . . .. . AT BAY $1119 t>U :Z PC U WSON BED DI\' A~ SET • 2 ton1• ble!;<• boll• le cuvel' -hox pll'Rl . matchmg comfy , 1t1l1 f'IH11r $211l.M VALUE -CLEAR ANCE ........... AT BAY $139 ~0 8 PC MODERN LJVfNG ROOM CROl 'P • lnrltidf'.~ bl'rl dln 1n w1t.h rnau ·h1ng ch111r • du rable metnllc cover -:! alep end l rock\ a il ta ble t :'.'l:evennar t(Jfls I -2 modern 3.,, a y U•IJle llUTlpa • double lier sh:itlPs • l 6·w&y floor lamp 12890(1 VAl..l.:E -CU:ARA:-; 'E A'r BAY $191100 BED ROOM 4 PC BEDROOM SET -Jn• li1rles 9 Jrawer oluuble th Pl'al'r 30 x 48 bevel edge plitle mirror -book• a.:.c h• t•dllo111 ol • H•Jt•kon lllt!llil !ramc $181160 VALt:~ -Cl.EAHA~l:f; . 6 PC MAPLE BEDROO:'ll GROl'P • 1J1cl11dl'11 6 <h nv. rr 1l·HI h ie \lr t\lSl!cr -pewler pu.lll! • IJ{. fl 11-m•rl flllll" 1111rror • hoPll· <'&110 ht'adboarJ -m etal rramu -U. S. l<oylnn l111rn1 rulth .. r matlrl .... ht.ncl·lll'U bOX ~flrlOR 1 lOJl ,1trn'1e phl\llltll h1t .. •l 1 $'H\l.C>O V ALt:L -CLEAR A :'\( t:; . AT 11A Y $:!:l!I ~I PAClFIC TELEPHONE WOMEN : Otnce jobe, t~ctory and domeeUc. MALE. account.ant aeveral en1lnetra I: olhel"I. New Refrigerator J9fl5 Ph1h:o D•luxe IUI'• family a1u . Repoaauaed bu large coloreJ ver rtable crla· per. Shel"ea 1n the door le all extru . 6 yr. ,u.llr1Ulltt nolh 1n c I lo pay down It c:r.i<ilt 0 K. by I Bank. lat payment Of $8 83 r!Ut In '6 daya. B&L due la U 67.8l.. see anyllme Day or E ve ut 1441 INNERSPRING MA TT RESS AND BOX SPRl NG S ETS W Chapman, Oranite Call Colll'Cl KE 8·08l7. 11108 coll rnalll('l.UI • htx uriou11ly co111rortu1Jli· • 111 )'l'ttr .:•11<r · Jobi dally. REW A.RV $00.00 for any wuhtr JUNE P'ARRAR E.MP'L. AO'CY on purchue ot a ntw Hamilton • t02"\·32nd St .. Newport automatic wa.shtr, plu11 a nrw Acroae from City Hall. chain driven lrlllr. No down. YOUNO IU&l 1&9tale Salecnan No payment Ul 1966. tor acllve otrlce. Have a proven THRONSON'S 18JO Newport Aye. .,.ai.m ror maklnJ money. ltx· c.U•nt opportunity tor a worlc · er. We will tralo you. Ht.rbOr Ol:le. 61Uc 'YOUNC lady lo do cleaning mom1n11. amall hotel. Ptrman· ent work. Har. IOtl. 6\ttc (;osta Mua. tf Roney's Small Appliance Re pairing anl"<l -with mutt·h111g box ap1h11: SH9 00 VALi:.!'; -CU:ARANCE . .. .. AT RAV $ 89.M Qt,; EEN SlZE 180" J Rclax·O·I'l'rtlf, extro f irth 1nne1 llf't Ing 1111\t\r"M um.I box 1111r10g sel -lO·year guor""nlee $1'9 60 VA.LUE -CLEARA-'\CE . AT ~A Y $ 89 60 S UPERREST lnner11pn ng motlrtJW a nd boll ~prlng 111.'t $79.6-0 VALt:E <.:LEAHANt:E AT lJJ\ \' S 40 00 . BAY f URNITURE "Wh.ere l'r 1rca Are Hell! A l Bay ' 42i E. 17th !'·rH Sl ordront Parkmb OPEN EVE'S. 'TIL 8 l.'C\•l a :ll r.1>01 Tt111' TERRY BUICK 5TH ANO WALNUT. H\'NTIN<~T(l '.'! LEXIN~TON tH~:-.:-. 40--c\utos and Trucks YEAR END CLEAN UP I SALE. NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE REA L MONEY ON A USED TRUCK. FROM t TONS TO IO j WHEELERS, PICK-1 UPS, PANELS , ST AK"' ES AND DU M PS, A LL MA K ES. NO REA·j SONABLE O FF ER REFU S ED AS W E MUST CLEAN UP THE LOT. W.W. WOODS GMC DEALER 616· 19 E . 4lh lil .. Sant.a Ana J'rurk hc•dquarle!l"ll for Ura.ngt Co" Hausken-W atson SPORT CAR CENTER JAtil' AH M 'i A \'~Tl :" ·lli::ALF.Y MOltHIS A l 'STl="l i\ l.h\ HI l\tl-:U 1<1-:S A I LT N•" l u ~oi.lc-s & 8(-rvlt e t 'le!\n 1·,..,J l::rn•. All M8k<'ll Im 40-A-Tirr ' & l'urf'I -----------------------· Nrw nn1! \'~I'd Passenger TIR E S 8-Hour Recappin g Service Cnm;•ll lt• Br:ik1• S •t\t<'l' \'\I• Front J.:11d ,\l1i:n11wnl H11,\l • ::n:\ 11 ·1· .... ,,'''I lttl• l\ .._ft ' ',,, \ 1+111 • fu r lh • \ t a.: H O WARD R Y AN hO l -ROH \V, l ttt ~t. a:utc -------------· Motor Overhaul NO MO;\'l·:Y I>OWN * with this ad * 6 C'yls. •. . ... S4~.AA WOMA!' boolc • kttptr, machlna nperlenee required. & d•y week. b cellent ..,, o r k I n J condition. O Iv e <0mpltu qualltlcatlona. Appl)' I" O. Bolt HI Newyiort Buch. Calif. 6Jt'03 Lrona. toaater11. rofrtt m 1ktr" tlt'. 2232 N ewporl Ulvd , Coal.a Me.11L (cor. of Victor!• .. N pt Ulvtl I u 8-6079. <t l c~•n 1• • • • • • • • • • 1~11 lrol nnd I •to1nt>•t1r 22111 so MA I 'I; ~T !'\~TA AS/\ m :!-O':'!>ll . R C') Is. S"> ~ • lnd'i''-tv I b IAl.IW al)j p!U \:\, I O'KEEFE .tit MJ:RRJTr ran1e. ·~ model. !Amp It clock v. llh u\'l'n I timer. C hro me grill broller, &11d 32-Furniturf' for Sale 1P:::: HARJm n RL\'n I 33-Bo~l~~~IJIJ>!'!'"!. l '1 >ST,\ ~I E~A :-;. w I ... L I n• \Jh·e p lnrl f '! 1"lr.~ lot """" 11n1I rnd t)''~" "'J' I ,,,. '• r1 nt.,r t an~ up. f•11 tuv , r-. unn 1t 11 ..,; '"'""'"•·. 280 Avocado, Coeta JoCua -More and m.ore aovtrUMr• ~ 88Uc flndln( It protlta blf' to ~ NEWS· WH rTJ: woman to do bou•e work nery WeJ. • every other Sun· da,y. Har. '74. 6 lc.63 lhat Wt u p top VaeJ onto month. I 149.80 ~h. or pay Sii Boat Repa.lrS 19~~ l'AI .,';.' .. :·;:0:~ !-t···l m. ~,,.~: l !\'0 \1'1 1;\I ' I" 1\\' I RI :RL'ILT l•::-\WNF..S BEDROOM -------------PRESS c:lauiflt d ad.. per mo. H ti \\'. t:hap111a.n, Orange. K E 8·681 7 tf SETS I 11 1·1 ., .. 1 J 1'\011 .. a 'lv. n•"·' •\111111 -1'1' 1,, !~1 lll• °" 1 114 1 tt I' V - PAINTING 1:-ITERIOR -EXTERJOR A LSO MAIUNE PAJ:-;TlNC LICENSED -TNSl ·RED Glenn Johndo n t>'ll • 31111 ~\ Stwport ft~11ch H11rb<lr 3176 49llc AJcobolJC9 A.ooaymoue Wrtl• .. O. Bos 311 Ntwport Btactl. Callt. Pbon• U.t.tbor Ut6 1 S-Shar.-\.our Car WA~ rlt1• to Sa.nta Ana or Ana· tlf'lm by 8 a m for H11th 8<'h0"1I 1 1rl Call Har O~fl·M f Vtl or Kl 2 6Zt I txt :ZM da) 1 ~!12 l~Tnus•()C?~llo_a ___ _ FLY rx·.11 SU;-.°·~T()P :-1 r c u o• CHICAGO U9 • Rouml T1 •fl 11111)' F 1i'f' t.1mc-11•lnr 111 Allport Bo' l.Unt hf".11. Fr r .. T11111'1 I •r llvrry \\'ASlll:"l:To;-.;, II l' $9i PH II.A P EL.PHI A $1'11 PAl.l,AS $4!1 f\ETROIT Si ll SPECIAL OFFER Hand Braided Wool Rugs $3 per sq. ft. All new material patterns or hit end miu See our ae.lection of imported china. EngLiah blue, scenery and vine 6 wheat in brown. The House of Yesterday & Tomorrow 1113 SO. MAIN ST .• CORONA C lRONA 'i78 .MOVl.'llC ABOUT JAN. llll INTO N~ 8 \i1W>l.1'C WE HANDLE FARM HOUSE FURNITURE ~M\&ttllao~us ------ KATEY DOANE WHIRLPOOL •utom11llc lt"A tJ1yer wi\h s utQma\lc lgnlllon Rtit. price $289 9:1, Sall" prin ~IUU ll5 Free l~lallallon. No down. 2.49 ~r wk. No payment 11n111 1\l~. TH.ROSSO:S'S 1815 1'r wporl Avr Co!t& M e!lll tf 8 cl 9 ORA W'F.R dr('KSl'r, mlrrM, l>ookrM<' he!lllbo11111. from Still 00 TWIN 'fRple bt><I wilh m11ltre.,s & b<1ic 11prlng , only $:\!• !l•l r r1. & I< 9 r •HA Wt~R rn1'ple •lr••A1t•·r w llh mir ror. from . S7U ;;o Li\·ing Room &>ts Modern & Maple AS :->Jc f': A LIJ"i'; u yuu wouhl RQBf:RT \' Al-C;HAN & C'O. 1','11' " 'I n•' :H'~' llw1t<'r \ti Ut1dl 111 '' u u '": •,.1 ·• h\ •klll• I 00 \v (• fl 1 .. 111 \, I.I I\ 2.11 4'1111 t atd .. t '• I •" I "r1' .. 11d v.1tb 16 . nat-t wy. 1!I -I fil 'H I 111 11~ I' \1\11.l.i\1~ I 11'1" n t l•I ~ r ·in 1111\· 111rrr\ N<>Wr><>rl Bench nr\\ p.un• \\\\' 1 ,,. urtwl•!•• H ~l !L'ILT :i ncl 1:-.l~TALLl<:O J'T\f l lnlt ''"'1•'111111111\ •lr~r1 1""' ~11 ••111 111•11 I< - -g•~ d. $1 1•1~, , ·••11 II 1 lw r ';'1 ~; IN •I: I• .U :.!!l •O 3-l-Mu .. k_a_l._J~_ll.,?!,_l' ,. • 4'Jtf• C'l'I \I!• q I r "Ill ~'° l'l,\lf..ll lf t ,~· $1.\'1 '411 ~Tl'ltt:llAKF:I! Ho •l h11} ~ ! ' 1'1111\!" o\ I 1. :--111'() $1711 I 1· ... 1 '''"' '" 1r 1 • 1• c·.1 :-T1 1 1 '"~:11 s 1rn Knowll<in F.lc-l trontl'R PHILCO 13 cu. fl refrigerator. Si t inJ a nywhf'rt' W llh our "'" lb. a ero.Ill! top l1r('t.11 J-:'\1 IWll\'t ti\1•rht1Jd )'OU II ~ 3urpn5(>(} ho" TV ANTENNAS PhJlco lWC>-V. •Y d11<1r. 21! below nltH h "" <'l.n J<ll\ p yuu r 1 .. 11~· ~It ... c 1rr 11 11 u .. •o::o ·,1, • • 111.11,-"' 1 ••:,11 \< " s 1 o11 ;,1 ~ t IHI I rll•l"nt 2 rlr It 1~ 11 I\ hi 11 h. $ l 7·, 1•••·1·h \• ••• '" JI . ., fl:! 11\ \\ Ill 1;:1 Jli .. frff,Ung iemr~• alur6 U :lll 110. take • ln<>ll l l v. 111 11ny ) ou 1 l:I• "r K"" 111 If 1 <: 11n 1 ;o.;o down P•YmC'nt. 2 116 P•'I' wk 1;()0£' TER~!S t:'\ST A LU :!• • ••lllf'll'l <' to ynur "'t TttRONSO N 8 l 1:; 1'.-v.p.1rl Av•· RJo;J'A It. n .'R:'\JTl.;R F. BROKF:HS 1 1\• ~I~ W !'ft\ ~I n• I" 1•. '""' •I ~. Cost.a .i.t.-11a _____ 1rj 01"f'n Frldlly t-;vr· K l •·ZI 11, $9.95 Jrol 11\ ~1··1rgrun ~1rn\ 1 ,\•'\.I LI 8 .• ~2 ..... , O'l<eele .tr M f'n lll vu rlln~" ltll'I~ 411·« " .,o•tr ' r.• , ,, ' 't1~ \ ·'' 1 hr.el '" dtlUXI' fold1ng -\1 I' 1t10tl•I hlU 1.t1 l------------ StL\'ER FOX BED~1. SET th1onie g n ch.lle un 1 .. p. tiuup & du•k .. 1\h ovf'n llm• 1. uh1111t1(' lo\nll bro1l"r 1 ·~f'<I only :l in10nth111 6 Utmi: \rAJ\llferrM F;A•I \ll~c "\tr mv rnn1r11c•1 ,.lll'I lhr 11 .. 1.k lit IJllY nff lhr ha l n( •1::i II'• Uni) rO\)' $ i 112 rrr 11100 I h :.; 11 r11\h n.,, 1"'1 M y M)HllY ''"' •• r nny I lint' f'a • OT F,\·~ A I I HI \\' l'ha1·m11n. 01nni:" P P.A \\'ER f'IJl .l:H.E flR F:SSfo:H 'l SIT'E ~A~'PS 80<'>Kl'.\~F: H F:ACIROARll 1-l I.I, !'lfZI-: MATTfU:~s BO~ !'l'Hl~t;s un m l'\31 ''""I.' 'J. L A MPS 1.uo:• COl"!JITIO:'\ FJ ~EE Dt:;LIVERY -----I~,( II 11·, • I ..I• · \\ :-\'. Piano Refinishing (J Ill '•· "•rf • A :-;Ktu ·~t l'l \ -.;1 1 s~:t.\ WF: '" z. ;-.~ 11 l'•lfr - s rr:-.;r.r:::. :-1·1:->1:T:-> ... , ... ,11 )1 ._ l•Uh n 11 Ju ' t•t ~·fl 11 j..r, • ( • t '\t ,,~ I I " '-•; • !;\~ ~ ... n '• t ".A ' , ' t "', l':"tl1 Al t 111cr ''·' r.r "" ,,, .. l ., •,,, ·,: Grant w . Musick I, 1n c·" I•-I' "'""' ,:1. I \\ I' \It I. I '\I! \ '• I I ~: I •ti I It • t r ''"'"'~ p ' I,, I ~ •• I (1JI 'I •• I ~ I 1. BELLES ENGINE RE8UILDERS IJI I I "' • • H l'•le-1 NC:\\' LOCATION :H 0 Ea~t :frct St. ~ \ "\' ' ~\ : \ SA RVER BAMBOO DRAPES CL'STOM MADE: ANY SlZE r r11't1< starting a l 21r 11 "fl fl Bt1111tlful New Woven Pal\tm1 ~-'" All l>e1•or'1 Nearly New Appl\rel Ca ll Cnllrf'l KE .II·!\" Ii I Ul('tl 1.1.1 .. 1 rol 1111~ hk•· llt'W I Your H ud son De .e ler for wo men •nil ('hi.fit 1"1 F ,.. ... 1 Newport urniture ,.111•1r lSo l• 11 .\1 11 ; • ., 1;1 .. 1111 <rnk. •1 We <lo 1111 klntlA of nltr r nllonll si--t unlllln' for 1'4a'P F r• nl'I• l't ,, • .,,.I·' !~ •• , ... son ~Al.I·:~ and Sl·:R\'ll. ·: I • •I. BRAKES 2a1t:Co"i<lllh·d ,;,.,o111~1 ·n1 1o1.1 ---·-·--------'-··-----21\\!ll \\ f"nMIH"'Y L lS J l l:I lri S1fl·, 'l'o 1111" 11 t lll<o rN•' "-"°3 .' l..,<•!I A11;od;s J\T-:r1";::!iR Co "11" tlr l :.lor 4fl • .. 1 a._. W d ft ___ ri_,~ .,1 1 v ~ nne5a oo era Cln h;tl..,1•" ,,,,z :-<l'llMlr r "'.1 .. 111 Ctr• 11:-: !JHA;>.'1 .1· r 111 :-.·r' 17 Y1t!i1 Kl r11cn C11rtam It. Trtl\'~r-"f' Ro01 · Stt ·rhem o n (l1'pll\y rn c111r s :Mf' F resh Hearing A id 1 BA'rrf::Rlf"-S l "f'l••Ol••ll l•Nlllf'~ll nllHr~ 3 ... A "' k ~2" :-; lll·11 '· s.irlll .\nl\ !-----1·•·1<'1••111••~·~ ,,,,, ..... \1 (111 ...,. -·""t I"_.,. ---1 11A1·1·y 1.rr·-ru; :.:. 1•t.\'~l 'Jt 'Tll I C l .arance --------' YE,\l1 E!'l:D !1•'1 · 1 .... , .... 11,,, ,.. •• 1 ... ,"" t ... · .. i 1 "" 1 '•fl ,. • OHG/\;'11 !-il'ECI AL : II ••• 1• ti 11111111• , .... '" "' •Ii • ,_ ••••• We 0 1,,. K•H Orttn Sl1'mr• ft1 t r1ni c -.ul•'1 ttu,-M I'-l \'\ll"'I • l lONUl.L°LU $JO!l t N t:W YORK . $1111 SANTA ANA TENT & AWNING CO. 1 Gunderson Drug Co. (Jr, •rwii.. ;•I "-th •• '1' 1 1 11 '1'*"' I BUY AND SELL I E \l.L\ J\:.t ~:RIC'.\.'.'I' rul . "'1~1rt>•I. oft~. n~1 1 11• .. , It, 1.1 I ' I" ~l 1n111. A> \\ 11 ... !V.l'I 1''"" .II' • l .... 1.. l'I • .... k.. ··' I ,,._.~~ .. '"''" ,.". I • I ,. 11 r ... ,,., jlli•"" l'rlm1l11e" \II· ... pin·\ •·r""•tl l.1111' n•·"' ~M\'~ ,,,, ,,: '"' II a) ... ':wr \. ,., ti' I'\ y '"~I · r:~. • 1:t 13 w at lttOM , ,,,di Lu 11• • f4' ,:I",. rh .-, r· ~ " Iv • A l"" "h•I'"" •101t d n •h•rt•lA, lljllC 1uinllttll' nn l f1nr rhtna 120:, J,1l•rnl 11.1•1", rron\•nt .. nt f··I H I '" nms;• r \1'11\n,.:• S AH.\'E lt MOTOltS CHIC AGO aee S AZ'TA ANA I Main St u 84llb<l1 P.l\·d . UAlb<•• I All Farl'll -Plt1s T u I 1628 ~ Main. KI 2~:'146 ----40tf<' Harbor lllb. 118tfl' T H E me; OLD H EU BAnN tArm8 r•t 4111 ' •l.,.>lll "" , , l'1ot' 1;11r lt•) f\~ol) fl"n I' F IBO\:'\K K l :l-324 1 l'lH Al-Ff< S 1~111 " Vi071 t'lt \I.I·: l-1 It\ I• I ~; l~T AT 1,lt,.\'fl :--;-.;1 \ '' \ ~'\ .\II 1 ~1 · )l .. nl '"''I'"· 1111'1 nrv. 124 W. Ocean Blvd., L. B. I Ht:: 2·1141!'1 S t:\· tH6:l.) Sir.LL OJ"\ TER:.•S 8 F'T. OEl.IC ATES8EN r &llt'. 11:.0 Knitters 21 21 H11illt11 , t: "1 LI 11·16•:; 1 !1~61 ll11rlx>r BJ\·11, C11 rtll'n t:r""" 421-12:1 N ~v<.trllf>rt• Hv·t1' Anll 3'>~:.ih Phnn·· Klmll"tlV '..! Vl\~2 Mr11 "' •' J!,\ II t n'"•I i:hv,. • t• !1h l•• en•·• 111• I. ~I 1 •t &f'll H 4f1r, If 11 :1112~· I •II•:, 1 1,1'e :m11 o Santa An11. 11 i ~: :lnl 10 J.i.J~ ON£ Ii fl. retri1tralor $:,41 CvMt'LE"l-.·: fur-n •111 ,. nn•J fur, I WP.I.COME to my n"w "hop C-omf' l ~St-auty Aklll In a nrt htlp mf' b11tltl towuol ____ _.... ____ ,_____ 'our ntt"<I" ror nef'tlle<'r11-t1 ON fl: IA rg-e romn1e1 c. rtf111t I i .;,. I SCALT:~ st1:. I ClJSllOLA i2r. C11ll owner LI 8-6223 mumln~~ i.r attrr ~ p rn 9ttc lur 2 bdrm h <>-•I" "" lu·l·n~ Coltb pol elttl I • 1111. .:n• 1 ttni:• f'IOt' 1.ph1,1Jole 1 .. oj 1 h .11n1 lf llo! Superfluous Hair PermanenUy nmovtu from t•~ amia, lep . Eyebrow• a nc na1r line al'la~d-Nu more 1we,.1.1nc ELL.EN L. BR\' ANT R. It, Lido'• 8alo11 ot Buuty Har. 2671 u. LOST. ldent1fl1'Allon ca11l' contain· lflJ credit cllr'd• HE\\' ARO T. I: THAL. iM S<>11lh HAr· ••rd Blvd,. L. A. or nJI U~ny w m . 50eb2 • I O I\'f: a hand knit "" Cl1rlAlma.• \\I' 1<1111 h><\ t • t•" 1 .. r1 I 11J ~itllAI~· B\\~"~11 .. ,11 :nu. M AR~\Jl:TTE Arc \•elo~r. tntwl :I hp Air l'omprt 111eor. :no Volt I 1inglt .,, .. ,.,. :; .... nl l'A·rl 'll s liUl SL al Pl .. , tllllA. U li·\~8. :lltt ----·---- LO-HEET 1 Movie Proiectors .. OR Rt'NT \I a v 1r n Jl 11 r I t 1tt'i. .. 1 1111;1 IJo ' Jre•"'' • 11111 1 t1r, • h""' & m•k• "I' \:iLlt• with m111ur, Sltflt h t win he>la ,.•1111 bo' ~1•11n1e» ,.., 11 ... 111 t •• T11l•I" 1 <1.(S 1111111':1 ill '111tt'\ pit:• t."" At. ''' ~,1•11.t \ u 11d1· \1t1r.. ~ ll~l llt'll 30 I A 1tlfi'f ll)'•l Malbo& bland :,111.0.i STAt:-:u~ss ~TEEL \;l.)UI>'.\\ .\RF. fl.}ofM 16-MM 3:>·MM -WhP\hl'r )'l'U ar .. In hll•inf'll~ for ~11lri< Tl'fni" ~ .. , '11 ,. llu HHY nn•I MOL,r.t. t 11 t , I 1...1 11.r.JS• any \1 m r 4llrr.i A rRPLA NE St 'Pl'LIP:S I you~I or wor or 8oml' 1nr r ""· l\T.W C AR HY.A'Tt:R h I you can Wit the c l&111'1tlet1 IV111 to t •&ffl :I Meart Camera s op I }'O\J r 1dvantag .. tn 11rll your ·~r· weella. aol<t Cl\r. IWll r hH I' rh J 7112 :"it" port Blvd .. t 'nela Mu• vlcta, produce or merch&ndt.e. Herbor 278'·J f VH •~ttr Pli-. L.INrtY l-70U pr tf -----------I Ora.nsre l'n11"l\'ll rnini.n HtllltrL ATT 1!1'.2 C'I U:\ l{(ILfT, l •Ir ..... 1 .. n 1'!-Trallr,.,. ------. -----------!-laR\t I & lu.O.•" I lb !lu 11: I Antique Owners YEAR END SPEC IAL! One •nl;. n.11 r ''rn upns;hl 1,1,., 11r·.11 ,__.,..,.,,. ;•.011 \1;••1 * POJ~T ORANGE * I jlllln" in 111!1 1 ... r.11•1••n 11 .. 1bo1r 2i-nz ~o1 .:1~ Tl~AJ J.f':n ~ALL..; C H IS,\. <:I.AS~ & llRIC A·l::!R I' T .. rrr.~ s ~·, I ,, n ~ $'4 ,,. r n ' Ill • Repair s H H· I s IHI-JU••• -t.'Hi':\'lt<1l.l'i' 1·11 Ii f'f'F anrl :->liPl'l.11-A" ~·1. """1 lJ 1,; .... 1.. ..:;22 \\'n lkc1 • · • • '·'•" ,. ' • 1 IA ...... ,. -;.~:•i ( '~'""' ll 421-1'..!I :-. :0) " ''" h•l 1' All• J!t41! L1k~ """' lll•"lllt'l • II\ :t2nO \\'. ('11:il4l l11wt1y ----l'I•""" Klrnl.>trl\ :.:-067.! -l _H_)' Ul•iflMI 0..-1,.·r ll11rl••t ;11,1.;2.I ;\'l'~\l•••r\ ))4-uih I.I ~-H20 -:lS-_l!_~t8._S_unpUe11 h:nowllcm l::kct r11n1ca ·.~ ; · t li•l'I v 11 11 • 1 ,,.,..,, -->:.!.... I :.~ 1 ·-· 'T t" .. I ,, ,,, $ '".& E AIR -For a tl••""n1la.bto u•r11 f'Rr, •Ml SI• & R b t TV R p •" ·,•; \t,' 1'.1uod r•·t,1 t011'k•·"' t-CJt<'C. 1p OW oa YOllr lm•l\J llrf\lU WJ\11 "di,,.. h•rt' ,',t, II' )'11l·H11lo'Ull , fl1•: l•1;r•111nt . Space for Rent 1 TOMORHOW to h"' k "" "Mt ,,, ". ,,r ... 1 , l•· .,, ,. ... , trn•le-1n• FA ~T s1:1n·wi:. Hi':ASll~A lll,~:. 81'\lll TIJl lA\" ('lwt k tl1I' ti'' •I J'1\N /\.\ll·:IOCAN AmenC'&n ~f.rll'ln 21 ~·1[1lh St Meetings 2nd -4th Wed. 8 p.m PRtf I \ Servitf' c:111ll• Ull ll p m . r 1or11 It. Lhe t l&AAl!1,.•I ,.,., 11•111 to· LI 8·~211~ <111y. It 1·111 11w111111 -h .. n11.k111 ·r1 .. , .. 1 .. , .. 1 ... r~ PAm I ·.,ART I I -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS FRIDAY, DEaMBER 30, t 955 Cabanas Marinas Lido Peninsula, East 31st St., Npt. Bch. OFFERS Peligbt!ul living. Apt . ..Cabanu. Utilities paid. with Yacht 11lip accomodationa. Daily, weekly, monthly, yearly. For appt. or reservation, Call Har. 2992. Mtfc 4'7-Wanted to Rent Rentals Wanted We need ap11. 11n<I ho111t'11 1n all 1ect1on11 fur both wrnlrr a nd )'ear'11 ltoaae. F'u rn. or unfurn. JC you ha\•e a Vl!l'anry, phone today The Vogel Co. 1201 W. l'iol. Hwy . Ntowpo1'\ Brh Phone LJb .. rty 8-3481 208 Marine. Ralboa !Bland Phone Harbor H• 21167 E Cout Hy ., Corona dtol Mai Phone Harbor 1741 Lido Ortirf'. 3416 Via Lldo H&rb<'lr 4971 1702 Newport Blvd. COl!lll l\11•1<11 ' LJbtrly 8·6097 tfc 48-Apta. & RootMJe Choice Winter P.entala on Balboa Island & Lido Isle 8ma11 A cosy or larce It deluse $76 to 1800 n1onl.JI VOGEL CO. 208 Mut.na Ave., Balboa lslanJ Ph. Harbor 444 or Harbor :11 51 Rea. Har. l 786·R or ldar. 30:-i9-M Mui ATTRACTIVE 1 and 2 bdrm. furn UUllUea paid. 1 or 2 <'hlldrM Laundry room. B L U E T 0 P APT. MOTEL 403 Newport Blvd . Npt. BeaC'h, ju11l a bove U1e Arl'heit. 74trc 48-A-AptA. for Rent .,.. ;;:s TWO BEDRM. APT. fum . g1u· Wlnlf'r rl'ntal. Sl"e aflPI' 6 p m 131-44\h St . Nev.·porL Be1<<'h . 41lk NEW 2 bdrm. unfurn apl Larg .. l~ARACE. d lt1po nl. b\10 11q rt llf'Ar llA Y &: HF;A("I t Sl!O r110 HAr. 3624 -J 30i'i 36lh Sl <191•f•I tT RN. APT. yt>llrly, llltl, p11lcl Garag•. 207 E Balnoa l:ih'<I , Balbna. 49p:11 * * * ENJO Y LJVJNO on lhtt 0 Cl'&n fl'ronl K ltchenl'llf' ap111. 6 rTl'\JI, with prl va1'o bath. Ma id 11t1rvh'" TV. ZJoe Weal Ocean to'ront. Harbor &091. * * "8A-Apts.. for Rent RENTAL v SPECIALISTS Call F.dna Craig Blanche Gates, Rltr. :ll I MArine Avf" I Balhoa Island, Har._:_6~ 72tfc Charming Harbor Haven Apartments -Patios :\'P.W 4 R0<1~t, street level. Near 11<'h<H•ls. !!hopping d1:11r1cl. Quiet, pleasant. rxrh1Jl\'e. Cat b&ge di•· p<>Sal. Jaund1 .1·. 1torage room1. garage. $82.:IQ up. Occup1u en- u.-e Slr<'el. Good 11upervh11on. Mgr. 1~01 H rwen Place l 811.><'k South or High Srhool ALSO Fl'R?\'JSHED APTS. Wl!\"TER RATES ~tfc LARGE deluxe 11nf11rn. 2 b<lrm. 2 bath opt Stove le rt!fn,::. rur- . mehe\.I i(JfP~ M11 rgu;!r1tt', Call own"r H!lr. H . -&MB-HOU8f'9 for Rent "L10 0 I SLE, 3 tll'<h uoms, 2'1 bath homr, un ann11nl b11~l!I. Slip fu r Ill It. bo11t llM' <1f 18 fl V1k1n~ 1 u1mb .. u1 P••W•·1 bout, ~-.·l'tf"-~er . br9Uttlu1ty rumtg)\- t'•I 'hr uh:-S7uv !k'r n1unth. l11qu1re 11t 41 ~a lbua C<Jul!. ~ .. wp<.rt .. 36tfc ---------- $75 :0.tU T wu t>llrm hull8" furn. 2001I ~lu a mar U1 , l't'nln11ula Pu111l \\'inter 1 t'ntnl C 1;. UEARIJSLl-:J::, 724 Lutna Or Lll1·rtJ11le ll l'h C IL1 11s 3·!'13 16 32tfc UALti(J A IS LASO 2 bJrm' furn house S!15 rno till Jun~ l~ In· quir,. Il l l''"prrty 21 9 A m1•th>•1l or H llrb<w ri 111 !'l(ll'~i llHA:-11• :-;1-:w 1lu11h'" 111n<u1n 1, 2 lwol1 .~ s;ri wl'~t ~1t1 .. Co11ta ~!1•1111 11 .. r u111 rl:Jii'l ·J !'111\'ll:l !;Al,llO A ISLl\:0-:JJ, n11 r 111111 hnme on A f>Ol~na, i b.h m • 2 1111 th1, ft1 tpl11rc-. R11uonn bl!' to rlicht put)' No r••l11 L.J 8· 7624. !'11 •·63 I M <I· t11u111 l111u"' M11h<>K k ll<'hf'n. 111.•poio.11 \\'all,.tl trop k •I im t11l SllO mn until Junr 1 ~ r>r $12:'> y 1Jy l-hr :X12 "''"' 2~·R :1\(!'13 ~OR SAL"; and FOR Rt-::-:T V II· i$ALlj0 A l~LA :-;IJ flltn u l t 111c· l 11f' ~ b-rhm 2 ll1tlli h"m", M-llonez to Lou REAL ESTATE LOANS lnteft9t Rate ~"'i"' Loan. quJcltly made hi the Barbor Al"M, lA&Un& ud Coet& Mua. 81nrle or multlple Wli"-H- or old. S. w1~ and aave by re- flnanclnJ your pruenf io..n. Minimum upenR. IO year tenu If Oealred. No c:ha,r1e for pr .. bmrnary •ppr&IH.I. Kl 3·6t33 A RTHUR A.. MAY Mort1are Loan Corre1pondent O..:c:1dtnt•I Life trwur.nce Co. 933 Sou!JI ... In &ant.a Ana MONEY! v Fast Action v low Rates Loan1 2,,d and 1st W~ Servl' All Orante Col.Inly Service In Your Home We Buy Trust Dffda Toi> Ptlc1•1 paid Cash now! pp Royal Mortgage Co. 2802 Jl;ewport Blvd , Nprl. Bch. Harbor I 5•9 41c~H HA VE 13000 T O l}o;VEST In amall bualneaa or Income In Orance County. What have you? W 8-8207 momtnra. M>c~2 LOANS for Homes 6', -20 yr. Loan1 Construction Loans SEE BOB SATTLER 2616 EAST COAST BLVD. Corona iJel Mar Hllrbor 3888 Rep POIHlER MORTGAGE CO. Mftro Ure 111a. t'unda KJ 3-:>186 48tfc LOANS TO BUILD. J_MPROVE, BUY, MODERNIZE. OR REJo~J NANCE W~ Buy Trull Deed• NP:Wf'ORT BALBOA SAVINCS 6 LOAN A880CIATJOK 3388 Via Lido Ph. H;ar. 4200 tic NO COMMISSION No Appralaal Fee SALES -REl"l.NANCE CO.'JSTRU(."TlON Call tur i're• Fut Commitment.a on KH1dencu and Unti. only Don I. Huddleston 173 E. 17th St. COSTA Ml!:S A LJ 8·r>M l LI 8-4M2 CASH .•. 1-·oR Tl\\ ':ff UEEOS WM. li. HOLT t.10RTGAtif: BANKING S l="C:E J030 16011 :0: Bl'SH SANTA ANA KDIUf;ni. V 3· 7118 '''"" rum 1 1,.h m 11pt "' 111l11hl<' <:111 ai:~ t-:'<n•llf'nt ''" 11111o11 (J" n "r l'll\'11 ""t"r $1\;! 1\11 ('Al.I. •""•Pl• lr ll 1 a.~1~ l•••I Thnn10 ~~)~~~~~ h .. .i llr• 1•IM1 • h••r l\' l"'l'•llll ----- '"'"" $ 1i.. "'" ·A 1nt• t Wlll•·r I S!l()O<t FIHST T n "We' re Moving . to Irvine Terrace" Drive in today ald ~e for yourselt the many out- standing feature~f this remarkable ,community. More and more Harbor area families are inspecting these exquisite homes -noting their comfort, con- venience and central location. More and more families w,ho prefer a home In a re- atrict~ quality community a;e moving into their Irvine Terrace homea. Inspect built the by model homes, Corp. Mac co furnished by exquisitely Martin & Von Hemert Irvine Terrace is located on Coaat Highway oppomte the new lrvine Coast Count ry Club. EARL W. STANLEY, Realtor EXGLUSfVE AGENTS Phone Harbor 4448 For Further Information * For Recommendation, we refer you to &nyone who holds a Leasehold F.state in Irvine Terrace, Beacon Bay,. Bay Shores and Cliff Haven SELECTED LISTINGS! BALBOA COVES:-Waterfront. pier It alip. Owner has moved to the Valley and can't use his boat, ao it goes witp this fine 3 bedroom 2 bath home. Ll.00 ISLE:-A cl\oice wide lot. at $12,000! BA YSHORES :-Extra! Extra! Very fine large 4 bdrm. hom&--0wner will trade for amaller one-story home. CORONA HlGHLANDS:-Bargain in R·2 lot . COSTA MESA:-Out of the ordinary triplex, all rented -Real good temu. SOlITH LAGUNA:-ln Three Arch Bay -one of the finest ocean front homu in Southern California. Out-of-this-world view! Owner in Mexico and w• bave the &ey. KILLION real estate 3341 Newport Blvd. Harbor 5505 LAGUNA ROOMING HOUSE Full pnc~ only $22,000 with m onthly income of approx. $300. Property 1a on 3 lot.a with Laguna Canyon R~d frontage. Owner will conaider exchange for loca.J property. BALBOA BAY PROPERTIES 1506 W. Balbci' Blvd. Har. 5188 or Har. 1216-J LIMrty R-U111i !lttf1 > CHA:":>;F:L fl••nl fum RF.:':T Au~ on.. hlk \'F:ARL Y 1.. bu' II I'·"'' I'' n~v mvnu1 )'UUI\' \\' A....-Ta.;o .. 1 &•. t<• """"'" • 1 62 11111 :102. t'V•R 2306 H r.1c:hl l)cl11n ht'"'~ In <:n!'la MH11t fl ------------- B•I IMate l.1do flhror, ~11111111 sa,o, 1w11 I '" 1'1(:0-:l!o!H Ff• "II" h•lt111 1·111 hilrm. SW\ or $110 11nf11rn Al1'11 I •i:•· ,,., \ p11v11t• ~rn1tll vi11J l'Xlr 11 l11r1tt I b<ltrn "l'I 1111 •1h•1n ~1• \'•• tll lli.;o 11\l111 & ll1~11kl.••l nnw rtd,.rnrHllnK. $80 lf'll/C frir ""' 1u1 n 3 411 l';a,.t l!•lh :0-1 ''" ,,111 Attrar ttvf' lnrc" K-4 It\ ~I l•1t Snlil fn1 S&M111 Fl ~HJo:R A:-;O 1'0 UNUSUAL S750 DOWN "C" THOMAS "C'' 11fOMAS BEST· EXCLUSIVES CLIFT HA VEN-3 bdrm. ex<'tl· lent condition .. .. .. .... 118.000 • • • CLIFF HA.VJ:l'l-Cbumiq 3 ~· room modem __ ......... -IUl.l'>OO • • • CORONA DEL MAR -Lovely home and 2 b«troom ln<'ome unit ................ ................. 123.000 • • • BALBOA BAY FRONT -Niel' 6 bdrm. older hom.-<>nly '29,1\00 • • • OCICAN P'RONT-"Flxer-l'pper". • bdrme. PLUS rarage a pl. Aaklnr ...... ..... .. . .. S19.000 • • • BA YSHOR!:S WA TJl:R FRONT Pier A allp for 40 toot boat - 4 bdrm• .. ' batha-lge. rumpu1 room. Beautttul kltchf'n I M 000 "C" THOMAS, Rltr & ASSOCIATES 2.2• W. Coul H lway -Ll 8·~~27 N"wport Burh "C'' THOMAS "C" THOMAS Harbor Highlands 194.2 Vivian Way NEW 4 bedroom•. 2 17 ba th11. Ju11t completed -Ready to move Into. Under 120,000 -ltrm•. Costa Mesa 276 Magnolia 2 or 3 bl'droom.t, l&rgf' llvlng room, separate d lnlnf room, modern kitchen. On 2 Iota. FruJt tr~._ WUJ M'll with 1mall -®-~or pul"('h9M eon- tracL Duncan Hardesty REALTOR 2e<n N _,,ort Blvd. HAPPY NEW YEAR Ba.ck Bay 3 BR., "1 arre, f-.mlly home, v1c-w xlnt. condition-may lu.ae w llh opUon to buy -·-··-···... 128,96-0 1 BR.. lleat&O, vt-ot h.lU. 112,&00 3 BR. Harbor Hlda., beauty 117,760 View lou, 16260, i6600. '8000 up 2 ACR&a .............. Priced Rt•ht. 008TA MESA -M-1 bl~ .. 2000 aq. ft., .. u or 1 ..... Claire Van RJCALTOR %731 W. Coe.at Hwy. Horn l.l Ml77 On North Broadway IN SANTA ANA l.n lh• prorn· atonal zon Vr ry •Ubtl•nltally built home which can ~ lt&Md and alter'fd at you llke IL ' IN TRE TUSTTN SCHOOJ. DJS· TRJCT Lovf'ly homto llke lh• picturq tn Houae A#autlful Hu fUMl houH and aw 1mmlnJ pool wint"r Ool'k HVllllAbl,.. 111!'1 'I'• I I.I II 40:J!I )tp53 _3fll~ ="•wp•lll H!'luh T>lr!\:I 1.1VA 1.l,f" & r•><•ntv l 'nf111n 2 57-lkal t.su1lfo Want~ ---,..__ ... _. ----- L'URUN A Ot;L MAR. Can't afford to rf'fuae any reaM>nablf' ofttr. Wtll loca led at1ra\l1ve home. lier llv room. with a lovely 1'1<'"''. lndoor·OU\door llvmir l.Je. Jtudlo ty~ bf'<lroom, w 11h bf'am- e;I c"illng A tlrtplacr ALSO •m•Hl!r 2nd ~rtroom, bath and halt f' A he11t. ~ub. d11p rOM~ ANI) S EE IT. -OWntr Harbor 34ii. Nt"•r tlfw 3 bdrm . eewtor, curbt and irulltra. L&ndltcapeci. 4 i, ~ f'HA loan ~ per mo. 1nc1ud Fitzmorris Rlty. Co. 1axe1 It tn1uranct . Yl!~ARLY flF:NTAI. 1 b<lq11 t111 n apt. S67 :10 rnn \\'111 .. r ru1il Nt>11r but. It b11111nt>iu1 1h •I I .1 '" Har. IP82·M tilt':o:i BALBOA ll:'l.F. Y""rh ""'"h clc-11n 8ln glf' "l't "" .. 1v 1\1111 R•'1><m•1h "' "'''"" ... 11111 i:.:, u 111 pit A TIRntu 1 1n 11:, or I w n tf' 11211 1. .. r 11n ltol ~.1n Marino ·.i p:i.1 TWO BOHM f111Jllf'X 71111 I "' Ill Mar Ha r 2rrc•-\\ 11nl ""' P£Ll 'XF: "I'' 1 .. 1 A 111 • .. 1 '111 lf'A8" :':11'~\\' Ill I !-oil •II IW·I .:room & hath ot• v.n •ll11r• I"''"" llVln~ rM m 0 ••11blf' ho •I 1·~·111 a l<'., ovr r \.lvu bl< g 111\1(•' \\ 1111 f1nf' ,.,,,,,. "' 1111, ,. .. , k r r 1v1. i: e" r1<tr" T n 'Jlll~I M•h1ll• "rth· ()Ul r"t" '1 ~!\ ""' ~nil I h I Bay F rnnl 11 11•~•" l•l11nol H •• 17U I'll• "•Ii LIOU ISLE 11111111 11u1t1c un 1' .. wr .. irt n tvd <'• nr rr 1 r <'•••111 l.h••,. 1.11ri:t ~111 11 II"' Tu b~ I"""'' r"t<'d ll1<1 lin1 :.1 '•6 :> ll (1 SJ,1;1 ~: t '""1'<' 11111.c1 11vr n1 ... t,·1 n A ,J,•.•u• J•"ulh (tar n Ml ufl """""'' hlO I k tlo h• ll ll'f1· 1 • I \<&Ill \ 111 11'1 llJ.1 !:"" A. "'•t•• J tfl 11 \1 •11' J11n I I I.I' t-: H .. \ ,\\" Ualb.·11 lltu ~9--t<oom" for "4•11 / RENTAL WANTltD Rln-~t lti•tl u rf1C'e or .11t<11 • with llv1ni;: q u11r- \l'ra 11lli11 ht•I tn l\t'Uby ~llll rr11I r11ttotr 11111111 rtni r bu~1 n .. u . r n Allll 116, Sllnlll B1rbllN1 l'h !fOi JO r1 I 8 $9.400 Newport -Mesa Realty t 70\1 Ntlwporl Blvd , l:otla M.-.a Llbert)' 8-11~ -Ev~. LJ 8·7237 Corona Highlands 61-~al tAI~ Ex,.haap_ O\\:-'ER TRANSF'ER.Rr.o. J ~-Panoramic O cea n Vi,w Today's Trade room•. Wt'll land.ca J>f'd. ft need. r arpellng rtrapenu 11000 dn~ lo"' rno pto~'mf'nll• lli6o F'rdrral c·~l• M"'" I.I A-27fi I ~11~3 l BRANO ::-tf:W d1J pl~11. <1,luxe co11- tolrul'llon 11'1 r11111k mo<ll'rn. 5,.., lhl'af' 2 bf'aut home8 fully rar- c;.~--=-~::-.~:,:-:;-:;: 8 UNITS PENINSULA hull .. 1.,1 ,.11,Jdn\'f'•I 1,.,h I.I 'l~r·•~• '"""\' 1nr nn11• Jl<tOO "•th Acreage or Lots J>rlf'<I ha \11 f'lec'lf11' OVf'l\a and &-r llb In< nmr $36(!0 per y u r F r Ui 1\\1() 4i~ Morm nc Can· vnn Rm1tl ltar 3742-J~ 61~4h 8 •fllR 2,11r. I': 111u•tl,.!lt }'Ar lf tt•11n1I trn11nb :-; .. ~umr11"1 l'f'nt111' All unrl~ a:~l.UEXTIAIA rom m t rr lal or In· HAI.Bii \ rf-::-Cr;\'.:'Ct·r.A lt •\11m "'•th l"""I" lmth /It 1 n11 .. n1t• A p.111in .. nt 1>utl•hni; II•• :,:i:.o ,\:\lit ~flllf'll•I·-ntHtl)' IO •""I ft •I ' •t·l•tri•I •rrl'ate"' IOUJ ALSO 1 .. 1• t..111n nn·' s;\2 1•1.14• ~\ S;IOO 1"nr ht11 ,.n I It""•" m1hh :11,•, \\'111 t1Krl,. "fllll\\ OA:-: A JACOBSE:" R"•ltor I F'rrr quick •ul1on <>n I.hi• bulllntM uf J30.~I() (111 I '"' aavl ur LI A-GJ li •~~I proPfrt)' 2 modern bulld1nr• on 83' x IJ ;' lot that 111hrritld ltatt~ n .P:AR HOM .. : T() S.111 000 OR •·;;;:-;1:-<!'.'lt"l.A • unit Apt • flH.. or r'f'nl (Or " to111I or al le.a.at ~~IA l.1..-.ll HCltt. •. \.•l•(A~ll l :, \I 11111 •, bl•-.k In bll\' U .. '\()J)l•tm<Jnt.h Ptt:nty oCroom Atlention Investors! PR.ICE RED lJCED --------------... --------· OH \,H~·r HA\.P~ ,,,l ... s:u :,on EA~}' rr rm" A l110 ~·E\\. for txp11nA10 n Adf'qU&Lt J)flrk· e NEW OFF!CES "THIS IS HOT ! !" l'ORT Hf:IGHTS 3 l><l1111 h""'" 1nir LPc ntl"d In lh~ faatest :1 ~·1 11 ... 1r1. IA'\\' 111 q•~t1nir flll'· i:rowlnr Jl•11t Of COJlta MeM, r•l1u·t 6bl gar pll111 $ lr1,:i0<J r11thl In th•· htart of A lllrftc-, "~'"'Y lt<• mio. Own~r , 4()6 H1vt<r· ntw •hopping-center. When thllt BACHELOR an11 Ont> & two btJ1 in apt&. S h"rt trrm nn.I yrarly. • IDl•;AL F'OR PROFE.'· Gordon l. Andrew Rltr. .At.50, Ltolo H 11111t'll nntl Un,v l"ronr :-i!ONAI. or a1·::;1NESS USE. LI 8-:..'127 ~.\'f' 11111 l~•-1.J Homu a.nd 11p11 rtmrnt11. 1 Lorrl l<'d In _ 110,;,:.1 LIDO REALTY 1\s t1oclntr s ~lnrbnr lmu.tmr nt (."(, Bldg 3.00 \·la Lido, J-1,.rbor HH ~Ill,,. 30th & New port Bl Yd. I ------Ha r. IGOu tf Sea Shell Apts. 1 It 2 er.n RM Pl':Lnc1-: l'THS APTS T11 r 1<'fr11 ,.,1 1 ~n .. nt" $':\ It up, Ill rl Inc I I 2:1•1 \\' llAll"•.i Bh•d , :\' ,.,\ p.11 l llf'nt h J~•1 tl:?h LIDO ARMS APTS. & Marina \"f;n Y ~n:" \\'aU to \\All •ll'fl•l111: & '""'"'~ 0 . F. Rrf11ic th 111~· ,1, ,. ~ ,,,,,,, t1 11H 11·1- F ti••"•, I.I I 1, ' .. f \ f I~ p •• \I • 11" I In :-; ~·\\ ~,.\:I t'"I I' 'h cl. l'lac rnt11t (' M I., • : t , r t ·~ ti I. I l111n·.- I •l• \ • ,\ I t '-\••rr ,,.. ,\· 1 "' ,, ,,•, .-,, t1pA1 "'" l l tt•tt t 1;1\\.tl 1t t1 ~,,, •• 1"1' \ I ••ti • •· Ill S~a, ro.r•I I Al S!,.•n.iutt \1 •'•all 4'\••.eSloO tU•• c .di ·~"''', I lt,1•ff \ "Hl~=~ I CAPiTOL GAIN c:,:: ·:cc AFl'Ol:tJ T O ::; • .::LL., t 11>\1 '1.111 T \ " . \ 11 •• "" n an •,.fl'1 n1t1 n •• ~t ..... \ '"' OUH plh J)· 1 ,. ·~ 1. ,.,., r li l uf l.1•• Angrl•~ \ "'""" ... ~ • II II ,, .:11 (l\'l'I I J '" '" 11 " ~ 111 in1 u 1 .... & '""I "'P">iFf' \m 1t111 lnJr I< a m 111· tf'rf'~ll'd 1n b y I-r11 ll j'rnpe, ly \\hi l '.,,,"11 ur t•r do, .1 ()'\, n .. r \' l:ti '' 4!'!1.lt 1•1 1o11t,. ~!"Ii ~•H •1 c 1H'f11 )n /\\• r..u., An "' :t • Ill 11tt11,,;1-: .• ~ 1:"\'rn;u t!H'\. Earh Apt hrc11 pn "'' ~11r "I:" T f'nan\ll ha'" h r•t 1 •II '"' ""•'' One hAlf hlk. 1,1 b11 .. 111"•• , ••nt .. r 1408-12-16 • :11 \'114 11r .. 11n (lfr11 (' 11 111 11101 .... aftrr :i f' m I.I 11-21;( :-.1·r1 MY EQUIT Y 111 .. 111111~· , t " • r • 1• 111 lltr<' 1:'11 I.At .l :'o/ A J1r;A1 'H 1oom1ng l1111111e A~klnte JJ;.: IHW '""h pu:t>11ll1tl 1nt11111r nl "l'I'""' $:\U(I 11 ••n thl\' l'r1•flt'l lY 1~ 11n :l l11t• "1th t ;11ntlllf' r1n L111r11na C11n- vnn Rnnol OCEAN VIEW tl•'hll..,. I IW•ll'"'"' furn. apt 220 ~l11r~1h'1 1l1 t ·1111 Olo\-'llt'r Har bor ,, 7 DELUXE f'URI'>. Al'TS &'111'1H A dbl•. 130 mo. a nt1 up JM ~. Bay Ave .. Ba.lboe Harborj &.a••· • l!l/(' HAIHl•tll 111\1 • ~ttl.J:>;T 1 ;~; ~t• (11:C•'l•fl' J.,,,Jlf,,,n,. l'n• with l)(( • • • ,,,. "tl h 0 11n11:11 -1 I•·" l\k l\h<l\11' ll•M> H11ruor 1.-1 a3:l,l ,,.,, (r ~l 'Alti-.t.1:-.:<: tlf'All I 1111 11fH " rh1~ r 11 r k1n11 k ·•·h ,.rt •••n11 1 l'J'ltce nn bll-.\· ="""' f"'rl ~h·t1 I C~ta M•"''" Hu tq •,11 ·"tfr Balboa Bey Properties t 'oil,, \\ 1'.>11 lh<>it l>l"•I Har 11188 ,or 1218-J 11111' Dr LI 1'1·333& 41cM 111 gont ... L.ht\t'a It! Approx Low Down Lots I 11 .000 l"!lllh down r..qulred. CslJ nwnn W berly 8-82'23 mornlngtt ".: I •~lA l\h<R 'l l11i A f\I\ 1C or 11ft,.r 8 p m, t!c 13!1 --- (1111 ll'UZY .t \\ J\l'.M WATERFRONT. I ;-o;,.wrn1 l r.1 .. hung&low. Ol'ool.Y f"ll• h 1; 20th s: HM>ll Jll Ill ,. S 1' IO<I dn\\ n .11u:r: It 111 A:l ' 13:\ ,.a, h E 18lh M S 111 :i11<1 full p m ,. 2:i·. t1n Ul lf'~j LIA;\' A J ACftBSI';:-.;, Rr11ltnr llsrt>or ~Ill or Ll~tly 8·6317 49c6l BY OWNER LESS THAN O:\'E YR OLD ,\ bf' lrtr1" 2 bal h h <>mt. hwd. nvon , 'l c-ar ir;al'llltl' I 12,500 614 Kno ... en 1-'1., ~-. .. 1a Mu.a. w 8-61111 Uc~ LIDO R-3 J u1111~1. lf'lln to HARBOR I;\'.\ ESTME1'1 CO. Httr 1800 F;w•" Har. •3H ·J l\lr!'>3 OPEN SUNDAY I -5 4oOQ San ta Ana A vt . 1630 1q 't of nne U\·lng Ln th1a 2 BR. howi~ l'e"''J>Ort f.telghta. near Cliff Or Croner fireplace In kll<'l'lt'n·dln111c 1rea. ,;laued 1n i.na 1. Ill~ bath. WWe lol Only 116./'IOO with low dn. pymt EXCl,\'~J\'Jo; AC E;:..'T F ORU \'ERRlNI >ER. Harb o r 4263. eve. '37i' 2 -30 rt. Iota on So. Bay rront. ONE -120 n. A two-to n. alJ 53 1 .. '>VO rac-h C11ll T. D Rogere. adjolnlnic Ba111 Ba1 .,_-Could Hu. lf>~·W, or RYan l-to::l9. t be tour lolll 8t11l all or etpa- 18ttc rate -Caah orJerma.. Own.r --------~----W-.il\I a('t1on. Ho . 3381 80tlc \l"ATERF'RO:-IT Ol'PL€X l..own ------'"---- 2 br . 1 •, llalli l'pJ>"r I hr 11nd BY OW/l.'.ER 8flxl2!1 ft. lot el'l'OIJll l'ln th Homt • lnrnme ONL \' I from mMt ellt11. property In S2,') OO(l C'oala Me.a Good for •P«· HARBOR IN\'E8T>fE~ CO home at U&OO. l.lberly 8-1\HI~ Har 11111on:v~11 Har. '3U ·J !llc!\3 ~lh ---------------- MutUple Llallng Ru.It.on D1~1nu11 Broker 313l:I II: C.t. H wy, Corona d11I Mar Harbor 21 aa CORONA DEL MAR t':'iUSlJAL HOJ.1E v.lth IC>ta of f>9UJb1lttlra 2 bdrm . 1 •~ l>AthJI Can l:IUtld a.ddlllonal unit '18.M>O 2 B OR.M Ir Df;S, v1 .. w tJf ( 'om na del Mar A Ortoan Enr llMM'd pallo. doubl" 1r•n1i~ 1 111,600 UYr O N KAZ&I, D Rl'VF. \'1!'111 ot Orf'an, rOC'k• It ~Ille l:oron• Beech. l-oul Qnl! S l 7~ RAY REALTY CO. 34H E C°OMl H wy . C' fl M Harbor 221t8 1 Ar r()lla trom Bank In CDM t Balboa DUPLEX, fumt.hed St4 llM Two 2-Mrm aplll All on vne fln.,r Walking d11tanre In 00" nto w-n Ra lboa. Shnw1n~ KO"'' tnroma. 8 uhmlt on 1~1 n111 Ocean Front S l~.000 0000 TEJlMS. 3 bf'dnn older home. partJally t\.im1,h"'1. C-1 acme. Htart of Balboa 2 <'!Ir r arasa .treued for apt above Coast Properties 301 E &100. Blvd . Balboa Harbor 2668. 2697 and 4600 BEST BUY Corona del Mar dupll'll Modem I br, :Z bAlh homr • Sepa.,..te J br an11 bal h apl Only 119,600, ttrm• HARBOR L~ESTM.ENT CO Hu. 1800 Ena. Ha.r. 4344 -J lllcG3 FOR BAL.II BY OWN~ hf'd· ronm home. I~ btoth•. hlnd· ll('ape<1 A: fenc~. l"ltA loan Pt~om hnrn41 arM. Call 1..JMrty 8-4211 mcmlnp Of alter II p. m. 18tle BALBOA ISLAND 80 .M'. BAY FRONT AGE. On Llttle taland. pier, float. formal • bdrm. home. The land \'Alue is close to the asking price. ATTRACTIVE 4 ~rm .. 2 1:: bathe. nr. So. Bay. Owner will take small duwn. Aaldng $42.500. GOOD FAMlLY HOME Near So. Bay. Lb-e. yard, 3 bedrm. l 1:: bat ha. $26.500 About 200 ft. from No Ray. Neat 3 bedrm. furn· ished home. Submit down. $2~.000 LIDO NORD RAY FRON'l' lNCOME. Largt" lot, 5 bdrm. 31 '.: bath hC'Ust' plu~ unui1ual 2 R. R. art. over 3 car garag<'. ~olh units newly furnishf'd. QUALITY STRF.ET. Waterfront al its best. F111e pier and float. Lge. lawn &. patio. 3 fll\e BR8 and 2 baths. maid"s or gi1pst rm. & b11th Oul:itdr showPr rm .. f. a. heat. <;Jassed In Ianni. A.-kin~ $73,500. Good tr rms to qua lified buyer Har . 1775 Evf's. •Edith Maroon HY ntt 4-6222 J ohn Macnab. Harbor 5359. EARL W. STANLEY , Realtor 225 Marine Ave., Balboa Island ST ART THE NEW YEAR RIGHT With one of these first class Balboa lilland pro1wrt i<'s : Unusually nice Monterey home. 4 bedrms.- dinlng room, forced air-heat plus attractivf' 2 bf'drm. apt. with fireplace. $38.000 terms. LltUe Jsland spacious home -large hvmg room. garden room & dining room all adjoining patio. Three sunny BRs. upstairs. ample closet & atorage space. $35,000 terms. Owner anxious to 11ell-eute 2 bedrm home with large sunny patio. Room to build apt. over the garage. $18,750 low down payment . WM. W. STANLEY SANFORD Realtors HADFIELD Pa.rk Ave. at Marine. Balboa lala.nd Harbor 2462 Lido Isle • • Udo Nord Bayfront • • Exclusive Llrung Exquisite year round completely fumlahed Bay Front home OD large lot -ranoramic Bay View- Located near e&.st end of Lido-Two muter view bedrma. -Two family bedrooms -Serva.nu quar- tt'ni with bath -...t.wo master bathroom.A-powder room -M"' and v ... enclosed dreaal.ng rooma with 11howeni -View dining room -But.Jeni kitchen off mam kitchen -33 ft. gla88 enclo.cd, ca~led. BAY VlEW upetaiMI IAnai. P1tr and float 3 car garage. SORRY. no telephone informatlon -11hown only by appointment to qualified buyrr. Full price $89.500 term11 HARBOR INVESTMENT CO. Hubor 1600 Eve8. Lt 8·5386 COST A MESA The Best Town On Earth 2 Br. older home. close-in. f1replaoe. large kitchen. aerv1ce porch. new extra largr double garage. Larir cornt-r lot <room to build 1 $9250. Tt·rm&. 3 Or home. I 1: baths. Hwd. floort1. hre plac('. W W ca rpel. d1111ble gar . good Eut111de location $12.75'0 3 Br home. dble. garagt', M>wer in & paid, Enirt111de $10,000 with 2000 down. ~ot'NTRY CLUB & MO NTAtN VIEW: 2 Br hornc & t wr1 st'parol<' rental11. comer l()(atron on ~1Mla Dn\'C', Truly a vc-ry nice plM·P. S28.750 with ~ '<if>O d"wn. Dt:PLEX 2 Br. t>Ach 8tde. Good clOt!e-in 10<'al1on near markets & lransport.auon. sa.ooo with $3000 down .. G. N. WELLS, Realtor 1810 Newport Blvd .. Cotita Meu. L I 8-1601 BUILD NOW ... MONEY AVAILABLE We can buJld for you a two-bedroom or 3 bedrm. home for $4.80_ Square Foot. 100°/o Financing 937 Square Foot Home-$4295 1155 Square Foot Home-$5295 Attached 10 x 20 garage. ............. $295 We t.re building 011 Wallace, Bay, and Avocado Sta. Starting ebortly on 18th Ir 20th Sta. Call or Phone for Information . . • OPEN SUNDAYS Ir WEEK DAYS SCOTCH CONSTRUCTION of Garden Grove, Inc. 11041 Wetitm in~~r Blvd .. Ge.rdf'n Grove LI:: 9-0633 .. . . • o• o • • •• 0 ••• • .o ··o VOGEL VALUES SEEING IS BELIEVING AT BALBOA ISLAND TWO UNITS -2 BR. home plua 2 BR. apt. over large garage. Near South Bay with brick patio and nicely furnished. Listed $35.000. Move right in $10,000 dn. IT'S A BEAUTY -Nearly new thick shake roof, ranch style home with 18 x 25 ft. living room. large open beam ceiling, and panelled waU.. Complete electric kitchen with thermador oven, dishwasher, brick tiled sink, and cork floor. Giant aiu fireplace, and furnace heat. Two bedrooma, one is king sae with wardrobes and drawen. Full bathroom, garage, & laundry room. Fine drapes, curtains. wall to wall carpet. Priced $28.500 and well worth the money. Call now for appointment. Harbor 444 THE VOGEL CO. 208 Marine Avenue, Balboa bland Next door to the Poet Office Har. H4 Eves Har. 1229-R Har. 4248-R v v Best Buys Corona del Mar 1. SHORECLIFFS. Ocean view homea, 1everal exclu· live li8lil!n ytill) ua. 2. DUPLEX -One bedrm: each, cor. lot ........ $17,:500 3. DUPLEX-2 bdrm.a. ea. cor. lol Eltclwiive $22.:500 4. CORONA IDGHLANDS -Juat I.lated ocean view. immaculate 2 bdrm. &r den, 2 batha. Only $28,000 ~. OCEAN VIEW, 3 UNITS -45' lot. A steal at $38,500. Only few r~t to ocean front •China Cove. SEE US FIRST for helter buya in bomea & build· ing aitea in Corona del Mar. MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTINGS. CORONA DEL MAR REAL TY CO. PRICE T. McCUISTION, Realtor 3447 E . Cout Hwy., Corona del Mu. Har. 47 (Office located next door to Corona del Mar Ba.nll) REALTORS From Balboa, Balboa llland, Corona del Mar, Costa Mesa a.nd Newport Beach Ext.nd our ~t thanke to you for the privilege of 1erving you m 1955. Our a im ta 19M la to continue to merit your confidence! Newport Harbor Board of Rea It ors 401 N. Nnrport Blvd. NON-VETS OR VETS S29e Impound.II moves you in new 3 bednn. 11 ~ bath, Back Bay u-ea home beto~ New Yet.n1 Tues pa1d to Dec. leM. ORANGE COAST PROPERTIES W7 Newport mvd. Costa Meaa L1 8-1632 Evea LI 8-1400 CORONA DEL MAR .. Channing rustic 2 bdnn. home set &mong tllU r ine tne.. 15 x 24 ft. hving nn. with lge. bay windt'lw. fireplace, book 1helvea. Tile in kit . & bath. Front pch .• cedar roof. Nice rdwd. f<'nced yard. 2 cu Jar&ge It laundry. The homes on tach a1clt> are itet back ao there I• Iota or mom. Only $14.5410 Mo. pymta $i5. The Vogel Co. *1 E . C.t. Hwy .. Corona del ~hr H. 14i7 H. 0757 'DON'T make a MOVE" UNTIL YOU SEE CHARLEY DRAKE -Traffic Rep. O'NEIL'S HASTY Moving & Storage LOCAL AND NATION.WIDE M0v1NG Pll. Kl l-9221 Eve U 8-2961 Corner Newport Blvd. and So. Main St. BAY AND BEACH REAL TY, INC. r ~ OWNER· REALTORS -William P. Yeager, Anne Yeqer J. Leonard Smith, Gl~en M. Fay and Randall F. Geddes. and Associates Extend Best Wishes for the New Year NEWPORT-BALBOA LIDO CORONA DEL MAR Gloden M. Fay, Mgr. Katherine Olson Marjorie Chase E. B. Cbue R. C. Greer, Mgr. Worthington Lee Dick Norton Helen Baum Thoma.a Campbell, Mgr. Doria Walker Charles Hamilton Ruth Telfer, Sec. Ann Hutch.irulon, Sec. 1450 W. BALBOA BLVD. 3112 LAFAYETTE 3530 E. COAST HIGHWAY HARBOR ~2•9 HARBOR 1264 HARBOR 3643 COSTA MESA OJ;FICES R. F. Geddes, Mgr Robert Goouen Mary Bell, Sec. 1875 HARBOR BL VD ~E:R'I'Y 8-7714 Arthur Tieti, Mgr. GUlette Bailey BobQie DeFir -1600 NEWPORT BLVD. LIBERTY 8·1161 p. a. palmer incorporated developers of Lido Isle Lido Bayf ront Duplex 3 bedrm. 2 bath upat.alrs wtth deckl. 2 bedrm. 1 bath downelaini with enclosed patio. Both apt.s. h&\'e forced air furnace, firi!place, car· peting. dra~s. refrigerator, atove. Unbelievably priced al only $57,000. $12.000 down. 2 .bedrm. house plua sleeping room and 1 ~ bath attached to garage. Newly decorated & only 22.500 New 3 bdnn. 2 bath home with full furnace, mu- s1ve fireplace, walled and planted. $26,:500 .... New 3 b<-drm. 2 bath home with all extraa on Vla Orvaeto. This 111 a fine houae in an exceUent location. $32,500 40 x 110 BA Y\1EW lot across from community ben<'h on Lado Soud. $14,000 p. a. palmer, incorporated ole hanson co., sales management 3333 \'la lido, harbor 1500 Happy Holidays will be yours forever in thia cute 3 BR. 2 bath home located on Kings Rd. Harbor Vlew, 2 patio•. Room for a pool -$24.~. HAPPY NEW YEAR -Bill Farnsworth New Home, New Year all the same time. You and your family can et.art the Nl?w Year ln your new home on Udo. It will be completed juat in time for you to celebrate -3 BR. 2 bathe, fireplace, .Udlng doors to the Patio -$32.500 HAPPY NEW YEAR -Dave Osburn Year Yee, t. one year old home on beautiful Lido Isle .. Gaily deconted t.hniout.-3 largo bdnn.s .. 3 beaulJiul bathrooms,' and one or the smartest powder rooma you wm ever-Mt", fanuJy room. ~xlcFM gaJore. HAPPY NEW YEAR -J oe Kincaid p. a. palmer, incorporated ole ha.neon co., sales management 1700 w. cout highway -Uberty 8-M73 Houston Values LOOK AHEAD TO THE NEW YEAR ..• HELP US LOSE SOME MONEY! E njoy Ult' priJ• of ''" ntn11 your own homt' ASK TO SF:t; lhe :Z bl't1rm llnm"• on t h• l'mlM\Jla l'1'1nl fmnl I I l~ '30 lo $1 7 ~0<1, all f ur nl&ht'<I t.tid f ood term• ff YOU Ul<E THE AREA do•e lo lhe ltbrary tn ll•lbna ant1 dnff 10 \ht B•Y ...,, hll\ r I hrm r rom S 12.61)() 10 SI 7 .•~10. I l F YOU PRE~"ER " home With 1n111111• ''"' "' ha' r 1h..-r frt1m Slfi.;)O 10 S32.!!0u TF' ym· HA\'E CHt:Rtsmr.n lhe One of our clJcnt.a JU&t bought t. home. then had a chLnge o! plana -can't use 1t -'lluat sell IL 2 BR's, large llln. rm .. eute k1l., huee hv. rm. with fireplace. lovely paUo. House carpeted wall to walJ. A re.u onable down pmnt. and uswne (of all th1nga) a G. 1. loan will get you in. Best location - Only $15,250. better hun y. R. L. STRICKLER, Realtor R. B. HODGE. AHo<:iate 3622 E . Cout Hwy .• Corona del Mar Har. 2774 Full Price $7500 :-."EAT 2 BORM . 2 11 yra. old, c~metil blll. fenc•. on IH'W tr, Only '2800 '1n. Owner amoowi C-2 Newport Blvd. GOOD 2 BURM , M 6h300 lot E.<'l. prop Only '12.~CIQ, Cood ltrm&. Only $1500 Down 2 RDR.\I . l lrt'J'I nn 6Hlo.19·, lot EZ Lenna on ltala.nc1>, ona7 0 > eara 01'1. NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS -PART 11 • PAGE 7. ~ . FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 EARL W. ST AN LEY, Realtor MILDRED ST AN LEY · STAFF and ASSOCIATES Join in Extending HAPPY HOLIDAY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES for a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR PANORAMIC VIEW LIDO BA YFRONT HOME Large family view horn<'. 6 bt-drooms. 5 1 :! bAtla and t. allp out front for your boat. This sounri. older home in & prime Lido location will offer a wonderful way of life for every member o! that large family of youra -you too, Dad. Full price $74.500. Submit your t.enna. By the way. the ownt r will trade for good income or businNI! property in L. A. or Oran,.e County. LIDO -ONE OF A KIND ONLY Lido R·3. Stradt. com er lot 40 x 115. Price $20.000 . Your lul chance to develop your own income on exclusi\'e Lido Isle. NEW LIDO THREE BEDROOM With 21' baths. Huge carp<'ted ma.atcr bedroom with private aun de<:k. Thie t'ltreet to street Lldo home bu many luxury features such u built·ln atove and oven, dishwasher -loads of cloeeta - u.sed brick fireplace ant.I an extra lRrge laundry and 8torage room. Prke $31 .750 with euy terms. For these and many othr r exchaive Hstinp on Lido Isle call LID 0 REALTY ASSOClATES W.KEMPTON J .H.GROHMAN GENE VREELAND \'JRGINJA MANSON 3400 Via Lido Harbor 4444 ( Acrose fr()m R1chard'l'l Market Entrance) VOGEL VALUES -COST A MESA * * • '11'•1t " ln ,.,,..n a bey rront hnme -------------------- \A.,. ti.-\~ A \4 c•n tt'1'1l •Jq•J"' "''"'"' 11r $~.'t (•HI Y 1t h p r1\,.l l' llf'IU h, l'lf'r r1fhl11 11n1f "111,Y 4 )'l'ats nl 1 Choice M-1 Excellent C-2 Development Opportunity 1.4 acres one block off Nl'wport Blvd., leu than 1t2 IT WIU. BE A Pr.f:AslrRE tnr 111111 lon11r ,.~, ,.1,1t11hr•I fir n1 tn I aa11ta\ VN I to _,.,M tin~ 11 hnmr ~ 1~i I HAPPY NEW 't'F:AR ' I Balboa Realty Co. Opf'O•lll' l\"nlc <•( A 111"' l Rro~~ 1,, ~ .. 1,.,· ~:d v,. I ,\I 1 'r•m .. 1111, J n.rrhlne \\ tbb ":•t'l E. A•lboll Bh •I, B&Jtx>" Phnnl' Ha•bor 327i $495 DOWN NEWPORT HTS. AREA 2 t><lrm ~. flreplart . w \\'> w ""'l>•t· ma. loU nl t ill'. I •1nan1 rwm I 1•11110 P11' mr nu J !•!l rrr no I Newport -Mesa Realty 1799 :-t-p<1r\ 8h 1I, 1..:oet.a Mua Uberty 8·~11-EveA Ll 8·7217 FOR SAl..E OR RE:\-r :-.:EWLT r~flttort1ttd mqdem on• ~drm. hnme GAr1ge It stora,,e room. X1c11 Jocat1on. 384 ~ Perlto. Newport Ht.a. diatrl<'t C M. UbeTty 1-1171. 38Uc A prosperous and HAPPY NEW YEAR to &II DORIS BRAY, Realtor MlDGE NICK JlM BLODGE'IT CLARENCE LAKE 216 M~rin~. Balboa Island Har. 20 or M BILL'S BEST BUY NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION NEW-3 and 4 bedroom bomea with 2 bathroom• ~ low u $395 down and $75 a month Many Modern Conveniences ... e\tm Sidewa.lb ONLY A FEW LEFT -SEE US NOW! .. )·uu'll llkr our fnendly IM!r'\ice" W. A. TOBIAS, Realtor EXCLUSIVE AGENT 400 E 17th St., eo.ta Meea i.jberty 8-1139 -;oic12-; 0::\1.Y $7!\•lO ~\.'LL PRIC!; lh rt d I d 'th thl · f I e prope y eve ope w1 mon y income o 3 br. -100x300 lot I $215. A 330' x 194 ' parcel or lan.d cloee to Coet.a I HI 500 -ooou TERMS Mesa Caty c~nter. n pc for dcVl'IOpang. $5000 down. $4000 down-Corona del .Mar-Permanent ovea.n view. Houston Realty Co. Few steps to beachCll. 4 bdrm11. See thla! .. A SSOClAT&S Full pnce $24.500 &otl Cfflttr St . Coat• Me• l .I 8·6Pa l • LI 8·i78• LYTLE -Ev,. Ph L1 8·264'2 PE'TITTE -E\'e. Ph. l.I 8·~481 SEY .\tO\.:R -&veo PH. Ha. &2118W Bay Shores ~i2 Circle Or1v• O~n Dally -l ·t JO NOW PRICED TO SELL I bdrm , l '4 bath. frpl., F. A. htlll, all eltc kit< h,.n Sparloua pallo -tm1I~ In BDQ. Ov•r1LA (arn1tt. l;l'ntorO\lll 11\0rat•• RALPH P. MASKEY Rf:Al.TOR 3'11 N"'J)Ort Mlvrt .• Npt. Bell. ' Hal-t>or •02 TWO-BPIUf. R OUSE, hardwood n oon , rl!dt'cor&~d w aM and out, 110.7:>0. ~II rlowe-r I t.. Colt& M.-.1 Phone Liberty 9-7807 33tte $8000 Buys nice 2 bdrm. home two bloclca from ahoppin1 district. Room to build for In come. THE VOGEL COMPANY 1700 Newport Blvd. Pho~ Llbe~y 8·5597 eo.tt. Meu Evtninp Uberty 8-7467 OCEAN FRONT EXCLUSIVE 2 homes, beauilluUy fu.rniahl'd on large ocan front. lot. Only 2 yn. old with an unucelled view from Newport to Huntington Beach pier. Cannot be du· plicated tor home and g\ieet boUM or bome and income. Full price $28, 750. Term.1 can be arranpd. NEWPORT -MESA REALTY 17~ Nnport BJvd., eo.ta w .. Liberty S..5.'508 Eve.. LI 8-723r - PA6E I. PART 11 -NEWPORT HARBOR NEWS.PRESS ·'I> · FRIDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1955 . ' . . • • • " N01' fllE. r1n wh ere I hclong. 1-l y 1-l om is mi ss ing, and I don't like it. Sh e's not really lost, or at1ything like that. She's out shopping. But the way she shops, she's missing from home for hours and hours at a time, and that's what I'm yelling about. Mom has still got that old.fashioned idea that you've got to go way off to the hi g-city stores to get good buys. This mean s she's go1l'e frmn home twice as long as the other 111others around he re. They have found that they can get the sa me merchandise ... at price& just as low as anyw here else ... ri ght here in our own community. They" re not fooled an y more by those so-called "savings" at the big city stores. They know it costs ----·-·-- money to run a car and to park it . They know it's lots more pleasant and reladng to shop in the local stores, where they're welcom'ed as fri ends and neighbors, and that means they get a lot of special service that the crowded, big-city stores just can't bother with. When Mom gets home I'm going to explain all this to her. Of course, she's usually so tired and grumpy after fighting traffic all day on her shopping trips, she doesn't pay much attention to me. But tonight I'll in sist. I'll prove to her she'll be dollars ahead every month if she sh ops right here at home. And sh e'll be patro.nizing the local people who have invested in our community and are paying for its schools, parks, churches, and are support- ing many civic organizations.' Y.ar FORGIT HARDWARE THE FINEST -MOST COMPLETE STORE TO IE FOUND ANYWHERE Hardware ... Paints ... Wallpaper ... Appliances ... TV ... Radio A Good Friendly Place to Shop ., 2205 W. Balboa Blvd. Harbor 116 Newport Beach . - --~---- r '